HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-28 - Orange Coast Pilot, • 11111111 llllY NIU Wf ONf SUA Y /\l'Hll .'II 1'1il.' 11eat on J'alley Li.ttle Lealfue~ Star player spurs controversy over ·residence, f irebombings Deir ............... STORM CENTER -Arr'i Buford, star of a Fountain Valley Little League team, is caught in a controversy which has provoked violence. 1; PIDJ, SNEIDERMAN • funlly'• own~ -are~ I or .. .._,....... to the Utt.le ~ 11quabble, Twelve-year-old Arri Buford "Arri'• been cauabt in a power aaid Tuesday he just wanu to atruale within Lfttle Leecue.'' play bueblll. aald-"Thomu L . Brown, the fa. But the Fountain Valley North rnlly'1 attorney. . Little Le.,ue Ital' and hia family The boy'• mother. Minnie have suddenly found themlelve9 Buford, added, .. I feel he'• a thrust into the •potllaht ln a di-sreat athlete. a areat player. But ~te centering on Arri'• elJClbi· he'• caucht up ln a controwny llty to play for hia team. the >..-he doetn't undentand. He juit trol. WUltl to play buebeJl" The quarrel has divided IOIDe Little Leegue parents, hM led to court action and ii now In the handl of national l.Jttle Leacue offidala ln Willlanwpoct. Pa. A declaion by national autho- rities la eXPected later thia week. Meanwhile, county anon in- vestigators are trying to deter- mine whether two firebombing incidents in the Buford.I' neigh- borhood -one lnvolvirg tne The dllpute cent.en on Arri'• place of residence. The Bufordt lived ln FOWltaln Valley for nine years. · Lut yeer. however, Arri'• fa· ther Jame• Buford, a disabled veteran, was eent to Detroit for 11 month.a tor medical treatment. When he aiJlned up to play at the start of the current Llttle League season, Arri wu living with Ed Winainiski, then- 200-rnile zone Jnlldent of the Fountain Valley nlahed laat ln the previous aea-North leu\.ae eon. were aucldenly in fint place. When lib family returned to At that time, teVeral coechee of Oran1e County, the Veterans rival tearm raised the 111ue of Adminiltration could not flnd Arr1'1 l'elldency, attorney Brown "Arri'• been cau'lltt in a power struule within L~ttle eague." · proper houalrur for the Bufordt In Fountain VAlley and bwtead ~for them a Garden Grove home that could accommodate Jamea Buford'• whef>Jchair. Althouch Arri now Uvea with hit family in Garden Grove, he 1tlll attend• Allen School in Fountain Valley and hat been playing for the local Aatroe. The-youth who had never be- fore played league baaeball, diatlngulahed hlmaelf u a . 750 hitter and a aood pitcher, hia at- torney said. 1'he .Aat.roa, who fl- l&id. Di1trlct and regional Little League off.icials ruled him Ineli- gible, and Arri WU forced to sit out a game. His parents, however, took the leaaue to court over the i11ue. League otficiala and the Buforda agreed out of court that Arri could return to the field until a decision waa made by national l.Jttle League officiala. When he returned to the li- neup last Saturday, Arri pitched a three-hitter and slammed a home run to lead hi1 team ~ . ' ~ ' victory. • That niaht, someone lolNd t flam.inf two-by-four onto tbt roof o the Buford•' home. Neighbors alerted them, and~ fire wu extlnguilhed without terlou. dama1e to the howie of my Injuries. \ Addlna to the emotion.a au,.~ rounding the Buford cue 19 tNt fact that the family 11 black ln • predominantly whl~ area. • But Mn. Buford Mid Tue9daj she believes the boy'• playinc 1killl, not hit race, have fuel~ the dlapute. ' ! u!eth.!~~~~ Fountain Valley North Lit.ti League, Mn. Buford aald th involved are "very low people jeopardize my son and othe people ln the area over thia." . . ' r1ta1n eyes tata . I war'· State to aet Offshore oil .Jawsuit eyed SUCCUMBS Actor Tom Tully, pictured as Captain De Vrie11 in "The Caine Mutiny," ii dead at the age of 73. Veteran actor dies on Coast Veteran movie and stage actor Thomas Cane Tully, a longtime resident of Newport Be8ch'1 Lido • lale, died -rue.day. He WM 73. Friend• of the onetime Aca· demy Award nominee aald memorial aervlce1 wlll not be held until July 10 that a family (See ACTOA. Pace A!) WORLD BY ITEVE MARBLE 07 .. Dlllr ........ The state la prepared to &O to court aver an upcoming offshore oll leue aa1e u.nleea the federal aovernment cutl bllC:k the num- ber of tnicta tbat would be offe- -,..d, includJ.ni M•llt'wtt'tbe ~ 'Siro, an adviser to Gov. Edm G. Brown Jr., aaid a lawsuit is being planned be- cause of fean the Department of Interior will not bow to environ- mental concerns on oft.bore oil drilli.ng and exploration. Newport ae.ch dty offidala. in a related development, h.Jve Ul· nounced they would be willlng to join the state auit if "it'• ln the dty'• best lnte~" City council memben ln New- port aareed to &fve City Attorney M1b Miller the authartti'1o de.- cide whether to join the IUit u "a friend of the court." una Be1'Ch Mayor Sall)'... Bellerue aa6d lhe had not heard of the planned i.W9Uit. but added that lAguna "certainly would be in the aame boat • Newport ln looking after the clty•a beat inter8tl.'' The federal government hu ~leasing eleven tncta off ewport and Laguna. Both cities are opposed to oil platform• being erected off their cout1tnea. Interior Secretary Jama Watt 19 expected to unveil the federal government'• llst of offahore oil trllCta May 2. 'Ibey will be put on the market in June. There haa been no ad- vance word on whether Watt wW pulh for all 11 trlCtl off the Oranae eo.t. Shapiro aald the governor haa • (See OFFSllORE, Pap A!) OAS liaeb A.Jweatma cl•im WASHINGTON (AP) -OrpniaaCioil Of Amert-· can Stat.a forelp minllten approved a ret0lut1on ~kf.~DI Ar1entine 10Veretantr over the ... F d da-and urpnc Great Bri~ and Ar· aentana to 9ltabUah a tnace. NATION 0.-,NltlWI,..... VICl'IMS AIDED -Federal diaaater off.ldals Those left homeless can apply for $5,000 in proces.1 claims from victims of last week's fire low-interest loans and rent subsidies at the in Anaheim at a relief center near the .cene. center. .. Anaheim outlaws shake-roOf s Action taken week after disastrous blaze Almost a week to the day aft.er flamet aurged through central Anaheim, leaving l ,500 _people homele11, the Orange County Board of Supervisors and the Anaheim Oty Council took ateps to ban combustible wood roof.a ln their jurildictions. The Clty Council paaaed an urpocy ordinance Tue.day pro- hi bl tlng the use pf untreated wood ahinale roof• on au new buUdlna1. New roofa put on exilting commerdal and reliden· tlal 1tructurn also would fall under the ban. COUNTY The county Board of Supervi· aon, meanwhile, ordered pre- paration of st.roncer ~tiona to prevent uae "f coml>uatible wood too& in all unlmorponted · ar'¥9 of the county. within 1,000 feet of brushy wiJdlanda areas. But Supervisor Ralph Clark, who lives near the aoene of laat Wednelday'1 fiery holocaust. aid a further prohibition on wO!)d roofl ii neceuary in populated 1n a unan1mow wee Tue.lay, areu to avoid future traaedJea. the board aho lnatructed tire ln proposing the new rules, offidala and the Environmental Clark aaid the county la faced Mana1ement Aaency to deter-with the threat each year of u.r· mine the co1t1 and Impact• of ban wild fire becaUle of the bot requirinl exlatina 1tructure1 to deaert winda which sweep have fireproof roolt. 11le study la throuah the area. " he Mid, re- due beck In three weeb. f errlnt to previous larae-acalct blaze• ln Orange and Tuatin County au.idellnel now prohl-• where wood 1hake roofa were bit u. ol Wke and ahmcle roof.a (See ANAHEIM, P• A.%) INDEX Violence in clJlldrea eyed A ..... cx+•Wli I f ., ~ Oiat tome rootl of vlolmt b9bavlol' He ID CbOd ~ and abuM, diet md other fllr:torl Ii tbe .._ .. ,Jla9i M ( -' . .. ........ ,. .. i ·, Argentin · 'forces alerted By Tile AalOCiated t'rea1 Britain declared today .that a "total'' war zone 200 miles around the Falkland Ia1ands will go lnto effect at 4 a.m. PIYJ' l'}t• day, and Argentina rat ita f~ on °maximum alert. • The two aide. al.90 Mid tbej were studying a U.S. pMll:le pm relayed by Secretary of Stale Alexander M. Hail Jr. But Ar·• emtina aaid it ~ "milltm"J • operatiool'' in~ ;,;lands.,... in 24 to 48 houn. . DetaJla of the plan were not known. but • government 90Ul'Ce in London said: "Clearly Ml'. Haig wantl to bring 80IDe .:>rt of finality to the iaue, with some 1enaible way of remlving it." The British also announced that an Argentine =~ed on South Georlia. 800 eut of the Falklana., died ln a ·~ lncldent" Monday, and that an lnvestiption WM under way. Ne> other Oetaill were lfven,-->.. proa~ta for peace grew diiU. the BftlWl Defeme Ministry ..anno\J,ACed that an_y abiJ> or air- craft, lnclud.lng Soviet veue , that are found within the «tot.al exclusion llOOe" wW be repided u hoaUle and liable to au.ck, The Britiah move came amid mounting 1peculation that th& task force off the Falkland blands was pc>i8ed to launch an ... ult on the South Atlantic v- chipelaco .eized by A.rpntina GD April 2. lt ai.o followed an emereene7 Cabinet meettna ~ OYW bJ Prime Minitter That- cher. Government source• ln London aid the .-lall llr'Oduced "no fresh opt1rnilm" of a neao- tiated eettlement. · The British Defeme Mlldstr7 1treued that the war zone a - i.lda to the alntrip at ~' (See F ALltLAND. Pap AJ) OFFSHORE OIL .•. urae<f Watt co delete three tractl and part of a fourth off the Oranf.e Cout He aald if Watt doean t, the Nit~ likely. He u1d the 1u1t would charge the federal 1overnment with violatlna the 1tate'1' Cout Zone Management Act and with not adequately addreulng environ- mental concerns. Shapiro aald the at.ate success- fully blocked the leuina of aev- e ral tract• off Santa Barbara recently using the same legal approach. Governor Brown, ln a recent communication to Watt, wrote "I'm disappointed you eontinue to tnal1t that outer continental sh elf lease sales don't directly aff~ the coutal r.one." The aovemor 1pec.tftcally re- ted Watt to move the exil-~mlle Umlt on of&hore oil back another half mile from the cout. State Atwmey General Geor- ge DuekmeJlan, whoH office would handfe the planned law-4 auJt, declJned to comment on theV' auit duril'\I an interview Tuea- day. Offidala alao reported that the at.ate C.outal Cornrnilllon, which h•• recommended the entire June leue a&le be postponed, hu the power to take leaal action againat the federal government over the lease aale and has done · IO in the past. ANAHEIM FIRE .. • responsible for the quick spread of wind-driven flames. The county's proposed ban would have no effect within in- corporated cities like Anaheim. From P!Q!A1 . FALKLAND .• t.tw FalldanM c.pOaJ. ••Any aln:raft on the around In the J'alkland lalanda Will be re- ~ .. bef.na In 1Uppor1 of the llleP1 (Araentln•) occupation and" accorcltn1ly t1 llable to attack," the Brltl1b DefenH Mlni9tl'y .ud. The zone extend• a 200-rnll• marltlme blockade around the ialand1 declared by Britain on April 12 to includ~ aitcraft. De· fenM Mint.try apoknmen .. 1d the new move Includes clvtllan aircraft and 1hlp1 H well aa mWtary and naval c::raft. In Mote0w, the Soviet Com- munist Party newapaeer Pravda aocUled Britain of &iriilna tons- olve the Falkland• crl1i1 by "mWtary force" and aa1d the di- spute'• "negative lnfluence al- ready makes Ii.elf felt, dluup- Una normal ahippf.na in the IOU• them AtJa.nt.l.c and world trade in aeneral." Fire officials have placed much of the blame for the widespread destruction in Anaheim last Wednesday on the presence of combustible roofs atop many of the apartment buildings gutted by fire. Damage estimates have been placed between $50 million and $55 million. However, superviaont said that copies of their newly expanded ordinance should be sent to city halls in Orange County once it is drafted and approved. BODY SEARCH -San Diego homicide de- tectives search through the basement of the Hawthorn Inn few bodies they believe may be .,...,....... buried there. Police found the body of a 17 -year-old glrl in a concrete casket in the hotel basement last week. Western diplomata ln M09COW apeculated that the reference to ahippi.ng and trade reflected So- viet anxiety that the crisis could interfere with the Kremlin'• grain purclwes from Argentina. The SOviets buy $2.7 bllllon of grain from Argentina annually and ia the Argentine junta's lea· ding trade partner. Argentina also ls a major supplier of meat for the Soviet Union. ABC News r eported the vanguard of the British war fleet was within shelling distance of the disputed archipelafo 250 miles east of Argentina s sou- thern coast. The report said the main British force, incl udlng the aircraft carriers Hermea and In- vincible, 20 fighter-bombera and aome 1,500 marines, was only one day away. Clark susgested -and the board agreed -that the study on costs by the Environment.al Ma- nagement Agency should focus on the impact of ordering re- roofing and chemical treatment of existing structures in unincor- porated areas. Though she agreed w ith Clark's proposal, Supervisor Harriett Wieder, who lives in Huntington Beach, said she didn't want to see the county give in to "fear-inspired, knee- jerk responses." Noise curb change OK'd The three-week time allotted for the EMA study, she said, seemed to ensure that thoughtful consideration would go into the matter. County action alters wording, not plan By DAVID KUTZMANN Ofl:M Deity PMot Ii.If AC TOR TULLY DIES .. • Orange County supervisor• approved changes Tuesday in jet nOtSe controls oont.amed within a controvennal airhne access plan for John Wayne Airport. member currently out o f the w untry can attend Tully, whose acting career stretched back to the days or W.C. Fields, received an Aca- demy Award nomination ln 1954 for his portrayal of Captain de Vriess m "The Caine Mutiny." He acted in more than 50 films during his career and made nearly 500 television appearances including a stint as co-star of the 1950s series "The Llneup." A native of Colorado, Tully s pent ejght years doin.r staae work. appearing in a number of Broadway shows. Turning to film, he played alongside W.C . Fields, Clark Ga- ble and Humphrey Bogart in a string of movies. He was featured in ''Lady in the Lake," "The Carpetbaggers" and "Destination Tokyo." A former newspaper reporter and an ex-boxer, Tully turned in bis final film appearance in an eobode of the television series "M.ilDoo Impomible ... He leavea hi• wlfe lda, a daucbter and two pndchildren. However, officials contended, the thrust of the plan remains the same. Airlines which use the quietest aircraft will be eligible for additional Clight.s m the fu- ture out of Orange County. T h e board, in a unanimous vote, agreed to replace all refe- rences to new DC-9 Super 80 "quiet" jets and other so-called "Stage 3" aircraft with new language that refers to specific engine noise levels recorded at John Wayne Airport. The changes, officials hope. will improve the chances of the aa:ess plan being approved by a federal judge. IRS monkey on bis back Volcano e rupts lnt.emal Revenue Service -and wantl the government to get off his back. BISMARCK, N.D. (AP)-For the next seven mo nths, Len Martin plan• to walk around North Dakota with a stuffed monkey perched on his shoulder. JAKARTA. Indonesia (AP) - The Galunggung volcano in West Java erupted for the fourth time this month. officials reported Tuesday, but caused no casual- ties. At least 14 people were kiJ,. led in previous eruptions April 4 and 8. Martin contends federal in· come taxes are an unconstitutio- nal means of control over the people and the government could get along well without them. Martin, 58, of Sykeston, aaid the m onkey represents the Coasial Moetty ltlf today ~In the m1d-&01 11 tn• b•1on•• to mld-70. lnlelld ., ... l-~ tontgnt Lowa 46 to St E1tly momlnQ low cloudl on ThurMSey otnttwlM clter Hlgn1 Tnurlday 111 Ille rnld-«>s II the bffc;t>M to mld-70. lnllltld E....,._.. from Point Concep-uon to tne M•1ttcan border Ind out eo m11e1 Smll cr1n ldv!IOfy In •fleet over out., watera bet· -i POIOI Conoepllon and SM NlcolM !$land today and Thur1- d1y "°'111w11t wind• IS to 30 11nq11 with s 10 8 1001 c.ombined HU through Thurldly EIH· where, wind• mo1tty ltght and var ... lfl the night end momlng hotlra, beCOmH1G -tarty II to t& knot• this 1f1111noon and -t to n°'1"-•1 10 10 20 11no11 Thur1- day aflemo<>n Wind Wlvet I to 2 feet. W11t to tc>Uthwftt 1welt 2 to 31Mt. U.S. summary Light 1now 1•11 over pert• of H•bra1k1 on Tueadey while ~orm• lonNd egatn CMW '*'' o4 the South. OM lncfl of MOW i.11 at Theel· lord. Neb .. by mid-morning and 1now continued In cen1r1I I nd northwwt N*Ulla l""'91 ""' day. t+M'ty IJluf>del9'Cll'IN ~ -the Savanneh, Oa., a,.a and a ~ thnd«llorm wetcll Wit -.ied for '*'' of -"'*" 8outll C111o1tna. IOUllll .. t«n Georgia. and northeMt FlOflOI "'°""' With ooc:aalonel lhun-cl«lhowlr• "'° ..,. IClltt•ld '1'lf/I .,.,. of the ftOtthem lllodl-.... _..,n Plalnt, m&dcfle Md IOUINrn Al! ... llc Co .. I llllH and eoutNrn FloriOe. FOf lod9)'1 toetlllnld ahow«I were foreo111 rrom K enaaa lllro~h Olllallom• to centre! Teue~o111« ••trlffte toU· IMm ...... '1'1f/1 .. "°""*"' , .... CoMl en4' not• IMm end ...... Atlentki Coelt. ....... '" .. .,. and llOt -pft.fl\)ttd for 1111 cenltal and '*"'-"' A....ic C:O., IN OtllO =r:;~ Llbt 8f!d ......... •lnlttelOllfldlOlln .,..." ... 8f!d "" .... "*" ,_ ""°""' .. ~ .......... ~~ •1nw.totw'lllh ..,. Mo stly fair today ___ ................ 'Y""I 411to1141. Inland Yllley9 can •llPIC1 llighl In lh• mlddl• 70• today. UPP•' 901 Thuttday Lowl lfl llOa. ···~ Mountelna cen 111.,.01 north· .... '1lhll 20-40 """' """9Cltr). .. ...... --""'('~l"';.""' _. ::~ ·-Jtt'.l Hight In llOI today, In l50e Thut1- d9'1' Lowe 35 '° .... 0.1ert1 can expect -·~rty wind• ~mpn.,.Hoq~ n ~ Hrl hlgh1 In so .. 1ow1 In S01 Southern d-1 high• 88 to H . !Owl SS to 65 o.-1 hlghl abOut ,... ,.-,,,,. . ......_,, 10 ~ ;::,_, epraadJng ~ throughout Northern California ~ .. ,_ • ......, ___ .,. __ ....._ tonight c-.1ng tnnd from Wiil \.!..!.UJ .. Tllurldey • ' ( ••• -------------------~ ...... Temperatures ~: :.:::_i,_'·-· _.;_._. -~-=-·=-··---------- CANADA ""no.c .... YOtil 74 80 Ontarlo .. Lo <*.la C11y 73 50 Plllnl Sc>rlnOI 79 S 1 OmtfM1 61 42 Paeadtfla 4 7 3e PNteclPllla 70 58 ~ Aof)IM 11 se Phoehb 93 ss ........_,. e1 55 ~ 51 39 Red Bluff 62 57 Plltnd. Me 65 49 AedWoOd Clly 74 53 Ptllnd. °'9 n "" s~-10 71 39 PrcMdenoa 72 58 Slllnal 72 55 Reno • 73 33 Ban Bernardino 5 I 38 Richmond 77 62 San Oel>r'ltl et 47 8al1 Lale• et 47 San Diego 71 114 Sen Amonlo 80 54 Ban Franclloo • I 4e e.ttle • , 43 8an JON 79 5e 8tw9\"IOOf1 79 53 leml AN ... 35 8loult ,,,,. .. 30 Slnl• Batbar• tie 83 81 LOUii 63 44 a.nt• Cna 58 51 SI P-Ttn'IPll 11 M lanta Merit 47 31 lc>c*-87 37 Santa Monica 76 58 8~ eo 43 s1oe1t1on M 41 TYOtOn 17 1 1 TMOI v-., 71 M w--M H Thtr11\11 55 • --.. -· ~· IO 41 WlcNle .. -TorrlllOI MM ~ 1352 ti LI a 32 AOPlt v-., ea. 4S 97 It~ ., S7 .. 32 8lr9'GW 17 to 72 64 ... '1001 T1 41 12 71 ...... 17 12 7t ., lllflOP ~ -.. u a 41 _,.. .. n 77 79 80 78 77 70 75 85 11 711 70 eo 69 73 67 12 .. tie 79 .. N 12 48 52 . 53 .., 50 50 47 ~ ~. so 52 IS2 49 48. 55 48 ... ... 53 46 30 .. A 87 35 .. 27 S7 43 51 38 62 34 50 S2 65 44 M 82 19 51 EUNkl 51 .. ::1=-~ ~ • 17 l.Ofll IMdl 'I II ~~: ~~ ~ :: •• ......,... 12 11 Extended forec(IBt a 71 Moi Id PD 7' 63 al It ::-:-., = = ., D ....... IMdl 17 II to .. °""9IMI .. 12 • c ll'tldey~ Hlgllt Md lftOt• nine 1 .. eloud• nesr IM oo.t. OIMJWI .. fair. Locaffy wtndy Ill Ill• mountal"•· HIQhe In \lie OMlll• .,_. ti IO 11 wlttl '°"" 41 IO II, Mouftlaln r..oft ~ 64 IO .. Mii lowl "4 to ... The county last mohth adopted a revised plan -g overning which ~ommerc1al air carriers serve J ohn Way ne Airport - and sent it back to U.S. Dlstnct Court Judge Terry Hatter Jr Hatter had previously ruled that the county'• onginaJ airline access plan unfairly benefited incumbent air carriers, A1rCal and Republic Airlines. Judge Hatte r is expected to rule on the acceptability of the new plan May 10 in Los Anjteles. Airport officials said the access plan amendment approved Tuesday means that airlines which serve Oran1te County no longer have to buy DC-9 Super 80a or similar quiet jets' if existing aircraft can be modified to meet noise and weight requirements. 'rhe figures spelled out in the plan. however. closely match the noise and weight readings for the Super 80. The changes were made in the plan so the document could be more easily de fended in court, officials said. In a related development, the Board of Supervisors Tuesday approved Frontier Airlines' re- quest to begin. new and quieter DC-9 Super 80 service from John Wayne Airport beginning May 20. Saddleback College chief exec resign s Robert A. Lombardj, chief ex- ecuuve off.leer of the Saddleback Community College District for 7 !Ii years, has quit the post to take a management position m private industry The surprise announcement was made Tuesday night follo- wing a cloeed meeting of district trustees meeting at the college's north campus in Irvine. Lombardi, 49, said his reslg:na- tion will be effective May 15. He will become vice president in . charge of a new Irvlne-divtsLon of Dataacah , a computer firm headquartered in Lo. AngeleL He said the division will develop educational software pro1ram. for the minl and micro-<x>mputer market. "Thls ts one of the l'n'J8t dil11- ' cult deci&ions I have ever had to make," Lombardi aaid. "I have been in education for 25 years and felt I was at a polnt ln my career where any change ahou.ld happen 8000 or not at al!·"_ Oal9r .... ...., "'9te RESIGNS -Robert A . Lombardi has r&!f ned as chancellor of the dleback O:mmunlty College District. Reports from Buenoe A.ires to the British media said Argentine naval aources were predicting a British attack at duak torugbt. These reports said 16 Argentine warships were at aea to challenge the Briush armada. Th• Argentine news agency DYN said a fierce winter storm was luhing the Falklands but otherwise Argentine naval sour- ces reported "ever ything 1s calm." The sources said coast.a] patrols had been increased to detect British commando lan- dings. the agency said. Reagan jibe brings boos WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. Chamber of Coramerce bas made it clear to Democratic Sen. AJan Cranston that there is still considerable support for PrHi- dent Reagan's economic policies in the American bualneu com- munity . "Reaganomica is strangling American business," the Califor- nia senator told delegates to the group's 70th annual meeting on Tuesday. The as&essment drew scattered boos that rose to a crescendo when Cranston added: "The harsh reality is that President Reagan is presiding over the de- cline of the American republic. He la not only preaid ing but leading and contributing." Fight inflation; see garden section How to fight inflation by gar- dening is onf y one of the helpful tips offered in today's special Home and Garden supplemenL You'll also read about a man who used plants and herbs to survive as a Japaneae prisoner of war and learn how to rid your prden of anaibl. Dig it. AERO AND lflCINTIA . lEllS 99 .,, • MltOllC CLASSES • PIOP!SSIONAl INSllUCTION • IOOY fAT ANAL YSfS • STIHS TESTING • llOOO ,.ESSUIE TESTING • CO!D IAUNA • NUTllTIONAL COUNSEUNG • COID wtmPOOl • Ol YMlllC NII WltOHT • COMPUT8lllD DYNA VIT. • NAUTlUI 08Call IQUIPMINT • ... TANIOOM ...... I I J l I I I I I I I I I I Orange Cou t DAILY PILOT/Wedr day, Aprll 28. 1982 .s T~e incurable optimist · Reagan sees silver linings among dark clouds SANITARY CEREMONY -Donna Green- berg's Cinderella fantasy got a v. rong zap from the Fairy Godmother. Instead of a coach , Donna got a garbage truck. ll was a heart- w renching mome nt in Scottsdale, Ariz .. as AP Wlrl ... llO Donna and her new husband, J ohn Thompson, a sanitary engineer, exchanged vows in the garbage truck and then passed beneath a clinking salute by John's co-workers. --~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Britain h as discussed title to the Falk l a nds for 35 years LONOON (AP) Brit.am hru. been trying to g1w tht.• l''alkland Islands to Argeollna fvr Yl'art•. but the pro-Briu::.h 11.lander'> have always blcx.:k l•d lht-trans· fer. Professor JC J MHfor<i of the University of Bnstol, a f<alkland!o> e>C~rt. wrote tx>fon· the l Urrenl cnsis reached a warlike 'lt:il.(> that Argentina's best aUy ··might .,., ell b e paradox 1cally Br1t1sh officialdom " tm;1 invaded the islands Apnl 2, British and Argentine diplomats me~ in New York on the islands' [Ulw"l' [n 1947 and 1955 Britain offe- rc-d lO hand the dispute over to lhl lnternat1onal Court of Jusllce in The Hague. but Argentina re- f uwd lo go along. Ten years lat.er thl U N General Assembly pas- '>f°'<l a n •soluuon urgmg the two ri<1t1on'> to work for a peaceful 'IOI u t1on of the dispu t.e. ister of Suite Nicholas Ridley was told to make another try for a settlement. He suggested a joint Bri ush-Argen ta ne administra- tion , with sovereignty transfer- r ed to Argentina but B ritain leasing the islands for 20 to 25 years. Even if the huge Bntish task force succeeds in recapturing the Falklands from Argentine occu- pation forces, the ceding of so- vereignty in some form will be necessary in any peace settle- ment. WASHlNGTON (AP) -Ro- nald Rea1an. the incurable optl- rniat, aees economic allver 11n1ilo wher e othera see d ark cloud• atre tchi.ng toward the horizon. "The dlke" that baa kept in ""° rest tate9 IO high "I.a beginnlng to go," the president observed the o ther day af ter peru sing the weekend real estate ad vertl1e- menta 1n The Waahlnaton Poet. But th e h om ebu tldera, car dealera and other people whoee llvellhooda are belns threatened by the high cost of credit don't tee that· brlahf ~-At best, they tee onf y a modest drop in i n t erest rates In the months ahead; at worst, they fear rates will climb even higher In the future . Curren tly, they see no lpiprovement. "Eventually, interest rat.es will come down slightly. but not a lot," said Fran k McCarthy, ex- ecutive vice p r esident of the National Automobile Dealers AB· sociatlon. "It'll be more than a trickJe, but the dam won't burst." "We do agree that mortgage rat.es will be breaking soon," and likely will decline by 2 or 3 per- centage points by midyear, adds Warren Matthews. senior eco- nomist for the Mortgage Bankers Association. But Matthews also believes mortgage rat.es will nse again an the second-half of the year. when an economic recovery is expected to get unde r way. The only question in his rrund is whether mortgage rat.es will nse slighUy or sharply. The persistence of abnormally steep int.erellt rat.es 111 the nudst of a seriows recession has been t he moat mysterious economic development of 1982 ConvenlJo- nal wadom holds that a drop an credit demand and a significant easing of inflation brought about by the recession should have prompted interest rates to come down by now. Economic logic, however , 1s being defied. fora.n~ the Reagan "The Falklandc; wc·re •x:qu1red (in 1833) al a llml• whm .1 bas<• near the Straits of Magell..ln was essential for naval control of th<' Pacific coast of South Am<•raca and the South Allan~. "Strafug1ca1rf. th~~U rfo" longer 1mport<rnt To thl realistic offtcraJ mind, the·.-. fon the islands a re SlarcPly worth retaining. especially in view of the damaging efh•ct of the d1 sputEot) Anglo ~tnl' cqpl., All d forts devised by the f c rt• 1 g n 0 ff 1 c e lo a It e r t he ,..,1 ... nch' '>talus were opposed by th(' I HOO Falklanders, who are n11~th of British descent. In 1968 thl· r'alk.Janders became so atar- m~l\amors di t ~llrou&,,'1.hat thctr Tobby m Lonaon addressed an optm letter to Parliament de- e taring they "did not want lo tX'<."Ome Argen llnes." Thf' Bntish Foreign Secretary New _Qpposition formillg in Iran merd'.a.J •rt-lation!f" · · 1 London began d1c;cus<11nJt thr Argent.in<.' dalm in 1947 artt has repeatedly entf'rta1n ed argu - ments from Buenos AlrC'I> al the negotidtmg table• Just five· we<>k.'> bf•forc Argen- • ll ,\Ju:.Jim e, M1 <:hil St~wart, rctl'eated "Th~ wl• ea of the FaJkla.nd Islanders are more im- portant than those of either the government of the United King- dom or that of Argentina.'' h e said Jn IYliO Foreign OHtcc Man - Capture unravels odyssey of crime SAN JOSE (AP) Tht ~l of a t ax adviser in T c•x.1"> has uncovered the odyssey o( d man with three 1denlihP'i. two wive-; and thousands of investors in three states an~c·red al being btJked by hun. authont1r.., "<tld When Phillipe Vdfl Vers<•n wa.<; arrested March 28 in 01'1 Rio Texas. FBI fingerprint ch C'cks identified ham as Philip R1vl•ra and as Ph1hp Ravers Prosecutors have charged Rivera bilked thousand!\ of In- vestors in Texas Cahfornaa and Ohio of as much as $30 miUlon an so-called Ponzi SfhPmes. And they allPge that Rivera. who left a wile and some 3,000 investors an San Jose I 0 years ago, ls the Philip Rivers mar- ried to a different woman -ac cused of bilking tnVl'Stors tn San Antonio, Texas. •·wo knew he w..an't just a run-of-th e-mill con artist," saJd John Quinlan, assistant district attornry fo r Bexar County. Texas. Rivera. 56, is being held m the Bexar County Jail on a Texas fe- lony theft charge and a federal warrant accusing tum of unlaw- ful flight to avoid prosecution in Califorrua. He.> allegedly convinced some 1 000 investors m California and Ohio to invC'st an loan schemes during the Late 1960s and early , 1970s, said Deruus Lempett. who in I Y72 was in charge of proee- 1 utang th<' case for the Santa Clara County distract attorney's of file' "As best we can ascertain ." Lemp<>rt said. "the amount Ri- vera toOk wa.s "not lea than $9 million." · Cl111ttled actv.rttling 7141642·5178 All other depar1ment1 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE l30 Wttl ..... M • C-1a l!MW, CA. Mall .... aoa IM, COlta Mha, CA ._ C.•YrlQltl ttlt Or ... C..9' ............ ~. Ho n••• ,..,....,. 1111;•ratlt11t, .-.,1e1 INlllM., _. nrllM..,,..,11 ~el" rney N r..-.C• wtt1...e -I.ti Otnfllsuonof ~Ol>Y•leM- TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -Bitter about lran•s-faallng economy. merchan t.a and business people are emerging as a loosely knit opposition to the clergy-led re- gime of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeiru Skilled tec hnicians and private-sector managers, many of whom sup ported Khomeini's oust.er of Shah Mohanunad Reza Pahlavi three years ago, now main tain that Iran needs more practical leadership. They express doubts about the message of the ayatollah and his su pJ?orters that being a pious Moslem is sufficient to run the nation of 37 million people that once was the world's second- Jargest oU export.er. A picture of a deeply dissatis- fied middle class emerged rec- ently in interviews with Western diplomats and Iranian bankers, merchants. journalists., educators and skilled technicians trained in such fields as oil production and agrlcul ture. While the middle class is unli- kely to take up anns against the regime, Western dlplomats here say the group appean increasin- gly ready for a change in lea- dership that wou ld bring more dLtcipline to the economy. The cou ntry, meanwhile. struggles wilb 011 expo~ that are down to 700,000 barrels a day. in contrast to about l million a day at the September 1980 outset of the Iran-Iraq war. Pro- duction stood at 6 million a day a year before the shah was over- thrown. The government estimates in- flation is 25 ~rcent. There is a widel y erratic blackma rket. Money-changers can be executed if caught, but they offer as much as four times the government-set rate of 82 rials for one U.S. dollar. The government elaims the Mujahedeen Khalq. the most. powerful of the anti-Khomeini forces. has a11asainated more than 1,000 Iranian government officials and auppor tera an the ;:>ast 10 months. The government has executed a few thousand people accused of anll-stat.e acll- vities. Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Ctrtif1td Otmo"111111t. AGS Businessmen and merchants say they thought that soon aft.er the revolution the army might step in, not to oust the lsJamtc Republican Party, but to aerve · alongside Its clerical leaden and l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ main tain security and economic ordtt. The army iJ now preoccupied with the war .with Iraq. Man y top officer• fled the country or ~ were ~· 'lbe Ialamic Repu· bUcan Party'• militia of Revolu- tionary OUU"dl, who tor the most pars. have little· practical expe- rience ln finance or pernmerlt. are policlni w parity of the re- VoluUon and wtrinlnC credit for helpl.nQ at the Wiii' frilnt. tn Tehran and o&her dU., Che , Revolutionary Guard• have nudaed the army utcle and be· come the day-to-day enforcen. They Ml'V• .. ~ In lflY· ~t ofticel and owr..en In ~=:-1 orpnisadonl WE'VE MOVED Come visit us We have completed our big move -finally -jl.aat down the 1treet to our new 1tore at 1809 Newport Boulevard In Co1ta Mea. We are In a beautiful nrw facility. It I.I much bluer and n icer tbur the 1tore that we ocC!Upled f« so many yee.ra ~a few doon north. But you will' tJnd the --friendly ,..... and the a.me expert attmdon to all deta1la of the jewelry bu.lfnem. Our personal IH'Vke to you will not IUtfer by our IJOW\h. 1n fKt. -. aped to be a6le to eerve you ~ bett8' than before. Wt t Ull have our own watehJMbr ..wt our own~ an \ht......., Wt _... our bui1n. In tlMe md ow "-'7 oowV\ bit .... b..ed upon ..rvb. ~ way our ~ In thil ... haw ·awpan· cled to our ..rv&ce had rNld4I It p mtW. for "' to arow. P1 .... -·---Ullftdlblln CIW .... ID .. MW..._., Al.WI all," ....... "" ........ h' 'Pt. NEWS ANALYSIS admml1trat1on to look for ne\\ explanations as to why 1nten /Jl rates are sull IK> high a nd nt•w signs that thtngs au.• imp1ovang The latest explanatJon u. th~•l lender fears about huge govl'rn ment budget dl"'f1c11.s and d rl'lur n to high inflation art: k~eprng interest rates high Tht> llitest signs of improvement ul't' an tht• newspapers. ''Listen. J Vl' got u .,., holf bundle oC papt'n todiiy thc..11 I tobk out of the real cstalA• l:>l'<'Wm of the Post Tht' dike is lx•g1nn1ng to go.'' Reagan 'Wild on Saturd.1y before deliver ang hti. \H l'ldy radio address from the Ov o I (Jf - face The prN<ient l>Clld h1 ..uw .tt.b las ting mortgage• roh:s at llJ JX'I" c..·c nt o r less ''Thl·rt"s onl' 7-and-somethanp lp~n·t·nt) Cua awhtlt-and tht-n 11 ~01 s up i.c>me.'' he srud. addmg that otht>r rates are an th« 12 pere< nl to 1'I p e rcent range · You k11u\o\ they've been running around 1 ·, p c..· r c l' n t ( o r r c· a I 1• s 1 a 1 1 mortgaJ(e-. ·· In has radio addrt-'>'i Hr•..ilo(.ir1 n o ted that c:ar d!'all·r., 1n tlw Youngsu,wn War1l·n Oh111 . ..ro· 1 persuadc•d wmC' bcsnk" lo loY. t 1 rates for nt-w 'dr IUd.fl.'> r r Jill tht prevailing levt•l of 16 t.it:n.l'nt l" 18 perl'<.'nt to 12 9 pcru n1 J Jr111J.! a three-wt.'ek pt:nod 111 M .. n.ti The move resulwd 1n a .s1x-Culd mcreasE' tn sales Reagan otc..>J o sunJlar t.il.l>I ui Indiana. and noted that tJOt' vi the maJOr outomakers lac· didn't mention GC'neral Mot<Jr.., by name is ad\ert1sang 12 IS percent car loan rates through May. Experts m tht• home mortga~· field ackno wledge that som1· builder s are o ffcring lo ... ns .11 less than the average market rat• of 17 5 percen l for a conven 1111 nul, :Hl-yt.'ar mortgage. But the lowN rat(·• ure only tempoHry n·du<'lwni1 ftnanct•d by builders ~ and tHrl of 11 paynwnt plan that tui. intnt>St r11t.t>S rising ln lat.er Yl'•Hb M1c.hael Sum1crust, chief eco- nvrrui.t for the Nut10~ Aslocla- t111n or Homebwldera, says many bualcJt.•rs Who are t.n desperate fl- n.1m·1.U i.hape are sub81diung the l•1w1 r ralh to generate traffic 1n lh(• cJt>pr~ed housing mduatry. Th~1· tnter•l rate "buy-downs" art· tht! equivalent of distress ..,.;1h ... on thl pnce of a house, ac- t •11 d1111it to Sum1<:tast. "'l'h1· adi. have nothing to do with what's going on In the m:1rkf'l.' wlwre most ronvenllo- n.1 , mortgag(• rates remam m the I , '1 fH'f< l'nl to I 7 5 pen·enl r.1n1;•· b ..... uct f'hf' f.11 t that you see ads 1Jf l1 rtng IO p1·n ·1mt mortgages dc.N.."\11'1 mNtn y()u can go out and • g•·t .., ;jlJ-vear mortgage at a faxed • r<it ,. of 111 p< rC'ent." adds Mort- lo,!Jg1· Hank1·r;i economist Mat- th• ws "F.Vl'n m•Ht' d 1scourag1ng," 1101e J..ic.k Carlson, chief econo- mist f,,r th<• Nauonal Assocaallon uf H• ,1ltCJrs, real interest rates a• t1J:1lh h<.tvf' be~n increasing ·· 'Hc ·1)'" roll""> arc• the difference 1..-1'" •·n tlil laste<l interest rate and th•· r;1t1• of mflallon. Carlson ,....,llm••h·s th.•t since Reagan has ~ ... , n r1ri·s1dn1t. rPal mortgage r it••<> t1<1 1 r l'l n Crom abo9t 5 p<•11 Prit 10 ;1 n·cord 9 per~nt . M· < • iflh\ ' f tlw Auto DeaJers "·'" l ·M r.1t< d1sc.·uu nt for 1\1'\\ I JC "~•ll'> h.l.S tnlTeased aaJes '!>lil(hlly, hu1 n•Jt as much as we h,11! hop1<tl ' McCtrth\ added that t.he.J:ate n1 .. rount1n~ 1n Ohio t hat the prf'~1dc·nt 11 f Prred to tn his radio ;1ddr1-.,., L!-o fo 1rly 1-.olated move tha1 ha'> b<-c•n tned onlv an seve- r• h d• f.il l'~...i·d regions that are hl avtlv dt·pt ndent on the for- ' J ,,-s of th1· ·iuto industry _....:..... __ _ AP ~o LYING IN STATE -Tht> body of A rchbishop John Cardinal Cody I.Jes m ~w te as a prat"'St a t Chicago's Holy Name Cathe- dral says a memonaJ mass. Th<> 74-year-old Cody.died Sunday of a heart attack. I I I If Y~ Don't Have Money To B\Jm · When You Buy A Diamond 0£T ALL T .. FACTa FROM US MAKI! U8 J'J'OYE DIAMOND •AUE TO YOU I ' Orant19 COMt DAILY PILOT /Wfldff#day, Aprtt 28, 0 1182 WASHOfGTON (AP) -A ruh of advet1Jalnl for lnexpen- llve jewelry hu •'-"ed cropping up, but the Federal Trade &~ warm not to expect too much foe your money. It UIUally la a aood Idea to Inspect jewelry before buyina, eo OOl'IUJU8lkJn urges finding out If the company hu a· refund llcy before buying by mall. the a I.lat gold and diamond I~ for eeemi.ngly very low it~: 1 IAexpenalve gold chain• are likely to be lightweight and n'deU.:.•, the ~n reporta. Such Items may-not bold up '6nder llOl1Ml \.lie and. If broken, may be hard to fix, the agency fill:YS· • In addition, gemstones have a wide range of quality and titnexpensive ones may be disappointingly amall. ' Here are explanations of some basic jewelry terminology provided by the commiasion: 10f -Carat: This is a unit of weight for diamonds and other Upma. There are 142 carats in one ounce and ea<-h carat is divided 1nto 100 point.a. oh -Karat: This expresaes the amount of gold In an object. gold ls 24 karat gold; 12 karat means it is half gold and half 1n ........ other metal, 10 karat is the lowest quality that can be of- o fered for sale in the United States. -Solid gold: This meam only that the item isn't hollow. ~ to cheek the karat ratina to aee the percentage of ld and hue metal. -Gold el«troplate: This means the item has a coating that ls at least 10 karat gold. The coating must have a thickness uf at least 1even-millionths o( an inch. -Imitation: Resem.bles a more costly material but is not the same thing. Glass, for example, has been used to imitate emeralds for centuries. -Synthetic: A man-made duplication of a natural substance. A synthetic gemstone would have the same chemical composition and physical and optical properties as a natural one. (Pat Horowitz' column will resume after she returns from illness.) · • "Go< a problem? Then wrlfle to ~t Horowitz. Pat will cut red ta~. ~tting the answers and acti<m you 'ti ,IH!/llJCI to aolve IMquitier Jn RO~nt and business. t !tfaiJ your ~ to Pat Horowitz, .At Your Setvioe, n. Orange Cout,Daily Pilot, P .O. Box 1560, Costa . Me1a, CA 92626. As many letters as JK*ible wW be anr.vered, but phoned inquiries or letters not including the rea- der• fuD name, add.rem and business hoc.us' phone number c.an- nor Pe considered. " champ • in reruns NEW YORK (AP) -CBS, No. 1 In the recently completed 1981·82 HHOn, continued to dominate lhe weekly competl- Uon with rerunt, fl1ure1 lrom the A.c;, Niel.en C.O. ahowed. CBS had flve of the 10 top- rat.ed ~ for the week en- dlrur April 25, 1.oclud.lna repeatl Of"1t'Magnum, P.L" In ffm place and ''The Jeffenona" In lf!C.'Ol\d. The network'• average ratlnc for the week wu 15.4 to H .8 for ABC a nd 13.3 for NBC. Th~ network.a uy that meana in an average minute ot prime time, 15.4 perc:ent of the country's hornet wllh TV ·were watclµng CBS. The rating for "Magnum, P.I." was 23.2. Nlelaen says that meana in an average ·minute of the p~am, 23.2 percent of the na- tions TV -equipped homes were tuned in. It waa CBS' third atraight week in first place, and NBC'• 16th consecutive In last. The season ended a week ago, with CBS the highest-rated net- work for the third year running. Eight of the week's Top 10 programs were reruns. and two of the three segment.a on the No. 4 show, CBS' "60 Minutes," had been broadcast before. The only new program among the first 15 was "Cagney and Lacey" on CBS "Cagney and Lacey" was, in addition, the highest-rated of the season 's new series shown last week, with ABC's ''Fall Guy," daht behinq jn eighth ~e . Nie tcored With a n.W stlow, "TeaChers Only," No. 19. NBC also enjoyed moderate auccess with a "White Paper" news special called "Pleasure Drugs." The program was No. 38 for the week, an unusually high position for a documentary-type show. • / .,~. PIA IN ENGLAND -American actress Pia Zadora arrives at London's Heathrow Airport on a publicity tour for the British premiere of her "very erotic" first movie, "Butterfly." 'B.J.' in Honduras to tour camps Actor Mike Farrell, co-star of the war comedy TV eef'ies "MASH;!:' wu t.o travel to .llPndur• on a tour o( <*llpt where thousands of refugees are seeking shelter from the bloody civil war in neighbo- ring El Salvador. Farrell. who plays Dr. B.J. Hunnicutt on the CBS-TV Former Mlssi1Sippi Gov. Cliff FlDcla, behind the wheel of a pickup truck. was ar- rested for driving undfr the influence of alcohol and reckless driving. series about a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital during iM KQte an war.• payint his W"Y (Grt~ lJ'f# as U.S\ S k es ma n ro r a n 0 n - denorrunational relief orgaru- za t1on, CONCERN. It was founded in Ireland during the mid-1960s war and mass starvation in Biafra. Brandon (Miss.) Police Chief J .W. Addy said Finch, governor in 1976-80, refused to take a breath test to de- temune the alcohol content of hlB blood. 1 r-.. Four mombeu of th• American Women'• Hima- layan ExpedJUon ~ the 8'11Nnlt of 22, .. ~foot Mount Ama Deblam, repeatlna the f•t pf four other memben of the 1roup who reached th• •unimlt April 20, Nepal'• Mlnlltry of Towilm announ· c:ed. The m1nlatry ldentlOed the cllmben • S.IU AM GW., 36, a cllmblna ln1tructor In Boulder, Col. and leader of the group, Aue Ma~e, 18, a natlonal park ran,er at YOMm.ite, C.Ul., Jlal Grtfll"- a 31-vear-old tchool teacher '1rom Halley, Idaho, and Dr. Bet•I L .. l, 34, a phy1lctan fnxn 1'1awill, Switzierland. Tllaae Wrl11tt to11ed a · meadow muff£n 174 feet, 2 lnchea and took home top honors in the annual World Cham_pionahip Cow Chip Throwing Contest at Beaver, Okla .• The throw by Wright, of Levelland, Ttl'x., waa far short of the record 182 feet, 3 in- ches, set in 1979. A Cree-lance photographer told police that actor But Reyaolda punched him and flung his camera 100 yards when he tried to photograph the film star and actress LoDi Andenoa. Rauell Tulak, 37. was wailing outside Reynolds' Bel-Air residence when the actor and Miu Anderson, 35, drove into the driveway. said Pol.ace Lt. George Remlng. The officer said Turiak at- tempted to take some pic- tures, apparently of Miss Anderson, who stars in the TV se ri es "WKRP in C1ncinnata." Queen Motber Ellzabetb, the 81 -year-old mother of Bnt1sh Qaeen Eliubetb II, Y/11.lriit Pans on May 11-14, ~ ng to a n announce- ml'ft om Clarence House, her London res1dence The "Queen Mum." a.s she 1s affectionately known to Britons, will meet with French President Francois Mitterrand and open a wa.ng of the Hertford British Hos- pital of which she is patron. A s pokesman for King George Vi's widow said the Queen Mother had no plans to VlSll her SlSter-an-law, the Ducbess of Windsor. Distinctive F shion Every Sunday in Five of the week's lowest- rated programs were from aeries introdu ced this seaaon. ABC's "Inside America" was No. 67, followed by two NBC shows, "Father Murphy " and ·~b~k."''~e~~~·oo i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CBS. NBC's "Chicago Story.'' I One of the best on-time records going. That's style. Fares that save you money f?Very day on e.1erv flight. That's style. too. AirCal. We do more than get you there. We get you there in style! ' and the longer-running "NBC Magazine." '°""" ... DIAMOND SOLITAIRE SALE. COME VIEW OUR SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY COLLECTION TODAY ·SATURDAY. Come find the diamond ring you've always wanted. Sparkling clear. set In gleaming 14K gold. And besides our regular collection, you can choose from a breathtaking 'ollection. brought In just for this special event Your day is coming soon-start hinting Reg $2,475·$5.600 Sale S1,858·S3,752 Come In to Newport Wednesday. April 28-Saturday. May 1 to see our solitaire selections. Sale ends May 9. Robinson's Fine Jewelry, 100. (Art enlarged to show detail.) Thru "'-22. l 982 \ Fish & Chicken Dhmer 9illy '239 • Oet two greet tastes In our Flth & Chkken Dinner. Eech dinner ha• crltpy fllh f1Uet and two tender whltemeet Chicken Pa.nka.• lllwd wtth,,.. coee .._and jDldll't rry.. ... _ ......... ooeTA.._ ........ Of .. _. --~ t I I . I I I I ' I LONELY IN A CROWD -Lone body surfer works his way out through one of the heavies that was rolling ashore at the foot of Bluebird in Laguna Beach Saturday, apparently , oblivious to the Enaenada yacht race fleet stretched out along Orange Coalt DAILY PILOT /Wedneed8)', Aprll 28, 1982 0.-,,... • ....,.....,.. the horiwn behind him. Heavy IUtf in Laguna contributed to . injury of several beachgoen who tried to climb th.rough the rock.a just south of Bluebird. Robnsorrs . SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A federal appeal.a court bu ruled that a government l4l9Dcy acted •properll llnn 1 1uu11peondin1 ·the 11- ceOM o a heUcopter pilot who buzzed the Rawhide Ranch Nu- d.lat Re.on near s.cramento. Pilot Harold B. Michelaon had Water plant worker cited Heinz Roehler, a plant opera- tor at the Orance c.o..&nty Water Diatrlct'a Water Factory 21 In Fountain Valley for more than five years, waa named plant operator of the year for th1a area · by the C.alifomia Water Pollution Control Aaociation recently. Roehler wu cited by the d i· strict for "hi.a outstanding tech- nical knowledge of the treatment plant, hi1 continual effort• to improve himMlf in the field and h1a contributiona to the industry and hi.a employer," diatrtct offl- dala said. The Garden Grove realdent now is eligible to advance to a statewide competition, the win- ner of which will be named later th1a month. INTERNATIONAL FOOD ·FESTIVAL JOIN US FOR OUR 1HIRD GOURMET TOUR OF 1HE WORLD, A 7-DAY CUUNARY CELIBRATION Wl1H MORE FAMOUS RESTAURAlEURS, COOKBOOK AUIHORS AND COOKING EXPERTS. WIN A TRIP TO JAMAICA FOR A TASIE OF PARADISE! Come with ua and explore the c;ulau\es of the world. dunno the most to::!M rn"Q'w ••e' mm befd ie ~lifomia, M>iil"2i U){QM&b May5 Oiatinguished rest.urateurs and premiere chefs will revea: the eecreta of their houee apeci1lties. Prominent cookbook authors will prepare dlshea from their latest t>ootts. and leading cooking Instructors will share their ex~wlft ~ You11 discover tantahzing new recipes for your aprtnf Ud eumrn\r Atehainlng ~ ro et\llon ell f the exciting special eYef'lta and prizes you can win! WIN A TRIP FOR TWO TO JAMAICA, COUl1ESY OF THE JAMAICA TOURIST IOARD AND SUNTRIPS OF CAUFORNIA. Regilter 1t at)Y of our ltorea and you eot.1lb be on vour way to beautiful MonteQO Bay. Our prize winner will aeenct 8 days and 7 nights at one of the fineat retOrta In Jamaica. And to get you in the mood, join ua for our Jamaican c;elebratlon at our Newport store, Tuesday, May <4, 8:()0-8:00 p.m. Leon Meredltti. chef of the ~us Hotel In Kingston, Jamaica, will intrOduce you to the distinctive and delicious cuisines of his native country, with the rttyttwn of the festive Caribbean Steel Band. R 'I 11'• s' , _ _. .tipMe fw pn... YOU'RE INVITED TO OUR ION APPElll PARTYI Our first Bon Ai>Petft Shop In Beverly Hilla was such a success. we·nr~lng another In NewPort Here's where vou11find1 collecllon of unique items for gourmet cooks, all Inspired by the national cull nary magulne, Bon Aepetit. And to celebrate the occasion, we've Invited tome ~ guests from Bon Appetit magazine MEET JINX AND·JEFFERSON MORGAN, Boll Aopetlt "Cooking for Two" columnltta, who will show you how oouptee can OOOk together with NM and elegance. Newport, Frldey, April 30. e:oo-a:oo p.m ' .MNI auftL, PNeident of ~ Riv. Spa CO~ Ind_,..., Tu Mt!s Cookbook author. ~ d'llH In the 8outhweet tradition. Newport.~. May I. $:004:00 p.m. I - JIM SANDS, chef. A.T. Leo Restaurant A most unique Sunday brunch MewP<>n.-FfkSay,Ap(U ao. Ja:QQ noon-2 00 p m DON VIGGIANO, chef, Paradise Clfe Unusual appetizers to begin any meal Newport, Sunday. May 2. 2 00-4:00 p m ENGUSH THE HONORAl!llE AUBREY FRANKLIN, Brllish- bom lea Ambessador'" and author of Teatime The presence of your company Is reQuested at High Tea NewPort. Monday, May 3, <e:00.5:00 pm FRENCH MARCIA ICULLY, owner of Le Belle Cuu11ne. Gourmet Fooda to Go French apeclaltles for elegant meals at home Newport. Saturday, May 1. 3 00.5 00 p m INllRNATIONAL TAAL.A FALLOATTER. Southern Cllifornia culinary authoflty. Prnentld by H P. Mayer lntematlonal deNertt filled with 1urpriMt. W.tmlnster, Saturday, M1y 1, t:OQ..3:00 p.m. Newport. Tu•dly, May"· 12:00 nooo-2:00 p.m. IMNI .... lllTAT, cl'Mt'Or of Double Trufflet S..tlonal hend ct111• chOcOltte deeMttl .._Pott, Ffldly. AIWif 90, <4:00-8:00 p.m. ' VERA SERVI, ltahan cuhnary authonty Presented by Magnallte Professional C()()t(ware and HP Mayer A Northern Italian summer supper 1 Newport, Saturday, May 1, 12 00 nooo-2:00 pm Weslminster, Sunday. May 2. 2 00-4:00 p.m ESPECIALLY ITALIAN, presented by culinary experts from Krups and Simac Gourmet Apphanc~s Fresh homemade pastas and gelati, real ttahen ice cream Westminster. Thur9day, April 29· 12·00 noon-2·00 pm Newport, Monday. May 3 6.00-8.00 pm MEXICAN RAY MARSHALL, owner, Acapulco and Los Arcos Restauranta A superb Mlection of authentic Mexican dishes Westminster. Monday, May 3, t 1:00 am· 1 00 pm KAREN STOCKMAN, leadlno cooking Instructor Presented by Cuisinart Food Processor and Majestic P1Cnlcware. Un.Celebrac.On de Mextoo1 Watmlnater, Tueldly, May • 6.00-8:00 p.m MOROCCAN JACQUELINE HAHN, Moroccan oooklng expert Presented by Atta Cookware A Moroccan Btallla Party. Newport, Thurtday, April 29. 9:00-8:00 p.m. WHtmlnster, Friday, April 30, 1:00-3:00 p.m. ORIENTAL ~, GERRI GILLILAND, well known cooking 1uthority. PreNntld by COpco Gold Cookware and S.lton ElectrQ. Sumt)tuoue J.,,.,_. d4ttlcacl-. Newport, WedMldey. May 5, 1:()().3:00 p.m. W..tmlntter. w.dneeday, May 5, 8:()0.e.'OO p.m, " r. I , \ I I . I I J Start • JD Childhood experiences said root of violence ........ f Stick~ Sale ·save $1.00 ptt lb. oo a "bole stick Save 5()¢ ptt lb. on a cut ~ FASHION ISLAND WESTCLIFF PLAZA Newport Beach 640-6030 17th and Irvine, Newport Beach 642-0972 ofrer good thru May 9, 1982 era everything in casual untry club elegance • 27 les of championship golf 26 tennis courts (8 lighted) 2 swimming and hydrotheraov Is • 348 deluxe sleeping s • nestled in beautiful ancno Mirage, Calif. (In the Im Spnnga area) at bue of the magnifleent Santa Rou ~ountalna i Com: =YoUrMff Why . Gem of the Desert• ~ .. RANCHO PALMAS RESORT. F8o0Hooe~ Mnge. c.llotl'llll 12270 5416-2727 01 Toti Fr .. (80Q n H290 ~~~,£;.~ Search1nc for the roota of vio- lence ii like tryinc to unravel the my1terle1 of the human mJnd, llCCOl'd1na '° t.bt heed ot. ...... panel tl\at has reviewed the caUlel of crime and vto&lftct. Brooke Alli10n, executive di- rector of the Comml11lon on Crime Cont.tol and Vloa.noe Pre- veftt.ion, lald the IJ'OUP baa found 10mC of the ~ of vk>lience lo child rearlna. 1lick of .u ... t.eem. diet, corporal punllhment, cbild neglect and abuae, economict, televl9ion and even the eventl aurroundlne conception and the birth of a clilld. . The commluion broke down the causes of vJolence into 11 major components and evaluated the first aeven ln a 12&-pap re- port Ma. Allilon villted the Orarwe Coast to bring attention to the cornmiaion 's flndlnp. speaking at a 1ocial ecology clan at UC Irvine and at ea.ta Me.. 's Youth Services Profiram. "The United Statee ii the moet violent of any industrialized nation," she laid ln an int.erview. "We are lnveetipti.nl the reMOnl for this." Though the oomm1-.ion report offered no "utopian" 90lution to ridding violence from society. MB. Allison said "There ii no way we're going to solve our crime SOMETHING OLD$6 Crepe Sr. Jacqucs. Scallops, shrimp and sliced fre h mushrooms in a hcrry sauce with chee&e. One taste, anJ you'll know why it'!) an old favorite. SOMETHING NEW $6 Beef &>urguignon C repe. Fi lled with tender beef cinJ pea rl onions cooked in red wine and topped with frcllh rnui,hroorn sa uce. Ir' a terrific new recipe. SOMETHING B~RR~WED SOMETHING BLEU $6 Crepe Cordon Blcu. Liyers of ham, tur\(ey, Swiss and herbed cheeses in a crepe, breaded and ~ch fried to a golden hrown. This unique new <li h was in91'1rcd by the ma ter chefs of France. Right now, you can enjoy any one of th~ deli .. cious dinners for just $6. Each comes complete with your choice of a mixed green or orange almond salad. At the Magic Pan , there's alway to come back to. ' .., ................ ON TOUR -Brooke AW1on is touring state in highligh- ti.ng search for the roots of Violence. and violence problema by keep- ing (crimlna11) In jail longer. "What we will do la open up their place for 10meone elae to come along.''. She put major emphasl1 on child-rearing ak.Wa, atre.lng_ the need to prepar~teen-ag~i - through required high school OOW"MI -tor t.bt te1ponalbWU. of ,....,,&hood. 8ucb educational pro1ram1 ahould focua ~ early peycholo. p:ai damaa9 that can contribute to a penon•• potential for vlo- lence. . Allo, proepecdve mothers need to be warMd of she daneen of abulllna dn.tcl or alcohol durtna ~~ likely to happen ii a bnln dysfuncdon of llOme IOI'\ in t.bt chtld," lhe ~. addJna Chat the problem ma1 ''c:au11e &eam1na dleorden which we know may 1-d to juvmlle delinquency.·· 1 She aaJd children who suffer from leamln8 dl8orden must be stven •pedal treatment becaute of the potential for violence in later life. A hyper9C'tlve child, for example, may become violent when others react to the be~ vior rather than the dblorder. "The kind of love, eell-esteern. ' oonsiatency df treatment and les- aon. learned within the family are the flrat things a c hild learns,'' she said. "And those primary relationships are going to Influence a ll socia l rela- tionahlps the chUd has." "I think what you do is start educatinc people u IOOfl and u broadly• you can," she said. Coples of the report on violen- ce may be obtained by writing to the commlalon at 9719 Lincoln Vlllage Dr., Suite 600, Sacra- mento, Calif. 95827. ,,.,,..,..... FLASHY FROG -Roller Derby Billy was quite unimpressive as far as athletic endeavor went in the 29th annual Del Mar Jumping Frog Jamboree. But he attracted attention among the a m phibian set anyway w ith his high- fas.hion app.earance. The winning frog was Spike, who Jumped 14 feet, 10 inches. You've lot Juaf 34 d1y1 to take 1dv1nt1g• of ttlla great offer. uy 1n ATARI ASTEROIDS G1m1 Progr1m•• cartridge b1tw11n Aprll 15th ind M1y 31 at ind get 1 15.00 rebate on one of ttl• country'• hotttat video gam11. Htrt'11ll you do. Cllp tht 1p1cl1I ASTEROIDS coupon below. Send ltto ATARI along with your dated rtctlpt and th• amall. numbered tab from the top of ttle ASTEROIDS cartridge box. In return. ATARI wlll 11nd you a check for 15.00. .. ........ •ly '"" ,,_ _., 1111 II l1y Sl1t•1e tlkl al• • !Na lflll •'*1Vntty lrM ATMI.-. 11111 11UIO tft AITHOIOI. hll'I aytl ........ ,......,... ... Uter n.. .. 15, 1112. IAY-ON AD "'IC! M CIDITI YOU" COIT UTIR 21 9 5 ATAIH "HATR • • . \;. SUES -Barbara Schantz, a policewo. nian in Springfield~ Ohlo, who was sus- pended after' appea- ring nude in Playboy magazine, has filed a $1 million lawsuit apina~ the dty. Local students honored · Three Orange Coast students are among 1,800 young people nationwide who have been named winn e r s o f $1 ,000 National M erit Scho- larahips. The student w i nners are: -Diana Foss, 3702 Seascape Drive, Hunt- lnaton Beach, who a t - ten ds Marina H igh School. Her scholarship ia 1poll80red by Standard . OU Company of Califor· ' nia. -S usan A . Visser, . 8 131 Dartmoor Drive. Hunanaton Beach. who attftiich Huntin.\oo Beadl' High School. Her scholarship is sponsored by Transamerica Corpo- ration. -Allen W . Menton, 2641 Basswood St., Newport Beach. who at- tend• Corona del Mar High School. His scho- 1.arehip is supported by merit program funds. Seholarship winners are selected from Nat,,al Me ., c o- lara Quallalli!)~~ fina sts w h are • so judged on h igh school academic r ecords, lea- dersh ip qu~litles and .ndati.om.==--- Reunion set 'l'he Estancia High School Class of 1972 will bold a reunion June 26. For information call 642-2080. Fewer killed LOS ANGELFS (AP) -Fewer residents were murdered, aasaulted or hit b y burglars during the~three months ~ 198 per.ed with laj{. year t police report an i.ncremle in rapes, robbe rles, thefts a nd auto thefts. Art Show : Huntington Center , dally thru Sun. , Anti~ Show/Sale· f c*y thrv Svn., Moy 2 ot ttle Huntington c.nter mol. Outttancltig colectionl front 50 cMalers. Aho frM ~ :etlon dink. 405 Fwy. ot hochll., H.I . Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/WedMlday, April 28, 1982 ' After1nathr of nuclear war subject of ~~:W AB O tele vis'i on film POlY TRI i\\l!is1 .~ Cl.DI SHEETING 4 Mil. Clear or Bltck. 11Ph21f\ have llved with the ever-pretent pomibWty of an apocalyptic nucleu war," Stoddard l&ld. uwe have all wondered what would happen to ua, u indivtduall, lf it were ever to occur. Thl1 film wlll provide an unrelentlna and detalled vtew of •hree nucfear e>eplo1lon1 ln and around KaNU City, aud what ihe effectt mJaht be on averaae Amer- ican dtlUJNI.'' "The Day After" wu written by Edward Hume, who allO wrote 1he ABC te1evtalorl movie 0 21 Hount at· Munich." The director wW be Ro- bert Butler, a three·tlme Emmy wlnner and director of the pilot ~ ol ••HW Street Bluet.' Bo- ben Papeslan wlll prod uce for ABC ari:Je Ftlma. Ho caat WM announced for the film, wbkb wtll ao lntp production BJ9 • Handy httle dish for 1nd1vidual servings .. ~2.99 AD PRICES PREVAIL: WEDNESDAY. APRIL 28th THRU SATURDAY. MAY 1st THERMOS. thil IWnmtt., - Stoddard uld the movie would not be about war roome, hot llnet or cabinet meetinp but w9Uk1 be "a drama about ordinary people Immediately before. durlnj and after a mueive,nuclear attack!' Hume 1pent 1hc montht rnear- chlng the project, which 1-bued largely on a 1~1-pege ~ ltudy b)' the Office of Technology • .A.aeument titled "The Eft.cu of Nuclear War." He allo·~c.ed a number of private and 1overn· mental aaendei for infom\lltion. D gpc) ARRID XX SOUD A#TI-PUSPllAMT DrOOOIMT D sse) ANACIN FAST PAHi RELIEF Headache Colds Body A the Youngsters will en1oy hot ~~l~~~d 1>eve11a9e.6 9 anytime 10 01. •tfi@i(t• fCO ECO) PERFECT PITCHER VACUUM RRYU 1 0.65 IAUSCM I LOlll CONT~~~JENS ,'l9 '5" CHUIDl'S WADIS POOL "DICO-UtQHT- LlllillllM -Dllllll Constructed trom seamless polyelh)'rene to 11teytt1t 1ea111oe • . PROCTOR·SILEX 10.CUP COFFEE I MAKER . ·~'fWFUYm wltll Brew·For·Two Feature. MMI r.a 20.88 31-3.I ~17.88 Serve hot or cold J beverage at the •• table -•i. Tllreaded, Insulated stopper 23J5 won't pop out Full 1 liter capacity. 112411C SAY• •e.oo SOUMUIU All/fM W""m,..1W- ClQCK RADIO Wake to A ... FM or buuer alarm. _.27.88 ..... Cllll" HAIR BRUSHES ................. • llo Styltr • llft End 8<1ellt .... • llOW ltyllf • TortolM l.00~..., • Fllir ..,_ • Rul>tltf Cuthion _. 1.5 LT. IN§ULIN u!iER!i UP TO $3.00 REBATE ia-ol SYRINGES WITH THE NEW MICRO-FINE llI NEEIM..E -™'-' "'--"'""' ,...... ... c...o.cto. li!!:!lNl!lf-•I!!!!! C(r!P!' flWlltAll U-100 LO-DOSE U-100 ALCOHOl SWABS I CIC ii. CIC llft ,....,,. .,.., .. . aa 17.41 .1a 11.21 -.zu 2.29 ..lift ·2.• ..JM ·2.• ..:.IF.! • 1.• :-a15.49 :-a14.29 :::-al.29 =-:OL 2o49 ~ =-::2.89 ~.J.89 HIGH AND DRY -Workmen help guide "J;)ama," a ~5-foot ketch damaged last week when it ran aground near the West Jetty in Newport Beach, onto flatbed truck . The f i- fll THI RICllD ~ MOAO•MOMAL HOM'TAL ...... M Mr. and Mr•. Donald Wyman, Huntlrlt!DI Beactl. boy Mr. and..,., Jay Jollnec)n, Cost• ~n':t.ra. Wllllam Miieham. ~8-:ft,boy Mr. and Mra. Edward Walt.Ida, FCM.Wltaln Valley ,glr1 Mr. and Mra. Sylvan Flnetone. Hunllfl9lon 8-:11, boy Mr. and Mra. Paul Mltkan, Hunt-tngtOn taach. girl Mardi t1 Mr. and Mn. John Hatfield. Hunt- ington Beactl. gltl Mr. and Mra. Allonao Salazar, CoetaMeM..c_,. Mr. and Mrt. John 8t81, lfvlne, boy Mr. and Mra. Thomu Plllhaldea. ~,.. L_,.,d Hiit•. Costa Mala.Pl Mr. and Mra. Scot1 Campbell, Santa AM Helghtt, boy Mr. and Mr•. David Poeaon. IMne, boy Mr. and Mrt. John McVlcara. lr-Ylne, glr1 Mr. and Mra. ToblH Sander•. CoetaMela.boy __ ,. Mr. and Mrt. Barry BlakMy, CO.ta Mala.girl Mr. and Mre. Robert Petareon. NNport 8aadl, boy Mr. and Mre. Kenneth WHton, C:O..Meaa.boy Mr. and Mrs_ Travta 8al19n, IMne, boy Mr. and Mr•. Roger Porter. New- pOrt Baadl. girl Mr. and MrL Rober1 Kadan, INlne, t':. MAI Mra. Samuel LlndH y. Soutfl Laguna. boy Mr. and Mre. Glenn Whitacre. CoetaMeaa. boy Mr. and ..... Et16t H.,_, L.-laecfl, boy Mr. and Mr•. Wllllam V1ughn, FOUIMlll Valley, girl Mr. MCI Mn. Robert ZOOk. Hunt- ington llaoh. alrf Mr. MO Mra. Aooer1 WNte. Hunt· lngton lleact1. boy Mardi. Mr. and Mre. Larry McG1varn, eo.ta ....... bO)" Mr. and Mrt. David Wiid, lrvlne, girl Mr. and Mrt. John Hendflx, CO.ta ....... girl Mr. and Mra. Rober1 11t191. CO.ta ..... girl Mr. and Mrt. Jamet Berry. Hunt· lngton leach. boy Mr. and Mre. Jaltery Sharer. Huntington 8aac:fl. boy -.21 Mr1 and Mre. John Mohar. Cotti ...... boy "4r. and Mre. Laa Harn1ndaz. ......., laactl. boy Mr. and Mra. Jani. Lynn, IMN, ~ llld ..., .. Gary Cochren, CO.ta ~~rt. RutMll Wyty, H-· pOrt Beactl. girl Mr. and ..... LOMll L..ateoo. Hunt- ington Beach, girt Mr. and Mrs. WllMam H<MW, CO.ta Meaa.boy Mt. and Mr-. F1'11111t Bollla, Ir.Ma, girl -dl22 Mr. and .... Rober1 Ot-. ca.ta ....... .,. Mr. Md Mt1. Wayne Upton. Costa ::.-~Mn. Oevtd Fannell, Hunt· lngton 9-:h. girt Mr .... "4n. Kenneth Wlaclatnann. ~ 9aech, gll1 -.n Mr. _. Mra. Mk:tlMI Tevwy. CO.ta ........... Mr • .,_. Mrt. Edwin Wat1mure. Coac9 ...... girl Mr. and Mt9. Franlllln Aolapp. Ir· vine, boy ~-Mr. and M'9. Robert Bonla, Hunt- tngeon leach. girl Mr. and Mre. Thomae Munoz. C-. ...... •boy Mr. and Mre. Mlclteel Benion. ...... ...,.. leactl. boy llMdllS Mr. Ind Mr1 Jimmie Ritter, Hunl· ington BMctl, girt Mr. and Mrl. Jlobert Biiiey. Co· rone del Mar, gll1 Mr. 1nd Mrt. Toru Hay1mo10, lr- Ylne, girt lllMdl. Mr. and Mre Sleph1n Chancy, Huntington Beech, girt ..._c~ NOel'fTAL ,..,, Mr. and Mra. Rletlard Greh1m. LllguN a-:n. gin. ll9rctl 4 Mr. and Mr1. Mitchell Hander- eon. SouUI~~· Mr end Mra. Jotw\ Long. nine, glr1 ..... ,, Mr. 1nd Mr•. Mloliael Doyle. Balboa. glr1 • ..... Mr and '4rt i<.nneth Hunnel. Corona del Mer, gift FOUNT MN 'I AU.Ft COlmUNITY H0""1' AL ....... 22 Mr. and Mra. ~ 8enher'tte, lfvtne, boy. Mr. and Mre Ptc>lt lnthatabm· hang, Fountain v..,, girl Mr. and Mrt. Kenne1h Roget1. Huntington Beadl. Olt1 Mr end Mra. Jedi Diiion, Hunl· inoton Beedl, gin. Mr. end Mf'I. Donald O'Connell, eo.tl~ZI Mr. and Mf'I. Mlc:ihell 8rerlaon, HuntlnglOn = t'· Mf.andMf'l.8..,.....,. Fountain V..,, ~ 8tverly ==·-· 'i.ntaln Valley, boy. ....... Mr. ind Mre. Krl1tlan BJerke, Cotta ....... boy. Mr. and Mre. Allen Valt1kl, Hunttnglon = r Mr 9nd .... Todd •-.-~--.-..... Huntlnglon = ~· Mr. and Mrt Robert PHter, Huntington 8-:11. glr1. Mr. end Mre. Wllll1m Klou, Fountain V..,, glr1. Mr. and Mr•. Bot>by Chamber· 18111, Huntington Beach. alrf. Mr. and Mrt. Paul Hottinger . Huntington Beadl. pt. Mt. and Mra. l'lldlatd Thomu, Founteln v-:;:r • Mr. and MR. Rocllw, Mlgllacclo, HunUngkln Beedl, glr1. ..... , Mr. and Mre. Char1" FUNCh, Hl.wlttngton 8eadl, girt. Mr. and Mra. LaFayette Smith, Huntington Beactl, gilrt. WHTIM -.CM caTU . Mlrotl 11 Mr ind M rs Stephen Mllt!lall. Cosll MeNJ:c.. 22 Mr and Mrt Kur1 D1vta Hunlll>Q· ton Beach. Qlr1 Metcli 24 Mr 1nd Mrt L1Aoy Picken•. Huntington BelCh. glfl Merdi 2t Mr Ind Mrt Myron Erickton. Ir· VIM, boy MMctl 27 Mr end Mrs Don Oreeri Balboa 191and. glr1 Marc:ti 21 Mr end Mre Wllll1m Lllllelon Coat• ....... boy Mr and Mra ~b~rl Zuchow1kl, lrvlne, girt Mr and M,. -rr:i: Chemberllln. CO.II Meea, i~ Mr and Mre Tra"n: Fa1e11. Hunl· ington e.ch. girl Apfll. Patrice Perron end King Bandotl. Costa Meea. glf'I Apfll 10 Mr. and Mre. SchleMI, Fountain v..,, boy. .. 14 Mr 1nd Mr1 D1vld G1dberry, Huntington 9each, gitt Tax course to aid single people 8eddleblick C.Ollep CommW\iiy Ser.vies will oflw • lilr-bow' worklhop OOYeri.nC stepe that lin- .. cm take before Dec. )1 to reduce WC•. Tbe worbhop la IChedWed \bree corwcutive W ....... y ewnlnll, May 6-~~· from 7·9:30iD roam ao1 at the 8lli:kDebeck north campus. lmtructor ii Ronald C. Gab e, • certified fl- nlllillll plan.Ml'. Tt.e fee fol' the worbhop II P&. l'or lnfonna-• dGD. ml 831.;.4848 or 5Dt-131!. . . 1Swif t Aire , assets to be auctioned Special S. &M DaJly PUet PASADENA -The U181a of Swtft Aire ~ ~.1 valued at Dm $1.6 miJllon WW 80 to the auction bloek at the commuter airUn•'• former headquarter•. San Lull OtUpo Altpori. Law1on & Law1on AucUo- n.eert, lnc., Puadena, hu been appolnt.ed by the U.S. Banktupt.- cy Court to liquidate the com- pany'• a11eia at a aale echeduled May 21-22. · 1The flnn'• a ... ta Include 1lx aircraft with maintenance and pound 1upport equipment plua office equipment. Include Loa Anaelea, Pa.> Roblea and Santa Mana. but aervice to 8'cramento WM dimonUnued. Wiswell left the company In October 1080 and 1hortly after· warda, ln January 1981, 80 per- cent of the company'• atock wu eold to Justin C.O~ a New York financier conneC'led with Oolden Gate Alrllnes, Monterey, to raitle additional capital. Fllght1 to Sacramento were reaumed and an additional route to $an Dl~O WU added, though thla one wu dl.llConUnued folfo- wlng the air traffic controllers' ltrike ln 1981. The airline ceaeed operations Sept. 17, after filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Act. .,..., .......... "'-...,... berglass vessel was hauled to a ·shipyard for repairs to the hull. Skipper Jay Reacher, a New Yorker, had completed 25,000 miles of ocean cruising before the JJl,ishap. Swift Aire Linea waa eata- bllahed In 1968 by a gxwp of San Lula Obltpo bualnetll'nen headed by Charles G. Wiswell, formerly head of hia conatructlon com- pany. The carrier made lia firlt ICheduled flight March 27, 1969, between San Lula Obl1po and Sacramento, via San Jose and San Franci8oo. As aircraft were added, the route structure was expanded to At the tlme of lt1 collapae, Swift'• fleet con1l1ted of nine aircraft -four Aero1patlale Nord 262A turboprops, one de Havllland Heron. one Aero Commander Model 500B and three Fokkers. All but the Fok- k~ra, which were repoaaessed. wlll be lncluded in the auction. HONORED -Capt. Frank Fantino has been chosen "fireman of the year" by Costa Mesa's firefighters as- sociation. He was president of the Orange County Training omcers Association in 1981. Check your tax bracket and see the yield a taxable account would have to produce to match our current 10.37% Tax-Free annual yield.• 1912 ' TAX MTE I! 17.00% 18.52% 44% 20.74% 50% t :' ·' •. • With lax-Free Interest. The more you make, the more you need Great American Federars Tax-Free Account. This aceount lets you exclude up to $2,000 in interest from federal income taxes, if filing jointly; up to $1,000, if filing individually. Examine this tax break in terms of your tax bracket, and you'll find that Great American Federal's Tax-Free Account produces a yield that is higher than most money market funds. And the rate for your account is guaranteed for a full year-not just a month, a quarter or six months . 1t•s easy to transfer funds at Great American Federal into your Tax-Free Aoco~nt. And, if you open your account with $2,500 or more, we•n give you a free Jntenst Checking P~US™ account. Add high guaranteed yield and attractive services to the convenience of a stateWide , office network and over 70 24-HOUR TELLER locations, and you have a very unique investment opportunity. Give us a call on our Financial Linc, today, or stop into one of our offices and ask about our Tax-Free Account. (714) l3M023 Call tbe Ftaudal Une Dtrect or Collect I t 1 I I I J I • Great apple·s Great baskets G reat bears Great bells Great boo ks Great brass Great c alendars Great ceramics Great .chairs Great chi mes Great clocks Great crystal Great dominoes Great d rums . G reat eggs Great flasks Great frames Gre at games Great geese « Great gloss Great hammocks Great hooris G reat ivory G~eat J~~lr;y Great kites Grieat~§ G reat ea1her G reat masks Great molas Great o rnaments Great porcelain Great rugs Great swans Great tools Great toys Great vases Great weavings · Great whistles Great yo -yos Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Wedneeday, Aptll 21, 1982 Giving is a . Great Thing f I • - • ~ 1.r • t • I~ .. ( . ' I I I 1 :r I •f I I~ : c:===~\ I ' I I . THE GOOD 0ESIGN SHOP I j 1 I I \ I ' lj, 'I .. , ., ii i': , I 1 Ii . I I I I • l I BIRD FEEDERS by Peter KUham ? I ' I I Courts still closed despite law change Deepite a new legislative man- date that allows judges to prevent cldlure of prellmlna.ry hearings ln cr6ninal cases, there ls ample evi· dence in Orange County that ju- rists are fearful of using their new powen because of an unpredict- able appellate bench above them. In the past several weeks, two judges have chosen to close hea- rings in criminal cases that have affected the lives of many people. The two proceedings were for accused child killer Robert Jack - son Thompson and for three "for-mc r Anaheim police officers charged with using excessive force while on duty. Thompson's hearing was <'losed on a motion by defense at- torney Ronald Brower in Orange County Superi•r Court while the three former officers' attorneys were s u ccessful in persuading West Orange County Municipal Court Judge Judith Ryan to ban spectators from proceedings in her courtroom. Under previous statutes, pre- liminary hearings -where it 1s determined whether or not evi- dence is sufficient to order a trial -were automatically closed on a motion by defense attorneys. But newly passed Assembly Btll 277, which took effect March 1 as an emergency statute, stated that preliminary hearings were to remain open to the public unless a showing was made that public ac- cess jeopardized a de fendant's right to a fair trial. The clear mandate and legal presumption is that hearings should be open. ab- sent real evidence to the contrary. In gran Un.g a motion to close Thompson's proceeding, Superior Court Judae James K . Turner voiced concern that a conviction could later be overturned by an unpredictable state Supreme Court because the preliminary hearing was allowed to remain open. Such caution is understanda- ble, based on the recent perfor- mance of the state high court. But it is obvious that the Legislature intended that preliminary h ea- rings should remain open except under the most exceptional cir- cumstances. Defense lawyers properly maintain that excessive publicity could impact a defendant's right to a fair trial. The problem comes. however. from the defense law- yers' eage rness to define any reporting as "excessive and prejudicial." The record of trials and jury verdicts does not bear ttus contenllon out, and it was to correct this increasing abuse of the public's right to know how just.lee is being administered that the Legislature acted. In the Thompson case the re might be basis for the judge's caution. although the issue of an unpredictable Supreme Court should not be the determining factor. The i~ue is a fair trial. But the old business of rou- tinely closing preliminary h ea- rings cannot be justilied. And it is time that our attorneys and courts faced up to that 1f they want to improve public confidence in the criminal juslJce system. Small price to pay The California Chamber of Commerce is warning its small business members to be on the alert for -and to protest -local ordinances that would require them to file reports on hazardous substances they use or st.ore. Ordinances in effect, or under consideration, in many areas would require such reports to be filed with local fire departments to he lp keep track of potentially dangerous substances routinely used on the premises occupied by a businea. Substances to be reported would include gasoline, solvents. pamts, plastics and acids. Typical firms that would be required to report are dry cleaners, furniture refiniahers, photo processors, auto body shops, plastics operations. medical laboratories aud pest or weed control services. The chamber complains that the reports would constitute an unbearable paperwork burden for small firms. Routine fire inspec- tions and state laws controlling the shipment of hazardous substances are sufficient, 1t contends. The fact of the matter is that fire department inspections cannot possibly cover every business in most towns with anything resem- bling frequency. But if the loca- tion of potential fire hazards is pinpointed, a closer watch can be kept on storage a nd operating methods at these sites. And, in the event of fire, firefighters will have an idea of what substances they are dealing with. The California Chamber of Commerce is wrong a nd short- sighted in op~g this reporting of hazardous substances. It will benefit the business affected by reducing fire loss, it will protect adjacent businesses. and it wHI , protect the firefighters. The modest burden of repor- ting ls not too much to ask where safety of lives and property is at stake. An unnecessary labor law • The state Labor Code now prohibits the hiring of strike- breakers during labor "strikes" or "lockouts." It specifically defines both these tenns, and additionally defines a "strikebreaker" as a pel"90n who has worked twice be- fore under these circumstances. Now representatives of farm workers are pushing a measure that would add the vague term "labor disputes" to the circum- stances under which replacement hiring would subject an employer to criminal charges. Under this terminology, a "labor dispute" could range from a jurisdictional fight between two unions to the replacement of a worker or workers for on-the-job drunkenness or other indivtdu-.J diadplinary actions. Since some labor diapu~L especially those involving rival unions seeking jurisdiction in a field, can drag on for months, the change in the labor code concei- vably could force 80me employers out of business unless they want to risk criminal charges for hiring replacement workers to keep the business going. By the same token. replace- ment of a non~performipg or in- competent worker could be term- ed a "labor dispute" with the same risk for the employer. The bill in queslion won nar- row approval of the Assembly Committee on Labor and Em- ployment in a 6 to 5 vote. It is a one-iUded and unneeded measure designed only to give uniona ab- solute and arbitrary power in la- bor disputes. I L.M. Boyd/ Fear of beauty I I I I I I The lld condldon c.lled d~­ n1a Iii en ant.lp1\hy toward beeutllUl Wonm\. Nol 10 eommor'i. that one. J...ot ol fellows 1e1we up ln the preeence of a .,,.._. female. 'Ibey aet boltile. They tblak 1he'1 concerted, self· centered and ha9My, even b4tf ore lhe •YI a word. It 1 DOl all bed, •YI our Love and War man. Were It not for dyacalltcynla, many • ho.::.!{ woman would iwver find a boy{ • Q. What does the human betna: have ln common whh the two-toed alot.h? A. These are the only two 11nd an.Um1a that ma&e t.. IO f.-., Energy conservation lags WASHINGTON -The worldwide oil glut, which has brought down prices for gasoline and home heating fuel. has lul- led the American public i nto a false sense or well-being. And it has appa- rently put officials at the Energy De- ~tment to sleep. The federal bureaucrat.a -who are paid to know bener -apparentJy feel that the oil-producing countries will ne- ver get their cartel together and send Americans back to the gas lines of 197S and 1979. They #e behaving • if tM Arab sheiks, whoee wealth depends on high oil prices, will be unable to agree on Joint action to ensure that their only salable product commands the 'ishest pogslble market pnce. WITH INCREDIBLE s hortaighted- n~. the government energy agency has been syste matically killing programs that would develop solar, geothermal and fossil-fuel alternatives to the coun- try's dependence on oil. They have also taken a ho-hum attitude toward energy conservauon, despite evidence that such fuel-saving techniques have been the major factor m lessening American de- pendence on imponed OP~ oU. Fortunately, the administration's devil-may-care attitude toward energy conservation has met spirited opposition among members of Congress, who wiU be the first to &el the heat 1{ tltt:!ir con- stituents suddenly find themselves back m gas lines or shivering Ill their horn~ when OPEC gets its act together Possibly for lack of a better targe t, congressional cnt1cs of the admm1stra- uon's conservation policies have l'Rrocd an on Joseph J. Tribble. assistant energy \ Q -J1-c1-11-1-11-sa-1 -~ secretary for rvation. He's a loyal team player and has made no challenge to the liquidauon orders on conservation programs he's been getting from the White House. Rep. Richard Otunger, 0 -N.Y .. chair- man of the House Conservation Sub- committee, 1s l>u1lding a case for Tnb- ble's resignation. Sen. Mark Hatfield, R-Ore., has called Tnbble "an underta- ker. not an administrator." And even Mr. Mtld Manners himself, Sen. Charles Percy. R -Ill., told Tribble, "If I had known then what I know now, I never would h ave voted f or (your confinnation)" Whal has particularly mfuraawd Con- gress 1s Tnbble's adminJstrauon of tht· $21 5 million appropriated abov<' the Reagan administration's budget request for energy conservation programs this year The lawmakers thought they had sent an appropnat.e message to the En- crgy Dt·pdrtml•nt with their appropna- tton. but thl'Y d&'Overed t.o their dismay that the bureaucrats were simply igno- ring the mc·ss.ige and dismantling the programs anyway Here are some ~xampJes assembk>d by my as.soc1aU.'. PC'l.er Grant: -SINCE 1977, the government has subs1d1zed tht.-msulation of more than 830,000 home:; of low-income Cam1hes. Over OOE md1fCerence, Congress ap- proved $144 million to keep this and s1mtlar programs going. Only now la.. DOE finally l11st rlbutlng this year'f funds As a result. many stat.es had to curt.all their wcalhen:z.auon pro)('Cts du· nng the cold wmt.er months -The federaJ government LS the na- tion's biggest energy consumer $8.9 billion worth last year . Uncle Sam·s consumption dropped 6.3 percent since the first 011 cns1s. Yet one-third of the conservauon program·s staff has now been fared . and government consumpuon of energy 1s ns1ng. -ln 1975, Cong~ instructed OOE to set eff1c1cncv standa rds for the 13 products. from rdfl~~r'\lOU 'f> TVii amt hum1d1fwr... th<•t consutifo 2~ percent '(W the nation's (•ncrgy. It was estimated that thLS tould save $15.2 b!U1on to $19.3 b1U1on worth of energy by the year 2005. Yet Tribblt•'s office earl y this month ;mnouncl-d that oo stand81tlt w~ttf 1 '-E'l for th('S(· c•nergy guz.z.hf rs Open tax records might curb cheats We have all paid -or avoided paying -our federal income tax now and it feels so good to have it over with that it doesn't hurt as much as it ought to. I made more money last year than I've ever made before but my taxes were the most 1 ever paid, too. To tell the truth. I have a feeltna l patd more than my ahare. I suppose a lot of people think that. There muat be a lot of other people, though. who know dam well they didn't pay enough. They beat the system. I HA VE AN an idea how the IRS couJd get more money out of the tax cheaters, and it wouldn't cost the government a nickel. They would make Income ta~ records open to everyone. Once a year. the amount we each paid would be posted In the Town Hall or printed ln the newspaper. At the very least, the figures would be readily available to anyone who wanted to look them up. This would be the way to get better compliance with the tax laws. People who wouldn't cheat or steal f -.. -,. anywhere else have no hes1tauon about cheating on their tax returns 1f they thank they can get away with 1t. Most of the same people wouldn't cheat at all if they knew their neighbors were going to see what they'd done. They don't mind cheatln_g the big, anonymou.1 bureau- ..JI ·/~'' -.N-DY-RD-DN-IY_ ....... (t cracy, but they wouldn't steal from their friends. The fact that cheating on their t8'< 1s the same as stealing from their fnends doesn't occur to them. I've always thought the government goes about trying to get us to pay our taxes the wrong way. They need the review system and I suppose they have to acare 90me people with the threat of a jail sentence, but the ms has never ap- pealed much to our sense of national pride Americans would be proud to pay their income tax 1f they thought their m o ney was not being wasted in Washington . IC everyone knew what everyone else was paying. it would make it easier to be proud. too. No one gets much of a kick oul of being proud in front of a computet tha'C's checlub~ 4 return for errors 1ri arithmetic. • I don't know why Income tax retUms are secret. They're considered nobody else's business, even though what we earn isn't usually much of a secret to anyone who knows us or to anyone who wants to find out. We all have a pretty good idea how much our friends and our enemies are malung We may not be able to pm 1t down to the dollar, but unlea they've found some way to steal and a.re hiding the money under the mattreq, our friends' salary ranges are apparent to us If they're dnving a Mercedes, they're making more than we are. When generosity is selfish IF WE KNOW how much our neigh- bors make, what's wrong with knowing ho.w much tax they pay ? It wouJd be a way of applymg a kind of strong peer pressure that the government could ne- ver apply We'd all be embarrassed ln· lo paying our fair share. Very likely there would be people who'd pay more than they had to just to keep up with the Joneses. As I eat breakfast in the morning (when else?), two pairs of large liquid eyea are gazing steadily at rne (rem the first sip of julce to \he last sip of coffee. One pair belongs to a 1olden ~trlever old enough to know better; the other belongs w a black Labrador young en- ough to learn better. The eyes beseech me to feed their 1tarvlng bellies, to hand them just a IYlllY Ullll ~· I '1?, tall• wagging. nostrils flaring in the aromatic air. Who is thelr friend, and who their foe? There Is no question in their minds: whoever slips them the tastiest monels most of the time ia \helr Dearly Belov«I. No matter that their stomachs get dla- wnded, their teeth rot, their legs buckle under rolla of hit. their eneflY turns to torpor. AT LEAST Tlll\U out of four dop I eee being walked in the park are in, « appro.ch.i.na. thJa oblcene condidon. lialf \he nation IMIDI '° be on a diet halt che ~time, but we 1pend more on doa food than many other countrtea a~nd on peoplti food. a beUeYe that ~re around $4 bll1'on a y.... wm the '9telt ~lrad.) The .mount we fMd them m&J DOI be lood lot them. but we feel it ii aood b' ua It aiplfl11 affec:tleG, It 1ymbollsa ~ lt bu}'9 .,.at)' encl deYocJon and e"9n Mablem.net. Much of thl1 ~ Ii I tGriD of ........ , bri· blr7: n ; .. ,_ ...,..._ ,.._ of foocl ll JO'I .-. me Urnldm love. lv•r~aq ,'1aa a moul, Mid 'h• ~ .. Allat,'' and &he l1IGfal tMre -tD --...... UUall .... ....... ,.._.. .. maybe..., More than half the income of the federal government comes from taxina the sa1*1ea of Individuals. Most of that comes from money that la withheld from their payi:heda. No one gets rich on a aa.1ary, no matter how high it la, and no one can cheat much on his tax U tt'a withheld, either. I'd like to tee the fed- eral government concentrate their in- vestigative efforts toward the people whose Income la derived trom IOU.l'Cft ot.her than salary. rd like to be ab» '° look at the tax books and find out how much the cu,y with the houae \ihh the f our-cauange and the chauffeur- drtYWl C Ute la PQl.na, bee.a~ lf M'I ..wni oU euk>r -\ban 1 am. rm damn iare a6out I'- Do adm edminillntDrl ..... r. ..... to be more "pollllclan1' than .. .._..,.,., . .c ..._ ... lllftlh: o1 dau~J• ~ 111..wtM wt I'• ... .., ........ ;;....;-.....:._...;,. . ..._ ____ ~-~&.11J,ftllla----·-•· AllllllhM••---..... , I c I ' • i l t ( ( I l ' I ( t c I c r d '._Residents :give~ time. .Deadline extended in'HB tax lien mixup About &00 HuntlJ\ct.Oft Beach maUed to 1,500 property ownen EltMr the homeownen could homeowner• have until May around the county • a ,...Jt of pey the b9J in fU1l or they could I 31 to raolve a confu1inc eet of varlou1 error1 made by the take adv~e of a new it.ate c:l.reumltaw IWTOUnd1nc bKk QNn1e County A11e110l"1 Office, \aw that tted the extra •· I tax UM11menta levied recently Citron explained. Thw occuio-11 n nent ~ beck 1n 1nlt.all· I by the Oran1e County Tax nal errou, 1uch a1 under· menta over ei1ht yean, be ex-1 C.ollect«-Treelurer'1 Office. e1t1matin1 the value of a pro-plained. A month'• exten1lon wu pert)', are 1tral1htei'led out by But Citron uJd h1I of6ce fa1lecl , 1ranted to the homeowners to levying an extra or "eecape" u -to lnfonn retlldentl that. lf theyj allow them time to decide bow to .-nent. clw.e the installment. plan, a Uenl handle a 1urprl1e lien that The error In the caae of the , would be placed a1aJn1t their' 'tt'u to be placed a1alnat their Huntington Beach homeownen pr~pe. rty until the balance wu propertiel •a nat.lt of the beck wu that l.'OW\ty 111e11cn lncor-J*d. tax aHeHment, county Tax rectly reuae11ed the value of "It wu an el'l'OI' on our J>911," Collector-Treuurer Robert Ci· houaea alt.uated on lease-hold the tax collector conceded. 01 the tron aaid. . property in two HunUnaton 1,500 penona who received ta>CI It wu the pi..cetnent. of 11ena Beach houaina ~acta. Aaletlora bills, about 500 chose to_pa~ apinlt the properties that drew revalued only the houaea, nqt throu&h the lOltallment plut Td the ire of homeownen lllt week, realhdna that the aale al8o lnclu-compound probleml, the 500 in-! Citron aald. ded the leae. Citron said... advertently were mailed letwnl Alt.hough the tax collector's When their oversight was dJs-lut week infonnln& them.they office waa correct in placing the covered, thoee properties bad to were delinquent ln the t.axea and liens against the resident.a' pro-be reame•d to include the value lepl action mtaht have to be in· perty, it failed to notify affected of the leaae conveyed in the aale, ltiat.ed, Citron said. "That waa taxpayers that the action wu he said. The average extra aa-our eeoond miatab, tha.e letters routine in such instancel, Citron eemnent wu about $250, accor-ahouldn't have be.en 1ent out," he uid. ding to Citron. noted. He attributed the confusing 'nle homeownen, resident.a in Citron said that because of the clrcumatances to a aeries of mis-either the Landmark and Glen-errors, he will not. file the liens takes made by his office. mar tracts, were offered two op-against property owners until . . ' t I Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /W9dntld1y, Aprll 28, 1982 I All J o.lr ...... ,......, ~ ~ AEROBICS ON THE GREEN -Zahava (that's her whole name) exercises in foreground along with aerobi~ class at Main Beach Park in LagWT.a Beach. Out.door exereise class worked out to accompaniment of a live band, taking in fresh salt air and SWlShine. Audi recalls ·planned ' DETROIT (AP) -Volk1wa- 1en of America Inc. '1 Porsche Audi Division bu announced lt will recall 90,000 can beca~ the accelerator pedal geta stuck oa i' floor mau. The recall affect.a the 1978 to 1982-model year Audi 5000 with automatic t.ranlrl'llaion. Spokesman Fred Heyler said the comtta of a welaht at~ to the underside of the aooe.ler8f' 1 tor pedal 1et caught on floot, mata that the owners buy if} atorea, causing the vehlcl~a to f accelerate wfthout warnln1. The factory-installed carpetina does not cause the problem, htt added. • Owners will receive recall no,. Uoes in the mail next week and Por9Cbe Audi dealers will correct the problem free of char1e by installing a plastic guide under the accelerator pedals to round , out the weight comers. Back tax a11e11ment1 were tiona for paying the added tax. May 31. .~~~~~~__;_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The re were about 60 Incl· dents, not acddent.a," concerning the weights, Heyler aa.id. Goodwill dance pl!Jnned The Helmsmen. a sup- port group for Goodwill Ind•atriea of Orange County, scheduled its first event of the year for May 1 at the Disney- land Hotel in Anaheim. A dinner-dance in a Tahitian ~ will take place starting at"6 p.m. The eve.nt is open to the pub Uc, Group Chairman Mar- L~k.ney of Newport said money railed a the event will benefit the physically, mentally and emotionally disabled men and women lJ'\-the Goodwill rehabilit.a'tion arid evaluation program. "But our intention la to have a lot of fun along the way," wd Lockney, w"° said the event la the firat of four planned th.la year. . ~r ipformiation, call GoOdwlll Induatrlea at 547-6301. Finenee · • seminar slated Investing for the '80'• is the topic of a four-part 9eriel beginning April 291 at. Orange Cout. College- in Costa Meea. Wall Street. veteran Edward McNary will dis- a.-inn.tion durlfll the • A-pttl ~ C'om 7 to 10 p.m . in the college's Fine Arts Hall, Room 119. Admi•ion ia $5 at the door or $12 for the leries. "Flnandal Survival in the 'SO." will be the topic May 6 and a stock market overview will be' preeented May 13. McNary will diacuu global investment.a du- ring the final ·ae11ion May 20. For information call 556-5880. Seminar slated A lllDinar ct.lcr'ed to I help pu1idpuits reduce fatlaue, ten1lon and ltre9I La ecbeduled Sat- urday a.t Oraqe Cout CoO:eae, in ao.ca Mw.. Titled .. Body Sffldency," the ..ton wW nm from 9 a.m. to I a:JO _p.m. tn roam 11• of OOC"1 Admt•om and Couuellnc BuJldlDl· I R I' SNt1an II '8. Seminar lecturer ta AlnUdn Shepperd, •I bealtb and fltneu eJl-1 ~ ror lllforiiutJm, eau •••• " ... 14 I 1>.I tfl Starting May 6. lntrodud'!Q Celebrity Service, brand new nonstops from Los AnQeles International. Two a day to Detroit. 1Wo a day to MinneapOlis/St. Paul. With s1ar treatment ofl the way: convenient schedules, to fit ~ your own. Discount fores, to so'Je you money. A del'19htful choice of entrees, to please your palate. And more. New One-Airline ·Service East. Repubfec' s new nonstops open a worid of new connections. New one--s1ops to New Yot'ic's LaGuordio. Neww~ to Boston, Baltimore, Torot1to, over30 midwes1em and eos1em cities. Now you can fly Republic all the way. New Four-Airport Convenience. Repubrec serves al four~: ,LA International, OraV,' County's John ~' Ontorio/Rivenlde and Burbank. On ~'~con ftyto more cities than on ~other an. Mt, frOrh·the airport that's · beSt for you. I Fly2for 1. Wrth Republic's Pair Fair, buy one full fore round trip ticket at least 24 hours in advance, get a friend's round trip ticket for the some flight free. Ask you travel agent or RepubilCTor details. tome Aboard. Our new Detroit and Minneapolis/ St. Paul nonstops, new servke to the midwest and east, and low discount fores will save you time and money. Our famous personal attention will have you smiling from here to there. · CoU yoor travel agent or Republic Airlines: Los Angeles (213) 772- 5100; Burbdnk 1213) 247-8333; Orange Counfy, Santo Ano and Anaheim (714) 540-2060 or Ontario/Riverside (714) 988-8585. TIY /TDD Service available for the speech/hearing impaired at 1-800-328-2213. NewNcM11top1hmLAX . ,, ~·/ .. , ·r . , ' .t . '• "' •, .... .. 'I ,.,. . ., ·f .. • 1) Trip To New York All t:xpenHa P•ld For Two 2) Br•nd New Motobec•ne Y•lued At $49C).00 3) Cormplete Cycle Clothlng Inc ludlng Shon a Helmeta 4) Profeaalon•I j;d~~ S.mln•r 5) 100'• Of Other PrlZH CU.TOii CIMl•a All CttnO• '21r Velue '. ~69~~ Low•t Price Anywhere DEMOS Perfect Condition ~PRICE SPORT ANO TOURING MODILS SPORT 10-SPEED *199.95 VALUE THIS SALi ONLY . NOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO . . OWN A BEAUTIFUL NEW Miyata OR Motabecane BICYCl:E. AT THESE PRICES, YOU DON'T HYE TO SETTLE FOR LESS. BE GOOD TO YOURSEL!F. ENJOY THE BESTI G-T Bike Frames. __ ................ -.. . G-T BMX Forks ... -... --·········· .. ····-·- Team Jag BMX Bikes .......... .u ...... .. Max Pants "'··-···--·-··-......... ~ .. .. KKT Llghtntn9 Pedals ·--···--··-····· G-T BMX 24' FrlfM and Fork_ ~R 4 Bolt Alloy Stems_. _____ ,_ UMC Frame and Fork Sets ·--·- REG. $149.95 48.50 385.00 64.95 16~95 249.95 28.50 249.95 NOW $94.88 32.88 75.00 41.15 • •• 154.88 10.N 75.00 HUGE SELECTION OF NEW/USED MIYATA MOTOBECANE B·R CENTURION ROBB SCHWINN UNI VEGA LAND CRUISERS aas PEUGEOT DIAMOND-BACK MOUNTAIN BIKES COOK BROS. TORK ER JMC CYCLE PRO MANY OTHERS REG. NOW Gr1n Cuse $319.95 Sl00.00 s.r Tonc. lit.95 50.00 s.i-Pn I JM.ff OJ Ml.15• (W•'re Tllldng Orders On n..) THESE BIKEI ARE !AttY CHEAP, BUT THE LOOK GOOD AND THEY'RE LOTS OF FUN TO AIDE 20" BMX DIRT BIKES Reg. $139.95 NOW ' • ( t c • c r d '\ WEON!SOAY, APRIL 28, 18'2 CAVALCADE TELEVISION 82 95 on CARDINAL TURNED .BLUE: The University of Southern California's football team has just been slapped on probation by the governing body of collegiate athletics, known as the National Collegiate Athletic Amiodation. It's a real case. U you d on't think it's a real case, you should have checked the morning paper out of Los Angeles wherein the complete text of the NCAA's action against Tommy Trojan was printed. It got more space than an ybody gave to Sirhan B. Sirhan1s parole hearing. Anyway, the football players at Troy are going to get punished by not getting to play on TV for a couple of years · ~ and being banished from any post -season bowl 4,,.. games for a like period. · I"'-'\ , Well, you say, that's TIM IURPHlll ,~t; ~~a~~.ey ge t for being 0 BUT WAIT A MINUTE. It wasn't these kids. Those who were involved were on the USC teams between 1971 and 1979. These are the guys who allegedly allowed an assistant coach named Marv Gowc to peddle their free tickets to USC games at ballooned prices. You suspect that the NCAA ought to be punishing these people but alas, they are long gone from the Halls of Troy. Some are how 10-year veterans of professional football, drawing heavy salaries that make football ticket peddling look like a Girl Scout cookie drive. THUS HAVING ELUDED the clutches of the NCAA. the former players cannot be punished. The NCAA had no jurisdiction to take away their beer or underarm deodorant commercials . Further thus frustrated , it is quite clear that the NCAA has little else left except to punish the current USC underclassmen for the sins of their alumni. I'm glad I'm not one of the alumni or I'd be suffering terrible pangs f oohllcienoe. But thae pangs mipt be ao-- mewhat reli · Jf Powneci one of th<JIMt lucrative prof .. sional f09tball oontracts. The coach who has been fingered as the heavy tn this piece, the afore mentioned Marv Goux, is still around campus, however. So the NCAA bas punished him too. Gow< has been ordered to do nothing but coach football for the next couple of years. No banquet appearances. No peddling of tickets at ballooned prices. , o.lly ,.... f'hoto by lteft ~ LAGUNA HEADSTAND -Deanie Srhl¢ of Laguna Beach stands on her head for relaxation when she visits the beach on a hot, sunny day. She says the position allows her to "get in tune with my environment." It certainly gives he r a different perspective on things. Nune find• aid ia kicJcins habit. See Ann Landers, B2. Englishman's ·heart lies with Argentina 1 By JEPF A'nLER .,.,. ..... 1MW Walter StW.geon speak.a ln the clipped, wunt.takable accent of one who owes allegiance to Her Majesty, the Queen of England. Ii comes u qu.ite a shock, then, when this blue-eyed 70-year-old, educated at the Brltlah School and tracing hla antecedents back three generations to G reat Bri- tain, announces he supports Ar- gentina in its bid for the Falk- land (he calli them the Malvi.nas) Islands. "I'm Argentine 100 percent," said Sturgeon, now a Mission Viejo resident, ln his British ac- cent. He d escribed himael! as Anglo-Argentine, one born and raised In Argentin a as a n En- gliahman. "I was educated in the British School, but my friends w e re Araentlnes," he E:xplained. "I'm bicultural and bilingual." Because of his backgro und, Sturgeon said he ii particularly distressed by the hostiliiy bet- ween his native land and the one to which he traces his heritag~. "I think the war is distressing for everybody," S turgeon ex - plained . "May be Arge ntina oversteppe d it.a mark by Inva - d ing, but on the other hand, maybe they got sick of waiting after 150 years for negotiations over the islands to begin." Sturgeon surmised that many of his friends in Arge ntina, fel- low Anglo-Argentines, al.lo share his sentiments. "U Argentina were not invol- ved, I would aide with the Bri- tish. When the British are figh- ting with my own country, I would have to side with my own country. It's as simple as that,'' he said. Nonethelem. Sturgeon recalled that during World War ll many o f his Anglo-Argen tin e peers volunteered to fight with British -.Utary units. ''The best min at my w e dd i ng (an Angl o · Argentine) died in the Navy for England," he said. S turgeon added that he finds the state of near war between the two countries somewhat perplexing in light of the close relationship Britain and Argen- tina once enjoyed. "We've been so friendly with Britain always. England literally d e veloped Arge ntina and we have r ecognized that ~v e n tho=. h we know they didn't do it for c ty," he pointed OUL te his connection to both counUies, Sturseon said he can- not pred ict what will happen over the Falk.lands. He said his worst fear is that Britain will attack the vulnerable Argen tine mainland. In an attempt to stay abreast of the latest developments in the D.-r,... ............ ARGENTINE BOOSTER - Argentine native Walter Sturgeon, now of Missio* Viejo, supports the Argentine takeover of the Falkland .i. lands de.spite his British beri· tage. situa tio n . Stu rgeon sald he searches the airwaves with ~ shortwave radio for broadcastJ concerning the Falklands. Also, he recently received a lette r fro m Anglo-Arge ntine friends in the country who wrote they were not worried at all b1 developments. But Sturgeon said the safety of Anglo-Argentines could be en· dangered "if the war bodes bad" simply because they speak En- glish . If the r e w e re to be-a "w itchhunt," it would be con· d~cted by street hooligana, oot the government, he saicI. Whe n ask ed why h e is so steadfast in his support of Ar- gen tin a on thtt f a lklanda quee- tion , Sturgeon s uggested that England "hasn't paid attention to ·the islands" for many years. "Two months ago, you could have asked a school kid , say in Scotland, where the Falklands are a nd h e w o uld n 't ha v e· known," he continued. "You ask a n Arge nt ine k id wher e the Malvinas are and they could tell you how they had been usurped 150 years ago." S turgeon, who came to CaU- ftMnla 20 years ago with his wife, Dorothy, traces his F.nglish heri- tage to h is grandparents who settled in Argetitina before the turn of the centUry. His grand- parenta came to the country, aa did thousands of o ther British families, to run Argentina's rail- roads, tramways, gasworks ancf waterworks, according to Stur- geon. In his awful punishment, h e has been saved from numerous cases of acid indigestion on the banquet circuit and migraine headaches from trying to do the bookkeeping on all the playen' tickets. Rocks tell story OTHERS WHO ARE getting punished for the alleged USC sins of yesteryear are the NCAA members who share in the loot every time a Trojan football team gets on tel· evision or fills up a stadium. Which is ln past years has been often. i This popularity was what helped Coach Goux alle- gedly scalp tickets for inflated sums. It bas been widely reported that USC officials might sue the NCAA to get relief from the pW\fahmenta laid on the current underctuamen. Trojan offi'ciaJa better be careful here and read the NCAA ruling again. One part of it aya that if any part of the penalty get.a tet aside for any reuon. the NCAA can reopen the Cale again. THUS YOU'RE LEFT to wonder if this doesn't mean the NCAA ii a higher authority than the courts? U the court.a overturn the NCAA punlahment of USC'a underc1-nen, you mlght juat find the NCAA reopening the cue and puniahing all USC undercluimen ~ti 1~. . Okay, A.Ute. let'• take another walk through the Joo- ~ ,_ ... i .. c } ( a a ( i ' r J ( .. ( • c t c I ( r i ONnge COMt DAILY Ptl.OT/W9dneeday, A1Ht121, 1N2 •ANN LANDERS ~HERB CAN ' •HOROSCOPE ·N urse's discovery helpS her snuff the habit DEAR ANN LANDERS: F.or the uke o, thoae. who are rl1kln1 their live1 daily with throat and lung cancer, pleue publish thia letter. I want to have the widest J>C*lble dlatrtbution. A.a a nune, I have eeen dozens of dyln1 patients who amoked until their wi houn1 ~ble to give up the habit that WM killlna them. I am a 30-year mnoker who has tried doRm of timee to stop. Each time I lost the baUle due to the fact that nk:otine ia a drug on which I am dependent. My laat attempt (because of throat •Y'Olptoma) wu also doomed. The with- drawal symptoms were too eevere. Desper- ate after a few days, I tried swallowi,Jlg a . pinch of tobacco with a glass of water before grabbinB that flnt and fatal cigarette. IT WORKS! It relieved the withdrawal pangs enough to allow me to give up cigarettes-in, a fairly comfortable manner. I am now into my third week without smoking and have no fear of starting again. This, to me, is a miracle! I have tried lo}>e- line1 hypnolia and will power, all without MAKES BIG FOOTPRINTS -At 86, Rant Mullens of V aooouver, W-'1., •ya be wants to get a six-decad~Jd pratical job ot1 hia chett. He says he sj>WT'ed the legend of the Bia:foot of Mount St. Helens by carving wooden "feei." to leave large footprints in 1928". But Mullen's s~. Pleue, Ann, help me share th1a ln- ctedlble aodlend with anyone who ia ln the same· milerable apot I wu ln three weela ago. -PRAYING FOR PINK LUNGS SOON . DEAR PRAYING: More t~aa '78 mll- ll• people read yoar letter. No&Ma1 w"1d please me more &11aa to llear from tllo•- aud1, gyla1 &My tried yoar tecb.141H ... kicked tM Mblt. MeuwkUe, It mJpt be uehd for &MM wlto are toylq wltll iM aoUoa of •alttla& to bow tut -ut .... Amerteu1 will clle W1 year becaHe tlley 1moke. Accordta1 to Sar1eoa Geaeral Everett C. ltoop, 1mot1a1 11 die prlDdpaJ avoidable caase of deatla ha tile United ltates. 'he most reliable 1uvey1 gy dial 58 perceat of tile people wllo try to qalt 1mo- klag SUCCEED. I H,e yoa are amoa1 tile aacce11faJ llalf. Please write a11tn In to days. I'd like a pro1ret1 report. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have been .,, ........... confession adds credibility to the legend, be. - cause the Mount St. Helens story didn't mesh with other sightings. says Dr. Grover Krantz, a Bigfoot researcher and a Washington State University associate professor of anthropology. divorced for three yean. My ex.wife has CUltody of our llOnt who ii now 10. I have vialtina prtvtleaet. . We live ln a ama1l town, 10 everybody knowt everybody elle'1'bwd.nell. My 9 has gone out with tome pretty. crummy charac- ten, and we have had many argumenta over thla. I know I can't do anything about the company she keepa, but I bate to have our 10n around guya of 1uch low character. Also, a 10-year-old knows plenty theae days. When he~ his mother entertaining dif· ferent men who stay overnight, it's bound to make an impact. I have. aaked her to please bring the boy to my place when she plans on shacking up with one 9f those horse's rear ends. She ref\lle9. I also think it's important for the boy to go to church with me (she never goes), but my ex has said no for the past mont11 because I ln.aulted one of her male visitors on the phone. What can I do, Ann? -MINN. Ml· GRAINE DEAR M.M.: Your ex-wife la vlolatlag tbe cuttody agreement. See your lawyer. Jadgea .are taking a better look at tbe "flttett" parent of late. Often It 11 tbe fa- ther. Good lack. CONFIDENTIAL to Need Help wltb Mr. Stay·at·Bome: One of tbe signs of ma· turtty la tbe ability to enjoy NOT golDg. It taket a lot of growing up to reach this point. A s i g n o f t h e times A stack o f mail and messages at the office. Ray Lang tells me about The Rubber Tree, a ti.re shop on El Camino, which has this sign on the door: "Gone Fiahing. Will Return When Reaganomics Worb." A sign of the times, for sure. Tried to check further but The Rubber Tree's phone hM been ct.ts. connected. Sad. Nobody baa 1ummed up Reaganomics more pithily than Wally Haas: ''The cure is worse than the diseaae." Or. the solution is the problem. FOR THE "JUST Pla1n 'Oh'" dept., Frank Ridley nominates this quote by Do- nald Hall in an article on pro-handgun San Franciscans: "I'm not afraid to live in the city~ although I do wear a bulletproof vest" ... And didn't I warn you there )Yould soon be designer bulletproof vests? It has come to pami, with status logo and everything, under the heading of "Pro~ve Fashion." Glenn Dorenbush nominates that for Newphernism of the Week. IS IT NEWS WHEN nothing happens? Sheriff Mike Hennessey thinks so, for good reason: We have just passed one full year without an escape from the S .F. jail system -a record; during the same period, Ala- meda Count·y had more than 70. An "Awwwww" angle: M ike rewarded his minions with single candled birthday cakes, not one containing a aaw. A TELEPHONER TO Gene Nelson on KSFO one morning: "Hey Gene, is it okay if I take that damn brick out of the toilet ~ HER48 <!AEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO now?" . . . Sodden and Gomorrah thought: Is it "fOO soon for cries of "Bnng back the drought!"? . . . Get nch quick. buy' an FM station: Oakland Banker Lloyd Edwards, his ex-wife ant a L ozange le no, who bought K.MPX for under a million three years ago, just sold it to Broadcast Associates of New Jersey for -$5.5 million! AS YOU MAY HAVE noticed , this is Oscar Season -not the Academy Awards, but the lOOth annvy. of Oscar Wilde's ar- rival in S .F . -whe r efore Pro f. Ro bert Pepper of San Jose State University. a noted Wilde expe rt, supplies us with a r a re ex- ample of Oscar being M>pped. He found it in the following newsquib publish ed by the Alameda Encinal in ApriJ, 1882: " 'You have no ruins, no natural CW'io- sities in this country.' drawled Mr. Oscar Wilde to Mrs, S enator P endle ton a t a re- ception. 'No,' repfted' mi! qultk -witted 1ad9. 'but our ruins will come soon enough, and as to our curiosities, we import them.· " Cance r : Timing, luck on .target TRADER VIC Bergeron, bnght.est star ever to rise out of West Oakland, will open a TV's in Singapore's Otani Hotel at the end of this year, thereby ensuring that the sun wilJ never set on the Vickish Empire. Along with 15 restaurants in the U.S . and two in Canada, he has outposts in London, Munich and Tokyo . . . In answer to barbed ques- tions, no, I don't think Trader Vic's is per- fect. For instance, the bar munchies are awful. Tlland.ay~ April H ARIES (March 21-April 19': Your style and dnires "fight" through; scenario is exciting, features adventure, change, varie· ty, speculation -and love. Reunion is highlighted. Burden is lifted. Guilt feeling evaporates -and rightly so. You'll gaill added acclaim. TAURUS (April 20·May 20): You have more freedom, but rules and regulations remain ln effect. You work towards aecurity and conclusion of longstanding negotiations. You meet individual who aids in shaking status quo. You will be inspired. GE!MINI (May 21-June 20): Ideas, h- hunches and emotional ~ponaes dominate. Tripe, calla and partnenhip propoula allO share spotlight. C.ancer, Caprico~ Aquariw persona figure prominently. Relative ln transit could make special· request. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Elementa of timing and luck are featured. You'll malte right move at right time -money comes your way u result. Personal horizons ex-f::!: Travel or holiday plans co!'1e into LEO (July 23-Auc. 22): Moon cycle is such that drcwnstances tum ln your favor. T1minC la on target -people want to hear and see you. You'll look and feel good. You'8 rwiew, revile, rebuild -and you'U be wficJkated. Aquariua, Scorpio pel'IODI pi.y by roi.. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You're re· leued from unfair obligation. Hospital visit provet beneficial. One who is temporarily conftned can lift your spirits. By gtvillg a little, you'll receive much. Know it, ad ac· cordingly. Gemini and another Virgo play important roles. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You could be recipient of surprise gift; family memger makes gesture of conciliation. Lunar accent on des!re, fulfillment and favorable news cont:erning career or business. You have chance to improve appearance of home or garden. SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21): Study Li- bra meuage for valid hint. Superior pays compliment, your views are vindicated. Lu- nar emphasis on promotion, producti~ ad- ded responsibility and chance for more mone)'. You'll be working behind scenes, attending policy meeting. SAGITrARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Tra- ,, vel or long-ranJe planl are aolldified. You'll be communicating with thoee at a diatance, • language need not be a barrier. Older in- dividual• are wllllng to crooperate if you don't f<ftle islue9. Capricorn plays important role. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You'll be dea.U.na with a Saalttartan. Emphmda Cll\ Bettina Job done, pJannina ahead. ~ pulle of public. Foam allo on budaet. money e ek w a t er's s o aium content JOll ilAl 111 OR. PETER J . STEINCAOHN HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA situation as it affects one close to you, in· eluding partner or mate. 'POT SHon · BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT AQUARIUS (Jan. 20·Feb. 18): Break indicated from past procedures. What see- med a lost cause oould be reactivated. Focus on publlcity, legal affairs, joint efforts and marital atatua. New contact leads to fresh concepta and creative energy. HANDLE ME WITH CARE: PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Follow through on firat impressions -individual who aided ln put will return to ecene. Ac- cent also on job, basic iuues, people who depend upon you and special services. Fa- mily member who initially oppoaed you will now cooperate. I COULD SE VERY HARD TO REPLACE'. ~ •:=t=.: ~ :..::: =-- .. I GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF who pl&Jed for Pakiltan In I.he ltel World Team Cham· piouhip, at.aned acatut. UI 00 thJ.a laud. BrlU1h loteroatlonal11t Rob Sbeeba.n d.aatd that. beeal&M of the plethora of acee and k.tqa, bl.a band wu luk orle1Md., IO M ...... to open OD1 dub rathtr Q&o oee ao "1l•P· Zll reepOocled OM DO trump ud 8MeMO .... All la.t\adoMJ ,.. wlalelt. oot turprl1la1l7, &ouudecllMd. 011r ..__ ,, .. pCctta,.. known u one of the world'• gre.t\. dummy playert for not.bing. 8"mlngly wlt.hout. a moment'• thousht, he led a club from hit hand:' Natural· ly, my partner played low. and cleclaHr flneued dum· my'• tH. That wu hi1 eiaflth I.rick, nd our aparkllag defenal•• ttfon came to oaustit. U rny oppontnt.t are pln1 to pa., I.hat well. how 1111 I So'n1 to wlnl At ever, Otnu ,...,... 117 ~· Patal c......, .......... ,.00 .... ,.. ~ ....._ tlM Jeek aed tMW to a low late ..... .,......1 Let '-it, PW..-1111 kms UMI C..._ 0.... ._.,_,_ ... ,., ...... IO I ...... •1 ,._ "P~~ ... - ............ I ... ,..,.. .. D0UaLD '1r ' 11191 I ............. 11911\. ........... ,., • ..., .. Dilllni'............... ... ............ ... .................. • ............ 'I •• .,~_.. .. .,.... ......... J Jiff P.O. I ....... ,_. .._ ...., ._ -........ II.I • .,-...:;:.: .......... ........ ·~r.-t-~i~..:_. ....... -· ..;.....e. ....... -.= 1 sass 0 3 .. -.,,,, Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, Aprll 28, 1982 JUROR -Newport Beach al'tist Harvey Cle- mens "411 serve as a juror for the Fine Arts Competition at this year's Orange County Fair. Clemens will evaluate sculptures and two- dimensional woFks of professional, amateur and youth artists. Deadline for Fine Arts en- tries is May 21. For information, call 751-FAIR. Health food firm fined LOS ANGELES (AP) -The nation's biggest chain of health-food stores and its I.aw firms in Lo6 Angeles and Pittsburgh have been fined $375,590 in federal court for "willfully destroying" documents and computer tapes relevant in a pending 1978 anti-trust suit. Parks Stillwell, a retired California Superior C.ourt judge appointed special master in the case, imposed the fine against Pittsburgh-based General Nutrition Corp., its Pittsburgh law firm of Berk- man, ,Ruslander, Phol, Lieber & Engel and its Los Angeles firm of Gib5on, Dunn & Crutcher. Michael Fox of the Pittsburgh firm said the defendants would appeal the fine ne called "unpn!cedented" and "off the wall." Stillwell also dismissed General Nutrition's countersuit against the William T. Thompson Co .. a vitamin and food-supplement producer in Carson. Thompson charged General Nutrition in his 1978 suit with trying to monopolb:e the health-food market by advertising Thompson's products while its 600 stores carried few of them, and advertising discounts on them although they were priced at or above actual retail cost. Stillwell, who already has fined the company $30,000 for related violations, judged the company in default in Thomp!IOn's complaint. A lawyer for Thompeon, Les Weinstein, said additional damages "in the millions ot doUan'' will be aouahL.., StiU..,ell ordered General Nu&l"iUOI\ in July 1979 and January 1980 to pn!9elVe purchase. sale and inventory records relevant to the suit. He said its violad.9n was ''not~ an ~nt oc ovqsight by a negligent or inattentive managenlenL Il was the inevitable. if not deliberate result of an attitude of indifference and resistance to the letter and spirit of court orders ... " Fox said General Nutrition and the I.aw finns tried to comply, but the orders didn't come until almost a year after the case began. He also con- tended the company did preserve some evidence I while.continuing its usual paperwork and tape de- strucuon process: But Stillwell noted that company President Gary Daum told employees in a July 1979 memo that the court's order "should not require us to change our slandard document retention or de- struction policies or practices." The information General Nutrition did save consisted of "tens of thousands of useless bulk cash register tapes" and "st.ore order atrips that are in- decipherable without decoding,'' Stillwell said. · i si<ln~is ~T]. l!'-AIRIR\liNE TO ",Mammoth FROM JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT AJr lrvlne wlll arr;;;';;,r $76~ transportation to and from · ONE WAY the main lod~-S6 Round Trip DtlP'ART SAT 7AM vJ\ D•P'AJIT MAMMOTH ca\\ No . d\ suN • ,.M seats urnite f 7141540-6911 19531 Airport Way South•General AvlatJon Terminal .,,,,--------.. I '\ ~f.Dlc "i-~ ' ~ ~ I DOGS . CATS I I I . 1 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE for ANIMALS I I FRE£ PET CONSULTATION I -With thlt ad by Doc tort of Veterinary Mtdlclnt Low Coit Vaccinations Ailallable: I Rablu 13.95 • Olttemrr $4,50 •Parvo15.00 I boa S·•n·t 17.oo. Cat 3-•n·• IS.ob I Brint Your Ptt • DOt• on lu1h •Catt In carTltr I PlllfllT PllTI · whlleu welt ·IAYUOAllW • , ••• 17th ••• :coat• .......... 21• . . C.11142-1171. Put • rew word• to work for u • Permanent Pamperi~g and ... ~ "Tlw luxuriu of lift tu llvt' w11/i" 3701 East CoaM Highway.Corona del Mar, Calilomia 9262S-714-67S-4994 ----- GIGAllTIC 20th •IYERSARY SALE Saturday, May 1st, is the last day to get savings from 503 tO 703 or more. All Items are selected from regular stock, nothing Is held back. Many Items are limited or one Qf a kind. To assure the most varied selections of sale Items. It's desirable to visit our showroom at your earliest con- venience. ELECTRIC and LIGHTING . 222 Victoria Street, Costa Mesa IAc:rou froM ~ MwteryJ Phone 646-37371646-8194 3 DA~S ONLY'' Thursday -Saturday · ;1 · •• Aprll 29 -May 1 SAVE UP TO Take advantage of the recent drop in gold prices to save like never before. W TCHEc; • RETAIL Rolex Ladies S.S. Date Just ............ $ 925.00 Piaget Polo Gents 18K ......................... 11,900.00 ~rt!flr, l8t<. t;,P ...... 1 i··~ ....... ,, .. ,. .... ,.~., .......... 650 .. 00 Concord 18K W/2.20 Ct. T.W. Dia ...... 14,500.00 Concord 18K Delirium ............................ 4,400.00 Corcord S.G. 14K & S.S ........................... ~~1QQ Corum 10.00 Gord Piece ........................ 3,500.00 Corum 5.00 Gold Piece .......................... 3, 190.00 EARRINGS • DIAMOND STUDS SALE 525.00 8,450.00 490.00 5320.00 2,800.00 475.00 2,800.00 2,600.00 .48 CT. T.W. Sl-2 H-1. ........................ $1 ,250.00 $ 540.00 650.00 1,625.00 950.00 875.00 1,865.00 .66 CT. T.W. 1-1 H ............................... 1,420.00 .90 CT. T.W. Sl-2 !. .............................. 3, 110.00 1.13 CT. T.W. 1-11-J .............................. 3,214.00 1.00 CT. T.W. 1-1 H-1 ............................. 3,012.00 1.41 CT. T.W. 1-1 G-H ............................ 3,625.00 • INGS • 3.35 CT. 'Roe.Ind oii ... Gents 18k ····~·· $13,500.00 S 6,750.00 2.32 CT. Round ota. Ladles '14 K ......... 9,350.00 5,550.00 1.01 CT. Round Dia. wl.72 CT. T.W. Pave Dias. 14K ........ 14,590.00 5,175.00 1.50 CT. Oval Ruby wl3.25 CT. Dia. 18K ........................... 16,500.00 9,100.00 .77 CT. Six MIS Dias. Ladles 14K ......... 1,550.00 780.00 6.80 CT. Yellow Dia. W/89 CT. T.W. of Pear Cut Dias. T.W .............. 27,500.00 12,200.00 1.31 CT. PIS RubysW/.13 CT.Dias. 14K 880.00 455.00 .26 CT. Dia. Pave Ladles 14K ................... 775.00 375.00 • PENDANTS • 2.55 CT. PIS Diamond 14 KYG ........ $15,350.00 $6,250.00 2.05 CT. Round Diamond 14 KYG ..... 17,270.00 8,150.00 1.01 CT. Round Diamond 14 KYG ....... 3,485.00 1,975.00 1.81 CT. PIS Cylon Sapph. w/1/•CT. Dia. T.W. Dias. 14K .............. 2,375.00 1,035.00 45 CT. Round Dia. 14 KYG ................... 1,690.00 855.00 '389.00 3.01 CT Blue Topaz w/.12 ct. Dia ........... 725.00 .50 CT T.W. 14K Dia. Heart ................ 1,075.00 121.00 PEARLS -JADE -RUBY -SAPPHIRE -SEMI PRE- CIOUS STONES -BRACELETS -RINGS -NECK CHAINS. TOO MANY ITEMS TO LIST. 111 llW PIEl8EIT ' Oyater perpetual Day/Date rthl '79W9 uu'lllD• All 14k .nd 11k CONCORD, CORUM PfAQET I CARTIER WITllES SElll I cmZEI WITCIES '0-80% IFF \ .. . - , " •I I I ... : . ':('.; r -. . ' . . . ; I WHEN WHERE I l :s.a.M.iyht COSTA MESA r .......................................................................... 111111i11illllliiil .. llllliimii .. llllll~ 12 N ... -4 P.M. 1,,!:\u!':i Merkrt I All S-. FIMt Quantltlel Umet¥ To Stock On Hand Cenlrf o( •1itr ~. .,. I •f~ I a.. . .a, t.41 FOUNTAIN VALLEY 11 Nu• • P.11. M• ....,_. Par• I --~~~~~~--~~"~wu:----~, c.1•(•1111 ... 110011~,...,.~.....,..... I ---- , ~. i!. I I BACK TO WORK -Jeanne Briggs. 19, of Simi Valley, ls back on the job and Hatari, a four- year-old African lion, g:reeta her with a roar. I#..,,,, .. , Miss Briggs was bitten by the lion last month at the animal compound at Moorpark College, where she is a student. I I I t LAST Pelicans still struggling CALL Ban on DDT not helping surviva l of p eriled bird LOS ANGELES (AP) -The California brown pelican made the endangered specie. list when lt appeared Dot would lead to lta extincUon, but now that the pesticide la banned, the blrd'a recovery rate la a debatable matter. Ten years alter the pelican's near-extinction led to the gov- ernment prohibition on DDT, the U.S. Flah and Wlldlife Service reports the bird la still struggling for survival. In a report, the agency said the pelican bu not reboµ,nded like the other birds whote popula- tions were threatened by DDT - the bald eagle, osprey and pere- grine falcon. The pelican in California con - tinue• to be affected by DDT residue more than pelicans In other areas of the country, the report said. Al though the bird is Increasing in number, the reproduction rate la much slower than that of other birds that once dwindled because of DDT, acxording to the report. However, Ralph Schreiber, ornithological curator at the Na- t ural History Muse um in L oa Angeles, says he doesn't agree with the report. Iron 1cally, Schreiber was the person who t.n 1968 discovered that pelicans on Anacapa Island off the Ventura coastline were dying out rapidly. That discovery sparked research that led to the DIYI' ban. "The government's program (banning DDT) waa aucoeufuJ. The pelicans are not in trouble now and it appears to be retur- ning to normal. That's why I feel so good about their comeback.'' said Schreiber. He says the birds can be taken off the endangered species liat becaU&e "they are at population levels at which they've been historically ... FINAL DAYS OF OUR CLOSE-OUT SALE ... LAST DAY, FRIDAY. APRJL 30TH . BARGAINS ON DRESSES, SPORTS- WEAR, L INGERIE AND SHOES. SHOP 10:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. Contaminated water ·removed JOHN HOGA.N Seal Beach firefighters clean up smelly mess Fashion Island. Newpon Center: 644· 7 100 Seal Beach firefighters auper- viaed removal of 30,000 gallons of sewage water contaminated by an o il well cleaning proce11 Monday night after residents compl1lned of a "pungent and"' nauseating" smell carrying thf~~~~h the community, fire pf · .P\'~ ~ported. Battalion Chief Bill Knight said the odor was traced to water dumped into the sewer system at ' the local Exxon tank farm at 101 Marina Drive. An Exxon spokesman said the fumes were unpleasant but not micals are used in the procesa, he hannf ul. said. Battalion Chief Knight, howe-Water from these wells 1s then ver, said state Fish and Game pumped back to the Seal Beach and county health officials have tank farm for treatment before it been hOUtied Of the incidef\t.# ts dumped into the Seal Beach Knight said reports of the odor sewage system, he said. came from the area of Electric Bolding said this procelS clea- .Aveou,. between Main 81M•t , ned Jbe water but had failed tp- aJ\d Seal Beech Boulevard. refno'Ve the unpleasant odot. Exxon spokesman D.I. Bolding He said water produced in this sa1d the company has been clea-cleaning process will now be ning and repairing its wells on transported to Exxon's water Belmont Island off Seal Beach. plant in Wilmington for additio- Hydrofluoric acid and other che-naJ treatment Bring your home the beauty of Armstrong Designer Solaria"® lnti11u1 Show If you have the mixed blessing of a high salary, your net take-home pay probably seems to you the grossest sort of injustice. If you're single and you gross $35,000 a year, you net about $20,000~ That's gross. oua ... IK·WAll· ....... w These days you\re got to earn as high a rate of return as you possibly can , consistent with safety. Allstate Savings' new Variable Rate 3Y2-Year-PWS Account lets you invest as little as $500, for a term pf from 3% to 10 years. The interest rate on this Variable Rate Account changes on the first day of each month and is 1~% higher than the most recent l>i ·YcacPWS MxMl.a v~ Rai.. JS 91'1. f"IM<I Raw 1• 00'1 Rale 13 rr. Ral.t! 14 ~ Ann...u-1 Ywld 15 21°" Annualtllfd Ylfold I~~ Joarl!.,......i .. \flllll"'\ It~/ ~ ..... _ ,..-... -i. .......... 91-day T-Bill auction. Interest is compounded daily. There is also a FLXed Rate account available for 3% to 5 years, which offers a fixed interest rate for the full term. For further information about our 3% -Year-PilJS Accounts or our new 91-day, S 7500 minimum, Mini T-Bill Account (which are all avai l- able effective May 1st), call collect (213 )240-5913 . A lot of safety (insured up to $100,000 by the FSLIC), and a lot of interest. It's our way to help make your net a little less gross. Allllahr We're All In This Together. A member of the Sear5 family. Over $3 billion in swets. ,..,.......,"" 1911, ............... .......,__.. . .,._, .. ...,....,...._. ...... ,...,. ... ._..__lllCW~.,.._~~ o,.,,.,,.,....~ Newport 8llll:h One~• Pm. SU Ora 1•911 So. Bl c..ninoW.1mdn l823l ~Bhd. Wu w_./H .... 84iiiida ~ \\Us11i-Mill. . .. .,~ ... , .... " . ..... Ill· .. , J·~ '! PACIFIC DECORATING CENTERS 'J\ r fl 1•,11 (II U I f 11 " 11 f. l">bon n It> &:~ •. ,,,. only no-... "°""With tlt9 ~ ol lfWlld Color-•_,,~,,..,,,,.,.-,.., •.. - ' ' I The no-wax floor you love to come home to i Designer Sol1tlen 11 lhe only no-wu lloor with lhe rlchneH or In· laid Color'" -Arm. Slrong·s t1c1111ve pro- Cffl '"-' bl.lllda llP Ille colot end p1Uern with lhoulandl Of Vl ltcOIOfllCI •lnyl granule• TIMI , .. ult II I rlCl\Nll Of COIOf I nd 1 unlqu.ly "cr1fttd" lootl thtt no Pffnltd llOOflng Cll\ begin 10 rnetch And Ill 1a1r1-durtble MlrtbonO no-w•• IUf· race rMl111 ecu111 tnd tcrelcM1,ao11,.t1ln1 1111u11rou1 "Ilk•~" locMI WllflOUI WHlng fer ~then ¥1nyl N>WU floort. lo come In now 4tftCI ... for younielf wtly OMlfntt loletlen from Al!Nlteftt le "lo nice lo ~Mme to " ,. J Hl.wdfogton c:.itNr Mal today ttvv May 2 TrucWoacl Plmt Sale Huntington Center daily thru Sat . lge. 6" pots 2'! What ii means hr yuur ad to be Clossiiwd" 1 -,_ j Fa . 'I I ~EVBM­......... CHANA'I ANGE.I • WMTJ lt4ADOW •nt1JiH'INONI • HAW~ f1VE..O l ~MPORT ClllNEWS MCNl.WI tecNEWS · 1l4E NIMM«.£ ~ 0.llld Nlwrt nlrflllM thla enlmeted ~ of OecM Wilde'• etory about 1 atul>- bom ~-er. Cl)MOVIE * * *... ''8ed6!nobl And Broometlc;lla" ( 197 1) Anglle l.MwOufy, DeYld T omtlnlon Dwtng Wond Wer II, a novice IOfcer ... and her thr" young lrten<le Mt on tor a m11g1c: llllend where an. lntendl to IMm enough lbout wttchc:rafl IO UM It egelnet theNGil 'G' ct MOVIE *** "Heellen C8n Wall" (11178) Weuen Beetty, Julie Chttelle. AH• a pro loot· bell ,..,., .,. .. pr- 1\ffly delmed by en lnlpt ln(lll. Ille ....., .. gi_, !he body of • milllonlllr• ~ trlellll lo con~ IMng In. 'PO' uo• AUIHTHEFAMILY • NEW88EAT Wf1" ClET'E "°8ERTS G 8U81HES8 REPORT (l)Q!NEWS 9 _8A/ll/Hf.Y Mll.1..ER IB)MOVIE • * "Mr Sye1more" ( 1975) JMon Roberd•. -'-'Sim'"°"' A~ aged ma;tmen lentaelz:el abou1 ~ • "" to eeceoe !he drudgery ol Illa Iii.. 7;00 8 C88 NEWS !~YSAG,AIN MC NEWS • KOJAK A murderer'• ,_ trlal thrNtlnl to ... Nm Ir ... • w·•·a·H When Henry get• 1'111 di .. c:f\erge, Franll conceme hlmeell with t8kJng com- mend ·~8Wtl.D • OYEAEASY GuMt ~ Hlldegerde (RIO ID llACMC ~ OfL PAINTlNO Cl) ~ .M. MAGAZJNE Ceeebr1ty Winter Olymplc:a. w..a.~: Chine. 9 EHTEATAIHMEHT ~w1111 '~ Moore Q) THE MUPPET& Gu.t JoMny °""' ~MOW * * "Seizure The SlOfY Of ~Illy Monti" Leonerd t.::moy, Penelope Millotd. A beeultful young women with • promlllng CM9er 11gftU tor her lite • .._, the .. •1Ndl dawn by --letal brain tumor. (DJ AUTUMN UPN8INO (%) PHANTOM IHDtA "On Tiit Frlngee Of lndlln Soc;lety" India '1 il'\lnortUle, the cnn.tlene. .... Ind oulc:••I trlbH, ,,. reoMw9d 7ll0. 2 OM Tl4lt TOWN F .. tUfed: en ...,,,.,....Ion of evldanoe lndlc:etlng 1"'1 appantlonl "•ldlt" In Ille Hollywood Hiiie; tlle Mure of pey TV: Ylll1 the Counlty Club In ReMde for • feuNon of big k* mueiC: .... D Cl! FAMtl Y FEUD • LAVIAHE & SHIRLEY &OOltl/il'AHV 5 INVESTIGATION -Ja~k Klugman as Quincy is Qaigned to investigate the sus- picious death of an admi.fal on "Quincy" tonight at 10 on KNBC (4). The gltte' deM blow "" Ille fltzzl llowt'e men'e room to rob Ille bet* neat doof. • EYeONL.A. F .. turect. e ,..,ort on ,_ ~ fauaHone; • loot! •I 1111revaganl weye peo- ple lndlAge "'* plt9; llldl ..nQ do dlrede\ltl ltuMS on blc;ydee. • M•A•t•H EYlf'fOM 1a 1n en ucwoer when VII¥ find out !NI lhlW •e•geiicy ~of llgllt bulbe lWM <M to be .,, Ice or.-n c:hurn. • (I) TIC T~ DOUGH • MACHR.I~ AEJUOftT • MBMPMW#' ''Soep Oper'M'' Hoel """' Wente* !MM a befolnd.. ....__look et ... ~ duc:tlOn ~that yWde • deity ll04IP. 0 111 YOU AIKtD fOA fT Feetvred: "Mexico'• Tl'linld C_,..,, and ''The Worid' I Y °""Olet EICIC)I Attlet. .. (DJ Ml"l'\£U ~ Pftl9M It Loa ~Oodgere 1:00 8 Cl) A ouaTI0H Of HONOR An .._. H9w Yorti 009 ec:ddentelly .,... caught In en elebor1te trlC> Mt by federal narcoClc:e ~ Ban Guur1. Peul SoMno and RoOer1 VMlgl'tn lltar. Dal REAL~ F ... lltld. e men who II plllnnlng to l8&R:lh tole own rocbtlhlp; I se.,..-old men who clalme to be the ltrOflOMl In Ille -9d: • c;llemplon wlleelc:llelr racer. • MOYIE ** "MMo: J1ws ot o..tll" ( 1975) ~d ....... Jerdw 1Matio9. f'J·~~~ wHtl lfWke from woul6- be llunten.. ••• Titl!Gft& ,,.., .... a.AH..,., ............ tor. .,..,..., ""' dMdly Fiii ~...,.-t. ewow •••'Al ·~ For A HHvywelght" C 1912) Anthony Quinn, Jackie °"""°"· An ernp60yiTilrlt c;ouneelor l,,.. to help • WMlleckop ~ lend • jo«I. ., ....... ~ A tour lrom HOft9 Kong 1o tM~··~of CNN; • liulblind end ... who .,. both pollce ofll. oen • MOYIE * * * "M9ydey Al 4'.000 Feet" ( 1•18) 0..-ld J-. Don MINdlWI. In • •lfUOClle tor • oun. • kller ~en..,_, • ..aA,.... "Soep Oper'M" Hoec Rutfl Wanldl tlkM I~ u.->ooti mt the P">- duc;tlon prooeee t11et yWde I deity ll04IP-Q • ONE LA8't' IONO OM •MOUNTAIN Atthe109of70,~ mount.in dlrnber °""" bum retume to IN &Uftl Ridge of the Orend Teton Mountelne, whlc;h 111 piol-M In 193'. CR) IB)TMUM!IW Aobel1 IQeln, a.... Hedi· wt, Stodla{d Chenr*'O end DINfl Menon ... In !Ne --of~ •bout lamlly Ille, Mt 1round dinner table•. T..,_, ... .,. ~ Center for •erl~ Atta.·~ Colega. (l)lll.AIN ....... Of lllz.erre'• Am ._, .. .MOYll ••• "C-" (19111) Ringo s~. Dennie Oullld. The doMiWI member of • bllrelV """*' ~ tJ1be beglfll to ~ that brelne end not .,,_, wlll be Ille key to hie peo- ple'• a.vlvll. 'PO' (%)MOYIE • • • * "Fer From The Wedding Crowd'' (1M7) Julie Clvtltte, T.- S~. A .-.i young lwm glr1 .,..,.,. """"'. but deetroyt 111r .. men In the~ l:IO. CtedcEN A ~ terr«'-loll lllgl't lc:hool Tlltougtl O"'CI ~ and vandallenl bu1 ,,.... Illa metdl In • ~ wllo won't tight bee*. • ONI! I.MT IONO ON .. MOUNTAIN At Ille 11g1 al 70, ...-.n mount.In Olmo. °""" &um ,...,. to .,.. Exum Ridge of IN Grand Tlton Mount1ln1, whlc;h he plor-M In 11131.(R) • NOMofU'ICTION ~INCW. "Blood Altd land: Ww In ""' ....... ~ wfttl u.s: .»id Mor- ·---end poltlclei• -i.eur.d In • lootl .. U.8. for""1 ~ Jn IN ~ Fflint..,.._, ~ 1n tt1e w..-rn 8alWL (l)MOYIE ·~"Up In....-· (t971) Q'9edl end Qlong. Edie Ad•m•. Two drllter1 embettl on • cr--..nvy trip, tn.etr .. lng the llw and iNlll9rlO en odd _,_ """' of c:Ni aderl ab'CI thew.., 'R' t:OO 8 8 THE FACTI Of UR Joenrotlaln•~ SWIPlll'lltion courM ..tlldl IMde her to bel9"'9 her old boyff1end Eddie II not Ille -lot lier llfter al. CRI • 9 TH& FAU. GUI Colt'e ~ tor e bell.. jUmplng murder a.pec;1 la cornpllceted by Ille fed!· --ICtlon9 of • country-.-'8m lltar. I llEWONmN 'NCI! The contr-.y -Ing Ille lllttientldty of • CHANNEL LISTINGS pelntlng Ill ltle .... opol- ten ~ ol Art llleged to b9 • 17th-century iNll I piece by a-ve de le T ovr II docurnanted. ~..,.,. 9 l<NXT CCBSI 8 l<NBC (NBC) e ICTLA (Ind I .l<ABC CABCI e KFMB CCM I e KHJ·TV (Ind.I e KCST <ABC) • l<TTV (Ind.I 'e KCOP· TV Clnd.) .e KCET (PBSI e KC":E CP851 I . 0: On· TV }, Z·TV H H80 C: (Clnemul (WORI NY.,N Y il1J IWTBSI IJJ CESPNI ClJ CSflow11mel • Spolllght e Cc.tl4e News N~kl ••• ~ ''The Men Wtio F-.11 To Ew1tl" C 1178) Dellld Bowtl, Cendy CWll. A roc:ll llet frOl'll ari ~ '*""·on en ltiMplw• tary --tor ..., tor ,... peociM, ~ ll'i ~,,,...._.on ~·R· l:IO. 8 TaAQ-ONLY Olene worn.. llbOllC Coo- l*, wllO II dategeliif _. -end more NIPOl'lll- _,,to~. • CMT'HAM El Walladl """"91 I a l'tpOn Oft... ... --~ ............. .......... ~ ...... In .. ..-~ ,...., -..... ... ~to ............. M. <II> flllCMI * *" ''Nl9lltllewJ11" ,.,,.__.. ......... _0......._A ....... .._YMi~•'-'* ..-............. OM ol .. w.td'e MC* d•fltero111 terrorlll• MMe Ill Ille~ •• ,.. • llllCMI • • • ....., et.(' ( 1110t NcNrd ~. 0.. Wlldo •. rwo __ ,...... tot"'*,...,.. end .-It to jell.'"' to:OO •• GUMrl Quincy .. 8MIOMd to ........ " ... dNltl of "'..,..._.._to. 00¥«• at.~ ICIY ""8'• ._... OI*• tlonl. II~ Muie ftluMI her rOfftMOt wttfl Colby, ··-•• booll•d on HHull c:111r11... end Cleudl• l'W'Mmben .,. lllgtlt ... -"'°'· • IUfMYAL "Myetenow c.tlM Of Cley" Tiie tuclnallng worid of IN Afttaltl W • ,,.. -• ..,.,,.. "'*" ._ In ...... ~ ture..controlled M1111en mCIUfldl uo to 40 teet In '*ght -.. •l(plOred. ()non w .... ,.., ..... Q • fAKa The QOntrO\IWI)' -Ing .,. &ltMntldty of • peln*'CI .. .,. ~ l8't ~ of Alt llleged to b9 • 171h-tury meMerpiece by 0-0. de le T 04ll le documtnted. (I) GAU.1411Bt TWO MM. The oomedlM cwtorme • --.. ---·Md oomlc:~ t0:t01= ··~"Thief" (11171) ~ erd Ct-. ArtfJte OldlJn.. ~A ~med crtmlNI la I~ wlVI • tCldly ~ lion -'*' lie ,.... q.Ac:k 11:00 .... Cl)111 Cl! .we • IA"""°"Y MGHT Holl!: Liiy Tomin. ~ "-T9ytot G YOU A8KID f'<>f' fT Ffftured. "Plllllppln" auc:11 W•rlare" end "Monopo4y fctory." • u·1.·a·H Durtng • ocMd Mao •• pelf of~e.itto .... .,. '"""hOme ~. mucn-eough1 .. 1ter -modlty. •....vHU Benny no.ta the "\'Mn Of TheY-A-de." I DO<CAWT'T ...... I.~ IA&. (l)MOVm * * * "StattinCI o..,·· (1979) 8ut1 ~ .... ~gl't. Aller monthe ol TV dinners Md blind ~ • dMw'09d INl98- dne ~ .... he'• lound ""' ..,.... • "'"" • ~ ......... .... A' (%)MOVll ••• * 'll4.wldey, 9IOody Sunday'' (tt11) Wende JedlaOn. P.-Finch. A men Md•--'*-tor .,.. to¥9 ol • °"" low young "*' .... who enjoy• being c;eught ~ Ille two of tt*'1. 'R' 11:*>. Cl) MOYIE •• ''l(lngOom Of The SCll- dere" (1977) Wllllam SNtn., Tllfeny ~ ThouHnde ol mutant ~ln~of lood •n.ck #I AtQ':one ·-· •• TOMQHT Hoet: Johnny Cereon. ~~Ll'ftft. •Ill~ Ted "°"'* .-or. M ~ of how Amert.- '*'~--­foreign eltelre, with ~ on the Middle e.. end Centn( Anwtc:a. .KOW( • THIJUOSaCMI eaAWON>AND80N • NewlllATwmt CUTI RC IE t 11 -~MC .... ~MOYIE •••• ''Tiie Lele Show'' (19TT) Alt c.m.r. Liiy Tomlin. A ....-cf~ ... •encounW9 ~· mell end """" ....,. ... ~out of 1etir.,,.,,. to locaW • -Mlel9tO 1o en otftleM ,.,... ollnt. IB)wmt A TOUCH Of 8UN.-al• 8ld c-end ._.,.. Coca~ Dti9IW '*"" COIMdy end 118"11ctl ~..,.. wlttl S*'for· mancet by bur'"4:111e .-1n • ..-.. ....... .... . . - .. Orange Cout OAIL.Y PILOT/Wedneeday, Apfll 28, 1982 ·TUBE TOPPERS KNXT (2) 8:00-"A QuMUon.of Honor." An hoN!lt New York cop (Ben Gu:zara) 1et1 eauaht ln an elaborate trap 1et by federal na.rcotka apnta. See 1tory, below. , KTTV (11) 8:80 -"Chicken." A teen- agel' terrorlzet hla hillh school th.rough gang violence and vana..u.n. KCET (28) 9:00, KCET (~O) 10:00 - °Fake.11 The controveny concerning the authenticity of an alleaed 17th century masterpiece la documented. KNBC (4) 10:00 -'!Quincy." Quincy is recalled to active naval duty to ibve.tigate the suspiclous death of an admiral. "See photo, left. the Stet Tlieette In Flint. Mjc;hjgen. ewow * * * "Modern "°"*-" (19811 Albert llrookl, l(attwyn Herrold. A ftlm editor tn.e rep Hledly to -... die ,_. al tM -hi io-. 'R" • -mlGtff- 12:00. INTUITAMmlr TOHICIHT An lnteMew wltll Roger Moore. • MOVIE ..... ''The ~ Alf*'' (1973) Olendl JllCIMon, p.._ Flnah. The lo¥I ""'* ~ l.ofd Horetlo ...... eon and l.80y Emme .._ llton dur1"g the 1IOOI "* lnngedy. ·LOYI..~ 8TYl£ "Lowe And LM Vegee'' H""9)' end .Mty dedde to get rnented In lM Vegee. ''UW. And The Teddy Beet'' ~ and Joe find "*' eon .._""" •girl • ........cA:TMI lfC09C) CIHT\M'( 12:30 8 8 LATI NIGHT wmt DAVID l...ITTSWAH Oue111: prHldentlel ~ wr'lt-Vic Odd and 80CI Ortlen. wtlder· n•H 1urvlvall1t Tom ._,,, 1:0 • • "The Coc:keyed Cowboys OI C8'lco Coun- ty" (1tet) OWi Bk>dler, Mlclt~ Aoorlll)' • NI.WI ·~AHO OMANllATIONI IB)MOVll ··~ "Oelpetr'' (1979) .,.,. eoo-oe. And!w F«- reol A Aweeletl conMr:Uo!>- er IMng in OenMny II laced with totel Nin dl#trlo me ,,_ of Nutem. (DJ MOYIE **~''Fede To llllta" (!NO) Dennie Ctdtoptw, Linde l<entdge. A dle- turbed )'OUnCI mcMe -.-a to t-* retec- "°" "Y -'"''*" mur· der9 In Ille ~ end ~ of .. f9\IOftte -,_.. ....... ,.. 12:4tl (I) MOYll • • "Mounteln .,_ .. C1NOI awtlon ....... Brian Kell". Two fur .,.,.,.,.. ~ Ille "- dom of the .... _ In Ille ....... ~ befor9 Ille-~ of c:Ml- ratlon. 'R' 1;00• MOW * •.,. "Tiie llluetreted Men" C1Ne) Aod Steiger, caaw. Bloom • MOVIE ** "FMf .... Ftettk" (1Ne) Jon Voight, Mon- ique Ven Vooren. .MOVll . *** ~· (1953} TOl'I)' Cur1k. Jenee l.Mgh. ,.,. ... all .,. __,., grwW9t _,..,. --.. flcUonallmd != * * "Flllmofe" ( 1972) Doculwltlry. The OteWul o.d, OI~-.._.. 0-SeMoe • .,.,..,._ ,.,,_ plene. Hot TUM end S... llrMI perlorm -.... time In.,.,.... concert to Al- mot9 W .... 'R' .MQYtl * * * "Tiie Eerthllng" ( 1N0) Wllllarn Holden, Ricky Scflroder. A wol1cl trewiler t..m.. • young orptwi IN W11Y1 of antv111 In "" Aultrlllerl ....,_ -.·PO' (%)MOYIE ***"A Kind Of LcMnQ" ( 1M2) Allin llet... June Rltdole. A --of _... lowirl' n..clngl ,._.. In • lhotglln wedding Md • dlilmlll ~ merrted .... for • ""*-"°"'*" 1:aGl9NIWI 1:.tt N1W1 l::IO MOYIE •• 'Al ''Tiie P\lblc: Ey9'' (1172) .... Ferrow, al9m Topal. A llullllrld'e ~ to .......... taliowM~• ~ ...... ....... wt191'ilhe...._. ..... . fancy to ........ . t:aO·= *** "A lont To Au ..... (~Pa.ti ..-.c....1 ...... a.o- l*l'•'-t ....... 0¥Wllle lo¥I tor ..... lend, .,. ~._...... ®lllCW9 • • • ''The --lltott>-.,.... ( 1N0) Jofwl 8eMfi.. '*' Ayluo,id. Two '*- ~ .,,.,.. contend wttll the Q*-DO Polb. Ille CIA, Meo-Hazle and Ille U.8 . Army '°,.put together • benellt oonoer1 to ralM money tor their l)lf'latl. 'R' (I) lilOVll • • • ''Why Sfloot The TMCMr?" (11801 llud Cott. 8amlnttle fGOet. In -*"" CIMde during ..... '301, 1n Eallern-bred teec:Mr end • ~ ~~·do. r9'adoillhlp <M of ti'* """'* lol .. -. 2:.tt ~MOYIE • • "8ec;ond Wind" (1MO) UndMy w.-. J-Nllugl'tton. A men oonttnu. to 111191""8 11111 ... Md eon by 10Qo1i10 .... to lbiltk MolA .. prG«*rnl ""' -~ ~-~·PG' uoe MCMI ** "No .,..,..., Wom.n" (1955) .. .,.. WlndlOf, ... trtc; Know6ee. Alie dlfMr' • Mt 1*11* -90Q.-d ol die --al • rvtNlel -.MOVIE **'h "Alnerlc:en Pop" (1981) Anlmeted. The hle- tOtY of Amer~ pop muetc:. from WIUd9vllll to rodt 'n' reel. la tTIOld lhrougtl _.., .... liotll of • femly of ,,... dene. 'R' (%)MOYIE ** "Goodbye. ~· (1en1 llyMe Ktlelel, Urnt>erto °"*II.. A "-'tlfUI -·· .... I« .. uftlmltl ero& ..,..I08 brtnga lier to • ~ r-.lion. 'R' 4: 10 (I) MOYIE ** • "Stetting 0-" (1979) Bw1 ~ ... Cleyburgh. ,.,.. monthe of TV din,_. end bllnd .... • dhoroed meo-- Jlne WJfter ...... .. •• bind tl\ll '°""" ......, I .................. .....,_. "tt CCI MOVll • *. i. ''TN .,..., Wtlo ,_To £#1tl" ( 1t1tl o..tcl .,_.., Cendy c.Mc. A fodl..., from en...,.. .-.on en~ '8ry """"' tor ..... '°' .......,,.. ....... "" ..,,..,..., ~on IW1tl. 'R' •:eo. YO'tMUOTHI IOTTOM Of THI eM "Or~Of,..,.. • MAv.wt fU'A All old "'81' GOfMI '° "" '-"' dllllr'*'ll that .. °"" llnd ...., wlttl • ~ '""*· •:AO(%)MOVll ••~ "Herd ~w·: C 111 ti JM.MICMll Vlfl. oent, Kim ......... AT•· .. lllOIOf)' --.. '°"' ~llledMlretocon- ~ In .... "OOod old boy'' llMctyte end ,. flan.. -·• lflOW Dullrlell ernbl-UOne.. 'PO' 4:._IB)~WAT THR OOCOANUT GROW Elle 8evereld hoet.I """ doQumentary llluettatlng the tragic;_ .. of Safur. dey night, ~ H . IM2, when ttie fwnoue eo.ton nightclub ~ Into • bluJng lnfsno Tltur•da11'• Da11t••~ Mo.,le• -MORtlNG- .... * •• ~ "Ooctot Dolv9-.:r-go" (1"6) Omer 8Mrlf. Gerlldlne ~. Two io-. ltf\ICICINI amldet Ille ec>lrft and PMllOfw Of "" ~Aellolullon l:IO (%) •• ~ "The Cet And The Cll'iety'' ( 1978) Horxw BtecklMn, ~ ~ Helf'S bMtte for • fortune et Ille apoolly ..... e of • d-...d mlltlonelre 'PG' 7:00 ® • ~ "The I.Mt CheM" ( 1981) Lee Mlljon, CM1 ..... ~. In • world of Iha future, • I-,_ c;w di'-Ind • ~ cornciuter _.,.,,, tight the government'• proeatptlon of automobllel. 'PO' 7:aG (I)* 1il''A "The~ Bomb" (1MO) Don AcSMw, SyMe l<ltlt•. Secr.c ~ ........ Smw1 ,_,... rnoet dengilroue ~ In en etc::twlleln who plei'8 to lllJndl mlMllM tllet wll dlwabe Ille lllClre llumen pop.MUOn. 'PO' 1:10(%) *fl* "Al<JndOf~. Ing" (1M2) Alen ....... June Rltc:flle A _.. ol --lovers' rM9linge r-'U In • ahotgl#I wed- ding and • dlemlll dey-by- dey merrled .,,. tor • hie>- ... couple. t:OO CC> ••• ''The Solt Skin" ( 1964) Frenoolee Oorteec. ~ DeMllV A mlddle- dml ~'• nw· naoe oo11ao--.... he .,__ lnvolYed In • ,...,. lllilon .... ,, '" --line It~ ~-·~·~Tre ... ( tNil ..,..,.. We,ne. H9ncy 6'111bert. A ~ unjwt- ly lmprteol led fot murder MClpM to hunt 6-1 the ,.., !Iller end Pf-Ille -11--... tO:OO <B> * *. * "Gigi" ( 1958) Ma.tee ~. lAllll Cenln. A tomooy be1ing groomed by ,.., ..,, end grlWldrnottler Mtl out on her -to c:atdl • men. (I) ••• "Something Of Value" ( lff7) Aodt Hud- eon, Dene Wynter The~ llllW encountered by I ~tumelllm lnlO • ..-er of -igellil08. 10; 10 (%) • • • • "Fer From The Meddlng Crowd" ( 1M7) Julie ~rlatle. Terenoe Stemp. A """"' young farm glr1 .,...... ,..,...., but ... ttw.. """' "' the~ 11;00 a:> • * ''c.t111 Annie And UttJe 8rtel:ll9'' ( 1 N 1) Burt llinc;Mter, Aod Steiger. Two young ~ teMI "" wttfl • geng al bendlta led by en .,,.... outlew. 'PO' • *** "c.v.nen" (1N1) Ringo Sterr. O.W. Oua6d. The clownllfl ,,_,.. .. IMr Of I .... ,_ .,,......., .,,.,. ....... " dlllco\ttt "* btlllllle ... noc tit""•-.•..., to Ille~··~ 'PO' -••t.t"Medlgen'• ... lone'' (1NT) ~ ..... iftM, C-lbMro. A ~ ... ...,,. .. -'Orlld to~'° Ind ... wtlM~tOtheW91t llnenciel ..... of .... ~.1:*>Nlwe •***"TheP• ..... c..... ( '941) °'eo«Y Pedl, Altft Todd, A ...,,., ••1n iowew11t11~ llOOUNd of mw.wtno w ~. • ···~"TiwNun'• ltOtV" 11115'1 A411!/f~ ... bum, p.._ Andi. A yGIA'ICI nvn .......,,... "°"' ,_ -t wflel\ ... dilo0¥--,.., """-"""*' tor the .,.,,,. during Wond Wet II. ® •• "Nobody'•,.,_ •1" (1Mt) G1t1e Kac>IM. ...... ~Thr .. ~ . ,..,_ .. °"' 10 Mt:de ... red llOI Ind.,., _ _,, of city 11111 'PO' (I) ••• "Oii Oodl" c 1en1 o.«oe ~. JcM o.n-. God Ml9c;U en ~Ing young 1111*· mer1tel lnllneger 10 ~ • ..-. of hope end good _. lo lhl •tiptlcll I*>'* of the rnodar~ WOf1d 'PO' 1;00 Cl:) • * * .. .Mel And Jim" (1fft) Jeenne Mor_,, Ot6iar Werner In pr• Worid Ww II Frenoe. e c:etefr.. young woman loYee two men who •• ~ friencSI Ind ·--to glw 149 el1tllr one e •••Ill "Ooc:1or zhtv• go" C1965) an-Bfwlf. Geraldine Chapjjn TlllO lo¥ere llNOQla lll'lllOl1 IN 9')lrlt enc1 ~ o1 me RuMiwl Aevolu1lon CZl ••• "Murmur Of The ..._, .. (1971) t.. M-1, Benoit flf!'eua. A young boy dllQnoNCI .. hiving • ,_,murmur la ~ nled by hla mother on • 111.-ui ..tll1 lo• IOI 1:aG IB) * * "11141" C 1979) John 8elu1111. T oelllro Mlfune. Aller Ille bombing of P-1 Hetbor. Southem Cllilomll c:Mlillne end "*" ttary ~ reec;t with unbridlld '** lO -of I J~ 9ttK* In UW own bedlywd 'PO' 2:00 (I) •• ~ "The Nude Bomb" (19801 Don~. S)'MI Kr\11.t. S«ret 1g1nl ~ Smlll1 ,_ ,. moll dlngerOUll ~ 1n .,, erc:twfllln .._, plerw 10 '-'c:fl ....... that .. dlerabe Ille entire """'*" pop.Mtlon 'PO' a;00e •• "T11era11women" (1M4) Anne Suter, Merie Perec:hy Folowlno .,, !rd- .,, -•. _, cour .. ~ -t-Ille ordMI of en uNuettng Ind ""'°"' tr• IO-llle 6-1. (%) * * * "The Bt.,.. 8fot11e<1" (1980) John BelulN, Oen A)41royd Two bl&.-lingefw """" con-tend wtt.h the allc.ego police. IN CIA, Neo-Ha:de Ind .,. u,s Army to put ,..,_ • llll'8llt oonoe'1 lo relM money for lllelr perllft. 'R' a:lao <B> • • "Kll And 1<J1 AGI"'" (1N1)JerMI Rywin, Annelilw KtW A mwtlel wtl eapert bet1* the minions of • power..fn8d mdentlSt im ... t on .,,...,,. Ing menklnd with • MW tnlncklontrol dNg. 'PO' 4;00 CJ) * * '4 "Hugo The Hip- po" ( 1878) Anlmeted. Volcm of Butt iv., Peul Lyride. A pink hlppopot• """ .....,. an ect¥entur- trlp, 8C()Om911 lled by • flt. tte bledt boy. ·o· ..., ~ ••• "8ellt ,.,. Aln(>- lng" (1MO) .Mty Ho9dey, 0-, *1in A *I end lmpre11lon1ble young •-'Ill WW. oeierator i-MI Inf..., -"" • dwming ec:rlptWftter. 1:18 (%)••-A "A Foroa Of One" ( 1879) °"'° Mon1a. Jennlter O'Nlll A mM\er of Ille rnaf1lal wtl ernbetb on • ·-~llti9CI ~ lor Ille llJlers of Ille ~ted eon 'PO' JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batluk ...,.we.....,-u.-. Wl'TM---AL.-L--OF--"T'H-E--. FIRl!S WE"\lli ee.EN COVERING-L.ATEL.V. .. 'Hollor' explores cop ·not on take B:r FRED ROTHENBERG """ ......... ...., NEW YORK -"A Queation of Hon.or" ex-&1:,-the well·traveled p>~ comapUol\ theme a ro.l rarely taken. Tan1Cht'1 thr9-bour CBS movie examinel the cop not on the tab, who can be eqUMbed by ovenealoua. canou. lnw.Upton In- tent on tbelr own political profit. lt'1 a nice twt.t on "S. pklo'' and the latml ol t.ht ........ Prince of the Qty," wbk:h....,... ~ Wlllllial • the oomapt cap who rek1Na11J ,... ma h6I ...... ftlnloCb olftcllta IO 1aW a. own *in. In "A QuetUon of Honor," ~t at I on a-.n.12., BID Guan p&a11Joe~a11rG111 famllJ maD and an hOMI\ cop OD the clJ'UI IMls 1cne. wbD wma't ID a1aac wtdi the ............. _. ....... IL ................... &r' ... ... ---= ..................... , ... .. .... , .................. fNSD .... =,::::i _ ........ lfllldllfllr ........ I -• -11mit&fs:.U..ua ... as4d .,.,, -_,,... -r • Orange Co,at DAILY PILOT /Wedneeday, .. l 28, 1982 Count~y ~icker invades Northeast NEW GIG -Actor Michael Moriarty sings at a New York cafe. He's pursuing a second career in music, unbeknownst to many. Jazz l egend has a way with words By JAV SHARBUTT 4' Am Wrttw NEW YORK -~rge S hea- ring looks like somebody's uncle but plays like nobody's business. He's 62, loves puns, was born m London apd now lives here, a r~spected elder of modern jazz piano. By JAMES SIMON ........... ,,_....., BOSTON -He didn't 1lurp down any clam chowder or trade In hll cowboy hat for a Red Sox cap. But Merle Ha11ard had Uule trouble feeling rl1ht at home, while trying to convert New Englanders to country mu- alc. "The audience Is the· eame everywhere theee dayt -Just a decent looking bunch of clean- cut, middle Americana," Haggard said after roarlna through an hour-long show that kicked off a aeries of concerts designed to break Yankee indifferepce to rountry music. The Northeast has been the last holdout in the country music boom that swept the United States in the last decade. There is no major countrl music station in Boston itsel . Country concerts are held on a sea llered basis, with au ch nuddle-of-the-road acis as Kenny Rogers going over best. So CBS Records took three of its biggest Nashville acts - Haggard, George Jones and Larry Gatlin, booked them in the ci ty's premiere rock 'n' roll s howc ase club as part of a "Kickin' Country Rock" series and promoted the shows on WBCN-FM, the city's leadin1t progressive rock staUon. The gamble paid off, as an adoring, sold-out crowd Of col- lege rockers and middle-aged country fana whooped and hol- l•red and toMed their cowboy hate htch before a.,,.ld and hll eiaht-member Stran1ere band mounted the tiny 1ta1e at The Pand.lle club. · Hagard lut played New En- lland-five yHn aa-o, and it took ntm three eonp to get a feel for the crowd. But he hit h.la 1trlde with the fourth tune, "Honky Tonk Night Tl.me Man," a eona most of the audience probably knew bett from Lynyrd Sky- nyrd's cover version. There was no stopping him when he whipped out his fiddle and guitar and pretented an en- cyclopedia of country musical forms -barroom blues, ayrupy balfads, honky tonk, country swing ahd some tasty Texas tri- ple fiddle. Many of the band members were almost twice the average age o.f the audience, especially fiddle player Tiny Moore, who dates to 'Bob Wills' famous Texas Playboys of the 1940s. But the crowd roared 1ts approval as the fiddles, saxophone, guitars apd pedal steel melded into a single musical form that Haggard likes to call country jazz. Like most recording artists, Haggard wanted to push his la- test album "Big City." Many of his olde r traditional tunes -• ;_Mama Tried" and ."I'm a Lone- some Fugitive'' -were ignored in favor of new material. DaffY A. or devilish? AC-DC Band raises eyebrows Backed by bassist Brian Torff. he's playing at Michael's Pub, a midtown jazz h ouse There, Shearing, composer of "Lullaby of Birdland," recently was gnlled about various thmgs. Such as. By Y ARDENA ARAR "For Those About to Rock" - -His Worst Pun: "On our last A~,.,_ Wrtw have gone either gold or plati- London tour, my wife and I re-LOS ANGELES -The AC-num for sales in excess of 500,000 membered an old fnend, Walter DC Band: naughty schoolboy or a million, respectively. Crombie, a tenor sax man who rockers having a little fun on And a recent tour in the Un- now runs an antique Jewelry stage. or sex-craied devil 1ted States has shown that the S•~re the e worshippers, runrung· amok with band has 0 bl ~· lar ....., r . • nproem ge "My wife said, 'I think I'll call gujtars and drums? arenas with supercharg fans Walter and order my tiara.' I told Angus and Malcolm Young, eager to see Angus take to th~ her to hurry. She bit, bless her, the Scottish-born broth ers who stage in the short pants of the and asked 'Why?' 'Well,' said I, founded the band nine years ago BrttiSh schoolboy and briefly ex- 'they're selling very fast. Don't in Australia, say it's all fun. But pose his naked posterior. y'ou know there's a tiara boom some parents and critics often get ''Everything's been mentioned today?"' upset when Angus, the lead gui-about us, from devil-worshippers -His Singing S ty le: "God tarist, bares his posterior during to punk to heavy metal," Mal- knows I try." roncerts. colm Young says. -Worst Song He Ever Heard: And although the band just "In a way, it's sort of slags the "Haven't found it yet. But then, I laughs when told their lyrics and band off, but it's good for the always like to leave room for song titles -"Hell Ain't a Bad band. It's fun for the band to further deterioration." Place to Be" and "Highway to read it. We don't take it lerlously -Be.t Song: "Oh, gosh, there Hell'' -might suggest a fiery at all." are so many best songs. I like Cling with Lucifer, the brothers OC the band's often suggestive most of Cole Porter and a goodly just take it in their stride. lyrics, Young says: "All of it is number of Richard Rodgers' The song "Highway to Hell" fun.'' songs. And Charles De Forest, was inspired by ~band's early But 1f the band writes !ta.lyrics what an WlSWlR hero. I love his days on the road, when they for laughs, "the music aide of it is 'What's Happened to Spnng'." spent three weeks in the studio taken very seriously," he said. -His First Paying Job: "It's and about 11 months touring for "We don't think we're a comic funny, I must've come full circle. four or five years. act. We're a good rock'n'roll I starkd in a pub m England and "We were pretty worn, out, band." now I'm working a pub in the and we thought, this is the A s for the name AC -DC , States, although Michael's Pub 15 highway to hell," says Malcolm Young laughed: "I think that a lot more th.an that. The first, Young, a slight, wity 29-year-old came off the back of a sewing though, was ]USt a bar in London, with a thick, working class Aus.-machine." At the time, neither he the Mason Lounge In Lambeth. tral1an accent. "We're not, like nor hi• brother wert! aware of "I made the equivalent of $5 a going to meet the devil." the name's bi.sexual connotations. week, with a box atop the piano Some concern also has beet However, some of their early for donations. One Christmas voiced over the band's raunch concert bookers were. Young week I made $40, which wasn't and suggestive lyrics, in sue recalled playing concerts "half bad for 1936. Of courae, one does songs as "~ Deeds Done Dirt the audience was lesbian and have to play the he ll out of Cheap," "Lets Get It Up" and half of 'em gay men. They used 'Melancholy Bab '." "Let Me Put My Love Into You." to be great fun." -His Worst Job: "I gu~ it's Angus and Malcolm Young Off-stage. AC-OC ta no longer any job where the music is so and the three other membera of the bunch of hotel room traahen secondary that the talking is the the group have built an enor-Young admits they once Wied to same whether I'm speaking mous international following be. Both he and Angus are ma.r- through a microphone, or sin· a r ou nd their raucous ear-ried men. Also, the band was ging, or playing. ' splitting hard rock songs. much aobered by the demile two _ Jazz and Shearing: "I'm not All of tl\eir seven albums re-years ago of former lead .rnger a jau pianist. I'm a pianist who leased in the United Stat.es since Bon Scott, who chokeid to death happens to play ~=.'_' ----:=---:1=97=-6===incl==u_ding::-. _thi--e_ir_la_tes_t_LP_. -afte--r _a_drunke ___ n...;sp•ree===.====- MOVIE RATINGS FOR MRENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE "CAT PEOPLI" (R) tt:M, 2::M, ..... , ..... "STRIPES" .... "GROOVE TUllE" Otl WALT DllNIV'I f'MYMIA (QI A1 12100 11801100 7:~ t 1M . '-".._,. ... No l~My/No ?JT:r CMafPOllPIM lit 1:00 3110 8:20 7: 9141. In 70mml 0.. WW.I HIT "CTURll CIMMOnOP PIM 1'0112:002:Jl1:10 7:41 10110 JulleAndfewtln YICTIMI YI01'W fP'OI 11414:30 7130 10:00 tt.tolt. Nt., ITADIUM * CINf "SOUNOt Do.cl to'""' c1• •lll•O o• b•'.l"IL * '°"' b11t11y -lllCI _, .... •M •O' TUNI 10 ll'li Double T.,rorl Nl8HllMlll I RI Oreduatlon Day IRI I Richer~ ~'!Y_or In -..-.Of' .. M>IRI S.0.9.IRI Tim Mathaton In AUTTURXIRI O.C.r Winner ArthMr l'°I Bill Murrey !ft STIIW&IRI • Tho Groove T11be IRI *BARGAIN MATINl!l!S • Mand1y thru l1tun11y All Ptrformancaa before 5:00 PM (£._ 1'9Clll hfl ......... 1 IM Htllaya) •H~Ol'"'9ftM '"CHANOTI CW ,_.(N I ----- •tom KIND CW MOO" f"I -----·- ... YOU COULD MW WHAT I HIAW' (PQ) 1:11. a:ao, 1:11, 1:10, .. LAKEWOOD CENTUl SOUTH WAI . IN ~--­"Oii OOUIDI "°9eD"' 11"91 ----- '-,.,. ..... , ... ANAHEIM OfllVI IN ,......,tl•l~ll ...om tOMD••• a "" ------ ... .,ou~­WMAT I MUr (l'Q) ----·-- "OU9.sT '°" ,..,. ""' --___ ,_,_,_ "'fA&JN> M•ATUROAY'"' MTM" (f"Q) ___ 1_79_·t_l_IO ___ -.-___ c:~!'-~ -- ~.~,:,' "TAN..u';.(N) "CUIH 0. ;:;'mAM• (N I -'"llOCMl.-.. M-........ J!OI CM rt 10U110 Clllt H - ~ it N .A 'A wlo BUENA PARK DlllVI IN -------- .. I~ ........ LINCOLN OlllVf IN "THI MDUC110ll cum" 1111 "tO AND TMI LOMIL Y WOMAN 'Nlrf 1• W "tCMC)OLOIW.. ~-... "'AfaJ"I 1 "UT\#IDAY TMI 14TW' (N) Cllll • .. IOllllO ... y OOCA.D ... I WftAfl141M",., """ """' ...., "°""., "°'"" .. c.. ..... LA HABWA "''" " __ .............. ... 171-IMJ O~ANGf 1 ~···• , .. ---" _,.,. ~ -"MAOUAno. DAY" 191> c. "IOUllO le«lllNf So al 1 Gar-°'-.. _, I ltt·l69J ." _,_ °' Tiii -"CMAMOV ,... '"' •A"'*"'" CNI Cllll·" -~-­ -.oMY'I" '"' -'W•IMOlll"Clll Cilllt·"IOUllO fRJ"U .. ,._,... • ..-... ... ·ft, .. ,,..__ ..... ...,,.. ·-- NOW PLAYING IMMA rAM DIUU·I• ClltDOML IOWUDl lltWHllT Duftlf ,M_ 01 •070 OIM'Qt 113• 7~H Newpe,11 8t1<;h 84• 0/00 ..... •U r LAZA SUDIUM DlllWl·I• u• CllKMA ~u 519 &3311 On nue b 39 8110 w"''"'"'"" 193 Ob•~ fOWAUI IAHUIACl lOWAllOS lllllTOL (I fOIO 611 ~HO Co>l.I Meu ~40 /U4 "° ...... ACCt~fO •011•..,.•-•.1n 5 a cs ce 0 0 4 • 0 0 Jerry Reu continue hi impre ive tart, Phillie th~ victimB this time. ee C2. P:rice· ·came high but Rants satisfi~d BY JORN SEV ANO or .. ....,,... ... In a year of needa, and with an NFL draft of little wanta. the Rama maneuveM boldly Tuetday to fW 101De hoJee they felt needed filllna. The Rarm, with a aurplua of draft idea (eight ln the ftnt flw roundl), •ve ~ ol them away to wtbnately .cqu1re a quarterbeck and a tllht end, Md they ltOl hid enouO to fW holes at running beck, 1ineb9cker' and ln tM of:femlve-and defensive Unee. OP COURSE, THE MOST ballyhooed of all the trumctionl Wll the acquisition of quarterback Bert Jon-. Jome, hiahly =~the lWna ever alnce. they leemed ofhll ty, eventually gave the Baltimcn Cdta their first p6ck in rounds one and two. The price may have been steep, but the Rams felt lt adequate ln comparllon to JOMe' talenta. "Hls put la pretty formidable," aald owner Georata Frontiere, who added the team conaum- mated the Jonee trade with Baltimore juat before midnJaht Monday. "We gave up 1e>me high dtaft picks, out I felt we had no other choice if we were go~t him." . y, the Rama felt a aecond and third round would be aufficient enoa&h for Jonea' . eervtces. That wu later upgraded, however, to~ Rama' second pick ln the "ffrst round and their ae- cond pick in the eecond. Baltimore ~ld firm ln ita demands, thoUl}l, and the Rams eventually~ ~gavein. THE ACQUISITION of Jonea, which was hardly a surpriae, put out one fire and possibly fueled another at Rama Park. Vince Ffrragamo, who wu rumored to be returning to the team at one .,.., ..... ,.... .., htrtdl ~ HIGH FIVE FOR A ROMER -Orange Coast 3-2 South Coast League Conference baseball Coneae•a Kevin Sliwinski gets the royal treat-victory at Cerritoe Tuesday. men~ after &lugging a home run in':!...:th::e::.....:.Pira.::' .:..::tes:.' ________ __..,..;..__...J!~:=:::d'.i:~;::_ point and on the trad1n8 block at another, was re- IJeved by Tue.day'• proceedlnp. Rama' quarurback POliUon Is pretty crowded. "ONE OF US IS GOING to be No. 3 and nei- ther of ua ls gotna to like that very much," aaid Rutledge, referring \0 hlmaelf and Pat Haden. "Neither one of ua ls gotns to be too pleued with being No. 2, either. The thought of be1.ng a backU"p quarterback again . , . well, I just don't like it." Jeff Rutledae, on the other hand, wu anything but pleued by Ione.' arrival. 0 1 8'lell lt doesn't take a Philadelphia lawyer to ftaure out they wanted a C'~rback," said Rutlectae, u he worked out at Park Tuesday rnorntng. "I gue.a they ~the Rama) don't have any oonlidence ln me or Pat. ' RutJectce wu ~= getting a chance at the No. 1 apot during camp thla sumer. He's Rutledge, who ls beginning his fourth year i.n the NFL, hu seen the Ila.ma bring tn three quar- terbacka now -Jonee, Dan Pastorini and Bob Lee. ttallatlc to fiiure out. thou , that Jones' prestnce makes that pt09pect pretty dim. "It's upeetting," uid Rutledge. "I'd be lying if l said I wasn't upeet." · 'ltfbey're certalnly not going to give away what they did and pay him all that money (reportedly u.~ mUllon over three years) to have him sit around," Rutledge analyzed. "They say I lack ex- perience, but the only way I can get any iB to play.•· Rutledge is upset enough to where he Is plan- ning to meet with Coach Ray Malavasi tha week about hia future. And, If he doesn't like what he hears, the Ala bama graduate is planning to ask Malavaai to be moved elsewhere. Even with Ferragamo out of the picture, the "I iust want to know what he's thinkhut," said <See RAMS, Pase ct> Lakers on a roll Suns ripped; try again tonight By CURT SEEDEN Of the D.., Hot 81.rt INGLEWOOD -Phoenix Suns Coach John MacLeod was senme, almost jocular as he stood out.side his team's lockerroom at the Forum Tuesday night, short- ly after the Los Angeles Lakers had bree7.ed to a 115-96 victory ln their be$t-of-seven Western Conterence semifinal series. H'e poUtely fielded questions from inquiring members of the press, and he didn't have to dig deep for answers when asked the obvious "what went wrong?" "We didn't shoot well. No, we didn't specificalll try to miss. The ball just didn t go In," Mac- Leod noted . "You can only analyze things 90 far .•• INSTEAD, TUESDAY night's opening game victory for the Lakera was helped plenty by the Suns' Inability to hit the target. .And the Lakers' 75 p er cent 'Sh<Jlbtlhg ln the firSt quarter -57 percent on the game -was just ~ ~inq to ov~. 11We could have worried about. coming out flat \Onight," admit- ted Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. "But ~ah11were ready and gave it Jabbar, in ~ac~1 was probably the flattest of LaJter starters. But then, when you're allowed just two shots in the first half like Jabbar was, you're not going to get 30 points . Jabbar settled for 11, but with four team - mates with more than 20 r.<>ints ap\ece, the blg center didn t feel lllce h.f" had let his team doy.rn. "THIS IS GOING to take a team e ffort," Jabbar continued. "We've known that." Jamaal Wilkes scored 14 of his game-high 28 points m the first quarter, Magic Johnson scored 23, Norm Nixon chipped in 22 and Bob McAdoo came off the bench to acore 21 for the Lakers. And every on e o f them will teltle for a repeat of thei.r own performance tonight when the two teams res ume the series, again at the Forum and again at 7:30. "This was a heck oC a firs t night for us," added Laker Coach Pat Riley. "But we play back to back and it's very important that we don't let them steal one from us." UNLIKE THE SUNS' MacLeod, Riley delved deeper an to the reasons for the Laker victory. noting his team was lirrutmg the Suns to just one shot and dominating the de fensive boards. McAdoo was the catalyst on the clefeNe end, too. Seeing more playing Ume be- cause Jabba.r had picked up his fourth personal foul at 8:28 of the third quarter, McAdoo responded with nine de fensive r ebounds and finis h ed the night for a team-high 12. He w as able to upstage his teammates and the Sun rebolVl- ders mainly because 7--0 Phoenix center Rich Kelly, like Jabbar, was on the bench in foul trouble. McAdoo was jUSt happy to be in the lineup. The veteran for- ward, obtained by the Lakers in a trade wtth New Jersey back in December, is still suffering from a sore ankle. "IF WE HAD t~ play a mini- series. I'm sure I would have had to miss it," McAdoo said. "I felt pretty good tonight but it's (the ankle) still kind of weak. I'm still not driving to the hoop like I can.'' Instead , McAdoo popi>ed in shots from the 15-20 foot range with pretty good accur acy (lO-ef-16) to help the Lakers open an 11-point third quarter lead. Los Angeles led by as many as 14 in the lirst hall, but the Suns, despite shooting just 38 j>ercent from the floor , trailed by just five (58-53) at the intennimion. Alvan Adams ( 12). Dennis Johnson ( 10) and Truck Robinson (10) kept the Suns close in the first half. Johnson and Adams finished with 20 apiece to lle for team scoring honors. same old Reggie Jackson Johnson hit on 9-of-19 of his shots, buThe had to contend with the Lakers' Michael Cooper who has been given the assignment of putting a lock on D.J.'s oUe.nse. He was also assigned the task of guarding reserve Walter Davis - a deadly scoring threat who is still trying to regain his form af- ter recuperating from a broken arm. the big one at Cerritos By CURT SEEDEN 0( .. .., ........ NORWALK -Orange Coaat Colle1e baaeball coach Mike Mayne admita looking over the 1982 bwbeU ICbedule way t.clt in the fall and worrying about Tu.say'• contest with the bolt Cerrit.ol Falcom. The Pirate coach fiaured the third and ftnU resuJ,arly echedu- led South Coaat Conference meet1nl between the two powers would play a part ln the final out- oame ol the~ Ma1ne ... equa_n;; W'ary al Ju. ltal'tlDI pttdler for Tu.day's 1howdown. He doen't like to ldmtt it. but frwhmen Ron Roo- ker -the lan~bthander who beat the 1-2 1\.Ns-- day -almost didn't make the Pln•---11 Yeah, we were tblnklnf lbcJut dlil .... bM* In die fall." Mayne laYL "1t Wll ).wt about tbe timeB11I wlMUtbmmcn cu (;11 2 .._,.., ~ ct.rt." ~ ...... f o¥erpowend .... ,..... Tulilidli1· an ht .. .............. nine 111111 ... t•."'81 r•Ueved lwJeck "lituh U ..... 8P It.Ii Uth =.-:.::=='st> 11M'!M~lllf&,._la..._ -• HR If you don't believe it, ask th~ Yankees after Tuesday's dramatic display NEW YORK (AP) -If there are any Academy Awards left over from last month's eresent_a- tiona, put one aside for ~d MarUnez Jackson ln the ~tegory of "Best Script Even Hollyw~ Wouldn't Believe." ~ he did ao many times in his five bittersweet years in New York, Jackson stole the show Tuesday night as he returned to Yankee Stadium for the firat time in the uniform o f the Angela. And perhaps the only one remot~ly aurpriaed by his command performance was Reg- gie JacklOn himaelf. "I don'\know how I did it. How can you be biltinj .170 and come In here ~ hit one of the beat left-handen In the teaaue tMl well?" Jackaon wondered after hitting town with only nine alnaJee and a puny .173 avetage. "U1 had told eomeone I'd hit my tint home run off Ron Guidry, they'd 1ay I Wiii nu ta." Sut that., of coune, ii exactly what Re11ie did, a boomin1 teYmth~inninl llDMh off the fa. c.de of the &lilrd deck lft 1'18ht field -mme eo ten or: ., ebove the 353.-foot sign -and It served to make Jackson's day -and nlght -complete. He had singled ln the fourth inning, eventually scoring ... the tie-breaking run on Bob Boone's squeeze bunt. Bobby Grich ho- mered in the tourth for the Angela' first run, while rodkie Angel Moreno scattered four alnglea as the Angela spoiled Gene Michael's return as mana- ger of the Yank~• with a 3-1 raln-ahortened aeven-innlng triumph. But MOreno and Grich had to tattle for :Cportinll roles. Jldc.- aon, u ua waa the stat of the show . The cool evening must have felt like·autumn to Mr. October. There were so many newsmen and cameru on hand it seemed like a World Series. And Jacbon could have paaed for the Pied Piper u the horde of med1a followed I.ii every move. R.egie tippecl ~when he WU warmly W by hi9 old creme. in the right field atanda in the first lnn1ng and be received • •tanc:Unc ovaUon -with only a amattering of booa -when he came to bat in the aecond and popped out. An inn.lng later, a fan wearing a ablrt that had "BrlnJ( Reggie Back" on the back bolted from the atands and presented him with a bouquet of flowers. The cheers began when Jack- BOn emerged from the dugout for batting practice and he put on a show -and an omen of thlnp to come -by slamming several ahots lnto the upper deck. But Jackson saved the best for last. Leading off the 8eVenth in- ning, he creamed a hanging sli- der Car lnto the rainy night. The crowd of 3~,4~8 chanted "Reggie! Reggi.el" until he came out 10r a curtain call. Then, they t\,U'ned on George Steinbrenner -in the stadium. "I'm not taking anything away from our defense, but Walter looked like he was having an off day (2-for-14)," Cooper admitted. MacLeod, meanwhile, said he was hoping his team would enter the series with the same i,ntensity it had went the Suns, took two straight from Denver in their miniseries. "No. we didn't play W#ll, but you still have to give the'L.ak.era credit. We just weren't as sharp u we were against. Denver. ft would have been nice lo come back again." The Lakers, who had nine (See LAURS, Pa1e C4) I ·Reuss on tar.get again for red-hot Dodgers LOS ANGELES (AP) -J>oclc•ts pitcher Jerry ReUll can't remember belna la • betwr FOC>Ve than th• one he'• In now and, to no ane'• aurprtle, he'• erUoYtN it. Wednlld•y and• four·hltt.er T\Mildaf Ncht '1YW me PhWMI. ,.vtnc him n • .hJI~. And In both ~ f.h9m he Wll Oft hJI pme, aetttnc 11 ~ bell outs out of \ht Altrol arid 20 more from the Ph1WeL "When they bit the ball on .the ~. that'• the·~)'. to my~." UM UWd Duety .._,, beck ID t.he u. t.ncb wtth • broUn rib. money hurler that u,. Doctaerw edmlne&t MUp for the tint time la a week, lllnlled 0 1· cbdn•t mill Sdunfdt •t all." JWUll Wll a faUute, the fint bltJ\I Dan Stan• home Km~ wtth the DodPn' acknowled1ed. "l hate to aee_a player houae who waa bou1ht out for tl.18 th1rd nan oC1 ot a.-Larry ChrlNrilon, hurt •.. but, no, I didn't mm Schmklt." mJWon. 1•2· hi Bob Weich, 3-0, ahooi. for hJa fourth Ooltz wu 7-11 and 2-7 in hit pelt two Landteux had two mon ta, '1vlna wtn in a row thla aeaaon, and ninth aea1on1 and made only one •tart thla r•rm P&tchlnc 11 well 11 I eYW have," he uJd after hurllnc the Dodpn to their fifth win In elx lt.arta, a 3-0 victory OV'6 Philadelphia Tu.day nlaht. .. And l can't ...member ever pitchln& two shutouts In a 'C'O'll." Maybe he can't remember lt, but he hu, two. YflU'I aao. a aeaaon in which be led the National Leasue with 1ix ahu· tout., he pitched brdt-to-btick ahutouta, in June ap1n1t the Mei. and Gianta. ThJt, and not walldnC people. Re\.m, 2.1, who lower*i h1I earned run avenae to 1.oe. beat uncJn1 the Dodaet atart.en. walked only one t>.tter In eacli of h1a two shutout. and, remarkably, only aeven all BeUOn, ln 36 2-3 1.nn1no. Pedro Guerrero .ocli:ed hia third ho· mer of the year -and third in five gamea -in the second inning. a blow that followed a walk to Ron Cey. And in ~:,C· ~~~·ae::::: = ::~ =: io:' t!':0 ;:: ;,~~~·;~ 1e~':naicfn~·e a nnouncement, the --.a-..11 6 nt..nu-ln delphia'a Dick Ruthven, 0-2. Dodgena aa.ld they have recalled pitcher three , n Ill:"~ 1 nu.a.a.-Tom Niedenfuer from their Alb"4quer- a row before Garn' M9ddo;x ""8led lri The Dodiera, meanwhile, uked wai-que farm club ln the AAA Pacific Cout the elahth. Ivan DeJ"UI 1ot th, only vete on pitcher Dave Goltz who they League. · other fl.It, an lnflekt tif18)e ln the ninth at~ out of the free aaent market in ed f 22 7 wtth •'--t WU a.t-t -.1....1 an e--OD S•-·e o Ni en uer, , WU ln 1 games •n• un ·~ ..... \CY 1 80 for an eatlmated $3 million on a th Dod In 1981 with ,. 1 ___....... Sax' but then Cl. .... --i to a hit. e gen a <>-·~"' But they were not u lmpn!lllve u his lut two -a one--hitter over Houaton lut FV's Truck Hannah succumbs at 91 Jamea Harriton "Truck" Hannah, a catcher who played with the New York Yankees for three years at the start of the Babe Ruth era but apent most ·-· ... ., .... of hla career in the minor Jeaaues, died at his Fountain Valley home 1\aeeday at the age of 91. Hannah, who died of natural c.auaea, played with • the New York Yankees from 1918-20. In his last year In the majora, Hannah wu on the team wl th the legendary HMeWt Babe Ruth. Nicknamed "Truck" because of hil tarae me, Hannah was bom In i..rtmore, N.D. on June ~. 1891. He played for many years ln the Pacific Cout League, fint with Sacramento in 1914 then with Salt Lake City from 1915-.J.7. _ After hit atlnt with the Yankees, batting .235 in 244 games, Hannah went back to t he Pacific Cout League. He played with the Loa Angele• Anaels from 1926-37, then managed them for two yeara, before managing the Memphis, Tenn. team in the Southern As9ocia- tion. Quote of the day The Rev. Tlmotlly Bea17, president of Georgetown University, uked why bh achool'a auccesa in buketball IHIDed to cau.e little excitement In the fashionable area of Wuhington where the campus ia situated: "ln the jmmecllate ~ I'd take a Iona guem that the major sport is1 riding to the hOunds. .• Vancouver goes one-up on Chicago Jim NW'• rebound goal at 8:58 of r~ the aecxmd overtime lifted Vancouver ' to a 2-1 victory over the Chicago Black Hawk.I Tueaday night in th~ - opening game of their beat-of-aeven National Hockey Leque aemWna1 playoff aeries. Baroid Saeps&I took the shot, which aoalie Toay Espo- sito blocked, only to have NUf make hia .oond playoff pl on a 20-footer. . . Bryu Trottier ' and B•te~ Owtq connected on New York DO- wer plays H the two-time defending ffflL· -cbarnplon Ialanden beat Quebec 4-1 In t1'e ope--nine pme of their Stanley Cup eemifinala. The tired Nordiques, who fin1ahed off a seven-game quarterfinaI victory over Boat.on Sunday, could not mount a IUltained attack. Gervln's 18-footer lifts Spurs SEA'M'LE -George Gervin'• m 18-foot jump ahot with five 11eCOnda . left 1ave the San Antonio Spun a 95-93 vidory over the Seattle Super- Sonlca Tueaday n ight In the firat gamee a best-of-7 National BMketball Amod.ation playoff leliee. Gervin'• clutch buUt OWi' the Sonic8' Bill H silk thwarted Seattle'• furiou.a fourth- comeblck. San Antonio Led by 17 points, M , aotni into the final period. ........... lix-year contract. d t · For the tlow-atarUna PhU., the lou an wo aaves. wu their 12th ln 16 pnee. Ahd, ap1n. Goltz reportedly waa bQught out for Goltz can enter the free qent JlW'bt two-time MVP Mike Schn)ldt wu on the tl .~ million. He waa the second bla· under the deal with the Dodgers. Yaatrzemakl keys Boston's victory Carl Yutnem•kl cl.rove ln two nma with a lingle and .et up the go-ahead run with another hit ln the fifth lnnlna Tueti-. day night as Boston beat K a naaa City, 7 -5, for it• eighth straight American Leque victory. Y utrzemaki, who will be 4.3 ln August. a1ao waa r o bbe d of a two-run hom e r in the aeventh as AmOI OU• reached Into the Boston bullpen In right- oenter for hll drive •. . . Roa LeFlore highlighte d a YASTRDMllO aeven-run aecond lnnlng with hia first career· grand t1am and Steve l[emp crashed .-two-run ahot to lead the Chicago White Sox put Mil· waukee, 11 -2 ... Detroit riaht-hande Jack Morris limited Mlnnnota to aix hita in a 5-2 victory . . . D~ve Beadet1H and Todd Cn1 clubbed beck-to-back home rum to cap a five- run 11th lnninJr rally as Seattle defeated Cleve- land, '7-4 ... "lllle Upsllaw, celebrating hia 25th birthday, smashed a bues--loaded triple to . highlight a four-run Toronto third Inning as the 81\.ae Iaya snapped a five-game losing atrea.k with an 8-4 victory over Texas. Salazar keys Padres' 11th straight Lail Saluar tripled In a pair of Ii runJ and Slato Lezcuo doubled in two more .. San Diego defeeted the New York Meta, 8-5, Tueeday for a club record 11th contecutive victory . . . Else- where ln the National League Tony Paa belted a grand-slam homer, Jason Tllomp10D hit two homers and Kent Tekalve and Tom Grlffl• combined on a five-hit~r as Pittaburgh stopped Atlanta, 10-4, extend!"B the Braves' losing streak to five . . . Ray ~pt, Pbll Ganer and Joq Craa each knocked an a run and Vera R1llle toased a four-hitte r through 7 i.i innings as Houston stopped St. Louis, 3-0 ... Cbrll Speier belted three hit.a, includinR a triple and home run to lift Montreal paat San Franciaco-, 3-2 ... Jobay B~ beited his lint home run of the year and CeHr Cedeao drove in three runs, leading Cincinnati IO a 6-3 win over the~ · Cuba . . . A doctor Mys Pittlburgh captafn Stargell haa an lrritaUon on the inside of hla left ~ Jo'n'-It ie undeer wh• Stargell will b9 IL back in the lineup. Hostage latest Derby casualty Bo1ta1e is the latest casualty on • the road to Saturday'• K entucky Derby. Just six days after pre-Derby favorite Timely Writer was knocked out of the clasaic because of an abdominal pro- blem and surgery, Hostage was Injured during a workout Monday and retired . . . The world's top men'• tennia playera have been offered under-the-table appearance fees of up to $125, 000 each by at lealt eeven tournaments on the Grand Prix ctrc:ull, the Wuhington Post •YI in today'• ecUtion1, tncludiq Bfora Bors, J•b McEaroe' and lftD t.ea•I . . . Fonner middJe.; weight boxinl champion Vite Aataofenno, tes- tifying in a teCJeral court 'l\ll!9day, denied that he had any role u an enforcer for a union 00. . . . Wayae "Tree" Rolll•• of Atlanta and Darryl Dawkba1 and LloDel Bollln ~f Philadelphia have been fined a total of $5,500 by the National Buketball Amodation for lnstances of eltele9ive violence In Friday'• playoff games . . . 'The So- viet Union defeated Sweden. 4-0, to extend its unbeaten streak to nine game• in the World Hockey Champlonahlpa In Helsinki. Televlslon, radio Tv: No events scheduled. RADIO: BMeball~at New York. 5 p.m., KMPC (710); at Dodgen, 7:30 p.m., KABC (790). BAS -Phoenix at Laken, 7:30 )>.m.1 KLAC (570). -'-"'""-'~_.;.;,,..;.......;._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=-~~~~~~~:......:~~- .,.., ............. GEORGIA AND FRIEND -Rams owner were all smiles Tuesday as the two greeted the Georgia Frontiere and quarterback Bert Jones press. From Page C1 From Page C1 RAMS SATISFIED • • • COAST. • • ~~llO~g ~ ~: ~~ ~1'~~~ P -mo!J_ pen between me and Haden. I Jeff l{emp, will be in t-:..::r;a.iniim~&;..~.\"~llft~M~ 'ti• gtea out A1m:a.e-..1M•ill the Wllllll••....i-.i"'!••~ub rep oou1d keep all of us. late uly. -"All I want ta a chance to One person who definitely c:r I love lt here and I would figures to be absent ls Ferra- to stay htte. It'• not Bert's gamo, who is still the property of fault. rm au.re he th.inkJ this is the Montreal Alouettes of the helping his caeer. It may be, al-Canadian Football League. Fer- though it'• certainly not helping ragamo, whoee future in the CFL mine." and NFL is in a current sta~ of MALA VASI TRIED TO BE diplomatic, under the cir- cumatancea, concern ing the quarterback picture. • "He (Rutledg~) i• a compe- tltor and you can never tell what'• lolJ:JI to happen In pro football. aaid Malavui. :•JeU ls ltiJl young and he'• an excellent quarterbeck." A• for Had e n 's future , Malavasi wouldn't apecula~. & UCI drops 8-2 decision LOS ANGELES -UC Irvine drop~ an 8-2 Southem Cali- fornia p 1b9ll Amodation deci- limbo, was the focal point of nu- merous trade rumof"!I before the draft quietly passed him by. "I'm not sad, I'm relieved," said Ferragamo. "Now I know I'm not coming back to the Rama. I would have preferred to atay hert. but the Rams never reelly expresled an Interest in me. "I FELT I WOULD have been good for the team. but I guess they wanted Bert all along.'' It was learned that one of the snags surrounding Ferra· gamo's release ia a clause in his contract which calls for the quarterback lO get $650,000 upon hia departure from Montreal. 'The Alouettes, with their current financial state in a shambles, want the NFL warn which bolds hil rights -in this caae the Rarr.w -to pick up that sum. OCC didn't get ita third hit until the eighth inning. but it was the key to a two-run rally that put the Bucs on top for good. The inning started with Scott Groot being hit by a pitch. The way things were going, the Bual had to scratch even for that. Originally, the home ,plate um- pire ruled the pitch a foul ball. saying Wray Bergendahl's pitch. hit the bat. But Mayne oUered Groot'• alJ'eady awelllng wris& M proof his bat&er was hlL Then. In a aurpriae move, Mayne aent Groot on a hlt-and- run play. Darren Puskarich hit a aqulbber off the bat of Bergen- dahl, and the Falcon pitcher, unaware Groot was on the move, threw lO aecond. The ball went into center field, and everybody WU aafe. Mike Carozza then produced the hit which scored Groot. And when Falcon centerfielder Thomas overran the ball. Puaka- rlch managed to score, too, for a 2-1 OCC edge. slon to Lo70la Tuelday u the bmtl mapped a 2-2 tie with two in the fourth and put it away with three ln the etchth. The dedllon leaves both clubl with 7-10 conference na>rda. Rustlers, Gauchos win Artists, Vikings · capture titles Ron C··--1nga of UC Irvine Golden West Collea.a'• Ruatlen runs scored; and Bob Grandstaff and~'~~ of Lovnla tra put together a 15-r~ ninth In-was 3-for-7 wtth 3 RBI for the --. J-• the 2 7 Rustlen. ded eolo homera In the early nina on way to a 4-victory ci..._,_ Sch"'-e .... _ ........... ,_ b1•-Fi"I and the Anteaten tied the at LA Southwest and Saddle-nn11 uu JUCJIUQA UAI V' f:i:: at 2 ln the fourth when blck CoUep eked out a 2-1 vie· ting atreak to 19 1amea with a Newport upsets University; Mesa keeps pace with Estancia Rupp tripled and ecored on tory at Chaffey ln baaeball action triple In four at.bats. &.Ye s.m.rd11 -=rtfioe fiy. 1\aeeday. The victory upa Golden West'• VOLLEYBALL Gwy Bnha allowed nine hita The Ruatlera banled out 20 Southern Calliomia Coaferenoe m.. ~ ~.~n=1•. 11~i!!_1~P. ;:; ~t~dp~lapoe~ngy a oih,..!~u~ ~.:!!.for the aecond half ~"":::. ou.-..t~•'--and ••--k Sw· .. --·t doubled and ---. 09 _..,., mer by teve Morello in the nuu --.yw · walked one 1&-run outburst. -tripled to le.ad s.dd1ebldt to ita tanda, which ke_pt ita one-pme advan~ over UC lrvl~e return• to SCBA Chuck Spiegel waa 4-for-6 Miuion Conference victory. runner...up c.o.ta Mela. .--.a -... ... _y t Cal State Loe with 3 RBI; Roberto Villarreal George Bonilla toaed a tbree-Matt Carrico, Danny 0.. and Fenton c..ny ~won .... _ 8 was 3-for-5 with an RBI and 4 hitter throu8h .wtl lnninp. were~·· weapons• the~ upped the& &i;;~~iiiiiiii~~~~c====~================= overall reeord to 1$-2. ' ---..... behind tht play of Din Mu.. Ind Tom ·- Kennldy, rollild to -..., three -vtC:Wy ~ -vtacq II Toro. wb.Dit Irvine, a.eked by tbt JIQ_o« __. lobn 8-W ...S ta.. F idDC ol .... Wi. '-:.ta W~mfour.._ •· :'";;.r": - Quinta tUmed Ediaan a.ck In thne letl ~ play behind Scott Calderirood and San o.m.nce w .. a three·•t wtaDli' ..., ~ ValliirJ, tMnlra to tbe.plaJ of.,.... 9lldo .nd Dmd Yoder. A mild ........... la tbe South C.O.t IAUue found'...-Hiiia r'opplac "tsdnr V19jo 1n -nw .... I " 1• . . u • tt n " 20 21 23 REFRIGEllANT12 RECHARGE & lEAI DrnCTION KITS with 011 Lubricant c. •f ••h11tr•t 12 llcltdttl 1M RMI lull Dtttcttf Dye 3-way llCtion • CllMllH -,lt Concllli-.t •RMDp r_... 3• nK'l loution oflell• • OM u.tlrtc.lff ly11H1 lff • Now ti..te't o •o41ol Vof•ed ~ ,...__., !toot -, .... ,.,. .. ., to _, ...... _... of =~·aaa "'.,. -UCI Strvt Replacement Cartridges. ..... , ...... ... 1 Sia" PEllFOlllWICE :~,:: '"' ~ !a:-~~l L r.,.. .. SHOCKS :=.;;~.::.:rcx • .._, •All ISPICIAU Y fOI '0"'ido9t· SA-., :~.1411 1 1~r:r:=: & 4 wt't UGI '7 00 S SPKllL HlllS SLl'm Y 1"111 CHECK OUR LOW PRICES ON INSTALLATION IY Hr IOYS SllVICI QNTll IXPllTS • ,. ...... in Stores w11fl Service C.-it•• • I t Orange eo .. t DAILY PILOT /Wednetday, April 28, 1982 S GAllON JEEP CAI RUGGID All STIR CONSTIUC110N e VAP()lt PROOF 911 • PUffCI FOii AMY STOllNG Oii MIXING (ACJI • fa< u c.p1lonol hl9'i glou . • Unlot.. ott-ci.o-t woH•. It <OftlOlno -•-lltot c....W oaotdo 0< ~ o • ..,.,,..,.,i. ltU-t 319 by "->!col oc._ • ci.o .... poto.i.... Oftd protect\ •n one ecny •••p E.AOI 11 ll llffll EXTRA LIFE AIR FILTERS FOR MOST DOMESTIC CARS p lfl' •I : ~·:·:~) 2 88 ~'~/ ·:':~If .:!9. AS SHN BLUE ~turtle wine ~ 7' ~ -ON TY ·· SIKOllE CAR WAX ~ P~ MlllUTL ~ WAX '~~~\ ONE STEP • A ••volu11ono1y, n•w POLY SEALANT car WO• • Woa ony 111• cor on i.,, thon 15 """"'•' • Simply 1proy on & Wlp9 off IO g.1 0 1o...-11. 321 WOii f1ni\h lAOI QUll5 • SIMS • SUlS Al in -~cmon 344 I OZ. sen 1A. MODll Give your car tbe Custom Look with A uro IM BL I MS GLOSSY IMJUTOll RlllSH ::: 11~:1 Ha:~~E Tl: fl 8.:'~~~!11! .: I SVPEB SPORT I 4 ... --CUSTOM 4 4 PIP BOYi • HEAVY DUTY AIR ADJUST ABLE SHOCK ABSORBERS ADJUST ABLE FOR SMOOTHER Rl>E OR llAVY LOAD DRIVING For most American & import 4688 pauenger cars. Also campers, station wagons and light trucks. PA• USE WITH ANY BRAND AIR ADJUSTABLE SHOCK [olemon 11 AIR SHOCK PUMP~ a.tm wme a.msoR, Alt ll05I, RTTINGS,. 115llUCl10llS Adjusts for heavy loads at the touch of a button. 2ft&8 l=:::J ~m ~ SB' Of fOUI WlllRS ru ... GfNUINI SHEEPSKIN SEAT COVERS 111•011 snLE SUMMD COC>l.*SS WINTD WAllMTH GM. yow Ina ... ~_.or1. G+-~ car !hot ~lodi. 2888 Uy~ ~ IAOI Cl.I.AN SERVICE CENTER SPECIAL HUNllR FRONl END ALIGIMEIT • 0.. T w-e 1toc1u1 e Adjuat Com. & ~ e A.I To.-in & To.-0.,, 11611 l'lllJsatl TIRE PUMP 1M .. il!llKI amo.PUta ~_,.., __ .,.... c::-• r..W... -..... ,,_. .__ .. ,.._ ~477 aASI lAOI I • I l~~~1 L. , . ~. .- • Strvt Replacement Cartridges. ..... , ...... ... 1 Sfa" PERFORIWICE =~~ !:° '"' ~ SHOCKS :::;~ .. :c:~_, MAtl ISPICIAll T fOI conrodgM SA~ t1 ~·14! 1~~<F SPIOAL OllllS SLl,ITL Y 11'111 CHECK OUR LOW PRICES ON INSTALLATION ty PEP IOYS savea CDfTll EXPllTS . ' Orange Coui DAILY PILOT/Wednetday, Aprll 28, 1882 C3 EXTRA LIFE AIR I FILTERS . FOR MOST -BLU, ~ ..---AS S&N turtle wex <a. ' ON TV ·. SllCOllE CAR WAX7 "'= POLY . . M llUTE ~ I 7~ mw WAX '~~~.\ ONE STEP • ·A re•olvt1onory., new POLY SEALANT car "'°" • Wo• ony l•L• cor 1n lft1 tt-. I~ ""nvte1 • Simply 1pr oy on & w ipe off lo 991 0 ,.,., .. 321 woa f1n<lh IACI MODll Give your car tbe Custom Look with AUTO f M BL f MS GLOSSY MOUTOll Fiii/SH ::: 11~=· ·a:~~E Tl: --W~~~!ll! : I S\ffR Sl'ORt I 4 ,.. ~ -'1'.,~~ 4 • ~ Sl1 Of fOUI WMmS rAI PIP BOYS • HEAVY DUTY GENUINE SHEEPSKIN SEAT COVERS llAMOll snLE SUMMU COCK.NISS wwntR WAJlMTM a+-YfN ........ 4*Mng ~or1. G'->'°"' "" that QlltoM ic.c.. 28~c:li . SERVICE CENTER SPECIAL . HUNTER FRONJ END -· ALIGIMEIT AIR ADJUST ABLE SHOCK ABSORBERS INSTAU IT YOURSllF All) e Chedi T uminv ltodvl e Adjust Cmt• & C-C- • Adjult Toe·ln & ADIJST Alli FOR SMOOTHER RIDE OR HEAVY LOAD DRIVING For most Americon & import 4688 passenger cors. Also compeu, '-'--- notion wagons ond light trucks. PA• USE WffH ANY BRAte AIR ADJUSTAILE SHOCK [olemon ,1 AIR SHOCK PUMP CWll1I WITH COMPllSSOI, All ~ HI iilGS & llSTIUC1DIS Adjusts for heavy loodt at the touch of a button. 298& I ::s~': I m SAVI Toe·Ovt • lllSll /lllESSllRE TIRE PUMP l K llCll .X ft IKJI mOM1 rura ~4~ 1~ 1 l'()l'fUffl IAOl.'l 2 tOO"f•llU + 2 PlUS 'l stHL ltllS •tt u< ..,, ...c• , .. -" tl!Mi•~ $2.16 PlfS/75&14 su." •"·" 12.30 p2())11Sll14 .. 1 ... $2.47 '21j17Sll• "'·" si.57 ,,15175&U M'·" ,2.n m~m•" --" 1.2.R._ ,. '~ - • i I I 1 . I i I l I I ' .. I ' 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I • ·, I I I I I '! I I I I I ~ . . .. " MAJOR LIAoum ITANDIMCll ~Dl\::!:-9 W L M -14 6 117 10 •. us • 7 M3 lO 10 .eoo • 10 .444 I I AOO 1 1a MO ..._...,.... ~ 12 • 111 °""°" 12 • 117 ......... • 7 533 2-.. ~ •• 400 4 ... ,.._ Yortl t I 400 4 ... Tcwonto e 11 .3&a s-.. ..,..,_. 4 10 211 6 ~ ...... ..... S, .._ Yotti 1 {1 llWnQ9, rein) Olilend tit .....,_., Pl)d .. rtln TorOlllO I, T-4 lloeton '· ~ CltY 5 a..ttte 7, 0-...nd 4 (11 lnnlngel ~11 ......... 2 Oeltoft 6, Mlnneeola 2 ,..,..0.... ....... (FOfteh 2·11 at N .. Yorlc (John 04). n 0..lllld (Nofrla 0-2 encl l(.ougll 2-1) ., ........ (,..,._.,. 0-2 and MoOregot 0-21 T•••• (fenat1• 1·21 11 Toronto {Clancy 0-2.1. n 1(1n1H City (leonllld 1·11 at loeton (Tlldof Ml). n a..ttte (Moore 1-t) et ~ (8-Ur 2·1). n c111ce90 (l11rn1 2-01 at Mllw111kH (~ 1-1).n Deltoft (1'94r, 2·1) et MllYMeolt (Aedfwn 1-n n "=:::'~- • L M. -Sen DlllO 12 4 750 Allente 13 5 722 .,...,. • • 500 4 Howlton 8 12 400 8 ClnclMell 7 11 -8 a.n Frandloo 8 11 sea 8'4 ........ DfwWllt ~ .. Louie 13 8 ... Mon"9lll • 5 143 1 '4 ,._ Yoftl 9 I U9 3 ~ 7 .... , 4 ~ 8 12 333 8 ... ~ 4 12 250 , ... T~•--­~3.~0 Clfdnnetl 8, CNceoo a PlnllOurgll 10, Au.nta 4 =-;~··~·~~. Monlr 3. Sen FrMC:lllco 2 ,...,..ca-. Phlltdelpl'lle (A11thven 0·21 11 DH .. ,. (.._on0-1). n Clndnna1I (S..-0.21 .. CNceoo (Nole9 2·21 Ho..wton (Nlllcro 2· 11 al St l°'* (FOf'eCll 3-01 Montreel (Oulildleon 1-0) et Sen Frandloo (LMll~ 0-0) ~(Solomon 1·21 et AllMota (W .. 2-0). n N9w Yon (Jof'9f 2· 11 el Sen Diego (l..oler I.()). n AmNCAM LIAQUI MMlll.Y.,.._t CALaJCMllllA ..W YO. *'".. .. ..... Fol.-SOOO ,c:fSOt O Oownlng." 3 0 0 0 = 4 0 0 0 ~2000 " sooo °'1Cll.Jll 3 1 1 I ~ I 1 0 0 ......... 1000 ........... 100 1 AeJc:brlJf s 2 2 1 ~,ltl • 0 0 0 ~0000 C.-.0 1020 ~d 2 0 0 0 ec.n.,1t> • 0 0 0 IUoktA, 11> 2 0 0 0 o.nt... 2 0 1 0 9oclne.c 2 0 1 1 Tot• 23 3 4 3 TOW. 25 1 4 1 .... ., ....... Cellfomle 000 110 1-3 .... Yoftl 000 100 0-1 a-C9llecl 1111• 7 IMlnol due to ra E -A. ~. Ao Jecbon. o.ar-. L.08 -Celllornte a, Hew YOfll t. HA - Otld\ (1). Re. Jeck.-1 (I~ S -Clertl, ~ -SI' -Pw.lla ~ • H •lll•IO AMoteno(W,2.2) 7 4 I 0 2 4 .... ,.- • Ouldfy!U·11 1 4 ll 3 2 a WP -A.--· T -1:61. A -$5,468. ....... ,,..,.... ~ <:11y 110 aoo 000-1 • 1 eo.ton 140 010 011-7 12 1 ~~. WrlOfll ~ WW-..r ~. ..,_(l)Mcl .w -ut..,, M &.i -ff!Wt. I-I. H"9 -~City, MofW C21. 9ren (4). A -12,IM. _.,. ......... 4 ,_ 111 010 000--4 10 ' Toronto 104 00 t 20ll-t 1' 1 t.tedtel\, Mlret>•ll•~mar (71 and Sundlla"g: 9o!Medl, (I) Md WNtl w -Murrmy. 2·1 l -• 1-2 "" -r.,.. Ncihardl (11 A -10.101 ....... n . .._.2 °'*""° 270 000 101-11 • 1 ........ 010 100 000-2 4 3 Hoyt. ..... m _, Fllk ... m LArdl. 119ton (2). ~(I) end""'"--W - Hoyt. 44. l -LerCll. 1-1 HAe -c:Hmoo. !(amp (21. Fii* (1). LeAore (1) A -UCIO T1prtl, .,....2 o.v• 020 120 000-6 • 0 ww.ot• 000 100 010-2 • 1 Morrie erld L.M li'wfWI, 0. Jeak-, At· royo (111 fellon (II and Wyneger. W -Monte, 4-1. L -0 Jecllton, o-1. H"8 - Detroit, L.M. Perrl•ll (I). Min-la, "· ~ (4). A -7,47'. ....... , ...... , ...... 100 006 010 ot-7 12 I Cll¥IMlld 000 000 200 02-4 11 1 '· ..,,...,, e.i.-(ti. v....,. (111 llld llieiM: Wllfla, .,,.,_(I). Lftitllrn (11) ..... W -C...~.L ----. 0.1. t-v.-..11111. Hftl -a.tt1e, o. Htnd.,ton (2), T. Cruz (S). Clrtetand, A ._.....,(1).A --U76. NATIONAL LIAoum ..... ..r.:z-.. ~.:.... •rltM arll .. °"*" • 0 1 0 .... 4 0 1 0 ........ 40 10 ~4110 "'-.• 40 00 ...... 40 11 ......, 1 o o o o.n.r.nt 4 o o o --I 0 0 0 0.,.aft I I 0 0 QWPsv' I 0 I 0 ~,tfl 1 1 I ......... 010 ~1010 ....,.. 1000 ........... 1010 E ooo o ~ 1000 1000 1 0 0 0 ~ 1 00 0 ....-. .. 0 4 0 T.-11 I 1 I .............. ~p···;n·-.. 000 000-0 &At •1 -..._. , I -OllL tfil°" -LAI-..... .. u:.-,. •• ~~··""" _ ....... "! --.. .... . .. ... .. .., . , .. ,, •• 4 0011 _., .... ..... ,.,.. 100 OIO IOO-t Ii 1 -IOO t00-1 t I ... r....-.~1 n. ............ w -.. i..n.i,M ,l -ic..,. -......-.... (1).A -~T41 .............. S -... 1tt-t0 M I --OM-4 I 0 .~~-,,·~=· -'· .-..m ..:...: .. , -PLI l ... ' fte lfll t.... , • ............ A -t.• ~ll ~I.~ ... _,...... ,.... ........ NN YOl'tl 001 400 000-& 10 I w °"'° oeo 120 00a-• 10 1 'Udtr'/, L~ (2). Or-(41. II.icon. 171 9lld It~; Cuttle. lllOw (9) 9lld T ICtn• tW/•W -lllow, M . L -Ofoeoo, 04. HA -.... YOl'tl. K.lflOr'IM (7). A -I0,4 14. ,.., tO , .......... = ._NCAllU 0 ... " ..... M\lfrty, Ballll'nelte 14 56 I ti 609 <:oopet,'Mllwllllk• 15 .. 8 28 431 Herrall. ~ 15 66 111 U 411 ~.MW\ 15 56 7 21 312 Ceblll, °'4roll 11 74 t ti 371 Sundlla"O, T-14 49 6 18 H7 Wollloll, OWOll 12 at I 13 Ml )1lornCofl, ~ 15 ff 13 21 * .... T-111 tO 7 21 HO VMtnmlllL eo.ton 11 a 12 2:1 148 ...... .._ HttMll • ....,.,_. .... ~,,.......?; YIM~•. 9oeion, 6, Herrell,~. 5,Tl'IOrtllon,~.I ............ Hrl>ell. Mln,,.aola, 20, ThOrnlon, Cin. tancs.. 17; OglMa. Mllw•u-ff. 17. Matar s..11 ... te. Murray. Batttmora, 15, YHtt· relNkl. ao.ton. 16, Olil, Kanau City, 15 PtwMlttlDMWtMI HO'f1, Ch1C4000. 4..0, TliCIOf, Boalon, 3..0, z.M,, .......... laMialaf, S..llle. w . Ca..0141, Seattle. 3..0. ""°"la. eo.1on, 2..0 Morgan, New York. 2..(); laftlltlea. ........ Ml ..... ,,....... Ml eum.. CNcago. 2-0, wuname. Mtnneaota. 2-0; Darwin, Teaae, 2-0 NATIONAL L.aAQUI Wood9. Clllcato 11 3' I 11 421 ~ 19 72 11 29 3ff Jonel, SM DleQO 13 40 HI 15 375 lRQanO, 8811 Dil90 18 114 13 24 371 Morelencl. Cllie:eOO 11 87 7 26 373 OercMnlve. NY 17 43 8 16 348 enc.pclon, Clnell>n 17 ee 8 23 348 fhomc>eon, Pltlal>urQh 15 61 13 20 345 May, 5.,, Fran 12 31 • 13 342 Motgan, San Fren 14 4• t 18 133 .......... Klngmarl. New YoR, 7; ~. Pltta- l>Uf'gll. a. t.4o<elatld. Cllaoo. 6. Ola. Pllli. c1e1e>N1 4, Hendrldl. at LOUit. 4, H0<ner. Anent•. 4, Murphy, AllMota. 4 ......... Ill K#lgmlln New York, 17. Murpf>y, AllMta 17 Thompeon. PllutiurQh. 11 i...icano. Sen Diego. 11 ~ St LOUii. 15 Ndllftl (I DecWeMI Forecn. St L.oul•. 3..() Wakfl, Oedeef•. ,,_.. Sl\OW San Oleoo 3-0 AMrdon. Mon· llMI 2-0 Talulfloe. J>tllatlllrgll 2-0 Mal'ller Allll'ta. 2..0. Chlllet. Sen Diego 2-0 Cur11e San Oteoo 2-0 UC -... LAf9119c~n-2 6 2 Loyo1e 101 200 1ax-• 1:s 1 .,.,., Hlc&a en. ~ (8) and e.rwd. NIC1'olton Md Hana W-NICl'lol~ l - ..... i£-MllpeMlto (l). H-Ill. Yberfl (I\. ae-Auc>P (I) HA-c..nwNnol (I). Owelll (lj • SCIA 1t9nd1no1 W L Ge l'appetdlne '4 2 F~on 13 4 l'lt Univ San 019oo 8 8 & '" UC 81n11 BerbMe 8 8 8.,., UC IMne 7 10 7'A loY*-Matymount 7 10 7•;, Lonv Bee1::11 ai.. 5 12 ,,,.. C.. Slllta Loa Anoa1e1 4 12 11 ,...,. ...... LOyOla 8, UC IMna 2 F'*'1on 7, UC a.nla 8-t>eta 2 Pepl)el'dlne 4-t, c .. Slala Loa~ 3-1 &.one leeCtl .... 15, Univ Sen DlllO • u.w. a., OleOO 7, &.one...,, aw.• c• ....... ~:!'.:!!a Or-.=-000 000 021-3 4 0 C4ro"°9 000 010 001-2 10 3 Aool<er. ~ (91 and Puel<andl, ..... ~ Fr1edly(lland "°"*': W-Rook• C.-8arg1ndllal. 2B-Clerk CCI, HR- s-nal<l (0). O.W. W• M. LA ......... , 1 Oo1c1et1 W ... 011 012 22(15)-24 20 I LA 000 002 50 0--7 7 a Clarlt, ....,..., (7) tnCI Scnulz, Cook, Cot· ton !81 end .lollneorl w-~ l -Cooll 2a-o.n. ... (QI, Allo~I. Cook (LAI 38-Scllulz ((1) HR-(0), Jolwwon (LAI • rn1h•1.c-....,1 ~ 010 010 000-2 10 1 ~ 000 001 000-1 • 2 8onlila. &IM¥(&) end ..... Vroomafl encl Oavte. 0 1110 c•>· 28-Swencoat (SI 3U-8wancoet (8). Jact.eon (Cl. 811ertden (C) ................ '· ........ JP I ~ltwlll HO 000 0-7 II 0 ......_ ooo eoo o-o • 1 ._ .... '1Yf111 (1) 11\d lhlrMty: I~. HMIOll 12), WlleY (I} alld HetMM . W -hell ... L -laMy 21 -I~ (HI), fl1Mtlell (Hll, O.Vltll (HI), ~(HI), .--(W). .............. . " -ldlaon 10 I HunltflOIClll IMdl ! 4 I '°Unttln Vf/lttr/ "• ' SI; ~#lne 4M OCeett VIN 4 t I Wwlminet• I 10 I ,__.. ...... Hunlltlglon "*'11, W9'1Mlnal., 0 ldl!IOft I. 00-View • ,, IMll\oll TMllM'•0....(11 ,,_,,..., v-., ... Mwlna .. ...., Fltld .............. HIOMIC..ok blanda dlll Corona clll Mar, IM, IM. 111-11 Newport Harbor del. Vnlv.,alty, 11-t, 11-12, a.11. 11-1 Coeta Meee oe1 fl Toro. 15-7, lf.2. 111-10 ~ dlll Wooeltwldge, 15-4, f.15, 11-4, IM Mtrlne del H11nUngton 9t tell, 15•1, 13 1S, 11-10, lf.11 La Oulnta def Edlaon. 15-7, 1M, 15-13 Laguna l.acll oel. Dena Hiia, IM, 16-7, 1M Ian Ctemen11 def Captetr•l'lo Vtlley, ~M. 15-7, 1M La,un• Hiii• d•f Mlaalon v .. 10. 11.11. 18-1 . 15-11. 8-16, 1$-11 ITANOINOI ... vi.wLNgue W L 09 EalllftCllA 12 1 Coal•M.a 11 2 Corona dll Mar 9 4 Un!Y«llily 8 s INlna 6 8 Newport HatbOr 4 9 1 3 4 7 • ~ El Toro 3 10 Woodt>ndoa 0 13 12 tflurad9y'a 0.,,,.. (7 p..m.) Corona del Mer •1 Un!Y«llity aun.t Leeeue w L 08 0 Marine La Qulnla Foum.tn Vllley ~View HuntlnglOll C!IMcll Edlaon Weetmlnelaf ,.....,....a.... Edlton et HuMJnolon 8-11 La Oulnta at W•tm~I• 11 8 8 s 3 2 0 2 2i. 3 ll a • • 8 a ''" 10 10 ... SCMlttt Coeet LNgue w L oe • 0 1 2 8 3 2 1 2 7 ' 8 -!. > . uai.,. 115, Sun. .. 2 3 7 1 3 PHOINIX -Adema 20, Robtneon 11, Kalley 5, 0 JoMaon 20. Macy 13, C>evll 8, 800112, MarlCll 7, Kr-2, Bradley 3, Cook 0, Oykeme 0 TOlala 34 1 .. 27 .. LOI AMOa\At -Raln0j1 2, Wtllt" 28, Abdul.Jabl>lr 11, ~ ..IOllnaon 23, N4xon 22, MGAdoo21,8r-O,COOC*2.C ~ I, Meo.. 0 TOlela 41 17·16 115 ..... ,., ......... "'-"-20 33 24 ,._ .. Loa Angalae 32 H 30 21-116 ~ OOeia -Macy Fouled Diii -H-To11I IOUll -Plloant• 26, l.oe An- g11191 25 TecMicell -Loa ,..,... ..._. .,..,_) Pfloarw1 llllegal -~ A ~ 1\,. 123 eo.MMM~lnN:t IOVT'HIM CAL ,.._. ( ................ C.-..1 ..... ,,,..... •OOtH -(llNI 11 1 Aleund« (l.ACCI. es 27. 2 McJlot>erte (OWCI. M 14, 3 Lan• ct11'1 (LA Harbor). 67 49, 4 "-ca (OWC). .. 11. (hMI 2)' Ctlappell(l.AtW). 5411, t M0110 cowc1, 64 12: ' c....,, 1LAcc1. 5e &. 4 Rlcllard1 ISM~ &7 66, 5. Bray (SM} n I 100 (l'IHI 1) I Ftehar (l.A Harbor), 10 M, 2 Mlt)lfteld CLACCI. 11 0: 3 Ingram (LACCJ. 1 I 33, (llMt 21 1 WlllM1a (LAlW), 10 80. 2 Stone (lA Harbot), 10 80. 3 ~ (l.ASWI 10 97 (haet 31 1 WllaOn (SM), 10 72, 2. Moore (LASW), 10 91, 3 Aodrfouai (LACCI. 11 r..4 400 -(hMI 1) 1 Jem<tn1 (1.ACCI. 49 8, 2 WrlgM (lA Hert>or), 60.51, 3 Wllllema (l.ASWI. S,0 16. 4 Wall (8MI, 90 89: 1'-1 21 1 Aafont (LACC). 48 8; 2 Hablce (LASW), ao.1e. 3 wo10111 <LAOCI. ao.20. 4 0oroon Ii': ~arbOtl, lO 12; 4 5 8rouHard ISMI, 200 -(hMl 1) I Wlleon (SM). 21 IM. 2 8tona CLA Herbo.,), 21 tt, 3 . Jollnaon (l.ASW). 22 07, (llMI 21 I Br-d (SM). 2 I t . 2 WoltlM\e (l.A$W), 22 13, ll ...,...,,. CLACCI. n 15, (lleat 3J 1 fllfler (LA HMl>Ot). 22 07, 2 Ingram (LACCI. 22 57. 3 Moore (lASWI. 22 74 800-(Nar 11 1~ILACCJ.15717, 2 Jonte (8M~ t 5e 74. 3 ~ (OWCI. I H 27 4 Ceell ILA HMl>or). 2~ 30; (- 2) I Moore (LA Hafl>ot). I 55 8, 2 ArMnaull (OWC~ 1512,3 ~J.20031.4 !!town (SM), 2 CM.O, 5 (l.ASWI 2.06 0 .. lfe*~~ (el. 101•11111 rr!:- ,,,. t I 100 -1 MNO<d~ Oleed, 11 n • ~ 11 $2, 200 -• Olead. 22 52 400 -I OeM-5UO. 800 -2 Ntelo, 1 58 03 6 Eltr•d• 1 57 H . e Acoa1a 1 51 21 , 1.500 -• Olmedo. • 04 11, 5 Verl, 4-ol 31, 110HH -1 Ml'lfotd, 14 9, 6 l.JndM\r, 12 2. 400IH -2. Miiiard, 64 30, 7 Un0e9y, '7 0, SP -2 tnnll, *-3\t. JT -:. O'OonMll 1ea-o, 8 W-. 1•11, HJ -1 K.11111, e.2. a. Ao9leQuel. e-o. w -a MllCNI. 22·7 ... ; I Uinc91Dtd. 21-3. OT -1 Walnreuell, 114-2: P'll -3 Hanvnltt, 13.o, 5 Moll<et. 13..(); TJ -4 Gal•. 44-3W, 9 Klaln, 43--6'1t 'Women M>UTHIM CAL COWl.MMCI NtAL.t ' , ........ llloftk4o C-...1 I 10,000 ,,.,,.,. -1 Mata (Harbor!. 34 34 41, 2. Amill (L.ACC). 34.48.ot; 3 Car· tgle (h11t• Mo111c;1). 35;& 1 7, 4 Hlootna (8an11 Montca1: 34:27 07, 5 Edwardo (Harborl, :'7 14.44, 8 Oallaooe (OWC). ,7 39 02 toU1l4PM CAL. COW'EMMCI ,,_LSllt 200 -(-111 Hay (SM). 24 &7. 2 Roell (L.Aa~ 25 89, 3 OreaNim (SMI. 26 90, 4 Moore (U HerbOr). 27 71. l'-1 21 I Ania- -(SM). 2$ 71, 2 ~ (lASW). 26 ff. 3 Smenlky (LA Hlrbor). 21 73, 4 Na411aa (I.AS~~~~.:. ,, "'t::~ ........ ) 400 -e. ....... 1.01 74, 7 ~ I 0 I 74, 100LH -7 ~11rvll, 11 34; I VII\ W-. II 44; IP -1 WonOt..,, 34-4~; OT -I ~dnar 111·0 4 Wondrallh, 113-t, JT -2. Jec:l<eon. 111-4. 4 Payne 10$-11 • BodNr, 102-6, w -1 ~ Ion 1M\• HlgtlecMol ....,......,.......,, .. .....,°"a 100 -1 ~ (BMl. 10 40, 2 R.ep. prldl (MO), 10 50. 3, H-w (BM). 10.61 220 -1 Aaoprtc;ll (MOI, U 5, 2 Roclrt· 011G (BM~ t3 72, 3 Hunllngton {MOJ. 23 n 440 -1 Standlc:tl (BM~ 50 5, 3 Woode (MDI. S381 NO -1 Stendldl (ltMI, 1 57 '7, 2 Jim Oalllvan (MOI, 2 00 44, 3 Marttne1 (MDI. 2'03A1 Mlle -1 Plante . 4 49 83, 2 NMorl (MO), 4 49 87, 3 Eddy (MOL 4 49 U 2-mlle -I ~(MO~ 9 &e 41, 2 Eddy (MO). 9 5' 42, 3 tlMle (MOI. 10:00 3 I . 120HH -1 OaCllOmme (BM), IS 62, 2 &or.,_,(MDI. 18.32;8. Young(BM), 17.14. 330 LH -1. M. Gonz .... (8MI, 38.13: 2. IMtllnglon (MO), 39 97; ) Oontaiee (IM), 40 47 440 ratay -1 8111\op Mon111omery, 4621 Mlle raley -I Mal• Oii. 3·34 S3 HJ -I OonUllla (BM). t-0. 2. ~ llM~ 6-0, 3 l.Mgllon (MO). ~ 10 L.J -I Oelllomme (BM), 11·10, 2 S"eellar (IMI. 1'·3, 3 Clemente (BM), 1a.11 PV -1 Jotin Ollltven (MO). 1:Ml, 2 R Olllven (MO). 1illfi. J Fr• (8MI. 12.0 SP -1 Hall (BM), 63·2, 2 Bero (BM) 414, I Oulr-(BM~ 4!-3 Women "'°" ICMOOL ..... 1)911 .. "' All4Mftf • 100 -' Mal1lfn (~ 12,0I, 220 -1 OtendOllo (MDI. 2t 7, 440 -1 a..te CMO) 1'03 °"' uo -1 "-' tM~ 2 as 5, Miia -I Felt (MO). 5 15 8, 2·mlle -1 H1>1.llH IMOI. 13 021 :UOLH -1 Sclllblg (SA). "3 ot 1 IOL" -1 Ooml!lDUlll (SAi. 17 t , 440 rel.ay -I Matar Oel. ~&,.~lie .... ., - 1 ...... Oii. 4. 19.8, HJ -I ....._ (M~ 4-1, W -I S.wnpeon (SA). 1M, SP -I CM*tl (MO}. 3-4-11 Edison, Oilers triumph , ~11c>n Hlah'• Charse~ ma1.ni- alned their two-pme buJie over Su ntet Leaaue bueball runner-. up Huntington Beach Tunday night -but It required 'nine ln· I ninO before the CIF 4-A'• No. 3 ranked team could pull out their 20th win of the eea.on. , Here'• how lt went ~: l!dtton I , OV 5 Enc Reinholtz of Ocean View rent the pine lnto extra i.nnlnc- wlth a two-run homer lo die bottom of the 1eventb in 'be n1aht conte1t a t Mile Square Park. Edl1on re1ponded with five runs ln Uw ninth tnn1M • BASEBALL Iii Charlie Guest walked and-ad- vanced on John Emma's single. Todd Mabe doubled in the go- ahead run, then Mike DeBenon followed with a run-ICOring sin- gle and the Chargers were on their way. Ocean View's Kevin Stanley struck out 11, 'but it wasn't en- ough to offaet the league·leaders, who are now 10-2 ln league play and are 45-9 over a span of two years . HB 7, WHtmlntter 0 The Oilers stn.ack with a pair of runs in the first inning on Bnan Patrick's two-run double, then put the defending CIF 4-A champions away for good in the second inning with a live-.run outburst. Rich Carrillo got it started with a base htt and Barry Beard followed with a single to set up Greg OeValk's two-run double. Gttg Shirley. Charley Hartwell and Jim Kennedy followed witlil singlea to give pitchers Gary Buckela and John Flynn (who relieved In the seventh) more than enough. Kennedy went 3-for.J, Patrick and DeValk were 2-for-4 and Shirley was 2·for·3 for the Oi· le rs. Buckels allowed only two hits through six innings as the Oilen upped their league record to 8-4, virtually clinching a CIF playoff berth. Mar9hell 5, Woodbrtdp 2 The Warriors dropped to 7-12 o<erall derplle the hitting of Darin Daniela (2-for-3 with an .am> apd 8b9wll Dtvlin'• Jrtpte, Mushall got rich with four runa in the sixth inning with the help of three hits, three Wood· bridge errors and a couple of walks. Npl Chr. 4, lib. Chr. 0 Newport Christian raised its record to 13·5 behind the two-hit pitching of Randy Stuart and Chris Howard. Howard stn.ack out eight after relieving in the fourth inning. Stuart was T-for-3 with 3 RBI, in addition to striking out five bat· ten. From Page C 1 LAKERS • • • days of rest, t.hanka to winning the Pacific Division, appeared flat for only about the first two minutes of the game. After that, both Nixon and Magic Johmon ignited numerous patented fut breaks that had the 13,623 (am on their feet much of the time. "We prepared for this way back ln September," Cooper no- ted. "We wanted a layoff. We wanted to avoid that minileries. All week long wo pract.iced • lf we were in a playoff aituaUon. We played that way tonight." . i Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Wedntld1y, Aprtf 28, 1982 Cl THE FAMllLl' CIRCt8 BIG GEORGE by Virgil Partch (VI~) PEANL'TS by Charles M. Schulz - "That money is for a "Con I spend my money rainy day." now?" "BthlYt yourself." by Brad Anderson (I ~ TME BALL DIM CME "(00 MAVEN'r WON VET! O'IER TME NET ! WE W~ ! ! WAIT 'TIL IT FALLS! , ~' I TtMBLE•EEDH .; '1'0 U SUOOl.P l\IC1f ~ P'L.A'( POKE~ 1t IF VOU CAl\M" ~ AF~P'n: THIS WILL BE 'rOUR LUCKY DAY I STEPPED IN GUM---SOME LUCKY DAY If 5 60HHA ~ IT ISN1T ! l NEEO ANOTHER FAlt ON I 1 'S 60HNA CMOCOlATE C~IP COOKJf ! m SIO€ ! ~ALL OH YCll SIPE! by Tom K. Aya" -~~ e-,,u ...... , ...... ~ . ,.,...,....,..,~ ... - "Marmaduke's letting them stay with him until they find a place of their own!" ~~. , GORDO Jl'Df;t~ P \RIKER GAR•·1•:1.D l CONSIDER TELEVISION A WORTMWMILE PURSUIT ACROSS 1 M8ld 5 PMolrnlf 57 Fenllar· 10 Gair• awn-2 WOfdl PIGfll Tony 11 Kin 14 Bind 11 -82 Tumatlll ' deta • 15 Onlon'a ldn IM DIO kif ore • • ,. ~ lllOOln 15 w .. ..,.. 17 Mlg!Mld • fntry 1t Fllf 17 "'**I 20NoWll llWlltillg 21 Meilltl ..... COlldlllOn n -.... : ·~ _..... 21Zoc11Clllfl •"'* ..... ·--,.~ •c.~ .,...,. ... •c...... •o... -., ................ ...... -............... ' 'THE (){Y RE.ASON I KAVE A NIGHT LI6ITT IS &CAUSE lM -------...... .-..~~~~----. -----.._..--...... USEO ID SLEEPING our LN~ '!Hf\~ AAO 1HE STARS." ~o ~~c~~r:? ~~Y~ WIN, WAlCMING-' DAYTIME. TElEVl510N IS EVEN 0EirfR THAN ••• UM ... 8ETTf.R ... l._.AN ... hv .ltm n~v·~ l ~ATE. IALKINGr MV~ELF INTO CORNERS by Ferd & Tom Johnson HI, LORD P ~E:RE'S THE W,ALl.P,APEFt . you't.1... NfED A PJl\l~TSC~AP~~ .. MOfl.NJ~1 LOPE.Zf ..k):JTIFIA81....E _...---......11 HOMICIDE? m BE PE.RFE.Ln .. t,> 1-0NEST, At.if\! I I ~EAU..t.,J AATE BEJN6 IN A HOSPITAL ... by Kevin Fagan MO, 1'1lE.U AAE. 'foo ~'{ 01-s~,°"~ ~r , i o~· 1'Hose VtPl!!O GAME; PeOPW! A"e 1"AKING ove~ 'THI!!! WORLD! • I ~ l I i l t" t t: ~ , ' . f · I ( . • • t • ' l i ce Orang. Cout DAILY PILOT/Wed~ay, Aptlf 28, 1982 • Terry McCardle and Mlke Ferry have ta~en over lhe control1 at the Real Estatera, a Costa M eaa-baaed o p eratlon w it h at"vcn O r ange County offices. The two purchased the real estate firm this m o nth from founder Randall Mccardle, a NEW OWNERS -Terry McC.ardle, left, and ninth grade dropout who Mike Ferry have purchased the Real Estaters, went on to earn his PhD. a Ca;ta Mesa-based realty firm. McCardle is Terry McCardle, Ran- the Jiounger brother of founder Randall· Mc-dall's younger brother, _Car ___ e_. ___ ___, ___________ • __ has been a manage r of one or the Real Estater HB firm bought offices since 1965 and has worl<ed as director of sales for the .. e nt1re ope- ration. Acquisition was announced of Sig Enon Racing Cams, inc., of Huntington Beach by S uper S hops, He earned the Presi- lnc .. Newport Beach. dent's Award for perfor- The performance manufacturer was purchased mance in management from its founder, Sig Erson, who wtU remam as a and was named Manager consultant. of the Year in 1980. A Look where Super Shops owns and operates a chain of former college football automotive performance stores throughout the player, the younger Mc- Westem U.S .. and owns Mallory Elect.rte of Carson Cardle was selected to City, Nevada, manufacturer or automotive ignition the Junior College All-1f~~iine~n~ts~. ;;::==~=:::m;;;:::=;;=:;~;;,;;::a;:~~~~ American team and vo-1 led Most Valuable Play-~ • "Your er while at Orange Coast $10,000 • mrare • co ms can get you. s 10,000 1982 13,000 1983 -16,900 1984 21,970 1985 28,561 1986 J7,129 1987 48,268 1988 62,749 1989 81,573 1990 -106,045 1991 137,858 1992 Rare gem·qualuy MS~5 L' <, s1l.,.er dollar. are worth '1x 11mes today what the.,. were in 1976 Ncarh 54."',, appreciation per year If. in the next five yea!"$, chey appreciate only ~o per j year, $10.000 will net a $27,129 r mfit In ten year.. $127.858 And. since opening our doors in 1976, nOf one of our clil'nc. has ever enJOYed lcs..\ than a 30";, return per year Quite an achtcvcmcnt. c:.pc.-cially over the last ~'Cl yea~ when bulhun. stoch C\'en real es12tc -~ere extremely soft No1 even money marke1 funds or T·btlls offer that kind. .o( ~tum. The secret 1$ finding the nght rotns And Hannes Tulv· ing ts one of only 18 recog· n1zro ~ilver dollar experts in 1he country. We speaaluc in a.II U S rare gold and s1lvtt coin~ AnJ we offer scnous investors · managed, personal rare coin 'invc~tment portfolios. com· piece with 60-day money-back ' policy and grade guarantee 'on each coin. Call us at (71~) 851-8202 for a free inbnnation packer. Or re<Um the coupon ~low Coruultuion by appoint· ment only. . ~. HANNIS 1ULVlNG ~· 4400 M11eA11~ur 81fJ Sulit llO Ntwport Buch. CA Q2660 17!-0 Mi.11202 I I I, ~ I I '1 0 rin.e ((lnlilCl mt I I 11nJtn11nd vou rt'quut a I I SHlOO mu11mum lnYUtmn11 I I 0 rin. ~ tnort' lnfufmatll•n I i ''" ¥Wf ,..,. COin fJOfc( ,.. I I I · Professional College. He earned an • flOflSf t athle tic scholarship to Fl.ORST 2915 Red Hiii Avenue Oregon State University. A· 108 Costa Mesa Ferry, who h as been Sto ne Mill Business Park 64 1-0810 m real estate smce 1973 • Loans fo r $5,000 and up • Second and third p osition • No prepayment penalty • Loan commitment can be made In 48 ho~rs -in most cases • Up to 80% o f appraised value for owner-occupied single family h omes, condominiums a nd townhomes •Up to70%of appraised value for no n· owner-occupied single family homes, condo miniums and townhom~s • Cash for t rust deeds CONVENIENT HOURS Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Satu~y 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and once sold 36 homes in a 90-day period, began his career as a salesman fo r a communications firm at age 21 He la ter advanced to na uonal tnuning dU'ector for the firm and w as charged with overseeing the education and moti· vat.Jon of l,300 field per- sonnel. He later JOined a title insurance firm as v 1<'t' president of marke- tmg. Canal • topic The need for the Pe- ri phf'ra I Canal will be addressed at a meeting of the Industrial League of Orange C o unty n e x t Tuesday, at the Airpor- t.er lnn Hotel in lrvtne. Earle C. Blais. chair- ma n or the boa rd of di- rectors or the Metropoli- tan Water Distric t of Southern Callfomia, will speak The cost of the lunch IS S 12 and reservalJons can be m ad e thro ugh the league office 546-2022. Wil on due at meeting Mayor Pete Wilson of San Diego will speak at an lnstitute of Real Es- tate Management regio- na I conferen ce at the South Coast Plaza Hotel in Costa Mesa on May 12. Wilson, a U.S. Senate candidate, will discuss the California housing outlook. For information, call . 751-5080 or 751-2787. Gerald W. ~dlt hu been named group vice pretldent -operations of the Hydraulic Branch of Parker BertH Aerospace, a aroup of Parker Han- nitin CorporaUon headquartered in Irvine. He had prevtoualy been diviaiori vtoe president and general manager, Bertea Control Systems Division Rlcbard SmUb has been appointed an agent with t he Allstate l111urance Company In the firm's office in the Sears Building in the South Coast Plaza. Cost.a Mesa Guy E. Baker has been elected to the board of directors of BEST Llfe .U1.urance Company of CalifomJa, Newport Beach. He is a partner in Cost.a M~-based Bakt·r/Knox Company. Tboma1 P. Yundt, 54, of Corona del Mar, Vice president and manager of Crocker Bank's Newpor1 Omter office, w1U open a business-oriented offk-e for Crocker in Douglas Plaza. The Stewart Title Co. of Orange County naroc>d Tom Queen III senior vice presitient and county manager . Patrick J . Wood of Huntington Beach has JOi·. ned the Laguna N1guf!) d1v1Bion of Avco Commu- nity Developers, Inc. as legal counsel. Mlt1ubl1bl Motor SBlet of Amert ca, loc., U.S . marketing and distribution subsidiary of Mit.aub1Shil Motors Corp .. Tokyo, selected two managers for its parts department. ' Joining MMSA are Robert F . LaBoulere, 37. of Anaheim, parts inventory and procurement ma- nager, and Roger M. JmaaL 42, of Palos Verdes, parts distribution manager. HOth will be baaed· at the firm's Fountain Valley corporate headquarters. Madelyn Valeotloe has been promoted to ac· count coordinator at Crowell McKay Advertillog/ PubUc Relations of Irvine. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS an111caum11111111 ~ pare o( an overall organizational develop· ment program, DeRevere, Wlae. Garaklan, aad A11oclate1, a Newport Beach-baaed architectural and deslgn firm, announced the reorganization of top management. PrlOcipall Royce A. Wise and Joba R. Gara- k.lu have been named director of production, and director of design, respectively; and vlce-presiden\a Loye E. Cook and Daniel R. McAJUater have been appointed, respectively. director of adminlatration and director of operations. Edward A. Krisher has announced formation of the·consulling hrm of Site Retearcta Associates. with offices in Irvine . He was vice president of engineering for Va n Dell and Associates, also of Irvine. Geor~e A. Fultoo, of Yorba Linda, an authont~ on res1dent1al research and the former seruor vice president of corporate marketmg for Walker & Lee, Inc , formed Fultoo Research & Conaalttng Co., Fullerton. Shutterbugs sought for fair contests Camera buffs of all cl~if1cauons are encoura- ged to enter their work al the Orange County Fw.r, scheduled July 9-18 m Costa Mesa People, places. animals. plants and general interest photos by amateurs, in color and black and white, are being sought for the fair's photography competil1on. Therf 1s a separate competition for prof essionaJ photographers. Medals and ribbons will be awarded to the winners. For mfonnauon call 75 1-FAIR. .. •• i1 H # I NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS Ht~:wrt11tr11.\\\\'llf .. 'lDA\".tr.i .. -:,i:r,~"· "'"'7'·"'·· ... , ... , """' ••• cu•c• ... " HM• ..... ..., ..... .... llclt Cltw J .. Davtd MUne, Ph.D., dareoc~ croelectronka Wtltute In Edan Robin Duthie, chalrm&n of th · Scli1Nllt1 ~.will deec:ri~ how the Common M.rket from • l!AJ1 cheon eeminar ln ltvtnP on Th Hosted by the Scott.Uh OPvel<) ...... -• ..,, preeentatJon wlll provtd lnfonu.i\.l ~ .. u .... land has to offer U.S. electron tacturen. '!be luncheon beir;illl at 11:30 ,t 18800 MacArthur :Alvd. For lnform1til'lf1t Z11J1De Cuahman, The Bohlc Cotn~11nc11,,1.,.. Record earnings Io W.R. Grace & C.O., whJch hns -in chemicals. natural re90W'CeS M 1ervlce1, announced r eeord cw-it quarter, due primarily to a $65,I dillpotition of lta ownership m • I diary, Chemed Corporauon. Net income for the quarter ~nd $144,176,000, an l:ncreue of 73 pe1 $od which was restated for 1 per common share wu-c $2 quarter. , Grace operates Its New Am t Corp. headquarten in Costa M for El Tonto-La Fiesta Restauwu Services in Irvine. Grace also opt>m ranta ln the Newport Be h-OJS141 El Torito, Houlihan's, Coco's und He: Calbidco funding (J} At a special shareholders' "''" tlu bldco received the overwhf'lm•ng • .,,,,...J~ ... red and common sharehuldeu fnc talizatlon. F.ach Statewide Calb1dco prt:IC!T( converted to nln~ shares of t'OITllJl( 11 u quently all out.standinJt comrn')o reverae apht one fur 10 Statewide Otlbldro L'I n publd~ t banking corporauun hawd in ,,.. •. .,... •• .,,. 1975 that prov1dPs commen .tit• medium-sized bU'lln 'S tht'OUJlhOU S & L office cclclJ Great Amencan Fedt'ral Savui grand opening of 1 ts San J u;.n 32222 Camino Capistrano with 11 Mayo fiesta, May 3-8. StarTel boosts sale The Irvine-based telcoommun Tel Corporation announced th.oit t approximately $1 million m l increa8e of 300 percent over last The announcement was ou 1 two-year anniversary date. Sales meeting slat<~l Chet Lackey, who i.s called · be guest speaker at the Sal~ :.ot tlves of Orange County meet Sheraton-Newport. Lackey will speak on "132 Wa The meeung will begin wut-a Dinner and program begrn at 7 F 538-2510. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW J AMERICAN LEADERS • 4 .. • UC&Y -Rocky ;:Aold credi'8 luck for :hia ~ful balloon ~· ·Jlaiioon • :;. ~hanip j r1ucky' • !• LOUISVILLE, Ky. AP) -Ja_paneae res- ' urateur Rocky Aoki, • ho helped pilot the Jirat balloon to era. the ;,~ Oc.n. says it was jµck -aot 1trategy - ;that won the Kentucky l>erby F•dval's Great ·JWloonit.e. • Aoki WU named fint. S~ 1 w inner after a tamed from hU landed 1 foot, 10 from the target, ~officials said . • "It wa1 90 percent luc k ," A oki said . !~'•no strategy. We Jiave to find the right kind of wind. then luck." • The Great Balloon llace waa one of the !HUvities that precede Saturday'• Kentucky Derby. · Abqut 40 balloons trom all over the U.S. ~tered this year'a race. Balloons were launched bun the Kentucky Fair tind ExpoGtion Center. := Object of the 1 ~-hour race wu to drop a bean-~ u cloaely aa possible to a marker dropped trom a lead, or 'hare' e;.J.loon. ;;. Aoki financed laaf iear'a expedition of the Double Eagle V, a 36-1tory helium balloon tJlat became the first JUch craft to cross the J>adlic. ~nergy • ser1 • topic ; Recently approved Title 24 energy regula-Oona are the subject of a dlree-part Orange Coast Coll~se lecture series bein• Qf fered d!ilrlng May. The Mrlea, "Title 24 J:nern Reaulationa For Resld"enttaf Buildlnil," will meet May 8, 15 and 22. from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in room 121 of OCC'• Techno!O«Y Building on the eo.ta ~esa campua. The aeries ia designed for ~bltect., building con~ dty offidall .' and home owner/ bullden. Lecturers are Blll Abernathy, Mike Boardway and Marlua Cucutny of OCC's En- erfy Engineering De- ~t. Series fee ii $40. Re· p&raUon la echeduled in the community service off ice, In th6 college'• admlnlltratlon building. ror information , phone &56-6880 .. Wute curbed 8ACRAMENTO (AP) -Major te1illatlon to control the dl.aponl of low-level radioactive wutet bM been signed by Gov. ldmund Brown Jr. The author of .the bOll'll ~)'JlW:l Art TGrNI, D-Lal Angeles. 20-PC. PORCELAIN DINNER-19· 99 ~!~IUYI :'!°,., 'Vldol iana Rot.' fine porcelain wt.~­ tof.. With genuine gold trim. Gift boxed. RIVAL 5-QT. CROCK-POT ;z~ ;:!:e;:,'bt;'-c~:'. 1999 wrw SOlD n•••s Of 4tT. OOCI P011 fOI 24. H GLASS & BRASS CURIO CASES erc....framed cabinet with dear glms panet. Hang on wol Of' wt on table. WHIU STOCKS LAST! 4t! QUARTZ STICK-ON CLOCK Flodles from time to 4 9 9 dote and bockl Digital readout. In col«~. llG. 6.99 AC/DC TAPE RECORDER Slimline 1tyli"9 piono-19" by a:introh, built-in mike. While Stocki lostl SPICl.Al Toti WOULD DPICT TO rAY IUYI S.-RMI TI.s tuAUrfl #VllM20 'POPCORN NOW' POPPER =~::;n""'P~=] l" Great I While Stock Loat I .... llG. 19.99 #V04110 25" HARDWOOD TABLES toll with 14'" tops. If Round, square or odogon· 9 ol, in rich wolnut finkh . 2.5" WlllU STO(IS LASTI · CIDCI Wedneeday, Aprll 28, 1982 SUPERMARKET SHOPPER SLIM GOURMET OUT 0, THE KITCHEN Using the old bean ... D5 Rice anfl_ beans· slerve up llutrition Nearly every culture through- out the world ha1 developed favori\e recipes utillzing rice and beam. And for Jood reMOn. Ve:naUle rice and beans are an economicaJ, IOW't'le of aood nutritJon. Both rice and beans ablne on their \wn when served indivi- dually. But, put the two tog ther and the blending of flavon, col- on and texturee la hard to resist. Whether served up In a hot curry reminlacent of India, combined with vegetables dis- tlnctive to certain regions of the world, or aeasoned to suit the tastes of those from colorful countries such as Spain or Me- xico, rice and beans are perfect companions. . Rice, grown in Arkansas, Cali- fornia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Miuouri and Texa.e, la available in several different forms inclu- ding regular, parboiled, pre- cooked and nutty-flavcJre d brown rice. Of' the 12 major varieties of Western-grown dry beans, many are al9o available in canned form. All are easy to keep on hand for use in salads, soups and main dishes. The recipes that follow IJlCOr- porate two world favorites - rice and beans on a culinary world tour. COOKING RICE Yield: A one pound package of regular rice equals about 2 1A cups dry and yields 7 cups (14 ser- . ) cooked rice. Parboiled rice wn rice ~Id a to 9 C'Ups 18 servingS) cooked (ice per . One cu pre-cooked rice ry orm) yielas 1 to 2 cups. TO COOJC: Measure rice, water and salt Into saucepan, using exact amounts. Bring to a boil, atir once, cover and cook for 15 minutes (regular rice) 20 to 25 minutes (parboiled rice), or 45 minutes (brown rice). For pre- eooked rice, follow pacluage di- rections. U 901lle liqu.id remains at end of cooking time, cook a few minutes longer. Flulf with a fork ~and ierve. Do not rinse before or cOoKING DRY BEANS Yield: A one pound pacbge of dry beans equals 2 cups dry and yields 5 to 6 CUpl cooked beans. TO c;QAK: Traditional Method: To one pound of dry beans add 6 cup& cold water. Let stand over- night (at least 6 to 8 hours). Do not refrigerate. Drain, rinse and cook. Quick Method: To one pound dry beans add 6 to 8 cups hot water. Heat, let boil 3 minutes, • tnd set uide for an hour. .l.rinse and cook. COOK: Add 6 cups hot water, 2 tablespoont shortening or oil and 2 teaspoons aalt to soaked beans. Cook beans with lid tilted until tender. approxi- mately 1 hour. BEAN CREOLE 1 large onion, sliced 1 clove garlic, minced 2 tablespoons bacon drip- pings or vegetable oil 1 pound fresh okra, trimmed and sliced . , Yi green pepper, cut 1.11 strips 1 can (14 'h to 16 ounces tomatoea, cut in quar· l lh cups drained cooked or canned blackeye beans 1 'h teaspoons salt IA teaspoon ground r ed pepper 3 to 4 drops pepper sauce 3 cups bot cooked rice In a large skillet, cook onion and garlic in drippings until onion Is soft but not brown. Add okra end cook, stirring~ 3 to 4 minutes. Add rernfining lngre dients except rice. Bring to a boil, lower heat, and simmel"'" 15 mi- nutes. Adjust seasonings if ne- cessary. Mixture should be WELL seasoned. Serve over beds of fluffy rice. Makes 6 servings. CURMED BEAN AND RICE SALAD 1 teaspoon curry powder 1 tablespoon butter or mar- garine 1 cup chicken broth 'h cup uncooked rice l lh cups drained cooked or canned hght or dark red kidney beans V. cup chopped celery 2 tablespoons chopped green onion 2 tablespoon chopped green pepper . . . 1 tablespoon bme JWce V. teaspoon salt Dash ground black pepper ~ cup plain yogurt 2 tablespoons toasted sliver- ed Almonds l tomato, aUced 1 hard-cooked egg. sieved Parsley sprigs Heat curry in butter several seconds. Stir in chicken broth and rice, bring to boil. Stir. Cover and simmer 15 minutes or until rice is tender and liquid Is absorbed. Stir ln beans, celery, green onion, green pepper, lime juice and lealOnil\iJ. Chill thoroughly. Stir yogurt and almonds into rice Dr. David Mccarron says calcium, not salt, llJ real culprit In high blood pressure . mixture. Garnish with tomato, egg and parsley. Makes 6 ser- vings. TIP: Delicious served with roast pork or chicken. COMPANY BEAN AND RICE EGGPLANT PARMIGIANA \4 cup flour 1 'h teaspoons salt, divided V. teaspoon ground black pepper 1 ~lum eggplant, peeled and sliced 'h-inch thick 4 to 5 tablespoons vegetable oil, divided 'h pound lean ground beef 'h cup chopped onion 1 clove garlic, minced l lh cups drained cooked or canned navy. great northern or small white beana l can (14 'h to 16 ounces) to. matoes, chopped with hqu.id 1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce aroiein and eaay on the family budget. • ' S l ':> V. teaspoon oreganO leaves, crushed 3 cups cooked rice 'h cup grated Parmesan cheese Combine flour, 'h teaspoon salt and the pepper. Dip eggplant slices in seasoned flour. Spread 2 tablespoons oil In 13x9x2-lnch baking dish. Ar- range eggplant in single layer, brush with oil. Bake at 450 de- lfftl for 5 minut.ea or just Until feader. Brown beef, onloff 'nd carlic in 1 tablespoon oil. Dr1ain exce. oil. Add beans, tomatoes, tomato sauce, oregano and re- mainina salt; simmer 20 minutes. Sprinkle rlce evenly over egg- plant. Pour sauce over all. Spiinkle with Parmesan cheese. Bake, uncovered at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before cutting. Makes 6 to 8 Rrvinp. ARROZ CAPISTRANO ~ cup chopped onion 2 tablespoons butter or ma&:• garine ' th green pepper, cut in th.in strip& 3 cups cooked rice 1 can (8 ~ ounces, whole kernel com , drained 1 can (4 ounces) green chilies, chopped ..;:. 2 medium tomatoes, peel"'t and coarsely chopped ... ~ l 'li cups (6 ~) ~~ Monterey Jack ~# diVl~ 1 'h teaspoons sa1 t , • ·~ Paprika •:1 Cook onion in butler over ,_ dlwn heat until tender crtap. Ad4 pepper strips and cook 1 minutilf. Combine rice, com. green chi1es, tomatoes. 1 cup cheese, and salt. Add onion and green pepper; mix we ll. Turn into a buttered f 2-quart baking dish. T_op will\ remaining cbee9e. Sprinkle with paprika. Bake, uncov~ ~t ~ degrees for 25 to 30 m1'!,ute1. Makes 6 servings. Jbf. \ l n ,dA r w b1 :•riu:> ~ COMt DAILY PfLOTIW~. Aprtl 21, 1N2 ECllllY :IWI 1 cheeee slvee your f.amlly t he complete protein they need -without the expeme of meet. BEAN PIZZA l pac kage (13~ ounces) hot roll mix Salad oil 1 cup pizza sauce ~ teaspoon garlic powder ~teaspoon aalt 2 medium green pep pen 2 small oruona 2 cans (16 ounces each) pork. &nd beans in' tomato sauce, drained if necemary 1 package (8 ounces) mozzarella cheese IA cup Parmesan cheese lnto W-lnch thick circles; tel aside. Spread half pizza aau- ce on each pizza bueE, to each with a can·of and bean1, 1prea ing evenly over 1urface; ar- range pepper and onion rln11 on top. then sprinkle each with half rnoz:zarella and Parmesan chee1e1, oregano, basil and pepper. Refrigerate one pizza. Whh oven rack. in lo- west position, bake one plna at 425 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes, or unUl crust Is nicely browned and cheese melted. Bake second pizza when first one comes out of oven. Cut each into 6 or 8 MAKE MOM QUEEN. WITH THE KING OF HAMS. ~ ~ ~~ I !. {J.)e~a. '§Jfit· ~~~ ~1!~~. Mother'• Day is Mom'• day to mt, to tttat her to the bat. A fully·coolted, ttady·to·aerve Honey Baked Ham. Available only at your local Honey Baited Ham atore. CALL TO ORDER YOUR HAM TODAY. GIFT CERTIFICATES REDEEMABLE ANYTM • I ' . I • Str:etching food dollars MARKET , remedMd by lnclud1nf • lmaJ1 amount of animal protein in the meal Combinin1 the pro· telnl II an euy and dell· clou1 way to 1•t 1ood quality ~teln for lets money, UM the anl- mAl and ve1etable pro- tein• complement each other. Tired of traffic jam1? Or jmt not enough boun in the day? Call Delaney'• and uk about our FREE home delivery 1ervice. Every delivery ii fully re- frigerated from our 1tore and to your door -150 . minimum, plea1e. Meat Prime and Top Oiotce Bed aged al lust 30 day1 lo the peak of perfection and prepved for you jU11 the wa y yoo wan1 11 by real ~ve meal cunen!! We have Wiaeonlin rnilk fed Provini Veal on hand. Lean I 09 GROUND CHUCK <~d ._,.,., tb. Center Cut Beer CHUCK ROAST S Extra Lean &er SHORT RIBS Wine Lo. Hermaaoe 3 9 9 LITE CHABLIS 1.15 /Jten ea. CASE OF 6 23 90 All Liquori & Wine Plu6 Tax Deli SUeed ja1t the thlekoeee yo~ Uke Eltra Lean Slab BACON ................ ,.....'° la.la 41911tk1 per ew&om•r ' Seafood -Right from the Delaney brothers!!! - Pint ol SeMoa Kiag ~-~ .. 8. SALMON tJ _ Whole or Hall 6 9 8 SALMON STEAKS lb. Groceries Raaeh Frail Local LARGE EGGS "Morninc Fresh" Produce ~:w'nERRIES 4 9~~., Mednim S'9e · MUSHROOMS Larp SoUd ....... LE'ITUCE • 11 .. 9 3 .. $} • . l , ~ t I , J t r . t I • I Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, Aprll 2S1 f982 Companies eare ·about their public images I By MARTIN LOANE Cbrl1 Ooud n of Thayer, Inc , bouaiht u Red Baron froien pine and wu unhappy po. Box eo21. Ket.am.· ncl form ana two box the requlrtd refund xno, Mich 49003. Receive t op a from 8 •1fU n ee 11•11010111•1111 form, one yellow 1trlp packages o f 24-ounc:e Grape-Nuta Cc~al. Look for the form on th • pac· kag •. ExplrN March 31, HICE KRF.J,Pl.l~S a.. fund Off r lvo a $1 ri·fund. Sc-n the requl- r 1 cJ refund form.and p100(-of-purchase aeab wu nh 24 polntl from Rict• Krlsple.. Look for the form on tM package. o Duncan butterfly-atyle Beech-Nut ~real. Look rl r frqm Pott Frutt and Fl- yo-yo. Se-nd tru.e proof-for the form on the pac-' "' b r Applet and Clnna- of-K,urcheae acala from lkaae. Explrea June 30, KELLOGG'S Refund re~ulred refund form moo and one from Poet Ke logg's Hon~)' and Nu\ 1983. Ofunffder,, 0~1.~~ •,!.:.!.~.~; an four purchue tea.la FRrutt and Fiber Dates, C.Om JiiakM. There ls no ·JOHNSON'S B~BY "1'1:'•a4 "'"' .... ~ !from Life.and/or Cinna-al1ln1 and Walnuts 1983. "The topplns• p1ctu red on the box wer<' sa· dly lackina on the piu.a,'' aaya C hrl11 . "l wrote to the company explaining the altuatlon, 1md they sent me a coupon for a free flu.a and a nlet' le t- ter o apology limit on thf' number of POWDER Challenae. refund form and four mon Flavor Life ~real.. Look tor the form on the times you can take ad-Receive $1 ln Johnaon'a "special refund p_ur-There bl no llmtt on the pack.age. Expires Jan. 31. van tage o f this offer. Baby Powder coupon.a or chase" seala from l{el-number of kits you can 1983. QUAKER 100 PEit CENT NATURAJ. CE- REAL Rc•fund. Rt'('f'IVE' a S l refund. S!'nd thf' re• qulr~d rt>fund form and three Unlvf."ni.al Produt'l Code-pu r<'h.11e 1eols from any Quaker I 00 Percent Natural Cereal Look for th~ form on th<! pa<'kage Expirt•11 Nov 30, 1982 ExpJrl'I Sept. l , 1982. { Here'• a refund form to write for: Unlcap Re- fund Offer, The Upjohn Co , Unit 9001 -88-0, "1000 Portage Road, Kalama- 100, Mkh 49001. Thls fl 1Jff<'r Pxp1re11 Sept. 30, HHi2 Expires Aug. 31, 1982. a ~0-cent refund. Send 1<>81'• Product 19 cereal. order. Look for the form POST Free Box Offer. These offers require the required refund fonn Look lot the form on the on the packa1e. Expires Receive a 24-ounce box forms and one Univerial Pro-package . Expires Feb. Jan. 1, 1983. of Post Grape-Nul.s Ce- BEECH-NUT Foods. duct Code symbol from 28, 1983. POST FRUIT AND real. Send the required "A few weeks la ter I was shopping with my J;>roJher-in-law and wt! were copsldering which brand of p1ua to pur- chase. He tried to con. vince me to purch ase a different brand, and 1 told hlm about my good expenence w1 th th<• Red Baron. Rl'Cclw an 8-ounce box any size J ohlllon's Baby LIFE Out.er Space Fun FIBER Offer. Receive a refund form and three of Berch -Nut Cereal. Powder. Expires July 31 , Kit. Receive an Outer ~oupon for Poat Fruit proof-o!-purchase seals Send the_!:_eQ~u~lr~ed~r~e~tu~-~•~9~8.2,.__~~~~~~~S-=-pa_ce~Fuh~~Ki-·t_._Se~nd~the~-=•~n=d~F~l=be~r:......:C~e~re~a~l~.=S~en~d.:_~fr~o~m~s~p~e~ci~a~ll~y-m:.::.::a~r~k==ed "Two gentlemen who were stocking a n other frozen -food cabinet nearby were listening 'As it turned out, one of them w orked for the company lhat made Red Baron pizza. H e came over to say hello and told 'us that m y letter had been used at a sal es semina r that they had just attended. My name wasn 't mentioned, but the name of the town and the store were, and this i.s a very smaJl town. "I was most Impressed that the company cares enough about consumers' letters to use them to educate its salespeoplt• ·• Linda Slater from Fenton, Mich , was JUSt as impressed wath the Gillette Companv I "l sent for a half-pnt.'t' refund, but I felt that It was onl v halC t h e amount it -should have been. ''On Feb 12, much to myirptjse, I rE'(:t>iVed a ch frptn the (oilJC'tlt· Co !J>an\r for 26 ccnl'i. the b ala.n ce or the rt·· fund. Along wilh ll came I an explanation or how an error had been mad£-by I the computer The re fund itself isn't big en· ough to brag about but I 1 jusl though l that t•vc r yon e s h ould know about the hont.-sty <>r thu, company and lhc way 1t shows that ea<:h 1nd1v1 d u a I c u s t o m t· r 1 s l .. RT SHOP P TIP: ette Seveie of Henderson, Ky . is using a 1982 cal~ndar to kc>ep track or all her super· market savmgs "We o ften rNt!IVl' more ralendar.i than wt can use, and l dcc1dt-d to use one to keep a rl'('flrd of my savings from cou pons and refunds," she· says. "l also note on th1· 1 caJendar the date I 'l4•nd for a refund. At the end of t~ yea~it will be e~.Y to y .U my !>tlVlrl~S . Set e r cnl l! and other reade rs whos~ smart shopping lips up pear in this column rt'C· eive a copy of my rrfun- d i ng magaz1 n t The Nation al Supermarket Shopper Write to me in care of this newspaper C LIP 'N' FILE RE · FUNDS Breakfast Products, Cereala, Baby Prod1cts (FUe l·C) Clip out this hle and keep 1t w ith Similar cash -off coupons beverage refund offers with beverage coupons, for example . S tart col- lecting the needed proofs of purchase while loo- king for the required re- fund forms at the super- market, In n ewspapers and magazines, and whe n trading with friends. Offers may not be available in all areas of the country. Allow 10 weeks to receive each refund. The following refund offen are wortn $11.75. Thia wee k'• refund of- fers have a total value of $31.48. · Tllll offer doe1n't re~ · q9lre a form: KELLOGG 'S Free Duncan Yo-Yo OUet, ,, Shank Portion Fw111er John Smoked While supp1v 1.a1t11 Hm ii Umit 1 per Customer pet lb. .77 each .39 Ralphs-Plain Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns 8pack .38 ---------•Special Meat V1luea •••••••••- Sl'len"°" '"'"' Cut Corned Beef Brisket ': 1.49 USDA C-c• Ifft loin U\OA 2 89 T-Bone Steak c•o•u '.:' • U$0A~ ... 1Loln' ..-S~ 2 99 Porterhouse Steak fote!J ':' • USDA~ ..... EM ......-... ' Beef Rib Steak ftl.?c1 ': lii.Tvlsieak ~) ": USDA Cholc4I lufc>Al Beef Cube Steak ~~ ':' 2.89 3.89 2.79 •••••••• Specl1I Fisherman's Cove Values•••••••• FrH ll *l>Ole Of Hall Chinook Salmon 110eL Rainbow Trout ": 1.89 ': 4.79 ---------Special Grocery Values••••••••-H••' rronen 5/'1 PLAIN WRAP Burritos ,., ... llHatlla .79 Refried Beans JO or CM! a ..... ., 1.85 life Cereal 2001 boa Mettt•• Frozen 1.09 . Beef Taqultos 111'1 OJ "'' Ato"'1MI Jf.t•ott Royal Gelatin ,., .. 28 bo• • ll1fpll1 1.19 Apple Pie • """ Wllllt " Wheal 41 Ralphs Super Bre•d '".!. • sii';'i1 Molllhwllll 12:: 2.57 ft.iilww ,...... 1111:X 3.21 Ven tM Kamp'• F°roa.n Mexican Pizza llnN 'I Tortllla Strips Le Yletefie.Aed lace Sauce Van tM tt11m9•1 SflreOcle<I F°ro.ten Beef Enchll•d• iiii;hSica MHll 11 Ol .,., . fte!IM; CNM ot l'IHM ,, .. ,_ , ....... ·= a.. ••• ·-~ ~ ... ,........ ... .... lalll• n;: "i"" ............ C'WA> Double Coupon Pre$ent this coupon along wi th any one Manufacturnr :-. cr·n l ~ ofl ' coupon and get double the savings when you JJurchdS .. tht! 1lr•m Nol 10 Include "retaller", "free" or "grocery purc:hc1se coupons ,,r ('/(Ped the value of the Item. Ex-eludes liquor, tobacro anrt d:my r rr":IW 1, limit One Item Per Manufacturer's Coupon and llmlt4 Double Coupons per Customer Coupon Effective April 29 thru May 5, 1982 .. Cqtdt4> Double Coupon' Present this coupon along with an t one Manufacturers cr·rit!; off coupon and get double lhe savings whe n you purtl'la-;r, th<• 1tPm Not 10 lnC'IUde 'teta1le r , •·free or grocery pvrchasi> . CO Upon• or E' rceed !he value of the item Excludes liquor tobacco a no dairy prrdu, is Limit One Item Per Manufacturer's Coupon and Limit 4 Double Coupons per Customer Coupon Effective April 29 thru May 5, 1982 Cqtl4> Double Coupon Present this coupon along with any one Manuf~tumr 5 ren1s otf' coupon arid get ttoubl~ the savings when you e>utt;has,. tt11· •l•·m No1 to inc lude "retailer", "free'' or · grocery purcM~" coupon.a or ""'''"'"d the value of the 118'1'. etclucfE!s liQuor tobacco and da••y oro>'.1uc.1s • 'limit One Item Per Manufacturer's Coupon and limit 4 Double Coupons per Customer Coupon Effective Aprll 29 thru May 5, 1982 «RiP Double Coupon Present this coupon along with any one Manufactur~r s cents ofl" coupon and get (1out>le the savings when you purchar.,p the 11em Not to Include "retaller'', "frH" or "grocery purchase .. coupons or exceed' the value of the item. Excludes liquor tobacco and dafry products Limit One Item Per Manufacturer's Coupon and Limit 4 Double Coupens per Customer Coupon Effective April 29 thru Mays, 1982 Save 11.07 with these PLAIN WRAP Products compared to le.adlng ... Name brands · PLAIN WIAP ·•··· ·'0 Spaghetti PLAlll WIAP .••• ~.JO Clllll Without Beans Pl.All W1AP ..... , to P1trolea111 .lellv CondtlleMf Of PLIJIWIAP ...... ro Shl•POCt MlllWIAP ......... •out11w11h DKMf••""" .45 PLAJNWRAP ·•••• ' o• ... Detergent P~O .97 PLAINWRAP ·•··· :11 OOJ Oulck Oats - Pl.AINWRAP .•••• •o ••r;, · 1.29 Sllced Bologna• 1 29 PLAINWRAP ....... • Chicken lolo1n1 S001 bO• '"' "'' 1.39 1.29 . Mail-or~er p-oeeries no· bargaill lloet q1111Jl1y lootB ··Y•U.ble loc•lly tor leu money, trouble 'I~ . :::;:: J1:.i-:.=2~ =:;'1~-:ir:.:: F ~r::; ~";~~ y and dtlldout . . . ftta, whtlt Hew York'• apple in a b&n u Fu • Uy tnou1h to think 1 corl\-f1d beef beat butchtrt wtll ••11. MCh one of oun.' they're •1 better than eel 1tral1ht to your the aame quality .-kl Since la.tit Dellclout any plnHpple you've home from the heat\ of for half tM mail-order applet currently coat ever i.ted. ~cattle country . . . coat. (You know bow about 89 centa a pound Giant kiwi fruit from ,-Hu11, ruby-red lf•pe· expenalw New York II). and Harry & David ap· New Zealand are offered fruit, 1uaranteed to be Saya Joe Ottomanelli, plel COil more than thtM ln Jwy becauae -well, the 1weetett you ever who with hi• brother, time• that (when they that'• exotic, l1n't It? hAd . . . Nick, bu kept the tradl-are off.net), It mlaht be Frank Lewla doean't • TheN'I even 1-to bl Hid about more .xotto deltcac le• 1uch u hickory-1moked ham• from Vlrginla or clMddar cheeee and maple •YNP from Vermont. lf you've ever driven throuf h the unendtn1 row o road1(de tourtlt standl off etlnf the.e ao~ called delicaclea, you know what to expect when you order the tame Item for twice the price in the mail. You've aeen theae don of hand-picking ev-worthwhile to •pend the bother markeUna anyth-1uper-fa~cy, fourmet-ery cut of beef for the time looking t.hrouah the lna el«lept grapefruit. type apedalty ooda ad-Ottomanelli Bros. market bin. llow to aet the beat vertlaed ln the beat ln Manhattan lirice 1900, In fact, many of the fruit? Find out what the maaazlnea or aplaahed "U.you offered me $100 a trutta offered by Harry mall-order house grows full color acroa expen-pound for the belt atrtP. & David ar~ 1old only ln Ua own orchatda and 1lve mall-order bro-in the world, I couldn t becauae the company of-llick to what fruit built And U you want the chure1. give you 811Y better than fers a "fruit of the rnon-the company'• reputa-heft coffee ln the world, And you almost surely what we sell here for $8 th" peck.age and needl 12 Uon. 10 to a ahop that 1pecla- have been tempted or a pOUnd." different lruita to fill out Gift package. or fancy Hzea In various grlnd1 wlahed yoU could rtak _Nq and Joe also will the calendar. fruits are just that -·before you test the mail- Cdmpartns MAii-order Fancy Food Prices with Your Grocer's ·Prices Prime Strip Steaks London Broll for these fancy foods ordered by mall you can ~yup to: $16/lb . $6.67/lb. Rack of Lamb $18.80/lb. Large Red Dellclous Apples Hawaiian Plneapples $3/lb. $8.50/ pineapple Wllle your grocer or butcher carries the same Item for: • $6-$8/lb. $3.59- $5.99/lb. $5.49- $6.99/lb. 59¢-99¢/lb . St.69-$2.29/ pineapple .. ~HS a pound for prime aeU you their best rib eye A co1t of $16.95 for gifta -and it'• naive to order blenda auppoeedJy 1trtp aw.Im or $8.60 for a steak.a for $6 a pound two Hawaiian plnHpplee expect more tban a aood hand-pick~ in the Col- 1lncie p...._le on the (you'll pay a1moit $12 by ls IO 1teep that Harry & piece of fruit ln a nice omblan hfihlanda. Moat chance you'll have an aWJ) and prime London David doesn't even offer wrapper if you a tray of Colombia ls over 4,000 unforgettable eating ex-broil for from 20 percent them for ale separately from the on-premlaes feet above sea level , perience. w50percentlowerthan 1~1~n~t~h~e~ca~tal=:::OaS~,a=l~tthh=O~U~f~b__:l~pec=aiaJ::=.ties=:~·-----::--...,.---~U\~yw.::::ay~.--~..,.-----_:.'============================e='=M='u=n='·~=•=••=P'="'=S=yM=~=·=·====::=::==! But for the mart part, mall-order prices. forget it. The closer you are to Unless you know the the Mldwelt, the less few gems that really do you'll probably have to 1urpaH t heir. 1rocery pay for your beef. ltore counterpai1a, you're And fruit? Here there '.likely to find that are•·o bargains either. your ta1te buds would Bu•there are tome ex- have been pt as aatiafl-traordlnary varieties of- ed by the atuff at your fered by mall-order corner aton at a fraction houses that you really of the. fancy-food price. won't find anywhere Take *f, for exam-else., pie. You could center 8 Like pears. Harry & lavlah private dinner David, the world-famous party for six around that fruit farmers from ()re.. flneat of all cuts fllet gon, gro~ a trademarked m1IJlOf\. • Royal Riviera pear offe- True: you probably red .only during the wouldn't find this and Christmas sea~on that other "prime" grade mus.t be the JU.Iciest. most meata in your average lusaous pear ever ea~n. aupermarket (USDA (These pean were im- eecond-grade "choice" is ~orted from France, what you usually find ln ~here they are customa- aupermarket ch.alns), but rily served at the finest any neipborhood but-French restaurants). cher ahOwJd De able to At $14.96 for ~ box, of aell you Wt ')>rime, per-10 to 14 pears, t~ey re fectly cut and aged not cheap. But 1f you_ &-ounce filet mignons for can't fet to a Harry & about $10 a pound _ Davids outlet store in '22.50 for your dinner M~ford, Ore .. your only party choice for the best pear on' the other hand. of your life is to order a you could order these box for the holidays. same aix filet mignon• Or grapefruit. Last from any of the mail-year. the F~ank Lewis order finm clahnlng to Fruit Co. 1n Alamo, ahtp you the beat beef Texas, '?ld 20 pounds of money 'f!i!J!l straight ~st;oundmgly sweet and from the M.kiwest JUlcy grapefruit for 1tockyarda. $18.95. The •.t la ala You'd never believe prime -1t\hally -grapefl'uit m, i.r~ and. It'•~ two to gexlf Y~... 't,orderi·• hea 1lx weeu juat like the bo · TtOava • i~ tl butcher shop fare weather in Texas isn't · ideal thia year, there's no But the mall-order telling what Frank ateaka are lhipped to you Lewis fruit will taste like frozen, which make• come harvest them more difficult to Weather ·ii n o t the rook p:operly (and not as only pitfall in ordering appetizing, according to fancy fruits aome). The price: $14.44 Mail~ fruit stands to $15. 7 8 a pound or such as Harry & David '32.50 to $35.50 for the bill themselves as Mme llx meu. "gift-quality" outfit•. Thi• bold• true for rneaninc you can order 1 other cu te offered b~ fruit enaem~le for a the• • er eat friend~ tale cantrY ... wit~ ~ ttia"t Th Jean ... ,, ·you'll make an enemy Inatitute .,. that prime when he or she opens up beef la prime beef, pe-8 box of rotting produce. rlod. 'Tbll lfllde of meat Thls means, too, bow- haa good color, texture eve.r, that you're paying and just the r l & ht for a guarantee of uni- amoun t of marbling form quality rather than (t.:ing of fat through the for any particular ditfe- me.t) •a "9Ult of com re nce between fancy and other expenalve fruitl and grocery store aralna fed to the steer1 items for loOa -per1oda of time Apples, as an Ulustra-befora.~ter. lion, aren't grown by A1 '9ftrimmlng, any Harry & David farmer• loodfier 1hould be but are instead chCltflen by Able you the ume company managenr from thin of fat around among reliable Ol'Charda. th• to make It cook Could you choose aa Just riabt. good an apple fr0m the You~ pay <1Ver $16 a bin at your neighborhood pound for admittedly market? "Probably," a auperb New York-atyle spokesman for Harry & Percentages can mislead -.,. y ........... Ken ·Tiifkeys PY.':.,~= A ··- lb. ii SAFEWAY QUALITY MEAT Fresh Ground Chuck °"'~ '=-' Sliced Beef liver o.ir- Beef Cube Steak Fresh Red Snapper = Whole Cooked Lobster Red Ripe Tomatoes Frllft Avocados Zetty Yellow Chill Aid,...~- Frilh ~Celery = Critpr.nll Sunflower Seidt :.. Groetr'I Ctioicl frutt Aolll • -'1" .99' 10 '2" '1" Sliced Bacon Variety Pack Meats ~ 11se ''t.: '1" .. '1°' ess Wieners 'E° I I 0 , ..... "'•· • '5" Com Dogs ...,........, LambCho s WMf Watermelon ~ .. 1&· • 69' Sun-Kiss Ral9'ns ~'=. 1: 1145 .. 45• vi. PldctOr..-Juice ~ 12" • 49' CannyScotf Prunes =i: 1~• 1111 • 39• Gatden Hose "~:=:.r:,. lad! '9" .... 49' Porn Pom Bouquets L.MJc.rt .-'2" .... 45• Blooming Mums wi:.. 6 i;:' 14" ~ 89' Large Mixed~ .... '2" 3,. .,.. lndOOr Holill Pllntl v.... 8 = ... Budweiser Beer 3ta:.!•~ Con·· I ~- (llMlt t ,.,,_ 0.-...... 11 GROCERY =-e Cragmont Beverages 6 ~ •11• t! £·Carnation c.v,.-'~ 55' :&~>La Victoria = ~ 69' ~Old El Paso =~2~1 't: 39• •100% Whole Wheat Wll9fJI• 2(; 79• me. Grainbelt Cereal Bread wi~ .'~ 89• ~Sour French Rolls S::-:~ ~\ 89' DAIRY arkes T aquitos ~Markes Enchilada ~·1 1• ~ •13$ Cilllof>95• ~45• :t s12s 1~'211 ~ 69' .. Chedda heese ~~~-=yle, *r.9 --w..-. ... om& ~ _...., ~ .._ .. •r' ... HEAL TH & BEAUTY 11 11ix~m 1 :,~ -Dos Equls light Beer 6~ '3" Coppertone suntan Lotion •Scoresby Scotch ,:. ~~ '9" Conditioning Shampoo ~ •Kavlana Vodka ,,!. i: •711 Colgate Toothpaste :':.': •f•-c:=• :.eo1ory Wines • .~ 2Ll.!.•S00 Truly Fine Baby Powder ·:: '1" ... • 11'' cee. _,,._..,,. .... ••••••••• m'1l~~1~:Z.:•1n. Pepsodent Toothbrush.:=. ,....,,_,,_c.....w ....... ,.~ .. -· Cencertef~ a ~_ ... ..,.._.~.,lii.tMr11 • .. .. •• ,. Cajun-style '.rice and beans - Many New Orlean1 rett.auranta feature red bHnl and rice on the ' Monday menu. The tra- d1Ucn ot •l'Yina th1I po- pular Cajun cflah on a Monday be1an when that day waa laundry day. The bean• and the ham bone, leftover from Sunday'1 tradltklnal t)am dlnner, could be put on to limme.r unattended aa : the laundry wa1 under way. When dinner Ume ar- rived, the laundry was done and ao were the bean1 -only the rice needed to be prepared. At with any recipe that'• been handed down from generation to gen- eration, there are almost aa many variations in· lngredienta and cooking methods for red beans and rice a1 there are cooks preparing lt. 1 One thing everyone agrees on, though - sin~ the beana, when properly cooked, are 90ft and almost "creamy." the rice that's served with them should have firm, aeparate grains. Today, red beans and rice makea an lnexpen- ' sive meal idea for the budget-amacioua family. Tile protein of the beans and rice complement each other, to provide the complete protein the body needs, with no costly meats neceeaary. When there's no time to prepare the traditional recipe, "No Bother" Red Beans and Rice can still be enj>yed. Thi.a updated version substitutes canned red kidney beans and bacon for the long-cooking ' dried red beans and ham bone. The dish it ready in UM.* half 91\ ..... with little attendaJl needed. For yet another varia- tion that is equally con- venient. try Spicy Beans & Rice. SPICY BEANS & RICE 1 can ( 16 ounces) black-eyed peas 1 cup rice 1 'h cups sliced onion 1 teaspoon garlic salt 1 teaspoon salt 1 t easpoon c hili powder 1 cu s hredded ~~w~ as needed to make 2 'h cups liquid. In a large skillet, combine black- eyed peas, liquid, rice, onion. garlic salt, salt and College cookery DURHAM. N.C. (AP) -A Duke University freshman who thinks college students should be eating more shrimp spreads· and fewer fast food dinners la taking her crusade to TV. Mollie Fitzgerald be- gan her own show on the college television station to ahOw students how to u.e dormitory appliances ·for semi-gourmet cook-. ' ~;A lot of the kids have appllances their moms buy them -blenders, hot plates and toaster ovens -but they never do more than Lipton's C\lp-A-Soup," Ms. Fitz-gerald said. • The first program, which Wat broadcaat last month, dealt with hors d'oeuvre• -including ahrimp 1preadt, cheHe fondues and artichoke d.lps • The second program will cover entreea. The third wUl di1cuaa dea- aerta. '"n'9 abow la far from gourmet. .. Ma. Fltqerald aald. "lt'a more elona ·the ,Wdellnes of conve·' . Nence md pidlcality. "Dorm room cookina hM ltl Umliatklal. but it Juat take• a little Uaoulht. So many_~ are alnkt of c:iooldftl. So what lf you mn1 up? Jmttry ........... crMdft ta the fua part Maut ~a ilihc.•• chill powder. SUr. Brina l can (13~ or 14 ~ to a boil and cover. Sim-~beef broth l cup rke l teupoon thyme 1 teupoon ult rMr 20 mlnutee. Remove from heet. Sprinkle with Chedder cheeae. Cover and let atand untU all Uquld la ab1orbed and ~ cup diced areen cheele la melted, about 6 pepper mtnutea. Makes 8 aer-, 1 can (30 ounce.) red vino I kidney beanl, dra1ned "Nt) BOTHER" RED Cook bacon ln 10-lnch BEANS AND RICE aklllet over medJwn heet 6 slice• bacon, cut until browned but not into 1-lnch pieces criap, about 3 mlnutea. 2 onions, cut Into Remove bacon from ~-inch wedges akillet; drain off all but 2 l garlic clove, min-tablespoons drlppJn1a. Add onion and garlic to akillet; cook until onion II tender but not brown1 about G mlnutea. Ada enou1h water to bHf broth to make 2 ~ cupe liquid. Add llquld to skillet; brtn1 to a boll. Stir In rice, aalt and thyme. Cov~r.an.d aim· mer l& mtnutea. Add ar-n pepper;. cover and continue cookln1 ~ ml- n u tee. Remove from heat. Stlr ln beana. Let stand covered until all liquid la at.orbed, about 5 mtnutet. Makee 6 Nf'- vlngs. ~RAOJTIONAL~ An old Southern • vort~ 11 updated= apeed when can bean• combine w &19 rice. nr.ti 111H ,,.,, Ht t•f 1! " 11111 •• 'ti I 1'1 • THERE 18 A ·DIPPERENCE '"' ..... •tth ,, ,.,,. . WI TH VONS-DOUBl;E COUPONS . I'" .f} ( ~ 1~ t••!• l'i •' ' GROCERIES lt<lU'QCNI.-~ .. .29 Cut Oreen &e.\s ~~~~=-= 119 8llllld Dressing IMXICECAH .69 l'faley'a Chll & 8eaN J:'Ol .... >OC:ST't\L,l\N\~ ]49 R.gu Speghdd Salce )Oll'tt-}98 l'futea lnstmlt Tea l>OUroa CM. ~l'O" .49 EWlpOl'llted M9l PRODUCE IWI TOPS°"' Otas>c.nota ~ITATl.-'Nfl:f Red Dtldoua Applet r:ttto::1ot..to. 10-IOlc_,flA~ ~Mains ==~aMll9 s ~.69 ~.89 IA .19 Ul .49 IA .39 ..,.129 ..... 99 12-0Z.CNI WHOLE KERrfe. GROCERIES '160t ·~ -°"~ JUT'OI 119 7-0p~ IOCOl.f'll llOJl "°"' .69 Fabftc Softener Sheets 460lCAH~T-.69 <npefrult Juice 400U..""Cl .89 /11\.D. Told TIAue ·~"'Cl .79 Ql9d SMdwtdl a.gs 1.Ql\U.CJIO IOTIIZ .89 Clorox Liquid IMuc:h 1-ROZEN F·OODS V< >;'1~ Bl\KI In =-~~ .39 a::..non Rola • 95 =.:rc:o... .59 ·--~Oii~ ]39 Paa .. ed~ =~-i.... .89 fll.IJ {-----------------------------------~ l~' -----------------.I . •I •332 I• 1111 11 DOUBLE COUPON 1! \ I "'-i..-~ .... 114111 _, -~ •• ___,,.. c....,. ,., •l ............. tf>c ........ lrclfnV...,....IO~ ........ he~. I' I'! :, -..pol\8 ...-tlwl -... «~IN .... ol b llitm. .: I :t I u...a_...,..,.. t n "'•---·-,,..~ ., I 1 I 'I ~ ........... -.. .,..-.. I' I ~ .... ,,,,,.21 .. ~s .. 1"2 I " ~?!'!~~~~.!'!-~-~-'!!.'?'!.~~~~!'!.!'!-~~ , t rl .-----------------· •'J i,I . ooueLE)couPoN Ii ,:1:~ I "'-"'.,. ~ ........ .,, -~. -~ Coupclft I 11 Md tet dotlllla IN ........ .._, V-. "'°' to lrdMk .......... free~. 11 •if <4 ~.,_..,_.._., ... .,,. i'IMol!bellem. 1p l 11 u..a-_,,...J:.:"'" ..-.-....--·-,,..~ II '"'t II c...-":e.-=-21~:.,~r=--II ."'1 .47 ·------------------· lllfT r----•------------------------------4 ~ .-----------------· !I ooueLE)cOCJPON :1 ::~Ji '• ..._.. IN9 CowpGft .... wit! Ill)' -~ •• _,,..,,.. _..,.. I' I u, II _. ... _,.IN ...... fl'om V-.. "'°' IO~ tdal?lir. ,.._ cowpona. I I ~...-°*'-**'•aceecllM..._ollM..... I ·"lll! •• Limit-........ ~ t ,,.., ___ ._,,.....,,. •• w I' ~~-=-21~ =-~ =---i: i.~: .~!!!! !'!!'! !'!.!'!'-'!'..'!!.'?'!.~ ~ ~~!'!! .!!'.!'!IJ t ,• • ·-----------------· ,, •• "))2 1: I > l ii · DOUBLE COCJPON 1: ... ',I ..._..,.-.......,...,."'11_~.·~coupon l'1 Jo Md ... ..,.. Ifie ........ "'-v-"'°' '° lrdock ,_.,.,,, ._ c~. !.~ 'I ~ .-. II*> -.... uceec1 u. .... o111>c bm. I' u.11 I 1.1m11-~,-.--·---·-,,..~· I J 'I ~...,.-._ .. ..,.........,.. I' I ~ .... _....2' .. "'°J S,1"2 I • '• ·-----------------· Ii.'. ------------------------------------· O": I BEEFT·BONE LB 258 STEAKS T Alll.f: lll'IO Oii l..Ol1 CUT CUJB Mf Al S -TONICl--\IO-~ 8onllel1Hlm •nt~.-V~llC 158 llcied lecon 1"9'9ICI. l-.,t HVI< ·1 ~I A l < H ){) I 1·\IJ."1 l'ld •I ill( I<, ;::;::.~;.. .49 ]49 . IO&CW.--~-.• 39 J"'5 Ill e :;:---..a.. .... 89 LIQUOR >U!'lk -Ga Illa> -1~>< I,.. Qalo O'llbis BlllfK I..,, I IJOUIQClll" llMOI ~"( I JQ1 O(ympla Beer I.HT 1 ·~ ~'a7Crown -Wt9T1: JoM CIW¥a Tequ .. I m/TUl-UCIHT Ga OOU> Mn~Rum -.&.LllO Galo Oewurtltremlner I ~-llt<ifC. .... ~C-.. c.to Rosal Wines LEGGS PANlY HOSE SHUR~REO, COM"llOL TOP 199 DELICATESSEN ]99 ~e~;.~ .25 299 >Oil "'<l -rouivAM:TU ,35 ~~8c;)lleBun1toa 1229 l~,._Of:on _,., ~l9 Buddlg llWi Slcld Mmlts 399 IJOl 1'110ICUOll~T1 »-IOtl'RG .95 Oscar Mayer BologNI 829 IOl "'O ~>< .., }59 Der10l9 Slced Coolced Ham 369 ~~ ]59 299 -~MO 1 .,0U\'~ } 39 I.eke To lAke OMleM t0t 1111C • • CINCO Df MAYO FAVORITES .~.._ .55 .85 .95 108 • 111:11 N• rrt. ,.,,, • >tT1 "'" , .. , ,,., ,,.,,. A ... ,, ,,.1,. '"'' ". ••t.lt I '•'1 ·i" ... t Cooking with class DIOSA'I Books and Cookwares in Irvine will offer a candlelight din- ner claas tonight at 6:30 taught by Tarla Fallgat- ter. Fee ls $20. Dolores Hoffman will instruct in preparation of an Italian picnic expe- rience at 6:30 p.m. on April 30. C<lst ls $20. Corliss Ro9e will teach a French bread workshop at 1 p.m. on May 1. Fee i5 $10. Susan Slack will offer three classes in Chinese cuisine on May 3, 10 and 17. The advanced menu series will uae new tech- niques, menu ideas and Chinese lore. C<lst is $60 for the 1eries. On May 5 , Dolores Hoffman will teach pre- paration of a Mexican dinner including aopa de albondigaa, Sonora en- chiladas, Mexican chllies with onion and dessert empanadas. Class fee 19 $20. Bill Steburg will oiler a class in preparing pork for cooking or freezing as well as w•)'I to w.e the meat at 6:30 p.m. on May 7. Class fee ia $1 0. Call 551-0280. WILLlAMS-SONOMA in South Coast Plaza will present a demonstration on catering your own wedding reception at 1 p .m . o n Ma y 12 . Showley-Wrightaon, ca- t e rers from Newport Beach. wU1 olfer tdeu ~t the free preaentatlon. Call 751-1166 for infor- mation. SHER M A N GAR- DENS and Library in Corona de) Mar will of- fer Madeleine De Groote teaching a claaa at 11 a.m. on Ma)'. 11. Registration fee is i20. Kay P'aator ius will teach use of the food prooesaor lQ preparing a French summer dinner at 11 a .m. on June 15. Cl us f ee ii $20. and preregatration ta requi- red. can 673-2261. COAST RARDW ARE in Laguna Beach will offer a clall ln basic yeast breads at 1 p.m . on April 29. It wU1 be tauaht by Mary Wlllbolte, and the fee fs $18. Call 497-4403 for reterVadoN. MR. STOX restaurant ln Anaheim will offer Phyllis Ann Marshall teac hinl Cajun and Creole cook:iof New Orleans on 29. Salvatore la, chef at the C..Uar ,_,.urant tn Fullerton will be a l\*l ........... y3. He will lhlN btl fawrtte recipes of .. Nouvelle Arne~" Sou,bera b01pttaUty wtll be Uae theme of • clH• on.=J, 28, with Mn. M ..tatlq l'.dna Burb lft aharina eecreta of a family heri· l*le lncludtn1 butter- 1n0k b6acuttl. pita IOUf-c:n and a lmtthUeldl cooklna,caa.At In· ·elude m a-.. rlala and lwhwt_....,.... • ....... Oii& .. -..--... ~ach cla• -JJ:~or four clallll. If 1ue1t cl ... • are"' illla.a.11 .. a II - & d The supermarket that brought you discount pricing has discounted prices even further. • Over 3,500 new everyday low prices on items you buy regular1yl Listed are only a few examples. • No games, gimmicks or costly frills to drive up the cost of your food bill. • No one-week specials, but new everyday lower prices on over 3,500 items! • No double or triple coupon offers, but everyday lower prices to give you a lower total. 'i FRYINC CHICKEN .at iOO" iOl'...._ ... Ult1lOlt • ... 49 !_~~!~OUNO STEAK., 1 .87 ~-~.!~~ .. 1 .99 .. 2 .46 • TOP SIRLOIN STEAK -U•-•lll •OOt DA~ SUCEO H~101 -3 .69 ~~SCUITS r.ot CMto25 !_Ole.! OR~SS~~. "°' -1 .69 ~~~~~l~~ar<Mt.67 RIB EYE STEAK "2 .98 MOTT'S APPlESAUCE ". ,..1 .13 FRESH CROUNO BEEF 1 28 ~-Ul"'T COOCTAll ••ar Ult.63 '"' 00 -OOft "'°"""'°... ... .. • - ~~~ ENO RIB ROAST 19 1 .98 ~~CUT CHUCK ROAST 11 . 98 2~."2.~!l .. UM~ ROAST Lt 1 B9 II 1.99 ~~~2fi~1SKET .. 1 .37 StRlOIN TIP ROAST -...."-·"- ... 59 ... 98 ~ L?,'~ ~?~~T ... ,.11 1 .59 ~.~~-SP~NS. "1.59 ~~~ !,O!<J..°"' ..... 1.66 ~J~! SAUSAOE . 118 -1.~ CUT-UP CHICKEN --OOACllA BEST·O·FRYER --Clf<IO(• ~!!!f_!..~TTIE~11 ... 4.19 ~WIACON ,,11.1.59 f!l:ET OF DO~lt ~. "2.48 CUNG PEACHES ... CMt.44 DEl MONTE PEARS ... CMt.65 SINKA APPLE JUICE 99 .. "'. ~~l~~·-··••<••69 ~~s •• u..67 WEI.CH'S Cl~ AJIC! ... 1 .55 OATORAOE ORIMC --·-·· PMAPfllE JUICE ~-. ·~. ,.,, " ..... .. neu".65 . •ot r,111.11 ~_!!AKFAST .~c. 1B5 ~~.!e!, .•• -1.55 \ DEL MONTE PEARS "°' ""'•96 ~~!J;.~NOORNCS,°'"'' .97 TOMATO .JUta .. ••c-.71 _,_"" __ ROSARITA BEANS --OIWC> HORMEL SPAM ... 1 " .87 tOGf fMo36 IOOl <Mo 79 t1Gf(M 1 o39 ~~~;~~!.~~NK T~f u. .96 ~f!U~ESERVES ... -1 .57 CHILI WITH BEANS -PET MllK •tar<llt.77 llOIUlto49 COffEE CREAMER 116 ...., Ol jM • r.RENCM'S ""'STARD ttar .... 76 LADY LEE SALAD OfL •oi 111 1 .83 BBQ SAUCE "°' ... 1 .26 JEU.-0 CELATIN lot-.34 AN~HONY SPACHETTI ,.°' .. , • 70 CHEERIOS CEREAl .. .., -1 .15 TOTAl C~RE~ iw.c'-1 .53 ~~ .. OCC'S CORN FLA~;s.o.1 .22 KEU.OGC'S RICE KRI~~ '°.1 .44 COFFEE 19~2.64 IQ"'" ... ,_ ... 00 ...... tQM: t\Cll!tCJit. ~y LEE COFF~E ,\(t tM 2 .15 LADY LEE COFFEE ,..u.6 .24 ·-TASTER'S CHOICE .01 ... 2 .69 Mtlt-"''"" co•u LIPTON TEA BAGS t00(ttet2 .23 ~~ OCARETTES 1,. 6 .35 ~}2.E CICARETTES ,,,,6 .25 _,_..69 -·-CIGARETTES Wtmt111 T~t $4Htffll Gtfttltl Hts Ottettftlfltd Tlltl °"""' S.,.. ls 0.,.-11Yw ltt# ~!!~FLAKE WAFFLE~ • .., .. -.97 ORE·IOA TATER rors.,.., .. , 1 .33 ~~~~~.:'!<?!I.ABLES IOOI __ 97 Bl.RDS·EYE coe CORN .3~ ~5.!"!~~ V•-0 ••OI °"' 1 .99 ~~NIZED MILK "", •• 1 .97 LOW FAT MILK rA Cr•.97 HON FAT M~.I( I 1 65 ll-lllf , I l I )I > i 'T~ • 9!"..u.! PUNCH MOI ... 1 .09 ~!~~HEESE "°'"" 1 .59 LADY LEE BUTTER .• 01 rr.1 .85 f!~OE AA LARGE ECCS 0011,,, .89 !,L,UE BONNET MARGAR_!~~ .... 79 CLOROX BLEACH ""'"•99 ~~~f~PER TOWELS ""ec..i.82 ~,~X CLEANER narm 1.27 ~~DY LEE FOAM CUPS ''" ~ .58 ~~~~~ATES ,.,, ..,. 1.34 ~IVE ~TERGE!fJ.,. 1.97 ~.~.~ ... "'2.52 SICIPPY DOG FOOO ---.30 KAl. KAN 000 FOOD 0 :J J1 " I Subject of obesity: No easy answ:~rs IY DOROTHY WENCK ....... o-1.L ......... What maku aome people fat while other people .,. thin? After many yeara of 1nadyln1 thl1 queetlon, ldentiltl atill don't know the anawer. Obealty la much too complex for 11mple ex- planation. auch u "she eat1 too much," or "he doea.o' t get enough exerd8e." The cauaes of obesity vary wlth lndlvlduala and Include heredity, eating behavior, dietary patterns, lack of exerdle, llfe-style, personality, and physiological mal- functio~ that may be psychologiCal in origin. In the last ten years many theorlea on the cauaes and treatrpent of obeaity have been ad- vanced, and some have received widespread pu- blicity. But so far none have been proven. Here are aome examples: -The ''set point" theory. The lower por- t10h of the brain, named the hypothalamus, ls said to determine a 1et-polnt for weight much like a thermoatat setting on a fur nace. The body ii ,. ''procrammed" to main- tain thia wetaht to IUCh a dearee that lt counte:racta the effecta of any dlet a pel'IOn might try. reaearch haa ldentUled ATPut In varyln1 amounta in the red blood cell•, not ln all cell• of the body. Under thl1 theory, a person may loee wei1ht _:_ Tht appetite theo- when first on a diet, but ry. ClC*ly related to the after a while simply aet point theory, th l• cannot loae any more t heory su11eat1 that if because 1omehow the you lose wetaht, 1ome metabolism ls adjusted senior in the central by the brain to maintain • nervous ayatem lncreuet the "set-point" weight at your appetite, and i~ you a lower calorie intake. gain weight, something Perhapa, according to tends to supprea1 the thia theory, the set point appetite. The j>rob&em ii ~ be changed by con-to idenUfy what the q - slaten tl y follow.Ing an nal would be. exerclle program for an extended period of time. -The enzyme theory. An enzyme called AT- Pase, if present in lower than normal amounts, may predispose certain peopJe to gain weight. Thia enzyme exiats in all cells in the body and helpa to bum oU 15 to 40 percent of all calories not used during physical activity. Some obese persons may have 20-25 percent less A TPase than penona of nonnal weight and u a result may use fewer calories. They may· be more fuel efficient, in other worda. Tilus far, One suggestion ii that the trtgger la insulin le- vel in the flui~ in the brain. ~nother ls that hormones ln the c•- atrointestinal tract con- trol appetite. -Reactions to food theory. A number of obea people haw • me-tabolic response to the sight. amen and IOUnd of f~ cookina. Thia reac-tion cauaee the pencreu to increaae the flow of insulin into the blood. stream, increase hunger sensation, and speed conversion of formerly ingested food to 1tored fat. HAMBURGERS NEVER. , ••• Tasted so good for hot & 91>lcy use j Cook-In' Saace In your l hamburger ••. for that I Far East flavor use l Sweet •n Sour .. ~d 2 -3: -tbsp.sauce,chOpped onions, and 1 egg to 1 lb. ground meat. Mix well. Cook as usual. FREE! Recipe B~k '1 Wrlte WOODrS P.O. lloll 1788, Loot Beec:b, CA 90801 AVAILABLE AT EL RANCHO • GELSON'S • HUGHES IRVINE RANCH MARKET • other fin• food •lorn ( Here's 20C to discover the natwal goodness of Autumn Margarine. Good taste. Good ingredients. There'§ nq~iQij~lcial added. , :1- C No artificial flavors, oolars«Dr preservativ~. ") In stick or soft, fts lhe kind of flavor yow family can enjoy. J I Orange COMt DAILY PILOT/Wedneed•y, Aprll 28, 1982 • 711! rJ 1 IUI ! 1ub J L'; '·:Kt 10 1q ') 'H a ~/) 1i1c1 l'.>O y•.;J '?JJ :J .. ~ • r , .. , :l ... q ·h ~: ~ ~ .rb 'II 1r1•~ "~~ (! b s ·1·1 J 1: •ti ) i :,~ JI , o. :J •j f; ' " . ""~ ,,.,, t&){J ?ri t HA:l l(;(Yl a 3 0 ,,,,~. 1'1f !o?J l no .,.,) >i It ., ~l I :i; &l:J tr.q br.n Orange COMt DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday, Aprll 21, 1882 i.lon't let Zillfandel hang around a wine cellar r£,~AN IDOD SBLIDCTION (l•t•)a DUB RANCll (ltat .. h Herbel, rich· fruit aroma, 1 t '1 • M 0 NT ERE Y l 9 7 2 Sou v er a I n _...... • Sweet malt aroma. hint SwMUlla aroma, like a llllT 1111 full, round taate. lm· PENINSULA LODI II (Sonoma); 1972 Rldae l'cl rather conl\une of anlH and rubtier. fin• old Bur1undy -~ofretdduahupr LATJ; HARVEST (SH Lodi (San J'oaqufn wt.ne IDll more rm bmtil Drinkable, but mor• a l>Olllbll the bett of the ~ and thouah a touch JM4•a. Valley): A port Valley); 1973 Souve~ penuldld that althou&h claret•type wlnt than a bunch. The wine la hol· harah, a tine, flnt1hed lookalike. Clean. aliah\ly 1973 Feuer (Mendod.no); IOme wtlMI hold· better ZtnfMde1. dins well, with clean, velvet feel. t 1 LATE HARVEST SIM· Wine. ralaln-like aroma choco-1974 Cameros Creek r.... thanotben.Zlnfandel IHlBIDOBPIDD· tr.hfruitaromManda '''' PHELPS MONSl\ANCll(N•h U71RIDGEOCCl· lateyarfdwetght)"; chen(Amador);1974Mt. almo1t 1urely doH~t LETOWN (Amader): full, rich mouth-feel. (Ale1aader Valley): Spice and mint, ratllny, DENTAL LATE HAR· aweet, a perfect match Veeder !'.Iola (Amador); tmprvve. wtth iona bottle 1Ll1titer 1tyled, wUh UH CLOS DU VAL 'typical concentrate~ aurprtai.naly dry; hot; not VEST (Soaoma): Dark with cheete, apples, al\d 1974 Sutter Home Anni· ~· . clualc floral Zinfandel (N.,.): 811. rtch. briary, berry-1plcy-eranberry a de11ert wlne deaplte ruby, mlnty .. ptcy aroma, nut.a aa deteert -and the v er• a r 'I Re• er v e 8ciM Zlnfandall need fruit uorM and e1Ct1tllent chocolawy, 1plcy aroma aromaa and a Hne, full the dettanadon. touch of an11e; atl.U tannic wine la Improving. (Amador); 1973 Maya- a llMl! llDOUl\t of~ ,balance. · la lnUiCWna. The tM1e ii mouthfeel ; l\11 not lm· UU""BIDGE GEY· and h ot ( U . percent THE OTHERS: 1969 camas (Amador); 1974 tollDOOthout.toiaDtbe UHRIDGEOBY· 1ood-likea1oodCa· provlnl. SE RVILLE LATE alcohol).Servewlth SutterHomeDeaverVi-Mayacamas LateHar.- roush edpl off the tan· . ...;S;;.;E;;.;R~V .... J_L-L.-.E_T_R_EN_T_A_·_be_me_t_Sa_uvtpon __ ..... wt._.;..;.th ..... a __ ..;;..1t1.-..t'1'1;..;... rM~T ..... ...;.V..;;E;;,,;;E;;..;D;;...E=R_.;f>;...;l;...;C;;,,;;lt..;;..;E~D--(~S-o_a_o ..;;..m_a .... ) _: -=ch.;.;.e..;;..;eee;...;._;_aa~de--w~rt-. ___ ne.;.;..:r...Y•..,;.rd__:.(Ama __ d_o_;r)_Lo_t_ll;_· vest (Amador). nlna, but rarely doe1 Ztnfandel need many YNn. the way Cabernet Sauvtcnon~ Some week• ayo, I 1ta1ed another o my evaluatlona of older Zln· fandela. I tried 26 of them between 7 and 13 yNn of a&e· My conclu- sion: drfnK ~t Zinfan- dela when youna. Old~r Zintandels may be interesting, but they chanae in time away from the frui ty-iesty things we .eek for ln the first place. The best older Zinfan· dela, those fhat retain 80me structure, appear to b e those made in a slightly late-harvest styl~. or originally had intense fruit and softer tannins. Zinfandel's charm is its berry-like fruit and spice. In time, the fruit dissipates. What's left might be interesting. but it's not like Cabernet, where the currant· herbal-olive character becomes elegant with time in the bottle as the "fru it" consti · tuent fades . Wh en Zinfandel's fruit fades, the charm of why we drink it ln the first place is gone. My tasting included 25 ~ friends. It was a walk- around affair on a Sat- urday afternoon, with . kids running up and down stairs and blaring on horns. Most of us felt this was the best way to dispose of some of these wines. Below are tasting notes from some of the wines we liked. The rest are listed without com- me.nt. Our recommenda- tion, in general, is to drink them up: 19'73 LOUIS MARTINI SPECIAL SELECTION: Good fruit remains, with a touch of pepper-spice. Slightly tannic and dried out, still drinkable. 19'73 RIDGE OCCI· DENTAL (Sonoma): Ruby color, sweetish fruity aroma, tart entry. still somewhat alive, not improving. lt74 RIDGE LY'ITON SPRINGS (Sonoma): Praaey, tamale, coarse, not bad. lt'1• CHATEA U MONTELENA (Napa aacl Aleuader valleya): Alive! Older ruby color, slightly raiainy but fruit still fresh and lively. good acidity. tt'1• MIRASSOU (Santa Clara): Cranberry-spicy aroma; superb acid, clean finish. A lighter-styled wine holding well. UH PHELPS DRY CREEJt BENCBLANDS (Soaoma): Loaded with sediment, fine varietal aroma. A bit coarae, quite enjoyable. UH RIDGE SHE· NANDOAH (Amador): Light brown-ruby color; an herbal note covers up the remaining fruit; an impresalon of aweetness makes lt drinkable tho- ugh different from when releued. UH BARBOR WI- NERY DEA VE& VI· NBYARD (Amador): Currents and cranber- ries, aplce and mint; · aliahtll hanh. ll'1 SIMI SPECIAL Irvine • wmner. . • ... FflOZEN IVANETIU MORTON et.at. ... -· ..... @} 12·0Z BASKET LIMIT & IAIKfTS ptJI FA Mil Y WHIU IUl'f'\.Y LASTS .. uc .-.. lie .. 11c IA 11.81 .. 12.21 5-LB TOPPING STATER BROS. O-OZ Pt<G SAVE 120 U MfT • PtlG PER FAMILY WHIU IUPl'I. Y l.ASTS UANI •vM1mn SPAGHml WHIPPED STATtA 8AOS FAOZtl!i 8-0Z TUB u .. n 2 PER FAMtl\' WHILE IUl'f'l Y LASlS SAJ!CE$~19 10.VAfllnlU Dl~!ERS69 PRUNA AT FOOD 24° • • •• .,.'19 .......... •1• ..... -•1• ... '4.21 .. .'2.ll ..... '5.11 .. .. 'l.11 ' . ... .. .. ... 11 .... '1 .. ... •1• HOf'AUTOll TltMI09 La Vlotorla ............. . HCl . ..... 1 ........... .. • FOA LAUNDflY MDkAOICJI .. •1.21 · mtlSTUI MU-N .. 11.11 -STUI lk.AOtO/f ... 11.11 PmSTUIS lllU .. •2.11 C9l STUIS auJ' .... IJOHu.ua .. •a.11 SftlUISTW 000 NC)l lJl:Cl.lO ~fl T 11 II -1£I1 .. . rm-nm .. •1.ca HUIJOHl•• 11 II • 11AST cm1 m ... • l(U IJOHlU:M '2 01 salOllAST ... • rnw"'iAr~ ... '2.0I LAROE. FIRM, GREEN ARTICHOKES EA OOllA•4HC'ft~ · .. 2ac .. 39C CO• aiiccoi1 iiPi1iaa .. 11c TOMATO PLANTS iiiiifiuii'.. eac Pilfii"iiiii,.19C OUIQNER OR 0£COMTG a VAIUETIU 111.UE llfT. • DOG FC!9,D330 ~eat of remodeling '~ever cools with style ·choices A cook can read only a certain number of mnodellJ\I arUclea in Uae lhlny ~ be- fore putUns on the heat to upirade her own kitchen. No\ that the Idea doetn't encounter some reeiatance. • "What do you mean, the kitchen needs eome work," protesta the non-cookJ.n8 member of the family. lt'a the standard opentna aalvo in nego- tiationa. He would say that about the Black Hole of Calcutta. "Listen, thia place 11 ao old we atill have hole1 in the wall from the Indian raldlna party that came through here in 1842," counters the cook, who allo knows eome fancy game moves. Best~. ahe'a tired of chopping woOd and going to the well for water. "We're on the Board of Health'• '10 Most Wanted .Liat'," ahe adds aa the coup de grace. 101 If Tll llTClll Then the fun begj.ns. No one just slaps new cablneta and applian- ces onto the same four walla theee days -you must Create a Theme so visitors will know just what kind of a cook ia alinglng hash. One look that's been around for many years, odd as it may sound, ia the ultra-modem decor. It c~es with each decade, eo of coune, modem in the '50s becomes ''we've got to get rid of this old junk" in the '80a, but the basic premise re- . mains the same: , Everything i_s ~inted white or made of stainJesa steel. probably i.nclud.lna the family cat and dog, and IW'facel are bare. On cloee "tnapec- tion, It re.embles a medkal reeeucb lab at UC Irvine. The cupboards coniain plates shaped like culture dishes and wine glaases like test tubes. but the cook may object to fixing· dinner on a Bunsen burner. Everyone begins to feel like a white rat after living with such stark surroun- dings. But science marches on, and soon the mo- dem kitchen looks dated. One way to avoid the problem is to go firmly into the past and stay there. l. ~ther popular ~ these what's belhJh'eferred to vario\islf 8* the French country look , European provinc ial or hang -up- everythmg-weighing-lesa-than-300-pounds ap- proach. ChH•••, her bl, aaJaml aftd. oopper pana =~ ~ raften lib t.d Cua1al.NI at the Countertopl .... ·--with quaint touchel like o&d cott .. mm.. bned IUcen and mokJe Uni, with the ~tor and diJhwalMr CAUPOUlla· aed to look l1ki an old bam door. At ftnt 81ance. It ...._ only a Cordon Bleu lf&duate would dan to enter the fon9t ol wire . whllka and wooden butter molds, but lc:>na-tenn dwellen in auch tu.rrOUndJn8a report they have no time actuallf to cook there. All free houn are apent In upkeep, 1lnce the. copper poc. have to be ICJ'Ubbed to keef.a· constant gleam, and everythina ei. on d.lap y collects duat with the speed of Uihl Compulalve hou.aekeepen even wuh and pollah the chee.e and aalami, for good.ne9I sake, becauae you never know when aomeone will drop by. A backlash movement to the cluuer hu created the High Tech look. IndUIU'ial..atyle U,ht Uxtures and enameled IUffacet ,ive a kitchen all the charm and ambiance of an auto pana factory. "Where'• the lube nick?" one unaaapecUng , visitor once aaked his hosteaa. The only thino missing are a Delco sign and Andy Granatefli weartna a Mr. Goodwrench uniform. Atfer due CClllllderation, many fa.millet rea- liu the decorating declaioru aren't worth the effort. The old homeatead'a collection of scarred cabinets and mi1m4tched appliances i1n't that bad after all, and in another 10 years may fall into the antique/collectibles category. For kitchens where almo.t nothing worka (l.ncludina the cook), here'a an easy bean salad recipe requiring only a can opener. Prepare ahead, chill and drag it out to feed • crowd at a barbecue or Mmdcu-theme dinner. MEXJCAN NON.JUMPING BEAN SALAD 1 (8-ounce) can each: red kidney beans, pinto beans. yellow com (drained) 3 green oruona, chopped (or more to tast4;) 1 green pepper, chopped IA cup chopped parsley . 1h cup diced celery Dressing (see below) Rinse canned beans under cold water and drain. Combine with other ingredients and marinate in dressing. Chill. Serves 10 to 12. DllESSING ~ cup olive oil 3 tablespoons~ ~H i~~e garlic, crush'f!d 2 teaspo9fMMt (or MOtt to tastr) . 2 tablespoons red wine Pepper to•taste Combine and pour over bean mixture. GET-MORE! FOR LESS= U&-...Hlgh Point Decaffeinated Coffee. High Point Decaff eino1ed Coffee g ives you two savings: First yoo con redeem this coupon on any size of Instant High Point Second. if yoo redeem this cou- pon on High Point's Instant 9-oz. bonus jar: you'll get about 15 extra cups of --~hearty. full-bodied flavor. High Point Decaffeinated Coffee-more coffee Qnd more flavor. tor less! (~goodon any size of lns1ant -...._....-.-...........__, High Point.) ·High Potnt-lt'• my tavonte coffffl" . Lauren locall "AllOlloble In llmlted ~uontltles Orange COUt DAILY PILOT/Wedntld1Y, Apt1f 28, 1N2 ... J1 • f. TWO ·WAYSTO SAVE OR CRAVE: PROTEIN-RICH FOODS CATS CRAVE~ . Cats prefer Crave to any leading dry cat food. Th~~ause it has.rnpre ot \he taste cats crave. <!:rave gets its taste from real foods -real Chicken. tuna, and milk proteins-not just flavors. rsAv1:-s1:00 -~miti~ii9fb~~~1 I Send two prlCing-square end panels (bottom of oog) trom either the 31, or 7 lb bag : • I and receive two 50C ou store coupons good on next two purchases of either 3 or I 7lb s1i.eolCrave , ~ I f .~ I Send lhe two end panels and lh1s cerhtlcale to /(( ~ I / 1 Jn ., I CrcmfDry Cat Food, PM"'"'62. El Paso, ntxas 7.9966. ~ • : I ~~ •I 1J ' ·~~ I : Slreet Apt No_ ------1 I City _ Sime Zip I I -·· .... ..,,,,,,.,., N-.. , .... -~ "" ~ ... '1"Q!S......,WIUSA ---Jll'""-l-J •• I "'-' , ,._, ....,,.,.., ., '"" ,_ • ..., i -.,, ~ <ll'llR caur.s rttn.1111 l~ ~ "-------------. --KAL IWr" --- GZm . Orange eo .. t DAIL V PILOT /Wedneed'Y. April 28, 1912 Soup still can ·hit the SPcOt ' Don't1.._w tM.. Serve •lther wlth S.~ Mlx c.) au ,...t.tn potatoee po\ jult becaUll Winw Iii cnaaty French ~ad and • · La.ape w1i.r 4 cupe water ovtt. Soupe make 1uper colHlaw for a hHrty c:r cup q u I ck. 2 cupe diced coobd 1prln1 1upp•ra. Wh•n •Pl"inl 1upptr that'• rea· cooklna barley ham your achedul• ta hteUe ef~ when~ an. Da1J')' IOUr crHm 1 can ( 17 ounces) and then'• jult no time HAM AND BARLEY Combine c•lery, car· whole kernel corn, un· for a mea\ and potatoee SOUP r rot, ham, onion, toma· draJ.ned meal, try thete hearty 21talkac:elery, eliced toea, aeuoning mix, 1.8 teupooo ~ 10up. l can-ot, .Uced water, and barley in Jar. thyme, If dealred They're perfect for a 1 cup diced cook 1• 11ucepan. Cover and l cup m1Jk buey family on the ao. ham 1lmmer 1~ minute.. at.lr· Combine potatoet and Simply prepare and l et 1 tablespoon 1.natant rin,a occulonaUy. Serve eeuontnc mlx from pac· family membeu help minced onion topped with 1poonfui of kaae with water, ham, themaelvea when each • 1 un (16 ounces) 1our cream. 6 to 6 ser-com, and thyme in large one la ready to eat. tomatoes vlnga. aaucepen. CoVc; timrner Ham and Barley Soup 1 en v e 1 ope ( 1 ~ ff AM AND C 0 RN 13 mlnutea,\ttlrrlng oc- tutes like it'• tlmmered ounces) CROWDER culonally. Stir in milk; SOU PER SU PPER -Hearty soupcs make an ea1y meal for fa. rnilles on the run. for houra. Actually lt'a S 1 opp y Joe 1 packaae (~.5 oun· heat. 5 to 6 eervlnp. ready inabout20ml-,~--------------------------------------------------'---------:---.....-~7."'"..;.._ __ ~~--~~~~--_;,...:;....;..;;.:..;:.:.:;....;...........,...:..:.....:;;.:::;;::;::~.;,_;_,----------------~· nut.es. Sloppy Joe Seuonlna Mix, quick-cooking bar- ley. and leftover ham let you produce delicious old·fashioned results in a minimum of time. Top with a spoonful of sour cream to compliment the robust flavor. Ham and Corn Chowder la juat as easy to prepare. Start with packaged au gratin pota· toes, canned corn, and pieces of ham. Everyone will love the creamy chowder that tastes like you fussed all day. Legumes lore Beans, peas, lentils, and peanuts are all nu· tritlous members of the legume family. This fa· mily rates high on the nutriuonal value ladder, offering one of the best a nd least expensive sources of plant protein. The bean has been considered a humble food perhaps because 1 t i.s raised in many parts of the"world and can be purchased at a low cost. But today, beans are shedding the cloak of humbleness and are ap· pearing in the finest res· taurants. Cooked beans contain about 200 calor ies per cup, comparing favora· bly with other protein food. In addition to protein, all varieties of legumes contain many of the B vitamins, iron, calcium, phosphorus and potat· Slum. High fiber content is another of the legumes' valuable characteristics. There are literally do- zens of choices available in the legume family, and every part of the nation seems to have its favorites. In the South, heaping bowls of bl.ackeyed peas (or beans) are a regional specialty. They mix particularly well with ham or other pork eelectiona, and the small amount of meat added to the dish equals a complete protein. This means that all the nee- ded amino acida are pro. vided. In the Southwest, tra· d1tional bean dishes have a South of the Border flavor. Red, pinto and black beana are favorite varie· t1es in reci~ featuring hot cbllea, cilantro. spices. plua bita of meat and cheese. Again, the cheese and meat turn the bean dish Into a complete protein meal. Easterners created classic baked bean re- ci pea such aa Botton· baked bean.a early In our history. Great northern or am a ll white navy beans are the popular ch oice• for their bean po ta. Som e of the other old·faahioned ingre· dienta, aucb aa molaalel and ult pork, add to the wholesome goodneta of thil dish. The chuckwqon cooka who trailed 1heepher· dert In the R ocky Mountain areaa cooked in the ~ tnldltJon. They 1blde l\eWI with prbullol (GI' chick peel) and heavtly laced w ith prlic, peppen and wine which b'y• ~ecome favortc. tbiwpout the Welt. Such bMD tWWa often accompany barbecued Jamb Ot odwr bar"*'*9 meet. Wetttrn•r• have ad· •pc.eel a11 theM tradtuo-~ bMf\ dilhll and haw a4ded • few of their ~. ... 11Je1n Hl•i•. m•u• wt\h ... Of all ldadl ·. ~lil"l::· ·~-uurr ,.,ular .we ............... ,w .. -· \ . Frtth Por\ Bo"e I" 1.79 SHOULDER sun STEAKS L8 Fre\11 (e,.ler Cul 1.98 PORK LOIN ROAST L8 Fre"1 Smoll St1e 1 ~59 PORK SPARE RIBS L8 Southern Cho<ken L8 .89 FRYER DRUMSTICKS WHOLE FRYER LEGS SOUTHERN CHICICfN FAMILY PACK La .• 69 ,.., TOf'OL TOOTHPASTE ............ _. .. '"cl 60c Off AGREE SHAMPOO 1.74 lk1 ""'' v .. ,...., 1...i 60a OH 1.74 AGREE CONDITIONER ••• 1.14 VISINE EYE OllOPS <I-or. Plig. ALFALFA SPROUTS ................ EA .• 39 Where there'• more to •hopping than lust ••• LOW PRICll . . . STEAK· & SHRIMP! FILET MIGNON COLO IS AL SHRIMP BONELESS BEEF LOIN FRESH WATER·PEELED & DEVEINEO COOK SCAMPI STYLE OR 8AR8EOUE LIMIT 10 LIS. 59! r n-.otfeQ\'f t.» freih PORK LOIN STUFFED CHOPS L8 1.98 Holl~orft Smolied ITALIAN SAUSAGE WolW>n Re<•JM R.ody. &oneleu PORK LOIN ROAST l& 3 .39 tied or Green 10 01 LITTLf JUAN BU~~TOS Wolio11 Recipe Reody Bone'-'• PO<io Lo.n C"°Ps o3r 9 PORK TENDERLOIN L& .4 12 Ol LITTLE JUAN TAMA LES Vo<. Po<~ 1 lb Hughe• BAR M SLICED BACON . EA 1 .59 ITALIAN SAUSAGE Fre\11 Fillet of DOVl•IOU i:ocaL i6ui'i Attoched 1<1 01 Co" COMET CLEANSER 28·01 All Purpose MR. CLEAN CLEANER . ~ ' L8 2 .89 LI .98 Frhh Po<ofi< I 0.01 Jor FllYIMG OYITl•I. Froz.,. Atlontt< HADDOCK RLUTI CONT ADINA 8-0Z. CAN LIMIT 6 .47 I '-01 Cho<. Chip Snocli VAN DE KAMP COOKIES 2.09 15 01 Reg , Thkli. Hot NALLEY'S CHILI W /BEANS I 6-01 Corn Iron •8-01 t~I~, Incl •<>' Off PALM LIVE DETERGENT ........ 2.59 QUAKER CEREAL S6·or 8onu• Pock, 8-01 ErH 2.39 CRISCO OIL •8-01 Oceon Sproy, Ponli, Reg GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 8 5 01 .25 7-lb ~ JIFFY CORN MUFFIN MIX CHEF S BLEND CAT FOOD 15·01 (or" L8 2.49 L8 1.69 EA 1.79 Lt 1.98 1.79 .. J, 1 .52 1 .59 4.79 RC. Diet Rite, Bubble·(!j· RC. 100 2-LITER BEVERA es 1.05 BLUE MOUNTAIN DOG FOOD .34 12 01 Con•, RJ¥: O..t 3e69 7-01 T ort1llo N0<ho, T rodotoonol 12-PAK PE SI COLA . . .. ~ . . -LAURA SCUDDERS CHIPS 1. lo• AJINOMOTO M.S.G. H,_ 104& ... GENMAICHA TEA w~.4"91 c ... MACKEREL FILLETS . 2.oll '··· ..... EXTRA FANCY WASHINGTON ApP\,15 f()()DS ()f fHf ~m' INOllt ..... ~IW1 12·01. KOHALA KIM CHll 1.65 .93 6.5-o1. CCKktoll 71 ROSARITA TACOS .......... !\ ............. • °'-' '·"' l<K\ BROWN RICE llt.\-ft ' 01 ,,.,.. SOY SAUCE Wei'-1.., c ... MANDARIN ORANGES VOft0.~'1, 1a<0a.bchihlde·tT•1.fltuo I 7, ......... ,... A!.·Xlftt, MEXICAN FOODS ... .. .. .. .. .. ........ • IE!F TAMALES .............. . , ..... ~,. I •9 CALA VO AVOCADO DIP........... •• ~~~ycjA~~e ,, .... ~a-. '' ENCHILADA DINNER ..................... • ~-~AllV....._, . f'IU.SIURT C()()f(t!S ........ . .79 I.II . .19 ..• 19 Hughe• Por~ & !.eo'°"'"g BRATWURST SAUSAGE Audy• fo ~:;y~'°~m• Of PIJS ' PORK SAUSAGE PATTIES L8 1.69 l'"'1 1.89 ~--1.69 LS .99 FRESH SHOULDER PORK ROAST PICNIC POIUION no...i LB •• 89 CUIRVO GOLD 6 79 TIOUILA • ._..., 750-...t PRESIOENTE BRANDY 6 .98 6,... l1 or NI....,., BOHEMIA BEER 3.29 2.98 ~NroU PEARS .......................... La .35 . Couponers : clip savi~gs AZUSA. Calif. (AP) -~line Paulton t.au1bt her coupon..clippln1 pu- plb well, but none .out· ahcne the ie.cher ln the final exam at a local 1upermarket. Sh e took home $188.19 worth of 1rocer lea for $4.73 -a •vtnaa of nearly 98 per- cent. Althou1h the 18 wo- men lr) her clUI had only elaht three-hour ..tona under their belt. they did pretty well too. Their savlnr ran between 30 and 6 percent. Mn. Paubon, who has been 11vlng coupons for more th an four years, said everythln g sh e bought durlng the class outing was '"part of my normal family eatlng patt.ema." But she admits it took her about two months to collect the do- zen• of coupons that slashed her grocery bill 90 dramatically for items nnging from hamburger and fruit juice to paper towels ancf tortillas. ''People think I do this all the time, and I don't." she said. "But o n a weekly basis I would buy '85 to $90 worth of food and pay $40 dollars -and that's just right off the top. By sending away I can get $15 or $20 more in refunds, so I'm actually paying only $20 to '26 •• ~· »·year-o&d home econorutat bu t.auaht a , Cltrua Community Col- le a• a dult ed ucation • cowa on •vlnl money while lhool>Ani (or about a year. R er l trate1iea include k eepina an e ye out fOI' direct mail offers and reeding the packaae-on stoce ahelve1 u well u clipping out coupont In newapapera and "i'h!fo·od re ta Ill ng buatne. la 90 competitive that there are offers for almost eYery kind of product at any given moment , she said. But beside. being on the loo- .kou t for special offers, t he dedicated bars"ain hunter has to be willing to awltch brands. "Maybe one month Lever Brothen will be offering a dollar off and the next month Procter & Gamble will offer $3 off, so one month you buy Procter & Gamble a n d one month from Lever Brothers,'' she said. Mrs. Paubon abo •uc- g est s working with friends. "Maybe I don't need cat food coupona and rou do," abe aaid. Wtth coupona in band, shoppers often can aave further by ualng them when an item goea on ·. pno 2 CUpl boned cooQd chkbn 3 CUpl cooUd rice 1 cup eour cream 2 CUpl pated cheddar me.. 1 'ti OUpl c:nUed ~ chipl 1 c.omblne anato •uce, broth, orUCnl. sreen ch1liel and aeuon1nel in • 1-qu&rt CMlel'Ole. Cook on Hiah for 10 mlnutel « widl mixture bolla. Stir in chiclren. and eet ul.de. Mix riCle and IOW' cream ln 1hallow, 2-quart cauerole. S prinkle with 1 cup cbeele and pour •uce over ML Top with remalnlna cheeM and 1prinkle with com chlr.: Microwave on H1ah for 5 mlnutel. Makes 6 to eervtnp. eale or taking advantage of chain atott promotions thtt double the value of coupons. Mra. Paulson doean"-t think it'a neceaaary to vllit three or four mark- ets ev.ery week . S h e ahopa only twtoe a week, at one 1tore each time, but a h e will switch neighborhood auper- marketa on a given week to take a d vantage of promotiona. Among her favorite money aaven are com- blnaUon often des1gned to e ncouraae uae of a group of product.a made by the tame company. "For esample, a cur- rent o ne ta if you buy trench fria, ulad oil and Heinz ketchup and lend proof of purch ase to Heim. the 'll eend ou a coupon towards the pur- chue of chicken or any other meat product," ahe aald. Mn. Paw.on laid the student• who paid $25 each to tnron in her coune rariaed from hou- sewives to working mo- thers who all ahare a common Interest: cutting thelr food bllla. "Food la one of the flexible items in our budget," she said. "It's one of the few things over w hich you have control." And how did the supermarket feel about her fistful of coupons? 0 The manager and ass~ tant manager checked me out personally," she aaid, "and ther both wanted their waves to take the class." Put the Power of the Daily Pilot 3-D Ads to work for you by taking advantage of . this speical offer • • • I DOL.LAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS 3 lines, 3 days i3.00 Here's how It works for you. Run a 3 llne ad for 3 days for $3.00 -If you don't sell your Item on the first 3 days just call 642-5678 and ask for your 3 fer FREE and we'll run your ad an addltlonal 3 days absolutely FREEi If you find you have your Item priced too high on the first 3 day run we'll even let you lower the price for your FREE 3 day run (no other copy changes allowed). Each addltlonal llne you wish to run will only cost you $1 .00 such as: 4 llnea, 3 tlm• = ..-.oo 5 llnee, s tlm• = $5.00 I ~l.,..t 3 tl!ftH = .SI.~ No matter how many tines you run, we'll stlll give you 3 days FREE If you don't sell your Item on the first try. Allies are slmple -one Item per ad -Item must be priced -sorry, no com ... merclal ads allowed. with Colgate Get an entry form al ~r fa90nte store OR send a stamped self-addressed envelope by May 31, 1982 10 Smile for Miles P 0 Box 7258. Blair. NE 68009 Save1sc ~ ULTRA BRITE'' TOOTHPASTE For a smile ~ ' that gets you noticed ! •0 lit -~t ~ ................................. ~ ...................... ..,. ....... ,. ....... ., ........ " m I ::::.:-..::: .............. ~:::..-;:-;1.::::.-.::.-&~::=...-::~=:-r.. ..~.!' -·---· .......... :&.: ::&."' ... " .. _.._. ........ ,_~----.. ~-..... -:-........ -r:.= ...... ..::...=:::::::--..-.:..":'{=n~---,t • ~ ................................................... ._ ............ ~ Rr.-.·~;.-:.o:=...-ro'4..~ .. ':~~:---:-::.-::-::.~ t::0."1:'.:.:"" QIUfW DNIJ OCT JI 1tl2 COi.SAil P'AUfCll..M CO M 11 I - ..-::.---~--=-~-~V~'iiiC.~ 2 FlOURIGARO''"Qft 1 FLDURIGARD'"OENTALRINSE ~ DENTAL RINSE * 1 COLGATE TOOTHBRUSH ~ -.. ~.:.:.~:.::::;::1:=:~=-:-....::=:::.....-... -= ... ------.... ,., .... ,~ .. =-·r:":":·-m __ ,_ .. ._..., ....... ~·-· ........ --· .. ~ ... -·-··--_.,. ··:r.::.~ ~---··-· c:::r.::.=:::::::.:::= • ..:-.--~ •• ~.:::.::: ... • I -·-------... ·---·, 'iiiiil.;,;-.................... ~~ ........ , .................. ~ .. ... !!::: 1""-.=• .. ;r;,.-;;;• ...,_. ... ·-...... ,..iliWii~ "t:;:i: .. -:. c.-::."'7" .. m~~~ .. :1:::~::-... i-m ~ IJINU OCT ti, tm COi.Un .f'N.llCMl CO ...ae ----------------·------- . , • 4 • r , ,. "' I Foeter or Zacky Farnd FRESH CSICKEN BREAST Rec $1.79 lb $ I.~9 lb VEAL CUTLETS · Rec86.981b . $4.98 tb FRESH r .• ClROUND VEAL ~ llel~2198 lb $ 2 • 49 lb LEAN GROUND BEEF Ret Sl.79 lb $ l.49 lb MARINATED CHUCK STEAKS Perfect for the grill! 1tet 91.79 lb BIND~~RTER OF BEEF Cut and Freel SIDE OF BEEF Cut and Wrapped Freel $1.69 Ill> $1.39 'lb $5 OFF ANY 50 LB. FREEZER PA.Kl $JOQFF ANY 50 LB FREEZER PAK! Available at the lUatin and Newport ttoree .. ,. FRESH SEA BASS Ret 85.98 lb $4 .98 lb Fresh RAINBOW TROUT Rq 82.98 lb $1.-691 lb FRESH CANADIAN COD R~.83.49~ }~.$2:49 ~ DtJNGENESS CRAii RqS2.l8tb $2.4fJ lb New! FRESH FROZEJV HALIBUT Who6e or Half. -.M.981b ,. $2.4!9 lb Avallable at ~ lbetln and Newpon 1ltore9 Only! Irvine Ranch Farmers Marie.els Homemade CRUSTY ROLLS Pac:bae of&. 9,9 ~ Raw YOGtJRT CO.AUD BONEY·SESAllE CRtJNCB a.0Ny ... H.21 •s2.39 • Delue StJNFLOWER SEEDS ... Only.......... 99 ~ lb MIXED NtJTS ._....._.UNeMd, ... Olll)'. .. tUtlb $3.99 lb Cllutlal SeMoea ..... ICED DELIGHT D .. T&AS 14 ............ $1.19 WeldN'M • PAIT.A SAtJCE .. ... ....... ........ DEL I CHEESE OF THE WEEK: MELLOW FROPAIN DES MAGES from the French Mount.abut OeUdoua with Fnall or White W1M. Rq 85.95 lb . $4.95 lb Hormel.Smoked BAKED HAM Slked to Order! Rea 83.98 lb $2.98 lb Domestic MILD SWI Sliced~illlll~~~ Re18J.98 lb QI) 0~ $ 2.98 lb FRESH FRUIT SALAD Made Freah Every 0.yt RqSl.98 lb $l 49 · • lb Avail.ab~ ~t ~Juap:lo ud Newport ttorea only! • Generic APPLE JUICE 128 oz. Rq SS.99 $ 2 •99 Knoor HOLLANDAISE SA.IJCE 7/.. 0&. le, 49t ·3 for $1.00 Alta Dena NAJAYOGURT soL Rec•1c 2 for 79 ~ •"-'-~ ... ~' ......... ~A~ ~~"~'~---~• PLtJS SUPER YEAST 16oL Re185.2S $S.9 5 Plus 74A ONE DAILY IOO'lalM. Ret &7.95 $5. 75 AH PAPAYA ENZYMES 300~Rects.55 . . ., . ClASSlllED Wedneedly, Aprll 28, 1982 Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads, classification 7100 . • CLASSIFIED INDEX ~.!!Hit ••••.•••••• !M!.~t!'! ...... &P.!!.~1!'!. •••••• ~.~le!. ...•.. ~'!!!.'!!.~!. •••••• !!!!!.~le!. ...... ~.~!!'!...... ~.~!!'!. •.•.•• ~!!!!~'! .... . , ..... , .... Cal 142-5871 E~NllMll -... = ...... .... ....... 1 ..... = ~ = All r.., Mtat• adver11Md =' •• Jn tlll1 naW1pec>w 11 eut>-._. ::: ~ct to tl'ta Federal Fair I:: c...--:= outing Act of 1988 -•lllcll makH It 11'-gal to =..,. : advertlH "an)' prefer- -enca, !Imitation or d i•· --,,. crlmlnatlon bated on ....._ l£Al llTITf -race, color, rellglon, Mll ~ t:"1o1o -or netlonal origin, °' any s~~!., :: Intention to make any ..,. T -1ucl't prelerenc•. llmlta· Ql=--11-,...... -_:: I.Ion O< dllc:flmlnatlon." -'J.~ Tlll1 n1w1papar wlll not r::;:u , r.: knowingly eocept any ad· _ij;'.,..,.,.,.. : vert11lng for real a11at1 ~--wtll<:tl II ln violation of the 8:7='~ 5 .... ~r .... o,..... 1111 -=~ -IOOAlS -lllMlc Advertisers a;;;~ I: should check their ==:&-: ads dally and re- ,._-. : port errors lmmedl-=:-....::."' : ately. The DAILY .="I:..°"' = PILOT assumes lla--11.,... -_,.,.._L., -blllty for the first s~~ ! Incorrect Insertion ~ ••• , ••••• 1.111 !!f.~ ......... !."1 !'!!'!! ......... } .... fme..4!1..'IH •• l.~fl ~H.lfm .••• ,.J.'.ff !m!f ••••••• ,.,,/.'df "9~mt.fm! .• !.~. . ...... !!tr!!!l.!!!f ~ IU ...... 8 Br. t Ba. houM on large F 0 A 8 AL I! I y 111 L.91" Prtde of ownerehlp Tri- . PllllllU lllD XLNT TERMSJ Remodeled tredlUonal 3 bdrm, den. 3 bath, reduced'° P95.000. Prize West Bey bayfront. Slip. for 2 boati, remode.led 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1,200,000. • ---Oceen & jetty vlewa. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 11q.ft. $1,38~.ooo. Oceanfront. I . u. Ill.I •••• Prime Lido Noni bayfront. 5 bdrm. 6 YI beth. Lge L.R., 2 boat alip. $1,~.000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 beth+ larp rec. rm. beem ceWnp. fum.labed. pet.ioe. $420,000. L.1111111.1 llfflllT Lalroon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath. p.layroom, dark rm, dftl. Boat alip. $1,350,000. UYS91 CIYE SPectacuJar beyfront view 2 br, 2 be up; 2 br, 2 be dn. 2 boet alipa $1,900,000. Coronado Ialand cust. beyfront Jot. 85' boat dock. Planl avail. $425,000 w/ierma. Owner llvH out of tl'ta ll¥ml TDUOI llOx 1711' 3 unit lot 4H OWNER-28r, 28• eo~ HlOfl ,... oondo, lttl "'· pleq9 for .... bY owner. arH • muet Hll tl'tl• 2 Fabulou1 oeeen end bay Hemlfton. Do not dleturb clO, 2 cer gar1ga, newly OOMrl & bey. view. *850. <We & 78& Hatnllton Aw. b•droom tHlech hid••· vlewe,1paclou14 Bdrm tanan.te. 1129,000. deoof'ated, all upgraded, 000. Exclu11111 agt. C.M. Owner wtll~ wl w.t. Lerge l'nMt9' IUlt4I gourmet k itc hen and 548-6041 tYll l wknd1, In Woodbridge. I 1411, 7112•5710 ~~...?tor J!!;: COOied by ocean br .... ewlmmlng pool, Ju1t r• 831-31520 wkd'/I. 000. 181-207t .,,. Geri za1. Enfoy pool. 1pa. ducld to hH~lnclu· .... ... t..a.. ... ..,,6 IHI llW UITl•I 1----------- ownar wll o•rry. Only d~ land '11"1 WI HA~••••••••••••••• 8paclou1 2400 1q. ft. 4 11 ........ ~ ..... 1122,000. "' and wlU ttnance. 2 81 1 Ba.+ 1 8'. 1 e. FORECLOSURE 8ALfc, Br. home In W11tcllff. Beautlful • almo11 naw ..... l'Jl-!llAl.111" 72x105' R2 lot. Do not ti=!8"°8'pvt ~t:l:· 180 ~~ro-yce 1::j~1 ~~~::·,~~!~t~rO~ende RCTaylorCo '·l1 '"'JU 111ht .... Q Lrg ~d~Ba wl Ull LOii/"'*' comm. pool & ape. F... ..,..~ tu,.. Include trplc:, 2 car 4• bdrm• lnclud lng 2 gara~ & AIC. A•ume mHler 1u1tee, 3'Aba, lg nia lotn l owner wlll ~'::I rm, 2 frplca, ru1tlo help nanc•. A1klng beam calllnge ·all In ltH,IOO. 831-1370 a w1lk to private beach TR \Oil 10\.\I ~I .\I 1' locatlon. Th• pertect ta· mlly home In the perfect lamlly nelghborllood $526.000 wfll't perfect fi- nancing . Oall 144-l211 dl1turb 11nant1. 11128 • • Orange. s 129,000. deg. OCMll w. 8ecuftty. Point. 114.4-81110 aak tor 548-604 l e¥ee l. wknds. SMll.000. 855-2013. Mr Murphy. 831-3520 wtld'/I. BLUE Rl880N 1J--U-N-IT_8_C_0 _8_TA_M_E_S_A_. SPECIAL nHdl work, gr•at po-ll a .... , 3 bdrm. 2 level lloor pl.ti tentlal. l310K. John IWllf Hllt11. 4 In wood l glala. OcMn ~7MO AOT .. ,., 11:.:.:JI 1 ft view, tHlamld celllng1, $40 000 "'8 ..... ....... ••• l'tt1uge ._.!l'tlona!..'.~'f ;J;~!,· I • n• Id""' ..,.,..... ...._..,._ Mov11 you In tl'tl1 lovely TU ml.ta ..... 1121,111. .., Rll/Mra coaetllna. I 195, Newport BHcl't home. ,. llVllTm MM le II • .,... W 000. With tO ~ ~ at San Clemente pride ot In fll-llll, Ml~~~~TY t3%. Call &45-tt81 OWMflhlp. Modem~ nl11't 1tyla fo ur unit Try I 10,000 down-very apartment llOUH with anxloue .....,., MY ..... ocean, 111111 & golf ~ what we'll do on that vtew. dOll to IVlfY\hlno. charming old beac h only tllrH yHril old. 11ou1• with 1tud lo". lhow'l lilt•,_, new ow- \ ( >I l / tl /:' ,, •t: •. ···' ... 1 •• U25,000 1-_...--......,..,.......,_,_ ____ 1 nar could occupy """ WDT •WP•T IUll wllll Llpu Y11111 l.L la&T ....... bedroom ttwo bath elty & Condo In Newport Tar-.r.••• 41T·1ll1 1200.000 loan avallabll ocean view apartment If ~NILfl [lAILf Y f,, ASSU(IA1f5 race. End unit,,_ cwpat lllT IMI 11Y •---------• at 10% for 7 yre. F• land applicable, and rant tl\I & paint. Terrific term1, t • Ila. _,, W. ,_, 1111 In 1owa11 danll1y area In other tllrM 1pef1mente etory, 1l'tow1 w•ll. $123, --------• Bldr OIYee 1!84)' Tenn• •••••••••••••••••••••• tlla Bluff•. 3 Bdr condo tor Income Saller wlll 900. ...nlf UIUSI T 1 1 1~ yre old w/3 "" petlol. ll•IP rlnance an• ,._,_. Duplex, 4 bdrm p1u1 2 wo ge muter au 1 .. 1 PUI PUIE DraatJc pric. reduction b~tr tllo uund• ol U .... 100., &U"\.t....t.S: 2~ barfl1, frplc, t0tmai ~itt ........,. ...._ ... ,.... L:•"-',..._ bdrm, 1 year new. Wiii din .......,. -.... m•n Batt buy et 127 7,000 -· .........,'¥ .,._.., Realtore, 875-8000 trade down $385.000 coni.;';~:Tt~ar~ji;, • I cell~. agt &40-0020 $325,000 11 way below BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR J-11 ~"~' h 01 " '• f\ t..7~ C.iC.I ~;::::::= 709 Orchid. Corona d•I 2 car nara,,_ Prime El . 4 •• ftL •• or 780-9e78 curr•nt re place me nt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ••ar '"51 "135 .. ..-n... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil COl tlll PRINCIPLES = ... .. ... •Ida loc.atlon $120,000 BETT£A THAN OHLVlll c.. (7 4) ~ C..I Iii JIUI to 1 131,000 M-F. 8-5. MODEL 4 ...... lntrHtl 642..o1:sa. OWllll' 1 ... a.a .... ~ ... !!! ........... 850-9778. Sat-Sun 12-5. HAS EVERYTHING DOVER SHOReA-eo· oni---,------- Unqueetlonebly one of the 12• 000 .... 831-3'05; IYI 751-3297 ~MC 1treet bay with pier. Slnoll ltory • Colt• M .. ,,..., 20 u. =-~ : only. =:-.. ·= = ---------~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~- 'I:::".::..-= ~ :-.. a::t.. :: ..... .UWAY :;:: -lrg 4 Bdrm 2 e. family -.;::::' : home w/l'tuge bonua \I ...,I l '1 \ -.SS. MYfST· room l bat II forming _ unn .,..,..,.£ eeperate qtra. Owner will AYLOR CO. f{ 1 .. :\ I ·1 ( I I { ...... ' 111 • I ' '·II; _,,,, '"'--ualat with financing. Full -=: .,. price $14 5 ,000 . =~· = 751-3191 • Ullll ..,... , D " -. .. .._ -_,,._ - ~Tt>• .. AlllllllCDUJITS. I PmllllSI f:-,!~FMI-t.. f:"."C : -· - Golf course vie w! Beaut. landscaped. Park-like setting. Lovely pool, spa & gazebo. Gated courtyard with foun&ain. IK llWI Marble foyer w /glitt.erln& chandelier. 4 OIM MPLU bdrms, de n , formal din rm, 4 \-i ba, 3 8d 2 ea 1 2 8d 1 e. & S,950,000 including land. Large comer lln111 OCHnfront loca· "' New lrn 11om1 Owner w111 Sun & Sall II Club lovely llom• $S"25 000° wooded Eltate. GR Inc. tlonl 1111re 1e BMut1tU1 3 1100 IOm 1111p i 1n1nc1 HURRV. 20 min. 10 Clll J-Frei.. • · !!?~~1~:5.ooo bdrm llom• with formal buy1 11111 roomy 4 B•· Thi• b11u11t u1 home ~Center •· dining rm., famlly rm . droom lemlly home w/2 won't laat s 155,000 $210,000 with 1180.000 BALBOA COVES-Single ma Id · 1 q u 1 r t•r 1. 1 tlreplacee. 1 wann larn1ly 640-2960 Agl A1k lor at 12% filled rate l llC>f'J with boa t 1llp Ex-112 ......... 1111 wortllhop and 8Ylr'I a wine room wt wood b11m1d Lori fully amor11zed. Clllant locatlon, $550,000, Oceanfront duplex, New- vault. Lovely tropical de-c1fllng1. Decorator 1c-No l>Oln .. or qualifying. name ywr terme Call Jiff port Beach. Poul bl• 1lgn. Spectacular wllll• c.nt1 $120,000. Prlncl-Du1 l1l•I IOU 17~7 Blrtulelt. break even with 29% water vtaw. 12,900,000 pal• only Don't delay ·-................... Ownttl¢S::t down Wlll 111de for ~ call Diani todey ' ,.,..,. ftEW <?N THE RHINE-Bulldlng • Owntt vetr9081 .• Dlanaa Ple1en -VOipe 3 br. 2 ba condo. Pool. .. rt...,. IHI lite with place for 2 t>oall~~~~~~~~ 64 •P•. tennla, MC. r.'ed. :!!!Ir.:.............. or ' 80-footar $850,000. T I I c t 0 c D P t $36 00 Fp ,._,. ......... _..... r p •• • en . r. o. n ym • . For aal• by owner. Clllf ..., ...... , • ...,,,,,. Two 3 br·a '*"one 2 br. 1137,500 Agt 496-5980 H1v•n 3 BR twnllH 2 Only 1152 000 Ba. powder room, oomm BALBOA 16..LAND-Pler Vic Jaelllnekl Bkr. •••tUftla pool. Auume 3 0 yr end ellp, 18'me with In-752·5111 . iiiiiiiiiiiil J.Mt IHI 1120.000 111 at 13-A-. come un1t. stso.ooo w1111 --------=~-· = bacl't. unit. corner loca-&1te. lion. Pick up Iha phone, laetsWt 1·2 a..t •••••••••••••-••••••• S 159.500. Prine only. IXCllllnt financing. 14 .,-s U. _ c all Tim Rhone. agt 2111 ............. ·~ A DIVl'llOO or '"' ..... WU.nl 1121.-Yl 12" la. 645-4955 or 83 t--0380 142·1200 Good loc. All 2 BR.=· ••nw• ..... "T mTll, LL 144-4111 Harbor tnv~tmenl Co N-ly decorated 2 Bdrm =:!,~~bdrm Exec:utlYe condo. ocean l ~~r!:t!,v;9o, 2~~ '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ l~~~~~~~~~llome o n 8 0• 125" lo t R.E PToflee6onai. bey l!Ww. Fplc, cathechl d n P P LS A,t. Mr :: 1-Room 10 bulld. Flret TD t1• ••ll clg1, etc. 1+ den, 110, .-===~===-~c.n,,, ''' lfM JIU s 102.000 aHumtble at •~-000 option money. Dyl Croppe r 752-920 or ABSOLUTE ••Pal_. ...................... 14% A1klng $137 SOO 556-9035; IYI 673-4899 4113-3827 --..... ... -1.-HOYM on &.gonla S235. For a n appolntm•~t to SPLISHI SPLASH .... , llml1 1~~~~~~~~19 UN ITS HUNTINGTO N 5 Tl'ta ~~c~e tor STEAL!! l1M-Ei C::,: ~=~· onty .... call 5'0-11S t =:c!~:,ry~n:"..:~ Owner need•~. c:tMn 1iu11 AN l ~.:l'eac~~~~ = youngorlfNlll,.,...,3 ~FA•crmy-~~~ IHClUOE8LANOl2etory, Cozy cottage 2 br. 1 ba.. qullltylng. Just 1135,900. an, ~~Ul~17~1ot ... ·.~'f:.Bf ....................... ,_ ..... _ ·-· .... -Bdrm. beautltulty remo-u,. u,., u-...... 3 bdnn 2 tMftt1 home. I I lk t b l't 8kr 440709 ... ""'" ~ Bradford Pl, ownr en _,, ,.... ..,, -- d 1 • BE8T l!IUV In Newport ..... .., ......_ rp c, wa 0 ••c · detlCtll<I garage. $1 9. xlou1. 4 Br n~ ea. gar •••••••••••••••••••••• : •Id kitchen fHturtng 8Mch OCEANVU LAO nwpo Owner !Inane.. R-2 lot. 000. 648-&041 ave• a patio, pool/park ll9. Hart>ot ~ .n.w. C: all new~."" 4 8DR, PROP:. DECO· l1•1n 1215,ooo. 8'40·477e wtmd1, 831·3520 wtld'/I. 900. AMume 95tK 111 et J V $100,bOO nHd•d. -roof, ff .. l't i>•lnt. rant-RATED PoOI~ & Ilk• ......, Th•, ...... draw In'"• OWNER DESPERATE 1t\Wo. Agt. 957.2040 75i-048t or l/ade. -Hiie llnenclng. MaH n•w ali for ont!_. Want~ Wiit .a Otlly Piiot 5 Bdrm 9Hcl't giant In 9(Al ¥9f4le ~-Fvl~rrloe 500 A trade couiilcsir9d 842-687. ()uelflld Ad 842 5678 tll4IO .,.._ S00.000 be6ow UUl fmt 8 br, 1 ba, 10% down "'"liMf/llll#ftl 1 -'l124,00D. 711-Stt • c.ii PATRICK TENORE NEW VIEW TOWN-. • mkt. Mull ae!I now. Sub-AYe bedrooma, 3 betlla. PropertylldMr.Noloan ... ..ti. Ull : Dlrec:tl 831.t288 or HOMES. 2 u .. terSul· ... al '"'.._.II Jiii m lt you r ter m•. bk r ftreplece lloma Redeco-,...no polnt1.0wnerwfll •••••••••••~••••••••• -7 T YI ta1. View of Ocaan l •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 848..()709. ratad Aleo 1"nclud1d 11 n • n c •. Int 1 3 % ,... lfrllct : Night Ughta. Quiet...,... wooden patio and lmall $829/mo. 185.000. 1242 l9t"I n.t ..., : Parke, open 1pao11. lm•t 1044 boat doctt, 2 car garage. C trlton , corner S . • -1125,000. Only 10% dn •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 bike 10 Ocean. 5285, Brlllol. 494..()164 "-'mat>le 12% : Wll1aJff lOnt An. Hal or !:>at Bauer * * * 0 0 0 FI rm ...... I IMt lllt 5'5-9391 Ill• am -Agta. 173-7300 Ullrtey 1""""1 7 t 4 -8 3 6 -8 5 4 2 . or 2 l 3 bedroom due>fa• on IMJ llt11f SenNtlonatly remodeled 18179 Aedl>ud circle 73 l·28 l l. prime com« lot. Aaaume lxiW•f Ziii =I' decorated 4 Br home Fountain Valley PllOI ~ 12% 101n $185,000 ......... .,. ......... .. : featuring IWlmmlng pool, You ara the winner o f . Canal front 4 Br. FM Tarbe ll. R1altor1 4 bdrm, Ca na l Front . -bonu1 room. lkytlte, 1\1111 lour Ir .. tlcll•t• ($ 12.00 979--2390 Newport for Big Bear = privet• courtyard, fplc l RESIOENTIAl REAl ESTATE SERVICES value) to Ille land. Term•. 1299.ooo. property or ? Mr. Clark --..nabla ~ Only ..... •~ Mr. Clark. 845-3370 aft 845-3370 itter 5 PM -1299,000 on FEtriancf. •-.,. -_,' IPM. Of1« IMl 111111 llWfllT llmTS -__. .. , l1,1M,lll MU.Ml Ull -===r==:--1·••••••••••••••••••••• 5 ~~\'5~1~1 ...., ......._ • _ -.... = Chyprus Shores oceanfront 4 BR s Foul'llalnpva11eyM111 Ml,.t llllT ":6":.~ ll ~!~••••••••••••••• »• or 752·7373 .. -ome in suard gate community . quare ark·Mly 8, 2 Bdrm, 2 bttl't, den. di· ill~· -let •IA trffa, .............. I 180° view' Private .......... __ h l 1 1982 nJnn room lar""' double •••••••••••••••••••••• ..... 1ruw.IM~ :.1: __. Ptfftet = ..._ • I W. · ~ • poo • spa To clalm t1ck111. call 11.,•age Eteci"op•n• H-Port S..cf\ DI Anz.a •••••••••••••••••••••• ::: ,....... & tennis can be e njoyed an this 642-5878 , ut. 212. Quiet .~d unit. Walk to t>ayfr~nt Perk. Mint &llNI hl.-1 1111 r•••• ••• I f1•lrr rt••• Lew 11111 super spot on Southern California Tldcal• mu11 t>a Claimed 1119 bMdl 5185 000 cond. 78 dbl wide. fir• •••••••••••••••••••••• IOUlflllT Llka n•w duplax-3 & 2 8<dm 2 Ba eech unit-on :: tll• Hnd. wlll tak• 1ml : down or trlde and Q1rf "u 1111 antlr• balance. er, 1 750,000·btlt deal on -the-tar. ::: ~ ... " ;: ll .... ll = .... . 5 •DTATI llLI* = Bnll1. 2 Br. llOm•, COf'· ,,., oar lot, RV P8Blno. 185, :,: 000. 20% down. f2% ft. -nanclng. Xtru. By Ow- ::; nar. 8711-t832 a ... --"" .... ,..._ wllll cathldrel cellln91 and a r•modeled kit· Gl'ten. A 9.11% MIUfMbll loen and an anxloua ow- -•· Onfy I I 10,000. Cal tn-5370. --\I . -/ /. It~/." If --.. , a -~-~-~~-~ -Ind out about the hloh -aetnlng,... ........ = ceraer~wftfl = THE Al!AL UTAT!AS. = ll~n1ln9 •OtlOOI fMa . = oonl!Jllliltv ~to · · ec"ol of your 011°'" . ....... 1~~L\~:: ... :g ro~r=o"n~:~j 751 .. llt ••ut. modern brlok ohurd\, 1 141,000, 10.000 tea.fl ...... "' ~ at)' '*"· 21M4S-IH2 LUii .... ....,~aldrm,• lft#y ""· den, fonMI di· ... .....,. pool, .. ena P•tlo. boellent QUtel , .. , ...... ........,, 11'80 lftO, .... ooo • tlon ""°" .... 194...., .. ~·......... coastline. F1exible 1; ..... ....i ... ~. by Mays. 1982 .., I .• ti' ...... ptae.. brick patio, 181, 3 br. 2 be, wlgat. Mo. to • .......__ ......_ 12ll w, ...... _. ...... "6 * * * I • "'"' 000. Aleo 2 br .• 2 ba •. mo 11000 + eec. AV911. --. ,... 141-11 double wld•. corner lot May 1. &44-9804 WATERFJ:2.NJr~~MES. INC IN NEWPORT CENtER **PRESTIGE liiiiiiiiiiiiiii~lii:ii::-eii·oii1~iitiiBii11ii1 aiiriiuniidiiy ~~-~.'!f! .. 1.~~ 644 9060 Tn>MSf AAtf••f111T 3 Br, 2Ba. nr bell, avall """· Rmt•. ""'""''~ ~ -· I U\ . ..,..,... *EXCITING* May-Sept. 11550 mo tU. w c-u.... JI~._..__•·-· w...,........._.1 __. ,..,._ By own• DrHllC price ........... 5 "'•t •1 .... ,.,,.._, ...;r a.a:~w;;-""""" ...._ ,...,., .... reduction tor lg• down· ................ .. _.._., ' ~ ..., "' '.I I .._ 67 • .._._ 1t1glou1 addr111. Ille P8Y"*lt. &40-7HO ~ . C..ll... '114 • ._ -..... landing by J.M. Pet1r1. .,._ ........__ I ......._ Without or without furn, •••••••••••••••••••••• --~ ... On Quiel Cul-de-S.C In Old Corona del Mat. Juat Two Short Blodc:a From Beach. Comfortable Kome On An R-2 Lot Offen Relaxed Atmoepbere, Ty- ~ Of Th1A Desirable Community. tically Priced At $279,500. Btn- nie Dixon'• Listing. 759-11• t 2c.,.. • .._ ........ c:.. - Ci) . . ...... . ..., ... .. _ ·-::., ...... ·-·-.. _ ,,_ ..... "_ ,,_ ,._ .... ==-.... ··-""'" ._. .... .... •Ot ·-·-·-=~ ""-' SPRING FLOWERS N X 0 S C R G S A N E R A M T H C S J A T C A L J L A N A R C M 0 M E N A R A N R T R L C E 0 G $ I S CGECIAATSX LAG I A N A R C I S S U S • W F r L A N U S L L l A S £ L A N " R 0 R N D N R t A S C L N U R H S U S R L A S 0 I S R I A I E E M T G T U S S F I X T I U A EIMR,.IGAXYHU LCNSCO M T ( A I C t L T R E T I R 0 U X 0 T 0 H N C l E IHt A N II P N S R s R R U N U A M U S t A 0 A R R L A L L I C S ( y r It T A " T It It c ( R 0 L " A R r HS£RANTERENOIUNAENA L l U Q II 0 J N T H E $ C A C U G A N Offlf'ad at an un~a-•-11911!'!r _ _, 24x84 Greenbfler Home In New 3 Br. 3 Ba. Condo. bl• $239.000 . Tiii• 3 3 be. 1&5.000 under"MIA Laguna Hiiia' nlcaet 5 etat I 1500/mo lurnlalled. ~rm1__.~'1nv1" IUPlf1• -~ appralatl, no qualifying park. Voung adult• wel· $1000 Ynfum Mo. to Mo. ..,... ... ...... ·-· Payman11 l1500 mo: WTll come. rental. 111. & IHt Su- crMtlve offef. trade tor anytl\lnQ, 2zeo .. lllHI Plft perb locatlon, nHt to ~brtA-Golden Clrcla. a.~1985 Btautlful 24•80 Kayw•ll '"3~g & tllHtere. ~ ~ Hm • 28r, tea. TMt II tfla _54 ______ _ ftclltt AOUL T MOBILE HOME belt IMly In town. Avell. 8 Mo. 3 Br. a Ba. PARK on tilt Bay. 1 aA... Newty dtcOfatld, M .. SS I ·JllO bdrm den 1 be MO .000· -.. -111.D Vatde. S 1000/mo. Slan'a tt:lflarra"n rt.••.ln llw 2 ~ 2°ba 14t,o0o 2 2708 Harb«, Sta 206-A Mgmt. Co. 841·1824. 142111 ~ yw t:. TM• OYW •Xlltlng loan. 2 bdnn, 2 be. ~dlff Model In tl\I T lfTect. Per1ect kif flrlt home. CloH to trene· portallon and lfloppl!ig. at2uoo. bdrm t2&.ooo. 300 E.1~~~··~111~~l ~~ •au.-Cat Hwy Unit 113. New-•1 -.- por t Beach. Bkr . ..,. 1141 875-3347 ~ 1a1 a.1tt I •••••••••••••••••••••• i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ... ~•••••••••••••• 3 br. 2 ba, newly deo Ill''' a bdrm btrt•ln fOf bull- d«I on extta wtc1e lot wlttl 1unny patio. A mu1t to .... .. ... Clo .. to beecll l P .......... d I F ecfloola. Good na4gt\bor· p~;"~e.~1t':c,.';!~ hood. 1975. 1 yr min. ownr. wlll carry. Agt. ......114-3181 171-11717, aft llPM Inf-. Jiff t18-218t •••••••••••••••••••••• ' Super vtew 2 + In Turte. rook Nclge. Complie twn. "••,. I Move In with a tooth· ... :: u'4uouen•• btUthl I tS50. Aet. AN\I YIU.IT 1112-ae. ,..... . ...... ~~~n,t~h nw. bdrmt. 1'.4 ~For ~ -*-d pedo, ~..:e .... opt. 1790 . pr .... t"'-tat. Poe.--------0 .. 11 flow. Now 11511, ..__.. ._. 1141 600. lltl Grundy, Alt r, :'Za'r.':. :;;;;i •• • • • • • • · t--11M __ ,._1• ____ .....,. ,ANTAITIC wood t lld tlW llofM W/pettol8"'6o YI••• end •P•· HOOOl11to. 111-1400 .............. &.Wlt ..... J!.ff , 1 ""er~-=.-ri e"!'ee. 91rden view. UH. 7U-41U: ~7.tem r DEATHS RSEWHERE D9l1I01T (AP) -O.•• ..... , ... waUllst and \he IMt IW'Ytviftl memb.r of Moltln6e)''• Cotton Plohr•, dted Sunday. McXiNw)''• Cott.on P6ckeft . wu a O.troll black jall bud that 1alned Int.ma· doMJ fame In the 192at and l9*. ROM'! (AP) -Mafia boe1 ,., .. 11 .. , .. , •• , ••• pn~·•la, 82, who WM depo trom the United • St.alee ln 1948 and 1pent much of hl1 later life In Italian ..-., d.Mtd. SILVER SPRJNO. Md. (AP) -Sam si..t1ll1, 75, one-tJ.me New York new•- paperman and 1yndic:ated flnanc:lal columnl1t, died Wedneeday. SAN DIEGO (AP) - Aat•••J D. "Haak" Ma-~p. 72, the fint eleded pl'ftldent of the Ameria.n Tunaboet AmodatJon. died Thunday. Attorney L. Edmund Kellog will W.CU. per- llOMl injury suita ·at 7:30 p.m. Wed:nelday, May 5 ln the community room ol Glendale Federal Sa- v1Jl81 and Loan Aaaocia· tlon'p San Clemente branch, 115 Calle de In- dustrial. Orenge OoMt DAtLY PtLOT/Wedneldey. April H. 1812 Asthmatic children gei camp Ml.I .. '1CTTTIOUI 9U .... t NAMaeTA~ Tiie 1ouowlng pereon 11 dotnv bull-• I CLAYTON WOOOS IMPORTS, l1H5 Ctiurefl Str•t. Cotta .,..._, ballfomla 82'27 C1ay1on W Woodt . ltU Cllurch 8trfft, Cotta Meta. Call· tornle •212 7 TIM ~ 11 c:onduCUICI by an lndMdual Cletyon wooo. flllt •t•ltrnenl .... tlled wtth ttle Oo\intr Cletll ot orange County on Apl'll t8. tN2 '"'* PllblllMd Or~ Cou.I Delly Pl. JOC, Aj)ft 2t, H. May 5. t2. tM2. t~ Orange Oout DAILY PIL.OT/Wedneeday, April 28, 1912 Bl • 'f~°' ~"='°ATM* ':.~A~· OOWft'Y • -----= WUf i. ALCOMOIJO llVIUOIS The foloW4ng l*IOl\1 ete dOlng oouwn,;::::.,. ~' To W'*" It :-c-n· ~:OAN VISUAlllTI. IOI 9.1.1. I I 0..-INTl.-NATIO NAL PUILIOA teool\11 A~. Corona del Mer, -~T~ TIONI, lffQ. It~ to the 0.. CA t2t25 ????• y MIOMAI\. Plrt!Mnt Of Alcohollo -.varage J!fPl!AY J 8CHUITEl'I, 901 I•-= .,._, DC MAR· Comrol lor "11" ON IAl.l ltEEA & 8egonl1 A~..,., Coron1 de! Mllf. TtllO -· I TIMY H WINI (PUI IAT PL.) 10 Mii 111oo-CA 02121. ............ ~ ...... • hollo bever•o ... , ,000 lrlllOI CAAOL L TAAVIS. to• e.oo-...... ,..._.....,U~ :w l "91t, eo.ta ...... OA t2tlf, "''Avenue. Corona d91 Mtt, CA ""'° C9fTWl... .... Publl•h•d Oreno• COHI O•llY t2t2&. DOU • ....... -~ Piiot, Aprll H , 1N 2. Tfllt bualnw le condUGled by 1 ......... 1117-U gen«el P«1Mrahlel. Oii ,_., • 1 • • ~ Jen Schueler CA81 .. ,_ _, PmlJC NOTIC( Thll '""""'"' Wit ftled wl1h Iha "°"°'' .,.. .... ..... .... NOTICI °' AP't'UCATION Coun~ Cleflt Of Orenoa County on riCiiilOUe ...... ~.:,.. MAMI ITAftMH1 fl• .........,.. ~· wt Htrl9 ._.. The IOllOWlllO p•rton la clolnt _.. ~· TMl 1.HPI All<lttt l ttttt Ooata (1) 8IA0 H,01NT, lb) IAll -a--eittH 61Dl v1LI.A11.. 1n 02 COl!r9ft Str.-t. Alme 0 -·flltf ... 2t11 ..... " !MM. CA t21 \I t•wt 0.. .._ C:llillllflil taaa T~I QOf!Df N COMPANY 1 w1111t m a rewtttt, ttr• A11drt• c 11ttornl1 oorporatlon, 1f10ll CO: tuett C.t .._ Ctlllofftle nlH el wan ltr• INIM, CA t2714 _.:::,::-" ~eo ll't • fllW Thia ~ 11 c:onduoWCI &IY I ,...,. O HunH '*Pll COtpoll tlOI\. TNee\6-IW ...... -~e-1y The OoecMfl Compwly Clow~°" OIMOt 0-tY on Aptl .. tlH OettllO F. Goeden. ,,... PreelOeflf t>ubll1ll4Mll Orana1 Cotti 0111) l'lttt, TIM llalMl*\I w .. filed wllh lhe 1.111 ' t4 11 tt. 1 .. 2 1~1.12 County CMt1' °' Ot•llOt County on I l Aor'll ft , 1912. P1aJC 1111( , flf M.COUI I DALY l Attot_,. 11 Uiw ' ii I \00 llhcAt11\ut atff, '~l.::::'T'.~=:· P.O. 9o• 2110 T"41 101IOWin11 pereon1 .,, dOlnt llUel• Newport -..oft, CA ~ MHU f'I~ Al ITAMPINO COMPANY •••1 l Publi.tled Ora• Co111 Dally Pilot. n. .... _, ............. ,_ TO 11.U. APflt 7. 19112 I .._. ,_, ...... ._..,. _.... ,, ....... .,,. II f'1•111 ... ....... .... • .,... ...... -c........_ ~Oii Pubtllhld Or1nge 0 0HI Dilly .. .... lllilA ..... To Whom ti ,,.~C:ncetn· Pltol, Apttl 28, May 6. t2. 10, 1112 If you wWI IO ... Iha ICMoe of Olm K .. Montta 8 .. 8uMnnl M. & 1894 • 12 J 111 ettorney In lhl• m•ll•t, you Ting c. LEE are a pplytng to the 11 INMd do IO prompay IO 11\et VoAJI 0ec>1ttmet1I or Alootiollc e.v.,90• !'\Ill.IC NOTICE St o.<trude "-• Stlltt """· C:"'4t0t!U AO<ll 21, 211, M1y 6, 17, 1112 91706 17t J..82 tUf'l!IHOft CC>Ufn' OI' nt11 HO"m•nn st-pll\Q. ~, 1 ~'°'".. ------------ I TA'n o" c •LWDf'Nl• "Df' ~rri;a•IO<t 11 SurlliOhl !MM c ... ,.,,.... "8.Jc N011C£ ~ ::-~.If any, m9Y be II-ContrOI for "41" ON 8ALE BEER & 1 A;t':."u.w ... •* Mtftlfl· WINE IPU8. EAT. Pl) 10 1111 aloo- TM« COUNTY Of! Of'ANGe '"'' -11 ccnc1utted 11Y a GOtOO-No. A-111117 ,.,_ ,tcTITIOUS au ... 11 NAM9ITAR .. NT 4•4•. 11 trl~IH'•I •ff41• ••ltllr hollc bavereg" 11 7114 Edlnge1 ....,. u., • Mlfll,... 1 -:;:.n7ua, Huntington Buch. CA , II• W . ,.......,. Mfttre M M P bit h 0 .... u. ...... : id"'_......_ u • td reno• CoH I Di lly ..,.., ..,..... --Pll04, Allf'll 28, ttll2. OfilOIJt TO SHOW CAUU Holt,_.,. St~ 1no:.. f'Of' CHANOf °" ...... w .. -HOlllMM, TM follOwlnO peflOf\1 are dOlng ~ .. I ' 81 Uelld cs.... I04kll1ar el eon-1897-82 teto o. 11n ebOOldO.,.. eete __,to. "8JC NOTICl In Ille matte< ol tn. lppllcallon of ~ p,..,.,,, MARIA de LOURDES WASSON IOf ,,..., .. ,_,.,..,_'"""',,.C-ly CNt19e of N-<Mt' O' Ot._ Counly Ofl Ao<M := J L 6 J A BREEDING. 7882 Rtall\I om.. Hunllogton BMch, CA 92647 d•betll heceriO lmlMdt•tlllNl'llt, i------------d• e111 m1nar1, eu ru pu1111 FtCTITIOUS 9UIMll Th• appllc•Hon ol MARIA d• Pu01tt"41il Ott"Q• co .. 1 D"'' Ptlot LOURDES WASSON fOf t lltnge ol Alli~ 7 1• ?1 2• tN2 '.!iJt..82 J ERRIE GREEl't. 1833 Kiowa Ct .. t. OlatnOnd Bar, CA 91766 JACK WASSERMAN 7H2 Rhtne OrMI, Huntington Belch. CA I 92647 MOrlll. II hay 11ouna. pued• .. r MA* STAT'lmNT ,...,_.I tlampo. The fottowlng pareon II dOll\0 name. having bMn hied In Courl and II •PP•'""" from H id •PPll calon that MARIA de LOURDES WASSON hu filed an applltallon pro p oarng that b11 na ma bl chang1d to MARIA do LOURDES l . TO THE DEFENDANT A cMI bu.,_ u: complalnl hH b11n lll•d by lhl THE NEWPORT INNOVATORS. plalntlft IG9k* you." you w1et1 IO 4240 P1rll NawporL Suite 303, 6*ld tNe teweull. you l'llUlt, wtlllln N9wPOf1 Balch. CA 92&80 ------------Thill ~ la COl\due1ed by a PICnTIOVe ~H general pet1Mf9111p • deY91119' ti-. aummont II Mr· BAR8ARA J WILEY. 4240 Peril ved on you. Ill• with Ihle court 1 Newport, Sutt• 303. Newport written rMPOnM 10 tM compl.tnt. Bllctl. CA 926450 GUERRERO Now. IJ'lerafore. 11 is lleteby Ofd• red and directed, thll all 1>4Hton1 tnte1eti.ci "' aalO mauar 10 ~ betore thll court 1n De partment 3 on lhe 2nd day of June. 11182. II 10 30 o 'ctocto. e m ol aatd dey to show cauM why t uch appllcauon for CllBllQ• ol name snoold not be NA• ITATOKNT Jerrll OrMn • .' .... 1-.a '*'°" ia ~ --Jacic w-man Thl9 1111-1 WU llted wllh lhe County Cterll of Orange Cou-lty on 111110[ CO INTEllNATIOH AL 1010 O•y-C<> .. E .. 1 ~ lltec!I CM· U!tMM )'Oii do IO, your cMraun wlll This ~ II too(IUC1ed by ... be .ntared on 1ppllo1llon ol th• tndhlldull '"""' 926ez Allf'll 12, 1112 F117111 PubUINld by OllllOO Co&lt Diiiy P1to1. Aorll 14 2 t 28, May 5 19112 pWnttff, arid lhll court mey enter 1 Bwbwt J W1-.Y )udornant IQllnlt you tor the ,...., Thlt l llltmanl WIS flied wllh the OOIOll\y Mn S"'ll*I" 1010 81,- Cove £a1t Newport 9••Ch C•l•torr\41 82662 derilanded In the complelnl, whlotl County Clar1t ol Otange County on could r11ull 111 g1rnt1h m1 nt of AptM 6. 11112 trua t>u••"eu fl coNJ...C:11<t O'f' an 1n Oi~IOutil 1eee-e2 weoee, 111111\Q of money or property F1 .... or other reriel re quH ltd 111 the Publl1hed Or1nge Coul Dally or1nted 11 11 turthef orde1ed that a copy of fhll Order 10 Sllow Cauee bl pu btlshed In the DAIL V PILOT a new weper ol gene<al c1rcu1e11on, 1><1n1 ~l. Piiot, Aptll 28. May 6, 12, 19, 1982 Dated: MlfCll 25, 1M2 1895-82 I UPE"IO" COU..T Of' ntE STATE Of CALWOftNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE Ho. A-105$97 Rlct!lrd J. w ICll, Cllrtl L..._ FrltlCll. OIC>UtY l.w 0... 9' Mun., Pallta ,.. ................ 10I ..... , ....... ca.-. Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 9Ulltdlt NAME STATUteNT The lollOwtng l)eftonf are doing ed an 111d coun1y. et lea11 once ------------ each week tor lour eucce1s1ve wetlls prior 10 the day of &aid he•· ring Dated. April 23 1982 RONALD H PRENNER MllC NOTICE NOTICE OF IN'nNTION TO II.LL A£AL PAOPUITV AT PAIVATf NOTICE INVITING a lOI SAU Notice 11 hereby given that the E1lale ol RUTH SWOPE, Oece•· (714)---bull,_ ea; WENDELL YN ANO ASSOC IA· TES, 8-462 Newt>urY Otiw, Hunting· ton e.acri. Cailllomla 92647 Judge of lhe SUl)OflOf Cou'1 Board ol Tru1t-of IM HuntlflOton Md Beach Union H'911 School D111r1tt NOtl<lil II harat>y given th•I. 1Ub- w111 receive sealed bids tor IUP· IOCI lo eonl1tm1t1on by Illa abo,.... ply•no S1a1-v Sopp! ... ...-u.no llfllltled Superle>t Court on May 7. Of equal to tile 1()11Clhc;at1on1 on fl40 1982 al 9 00 I m or therHllar 1n the ouace of aaiO Ott trlCt. with<n the Ii,,.. eltowed by law Ille . Publlah•d Orange Co11t Dally Pilot, Aptll 21, Mey 6, 12, ti. 1M2 1t04-82 NlllC NOTICE Alfred JOMPh 8llot11 Jr , 6452 ~ry Drive, HunlinglOt'I Blach. CellfOtnia 92047 SU OITH• a LAU8E" A Law Cofpelntton t5e15 Vent1He atvd., autte 201 f!11elfto, Callfomla 11431 B1d1 •hlll be clearly marked under11gnad H Adm1n111t•lot of Stauonary Supplies Bid ••88" the Hiiia of Ruth Swope deco•· llddrll&Hd to Allyn E Rowley Pur· Md, wt• Mii •I PflVllt salt 10 lhe c11111ng Manager Hunting ton hagt>ett and beSt net bidder on tile Beach Union H'9h School Otatuet term1 and conditions herall\allar 1025 t Vorklown Ave Huntington mentioned 111 r1g111 Hiie, and 1n11-Beach CA 92646 and receoved al rest of Ruth Swope dOCHM<I at 0t be!Ofe 2 00 p m Mond•v May the 11rne ol ,_ daeth and all right. 11 1982 at w11ac,n ttme and place title and •nterast that lhe Mlall hat b•ds wlll be publlcty opened and acqu11ed tn eddttton 10 111a1 of 1e;ad dec.edent al the ,,,,... of ~ death, 1n FtCTITIOUa .,.._la NAm STA'n•NT Tne lotlowtng pareon II doing buetnHI 11 C CAMPBELL & ASSOCtATES. 128& 1 W•larn Ave- nue, Unl1 J, G•dan OroYe. C1U10t· nil t2M1 Claudett1 EUllQ Sm1111, 1699 t Lowtl Clrcla, Huntington BHCh c.rtfornla 121140 Thia bu..,._ Is condueled by an tndMdual. Claucletta E Smith Thll 11te1eman1 was lated with the Counly Clerk of O<lf'IOO County on AptA 27. 1982 f'·11t1• Pubttalled Or1nge COHt Oally Piiot, AP"tl 28, May 5. 12, 11, 11112 1002·82 Nil.IC NOT.CE FICTITIOUI ~II NA• ST A TDllENT The loltowlng pereon 11 doing ~ .. : SUN·SET POOL CARE. 02e'A Eall OQeanlronl, NawpOrl Beach. Clllfornle t20e 1 Rlcfllrd Loula HWI. 92e~ EM1 ~anlront, N-port Beach, Call· forrtle 92661 Thie ~ II oonOueted by an lndMdull PtalC N011CE ACllTIOUSM.1 ... H NA• ITATIMENT The lollowthg pareon 11 doing ~ .. CLAUDI NA WAV ASS OCtA TES. 8 Rtmrock. ll'VIM, Calll0fnl1 92716. John K. Al1trom. 11 Rlmrock, trvlne. Callfomll 92715. ™-bullneel .. ccn<lucted by • tlmlted parnerthlp. John A11trom, ~al Partnllf Tttlt l llltmanl WU flied "'111'1 the County Clerk ol Orange Cou11ty on April 1, 1982. F1_, lltcMnf '· ....,, A Pnlf. Ccwperatlofl 17'0 Van IC.-, Mo. 20I Newpoft'-"-Ca.t:.IO Publlehed Orange CoH I Di iiy Piiot. Aptll 28. Mey 5, 12, 19, 1982 100542 WanOetlyn Joyce Btlolll. 6452 Hawbuf'/ Drive. HunllnglOt'I Blach. Clhtorni• 9264 7 TlllS bu.,_ II conOueted by an individual w JC>y(le 8llOlll (213) f15.41C1 m -1t02 Published Orange Coa,i 0 11ty Ptlol Apr~ 28 May 5 12 111 1982 t903-a2 f'\&IC NOTICE Tllll 1tat_,t WU flied Wiii\ the County <:*11 of Orange County on r------------ APf'll 20, 1982 ,.,.,.... Pubt11hod Orange Con t Dilly Ptk>t. April 21. May 5, 12. 19, 1982 1899-82 ACmlOUI 8UllNEIS NAME ITAT£M£NT lhe following penon 11 d o•ng buSlflMS U AV INV GROUP I 21171 Shaw ~. HunllnglOt'I S-:h. CA Eac;h bt<I tn•ll remain VIII() ror • lh• real orope rly IOC llod In the panod of 30 d•y• 1!1er 1ne date County Of OrlngO Slate of c.itfor· N>9(:1fl«I IOf ttae r-.>t o1 bld5 n1a detcrabad u IOllOwl Tiie Bo1rd of Trustee• 111111 be The westerly 50 00 feet of 1"8 tho 10111 tudge of tne quality ol •••1'9rly 182 00 teat of 1ne .oulll· equipment oMerad •llO ,_,,.. -~ qUar1e• °'LOI 38 of T1ect ~.In rign1 10 rtllQl any « .. bldt ar1d ai the Caty of Costa Meaa County al 92646. NOTICE TO c~,..,..-1 ..kldlUI &an. Vl"-vlcel\CIO, 0111· -v• any 1tr99ulertty therein Orange State or Callfornll 11 Isl Allyfl E Aow1ey l/'IOwn on a map lhB<eol rac;orded OJ' aut..K ~ er at partne r. 2 117 1 Shaw Liile, thee. 1101-'107 U.C.C.) HunUnglon -..en. Cal•lontl• 02648 Notice ts 11ereby given 10 credt· Th .. l>uMneM la conducted by • I o " o I 1 h 1 w It h i n n 1 m e d ltmlled partnenhlp 1r1naterorja) lhll 1 t>ullt transfer 11 Judith E V1llav1cenoo aboul 10 be ~ on personal P<O· l h1s statement wu fllod With the Purchas•n<;1 M1nager •n Book 9 page 9 mi.ce t1aneou1 maps. an lhe o lface o f the county reeorde< of s8ld coonty (JlCeplll\Q April 27. 1982 therefrom lhe northe rly 150.00 Put>llahed 0 11nge Cont Dally 111111. also 0Jlcept1no lherelrom 51 Piiot April 28. May S 1982 percent o f •II oil and miner ail perty hetelnlMer described COUnty Cle<k ol OranQe County on Th• n1me(1) and bustneu •d· April 26. 1982 dreu ol IM lntllflded 1ransfetor(1) F-1uott are San Vito. Inc . 4216 Campus Publlshed Orange Coaat Daily t875-82 rights ------------The propo11y as commonly te· 0r1ve. trvtne, cautornla Piiot, Apttt 28. May ~. 12. 19. 1982 The locallon In California of lhe __________ 1_000. __ 82 Piil.iC .m lerred to as 888 Waat Hamilton Street Costa MAN. Calll0tnla chief a•ecutlva ollic:e or p11nc1pal "'-IC NOTICE bu1lne11 office ol the tnt1nd1d rUU1. • tr-feror 11 s-u ll>OYe. F1CT1TIOUI aua1,.11 Coonptr.-.. of Illa c_, All otll« bu*-~ and ad· NA• ITATEMU CT T,_, Depettmant d raan1 u1ed by the 1n1ended Th• following pe110,, 11 doing of "'° Unl1ec:t Slat9e trensfOfOf wllllll\ thr" year• 1111 t>ual-u WMlllnglOft. O.C. pell IO I• u II,_ lo the lnten-JILL C WENDT 18571 S all WHEREAS aallsflClory IYIOeooe dad tranlfer• ~ ............ "" been PrHanled lo the Comp· -· ""'.. Clrcte , Hunttnglon B11ch. CA 1 Of._ 1 Cu The name(•) and b u•tneu ad· 92649 r ... o Ille rrency lllal PACI· ctr.. Of ~ltfldlcl tr-1--•I ll C E Di 1&5}\ ~ ti FIC NATIONAL BANI( ~eel In .,.. n., lrW'll Corri()lfty, p 0 Box J l w l'4 • ..,.1~ Newport BHCh 51•1• of c.1•1-· I, 10'n Cemelbacii $tr-Newport ·~il~11,.)1un.t10QIO" """ ..... ~A i»a. '"' ~ W1411-all •ewl-8Md\, ~v:zcc; -elons of ""' u.e!U ... ol Uw Unftld Thll Ille property pert~t r-a-~ 11 conouc;ied bf II\ Sta1H required 10 be oomplt1d to II deacfl~ In ga neral 11-Alt .kl C Wanat wllh before being luthorlze<I to lumllure, llxturn . equipment and Tl'lll st•t-t WIA filed wllll Iha commence lhe Dutlnna of bi n· other langtble -II. excluding u. County Clar'k ol Orange County on lt.tng •• • Natlonaf B1nklng QUOf lnv.\tory, IOOd lnwnlOf'J' and APf'll 20• 1982 Aatoc111ion ltquor ltcanMI and 11 located al ,11'7tt1 NOW THEREFORE. t he re by 4215 C.mpue Orrva. IMne, Callor· Publlahed Orange Coast Ollly Pilot. ter'llfy lh~I lf>tt abOve-named auo-nla Apr~ 21 28. May 5 12. t982 ciataon ll auttaor\zed 10 commen<le The bu11neas n•m• uM<I by lhe 11ae-e2 the bu11ne11 of ba nking as e Mid trens1erorj1) at Mid locallon Is National Banking A1toe1allon Don v110·1 Spaghetti Syndlelte P\a.IC NOTICE 1....!.~ TESTIMONY WHEREOF wit· Thal tald bullt. tranafet la Inion-,._ my tlO"•lure and -' of of· dee! to be c;oneummated •I the of· FICTTTIOUI SUSIN€1 1 Joe 111" 29th day ol January, 1982 flee ol. The ll'Vtnl Company. 1071 NA.a I TATElllf!NT ComplrOller ot lhe Currency Camelbadl Slt'MI, Newport Beach. The 1ot1ow1no pareon 11 doing Char1er Number 17 166 Clllfornl• 12880 on 01 aner May 14. bullneu 11. lo Putill•h•d Oreng• Coast 0111y 11112. VILLAGE WOODS . 17 702 llOI, Marell 24, 31, A.pfM 7, 14, 21. Thi• bulk traneler Is 1ubjec;t 10 Cowen StrMt. trvfne, CA 02714 128, May 5, 12. 19, 19'2 132•-82 C1lllornl1 Unifo rm Commerelat GERALD F. GOEDEN. 17702 Code ~loll 8108. Cowen Street. IM.,., CA ear i4 P\a.IC M>TICE The 'Ill"!• anel,t'~I•" of the Tnn•~t• oonduclad bl' an ,_ ______ ....... _......, __ _ perlOl'I wllh ,.hom claims may be lnelMOl.et. I TATDIDIT CW. flied la David P*. Atlornl)' et l aw. Gllflld F GoecMn A•~ Of clo The ll'Vlne Company, 1071 C•· This Ital-I waa llled w;tn tM US€ OP f'tCTITIOUI metback, P .O Bo• t. Newport County Clerlt. ot Orange Counly on a UllN€1S NAME BMch. CA neeo 1nd the 1111 day April tO, 1982 Th• loltowtng persona h i ve for n11ng Clllm• by lrtY aedltOf Shall MALCOUll • o~ v 11>andoned Iha UM Of t,. llctllloul bt May 13. 1082 , which I• Iha Att«MY• 11 Law bull,_. name bu1ln.11 day before lhe eonsum-1100 llllleArttMlr 81vd ZUMA CONSTRUCTORS INC matlon d111 ~lied above. P.O. lo• 2110 1835 Whlltlor, Unll F·3, Costa Oaied Al)(H 21, 1g52 New1*1 a..c:n, CA nM3 M .... Cellfomle 92827 Th• salt II eubject 10 current taae1 covenants. condltaone, tH · tractions r_..auon1 rights. rlghlt of way and easemtnllo of rec:ofd . any 411\CUf'!\f)(eno. ot -d 10 be sat15fled out o1 the purohue 1><a The Pf Ol>O'IY IS 90ld on an u 1a · t>uil Bldt ot otfeR are WMted fOt thlS ll'O'*'t' 9ftd 1'111191 be in wntl"IJ end .. 1:11 ~ .. the offlCa Of 9lfll( ol Ame race Trull Oepar1m•n1 It 4141 Mac;Arlhur Boulevard Sult• 109.l__Nawpor: BH ch. Cattlotnll 92oou II any time aner flral publl· cation of thta notice and before maklflO llld Mle 8lds ~t be -*' and wr11 be opened at tho olflce or Bank o: America Trust Department at Iha hour of 9 00 a m on the abOve date The Pfoperly Wiii be told fOf cull Ten percant ( 10~1 of the 1mount b•d ta 10 accompany lhe 01111 by cer11fled or caahlOI a chfodl 1nd the 1>1lanee lo be paid et ctoH of es- crow l••••· rentt. operating and maintenance e11pens1a, and pre- mium• on lnMHance 10QOPllbl1 to the purcha..,. &halt be prorated a1 ot th• ctoee ol etC1tow E111mlnatlon ot ttfle. trent~ hn11, any lltlt In· ~~ poltcy 8nd one·hall ('A) escrow IOM thatl tHI et Ille t llpef\H ol 1111 """ Recording o l con· veyane• end one-hall ("I) H crow lees shell be pl'd by the purchl.Mf Ot purcllaa¥1 The unda111gn•d re1arve1 the nght 10 retuM 10 aocepl lny bldl Dated """' 28. tt82 B ANK OF .t.M ER IC A NT&SA. Tl1E IRVINE COMPANY F117I07 TM Actltloul Bu..,_ N-r• l'\BJC NOTIC( By Chfiatopller B Mallon Put>llened Orange Coast Oltly Pilot ferreCI to •bOYe .., .. Ned In 0.-tnge ------------, Intended Tranatarw Aptll 21 28. May 5 12. 1112 County on Jenuary 2, 1MO u Administrator ot tile IM •Illa ol 1"8 al>Ov•named 6ec;e0et'lt By Frank O Luer PrOP91'1y Managamanl Or ACTITI0U Pubtl1had Orange CoHI Dilly 1714·12 ZUMA CONS~UCTOAS. INC . MAm s:A~S Piiot Ac>fR 28, 1M2 -~ Celtlornla co rpo ration. 1836 The lollowtno pereon 11 doing 1007-82 ...X 9111( ~~ Unit F·3. Coeta MMe. CA ~ u: Thie Dual-. waa oondUoled by• BRISTOL FOOT CLINIC, 2 101 PUBLIC NOTIC£ rteTTTIOUI aulllCll corpotetlon S. Btlatol. Santa An1 . Calllornla NAllll ITATHll!NT Zuma ConalNCloni Inc:. t271M F1Cnnou9 _, .... I '"" ·~ ~· .,. dOl"9 - Miiion J 1 cob1on. O P M • ....._ ITATtMINT -.. ~=1Knon• 227'9 Bl)'ltlor• ~. El Toro. CA Tn• lollowlng partOl'I I• doing APS OEVElOf'M(NT 112U Slat•• Tl\le '11'9f'llenl ............. """Ill ..... 92e3Q bulll'*I 11; A-F..,,,laln V...,. CA n 70I ,,_, .., .,,. Thia' COlld OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED. STEPHEN E:OWA"O SAMUUIAN, County Clark ol Orllftge COunty Clfl ~.la ucted by an 31157 Birch Sir-. Suite 314, New-4U 8ty1on $pt1t1QI Co1t1 Mt U CA Aprtl 11. 11182 lndMdull. t:l627 F1ml' llcet QDIAllOJ.f'AHIE Att«MJ at LMw ........ t..Wte(~ lent• Alt-. C'aalfcw"'9 t2701 Taleplloo« (1M) m ...... Publllhed Ore ng• Col li D11ty Piiot Apt1t 27, 28 • May 4, 19112 1881-82 Miiton JIOOl>eOn. D P.M. port 8Mch. CA 92&60. WAlllllH c PIT I 947 f OrMnW>Cll Publl•h•d Ora no• CoHt Dal~ Thia llllllTltt'll -flied with the DENNIS D MELSTROM, 2701 °'""'· HuntlnQton a-11 CA t2646 PMot A II 21 28 •• ~ Coun"' Cllrll ol <><-Ccun"' on Harbor View Drive, Coron• dal Mir. OAVIO A ADAMSON ,.,, or-' Pf' • • ... ay , .. 12, t!MI ~ - Apttl '/ 1 lff 2 -....-" CA 92625. wlC:ll O.W.. HunUn9ton 8Mc:tl. CA 92641 1745-82 :recmiOUiiU'-H ' ' f'·1•M LAWRENCE L. MAVER. 830 Thll~•tcondUCl.cl ll'f •oe-'81 NAMa IUTIMINT Pllblllllld Oange Cout Deify Pl· ~~~cello Drive. Etcondldo. ~CA '*1'*"si'ep11en E S•'"'*'•n Ml.IC NOTICE Tiie IOllowlr'll s--It t:IOlna llUllr-. IOI, April 28, Mey 6, 12. 1g, 11:t~°e2 LARRY L. MAVOA. 4621 Col· Thie lltttm•nl wu lllt d w11111n1 I EMIAALO aAY " 110LIOAY AOllER AINK, 176 N04'tll um bit River Court, San Joie, CA =ty Clel'k ol 0.•!'09 C041'11Y on "4l<W 6 IE"VfCI otlT.-ICT W•Vfltlkl St,_, Of1 ... cell10tt111 ~ .. , 3 ,' -.. 0..,..,.. •••_,... ThorneaJ Penno ~1217 C~Polnl 1512 . -· " ,,.... • ....,.. ,._ .. ,,.... Or!Ye So<lth l""-•· Celttor~· t"'"P' Tllll ~ 11 conducted by a Pul>lltlle<I Ot•"ll• Coall Oally Pllol, I\' Tiii _,.,.... ,,.. '~ ' general partner9'\lp. Ai>tM 1 14. 21, 21, 1N2 1'°'42 AL.L.·M~ IAL.L.OT ~bullnM• 1 • conduct.ally an 111 ----ti Dannie 0. MeiatfOM Notice It here l>y gl~en tl'lat 111 tllelrnM J l'- r-•r>,...... --Thia 11~1 -filed wtlh the PU8lJC NOTIC( eleetlon le hlfeb'f c.ii.ct to be tlllkS t N tta'---with Ille Gounty ....... .,.,_..,. County C1er1t of Or-COunty Wlth4n Ille Ernerll6d lay~ DI· Ctllet,k -' Orene-c;oijnty on March >1 The folloWlne pertOlle ... dolnQ 2< -...... on FICTITIOUS .,....... 11tkl on the 28th ci.y of May. 1M2 1 bU11r19ae ::\ Aprl 7· lH2 llW1t? MAim ITA~NT MUIUM TO -VOTl.D OM '*"1 MAAI E STEAM CLEANING, Publl1h1d Ortt\O• CoHI Dally The tol0Wln9 pel'aOfl II dOlrlg TM purp0ta o! Mid llecllon IMW Pijbflal'ltO Oran .. Coul D•lly P11t1 ~· -·1 ~ tMctl. C•H· Pttol. Aprl 21, Mey~. t2, 11, 1982. ~ -be 10 IUbmlt to the 'IC>terl relldlno ,..,,. 1, •• I I,,. lllt 18"-t, -.-t2't · 190042 N£W HOf>£ FLOORINO, 144G 11'1 the (rnerllkl 9.y s...v1Ce 01e1110t ----------- OoMld L A1~;:1.:..lly, S. State~ 8IVd , 3-C. Arte-the QUMtloft of WheCtlet 0t not IN HewPOtl" We.di, eo1' len~oar, 421 1·... •-"' """-Mir!\, CA 12 AlllO Weter M1n1gement Aoency L" .,.... so ~ ""'""" 1.ARAY O Mcl.AUOHLIN, 4901 9"91 enter Into • oonlnlet with the ::le H-pon ... ch. C•tllornla -w. Roy Clrdl, Santa~. CA s 1111 w11er A .. ourc-01 Contro l _!: ._......_ ,_ ............ __. .... 1 STATW '11 MumclllMINT t271M. ..... 8 otrd 10 borrow the mulmum, I,_ -----VJ °' ~ °' Thia blMleM " GOndutted by -· lfTIOUll\ of 1700,000 00, of wlllcJt\ ... Olf*ll ........ PICTmOUI IUIMll...... lndtVldUll. "'"'of ti 19,000 00 "for,,,. M• ,_ ~·::.n:J"' _...IN n ie lollowtno p•rt ont h1v1 lMrY ~ n•IH Of th• i m1r1td lay S.rVlc• Oouner Cllrtl of °"""~ Oft ==-~::.: ~~ ~~'or-:0. flied~ 1 : ~':'gerwll purpOM of ... ~ • Apt t7, 1tta ..__ Ill bet 11'tl llrttt. C4*11 ..... Mardi 80, IM2• •reel II 10 Obtlfl' ftillcll for the r"--~ 12t27 F1M211 ~ o! oonattuo1!0ft el cer- Pubflt!Md 01'9:f. CO•t = The ~~ !WM,... ~ Orenge CoMt ~;,. M11n Of IN~ water ~It No(, ...... 29. M'Y , It , It , . teMd to ...,_ .. llled In ~ 1c11. A#JtfA ti, 2 1. 21. May 6, feta. Ag«tCy...., ~tlon and ,.,...t. 1"4-12 on ... 21·1'. 1•1.P merit '9Clllt• -----------1! J AM II W • .-A Y, I U TM -· -· • -The mulnUil wnount of ~ PmJC m11C( Meeter• Circle, Co.\e MeM, CA ..a.JC ll)l1C[ 10 N b«rowed frOrll 1M 8""e """ -----~--------1 tttz7. cMI' .. Id COfttflCI la 1100,000 00, t' ·-MICHAEL 0. MY, t47 P•..... MChOOUI at II... IM1,00,00 on ...... of IN CftY ot HOhhlYI 91.J Ill nno. Colt.-...... CA •11. .... ITATWT UIUO• e.ct\, #Id IHt,000,00 0tt I ... na_, "°9IRT 1. IMfTH, I004 Yedll Th• totlQlllil"t pwaon i. dolrfo MNlf °' the l rw9'CI -a.'flOI Tiie teUowtftt ,.,eon le clOlnt 1,~ ....,._. 91111111\, CA ntlO, ._...1111; Oittl'IC', Tilil kiwi le to be r.,.id In ..., ___ -•1t1on .,...._a ,.A,HA\.L P . OLMll'H~IO · IUILOl~O .. Al NTfHANOI 10 WWI wlttl e tlW•·~ l'flOf'MO· ALLAN "°9fN LANOIOAPl.f T.-UIT, 2?07 Wh'e C~t Of~. I NTl"l""IH . 10IOI aroott1td1 rlulft on r....,..m ot 111i.10lptl "'41 MAINT CO .. 41 o.torct. lrWla. C.. CONN• .... CA .... Otlve, Garden Grove, CefltOfnl• ~ • ...... 117• WILDON W~ , .. bit 1111'· The elllcllon INll IM~ ,._a. _....., 41 Odnf. W• 17111 .._ ~ ...... CAlll2'1' T-.... .._.., 111 T...,.0. by~ IMillOtl to N,...,,,.. --. C111111199 •.ts. n. ...._ -~....-1'Y• •'O" L-'"°"9 ...-..~ IOI07. 1 'M IM --..erv of tN €1Mra1d-IO _JI*~ W•••~d 9' M ..... ........... n.M ~II CICl!1dldtd Cir WI' hMOt Oleltlct Otl Of ~· ~ ~ •••-...... a.... .__....._.. ~ •.1.! ... • 11111 ,._ L ,_.... ._.. ,_ .._._. ~TWO A#JtfA 11. ,. 1a::r:: . ..!!!_lP-... 11111.. ftll= ·. IM w ... .-.. n.. II=::':-""' Iii l Ml"M.O IAY llAV1CI Df• .. ~ tl~o..tlf.~ 0..-fl°'Wlll~~ ~Qlfll *10fm"'9C....,"' ll*T -~ • .. '· ··tt.... '• .... , .. ,.. . ... ....... . ...,........ ._ m ty."-A ......... nzz·110fMleO... n11-..o--O-DllW'...., ...-,y 1 NII.'-' ........ ~ .. tr.-..... -. ,., ..... ., 0t"'*9 c.... ,....... ~ 0...-Oilr ~ ....... t?IMI ,..__,. M,tt.a• -~··-··-... . ' "'tel MUCNOTla , . 6 4 2 ~.fr/~ •• ~.¥~ .. ~i!ii.!litililiimiiiiltiliiiiiiiill f!r!,.l'f!!! •••••• !!df ~•••••••••• .Mff ••!I BIO CANYON l!X~CUTIVI MeM cMI Met• 1 Bf 2 le. HOMI! '°" N.NT HOMI! VI•• prl'WI CY ,.,,,, ""·I~ dbl gar, ' ldrm 1710. '•"off I H cur•ty. Ouatttv 1urn1: lerlOed Y<f. O•dtiner """ yerd & g1re9e. Kid• & ·t• ahlng • & carp•L ltoo.'73·1173. pettwelCOIM 615-2000. !2500/mo. 640-461t N9w 2 t ty 3 It. widen Of 1 Agent, no ,... ,,, • 5 6 7 8 • Bf. 2th ba. Condo 2 ear i.-, IHfi 1141 1u10 ,., , M•ny xtr11 ~~~••••••••••••••• "• .,..., Ual•nhi" Poo l, ec . L .... SHO Lovely 3 8f & den. 2'.4 a. . :-~.................... Aall or Mr L UPI•. no Piii. t860 H•n• fg_ffiJ llfl ~6-2313. &!Se-1866, Inge 4~ C:,.i;·M;;·r~~~·; 1u2 trMI• '"· Br .. den 1750. 28r, corner, dbl g1rege, Hl.!fr.!'R! •••• IA!f , ~.: CdM 3 81. 1 Ba, S900 opt, rano-.at•d kftchen, HOME f'.OR AEHT •• Newporl Halghle 6 9,, g1rd•n•r Incl Veeant 11150 1976. AH.,.. aveltable now. Olan•. IQt. 831-1286 3 8drm. 1876 Fenced yerd & garag•. Kid• & pe._ wetc:ome. IWS-2000 ,• mam ... C.IMI ''' #II JJU WHY Rl!NT • when you •••••••••••••••••••••• oa n b uy with • Irla nd? >Ont 2 br, 2 b•. $850 Only $75t P" mo H Cll (213)450-18e0 wtldyt N••rly new OrH I IOCI· 17 11)640.9753 eva/Wtl nd tlon Call f()( de tells ll-1111 Nr lrvlne Te rre ce. Nr water 3 bdrm . 2 bt Flrepleee dble o-t· Fen- ced yd. s 1.000. 675-3354 c.,,, #tu 1U4 ·····c;c..·REkT:4LS····· Agent, no fM ~fl.~~f.!11.'.!t.!.1:!1 Monetell B•Y Tarr•ce 4 Br 3 B• nom• 328' 1 S a ven Se it D r $1275/mo 675·8074 or 527·7.08 exec • Br 3 B• view, 1p1 1 1400/mo A8 1n1 '95-IOM or 83 t..f7 7 3 BR 2t>e, big yard cloM 10 eeh lt /l llO PI $750/mo 831.0300 1-6br'a $200 10 $2000 ~~~~!!!!~~~ 750•3314 ope!' 7-dayt Meu Wo ode 3brl 2b• -~-.{-"1-.-!-~-•• -~-~-t};-!-•• -.-.-.J-.11-.-.T.- 2 SR Eaattlde, $575 mo gu o pe n a r , nut 10 $350 eecurlty. Avel1 now. I p1rk Sllll5 1053 S anla HOMES FOR RENT 645-2971. 613-48911 Cruz. 3 & 4 8Clnn1. M 75-S700 SPACIOUS 2br, WO(klllop 551-82211557-4133 ~~ y:.~: !::: ~ , .. git, fncd, kids, now 1485 1-0UIE'T HOME t Child 2 5-45-2000 Agen1, no ... D O.C. RENTALS 750-:>314 Br c1rpeta drapes, Nt~:~ob~f~~~~r~~~~·~ ~~;g~·Jo'~~~: s~'to~::C,· '-'.!r.!!.~! .. !.¥.~ Bdrm wll h gardener Wat! ~.•Id 960.399g H:'Ll>forvi:w:.~~ :~ ·.: A S850/m o 556·0347 424 B Hemllton o•rao• NO P•t•. Avatl I ALMOST l br exec pool St, 1250 Older retired 644-7220 I home Agl. I Bi, gar, nr Ralph'•. 17th 5 -1. 5 4 g • 8 7 5 5 or hOml, db~~· HURRY 1 ~·::,r:..2~5°,'!;9'' M90 -H-t-fbot'--V-u_3_bf-.-me_n_y_u_p-. I 1 OC. RENTALS 750-33\4 1 •SA YEHi ¥~~:;~ ~~t,·~t\ Airport area. back bey 4 8 d rm 2 ea tamlly _s_p_m _______ _ view. lmmec. redee. 3br home CN .. 1 .,.. Avail Luxury pool home, m&r· 2bl, g•ege. patio. y11d, I 1m~l1tely Many lmt-velous Weatdlfl toealion L grdnr. wv . ralrtge. $925 nltlM 875-4912 BKR 4 Bdr, m1ero. many ••· I 642·95-42 3 Br l'-\ ea 0.,909, fen· 1r11 Ya ar or more 111. NO KIDDINGI remodeled ce d yard $630/mo + S 1 '95 Ce lt LOii . agl eultlda 2br, gar. $350 S400 ..curlly Sant• Ana iie3ii1-i1i2i66iiiiiiiiiiiiiii Y OC RENTALS 750-3314 H e lg hlt dupllJC II tll If ~3-1927 20201-B Birch UfnllT 2 ato r y, 4 +bdrm•, 2 Tiil Ltell flW EIS lde 3 b r den. 2 bl. baths. n~. QOfQeOUS Ren t In Coate Mesa s sw1mm1ng pool $850 .,_ Pl« And tllp. $3000 p I L 0 T NEWEST ga ted 20 unturn S 950 furn P9f mo Avalt Feb 1. Townhome VILLAGE 557·2783 COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br .,..---------2''1 Ba. 1600-1800 sq tt 3 br •o• y1td $550/mo, of pure luxury Garages, 111, 1111 & d ep 186 6 hydr o -tuba "' mute r "eoamla. 97~36 au ll •. dining ro o m•. 3 8r 1 ·~ Ba. lrg y1rd, pell wood bUrnlng flreptace1. OK. $650/mo Joyce. 901 associated e' · • .. .. , · · • • .. t • micro-wave o-.en1, prl-631·1286 Nwpl Blufft, 3 Br on va11 petlos & ---------yArda,ga rdener provt· Backbay, 3 8t 2 Ba 1800 ehok:e greenbelt, lllarp. ded Elegant llvlng only • q II. S 7 7 5 C 1 11 S1125 644-5319 16 minutes from Fulllon 631-7370 Alk for Jim ON THE WATERI ltland, 7 minutes lo SC 2BA nr SC P lza Adult Gt11t view of boa II & Plaza o r 0 C .Alrporl. ·condo• Poot, Jae. 1ec b a yl Brick flre pta e a. Just e ast ol Newpo rt gate, carport No pet• eounlry ktlehen. 1 8clrm Blvd. & so. ol San Diego Move In 0011 neg $520 + Penlnwta oon ege. Avlll- Frwy. Stertlng at $900 a s 3 5 u 1, 1 5 5 g. 16 2 6 table now $875 mo CAii month 631·5439, 2473 775-2580. 673-3550 Ot1nge Ave , Cotta I----------THE REAL ESTATERS Mesa lllT Tt ltY PW Gets you started tn reel QC.RENTALS • • • I Mllle ownership 1·5 br's $200 lo S2000 ChffH l&llHJ I Br w .. u lde C M 750·33l4 open 7-<laya 1005 W. Bay AllO $375/mo City upts/ Newp0rt Beach 1 Br duple•. E11111de. I htH ·VL-· You are the winner o f C M $450/mo .,. tour lree ttclle ts IS'1ZOO 2 e r l'ownt1ouae wath 3 bdrm · 2 '~ b a , •P•. vatu.) 10 IM pool. H.a s&751mo I akyllgtat, ~ !l,ec>tllOI . .... llllflT Le1'• 99' Y°"' tn-lmanl Ill eJ1tru M!"ol6 pet mo ULL• UCl Sllrte<I Agent 550-e516 964-348& Fountain Veltey Male Vacanti Ettlde lrg quiet 3 LUii IP'nll Squ ar• P ark ·May 8 . Br 2 Ba frplc, d1hw1r. 1 M LUSl 1982 tndry. gar no pell $750 4 Br C ana l 1 t F To c;t 11 1ln lle keta. c all 359 W oodt1 nd te nd Mr roi ,.~: 6 4 2·511 7 8 . ext 272 673-3e00 645-3370 An 6 Tickets must be ciaJmed c --u-,.-, -B-,,-,r-g_IO_l.-q-u-.. -,-,-, --)(-.LA-R_G_E ___ L_U_X_U_R_Y_I_ by May 5. 1982 garde ne r Sl35t mo 3 level twnllse 2 l>r, 3 be. • • • 646-6817 1n 5 dan , view $1100 mo . l&OI UY ELEGANT VIEW CONDO 641·93211. 728-9098 3 Br 3 Ba To wnhouH 2 bf. 2'\ t>•. micro. 8" J u91 off Bay. 2 bdrm Xlnl byt>abbllngbr00k,frple,I S825 533 .4 3 0 . eond Re f $650/m o dlw. pool. dbl gar, many _5_1_s._17_a_1_____ 631-5233. xtru. No pela. $800/mo B i .... b t••••, 1 at. & s e c · ••I •ftN nar o r Vu Hll lt nome 6<4~~. ..... 314 want.a, eiu:.ell. ref•. locel -=========i ••• ............ ••••••. _11m_1~1y_. _1_6G-_g_1_3_1 __ _ wnat it nwans far your ad to be "c/as~f ied" 5 8 tka to ooeen. Elegant 2 h-' O t •-... Br. Fsmtl)'. Rm &Del'!. '"' '" -• SHO Mo . Plush crpl•. 2-3br'&IS950-$1000 mo. 2'~ Ba. Ceder & gtesa, Amentlles 63l--0160 wndeck. dbl ear prv g•· raga. fully mt lnl yard No pets Inquire 11 527 181h Sl~I VERSAILLES. 1 BR Pen· th o uee S625 1 mo . 11t/taal & sec 83 t-0300 .. Br. IOI flmily, quiet cul· WM1clltt 2Br • $650 de·llC:, bike 10 bHCh Eulblutf 38r • S 1200 $ 8 O O 9 6 3 • 511 o 6 . Btulft 38r·lamity $1500 952·8801 Do<olhy Chine Cove 38r S2000 QC.RENTALS B ayside Cova 2 /den 1-5 br'I 1200 IO $2000 !:.:Oeay 58r/dock $3250 750-3314 open 7·d•ys Watar1ront H~ Rltrs •BLOCK TO BEACH Hl·HOI EJ1ec. 3 Bdr 2 ea. fern ~~~~~~~~~ rm, formal dining rm, S..UtltUI 3 br, 2 !Ml ~. fprtC, ~. u&J-5t91 1624 Pott Barmoutti, HOMES FOR RENT $1050 mo Ph. A,V. fl'9I.. 3 & 4 Bdrm•. M 7S-1 700 mer. (213)'2&-7301. ~enced yar~ & garegea. j (~ ..... .... ~ r. . c L A s s I F I E D Kid• & pe ll watcome Big Canyon, Met..aln Adult 5-45-2000. Agent no,.. Condo, 2 bdr, 2 ~pool. · · · tennlt . MCUfed parkll'IQ -"'· 6 4 2 low cost Your ad 1ppeera thou•nd• of time• •II o¥er our commuaity for only pelUllff a day-you ·u like our ..,.cilJ money· N¥i"f nltel Diiiy Pilat lm11 Jiff 11000/mo.133-7890 re;:;•.;;_·b~·~;;·~ 2 Br, 2 ba condo, end unit. Nor1hwoodl. 2 llOf'Y Wlth po o l. Blk• to b••ch. xtrl tr~. room No !:i \~~-:ra2 1:;: Olt. :~!f p aid· .. ~~=:. teHe. Sec. dap. sl::. M&·2000. Agent, no f ... _1_7_3_·7_7_3_7_. ----~ Univ, Pie 3 BR 2 Ba. tge la CIMMlt Jrlf tam rm fplC ig. corner • • • • •••••• ••• •• •••°lk tncd yd•. AU~ dblce:; BEA C H COTTAGE. 2 toml'fl pool & J.ec bdrm. 2 ba. W-to \r1lln. to tohool•. park: anop· 1Wn, betl. 1700. 492.-7913 p lnQ. S025 mo. Cell IHtt r.....-jJlf 714-17t-8001 Of •••••••";';ii=•••••••• 71'-075-014' LMQA 2 Br. l'louee. 11A Ba ~orlhwood xlnt 2br 1b• lfllle, patio, yetd. M50 + upatra condo. A/C . utlll. 1tt. tu•. MCUrlty. po_ol1 , •P•· t •nnla . Av•ll. M•t 111. Show11 M&O/mO. 1W913-14e1, 21, 29, 30tl'I.. 31816 2nd. 21'111t-1111 _s_i_. ------- anau 1 bt, 1 N 2 bf, 2 N 2 bf. 2l\.,. 3 bf, 2 N 1 1111, 2 N IS bf, 2 b9 4 tit. 2 N l I : ,IJ I . ' J • ~ • i u • o o u cu a o u a c 0 0 a esass cs a a s s ZS 2 222 ass t z £!~ :m=!====f.a~.:,:t:•=··-·······-·· ..,_,_,.,., ___ =: ·~.!MAHt•. A¥A.11w •.••..••••.• ~IJ!!!! ...... &tt1tm•1tr •• , .• ~··· r.~·""············· tll!'!.Atm~ ....... tllf •••••••••••••••••• Wl7 .._ ~ , ll•l .. I •utl.. w.m•rimi . cn;:;ft~~. oec1er.. f11 - -HAAOWOOO 'LOOM ~LIAHINO .. PlllTWI ••MYANT''** TIL .• IHITAU.IO • ,1 .. ~'!,.. Culton!~ Cotot bfioftt~•· .-tu Md ....._ lioc*a n ~.,...,,. lnMall ~ alelntd Am~ta .,.,....,._ b)' Atohard ltnor. Lio. w~ Aemott• All Kinde. Glo9f~; .. ._ .. ,_ DHlll I petloe. J .I . OIPte. 1cJ Mffl, ........ mtlnt .... entettllf'tment Trw ~ ,-!Cl.... ~· T"'Y9 Ml-l40t 2'°"4-4. t3 yrl °' ~ All typee. 642·1143 !WI. JoM--, •':~·-cone1.oo.1op=ty Hel,1¥1•.mwt1I;~ ~.WoodlOIUttone u.wnoar .. ~ •·"-IXP.HOUllCLIANI,. IOCMlloult<llMtl. ,,_,.,._,, ••AU.Tt~•• ... work. Lio. No. 1 f . ~:"' .. ''ca~~ 0: ',.' i to WooclS,0=:'1 1141 eoee or c.ie ... ":r.'111.............. .......,.., ,...., ,,.. "' Thlftk you, 831..+410 ...... :4r.Atr......... Ouellty woni. 10 Yf'11 •• ,.,.. ......... ,. • • . • An•w•r Ad 1a .. 1, HAULING-tludenl II•• Celt411re,IN-.2411. NMt.,.tot!M&IWUtel ... a.cw .. a1 .... .,. !PJ flN! HOM9 ;.::~· g:'.':::*'.n;:~ .,.J.4300 199 Huck. Low .. t rate. M•M• lt#>ll'I hO\INk... .., ... ,1d11n1o•u•,,no•omm·1. ,,.. Ill. -.1at cu.tom CotlfNC T .. ~• ·--•· Tl .... , A101 •• •••••••••••••• ,.~~.w--...i PrOf!IPI. Cell 7se.-11171. ...,, ..... ., ... "tfl, xtnt " ' -.~ ....., IMP....,,,-1.H --v ~~C:.l~t. ~- 1 .... r-.... 1 1 TileNl ~ • .JoM. ~ ~-" Low rate• Free Ht. PLA8TEAINO Prompt, ,... •17• ~, ....... _,. AddltlOftl & ""'10... Wi C.. Orpt CleaMt'I .,..._ .......... ,..._ -nt , .... _..,. 175-7111 Int I ul. "Htuooo, ... ~....... .,. ...,. 11011111 ~-• __ '_'-" ___ ..,, __ &_"""'* __ ·_. welkway1, drlvow111, IW P n,. 'rH ••11· Prof9NIOMI a.Mc» ,,__,,,,_ 1t9TEV£NI PAINTIHO bloolt wllll 8"-4892 l..,,,.,;..;;;;:...: ... :;.:...;_,,...__;---- DO IT __,. TNClkmountUflll iiit! ... n11 metH. U·OUot HIUllnO=OIMll, ~~ ~T.m·.-rnr. ••••••••• lt~l~.lnut. , ........... PATCHING •••••••••••••••••••••• ""'"' wortt ouw. 64W711 IMs-1737. O\llctc I · ,.. ~ .. AH p. N.a . ooupt• wltl ...,_,~ Mft lm ... ...... .. • --......... ln-oMI h It J I I A Fr• •t. . AHIUCICIO•. tnllut. so . _ --. --~lltc..._.....__ .. ••••••••••••••••••••• L.AWHCAM ou••• uy ug. 645-33411/&48-4&e1 "'•·.._·i.P-"•···-77 Comp!. ••r.,tce. Yow Dlil!Y Piiot ... -1191ftADIWWW, ~ .. , M ~.,. .... _, OAYWA.1.L TAPING Oomm/l'..icl. Nwpl/CM Heuttng, 11fadlnQ, d0mo41-64e-aeot (8~ wtldyt) ,. ,._ -.......... ~ ..,.._ DhcllOtY Uo. 13411t2 17o-ee&4 ~om who=ll'~~ All t•tur• & aooutdo Xlnt, ,.....,.. ~-lion. Conoref• & trH hml-r.tlr9CI PfOf woman UUT IAlll ' 11~ r.fMIM ~ "we do tM ..-. ,,.. ,,.. eM. l<M\ 87 ~. Berrt 14&-7412 remov·dumf. truck. evell aumm« t\OVMall· PAINTING 845-8383 •••••••• •••••••••••• ••••• ":.".":'Ae•••••••••••• Ml .. 11, al. ftl Con':!r.=~ on eet. f9fL lll1·.e20 OfllYWALUAOOU8TIC THI! QAA88HOPPER Quloll wv. 64 .ye31 tint.~ I*• I plenle. PAINTER NEEDS ~:. 8:!!~~ Meet tubJecta, K· 12 I remodel•. The 1rn .. 1 In __ C_A_R_NT __ A!P __ A:t_A__ Aepalrt. fltw I Old. '1 ~ Lawfl Melnt. Hauttno by oollell •lllCMnt Xlnt ,.,., '*'6'24 WORKI 30 yrl OllP. Int/ u u -.1121 ~ ,.,.. 16/hr, ttnlah car..-~our I t Na TA LLAT ION, ~· tllP· 8ud 562•tat2 Oomlnlc M2.aa1 w/ptokup truct(. FrM wt. t....J-•al-£let. Ac:oU1Uo C0141nge. OM. MM178 ~_,._,. t1cMM tt 'fOAil IQUMky ,.,. flud, n ""' 1111,.._1 ....,., ...,,,., Aober1 "3-2141 :r.:";tt'Xtt'I'.......... o.vtt Palnttno 8'7.a1ae ,_, ......,,. .... ,.. Holi> your d*d oec J;;;, ::"m~.............. 831·211MIM2-3e72 1xper, 5'1.-d & In· .... :".":'r.'ouunuu• uuu•ueuu•••o•n HAULIHO & DUMP VANOEHBIAO INT/EXT PAINTINO ..... :::::~.c.-::r::;;. alaO ell IUbjecta. Or9del ~ Pettctna Lot -1ured. 714 4H-tHO lLECTRICtAN-Prlced Coll90e 8'Udotlll: wndw J088. A.Ill for A.andy, LANDSOAPINO Llc'd. Reta Free 111. Qulll~omm/t". 12 Y' 1·11. Cred•ntl1l•d IH• -..... a 1•coclln:lio 6 --R.8. CA . rl1111t, ,, .... , .. umet• o otno. ci r waxln,. odd 841-t.427 Melnl, oomm'l/fltkS. ···1·oe· exp. lretnOd R91• c:Nr e..2.e1n -~':":"'.....::... --1·"1 :::r.e................ . ~ T I ......... I Fiii It • .. I _._,..._..., CU8TOM 8PAOEQ(8 llfOeoremlllljObl. Jobi . 842 · 441 , •--~• reetrtm,oean-up. er, . w PH• AL••TA.Tl PA.VINO Pit..._--..... • '-'d C-.tlC.snlf Lie. 311M21. 873-035 848-11172 ~!fllt•I-Brfck I lite. Ina. bonded. ...... p~ 1173-8184 '"#•-..JI--...... ~"".'-=· ............... , •••••••••••••• ---------4---------·········~········ "-'d FrM _. "7" .. ,... 25 Uc .,, .... , •••••• ~~-::::w •••••• eu •OM!lng-8tltplng John"' Rid! t7'"'32111 THOMPSOH'S UC'O ELECTRICIAN •• .Jw... Went. Al.ALLY CLl!AN ..... • -··. _., -Y" •xp . "" -. i..11. YOUf WEOOIHO on AlpM'a Comm./"-'d. Cab1nota Aefl'lod CONCRETfi CON8TA. Oual. wortl·Aeae. r1111 ..-..:l:tt:"•••••••••••• HOUSE? 0111 Otngham •·--Bonded. lne. Aela. Color ••••••l•••••••••••,•• VIDEO TAPE! ,Uc #3t73l2 146-81111 S*lylltll. Room Addtnl Uc. lst3313 64:t-&412 F'rM .. 831-6072 Tom Cerpenlry. MlllOnf)' Olrl. ,,.. let. 645-11123 =='·············· ~ ll83..()llt 1 OtcX Hubw Roofing-all typee Exp'd. ~ r8*. OrntlM wnd'#f 754-44.20 Cement~ TOP QUALITY Roofing. PlumlllnQ R08tN' CLEANINO BRICKWORK: Smailt joba •Top Quality. lo price. New-recowr-dedtt Economy Vl6eo S.W. Babyelttlng In our C.M, homea. 1 'I'· I up. Arty In. 1424'121 ..... 5188 !t'!t!!r!!t •••••..•••. FOf .. ~.need 19 know ~ benltruptcy, eaM (714)13M182 .... ,,,... ....... / .... •••••••••••••••••••••• MARINE SERVICES M«:Nlnlc, paint. Vlmlsfl. Te•ll . rub & wax. MM7&e """"" ...................... --·-&ullderw 9lrlOt 11147 Addll6one • AemodeAng Ooonl, wtndowa, patio OOV9t9. Fl'M tit. AMI. Uc. #310942 540.-2170 SELL Idle ttemt with a Delly Piiot Ctaunled Ad. ••• W~ wen_ Uo ELECTRICAL WORK Orywtljj ·Stucco · 1'e 8«vlo9 . a thofoughly N9wpoft, COiie Mela. promp1. Ext l tnt SP9Q· UC -411802. 54&·9734 (714)658-7091 Fred Ael/coml ~ &47·2ei3 Reu. ratN. 531~5055 Aemo611. J.B. 648-ttto olMn houM. ~57 lrvlne. Reta. 875.3175 lall1t. Res&. Comm't FrM laOl H•• fllMMt CWel .. .......... 8302 TllMtt AY9. AIM c.,. Hunttnaton 8elclt •••••••••••••••••••••• You era th• winner ol S.byllttlng, my hOrno, El tour tree ticket• 1112.00 tide C.M., 3 'I" a Older, ....iue) to ttw t60 -"· 831·70IS --lllET ....... Fountain Vt/lie'/ M1lo Square Park-May 8 , 1N2 To clalm ttcke1a. call 842-5878, ext. 272. Tlcketa mull be elalmed by Mey 5, 11112 • *. e.11..... ... • .i ···········'·········· REMOOEUAC»ONS end CWpentry. Uc'd. 25 Y991"1. lrwln 544-27111 COMM' LIRE.SID . Aemod-Add',.Aloalf1 Vwy rMI. Lie. 390250 Jedi H. a.nn.tt, Jf. Gen. Contr. 552·11142 Bonded I Insured -=~~~::__~~~~1-.:HOM;n;;ift"i-.:1M"PHAUO'-viiEM:U.Ec;;N:;;Tr-I---------Btytint'a L.MldtcePlng •t. 714-739-0708 ....... ~!-:.":"A......... • .............. a ..•.. EL e CT A IC I AN : LI Cl . REPAIR·PLUMBINO SCRU~A·OUB Brick, .ione, btoclc. oon· QUALITY PAINTING BVOOET RA TES/Llc'd 'Let tile Sunahlne In" 1203b3•~0J~1~; ~O~•sP:,~~~ Heating. oarpentry •. etec, .. ..!'°].:,, .. · '4:r:c,18 Cfete. Frptca, BBQ'a, pe. 10 Yf1 MrVlno o c Flow mtn1 Smt '!>~• 7~~· Catt Sunthlne Window &48-52.0G tlle. Fr•••· !Ito JOb too .,.... -tto• & drlv~. Ouar. AMaonal>'a 646-aeM ree •t ns .,..1. ""' CIMnlnQ, Lid 548 1115' --....~-;;;;;~;;;,;;;;;--l.~amelt=::_· 645-~~2!!.81:..:,1 ___ 1 UC. & Int. 14 Son P •-Ja•I'"' .1 20% Monthly Otloounl l&mlm 8llhop l alntlng -·~f"'ln•I•••• 2:~D~~~1:ni. Expert Choma and.,,, r .. , CLE:KlNOSEAVICE: CONCRETE, Brickwork. 30 yr• •XI>. Beec:h .,... ..... .............. •RESIDENTIAL • Lie 278041 Al MM12t p1tr. arp1ntrr. roo , RHtonabte ,., .. , lrff Drain plpM. c:IMnup, Fr• •t. 548-1029 .llAI •FS A~ t tty $30: .;;J.2 tty · plumb, Etc. 842..f013 •llmet• 26 'I"~ 53e-20lt .. ~, .. ~ S3 25 546-79411 ~ Chr1t 967 r~l.T.'!! •..•.••.• W• ~.~t jobe . ~amid 720-07 .. 2. llW '"•" lnl/Hl. lynl L• let l.""Ut.•,. ...... ·--FORMIC .. COUNT"' .. ., ..,...... y, uper, llc' H"'•teeteant"" honMt & •••••••••••••••••••••• (IXOYEI 75t·ll103 .:'I~. •••••••••••••••• !Mne'a belt 8lilllC 1 tty ,. ..,.... BUI & o.119 844-llG25 ""' .... MINI Bllndt Cott plus * ~ * •20, 2 1ty • ..,., Tope/c.blnett r9faoed ~bte. ou C I D b h _, ... ,,. • ...,.., Fr• est. 842·5357 Genet• Maintenance 11&2·2890 L::.,.78 81 : • ora · l•Mtl•• Fr• •t 831·9255 559-1302 ~ UV •• T.9ee"'-••••••••••••• 1---------1 ---------Ii .. = Repairs & Oecoretlng Cauo. Hskpr or HouH· ---------• Farthing lnterlot o.ton l•rlelt/fn Ron'• Window Waahlng ,.. Ouellty. Ray IM0-6f"4 cleaner IOOklng tor 5 ..,.,.. HANGING $10/ROll .r.:'::'................ Aeeld. ~ rat• I llw Carpentry, plumbing, daya, Hml houH, w/ ····~A~·MoviNO:·••• Quality. Llc/ln1. Strip-•Sprtnkltf Reptlr• Floett In o .c . ll30-n11 ····o·NE··Of···;.,·K·tN•D····· •l•Gtrtc•I, reH. rllH atlfuenl family. Cell ~ Quick. C...olul Service 1)4ng. Oltc on paper. Ret./c:omm. ComlM'cial WINDOW CLEAHIHO &-1 ,.,. Addition• & rOMOdeltno. for ""''· 5411-1437 Don -Ad .noo. 842-4300. VIM·MC Scott 645-9325 Landecapt SerWlea 7 Y''"" IN AREA -:::r.••••••••••••••••• ~ ,_ Frw •llmat• 652--0410 951-8388 "" No Steam/No SMmP0o bond• d St 1 I e LI c CtlflOdne & l!d Me-7826 JACK of all TA.ADES HOUSECLEANING Expert waltcoverlng In· • 642·54'11845-71172 Stein Speclallat. Feet ~.~51.., ·~1810 Call day Of ntoht, IS OUR BUSINESSI •&-1 .... et1llet1on ReH prlct1. r.n.,, dry. FrM tit. 8311-1582 .im •••• ni. ••• !f............ •Jo 875-3014* tO yre. Janice's RaogeOy Tap quality. Special~• Con1utt1n1 Aulgnment •••••••••••••••••••••• lf•Mn .. ll ,,,__ ~ .. __ 971r. .,.51• In handting. 25 V'1I tl(J> &et-8590 ALL ALTEAATIONS Crptt lnttall/ree>elred .,_,_ lri } ...... •-.....1~~ THE HANDYMAN CAN "'"' ""' '" r......-111119 Rat• a Custom , •At'--WMI knoclls often when you Flood ~ St--••••••••••••••••••• • • --~/I .,_....,......., Hou.-e._,.. ..,.,.. .. ..,.. Wallpa,..., .... jaana Wall "' .... ·-· I Ill D II • _,, e 1 kit bl Free est. Ken 8311-5035 ·-mJ)fOYtl'Mf'lt ..,._ .. _ -...... no No overtime. 730-1353 ...... "" ... · • 10078Adams1182~538 uH rt1u •·11• ng • Y Glng.5&4-851 • en-asee ara. m•nt• '· · c• • --------Llc'd. Ralph ee&-11145 We turnlah vacwm & PIP" apptlcallon• & , .. ---------Piiot Ctusltled Ad• 10 -EX-C"-El--CA-RP_ET_C_A_R_E_1 ~:::,·.~·~::~:.~~:'.'~:: K&D LM1decape Melnl aupp1iea. Kitty 841 .... 1170 STARVING COLLEGE moval NO J Oe TOO SM f'llf retch the Orange Co111 Reeld/Comm. ~. •• k .. I H STUDENTS MOVING OR LARGE )(Int refs. •••••••••••••••••••••• mart<et Cpl, uphol,.,... rug mod. & add-ons . Xlnt LI Hauttng. 548-24811 ... a •your a .. opp ng H · Qu1ttty ouHCIHnlng CO. Lie. T124-438. 548·2142 Craig. CIST .. OI• Phone 842-5678 ctMnlng. W()(tl guet. ret1. Lie. e348278. 1ler by using the Dally w/a peraon.I touch, CM, tneured 841-8427 ' FrM tit 845-1171 538-23ee Sell ldll Items 842·5678 Pllol ~Ada. IN. HB. a.th l5CM>ll33 WATCH US GROWi C*aaai1*2 Ad• 642·5678 FREE EST M0-2082 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sen, we'll Tun It another 3 days FREE. Ona Item per ad, muS1 be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. lhtra .... tl.11) OLLA AS 3 3DAYS INES CLASSIFIEDS642•5678 Real Estate-the Complete Orange .Coast Market Place ~~.~.~~ ~l!!!~.f?.!°1!!~ ~ ~u.::." ~ '7::w A::." "!!.'!c.'!.'.tffl ... !.~ff ~!*.!!.P.e!!.~~!*.!!.~!.-!f C.11,,,., 11. ~~P.!!.~ •• 1!.f! ••• ~....... ••..•.••••••••.•....•• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 11•1 YI mm Shr sharp hM, FV. m6na toj NEWPORT BE.ACtf •••••••••••••••••••••• 311 Wkly rental• now avall fwy M 22-35, S290 utll Meture Mlf etw 5 br hee. UIA M HI A llMl11 bt 'ft!AL,1.00 ~.!ff!! ... _.J!.!f ..................... ~.!!ff .... .,,.., •. fM~.~l!ff ~,CJ.'!1!1.~ ••• J. ... f 1105 & up Color TV. '"c' e lg .~,.•n TV ' '300. 1st/\MI. &48-6S55 All UTILITIES PAID YI • • no.... ., ._... . _J ti!'.IJ ~·' 1390 vacant Mi•r Studlot"l4 41Ml from cnt11n tudto llf>\..j~Q ¥'"'-·~·'O.lRlf:m. 2274 t'f&I .SC ~ 1 ~I"°'· r~ e7t'e~70up. Ag.nt -. .... Wn uirge3rrm,2~, I • ,.,;tg, 131E.8ay: 1>each.'3H.Ullttncl. utltlncl'd.1376mo.·W S:..'14.sM 9"1 bflf'C,C.M.Pool. M/F,lorlrgHgtshomL6 Compe,. b•fo,. you · S3e6-$4751mo. 1 & 2 8'. r•rd. nc J" n H 5'1-5331 ..,. 846-2329 Good kttoh. 4114 3044 Endno In San c.m.nte J.ec Nonltl'lkr. ~. Bdr. '350. 2&-36. OleM. rant. Custom dHlgn Oceentront wtdy 2 & 3 br epts. r.-cspeil, pettoe. n. Avelt ay 20. 1850 ' (-Ille Mgr Apt C) OCEANSIDE CA-$220. 64s-8398 Abel fS31-128e features: Poot, e9Q. comp lurn'd ·,,..•r Avt' c:erportl. Cat OK. per mo. 2 8'. tMng rm, dining rm. Ocetnlront 2 br. 3 ba, Beechlront ~•If cov'rd gartige, surroun-· ·"' · · TSl. Mgrrrt 842-1803 &48-1131 ~ g#. rww cerpet & 3100 aq It In Old Medlt. • • • Hew. 8-utllul & Roommate needed, Bal·..,.._ 6-i.1 .. . ded with pklltl lendaca-now. ll40"'78' 2 bf 1 1 drape9. $460. No peta. Vitia on cttll o'tooklng lllfJ l•••MI Mduded boa. 1150 mo thN June ... •A•• ............ .. plnQ. No peta. Studio, eummer onty, Capo Cod Twnf\M 2 er. Lg Diw :';.,":; t,:;d Smalt Infant acc•pted. ocean. 3 lrptet, leaded 2190 Clt>ota Aw. 15 892·3551 Double garege. storage 1 8' tum trom ~90 1500/mo 1~ a.. M90. crpta, dfl)9. q>t. 0 . I . 842-0735 wndws, huge bHm•. Coate Meaa YIW llRlll onty 564 Plumer St.,_ 2 8':1um: from S580 ...., beech. 975.-0e70 !Ito peta. 875-eeoe. X:'· d . loc . 475. · deck, elec. gate, dbl• You.,. the winner of 2 ~t• to w 3Br w ttth. C.M 548-2217 365 w. Wlleon,842·11171 • .... --,. $500/mo 2 8' 1 a.. up-S-M&4 alt ttAM E;t••d• 2 1~ ea. 11" ·many,, .... Steps ICM lrM lk*et• (lt2 oo Ill ~~~~·,;,~~c~!~1.'9~;~: $50 alngte garao•. att~ ..,__. per~·"'* ger ... Profeaatonatty decorated ":w~ 1 t & tget, to pvt beach. One ol value) to Ille 1br. 2br, kttchs. boat 835-3171 uk for Gary llCC*ll • ..,._ :M3 ~ .... hUI '111 11.i.r.Jd" batcony'1pat10, laundry 1 Br· condo with alt ~!l 0;1155 aft :PM .... ~i moat dramatic •Pl• on -,.._ d oc k a tr om $ 3 4 lo 5'8-9518. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• rm ... -•,. amenttl•• near S .C .,.. • Coaat. Cpl or 1gt pref --•• S il • b 2•L b Bl If .. _ 8' VIia. .. ~ _,. ' ~ Sun No p«t. ml• ••-dally-$1411 wk·l850 mo. r .. r • ,. • u • ......,.... 1 • 1>91cony, ,._.J 1112 TSl-t. · 842-1803 Plan. yutly IUH $3500/mo. yt l y --~--200tHart>OtOr. c ondo . Nwpl Sch. OllJn'-Ml 4411 mini OCMn ~. Wtlter· •••••••••••••••••••••• S550/mo. 548·371111 or E/Sld• 2br, 1ba. S500; 640-5829 Fountain Valt.y Milt N Oceanside $230/mo. AMI. for Henry. •••••••••••••••••••••• bed. S425 /mo . lftllLT a1J 1 8'. +. E.tldo. 1916 lut 553-1202 alt 5 tbr, 11>1. '400. No pet• 111A1FmJ Square Perk-May 8, ea t:z054 714n22•1681 720-0572 mfl ml 548 8448, .. t:M>803. 1 -+ H curtty. HOO. Catt 845-11181, 752.ol11 MJ .. oat ........ ant ept bldg. 11182 Superb 17th St loc911on • .,._., 548 4318 1500/mo. lmmed. occu· -........, To clelm t icket•. cell C•lll .,., 4111 Shr 3 er t>eachlront h0\1-1 room 400 eq ft. l3eO •• ,.,,,.. OUr "Wlllhlr• Corridor" pency. 2 er. 1 a.. hOUM, ..... lelllM In U1gun1 Beech. flnest 942 •69 79, ••t. 272. •••••••••••••••••••••• ••,yr 1 .... S250. S••· mo 11&8•94 77 d• ev ..... l'J Sult•~ not only pie> '500-$525/mo. 2 Br •. 1 Be. ~'1d, •t'Mll ~ate. Call Two bdrm. ~t-~Jltto. tocatlOn In town, IN'tlflh--Tldl• mus1 be Olalmod SPEC~L CARE/FOOD 9h0f• Or. M5..a519 9Yet anci . . ...................... tuteeque YloWI. I am. 1 •tory. •hag,= tor · Obi• o•r Wlllootcup. tellift$ vtiewe. • bUlt~ by.,.., o 1982 Ill new h~•· tor"· la· .. ....._~ .... -"tr"""'M/J,o ---------.-nftlet. too nur.1°"' t9 peUo, trptc. dtw, TSL M2·"°3 OlehwHllel', ,_,90 ttpc;. b9etef pool, 1ub. o•· r~ ~ • • dlN. C.M. 8'2~1 ";;'2&2~ ';,.. C.M. 0.M. 2 offlcM. 3-45", Mitt. U.'t PdlllT mention, bu alao .2.. oellngl, Qel'llOle,.2•1903 Ol'll 2 & , lf',MTO & 1570. eHm colling. lO belll r1g1. elevator. LHH 645-0388 alt SPM ttorage avail. $250/mo . • A .................... I ........ , 110\lr uniformed MCUffty TSl. Mgmt llH· 1185. 894-8225 81-w/ak)'llght, Wllll-ln Clo-Ody. Sl50 & up. 330 C8ff I ·-.... , ,...,, lntm ·-548-33-45 4IM-38C3. --· fgl .... ~·~'V & a full llf'ltoe ~ a~ 3 8 T hou a d Dr 4tM-llOll3 • -· ,,_. •••••••••••••••••••••• • &oeullful patk·llll• sur-c I 11 .,.,.,. .. y r. own • ttna petlOI belconlee aeta. New cpl• • rp1. · •••••••••••••••••••••• ••m-Stir hM wlfull pttv. Avall 1817 WMtctllf, N.B. Want rounding•. Terreced ome ae• or yourae apt In quiet •dull com· ' · · Xlnt toe. '570 lnde gu. Studio 1380. •.t block UOI UY --• tmmed. 1225 mo. utll llnanclat Intl. 7000a.I. Pool. Sunken OH bbq. our ona, two I thrH ~~ly decorated, wtr. M8 6565 beech. nr SflOCIPl;l• uttlt Deluxe 1 8' ALL utlllt• 4 bdrm. 4 bath. Hndy lnet 842-81111 1 ti floor Agent bdrm suit• now l'ialta· ~patio & beach, pier & float. __ . -------1 aperkllng tountetna. bit tor IMM. S ~ IAT '9111 ,,.,... ..... paid. 4114 ·311 2 or paid. Pool, rec room. HOOO tor August. Dttt Roommate W9flted 10 ahr _54_1_·50_3_2 ____ _ SpKloue room•. Sepe-The Wllet*• &Una. larage. °'"'5• ~o •· d b 11 4114-5401· ~~ Bt_r~. S~~ o".-., Rllt, 875--8181. 3er 2~e• condo. H .. B rl1• dining..,., Wall!~ 2131273-9150 57S Mo. 841 ... 3 1 or 1 b rm, eam ce I nga.1---------1 .... ,.,.,. ...._ ··-""""' ·~-, ctoMts. llomo Mte kltch-· 875-&e411. SPACIOUS I Br. Oat, wtr pd . New cpl. ,___,. fl~I JIU ~90I~ Contect Mngr fM•tJ. Int.JI fill S275 utM Incl. 848-56511 llU. ..,... en I cal>lnete. Walk to ~"""' "" STUNNING large 1 Br. Flr1place. pool a much drpa Outttandlnl toe ::7.tt:' ••• r.':':"........ Apt, 4. • ..................... F/M shr 3Br In N. Hunt •WPllT Huntington Center. •••••••••••••••••••••• gerden ept. pool I rac:. mote. No pet a. Piling. 450 1 Br. upgreded, nearly OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 8f. ec11 . $185 + ulll Call Elegant Exec suttH In 1 Bdrm-tum. t605 Yeerty tmlllt 1 Br. Apt for araa. S425/mo. 710 w. eee-e&eS n • w' Po o I, tin n l • . .,,.,,...,. fualu.4 Avatt. now w .. kty tllru °"* dye 752-MOO prN11 .. 1out loo. Incl ... 2 edrm-unlurn from I quiet adult, no P•lt. 18th 8t 141-.a ~::;;· 213191""1181 • Ualll'll '"' aummer. 573-7873. cre1a';'la1, receptlonlat, IM6 1425/mo. lnctd utu .17~~· 7':::-:--:::::::--:=:::~~~~~~~~~~ ••"-""' •••••••••••••••••••••• Mover 30 lhr 2 br. 2 ba telephone an• & more. 875-21711. ..... • •-·-.1. •••1 • • • turn. mobile nome. pool. Ofce from S43e mo. ~ ...... _...one and two bldroOlll..,. monta. PURNllHIO ... UWUN•B OllMOOd lllo of*t .,. __ ...... •1 • 'r Orr •P . .,_.,. Rm It Md Mucfl ... 'ore ...... or•W.. -.... -.i.f!itii lllllDJlll!ft ... ,... •••••••u•n••••••n•• ~llWf --IUWlll &1 -·-~ Lido.Ne. $350 Incl. ~alt 01_ ,18,. mo. T .... "' Huntlnoton CrHk -'P'· ••••"••••••••••••••••• • •-u 111 •. S 1 5 O d • p ... .... " ""' Delux.e 1 a 2 er. Frpoa. ...,.., YILLllE 14811\.?:~ us.Net. 875"'893 HEAOOUARTERS OOM-enblld 111r•1•· TV EIMut. 1 br & def\, frplc. ........ PANIES: A PfOfetalonal aecvrltv. 84 •1a 13 , pool. S66(). 14()..7111' New 112 bdrm. luxury You er• th• winner Of 3 br twnhH, N B Poot. environment. ( 714) , apt• In 14 plane. f 8dtm tour fl'M Udlota (S12.00 J•c. Hun•. tit, IHI ' 851-0881 8Ali'MPM onty. 1 BR condo.: VerHttl••· "°"' 1515, 2 bdrm "°"' value) to tM d • p . R • f •. S 2 2 6. -N-.-.,-8-1-n-0-1-1-110-F-w_v_&_ w....-1 &.h. Ilk• new. So50 mo. Cal~ •570. Townhou .. from --~ 831-0602 HltbOt 4 °"'°"..,..ea Speotou1 1 &1 bbdrm Rlch&rd, 213-830•2323• H 40 + poote, tennle. ••••• ••-1·c-h-r-11-·1-an_w_om_1_n_30 __ •5 front otltce & r~•:!:· emong beeut t•k• 213-823-71&4 waterf1lla. pondst OH - -' • -· ... • 1 kt 1 h• ti Foumeln V9'Wt Mlle ref9. to ltlr 3 br, 2 ba apt, area. 2 bltha & kite •lrHma. Pool. Jae end 281 1be, •t tn kltc:tl. E.nct or coFo ng9 Dal no Squer• Park·M•y 8. nr OOHn. 538-7123 nett•. air. & !\.Im. evell. ,.c erea. No pet1. patio & gar. 1535. no paid. rom •n •oo IN2 Sl50 mo. 5' .. 2928 14M5111• peta. M2·21:M Frwy drive North on To clatm ticket•. call 8h•r• 4 er. home, bot· :...:..--------Beech to MoFedden to 842•51178, ut. 272. ween l1y & Ocean. Exec.offtol)111ntN.8.toc., PARK MrWDnDJ (87•1.a.!J.~,.d1N VIiiage Tlctlota muet be ctatmed A"all. May 1. 875-2837 copier. wa. ntnrun ~-'".;...,__..,.._ .. __ . ___ by Mey 5• 11112 an IPM. tee-1n111640-a1a llS&iil.. ..... ~ lit•• F/rmmte to ahr 2br 2ba 520 11q. ft. 11.00 pet eq. Lftm ••••••••••••••••• .-.~1---------1 E.ald• C.M. 1pt. 1200 It .. 31175 Birch., N.e . eechotore. 1 & 2 be· LO, Room In,,.,. oondo. lndtan Welll VIII&. tum. 3 mo. Pret. atudent Agent &41-5032 droom apt9 & townhou.-Co••• Mu•. Oay1 : '"'c!.'tu U06541 l"!""a_1_44~i_1~~,....--~ 118 II· 2 4 5 2 EV U : OCM11ln111t, M/F nonemkr I !~~~----kinlm~:;-:;;,~~lv;;;;--;:;Qi;'mo;;;IO(;' .. ,.,, ,, ... _ ~ .... •hr 2 br, 1 bl hOUH, 1, •••••••••••i;;;";'.::.l' Mo40 & l" lltlll. ITW1M __ _.:..;,.:;,.;__.;.._.;.._-1 •lllTE AHp, clean, non emtcr, tom. 8fw Ill dpbl, pyt rm. W/O, deck I tptc. ~. HIO mo. 811r utll, eve 1se.-t1.a Prof. Mii' I.flare lu11ury """· Condo. a .c • ......_ Ull. U 1·021, ....... 11 I . :. • l • • ~ 1 I '· .. ·OCEAN VO 11120 ~rt· ldeel ford• signer•, 1111111 1nd q i· neere. OuMI ATTRACTIVE lndUffrtal petll. 1001 Wetl 17th St, Coet• ....... IJMUI 1100 1q. u .. 2 otc1. w/ cpt1. P&R dra, O/H dr. top oond. Frwy oloH SUS. 1000 1q ft, UH O/H dr, toilet a buln. 87M2St ,1!!!11 .......... !.~ff IOOO tel ft "'9houee. 30t ft, ell or p1r~1 '1th I l'OfnOna. 831-w71 ., ... ~ r OtMge COMt DAILY PILOT IWednMdtmy, Aptfl 21, 1982 AG$RESSIVE MANAGER NEEDED ~9'ao••nCI• .... nlng1. 11,0 Mont.lT'IM: --.-.y. Newspcpr Carriers tor l'outes In Hunt-= Blach, ---:., & Newport Beach El •••• ,11.'!l. •••• !.(fl ...,, ......... Typ• 71. IOtl Of pflorw oonteot. u.. ........ ln~ltdl«*. Aca1e~"*••lll e.vio..1no. ,_ !MM, ",00 ,. ..,...,, • 100% ,,. leMoe -.11on etMndMt MIF, mornln~ I •ft.,. noon Mlfll. CIOOd Wfl09 I ben-'ltl. lh .. I, 2100 Si n Joequln Hiiie Ad, CdM. S!RVICE lttllon atten· dint. £v1. lhlft. Apply: Shefl atallon. 17'h I Ir· 1111'9, Np4. Bctl. mamm llUllTIU Worll In the ~ Ml· Ung 1pp11 for my Nwpt Bch ofc. for 1 m•JOr ho- t •I Hrly-commlu lon-bonua 833-3 740 1ft 1PM 1ILDllll IAW Aggre11lve computer l)foc:luct• co. ~ lernele or male t NH11peraon. Prev. tele- phc>M Ulee exper. Pf• rd. bUt not nee; wtll treln. Prime comid41retlon wtll be IQgf ........... eMty hrt.. plllme, ltrllgtlt ... lery C111· Jim C1119er, 714-"3-5500 TUYn AIDT Min 3 yn eiq>. comm'I & vec. Sabre trained. Har- bor Trevel, 1175-1311, Miiiie New In certon deluxe Whlf1poot dleftwuNt. I .............. ,,,, ... o.t .......... ... rentetop w/980 ..... . aaeo. t'JP. • ••• Wiit. WUUtt1t1oue WMflet/~. PftOlt ............... -. lll•IUO b\Wft IMtlPM I • -· •••• ••••••• •••••• sssac a sou sec c c '79 Cutlau Catal1 Ost 30.000 ml. IClnl cond 28 mpg Compl av1 red Option• $5800 bst olr f<&0-7258 leave meg '71 Cullus Supreme S 1000 °' best olf• 5'5-1335 a ~ , 2 -Y0ut Home & Gerden -A SuppWnent to the PICOT encl MIRROR newt~. Wedneeday, Aptll 28, 1982 Parsley, Sage, ftosemaey 8 thyme ... Plant knowledge saved herbalist's Ille JANINE FIDDELKE .................. Roaindo nritllli has a fond.nag for plantl. But the ttlationlhip eoes a lot deeper. In fact, Tiritllll carrtH on quite a romance with plaots. He loves them dearly; they saved h11 life. An herbalilt by trade, nritllli be· lleves man and nature muat work together. His fondnem for hen. and plantl beon ln Italy Where be WU born ln lhl. But he e9tned ...ire- spect for the plant klnadom when • a U.S. Marine. he wu captw.d by the Japane9e durtnc World War ll. Tirltilli credita hla lmowled1e of plants for hla auvtval durfnl three yean of lm~t which inclu· ded working in the coal mines of Manchuria. Walldn1 to and from work ln darknns, Tirltilll would pick plantl and leaves, often not knowlna whether or not they Wete pollonou. -8Dd uually !GO 1'UncrY and ICal'ed to wait for l&lht to Iden· tify them. "I ate Jeevs ot1 of treea and ~ta that were hardly palatable,' 1aya TiritlW, who now owns a pair of bu· llnelle9 in Santa Ana. "l ate potato tops and eeaweed. I pulled up grass and ate It roots and all. "I ate anything I could find. I ate anything tbat 1 thoUght wou.Jd help me survive. I just didn't want to die." He 1peakl calmly, almost reve- .rently about hil life and death st~~ u he sita relaxing at his w e food •tore ln Santa Ana. The three-year ordeal u a pri- IOl'lef' of war was a time when Tiri- tlW needed to call on all his bidden reeervea. He credits his knowledae of the plant kingdom for 1avfng hlm, but he Uo believe9 it WU God that gave him the knowledge and the courace to u.e it. Today the 60·year-old herball1t prllCtices his profftlioo in what he calls the best of two worlds -cull· nary and mec:Udnal. One of his two busineaes ii Rosindo'a.. where he prepares and diltrlbutee Italian food. Using ftelb bert. from h1a garden ln r.condldo, Ttritilli and hia tour tons make 1aucea and dinnen, u well as Italian, Polish and British sausages. His other buaine91 operates out of his home, where hi1 front yard ii filled with medidn.al herbl and hll kitchen aerves as a laboratory. Tlri- tilll coun1els people ln the u1e of herbs lo gain and maintain good health. In his medicinal garden TiritiUI strutl like a proud father. Taking the stance of both doctor and teacher, he points to his favorites and recites a long list of healing properties. "This one will cleanse your blood." he says pointing to a large, al.molt furry lhrub with purple f1o. wers. "It'1 borage. A couple of its leaves brewed ln tea and r,ou won't know what hit you, you 11 feel 10 eocxt." The le11on goe1 on. Ro1emary with lta nutmea aroma ii a remedy tor st.olMCb and beedaches. Aroma· tic oregano and buil are used for teu and at h.11 Italian ahop. Tiritllli points to the dark 1reen, almo1t toblloco-llke comfrey. ••A cup or two of lhil a day ii aocxl for whatever ail.I LLUl'o•s ............_ ....... !IDPd~n sl1op , GlllANIUMS ZONAL • rvY. • PllAIOOtWMS you," he says. "The aloe vera plant ia a natural healer of blemishes and sun burn," he adds, breaking off a tip and rub- bing Its aap on n is akin. "Skin as smooth as a baby's," he laughs. To TlrtUlli1 herbs are everything, and the rules are 1imple. "God created the world and he gave us the plants , the herb1 and the vegetable•," he 1ay1. "If he bad wanted u. to uae pll.ls and d.rup then they would have been there too. ''The planta have alway• been there and they will always be. How lone have we had chern.1cal dt1aga? About a hundred yeara and planta have bee'> ~ere since creation. Which ahoUld we Ute? The answer la aim >le." if::tUli'• training u an herbal.i.t came after WGrld War ll. He atten· ded the DDln1nion Herbal College in Canada wtlere he eeined a desree .. a muter bsballlt. For four f ':'' Tirltllli 1tudied plantl and med1clna1 and cull· nary ...-.. learned to grow and (See B~ P11e U) I • I ~ I 1 i ! I I Your Home ' Garden -A Supplemeint to the PILOT and MIRROR ~. Wedneeday, AptV 28, 1912 -3 ·Mon Than· You Ex~ In A Hanlwan Ston Tire Cord Reinforced Vinyl Hose Deluxe Garden Hose • All weather vlnyl tire cord reinforced • Flexible in all weather • Strong in hot sun • 4-ply construction • Nickel plated brass couplings · "''a x so' Sale •7 .66 Charcoal #471 Black Reg. *74.91 $59.99 Speclal Sa,. 'lfteludn: • c.t • Wuarta ..,..,_ • T n • '* 1*Jn CMIEinl Oriel S Yr. luffter W.saaty w. cmry ,.,, •.• Ill ,.,.. fw: . Cher.... . Dwene •O..n ..... •WelMr Electric #571 Brown Reg. •111.11 '99.99 IGOllngleBurner augg. 1311.21 ................ LI' ......... 0.. LI' ................. a.. .... '189.99 .......... 12 loOC ..___..._,Al.....,. a-. ..... . . (;harm-Rok • Doesn't hold grease as Lava Rock does. • 5 lbs., 8 oz. CUISINART LIST our price DLC10E $130 •11.11 DLC8E $185 '141.19 DLC7E $260 •111.11 DLC7PAO $275 •211.11 Loma Trash Can •7•• (Similar to Illustration) Turf Builder Covers 4,000 sq. ft. Reg. •17.95 $13.88 • 18" $44.99 l • 1 ~ t I t I I t ... " ' • ' ' ) J - 4 -v ...... a o.d9n -A Supplement to the PILOT end MIRROR ~. Wedneedey, Apr11 28, 1882 Tillng tips Designers demonstrate use· of. ceramic in home BY B•••UA llA YER ilre s w ~building materials once were tied dmely lo what was avai- IMle in the jrnmediate vicinity. Wood .,.. UEd in forested areas, brick where brickworks were handy, and natural stone where bcl'•ldrn doUed the fields. Tnmpor1ation and the demands of international trade have helped widen the,.... for many decorative buildin8 products, which he lps ex- plain why a group of Italian tile ~recently hired 19 Amer-lcm deligrl f.inm to create interiors ..... c:ienmic tiJe. In llaly, a leadi.rw producer of tile, . the aroduct ia mecI in many indoor and outdoor appllcatJona, a nd the ltalia.na cunentJy supply about 18 percent of the tiles used in the Un- ited &aks. But to gain more sales, the tile producen decided to show how to me tile a"atively in entryways, di- nine are.. bcl'idoira, living areas and e'W!ll a billiard room which was part of a recmt model room group show at the Italian Tile Center in New Yark Qty. Generally apealUnc. the w ell- t.ralned handa or the interior de-silJlitt were evident in each room. But the....,..,. al90 came up with MMDe intereating Ideas for do-lt - yanelfen.. If you are working without a de- aiper, use tile simply in a single color for both fioor and wall sur- f.aces, M!'Vel"aJ auggested. They ex- pWn that inlricate patterns require meticulou. planning to come out ~L .. H you take one color and sdi:k to it b floors and walls, you cm't fJ' wnmc," said David E. BeU, .. Current .. 11 a themed feature ~ment to the Daily PUot produced by the .,eelal MCtiom staff. who did something similar in a bath- room he and his associate, Donald Cott.er, designed. Eric Bernard agreed. If you use the same color grout as tile, any small imperfections in the install- ation will be almost Impossible to spot. he said. According to Bernard. "the larger the tile, the more ex- pensive the installation and the more skillful the installer must be." By using 6-inch equare or smaller tiles, a do-it-yourselfer will eliminate much of the c utting which makes tile in- stallation difficult. There was a difference of opinion as to how complicated it is to lay tile. (See Tile, Pa e 15) • ROBERTS House of Modem Furniture ... one of the Wesfs largest and finest collec:tlons of modern furniture, Kghting and accessories. re.allies that today's furniture must be elegant. flexJble and comfortable. The Wicker apd Rattan furniture featured at ROBERT'S ftlls these reqltlrements beautifully. This venatlfe furniture Is so perfect for today's hvtng and enter- taining that ROBERTS has the Wk:ker and Rattan section displayed 90 Yotr can shop by the complete room setting or just for the perfect accent piece. ROBERTS has lt all for the economy conldous shopper ... good quallty, prompt delivery and professional designers and a helpful aala staff. YOUI Home & Garcs.n -A Supplement to the PILOT end MIRROR ~. Wed~ ... -tm2 -5 Homeowners can cut indoor pollution By DON CHAPMAN ...-.~hlW The Great Indoors, where most of us spend 90 percent of our time, has become the site of a pollution batt- leground for the 1980's. "The last 30 years have brought a declining indoor environment pol- luted by chemicals sealed into buil- dings that have been tightened to conserve energy. Indoor pollution may be contribu- ting anywhere from '15 billion to $100 billion annually to the nation's health care cos\S. The number one culprit is pasmve, or second-hand smoking, says Dr. Wilbert Aranow, profe9>1" of com- munity and environmental medicine at the University of California at Irvine. Aranow, who chalrs the American Heart Association's Task Force on Passive Smoking and Cardiova.9cular Disease, said exhaled smoke and smoke from burning cigarettes has been shown to be hannful to non- palients as well as thoae with lung, heart, and other ailments. ''If you w~lk into a crowded, smoke-filled room, you see the effect on people," he said. While scientists are finding out more about how indoor pollutants make people sick, there is much yet to be learned. "No one really has a handle on what is emerging as the major public health problem of the 1980'a," said Richard B. Spohn, director of the c.a.Llfomia Department of Consumer Affairs. Most of the products and furni- shings used in homes and offices contain chemicals. In fact, the Con- sumer Attain Department says the avenge Amerlcan home today con- taina more chemicala than dld the average chemical laboratory of 100 years ago. The chemicals can caw.e varying degreea of harmful h ealth effecta. from headaches to death. But theft are ways to make our indoors healthier. · Homeowners can take •t.ep1 to re- duce exposure to the pollutants. They can uae alternative prod.ucta, and make •ure they have adequate ventilation when ualng chemicals. They can exercile caudon in the U9e of pesticides, which are applied on foods, on pets, in ~. and ln offices and other structures. And they can bemrne educated to the damaging effecta of other pollu-tina materials. Here UI a lilt of indoor pollutant.a and what bomeownert can do to avokl advene effecta from them: AereMI .,...,, -pu1idee can be hannful. Producta can be bGulbt ln non·Ml'OIOI form. U you Ult Mn>· ... do not inhale the pm1idll, and keep contalnen away from heat, 8'nce ttwy can explode. C.lerfae llllead -can Irritate akin, ·~· II.ever ml• to ~u a 1&ron,.r clean~ eol_'L_dgi, itnce _... prudDDld mn be~. II ,.a --~bh rh ...... lt-. ND;. Ail ......... ~ • ---of baking soda and water. Rag ud upllolstery cleaners - inhaling fumes can be very harmful. Clean rugs and urholatery with a soap or non-aeroso shampoo. Noa-pllo1plt.ate detergeall -can cause irritation; dangerous if swal- ; I r ~J r .... .....f• -01 Lvsiu:-1 • :..rr->IJI hear·, .rr l r.oE·lls c-,(~ "J' b , v r.rrot hross <::-.,ff'l)t r.oli::-r Orn~ --((V)f gornrr ( -:i(t'."">(":I I r ; r Greo ctw1 .. s Great clr:x:ks Great crystal r:.reot 00m1roes C'.reot drums C..ncot eggs .(( JI flosv.s ,...;:1fAIJI from~s ,-7"COI ~lome Sroor oeese ?<eel rcss reot t'omrr c l\s ( ,r~~t norm {P(lf }ry r..,,eot ewelry (7reot kites (;:1feof lomps ·-:.rf='r)t tenther l?f P<JI masks Groot molos c:.reot omoments Great r,orcelo1n C-.ft?OI ruqs I l';(eol swon .. r"AO !cols t{r~t toys Great vases Great weov1nqs Greol Wt"ll1>f lps Greoi 'YP·VOS towed. Use 110ap. Oven cleuien -can irritate and bum skin. eyes. Alternative is solu- tion of ammonia or baking soda dis- aolved in water. Use ammonia care- fully. FunJture and floor polhll -can cause irritation; often Oammable You can make your own p6lb by melting camuba WllX md mhinc it with mineral oil Air freslleaen -can mme irri- tation, burn skin. Ventila11e; me vi- (See llldoor PoU.U.. P-. It ) Giving iso Great Thing f I ~I SOUTH COMf fll.AZA NEXT TO BULlOCtCB ENTRANCE · AAST ~L ' NATURAL LIGHT -Skylights bring more light inside homes than ~med windows. They are al80 popular for their aesthetic qualitia indoor art festival NOW OPENI . - Take a look at the beautiful side ot life -.. Now, eighty of California's best artists each have their own display in one spectacular 5000 square foot showplace. Over 200 originals plus a wide variety of limi- ted editions waiting for you at . ~rtlsts of Callfornla 23 I 3 I lake Center Ortve lake Forest, CA nJES.-SUN. 10-6 FRI. TILL 9 . Skylight · project choices Planning Important for do-lt-yourselfer Homeowners looking for more natural ligbt or other benefits offe- red by skylights have a choice before beginning the project. They can buy skylight units with 11\Stallation instructions or sign on a skylight contractor to do the work. The homeowner may spend about twice as much to have the fixture installed professionally, but if he plans to do the job himself, he should be aware of possible pitfalls. He should examine roof construc- Uon and direction and the height of his attic before selecting a skylight. And, when doin1 the work he should be aware of persiJltent pro- blems in do-it-yourself skylight projects. When choosing a skylight, many think they want as much Ugbt u they can geL But skylighta dellver hve to six times more light tiYn • window of comparable area. So choices in size and color of skylights are unportanL The color affects how much light and heat are transmitted. Roofing may include utility Imes-wiring or pipes-and if an attic is being affected, that should be examined also. If the homeowner is going to cut mto a truss root for a large skylight, he should be aware that cutting any rafter will weaken the support, and add braces if needed. A major problem in homemade skylight projects ls leakage, accor- ding to Orange County Environ- mental Management Agency offi- cials. Homeowners should make sure the unit la properly flashed , o r mounted, to avoid complications. Also, removal of shingles can be tricky. "Whenever anyone works on a roof, he should watch for slippery surfaces and brittle tile or shingles," noted Charles Sadler, a plan checker for the EMA. Those with attics should consider the well that must be constructed between the roof and the ceiling during skylight installation, he said. ... major problem in homemade skylight project is leakage ... The well should be insulated, and the cost of any project that includes an attic figures to be higher than a cath~ral ceiling project. A 4-foot-by-4-foot skylight pur- chased by the do-it-yourself ho- meowner may exist about $200, with installation materials adding to the total. Professional installation, including labor and materials could total twice that figure. Grand_ Opening Special This Pool & Spa Complete With Deck! *$11 900 TAX INCtuoeo •offer Limited to 5131182 It Up IO 90 ~ .... llO<'I l'Ol"9 -ID -' ~ . 11 FINI ~llP ll'd llM uP NIM:llOft DECKING •• 400 14 " ,.,,., cDIOr ~ SHALLOW ENO SPA ATTACHED ti I II r_.o 4 ..... & .... T'llo Of"9e YIWw ....... ..,, 10' 11111 llOt!I IPt IO ~ locellon. ...,., ... llM!I .,.., • Ille.,,, ........ lletl(lll JU ... t00 -!Wll >00!< locNd T "°"' ..,...,.,, __ _........, to ....... ~~ ., ...... LOClll COdel .... ~ .. ~ ... ·-..... oondlllotll cl ~,.,..,,___,._ ell ~ .,., 119"'1 • ..,,.. cNl19' Ot ... ~·....-21 ~"°°'-~If flM:EO WITM ~ ~!EN ruu. y Ol9COUHTto.NO o~~AU.OWm --.- Voor Home & Garden -A Supp6ement to the PILOT Md MIRROR newtpepera, Wedneedey, April 28, 1982 -7 , l Long lived styles wi.11 predominate in 1982 P/,!~~~ MAYER Fads are always with us. But, de- coratively speaking, 1982 is shaJ>ini up as a year in which long lf vea styles -country furnlture, tradi· tional reproductions., and quiet good taste -will predominate. "These days, everything costs S<l much. Furnishing a home is too se- rious a business to do it according to short-term Cads," explained Joann Barwick., editor of Houae BeautiCuJ magazine. "We can't in good conscience urge readers to decorate their home with • objects that will be dated before the rooms have even been completed.'' The editor said high costs, a mood of conservatism. and an increasing number of products reproducing the best of the past would combine to make 1982 a year in which what she call "investment decorating" wllJ predominate. Of necessity, consu- mers now view their furnishings purchases as investments to be die- rished over many years, she said. Coo.ntry-style decorating, already among the most popular, will conti- nue to be the look most of h er magazine's readers will select. One of the great appeals ol country-style decorating is that it mlxes the old anst the new and is appropriate in both city and country, unlike other styles which are more .Wtable in one place or the other. No matter how appealin~ it is, however, one style cannot 1Wt eve- ryone. Thole individuala who don't opt for ruttJc country interion may well choote to reproduce the 18th century-in some rooms in the home. A growing number o'f muaeum- reproduction collections of 18th century furniture, fabric and aoces- 10ries is expec1ed to be available in · Along with a growth of inlel'elt in traditional and period decoration, tliere is now a correspondlna higher valuation being put on traditional arch! tectura1 detailing. "Where they have • choice, people are gravitating towards older apart.. ments and homes with an:hitectural details, interestina moldinp, unu· SlWly shaped roorna and windowa - rooms with character" In other word.a," said Ma. Barwick. A primary reason for appeal of the past is simply that it was a time when objects were chosen for the home because they were pretty. Interest in preuy rooms and pretty Objects to put in them Ml probably never been hfcbel' "~ ~l a>l· on, elpet'ially 'lavender and thit va- rious shades of bl"e, ue s.~r now and 1J\ow no •Ian' of diminiltaina." • .u1.; aoceseories is to provide a change of atmosphere and to freshen a room grown boring over the years. "The right accesaories are IO lm· portant today. Yet it is difficult to de9cribe predlely how they can be used to update a room," said Ms. Barwick. "We ofte n suggest our readers eeek several dramatic pieces instead of a larger number of smalL things that create less of an impKt." NORDIC TRENDS' FABllLOllS 241h ANNIVERSARY SALEI ~ ENTIRE INVENTORY REDUCED FROM 30% to 500/o -- Teakwood Platform Bed ~ 320.00 In COntlnentat 11:911 <~~x~:.~> NOW ii Sturdy TMkwood Buffet/Server 64 y, .. x18''x29 '1i" high lnelde: lhef!iel & traya Solid TeMwoc>d Hiatt-Beck 91clec:NJr wtth Oatmeal Fabric ........... ,..,..__ Single or Queen Sin Bed w/Solld Legt Mettr9ll not lnciu09d Reg. 275.00 IOW 11900 Teak Finish Sktechalr w/Slatted sq & Oa1meel Fabric ---- We Won't Be Undersold ~ on petlo cowrs fl* lilmllar gnicle lwute1r Check the prices at any lumber, hardware or Improvement center around the Orarige Coast area. Our prices on pre-cut, raldy-to-assemble patio covers will be the lowest! "The Newport" 12' x 12' $149.99 ALL HARDWARE INCLUDED Pre-slalnlng, delivery & installatloti available. Other ·designs & sizes to choose from. Cost of hydroponics cut by wood containers By JANINE FIDDELKE ltleclllil hctioM fdltOI' California has been blessed with good soil and plentiful sunshine which supplies consumers with an abundant supply of Inexpensive year-round fruits and vegetables. But even the ble..inga of the sun cannot change the shadow of today's economic condition. The supply of prod~ is dwindling and the price is beoom.ing more expensive. Because of this more people are turning their bacb on the grocery at.ore and looking to other ways to aatlafy their nee<la. For 90me back- yard gardeners. who do not have the apace or the 10il, hydroponJc garde- ning ii the answer. Hydroponic ii prden1nc without IOU. TIM! plant roots are anchond in gravel or perllte and .upplied water and inorpnic nutrient IO!Utionl pe- riodlcally. A.ocording to Steve Hollilter, ow- ner of Holliltera Nunery in Costa Mesa, hydl'oponlcs has been used commercially for a long time. Ho- wever, it bas only been in tbe last atx to eight yean that \he home garde- ner has begun to wse the system. Hydroponicl ia euy and requires very little maintenance by the gar- dener. There is no~. w~ ~mpostlng or 1prayliij": Growing plants in the water eolutlan pennita tar more intenllve cultivation. Since tbe roots do not aprMd out in le&1'Ch · of nouriahment, a.ix times as many plants can be ral1ed in the aame apace needed for tar1h farming. Other advantaaa include, quality produce, blger veptables, fewer lnaecll and dt..eaaes and a fatter srowth rate. It it not likely that the lack of interefi ln hydroponJca has stemmed from It.a lilt Of advantaaee. The ria." JIPn most home 1_ardenera have not Uted the l)'ltenlla \he bi,h cost o1 eetting it up. Accord1nc to HoUINr, the contai- nen wen orfcinallY m8de of fiber. ala•. But alnce the COit of petro- feum, a prime component of fiber~ gla., bu tone aky-hflh the C08t of the system has alto rilen. Alto, most experts lo byclroponQ believed th.at you needed a greenhouae in order to make the system work at ill opti- mum. Hollister believe. the green house and expensive fiberglua ii no longer a necessity. Using the KISS (Keep It Simple Sweetheart) method of by- droponics, Kol.later tells his custo- mers lhat maid Calafom1an climate does not usually require a green- house. In hopes of combating the high cost of fiberglass containers, Hol- isler is in the process of developing plans and kita that gardeners can use to build hydroponic containers out of wood. ''The design and operation of the wood containers is almost identical to its fiberglass predecessor," said Hollister. "but at a fraction of the cost." In tour to six weeks time Hol- liatera will be offering its customers plans to make their own wooden containers. The nwwry also hopes to have knock-down klta available for thoee who want to get all the mate- riala for the container at once. ''We're hoPinl that with this new approach the homeowner will take a lot more intereat," said Hollister . "The wood CGQtmners make it cmt effective and the system has always been e.y.'' Hollister maintains that almost anyone can use hydroponics. Pou- ring a m~trient solution three times a da~to the hydroponics containers l.s le.ally what the system consists of. Addin1 a pump and automatic timer eliminates that step and the cont.alnen no longer have to be babysaL Hy<iroponiicJ takea the guess work out of 1ardening. Providing the plants ex~J what they need in nutrient.I arid trace elements gives them cloee to·oPdmum conditions. To make .ad" production u effe<:- tive u hydropoiUca, the IOU would have to be teMed to see what nu- trients and U'ace element.I it was Jacking. The condition of the soil would then have to be corrected in order to give the plants the proper balance. 'tiMue samples o~1ta would have 10 be taken · y to maintain .._ nutrient evel. "Plants mq need only .0000025 percent l:iJxo In the IOU or nutrient solution," aaid Hollister. "It seems like an imignificant amount but wi- thout It you would .ee the difference in your plants. Alter all a chain la only ass~ M 1'8 weakest link and the same holds true for gardening." Although th~ stumbling block of price and malntenance seem to be taken care of. many people are still skeptical about hydroponics. Accor- (See HYDROPONICS, Pace 15) • ---·-.. ·---.. I ---------------· Your Home & Getden -A SYpplement to the PILOT and MIRROR newlP9'*S. Wedneeday, April 28, 1982 -9 HYDROPONICS MADE EASY -New wooden containen make hy- groponiC. more coat-effective than the older fiberglass containers. Steve Holllster, owner of Hollister's Nunery, demonltntee how euy the system is for the home gardener. We start fast ... finish fast... · so~u swim sooner! A fast decision will save you money ... Cell Anthonr now. Profit 3 ways: • Get your poot bultt 900Mr. • a.t poselble higher prlcea. • H•v• the wortd'• larg"t poot company .working for you. Superior design, quality equipment and service made Anthony No. 1 Isn't having Anthony's backup 4 assuring on a major Investment? But here'• whet you must do. Call Anthony for a free, no ob- ligation meeting In your home. Learn all about pools and the Anthony advantages too. Important and numerous to tell In a small ad. Financing 11 •Y11ll1bl•. Get started fast. C.11 Anthony today. Call the Creative Pool Reople ... Y«RD'S LARGEST'!'!!:' /sc;ts ~ ~. h:. It.,,,,,_ ~an,,.. New""*~ &drettge . ......... 1.110111 ........ , .......... . I , ' I I . 10 -Y04Jr Home & G#den -A Supplement to the PILOT Md MIRROR ~ Wedneeday, April 28, 1982 '-(~E) JI 'ESTJc1a S s ~ OLVU- ~ ~O UPPLIE Indoor pollution. • • From Page 5 . negar. flowers to remove room odors; baking soda is effective against refrigerator odors. Spray fabric flal1lae1 -dange- rowi to eyes. Apply liquld fabric fi- nishes with a brush. Paint• -can irritate eyes, akin, cauae respiratory problems, muscle weakness, and liver and kidney da- mage. Some pall\ta are flammable. Ventilate; use water .,luble paints when possible to eliminate use of paint thinners. Slloe polhla -may contain dangerous chemica.la that can cause vomiting, breet.hing problems. U you drink alcoholic beverages and are expoeed to the chemica1a, death can result. Don't use polishes which contain trichloroethyJ.ene, methylene chloride, or nitrobeeuenes. Clay -can cause respiratory problems, lung cancer. Kilna should be vented outdoori. Wear a dust muk when arinding. Ventilate i( working lndoon. Papler madle -may cantaln ... bestoa. Avokt U1inC producta c:ontal- • ning aabestoa. . . . Metal ......_, maleriall -related materiab can c.1.m initation, poilo- ning. Wear goa1ea, llowl. Ute ex- haust fan while.wftdlnc. Ventilate. GI.ea, epHJ -Irritants; flam. rnable. Ventilate: weer' gloves; store away from heat, chlldren. Plaote1raplllc •=H -many chemicals wed ln deYelopiac are dar\aerOUI. Ventilate; weer A- gles, gloves. Store in unbreakable containers. Never add' water to add mix. Store acids ln non-metal con- tainers. Avoid products that contain benz.ene. ' A1be1to1 can cause cancer, aa- bestoeis. Smok1nc lncre•ea dWlc9 of aabeeto.-related cancer. Carefulb discard ltema you suspect contain ubeata., whicb until rec~tly wu widely ~ for insulation, decora- tion, and fire.proo(ing. U you think you've been exposed to loose as· bestos, see a doctor. The Consumer Product Safety Commlulon · (800-638-8326) may offer advice on whether a product you own contains asbestos. Lead -Exposure to high c:bel or long exposure t.o low ~can affect many parts of the body. Avoid can- ned foods, especially for infanta. Look for lead-free can• U you do buy canned fooda. Keep ch1ldren from chewing colored masuine pages, pre-11>79 pelnt, any dirt. Nu- tritional deficiencies increue chan- ces of suffering lead poiloning. Formaldellyde -can cause eye, naee throat irritation. It baa cau.ed cancer in laboratory animals. For- maldehyde can be released from certain products, including urea- formaldehyde foam, carpeting, drapes, and pvticle board. Ventilate where suspected; teat for formalde- hyde with monitor, OI' by COUlultlna with county health department. n you have formaldehyde In your home, contact your doctor. Pealld•• -haw yaryma hlallb effec1I, ane meriow. Reduce poem. lial shel ter for peata; alternaUve ways to kill pests may be ob&alned from Cooperative Rxteblba Ottx. University of California. U• pestJ. ddes~y. P la11fe •lpe ~ of certain typea have been lhown by IOrM testa to ~ie.e canoer-eaUlllnC pollulanla at rates beyond what is COf1 ri tr red ..,.. U your plMtic f!pe water l)'St8n la , ltamDect ... PVC' (pol~I chloride), "CP\'C" (chlorinated pol7vln1l chloride), or "PB" (polybutylene), flush plpe1 out for five mtnuta if they have not been Wied for two or three days. Don't allow children to use water befon you've fl!Mhed out pipes. Tobacce ·ameke -contains ntco.: tine, lead, formaldehyde, anienlc, and other pollutants. Smokers and (See f.deor Pollatloa, Pa1e 15) ' VIDEO IOVIES SPOIEll HERE • Mo club to ioin, • ..... '"..., ..._ , • 1000'• ef ............. • r athMp • MODIRN PROBLEMS • NllGHIORS • ILUI COLLAR • EYIRYTHJNG YOU ALWAYS WANDD TO KNOW AIOUT SEX • JANE FONDA'S WORKOUT • STRIPIS II • TIMI BANDITS • HIARTlllPS • THE MIRROR CRACK'D 1,000•1 of Movies For Sale or Rent See the Video Experts at . . • YliM C••!t!f 1~11 ... ·=::sA·~.4~ .... tJI - Your Home & Garden -A Suppi«nent to the PILOT Md MIRROR~. WedneecMy, Apr1128, 1982 -11 Gardeners can save dollars on food bill Gardening buffs across the nation -beginners as well as pros -are turning their green thumbs up to signal success with gardening ven- tures. They are finding it is not all that hard to shave $300 to $600 off their yearly food b ill with just an average-sized garden. If you can read your grandmother's recipe cards, you can plant a successful garden. The National Garden Bw-eau. an educational service of the North American garden teed industry, says a 600-square-foot gardep (20 by 30 feet) can teed a family df four with plenty left over for canning, freezing or drying. The $300 to $600 value of the food produced Is like tax-free income. The key is planning. Know what you want to do (and what you want to eat) before you start buying seeds. Once that is figured out, the rest of the in!ormation_can be found by reading labels on seed packets. For peak efficiency, h.• helpful to view the garden u not one. but three gardens -a sprina, a summer and a Call garden. This wUl help brln1 lh a 1teady stream of vegetables to the table from early 1princ to late fall. and it will help fit more garden into lea apace with a conlinuou1 cropping plan. A continuous cropping program starts best on paper. With a aeed ca- talog in hand, lay out the gardem witb cool-weather crop• in tbe spring and fall gardens and beat-tol- erant crops in the summer garden. Generally, it's a good ldea to start the spring garden aa 100n aa the eoil can be worked. But, don't get carried away with IOwing early. Soil temperatures lhould be up to at least 40 degrees Fahrenheit before planting, says Irvin Hillyer, a pro- fessor of hMticulture at the Sou- thern Illinois Univer'llty-Carbondale School of Agriculture. Soll werm.s up later than air. U the IOil makes large clods or is sticky, it'• too wet and probably \oo early to start planting, says Hillyer, who teaches a horne gardening COUJ"lle. · "U you plant too soon, the seeds just can't germinate -they can't aprout -and they'll lie there and rot.," he aays. Plant the summer garden after the late-Jea(lng treea like oak and hickory have greened up. Plant the fall garden when the hottest days of IUIDIDel' ........ Beyond thele aenenJ rulea, and to fine-tune plana, )lat follow the di- rectiOrll on the eeeci s-itet.. No moon cyclel. No lucky stan. Amonc atandard ~ tuli.d for the apr1nC prdm ,au will find le«uce, epm.eh, Cll'.llm:w, beets, cal'• rota , cabbage (6ndudln1 caulifiower'), celery and ..-. ln the 1ummer prden, you can keep eome of the .,..., favori ... IUCh .. Oll"l'Oll. --....... la mapey -.in.:·,:a:I rr 69 wl*h ,...... .....,=,.. :;• :J!••• netamlten, ~ pe;1, ....... 1iiiini liid 11''1 a~ WM IO plaf early, middle and late maturing varieties of corn if possible to spread out the harvest of sweet com ears. T omatoea are usually plante d from pre-grown transplants. It's a good idea to get an early start on toma toes, which sometimes have flowering problems In hot weather (above 95 degrees). But, be careful: they are even more eensitive to cold (below 55), hence the summer de- signation. For the fall garden, consider going back to spring crops in 10me in.stan- ces. Plant some lettuce, lncl1tding head lettua?, cabbages and spffiach. Fall also is a good time io start plants like turnips, rutabagaa and radishes. Keep right on growing lh08e carrota and ol)ions. Remember, the easiest mistake ii to plant too much of too many things. (See Gude We lave f 01 Mote Laguna Rattan and Patio will match or better any advertised price in Orange County of the same rattan or patio furniture available for immediate delivery. SH OUR ,ATIO AD IH SATURDAY'S PAl'Eft RAMCO RATTAN KALPSON RATI"N UST SAU "SAU un l"lllCE ll1T l"lllCl Fanbacx Dining Set S993 S599 Oval Coffee Table $395 S279 Balboa Queen Sle~~ S99S S649 Swivel Dining ~t 1477 891 Oval End Tllble 300 , ... \ N~ Queen Sleeper 1045 679° Glass Sh~tf Eragere 523 J89 Rattan Chow T• 175 Tampa Queen Slffptr 1100 715 Glass Shelf Console 403 Rattan Hanging Chair 129 1045 5 Pc. Dining ~t I 1095 7 Pt. DWng Set C~DfnlnO 2495 42"x72'' Glass Set I I ~ . I -----~----------,--------:--::i 12 -Y0411 HOtM & o.rden -A Supplement to tM PfLOT Md MIRROR newep.,.,.. Wedneeday, April aa. 1982 FREE SHUTTER INSTALLATION ENJOY THE LUXURY OF FINE -CUS.TOM SHUTIERS NOW INSTALLED FREE STOP BY OUR BEAUTIFUL SHOWROOMS ORPHONEFORESTIMAT_E~~ You cannot bCJy finer shulltn Every style shutter. mry sue Of more npert instabbon •l rqular and wide lollvtr 1s in· any price. cklded. EL TORO ORANGE 2-4316 SWlrtZ 1&e0 N. G&uMll 951-8799 998-3498 SAVE TO 50% on . DisplaJ Cabinets Her balist. • • From Page% identify them in the field. He lear- ned to extract their oils, steep their leaves in tea and mix their proper- ties. He learned that plants can les· sen and cure sicknem and disease. Tiritilll continued his herbal edu- cation at an herb achool in Italy and at Don Bach's University of Nutri- tion in Newport Beach where he is working on his Ph.D. In his own gardens, Tiritilli grows the basic, most common herbs. For medicinal use he grows cleansing herbs, enzymic herbs for digestion and herbs for nervousness. For use in his food products he grows culi· nary herbs and spices. Tiritilli uses a small portion of his front yard to grow the majority of his herbs. He says that the average homeowner can easily become an herb gardener the same way. "You don't need much space to grow the herbs and spices you use in your kitchen," said Tiritilli. "The most important part is getting the earth ready. After that it is just sun, water and moderate care.'' Tiritilli doesn't suggest starting a garden indoors. Outdoor sunshine and fresh air seem to work better for herbs, he says. To start out, he sug· gests planting the hardier herbs, such as thyme, baail, parsley, ore- gano, chives and rosemary. Today, Tiritilli no longer depends on plants for survival, but by his own choke makes them a major part of his diet. He depends on vegetables and herbs, hia only protein matter being fish. "I feel better now than I ever have," said Tiritilll ''I feel younger and more energetic. I have a better outlook and more.perspective on things." When TlrftiW gathers with other POW survivors, he says they marvel at his physique. He endured three years of hardship as a POW, just as they did. But his outward appea- rance is of a man who has led a nonnal, healthy life. "My friends look at me and they don't aee a person they abated pri- soner life with. Some of them are crippled, ailing. They've lost their teeth becau.e of malnutriUon while being prilooers. They look·at me and I'm healthy," he says, proudly sho- wing his own teeth. "But at least ; we're all alive. Some aren't." While a Marine in the 4th regi- ment, Tiritilli had many brushes with death. He escaped the Bataan death march by swimming across Manila Bay only to be captured again after the Allied forces surren- dered on the island of Q>rregidor. He survived the POW camps on Corregidor, the dungeons in Bilabad, the grueling work parties of Caba- na tuan, and a 30-foot fall down a mine shaft in Manchuria. It is all behind him now -the struggle to survive. However, lhere is one thing Tiritilli will always re· member, his knowledge of herbs, a gift he uses time and time again. A MAN AND HIS PLANTS -Ii(' his herb garden, Rostndo Tritilli gathers some of the tobacco-like comfrey plant to make tea. At his home in Santa Ana, Tiritilli grows a number of herbs for medicinal and culinary purposes. Your Home & Garden -A Supplement to t.he PILOT Md MIAAOA ~. Wedneedey, Apttl 28, 1982 -13 Think country style when redecorating this spring Refurbishing this spring and loo- king for ideas? Think country , and you can't go far wrong. The country style -with ita back-to-basics sitn- plicity -is an idea that's swept the country, and no wonder: It's affor- dable, it's easy to do. and -it's one of the most personal ways to deco- rate. You don't have to live in a quaint farmhouse or weathered saltbox to have it. You can bring the country look into almost a ny room any- where; in fact, it's made-to-order for today's small spaces. A case in point is the dinir!g room in our photo. It's in a typical early- cular suburban house of no parti- cular character -but the young couple who live there have made tt a very specia.J place indeed. For starters, they added one small architectural detail that makes a world of difference: a simple chair rail. It created not only an old-time look, but also the framework for the room's basic "dressing" -the in - spired use of two checked patterns on the walls . In expensive pre- pasted wall coverl.fl88 give the room a wonderful finish that's country but contemporary -and ver y space making, Americua When it came to furniture. this couple -lovers of Americana - found hand-crafted , handrubbed pieces that give the room its mel- lowness and warmth . The shaker- like chairs, trestle table and the rest look like museum pieces, but they're really moderately priced furnishings by Habershap Plan tation, a young Georgia-based company. Finally, the flni.bing touches. A flower sprigged fabric that coordi- nates with the ch ecked wallcove- rings makes simple, tab-hung cur- tains at the bay windo~ plump seat cushions, a rag rug, and antique quilt over the fireplace, plus the ~uple's wonderful collections of tin boxes and ename lware, round out the picture. L ike all true country rooms, it's a complete individual A REAL COUNTRY LOOK -Country design comes to life in a sub_:- urban dining room. Ownen inltalled a chair rail and lelected inexpen- sive pre-pasted wallcoverinp in two coordinating checkL Wallcovertnp and coordinating flower-sprigged fabric, are alf ln burgundy with ca- mel. Dark checked wallcovering, added to country cupboard, 1eta off owner's collection of blue and white enamelware. HOLLISTERS HYDROPOlllCS "Gl[Jrdenlng of the Future -Here Today" A NEW CONCEPT IN HYDROPONICS For the homeowner Interested In Hydroponics, we offer a new concept. Complete, easy-to-understand plans and Instructions for assembling and operating a full-sized, automatic Hydroponic Garden ... $5.00. Also available In prefab kits. See assembled Hydroponic units In action at our nursery. Hu)lisbits 2141 l•r6or l/r,., Oom •••• 141-1121 W~-w ~col~? Lel' ,,.._.M t£~-W qM af , . • 14 -YOUt Home & Garden -A Supplemen1 to the PILOT end MIRROR ~·· Wedneed8Y. A$)rll 28, 1982 Tl ps ottered Gardener can .win sna i I fight Did you plant your summer vege- table garden next to some ground cover? Maybe a wood pile, some stones, debris, or a patch of weeds? Yes? Then you're a prime candi- date for an infestation of snail.a or aluga, t.hoee age-old nemesis of the home prdener. University of California agricul- ture offida.la aay mailt and slugs are tough opponent.a. a:lnce the moist 80il condition.a and even temperatures that promote plant growth are a1IO fertile ground few the pest&. But they can be controlled, and a first step is to plant gardens away from beds of Ivy or oth er dense ground cover, or stacks of wood or debris. Daily handpicking can go a long way toward controlling the mol- luaks. After the daily "catch" de- clines, the frequency of the time consuming chore can be decreased. To draw out snails, water in the afternoon, then pick after dark. A good way to destroy the snails is to place them in a bag. crush the bag, and trash 1 t. Dead sn ails can also be buried, adding nutrients to the IOil. Another weapon against snails and slugs la a trap. Place boards or flower pots on one-Inc h raisers throughout the garden. Snails should l>e removed and dispoeed of each morning. Beer bait traps may also attract the pest. Place pans of beer in de- pre9Siona ~the with the pan edges at level Remove the snalla In t e morning. SnaU. and slugs avoid irritating subltances, IO barriers of ammonium sulfate, lime, ashes, or sand can be effective in keeping them out of your garden. Pour a on e -inch band of the material around plant.a. gardens, or even fence lines. The effectiveness of these barriers lessena when they ge wet. Copper screens may be placed in four-to eight-inch bands around trunks of trees to prevent snails from getting at fruit. Keep branches from cont.act with the ground. Officials at the Orange County Agricultural Commialoner's office note that snail• have natural en- emies. among them one of their own. That is the decollate snail. which is thought to not be a serioua·threat to plants. Some are being 80ld com- mercially as a natural way to control snails known to be more destructive to gardens. One mail found in Hawaii that is particularly harmful to gardens is the Giant African Snail. This snail grows to a length of six inches and is yellow with brown banding, the o!fldals said. Gardeners are asked to bring any snail out of the ordinary that is doing damage to the Agricultural Cornmiasionen office, 1010 S. Har- bor Blvd., Anaheim. Other natural enemies of snaila include poultry, especially geese and ducks, and some ground beetles, rove beetles. Oies, toads, and snakes. Lastly. chemical bait may be U8ed against snails and slugs. Officiah warn that the bait can be hazardous, especially to dogs, who sometimes confuse it with food. Persons interested in further in- formation about control of snails and slugs may contact the Cooperative Extension, 1000 S. Harbor Blvd., Anaheim, 92.805. HARBOR AREAS BETTER SELECTION OF HOUSE PLANTS SPRllG SPECIALS -For Home Or Office - • COLOR PLANTS • LANDSCAPING PLANTS • GARDEN SUPPLIES ~UJn/}fA• YOUR ~~--· 81£1{.l(.A (;.Al{.DEl(S DEALER FOR 2010 Newport Bl~d. ORANGE COUNTY Co.t• Mea * 548-0137 * OVER 100 MODELS M-F IJ..S tr'~b.J 9-5 GRIAT SELECTION· • IOU.9•-• M'<MN • TOllm •ff AND MTMIOOM~-• ... , --=-°' ..... OWll • HUYam •09M~S • IDOM'Am • IMITOCU • " t•'\ \ ".MATCHING CHAISE \ SK OROS • -48" Pedestal Table • -4 Arm ChaJrs q YOUt Home & Gerden -A ~t to the PILOT Ind MIRAOA ,,_,.,.,.,_, WedneldeY. April 21, 1982 -15 Indoor pollution can be reduced •.. F rom Pa1e 19 non-smokers exposed to tobacco smoke increase health riaks. Venti- late; gain cooperation of ~kers in putting out cigarettes q4ickly and . completely. CombuU• poll•tull ,-~ as carbon monoxide nitrog~n dioxide, sulfur oxid~ and formaldehyde can cause serious health effeets. Use fans, venlJI and open wln~ows in kitchen; clean gas bumen emitting orange or sputtering flames~ main- tain appliances; disconnect \UlVeDted gas heaters; maintain fil'e places; avoid idling cars in attached garages. Particles -can cause varying degrees of health problems. Prevent dust, and other particles from buil- ding up indoors. Mainta1o good hy- giene practices. See an allergist if Hy~ropon ics ... From Pace 8 ding to Hollister this q~nable reputation is because of canmerclal failures. _ _ Driving through Lucerne Valley the remaina of what WM once con- sidered a thriving commercial by- droponica venture can be .en. In- side greenhouaes, whole doon now flap in the breeze, are the mummi- fi~ remains of tomaf,o. cucwnbtt and 1other vegetable plant& According to Holliater, Lucerne Valley la not the only commercial venture that came on like a gold rush boom and nows sit.a de8erted like a ghost town. "The.e commercial venwre. did not f.ail becau.e hydroponics does not work," said ~olllater, "they faile4 becauae of~ But be- cau.e of the9e-failurea .,... people ,are skeptical when il comes to hydroponics .... NC?·earth gardening will never replace the spade and hoe variety and Holllster is the tint 10 admit it. Despite hydroponJcs advantages -.f high yields, _for same people. aettina dlit Wlde$' the fingemails ia all part of the fun. "We have never talked down IOU production, it la our mainstay," said Hollister. "But if you lack the room, or soil and want something different that take• the guesawork out ·c,t gardening then hydroponics la for tyou." Tiie•. • • you have "allergic reactions," venti- late. . Ra•oa -is a rad.ioective gu that exists naturally in our envirorunent. When radon gas decays it can da- mage lung tissue. Some areas, such as mining and former mining areas are pote ntially high risk areas. Ventilate; try to find out the llOUJ"Oe of materiala in your build.ing. Infor- mation on teats for radon may be obtained from the California De- partment of Health Service's Air Hygiene Laboratory. Noaloalli•I ra•tattoa -is a source of energy med in a variety of common appliances, suc h as mt· crowave ovens, televiaions, and CB radios. Exposure to microwave en- ergy can produce cataracta in your eyes, and can cause heart pacema- kers to malfunction. Maintain mi- crowave ovens. If possible put mi- crowave oven in an area where people are not likely to be ltanding or aitting for long periods of time. Microwave detectors may be pur- chaaed to test for lea.Qge. Air loa baluce -affects about 25 to 30 perce nt of the population. S ensitive people suffer migratne headaches, aleepleasnesa, anxiety, irritability, and tension. Any plan for di•gnos\s should include a medi- cal exam. Odon -can be clues to the p~ sence of serioua pollutant.a. Maint· ain good housekeeping schedul~ ve ntilate; try to keep smoking to minimum. Nolie -can cause stress, hearing loss, nervouanesa, headaches, fati- gue, irritability, ulcers, high-blood pressure, poor reflexes, and other problems. Insulate; keep television, radio, stereos, at low volumes. Llgllt -can cause fatigue, hype- ractivity in children; headl!ches, aoi:e eyes, and other problems. Artificial light seems to cause the most pro- blems. Use natural light whenever poaible. Your all around Pet Store fl£SH WAT£1 SAU WATEI IUCK IPIB l£D OSCAIS YWOW TMGS coua..- DllMf I.JONS ~ PRICE Salt Water Av .. table At Brlatol Only I I 30% Off llRD fllDllS 10 Lhs. 25 Lbs. 7.98.. . 6.98 15.98 .•• 13.98 50 "''· 29. 98 . . • ~. 98 Growth Malntenence ,, • .. •• 18 -YOA/11 Home & Berdin -A ~ to the PtlOT end MIMOA ,,_IPllPela. Wedl.-.Y, ~ 21, 1"2 , e . Plummer·s showcase values! CIYe your hOftW a taich ol....,,. 9fWn ta wtO'I thtW IOlletV bOOlctasel c:rlfted oltneftrilstveneer. Nw:Jfora toUd\ ol ptlCticalty, the SheMs .. adJU$tllJll! ....... ~---~fl'llC. A. .?1"9" X12Yt"X1bi", $'Mlwt ............ J .• a JSY."•1211tH•«Wt", S••···-···-·!11 t. J5Yt"x1n"x1n.H.· S•wL .. :.·--·-~ TWD-tnl . · AVlllble ln ..... ltllaf10V,,._Pf1Cm. -Plummers gtves you the flnestvalue on beautiful, top qual~ tm11S at" always low warehouse ptlces! Shop and compare! OJ.Teak MDdularWall SVSten1 AFantlstlc 40%-11 . .e lllllll'ill Bl/flllllll llllff~ . WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Huntington to get totigh on athietes?l ' ~ . Hundnpln Beecb Union Hi&b SchoQ1 D6ltrk:t tn.uJteel pve no- tice '1\aeeday that they want to uJ>ll*le ella1bWty nqulrementa for ltudenta competlnl ln athle- tict and other extra-auricular activttia But they laid they don't want to make any chanaee until Sep- tember 1983 ln order to make a more thorough study of the ell- llbWty program The direetion for tighter re- quirement1 came detplte the recommendation• of a dlatrlct eJ.i&lbillty committee that uraed tr\&1'"9 to retain current Cill- fomla lniencholMtlc Federatim 1tandard1 (a paulna 1rade in four aabjecta.) The committee f1nt made Ill recommendationa lut year. But the 1tudy wu back for the re- view of board memben Ron Marcus -and Sherey Baum who took office lut November. 200-nJile zone The heat's on Little League star in flap ...., ............. STORM CENTER -Arri Buford, star of a Fountain Valley Little League team. is caught In a controversy whicn has provoked violence. Gourmet shop fire caused by arsonist Fountain Valley fire officials say the blaz.e that gutted a local gourmet food shop Monday night waa the work of an anoniat. But Gerry Parekh, who had opened the store juat 12 day1 earlier, vowed today that she will rebuild the busineea at the same location. "It waa definitely anon," Fl.re Chief Richard Jorgenaen said of the blaze, which occurred at 12:40 a.m. Monday at G and N Imported Foods, 17179 Brook- hu.rst St. He laid evidence of a flamma- ble liquid wu found at the acene. A hole waa found in a front window, indicating an incendl.ary device may have been thrown In, heuld. 'tile fire chief aa1d the matt.er hail been turned over to Fountain Valley pollce for further invMi- ption. WORLD By PHIL SNEJDERM.AN Of'"h 0..., .... ..,. Twelve-year...old Arri Buford said Tuesday he juat wantl to play buebal1. But the Fountain Valley North Uttle League star and hit f.amily have suddenly found thermelves thrust into the 1pow,ht ln • di- spute centering on Arri'• eligibi- lity to play for h1a team, the Al- tros. The quarrel has divided some Uttle Le.cue parenta, baa led to court action and ii now In the b.anda of national Little Leque ottlda1a in WilJJ.amlport. Pa. A decilioti by national autho- ritia ta expected lat.er thil week. Meanwhile, county .anon in- vesttiaton a.re try1na to deter- mine whether two firebombing lncldenta in the Bufords' nelab- borhood -one lnvolvln1 ihe family's own ~ -are linked to the Little Leecue aquabble. "Arri'• been cauaht Cn a power •U'u.ale within Lfttle League," u.lcfTbomu L. Brown, the fa- mlly'1 attorney. 1'he boy'• mother, Minnie Buford, added, "I feel he'• a sreat athlete, a veet player. But be'• caught up in a controveny he doesn't tmdentand. He jult wants to play bueball." The dispute centen on Arri's place ol residence. -The Buforda lived In Fountain Valley for nine yean. Lut year, however, Arri'• fa- ther James Buford, a dtnbled veteran, was tent to Detroit for 11 months tor medal treetmenl When be lialled up to play at the 1tart of tne current Little League teUOD, Arri WU living wl th Ed Wlnalniakl, then- ~t of the Fountain Valley Whe~family returned to Orange Coµnty, the Veteran• Ac:lminlatration could not find proper houslna for the Buforda In Fountain V"alley and l.nstead eecu.red for them a Garden Grove home that could accommodate James Buford'• wheekhai.r. Alt.hou&b Arri now llw. with hit family ln Garden Grove, he 1tUl attends Allen School in Fountain Valley atacl baa been playtrw for the Joca1 Aatrm. The -YOUth who Md never a... •fore played lea1ue baaeball, dil~ himlelf u •. 750 hitt.r and a FOCI pttcber. bia at.- (See UITLE, Pap .U) OAS ba.;.b AJwenti.na claim . .- WASHJNaroN (AP) -Orpnmtion of Amen-' can Stam fai'elp min.a.ten app-oved • r.oluUon ~~DI Arpntine IOYfteJpty over the r nd IUanda anc1 W'Pll Gre9t Britain and Ar-a-tina to Mablteh • t:naee. NATION Bill Boswell, the d.latrict'• ac-tina athletic director, u.ld ltu- denta mpced in extra-cun1cular activitieS (IPeech, drama. debete, band, mualc u well a1 aporta) perform better than the rat of ltudentl. - Bolwell aald only about 4 per- cent of participant• in extra- c:urricular activities have a arade point averap of leet than f.O (C average.) He aald about 25 per- cent of the students outaide th'! extra activltia~ve le11 than a 2.0 averqe. He aald part1dpantl have bet- ter attendance, le11 dl9dpll.nary problema and there ii a lower dropout rate. Trustee Helen Dltt.e aald that 1he la concerned about "horror 1lorle1" bf athlete• who could neither reed qor wrlte. "We muat graduate •. tudents who maater batic akil.la," the said. Truat~e Ron Marcua said he would favor a gradual phue-ln of new requlremenll. He aald perba111a1.2 a:rade point •vence oouJ.d be in elfect. the fint_)'~ of che J!C'Ol1'UU, ewntuall y Cl.ll'ruMI to 1.7 Of' IO. Stephen Smith wu the only trultee to voice diaeent. He uld a ttaht.eiun,i of requirements wou-lcf aucceed in being only "a pat job In PR (public relatlona) for the district. It would appear in newapapers that we are aett.lrur I touah on athledcl.'' t What he said would reani I happen la that athletea an4 ' others would take eMet-m., I to aet better grades. I Superintendent Frank .. Jake"- Abbott aald che move to u,ht.eq ellglbillty requirements came ~ cau.e of an tncreued emphuf4 on acadernkla. He said there la concern that participants in athletlca "were just getting by." war' ' • • • • J • ' • 0..., ............. VICl'IM8 AIDED -Federal disaster officialll The>1e left homeless can apply for $5,000 ln procem cla1ma from vi~ of last week's fire low-intere.t loans and rent subsidJes at the in Anaheim at a relief cent.er near the ecene. cent.er. • Senior citizens ·work brings honor "-.............. HONORED -~e ~rs hu been named out.tan citizen of Huntington Bea fbr 1982. COUNTY When you think about aenJor dti.zenl in Huntington Beach you think about Mike Rodgers. He wu the founding father of the Council on Aging, the um- brella aaency that coordinata all dty eenlor dtlzen activttiea and ~ to the City Council. Hodgen, 79, WU the fint and only prmident of the eenion' or- ganization from 1915 to 1980 when he stepped down to devote more time to other aen.ior dth.en and community activttiea. With Rodger• alwaya in the forefront. teveral eenlor fadlltiea and aervicel came into being. These lncluded the cieqnation of the bulldln1 at 17th and 0rance Street u the tenior dtl- r.em' cent.er, the ettabliabment of lel\ior' outracb procnms and the buUd1na of the Wycl.lffe Towen for senb-houlfna. Because of h1I work.= hM been named the OU dtt.n of Huntincton Beach for 1982 by the Hunttnaton Beach (See RODGERS. Pace AJ) Violence in children eyed A .ate CIOllllDlmlon concludee that eome roots of violent. behavior lie in child nePc!t and abule, diet and othm' bet.on in tbe home. ~ M . I Anaheim, County act . on wood roofs Almost a week to the day after flamea surged through central Anaheim, leavine l,500 people homeleu, the Orange County Board of Supervlaor1 and the Anaheim Oty c.ound1 took 1tepe to ban combustible wood roofs in their jurildktiona. The City Council paaaed an urpncy ordinance Tuaday pro- hibiting the. uae of untreated wood ahlngle roofs on all new buildings. New roofs put on exU1ing commerd.al and reslderl- tial 1tructurea alto would fall under the ban. 'tile county BoeJ:d of Supervt- aora, meanwhlle, ordered pre- paration of 1trc>nger rqulatJona to prevent uae of combuatible wood roofs In all unincorporated ..., of the county. In a unanimoua vote Tueedly, the board alto inatructed fire officials and the Environmental Mana1ement A1ency to deter- mine the coatl and lmpacll of requtrinl exiatJq atructul'el to (See ANAllEDI, Pace A!) INDEX A4 AlO at-7 B2 M 82 Sl;.sM Cl Cl D AlO, • Dl-1 l I I Argentin~l forces I l alerted t J 'l , :· By Tlae Alaodat.ed ~• • Britain declared today that • "total" war zone 200 mil el ~ around the Falkland Ialanda will go into effect. at 4 a.m. PIYI' Fri-r1 day' and Argentina r,ut its {~ f on "maximum alert. ' The two 1lde1 alao aaid they t were studying a U.S. peace plad / relayed by Secretary of Stl1. Alexander M. Haig Jr. But Az gentina said it expects '4mlll operationa'' ln the Falklanda 8"1 r, in 24 to 48 boun. Detaila of the pl.an we.re not known, but a government 80W'Ce in London 1aid: "Clearly Mr. Haig wanta to bring mme 90rt of tina1.lty to the iuue, with some / eensible way of n!90lvinC il" d The Britiah also announ~ I that an Azgentlne captured "11 t· South Georgia. 800 miles east ol , the Falklanc1a, died in a "aerloul incident" Monday, and that an investigation wM under way. No other details were given. M prospecta for peace gre'1' dim, the British Defeme Ministn announced that any ship or alt- craft, including Soviet veaell, that are found within the ''total excluaion r.one" wW be reprded as hostile and liable to attack. The British move came amid mounting speculation that the task force off the Falkland Ialanda WU poiled to launch an assault on the South Atlantic ar- chipelago aetzed by Argentina cm .. April 2. •• It alao followed an emergency c.abinet meeting presided over by Prime Minilter Mar1aret That- cher. Government 1ources 1111 London said the -1on produced , "no fresh optJmtam" of a nego-• tiated eettlement. l Fight inflation; see garden section How to flaht lnflation by pr- denini is onf y one of the helpful tip• offered in today's 1peclal Home and Garden supplement. You'll alto read about a man who used plants and herbe &o IW'vive u a Japu1e91 priaoner of war and learn how to rid your garden of anaill. Di.a it. Orange Coat DAILY PILOT /Wedneeday, Aprtl 28, 1M2 ----~--~~~-------:-----+~~~~~-=-~----------~ .._ ______________ ~~~--""'!"'!"'"~~~~ LITTLE LEAGUE. • • .. . tome)' Mid. The A.ttroa, who ft. nJahed 1.aat in the prevtou.e Ma· IGD, WW. llJddenly ln ftnt Dlace. A.t that time, eewra1 COld\el of rival teama ralaed the l11ue or Ard'• Nlf.dency, attorney Brown aid. I)latrlct and re1 tonal· Little Lacue offfdall ruled h1m lneli- glbae, and Ani WU forced to lit out apme. Hia puellta, however, took the learue to court over tbe luue. lalue offlciala and the Buford.a agreed out of court that Arri could return to the fie.Id until a declalon wu made by national Little Leque offid.ala. When he returned to the li- neup 1Mt Saturday, Arri pitched a three-hitter and slammed a home run to lead hla team to victory. That ntaht. eomeone tcmed • flamlnf two·by·four onto the roof o the Buford•' home. Netpbon alerted them, and the fire wu extln1ul1hed without aerloua damqe to the houte or any lnjurim. Adcftn1 to the emotions aur-roundina the Buford CMe .. the fact that the family .. black ln. predominantly white are.. -But Mrs. Bu.ford u.id 'l'ue.day 1he bellevea the boy'a playln1 1killa, not ha race, have fueled the dispute. U the f.Lrebomb wu thrown by' thoae who want Arri out of the Fountain Valley North Little League, Mn. Buford said thoee involved are "very low people to jeopardize my son and other people in the area over this." American 1 secrecy marginal? By c .w. Mll\A.NUR 'tlllll II, ......... SAN F R AN CISCO -The 1t ate of U.S . lntellla•nce 11 0 marafnal" for the problems that wlll arlae ln the late •eo, and 1990a, out.olna CIA deputy direc- . tor Bobby R.lnman uld today. In what wu dubbed the' "liunan report C4f(I," be laid in- tellieence operationa "do very poorly" ln the "bulc encyclope- d lc data baae" that goea into crud.al policy developmenta. Inman, !H, a Navy admiral who IJUl()WlCed lut week that he was leaving hit 30-)'Mr career in the military and Intelligence to enter private ~ made his remark• in a apeecb to the American Newspaper Publi.shen A9ocl.a tJon. IJODGERS HONORED ... He said he waa leaving the CIA because he had "lost any zeat ... for bureaucratic problema." There were "no po- licy decisions ... on any major laues that cau.ed me to resign'' although there had been "disagreements" with CIA di- rector William J . Caaey. But he tenned his relatiotla with Caley very good. Chamber of Commeroe. He wu awarded a olaaue from Orange County aupervlaora at the aam:-time for hla participa- tion ln city and county affairs. Rodpn, who says he la now working hard to eetabU.h a day care center for the elderly, allO ill a member of the city'a Interfaith Alliance, the Human Retourcea Board, the Houalng and Com- munity Development Advt.ory Committee, the Fair Housing Council of Orange County and the county'• Affordable Housing Development Corporation. "You name one good thing that'• happened to the lenior d - tiz.ena and Mike'• had a hand in it,'' said C.ouncil on Aging Presi- dent Frederick Leahy. "He'• been a real guid ing force." Rodgers was born in Ireland and attended Trinity College in Dublin. He joined the Marconi Radio Company In London and had assignments in the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, Tndla, China, Japan, Burma and the Middle East. He next waa employed by General Motors Ln Regina, Ca- nada. He then moved to Southern California where he wu em- ployed by Paramount Studios in Hollywood as a IOWld engineer. He joined Douglas Aircraft Company in Long Beach at the start of World War Il and retired 25~ lat.er. . Rodgers now works part ti.me in the real estate busl..nem • Inman also said John N. Mc- Mahon, President Reagan's no- minee aa his succe980r, ia a "super guy." In hia asaeument of the coun- try'• intelligence c.apabWties, In- man aald ayat.ema for providing waminp of attack from · ·pa1 advenariea are ''better ~ey have ever been. ANAHEIM FIRE • • • "I simply reject out of twld the likelihood that we could be SW'- ~ with a Pearl Harbor kind of attack ... And the aame pretty well holds true for the eutern front, central part of Europe, save for conditions when one has a v«y. v«y kmi period of t.d weather. We do substant- ially leu well in political and economic areas" becaUle of limi- ted reaources and the dlff1cultiea in getting acce11 to lntonnation in clo.ed 10Ctetiea, he told the pu- bllahera. have f.Lreprool roo&. The study is due back in three week.a. County guidelines now protu- blt uae of shake and ah.ingle roots• within 1,000 feet of bruahy wildlands areas. But Supervisor Ralph Clark, who Uvea near the aame of 1ut Wed.ne9day'a fiery holocaust, aaid a further prohibition on wood roofa is neceuary in populated areas to avold future tragedies. In proJ>?•ing the new rulea, Clark aatd the county la faced with the threat each year of ur- ban wild fire becau.e of the hot desert wind• which 1weep throuJh the area. "he aa.ld, re- ferrtne to prevtoua large-acale blazea in Orange and Tu1tin where wood ahake roofs were respomlble foe the quick spread' of wind-driven flames. Fire offidala have placed much of the blame for the widespread deatructlon ln Anaheim laat Wednesday on the pre.en~ of combuatible roofs atop many of the apartment buildings gutted by fire. Damage estimates have been placed between $50 million and $55 mfllion. Cla~:cfgested -and the · board -that the study on cost.a by the Environmental Ma-1 nagement Agency should focus on the impact of ordttlng re- roofina and chemical treatment of nist1nC structures in uninoor- ponted areM.. The county'• propoaed ban would have no effect within in- axpnt.ed ciUea like Anaheim. However, IUpervi.lon laid that copies of their newly expanded ordinance ahould be 8eflt to city halla in Orange County once it ia drafted and approved. Though ahe agreed with Clark'• proposal, Supervisor Harriett Wieder, who llvea In Huntington Beach, said 1he didn't want to see the county give In to "fear-inspired, knee- jerk l'ele<"lle8·" ln another pretentation at the publlahera' seaalon, aatronaut Jack 1..oum:na ursed eonire-to authorize money for a manned •J>llCe atatlon to permanently or- bit the Earth. "'The Sovieta have pre-empted· ua in their pennanent pre9enoe in' apace . . .. But I think we have the capability to make a lot better manned apace station," said Lou.ma, the Marine Corpe colonel who commanded the space 1huttle Columbla'a third flight last month. He and Air Force Col. Charles G . Fullerton. co-pilot of Colum- bia from March 22 to 30. ad- dreaed a Uni t.ed Press Interna- tional luncheon. Te mpe ratures . Coasta( °"'91' oui. coeM.11 ...... bee- -POln1 ~IOn end 8en NtcxWM IMnd nortl'Mee'I _. 12 lo 22 llnolt with 5 to 7 foot. combllled ..... WN1 to tc>Ulh- -1 w4Ntt t2 to 11 llnou .,, llf· temoon Soutriw.t ..... 2 to s feet. Felr tllroufh elternoon Molllly cloudy IC>Nght MATICHI .. Le ,.. 71 42 .. 79 49 86 .... 01 • 49 .83 71 50 83 47 .. 78 82 82 48 .Q M 39 .2.4 74 48 11 S7 71 41 72 41 .58 1 4 .. ,. === 87 70 .20 ~ M 31 • \• .• • . 0 , ·••4 •ae M~ .11 ~ ---=== 78 92 11 35 .o2 7t &4 .11 4t a4 .07 50 11 58 38 55 37 71 58 ... S4 ao 71 13 58 ao 58 3t .07 eo ... M 37 83 2t 83 Ill t3 24 87 i3 .. 40 12 40 .to 87 14 a 10 o02 11 .. 12 • 11 .. •N a .. .cM •a 11 It 11 11 11 ... ot •II a n .11 47 a2 a• " 41 IO • 74 41 10 12 .22> .. " 521 7S N 87 4t .. ., 10 ... 1.1) n .. la .. OS 13 .0 .14 Ptlend, ~ .. 41 • '? o~ W9"fteld II U _... .. ~ .. .. ~ 81 ., L.Anol9W u .. ~ :c ·~=~ I OelOll'4t .. ,_, "°'*9 IO 47 "9d.,.. 11 Q ....., City 10 Q ... _. fl 47 ....,. .... ... '*'° 10 .. ... l'"nNllOO IO 80 ..,....,..,. .., 11 ..,.....,.. . ..... 1 .,. T'llenNll .. UkWI IO ..... ..,. ..... 't1 .. ........ 11 ... lllf llPllT ! 72 -116 12 11 74 t7 116 n 48 n s2 78 53 78 50 n so .. 41 73 55 a ii. SUCCUMBS -Actor Tom Tully, pictured as Captain De Vriess in "The Caine Mutiny," is dead at the age of 73. Ve t eran actor Tom Tully dies on Coast Veteran movie and at.age actor Thomas Cane Tully, a longtime resident of Newport Beach'a'Lido lale, died TueJlday. He waa 73. Friend• of the onetime Aca· demy Awa rd nominee aaid memorial service• will not be held until July so that a family member currently out of the country can a tt.end. Tully. whoae acting career stretched back to the daya of W .C. Fields, received an Aca- demy Award nomination in 19~ for h is portrayal of Captain de Vrieaa in '"The Caine Mutiny." He acted in more than 50 films during hit career and made nearly 500 television appearanoea including a ltint • ~star of the 1950a 1eries "The Uneup." A native of ColorJd,o. Tully apent eight years dolnR ataRe work.. ap~ in a number of Broadway shows. Turning to film, he played alongside W.C. Fielda, Clark Ga- ble and Humphrey Bogart in a su-ing of movies. He was featured in "Lad y in the Lake,'' "The Carpetbaggers" and "De9tination Tokyo." A former new1paper report.er and an ex-boxer, Tully turned in hla final film appearance In an epiaode of the television series "Mision lmpcmible." H e leaves h is wife lda. a daughter and two grandchildren. Vets' office • ope n evenings The Huntington Beach office of the Orange County veteran.a aervioe and consumer alfain of- fice ii now open Mondays from 1 p.nt. to 9 p.m. in order to provide evening aervioe. Veteran• claims.officer Vic Odland and con.sumer aflain in- vestigator !Caren Krau.e will be available during thoee hours to provide aaaiatance to both vete- rans and consumers. The office is located at the Huntlnfton Beach Public Li- brary, 7 11 Talbert Ave. Vo lcano erupts JAKARTA,Indonesia(AP)- The Galunggu.ng volcano ln West Java erupted for the fow1h t1me this month, officlala reported Tuesday, but cau.aed no cuual- ties. At JeMt 14 ,eople were ldl- Led in previOUI eruptlonl April 4 and 8. ,Seal Beaeh faelllty Cranston urges 'slifety check' Br ROBERT BARU R or ... .,.., .... ~-· Sen. Alan Cran1ton h aa re- quested that pen\ment offidala take a new look at the aafety of the Seal Beach Naval Weapona Station at the UllPnl of the local IChool board. Seal Beach School Dlatrlc t Preaident Cha.rles Judaon aaid today he is ''very pleued." "We are the tirSt locally elec- ted people to sit down and take illue with the station." he laid. School tru1tee1 earlier thl1 month approved a reaolution that chaJlensed the safety of the sta- t.ion. They expreaaed concern for the 500 students at McGaugh Intennediat.e School, located just acrosa Seal Bea ch Boulevard from the station. The resolution said that very large ahipa are loaded and un- loaded of conventional and poe- aibly nuclear weaooaa at a wharf about 500 yard.a fto.n the achool. The board reaolution said that the General Acounting Office in 1975 mentioned a nu mber of safety problems at the ataUon but did not perform any aubeequent studies to determine if they had been oom!ded. Ryan Conroy. Cranston's 890- te le&lllative asatatant In W n, D.C., aa1d Cranston M nday uked the GAO to fol- up lta investigaUon. ~o official a t the weapon• at.lion aald today that any dia- crepancie. found In the earlier report had been correctA!d. Public Affairs Officer John Frye ~lined further comment he Hid, because of a lawsuit pending In Federal Court HB dress sh op bandit sough t Police are aearchmg for a lone gunman who robbed a Hunting- ton Beach dress shop of $310. Officers 1a1d the holdup oc - curred at 6 :4~ p.m. Monday at the Revelation shop, 10043 Ad.ams Ave. A clerk told police a man spent 20 minutes in the store saymg he was looking for a dress for his girlfriend . When the o ther customers left. the man approa- ched the cash register with a dress over hJ.s arm, then removed the garment to display an auto- matic pistol, police saJd Volunteers eyed for charity walk Volun~n-He needed to help at the Interval Hou1e lOK run and 5K walk May 15 at Bolaa Ctuca State Beach in Hun~Beach. Volunteer job9 include hel- ping at the aid at.ation, aetting up tables, helping with regi- atration and diatribution of T-11hirta. •Je ffery Goo•t a 1 of Huntington Beach h.aa been aelected for membership into the Gamma Chi chapter of Eta Kappa Nu, an electricaJ engineering honorary IOdety at ~ew Mexico State Univer- •The Huntington Harbour Anglers' 11th annual awap meet is ICheduled May 15 at the Harbour Mall parkina lot. Algonquin Street and Say- brook Lane, Huntington Harbour. There wUl be a day-long • Regiatration for new ap- &!!~anta for the Huntington h junior lifeguard prog- ram la ach.eduled 8 a .m. to noon June 12 and 13 at life- guard headJ~· 103 Pa-cific Cout · way. But partid(>Ulta muat first DMI IWimmin& t.esta eet May Anyone who would like to volunteer or who has any quest.ions about the race can call run d irecto r Marian Gan.a at 597-7556. All proceed s will go to Interval Howie. a shelter in Orange County for V\Ct.irm of domestic V10lence I.lb i..a the son of Ger- ald and o Goocliog. He is a . aeruor at the university and is a 1979 graduate of Alamo - gordo High School, Al amo- gordo, N.M. auction. Proceeds wiU go to a . day of ocean fishing for dis- advantaged chiJdren and to the National Coalition for Conservation of Marine Life. Adnuasion is free. For more information, call 840-4836 . is, 22 and 29 at &ilaon High School pool. There is an $80 fee for the program d esigned for younpten from 9 to 16 years old. Further Information can be obtained by calling 536-5281. l'IA1Unl ICLUDla . .• A!IOllC CLASSES • PIOHSSIONAL INSTRUCTION .• IOOY PAT ANALYSIS • ltaSI THTING • llOOO PUISW! TE.STING • COIDIAUNA • NUTlmONAl COUNSellNG • COID WlmllOOl ~·--; .. .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday, Apttt 28, 1812 1 ----~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--·wrnrnau] ·Pope postpones visit Pol~nd's political crisis cancels trip VA'nCAN CITY (AP) -Pope John Paul Ira 1eheduled trip to h1a native Poland in August hu been poetponed and may be put off indefinitely becaUle of the country'• political situation, Poland's Roman Catholic primate uJd today. A sovernment official in Warsaw who re- quested anonymity said the ma.rUal-law authorities have railed no objection to a pepal visit. "I believe that the pope'• trip must be postpo- ned for a Utt.le while.'' Atthblahop Joi.ef Glemp told reporters at St. Peter'• Square after the pont.llf's weekly general audience. Asked if the trip would take place next year, the archbWlop replied: "No, unless the aituation (in Poland) ca1ma down." Israeli troops wound 9 Arabs JERUSALEM (AP) -Troops shot and wounded nine Palestinian Arabs in lsraell-<>CCUpied territories today during disturbances coinciding with Israel's 34th Independence Day celebrations the military command said. Four laraell aoldien were hurt when Arabs attacked an army pat.rol m the Gaza Strip refugee camp of Jabaliya. Another soldier was hit in the face by a rock in Bethlehem on the West Bank of the Jordan River, the command aid. Soldiers shot four Arabs in the legs at Jaballya. Salvador eyes changes SAN SALVA.DOR, El Salvador (AP) -The rightist-dominated constituent assembly ratified reforma made by the U.S .-backed junta but put the brakes on further changes that would have hurt the middle claaa. It alao cailed for changes to "perfect" what's been done so far. The assembly adopted a resolution validating actions ta.ken prior to March 28 under the land re- distri bu tlon program and the natioAalization of banks and foreign commerce, the key reforms sponsored by President Jose Napoleon Duarte to undereut public support for the leftist guerrillas. Hinckley jury pool narrowing WASHING TON (AP) -The pool of pros pee· tive jurors wu narrowed further today in the trial of presidential asaallant J ohn W. Hinckley Jr .. as the judge orden!d tha.e remaining to "tum a deaf ear" to news accounts of the case. On the second day of jury selection, U.S. Di- strict Judge Barrington 0 . Parker d.ismJ.sRd CBS White House correspondent Bill Plante, who said Tuesday he had coven!d stories mvolving Hinckley and knew a number of potential witnesses in the case. Plante was the third prospective juror to be dismissed, narrowing /·ury pool from 90 to 87 peo- ple. The final panel o 12 jurors and six alternates will be asked to decade the fate of the 26-year-old drifter charged with trying '°assassinate President Reagan nearly 13 months ago. DC-I 0 emergency landing. ROMULUS, Mich. (AP) -A OC-10 jetliner c.arryina 137 people made an emergency landing at Detroit Metropolitan Airport after an indicator light showed the plane's landing gear had malfunctioned, authorities said. Northwest Airlines FUght 27, which had de- parted Cleveland for Chicago at 4:50 p.m. Tuesday, landed safely after circling the airport for about three hours to bum off excess fuel. Nine fire trucks and 10 ambulances stood by as the jet landed, officials taJd. There were no inJUries and the landing gear functioned properly, said Janet Orskay. airport po- lice officer. Spending cut asked · by Curb •• By STEVE TRIPOLI ' Of ttte OellJ Hot ,...., ' Lt. Gov. Mike Curb called for cuts ln state spending and 1evenl other oost-a.attina meuWft u he campaigned for the Republican gubernatorial no mination ln Orange County Tuelday. Curb a1ao reiterated hit oppo- sition to construction of the Pe- ripheral Canal and his aupport for eflorta to oust State Supreme Court Chief Juatice Roae Bird. His remaru came in a apeech before the Republican ~tea of Orange County in Santa An.a.. Curb took aeveral opportunl- ties ln hit address to tie his name and policies to t.hoee of President Ronald Reagan. He pra11ed Reagan'• New Federaliam economic program and said California "need• a governor who'll get into office and cut the growth of atate spending." Specific proposals by Curb to cut $1.5 billion from the state CAMPAIGNS -Lt. Gov. Mike Curb called for cuts in state spending in an Orange <:aunty campaign stop. .,..,, ........ CANDIDATE -Attorney General George Deukmejian, seeking the GOP nomination for governor, prt>poeed elimi- nating the Coastal Comm.is-11 sion. Deukmejian flays • • coast cornm1ss1on budget in clude elimination of By JEFF ADLER focus of the primary race ia un-• cost-of-living Increases for we!-Ofttie o.iey "°' llllff employment and crime. fare recipients, cuts in state sup-Republican gubernatorial can-••After two term• of Jerry ~ port of the MediCal program and didate George Deukmejian called Brown, the people are looking a freeze on the hiring of all atate Tuesday for the elimination of for BOmeOne to take on the gov-. employees. the California Coaatal Commls-emor'• office and to handle the , sion because It continues to ex-bl h · 1 · be ... i d " The state's fint-in-the-naUon pro ema e • eavlJlC n n • ceed ita legislative mandate to Deukmejian Mid rate of welfare spending is ..-.c.-4. aa:e91 to state beaches. Com · 11 L Gov "wrona," Curb said, .....t...ii-.. that .,..,,...._ ~· hlmae to t. · • ·-o -.........-. ~ said he "was rea-M k b hi · there is "no excuae" for not 1 e ur • • prunary oppo· dy to · · te the comm.isaion" , Oeukmejian ••id that w"""-e"'<M"fina a workfare prnararn to nen., ~ 'LUC ·---e · "'8" becau.e it is not appropriate to th both are similar in ••terms of foroe welfare recipients to earn have appom· ted individuals, such ey what they9et. their Republican philosophy," aa the coastal commissioners. h difr · -·-Curb sal the state could save t ey tt m ••Ju:. at least *""" million ll it ............ _ making decisions they do not "l do not shoot from the hip, 1 ~ .,.... .... _ have the authority to make. i th' 1 1 " sed private insurance for Medi-exam ne mga very c ose y, "They have exceeded the ori-o k .. 'd .. H (Curb) Cal recipients instead of runnina eu me11an 181 . e · ----e gina1 intent.'' the attorney gen-somellmes will take a stand the program. eral. seeking the GOP nomina-quickly. but one that is not Curb said the Peripheral Canal tlon for governor, said during a thought out." is not needed because Southern wide-ranging intervfew. "I The attorney general said the California has enough water wi-would say controls (over the race between him and Curb ia thout it and because water costs state's 1,000-mile coastline) are very close, both in the northern might increase to six times the best made and decided by local part of the state and in Southern CWTent rate with It. officLa.ts." California. A propoeed canal through the He said as governor, given the As far as the leading Demo- Sacramenio River delta as an al-option to either cut crime or cratic c.andidate for the guberna-; temative to the Peripheral Canal "continue the ove,-regulation of torial nomination, Deukmejian should be used only if other the coastal a rea," he would said Los Angeles Mayor Tom water sources for Southern Cali-chooee to ct.it crime. Bradley "has not really tried to fomia come up dry, he said. Another commission he lavora take out-fron.t positions on oon- Curb said Southern c.allfornia el i m I n at i n g , among the troversull issues." can fint use the surplus water it "hundred.a" that should be loo-He added Bradley baa no ex- has sold cheaply to fanners over ked at in a budget-cuting effort, perience In s tate government the paat two decades and con-is the state Energy Commission, while he has "20 yean all invol- :.erve water now wasted in far-Oeukmejian said. "It has not ved in state llsues." ming.areu to me.et expanding carried out its prim&ry task of Discussing his position on va- needs siting power plants," he explal-noua issues, Deukmejian aaid; His stand on the canal, which ned. -He supports the propoeed runs counter to thoee of all other But the candidate said the Peripheral Canal and believes Evinrude granddaughter slain 1 major candidates for governor, current cost estimates are accu- won't hurt bun in the election be-rate. STUART, Fl.a. (AP) -Police 8e8l'Ched today for fr.Jr men spotted in a convenience store about the time the 18-year-old granddaughter of an out- board motor executive wu abductec1 while working the overnight ahilt. The body of Frances Julia Slater, still clad in her work clothes, was found in a roadaide ditch seven miles away Tuesday afternoon, 13 hours after ~UffiU~ she was reported missing from the L1'l General store where she was an U8istant manager. Miss Slater was the granddaughter of Ralph Evinrude, 74, the wealthy developer of the Evin- rude outboard motor company. Evinrude's wife iB Francea Langford, a singer with aeveral big bands durihg the 'World War II years. Miu Slater's grandmother, Evinrude's flnJt wife, ts dead. S~bliminal records study due cause ''once the truth cornea out D • k · 11 d -Believes the state can do a about this Issue it will have a river I e better JOb of handling social positive impact for me," he pre-programs previou.ly adminiate- dicted. 1•0 HB crash . red by the federal government Cur b reiterated a charge he (Reagan'• New Federaliam first levelled last week that Chief propoul). Justice Bird work.a for the inte-A 35-year-old Huntington -Supporll rapid oompletlon ;! rests of crimlnalA. He urged her Beech woman was killed Monday of the atate hlgbway and freew-' recall. when she drove through a red ay system. "She's been on the side of crl-traffic light and collided w ith -Supports oU-shott dri.11.lng minals 90 percent of the Ume," in anoth er vehicle, police reported In order to determine California'• court votes, he claimed. today. oil reserves. Development and "When someone is so far afield Traffic investigators aaid Minh production of auch field.a would from what the people of C.alifor-Thu Tran Nguyen of 1942 Medi-be dependent on the e nviron- nia believe then I think it's time terranean Drive was rushed to mental safety of operations. to reassess that person," he said. Fountain Valley Community -Supports continued deve- Curb tied his aupport of ano-Hospital, where she died at 8:50 lopment of nuclear power and ther ballot proposition, .the so-a.m. would like to .ee the Diablo Ca- called Victim's Bill of ·Righll, to Police aald she was driving nyon and San Onofre plan ta the Bird matter. north on Buahard Street at 6:55 ••on-1.lne." "With the Supreme Court we a.m. when ahe failed to stop for a -Support• initiative mea- have in California at this tlme red light and was atruck broad-aures to eliminate the atate i.nhe-' SACRAMENTO (AP) -Membe~ of the state A.91embly'a Consumer Protection and Toxic Mate- rialt Committee U.tened intently to a Led 7.ep- pelin tape -played backward. we're never going to lee capital aide by an El Camino driven by ritance and Cift taxe.. • "Here's to my sweet Satan" and "I Live for Satan." punishment upheld and we're Manuel Aceves of 19162 Hunt--Oppoaes registration of William YarroU of Aurora, Colo .. who said he never (Oing to see the Vlctim's ington St., Huntington Beach. handguns, but support.a "use a studies the brain, told members the aubconaciou.s Bill of !Ughta upheld,'' he aid. ADttw.9 wasn't hurt. police aaid. aun. go to jail" legillation. ~~nd~~ttt~m~~~ffiw~nther~~~~~~~~~~~~~ITT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The IOni "Stairway to Heaven.'' 80U.Dded like a cacophony to all attending the Tuesday hearing - except that they alao heard mumbled words like record is played frontward. The committee skepti- cally recommended more study for a bill to require warning labels on records with subliminal messages recorded backward. Board demotes coroner LOS ANGELES (AP)-Or. Thomu Noguchi, who was removed by coupty_ aupervillon from his polition u coroner, will chaJJenp hit demotion to phywidan specialist in court, hit at1.<>mey aays. of aupervl9ora "another aham action" and said he expected to go to court today to try to overtum the '\ demotion. Godfrey IMllC called the dedllion by the board Noguchi wu demoted Tuelday after aupervi- IOl'll met in executive le98ion. CleMlled...,.,..... 714M2-N71 NI otMf d1p1 "t111e• M2-4121 MAIN OFACE ..... ..., ... C-. ..... CA. ,.... ..... : .. 1•.c-.--.e.t.. .. c:...ftlM ,_ ._.. Ollill fl I 4 ~. __ ...._,....., . ,..._. __ _ "'"•"** ....... _,, .. , ... F ........ .............. -~-. Thousands seek ·jobs of aliens / INDUSTRY (AP) -Compa- nJ" raided by federal •1enta lookinf fol' w..iial .u.a WOlbn reported tbolaMndl of appllca- \ioaa by u.IMl6bployed U.S. ctti- _. -the w.k·lons CnlCkdawn termed •"Operadon Jobs" conU· nued. Aa anotbn 14& auapected I Uiem were al'Nlled ~ at four finna ln the City of lndu· I stey, a Lot Anaei. suburb, erf· tkll aompered tM rakll with Na .. I lllmD and exhc>rwd worke11 to ..-iby~. Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Ctrtifi~ Gt.moloai1t. ACS W'E'VE MOVED Come vi1i1 m If You Don't Have Money To 8Um Wheri You Buy A Diamond caar w. r .. PAON l'ROM ue llWCI U9 flllOV9 DIMIDND VNJa TO YOU 0t8nge Coatt OAIL Y PILOT IWednelday, April 211 1912 ;! ewelry bargains eed inspeCtion w I WASHINGTON (AP) -A raah of advenlslng for lnexpen- u..ive jewelry hu started cropping up, but the Federal Trade Cornm.l8lion warns not to expect too much for your money. '9 !:::.·,~ ia a good Idea to inspect jewelry before buying, ao the urgee finding out If the company has a refund o policy before buying by mail. lJQ The ada list gbld and diamond items for aeemlngly very low i~~expenaive gold chahu are likely to be llghtwelght and u:dellcate, the conuniaaion reports. Such Items may not hold. up nunder normal wie and, if broken, may be hard to fix, the agency aaya. n' ~-_ In addition, gemstones have a wide range of quality and 11 viexpenaive ones may be disappointingly small. rlJ Here are explanations of some basic jewelry terminology provided by the cornrnission: -ioi -Carat.: This Is a unit of weight for diamonds and other 1ir_ms· There are 142 carats ln one ounce and each carat is divided .jllto 100 points. 0 -Karat: This expresses the amount of gold in an object. >gold ls 24 karat gold; 12 karat means it is half gold and half ,iome other metal, 10 karat is the lowest quality that can be of- tend for sale in the United Stat.es. 0 -Solid gold: This means only that the item isn't hollow. You atill need to check the karat rating to see the percentage of _..r:wu and base metal -Gold electroplate: This means the item has a coating that ls at least 10 karat gold. The coating must have a thickness of at least seven-millionths of an inch. -Imitation: Resembles a more costly. material but is not the ~thin~. Glass, for example, has been used to imitate emeralds for centunes. -Synthetic: A man-made duplication of a natural substance. A synthetic gemstone would have the same chemical composition and physical and optical properties as a natural one. (Pat Horowiu' column will resume after she returns from illness.) · • "(;of a problem? 1ben write to Par Horowitz. Par will cur red tape, getting the llll.fWers and action you • 'ti JJeed to aolve lnequitier In J(Overnment and bualness. Mail your ~ to Pat Horowitt, Ar Your Servh> n. "Orange Cout Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, <:oaia' . Ma., ~ 92626. As many let~rs.., p<mible will be l&IJ6Wel'f!d, but phoned inquirles or letters not lncluding the rea· dB'• full rwne, address and business hours' phone nwnber can- not Pe ronsidered." Distinctive Fashion Every Sunday in One of the best on-ti me records going. That's style. Fares that save you money every day on £Nery flight. That's style, too. AirCal. We do more than getvou there. We get you there in stvle! CBS still ehamp • in reruns . NEW YORK (AP) -CBS, NQ. 1 in the recently completed 1981-82 11aaon, con\tnued to dominate the weekly competi- tion with reruna, t11urea from the A.C. Nlellen Co. showed. " CBS had five of the 10 top· rated programs for the week en· dina AprU 25, including repeata O{-:l'Magnwn, P.I." ln first place and "The Jeffenona" ln eecond. The network'• avera,e ra~ for the week wu 15.4 to 14.8 for ABC and 13.3 for NBC. The networks aay that meant in an avera1e minute of prime time, 15.4 percent of the country's homes with TV were watching CBS. The rating for "Magnum; P .I." was 23.2. Niellen aaya that means in an ·average minute of the p~, 23.2 percent of the na- tion s TV-equipped homes were tuned ln. It was CBS' third straight week in firat place, and NBC's 16th consecutive in laat. The season ended a ~:week ago, with CBS the highest-ted _P,et- work for the third year g. Eight of the week's To'p 10 programs were reruns, and two of the three semnents on the No. 4 show, CBS' ;r60 Minutes," had been broadcast before. The only new program among the first 15 was "Cagney and Lacey" on CBS "Cagney and Lacey" was, in addition, the highest-rated of the season's new series shown last week, with ABC's "Fall Guy," right behind in eighth place. NBC scored with a new show, "Teachers Only," No. 19. NBC also enjoyed moderate success with a "White Paper" newa special called "Pleasure Dn.,.gs." The program was No. 38 for the week, an unusually high position for a documentary-type show. Five of the week's loweat- rated programs were from leries introduced this season. ABC's "Inside America" was No. 67, followed by two NBC shows, "Fa ther Murphy " and "Jokebook," "Baker's Dozen" on CBS, NBC's "Chicago Story," and the longer-running "NBC Magazine.'' --«*JI .'69 .69 69 67 65 " 69 •LOwCal fares reQu1re ad\tance pUrch~ seat:s are flmlted and other restrktl~ sppty / U~o PIA IN ENGLAND -American actress Pia Zadora arrives at London's Heathrow Airport on a publicity tour for the British premiere of her "very erotic'' first movie, "Butterfly." 'B.J.' in Hond uras to tour camps Actor Mike FaneU, co-star of the war comedy TV series ''MASH," was to travel to Honduras on a tour of camps where thousands of refugees are seeking shelter from the bloody civil war in neighbc>- ring El Salvador. Farrell, who plays Dr. B.J . Hunnicutt on the CBS-TV Former Mississippi Gov. Cliff Fbacll, behind the wheel of a pickup truck, was ar- rested for driving under the influence o't afcohol and reckless driving. series abc>ut a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital during the Korean war, is paying his way for the trip as U.S. spo- k es man for a non - denominational relief organi- zation, CONCERN. It was founded in Ireland during the mid-l 960s ~ar and mass starvation in Biafra. Brandon (Miss.) Police Chief J .W. Addy said Finch, governor in 1976-80, refused to take a breath test to de- termine the alcohol content of hia blood. Four membera of the American Women'• Hima- layan l!xptdJtJon reeched the A&mrnit ot 22,4~foot Mount Ame Dablam, repeatlna the f oet of four ott»r memben ot the 1roup who reeched the .1ummh Aprll 20, Nepal'• Ministry of TOl.lltsn Mnoun· ced.. The m.ln11try Ldenutled the cltmben M S.... Am Giller, 35, a cllmbln1 lnatruc&or in Boulder, Col. and leader of the aroup, Aue Mac4earle, 18, a national park ranpr at Ymem!te, Calli., Jl.IJ OrUIUll, a 31-vear~old 1ehool teacher from Hailey, Idaho, and Dr. Heldt Ldl, 34, a physician from Flawill, Switzerland. Tbaae' Wrlsllt tossed a meadow muff(n 174 feet, 2 lnche1 and took home top honors In the annual World Championship Cow Chip Throwing Cont.est at Beaver, Okla. The throw by Wright, of Levelland, Tex., was far short of the record 182 feet , 3 In- ches, iiet in 1979. A free-lance photographer told police that actor Bart Reynold• punched ham and flung his camera 100 yards when he tried to photograph film star and actrCfiS Loni A.a rtOn. uell Turlak, 37, was wa Ing outside Reynolds' Bel-Air ~idence when the actor and Miss Anderson, 35, drove into the driveway, said Police Lt. G~rge Remlng. The officer said Tunak at- tempted to take some pic- tures. apparently of Miss Anderson. who stars in the TV ser ies "WKRP in Cincinnati." Queen Mother Elizabeth, the 81 -year-old mother of British Queen Elizabeth. II, will visit Pans on May 11 -14, according to an announce- ment from Clarence House, her London residence The "Queen Mum," as she as affectionately known to Britons, wall meet with French President Francois Mitterrand and open a wing o( the Hertford British Hos- pital of which she is patron. A spokesman (or K ing George Vi's widow said the Queen Mother had no plans to visit her sister-in-law, the Duche11 of Windsor. The Robtnsat'S Gift I DIAMOND SOLITAIRE SALE. COME VIEW OUR SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY COLLECTION TODAY·SATURDAY. Come find the diamond ring you've always wanted. Sparkling clear. set in gleaming 14 K gold. And besides our regular collection, you can choose from a breathtaking collection. brought In just for this special event. Your day Is coming soon-start hinting. Reg. $2,475-$5,600. Sate S1,858·S3,752. Come in to Newport Wednesday, April 28-Saturday. May 1 to see our solltalre selections. Sate ends May 9. Robinson's Fine Jewelry. 100. (Art enlarged to show detail.) fnw Mly 22, 1982 . Fish & Chicken . Dhuler Only •239 ----~----- .., . ·--- • SAN DiroO (AP) -Wickes C.C.. is asking court protection for two more subsidiaries, Gamble Cttdit Corp. and Wickes Credit Corp .• within daYs after the giant retailer med under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Act. A spokesman said the subeidiaries' petitions filed Tueeday will be oomo- lldated with that of the parent com· pany. The new petition said their bank debta exceed $190 million. Saturday, spokeane~d the giant San Dieso- bued com y owes ln exce. of $2 billion to , eecuritiea holden and trade credit.on. , tells profit surge . .SAN DIEGO (AP) -San 01-.o 0 11 & m.ctric says first-quarter profit.a inereuecl 65 percent over earnin8J in the fint quarter of lilt yeer. Thomas Page, pn!llidenl and chief ex.ecut.tw offi- cer of the utiUty company, made the announcement· • Tueeday during the annual lhareboJden meeu.i,. • Pqe said tho profit increue WM dUe ln put to coat-cutting etforta within the com~, and a aenera1 rate increaie granted by the PublJc Utilit.fe9 Ciimmia- aion ln December. 'Slow time' challenging ST. LOUIS (AP) -Keepinl production line. moving during today's "e.xtraordinary slow'' time9 ii the major short-term challenge facing commercial aircraft manufacturers, according to the chairman and chief executive officer of McDonnell Dou&Ju Corp. "Major airlines find themslves without the means -and, in the short t.enn tometimel without the need -for new aircraft we could expect them to buy in substantial quantities ln better times," Sanford N . McDonnell said. McDonnell told aiockholden at the corporation's annual meeting that civil aviation has gone through periodic declines ln the put, and that he is optimlatic about an upturn. ' Commerce chief speaks Secretary of Commerce Malcolm Baldriae will be the keynote speaker at the inauguration of the Wodd Trade Cent.er of Orange County. The $125 dinner will be held May 20 at the ot..- neyland Hotel in Anaheim. The evening will com-· memorate locating the 29th and laie.t world Trade Center at Warmington Plaza in Santa Ana. • For reservations. call 549-8151. Computer for Italy Aeritalia of Torino, Italy ordered a Telefile T-85 computer system to modernize and expand its air flight test facility whe~ special and general purpoae aircraft are tested and developed. "The inltial order exceeds $1 .300,000," said Sa- muel V. Edens, Telefile chairman. Deliveries are ·scheduled to begin in November. Telefile Computer Products. Inc., headquartered in Irvine, manufactures and markets minicot:nput.en and medium to large ecale computer systems. ·Bank leases Warmington site Ent.erprile National Bulk (in organiration) enter- ed into lease negotiations for the bank's corporate facillty in the new Warmington Plu.a office complex in Santa Ana, near the John Wayne Airport. Subject to approval by the Comptroller of the CurTency'a.off:ice, the bank intend& to occupy approxi- mately ll,000 square feet of ground floor space in one of the twin nine-stbry buildings under construction at 200 F.aat Sandpoint.e. Fullerton firm dips Wynn'• lnt.emational, Inc. of Fullerton had net in- come of $1,085,000, or 30 centa a share, for the fin\ quart.er ended March 31, as compared with $2,490,000 or 68 ~nta for the comparable quarter a year earlier. Sales were $46.6 million vs. $48.4 million. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AYWGF.S · AMERICAN LEADERS ' NE'IW YONt W') -S-. 'l'.-c.y P'IOe and ntt ~ll•ne• or Ill• 1e11 ll'IOtl acllvt AIM(ic.n Stoett ~c:ll~ la ...... lrecllnel _, MlfX I*> ,-·-1 lli 5·~1-l ,· ·'· 'I \ •. 4 LUCKY -Rocky ·Aoki credita luck for h1a auoce.ful balloon cro.tna. Balloon I chanip 'lucky' LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -J~anese res- taurateur Rocky Aoki, who helped pilot the first t.lloon to cross the Pacific Ocean, aaya it was 'luck -not strategy - lhat won the Kentucky ,Derby Festival's Great Balloon R.ce. Aoki WU named firat- pl ace winner after a beanbag tolled from his balloon landed 1 foot, 10 Inches from the target, race offidals said. "It was 90 percent luck ," Aoki said . .. There'• no strategy. We have to find the right kind of wind, then luck." The Great Balloon thee was one of the festivities that precede Saturday's Kentucky Derby. AbQut 40 balloons from all over the U.S. entered this year's race. Balloons were launched from the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center. Object of the l lh-hour race wu to drop a bean- ~ as clmely as poesible to a marker droppea from a lead, or 'hare' balloon. Aoki financed laaf year's expedition of the Double Eagle V, a 26-atory helium balloon that became the first such craft to cross the Pacific. Energy • ser1es • top1c Recently approved Title 24 energy regula- tions are the subject of a tru-ee:part Orang~ Coast College lecture series being offered during May. The aertea, "Title 24 Energy ReJ('Ulations For RetJdentiaf Buildings," will meet May 8, 15 and 22, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in room 121 of OCC'a T~olOI)' Building on the Costa Mesa campua. The 8!'rim is designed for archlt.ecta, building contnictora. city officiala , and hom e owner/ buJldera. Lecturers are Bill Abernathy, Mike Boardway and Marius Cucurnyof OCC's En- ergy Engineering De- partmenL Sertea fee is $40. Re- ptration is ICheduled in the community service office, in the col.l_ese'a admlnJatrat.ion buucnng. For information, phone 556-~ .. Waste curbed SACRAMENTO (AP) -Major le1l1latlon to control the dlaposal ot low-level radioactive wutes bu been 1J1Ded by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. The author of .the bWI ii A81emblyman Art Torree, D-Loa Angelel. 20-PC. PORCELAIN DINNER-19" WARE 9W9CI SPICIAl IUY I ,. • sn 'Vidoriana Role' fine pOlmDI eet S dilhwalhet • safe. Wilt\ g«!UiM gold trim. Gf~ boJ1ecf. RIVAL 5-QT. CROCK-POT ~:t ::=-c~k.19" WWSCUIU••5•4ef. mcl "" ... 24.ft GLASS & BRASS CURIO CASES lrau f: Giwd cabNt wilh ct.cw ... par.. Hcsv on wall °' eet °" table. W111U STOC1S lAnt 4~ NO-IRON TABLE CLOTHS Coone ~ lifwl look. I lone, wtwt. °' .-own. ,4 .. w-• ,...,, .,.... ..... n ........ tM ............ "'" ..... ....,.. IKl-.s: •I-If.~ SMa•M •t-lf.~ SMa•M """' ...... ' ..... "', .. . • Mrr. "'°' .. SllVERSTONE@"'LiNED = COOK-2488 : .·-· -· W'·. RE 77 ·~ 2.00 Mfl'S. M -IEFUND SPICW IUYI 7-PC. SIT. :•wr Wilt\ non-1tidl SffwwtllDfte• ~ fOf' easy cooking and c:learHlpl ~ alwMinum finbh . QUARTZ STICK-ON CLOCK flolhes from time to 4 9 9 dot. and bocltl Digital l'90dout. In color choicie. IEG.6." AC/DC TAPE RECORDER Sflmline atyttne piono-19" by controh, built~ mac.. While Stocks lastl SPKIAl YW ... DPICT TO PAT IUYI .... ,.eN&ml # ...... 'POPCORN NOW' POPPER 5~]l" . •. 1t.9t #V04110 /. • -... • 0 0 40 CG 0 0 0 0 0 $ a a sea SS 3 a t 2 a 3 SS \ H/F Or~ Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedneed~. Aprll 28, 1982 DO IT' NOW! .......... '( OAll Olllly Ptlot e.w. DlreotOtY ~i.tlw ....... 1 ..... 111 ,,,.,_,,, .... , ..... fl!~.!tttMdf w. fltd.t1!w............ ~l.P.1 ...... ~fttflttrtlf........ t.W.'111. ............. r.~!rar!!! ....... Tllf ................ .. ~ & .._ deM. CrOM\ fllOU6dlng. Cllld9r 1-111--HAAOWOOO f'l..OORI HOUMCLIANtHG .,.,. ••llWANT'I** TIL.1 IHITAU.IO eotor lllf..._ten.e, wflt nect dOM49. bookOllMI, ~ lnlilllll ~ Ol9W*9 "-•~•si1rdeble w~ AtfMWll AJ Kinda Ouetentood orpt• • 1CJ "''"· blMotl. manll•. t11tortoln!Mflt T,.. tt1m19mCIWI onct ...t. 132-4111 T~ MS4A01 ~~ll~~d :i;:r~ A1I typee. ...2.1"'3 ...,._ JoM '40-9217 Hel,11'1/dln, rme•1t;~ oeblntte. WOOd ~ I.Awn ~otllllnO ••"-IXP. HOUllOl.IANIEA 1oCa1 OUltom«-. •IA•lfl .• m-i, **Al.I. TILi** ~:';/70':~ 00:,: •;.i '°Woods,~' .....eoea « oe1 ••• 'r.':"JI.............. "9tla•. r•. Fr .. "'· Thenll 'IOU. a1 ..... 10 i:r: •• ;4 ... ~........ OU""Y woni. lo~•· ~ ,:._~ ;, • /I.newer Ad #547, HAUl.INO-•h•d~t tiu Ctll24tlrl,Nl-t411. _pa-NMtpeCcMoli.t1n1 pS.o.otoeN1-6479 ........ -.... -. 1·~ ..... 2......... ~ t .. I. t t ~ -·-• ·-.. p. Do wortc myHll. '"._.... ~~ .... ~1.r.a,•. Metut• ...,._In llouM41 ..... ••ld/ln.due/Oomm'I. fne.... 1-1-~ C«Mllo T .. ...,._ 531.0101 ••••• •••••••••••••• ~--._.. _,.,. .. ..,_ ·-' • -. -•reto qtra, iclnt " ,,. ... ~ IVIA "OCK • perfoot M_... ·~::y TMntc )QI, John. t.fL ~S I.ow rotH. l'ree Ht. Pt.A8T£fllltl0 Prompt. FNO •· ""-We a... Orpt Clelnor'I &Yet PoOI «**•. pettoe. ..,.. • '-• ___ _...;;.._.;.._ ___ 1 __________ t75·71• 1111 a ut. RHluooo, Mt-ISM l7&-1..ot It_,,~ & upheie. wallcwoy1, drlvowoy1. •w•epln,. ,rH Ht • Profeeelonel hrYIOe "-wlHI-•STEVENS PAINTING blodl welle ~2 ,,.. Li'filt Trudi mount unit oto.1411·23'71 mot••· 45 •4372 or ~~r"i':t ~·.'T:'t' .......... lebedllNow9P80 lnext. PLA8TERPATCHING ..................... . Wortc ...,, 14W711 .... n .....a737· 01a.o64t,.. "••P· N.I . couple wlll Free •. ~. RHfUCCOI. Int/Ht. 30 ~",. .... .-., Po)' eeor. Prtole? :91•':=•••••••••••••• LAWN CARE tloutH ll July l Auo. ...&-33411 ........ 5411 ....... Meet. POUi S4&-2tn Comp I . 1er11 Ice . ~ ley9r wtM buy di~ DRYWALi. TAPIHO Comm/reelcl. Nwpt/CM Houllng, oradlng, derftOI. 141 3IOI (1:30-5 wlcdyl) --------··-"40-9308 uo. #3'Mt2 n().8554 '901 lrom ~--mill· All tut'"9 l ~UO Xlnt, '911obto WOf11. lion. Conorefe l trH 8«nl-fetlrecl prOf women Ullf llTU IJ••ll-.._'-'-MJP lnterptiNI If we do tllo lebor. F,.. Free Mt. Kevin 815-ON/Of)ll, 8orry 846-7412 remo11°dumr. truok. 011011 eummer llou .. ell· PAINT'ING 845-9383 ••=::;"II.•••••••••••• ! ... "."":.":'Ae•••••••••••• Coneultant/DMlcln« on Mt, rtfL 161·"20 OAYWALUACOUSTIC THE ORASSHOPPEA Qulc* Mt'Y .... •7W ting. l.oYoe.::: l plont.1. PAINTER NU08 ~ g:.:~ Mott lubleota, K· t 2 & remodels. Tllo tTneet In CARPET REPAIR Repalre. new & old. 11 ~· I.awn Melnt. Hll.lllng by oo4teoe atudent Xln1 rn 8424 WOAKI 30 Yf9 up, Intl 14 D Ml-YUi oOleOe 25 ~. 15/lw. flnl•tl carpon~our ' INSTALLATION yr9 Olq). Bud 5524582 Dominic ... 2--4161 w/plckup Wdl. F'r• .... ,,. ... .,_ Ext, Acou9tlc ceMlnoL1---------1 Mr. Morgen .... Mt78 ~...... flOI* 11 ywr lqUeMy ltr. flx9d, 23 yri ll#tllaJ .... al lfrrlM Aotler1 493-2148 ....... ;r.;r.......... Devit Pllntlng 147-6tle ,,.,,.,. .._,,. Help your ohlld got 9t!Md, r.r.:::-............... 831-2114/ ... 2-3872 exC)9f. ~arantMd a ln-•••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• HAULING & DUMP VA'NDENBEAO INT/EXT PAINTING •••••••••••• ,.-::rm:. oleo all oub,loctl. Oradel ~~Lot 6 _,_ •ured. 714) 483·9510 ELECTRICIAN-Priced College 8tudentl: wndw JOBS. 11.ak for Rondy, LANOSCAPINO UQ'd. Refa. Froo eot. Quallt~m/roa. 12 yr 1-8. Crodontlaled tH· .. ~ ..,1 ,,1 • r.;"r.;;••••••••••••••• R.8. CA PEt'. right, ''" oatlmato o c lno, oor wa111ng , odd ... 1-"427 Molnt, oomm'l/roold. 548-t087 MP· /remod. Refl. c:Mt ... 2..e1n -"" -CUSTOM SPA DECKS i.tgeor emall lobe. lobe. 842 ·5 449, TrH trim, clean-up.---------Fiiter, htr, ••••P H ie. AU8TAT£ PAVING PGloe, ~!; .. ~~.· ~!/.~!!!!!..... Uc. 3814121. 87l-035~ 045-79T2 ~!!!!!!f........ ~ t~t1eeat1nai17~, 25 ...... ~~ 8-4t i-8_7W_· _1 ... _____ _... r/l!!.~'!!f., .... ~ John or ._.. "' .,....... THOMPSON'S LIC'D ELECTRICIAN ... ~.. Want o REALl Y CLEAN . ' . . Yl'1I exp. Jc. 4o!i · JMU• Yow WEDOING on ...... Comfn./AooKI. ¢;blnett Aernod CONCRETE COHSTR. au.I. wortl·Reu. rot°' :;;::1::::-...... ,..... HOUSE? Cell 011\0ll•m •~-,.. Bonded. Int. RMI. Color ...... ,........ ........ VIDEO TAPEI LIO 1317* ... H111 skytttoo . Room Add'ne Uc. #883383 ~2-"482 Fr .. Mt. 831-5012 Tom Catpenlry . Muonry Olr1. Fr• Cit .... &-6123 ~l•f1r<••••••••••• ollpert. "3..()911 Olcil Huber Roofing-all lypot. Exp'd. Roooonable retoo. ~~ OmhM wndWt 754-4420 Cwnent·M---..·IMoclc TOP QUALITY OfywellRooflnoS·t~blng ROBIN'S ClfAHING BR~.,.;~~ Top Quality, lo price , New-rocowr-<**• Economy Video 8ervtooo ...... "··=-"' . 1'lle ,_....,,.,., .....,.,. -~pt Ext & Int 3....,. Uc #411802. 54U734 (714)656-7091 Freel ••• ••••• ••••••••••• * * * w__,._.,. wort!. Lio. ELECTRICAL WORK .. __,...,_.. J B ... ; _..... SerYtce • o ttlorouahlY IMno. Refl. 07~175 ...--C..... l kMno mernt of F*l/ooml Rob 547·2883 Rou.. retoo. 531·SO&a ,,_,..,....., ' · -c1eot1 l'IQuM. ~7 ·Roe 6 Comm'I ,-,_ .... wll-frlMw '-'-•1-21 moe to cert for 'l()Ura. ... ........ HOME IMPROVEMENT Bryant'• Lonctaeoplng •I. 714-739-0708 ......... '::':11......... .. ....... -:~-;::::r .... . my home FfT. 831-3787 8302 Tllbort Al/9. ClU4 C'1f ElE CT R IC I AN: Lio . REPAIR-PLUMBING SCRUB-A-DUB ertck. 110M. block, con-QUALITY PAINTING BUDGET RAnS/UC'd "LAil the Sunahlno In" Huntington 8eodl •••••••••••••••••••••• 233108-C· 10. Smell .,.._0..,, .. •-try, tleo Pr°'. reu, r911ablo. crete. Frplca, BBO'e, po-10....., MN!ng O.C. Low min. Sml tot>e OK. Coll Sun.,..lne Window Bab~tlttlno In our C.M. You or• th• winner of Bab)'llttlng, my home, El lobe. Molnt,& repalre. ttle. FM ;:-NO tOb toO Rota. Jeon 831-5018 ttoa & drlvewaye. ouar. ~ble. 848-541&-4 Fr• , Ina. 141·75411 Cloonlng, Ltd 648-U53 ~2~,~~ fOUf ,,.. tlcltett (S12.00 Mete C.M .. 3 ~ & old«. 548-5203 tmd .... S-2111 Uc. 6 Ina. 538-0914 20% Monthly Ol9COUnl ~ ~ $50 wk. 831• 083 RESID/COMM'UIND Expert home and _,,1 re-........ CONCRETE. Brickwork, ~ ~p~ a.::::.. ~~.'!!~!¥.'!!... •RESIOENTIA.l1• a..a---. C.lz_,.,,1 .. flaJ 20 YR27·.~ "'!,°!T. ~..; polr Carpentry roof CLEANING SERVlfCE: Ofoln plpeo, cloonup, Fr• Cit. 648-1029 .-ul IWfl Avg 1 lty $30: Avg 2 lty :;;;;::r::1........... 1111•... ...................... Uc ~1 ,... _......12v · ' • Reaaonoblo rotol, rH 26 yn exp. 538-2068 $45. Cnrla 957-83!8 F:x: c.~~ ::-Fountain Valley Miio REM~UADO-OHS fi . j a/fll plumb, Etc. 642-8013 oatlmotoa. hallty Plllflu $3.25 641-71149 ....... wlllilt4 (714 .... L .. 1.... Square Park-May a. 25~ .. penlf'l~~Lt°2'd7·1 ... !!!.~~ ••• ! ......... We ~....a'' !Oba· ~eml _7_20-0 __ 7_42_· _____ 1 llW IU.• Int/ext. \yoyne Lefh.r •hU••ts ,_,..,.., "' 1882 r--Irwin......._ '" FORMICA COUNTERS \olUmlty, oxper. bc'd HouMCleonlng hone91 6 Mi"Nieii~d~~·c~·,·.-~j~; (IXOYE) 75t·9103 ~/'9el'•••••••••••••••• lrvlne'1 boo1 8uic: 1 1ty .. ,., .._,_..,./ To clolm tlcketa. coll COMM'URESID. T~Coblnet• refaced 81·" & Oo119 644-9326 dependoble ' 10%. Coll: Deborah, * AJlctrh * 120· 2 aty S30 •--J-842-5878, ext. 272. Aamo6-Add',.._Ropelrt Free •I. ...2.5357 General MP!tenonce 9'2·2890 ·~,,..5078 l1r..r1-Fr• eet 831-9255 659-1302 ~ Tk*ol• mul1 be dolmecl v-,.... UQ, 390250 -....i .. & Oecor'91~ .._... •••• -:.":"A ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• .... M 5 1882 7'..!... H ,._..aH J •tut·-'-'/ ·~-: cauc. Hakpr or HOUH· Fonhlng lntonor Doolon ~-'•"''" Ron'• Window WUhlng MARINE SERVICES "7 •Y • Gen-Cont ....... 552 8ri42 61 .,., OualttY. Ray "40-5 ~ clHn•r IOOklng for 5 •m•t. HANGING $10/ROLl ~r:=~·············· Reaid. Ren.,., ... Meohonlo, point, vamlth. * * * · r. • lllbtfl IJUI Carpentry plum bin" da"t acme llouee w/ •••••.A• sc•••.~•o•v•1::~•.•••• Ouallty. Lie/Int Strip-• .,-lnk1ef a--.1.. Flneet In 0 .C. 830-nt t T k b & ---------1 Bonded & lnourecl • ••••••••••••••• •••• •• • ,, • , • • .., ~ ..,..... .......,... ea ·~87141 wax. I!.. ... ,... ONE OF A KIND tlectrlco . roH. rotH affluent lomlly. Coll,..,,... Quldc Coreful SerYtce ~Oltc. on poper. ~/comm, Commercial WINDOW CLEANING ~r. ••••••••••••••••• Addition•' remodeling. ~ fOf you. 5"6-"437 Don werAd #500, 642~. Fr• -lfi\ala652o041o &otl 645-8325 Londleape Servlcee 7 YRS IN AREA hllMt .................•.... --·-~Slnce18-47 Ad<lltlonl • Romodellilg Doors. wlndowl, petlo oown. F,_ .... Roa. Uc. #310942 549-2170 SEl l Idle ltema with a Oolfy Piiot Clotolfled Ad. ...... lfudlOI. one .., twolledrOOm ..... mont•. FUftNllHIO -~. Ol*wood Ille> olforl .. .._,..., •t Tl •• t 0.J IJ ·"-"' .... , .. ' Md M&dl Mof9I , ......... 01.-. ........ ~ -'°""""°~· c» ... 11 ......... , .. ,. fie,,,......,.... ----.... cnt•• \ifir~ No StOM\/No 8hamp00 ~~:5~d Sta to .L le CtlrWtlne & Ed 848-7825 JACK ol all TRADES HOUSECLEANING Expert wollcovorlng In· 857-8388 642~9/~S.7072 Stein Spedabt. Flllt J.O. Allon 494-1810 Coll day Of nlghl, IS OUR BUSINESSI ... , --· •t•ll•llon. Roll price•. f11lm dry. Fr• Mt. 839-1582 ff!t!~~-'••••••••••••. •Jock 975-3014• 1o Yl'll· Janklo'• Raqgedy Top quallty. 5'>edal c:are Conaultant AHlgnment •••••••••••••••••••••• lfP•Tl•m C I C w-..-.a.....Ll-Ann 175-2514 In handling. 2& yr9 exp. 68t..e580 All ALTERATIONS rpta natall/repelred UIM •--auf ......... larffw THE HANDYMAN CAN ~n1.,. Ratoo & Cuatom Leolh« WNr knock1 often when you Flood domage. Slewn •••••••••••••••••••• • Free eot. Ken 113g...5035 Repolr/lmpf'owment fJq)ertiM HouookMl)fng No owrtlml. 730-1353 Wollpoper Artlaan1 Wall· 10078 Adame ee2..e538 uH r11u1t-gottlng Dally c:tng,554-8510. 97346U Safi, mantel•. kit. cabl· --------Llc'd. Ralph tea-8145 we fumlltl vecwm & PIC>lf OA>licattona & re----------Piiot C1a11lllod Ada to EXCEL CARPET CARE ~:~~·.~·~~!~t.~~!'.1~:: K&D ~ Molnt. ouppha. Kitty ... ,_.870 STARVING COLLEGE mo¥el. NO JOB TOO SM filt roach the Oranoo Cout Cpl, uphol, .,.. NQ mod. & add-one. Xlnt Rosld/Comm. ClearHlp M h 1 STUDENTS MOVING OR LAROE. Xlnt refa. •••••••••••••••••••••• marttlt. c:leonl"". Work~ar. rela. Lie. B3•*278. Lt Hauling. 548-2488 eke your• opp ng ea· Quality HouHCIHnlng CO. UQ. Tt2~ 548-2142 Craig. Oll119 -· Phone 642-54578 . .,, .. ., tier by u11ng the Dally w/a ~al touch, CM. ln.ured. ~1-1427 ' Fr• at 045-t 71 538-23141 Sell Idle noma 642-54578 Piiot CIUllfled Ad&. Irv, HB. Beth 850-0933 WATCH us OAOWI Qoaalfled Ada ~2-54578 FREE EST 540-2062 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run tt another 3 INES OLLA RS days FREE. One Item per ad, must be prloed. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full detaJls. 1-. ...,, ' " IE.In ... S1M) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDS642 •5678 Real Estate-the Complete· Orange CooSt Market Place • Wl S T(L lfr !ll ')C •1• It I I ... ~ '·I' 1• =~::.:::::::=;::=:;;;;;;;:=:;;==~;;:;;;;:=::-;-=:::=====~=;;;;;;;O;ranoe==O:ioa·ut--O .. A..:IL:..Y.,PILOT/WldMld1Y1 AprU II, 1 ................. . MUC MDTa MUC llnlCI PWUC ND1lCI ... 11111 MOWCI o; AINCAfiOii WC:TmOUI ....... M,.,...u,~... Tiie =~T:.:=:. 4!0!"8 "g~a=r ~·--~-'flle,......._., • ..,..-1 ~~=~~10 l. ,~,~I!; !1'=t~"'' O.re111 4tl Mar, - IWMITA,._ Th• followlng oareon • dolnt =-~~·~l.Sl= = I OA ..... - ft W'*'I" .,._~1 AMlll'IOAN VllUALllTI, tot ~~. 11 l llMt, OHll ~,!, ~!.~.· Mii rmrn ho:1:'~~:.. 'o~~~n~TJ~hf!~ =~~15 ~•d::,il~ An•r: ., H WINI ,,u •. IAT. ,L.) lo NII llOO-c.OaaH. ,~ ._,_ ..... ... k llA .... 8 110110 baver•e.•::• 9000 l r111ol OA,.OL L. TMVIS. IOI hoo----.. ........ • ..,..,.. C.llfOfft,a €1fn~'"'~~ ftfl 111.:i,... OA 12714. Tllll ~~a _ ... ...,._.~, .. ~ It,_,~ CA tatat. 1111 Avtnut , Corona ct•• Mir, OA Ailfta o. M111M,,.,pe .,_,.... LIAIM-ll'u11tt1111td Oreno• Oottt Dally t2t2t TNtt4ltMlllll_ ... """'""~ DOii 1 ..,.... 8' .......... Pilot, Aptll H , 11U Thie ~ II condueltO by a Clet\ ti Ot~ Oouftly Oii Atlt t. ~NJ . OCWPo'~ Ooedel't ~ Gltekt , Goedln. P""°8111 ..... OM 1887-82 OIMfel pertn.WllC> l'ut>tl•h.O Or•nft: Co.tt 0•1~= Oii ~~~OMf!WllT l----"8.JC---N0--11C(-----Thie II~~: llled w11h lhe ..._, 1 If tt. H , N,7 l!Ml•N Thie mltmtnt wea llltd With u. eoun1y Clill'IC of 0rlll19' County on """' f9, 1'82. NOTtCll YH "9" Met! MM. NOTIC:I CW AHUCATIOM County Cltft. ol °'llllG' County on n.t MC11f1 ::r.:=lft __._.. _, AprH 27, t9'2 MALCOLM I DALY Allot...,e M Llw __. •-TO llLl P1.11' WHIM4ft f9'11 ~....... A.1.COHOUC llWAACMI Publl1h1d Ortngt CoHI Diiiy PIO~~ llUl#latt » 4100 MaoMflW llfwd. ...... ".!!'"' .. ~ _,.. .._. ..V-ta Pltot, April :II, MIY 6. 12, HI, 1982 h ... ma an-· To Wtiom It Mty Concern: 1894-82 ~ ITAft•NT ,,O, lo• l 1t0 The lotlOWlno pe..ona are dotng ~· Newpon ....... CA._, '1 you wllll 10 tltll ttlt adYICe of Olm K .. Monllt 8 .. Sueenn1 M. I -----------an attorney In 11111 matter. you Ting C, LEE .,, 1pply1ng 10 the .. -1c ..,,.TICE ._.. ,,'7808 Al ITAMPINQ COMPANY, 111.~11. Publllhld Ot•not co .. 1 Otlly Piiot. 81 CW11UO. ""*'-· 891'1• AN, Oalttomla April 21, H , M1y II, 1:1, 19112 lhoul<I Clo IO promplty IO that Y04ll Department ol Alcoflollc Beveregt l"WK. "" IWltlon ~.If any, mey bt II-Control tor "41" ON SALE BEER & ------------t21oe 1193.92 ltOA:a'~:.'ueted "' •14• defll•n· WINE (PUB. EAT. PL.) to NII •lco-'•'•t 11 1,11,.11111 ,ued• dtldlr hollc bever1gH at 7114 Edinger _,.,. Ud. Ml tu•t llOll e -:;:..~ue, Huntington BHCh, CA ,111 Ud. , .. ,.,.,, de11lre de JO Publl•h•d Or1ng1 Co111 Delly IUPIRIOR CC>Ut'T OP TH9 "'°""'9M II~. lnl; .. t Celtlortlla -----------...; 8TATa CW CAUIOANIA Pott ;fu•1""'· 11 luntiQ,.t. lllrlM. Celttornla "8.IC NOTICE Titf COUNTY Of' ~NOi Thi•_. 1a c:onc1ue1ao 1>~ a 40tpo. ----. --... ---..... --.--No. A•1111'7 lltlOll rz,.':.:,,."""8T•'"T1-.. ... ... LM .. ll .... 1111111.,e ...... Pllot,Apr~211, 1982 OAO.R TO IMOW CAUll HOl!INIM 81~ Inc: .,._ .. ,. • '°" c.-.ANOll °' HAMii we<,.., Ho111N1M Thi 1o1tow1no pereon• ar• dotng In the m111er Ol lht ll)Clljcatlon OI Pt-• ~ ... SI Uated d-eollcltar ti ton· 1897-82 MARIA de LOURDES WASSON, l<>t r1wa11at-lwMl11e0..,.1111neCounry J.L & JR BREEDING. 780 Change OI ,.._ ow~ °' O.anoa eouni, on "Vil:;:::. ANne Orllle, Huntington BMGh, CA lljO de un abOQado en •t• 1M1nto, "8.IC NOTICE CS.befl• ~ro lmmedl1t1men11.1------------Th• 1ppllc•t1on OI MARIA d• P11ot111\e<I 0••"9• Coul Dally "IOI. 92847. d1 Htl m1nera, IU r .. PUHtl fK:'T11lOUI Ml ..... LOURDES WASSON lor ch1119' ol °'!>'~ 1 1• 11, 21 1N2 t~l ... 2 JERRIE GREEN, 1833 Kiowa n1.m1, h•vlng b .. n lli.d tn C~ut,. Crt11, Diamond 8er, CA 91785. • HCrlll , el Ill y algunl , pulde .. r NAiii STATEMENT ~ 1 tltmpO The tollowlng peraon •• doing •nd It appearing lrom Hid '"Pll· ------------1 JACK W"SSERMAN. 78112 c11on lhel MAAIA di LOURDES Piil.iC •m Rhine DIM, Huntlnglon llMcll. CA WASSON hll flied 1n eppllctllon ------------1 92&47 1 TO THE DEFENDANT. A clvll bu~ a complt lnl hH bH n llled by the THE NEWPORT INNOVATORS. plllntltf ageinll you " you wlll'I to 4240 Park Newport, Suite 303, deNrld thll ltwlul1. you muet, wlttlln Newf)0(1 Betcfl. CA 92660 propo11ng thet her name be Thie bu-i. conclucted by• • daye 11111' lhll eummont II --BARBARA J WILEY 4240 Part! 11ed on you, Ill• with Ihle court 1 Newport, Sult• 303 Newport wrttten raepon .. to the complalnt e..cn. CA 92680 cht nged to MARIA di LOURDES ,.~~A~=· general ~rwrtGlhtp OUEAAEAO r11e ~ perton • "'*'O -...,rlt ,_, Now. therefor•. 11 11 hereby Of~ u Jecitl W-men red •110 directed lhll '" peraon• !RADE co INfCllHAtl()NAL 1010 Thle 1111-1 WU flied wUll the U"'-you do IO, 'fO<JI clef""1 wtll Th11 bull,_. II conducted by en be entered on eppllc1tlon of lh• lnOMdual lnllf•ted In NICI"""" 10 IPpelr ~~~tl~2 EM! -~C.~· COUnty CWk m °'llllG' Covlry on t>elor• tlll1 courl In Department 3 ~·-·-Al>fll 12. 11182 plalntrtt, Ind thll court ,,....,. "'"' • Barb111 J w,../ Judgment IQ.in.t you for lht ,....., Thia 11atemenl wu llled with thl on the 2nd Clay or June 19112 11 Co•~!~';V =p~c~o:::Oa1= F11711f tO 30 o'clock • m of Hid dty 10 t2t61 Publlthed by Orange Coeal Ollly demand«I In the oomplalnl. which County Clerk of Ofenge County on could rH ull In g1rnl•hm1nt ol April 8. 19112 allow cause why 1ucll 1ppllce11on Tll•• 1>1111,,.u ,. tonducta<I oy •n "' P1'°', Aprll 14, 21 211 Mey 5 19112 lor chlnge 01 name 11\0ulCJ not 1>e -1689-112 W11Q91-taking or money or property F1- or other r10af reque111d In the Publl•ll•d Oreng• CoHl Dally granted 00roi11y J a..._ II IS lurlhef ordered Iha! a copy of fhl• •1•1-1 .... ,_ "'"" I,_<;°""'' f't8.JC !«)TIC{ ~alnt. Prtot, April 211, Mey 5. 12. 1g, 1982 Ollect. Ml.fch 25, 1982 1895-82 this Order 10 Show CauH be pu· Ci.<~ OI O.enoa Cou<lly on°'!>'~~,~ _______ ...;.;..;.:_ __ _ Rlchlld J Wtck, Cletlc o.puty Law OfftoM of flllwnJ Mb 141• 8Mctl ..... No. 10S W•bfteMMf, Ca. l:tea (71•)IM-llOI Publlehed Orange CoHI O•lly Piiot. Aprtl U. May 5. 12. 19, 11182 1~2 P\ltllC NOTICE l'lCTTTIOUa au .... u ~aTAT'DffNT Th• following penon It dol'lg bUl lnHt H C CAMPBELL & "SSOCIATES. 12Mll W.1em A-. ooe. Unit J. Oetoen Grove Catllor- nla 92641 Claudelle Eunle:e Smith. 18991 Lowll Circle, Hunllng1on Beech California 92&49 TNs bualn-. II c:ondueled by an lndlvldual Claudell• E Smith Thl1 Slalemenl W81 flied With the County Cl«k of Otenge Co.Jnty on Al>fll 27, 19112 f., .. ,.. Put.llahed Orange COHt Delly Pllol, Aprll 28. May 5. 12. 19. 1982 190N12 . Ptll.IC NOllC£ flCTmOOa 8Ua.NeH NAME 8TA TDllNT The following person 11 doing buei,_ H SUN·SET POOL CARE, 928'~ EHi Oceanfront, Newport Beech. Cellloml• 928e I RIChard Lou.1 Neel, 928',_ Eu1 Oceanlron1 Newport Beech, Cell· tornie 928e I TlllS bval,_. 11 condueled by an tn<llvleluel Rlc:Nrd L NMI Thts 11a1-1 wu Iii.cl With the County Cleric of Otenge County on Apol 9 19112 F1~ Publl1hed Orenge CoHI Delly Piiot, Apc11 28, May 5 12. 19. 11182 18416-112 l'1C TIT10U8 .U...11 ..,._ ST A TOIENT Hie tollowlng per1on IS doing buSlnesa .. CLAUDINA WAY ASSOCIA res. II Rlmrock. Ir vine, C1tnornl1 92715 Jonn K Al11rom, 6 Almrock, Irvine, catllornl1 92 7 15 Thia bu.in.N 11 conducted by a llmlted parnenhlp John All1rom. 0-11 Pertnef This llllemel"ll WH filed with IM County Clerk of Orenoe Co.Jn1y on AP<ll 7, 19112 F1~ Rlct\eld J, .._..,, A Prof. COfPOfltkNI nso VOft K11-. No. 200 Newpott hech, Ca. t2lllO Publl1h1d Orange Co111 Daily Piiot, Aprd 28, Mr; S, 12, 19. 1982 1905-82 P\llllC NOTIC£ Ptll.IC l«ITICE bll!lhed In the DAILY PILOT, a new-P111>11111ao Oranve Cour Dally P1101 &paper ol generll c1rcuta11on, print· Apt~ I 1• 21. 21 itu 1~e.e2 1d In 1116 county, at 11•&1 once ••ch wtek lo; tour 1ucco111v1 week• p<K>r 10 11\e Clay ol 18ld he• Nil.IC NOTICE ring IUPIRIOfl COUtff 0, THI 8TATI OF CALWORNIA COUNTY Of OAANOa No. A·tOllU7 NOTICf Of IHTIJllTIOH TO HL.L REAL PROPIRTY A T PRIVATE '1CTIT10UI IWllNEH NAME 8TATEllllNT The lollowlng peraons ire doing bull~U. Oiled April 23 1982 RONALD H PAENNER NOTICE INVITING 8I08 IAU WENOELLYN ANO ASSOCIA· TES. 6452 Newbury Drive, Hunting· ion Beech. Calrfornle 92647 Alfred JOMph Bllolll Jr 6452 N-bury Drive, Huntington Beech, Catifornl8 9264 7 W1ndtllyn Joye• Bllotll. 8452 N-bury Drtve. Huntington Beech. Ct111ornla 9264 7 Thil bullnMI .. c;oncNcied by "' lndlYIOual Judge ol Ille 3upertor Court llUOITE.IH I LAU8fR A Llw Corpor1tlon 15115 Vefltwa lllvd., aulte 201 Endflo, Cellfomla t14M (21J) -...01 tn·1to2 Publ1sh1d Orange Coesl 011ly PllOI April 28 Mly 5. 12 19 19112 1903-82 w Joyce Bilotti This .,,_, .u rtllCI With •he ____ PlBJ __ c_NO_ncc ___ _ County Clerk m O.enge Coun1y on AprH 20. 1982 F1S7tll Pub11111ed Orenge Co11t Oatty PllOt, AprM 28, May 5. 12. 19, 1982 11199-82 P\RJC NOTIC£ NO~ TO CRE.DtTORa M llUU( TRAHSF!R (lecl. '101 .. 107 U.C.C.) Notice 11 h1teby given 10 credl· tore of th• w l thtn named tren1terorj1) thlt 1 bull! trenlhlt 11 about 10 be rneOe on peraonal pro- perty hetlln1her described The name<a) 1ne1 bualneu ad· drea1 of the 1nt1nd.O tran1ler0tt11 ,,. Stn Vito. Inc .. 4215 C1mpua Drive, lrvlne, Calllornl• FICTTTIOUS aus...e11 NAME aTATEMENT Tne lollowrng person 11 doing bu ......... A V INV GROUP I 21171 Shaw ~. Huntington Beech CA 928Ae Judith Bene Viii~. gen- eral p1rtner 2117 1 Shew L1n1. Huntington 8Mcll. Celllornle 92&48 Thi$ buatnees i. c;onducted by • ltmlted Pat1 nouh1p Judith E VlllaVteer1ClO Tl'l!I Slal-11 WU llleO wtlll lhe County Clerk OI Orange County on April 26. 1982 F·1NOll Published Or ange Co111 Diiiy F'llOt, Aprll 28, May 5 12 19, 1982 1906-82 P\a.IC NOTICE No11ce 11 hereby given that the E1lal1 ol RUTH SWOPE O.C.1· Boerd ol Tru••-of the Huntington Md BHch Union High School Olltrlct No11ea 11 hereby given that, l<lb· will r1c11ve 111l1d bid• for 1up-tecl to conrlrmetlon by thl 11>0v• P¥no SlallOne<y Suppl ... mHtlng en It tied SuPe<IO< Court on Mey 7, Of equal to Ille apac;rllcetlone on Ille 1982, a1 9 00 1 m or lhereeller In tht ottice OI MIO 011tr1Ct Within the Um• eHoweo by'-· lhe Bods shall be cl1erly marked undersigned H Admln111r11or or ·s1111onery Suppll11 Bid •4118" the Hiii• 01 Ruth Swope dee•• lddrelMd 10 Allyn E Rowley Pur· Md wtll MM II pr11ra1e M1e 10 Ille ch11lng M1n1ger Huntington htghMI end bell ne1 blOOflt on lhe Beach Union High SchOol 011trtct, t1rm1 and condlt1on1 nere1naller 1025 t Yoriltown Ave Munungton mentlon.d all nghl. ltlle. Ind 1n11 Beech. CA 92848 Ind r-ved 11 rHt ol Ruth Swope dece11ed 11 or t>el'lre 2 00 p m Monday May Ille 11me of her dellh enc:t Ill rlQhl 17 19112 11 whl<:h orne end pC8Q9 1111e lllld 1n1er•1 111•1 1ne •tat• 11u bids will be publicly opened end acqu1110 1n •C1C111ton 10 11191 or reed • decedent 11 the time or '* dNlh 1n Each bod lhall rlfl'\eln vltld for a Vie reel property localld 1n the perooo 01 30 d1y1 alter the dlle County ol 0rllllG', Sllte of Calda<· tptGilled la< the r-i>t of btdll ntl Cleecr1bed .. lotlOwl Th• Boerd 01Trustlea1h111 be T"9 -lerly 5000 leet or 1ne Iha sole 1udge or the qu1111y or easterly 1112 00 IHI 01 lh1 1oulh· equipment oneteo end rnerva the _, quener of Lot 38 of TrllCI 9 in rlghl lo reiect any Of all bods Ind to lhe City of Colll MflM, County of w1111e any 1rr90u1a11ty t11e<e1n Orange S111e ol Ca11lorn1a, 11 111 Allyn E Rawley lhown on • mec> 11\efeol, recorded Purchu1ng Manager In Book 9 page 9 m1.ce11eneoua mepa 1n tll1 ot11ce or th• county recorder ol Hid county Elccec>tlnQ April 27. 1982 therefrom the northerly 1150 00 Publlahed Orange Coe11 Detty lee•. 11ao ••cep11ng 1narehom 51 Pilol April 211. Mey ~-t9112 percent 01 all 011 end mlner11.1e 1875-82 rogllla -----~------Tiie property 11 commonly ,.. NI.JC •net rerred to H 888 Weal H1mll1on St•-. Coete Mau. Clltlornla Tile locauon In Celllornla ol th• Chief eaecullv• off~ or principal bu11n111 olllc1 ol the Intended traneteror 11 Same .. 11>ove. f'ICTtnoua eut1 .. •• COfl'lptroller of tM c_, Al Olh« ~,,_Ind ed-NA• ITATU•lNT T,._-, Depert-t The ••I• 11 1ub1ec1 10 current ta•el . covenants. condlt1on1. res lrtcrlons. r-.veltonl r1Qh1.1. rlghll ol wty 1nel eaMmenll of record. ll'tJ encumt>rltlOll of ,_,,to be Mlllliecl OUI of'lhe purd\Ue prq The Pf oper!Y 11 IOld on an "81 ta. bull drt1t11 u11d by 1111 Intended The tollowlng peraon ••doing of"" Untt.d 8" ... tran1leror within tllr" yetra 1811 bull-81 WMhlfttton. D.C. put IO ler H ilnown lo IM lnten-•JILL C WENDT, t8571 Sell WHE~EAS NllaflClory8'lidlnce ded lrWllfwM W« None '"' been pr-ntad 10 the Comp. The n1ml(1) end bu1lneH •d· ~~·· Huntington Beech CA troller of Int Currency that PACI· dr-of Iha Intended tnanlfllrel(•) JILL c WENDT 18571 Sell FIC NATIONAL BANK locat9d In "' The,,.._ Cotnpeny, P 0 Boa Ctrcla. Huntington 811ct\. CA N-porl Beech, Stet• Of Celllor· I. 1071 ~bedl Streat, ~ ~· n•1. hu complled with Ill prov1-8Mch. CA 92il60 -ol the llatul• of the United Thal !he property pertinent ,_.. lnO~-19 condueted by in St1111 required 10 be compiled 10 11 d"crlbed In general H All J<• C wenoi wtlh betore being authorized 10 furniture, lialurea equ1pmen1 end Thia lletement WU llltd with lhe co,,.menc1 the bu11n .. 1 ol btn· otNr •-o•ble MMC•.""~ 11-Courtly Clll'1I ol Ofange Courtly on !\Ing 11 • N1llonel B1n1r.1ng quor lml'lnlory 1000 in-iory eno Aprtl 20. 11182 ANocia110n Uquor ll«nHI end 111 locatld et ,t1'7111 NOW THEREFORE I 111r1by 4215 C~ Ortvt. lrvlne Caiitlor· Publllhtd Orange Cout Oe1fy Plot, '*'111Y Iha! t"9 1~ -nte ~ 21 211 May 5, 12• 1982 caetton I• authOrtZtd to - The bu•tneM n...,. uM<I by the 178842 1111 bu11neu or b1nklng u 1 laid tr-l•orjl) 11Midloce110n11 ------------Nllionel Banking Aeeoclalton Don \1110·1 Bpaglleltl Synd<eett P\8.IC NOTICE IN TESTIMO~Y WHEREOF wit· Thal aeld bulk 1ren1fe< 1• lnten· my llQl1alur1 Ind Mel of ol· Oecl 10 be contumm••ed " tne ol. 'ICTTTIOU8 •u..-sa let th11 29th 0-V OI Januwy 1982 flee of The Irvine Company. t071 NA• a1'ATIM~NT CornplrOller Ol the Currency Cll'Mlbecll Strt11. Newport Btach, Th• tollowlng p1r1on 11 doing Charter Number 11 166 Clllfoml• 92MO on Of 1fter Mey 14 bUllne&I u PublltlleO Orenge Cout Daily 1982 ' VILLA GE WOODS, 17702 llo1,Mllch24,31.A9fM7, 14.21, Thia bulk 1ren1fer II 1ubjec1 10 Cowan Streat ln11ne. CA 91714 II, Mey 5. 12. 19, 1982 1324-82 Calllornl1 Uniform Commerc111 GERALD F OOEOEN, 17702 Code Secilon 8106 Cowen Slrlll. lrvlne. CA 92714 l'tllllC NOTtcE The name and 1ddre11 ol 1h• Thl1 bullneM 11 conducled by an peraon wnh whom cle1m1 may be lndlv!Ooal tTA~N1' Of filed 11 O.vld Piel, Altorney at L.Mw, Gerald F Ooaelen 118/INOOllMINT M C/O The Irvine Comp•ny, 107 1 Ca· Thie 1teternent wu filed wllll the Ull Of flC'TITIOUI melb1ck, PO Bo~ 1, 1\11wport County Cterle of 0r1nge county on IWllNEH MA• Bte<:tl. CA 92660 Ind lhe lut day Aprll 19, 1982 The lollowlng p1raon1 hev• tor IHlng cialm• by any e<edltor sllel4 MALCOUll • DAl y abenoonecl lht u .. of .,. fletltloul be M•y 13 1982, wlllc:h I• the Anor...,. 11 Law ~"""' bu11n111 day bela<e the con1u~ 4100 MecArtttur 8hd. ZUMA CONSTRUCTORS INC .. 8'cl.I or on.1 ,,. lnvtted for 1111.1 property Ind mull be tn wnling Ind wtU be rtcelv90 el Ille olf1Cll of 8et>k 01 Amer1c1 Trull 01per1ment 11 • 1• 1 MacAtthur Boui.verd. Su111 10i>~..N•wporl BHch C1lllornl• 92oov I I Illy lime l"er llrwt publl· ceuon ol thll not1c1 anel belo•• making Mild .... Bids must bl IMi.d enc:t wrll be opened 11 the olllc1 of Bani.. ol A"'ern:1 Tru111 Oep1r1men1 11 the hQvr or 9 00 a m on lhe lbo¥e dale The properly -be llOld '°' c:Ull Ten perc1n1 c to·~1 of the amount bid 11 10 1ccomp1ny the oller by certolled Or CIShter I check and I he b•••nc• IO be paid .. CIOM or ... crow Tu ... rents. operating and me1n1en1nc1 eapen1e1, end pre· miums pt; ln8ufanc. aooec>teble to the purch11er lllaff be prorated u ol Iha CIOM 01 11erow bamlnatton or lltle. trensrer llllff. any lltlt 1n- •urenc1 policy, and on1·h•ll f'~) MCIOW I-lflell be al lhe IJIJ)«lM ol th• seller Recording ol con- vey1nce and one-hall('~) 11crow ·-"'"' bl peld by 1"9 putCh•-or purCh-. The underllgned re11rv11 1111 right 10 refUM to ec:cepl any bldl Delee! """" 28, 1982 BA N I( 0 F A i..E RIC A mlllOn dlle IO'Clfltd above P.O. eo1 2110 18315 Whltlllr. Unit F·3, Coll• Oiied Al>ftl 21, 1982 Newpon 9Mch, CA '2911 M-Clllfornla 92tl27. NT&SA THE IRVINE COMPANY F117W7 The Flctlliou. 8u"'-NM'lt r• u Aelmlnl•tr1lor ol the By Clwll10Phll' 8 MehOn PuOk-'*I Of•noe Cou1 Diiiy Piiot ltrred lo •bove WU ft6ICI In Oranoe Intended Tr-ler11 Aprd 21, 28 M1y S. 12 19112 County on JallUlly 2. 1NO ACTTTIOUI llUS*Ell Publlahed Or1nge CoHI Delly t79~2 ZUMA CONSTRUCTORS, INC .• ~ 8TAT911ENT Pllo1. Aprll 28. 1982 • C1llfornl1 corporation. t835 the •Ille of the ·~named decedent By Frank 0 Luer Property Management 01· The tollowing person ta doing 1907°"'2 ....C ·-Whinier, Unit F-3. Cotta Mtu.. CA bu.W- 81 llK 92827 BRISTOL FOOT CLINIC. 2101 P\RJC !«)TIC( Thie buU-WU conduc1ed by I ~27~~1101, S1n11 Ant, Calllornlt ~~'.=' corporellon Zuma Conatructoni lnC • ~ FlCTTTIOUa eu ... aa fhe •-·"G .,.rtont ••• OOl"G _.. Hw M K ti Miiion J 1cob1on. O p M • ..,.._ 8TAnMEfT u Pr~I no 1 ~2~ BaylhOr• ~. El Toro. CA Th• lollowlng peraon II doing /,P$ OfVflOPMENT I 1275 St•••• Thie •l•tll'Mfll WU tiltd with , ..... "'""" bu"'-.. A-f-la#I v...,,, CA t770I ,,. Thia bYllnMa "conducled by an OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED, STEPHEN EDWARD IAMUfllAN County Clllk of Orange County on Ind........... 38~7 nL. .... Str-S"'te 314 ......... 425 llry.Ot1 lp.,nq• Cot11 M .. • CA Apr1I 19, 1982 muv .. MHlon Jacoblon, D p M ~ W . CA 9~ '....,_. '782.:,ARREH c PITI 9471 or .. n•"'" "121117 llcer OIERAN> J. ,,.,_ Altor'MJ at Law ................. u. ...... ,..... c...,,. .,., T1l1p.._ f7'•) m ..... Publl•h•d Oreng1 CoHt 0111y Piiot Aprtl 27, 21 May •. 1982 1881-82 This 1181-1 wu filed with the DENNIS 0 MELSTROM. 2708 a..... Hunt"'9ton -CA t264e Publl1hed Orange Co111 0 1fly County Clilrk m Or81\ge Couniy on Hafbor View Drlvt, Coron1 dal Mer, DAVID A AOAMSON t 47 t OrHn Piiot. April 21• 28, Mey 5, 12, 1982 • ta11 Aprll 27, 1982 CA 928215 -Ot ..... 14unllnQlon "*" CA t2Mll 1745-82 rteTmoue '·1•1• LAWRENCE L. MAYER, 830 OW.~ttconcNet..obV•0--11 MAiiie ITA~:,.aa Publllhed Cange Cout Deity Pl-Montlc1tlo Orlv1. Eacondldo. CA .,.,,_~ E a.-P\llllC NOTICE The......,.. per_. 11 dolloo ~ lot. April 28, Mty 5, 12, 19, 191J2 92025 Tiiie a1e1emen1 •H lllecl wllll Ill• M : 1 1901·112 LARRY L. MAYOR, 4821 Col· County CW~ ol0rl'9f Cowllv on A!>fO l .... AU> IAY HDLID"Y 110\.LVI RINK. 175 Noni\ umbl1 River Court, Sin JOH, CA 1te2 HAVICI ottTIUCT We~ Street, Ore,., CeltlOfnlt »teT 95123 ,~ NOT'ICI Of' IUCTION Tllornn J P1nno a1u1 C...... l>mt Thi . bull I conduc P11b1talled Orange Cotti Dolly Piiot. IY DrMI, 9outll l -.une. Celltofnte t2t} I ~ pwt=~ led by I Aorl4 7, 14 71, 28, tM2 1Mle .. 2 AU.-MAUD ltALLOT ~ '1ietn..1 11 ConcllH:I ... by an lft '9CTTT'IOU8 .,._88 Danni• o. Melstrom Nollet 11 htttby given that an Tllomeoe J PeMo ~ ITATIMINT Thia 1111-t was llled with Iha f'\&IC !«)TIC( elecUon II "*"'Y oalltd to be held T'*N--flled-INCounry County Clll'tl ol OrllllG' County on within the Emtteld ety $tMol DI· '~NI•~-01 Oreno• County°" Mtrcll 31. Tiie tollowlng ptrtonl .,. dotng ........ 27. 1982 ,te'TITIOU • .,..... llr'let on lhe 2811'10-V of May 1982 • Du.w-180 ...,...." MAMI ITAft•NT •AIWM TO •WOTIO'Oll . ,,_, MARINE STEAM CLEANINO, Publlehed Ortnge Co:.~'::l.:J The lollowWlg Pll'tOtl II dOll\Q Tiit putpoee at Mid ellCtlon atlllt l'ut>Htl\ff Ofe .... Coet1 Oally Piiot •21 E. Bay. Nawp°" 8eech, Cati-Piiot. ....... 28 M 6 2 9 b\lelnell -.,. 10 IUbmll to "" wotll'I ............. 1111'11 7, 14, ti. " lM2 .,_._..~ I 'tom. 92811. ..,..... ' ay ' t ' 1 ' t ' NEW HO~ ,._OORINO. 1•<40 In 1111 f.mtteld 8ey 8'Mce0~ _..._ ~~~1Je.~· 1900-82 a.''"' ColltOe 81¥d., s-c. A,,. ttie ~Of ---or not tnt ___ NlJC ___ M>_llCE ___ _ L .. w. &olltn~rger. 421 E NlJC l«)TW>r Mlm.. CA 92.00 Alleo Water Mtna09fMl'll Agenoy -~:::::=:::":=-=:~~"!"'"- • N C llK LAl'RY 0 . McV.UOHLIN. "801 WI.ii 111ter Into t oontract wlltl tht ::Ii ewport Beach. 111tornl1 -w AQY ClrCllt. Ionia AM. CA Slit• W1ttr RH ourc .. Con1ro1 ..._ ITA~ T~ ~le oonduGled by 1 tTATIMIMT 11# Y•.:tOI__, t2704 8olrd to borrow lh• muJmuM, The folowlng penona -~ ____, -ltf'lfllp OP WI CW Thll ~ II ~ tlr 1t1 wnoutlt Of 1700,000.00, of wtllC:fl Iha ~ •· ---Pl"' PIC'nnoutt ... I 1a ..... llMSMdl*. tum of I 11t,OOO.OO .. for the be-8AAHO Y EHTERPAISES, 270 ~ ~ w . ~ Tfl• fotlOWlllt per10111 "'" ~MC~ ntdll Of lbe atft«llO ••Y Service ..... A .... Cot!• ...... CA ....-n.nt wet wltti lflt tl>MdolltCS lht '* of 1M 11cWOW Thll ~ ....,. llled Wltll V. Dllltlcrt. ttftt. ~ Citttl ol Or"'Ot COutltv on but1Mt1 neme fWM1f1 ProPtnitt at County Ottk of Or"'Of Coul'lty °" Tht 8'Mfll purpaae of .aid COfl-MN WESTERN AEMAACH AOf1I 'I, 1912 111 lMt l'lttl 8'rwt, CoMa MeM, ~ 30, 1M2. 1'aCI II lo Obltln tund1 fOf lht COM'OM~, t CltlllDmle OOt• P·•• CA 12121. l'ttud ~ of oonatruetJon of otr• eorllion. no""* Avenue. ,uot11hed Ortnr. Coaa1 Oal~ The llctlttoue bWlnMt namt r• P\AltllMd Oftn01 Coe.I Dt1i1Y "9 tlLln of 1f1t Al*> W•'-Management COtt1 Mw, CA t2al. Pttot.""" ta. May • 12. lt~=-8. lerrod IO'""' ...... llltd'" ~ lot,,.... 14, :it,,., M9Y •• ftta AOf/(tC't....., colllctloft and treat. ~ ,LASTICa, IHC •• 1 2 on 1-21·18. 1111.-ment ......... Cllttornle oorportUon, llMI Alr- -----------11 JAM I! I W, A A Y, 111 Th• Tht INlllmUm llll'IOUtll Ill ~ port Loop DIM. Com ~ CA MUC MnlC( ~~·1·" Ctrcle, Co.It Meea. CA • PWUC llJTIC( 10 Ot l>Ofrowed "°"' '"' au.i. """ t2tat ------------• .,,._ dtf aald contree1 11 s100,ooo.oo, · LlkA DI WITT, J..., 11114 Mi<:HAEL O, AA~,.,... HCnfiiUI ~It ... 1,00.00 on IMtlllllf of IM Cfty of MW*,~ Heigtlla, CA '9CTITIOUI MJ 111 •N mo. co.ta Mw. CA • ..... tT~'JW "L.llQllnl lwlhi.r'::!: 11,000 00 on 117 .... ...... tTA~ "°9Pf I , IMITH, lOM· Vedlt flte foltowll'IG per eon It dolrft befllll of tM '-Y 9lf'Wlt TNI IMintm9 II ~ tly an T fie tollowlnt petMn la doing •VltllMt. ~ '-"'· CA..., .,..... -°""'°'· ,... io.i " to .,. ,...,.... In UlllftOOf'jlOl'Mtd M9Q Clltlon OtMr bu6lne9 • RA,HA\.L '· OUHIHllO · IUILDINQ MAINTtNANCI 10 ~ wtth a lllr•>'M' lllOratO-INll I C*a•tNp. ALL.AN ,.OllN LAHOICAPI/ TAUIT. 1707 waw Cfelt °''"· INTl,., ... H. 10202 8rootc1lde """' on ~ Of p(.1'0fPlll MCI Pan W9lttrn "9lwdl Corp. M*"'ll' co., ... Olltord, trMo. 0.-~ .. ~LOA..... Dtlft, Oatden or~•. C•lllDl"nl• lmlrett. Hlnry L. lchont. lfomll 127 ti. ' WILDON "AM<IM, ''Lt;' 11'114. Tht lfeOllOfl IMll be oondUOled PNlitdlm Allen L Aotllfl1 4t Otc1ord, Ir• 1111111tMt. 0-. ...... CA . Tcqa "9nt 8UOlllO, 711 T~-bV 11.fNlltd ._.IO bl t9IWftlll Thll "91tfl'l«ll "'Moel lllftll .ne Mt; ~tar ti, • .,.... _._-Gall· 011,_,. "D'', "'°"' '-"'· ~ eoeor. to .... ~tty Of"" lmereld -Qer'lt Of Orantt County On Th61 IMll.-lt'ooMudld by en ..,_.. ~· .,,. ~ 18 oooducMd ~.,, ~Dlltnot °"«before~ 1:-iM,_ lndMOulf, MM ~ 111111tn ==""'"" 11• 1•111 bATlll ~ II, ttlt. . 1 C I t • 1 TNI ... -~.......... .,.... Ell l a I -.... ... .. Til9 ... r::: =-=-....... IMIMLO IAV HRVIOa 04. .. ... ~ 6 4 2 • 5 6. 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 z • 5 6' 7 MOMI '0111 A~HT 4 lldrm. euo. '•need '~ yard l e•r•o•. Kid• a . pet• w.iconw 545-2000 •• N9w 2 1ty 3 8'. wider! or• Agent, no '-' I ~~~~~~~~~ Br 2'1i be. Condo 2 car i.-, IHI• II I ' auto ,.r, Many •tr••· ::'A~!'··•••••••••••f. l~fft.V~!~.~~~•• :~~I , :~ ~~Ht!:~~ L~:,:: ~:ro·. 2~1~a~ ••"" 1111 5-4e-2a13 5se-1ese, 1nge •t•~· ....................... 1--,-,-.-2-.,-... --•• -,-,-,-.--1 C:~~·~:r,nhOuM 3 28r, corner, dbl gl.fage, ~!/-~t.'9{J!!. ••• !.~!¥. CdM 3 Br. 1 Sa. 1900 cpl, rtnov11ad kltchtn, HOME FOR RENT . , Newport Height• 6 Br. gardener Incl vac1n1 3 Bdrm. 1876. Ftneed" 11•60 S875. y1rd & garegt. Kid• & AU art avaltabfft now Ptt• ~ 545-2000 Diana, agt, 531.1ae Wiil HIT ... Agent, no fM. c., •• , ,,, ., 1m WHY RENT • Whtn you i. ....• , • .,, JZIZ •••••••••••••••••••••• can buy with a friend? ••'•••••••'••••••••••• Xlnt 2 br. 2 ba, S860. Only $761 ptr mo Heh Monarch Bay Terrace 4 (213)450-1980 wkdye NHrly new GrHt Iott· 8r 3 8t hOm• 3284 1 (71•)840·9753 eve/wlmd tlon Call for delalla S • v • n S •a • Dr .1• 11 I 1275/mo 676·8074 or Nr. lrvln1 Ttrr1ce Nr r 1 1 527·7406 wltar 3 bdrm. 2 bl ---------Flrepl-d'" ~ Fen-E .. c •Br 3 Ba view. Old yd I 1.000.,IJ16-3354 •P• S 1•00/mo Agent -•gS-1084 or 831-8707 C.11• #.u '"' • • • •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • 3 BR 2b1. big yard ctoM • OC-RENTALS lo 1chl1 /1hop1 1·5br'11200 10 $2000 ~~~~~~~~~ S750/mo 831-0300 750-3314 open 7-d•)'I ! .. ' Mau Wood• 3br/2b1, ,.,/11 •• V/11. 1111 2 BR Eutelde, $575 mo g1r opaner, ntxl to •••••••••••'/:'e•••••••• S350 MCUrlty Avall now park S995 1053 Santa HOMES FOR RENT 645-2971. 673·4899 I Cruz 3 & 4 Bdrm1. S875-S700. SPACIOUS 2bf. ~lhop 559-62211557-0133 ~~ Y:.~: ~~. Ql.f, fncd, kid•. now '485 -OUIET HOME I child 2 545-2000. Agent, no , ... 0 .C. RENTALS750-:;314 Br carpets. drapea, Ntv1r before a rental yard, g1r1ge RV per· ~.'.'!r.!!.~!! .. !.~!~ Cullom decorated 3 king No Pata S560tmo Harbor View H~ 3 °· 2 Bd I Water pald 960-3989 -·~ ..., rm w th gardener 424 .. 8 .. Hamilton e. fO( leaM. lrplc, 2 car S850/mo 558·03•7 garege No pet1. Avail. home Agt I Br, gar, nr Ralph'1, 17tll 5 . 1. 5 4 g. 8 7 5 5 or ALMOST 4br exec pool St. 1250. Older r11lred e«-7220 home, dbl gar, HURRY I ledy only. no otlltrl need -H-.,-bor--Vu_3_b-r,-m-en_y_u_p-- S550 apply 642-7513 grade•. gardtner O C RENTALS 750-3314 IEU YHIE S 1100/mo 7tl0-045 I 111 I Airport area, back bay 1 4 Bdrm 2 B• l1m dy _5_p_m ______ _ View, lmmac. redec. 3br home Out.I area Avlll Lu•ury pool home, mar- 2b1. garage. patio. yard. lmmedlatety Many ame velou• Wt11cl1tf location. grdnr. Wlr, relrlge. S925 nlllte 875-•912 BKR 4 Bdr. micro. mtny ex- 642-9542 3 B< 1,_., Be garage, fen· tr11 Yetr or mort IH NO KIDDING• remodeled ced ytrd 1830/mo + s 1 •gs Call LOii. egl ea1ttlde 2br. gar, S350 "400 aecurity Santi Ana 631·1266 0 c RENTALS 750-33" I H e I g h .. d u p I •• II Ill If ~· 11127 2020 1 ·B Birch TIE LICIT FEW E/S1de 3 br den 2 bt. 1w1mm1ng pool $850 unfurn S950 turn 557 2763 umMT 2 1tory. 4 + bdrm1, 2 bathe. lireplaol. gorgeous view Pier and alto S3000 per mo Avail Feb. 1 Rent In Costa Meta • NEWEST gtted 20 Townhome VILLAGE COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br 2''> Ba. 1600-1800 eq " of pure luxury Garagea. hydro-tubs In master 3 br lg• yerd S550/mo, lit lul & Olp 1856 Placentia. 675-0936 associated . .; 8._ • J "' iH ~ • W <) • u II•, d In Ing room•. • ·3-B-r _1_'1t_8_1-.-,-rg_y_a_r_d_, -pet-, wood burning fireplaces. OK $850/mo Joyce 1gl micro-wave ovens, prl-531-1266 • ,,. ' ' •t \ vete patios & 1---------- yard1,gardaner provl· Backbay. 3 Br 2 81 11100 dad Elegant living only • q I I • S 7 7 5 C D 11 15 minutes lrom F11111on 631-7370. Aak tor Jim Nwp1 Blufh, 3 Br on " choice greenbelt, lharp. I s 1125 644-5319 ON THE WATERI Grett view of bo1t1 & b1yl Brick llrepltce. country kllcti.n 1 Bdrm f>en1n1ula college. Avai- lable now $875 mo Cell 873-6550 l1land, 7 mtnotes to S C Plue or 0 .C Airport Jult ea11 or N a wpon Blvd & ao. of San Diego Frwy. Starting 11 $900 a month. 631·5439. 24 73 Or1nge Ave , Costa M ... • • • ~111" • ..., 1005 W Bay Ave Newport 8Mcll You ,,. the w inner ol tour free tlekat• (112 00 vllkle) to 11wt IMllllDllTT l&l.1.MI UCE 2BR nr SC Pin Adult condo• Pool. iac. 1ec gate. carport No pats Move 1n Cott neg SS20 + S35 u111 556· 1626. 775-2580 llEIT Tl llY PW Gell )IOU allr19d In reel est1t1 ownerllllp 1 Br W111s1de. C M S375trno I Br duplex, EHllld• CM "450/mo 2 Br Townhou11 w1t11 pool, H B SS75/mo Lat • ~ YoUt tnveatmenl llaned Agent 556-6516 THE REAL ESTATERS OC-RENTALS 1-5 br'1 1200 to S2000 750-3314 operi 7-dayt CffJ llpts/ ..... YJtw 3 bdrm. 2'~ be. 1pa .• skyflghl deck, llrepleoe, all Htru 1825 per mo eM-3466 ., ;t ) ,, ~ Fountain Valley Mlle Vac.nll E/ll<M lrg quiet 3 Square Park·Mly 8 Br 2 Be frplc, dahwar Wll WTlll llLUSI 1982 lndry gar. no pels S750 .4 Br Canal tront. Fee lend Mr Clark 645-3370 Al1 6 To c111m tlclletl, call 359 Wo odl end 642-5678, ext 272 1 _6_73-_3800 _____ _ -~ Ttckats 1'1Ust be clelmtd ~le 1 Br. lrg IOI, quiet 11 by Mey 5. 1982 gerdener. $435/mo X-LARGE-LUXURYI •·) 3 level twnh ... 2 bf 3 ba. • • ' den. view S 1100 mo 6'14-9329. 728-9098 • • • 646-6817 al1 5 l&CI l&J ELEGANT VIEW CONDO 3 Br. 3 Ba. Townhouse 2 bf, 2'h ba, micro, gar by babbling brOOk, lrf)k:, S 8 2 5 5 3 3 • 4 3 0 O . Just olf Bay, 2 bdrm Xlnt cond Rel. S8501mo. • • • 631·5233 •• 4 dtw, pool, dbl gar, many,_87_5-_11_s_1 ____ _ K1ru. No pelt $800/mo. B••u-1..... Htrbor Vu Hiiis home . ~. I e I I e , 1 I I . & I e c . ,,. 1• I 640-6'123 IHt• 314 w1nltd, eKc-'I. ra11. locel " ----------l •••••••••••••••••••••• famity. 760-0731 ~ What it nwans for ?JOUr ad to be "classified " low cost Your ad apr-are t.hou .. nct. or c.lmu all over our commu'nlty fOf on.ly pennl" 1 day-you'U lllte our •pedal rno1111y· uvin1 rat.a. Dally Pilat cleHlfled ads 142""71 •a.u. 5 Blk1 to ooean. Elegant 2 ..,, Cr t O 4e i>< Br. Ftmlly Rm &Den " ti I ·" S850 Mo . Plu1h crpta, 2·3br's/S9SO·S1000 mo ~ 2'A B•. Cedar & glHI, Amenities 831-0460 eundec:k, dbl cer prv ga· VERSAILLES. I BR Pen- rege. fully mtlnt ytrd thou 1 e S 6 2 5 1 mo ' ' No P•I• Inquire at 527 11t11ut & tee. 831-0300 • 18th St 960-6331 • ~ 4 8r. egl l1mlty. quiet Cul· W11lclllf 2Br • $850 d•·HC, bike 10 bHch E.utbkllf 381 . S1200 S 8 O O 9 6 3 . 5 8 O 6 . 9lutt1 3B<·lamlly s1soo .... , .. 962-8891 Dotothy Chine Cova 3Br $2000 1 OC-RENTALS Bayeld• Cova 2/den •1 I 1-5 br'• S200 lo S2000 ~:Oeay 58'/dodi S3250 750-3314 open 7-dtya Wattrlronl Homes. Rltrs ., •&LOCK TO BEACH 111·1• . ' i EK•c 3 Bdr 2 Bt, tam ~~~~~~~~~ rm, formll dining rm, 8-llllul 3 br 2 ba home J lprlc. ger1ge. IHl:)..5191 1824 Port 0Barmouth: j HOMES FOR RENT 11050 mo Pll. A.V Pal-•• 3 & • Bdrm1. $675-1700. mer, (2 13)426-7301 Fenc;e<t yard1 & garagea .I'. Kida & pell welcome. Big Canyon, McLain Adult . ·, 5•5-2000 Agent no I• Condo, 2 bdr, 2 bl. pool, • • 1ennl1. ~ ptr1tlng. Im•• JIH s10001mo. 133.1a90 re;:re;.-~;·;.;;j~ 2 Br, 2 ba oondo, end Uflit, Norlllwoode, 2 11ory with pool. Bike to beach. ~:::. ·~·Or~N: ~i. r,;:2.'::S Qll, waler paid. HOO/mo. IHH. Sec. dtp, sJ::. 545-2000. Agent, no, ... _8_1_s-_1_1_s1_. ____ _ uncv. Pk. 3 eR 2 aa. 1ge lu a..1t lDI tam rm tPk: toe cor,,., • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Med yd• Atuicti dbl Ct« BEACH COTT.\OE. 2 comm Poot & faO· ~ bdf'm. 2 ba. Mt to vain, to 1ehoot1, t•rk.' enop-twn, bet!. 1700. ~1't1t p ing , 192 mo. C all ~ i-... ~._, 7 1 ' •• 7 t · • 0 0 8 0 r ••••••• ":':II=···:::::' 714-976-<1144 UltV' 2 Ir. houet, 1~ k Northwood xlnl 2br Iba ttplC. patio,~. MIO + uptlra condo. A /C, utllt. 1al. , .. ,, NCUrlty. pool•, •r•· cennlt . Av1ll. May 111. Sllown MeOtmo. 14/173-74t7, 28, 29. 30lt\. 31146 2nd •• 213/ffl.1111 St. ' ... 1 anau __ !~ ...•. M!f .... M -HOME FOR MNT 2 bf'. 2 ba • .,~ 2 Bdrm. '475. a... ' ~ ~· =~ba ;;; ohlld OK, 110 pelt. 3 bf': 2 be e 1400 542000' ~ no-. 9 bf', 2 be I 1800 futn HOMU ~ MNT 4 bf', 2 ba 1 1360 S l • ldfmL M1M100 4 bf', 2\4 be 11100 ~~I......,... 9 bf', 2 be '725 Kldt I pelt welcome. Lteuni Hiit 641-2000. Agenl, no ,.._ Le Aeleot My AWIOO ~ •• b .. ullfut Hr, 31• ~ MH ..,.... _, UCI pool, ... • •• uir:r.r...-••• l'.ATl' ... cuul, petlo, 2 car 11•· 1.IAll/OPTION ueo rage, upfradad opt & oondO, NI. ~I bty drpe, 111'f mo. 161-1~ vlHr. 1 eA+ctan, for mote Info Mii l1l-4ltt '':,~/::'f~·.:o~ ..,., llMOll ctyt ... ' fl.P., J1P9MM .... MW --CICWIClo IV ..,del'I, nr pMt/t"'M· IC Pl ue. leo getH, IHO/"'o. IU·t1to, t::· Ttaot 11 11n111. .._.1a. dly, '"°'1-11111. 1 =:% Oltf1I °'-°"'* Oourlt! °" ~ ~-0.-.. ~ ~ ~-OI or_. O°""'Y .,_ ITNC'T • ~ ......... , , 91!! ,_ -.... ~--~-~ll ~ ~. -lhllllii•,,,,li1•-~..L......-l-~[l~-4 I'll~ OnlMt C.... De1W "'*',... °""" C.. Dllf ,_, ~-.. Ota~·c.::"'9= ... _, '"· dlftfftl, ·tti~··· I ..... ....,. -= ':' :::.;i4it +iii .. · ... ,--.-·~::.,.- ............ : ... "~ ................ .... ......-.,. ... -.. ~.... ~a....oa..a.,._ ,..,.. 1n,.-....... · · ,_,..... ....... ...,._1m-. 1-.. ler*-'*"-'Y Ill .. .,.,.... OM.Y N.OT 61 * ' llii WWWN Ullll IUCl /Wll mil WEDN ESDAY. APRIL 28 1982 OUANGE COUNT V C ALIFORNIA 25 CEN TS La.gllna to restUdy hillside density . By STEVE MITCHELL or .. Dlllr,......,. La1una Beach City Council members pulled back the city'• local oouta1 plan from the State Couta1 Commilllon T\&e8day in order to take another look at b1llllde density. In related action, the council re-eatabll1hed ita five general plan oommitteea, with the intent of having those groupe review the LCP. The council alao called for a meeUnc~of the five nHlltabUlbed committee. at 3 p.m. May 22 and aet a public hevi.na on the LCP before the P1ann1n4r Commlmion June 9 and before the City Council June 22. In their aucceuful caft'lpaigna for the City Council race April 13, 'three freshman council members told voters they we- ren't happy with the LCP ap- proved in January by the City Council. DlllJNlt ..... LONG CLIMB -Stairway to 1,000 Steps ~ in South Laguna is nearing completion and usable now, if you don't mind hitting dirt near top to skirt construction workers. 1,000 Steps Beach pl-o j ect nears end The stairway at 1,000 Steps Beach in South Laguna never really had that many concrete steps. It always just aeemed that way to homeward bound visitors who had to trudge up the 250 foot cliff to South Coast Highway. Actually there are only 190 stepa 1eading to the sandy be9ch today, and county offlciall aay that when the recomtnaction of the stairway la completed next month, there will still only be 219 ltepl. Construction worker• from WORLD B.D. Womak of Duarte are nearly flniahed with a $117 ,000 recon- 1truction project on the once- dilapidated stairway In South ~four-month project. coor- dinated by the county'• Envi- ronmental .Manaaemertt Aaent:Y, should be completed bf mid- May. But a l'901ution to the contro-= over public~ to the at 1,000 Steps will take a lot lon&er than that. aye M.ichael O'Brand, an attorney and resi- dent of the nellhborbood. Neighbora 1uuoundlng the <See 1, ... , Pace A!) OAS bacb AJ-sentina claim WASHINGTON (AP) -Orpnization of Ameri- can Statea foreip mlniaten approved a reeolution todk{.~ldn* Ar1entlne eoverelgnty over the Fal nd l8landl and ursine Great Britain and Ar- pntlna to elStabllah • tna. NATION Tilat January vote iaw Mayor Sally Bellerue and Councilman Neil Fttspatrick oppoMd to the plan, which i• required by the Coutal CornmiJaion in order to return local control to the dty. Thia month's council election saw Dan Kenney, Bob Gentry and Bobble Minkin join Mn. Bellerue and Fttzpatrfck on the panel, and the fint order of buainem for the oouncU appears to be to change the fonnerly ap- proved LCP. A major concern over the document, whJicb la IUppoeed to aerve u a blueprint for future development in Laguna Beach, wu a hillside denalty formula lncluded in the LCP. The plan approved by the old council, and pulled beck Tueaday ntaht by the new council, pro- videt for a maximum develop- ment of 600 new homes on re- maining vacant hillside land. ·The nlllside denaity formula calla fQr a maximum of four units per acre on land that lncludee slopes between zero and 5 per- cent. Property ownera with land that la in exoe11 of 50 percent., or 1teeper, could only build one unit per 10 acres. Ahd while opponenll say that formula could mean an additional 600 units on Laguna's hillsides, there are other shysical res- traints that coul reduce that number. For instance, geologic bar.ardl, hydrology concema, water COW', 1ea and traffic conalderatlonff among others, would have to t>; conaidered in addition to th' steepness of the slope. · . Council membera want t~ study the pouibility of a formulf that would allow fewer unite. -1 They said the current LCP doesn't reflect what the dty ex pecta to aee on the hillsides, even with the additional conatraintl. ~ Argentines on alert i . ' 'Total war' deelaredl • • ,... • .,_ J • By 'he AllOCla&ed Yresa Britain declared today that a "total" war zone 200 miles around the Falkland Ia1ands will go into ellect at 4 a.m. PDT Fri- day, and Argentina out ill forces on "maximum alert.'' The two aides alao laid they were studyt.ng a U.S. peace plan relayed by Secretary of State Alexander M . Haig Jr. But Ar- gentina aaid it expecta "military operations" in the Falkla.nda area in 24 to 48 hours. Saddlehack chief exec • quits post • Robert A. Lombardi, chief ex- ecutive officer and chancellor of the Saddleback C.ornmunity Col- lege District for more than eeven years, Tueaday night quit the post to take a inanaaement poli- tion in private industry. The aurpriae annou ncement W8I made durtng a cbed lellioll of the tx.rd of tru.teet ~ at the college's nonh campus in Irvine. Lombardi, 49, aaid his ~· tion will be effective May 15. He will become vice president in charge of a new Irvine diviaion of Dataacan, a computer firm he~uartered in Lot Ancelet. He the diviaion will develop educational software programs for the mini and micro-computer market. . ~ " Details of the plan were not known. but a government ~ in London aaid: "Clearly Mr. Raia wanta to bring ane to.rt of flna1.ity to the iaue, with some eenaible way of ret0lving it." The British also announced that an Argentine captured on South 0eor-g. 800 miles eut of the Falkla died in a "Rrioua incident" Monday, and that an investigation wu under way. No other cfetalla were given. A. pro.peels for peace grew dim. the Britlah ~feNe Ministry announced th.at any ship or air- craft, including Soviet vessels. that are found within the "total """'°" ime" will be regarded • bclUle and liable to attack. Tbe Britilh move came amid mounting 1peculation that the taall force off the Falkland lllanda was poiled to laWlCh an ...Wt on the South Atlantic ar- chlpelago eeiz.ed by Argentina on April 2. lt alao followed an emergency Cabinet meeting presided over by Prime Minister Margaret That- ch e r. The British Defense Mi.n.iro'J stressed that the war zone ex• tends to the airstrip at Stanley, the Falk.landa' capital. "Arty aircraft on the ground 111 the Falkland I.alanda will be re-. garded as being ln support of U.. Illegal (Argentine) occupatioa and accordingly is liable to attack ," the British Defense Ministry said. Delly .......... ,,_... "Thia la one of the moat diffi- cult decisions I have ever had to make," Lombardi said. "I have been ln education for 25 years and felt I wu at a point ln my career where any chanae should happen 100D or not at all." DELIGHTED IT ALIGHTE D -Johanna Jordan ducks under her stainless steel sculp- ture now on display at the Laguna Beach Museum of Art. It was lowered by crane ont(> museum patio Tuesday. It will be there through Jtme 2. Lombardi, a Loa Angeles na- tive. recommended to the boatd that an Interim chancellor be appointed until a Nltable candi- _Artwork 'descends' (See LOMBARDI. Pa1e A%) • onto museum site Fight inflation; see garden section How to fiaht inflaUon by pr-denina la anfy one of the helpful tl1>9 offered In today•• 1peclal Home and Garden supplement. You'll al8o read about a man who u1ed planta and herbs to IW'Vi~ • a J apane1e pri80fter of. war and learn how to rid your prden of lnaila. Dia it. COUNTY By J EFF PARU R or .. Dlllr ,...,.... It descended into Laguna Beach Tu~sday, 1hining and magnificent in the afternoon IW\. Settlinl from the sky with the help of. a crane, the 2,000-pound stainlett ateel acu~~· could h.ave been a viaitor another planet wtth itt brill.Lant aurfaca and curvea. But lt was DMKte on earth for the a ppreciation of Violence in clJildren eyeil A ltate l'Cll'n'wWn condudll thllt IOme roo1a of vio&mt bebavior Jae In child mtlec:t and abule. diet and adMI' facton bl the home. Piii Ae. earthing• by sculptor Johanna Jordan. Her untitled aculpture -her fint work in atainlets 1teel and her largeat undertaking to date -w• lowered onto the patio in front of the Lquna Beach Mu- le\lm of Art where it will stay on loan from th e Abraxu Gallery throuc.h June 2. It IS 10 feet. 8 lnchea aa-o. at <See STEEL, Pace Al) INDEX ~~~~~~~~~~-- Anahei~, county act on wood roofs Almost a week to the day after'. names 1urged through central Anaheim, leaving 1,500 people homeless, the Orange County Board of Supervisors and the Anaheim City Council took ltepl to ban combustible wood roofs iQ thelrju.rildkt.lona. . The City Council puaed an uraency ordinance Tu.day pro. hi bi ting the uae of untrea\ed wood •hinale roofa L 1,000 STEPS. beach contend the bellch la pri- vate althouat\ the county bu a 20-foot -wfde eaaement (the stairway) leedlna to the ttrand. La1una Covea A11oclatlon memben Protested the stairway reconstruction, be1un ln mid- J a n uary, claimin1 the work would be interpreted u an in- vitation for the public to U8l! the private beach. County otflciala said the old s tairway wa1 dan1eroua and a public hazard, and supervisors a uthorized the project to 10 aheed. At 1-.ae la an 0ranae County Superior Court judge'• ruling that the betich ls privately owned above the mean h.lah tide line by residents living adjacent to it. The judge noted, however, that the county has part interest in the stairway and that the specific line aeparating the pri- vate from the public portiona of the beach has not been esta- bliahed. • • And that'• exactly what O'Bnnd and h1a homeowner u· aoclatlon 11 now auemptlnl to determine. 1'The beach.front ownen are in the proceu of bavtna • 1wvey done," O'Brand aald today. •unie intent la to u.e that lnf ormation in an effort to settle the aituation." He aald the 1tate'1 Land Com- rnlllion will be brought into the controveny, becauae that panel hu the authority to determine the mean hiah tide line. Meanwhile the uaoclation'a lawautt against the coun ty la currently on appeal to the 4th Di.strict Circuit Court of Appeal in San Bernardino. O'Brand said there is also an effort under way to work out a compromiae with the county. Meanwhile, beachgoers conti- nue to vi.sit the small cove, care- fully walking around construc- tion equipment on their way to and from the sand. STEEL SCULPTURE ... ita longest stretch, finished in both hand-rubbed stainless steel for a apace-age shine and glass- blaa ted stainless for subdued surfaces. The material is 10 gauge s1alnless steel that came to Mrs. Jordan in 8 x 20 foot sheets. The work is fiercely contemporary, cla11ically formed and imper- vious to rain. wind, sun and sleet. "I chose not to title it because I didn't want to limit what people oould feel in response," said Mrs. Jordan, who lives and works in Laguna Beach. ''To me, this work is a dance. it is happiness. I didn't create it with any kind of intellectual pl.an in mind, it just came out of me. It's the llCUlptor's peraonality that determines the work." What Mn. Jordan did do was create a 21-inch model of the untitled work in sheet aluminum. She then turned the piece over to her "fabricators," who built the full-sir.ed ICUlpture. Pair join Two Laguna Beach residents -Or. : A.tgene Levin and James Croul -have been appointed to the Board of Trustees of the La- guna Beach Museum of Art. Levin is an 11-year resident of LaguJ1a Beach and a lonf-time supporter of the muaeum. He is an internist in private practice "This is the first ume I've worked in stainless." she said. "And I love the medium. It is a beautiful metal and so durable, st rong and appealing. ~t's maintenance-free too. And amoe this is an outdoor piece, that's important. "It is alao a very hard medium to work in because it is so strong. Stainless steel is very difficult to handle and form," she said. The work is for sale th.rough Abra.xa.s, but Mrs..Jordan is not disclosing the price except to interested buyers. Her works already are in pri- vate and corporate collections in New York, Washington. D.C .. Los Angeles, Irvine and Milan, Italy. An article on her work and aesthetics will RM:. pub~ed this Call in Leonardo Magazine, a pe- riodical on art, adenoe and tech- nology published in Oxford, New York, London and Paris. trustees and ia the elected Chief of Staff of South eo.t Medical C.enter. Croul haa lived in Emerald Bay aince 1969 and is a real estate developer and investor. He iii a founder of School P ower ano eerves on the Board of Trustees for the Laguna Beach Educa- tiooal Foundation.. Temperature1 Coastal 0-outer ooastal wetert '* · -Point Conoec>tlOn end San Nlc:olM l.i.nd not1'-I wlnda 12 to 22 ltnou with 5 to 7 toot. c;ombln.cl MH. WHI lo '°"th- -• wind• 12 to 18 knot• In st-1emoon. Soutl!Wlll ewelll 2 to S feet. Fair thr:':;.t allernoon. Moelly cloudy I • AlbenY ::= ..._... MATIOM .. Le..., 71 42 71 4t t6 44 01 .. 49 .83 71 so e3 "7 ... 71 82 12 .... Q M 39 24 74 4t 11 37 71 49 .. Deltr Not ..... ,._. R ESIGNS -Robert A . Lombardi has resigned as chancellor of the Saddleback Community College District. From Page A1 LOMBARDI .. date ia found (or the district's top administrative post. A special se-l~ction committee will be as- signed to conduct a search for a new chancellor. "Leaving Saddleback, the fi- nest district in the state 11 not the nation, is particularly hard," Lombardi said. "Saddleback ia blessed with a superior faculty, staff and truly excellent board of trustees. "I thlnk the accompliahment that pleases me moat is the number o( really top people we have brought to the faculty. ad- m in is t rat ion and staff at Saddleback," Lombardi said. "We have sought and hired peo- ple who are experts in their ftelds and that reflects well on the college in the community." Lombardi said he was asked to take the executive position with Dataacan because the admini- stration there felt he could "relate educators to technical people in developing comruter programs for all leve a of education." LB guards set '( un run ' The Laguna Beach Lifeguard Association and Ron Wi1Tiam1 Really are sponsoring a 6 kilo- meter "Fun Run" Saturday to raise funds for a new lifeguard facility at Main Beach Park. Runners will start off from Laguna Beach Clty Hall and travel auuth on Glenneyre Street to Alta Vista Way and return. The race begins at 8 a.m .. with registration at 7:30 a.m. Cost of the run LS $6 with a tee shirt and $3 without. For more informa- tion, call 494-6572. ... .,......., Atltlnta Atlentc Cty A\llllf'I ~ 8llllngll 91m!lnghm llernerck 8olee loe\on ~ 72 41 !It •• 17 70 .20 ~ M 31 <••• ..... V.S. summary 1 ~on :snower• end 1nunder11orm1 =n SC de> .. c ped llOng llMI n«thllm encl central AtlentlQ c;oHt today and &::::; ':/i thunderllonM IWIC>I actOM North Cheyenne Carollna, l)(odl.dng ~ ()'llC:800 hall In IJOtM er-. SltlH _,. gen•rally overc:ut Clndnnatl lrom New Englend to th• Caro-~ IJn•. '#Ith • tew ttMl~t Columbul rumbling over eoulhemmo.t Flo-ri di. Sliowert and e few thun-~c!, Wlh dal"-• dlifl'IC)eMd the ~ -·· plaln1, the r. .... pennendla andj g:::'Olnee ...... _ ... ,_ .,:9 cloudy over th• IOUlh•m ptlln = end thll lower encl middle El Peeo llOPIV...,. --... 1he Netlonel w .. 1h., ~ .... lorKMt .,_.end lhunelel"lhO-·--· wert tM1t pettt of the oentral end GtMt F ... touth.,n plaln1 end th• middle ~ end '°'"' M'11l1llp.,. V...,, lhowar1 war• prHIO{H for ::::::' Wn hlngion and ~Oreo gon, with lhund.,lh~r• O¥et :::"Ml tOlllh.,n Florlda. Cloudy alli. '**"""9 ... ~ OWll llOU!Nm .... l!ntl•nd and much ol th• mid· ~V=­ Attantlc COMI. Lltltt ~ Ternperll~ru early today , _..___ nlllfld fl'OITI 2t In MatquMte ~ --... Ste .....ie. Midi., to 7a ~ ~ .C.,W.,.... I....,,. California ....... ..,......, ......... .... Ottlmw NllrYOftl -= • ,,,,. " .. ' 0 .•.,d•4 .. 38 61 ~ 71 82 11 ~ ---=== 11 36 02 7t 54 .11 4e 34 .01 50 31 M 31 56 37 71 68 .ti 64 30 71 83 61 30 M M .OT IO ... .. 37 13 a a:lM 13 24 17 33 .. 40 12 40 .10 17 ... a 10 .oa .,. . • 3t 1't M . .. 13 ... .G4 •• 71 61 ., S7 71 M .Oii •N a 12 .11 47 12 II II tt 41 IO • 74 .... 70 52 22· 4e St .52, 73 56 57 4e 81 ,, 70 14 113 t3 .. 152 34 .03 13 40 .14 16 ... 13 CA&.IPOMIA lelcerlflekf t6 82 8ty1M • &nM 61 ... ~ 11 IS1 l.llnOMI• 82 58 ~ 87 &7 80 5'I MonW9Y fi ....... 0.llnd Ill PMOACll*e 80 41 _..,.. n 52 Aed'#OOCI City 70 52 ..... '° 76 41 ..... ea ... .... Diego 70 ea .... ,,ancltOo eo IO .......... t1 et lllltlM#le • 11°'*10n 7t TtllnMI .. Uldllt ao .... 17 eo _ ... 11 H ...... .,. .. lllf llPIRT Smog 72 515 82 51 74 17 55 n 4t n 52 Tt 53 78 t50 77 50 .. 48 73 S5 ll i8. Th• South C"oHI Air Outllty Menegemenl Olllrlct predict• good air qulllty lor today tn Ill Southland ·-A Pollutant 8taMlrd ln6ell of 100 It f~ tot tN left O.·' brlal _,,.....,.~Ind -AtYtl elOe 8an lttMI dloo --. A PSI of 76 la ~ for Ille tel\ F9fnando and Ian" Cwt11 vll- leyl and • PSI of t50 ror the Loa ~metr~.,.., ExtenileJ iorec{l8f 80UTHUIN CAL"OIUUA OOAtTAL ANO MOUNT"N AMAi -NIGllt 8ftCI "*'*'I 10W ___ .__... .......... ltlfl Loollty w._ In IN IMUft. lllnl. HtaN In IN OCleltll Ir-N IO Tl wfth IOM 41 to N. ~ ,....,, ... 14 to ........... to 44, State to aet Off shore oil lawsuit eyed BY STEVE MARBLE o<ho.ir .......... The 1tate la pre~ to'° to court aver an upcomb\8 offahore oil leue sale unl~ the federal govenunent cuta back the nwn· ber of tracts that would be otte- red, lncludln1 several off the Orange Coui. Mike Shapiro, an advlaer to Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr., Mid a law1utt la belng planned be· c.au.e of fea.tS the Department of Interior will not bow to environ- ment.al concerna on offshore oil drilllng and exploration. Newport Beach city oUiciala, ln a related development, have an- nounced they would be wi1.ling to join the state suJt if "it'a in the city's best.interest." City council members in New- port aareed to give City Attorney Mike Miller the authority to de- cide whether to join the suit aa "a friend of the court." Laguna Beach Mayor Sally Bellerue said ahe had hot heard of the planned lawsuit, but added that Laguna "oertalnly would be in the same boat as Newport in looking after the city's beat interests." The federal government has propoeed leasing eleven tracts off Newport and Laguna. Both cities are opp osed to oil platforms being erecled off their ooastllnes. Interior Secretary James Watt i..s expected to unveil the federal government's list of offshore oil tracts May 2. They will be put on the market in June. There haa been no ad- van ce word on whether Watt will push for all 11 tracts off the Orange Coast. Shapiro &aid the governor has urged Watt to delete three t.racU and part of a fourth off the Oran'-e Coast. He aald if Watt doesn t, the suit is likely. He said the sult would charge the federal government with violating the state's Coast Zone Manag~ment Act and with not adequately addreuing environ- mental concerns. Shapiro said the sta~ succeaa- fully blocked the leasing of .ev- eral tracts o ff Santa Barbara recently using the aame legal approach. Governor Brown, In a r«ent contmunh:atlon to Watt, wrote "I'm cllaappointed you oontlnue to ln1i1t that outer continental ahelf leHe aalea don't directly affect the coutal ione." The govemor 1peclf lcally re- quested Watt to move the exil- linl three-mile limit on offahore oil dril11ng back another half mile from the oout. State Attorney General ~r­ ge Duekmejian. who1e off ice would handfe the planned law- suit, declined to comment on the ault during an interview Tues- day. Official.a al80 reported that the state Coaatal Commlasion, which haa recommended the entire June leue aale be ~poned. has the power to take legal action against the federal government over the leue aale and has done 10 in the put. Sunset flight set to aid fire victims A aped.al hour-long sunset jet fl.iaht along the Callfomla coast to ra1le money for Anaheim fire victims is being offered May 1 by Pacific Southwest Airlines. Tickets for the PSA DC-9 Super 80 flight , to include champagne and hon d'oeuvres donated by the Balboa Bay Club. are $100. All proceeds from the flight will be donaied to the Red Cross April Fire Fund, which stands now at $67,000. The Red Cross has aet a goal of $250,000 to meet the needs of fire victims. PSA. which can accommodate 150 pasaengers aboard its jet. es- timated it could raise $15,000 with the flight, set to lift off from John Wayne Airport at 8 p.m. To make reservations, call 574-2120. Cash donation.a to the fire fund should be sent to the American Red Cross, P .O. Box 11364. Santa Ana. 92711. Boys Club taking hockey signups The Boys Club ol Laguna Beach ia taking signupa for ita new floor hQCkey league, free to memben. The league, which will hold matches on weekday af- •The Laguna Beach Pan- heUenlc Amociation will meet at 10:30 a .m . May 5 at Shennan Gardt?na in Corona del Mar. I I temoona, will be divided into two divisions, one for fourth, fifth and sixth graders and another for aeventh and ei,hth graders. The league Wlll be accepting players through Friday. The day's program will be highlighted by a tour of the gardens. For further infor · mation contact Virginia Johnlon at 661-8983. SUCCUMBS -Actor T om Tully. pictured as Captain De Vriess in "T he Ca in e Mutiny," as dead at the age of 73. Veteran actor Tom Tully dies on Coast Veteran movie and stage actor Thomas Cane Tully. a longtime resident of Newport Beach's Lido Isle. dJed Tuesday. He was 73. Friends of the onetime Aca- demy Award nominee said memorial services will not be held until July so that a family member currently out of the country can attend. Tully. whose acting career stretched back to the days of W.C. Fields. received an Aca- demy Award nomination in 1954 for his portrayal of Captain de Vri~ in ''The Caine Mutiny." He acted in more than 50 films during his career and made nearly 500 teleVlSion appearances including a stint as co-star of the 1950s series "The Lineup." A native of Colorado, Tully spent eight years doinaz sta~e work, appearing in a number of Broadway shows. Turning to film . he played alonpide W .C Fields, Clark Ga- ble and Humphrey Bogart in a string of movies. He was featured an "Lady an the Lake," "The Carpetbaggers" and "Destination Tokyo." A former newspaper reporter and an ex-boxer, Tully turned in his final film appearance in an episode of the television ser1es "Mi.ssion lmpoaible." He leaves his wife lda . a daughter and two grandchildren. Council seek s to fill post Laguna Beach City Council members will be mterviewing applicants May 4 for a vacancy on the city's Board of Adjust- ment. T h e vacancy on the f1ve- member panel is due to the re- cent election of member Dan Kenney to the City C.ouncil. The Board of Adjustment con: 'siders variances from the zorung code and also sits as the city·s Design ReVlew Board. The panel meeta each Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Tc apply for the post, appli- cants should submit a letter or reswne to City Clerk Verna Rol- linger by Friday. For more tn· formation, call her at 497-3311, ext. 209. Airline bombed NEW YORK (AP) -A pipe bomb exploded at the Manhattan office of Lufthansa Airlines early today, blowing out a glass door. police said. AND PIATUmDINCLUDla lt I\ • -. . . . . . . -. - 1m1111n111 · W EDNESDAY. APRIL 7EI . 1982 OR ANGE COUN IV C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Irvine Center mall said 'inevitable' By GLENN SCOTT or .. t...,,....._ A •hopping mall at Irvine Center could be under conatruc· tion as early aa late next year if adjacent offices ~d other buil- d.inga are included in the plan, according to the president of the firm developing the retail center. Bob Lanen, president of the Taubman ·company of Troy, MJch., amured Irvine City Coun- * * * Center's future 'locked' Long-awaited news about the future of Irvine Center almost didn't make it to the Irvine City Council Tuesday. It was trapped inside a rented car. Bob Larsen, president of the Taubman Company, came all the way from Michigan to address the council. But after parking his rented luxury car in the City Hall lot, he accidentally locked the keys inside the plush Lin- coln. His notes written out on a yellow legal pad were left inside. All the business-suited execu - tives for the Irvine Company· were huddled outside. Recognizing a political cala· mity if there ever was one, city officials took quick action. Somebody called Mesa Tow & Salvage, which immediately sent a truck and driver free of charge. The volunteer slid a special un- locking device down Into the door, but couldn't coax the lock to budge. Pretty soon a second worker showed up, but he couldn't 80lve the puzzling Jock either. So Lar- sen, glancing at his watch, an- nounced that they'd have to bust through a window. The first driver grabbed a four-by-four from his truck and took aim at a wind wing. The tlnted glass wouldn't shatter, crack or even budge. He hit it again and bounced off. Police Chief Leo Peart wat- ched in amaiemment. Here wu a (See LOCKED, Page Al) Irvine boosts industrial panel scope The Irvine City Council agreed ~Tuesday to expand the jurudic- tion of its new Industrial Deve- lopment Authority, which grants I construction bonds to industrial 1 developers. The action was designed to at- tract new industry to the city. 'Officiala said the modifications 1 were needed to allow initial ap- plicants to qualify for a bond. However, the council decided not to a~Jo the a uthorit y to broaden ita er to grant bonds to retail commercial buaines- ees. The authority waa created under state leglslation to help clty offlclala bring jobe to their communities. So far, lrvtne bas received ap- plications from Subaru of Ame- rica Inc. for a ~ warehouse. and from Republic Electronks. I WORLD cU memben Tumday. ntaht that the c:enter la "inevlta~•'Decauae of its location in the so-called ''Golden TrianaJe, .. He claimed the lite la the~ mier commercia) alte rerna.biihg in the ,Los An1ele1-San Dle10 market and la 1n no way doomed by competition from other malls. His comments were meant aa assurance to city officials who have been eager to see the center providing sales tax dollara to co- ver other coats auoclated wlth residential growth. Larsen ad- mitted it may appear little hu been done to build the shopping center. But he added: "The lasue hu not been whet.her, but when." The Taubman Company ls headed by A . Alfred Taubman, who a.lao I.a a major investor and cha1nnan of the board of the Ir- vine Company. Since 1978, the Taubman Company has served as developlna partner, ln building the retail center. The firm ia considered one of the top ahopplng center develo- pen in the nation. Based on current market as- aesaments and the econbmic cli- mate discouraging new capital projects, Larsen said, constructi- on on the first three-quarters of 0.-, Not SUft "*o VICTIMS AIDED -Federal disaster officials Those left homeless can apply for $5,000 in process claims from victims of last week's fire low-interest loans and rent subsidies at the in Anaheim at a relief center near the scene. center. lee cream, poetry Candidate f oi-ums • present variety By SANDIE JOY OfeMO.-, ........ Voter attraction efforts by Ir- vine City Council candidates are picking .up steam with planned events ranginJ from ice cream and wine parties to poetry rea- dings and public forums. Balloting la June 8. The lone Incumbent, Larry Agran, who seeks a second four- year council seat, has set an ice cream in the park party for 3 p.m . Sunday at Northwood Community Park. Contender John Nakaoka, a school boa.rd member biddingJor one of the two council seats up for grabs, pla!'ls a $25-a-person wine and cheese party at 5 p.m. Thursday at 2300 Michelson Drive, Suite 300, Irvine. Ed Dornan, an English pro- fesaor, la taking hi.a show on the road with four fund-raisers planned around poetry readings and dramatic pretentation.s to be held from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. May 5, 6, 11 and 13 in various Irvine homes. • Bill Pozzi. a moving company ex«Utive who ia testing political waters, said he'a running on a llmited budaet. JDOltly flnandng hlrmelf, 10 he'll be out pounding the pavement and taking hii cam= door to door aa are all six dates. Barbara Wiener, who'• been prealdent of Irvine Historical Amociation, was center of auen- tion last Friday at a $15..a-peraon talent show and dinner attended by nearly 250 people. After ex- (See FORUMS. Page Al) Sunset flight . set to aid fire victims A special hour-long sunset jet flight along the California coast to raise money for Anaheim fire victims la being offered May 1 by Pacific Southwest Airlines. Tickets for the PSA DC-9 Super 80 flight , to include champagne and hors d'oeuvres donated by the Balboa Bay Club, are $100. All proceeds from the !light will be donated to the Red Croes April Fire Fund, which stands now at $67 ,000. The Red Cross has aet a goal of $250,000 to meet the need.a of fire victlma. PSA. which can accommodate 150 pu1engen aboard its jet, es- timated it could ralae $15,000 wi\h the flight, set to lift off from John Wayne Airport at 8 p.m. To make reservations, call 574-2120. Cash donations to the fire fund should be aent to the American Red Cross, P.O. Box 11364, Santa Ana, 92711. C OUNT Y Anaheim, OC to ban wood roofs Almoat • week to the day after flames surged through central Anaheim, leaving 1,500 people homeless, the Orange County Board of S upervisors and the Anaheim Oty Council took steps to ban oombustible wood roofs in their juriadictions. The City Council pa11ed an urgency ordinance Tuellday pro- hi bi ting the use of untreated wood shingle roofs on all new buildings. New roofs put on existing commercial and residen- tial structures also would fall under the ban. The county Board of Supervt- soni. meanwhile, ordered pre- paration of stronger regulations to prevent use of combustible wood roob in all u.ni.noorporated ~ of the county. 1n a ~ vote Tueeday, the board also instructed fire officials and the Environmental Management A1ency to deter- mine the costa and impacts of requiring exiaUrg structures to have fireproof roofs. 'The study la due back in three weela. County guidelines now prohi- bit u.e of a&a.ke and shin&le roofs within 1,000 feet of brushy wildlanda areaa. But Supervisor Ralph Clark. who liWll near the ecene of 1u\ Wedneeday's fiery holocausi, said a further prohibition on wood roofs la neceeaary in populated areas to avoid future tragedies.. OAS bacb Argentina claim Vio1ence in chHdren eyed . WASHINGTON (AP) -·Orpnlzation of Ameri- can Stai. forelan minlaten approved a reeolution today ncoanizinc Arpntine aoveretanty over the Jalkland Ialanda and W'ling Great Brti.In and Ar- gentina to ettabllah • truce. NATION A ttat.e c:.'OIDl1lilllo concludee that eome room of violent behavior lie in child necJect and abule, diet and other fact.on In the home. P ... A6. rie}o man new. Falklands A M'dan Viejo relAdmt Mill ow hla alle8Sance '° ~ bUt ,. hMrt 111a wtth AiP.nt1na rn the P.•khjndi ~te. Pate. Bl. the mall probably wW begin in late 1983 or early 1984. He cau- tioned that economic changes could affect the echedule. Three and perhaps four major department stores will be inclu- ded In the first construction phase, he said. Lanen declined to Identify stores likely to be inclu- ded, although he said th.at "to a man and to a company," all re- tailers agree the center is promi- 200-mile zone amg. He laid the center wW be mart than one story, wW offer goods to · several ancome cluses and wi.IJ Include both inalde and out.aldt space within the mall. It will ht larger than Fashion lsland an4 roughly com_parable in size tt South Coast Plaza, he added i The center was once seen &f "an idea! suburban site," but hai (See ffiVINE, Page·AZ) Britain warns i 'total' By Tile Aasoclated l'rets Britain declared today that a "total'' war zone 200 miles around the Falkland Islands will go into effect at 4 a.m. PIYI' Fri- day, and Argentina put its forces on "maximum alert." The two aides also said they were studying a U.S. peace plan relayed by Secretary of Stiate Alexander M. Haig Jr. But Ar- gentina aa1d it expects "military operations" in the l'alkland.s area in 24 to 48 hours. Details of the plan were not known, but a govenunent aouroe in London said: "Clearly Mr. Haig wanta to bring some sort of finality to the issue, with some sensible way of te90lving it." The British also announced that an Argentine captured on South Georgia, 800 miles east of the Falklands, died in a "serious incident" Monday, and that an investlption was under way/No other detail.a were given. >.. prospect.a for peace grew dim. the Britiab Defense Miniatry announced that any ahip or ai.r- cralt, including Soviet veuell, that are found within the "total exclusion mne" will be reprded as hoatile and l1able to auack.. The Brlt.iah move came amid mounting apeculatlon that the task force off the Falklend t.slands WU poised to launch an uaault on the South Atlantic ar- chipelago aelz.ed by Areentina on April 2. It a1ao followed an emergency Cabinet meeting presided over by Prime Minister Margaret That- cher . Government sources In London saJd the seaion produced "no freth optimism" ol a nego- tiated settlement. The Brlilih Defense Ml.nistry stressed that the war zone ex- tends to the airstrip at Stanley, the Falklands' capital. "Any aircraft OD the ground in the Falkland Ialanda will be re- garded as being in support of the illegal (Argentine) occupation and accordingly ls liable to attack," the British Defense Miniatry said. T he. zone extends a 200-mile marlt1me blockade around the islands declared by Britain on Fight inflation; see garden section How to fiaht inflation by gar- denina ia onfy one of the helpful tips offered in today's special Home and Garden supplement. You'll also read about a man who used plants and h erbs to survive u a Japaneee prisoner of war and learn how to rid your garden of anal.la. Dig it. INDEX A4 AtO 06--7 82· A6 B2 El.SU C6 ca D AlO, Be 01·2 war • I I ' • • • . • -· April 12 to include aircraft. De- fense Ministry spokesmen said the new move includes civilian aircraft and ships as well -. military and naval craft. In Moscow, the Soviet CoD\- mu.-U.St Party newspaper Pravda accused Britain of aiming to res- o Ive the Falklands c risis by "military force" •, 0.-,,... ...... ,..... RESIGNS -Robe rt A . Lombardi has resigned as chancellor of the Saddleback Community College District. Saddleback's Lombardi resigns post Robert A. Lombardi, chief ex- ecutive officer and chancellor of the Saddleback Community P>l- lege Di.strict for more than seven years, Tuesday night quit the post to take a management posi- tion in private industry. The surprise announcement was made during a cloeed .esi.on of the boa.rd of trustees meetma at the college's north campus in Irvine. Lombardi, 49, said his resigna-• tion will be effective May 15. He will become vice president in charge of a new Irvine diviaion of Dataacan, a computer firm headquartered in Los Angeles. He said the division will develop educational software prognune for the mini and mkro-compu• market. ''Thia is one of the most diffi- cult dedsions I have ever Md to (See LOMBARDI, P•p AJ) • 82 82 Be a AJ 12.., Cl-4 82 C'I BO 88 A2 A.I Ortnge CoMt DAILY PILOT/Wedneedey, Aprt==' a:':• 1=98=2 ======-----~~-~:-"!---:-~~----.....,...._-------------- The heat's on : Liitle League star in flap LOMBARDI RESIGNS .. • make,'' Lombardi aald. "I have been 1n educ,tlon for 25 years and felt I wu at a pof.nt ln my career where any cbaDae should happen eoon or not at a.11." Lombardi, a Lot Arurelea na- tlve. recommended to tfle board that an interim chancellor be appointed until a aultable candi- date ii foWMi for the diatrict's top administrative poet. A apedal se- lection committee will be as- signed to conduct a ae&reh for a new chancellor. "Leaving Saddleback, the fi- nest district ln the state lf not the nation, is particularly hard," Lombardi said. "Saddleback is blessed with a superior facultv. atatl and truly excellent board Oi tn.ll1eel. "l think the accompllahment that pleaaea me moat ia the number of ....Uy top people we have b.rou1ht to the facufty, ad- minlatra tlon and ataU at Saddleback," Lombardi said. "We have souaht and hired peo- ple who are experts in their f&elda and that reflecta well on the college in the community." Lombardi said he was uked to take the executive position with Dataacan because the admlni- atratlon there felt he could "relate educators to technical people in developing comfuter programs for all leve s of education." SUCCUMBS -Actor Tom Tully, pictured as Captain De Vrleas In "The Caine Mutiny," is dead at the age of 73. IRVINE CENTER. • • Veteran actor Tom Tully evolved into a more attractive setting becawe urban amenities are being added, he aaid. The undeveloped tJ"iantle formed by the intersecting San Diego, Santa Ana and Laguna freeways offers the unusual chance to plan for a complete business and retail center from scratch , he said. Retailers, he added, will not eonunit to the cent.er unless it is integrated with offices, -hotels and other structures, as planned. Shoppin' centers follow growth; they don t create it, he explained. * * * Reminded by Councilman Hill Vardoulis that Irvine ranks se- cond to last in Orange County for commercial acreage per capita, Larsen stressed his company's interest in the project. "We have no involvement as a company that we view as more important or more promising," he said. Council members were sur- prisingly silent after Larsen's JO-minute presentation and as- ked only three short questions before moving on to other issues. * * * ~dies on Coast Vewran movte and at.age actor Thomaa Cane Tully. a longtime resident of Newport &ach'a Lido Isle, dJed Tuesday. He was 73. Friends of the onetime Aca- ' demy Award no m i nee aaid memorial services will not be held 1.tntil JuJy so that a family member currently out or the country can attend. LOCKED PLANS .. • Tully. whose acting car eer stre tc hed back to the days of W.C. Fields. received an Aca- demy Award nonunation in 1954 for has portrayal of Captain de Vries,, 111 "The Caine Mutrny." car truly burglar-proof. After several more tries, the dacoura- ged tow truck driver started to put the four-by-four away. He decided he needed a hammer. But Larsen grabbed the long pi~e of wood and rammed the window with an adrenaline- powered blow. It shattered im- mediately, but he ~ut a finger on the broken glass. Larsen reached inside the car, took his notes and headed for the meeting. Once ~ated in front of the council, his demeanor was calm and polished. The o nly clue to the near calamity appeared when, to make a point, he raised his left hand, showing off a Band-Aid on his ring finger. I He acted in more th.an 50 films I during his career and rr.ade !nearly 500 television appearances including a sunt as co-star of the 1950s series ''The Lmeup." A native of Colorado, Tully spent eight years doinR staj(e work, appearing in a number of Broadway shows. FORUMS OFFER VARIETY. Turning lo fil m , he played • alongside W.C. Fields, Clark Ga- ble and Humphrey Bogart in a string of movies. He was featured an "Lady an the La ke," "The Carpetbaggers" and ''Destination Tokyo." penses, she said she made $1.800 for her campaign kitty. Performers in her abow inclu- ded E. Ray Quigley, an Irvine Ranch Water District board member who sang, and h e r neighbor, J im Mitchell, who perfonned magic feata. Ma. Wiener said n'a planning teas and precinct-walking. Retired college profe.or Mar- jorie Keiser, who has refused all monetary donations, is expected to job other council contenders a t public forums including one called Irvine Tomorrow Forum at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Senior · Center, 3 Sandburg Way. Other forums·scb eduled in - clude the Meadows Homeowners Aaoclation at 7:30 p.m. May 3. Northwood Homeowne rs Asso- eia tion at 7:30 p.m . Ma y 10 , American Asaociation of Univer-aty Women at 7:30 p.m. May 12 at the ~nior Cent.er and Village Forum candidates night at 7:30 p.m . May 20 in City Counctl Chambers. Nakaoka and Ms. Wiener are to be guests Friday at a South Coast Republican Forum in the Turtle Rock home of Lucy and Barr Fletcher. He leav e s has wire Ida . a daughter and two grandchildren. Parole denied S AN QUENTIN (AP) Symbion ese Liberation Army "soldier" Joseph Remiro, serving a Life senU!nce rn the slaying of Oakland schools chief Marcus Foster, has been denied parole in a ruling that he said was "pretty much what we expected." ·Cooler days Temperatures ~ '••no......, rl .,., ........ ,-. Jr1J..,.,ro•\~j-j Cowiial 0..., OUl9f COUlal wll_,. bei· -Point eonc:.ptlon end Sen HleOIN llland Mrt"-1 Wind• t2 to 22 knoll wllh S to 7 foot. combined 1e11 W111 10 1outh· _, wtnda 12 to 11 knoll In af. temoon SouttrwMt IW9b 2 to 3 feet. Fair through ellernoon Mo9tly doudy tonight NATIOH HI Lo ~ 71 42 .. 79 49 65 44 .Ot 99 49 .83 71 60 63 47 .Ill 71 12 92 49 53 SCI 39 .24 74 4t 11 37 71 48 72 41 87 70 SCI 31 • 34 54 33 71 12 &I •• ~20 ~ ~ ..:.:.::.. .. \t 1• • • • 0 •1v4•d .11 ·:~ ---=== 11 35 .02 79 54 .11 48 34 .<YI 60 31 54 34 S5 37 71 511 ... 54 JO 11 a Ill 30 55 31 .rn eo 48 M 37 53 2t S3 51 13 24 17 33 .. ~ 72 ~ .10 17 S4 • 70 .02 7't .. 12 • 7t M . .. ta41.o4 .. la 7t 11 tt 11 ~=-• 72 .ti 47 :ta . .. It 4' •• 74 .... 10 52 n 41 ff 52 73 56 51 41 ae 11 70 14 1.83 t3 ee 62 34 .00 13 40 .14 86 41 13 CAU'ONL\ Bakerdeld 15 12 llytl'9 " EUrMa &I 49 F,_ 81 51 l.encaet• 82 56 ~=-17 67 80 5-4 Moflten¥ -ft ........ 0.llftd .. PMO~ 80 47 "9d IMf n 52 AIOwood City 70 62 ...,,.,_,.o 75 47 ...,_ 86 41 =~'HD 70 12 IO 50 .......... t7 11 ........... • 1**10n 1t TilenNI .. Ullllfl IO ....... 17 IO ---,., 12 lllllOO -7't 42 lllf llPIRT Long Beech MonrcMI Mt WlllOll Newport 9eedl Ont.no P"lm Springe p~ RIYef.ide San Bern11dlno 81111 Joel Santa Ana Santa Cruz T.00. Valley Smog 72 5$ 12 51 74 17 55 77 49 n 52 79 53 78 50 77 60 ee 41 73 55 ll I- Tht Huth C"oa1t Air Quellty Management Ol1lrlct prtdlct1 good elf q11allty tor todey ~ ell Southlencl .,.... A polllltant ltanderd lnOu of 100 la IOfecut IOt Ille San o .. t>rltl lfld POfNIM ~ and tM ~.,._San BtrNltdlno ..._ A Pll of 71 It fot9CMt lor Ille SM 'trnando and lanta C..lla vat<- ley9 and a PSI of IO tof the Loe ~--~-- : Extendetl forecast . . BY PHIL INEIDl:l\MAN °' ... Deir ........ Twelve.year-old Arri Buford aald Tuesday he ju.at want.a to play bMebell . Sut the FOWltaJ.n V.U.y North LitUe ~ aw and hJa fam.lly have 1uddenly found t.hemlelvee thn&st into th• 1po~t in • dl- aputo oentert.nc on AITt'• •UClbJ-llty to play for h1a team, the>..- troe. · The quurel hat divided aome LltUe Leap perenta, hat led to court action and la now In the handl of national Little~ offldall ln Wll.Uamaport, Pa. A declalon by national autho. rltlea la expected lat.er th1a week. Meanwhile, county anon in· ve1U1atora are tryina to deter- mine whether two firebomblng incidents ln the Buford.a' nelah- borhood -one involving the family'• own houae -a.re linked to the Little League aquabble. "Arri'• been caught in a power struggle within Little League," said Thomae L. Brown. the fa- mily's attorney. The boy's mother , MinnJe Buford, added, "I feel he's a great athlete, a great player. But he'a caught up in a controversy he doesn't underatand. He just wants to play baseball.'' The dispute centers on Arri'• place of residence. The Buforda lived in Foun\aln Valley for nine years. Last year. however, Arri'• fa- ther James Buford, a dlaabled veteran, wu aent to Detroit for 11 months for medical treatment. When he signed up to play at the start of the current Little League season, Arri wu living with Ed Win1ini1 ki, then- president of the Fountain Valley North league . When his family returned to Orange County, t he Veterans Administration could not find proper housing for the Buford.a in Fountain Valley and Instead secured for them a Garden Grove home that could accommodate James Buford's wheelchair. Although Arri now lives with his family in Garden Grove, he still at.tends Allen School in Truck driver jaile d in death of tot A 25-year-old unemployed truck driver was being held on $250,000 bail today in Orange C.ounty Jail on 6W1pldon of mur- der in connection with the death of a 3-year-old boy last February. Orange police detectives took Roy Thomas Marshall into cus- tody Tuesday in Anaheim, where he was living in a motel on Lin- coln A venue. A police spokesman said this morning that young Joahua Alves died on Feb. 24 at Chil- d.rens Hoepital of Orange County, three days after he was brought in by his mother. At that tlme, It was believed · that the youngster had suffered head Injuries in a bicycle accident on Feb. 19 near his home in Orange. However, police began investi· gating the incident the <1iJy he was admitted to the hospital. Marshall was drawn lnto the in- vestl,gation because he was caring for Joshua while his mother wa.s at work. The probe intensified when an auto.-r showed that Joehua had suffered a blow to the heed. Marshall wu taken into cua· tody nine daya after a warrant bad been i..ued for his arrest. I 0.-, ......... "'°'° STORM CENTER -Arri · Buford, s tar of a Fountain Valley Little League team, is caught in a controversy which has provoked violence. Fountain Valley and has been playing for the local Astroe. The ~youth who had never be- fore played league baseball, distinguished him.self as a .750 hitter and a good pitcher, his at- torney aaid. The Astroe, who fl- niahed lut in the previous sea- 90n, were suddenly in ftnt pl.ace. At that time, several coaches of rival teams raised the issue of Arri'• residency, attorney Brown Mid. Changes • • ID noise curbs OK By DAVID KUTZMANN orttieoellrl"ttltlld Orange County 1upervisors approved changee Tue9day In jet no11e C..'OntrolB contained within a controvect1ial airllne accell8 plan for John Wayne Airport. However, offlclala contended, the thrut1t of the plan remains the same. Airlines which use the quietest aircraft will be el1gible for addttlonal flights In the fu ture out of Orange County The board , in a unanimo us vote, agreed to replace all refe - re nces to new DC-9 Super 80 "quiet" .iets and other so-called "Stage 3" aircraft with new language that refers to spec1f1c engme noise levels rl'cordcd at John Wayne Airport. The changes. off1c1als hop~. w1U improve the chances of the access plan betng approved by a federal Judge The county last month adopted a revised plan -g overning which commercial air carriers serve John Wayne Airport - and sent 1t back to U.S. District Court Judge Terry Hatter Jr . Hatter had previously ruled that the <.'Ounty's ongmal airline access plan unfairly bene fited im:umbent air carriers. AirCal and Republic Airlines Judge Hatte r 1s expe<:ted to rule on the acceptab1laty of the new plan May 10 m Los AnReles. Airport officials srud the access plan ame ndment approveri Tuesday mea n s that airlines which ser ve Oran~£' County no longer have to buy OC-9 Super 80s or s1mllar quiet Jels tf existing aircraft can be modified to meet nolSe and weight requirements Water talk set at Airporter Inn Earle C. Blab, chairman oi the Metropolitan Wate r 01· strict's board of directors, wiU speak Tuesday at a luncheon of the Industrial League ol Orange County. The chairman's speech will be "California Needs the Pe- ripher al Canal." The tun- •Wayne West and the Sons of the Pioneers will entertain participants .. t the Irvine Senior Center at noon May 8. The legendary western group will appear at a meet- ing In which new officers will be elected at the center at 3 9andburg Way. A $3 fee for •Baja California is the tb- pic of a slide presentation to be given by Nick Allede1 at the 7 p.m. Monday meeting of the Irvine Senior Camera aub a\ the Senior Center. 3 Sandburg Wa_y, Irvine. cheon will be g•n with an 11 :15 am no-hosl reception at the Alrporter Inn m Irvine Reserva t1o ns for the $12 luncheon should be sent by May I to the mdustnal league at P 0 Box 16062. Irvine 92713. the luncheon can be mailed to Jim MacGregor, treasurer at the center, 14657 Oval Road, Irvine. 927 14. Reservations are required and can be made by calling Dick Murphy at 552-7859 by May 5 The club also plans a suoe competition and study session at 2 p.m. May 20 at the Senior Center. lnformatlon about the club can be obtained from Ma rie Grinder at 552-7484 PIATUIU INCWDl1 • AEROllC ClASSES • PROfESStONAl tNSTIUCTION • IOOY FAT ANALYSIS • STRESS TESTING • ILOOO ,.ESSUl! TESTING • COID SAUNA • NUTllTIONAL COUNHllNG • COID WMILIOOl • OLYMPIC Piii WltOHT • .. . . WEONE8DAY, APRIL 21, 1M2 111 am •111 mm CAVALCADE TELEVISION 82 85 on CARDINAL TURNED BLUE: The University of Southern California's football team bas just been al6pped on probation .by the governing body of collegiate athletics, known as the National Collegiate Athletic Aaodation. It's a real case. If you don't think it's a real case, you should have checked the morning paper out of Los Angeles wherein the complete text of the NCAA's action against Tommy Trojan was printed. It got more space than anybody gave to Sirhan B. Sirhan's parole hearing. Anyway, the football players at Troy are going to get punished by not getting to play on TV for a couple of yean and being banished from ) any post-season bowl games for a like period. --------!"-\ , Well, you say, that's TD~ IURPHHH '~t; ;..~a:o:.ey get for being BUT W AlT A MINUTE. It wasn't these kids. Thoee who were involved were on the USC teams between 1971 and 1979. · These are the guys who allegedly allowed an a&"listant coach named Marv Goux to peddle their free tickets to USC games at ballooned prices. • You suspect that the NCAA ought to be punishing these people but alas, they are long gone from the Halls of Troy. Some are now 10-year veterans of professional football, drawing heavy salaries that make football ticket peddling look like a Girl Scout cookie drive. THUS BA VING ELUDED the clutches of the NCAA. the former players cannot be punished. The NCAA bad no juriadiction to take away their beer or underarm deodorant commercials. Further thus frustrated, it is quite clear that the NCAA has little else left except to punish the current USC underclassmen for the sins of their alumni. I'm glad I'm not one of the alumni or I'd be suffering terrible pangs of conscience. But these pangs might be so- mewhat relieved if I owned one of those lucrative profes- sional football contracts. The coach who has been fingered as the heavy in this piece, the aforementioned Marv Goux, is still around campus, however. So the NCAA has punished him too. Goux has been ordered to do nothing but coach football for the next couple of years. No banquet appearances. No peddling of tickets at ballooned prices. 0.., "'°' '9Mlto bf 11 ... lllltcMI LAGUNA HEADSTAND -Deanie Smith of Laguna Beach stands on her head for relaxation when she visits the beach on a hot, sunny day. She says the position allows her to "get in tune with my environment." It certainly gives her a different perspective on things. Nurse f ind1 aid in kicking h abit. See Ann Landers, B2. 0 0 ~~glishman' s heart lies with Argentin81 ... : .. Br JEFF ADLER ~ ...... ,.., Walter StUrgeon speaks In the clipped, unmistakable accent of one who owes allegiance to Her Majesty, the Queen of EniJ.and. lt comes as quite a shock, then, when this blue-eyed 70-year--0ld, educated at the British School and tracing hill antecedents b.ck three aenerations to Great Bri- tain, announca he supports Ar- gentina in its bid for the Falk- land (he calls them the Malvinaa) Ialands. "I'm Argentine 100 percent," said Sturgeon, now a Mission Viejo resident, in h.1a British ac- cent. He described himself aa Anglo-Argentine, one born and raised in Argentina as an En- glia}vnan. ''I waa educated In the British School, but my friends were Argentines," be explained. "rm bkultural and bilingual .•• Because of his background, Sturgeon said he ls particularly distressed by the hostility bet- ween his native land and the one to which he traces hill heritage. "I think the war is distressing for everybody," Sturgeon ex· plained. "Maybe Argentina overstepped its mark by inva- ding, but on the other hand, maybe they got sick of waiting after 150 years for negotiations over the islands to begin." Sturgeon surmiaed that many of hia friend.a in Argentina, fel- low Anglo-Argentines, also share his sentiments . "If Argentina were not invol- ved, I would side with the Bri- tish. When the British are figh- ting w ith my own country , I would have to side with my own country. It's as simple as that," he said. Nonetheless, Sturgeon recalled th.at during World War II many of his Anglo-A~entine peers volunteered to fl t with British military units. ' e best man at my wedding (an Angl o · Argentine) died in the Navy for Enaland," he said. Sturgeon added that he find.a the st.ate of near war between the two countries somewhat perplexing in light of the close relation.ship Britain and Argen- Una once enjoyed. "We've been 80 friendly with Britain always. F.ngJ.and literally developed Argentina and we have recognize d that even thouah we know they didn't do it for charity," he pointed out. Despite hill connection to both countries, Sturgeon said he can- not predict what will happen over the Falklands. He said hill worst fear is that Britain will attack the vulnerable Argentine mainland. In an attempt to stay abreast of the latest developments in the 0.-,...... !!l ARGENTINE BOOSTER Argentine native Walt . Sturgeon, now of Mlul Viejo, supports the Argentiljlr takeover of the Falkland lJ: lands despite his British h~ tage. situation, Sturgeon said be searches the airwaves with tu. shortwave radio for broadcasi., concerning the F.alklands. Also, he recently received ~ , letter from Anglo-Argentine mends in the country who wrote they were not worried at all by-, developments. •· But Sturgeon said the sat~ ot I Anglo-Argentines could be en- dangered "if the war bodes bad simply because they speak En- glish . lf there were to be a "witchhunt," it would be con-• ducted by street hooligans, not 1 the government, he said. When aaked why he is so . steadfast in his support of Ar-( gentina on the Falkland.a quee- tion, Sturgeon suggested that England "~'t paid attention to the islands" for many years. "Two months ago, you could have asked a school le.id, say in Scotland, whe re the Falklands are and h e wouldn't have- known," be continued. "You ask' an Argentine kid where the Malvin.as are and they could tell you bow th~y had been usurped 150 years ago." Sturgeon, who came to Cali- fornia 20 years ago with hill wife,, Dorothy, traces his English heri- tage to his grandparents who settl~ in Argentlna before the tum of the century. His grand- parents came to the country:; did thousands of other Briti families, to run Argentina'• - road.a, tramways, gasworks -uM waterworks, according to Stur- geon. In his awful punishment, he has been saved from numerous cases of acid indigestion on the banquet drcuit and migraine headaches from trying to do the bookkeeping on all the players' tickets. Rocks tell story S. Lagun~. • JD OTHERS WHO ARE getting punished for the alleged USC sins of yesteryear are the NCAA members who share in t.he loot every time a Trojan foo~ te~ g~ta 0!1 ~­ evilion or fills up a stadium. Which m put years has been often. · This popularity was what helped Coach Goux alle- gedly IC8lp tickets for inflated sums. It has been widely reported that USC offldals ~t sue the NCAA to get relief from.the pun.iShmenta 1afd on the current underclassmen. Trojan officiall better be careful here and read the NCAA ruling again. One part of it •YI that lf any part of the penalty geta let aside for any re.m, . the NCAA can reopen the cae again. THUS YOtrRE LEFT to wonder if th.ill doe.n't mean the NCAA ia a higher aut.horlty than the cou.rta? If the courta overturn the NCAA punlahmllat of USC'a unden:lallmen, you milbt juat find the NcAA reopen1na the cue and punlahlftl all use underclaumen Uirou16 1990. Okay, Alloe, let'• take another walk throuah the 1oo-kinl ,._ · .. . Mussel qUarantine effective Sa turday_/ 0renge CoM1 DAILY PILOTIWedneedtY, Aprtt 28, 18'2 •ANN LANDERS •HERB CAN •HOROSCOPE lNurse's discovery helps her snuff the h8bit • • DEAR ANN LANDERS: For the sake Q.f ·th OM who are risking their lives daily m throat and lung cancer, please publish etter. I want to have the widest poaible bution. ~ a nurse, I have seen dorens 9f dying patient.a who smoked until their i.at houn, unable to give up the habit that WM killing them. \ I an) a 30-year smoker who has tried dapms of times to stop. Each time I lost the battle due to the fact that nicotine is a drug OI\ which I am dependent. My last attempt (because of throat 1..YJ11ptom1) was also doomed. The with- ~wal symptoms were too severe. Desper- ~~ after a few days, I tried swallowing a plDch of tobacco with a glass of water before ~bbing that first and fatal cigarette. IT Wl)RKS! It relieved the withdrawal pangs ~ to allow me to give up cigarettes in a t•li comfortable manner. · I am now into my third week without unoking and have no fear of starting again. Tl)js, to me, is a miracle! I have tried lobe- lirw, hYJ)llO!ia and will power, all without MAKES BIG FOOTPRINTS -At 86, Rant Mullens of Vancouver, Wash., says he wants to get a six-decade-old pratical joke off his ch.est. He says he spurred the legend of the Bigfoot of Mount St. Helens by carving wooden "feet," to leave large footprints in 1928. But Mullen's s~. Pleue, A,nn, help me aha.re OU. in- credible god.lend with anyone who ia in the same miserable spot I wu in three week.a ~N PRAYING FOR PINK LUNGS DEAR PRAYING: More tlau '10 mU- Uoa people read yoar letter. Nothla1 woald please me more tban to la ear from tho•· sands, saying they tried yoar tecludqae ud kicked t11e llablt. Meanwklle, lt mi&ft be asefaJ for ~ae who are toying wit.II Dae notion of qaltt1.a1 to know that 130,000 Americana will die tills year because they smoke. According to Surgeon General Everett C. Koop, amok.lag ls tile principal avoidable caaae of death in tbe United States. The most reliable sarveya say tllat 50 perceat of the people who try to qaJt 1mo- king SUCCEED. I hope yoa are among tbe aacce11ful half. Pleue write again la 60 days. I'd like a progre11 report. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have been APWlt .... e confession adds credibility to the legend, be- cause the Mount St. Helens story didn't mesh with other sightings, says Dr. Grover Krantz, a Bigfoot researcher and a Washington State University associate professor of anthropology. dl\YOreed for three rean. My ex-wife has custody of our son, who is now 10. I have vWtina privileges. We live in a small town, so everybody knows everybody elae's business. My ex h88 gone out with aome pretty crummy charac- ters, and we have had many arguments over th.is. I know I can't do anything about the company she keeps, but I hate to have our IOf\ around guys of such low character. Also, a 10-year-old knows plenty these days. When he sees his mother entertaining dif- ferent m~n who stay overnight, it's bound to make an impact. I have asked her to please bring the boy to my place when she plans on shacking up with one of those horse's rear ends. She refuses. I also think it's important for the boy to go to church with me (she never goes), but my ex has said no for the past month because I insulted one of her male \ Allll lANDllS vialtora on the phone. What can I do, Ann? -MINN. MI- GRAINE DEAR M.M.: Your ex-wife la violating tbe caatody agreement. See your lawyer. Judges are taking a better look at tbe "fittest" parent of late. Qften lt is the fa - ther. Good lack. CONFIDENTIAL to Need Help wltb Mr. Stay-at-Home: One of the 1lgn1 of ma- turity 11 tbe ablllty to enjoy NOT going. It takes a lot of growing up to reach tbJs point. A sign of the times A stack of mail and messages at the office. Ray Lang tells me about The Rubber Tree, a tire shop on El Camino, which has this sign on the door: "Gone Fishing. Will Return When Reaganomics Work.a." A sign of the times, for sure. Tried to che--...k further but The Rubber Tree's phone has been dis- connected. Sad. Nobody has summed up Reaganomics more pithily than Wally Haas: "The cure is worse than the disease." Or, the solution is the problem. FOR THE "JUST Plain 'Oh' '"dept., Frank Ridley nominates this quote by Do- nald Hall in an article on pro-handgun San Franciscans: "I'm not afraid to live in the city, although I do wear a bulletproof vest" ... And didn't I warn you there would soon be designer bulletproof vests? It has come to pass, with status logo and everything, under the heading of "Protective Fashion." Glenn Dorenbush nominates that for Newphenµsm of the Week. IS IT NEWS WHEN nothing happens? Sheriff Mike Hennessey thinks so, for good reason: We have just passed one full year without an escape from the S.F. jail system -a record; during the same period, Ala- meda County had more than 70 . An "Awwwww" angle: Mi.ke r ewarde d his minions with single candled birthday cakes, not one containing a saw. A TELEPHONER TO Gene Nelson on KSFO one morning: ''Hey Gene, is it okay if I take tha t damn brick o ut of the toilet ~ HER48 MEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO now?" ... Sodden and Gomorrah thought: Is it too soon for cries of "Bring back the drought!"? ... Get rich quick, buy an FM station: Oakland Banker Lloyd Edwards, his ex-wiCe and a Lozange le no, who bought KMPX for under a million three years ago, just sold it to Broadcast Associates of New Jersey for -$5.5 million! AS YOU MAY HAVE noticed, this is Oscar Season -not the Academy Awards, but the lOOth a nnvy. of Oscar Wilde's ar- rival in S .F . -wherefore Prof. Robert Pepper of San Jose State University, a noted Wilde expert, supplies us with a rare ex- ample of Oscar being topped. He found it in the following newsquib publiahed by the Alameda Encinal in April, 1882: " 'You have no ruins, no natural cwio- sities in this country.' drawled Mr. Oscar Wilde to Mrs . Senator Pendleton at a re- ception. 'No,' replied the quick-witted lady. 'but our ruins will come soon enough, and as to our curiosities, we import them.'" Cancer: Timing, luck on target TRADER VIC Bergeron. brightest star ever to rise out of West Oakland, will open a TV's in Singapore·s Otani Hotel at the end of this year, thereby ensuring that the sun will never set on the Vickish F.mpire. Along with 15 restaurants in the U.S. and two in Canada, he has outposts in London, Munich and Tokyo . . . In answer to barbed ques- tions, no, I don't think Trader Vic's is per- fect. For instance, the ba r munchies are awful. Tla•nday, April H ARIES (March 21-April 19): Your style and desires "fight" through; scenario is exciting, features adventure, change, varie- ty, speculation -and love. Reunion is highlighted. Burden is lifted. Guilt feeling evaporates -and rightly so. You'll gain added acclaim. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You have more freedom, but rules and regulations remain in effect. You work towards security ~ conclusion of longstanding nego\iOons. Yc>u meet individual who aids in shaking abttus quo. You will be inspired. Gli;MINI (May 21-June 20): Ideas, h- hunchel and emotional responses dominate. Tripe, calla and partnership proposals alao share spoWght. Cancer, C.apricom, Aquarius person. figure prominently. Relative in \ranlf t could make special request. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Elements of .&iming and luck are featured. You'll make ntat move at right time -money comes )'Gpl' way u result. Personal horizons ex-t:: Travel or holiday plans come into LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Moon cycle is IUCh that circunwtancel tum in your favor. ';rbninc II on target -people want to hear and lff you. You'll look· and feel good. tou'D review, revile, rebuild -and you'll be viDdicated. Aquarius, Scorpio persona play Irey rolel. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You're re- leased from unfair obligation. Hospital visit proves beneficial. On~ who is temporarily confined can lift your spirits. By giving a little, you'll receive much. Know it, act ac- cordingly. Gemini and another Virgo play important roles. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You could be recipient of surprise gift; family memger makes gesture of conciliation. Lunar accent on desire, fulfillment and favorable news concerning career or business. You have chance to improve appearance of home or garden. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Study Li- bra message for valid hint. Superior pays compliment, your views are vindicated. Lu- nar emphasis on promotion, production, ad- ded responsibility and chance for more money. You '11 be working behind 1eenes, attending policy meeting. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Tra- vel or long-range plans are 80lidified. You'll be communicating with thoee at a distance, language need not be a barrier. Older tn- divid uala are willing to cooperate if you don't force issues. C.apricom plays important role. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You'll be dealinl wtth a Saglttarian. Emphuia QQ getting job done, planning ahead, 1enalng pu1le of public. Focus allO on budget, money JOUI llAITI OR, PETER J. STEINCAOHN Have your doct.or check aotn on the IOdlum oonwnt of your bottlea water. In ... caw ... u.n11 mllht caDIUlll9 M mud\ .. ~thlrdl,Of ~ ~ a1IOnla °' '°" cllum 1ri OM ill'Wtl· HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA situation as it affects one close to you, in- cluding partner or mate. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Break indicated from pa.st procedures. What see- med a lost cause could be reactivated. Focus on publicity, legal affaira, joint efforts anc:t marital status. New contact leads to fresh concepts and creative energy. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Follow through on first impressions -individual who aided in past will return to scene. Ac- cent also on job, basic issues, people who depend upon you and special service1. Fa- mily member who initially opposed you will now cooperate. POT SHon · BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT HANDLE ME WITH CARE: I COULD 8E VERY HARO TO RE'PL..ACE. ~ c:~=~=::- GOIEll 011 BllDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Both vulHrable. Sou&h deall. No&Tll +llltf ~•o OAIU •.UllH WEIT EAST +UI +.\CU O IU O AIU O 84 O IHU •e.uu •n IOOTll ..... ~e:u• OCUH ••• The bicWt.,, .................. ........... UfT ,_ INT ,_ ...... 0.•d ............ . Dlilf a.111 • • known u one of the world'• sreat dummy pla7eta for noth1Df. Seemln1l1 w1thoul a momen\'• thou1ht. he led a club (tom hit band. NaturaJ· ly, my part.aer played low. and declarer fin....cl dum my'a len. Thal wu hit ei&hlh lrldt, and• our 1parldin1 defeatlve effort cam• to ft&llJbt. If my oppoaent. are pln1 to pqy that well, how am I pqtowlnl At ever. Omar • IUlllCU WE ONE SOA Y APRIL ?8 1982 (J H A N (It (,( >l 1 N I 'f c A l I ~ () H N I A :1 '> c [NT s Newport to join offsl;iore oil suit? BY STEVE MARBLE or .. o.-,,......,, 'The state la prepared to go to court over an upcomlnc offshol'e oil leue sale unleu the federal government cuts back the num- ber of tracta that would be offe- red, lnciudtng 1everal off the Oranae C.OUt. Mike s~:slro, an adviser to Gov. Edm G. Brown Jr., said a lawauit I.a being planned be-. cau.e ol fears the Department of Interior will not bow to environ- mental concema on otbhore oil dri.Wnl and exploration. Newport 8-cb city ~•lt in a related developmen~ve in- nounced they would be wUllna to join the state ault if "if• in the city'a best interest." City ooundl memben in New- port agreed to give City Attorney Mike Miller the authority to de- cide whether to join the auit u "a friend oi the court." Argentina alerted La1una Beach Mayor Sally Bellen.le said abe bad not bet.rd of the planned lawauit. but added that Lacuna "certainly would be in the same boat u N~ in looking alter the city • beat interesta." The federal 1overnment bu propoeed leuina eleven tnlCtl off Newport and Laguna. Both citie9 are opposed to oil platforms be1ns erected off their ooutllnes. Interior Secretary Jamea Watt Britain prepares for 'total war' By Tile AllOclated J#reH Britain declared a "total" war zone 200 miles around the Falk- land Islands today, Argentina's navy was reported in the zone. ready to fight and the United States warned the situation had reached a critical point. The Defense Ministry in Lon- don said the "total exclusion. CITED -Councilwoman · Nonna Hertz.og has been ho- nored as the city's "woman of the year." zone" woUJd take effect at 4 a.m. PDT Friday, and the British Broadcasting Corp. said there was a strong po91billty of a Bri- tish attack Friday night or Sat- urday morning. It said Prime Minisler Marga- ret Thatcher has "taken her gloves off." British defense aources said ,, ' 0.-, ........ ,,_.... HONORED -Scout leader Harold "Bud" Hohl has been named Costa Mesa's ••man of the year." ~ Rohl and Hertzog win Mesa tributes A retired Marine who haa helped Boy Scouts and Indiana and the city's fint woman mayor have been named Coata Mesa's "Man and Woman of the Year." Councilwoman Norma Hertzog and well known v9lunteer Ha- rold "Bud" Hohl will be honored next Wednesday at a Costa Mesa Cham~ of C.ommerce luncheon at the Costa Meea Golf and Country Club. Ma. Hertzog has been a leader in c.o.ta Mesa politka and cultural affairs and became the city's fint woman mayor in 1977. A native'of Canada, Ma. Hert- zog attended the University of Toronto before moving to Cali- fornia In 1951. She opened the firlt of two ~la abe hM operated in Co.1a Mesa in 1962. WORL D .Ms. Hertzog's interest in chil- dren led to her in volvement in the YMCA, Family Serviat A.- eociation of Oranae County, the National A11ociation for the Education of Young Children and United Way. She waa elected to the city council in 1974 and aerved as president of the Orange County Le .. ue of Cities ancf was rec- ently named a d irector of the 0ranae County Performing Arts Center in Calta Me-.. Harold Hohl moved to Cotta Meae in 1948 and retired from the military in 1984. But be didn't retire from the community. He hu been active lD the Vetenm of ~ Wan and waa a Boy Scout ).elder for many yean. Plane eanyins 4 9 h ij ack ed Tl'.QUCIGALPA, Honduraa (AP) -Gunmen· hiJKked a domeatic airliner wtth 49 people aboard toaay and thratemd to kill a U.S. banana oompmy aecuuw _... Hondw... freed 20 political prtawn. The h1jldtm freed 14 people. NATION weather in the South Atlantic was "deteriorating rapidly, with 70-mlle-an-hour winds on the way," heightenl ng speculation that Britain's annada would act quickly. Argentina, while saying it was studying a U.S . peace plan re- layed by Secretary of State Ale- xander M . Haig Jr., puts its for- ces on "maxhnum alert'' and predicted a British attack on the Falklands in 24 to 48 hours. Argentine naval sources in Buenos Aires said the nation's fleet was deployed in the South Atlantic, including the '"total ex- cluaion zone." "We're doing all we can through diplomatic channels to avoid a war, but if they want war, they will have it becauae we will have no alternative but to defend ouraelves against an attack," said one of the Argen- tine sources. In Washington, a eenior State Department ofiidal said, "We·are now at a p(>i.r)t where It is almost imperative that the two sides agree" to U .S. propoa.ls to end the conflict. Dean Fischer, the State De- par1ment spokesman, said consi- deration was beina given to ano- ther meeting between Haig and Argentine Foreign Minl.aler Ni- canor Costa Mendez, who was in Washington for a meeting of the Organization of American States. Fischer said Haig submitted proPol8la to re90Jve the crisis to both London and Buenos Aires "and we are awaltlng a resporuie." However, the senior U.S. offi- cial said Haig believes "time ia getting very, very short." The war zone announced by the BritisL Defense Ministry ex- tended the maritime blockade of April 12 that was designed to prevent Argentina from reinior- cing the Falk.landt by sea. Ar-• genline planes have continued to fly in troops but large ships have kept out. Fight inflation ; see garden secti'?n How to fiabt inflation by gar- dening 18 onfy one of the helpful tlp1 offered in today'• special Home and Garden supplement. You'll al80 read about a man who und plants and herb• to turvlve • a Japan.e pri8oner of war"and learn how to rid your garden of mails. a. it. COUNTY II expected to unveil the federal aovwnment's Ult of offlbore oil tr8Ctl May 2. They will be put on the market in June. There hu been no ad- vance word on whether Watt will P'Wl for all 11 tracts off the Or.anae c.out. Shapiro said the governor has urlf!d Watt to delete three tracts and part of a fourth off the Oranf.e Coast. He said if Watt doesn t. the ault la likely. He said the suit would charge the federal government with violating the •tate'• Coaat Zone Management Act and with not adequately addrealng environ- mental concerns. · Shapiro said the state SUOt.'eS&- fully blocked the leuing of eev- eral tracts off Santa Barbara rec2ntl using the same legal ap . overnor Brown, ln a recent communication to Watt, wrote "I'm dl.aappointed you oontinut to inaiat that outer contlnentl!S ahelf lease sales don't dlrectl7 affect the coastal zone." The governor specifically re. queeted Watt to move the ex»- tlng three-mile llmlt on of&hore oil drilJ.1ng back another half mile from the coast. State Attorney General Geor- ge Duekmejian, whose office (See OFFSHORE, Pa1e .U) DelyNotlt.ft"*- VICTIMS AIDED -Federal disaster officials Those left homeless can apply for $5,000 io process claims from victims of last w eek's fire low-interest loans a nd rent s ubsidies a t the in Anaheim at a relief center near the scene. center. I Wayne ~irport Wording changed on noise ordinance By DAVID ltU'l'Da.NN , or .. o.tr,... ...,, Orange County s upervisors approved changes Tuesday in jet noise controls oontained within a controvenial airline access plan for John Wayne Airport. However, officiab contended, the thrust of the plan remains the same. Airlines which use the quietest aircraft will be eligible for additional flights in the fu- ture out of Orange County. The board, in a unanimous vote, agreed to replace all refe- rences to new DC-9 Super 80 "quiet" jets and other 80-Called "Stage 3" aircraft with new language that refers to specific engine noiae level.a recorded at John Wayne Airport. The changes, officials hope, will improve the cha.noel of the aocem plan being approved by a federaf judge. The county last month adopted a revised plan -governing which commerc..lal air carriers serve John Wayne Airport - and sent it back to U.S. District c.ourt Judge Terry Hatter Jr. Hatter bad prevt_o~ly ruled that the county'• Ol1l1Jlal airline accen plan unfairly bf:neflted incumbent alr carriera, AirCal and Republic Airlina JUd1e Hatter l• expected to rule on the acceptabllty of the new plan May 10 in Le» A.ngelee.. Airport oU.iclalt aid the aa"9 plan amendment approved Tuesday means tha t airlines which serve Orange County no longer have to buy OC-9 Super 80s S unset flight set to aid fire victims . A apeci.al hour-long SUJ'l9et jet flight along the California coast to tabe money for Anaheif11 fire victims i.s being offered May 1 by Pacific Southwest Airlines. Tickets for the PSA DC-9 Super 80 flight. to include. champagne and hors d'oeuvres donated by the Balboa Bay Club, are $100. All proceeds from the flight will be donated to the Red c.n.., April Fire Fun~ which stands now at $67,000. The Red CrOIS hu set a goal of $250,000 to meet the needs of fire victims. PSA. which can accommodate 150 pa8lellget'I aboard ita jet_ es- timated it could ralse $ is.ooo with the fll.ght, set to lift off from John Wayne Airport at 8 p.m. To make reaervations, call 374-2120. c.h donations to the fire fund t hould be sent to the American Red Croat, P.O. Box 11364, Santa Ana. 92711. INDEX AA AlO OS-7 82 M 82 El,~ a a D AlO • • Dl·2 Anaheiin, OC t o b a n wood r oofs Almost a week to the day alter flames surged through central Anaheim, leaving 1,500 people homeless, the Orange County Board of Supervisors and the Anaheim City Council took stepe to ban combustible wood roofs an their juriad.ictions. The City Council passed an urgency ordinance Tuesday pro- hi bi ling the use of untreated wood shingle roofs on all new buildings. New roofs put on existing commercial and residen- tial structures also would fall under the ban . The county Board of Supervi- sors, meanwhile, ordered pre- paration of stronger regulatiom to prevent use of combustible wood roofs in all unincorporated a.n;u of the county. J.n a unanimous vote Tue.day, the board also instructed fire officlala and the Environmental Management Agency to deter- mine the costs and impacts of requiring existing atructurea to have fireproof roots. The study la due back in three weeks. County guidelines now prohi- bit use of shake and ahinale roofs within 1,000 feet of brushy wO.d.landa areas. But Supervtaor Ralph Clark• who Uvet neer the scene of lMl Wednaday'a fiery holocaus&. IUd a further prohibition on wood roof• ls neceuary m populated areu to avoid future traaediel. OFFSHORE OIL • • • would handle the p~ law· suit, declined to commeft\ an U"9 suit during an lntervl•w Tuff" ~ficlala al80 repor1ed that the at.ate Coastal CorM\bllon. whkh baa recommended the entire Jww lMM eale be poetponed, hu th• power to take le1al action aplnat th• federal 1ovemment over &he leue aale and ha.a done IO In the put. Inf ants offered • • swims, exercise An exerciae and swimming clua for infants ia being of- fered Saturday mornings at the Orange Coast YMCA in Newport Beach. The half-hour "Rug Rat" exercise class begins at 9 a.m. •The Costa Mesa branch li- brary has a nno unced the names of four wtnnen of the 10th Annual Bookmark Of>- sign cont.est. Becky Meabon, grade 2; JatoD T~orntoa, grade 3; JeU Royer, grade 5; and Jose Vlramoata. grade and is for Infants up to l year in age. The "One, Two and You" swim class begins at 9:45 a.m. and is for infants three to 36 months in age. For more infonnation, call 642-9990. 7 will now go on to county· wide competition sponsored by the Orange County Public Library T he tour winners from Costa Mesa were selected Crom 400 entries. Students to face tougher standards Incoming high school fresh· men in the Newport-Mesa Uni- fied School District will face tougher graduation requirements starting this fall. District trustees i.ncn!ued high school graduation requirements Tuesday from 200 t.o 220 units, effective in September. Math requirements were in- creased from the current five to 20 units and F.ngliah from 30 to 40 units. In the put, students were re- quired to complete 100 usigned units and had a choice of 100 elective units. Now stUdents will have to complete 125 units m basic subjects and 95 elective units in order to satisfy high S!=hool graduation requirements. The board's action came in res- ponse to recommendations by the F.ducational Relources Advisory Committee. n.@ group of parents and teachen had suggested·in- creaaln1 hlah achool require- menta to 230 uni\a. . Trulteel decided to wait until May 11 bmft deciding whether or not to i.ncrew the instructio- nal day for W., leCXlnd and third graders by 70 mmutet. Flnt semester tint graders would be exempt from the ex- tension. Sheryl Pettitt, chi~ negotiator for the Newport-Mesa Federa- tion of Teachers, said the tea- chers' union ii attempting to poll the pnmary teachers who would be aff«ted by the change. T emperatures Coasial OYw out• cout.i -t•• bel· -Point Conccl110n end San Nicolal ~ non"-1 wtndl 12 to 22 knoll with 5 to 7 foot. combined .... Wfft to aouth-_, ...,nd• 12 to 11 knoll In af- lemOOll. Souttiw.t ~ 2 to 3 taet. Fair through 1tternoon MOltly CIOudy tonight SUCCUMBS -Actor Tom Tully, piclured as Captain De Vriess in "The Caine Mutiny," is dead,at the age of 73. Veteran actor Tom Tully dies on Coast Veteran movie and atage actor Thomas Cane Tully, a longtime resident of Newport Beach's Lido Iale, died Tuesday. He was 73. Friends of t h e onetime Aca- demy Award nominee said memorial services will not be held Wllil July so that a family member currently out of the country can attend. Tully. whose acting career stretched back to the days of W.C. Fields. received an Aca- demy Award nomination in 1954 for his portrayal of Captain de Vrie1S in "The Caine Mutiny." He acted m more than 50 films d uring his career and made nearly 500 television appearances including a stint as C<Hltar of the 1950s series "The Lineup." A native of Colorado. Tully spent eight years doin~ sta~e work, appearing in a number of Broadway shows. Turning to film, he played alongside W.C. Fields, Clark Ga- ble and Humphrey Bogart in a string of movies. He was featured an "Lady in the Lake," "The Carpetbaggers" and "Destination Tokyo." He leav es has wife lda, a daughter and two grandchildren. Mesa bank robbed; thug gets $2,000 c.o.t.a Mesa police a.re 9eeking a gunman who robbed a Crocker Bank Tuesday afternoon of $2.000 before fleeing on foot. The man, wearing a motorcy- cle helmet and dark jac ket, entered the bank in the Harbor Shopping Center at 2 p.m. and handed a teller a note, announ- cing the holdup, police said. . Extendea ·/orec41st ... Height • issue shelv~d Rather than choose aidea, Newport Beach City Councll member• have decided to 1Jdt· 1tep a long llmmer1na nelchbor· hood dlapute over vlew1 of Newport Harbor. The quarrel, centers on how high hou.eet1 should be built on the bluff1lde of Kins• Road, a windlng 1treet that otf en a sweeplna view of the harbor. Residents on the ln1and aide of the roed charge they'll loee their harbor view. lf the dty does not restrict the height llmlt on bluff.aide homes, Bluff.aide homeowners respond that their nelghbora acrou the street are attempting to re-ignite a fight they bit more than two years ago. Lori Miller, a bluffalde real· dent who said she is tired of the three-year-old apat, suggested the council put the whole thing "in the garbage can where It belongs." While the council didn't do quite that, it did agree to shelve a request from a group of Inland residents th.at the city impose a building moratorium on the bluffside of the street. Specifically, inland residents -who have formed a group called Save Our Neighborhood - asked that the moratorium be lifted when the d ty settles on a new height limit for bluffaide homes. City law now permits houses on the bluff edge of Kings Road to be built 24 feet above grade, roughly seven feet higher than the inland side residents want. Nearly three years ago. the city dJd impose a bluffside height li- mit of just over 16 feet. But bluffside residents took the ~eight limlt to court and had it overturned. Ccuncil members agreed to leave it that way unless the Cliff Haven Community Association, which takes in the Kings Road neighborhood, decides to rekind- le the disoute. ''There1s a potential here," said Councilwoman Evelyn Hart, who livr.s in the Cliff Haven commu- nity, "of really tearing that neighborhood apart and I will do everything I can to avoid that." Pot sniffers detained by maple tree Newport Beach narcotics offi- cers, thinking they might have a record-setter on their hands. de- scended today on a suspicious looking 15-foot high tree. • "Could be marijuana," com- mented one officer, noting the tree. rooted in a 1idevard of a vacant house near the UP.per Newport Bay, was abundant with tell-tale green spiked lea- ves. Officers said they also detected the faintly sweet odor of mari- juana in the air. Upon closer inspection, howe- ver, police determined it wasn't marijuana but a Canadian Dwarf Maple. an unusual but perfectly legal species. The maple, which was left standing, reportedly is unfit for smo~. Police said the mission wasn't a total loss. They did turn up a small two-foot marijuana bush which was uprooted and hauled back tO the station. DllJ ..... ltlllf~ STORM CENTER ....... Arri Buford, star of a Fountain Valley Little League team, is caught in a controversy which has provoked violence. Baseball hassle heats up By PHIL SNEIDERMAN or .. Deir ,.... •tllft Twelve-year-old Arri Buford said Tuesday he just wants to play baaeball. But the Fountain Valley North Little League star and his family have suddenly found themaelves lhruat into the spotlight in a dJ- spute centering on Arri's eligibi- lity to play for his team, the A.- troe. The quarrel has divided aome Little League parents. has led to court action and ia now in the hands of national Little League officials in Williamsport, Pa. A dedaion by national autho- rities ia expected later this week. Meanwhile, county anon In- vestigators are trying to deter- mine whether two firebombing incident.a in the Bufords' neigh- borhood -one involvinJ the family's own house -are linked to the Little League squabble. "Arri's been caught in a power struggle within Lfttle League," said Thomas L . Brown. the fa- mily'• attorney. The boy's mothe r . Minnie Buford, added, "I feel he'• a great athlete, a great player. But he's caught up in a controve.ny he doesn't understand. He just want.a to play bueball." The dispute centers on Arri's place of realdenoe. The Bufords lived in Fountain Valley for nine yeen. Last year, however. Arri's fa- ther James Buford, a disabled veteran. was 9e'Jlt to Detroit for 11 months for medical treatment. When he signed up to play at the start of tne current Little League season, Arri was living with Ed Winsinlski , then- president of the Fountain Valley North league. When hia family returned to Orange County, the Veterans Administration could not find proper housing for the ~ufords in Fountain Valley and instead secured for them a Garden Grove home that could accommodate James Buford's wheelchair. Although Arri now lives with his famil.y ln Garden Grove, he still attends Allen School in Fountain Valley and has been playing for the local Astros. The _youth who had never be- fore played league baseball. dl1tlngui1hed hbmelf as a . 750 hi tt.er and a aood pitcher, his at· tomey Mid. Harbor revamp rejected By JODI CADENHEAD OflM Dal!J Not ltaff Faced with mounting oppos1 lion from a ngry Costa Mesa ho- meowners, the city Redevelop· ment Agency has killed a $1 5 million plan to realign Harbor Boulevard. The action Tuesday was a vic- tory for the more than 200 east aide residents who packed the Neighborhood Community Cent· er m opposJt1on to thedlan that would have realagne Harbor Boulevard to connect wath Broadway Caty Council members, who also sat as members or the Rede- velopment Agency. voted unani- mously to scrap' the plan Support for the proposal see- med to wane early an the meeting when Herma n Kammel, who conducted the enganeenng study . admitted that the realignment would do little to solve traffic problems an downtown Costa Mesa. He said ~he realignment would reduce traffic along the heavily congested Newport Boulevard by only 15 percent, while mcreasmg traffic on Broadway be tween Newport Boulevard and Orange Avenue 'from 2.500 to 4.000 c-ar.. dally. "At this time. it's not a good reason for realignment." said Kunmel OpposlUon t.o the plan abo came from Mark Letter. senior vace p.rtsadent of Pac1f1c Federal Sa- van~s and Loan. who with the Redevelopment Agency helped rmanc:e the $9,800 study. Lett.er said bank 0Cfac1als. who are currently building a corpo- rate headquarters at the 1nter- sect1on of Newpon Boulevard and 19th Street. favored the plan when completion or the Costa ·Mesa freeway seemed near. "The way to solve traffic pro· blems as not to dump traffic into rffidential areas," said Letter. "We are not an support of rea- lignment anymore." CdM resident Mrs. Kilgore dead at 93 Longtime Corona del Mar resident Willie Charlme Kilgore died at her home Monday. She was 93. Fune ral services have been scheduled at l p.m. Fnday m the Wee K.a.rk of the Heather chapel at Forest Lawn Memonal Park. Glendale. Dr. John lnghs. of the First Presbyterian Church of Redlands. wall officiate with interment to follow. A descendant of Gov. William Bradford. the first governor of P lymouth Colony, Massachu- setts, Mrs. Kilgore was born Dec. 26, 1888, on a plantation in nor- thern Mississippi. She came to California when she was 17 years old and later married William R. Kilgore, a founder of Pacific Employers' Insurance Company. Mr. Kilgore died in 1954. The Ktlgores' only child. Do- rothy. a Corona del Mar resident. died in 1952 Airline bombed NEW YORK (AP) -A pipe bomb exploded at the Manhattan office of Lufthansa Airlines early today, blowing out a Qt.ss door. police said. AND ,, llWPllT Illa I fllll llll:D WEONfSDA'(. J\Pf11l ~·B 1982 ( ) 11 A ~. ( . t ( I ) I I N I ' " l 11 () J ~ ~~ I A I ( l cf N 1 '-, Newpor.t t ,o Join Offshore oil suit? Br STEVE MARBLE or ... ....,,......., The state la prepan!d to 80 to court over an upcoming offshore oll leue sale unleaa the federal sove.mment cull back the num- ber of t:racta that would be offe- red, including several off the OranRe Coaat. Mike Shapiro, an adviser to Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr., u.kl a lawsuit la being planned be-. c.auae of fears the Department of Interior will not bow 10 envtron- ment.al conc:erna on offahore oil drtlllnc and exploration. Newport Beecb dty offldala, in a related development, have an- nounced they would be willina to join the atate 8'#t if ''tt'a in the dty'a beat intereet.'' City ooundl memben in New- pol't qr'eed to ,Sve City Attorney Mike Miller the authority to de- dde whether to join the IUit aa "a friend of the court." Argentina alerted Lasuna Beach Mayor Sally Bellerue u.kl she had not bee.rd of the planned lawsuit, but added that L,uuna "certaJ.nly would be in the aame boat aa Newport in looking after the city'• beat interests." . The federal government hu propo.ed leu.lni eleven tracta off Newport and l.Aguna. Both dties are opposed to otl platform• being er«ted off their coastlines. Interior Secretary James Watt la expected 10 unveil the federal aovernment'• lilt of off&hore oil tracta May 2. 'They will be put OD the market tn June. There h.u been no ad- vance word on whether Watt will puah for all 11 t.rac:ta off the Orange Coast .• Shapiro uld the governor has W'pd Watt to delete three t.rac:ta and part of.a fourth off the Oranf.e Coaat. He said lf Watt doesn t, the au1 t la likely. . He said the IUit would charge the federal government with violating the atate'a Coast Zone Management Act and with not adequately addressing environ- mental concema. Shapiro said the atate suoceBS- tully blocked the leasing of 1ev- eral tracts off Santa Barbara recently using the same legal approach. Governor Brown, In a recent communication to Watt, wrote "I'm dl.aappoint.ed you conu.n._ to ln1l1t that out.er continen'JI ahelf lease aalea don't dlrectl' ,attect the coutal zone." The sovemor apeclflcally ~ quested Watt to move the exltlif Ung three-mile limit on offahorl oil art.ufng beck another half mOe from the coast. State Attorney General Geof1ioi ge Duekmejlan, whose offlcc (See OFFSHORE, Pace AJ) ~ I Britain prepares for 'total war' By Tiie A11oclaled Yresa Britain declared a "total" war wne 200 miles around the Falk- land Islands today, Argentina's· navy was reported ln the zone ready to fight and the United States warned the situation had· reached a critical point. ·The Defense Ministry in Lon- don said the "total exclusion CITED -Councilwoman Norma Hertzog has been ho- nored as the city's. "woman of the year." · zone" woUld take effect at 4 a.m. PDT Friday, and the British Broadcasting Corp. aald there waa a strong pa!ISlbillty of a Bri .. tiah attack Friday night or Sat- w-day morning. It aaid Prime Minister Marga- ret Thatcher has "taken her gloves olf." British defense sources said I ...., ............... HONORED -Scout leader Harold "Bud" Hohl has been named Costa Mesa's "man of the year." Hohl and Hertzog win Mesa tributes A retired Marine who haa helped Boy Scouts and Indiana ancf the dty'a first woman mayor have been named Costa Mesa'• "Man and Woman of the Year." Councilwoman Nonna Hertzog and well known volunteer Ha- rold ''Bud" Hohl will be honored next Wednesday at a Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce luncheon at the Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club. Ma. Hertzog has been a leader in Costa Mesa politics and cultural aUalra and became the dty's flrat woman mayor in 1977. A native of Canada, Ma. Hert- zog attended the Unlvenlty of Toronto before moving io Ca.ll- forrua in 1951. She opened the f1nt of two Jlft'"ICboola she hM operated in Costa Meu in 1962. WORLD M.. Hertzog's interest in chil- dren led to her involvement ln the YMCA. Family Service Aa- · IOdation of Orange County, the National Aaaoclation for the Education of Young Children and United Way. She was elected to the city council ln 1974 and served aa pn!Sident of the OranRe Cdunty League of Cities ancf was rec- ently named a director of the Orange County Performing Arta Cent.er in Colt.a Meta. Harold Hoh l moved to Cotta Mesa in 1948 and retired from the military in 1984. But be didn't retire from the community. He haa been active in the Veteranl of ~ Wan and W• a Boy Scout i.der' for many yeen. ~laae carryms 49 bijacked TSGUCIGALPA, Hondura1 (AP).:..... Gunmen hlJickecl a dom.t1c airliner with 49 people aboerd i0aay 8Dd W.tened to kill a U.S. banana cmnpmy exec:utlw unie. Handur111 freed 20 political pdaml. n,e hijldlen freed 14 .,.ope. NATION weather in the South Atlantic was "deteriorating rapidly, with 70-mlle-an-hour winds on the way," heightening speculation that Britain's annada would act quickly. Argentina, while saying it was studying a U.S. peace plan re- layed by Secretary of State Ale- xander M. Haig Jr., puts its for- ces on "maximum alert'' and predicted a Bri tiah attack on the Falklands in 24 to 48 hours. Argentine ' naval sources in Buenos Aires said the nation's fleet was depl<?)'ed in the South Atlantic, including the "total ex- clusion zone." .,..,,.... .......... "We're doing all we can through dlplomatic channels to avoid a war, but if they want war, they will have it because we will have no ahematlve but to ddend ourselves against an VICTIMS AIDED -Federal disaster officials Those left homeless can apply for $5,000 ip proce8I claims from victims of last week's fire low-interest loans and rent subsidies at the in Anaheim at a relief center near the scene. center. attack'," 4ald one of the Argen- ti.M IOU.roeS. .. Wayne Ajrport ln Washington, a 1enior State .Department official said, "We are now at a point where lt la almoet imperative that the two sides agree" to U.S. proposal.t to end the oonflict. ' Dean Fischer, the State De- Wording changed on noise ordinance partment spokesman, aaid oonal- deration was being giftll to ano- ther meeting between Haig and Argent.lne Foreign Minister Ni- canor Costa Mendez, who waa in Washington for a meeting of the Organization of American States. Fischer said Halat submitted proposals to re90lve the crilia to both London and Buenoe A.ires "and we are awalttna a response.'' However. the senior U.S. offi- cial aaid Haig believes "time la getting very, very short." The war zone announced by the British Defense MlnJatry ex- tended the maritime blockade of April 12 that was designed to prevent Argentina from reinfor- cing the Falklands by sea. Ar- genline planes have continued to fly in troope but large ships have kept out. Fight inflation; see garden secti':'n How to fiaht inflation by pr-denina la onfy one of the helpful Upa offered In t.oday'a special Home and Garden supplement. You'll alto read about a man who used plants and herb• to survive• a Japaneee prWone.r of war and learn bow to rid your prden of IDa1l9. Dig it. COUNTY ' By DAVID KU'l'ZMANN or ... .,..,,.. ... Orange County superviaora approved changes 'fueeday in jet no&9e controls contained within a controversial airline acceaa plan for John Wayne Airport. However, officiala contended, the thruat of the plan remabu the same. Airlines which Ule the quietest aircraft will be eligible for additional fllgh~ in the fu- ture out of Orange County. The board, in a unanimous vo1e, agreed to replace all refe- re ncea to new DC-9 Super 80 "quiet" jets and other ao-<:al1ed "Staie 3" aircraft with new language that refers to specific · englne nolae levels recorded at John Wayne Airport. The changes, offlciala hope, •vill improve the chances of the -8CX:le9I plan being approved by a federal judge. The county last month adopted a revised plan -governing which oommerdal air carrlen serve John Wayne Airport - and aent it beck to U.s : Di.strict Court Judge Terry Hatter Jr. Hatter had prev~o~aly ruled that the cot.tnty'a ortgtnaJ airline acceaa plan unfairly benefited incumbent alr carriers, AirCal and BepubJjc Airlinea. Judie H•tter la expected to rule on the acceptability of the new plan May 10 in Loe Angeles. Airport officiala aald the accem plan amendment approved Violeace bl ebUdren ey,ed A ltatll camm'mlm conclude9 that eome roota of violent '-baviar lie tn child~ and.~. diet • ad odm' faction ID the home.~P.,.·M. Tuesday meana that airlines which serve Orange County no longer have to buy OC-9 Super 80s S unset fligh t set to aid fire victim s A special hour-long 9Wl9et jet fliaht along the Calilomia coast to ra1te money for Anaheim fire victUm Is being offered May 1 by Pacific Southwest Airllnee. Tickets for the l>SA DC-9 Super 80 flight, to Include champagne and hors d'deuvra donated by the Balboa Bay Club. are $100. All proceeds from the flight will be donated to the Red Croa April Fire Fund, which stands now at $67,000. The Red Crosa has set a goal of $250,00Q to meet the needs of ti.re victimS. PSA. w'bicb can accommodate 150 pamengen aboard ita jet, es- timated It could ralae f 15,000 with the flight, aet to lift off from John Wayne Airport at 8 p.m. To make reaervatlona, call 574-2120. Cash donations to the flre fund should be tent to the American Red Croa, P.O. Box 11364, Santa Ana, 92711. INDEX Anah e iID , O C t o ban w ood r oofs Almost a week to the day after flames surged through central Anaheim, leaving 1,500 people homeless, the Or;ange County Board of Supervisors and the Anaheim City CouncU took steps to ban combustible wood roofs in their ju.ri.sdictiona. The City Council paaaed an urgency ordinance Tue9day pro. hibitlng the uae of untreated wood shingle roofs on all new buildings. New roofs put on existing comme.rcial and residen- tial structures also would fall under the ban. The county Board of Supervi- sors, meanwhile, ordered pre- paration of stronger regu.lati0b8 to prevent use of combuatible wood toofs in all unincorporated ~ of the county. 1n a unanimous vote Tuaday, the board also Instructed fire officials and the Environmental Management Agency to deter• mine the <;osta and impacts of requlrlng exlatlng structures to have fireproof roofa. The study la due back ln three week& County guidelines now prohi- bit uae of shake and ~le roof$ within 1 ,000 feet of bru1h1 wildlanda areu. OFFSHORE 01~ .. would handle th• elanned law· Nit. decl1ned to commtnt on the 1ult durln1 an lnterv&e• Tuea· da(>uldall a11o reported Uuat the atate Coutal Con\rnllllOft.. which hat recommended the entire June ._ ale .,. po1tponecl, hu the po••r to take le1al action a1aln1t the federal 1overnment over the i... Ille al\d hu done IO ln \he pMt. i.. Inf ants offered • • swims, exercise An exerciae and swimming clus for infants la being of- fered Saturday mornings at the Oran~t YMCA in Newport . The half-hour "Rug Rat" exerci.ae claas begina at 9 a.m. •The Coeta Mesa braneh li- brary has announced the names of four wtnnen of the 10th Annual Bookmark oP- sign contest. Becky Meabon, grade 2; Jaso• Ttaoratoa, grade 3; Jeff R8yer, arade 5; and Jose Vlramoaca, grade and ia for infants up to 1 year in a,e. The "One, Two and You; swim class begiris at 9:45 a.m. and is for infant.I three to 36 months in age. For more infonnation, call 642-9990. 7 will now go on to county- wide compeUtion sponsored by the Orange County Public Library '1 he tour winners from Costa Mesa were selected {rom 400 entries. Students to face tougher standards Incoming high school fresh- men in the Ne wport-Mesa Uni- fied School District will face tougher graduation requirement.I starting ibis fall. District trustees increued high school graduation requirements Tuesday from 200 to 220 units, effective in September. Math requlremenu were in- creaaed from the current five to 20 units and English from 30 to 40 units. In the past, students were re- quired to complete 100 llligned units and had a choice of 100 elective unita. Now students will have to complete 125 units in basic subject• and 95 elective units in order to satisfy high school graduation requlrernents. The board's action came in res- ponse to recommendations by the Educational fte90urces Advisory Committee. The group of pa.rents and teachers had suggested· in- creaalng high school require- menta to 230 units. 'l'rultea decided to wait until' May 11 before deciding wheU\er or not to increue the instructio- nal day for first, second and third graden by 70 minutes. First semester first graders would be exempt from the ex- tension. Sheryl Pettitt. chlef negotiator for the Newport-Meta Federa- tion of Teachers, said the tea- chers' union ii attempting to poll the pnmary teachers who would be affected by the change. Temperature8 CoaSial· OYer outer ooutlll w9t.n bell· -Point Coftc9Pllon Md Sen ~ ltl8NI ~ wlndll 12 to 22 knot• wllll 6 10 7 foot. combined MH. WHI 10 tov1"- -· wind• 12 to 18 lmota In 11-temoon Sout'-1 ..... 2 to I feet. Felr tll•= eflerftOOft Motlly doudy I SUCCUMBS -Actor Tom Tully. pictured as Captain De Vriess in 11 The Caine Mutiny," is dead at the age of 73. Veteran actor Tom Tully · dies on Coast Veteran movie and stage actor Thomas Cane Tully. a longtime resident of Newport Beach'• Lido lale, died Tuelday. He was 73. Friends of the onetime Aca- demy Award nominee 1aid memorial services will not be held until July ao that a family member currently out of the country can alt.end. , Tully, whose acting career stretched back to the days of W.C . Fields, received an Aca- demy Award nomination ln 1954 for his portrayal of Captain de Vriea in "The Caine Mutiny." He acted in more than 50 ~ during his career and made nearly 500 television appearances including a stint as co-ttar of the 1950s series ''The Lineup." A native of Colorado, Tully spent eight years dolnR stage work, appearin.g in a number of Broadway shows. Turning to film . he played alongside W.C. Fields, Clark Ga- ble and Humphrey Bogart in a string of movies. He was featured In "Lady in the Lake," "The Carpetbaggers" and "Destination Tokyo." He leaves his wife lda. a daughter and two grandchildren. Mesa bank robbed; thug gets $2,000 Costa Mesa police are 1eeking a gunman who robbed a Crocker Bank Tuesday afternoon of i2.000 before fleeing on foot. The man, wearing a motorcy- cle helmet and dark jacket, entered the bank in the Harbor Shopping Center at 2 p.m. and handed a teller a note, announ- cing the holdup. police saJd. 1Exteniletl 1~81 .. "Height • issue t shelved Rather than chooH 1ldH, Newport Beach City Councll members have decided to 1lde- 1t.ep a Iona llmmerlna netahbor'- hood dil.put• over vlew1 of Newport Harbor. The quarrel, centert on how hl1h houae1 1hould be built on the bluf tilde of Kins• Road, a wlndlns street that o ffera a sweeplnl view of the harbor. Residenta on the inland aide of the road charge they'll 1oae their harbor vlew1 lf the city doe1 not restrict the height limit on bluffalde homes. Bluf&ide homeowners retpond that their neighbort across the street are attempting to ~Ignite a fight they loet more than two years ago. Lori Miller, a bluffside resi- dent who said she is tired of the three-year-old spat, suggested the council put the whole thing "in the garbage can where It belongs." While the council didn't do quite that, it did agree to shelve a request from a group of Inland resldenta that the city impose a builDi~oratorium on the bluffMe-of the street. Specifically. Inland residents -who have formed a group called Save Our Neighborhood - asked that the moratorium be lifted when the city settles on a new height limit for bluffside homes. City law now permit.I houaes on the bluff edge of Kings Road to be built 24 feet above grade, roughly seven feet higher than the inland side resJdentt want. Nearly three years ago, the city did impose a bluffside height U- mi t of just over 16 feet. But bluffside residents took the ~eight limit to court and had it overturned. Council members agreed to leave it that way unless the Cliff Haven Community Association, which takes in the Kings Road neighborhood, decides to rekind- le the dispute. ''There's a potential here," saJd Councilwoman Evelyn Hart, who UvP.S in the CJ.Uf Haven commu- nity, "of re ally teiaring that neighborhood apart and I will do everything I can to avoid that." Pot sniffers detained by maple tree Newport Beach narcotics offi- cers, thmk:ing they might have a record-sett.er on their hands, de- scended today on a auspicious looking 15-foot high tn!e. "Could be marijuana," com· mented one officer, noting the tree. rooted in a 1ldevard of a vacant house near the Upper Newport Bay, was abundant with tell-tale green spiked lea- ves. Officers said they al50 detected the faintly sweet odor of mari- juana in the air. Upon closer inspection, howe- ver, police determined It wasn't marijuana but a Canadian Dwarf Maple. an unusual but perfectly legal species. The maple, which was left standing, reportedly ls unlit for smoking. Police said the milaion wasn't a total loss. They did turn up a small two-foot marijuana bush which was uprooted and hauled back to the station. .,..,,... .... ..._... STORM CENTER -Arri Buford, star of a Fountain Valley Little League team, is caught in a controversy which has provoked violence. Baseball hassle heats up By Pun. SNEIDERMAN of'"'90ellyNot8'8ft Twelve-year-old Arri Buford taid Tuesday he just wants to play baseball. But the Fountain Valley North Little League star and hie family have suddenly found thernaelves thrust into the spotlight in a di- spute centering on Arri's eligibi- lity to play for hie team, the As- t.roll. The quarrel has divided 80f1le Little League parents. has led to court action and is now In the hands of national Little League offida.la in Williamsport. Pa. A decision by national autho- rities is expected lat.er this week. Meanwhile, county anon in- vestigators are trying to deter- mine whether two firebombing Incidents In the Bulords' neigh- borhood -one involving the family's own house -are linked to the Little League equabble. "Arri's been caught in a power struggle within Little League," said -Thomas L. Brown, the fa- mily's attorney. The boy's mother, Minnie Buford, added, "I feel he's a great athlete, a great player. But he'• caught up in a controversy he doetn't understand. He just wanta to play ~ball." The diapute centers on Arri's pl.ace of residence. The Bufordl lived in Fountain Valley for nine years. Last year, however, Arri's fa- ther Jamet Buford, a disabled veteran; was Rnt to Detroit for 11 months for medical treatment. When he ailO'\ed up to play at the start of tne current Little League seuon, Arri waa living with Ed W lnsiniskl, then- president of the Fountain Valley North league. When hls family returned to Orange County, the Veterans Administration could not find proper housing for the Bufords in Fountain Valley and instead secured for them a Garden Grove home that could accommodate James Buford'• wheelchair. Altho\.lgh Arri now lives with hill family in Garden Grove, he still attend• Allen School in Fountain Valley and has been playing for the local .A.troa. The youth who had never be- fore played league baseball. dlatinguilhed hlmaelf u a .750 hiuer and a good pitcher, his at- torney Mid. Harbor revamp Jrejected Br JODI CADENHEAD or .... DellJ,...•t.tt Faced with mounting opposi· t1on from angry Costa Mesa ho- meowners, the city Redevelop· ment Agency has killed a $1 .5 million plan to realign Harbor Boulevard. The action Tuesday was a VlC· tory for the more than 200 east side reside nts who packed the Neighborhood Community Cent· er in opposition to thedlan that would have realigne Harbor Boule va rd to connect w i t h Broadway City Council members, w ho also sit as members of the Rede· velopment Agen<.·y. voted unam- mously to BCrap the plan Support for the proposal see- mt!d to wane early m the meeting w he n Herman Kimmel. who conducted tt\e engineenng study, admitted that the reali gnment would do little to solve traffic proble ms in downtow n Costa Mesa He said the realignment would reduce traffic along the heaVlly congested Newpon Boulevard by only 15 percent. while increasing traffu: on Broadway between Newport BouJevard and Orange Avenue from 2.500 to 4,000 l"ars daily "At this time, it's not a good reason for realignmen t," said Kunmel Opposlll(>n to lhc> plan al.so came from Ma~elter, senior vice president of Pac1f1c Federal Sa- vings and Loan. who with tht- Red evelopment Agency helped finance the $9,800 study Letter said bank ofhctals, who are currently building a corpo- r ate headquarter!> at tht-mter- secu on of Newport Boulevard and 19th Street, favored the plan when completion of the Costa Mesa freeway seemed near. "The way to solve traffic pro- blems IS not to dump traffic into residential areas." said Letter "We are not rn !tupport of rea- lignment anymore." CdM resident Mrs . Kilgore dead at 93 L ongtime Cor ona del Mar ret1dent Willie Charline Kllgore died at her home Monday She was 93. Funeral services have been scheduled at l p.m. Friday in the Wee Klrk of the Heather chapel at Forest Lawn Memonal Park. Glendale. Dr. John Inglis, of the First Presbyterian Church o f Redlands, will officiate w ith interment to foUow. A descendant of Gov. William Bradford. the first governor of Plymouth Colony, Massachu- setts, Mrs. Kilgore was born Dec. 26, 1888, on a plantation in nor- thern Mlssisaippl. She came to California when she was 17 years old and later married William R. Kilgore, a founder of Pacific Employers' Insurance Company. Mr. Kilgore died in 1954. The K1lgores' only child, Do-· rothy, a Corona del Mar resident. died in 1952. Airline bombed NEW YORK (AP) -A pipe bomb exploded at the Manhattan office of Lufthansa Airlines early today, blowing out a glmis door, police said. . OfMle OOlie DAILY l'ILOT /Wed~, Apt1I U 1 1111 ,,,..... .... N~Y-S~E ..... C_O_M_P..._O_S_IT_E...._T_R_A ..... N-SA .... C_Tl_O_N ....... S ------- H n1~&:1!:\"rt1.\\\\'ln .. ·:1:.\•.w"'·.i:,•::,~"· 'AC"'''·,. ........... , ... , .... ·······"'..... 00\tl Jones Fi OFF 4.85 CLOllNQ 152.M profit surge,-·-· SAN DIEGO (AP) -San Diego Gu Iii E1ectrie says f Int-quarter profit.a lncreued 65 percent over eam.lngl in the first quart.er of last year. Thomu Page, president and chief executive offi. cer of the utility company, made the announcement· Tuesday during the annual ahareholden meeting, Page said the profit i.ncreue was due in part to ~tting efforta within the company, and a general rate lncttue granted by the Public Utilities eomou. lion in December. 'Slow time' challenging ST. LOUIS (AP) -Keeping production line1 moving during today's "extnordlnary llow'' timM • the major short-term challenge facing commercial !. a1rcraft manufacturers, accordJ.n& to the chainnan and chief executive officer of McDonnell Doug1u <Arp. "Major airlines find themalves without the meam -and, in the short term aometimet without the need · -for new aircraft we oou.ld expect them to buy In aubstantlal quantities in better times," Sanford N. McDonnell said. McDonnell told atock.holderl at the oocporation'• annual meeting that civil aviation hu gone through • periodic declines In the past, and that he is opti.misdc about an upturn. Commerce chief speaks Secretary of Commerce ft{aloolm Baldrige will be ' the keynote speaker at t.he tnaupratlon of the World Trade C.enter of Orange County. The $125 dinner will be he1d May 20 at the~ neyland Hotel in Anaheim. The evening will com· • memorate locating the 29th and latest world Trade Cent.er at Warmington Plaza in Santa Ana. For reaervaUon.a, call 549-8151. Computer for Italy ,\.erttal.i.a of Torino, Italy ordered a Telefile T-U • computer system to modernize and expand ita air t flight test facility where special and general pwpc:m f . aircraft are tested and developed. • ''The Initial order exceeds $1,300,000," said Sa· . • muel V . F.dens, TelefUe chairman. Deliveriea are · tchedu.led to begin ln November. . Teleflle Computer Producta. Inc., headquartered In Iryine, manufactures and marketa mlnicomputen and medium to large ecale computer systems. Bank leases Warmington site F.nt.erpriae National Bank (in organization) enter- ed lnto leaae negotiations for the bank's corporate (acillty in the new Warmington Plaza o.f:!ke complex in Santa Ana, near the John Wayne Airport. Subject to approval by the Comptroller of the Currency's office, the bank intenda to occupy approxi- mately 11,000 square feet of ground floor apace in one of the twin nine-story bulldingl under const.ructJon at 200 F..ut Sandpoi.nt.e. Fullerton firm dips Wynn'• Inwnational. Inc. of Fullerton had net In- come of Jl,085,000, or 30 oenta a aha.re, for the first quarter ended March 31, as compared with $2,490,000 Of' 68 oenta for the comperable quarter a year earlier. Sales were $46.5 million VI. $48~4 million. .. MTATIOllS LUC&Y -Rocky t\old credits luck for llil IUCCellfu1 balloon ~· Balloon ~~~mp ~lucky' I LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -J~anese res- taurateur Rocky Aoki, who helped pilot \he ftnt balloon to mm the Padfic Ocean, says it WU '1Uck -not atrategy - that won the Kentucky Derby Festival's Gr~at Balloon Race. Aoki was named flnt- place winner after a beenbag toaed from his balloon landed 1 foot, 10 inches from the target, iw:ie officials said. "It was 90 percent luck ," Aoki said . ''There'• no strategy. We have to find the right kind of wind, then luck." The Great Balloon Race was one of the fettlvitles that precede Saturday'• Kentucky Derby. Abqut 40 balloons from all over the U.S . entered this yeera race. Balloona were launched from the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center. Object of the l 1.1-hour race was to drop a bean- . · bag as closely as poesible to a marker dropped from a lead, or 'hare' balloon. Aoki financed luf year's expedition of the Double Eagle V , a 2:6-story helium balloon that became the first such craft to cross the hdfic. Energy • series topic Recently approved Title 24 energy regula- tions are the subject of a three-part Orange Coast College lecture series being offered during May. The series, "Tl tle 24 Eneray Regulations For Residential Buildings," will meet May 8, 15 and 22, from 8 a.rn. to 5 p.m. in room 121 of OCC's Technology Building on the Costa Mesa campus. The aeries ia designed for architects, building contractors. city officials and home owner/ builders. Lecturers are Blll Abernathy, Mike Boardway and Marius Cucurny of OCC's En- ergy Engineer ing De- partment. Serles fee ls $40. Re- ptntion ia scheduled in the community service office, ln the collese'a .tminlltration building. For information, phone 6&6-~880. Waste curbed SACRAMENTO (AP) -Major legislation to control the disposal of low-level radioactive wutet haa been signed t>.Y Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. The author of the bWI. ~blyman Art TQl"NI., D-Loa Anaetee. SALE STARTS WED. ,...~ ............ ..... ,....,,..,-.s... ..... At ...... Ncet. 20-PC. PORCELAIN DINNER-19" ~!£ IUYI ::'!"ar 'VlebiallO Role' fine~ .... ~­ saf.. With genuiM goacf trim. Gi~ boxed. RIYALS-QT. CROCK-POT ~~t ::!::~c,':k.19" · WW SOU> IMl*DS Of 41f. CIOCI POn M 24. ft --0 A ' ·-' ,,_' . .. ·: le ~--~ r·, oa-l ...... ~ I I • ~· I L :J j -.. ... -GLASS & BRASS CURIO CASES ~cabinet with dear g&ms panes. Hang on wal "' Mt on -1oble. WHIU STOCXS LASTI 4!: NO-IRON TABLE CLOTHS Coan. WW\119 linen loolit. Bone. 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