HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-22 - Orange Coast PilotYlll lllRlll· llllY NIU I tlllH ·,(JA y Al'llll . . I Ii•. OH ANGE COUNTY . C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Firestorm damage $50 million .. • 1c1a s pro eru e ·Governor . may ask for funds By FREDERICK SCBOEMEHL O(tMDllJNetlt8ft Anaheim Fire Department in- 1pecton poked through the rub- ble of Wedneeday'1 aevutatlng fire today to determine if anyone died in t}\e firestorm that de- stroyed more than 500 apartment uni ta. Inapecton aho were making 1ure the area Ja safe before per- mitting about 1,200 homele11 re1ident1 to return to pick through the uhes. Fire officiall sald they could not predJct how long the inspec- tion would take. "It could go very fa1t, or lt could take, 12 , 14 houra," one fire department spo- kesman aid. • No one has been reported mia- ling in the aftennath of what la being de9Crlbed as the most dh- saatroua fire in Orange County hlatory. The initial damage esti- mate i1 $50 million, a figure Anaheim Fire Chief Robert Simp1on sava l! "low" and ''OOlllel'Vative .T' In other fire-related develop- menD today: -Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. wu evaluating whether to ask Pre1iden t Reagan to declare Anaheim a diluter area for pur- po1ea of providing temporary hoUllng and grant funda to fire victiml. A dedmon is expected by Friday. -Two management firms owning more than 200 of the destroyed unita. IPS Manage- ment, of Oran1e, and Ron1on Equity Manasement, of Fuller- ton, were making arrangemmta to either provide new apertmenta or cub paymenta to fire victims. IPS officiall 1aid they would provide free rent to former te- nantl at other apartment com- plexe1 under it• ownership, whlle RolUOn offlclab were gi-vina former ten.anti a refund on rent and depo1lt1 and assiltlng with relocation. Dlllr ......... ,....., '-,.,_ SCENE OF DEVASTATION: Thia it the cen-damage of $50 million to homes, busme.e.and tral scene of de1tr\lctlon where firestorm apartment complexes. Euclid Avenue is at top struck in Anaheim WednelClay with estimated of photo. -The American Red Cro11 wa1 continuing to proceas fire v1ct:lml and 8llist them by giving them 1crlp good for food ana clothln1. The Red Crosa, at an emergency 1helter at Ba.ft Junior High School. will P.rovide three meala per day throughout the weekend and help 1n relocation ef{oru. • SF sinking pr~be dtie -The Apar1ment A9ociation of Orange County was coordina- ting other effortl among land- lords aimed at flndin1 new ac- commodationa for the hornelea. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Coast Guard worken missed a mayday llgnal .ent by the crew • of a boat \hat sank with two aboard, and Vice Admiral James P . Stewart hu ordered an in- vestiaatlon into the affair, the c.o.t Guard uJd today. Two Davia police officen., John Huber and John Strodle, died when the 34-foot Kuhuahan aank 1 north of the Golden Gate after collidina with the 617-foot frelpter MariUme Pride, aaid Cout Guard 1poke1man Ken rr... "A mayday tranamillion from . WORLD the Kuhuahan had been recorded at the Coaat Guard'• Ve11el Traffic Service ... although it wu not beard by the operaton on duty," Freer.e aald. "The lut radio tranamiuion heard at th' ... Traffic Service indicated the vellel bad taken a reacue line from crewmen on board. the Maritime Pride," Freeze added. Aa the analler boat broke up, owner Colin Hukin of Loi An· 1ele1 1wam aihore safely and alerted the CoMt Guard. The eccldent occurred the ume 1tormy niaht tt~af the Coaat ' BoDJb planted in Paris PARIS (AP) -A bc:mb planted under a cm-ex: ploded In the mld8t of fnomlna n.M-hour crowda in cen1nl Pana neu the CbmnPI 11,.... todaJi ... ldW.na • younc pnpant Frenchwoman mcl injurtnc ~ people, police aid. ·' NATION Guard wu 1earcblng for eight aallboata overdue on a race around the Farallon Ialand1. Two of thoee ullboata are belie- ved to haw IU.Dk. Stewart ordered the investiga- tion to determine why the Ku- hu1han'1 lut menage wu not heard, and Freeze aald the probe could l'elU.lt ln a change of Cout Guard procedures. . An hiiUal lnve.tipUon by the Cout Guard Marine Safety Of. Hee cleered the fretchter of any blame for the accident. STATE -Crocker Bank, which ope- rates a branch at Euclid Street and Ball Roecl adJ9oerlt to the fire aree, announced lt would provide low interest loam to fire v1ct1ms to uU\ in relocation. The .branch will be open Saturday for loan procemlng, bank offidall Mid. Aa the fire vlcdml' Ullstance programt were launched Wed- nesday, fire official• and the homele11 were 1till expressing IUl'prile and abock over the fire that br'oke out at 5:•2 a.m. and within three hours destroyed a four«l\.IAl'&oblock area. ·(See ANABEDI, Pase Al) ... !Crash knla 4 men tL CENTRO (AP) -Jl'ow' Mann. on temponry du~ D Toro wen ldlllld today when their MClall ~ with • ..m-tralJs truck. ~ under tta trailer, authoritlet Mid. There wu no lmmec:lrate I idenutkaUon, • COUNTY I • • • ~,..,......,ca.,.,._ FACE IN THE CROWD -California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. conferes with Anaheim fire victims at Red Crom shelter established Wednesday at Ball Junior High School. Brown said he thought federal aid would be "a reasonable" request. Takeover eyed British Warships neai-ing S. Georgi8 LONDON (AP) -Britiah de- stroyers were echeduled' to arrive today off Souttl Georgia, 800 miles ea,t of the Falklanda. the British press reported, and there was speculation they would land forces to retake the South At· lantic Ulland u a demonstration to Argentina of British detenni· nation. The press reports 18.id the de- stroyera were detached from the 61-ship British annada bound for the Falkland archipelago and aent at top speed to the Falilands dependency that a small Ar1en· tine force occupied April 3, the day after Argentina 1eized the main l1lan<fl 250 miles off lts southern coast. Only about 140 Argentine IOl- diers were reported on South Plane stopped MIAMI (AP) -An Ea1tern Airlines pilot 1topped hia wide- bodled jetliner on the runway Tuetday night when a warning Ught indicated a problem with the craft'• land1ng gear, oUlda1a Mid. Ground a'eWI found • crack in the par, 90 the plane WM left on the runway and 139 paa- 1en1era on Ea1tern'1 FU1bt 29 from New York'• LaOuardla Airport were bulled to the t.enni- nal. INDEX A4 B2 A8 JM-e A6 B2 Dl.D3.e a C& D2 M Cl-I 82 SPORTS Georgia, in contrast to an nti- ma ted 9,000 or more in the Falklands. The rest of the Briti1h war fleet was only a few days from the Falkland•. Britlah deferue sources 18.id it would ao on tun war alert Friday Q.11ht when it came within atrike range of Ar· gentine aircraft. The Britlah fleet had ita fint bru1h wlth the Argentine• on Wednesday when a Harrier fighter-bomber from the carrier Henne9 intercepted an unarmed. Iona-range Boeing 707 aurveil· lNXle plane of the Argentine air force. The Boeing 1Umed away. ''U I had fired, he would have been deJ(i, but I wouldn't like to have been re1pomible for •tar- ting a war," said the ~yeer-dd Harrier pllot, Lt. Simon Har- greaves. Meanwhile, Oen. Leopoldo Galtierl, the Aflentine pnlident and commander-in-chief, waa fl)'i08 to the Falldandl ~ a ~vilft "to If ve the final •• to the occupadoft force there, the Araentine govemmmt reported. Sriti1h J'oretan Secretary Frandl Pym. Waminc that time ii runnJ..ni out for a diplomatic eolutlon to the d.lapute, la brin· lina new Brlu.tl i-c:e propoula (See .. AL&.l..AND8, Pace .U) Ot'!llP OoMt DAILY f'ILOT~, mi!Apttl~-·.._1•_.._._.. .. .-_. __ ...,. ___ _...._..._._ ___ ...._ ____ ~iiliiiii~llllllii~~---~-·uilh w8 y ANAHEIM FIRESTORM • • • Fire Chief Sima-on uld lt wu the "non compatible" combina- tion of Santa Ana wlnda IU'tina to 60 mUet per hour and tinder- dry ahake roofa that permitted the fire to jump from roof to roof within mlnutee. One fire victim, Marshall Nor· rt.s, an Oranae County Superior Court clerk and candidate for county aherlff-coroner, pointed out that firemen initially gave priority to evacuating residenta pver douam, the flamea. "They had no choice," Nonia aald. "Some people "!ere complal- nlna about the llremen not mannlna the hoset. But I can't uy enou1h for them (the firemen). We wouldn't have anythina, not even our Min, If lt hadn't oeen for them," Norri• uld. Chief Simpton noted that many ctvtllanl mAnned fire hOlel ln the early momenta of the fire '°that firemen oould cont!nue to move door-to-door to set the raidenta out. That there apparently waa no le. of human life, Slmpeon uld, wu "God'• own miracle." FALKLANDISLANDS ... I unty parking ban eyed ttuntin(l'ton Beach city otfidall want to ban all parklns on a atretch of Pacific C.OUt Hlghway called "blood alley"' becaUle of a hl(h nwnber of Rrloua accklenta. The at.retch ol road runa a1ona the beach from Beach Boulevaro to the Santa Ana River jetty at the Newport Beach border. Parking pre1ently la prohibited on the inland aide of Padlic Cout Highway but permitted on the ocean aide from:) a.m. to 8 p.m. Ofllciala aay that atreet par- king le.act. to about 60 percent of the acddenta ln the area. to Wuhington today. However, U.S. officiala were privately dou!'tful these would j>rovide the breakthrough neces- ,.ary to enaure a peaceful out- eome. Th~y said a great deal of negotiating remained. Menda would meet ln WubJ.na- ton. Upon hia arrival from London at mid-mornina, Pym WM to IO direC'tly to the "State Departmeilt for a worldna lunch with Secre- tary of State Alexander M. H.aia Jr. Pym ia expected to meet witli Preedent ae.pn on Friday. F RIENDLY GREETINGS -Former presi- dent Richard M. Nixon reaches out from po- dium in Anaheim to clasp hand of Lois Lund- Dell.I..,... ....... ., htrtc* ~0.-.. berg, chairman of the urange County Repub- lican Central Committee~ Nixon spoke in de- fense of President Reagan's defense spending. That'• beca1.&1e cars pull out ln front of oncoming traffic, doors from parked can open lnto the traffic lanes and vehicles drift into parked can along the four. lane highway. Argentina's foreign mlnUter, Nicanor Costa Mendez, is ache- duled to arrive In Waahlngton over the weekend for Monday'• debate on the Falk.lands issue ln The Brltiah propoula were re- ported to include four polnta: Nixon: Defense critical The State Department of Traoaportation hu final autho- rity to enforce a no-parking edict. Caltran.1 traffic engineer Charles Boyer saya the department is loo~ favorably on the city · the Organization of American Stat.es. Argentina'• withdrawal from the islands, an interim adminiatra- tion, a framework for negotla- tiON on a long-term 10lution and assurances the 1,800 Wanden can determine their future. Ex-president in ~.county, backs Reagan I pro . City and state offici.als say they believe the ban should 'be in effect before the busy summer season. Both British and U.S. officials said they doubted Pym and Costa :Jewish squatters ousted by Israelis Foriner pres1dent Richard Ni- xon, speaking forcefully to a friendly crowd, told an Anaheim audience Wednesday night that tRe United States must negotiate nuclear arms control from a po- sition of strength, not weakness. The 37th president, who res- igned from office in 1974, de- fended policies of President Reagan aimed at bolstering U.S. nuclear defenses. "People ask why he is spen- ding this money on defense. . . He &B spending it in order· to res.- tore the balance of power (between the United States and the Soviet Uruon)," Nixon said. YAMIT, Occupied Sinai (AP) -laraeli troope climbed ladders to storm apartment block.I ln the Sinailsraeli U>wn..o! YamiL today and in a half-hour battle ousted · more Jews resisting the return of the desert territory to F.gypt next Sunday. The squatters fought bac k with burning tires, fistfuls of sand and poles with which they tried to knock down the scaling ladders. Men struggled with the helmeted, unarmed soldiers while women wept and screa- med. -- Firemen sprayed the dlehard Jewish nationa.list.s with jets of foam and 8e8 water while a crane lowered a cage onto the roof to remove some of the 300 people from the two-story building In the dying aettlement by the Me- diterranean. The former president appeared at a $1 50-per-person fundraiser which attracted more than 800 attendees and is expected to net more than $150,000 for the county Republican Party central committee. Senators pushing arms freeze plans A .,elect group of 100 couples paid $1 ,000 each to attend a pri- vate reception with Nixon. Nixon said he did not doubt the sincerity of backers of a proposed nuclear freeze whereby the United States and Soviet Union would each agree to halt pro- duction, testing and deployment of additional nuclear weapons. WASHINGTON (AP) - Three Democratic senators are promoting proposals designed to scale down the arms race and break a Senate deadlock over ri- val nuclear anns freeze plans. Mubarak holds talk CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -U.S . Deputy Secretary of State Walter J. Stoessel met for a half hour today with President Hosni Mu- barak u ceremonies to mark b - rael's return of the Sinai on Sunday were started. Democrat Whip Alan Cranston of Cali!omia outlined a reeolutio"'- Wednesday that he said would implement "the common objec· tives" of the two pending mea- sures. Sen. John Glenn of Ohio, saying he doesn't think Co~ "hu done all that It could,' an- nounced a five-point package starting with nuclear arms !mu- tations. And Sen. Gary Hart of Colo- r ado said he will introduce a resolution calling for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to send the SALT II treaty to the Senate floor for a vote. But he said such a freeze would only work to the benefit of the Sovieu, who. he claimed , have more land-based nuclear weapons than the United States. If the Uruted States increases 1ta nuclear capability, Nixon in- siated, then 1t can negotiate ef- fectively with the Soviets for arms control. But, the fonner chief executive Temperaturea Cotutal F•lr bU1 •Om• l•I• nigh! •nd ewty rnot'ninQ low CIUd• lltld locel log •long lh• COHI High• •I be•ChH ee IO 72 •nd lnl•nd Or•H 78 10 83 Low• 52 10 51 Moun1eln rMOf'I high• 5e 10 85 LO'lll8 In IN 40e Sh-• .,,d lhunder•~• ea1.,1oeo from cen1t•I T•a•• lhrough Loul•l•n• 10 •oulhern Alal>elM. Light rmlin -eel Hew Englend llncl the mld-AtlanUc COM1 8now ,.. -PmtU of northerrl Hew Mhlc;o Md IOUlh9'n Colo-rlldo. Stclea were cloudy lrom lh• IOUlhern Rodll•• to '"• Ca10-Hnu. Sklet -• moe11y tvnr1y •-where. T 9mP9'•1ur• .,°""" lhe nati-on •t mid08Y Weclnee68Y rmngecl from 31 •t LU Vegea, HM . to 90• •I Ortendo, Fie. For tod•t. •!lower• •nd thun- derlhC>Wef• were lorecut from Florid• 10 Ille Soutll Cuolln• COM1. llnd -pena of toulhern r-. tf11t1 • dlel10m °' lhower'I -MN Mexico llnd Aftion.. Highs In the *-• predicted In nor1tlern Mtilne; In IN 40a Md so. fof the r• of Hew EnalMd I 1 ,and the ()r.m UQe '9Qlon: ii lfll 801 for Florlde, Arlron• •nd Southefn Clllfornle. and kl tM eoe and 10. ..... ...,. ' ( NATIOM .. S5 47 71 83 &4 ee es et 40 50 57 • 51 53 $!! 51 n 52 e1 51 68 53 e2 56 ... &4 59 80 e& 55 e1 91 eo • 58 91 .. 82 53 ee ,,. 73 • e1 ae 12 .. 71 11 11 17 t1 ., • .. .. 7S IO • • • 74 • '° \ I . CAUFOMU .. 87 SI 70 17 53 70 71 n 85 79 ... N ... 18 IO . ., IO 71 at " 12 • 71 11 11 74 11 ,12 17 11 74 • 11 .,. 11 • 11 11 .,. ., IO .. II ' "' 93 85 e2 N SI S7 .. SI 100 73 .. 711 .. 48 st <U ., 53 lA n 73 . 70 50 n 53 70 13 70 72 53 lA • 32 l2 ... 11 IC) .. ti warned: "Anna control by itaelf "1983 without quest1on will oe a will not insure peace." good >'ear; 1984 will be a great War, he aald, la not caused by year.' anns but by the failure of nations Nixon said he believes Presl- to reeolve differences that requi-dent Reagan should run again m re the use of anns. 1984. By then, Nixon suggested, Extending that theory, Nixon Reagan's program to stlmulale said the United States must the economy will have succeeded. maintain "a relationship" with Nixon told reporters after the the Soviet Union. address that he appeared at the He said the United States GOP fundraiser as a personal should use its powerful economic favor to Lois Lundberg, chair- positioo in the world against the woman of the county Republican Soviet Uruon should 'the Soviets Central Committee. not engage m "meaningful" arms Nixon received n o fee , and. control talks and desist 1n accordingtoastaffmember.paid "adventurism" Ul other countries. his OWJ\ expense.sJor the t.r1p Nixon did not limit hia remark.a from his ~ome in New Jersey. to lear weaponrv. Following the addresa, Nixon nuc ·-J was besieged by scores of people He predicted that the U.S. seeking his autograph on dinner economy, n ow deep in a recea-programs and books he has au- slon. will rebound. Said Nixon, thored. * ft * * * * Nixon sidesteps drinking accusation Fonner President Nixon decl.t- ned to give substantive comment Wednesday night to reports that h~ drank excessively at night while ln office. Nixon said he would "stand by" a comment by fonner Secre- tary of State Henry Kissinger that the former president was Counties s ued MARTINEZ (AP) -The company whose sasollne truck exf.loded In the ~aldecott Tun- ne , killing eeven people has filed claims against Alameda and Contra Costa countiea alle,lng negligence ln the condition o the ·roadway. never drunk while facing CTUC'lal decisions. Kissinger made that comment during an appearance on the Phil Donahue television show. Nixon said K issinger's com- ment "repudiated" a story in the May edition of Atlantic Monthly in which New York Times re- ~rter Seymour Hench quoted a Kissinger aide as saying ''There were many times when a cable would come In late and Henry would say, 'There's no sense waking him (Nixon) up -he'd be incoherent'." "Mr. Hersch doesn't have a reputation of being a very relia- ble reporter," Nixon said follo- wing a spe«h at the Disneyland Hotel ln Anaheim. Forty-seven accidents were reported last summer between Beach Boulevard and the Santa Ana River. Of these, 32 OCCWTed during daylight h ours when parlong was permitted. Von Bulow d enies guilt NEW YORK (AP') -t:Taus von Bulow of Newport, R .I., vict.ed of · to kill Martha ~" VO~W by injecting her with 1nsuHn, says hts coma- tose wife could clear him 1f she ever awoke. Von Bulow contends that his socialite wife injected herself with the 1naulln that plunged her into the coma, and said In an intervlew to be broadcast tonight on the ABC-TV program ''20-20'' that he believes she was trying to Ja1e weight by givmg her.elf the injections . He aa.ad he was "very much in love" with his wife. and his re- cent convict.Ion was the result of "a concerted. orchestrated at- tempt to . rutn my general reputation." Funds cut likely? WASHINGTON (AP) -The government has said it w ill withhold federal funds from sl.ates that don't enforce health and safety standards in rest homes occupied by the elderly anc handicapped American.. The new sanctions and seven other measures were outlined by Health and Human Services Se- cretary Richard S. Schweiker. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • A new rendition of an old classic. A floral design incorporating a tropical bird printed on a polyester and cotton kettle cloth fabric. A store that offers fine traditional sporteweer for men, women end boys . 1028 Irvine. Newport Be.ch c.lifomi.. PhOnt 641-7061 • ' , I~JffiU~ 00 ~l Press rules tighten Reagan, staff tight-lipped with reporters IJy JAMES GERSTENZANG .................... WASHINGTON -Everuna la fa1Un1. Ne1otlator1 from the White llOUle and eon,re. have been meettna for 1eVeral hours, trylna to find a compromiae in the bu;. deadlock. · The , black. iron aates of the White ouae 1wln1 open and aeveral can apeed out, with members of Conareaa heading ti.ck to C..pltol Hill. They buely alow down u they pua waiting report.en. Inside the White Houae, offl- ciah are unuaually tight-lipped a~ut the events. Aalced why, one official who ia often eager to exe,lain policy developments saya: 'It will not be productive to conunent.'' The White House apokeamen are takina great care about what they aay In public. They have cut down on the o_,portunities for report.era to try for a quick anawer from Presi- dent Reagan.as he geta in his car or boards a helicopter. Such mo- ments do not allow Reagan to show himself at his best. Aides are more reluctant than before to expand on what the president is saying. The less said along these lines, the better. That way the president's words must stand alone and there Is less chance his comments will be di- luted by interpretation. What's more, says Larry Speakes, one of Reagan's senior spokesmen, "There are times when we want to keep things under wraps.'' •---=~W.hen it serves his purpose, Reagan, himself, claims to be following orders from his aides in his dealing.s with reporters. He had ju.st finished an infor- NEWS ANALYSIS . mal, 11-minute que"1tlon-and- answer sealon ln the ROie Gar- den ... diacuuing the Falkland Ialanda, th"e budget, and nuclear war while standing in front ol pink and white crab apple bloe- aoma, an array of red, white and yellow tulips, grape hyacinths and purple pansies. Speakes moved to cut off the questioning, and the president complied, saying "my keeper says rve got to go back ln." Speakes, the chief deputy White House preas Jecretary, dt.cusaed the White House rela- tions with the press in a speech Tuetlday to the Advertising Club ol Metropolitan Waahington. "The era of bad feeling of Watergate is gone. The cyniciam, in the White House presa room of the Carter administration la gone," h e said. ''We got away with a lot in the first year. It was an era of good feeling. The rela- tlonshi p between the press and the president is good, not great, but good." t Under the new press protocol, with Reagan holding one 30-minute news conference a month and one approximately 10-minute informal question- and-answer session a week, re- porters will have approximately 15 hours a year to diacuas the range of foreiejn and domestic policy issues with which he deals. Questions at picture-taking aeMions? Out of the question. "It's our desire to not have the president stopped on the run for quick, one-shot questions," Speakes said, reasoning that foreign and domestic policy were too important to be enunciated with qUJck one-shot anawere . "Thlt White House la pretty much like the otben," he Nld. "We like to •t our own commu-nicatioN agenda .•• But he ~ that goal t. often at odda with that of repol'· tera. lie Nid that each morning at 8 o'clock, 8elllor White Houle aides gather in the ROOHvelt Room, outlining \he coml.nl Jlay. "The president'• ataff la say- i ng the atory today aeema to be the Falkland lslanda, It's aen- altlve. There's no point in the president commenting on it," he said as he portrayed the meeting. At the aame lime, he said, re- porters and editors -and he singled out television news ex- ecutives -are alao deddlng that the dispute in the South Atlantic will be the important story of the day, realiiing It calls out for presidential conunent. By 9 a.m., the clash begins, with report.en trying to get, first, a word or two trom the president, or, second, the definitive word from his aides. On the other side, those aides are trying to make aure that the White House posi- tion ls placed ln front of the pu- blic, In just the fonn they wish. And IO each day goes, he rea- sons. with at least one thing to be grateful for -few of the 1,700 correspondents, photographers and tech.nlci.ana aocredi ted to co- ver the White House show up each day. And there's one thing to re- member. Speakes calls it the press secretary's prayer: "Oh Lord, teach me to utter words that are gentle and sweet, because tomorrow I may have to eat them." OranG4' Cou-DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, Aptll 22, 1882 8 Al %2 HURT IN BLAST -Council Bluffs, Iowa, grain elevator was engulfed in flames after an ,.,, Wlr9t1Mto explosion at the site. The blast, which occurred Tuesday, sent 22 injured to area hospitals. Argentina debt causes concern Sanctions could force def a ult on $34 billion bill NEW YORK (AP) -Amer- ican bankers are worried that European economic sanctions against Argentina will force the South American country to de- fault on part of lta ~ted $34 billion in foreign debt. But the bankers see little chance of an international finan- cial~ erupting, although Ar· gentina is severely plnched by a Common Market ban on imports Crom Argentina and Britain's freez.ing of Argentine assets in Britain. sput.e over the Falklands, which had been ruled by Britain for 149 years before Argentine forces invaded on Apnl 2. Broker surrenders • ID embezzling case Some bank officials say pro- spects are dlmming that Argen- tina will meet its estimated $ 7 2 billion in payment• of Interest and principal on foreign loans this year, but it is expected that those payments can be re9Chedu- led . "For Argentina, the problem is more politic al than economic," said Terence Canavan, senior vice president in the 'international division of Chemical Bank in New York. "They've got an amazing ablli ty to bounce back." "We've tned to walk down the rruddle of the road" in working around Britain's Creeie on Ar- ge ntine assets there. said one American banker who asked that he not be identified because of the sensitive nature of the con- flJct. "The situation has tremendous potential for danger attached to 1t," said another bank official. CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) -A 33-year-old i nvestment broker has surrendered to federal authorltiea to face a charge of embez:zling $16.4 million from h1a father's bank. Gary Lewellyn, a fugitive for three weeks. appeared before U.S. Magistrate James Hodges and then was releued on $500,- 000 unsecured bond. The U.S . attorney had 10Ught bond of $5 million. Federal officials allege Lewel- lyn manipulated stock prices and amaased millions of dollars In debts. The Fint National Bank of Humboldt. which Lewellyn's fa. ther ran, was ordered cloeed after investigators discovered $16.4 million in asseta had dlaappeared. Lewellyn walked into the federal courthouse Wednesday morning with hia lawye r, his wife and former Gov. Ha rold H~. The broker had dropped from sight three weekl ago alter borrowing "°°·000 ln $100 billa from a Chicago bank, the FBI aakwellyn'a attorney, Gerald W. Crawford, said there was no reuon to believe hJs client would try to elude authorities again. "Gary Lewellyn voluntarily returned to the state of Iowa and this juriadiction in part becau.e of strong family ties," Crawford told the magistrate. "He has no past record of violent behavior. In fact, he has never been ar- rested before ln his life." Crawford said Tuesday that Lewellyn -who ran a broke- rage firm in Des. Moines, aome 75 miles from Humboldt -had Jeep Corp. suit won by man CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) - A paral)'?.ed, brain-damaged man has won a $5.1 million judgment aga[Jlst Jeep Corp. because a judge dedded the military Jeep ln which he was injured was de- fective in design. The damage award for 37-year-old William Buckholt, who was hurt when the Jeep he waa riding In rolled over In Wyoming in the late 1970s, was the first of ita kind involving the Jeep CJ-5, according to law clerk Don Lattin. Carson City District Judge Michael Fond{ luued his ruling Tue.day after hearing the case in January 1981. He fowld that the Jeep CJ-5's wheel base was too short and the wheels were not tet far enough apart, which tended to make the vehicle oversteer, particularly on ice. He alao aaid that the factory- installed roll-bar wu inadequate because it didn't protect the heads of pas.engen in a nonnal seated position. Lawyers for Jeep, a subsidiary of American Motors Corp., Im- mediately asked the Nevada Su- preme Court to erue the ruling. AMC was "outraged" by the ruling, according to Steve HarriJ, director of product communica- tions for AMC ln Detroit'. CIH.tfted lldvettl9'fte 714'142-1171 All otMr clepartment9 142 .... 321 MAIN OFFICE • w..e aey St.,~--.-.... CA. llMll...,_: ... ,.,C...MeM,CA ..... c.nntM .. 0r-. c:.tl ,.... ..... ~ . ............... . .._ ...... ...,_,,......., .. _,.,._.. ....... _,, ...... f .......... ...... ,... .......... ~ ....... 4 1. agreed to aurrender. He said he, Hughes, attorney Donald Neiman and Mn. Lewellyn met Monday with Lewellyn "for several houn." Neither Crawford nor offiClal.s would comment on where Le- wellyn has been since he disap- peared March 31. Crawford told The Aaaociated Preas that Hughes, a lay rninatet and long-time friend of Lewel- -lyn's father, Clilford, dominated the meetin§ "u counselor and clergyman .' Clifford Lewellyn wu president of the Humboldt bank when it was ordered closed. "Hughes was enorm ously helpful ln the process, Crawford said. "Harold Hughes has an un- witting presence. He is aJTIMl of great strength." Loosened gun controls approved WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday recommended fed- eral gun control revisions which critics aaid would draatically weaken curbs on salea of rifles and hndauns. including Satur- day night apedala. Supporters of the propoaed amendments ln the 1968 Gun Control Act, approved 13-3 by the panel, aay they are necessary to halt abuaea by federal law enforcement agencies. The prin- cl pal chanae would lift moat proh&bltlona against the sale of auna aero. atate lines. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Masa., loet a fight to exempt Saturday night speciala -cheap platola -from the looeened con- trola. Thoee guna, Kennedy Nid, "are the baste weapons used in crimes of violence." Kennedy said he would have aupported the chanaes If they included only rifies, aho1g\1nl and weapons uaed for aportlng or taraet practices . The revialona, uraed by the Nadonal RlfJe Amociation. were supported by a number of Ube- rala as well u oomervatlves. A.her the vote, Kennedy IO.ld, "There 11 no question that the NRA 11 one of the most powet'ful and effective lobbytna OrpnUa• tlon1. I only wlah they would lobby N effectlvely apinlt vio- lence and crtme ... We're Listening ••• Whal do you like about tile Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and ,.,.., m11111• wUI bl l'ffOtded, transcribed and delivered to the approprta\e tdltor. The HIM M·hour .......... Mr'Yltl m11 bl UNd Lo Neord let· ten Lo the edit.or on an1 '°'*· llaUboa tOlttrtbutort mUll lMI• ,~!!name and~...,._. nutnber 1• vtrlf1eaUoe. Ho tlrcw.uoe ta... DllllL -~h• wh~t'•""'• Mtrild. ~ ~ .. N2«NJ8 I Hughes said the main reason Gary Lewellyn decided to return was a "great concern" for his fa- mily, adding; "I think the pri- mary motivation of Gary to re- turn to Iowa and to surrender is his basic love or his family and his destre to set t.h1np straight." A conviction on the embezzle- ment charge, which alleges Ga;J_ Lewellyn misapplied the bank s assets, could carry a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $5.000 fine. At the time the charge was ft· led, U.S. District Attorney James Reynolds said more counta could be added later. Involved are state and federal securities lawa. Federal officials allege Gary Lewellyn, who handled some investments for the Humboldt bank, used the bank'• miaslng government bonda to aupport purchaae9 of stock ln a Penruyl- vania company, Safeguard Secu- rities Inc. He began borrowing money to buy stock in Safeguard last year, winding up with a 58 percent atake in the company, according to the Securities and Exchange Commiaaion. Brokerage houses demanded payment last month and began selling aome of the stock they had bought for Le- wellyn. T~~ce of Safeguard stock bas from a high of S16 a ahatt to $5.375 a share in trading Tuelday. With an estimated foreign debt of $34 billion, Argentina is one of the world's most heavily indebt- ed countries. U.S . banks hold ' about $7.5 billion of Argentine debt, according to the Treasury Department, and foreign bank branches in the United States hold another $1.5 billion. By contrast, U.S. banks hold about $1 .4 billion of Poland's $25 billion debt to West.em banks. "ln financial terms Argentina is like 10 Polands," said one bank's economic and political specialist who asked that he not be ldentilied. Poland, its economy in disarray, recently reached agreement with Western banks on postponing payment of its deb ta. If Argentina falla to meet its debt obligations as it pumps mil- lions of dollars into preparation for armed conflict over the Falkland Islands, its lenders will have to decide whether to can Arsentina in default. Because British banks hold a siz.able por- tion of Argentina's foreign debt, they could trigger a default pro- cess that could spread worldwide. That could lead to a acramble to seize Argentine assets abroad. Bank officials are extremely edgy about the prospects for a peaceful settlement of the di- Most American bankers inter- viewed said they expected Ar- gentina to work out a retehedu- lmg of its debt rather than face default and its consequences. The banks are inclined to help Ar- gentina reschedule ill payments because they stand to loee badly 1f Argentina lS cut off from cre- dit. The ftnanClal problems fadnc Argentina are mas,,ive. and _they did not start on April 2. Its eco- nomy LS suffering a severe reoes.- s1on, with unemployment esti- mated at 13 percent and factories operating at only s lightly more than 50 percent of capacity. As a result, trade between Ar- gentina and the United Statea has dro pped. In the first two months of 1982, the value of two-way trade fell 18 percent from the same period a year earlier. LastJ,ear, Argentine ex- ports to the nited St.ates rose 52 percent, to $1.1 billion while U.S. shipments to Argentina fell 16 percent, to $2.2 billion, accord~ to the Commerce Department. Anti-crime pays WAUKEGAN. Ill. (AP) - Two hundred people have been arrested and 57 convicted under an anti-cnme program that pays citu.ens for Ups, police say. A to- taJ of $7 ,275 has been paid in the Crime Stoppers program. 11t IO PIOPLI PIATUllll INCLUD11 a.., • A.HOite CLASSES • NOfESSIONAl INSTRUCTtON * IOOY FAT ANALYSIS * STIESS THTING • llOOO N!SSUIE TESTING • COIOIAUNA • NUTllTIONAl COUNSlUNO •COID~ • OLYMPIC PIH WllOHT • COMIUTRlllD DYNA YIT. * NAUTIUI DHClll IQUIPMIMT • IUN TAM IOOM • OUMANn9 .... 4 had for arteries By PAT HOROWITZ or-..,_.,,...,..., DEAR PAT: Everyone 1ay1 &laat 1mokJD1 ea .... IMu1 attacks ud 1troke1. How doe• tlltt u,.-? I've Dever read wlaat taket place ta *'9 body as a retalt of 1mokla1 tllat leads to lleart tro1ble or strokes. .:.... H.T., Huttqtoa Beacb Two UCLA medical reeearchers, George Sieffert and Wesley Moore, found that smo- king cawiee pita and craten in the lining of arteries. Thete lealona then trap feta and lead to the build up of plaques that impede blood fiow. The researcheni expoeed 11 rata in air- tight chambera to tobacco anoke in an amount ' tomparable to that received by 10meone who ll110kee a peck of cigarettes a day. Then the~ · 1tudted the blood veuels of the rata with a ICanning electron microscope and found da- mage after 12 weeks of exposure to smoke. Drawers can be unstuck DEAR PAT: All tbe wet weatber we've bad baa caaaed my dresser drawers to stick. b tbere uy easy way to solve tbl1 problem? C.G., Cott.a Mesa Sandpaper, a block of paraffin or c.andle wax, and maybe a few thumbtacks are all you'll need to 1top most drawen from sticking. Pull the drawers out and look for shiny spot1. Sand them down until the drawer ~Q.~tf!~ m L Coller 'n cuff llllk ._~...., Coeta MeN 842-8711 '· S....... Time~ at Ycu DoOI (Cell 81ora --YCU AIM) COHA MIU 641• 1219 , ........... ~ up tO move. amoothly then rub both the drawer and the parta o1 the frame that touch ll with pa- raf fln. U the drawer still 1tlck1 or refuse• to clOM, the bottom ed1e in front may be bum- ping the frame. You can ralae the drawer by lnlerting two or three larp, lmooth-headed thumbtack.I alon, the fronta of the llldes (the parta of the frame that the drawer restl on). J Only one flag given DEAR PAT: My motlier Iott tile Ila& 11· ven to as wllea my fatlter died. Will tile Ve- terUJ Admlalttradoa replace II? · -P .E., HuUDaton Beacla No. The VA illuea only one fiag for each deceued veteran. Once the flag ll if ven to the next-of-kln or a friend of the cfeceaaed, it cannot be replaced. • Got• problem ~ Thim wrlle to Pal 'l Horowltr Pat wlll cut red 1.tpe, getting the an1wen •nd aC'llon you need 10 10/ve lnequl1/e1 In 1overnmen1 and bu1lnt1H Mall your que11lon1 to P•I . Horow/lr. A I Your Service, Orange Coaat D•lly Pilot, P.O. Box 1580, eo.u Meu, CA 92826. JU many let~rs u p<Wible will be answered, but phoned lnquirlet or let~,.. not Jncluding the rea- der'• lull name, addrea and buainesa hou,..• phone number cannot be considered. ....... WJO 495.cM01 -.n~ ....... -~-.. ...., ... ~...,,., ... .,J UWE.CARE" at jewels by J .0. AU.°' y°"' HEALTH HEEDS .~ f:OOAN-t:OOf'M llASOMAM I flllS Today through Saturday . . . save up to 40% off a special • selection of fine jewelry at jewels by Joseph. Special values on diamond jewelry, rinS' and loose diamonds. Up to 40% off 14k and 18k gold watches and karat gold jewelry. Colored gem stones, too. And 1/3 off a magnificent collection of pearls. ...... .... ., ..... , • Come in early for best selection ... today through Saturday, and save up to-40% at Jewels by Joseph . A tradition of trust Jt:Wt:LS by JOSl:PH • Located at South Coast P\au In ea.ta Mna All major credit carda and ptttonalized J-elt by )oHph accouno wekome Phone (714) 540-9066. • Ivy trim p°roposal I has some seeing red CAMBRIDGE. Mau. (AP) - The ivy that hu blanketed Har· vard Un1veralty's bulldlng1 for more than a century ia bringing down lt1 hallowed wal11. and oftlclals aay they'll have to cut the old school vines. But the move has some people 1eelng crlmaon. "There is a strong feeling that it (the Ivy) is causing deterlora- tlon of the buildings," said J . Lawrence J oyce, atrector of buildings and grounds for Har- vard. "It attacks the mortar and climbs through the cracks and crevices," he said. Just trimming the ivy away from windows and doors costs Harvard $50,000 a year. vallon ln a $40 rruWon program throuah the end of the century. The Ivy on the foc-e. of the two red brick halls wall be cut away to pennlt the ext<-nor renovation. "The que1tion 11 whether to allow it to regrow or replace lt,11 Fox aa1d. "Some have said they think othen will be upset, that there wlll be some confem," he added . "No one has come to me and told m e the r w1 1J h e d thl• to be stopped.' "We have to look Ill the pro- blem in practical 1.erms, and also 1n emotional and aesthetic terms," he 1a1d But an un1dent1fled student already ~calling for a "Save the Ivy" com.rruttee CONCERT DUE -C.Ountry singer George Jones will ap- pear at the Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville April 28 for his fl.rat show since being hospitalized for alcohol and drug abuse. . "There 1s going to be some cutting back of the Ivy," John B Fox Jr., dean of Harvard College said. · The work will start th11 sum- mer at L owe ll and Winthrop Houses, two of 13 upperclass dormitories scheduled for reno- The campus newspaper, The Crimson, quoted the student as saying at was "one of the graver- wues of our ume •· But Fox said the vines aren't as lradluonal as some people think, even thought they gave their name to the Ivy League. II you·ve put ulde your decorating dreams tor a lovellet "11vtngroom unttfyou ftnc 8 ~ . het9'1 lhe lbi9W81 to th<>M drMtna, all the finer quality fealurea usually found In ,0111 regularly Hlllng for $900.00 to $1.000 00 now only NOW 8Q." aotu In chOlce of aty!M and covers In a wide Mlectloo of colors. 2 weetia only. LOVE SEATS AT 'S9S. ~~·~L~,~~g~~rr HFaRN 11u ~E 2215 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA• 646-0275 , - .. Turn your old diamond ring into a new diamond ring. While you wait. Friday, April 23rd. Do you have a loe>11e diamond? Wom-out utting? Out-of-date ring Btyle? We11 make it new, while you wait. Now you can choose from more than 2,000 new mountings during our limited Diamon9 Remount Show. See our crafl.Bmen re&et your diamond•, while you wait. Our experts' workbench will be set up right in our store, so your gems never leave the premises.· Our price includes design. mounting, sizin,. final finish and ultruonlc cleaning. When wa& the laMt time you h ad your diamonds appraised? we·u do it. while you wait. Smee 1950, a one carat fmt• diamond hu increased from $1,500 to $12,000 (accordin1ot to ~Beers Syndicate). Imagine what your diamondJ' worth today. Qetter yet. know for sure. Our authoritetave appraisal (on our letterhead) i essential for appropriate insurance anc! your own peace of mind. An appoint· menl is neceasary for this important aervice. Call for an appoi1fl,,.ntl today. &caNSt diamonds art fortWr. B•" moHti'n~ artH ~ ' " SLAVl~K·s·· ""' ......... 5IMe ,.,, Whtft w btsc swrprists bqtn . . hilllilfl .... "''' ""'* ........ """ .... a.... &.e ~.""°"".'-*Ill ' Orange Cout DAILY PIL.OT /Thurlday, Aprll 22, 1982 Star sued over nude photos ~ movie Ital' who ap nude ln the'Gennan ed tion of Playboy mqulne hu bffn aued for obecenity and accuaed of b rlnf Ing shame to the women o the conservative, Cathollc- dominated country. Civic leader Polly M . Cayetu o filed the oblcenlty charge against Tetcllle Al· bayaal, aaying the nude photos of the actresa &l'OUled In her feelings of "extreme ~= ~~.p,rlde The photograp}\s of Mias Agbayani, a Philippine aex aymbol, appeared in the March German edition of Playboy. The issue fetches up to about $50 in Manila, eight times the magazine's usual selling price here. Reproduc- tions of the pictures alao are being IOld ob the sly. Nostalgia buffa walked away from Christie's auction house in London with two . . \.. ' I aowna worn by aclrell Mar- ..... l>Mtrtdl durlnc h« hey- day on the lllver ecreen. A movie theater In Corn- wall, J'.ncland, paid ~ for one drem worn by Mill Dte- tr ic h in the U37 m ovie "K nlaht Without Armor." Anotfier of her co1tume1, a full-len1 t h, fur-trimme d aown. went for 8778. Me ll Lasar111 nominated 10 tlmea for the Nation al Cartooniata Society'• Reuben Award, finally stepped to the oodlu m a winner for hl1 r'Mlll Peach" and "Momma" comic •tripe. Lazaru1 edged "Doones- bury" artiat Garry Tradeaa aod "Garfield'' originator Jim Davia. -Lazanu told the audience of fellow Illustrators at the Plaza Hotel in New York that he wu "stacgered" at finally receiving the award, designed by and named after cartoonilt Rabe Goldberc. ' Criminal Court Judge Bernard F ried of New York drew roars of laughter and rave reviews as he dismisaed criminal trespaas charges against some of Broadway's biggest stars. · Tammy Grlmet -Colleen Dewllant, Joaeplt Papp, Ri- chard Gere and MJcllael Mo- riarty were among the de- TO SPEAK -Canadian Prime Mi n ister Pierre Trudeau will give the commencement address next month at the Univer- sity of Notre Dame. monstrators who sat In front of bulldozers March 22 to protest the destruction of the Morosco and He l en Hayes theaters near Times Square. Fried dropped the charges agaJnst 130 of the protesters and charges against the re- maining defendants were ex- pected to be dropped. 9regon town contests vote ANTELOPE, Ore. (AP) -The City Council ha1 voted unanlmoualy to conteat an electi~n In hlch lt failed to dlabend the 81-year-old town for fear of a takeover by an Indian 1UfU and hla-follo- wtta. The vote orders Keith Mobley, the city'• la- wyer, to contett lut Thunday'1 ~-42 election. The council .ought dlaincorporatlon becaUle it feared followers of Bhagwan Shree Rajneeah would take control of the government ln th1t hamlet 150 mile. east of Portland in the November general election. . Diaincorporation would have put key iaaues tuch u zoning in the hands of the Waw.!O County Commlmion, rather than local authorities. The propoul's failure wu attributed to com- mune membera who had moved into nine hoUletl purchased in town by Rajneesh followers and re- gistered to vote the put six month.a. Mayor .Margaret Hill blamed the defeat on li- beral Oregon election laws that allow people tq re- gister on election day. T~ result waa that more than three times the 31 ra who caat ballotl two years ago in the general e ection showed up to cast ballots. County election officiala challenged every voter who registered within the paat 30 dayt, including non-members ·of the commune. That means 70 vo- ters must appear In circuit court to 1ubetantiate the validity of their residence. Commune members say they have moved into town to stay. Spokesman David Knapp aayt that, despite the fears of the council, the commune la not going to mount a campaign to taJce over the five of seven seats on the council that will be up for election in November. ATARI ~ A\. ATARI MOii GMtES. MOii FUN. "Wanet Corrmnoollonl ~. Offers you many games and variations. Be a Race Car Champ, a Football Star, a Golf Pro, a Bowling Champ. a Chess Master. Atari makes it all happen with this excit- ing collection of Game Programs for the Video System.'" Pictured cartridges are only a part of a large selection. FED CO. , MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES FEOCO LA CtENEIA (213) 837-4487 FEDCO COSTA MHA (71 4) 979-2660 3535 S LA CIENEGA BLVD . LOS ANGELES 90016 FEdcO VAN NUYI (213) 786-6863 14920 RAYMER STREET. VAN NUYS 91405 F!DCO ftAIADIU (213) 449·8620 3111 E COLORADO BLVD . PASADENA 91107 3030 HARBOR BLVD . COSTA MESA 92626 FEOCO aM DIEGO (714) 262·24 11 54TH & EUCLID. SAN DIEGO 92105 FEOCO 1M RMWUM.CJ•(714J 888·4 181 570 S MT VERNON AVE . SAN BERNARDINO 92410 PIDCO CIMITOI (213) 860-111 1 11525 SOUTH STREET, CERRITOS 90701 STORE HOURI WEEK DAVI , STACK·' ·up THE BENEFITS FOR YOUR FUTURE · IRA• KEOGH at Imperial • .. . . ... -. l . ' . l I .. I •• & OtMOt OOMI DAILY PlLOT~, Aprtl 22, 1N2 N.M. district should back off USC l e ase . The Newport-Mesa IChool dl· strict teems unable to extricate it- .elf, cleanly and almply, from a deal that went llO\&T •. It started laat November when the diatrict struck 'n t with the Univenl'l' Oil California. USC wu t4> old C.O~ del ~ El .. ~ntary School to Ule as a atellit.e qimpua offering college bua\neu unes at night. '1JSC agreed to ~: .. ooo per year to use the rt !leemed like a good deal at the time. The revenue-pinched school district would earn some money off an empty school. The rapidly growing business commu- nity in the area would have access to additional educational opportu- nities. And with the strong USC alumni ties here, why would there be any problems? But the school district miscal- culated. There we re objections. Strong ones. The neighbors complained that the USC satellite would bring traffic congestion and noise to their quiet streets. And the folks at City Hall said, "Hey, wait a mi- nute, you didn't ask us if this is a proper use for this property." The school district told the neighbors things wouldn't be as bad as they thought and it told the City Hall folks, somewhat porn- poualy, that it didn't have to an- swer to them. The objectlng parties then took their case to the Coaatal Commlasion, which prompUy re- jected t.he IChool diatritt'• plan. use, 1tariled and embar- rassed by all the hullabaloo, s~ttled off to eo,ona cl•l M•r Him School with tta ntsht c1-ana u"Ked to be let out of the deal. No'W' the sch'001 dtatrlct ha~ asked the Coaat.a.l Comfni,asion td" reconsider. There wtll be another he~ I , Meanwhile, USC says i t doesn't want to move onto the elementary school campus, re- gard.lees of the commi.aaion'• final ~~on because of the opposition ~.neighbors. Why does the school district persist? Supt. John Niooll says it's . because the commission ~ has "put a taint on the property.' The diatrict should have thought of that "before it charged into the USC deal. Now it appears the district ia trying to save face, or worse, stick USC-with a lease it doesn't want. Why oouJdn't the district just admit, gracefully, that it made a mistake and then try to accomrno- date the university on another empty campus? There are plen ty around. Welcome news on bay In a fortuitous iurn of eventa, Newport Beach city officials will be able to expand a multi-million dollar cleanup of the Upper New- port Bay without extra cost. The cleanup, the first dredg- ing of the upper bay in more than 10 years, is aet to begin early next month. J__ City officials, though, have l"fBPPilY discovered that because of "1 unexpectedly low contract bid fpr the work, they have $500,000 fdft over that now can be used to more silt out of the bay. tn Nolan, the city'• public \forks director, said the extra 'l>Oney Jlhould mean an additional 200,000 cubic~ of mud and silt tieing pulled the now nearly <tY bay. ' The extra 200,000 cubic yards ~if Newport City Council mem- ~~~ .~pprove sp e nding the re- ;wung $500,000 on the project - would be added to the nearly 700,000 cubic yards of silt sched- uled to be removed from the bay during the cleanup. The mostly state-funded $4.7 million project, expected to run ai.x months, is designed to return wa- ter and tidal action t o the top reaches of the bay, an area that now resembles a desert more than anything else. Whe n the job is done, the now-dry top of the bay 1hould resemble a small pol)d that ex- pands and shrinks with the tide. We, of oourse, urge the coun- cil to put thia $500,000 to immedi- ate use by expanding the project. While the project will fall far short of restoring the bay to what it once was, it will mark an im- provement and every extra cubic yard of silt that can be scoured from the bay will help. Parking ban esse~tial I The Huntington Beach City uncil has urged the state to hibit parking 24 hours per day o both sides of Pacific Coast lghway from Beach Boulevard to t e Santa Ana River. That stretch of the road has me known as blood alley be- e use of its number of aerloua ac- enta. It ia regarded u the most urdoua stretch of road ln the ty. Most of the problem.a. oUidala y, stem from the parking of cars ong the narrow ahouldei-of the f ur-lane highway. • Vehicle• pulling out into traffic, the opening of car doors and the drifting of cars a cross lanes have all contributed to the toll. Last summer, 47 traffic acci- dents w e re r ecorded on that stretch. Parking was barred on the in- land side of the highway in Au- gust .of 1981 and has cut down on acddenta, according to officials. The barrina of parking along the ocean lide Should tame "blood alley" and make it even safer. lnions expressed In the space above are those of the Dally Piiot. Otner views ex· p essed on this 1><19e are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is Inv it· . Address The Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 2·"321. .M. · Boyd I Dougbboys ~'continues over the orUjn the old word "doughboy" for ihe rtcan aoldier. One candidate ex- don: U.S. Infantrymen during Mexkan war were quartered In .. made of llW\-drted brick -8dobe alone the border.~~ pa c:atne to be known u ''dobe'' l a t era, and eventu ally , ·~boys." How ID8DY famoul women naamd e oc-. to m6nd? Prince ai.rtW Prtncftl Diana. Diana Boee, Bia. Curloully, all three of hl'Ye .,_,known at one Ua.e « ....,. • "IAdy." '!be Prbaill; .,. r.,.. t he weddln1. Ron wh e n 1be • 1tarred ln "Lady Sinp the Blueti," and Ria, when ahe played in ''The Great Mu.ppet Caper.' That the hones of Shetland are exceedlnaJy small t1 known by all. few reallae, thouah. that the cattle of Shetland are Wtewi8e diminutive. Q. I know ArtJona la the NW with the lowelt •~rainfall. but which N1e U.the A. AWwna. lth about 87 lndMe. Arlaon a 1eneraUy com .. In with U'OUDd 19\'m lnchel. fnderick the Great always p u t lllUIWd tn .. ,ool.f•. IRS fights qllickie 'clergy' WASHINGTON -A growing num- ber of Americana are wrnlna to religion today, not !or redemption of their aoula but for reduction in their income taxes. Ordained on a cash-and-carry basis by obecure "religions," the.e born-again tax dodgers hope to evade the burden the rest of us share every April 15. By de- claring themselves "ch urches," these quickie clergymen claim exemption from all or part of the taxes they should be paying on their wages. UNFORTUNATELY FOR them, the Internal Revenue Service views this burgeoning evangelism with deep suapi- cion, attributing it to greed, not piety. The agency is cracking down on the di- lettante dominies with heavy fines and wage gamiahmenta. In some cases, the tax dodgers could wind up practicing their ministries behind pnson bars. Atte>rd.ing to internal lRS documenta, retunu showing illel(al tax deductions baaed on church-related echemes grew from 486 in 1978 to 2,784 in 1980. The heavenward trend reportedly is steep- ening. Consider the case of "Archbishop" William E . Drexler Sr. of the Life - Sdence Church of California, aa di8clo- ted in court records. Since 1976, he has eet up about 3,000 "churches" acra. lhe country by ae1ling handy-dandy peckets of documents for anywhere from $1,000 to $4,000 a ahot. The conversion kHa contained ordina- tion certificates, clerical identity cards and vowa o f povHly fo, 'Q JACI 11111111 d "mlniater" to sign u he turned over all assets an d income to his instant "church." Drexler made no secret of tus hostility to the IRS. In ISSUes of the L1fe-Sc1ence newsletter, The Patriot News, the church offered monetar y rewards for the names, addresses and telephone numbers of IRS agents and their fami- lies. Those it was able to identify were listed under such titles as "Enemy of the Month" and "Know Your Enemy Ltst" Life-Science members were encouraged to harass lhe IRS employees by dumping manure on their lawns, placing early- morning collect calls to their home phones or sending them unwanted magazine sub&criptions. Drexler even obliged his new converts by backdating the ordination documents to permit tax deductions for earlier years. The archbishop assured his new ministers that the IRS h ad given the church tax-exempt1status -which it had not -and promised that the church would provide full legal eervices if the tax collectors hauled them into court. Thu also proved to be untrue, as many Lafe-Sctence nuru.sters in New York City d1S00Vered, to their dismay. In {act, some complained to authorities that they were threatened with "excommumcation,., if they ulS1sted on legal help. Drexler was convicted last year of evadmg more than $185,000 in income taxes and of failing to file returns in yean when he and his son earned a total of $365,000 In New York City, the IRS slapped levies on the wages of 319 members of Life-Science and other churches for payment of $484.000 in back taxes. ANOTHER TARGET of lhe lrreverent- IRS lS Jerome Daly, archb13hop, presi- dent and pope of the Ba.sic Bable Church of America. In February, a 40-count tax-fraud andJctment against Daly and nine others was withdrawn on a techni- cality, but the feds haven't glVen up. Daly's operation was virtually identi- cal to Drexler's -pay your money and become a "church." Two boilermakers in Pennsylvania wound up tn tax court last year when they tried the Daly system on the IRS. Education studies need follow-up To the Editor: Ed Foglla's April 11 response to the Pilot editorial, "Public Education Needs Examination" missed the point of my concurrent re90lutibn on education qua- lity in the public llChoola. l a gree that we d o not need more study. What we need i.s implementation of much -needed reform ln certain key a.real. The purpoee of the estabU.hment of my oommitttt on education quality la to MAILBOX con.10lidate into an action program the result.a and conclusiona of the many stu- diea whkh have already taken place. It Ls true that California rank.a far be- low nearly every other state in its fun- ding of public education. Thia diatreaes me. But It t. important to understand why the dollars whkh ARE provided for the 1ehoola are not reachlna the claas- room ltaeU. OUR CURRENT educational system forces schools to have a greater concern for compliance with state and federal manda\el than for whether student.a are learning. Lela and lea money ii being provided for aeneral cluaroom instruc- tion, while Sacramento d.lrecta dollan to preacrlbed categorical proerams -res~ ultina ln more and more paperwork for teachen and adanlnl.strative pert0nnel at the local level. Additionally, atrong teacher unlona. which undemandably protect job aecu- rlty' have given sreater priorft7v to te- nun n,hta and eeniortiy layof proc.- durea t.tian to overall procrarn needl. The "quality" of education la bued on the lk1lla and effec:tiven.. of lt8 teachen and inltructon. We are lolil'\8 talent.cl tMchen to od'8r ptO{-'oni .. buallle9 and lnduatry offer lncenUvee which re- ward excellence and performance. Ou.r current educat.lonal IYltem doel not al- low for theee flnaricf1l or profftllonal b"1entlva • M1ny 1hare th• opinion that limply provf.dJna mol'9 doli.n lo m.una pl'OI• ram. bMiiacl on an annual pera111t.119 in· er..-II not Pnc lo IOMt the p'Oblelm of our public ICbOoll. Al'-oonfentnl with memb9n of the CallfomJa Rouncftabi.11 Tuk I'~ on Jobi and l:dueadon and the UttJe Hoo-wr Cclmmhdm, .._.. w. ~-en the need for ua eetion prGlralD which ,_,_ upan,.... .-...C _..., ~~....._ .... ,.. i-·..tiill•• ........... . ............. _ r If wtll ........... --·8ft-iftartl of .. h <nra 1"'1·,..... _. •. llletan•&m&!•tllrlitllndlbt..,.· ..... ... bl&llt ... ,1........,., u.. .................. have already brought forth valuable conclusions as we begin our efforts. MARIAf'l BERGESON Assemblywoman, '14th Distnct Let judges know To the Editor: What do we expect from our police officers? The recent "cocaine bust" in C.orona del Mar was a job well done by our police department. Yet thete hooda have been reiumed their riahts to carry on business aa usual. It aho galh me to think that the at- torney, a former DA now in private practice, haa no moral responsibility to the community. It appears hla moral responsibility to the community la worth leas than t he fee. I am aure these lhi.no pay weU. I only wish the officers coula have made as much as the attorney fee for doing their job. We, aa taxpayers, need to let our jud- ~now how we feel about such ru- . NANCY PERl{Y T EL EPHONE YOUR LETTER TO THE EDITOR See instructions below Passport blues To the Edi tor: 1 have the puaport bluea. I oould have cried ln my Manhattan 1ut night., but I didn't want to weaken my drtnk, as 1 needed aufflclel'\t fortification while readin8 the latest letter from the West Vl.rainia Bu.reau of Vttal Statis1ka. Inave never had a birth certllicate, nor an apparent need for Olle (the Army took me on the ~ of my baptlamAI ~rtlfk:ate!) So now r need a pulport to take a once-in-a-lifetime vacation to New Zealand. Bui accordl~ to them (W.V .B .V.S.) I w• never born! 1n the meantime my t.eeJit are blWTing my two-f«-one airline boerdinc .-. What bums my oc.-k ii. how dJd the Army draft me to ttrVe 3 ~ ~ over-... dl.U'i.na WW D If I wam t properly doc.unented? M.t furth•r bunu my cork hi that the ~' Ml not been reluctant to d educt (J'.l.C.A.) Social Secu rity monin from _.,y lifetime eamlnp. A • LfU~rt trom ,,_,. ore WfkMM T'-· "'"' to ~ ,_,,,,. lo /II "*' or tlt"'t-• ltbff te ,.~ tAffft'I O/ 'JOO IOOnk W l.ne Wl be,"""" ,,,.,.,.,.., AU ,. .. ., .... _, .. ~..,. Gild •• ...,; baptismal certificate must have been good enough for that! What bums more of my cork is that waves of foreigners are having no trou- ble getting in to the U.S. without proper documentation. All they need is an old boat, a aad story and we suckers open our arms to them. Besides bringing their problem• to add to our own. they are taking jobs, using health care facilities and other benefits which rightfully be- long to our own citizens. So here's a hard-learned lesaon to all Ame ricans -if you want to travel overseas and were born at home and have only a baptism evidence. and you are older than any living relative (must be at least 10 years older) you must fwnish beaucoup documents as proof of your existence . Before you can get a delayed birth ~rtificate. before you can get a passport. before you can go over- tieaS -unless the Army gets you. C.MIKAL Balance b udget To the Editor: When the federal govenunent runs up an $80 billion deficit it borrows from the private sector , leaving leas available funds for individuals, bualneues and corporations to borrow. Interest ra\el are therefore forced to the all-time highs we have today. The re is a solution to this ridiculous situation -having the gov- ernment Uve within its means. For the tint time in history, the µ.s. Senate will vote on a constitutional Amendment re- quiring the federal budget to balance each yeu. Senate Jolnt Resolution ~8. the Ba· lanced Budget Tax LlmitatJon Amend· ment. lhould reach the Senate floor for a vote in late April. Fifty-thl'ft 1enaton are co-1pon1oring S.J . Rea. 58 but ita pa11a1e 11 not auaranteed. Sen. Alan Cranston ta not one of lta •ponlOl"I. Urae Mr. CranalOD to support th.la ~ a.mend.mmL The addn. for all Senaton la: Senate OWce Bu.lldlna. w~ D.C. 205 10 DJNNIS PERRIN ....... ,:l!: ......... .. ·-·-.. .., ........... illMf'flf W .....,. ~ N _,... .. ,... "'!"' ., ,.,,.,.,.,., ,,.'°" ,, .,.,.,,,., ..,....,, ..., "" .. ,. ......... ,.,,,..,. ........ Iii•~•· 10 ta• N1JM -' ,._ ~",,., 11111 ................... ,.,, ipn# ..... ~·f'~ . .. ' ( I \ Orange Oout DAI~ 't PILOT /Thur9day, April 22, 1812 Presidential gift , list: Rum and ostrich eggs One of the unfair th1np aboui life la from the prwtdeni of Ghana. that rich people .. t morw expenalve 8lft1 · -Thl'M 11tln ct..... for Nancy from than poor people. Imelda Marcoe, wife of the president of I have ln front of me the Federal Re-the Phllipp1net1. &later, a dally publlcatlon of 1reat lm- poctance u a record of what 1oes on In the iovemment ln Wuhlngton. By law, any aovernment officlal muat report any substantial Jdft and thoee gif ta are recorded In the Federal Resister twice a year. In thll lllue, there are six pages llating and deteribing presenta of value that tutve been given to President and Mr.. Reagan. You mtah\ be Inter- ested in IOl1le samplet from the lilt: -Gold cuff llnks for Mr. Reagan I~'' -•• -.,-.0-11-11--·~ --A painting or an elaborately framed photograph of the giver from Chancellor and Mrs. Helmut Schmidt of Germany. Prince and Princeu Hitachi of Japan, Governor General and Mrl. Edward Scheyer of Canada, Juan Carlo• and EVERY ITEM SOlD CAMJES STANDARD BRANDS UNCONDmONAl Sophia, the kln1 and queen of 8paln1 prime m1nilter of Auatralia. I'm 1Ure lt the Re.apN two 8-by-6-lnch ostrich egp PNttdent and Mn. Doo-Hwan Chun ot wu nice, but I don't think the Preeldent encued ln silver openwork. Korea and one of hertelf trom Queen soes out In the cold very often. There are, ln addition to theae Items, Slrklh of Thailand, autographed. Why -A l~-inch gaucho k.nlfe in a leather dozens of st.erlina ailver tea aetl, waic~. would these people think the Reagana 1heath from Lt. Gen. Galtieri of Argen-expenalve rup, oil paintlnp, eculpture would want their plctures? tlna. and h.latorical artlfacta. ' -Sadat gave Mr. Reagan an award -Seven boxes of clgara from the The White House haa an office lha l called "The Collar of the Nile." Appa-prime minilter of Jamalca. does nothing but handle gifts. It turru rently thll la the equivalent of the Le--The prime min.lat.er of Jamaica also out no one really know• what to do w~h gion of Honor Medal and President gave each of them a cue of good rum. them. They're worth a lot of money a.Cd Mitterrand of France Kave hlm that. They can drink that while reading ''The no politician dares take them for hia own, -A book called r.The Proteaa of Proteas of Southern Africa." but he baa to be careful not to inault the Southern Africa" given by the South -The Pope gave them a 1tlver Coreigllofflcialwbogavethem.l aakedaf Afrjcan min.later of foreign attain. Per-plaque depicting a turtle dove, eetlmated I could see some of the gifts but the haps the President curled up with this to be worth $2,810. That'• a lot of col.na in White Houae glft office aaid most of dUl'irlJ{ hla vacation in Barbados. the collection plate. them were stored away In crates down ill -A aheepakin coat given by the -Joee Lopez Portillo of Mexico gave the buement of the National Archlvet1. ~----~~-------'------------~---'------~ .. COMPARE OUR LOW, LOW PAI ~---T-------------~ I DISPOSABLE : GLOVES • Comp Aetoll 25( I I I ..... 1m ~ ••• Lo HablQ · c..., UAut 2 • Un••v . . .-~ .._ c.Mr., Ut••• a ,... (1 ....... If •1llfl NI) ( .... ...._. ...... ) (I ....... If In• t11•1 •> (71•)111-1117 (71•) ........ (111) 6t1·1106 . I 11 oz. SPRAY r-=---.... r---=-=-i I ENAMEL : Comp Aetoll 1.29 ( , .. ., Orange Cout DAILY PfLOTIThurtday, Aprll 22, 1082 rfV netWorks lose viewers · NIW YORK (AP) -The thr11 major TV networb Jolt nearly a ml1lJon IJlilM.time vtewen ln the J8......k .-in that et"*1 April 18 wi\h CBS the No. l network for the third atrataht year, fJ- 1\UW from the A.C. Nlellen Co. lhow. Averqe ratln&I for all three networkl declined . Jn the MUOI\ thatl>epn Oct. 5, al\houch ABC ac- tually added about 210,000 vtewen to lta avenie prime-time-audience, a IWUlt of the-lncreulng me of the TV unlvene u a whole. CBS, ln the period, loli aboul 380,000 viewen, and NBC an eatimat.ed 870,000. • · I CB8' tatinc for the IHIOI\ wu eilht-tentha of a ·~t below the network'• mark for tile 1980-81 TV ~ear, ABC ftnlahed off a ten\h of a point, and NBC WU 1.4 DO(nta from the previoua INllC)ft, Ana)yaq attribute the declln1na netwQJ'k au-tllence to lncn111d cable and pay TV activity, u ~n • hll&hteed competition trqm independent 11tadom. . ' While CBS maintained lta lrip on first place ln lbe networlim' competition for b TV leMCll, wt\h an awraae nttnc cif 19, to 18.1forABCand15.2 f« A:,..B<fi_!wo of the network'• moet conalatent hJta, , II and ''60 Minutes, tt remained the dominant WE'RE A LOT MORE THAii A BELL Oii YOll •LL The interwoven leather slide ... to corry you through 1pring into o 1ummer of fun. available in bone or white puma coif. W£ BUY THIS SHOf IN THESE SIZES N M SYl -10 4-10 ~:i::~.N~l~~ore~~,: #iwt~~ > U.two {«the 1981-82 TV yeac. @ ~ The ratinga mean that tor the aeason ln an SEACOAST 2488 NEWPORT BOULEVARD. COSTA MESA·.· -------SHOES•••••••• ~verage minute of prlme-Ume, 19 percent of the SECURITY SYSTEMS ~•TV-equlppedho.m_~n~w~e:re:.=tu=ned=._:to:=_=th=e_l!~~~~~~~~~·C~A~Ll~FO~RN~IA~·~9~2~62~7~·~(7~1~4)~~~2-3~4~90~~_l__9~9~FA~S~H~l~O~N~IS~LA~N~D~·~N~E~W~P~O~RT!_!B~EA~C~H~·--_I:_75~9~-~95~5~1~ t· _ _ network. r .:;~;;1e GMAC KEEPS THE GOOD TIMES ROllNG rJJy request Requesta are being ec- ce p ted by mall for Orange Cout College's ~mmer 1e11ion class edule. For the first time in • eral yean, there will t be a general malling f the ac::hedule to area ·dences. The eight-week aea- i on will run June 1-Aug. 13. Registration slated June 14-22. Last year'• IHlion of- ered more than 500 ouraes, and more than 2 000 studenta were en- lled. Thil year'• aeaslon been reduced by 40 :percent due to budget f:Uta , wlth about 300 ciallel on \he agenda. Requesta for IChedules ahould be malled to OCC. 2701 Falrvlew Road. Coeta Meu 92626. l'Ach request ahould include a 9-by-12 Inch manila envelope, tell-add.n9ed, plus 37 cent• po:!8~ Schedules will be tn mid-May. -··ror i nformation , phone 5~0880 . . . Seminar benefits women Carolyn Larkin, a ma- hJlgement conaultanL, will reeent ''A M.anaae- rtal 'Performance and Attitude Development Workshop for Women," twice ln the next two montha at National Un- lvel'li ty'• Irvine campua. 1be 9ml1nan are free, by re1ervation only, and liml ted to 50 peraona each day. The fint worklhop la tcheduled for May 15 from 9 a.m. io 4 p.m. and ~ aecond ii June 5. I. Ma. Larkin 11 preal- ent of Women'• Per- pectivesr • ~t naultant, training and felllonal ..arch firm Orange County. National Univeralty'a campua ii at 2112 ~line• Center Drive in he Irvine lnduatrlal ark. For r ... rvatlona, "7..e285. CALIFORNIA B'·IYERS CAN SAVE AN AVERAGE OF $1,125* ON A NEW GM CAR. LIGHT-DUTY TRUCK OR VAN WllH GMAC'S LOW FINANCING RATE Right now is the time to get that n~ GM car, light-duty truck or van you've been waiting to buy. Because GMAC and your participating GM Dealer have made it possible foryou to get GMAC financing at a special low 12.8%. That's right Qualified buyers can save hundreds of dollars in ftrtanctng costs. But you better huny! You have to take d~ive,y by May 31, 1982. . .. See your participating GM Dealer today and 3$k for 12 .. 8% GMAC ftnanci~. GIEVROLET BUICK. Get that new Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Buick. Cadill~c, GMC or Chevrolet light-duty truck or van** at just 12.8%. Get it today. And let the good . times roll I M-PEOPLE FROM GENRAl IVOIORS •Bued on GMAC ftnanctnQ data for~ 1982 tn C.UTomla. Actual~ wW depend on tt)e amount ftnallced and" the~ o( contract. Dealer cont.rtbuUon m9f affect con9Umer ooet. "Excludes vehk:&ee ordered pnor to Aprll 1. 1982 which are ell&'ble for the Clenn'a1 Moton •t.et'a Get MOYIJW" CMtl bonue plan. and fteet --and leMec:l unite. .. -. . f ~ I I '· .. ' • THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1982 You don't have to be a mathematician to play a hand of bridge well, says expert Cha~les Goren. Page B2. 0 o. CAVALCADE STOCKS 82 85 ' SMOLDERING SILHOUETTE -Panorama of gutted apart- ment complex remains on north side of Ball Road in Anaheim . . ·~' ~Notimefor a party RICKY TICKY POLITIX: Our coastal Fifth District Supervisor Tom Riley and our Orange ~ty Sheriff Brad Gates both failed to win re-election endorsements from the California Republican Assembly during the CRA's recent conclave at Garden Grove. Well, good enough for them. In event you haven't heard of tJie CRA, it is sort of a quasi-unofficial. right-wing-ish assemblage that just loves to rattle about, giving what ~ appears to be Republican , endorsements in non-... • *'" partisan races. • /':'-\ ed i~:,~:-::r:o;:: Tll IURPllllmt; cent city council elections. The next thing y;u know they'll be endorsing dogcatcher candidates. ABOUT AS NON-PARTISAN a job as you can find on our local 8Celle is that held by Bob Peterson, the Orange County schools superintendent. Some say the office is left over from the buggywhip schoolhouse era, but that's ano- ther story. Anyway, Peterson won the CRA endorsement. So did a bunch of judgeship candidates, who are also contestants in • non-partisan offices. But what the heck, as was susgest.ed, the CRA likes to slap an endorsement .tag on anything. Maybe it'll be ~e batboy chainnan for Bre.a's Little League next. AB for Supervisor Riley and Sheriff Gates, you can \ "Oby, c:ouai.n Psdval, tW'U run you for dty librarian. .. " hardly imagine that either are quaking in their booties over failure to win the Good Housekeeping seal of approval from the CRA. BOTH OFFICEHOLDERS are expected to be shoo-ins the next time polling places open. ltls going to be Landallde City. They should mall it in. Each man afso is reported to have a few dollars collected for campaign purpoees. More than $100,000 api~. that ii. J.. for Schoolman Petenon, since he won CRA bles- ·sings, maybe he ought to aak for a re-count. On a more aerioul note, we have a long-standing tra- dition ln these parts that our local political offices are non-~ ii, when you ~t down to the town hall level, we should be electiDg the best woman or man, without benefit of 101De party hack tellina m where to mark the a.Dot. Both the Demexnta and Bep1blicanl -..act Libm'- l tarianl and Prohibidonllta, for that matter -abould keep, their ~ band8 out of tbeee local J'llCM. YET IT 8EBMS they cannot do lt. It'• Ju8t too temp-Una to me the local offk8 to ten the party~ lad -lf it needl a tuneup for the next bAa one. Party IMdelw . low the little ottk8 with the fond hope they ~ sroon> -of their pretty boya for s.cramento or WMbln&tOft ~dam. J>abblAna and ttirrinl in &be Joml pol.ttbl po'8 at tbe ..... ___. '8wl may 1e1m lnnoolllt ~ in l1lilf. But next come th• part~1anlsen. And tnen come the ...... mw rooma w eandJdatea 11t ~,......., by .......... TlmN TD NDT ITSP ii to llt ~ W. ldflad IO caacUdaiet' aamff on the local bUJota, IO U.t the Wwy..,..-.. wbo II' hUltlld out_, __ _.. bJ dw ...rhl1hn mn't IDlllol a -+tnhe.,.....,.,. Wt._ Iii "'tlllr:===.,. ----,..~d ................................. ........ ~ ------·~ \ o.lly ..... ,.......,, .... ,..,.. looking north from Roberts Street at Loara Street shows County history started Wednesday. Witnesses called rubble shambles four hours after largest residentia l fire in Orange "wartom." Recovering when all is ·loSt Somber-faced neighbors, confused children get comfort in haven for homeless By DA VlD KUTZMANN Of tM Deify .......... Anaheim's homeless played out their emotions Wednesday in a drab junior high school gym- nasium that became a r e fuge from a fire ft.Orm. Outside, aa fierce winds carried with them the acrid reminder of what bad brought them there, the 400 evacuees from one of Orange County's wont d.laasters tried to comprehend what had befallen them. ·Some we~. Others stared ahead throu eyes reddened by fatigue and belief. A COIDIDOn sight; bumin& but unamoked clfarettea dan1Ung from lifeleaa fingers. Another common 1l1bt: Clut- ches of aomber-faced neighbors listening intently to newcomers deacriblng acenea of blackened desolation only blocks away. "We're talking about aome heaVJ·duty trauma here," said. one Orange County fl.re official, surve)'ini the gymnasium at Ball Junior High School Opened by the Red Cross Wednesday morning, the eva- cuation cent.er offered thoee who showed up food, clothing and temporary shelter. The clothing was particularly uaeful since many evacuees esca- ped with little el.le than the few garment.a they wore. Red Crou officials estimated that about 400 people out of the 1,200 believed to be homeless trudged lnto the Ball Road cam- pus l>y Wednesday afternoon. Sixty-five people required first aid. Five.were eent on to hospi- tals for care. The Anaheim residents had been forced to flee a four-equare block are. of destruction where wt apartment units once stood. The heart of the d1auter was the lnt.erleetion of Ball Road and Euclid Avenue, where rriany of the fire victima had lived in one and two-story complexes. Evacuees told aim1lar stories of beina awakened at dawn either by tne smell of smoke or the ur- gent ben8lng of police officers on their apartment doon. "It fooked like hell outalde. lbere'1 no other way to de9Crlbe It," aid S~ Campbell, 23, a mUlidan w could only put on hJI clothel pb a iuftar be- fore fleeinc h1a a~t. ''I lost ~ ei.e: CAmpbeil Mid. The dark-haired mualclan, who belon11 to a group called Od ... , spent much of the day trylna to help out on the fire U.... On hi.a way lnto the l)'m- naaium to chance his eooty clo-tt.. c.npbell aid "a k>t of my life'' Wll pt1ed by flames .. o.p&te _the to.i, however, he mkl be would perform with hll aroup Saturday In Huntinaton Beach for \he March of Dfmet Walk+lbon. ,,___Pm-Ur, 28, wiPlived ln • aound·Ooor apertment at 1e1aw. Wllmd..-.•• · bet fuallJ _wen awakened at dawn bJ Ille.._ of tw fatblr- tn·law, wbo w ~ to . hml dowathlroalaltbllr~ &HUiin& &lie l&&uattoa wu ..... lele. tM ... u, fled , ... bulWlM. It •• repor\ed cle· ... ,,.. ....... .,. WliliMn.Plrtllr ..... wttla SFJ.J!.!fti nated by the Red Cross Watching them play was Dr. J ohn W. Se¥fen, a clinical psy- chologist for the county who, along with other mental health workers, had been called in to assU1t traumatiz.ed victims. Selden said It was healthy for the children to act out their feel- ings through play. He figu red the youngsters were probably more confused than emotionally hurt by their plight, but that feelings of loneliness and dis- location could !IOOn emerge. "This is a big shock,to all of us," said Anaheim's mayor Pro tern, Don Roth, as he toured the shelter. "We're mobilizing eve- rybody that we can, but it's '-oing to be a state of panic today.'' Green and blue cots were set up for the 200 to 300 people ex- pected to spend the night. Earle Grandison, a Red Cross disaster team member who lives in Fountain Valley. said the shelter wu expected to remain open for about three days. Grandison said 46 specially trained Red Cross volunteers were manning the emergency shelter while another 30 to 40 peopl~ had volunteered their services. Food wu served in the school's cafetorium and piles of clothes were sorted out on an elevated stage for thoee in need. A Red Croes spokeswoman said money would eventually be pro- vided to the fire victims for food, clothing and sheltering. "The community has really been responding," said volunteer Kathy Wet.. "ft takes a disaster like this to get people to pull together." FLED FROM HOME -Two Anaheim residents who were awakened by smoke head for reacue shelter. ••• ' II ... ,, . . : .· '!\ 1.1 ·'· '' ,, • l J f. l ., l .. Orange OOMt DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, Aprtl 11, 1112 •ANN LANDl!RS ,. •ERMA BOMBECK I •HOROSCOPE Dad wins custody, but teen daughter's unhapp DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a 14-year-old girl who la terribly unhappy. My parenta were divorced eight months ago. They had a horrible custody fight. My dad won becauae he could afford a very sharp lawyer. The court decided Mom was an unfit mother, although my father did the same things she did and nobody decided he was "unfit.'' I don't know why he fought so hard to get me unless it was to punish my mother. Dad is never at home, and when he's here he pays no attention to me. I don't care for . DIRECTING A BIG BIG BAND -Paul Po- livnick, associate oonductor of the Milwaukee Symphony, directs what promoters called the "World's Largest Band." Police said that 6,145 the women he invites for weekends. I'm acared to death he might marry one of them. Mom and I write letters back and forth and we-talk on the phone. She is as mjser- able as I am. I would give anything if I could be with her. Is there anything I can do? Please help me, Ann. -CRYING A LOT IN DAYTON DEAR DAYTON: Go to any clergyman and take thJ1 colamA. Tell him you wrote tbl1 letter. You need an adalt to lDtercede on yoar behalf. A compaulonate judge could be a big help. AP Wlfephoto musicians filled a Milwaukee shopping center last weekend to play "Stars and Stripes Forever." Leo focuses On career Friday, April %3 ARIES (March 21 -April 19): Money news is excellent; cash flow resumes, road- block is lifted. lines of communication are clef.I'ed. Timing is on target, cireumstances ~ in your favor. • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You could make major discovery. What you seek is closer than anticipated and might be in your own backyard. Cycle high, delay is tempo- ' rary and you'll make correct decision at to let go of outmoded concepts. crucial moment. ~ SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Obtain hint from Libra message. Let go of past, take cold plunge into future. Focus on legal agreements, romance and marital status. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Accent on friends, hopes desires and allies who work behind 8Cenes. Member of opposite sex is in a romantic mood and you11 know it. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Important domestic adjustment is on agenda. Family member makes concession. peace is restored on home front. Lunar emphasis on hopes, wishes and a successful business venture. SAGl'M'ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Fol- low through on hunch; you'll know what to do and when to do it. Accent on basic ma- terial, nutritional requirements. pets and people who rely upon your judgment. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Emphasis on career, prestige, cooperation in community project and receipt of political literature. Define terms, avoid self-deception. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You'll get more working room. Scenario highlights significant changes, more freedom and an intensified romantic interlude. Relationship grows stronger and you'll be aware of it. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Emphasis on delaila, routine, discipline, ability to know when a deal should be closed. Installation of safety devices at home is major part of ace- nario. Accent family, tradition and possible purchase of an antiq~e. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Lunar as- pect highlights successful communication with one who can encourage or finance long-range project. Persons in authority will pull strings in your favor. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You are in- volved, whether or not aware of it. Member of opposite sex is concerned about a com- mitment. Focus on finances. feelinp, ability PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Emphasis on messages, calls, visits, trips and definite change from status quo. You'll be more flexible, capable of displaying versatility and your creative-artistic talents aur~e to forefront. j • GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. South deala. NORTH •742 <:::I JIO o ltU + Al'80 WEST EAST •KU • Q J IOI <:>KHU <::>A7t0 0 4 0 71 • JIOU + Q7 SOUTH •AU <::I Q 0 AQJ10185 •U The blddJng: S..U. W..t N.U £ut I O r ... t • P ... I o r ... S o r ... s . , ..... , ... s o r ... , ... , ... Ope.nine lead: Jack of •. You don't. ~ &o be a mathtmatldan &o plaJ a haod well. Jun luaowlnf tM& ala mlat1QC e&rdl are far ..,. Uul1 to tnU •·t lM8 M -.. a.. ...ush to•'-' , .. '° Uat wbaallf UH. Nonla·lout.11 Wei •tD &o ....... ---"* 0... Nert.ti ralH41 .a1•od1, IM\la ........ .., , ... ,.. .... ti Uat ...... ftiNt no trump could be the lindt, but even 1lam waa possible. He 1tarted with a cue-bid of the ace of 1padea. Had North bid three no trump. South would have been content. When North lnatead rebid hia clubt. South jumped to five dlamooda and North, haviOf bid hit aU, WU COO· tent to play thffe. W ut m¥M hit natural, thouah Ul-conaldered, lead or the top or hil dub aequeoce. Declarer pve the hand little thought. Ht won the ldn1 of clubt. cubed the ace and ruf· fed a dub hlsh. The 1ult broke 4-2. u wu to be eit· pen.d, and becau .. or the trump 1poU1 dtel.i-tr had only one totry to 'the dummy. Kt could utabllah a Jon1eh1b by croeel1r to tht kloa of diamond• and nfll11 aaoUaer dub, but ht weuld than havt iao way of pUlnJ Mek to \ht dummy to 11\Jo1 Liie hit.a of Wt laber. He f.n.d &o llduce a cter.atf H error a,, ruut., truapa, but tlMre WU rte1l7 DO way \M .. ,._.,. eouW p .,,..,.11 \M e-4, deelartt t.14 &. eoa· ... , •• ~•Id•~ .......... Without realldng it, declarer haa squandered an entry to dummy at trick onel Observe what would happen If declarer allowed the jack of club1 to win the {int trick. Let'• 1uppoM that the defendere are clever enou1h to 1hltt to a apade at trick two. Oedarer wln1 the ace of 1padt1, draw1 two round• of trumpe a1 a preeautionary meuure, then leada a club to tb• k.fnr. No" one dub naff it enou1h to eet up the 1ult. Declartr CtOSM• to the kJn1 of diaraond1, cube• the ace of dubt for a 1pade ditcard, drawlQI the last of the defenden' clube lo the pro- cea1, and then be ean dt.card hlt tte0nd 1pade 101., on the lonr elub. Declarer I0141• only on• bean and one dub. Hew .. ,.. ....... die IM9' ..... lellll1C..... o... ...... _ •. , •• ..,, ........... ...... Lea41," H a4 II ,11 &t "G••L1 .. 1,• ... el &Ml •• 0 '"~ ...... -Nw aml, N.I ..... .-. ...... s:•lf• ii ...... , ....... DEAR ANN LANDERS: We have three children -two in college and one a senior in high school. Our college children did not get into the schools they wanted. They went where they were accepted. Our hifh-echool senior is eager to make one of the vies, but we doubt that he will succeed. Am I wrong, or are the numbers of foreign students attending U.S. colleges ln- creaalng? Who pays for them? Why are so many foreign atudeqts here, taking places that otherwise would go to American stu- dents? Are the majority Orientals and blacks -or does it just seem that way? . Please respond in the column. I'm sure oth er ,parents are as interested as I. - RED-BLOODED AMERICAN DEAR RED: According to the Christi- an Science Monitor, the namben of foreign 1tadent1 In U.S. colleges are lncre&1lng. Last year there were 9 percent more than In the prevloa1 year. Nearly 70 percent pay their own tu- ition. They come to the United States In search of a better education than they can get la their homeland. Oat of the 311 ,88% foreign students enroJled in U.S. college• in 1980-81 , !S percent were studying enginee- ring. Seventeen percent were studying business management. gANN UNOllJ Tbe 10 places sending the 1reatest number of 1tadent1 to the U.S. are Iran, Taiwan, Nl1erJe, Cuada, Japan, Vennaela, Saudi Arabia, Hoag Kon1, India and Leba· non. If one of your 1on1 1hoald choose to 10 to medical 1chool, you'll be writtng agatn - .and that letter will be a lot 1tron1er . DEAR ANN LANDERS: You have used the word "chutzpah" in your column: for the third time since I have been reading you. (That's at least seven years.) Please tell me what it means and where it cam e from. -LEARN A LOT FROM LANDERS IN WINNIPF.G DEAR WINNIE: "Chatzpab" l1 a won- derfully expressive old Yiddish word tlaat means 1omelhlng stronger than nerve or courage. Gall or sheer gat1 11 closer to it. "Chutzpah" now appean ID the elpth edition of Webster'• Collegiate Dictionary. Congratulations to the penoa who did the recent compiling. Tbat took ehatzpah. Autographs mean a . lot I don't have anything enlightening to say about the flap on the alleged monopoly on baseball cards between the Major League Baseball Players Assn., Topps Chewing Gum Co. and the Fleer Corp. What do I know? I'm just the mother of a son who for ten years of his life chewed enough bubble gum to vulcanize the Ohio Turnpike and has five shoeboxes of card- board heroes to show for it. HE WAS NINE YEARS old at the time he started collecting. It was a time of his life when he needed heroes ... not necessanly to touch, hear or see, but just to know they were all there in his five shoeboxes where he could take them out, shuffle them and deal them out hour after hour. All his sports idols were there . . . Pete Rose when his baseball cap covered all his hair ... J ohnny Unitas in a blur ... and a man making a dunk shot who signed his name Lew Alcindor (who later became Ka- reem Abdul-Jabbar). I sometimes wonder if all the athletes who signed their names really knew what they did for kids. It was a real ritual for a nine-year-old. First, he saved his money for the gum and picture. If it was a repeat, he traded off. If it was a new one he sat down, wrote a note asking for an autograph and put it in an envelope with a 3 x 5 card for an "extra" and a return envelope with another stamp on It. With the kind of volume he dealt wtth, it got expensive and had to be supported by money from his paper route. BUT WHEN THE CARDS CAME back it was all worth it. As soon as they arrived they were put through PST. (Passed Spit Test). U the ink smeared when they spit on it, it was a genuine autograph. A lot of celebrities don't give flMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S END autographs. They don't believe m them. They consider them a waste. I suppose I've give n a few in my time that some'one wrapped their gum in, wrote .a check num- ber on, or set a wet g.la&5 on and faded me. So what? To be that important for one mo- men t is worth it. Autographs are as close as some people get to whatever it is they ad- mire in you. Who remembers? Years later, at a par~ ty, I met Tom and Dick Van Arsdale. When we were introduced, I said, "l know you already. You're both PSTs." It's funny. They were only six feet, five inches tall. On the day my son got their cards back, he led me to believe they were much taller than that. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT .... ., •·; • " • ... r•• ._~....,. .......... _,. ......... - IS IT R~ALL'< TRUI!: .,-HAT AU. TME TIME l'VE 6EEN LIVING M'< LIF'E• YOU'vE BEEN LIV ING YOURS~ • Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /Thurlday, April 22, 1982 RUFFELL'S urHOLSTlltY ·····••tu ....... I 911 M.UIOI I t.YO. COSTA MIU -14 .. 1116. GO AHEAD I SLEEP LA TE! .. . BUT DON'T FORGET TO SET YOUR CLOCK AHEAD , .J HONORED -Enter- tainer Da nny Kaye a nd the NBC tele v i- sion program "Hill Street Blues" have received George Fos- ter P eabod y awa r ds for distinguished pro- gramming in broad - casting. l'ICTmOUe .,... .. .,...ITAT&mNT The ,....,_. l*llOne •• dOi"9 -- -II • TIMES l'AIT ANTIOVES AMO COL LECT AllLU. 20931 8-111 Cit HVftt 111g1on a-. CA t2Ma • 0o..o r s._ 20l3 1 SMcoaet Cit , Hun11n91on 8-lll CA t264t 'ICTITIOUI MIUllll NAMl ITAT&MINT fll<t toltowlng fM'llOn• •r• dlllng -.. ,_ .. 0 HP I NTf!RPAISES, 618 Rlllne l •""· Coeta -Clllllornla 92t2t Oory W Feibe, 818 ~ L-. Cotte -· Calif0tllle 92629 J PMl~p Ncwlllcull. 2&33 MOllle<9)' I'--OIW. COfOM Cellla<nlo 11770 I 1\11 --,. condueled bj I QW*al ""''-""" 0 w '•11>1 Tl\l1 •te•-· .... -""" .... County C-1< O! Of-County on Ap1• I. 1"2 ftet711 PUl>h•ll<td 01•n11• Cou l D•lly Pllol !'fl' a IS 22 2t IM2 • 1606-tZ 1'1Ctmou9 mu-.M ....-1TAT&-..T The ~ ..,_ .. doltlo -... DUFFY PLANT SERVICE 20111 ..._,., eo... -bnQIOfl ....... ~. nl• =ll•w Fra nc111 Dully, 20111 ..._., C.O... Hunllnglon 8Mcl> Cllilllot- ""' 112664 t""' -.. c.onduct.O by ... tndtlll-°""' Duff)o """' SeMoe Mon Dully SHOP SUNDAY 12T05! SOUTH COAST PLAZA Joen M St-. 20931 Seec:o11t Cit ~ tt..ntlnglon .,_,, CA t264t Tiii• 11111mer11 .... flied wllll Ille County Clettl o1 Orange County on Mwcti :IO, ltl2 f111:1'11 Pu1>i11hed 0""11' COHI Oolly Pllol. VJ Off Pearls atjewelsby Joseph A Public Service Annc>Lf)Cement T,,.. bull,,..• 11 conclucl.cl by .,, In dM6t>lf Oe...S T Stone Thll 11111me11t wu flied wllll tile c-.ty ~ o1 o.onoe County on Mwefl 11(), ttl2 ,lelm ' P111>f11ll•d 01eng• COH I Dally Pilot. ~Pfl I a. II, 22. ltl2 f4S6-12 ACTrTIOU• .,... .. A{)' I I , 15, 22, 1997 1460-ta PlCTITIOUt IU ... H Mllll ITATbllJfT r,,.i-....,_11~-- 11 THE SHINING 776 W 17111 SI•-. Coe11 Miii. CA 92$27 NAM1 ITATl..wT , ... fotlow<ng ""'-... dOlng "" ... --FUTURES UNLIMITED DtS TflltBU flNG 2t33 Jaco1and1 A .. ,..,. Coll• -C-nle t2'$2t Jo,., .. H Sc•tl 2H3 J eca,.nd• , A-ColU ..._ ~ 97626 •. A"" E Scoll H33 JICat-1 A .. : '-· CoelA -~ n.2t • TNI --le conouct.O Dy,.._ ·--_ .. Scon CIWIJ40Pll<lf l\9m A,,.,_oon t622't w OcH n front Mewpotl Bu ch CA 91M3 Thf1 bualMl.9 11 c.onducted b~ an .,, .. _.., crv .. _11_ T "" ll•l•"'•nl ••t hied wtlh lfte Courlty C.\ ol Or-County on Matefl :IO ,.., ,,_.,, Puo•••~ O'•"oe Co••• Daitr Piiot A.pt•tll5221N1 1&47-12 TIU I ttete m•ftl wa1 ftle d Wllh lhl Piil.JC llTll JCPenney Garden Shop Sale County o..~ o1 Orenve County on Matc:ll 1.----------:--30 tM2 ,_ P111>H1~ed Ot•nge Co .. I Dally Piiot PlCTITIOUe .,..... ....-ITA.,.....,. Days Only April 23, 24 & 25 A.pt I I 15 22 1 .. 2 1•7~'2 , ... ~...,_-~­ XCALIHA llEALTY AHO IHl/fST-t,lf NTI 116S E Coael ltlgllwey, lull• 304 Co<one Oel Mw. ~ tt1M U Wf_. J VleN, 1300 Panr H-· .._-----il~~-------- I Uf'lftlOfl COURT l)Ofl, No l 12 Newpor1 8-:1>. C4lllorNe OF CAL.,Ofl NIA 112~ IMnlMH It conOUC1ed 1>y .,. In· COUNTY Of' OftAHGa oi-CENTRAl JUOtCIAL Dtl'TNCT ~....,. J v""" 700 Cllftc Ceftt« ~. w... Tiiie 11a1e ment ••• lll•d wlln Ill• • .,, .. Au. Ca. ... Co..nty Clettl ol o.enve County on Matcll l'lAINTlff: ,.._. KUMC•fl'T. :10 1912 ,,_ DUENOANT1.~1ttr COi.Tiil P111>11"".o Or•n11• co111 D•11Y Puoi Today throu"h Saturday . savt> 1/3 off a very speoal collection of ..__,.,.. A.pt I, I 1~ U . 1912 1' ... 12 b'' UMLAWUL DnAN!fl pt?arl 1ewelry at Jt-wt-ls by Joseph. This speoal showing of beautiful ~':J: = t,:: PWlJC ~ pearl nt>eklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings and pins 1s today thro ugh c.. ......._ ,._,.... ... ... Saturday only Come mt-et a re~e9entat ive from a leading pearl 8" potted Neanthebella Palm Suitable for Indoor low light areas. •OTK:ll ·-................. ,... STAWM .. ,, .. ~ d k ff I A d 1/3 ff 0 I t -_,._ ... ....,..,, .. _ MUMM importer an ma e r o m e 1ewe ry n save o n y a "' 1.) ~ . • ,_~_ ...... ,..,....... J h •J reg. $16.99 NOW 110.99 .._....,. ...,._ ._. ._ _ • ~~um Jewels by osep ';..i L.r -:-y(,u wleh to -* IM ~ ol ''/ I'• > en 111orney In 11111 m111er. you The ~ ----A traJJ1t1on 11[ trust • ,. -.... ._,,..,~. 8" Hanging Nephthytls reg. $16.99 NOW •10.99 ::::~:.7!,,~~·:: ~~~~: J[W[LS by JOS[PH 8" ~+~~ •v.oi u..-..... ., --..., ... c-.i, .... 4-2Ml ~ 6" Gloxlna =.:-::.::':.-=."~ a-.~~1 12 .. 1 LI~ Hanging w~"-~·~,._~,,_,.. Reg. $4.99 =--·--u.• .... d ...... ::r'f:r::...~·,2 .. 1 LI l.Jft--Lou1rd •I South Cout Plu• In C~t· Mn.a All ~)Or crrd11 Cardi •nd Pothos NOW SI Ulled d•-IOlleil•r el con-w!':.::=-.~·== ~ '": · ( '\;"'i I prnon•hud Jrwrll by Jowph.•ccovnts wrkomr Phonr (71•) S40·9066 $ 16 99 MIO de un •booedo 1111 eet• -to. ,.,,_..... reg. . 13.99 d•berl• h-fo 1mmeclle1amen1e, .,..... Mo a....,. d1e11ame nera, l u re1pue1ta ~~°""'I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NOW *10 99 'ICfll•. 11 ll ay algun•. puede "' T"IJ ll•l•mer11 wu lll•d •1111 '" • reglllrlld• e ti.tn90 County a.-.. o1 o.-. Cow>ty on ~ 1. TO THE MFINDA#T: A c1•11t 74 ltft compla1n1 llH been filed by lh• Pwbll•lled 0 .... 0• co111 o:i1~}1:, plelnllff ~It you 11 you wllll 10 Aortl 1 1 I&, n . 1912 1'101~ d91etld W. leW9Ull, you mutt. within ~----------6 days •lier 1111s tummone II~ on you, Ille wtlll 11111 cour1 • written rnpc>nM to Ille complaint Un'"' -----------you do 10 yo ur deleull w_lll be PlCTTnOUe .,... .. ~ered on eppllcellon of Ille plain· M,._ ITATlmlrr and thl• cour1 mey .,,,., • Jud· r11e 1~ ~ .,. dOlnO bull· inent 1g1ln1t you for th• rener ,...P~J:te ~IACAAFT OETAll~ 1t300 demenOed In Ille compleint, wtllcn Ike JOMe Aoed, l en1a AA-. Calll0<1118 c ould ruull In 9ernl1llment o l ez707 WIQM, tailing of money Of ptoperty .Holl;ey "°°8rl Clatk 2&341S ~ or othe r reflef requelled In th• El Toro, c-n111 t2SlO c:omptalnt. f-. ~ 0.Wald, 3901 Pllf'1o. Oeted· o-Tlber 2'. 1980 "r ... ":-.. ~l>Y •o-<11 lM A. 9r-'t, CIMI ,_..... ...., C)fede. ~ .,.,, Jell Clet1< 1~11 L COTI r1111 e1a1em111t wu 111eo wllll 1111 IOO-C New1"'f C-t. ~. Coun1y Clllf'1I o1 OrlftO'I Cowlty Ofl M•Cfl New1"'t 9Mctl, Ca. taeo 5 1"2 Publllhed Orenge CoH l Dally ,_ Piiot April I a IS 22 1118'2 ' 1'111>0-O•o~ COHI Dolly PtlOI • ' ' • ' 1'118-e2 A.pt I I 16 n ttl2 t4~ ESTATE 1uc11·01 111 ORlllBE COUllTY THIS l•IYll1 P.M. Pl'Opft11 from VariotH Ow"""' lndudln11 EM.atei Conffrnwd For l'111le 8 1 TI1f' SUPERIOR OOURT, STATE OF CALIF. 111,,-.l.er tiHtlt /eHlry ~mJ1ertl•• en IN .. .,, By Order of Cttdltor In PONeNlon uf SF£URm' OOLLATERAL IN DEFAULT JEWl'·BY • Dl&•O•DI THllTY .(JO) FINE -SINGLE STONE DIAMOND llNGS 1, J & 3 CAIATS EACH A Mledlon of 140 d&unond, ttMr•Jd, Np· pMre, JMe, ruby, op.II, pe1rt, antique rlnp, br•celetl, necklace, w1tdMI and Hrrinp. DQCIU"l\11 CATALOG AYAl}MLI I WIC'f10Nt fMll SUNDAY, APllL tlth I tO A.M. •H 1 , .. 1M1 TIMI The folla-1119 public hearing I\ \Chtdultd for tht (01191Ut'!lty D!'•~l()P"fnt Obj,ctlves •nd Pl"Ojtcttd Usf of ~unds · l'ond•y. Mey l , 19112; 7:30 p Ill. thlt tenter touncll CNlltius T~ltfll'I c~rlse the City's Cl9'1th Year Housln9 and ~lty Otvelooo-ont Bloc~ Grant Sulll!l\slon for Sl,430,971 ,,.,,. the U.S. Otpar~nt of Hou\l n9 and Urwn Ottttloi-nt . You '"' U"9'd to e t tend •nd u prtss yov,. YI'°" Oft t he City's pro- poud subelhslon and Pf'09r .. 11trforNnct, or stnd written ca-.11t\ to: Office o f Housh19 •nd eo-in1ty lloelop111nt City of Huntl119ton leach 2000 Mein St,...t/,,0, Bo• 190 Huntington hetll, C.1lfort1'8 9™8 CITl Of HUllT lllGTOll IEACH HOUSING ANO COIMJH ITY OUELoPl4UfT llOCIC GIWfT P~ r11c•l Yter 1982-1993 STATEMEllT Of CMUllTY llOEU)P!QT OIJCCl lYU I. lltwltAllrat lOll of dowlltCMI co-rcl•l dhtrtct: l . 'rowlslon of c....,_,lt1 strYltt• and relate• feclltttttt; >. """* and ""'serve we 11 nh19 M l tMM>rllOoft: 4 , IMrtase tlendlUHed tceeulbl llty lO hovtt11t efld ,Wltc facllllfes: s. ''uuwe llle 1•IUl11t llovtl11t atoclt ; '· [JCJtM the lloutlnt °""rt1111ttltt of la. end ..,.,..te I~ hovt*t4'1 alld •lllOrl ty p!ll'tOlll I tft4I 1, [.,_.Ult tcOM91C °"°rlUllltltt tftUtlltt t4 t• IN 9Nltf'tt4 In~ llovttllo lds 11141 Ill 110rt t.1 ~ • ! TATPll!f I! N!NltIIR VU I! !lg f' MMt11t ...._m-.u-. Or•• C..,,.tt ,.,, """'"' C.-11 ....... fMM/c-flltt .. "''" "''" ,,,..., ,,,, ... Vltttllllfttl! ... -~ Mtfc '"'' .... "" •t.11 ........ , ,., .... -~ u _.,_, .. , ... .. "-' ..... ,'*"'~ , ... , .,.. ... .,.,, s JG0,000 H.000 ••• .... . .. ••• ... ..., ...... .,, 10" Houaeplants Choose from ficus, palms & various dracaenas reg. $24.99 NOW *16.99 1 gal. Geraniums reg. $2.99 I" lmpatlena aaeorted colors reg. $2.99 NOW'2.48 NOW *1.99 2 h.p. McU.ne . ., r,eo •• , •• NOW •:t•.• ,,---~.r.~ .ti. ·~ . ... . ~· .,, ? . • • • 8" Fuschlas In hanging baakets reg. $14.99 NOW '10.99 Roses 2 gal. reg. $5.99 NOW '3.99 0350 35hp 22 Power Propel Side DlecMrge reg. 1219.88 • NOW 1111.91 / r IM Orange Gout DAILY PILOT!Thurtday, April 22, 1"2 starts Friday, 9:30 a.m. many limited quantities ... not all sizes may be available in each grouping ... colors and styles limited to stock on hand, so shop early for best selection! • 1n our Huntington Beach store women's sportswear Now 44 MllSES' TURT\.ENECK TOPS . . . . . . . 98c 71JUNIORJEANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . 1.98 37JUHIORPANTTOPS..... . . 1.98 13 JUNIOR L SLY. TE£ SHIRTS . . 1.98 43LAAOESIZETOPS . . 1.98 197 JUNK>R PANTS . . . 1.98 19 MISSES' BEHOOVE~ PANTS . . 3.98 122JUNIORTOPS. . . 3.98 213SWEATSH&RTS ... . ..•.•... 3.98 13JUNtORLSLV. TEESHIRTS . . .... , ... 3.98 27LARG!SIZ£PANTS . . . . • .. . . . 3.98 HJUNIOACO-OADINATES ........... 3.98 74 MISSES' CO-ORDINATES 3.98 144JUNIORLSLV. TEESHIRTS . . .. . . 4.98 49...aES'S.SLV.TOPS . .. .. . .... . . 4.98 •MISSES'PAHTTOPS ...•.......... 4.98 71 JUNOR TOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.98 198JUNIOAJEANS .. 6.98 MJUNIORPOLYESTERPANTS 6.98 39LAAOESIZEPANTTOPS . 6.98 2tl.ARGESIZESWEATEAS 6.98 71 MISSES' PANTS . . . . . . . . . . 6.98 41 MISSES' PANTS................. . . . 9.98 34 JUllP8UrT8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.98 women's dresses 21 JUNIOR OREl8ES ..............•. 17 WU' OAESSES . . ............. . 32 JUMOA DA£.88ES ................. . 35 MISSES' DRESSES . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . H JUNIOR JACKETS . . . . . . . . . . . 21 MATERNfTY WARM UP SHORTS 25 MATERNITY SWEATSHIRTS . . . 15MATERNITYSWEATPANTS ..... . 14 MATERNrTY QUILTED JACKETS . NOW 9.98 9.98 14.98 .14.98 25.98 4.98 6.98 . 6.98 14.98 lingerie, loungewear NOW 52 BIKINI UNDERWEAR . . . . . . . . ......... 98c 43 BRANDED BIKINI UNDERWEAR . . . . . . . . . 1.98 11BABYOOLL8 ............... . . . . . . .. 1.98 198RANOEDUNDERWIREBRAS . . . . . 2.98 21 SHORT GOWNS .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. 2.98 28FEMINIH£LOHOOOWHS ........... 3.98 11CHEMtSES . . . . . . . . . ......... ~ . 3.98 12 CAMISOL£8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 3.98 24BRAHD£0SOFTCUPBRAS . . ......•... 4.91 28 FUU FIGURE BAAS . 5.98 12UNtFOAMSMOCKTOPS ................ 5.98 130UtlTEDBEDJACKETS ................ 5.98 25 POL YICOTTON lONO GOWNS . . .. .. . . . 7.98 28LONO WARM R09ES . . . . 9.98 women's accessories NOw 128 TUBE TOPS . . . . . . . . . . . 48c 1t PEHCll SHARPENERS .................... 48c 11HAT8 •.................................. 98c 34 tWA ACCESSORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.91 32 SUNCM ASSES .. . . . . . . .. .. . .......... 1.91 II NYLON WALLET8 .........•............. 2.91 21 NYLON TOTH ........................ , . 3.48 214 NYLON TOTH ......................... 5.91 12NYLONQAAMENT8AGS .. .' ............ 1.91 '3wo.N'llH0£8 ....................... 2.98 ~TOPI •...•.............................. 3.91 21 DIOfTALCLOCKa ....................... 4.48 i11fants and toddlers NOW 27,ACRM ...•...•..............•...... 28c 21~80TTLU ................... 41o 47TODOLIRI' PUMEI ..................... tic 21 TOOOLW' Yim.RAINCOATS ......... 1 ... 1aTOOOLW'Tm .... , ................. 1.98 DTOODl.IM' tlGHTQOWNI ... • ....•...••• 1 • '1TOOOl..m•'~'A.IAllAI ....... 1M ·=-· GIPTlnl .................... 2.98 ,, ~LtJICnll.UNM ....... 2.• it...,...~1'9UITI ''.' ........... '3.98 .,...,...,,MTI ................ ~ .. 3.98· •TOOOLW'OVIRAU.S ................. , .. IMAUFIM ... , .... , ....... , , . , . : ........ 1.98 11WMT'l'OULTID~ ......... 10M l"-AYYAROI ........•. , ......... , ...... 8M buys for gtrl1 · NOW 11 um.t ..... VllWLMllCOATI ....... ~·lie 11um.a ..... ,,... .•.......... 1 .. ., ..... II lllMIT1W ......... UI llLml.l__.l'Dfll ... '. ' .. ' ............ I.II 11•-.-.:19' It t • t t f t f • 1 t t t 1 t t t t. t t &II buyi'for girls NOW 33LITTLEGIRLS'PAJAMAS . . . . . . . 2.98 11 BIGGIRLS'LSLV.LEOTARDS .... , ....... 3.98 27 BIG GIRLS' SWEATSHIRTS . . . . . . . . . 4.98 43 BIG GIRLS' B~KET SLEEPERS . . . . 4.98 "D BIG GIRLS' FAMOUS MAKER PANTS 5.98 25 LITTLE GIRLS' JEANS . . . . . • . . . ..... 5.98 59 PRETEEN DRESS SLACKS . . . . . , . . . . 5.98 43 PRE"nEN FAMOUS MAKER JEANS ....... 5.88 31 LITTLE GIRLS' SWEATSUITS .... 7.98 buys for boys NOW 22 BOYS' SUNGLASSES . . . . . . . ..... 48c M BIO BOYS' WESTERN SHIRTS . . . ... 98c 187 LITTLE BOYS' HOODED TOPS . . . . . . ... 1.98 79UTTLEBOYS'SWEATS . . . . . ........... 1.98. 29BIOBOYS'SWEATCLOTHES . . . 1.98 40 BIO BOYS' SWEATS . . . 1.98 32 BOYS' KNrT HATS . 1.98 10 LITTLE BOYS' SLEEPERS . . . . . . . . 2.98 49 BOYS' RAINCOATS 4.98 19 BIG BOYS' JACKETS . . . 11.98 buys for men NOW 121 S. Sl. V. PLAID SHIRTS 2.98 15WESTEANHATS ....... _ 2.98 11COLLAREOSHIRTS . . .•. . . . 3.98 15 PRINT FRONT T-SHIRTS • . 3.98 19FAMOUSMAKERT·SHIRTS ......... 3.91 101 S. SLV. DRESS SHIRTS . . . . . . 3.98 17 S. SLY. WESTERN SHIRTS . . . . . . . 4.98 53 L SLY. otANA SPORT SHIRTS 4.98 11 POL VESTER/COTTON SHIRTS .. 5.98 27 FASHION T,.SHIRTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 5.98 21 L SLV. WE8T£RN SHIRTS ................. 5.98 ,.....41 FAMOUSMAKEA8WEAT8HtRT8 ......... 5.91 25V·NECK8WEATEA8(P9M<OHLY) ........ 9.91 11 HOOOEDPUUOVEASWl!ATIHIRT8 .•.. 9.98 2tMEN'IFASHtoNPAHTI ................. 10.98 23 GENTLEMEN'S JEANS . . . . . . . . , ........ 11.91 19ZJPFAONT8WEATSHIRTS .•..•..•.... 11.91 141 RACING JACKETS ................... 14.98 23 UOHTWEIOHT JACKETS . . . . . . . . . . . . •. 17.98 shoes for the family NOW 29MEN'SCAtfVASCASUAL.8 . . . • . . . . .• 2.91 25 WOMEN'S SUMMER SAHOALS . . . . . . . .• 2.91 21 WOMEN'S SUEDE CASUALS . . . . . • . . • . . 3.91 1tWOMEN'8CA8UAL PUMPS ............... 3.98 31 BOYS' NYLON JOGGERS . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . 7.91 21MEN'SHYLOHJOOOEAS .... . . .. . . . . .• 7.91 43WOMEN'8FASHIONCASUALS ............ 7.98 23BOYS'CAtfVASCOURTIHOE8 ........... 7.98 37M£N'SCASUAL8 ...... ,,, ..... , .......... t .98 31 MEN'S LEATHER SUPP!A8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.91 123 MEN'S FAMOUS MAKER OECKSHOU .... 10.91 t3 WOMEN'S FAMOUS MAKER CASUALS .... 10.M 85WOMEN'I DMSllUOE ............ : ..... 13.te 3380Yl'IUEDBCA8UALS •................. 13.91 27 WOMatl HIGH HEIL AHt<L£ WRAP . , . , ... 11.91 yardage and notions NOW t7 YDI. JUV!NILITRIMI ..................... '8c 37 CRAFT PATT!RNS ....•.................... 48c 131YDl:~flERYARD .... ,, •........ lie 143 YD9. COTTOfWOL Y TROPICALI , ..•..... 1.18 13YDl.COTTOfWOLYVILftT ..•........... 4 .. tlAmtC.IHIETI ...................... •.91 to ~ your home NOW 41TOASTIRCOYIM ......................... 21c ,.~ ................................ lie 101 TOW'l&..I .. ' .. I ' • • • • • • • • • • ••• ' ' •• ' ' •• ' •• 1 M UKrT'CHINCURTAM ...................... 1M lllM.T AN0'9PlrtllTI .................. 1• 11llfBTI ... '''' ... ' .. '' ................ ''a.II f7lfBTI .... '' .............. '. ' ' ......... ' .. .. •IHOWlftctMTAM ........ , ... ·'· ........ I.II II KAC:litTOWIL.I .......................... I.II ,,ll:.£-..:llTI t ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I.II 21..,..CURTAM ..................... , 11.11 1100• ORJW .......................... 11.11 Jewelry buy1 11111D¥1L.n-..................... 111 tlllllll"Al.WA~ ....... la ., ••••••••••••• 1W lllllll"Al.WA""9 ...... ' ' •.....• ' .••.. 'II ,_. H,umln9ton B••Oh. • 9811 Adams Ave . . at Brookhur1t St. ' • z Si~~'i\i;:! Try convertible bonds ... u.:ltOW. -~~:;dj"u. Paper flexible investment during uncertainty ~----...... -........;;.;;-...;.;;.;;;~--~ By JEFFREY ~PATRICK The Dow Jones Averap haa fallen well below 900, the country t. tn a .......ion and inter.t ratel have yet to make a lianiflcant decllM. At the ume time,/:: feel that the economic movee by lclent Reapn will have polit.tve ef fecta in the near future, and that lntereet rat.ea ~IJI belin to fall during tho IUrnmtt. Many people believe in thta scenario but eeem to Lick the lnlight into how to tran1Jate their ••gut feellnp" Into investment strategy and action. One atralefY la to begin ahlf\ing 11'\Vettment portfolios from common stocks and cuh hweatmenta to con- vert.Ible bonds. If the economy worsens, and cor- porate eaminga fall, It might be pre- ferable to hold corporate debt or hate preferential position as compared to .• common shareholders. Aicht now is 1 put time ln addition, there it a higher ln\e- to buy pct. And since real rate on the money than with Kru~errands come 1n con· common stockt, which will compen- ven1ent one, Ya.V•. and 1110 sate investort as they wait for the ounce sizes, gold 1s easier "bull market." than ever to own. Buy a Here'• one example: few each month and hold them-fOf coll~e tuition, . National Education Corp .. baled in a dream vacation, °' Newport Bead), is a leading national golden retirement years reeource company. It has a $15 mllllon ilaue of convertible bond.a which trade KIUGQMHD GOLD™ on the New York Excha.Jlae. ~w;;;;ow;;;iili1-•IWNIT .... UOUHi The bonda pay 91.4 percent of $1,- ml MKArthur Blvd. <•t 8Hcn) 000, the original face value, or $98.75 llWPllT IUOI per year in interest. The entire issue (714) MMH1 will mature in the year 2000 when the r==========d company will pay back the ownen of H=u~~n,a IWapin_g 1elet.'llon of Qualified Hopefuls in the DAILY PILOT ..JfELP WANTED ADS MUTUAL FUND the bonds the original $1 ,000 invest- ment. What maket th.la bond attractive to buyers la that the owners have the right to tr9de or convert the bond for 59.45 shares of oommon stock whene- ver they desire. U you buy the bond at its current llVlllllRI f rlce of SH, you would be paylni 16.48 tor the common ahar8. Currently, National Education oomrnon trades on the New York Ex- change for •12.7& or 30 percent te. than the prtC. our bond lnveator is ~~g. Why does anyone buy the The bond paya a 10 percent ca1h yield while the common pay• no cuh dJvidend at all and the bond interest la a debt of the company if not paid on the 1em1-annual payment dates. If the economy beJhU to recover, interest rat.es fall and the Dow J ones Average leapt into a new bull market. convertible 1ecurltle1 will produce smaller caplt:a] pins, u compared to inveaton who boldly took ~Uons in common •tocks. But this 'middle of the road" investment posture doea offer an attractive risk-reward aitua- Uon given the current ecoi\omy. (K.il~trlck iafretfident of Newport Securiries Corp. Airline goes . to Mammoth Air Irvine Ls offering service to the Mammoth ski mecca. F1lghta leave John Wayne Airport on Saturda)'I at 7 a.m. and return at 4 p.m. Air Irvine will arrange for trans- portation to and from the main lodge. The fare to Mammoth la $76 one way plus tax. oowws ~\.. '?\. Oii Pct JS. J ""°" .. t "" Oii JU JV> -.. Oii 11.t .-. -' Oii 17.4 '"" -'"" °" 161 ' tl• Off lM Jll& -_.., Of! IS.4 •Iii -11& Oii l.S.0 J\<o .. °" 1.U 1" " Off tU ,.. -Vt °" 11.J IYI V't Of! 1U '" -.. °" 11.0 J .... °" 11.1 ~--OfftU •141 -"'>0lllLJ '"°' -'4 Oii IU J\I, -'4 Off IU .... -"' °" 10.t ,._ -.. Off ... ,.. __ Oii .... ,..., -" Oii '·' not -llt Oii '·' n---Olt u \•In .. , -, ..... ----t"""' 1-:~ & ~:. 1AI 10 4 ;;-; " IW. • 11io Ii. '~ .... t '1 1 Hlh 11io • I : l!l ~L: ..... , ... U1JM • _.,.. AclNC 1A , 17 JI " Ac,,._ 1\.9 7 1 1'11+ llio ~a.A:.~:,= .... ....... ... " . "-•"' AN+O 0 ,. =· " ~ ti .~"ii '~.~.~ mti:. :: i! 'I =: = ---A021 ~ "-• .... AIMoe " ,,. 17'1.-" AUPplAU7 . 1 2S\li+llio =~ ,. .: .: J.. :-::: Al.IP '11 .... .. dD Ullio+ llio Alet1C» 1AI S J U + \ot Ahli•... .. 4 141 1~ • ...__, I.JD t IO ~llio Altletn 1 ' It J1'11 • "" Alc.M 1.a • bl .... Ak.S. I.GI 7 1G 111 AlnAI 111 ... 10 >14 Jt\11,., iu.11c1r .. """· AllQCp I.Ill J2 4t + 11, Aiec. pna JI It w Ale!,. IA 4 D ~ II• ...... pll t." 10 • .-. Aitl plC11 2S IS 1411> + \olt ""'""" t.,. • Jl1 " • "" Alle<>G I 7 2A I~ '-AildQI lAI 4 '62 JJ\oo "' Al«p .. ,. u 4N>-"' AIOCa> "' u J 9'11> AIOMlll 1 JDI 1lf't AlldSlr 1.a m 1131-..,. " AlcJTeC " .. 11 It • "' AIUIOI 4 I~• "" "'''°' lllS• . u 3IWa ..... Alltillu I •• IS SJ U\I'>-\olt "'-'Pr • . . I 10'-Atco. 1.10 t 2Jt 1S .... --s J '° 47 ..... Ama AO I ., ~ + '- Atrvu l.Jl • • is"' Alfwc pll.llJ I J6 "' -.. 1.10 1 m , .... " .._.lllUO 1" ~ • 10 12 'D7 2'-NnAir •:sm 14 . l,Alr .t m , M ir 111 2 11 1t IJI'-• 11> .... "' ., .... "' Allold s U0 6 111 Qll,. 14 ...... , 2.7J J 21"' Allele UO 1 U1 1S\4t . . A81dM 1 I ti U\4t + .... ABlaAI .1' 6 11 11-.-v. AmCarl 2... 1 Dt J7ll> • " ACM! pl 2M J JI 14 AClltry lllt 14 12 --" ~\.. rn ~ : I! . ~ A£1Pw t.>6 I W1 17f't • \II ~:::. t.: :lf.! ':": ~ AGftQ> 2111 • '° 41-... AGllld t.1k CJ It\/. AGftCV 1.llle D 2t + " Atwflt n IO llO 1011< AHoltl I 12 S ll IM\ A-2 11 11U IM!I. AHolo 1.lA 14 Ital .,...._, AMI s .S1 12 !G n~. w ,.,._ .... ~·"' "*111 n J S ID ,. ~~ 1 ~ .... A$llp • 1119 s 1S ·-" ~ 2111 1 D >6»• 1-. AS44ri1 .a n "' .m,. • " ArnSlr , 7 .., ~ ASlr pl S.SI 1 -· Ill ATT SAO t MS3 '6\0o • II> ATT pl 4 10 ll'lo • _., ATT pl U4 IJ ~. ATT pl 174 4 11114 • "" AW~r 1.111 4 S 14 AWat pf 1.2S dO Pot AWa liJfl 1.lS LIO --. 111 Mwroll IAO 4 I ~ ......0 s ... I 7• M "-I 111 11 It ~ I'> 4""« I .. 1 !11 ~ " = ·-: ·: 21: f,lt;:: Amf'9P 111 IS 7'- AM5"' "' tO S J2 -.. " ..... 1-1t0 4G ~ .. """" "' ... , ' ..,.,...., JA '" 24 '- Mloe ' JS '"'. '"' Alie-1.1' 11 lstlt + II\ .MCI.., ' J2 1t 111 -"' ~l\.1Dt Ult 14 "'911< t0 10 •IS --\Oo ~ 1 a IO t\4 a..+ "' Alolstr s .» 12 121 INt . _.,. .J2S ltlJV>-\lt _.,., ... t 7141• ... ....,_ M 12 D4 !Jiiii-1111 AelfllP ""1-64 ti'-• I ~fl(7C t90 -lo'I ....... "'2.65 ' 17 • II> ........ ,,. .. "' ArUM m ~. Ar(• pl 2 I SI I Arc.I pl 1. It . 1' JI.,.._ .. At<""'-. ,... 1 '°'' lt\lt ... M11PS UI 1 lt12 21"-• II. 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"' " .c , • 171/t \It 81lrl,.1 tO 1 1102 ~ 11. --.l2 11 • --"' ..-, 1AO t 115 tl'4 • '-BICIU pl 2.0. !NII~ UO 6 llO ::i:~E,:: ,~ !Nit 1118 4.JO llOD 9enC4ll 1.111 IJ 61 ...... t010 1t 9MQP a S to aN'r uo • 11 IUIV• t. 16 t IS "*Am 1.J2 6 UM """"' uo ' 7 ._Tr Ud S 410 llllTr pf 2.JD 12 llllTt pl 02 .. 17 ._ .11 • 7 .....CR A 1A m hrll(;p I It 1) ............ 111 1:1"ct.a ·i • ... , n .. .Ml •• ._,. , ... ,. "°' tll!T•, ..-ums = Ut~ ': ~,ft:,: ~-UI .. 17 ;;r.., uo 11 110 ....... m ... s ... :C ~ 11111 .J4 '° ~ ... Hel Orange Oou1 OAILV PILOT/Thurlday, April 22, 1982 8 NYSE . COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS l lltUTIOMt l,.Cl.\1,,1 t,t&Htlll Ttll NIW ¥ti•, MltWllT, ,.,.,,,, ,. •. IOIHll+ H TIOIT &llt ClllllCllllllTI HOO llCltAlftH AH I llOoit'U tYTltl UH Alilt 1111t1'91t 11 • .., .... 211 2..._ "' 11 n " • "" " 111 UI\ ""1 • 11> I CI U .. , I~ ,.. . . .-. "' I 11 J ,,,... "' ) llJ l't\io-.• IOU 14 ..... • ,. It JO • I SO t .40 • 10 J .. II 2:10 • 145 ·~ ... " ,.~. 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I 11io , I • + "' V.-Wlll A f ,. UD \.4 e:· VeflDrfl 1 U 6 21 tn~~·~ • ... ' "' v-w " ,,. ' ., .,___ "' .llO t IP VI V•IM '1 M t MI M\h .. • .M t 1tt ~. llio '.If-Al • II '° lfl :t ~-=--= ·~ i·~: IO I 1 'l _.. • I v,wtte 1.-1' "°' .... If 1,1 t _,..1 • ?? ..,...,. t _it It ta. .. i -VIC"" Ill Uf , t ..._. '-~· :: M li ~ ~:-'I '-U Ir!: "'.~ ,~ fl' • = ~ .... :1.. • ... "'"" ': j ll.'! ·-~ " t , .. ~! ii ,, r ... =·... : ~ .. .! 1,, '=. \'t rjT ~ .i i :': ,,i t6 I ~S ... •! .i ~ H.E. "Bert" Sltt11ng r of Orange h.u been na med president of Heritage Bank, SUIClt'ftldln Robert D. Hoyt, who wa.e elected pttai· dent of the bank's newly fo.nned holding company, Her itage Bancorp . At 38, Slezlnger 11 one of the> youngest bank presldent.e ln Southern CalHomui . Since July, 197 1, he h as served aa exe<"ut1ve vlce prni· dent. Heritage operatee eight of- fices an Orange County and ont• 1n San Diego. Mexican beer pron1otion due Supenor. a beer m Mexico, will be promoted in major Ca.J1forrua marketa through a radio and print advert151ng campaign beglnnmg this month. . Manuel Fernandez, president of Moctezuma lm· 1ports, Inc .. West Coast importer of Superior. said the campaign will be aim~ at both H.ispa.ruc and Anglo communites Created by Basso & Associates of Newport Beach, MoNezuma's advertising and public relatJons agency. the ad verllsmg effort will kick off with 60-second sports on Hispanic radio stations in both Northern and Southern California Crocker cuts niortgage rate Crocker Bank has lowered its home mortgage rau- to 16'1: percent from 16"• perc.-ent . The rate applies to Cracker's five-and seven-year mortgages which are amort1zed over 30 years. ·oft ware ystem introduced A software system that pemut.s MSU88s model handheld computers to gt-nerat.e mtemally thel.J' own customized data entry apphc·at1on programs has been mtroduc:ed by MSI Oat.a Corporation. Cost.a Mesa ... Computer earnings dip Computt-r Automation. Inc . a manufacturer of d1vers1f1ed computer produt·ts. reported a net 106.1 of $542,000, or 26 cents a share, and revenues of $16.-, 119,000 for the third quartPr ended March 31 PSA declare dividend PSA Inc:. d1r<'<'lors d<'C'lared a cash dividend of 15 cents per share to shareholdc·rs of record on Apnl 29 . The d1v1dend w1JJ be paid May 14 STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS NEW YOtll( ll'PI Tiie loll-..0 11111 .,_.. !he ~ Yon Sl«Jl £~ \toelll --·-· N I --.. ,,.,,__ -"" --.. 1:,rc.,.,....,: ,,_.. ,__ ol _.. NO 91<"'11ft ,,_,.. -U .,. 111(1 udM .... -..-<--~-""' ... _._._.,...,.._,_,. p<lQ -_.., , • 0 '" IW'l<e UPS ~·-Cha , . "' •"6 • -.,. "' . .,. ""' t 11\11 ..... ,.... ,, . . "" ''"' • 1"9 1"' •... ,,... • I'. '"' . ~ '"' lft ~,., ..... IS\-\ + "" s ... "" ,. . , ,. . '"' J • "' .... "' "'. "" OOWMS I.Aft OICI tl~ -1\ot ""--""' -"' ,,.. _ .. --~ IM -l't GOlD COINS ""' -'"" 21111 -'" ,... -14 " -" • .., _,\lo ...__ ," ,....,,_11111 iW. -Ill> ,.._ ,..,, ,.._ -.. ·~ -~ ...,_1...,, ,.~ -"' ,__ ..... PO VP 2U Up IU VP 1•.4 VP l•J VP I)) VP l?J VP 111 Up 111 VI llt "" 101 VO IOt VI IOI Up '°' VP ti VII ti Up " VP '1 Up 11 VP I.~ PO ()II tO . Off ,. Off ... Off , .. Off , • ()fl , ' ()fl , Olt ,. °" ,, Ofi .. 4 g: ~, °" " ()fl u °" " Olt u Off u Off u g: t: .New Y~K j"Pl -. Pric.e 1111 Ti.a· 4'y of QOIO CO nt, C~ Wftll Mon· dlY'O~. l(n1..,-reh4, 1 troy 01 .. 139 t.75, up t &.00 . ...... 1e1f, 1 lroy 01 .. '38'.1&. llP uoo. . ......... 80 peeo. I I troy CL, 1432 00. ..... '° A..,._ 100 crown, 1102 Uoy oa , "'41.10,up .. ~ '°"'°'· 0..-~· NEW VOllOCIAPJ !" ..... ~---tor -"4w11 \TOCKS lO '"" IO Trro CZ: .. :r10 ~. =. ~ IS VII tS St• "'" ld°' ,,.. M2D-111 111 '1 11 Hll 111 • 112.Sh tJ7 m 11 m " 111 " Dt n. 1-n ·~ Tr ... Vt•lt u Siil WHAT STOCKS DID "t:W '(()411( IAPI ""' 71 ->l.....,UOIO NEW YC)ftlC IAPI METALS ,_., IMI * 4lO , .. •1 n • JI r--, 111 JN JDo ,.. II • S11f,ll/O t..DUOO --a.m.- C•PP•• 16• .. 1• c1n11 . POUl'IO. v:. ontonetoona ' LIN 26-37 _,,, • po.Ill(! Z1M »·39 <*Ila • poui>q. '*'-.0 Tiii H S71t tMt• Weeli ~te It> A""""""°' 76-71 ~II I pol.ft! NY lllercW)' $380 00 .,., lleM ~l38000lf0¥01.,N Y SILVER Mencfy I WWmetl. 17 200 pet troy--. GOLD QUOTATIONS ,_., l.ofldo11: m0tn1ng fixing 1341 10, up $390 l.1ncto11: a1111noo11 li•tnQ 1340 15. 'IP u 1ft I PMle: $3.44.09. °" IO 03 Pt1nll11Kt: $347 117. on I0.03. Zurich: L•ll lh1lng 1345 00 bid. up 53 00. $348..00 Nkld H•ndr 6 Nar1111n: OlllV deity quo11 $3'8 76, up 13 76 lnfMMle only dilly quot• '341.76. up S3 75 I~ on1y Cltllly OUOt• labt1cal9d 1364 00 up 13 •• SYMBOLS ==::.==""--..,.,.. ... #10"9 __, M ..... .......,. . ---""··-.......... ... -----.....--....-.. -..-111 .................. _ .....-... ..-... ~,----...... ~-0..-et .... '" ... -•no It -~ ..... _ _._ ....... ,.,..... .... ,_ ........ .,..... -... .. ,. ---·-....... -.~ .. ,., .. ,.., lfl _ _. .. -~ _.. .. _ ........ _,..._., ............... ,._...,,___ ........ ._ .................. _...._ -............................ .. ................ ,. . ..._._ _ ....... .--...... c...c.tlN .. .,._._,_ ·-• _ _........_ __ _ ..... ... t.-,.. -...... tl!M:••• .......... ................................ ,......,. ...................... __ • Orange CoMt DAILY PILOT /Thurtd.y, April 22, 1N2 I' ' irms tell • promotions ••• Palrtck lwetMy of lrvlne h-. been elected to the boud of direc10n for Conunuter Tranlportadon 9ervtce.. Inc. (Commuter Computer). Jlm Davt., president of HuUa11oa Nauo .. 1 a.M. mnounced the appointment of Vuee llala- U.. II vb pl'elident in clw'je of cornnMtrdal loans. Fruk C. Colndao of San Clemente has been named aeneral manaaer-commercial/indu1trial producta for l'rr CaHOD•Nortll America. Tllemu 0 . Morpa of Irvine has been named aeneral manaaer of circular product• for ITT Cm• Nortll America. A•.U (Al) M. CoaeallDo has been appointed president Qf EECO Compater he., a recently esta- bllabed, wholly owned subsidiary of EECO Incor- pona\ed. &ea Nelaoa hat been appointed an agent with the Allllate lu•ruce Company in the office in the Sean Building, South Coast Plaza Mall, Costa Mesa. The board of directors of Newport Harboar NaUoul Bull has elected Lloyd R. Mlller execu- tive officer. In addition, Gantber E. HerlDI has been elected to the board. Miller was vice president and manager of the corporate banking group at Sun West Bank in Newport Beach. MJe'8el Ftalaer has been named vice p~dent and manager of the Santa Ana branch of Hertcage Buk. He had been with the Bank of Newport as Uliltant vice president, cornmetdal loan officer. Rebeck Deslp Alaoclates, Inc. has opened an Orange County office at 1201 Dove Street, Suite 250, Newport Beach. The interior planning and design flrm office ia headed by Randy Bera, for- merly design director of RMM, lnc.'s Seattle office. Coldwell Buller announced that Wiiiiam Mvrell will be responsible for marketing the $~ million Warmington Plaz.a, a major urban buaine9I complex in Santa Ana. He will co-manage the sale team with Cltack Salllvan. James B. Marovtall of Newport Beach has joi- ned Crocker Bull'• metropolitan bankina depart- ment as an aam.t&nt vice presidenL He bacl for two years been at Wells Fargo Bank. in Newport Beach. 'r.he BarleqalD Dinner PlaylloHe selected Madeline Zackerm a D Pabllc Relatlona/ AdvertltiDg, 'I\tatin, to handle public relatlom and adv.erti&ing for the theater, at 3503 South Harbor Blvd .. Santa Ana. Santa Ana-based Med.Ja One, a sublidiary of Western Digital. announced th~ appointment of Alu Boal aa president. E laine B. Madrid hu joined LB Raearda, a manufacturer of switching-regulated power 1up- plles, u manager, marketing .etviom. She wu ad- vertising and sales promotions manager at Newport Electronics. Inc. James R. Allor, of Huntington Beach. hu joi- ned the Santa Ana office of Arthr Yoaa1 & Company, a Big Eight in ternational accounting firm, as a manager in the management services department. He was director of consulting for C.ompucare, Inc .. a national hospital EDP systems firm based in Fountain Valley. Mlclaael G. Rapes of Irvine, has been named tenior vice president, loan ad.ministration. at Heri- tage Bull. Leonard A. Morcan has been appointed vice president and head of corporate banking at Bank of America's Irvine Industrial branch In Newport Beach. Gregory B. Stewart of Huntington Beach, who hu worked for Arthur Rubloff and Company in Los Angele. and Secured Equities, Inc .. Cerritos. joined Fro11 Spence Trlnea, Costa Mesa, commer· da1 brokerag~ company, as a broker. Downey Savings reports prof it Downey Savings & Loan Association has re- ported net earningl of $101,000, or 2 centa per share. lor the first quarter. ~ Thia oomparea to the year-earlier period when 1 a ~ of $4.379,000, or 93 oenta. was posted. I Revenuee of $47.3 million for the f1nrt quart.er repl9el\t a 30 percent lncreaae over the $36.4 mil-l lion pelted for the like quarter in 1981. Spring Gas Bar- B-Q ·Sale In Progress ·AM<;O • \)\~D~BS Sl!pp'J; •• d 'Hlw .. ,_ COOl'dlutloa ol 11» *-911 .. •"•we lw ,._.,,.-.ct. Ari'strl IMnlwan for:· ............ RS, BATH, KITCHEN, BAllS, €MllNET AND IA TH ACCISSORllS ' (71•) ,.Z~ll4 C-..11 .... Capital_ Star buys Parkford C.pital Star Petroleum hu purchued appro- ximatefy 42 percent of the ouwta.ndlni and 1-ued shares of Parkford Petroleum Inc. from the Com- bridae Group HoJdin8 Corp. of Newport Belch. ~arkford Petroleum 11 an oil and p1 producer and exploration company operatJna In the mld- oountry area of Kanas, Oklahoma and Texu and is prodl,adna from 28 oU and gu wellt. C.pltal Star Pe&.roleum Cha.lrman Rober\ Bu- ceta wW uaume chainnanahlp of Parklord Petro- leum along with Patricla Thibault as chief executive officer. ~ Frank Jordan of Houaton. formerly with Ex- .. xon Corp., has been appointed president and chief operatin§ officer. Grand Opening That's It/ SNAIL POISON O%olf l1t1nn1tio Ti•• Ill l11ti1tl• lt~I~• ti••r #0111 s9aa 24 separate tabs for hourly programming. 9&ANVO M9901 111WFI lla4it SttrH Caaett• T.,. lleoortl1r Garage Door Springs P728 BEACH CHAIRS Atumnum frame with hMvv blue canvas oovera. /r-•. Fire Extinguisher Model #110 ABC K For most types of fires K idde THE FOOD PROCESSOR CITRUS JUICER O F~Tk~ZOOl • For extracting JU!Ce from ordnges, grapefruit lemons & lime Recipe included • Sizes to fit most food processors. ancludanq oll Cu1s1nart models. lllLll .. . . SMOKE ALARM Including Battery Atari Game Cartridges priced from $11.88 Activision Game Cartridges priced fro~ $18.88 McGUIRE CAR CLEANER WAX Top Quality Liquid Wax 99 A Shear Deal All purpa11 pruner tor mOet P'-Uftlnl n11d1 Includes leather sheath.· ..... ......... . CUISINART , LIST our price DLC10E $130199.99 DLCSE $1851 149.99 DLC7E $260S l 99.99 DLC7PRO $27512 19.99 Foot Pumps Black mid Decker Stowaway STEP STOOL Hoover. POITAPOWll"' . VACUUM CllANlll Very powerful, very handy vacuum -· Gas Barlteques . -. Special Sale Include•: • Cart • Quartz l9nitor • Tonk • Porcelain Ceolclng Grid 5 Yr. Butner Warranty We cony replacement parts for: • Char...-Oil • Ducan• • Chann9low • WelMr AMIDI taLS 5620 Santa Ma canyon Rd. (It Imperial Hwy.) I 911-5212 . ::------~ .... -. ~ .. ......~ ~-- --------- Ill\ I . Dilly Piiat THURSDAY. APRIL 22. 1982 Corona del Mar HIBh COMICS cs continue§ atop the TELEVISION C6 red-hot baseball race ENTERTAINMENT c ·~11111@~ alter 1-0 win. See C3. I Marathon ·ruiliier survives heat . Thanks to extra fluids, Costa Mesa's Mason finish es 15th at B oston BY CURT SEEDEN or ... ....,,......,. 1be ecene wu a ICarY one, indeed. Shortly alter he had won the Bolt.on Marat.hon Monday, Alberto Salazar lay on f :tlOt. h1a arma riddled with needles ~ to pump life into his 1everely de- r bydnted &ody. Salazar'• temperature had dropped to 88 ~ af&tt the race, but within an hour ft bad climbed to 95 thanks to the lntnvenoua dextrose and sodium chlo- ride IOIUtion. race. F.ech tJ.me he tried to drink water, "What apparently happened to Al- he would cramp. So, he skipped the berto wu that he dehydrated becaYR he water. With the temperatures in Bolton didn't take ani flulda. It'• a real da.nae- in the 701, it didn't take long for the roua alt~Uon, Muon aaya. "That'• why winner to begin dehydrating. they had to pwnp int.ravenous fluids into That'• why Cotta Mesa's George Muon. hlm. among othen, apent most of the momlng "lt'a like a car that runa out Qf oil. The prior to the race, drinking. He awakenec1 engine actually freezea up. I'm Jure the Monday morning to aev-eral gluaea of bo<1y does the same thlna· The body can electrolyte eolution and continued drin-juat quit." king fluids up until 11 a.m. -about one Muon's body didn't quit. Thia wu hla hour before the race began. thlrd Botton Marathon. The native of "He's (Salazar) had problems like thllt. Clarksville, Ark. -about 100 miles weal ln the put,'' aaya Muon, who returned to of Little Rock.-aaya he was feeling Saluar set a record for the Botton Costa Meaa Wednesday with a medal good when he heard hla halt-marathon Marathon, clockin° a 2:08.51, but for e~ ·•~()()" apllt He "-·-"' he had a aood shot at 0 " ,. .f'-'-hed l .. th with a . ,.... ... ~ 0 aeveral terrifying momenta, it hardly uUll .., flniahinlc among the elite top 10 runners. wmed worth the effort. time of 2:1 .55. When he arrived, Salaz.ar •"At &aton, the halfway mark ~ust ~S..~l~az~11~r.!'1~p~ro~bl~e~ma~be~g~an~d~unn~·~g~t~h~e _ _:w~aa~be!nl~~~trea~ted~..!:b2y~docto~~ra!:,. _____ 2ha~Pfjpenl~~t.o~be at the creat of a hill,' he • • says. "Of the final 13 m1le1, there are about four flat miles and then heart- break hill for eight miles. When I heard my split ( 1:08) 1 was feeling real good. I ran real hard for the next aeveh miles but by the time I reached the 21-mile mark, I was really out of gaa," he adda. Muon, who both runs for and la em- ployed by Athletes in Action ln Fountain Valley, says he wu just pleased to keep "picking off" (pauing) runnera. The 26-year-old runner competed in his first l3oeton Marathon In 1977. One year earlier, he finished second in the Omaha Marathon. The winner of that race received free airfare to compete at Boston. But when he became lll, the Omaha officials offered the chance to Mason. Mariners find a little relief MARATHON MAN -Costa Mesa'• George Maaon was 15th at the Boston Marathon. ,Reuss in total Ca udill applies h eat on ~ngels C~Tc!!l;~n~ .,..,._... DOING A HAT DANCE -San Diego's Juan Bonilla goes high to avoid San Frandaco's Al Holland Wednesday night. The Padres won their eighth straight. Brodeur says bye bye to Kings Goalie leads-Canucks into NHL's version of Final Four VANCOUVER, Britisb Colwn- b&a (AP) -Rkhard Brodeur of the Vancouver C.nucka kilowa he illn't invincible, but it would be hard to COf\vlnce the Los An- plee K.inp. Brodeur, at 5-7 and 160 pound a, backstopped the Ca- nuckt to the Stanley Cup aemi- flnala Wedne9day night with yet another vlrtuoeo performance durln1 a 5-2 victory over the · ~ not lnvlnclble becauae I know that 80lne nl&ht I could let In five, ax or llt'Yen goala," 18.id Brodeur after a 30-aave perfor- a.a. I The Canucb lldvanced to the J'inal Four veralon of the Natioml Hockey Lee&ue· playof~ OD the aoeltendlnc ol Brodeur, a hlUinc defeme arid 10me t.imely ICOriJ\l ln wlnntn1 the beat-of- l9Wll Smythe Dlvlmoo final .. 1 en..-. B'1 the tint time in the 12-yew MJIL bl11ory of the francblae ct.-Vancouwr Ml llJl pMt the quarterflnall. In fact, the Ca- nuckt won their f1rat playoff ae- ries ever when they eliminated the Calgary Flame• in three ~~es in the divlaional Brodeur, the player teammate Darcy Rota calla "our main 9Quee"Ze back there," hat allowed only 19 goala in e{ght playoff garnea. . The Canucka now play the champions of the Norri.I Dlvjaion -the Chicago Black Hawkt lbd the St. Louia Blun 3-2 in that playoff. . Rota. .:ored two key goela for the Canucks in .the eecond period ln game ·uve; the lut·wlth 19 aeconds left ih the period to etve Vancouver a 4-2~vantaaie 80(na lh~ the.~,O rnlnut.-. , Jim Nill, defenaeman Doug Halward and Cu.rt Ftuer aCored the other Vancouver IOA1a before a aellout crowd of 16°,413 at the Pacific Coliseum which conti- nually 1an1 "Goodbye, L.A., Goodbye" 1n the 1-t period. The Kln11. who upaet tbe Unt·place Edmonton Olten in five games in the Smythe semi- finals, g ot goals from rookie BemJe Nlcholla and defenaeman Larry Murphy before running out of gaa. "The fourth goal, Rota's goal, killed ua," said veteran Marcel Dionne of the Kin8'· "We never could Qet a two-pl lead ln the leliea.:r The Canucb, who ended the regular-aeuon echedule unbea- ten in nine gam,a, now are 13-1-3 ln their lajt 17 games, with their only defeat coming at the handa of the Klnp ln over- time in the aecond pme of the Smythe finala. . Vancouver won the opening pme 3-2. the Kines took the ~ cond 3-2 and the Canucka won twice In Loa An1elea, 4-3 in overtlme and 6-4. "We can't cry about lt, but lt does make ~u wonder," Loa An1elea coach Don Perrt:::: about the three one-pl . 0 We Dlayed 10 ..... ln 15 days anc1 r ~ the Undnem aW1ed to thow tooJ&bt. ,, SEATTLE (AP) -In aprmg training, Seattle Marlnera Mana· ger Rene Lachemann looked at his bullpen and shuddered, con- vinced he didn't have a stopper. But fifteen games into the aeuon, I .achemann is singing a diUerent tune. "We're get~g great p1tchmg from our relievera," said Lache- mann after Bill Caudill gave the Marinera three innings of ahut- O\.lt relief to preserve a 5-3 vic- tory over the Angela o n Wed- neaday night. "Dwina the exhibatJon 9ea.90n I was afraid to go with what we had becaUle we weren't getting anyone out," said Lachemann. "BUT NOW everyone la star~ ting to come around, plus the acqulallion of Caudill was outatandihg." Caudlll arrived at the begin-ninl of the aeuon In a trade that alao aaw pitcher Gene Nebon and outfielder Bobby Brown come from the Yankees for Shane Rawley. '"Th.ls Is the best place for me. l feel like thia is the start of my career here," Caudill said. "I wouldn't mind .playina here for 10 or 15 years." With hie performance against the Angela, the Marlnera, now 6-9, aren't likely to put up an argument. The M.Uinen took a 4-3 lead in the sixth when Todd Cruz dou- bled home Jim SlmpiOn, who had ainaled and moved to 1eCOnd on a waTk to Jim F.asian. IN THE top of the seventh, Lachemann called on Caudill to replace •tarter noyd Banniater, who suffered a blistered thro- wing flnger. Caudill retired the firat two bettera, but after designated hit- ter Don Baylbr lined a single, Fred Lynn pinch hit a double off the llove of aecond bMeman Ju- lio 0-UZ.. lending Baylor to third. Up stepped Reggie Jackaon to pinch hit. "It was the perfect confrontation," aald Gene Mauch, Angela manager. "A fut' ball hitter agalnat a hard thrower.'' CaudW stole the ahow whm he blew a 2-2 fMtbal1 put Jacbon, who went down awt.nitnc. Cau- dill retired the next 11.x mtten an a row so pJfl hit fint •ve • a Mariner and rncue Bumlater•a third victory ol 1he llMOI'\. Tht Martnen ,ot a M hittina performance fgn ~tflelder Al Cowens. who IJ1IUed a two-run HE TRIED -Brian Downing hit a third-inning, three-run homer to account for the Angels' only runs against Seattle Thursday night. homer m the second Inning to atart off the 9C'Oring. BRIAN DOWNING accounted for all three Angel runs with a homer in the third inning, his fifth of the .-euon. . . Seattle's third run, by Jim Maler, came on an RBI double by Todd Cruz In the fourth inning. Cowens drove in an Insurance run in the eighth with an RBI single. The Angels, who dropped to 10-5 with the Joas, got 12 hits, three each by Baylor and catcher Bob Boone. Steve Renko, 2-1, took the to. In relief of starter Bruce Ki.son, who gave up three runa and seven h ita In five lnni.nga. ANGELS GAIN INFIELDER DETROIT (AP) -Detroit Ti- gen infielder Mick Kelleher wu eold to the Angela for an undla- cloaed amount of cub, the Tiaen announced Wedne.day. The American Leaaue be .... 11 team recalled infielder Mark DeJohn from their AAA farm club at EvamvtJle, Ind., of the American A.>d.aUon, to replace Kelleher, Detro&t General Mana- pr Jlm Campbell Mid. De.John, a 28-yeat-Old IWlt.cb- hitter, w• expected so JcXn the n.n in New York on Thunday for an eventna came With th• Yankees, Campbell laid. Houston Aatroa are no doubt thankful they won't 11ee the Loa Angeles Dodgers' Jerry Reu. for at leut another 2 ~ month.a. Whether Reuu la the beat left-hander ln the -National Lea- gue la arguable -he might not even be No. 1 on the Oodger staff; remember Fernando Va- lenzuela? But there's llttle arguing among the Aatros. ON WEDNESDAY night, Reuss pennltted the Aatros only one hit -a firat-inning double by Art Howe that whiatled juat inside the left field line -then retired the next 19 batters ln a row and ended up recording the Dodgers' first shutout of 1982 and the 31st of his 13-year career, 6-0. By comparieon, the Aatroa had a relative field day the niaht be- fore against y alenzuela. Tliey got a run. In hla lu\ six games againat the Aatros -four in 1981 includina two in the NL Weat divisional playoffs and two this year - Reuaa had allowed only two ear- ned runa in 52 lnnlngJ, and none In his lut 35 lnnlngJ. Reua isn't quite sure why be'a so effectlve against Houaton. "I don't know what It I.a,'' he said, "but I know I've alway• seemed to pitch well against them.'' LOS ANGELES Manaier Tom Luorda lan't aure why. either, only that Reua la extremely ef- fective. Luorda doctored h1a pit- ching rotation ever ao slightly, pitching Reua wJth three da~ real in San Diego juat ao be d pitch against the Astroe with four d.1?,'! rest. 'He wu in command all the way, u oommand1ng a pme • you'll ~r Rie pitched," Luorda aald of Reuu, who hurled the Dodgera' arecond IUCICe9live CICnl- plete game after they'd aone 12 games without one, and aiao their second win In a row after alx suoceaive lo.es. "He could W'l'Y e aaily have had another no-hitter." The one-hitter WU the aecond of Reuu' career. The flnt one, ironically; came while he wu with Houston, in 1972 acalnal Philadelphia, and Reu. remem· bera lt like it WU yesterday. "I had a no-hitter for el1ht ~" be recalled. "but Larry Bowa hit the aecond pt\d'a of the ninth lnn1nc for a a.. hit." Reuu 1ot hlJ no-hitter two yean a,o at San Frandlco and, he aald, hla work Wedne1day ni1ht compared favorably with h1a no-hitter. The ~ )lmpw;I on kml' Nolan Ryan, 0-4, for thNe fint. 1nnina Nn1. on ..,..._ by Stil'Ye Su. K. ~ ltldr McJn. day and Steve Garvey. , EX-WINNER S SPJOEINDY Allen, AloU.ettes, Skalbania close to parting ' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Thurtd8)', Aprll 22, 1082. . :··~----------------------· ... .. • •,JI . . ' \ till another snag for Olympic coins From AP dl1patclle1 , WASHINGTON -A po11lble • compromiee on legialaUon to help 1upport lhe 1984 Olympic Game. ln Loa Angeles through the aaie of commemorative coin• fell apart Wedneaday when the locaJ and U.S. Olympic committees would not agree to lhe proposal. Repta. Frank Annwu.io, D-m., and Femand J . St Gennain, O.R.I., had agreed on the basics of a program of minting aix coin• with domestic aales handled by the Treasury and foreign sales handled by private marketers . However, representatives of the Los An- geles Olympic Organizing Committee and the U.S. Olympic Committee wanted to be given $50 mllllon when the legislation Is passed. U.S . Treaaurer Angela Buchanan said the beat she could promiae was $2~ million four months after the compromise became law. At a hearing of the House colnage subcom- mittee, Annunzio, the panel's chairman, said it was the demands.of the two Olympic committees "that are preventing a quick solution to the le- gislative question." Annunuo had been championing a single commemorative dollar to be sold by the Trea- sury. Seattle, Philadelphia triumph Gaa Wiiiiama scored 23 of his game-high 27 pointa in the second half Wednesday rught as Seattle came from behind to defeat Houston , 102-87, in the opening game of their National Basketball Association mini-series ... Darryl Dawkim, who says he still has not fully recove- red from a broken leg th.at sidelined him for two months, coUected 27 point.a as Philadelphia beat Atlanta, 111-76, In their opener of a mini--aeries. JoUaa Erving added 20 points for the winners. Baseball today On this date ln baaeball In 1970: New York Mets ~ Torn Seaver tied a major league record with 19 strikeouta and set a new mark with 10 in a row as he hurled the Mets t.O a 2-1 victory over the San Diego Padres at Shea Stadium. On this date in 1959: In one of the most bizarre innings In history. the Chicago White Sox 1COred 11 runs in the aeventh on 10 walks, one hit batter, three errors. and only one hit (Johnny Calliaon'a single) en route to a 20-6 victory over the K.anaaa City A'a. On this date in 1876: In the. first official game In National League history, Boston defeated Philadel- phia, 6-5. Today's birthdays: Milwaukee pitcher Moose Hau 11 26. Montreal outfielder Terry Francona is 23. Quebec goes one-up on Boston Peter StH tny scored twice and ~ assisted on a goal by his brother ' Marian to lift Quebec to a 4-3 National Hockey League playoff vic- tory over Boston Wednesday night, giving the Nordiques a 3-2 lead in their best of seven senea ... Don Maloney acored twice as the New York Rangers claimed a 4-2 win over the New York Islanders, cutting the Islanders' lead to 3-2 in games . . . Berale Federko converted Joe Mel· len's paM into a goal at 3:28 of overtime, giving St . .Louis a 3-2 triumph over Chicago, paring the latter's lead in games to 3-2 . Guidry thrH-hlti White Sox a. Gllldry. who dJd not flnilh a • aame ln 1981, pitched a t.hree-hlUer for h1a eecond ocmplete pme ln a row u tho New York Y an.ke. recordec:l a • l ·O vlctor~ver the Chlca10 White Sox In American e M:tlon . . . Rookie Mike JU. chr4t drove n two rune to lead Texaa paat Cleveland, 4-2 . . . JM R..U and Jeff Newmu whacbd homen in a five-run fourth 1nnJ.nai that helped Tom Uaderwool wtn hi.a flrat atart of the year. a ~2 victory by Oakland over Minneeota ... PHI Molltor elammed a two-run homer and Raady Lercll combined with Rollle Fta1en on a . flve·hitter .to lead Milwaukee to a 3-1 win over Toronto ... Rtcb Gedmaa'a three· run double capped a lix·run OUICN'Y third inning outburst that carried Bo.ton to a 6-~ triumph over Baltimore, the eighth consecutive defeat for the Orioles. Deull Eckenley collected hi. lOOth major lea- sue victory . . . turk GlblOD -belted a two-run homer and Loa Wlt.Uaker doubled ln two runs to back the. four-hit pitching of Detroit left-hander Pat Uaderwood as the Tigers defeated Kansas City, 4-1. Quote of the day Bob Perry, general manager of the Washington Bulfeta, puzzled by the number of groin injuries in the NBA these days: "We never had pulled ffroins when I played, and we had groins . .' Washington puts Braves on top Atlanta extended its record-• setting winning streak to 13 games Wednesday night when Claudell WHbtngton slugged a two-run, two- out single in the ninth inning to give the Braves a 4-3 victory over Cincinnati ... Elsewhere in the National League, Tommy Herr rapped a two-run double and Gene Tenace homered to PQWer St .. Louis to a 6-2 win over Pittsburgh. The win extended the Cardi- nals' winning streak to 10 games . . Steve Rogers, with ninth-inning relief help from Jeff Reardon, scattered 10 hits and singled home a run in leading Montreal to a 5-2 win over Philadelphia and winless S teve Carlton ... Ron Bod1ee' two-run single capped a hve-run 'out- W...-crTOM burst ID the eighth inning and the New York Meta rallied for a 7-4 victory over the Chicago Cubs and a sweep of their two-game series. Craia Swan, In relief. evened his record at 1-1 ... Rapert Joaea slugged a two-run homer as San Diego held on for a 7-6 victory over San Franci8co, extending its winrung streak to eight Rames. Soviets down U.S. in hockey The unbeaten Soviet Union aco-• red its fifth s traight victory in the World Hockey championships Wed- nesday, beating the winless United States team, 8-4. in a game marred by 48 penalty minutes and the expu1A1on of one player from each team ... The Houston Oilers have made a contract offer t o free agent linebacker Tom Coulneaa, a three-year contract worth $1.5 million . . . Pacal Horuung, a former Green Bay Packer running back, was released from a hos- pital after an undisclosed aalment ... Toronto defeated Edmonton, 1-0, m a North American Soccer League game behind the goal of Colln Frankl . . . Jim Ratbmann, the winner of the 1960 Indianapolia 500, has agreed to drive the pace car in this year's race . . Darrel McHarpe rode both winners in the split divisions of the San Jacinto Hand1cap before 31,491 at the final program of Santa Anita's 86-day meeting ... Bob Stebbins finished two days of competiuon with 7 ,455 points to win the Penn Relays Decathlon ... AJ Brown was named basketball coach at Ball State, replacing Steve Yoder. Television. radio TV: No eventa acheduled. RADIO: No eventa acheduled. . ~V ikings rally to remain unbeaten Marina High's Vik.ing:s rallied , from a 2-1 deficit to remain un- beaten in Sunset League volley- ball, dropping host Fountain Valley in five &eta to ra.iae their league record to 9-0 and overall mark to 13-1 Wed.ne.day night. Andy Klussmann led the aa- sault for Marina, and along wilh the defense of Mark Cox. It pro- , ved too much for Fountain Val- ley to cope with. The Barons were up by their 2-1 margin alter capturing a pair of 15-9 decisions around a 15--10 loss, but then Marina w ent to work with 15-10, 15-9 dedaions, providing the Vikings with a two-game cushion over La Quinta. Standing out for Fountain Valley were Rob Whitehair (16 kills) and Ken Harter (l~ killa and 14 blocka), alon~ with the front row play of Randy Post. La Quinta remained in second place off its four~aet victory over Huntington Beach, led by 6-8 Junior Utu's hitting and bloc- kfnR. Doug Anderson aerved with effectivenea for lhe winners - u evidenced by Huntington Beach'• difficulties ln the pusing game. . orecluck · for your ~Mk. -----I ---· f/f:.~ ,. ___ _ 11no11 1ttV1no• of COit Slaw. mulltO I brown KentllCky Frltcl~ClllCktn. with I lolOtO Wllll hflttn pltcta o4 jvley, potalOtl Ind gmy Ind I roil lour rolls, 1 lalOf Colt tltw, I llrgt ......... bl'own !Ctnlucky Frltcl Clllcktn • mtalltel pot1t0tt Ind 1 mtdlum Ot"'Y _...., · Llll'll 1-0 4'111• "' llUfChltt Ctupon DOM I I ~111111 twt o11e11 I* purcllltt ~ -i I Oftly .1oi ~"'"°" wlllttlOlfk 0t6tf1 flllY IOI WTllllMllO!I wlllle/111111 1111ifi-Cu•IOIM! peyt ell~ ..... W ~ PtJI Ml lllfllQl!e Ulll ... Offlf upl1t1May2, 1112 I I Offtr 11eplrM Mly 2, 1912 • I !'ta. ,,.., ·~-:V'\ =ft firm ""' ¥l'f .. PlfltC!.-t ........ 191IMI .... ~ ... 1119 ,..... I I """'!~--Ill""""'""*· .... ii:=:..":=· •::1M.1w: =,.. ..... __.. ---__ , __ • • ,. Yachting arinada. Marina, MD, MV triumph Newport to En enada race n ears By ALMON LOCI.ABEY Oal17"9t9MtM1Wrtt« Sailort from all over Southern California are con1re1at1na at Newport Harbor for the Satur- day noon at.art of the 3~th annual· Newport to Enaenada race. Thouaanda of ahorealde •pee· •taton will view the vut armada of wlndjammen -fint u they parade out through the jetty to the twin startlna lines, and again aa the yachts maneuver for aiar- tlng poedtlon. between noon and 1 p.m. AA U wrestling sch eduled for FV Fountain Valley High Is the site of Saturday'• AAU freestyle wresthng tournament, which qualifies the top two finishers on each weight level for the Olym- pic 200 program. Competition beginl for the e. tlmated 400 entries at 10 a .m. with the all-day action wrapping up at approximately 8 p.m. Bl11e1t crowd• of 1peet.1tora will line the blu!f1 ov r Corona del Mar for an overall view of the more than 700 yachts which are expected to start. The atarta will continue at 10-minute lntervala until 1. But there are a number of '9malJ boat regattaJ and stay-at- homea which will be buay In Southern California YachtinR Association areas over the weekend. In other SCY A areas: 14"1'8 Moftlce .. , South CoHt Corinth••" Yec;hl Club fletcher Mem0<lal race to Ille C1t111n1 lllh mu1. S11urd1y M1rln1 Y1chl Club -On1-clH IQn race• S.1uris.y Sent• Mornet Ytclll Club -lntrKtub race Sundey a.11 Otego C0<onedo YKhl Club -L•N•t Se1tboard Ctrc:uit Seturd•Y MIH lon Bay Yacht Club -Oper11ng 01y Sun<lfY OeH "llde Y1Chl Club -01ng11y Spring S«IM. Sund•/ Sit-G•t• Yecnt Club -Geneon Set-Sundll'( s.rl OleQo Cru!Mf AMC>Clatton M1111on BIY predicted log r-. Sund•y ~ 11\d lftMftd w .. tleke Vactlt Club -Opening 01y Sat UldlY. Commoclote'e Cup Aeollll $on(l1y Pierpoint Bey Yacht Clut> -Sm11ggler • Cow CrulM, S1turd1y, Sund1y Marina Klsh'a Vllc..l.Nt> pulled back into a lie with t'ountaln Vallf'y for third place In the Sunaet League baaeball race Wednesday nlaht, riding the four-hit pitching of Treff Ben- nett to a 4-1 victory over Wnt- mln•tcr at Long Beach's Blair Field, Shane Flores unloaded a ha.let-loaded triple to right ln the fifth inning to provide the win- n1ng margin. Westminster apoll~ Bennett's shutout bid ID th~ seventh with , doubles by Gerardo Llarnaa and Ed P1ment.e1 ln Angelus League play, host Muter De1 rallied with a pall' of runs 1n the seventh off Mike Lind.st.en's two-run, two-out, Cull count single to capture a 4-3 verd1<.-t over BI.hop Montgomery Mike Kelly had a solo homer for Mater Dei and &0phomore Pat Dubar went the dist.a.nee. M1ss1on VieJo captured its ninth straight South Coast Lea- gue victory with a 12-5 romp at Laguna Meach behind Jeff Hol- mes' 4-for-5 performance. A Programmable Pocket Computer for People On the Go! OUR LOWEST PRICE EVER! 15995 Wu 229.95 In cat. 341 Goes anywhere! Program it In BASIC, or run programs with our optional Cassette Interface. There's even a combination Pttnter/Cassette Interlace. #26-3501 -Station FM Wireless Intercom NEW 99 95 Clel Holp ...d Info on the Roedl Never drive "alone" agalnl Evety· thing's Included-CB, magnetjo-mount antenna, travel case. #21-1505 Astrological Computer/ Calculator EC-315 by Aldo Sheck t Save •2388 15!! ... .. Saves Time and Steps! Plug 'n ·ra1ace by Rnllatlc . Communicate between any two rooms! Press Talk-Bar to speak, or Lock-Bar for hands-free talking. Talk-Sar doubles as night light. Add another pair later onl #43-212 Reg. 59.95 Each Walnut veneer enclosure with '°!'~throw 8" woofer, 21'2" ~lsperslon tweeter. rrv. x 10¥. >< 7'h". Buy a pair-save $60. #4().1990 A--•-.11 IA t• ·--- Oran" Cout OAILY Pll.OT/Thuraday. AprlJ 22. 1982 ' "S~a ·Kings nip Mesa; Irvine rallies past Trojans, 4-3 c.orona del Mar remai.ne atop the Sea View Leape bueball race by a 1ame fol· lowln1 lta l ·0 victory over Costa Meaa whll4t the ecramble t'Ontinuee. Here'• how it went Wednelday: ·CdM 1,Coeg ..... O Or•J \YYnn opened the fifth Inning with a llnCJ.e, moved to third compliments ol an error and a ucrWce, and theo 8COred on a wild pitch u the Sea Kinas nipped the host Muatanp. Corona ~ Mar (7 -2) could muater ju.It four hita, but they were enough tor starter Chrta White who 1eattered just three hit.a while 1trlkln1_ out three Mustangs and walklng one to eem the victory. The Mustangs threatened In the bot- tom of the fint by loading the hues with ... _ irtennOUe .,..... NAmlTA,.._,., The lotlowln9 1*110M Me dOlng -... _ ... (1) SAVALA COHSTAUCTIOH CO:i!~I OAYIO A. llAAeEll 1 ASSOCIATH. --. COHSTIWCTION, (31 ENGINEERING AS-SOCIATES; ~41 CONSTAUOTtON ENOI· NEEAINO AS80CIAT£S. 703 llat>Oolpll "'*;':v~ =•~u'Jm" co .• Callfornl• cort::.:'.lon, 703 Aanoolpll ""'O':v~ eArutEC: :21::001A TES, INC .. a c.Mlotnla COfl)Ofallon. 2032 8cKrtll Col-A_..,., Lo. AAo1Me. CA 9002$. TNe~la~by9'1UfW>.. e«pOtalecl -tlon other '"""' • part-...iilp. s.v... Conatruc110n Co 1.-dSewila. PreliClent one out. But White manaaed""to get two ar<>Wld baUt to eecape un1athed. ln the llxth, the Muatanca -(4-4-1) got an lnnlna-openin& double from Steve An- denon. He then moved to third on a IJ'OW'd out and repre9ented the tyt.na run. But apln White WU equal to the task, ua1na a pop up and a line drive to get out of trou6le. lrvlM 4, Unlveralty • The Vaqueroe (6-S) rallied for three runs In the top of the seventh lnn1ng to knock off cromtown rival University (5-4) • and move lnto leCOnd place ln the Sea View , Leque atandinp. John Scott opened the seventh bl. getting aboard on an error. That didn t Mero too threatening, alnce University waa holdlna on to a S-1 advantage. Alter one out, Mark Bondi wu hit by a pitch t.o put runnen on tint and MCOnd. However, with two out, Jim Oaaho atncled to left-<ienter, acortna Scoti, and an errant relay throw allowed Gaaho and Bondi to come home. The Trojans had opened their S-1 ad-van~Je in the fifth lnnln1. u Jeff Carr llngled, Mike Miller walked, Rich SoreNOn i wu aboard on an lnfi~ld lingle and Randy Myers delivered a two-run single. !•gncla n, leddlebeck 7 The Eag1e9 ICOl'ed 10 runs ln the flnt lnninl with Jeff Gardner's leadoff home run eettlng the •t.aae foe the day. Jalme Marlett bad a bases-loaded double in the inning to bring 1n three runa aa the r.11e1 pounded out 23 hit.a and aco- red eeven Umea ln the fifth frame. Gardner hit for the cycle (stnale, dou- ble, triple and homer) and wu 4-tor-6 with five rum ecored, three RBI and two stolen buea. Other batting leaden tor Estancta In- cluded Mike Campeau who was ~-for-~ with three runs toored and six RBI. !I T.oro 12. Newport Harbor e The two aides banged out 22 hits bet- ween them, but El Toro'• 1'2 safeties came at more opportune times to offset the 3-for-3 performance of Ron Nusent and doubles by. Shawn Culp, Vishnu Batoo- lingh. Mike Parka, Mike Handler and Ka- rey Kolina. .. Tlll9 ota-1 .... flled -Ille County Ct.,k ot Otano• CCHlnty Oft t.4arch 31. '"~ ,.,... Puttllolled Orange Co .. 1 Oalt>t Piiot. AjlrU I. 15. 22. 29. 1912 1908-82 P\8.IC NOTICE It).)" S'lllM£ 0'41'11 I NO DEALER $ALESI AD STARTS nfVRS. CLOSE-OUT! REAL WOOD COLUMBIA HOME GUARD D NOTICe TO CMDfTOfl8 °' 9'AJ( nwtaRR ,....._ 1101-1101 u.c.c.) Notice le hereby Qlwn to «edh of the within transferor• that • tran1far 11 about to b• mad• o .,.raonal pro1141rty hereinafter ICflbec:I. The~ and bYal-addf of the Intended trantfarort CHARLES W. MATHEIS and M.-;A 1 AILEEN MA THEIS. 73 Night Ha ll'VIM. Califofnia 92714. Tiie locatlon tn Cttlllornla of~ chlel tllacutlve olflc• or prlncl bu•lo•n olltce of th• lnten • transferor I• the Same. All other bualneu namH ; addrtHH UHd by tha lntan • tranalerort within thrH yaara I .put 10 lar U known IO the In trenafer .. •rt NONE. The name and l>Uel,_ addr of Ille Intended tranatat" II: BETT CLARKE. 22405 Woodgro11•. Toro, CeltfOfnla 92430. 1 That the proptrty pertlntn hereto i. deterlbec:l tn general ••:1• furnllura. llxturH, aqulpmtht QOOdWMI. trade name. mer fnventory of Ice CtMl'll bullneM 11 located at 3421 NewpOfl vatd. NewpOrt BMctt. Celffornla. I The butlneu nama uMd by Hid tranlferor• at Hld local BASKIN ROBBINS ICE CRE STORE #1l4. . That Hid b\jfj( tran.i.r i. In to be con.ummatec:I at ttte office BETTS ESCROW ENTERPRIS INC .. 506 North Tuattn Aven Sult• 180. Santa Ana. CalllOI' I 92705 on Of alter ~ ts, tN2. Thi• bulk 1ran1fer I• aubJect o Callfornla Uniform Commerc coo. Sec1Jon 6 lot. Th• name and addran of I pereon with whom ctalma may llled It BETTS ESCROW ENTI • PRISES, INC., P.O. Boa t 158 , Santa Ana. Callfornla 92711· 15 , Atttntlon: E1crow No. &20142MF and the last day for llllng cLWna j)y any oredttOf ~ be "'-17. 19'2 wNc::h la tilt bualneN day befOft ""' conaummatlon data 1paclfltd above. Dated Apf'M 14, 1982. -...,c--. ~Tun f w I Publlahed Orange CO..t OllllV 'fl· .'°'· As>r11 22. tN2 1e1;12I , • : w '1n1 11 ,_Monce OI' ~ NOTICE ~Sa.H':M~IVEN. I~ on Wednesday, Aprll 28. 1982. t 9:00 o'c:loc:k a.m. of ulc:I day, In room aet u ld• for conduclln* Tru11 .. ·a SUia. wltN!I the offlcta REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SE VICE, located at 2020 Nori Broectway, Sulr. 2oe. In the City of s.nta Ana. Courlty of Orange, Stat' of Calllornla. CALIFORNIA LANO TITLE COMPANY, a CellfOfnle cor· poraUon, u duty llt)PO!ntec:I Trvst" under and put-I to the ~ Of .... coni.rec:t In lhet ctrlaln OMd Of Truat elltc:ulec:l bl Ayec:I M. 3 and N1wa1 M. Naber, Huaban Md Wife aa Joint T-t1. rtQOJ OtcetnOer 2, 1MO, In Book 13457 of Offlclel Recotdt of Mlcf Ccxlnty, at paoe 527; Recorder'• lnttrument No. 3780, rH1on of a brtleh or defauh In peyment « pertonnenoa of the obllgaltona MQlfed thereby, Including that breach or dtfault, Notlc• of which ••• racord•o January 4, 1982. u Aeeof<*''• In· 11rument No. 82·0001855. WILL SELL Al PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. t.w• fl.I money of tM lJnltec:I Stal•, Of I CMhltf'• chectl drewn on a atat• « natlonal bank, a 1111• or federal etedlt union, or a •t•t• or ftdeRI Mvlnol 8lld !OM ..oclatlon doml- clltd Tn tNe a1ate, II ~ 11 ttlt time Of ....... rlgtlt. lttla Md Int. raa1 halcl==, aa Truet.e, In .tflet ,... pt '"'-le In Mid County and State, aa follow9; Lot 20 Of Tract~. 7081 aa par ~~~=-...:=: n.au• M1p1, Record• of Ortn,. County,Cellfona The --lddfell Of °""' com-mon c1 .. 1gn1llon of tM rHI pro-peny u llerelnaboW dNCrtMd 11 PIK00'1«I to w. 147'2 Doneeat« Aoed. trwlne, c.llfomla. Tiit ~ heteoy dCedaln1' .. llllllllty '°' llW'I IMol't ICtW In Mid etreet llddr ... °' other com-mon ........ . ... Cf Hie wttl be mtde_WltllOll\ weffflftfy, ...,... « llllf'llect, ,.,. f9tdlnt title, poeMMlon, or en· ......... '° """""".,. pMdpll ......,. of .... NoW Of --OClll-tatlOft MC11red by .. If OMd Of T""" Wiii ...,.. and oetllr IUIN ~ ::,~·::.::, ":-:t .:.:i:;:; ...... on.----.. and,.._ ..................... T.-lftll el .. .w. ...... w H id 0.H ef Tr111t. Tiie tot•I _ ............. " ...... ........ -........ ...... ... ...,__ .. ,....... .. .. ................................ ................... o.rt:_. ..... .. ~UL.AND TTTla Oll1lllHM't ..... : ... ,......... . := .. o.:.t ....... PR8DUCTS DECORATIVE WALL SBDIGLES .. 6!!.". .--;;::; lAt yoUf creatl•lty flow, expre11 yourMU. create you own pcs1fem or U you llke ju1t put aom• of tbi1 dam 1tutf on th• wall. Pin• or Cedar. CLOSE-OUT! -~1r ZERO CLEAIWICE FIREPLACE 179!! Lot1 l•11 ba11l• to ln1tal1 than th• ol' mortar and bride kind and you 1tlll get call th• good 1tuU ••• beat. atmo1phere, romanc:• cmd.zoa1ted manh.mallows. GLIDDEI SPIED muSE PlllT 8!! Re1i•t1 eraddng and peeling (not to be uMCl for 1unburn), come1 ln hundr9d1 of colors. drin quick. and.la ecuy to UM. POST FORMED KITCHEi COUITERTOPS 2!!.· ChooM from 6'. 8'. 10', and,12' 1tralgbtlength1 only. Comu in Butcher Block, Oak Butcher Block. Portugu ... Lloz. Natural Almond. and Planked Map.le pcs1t•rn•" WEBBllfG 39 FT. ROLL 69C 150 FT. ROLL 239 Rold on there. Hen.ry. don't throw out that lawn chair ju1t 'cauM the webbing' 1 falling apart. We'lllix 'er up with aome new 1tuff. No probl•m. LUTROI DIMMERS 2POSmON FULL RAlfGE ROTARY FUU RAMQE ROTARY . ' PUSH OK/ OFF TWD lb. U9ht1 down low. uncork toaM bubblr. put 101U toft mule on ... uh oh. too lai•. Remy'• fa.Un cr•leep agc:iln. CHOL WLE BEIYY DUTY 11-3 SJT , OutmB atElllDI cam ......l&ltieapNtty 11 :tdwtltletorJut • ... 1n_, .. ... .. .............. . ............ r-~ .............. an. ~97 ' •n .•• , •"···· SECURITY SCREEN DOOR Here'• one the burvlan won't me11 willi. lncludH deadbolt. key1. and all hardware. In gold or 11l••r Oec:kton• flol1hH. Sts.1. 30". 32". and 36". 9777 PElllZOIL MOTOR OIL 3() WT. 88 C QT. lOW/ 40 WT. 98 t QT. IE S1IU TO IECISTEll na TIE ''WIT-IT-RI'' swa:mua Cb«k your oil (I beg your pardon!) and while you'r. there regi1ter for Penn1oll'1 "Way It Wu:z. Daya" sw-p1taltn (who know1. you may wld'). McGRAW EDISON 5" .. BEICB GRllfDER 19!!..18 Can be mounted o.r uM lt a1 a portable. 0.01 lncludH eye 1hleld1, end bel11. adju1table tool rHt ~water trough. 3.2 amp motor. MEN'S OR LADIES' COi 1111 GARDER GLOYES #llOR 49t #llC PR. K-pa you from getting bU1tera. and k-p• the band1 nice and clean. Made of 100% cotton wtt h blue euffl (and you wanted Nd. right?). RICBO 50 n. BOSE• REEL 1997 Ju1t llke the fire Apartment. A 50 ft. Ye" diameter hOH that wtnd1 up ln It• own ea••· ..... ry1hlng Mat and doan. Ya'' I &" CUT OFF SPBllllLER RISERS 9t IA. That N1Dindtt .. , tbe old hotel bf c1Mt hlboo Ferry burned cloWD OD Sunday a191at. All tM flN depart1MDt• weNtbereaDd put It out. Good Jobi CllJ.ml 31" 11111.E llT llE 9!! WDIK FULLYIEW MIRRORS flt1 right aero11 the top of the wt11d1hield.to gi .. you better aide and rear .t1ion and cut1 out thoH blind 1pot1 and 2~~R 1077 ~~ 1177 glare. KRACO 4 PC. VIJIYL FLOOR MAT SET 4~4 A 1mall price to pay lo protect that nk• carpet in the car. ComH ln Clear. Black or S.ige. ALLISOI AIR COOL CUSBIOI I N~! The bot day1 an coming on 10 don't •It on a hot Mat. We don't wann.a baH to peel you off the celling of your car, do we? RUBBERMAID ~'.,,CERAMIC DESIGI PLAITERS 6" 1 •• 10" 3" 2•• 12" 4" Now Fido and your plant I can hcrre a drln~of Water at the same time 'C:a\lM thHe -all bcrre Nmo•able matching aaucera. OIE GAi.LOi ROSES lt7 Oot fo\lf of th.m growlag In tho badlyard. AINadr bod two'° ... bloom OD mr Storllng su.;., bueh. Nothlag m~ becnatU~l them a roa.. FEICllG 8 FOOT 1X12 PECKYCEDAR 11' 8 FOOT 1 X 8 ROUGH REDWOOD 91• I FOOT I X I RIDGE M' VALLEY REDWOOD 12' ._..,. ........... to .. .......... .. ...... ... tn.e· ....... . ... ............. . ....... y ' Cl Win a free trip for twoon · AIROIL bll .. OAlldyis . . I ---~-·. C4 Orange CoMt DAILY PILOT IThurlday, AprU 22, 1112 -------------------------~~ ~-------------------------~-----------------------------------------------------------... a...~ •• • 'Y' I ' .. ' .. llAIOR lAAOU. ITANDtNOa Ameftoan .....,. ....... OhWM W L ...._Cle I 2 IOO 10 . 5 ee1 ' 4 eoo • 7 w • I 600 • 8 400 I 8 400 ......... °""""" I 5 .11& • 5 600 5 5 . 600 • • .600 & 1 .417 4 8 400 2 ti 112 •••11dsy'1 ...... ...... 5 ........ 3 OIVolt 4, ~ C>y 1 Oilklend •• ...,,,_.. 2 eo.ton t. ....,._ 5 Mhs •11&, ToroMO 1 T-4, CMlllllrlCI 2 Hew Yorll 1, 0"°"00 0 ,..,..ca-- Toronto (Oline¥ 0-1) 81 Mllw9ukel (HeM IM)), n Oltrolt (Motrll 2· 11 •• H-YOfk (JOllll C>-2)." ~ IBerklt 1-11 II Ttaaa (Tanana 1-1). n ...,,,_.. IAIClllrn 1· 1111 S..ttle (MOOt• ~ getNI ac:McluleCI ~~--• l !let. Ga 13 I.I 1000 114"24 • • 421 714 5 • lN • 5 10 333 9 3 10 231 10 ....... °""""" 11. t..oull 11 3 , .. Hew Yorll I & 115 Mont,_. I 4 800 :igll : ; ~ ~ 38260 ••• 11•1J'1 ._.. =::. •. "°""°" 0 ' PMw Yot116;,~ 2 I t. t..oull lb"::7' 2 Aa..c.4, 3 San Olevo 7, IM P:rilndaco II T..,-.o-ClncWlell (B«enyt 2· 11 11 Atlanta IWllll 2-4). n °""' llil"" ICNdoMCI • A•NCAN &iAQUI ..... Mn 5, Angett s CAUPOMllA HA TIU .,.... ..'"" Downing." 4 ·~ 3 JCrllZ.2D S 0 0 0 lllniQo.Cl,11 4 cf 1 0 M<;utM.3b 3 1 2 0 Clwew,pll 1 o O o eoctrlt.11 4 o 2 o OICncl,3b 5 0 D D Dlk.dn 4 0 D 0 Gnell.2b • 0 0 0 Mlllll lb 7 2 I 0 8aylor,dh • 0 3 O C-a rl 4 t 3 3 Clwli.cf 3 0 1 0 Slmpaon,cl 4 I 1 0 L)'M.CI I 0 1 0 EMlltl C 3 0 2 1 Ao.Jkan,1D 3 0 0 0 TCrui ea 4 0 1 1 ...._lfl.pll 1 0 0 0 Soonlrt, lb 0 0 0 0 Fal.-4 1 1 o toone.c 4 1 3 o Tottla 38 3 12 3 T01A19 33 S 12 S ~ ........... Ctllomll 003 000 000-3 9-1111 020 IOI 10..-S OP -Calllotnl• 3. 8 111111 I LOB - C41llotnla 10, S.11111 I 28 -Baylor 2 ....... &Mn. lloonl. Lynn, M ClllllO. T Ctuz. HA -C-13). ()owning (51 CtlllllfMI IP If " &II .. IO l<Jton 6 73313 AerikO(l.2· 1) 1 2 1 I I 1 8endWI "'21110 ....... ~10000 ,... ~00000 ...... ~~ • 10 3 3 2 4 c.udll(l.1) 3 2 0 0 0 3 ~ -By Kleon (MIMr) WP -KMOn T -2at.A -4,M1 n.-....... 1 ~ Qly 001 000 000-I • 0 °"'°" 200 000 02A 4 12 2 Oura end W1th111: P. Unel-oOd anel WoellenfvM. W-P. l.lnderwOOcl. 1·1 L- Gurt. 1·1. HRl-l<lfllll City, Pty0t Cll Ollroll, OlblOf1 ( 1). A-12.513 A'1 8, ....... I ~ 000 oio 000-2 • 0 o.Jend 000 500 00.-6 • 0 0, ,,__, Ftllton (5) Md BIMrt. T Un-cMrwood Ind ......,_, W-T. Undltwood. 1·1. L-0 . Jtellaon, 0-2. HA1-0 1kl1nel. llld (1). ......... (2). A-18, 118 .._. .. _.,.,., Toronto 000 000 0 Kl-1 s 0 ......... 002 000 tOlc-3 I 0 LAii. Wcl..lld*t m. Ow*' m and Wllltl. I . w.mn.z; lerctt, Flfl9IA 181 ano s1n1- -•. W-l#cll. 1-0 1.-lHI. 2· I 8-~ (11. HA .......... MoiltOf 111 A - ......... Or..-. ......_.. 110 000 500-5 12 I '°"°" ooe ooo 00a-1 11 1 0 • ....,.,_, lttwert (a). Orltnllt¥ Ill. T ~.,,_,Nolan: EA*ilr.-Y. e-.,; m 1no ""man. w-Eck1t1ley. 2·1. l -0 M~ 1·2.8--0-12) A-15,72$ .............. 1 ~ 000 002 000-2 • 1 ,_ 011 110 00.-4 1 0 w-. lnrwllll(ll. .,._ (l)MCI .... Medich, Con1• ii ) and 8uftdll1rg. w - Mldldl ... 1. L-Walte, 0-2 1-C-I') A-1,411. .., ...... ,, .......... Hew Y0111 ' 000 010 000-1 I 0 CNceoo 000 000 000-0 ' 0 Ouldty Ind o.r-: ~. Hk*ey 1•1. ~(~tit. ... {I) Md,.. W -(2.4), l -00.0., (Ml A -, 13,100. ' . .. 110 I I 0 0 1 2 T -2 12. A -41,• &qeel, ....... t ~ 100 000 100-2 10 2 Monttlll 010 ooi 10.-5 1 0 C.,ltonl A .. d (7) Ind 0111; 1'1og111, "-'don (•) Ind Clf'tlt W-"°Olf•. 2· 1 L-CM!on, G-4 A-1.«I c ........ ..,..... SI LOUl9 000 031 011-1 11 O PlttlbutQll OIO 000 010-2 5 2 Muta, l.9POlflt ':2·: (I) Ind T~ C~ 0. f\o (I). Tlllu/Ye (I) end T ....... W-Mwa. 2.0. L~. 0.1. S-Sutter (5). HA-lit. loula, Ten-(IJ, A-3,6". .....1,CW.4 ChaeO 200 OtO t00-4 IS 2 New Yon 000 200 06a-7 10 o Lateon, l l"'lth (I). CampMll (I ) attf Mot91and. ZCtrt. 0r-m . ....,, t•i. N-~d HodgH W-llwtn, 1-1. L-• 0.1 t-.u.n (4) Kft-81.a.Mr. CNc.go, ~). A-1S,700 .,_ ....... Cinc:tnnau ~ 000 000-a 8 o Attema 000 010 102-4 10 0 Soto. ~ (1). "*-(II. ~ (8). Pttce (8) _, O'Blrry. Mllflltr, HMM (I). ~ (8J Ind lenedlc:t, SN1ro. w-~. 2-0 L-S1t1ttey. 0·1 HA-llUtnet1 Clnclnnall (ti. CNmbllM. Atlenla (3). A-z2, 113. ...... 1, OIMJ9 8 ... Sen FtllnCl9co 200 000 112-1 13 I San Oieoo 002 030 20x-7 10 I Holland. u ....... (5), HM1m811er (7). ., ... n1no 1•J and "--· Mon•-"-· we. m and t<ann.dy W-Mont1111eco, 1·2 L- HOl!And, 1·2 S-lucu (5J HA-M0tgan, San Ftancllco (t), JOtlM, Sen oi.oo (3) A-23.741.. c.18'* ~~P.aftc 4 MIOne ..... 11. llenford l UCLA 4, Cir t.utr.r., 2 UlllU 8, USC 1 ca Oom1110U11 Hiiia I . Whlftl1t 4 ca~ 11, eoc.. COllQe II ..... achoot .,.....4,~J IMnl 010 006 3-4 • 2 Un1Y1tt11y ooo 120 o-3 8 4 81mme, Tlltne¥ (5) and 1<1191, LMaon, Vo- aloo 11) and Frer W-Tl1t11ey (4·3). L-Ltrton 28 -Cett (U), 0 H ho (I) 38 - Ev-fll). C.-dlltllllr1,C....--• Cot-...... 000 010 0-1 • 2 ~.._ ooo ooo o-o a 2 ~ _, ~. Oolttedl MCI,....., 2t1 -,.,,,.,_, (CM). hUftda U, I f P I I 1 ~ 001 330 0-1 10 J blancl9 C10J20 371 •-23 23 2 GaMn. Jorelln 11). Oarlan 151 Md Blk•. Johneton, Linton (41, Ao1ch1ll1 15) 1ne1 Algg1, Bay•r f51 w -JoMeton. 1-0. L- Jorelan. 28-0arelne r (E), C1mp11u (£), Morltll (El 38 -0 erdner 1(:1 HA-Olveno«t (SI. Smtih (SI. Atvww. (8). Oero- ,.., (E). Hid"* (El II Tero tZ. JJewpert _,., I Mewi>or1 Hlf't>or 000 032 , _ • 10 2 El Toro 1ao ~ a-12 12 2 ~. 8C1111r 141 and Ttrry: ~. 1 ""*I 151 a.nCI Jecobo Oom1112 (8) W- ,...,,... L-BllooM!jjh 28-Culcl IHI Bl· ·~· (N), ...._. IHI. Handler (N). KolM (N). Matrano-(ET) 2, S~ (Ef}. Toeleto (ET>. Juobo (ET). 311-811w.,t (ETI. 38-P.,~a IHI. Sl-1 1£ll. HA-11...n (El) .................. 1 Wlltmlnl11t 000 000 , _, 4 1 Mlflna 000 130 a-4 5 0 llltz, ~(I) MCI Herriman, 8ennlt1 Incl Flot•. w -e.i-.1. l-Bltz 21t-Coblln (M). Lll"'H (WI. P1m1n111 fWI. Betz (WI 38-Acnt (Ml ..... o.i .. --.. ..... .__.,. ~ Montoom«Y 000 030 0-3 3 1 ~·-o.i 010 010 2-4 • 2 Mecltld. T~ (7) and H1nt11a. Out>w a nd llv1 rno1a W-Ouba t •·O L-T~ HA-K.-y (MO) ....._. Y"tl d. U.-. .._.I MAslslon VlefO 004 iz:i 0-12 15 , L.llQUNI ~ ooo ao1 1-s s 1 Mell-.~ (8) and a.....'-"*" Minne y (31. Bertyhlll Cl ) and llerrylllll, 28-HcMlll (MV), Onftlth (MVI. fOlloy (LB). HA-Uolon (LI) HtOH KHOOL aTANDINGa ... va.wu.ew W L T Cle CotOtMI Oii Mat 1 2 0 IMnl 1 3 01 IEalancll 5 3 I 1'~ Ul'WllM~ I 4 0 2 eo.t..... 4 4 1 2~ s~ 4 s o a El Toro s 8 o 4 H9wpoi1 Hlttlclf 1 .. 0 I • ' ••!/• .... Cot-dll..., 1, c-. ...... 0 lrWl9 4.~3 ~23.~7 El TOfO 12, Nlwpor1 Hllfbor I ,.,...,,.. .._.. (lr18) &tandl 111 tMN ~It Cof-dll MW ~•SToro ~ ~. Ntowpor1 ...,_ hfteet&....,. W L OU Edlloll • 2 Hwttrnglon lleedl 7 a P:ount.., v..., . 5 • Mw1n1 5 I <>-iv. a 1 w--2 I ................ 1 J a • • Mertne4.~1 ,.'*"10-0e1111 Vltw we, Wtttmlntltr It Mlle lquere Pft (1 p.11'1.) ...... 0- ,,llnll ln Veu.y I t H11ntl1t9ton IHcll <-II ....,_ ""'~ M Mii 8Qulrl P1lfll (1 p.111.) (!;WC finds its match " • =~-• 1 I I , e:-~ ' 4 : • 4 • ~heGll 4 10 • Ws• II Alf ........ MllllOll v::'t 11, ~ ._,, 1 C..tMO =". 1 , ~ ..... I 9811~ 1 ,o.w 11 MlflllOft vi.:·~~ V*N L.tClllN Hiii .. DwMI .... LAl(IUN 9Maf\ It 1111 oi.-M AnoeMUefra. T -...... I 1 1 .....,. Atllll 4 • 0 t .... Oii • • 2 2\t ...,.,.~ I I 0 114 et ..... , • 1 Sit ................. Mat• Diii 4, ~Mon~ a ~p-o.:::J" &Ill.) M 90"*Y 81thop Amtlt II It Plul '*"8TMC& pece, LAie .u.metoe W'IC*llOAY'aMIULl9 ...... F_, Ak*) OlflOI (C. I 1.80 t.00 4.IO Pini Hiii Sltum 111 12.IO 6.80 8111>11 Hll'CI ( 4.IO Aleo rlOld. Corilbe Conimencl. Top Rock, Clnvoo, l<IJMnOW, l.lz.ltd Uoa Time: 2:0t.O a UACTA (M l II.id 1121 40 MCOIC MC&. One mlll lfOI llottlOfl (~ 1 40 4 OD Noe.t~11 1.00 440 320 Top Cit( UO Aleo rllOld lllon'I Mllay. o-1 Ou· ~ANH•Mltna ""* 26141& ,.,... Mee. One mlll pece Zlpciy .,_. (Holll 5.20 4.40 2.IO ~ Atld 8luea (~) 6.80 uo Zlnldu (Cr-) 2.20 AllO rllOld: Anll Up Skipper, AldllllQn • HlpPOC:ltnpUt. Motion W°'*a Timi. 2.06 2111 , a DACTA ('-1) Olld 145 40 POURTM MCL One 11111 pece. Hllcyon Hero l>'ublnl 11.20 t 00 4.IO L,.nna ~ (~) 6 80 4.00 Mic:llMl'a Tiger (81-manl &.IO Aleo 1...0:.., f0t You. \..YmM Cfllr· ,,.., • Alwt(• °""· Alwt(• Mltlno Time: 2.02 115 ,,.,... MCL One mll pece Allky ai-(Olten! t).OO 17.20 12.00 Mr Joe B ICllfl 7 IO 6.00 SNmw (Sct..nlia) 11.80 AJ.o r1C41d: Monalgnor Otll, Thi P\lnk. "--k. lady Eddy, Quick l air,, Hunt11'a Huntlt Timi. 2.04 1115 12 lllACTA 15 .. ) pekl 1$75 40 llX11f UCL One mlll t101 . HllT* ~ (Copelw\d) 4.20 2.IO 2.40 St AN'tlt (OnlndYI 4.20 :>.IO ""'1'1• Lottie (dOuteni) a 20 Af.o tee.cl Cuba 0-. Cryallll Chit'· .,..., , Olaoo HOo1t. ..._,_., J<1ot, ~ OI s Timi 2 08 316 ISVDf1'H UCL One mll ~ 'Miii• LAugllt« (ToOdl 4 20 4.20 3.00 ~ (LGnOOI LIO 4 20 0.-·1 Stone (~en 1 80 Arao ••clCI Fair T1ut11. Trendy Ttyu. lllern.y Wlfl't, Tuclor Illy, r Alf\ II N, Monk..,. e... Time' 2 04 4/5 a IXAC'TA (3-9) Olld 1$7 ,IO la PtC1C IOI (2.3-2·&-4·31 Olld 18.IO 1 20 #Ith 1WO winning tlc*tta (elll '--t. '2 Plc:ll Sia OOIWOl•llon pllO $15 00 with et winning tlcMI•( ..... ~) llGHTM uca. One m111 ~ Don Cert Star l""lllnl 3 40 UO 2 40 Plflln9 COuwlarolo) l IO 2 IO 0-Hlgll1 (W.-) . 3 40 AIM! rlelod Kiwi llerry, ~mer. Kita N. Clpttin ~ T-201 4/5 a IDACTA (M l Olld 113 20 IJIJITM flACC. One mll .,.. Alg1ll 0--. (Sillth) I 20 3 20 3 00 ~(V~) 380 240 -.. Skip( 240 Aleo rllOICI ·1 Cllolc:it. S11>7 J-'• w.-,. Golde ....... Mlll¥I a.- Timi 2,02 115 a IXACTA tS-51 Olld S17 20 n»mt uca. 0ne ,,,... pece. ...,_,., ("-!) 22 IO 15 80 3 80 BIO Soring ~I uo uo T.,, Percen111 (S-.nM) 4.20 Aleo •IOld 1'94 So41. POOllOIO. ~ H, l..uclry Cetd Timi 2 02 ta l.llACTA (3-1) Olld Ult 80 Altlndlnoe -4.110 IMlt.Antt. WID.e.IOA Y'I Mtul Tl ,,...., 14-.., ..._NII* .. ~I fWIST U C&. 8 11.tt10n1J1 ~...,_~I 500 320 210l ==·~...::..., 4 20 us Aleo t"4IO AJ!!tatllr .... 9" 0-. S.· flnkln~Hto • P11an . Bunlln PM, lll' MIN , loltr Bltd TllM' t 01/S. NCCHIO MCI. 11~ mMel Otlcllltn (Olul 80 20 ltOO I UO Lorel Clwnoven (INMtcl 26 80 1.80 e-1>11 (CUIAl'ldl) a 40 Aleo r-S c.11 Mt MllW, CIMt Vltdlcl. Medel OI HOf>Of Alli HouM. FatlUloul All- M>n, ~ Mr Al lCIOt, Pll'• LACI, Aleo· nono 1'lml I 473/$ It DALY DOUal I ICM) Plid $330 20 TMRI MCL I l\lttonga MiM ~ (V~ 8 IO 4.IO 3 80 ~ Ofeem (lllac:*I II 80 7 80 Oynarnk Olf1 I~ 5 IO Alto llOICI Sllowound. Ollec1allM. ~ Oa-. AMI Alllnlflty, ~·. Haaty SU- -· 8tcond Ofone " Timi. 1,Qtl/5 POUfmf llAC&. I IUr'°"9 W~~I 4180 1240 840 Out HerOlnl IClatlnldael.c-uo a 40 oo::o~=~ .... ~-~ OokS N1d111Gi. M-1. ~-lfltl(HI&. 80111, Added P11111111, Fln111 Ouallty. ~II C-t-Tim& 10911~ """ uc:a. I'-' Mtonga '1floel (OtWi wye) • 00 uo 3 00 T"'9round (Vtlilnllllltl UO :S.IO ()(ay Dendy (HI...,, 2 IO Alto rlOld El Penc:llo """91, 81 On Tlml. zo,. City llor11. O..CWo, lf1tfl lwotdl, f1t9t American, Diep Blue W1ter. Jllrntl. OCC, GWC • post WID8 • .....nt u ca. 1",,,... on rurl Ourl>M Ollp (McH.,QUtJ34 40 13 20 I OD MoNICl'I ("-'U•I 7 OD e 00 l(Jhy(llnyOlfl ti 70 Areo rlOld llln•l11n1 l w•g, L• Due o. Btt l'lalnl>Ow Connection. lllf1nC11r, A.nty Canyon. Atoll ,alcon, lflgl11 Timi 1 &0 3/6 • IU.CTA (3-9) pl6d 1668 00 Atltnd.,_ -31,491. c.... ..... ttt~ ...... 200 ll\ldt.y rll1y-1 Coron• dll Mar, l.H2 20D lr-1 LoolbOUrtOW (CCIMl. I 52 2. 2 Erntel (CMJ, 1 53 5. 3 PIHi (CMI, 1 .. 8 2001M-1 MOlliltel (CCIM). 2·01 I. 2 A•· llby (CBI, 2 10.05, a. Prickett (CM). 2 10 • SO Ir-1. Morr-(CdM). 22 8, 2 P\Gk1t11 (CM). 22 9; 3. ~ (C8) 23 4 10D lly-1. Looi DOUflOW ((;OM). l>ll I 2 Cutlllo (Cl). 1 00.t . a Mtldl (CM). 1 02 4 100 rr-1 Morrow iCOM). 50 3. :l I •· nMe1t1 (CM). 50.S, 3 T~ (COM}. 52 5 600 lr-1 Molltd (CdM). 4 61 8. 2 Ptrtl ICM). t·118. 3 S....,, ICMI. 11.18.6 100 beall-1 Prickett (CM}. 57 6 2 Pll> "«1 (CM). 1 OU. I Templl (CdMl. I 05 1 100 brllll-1 Alllby (CM). I ot 8. 2 auallkoN (CM) 1 02.4, 3 Jacoba ICdMI 1'()7 4 400 .... l'llly-1 ~ ,,._, " 26 3 ......,.nt.t P' ·rt• 200 lllldltly ttlly -I ~· 1 42 2 200 lrH -I lallac;k (N . 1 48 26. 2 Jappe (NI. 1115 81, a. Strand SI. Z,06117 200 IM -I. Moffit (N). 2;04 5, 2 Sllnlly IHI, 2-07 3, 3 T"°'"l)lon (N). 2 08 S · 50 lt11 -1 ~ (N}. 24 O; 2 Hll\l.1 (N). 24 7. 3 C>Clltg (N), 25.83 10D lly -1 ~OOllClll (N). 58 2. 2 Pl/1!.11 (NI. 57 1, a Jtclol (N}. 64 03 100 lrll -I MOiiie (H). 47 2. 2 HlnLI (N). 63 I, ) ~ (N). 53.9 500 "" -1 llallacll (NI. 4 61 21. 7 M.,rltoft IHI. S ti ts; 3 Woollolk (N). &330I 100 beClll -I Stlnl9y (N), SI S, 2 OOlrg (Nl.1 035.3 ~(NJ 1081 100 bl.-1 -1 H_..,,. IHI I 04 1 ~ Pat\• (NI 1 10 8. 3 ~(NJ 1 1 t 04 .0011 ... 1uy-1~3 477 ......... ......... ~ 200 mlCllly ... .., -1. &tenc:ll. t 49' 200 1111 -1~ (E), 1·&5 I 2 lrelancl IEI, t 58 8. 3 M« II (I). I 58 9 200 IM -1 IC>ellt IE), 2'08 7. 2 R1ct1 (II. 2 Otl 7, 3 ~(El. 2-.25 8 90 ,,... -1 (llll AIOCll (Fl lnCI Kllng.tman If) 23 8, 3 OfaU ff). ll4.3 100 fly -1 W..,.._ (£). 61 S. 2 lrellnel IE). 1 OD 1. 3 8-1 (I). no llrnl 100 II• -I O.lkl (El 52 1 2 ,...,1;1 01 52 I. 3 Un (E). SU ~,,... -1 l'llCll (I). 4 53 0, 2 WIC.llt IEJ s 16 4, ) Ctrtl9y (El. 5 29 l 100 back-1 Blrg 1E1. 1 Ot II 1 Crone Ill 1 06 •• 3 t<"'-*' (IJ. ' ,. 3 100 bll'lll -( Algoa IE). 1 07 S.2 2 SM (El. 1 OI t, a WlCU (E). 1 Oii 2 400 ,,... telly -1 IMnl. 3 .:i 0 ............................. 400 mlCllly t911y-1 Hunt1ng1on 8MOI 141137 200 llM-1 S &mltll (El. 1 41 84. 2 M.itoy (E). 1 58 10, 3 Ottlllth 1H8), 1 58 8 t 200 IM-1 ,....., (EJ. 2' 15 81. 2 P1111aon (E). 2 11 80; :S P-(H8). 2 21 112 50 lr-1 T. Srnltll (E), 23 &S, 2 Mal· I'-(E). 2' 17. 3 ur-1 (HBI 24 18 Oivlng-1 Ooldaletn (El. no pOlnlt no ~or•• 100 fly-I &lrro !Hltl 58 2:2 2 Ma1U.W. 1£1. M oi. 3 ..,_, cn 1tt08 100 ,,.._1 T Smltfl (El. St n . 1 P1t· ........., 1He1. &2 "· 1 "--\HB1. 53" 500 IYll-I W~ ltl 6 5 60; 2 Pel· .._(El. & 15 47, 3 ~ IEI. $ 37 38 tOObedl-1 P.--(H8) 1.0)51,2 A111tt IE.l. 11>4.tt; 3 A1111111 !E). 1 08 60 100 1>r1U1-1 s &"'""(El. 1'00 u . 2 P .. (Ha). t 10,aT; I . IOrUey (H8). 1 11 4$ 400 "-rtlly-1 Edtlon, no tlml ,_.. v...., 1 .............. .., 11 200 medley rerav-t. Founteln ValliJY, 1·9016 200 "-' .-,.. (Pl). ltM.U. 2. Wiiker (Al), 1.51.12, a. Pedlt9on fFVI. 2 00 27 200 11-1. Nonourt ,C:,!,t2 18, 2 SMI· ""' (Al), 2 17 eo: 3 (FV). 2 22 72 90 ,,_ 1. Sd'tllltl {FV). 23 84, 2. M-• (NI. 24 11: J "1Q11t (P'V). 2.4.,111 OMno-1 ,.,_ (FV), 209.45. 2 Ptlllel IWI. 11I M. a at_, (W). 15415 100 "-' ..,_81 IFV), 53 IS, I J"'6CI (Al), 1 00 "· , t-.a (l'V). 1:07 73 100 fr-1. 1-.r(FV). 53 15, 2 Judd (FV). .. 16; ' ~ (FV). 54 .. 500 ,,_ t l'utW (Al), 6.18 OI, 2 OW· vtrtenla n (FV). S·24.U . 3 Huang (FV), 5'11011 -100 beall-1. MoCll111y (FYI. 10609, 2 Slle•han (FW). 1!06.14: a. Nomurt (l'V). l'Ol 17 100 llr•Ml-1 Yovng (FV), 1 08 II: I 81nt11y (fVI. I 011 85; $ Waiki• (FV), 1'011.11 400 fr11 r1t11-1. Fountain Valley. a·ta •8 a ,_ -. ""'-""r • 200 l!'ldltr,...,. -1 II Toro. 1·419 200 fi-11 ~ 1 ..... Im U3 t, l S"Orl IE T ), 1 IU I ; 3 W1itlbo11r na IUI 1Nt. 200 IM -1. Wind-(ET), 1:ff 8; 2 c.'lton (V). 2!03 •: t. ~ (U). 2.-0I I 90 hi -1. ~ (U). 23 07: 2 Trol- 1111~ •: •• IAgrilnd (£T). 24.0I. -1. PoW {ET). SU•: 2 . ..,.,..., (U), M. , a 8'lotl (ET}. 1I01.0. 100 ht -t, ~ IV>. 11 U; I, GI-_. ('1'1. 9Ul •• lollleoMrJV>. ..... IOo frt1 -1. 0111.011@UI, •111.01 I 1MM 1m. 1:Ju: •·Hone rn 1·40, 1! too hok -1 11r11.,1 1. 1101.••J 1. l.tOt111d1 (IT), t.04.01, • 'l'o11ne (ITI, 1106.lt 100 DfMll -1. "one (I '). 1 DI t• t W11llb011rne ((T). t.08.34, a Olllrlofl lv1. 10708 400 lr11 ""*" -1 ll Toro, a MO ........ "· OllM"'". IOO ~ '*" -t Mwlnl. I 67 " too rr" 1 ~·''°"' 1M~1 &4 t 4, a T_..,•101.10748,a .._ M).201" too IM 1 l~ (M). il N . t DI\ (M). f II 43, I M..-(M). 2.a ,12 60 ., .. -1 .. ~0111'911 101. u 18, 2 Hoc*lnl (M). 2.411, I ....... (01. 16 OI 100 fly -I EJVlaM ( ... I. 1 0 t to 2 W- I 01 ta, 3 LY"Clfl (Ml. 1 04 .. I lOD lt11 -1 1mM (M). t.a~. 2 T.-. (0~ &tlt;3 ~(0).87ff 500 1111 -1 Pareona (Ml. 6 U 4•, t L~ (Ml. a H Ill: I . Dey (M), 5 '6 02. 100 back 1 Enright (M), 1 04.48, 2 Hop~ln• (MJ. t 11 110. 8. McQ1,,lgl1 101. 1 ,. 48 100 brtHI -I. Smith (Ml. 1 I I 71. 2 Aoc-(M). I 14 80, 3 l'ilQI (0), 1 11 7 4 400 It .. relr(-I no l\'ltll WOfl'Mft HIGH 9CHOOL ,._.,..~-..-n 200 ,._,, ,...., 1 l dllon. 2'0I ... 200 1111-t 810f1Cll (HSI. 2 06 26, 200tM -I W MICl<tnJll (El 2 30 63 50 lrH -I ~1111 IHE). 2e 33 Oo-O-I I(...,_ 1£1 113 U 100 lly-t W M1CK1n111 IEI 1 08 02. 100 1111-I 8.cllll)' (..SI 1 00 0, 500 lrtt-1 Stortch IHBI 6 )I 76. 100 Dick -I llutn•ll IEI 1 11 66, 100 1>1 .. a1 -1 Ayan IHBJ. 1 20 Ot. 400 1111 1t111y-1 Hunt1ngton BMc:h. 4 10 70 ,_.. v.-., tll, WMclRllllllf 14 ·200 mldliJY 11r1v-1. Fo11nt1ln Valley. 2;05.40: 200 lr-f Cetnoblll (Wl. 2.'01.lM, 200 IM-1 !.'* (FV). 2 <lo 00:. &() Ir-I Armtttonu IFVJ. 211 at. OMno-1 Otl.,111 IFV>. 154 ff. teiO 1ty-1 Clark (FY). t 04 47 100 1111-1 C1,,,pb1U (WI. 6, U . 100 Ir.. I Luall (FVI. I 00 22. 100 l>aci>-1 CWll (FV), 1 I I 14, 100 brlMI-I l'fllut (FV). 1 17 16; 400 lt11 , ... y-1 Fovnltln Vllley, 4 38 20 ~ 109, ae-"'-D 200 IMCl1ey relay -1 M1t1n1, 2 04 41, 200 II• -1 ,._,,(M). 2 10 31. 200 IM - 1 llochrn (M). 2 36 63, !IO 1111 -t All\lll (Ml, 28 64, OMng -I Jllll (M). 46 71, 100 fly -t llrown (M). 1 13 27 100 ,,... -t Aehllo (M), $8 68. 500 ltll -1 v-, (M), 8 13 91, 100 b-1 8odwl1 (M). 1 18 32, 100 brlUI -I ~ (M), I 0t 79. 400 lr11 •141Y -1 Mlrlnt. no !Ima .....,,.,, '°· .......... 71 200 n11C11ey r...., -I Hewpott. 2 22 O. 200 lf'll -I MdUnll y (N). 2 21 7, 200 IM -I Wolfe (8) , 2 33 06. ~ ltll -1 Wollt 151. 18 08. tOD fly -I Rey ISi I Oii :J. ~ lf'll -I PJt""' (HJ II 12 6 10D baclk -I ..... (N).11429;10D.,,_I 1~ (N), I 1$ 54. 400 If'• t'"'1 -I ~ 4 11 •4 --.1ee...oa• 200 ,._,, 1-.:t -1 ,,_, , :.1 '· 200 hi -1 Pedlt-(II. :1 02 6 200 IM -I MOtwoOd Ill 2 13 II. 50 lt11 -1 Clltll (£). 27.D; lOD lly 1 Maeldoclt If.I, 1 021. 10D ll'w -I. Nchettl II~ SS 4 500 lr11 -I ...,.,_II). 6 2:11 II. IOD Dido -1 Svttll (I). 1 04 3, 100 br-tl -1 MorwooCI 111. I IQ 5, 400 ltll relay -1 lrvlne. 4 01 3 II f OfO ... ""'"""' M 200 lnlCllly tlley 1 EJ f OIO, 2 0 I M, 200 lr11 -1 Tric:1e (ET). 1.58 83 200 IM -I P11k1t IETl 2 20 SS. 60 lr11 1 T t1C;i1 IETI 21 13 100 lly -I Wlllla"'a IETI 10309 IOD Ir• -1 ..,,_(ET). 5t31 500 lrM -1 Barnea IETl 5 38 81. 100 b1C11 1 ~ IE'Tl. 1 Oii n 100 ~ - 1 ~ (ETI. 1 17 28 400 1111 t.ity 1 El Toro. 4'0I 03 ~ t I ., .. Wom.n'e IOftbefl COMlllUMTY COl.LIOI c ....... ,....,_,,a.....w1110 C11 Si.t ,,....,on 010 000 o 7 4 2 GOIOln w .. 1 000 000 0-0 0 3 K1Hl1119 anel 1<1119 t<yl11 Delp (21 and Mc&ll W-~ l -Kyllt 38-~ IFI COlmllUNrTY couioe Or ... C-.t Z. llMt An1 1 Sen1a Alli lOD 000 0 1 2 t Orang.t Coatt 010 OD1 11-2 6 I Aovlfrl Incl F~ CulC> lnCI Cna 29 -c;.,., 10CG1 i 38 cnetnC>1<1 IOCC1 HR -.,.,.'*'<llil 1~"1 Id a ' ca 1, trn'*1el .,..., o lmplrltl Valley 006 000 0 0 4 7 SIOClllblGll. 800 2 10 • ti & ) Jung1n anel Suuon. lock• anel Aub•I· cave 211-0 Brien (SI ISi. Diaz llM 111 HIQf4tc~ c:..te ..... 22. ~ • Corone Oii Mii OD I OD I 4 6 8 3 Cot1'I ....... 113)02 044 • -23 12 ~ OoOCla Incl Woll!. Lu& and McAlllt ~ •I) 29 -KOlllad (CclMI h4wa I, • •• t t 2 ~ OD1 ODI 0-2 ~ ) h1anG>a 032 000 , s • 3 loPC tnCI z-.. ClwlSllnln INI Vatci. 211 -Holfm•n IEI Cllrlelrntn IEI kft C*'-'tl 7, 0-... 0 Dena Hiit 000 000 0-0 1 2 8111 Clamlnlt 200 050 •-1 4 0 Alvllr• 111d Chn11ey; Suciclnl l . 8uc:c1n1 anel Locikhlrt 38 -Lodllllrl (SCI ......... YlltO II,~._., I MINlon Viejo 321 117 4-26 18 0 lagune 8Mef\ 000 000 0-0 0 1 I Bartl• and McE•an, Tllfnet 1t1C1 8-211-Orf'tC-. fM). Mldigan IMI WatkHla IMI NHL plawoffl ITAM&.U' CUlll OUlllTlllAIAU WldMNsf ee-11 v1ncouv1r 6 ••"•' 2 IV•ncouve r wine -ill• 11 Oult>lc 4 BoetOft 3 10ulblc; IMdl .., ... 3-2) HY Alnglte 4 HV -. 2 (~ lllCI ... ill ~,, St l-3 CNcaQo 2 IOll I~ IMCll ...... J.2) ,.....,...o.i- lloalon 11 OulblC NY ltlandlrl 11 HY AlnQlt9 , St LOUlt •I 0Ncago ...... ·1a.m.. Oi.'9tltC 1111oa1on \:..,":!!;•~ HY ~· 11 'HY lrf "-'Y) Cf1IOIOO 11 II LOllla (II _.,yi O•=:t. \!::!' I Lot Aflt'ltt 1 1 0.-1 VSlllOlllMf t I 1-1 "'94,..,.... 1 l.OI Anlllllt. Hk"llO!f• • I ao. :l Ven 00\Nll Niii I llut>lii. htlllllell. I 11. :t Vtl'I f/o04/Yll, HllW1tel I (OllMAAI ft 04 1'-'li.. -Le•le l A. U . 'r1111. Van, t2, Wiiia, LA, m1nor.,,,•Ju1 2 07 Ce111p"ell, v1n. """°',.,,.JOI, a111. ,,..., 111111 101 lltlv. L.A 3 U 111111 LA. IOI N•ll Van 8 ot. Smllh. LA. mtj()t, I 63 l •<Wll, ~A m'-• CIUCI I t:i Crewtord Van. "'1no1.m1Jor. 9 63 o.lofltte Van. moac;onduc;I I IJ. L Murphy. LA 11 02, ,, ... , VI II. I 1 °' w• LA 11 •o. "«1. Ven, 11 55. Tr,tot, LA.II~~~· 4 Vl tw.OUVtl llota 3 IHllll :t 00 I lOI AngtlH. L "1urplly :I 18111111111 Taylor) 1113 8 V.,_ Ao1a 4 It 49 Pll\llllll W1Hilma van 11 41 lot ... LA 11 JI, w....,.,,,, Van. It 30 Tt,lrd ....... 1 vaneouvtr ,, .. ., 2 l!imyl, Oraelln), 1 u P.n.alllll flo ... Van. 1 46. DILOf~. van. 8 10. Ctlalttew. LA 12 '8 '••-V•n. 12 34. ll<lner LA I~ 38 Sllott Oii ~ -l Cle Angella 12 12 II .30 v~ ro 11 11 37 • Oot1llU -LOI Angel .. l HUIO Van CO\Mlf 8'00lllf A 11413 Alan King CIM1lc ....... ~ .... ) ,.,.,~..,.... J1ty1my Connora Clel Hank Pll1111, 8-3. e.1,Jelf llorOW<llll dll Vllu O..u1t1111. 1-3 7_. S1-Olnlon o.t "-T1t1n1t. 6-2. 1·2. Eliot l9'1ac;1111 Oii Httokl Solomon e.2 1·11 II-I Joh•n Krlell di! ~ SIOCll• IOft 1-4 1-:1 Sancty .......... C11t PM Deni 6-3 1-2. B"an Tttc,,.r 011 "oel Frawley. 1-3 1-2 Gene M.,._ ell! K.-(;ufr.., ~ 1-2 VII\ Wont1•1 dll Stan 8Mtth 7·S. 1-2. CMI ~ Oii .IOM l !Otel 7 II l-0, 8<1111 Go11l1110 OM Fnu 8""'""'0 tr 2 6 2. AMil "•""'•l Oii Enk van 1><11«1 t. 4 e..o Ml4 Pufc.11 Cllt c:.tloe l".11,,,.,, .......... Mllfll ECl,,,onelton oar l om O~ll••aon 7 6 11·2 Br.-Maneon c111 r"" Mayotl• !>-7 o~ ..... Vine. Van Pall..,°"' Cnip ~. 1-t. 4-11.1-4 Hardcour1 tournemen1 (at e---ui, lllolaMI , ..... ~~ F11nanoo Luna Cltf """'-J11r9lt. 7_. &.2 Menuel Orant" dll Henri Laconia 1-2 11·2 AftG11 01m1nez Clll JOl\ll Fll•I' 1-3 1-7 M IMoftd~~ Paul McNamff del Bltn•rd Fr111. 6·2 g.4 n-n. T.,.._ ell! ECICI .. fOW..Cla I 2 11·3 JOH LUii 0 1,.,11n1 Cl•I C111111op111 Roo-·V-&.3 8-2 Women'• tournemenl ~.:~ ..._,, f\a ) .._.......,._ 1<11111 Rlnalcll dll VlfO'"'• AwJct M 1-t. &-4 cnna £Vitt llo\'CI ell! Sul leo 1-l tr I Madruga 0-d.t PMn<lt l-. 1-4 1-7 6·3. Pam Caul• 011 81Dln1 S1mmonoa 6-? 1-0 Bet11na 81.1"91 O('f Cltudie ~ 1·2 6-3. C11h111ne Tanvllr Oii Kalhy Jo<. O•n 8· 4 11·2 Ka1ny HOr¥elh Oel Jenny K111Cfl 11..() 11·2 Anelr11 J1t911 del P11r1 ~ 2 .. 6-:1 6-0 WCT lournem•nt (atO .... > ~ ........ Ivan Lenell del Wo11e• F1Deo I · 1 I 4 w 7-6 High t chool Ettencla 2Cf'" -...,lttlec" '°"' ........ 8af OI' If I 0-' Pr ado 6.Q Oii Chun. 8-3 ~t tr. L~ 1 f 04tf T • I c:,,..,,,,..N .... tE1 Wot' f,,, 1 6 1 •1" 4 6 '*011 h \ t; IQ, .. , 1(1 '*'h b 1 6 l '"''' II C "'"" t~-1 Ot1en ffJ WOI• 6 I 1<>11 ? 6 ) Ii 4 t Ooublff lnM1om1-8rown IEI dtf Vu Agv1rre 7.5 6 3 del Ouono Pt1am 6 2 6 4 SP'"'' fli!QQ •T' won~ • 6 ? '""'' 4 6 ll 1 COMMUNITY COUl'.QE WOMf'N OCC 1'.1. Mt. 8en Antonio • °"NfQI: CgAlf -f""'CJll 14. C.roll 14 M"'1< 12. ~lll~an 3 Ktoy91 11 P•k11 11, Bir') 8 TOlala 36 1 11 79 MT. tAN ANTONIO Lolln 4. "1ort 8ou•M 17. Petry 4 Arcnl• 19 Total• 26 17-28 811 H.iftlml OCC 3!>-:12 T Olli loult 0CC 24 Ml Sen Anlonio 13 "F~ out 8an'fl0CCI OofcMn W•t 102. f .. t LA • OOLOlN Wl•T K«•o,,•n 30 Bu lhne 31 HwfltOn 20 ~WI I I AMy :1 T-44 14-111 102 lAIT LOI AllOILll -Oare.a 4 Ku· n1yoerN 4 GaWlOo 4 "-ot11 2 Man~ 32 ..._ 13, ~ 2:11 TOlll• 41 &-e 88 111111-4l-all Fouled OVt Total loula a-w .. 1 10 e..11 LA 17, Fou«<! out Hone Misc. Wedneeda~• lr1nNGtlon1 lltHALL A-... ~ DETROIT TIGERS Sold llloci. K- onl-, 10 thl "noet• IOI en un<>·-amount o1 ~·.,, Recellecl .,..,~ OeJofln .,._ llCllOll from 1'*< l'v_.,.,..ol 1111 Alnltletn AUOOOl1ion '00TWAU. CMldltn footb•ll LHi"' 11AM1l TON TIGER-CATS $tgn«t MIN Allt mang olltnalva gu1rel anO Thomu Sc:Nftlnqll e11ren11ve ltn1m1n CC>U.101 8All STATE Nameo Al Brown hHd l>lel<•lblll COl(f\ KANS AS STATE N•mtd Oa tryl w'"~ton ••t11n1 i..111e11>11 cOIOI P"CE -Na"llCI Pt1t o,., 1ura11n1 loolbtllCOICll AANOOtPH·MACON N•mtel 0. Jt · ~ M StOClc.• 11""11< °"9<10f ...,,.,.~ tjl(»I·~ Mltlna d9I Founlllln V.,., .. 15, 15-10 . .. 15, 15-10, 15-8 Lil e>.Jlnta dlf Hunt1ng1on Bllcll. 1 &.-5, 13-15, 16-0. 16-t Secretary's Week Special 50% OFF llYE HUL TH I FITllESS 12 lllTIS s75oo Offer Oood Until April 24th (N9W Membert Only) ~­.. THE FAMILt' CIRCl:I BIG GEORGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) '/. '' "Yeah , my mom makes me carry one, too." "I t1k1 It you don't llkt my meatbellt." ~ \R~:\Dl'KE by Brad Anderson ... Ci •tu'"*'' .. ~·~··· .,., , I ~ f µ • j ~~~ '/ tt.. "He hid his bones In the 'old clothes' closet · and they all smell of mothballs!" Jl'DGE PARKER DINNER'~ ON ME . 5A.,_' PIC14. ME UP AT MY HOTEl. Al ~EVEN ' d <1 • 1 DEMAND CRfEDIT FoR A Rf::TROACTIVE: HoL.e·IN-oNEE ! ACROSS 5e COmfOftf I Ctntrll Of 59 Languid YOMll'lllt 62 Conlllnet s Conveyenct &4 FlQIK• of e eo..-epeec;t1 , .. .., 55£.-m 15 Mtlrettion 67 Boo4ery 18 Atllll caipffll 2 .c>rclt 17 Notoriely 70 Mu*all*Y t91nwWd 7t Edck> 20 o.c.,,,., 72 ~ 21 &in -Sen 73 ~· !i61a.a. 23 AdjUtlfll 74 Fll'Nd 24~ Dool 27 WlllM, In 75 SooMt •.... [M DOWN ft Woodoodl•' 1 ......... llM 2~ ,,..... 3,...... ........ 4 --rMIO Hlpil- J7..... ·~ ., ......... ...... ,,.... 21MOtM ..... ....... • .. _....,.., llllllil .,,__,... 7...... Uf.,_ w 17L,nGodl .. Ollilm I Iron.,,. 2 ... Pl't ...... • ......... '3 Gr9'illl ........ !Nit ........ tlC.1 ..... .. c...,. • ...... t.. ........... .... -It lllflllll ...... . ,._...... ...... ..... .-... .. . .... ., ........... ., . .., ..... ..... . ..... .. ·--......... ...... . --... .. ... _ ....... ... Hank Ketchum by Jim Davis IF rr 15N'f A LEAK IN THE ROOF. J PON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT 15 by Ferd & Tom Johnson MY 8,ALL L,ANDED EXACTLY oN -me SPOT WHER~ 1~E Hot..£: WAS Y~STt:P!DAY.' Orange Cout O~IL V PILOT /Thurlday, Ap~I 22, 1982 PEANt'TI ..... .. - l1VE OEVEl.OPE.O ~T Of A NEW MABIT ON ™E CMAN6EOV~R ... / ~ liiJ4· ~ ·~e : Tt:MBLE•£ED8 Wf:l..L.! IF rT ISN"f 1lif Fl-£?.A! HOWS IJIZ? SHOE 1!lr1 I? 1li LATI6T N cmt. WCM~EG. ~ ... I~ ITTO I _._.~- ~aP K Wi™ftff ~. ---=-- TRAV ELING COMPANION WAN TEO 5AME OLD a.IE/ Tl<.At i. /MJ, ARBLJTUS DIC' A A/UMBER Uf..I HIM WIT# HI$ ~IAJG StT/ THAT'S THE JOB FOR ME-- I LOVE TO TRAVEL YOU weRe Rl<:;H-r, t!Pc:>I e ! :s: owe YA A PO L-L-A R .' · N••1111aeaFea•ea1E v.l AU. CXJ€ ~. 5ENA10~ ... . ________________ ......... l-W.eH \ CD.l.O OOMe FM COR'!Z,PHE.-eoT "fie. KlOS Ma STILL S.C.K. .. Cl ' by Tom K. Ryan by Jeff MacN~lly by Tom 8at1uk by Kevin Fagan .. , •• NIWI OHAN.Wt MML.I e WtlTI 1HADOW • Tltl A I UllOHI • HAWMPllYU I ...... WC)ft'T UNl••TNCMG HWtlAN 194A~ l"~~MOI" MONIWI NIONIWI MCMI * * • "Manoanlnnle" (1110) Mawuyur YMllalewvy. Anna Ralpll, In 1UO. AwtflllMI. • wM• ....... ClllMd and .,, Abo- rigine WOll'lflll If....., acroea tN bulfl In -di of .... ~·· ioet tribe. • (l)MOW ••IA "Utile Mc. Mflllc_.' (!HO) Welt• Maltheu, Julie Andr-8llled on Iha 0wnon Runyon ltory. A orufl, ltlngy t830a booll· le'1 Ille la IU<ned Wound wlwl he 9009Pt• • 1-yeer· o6d moppet .. • malller lor a radng bet. 'PO' .MOYll * • * "The Eerthllng" ( 1180) Wllllam Holden, Ricky Schtodat A world ,,..,... ~.young orphan the W9Y8 o4 ~ In the """'allafl wlldet· -.·PO' uo • M..L.INTHll'MlllY -~Twrn4 CUTI~ I ···-~ '9NIWI aMNl't laLl1' {I)CHAMJI~ COMIO't' THl!ATM ''Tiie ..... •• ()wtle f)Or· 1reye a dumey wtllter Wf'O , .... In lo¥e wtth EdN Pur· lllfllloe and 1191• rid o4 .,, -tedlUltOt 7:00 I Clll NlW8 H9CNlW8 ~OAYIAOAIH ·~HaWI • W'A'l"H Hawtlaiye and Trac>99r....., one toldler to IOlr'I hll pregnant wtt. end try to llop anottw from mtrry· i •~glrl JOKIR'9 WIU> OVIJ'IAIY ou..t· Mel T0tme (RIQ e MAGIC CW Ok. ll'AINTINQ (J) P.M. MAGAZJN! A ptOftle of Prealdenl Aeloan'• ,,.,_,.,. -· lfllY, • pllOCOgrapMr ""'° .. btr.llnQ the AmRon )Un- Ole to f)hotogr_, a rwe bird 0 IHTPTAM•fT T~ '"Knoet LMldlng" ltllfl Tad Shec:tleltofd and ~ .,.. delnonetr ... , io... eoene '9THE~ ~ PaulS#non ~MOVIE * • "Cotton Cendy" t 1171) Clint Howard, Cllfll1ea Mflllln lfnlttl. A gr~ of hlgfl ldlool ,,,... Iii. lcwm a rodl bfllld to ~· with the ICtloof'• eata.bliarlad benO. (D)"MOW ••if "Tlm" (1911) Piper 1.111#19, Wei Ol'*>n ' A Y°'lftO rttafded man end a ••n•lll¥t, mlddl•·eo•d WOl'*1 ~ • dOM retallonehlp of mutual need and undtr9tllndlng !flat leeda to an unorthc>- doll ll'IWrlege (%)MOYIE • • • • "Smell CNinge" ( 1971) Oeory OtmOUCHU•, Phlllppe Goldman 01rec1ecs by FrflllCOll TNffeul ~al Ftenctl c:fllldren Oemon- etrete the ernalng wtadorTI and Innocence which yout1la ~ In outwit· ting thelt ...._ 'PO' CHANNEL LISTINGS fJ KNX T ICBSI 0 D KN8C IN8CI l e KT LA l ino I llt1 .KA8C IABCI it D KFM8 CCR~I ••1 I) l(HJ TV I Ind I 111 e KCST IABCI I e KTTV Clnd I •• e KCOP TV (Ind 1 • • KC:ET tP6Sl • e KOC£ IP8Sl Oranae Cout DAtLV PILOTIThurtday, Aprtt 22, 1M2, CRACJt CASE -GeralcrMcRaney (left) aa Btck Stmon and Jameaon Parker as A.J. Simon are hired to capture teen-ager who baa cracked a bank'• automatk teller lel'Vioe on "Simon & Simon" tonight at 9 on KNXT (2). 7:IO. I OH THI TOWN fl!'et tlHed. a looit lftto AtzNinler'• ~. ~ Mnlllty. the '°""" blo9M1 II-In the U.S .. a orotMe of Ralptl F**"at, IN man who hM taught ...,.. to tence; • vlalt 10. Not\h Htgtl 8chool In Torrancie lor a IOOll • thailr rai:llo 8latlon. 18 ,AMILY ll'BJO l.AV8'Ne & IHIN.IY &CCMllANY S..lnO llflldOm. i...- goee to CNcago to try out for a rOle In "W..C llde 8toly." • IYIOHL.A fl!'eetured: a trip Into the WOtld o4 alrtlofne ltlfllc ~-: a loOll al • pol- .,_ who wll go to unuaual lengttw to gather lntonna- Uon. • M•A•e•H ,_.., lleoOn.a °"" 111 Id wMI\ he,...... tMt not~ Ing Ilea~-to Nm 10 lnllk• "'"' .... thet .... ll'lflllhood hM been fu6.. Med • (J) nc TAC DOUQt4 • WACHEIL I LEHMR ~ I :-MaCID "°"" FMl&lfed.. "Ra C.at.c:t. Of T Okyo" and "Ollltng T 01 .......... (8) WHAT OH 1Wm4 °"°" '-' hOeta ..... feat-paced, fKt·ft!ltd IQ. ence--. 1:00 . (J) MAGNUM, P.l When friend and 1urt1r COtn9411llot1, Kecy, la lound murdeted on lhe beach, Magnum tr11C111 down hit klller. •a,.,,. Lydia end Coco ~ tor the 1111na Pfi'1 In an otf.. 8tCJedw8Y play. Ind Danny .,... 10 .,.,... • rN9ttng with .. Idol. Jdwwt Ofll· ~(A) • MOYll * • • ""-Cna" 11154) Gary eooc-. Bun ....,_ w . A f)alr of,,___ ___ .._ .... ,,.~ C*!Wat. e 8NO~.MI*> A _........ llil9' ..... ,.... .............. .MOW •• *. "W• Ntd ,,._,.,. (~ 3) (ltet) L.lldmlla ... ~ .. ..,_ Bondat· Cltll*.. 8...:1 on !he ,_.. by ~ Tolllloy. Tiie ...... of ..... ..,,... _ ....,,,_ "**'by the~ --. ., .... ~ A f)fOflle of Prealdent Aeaoflll'• '*''°"" -· tety; • f)f'l>toOfac>f\ar wPIO la bfr.llnQ the Amaon ,._ Ole to f)f'l>tograpn • ,.,. bird. e MOYW ** • "t\lono Oame JonM'' ( 1145) Qwy Coo-'*'· lor'lltU Young. A cow-t>o, ,,.....,, tor a ~ -k.., .. hullted by • OOtM Ind hla ioo...-•• the , ... outl9w. • L.Al'TCHNQ QAMGe llfad '-"' ~-• CM..__~ and ~--­.INIM~ Roger Ebert and Gene lilllel hoeC an tntormettve loc* .. "'*'• ...... the ~ ®MCMI On·TV Z TV HBO ICJMm4al IWORI NV ,NY (WT8S) IESPNI 1snowume1 SCIOt1IQht IC•tlll! Nf!w~ ,..efworto * * • .. The Ilg A9d One" ( lllO) 1M Manin, Mflltl Hemll. A 1°"8fl Ann"/ ... o-nt .... '°"' youno. lnexptl'lenoed rec:oilte Into lhe ~flled Irey of World W11 II combet. 'PO' Cl) MUN-. AMONG .......,. ~ Keller1'Nl'I Ind ...... ~ ... In''* oomady wMdllnlt, Mt In • New "°"' apllt1manl Oft .... Yew'1 ew, ln¥OMnf 111 Ktor, hla WMltfty wh and hit ambltlou9 aoent. • MOYll * *"' "Thiel" (1911) Jamee Caan , Tueldey WINS. A Ot'Ol ... "'1el orooll ~up hla ll..,_ld9ia tot • blo tOOr't ""' he ~ ... --hla ffll'N· lt_1 Mure, 'A' t::ao. di MOM & M1NOV Mindy la llllad for refuting to ,...., ,.., ........ -°' In • bribery .,., • AU. IN THI 'AMIL. Y 8f1mmlng wtth cue1-.. Alehit'• Place .. ctefll1lnCI UC1 on Ille Super Bowl when two robbert dedde lo.,_. the WMlttl. e lNIMP~ Roger !ber1 and Gene 8"1111 lloet an.JnlO!IT1'1Wt look al wNt'a -at the mcMea. -~ .. PMTa.9 ''The Attlll" ~41 CZlCHMUI~ OH THI,._,.. ICIHI e:oo I i=::r..,.. 8T"'*DQ • 0 IAIMY M1U.P Berney IMkl '-from the f)Ollce c:haplMI wMl'I • -·•ICllY ,,... -'""° ttv .. • traah oen thfougfl • .core wtriOow dtrnende In exorclem. (A) Q I ...VGIWPIN ..,...,UNO Aullr .. •'• Murrey RoN, Ille ~ tr1t* gold madalet In Vie hlatory of .,.. Olymc>lc ~ .. pro- ftled -~ THU TM ''loW In A Cotd aimai.- Tile Merry Widower'' Linda m111rtea Tony KtoellQ and ~ lllrt1\ 10 • o.ignter • P°"f .,._. .-yone with ,_ f)lat1ll to ,,_,.,, Boy ~(P11114)Q ~MOYll ** "S.ZW. The Story Of Kathy Mofrta" Leonerd Nlmoy, Peneioc>e Miiford A beeutll\ll )'CK#'O women with a promlalnQ CM- flgM9 for ,,. -when .,,. laltNC*~by.~ ftUll brlln tumor. (D)MOYll ** "The HMd'' (tN11 Mich_, C*ne. Andr" MllCO't'locl, ~ lno'- dtnla and nlgtltmarH beOlfl lllWPl*•ig In • cat• toonlat'a Ille aher he aulttta die IOM of a hand '"' (I)MOYll *·~''The...,,_, &pen. IMftt'" (tt73) J-WNI· mote, Tlppl ~ A~ legit ....._ lo tnoorpo-r• 1 OOWM on -'* rellllonl and IMlfNcy In ,...,. .... lntO .. CUI'· rtoull.ltl •• ,.. t:I0 .8 ... AIMAK .... dec:idm to quit .,.., tN ~ ._. thM n een not enwt9ft ,.... In ,,. room.("> e O TAMI Llllul'a -f)enONllltlea ~ ,..,. Md Ai.. to ,.. ..... ~,...·· °"""' .,., Q • INC llYAIB)'I ~ • ~"""ca.ca "Tiit ._ MM\" KM\ ~ °"*COme '* ,_ of pvtJllo --lnO wMI\ he .. drllled lo ""' fof ....,,. OOl#Mllf pt...,.. Q 1HO. (I) KHOT9 LNGNG Vat NM Off to a bee*· OOllfltry 'oacl" w .... afle,.......N........, ,, I "°"' .... -~­... IN hmn't .._,, .. ll~°:u°7n.r k"* ~~·-­------~ • ':-1~' near· --·~O\IWCSOM.('O 11.'L .... TO 1"I MAHOfl IOM o.v-lloW9 IN trd- tlonet IMlt ... to bl .. ll the Manot, bul doeln'I aoMPt Allclrey'e r9fueal 10 ~ It llld tn. to dlenge .... mind. ®~ * • *"' "Lady 8lngt TM lluel" (1972) Diana"'*· lilly Dae Wlllla!M. TIMf ellernatety Meller end trag· lo '*-of bk.-llllQ4W 11111• Holtlday, WhOH •ddlollon to druo• lnortoaMd .. her l>OC)Ularlly did ... treoed. Cl) CWJ..AGHllt TWO MAL Tiie oomedlel\ pertomw • --of~ end corNc \llgneela. tO..ao . =.,.,.... Leonerd ..,,.. ---to epetld Illa b6r1fldey with. Ale wente ~.end .... wwita nothing In Pfi'• lb*" . • MONmWWll "8uccela In The Stocll Mwtl•" .MOW * * "The F1M1 Conlllct" t 1N I) Sam Naill, ~ Bram. 1n ,.,. 11Wd '*' o4 "The°"*"" lrllogy, young o.m..n. the embodiment of the Antlc:llrlat, la now .,, lldult end • !rutted advltot 10 ti,. pre.ici.nt of the u 8 'A' 1o:al <I> MOV1I * * "Blood And Oute" t 1971) Wltllam Smith, Micheline Lanctot. An ai;ng .,....., .... hit ~ lflOt for ~ In llfe. WOf'k end tow. 'PO' 11:00 • • • (J) o a NIWI • IA TUN>iA Y NIGHT Hoet MICllMI Plllln 0-1 ~Record. I YOU Alt<IO FOA IT W'A'l'H The dOCtore c:onaplra to retire a ounc>-ftO COionei .,_ mllltary explOlte Ill• lnllklnQ the ~ buller 119'--. ·~HIU. 8erw1y ~ In the ar... Invalid Chelr "-· • DQ<CAVfTT ~ MW;flMf Plllln (Pwt !l.JR) • THE LAWMAKIM CorrHpondent1 Linda Wefthelmer and COl!Je Roberti join Paul Dull• for .,.. up-to-the-minute - mery of ConoreNion•I actMtlea. ~MOV!f **'A "The Prtvete E~" ( 1980) Don Knotta, Tim C-ey Two INITlbling Americ.n ~ 111• celled In to lnwatJQate a _.... of murdenl In .,.. r'~'-'PO' • •141 "The lillrror Cf.oi'd" (1980) EJtzatMlltl Teytor. Kim No¥e11 8...-d on • M.oty by Age"'9 Clvtetle A Wenge murc• lnvoMno ,..,,., HolloywoocS ...,. .... ~ In .,, r-w9age 'PO' • • . 'Wiid And 8eelltHul On lblu" ('M t) Reg11 Pe>tte. Tanja Sc*aa. Aicfl and poor )'CK#'O It ........ ~oe on IN lelflllCS rWOf'I for • hollCley of pw. ~'R' 1 l:IO • (I) QUINCY Quincy IHmlea oo-nment red ~ end a C0f90f•t• .,_to Mw •am.all town from • deadly aplOefnlc. ·~ •'9TONIGHT Ouaet Met: JOWi AMn. Gu.t:~. e O A8CNIWI NICIHTUHI • l(C),,W( .,.,.~ O-oe'• trip to~­ .,.. lftllY be "'°"'""* ·~A#OIOH Fred and lMnom eu!MU- Me for a trMnd In a ~Twrn4 CUTIN>MAi8 • C#'T'IOHU> ABC NIWI ·--~- 12::00 • IHT'IJlrr AINMfHT TONIGHT "Knota l.Mldlng" 11Un Ted 8hacQlford and Donna .... oen-trate • ~ .... e a VIGAI OM compet.. with a .,_,.lful ~ IO IOM IM nvdlrt of ttne 11'1- vete detect'-. (A) .MCMI • • • "e.cll To letaall" ( 1'46) JoM We,ne, Mth0- "1 Quinn, CM Off from Allwtoen '°"*' • OOlonal oroanma MtM Allplnoa Into • .,.,.,.. Mmy for • • TUBE TOPPERS KNBC (4) 8:00 -,;Fame." Lydia and Coco compete for the aame part in an otf-&o.dway play. KNXT (2) 8:00 -"Magnum, P.I." When lrlend and 1urfer companion, Kacy,. l1 found murdered, MalJ\um lracka down her killer. KNXT (2) 10:00 -"Knota Landing." Val run1 off to a back-country roadhouse where ahe recelvea attention from an ex- priiefigh ter. KNBC (4) 10:00 -"Hill Street Blues." Lucy undergoes a career crilla after she ii responsible tor a proatitute's near-fatal drug overdoee. raid on Ille J~. • LDVI. AlffNCAN ITY&.a "Love And TM Dating Cofl'l9Uter" MatlOrl and ,,Wide meet through • eomouter c1a1ino e.111oe "loW And The Hawy ~· RoOer1 lriea 10 bonow Illa h ·ICIOUN tor an-*1g • fllOQM OH eoc.TY 1t:GI (%) MOV1I • • "Home MovlH" 11ta01 t<Mth 0oroon. Klfll Oouglaa. A young l!lnl 1111- dent 111ttere from a badgering taedlet and .,, attreetlon to file brother'• flanoae. 'PO' 12:IO . '9 L.ATI HIOWT wrTH OAVIO~ au..11: humorlat 8t1n ,, .. berg, dlaclo etw Gr- Jc>f*, Leo Butclgll• ·~ * *'.t "The Grand Duet" ( 1974) LM Van CIMf, Peter 0'8rlen A court- room btoor'*I • _,.,rtno ~ for legal """°' WY"•tllng -• man'• late 1:.... VHCM 1•G1 cci..M • * •. ,. ...... Cege Au• Follea" (1979) Ugo Tog- naul, Mlc:htl Seneult A nigMclub -.,. 10 pr~ ..... lt--11te ~·~ byllll IOn'I flancee'• father, the morala commlaalol.., of Frence ·111· (B)MOVll * * '"WlllW 6 PNI'" (IMO) Mlcfleal Ontktllll, Margot Kidder ThrH peool• beOlfl • lriangulat ,_ In Ofeenwtch Vlflege that ~ tlltougl\Oul the metOUtlal eoc:iel m11i.u Of the '70.. .,.. (l)MOV!f • • 141 "Tha Pollman Ahoaye Ainge Twlc;e" ( 1tl 1) Jeck Nlcholeon. JeMlca Langi A young _, and ,,. lover plOI 10 murder her "'*>end 'R' .MOYll . *.. ·-r ..... (117t) ........... l(lneltJ, p .. ., Flrth.-Thi dluQl'lt• of • ooor Engll•h farmer becor'llM Ille vtdlrn o4 ,,. famll(• .... atlona and hefown~ 'A' 12:.40 • (J) MCMIU.AN ' Wft All lftemc>t It made on the ... of • conipo.-wt1o .,.. ,_,.,,, dedicated one of Illa oomc>Olltlon• to Sally McM*an. (A) 1;00 e MOVIE • • 141 ''8elo\lld Enemy'. (19341) Oevld Nlwn, Mer1I <>won. Low tr~ bitter '*''-" llflea when an 1rt111 oe1r1o1 dllc<Mlr• he 1oYef an Engllthwoman ~the~'20I. .MOW • .,. ''T•rtfled" (1"4) Aoct Lauren, Si-Droll. The owner o4 a popuftlf night '90! ~ lbnormally ~ed In !tie W91fwe of unproltectad young gltta. 1:10• MOYll • •\t "Planet Earth" (1t74) John Suon, Olene Muld.w A ~tQty mll'l la eent tlwougfl. lime -si Into the 22nd Clell'lu- 1:IO G~ 1:11!MOY11 ••• ''Modern AolNrlOe'' (ttlt) Albert l rookl, l<atllryn Hfllro6d A llltn tdllor .,,.. ,...,_,edly 10 win btlC* the ,_, of Ille womanhelo¥•.'R' 2;00 . MOYie * * "The Brlln Thi! Wouldn'I Ole" ( 1983) Juon Ewr1, Virginia Leith A eQentlat MWc:hea tor • bod)' to •ttacn 10 in. head of Piia ""'-· wflo -dec:aelftetad In .,.. aodcMinl 2: 10 CC> WOV1( * * • * "The Late ShOw" p 9n1 All Cfllney. U1y Tomlln. A -.1 f)fl- vlte .ye encounter• IQOI. mall Ind murder wrien he ~out of r•wement to ioc.1. • cet blle>nglng 10 In OffbMI female dlenl 2:21 1 N!W9 2:IO MOVIE *IA "The llland Of lJvtng Horror" ( ttea) John Alh- ley, Kenl Taylor. A ,_Ch ,..,.,.. lnWtllgat· Ing f)IWll and animal ll'IUt6o tlOna clue to a1om1c teetlnQ ditcowrl • hurTlflll muta. don. (8) OH l.OCAnOH ''Don Aldliea And .... Wlae Ouy9" Taped befotl a he .....,_ • ... lel\era Holial, ... -"'* ktno of "put.downa, .. Don Ric**. hoet8 • ,..,.. CMl of ..,.,.....~ .. (l)MOYll .... "Up In Smolle" (1971) ClleCfl and °'°"'· Edie Adame Two drlftere emberil on• er-try ttfc>. fNattatlng the lew Ind me.ting ... Odd _,_ "*" of ctwacter• lllol'ig lhew.y. 'R' 2:AOI NIWI l:tl MOVll *'A "PHHge WHt" (1961) John Peyna, Atteen Whelan A we11ward- bound wagon trlln oet• ~.,, byll•~ cionvtcta. • a:oo • MOW! • • "In The Mener Of Karen Ann Quinlan" t 19 771 8nwl ~h. Plpef l..au(le, Havtng accacMed Ille rMll- ty lt\el lheit daughter II tetmlnally II, Ille ~ attempt to have hit Ill• 1uooor1 equlomen1 rtwnOWld. It'° <I> MOY!( •• ·~ "Tiie Harr.., Experi- ment" (1113) ~Whit· men. Tlpe>I Hedren A ~ legit deddea to~ rm• OOUl'M on-""' raltUona end lntlmaq In rtla1iol..,...,_ Into the OUt· rlculwn. 'A' l:JO • MOVlll! ..... "Ole, Mona!•. Olit" ( 1Me) eon. ~. Htc* ~-8Med on • atory by H.P Lowc:raft A YG"'1Q AmeriCfll'I vlaltlnO hie ~ lllh llancff'I f)lf9nl9 rec:oMe In horror Wiier! her father tuma Into • gletlt lungul 9 MOVIE * • • "An That Juz" (187t) Floy Sehelder. Jtt. elca Lange Ti,. lumullu- out !He of a C>fofeealonel choreographer .. loflow9d lfom ~ on the atage lo I*-* ortaea. 'R' 1:41 CC> MOY!(. * * * "The I.Mt Of The Moblle Hot Shote" (1N9) J•me1 Coburn, Lynn RedQtew, The eurvMng meme. of .,, Old ~ -ffll'lllly ..,. the grand Oftnl on a TV Ol'M llflOW but In order to oollecl he mutc "*"' .... oo-wlnner on lhe '*" dfY'• orogram IM®lftCNW, • * \t "UMd C.." (!HO) Kutt AuMll, J4ldl Wfllden JOHN DARLING 0EF~E '1 PLAY RAC.GUE TEW.L "I AL.WAYS 1-IKE TO~ OJT ON IME MACHINES FIRST.' AIW tflt ..,_ °' a fNll. ltt"9t w ............. .. ,_..,,.... ~ IO oowr up hie ..... to "'-' .. WMIUIY ., ...., twottlar "°"' lntw1tlrle tN ~ ,....,.. dO {l)Mf.,UIHM; TWO "IA&. Tiit OOlftM'all '*'°""' • --of~ and oomlCI~ •:1te MCMI •• "kyHl(jfl"(1961)11d w..on, Mwa Lynn A epy att.ernote NlbOCaga with IN uae of a remoce-con· VOied plene •:41 <I> MOVll * * "The 0-l'or Vul· turH" (11711 Richard Harrie, Rlohatd Aoundtt• A MNaM tMrcenaty wt10 llnuoglaa Amerlcen hell> GOPter1 lnlO AlflGt durlftG a ..,,otllil WM la pitted llQMlet • '*°' fr-'c>M flOht• .,.. f 'rfdafl'• Da11tl.w Mo.,14"• -MORtlNG- 1: 11 Cl) * * * "Cllaplet T-" 11'71) "-Callll. Mw· IN ,,__, loon eftar Piia ...... deeth,. writer !Ind• hirneaH ~·'Y tellinO 1nio...~ 'PO' ~ (C) • * *..,. "La Cage A4ill Folle9" (1878) Ugo ToO- nazzl, Michel 8atr*"'1 A nlgflldub -in.. 10 P'epfll• .... tr~ loY9' lor a vlel1 1>y hie eon·• flenc;ee'• l•lher. the mor... comm!Mloner of France.'R' g * "The Ahh Floor" 11990) Bo Hopkin•. Oleni>e HuM An _,.young worn. an 11 lnc:at01111ted In • b!Urra mental hoaf)llal ...,.,. \llolence and dtUQ ..,.,.. .... ,,... Otder o4 the dey 'R' l:ao CZJ • * • ''The G1-Room" ( 1971) Francoll Trvffeut, Nalll... 8eye Two peof)le obeealed with the -v o4 their deed IOYed Of* lorm I ClloM ff'lendahlp 'PO' 7:00 (C) •• ~ .. ~And Tiie Prlncela' I 1973) ,,,,.._ ""'*' Oloc>c>y, the Cricll- et Angel. le~-• 10 Kt -guardian -the ~or"- (8) * * "Mr S~e· ( 197&) Jaeon Rotla<d•. JMll Sfmmont A ~ aged mellmfll\ fantaelnl •bout *-ling • 1'*9 to eacac>e the d<udglty of .... .... • * * * "The Earthling" (1990) WHll•m Holden, Rlcky Sc:htodef' A ..or1d Ir ...... t~ • YOUftO orf)Mn the weye of euNlval In the AuttreAen Wiider· ,_'PO' 7:30 (I) ••• "Oh Oodl" 119111 Oeotoe &um• . .John Dlnwr. Goes 1411ec:t• .,, ~lnO young eupef· rnerket 1nAfteoet to ~ a -. of PIOpe Ind good will to the lllepllcal l)eOf)le of the modetn-day *°"d. 'PO' I: 11 (%) • • • • .. ,.., From The M~ Crowd" (1981) Julie Chr11t1e. T.,enc:. 81""9 A wllltul young ffllm gltl 11e11.. ........ tiut de91roy1 tlW• men In lheP'- t:OO CC) * .... Julee AnO ,,...,, .. (!Ht) JMnne MOr_,, o.w w-1n or• WOttd Wiii II France, a cerafr• young WOMen ~ two,...... wftO -aow lrtend• Ind reNlea to give uo either OM •.30 • * * "The Night Aid- _. .. ( 19391 Johr\ Wayne, Dor-Md<.liy A~ •Jq>Oeea • crooll o1Mn1nQ to be • ~ant of • fernouedon 10:00 (8) * * "The LMI ChaM .. (1N1) LM M1jor1, CM1 Mllkapeece.A form« ,_ Cfll dflYer Ind • ,oung comouter wt.tr join lorella to opoc-• ~· ban on the UM Of liUtomo- bllM 'PG' ••• "Don't Go,.._ The W11•" ( 1951) Glenn Ford, Gia Sc*9 WOttd W"1 II Mllort In the South Peclflc; find lllal they ~ ont; • recr•tlon hell 10 ~· tlleW perediM 10:*> g * * "Foroe Five Star· verigere" ( lM 1) Anlrneled Ari fll'ff'f'I of Utue robota bend together 10 defend Eantl -oalflal • forge of ...,...,,,..,.. ·a· 11:00 (J:) •• "'-'cl Wind" (IMO) UIMIMr w.-. ---~ 11•(%) •i. N,..,.....,. tt•77) A.latl Ml#I, ~ ,_.... A ~·..,.~· d1Njlpo1..-In,. t-.o _..,wtlO)Oll'I ...... In COft'IPI •ICI a tllmly bor • 4Mrtno Oft ll#IM¥ 'll'G' 11*> e "AIOM'' ( ttll) Ty Htfdtn, ,,.. ew.t ..... ..,...,.,.~ GOuntry IO teteue II\ lmpor1ant .... •••• '*TheMad Room" • , ... , "* ..... -· lhell9y ~ A WldOW II murdered by IWO ..,,..,,ed ohlldfen who .,. utlnO hat .... ~ band'• ttud}< fOf t'*1- ... *IA "IYMM Al C1n~" llNO) Allpll leMenty, ~-Oetaon. The dlflloull ,..we o4 1921 10 tllt4 In Vie llte of Frflllll· lln o.tano ,._... -lu.illy .,...,. .. Atnertc;ena, (8) •• ''T .. Thie Jot) And~"",, .. ,, Rob- ... ..._ a.,i-a Het""'r A )'OUflCI oorpor ... -tlW rune Into ,_...,_ wtian he '""'"' 1.0 .... l\Offte(-to ~ • COft'IC*'Y br--, 'PO' CIJ • * * "Wtty 8hOOt The Teach.,?" (1910) 8uo Cor1. S-lhe EOOlll In .-tern CflllAda during the '301, an Ea11ern-t1red teacher and • ~ PIOUMWlfe ~ • c:loee relallonahlf) out of their mutuel~ 'PO' 12:30 (C) • * • "Bette Ale Nno- lng" (IMO) JvOy Hollidey, o-. Merun. A al'Y fllld lmore11lonable young .,,_ing ~ operetor becornN Infatuated With a cflermlng tcltptwr..., • * * "CounlclOwn To DIMlter'' (1980) Puppetl The Intrepid TllunOert>lroe Ill• flCed With ....... of preventing the Emf)lf• State &llld4ng ff'om cc4- ~·a· lt:al (Z) * * "' "H•d Country'' (tN 11 J1n-MICllMI Vin- cent, KJm ~ A Tex- • fec;tory WOf'ker II tom ~ .... deelt• to - In. In the ''OOod <*1 boy'' llfwtyte lll>d .... ftan. cee'• .,_ ~ amtJI.. dor'9 'PO' ~(8) **"" "HwoCouftuy'' (ltltl J-AMc:tleel Vin-°'"'· IUm 8MfnOer" A Teir- N fedory -1ter • IOrn ~ Illa dealt• to ccin- 1.,_ In the "OOod o6d boy'. IHeetyte and hie ftan. c.'• ahow ~Ml~ tlonl 'PG' ••• * "S.a)l9d" (1"41 Clllltt GatMe, ~ 'Turner Deapl .. all orec:eu- t1on1, • Outc:h under· ground unit .. betr~ 10 1r-..a..m-. 2:20 (%) • • * * "Fiii From Thi Meddlng Crowd" ( 1981) Julle CPlrlllle, r .. - SIM>f) A ..tlfut )'OUflCI farm glr1 ben.-......,, bUt deatroyt ,,,,... ,...., In thepr- 2':30 ()) * *Yo "Mr ~· (1988) Jame• Garner, Sui.a~ Pleellette. An amneellC -cto. Ille memory for -. to hie lderftlly aided by ftae4lng recollecttone of Na ~ •Ilona with different fem.lea •:00 • * * ·~ .. Loei Algflt" ( 1"9) UOyd 8tldfea. Ame Frandl Surmorll of • ptene Cl~ -lorced to !Ive l>y thelt .+ta on • ~ 4:00; ~ 'CMdllC Arr-" ( 1978) Gwry Goo- drow, M .. Cf\an A ~ ll'llfltel 09e<atlon lhet .... d!MmbOdled '-ta lor tranaplanl• la ~ed by .,, offtle9t l'IOITlldOe ~·PO' 4:IO Cl) * * "lnvlder1 From The Dee9" Animated. A Cllf)laln and Illa mlgtlty lhlO d\tllerlCje .,, evll lord end "" film'( o4 aquaClc elian9 I: 18 (l) * * ·~ "The Cal And TN c.n.ry'' ( 1971) Honor 8iecl<""""· Mlclllal o.lllf\. Heir• betlll for • f0f1une at lhe IOOOllY ...... of e ~~'PO' l:.IO CC> •• "Second Wind" (IMOI UndNy w..-. J-~. A"'91' oontlnuea to ...,... hla wMI and eon by~ ~ 10 "** about ... OtoOliarna lhet -~ lnO hll "*'1ege. 'PO' by Armstrong & Batiuk Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Thureday, Aprll 22, 1982 \ . ---. . --'Where's 'Charley?' gleeful rev1val 1n Mesa BY TOM TITUS OftM Dilllr ........... Tru1t tht Coat.a Mesa CMc Play· ho1.11t to come up wt th IOl'MU\lnc new or different tor ill annual mualcal. The cumnt offert.na iln't new bl any at.retch of the lmaclnatlon. but it• one that h11n't been done locally in the playhouse'• 17-year lifetime or -~ bacher ii funny Indeed a1 the Lada' -crwnb1111' butler. OlteC'f,of Patl Tambelllnl keepe the pace of th1J oldie crllp, but muate&l director Dave Kory could tone down hla orch•tra a mite to the vocall1ll could be heard. Wluick'1 "Once In Love Wlth Amy" 11 the hit of the ahow, which contlnue1 weekend• throuah May 8 at the falr1round1 chief Brian Donotue c:Unc:Una. It•u be the ~ 11.qlna of the MJlJer opua th1I y.r -Alix Koo.'• venlon open1 tonlaht at Showcue Production.a in Wewnlnlter. beyond. . "WMIM'ICNAN.ln" A muelcel comedY by George Abbott, muelc ellCI lyrioe by Frri LOMMr, b9Md on IM pi.y '"C"-ri.v·1 Aunt" by Blendon ThomM, dlnlc· led by ~111 Tam~I. mullcal dlrec:tot O.~ Kory, ChOreoQfaphy by Key "-ntHI, tec:Mlctl dlrecrtot Rob«1 HOMll, pt...,led lNrldl>"t through Saturd•YI II 1:30 untM Mey • at the COile Mew CMc PllyhOUM at the ArllngtOll Avtn4.lt tntrlllOI 10 the Orange COunty Fair· groundt, Cotti ......_ THI CAIT °"''" WY'lehlm .. ..... .. ... .. Stan WINick Jaca a-n.y .. . .... -·-··-... Gilmore Rizzo Amy Sc>eltlgul ................. -Pem 0.tllng Kitty Verdun ...... ............ Vlcllle Groellreuu Donna Luci• a•~-........ o.o. Calhol#I Sir Fr11111ct C~ .... , .......... Mer1' CathoUn Stephen Spettlgue ...................... Robert 8&11 & .... ti " ....................... Jeck Wllllnbecher 09lloe tnMml>ll '"A"'"''"""''"'" &J1111 'Wllell, Mindy Ptlllllpe. Shlrley P.tton, Gabflllle 8ctlumacher, S-Mlnnodl Shelll Oonovtin It•• "Where'• Chari.yr• -the mu- tical version of the v!nta1e comedy ''Charley'• Aunt." in which an Oxford atudent lmpel"a\atm hia own aunt to provide the required chaperone for collefdate romance circa 1892. ln thia rendftlon, howeYet, the central trio ii cut to a duo and Charley a1IO 11 one of the loven -which meant getting ln and QUt of drag a lot. At c.o.ta Meea, SW\ Wlaalck (who abo got all dolled up ln "Sugar" six yean ago) doet the deceptive under- graduate and hi1 auntie to a high comlc tum in one of the ~ear'• most enjoyable performancea. Gilmore Riz- w la splendid aa hla fellow conapira- tor, while Pam Ostling and Vick le Groskreutz are 1~eet and perky as the objects of the fellows' affections. WeO cast as Rizzo'• poor-bu~­ prlnclpled father ia, Merle Calhoun, while Robert Sax melodramatically 'portrays Miss Ostling'• buffoonish dad. D.D. Calhoun ii quite charming as the real aunt, wblle Jack WUlen- The ultimaee in~ and sound. Now. re-reoorded in new ~stereo. theater. * CAN YOU IMAGINE two more di· verse 1ta1e productions than "The Mualc M'an" and "Death of a Saleunan"" That'• what the Saddle- back Company Theater haa on lta agmda for It.a upoomlng fifth teuon of 1ummer atock at Saddleback Col- lege in Miaion Viejo. - Meredith Willlon's "Music Man," the upbeat ''Trol.lble In River City" mUlical, goe. on the boarda June 24 and playa through July 11 under the direction of Crandall Diehl, who 1ta- ged "My Fair Lady"' at the oollege two 1wnmen ago. Arthur Miller'• "Salesman" ii tick- eted for a July 22-Aug. 8 engagement with the college'• resident drama ProfeMonal acton will be h1red for the ~ rolee ln both lhows. wtth aupportlni pu11 open to community theaplaru. Audition• for the latter roles will be announced later. * A SERIES OF 1ummer 1Ctinc ~ 1e1 la beina offered by the Laauna Moulton Playhoule, a llx-week OOUl'1e to M.IJl from July ~ through Aug. 13. The study will culmln.ate In a lludent production Aug, 27-28 and Sept 3-4. Student.a will be choeen on the ~ of Interviews. For further lnforma- ti on, call Harriet Whitmyer at 494-0744. * BACKSTAGE -0ranae Cout Col- lege theater l.ntt.ructor Jack Holland la organizing a 33-day theater tour through Europe and Scandinavia from June 26 to July 28 . . . the coet I.a $2,967 and deadline for reeervationa la May 10. . .Lor infonnation, call OOC at 656-6880. I ~~,. Tou 'll be ,aad JOU camel -·.92-'·u. & FtWIA5lA Ill tltUA .. 11.,.t•t'-'~"'-"l•I ... h"''" N •H .... tu~• fl •''"'.,..''.,.., • ._. .. ~n """ C>~ NO'W PIMING Kt nlf.SS SEL£CTfJ) 11IEATU3 COSTAMESAEd'WC>rds lownCentet 751-4184 OIANGE CinedOme ¢.34-25.53 NOW PLAYING IUlU "1111 INllH·I• Cll•lDOMl EOWUOI •lW,OllT Boen~ P;aiM 821 4010 OllllQt 634 2SS3 ._.pan h~n 64' 0760 MA ... lflU ,lAll ITAOIUM q!llWl·I• UA Cl•EMA Btu 529 5339 OllllQI fl39 8170 WtslllllllSltr 893 0546 ID1H llDI IAOOUUCfl DJWlJlOI llllllOl "° ...... .cc-10 e1 r 0to sa 1 saao Costa ~ s 40 1u4 •<HO ,_ ,_,....,, LANTERNS FROM WONDERFUL TO WHIMSICAL From Taiwan BAMBOO RIB LANTERN OR LAMP SHADE Beautllully d .. lgned rigid 1h1de for I hanging fixture, table lamp or your own creation. Heavy White Paper With Natural Bamboo 11 • dla 12· talt 6.99 Beautllul notebook or BRASS IANOLE BRACELETS From lndla Asaorted brass bracelets make apartdlng wrl11 decor diary has dellc,tely lined •nd designed pages. V1 • wide The multi-colored covers come 1.27 H eh In assorted shimmering patterns. 1--------------t 5• xe· (518" thick) 1 99 SOLID BRASS HURRICANE Oil 2?2 Pages • LANTERNS From lndl• Classic designs with "BROAD BAND" EARTHENWARE clear glaH chimneys MUGGEAY From T•lwan for llghtfng accents on PAPER ~::r=:r;::;ilh Bands of color plus table or "HOT AIR" ~--~-BALLOON Inside speckling mantle. have a special Give flight handcr•fted look. to fancy with a rainbow of color. Orange, Blue, Green or Red with White t3• di•. 23• total length Assorted Colors S·M·L 7 .99 H eh piece MINI GAUCHO conoN SHORTS From Paklatan Shorts with a flare have a side seam PoCket •nd button closing. i--------------1 In a rich WHITE "BASKET WEAVE" EARTHEN· WARE SERVINO PLATE From J•p•n Beautiful basketry works as a steamer container for dim sum delights Beautifully molded plate STEAMER hu pretty handbrushed 12'/J. dla 10· die. COVER 2.99 apples and a paJe 8 99 · 2•A ·deep 10· dla. each blue border. • t----...... --------1 ..,_ ______ ST_AJ_N_E_D_F_E_R--tN HANDCRAFTED COCONUT HAMPERS FRAMED From Haiti MU•ROR From China To hold Honey laundry, brown linen, 1 .. ves woven or litter. fern rib 20• to 24• tall forms a 14 y, • dla. unique, 6.49 wood 18Vt" dla. reinforced 9.49 curved )rame. 19'/t • di•. ~liliiilllliil"""':i4• di•. 19.53 12.49 BRAIDED NATURAL RUSH & BANANA LEAF BASKET From H•ltl Light •nd dark n•tural tones and br•ldlng form h•ndaomaly textured baskets, 4 SIZES ev.· to 13• dla. 5• to,,. deep 2.69 10 6.99 ISfZD 11Yt• II 19• tO 17" II 22" 12• to 1e• deep 3.99 to 7.99 IOUD IUCHWOOO IUTCHI R ILOCK DINING TAILI From YuQOtlavla Natural beechwood with • llght oil llnleh 11 crafted Into • contemporary eluate. Top I• 1 V. • thick on matching, aolldly COMtructecl baH. assortment of solid S·M·L colors and white. 7.99 NATURAL BAMBOO LADLE From Chin• Hang It up to hold a little plant 5• dla. 1 25 19• long • STAJNED RAnAN "STONE" BASKETS From Indonesia Especl•llY thick rattan forms ruggedly h1ncl1ome basket• . Strong enough to carry atones and handaome enough to hold big plant• or whatever. llUES 12· to 19• dla. 12• to 20· deep 8.99to 18.91 Welt o;_ei:t• FAIR IOI 12:00 2:30 5:00 7:30 8: S!i (as\. ... 111 ... Qnlv 5~y·-· R•---OFntE UJSr Ma Cf"OI 1:00 3!15 5:30 7:.-& t:e I ... ,ictu .. c:HAMn'S OP AM Cf"OI 12:00 2:3& 5:10 7:.-& 10:10 I au.r Joa FIU IRI 70mm 1:003:105:20 7:40 1:.-& No,_ No Economy S-tlnt NatARDPWYC. -KIM)O# .. ., (RI 12:152:15•:15 1:151:15 10:15 JulieAndr-VICTOR VICTORIA (POI 1:.-& 4 :30 7:3010:00 W .. t Dlenevs ......... (01 ~ Thi 0..lf • Me11 O.Vll11 ''°' Ollllflriaa ODD COUPLE -Stan Wlasick (left) tiUers "t ttie amorous overtures by Merle Calhoun in a scene from "Where's Charley?" at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse. *BARGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All Parform•ncaa before 5:00 PM (bolllf Sl*MI Enp11111H11 anct Holid1y1t .,,_ ...... :;.2:00··"·] "'VICTOR VICTO..SA-(N I I "•OMI IUNO Of' .... 0 " 1•1 ___ . ..,_ --·--·--··- •n OOCTMlll O' ne 'tUlt "CMAMOTS Of' ,... (POI ----- LAKEWOOD CENTER WAUC IN • ...,..,...<"I --"OML Y WM1M I LAUQH" 1111 --- lAkEWOOO CENTER SOUTH WAI • IN -----"<* OOLDet POM>~ iN1 -----' •••.UN.A so COAST WALK·IN "'' -,,, .,.. -"'CMAlllOTI ~ ..... !NI ----... ,---~- "OIJCIT l'Ofl "'Ul" t•1 ---" ---~-·- ·•Of1KY'l"1•1 ttAt ,., ·-, .. ,.... -CAT "Ofl\i" t•1 ... , .......... .. , ooc .......... _._... "CHAMOTa Of' "'9" t"°lttle ·-..... - SOIJfft Coott HIWoy 01 trooowoy 494-1514 "DeA THT1'AP" (N""°"",_,.,_ _,,,, __ .... , __ --· '. -600 ... . .. ··~ -· • JI) tMr OltTH T NOTICl1 CMllDltlN UNDllt 12 FltU' .,. ..... Wt<-... '"'• hi 6 JD • h i S"* !Ith 6 00 HI ~--·fQllll<IMCMMOIOllfOUll ~ If llD,. CM llllOIO -IGlllOI ~y NSmow --/Ill l'GlllMLL l•AU Ollf.fl ~al Oii //IA MlllO AJ4 A Mt ... ANAHEIM ORIVf·IN ,_., .. ~" '"""'° cP"f .. '°""'° -.----.. ----.c-----.. -.--=o-.....---_-.. :.. :-~---, -IOCflS M TNI LOST AM" ._, , .. 1'1.119 •~ '"1 "MIGH MSK" 1111 lvt'11!1A .-AV• BUENA PARK DRIVE IN ----._ ' ........... .. LINCOLN O RIVI IN hftCOtfl lo•• W•ll OI '"°" 121-40 70 • ... .. '. t,. FOUNTAIN VALLE Y OlllVI IN ,,.. \' 't I ~ HI WAY 39 (JllM IN ... ~~ .... "'"' IOMlll "" a. .. _ -""'.::-·~ ...... _.."" Cllll If '°""° , f' 1 1 /,,j .. I • '• . t .. Mll""1 •.-OM~ KIND ~ Hbl0'' 1•1 "-UI •s.o.a."1•1 ,,_,._ .. """'-'*tNSnlN" 1111 -"%~" IHO INt SO OI GGfOtft Gtowt '' .. ""' 191·3693 •IT JICT\MI CW nta 'flall "ct4ANOTS Of' 'N" 1N1 ~Iii ""'"""""' IHI .:.. .. .,.., ---'90MY'I" .... -""" '" MIOl(r .., OtMQ9 CoMt DAILY PILOT /Thureday. April 22, 1982 JAY~UTI' NSW YORK -I've n ever Ubd ballet. It alwar. '""" '° n1l1t or thin, pa e, Hrlou1 either~ ln A Dance to Sprl~ or carryl~ on like a an with c:-"t.trida. That attl ~~ after 1 rapped out 11\&D and made the American Ballet • MYeft c111efuJJy tni· ned leapen now lW'kln& It the ty Cfft*· Now I like bAllet. 1t s.lt thlt kind. lt'1 hard '° delcrtbe th1a kind. Jlut It ~blel the dt.ermath of 1umnli m..una attended by ~ BalanchlQe, Martha Ora· ham. Joie Greco and Bob Fo.e. You 1•t .. L a Stampa De FMC.," a flamenco piece of toy 1ulcan and a fierce battle bet· wHn a Mnorlta and her dre11 train. 'And • Rulllan folk dance w)\ere tbe Molotov Brothers about "Nyetl" and "Brezhnev!" and 1uch dwin1 hl1h polntl ln their~. Thlre11 allo • 11.&rkly modem work where a woman , •• Ancu1lhed Sodety, tw1ltl henelf lnt'.O a knot that won't come loOle. And a tlck·tock, hlpa·forward ealute of aorta to Bob Fa.e, "All That Pelvia.'' All thl1 tomfoolery, 16 num· be re ln all, 1prln1• f rom th e bralnpan1 of Bob Bowyer and JoAnn Brugeman, proprie\On of and dancen ln the American Balley Comedle. "We polarize ~th• dance world -they either love ua or hate UI'," Mias Br uggeman aald . But 1he emphaaized there'• nothinc ther. do ln their 1how that they can t do u a F-enuinely eerioua plece." They re aware that many cul- ture vultures CONJder The Dance a formal, chin·in ·hand, no· fooling-around matter. Bowyer feels aorry for them. He doem't think It should be all that 1erioul. spred It on the house fantutlcally ............ Exterior apred latex glou HouM & Trim paint from Glidden Glldd9n goes on eaay. dries qulelcly. Durable flat nntah RHlsta bllatera. peeling. 11 •• mildew. Euy w1ter clean- up. Reg. 17.99 .... Ht.. .,, ...... 0111111 l•rt 12 oz. Jelly Jara with Ilda Oecoreted dome Ilda and label• #81400. Reg. 5.09 rWllWltknce.ttwt I " wallmount kitchen fauoet with r to ... femlle adf u1tment from Price Pfleter. #127·2f0. Reg. 41.15 Goa on with ..... 12•• Oulelc drying. Aleo recom- mended for 1lumlnum aiding. .... Reg. 11U9' ~ bow , •• With wooffn h1ndle. Sturdy, etrone Med r. "88~4C8. I Reg. 1.21 • BIG FELLA -~ Van Lldth la mald.nc a bil lmpre11ton on movie fan1 ln 118Ur Crazy" (left) and .. Alone ln the Dark." He'• a 370-pound Olympic wre1tler who'• trained ln opera . Prot.ect your own turf/ Scott's Turf Builder, America's favorite fertilizer for developing beautiful green lawns. Exclusive Trionized process for long-lasting feeding . 22%-lb. bag covers 4,000 sq. ft. Reg . 17.95. 1299 I rtll "lltllllJ 11111" llt fflllll IHkilla Portable "PoWW workshop" with 100t UMI. Orllll , poll1hea. ~rvea. grlnd1, aherpena, engr1vea, 29'' etc. 2«1.000 rpm. 1250. Reg. 39.95 .. Piilo Kltch9"" Delta II gu barbeeue wlJ\ tank. A Reg. 199.95. real at .. It ttlla price 111•• IO·gelfoft water ,__ ...... _., .............. etM.Off ......... lined "'* !Iner "' .. lncMWy. ........... .......... - - ClASSlfllD Thurlday, April 22, 1982 Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads, classification 7100 . •onAlS -... ..... .-,_,., ..... ....... ,_ . .,, ... , .. tuft•Nm1111_. ... _,,,_ l'.....,......,.. .. ,., ,_.......,..._.,. T .. -, .. o..ir. ....... ....... '"'•' ··""' .,.,,..,411,,, ............... -· -· ...... ~ .............. CAr.11"-• IWMewt Mt••ht~ \.,. ............ , .. ......... , .. ~, .. u ....... ,..,. ...... IVfln-.i ~ .. .,...J ................ ~-,_ _ ........ .... ...... tt .... .._ .. IM(SS. INVEST .. T. FINANCE AMMlMEMTS. PUSOICAlS & llSJ & rlUNI -·· ......... IAUI '"4~~ ·-··-,..,~·t·· lllr1 .. 1i..i.. r...11 ... DIPlOYlllOIT & mPAIATIH ,.,......,,...,.,_ ,... .... ... ,..,.,. ... _. .. ,r ._ .. .......... Yf\Mt ....... ., ........ .. -. .... .. ........ ~C'\•rt"' llNl•Jltil ........ ,..~ .. ................ ....... ~l>#r TWSNIT~TIOtl Mrn•" ··~ .. 'wtt.til"'4 t"'11w , • .," -·-......,,,,..,,.v .. , .. -11-....i.11 .... ,.,..,._. ''"" =!!~l'•th UT•llU •II• '""" , ...... i:::.-: -........ ...... = r.:r_.. \"lh• ..... , ':"' ·\ . J. . . . ·~ •11 I I E tote-the· Complete Orange Coast Market ~lace ~1!.,,!f •.•••••...• ~.~~ •••••• ~.~~.,. .••••.•.•• '!!./!!! .••••.• ~!!!.{~~···~···· !'.!!!!.!'.'.!tl! ••••••• !~!!!.{~a:!t'! .....•. !'-'.!!!.{'!.~.'! ...••.. '!!~~.'!!!'! ...•• ~'1. ......... 1111 ~'!. ......... !.... • .... ¥. ......... !!.fl f!!!l.l!f!! ...... J.,~ f!!!l.!!f!! ...... !.~f1 lm~! ........... !.~1 !'!!r.!!.~A .. !.'.!! c:.rt'=' ~~ IF~• ,::,ou.!.!~: ,hl~ 124,MO MWI lit. llWI LOW DOWNI .. 'T WT ':pao'! :f29:'. ':"g~i ............ ....... All real •lat• ed-11Md la lhll newtplpef II IUb- e<:t to th• Federal Fair ouelng Act of 1088 which mak" II Illegal to advettJM "any pref•en- 09, !Imitation or dltcttml- net I on baeed on race, color, religion. ••• or national origin, or any In· tentlon to mlik• any aueti preference, limitation or dlec:ftmlna11on .•• career opportuntt• wtth ltlO llflTI .... OllllU • IJg 4 8d, b .. ullh.il de-wat•. 642-8388 THE REAL E8TATER8. buy• thlt roomy 4 Be· GREAT VALlJE! cor, ocean, bay 1 lltll Lloenalng 1chool fHI droom family home w/2 .,.. hltr 2-1 vu. Nu pool, ape a much C.....,.UI completely retundab61 to llfepla.cet 1 watm family Immaculate North Coate 3 Bdrm Woodbridge more A11um1 low Int. ._,,. 1,,, achool of your choice. room w/~ood beamed M ... 3 Bdrm, 2 Nll batti. townl!Ome, highly ui>or• wll•m• Only '378,500 .•• .-.~~•~••••••••••• ExtenalW aalea trlllnlna. celllnga. O.Coralor ac-lt27.000 with 13% llnan-ded Super terma F11n A trade wlll be conlld• APPL.I YIU.IT For Information, call centa s 120.000. Prlncl· clng on 111 TD. Jutt llttld. Pflcl rid. Bell., .. value Call 751~111 pal• only. Don't delay, nHdl IHI Hcrow. Call S129,500 Pllrlck or Frid Tanore, Ta ........ l.U&. -....... -•-•"-· •-•·-~ J~ oatlDlana today 540·1151 ~i ~'Clhtldn» egt 831 ·1288 or ~MW4-pil•.2bdtm. _,,._ •-__.r• --..., Olene Ptet · Volpe 1111 , ....... LL .,-780-8702 2 bath H Ch 11nlt with A fantastic 3 Br ''Llnda" model on wl-•••·,...·••••••Tl•••:.-;.•,•••• Re"lllJ llreplaee. ~ '*'°· des --• garaoe. t"4-111. Poe. t greenbelt. Like new. Vacant. $270, Jual reduced S25,000. 551 3000 cuh flow. Now S 15t, 000. New carpets & drpt. See ariytime. Cute cottage on atand• tnlllhrrano I'\•., In In• 500. 8111 Grundy, Rltr, 644-4910. rd lot 1210.000. owe mllll&TI ....:8;,_7.;,.M.;.....:M_1 ____ _ • 2111 S. ...... i.-.M ~29~.D . Broke.1 C M. Tripi•• H ·la llxer. •2 II Tt IUOI* RARE ESTATE! NUESS• Ds1l1D1/ .. NIT mm, U 144-4111 S85,000 dn SlU,000 AMume S70K VA loen 11 Beaullful, like new 2 8<k 10% down, payment• O.Jll I# IMI JM ' .... price w/a11um1 21K at 8,,._. 3BR. l/p, S114, In fabuloua Woodbridge 11500/mo II I• poulble •••••••••••••••••••••• INblHll IH1 7,,._ + 13K .. 12% Will 000 Wlndaor e111111. GrHI lo own lovely 5 bdrm. 2 Price reduced S16.000. ••••••••••••••••••••• cerry 3rd at 1CW. 5yr. Prine only 543-7023 high balance loan Aak 11ory, N B, Back ba~ Gr•t eumrnet ,.,,,., ~ BY OWNER 8.45-3340 Bier tor Mr W~man. 1 re a 12 5 0 , 0 0 0 plex Steps to beach. 4 -.-1-••tw 11 8.500 •50-1111 ev11 call Br up, 3 er. down. Ow- ••• Thia newapaper wlll not t and tidy with formal M•H Verde 4Br, 2Ba, 3Ba. pool, S1 39.500 \\Oodbrld9e low down. Owner wlll ':28drm-:; unlll llWI llff MIL COLLEGE PARK·4Br. tUIJ 83 1_7215, ner unll po11lble. Lo• l:UI knowingly accept any ad-lnlng room and great . lull price S225.000 10"1. S20,000 dwn, owe Re."'lflJ llLllA n•. carry big 2nd. 1245.000. :: vertlalng for rHI Hiiie ounlry kitchen. Jull e dwn, owne< wlll finance Owner/11Q1 645-7821 • Elegenl coun1ry Fr •• wNctl la In violation of the Prize West &~.u#ront. Sllrw for 2 boata, atepa from OCMf\ and baJance '' 12% Oflera HI ti I 100 SSl·JUOO home Brand new. IUP9-•,-. law. ;,. .-a and beach••· S289 ln"4ted. Open Sun 12~· II 0 d II 1..., liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil remodeled 3 , 3 bath $1,200,000. ' 3182 Country Club Or 3BR. 2BA. A·l ()()lld ir' lt?Ul1rrut'1 Pl.•),ln!nr ~f~i't~~. t'..5.~ ~~= _ • .... ,2• 646-9777 for Info. Owner lerge R·2 101 Park I • LOW PRICE J 0 y c • w 11 u •, 1 g 1 EU-•· Advertisers Ocean & ~tty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 ... Bkr. y11d. Eutelde By owner ,.... -bath 37 t •1 38 .. 000 Oce I 139 000 842-9125 or RUL ltCE .. UfJ sh Id ch k th I • aq. t. • ·-"'• · anfront. z.., ou ec er OllllPllll 8.42-2141 att• 5·30 PM .. ~" ads dally and re-UM llLI -El •-• 111_ 1 bdrm, 1 ba. Orang• R&'M~ ~. port errors Imme-0.....:--L TISTt ' d ,,._ -Tree Condo. Fantaallc ,~.. dlately. The DAI LY .-. """' ldo Nord ~yfront. 5 bdrm, 5 'I> bath. ~~~·~.ur!r~.~~•1dvc•~~lt~ 2 ... 1 .. ~+ 11 ... 1 ... location Slept to tennla, PROPERTY HOUSE """ Lge LR 2 boat alipt $1 500 000 ,,._ f., • """" -_, ... .,. .,.. ... pool and apa lmmacu· For 111• by owner, Cliff 542-3850 ,..... PILOT assumes Ila-. .. . • . ~~~~~~~~~ celllnga, •lllned glHS, 72• 105' R2 lot Do not •••• llke model home. Hnen 3 BR lwnhll 2 --------- blllty for the first Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + 1ar-rec. nn. c.,.u "1 "'1 Jiii oak trim, Intercom, trench dlllurl> tenanll. 1528 parquet entry and kit-ea. powdef room. comm lat•• f!!r.!!l. JM .... I t I e tlo o~ •••••••••••••••••••••• door•. pvt. •P•· Beer Orange $129,090 Chen Nie• paper1. new pool. A11um1 30 yr •••••••••••••• ···1rl: ..,, ncorrec ns r n beam ceillngl, furnished, patios. '420,000. HouM on Begonl• J 235, o 000 ocketbook price S159. 548-5041 ,.,.. & wlmd•. carpe1.1eve1o<1. $86,500 1120.000 111 at 13'~-. 2 Pride of own-- .. .. Only 6313520·· ... d""' $15n,500 Prlnconly plexeeforuleby°"'*· J ··.:..• • u-• 1•1 I! ••ffllll' 000 lot va .. ~ prln. on"' • ..,. ,. • .... & 7•« .... _.., A ':. •-191.5 -01q: (213)438:S&2:i. .,. lll-1ll1 . ~----------' ~~955 or 831-0380 ._., """....,.on 119. 1~.. i....goo T Ml her ~ D. . C M Owner will helP w/ ~ 8..,.1., Wt "ark," view trom 6 bdrm. s bath. playroom. la.an. laterfft n '"Ns... 1mSTHS tlnlnClng. eau 1eo-o734 .. .. •••••••••••••••••••••• nn, den. Boat allp. $1,350,000! •Ym TDllOI An EHlllde dau.lerl 3 'l(•l'?f° Newport Terrace, 3Br, or 831...U02 ull fOf' Jae* ::: •• ,,.i IHI llYSllE COYE Ftbuloul ocean and bay bedroom•. 2~ bath• In .., I')' s 131.900 or s 115,000 r G«1 .... ••••••••••••••••• ••••• 11w1, 1paclou1 4 Bdrm, Ihle conoo that'• dote 10 a.11 8600 cHh & -you pay all clo-~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .... Spect.acular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, gourmet kitchen and Newport Betch Creel!· WJ. sing co111 We have CS. ....... ~: 2 ... _ dn 2 .__ .11 •1 900000 awlmmlng pool. Juel re-~~!@~~~li~ilj ,..... 11 _......In he 1~ pendeble tenant We 4'W .,.., lllf•llE .,. · .,.,.t aupe • • • · duc.d 10 $895.000 lnclu· ~'V r..,._.. 1 must Mii next ,_days & BIJy8 oceenfront ~In '"" ding the lend. e>wr. very area; tnuter bedroom want 5 day escrow. Newport. Break eYen PC>-!: ~~C:~~r:'. · TIES YISTAS-MIUIOI VIEJO anxlou• lll'ld wllf flnanoe. 1-2 patlOtl High l>alS11'°416 000U-tt573 "·M111 .. ft..,jnvw.r. 496-7737 tanUal WOl ttade f« any. t (if• "'" tumabll fOtl\ 14 • · ~::;,""~;:"~v~~Al':-;;":w•~~-fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil1Nnal tee-W87 ..., 3 Bdrm, gu11t houee, New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, gueat ..... IULn 3 Bd 1•" ea OOllTlooae on c.ii 979.2390 WM4~r141, In _ :~; ggg1·~.!f·i;~11~:!: houae, pool. N5r lau. $795,000. lll-2111 ~k·~:si:.r;;:~·~~~· TARBELL 2 bdrm and den. Pllghly 110,000 • 4 ple.ll Colla MIM $1N. "" J 0yc1 w a It u. •gt COllOIUO CAYS Build 2nd unll over ga· ---------1 upgraded Price I ft8. 3 bf, 2~ ba. Extra•lge IOt ooo. Long term flnan· ~~; rag• Great e aid• loca.. II a ••• , 000 17% dn. Slngte lty, w/eupert> view WUt ttede clng . 120,000 dn. 1260 Coronado Ialand CUit. bayfroot lot. 85' boat 1IO ht .U Q tlon Only $149,000 IWIU alll tll •• fully ahultered. lrplc, for enythlngl Prlnclptlt o•r mo neg Prlnclp&la . .. RVM* Plana avail. $4~,000 w/tenna. Ull L.Ull/'"1111 J 0yc1 w 1 11 z e a g 1 ,•~t~rl~u~m~, ~n~r ~p~o~o~I ~te~n~n-11~.J~~~tee-~~908~7~~~~ oNt John ~7MO Aet 831-1298 t•r•, 2000 •• ft _Owne<IBl'llr 552-0680 tpP•l9n ll••• wttll feneal 4f· L •-L JIUI Exec:ullvt condo, ocean & 111,111 .... ~ , .... ~ ... ~ .... ... ,, BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR 34 · Bo1\·d" D• , .. .._ !l 6 '~ til b l = wmaJff ~ .... Sentallonatty remocMledl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ & decorated 4 Br homel· • bdrma I ncluding 2 I 1121 IGO •nt II.DI -It• "" b view Fplc ca11'1edral Beaulllul • almoll new m1111r aullH, 3-Aba, 1g • •11&·1 ·•o r... • Call ••FORECLOSuRE9sAl.i:° c:a. etc ,.. 'den. s 1o. 1r101u, Ju11 upgraded. temlly rm. 2 trplca. ruallc SI I • ••JI· Under lender'• cost So 000 option money Dys Greal tenanll. Dana wood bMln celllngl ·ell In -• • .,,_1 U '" 111-1110. Laguna pvt esttte 180 658-9035. eve 673-4899 POlnl. ~l80 aR for e walk lo private beach •w~...,.. deg ocean vu Security _M_r _M_urphy...:_.:..·----- locatlon The perfect fa· SlOK below mkt .. thla S~5.000. 855-2013. ~~ ~!~~ 8 UNITS COSTA MESA, mlly home In the perfect lhatp 48R 2ba. 11m rm/ """'"" '"""'' ....... .....,, •111111• femlly neighborhood. ''" h 0 me c AN BE J.fll/!4lrl/IJ/)llj BLUE RIBBON lque Y'PI tiouM 2 Br nHdl work. grHI po-.man l&LI• S525,000 wllh perfect fl. YOURSI Corne end take ~al' SPECIAL f'~a ~117' IOI L.ar~ tenll~~;:o ~ 1 .. 1urlng Mmrnlng pool, •--=====:--! bonut room, lkytlt•. luth tpP•Tlmn private courtyard, fplc & knock• often when you \~ ueumabte financing. Only UH re•ull-gelllng Dally ~"" $219,000 on FEE lend. Piiot C1a111fled Ada 10 wi 2870 San Miguel Dr. reach the Orenge Coaal Beaut 2 Br home COf nandnO a IOOk & -·H tlgure out - -. ----3 bdrm. 2 level floor plan de1ached gerege S 179. ---------. · .... : •..n •••l211 hOw $142.000 by owner In wood & glus. OoNn 000 50·5041 eves & •-,_lot, RV pert(lng • .....,, --..,.._ ooo. 20% down. 12% fl· 179-1138 vl•w, beamed c1111ng1. wknda. 631·3520 wkdyl. TU tm.lD nanclng x1ra1. By Ow· B••ti..1t1• huge •lone lrplc. LOCI· F• --,_, 17~1832 3 Br 1 Ba houae on lar '-• Ji IH ted high above L.aguna·a .uL .... _,_ u_.,. Newport Beach 759-1501 mlfket ::~ or 752·7373 Phone 642·5&71 -NI' -Walker & lee II•·-------· ...... UUT lllllS : Cute Corona del Mar dv-P'I• ~ to 1111 at just $260,500 WIUI 20% down IO 12.9% T.D. an eitcellent 1nvet1men1 oppof1unltyf ·llw.l• .... lllTa. ::: ...... -WOWI Lowell priced :!: bayfronl home ON BAL· -BOA COVES. Large 4 -bdnn, 3 beth. double fl<• -piece. ~ pe11o plut much morel Wiii AlTO or ;:: trade for EutbluH -Bay· .... lhofee or 77?11 ::: ..... ..,,,.,. ::: ...... ,. ::: dll-l .... = -:_: Very few people know -where Beacon Bay..t1 I. : even fewer wlll ever ex· "°" pertence thl9 quiet ..au.. -6*' .,.. on the bey ,__. Un6a end H#1IOf ta6lnda. .... ~ le eMipe from ~ ttle beectl. NMde • lot of ~ love and care but will .ii: pro'llde much In return. ::1 1315,000. ~ U,_.H? t_ ~:..:~ti ,ir. ~~....,.~~~17~~~~~ "'"' '11-! :! ....... -WI• wtth cathedral o.lltnga :; ... ~ and • remodeled klt- .i c:Nn. A t.6~ MNMbee "''' ioen end an~ ow-:: ,., 0niy a110.oap. c.11 ,,,. t79-N10 . ... -, .... tllW = ..,,. ,,, .. ,,.,, .. , ... , .. ,,, ... , LWa .... t...ttr ...... 12,111.- ... "'· ,..... ...... 12.-.-................ u,ne.- Wts.lr-4 .......... 11,1..,.. ............. ~ 11,111- ....... ~ ... 11.a•• .... ....,.. .., ........ 11,111.- ... ..,.,., .., + ... 11,tH- ~ Trtfh• ++ 11,•• WATERFRONT HOMES, INC flf.ALUTATt a..."-""',,...,..,.~ Hl6 W Co.ec Hwy 31~ M.nn. A"' """"°" •.-11 a.. leWld 611·1... 67MfM •UIYll Present.Ing The Leaat Expensive Home In Newport Beach's Prestigioua Big Canyon. Showa Like A Model - Typically Pride Of Ownenhlp. H uge Muter Suite Phu SeJ)arate Guest Quarten. Owner/ Agent WW Finance. Priced Under Market Value At M~. 000. John Meni11'1 Listing. ti) --..... , .... 75Hl• ne_,. • .._ .... ,..c..... - 1'1~f~~~-~----~-"4 1--..-..;...;:-... .... ~~ ...... -.... MYtlMe "' IOWltr eolar "••led pool. I 9*1n.1 ..... , .... 'I, ......... "' ... Of Cella ..... e ... -.Ow- ftef • .,, ····"''· , .... I 1 ltU.000. 40111 75' 3 11n11 lo1. 4 6 •••••• ! ............... Riviera coaalllne 1195. IAU&. fmt San Clemente pr~ of •Hem• n alltonn I • .°'! "°1 211dl. ostourbo ·, 1121,000 YI 12t. La. ooo ISS ON R i=tve t>edrooma, 3 ~ths, ownerthip Modtrn Spa. • s oo M I EALTY nlah 1ty11 four unl1 5-48-504 1 evee & wknds, harp 24 aq ft 4 bdrm llreplace home Redeco-631-3520 wkdyl home on cul-de-AC. 4~731 rated Aleo lncludlld eparlmtnl houH with What 1 Wonderful World ol Shopping. right 11 yOUf flngerttpe tv9rydayf Dally PllOI Claullled Ads To place your ad. For Cius.lied Ad ACTION Cell a Dally Pt101 AD· VISOR 642-5678 , call 2·5678 end let a Clesal Ad-Vt.or help you. WATERFRONT TOWNHOME WITH BOAT SLIP lOCJ, down assume 1st and 2nd, owner will carry balance. Highly upgraded with hardwood floors, beveled mir- rors and shutters. Two bedrooms plus a den (third bed.room?) and three full batht. Super bay view and locaUon . $549,500 . 760-1900 llUT-• UUT LIUTlll IWT PllAll"'~ ...... Charming C.pe Cod home on Penineula Point. 3 Br. 2 Be on quiet atreet acnm from park. Stepe to beach & bay. Newly remodeled with French doora. hand painted tllel. center brick p1t.lo. F.n&Uah wallp11pera & more. A11ume '247,000 flrat 1t 12% ind owner will carry large 2nd. Only S39UOO . __ , 1-.4 1111 ................ ..... ~ 0 • I A L A S l l l t t " U 0 II U 0 0 M A S It A I L [ l L A A A P II E 'f l It It L S J 0 S I I N U 0 I A SAll llT ltLUAO ltllllfO LP SAEltS A C [ U l M " S P P L 0 I S I II I It M[UT"LLISAOLEllMPLA G t L L 0 [ A 1 W It t A It S 0 A.O I II ! It I M H D T 0 A A D D [ A It 11 l l A S " II l C S S T It It I D D A L L LMOll"llllLU S"IUCKHA IPllOOllOI IO"INOLOW MT llL,11111 DIMOltllltS TSlAILISIOMDAOllllU CIO,OlllTAMlllLIMUT R E Profll4Nc>nalt iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil wooden patio and email oc.en, llllte 6 golf ~ IH·Hll E90All l&Y boll dodl. 2 car garage. view, clOM IO ewtythlnQ. AWARD WINNER 4 bike 10 Ocean 5265. only three year a old, lnial IH Oc11n view•. 3 bdrm. 4 O 0 O FI rm thowa lllle MW,,_ ciw-• •• ••••••••••••••••••• bl, kll w/convenlencea, 7 1 4 • 8 3 6 • 8 5 4 2 . or ner could occupy lhrM I •IE Tl IE fem rm,'-n.,den, n•tlo, 731·2811. bedroom two beth ctty I. ..,,.. ..-,,.. oceen view 11P1t1ment If Pllll If formal din rm. lge llv rm PllOI Ulll11llf 9')91lc:at>le, and ,.,1 the Quiet cul-<le-MC S8l2K Canel front 4 Br Fee other 1hrM apartmeftt. Colony 4 Bd lrl·level. 8 owner 673--« 11 for Income. Seller wlll Formal dining & lemll~ land Terms. $299,000. rm Low Int 111 T.O. & CUSTo•• 300+ SO FT Mr Clark 645-3370 all help llnanoe and eave owner Ullslld nnanclng ... 6PM buyer thou1and1 of e>wr. ObvlOully amtlOUt home wllh white water dollanlll Selling pra of for pricing at S179.000 Comvllwl,_!om _.motl1 .. poolr~ •• ,.1 •rr $325,000 11 way below ch• r 1 ey o err . a g 1 ,,,_, ..... " .... current replacement '\!l~0..00 ape. 3BR 3be • formal 2 Bdrm, 2 bath, den, di· cot1111 PRINCIPLES · dlnfng rm. lam rm. S589, nlng room, lerge double ONLVlll Calf owner (714) 000. garage fleet opener. 8.42.0138. l.apea Ylf'-c• I.I Quiet end unll. Walk to -,,.-,.---,.,-,--,.,-- •tl-1ll1 the1 l>MCh..._· s1~.ooollltr ..................... . ., .... . -·· -~ Turt~:3BR3Ba.fam LI Bill llSO 141-lltt -w•w• rm, rm. trml din., prol •• l~~~ ••••• !......... Laguna Beach. With lendac:ape, AC Lie Opt By Ownef 3 Br. 1'1. Ba pW\a. Drtw by 411 Alta 752-9081 fr-pie.,_ carpel, upgr• Vlete Way, then c all S •• ul.E ded. below market M IAIYll Agen1. ~240 S124,700 S12.000down ... Harbor R~ \l'9w OlnllE 859.0147. Mclain Oreenbfler Model. JV S 100.00i> nHded'. Bright a llry 3 Bd Colony '-L • I 1-· 2 bdrm, 2 beth, dining 75~1 home. Elllra wide lot A ~~ ... ~••••••••':~! room. large md••dle< ~lie ---... -U------.---1hor1 walk trom pool 6 wllh 11111ng Ill ,., .. ng lighted t1nn11 crta. Pill PLIOE arH. Gr111 golf courH Commercial lot located Banker OWn4lf may anlll view. Pool. 11nnl1, HCU· near Buena Park CMc In procuring ftnanclng 6 UTITll rlly. Good financing. Vou Centlf. 11 avaltable '°' wlll cerry $149,900. 4 II. 2~ IA. own 1he i.nd. '215.000 S150,000. Lot lbll le 11, Char 1 e y Darr , a g I BETTER THAN 800 aq ft Ind ~ .. 559-9..00 MODEL help flnence. 831-7370" HAS EVERYTHING CUl~ucttreet Sun 6 Sall II QI.lb 20 min. 10 TRll)E llDf Newport Center I~~~~~~~ n ·ur, s210.ooo w11h s1eo.ooo 1: Two t>eautlfUI Woodbfld· II 12% tlxld rat• & ge homea. Either will !\Illy amortized. ~ equity t,.-.o. lot No Po'nt• or quatltytne. your amall•r frvtne pro-770-0347 P«IY or? II'• like getllngl•-•Own-*illll'ec .... t __ all cut\ 10 your ioan. One ••• 5 Bdr lwtUfY l\Ome.·~-.-.-.-.-;.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-;.-.-.-;.-1' The othlf a 3 Bdr +den 1-=-------_. wlttl ~ .. pool .. epa.. Call lor det1111. OrHt oPPonunllyt l~br14tt ..... tilt llfl S:.'~~n:bw Get GREEN C9ltl for WHITE ....,.,.,ti For Ad Action Cal a Daiy Piot AD-VISOR 642·5678 With a Claeelfied Ad w.m M He!P? •---Call~_M_2_.-., __ 1 ...... --i_64_2_·_M_7_a ________ ;;._1 lllr Tim.I .......... Lovely "om• w/panoramlcr view of hU11. Hlghett view etreet( 1unken Uv rm, 4 IR, 3 ful bathe, tam rm w/ptank wood . loorl, kwtMI .. '"'· ....... ~-·~::= 7~414('41) • • TJUDI T 10~\I RL\ln ............... , . . .. •• ... ; ,. .. ·~ .. .. .. •, •. :· •. :· :· .. . 'lo: . . . ... ' .~ . . . ~: . .. •• . .. . ..; •. .... .... .. -... · .. ~. ~:. ., . ·-.. ~~ I I .. I • .. ' •• Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Thur9day, Aprll 22, 1982 ··-~,. ... ~--1rEL= ICMOO&. Dlln.cT NO'nCI INWTWO 8De NOTlOI II l*AHV OIVIN 11111 tllt l oard 01 l!Cluoellon of th• Newj>O(l·Mt .. Unltlld lct\OOI Of· •lflet Of Otl4\tt Ool.llllY Wiii rtotlYt Mlltd Didi ~ 10 2 oo p m on t11e t llTI day of Mey 1M2. al tlle ofllOt of U ICI School bt1trlc:t.i. loc•ttd •t 1857 P'-1111 811MI, \;oala MIN, Calltornla, et Whleh time 111d bide wlll t>t PUOllOtY OOtlltd tnd rMd !Of. ~OllDATA NOCllllMO ICM#'MINT All bid• ,,. lo ba II\ tOOOt~ wlth Co11dlUon1, ln1truct1on1. end 9pec:lflclltofl• wtllon .,. l'IO'# Ofl flit 111 the office 01 tht Puroha1lng DI· ltCIOf 01 Nld 8chOOI Oltlrk:I, 1957 l'l~Ua ltretl, CO.la M .... Cell• fornll 92e27 A Pre.Bid Conlerenc.t '11\'ilt ba helcl on May 3, 11182, at a 00 p"". 111111 •boVe lld<lr .... In lhe O•I• Ptocet-llng Conftfll\OI Room. A Pwl~ 8onCI mey bl ,._ qulrt<I 11 the dlec:rellon of the Ot· llrk:t. M t.IC NOTICE MllC N011C£ NOnce OP 'f'RUITU'I IAU T ... -.-NOTIOe It HtMIV OlvtH, tllet on WeclM•d•Y· M•Y 12, 1tU, .. • 00 o'ctodl • m ol MIO city, 1n tilt rooM n l O ld• tor 0011ctuct1no Trwt•'• ..... wttNn I.lie offtoe 04 A£AL HT A Tl HCUAtTtE.8 HA· VICE. IOOlted at 2020 Horii\ l(otctwey, ._... 2()1, In the City OI ~ Me. OcMM\ty of Ortngt, etata of c.itfOfnit. RIAL EaTATl. ltCU· AlflU HAVICE .• Cettt0tnl1 cor· pcwallon, ., M ~ltd True• under and pureuant to tM ~ OI .... OOl!Wrect In 11\at lltrtaln OMd of TrUlt ••tcU1ad bY J-Auaael l<9'fl Ind l.,berl 0.y KMr1, Hue. baiid end Wt1•. •• joint 1tn1nta, recorded St pttmbtr •. tH1, In looll 1'201 01 Otflclal Aecorel• ot nlel County, at page 617. Aecor· d1r'1 lnatrume nt No. 8902 by 111aon of 1 br11oh or C11f1ult In payment or p1rlorm1nc1 ol th• oblloeUone MCVttd l~tby. lnclu· ClioO 11111 btHCfl OI o.feull, N011ot Of Which .... u recoto.cl Jlllutrf 19, 1912, u A-c1er·11n11rument Ho 82..()21721. WIU 8(LL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIOHl!ST 810 DIA FOR CASH, l.wlul money ol 1111 Unlltd l1ttt1. or • eHhler'1 Clleeil Otawn GI\ •• , ... OI nttlOntl bantl. a 11111 OI 19dtf el C•edll 111\lon No Bidder may Wltllelrl.,.. hll Bid tor a petloel ol forly·llve 1•&1 d•Y• altar Ille dat• HI for 1111 Ol)tlllng \hereof The Boa•O Of Eelucallon of lllt No4tc. II llltlOY ~lo the - or a •l•I• or feel., al Hvl11,1 ano 1------------1oa11 Htoelatlon Clomlclt.CI n 11111 PUii.JC NOTICE Newporl·MNS Unlllt<I School Ot· OllM of ENO IHCJU.tAH. t,.,,.._ 11nc1 rM«VN '"'right to rateo1111y ror . ..no..~ adelt-1• 4129 or 1ff Bid• and l'OI ,necesearlly IC· 191on Road, City of IMM, COUl\ty cept the low111 Bid. end 10 .... 111v1 ot Oranve, State of Cdfomll 92714 eny lntor"*'IY or 111eguta111y In any thal a blA trane,., II aboul to be 11a1a. all payable al the time of Nie 1------------1111 tight, tlU. and lnl« .. I Mid by II NOT'ICI U True1-. In lt\al rMI P'OC*'tY ti-YOU A"I IN Dl,AUL.T UNOIA A 11,.te In Mid OcMM\ty 11\d St•te. de-0.10 CW TIWIT. DATID NM t. ecrlbad N tol!Owl 1t10. UHL.Sii YOU TA«I ACTION Sid ~vecl maoe to THOMAS TRACEY. Trana-"I•,.., A' . TO ,_.OH CT YOUtt "'°""TY, IT -~T·••A UWll.D ltr ... WlloM busln ... •ddt•N 11 Thal portion ol IOI 18 Of lht MAV M IOlO AT A "'9UC IALI. C.1M• 111 #u 3UI I CHOOL OtlTNCT of P.O Boa 825, Clly of Hunllnglon Ortnoe.C-IJ, Cellfomle BMc:n. County of Orange. State of Dorot111 ~ Flefter, C.t'.M. CIHfomle ~cflellne Dnc\or The property lo be tran1terred la Newpofl Helgl\11 lrllG1 u t-oecl ti' YOU NllO AN IX~ANATION In bOOll 4, page 93 of mjaoellaneoua 0 ' THI NA TUAI 01' THI ""0· map1, t.c:ord1 Of Otange County C llOINO AQAINIT YOU, YOU Stele ol C1lllotnla d11~lbt<I 11 1HOUU> COffTACT A LAWYI A. ....•..........•...... Xlnt 2 bf. 2 be, '850 (213>450-IMO wkdys (71•)14()-9763 tvatwknd (714) 7'0-~fT delaibecl ln oan«al u · 411 llock In Publlaned Or~ C::O..t OallV Pl-traell. ll•turee. equipment and 0000 lot, A&>r1I 22. 29. 1982 1811;12 Wiii c1' Ola\ T.V MAGAZINE bulfMll llnown .. T.I/. MAGAZINE anel IO• catect at 4129 a.ton floael, City of lrvln•. County of Otange, Sti lt ol California 92114. tTATUmNT Of,,.,,~ The bulk 1,.n11er w111 be coneum- Of uu Ot' meted on or .,.., !hi 11111 day of ACTYTIOUt .,_.. .. MAm May 1982 al 10 00 am at GROVER tn.":. ~=r.:::.:."=*' ESC 0 ROW CORPORATION. WhOM BUY 'H' TllEAllUAl l)Q EH i Hin •Clelra11 ,, 18002 trvln• BlvO .. Str-. Suite o. Coet• M..e C.1110<nl• Tu.lln, Ca1Hornl1. LU1 date for llHng t2t21 eta.Ima. 6-tM2. n.. r-~ HMw ,.,.....i So lat •• la -nown to thl T11n1- 10 •--"*' .,, o..,. Couney Ofl '"" all bu1tneH n1m1s enel Id· ~ ••. '"2 · .--... .... , ..... r t Tllo""' SI,.,., •H 801e10 w.,, Or-_. v1 ,,. 11nl1.,or or ~ 8Mc11 CM-12113 lhe put lhtll Y"fl ata -"-! O SI-... llolero w.-, DATED April 13, 1982 __., 11e1c:11 Ceillot-t2W Thomu Tr~ rn11 1>ualnH1 •H conducred by • Tran.I•" oe-• ~""" Of'OVU. a.a.ow ""'"-,.,... 18002 '""" ~ r111e t1et1M1n1 ••• llled w1111 111e T tin. CA County Clert< 01 OtonQt Couney Ofl Merell >-~1125-a )0, ,.., ,_ PUb!Wlad Orange Cou1 Deily Piiot, P11blltl\.O Otel\O• CoH I Oelly Pllol, AprU 22. 1912 """ I I, 15. 2:2 tta i.51.n la1M2 111111mc11 • IOllowa Beg1nn1n9 11 1111 moll no1tlltfl) cornw of NICI IOI 19. Mid potn1 llto belnil Ille ... terfy com« of trllG1 no. 2160". u ~on• map r-dad In llook 59, pagt 19 of ml1ctll1· naou1 map1, racor01 ol Orange County, State of Callfomla, ti..ne. IOUlll 50 Otgr-01' •3" Mii 83 32 ... , 10 lhl ITIOll f'!Otlherty llOlll« of trlCI no 1683, u lhown on a map recorOtCI In book 49, pag• 49 ol m11call1naou1 mape, recorC11 ot Orang1 County, State or Calltornla; 111anc1 1ou111 •O oegrtH oo· 27" w"I 198 72 fffl 1tong Ill• north· -l•ty tin. of Mid ttlCI to the true point of t>eglnnlng, 1~ north 50 degre11 00' 00" w111 48 32 IHI. tllance IOulll 40 Oegtffa 00' Ill" Wiii 103 49 lael IO Ille IOUlll· -lerfy line of UICI lol 111. thence IOUlh 50 dlgt-00 00' ... , •8 3 1 1111 along Mid IOUl"-1.,ly line 10 the moat w111erty corner or H id tract no 1583. 11-nortll <IO di-- gr-oo· 21" ... 1 103 •9 ''" a1ong lhl nor1r-1er1y line of Mid tract 10 thl true pOiflt of begjoojng Thi 1trM1 '°°'-or othlf com- 1 mon e11119n111on of 1111 1111 pro- perty 11 heflln•bov• dff<:rt~ la purported to II• 2330 -l~lh She was an e mployee al StrMI NlwpOf1 e.ac11 cal1lom111 BUGEL FAll'Vl.ew St.ate Hospital with Tiie und1111gn1d 1111111y 011- ood . , olalm1 all tlal>illty tor any lnOorract· HENNING C . BUGEL,.the f wrvices. Survived ,_ ,n NHS a1r .. ue1<1r-or othe! passed away on Aprt I 21, by a '°" Ray Craft of Santa eommo<1 dellgrlalk>n 1982 in Westminster, Ca Ana, Ca .. step-mother Cor-Said HI• wlll 11• mad• .... 1111ou1 Bo an Corv>nhagen Den· nne Morgan of Colorado a werrant; 1xp1111 or Implied, r•-rn ..-. b th a· . Qatdlng 11111, po11111lon. or en· mark on November 24, 1901 step-ro er 111 Blakely of cumllranc.e. to 1111a1y thl prtnclpal He was a gardener all of his PennsylvanUI, step-sister Di· balance ol th• Nol• or ot~r ollll· life. A resident o f Garden xie Hartless of Colorado. 2 ¥•lion 11curae1 lly H tO OH d 01 Grove, Ca. Survived by 2 grandchildren. V isitation rutt, Wltll .,,,., .. ,and other .um• h . Id 0 I B I f ·11 b h ld Th d "proVICMd therein. plue acsvanc4M, c 1 re n r o u g e o w1 e e on u rs ay. 11 any. Ul\d., 1111 '"'""' 1....,eor and Garden G rove, C a , and April 22, 1982 from 12:00 1n1.,111onaucllad'lancea.andp1ut Mary Jensen of Denmark, noon to 8 :00PM. Services '-· cnergee 1nd IKPlfl-Of the also survived bu 6 grand· will be held on Friday ~ TruatM and 01the1ru111 cr .. ted by · " 23 982 O:OOAM ' 1110 Oeeel or Trull Tiit total c hildre n Private service• • 1 at 1 . at • amount of Mid Obligatk>fl. tndudlf>Q have been held at the Balu bor Lawn Chapel with Mr. reuooallly 11t111'18tad '-· chefgee Bergeron Smith & Tuthill Clyde Heath of Buena Park and,.,,.,_. of tha Trutt•, at the Westcltff Chapel Mortuary. oflidatJ.na. Interment to fol-ti me 011n111a1 t'bllcellon of 11111 Services under the dU't!C'UOn low at the H arb o r L awn ~~":!·~ ::,2 of BaJtz Bergeron-Smith & M emoria l Park. Services REAL ESTATE Tuthill Westcliff C hapel under the d1J"ectioo o f Har-SECURITIES SERVICE M o rtuary of Co1ta Men bor L awn-M o u nt Olive • C~ 646-9371 M ortuary of Coata Meu. :'C'.. · JACISON ~G-55~. !SEAL) o j MOtger. ROY J JAC KSON age Mcl.ENNA n.t Preelelent 88. an Irvine resident.' pre -DOROTHY McKEN NA, = =" 8'oee1Way vlowly of Lake Worth, Flo-age 91. a resident o f H unt-Senta AN. CA 92709 rtda. and C h icago. Illin ois. ington Beach, Ca. for the 17 1') 953-0810 Died April 16, 1982 \n put 30 yun. Pused away ~29°':'°'8~2DaltyPllo1 Brookfield, Illinoia Funeral on Tuelday. Apnl 20. 1982 at · •Y HtM2 aervlces and Interment wu Pacif ic a Hospital. Mu held on April 19, 1982 next M c Kenna wu born on No- to h is late wife Jennie in vember 12, 1890 in London. Piil.iC •m Chicago. llhnoa Beloved fa· England. ahe was a member ther of Fred Jackson of Ir-o f the Huntington Beach NOTIC• Ott TMllTH'S I ALE vine, Ca. and Arlene Kutaka Senior Citizens Club. Belo· NOTICE ~s'·H'::ie~rveN tllal of B r ookfield, llltnols, 5 ved mother of Stella Dmilon on Wedneaeley, May 5, 1N2. ai 9 oo grandchlJdren who Include o f M ission Hilla, Ca. and o'Clodla.m otNldday,lntheroom focally r. Scotl Jackaon and David McK enna of Blrmlng-Ml ulde for ooncluctlng TNll•'• h Is w j f e Su aa n a nd 1 O ham M ich igan also aurvl-s a111, within th• olllc:M 01 REA L ' ' ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE, IO-great-grandchildren who In· ving are 4 grandchildren and ceted at 2020 North Broadway elude locally Jeffrey Jack -5 gr ea l · g r a n dchild ren. Suite 206. 1n thl City of s.ntt Ana: son , ion o f F. Scc;tt and Friends may call at Pierce County of Orange. Stat• of Callfor- Susan Jac kson Memorial Brothers Smith•' Mortuary nla . CALIFORNIA l ANO TI TLE · . 0 P M COMPANY, a Callfornl1 corpor1-serv1ces w ill b e held on from 12:00 noon to 9: 0 tlon .. duly appointed TNl1• un- Monday, April 26, 1981 at on Thunday, April 22, 1982 da.'and pur1uen1 10 1111 po-r of iO:OOAM al Uruveraity Un-where funeral services will Nie c:Of'lferrad 1n 111e1 oertein Dead lted Melhod11t Church be conducted o n Friday of Tru111xacut1d by JAMES F Cul Dr ' 1 23 982 p ' Cl.ARK, • ait9I IT\afl and HUGH A 18422 ver .. lrv\M, Ca Apra • 1 al 1:00 M MATHESON • llt'Qla IT\afl u joint 92715 ln lieu of flowers the W1th Rev Father Charles W. tenant•. r~rClad Sept~t>er 30. family requesta donatlon11 be Sacquety of St. W i lfre d 1ee1. 1n 8oo4I 1'239 01~1'9- made to the UUM C Memo-Epu1copal Chrurch o ffld a-oord• of !*Cl County. " P4IQt 8'1 rial Fund in hll name at the tina Interment will be made ~dlr • Instrument No 39553. --o· by,_., Of• braedl or default In above addrns an t he Good Shepherd payment or ~rlormance of 111a KETTERMAN Cemetery. P ierce Brothen obllgellone MCUfad th«eby. lnctu· BETTY J KETTERMAN Smit.hi' Mortuary dlrec1on dlno ttwrt 11reeo11 or MllUll. NotlOI 'd f Oran r., ·-' C36 •539 Of whlc;I\ Wal 19COtdad January 8, a rem ent o .Jrange '-""Anly " -v • 1982 ... Aacotdet'• ln11Ntntnt Ne. all her life PUied away on OCHSNER 92--008930. WILL 8Ell AT PUBllC AprU 20 1982 In Anaheim OLIVER H. OCHSNER a AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BID-,.._ Sh ' bo .,,_ ' ___. ... _ f ,... __ .a.1 &.0:. DER FOR CASH, lawful money of ....... e waa rn In <>enta •~to ~vu.. ue1 "'J.&r• the Unll•CI StatH, or 1 ca•hltf'• Ana. ~. on June 28, 1923. CA. Paued away April 20, ct** ar.-on 1 atate or nallonel HAleOl UWM-MT OLIVI Mo1tuarv • Cf•m>tPr., C1ema1or,o 1625 G1\ler A•e Costa MOM 540 5554 "HCI HOTHIU 11&.l llOADW A Y MOITUAU 110 Broa<Swav Coe111 M8'a 642·9tSO IAln&lllGllOH SMeTl4 & TUTHILL WHTCllff CHA,U. 427E 17thSI Costa MeH 6•6-9371 ... Cl llOTMIAI SWITMl'..OrlVAll 627 Main SI Hun11nQ1on O.ecn ~6539 1982 at the qe Of 86 years. bin-. I 1t1te or lteleral credit Survived by hil wife Mabel union, or• 11•1• or*"'''~ E · G O h and IOan aNOC11tlon domlell«l 1" . • ion eorg e c an er, thla 11.,1 111 payable at thl time°' Ne w p o r t Be a c h • C A ; ..... 11 rioM. title end lnterMI held daughter M ra. Virginia L . by 11 ... Truttff. rn tllat rHI pro· Malmaten, El Se~do, CA; petty lltueleel In "Id Covnty 11.0 da .... a.•-.•-1.aw i....i ... 1 .. L lltate, dt900bee1 .. !Ollo'n: ,....,..,, u v '&"-' A LEASEHOLD ESTATE IN ANO Och1ner, Newpor t Beach , TO: CA; 6 grand ch ildren & 3 Lot 12 Bloc-114 01 Trtcl No. areat-gra ndchildren . Ser-234. •.,_on a MfP r900fct.o 1n vices will be h e ld In the 8oo11 ta PllO" H anel n 01 Mlt- Mancbester Chapel a t Ina1e-~~::,1:.c,t:,111e wood Park <Ametery S.tur-The .. ,... tdclttlt Of otNr -day, April 24, 1982, at 2:00 mon d~natlon of tilt real pro-P~M . AVprili.Ji.2t3ion :m be Fri-~ ":9'.:.=e .::-1~ ~ , , 1"'°2 ftun 4 to Utti ''""'· HewpcWt 9Mct1. Ctll· M at the Cemetery Cha· tomll pel. Tiie 11ndtrtl911ad ltef•llY di•· ROBERGE = :...•-:=::.:. ":':::: IS ABEL L E 8 . ROBER· OOMfftOft ...., ~ OE, ec.ta M-l"elldent for hid .... _...~"'"'"""°"' th . 28 d wtmlftf( ... ,,... Of ~. , ... e pa1t. 'o .1eara, pHM 9.,dlnt 011e. poH••lon,41 tn· awwpni l~l ~912. Born _ ..... to~ ----ln ord, NaUW, 0cio-.,...,_ Of IM Note or otfief ot>ll-ber 28 1-." et •• _ ... __. -3 tttton MClllM -~ H id OMd ot ' -· QWVI"-"'I Tt\lll. ............... .... dauchtera, Ruth Robert•· • ......... ~ llM .....,__ who W r-'ded wtlh. Kn. It•·.,,.., .. ..,...,....;;; Annette Hemmlnt .. n ot ..,..."' ..... .., • ...,_.,.. em. Mela, c.., Mil. Vklll =-.-::-.. :...:.:.:: .. -:If": Enoe of Southlf\111118. Con· .. ., OHd ot l'ruat. Th• 101a1 ntcUcut, altO a 11.w Ken· ....,. Gt Mid o.,an•• •. ....,.,. rletta DHcbambUalt and r••• .._......,.... ..... ..,_ brother Bolarl ....... '-"h -~ .... ,,....., • h of Maine, =hlldNni UfM Of •1t111a1iJi.i'4letlo11 of tllla Jun."--· Pttridt ........ ''°' •. 1)1Md1 ~•·""· Andeuon lo~oe lnoe ~I.AHO and I .... , ..... dda1WND1 TftLI OOWIMY, T--. cwta .... ~. r. 11 iiStl"'.,,' ~-·,_.•ca.a.... AQ ...................... ~ rW Kalptt.al. ,......, .. -··----· • ._AllM_.. ..... red, lurW .uJ Ille~ \IM DJ ....... ,..,u ....... ,,,, wha. • ,, ,, .. , •• ~. NO~Of' TIIUI TH'I IALa T.I . Ho.•?OP On May 7, 1982. at 9 15 o'ctoek am . on Friday, 11 the front .,,,,.,,. ce to the old Orenga County Cot#· thOUM, localed on Santi An• Blvd be'-Sycamore Str•t & Broad· way. Senta Ana. CA . WESTERN MUTUAL CORPORATION . e Clll· tornle corporation. u Truatff, or aubatltulad Trust•. undet Ille DM<I of Trull ancutad by T. H. 0., a llOla proprietor, h11eln callad Truator. recorClec:t June 10. 1980, u 1n11ru0 mint No 9069. 1n Boo~ 13930. Page 592 of Olliclat Record• ol Orange County. Celltornia. wlM Mii at public auction to 1111 111g11111 bldC11r lor ca111, payabl• In lawful money ot 1111 United Stat .. a1 !hi tlml Of Mii 1111 1ntert11 corweyeo to ano no.,.. 11atd by H ICI Tru1111 unaer H id Deed of Tru1t In 1111 p<operty a11ue1ac11n Mid County ana Stall CIHCrlbed 11 All tight 11111 end 1n1., .. 1 1nto lllal C9IUin ..._ hold Mtat• crMteel by• lllM dated NOYember 13 1978 more parhcu· lerty OMCrlllld In Exhibit A .. PARCEL t loll 1 2 3 and thl Eutet1y I foot or Lot 4 1n Btoo 3 or 1111 Balboa Bay11C11Traci.1n the CUy ol N-· port Beach County of o•ange State ol Cahtornoa u more pVll· culltly d11crobed on EXHIBIT A" et11c11ee1 hereto ano mae11 • part heteor t:lOtlefT WA" All flQhl Utll •nd tnt.,911 lnlO lllal cettaln leUlh<lld ntata cr•tad by 1 llUe Clalld NoYember 13, 1978. by end bet-RotaNt Ffanll Vel· 111y end Vivian Mut11I V1tt1ly. 1111 wife, not indlvtdualt'; or ptrtonally, but IOlely u Trust H Of lhl V alllly Femlly Ttull. ctaated by Truat ,,.,. e11n1u11 deteCI March 3. 1972. u IHM>f and FIJI\ Zone ~I H 1111ee recoraed Oec:ember 13. 1978, In Book 12915 I P•Q• 148 OfllClal Record• PARCEL 1 LOii I 2 3 end '"' Eastet1y I foot or Lot 4 1n Block 3 or th• Balboa Bay11<11 Tt•CI 1n 1111 Coty of NIW• poll Beacll County or Orange Si.11 Of Calllor"" IS per map tee:· orOed 1n llOOll • pege 1 e ot M1ec;.e1. laneou1 M•P• In ti>. Oflk:• of 1111 County Reco<Clet of u>d County PARCEL 2 Thll portion or Blocti 3 ol thl Bal- boa Bay1•d1 Tract sllown u an uttnumt>erad 1o11n NHS 8toc:tl Jon• map recotOIO tn Boo!< 4 page 78 of Mltcell•neous M•P• CIHCtlbeO .. loMowl Begonnono at a paont on the EHlerfy hn• Of LOI 23 1n Bloc• A ol Bayalde. •• ahown on • Map r1corC1aCI tn Book 3 page 38 ol Hid Mlacefl1, neous Mapa .,..111cn. point 1n n 00 1 .. 1 Nottharly from 1111 No1111erfy tine or Bay A,,.,.,ue thence Westerly at right 1ngl11 30 00 feel, 111ence Nortrwrly paiallel Wiii\ Palm Str .. I (lhown IS Miiin Street on aalCI Map). 10 the Nortnust corner Of Lot 1 1n BIOCk 3 ot 1111 Balb<>a Baya!OI Tract, H ahown on 1111 map recotdtlel In book 4. P•O• 78 ot Hid Mltc•ll•· MOUi Map•. thence SoutheHterry •tono Ille Nor1h1Ularly Hne Of .. 1e1 Blocli. 3 to the Nor'tll-lerfy tone ol P11m SlrHt, thence Soutll-•tlrly along H id ""' (o tne Point or B•· ginning PARCEl 3 T,,_I l)Of110n of LOI 2• In Btock A ol S.ys1oe, H lhOwn on• map tecor- OIO In llOOll 3 PIO' 34 of Miscella· naou1 Map•. record• of Orange County c.hlornia. and that portion Of Lot 8 In Section 35. T ownthlp 8 Soutll Ra"ge 10 WHI, San Ber· netOlno S... and Meridian. dMCll- lllCI u lotlowa Beolnnlng at 1111 Nortl\M8t corner Of lot 1 on 8loci< 3 of BelllOI Bay- elcM T tac:t. 11 atlO'*n on a map ttc- oreled In book 4, page 78 of Ml•· ~ Mape. rec0tcla OI Orange County, Callfomla. lhence North· _,.,1y alOng the NorlhlUterfy llna of MIO 8IOcl\ 3 10 a pojnt 1 00 loot Norlh.,..Hletly from the Northwett corner of LOI 3 ot H ICI f91ocll 3, 1111nc1 NorthH•l•tly along a "'" perallal w1111 and I 00 lool North• -tarty, maeeureel at flOhl anglel • from thl Norti-1.ny prolonO•llOn of Ille Nort,,,_t«ly tint of aaJCI LOI 3, Block 3, 10 lta lnt•rMCllon wlth thl Une of ordinary high lkle Of the Pacific OCHn In Nawpor1 Bay. 11 et11bllsntel by • dteftl rtndtittcl in the Supetlot COUit OI the Sl1te of C•Nlornla In anel for Ille Oolmty Of Of•noa In an AGtlon ent111ect "Olty of ~ a-ti --Flr1t Nellon. ti 8a.nk Of Stnta An• and othaf'S", (Cue No U87t. a otnlfltel copy of Wtllc:h WH rec0tdeel Nolftf'llW •• tt21 In 11oo11 2 I I ,,. 180 OI OM· elll Atc:ordt; lttenc. Soulhetttetly tlOnt Ille NICI lld9 Mne to Ill ,,, •• NC1lon With the Noftflealter1y PfO- tonotf IOn of Ille NorU!Wetterfy llne of '*" ''"'' .. tlflOWll on IN rnep of Mid lttboe "Yti6e Tract. tfle-~ louthwtl~ e6oftO Mid ptO- lonQll110n I/ltd ""' NcM1'I' llltft)' llnt of Palm 11r .. 1 10 Ill lllllfMCllOn Wlfll Ille Hol'IJ:-""'1 ... ol llOdi 3 OI H id lellloa aay1ide f raOlj 111t11ce NorlhWHltflY along n la NOfllleetltt1~ llM 10 Ille Point ot ltliWMlllJ UCCl-'T any PofllOI\ tl'ltnOf IYlllf be10W MM11 I.Ow WtW. The ttrett ..._. I/ltd/or OIMf COftWl'IOll rt , .. •tiol•, II .ny, 11 SM'• "°"" 10 i..: 308 Palm AVt!Mle, laltlOl PMlllUlt. Newport tMett, c.Momla. COZY 2 br. frplc. new c p11, am. patio So of hwy. an&. 873-1734 C..I• #m 3114 ...................... Spec. a bf llome on quiet c:ul·d~aae, '850. Gayle 831·9039/540-1449 mtg Airport ere•. bac k bey view, lmmae, radec, 31>r 2ba. gerage, peOo. yerd, grdnr. wtr. refrtge. S925 e.42-9542 3 8f 1~ a. oaraoe. teo- ced yard $830/mo + $'400 MQUftty Santa Ana He lghU duple• 833-1927 2 Br enctld gttage. cat· peta, drapes 773 W W ll eon H o pale '525/mo. 631..,.889 3 BR. 2 Ba, gar, Coli.ge Pwtl, $720 mo 731-<&214 & 631·2•M 2 BR Eael91de '575 mo '350 aecurtty Avtll now &45-2971. 973'""899 Never belort a rental Cu•lom dtcoreted 3 Bdrm with g11Cl•ner $850/mo 558-0347 home Agl Lovely Brend new 2Br. 2'~8a. lrptc:. 2 c:ar garllQt .,..Jopener, bolh bdrm• are lg m1lr autt ... per- fect fo r ernglt1, euy term• $795 mo. Oya 850-9779. 531-31 1'4 NS·HUO NOTICE OF DE ATH OF HAROLD ARTH UR CON· NER AND OF P ETITION TO ADMINISTER EST ATE NO. A·l l tttt. To all hetn. beMf1daries, creditors and conungent cre- d 1 t o r 1 o f HAROLD AR· THUR CONNER an d per-' IOf\S who may be olhel'Wl.le mtel'ftted In the wL11 and/or est.ate: A pellllon h as been hied b y L INDA S . CONNER an the Superior Court o f ORANGE County requesung that LINDA S. CONNER be appomted as pel'90nal repre· sentat lve to adm1ni1ter the estate of H A ROLD ARTH· / UR CONNER, Costa M esa, t- CA. (under the lndependent Adml nletratlon of Eetatet Act). The petition la aet for hearing in Dept. No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Drive Welt, S anta Ana. C A 92701 o n May 12, 1982 at 9 :30 a m IF YOU OBJECT to th e granting of the petluon. you sh ould either appear at the.> hearing and stat~ your ob· jectlon1 o r file written ob- je<'Uona with the court be· fore the hearing. Your •P· pearanct may be in pel'90n or by your attorney IF YOU ARE A C REDI· TOR or a conunaent aedUor of the dtteHed, you mutt file your claim with tbe court or preaent It to the personal reprHentatlve ap- pointed by the court wlthln lour monlhl from the dace of tint l11u ance o f letters ae p r ovided In Section 700 of the Probe~ Code of Callfor· nla . T h e tim e for flllna clabnt w ill not expire prior to four monlhl from the date of the hMl'lnc not.laid above. YOU MAY E XAMINE the file k ept by the court. lf you .,. lntel"ftted ln the ... tate, you may file a request wltb t he court t o receive 1p«ial notJoe of the Inven- tory of Mtate UMta and of the pedUona, accounta and .~ ct.crlbed In Sec:t.lm 1200~ cl llw Callfomla Pro- bate c:OcM. LINDAS.CONN&ll. ....... , .. 1.a. •tt g llft ltnet c..ta ...... CA tHl'J (71') ..... I Pub\lebed O r•n1• Coaat llally PlJoc., April ''· US, 22. 18'2. 1711-82 tald tale Wiii be mecfe Wtlftoul Wtl'lllllY I• lo tit .. po ... _,°" Of ~ano.. for tM llW'POllf ot MflMUef'J.l~M poylfte 1t1e ...... ...._ MOl#M., .... lfA allill CS... ol Trust. ~ ""'• Tiie lofloW'lnt perton I• aolnt lflCt ....... ol IM TNMtt Mtf:: _.... .. lfle '""" ...... _, ... 0. Olll~NGI COUNTY OANA· Ttll81, MVlftMt 11W...-.WIU1 _..TM. lllla... , ... ttlll ,,,_, ----~....,....... Della ..... CA-.r ......,,,..... ... .,.... •"' ouv·1u0110UTH1N>M01 ....... ,~°"'" ... ,~ ........ ,...... '~-.~ =-·-· .... .,"' = ...... ._OtJllll' =· ... .. ~CA_, "-_ ..... .. fll· CJML "'°'* oe-r. i Or-...._ t11 .. INffll ...... I .... , ........... ~~ FJlfe:::~~ AIMllJ=~". .. ..... ___ _........,,.........,. .:i...--c.-., ~o.rrl': " ..... I c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5· 6 7 8 Univ. Pk. 3 BR 2 Bl. toe fem rm, fplc, toe oomer food yd Attacfl dbl cC eomm pool & lee 10 1chool1, park. ahop- p lng , $875 mo C a ll 714 -878-8009 or associated @!w • ·.. -'1: • •'1 . .. . ,_1_1 .... _81_s--0 __ 144 _____ 2 br, p,; b• •P• 2 c:ar NEW Woodbridge condo. encl g1r . crpt. nt S A 2 mlln, 2,,.ba. Oen, AJC. eo1teoe 867-2248 SISO!no. 559-.&718 ..... ,,__,, fenJU# ....... ll "' 1111 :T.';" ................. . ~ ...... ~ ........•. ~ Clean Laro• Condo 2Br. 1nhl•el• 1111 28a, tam rm, 1750 mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• Het'b 831-1729 ont Bach ~t. Oulel Monarch Bay Te rrace , o Clar P•raon. No pell. Br 3 Ba home 3294I Yrly Incl utll l •OO . 8. ve n . s ti .. D,. 111/IUt I cMp. 973-9795 I 1216/mo. 875·807• or 1----· _______ 1 1127·7408. Sma ll I Br . c arpell, '575 .. 2 BR Pee, bHch drapee. 13g51rno. r•c lac, ga1ed. vac. 975-44~ •93--1132. 801-3872 c.,,,... 1114 lat.,,,.., ~, ..................... . ...................... l&I& II •1 l owly 2 8'. + 6tn. 2 Ba. AU. UTILITIES PAID ho me In Tiie Woode. l '1SO/mo. + t et. laat & Compere bet ore you MC1Urlty. e334300 days renl. Cuetom d1algn ontf. featurea: Pool, 1 10, ...... n..., ,., COY'rd tat~, "1'1°""· .... •• •••• ~ ';'G, • ••• • • • • did Wit S*llh lencStcle-HOMU FC>f' ~ ping. No ,,..._ 3 & 4 8drma. tl1M700. 1 It. fUm from MOO ~ 'r*cM .. o-eoea. 2 Ir. """" from aseo Kid• & P91• welcom•. Ml W, wtlaontt42-1911 MWOOO. Aeen1. no tee. •• ,.,,.,, ~t . ..mt.flm. .. lltf .. lffft .. -..... 1!.ff ~ l bdrm,llle. ..... ..,... ~~ ~11Ud.oi"one end two beeltoom ..,... menrs FUANllHEO wl VNFVANllHED O~kwOOd 1150 Olfers ... IJtl4itlel hid ·1~ ~ • " MllllcJn In Aecrtldotl And Muc11 More• For a monrh or a l•le- bme Model$ OOPn. ~·~IV 9enl lo 6om ~om Newport Beech/No 880 Irvine , .. Mll'I (7Wl MS.1104 Newport eNchJSo 1100 16th St (Oo.t t •• lenlJ (71') 142'6 t13 A1411Ja1ats u.1.m.t" ...................... .. , ... Cnt1 #~ 31!4 .........••..••....... W8ti8JIU uumm Beaufllutfy 1and1caped gerelen aiii. POOi & Spa Covered par-Ing Heat paid No 1>9la. 8acttetor '395 1 Sf. ~$455 2 Br 1"• Ba. $510 2250 Vanguard 540·992& 2 br. 1 'h be. crptJ. drl>t. pOol, ger $550tmo yft)I 5'48-9()4 1, 646-2848 We!itfietd , .... '·APTS. - Betulllul garden apll PatlOl/Oeckl Heel paid No pet1. Children wel· eome 2Br l'•B• $515 2 Br 2 Ba ,535 3 Br 2 Ba. • seoC> 308 W. Wlleon 631-5583 or 642-3708 Cape Cod Twnhse 2 Br ' •,; Ba $4 90. Cl'pte. drr>•· No pets. 67s-e60CS . me8tiBAll TIWllllU. New Condo for rant 2 Bf 21,; Ba. $705/mo Obi gar. flrepl«le. pooc, ape Me w 18th 545-2739 YIW 1111111 Femll ... weome, 2 bf. 2 b• garage, patio. )'9rd. g •• & watt~ pai d . $500/mo. + deposit 2324 Elden. c M 548"" 147 Delu.ca 2 bf aondo nr SC plaza. luxurlou1 1menl· ..... $550. 919-eilt Eutelde 4-plex, 2 bdrm. gerege, dec;t{, no dot•· ... 75 5"8-7933 Wttllld e 2 8R. 1 8•. D/W' pvl P•llO, e ve II now. s,.eo mo. 94().C)lt7 Roomy 3 Br. TownllOUM apt In qulel ad.ull eotn· ple11. Newly decorettd, llf~. ertClld Pl"° & gerage. Sorry, no pets. 1575 Mo. t'll·33'1 or 075-59-49. $PAC. 2 BR, OPEN BEAM clge, bar, Iola of wOOd, U 2$. No P•tl. 2250 Maple SI. 50 ·735t or 173-MOO STUNNING laro• 1 Ir. QMden apl. PoOI .. f'9C.. area. *"26/mo. 7 t O w 111t\.. 81. *2 Br t ba M ... v«de. upptr. New decor. tilo pela . Oa r. UOO/fnO, .,.,..7 .. **· rw 8..C. ,.._ SA Cerpor1. pool, IPL tl7'. Pel ok. 111·11U or M t-144!0. •!bf, ne.. "' l .C. ....... M Pool.1PL-1No P•U. Tlt•ltl~ or ... ,., .... ' ~ .. \I •• •l .. .· Orange Coat DAIL y PILOT /Thurtd•Y· Aprtl 22, 1082 ••• PRIVATE PROPE RTY WEEK: . Private. Property Rights: yours to protect ~PRIL 18-24 Private ~operty Week la tho one week of the year.Jn which partJcular aCt.ent.ion ia focu9ed on one of our nation'• basic rights-the righf of every individual t.o own and maintain a piece of the land. You r local Board of Realtors is dedicated t.o protecting this right. and encouregea all citl~ns t.o join wi th us in preserviQg lt. for future generations. IRVINI COVI 11\e bft\ ~community In ~ OC' l.aiUN Private Sandy BNch. OcMn View, D.000 1q. ft. ~ Bdr, ~ beth home. Huae fitt- pl.aces, vaul~ bNm ceillnp. double kit and 1uperbly land1eaped rear yard with dra- matJc waterlall. Sacrifice 1t $1,llM,000. In f ff • wl c1lftlider ycu home OI Income properly as down pa,m.nt and cany a ht T.D. at 12,. Wm. E. Daud • Co. Inc. Relltcn £rntst ~· (714).673-1600 HARBOR RIDGE Jodelle Mdl -Thia home offers luxury and comfort for the affluent. 3 8drm1, 2~ ba, 'formal dining rm and a panOf'amlc view of all Newport and the blue Pactnc. Financing at leU than 11% Int. Asking $795,000. UNIVERSITY PARK Thia Immaculate 3 Bdrm 2 ba home In a patk Ilka aettlng Is only ror the fustiest and moat discriminating. Imagine financing ar 9¥·% Interest. Asking $169.000. HOLSTEIN REAL TY Oamy Bl>b 966-9051 °' 640-7665 W1UUUll TUii TH ILIFFS. Popular l story "Linda" Plan. Enjoy happy days • cheery condo. 3 bdrm, ·2 bath, air cond., security system. 2 patios, $275,000 FEE LAND. Consider trade for larger home Baycrest - West.cliff area. *WESTCLIFF HIGlf.AllJS+ ~clonally remodded & d««arid'l Br home fNLIJ.IVl6 ~pool, bonus room. lkyh~. ILl.1h pnva~ oourtyud, lpk & asu- m•ble fln1111cin1. Only 1299,000 on FEE IAnd. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport BNch. 759-1'01 or 752-7373 WJ\LKl:R & LEE REAL ESTJ\ TE. Dalebout Bay &Bea Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE ' SINCE 1949 ctlE wm IS ••• Tl IAYIHIU Bayfront villa. Built lik~ a fortress .. yet loaded with charm. F ive bedrooms. Paneled dining room. Huge master suite. You own the land! Family plans prompt $450,000 price reduction. Now U.6~.ooo. 1111 WUTOUn IL, .... 111·1• VACANT LOT Steps t.o ocean in t.op Peninsula Point Joe. Try and t.op this one. Price $200,000. "Impossible" Look at it at 923 E. Balboa Bl. in Balboa. COMM'L INCOME Top Newport Bl. location in Costa Mesa. Has triple net lease. A good one -and priced t.o sell at $325,000 Look at it: 1858 Newport BJ. Costa Mesa 0/J Corona CALL AND SEE This charming comfortable home which has llvlng room with fire- place. beam celllng and hardwood floors, dining room. 3 bdrm, 3 plus baths, fireplace In master bdrm. Pool, view, and Is close to beach. All for only $475,000.. MAURY STAUFFER SEA LION REAL TY 173-5354 OWNER-CARRIO lST Give yourself Mesa Verde in !82. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba home wlmany extras on cul-de-sac. owe lrg 2nd T.D. Full price $134,500. 751-3191 MINT COfl>fTIOH Beautifully landscaped and maintained 4 Bdrm h ome. Great corner location wlexist.ing RV access. Owner will assist w/ financing. Full price $142,500. 751-3191 LAGUNA BEACH Set In a pied, private bMchlide communl· ty. thla iovt!ly 8 room floor plan lnduda a formal dJn1ni rm, a modem kitchen with a dl1hwa1her & microwave, 3 bdrma & 3 batha. Completely furnished with cholc. decorator itema. Enhanced by community 1wllnrnina pOOl.t and u-nnl.I couru and just a few 1tepa to lhe beach. un.ooo. 12 .. fl· nanci1'& available. Al~~ . 1506 s. Coast Hlry. 11'4 l•l'N Beach . 494-72.20 QUIT LOOKlNG. This la it' Everyth1ni you havt' been look.l.ng for. Tiie fl.nest panoramic ocan v1ewa. SJl800'.ll c:s1m 38', 3be home, f.rmJ dJn1ni rm, tam rm .. 4 frplca. le decka. Roofed game & entertainment area plu1 pool and 1p1 New on Market A1kln1 ~.000 Upll '"'"' .... Estlft 411-1111 llYllE 1lllAOE Fabulous ocean and bay views, spac. 4 Br, gourmet kitchen and s wimming pool. Just reduced to $895,000 inc.Juding rhe land. Owner anxious and will IJ.nance. ·llUIMll IUYIEW-• Port Royal 2 story 4 bedroom, 3 bath plus formal dining and much, much more. $398,500. £lQ, RC.~[0:: Q1ALTY . 675-2311 IEWPllT IUCI 3 BR, den, tam rm .......... $365,000 510 Allio ALSO 3 BR, 2~ ba, view .......... $215,000 427B Westminster COSTA IESI 2-3 BR. 2 'h ba condos .... $160,000 327 Ogle 3 BR 21A ba home ........... $125,000 2253 Elden 4 Unit condo package ..... $225,000 Aallt 111-1111 HARBOR VIW HOMES 12~!. ... MM) .... ,... 11 ......... LHM on this beautiful most aought after 4 bdrm, 3 ba. Portoflno model home in Harbor View. Separate mother-In-law quarters with full bath. Almost new carpeting. Ls,o- vely open plan for gracious living. Community pool and super recre- ation center. . .,.. S.IHl11 ""' 21ttt tr .. 1-1 ,. 1144Pet1._...PIMe. lfftlltra oalfftr1l1 ltaltJ ....... 111 .. 114 MARVELOUS LOCATION just like living in a park except you have a day and night light view. 2 bdrm, 2 1h ba. Plan 1 in Turtle Rock Glen Townhomes. One of the out- standing features of this home is the master suite with fireplace and sunken tub. End unit located on two beautiful greenbelt.a. $274,500. Coles worthy &Co.- 2~S EASTBLUFF DR. NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 640-0020 BLUFFS SINGLE LEVEL Almast new 3 Bdrm 2 Ba. You own the land. Owner will fi- nance at 12%. Vacant -super value. $277,000 .. ,,.. ...... ttrf Llpu'• FlHtt ..... 1r .. D • 0 p A N c H 0 It 3 Br, 2 ba, gourmet kltch. Many many Amenlties 1~-5 yra. '450.000 or lae opt foe $2000. Mary Jank & Vita Gatfttt. RJUL (114)111-1114 (211)14a-lll1 I \:\-r I • "\ '\"\'° ' ·\· ...... \ . 1 \ - LAGUNA WHAT? Lacuna Niguel la an area with ocean and mountain-view homn, s<>lf c:oune horn. and condo1, rolllng hllla, private iated communltlea, cuatom bomealta, a ~ acre Wee and the llSl SoM on and on CAmlns IOOn II a lt'COl'ld aoJf QOUl'le with~ faJrwaya, and a r80rl hotel on the ocean bluff' All lhla within a few minutes of a DJUlna, elabora\e equea1rlan hornet ind homealle. ahd. of rourw. lovely L.a11una Beach OoUar values are U'rrillc -oorne - us! COLDWELL llllER nn IDTEI COUNTRY FEELING If you yearn for stone fire - places, wood paneling, knotty pine cabinets & a spacious yard, you'll Jove rh1s home. 3 &J.nn 2 Ba + family room. Owner will be helpful with financing. Of. fered at $150,000. 751-3191 BEST PRICE Great starter home. Owner will consider ALL offers. 2 Bd.rms, great Costa Mesa neighborhood. Lowest priced home in the area at $107,000 .. 751-3191 HORSE PROPERTY Reduced t.o $259,000. 19,000 sq ft lot with two 3 Bdrm houses and horse corrals. Located in the backbay Newport area, this property offers a country atmo- sphere with city convenience. owe at 12%. Hurry on this one. 631 -7370 TRADITIO\AL REALTY CHARMING Ol.l'UX on a beautiful street in Corona del Mar. Two bedroom owner's unit with beamed ceilings and firepla ce. Lge l BR apt w / fireplace. ALSO a bachelor. Great income. Patio around pool. Assumable loan. $315.000. ltlGll. BAlEY I ASSOCIATES IEAL £$TAT£ Uf-7211 Real Estate-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place I WESTCLIFF BLDG "41 ...... h. fit Al M .... . ..... ~--c---. ,/=-...-. ;/[- ./111111--.1--.1 .......... ·' ~ ~ '•". t Jl) f 1 l 00 ITNOWI ... .., ...... y °"' l)ally "°' hMoe~OfY ,.,._ltatNe .., ... ., ...... " Orange CoMt DAILY PILOT /Thurtdty, Apt11 112, 1111 flllt11!.~ ••••••• ~ •••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••• ~ •••••••••• ~ ~'''~······· ~~"=':.. Jf'~I".:.0 1.r,:o.:._~=--JA1~LL lllnl• reot "°"' ,,.. •.1<911tn 111-to11 ,,. 1u.01n Cell cSar Of nlaht, 1Ul1ll •wttt.oiMt11111 .... • mil • N we dO DM'WALU ACOUITIC THI G~N" *Jedi t1g..30l4* IN a.oor. ,, .. "'• '* 14 Vfl IJCP. l'UllY llo'd a ~ tewri !Nllnt L•H-1151·tl20 lnluted. 4$2·164• OomlNO 142-41151 • r.'\;;";';11 •••••••••••••• C..lf.C. HAULIN0-1tud•nt hH ..... i;.oM~~ ..... !ntto;'ouAi.iTY..... ~": r,:frtni ~~~~~:~It~.·· CONC"ITI CONITA. tueTAICAL WORK I remove! Qeen.upe. Tilri you, JoM. Uc. Ht:sMS '42-1412 ....._ ratee. 531·6056 ,,.. Mttmetee.&42..-e PfofMtlOnel 1erva c.m.n1·MMOnl')'-8toolc ILICTRICIAN-Prlc•d TIDI Heullng~"9f'I'..,, Ill) W~I. wotk. Uo. right, lrM •1tlm1t1 on Topped /removed . OuldC & clelln. ,,.. !ft. AM/ooml Rob 547-"'3 i.roe Of~~ Cleanup. lawn renov. '1~ n.1-Uc 3 ... 2t. 813-035' 181-341f DUMP JON r:-:: ••• r.-r. .<'/'!!!!•••• •••••• & Imel MOYtna Jobe &L l!CTAIOIAN: Lie. ..,lllM......, call Mt"! Mf:1301 Or. Yoo Chiropractor 233108·C· tO. Small ,, .. •t. Ken l39403S ----"'-----AouprlMUle. !I Toro lobe. Malnt & repel,., HM.II'-grading demOlt Htoft ~ tloua.woftl. Ix"' , Mpenda• b ... tlon .. t, ln1elllO•nt. The l>•lt. Phone tn-7012 .... t .00 PM. IJC'**9 Houeelleeplng w. fUfnllh V9CWm a iUpplla. l(ttty "1-4070 Quallty HOUHOl11t11no w/a S*90M1 toudl, CM. ltv, .... 9«11 ~ HouHolaanl"O· deJly, 135-140. Oall rnornlngt ot ~ &42 .. 78t. 170-52&t 24 ",. g.u.9203 1<&0 ~ MllM. ·uon"'concrete a.,.; ...... ,, ~------11---• uc•o l!LECT~IAN Allld/Comtn, CIMIMlp, remov-dumf. truck. ••,........••••••••••••••• _;:;,,;;... _ _,. ______ --I ........ ~ .....,.., Lt H-..._... 5'8--2411 I'\...-'-'-~ .... 1•"• Coutln CIMnlng a Hthld T-.. bp'd" ~ ,..,., M0-365Sm1>-111t6 -r _,,,_------• --• • -,.... --... ~·~···· ~ ..••........• ,,,.~ .. ·~········ auiok.~ ..... '~~1=f ,,,!J'» ... l:J~N l'r .. eetlmltaNt-o410 Ouellty. Uc/tnl. 11rlo-... , _.. v::to°to:'.=2a Tllf ................. . Too Oulllty. 8'*'91 care C:IAAMIC-1.INOLl!UM In handlltlo H yre Hp. WALLPAPf" T .. prof. !Mtlll. Comp1t1trve "'"· No All klndt. ,r .... ., "'9t r'*8otl t75o-&ee1 ovenlfne. 730-1353 I '1/roll. Uc. 1 S30ttl. Norm '4J.OllO ••At.L TtU!•• tTARVING COLLEGI Ouallty WOOi. 10 yr1 ••· 8TUOfNTS MOVING hp•r1 w1llcoverlng In· ~· 0.CWOI li1·5470 co • ... T12M""" 11a11111on. R•11 pricff. ~----"----• ~. -· C:on1M.11tent Afflgnment .,.....-~i:rce.:·~~r~I 581.-0 F"fl! UT. '40-2oea t.'11.~ ••••••••••••• ,,~~!?~ ... , ... -,•-••IRYANTI•• TILE INSTAWO All Kinde. Ouerenteed FW11 John '40-1217 -•-WallcioYtflng Removal by Rlch1rd 81nor. Lie. All typM. 842·t343 '111,,,.,,,. 280644. 13 Yfl of~ _......:...;..._ _____ ......................... . IOCllll cuetOINl"I. •lat I Ill Calf •Expert Tr• Pruning* Thank you, SSt-4410 le•••••••••••••••••••• COmmerCllal l.Mlel: PIT l.OV!M. Care ._..__ """1 onv.w.y., Plflclng Lot MJP Ent«prllle ••••••••••••••••••••• Ouel. wotk·,...._ rat.. _,. ...,_ -··.,.. • ....., Rlp9ira, 8ellcoltln0 COf\tulltnl/Dffl0"9' on R~OOE~U~~ Fr ........ 8$1-6072 Tom M!:cMntng w1n1::1 HIUMng by Oolltioe •tudenl 81.8 A9Phtt es t-41ttllc rtmod1l1. Thi lfn111 In ,. .. ._,. _._ i. ... 27·19 RE&IDICOMM'LllND !IQ, adOlnQ, r ng, w/ptcl<up truck. Fr• •· ..... .... fOf pelt "In YoUt home'' --· ..w • EXP. HS!CLl!ANINO R11ld/lndu1/0omm'I whlle ownert vacation. Cornotlt• Tr• 8etYtol By 1M dey. Own tren1. Low rat ... Fr .. Ht. f64..02U Gen'I c:tn-t.ip & lrrtg. tlnl1h c1tpentry Your •" •--,...,, .,.._ ••••&>In,. Free Htl· ROMr1403-2t48 Olwl Hlltb«g Griding "°'*'II pe!Mlll ADO'N8/R£.MOOEUNG 20 yr1. Do rny own wotk. matu. 0 ·072 or•--------- & PllYtng Co. Rel/comm. 631·2=842-3e72 Plane, Uc'd . Oeor f'll.. Uc. 278041 Al 84U12t &4&-5737, ••~•••••• •••••••• Compenlon. 541..021 _1_1_e.._1_1_ee ______ , 1.ewn rlflOV. 538-0814 ....,... ....... ewiop a 1on P11nttno tH!!fti~....... Mn Tiii uu UC. 1397804. 842· 1720 )l'gl /!~--""'a Sona. 651..a32 ,~,1ru. .... ",.,.., Want • Rl!ALL y CLl!AN mr..-;••••••••••••••• COMM'U RESID ••••• •A••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• HOU81!7 Call Gingham ~··Try me tor IM 30 yr1 up In B11ch NMt ~a t1x1ur• Comp!~,."'·""'• .. r v I c • vm~encef llM. Fr11 •t 548-102' PtH tit. HI-Hat _.,.......,.. ~~ •...•..... BABYSITTING my home, M111 Vtrd1 trll, CM. Relt. Shetl, 557-4614 CUSTOM SPA DECt<8 ·Ad 'n · Formica counter top1 & Cott-o• StucMnt1: wndw Glf'I. Fr• .. t. &45-5123 P1tlOI, gant>oe. l,.lc'd. ~Ml dUc .. := c1bln1t1 refaced. Free Clng, oar waxing, Odd ROBIN'S CLEANING M0-52t0 L.IC'D PAINTER PLASTERING ~ .. ~ ..•.•........ SABYSITTINO ANYTIME Altl. C.M. 117t-&648 Carllul a tovlng mama of 21 moe to care tor youre, my home FIT 83t-3787 8aby11tt1ng In our C.M. homll. 1 yr ... up Any hn. '42·8.482/848-5750 John or ~ 910-3218 J.a: H ~t Jr llt, 842·~57 Io b 1 . 8 4 2 • 5 4 4 0 , 8«vlol • 1 thotougt)ly •...UH1- C1binlt1 Almod. o.n. Contr. 552.ei42 ftul.W/ 84&.7972 dMtl houM. 640-4857 R~·;;•-.;:·f~·;:;i:•:,jjj S.yttt•. Aootn Add'na Bonded a lnMKld II~ Chu ~ 8¢Ru&:X.ouB flou11111 July a Aug. Gmhll wndwl 754-4420 Addition• & t1mod1llng, •••••••••••••••••••••• •••• •••••••••••••••• Prof, r .... relllbte. 646-3008 (8:30-S wkdys) C. I l#m bond 1 d 8 t a ti LI c ONE OF A KIND Cltl*'ltty. M..onry Relt . .i.an 831·6018 ·'·'!!.••••••~•••••••• 1202752 Eapeclllfy for you. ......-.. Pluml>lno ••-.... ,_,., fil No St11tn/No 81\amC>OO JG Allln 4M-1a10 Chrlttlrw & Ed '48-7825 ~'!' stuooo _,,.. -.--..................... . Stein Specillllt. Fut .._...._. J 8 .............. CLEANING SERVICE. FEOEAAT!~..__ dry Fr .. llt. 539-1582 CulM .. ....,,,.,_ "'4Mla!f ._..__ · · ...., R111on1bl1 rat11. frM Income Tax~.,.... -....:....-------!•••••••••••••••••~• •••••••• •••••••••••• JOHN THE HAHOYMAN 11tlm1i.e. 83t-4871 Crpta IMtlll/repalrld CUSTOM CABINETS CLN·UPSITREE TRIM Plum~-odd jobt 720-0742. w-~ .. J Flood dlll'l\llQI. StMm Interior•, bare, mantlll. "'•ft'dM.Al~'\~E2122 Fr• Mtim.t..e3a-40tt H,..,.....,.1Mnlng, .. on .. t .... ~~~'··•••••••• elng.554-a510, 973·Met llbr1rl11. cablnet1, lkY· ......, ,,_ .,...,.. HOME IMPAOV!MEHT ~. " • VANDENBERG ~!1!!1........... EXCEL CARPET CARE lltll, CUii. molding. ~I. LAWN CARE A""' 1• -• ~,...,.,. LANDSCAPING Cpt, ........... .,. .. nrt'I 848-0092, 536-2* Com'Urllld. Npt/CM ig"A .....,......,..,_""" M2·2tt0 MMtlt, comrn'llrllld FO< all you need to know .......... . .... XI I ... ,........ ......... HMttno. carpentry. llec, ..... ~~-'d T t I I p at>out blnllruptcy, c:.11 cteenlng. Wortl QUM. Crown moutdlng, a.dlr H-n · r-..... """"· .._ F,... eet No job too·-----~ ... •-.P r• "' r m , e 1an-u --~17_1....:4)83:.._s._11_18~2 __ 1=-F_r•-·~~64_s._1n_1711--1 nld c1o1e1,a, bookcaee. _0nr7.'::::-oc><~:-ear-;;-:7~"~s-::::1-;;4;-12_ 1 _.:""::.:::e.:::.·.:"=s-:..:2:.i.:..11:...... __ 1 =~·M·~· ~!~ ~oo ~ tr.:-.r.-9~. •-· ··-'-t , I Shampoo & 1team cllan. m1nt111, entertainment AVILLE8 GARDENING ExPl't home and apt re-. • -11, ""' ••••ff1 Color brightener•. wht cabinet•. Wood 10tu1lon1 RH/comm. TrM trim a pair. Carp•ntry, rool, Wiii clean your houM or .,...,.,, l#nln erpll . 10 min bl11ch. to '!Wood probllmat r1mov1I. cl1an-up1 , plumb Etc &42-4013 office, cfloo1• your •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Hiii, Iv/din. rrn1115; aYQ 83 t-1528 tend~. 54t-t804 ' • houri! Alfa. ~ BRICKWORK· Small fObl MARINE SERVICES room 17 60· couch 110: A.....U -••ir-... We bid Ill jobt • lge/lml c H k H ~. Colt• Miia. Mec:lllnlc. peinl, vamllh. h "5 G • II t' -IU·· .... --Ouallty lllP9f' llc'd IUC. I pr or OUll• trvlnl Alf•. 175--3115 T ••le . rub a w • •. c r • . uar. • m P• ••••••~•••••••••••••• l.lwn·tr~b lnttlM Bill & DI~ e44.0325 cleaner look Ing lor 5 i---------&46-ll768 odOf Crpt ~ 15 Y'9 RIVER ROCK • perfect Trll trim-removal d~I, 11m 1 hou11. •I Bfyant'1 l.andacaplng A:f.. Do work my1111. over pool dlOke. patlol. n.~11 M_....-~ t ,._ .... c·" "n .................... ..,...... ~ "" -0 o L•wn car•Rototllllng ......,_ -·----""' -,. ... _, .......... .,_.., ,,_ .. Claultlid Ada ire lhl 1 . ...,1 1 1 w1lkw1y1, Clrlv1way1, 64._1578 or c:.ll Rep81ra & Deeor1t~ .NJ #600, &42"'300. etl11. Frplca, 880'1, ~ 1n1w1r to I 1ucce11ful W1 Clre C<pt C...,,.,.. etc 681·2371 A n I w Ir Ad II 5 4 1 . Oulllty. Ray 640-5144 HOVSECl.EANING tlo1 & drlv=. Ouer. Ol'IOI °' yll'CI IMI 11'1 I Steam dMn & uptlols. HIVI IOmelhtng YoU Wint 842~ C1rp1ntry, plumbing, IS OUR BUSINESSI Uc. & lnl 14 bitter w1y to 1111 mor1 Truell mount unit to Nit? Cl&nlflld aell Clo ----1l•ctrlc11, r111. ,.,.. 10 1f9. J1111Q1'1 Raggedy Cl111lflld Adi, your on. ~I Wortl guw. 845--3718 tt 1#911 842-5878. W111t Ade Cd 642·5878 548-S437 Don AM 876-25t4 1top lhopplng center. Offltt ln11l Hll h'•llri•I l1•l1l4SOO ' ........................................... . +CdM dl11 eulte. AIC. emple pkg, utH pd. 2855 E. Cat Hwy. 875--ellOO Lagun1 Beech "Thi Co- lony' next to Moulton Pll)'houM on 8'oldwlly. 300.575 sq II 404-4800 OCEAN VIEW 1820 sq 11 • Ideal '°' * 1lgn1r1. artl•t• a •no•· n11r1 Quiet 11tr1ct1v1 lndu1trl1I p1rll 1001 W1t1 11th St. Co1t1 M ... ..... .n.••16/ lm.ul•/ IMtlt..U .•....•••.•........... ...... ,,.,,.,, '100 .•.....•••••.......... •SPtlntAl ........ 1115 So. Et C1mlr\o Real, S C 492-7296 Full lie SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS tll-IUJ Clrcv1 • Swamp White · Jecket Newport 811ch, 504 N KETCHUP Newport 91vd '185 a ,,., ... _ fSH Liit ntght I Ill In th• up Sierra Mgmt Co. ••••••4'llt••••••••••••• 641-1324 STORAGE: 1250 eq 11 plua woret rHt1u r1nt I've ---------po11 ofc u1a Price/ ....., Gon. to. ln1tll0 of Ull II~ apece negot. 1300 to 11rvlng phHHnt und1< • '"*""' W C M A .. Olala tti.)r Mrvld phea-Economy linglll, 100 & ......,, · • "•1 now unt und« KE'l'CHUP S t20 3 room eul11, 1425. ~84::5-U:.:::::::.:.1.:..1 _____ 1C----:-:--;----::-~ 8«:'1MNioe111911 3355 ·-···--~ .. ~ ..... ~ '111 Vie Udo, NB 813-415'. --_. .. ,_ ,..._ •~'•••••11••••••••• ~ a..cri ,_ ttoeo ;·.;.:·;~·;·.;;·,;;;;, tlA ~,_a. Hoep. 1000 tq. fl 11· 12 mo. 11111 Prefer ~ y T conc1 noor olflc:el. emp1e yard. 2131ete.oea8, parking, Wt mllntalnld ....._t4_s... __ 11_12 ______ , blog Vicky d1y1 J--'--"-·' 7141645-4800 _,_~,, Con1ul11nt In lrvlne hll ,,_,.,. l1rg1 office to 1h1re •••••••••••••••••••••• N11r Airport R111 lid.mm terme.. Call 752--0186 ••• ~!1 ••• ~ .... , tllTll Architect., dulrnen, r.lennen. Two ·~ n Newport Center. One la 2000 eq fl end -11 3000 tq fl Very 'Tavorable reteal Wll· · 1*n QM, Broker '"""' ... GIN• & Anf\qveel Profl- llbll Fount1ln V1ll1y loc atlon Br o ker ua..eeoo Moblla Power We1hln9 equipment a contrect1 tO hrllwk peye l20KI~. Term1 av.a. 1·~242 ,.,.,,.,., •AICI IOMIONl HA~Y WAii( IOMIO.I MlllLI P1.c. I HAPPY AO In thi. column tor on1y S3.25. Call e.42-.5878 lnt.£xl 10 yt'I llq). Rlfl Fr11111. 536-9"8 •STEVENS PAINTING II bldll Now IC*. In ext Fr••t. Chlltll, &45'-33481548-4691 Int a 111t . AHtucc • ~wellt5N-4tt2 PLASTER PATCHING R11tucco1 lnt1111t 30 yrl ~IMt. PIUI 54S.2977 UDY UTU f /~.'!M!'I. ........... . PAINTING &45-9383 Orllnl delrld from 110 PAINTER NEEDS P1umblnQ Rlpllr'I Mo1t 1ubf1ct1, K· 12 a oollegl. 26 )'fl 15/tv Mr MOl'gan, 64$-5116 ~.f .~!! ...... . Typing. My home IBM S111etrlc Ill Term P•· p1r e. lie E11pr , reh HC)..41171 WORK! 30 yr1 1-.p, Intl Frll ll1. M!M 642-9033 Ext.. Acoultlc Cllllnge. DAY OA NIOHT !~.~!~!!f ..... 011¥11 Painting 847·518e Flrtt CIUI Wortl "l.11 lhl Sunehlne In" ... II 14*-1121 Clll 8uNhlM Window INT /EXT PAI NTING OMnlna. Ltd 648--8853 UC'd Alft Fr• 111 20% ~ ---"-e-_1oe_1 ___ ,~I............... 20% onthly [)leoou(lt • .........._ ·~ Hub« Roofing· .. typee: *RESIDENTIAL* -New..,ecoV9t-dlctl1 , Avg 1 •ty S30; Avg 2 11y 25yr•11tp. ue 941 Uc 11411802 548-9734 $46 Chrllll57.t388 Bonded. ln1. Alft Color TUpert(). "3-00:1 Ole* ~~~~~·"'·•••••••• I~ e~ IJ1y op u1llty. 0 price , BUDGET RATESll.Jc'O 120, 2 1ty S30 f:rP'..-e.:1t:.!i-?rr! lma,M.Altn11Nu 65t-1302 111. 714-739-0708 c•::tom ;:;,~·~j~~h~•,: Ron'I Window Wuhlng f • Re.Id Rll9 ratM QUALITY PAINTING orm1I & w1ddlng1. • Flnllt In O C 930-7711 to yn ~c 1111r111on1 R111 AeMonel* 6&114 _84_M_9_7_4 _____ -1 T"d• your old 1tulf for 81111 thlng1 fut with Oalty Find whll you want In n ew gooo111 w ith • Piiot Went Adi. Diiiy PtlOt Cluelllld1 Clllllflild Id 842-5878 Newspaper Carriers for r'outes In Huntington BeOch, Fountain Vdlitly & Newport Blach llUfTAIJ Muat h1111 good eorn- munlc1t1111 & organlu- tlclt* alllll9 Shorthend & tYP'n9 required .. Tm, ... 12151 MoNrch St. Owden Gr0\19 891-4425 Orengo Coaat OAILV PILOT/Thurtday, April 22, 1982 , t ) DI ~-­····-OVERSEAS DrUV!Jft ECPPJ9 ..... -· , ... ..__IMS. C08TAMUA 'ft a..OL. tetct, _,..._ t • 91., 10 "'I., '"'"' ... 11414:; MUii.tee. ••m \ I ' Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT /Thurtday, April 22, 1982 ~YOU "AUTO" Orange County International • . .A f Apri/21-25 Drive Into ~ ~ HU e ~~ter Spring ~0 ~ Shew . -h"' ..... A•• ,,. A•,., ,,. .......................... ~~.~~ ••••••••••• 1.~'!!..,m ........•.. ~~.,~ ........... ~!'!!1.'!.'!!. •••••••••• !s.~!!1.Y!!!........... ~.·.'.'!.P.'!!! ••••••••••• m •••• ~ ••• •••••••• •••••• • ••••• •••••••••• •• ••• ••••• •••••••• •••• ••• tn ll40 #i HI OU.. HI Ii IHI ,.,,,,.. ,,,, ~ "'' ~ •..•...• !!ff ~ ........ !!ff .... 1t ••• ~ ••••• l!ff ....•................• rm. ............ !!ff .. f!!ff1 •••••••••••••••••••• fl'llf •••••••••• f .~t'r. .............. . r.;;-em. .................. ra.............. ....... '79 ~ .. elf .. tpd lo '75 CordoY bill 318 v:t Abtolutely lmma oulat• '11 ,Old Eaoorl St. Wgn. •RESALE SALES• ... • WANTED 1111.Utm '74 lldo Convertlbl•, -• fllm ml 15mpg'13500 mtilce loaded 'io ml xlnt' 1H 1 l'ord F1lrmont 4 11 ,000 ml, Ilk• new. '7 t Converllbl• 13850 CUTLA~UPteMe .. I M1 1oo61t greet. '3700 We have. good Mlec-ori.r. S..&-'iot1 '3100. 957.0330. . door. 4 oyl., •utom1t10 miso. Oall "2·8559 v 8 . auto ' pl •• air. BROUGH Am, $4700. TO BUY We epeolalln In 1 .... , 762·2M7 tlon Of NEW & USED , trent., pwr. et .. elf cond. ,78 FIESTA GHIA 008TZH 921( orig. mllM. Melle offer 752_...99 fOf tM bullnMt peou-'78 EJ Dorlldo. 3-4,00Q ml, CMVl'Oleltl 78 C~tt• Ilk• new 20• C.tm.W HH & O('tty 9000 mllet. Cool B r und ther air tlve&profMllonel powderblue wf'ttt.andeu 000 ml. AM/FM 0111. •••••••••••••••••••••• tumlTier blue RMdy for u g f ~· p, • '71Hardtop.12450 'f7Delmon188.xlntcond, L.111 ~ IMle lilueiei top, i lweyi garaged, 12600 offer. 840-49119 1978 Unooln Contlnentll. v1o•t1on. dcoX311). ~~01~i50~u~~~:·t;t• 302V8.J 1u10, pit, air. clean. mutt .... s1200 llD •••• lfl l.clory orig & Ilk• new. Ewe. CIHty whll• with red Current Kelley Blue Boole • 922BLU. IUK orig. 964-5709, te0-2007 _. .. lMI $6400. PP . (714) mtiiti IHlher Interior, moon '8805. Robin• price Falcon, runt good, new mllet. 79 Cutlut Supreme lllllS()N fnDD ft.Ill 941.3319 or (714) roof&fullpower.65,000 *51'5.Flnenolng1vll• tlret. b11tery, brlkH, B h Oletel f ftft. UI\ N -buy. (825702). Kelley D111e Jonet. Theodore Cyl. Auto. power. air. .... " ..... ··--· Huntlng1on 8eedl 87&-5718 c'707n,d30. nmc>Ge~ t'rKlnini'.mecfltlret'.I low mllH. Tett drivel ble. Cell now, 1tk. for rllllable. MOO. 546-2848, '78M1Yerldl.11975. "8" -~""..gMal~. --~ 'cru~ 1U&5 Beedl BNd. '78 Sevllle. Blk/blll I••· braket, ahockt. 57,000 Blue Book M345. Robirll Robllw Ford. 6'2--0010. U.,.,• IH 358PBV 8"-P H PW. lo ml. lmmec ••f-1111 the<, moon roof and 111 WANTED mllee, $2375. Aft t:30PM price 13795 Ftninolna •••••••••••••••••••••• «3 w 8ey Coeta MeN. Bell oft over $4800. .,. CA 1 x 1 r 11 . I e 2 o o • 831-520t. ivtlleble. ca,1 now. urc 1978 FORD Fllnnon1 Se-'83 Lino. Cont. Conv re. Ph 845-2883 844-2328 1 t977 PonUec Grend Prt• ,, 7141494-8904 TO BUY '80 Citation Hllchb1ck. for Dave Jonet. Theo-d1n. e c:yt., IUto. 1r1n1.. tr1o11ble, new llrea, •II . aJ-HIT Low_.__ Full power l•<X> H.111"• 81\,1 d 0 r • A 0 b1n 1 F 0 rd. factory 1lr. pwr. 11. & option• wtth '113 part.oar ·ee Mustang. good cond. r,.,. .. ___.. 747 -~c! • ..,!!!!! .. !'"!'!!!!!'!!l<,.sQl!!!!l"'1oo•ll 'lt 11•11 • w13h,.0510 •. ,,e,oe9.xDMtr1 .• Be•ol~w1. 142.N\10 br911•. ttereo caM .. \II. s 19 5 o '• k e • i 11 . s1eoo or beet oner. Call 5•••••••••••••;;;-•j .. iAkiiii'"°°iiiiiiiii847i-t~4ii7ii TOP OF THE LINE. >Ont L.111 --.. • .._,, ' ~I roof, tlnttd glett, 751·1047 bef. 4pm. 831-2783 topl Lookl t m nl ~ .. ....__..... ......... auto power llr See 11 11~ -•• 1 h 11 11 ••1 •.. green, towner. 35,000 ,,.. __ 1978 OADtlLAC Sevllle. """'"'· __ ., 'Jfflll ....,.., llD aa.. «3 W •-. 'eoei. Mele _.......,,. ,_. o e n r v r' '89 CONTINENTAL '88 CONVERTIBLE mlle Pinto Automatic -r- Ful' ..-, '"M/FM tt•~ lnl. 32,000 mr. 18800. _. . ~-. . •••••••••••••••••••••• cle1n wl low ml let . '"LL POWER. $1000 ve the I I t tr~, .... --.....• 1n ex-Xlnt body, good trtnt. ,.... __ " ... 720-0425 WlSQN fnDD Ph 1415-.,.,..., '81 Corvette, Cherry, 4 (983WKR). 13499. Earle " a.d27... ~~ M~ ~~~;~2 -,, ... -....,.d.., I • T need• v1lve work. many reo t1pe, IHther, ipllt UI\ '78 Malibu,. door wannn, tpd, wf'tt wired llhr Int, lo Ike Toyota-Fina Uted .,...,.. vv ce ent con It on Ht power ..... orultl. 1111• ,., l1M11 -.~· lo ml Special whit & C 8 I 1988 1"70 78 T c , __ ,,.__, In ''"" M·-t•nn r--" In & out d rive & mtk• offer new~. Muti ... nowt wire dllot, vlnyl lop 1 18265 8Mch Blvd. VS 1utom1tlo. pit , air. ' Ir I et. • • ' own II,.....,..,, 11 I ""' --.., • .., ' (701CKE). Fln1nclng Flftt $500 4~ d (458318). 19999. Eerie TOP OF THE LINE. )(Int Huntington 8Mot'I rtdlo. P.P . Cell evet tlr•. MUlt .... Mlkeof'r. Harbor Blvd . Cotti cond. N-ur .. $8400. 25,000 mllet. $4500 Call IVllllbl• Call now. Uk lkeToyota-FlneUted cond,1*'9ext,P.'eyclolh ••t ... 11 7141848-3788 or 540-0737«146-5885 M .. t . 848-9303 6'6-7988 557·2949&838-4288 forDeveJonea.Th•o· C1r Saltt. 1988-1970 ~~2~oo m ·SHOO. .. 1131-1319. '79 'V.itt, dk brown, bef.-540-M17. #nlln HI eve.. dore Robina Ford. T!~!Md. .•.• !!1f Harbor Blvd .. Cott• 78 Monte c.no. Ill• blue, ·ea CheY91Mr. 4 door Nloe oe Int, loaded,,,...., tlrM, WANTED ...... ~ •••••••••••••• ·eo MUSTANG )(Int. c:ond. 842--0010 Meu. e 4 8 -9303 C.-n HIT lo ml. lo1ded. 14850. MOO. · S11,90010BO. Clll evee. 1980 Merouty ~ w• Lo1ded. 15500 or bett ,74 Htchbk, •Int cond,, Stop! LOOkl 1979 Heritage 5-40-8487. •••••••••••••••••••••• 988-1431 evee 540-1579 55e-2314. gon. 4 cyl., 111nd1rd, ofr. 494-7288 cltln. •-•Pd. atereo T-Blrd In xlnt oond. Loa-t~~~g~:u~Aw~?t.Z;.~~h ••Willi '73 Chevy Novi , 350, f.tt IHI TO BlJY f~~:,70~~~~:~"~1\\~~~ 01'1•dl/1 HJI l109S/OBO. ~s.eag1 ~:::·~=~med~ Z·28 atrlplng. A loaded .. 1tl2 auto, PS/PB n-p1lnt, •••••••••••••••••••••• U11-._ Ready for tummtr. •••••••••••••••••••••• '74 Pinto. 82K , tuto. blue Interior Gor~1 Tll UlllST llLllT1ll ol Ille mocMI, low mllel- ge Cedlllect In Southern CelllOl'nlal 23,000 mlle Cl/ with ttn Loaded. gl ... lopt, .ic. nn-I c ,111r••0• 0goodn d . meoc 1h•1 •1 1~a~iJi~~fut~.•:;,~.~ llD •a•a (817571). Kelley Blue WANTED good tlret, juet tuned, earl (897WCRI elley cloth Interior. Exc:.ptlo-Ser. 474017217 .... book 15326. Robina new he 1 d . 1150 O. Blue Book ovtr 17600 nll Cl/. (5225'4e). Anan· •Y 111,4111 850-1710 •lier 3pm. :,=;..~.;!#.~ WlSON fnDD prloe S4475. Flntnclng TO DIDI ' 980-2750 Robina price 15995. Fl· ..... .,. .. 2800 Hltbor Blvd. :~ 1~~·~.Cf~=: ..... llHm.e.t t!J.,,..J., HU over 7000 m11... UI\ 1v1ll1ble. Call now, Hk UU1 '1r.!H'1 IHI :=~~~;·=·~• Th d A bl Fo d "'--'"""·-•• Stt ::-:~••:;s;,•••••••••••• j1C""'t••). ........... ,,,_...... 18".., ....._.... """·d. for D•v• Jonet. Theo-LI .. ..._. -ore o na r ..,.,_,_ "' ""' ..,... ... ,._,. ~ _,,...,, d R bl F d 115 ~ •• ••••••••••••••••••• T .. ~dore Roblnt Ford -. NEWPORT Be ·c· H CIMI)' metllllc 1978 ke T 0"011 • Ane UMd Hum'-"on Beech o re o n 1 o r · H R d d nwv COSTA MESA 842--00lO. gJ..llli Chry1ler New Yorker 2 Cer Salet. 1888-1970 ui'.:U11 842--0010 ... Ull cond~•h::dn:r:~·r::: •• __ 84_2-oo ___ lO_. ____ _ 'et: Auto. 20,000 mtlelon door w/ptulh red leether Harbor Blvd .. Co111 ·74 M11qut. BrOUQhlm WI.SON FORD good tlret. 1900 0 80 '77 T-Blrd, 1ho wroom 141-1111 ntw engine . SI 500. ·77 Monza. 311.000 orig. Interior. Loaded wl1h Ill M • t I . 8 4 8 -9 3 0 3 1mm10 Lo ml. All pwr, 8-5 846-8310 Mike cond .. 111 po1tlble tx· 640-1579 mt. auto. air,,_ tlf•, at :''T· H~~.~~ 540-8487. Whf181 h• Wonl derfull whorld ale, reg. gu. S 1725 or 18265 Beectl 8Nd tru. MloMlln Uret, new who-.Je prtc:., 12300. elf.,.,..... ..-e o opp ng, r g I II beet offer. &4M20t u.-•..._on .. ___.. lrllrll S3SOO 982-0592 79 ado, bllldl, .. utral '75 Cerero LT. Xlnl cond. 84~18 evs offer. One of 1 kind. More lemHIM .,. getting your llngef1Jpt everydeyl """'-"'' __., M<><• 11mll1et ire getting -------- BMut. oondl 52,000 ml. New rtdl•I• w/megt. ( 184PJY). Flnenolng the cemplng "bug" thlt Dally Piiot Cltttllled P909ie ~need Peoplit Ml-1111 the camping "bug" th11 ,,., HT4 S12.500. PP. 831.-e8 am/Im oeH. air $2700, '78 Chev. Concourt. 4dr, 1vlll1ble. Cell now, Ilk }"Mr. "you haw 1 cem-Adt. To place your ad, Thel'• Whet the year II you h•v• 1 cam-··-A•••••••••••••••••• Make your •hopping et-831-5797 vinyl top, air, 1terto, for Dive Jonet. Theo-per that't not getting cell 142-5878 tnd let 1 DAILY PILOT per thtt'1 not getting '74 Veg• Wtgon. Good t ie r by utlng the Diiiy Went Ad Help? 111r~ cond. 1 ow· do re Roblnt Ford. uMd, Mii it now with 1 a.ullled Ad-Vltof help SERVICE DtRECTOAY u .. d. Mii 11 now wllh t cond.11200 Piiot Cleel"1ed Ada. 842-6878 ner. . 548-132' 842--0010. ClulHled AIJ. you. It .. lboutl Clutllled Ad 4'9-a091 & 7~10 • ATLAS CHIYSLa.l'L YMOUTH 2929 Hert>or Blvd , Co1ta Miia. Tel. 54-193-4. 3 blocb IOOth of San Diego Freeway off Harbor BIYd. Complete bOdy ahop Sain Sefvlce Pwta. lefvice Dept. ~n Monday thru Friday 7 30 AM to 5:30 P.M. end 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. on Saturd•Y HACH ...o«rS 848 Dov9 StrHt. Newpcrt Beach Tel 752-0900 Cell us, n 're the 1pecl1ll1t1 for Alli RotMO. P•ugeol, Saab & MaMr•t l • THIODOltaC>llitSFOID Modern ..-. MNIC., parts, body, pelnt & tire depta. COmpttltive r•• on ie ... & deity rent.ia. 2080 Harbor &Ml., ColCa M..a. 642-0010 or 6404211. JOHMIOM & SOM UMCOLM ._.CUIY 2829 Hart>or Blvd . Cotta Mwe. T ... 640-6630. 57 y..,. of friendly family Mrvlce -Oranv-County'• otcSMt Lin· coin MerCUty dUl«at'lip MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE IO)(ES NIWP09T DATSUN 888 Dove StrMI, Newport 8.-ch. Tel. 833-1300. At the Jrlangle Of Jtmbor•, MecArttlUf & Bt1atol behind Victoria Station Seles, s.rvtc:., ~ & Pert.a. We meke g1•t del!tl • MAIRS CADILLAC I 2800 Harbor Blvd .. Co1ta Mela. Tel. 5o40-9100. Orange County'• Largest Cadlllac dell«. s.i.. S.Vlce. L..- lng. • DAVID J. PNWPS l~e-.4.UOA Salee • Sefvtol • l.emlng 24881 Allele Plf1<wey Laguna Hill• • CHICIC tY•SOM ~YW 415 E Co•t Hwy .. Newport lllect\. l13o0800. The only ~Ip In Ora• County wtth theM thfM grMt ,,...... under one rooft A&.AMMAeMOM~U leeo Harbor llvd • Co1t11 ...... Tet M 1IOO ....... llMoe. LMtlnt._"Mr. OoodwNltott" • • IOI LOM&NI rotmAC 13600 S.ech Blvd , W"tminater. T .. 882.Wt Orange County'• ofdeal •nd largest Ponllec CS..leBh•P S.., Service, Pana • SAIL CHIYIOUT 900 South Coalf Highway Laguna BMch "Calny't ........ ' . ..,. ,..f~ SALES HOURS: Mon.·Frl. IH, Sii 9-5, Sun. 10-. ..94-1131 5*9987 COST A ..SA DATSUN 21145 Ha1>or Blvd., ea.ta Meaa. Tel. 54(H4t0 Serting 0rMge County fOf 18,..,.. 1 Ml .. So 405 • • . SUMSIT FOID. IMC. (Home of Wiiiie the Whale~ 5440 Glllden Grove Blvd . Wwtmlnstar. Tel. l:J&..t010. • • SANTA AMA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Street, Santa Ana. Tel. 558-7811. Your• OrlOlnal Dedicated Da'-un o.19'. • MIAACUMAJDA We've movedt Our new loc.don II 1425 W. Strw&. ~ Meu. Tel. 545-3334. Stop by & *It out twMct new thowroom Md ... Wfly w•'re the 11 Made dMter In touttwn Cellfomla s ..... Service. Parts Met~. A....-.MAJDA "°"" o.c. ...... ... ..... .......... c..- 901 I Anehelm lt¥d . Anllh9tm Mt,112.0. Juel Mrth of lenll Ma,,..,, Ofl ~m 1M1 cMI ue fltttl 'WIMIHMOTO~WORTHITI" MM lVllla, IMC. 730 W. 11th Sl, Coeta u.a 642-19'4 You're In /or a aurprlM •DOM t.lilng. • " .. i t ti JI 1 • ,( 1 •\ 1 /1 I' H ll .' l I I H .' ORANGE COUNTY . C ALIFOHNIA 25 CENlS ·Coast ho:mes vulnerable to ~ firestorDJs ' ~ Bj ._ O.Uy Pilot Staff 'l1tie t&O mllllon fire that rava- ted Anaheim Wednetday leavfnl l,200 people hornelela Just u ee- ally could have occurred in Co- rona de1 Mar, Irvine or Hunttnc- ton Beach -anyplace where untreated wooden ahingles beck- on f1aJ1)ee like kindling in a fire- place. That ii the opinion of offida.la of fire departments along the On.nae Cout. * * * In eome citiee, auch u Irvine, a debate Ja ragtna •• to whether any new or reroof td homes should be allowed to UM wooden roofina materiala unletl they are factory-treated with fire- retardant chem1cal.a. In o\her areu, flreu,bteta •Y they are gearing their efforu to . prevent aimllarly deatructlve f1ret abould a blaze break out. Some homeowners' and buil- den' Kl'OUPI. IUCh at the BuildinQ * * * Induitry A.uociation of Oranae County, have lobbied a1aln1t blanket prohi~ltlona a&ainlt un- treeted wooden roofs. They have conceded the need for flr,·retardant rooflna ln nelahborhoodt that border rural areu, but araue that flndlnga muat be made ln cities' buJld.lna code. that document a need for prohibltiont. Allo, bullden noted that fl.re-retardant materiala 115- theticallv comparable to wooden * ·• * lhlnc1et mfaht 009t $2,000 for an averaae houle. In Laauna Beach, homes In bruahy hil.lslde areu mutt have root. and lidlno of fire retardant material•. But homea In other part.a of the city have no restric- tions. Lquna Ft.re Chief Ron Adami aald Tu. department will docu- ment the damage in the Anaheim fire for the City Council. "We'll give them the facta and * * * flgu.rea and It they want to ex- plore future optJona for Lquna Beach, they may do 90," he aald. In Irvine, the Ofanie County Fire Department baa taken a tousner rtand. Fireflghte1' don't want any untreated wooden roofa. Aaalatant Chief Bob Hen- neaey aaid the Anaheim exam- ple explains why. "It wu a very urbanized area," he said. "I think you could say that fire very well could have ... * * happened In.Irvine aa well aa other communltiea in the unin• ~ted county.'' e county Fke Department contracts its .ervices in Irvine. Wooden 1htn1le and ahak• root. are danaeroua, Henneuey explained, but not juat becauH the dry wood 1.8 flammable. Ht aald the makeup of the ahingles allow• particles to explode and then ahoot Uke "burning Fri1- (8ee ROOFING, P&1e A!) •• * * F .ire rubble ,probed for victims . • Delly"9tlwt,..... HONORED -Sharon Ann Harris has driven her school bua 10 years without an acci- dent. Bus driver honored for safe r ecord By PHIL SNEIDERMAN of IN DellJ "°' ..... Sharon Ann Hams saya it was her alster who kept "bugging" her to try out for a job dri \/'lng a amall bus for Hawthorne Chria- Uan School in Fountain Valley. Today, 10 years and about 100,000 miles later, you can find M.. Harris each morning behind the wheel of 40-foot, 97-seat Bus Number 7 o pe r ated by the Fountain Valley School DI.strict. The Calilornia Highway Patrol recently honored her for 10 years of 1Chool bus driving without an accident. "At the time I atarted, driving a llChool bus was just a part-time Job," Ms. Harm recall.a. "Now, It'• a profession." To drive for the district, she wu required to pasa a CHP roed test, a written test and a medical exam. In addition, ahe had to complete a course in fint aid. Now in her eighth year at tt>e Fountain Valley dla.trlct, Ms. Harri• worlu 30 to 35 houra a week, transporting studenta to and from Talbert. Fountain Val- ley Elementary and Fulton (See DRIVER, Pase A!) WORLD HB acts oil on lawsuit By ROBERT BARKER Of tM Delly .... ltefl Huntington Beach City Council members have called a special closed·door meeting Friday to discuss litigation concerning an underground oil pipeline. The lawsuit was brought against the city by the Gulf Oil Company after the city moved to shut off the pipeline at the end of a 25-year lease with the com - pany. The three-mile pipeline has a starting poi.nt in the ocean and runs under the beach and city property at the Best Western Huntington Beach I nn near Newland Street. The pipeline carriea oil from freighters arriving i.n Huntinp>n Beach from the world'• oil ports. Gulf tranarnill the oil from the Huntington Beach ..-..or-age tanks to ita r efinery in Santa F e SprinO by pipeline. Friday'a pre-trial conference at city hall is an effort to brlna about a settlement before the case goea to trial, according to Huntington Beach OeE'[n' City Attorney William Ami . Aa:ording to Amlbary, dty officials will be briefed on Gulf'• latest position. The suit Is pending before Judge Robert Takuugi In U.S . District Court in Los Angeles. J ews ousted from Sinai Y AMIT, Occupied Sinai (AP) -Israeli troope climbed ladden to storm apartment blocks in the Sinai Israeli tovhl of Y arnit today aod in a half -hour battle ousted rbore Jews resisting the return of the de9ert territory to F.gypt next Sunday. The squatters fought back with burning tirea, flatfula of aand and poles with which they tried to knock down the acaling ladden. Men atn.&ggled with the h elmeted, unarmed aoldlera while women wept and screa- med. Firemen sprayed the die.hard Jewlah nation.allata with jell of foam and aea water while a crane lowered • cace onto the roof to remove eome of the 300 people from the two-atory buildina ln the dying .ettlement by the Me- diterranean. Bomb planted in Paris PARIS (AP) -A bomb planted under a car ex- ploded in the midst of momin& rwh-bour crowda in· central Pam near the Clwmps ElylMI today. 'ld.Wna a young pregnant Frenchwoman and lnJurinl 83 people, police said. NATION . More cop shows on Wllf ..., ......... ,._...,, ~ ....... WllERE FIRESTORM STRUCK -nm is the central area of fire destruction as it appears in Anaheim today from the air. Buildinga upper right are Loera High School, flanking Euclid Avenue. Palm Lane cuta through middle of the photo. Palm Way ls vertical 1treet in lower portion of picture. Damage is esUmated at $50 million. Injuries in Anaheim fire tre ated, r e leased Four firemen, one policeman and "three or four area real- denta" were Injured ln Wednel- day'a fl.re, ~ to Anaheim Fire Chief Robert StmJ*lft. . STATE ''The moat aerioua injuries we bad were firat and eecood desree bums," he Mid today. "and eve- ryone waa treated and reie.ed." Injured ofticen included Ana- . iCrasb kills 4 m en EL CENTRO (AP) -Four Martnee on temporary duty from D Tero were killed today when theJ.r llldan collided with a .mi-trdmr truck.~ underita waller, authoritlee •id. There wu n0 mmedfate ldenttffaUon. COUNTY helm fireman John Cox who bad firat and aeoond degree buml and Tom Shepler, a battalion chief, who got dnden in his eye. INDEX At Your Service ~Bombeck L.M. Boyd au.me. CalifomJa ,Cavabde a1rtfled ~ O.th Notbl BdUDdal •~t &n.Dpe . . SPORTS Damage $50 at million By PREDERJClt SCBOEMEBL or .. DetJ,......., Anaheim Fire Department in· apecton poked through the ~ ble of Wednesday'• devastating fire today to determine if anyone died ln the firestorm that de- atroyed more than 500 apartment units. Inspectors also were making aure the area la saf~ before per- mitting about 1,200 homelea r esidents to return to pick through the aahea. Fire offlctala said they could not predict how long the inspec- tion would take. "It Could go very fast, or It could take, 12, l~ houn, '' one fire department spo-. kesman said. -· No one haa been reported mi9- slng in the aftennath of what 1a being deecribed as the most dlt.- aaatrous fire In Orange County history. The initial damage es1i- mate Is $50 million, a figure Anaheim F ire Chief Robert Simpaon 1ar,1 la "low" and "ClOnlerVaUve.' In other fire-related develop- mentl today: -Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr, wu evaluating whether to ask President Reagan to declare Anaheim a dJaut.er area for pur· poses of providing temporary housing and grant funda to fire vk:tims. A dedsion is expected by Friday. -Two management flrma owning more tharr 200 of the destroyed unill, lPS Manage- ment, of Orange, and Ronaon Equity ManaJement, of Fuller- ton. were making arranaementa to either provide new apartmenll or cash payments to fire victims. IPS officiala aald they would provide free rent to former te· nanta at other apartment com - plexes under ita ownership, while RoMOn offJdal.a were gi-vi."8 former tenanll a refund on rent and deposita and usllting with relocation. -'the American Red Crou was contlnuina to proceaa fire . victims and Ulist them by Klvlna . them scrip aood for fooa ana clothina. The Red Crou, at an emerpncy shelter at Ball Junior High School, will provide three meala per day throuahout the weekend and help in relocation efforts. -The Apartment AmociaUon of Orance County wu coordina- t1n1 other efforta amona land- lorda aimed at flndlna new ac- c:cmmodationa for the homelea C7 82 C7-8 B4 A3 C3,D'l Cl-4 B& ce C'l-8 A2 AJ \ , ROOFING BLAMED • • • b•••" tn the wind from one rooftop to the next. "There's enou1h aubltance t6 them to when they do land on the roof, they don't go out," he aald. The Irvine City Council la •,• ·1cheduled to vote May 23 on ~"·whether to lmtitute the citywide ban on untreated wooden roofs. ' The city Plann1n1 Comml11lon ·:•·bu voted 3-2 to endorte the ban. '•" A key element in the ban, "·' Heqneaaey added, la to force realdenta to use fire-retardant ,. -· ·~tertall when rerooflntt their t --• h<>IJ\ell. ' · Huntln,ion Beach Fi.re Chief ·Ray Piccard says conditions are "· preaent in his city for a fire d.18- aater even w orse than An~· .'. helm's. Huntington Beach bas •.·"bundr~s of acres" of wooden roofa, he added, and no laws re- ·.•· quiring fire-retardant materials. -Piccard says he'd like such an ~ ordinance, but claims political ·'•"realities and pressures from the wooden shingle lnduatry are not "' ' conducive to the change. But he's '• watching Anaheim and if that city adopts 9ome lawa, maybe he will suggest proposala to follow •, them, he said. ~ · Costa Mesa has no prohibitions ' •on wooden roofs either, but Bat· • · talion Chief Jim Richey says his ,r depar1ment would support a ban ~·· on untreated wooden roofs. In Newport 'Beach, Fire Chief · James Reed said he wasn't aur- prlaed by the wind-fed inferno in .-Anaheim. Corona del Mar nearly had a similar fire in 1980, he said. A alnale 1ara1e went up ln flames on a Clay with hot Santa An.a w1nda and by the t1me fire- flahtera arrived, a dozen shake roots in the Cameo Hl1hland1 neighborhood were on fire. The spot flrea were doused before they 1rew, but Reed Hid he'a fJvored requlrementa for flre- retardant matertala when roofs are built or remodeled ever aince. He claim.a there are tile and Fiberglas materlala that J"ftemble wooden ahlnglet or ahaket. He doesn't like treated wooden materials becauae he uye wea- ther conditions quickly break down their fire-retardant quali- ties. Wooden root. are prohibited in Newport Beach for lnduatrial or oommerd.al buildino, but are al- lowed in residentlaf trricta. As in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley al.lo bu the po- tea tlal for a tragic rea1dential fire, says Fire Chief Richard Jorgenaen, who not.es hia dty bu no ordinance outlawing untrea- ted wooden roofs. .. Because the city la almoet q.:nnpletely developed, f!refl~ht­ el'l concentrate las on cbanglng laws .and more on maintaining defemes to combat roof fires, be said. Jorgensen praised the fire- flgh tera' work Wednesday in containing the Anaheim blaze. "If you look at the map, we have wood ahingle roofs from Anaheim all the way south," he noted. "That fire could have kep,t going all the way to the ~an. ' ·.DRIVER HONORED ... , schools. She also takes them on ,. longer field trips. She also must enforce school bus rules such as no eating on the bus and no pets. She recently had to order o!f a student trying t.o ~.a bag full of goldfish on Blaze drives ·many' from auto show ,• Scared off by reports of th e diaastroua Anaheim firestorm, many who would have attended the o pe n ing o f the Orange County International Auto Show at the Ana h eim Convention Center stayed away Wednesday ev~~ all the publicity .about the fire, people decided not to chance coming to the show," said abow producer Dick Libertine. Dahners Exposition Group vice president. "Without a doubt, the fire had an effect." How d id she compile auch a sparkling safety record? "Defensive dri~ ls a must," Ma. Harris replies. 'I don't juat keep an eye on QU °=WD drivlJli. I also watch everybody ebe to try to figure out what they're going to do." Although she has never had a school bus accident, there have been occasional breakdowns. "We were on a field trip to the Los An .. elea Arboretum," she recalls. 'We got halfway there and had a blowout on the free- way -with 80 kids on the bua." Ma. Harria pulled the bua sa- fely to the aide, but the group had to wait a long time for a re- pair cttW. There are inconsiderate moto- rists to put up with and noisy rides whenever a achool'a intra- mural sports team wins, but Ma. HarrU. a Huntington Beach resi- dent and mother of two, bu no regrets about her occupation. "My job is one of the high- lights of my life," she said. "I love the kids. even though aorne are a pain. But there's nothing el.le rd rather do." Temperature• ·. 1 Smell c:reh ed~ lor ., ... below c:anyone lrom Senta Ber·. bet• to Mexk:en border tor local guety Ml8t lo northeMI wtrlde of 20 to 35 knota. with wtnd -4 tolteat.~wlndelto 15 knoll In 1lternoon WHterly ...a. t to 2 IMI Mo9t1y c:IMr lid• Albeny Alt>uque , Amertllo Alhevtlle Attenta Allenlc Cty Auelln Belllmore ~ 811111\af~ 8olM Boeton BrOW!tsvtle ll.S. aumnuiry ~°" Showefl eno lhun(lefltorme ~ SC dampened pent of T-. LC)UI.. etena, 1outhern ArkenHI eno =: ~ IOUthern Mllll1elpe>1 todey. end thefe -light anow In New Me-~111 Jdco and ... tern Attzona. ..... __.. A few ehowere e no thun· ~,:; denhower1 -• ecett«ed ~ the eouth Atlenllc CoH I 1tete1 =~ end rain wee ••Ported OYef the Del-Ft Wth '-M"9outf "~· n-...on Ctw •• Pf-'led '°'oee tne .,..,, ,.., Of the country. Denver The Nat1ona1 w .. 111er 8efv1ce g:,:.aw-tor_.., rein Ind tllunderttorme f1om IN • .._,MloOI dtlllA tlwouoll Duluth Ille H•t«n Oul( itetff •nd FIO-~:: NATION .. ~-~ 80 32 55 38 54 32 89 48 .07 71 47 83 40 80 49 t.t2 94 ,. 94 41 ee ..e 52 St 83 3t 81 89 .01 72 58 .06 42 21 80 3'4 .Ot 55 27 78 87 57 39 88 50 51 24 53 32 5S 3'4 Si 36 n 11 .01 52 31 I t 49 .21 53 32 51 28 58 ao 63 at 55 31 82 41 5& 2t 87 57 81 58 t2 ... TS It 57 n et 811 56 83 55 ... British to ta·ke island? LONDON (AP) -Britllh de· 1troyen were echeduJed to arrive today off South Geor1ia, 800 milet eut of the Falkl.anda. the British pre11 reported, and there WU apeculati()n they Would land forces to retake the South At· !antic la.land u a demonet.ration to Ar1entin.a of 8rit1ah detennl· nation. The prea repon. aald the de- stroyen were detached from the 61-lhlp British armada bound for the Falkland archlpela10 and aent at top ·~ to the FaJJ.landa dependency that a email Ar1en- tine force occupied April 3, the day after Ar1entina aelzed the main island• 250 mllea off l la aouthem cout. Only about 140 Argentine eol· dlera were reeortea on South Georgia, in contrut to an esti- mated 9,000 or more in the Falklanda. The reat of the British war fleet was only a few days from the Falklanda. British defenae eouroes aaid it would 80 on full war alert Friday night when it came within strike range of Ar· gentine aJ.rcraft.. , Th e British fleet had lta flrat brush with the Argentines on Wednesday when a Harrier flahter-bomber tram the carrier li'"ermes intercepted an\Dwmed, long-range Boeing 70hurvell· lance plane of the Argentine air force. ~e _Boeing turned .•.way. 'Blood Alley' parking ban sought in HB Huntington Beach dty otfidala want to ban all ~-ing on a at.retch of Pacific Hlabway called "blood alley'' because of a h!Rh number of aerioua accidents. "the at.retch of road rum along the beach from Beach Boulevard to the Santa Ana River jetty at the Newport Beach border. ' Parking preeently ls prohibited on the Inland aide of Pacific Coast Highway but permitted on the ocean side from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. Officials aay that street par- king leads to about 60 percent of the accident.a ln the area. TI\8t'a becaU8e can pull out in front of oncoming traffic, doors from parked can open into the traffic lanes and vehicles drift into parked can along the four- lane hiWlway. The State Department of Transportation has final autho- rity to enforoe a no-parldna edict. ~\Cana traffic englneer Charles Boyer aaya the department ia loo= favorably on the city pro . -warm. 51 MerylY!le IO 41 23 Monterey 71 35 ,._,... 73 S2 .01 Ollclend ee 58 .. PMO Roblee 11 44 31 Aecl lllufl n llO • 21 Redwood City 12 94 31 Sect-to T1 31 .17 SellnM II 46 4e Sen Otego 11 51 35 .01 Sen Franc:llOO Tl 6t 4e Sallta ..,..,.,. 78 ... 27 Sallta Marla 19 2e Stoett ton eo ao Thtrmel 12 47 .14 Ullletl 13 ridaaCattered lhower• end .,..._, Flegltaff '"~· .. ,. predlOt.d 0 ... 1 , .... from ... i.m Artz.one 11eroee the HenfOtd eoutllefn Aocklea tOf the '"' Of =., 4e 2e 94 ... 18 48 l!lanltow 70 ... IN nation. Hoult T•m:rereturH Hrly today ~ range lrom 17 In Merqu.Ue, ~Ml Mid\., to 71111 l(ey W•, Fla. • Jed!wwtle ·-----------------~~()ty C -·~~ • -•LMV-O-CHIJOrnuJ t=:* LIA*Odl Tiie .... Al-. 1llllnd9 ................. pied power ... and lemed .. ~ •ettetl~t flr'H lhOUld eeH r• ... ""°""' Ml9y, laMIQ '°""*" ...,.....,, CetHomle With e110111et ev1111y,-HMtMle _.,,. -,. -~ w.... .... ~ .... Mid. ....y .. Tiie ...... ~_......... ........... llt 10 .. IO """I In ftllOUMlln,.... Md ...... -. 1 , fetflt*ltut .. Ill Loe= ............. fl"-Y. • .....,.._.,,...... 11 MCI It. • ............ ~ ......... .......................... ............ ' ... .._.,..., ......... ..... ,.... ..... ,. ..... ~ .................. .... ti .... ,,. .... 59 aa ·°' 13 2t 80 ... 01 15 53 .19 55 • 15 53 91 82 80 41 70 6e 51 45 56 • 47 '2 80 11 a 11 .. to .. to .. 41 n II .o. • a 14 llO .04 50 21 .19 6e 31 .. 83 31 20 ee ae· 11 12 IO S4 74 41 14 N .. 44 IO 34 o~ ~ .. 56 _,,_ 71 flnM .,. 81 F19MO 14 11 i..ano.. .. II Loot~-.!! .. ' lllf llPllT llgBMr =-·~::-' Mt. Wllaofl Ntwpoft e.adl Ont#IO Palm~ AMr1llOe "'Extended .lorecast 13 M 10 2t n ... 14 •· 17 11 • 41 12 M 71 12 et f7 74 • IOUTMl .. N OAUflO .. NIA COAeTAL AND MOtlMTAI" MIAI -Paw .._, .... , ... nltllt end ••rly Mon11n1 I•!\ cloud• 81141 looel ... .._. .._ .................. ""' 11111 ...... --,. ... a.-....... -~,..,. .... ................ . ' unty DeMr ..... Pftolo _, htltc* ....,._.., FRIENDLY GREETINGS -Former presi-berg, chairman of the Orange County Repub- dent Richard M. Nixon reaches out from po-lican Central Committee. Nixon spoke in de- _di_wn __ in_Anah __ e_im_to_c_las-'p,.__hand __ o_f_Lo_is __ L_Wl_d_-_f::...:ense;::;.;.~.:.o.:..f .:.Pr.:.'esi:=:.d.-ent Reagan's defense spending. ance concerts slated for GWC Defense stressed by Nixon l''ormer prestdent Richard Ni- xon , speaking forcefully to a · fn endly crowd, t.old an Anaheim audience Wednesday night that lhe Uruted States must negotiate nuclear arms control from a po- slUon of strength, not w~. Golden West College stu- de nts will d isp lay the ir ta- len ts ln ballet, jitterbug and othe r s t y les during three "Dance '82" concerts schedul- ed tonight ~gh Saturday. · Each concert will begul at 8 p.m . In the main theater at the Huntington Beach cam- pus. Altho ugh s tude nts w ill perform in a range of styles. • More than 2,000 people are e xpected to atte nd the West Orange County YMCA'a annual pancake breakCast May 1 at Murdy P a rk i n Huntington Beach. • Procee d s w ill go to the •A workshop ser ies for t.een-agen aimed at building self-confidence and aelf- elteem wlll be held Thurs- , days at Golden West College in Huntin"10n Beach. begin- ning today. The ae11ion1 will be held from 7 to 10 pm. in Admini· •G•y Baller , a 16 · year-o ld Boy Scout fro m Fountain Valley, was one of two youths selected to be a nationwide spokesman for the National Catholic CommJttee on Scouting. • jazz and modern dance steps w ill be featured p redom1· nantly. Pieces wlll be short, light-hearted, and upbeat, according to director Nancy Dick son-Lewis, a Golden West dance instructor. Tic ke ts , at $3.50, can be reserved by calling the col- lege bookstore, 894-6070. Re- maining tickets can be pur- chased at the door "Send a Kid t.o Camp" fund, which sends underprivileged youth to summer camp in the mountains. Tickets cost $2. For more information call the YMCA at 847-9622. st.ration Room 222 The senes, led by clinical social worker Jerry G. Soucy, is for agt!S 13 through 17. Ke gistration f ee is $1 5. More information on the se- ries can be obtained from the college, 891-3991. He attends Fountain Valley H igh School, w her e he 1s president of the Gennan Club and participa tes in junior varsity water polo and swim· ming. The 37th president, who res- igned f rom office in 1974, de · fended policies of P resident Reagan auned at bolstering U.S nuclear defenses. ''People ask why he is spen- ding th is money on defense. . . He is spending it In order to res .... t or e the ba1ance o f po w e r (between the United St.at.es and lhe Soviet Union)," Nixon said. The fonner president appeared at a $150-per-person fund.raiser w hich attracted more than 800 attendees and is expected t.o net mor e tha n $150,000 for the county Republican Party central committee. A select group of 100 couples paid $1,000 each to attend a pri- vate reception with Nixon. Nixon said he did not doubt the sincerity of backers of a proposed nuclea r freeze w hereby the Uruted St.a tes and Soviet Union would each agree to halt pro· duction , test.mg and deployment of additional nuclear weapons. But he said s uch a freeze would only work to the beneflt of the Sovie ts, w ho, he claimed . have more lan d-based n uclear weapons than the United States. IC the U ru t.ed States increases its nuclear capability, Nixon in· sisted, then it can negotiate ef- fectively with the Sovie ts for arms control. But, the former chief executive warned: "Arms oontrol by it.self will not insure peace." ' A new rend ition of an old classic. A floral design incorporating a tropical bird printed on a polyester and cotton kettle cloth fabric. t A store th•t offers""• trad/tlonel aportswHttor men, we>tMn and boya. I HF • Orange Coat DAILV PILOT/Thurtday, Aprll 22, 1982 •.. -------------------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Voters must d ecide election date change ' The days of the low-turnout clty election ln Huntington Beach may be numbered. • That'• because clty offlclala probably will put tc the vot.en ln November the laue of whether to con10lldat.e local electlonl wlth the une primary election. Clty voters would have o pprove any change becauae April Hection datee are now aet down .bi thedtyc~r. There are several things to Jhink: about. Advocates of a consolidated election see a saving to the city of about $2~.ooo by holding t'#o elections at the same time. Others see a larger turnout as good for the city. They believe that iasues and candidates would be decided on a wider ICale of cit- izen participation. The other school of thought says that bigger isn't bett.er. Who cares how many vot.e, they say. It is the quality -presumably in- formed voters -and not the quantJty that matters. Opponents contend that this ls really turning elections over to small pressure and special-lnterest groups. Fans of low turnout alao fear Jba\ local ~paips mi&ht cost a tot inore tar the candidate u local people Vie With county, stat.e and ftdetal 'Calldldatee or propoliliona for public exposure and media at- tention. These are some of the pluaes and minuses to be weighed before the decision is made next Novem- ber. Irvine already has voted to change its city election to coincide w ith the June primary. Costa Mesa and Newport Beach will consolidate their city elections with the November general elec: tion and these changes will be put to their first t.est this year. Hun- tington Beach might be well ad- vi.se<l to await the results. Campaign ugliness Ben Nielsen, Fred Voss and James Neal, who won four-year terms last week on the Fountain Valley City--Council, deserve com- munity.wide support in meeting some difficult challenges ahead. But before the election fades from memory, it should be noted that this year's council campaign in Fountain Valley took a ffw crude and childish turns, particu- larly in its closing days. Fountain Valley has a strict sign ordinance and prides itself on a clean, orderly appearance. Iro- nically, this election produced the greatest local proliferation of unsightly campaign signs in recent memory. Even though the election is more than a week in the past, a numbel' of these signs still litter the d ty. Wof'fle, some campaign work- ~rs made efforts to st.ea! or damage th e signs of opponent.s. One candidate claimed she E hurt by a vicious "whisper paign." Also, the three candi- tes who were endorsed by the cit·Y employee associations were criticized aa "union candidates" in letters circulated by two retiring councilmen. Certainly no one would claim that electioneering LS always a po- lite business. But the recent cam- paign, described by some as one of the "dirtiest" Fountain Valley elections, certainly seemed out of character for this nonnally sedate community. U some of adults working on the city council campaigns beha- ved childishly, it should alse be noted that some Fountain Valley students, well below voting age, demonstrated some commendable maturity on Election Day. About 60 seventh and eighth grade youngsters from Gisler School in Fountain Valley partici- pated in a n orderly telephone campaign t-0 encourage people to vote in the council election. The students were not per- mitted to speak in favor of any particular candidates. but they received mostly favorable re- sponses from local residents. More important, they learned how local elections work and how their neighbors feel about voting, les- sons they might not have obtained from a textbook. Perhaps these lessons will help them to become more re- sponsible adult vot.ers. Parking ba.n essen tial The Huntington Beach City Council has urged·the state to prohibit parking 24 hours per day on both sides of Pacific Coast Highway from Beach Boulevard to the Santa Ana River. That stretch of the road has ijecome known aa blood alley be- cause of it.s number of aerioua ac- a:idents. It is regarded as the molt hazardous stretch of road in the dty. Most of the problems, officials My, stem from the parking of cars along the narrow shoulder of the fpur-lane highway. ' • Vehicles pulling ou t into traffic. the opening of car doors and the drifting of cars across lanes have all contributed to the toll. La.st summer, 47 traffic acci- dents were recorded o n that stretch. Parking was barred on the in- land side of the highway in Au- guat of 1981 and has cut down on accidents, according to officialA. The barring of parking along the ocean side should tame "blood alley" and make it even safer. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner views ex· 1>ressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reaoer comment ls 1nvil· td. Address The Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Phone !7141 .... 2-4321. .M. Boyd I Doughboys I Argument continua over the origin tf the old word "doughboy" for the f\!'lerlcan toldler. One candidate ex- E anation: .U.S. infantrymen during he Mexican war were quartered ln uta made of tun·drled brick -adobe along the borde!'. 'nM* partku1ar troope came to be known u "dobe" 6oldier•, and eventually, tdouchboyl.'' • Admlrerl of Preeldent Calvin Coo- ~lnt out lt wu he who .. Id: le no rlaht to strike aplNt the Mtecy by anybody, anywhere, .. 1. How mmy famous wormn nen.d fl'.'!'I come to mlnd? Prtnce O\arim' tf Prine ... Diane. Olan• Rot•1 fUa, Curiously, all t.hrw 01 h1Yi1-n known., Gt» ... « . • 111.edy." The Prtnaila, be- • weddln1. R0t1 when 1ht atarred In "Lady Sing• the Bluet," and Ria, When she played ln "The Great ~uppct Caper.' What'• carbollzed rose water? Whatever. you have to wipe your llpt wtth It before lou km tomebody In RJvenl.de, Call ·. Ot.herwile, that km vtolaws iN hff.lth lawm ~. Thel the horse• of Shetland are exce9dlnaly amall l• known by all. Few realize, thoujh, that the cattle of Shetland are Ukewile d.lminutlve. Q, l know Arbona la the Rite wtth the lowett ~alnfall, but which ....... the A. AlabM:le. 1th about 87 inchea. Arbon• 1entre1ly comea in with around .v.n lncbea. FNClerick the Oreat always put mUIWd In bJI ()Off•. I 'C~ AW~OM'E TELL HE WMERE 1l{E EMltfaM£Nf ~ 'S? MIU.O? I IRS -fights quickie 'clergy' WASHINGTON -A growing num- ber or Amencans are turning to religion today, not for redempuon of their souls but for rrouctlon m their income taxes Ordatnc.'<i on a ca.<Jh-and-carry baslS by • obscure "reHg1ons," thet1e born-again tax dodgers hope lo evade the burden the rest or us share every April 15. By de- claring themselves "churc hes," these quickie dcrgymen claim exemption from all or part of the taxes they should be paying on the1r wages. UNFORTUNATELY FOR them. the Inte rnal Revenue Service views this burgeoning evangelism with deep suspi- cion, attributing 1t to greed. not piety. The agency lA <.Tacking down on the di- lettante dombties with heavy fines and wage garnishments. In some cases, the tax dodgers could wind up practicing their nunlstnes behind pnson bars Aocording to in ternal IRS documents. returns showing illegal tax deductions baaed on church-related 1ehemes grew from 486 in 1978 to 2,784 in 1980 The heavenward trend reportedly is st.eep- enlni. Consider the case of "Archbishop" William E Dre xler Sr. of the L1fe- Sc1ence Church of California. aa disclo- sed in court records Since 1976, he has set up about 3,000 "churches" acroa the country by selling handy-dandy packets of documents for anywh(:re from $1.00<l to $4,000 a shot The conversion kits <.'Onl.alned ordm.a- tlon t'C'rtiflcates. clerical identity cards ond vow• of po vc cty fo r tG w JACI 11111111 d "mm.u;ter" to 11gn aa he turned over all assets and income t o h 18 inatant "church.". Drexler made no ~>crt>t of his hostiJ&ly to the lRS In 1ssul'S of the L1fe-Sc1en<.-e m·wsletter, The Patriot News, the chun.·h oHcred moneta r y re wards for the name11. addresses and te lephone numbers of IRS agc•nts and their fam1- 1Jes. Those 1t wa11 able t.o identify were lillted under such titles as "Enemy of the Month" and "Know Your Enemy List.'' Life-Science members were encouraged to hara.as the IRS employees by dumping manure on their lawns. placing early- morning collect calls to their home phones or sending them unwante d magaunesub&cnpuons. Drexler even obliged h18 new <.'Onverts by backdaung the ordination docUfll('nts lo permit lax deductions for earlie r years. The archbishop assured his new min1ster11 that the IRS had given the t·hurch tax-exempt statl.UI -which it had not and promised that the church would provide full legal services If the tax <'OllN·tors hauled them into court. T hu. also proved to be untrue, aa many L1k-Scwnc..-e mrnJStcrs in New York City d1!.(.'0ven -d. to 1he1r dismay Jn fact. aome mmplaanc.'<i t.o authonues that they were thrc·a t.enc.'<i with "c•xcommunication" if they mslSt.ed on legal help. Drexle r was convicted last year of C'vadang more than $185,000 m income ta xes and of failing to file returns in years when he and his 1<>n earned a total of $365.000. In New York City, the IRS 1>lappcd levies on the wages of 319 members of Life-S cience a nd other chur«hcs for payment of $484,000 In back taxes ANOTHER TARGET of the irreverent IRS 1s J C'rome Daly, archbishop, presi- dent and pope of the Basic Bible Church of America In February. a 40-count tax-fraud indictment against Daly and nme others was Wllhdrawn on a techni- calJty, but the feds haven't given up. Daly's operation was virtually identi- cal to Drexler's pay your money and become a "church " Two boilermakers in Pennsylvania wound up in tax court last year when they tned the Daly system on the IRS Education studies nee d follow-up To the F.ditor: Ed Foglia'• April 1 I resporue to the Pilot editorial, "Public Education Needs Examination" mlued the point of my . concurrent re90lution on education qua- lity ln the public 1ehoola. I agree that we do not need more atudy: What we need la implementation of much·needed reform In certain key areas. The purpoee of ihe establlahment of my committee on educaUon quality ii to MAILBOX consolidate Into an action program the resulta and oonclusiona of the many stu- dlea which have alre~y taken place It is true that Calltomia ranka far be- low nearly every other state in lta fun- ding of public education. Thia diatre.les me. But lt ta important to underatand why the dollars which ARE provided for the &ehoolt are not reaching the class- room ltaeU. OUR CURRENT educational system forces 1ehoola to have a greater concern for compliance with state and federal manda\ell than for whether students are learning. Lea and leta money la being provided for general classroom instruc- tion, while Sacramento d1tecta dollan to pret1erlbed cateaorical proarams -res- ulting ln more and more p.perwork for teachera and adm1nla1ratlve penonnel at the local level. Additionally, strong teacher unions, which understandably protect job tieCU· r1ty. have alven 1re1ter prlorft7v to le· nure rtshta and tenlorlty layof proce· durea than to overall program needa. The "quality'' of edue1t.ion ii bued on the akllll and effectlvenem of fta telChen and inatructon. We are lo.lna talented teacher. to other proftll6onl .. bualne. and lnduttry offer lncenUves which re- ward excelfence and performance. Our current educaUonal system does not al- low for theeo financial or profe.11.tonal JncentJvea. Many •hare the opinion that •lmply pnMd1na more dollan to exlllUnl proc· renw bMed on an annual peramtap ln· mllle " not '°'°' 10 IOlve Ow probllml of our pubUc: 1tbooll. After confm1.na wtth memben of \be C.Ufomla Roun4table'1 Tllk l'orw on Jobi and r.ctucaUon end the Little tloo- vw CommillkJn. it... WM ---Oft the niMd for an adlon proinm wthleb focUllll upon rawna ..... .....,.. Pnwidinl voeidanil tniNM 'fGr .. Y'• JD'> lnlriilt _. nt 111..,. lMiaMr ..,. Nna and lnmnlhlw. .If ril tM9 u..· ~ effGl1I of &he bu9a• ........Ut1, ~' •• ... UM WNnl~•&m--tiduil· .......... bl __ , ., .... =~-~ ~-... I •• :.~...., ... - • ' have already brought forth valuable conclusions as we be~ our efforts. MARIAN BERGF.SON A..semblywoman. 74th Dlstnct Let judges know To the Editor: What do we expect from our police otflcers? The recent "cocaine bu1t" In Corona del Mar was a job well done by our police department. Yet these hoods have been returned their rights to carry on busmess aa usual. It also galls me to think that the at· tomey, a former DA now in private practice, has no moral responsibility to the commun ity. It appears his moral responsibility to the community is WOTth less than the fee. I am aure these thmp pay well. I only wish the officers could have made as much a.a the attorney fee for doing their job. We, as taxpayel"ll. need to let our jud- ges know how we feel about such ru- linp. NANCY PERltY TELEPHONE YOUR LETTE R TO T HE EDITOR See instructions below . Passport blues To the Editor: I have th ~ bluet. 1 could hf.ve cried ln my a.nNttan last night. bUt I didn't want to wetken my drink, aa I needed •ufflclent tortlflcetton while rudlna ~ late.t letter from the West Vlrlinfa Buteau of Vl\al St.atiatlca. tnave never had a birth certiflcate, nor an apparent need fOf' one (the Army took me on the aw~ of my beptilmal certUicatel) So now r need. pulpOrt to take a once-ln·a·UfetJme vacetlon to New Zealand. But accordina to tbtm (W.V .B.V.S.) I w• never bomJ In the meantime my teen are bluntna my two-for-one airline boa.rd&na pe11. Whit bunw my oocit ii. bow did &be Army draft me to ewve 3 ~ ~ Cl'lfS· -dwina WW D H 1 w_, t properly docwneni.d? What tunher bu.ma m)' cork la tt..t OMt ~t ..., not bMr\ reluctant to dectucl (r.l.C.A.) 8ocl1l Security mon.l• from my lifetime Htninp. A baptismal ccrl.lficate must have been good enough for that! What bums more of my cork is that waves of foreigners are haVlng no trou- ble getting m to the U S without proper documentation. AU they need LI an old boat. a sad story and we suckers open our arms to them. Besides bringing their problems to add to our own , they are taking jobs, uaing health care facilities and other benefits whloh rightfully be-. long to our own otiiens. So here's a hard-learned lesson to all Americans -1f you want to travel overseas and were born at home and have only a baptism evidence, and you are older than any living relative (must be at.least 10 years older) you must fomiah bcaucoup documents as proof of your existence. Before you can get a delayed birth certificate, before you can get a pauport, before you can go over· seas -unless the Army gets you. · C. MlKAL Balance budget To the Editor: When the federal government runa up an $80 biJ)jon deficit it borrows from the private sector , leaving leas avall•ble fonds for individual•. bu.slneuea and c'Orporallons to borrow. Interest rates u-e therefore forced to the all-time hJghl we have today. There la a solution to thit ridiculous slluaUon -havina th~ gov· cmment live within ita means. For the tlnt time ln hiltory, t.be U.S. Senate will vote on a conaUtuUonal amendment re- quiring the federal budget to balance each year. · Senate Joint Resolution 68, tbe Ba- lanced Budget Tax Llmltatlon Amend· ment, lhould reach th Senate floor Car• vote 1.n late April. Fifty-three .eneton are co·1pon1oring S .J . Rea. 68 but ltl paapge la not auaranteed. Sen. Alan Cranston ii not one of Its lponlOl'I. Urtt Mr. Cranlton to tupporl this MC Ill U)' amendment. The ~for all Senaton ta: Senate Offtce Bu.lJdlna, w~ D.C. 20!UO DENNIS PEIUUN ---~ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT rrhur.day, April 22, 1982 Star ued over nude photo A FUipino movte star who appeared nude In the Gennan edltlon or Playboy maaa%ine hu been sued for obtcenlty and aocuaed o f brlnf Ing shame to the women o the coneervatlve, Cathollc- dominated country. Civic leader Polly M. Cayetaao llled the obecenity char1e agahut Tetclale A1- b a ya a I, aaylng the nude photol of the actrea arowied ln her feelings of "extreme dllgust and . . . brw.ed p,rlde for FUipino womanhood. ' The photographs of Miss Agbayani, a Phillppine aex s ymbol, appeared in the March German edition of Playboy. The issue fetches up to about $50 in Manila, eight times the magazine's usual selling price here. Reproduc- tions of the pictures also are being eold on the sly. Nostalgia buffs walked away from Christie's auction house in London with two aowna wom·by ect,... Mar- a ... Dietrid dwinl Mt-bey· day on the .Uver ICNeft. A movl• theater In Corn· wall, Enlland. pa1d 188& for one dreea worn by Mill Dl•· trich In tht 1937 movie ''Kniaht Wlthout Armor." Anott\er of her coatume1, a lulJ-lenath, fur-trimmed !°:"'• went f« t778. Mell LaaarH, nomlnated 15 tlmee for the National Cartooniata Society'• Reuben Award, lmally stepped to the oodium a winner f qr hl1 1'Ml!I Peach" and "Momma'' comic at.ripe. Lazarus edged "Doones- bury" artlat Garry TrmdeH and "Garfield" ortglnator Jim Davil. Laz.arua told the audience of fellow illustrators at the Plaza Hotel ln New York that he was "staggered" at finally receiving the award. desisne<f by and named after cartooniat Rube Goldber1. • Criminal Court Judge Bernard Fried of New York drew roars of laughter and rave reviews u he dJ.am1l8ed criminal treapaaa charges against some of Broadway's biggest stars. Tammy Grimes, Colleen Oewbarat, Josepla Papp, Ri- chard Gere and MJclaaeJ Mo- rla rty were among the de- TO SPEAK -Canadian Prime Minllter Pierre Trudeau will give the commencement address next month at the Univer- sity of Notre Dame. monstrators who sat ln front of bulldozera March 22 to protest the destruction of the Morosco and Helea Hayes theaters near Times Square. Fried dropped the charges against 130 of the protesters and charges against the re- maining defendants were ex- pected to be dropped. .. Oregon town contests vote ANTELOPE, Ore. (AP) -The City Council hat voted unanimoualy to contest an election in which it falled to disband the 81-year-old town for feu of a takeover by an Indl.an guru and hi. folio- ' wen. The vote orders Keith Mobley, the city's la- wyer, to cont.eet lut Thunday'1 ~--42 election. The cound} toUaht dlaincorporation becaWle it feared followera o1 Bhagwan Shree Rajneeah would take control of the government in thia hamlet· 1~ mllee eut of Portland In the November general election. Dlalncorporatlon would have put key luuea such u r.onJ.rig in the hands of the Waw.!O County Cornm1-ion, rather than local authorities. The propoeal'a failure wu attributed to com- mune members who had moved into nlne hOWleS purchued ln town by Rajneeah followers and re- ptered to vote the put six months. Mayor Margaret Hill blamed the defeat on li· beral Oregon election laws that all.ow people to re- gister on election day. The result was that more than three t1mes the 31 voters who caat ballots two b:u~ aao in the general election showed up to cast ta. County election official.t challenged every voter who regiltered within the past 30 days, includ.ing non-members of the commune. That means 70 vo- ten mu..t appear ln circuit court to substantiate the validity of their residence. Commune members aay they have moved into town to atay. Spokaman David Knapp says that, despite the l ean of the council, the commune 18 not going to mount a campaign to. take over the five of seven aeata on the council that wlll be up for election in November. ATARI ~ TM VIDEO COMPUTER GAME PROGRAMS ATARI ® .MORE GMtES. .MORE FUN. A war«~ Con-c>a¥. Offers you many games and variations. Be a Race Car Champ, a Football Star, a Golf Pro, a Bowling Champ, a Chess Master. Atari~ makes It all happen with this exclt· ing collection of Game Programs for the Video System ."• Pictured cartridges are only a part of a large selection. FED CO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES . f£DCO LA CIEMEOA.(213) 837·4487 f!OCO COITA MEIA (71 4) 979-2660 3535 S LA CIENEGA BLVD , LOS ANGELES 90016 3030 HARBOR BLVD . COSTA MESA 92626 FmCO 1M DUO (714)262-2411 fEDCO VM NUYI (213) 786·6863 14920 RAYMER STREET VAN NUYS 91405 54TH & EUCLID. SAN DIEGO 92105 fEDCO 1M.....,.., (714) 888·4181 flOCO rAUOfU (213) 449·8620 3111 E COLORADO BLVD , PASADENA 91107 570 S MT VERNON AVE . SAN BERNARDINO 92410 flOCO callTOI (213) 860-7111 11525 SOUTH STREET, CERRITOS 90701 STORE HOURI WEEK DAVI 11:• All II 1:11 Pll • LA CllllllA • IM-IAR-MD IM DBO ITOMI 11:11IOOl11 .. Pll • C.LlJTDI • COITI W • Nl:UIU MD• Ml ITOMI IATURDAYI • AU l10MI , .. • • .. N IUmAYI • AU. ITOMI , .. • 111:• P11 • M.L lflm Ml• •llHIAYI . or• TO PIDOO ....... ONLY I • ·STACK UP THE BENEFITS FOR YOUR FUTURE IRA• KEOGH I at. I mper1a -----=--~ -- • ; ' .. " .... .. . • • c ~ • • • • t , I ~ ) ) . . . • • ' . . • • • • • . • • • • : ' ' Disney reports prof its down BURBANK (AP) -Walt Dt.lney Produc.1.lont re. ported hliher ttVenue:a but lower net lncorne (or the lfCOnd quarter ended March 31, aa compared with the •me period a year •so. Revenues weni S247,67~000, up 6 po~nt, while net Income waa down 22 percent to S21 .648,000, or S.65 per 1hare, the oompany repol"U!d. The company allO had lncrtucd revenues and lower net lncome tor tho 1jx month.I ended Marc:h 31. Attendance al both Walt Olaney World In FloridA and Olmeyland in Callfoml.ia ~ried allghtly durlrlj the quarter. Nelson R esearch show prof it Nellon Research & Development Co .. Irvine, an· nounced it was profit.able an the flrtt quarter of 1982 vs. a 1089 one year aaio. For the three months ended March 31 , r<.'Venl.lt.'I rose to $365,000 from S9 l ,OOO in the correapondlns quarter one year ago Net mcome amounted to '8.000 u against a loea of $32,000. Nel10n Research & Development ii involved in the design and development of pharmaceutical pro- ducts. Dividend date set _. , - Newi:>ort Pharmaceutleals lnternataonal Inc , Newport Beach, annowx-ed d~'<'latation of the record date ol April 30 for dlvidenda of 80 cent.I per share to shareholdel'I of 8 percent convertible preferred atock All dividends will be payable July 10. Furnace deal initiate d Radiant Technology Corp. of Newport Beach an- nounced completion of negotiations for an exclu11ve manufacturing and d1atnbutlon agreement for its ovens and furnaces with Hakuto Co. Ltd. of Japan. Th18 five-year contract will enoompasa Japan as well as most of Southeast A.ala. The agreement pro- vides for an initial $100,000 royalty payment and thereafter a percent.age of salea. Irvine firm consolidate · Prtntronlx, Inc., has opened headquarters 1n Crvme which conM>lidat.es corporate and marketing actJVllles at one location. The f1 ve-bulld1ng campus-style c.om plex, with over 100,000'Slq'Oare feet of off1cea, ts the fifth Pran- tronix facillty in the Irvine area, and increases the manuracturer's facility spact> to nt'arly 350.000 aquare feet. The faclJlly m at 17500 Cartwnght Road Resort planners named The firm of BaJlew/Arbuckle/Martln, 18025 Sky Park East, Irvine, has been named planner, architect and landacape architect for a 21 -acre private Hshmg resort -Club de Mecca -to be built on the north shore of the bay of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. The site -known as Chit.o's Watering Hole -1.1 at Land's End where the Pacafic meets thC' Sea of Cortez The retOt'\ a.a a pint ventun-of Senor L1~ndado Migu el Aleman, a former prealdent o f Me>Cico (1946-52) and the father of MexJoo'1 tounsm industry Senor Licenciado Jorge Soto, Arturo Cota. Jaco~ Sevilla; Jerry Ducharme, Jim Habig and John 8 . Si- dell as a Callfomaa Llmtted Partnership WHAT STOCKS DID HloW VOlllC (Al') "411 ,, ...... ~r.= 'eo:I, ~ Ml Uft<......, •JO fU , ... ._ -"" ,..... ,,..... 41 = Nol• ..... H AMERICAN LEADERS _ .. , ...... DI() HIW YMlt IAl'l .., f t '-:0 ,....., ...,._ -;. OKll,,.. m rJ u..c,,.,,.., .. , ..... _ , .. m -llltlllt II w _._ • " METALS SILVER ~. "*"*' ., ..... Ir~ -- • promotions • Patrtd aw ... y of ll'Ytpe hM been ei.ct.d to ~ board of d1recton for Commuter Trarwponatlon Servtc., Inc. (C.ornmuter Computer). Jlm Davia, pNSldent of Batlutea Nadeul a-. announced the appolntment ol Vue. Jlala. ...... vice prw.ldent ln charp of commerdal bani. J'nM C. C...U.. of San Clemente hu been named 1•neral manaaer-commerclal/lndultrlal , producta fOf' m Ca.JPM·Ntrdl Amertca. n.mu O. Morpa of Irvlne hu been named pneral manaa•r ol circular product• for ITT C.ur• N-* America. Mell (41) M. Co1eatl10 haa been appointed · PNlident of SECO Competer IDc., a recently m.a- bU.hed. wholly owned aut.Jdiary of EEOO Incor- porated. K• Nellea bu been appointed an agent with the A.Dltate lullfUft Compuy ln the office in the &.n Build1P8· South Cout Plua Mall, C.O.ta Mesa. The board of dlrectort of Newpert Rarbotr Natloul Baak hu elected LloJd R. MWer execu- tive officer. In addition, GHt~er E. Bert11 hu 111111 clum 11111111 · been elected to the board. Miller wu vice president and manager of the corporate bank1ns group at Sun Weat Bank ln Newport Beach. Mlcuel Ft.a.er hu been named vice president and manager of the Santa Ana branch of Heritage Bw. He had been with the Bank of Newport as Uliltant vice president, commercial loan offfcer. • Rebeck DetJp A1soclate-a. l.Dc. has opened an • Orange County office at 1201 Dove -Street, ~ulte 2~0. Newport Beach. The Interior planning and design f lrm office Is headed by Rudy Bers, for- merly delign director of RMM, lnc.'a Seattle office. Co.,well Buker announced that Wiiliam ManeU will be responsible for marketing the $250 nVJ.lion Warmington Plaza, a major urban buline9I complex ln Santa Ana. He will co-mana,e the sale team with Cbct SalUvu. Jamet B. Marovl1ll of Newport Beach has joi- ned Crecker Bank's metropolitan bankina de~ ment aa an usiltant vice president. H~ ti.ea for two years been at Wells Fargo Bank in Newport Beach. The Harleqaln Dinner Play~oHe selected Madeline Zuc kerman Pabllc Relatlou/ Advertl1tq. Tustin, to handle public relations and advertislni for the theater, at 3503 South Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana. Santa Ana-baaed Media ODe, a aut.idiary of Western Digital, announced the appointment of Alu BoaJ aa president. ElaJDt B. Madrid has joined LB ReteaM, a manufacturer of awltching-regulated j)OWet' sup-• plies, u manager, marketing ~. She w• ad- vertising and sales promotiona ~r at Newport Electrorua, lnc. Jamet R. Allor, of Huntinaton Bach, bu joi- ned the Santa Ana office o( Art~u Yoaa1 6 Compaay, a Big Eight International accounting firm, as a manager in the management 1trvlces department. He wu dlrectorA>( consulting for Compuca.re, lnc .. a national hoepital EDP systems firm hued in Fountain Valley. Mlcllael G. Hapet of Irvine, has been named aenior vice president, loan administration, at Berl· tage Bok. Leourd A. Morgaa hu been appolnied vice president and bead of corporate banking at Ba.U of America'• Irvine Industrial branch In Newport . Beach. Gre1ory 8 . Stewart of Huntington Beach, who haa worked for Arthur Rubloff and Company in Loe Angeles and Secured Equities, Inc., Cerritoe, joined Frost Speace Trlan, Costa Mesa. commer· dal brokerage company, u a broker. Downey Savings reports prof it Downey Savlnp & Loan Aaoclatlon hu re- ported net n.mlnp of $101,000, or 2 oenta per abare, for the tint quarter. Thia compera to the year-earlier period when a tc. of M.37lil,OOO. or 93 centa, wu posted. Revenuea of $47.3 milllon for the f~ guarter repreeent a 30 percent lncreue over the f36.4 mil- lion po9ted for the lib quarter ln 1981. Spring Gas Bar- B-Q Sale In Progress AMCO ~~\~91BS SfJJ'l'tl' S,1d " ... ,,, ''-S"'9'...,,.. ., Iii *'-'ild" l»Nwilw,.,,,..,. ,,,.... ..... At••• '-"Wan tw: --IRS, BATH, KITCHEN, BAD, CABINET AND . BATH ACCUSO•IES (714) 6G~IU ClllleMr Sta __ .... c. eapital Star buys Parkf ord • Capital Star Petroleum hM purchaeed appro- xtmatefy 42 percent of the outatandlna and llaaed aha.rel ol Park1ord Petroleum Inc. from tM Com-brtdae Group HoJdini Corp. of Newpon Beacb. l>arkford Petrol4tum ii an oU and Pl producer and explOJ'ltlon compa~y operatln1 ln the mid· country area of K.anau, ~.and Texaa and la prod~ from 28 oil and ps wella. Caplta,l Star Petroleum Chalnnan Robert Bu- ceta will U1Wne chaJrrnanthlp of Parklord Petro- leum along wt th Patrlda Thlbeult u chief executive offk:er. Frank Jordan of Houston, formerly with Ex- xon C.Orp., hu been appointed president and chief operatin§ officer. Grend Opening That's It/ SNAIL POISON Fire lxtlngulsher Model #110 ABC K For most types of fires Mldd• THE FOOD PROCESSOR 20 % off CITRUS JUICER D F~Tk~200l • For extroct1nq Juice from ordnqes. qropefruat, lemons & lame Recipe included llttr111fio Ti•• Ill l1ffi,11 ,,..,.. tl••r #D111 $888 24 separate tabs for hourly programming. 9&ANVO M9901 11111/FI IMil ............. -,.,. ...... ~ Garage Door Springs P728 BEACH CHAIRS AJuminum frame with helvy blue canvu oovera. $999 ' • Sizes lo lat most food processors, andud1ng oil Cuasarldr1 mode1'- / ' / • r • . I ... -' ' . . SMOKE ALARM $gas Including Bettery Atari Game Cartridge• priced from $11 .88 Actlvl1lon Game Cartridge• priced from $18.88 McGUIRE CAR CLEANER WAX Top Quality LIQuld Wax $299 a-mA. A Shear Deal All ,..,, ••• pruner for ....................... lnclud .. leather lheath. RE CUISINART LIST our price DLC10E $130 $99.99 DLC8E $185 $149.99 DLC7E $260 s 199.99 DLC7PRO $275 '219.9 Foot Pumps . llack cmd Decker Stowaway STEP STOOL Hoover. 'OITA,OWll'" VACUUM CUANlll Very powerful. very handy vacuum Gas Barlteques . -. Speclel 8•1• lncludff: ' • Cart • Quartz l9nlter • Tank • ,.,..lain Coolctn1 Grid 5 Yr. Burner Warranty We carry replacement ports for: • Chor·lroff • Ducan• • Chormtlow •Welter ·~ .. CllBllflED IUllSlATf ._EMEMTS. rosauts & Lm&FHNI ~rMr-~ ~., ...... '"._..,., .. .,..,_, ,_.,_ ,.,_ iw • .,,.,.. ... ,,., ... OOLonmn & PICPAHTION -·-·-t:t.,\•:::. II l t IU -,., .... ·~1 • ~ ... . . _..,.¥) f ~ I 1 .·.> -·· ,, -~.;. llOUM. ..outllNO 01"1"0 .. TUNIT'I' = ,.. .. ., ....... :: All r_, •tete edWrtlMd '"" 11'1 ,.,.. ~ .. IUb--leot to tfl• Federel Felr :: Houtlng Act or ttet •• wttlch meket II Illegal to : 8cfY9t'llN "eny pteferen--ce. !Imitation or dleetlml. -netlon baaed on race, :: color. rellglon. ••• or ,.,. Mtlonal origin, or eny In-= *'UOn to mflkt any euctt ,.. preference, !Imitation or dlacrlmlnetlon ... .... Walker & lee ~ HUT Timi "'" Cute Coton• cs.i Mer du-• ., ptex priced to NII as lutt : 129t.500 with 20% down -to 12.t'l't T.O. en exc.lltnt = lin-tmtnt ()p90f1unltyl : 1714t '7M400 = IZIJI HI-JUI :,i: MA.-aOR ---· ---: A Utv1,.on ot ::: lh1rbor ln\~lmtnl Co =~~~ d&YP'MIY• ,..,.. •TIUP ~ ....... -WOWI LowHt priced :: bavtront 11ome ON BAL- -BOA COVES. L~rgt 4 :: bdrm. 3 betn. double flt• piece. oovered petlo S*ae mud! morel Wiii AITO or ~= trede ror EMtblutf • a.y. .. ,. ttior• or 7??11 :: ..... ..,,,.,. ::;: ......... . ::: .e11-1 .... \ ( I I I I : I /I' . ..,. -===~.~ .......... , .. , .. , . .............. a.a ...... Mll-..0.- ..., '"'' ..... ~ ... P•ll rltt I Ul,000, \\. I -I I ·, .• TAYLOR CO. Hl-.1\f.J(1J:~ .. 11,, l't·lli ........ L...tr "'· .... •1,111.-...... , ......... 11.-.- ............... 12,211.- ........................ 1 ..... ... .,. ........ w. ..,... ... UNI We..,.._.+._ 11,JM-.._...,.. ..,.,..., .......... .... ..,.... .. + .... ··--llUIF.n , ....... ++ ......... WATERFRONT HOMES. INC UALUTATt ... ~ "-'~ .............. m. w c-Hw¥ m M.ww ,..,.. ~l lt«h ... w..d ........ '7Mftt ...... Preaentln1 The LeHt Expen1lve Home In Newport Belch'•~ JMa c.anyon. Showa Like A Model - Typically Pride Of Ownenhlp. Hu,e Master -Suite Plua Se~rate Guett QpalUrl. OwrWlr/ A/lfl.ftt WW nn.tnae. Aiced Under Market Value At $425, 000. John Merrtl1'1 ~· ® --....... " ..... '== Mi\\lill-4i.~s· ="" ------.. .. c.At & ------................. " ._ .... .....,._. ...... ............. _.._. llllCCY I I I t ! I . Thur8day,Apttl22, 1982 • COTt mun• lllVOmOTT ca1rMT WATERFRONT TOWfH>tl: ! WITH BOAT Sl.f 1()11 down UIWne lit and 2nd, owner will carry balance. HJghly upara~ed wtth hardwood noon. beveled rhlr- ron and ahutten. Two bedrooms p1ua a den (third bedroom?) and three full baths. Super bay view and location. $M9,500. 760-1900 Charmlr,. C..pe Cod home on Penlnlula Potnt. 3 Br. 2 Be on quiet 1t.rwt 1Cr011 from perk. Stept 10 buch & bey. Newly remodeled with French doore, hand peln&ed &Uel, t'fnter brick petJo. Ena.Uah wellpepen & mote. Allume U4f.OOO flm at ta and owner wlll carry la.rte 2nd. Only muoo. ... ,, ... . . .. Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads, classification., 7100. R&"Mt\X TR.\Dl'T 10\ \I RL\I 1) " • c J a .. I.; ill .. ~ t ; I ~ Be 00: 11 do ell C4I v~ Fla To at. <la J In I mt hin c ICrl red bJdi foot v Or-. of. ... l llMI OGlmW:T I .. UIUL*'ncl 11-----·'"ll' ......... IC*OO&. MTNOT "°"°' IMfteCt -· NOTICI II H!,.flY OIVIN 11\at Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thur9d•y. APf'tl 22, 1912 MOnca CW TWUITU'I IAUl T.I. ....... 1111 IOltd Of CC1uo1tton of 1111 '""°'' . .,..._ Unllltd 8cllool DI· •VIC{ of Oftn09 COul\ty wlll r.oeNI .-.0 bldt .119 IO I 00 p "' on lhl I lltl o.y OI ~ ttll. 11 Ille OfflOt of Mid lchoql ~trlctJ. IOClled II tH7 ~ ltrwt, ~ta MMe, Callfoml1, at wtllch time Mid bid• ... be putllldy °"'* and ,_, lof• ~CWDATA NOCll.-Olou..-n' NOTlCa II HIM.IV OIVIH, lt\AI 011 WIClnffday, May ti, ttll, 11 t'OO o'doel 1 m. of MIG di';, In the roo"' .. , H id• for 0011duou1111 Tn..•'• 1tMe. within lht Ofl'°9 oi AIAI. llTATf aeCUllllTIH IP· VICI. IOOlllO .. toto North ltoadWl1, a...t1 IOI, Jn lht City o1 ..,.,. Ana, County ol o..,.., •tat• of CMl«nl&. MAl l!ITATI IECU. AITIH HRVIOt, I callf«nlf tor· Potl\tofl, .. rJWI ~.-.CS Tt\lllet under 1114 ~ to "" Power Of .... ~In""'~ 0..0 of TNll --.!Id by J.,,_ ~ All bide wt to b9 In IOOOfelenOe with Condition•. ln1trucUon1, end Soeclllclttone wtlloh v• now on Ill• In lhl ottio. of the Purohetlng 01· rector of Mid tchool Dltlrlcl. ta&? '**''la ltt•t. Ce>t .. ~. Call Keetl end llatbllt• fitly l(Mtf, Hue-b1nC1 1nO Wiit , 11 Joint t1n1n11, rtcord10 l t otembt t ~ l tl1, In 800k 1Uot Of OlllOl•I ,.ICOtClt Of .. 10 County .•• p1gt 1177, Atc:Ot• dlt'I ln1tr11mt nl NO etOI, b)' re11on of 1 bre1oh or d1f1u11 In p1ym1n1 or p1tlorm1no1 ot th• ol>llt•llont MCurtc:t thlteby, lnolu· CllllQ tfllt bltteh or dlttl.llt, Nottot of Which Wit rtoordtel Jtnutty 19, 1982 .. Atcordlf't lntlf\ltMM No tornla t2t27. A Pr .. ald Oonftienc. Wilf l>t ~ on Mey a. 1982. 11 2:00 pm . 1t tlWI 1bow lddr111. In lhe 0111 Ptoete-11119 Conf1n1no1 Room. Ji. 119'fot"** Bond mlY 119 r• qUlfed II IM 41totttlon ct the DI· ---.. -.. -IC-NOTICE----·• e2.0l1121. WILL SELL AT PU9LIC ttl'lct ---'"---------I AUCTION TO THE HIGHEllT 810· .......,. DE" FOR CASH, ll WNI mon~ ol No 8lddlf may wlthdttw Ne Bid for 1 period of torty•ll111 t"5I d1y1 llllf the dell HI IOf the opening NOnca TO CMDtTOfll lht United StllH, or • Ollhl1t'1 0# Mil.IC ~.,.,_ ~ cltewn on 1 '"" or neUonal ct.ct. ,., ... u.e.c.) blnk. • 1111• or tederll credit union thlrtof. or • 11111 or fldlrtl 1111lng1 tflO -----------The Board of Education of lht NotlOI 11 her«ly Q1Wr1 to the Cf9o Mewpotl·MIH Unifi.ct School 04. dltcn of ERIC ~MAN, Tr.,.,.. ettlct r--thl right to rejlet wry ror, .,_bl*'-ldctt.-114129 or 111 8\IJt end not -.rlly ac-Seton Rold, City of IMnl, County ~· tM iow.11 Bid. and to wa1111 of Otanoe. au .. o1Cellfornll9271 .. eny lnlormllllty or lfflQIAlflty In 111y lhet 1 1>\1111 trll)tf# II llOOU1 to bl loan 1uool1t1on dornlc;llld Jn thl• rtaJC N()'OC( 1t1t1, II PIY'lbll •t the lime of Ille. -----------11 right, 11111 and ln1tr111 hl6d by It NOTICI u True\#, In that real proptrty ti-YOU AM IN 0t'AUU UNO.Ill A tutti In llld Collnty end Stitt, di-~D Ofl TJIUfl', DATIO NNS I , .orlbld M lollowl , .... UNLIH YOU TAKI ACTION 1 dllblt A' TO fltK>T'RCT Y04M flf!ONltTY rT 8kl ~ ~to THOMAS TAACEY. Tr-.. W"°"T.flllllA UHWtSD lerff, WhOM butlnt H addrHI .. That portion of lol 18 of lht MAY N aou> AT A PUIUC IW. ICHO<M. CMl~T o4 P O. Bo.1 825, City of Huntington 0r-.. e.-tr. e....,• e.cn. County °' 0tanoe. SIAll• of ~ .._..., l'ltlltt, C,.M. Calllomle. ~ OlrecWt Thi property to bl ltlt\"-rld le (714) 1'04211 dllcllbld In 991*11 u : All ttodl In Newport Helghle trlll1 u rtoordld ur YOU NllD AN llll"LANAT10H In boolc ... paoe 13 of mllclllantoul Of' THI NATU"I OF THI .. 1110· m1p1, rec:ordt of Orange Co..tnty CllOINQ AOA INIT YOU, YOU Sllll of C1l1lornl1, detcrlbtd 11 I HOU\.0 CONTACT A LAWY1Ul. fotlow9 Publllhld OrltlQI Coul O.ilV Pl· lttdt. n.1tur11 equipment and good lot, Aprli 22, 29, 1982 11111-82 \11\11 ot tnat T.v: MAGAZINE bulf,_. Blglnnlng 11 thl motl norlh<ltl) NOTICI °' c:omtt Of ttlcl IOI 18, Mid point lltO TltUlft&'I I AU known .. T.V. MAGAZI NE Ind lo- cated 11 4129 Slton Roed, City ol lrvlne, County of Orange, State of Cllllornl1 92114. ITAW OP••·-~ The IMlll! Ir~_.. bl CONUm- blll1Q the ... ttrty ciorner ol ltact no T.a. No. 2·l'OU ftC~ ::.: .. MAim metld on or •ft« 1111 11th day of Tiie lollowlllll -,..... abanC1oNc1 M1y. 1N2 11 10:001.m. 11 GROVER the,_ of lhe ~ ~ -ESCROW CORPORATION, who11 BUY 'N' Tll!A8Ull! 130 fut 11th lddrtll It 111002 llvln• Blvd., Slr .. 1. Slitte o. Co111 MeM, C11t10<nla Tutlin, CallfomlL Ult d•te lor flllng t:it21. ci.im.: s.1o-a2. 2160, u lhOWn on• map recorded On Mey 7, 1982. •t 9:15 o'c;loc;k In book 511, p1g1 18 ol mlac1111. a.m . oo l'rldly, 11 the front entr1111· n1ou1 m1p1, rtc:ord1 of Orange C9 to lht Old Or111g1 COulllY Cour· ~nty, State of Clllfornll, ~ lhOUM. loc:1tld oo SenlAI All• Bl\ld. eouth 60 dlgr-0 I' 43" ... , &3.32 ~ Syeat110r1 Strll\ a Brotd· lwt to llWI motl not'l'-ly corner ol w1y. S1n11 Ana, CA., WESTERN trac:t no 1583, .. lhown on.~ MUTUAL CORPORATION,. Call· recorded In book .. 11. page .. 11 ol fornl1 c:orporellon, 11 Tru1111. or ml1c:et11n1ou1 m1p1, record• 01 eubetltuttd Truttee, uodlr the OtlCI Orir'llf COOOty, $1111 of Calltornl1: or Trust llllCllted by T. H 0 '. toll thence 1ou1h 40 d1gre11 00' 27" proprietor. herein called Truttor, well 1911 72 IHI elong the north· record.ct June 10, 1QllO. 11 lnttru· -tertyWneottaldlrecttothttrue ment No 1101111, In Book 13830, polnl Of b9glnnlng; thence north 60 P1g1 5112 of Olllcl1I Record• ot degrfft 00' 00" Wiii 0 .32 IHI, 0rlngl County, Cllllornll, '#Ill Ml1 thine• south .. o d~rt1s 00' 18" 11 publlc 1uct1on to the hlghHI wut 103.411 1111 10 t~ aouth· bidder for cesh. payable In ltwful .,._.erty Nne of lllcl lot 18, l'*'OI money ot lht United s .. 111 et lhl toulh 50 dlgrWll oo· 00" -t 48 3 I time ol ..... the UllWll1 conveyed 1111 "°"ii llld eouth-ltrly line to to end now held by H id Truetn the mo•t WHlerly corner 01 •a.Id under H id Deed of Trull In the tract no 1583, thence north 40 di-P'OC>lrt)' tltuetld In Mid CounlY Ind gr-00' 27" -I 103 .. 9 ltlt Mong St1l1 dH<:l'•be<I 11 All right, title the nortnwwterty tine ot Mid tract end 1n1w111 into thlt oertaln '"-10 the true point Of beginning holcl 111111 crNlld by 1 ltaM O.tld The fld-..,._ Neme ,......., So tar 11 Is krtOWn t,e the Trent· :.=;-,;,-:,:O ., Or-. Coun!Ton ferff, ell liual,,..I n•me• end Id· Tttom11 8tru1. o• loie•o Wey. dr-Ulld by !hi Tr1net11or tor ......,._, 9-11. CM!orf'll '2te3 the pat thrll Y9ll't lrl. -~ 0 8tlhell .... 8-o w.,, DA TEO AprU 13, 1982 __, 8eecl\. Cllllonllol t2M3 Thomu Tr_., Tiiie bw11net1 wH conducted Dy • Tranattree oen-11 '*= 8,,.,. o..ovr" ~~ow Thia 111temen1 w11 11teo with th• T1'°'!2_ irw.C.. llhd.. ~ca.II "' ar.,. Counl)' .... ....,.,.. .,._., .. ao. 11t2 ).1tl2$-a ~-Publlahld Orange Coal Delly Pttot, ""t>111...a Oteno• Cout o.11y P110t, Aprt 22. 1N2 Aprt t, t. IS 22 1112 1452-C 181()-112 11111 1111as Tfll ltrllt lddt-Of olhll com-November 13, 1978, more partleu-mon dfflgn11lon ot lhl real pro· lel1y dller•bld In Exhibit "A" I peny u herlln1bo111 deecribtd 11 PARCEL t put po~ bl 2330 -15th Loi• 1 2. 3 and !hi Eutlffy t 1001 She was an employee at Street. e.ectl, Celltornll. ot Loi • In Block 3 01 lhe Bilbo• BUGEL FllU'Vlew State HoepuaJ with The underelgned h~reby di•· Bayttd• Tract 1n thl City ot N-· G C UGEL h food • S .. _ .. ...,, delml Ill Mll>ll4ty ror eny ~Ttc1· port Beech County 01 Orange, HENNI!'f · B ,·t e services. .., vav,... -In Mid 1tr11t lddr-or ollw Stale ol C1hforn11, 11 more part!· pused awey on April 21, by a 80n Ray Craft of Santa c:ommon dlllgNttlon culerly dHCrlbed 1n EXHIBn "A" 11>82 1n Weslmm1Ler, Ca. Ana. Ca., step-mother Cor-Said •Ill wlll be made w1tho111 lllKhed hl•llo 1"4 m1d1 • pa11 Born In Copenhagen, Den-ri.ne Morgan of Colorado, a werrenty, 1xpre11 or lmplled, re· htreol mark on November 24. 1901. step-brother Bill Blakely of cumgerdblrn~•1·0P11°'1!,~•,~n. 0• ~ IXH181T WA" -1 ,,. priflcl,._. All right, tttle eno 1ntw111 Into thlt He was a gardener all of his Pennsylvania. step-sister Di· b1l1nc1 of the Nolt or other oblt· cef1aln lllMh<>ld es1A111 C1'11tld by hfe. A resident of Garden xie Hartless of Colorado, 2 ¥'tton 1tc:ured by 11ld 011d 01 1 '"" dated NoYlr!\blt 13, 1978, Grove, Ca.0su1rv:;ed by~ gr1~~~ch~l~den . f~sita~lon ~u;c,:!c,~:=,4:~:';!,0=·=~ ~v·~d~=~::i~.v"~~ children r o Uiel o w e e Q1l urs ay. 11 any under the terme thlreof Incl wife, not lndMdually or Plf80tlllly. Gar den Grove, Ca .. and April 22. 1982 from 12:00 lnterMtoowchldvll'ICll.llldpiue bul toillynTrut1lllOllhlVlllaly M ary Jensen of Denmark, noon to 8:00PM. Services '-· ot1ar1111 •nd ••I>"'-ot the Ftmlly Truat. cre111ee1 by Truat in. also survived by 6 grand· will be held on Friday ~ Truet11 llld ot ,,... tru111 crHtld by denture d1t1d Merch 3, 1972. 11 • 23 982 O·OOAM ' u ld Deed of Ttuet T'ht 10111 llltOt Ind Fun Zone °""e4oplflltlt children. Private services • 1 at 1 · •t • amount of 11.ld 0011g111on 1nc1uc11ng 11 '"."'recorded oec~btr 13. have been held at the Baltz bor Lawn Chapel Wlth Mr. reuonably 1111m111d r.M. chll'gee 11111. 1n Book 11'981 p1g1 t48. Bergeron Smith & Tuthill Oyde Heath of Buena Park and ex.pen-ot the Trutt11, •f the Offlc;laf Record• Weatcllff Chapel Mortuary. o!hdat.in£, Intermen t to fol-time 01 1n11111 publlc1tton of thl• PARCEL 1 Servk:a under the direction low al th e Har b or Law n No~~ 11~13119•20'64. ·1~.2 Lots ' 2. 3 •nd tht Euttrty 1 1001 .,,...., .... or lot 4 In Block 3 of the B1lb01 of Balu Bergeron-Smith & Memor ial Park . Ser vlcea R L ESTATE B•rt•d• Tract 1n the city or N-· Tuthill Weatcllff Chapel under the direction of Har-SECUAITIES SERVICE port Beech county 01 Orange. Mortuary o f Colla Men bor Lawn -M o unt Olive • Celifornlll Stall ot ea100<n11. u P'f map rte· 646-9371. Mortuary of Co1ta M eaa. COfi .. ':;:.:'. • 0tdld '" boolt 4 oe9' 711 OI Miec*-Tru 11neou1 Mtps. 1n lhe olllc;e of thl JACKSON M0-5554. (SEAL) O J Motger. County R-der o1 Mid County . ROY J . JACKSON, age MCKENNA II• Prllidlnh I PARCEL 2 86, an Irvine resident, ~e-DOROTHY McKENNA, '!!!'f!J, ~ 8rotdwey Thtt portoon °1 Block 3 ol the B•I· """ .. vv bot B1y11de Tract. 1hown as en viou.sly of Lake Worth, age 91, a resid ent of Hunt-Slllta Me. CA 92708 unnumoerld 1o11n llid Blod< 3 on a rlda, and Chicago, IJUnols. mgton Beach , Ca. for the (714195~10 mep •-ded in Book•. 1>19178 o1 Died Apr! 1 16, 1982. in put 30 years. Puaed awey Pvt>4flhl0 Otanoe Cout Deily Piiot. M1-'!1MOU• Mape. e1eacrtbld .. Brookfield, Dllnoll Funeral on Tuesday, April 20, 11>82 at "Pr• n 29· Mry 8· 1982 17eM2 1o11owt servicet and Interment wu Pacifica Hospital. M rs. :!:';'~~~~.."°':.'::i.-= held on April 19, 11>82 Mxt McKenna was born on No-11 1hown o,, • M•p reco•d•O In lo his late wife Jennie In vember 12, 1890 in London, PHlJC •lll Book 3, PIQ• 38 of 111d MllClll•· ChJcago, Wlnols Beloved (a-England, ahe waa a member n1ou1 M1p1 who<:h po;nt In 72 00 ther of Fred Jackson of lr· of the Huntington Beach NOTICI Of ""'~• I Ali leet Norlherly from the Northltly Ta. ..._ ~ !Int of Bay A-. thence Wffllffy vine, Ca. and Arlene Kutalca ~nlor Citiuna Club. Belo--NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thlt 11 right 1nglt1 30 oo '"'· thence of Brookfield, Illinois, 5 ved mother of Stella Denlaon on w.on.cs.y, Mry 5• tN2, 1i 11.00 Non""1y parallel with Palm Str11t C dchildren w h o include of M iaalon H ll11, Ca. and o'cto1:1u.m olaekldry,lntheroorn (tl\O'#n HMaln Str91tonMldM19). Y F. Scott Jack.son and David McKenna of B~-Mt Midi tor conducting TrutlM'• to the NonhMtt corner of Lot 1 kl 8 111 REA Block 3 Of the 8elbOI Bayaldl Tract, h I 1 w If e Su u n and 1 0 ham Mlchldan also I U -•I••+ within th• 0 ct1 °1 L 11 lhown on the map recorded In ' • ' . . ESTA E SECURITIE& Sl!RVICE. lo-gre&t·grandchlldren who In· ving are 4 grandchildfen and cited at 2020 Notlh Broadway. book 4, peg• 78 or ulc:t Mltcell•· elude locally Jeffrey J ack· ~ great-grandchildren. Suitt 208. In 1111 ai ot s1111a An•. '*""Mapa. thence Southluterty son, ion of F, Scott and Friends may call at Pierce Coun~of~. 1111 ofCtlltor· =~~o~~C:.:t~C::~ S usan J1ck1on. Memorial Brothers Smiths' Mortuary nll, ALIFOR IA LANO TITLI! Palm S1r11t: lhll\CI South-terly 0 9·00P COMPANY, a Cafllornl1 corpora· service, will be held on from 12:0 noon to . tlon .. ~ IC)C)Olntld Trust• oo-along 111d llne to the Point ol B•· Monday, April 26, 1981 at on Thunday, April 22, 1982 der 'tne1 purautnt to thl power 01 ~~L 3 10:00.AM al University Un-w h,re funeral services will NII c:onfttrld 1n '"'' °'"""" Otld I ted M eth odl1t C h urch be conducted on F r iday 01 Trull 1J1tcut1d by JAMES F Tn,t portion of Lot 24 "' Block A°' · ,.._• · 2 ·O PM, Ct.ARI<, 1 llnQll""" Ind HUOH A Bl)'tldl ... tnown on a map rtcor-18422 Culver Dr .. Irvine,'-«. Apr tl 3, 1982 al l. 0 MATHESOH • tlngll men .. )oltlt ded In book 3. PIQI 311 of ......... 92715. In lieu of Oowen the With Rev. Father Charles W. ltnllllt, ttCord.o Saptemblf' 30, neoue Mapa. recordt ot Orange fanuly request.a donations be Sacquety of St. Wilfred 1ee1, In BOOie 142311 ol Ottlclal Ae-~tyi c:"'S:C.~~ ~ made to the UUMC Memo-Eplacopal Chrurch offlcia· corm °' ~ County, 11 ~ ..a south Range 10 w111, s in 9.,. rlal Fund In hie name at the .,_,, Interment will be nwde ~dlt • lnttrvmeM No 9553• netdlnO a... end Mend1111, e111cri. • ... '6· by r1110n of a brllCfl or d«ault In above addres. tn the Good Shepherd payment or perform1nc1 of the bldufo41ows· g.E'JTERMAN Cemetery. Pierce Brothers obllQltlont _,,Id iner.oy. 1nc:1u-~t"';t 'Ji!: ;~';:'r!,.~ BETTY J KETTERMAN Smit.hi' Mortuary dittcton. ding 11\at twllldl or dlllMlll, NoUct tide Tract ... thown on 1 mep ree- a resident of Oranae Councy ~-8539. ~.:.': :=,;:r.~1;!!:=?.!: orded In book ... p1g1 78 of Ml•· an her life. Puaecf away on OCllSNEB 11.2~. WILL sa.L AT PV8UC ~;:r,.;r:.::::! ~;tr. Aprisl 20, 1982bolb Ana~~~m. __9!:_VERf !!-~!f&deNERl ... :~ ~~T,lg~ ~~.TH~~=!~'~ -ttrlyllonglh1 Nortflllltllr1Yllnt Ca. he wu m ln --.u\a ._....,.,to ...... VI.Ill ......... the United 811111, or 1 c..hlM'• of Mid 8locll 3 to • po1n1 1'00 foot Ana. Ca. oP June 28, 11>23. CA. Paaed away April 20, chtdl drewn on 1 state or net1one1 ~:,!~':"::t':, 1;o;:; ~':dN:~~':';~ 1982 at the age of 86 yeen. b•nll, a 11111 or l•dt r11 ortd11 r ,...._ SurviE , ved0by hie wil0 ehMabel :,:'.C,: !:!:~.r.on~i::Tn ~~~,!. ~:~":~:'~"clo ~'!,~ .:C:.':! t4AUOI UW..,...MT. oun ., 100 eor ge c sn er, thll ltate 111 peyable11 the time of Wotlttrty. mauurld 11 tlgtlt lllQtlt. Moriu~r'f . Cemelf''V N ewport B each , C A ; ..,., 11 rtallt, tltle end 1n1.-t Mid trom the Nor1'--:lt:::Y:'lon ,, Crtima1orv daugh ter Mra. Virginia L. by 11, •• fru1111, In 11111 real pro-~ ':'ioc~~~:::~1.,,:11on ~~ l625 Gisler Ave Malmaten, El Seirundo, CA; perly 111u11tc:t In uld Coonty a1.d lhe llne ot ordlnery hlgfl tJdt of the Costa Mesa daughter·ln-law Virllnla L. si:ai:::C~~o·J~:IN ANO P~lflo Ocean tn Nawport Bey, 11 540-555.. Ochsner , N e w port lHach , TO: .. ttblllhld J>Y • o.ct1t rendtfld In rtlltCI llOTHtU llUllO.ADWAY MOITUAIY 110 Broaowav Co1ta Mesa ~2·9160 IAL.T'I & IH.aOM SMITH & TVTMtU WUTCUN-CHAN.L. 427 e t71n s1 ColtaMel8 e•&-v.l7t ,_CIMOntml IMITMI' MOITU.t.IY U7Ml11''1 St Hl.lnllnQton Beach ~S39 ' C A ; 6 g randc h ild ren & 3 Lot 12 Blook ,, .. of Tract No. g:11;"= In ~or°' tht~~~ ~ 1reat-1ra ndc blldr e n. Ser · 2$-4, •tnown on• MllP -dld In Ofll'IQI in an Action entlltld "City ot vlcet w llJ b e held In the 8ooll 13 P:2" M •nd 37 of Ml .. Newport 8N(ti ,,.,_ Ftr1t Nllllon- Manchester Chapel al~ ~-=~~~~"-ti 8-nlt ol Slt)ta Ana and other•", wood Park Cemetery DetW'· The ,1,.., lddr..e or°""' c.otn-(C .. • No 23879, • certlftld copy of day, April 24, 1982, a t 2:00 mon dHlgnellon of the 1111 pro-which waa reoClfdld Novtrnb., 9, pJ.l Vlal\aUon will be l'rl· peny • hltelnl.bOW dllol1bed 1, 1021111 book 215 PIO' 180 of Offl.. • ru. · OUtPott«t to be: 204 anct 204-14 -Giii Aecordt; .ttwnce Sollthltiettr!V day. Aprtl 2.3, lso2 from 4 to lllh 11,..1.~ ~. Ctll· along ttll u io tide line to II• lnltt· 9 PM at the Cemetery Cha-1om1a. Mellon With 1.111 N~~P'°" -.t. Thi und1111gned lltttDy di .. ~llQn of tht NorthWlll line .-. ...._,__ .._.._. .... .......__ of ffalm Strwt .. e110Wr1 on ,._, .o.••n • ,,._... 11 -.. "" llf'I ,...,.,.,_,. of uld 811t>Ot 11....u.... Tltiet: .,._ ai:.DUD ~In 11611 ......... Of otfW F.,.... ISABELLE B. ROBER· OOMMOft ~. ,_ Sout"-t~ ltotlQ Mid ~ G• ""-· ~-relklcnt for Said .. ,. w111 bl m.o. wttllo..it lonoltton Ind tN Nol'lttaatutr .... .., ...._... -w1tr.,.tY, ._ ... ., '"'ptllcJ, , .. 01 Jof"' Str"t 10 "' lntwNctlon the pai t.28 .~eara, paaoed tMdfne mi., ,_..ion . ., tn· w1tt1 ttie .,,_.,.,... llM of llOcl a~p1l 1~l ~812. Botn OlllMrw-. eo ~ ... ~. i 01 Hid '"bot ••1•1,. Tre~tj In Ord, Maine, OcfOo Mlelloe et ttle Noll Of --*" thence North ... ltrt)' tlono MIG ...__ ...... 1-.. a ._ .. _ __. ..., s ••llon "°'"" by tald DMd 01 Northtu\erty llne 10 the Potftt of ,._ -~ ~-Y•..U •1 ...-. _. -----•• .,,,,..,,.. dau1htAtn, Buth Roberl•· "*· _, ~ ..... ......_."""" txt aPT tllY '*"°" "*"' ~ ......._ _ ... _ __,..a-.1 wt•" Mn. • ,.,....... 1111re1n. • ..,.,..,._, btilow ....,. Low wew w nu -~ .. ,. If .,., loWldtr tlle ..,,.. ...., end TN ltrMt oddttae Utd/Ot OltlC' Annette He mmlnpen of .,.._ .... .,_., • ..,_..,.. ~ 9 0*9cMit1 q ,llJM· ~ ~So ~I·=· Mn, VCoklila =-~: =""...:.. ':; potted to be: IOI r'alfll AvtNllM, auv. 0.1 uwa • n · 1110 oe.o of Tt111t. Tll• to111 ....._ ,_.,.., """'°" ee.dl. IMdicu!:i_ aJlo a W Hen· ll'llOUlltofMld atil ... an. ......... ~ rteti. ueaehambu1h and two ~ ...,, 1110 .... --.. Seid 9•11 iflll " ,...._ wltM\H brodMI' Boland~~ end.,.... of INT,,,.... 11 h w.rr.my M to ti .. poau 11111 or of lhlne. l~andcbddnn. •llM of lf!Hlal 111..-.i.atlofl of Chit :::::'~.,!: ==:; J--Heml--rn. P.lrfcM "':o~ ..... Dltd Of Tri*,_,..,. ... Andereon a9'~Snoe LANO "'°.,.... °' .. t,,_ Md of uc1 I ...... &. mL1 COMttMV, "" """' .,... " _.. a.. ol .__ cutulid '-.hr 1 1~..,........ '"'"·~....,..,,..,With !.-..'!..-anc...... ~T~fATI ..,__ .. ..,.... ..... MdlN •-...w-.-......... ~i.wa. =r~m-&:.-: :-i~_:=::.: I --· '=-:: .. · ,l ... ·r-rM, "'11 • ~.... . ~ ••1 •••• •• ,..... ~ ...... .., • ......... Aa NE"= .,= • ~!!!.¥~/~.~!~ .. , l'!!!tft.~: L.w •8hlnlfW lr-w •.J.,.1.MJ _......._.,. 1rusbW ~ • • • ••••••••• ~., ••••••••••••• ~.i:::::;-::;;: •• .,....-:;;r .............. . J!:,.. ''ff ~.¥.!fft! •.•••• 1.'M c.... • ._. .1a. ..,,..., ""' n11 • ..,, ..,. nn ~ ~ .. .~ ...... ,.. . ....,. ....................... . .................... . ..................... --te ~. MlttlcM uosr ..... .... 3 br. 2 ba , n•wly di e. 2 ''· ' ••. CfPI•, dtpl , AL.... 4.,. ... j)OClf W•<*I 2 ............ .JI&() '"""'* ~ I MMG apt, c I 0 . e t 0 b . a ch & ltO'l'e, ...... /dry« hie· hom•. dbl ~at, HU RAY !Mtl:*lfl 3. . ... .tt200 j)Oelf, .......... """"' ICtlOOlt Good Mighbor· ""· fncd yerd, •ncl•d 8880 bltblUft Ht+..,,..'"'· a600 rno. af-74'7 Ext hooCI. itn. 1 yr Min. ,.,, f'O ,,.. •• no .. ,.. o.c. AINTALI 7~14 ............................... IOO 2 ... OI 175-01•2 ...... "4-318' bfft. HOO/mo + MC11· NO l<IOOIHOl r~ lty1ld1 Cov• :z+d1n _._ r1tt Cle9otit. 54 .. 6442 or M11tld9 2br. gw t31JO ........................ 12200 -..., .... ,_,_ ""' 710-eut. 0 c R!.HTALs 750-3314 8aytrt 58r, dodl .. '321JO Av1 llabl1 now. 1300 ...... 1................. . WoMrtrortl Homet fVtrt w. •II "p. Ag. n I l u!* vlft 2 +In Turt ... 3bd r m , 2bt. wa t•tl COLLEGE PARl<-4Br, 831·1400 8764170. roell Aldg9. COn'lple fufn. gerdener Incl. •1ee. No 38•. pool. H 50 mo. + ..,---------Mov• In with e tool II· pell. &44-2771. dep. 54s.7821 Oover Dt. In WHtclllf OoMntronc Wkly, 2 & 3 bf, brilth l 1 1350 Agt .. z ....... •a. "'Bo Condo. Ultlm1tt llvlng, comp. furn'd. Ger. Avf. 752•6181 · · "'· o.... ...... .. • fam rm 2 bt h<MH!e. 1 ernell chNd m111., •ult• with frplo. llOW, 040-4714 w/frptc, fncd yd, gerd,., otc, '450. ttt & laet. Aef1 111ndecll + 1 Ir & dtn, ---------.___, 'lNli 1111 c:pts, d,..,.. 9000 mo. 1et 1 muel. 842-1487 frplc. llvlng tm & hug• •• -...................... & 111t + •400. 211 Ro-p1110 poor. 1pa BBQ 1 BR, condo. pool, feeuUI, blnhOod Ln. 5M-t737 en •Ci.an 2 br dupll•.1. _011-1 1000 mo.' 549'.94..e: gym, bltllard1, uuna. 24 3PM. llrMt ptltg. Oull1 . .,.75, .. 93-0803 ht 11c . Oerden vl•w. 111111 lnof. H o P•U· 1.:miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ t 595 7 5 4 .4 1 1 ... 8unny 3 Bdrm, 2'Aba '4W474 1• 842•eot7 Kat• '' E'lkM with yord$ dbl Olf.1-1-90---DE_.O,,.-YJ ... EW_C,_ON __ oo....--2 UYHllT ... .., j,.1.nal•la-4 :~~~b~:,~s w/ !'e· 1~ bas mlor3 3 o 'a g9,o ~~'f.t~~~dr= ........... ..--.::..... • . '0. . ' 0 0 ' rilw Pier' and ...,... II -.. 87~1751 .,., mo. AvtM. F 1. IMW.U 1111 1'11 Le.t nw •••••••••••••••••••••• Rent In Co1ta tif•••'• fllll .. 2Bt. 18o,3'0AIYar9doPt.I NEWEST g1t1CI 20 H•llllllm 1850 mo. Incl utll. Cell Townhomt VILLAGE 1 and 2 bdrm Heh with owner 752-5710 COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Br. 11rg1 111toma tlc c:to11bl• 2·~ Ba. 180(). 1800 lq. "-Qarl!ge llr""9CI lllytigh1 associated ~ -.. -' - ~ . . NO LEASE REQUIRED loadcall lludm o~ Md two o.drOOll'llC*t· menls FU"NllHED MCI UNFU .. NllHEO C#H• '•/ lfM Jm of pure luUfY. <Wagee, private oetlo ~· ~~~~~~~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• hydro-tub• In matter •c . '" -' ' 1-Oakwood llto oHera Xln12bt.2.,.,S850. •ult1.dlnlngrooma, . 11n .... ·-· JASMINE CREEK •AlfUIJlltielP.id (213)45o-1te0 wtlelyl wood burning flreplK9e, tw _. COND0·28r + dtn, 171 .. )640-8753 9¥'1/wilnd mlcro-w1v1 ov1n1. pfl. 1172 ~ gulfded 081•. pool, i.o-• llm 1 !IN COZY 2 br. ftplc:, n•w veu p1tlo1 eo.ta MIN nlt.1 1195 mo &40-6188 Occ:uplncy cptt, am paUo. So. of yard1,gard1n., pro 111·.... or 831-ee38 •'1f1Wionln hwy. 1725. 873-173" d9CI. Elag1nt living only N•w Eng. Chermer 38r Aecr'lllloft 15 mlnu1• from Fut\lon ftuf,U V~IJ.. JIJ4 2 Oh b I . f Ir, 11 u. r t c And Much More' llland, 7 mlnu111to8.C. •••••••••••"-A•••••• 11200/mo Agt Terry For 1 monlh or a lole-Pleu or 0 .C.Alrpott. HOMES FOR RENT Han. &42-11235 ...__ .......... ~··· Jut! •Ht of N1wport 3 & 4 Bdrme. $725--$750. "''"' ..._,.,... ,.. Blvd. & eo. of San Ol9go F.nc.d yardt, garagH Nwpt 8lull1. 3 Br on 9-ylto6om NO Altport ., ••• baok bay view. lmmac, rec?ec, 3bl" 2ba. gerl!ge, patio, yard, grdnr. wtr, r-.frlge. sg25. 842-95.42 3 Br. 1'At 8a. tar.Qt, fWI· ced Y"d $830/mo + l400 Mc:Uttty Santa Ant He lghtl dupl111 . 1133.fg21. Frwy. Stlt1ln0 et 1900 a Kid• & P•tt wi lcomt. choice gtMnbelt, lherp month. 931.$..ag, 2473 54~2000. Ag«lt, no lee. 11125. 844-5319 Orange Ave., Colle ON THE WATER! M.... Buli•flN Greet view or boa11 a UOI UY IHti 3141 b1yl,8rlck llrepl1c1, 3 B 3 8 T h 1 •• •••••• •••• ••• ••••••• country llltcnan t Bdrm by ~9bbll I . := ~~· 3 BR, 3 Ba. tplc, kldt OK. Penln1Ul1 COlllQI A111i. d/ pool 1bl 'manY $825 mo. "* for Keith, 111>11 now $875 mo Call •tr~. No 'pet• \:5oimo.1_ee_2_ .... _1_1______ 673-11550 , • • • • • 1 I' a •• c . 5 Blk• LO oceen. Ellganl 2 THE REAL EST A TEAS 84&-8423 Br. Famlly Rm &Den OC-RENTALS ---------1 1850 Mo. Pluth crpt1, 1·5 t><'• 1200 to 12000 2 Br anclld gor-oe. c:ar· M ... del Mar. 3 Br. 2 8a. 2'>\ 81. Cedar & gl111. 750-331.. oper1 7-dlyl pelt, drtp11 773 W Fam rm. 2 trplc, dbl gar, IUfldtd(, dbl car fKV ga- Oakwood Garden Aoertments Newport e.cn/No. 880lr111ne (I I 18th) (7'4) MS..111M Newport BeedVSo 1700 16th SI (Dolle< II 16111) (7W) 142..g"3 • ~21151/moo n .,,.H1 o p111 ~ .. )'(173_G11•730-lnd. rage, fully mtlnl. yard 3 br, 2 bl, frplc, 2 ctr .., ..., ~ • ..,., " No pell. Inquire 11 527 g1reo1 Blks to beach 2BR nr SC Ptu. Adult 18th St. 980-8331 Nwpt Shor11 5'&-8083 1---------3 BR, 2 Ba, gar, Coll~• P1111, 1720 mo. 731-A21• & 831-2494 condot Pool, 1ec. MC .. Br sg1 family qu1e1 CUI· '711 Ply Horizon 52M ml A,ut•nl• 91111 No peta 11100 to de:uc blll• '10 b .. ch 1 3200 or b,111 Ce ll Da/sni6iN 2 BR Eaatlld9. $575 mo. $350 MC:Ul1ty Avalf now 845-2971, 813 .... 890 mov• In S530 + .. 5 utll $ e o o . g 8 3 • 5 e o 8 . g1e..3113 DI-•••••••••••••••••••••• 55&-1826. 962--8891. Oofot.t\y OitJ Uctm .,. Spec condo, 1-'Y de. 3 OC-RENT ALS ..... ~ ln/a18J1 Jll1 br, 2 be. patio. fr pie, 1.5 bf'• 1200 10 12000 •••••••••••••••••••••• Never b1for1 1 r1n111 Cu11om d1cor1ted 3 l drm with gttd•ner 1850/mo 558-034 7 honle Agt. po o I. g 1 r I 8 5 0 . 75()..3314 oplll 7-dlyl 3 bdrm, 2 ·~ b1 · •P•. 48A 2BA yearly. Frplc, &4&-4087. ~IQtit. dick. llrepl-. blt-lnl, parking. CIOle to OC-RE.,T .. LS 2 Br l'lt 8a condo, triJIC, Iii 1111r .. '826 per mo bey & ocean Brltr ... ,... Piiio, CIOH 10 1hop1. ~e& 675-4g12 1·501'• $200 to S2000 W/O S525 8&1·3539 r--.-•.• -• ._----1 -------- 760-331.. oper1 7-days · ..__ _.,,.. C11tu 111 #u UU Lovely Brand new 2Bt, 21.\Bo, trplc, 2 car Ql'IOI wlop1n1r. both bdrm1 art lg m1tr 1u1tes, Plr· tact for •Ingle•. t11y term•. s 1g5 mo Dye 85()..11778, 531-3 ,, .. SPACIOUS 2bt, worltlhOp lnhlt 3144 II WSI •••••••••••••••••••••• ...._ ... Lid •••5 •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Br Canel front Ft• 1 8t clote 10 ~. bll-glt, """'·" •·now_., w~ con Ith 1e O.C. RENTALS75G-33t4 ----• land Mr Clark Y w oceen v w, ftMeM 645-3370. Alt 8 ullll lncld $450/mo The futHt drew In th• 675--6606 WHI ...• Delly Piiot 2 bdrm, 2'h b• 1900 per Big Canyon Condot. 3 8 2 --------- CIUltfled Ad 1>42-5e78. 1-mo_. _55_2.,.,·7,..1_4_e ______ Bdrma., lull golf ooor11 C11t1 #IU JIZ4 _.=. _______ _::.==:--------IRVIN£ view. furnlar'\eCI Ot un· •••••••••••••••••••••• MJC •m turn I 1200 11111 Fum. lwlury Wood~ 8«-7 .. 2 .. Bl<r NS.t Z5$0 hom1. short or lonf 2 master bdrm1, 2'~ b• NOTICE OF DE ATH OF ttrm. CloH to l•k• 111115 W Npt Twnllm HAROLD ARTHUR CON· tenn11 1 1150/mo 7 kid• ok. no p111 Joh~ ~'om"". ~:7'~'~·111050chooH MarlMll Agt 831·2242 N ER AND O F P E TITION " -..,... TO ADMINISTER ESTATE [Uj]\\OOdhrtdtc 8:'~ =:1J ~· ~-:: NO. A·ll!ttt. Eit<*ltnt 1am11y 1oce11on To all hein. be."lefJa.anes. Rull• 11860 pr mo Agt crediton and contingent cre· >S l-JCIOO 1 _1eo.. __ 9333 _____ _ d1tors of HAROLD AR· c 1t:?11111rraaw-1 """'·1""" S..u.... Jiii THUR CONNER and per-' t-3-Br--3-Ba-.-&-ec-Home--ln-•••••••••••••••••••••• !ION who may be otherw1.1e NOt\tlWOods, 2 story-"" N .. 1 3Bt, SHO mo So mterested tn the wt.IJ and/or Cit Plaza .,. L Ktrt lrg l1m. room. No Agt 752-8731 estate. dogt pleue. a.rcsenet & A peuuon hH ~n fileod wet•• paid. 1900/mo Jlnt.I.llft Jnl by LINDA S . CONNER in S4b-2000. Ag«it, no, ..... HOME.FOR.REN.;-•• the Superior Court of IOOW 2 Bdrm "475 G1tage 1 ORANGE County requesting A 1 t><, 1 1>1 1650 c h 11 d o I(, ,, o p e 11 . that LINDA S. CONNER be 2 br, 2 b1 S800 545-2000 Agent. no 1 ... lnted naJ re...,. 2 I><, 2'A bl $860 appo U pel'90 ,,, ~-3 bt, 2,~ bt $875 HOMES FOR RENT sentatlve lo administer the 3 t><. 2 l>t 11500 turn 3 & .. bdrm 1650-$700. estate of HAROLD ARTH· s 3 bf, 2 bl $1400 Fenc.o yaroa & garages. UR CONNER, Cott.a Mesa, .. br. 2 be 11350 l<lclt & p1t1 welcome. CA . (under the Independent .. br. 2!h be 11100 5-45-2000. ~1• no, .. Administration of Estates 3 br, 2 bl $726 C..W..i.iul Act). The petition I.a aet for s LAGUNA HILLB hearing In Dept No. 3 at 700 Lt Rtltor Alty 833-eeOO ••• !~!!. .. /.~ff Civic Center Drive Well, OOOBRIDOE Btotd-LEASE/OPTION UIC Santa Ana, CA 1>270l on moor hom1, 2 br, den, condo. NB. Ocean a bay AIC, pool•. b .. c:t\ club. 1111w. I BR+den, for May 12, 11>82 at 9:30 a.m . I 1111• $750 mo. 11111 more Info c;all 873-.. 11911 IF YOU OBJECT to the Ev11. 6U· 117115 or evs. 5&&-9035 e1y1 granting of the petition, you _7_5_&.._1_7811 ______ .....,. ,_ lduH condo nr should either ep~r al the Unl'I. Pk. 3 BR 2 Ba, to-sc Plue. Sec g1t11, lfeeti•.AU IPllTWlll Bt1utllully 11nchcap1d garden IPlt.. Pool & Spa. Cov1ted p1tltlng. H1a1 plid No peta 8acllelot' $395 I 8t $440-J.455 2 8'. 1Yo 81. '510 2250 Vanguard 540-11626 2 bf. l'h bl. Cfl)tS. drpe, pool, oar S550Jmo. yny. S48-93A 1. &46-2848 Weatfietd , ... , &PTl.- B11utllul gerden 1p11. P1tlollct«*1. Hell peld. No pit• Chlldren w11- come 2 Elf H'. Bl $515 2 Br 2 Ba. S535 3 Br 2 ea. seoo 398 W. WlllOn 631·5583 or 6'2-3708 Cepe Cod TwnhM 2 Br 1 ~ Bl. $490, Cl'J)ll, drpa. No pet1. 675-e608. lle8tiBmJ 11w•1111· New Condo for rent. 2 8r 2'.t Ba. $705/mo. Dbl gar, lirec>I*», pool, IPI 6e& w. '8th. 6'~2739 hearing and 1\ate your ob· F tam rm, fplc:, to-oomer pool Trect 11 1ma11, jectloru or file written ob· fncd yd. AC1aet\ dbl oar. lrlendly, rHort·llll• I '--tioni with the court be· comm pool & )ac. C1oee BR. d ining. air. p11lo YllU llAllll ~ to ec:hool1, park, lt\op· S•cluded end 11nlt No 2 2 fore the hearlna. Your ap-• pint. te75 mo Cell pets S495 + S35 utll. Fem+llll~. bf . pearance may be ln pereon or I 7 1 4 • 11 7 g _ 8 0 0 8 0 r 77s-2seo ba g1r1g1, patio, yard, by your auomey. 714-1175-41-M •---------g•• & w•t•r p a id . IF YOU A RE A CREDI· 1---------2 br, l'At b1, 1p1, 2 cu ISOOf mo. + d1po111. TOR or a con~t Cftd.it.or NEW Woodbridge condo encl gar .. crpl, nr S A :,.3~ ~4~ I Cl• n , C . M . 2 metre. 2*>e. d9n, A/C. COlltQI. 857·22 .. 8 of the deceaa • you m ust E $150mo. 55t-4718 o.tux• 2 bf condo"' sc tile your claim with the -===:..=::.::.:..;.::...._-UIMlll.IH811 """'1Mftl plua, 1u.1utlou1 ·~ cou rt or pre1ent It to the ,____ •~ 1111 • •••••••••••••••••••• till S650 019-alt ...-nonal repraen1.1Uve ap-;;"A';;';' ••• "11.~':. ••••••• ,,,_ • · r-Cl .. n Latge Condo 28r, lfabu"" 1111 Eutald1 4-<plft, 2 bdrm, pointed by the court within D 28a, fem tl'n, 1750 mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• 91r1g1, d.c:ll, no dogs. four month. from the dat. of Herb 831-1729 ont aocn Apl 0\'6tt "475. 548-7133 first !Nuance of letters_., Monu ctl Bay T•,,•c• 4 o d•t P•raon. No P•••· Wt1t1ldt 2 BR. 1 Ba, provided In Section 700 of Br. 3 ee. home. 32941 Yr~nol ulll . s .. oo D/W, pvt pa tio, evall the Probate Code of Califor-8 1 v e n s e •, or. 111 t & ~. 873~765 now. S4to mo. &4()..()997 nla. T h e time tor filing '11276/mo. 87~9074 or1-.,_ __ • --------I Roomy 3 Br. TownhouM clalml will not explre prior 527-7404. S mall 1 Br . o.,pett, opt In qul•I adult com· to four monthl from the date 1575 .. 2 BR ....c:, ~ drepee. S395/mo. p1111. Newly "19C«a1.CS, of the hevlna noticed •bove. 6 r•c tee . o•t•d ve c , 875-0 .. 73 flrtPlfll». ~ ~ ,& Y O U MA"\' EXAMINE 493-1132, en.341fa lf~~A... ,1.~ 1•rage. Sorry, no,,_ .. _,. -575 Mo. t4&A3H t or the file kept by the $)0W1. u Wt ,_, 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• 175-5940. you a.re lnierett.ed ln UM! •· •••••••••••••••••••••• 1111 • .. ---------•ate, "OU ...av file a -ueat Lowly 2 Br. + den, 2 8a. ALL UTILITIES PAID SPAC. 2 BR. Of'£N MAM -" ._._,, ·-... 4 ho me In Th• Woodo. ctcl•. l>ar, Iott of .ood with the court to receive 1760 /rno. + 1it. lu t a Compar• b•fore you 1425 . No pttt, ~21ii 1ped al noUc. of tha tnven· MCUtfty. W4* daye tent. Cuttom dt1lgn Mople St. 54t-7Ht or tory of •t.ate aa.\a and of orjy. fHlurH : Pool. 880 , ,..e,_71-ao3 __ ...,... ___ _ the peUUON , ~un\a and 2 i-.-.. -.. --..._------i OO'i'td ~· IUtroun· STUNNING 1.,ge 1 8r . rePQl1a clecr1bed 1n SectkJn _ ..... .-.-r.••••••••• did ~ '**' ~ oerd.n tPt. poot & rec.. 1200.6 of the C.Womla Pro-HOMO FOR RENT ~'. ~· "°"' l400 at ... '421/mo. 710 W. .... Code. s I 4 lldNM. .. , ... 700, I er. Mn. from MIO 11th. St. LINDA I. CONNER. ~ !::::. M6 w. Wllaon, 142·tt7t •2 81 1 bl Meoa wtcs. A..._.., it Lew up1>9t . New decor. No 11141,&. lltt ...._. • 545-'Aolftt, no• pe11. Oar. HOO/mo . c.... II-. CA ttH7 ..,,_, a.-a ffM m.tt74 (7H) 1114Ml ••••.-••=••:::l'r.' *Stir, "' l.C. Ptlla. IA Publlabtd Oranr Coaat 5 Sbdnn.s11&..n-... U.'I HBll ~·.~~.':':; = ~ April 6, 18, 22. --~ m.:.. ......,_we LMftt1 141-144IO. 1711-.82 ' ._,.ttul ,.,__..tut· '**•a.. tw t.C • ...._ , 6 ro11"d'"''· Terraced I.A. Poof, epa. -· No pool. hfttlen .. 1 •i.q, P•t•. 7 U·llU o r ..aJO IGTa 1par1tt1n1 founttlnt. 141-144IO. 'C'i1atmlr" 1 --------=~~ Tll• rott••lnt pet~n " eotno "' a .utMtt Wlltl to """='A:Cll OOUM TV O,.NA• ~..:"""· =::~:~ = ,.-"' 1"911. • .'., ... ,.:;,rr,.,,. °'-AV tOT IOUT .. M.ANO, 8 ------.-----t ~':'&I',.· ... .,.... ...,...::..._ ...... " .. ........ ....... ,,. ---- For Ad ACtian Cll 1 Daly Pllt ... =n.: ............ ~~eJ----1;======-==Js•seilii1.lim~ } I HI 111 ,(JI\¥ lll'Hll .'. 1·111 OHAN(,f(IJIJN 1 Y CAllftJH NIA l''JC INfS . Coast ho:mes vulnerable to firestor:ms BJ CM Dally Pilot Scaff The ~ million tin that rava-aed Anaheim Wedneeday leavtn, I.200 people homelet1 Just• ee- aUy could have occurred tn Co- rona clel Mar1 Irvine or Hunnn,- ton Beach -anypl_ac~ where untreated wooden •h.l.n&let beck- on f1an)eS like k1ndlillJ ln a fire· place. '!bat ts the optnion of offtdals of fire department• along the Orange Cout. * * * In 10me dtis, auch u lrvlne, a debate ta ractn1 .. to whether any new or re roofed homes al}ould be allowed to u.e wooden roofing materlala unlell they are factory-treat'ed with flre- retardant chemk:all. In other are... flreftahten uy they are gearing their effort.a to prevent atmllarly deatructlve fires ahould a blue break out. Some homeowners' and buil· dera' jUOUpe, auch u the BuilclJ.1U( * * * lnduttry Aaeoctatlon of Ora.nae County, have lobbied a1alnat blanket prohlbttionl aplnlt un· treeted wooden roots. They have conceded the need for fire-retardant roofln1 In net,hborhooda that border Nral areu, but ar1ue that flndlr111 muat be made ln cities' bu1ldJric code. that docummt a n.;sd for prohlblt1on1. Alic>, builderS noted that fire.retardant matert.ai. aes- thetically comparable tow~ * * * lh1Jll)el m!cht COit $2,000 for an avereae houle. In La1una Beach, homea In brushy bWlide areu muat have root. and lid1nP of fire retardant material.I. But homea ln other part.a of the city have no rettrlc· tionl. Luu.na Fire Chief Ron Adami said &la department wlll docu- ment the damqe tn the Anaheim fire fot' \be City Council. "We'll atve them the fact. and * * fl1ure1 and If they want to ex-~ future opUona for Laguna h, they may do IO," he aald. In lrvine, the Orange County Fire Department haa taken a tou,her at.and. Fii'efl&}lters don't want •ny untreated wooden roofa. Alllatant Chief Bob Hen- neuey Mid the Anaheim exam- ple explalna why. "It wu a very urbanlz.ed area," he aald. "I think you could aay that fire very w~ll could have * *· * happened In. Irvine aa well aa other communJtlea In the unin· corporated county.'' • The county Fire Depar~ent conU'aetl lta aervtcea ln Irvine. Wooden 1hlngle and ahake roofl are dangeroua, Henneaey explained, but not juat becauac the dry wood la flam~ble. He aald the makeup of the shingles allowa particles to explode aod then ahoot like "burning Frls- (See ROOFING, P~ge A!) * * * Fire rubble prob~d for vi.ctims Laguna schools Spanking ban approval seen I Laguna Beach Unified School Diatrict truatees appear ready to ban cor~ral punishment at the• dl1trict s four schools, des pate arguments the action would cloee T wo bank jobs linked to ·s uspect La1una Beach police Investi- gators aay they are ''fairly cer- tain'' a bank robbery auapect ar- rested in Laguna Hilla Wednes- day afternoon Ls the same man who fled a Laguna S.h bank earlier in the aay with J850 ln caah. Sheriff'• deputiea arrested John Comell\U Van Breukeln, 25, of Mlaaloh Viejo, after a lengthy foot chase through the Laguna Hilla Mall, an adjacent shopping complex and a redden- tial nelahborhood. "The suapect had evidence on hla penon that llnka him to the ~~una Beach bank robbery,'' Laguna Beach Police Chief Nell Purcell. The chief wouldn't di9close the nature of the evidence'. A man limulating a weapon ln hla panta pocket confronted a teller at the Security Pacific Banlc at Forest Avenue and Se- cond Street ln Laguna at about 12:30 p.m. Wednesday. Police aaid he fled out the back door of the downtown bank and neaped juat aecoru:b before oW- ~ arrived at tlle bulldlng. Sheriff'• spokesman Sgt. Bill Volteen aaid ••man entered the Ftrtt Interstate Bank at 24032 El Toro Road in Laguna Hills at about 2:30 p.m., bane.Una a note demanding cash to a teller. He fled that bank with $1 ,200 ln caah. and was fol.lowed actOl8 the parking lot to the Laguna Hil1I mall by a cuatomer who aaw hlm flee the bank. OffJcen, provided with a de- tcrlptlon of the suapect and his red motorcycle, found the man hldJna ln a backyard followiq a footclme. Van Breuke1n wu booked into Oranc• County Jail on auapicion of armed robbery. WORLD an option for awdent diadpllne. The achoo) board will meet next week to conaider a policy change that would aee an end to paddllngs of students. The cor- Poral punishment palicy has been in force in Laguna Beach for more than two decades. Truatees, on a 3-2 vote, appro- ved a tentauve policy change last week that would prevent an ad- ministrator from Issuing a padd- ling to a student -even with the approval of th.at pupil'• parenta. The.distrlct'a preaent policy on paddlingJI wu adopted in 1960. A former 1ehool board, actina on a state mandate, revllled the policy in 1975, requirjng that parent. give permlaal-6 tor achool offl- ciala to admlniater corporal pu- niahment. Trustee Bon Chilcote, who was on the board in 1975, waa the only board member to oppose T punlahment at that time. e ~ .. joined by members Carl Schwarz and Jan Vlcken ln aeek!ng elhninaUon of cdr~ral punlahment at U-guna achoola ln voting last week. Su1>_EOrting the current policy were Harry Bithell and Dan Da- ruela. The new policy, which comes up for a second hearing next Thunday night, reada. ''Corporal punishment shall not be permit- ted In the Laguna Beach Unified School District." Blaze d rives many from auto show Scared off by reporta of the diautrous Anaheim fireatorm, many who would have attended the opening of the Orange Q>unty lntematlonal Auto Show at the Anaheim Convention Center stayed away Wednetlday evening. "With all the publicity about the fire, people decided not to chance coming to the 1how,'' aald ahow producer Dick Libertine, Dahnera Expo.ltlon Group vice president. ''Without a doubt, the lire had an eff~" Show houra are 3 to 11 p.m. today and Friday; 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday; and 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday. . ~ Bomb planted in Paris PARIS (AP) -A bomb planted under a car ex· ploded u\ the abld,ct qf momida nllh·hour c:rowdl ln central Parts near the Cbampi r.i,.... today, ldWna a YC>Unl prep.ant Frenchwaman and ln).u'tna 83 people, police Mid. ·-· NATION More cop •hows on w.1 The networka an COIJllldlrtlll ~ ..._. lllcu- .. an "dU-.~ far &be fall •rim ..... Cl. J 'l'u-iree 'ell~' ......,.,, u-. -... , •·:i11·-. ... •• ....,. ,. ............... . .,.., ......................... EYBS, B E AKS AND PEATBl!RS -Two baby homed owl.I who were rs:ued from a' felled tree by a i.a,una Beach man. are being fed raw steak (fllet, no leu) until they are strona enough to be .et free. State Filh and Game authorities say It 1a against the Jaw t.o keep the rare bird.a, but their benefactor says he plans to releale the owl.I when they are old enough to fend for themselves. He laid the bJrda are two weeks old. Simme ring dis pute Crystal Cove plan stalled by state State Parka Director Peter Dangermond Jr. and re~tll­ tivee of Crystal <:ove State Park'• evicted part-time cottage dwel- 1.erl have yet to come up with a pi.rt to pol\pone the evic1iona. Dan1ermond met Tuesday with AuembllWoman Marian Ber1non and Cry1tal Cove lob- bylat Richard Ratcliff ln an at· tempt to te10lve the almmerina diapute over the part-time resi- denta' evictlona. (Related 1tory, Page-Al). But Daniermond bu maintai- ned that, unle81 directed other .. wile by the Lelillatwe, be will proceed with tfte July 31 evtc- tlom ln order to comply with a le&lalative mandate to open the park tot' public I.lie. The meettna between Dancer· mond, ~and Ba\Cllff WM 1lated ln an attempt to settle upon a plan that both the para department and Crystal Cove realdenta could reoommend to a STATE legl1lative 1ubcommlttee this week. Batdlff tenned the meeting u beinl ••exploratory." He added, "thl1 la not a war at thla at.age between these people and the atate." Mn. Bergeeon aald her pu.rpoee ln attendJ.na the meeting wu ai- med at ''mlnimlzinf the difficul- tle1 of relocattn1' the evicted part-time rellderlta. But the lawmaker pointed out that the pu'k ii a "ltata relOW'ce and the commitment to public 9CCl!9 bu aot to be honored.'' Eviction ilotices for 23 of the 45 50-)"!IU'-old cottaaw were delive- red to realdenta April 14. Cot- t.-gee mUlt be vacated by JulY 31, aecordtna to the evkUon node& Full-time realdent1, on the other hand, are to be offered a two-~ear leue extenalon, aald Rod Tuttle, the delmtment'• de-~ cUrec1or for leplatJve af· ---- ,Crash kill• 4 men J:L CENTRO (AP) -J'our Martnm cm mnpanry ~ 12 Toro wen killed today "'*1 tbllr' llUn with • ..ni-tnlllr trudr.. ...... ,\IDCls_Jta trailer. •uthortU• aatd. There ·W'M·llO limMdlite ldmdflmUan. COUNTY ........ ,.,... ............. ,. 'G.llMI a.lillf.d--~==a.':J 1::: La g una n s b id to R eaga n o n sea o il ban Laauna Beach 11 1taglng a last-ditch letter-writing cam- paign thla weekend to encourage l>risldent Reagan to delete the lease of nine oll tracta off La- guna'• ahorellne. Mayor Sally Bellerue hu en- listed the aid of aeveral other council members, and has asked for volunt.eer1 to man ubles to be 1et up at Main Beach Park bet· ween 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Saturd- ay and Sunday. Leaflet. outlining Laguna'• concern about the upcoming oU and natural gu leue sale will be diatrlbuted and paper and pens will be available for on-the-apol writers. "We'll even provide the stampe and aend them off," the mayor aald. The dty hu been IUOOl!9lful ln perauadlna the atate Coaatal Comml11lon and Governor Brown'• office to recommend deMdon of the tnctl from ·Leue Sale No. 88. INDEX ~ .. 82 M ~ AO 82 Dl.DM a ca m M a;.e • (" '. )'1'{'-" > I "_.. .--' "" , Damage $50 at million BY FREDERICK SCBOEMEHL OftMO..,NotStefl Anaheim Fire Department ln - apectors poked through the rub- b1e of Wednelday's aevaatating fire today to determine if anyone died ln the firestorm that de- stroyed more than 500 apartment units. Inspect.on alao were making sure the area ia safe before per- mitting about 1,200 homeless re1ident1 to return to pick through the ~hes. Fire officiala aaid they could noi predict how long the inspec- tion would take. "It could go very faat, or it could tak e. 12, 14 hours," one fire department spo- kesman said. No one has been reported mis- sing in the aftennath of what ia being deBcribed as the m<ll!lt dts- aastroua fire in Orange County hiatory. The initial damage eati- ma te is $~0 million , a figure Anaheim Fire Chie f Ro be rt Simpson aays is "low" a nd ''conservative.'' In other fire-related develop- menta today: -Gov. F.dmund G. Brown Jr. was evaluating whether to ask President Reagan to declare Anaheim a diaaster area for pur- pose• of prov iding temporary housing and grant funds to fire victima. A decision ia expected by Friday. -Two ma nagement flrms owning more than 200 of the deatroyed unlta, JPS Manage- ment, of Orange, and Ronaon F.quity Management, of Fuller- ton, were maklng arrangementa to either provide new apartmenta or caah payments to fire victims. IPS officials said they would provide free rent to former le· nants at other apartment com- plexes under its owners hip, whHe Ronaon officials were gi- ving fonner tenants a refund on rent and deposits and as.aiaUng with relocation. -The American Red Croas was continuing to process fire · victima and uslst them by ativin.I them acrlp good for fooa ana clothtna. The Red c.;rosa, at an emergency ahelter at Ball Junior HJ&h School. will provide three meal• per day tbrouahout the weekend and help ln relocation eUorts. -The Apartment Aaociation of Orange County waa coordina- tlna other effotta among land- lora1 aimed at flndlna new ac- convnodatlona tor the homelea. C7 82 C7-t 84 A3 OPl Cl-4 B5 as C7-t A2 AJ ROOFING BLAME)) ~ • • beH" In the wind from one rooftop to the Mxt. 11There'1 enou1h 1ut>.tance to them 10 when they do land on the roof, they don't ao out," he aa.ld. t The Irvine City Councll i1 1,11cheduled to vote May 2~ on .~·whether to inatitute the citywide ban on Untreated wooden roof1. "The city Plannina Comml11lon '• haa voted 3-2 to endone the ban. · A key element in the ban, r Henne11ey added, 11 to force rnldenta to use fire-retardant •' material.I when rerooflng their , homes. • Huntington Beach Fire Chief Ray Piccard aays condition.a are 1 pre.ent in his city for a fire dJ.s- a1ter even worse fhan Ana- ,, heim'1. Huntington Beach has ~. "hundred1 of acre1" of wooden roofa, he added, and no law1 re- ' quiring fire-retardant materials. "· Piccard aays he'd like such an •. ordinance, but claim• political ~. realltie. and preeaurea from the wooden shingle industry are not · conducive to the change. But he's . watching Anaheim and If that city adopts 10me laws, maybe he will 1ugge1t proposals to foUow ,. them, he said. .. · Costa Mesa has no prohibitions • · on wooden roofs either, but Bat- talion Chief Jim Richey says his .•department would support a ban • on untreated wooden roofs. In Newport Beach, Fire Chief . James Reed said he wasn't aur- priled by t.he wind-fed inferno in Anaheim. Corona dei Mar nearly , had a similar fire in 1980, he said. A 1tn1le 1ara1e went up In flamet on a day with hot Santa Ana wlndl and by the t.ime flre- t11htert arrived, a dozen 1hake roofl ln the Cameo Hi1hland1 nelghborhood were on fire. The spot fires were dou.ed before they grew, but Reed 11ld he'1 · favored requirementa for flre- retardant materiala when roofs are built or remodeled ever.lince. He claims there are tile and Fiberglas materialJ that rnemble wooden shingle. or shake1. He doesn't like treated wooden materials because he uya wea. ther conditlon1 quickly break · down their fire-retardant quali- tie1. Wooden roofs are prohibited in N"ewport Beach for induatrial or commercial bulldinga, but are al- lowed in residentiaf tracts. As in Huntington Beach , Fountain Valley also hu the po- tential for a tragic re1identlal fire, says Fire Chief Richard Jorgensen. who not.es hia city h.u no ordinance outlawing untrea- ted wooden roofs. Because the city la almo1t completely developed, fireflaht- en concentrate lesa on chang1na laws and more on malntainlna defel\let to combat roof fires, he said. Jorgensen praised the fire- flghten' work Wedne1day in containing the Anaheim blue. "If you look at the map. we have wood 1hlngle roofl from Anaheim all t.he way IOUth," he noted. "Tb.at fire could have ker.t aoinS all the way to the ocean.• '.:3 Laguna schools slate open house Three achools in Laguna Beach will be hosting open house nighu. wlth activities ranging from an outdoor barbecue dinner. to de- monstrations by performing art students. At 8:30 p.m. the sixth grade claaaes will perform a square dance demonstration. Laguna .Beach High School's open houae will be held April 29 from 7 to 9 p.m., with activities 1'' The fint open houae, 1taged by ' El Morro Elementary School, will " be held from 6 to 8.30 p.m. next · beginning In the boy1 gym. lntroduction of teachen begins at 7 p.m., followed by PTA elec- tion1 and election of School lm- provement Plan officers. ·'Wednesday. ,r The 1chool Parent Teacher Aaoci.ation wlll host a barbecue •.dinner at 6 p.m ., followed by school work and lldence displays in lndivtdual clusroorn1. ·:·Mubarak ho lds talk ·· CAIRO. Egypt (AP) -U .S . · · Deputy Secretary of State Walter J . Stoeuel met for a half hour · today with President Hoani Mu- barak as ceremonies to mark Is- rael' 1 r eturn of the Sinai on Sunday were started In addition. demonstrat1on1 by perfonning art students. tours of classrooms and chat• with tea- chers will be held tlu oughout the evening. Eighth grade students and pa- rents are also invited to attend to orfent pupils and thelr parenta to h.agh school activities. . And Top of the World Ele- mentary School will hold its open house May 6, with a IClence fair, tour of classrooms and refresh- ments planned for the 7:30 to 9 p.m. event. T e mperature' NATION Coastal HI Le ltqi' AJ~y 50 32 Alt>uqu. 55 38 Small craft advleor~ for ., ... Am.,•no 54 32 .,.._ ~one fron1 ant• Bar-,.,~ &II 44 01 lier• to M41•1<:an bOrCS. tor IOClll Atlanta 71 47 ~ ... t to nortMMi wlrlda of Atlentc Cry 83 '° 36 knot•. Witt! wtnd --4 Auttln 50 49 1 12 to 1 ._. aoum-t wind• a to 15 Beltimor• &4 3' llnot1 In •lt•rnoon W•et•rly Bllltnga &4 " 1well• 1 to 2 fMt Mo111y c•••r BlnnHlgnm &e 441 .... 8iamatct. 52 31 8olM e3 311 Boston &1 39 01 • stresses ' defense Former prettdent Richard Ni- xon, 1peakln1 forcefully to a friendly crowd; told an Anaheim , audience Wednnday nlaht that the United States m1.&1t neaottate nuclear arma control from a po- lltlon of •trenath, not weakn .... Th" 37th pre1ident, who res- igned from office in 1974, de- fended pollcle. of President Reqan aimed at bollterina U.S. nuclear defeNeS. "People ask why he 11 spen- ding this money on defense ... He Is 1pendlna It in order> to ta· tore the balance of power (bet.ween the United States and the Soviet Union)," Nixon said. The former prelldent appeared at a $150-per-penon fundraiaer which attracted more than 800 attendees and la expected to net more than U 50,000 for the county Republican Party central committee. A 1elect group of 100 couples paid $1 ,000 each to attend a pri- vate reception with Nixon. Nixon aaid he did not doubt the sincerity of backer1 of a propoeed nuclear freeze whereby the United States and Soviet Union would each a1ree to halt pro- duction, testll\I and deployment of additional nuclear weapon1. But he 11id 1uch a freeze would only work to the benefit of the Soviets, who. he claimed, have more land-based nuclear weapons than the United States . Cr ystal Co ve plan eyed b y coastal unit Memben of the State Coastal Cornmluion are meeting in Loa An1eles today to consider a pu- blic works plan for the new Cry1tai.Cove State Park. If approved, the plan would oulllne polici.es for protecting the environment, provide park faci- lities and lilt priorities for deve- lopment of the land, purchaaed by the at.ate in 1979 for $32 mil- lion. . The co11tal commiaion 1taff ha. recommended the plan'• adoption, with the condition that the state Department of Parks and Recreation submit plans, en- vironmental reporta and other lnfonnation each time any apec- lf ic project is considered for completion. That means, for example, should the 1tate parka depart- ment propo1e to con.atruct a pic- nic and day uae area within the 2,343 acre park. materials outli- ning the environmental con1ide- rations. 1ii.e, location, capacity and design muat be submitted for coutal commia9ion review. warm V.S. 1um mary 8'~ 72 &8 06 Buflalo 42 28 ~ <•• ••.• -=1• Bvf1ington so )A 01 Show•re a11e1 thund•reto1m1 Ceac>W 55 27 de""**' part• of Texu loul-Oheflttn SC 71 97 tlana, toulh•rn Ark•11•H and cn.1'1n WV 57 311 t eoutMrn Ml1t1111pp1 today, and CNlntte NC Ill 50 ~M 5t 24 Ill«• WU light tnOW In ..,_ M.-Chicago 53 32 ~ and _._n Atlzona A f•W thow•11 and thun· ClndMall 55 34 d«lhow9rt -· tcall-.cl CW• ~ 51 35 Jh• IOUth Atlantic COHI llat .. Clmbla SC n It .01 end rain WH r•por1ae1 ov•1 th• Cc*lmbue 52 3t law« ~ Va:l.c, Dal-ft wth 11 411 21 CINf Mllea pl'W acfOM tM o.yton 53 " r•t ot IM country o.nver 51 21 Tiie Natlonal w"t'* a.rvioe o.a Moine. 58 30 .02 foflellltt ralft and ttiuncs.1tor1M O.UOll 53 It "°"' ,,_ M111t11~pl ~ ttw~ Duluth &5 31 El Peto &2 41 Ille Mll.,n Oul llatff and f fargo 55 " rlOa. llca!Wed 11\owef 1 and laolllad ~ ... 4f 2t tlluncMf'~1 w.,1 Pfldlctad " 43 frOfll ... llfn Atlzona ICtOM tflll Hwttord ff ae m '°'11Mrn Aoclli.t IOf tt1e r..t of ~ e3 2t lN llM!on. ......, IO .. • 01 T•11t1•ratur11 •ttly tod1y HoUltOfl .. Q .tt ::·:.. 511 3t =• ftllll 17 In M8Ti:lt•, .. 13 .. io1t1n~w•. , ·=ea: 11 ea eo 41 Cal.ifomia "'LaV..,.a 70 .. UtUia ... .. 46 LOU!Mlt 16 • T'lte ..,_ AM Wldt lflllt top. Ubboc* '7 42 =-IO St .... _...., llnll end llltlMd .. II n vau1t1~11 •llould HH ....... .. • tfnutll , ~ louttlefn ........... ~ .. JO Cellfornla wttll 1no1 •t IUftfty, ....,.,.. .. 4t ..,,.. ..... ,.ion• w ..... .... ~ 13 .. '°' ler"1IOl 116d. • NewYOft ,. u ' . 0 ·-·" ~ ---=== Norfolk ., ,, MatyWIM '° "' ff<>. Pl•ll• &7 23 Monw.., 71 Ollie City 11 35 ..._,... Ji Omehl 58 32 .Ot Oellllnd M 61 0!1lnOo 112 .. Puo Aoblila 11 44 ~ &4 31 Red lllUft n IO 75 27 A«twood Ol1y 12 M ~t. 51 31 Sacrll\'llf\10 77 -57 " 17 8ellnu 11 4t Piiand, Or• 77 ... sen Diego It 61 Pt~ 111 3& .Ot sen "'MClloO 71 st ::t'Clty ell .. Santi lltfWI 75 49 58 27 Stnt• Mlt'll 79 Reno 13 21 Stodlton to a.it L.lkt ea 30 TMrmtll 12 8811 MtOlllO ... 47 .1' Ukiah 63 91e"1• 71 .. eat at ow 10 .. ~~ ... IO .04 Bio'-Q 21 IO 21 11 ~ 70 21 8t lUt .. H 17 .. 81 P·T""" .. 13 ·==at . .. •· It SC.Matti 31 20 ,., ., ..,._ .. .. Mt.Wllefl .. 41 SyreaMe . It N .....,e.cfl 12 .. Topeka eo 14 om.to 11 II TUCNft 74 .., Palm lpttnea " 11 TulM .. II ....... . 14 ... w~ .. ... Wlct!ltl IO 14 CALl'OMIA ........ Ill = ., r::r .. ., 11 Loe Mfllll = The ........ lfll'YICil Phldlet_, _.... ...... It tOlolO:':J: "' ....... ,_and alOtlQ ...... , • DeltyHoclUff ........ LAUDE D FOR VALOR -Laguna Beach Police Sgt. Don Barney, 33, (left) and Officer Mark Fields, 22, have received the Medal of Valor for actions during a confrontation with an armed and dt1traught woman in Janu&ry. The disturbed woman poin!ed a revolver at the two officers, who managed to talk her out of firing the weapon. Barney is a five-year veteran of the department. Fields has been with the police department for a year. 'Fun run' aids Laguna lifeguards A six-k1lometer "run run" to raU!e money for the Laguna Beach Lifeguard Aaeociation, will be held May 1 at 8 a.m .. starting at City Hall. Proceeds from the run wW go toward the as1oclation11 building fund. Llfeauarda have received the city's per- mi11ion to construe\ a head- quarters at the north end of Main Beach Park. •The Senior Citiz.ens Club of Laguna Beach, in conjunc- tion with the Gerontology Proeram at Saddleback Col- lege, LI conducting home vi.lits to incapacitated aeniorw. Student nurses from the •California 1denttflcalion cards will be distributed Friday to Laguna Beach se- nior ciuzens who don't have a driver's License. Lagunarua 62 years and ol- der may obtain the cards at •The UC Irvine Theate-r Guild board of directors has named Dr . Joie J onu, of Laguna Beach, as guild pre- sident for the year. Dr. Jones la director of Run participants wall J08 down Forest Avenue and IOUth along Glenneyre Street to Alta Vista Way -a dis- tance of 1.9 miles. and return to City Hall. For entry forms or more Information. call 494-6572 between 9 a.m . and 5 p.m. Cost of th'e run is $6 with a T-shirt and $3 without. The run is co-sponsored by Ron Williams Real FAtate. college are sent out to visit home-bound older Lagunans to help solve problems. Seniors who would like ,a home visit are ucged to call the Senior Citizens Club, 497-2441. $3 The cards are vaJJd for 1 O years A representative of the Department of Motor Vehi- cles will be at the Veter.ms Memorial Community Center, 384 Legion St., from 1 lo 3 p.m radiological sciences al UCI's Medical School. He ls the au- thor of two books on radiolo- gy and more than 130 tech- nical publications. Britis·h to take island? LONOON (AP) -Brlti1h de- 1troyerw were acheduled to anive today off South Georgia. 800 miles east of the Falklands, the British pre11 reported, and there was 1peculallon lhey would land force1 lo retake the South At· lanllc l1land as a demon1tratlon to Argenllna of Brltlah detennl· nation. The preu repqrts aaid the de- stroyers were detached from the 6'1 -ahlp Britiah armada bound for the Falkland archipelago and 1ent al top 1peed tot.he Falllands dependency that a small Argen- tine force occupied April 3, the day after Argentina seized the maan ialand1 2:SO miles pff 1t11 eouthem coast. Only about 140 Argentine aol- diera were reported on Sou th Georgia, in contrast to an e1t1- ma ted Q,000 or m ore 1n the Falklands. The rest of the Br1t1sh war fleet was onJy a few days from the Falklands. British defense 1<>urces said It would go on full war alert Friday night whM it came within strike range of Ar- gentine aircraft. The British fleet had its first brush with the Argentines on Wednesday when a Harrier fighter-bomber from the carrier Hermes intercept.a1 an unarmed, long-range Boeing 707 surveil- lance plane of the Argenllnrai:r force. The Boeing turned away. "lf I had fired, he would have been dead, but I wouldn't like to have been responsible for star- ung a war," aaid lhe 25-year-old Harrier ptlot, Lt Simon Har- greaves Meanwhile, Gen. Leopoldo Gallien, the Argenune president and commander-an-chief, was flying to the Falklands tOday for a visit "to give the fmal orders" lQ t.he occupauon force there the Ar1tenllne government reoo~. J ews o ust e d from Sinai YAMIT. Occupied Sinai (AP) -Israel.J troops climbed ladders to storm apartment blocks in the Smai Israeli town of Yamit today and in a half-hour battle ousted more Jews resisung the return of t.he desert temtory to Egypt next Sunday. The squatters fought back with burning tlres. fistfuls of sand and poles with which they t.ned to knock down the 9Calmg ladders. Men struggled with the he lmeted. unarmed soldiers whale women wept and screa- med Firemen sprayed the diehard Jewlah nationahs-lS with jeta of foam and sea water while a crane lowered a cage onto the roof to remove some of the 300 people from the two-story building in the dying settlement by the Me· diterranean. 1 A new rendition of an old classic. A floral design incorporating a tropical bird printed on a polyester and cotton kettle cloth fabric. A store that offws fine traditional aportswMt for men. women and boys. ' • wrnrnauJ ' . . . PLO won't retaliate· No vengeance planned for lsrae~i attacks IJ TM AIMdatell Preli The Paleltlne Liberation Orpniutlon'1 main faction will not ·~ m.el'• mullve alr attacb on PLO forc. tn eouthem Lebanon ~ the 11- ....U. ltl1ke ap1n. ,uerrl11a ~ -1d today, But more radlcal PLO f.ac11onl Mid they will retalJat. for the Wednetday bomblnp by uraeU warplanel that kWed 20 Paleldnlanl and wounded 40, Ind Syria Mid it would confront any new la'aell move into Lebanon. The Jewish ltat. mid it planned no more action .,.wt Lebanon-bMed PLO ~ uni-they afruck and that tbt cm.-fire Arranaed nine montha -CO could be pr !11 rved. Brezhnev attends celebration MOSCOW -Soviet President Leonid I . Bnzhnev reappeared today at a gala celebration marklna the l 12th anniversary of the birth of Vladlm1r L Lenin, end1nc a 27~y at.eilce from public view that sparked reports he WU lerioualy w. 1be 7~year-old Bttzhnev, who repor1ed.ly waa hmpltallr.ed late last month after a grueling trip to Mexico makes MEXICO ~ITY -Mexico has Instituted belt.-tlghtenlng meuures ln a move to restore con- fidence 1n the economy, reduce the lncreaai.ng flow of dollan out of the country and cut the staggering f~debt. Re.ulta abroad should be minimal, but Mexi- Soviet Central Alia, walked to hll seat in the Kremlin Palace of Conaellel. He looked pale un- der the strcna Uahw of the ball and applauded u the audience of !,000 clapped in greeting. weann, a dark suit with medals on b.la chest, Brezhnev remained ltand1na for the plaY1nl of the Soviet national anthem and then took his -aeat on the stage wtth other Soviet offJdala.. cutbacks cans lUtely will see scarcer and more expensive lmporta and higher prlcet and taxes. The meuures, announced Wectne.day ._ do not include currency controll, but call for a '6-billlon reduction ln importl by the mid of the year and an additional federal budget cut of 5 percent. 1,500 flee chemical blaze · HAZELWOOD, N.C . -Firefighters to- day controlled a blue that sent up huge black clouds of amoke mixed with deadly chlorine gaa at a blast-tom chemical plant and forced l.~ people to flee their homes for the night. · Three-fourths of this western North <Arolina -up the fiM rtiiga of deadly mnoke, vt.lble 27 miles away. Two nearby houtes bad their roof.I blown off by the blast and were later destroyed by fire. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Thurlday. Aprtt 22, 1082 L Mass Ensenada finish Y otJ. had to see-it • to believe it _. • • • By ALMON l..()CgABEY Dllr,... ...... .,.., More than 100 ailing yachts try1na to crom a 100-yard finilh une llmultaneou.aly. V eterana of the Enlenada race are &CCW1tomed to seeing crow- ded startlna linel, with occuiooa1 bumptna. but all .,..ee that such a finisb , after l~ mllee of uWng, JOO couldn't happen. But happen It did. It's unbelievable unle11 you were one of the yachumen in- volved ln that 1963 f1niah of the Enlenada race, or were near en- ouah to wit:Dell It. One witness WU the late .Wally Gearha(dt. a profellional photo- grapher who was c:rewtna on a y.cht whkh bad fin.lahed only a few minuta ahead of the famous cruah. Gearhardt looked back and uw the yachta under full spin- nabr converging on the finlah line. He hailed a small Mexican ''bum boat,'' grabbed his camera and some color film and went back to record the f.amoua finiah. Gearhardt eold a lot of printa to yachtsmen. .,.., ............... LIFE SA VER -Mary Alice Clark (left), communications director at Hoag Memorial Hoapital, and Hoag administrative aide Nancy Farber examine the hospital's new emergency lif ellne system. Bud Delenberi WU eail1nt h1a 36-foot lloop Miltr&l ln the raoe. Deeenbera recaJlr. "At daybreak that mom.lni we were 1latttn1 about on Mlttral about five miles north of Toda. Sant.al Bay. There wun't a ull tn lda)lt. "By breakfaet time a few bright-colored 1ptnnakera were beginning to dot the horizon, a..Pparently bringing wind with them, U 10 often happens in the En.enada race. · "A. the morning wore on, the number of sails utem mcreued and by 9 o'clock 100 or more yachts were converging on the finish. J had a TV newsman aboard who, up to then, had found nothing worth rec:ordina for a viewing audience. . ''The wind died, and then re- covered. We worlted the boat hard, but weren't moving very fast. "Thoee utem with spinnakers drawing began to blanket tha.e . ahead, allowing thoee behind to move into the lead. The blanke- ted yachta fell back to clear air utem. Their chutes filled again and put those ahead ln a wind shadow. The lead changed con- stantly. ''Any experienclf!d racing skip- per could tee th.at there w• no way that mau of yacbu could croa the fini.lh line which wu aet up for no more than 20 boeta. Many of them tried to drop out. but by this time there was no I place to drop to without oollldin8 with other boat&. There was no room to maneuver. "The late Don Morden was race committee chairman. His unbelieving eyes finally told him to believe what was happening. He ordered hla crew to man tape recorders to record the numben of tµiiahlng boata. community was evacuated Wedneeday afternoon when three expto.ions flauened the plant and 1ent The fire waa still bumina at 3:30 a.m. PST to- day, said Police Chief Ken M"oore. "It's under con- trol, but it'• still hot and we've got about 18 firemen on the .:iene." New hope expressed on Hoag's lifeline budget within easy reach WASHINGTON -A glimmer of hope for a bipartiun compromiM on Presid ent Rea(an'a red-ink spending plan ls emeraln1 j\ut u some members of Congrell were giving up the effort aa a "pme of budaet chicken." "Morden himself hailed the approaching boata and told thP.l'n "to finish on bot)) sides of the committee boat. Several did, but other lk.ippers rec&lled the sail- ing lnltructiona which said-the yachta must finish between the committee boat and the flag at the other end of the line. No way were they g.oing to rllk a di1-q ua llfication. Altbougfl congre11ional leaders had been openly pe-imistlc Wectne.day u they traded char- 89_ about who ls hold.tnc up pr'UllEii in the aecret budpt talka.· nne optimiml IW'faced Weclneeday night following a four-hour ivgotiating -.ion at the White Hou.. Another meeti.nC WU ICheduled today. Bailey eyes San Francisco suit SAN FRA NCISCO--F . Lee Bailey, elated by bis acquittal OD a drunken-driving charge, ii debating whether to eue San Frandlco aver tDe conduct of a "hothead" police officer with a ''penonality ... like a shark.'' He al8o warned bis "friend" Johnny Car.on. whoee arrafanment on drun)ten~vtng chargn wu let for today, that a lona trial could be a .. horror story" even lf he ta. "rock-eoUd innocent." 'nle 48-}'ed-<>ld criminal deferwe lawyer, best known tor fiandlina new1p1per·heireu Patricia Hearet'• bank robbery cue, wu found innocent Wednetday on a cbarae of driving under the ln- fiuence of alcohol. But be wa1 convicted of running a stop lip Feb. 28 • be drove along a faahionable Pacific HeJchw etreet. PG&E fate linked ·to Diablo? SAN F R ANCISCO -The chairman of Padflc GM & E1ec:tr1c reported incre 11ed W"DinCI at a ltoekholden meettna but warned the utility'• economk: beUth is linked to the fate of the Diablo Canyon nudeu power plant. votal step 1n ~r pl.am. But we have been frustrated in tb1a ob~w for eewra1 years ... 1be uUlity'• Ian. to operate the plant at low level• w u ya1ked by the Nuclear Ilegulatory Comml•lon w t fall dter numeroue de.Ip and· ltructunl flaws were cll8covered at the plant neer San Luil Otmpo. Frederick W. Mielke Jr. Mid Wectn.Say that "pttinc thil plant &emed and operattna ii a pi- a...-...,. ...... n.-wn ......... ,.,.. .... ~ ...... ~ .......... c-. ...... CA. ..... ..-..: .. , ... c...--.CA.- ~ ,_Or-. OM ,,...........~. ... _ ............................. . •Ila ..... _,.,.If I ....... ......... -......... -. Tax exemption extended for isle SACRAMENTO Tbe AIMmbly'I tu commlttee bu I nfmld tlO C-. 8 ~mlllian m I laopboM fGr movte ...... but .. , ................ pdmf«tbe l WrWSeY fuaily tru8t that owm amt" ol CNJlne ....... OD ._., ... _,,, the o:imnAtw I al10 reluciantly 1av• youJ b ~ IUdl ..... 411 Qub ... Otll ..... ....Uta tnlk."" nltr••~---.... ~ ..... &be alrllM • An emergency lifeline l}'ltem '° help elderly and handicapped people get ha.pitaJ-Uke care in their homes at the push of a button has been installed at Hoag Memorial Hoepital. The system, which has the capacity to connect nearly I 0,000 people with the hoepital's com- munication center, wu purcha- led by a fund-raiaing arm of the Newport Balboa Rotary Club. The $17,~ setup, members of the Newport Balboa Foundation explain, wlll allow people who might normally be confln~ to conv&le90ent hoepltals or nllrling homes to maintain an indepen- dent lifestyle. Usen, who will be asked to pay a monthly fee of $10, '!Yill be equipped wtth a hand...tzed unit with a button that Uahta up an emergency signal at tfle hospital when puahed. Hospttal commwUc.ation work- ers will be able to determine in- stantly who has .ent the me.age for help and will telephone that penon. If the person is in serious trouble, the hospital w.m alert paramediai will Check a chart to see If the person has a known medical problem and will contact neighbors for assistance. The system can double as an alert to authorities if a person needs police and is being robbed or assaulted. The lifeline, which ia hooked co the user's telephone, functions even It a person'• phone is not working or during a power fai- lure. George Hoedinghaus, presi- dent of the foundation, says hls group haa provided for an Im- mediate order of 25 of the Weline . units. He says the group is ho- peful other clubs and organiza- tions ln Newport will help by purchali.ng more. To help raise money for the hospital-baaed system, the Ro- tary Club will stage a fund- ralaing casino and auction Sun- day night at the Newport Harbor Art MUleWD. "By this Ume Morden'• tape recorder had begun co record in color -mostly blue. Hulls were banging together and crewmen were shouting for othen to stand clear or give aea room. "But by now there was no room to give. Obsoenllie. filled the air as hulls banged tqrether, spinnaker poles were snapped and the booms of several yachts came d own on the decks of nearby yachta. Boata ln the rear plowed into the stems of boata ahead.'' John Arens, who was sail1ng a 35-foot yawl, recalla that he waa rammed from astern three times within a few yards. Morden '• tape recorder recorded the f11et that 83 yachts were clocked acrou the line within two mi- nutb. Back to Desenberg: ''The only calm penoo In the entire fleet wu the TV newmnan aboard my boat. He sat enthral- led through lhil historic end to the world'• largest lntemational yacht race -eo enthralled that he never once reached for bit movie camera." • \ Smoking had for arteries • • Ir PAT HOROWITZ or-.o..,,... • ._ DEAR PAT: Everyoat NY• dlat 1moklq enMI IMan anack1 aad 1troket. How dMI Wt a.a,,_T I've aever read wllat taket place la tM hdy a1 a reHU of 1mokba1 tbat lead• a. llaean &route or 1&.ro.kes. -H.T.r·Haatlagton Beach Two UCLA JD4'(ilcal reeearchers, George Sieffert and Wesley Moore, found that smo- king aiueee pita and craters In the lining of arteries. Theee lesions then trap fata and lead to the build up of plaques that impede blood flow. The raea.rchen expoeed 11 rats in air- tlaht chambers to tobaClco smoke in an amount ~bJe to that received by aomeone who a pack of cigarettes a day. Then they 'atudied the blood veuei. of the rata with a acann.ln1 electron mlcroecope and found da- mage after 12 weeks of exposure to smoke. Drawers can be unstuck DEAR PAT! AU Uae wet weather we've llad lla1 ca11ed my dresser drawen to 1tlck. h daere uy ea1y way to 1olve tbl1 problem? C.G., Co1ta Meu Sandpaper, a block of paraffin or candle wax, and maybe a few thumbtacks.are all you'll need to stop most drawen from stlcld.ng. Pull the drawers out and look for shiny 1pot1. Sand them down until the drawer /;;)SHIRTS . . ._.. .. ,..~ _:, c. Collar 'n cuff ii.a .._,.......,tpert C-. ..... 142 moves amoothly then rub both the drawer and the parU of tho frame that touch It wlth pa-raffin. 1f the drawer atlll 1tlck1 or refu1e1 to cloee, the bottom edge In front may be bum- plJ'li the frame. You can rabe the drawer by lnlerting two or three large, smooth-headed thumbtacks alons the front. of the glldft (the parta of the fr~ that the drawer reet,t on). Only one flag given DEAR PAT! My motlier IOlt die fla1 &i- vea to u wllea my fatller dJed. WUJ tile Ve- teru1 AdmJaJ1tratJoa replace it? -P.E., Haathl1&o• Beaclt No. The VA l.aues only one flag for each deceued veteran. Once the flag la iiven to the next-of-kin OP a friend of the deceased, it cannot be replaced. e Got a problem1 Then wrlce to Pac 'tt j_ Horowlcr Pat wlll cut r~ tape, 1ettln1 the anawere and action you need to aolve lnequltle• In government and • bu1/neH. Ma ll your que1tlon1 to Pat Horow ltr. At Your Service, Oran1e Coa1t Dally Pllor, P.O. Box 1'60, Co1tJ1 Me1a, CA 92626. Aa many let~l'll u ix-Jble win be arvwered, but phoned lnquJrle1 or Jett.en1 nor includJnil eJ>tt l'N- der'• fuU name, addN!a and bU6/nea hours' phone number Cll.nnOt be COIVld4'red. at jewels by Joseph . ••••• ... ., ..... , Today through Saturday . . . save up to 40% off a special selection of fine jewelry at Jewels by Joseph. Special values on diamond jewelry, rin~ and loose diamonds. Up to 40% off 14k and 18k gold watches and karat gold jewelry. Colored gem stones, too. And 1/3 off a magnificent collection of pearls. Come in early for best selection ... today through Saturday, and save up to 40% at Jewels by Joseph . A tradition of tru6t Jl:Wl:LS by JOSl:PH Located at South Coett Plu1 In Cotta Mna All major a edlt card.I 1nd ptttonalized J-ell by }<>Mph 1ttounll welcome Phone (714) S.0-9066. ... =r ... , ................ ,, .... ...0... ....... .... ' Ivy trim proJiosal has some seeing red CAMBRIDGE, Mua. (AP) - The lvy that hu blanketed Har- vard Unlveralty'1 bulld~np for more than a century la brtn'1ni down lt1 hallowed wall1, and offlclab uy they'll have to cut the old school vlnea. But the move has some people teeing crtmeon. "There ls a 1trong feellna that lt (the ivy) la caualns deteriora· tlon of the bulldlng1," uJd J . Lawrence Joyce, director of bull.ding• and ground• for Har- vard. "It attacks th.e mortar and climbs through the crack1 and crevices," he said. vaUon in a $40 milllon proaram through the end of the '1entury. The Ivy on the fllC8 of the two red brick halla will be cut away to pennJt the exterior renovation. "The queatlon l1 whether to allow It to regrow or replace it," Fox aald. "Some have said they think othera will be upset, that there will be aome concern," he added. "No one has come to me and told me thev wished thi1 to b e •toP.ped .r 'We have to look at the pro- blem ln practical terms, and also In emotional and aeathetic terms," he aald. CONCERT DUE -Country singer George Jones will ap- pear at the Gnnd Ole ()pry House ln Nashville Aprif 28 for hia first ahow since being hospitalized for alcohol and drug abuae. Ju1t trimming the Ivy away from w indow• and doora costl Harvard $50,000 a year. , "There Is going to be som e cutting back of the ivy," John B. Fox Jr., dean of Harvard College aaid. The work will start thil sum- mer at Lowell and Winthrop Houses, two of 13 uppercla11 dormitories scheduled for reno- But an unide ntified 1tudent already ii calling for a "Save the Ivy" commHtee. The campus new1paper, The Crunaon, quoted the student as saying it was "one of the graver issues of our time " But Fox wd the vines aren't as trad1uonaJ as some people think, even thought they gave their name to the Ivy League. II you've put aside yoor «*:o<etlng dreem1 tor ·• lovefler IMng room untM you find a rMI veiue ... her•' 1 the enawer to thole drMmS, el the finer quaUty ,..tur .. uau.ny found In 1ofH regulerly Hlllng for H00.00 to $1,000.00 ... now only NOW 80'' aofu In ~ ol 1ty1e9 end covert In 1 wide .-.Ctlon of colora. 2 WMka only. LOVE SEATS AT 1$9$. ~s'.~L:g~~g1rr Hf ffRN 11u RE 2215 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA• 646-0275 \ Turn your old diamond ring into a new diamond ring. While you wait. Friday, April 23rd. Do you have a looee diamond? Worn-out eettJna? Out-of-elate rinC etyle? We11 make It new, while you wait. Now you can chooee from more than 2,000 new mountin&• durine our limited Diamond Remount Show. See our en.ftemeft NMt your dlamonde, whOe you wait. Our upena' workbench will be eet up ri1ht in our atOre, eo your rem• never leave ~mila. Out price dee. • mountina. uma. flnll tin'if and ultruonk c.1111nma. , When wae the lHt time you bad your diamonds appraleed? We'll do It, while you wait. Since 1950, a one carat fine diamond has increased from $1,500 to $12~000 (~cording to OeBeers Synaicate). lmqine what your diamond 1s worth today. Better yet, know for sure. Our authoritative appraisaJ (on our letterhead) is essential for appropriate lnaurance an<! your own peace of mind. An appoint· ment la nece111ry for thi1 important aervice. ............ C'Mt .... , ..... , ....... ....................... L Orange eo.tt OAJLY PtLOT~, Apttt 22, 1982 -- ·vnified council must ~trive for balance I J • Laguna'• votera ln1talled a 'e!f Council majority lut week, while the vote tally shows it ·~un't a mandate, retldentl dtd ~e their preference clear. Three llow-arowth advocata in Mayor Sally Bellerue and uncllman Neil Fitzpatrick on e council dala for at lea1\ the xt two )'8US. I The votma was a clear victory thme who e9pou1e the ideology at La una baa become over- «iriiaetlted and that ltrlct controls to be placed on further de- ~OPllDent. All three freshmen council members share the belief that, while they think alike on major iaues such aa hillaide development and controls, they will be able to perform in a (air and reuonable fashion to solve Laguna'• prob- lems. Perhaps they will be able to jointly· amve at solutions that are fair to both owners of developable property and the community at a whole. For one thina, the new coun- cil make-up 1hou1d end the pola- rization that haa plaaued City Councill in put yeara In Laguna Beach. The potential for dan&er in a •lmilar-thinking council panel, however, II the end to cam~ on major luue1 affect!ni La1u- NllW. There is al8o the pot.ential for a single-minded City Council to impose ill dictate. OD a populace that may prefer a more moderate approach to luuea dealing with development, park.int and trafilc circulation. Politics in Laguna Beach 11 often like a pendulum, awlnging from one extreme to the other. The new council will find aa have others before them, that fairness and balance are really what tpe citizens of Laguna will support in the long run. Help clean voter list Laguna Beach cily officials figure 39 percent of the town's registered voters turned out for laat Tuesday's City Council elec- tion. The percentages were proba- bly much hiaher than that when one oonaiden the number of reg- istered voten who no longer live in town but remain on the voter regiatration list. One poll inspector in the Top of the World precinct turned in a list of 36 reglstered voters she be- lieves no longer live at addreaes listed. And one woman said the couple who used to live in her houee before she bought it are still registered to vote at that addrem -even though they have long sird left the area. / So how do you go about cull-'* the rolls? Lagunana can help . aaY offi- cials from the county's Registrar of Voters. If you know of someone who is still listed on the voter roU., who is no longer a resident, call the Registrar of Voters with your in- formation . The number is 834-2244. There's another way you can help. When sample ballots are .ent out to homes for the June primary, check to see your family name ia on the address. If someone who does not re- side at your home ls listed on the sample ballot, return it to the postman with a correct address for the former tenant or owner, or indicate that penon no longer lives there. That's about the only way the Registrar of Voters can purge the voter list. estraint conimendable When it Is necessary for a lice officer to fire hi.a weapon at armed suapect? This i1 one of the toughest ision1 an officer ever has to e -and, in most CBleS, there only aeoonds for the officer to up hia mind. Such wu the situation Jan. 14 ert Laguna Beach Police Sgt.· n Barney and Officer Mark lda found thermelves oonfront- by a diaturbed woman wielding olver. The offlcen arrived simulta- n ualy at the scene of a distur- and found themaelves stan- d ng at the wrong end of the ~mat.n's weapon. • The woman purportedly pointed the revolver at Barney and threatened to kill both of fi- cers. Instead of firing on the woman, the two officers talked her out o1 dilcharging the weapon and eventually were able to dla- ann her. Not a shot was fired. Barney and Fields recently received the medal of Valor for their courage and coolness in the potentially tragic incident. The award ls one of the high- est an officer can receive. Both Laguna Beach off icera are well deserving of the honor. lnlons expressed In the space abOve are those of the Oally Pilot. Otner views ex· ssed on this paoe are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvlt· Address The Oally Piiot, P.O. Box 1.560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone 1714) ·4321. .M. Boyd I Doughboys commemorative ct.y fell on the Mme day aa the old Roman feaat to the wine god Becchua. And Saint Martin wound up with the honor. Admirers of President Calvin Coo- Ud1e point out it wu he who aaid: •-niere la no rtaht t.o strike aplJWt the public mety by anybody, anywhere, anytime." Country folk live an avenae of five yean loncer than city folk. And ve- p1ariallll Uw an avenp of 10 yean Joneet' than nonveaetar1.an1. Q. I know ArtJOna .. U.. ltate wttb the lowest •~rainfall. but wbJcb ltate Ml the ! A. AJa.,..,.., Ith about 87 lnclw. Arlsona 1enerally comH In wllb U'OUnd ..,,. Inches. 'Q. w ... ·t tt 8haMlpeare who Urwt laid, "Love II bUndr' k He .us It, but not tint. ~ _...that~ That the -... of Shetland are ....tm,ly ...U la known by all. ............. th9t the ... of ....... .,.. ....._ dlm&nutlw. T ..... l'.Haley . ........... n1._a.,...,., .. , ....... •. ,...,. =-··· .......... ..., ' IRS fights quickie 'clergy' WASHINGTON -A growlng num- ber of Americana are turning t.o religion today, not for redemption ol thelr IOUla but for reduction ln their Income taxes. Ordained on a caah-and-cairy buts by obecure "religions," dle9e born-a1n tax dodgers hope to evade the bur,en the rest of ua share-every April 15. By de- claring themaelves "churches.'' these quickie clergymen claim exemption from all or part of the taxes they ahould be paying on their wages. UNFORTUNATELY FOR them, the Internal Revenue Service vlewa thb burgeoning evangelism with deep 1U1pi- cion, attributing it to greed, not piety. The agency is cracking down on the di- lettante don)inies with heavy fines and wage gamiahment.a. In some cases, the ux dodgers could wind up practicing their miniatries behind pri9on ban. Aocordi.ng to lnt.emal IRS documenta, returns showing w,gal tax deductions bued on church-related ect\emes grew from 486 in 1978 to 2,784 in 1980. The heavenward trend reportedly ls at.eep-entna. Consider the case of "Archbiahop" William E. Drexler Sr. of the Li(e- Science Church of Callton\i.a, u d18clo- led in court ttc::Otda. Since J 976, be has aet up about 3,000 "churches'' aero. the country by selling bandy-dandy packets of document.a for anywhere from $1 ,000 to $4,000 a ahot. The conversion klta contained ordina- tion certificates, clerical identity cards and vowa o! poverty !or 'Q JAl:I 11111111 ~ "minister" to sign u he turned over all aaseta and Income to hia in1tant "church." Drexler made no aecret of his hostility to the IRS. In iasues of the Lile-Science new1letter, The Patriot News, the church offered monet.ary rewards for the name1, addresses and telephone nwnben of lRS agent.a and their fami- lies. Thoee It was able to identify were liated under auch titles aa "Enemy of the Month" and "Know Your Enemy List." Lile-Science members were encouraged to harus the IRS employees by dumping manure on their lawna, placing early- morning collect calla to their home phonea or sending them unwanted magazine aut.:riptiona. Orexler even obliged his new converts by backdatina the ordination documents to permit tax deductions for earlier years. The atthbiahop assured bis new ministers that the IRS had given the church tax-exempt 1tatua -which it had not -and promised that the church would provide full legal aervices if the tax collect.ors hauled them into court. This abo proved to be untrue, as many Life-Science miniatera in New York City diacovered, to thelr dismay. In fact. some complained to authorities that they were threatened with "excommunication" if they inlilted on legal help. Drexler was convicted last year of evading more than $185,000 in income taxea and of falling to file returns in yeMS when he and his son earned a total of $365,000. In New York City, the IRS slapped levies on the wages of 319 members of Life-Science and othe r churches for payment of $484,000 in back taxes. ANOTHER TARGET of the irreverent IRS ls Jerome Daly, archbishop, presi- dent and pope of the Basic Bible Church of America. In February, a 40-count tax-fraud Indictment against Daly and nine others was withdrawn on a techni- cality, but the feds haven't given up. Daly's operation waa virtually identi- cal to Drexler'• -pay your money and become a "church." Two boUennakers in Pennsylvania wound up In tax court last year when they tried the Daly system an . the IRS. Education studies need follow-up To the F.ditor: Ed Foglia'• April 11 reapon.ae to !he Pilot editorial. ''PubUc Education Need.a Examination" miaed the point of my concurrent re90lution on education qua· lity ln the public IChoola. . . l a1ree that we do not need more atudy. What we need la implementation of much-needed reform ln certain key areaa. The p~ of the eatabllahment of my oommittee on education quality la to MAILBOX conaolldate lnt.o an ec1.lon J>rotram the raults and an:lusiorw of the many stu- dies whJch have aln!!lldy taken place. It la true that Calllomia ranks far be- low nearly every other state ln it.a fun- ding of public education. Thia dlab ew111 me. But it la important to undentand why the dOUan wbJcb ARE provided for the ecboola are not reaching the clua- room i t8elf. OUR CURRENT educational 1yat.em forces 1ehoola to have a great.er concern for compliance with atate and federal mandates than for whether student.a are learnJ.na. Leel and leta money ii being provided for ,eneraI cia.room lnatruc- tion, while Saeramento directs dollarl to prelCl'ibed cateaorical Pro&fl.IDI -ret-ulUnc ln more and more paperwork for teechen and admlniatratlve penonnel at the local level AddiUonally, atrona teacher unlona, which unden1andably .protect job aecu- rl ty, have Jiven sreater priority to te- nure riPta and seniority layoff proce· dura t.lian to owraD ~ needl. The "quality" of educ9Uon II t-9 on the llldlll and eff~ of lta leldmw and lnatructan. We_.. loeiJ\I talented tw:hen to other' pmf111'orw •bl..._ and industry offer lnclntives •hkh re- ward exce~ Md perfonna.nce. Our current educational QlfmD dc>9 not al- low for...,._ financial or ptofeM1onal lncmdwa. Many ..,.,.. the opln1on tbat almply pnMdina .... daDmn to ......... pl'OI- ,.. ..._..on an .....a Pll <A• ln-crw II no& P'I •.aw .._.pnil rw ot our ~ 1abOa11 AtWtl' ouafartnl wttb ......... °' thl Callforma Round"'table•• TMk Paree on Jobi and atumtiaa Ind die UUle .. wrO• 'dan.U....,..caurr •• the need ,_ .. --'!!!'-....... --.. =---·= =~:z:~ II ·=~IF .... ... .. , ....... ; . n:wm 11111 .. :~••µ•••• .. •.,..... o1 1111 lmlllm I IF I -·4• ... 91111,._• .... ..... . have •lready brought forth valuable conclusions as we begin our efforts. MARIAN BERGESON A.emblywoman, 74th District the government has not been reluctant to deduct (F.l .C.A.) Social Security moniea from my lifetime earnings. A baptismal certificate must have been good enough for that! What bums more of my cork it that Closure hurts wavea of foreigners are having no trou- "'o the Edlt.o·-. ble getting ln to the U.S. without proper .i· ~. documentation. All they need ii an old Are the tax.-yen and anlmaJ loven of boat, a sad story and we aucken open LaJuna Beach aware th~l animal our anna to them. Besides brinaJng their :1' w!:k.~v=edneeda~ da.ya problems to add to our own, they are ~ ,. taking job., using health care facilities It has been my understanding the and other benefit.a which rightfully be- ahelt.er haa been under the jwiadict.fon of long to our own dtizens. the Laguna Beach Police Department. so here'• a hard-learned lemon t.o all However, the cloee order was given by Americans -if you want to travel the City Manager, Mr. Frank. with the overaeaa and were born at home and eXC\lle th.at not enough funds have been have only a baptism evidence, and you allocated for part time help at the abel-a.re older than any living relative (m\at ter. Where haa the money gone? • be at least 10 years older) you muat Something ahould be done at once by fuml&h beauooup documents aa proof of the Police Department 10 have the WI-your existence. Before you can get a t.er open seven days a week, aa originally delayed birth certificate, before you can planned. To order the abelt.er clmed for get a passport, before you can go over- two daya is an impcaible and unneca-aeaa _ unles the Army geta you. aary lituatlon. C MIKAL When the shelter waa open seven · daya, the houn were from 11 a.m. to 4 B J b d p.m. Which WU mott inconvenient for 8 8DCe U get people who work, to rescue their im- pounded pet.a. ETHEL E. WELLS TELEPHONE YOUR LETTER TO THE EDITOR See Instructions bel~ Passport blues To the Editor. I haw the er bluet. I eoWd have cried ln my ttan 1alt ntcbt. but I didn't want to weaken my drink, u I needed auffklent fortiflcauon while the lacs letter hm the W• a.-u of Vltal ltMilticl. e never bad a bb1b c:ertlflcate, nor an ..,...,_t need for.OM (the Anny took me on the~ of. my bepdlmal Clll'Ufkate!) So now r need a F•llFCNl"t t.o take a o~·ln-a-Ufetlme vacation to New Zealand. But accordina to them (W.V .B. V .S.) I W11 mwr' bomJ In the nMendme flfl ....... bharrilll IDY. ~for-cine alrUne bo9l'elllll ,_. Whet bwN ~ aft .. bow did the ~ draft -to 11rW I~ ,_.. ovw-~ WW D tt 1-'t,JllOP!l'l'I What tuna.er ....._ mJ oork II Uta& • To the Editor: When the federal government runs up an $80 bUlion deficit it borrows from tlw private 1ector, leaving lea1 available funda for individuals, bu1ineasea and corporations to borrow. Interest rat.ea are therefore forced to the all-time htghl we have today. There la a aolutlon to thla ridlcv.loua aJtu1tlon -havfna the gov- ernment live .within lta meena. For the first time ln history, the U.S. Senate w81\ vote on 1 COMtltutlonal amendment re- quirlna the federal budpt to balance e.ch yeu. Senate Joint Retiolutlon H, the Ba- lanced ~t Tax l.JmltaUon A.mend- mmt. ahou1'1 ...ch the Senate floor for a vote ln lai. April. J'tfty-thrte .n.aton are co-1pon10t1na S.J . Bet. 68 but 1 .. palMt• ll not auarantffd. Sen. Ala enn.ton 11 noc one o11ta -:::a. u~ Mr. Cranltan to IUpport ~ "1 ll"ftlndmlnl TM~ for all S......-. 11: S..te omce Bu&M ..... W ........ D.C. 20610 DINNJS PDR1J1 t Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Thut'tday, April 22, 1982• Star.. 411ed .oJter nude photos ~lno movie atar who ap nude ln the German ed tion of Playboy maaazine haa been aued for obecenlty and accuae d of brlnf Ing ahame to the women o the conaervatlve, Ca thollc- domlnated oountry. Clvlc leader Polly M . Cayetano filed the obacenity charge against Tetclale A1· bayaat, aaylng the nude photol of the actrea IU'OWM!d In her feeling• of "extreme dlsguat and . . . bruiled p,rlde for Filipino womanhood. ' The photograph• of Mlas Agbayani, a Philippine aex aymbol, appeared in the March German edition of Playboy. The issue fetches up to about $50 in Manila, eight times the magazine's usual selling price here. Reproduc- tions of the pictures also are being sold on the sly. Nostalgia buffs walked away from Christie's auction house in London with two ,,, ,OWN wom by Ktrell Mar,; ... .,..... dwinl her ta.y. day on U. tli.lver acreen. A movie t~ater In Com-wall. r.n,Land. pA&d t8l6 for one Mell worn by Mill ~ trlch ln the l 937 movie "Knlabt Without Armor." Anothtr of her co.tum", a f ull-len1th, fur-trimmed aown. went for S778. • ,.. Mell LaaarH, aomlnated 16 Umea for the National Canoonlatt Society'• JWuben Award, f.lna1ly 1tepped to the oodlum a winner for hla r'Mm Puich" and "Momma" comic stripe. .. Lazarua edaed "Doonea- bury" artist Garry TradtH and "Garfield" orllfnator Jtm Davia. _ Lazarua told the audience of fellow illu1trat.or1 at the Plaza Hot.el ln New York that he was "staggered" at finally receiving the award, dafCned by and named after cartoonilt Rabe Goldber1. ·Criminal Court Judge Bernard Fned of New York drew roars of laughter and rave reviews as he dismi.lled criminal trespass charge• against some of Broadway's biggest .stars. Tammy Grlmea, Colleea Dewbura&, Joaeeh Papp. Rl· chard Gere and MJcbael Mo- rlart y were among the de- TO SPEAK -Canadian Prime Minilter Pierre Trudeau Will give the commencement addre11 next month at the Univer- atty of Notre Dame. monstrat.ora who aat in front of bulldozera March 22 to protest the des1nlction of the Moroaco and Helea Bayea theaten near Times Square. • -Ftleci dropped the charges again.at 130 of the protesten and charges against the re- mainlng defendanta were ex- pected to be dropped. O~egon town , contests vote ANTELOPE, 1>re. (AP) -The City Council hu \toted u~nlmoualy to contnt an election In which lt failed to dlsmnd the 81-year-old town for tear of a takeover by an Indian auru and his tollo- wen. The vote ordert Keltti Mobley, the city's la- wyer_, to contett lut Thurtday'a M-42 election. The councU aouaht dlalncorporation becau.e It feared foJ)owera o1 Bhaswa n Shree RaJneeah would take control of the government ln thlJ hamlet .1~ m1lel eut of Ponland in the November general election. Dlalncorporatlon would have put key Issues auch u zonlns ln the handa of the Wuco County Cornmillion, rather than local autho'rltles. The propoeal'a failure waa attributed to com- mune mernbera who had moved into nine hou.es purchued In town by Rajneeah followen and re- giltered to vote the put six months. Mayor Margaret Hill blamed the defeat on li- beral Qreaon election laws that allow people to re- gister on election day. The reault was that more ihan three times the 31 votera who cast ballots two ba~ ago ln the general election showed up to cast ti. Co1.mty election officials challenged every voter who regiatered within the past 30 days, including non-members of the oommune. That means 70 vo- tera must appear In cireult court to substanuate the valld.Jty of their residence. Commune members say they have moved into town to st.a y. Spokesman David Knapp says that, despite the fears of the counclJ, the commune 11 not going to mount a campaign to take over the five of seven aeata on the council that will be up for election in November. · ATARI ~ TM VIDEO COMPUTER GAME PROGRAMS \ MORE Glt1ES. MORE FUN. A'Non*~~· Offers you many games and variations. Be a Race Car Champ, a Football Star, a Golf Pro, a Bowling Champ, a Chess Master. Atari~ makes It all happen with this excit· Ing collection of Game Programs for the Video System;" Pictured cartridges are only a part of a large selection. FED CO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES FEDCO LA CIENEGA (213) 837-4487 FfDCO COITA MUA (714).979·2660 3535 S LA CIENEGA BLVD . L.OS ANGELES 90016 3030 HARBOR BLVD . COSTA MESA 92626 FfDCO 1M DIHO (71 4) 262-2411 FfOCO VAN NUYI (213) 786-6863 14920 RAYMER STREET. VAN NUYS 91405 64TH & EUCLID. SAN DIEGO g2 10S fEDCO IM llMMDllO (714) 888·4181 ffDCO 'AIAOOA (213) 449-8620 3111 E COLORADO BLVD . PASADENA 91107 570 S MT VERNON AVE . SAN BERNARDINO 92410 PIDCO CIAIUTOI (21 3) 860·1111 11525 SOUTH STREET, CERRITOS 90701 STORE HOURS WEl!K DAYS STACK ·up t THE ~ BENEFIT$ FOR l YOUR ; .. FUTURE i IRA• KEOGH ' • l I at • 1:: mper1a ··': ... IH llli ,lJf,y APHll •. ' 1'11. Coast-hoHJes vulnerable to firestor:mS Bj tM 0.UJ Pilot Staff In tome dtiee, 1uch u Irvine, a 'lbe t60 million fire that rava-debate 11 ra,tng a1 to whether ..S Anabetm Wedneeday leeving any new or re roofed homea l,200 P80PJe home1e9I just • ea-lhould be allowed to UM wooden lily cOuld have occurred In Co-roofinl materlala ~ they are ronadelMar~lrvtneorHunting-factory-treated with !Ire- ton Beach -any,.el_ac~ where retardant chenUcala. unt:Nated wooden lh.lJli.let beck-In other areu, firefiehten aay on f1amel like kindllna ln a fire-they are aeartnl their efforta to place. . prevent 11mllarly deatructlve 'nlat la the opinion of officlala · fires ahould a blaze break out. of fire department• along the Some homeowners' and bull-Oranp Cout. den' ~ps. auch u the BuildlnJ( * * * * * * ' lnduitry Aaaoclatlon of Orange County, have lobbied aaalnat blanket proh.lbltiona aaatnat un- treated wooden roofs. They have conceded the need for Ure-retardant roofing ln neighborhood.I that border rural areaa, but argue that finding• muat be made ln dtiet' buildina codes that document a need for prohibltlona. AJ.o, builden noted · that fire·retardant materl.ala aes- thetically comparable to wooden * * •hJ.nales mJ1ht COit $2,000 for an averaae hO\Ule . In Laguna Beach, home1 In brushy hillakle areas muat have roofl and aidinp of fire retardant material•. But homes in other parts of the city have no restric- tiom. Luuna F1re Chief Ron Adami Hid Oil department Will dOCU· ment the damage ln the Anahelm fire for the City Council. • · "We'll give them the facts and * * * fl1ure1 and if they want to ex- plore future optJona for t..gu.na Beach, they may do ao," he aaJd. In ~ tM Orange County Fire Department haa taken a tougher at.and. F'µ-eflghtera don't want any untreated wooden roofl. Aaaiatant Chief Bob Hen- neaaey said the Anaheim exam- ple explains why. "It wu a very urbanized area," he said. "I thlnk you could aay that fire ve,ry well could have * * * happened In.Irvine aa well as ,other communities In the unin- corporated county.'' The county Fire Department OOnlrtietl ltl eervfces in Irvine. Wooden ahlngle and ahak e roofs az:e dangerous, Henneaey exp.ined, but not ju1t because the dry wood ii flammable. He aaid the makeup of the ah.lngleJI allows particles to explode and then shoot like "burning Fris- (See ROOFING, Page A%) * * * Fire rubble probed for vict~1ns 1 'Pad paychecks' Water district meetings hit CANDIDATE -Frank Hurd would do away with com- mittee meetings of the Irvine Ranch Water District board of ~ra. British By GLENN SCOTT OfeMDely ..... lleft A candidate .eeking election to the Irvine Ranch Water District's Board of Direc:tora wants to do away with its supplementary committee meetings which he claims reduce public discuulon and pad memben' paychecks. The charges were leveled by Frank Hurd, one of flv~ people running for three open seats ln the June 8 elections. The five-member board meets twice a month in rt!gUJ.arly ache- duled public meetinp. Members also serve on three two-peraon committees in which they meet ~th ataU memben to go over di- atrlct laaues, ofte n before the matters come before the full board. The committees examine fi- nance and pel'IONlel, engine.ering and facilities, and water l'etlOur- oes policy and intergovernmental relations. In a letter to the board mem- bers, Hurd recently charged that the comm ittee meetings are "nothing more than a device to increue your pay and allow you to conduct some of the public's busl.naa in private." Board Chairman Peer Swan, who ls running for re-election, disagrees with Hurd and claimed • d that committee meet.lnga, started to In VB e almost three years ago, are an (See WATER, Paie A%) S. Georgia ? Earth Day LONOON (AP) -British de- stroyers were acheduled to arrive today off South Georgia, 800 ml1-east of the Falklands, the BrtUsh pre11 reported, and there WM speculation they would land forces to retake the South At· lantic Wand u a demonstration to Argentina of British detennl· naUm.. '!be pre11 reports aaSd the de-'T were detached from the el ; Bi1t1ah armada bound for the Falkland archipelago and 1mt at top speed to the Falllands dependeocy that a small Araen· tine force occupied April 3, the day after Ar1entlna seized the main 1alanda 250 milea off Its IOUthern C0Mt. Only about 140 Arirentine sol- dier• were reportecf on South Georata. WORLD set at UCI Environmentalist David Bro- wer will be the principal speaker of UC Irvine's tarth bay activi- ties, April 29. Brower, chairman of the envi- ronmental group Frienda of the F.arth, will apeak at noon ln an outdoor area adjacent to the Un- tvel"llty <:enter. Earth Day is set aside each year to draw public attention to environ.mental iasuea. ucr. activities, free and open to the public, will begin at 10 a.m. with environmental displays and exhiblll at the campua rtnc road next to University Center. Four filml will be shown from 10 a.m. to noon Bomb planted in Paris PARIS (AP) -A bcmb PJan1ed under a car ex- ploded in the midlt of mamina l\llh .. hour crowdl in central Pana near the C'2wqlt 12,_ today, ldllina a younc prepant Frenchwamm md iDJurin183 people, police Mkl. NATION More cop mow. OD fN1 ,,.. ........... ,..,, g..., ........... -• ..,..lllMGfl" .. tM fllll •••• Pill Cl ............. ~Lee,.,.. WHERE FIRESTORM STRUCK -Thia la the central area of fire destructim u lt appears in Anaheim today from the air. Buildings upper right are Loara High School, flanking Euclid Avenue. Palm Lane cute through middle of the photo. Palm Way ls vertical street in lower portion of picture. Damage is estimated at $50 million. Irvine scouts aid firemen in Anaheim Elaht Explorer Scout• from Irvine were dilpatcbed to Ana- heim today under aupervillon of Irvine Police S«t. Robert Kredel STATE I to help with flri aftermath work. The Explottn, all of whom got the day off from their high achooll for the apecial duty, ln- _ Crasb fills 4 men EL CJ:NTRO (AP) -Four MariDee on 1e1Dporary ~a Taro were kWed today •bm ~led.an col with a ..m-tndler truck. ~ under Ua trailer, authorlU• lald. There •UDO mmedlllte t ldenttfkwtlan. COUNTY Holoo. elude Karen Lum, Martin Murat., Scott Pattenon, Mike Schaffner, Joee Torrea, Joe Villanueva. Paul Lash and Jim Crofte. INDEX A4 B2 A8 M-4 M B2 Dl,Dl-8 a ca m M er.a 82 '·· ; J ;""\11 T c .. ~ J ........ Damage $50 at million By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL 0.-eMDely .......... Anahelm Fire Department in- spectors poked through the rub- ble-of Wednesday's devastating fire today to determine if anyone died in the firestorm that de- stroy,ed 524 apartment units. units. Inspectors also were making sure the area I.a safe before per- mitting about 1,500 homeless residents to return to pick through the uhes. Fire officials said they could not predict how long the inspec- tion would take. "It could go very fast, or it could take, 12, 14 hours," one {ire department spo- kesman said. No one has been reported mis- sing in the aftennath of what ii belng deecribed aa the most dis- sastrous fire ln Orange County history. The initial damage esti- mate la $50 f1)1llion, a figure Anaheim Fire Chief R obert S impson says is "low" and ''conservative." In other fire-related develop- menta today: -Gov. EdmU:nd G. Brown Jr. was evaluating whether to ask President Reagan to dec lare Anaheim a diaNter area for pur- poses of providing temporary housing and vant funds to fire victims. A decision is expected by Friday. -Two management firms owning more than 200 of the destroyed units, IPS Manage- ment, of Orange, and R onson F.quity Manas~ment, of Fuller- ton. were making arrangements to either provide new apartments or cash paymenta to fire victims. IPS officials said they would provide free rent to former te- nants at other apartment com- plexes under lta ownership, while Ron.son oUiciala were li- ving fonner tenants a refund on rent and deposits and assisting with relocation. -'the American Red Croea was continuing to process flre victims and aaaist them by Jdvina them scrip good for fooa i1ana clothlna. The Red Cross, at an emergency shelter at Ball JuniOr Hi•h School, will provide three meals per day throughout the weekend and help in relocation eUorta. -The Apartment Aaodatlon of Oranae County wu coordina- ting other efforts amona land- lorda aimed at flndin& new ac- oommodaUona for the fiome1ea • C7 B2 C7-8 B4 ~ C3,D2 Cl-4 85 C8 CT-I A2 AJ I -~, COntinued stories ROOFING BLAMED . . . beet" in th• wind from one rooftop to the next "There'• enough aubltance to them ao when they do land on the roof, they don't 10 out," he said. · T h e Irvine City Council Is sch ed uled to vote May 2~ on whether to lnat.ltute the dtywlde ban on untreated wooden roofs. The city Plannlnl Commission hu voted 3-2 to endot1e the ban. A key element In the ban, Henneaaey added, ls to force residents to use fire-retardant materials when rerooflng their homes. Huntington Beach Fire Chief Ray Piccard aays conditions are pre.ent ln hil city for a fire db- aater even worse than An~: helm's. Huntington Beach has ~ "hundreds of acres" of wooden ' root., he added, and no laws re- l quiring fire-retardant materials. n. Piccard says he'd like auch an b,. ordinance, but claims political 3 realities and pressures from the wooden shingle industry are not -:.i conducive to the change. But he's c watching Anaheim and if that { • city adopts some laws, maybe he will suggest proposals to follow lfi them, he said. t·, C.OSta Mesa has no prohibitions .,.. on wooden roofs either, but Bat- ., talion Chief Jim Richey says his 11 department would support a ban :-on untreated wooden roofs. ~· In Newport Beach, Fire Chief James Reed said he wasn't sur- prised by the wind-fed lnfemo in Anaheim. Corona del Mar nearly •,. had a similar fire ln 1980, he said. •,. A 1ln1le 9ara1e went up ln flamea on a day with hot Santa Ana wlnda and by the time flre- f igh tera arrived, a dozen •h~ke roofs In the Cameo Hl1hland1 neighborhood were on ~.The spot fires were doused before they grew, but Reed nJd he's favored requlrementa for flre- retardant material• when roofl are built or remodeled ever since. He claims there are tile and Fiberglas materials that reeemble wooden shingles or shakes. He doesn't like treated wooden materials because he says wea- ther conditions quickly break down their fire-retardant quall- tles. Wooden roofs are prohibited ln Newport Beach for lndUltrial or commercial buildings, but are al- lowed in residential tracta. As in Huntington Beac h , Fountain Valley alao hu the po- tential for a tragic residential fire, says Fire Chief Richard Jorgensen. who notes hll city hu no ordinance ouUawlng untrea- ted wooden roofs. Because the city ls almost completely developed, firectght- ers concentrate lea on changing laws and more on rnalntalnlng defenses to combat roof fires, he said . Jorgensen praised the fire- fighters' work Wednesday ln containing the Anaheim blue. "If you look at the map, we have wood shingle roof1 from Anaheim all the way south," he noted. "Th.at fire could have ker,t going an the way to the ocean .• .. WATER MEETINGS ... 1 . - efficient way to lmprove opera- tions. Effective Jan. 1, board mem- bers began earning $100 pe r meeting. including committee meetingJ, or for other eventa in which they represent the dbtrict. The state Legislature set the fee, which had been $50 per meeting. Board members can earn to a maximum $600 per month. By abandoning committee meetlnp, Hurd said. the district would cut back on maximum paymenta and would foster more previous years.'' A review of district financial records shows that Swan gene- rally earns the maximum pay.>.. chairman. be is the only member on two committees. He also ser- ves as district.representative on the Santiago Aqueduct Com.mis- sion. District administrators say Swan puts in the most work of all board members. He earned $600 in January and February and $300 ln November and December. J • diM:usaion in public. He said last week'• open board meeting lasted slightly more than 30 minutes. The maximum $600, he added. is out of proportion with what other local governments pey. Ir- vine City Council members make Among other incumbents lff- king re-election, Ray Auerbach earned $400 in February, $300 ln January, $100 ln December and $250 in November. •, . . $250 per month. Members of the Irvine Unified School District are not compensated on a monthly Dr. Bet~y Olson. recently_ ~p~ pointed to the board, earned $300 ln February. Records for March were not Immediately available. •,· basis. The fifth challenger ln the ~ is former board member C. Or- ville Reinhardt. • .. t:. "· .~ . Prew<l to explain his tharges, Hurd said he doesn't see any conspiracy among board mem- bers, but added: "Nobody has taken the initiative to correct something that was wrong in The committee meetinga nor- mally are scheduled trom 7 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. or 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the district office on Bardeen Avenue, administrators say. Coastal I Smelt crelt lldvllOry tor ., ... belO'# canyon• from S1n11 Bllf- bera to Mexicen botder tor local au-tY eat to not'li-t wlllde of 20 10 35 knota. wlttl WltlCI w-4 to s IMI. Southweal wlnd9 I to 15 llnou In efternoon Wuterly -ewelll 1 to 2 1 .. 1 Moatly c .. at ..... ~emperaturea Albeny Albuque AINllllo AlheYllle Atlante AttanlC C1y Auatln Beltlm«• ~ Biltnetdl 9oiM NAllOH HI eo 55 54 " 71 83 eo 64 64 .. 52 83 81 Lo-~ 32 38 32 .. 07 47 40 ... 112 34 41 ... 3f 39 39 01 I ~ I .,. lrn'l'l • ... ~. . Dririker.s • aging faster? By JOEL C. DON OfteleD.-,Net.... I If you ewla one too many martlnl1 each day, you may be aglnJ faster than you'd Uke, ~­ cording to a UC Irvine dent.lat. Steven F. Zometr.er, a medical retearcher at the UCI College of Medicine, wlll 1pend the next year trying to link chronic alco- hollam with Lhe aa1na proce11. There's no hard eVidence that alcoholics age faater, Dr. Zomet~ z:er emphaaiied. Hls theory is baaed, ln part, on subjective ob. aervation. that alc:ohofica appear to age more quickly than non- alcoholica. . Long-term alcohol users ap- pear to l'Oae 1ome of their memory and learning capabilities and show a deterioration of motor skills. Coincidentally, as we age the same negative effects occur. It hu been 1uggest.ed that loss of memory and mQtor ability as we grow old may be due to the nor- mal death of brain eel.la, he iaid. Alcohol ia a toxin. In addition to its serious destructipn of the liver, alcohol has been ah.own to kill off selective cells in the brain -possibly the critical areas that control our vital learning and motor skills. Zometzer said acientists belie- ve the natural loea of brain eel.la due to aging and the effects of c hronic alcoholism may Qe working by a common mecha- nism. "Perhaps you're givlng your- self a booster shot (towatd aging) by taking alcohol," he said. Jews ousted from Sinai Y AMIT, Occupied Sinai (AP) -Israeli troops climbed ladders to storm apartment blocks ln the Sinai Iaraell town of Yamit today and ln a half-hour battle ousted more J ews resisting the.return of the desert territory to F.gypt next Sunday. The squatters fought back with burning tlrea, fiatfuls of sand and poles with which they tried to knock down the acallng ladden. Men struggled with the helmeted. unarmed 1oldlers while women wept and screa- med. Firemen sprayed the diehard Jewish natlonalista with jeta of foam and eea water while a crane lowered a cage onto the roof to remove some of the 300 people from the two-story building in the dying aettlement by the Me- dltemmean. Bo.ton 8'0WNVtle U.S. 1ummary =ton 72 42 58 .05 ~ c... ···-2S -==,· Showen end 1h1inderatorm1 g:::'tn SC dampened per11 of Tel!H. l out-ctwt.t WV elene, 1<>11thern Arllen1u end Chetttl; HC 904lt"-tn Mlulhlppl today, end ~ thefe WU light lnOW In Hew M.-,......,~ •loo 8lld ... tern Artiona -._ A few thowere end thun. Clnelnneu Cl«~• -• ec:attered ovw g:-'end the aouth Atlenllc CoHt etetH ~ti! :!:~'=~•Cl over the Olil.f't Wth Clew 1111ee prevell4id ecroee the Oeyton , .. , ot the country. oenv. The Nation•• WMlher Service • g:,~ totecaet1 rllln and ttluflderetomw Ouluth rrom the Mlelleelool ~ ""°""" El P ~Matern Gulf a111 .. end Flo· ,.:" lcat1ered lhoww• 8lld ....., Aeoltaff t~nderetlowef. --predicted Oteet , .. from eeetern Arizona woee the ~d eouti.n .. oclllff '°' lfle ,. of :=-, the llllllon. Temper11ure1 ••rly to41•Y .._.on ranged from t 1 In Marquell•. ~~. Mlctl .. to 79 In l<.y W•t. Fii. , JecllllWlt 1----------Kane Clly •LaVagaa California Uttle Aodl lOllllWllt LutlbOCll .,.. ..,_ Me --lllet tot>-............ .... poww .,... Md ""'*' .. ...,... vH tatlng flt•• •hould •u• • • •• ltw .... Fi*y, i.wio '°""'*" ...... P C111for1111 with enodier tunny, ....,.. 'wetwi ...... Natlonlll --. ... °""""' llt*-lalcl. ... y.,. ~.::. ':'1:,:T,: fl\ "*"lltln .,..... Md .... the .... ,. . " . 0 tlw41~4 eo 3" .01 c::::::::3 - - -= = = 55 'l7 7S 87 57 39 NorlOlll 11 51 •• 50 51 24 -Ho. Plitt• 57 23 53 32 Olda City 81 3$ S5 34 Omeha se 32 01 51 35 Of1anClo t2 .. 77 81 .01 ~ 64 aa 52 31 75 27 81 4t .21 Plttebur~ 51 31 53 32 Piland. 57 31 .17 81 2S Ptlend, Ore n .. 58 30 .02 Provl<ltnoe 81 35 .. 01 83 n . . =1'city •• .. 85 31 H 27 82 41 Reno 93 2t 55 2t Sah Lall• 65 30 .. 2t Sin AntonlO 14 47 .14 64 43 9Mttta 11 ... .. 35 ,03 =--~ = 50 .04 a 2t 21 ·" .... . 01 81 Lovie H ,. • as .1t St P-TMIPe N a 55 • 8tS..Mlll'la . 3' 20 65 53 SfM*aN .. ae ti 82 s~ S1 12 to 41 Topelle to 14 a se T~ 74 41 45 T"9e 14 as 56 • WMhlngln .. ... 47 42 Wlofllt• to 14 to 11 C"'"llU 82 7t . ......, • .. N ao ~ 1t .. ao El#'tM 7t 11 .. 41 ,,... ... I t. n .. .o. u.-..r • aa .. .., l.oa~ • .. lllf- 1110 •• \I ' o., MllfYIV!M IO ... Mont•9Y 7S ~ 71 OakJanCI .. 68 PMO Roblal It ... R«l Bluft 77 ISO ~City 82 54 Seetamento 11 Sallou Sf 45 San~ It = Sen Frencl9co 78 Senta Barber• 75 45 Santa Merle 7t Stockton eo Tllerl'MI S2 Ukiah 83 aw.tow 70 ... Ilg 8Mt as 29 ~ 70 " 11 51 , Lone leldl ... II· MOIWCMI 11 ., ~9Mdl H 41 12 N Onwto 71 12 ,lllm~ ., 57 "'-tide 74 4t . I E%tended M\IT ....... OALIPOAlltA COAITAL AND ~NTAIM AlltlAI -'•tr but 10tM 1111 n1et11 1nd H rly 11tor11111e lo• ....,. ..... , ... , ............. ................. 19 11 ........ .._,. ......... ............... ,.,i .... ................... unty Oellf Hot '°"Oto bJ '•lflcll l"Oonne" FRI ENDLY GREETINGS -Former presi-berg, chairman of the Orange County Repub- dent Richard M . Nixon reaches out from po-lican Central Committee. Nixon spoke in de- _di_um __ ln_Ana __ h_e_im_to_c_las_...p_han_d_o_f _Lo_is_L_un_d_-_f;;..;e--.nae~.:.o.:...f .:.Pr..:...::es=ident Reagan's d efense spending. ... ,, Classical concert set at Uni High The ClalWcal Music Club at Irvine's University High School will present 1ta annual evening concert Saturday. May 8, at the Yamaha Music Center, 1~55 J~ffrey Road The group. wnach includes players on the flute, harp, piano, viola and violin per- formed last year to a f..ull •1''ive and 10 kilometer foot races wtU be staged at 8 a.m. May 15 at William Ma· son Regional Park in Irvine to raise money for the Feedback Foundation. The run 11 coordinated by the Newport Beach Runners Association, but is sponsored by Crocker Na tional Bank. The Feedback Foundation •Lap swimnung for adults is available three times each weekday at Irvine's Heritage Pkrk Aquatics Complex, 18)'11 supervisor Carole Long. The pools are open from 6 to 8:30 a.m .. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday. ln addltiqn. lap swimming is offered Saturday and .Sun- house, said DaWft Weiner, publicity chairman. Tickets to the event are $2 general adrrussion and $1 for students. They can be obtal- ned Crom the school's Student Activities Center or from any member of the club. More information can be obtained by calling t h e sc ho ol at 833-3644. over sees Orange County's largest hot lunch program for senior cl tizens. Entry forms are available at any Crocker Bank branch or. at the 23 Project TLC nutri- tion centers in the county. Registration is $8 and includes a T-shirt. A $5 late fee will be charged those registering the day of the race day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m Adnussion is 50 cents a day for adults and 25 cents for senior citizens. Also, pass- books are o ffe red w ith 75 passes for $25. Senior passes are 75 for $1 5 . Dressing rooms, lockers and showers are available. Swimmers should bring their own towels and locks. D e fe n se stressed b y Ni x on l''ormer president Richard Ni - xon , speaking forcefully to a friendly crowd. told an AnaheUTl audience Wednesday mght that the Urut.ed States must negotiate nuclear arms control from a po- sition of strength. not weakness. The 37 th president, who res- igned from office 1n 1974, de· fended policies of President Reagan aimed at bolstering U.S. nuclear de(en.ses. "Peot>le ask why he as spen- ding this money on defense. . He IS spend1ng It 1n order to res- to r e the balan ce of power (between the United States and the SoVJet Union)," Nixon said. The former president appeared at a $150-pcr-person fundraiser which attracted more than 800 attendees and ts expected to net more than $1 50,000 for the county Republican Party central comnutttt. A select group of 100 couples pcud $1 ,000 each to attend a pri- vate reception with Nixon. Nixon aaid he did not doubt the sincerity of backers of a propoeed nuclear freeze whereby the Uruted States and Soviet Union wou Id each agree to halt pro- duction, testing and deployment of add1uonal nuclear weapons. Bu t h e said s uc h a freeze would only work to the benefit of the Soviets . who. he claimed, have more land-based nuclear weapons than the Uruted States. If the United States mcreases its nuclear capab1lJty, Nixon in· s1sted . then it can negotiate ef- fectively with the Soviets for arms control. But, the former chief executive warned: "Arms control by itself ~not insure oeace." A new rendition of an old classic. •• A floral design incorporating a tropical bird printed on a polyester and cotton kettle cloth fabric. A store that offers fine traditional sportswear for men, women and boys. • ---- • ... ..,, . - T .._. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurld1y, Aprll 22, 1982 -~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ·~··--------------------.._----------------------------------- ;.~'Police mus·t balance Jt, ~!:decisions on secrecy ··ii When Irvine pollce off leers \1 1 waited several days last week be- ., .. tore relea.sJng infonnation on eight' i. penons arrested on drug-related '' charges, they were hoping to use the silence to make further arrests. The ploy didn't work; none of oee arres1.ed volunteered names of otheca who might be guilty o( lerger-acale drug dealing. }hit .i1ven if the tactic had succee<jed, "The police still were operating dangerously close to practices not in the public's interest. There are times when pollce vestJgators can make a case that secrecy ls needed to bag a criminal. One of .those is in narcotics inves- tigations, where the worst offen- ders may be hidden from investi- gation by layers of lesser drug dealers. Police claim the most ef- fective way to reach those big dealers is by offering immunity from charges to the les8er ones in exchange for testimony. This may be expeditious, but it i.a troublesome because it gives police a tacit authority to decide when arrests should be released and when they shouldn't. It is an easy and sometimes convenient jump to start withholding infor- mation on other crimes and event.a as well. Being accountable in all in- stances to the public ls not always efficient, but our government we.sn't desiened foremoet for that. It was intended to ensure and protect the rights of all members of t.he public. In this cue, pOlice agencies mU!l keep open channels of communication and make all arrests public. In these drug cases, it "8hould be noted, the department volun- tarily released the arrest in.forma- tion once it was decided no further arrests would be made. This is significant because it shows that while officials did choose to with- hold information, they didn't in- tend to hide it. Public disclosure, as a rule, s h o uld be prompt. And who knows when immediate release of arrest data will lead someone else t-0 volunteer information leading to arrests that secrecy couldn't produce? WelcoDJe news on bay In a fortuitous turn or events, Newport Beach city off 1cials will be able to expand a multi-million dollar cleanup of the Upper New- port Bay without extra C08t. The cleanup, the first dredg- ing of the upper bay in more than 10 years, is set to begin early next month. City officials, though, h ave happily discovered that because of an unexpectedly low contract bid for the work, they have $500,000 left over that now can be-·used to dredge more silt out of the bay. .Qe.ll Nolan, the city's public works director, said the extra JllOney should mean an additional ' rl00,000 cubic yards of mud and lilt ijeing pulled from the now nearly clry bay. t The extra 200,000 cubic yards -if Newport City Council mem- ' l,)ers approve spending the re-i Q'lai.ning $500.000 on the project - • would be added to the nearly 700.000 cubic yards of silt sched- uled to be removed from the bay during the cleanup. The mostly state-funded $4.7 million-ptoject, expected to run six months, is designed to return wa- ter and tidal action to the top reaches of the bay, an area that now resembles a desert more than anything else. When the job is done, the now-dry top of the bay should resemble a small pond that ex - pands and shrinks with the tide. We, of course, urge the coun- cil to put this $500,000 to immedi- ate uae by expanding the project. While the project will fall far ahort of restoring the bay to what it once was, it will mark an im- provement and every extra cubic yard of silt that can be scoured from the bay will help. lOpen water meetings I Candidate Frank Hurd wen t out on a limb with recent charges that members of the Irvine Ranch Water District board cloak their public decisions in private mee- tings. But the politically seasoned Hurd was savvy enough to find a limb not likely to collapse under the weight of publicity. Hurd claimed board members -three of whom are running for re~lection against him in the June 8 elections -are resorting to un- publici7.ed committee meetings to make decisions that should be made in public. He said they stand to make extra money because of those meetings. Board members make $~00 per meeting. With two commitiee meetings supplemen- ting their two public meetings, they double thelr money, Hurd explained. He said he'd like. to do away with the committee mee- tings. Hurd is no s'tranger to local political battles, having eerved as a city planning commissioner and member of the Irvlne Unified School District Board of Trustees. A newcomer to water issues, he needed an i.aaue in the election to f.a1n attention, and he found it in tie oommlttee structure where he C)Ould combtn e 1ecrecy charges with lnnuendol of penonal gain. Hurd la~r admitted he sees comptracy to defraud the pub- in the board'• actions. But his ar1e1 atlll have riled 10me in- cumbents, who claim the commit- tee meetings are not against public interest but helpful because board m embers can brainstorm with staff memben during the two-to three-hour sessions. Only two of the five board members attend the committee sessions to avoid corr- flict with open meeting laws. But, political gamesmanship aside, the charges do point out the need for public servants ·to conduct their informatio n gathering, as well as decision-making, in..J>ubllc to the very fullest extent ~ble. Public meetings have been short lately, the committee meetings longer. Why not omit the private sessions and allow the brainstor- ming in public? A long public meeting is preferable to long pri· vate ones. The inequities of pay on local government boards also come out in this matter. While board mem- bers in some water districts are paid up to $600 per month, Irvine City COuncU members make a flat $250 and Irvine school board members aren't paid a monthly fee at all. IRWD officials should conai· der the practice in neighboring Mesa Consolidated Water Diltrict, where board members do not ac- cept $100 payment. fdr comml«ee tneetinp. That would at least keep fees in line with the City Ccuncfi and discourage more committee meetinp than nec.'e91aI')'. .M: Boyd I Doughboys ... lcll•r ~nd eventual ly, "~boya.'' What'• carbolbed. rose water? Whamwr, 10" haw \0 wipe Yo'&!' Upa Witb it a.foN you ldll llOlmbody In ahwllde, Calif. OdMrwWe, Chat kill vfola._ \tw h•hh laWI UMre, , ....... A. """'''" ... .., IRS fights quickie 'clergy' WASHJNGTON -A growing num- ber of Americans are turning to religion today, not for redemption of their 10ula but for reduction in their income taxes. Ordained on a cash-and-carry bul5 by obecure ·•religions," these born-again tax dodgers hope to evade the burden the rest of us share every April l ~. By de- claring therruselves ''churches," these qwclue clergymen claim exemption from all or part of the taxes they should be paying on their wages. UNFORTUNATELY FOR them, the Internal R~venue Service views this burgeoning evangelism with deep suspi- cion, attributing it to greed. not piety. The agency is cracking down on the di- lt>ttante dominies with heavy fines and wage garnishmenta. In some cases, the tax dodgers could wind up practicing their ministries behind prison bars. According to internal IRS documents, returns showing ill~~al tax deductions baaed on church-related schemes grew from 486 ln 1978 to 2,784 in 1980. The heavenward trend reportedly ls steep- ening. Consider the case of "Archb11hop" William E. Drexler Sr. of the L1{e- Science Church of Califomla, as disclo- aed in court records. Since 1976, he has eet up about 3,000 "churches" acnm the country by selling handy-dandy packeta ot documents tor anywhere from $1,000 t.o $4,000 a shot. The conversion kits contained ordina- tion certificates. clerical identity cards and vow• of poveny fo, 'G JACI llllRlll ~ ··rruruster" t.o s1gn as he turned over all assets and ihc ome to h is instant "church." Drexler nfade no secret of his hosulity to the lRS. In lSSUes of the Life-Science newsletter, The Patriot News, the church offered monetary rewards for the names. addresses and telephone numbeni of IRS agents and their fami- lies. Those it was able to idenufy were listed under such titles as "Enemy of the Month" and "Know Your Enemy List." Life-Science members were encouraged t.o harass the lRS employees by dumping manure on their lawns, placing early- 'mornlng collect caJls to their home phones or sending them unwanted magazine subec.nptions . Drexler even obliged his new converta by backdaung the ordination documents to permit tax deductions for earlier years. The archbishop assured his new ministers that the IRS had given the church tax-exempt status -which it had not -a nd promised that the church would proVlde full legal services if the tax collt•ctors hauled them into court ThtS also proved t.o be untrue, as many L1fo-Sc1(·~m1rust.ers in New York City dtsc:overc.'Ci. to thelr dismay ln fact. some c.:omplain<.-d to authont1es that they were threatened with "excommunication" if they 1nsu;U..'Ci on legaJ help. Drexler was convicted last year of evading more than $185,000 in income taxe11 and or ramng to ftle returns tn years when he and hlS son earned a total or $365,000 ln New York City, the lRS slapped levies on the wages of 319 member!> of Life-Science and o ther chun·hl.•s for payme nt of $484.000 In bock taxes ANOTHER TARGET of the Lrreverent IRS 1s Jerome Daly, archbishop, presi- dent and pope of the Basic Bible Church or America In February, a 40-count tax-fraud indictment against Daly and nine others was withdrawn on a ttthni- calny, but the ft.'ds haven't given up. Daly's operation was virtually idenlJ- cal t.o Drexler's pay your money and bet.'Orne a "'church." Two bodennakers in Pennsylvarua wound up m tax court last year when they tried the DaJy system on the IRS Education studies need follow-up To the Editor: Ed Foglia'• April 11 responae to the Pilot editorial, "Public Education Needs Examination" missed the point of my concurrent raolution on education qua- lity in the public schoola. I agree that we do not need more study. What we need ll lmplementatJon of much-need~eform ln certaJn key areas. The purpose o the establishment of my committee on education quality ls to MAILBOX cont0lidate into an action program the resulta and conclusions of the many stu- dies which have already taken place. It is true that California ran.la far be- low nearly every other atate in It.a fun- ding of public education. Thia dlstre9lel me. But it ls important to understand why the dollars which ARE provided for the schools are not reaching the-clus- room ltadf. • have already brought forth valuable conclusions as we begin our efforts. MARIAN BERGESON Assemblywoman. 74th Distnct Shelter need ed To lhe F.dltor: 1n responN to your April 15 editorial, In which you adviae the Irvine City CounCU to hold oU on any new capital proaram.s, t would like to express my viewa. Ordinarily, I would agree with you considering our hard flnancial times. And. as far as the propoeed dvic center and corporation yard are roncemed. the city can wait a few months. Our present city hall is adequate for now. There are still 90me empty offkft. Our corporation yard can continue, as ia, for the present without hampering Its performance. But, the Irvine Animal Care Center. located in wnporary quar· ters in t...gu.na Beach, in a leued facibty, must plan to move. The property i.s for sale, and the lease has nearly run out. THE SHELTER buildings, although poae91ed of a great deal of rural charm. are old and run-down, difficult to keep clean and maintain good health stan- dards. and it la far too small to handle the growing numbers of Irvine animals. It Isn't a question of making do with what we have, because when this facility ls sold. which may be any day now, there wlll be nowhere el.le t.o go. We will truly be in an emergency situation. We desperately need to gel started on a new animal care facility In order to maintain the htgh quality of a.nJmal 1er- vlcn which have been a model for other communlttff throughout the country. Thete eervices require a SUDporl fadllty, and are on a ''need to haw'' bula in lhe interelt of public hee.lth and afety," and ln support of our humanitarian phlloeo- ~.the treatment of our homelem LOIS ANNE WELSH Volunteer. lrvtne An1mll c..te Center 'Woofer Hilton' Police Department. Pub!Jc Works. Com- munity Services and Development are being slashed, w ith potenual for em- ployee layoffs and service cuts Mr Woollett made the prudent recommen- dallon to postpone these capital projects unul the economic climate couJd be eva- luated with greater certainty. Unfortunately. Art's "pet projecf' seems t.o t.ake priority over good common sense. Thi.a $3.5 million Animal Servicits Facility appears to take precedence. A facility that wouJd include radiant hea- ting in the floors of the runs, aJr oondl- t1on i ng In the kennels and lavlsbly landacaped petting areas for visitation. The estimated per-day per-animal cost has inspired the nickname of "Woofer Hilton." Amaungly enough. there seems to be a "special interest"' m this project for Art. His wife Elaine heads the Council Advi- 110ry Comrruttee on Animal Services and 11 president of PA W .s, a conunittee of 200 interested c1t.1zens I issue th11 challenge to the citizenry. Do you want present city tervices 1o be reduced or curt.ailed for the benefit of th11 special interest group? I trust the silent citiiens will make their voice. heard and not let Irvine literally ao to the dogs. Since I am a city employee and vaJue my job I request Uutt you withhold my name1'• NAME WITHHELD Lei judges know To the F.dltor: What do we expect from our pollce officers? The recent "cocaine bust" in Corona del Mar wu a job well done by our police department. Yet thee boock have been returned t.hftr rtghta to carry on bu1h'M!ll u usual. l\ a1JIO a.U. me to think that the at- torney, a former DA now in private practice, hu no moral responatbWty to the community. It appeara hl1 l'llOfa.l respomibWty to \M community ii wanh le11 than the fee . I am 1ure tbeH \h!no pay well. I only w1lh tM offlcen couJa have made 11 much aa \he attcll'l'l9y ,. f« doU\C the(r job. We, 11 taxpt.yen, need to let our Jud- i• lmow bow we feel about 1uch na- lln&I· NANCY PD.&Y • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, Aprll 22, 1982 Star sued o ver nude ph-0tos A Filipino movie 1tar who appeared nude ln the German edition of Playboy magaz.lne hu been sued for obecenJty a nd accused of brln,ing shame to the women o the conservative, Catholic - domlnated country. Civic leader P o lly M . Cayetano filed the obecenity charge againat Tetc ble · A1· bay an l, saying the nude photoll of the actress aroused ln her feelings of ·•extreme dlagust and ... bruised P,ride fQt Filipino wol'.'(lQnhood. ' The photographs of Miss Agbayani, a Philippine·sex symbol, app~ared in the March Germtn edition of Playboy. The issue fetches up to about $50 in Manila, eight times the magazine's usual selling price here. Reproduc- tions of the pictures al.so are being 90ld on the sly. Nostalgia buffs walked away from Christie's aucuon house in London with two 1owna worn by actret1 Mar· 1Ht4>tetrlefa durina Mr MY• day on the .Uver 1mten. •A. movie theater ln Corn· wall, Entland, paid '88~ foe one dreta worn b)'. Ml• Die· trlch ln t he 1937 movle "Kntaht Without Armor.'' Anodier of her co1tumea, a full-len ath, fur-trimmed gown, went tor S778. Mell L11aru1, nominated 15 times for the National Cartoonilts Society'• Reuben Award, finally stepped to the P.odium a winner for hla 'Ml.as Peach" and "Mom.ma" <.'OmiC strips. Lazarus edged 11Ddone1- bury" artiat Garry Tradeaa and "Garfield" originator Jlm Davia. Lazarus told the audience of fellow illustrators at the Plaza Hotel in New York that he was "staggered" at finally receiving the award, designed by and named after cartoonill Rube Goldberg. ~ . Criminal Court Judge Bernard F ried of New York drew roars of laughter and rave reviews as he di.smlssed criminal trespass c harges against some of Broadway's biggest stars. Tammy Grlmea, Colleen Dewhurst, Joaepb Papp, Ri- chard G~e and Michael Mo- riarty were among the de- TO SPEAK -Canadian P r ime Minister Pierre Trudeau will give the commencement address next month at the Univer- sity of Notre Dame. monstrators who sat in front of bulldozers March 22 to protest the destruction of the Morosco and Helen Hayes theaters near Times Square. Fried dropped the charges against 130 of the proteaters and charges against the re- maining defendants were ex- pected to be dropped. O regon town c o n t ests vote -ANTELOPE, Ore. (AP) -The City Council hH voted unanimously to contest an election in whJch lt failed to dbband the 81-year-old town for fear of a takeover by an Indian euru and hia foUo- wera. The vole ordera Keith Mobley, the city's la- wyer, to contelt lut Thunday's 54-42 election. The council sought di.sincorporation because 1t feared followers o1 Bhagwan Shree Rajneeah would take control of the/ovemment In this hamlet l~O miles eaat of Portlan in the November general election. Dillncorporatlon would have put key Issues 1uch as zoning in the hands of the Wnaco County Commillion, rather than local authorities. The propoul'1 fallure waa attributed to com- mune memben who had moved mto nine houses purchased in town by Rajneesh followers and re- gistered to vote the put six montha. Mayor Margaret Hill blamed the defeat on li- beral Oregon election laws that allow people to re· gitter on eleetlon day. The result was that more than three times the 31 voters who cast ballots two yean ago Ln the general election showed up to cast ballots. County election officials challenged every voter who regiBtered within the past 30 days, including non-members of the commune. That means. 70 vo- ters must appear in circuit court to substantiate the validity of theU' residence. Commune membens say they have moved into town to stay. · Spokesman David Knapp says that, despite the fean of the council, the commune is not going to mount a campaign to take over the five of seven seats on the council that will be up for election m November. ATARI ~) . TM VIDEO COMP-UY-ER GAME P-ROGRAMS . JI\. ATARI ~ MOREGM1ES. MORE FUN. A war. Comnv'tic:ollcn Company • Offers you many games and variations. Be a Race Car Champ, a Football Star, a Golf Pro, a Bowling Champ. a Chess Master. Atari ~ makes it all happen with this excit- ing collection of Game Programs for the Video System: .. · Pictured cartridges are only a part of a large selection. • FED CO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES FEDCO LA CIENEGA (213) 837·4487 3535 S LA CI ENEGA BLVD LOS ANGELES 90016 FEDCO YAN NUYI (213) 786-6863 14920 RAYMER STREET VAN NUYS 91405 ftOCO 'AIADOA {213) 449·8620 fEDCO COSTA MEJA ('!14) 979-2660 3030 HARBOR BLVD . COSTA MESA 92626 FEDCO IAN DIEGO (71 4) 262·241 I 54TH & EUCLID. $AN DIEGO 92105 FEDCO W IERUIH•O (7 14) 888 4 t 81 3111 E COLORADO BLVD , PASADENA 91107 570 S MT VERNON AVE SAN BERNARDINO 92410 fEDCO CERRITOI (213) 860·171 I 11525 SOUTH STREET CERRITOS 90701 ' STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS 11:•AMlll:•N • LAC.U •IM•llllMDlll•IMWn.I 11:• IOOl 11 t:tl Pll • CIMfTOI • COITA MIU• NIAi ___ _,. ITIMI IATURDAYI • ALL ITOMI 1• Ml 11 l:tl P11 IUIDAYI • ML lllMI 11:11 Ml 11 l:tl "'1 AU..,.. ca.oem •r nun ONN TO '8DCO ONLY . ~ STACK UP THE BENEFITS FOR ·YOUR · FUTURE IRA• KEOGH I at• I mper1a f I • • • • .. 1' .. • I ., .. . • • . . ' .. 'I . . . • • . . . . ~ . . . . . . . ·. ·' . . .. . . :: ~ •, '• " ~ . :· . : -·- r HUH ::> [J A Y . AP JHl i .' I Hi .' OHANGf COUN I Y C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS rCoast hoIDes vulnena.ble.· to firestorHJs ; . ~ . .. : I J "-Dally Pilot Staff • The $00 mUUon fire that rava- • .led Anaheim Wedneeday leavlna ! I,200 people homelaa Just u ea- • .Uy could have occurred ln Co. ~ rona de1 Mar, Irvine or Huntinl- : ton Beach -any~::;,i where · untreated wooden • beclt-i on f1amM like klndling in a fire- : pi.ce. · 'nlat ii the oplnion of offldala of fire department• along the • . Oranae c.o..t. * * * In eome dties, 1uch u Irvine, a debate la r.aglng aa to whether any new or reroofed homes ahould be allowed to Ule wooden rooflnl materi.ala unle11 they are factory-treated with flre - retardant chemicala. In other areu, flrefighten aay t.My are gearing their efforts to prevent almtlarly destructive fires ahould a blaze break out. Some homeowner•' and buil- den' ~pa. auch u the Buildina * * * Induitry Auoclatlon of Oran1e ~-micht cost $24000 for an County, have lobbled a1atn1t avenp hoUer. blanket prohlbltiona acalnst un-In La1una Beach, homea In treated wooden roofs. brulhy htlllide areu must hav• They have conceded the need root. and lidino of fire rewdant for Ure-retardant roofln1 In materlala. Bul homes in other netahborhooda that border rural pllU of the dty have ho rest.ric- area1, but ar1ue that flnd!np tlont. muat be made in cities' buJJdina Llluna nre Chief Ron Adami codee that document a need foe aald nil department will docu- prohibltiona. Al9o, builden noted ment the damap ln the Anaheim that fift.retardant materials ae1-fire foe the Qty~. theticallv oomDUable to wooden • "We'll clve them the tacq and * * * * * * flaurn and if they wal\l to ex- plQte future optloN for u.,u.na Beach, they may do IO," he aaid. In Irvine, the Ora.nae County Fire Department ha1 taken a tou,her ltand. Firef.tghten don't want any untreated wooden roofs. Aut.tant Chief Bob Hen- neuey aald the A.l}aheim exam- ple explalna why. "It wu a very urbanized ll'ft," he a.ald. "I think you could aay that Ure very well could have * * * happened In.Irvine aa well a1 other communitl_, in the unin- corporated county." The county Fire Department contracts its services in Irvine. Wooden 1hingle and 1hake roofs are daneerou., Hennetaey explained, but not jutt becauae the dry wood t. flammable. He said the makeup of the lhingles allow1 particles to explode and then shoot like "burning Fri1- (See ROOFING, Pa1e A!) * * * ;Fire rubble pr9he~ for victiIDs ~Ward store site 8-story hotel slated in Mesa -A compeny with tie11 to C.J . Segentrom & Sons has unveiled plans for an eight-st.Ory hotel and .four hlfh-riae office butldin91 IOUth o the San Diego Freeway along Bristol Street in Costa Msa. Officiala of California Pacific British to invade S. Georgia? LONOON (AP) -BrlU.b de- at:royen were ICheduled to arrive today off South Georgia, 800 m1lea eMt of the Falkland&, the Bridlh pl'ell reported. and there WM apec:\.&lation they Would land forces to retake the South At· lantie island u a demonstration to A.rpntina of Britt.h detttml· nation. The preta reporta said the de- stroyen were detached from the 61-ahip Britiah armada bound for the Falkland archipelago and 8mt at top speed to the Falllanda dependency that a amall Argen-tVw force occupied April 3, the day after Argentina seized the main l1land1 260 mllea off it1 IOUthem 0DUt.. Only about 140 Argentine eol- dlen were reported on South Georlfa, m contrut w an eati- ma ted 9,000 or more In the F9Jklanda. The rest of the Brltlah war fleet wu only a few days from die Falkland•. Britiah defense ~ aaid it would go on full 1far alert Friday night when it came within strike range of Ar- 1t11tine aircraft. The Br1U.h fleet had ita fint bJ'uah with the Argentines on Wedne~hen a Harrier a.hts· from the carrler IMrmea intercepted an unarmed. lona-ranie Boein1 707 1urvell- ~ e_laDe of the Ar,entine alr b"Ce. 'lbe Boeing turned away. ••If I Md ~ he would have 6een deed, but [ wouldn't like to ~ve been reeponaible for Ital'· .~a war," Mid the 26-year-old llarrler pilot, Lt. Simon Har- ..-W-· "; ·:. . ~ . ~= ~ WORLD Properties have aubmitled plans to dty hall for the construction of the hotel and offices on the 13.6-acre site formerly occupied by Montgomery Ward and Co. If approved by the Planning Commission and City Council, the project would be the 9e00nd high · rise development south of the freeway and the first ln that area for the Segentrorna. California Pacific, In part- nership with C.J. Segerstrom, purcbaaed the Montgomery Ward 1ite after the 154,000-aquare-foot store cloeed last December. Gre1 Shaffer, senior city planner, aaid Costa M..a plana to choo.e a company by the end· of the month to develop an Envi- ronmental Impact Report on the project. Shaffer said the complex, known u the South Coast Cor- porate Center, would not come before the planning comrn1aion until June. But.the plans for the office and hotel development could change dramatically after the City Council votes May 3 on the Brlatol Street Specific Plan. The city currently allow• high-rlae conatructlon on the 'north aide of the freeway. The Briatol plan could raise allowable oomtruct1on south of the freeway as high aa 10 stories, or keep lt at the current two-story limlt. The five-story Holiday Inn at 3131 Bri..atol Str~t and a three- 1tory building are the only de- velopment. that exceed that li- mit. Ownerl of property 8djacent to the old Ward 1tore have tried \l!Wacc:e.1ully to wln dty appro- val foe office developments ran- gl ng in height from 1lx to 14 1tories. Their plana have been opJ>C*d by nearby residents. However, Les Tbompeon. pre- 1ident of the Brookview Ho- meownen Aaodation, aald he'1 pkwed by ~ plana foe the hotel and hi.ch rile olfica "lt'1-marveloua," aaid Thomp- IOl'l. "It'• ablolutely wonderful I think lt ousht to be done torDDITOW.'' Brookview 1a behind the old Ward It.oft. .. .. ~ ,. Bomb planted in Paris .. .. ,: ~ •! :-.. ·: PARIS (AP) -A boiDb plmtld und9r a cw ex-~ in the mkllt ol ~ nwh·bour c:rowdt in cmtnl Peril nw tbl OWnpe l:l'9W today, killlDI a 10'llll Jll'lllMl'l l\tincbwGlllllD wl IDJui1nl ea ..... pol6c9 llld. . .. NATION unty 'Overshot ~ntranee' »efense Yacht runs· aground stressed at Newport jetty by Nixon By ALMON LOCLUEY ~ ............. ,.., After . 25,000 ml.lea of cruWng in all kinda of wlnd1 and sea conditions. Jay_ Re8cher watched. di9conaolatelv Wedneeday M aal- vage crew1 hauled hi1 60-foot ketch up on· the beach on the Balboe Penlnlula. I .Reaoher'1 yacht, Dama, bad gone 8D0'1Dd Tueeday night ln a deJ\le foa wblle be wu tearehing for the entrance to Newport Harbor. Bacher' and h1a crew of two, were head.lnl north from Cabo San Luca They ~ plannina to Wit friends in Newport Beec6 before conttnutna their crui.e. While watching Anchor Ma- rine Salvace crews dra1 Dama out of the turf, the New Yorker explained bow the groundln1 occurred. . "We overshot the jetty en- trance in the fOfl. Our radar WM workln1, but we mistook the Balboa PieJ' f« the jetty entran- ce. When we aot doee ~ to th• pier to realise our error, I tumid the boat around and bea- ded back looktnc for tbe jetty entrance. I was unaware bow STATE COUN .. fY clOM lnlhore we were becau. all we could tee on our radar were the oceanfront hoUlel. I fJaured they were cic. to the water. "I had Just stopped the eoatne and tone forward to lilt.en for the jetty foghorn when a lup wave hit our bow and drove u1 uhore.'' Reacher 1aid both the main mut and the mizzen mast map- ped u the boat hit the 1rollnd and beaan to wallow in the au.rt. He aaSd the yecht la inlu.red and that he and hla wife would be ~yina with frlenda in Newport until it la rep.t.red. Full extent of the damqe W.M M not lmmedl.ately known.1Se.kles the broken mMtl. a 1arae crack appeared on the port licfe of the hi.all While ln the turf, the boat took on water and aand. moat of it cominC over the Item, which fa- ced the tea. "Thia ii a bell of a way to end a ... , .. aa1d B8cher. ~. salvage company hauled the boat out of the surf late Wem.day aftemoon and plan· ned to ~ a ponable crane to l09d the yacht onto a trailer • day. • Fonner pra.tdent Richard Ni- xon , •peaking forcefully to a friendly crowd, told an Anaheim audience Wednesday niaht that the United States muat oeaotiate nuclear anna control from a po- lltion of 1trength, not weakness. The 37th president, who res- igned from office in 1974, de- fended policies of Prr.aldent Reqan aimed at bolatenng U.S. nuclear defenleS. "People uk why he la 1pen- dlna this money on defen1e. . . He 1a apend1na it in order to res- tore the balance of power (between the United States and the Soviet UnJon)," Nixon u.kl. 'nM! former president appeared at a $150-per-pel"llOn fu.Odrai.ter whicl'f attracted more than 800 attendees and ia expected to net more than $150,000 for the county Republican Party central committee. A telect group of 100 couples paid $1,000 each to at1end a pri- vate reception with Nixon. Nixon aaid he did not doubt the 11ncerity of blcken of a propcmd nuclear freeae whereby the United Stat.ea and Soviet Union would eaeb a•ree to halt pro- ( ... NIXON. Pap Al) INDEX A4 82 M BM Al • Dl,Dl!e Cl Cl m ,., CT-I • ,. ~1 0RT~ .. :·,,. '"' Damage· $50 at million By FREDERICK SCBOEMEBL Oi'llheDelfNeCIWI Anaheim Fire Department ln- 1pecton poked through the rub- ble of Wednesday'• devastating fire today to determine if anyone died in the firestorm that de- stroyed 52'4 apartment unita. • units. Inspectors also were malting sure the area I.a safe before per- mitting about 1,500 homeleaa residents to return to pick th.rough the ashes. F ire offlciala said they could not predict how long the inspec· tion would take. "It could go very fast, or tt could take, 12, 14 houn," one fire department spo- kesman said. No one has been reported mla.- atng in the aftermath of what is being de.cribed u the 11\CX1t dia· autrout flre ln Orange County h.l.atory. The initial damage esti- mate 11 $50 million, a figure Anaheim Fire Chief Robert Simpton aay1 la "low" and ''COl19erVat1ve. '' In other fire-related develop- ments today: -Authorities today appealed for any fire victims who have not yet done 10, to register al the American Red Cross emergency center at Ball Junior High School, 1500 W. Ball Road. They said a formal procedure is being established to permit residents to return to the fire area to inspect and recover penonal property, but said Red Cross registration will be required to· gain aixea. -Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. was evaluating whether to ask President Reagan to declare Anaheim a disaster area for pur- poses of providing temporary houslng and grant funds to fire vlctJ..ms. A dedaion I.a expected by Friday. -Two management flrm1 owning more than 200 of the destroyed units, IPS Manage- ment, of Orange, and Ronson Equity Manasement, of Fuller- ton, were making arr~ta to either provide new apartments or cuh peyments to fire vic1J.ma. IPS offtclala said they would provide free rent to former te- nanta at other apartment com- plexe1 under its ownership, while Ronaon officials were 11-vlna fonner tenant.I a refund on rent and depoeitl and aul1tln1 with relocation. • -The American Red Crou wa1 con tinutn1 to proceu fire victiml and allilt them by .. .ldvirur them 1crip 1ood for fOoa ana ( ... ANAHEIM, Pace A%) - ROOFING BLAMED • • • bHt" ln the wind from one rooftop to the next. .. There'• enou1h 1ub9tance t.o them eo w en they do land on the f y don't go out," he .... he Irvine City Council la heduled to vote May 25 on whether t.o l.natltute the citywide t>.n on untttated wooden roofa. The city Planning Comml11lon hM voted 3-2 t.o endone the ban. A key element ln the ban, Henne11ey a~ded, la to force re1ldent1 to u1e fire-retardant materlab when reroofing their homes. Huntington Beach Fire Chief Ray Piccard aays con<ijuons are pn!Rnt in his city for IA fl.re dis- aater even worae than Ana- heim'•· Huntington Beach has "hundreds of acres" of wooden roofa, h e added, and no laws re- qU!rinB fire-retardant materials. !1ccard uys he'd like euch an ordinance, but claim• political l"Ml.ldet ~ ~ from the wooden tNJl&le lnduatry are not conducive to the chanp. But -he'• watching Anaheim and It that city adopta IOme law1, maybe he wlll auggeet propoala t.o follow. them, heuld. Cotta Meu hu no prohibltlona on wooden roofs either, but Bat- talion Chief Jim Richey •YI h1a department would support a ban on untreated wooden roofa. In Newport ae.ch, Fire Chief James Reed said he wun't aur- priled by the wind-fed lnterno In Anaheim. Corona del Mar nearly had a a1mUar fire In 1980, he aaJd. A single garage went up In flames on a day with hot Santa Ana winda and by the time fire- fighters arrived, a dozen shake roofs In the Cameo Highlands neighborhood were on tire. ANAHEIM FIRE. . . clothing. The Red Cross, at an emergency shelter at Ball J.UIUor ffilh School, will provide three meals per day throughout the weekend and help In relocation efforts. -The Apartment Asaociation. of Orange County was coordina- ting other efforts among land- lords aimed at finding new ac- commodations for the homeless. -Crocker Bank, which ope- rates a branch at Euclid Street and Ball Road adjacent to the fire area, announced It would provide low interest loans to fire victims to Ulist in relocation. The branch• will be open Saturday for loan procemlng, bank oUici.a.la said. As the fire victims' assistance programs were launched Wed- nesday, fire o fficials and the homeleu were still expressing surpriae and shock over the fire that broke out at ~:42 a.m. and within three hours destroyed a four-aquare-block area. Fire Chlef Simp190n said it was the "non compatible" combina- tion of Santa Ana winda guating to 60 miles per hour and tinder- dry ahake roofa that permitted the fire t.o jump from roof t.o roof within minutes. One fire victim, Marshall Nor· ria, an Ora.nee County Superior Court clerk and candidate for county aberlff~roner, pointed out that firemen initially gave priority to evacuating resident.a over douatn1 the flamea. ''They had no choice," Norrta aaid. "Some people were complai- ning about the firemen not manning the ha.ea. But I can't say enough for them (the firemen). We wouldn't have anything, not twen our akin. if it hadn't ~en for. them," Norris ' saJd . Chief Simpson noted tha't many civiliana manned fire hoees In the early moment.a of the fl.re 10 that firemen could continue to move door-to-door to get the residents out. .Oeltr ..... ~ bJ a., AINlf- F ACE IN THE CROWD -California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. conferes with Anaheim fire victims at Red Cross shelter established Wednesday at Ball Junior High School. Brown said he thought federal aid would be "a reasonable" request. Mesa SCAG • action said disappointing, A leader of the Southern Cali- fornia Association of Govern- menta said he la dlaappolnted by Costa Mesa's declalon to with- draw from the planning a~ but admita SCAG ii too large. the city start it. "Their (the council's) ooncema are very legitimate," said MP..ays. "We all agree SCAG la too large. The region la too large.'' Only 14 Orange County cities are now left in the regional as- aociation. It waa started in 1965 to deal with regional transportation, housing and air quality problems. NIXON IN COUNTY ... Bart Meays. executive director for SCAG aaid Wednesday the exodus of Orange County cities from the regional planning agency in recent years hu be- come "a eerloua prOblern." Monday nlgbt Cotta Mesa be- came the eighth ~e County city to withclraw from the reg.to- nal planning agency that serves 127 cities in Orange, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Rlveraide and Imperial counties. 'Grease' set at Estancia duction, testin( and deployment of additional nuclear weapons. But he aald s uch a freeze would only work to the benefit of the Soviets, ·who, he claimed, have more land-baaed nuclear weapons than the United States. U the United States increases l\a nuclear capability, Nixon in- alsted, then it can. negotiate ef- f ectlvely with the Soviets for arma control. But, tfie fonner chiet,,exeeutive wwned: "Arma control by itaelf ~ not 1Dlure oeaoe.'' War, he said: is not caused by anna but by the failure of nations to re90lve differences that requi- re the uae of anna. Extending that theory. Ntxon said the U"nlted States must maintain "a relationship" with the Soviet Union, He aaid the United State• ahould Wle lta powerful economic pm;ition in the world agalnat the Soviet Union should the Sovieta not engageJn "meantnaful" anns control talks and Cle1i1 .. in "adventurism" In other counui'es. Nixon did not limit his remark.a to nuclear weaponry. He predicted that the U .S . economy, now deep in a reces- sion, wlll rebound. Said Nixon, "1983 without quntlon will be a good year~ 1984 wlll be a great yeM.' Councilman Donn Hall, who led the drive to withdraw from the planning agency. said SCAG has grown too large and haa lacked accountability end input from cities. Hall said he would rat.her see a tub-regional group establiahed to deal specifically with Orange County's problems. Meays saJd he would support such a group and that SCAG officials would be willing t.o help Temperatures Coastal ' Smell creft Mtvleory '°' ., ... below canyon9 from Sant• Ber-. • bllnl lo Mexican border for local C1WtY -1 lo not!MMI WWldl of 20 lo 35 knoll, with wind --4 tot feel. ~wlnda•to t6 knoll In 11ternoon. WHterly ewell1 1 to 2 IMI. Mo1lly cie•r .... MAnott .. Lo .... flO 32 55 38 54 32 88 4& .07 71 47 t3 40 flO 49 I 12 84 34 84 41 ee .. 52 31 83 39 ti 39 01 72 N OS 42 21 flO S4 ,01 56 27 78 t7 57 39 t9 60 61 24 63 32 55 ~ 61 35 n e1 .01 62 31 •1 4t .21 N 32 81 2t .. 80 63 21 66 ,, 82 41 66 2t .. 2t 84 43 ff 35 .03 a 21 IO • .01 86 N .It 68 .. ee N 11 t2 IO 4l 70 .. 61 .. .. . ., ... to 11 t2 71 13 IO .. IO .. " n .. '°" .. 4t • ' ~ I 10 (!!I!) • • ~~ •... =1• \ • ~.,. ...... O•tt_.4 .. 111 ~ ---=== t7 61 87 23 ., 3& .. 32 01 92 et 84 3' 75 27 61 31 67 ,, .17 17 ... 81 38 .01 " 41 .. 27'1. t3 21 68 IO 84 47 .14 71 4t 84 60 .()4 60 at .11 61 .. .. t3 31 20 M N 51 32 60 M 14 41 ... 31 .. 44 IO 14 .. " " 7t 11 ... 61. .. S2 !8 II Extended lorecaBt II() 48 7t TS 118 II 81 44 n ao 12 54 77 81 .. 81 II 78 " 76 46 11 IO 12 13 70 ... 53 21 70 21 n M ... •· ,., 11 .. 41 12 .. 71 It 11 17 74 ... IOUT"lllllM CA&.IPOftNIA COAITAL. ANO MOUNTAIN AlilltAt -'''' 'ut ""'8 lltl 1111111 and Hrly mer111111 low =· en• ~':L!J. 81:\'~ ... ...:.T-11 .... '--............................ ..... L.-.......... • Drama studenta from F.alanda High School in Costa Mesa '{Vill stage three perfonnanoes of the musical ''Grease" at the Newport Harbor High School auditorium tonight through SatW'day. All shows begin at 8 p.m. and ticketa are $4 and can be re.erved by calling 557-3060. The musical is being directed by drama in- slru.ct.or Barbara Van Holt. The Newport Beach Parks, Beaches and Recreation depart- ment 11 presenting a teparate se- ries of ahowlno of ''Grease" at the Lincoln School auditorium in Corona del Mar. Performances run through May 2 and tlcketa are priced at $3. For Information, call 640-2271. Property auction set by NB police An auction of unclaimed property recovered by the Newport Beach police will be held Saturday at 9 ILll\, at the poUce station, 870 Santa Bar- bara Drive. Items to be told include more than 50 bicycles, an as- sortment of ftShlng poles, •Newport Beach library patrons with overdue boob a.re being offered a one-time chance to return books free of any fines. •Youngsters 7 to 14 years of age can SJgn up for Junior All-American Football in Newport Beac h Saturday from 9 a .m. to noon at the Corona del Mar High School boys' gymnasium. • Hu.ndr.e.ds of books, rec- ords and magazines will be o!fered for sale Saturday by the Friends of the Costa Mesa Libraries. The annual spring sale will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Crocker National Bank parking lot al 1845 Newport Blvd. ln addition to the book sale, Clyde Zuleh watchea and calculators and several electric typewntera. All Items are sold on an u -la bAais with no guarantees. :Purchaeea muat be made 1n icaah or with local check.a and lt.eml muat be removed from 'the police station al tht-<.'On- ichalon of the auetlon The free-fine day will be held Saturday at a ll four Newport branch libraries. Hours on that daH: will be from 10 a.m. t.o 5 p.m Boyt: will be assigned to a team of youths their own age and will play a serie11 of lea- gue games. Team practices start in August. Saturday's sign-u session IS the only one that will be held. J Co.ta Mesa library group as also conducting a sile nt book auction. Anyone interested In some unusual edttions 18 tnVlted to bid on the b ook s al the branch libraries at 1855 W. Park Ave. or 2969 Mesa Ver- de Drive E. Wmners of the aucuon will be notified by phone Satur- day. Last rites held for CdM painter Private funeral services for Corona del Mar artist and gallery owner CJ>yde Zulcb, who died early thiS week at age 62, were conducted Wednesday. Zulch, a fonner concert planiat, waa found dead in a shower stall in his home early Monday. Authorities said It appears he took his own llfe. Friends who said Zulch had been in good health and good spirita could cite no reason for the apparent sui- cide. Judith Bland, the artist's wife, said her husband traveled in Europe as a concert pianist and eventually retired after the wear and tear of traveling became too much. Zulch, she aaid, atudled music in Paris and earned a master's deg;ree In music at the University of Southern California after completing four yea.rs of study at Occidental College She said he spent two years teaching art and music at the University of Washington before moving to Corona del Mar. Zulch and his wife, who is a sculptress and pianist, occasio- nally performed together In the Harbor area. The owner of Clyde Zulch Originals in Corona del Mar, he gained note as a painter of sea- acapes. He was a director on the Corona de! Mar Chamber o f Commerce. a member of the American Institute of Fine Art and be longed to nume rous art organizations including the Costa Mesa Art League. He leaves his wife and a son, WUllam, 26, of Los Angeles. AJ.ao surviving are his wile's two children by a former marriage. A new rendrtion of an old classic. A floral design incorporating a tropical bird printed • on a polyester and cotton kettle cloth fabric. A store that offers fine traditional aportawHr for men, wom.n and boys. ' I ~· c Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Thurtdtsy, April 22, 1912 N.M. district should back off USC lease The Newport-Meta 1ebool di- strict aeems unable to extricate it- self, cleanly and simply, from a deal that went IOW'. It start~d last November when the district struck an agreement with the University of Southern California. USC waa to leese the old Corona del Mar El&- mentary School to use as a satellite campus offering college business courses at night. USC agreed to pay $69,000 per year to use the facilities. It seemed like a good deal at the time. The revenue-pinched school district would earn some money off an empty school. The rapidly growing business commu- nity in the area would have ~ to additional educational opportu- nities. And with the strong USC alumni ties here, why would there be any problems? But the school district miscal- cula.ted. There were objections. Strong ones. The neighbors complained that the USC satellite would bring traffic congestion and noise to their quiet streets. And the folks at City Hall said, "Hey, wait a mi- nute, you didn't ask us if this is a proper use for this property." The school district told the neighbors things wouldn't be as bad as they thought and it told the City Hall folks, somewhat ~m- . poualy, that it didn't have to an- swer to them. The objecting parties then took their case to the Coastal Commission, which promptly re- jected the ICbool diltrict'I plan. USC, startled and embar- rasted by all the hullabaloo, scuttled off to Corona del Mar !!!ah School with lta night classes asked to be let out of the deal. Now the school district has asked the Coastal Commission to reconsider. There will be another hearing. Meanwhile, USC says it doesn't want to move onto the elementary school campus, re- gard.lea of the commission's final decision because of the opposition from neighbors. Why does the school district persist? SupL John Nicoll says it's because the commission rulina has ''put a taint on the pro~rtY~ The district should have thought of that before it charged into the USC deal. Now it appears the district is trying to save face, or worse, stick USC with a lease it doesn't want. ~couldn't the district just admit, gracefully, that it made a mistake and then try to accommo- date the university on another empty campus? There a.re plenty around. Welcome n e ws on bay In a fortuitous iurn of events, Newport Beach city officials will be able to expand a multi-million <!ollar cleanup of the Upper New- port Bay without extra cosL The cleanup, the f int dredg- ing of the upper bay in more than 10 years, is set to begin early next month. City officials, though, have happily discovered that because of an unexpectedly low contract bid for the work, they have $500,000 left over that now can be uaed to dredge more silt out of the bay. Ben Nolan, the city'• public works director, said the extra money should mean an additional 200,000 cubic yards of mud and silt being pulled from the now nearly dry bay. The extra 200,000 cubic yards -if Newport City Council mem- bers approve spending the re- maining $500,000 OD the project - Mesa needs a Costa Mesa added its name this week to the list of Orange County cities that have pulled out of the Southern California A.Sloci- ation of Governments. Last week we recommended that the city keeps its $1,000 SCAG membership, at least \4ntil a new 1ubregional county group could be formed. But the council voted unani- mously to withdraw from the planning agency that was formed in 1965 to assist cities in Orange, Loe Angeles, Rlvenide, San Ber- nardino, Imperial and V~ntura counties in dealing .with transpor- tation, housing, environmental is-- sues and other regional problems. The question ls, what ii Costa Mesa going to do now? There has been a lot of talk about f ormlng an Orange County group that could • would be added to the nearly 700,'000 cubic yards of silt sched- uled to be removed from the bay during the cleanup. The mostly state-funded $4. 7 million project, expected to run six months, is designed to return wa- ter and tidal action to the top reaches of the bay, an area that now resembles a desert more than anything else. Whett the jo b is done, the now-dry top of the bay should resemble a small pond th at ex- pands and shrinks with the tide. We, of course, urge the coun- cil to put this $500,000 to immedi- ate use by expanding the project. While the project will fall far short of restoring the bay to what it once waa, it will mark an im- provement and every extra cubic yard of silt that can be scoured frorp the bay will help. • voice serve local interests. Councilman Donn Hall has eaid that he already has spoken with several representatives from other cities who are interested in forming such a group. But it'• going to take more than generalized expressions of interest. Someone has to invest time and money and leadership to get such a eroup going. A serious plan need.a to be developed. Councilman Ed McFarland, who served two yean on SCAG'1 executive committee, said he doubts that Costa Meaa will be able to do anything significant to help solve regional planning problems. We hope he ii wrong and that someone on the council, perhaps even McFarland .• will 1ee that doesn't happen. Opinions expressed In the space aboVe are those of the Delly Piiot. Other views eic· pressed on this p<19e are those of their authors and artists. Reacs.t' comment b lnvlt· ed. Address The O•llY Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (7U) 6-42·,3'21. L.M. Boyd I Doughboys ~t oontin-.-OWtr me aria\ of thi old word "douahboy'' for the America IOUUer. One candidate ex· ~don! U.8. lnfan~ durina the Mex.bn war wer. q.......-.d ln hUM awdt of. IUn.:ctiiecl brick -edobe -ums ..._bards. n.. ~ ~ caa:te to be known u "dobe" 1oldleu, and eventually, ~ .. DlaOI comt to m1nd7 Prince Charlel' wlf e. Prlnceu Diana. Diana RM1, Dtana RJa. Curk>u.tly, all thr" of tt.e haw -i... known at one dim or ~. ··L.-ty."..,,. Princem, be- fore tbe weddln(. llo11 when •h• ttarr9d In ''Ledy Sin_~ the Bha•,0 met Ria. ....... ,..ytd "' • .,... on.a K"uppt_t c.r: . IRS fights quickie 'clergy' WASHINGTON -A growlng num- ber of Americana are turning to religion today. not for redemption of their 80ult but for reduction ln thelr income taxes. Ordained on a caah-and-arry bas.is by obecure "religions, .. thete born-again tax dodgers hope to evade the burden the rest of us share every April 15. By de- claring themselves "churche.," these quickie clergymen claim exemption from all or part of the taxes they ahould be paying on their w~es. UNFORTUNATELY FOR them, the Internal Revenue Service views this burgeoning evangelism with deep suspi- cion, attributing lt to greed, not piety. The agency is cracking down on the di- lettante domlnies with heavy fines and wage garnishment.a. In some cases, the tax dodgers could w ind up practicing their minlstries behind prison bars. According to lntemal ms documents. returns showin1 illeaal tax deductions baaed on church-related .chemes grew from 4186 in 1978 to 2,784 in 1980. The heavenward trend reportedly La ateep- ening. Consider the case of •·Archbishop" William E. Drexler Sr. of the Life- Science Church of California, u diaclo- sed in oourt records. Since 1976, he has aet up about 3,000 "churches" across the country by selling handy-dandy packet.a of documents for anywhere from $1,000 to $4,000 a shot. The conversion kit.a contained ordina- tion certificates. clerical identity cards and vow • ol poven y lo< 'G. JA£1 11111111 ~ "minister" to sign as he turned over all asset s and Income to h la in s tant "church." Drexler made no secret of his hostility to the IRS. ln issues of the Life-Science ne wsletter. The P atr iot Ne ws. the church offered monetal'y rewards for t he names, addresses and te lephone numbers of IRS agen ts and their fami- lies. Thoee it was able to identify were listed under such titles as "Enemy of the Month" and "Know Your Enemy List." Life-Science members were encouraged to hara. the IRS employees by dumping manure on their lawns, placing early- morning collect calls to their home phones or sending the m unwante d magazine subecriptions. Drexler even obliged his new oonvert.s by backdating the ordination documents to permit tax deductlona for earlier years. The archbiahop assured his new ministers that the IRS had given the church tax-exempt status -which it had not -and promised that the church would provide full legal services if the tax collectors ha uled them into court. This also proved to be untrue, as many LLfe-Science ministen m New York City dC!COvered, to their dwnay. ln fact, !IOme t."Omplruned to authonties that they were threatened with "excommunication" if they lllSlBted on Legal help. Drexler was convicted last year or evading more than $185,000 in income taxes and of failing to file returns in years when he and hia son earned a total of $365,000. ln New York City, the IRS slappe d levies on t he wa ges of 319 members of Life-Science and other churches for payment of $484,000 ln back taxes. ANOTHER TARGET of the irreverent IRS is Jerome Daly, archbishop, presi· dent and pope of the Basic Bible Church of America . In February, a 40-count tax-fraud indictment against Daly and nine others was withdrawn on a techni- cality, but the feds haven't given up. Daly's operation was virtually identi- cal to Drexler's -pay your money and become a "church." Two boilermakers in Pennsylvania wound up in tax oourt last year when they tned the Daly system Oil the IRS. Education studies need foil ow-up To the F.dltor: Ed Foglla's April 11 re.ponae to the Pilot editorial. "Public Education Needs Examination" mlued the point of my concurrent res>lutioo on education qua- lity ln the public a:hoola. I agree that we do not need more study. What we need ii implementation of much-needed reform in certain key areas. . , The purpoee of the nt.ablllhment of my committee on education quality b to MAILBOX conaolidate lnto an actionrogram the results and c:oncluslom « t&e many stu- d1es which have already \Aken place. It iJ true that California ranks far be- low nearly every other state ln lta fun- ding of public education. Thill diltreaes me. But Jt la important to undentand why the dollan which ARE pnMded for the achoola are not reaching the clau- room ltaelf. OUR CURRENT educational system forces achoola to have a greater concern for compliance with 1tate and federal mandates than for whether studenta are learning. Lea and lea money ii beln8 provided for general cl.uaroom instruc- tion, while SaCramento d1recta dollan to preteribed cateaortcal program.a -res- ulting in matt and more pe..,.w«k f« tachers and admln.latrative penonnel at the local level. Additionally, atrona teacher untona, which undentandably protect job teru- rity, l)ave 1tven ireater priorlt)' to te- nure rtlhtl and Mn.iority layoff proc:e- dW9 than to OYtnll prosram neeclt. The "quality" of ed\acation it bMed on the lki1ll and ettecU~ of lta teac.hen and lnatructon. We are loe.in1 talented tHchen to oChal' profeMom .. ~ and industry offer lncendv• whkh ~ ward ex~Uence and performanc:e. Our CW'mlt educadonal Qlttm doea not al- low for thne flnandal or prot•onaJ lnolntlYeL Many lhare the optnJon that almply ~ more dol1an to nilUIC P"OC· ruw bMild on .. MDUal ~-.. In· aw ii no& P., to lolW tit~ of. OW' PubUc ~. Alta cant.mna wltb ~ ol thl Callfomfa RoUDcflable'a TMk Force on .Jobi w1 ....... •mi una. Hoo- • Comr'ad ............ --·· -UM DMd f• aa al:dGin c--ftlm ..._..,. ... -=--··· 11".0' ..... "h--... ,,,,_, .... ..... ,. .............. .... ........... Uva '. lrwlll' ...... ·~:···~·· ....... ,. ..... ill dllhd I ...... ~ ... -.... .. have already brought forth valuable oonclusions as we begin our effort.a. MAl\IAN BERGESON Assemblywoman. 74th Di.strict Let j udges k now To the F.ditor: What do we expect from our pollce offlcert7 The recent ''coca1ne bust" ln Corona del Mar wu a job well do~ our police department. Yet the.e h ~ve been returned their rights to carry on business as usual. It allo galls me~ think thaT the at- torney, a former DA now ln private practice, has no moral responsibility to t.he community. It appears hia moral responslblllty to the community is worth leas than the fee. I am sure these thinp pay well. I only wish the officers could have made as much as the attorney fee for doing their job. " We, u taxpayers, need to let our jud- ~now how w e feel about such ru- NANCY PERRY TE L E PHONE YOUR LETTER TO THE E DITOR See instructions below Passport blues To the Editor: I have the puaport bluet. I oou1d ~ve cried in my Manhattan lMl night. but I didn't want t.o weaken my drink, as I needed 1uUJclent forUflcaUon while the la\el\ letter from the West Bureau o/. Vital Stad.IUal. e never hlld a birth certificate, nor an apparent nMd for OM (the Anny took me c:.\ the ~ of my baptilmal certificate!) So now r need • pwpon to taJut a once-ln·a-Ufetlme vacation t.o New Zealand. But accordJna to them (W.V.B.V.8,) I WM~ born! In Ulll m.ntinw my mn are blurrlna my two-far-om a&rUne boerdlna pm. What burm "" oortl " boW cUd ·Che Anny draft .. ti).~ 3~ ~OW:r· -dwinl WW U U l w.n t properly docwnen*lf Whal furt.hel' *"' °'l.:"k .. that the pWINillftt hll "°' Nluct.ant to deduc' fr.l.C.A.) Social S.Curily monl• from m1 lifetime earnlnp. A baptismal certificate must have been good enough for that! What bums more of my oork Is that waves of foreigners are having no ~ ble getting in to the U.S. without proper documentation. All they need is an oJd boat, a sad story and we suckers open our arm.1 to them. Besides bringlng their problems to add to our own, they ue taking jobs, using health care facilitiet and other benefit.a which rightfully be- long to our own citiz.ens. , So here's a hard-learned lesaon to all Americans -if you want to travel overseas and were born at home and ~ve only a bapti.sm evidence, and you are older than any living relative (ml.IM be at least 10 years older) you mu•t furnish beaucoup documenta as proof ol. your existence. Be fore you can get a delayed birth certificate. before you can get a passport, before you can go over- seas -unless the Anny gets you. C.MIJ<Al. Balan ce b udget To the F.ditor: When the federal government runs up an $80 billion deficit It borrowa from private sector. leaving less available Cund1 for lndlvlduala, buaineue. corporations to borrow. Interest ratet therefore forced to the all-time htghs have today. There 11 a aolution to ridiculous situation -having the ernment live within its meena. For first time ln history, the U.S. Senate vote on a conat:ltutlonal amendment ,.. qu.lrlng the federal budget to bala.._ each year. , Senate Joint Resolution 68, 3he lanced Budpt Tax LlmJtaUon ment. should reec:h the Senate floor for vote In late April. Fifty-three .ena are co-1ponaorin1 S .J . Rea. 58 but I pi...,e la not auaranteed. Sen. Ala Cranston it not one of lta sporwon. U Mr. Cranlton to IUpport thla amendment. The adarem fw all Selllatcll* ii: Senate Offf.ce Bu.Udina. WMhll\OllL D.C. 20~10 nzllUU. DENNIS·r ~~--~--~--~~~~~~___.__~~~~1 \ Orange COMt DAILY PILOT/Thuraday, Aprll 22, 1982 Al tar sued over nude photos A Filipino movie star who appeared nude In the German edition of Playboy magulne hu been sued. for obscenity a nd accused of brln,ing shame to the women o the con servative, Catholic- dornlnated country. Civic leader Polly M. Cayetano filed the obscenity charge against Tetcble A1· bayaal, saying the nude photos of the actre8I aroused in her feelings of "extreme dl.sgust and ... bruised r,nde for Filipino womanhood.' T he photographs of Miss Agbayani, a Philippine sex symbol, appeared in the March German edition of Playboy. The issue fetches up to about $50 in Manila, eight times the magazine's usual selling pr1ce here. Reproduc- tions of the pictures also are being sold on the sly. Nostalgia buffs walked away from Chrisue's auction house' in London with two aowna..Wom by aclrftl Mar- 1 ... Dl•trltt dwinl her hey-day on lbe .Uver ecreen. A movie theater ln Corn-wall, Encland. pald *885 f« ont drell worn by M&.. Die- tr I ch ln the 1937 movie "Knight Without Armor." Anotlier of her costumea, a full-length, fur-trimmed aown, went for S778. Mell La11r11, nominated 15 Umea tor the National Cartooni•ta Society'• Reuben Award, finally stepped to the podium ti w inne r for hit "Mi!ll Peach" and "Momma" comic strips. Lazarus edj(ed "Doonea- bury" artist Garry Tr11deH and "Gatfleld" originator Jim Davia. Lazarus told the audience of fellow illustrators at the Plaza Hotel in New York that he was "staagered" at finally receiving the award, designed by and named after cartoon.lat Rube·Goldberg. Criminal Court Judge Bernard Fried of New York drew roars of laughter and rave reviews as he dismissed criminal trespass charges against some of Broadway's biggest stars. Tammy Grimes, Colleen Dewhurst, Joseph Papp, RI· chard Gere and Michael Mo- r la rt y were among the de- TO SPEAK -Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau will give the commencement address next month at the Univer- sity of Notre Dame. monatrators who sat in front of bulldozers March 22 to protest the destruction of the Morosco and Helen Bayes theaters near Times Square. Fried dropped the charges against 13<> of the protesters and charges against the re- maining defendants were ex- pected to be dropped. r Oregon town contests vote ANTELOPE, Ore. (AP) -The City Council hu voted unanimoualy to contest an election in which lt failed to CU.band the 81-year-old town for fear of a takeover by an lndlan guru and hit foll<>- wen. The vote orden Keith Mobley, the ctty'1 la- wyer, to contelt lut Thunday'• M-42 election. 1be council sought dialncorporation because It feared followers of Bhagwan Shree· RaJneesh would take control of the government In thla hamlet ' l~ miles east of Portlana In the November general election. Dtslncorporatlon would have put key Issues 1uch u r.onina tn the handa of the W811tCO C.Ounty Commlaaion, rather than local authorities. The propoal's failure wu attributed to com- mune members who had moved into nine houses purchased in town by Rajneesh followers and re- ptered to vote the past a1x months. Mayor Margaret Hill blamed the defeat on li- beral Oregon election laws that allow people to re- gister on election day. The result was that more than three times the 31 voters who cast ballots two ,-~ball-alb In the general election showed up to cast Ota. C.Ounty election officials challenged every voter who registered within the past 30 days, including non-members of the commune. That means 70 vo- ters must appear In circuit court to substantiate the validity of their residence. C.Ommune members say they have moved into town to stay. Spokesman David Knapp says that, despite the fears of the council, the commune is not going to mount a campaign to take over the five of seven seats on the council that will be up for election in November. ATARI® VIDEO COMPUTERGAME PROGRAMSM ~ ATARI® MORE~ MORE FUN. A 'Nan« Cotrm.nc:otlcn Corrc>anv • Offers you many games and variations. Be a Race Car Champ, a Football Star, a Golf Pro, a Bowling·Champ, a Chess Master. Atari it makes It all happen with this excit- ing collection of Game Programs for the Video System ~" Pictured cartridges are only a part of a large selection . . FED CO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES FEDCO LA CIENEGA (213) 837-4487 FEDCO COITA MESA (71 4) 91~·~ 3535 S LA CIENEGA BLVD LOS ANGELES 90016 3030 HARBOR BLVD . COSTA MESA 92626 FEDCO VAN NUYS (213) 786·6863 FtDCO SAN DIEGO (714) 262·2411 14920 RAYMER STREET. VAN NUYS 91405 54TH & EUCLID. SAN DIEGO 92105 FEDCO PWDENA (213) 449·8620 FEDCO SM HMMDMO (714) 888·4181 3111 E COLORADO BLVD. PASADENA 91107 570 S MT VERNON AVE , SAN BERNARDINO 92410 FEDCO CEMnoa (213) 860-7711 11525 SOUTH STREET. CERRITOS 90701 STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS STACK ... UP THE BENEFITS FOR YOUR FUTURE IRA• KEOGH -at Imperial ' 11111111ma 11• 111ca ( ' .. A N ( If t ( ) I I ~~ l I ( A l I f 0 H N I A 2 ') c E NT s -Coas·t .. JJ.ornes ·vulnerable t o firestornis. a; dM Dally PUot Staff '!be ~ mllllon fire that rava- aed Anaheim Wedneeday leaving I,200 people homele91 Juat u ee- 1lly ~uld have occurred in Co- rona del Mar, Irvine or Hunting- ton Beach -ann>l_ac~ where · unti.ted wooden 1h1nglel beck- on flamel like k:lndllng in a fire- place. That ia the opinion of otficiala · of fire departments along the Ora.nae Coast. * * * In eome dtJes, 1uch u Irvine, a debate la ragin1 u to whether any new or reroofed homes ahould be allowed to w.e wooden roofing materiala un.lel8 th,y are factory-treated with flre- retardant chemlcall. In other areas, firefighters uy they are geariJlC their effort. to prevent similarly destructive fl.res ahoUld a blaze break out. Some homeowners' and buil- ders' .uoups, such u the Build.1nQ * * * Induitry Auoclation of Oran1e County, have lobbied a1ain1t blanket prohlbltiona afainlt un- treated wooden roofl. They have conceded the need for fire-retardant roofln1 in neiahborhooda that' border rural areu, but argue that findinlt mun be made ln dtles' buJldina codes that document a need tor . probJbiUona. Allo, bWlden noted that fire-retardant materlala aea- thetlcallv comoarable to wooden * * * ahJ.nales. mJcht COit t2,000 for an averue~. In La1una Beach, homes in bruahy hillllde areu muat have roofs and lidinp of fire retardant materials. But home1 In other partrof the clty have no re.tric- tiON. Luuna Fire Chief Ron Adams aald nia department will docu- ment the damage in the Anaheim fire for the City C.oundl. "We'll give them the facta and * * * figures and lf they want to ex- plore futtfte optiON for Lquna Beach, they may do ao," he l&ld. In Irvtne, the Ora.nae County Fire Department haa taken a tou1her stand. Fireftghtera don't want any untreated wooden roofs. Aaiatant ChJef Bob Hen- neuey aald the Anaheim exam- ple expla.lna why. "It wu a very urbanized area," he aald. "I think you.could say thJt fire very well could have * * * happened In· Irvine aa well aa other communltle1 In the unin- corporated cowity." The county Fire Department c:ontracta ita tervices in Irvine. Wooden shingle and shake roofs are dangerOWI, Hennessey explalned, but not just because the dry wood la flammable. He said the makeup of the ah.Ingles allow• particles to explode and then 1hoot like "burning Fria- (See ROOFING, Page A%) * * * ·Fire rubble pi-obed ·for • • VICtilllS War d sto re site 8-story hotel slated in Mesa A company with•ttes to C.J . 5egentrom & Sons has unveiled plans for an eight-story hot.el and four hlfh-riae office buildings 80Uth o the San Diego Freeway along Bristol Street in Costa Mesa. Officlab of California Pacific British to in vade S. -Ge orgia ? LONOON (AP) -Britiah de· ltl'Oyen were JICbeduled to arrive today off South Georgia, 800 mlla wt of the "'Falklanda, the British~ rep>rted, and there w• speculation they would land forces to .retake the South At· lanUc island u a demonstration to Argentina of Brltiah determi· nation. The press repor1a said the de- stroyers were detached from the 61-ship British armada bound for the Falkland archipelago and .ent at top speed to the Falllanda dependency that a small Argen- tine force occupied April 3, the day after Argentina seiud the main l1land1 250 miles off ita M>Uthem coat. Only about 140 Argentine aol- diera were reported on South Georgia, m contrast to an eati· mated 9,000 or more In the Falklands. The rest of the British war Q,eet waa only a few days from ihe Falklands. British defense IOW'OeS said it would go on full war alert Friday night when it came within strike range of Ar- &mtlne aircraft. The Britiah fleet had its flnt brush with the Argentines on Wednesday when a Harrier tlahter-bomber from the carrier llirmes intercepted an unarmed, 1ong-range Boeing 707 aurvell- 1-nce plane of the Argentine air force. The Boeing turned away. . "U I bad fired. be would have- been deed. but I wouldn't like to ta.ave been reaponalble for 1tar-dnc a war.'' uld the 25-yMt-old Barrier pilot, Lt. Simon Har- peaY111. WORLD Properties hav~ submitted plans to city hall for the construction of the hotel and offices on the 13.6-acre site formerly occupied by Mon"omery Ward and Co. If at>proved by the Planning Commiaaion and City Council, the project would be the aecond high rise development south of the freeway and the first in that area for the Segeratroms. California Pacific, ln part- nership with C.J . Segeratrom, purchased the Montgomery Ward site after the 154,000-aquare-foot store closed last December. Greg Shaffer, senior city planner, said Costa Mesa plans to chome a company by the end of the month to develop an Envi- ronmental Impeci Report on the project. Shaffer said the complex, known as the South Coast Cor- porate Center, would not come before the planning commiaalon until June. But the pl.ans for the office and hotel development could change dramatically after the City Council votes May 3 on the Bristol Street Spedtic Plan. The city c urrently allows high-rise construction on the north side of the freeway. The Bristol plan could ralle allowable construction eouth of the freeway as hi&h as 10 stories, or keep lt at the current two-story limiL The five-ltol')' Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol Street and a three- atory bu.ildinl are the only de- velopments that exceed that li- mit. Owners of property adjacent to the old Ward store have tried unauoceaafully to win city appro.. val for office developmenta ran- ging in height from aix to 14 stories. Their plans have been oppoeed by nearby residenta. However, Les Tbompeon, pre- sident of the Brookview Ho- meownen Allociation, aald be'• pleued by the plans for the bot.el and ~ ri8e offices. "lt'•-marvelous" uid Thomp- eon. "It'• at.olut;iy wonderful. I think it ou1ht to be done toA:boiivW." • Brookview la behind the old Ward stare. Bo.Dib planted in Paris PARIS (AP) -A bcab planted under a car ex· ploded in the mldlt of momlna rwb-bour c:rowdl in ,, central Parll MU" the CMmpl D.y.M today, ldlllni a yoUJll prepant rrenchftlli8h and~ 83 people, police .akl. , NATION ... unty 'Over s hot ent ranee' Defe n se Yacht runs aground stressed at Newport jetty b y Nixo n By ALMON LOCK.ABEY Olilr ............... Aft.er· ~.ooo m11e1 o1 cndlina in all kinda of wlnda and aea oondltionl, Jay Reecber watched. diJconloJatelv Wecm-lay • sal- vage crews hauled his ~0-foot ketch up on the beach on the Balboa Peninsula. I .Reacher'• yacht, Dama, had gone uround Tue9day night in a deme few while he was aearching for the entrance to Newport Harbor. -Racher and hll crew of two, were beading north from Cabo San Lucu. 'Ibey were plann1na to vtllt trienda 1n Newpcin Beech before continuJna their cnu.e. Wbile watching Anchor Ma- rine Salvage crews draa Dama out of the au.rt, the New Yorker explained bow the grounding C>CCWTed. "We overshot the jetty en- trance in the fOI. Our radar WM working, but we mlatook the &lbua Pier fot the jetty entran- ce. When we got cloee enough to the pler to realize our error, I turned the boat around and hee- ded back lookln1 for the jetty entrance. I wu unaware how STATE c1oee inlbore we were beau.-all we could aee on our radar were the oceanfront houael. I ~ they were clme to the water. ··t had JUlt Ito ped the engine and gone lorw:f to listen for the jetty folhom when a larae wave hl t our b ow and drove us ashore.'' Reacher aaid both the main mut and the mizzen mast snap- ped u the boat hit the ground and began to wallow lh the IW"f. He uicJ the yacht is insured and that he and his wife would be ataylna with friends in Newport until it la repaired. Ji'Ull extent of the damaae WU not immediately known. lleaides the broken maata, a larlle crack appeared on the port Ade of the hWJ. While in the surf, the boat took on water and sand, most of it coming over the stem. wblch fa- ced the ... ''Thia ia a hell of a way to end a voyace," l&ld Recher. The aalva1e company hauled the boat out of the aurf late Wednelday afternoon and plan- ned to llelld a portable crane to load the yacht onto a trailer to- day. Crash lclll• 4 men J:L CENTRO (AP) -rour Marina on tempcnry ~cm J:l Toro were ldBld 1Dday ,.,hen their ledan col with • -.nl·trallel' truck. Jamm1na under tta trailft, authoriUet Mid. TheN wu no fmmedrate ldlnU&adan. COUNTY Former president Richard Ni- xon, speaking forcefully to a !rlendly crowd, told an Anaheim audience Wednetlday night that the United States muat negotiate nuclear arms control from a po- sition of strength. not weakness. The 37th president, who res- igned from office In 1974, de- fende d policies of President Reagan aimed at bolstering U.S. nuclear defenaea. "People ask why he is spen- ding th.la money on defeme ... He is spending it in order to res- tore the balance of power (between the United States and the Soviet Union)," Nixon l&ld. The fonner president appeared at a $150-per-penon fund.raiser which attracted more than 800 attendees and la expected to net more than $150,000 for the county Republican Party central cornmlttee. A aelect aroup of 100 couple9 paid tl,000 each to attend a pri- vate reception with Nixon. Nixon l&ld he did not doubt the lincerlty of bickers of a proJQed nuclear freeze whereby the United States and Soviet Union would each a•ree to halt pro- (See NIXON P_qe Al) INDEX A4 B2 M BM M 83 Dl,DM ca ca D2 M C1..a Bl SPORTS Damage .. $50 at 1nillio n By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL oflMO...,"°'IUff Anaheim Fire Department in- spectors poked through the rub- ble of Wednesday's devastating fire today to determine if anyone died in the firestorm that de- stroyed 524 apariment unita. · units. Inspectors also were making sure the area ls safe before per- mitting about 1,500 homeless r e side nts to return to pick through the ashes. Fire officials said they could not predict how long the inspec- tion would take. "It could go very fast, or it could take, 12, 14 hours," one fire department spo- kemlan said. No one has been reported mis- sing ln the aftermath of what is being described as the moat di. aaatroua fire in Orange County history. The initial damage esti- mate is $50 mUlion , a figure Anaheim Fire Chief Robert Simpson sar,s is "low" and '!conaervaUve. ' In other f~-related develop- ments today: -Authorities today appealed for any fire victims who have not yet done so. to register at the American Red Cross emergency center at Ball Junior High School. 1500 w. Ball Road. They said a formal proOOdure is being established to permit residents to return to the fire area to inspect and recover personal property, but said Red Crou registration will be required to gain access. -Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. waa evaluating whether to ask President Reagan to declare Anaheim a disaster area for pur- poses of providing tempor ary housing and grant funds to fire victims. A decision is expeeted by Frida . -~wo managemen t firm1 owning more than 200 o! the destroyed units, IPS Manage- ment, of Orange, and Ro nson Equity Manaff~ent, of Fuller- ton, were ma arrangementa to either provide new apartmenta or caah payments to f itt vic:tlma. IPS officlab aaid they would provide free rent to former te- . nants at other apartment com- plexes under its ownenhip, while Ronson otficiaa were gi- ving former tenants a refund on rent and deposits and uaiatln1 with relocation. -The American Red Crou wu continuing to proce11 fire Vict1ma and Ullat them by.livina them acrlp .ood for fooa ana (See ANAB_EIM, hp Al) ·~ . C'1 B2 C'l-8 B4 A3 a.m Cl-4 m ce C7-8 A2 A3 • ' ' ' :. t-4 ' • f I ( J '. • I \ A I 11 0 H N I A '; '> c f NT s CoaSt hoHJes vulnerable to f irestorniS BJ .. Dally Piiot Stair TM $60 million fire that rava- Dd Anaheim Wednelday leavinl I.?CJO people home1-Just u ee-11i, could have occurred In Co- rana del Mar, 1rvtne or Hunnn,- ton Beach -anypl_ac~ where untrMted wooden •hlnlJel beck- on flunea like k.lndllni in a flre- plllCe. 'nlat II the oplnion of officiala of frre departmenu alon1 the Oranp Cout. * * * In aome dtJe., 1uch u Irvine, a debate 11 ra1ln1 u to whether any new or reroofed homea lhould be allowed to UM wooden rooflJ11 materiall un1e. they are factory-treated with llre- retardant chemicall. In other area, flreflghten 11y they are Parlni their ef forta to prevent 1lmllarly deetructlve fl.res should a blaze break out. Some homeownera' and bull- den' ~pe. auch u the Buildlna * * * lnduitry AuoctatJon of Oranp ahJnalll milht COit 12,000 for an County, have lobbied a1aln1t aven,p hoUle. blanket prohlbltf.ona aplnat un-In ·La~l~BHch, home1 In tree&ed wooden roof1. brwhy .,... mutt have They have oonoeded the Med roofl And~ of fire retardant for fire-retardant roofln1 tn material•. But homn In other netahborhooda that border rUra1 patta of the dty have no rwt.rlc- area1. but araue that fl'1dln11 tiolw. muat be made in dU.' bulJdtrit Laauna J'l.re Chief Ron Adami codel that document a need for . aald Tlla clepartment will docu- proh.lbJtlona. Al8o, buUden noted ment the da.maae in the Anaheim that .fire.retardant materiall aet-• fire for tha City Coundl. theticallv oornDUable to wooc:kn "We'll give them the facta and * * * * * * flaur" and If they want to ex- plore future optlona for Lquna BeachJ fl:'eY may do ao," he aald. In JJ'Ylne, the Orance County Fire Department hH taken a toulher 1tand. Flreflahten don't want any untreated wooden roofa. Aamtant Chief Bob Hen- neeeey 11Jd the Anaheim ex.m- ple explaina why. ''It wu a very ur~ area," h,e Mid. "I think you couJd aay that fire very well could have * * * happened In Irvine H well aa other communltlH In the unin- corporated county." The county Fire Department contracta lta aervlcet In Irvine. Wooden 1hlnele an-cl 1hake roofl are dan1eroua, Hennesaey explained, but not Ju•t because the dry wood 11 flammable. He laid the makeup of the •hln&lea allowa particles to explode and then 1hoot like "burning Fri .. (See ROOFING, Pace Al) * * * :Fire rubble probed for victims Ward store site 8-story hotel slated in Mesa A company wlth1tte1 to C.J . Seaentrom & Sona hu unveiled planl for an elght-atory hotel and four hlfh-rl1e office buildings eouth o the San Dt~o Freeway alon1 Brl1tol Street In Costa Meta. Offlclala of California Pacific British to invade S. Georgia? LONDON (AP) -Brltiah de· ttroyen were IC.beduled to arrive today off South Georala, 800 miles e111t of the FaJ.klanc». the Britilh pre. reported, and there WM tpeculaUon they Would land forcea to retake the South At· lantic llland u a demonstration to Ar1entlna of Brltiah detenni· nation. The preta repor1a aald the de· ltroyen were detached from the 81 ...bip Brltilh armada bound for the Falkland archlpela10 and tent at top 1peed to the dependency that a unall 1en· tine force occupied April the day after Arientlna 1el.zed e main l1land1 2~0 miles otf I 80Uthem coat. Only about 140 Araentine IOI· dlera were reported on South Georala, m contrut to an eati- ma ted 9,000 or more In the ralklandl. The rest of the British war fleet wu only a few day1 from the Falkland•. British defen1e tDW't8 aald it would ao on full )Var alert Friday night when lt came within 1\rike range of Ar· ~tine aircraft. The BrtU.h fleet had lta first brush with the Ar1entlne1 on Wedneaday when a Harrier .flahter-bomber from the carrier 8ermee intercepted an unanned, Joni-ranee Boetna 707 1urvell· s.ra plane of the Arpntine air force. The Boetnc turried away. "If l had fired, he would have i.n deecl. but l wouldn't like to bave been responsible for 1tar· ~a war,0 Mid the 2$-year-old Jlarrter pilot, Lt. Simon Har- ..-W-· WORLD Properties have 1ubmitted piana to dty hall for the oonat.rucUon of the hotel and offices on the 13.6-acre site formerly occupied by Montgomery Ward and Co. If approved by the Planning Commlalon and aty Council, the project would be the leCOnd high rlae development 1outh of tfie freeway and the fint In that area for the Segerttroma. California Pacific, In part· nerahlp with C.J . Segeratrom, purchased the Montgomery Ward 1lte after th e 154,000-.quare-foot 1tore dosed last December. Grea Shaffer, senior city =• laid~ Mea plarw to a company by the end of the month to develop an Envl- rcrunrntal Impact Report on the projlc\. Shaffer Hid the complex. known u the South Cout Cor· porate Center, would not come before the plannin1 comml•lon until June. But the ~for the office and hotel deve nt could change dramatlca ly after the City Council votea May 3 on the Briltol Street Specific Plan. The city currently allow• hl1h-rl1e construction on the north aide of the freeway. The Bristol plan could ralae allowable oonstructton eouth of the freeway h1ah u 10 ttorie9, or keep It at CWTftlt twCHJtory limit. five-story Holiday Inn at 31 Briltol eet and a three- u na are the only de- ve enta that exceed that li- mit. .. Owners of property adjacent to the old Ward 1tore have tried UNUCCellfully to win dty appc'C> val for oUJce developmenta ran- 11n1 In hel1ht from alx to 14 1torle1. Their plan1 have been oppoeed by nearby raidenta. However, Les Thompeon, pre- •ldent of the Brookview· Ho- meowners AlloclaUon, aald he'• pleMed by the planl for the hotel and hUth me offJcel. "lt'1-marveloua" uld Thomp- aon. "h'1 abloJuteiy wonderfu.l. l think It ou1ht to be done toaa row.•• • Brookview 11 behind the old Ward 11on. " BomJJ plaiued in Paris PARIS (AP) -A bomb planted Wldel' a car ex- ploded tn the mJdlt of morn1n&. iwh·hour c:rowdl in ,, cmtra1 Pam nMr the Cblmpa. ~ today, ldJ.liDI a younc pnpant l\wnchwwa and ln)arlnl 83 peop)e, police.aid. . . N ATION More cop 1boW1 oa w•1 n... .-worlu .... ~ ~ ..... foal-.. cm ,.~, far lbit fall FIUDlt ... Cl. unty 'Overshot eatraaee' Defense YaCht runs aground stressed at Newport jetty by Nixon By ALMON LOCLUEY Deir,... ........ ,.., After. 2&,000 m11-of cn.dlln8 ln all klnd1 of winds and Ha condhion1, Jay a.cher watched dilconlOlatelv Wecm.day M aal- vage crew• hauled hi• 30-foot ketch up on the beach on the Balboa Penhwula. ' .Reacher'• yacht, Dama, had gone .aound Tuelday nJaht in a cierwe foe While he WU aeardilila for the entrance to Newport Harbor. 8-cher and bl. crew of two, were beadJ'!I north from Cabo San Lucu. They Weft plannina to vilit frlenda In Newpcin Beecfi befon contlnutnc their cruile. While watchln1 Anchor Ma- rine Salva1e crews d.ra1 Dama out of the IW'f, the New Yorker explained how the aroundlnC occurred. "We ovenhot the jetty en- trance In the foe. Our radar WM worklnJ, but we ml1took the &lbue Pier fOf' the jetty entran· ce. When we aot cloie eriouCh to the pier to realise our error, I tumed the boat around and Ma. ded back looklnc for the jetty entrance. I wu unaware how STATE COUNTY clOle lrwhore we were becau.e all we could aee on our r9dar were the oceanfront tiou.e.. I ftcured they were clOle to the water. · "l had )at Ito ped the maine and aone lorw:f to u.wn for the jetty foahom when a larp wave hit our bow and drove u1 Mhore.'' Beacher aald both the main mat and the mlDen mut map- ped .. the boat hit the around and beph to wallow in the au.rt. He aakf' the yacht ii lnlured and that he and hi• wife would be 1ta~ with frlerlda ln Newport unW It lt repeired. Full extent of the damaae WM not lmmedtately known. Sellde. the broken mlltl, a larae crack aPoeered on the port IMfe of the bWl. While in the IW'f, the boat took on water and sand. molt of It corn1"8 over the Item. which fa- ced theaea. · '"Thia ii a hell of a way to end a •• •• MJd Reecher. ~e Nlvaae company hauled the boat out of the 1urf late Wed.1*day afternoon and plan- ned to tend a portable crane to lOAd the yacht onto a trailer to- day. • . .. Fpnner president RJchard Ni-xon, •peaking forcefully to a friendly crowd, told an Anaheim audience Wedneeday nl8}1t that the UnJted Statee muat negotiate nuclear amu conn-ol from a po- sition of 1t.rength, not weak.ne91. The 37th president, who res- igned from office In 1974, de- fended pollcle. of Pre.Iden t 8-on aimed at bolltertna U.S. nuclUr defenaet. "People u k why he 11 spen- dln1 thla money on ~fenae ... He la apendlna It In order to rs- to re the balance of power (between the UnJted Stat.ea and the Soviet Union)," Nixon llld. 'The former president appeared at a $100-per·penon fundraller which attncted more than 800 attendeel and I.I expected t.o net more than $130,l>OO for the county Republican Party central committee. A aelec:t IJ'OUP of 100 couplet paid $1,000 ..ch to attend a pri- vate reception with Nbcon. Nixon Mid he dJd not doubt the lllncertty of bKken of a propmed nuclear f reeie whereby the United Stat.et and Soviet Unlan would each arru to halt pro- ( ... NIXON, P ... Al) INDEX M B2 M BM M m Dl;DM Cl Cl DJ M C74 • Sf-> ORTS Damage $50 at million By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL or-.o..,~...., Anaheim "Fire Department ln- 1pecton poked through the rub- ble of Wednetlday'1 devutating fire today to determine If anyone died In the firestorm that de- stroyed ~24 apartment unlta. · unlta. Inapectora at.o were making sure the area I.I safe before per· milting about 1,500 homele11 reaid e nta to return to pick through the uhes. Fire offlcial1 aald they could not predict how long the lnlpec- Uon would take. "It could go very faat, o r It could take, 12, 14 hou.ra," one fire department apo- keanan &aid. No one has been reported nu.- sing In the altermath of what I.I being dacrtbed as the moet di.I· autrou1 fire ln Orange County hlatory. The lnltlal damage etti· mate la $50 mlllio,n, a figure Anaheim F ire Chief Robert Simpson uv1 ii "low" and ''conaervative.t' In other flre-rela~ develop· mentl today: -Authorities today appealed for any fire victims who have not yet done 10, to register at the American Red Cross emergency center at Ball Junior High School. 1500 W. Ball Road. They said a fonnal procedure is belng ettabllahed to pennit residenta to return to the fire area to inspect and recover per10nal property, but 11ld Red Crou reglstrallon wW be required to gain 9Cee91. -Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. waa evaluating whether to aak Preaident Reagan to declare Anaheim a dlsaater area for pur- poses of providing temporary hOUaing and grant funda to fire vlcUml. A dedaion I.I expeeted by Friday. -Two management flrm1 owning more than 200 of the de1troyed units, lPS Mana1e- ment, of Orange, and Ronson .Equity Manasement, of Fuller· ton, were making arrangementa to either provide new apartmenta or caah peymentl to fire ~- IPS offlclala 11id they would provide free rent to former te• . nanta •t other apartment com- plexes under Its ownership, whHe RoMOn offlciala were at- vinl former tenanta a refund on rent and depoalta and aul1tln1 with relocation. -Th'e American Red Cron wa1 contlnuJn1 to proc&u fire vicUma and .... t them by.afvl.na them acrlp aood for fOoa ana ( ... ANAllBJM, p ... .U) C'7 82 C'7-8 JM AJ C3J)2 Cl-4 m a . C7-I A2 AJ • • I w ti, -~ '" '( ' '·"' '.>~ t.•I ., . °It :••, I'''' .. .. ..._r. C::• t!. '~ ·'4 ,1. (J' ;..! (1' ., f I . ~ r.r. ;.. 't ROOFING BLAMED • • • beH" ln the wind frorg one rooftop to the next. .. There'• enouah 1ubltanc:. '9 them ao when they do land on the roof, they don't IO out," be Mid. The Irvine City Council ii 1c:heduled to vote May 2& on w))ether tq f.Ntitute the dtywtde bin on untreated wooden rooft. Tbe city Plannin1 Commlulon hu voted 3-2 to mdone the ban. A key element in the ban, HennHHy added, la to force reaidentl to uae fire-retardant mai.rtab when reroofln& their bornel. HunUnaton Beach Fire Chief Ray Piccard aaya condittom are praent in his dty for a fire dit· a1ter even worae than Ana· helm'•· Huntln1ton Beach has .. hundreda of acres" of wooden roofs, be added, and no law• re- qU!_rt.nc fire-retardant materiala. ~ Mys he'd Uke IUCh an ordtnanc•, but claim• poUtlc:al reellU.. ~ ~ from the wooden ~ industry .,.. not conducive to the chanaw. But he'• watchlna Anaheim and lf that city adoptt IOl'M lawt, ll\AY~ he will 1uae1t propoull to follow. them,'he ~d. . a.ta M .. hu no prohibltiont on wooden roofs either, but Bat- talion Chief Jim Richey •ya hi. department would 1upport a ban on untreated wooden root.. In Newport Be.ch, Fire Chief Jame. Reed Mid be wun't 1ur- priled by the wind-fed lrifemo in Anaheim. Corona del Mar nearly had a limilar Ure in 1980, he Mid. A 1lngle 1arage went up in flames on a day with hot Santa Ana winda and by the time flre- flghten arrived, a dozen 1hake roofl in the Cameo Hlahlanda nelahborhood were on fire. ANA·HEIM FIRE. • • cfothlna. The Red Croa, at an the "non com~ble" comblna- emerpncy ahelter at Ball Junior tlon of Santa winds gustinC. High School. will provide three to 60 milee per hour and tinder· meala per day throughout the dry shake roofa that permitted weekend and help in relocation the fire to )unp from roof to roof efforts. within mlnutet. -The ~nt Amodation ~ One fire vk:tim. Marshall Nor- of Oranp unty wu coordina-rll. an Onnp <Zo\.anty Superior tinL other efforta among land-Court clerk and candidate for lor aimed at flndln~w ac-coun ty aherlff-coroner, rvlnted conunodations for the le-. out that firemen Initial y I.ave -Crocker Bank, which ope-priority to evacuatina resJ enta rat.et a branch at Euclid Street over doualnl the flame.. ''They and Ball Road ad~t to the fire had no choke," Nont. Mid. ~ announced t would provide "Some people were complai- interest Joana to fire vlctl..ms nlng about the tlremen not to ..UC in relocation. The branch• manntna the hoae1. But I can't will be open Saturday for loan say enou'.Q for them (the procetll.na. bank offidala aid. firemen). e wouldn't have ,.. the fire victima' Uliltance an~ not even our akin, if it pro~rams were launched Wed-hadn't en for them," Norris ne1 ay ,' flre officlala and the aaid. homelea were still expreuing Chief S i mpson noted that surprlae and shock over the fire many clvllianl manned fire ~ that broke out at 5:42 a .m. and in the early momenta of the fire within three houn destroyed a so that firemen could continue to four-aquare-block area. move door-to-door to get the Fl.re Chief Simpeon said lt wu residents out. NIXON IN COUNTY ... ducUon. testini and deployment of additional nuclear weapona. But he said 1uch a freeze would only work to the benefit of the Sovlell, -who, he claimed, have more land-baaed nuclear weapona than the United States. U the United States lncre11es its nuclear capability, Nixon in- sisted, then it can negotiate ef- fectively wllh the Soviets for anmmntrol. Extendln.a that theory. Nixon said the tfnlted Statea must maintain "a relationship" with the Soviet Union. He said the United S tates ahou.ld U8e ita powerful economic position tn the world aga!Nt the Soviet Union ahould the Sovieta not enaaae in "meaningful" arml contro l talks and a e1ilt In "adventwilm" in other countries. Nixon did not limit his remarks to nuclear we.ponry. ~ "'°' Pftoto by Gery Ambf- F ACE IN THE CROWD -California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. conferee with Anaheim fire victims at Red Cross ·shelter established Wednesday at Ball Junior High School. Brown said he thought federal aid would be "a reasonable" request. Mesa SCAG • action said disappointing A leader of the Southern Cali- fornia Aaaocla\ion of Govern- ments aaJd he is d.taappolnted by Costa Mesa's declalon to ~ith­ draw from the Plannlni ~ncy but admita SCAG la too large. Bart Meays. executive director for SCAG said Wednesday the exodua of Orange County cill~ from the regional planning agency in recent yean has be- come "a aerloua problem." Monday night Costa Mesa be- came the eighth Orange County city to withdraw from the regio- nal planning agency th.at 1erves 127 cities in Orange, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside and lmperlal counties. Councilman Donn Hall, who led the drive t.o withdraw from the planning agency, said SCAG has gro wn too lar1e and has, lacked accountability and input from cities. the dtv start it. "Their (the council's) concerns are very legitimate," said MP.ays. "We all agree SCAG is too large. The region is too large." Only 14 Orange County citiea are now left i.n the regional as- IOdation. It was started in 1965 t.o deal with regional transportation, housing and air quality problems. 'Grease' set at Estancia Drama studenta from Estancia High School in Costa Mesa will stage ~ performanoet of the music.al "Grease" al the Newport Harbor High School auditorium tonight throuJth Saturday. Bui. the former chief exec\.ative warned: "Anna control bv ltaelf "' wW no ~ L' ··-not lmJ.&re.oeaoe." He predicted that the U .S. economy, now deep in a recea- aion, will rebound. Said Nixon, "1983 without question will be. good rear; 1984 will be a great year.' Hall said he would rather see a 1ub-regional group established to deal specifically w ith Orange County's problerm. All shows begin at 8 p.m. and ticketa are $4 and can be raerved by calling 557-3060. The musical is being directed by drama in- structor Barbara Van Holt. T "ti ftJ -!1 '" ir tr .. War, be Aid, la not cauaed by arms but by the failure of nations to raolve differences that requi- re the ~ of anna. 1:emperature• Coa.tal • SM .. CHft .ovteofy '~ .,_ below cenyone trom a.ma .... ... '° ~ border for loc9 OUl1Y .... '°~ ... of 20 to 16 knOG, """' wind -' to 1 ...._ 8outtlWWt winds s '° 1s knott In •fternoon. Weeterllf 1welll 1 to 2 feel. Moetly c:i.at ..... NATION .. a..·-,.· eo u 55 31 54 32 61 41 .07 71 •1 13 40 IO •t 1.12 M M 64 41 ee ,. 52 31 13 31 11 31 .01 72 51 .05 42 2t eo a.. .01 55 n 71 17 57 H .. 50 51 2• 53 82 55 ,.. 11 • n 11 .01 52 31 11 •• .21 53 12 51 • 61 30 .GI N 2t M 11 92 ., 6621 41 II .. 4S .... .o3 .. . IO •• t1 • 11 ·" .... •• t1 12 tO ., :10 .. .... .. . •7 .. IO 11 1111 == .. •1 n• •• Meaya said he would support such a group and that SCAG officia.J.a would be willing to help \• -~ .. 10 @Ii) .. '" .. ,. ~ ,... ···--=1• I• • ''"'' ~"· ~ O•••w4 14 .~ ---=== HOA•..J\0~•' Noffoll 17 51 M8ryWI ... ao 41 fto. Plene 57 23 Monter..,, 71 0111• ClCy S1 35 N-*' 71 OINN 51 32 .01 Oekland ae 61 Ott8nclo t2 81 PNOAoOIM ., .... ==-.. II Reid llluff n 50 75 27 ~City 12 IM ~ 11 91 secuimento n 17 11 . 17 l8llMI S1 .. f>tlend. °"' n .. Sen Diego 11 61 p~ 11 aa .01 88'1 Fr811C11co 7S It ="City .. .. 88'11• latber8 75 46 ee 27 a.ma Metl8 7t ,._, 13 2t Stodlton IO leltl.#e H IO Therm8I 12 ~MtonlO .. '1 .14 Ullletl 13 ...... 7t .. Bll("OW 70 .. .. :r.' .. so .04 BIOllMf 53 21 IO H .19 8ltMp 70 21 ........ 77 .. It Loul9 .. SI C.tlillM .. ,.r..,.. • 13 .Lone .... .. A · ..... Mlit1e 11 20 ~.,. 17 11 = • II Mt. WlllOll .. 41 ., 12 NfWPOI'~ 12 .. T°'*'8 IO 14 OnWIO 71 ea TYCllOft ,. ., Pllrll '9flnoe 11 51 =.... .. II ~ 7' .. • 44 WICINla IO .. • 15 Extended forecast The Newport Beach Parks, Beaches and Recreation depart- ment ii presenting a separate ae- ries of showings of "Grease" at the Lincoln School auditorium in Corona del Mar. Performances run through May 2 and tlckell are priced at $3. For Information, call 640-2271. • Property auction set by NB police An auction of unclalmed property recovered by the Newport Beach pol.Ice will be held Saturday at 9 a.m. at the pollce 1tatk>n, 870 Santa Bar- bara Drive. hems to be sold in clude more than 50 bicycles, an u- sortme n t of fishing poles, •Newport Bea~h library patrons with overdue books are being offered a one-time chance to return bpok.s free of any fines. • Youngstera 7 to 14 years of age can sign up for Junior All-American Football in Newport Beach Saturday from 9 a .m . to noon at the Corona del Mar High School boys' gym.naaium. •Hundreds of books, rec- ords and magazines will be offerf'd for sale Saturday by the Friends of the Costa Mesa Libraries . The annual spring sale will be held Crom 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. m the Crocker National Bank parking lot at 1845 Newport Blvd. ln addillon to the book sale. Clyde Zuleb watches and ca1culatot1 and aeveral electric typewrl~n1. AIJ item• are sold on an .u-ll basil with no guarantees. Purchases muat be made In !Cdh or with local checks and Items must be removed from 'the police station at the con- duaion of the auction. The free-fine day will be held Saturday at a ll four Newport branch libraries. Hours on that d ate will be from 10 a.m to 5 p.m. Boy:; will be assigned t.o a team of youths the1r own age and will play a seri~ of lea· gue games. T eam P.ractices start in Au,ust. · Saturday s SJgn-u session ts the only one that will be held. _ Costa Mesa library group 1s also conducting a slle nt book auction Anyone interested in some unusual editions is inVlted t.o bid o n the book s al the branch libraries at 1855 W. Park Ave. or 2969 Mesa Ver- de Drive E. Winners of the auctJon will be notified by phone Satur- day. Last rites 'held for CdM painter Private funeral services for Corona del Mar artat and gallery owner Clyde Zulch, who died early this week al age 62, were conducted Wednesday. Zulch, a former concert pianist, was found dead in a shower stall in his home early Monday. Authorities said it appears he took his own life. Friends who aaid Zulch had been in good health and good spirits could cite •no rea.aon for the apparent sui- cide. Judith Bland, the artat's wife. said her husband traveled in Europe as a concert pianist and eventually retired aft.er the wear and tear of traveling became too much. Zulch, she aald, studied music in Paris and earned a master's degree in music at the-University of Southern California after completing four years of study at Occidental College She said he spent two years teach ing art and music at the University of Washington before moving to Corona del Mar. Zulch and h is wife. who is a sculptress and pianist, occasio- nally performed together in the Harbor area. The owner o f Clyde Zulch Originals in Corona del Mar, he gained note as a paint.er of sea- acapes. He was a director on the Corona del Mar Chambe r of Commerce , a member of the American Institute of Fine Art and belonged lo numerous art orga.niz.ations including the Costa Mesa Art League. He leaves hls wife and a son, William, 26, of Los Angeles. Also s urvivin g are his w ife's two children by a fonner marriage. A new rendition of an old classic. A floral design incorporating a tropical bird printed .. on a polyester and cotton kettle cloth fabric. .. A stotw that offers fin• tndltlonal $pO/'fSWHr for men. women and boys. • 1 Otenge COUI DAILY PILOT/Thured.V, Aptll 22, 1982 N.M. district should • back off USC lease The Newpo~Meu IC.hoot di-poualy, that it didn't have to an- ltrict eeems unable to extricate it- awer to them. self, cleanly and simply, from a T he objecting parties then deal that went IOW. took their case to the Coastal It started last Nove mber Commlsaion, which promptly re- wh1'Xl the diaJric t str~ck.a n ~the 1ehool. ~··plan. ~t with the Uniftl"llt! of . USC, startled an d embar- SOuthem Ctllfomia. Ust wal • ra11ed by all the l\Ullabaloo, leMe the old Corona del Mar De-acuttlt!d off .td Coroua del Mar mentary School to uae as a satellite Htah School with ita night clasaes campus offering college b\ninea and asked to be let out of the deal. courses at nigtlt. USC agreed to Now the .school district has pay $69,000 per year to use the asked the Coastal Commission to facilities. \ reco'?Bider. Th're \fill.be another It seemed like a good deal at hearuw. the time . The revenue--ptnch~d • Meanwhile, USC says it school district would earn some doesn't want to move onto the money off an empty school. The elementary school campus, re- rapidly growing business commu-gardless of the commission's final nity in the area would have access decision because of the opposition to additional educational opportu-from neighbors. nities. And with the strong USC Why does the school district alumni ties here, why would there persist? Supt. John Nicoll says it's be any problems? because the co~ion ~ has But the school district miscal-"put a taint on the property.' culated. There were objections. The district should have Strong ones. The neighbors complained thought of that before it charged that the USC satellite would bring into the USC deal. Now it appears ff · d · the district is trying to save face, tra ic congestion an noise to or worse, stick USC with a lease it their quiet streets. And the folks at City Hall said, "Hey, wait a mi-doesn't want. nute, you didn't ask us if this is a Why couldn't the district just proper use for this property." admit, gracefully, that it made a The school district told the mistake and then try to accommo- neighbors things wouldn't be as date the university on another bad as they thought and it told the empty carnpus? There are plenty City Hall folks, somewhat porn-around. Welcome news on bay In a fortuitous tum of events, Newport Beach city officials will be able to expand a multi-million dollar cleanup of the Upper New- port Bay without extra cost. The cleanup, the first dredg- ing of the upper bay in more than 10 years, is set to begin early next month. City officials, though, have happily discovered that because of an unexpectedly low contract bid for the work, they have $500,000 left over that now can be used to dredge more silt out of the bay. Ben Nolan, the city's public works director, said the extra money should mean an additional 200,000 cubic yards of mud and silt being pulled f roin the now nearly dry bay. The extra 200,000 cubic yards -if Newport City C.Ouncil mem- bers approve spending the re- maining $500,000 on the project - w ould be added to the nearly 700,000 cubic yards of silt sched- uled to be removed Crom lhe bay during the cleanup. The mostly state-funded $4.7 million project, expected to run six months, lS designed to return wa- ter and tidal actiop to the top reaches of the bay, an area tha t now resembles a desert more than anything else. · When the job is d one, the now-dry top of the bay should resemble a small pond that ex- pands and shrinks with the Ude. We, of course, urge the coun- cil to put this $500,000 to immedi- ate use by expanding the project. While the proje~t will fall far short of restoring the bay to what it once was, it will mark an im- provement and every extra cubic yard of silt that can be scoured !rom the bay will help. Newport tackles SCAG Newport Beach city officials, critical of a Southern Californfa Association of Governments com- mittee charged with finding a new r egional airport site, came out swinging last week. City leaden released a draft of a letter to the SCAG committee charging it was unorganized and that its airport search has been "a long and disheveled process that has produced reams of data but little structured reasoning." The draft letter drew imme- diate and angry response from committee chainnan Henry Wedaa who predicted the letter would backfire on Newport and earn it "more enenies than ever." The SCAG committee, which has been meeting for four years. has narrowed ita search to El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, South Camp Pendleton and an ocean site off .San Pedro. Newport off iciala are upset because the committee dumped San~go Canyon u a pollible re-llonal ~ lite. While council member• re-=acreed to take eome of the wordl out of the leuer to SC 0, they a1lo •treed to keep the mw·ee intact. • Newport officials are of the opinion that the committee has glossed over important sites and has settled instead for three sites that are unlikely locations for re- gional airports. Specifically, the city conten- ded the committee stayed away from Santiago Canyon because the Federal Avfation Administration said the airspace over it was clogged. The city suggested the com- mittee failed to determine wheth- er the airspace could be unclogged for a possible airport site. The dty also maintains the committee is looking for a ma/or airport aite while ignoring eas ambitious ideas. We believe Newport has IOme good pointa. El Toro and Pendle- ton have been eyed and rejecteti before. The offShore site, mean- while, teema farfetched and little more than a dream. We do question, t ho u gh, whether Newport wu wiM to re- leue a draft of such an angry-ln- tone letter. It certainly caught the attention of SCAO committee memberl b"'t we doubt it warmed any hearts toward Newport. • Opinions expressed In the J~e •bOY• ere thOM of the Delly Piiot. otl'ler views tx· pressed on this ~· art tttose of their •uthon and artists. RHdtr ~ommtnt Is Invit- ed. AddrtSI The Delly Piiot, P.O. Bo• 15'0, Colt• Meta, CA '2626. ~ (714) .. 2-4321. IRS fights quickie 'clergy' WASHINGTON -A growing num- ber of Americans are turning to religion today, not for redemption of their aouls but for reduction· in their income taxes. Ordained on a cash-and-carry basis by obscure "religions," these born-again tax dodgers hope to evade the burden the rest of us share every April 15. By de- claring themselves "churches," these quickie clergymen claim exemption from all or part of the taxes they should be paying on their wages. UNFORTUNATELY FOR them, the Internal Revenue Service views this burgeoning evangelism with deep suspi- cion. attributing it to greed, not piety. The agency is cracking down on the di- lettante domlnies with heavy fines and wage &arnisbments. In some cases, the tax dodgers could wind up practicing their mini.st.rtes behind prison bars. According to Internal IRS documents, returns showing illegal tax deductions baaed on church-related schemes grew from 486 in 1978 to 2,784 in 1980. The heavenward trend reportedly is steep- ening. Consider the case of "Archbishop" William E . Drexle r Sr. of the Life- Science Church of California, as disclo- sed in court record&. Sinc..-e 1976, he has set up about 3,000 "churches" across the country by selling handy-dandy packets of documents for anywhere from $1,000 to $4,000 a shot. The conversion klts cont.amed ordma- taon certificates, clerical identity cards and vow• o f poveny fo• 'G. JACK AIDIRlll d "mintSt.er" to sign as he turned over au assets and income to has ins tant "church." · Drexler made no secret of his hostility to the IRS . ln issues of the Life-Science newsletter. The Patriot Ne ws, the church ofCered monetary rewards for the names. addresses a nd telephone numbers of IRS agents and their fami· lies. Those 1t was able to identify were listed under such titles as "Enemy of the Month" and "Know Your Enemy LlSt." Life-Science members were encollraged to harass the ms employees by dumping manure on their lawns. placing early- morning collect calls to their home phones or sending the m unwanted magazine subscriptions. Drexler even obliged htS new converts by backdating the ordination documents to permit tax deductions for earlier years. The archbishop assured his new ministers that the lRS had given the l'hurch tax-exempt status -which it had not -and promised that the church would proVlde full legal services IC the tax collectors hauled them Into court. ThtS also proved to be untrue, as many Life-Science mirusterfln New York City dlSICOvered, to their dismay ln fact, some oomplamed to authoriues that they were threatened with "excommunication" if they mststed on legal help. Drexler was convicted last year of evading more than $185,000 in income taxes and of Caaling to file returns in years when he and his son earned a total of $365,000. In New York City, the IRS slapped levies on the wages of 319 members of L1fe-Sc1ence and other churches for payment of $484,000 in back taxes. ANOTHER TARGET of the irreverent IRS 1s J erome Daly. archbishop, presi- dent and pope of the Basjc Bible Church of America. ln February. a 40-count tax-fraud mdictment against Daly and rune others was withdrawn on a techni- cality, but the feds haven't given up. Daly's operauon was virtuaUy identi- cal to DrexJer's -pay your money and become a "church." Two boaJenna.kers in Pennsylvania wound up in tax court last year when they tried the DaJy system on the IRS Education studies Deed foil ow-up To the Editor: F.ci Foglia's April 11 response to the Pilot editorial, "PubUc F.ciucation Needs Examination" missed the point of my coocutTent reaolution on education qua- lity in the. public schools. I agree that we do n ot need more study. What we need is implementation of much-needed reform in certain key areas. The purpose of the establishment of my committee on education quality ls to MAILBOX consolidate into an act ion program the results and conclusions of the many !tU- dies which have already taken place. lt la true that California ranka far be· low neuly every other 1tate in its fun- ding of public education. This dis~ me. But it lJ important to understand why the dollan whJch ARE provided for the achool.s are not reaching the class- room itself. have already brought forth valuable conclusions as we begin our efforts. MARIAN BERGESON Assemblywoman. 74th District Let judges know To the F.d.ltor: What do we ex~l from our pollce offlcel'I? T he recent "cocaine bi.tat" in Corona del Mar was a job well done by our police department. Yet these hoods have been retumed their rights to carry on business as usual. It alao galls me to think that the at- torney, a former DA now in private practice, has no moral· responsibilit y to the community. It appears his moral responsibility to the community is wort h less than the fee. I am sure these things pay well. I only wish the officers could have made as much as the attorney fee for doing their job. We, as taxpayers, need to let our jud- ~s know how we feel about such ru· gs. NANCY PERRY TE LEP.HONE YOUR LETTER TO T HE E DITOR See inst ructions below Passport blues To the F.ditor. I have the puaport blues. I could have cried in my Manhattan last n.tght, but I didn't want to weaken my drink, u I needed aufflcient fortification whlle the latest letter from the West Bureau of Vital StatitUca. e never had a birth cer1illcate, nor an apparent .... for one (the Army kdt me oo the atmwth of my beptilmal certificate!) So now r need a pusport to talr.e a Oftce-ln·a-lifetlm• vacallon to New Zealand. But according to them' (W.V.B.V.S.) I WM never boml In the meantime my ..,.. are blWTine my two-for-cne airline bo&rdJnc pw. What bunw any carte ... baW clkt the Anny draft me to ..-ve 3 ~ ~ over- ... durf.nl WW Il lf I WWI t proptrly document.sf Wbat fW1.ber burftl my cork ll dtat the ., ........ & hll not blm\ rehldant to clMUCI (r.1.C.A.) &oeial Security lnonJ• ti'Om my HfeUme earnliip. A baptismal certificate must have been good enough for that! What bums more of my cork ls that waves of foreigners are having no trou- ble getung in to the U.S . without proper documentauon. All they need is an old boat, a sad story and we sucken open our arms to them. Besides bringing their problems to add to our own. they are t.aking jobs, u_,ing health care facilities and other benefits which rightfully be<> long to our own citir.ens. So here's a hard-learned lesson to all Americans -af you want to travel overseas and were born at home and have only a baptism evidence, and you are older than any living relative (must be at leas t 10 years older) you must furnish beaucoup documents as proof of your existence. Before you can get a delayed birth certificate. before you can get a passport, before you can go over- seas -unless the Army gets you. C.MIKAL Hooray for mayor To. the F.ciitor: Hooray for Mayor Jackie Heather! Even from a sickbed, spunky Jackie 11 fighting for l).merican property righta. And thank heaven, this time, we elec1ed enough councllpenons to back her ~· Councilman Phil Maurer ia rlgbt In predicting that, when the people voc.e on the referendum to 1top, or sustain, Bill Banning's right to develop his property, they wlll vote to sustain it. And thus their own right to ute their property. With the shortage of housing-and the condition of the econ omy, R~wport Beach c.n \.lie the sUmulus of th1I pro- je;ct. And then all that ugly bere land tan be beauUfled with homes and ntdena and busJnHI bulldln&•· Bann~ made a very aenerou1 off er of • 1ehool arounda and parks. And all th1I createe many jobs, when joba)are ~ :n ~ ~ to live It the test;$ election. Then we wUJ lff how N w -por\~ resklenta ttelly feel about And whit they be1WYe ln. GOLDIEJ08 - • Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, April 22, 1982 Star sued over nude photos A Filipino movie atar who ap~ared nude in lhe German edition of Playboy magazine haa been aued for obscenity and accused of brinf Ing ahame to the wpmen o the con servative, Catho~lc­ domlnated country. Civic leader Polly M . Cayetano filed the obscenity charge against Tetcble A1- b a ya n I , saying the nude photoe of lhe actreu aroused In her feelings of "extreme diaguat and . . . bruised r,rlde for Filipino womanhood.' The RhotograP.hs of Miss Agbayani, a Philippine sex symbol, appeared in tl\e March German edition of Playboy. The issue fetches up to about $50 in Manila, eight times the magazine's usual selling price here. Reproduc- tions of the pictures also are being sold on the sly. Nostalgia buffs walked away from Christie's auction h ouse in London with two 1owna worn by actrftl Mar· ... Dl4tlrid durm. her hey. day on the au~ .a.en. A movie theater In Corn- wall, Enaland, pakl '883 for OJle dreA worn b)': Miii Die· trlch In the 1937 movie "Knlaht Without Armor." Another of her couumn, a full-len1th, fur-trimmed iown. went few S778. Mell LaaarH, nomlnated 13 tlmea for the National Cartooniata Society'• Reuben Award, finally at.epped to the P.odlum a winner for hla Mtsa Peach" and "Momma" comic stripe. L.azarua edaed "Doones- bury" artist Garry Tradeaa and "Garfield" originator Jim Davis. Lazarus told the audience of fellow llluatrators at the Plaza Hotel in New York that he was "staggered" at fJ.nally receiving the award, designed by and named after cartoon.I.at Rabe Goldber1. Criminal Court Judge Bernard Fried of New York drew roars of laughter and rave reviews as he dismiaed criminal trespass charges against some of Broadway's biggest stars. Tammy Grimes, Colleen Dewbarst, Joseplt Papp, RI· chard Gere and Michael Mo- rlart y were among the de- TO SPEAK -Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau w ill give the commencement addre11 next month at the Univer- sity of Notre Dame. monatratora who sat in front of bulldozers March 22 to protest the destruction o( the Morosco and Helen Hayes theaters near Times Square. Fried dropped the charges against 130 of the protesters and charges against the re- maining defendants were ex- pected to be dropped. Oregon town contests vote ANTELOPE, Ore. (AP) -The City Council has voted unanlmoualy to contest an election in wh.lch lt failed to dllband the 81-year-old town for fflll' pf a takec:wer by an Indian auru and hia follo-wen. The vote orders Keith Mobley, the city's la- wyer, to contett lut Thunday'• 54-42 election. The coundl 10ught diaincorporat.lon becau.e It fdred followen of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh would take oontrol of the government ln this hamlet 160 rnllet eut of Portland ln the November general election. . Olslncorporatlon would have put key luues such u r.oning In the han<b of the Wuco County Cornmbllon, rather than local authorities. The propo181'1 failure waa attributed to com- mune members who had moved lnt.o nine houses purchued in town by Rajneesh followers and re- gistered to vote the past six months. . Mayor Margaret Hill blamed the defeat on H- beral Oregon election laws that allow people to re- gister on eler;tlon day. The result was that more than three tlmes the 31 voters who cast ballots two years ago in the general election showed up to cast ballots. County election officials challenged every voter who registered within the past 30 days, including non-members of the commune. That means 70 vo- tens muat appear in circuit court to substantiate the validity of their residence. Commune members say they have moved into town to stay. Spokeanan David Knapp says that, despite the fears of the council, the commune is not going to mount a campaign to take over the five of seven seata on the council that will be up for election in November. ATARI ~ TM VIDEO COMPUTER -GAME PROGRAMS • ~ ATARI A10RE GMtE$. A10RERk A W:Jrn«Cormvkotlorw ~. v Offers you many games and variations. Be a Race Car Champ, a Football Star, a Golf Pro, a Bowling Chsmp, a Chess Master. Atari~ makes it all happen with this excit- ing collection of Game ~rograms for the Video System ."' Pictured cartridges are only a part ~fa large selection . • ·FED ca· MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES FEDCO LA CIENEGA (213) 837·4487 PIDCO COITA MEIA (714) 979-2660 3535 S LA CIENEGA BLVD LOS ANGELES 90016 3030 HARBOR BLVD , COSTA MESA 92626 PIOCO SM IMHO (714) 262·2411 FfDCO VAN NUYI (213) 786·6863 14920 RAYMER STREET. VAN NUYS 91405 ' 54TH & EUCLID. SAN DIEGO 92105 PIDCO IM IEMl!'IDllO (714) 888·4181 RDCO 'AIAOEU (213) 449-8620 f 3111 E COLORADO BLVD . PASADENA 91107 570 S MT VERNON AVE . SAN BERNARDINO 92410 PIDCO CIMITOI (213) 860-7111 11525 SOUTH STREET. CERRITOS 90701 STORE HOURI WllK DAVI STACK UP THE BENEFITS FOR YOUR FUTURE J IRA• KEOGH. I at. I mper1a ----------------=-----------------------_...-,.-.._ - l , I . I I i $ ' i I l j NYSE COMPOSITE TR~NSACTIONS WOTATIOlt6 IWCUIM TllAOH .. Tte• •n ..... Ml .. HT, f'ACIPIC. lll'Mt, ......... , ... , A•D ClllCl••Aft tTKlf I ac• ..... H Alte •INeTCO eY Ttet •AM A•D IMTl•U Disney reports prof its down BURBANK (AP) -Walt Dlmey Productions re- ported higher revenue. but lower net 1noome for the leCOnd quarter ended March 31, u compared with the same period a year -,o. Rewnues were t 247,975,000, UJ> 5 peroent, while net income wu down 22 perce.nt to t21,648,000, or $.65 per 1hare, the compeny reported. The company abo had increued revenues and lower net lnoome for the lix monthl ended March 31. At~ at both Walt Oimey World ln Florida and Dllneyland i.n C.allfomia declined alightly dwina the quarter. Dividend dates set Newport Pharmaceuticals International Inc .. Newport Beech, announced declaration of the record date of April 30 !or dividends of 80 oentl per share to ahareholden of 8 percent convertible preferred stock. All dividends will be payable July 10 . . Furnace deal initiated Radiant Technology Corp. of Newport Beach an- nounced completion of nes<>tiationa for an exclusive manufacturing and dittribution aareement for Its ovena and furnaces with Hakuto Co. Ltd. of Japan. Thia five-year contract will encompa1 Japan as well u mOlt of Southnat Alia. The apeement pro- vides for an lnitial $100.000 royalty payment.and thetta.fter a percentage of Illa. Resort planners named The firm o! Ballew/ Arbuckle/Martin, 18025 Sky Park F.ast, Irvine. has been named planner. architect and landlcape architect for a 21..acre private fishing re90rt -Club de Mecca -to be built on the north shore of the bay of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. The site -known as Cb.ito'a Watering Hole -la at Land's End where the Pacific meets the Sea of Cortei. The raort ia a joint ventutt of Senor Lioendado Migue l Aleman, a former preaident of Me xico (1946-52) and the father of Mexico'• tourism industry; Senor L icenctado Jorge Soto; Arturo Cota; Jacobo ~villa; Jerry Duchanne, Jlm Habig and John B. Si- dell u a California Limited Partnership. Irvine firm consolidates Ptintroni.x, Inc., haf opened headqUart.en in frvine which coNOlidates corporate and marketing activities at one location. The flve-bulldina campua-atyle complex, with over '100,000 1quare feet of oftices, It the fifth Prin- tronix facility ln the Irvine area, and increasea the manufactum-'1 facility space to neuly 350,000 1quare feet. The fadllty ii at 17500 Cartwricht Road. .tell • ' -· Patrick sw ... y of Irvtne hu been elec:1.ld to the board of d1ncton IOI' Commuter TranaportaUon lervkte, lnc. (Commuter Computer). Jim Devil, l)l'etldent of Hatta~• Nattoaal Buk, announoed the apPOlntment"' Vue. Bala· UM 11 vb prealdent in charp of canmen:ta1 loana. Frull C. Co1Htllao of San Clemente hU been named 1eneral manager-commerclal/lnduatrial , producta for l'M' Cauoa-Nortlt America. • Tlloma1 0. Mor1u of Irvine hu been named aeneral manaaer of circular producta for ITT Cauoa-No~ America. ~ Adolf (Al) M. Cosentino hu been appointed · Prelldent of EEto Computer I.De., a recently esta- bU.hed, wholly owned aublldlary of EECO Incor- porated. Kea Nelton has been appolnted an agent with the Alltlate ha1aruce Company ln the office ln the Seara BuildJna, South Coast Plaz.a Mall. Costa Mesa. The board of directors of Newport Rarboar Natioul Bull has elected Lloyd R. Miller ex~­ tlve officer. In addition, OanUaer E. Berlns has 111111 coum 11111111 been elected to the board. Miller was vice president and manager of the corporate banking group at Sun West Bank in Newport Beach. Michael Fl1ber has been named vice president and manager of the Santa Ana branch of Heritage Buk. He had been with the Bank of Newport as assistant vice president, commercial loan officer. Reback l>Hlp A11oclate1, Ille. has opened an Orange County office at 1201 Dove Street, Suite 250, Newport Beach . The interior planning and design firm office is headed by ~ndy Berg, ~or­ merly design dittctor of RMM, Inc. s Seattle office. Coldwell Banker announced that William Mvrell will be responsible for marketing the $250 million Warmington Plaza, a mijor urban business complex ln Santa Ana. He will co-manage the sale team with Cllack Salllvu. James H. Marovl1b of Newport Beach bas joi- ned Crocker Bank'• metropolitan banking depart- Jnent as an assistant vice president. He had for two years been at Wells Fargo Bank in Newport Beach. The Harlequin Dinner P layhouse selected Mad e line Zu ckerm an Pub lic R e l ational · Advertising, Tustln, to handle public relations and adv.ertiaing for the theater, at 3503 South Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana. Santa Ana-based Media One, a subsidiary of Western Digital, announced the appointment of Alu Boal as president. Elaine B. Madrid bas joined LB Researcll, a manufacturer of switching-regulated power aup- plies, as manager, marketing services. She was ad- ' vertising and sales promotions manager at Newport Electronics, Inc. James R. Allor, of Huntlngton Beach, has joi· ned the S;rnta Ana office of Artllu Yoaag & Company, a Big Eight international accounting tirm, as a manager in the manarement services department. He was director o consulting for Compucare. Inc., a national hospital EDP systems fJrm based in Fountain Valley. Michael G. Hagbes of Irvine, has been named aeruor vice president, loan administration, at Herl- ta1e Bank. Leoaard A. Morgan has been appointed vice president and head of corporate banking at Bank of America'• Irvine Industrial branch in Newport . 8each. Gre&Ory B. Stewart of Huntington Beach, who Jiu wor~ed for Arthur Rubloff and Company in . Los. Angele1 and Secured F.quities, Inc., Cerritos, joined F rost Spence TrtDen, Co.ta Mesa, commer- dal brokerage company, as a broker. powney Savings ~eports profit Downey Savings & Loan Auociation has re- ported net earnings of $101.~. or 2 cents per share, for the fint quart.er. This compares to the year-earlier period when a io. of $4,379,000, or 93 cents, was posted. Revenuea of $47.3 rnllllon for the fint quart.er ~pre.ent a 30 ~rcent lncreaae over the $36.4 mil- lion posted for the like quart.er in 1981. , Spring Gas Bar- B-Q . Sale In Progress AMCO ~~\~DEBS Sl!pp(,~ . RS, BATH, KITCHEN, BARS, CABINET AND "' BATH ACCESSORIES . -(714) 64t.4114 a..i. Ml , I I ~ llM Naz,.. .... C.. ...._Cl&.., ... , Capital Star buys Parkfora Capital Star Petroleum hu purchaaed appro- ximately 42 percent of the ou~ and t..aed lharet of Park.ford Petroleum Inc. from the Com- bridp Group HoldJnc Corp. of Newport BMch. Parktord Pettolewn la an oU and Pl producer and exploration company o~r1tln1 1n the mld· · country area of Kanau, Oklahoma and Texaa and ii producing from 28 oil and pa wella. Capital Star Petroleum Chairman Robert Bu- ceta wtll assume chalnnanahip of ParJdord Petro- leum along with Patricia Thibault u chief executive officer . Frank Jordan of Hou.ton, formerly with Ex- xon Corp., hu been app0lnted president and chief operatln§ officer. Grand Openlng ..... . . - That's It/ SNAIL POISON Fire Extinguisher Model #110 ABC K For most types of fires K idd• ~· THE FOOD PROCESSOR 20% off ~~12~~~~,:R l1t1nnatio Ti•1 IH lulti11l1 pr~1~• ti••r #Da11 sa•• 24 separate tabs f9r hourly programming. 9SANVO M9901 1 ll&liRI lla4il StwM Cassette ,.,. ......... Garage Door Springs P728 ""h BEACH CHAIRS Aluminum frame wtth heavy blue canvas covers. lemons & hme Recipe included • Sizes to ht most food processors. including dll Cu1Sin~rt models . . SMOKE ALARM Including Battery Atari Game Cartridges priced from $11.88 Activision Game Cartridges priced from $18.88 McGUIRE CAR CLEANER -WAX Top Quality Liquid Wax ..... 1 ... ............... . , .. 111.41 . CUISINART LIST our price DLC10E $130 '19.99 DLCSE $185 1149.99 DLC7E $260 s 199.99 DLC7PAO $275 1219.9 Fool Pumps Black mid Decker Stowaway STEP STOOL Hoover. 'OaTA,OWla"' VACUUM CLIANlll Very powerful. very handy vacuum Special Sale lncludff: • Cort • Quartz Igniter • Tank • Porcelain Cooking Grid 5 Yr. Burner Warranty We carry re place ment parts for: •Chor.Broil • Ducan• • Charmglow • Weber AllAIEll taLS 5620 Senta Ana Canyon Rd. (at Imperial Hwy.) 991.5212 WOTClfF ft.AZA 1024 Irvine Ave. Newport Beach &42·1133 CODA DEL MM 3107 E. co.t HWJ . (1 Ila .. " ...... ) m.ml