HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-30 - Orange Coast Pilot.. ., --. " f HIDAY. APHIL 10 11Hll (lf<AN<.1 < <lll f~l 'f C A L ltORNIA 2~ CENT S Sirh~·n plot tied to ~ county j ~il?j· ~ PnmWlnSentMI SOLEDAD -Inmate Robert Bell. who Mid be f1rlt ..odat.ed with a witneu qalna• Slrban Slrban in Ora.nee County Jail,· labeled the witneu "a chronic liar" Tbunday. Be1' .tntlfied to the parole board about wt~ Lawrence ..... wu.on. wbo Md told the bo9rd Sirhan b8d ~ to kill Sen. Edward M. x..n.cty. • Bell WM the 88CCJnd witmm ol JUST STEP BACK -Marine parachutist departs mm heli- copter during air show practice Thunday at l!:l Toro Marine Corpe Air Station. It's euy. All you have to do it stand on the the day to di1pute the death tm.tcWm. Slrban. convkted er·mn of Sen. Robert r. Kennedy, bu denied ane1atlon1 of threat• ::.-the --Kmnedy tn.. Bell, a oaavtct.ed buqlar, told 8lrban'•5 board that key wttnem ii "a cbroNc liar" and "a ,Prolif manipulator." The board -~IMKber to nednd Slrban'1l9 parole date. • ..., .......... "..,~ end of the ramp at the nm of the~ and take one step blickward. The helicopter will pu1l away at about 100 mph. Oh, don't forget to pull the ripcord. U.S. cuts Argentina aid WASHING TON (AP) -Se- cretary of State Alexander M. Hali Jr. announced economic unctions and the aUl]>eDlion of mllitary expor18 to Argentina to- day and uid the United States would ·'relpond pmitively to rf!- questa fer mat.eriel support" fer Britain in the crl1l1 over the Falkland Wandl. "There will of course be no direct U .S . militar y Applicants swarm for aliens' jobs More than 20 would-be work- .. lbowed up at the B.P. John IUrfilture plant ID Santa Ana to- day twkinc to fill jobs fc:rmedy held by aa.pecced undocumented . worken removed Thunday by federal .,enta. An emplflt: said the firm's ~1 0 W81 hwy band- JinC app&lcatiom thll rnornin8 in the WU. of the raid in which 130 wmker1 were taken into cwtody. Immicntion and Naturalha1i- on Service and Border Patrol =•"-'el-Won the plant at we~k~l~'~r~tt= .J!~ •camp~ betna conducted nation . Tbe puqme ot the operation ii to nmove undoeument.ed work- ers lrom Job9, thua rnek•na the 11 rm...._ avaOable to people who , ......... Al) NATION \ lnvolvemen. t," Ha.la uid in an- nouncing the aanctlom ordered by Pre1ident Reaaan after Ar- 1entina on Thunday rejected anew U.S. effor1a to mediate the d.ilput.e. Hile lakl while be pr uud the effort at mediation, the United State• refrained from taking aldea in the crl1i1, and Britain understood that position. "Now, however, in light of Car In Dames Argenthla'I fa:1lute-1o accep1 a compromile, we mwt take con- crete lteP9 to uoder.:me that the Unit.eel States cannot and will not condone the uae of unlawful force to resolve dilputel," he saJd. Araen tin a invaded the Britilh-beld ialandl April 2, and the Britilh 11mt their fleet to the South Atlantic to mount a bloc- kade that took full effect at 4 HB . woman rescued from crash, critical By P&n. SNEIDEBMAN or .. .,..,,... .... A 65-year-old Huntington Beach woman who wu pulled from a flamlnC CadUJac involved in a three-vehicle colli1lon Thursday remained in critical condition today at UCI Medical c.enter. A hospital 1pokeswoman aaid the victim, Selma Denktu, of 6811 Scenic Bay Lane, h¥ 1e- oond and thlrd-dep'ee bumll '1'1« " percent of her body. Huntinaton Be.ch police offi- cer Rancfy Payne and 1everal by.tan4en were credited with re&'Uinc Mn. Dllnktm from the. vehicle afW it flipped OYW and bunt into o.am. -durtna a ~ hap at t :ll a.m. at Goldenwelt Street and a.r&ld AYWl8. Four othen received minor :lr.'1e1 ln the collilion, police Huntin2ton Be.ch traffic offi- cer J. C. l>owUnc recomtruct.ed the accident thia way: JrAin Denktu, 29, WU north- bound on Golden West with her mother, Collnail Suat, 54, and her motber-in-faw, Selma Denk- tM, •~in the CadHlac. All live at the ume Scenic Bey Lane adciral. Wtci-10ld j)Olic8 the c..dll- tac entered the mtswtian tnd WM ltnack bniedlide by a Mer- cedH driven by Julla Marie I.ammano, 38, of &Ml JUdceburY Drlw, HuntinpJD 8-:h. , Upon impact, the Cadlllac , ... Cllft'ICAL, .... .U) COUNTY .c-·r"' 1 (-> .... cn.,PDI "*Y· Even M be announced Aawr- lcan 1upr.rt for Britain, "our dmml auy," Hile ..sd that in the end there wW have to be a ne- ac>tlatecl eettlement of the tent- torial dispute over the spanely _populatecl 1l1andl 250 mlle1 off the Aqrenttna c:mst. "Otherwl1e we will all face unend1nC holtility and ~ii in the SOuth Atlantic," Hile He beaan by aaytna that the criall WM entertnc "a new and dan1erou1 pha1e in which lar1e-1eale military action 11 likely." He re'Vilwed what be called an "extraorcllna.ry effort" by the United Stat.el to find a pMCefu1 IOluUon. m effort that .mt him ~~een London and Haig .. id the United Stata had popa.ed .. a fair and IOUDd'9 1ettlement that would have in- cluded an end to bosdllU., mili- tary withdrawal by both lide1, creation of an interim Britilh-Araent:lne-U.S. authority to admbmter the lUands and the creetioo of a framework for ne.: aotlatiom to c1eterm1ne the final lettlement. . He md the final arrana-nent would have had to take into ac- count "the lnier.ta ol bodi llklee and the whhe1 of the lnhabltanta," moet of them of Britilb~t. He Mid the admlniltradcm had nmdD to hope the Bridlb would comlder tboee tenm, "but Ar- 1enttna Informed ua yeeterday that it could not ....... tbmn. ( ... FALKLAND, .... Al) Bell uid WI.lion approached him in 1978 and 1u11eated he corroborate wu..i·1 ICOr)' about the alJeced Sirhan death tbrat. 0 He want.eel me to uy I over- heard him and Sirhan tallttn1 about political fifure1 and that l ~ heard him UY he Wal amna ~ HIHalnate Edward Kenn~ after hil (Sirhan'•) reW..," ': said. ( Initlally, Bell uid he d1d te~ that 1tory to autboriU. t?ut ~ (See 8DUIAN, Pap Al) ~ EYING SKY -Marine Maj. Tom Guiney peen through goa1es and window of helicopter. He wu watchinc para·• chutlata jump from another helico pter during practice Thunday for Weekend Marine air show at El Toro. See story.• and addiUonal photo, Page Bl. ., Carpenter's vote confirms gay regenf .. By JEFF ADLEK or .. .,..,,.. .... The first openly homoeexual penon named a1 a Univenity of California recent won confinna- tion in the state Senate 'lbw.lay when 8'n· Paul Carpenter, D- Cypreu, cut the deciding 2 lat vote. • Loe AnaeJe. attorney Sbeldcn Andel1on, a 51-year-old aay actlvtat, civic leader and bank chairman, won confirmation by the tn1ntmwn 21 votel required after l8Wftl earlier roll call votes fell lhm't. Carpenter, leekina the Demo- craUc nomination for U.S . Se- nate, ..sd be reluctantly c.t the INDEX At Your Semce L.11. lloyd aw•w CdtlrlM A4 M 88-'1 M • Dl,DM m C'I M deciding ballot 90 thai Sen. Jo- aep b Montoya , D-Whlttle~1 1 would n ot have to leave hi sickbed in order to vote. Montoya bad indicated would vote "aye" on Andd•'"'* appotntment if be were et' 1 ~ ' 01 the 10 votea cut•~ AndellOn, two came from c:rata and eicht from GOP . makers. The two Dem<Krm they oppoeed the appoln · becauM of Andellon'• M preference. Carpenter termed bis v~ "courtely voW' and IUd. '4<>n natural, I don't think I w , ... OAY, ..... Al) IA ' JOB APPLICANTS •••• .ire etthtr U.S. du.am. or are ln CM---~~· olftdele My. ThUl'lda~I 11'\lor'oemmt don In Onnle County ai.o Jed to the dNndaD ot 52 people employed at the Wett American Rubber to>., 750 N. Main St., Orancf. 1J A awltchboard operator .. id the firm wDUJd have no comment 11)1\ the raid. .. •. , Since Monday, when the 6nt .rai<b occurred ln LOI An1elea, .pK>N than 600 IUlpected undo- .~ted workers have beeTl ta- ken lnto. custody. Many worken b GAY REGENT vot.ed for him, althou1h I be'• qualified to eerve on Board of Reaenta." we re released after producln1 documentl thowlna they were leally within the trftlt.ed Stai... "1'hoH w ho cannot produce neceuary papera face deporta- Uon. Operation Jobi hat drawn 1tron1 protest from leaden of Hlapanlc, civil rlahta and reU- 1 lou1 1roup1 who olaUn the aweepe are dltcrimlnatory and racially motivated. They allo have char1ed that tboee ta"en· Into cuatody are belnl denied certain rights, such .. bet.ftl per- mitted to talk to an attorney. • • • . Onofre ·problem sohed Problem• that· cauaed a non- radJoact.Jve leak to a nuclnr po- we r plant In S an Onofre have been Identified and corrected , Southern CaUfomla F.diJlon Co. reported Thunday. Water from the reactor'• coo- ling ayatem et1Caped Wednelday from Unit 2 of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating S tation , w~h la undergoing startup tea-tinl. Such leak.age is common to the atartup procedure in a ny large power plant, company spo- kesman David Barron said. The incident occurred during testing for leakage in valves and pip ing In the r eactor coola n t system at high temperal.uretl and pre91ures, Barron sa.Jd. He added he did not expect hia vote would help draw support few hia U.S. Senate bid from the gay community. 'The appointments were rDade by Gov. F.dmund Brown Jr. An- delaon and HalUaey both are membera of Brown'• U.S. Senate CampelsJ\ steering oommlttee, In oppo1ing Andelson '• ap- pointme nt to the boa rd , Sen . Ruben Ayala, D-Chlno, com- ment~d. "I waa told thia man should be admired becauae be came out of the closet when It was not popular. I don't think that It's popular now -at leut not in my clistrtct." VICTIMS SAFE -Huntington Beach poliCe officer Keith Nale examines the ~ of a Cadlllac which crashed and burned at Golden .,.., .,.... ~...,ca., ...... Wett Street and Garfield Avenue Thursday. Three women were pulled from the burning car, one of whom was critically injured. Nuclear fuel in the reactor bu not yet been Irradiated and no radioactivity was releaaed in the incident, he said. Abo approved by the Senate were att.om ey ancl former U.S. Rep. Yvonne Brathwaite Burke an d San Francisco attorney Jerfmlah Hallisey. Both w ere confirmed as regenta by wider marginl than Andebon. From Paga A1 CRITICAL • • • SIRHAN HEARING ... skidded out of control, struck a motorcyclist, aheared off a fire hydrant, aend1ng a guaher 25 feet akyward. knocked over a traffic U,ht pole, flipped on ita roof and bunt into flamea. ·tlalmecl he wu lying. When i>ai-~le board member Loretta Cot--her referred to a prevlout atate- ·inent by Bell quoting Sirhan as '9aying, "I ain't liniahed with him ~ Kennedy) yet. rn get his brother," Bell was adamant. .,. ..b "He didn't aay none of that," *ll lald of Sirhan. Alked if be ~a conversation about K.en- ¥dY. he uld, "No. I didn't." Bell said he asreed to lie for WU.On when the two of them •ere together at the Orange '°'1ftty Jail becau.e Wu.on con- ~ him b e bad "juice" and could Influence authorities to be (hUmt with Bell. who WU then awaiting trial .J ''He waa always buddy-buddy t n d asked m e if I n eed e d anytb.tna:' he laid of wn.cn. But , laier he said he learned that WU.On was known throughout the prU()n system aa a liar. "i:ve rybody knowa Larry Wu.on I.a a chronk liar," he tes- tified. Aaked U Sirhan ever dia- CUl8ed politics, he aaid no. "H e didn't talk to hardl y anybody," he said. "He WU juat by hlnlle1f ... Aaked who S irhan'• clo1e1t friend WM, he laid: ''Himlelf. ,, Asked if he might be getting IOIOeth.ina for thia testimony, he reDlied: ''l ain't gettin' nothin'." ~Iler, William "Old Man" Kogan, 60, said Sirhan, whom be considered a friend. WU the tar- -pl of~ pri8anen who sought to make points for them- eelves by wheedling Slrhan's life atory out of him and embelll· ah.inf( it. . Eain Denktaa and Mra. Suat were able to crawl o·ut of the vehic l e, but the elder Mrs. Denktu waa trapped in the back. seat until Officer Payne and IOl1le byatanden broke the win- dowt and pulled her to aafety. Ma. Lammano, the driver of the Mercedes, Ronald Lee Stude," 24, of Huntington Beach, who wu riding the motorcycle, and the two w o m e n who freed themselvea from the Cadillac: were all treated at local hospitals and releued. 28 still held by hijackers FALKLAND ISLANDS • • • TEGUCIG ALP A, H onduras (AP) -Four leftist h ijacke rs held 28 ~ lncludlng ef&bt Americana foe the .econd nJcht at>o.rd an airliner at the Teguci- galpa airport, but the Vatican ambaaaador ne1o t1ating wi th them showed some opt:irniml. 'The Buenos Alttt government ~ Oil immediate allUt'aDOl!S p.at It would pin ultimate 80Ve- ~ty over the ialan<b, Haig In view of~~~·· mul8l L~~~:1~ llaat w ill affect both military --and ecanomJc tiee with Ar-pntina. The atepe Hali u.ted: -'"The auspenaion of all mili- tary exports to Araentlna, and the wttbhold~ of' certification of Artmtlne blllty for mill· tar)' ..i.; -0 The 1u1cion of new Expart-.Impart credits and ~·and the awperwtccl of ty Credit Corporation ~teea." He said ''the llftllldent hat alto directed that the United States will reapond poaitively to re· queata for materiel 1up port for Brltiah forcea" but added that there w 111 be "no d irect U .S . military involvement." The armed guerrillas reduced the ir d emands three tlmea Thunday and allowed the pilot'• children to vlait h1m on board. But the government imiated h would do no more than fly the men out of the country in e x- change for their captives. "Tne neffotiations are on the right path, said Monsignor An- drea Cordero Lanza. ~-----------------------------------------:-:1 Some sunshine due ' ee 45 61 38 57 39 eo .,. 82 $4 . 70 50 68 40 et 55 87 40 v 31 ee 47 82 21 81 57 82 37 87 30 56 35· 68 it G /o " 44 n 61 ~ 13 eo ...;.----------------~-------------::---~ 81 4e Freeno 80 49; Dublin 50 45 ... ... L..AN:Mt• 80 49 a--53 4e 85 51 Long a.di 72 82' Hong Kong 72 70 116 43 Loe ~ 10 91 .,.,,...,, re 64 ee ss ~ aa &a Jo'tiuro ee 41 84 72 Monrow. 75 51 UrM 73 85 53 31 Momebello 1e eo L.llMn --n 87 41 Monier~ 89 47 LOndOn 17 82 ... ~.. Wiiton 71 l50 Medrtd 12 a R ..... 94 n ...,.. " 87 45· ~ 1eeet1 fJ7 eo MoeeoW M ea 41 o.1enc1 78 53 ,... Dll'll 16 1M1 41 om.to 72 64 Pene 14 M 44 Plllm 1pi1ft01 ts 82 Alo 77 93 70 P...-W 72 M Rome 14 14 32 PllO ~ 81 41 890 P-*> 84 81 21 AMnldl 73 &7 8lnQlpc)r9 ae llO 38 Aed llllff 13 64 Stodlholm 4t 89 41 Aedwood Qty 80 50 a~ ea 84 2.4 .... ,_to 10 M Telpll M M 40 8e11nM 72 42 T()leyo 84 51 ~ 1M ..,_dlilO 73 M Vienna M 12 11' IM~ 75 N OANAirA M II IM'*IO 70 82 ti 75 ! .. -.,, FrwG900 87 62 C411g1WY 82 ::-· : ~ ~~ = =:::· = 13 13 ..... .... fJ7 51 "'°"'8 87 53 N ..... CN1 71 11 toromo 17 16 u..,....,... n 42v~ :: 50 .. 41 .. . 52 :: 55 n 41 52 ., 54 41 ... • .. 34 ... 81 17 40 :; ra ~.... ~ n1.l~ CMPO"M ea 44 =::...:.~ n ; rxtended t ':. Y\IMa '* •: "ol1'Ctu' " ............ 1~ "' Ali*5 .. ll 5a It lunday-T"941•y: Nlfht and t7 .. '° "*""" low ........ ., ... .. • ................ a...m•. MM ~W!Mrlll .. .......... ti IO ...,_'ln .. OOlllll .,...IO a .,.,...,.. .... 1n ..... ...,... 11 ft '--' ........... .... . ................... 4k • • ------------------------------------------------~ Li tile new by Reagan ·No breakthrough seen in budget speech WASlUNGTON (AP) -Pre- aident Reagan'• aides cautiowtly let out advance word th.at his speech to the nation would have "llOIDe new Ideal." But ln the end there WU little new lo what be aald Thursday night. l\eagan'a nationally broadcast = delivered from the Oval -Offered no changes in hla proposal to break the b udget deadlock. -Offered no new proposals for altering the debate and pro- cedure under which the Congresa will tackle hia 1983 apendlng plan. Reagan endoraed a proposed ConstJtutionaJ amendment. pen- ding in the Hou.e and Senate, that ge nerally would require Congress to approve a balanced budget in the future, except in wartime. It would take a three- flfths vote of each chamber to• approve a d eficit budget any other time. But even that atep re flected Reagan'• long-atanding support for the baJlinced l>ucUlet concept. He said at a Maren 31 ne w s oonference that he liked the idea, 1111 AlllYlll adding the caveat that It "must a1ao carry with It a limitation on taxes." That tax condition waa missing from bla speech Thuraday eve- ntna. The president sought to re- employ a tactic that worked ex- ~ly well for him a year ago: Encouraging the people of the nation to apply premure. through lettera and telegrams and tefe- phone callil to their representa· lives in Congress. After repeating many of the «0nomk arguments he has made in the past. he told his audience: "Make your voice heard ; let your representatives know that you support the kind of fair! ef- fective approach I have outlined for you tonight. Let them know that you st.and behind our reco- very program. You did it once, you can do it again." Within a little more than one h our afte r the s peech , 1,313 telephone 'calls were received show ing support for the presl· d ent and 261 opposing him, a White Hosue press office st.ate· ment said. In writing a final dra ft i n longhand on a yellow legal-size pad, Reagan apparently rejected ad vice t hat he turn a harsh ton gue on the Democratic lea- dership. As he put the final touches on a speech that aides earlier in the day predicted would be a tough a ttack on .h11 oppos1llon, he ap- parently chose to try a softer sell. As White House officials told it Thursday morning. Reagan was planning to use the s peech to "blame the Democrats ... for the failure to reach an agree· ment" on the buc!Ret. "He'll say that the people who contributed to the economic pro- blems we see today are standing in the way of solving them. one aide predicted. And a weU-a>nnect.ecl lobbyist. summarizing a White House briefing he had received, pred.ic· ted: "He's going to really take the gloves off." But that didn't happen. 'Alabc:1ma' tops country mu~ic Mandrell, Haggard share best vocalist a wards By Tile Alaoclated Pren The rocking country band cal- led .Alabama WU the big winner at the 17th annual Academy of Country Music awar<b, taking two honon ln addition to betna named entertalnen of the year. Barbara Mand.rell WU named top female vocall1t Thuraday night, Merle Haa ard won top male vocaliat, and the duo of David Frinell and Shelly Weat won top vocal duo and son.g of the year, for "You'ra the BeelOll God Made Oklahoma," in the oettm0ny at Knott'• Berry Fann. Alabama. which te. than two yean a10 wu playing a bar ln Myrtle Beach, S .C., claimed "Hat" trophiet for top vocal group and album of the year for their "Feels So Right." A year ago, the band won the top vocal group award. "I think the llClderny jult kind of leads the way," Mid lead ain- ger Randy Owen. "It's a great honor. Lut year we did 300 days on the rOlld and we're glad all the peo Je listened ... ~ill Mandrell 'a top fe male vocalilt award marked her fourth honor from the Lba Angeles- bwd academy. "You've been very, very~ to me for a very lone time,' the ainler told the audience of 2,000 at the Buena Park amusement park. . . Haggard wu not on hand to claim hia bett male vocalilt tro- phy -hi.a 14th Hat trophy and hi.a sixth for male vocalilt Juice Newton wu another ab- sentee winner In the beat new female vocali1t category. But Ricky Skqp said, "Thank you, Lord" u h.e collected his award for best new male vocaliat. The Oak Rid1e Boye, goapel llng"en tu.med COW\try, won the tingle record of the year award for "Elvira." T he song is t he subject of a $10 million federal lawsuit by members and survi· vora of the Riving tons, who claim that the "Oo-papa-mau-mau" re frain of "Elvira" was stolen from a Rivingtons hit. However, ln accepting the best single award, Oak Ridge Boy Joe Bonsall said without referring to the lawauit that the band liad firlt heard "Elvira" sung by a group ln Texas a few years ago. '11f we knew the ~of that little group In Texas we'd b~y them a Cadillac," Bonsall said. The Clint Eastwood film "Any Which Way Yo4 Can" became the flrat winner of the newly· created Tex Ritter a ward for country motion picture of the year. That award wu preeented by Ritter's aons, "Three'• Com- pany" atar John Ritter and hi.a, brother Tom. · t ..... _. ..... ;::;...-. .. .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 30, 1812 8 Space station is next Orbiting platform topic .at Space Congress CX>COA BEAa,J na. (AP) - A II*' platform mat woUJd un- 1 fold in orbit like a ~)' and ltOYf Slant IOlai-wt.no WU the hot toilc at tht 19th annual S.,.ce~ "It'• a natural ou~wth of the ahuttle "Dr. Hana M. Mark o~ told reporters Wedn.day Naht before add.rm--. llna SOO parddpnta at the lpllCe conference at Patrici Air J'orce a-e. VIETNAMESE REFUGEES -Some of the 384 refugees from Vietnam who .sailed into Hong Kong thla week are seen aboard their u ......... boats in Hong Kong harbor. Thia hi the largest group of refugees to arrive from Vietnam thus far this year. Riverside, Imperial connties urge freeway on 'Killer 86' BEVERLY HILLS (AP) -A 68-mile stretch of highway that otters motorilta a '"white-knuckle trip" H pH1ln1 truckdrivera muscle th~m onto the road'• ahoulder, ahould be a four-lane freeway, state highway offidals have been told. However, residents of River- aide and Imperial counties, ma- king their pitch for a piece of the state transportation budget, al80 uid they will .ettle for widening UlY portion of what they call the "kllfer" highway from Brawley to Indio, juat to get the project under way. "We'll take It anyway we can get it, piecemeal or whatever," aald Bill Fl'ffma.n, cbainnan of the Highway 86 Improvement Amoclation. The group says there were aix fatal accidents on the two-lane roed 1ut year. But Michael Evanhoe, execu- tive director of the California Transportation Commilllon, held out little hope for widening at least the Riverside County por- tion of the hiahway. "It would be difficult to add anything," to highway improve- ment plan.a for the county be- cause moat of the funding allo- cated for Riverside County la slated for oonatruction of Inters- tate 15, he said. He made no aa- aemnent. for the_~ County portion of Highway 86 , the north-south connector between the eaat-weat Interstates 8 and 10. Air Force gener'al. relieved of post WASHINGTON (AP) -Maj. Gen. Edward Dillon la being re- lieved as vice commander of the Air Forc:e Reeerves becaWle of an "Incompatible management style" with hia bo11, the Air Force said today. Air Force headquarters said Dllklll'• relief resulta from a fln- dln1 by an Air Force Manage- ment AIUttance Group of a "lack of a cohesive command rela- tlonahip" at Air Fon:e Reserve beedquarten at Robina Air Force e.e. Ga. Maj. Mike Gallagher, an Air Force spokesman, said Dillon, a raerve officer who has been on extended active duty, will be reaulgned H a "moblllzation aucinentee" to the vice comman· der in chief of the Aerospace Defense Command at Peterson Air Force Bue, Colo., effective June 1. Gallaaher uid thta means DU- kin will return to dvWan life but will spend brief periods on active duty 1n a job he would fill full time in the event of a national mobOmtion. Until Jun·e ·1, G~her said, Dillon wtll terve al a apedal u- m.tant to the commander of the Air Lopticl Center at Roblnl Alr Force :e... In retpcmM to questiona, the Air Force said Dillon's relief la "deaigned to aerve the best inte- rests and improve the operations of the Air Force Reeerve." The Air Force declined to pro- vide any details on what led up to Dillon's reaaai~nment or what constituted an "mcompatible ma- nagement. style.•• Hil IUCCel90r u vice comman- der of the Air Force Reeerve has not yet been named, Gallaaher said. DUlon, who baa been in the vice commander'• pest lince April 1979, ha• the rignt to "submit any material he wishes" If he chooaea to appeal "hia release from extended active duty," the Air Force said. The appeal would go to Air Force =~n in the Pen-. to Gallagher. ~lier. the Force said Ul investigation of anonymow alle- gations of improprieties at Air Force Reserve headquarters found no t..la for the ecc:uaatiom but that the inveatt1ation had lndk:ated a need tor a review of management pncticel there. Al a result, the Air l'o~ u- 1i1ned the Mana1ement A1- 1lat.ance Group to study tbe al- t.uation. Gallaaher aald that group atlll hm not compiet.d ita Won. CtHdled edwe11111n. 714.'IU...,.. Alt other lt1p1111M"'8 ~ i=..~c.. .... CA. ........ : .. 1•.c-. ..... CA.- ~ "9 0... t..-ptut?IJU I~. __ ...,.lllwlr1. ,__........, ... -··· • --_., .... , llf .... ......... ,, .. ...,...._. Highway 86 proponent.a were among repraent.atives of varioua counties addreaaing the Califor- nia Transportation Commlasion, which will decide in June what ''It's a white knuckle trip." pro)ecta to fund in the state highway program, at it.a Wed· neaday meeting in the Beverly Hilla City Hall. The S"outhern California1 Anoc:iatlon of Govemmenta ii asking the oommlasion to include in it.a 1982 five-year transporta- tion program three separate stretches of Highway 86 for widening to four Janes. The pro- jected coet would be $32.9 mil-lion. aaid Gi.naer Gbenrdi, proc-ram dJ.rector (or SCAG. Breaking up the two-lane roed with atret.chea of freeway wW give driven "a chance to relax" between harrowing eectiona hea- vily uaed by produce trucks, uld Dave fieraon, Imperial County public work.a director. Recent improvements wide- ning bridgee and improving ahoulden have proved a hazard for motoriata, Imperial County Supervilor Abe 5eabolt told the commillkln. ''Tn.lcken recosnize that you can pt oft on the ahouJder and they can use your lane to pua another truck,'' he said . "Generally thia ta the routine on Hi&hway 86 for you to be forced_ off the ro.d at leut once bY eame large truck taking advant.aae of this wider pav~ent and uslnC the opposing lane u a means to pall whetbir traffic la coming or not." "It'• a white knuckle trip" for the local motori1t1 H well u the. Mmdoo-bound and the rec.- rea tlonal vehicles headlna to snow vacadcm, laid Plel'IOO.. In addition to red~ the number of acddenta on way 86, a four-lane divided could cut down on the 90Cldent toll on fflahway 111, which nm1 ~ the eut llde of the Saltcn ... roqhly peNllel to m.hway ad on the wnt aide ot tlie water, ms BkMrd Jandt ot cm 1mprc>-wmmt Amclldadon. DWtnc \be four-year Mrtod •ndlne at the ad of llfO, the two bllh,..,a •tt.r..,, .... acddentl, '14 of them tnvolvtaa faUlitlll wttb a total ot 100 ~ .. klDld, .,...... ml ~to dw ~doG't ta,ui., ~t of tbe ... dftta on way 18 ¥f•.-a January 1, 9"7 and.i!:f· l~J lllO tnfolwd tndll. -tn.a..,. bwol..t In IO ,W. Giii\ of the fatal '°"t: .. -Tb• three 1tnteH ncoa-melW bj ICAO tar,...,...., tr ............. ... :rz.-::=:ic:-~ Of ...at·.-11. IM a•l .1111111 ........ -..... _ .. ~ ., ............ .,.,.~ ... ., ~· Mark said whether or not Conarea commlta fund• for a apace platform, "we're 1otna to ao out and do it." Mark said he hopes a apa~e platform would be placed ln orbit In thla decade. He aa1d the National Aeronau- tics and Spa~e Adminlatration had not yet presented a firm propoul to ecnare-because "we don't know wnich way we're golni to ao yet. . " The Soviet Union announced April 20 It had placed a new apace station, Salyut-7, in orbit. An earlier apace station, the Salyut-6, reportedly la slipping from orbit after having been closed down during the last manned Soviet miulon tn May 1981. It had been home to 16 co- smonaut teems, lncludlng Sovieta Valery Ryumen and Leonid Po- pov, who set the apace endurance record of 185 days in 1980. Mark, who lefWd u eecret.ary of the Air Force from 1979 to 1981, found fault with the Soviet pt'OfP'8JD, saying they should first develop a reu.&ble apace shuttle. The Space Congress la an an- nual aympoeum dedicated to the exchange of apace science and techn0Io1ical information. It draws NASA, military and pri- vate industry apeciallata who preeent techn1cal papers, conduct panel dlacuaaiona and give spee- ches. Englneen for two NASA con- tractors, TRW Inc. and McDon- nell Douglas Corp., di1cu11ed prototypes for the apace plat- form, which could be used to launch, deploy, retrieve and maintain uteWtea. Larry Morata of. McDonnell Doualu said a buic 1pace plat- form w~ ao up on the ahuttle while fo14ed in a cocoon faahJon. Once in orbit, the ahuttle'a robot ann would place it in 1pece and help to unfold it "butterfly faahion,'' he said. Additional ahuttle fli&hta then w~uld brlnc more mocf ulea and "wings, legs and feet, which would be added to make the pJatfonn crow eventually into a manned apace-atation,'' Morata aakl. Gun control Marahall Nol'Vidt of TRW ..ad apace ldenu.ta are llletna "more and more Interest In die com· merciallzatton of apace." The platform would allow venatile operations such u ICarth obeer- vation stations, an ln1rared tele- scope beam developed for the ahuttle and ~ and w._. ther aateWta, he Paul Goldmllth of TRW and Martin GerbMI of Locldwed ~ pre.ented a technJcal report on the development of ".,)er pO'W'f win11" to be added to apace platforms to provide the heavy power demands neceuary for their different functlon1. Opponents lose court challenge I. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Efforts to block a gun control measure aimed for the November California ballot have been shot down by the California Supreme Court. which rejected argumenta that typeface on gun control =ona was ao small u to be U- The court ruled without com- ment against State Sen. H.L. Ri- chardson and eiaht other tax- payers who wanted a writ pro- hibiting the secretary of state from oertlfylng the lnltiative and placing it before voten. The mea.aure would require reglatration of all handguna, in California by Nov. 2, 1983. Im- portation and aale of new ~ would be banned after April 30, 1983. JUIUce Frank RJcha.rd80n WU the only one to vote to grant the petition. . Richardton and the other tax'- payen had cont.ended the three- point type for the text of the meuure on the signature peti- tion• waa too small to read. Generally I the type in • word in a newspaper arUc1e la about three t1me1 that me. Support.en pcmted out the law only requires that the ti= summary by the attorney i be In 12-point Roman bOlcltace' type but doesn't specify the me type for the text. · Rlchardaon aald that. the aer cm.ary of state routinely advt.. an initiative'• text. should be printed in no le9I than llx-pamt ~ponenta uid that by March 24, they had collec1ed 300,000 of about 350,000 signatures needed. The signatures must be filed by today for verification. They laid it coat about $225,000 to collect the signatures. 100% llJI•• Plush C1rp1t . 15~'4 ....... c ~. Orange COMt DAIL V PILOT /Frld.y, April 30, 1112 BY PAT HOROWITZ ot'91.0..,Plet ..... DEAR PAT: Wla ea a taxpayer receives a ref uad dMet, doet tUt meu dae retana laa1 heft accepted aad *" It 110 Joeaer a aeed to worry aboat keepla1 receipts? Alto, my refu1 claeek was not tbe amount I ezpected. Wby It Wt? K.E., Hdattn1ton Beacb Even lf you have received your refund check, 111temal Revenue Service says this does not mean the return has been accepted without question. It 1' still subject to audit for three years from the deadline for f Uing. For tfxample, reoelpta and records for the return filed by April 15, 1982 ahould be kept until April 15, 1985. The change in your refund check can be the result of a correction to arithmetic, ol'\it could be because part of your refund baa been applied to pay a balance due for another year. In any event, you will be receiving a letter from the Fresno Service Center within two weeks explaining the difference. ~ . Both sides need to b e aired DEAR PAT: I'm a member of a 1peclal lntereat orga· DizattOll. I'm apset about a television program I saw wb!cb oaly represented t•e optnlon1 of tbe otber aide. Isn't tbe station obligated to air opposing views? K,E .• Fountain Valley Yes. stations are legally required to air opposing sides of controversial issues of public importance. However, there ia no requirement that both points of view be included in the same program, or even the same program series, as long as a reasonable opportunity for contrasting views is provi- ded. Book offer questionable DEAR PAT: ID yesterday's mail I received a postal card offerl.Dg "Tbe (Oar Last Name) Family Heritage Boot" for a limited time oaly at '%7 .85. Tile card states: "Tiiis long la1tl.Dg family treaaare 11 hard leather texture boud. stamped aad embo11ed ln gold, 1ertally numbered ud registered to owiaer, aad If not entirely pleased wltb lier work, refaad 11 gaaraateed wltbin 10 days." I realize ov last name 11 anaaaal, bat I wonder lf tbls is a wortb- wklle offer. E.T., Balboa Similar offers that A YS has run across over the years tum out to be vinyl books with gold-<X>lored lettering that contain a brief history of a family name. Usually they are not worth the price asked. If you are inte'rested in the history of your family name, there are plenty ol books in the library that can provide background. Or~gon 'deports' _refugees ... SACRAMENTO (AP) -eau .. fornla'• welfare chief hat com- plained that Oregon advt.eel 5,· 000 Jobie. Indochlneee refugees to move to California where they could collect welfare, the Sacra· mento Union reported. A telephone-hot Jlne told re- fugee• in Oregon "If you want a job, go to Oklahoma City·or Houston. If you want to go to school or fO on welfare, go to Callfomla,' according to Marlon Woods, director of the Callfomla Department of Social Service9. He said t.he Oregon hot line also offered the refugees travel money. The Union repe>rted Thunday that Woods made the statement in Washlngton, where he atten- ded a congresslqnal hearing on refugee funding problems Wed- nesday. He said the Oregon h ot line message supplemented a letter sent to the Indochinese refugees April 1 by Keith Putnam, assis- tant director of human re80U..l'ce9 for Oregon. The letter said: "I am sorry to say that for many of you, the best advice I can give you is to move to another state where your job prospects are better and where federal refugee program funding continues to be available to re - fugees who have been ln the U.S. over I IA years." It referred them to the hot line for more infonnatlon. The letter was sent two weeks ago aft.er 2,000 Hmong tribesmen began moving from Oregon to California's Central Valley upon hearing that farm jobs w e re available. Putnam, contac ted by the Union in Salem, Ore., acknow- ledged that the letter and hot line mesuge were too strong, and said the hot line message has been changed, the newspaper said. In Sacramento, Shawn Ortiz, a spokesman for Woods, said a de- legation of Hmong tribesmen from Oregon was scheduled to meet with state refugee officials. a> AP'Mt s•uc ERA FANS -Actresses Valerie Harper (left) and Jane Fonda share a smile du.ring new1 conference in Los Angeles to promote a May 30 benefit program for the F.qual Rights Amendment in the Roee Bowl in Pasadena. Kansas gets 'Yellow Brick Road' A Kansas lawmaker has proved once again that when It comes to legislative priori- ties, there's no place like home. With a touch of parliamen- t.ary wizardry, House Majo- rl t y Leader Robert Frey convinced lawmakers to de- signate U.S. 54 across se>uthe- m Kansas "The Yellow Brick Road." The route passes Las Vegas hotel officials denied that a Seattle man who won a $400,000 jackpot was provide d with girls or that he poured most of the eamlnga back into the hotel's slot machines. Cecll Baras, 56, who won the largest slot jackpot in the city's history April 3 , surfaced in his c.omedlan Roclaey Duger- fleld'1 trademark white shirt and ·red tie soon will hang in a respectable place alongside Jtmmy D1rante'1 hat and Arcllle Buker'• armchair at the National Museum of American History. The comic who claims he "don't get no respect" dona- ted the shirt and tie to the through Liberal, which Frey represents and where there is a tourist a ttraction called "Dorothy's House." Kansa s was the s tale where Dorothy, the young heroine of "The Wizard of Oz," caught a tornado and was whisked away to the land of wicked witches and munch kins. hometown of Seattle saying he put $300,000 of his win- nin~ back m the slots ''trying to hit another $400,000." Burns told The Seattle Times that bell captains at the C ircus Circus Hotel in Las Vegas provided h im with ''the best-looking girls in the world." Smithsonian Institution's col- lection of memorabilia from promine nt American enter- tainers. "This is ;r big thing. I only got two shirts, you know." quipped Dangerfield, who wore an open-collared green shirt with a black suit for the laugh-filled preaen ta tlon ttremony at the mu.sewn. Hawaii'• repretentative to the MIM USA ptageant had a $7,000 necklace and 10lld aold pendant ripped off her neck durlns a 1lshueeln1 tour of mld·Manhattan, police u.ld. Vane111 Da8ol1, Ml.ti Ha· wall, told police ahe and four other contnt.antl were croa- 1lng Lexington Avenue at 49th Street at the time . Country muaic aln1er Sklly Wet& hu given birth to • 7.pound. 2-ounce slrl na· med Teae Marie in NuhvUle. The father is Allee Frll· &ell, lead (Witariat in &he band that plays tor Mm Wett and her slnftng partner. David Frlnel . The Frlzzella are brothers and younger bro- thera of the late singing siar Lefty Prlizell. Ml11 Weat la the daughter of Dottle West, a singing partner of Kenny Rogers. Several Hollywood actors, writers a nd producers are looking to the courts to prove their claim that studios cheat them when TV aeries or mo- vies are syndicated, according to TV Guide. Feu Parker. s tar of the "Danie l Boone" TV series. sued one studio for $48 mil- 1 ion , alleging ''the r e is a systematic, wel! thought out program of fraud and deceit" ma proc:ess used to detenrune 1f a syndjcated show LS profi- table, said an article in the ~Garner, star of TV's "The Rockford Files," said he has not received any of the show 's re ported $52 million pro fit a nd 1s con side ring suing, according to the maga- z 1 n e . Comedian Milton Berle, retired Los Angeles County Sheriff Peter Pltcbeu and other would-be poker parlor o perato r s accuse Cit y of Commerce officialB of stac- king the deck against them in favoring a Nevada corpora - lJon for the LJCense. The City Council sull has to approve a club site and awaits results of a she riff's de part- ment background check, but Commerce Club Inc. appears to hold the upper hand in the deal. Its officers include a blackjack de aler and card room manager at Las Vegas' MGM Grand Ho~I. Ortiz said part of the problem 1s that the federal government, which had been supporting re- fugees for the first 36 months, recently ruled that after 18 months employable adults would get federal help only in those states where· they are eligible for f.iirJ~ii~i;ia~iiliiliiJiiii~ii~i~iiiii:Sii local welfare. California has a local welfare program, differing in each of the 58 coun}ies, but Oregon does not. ACADEMY BOUND -Ira Robert Astrachan, son of Gerald S. Astrachan, 8597 Garfield Ave., Fountain Val· ley, received an appointment to Alr Force Acade my at Colorado Springs. He attends Fountain Valley High School .. -. THI IAllL'S P\ IllllMU.,... .... ._~ It ua. 2 ~7867 .... l1mt IMwi. • YOUI Door ' ICal llON ...,_ YOlll Al'MI ......... 1.12" , .......... ~ -vtllO 49S.o401 ..nc.....c..,.,,_ .... ..... .....,,, .. A.-y ....,,., • ~· • • • Tum your unusables Into usable cas ... cau Daily Pilot classlfled 642-5671. A TredHlon for IO Yeera ·• 1982 lirvlng Nightly TH1 A.M. Ortiz said that by law Califor- nia cannot deny the refugees welfare or food stamps. Clock plant to wind down THOMASTON, Conn. (AP) - Workers reacted angrily to news that the Seth Thomas clock fac- tory here will be cloted ln No- vember and its operations OOlllO- lldated with a Westclox factory near Atlanta. E .T. Ryan, president of Gen- eral Time Inc., called the Tho· maston facility outdated and in- efficient. He laid operating cosa would be lower in Georgia. The factory, which gave thla town ita name, employs 175 peo- ~.most of whom will loee their Nnport aw. I P.CJl, 'Ne.,tteadt Oriental Rug Sale APRIL 30 • MAY 8, 198Z (By The Sq. Foot) A REFRESHING APPROACH to merchandising oriental rugs. We dealers buy new rugs by the square foot according to their grades: e.g·., Chinese Super ~" 90 Line which comes in more than 20 qualities. Therefore, at SHAH 'N SHAH we sell them by the square foot with the quality listed on the ticket and your purchase invoice. · ADVANTAGES of SQUARE FOOT PRICING BY THE QUALITY AND GRADE 1. Facilitates easier comparison shopping. 2. Standardization: Knowing what you are buying and acquiring your money's worth . In the past consumers were in the drak in buying oriental rugs. 3. You can compute the cost by the grade and quality and p./sq.ft. price . You end up with a better rug for less money. In cases of misrepresentation you have legal recourse. PAK.JSTANI BUKllARA 9/16th Double @ $12.50 p./sq.f~. 9'xl 2'=$1,35t.to C1DNESB SUPER~·· 90 Line Cloeed Back @ $17.50 p ./aq.ft. 9'x12'=$1,8t0.H . INDO-BBIUZ 9/60 Quality @ $15.00 p./eqJt. 9'xl2'-tl,l!O.ll DllUIUUES 80 count 5ply machine spun wool @ $4.00 p./sq.ft. 9'x12'=$43Z.OO llPllA.llAN IRAN Silk Wrap 5'x-7'9"-tl ....... CALL roR A COMPLETE LIST OF OUR VARIOUS Ql/AJ.J1DS & SQ. FT. PRICES ·sh~~ 'n Shah Odenfal Rugs IOIO I . MAIN ST. IANTAANA 557-1400 I R edford k eeps licen se BIIDJ'ORD, N.Y. (AP) -Ro- be" Redford ha1 hel~ onto hll Utah driver'• l1cenM by .. ttinc 9 mph knocked off hla •l1hth ·~ violation ln three years, olfidall-aaid. • Redford, an actor who won an Oacar for directtn1 "Ordinary Peoele," did not attend W~ day 1 hearing In Bedford Town Court. Lawrence Maf.fet, b1a la- wyer, entered a &u.111Y ~ and paid a $25 fine after winning a change in the apeedinc charp. Nov. 7, Redford WU heeded to · actor Paul Newman'• hone farm in North Salem. N. Y., when he waa clocked at 73 mph in a 55 mph zone on Interstate 684 In Bedford . Maffei proposed that the charge be lowered to 64 mph, and Town Justice Kenneth Lange and a state trooper agreed. It wu Redford's eighth spee- ding ticket in six states in three years, and his driver's license would have been suspended if he were convicted of speeding 18 mph over the limit, the Utah Motor Vehicle Department aaid. The violation of 9 mph over the speed limit keeps Redford under a 200-point l\mit on violations, Utah officWa aatd. 0.-, Not • ..,, "*° RAR E BOOK DONOR -Eugene McKnight of San Juan Capistrano, a member of the Saddleback College board of trustees, has donated 400 rare books to the new 10,000-square-foot library at the college's north campus in Irvine. The library-classroom-lab complex was dedicated in ceremonies this week. !!!!!-~!!!!!~ erything must go up to70°10 0 FF ! FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Fflday, Aprll 30, 1882 NBC to push Comedy Fall lin e up in cludes 8 'funny' shows NEW YORK (AP) -NBC, which experimented 1ut MUOn wtth prime-time --f•turtnc •tin !tom the put, will pursue ln 1982·83 another tactic drawn from TV'1 bl1tory -a lineup havy in comedy. The network'• fall tchedule, announced Thunday, lncludea el&ht comedy .mes, the mo1t lt haa preeented lince 198&-66. NBC, No. 3 behind CBS and ABC in the recently completed TV year, w11 the tint of the three networks to unveil ita tall achedule. The NBC IChedule for 1982-83, the firat drafted under Grant Tinker, who IUC!Ceeded Fred Sil- verman as the network's chief executive 10 months ago, in- cludea 11 new aeries and 13 re- turning prosrama. At least three 1eries introduc- ed with fanfare In the recently completed season -"Bret Maverick," starring James Gar- ner, Mickey Rooney's "One of the Boys," and "McClain's Law," starring J amea Arnesa -were not in the achedule unveiled by the network. One 1ertes built around a ve· teran 1tar, 1'The Devlin Connec- tion" with Rock Hud1on, wa1 announced for 111t 1ea.1<>n but withdrawn bec:auae he became W. That lhow will be introduced in the comtn1 1euon Saturday ntahta, 10-11 p.m. Yet another, "Love, Sidney" •tarring Tony Randall, enjoyed IOme 1uoce11 lalt IMIOn, and wW remain a part of the NBC lineup. "The Powen of Matthew Star," which wu withheld lut aeuon after the 1tar, Peter Bar· ton, was Injured on the aet, will be in the lineup, Fridays 8-9. NBC'• enduring hit, "Little House on the Prairie," will be back, but wtth a new family and a new star, 19-yeu-old Leslie Landon. She is a daughter of Michael Landon, who i1 depar- ting as star of the lhow but will continue as executive producer. Other programs from th.la aea- aon that are not on the network'• fall schedule include "Flamingo Road." "Chicago Story," "Harper Valley" and .. Barbara. Mandrell and the M.andre1l Sllterl." Brandon Tartlkoff, president of NBC'a entertainment dlvilion. 11id the renewed emphHl1 on comedy ia at least partly the re- 1ult of the 1ucce19 of aeries like "Love, Sidney" and "Gimme a Break," inuoduced lalt eeuon. The new comedy prOll"&ma are "Family Tiet," starring Michael Grou and Meredith Baxter Blr- 6e y, Wednesdays, 9:30-10; ''Cheen," with Ted DaNon and Shelly Long, Thursdays, 9:30-10; "Mama's Family," starring Vicki Lawrence and Ken Berry, Sat- urday•. 9-9:30, and '1Silver Spoon.a," with Ricky Schroder, Saturdays 8:30-9. New dramatic serle1 include "Gavilan ," with Robert Urich, Tuetdaya 9-10; "St. Ellewhere," starring David Birney, Tuesdays 10-11; David Hauelhoff in "Knight Rider," Fridays, 9-10; "Remington Steel," with Ste- phanie Zimbalist, Fridays, 10-11, and Jon-Erik Hexum and Meeno Peluce in "Voyagen!" Sundays, 7-8. ' llflque Show l)eih!i)r~' You'H Like Our Prices 1.it.& You'll Like Our Food ® Served 5 to 9 P .M. MC>N: CLAM STRPS ..••......•.......•............................................... 3.95 Hwdklgtoo Center rnal today thru Moy 2 II rou 11ew. 1ut1 llled your new Flct1tlou1 8 u1lne11 Heme •nd lie ve n01 r•• aubmln•d II for pullllcellon. pleeM don't forget 111•1 Ill• fi"'lt•llon 11 30 d•r• from d•I• ol flllng. The DA ILY PILOT w lll publl1h JO"' lllll•menl ler •••ti Our clrculelion lnduCIH Ille entire Or•nt• Coe11 er•• end leg9f n0Uce1 eppeu I" elf •dltlon1 In ord•r lo submit you• •l•l •m•nl fo r p ubflce llo" ••"d eppropnitte copy end • che cll lo THE DAILY PILOT. P 0 Boa I"°. Coale ...... CA 92626 We'll do the r•w Fo• lnlou"•llon •bout ••g•I edver1111ing pH8M Ull 142-4321 ht 332 Deep Med ttrlpe of IWMt c:fam• ~ of potato, cole slaw TUES: CllCKEN FILLET STRFS ................................................. 3.95 wtitt. me.t c:hlciten fillet 1trl1>1 deep trlend and .wet wtth choice of dlpe. tried breecs.d Zucchini. choice of potato. WED: S'flt.fRY BEEF & VEGETABLES ....................................... 3.75 LMn beef 1tlr fried with muwooms. green peppers, onlona & c:eiely, topped with tertyaltl uuoe. 8efwd wtth rice. TtdS: CtlCKEN WITH BBQ SAUCE .......................................... 4.45 Booed c:hldcen breut baked With BBQ UUC41. Setved with cole flaw, choice of potato. FRI: SHRIW MARINARA ............................................................. 3.95 Z•ty blend of bay shrimp, onion, green peppetl, celery, mushroom•. l«ved on bed of rice. veoetable. SAT: HAWAIIAN STYLE CHICKEN ............................................... 3.95 Boned cnldlan breut topped With crlap bacon and plneapple ring. Served with rice and vegetable. SUN: ROAST TURKEY ................................................................. 3. 75 Sliced rout turl(ey MWV9d With dretalng, cranb«ry aauoe, vegetable, etlcHoe of Potato. WEEKLY: OCEAN PERCH .... : ....................................................... 3.95 Grllle-:S llghtty spnnkJed with chopped parsley. wgetable, chok:e ol potato. Above Includes choice of hot rolls or gartlc toast. Avallable Al These Locations 11477 Beach 11., 842-2112 7490 Elin&«. 847-4736 10136 Ad.ams. 963-Wl FLY AND DUY. lnb'ocluclng Perk'• Europe•n Delivery Program. Taking a European vacation? Come to Park Porsche/Audi and check out our unique Euro- pean Delivery Program. The money you save on your car could pay for your vacation! Why huy or lease yoy.r new Porsche or Audi from just any dealership when you can get At Park, we coordinate all the details of your trip with our travel agent, and give you a set of Michelin m~ps. for exploring those quaint village roads. We'll have your car shipped back to the States, and when It arrives. we can pick it up. completely deta~ and service it, Cali1ornia certify it and deliver it to your door. We 'II even handle all the cumbersome paperwork for you. the special treatment at Park. . At Park Porsche/Audi, we're commicted to o ffering the ultimate in customer ser vice: Your new Park Porsche or Audi comes complece with a Park Preferred Service Club Card, entitling you co a multitude of complimentary services. You '11 also have a personal Park Consumer Representative, 'here co answer all your automotive questions. And, if you'd like ~~< y. to pick up your new automobile right from the factory, ask about our unique European Delivery Program. The professional s at Park Porsche/Audi are dedi-ilO=I)( 1-i II AU i)i cated to giving you ~e first class treatment you de~erve. II Come ln and discover the Park Porsche/Audi UNLIKE ANY OTHER difference. What better way to see Europe. and what bet- ter place to break-in your new earl Call today for all the details. ~~~~!=,~~~~~ i»3~Vul Park. CA 90620 (714) 521-8621 (213) 921-774'4 (Alongside the Santa Ana Fwy.) j I . . I -'I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT"rld9y, AIWU 30, 1882 !Bill seeks io ~urb r;ongress pay tricks A blll that would, among The ProxmiM bill would not other things, end the sneaky con· addrell lttelt to this repeal, but It 1re11tonal practice of sllpping would specify that no luture leg- rnem bera • pay raises and tax ialation affecting con1re11lonal · ~reaka onto unrelated legislation pay or taxes could addre11 any nu been introduced by Sen. wu. other iaue, and that any such bill Uam Proxmire. could be approved only by recor· The measure further would ded vote. bar automatic cost·of·living pay It also would remove mem· tncreaaes for congressmen and bers' exemption from ltem·by- prevent any pay raises from going item justification of tax deductions into effect until a new C.ongrees is for busineH expen1e1, putting teated. , them on the same footing as"lllny All this ~ in response.to the other taxpayer. atorm that ardse when members And, 88 iJ done in many state raised the ceiling on outside in-legislatures, it provides that come they may earn and gave changes in compensation, tax themselves permission to deduct benefits or outside earnings would $75 a day for Washington living be effective only when the next expenses without showlng how C.ongress takes office. the money was spent. In the House, that benefit was Proxmire says his refonns are tacked onto a bill raising the coal designed to ''force the C.ongress to tax and passed without diacussion. deal with items of direct interest Adverse public reaction to =.~rs in a regular and open this maneuver already has result- ed in attempts by some members to repeal the tax break. That's not only as it should be, it is long past due. Legal hut improper Three justices Qf the Califor- nia Supreme C.ourt broke tradition last week by endorsing the candi- dacy of an Alameda County· supe- rior court judge who is facing an election challenge. Until October 1978, judges were prohibited by the California Code of Judicial Conduct from endorsing candidates. The code has been changed to bar only en- dorsements for "non-judicial" of- fices. • So the justices' action is quite legal. But we find it troubling. The endorsemeuta of Justices Frank C . Newman, Allen E. Broussard and Cruz Reynoso, all of whom were appointed to the high court by Gov. Brown, ap· peared in campaign literature dil- tributed by Judge Henry Rmmey Jr., who is being challenged by an Alameda C.ounty ~istant district attorney. Justice Broussard says he sees nothing wrong with the endorse· ment. Judges, he says, "ought to be able to turn to their fellow judges, people who know them and can say they're doin~ a good job and should be retained." That sounds reasonable enough on the surface, especially in a period when incumbent jud- ges find themselves increasingly involved in tough election races, instead of winning almost routine re-election as formerly was the case. We don't doubt the sincerity of the justices who apparently have known Judge Ramsey for some time and think highly of his ability. And there should be little objection when judges at lower court levels support one another. But, an election endorsement from members of the high court raises some difficult questions. Decisions made at the superior and appeals court levels frequently come before the Supreme C.ourt in final appeal. Fairly or not, the justices can be perceived as seeking to mold the lesser courts in their own image and meddling in local poli- tics. The Supreme Court is a highly visible and very powerful podium. It has become politiciz.ed in recent years as a result of con- troversial appointments or contro- versial decisions. If California's high court wants to regain its once enviable position in public esteem and help restore confidence in the admini- stration of justice to high levels, the justices should eschew even the hint of political involvement. It could come back to haunt them and hurt the court. Immigration solution "A simple a nd reliable and final documentation procedure for determining whether a job appli- cant is an illegal alien" Is the ma· jor point of any effort to reform immigr.ation law, California Chamber of C.ommerce Agricul- tural Manager Jim Van V aren told joint congressional subcommittees on immigration last week. California firms oppose sane· tions against employers for hiring illegal aliens unless such a docu- mentation procedure can be im· plemented, he told committee memben. The employer, he said, should not have to be a policeman. Proper documentation would stop the wholesale movement of the Bor- der Patrol into agricultural fields, and the law should require that before a worker could be removed from the property, his docµments would be inspected by th e Immi- gration and Naturalization Service to determine their legitimacy. . The current INS "Operation Jobe" maneuver further empha· ldus the need for adequate, non· oounterfeitable documentation for leplly admitted aliena to protect them and their employen. Followtn1 the wholesale roundUpl in small plants and fac· • tories, it developed that the INS was obliged to release up to one· third of thoee detained when they were able to establish their statue as legal immi&rants or dtlzens. Much publicity was given the fact that hundreds of unemployed Americans applied for jobs at the plants following the raids. Less, however, was given the fact that many -as in the Orange C.ounty strawberry field raids -did not want the jobs offered. The pro· prietor of one fish cannery, for example, was unable to find can· didatea for fish-cleaning jobs. "They all want to be truck drivers," he explained. The California Chamber rep- resentative testified in a hearing on the Simpeon·Mazzoli bUla that would give employers a warning dUJinB ~ first year lf caught hi· ring illegal alienl, with fines or jail terms for aucceedin& offer-.. It would permit the use of multiple exlstln1 identification document• for the first t~ree yean, to allow tlme for the 1ov- ernment to develop a new and teCUre syatem to verify ell11bWty for employment. Thia, of courae, la the only eventual eolution -and lt cannot come toon enoup. Oplnll)M ••prnMd In IM ... ...w .,. lhOM of the Dally Piiot. Otner Yltwl ... Pt"91Hd on this Hee .,.. thOM Of tMtr MNtl 8"d ertl1ts. AeN9r comment Is ln~lt· ed. Address The O.lty Piiot, P.O. IU 1560, C.ta MIN, CA 92626. Phone (114> 'M2·'321. ORANGI! CONat eosBV IN ~ovie.tS target Christians WASHINGTON -Perhaps embold- ened by the partial succeee of the Catholic Church in standing up fo the Polish government in recent yean, Christian 8eCtl have been giving their communllt rulera a headache in the Soviet Union itaelf. -b A.atoniJhlng reporta seeping out of Russia recentry indicate that the Chris- tian "problem"·hu become 1erioua en- ough to warrant a concerted cnckdown by the authorities. The particular ta.raet. of their antl-religioua zeal are the un· derground preuH of various Christian churchel. SINCE lt7t, Baptlall and Seventh- day Adventt.ta have ~ to .et up secret "publlahing hou.es' to tum out rel.igloua literature. The Baptista have a clandestine publication called The Cbrutlan, while the Adventists have one called The True Witne... ln addition. the underground pre9lell have been t=out everything from Bibles and h to critiques of Soviet law. Th.la clearly has the Kremlin worried. Amnesty International estimates th.at at least 115 Baptt.ta and 30 Adventiltl in the put two ye-an have been impr18oned for "anti-Soviet ~· -an offerwe that includes any teechina of religlon ln thia oWdally athelstic country. While Western jouma11at. have publi· clzed the plight of Soviet Jew1, more than half the prilonera of conacience in 1981 were Baptiltl, Adventist.I, Ruaaian Orthodox, Jehovah'• Witl'le9el or other Chrlalian church members, 80W'CeS told JKI 11111111 my reporter Jeff Nesbit. Most were convicted under the slander statute, wblch carries a maximum sentence of three yea.rs ln prllon. / Bealdea outright prosecution, the communist& have other official weapons to u.e aaatnst Soviet citizens brave en- ough to practice their religion. Belief in Christianity is defined by Soviet law u a form of achiz.ophrenia. With a certain lronlc Marxist logic, a Soviet citizen who dares to practice Christianity might reasonably be deemed crazy and out of touch with his environment. At any rate, this 1tatute has been used to confine Christian lea- ders in mental hospitals for "treatment." Even more frightening is the law concerning deprivation of parental right.I. Soviet courts can take children away from their parents and ship them to another part of the country If the el- den have "neglected their duties" in child-rearing. One 1uch duty ia to edu- cate children in "the 1plrit of the moral code of the builder of communimn," ac-oordi.ni to the Soviets' Fundamentals of Legialation. Tilere are documented CMeS of children havin1 gone into hidlna to avoid being kidnapped by the Jtate. The audiorities have been quite auc· ceaful in their crackdown on Cbrist.ianl: For example, moat membera of the Baptista' 1001e governing body, the Council of Evangel1cal Chriatlanl and Baptllll ln the U.S .S.R .. have been in prilon lince January 1980. I THIS WIDESPREAD official pene- culion of Ch.riatianl has gone virtually unnoticed in the United States. Only rare ca.es are reported here -like that of the "Siberian Seven," the Pente- costala who forced their way into the American Embaay ln Moecow in 1'178 and were given an uneuy, unofficial sanctuary in the embuly buesne:nt. The amazing thing about the Krem- lin's crackdown I.I the evidence it gives that Christianity still survives after more than 60 years of otfidal repnslon. The regime'• fury I.I a tribute to the courage and devotion of Chrlatiam determioedly pracUdng their faith in defiance of the overwhelming power of holUle rulen. It I.a a story wunatched since the days of the Roman Empire. Split roll initi8tive misses mark Although the inequity in property taxation contained in the great tax revolt called Proposition 13 adopted by the voters an 1978 was well recognized by the legislators, four years have passed without their taking remedial action. Thia is not surpriling since the home - owners had been crylnjt for relief for 10 years before Proposition 13 became a f.act without any aid from the lawma- kers. Now, as the inequities increase where- by post-Proposition 13 home purchases or constructions are being taxed at cur- rent market valuea whtle thote who owned their homes prior to the 1978 in- itiative are paying taxes hued upon 1975 valuations, another rebellion is brewing. FOR THE INEQUITY of the different amounts of taxA.tion upon homes which are similar in value has not only contri- buted greatly to the depression in real estate sales and slump In the building industry but ls creating increasing retentment of the unfalrnela of the law by those who have acquired homes In the past four years. As evidence of this, a group calling themselves "Taxpayers for California" has launched an initiative drive to pro- vide tax relief for the victims of the Propo1ltlon 13 homeowner inequltiea. Since, lnltead of jogging the lawma.ken into taking action to provide proper re- lief for these homeowners. il has spurred the resentful solons into a contrary ac- tion that would pe rmit local govern· ments to rolJect new unlimited amounts from the hapless homrowners under the guise of "assessments.'' the new initia- llll WATlll live, referred to as the "Split Roll Pro- perty Tax Initiative," must be taken se- riously. While it addresses Itself to the inequi- ty problem, it actually provides much less than full equality. As Sacramento County Tax A8Meaor Wi\liam Lynch, who agrees that the inequities are beco- ming a serious problem, st.ates, "The propoeed initiative doesn't do enough." His reference is to the provision which allows only a 50 percent exemption of the difference between the previous owner's value and the market value when acquired by a new owner. It not only doe1n't give the new owne&; the same break as the pre-Proposition 13 owner but increases the tax differences each time the home changes hand.a. Not only is It a poor attempt to correct the Inequity but ill additional feature of establishing a separate and higher tax rate for business property is highly con- troversial and probably will insure its defeat. The proponents justify the spht roll provision by claiming Proposition 13 has shifted the property tax burden away from business and increased the share paid by homeowners. The California Taxpayers Associauon, while not yet ta· king a position against the initiative, cites figures reCuting that claim. They show t he assessed value of owner- occupied homes representing only 36.5 percent of th• •otal statewide assessed property valuat. •ns, a drop from the 38.8 percent shart which prevailed in 1976-77. In a detail• , •~port Cal-Tax analyzes all aspects<' 1.~e proposed initiative. While conet'I.• · g that there has been a slowing of ·,.,me construction and sales since Pror JSition 13, the report is totally negative to the initiative proposal. re the central interest of the propo- nents ia to bring about equality for home- owners they might put their money to be tter use by bringing a lawsuit for equal protection of homeowners. In fact the state Supreme Court. in ruling on the validity of Proposition 13 at the time of ill paasage, left the door wide open for such litigation by 1pecificalJy noting the inequity flaw. In any event their solution i.s not the answer. Literary lions poor marital prospects dowager· of Warwick, Bacon and Miu Barnbam, Dante and Gemma Donati, Dickenl and Mill Hoprth, Dryden and Lady Eltiabeth Howard, Milton and both of hit wives, Shakeapeare and Anne Hatb~ycherly and the eoun .. o1 • All thtM ll'-8tY men led ml8era. married lives. 1arply of their own maldna. or brealdnc· dem theories about child-rearing, such u their need for f.rtlh air and hygiene. Hi1 book liberated babies from those dreadful awaddllna clothes -and then he .ent hla fiw offtprinc to a foundlina home, and wandered off to 1reener fleliM. Uke Lord DarJJniton ln Olcar Wilde'• comedy, the. men could retist every· thine but temptation. The 1tandard1 they Ill for otMn, ln their works, were hilh -llYW9; the ttandardl they tet for ~ WW. IO flr1ble M to be vU1mU1 aonniNal. ,,_. who have "once IMll Shel»y pWn" may lldmil"e \be poet. but cannot much ~ the IMA. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 30, 1982 State punishes SoCal Gas· SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Squth•rn California Oa1 Co. unwllely bouaht a lot of expen-: atve natural pa -forclna It to PIM YP a bar1atn -aay 1tate reaulatora who won't let the company recover $34.8 milllon ln co.ta. "Imprudent" purchue of ex- pe n•l ve Canadian gu from Northwest Pipeline Corp. and Pacific Gu & Electric Co. meent SoCal Gas lost out on the chance to buy the u m e amount of cheaper gaa from El Puo Natural Gas Co. and Transwettem Pipe- line Co., the state Public Utilities Commiasion said aa It denied So- Cal's request to recoup eaa coeta. The PUC also scolded SoCal Gas for buying "unreasonably expensive" gaa in the ~t quarter of 1980 after supplying gas from storage to electrical utiUtlea du- ring a high smog period. Robert M. Loch,a SoCal Gas vice pref>ident, said in a statement that all gas purchases made in 1980 ''were reasonable and ne- cessary under circumstances then existing to assure our ability to maintain service to utility custo- mers, including residential customers." Dallf ............ "' Ncltwd ....... Jacoby nixed in Jersey TRENTON, N.J . (AP) -The law firm of Ja- coby & Meyers adver- tilM!e that "now you have a lawyer" -but the New Jersey Supreme Court hH ruled that "your" lawyer can't be Jacoby & Meyers ln New Jeney. 1.-.t The juau~ upheld a atate rule barring law firms from using the names of people not 11- cenaed to be lawyen ln New Jersey. Jacoby & Meyers 1ought a rule interpretation aa a pre- lude to the pomtbWty of opening oflice1 ln New Jeney, the court noted. Leonard Jacoby and Stephen Meyen founded the interstate firm in California in 1972 and watched lt grow to a to- tal of 7~ law office• In California and New York. The PUC's denial of the com- pany's request to recover $34.8 million "imposes an exorbitant and unfair penalty on a utility that instead dese r ves a conunendation," Loch said. HIGH ON PANCAKES -Five-year-old Chris Coye of Costa The high court's 7-0 decision also noted a New Jersey ban on tel- evision advertising by lawyers. Jacoby & Meyers use1 a media campaign that sometimes strelles that the rich can afford any attorney they want, the poor get free legal aid and the middle c1.aa should know about Jacoby & Meyers' rates. • Mesa has quite a task before him as he geta ready for a May 8 pancake breakfast in Lions Park. Proceeds to ticket sales go to youth organizations in town, including the Boys and Girls Club and Southern California College. With Advertising, Marketing, Public Relations -We will teach you Techniques that get results 1213 The Pioneers of the ~ Creative Solutions ~ 494-9753 833-1611 lt FraDle Sale Unlike the early settlers of the West, at Aaron Brothers lC Frame Sale. you1l be settling for only the best. 'Cuz pardner. we're the pio· neers of the 1 C Frame Sale And when you buy one frame at the regular price, a second &ame that co.ta the eame or Seu la juat a penny more. Aaron Brothers .. where the 1 C Frame Sale FREE EAR PIERCING WITH PURCHASE OF EARRINGS HIKO WATCHH CLOCKS 50o/o . off Reg. Selection Wedding & Engagement Rings CUSTOM MOTHERS RING from I to 5 stones from S 142.00 1n . 14kt gold and genuine stones (7141731 3'41 ~ (I c-lnD lie"' Tlallifl. C.lor• t2UO c.-...,.. _., ..... Olllllarld .......... "' - rides on, and on. and on Ttw CTineo and co..,pc.lk•' 111~ode thoiie hame; d'"" 1 r>!.sl So the nnly Mems for wle "'"the hames va hear' AsllOttment m•v vary lrom 'll•>ro1 10 'llorv Saddle sore sod-house settlers In a wood section frame . BawUng Bambino Bandlto in a bamboo frame . Now You May Rent A Lu,xury· Apartment. on Newport Bay.· Gracious hving 1n a counlry club sen1ng that overlooks the bay That's Park Newoort The finesl ,apartment community in fash~able Newoort Beach Here. for your pleasure a $1 ~·m1lhon Social and Health club. 8 hghted tennis courts. racquetball courts. 7 sw1mm1ng oools, and acres ot gardens Leases are available for 1, 2 and J'"bedroom units Some are elegantly furnished APARTMENTS ANO TOWNHOUSES ON THE BAY IN NEWPORT BEACH FROM $540 TO $1,000. Conveniently located on lhe Upper Bay Park Newoon IS JUSt 5 QUlCk mnutes from the Orange County Alrpen and all rTld1or business centers On Jamboree Road at S;!n Joaquin Hills Road Telephone (714) 644-1900 PARKN Captured kinfolk In a cane paneled frame Lucky LMry lassoing Louise in a linen lined frame. Oxen hauling Okies all the way from Omaha In an oval wood frame. . ' r ,. . . ·--r ~ . ., . ' - THE OF I I ' I I ---~- .. TO THE 1425 BAKER STREET, COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 (714) 545-3334 • .. FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1982 CAVALCADE STOCKS 82 87 . AU IOrla of po.ibilitle. are opened up by the re-· lea1e of orisl11al novel manuscripts. Husb Mulli- ' san, Pase B2. 0 0 • For 'sk;y gods' it~~ j-q.st work Precision jumJ,ers form moving art on way, to Earth 'Work the curse of the surfing class THE BEACH BUM BLUES: You can understand why, in the current budget battle, our President Reagan might be miffed at Houae Speaker Tip O'Neill. And you know the pre8ldent baa the jitters over Britain vel"IUI Ar- gentina. And IOIDe people are nattering at him about uni- lateral nucleer diarmament But cripee, when it comes to Mr. Reagan getting ticked off. 1!e doesn't have to take it all out on us coastal types. Just consider the pre- lident'a remarks aa quoted ln the public prlnta when he got back from Jamaica and Barbados and got tal- kina about the ill effects of wellare. He said, "There are some people out in my home state who prefer surfing to working . . . " PRgIDENT REAGAN, alas, was talking about Cal- ifornia. And from the tone of the remark, you are left to guem that when he said people prefer surfing to working, he meant it aa a slur. · . Now that's really a crushing blow to the old ego. I have to confess that rve always preferred surfing to working. The suspicion is here that rm not alone. Scores of peopfe reside in our region who would make the same preference. Consider retired presiding Justice Robert Gardner of Corona del Mar, late of the Fourth District Court of Appeal. He'd rather surf than work. Sometimes he actually admits it. But he worked anyway and may again, one of these days. · Hobie Alter f.avored surfing to labor. But somehow he got into the habit of making surfboards; later funny looking boats called Uobie Cata, and ended up a multi-jillionaire. SOME .GUYS JUST naturally fall into a lot of work even when they'd rather be talling into eome six-foot wave. A ftiend of mine in Laguna Beech named Dave Moc- rillon alwaya Mid he'd rather be IW'fing. Instead, he'• al- ways been behind some oountet tn a bualnelB enterprile: You'd be IW'J)riled how many surfen there are who have enormous ~ty ge~ anywhere near the water. Consider my daughter. She's always entering some surfing conteet in Carlsbad. Trouble is, ahe is 452 miles away at the University of California, Davis. Instead of studying c:rc-.-currenta. she's studying how to croa-breed cows and talking about genes or chromosomes or other thinp nobody understands and won't ever do her a lick of good when ahe'a on some 10-footer breaking off San On- ofre. SAME WAY WITB the son of our household who, when he isn't in clere1 at the university at Fullerton, la either flying airplanes for profit, lifeguarding at some beech where ~ff: from Buena Park are trying to drown, working in a pu relations office or at 90me other similar odd job. Tilat'a a great life for a championship<Ia.. surfer. My eldest 10D was ao good on a surfboard that he once got on TV in Panama whilst riding considerable surf in ~t region. But then he came back to the U .S . and got married and went into buainel8 for himself and had a aon and ia now a real meea. He's hasn't loafed on a~ in so long his skin looks like the underbelly of a fish. Pencnally, rd rather be surfing but becaUle I suffer thill bad habit of eatinii, I had to fin(\ something that paid, abort of a real job. Sol got into the newspaper dodge. PRESIDENT REAGAN deinonstrated that he really doem't undentand when be equat.es aurfen with welfare buma. Most IW'fera jult can't stick with a good thing. They have a lhort attention span. Next thing you know, they've abandoned all their va1uea and have gone to work. It'• really dilgustlng. BY SANDO: JOY or ... .,.,,......., Sky Odd. That'• how Marine Lt. Col, Roter Henry ~ the man in the white jumpsuit. It aounded llke a term of re- apect becau.e the guy ln white. Marine Capt. R. Gatewood Smith, bu bailed out of planes and hellcopten into the wild blue yonder nearly 2..000 times since 1966. · Thunday at the 1Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro, he waa ready to do it again alorl8 with 11 other membeu of the lnter- aervice Precision Parachute Team. The t.eam, 11 Marine9 and one naval otflcer, led by Henry, waa taking practice jumps in pre- paration for t.hil weekend'• an- nual Anned Forces Open Houle and Airahow at El Toro. Billed u the largest free acti- vity of its type in Calltomia, the event bolted more than 350,000 vtaitora last year. _: Like his colorfully garbed teammates, Smith appeared calm, yet alert, prior to boarding a CH46 Sea Knight helicopter for the ju.mp. Smith said he's jumped so of- t.en that he doesn't get a lot out of it anymore but noted, "It uaed to be a real adrenaline rush." He a dded , "Remember the fl.rat time you ever drove a car and how you feel now about driving? Well, it'a like that." Henry, who's a parachute jump irultructor and veteran of 700 jumps, WU lem casual. "It'• a lot of fun," Henry said, "a challenge, gets the adrenaline flowing." Describing a particular jump, called the Diamond Track, Henry said jumpers in that configura- tion move acrou the ground at 100 mph and vertically at 200 mph. "You ju.at boogie," he exclai- med. ''1'.i truddn' .'' Anolher ieam manbet, Marine Gunnery Sgt. Lupe Gonzalea, a jump 1.nstructor from Camp Pen- dleton, laid, "It takes a 8eD8e of adventure and it's better than cutting IJ'a8I on weekends." The 12 teammates have ac- cumulated approximately 15,000 jumps, Henry estimated, with Smith being the senior jumper. Henry said be and his teammates FL YING -Marine paratrooper leaps out of helicopter in practice jump for the inter-eervice Precision Parachute Team'• air show, to be held this weekend at the Marine Corps Air a.Ir ........... ..,~ Station in El Toro. Jumperi reach speeds of several hundred miles per hour before opening their chutes. jump as often as they can. Smith aaid he uaed to make 16 or 17 jumps in a a1ngle weekend. "But, It gets old," he said, "and real coatly." The team will perform four basic events Saturday and Sunday. 'Mie airahow is to begirl at n.oon. In addition to perfor- ming the Diamond Track, Henry aald the jumpers will d o a "High-Low Demonatration" in which one jumper will spread out "and suck up all the air he can" while the other falls nor- mally. The first jumper will fall at approximately 100 to 150 mph, Henry said, while the 9eCOl'ld will be going at 300 mph. The team alao will do the "Barber Pole" where they spiral around aa they drop earthward and, for a finale, everyone will link up in a large formation. "No," Henry said, h e doesn't have a death wish . "It's a busine9.'' 01' Balboa I erry a Harbor fixture By STEVE MARBLE or .. .,.,,......,. It growls and rattlea and chugs and with a sudden reversal in power, pntly .Udes into port - another voyage acn:m the hectic Newport Harbor completed. Cara rumble off and others rumble on. Men In businel8 suit.a, kids in swim trunka and othen on roller tkates or b icycles get aboard. Another aeven-minute trip be- gins. 11\e Balboa Ialand Ferry, rea- dy for lta 63rd summer of ope- ration, it hJstory in motion. Since 1919, when a man na- med Joeeph Beek took cYWJr le!'vioe and cut the cost of a trl from a dime to a nickel, the boa have been bau.l.tng man and ma chine ~ the busy bay, 9'IW!l days a week. The ferry boats are the work- era of the harbor, uaed daily as a quick, convenient, scenic and cheap way to get from Balboa 'Island to the Balboa Penhuula and back again. 11\e flat-bottom contraptions have been uaed in movies, televi- sion commerciah and for wed- dings, including on e that was completed before the ferry reached the midway point in the harbor. They've been used aa laun- ~ pada by wwteady motorists who ve ended up ln the bay and as targets by amateur yachtsmen. But the boats -the Admiral. the Commodore and the Captain -keep on chugj.Da, 150 trips a day. . Since the day Beek first laun- ched the operation in a dinghy named the Ark, the fleet naa been forced ~ halt lef'Yice only twice -once in the early 19509 for dock work and again early thl• month when a hotel fire apewed charred debris near the penm.aJ.a Joect•nc ramp. Bob Snyder, manacer of the eeMce. started woric.tna for the Beek famlly ferry . line 32 yean .., .. a ferry pilOt. Bil did did the aame thlna before that and bla two aam wOrked on the boats ..wnl,..naao. . .. I wouldn't do anythinc ei.. in the wodd. ... ,. Snyder,. well- .... indMdual wbo ltill ...._ m Cl ~NIMNI tum at the helm. • ••1 1•t to work wbeH moet ,..... play. rw ........... ~ ........ won. .. Bi ap be ...,.,. ---.,; pie 1teck of :pllceUOna = ,_.__ 1 ....... •----a = w ww', 1.• _ ............... . re potular.1u ... r jolt bl :-....t111a..-. .... ever will. He recalls the story his father uae to tell on how he landed the eervice, which actually started ln 1909 as a means of hauling pro- spective customers to Balboa la1and where vacant Iota were for sale. "There were \}lree potential operators who approached the town council. One aid be could at.art in a month. another said he be coming IOOD. "We've been trying to hold the line at 15 centa but-with infla- tion and everythinf it may be time for an lnc:reue. ' The pre9e11t trio of boata, each o f which can bold three average-sized vehicles, can ac- commodate up to 100 people in- cluding the pilot and money- collector. . "I get to work where most people play. I've never hated coming to work." could IWt in a week and my dad aid he could start the next day. He did. "Dlld told them he had a row- boat, a pair of oars and an out- board. lie said the outboard didn't always work but the oers did." Seyrqour Beek, another of the late fou:nder'a ICllW and DOW pre- aident of the ferry aervice, .,. hit father aot lnto the bi .. ._ to help out another buainem be •• ln -real eaate . "It waa to bla advanta1e, thin'• no doubt about that. He needed to ltt people to the 111.md and that Wll Che ... ~ ... do lt. .. t j .. I t •' •ANN LANDIA8 •HUCiH MULLICiAN •HOROSCOPE • Farmers' drives: A p ri ote cti on of l ivelihood DEAR ANN LANDERS: In your Washington Post column you implied that 55,000 rabbits had been cruelly clubbed to death in Idaho because farmers there had offered an 8-cent .. a-head bounty. Unfortunately, many of the protesters and publiclzera of the jackrabbit drives in Idaho have had a knee-jerk reaction to the clubbing stories, with little insight into the larger issue at stake. Contrary to th~ common perception, the jackrabbit is not a rabbit, but a hare. He -..J>elongs to the family of rodentia. along with mice and rats. They frequently carry lice and wonns, as well aa two diseases fatal to humans -Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia. Unlike other rodents, hares are equipped with two sets of incisor teeth, making them capable of large-scale de- struction of nearly every form of plant life -including orchards, vineyards, hay, grain and potato fields. As crude and violent as the rabbit drives may seem, I have been told by Idaho farmers that this is the most humane and WHERE BUFF ALO ROAM -Yellowstone National Park rangers use a pickup truck to herd a small band of bison back into the park through the nearby resort community of West Yellowstone. Bison have been wandering out ef fecUve method of controlling the jackrab- "bit damage. Alternatives to the drlvea have been proposed and discussed at great length, and I hope one day a leas objectionable remedy will be found. Meanwhile, I think the Idaho f anners should not auf fer a moral judgment because of their efforts to protect their crops and their livelihood. Sincerely -SEN. STEVE SYMMS (R-IDAHO) DEAR SEN. SYMMS: I am printing your letter because It It Informative and represents another point of view that de- serves to be beard. The "drives" yoa mention, however, seem like an extremely cruel, almost a aa- dlstlc way to deal with the problem. When 400 or more people -on foot, on horses and ln snowmobiles -herd the bares Into a f unnel·shaped trap and beat them io death, one must surely wonder why gassing hasn't been considered. Wiii you look Into this, please? Thank you for writing. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Our back- AP Wlnpfioto of the park and into Montana causing problems for ranchers. The vagrant beasts are a threat because many carry brucellosis, a disease that can cause cattle to abort their young. gammon club has chosen up aides and a bitter argument is raging. Will you express your opinion? I am outraged that the Arkansas Su- preme Court ruled that the parents in Mountain Home, Ark., are not entitled to the sum of money it would cost to raise and educate their unplanned child -born after the father underwent TWO vasectomies. The couple had two children and did not want a third. The father knew his first vasectomy was not successful, so he went to another doctor and had a second one. That physician did not require the proper tests, and his wife subsequently became pregnant with a third child. It seems to me the physician who goo- fed should be made to come up with the money it will cost to raise and educate that child. We all await your opinion. -BIG DEBATE IN LITTLE ROCK. DEAR DEBATE: Sorry, I go along with the decision of the Arkansas Supreme Court. A malpractice suit, yes -but orde- ring the doctor wbo goofed to pay to raise q AllN lAllDEIS and educate tbe child would, lo my opinion, be excessive. CONFIDENTIAL to Time Marches On and I Am Growing Weary: Tell blm it's now or never. If he is waitin~ for the time when everything is "perfect, '"you both will be pushed down lbe wedding aisle ir1 wheel- chairs by a couple of attendants. A no-nonsense approach lO how to deal w11h l1ft•'s mosc difl1culc and most rewarding arrangt•ml•n r Ann Landers' booklet. "M<Jrnagc: -What to E.'xptx·t." wj/J prepare you for b<'ltc•r or for wor.)t'. Send your re- quC'sl co Ann Landers, P.0 Box J 1995, Ch1c:<Jgo. 11/11101:; 6061 J, t:nclosing 50 cents and u Jung. stamped, self-addressed enve- lop<•. W r i ters' h ope novel NEW YORK (AP) -The news that a book publisher is restoring cuta, c~es and a whole missing chapter to "The RedBadge of Courage" nearly 100 years after Stephen Crane wrote it gives hope that writers will win out over editors in the Jong run. Score one for our side. Of course in the long run. we're all dead, as are Crane and editor Ripley Hitch- cock, who excised 5,000 words from the 'classic novel on the Civil War when it was published in 1895 to make 1t more palatable to the public and less gloomy. Rumurs are rife, as they always are (you seldom run into an unrife rumor in these suspicious times) that l whole slew of literary masterpieces are about to re-emerge in their original manuscripts, exactly as their authors wrote them. Publishers row is agog with the possibilities. MAYBE THIS TIME around, we'll get th~ fuU story of "The Lady, or the Tiger?" which we all read in school without realizing it might have been a slick editor who stuck in that question mark to make the tale more palatable. IC you recall Frank R. Stockton's fa- mous yarn, this semibarbaric king practiced a rough fonn of justice in which an accused perpetrator (as the TV version would have it) was led into the arena and given the I 1l: 1 HUGH MULLIGAN &A MULLIGAN STEW cho1cC' of opening either of two doors. Be- hind onC' waited the fiercest, hungriest tig~r in the kingdom. The other offered an im- mediate marriage to the fairest damsel in all the land. regardless of the culprit's current marital status. The door priz.es were always swit.<:hed to keep up audience interest in the arena. Well, of course it came about that the king's daughter fell in love with a handsome tourller, who was sentenced to the double door bit for daring to rise above his station. There was thlS man-eatmg tiger licking his chops behind one door, and the loveliest lady m the court, whom the princess hated with 'a jealous heart, poised £or marriage behind the othB-. BY BRIBERY AND cunning the prin- t-ess had found out which door held the tiger this time. and she shot a signal to her lover to pick the right-hand one. The edit.or, being a chitken, left it to the reader to decide whether the princess had sacrificed her lover to her detested nval or thrown him to the big cat. Taurus : Spot light on r oman c e Rumor 1s that m the original manuscript Stockton had the maiden emerge m wedding raiment, but the princess in fury jumped out of the royal box. tore her to shreds, then opened the door and ktckqi the slats out o{ Saturday, May 1 ARIES (March 21-April 19): You'll be approached by a shy individual who is a sincere admirer. J!!mphasls on baste lsSues, employment, dependents, pets and unique ways of getting job done. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Spotlight on romance, creativity, changes. adventure and speculation. Personal magnetism soars, people become aware of your views and abilities. You'll make new start in new di- rection, gain more independence and could fall in love. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You'll be dealing with .property values, appraisals, future prospects and predictions of whether prices will rise or fall. Individual who seeks your counsel is sincere and will return favor. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Restric- tions are removed, you gain greater freedom of thought and action. Intellectual curiosity is activated, you'll have many questions and youl"will obtain some substantial answers. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Financial questions can be settled. Lunar and numer- ical cycles highlight details, basic routines, working procedures and the obtainin~ of needed material. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Circum- stances turn in your favor -timing im- proves, you make important contacts. Em- phasize personal appearance, colorful ap- parel and conununication with one who can aid in disaeminating your views. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Special meeting involves domestic adjustment, poa- tlble remodeling of ·home and perhaps a diacu11ion Involving proposed change of tellldence. Look behind 1cenes. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): &perate NTSIOn · . av ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT . f'L£AfE l)ON~ STL'L MY _· ·ll IDeAS fact from illusion. Strive to see places, peo-. pie in realistic light. Your position is strong, you need not be intimidated by one who is envious. Pisces-is in picture. HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec.•21): Po- wer day. Responsibility. intensity, promo- tion -career advances and you'll have greater charge of your own destiny. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 -Jan. 19): What you seek will become available. You gain accurate, Jong-range view . Assignment is completed -you are relieved of burden and could flirt with fame. sly obscured financial facts are brought to llght. By maintaining independent stance, you protect rights. Credit rating is called for. I AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Previou- PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Time is on your side -study Aquarius message, bea- ware of legal rights and permissions. You're being pulled in two directions simultaneou- sly. Key is to obtain second emotional wind. ( \ • • . ~ .. /, \ GOif N ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Both vulneraltle. South dealt. NORTH • QI02 . <:::> Q 10752 OQtU •Q ·WEST EAST +KU • 5 c:1 AIU OJHO o to oneu • AKUt •tU SOUTH •AtUO c:>V ... OAK •n•o The b6ddlAf: ..... w.-N..a. Eut 1 • 1HT OW. r .. I• r ... INT r.. , ....... ,_ , .......... .. ... Ope.U., )Md: Kl11 ol •. o..o1.-. ... ,....., .......... .,.., iudtaa "Piaf a ..... t .... ., rour wt&ll Mlle a..,...... jbf MllMt LI.,,..... hMWle4 1t1Mu11 ....... W. lllet k.ll~Cellf.IOllO. .................. ·-AtaU•ltl• Ir•• lll• ••Ml•Hr.t ltn'• '"'' ........ _ .. _., or play. You follow hla for· tunes through an eight· match Swi.. team event or seven boar~• a match, 11e how be judge* the prOIJ'tN or each mat.ch, and how It al· lect.a the many declaion• he had to ruke u the event moves alon1. The band• .,. all int.ere1tln1 and the book will make yov a beUer player. no mate.er what form of brldre you pttler. Lawrence aat W"t on tlll1 hand. Af'Wr South blclt ti.re. 1padet. Lawreeee comme1ta: "1 don't tlllu ti.1 cao make thl.t, but I pue alld LHO WdA four ,,.-, Wlae1 tlU. rN arouDd to .... 1 dollW.. !nourh la •no• Noc.. &Mt thil double " lleNCI ,....,. U; oa etn~ Ii lll0'1 known aulta. I • Ml "'*' .. ~ • "'" 11111& lltllri: ffopta1 ti.a& ,.,..., 1111 thori clullt, I lilrl .a. • ldqofctubeaMa...,.MI .....,. .... ~­..... "Plnltr ....... ~ , ..... , ........... .... ..twlll&llll'=91w1 .... . DMluw... . .... 6-0·2·5. JC I don't lead a trump. •he will rurr three club• in dummy and will late two apade lricka. U I lead a trump, 1he Wiii ruU lWO cJUbt and IOM a dub, and will have but one trump IMer. For· lunately, lhere la an anawer. By my leadJng the ki111 of 1pades, Ncrincln1 perhap1 all my trump trltb, the delenee will •till come to four trlckl. If dtdarer rufft clubl. J will come to two trump trlw plUt another club, and If deeJanr draw1 trumpe. I 1•t four dub truck4. 1l turna ,ut Uiat &tit . ttt~ llUk it ti.. 8'ttlt., ...... ' the tiger, too. But that apparently was con- sidered too violent for 19th century readers. so some little tin god in a green eyeshade and celluloid cuffs went to work with scis- sors and pastepot and turned the whole thing mto an enigma. I hear tell that pre tty much the same thing happened to "Lady Chatterley's Lover." We never d1d get that last chapter, "Lady C hatterley's Lover's Lover, .. in which Constance finally goes off to live with the gamekeeper Mellors on a farm some- plal'e and the n one of his old boyfriends shows up. That was considered too 1980s for 1928. when D.H. Lawrence wrote the novel, but you can bet your ad budget the TV producers can't wait to get their hands on that original manuscript. Maybe this time around. we'lJ get the original uncut. unedited version of the movie "Citizen Kane." There have been whisperings for years around the studios that the final scene where the kid's sleigh burns up with the word "Rosebud" on it was added as an afterthought to make some sense from heavy cuts in the plot. THE REAL ROSEBUD, they whisper, was Rosebud BonbQn, one of Kane's kinky lady friends, a carnival geek with a heart of gold and a, stomach like cast iron who got him kicked out of Harvard for biting the head off a frog in biology claas. The Hays office wouldn't buy it. 1f the achoi.in can find the manuscript. we might at long last catch up with that rumored fourth gh~t in the Charles Dickens classic "A Cbrbtmas Carol." They say Dickens, who always had an eye for the cash register and poeterity, ecribbled a a1ullna flnal chapter with u yet unlnvented TV apedftca1l)' in mind. but a ~ Vtcaian editor~lt. The fourth and flml ihmt·IUpPGiidly WU the' Qhofi of~ What~ A number Of ~ htft pr s nl Bob Ci'at- chlt. .-r11 • .wr, -illUDll • -Cllfflolt Chrl1tma1 P•ttJ"Ud lum • bowl of Smoldna ,, • ...,._,Old . 'ftny 11mlli1ft... .... ........ ,..... ........ ~.-. ~-a~~·.-,~IM;.;';D oul, ...,. ·~sm:m ............... ......... " .. ::;•• ..... ... ~ ..•• l;PMtl!~~-=~;::r-··· \ l l ' ' 111111111 CllCllllT • Prune your sprang flowering shrubs as they finish blooming. • No yard is too small for citrus trees. Those with lim i ted s pace should co n sid er the dwarf citrus which can be grown in tubs. They bear quickly and you 'll soon be picking fresh oranges and grapefruit to serve at breakfast. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, April 30, 1982 How to at~ract hummingbirds By EARL ARONSON .. ~ ........ 11,, .. How can you uttract hummingbirds lo your garden? lt lim't easy, but you can offer some induce- ments to th~e tiny birds which apparently visit only flowera from which they can get nectar. There a.re about 300 aP«fes o( hUmmlngbinh and the family is found only In the Americas. Only one major species, the Rubythroat, lives In the northeast United States. Flowers that lure hummingbirds Include mock orange. butterfly bush, wisteria, honeysuckle. bee- balm, trumpet vine, lobelia, phlox, Sweet Wilham. foxglove and ('Olumbine. Other hummingbird favorites include lorucera, japonica vine, salv1a pratenas or blue sage. a semi- shake perennial, aquilegia canadensis, American ('Olumbine, penstemon hybrids called beard tongue, delphinium formosum, or hardy larluipur, and si- lene, or ca1.Chfly. They also enjoy cocluipur, coral bells, flowering tobacco, garden balsam, gladiolus, ja$mine, morrung glory. petunia, red hot poker, scablosa, scarlet bush, scarlet sage and we1gela. The humnungbird depletes its energy so £ast that 1t must visit many flowers to fr'€'Ci on nectar and tiny insects. which the birds can feed. Colored flanges around feeding tutx. .. thul suggest flowers draw the blrda . A recipe for the hummingblrd cont.al.ner: FW tt with a nutritious awcet soJutlon of water and h~ ney, syrup or other sweetener and red or oranie food CQlorlng. Hummingbirds feed mo1tly at dawn and duak, the females generaJly perch quietly while the male swoops and dives above her In a May courting ri- tual. For nesting, hummingbirds prefer deMe sh - rubbery shaded by taller planta. building dlmlnu- u ve nesta of lichens and mosses stuck together with spider webs. Check tools care[ ully · When buying gardening tooh you may uk> long or ahort handlet? Garden toolt are eX'tenllocW of_ your body .tor reaching, pulling, pushing, thro-, wmg, or shaping, cutting or for uae u lever whenr turning over the sou. You uae tools precilely when weeding or thinning. or when you are moving IOll' So. the best length of handle depends on your s1z.e and stre ngth and whether the tools will be used 'lightly or roughly with lots of force. Spades and shovels n~>d heavy. reinforced handles because you U8t' them as levers •Wh e n planting summer vegetable Stc'eds and annuals, there's a tendency to phrnt more seeds than you need. &> sure to thm S<'Cdlings so you won't have crowded plants w ath s pindly' growth o r distorted roots HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW? -Robbie Castagnoh, 8 , oC Fountain Valley, will be among the green thumbs entering the Clori- culture competition at the Orange County Fair, which runs July 9 to 18 in Costa Mesa Deadline for entry is May 21. These active feeders, which v1s1l flow£<rs oft~n . also are especially attracted by red or orange col- ored blooms. Hummtngblrd feeders are available at garden shops or you can make th(•m. Needed as a container to hold a sweet syrup and glass or plastic tubes from Big, square hoes for chopping heavy soil need heavy handles. lron rakes and the small hoes for weeding need long, strong and lightweight handles because they are used for reaching and precise work. ----------- RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY 1...,t.ofst« eltd Serr• I '22 HAJllOI IL VO. COSTA MESA -548-1 156 Antique Show rwport Stu.sic <HonsttUatory F, .... ) •. ,._ f'! ,n Mu•.t1 fdu; oftf)f+ fJinllll I litldw ~ ... ~·­c_..fll!lwy c-... vo1ce-v1011n-f(ut~u1ta1 Ms"f•Pnc•.1.M. clrwctor can 101 Brochure 1 IU Matot '57-4211 ... untinoton Cet'lter mo1 1 ________ __., • todoy thru Mov 2 Cl STO\t PATIO I.ANOS< APl"iG SPF<l;\lf'\ Pl -\~T~ • Cl"TO:\t BA"Kt:TS IM PORTED POT~ & Pl.ANT~ ~S C. \ROE'\ ST A Tl \H \ /\ La~o~ Garde~ .l I h 32nd ..,, • "f"' IHlrl lil'ach • 7 1 i -6i5 3352 111 lht-f •nu•·r" \ 1lfilll" AC"to'*' h om I ''" tf•lf ff The Pick of the Crop llow You Can Choose The Right Weight Clinic For You Dailyor • Monthly Plans • MO CONTRACTS Personalized Medical Care By W. Duane Albert, M .D. arange coast 11di~11 clinic, imc. LGCJuna Hills 25272 Mcintyre St., Suite 8 laPa1 Wild West Center 17141 586-4740 ~~CJ..-::'°'"r.:.'\ IS YOUR WOOD ROOF PROTECTED FROM FIRE?? -.r~~lalttll~ BY THE TIME YOU CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT IT'S TOO LATE! ... WOULD YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY REPLACE ALL OF YOUR VALUABLES? SHINGLE PROTECTION SYSTEMS INST ALLS A LABO- RATORY TESTED FIRE RETARDANT SPRAY PROCESS ON THE AVERAGE ROOF FOR 17112¢ A FOOT. CALL llOW FOR FREE QUOTE AllY DAY OR EYEtUllG (714) 730-6.115 Beautiful ROSE BUSHES Grown by ua, they're now In gorgeous bud end bloom. 5 GAL. 9.98 We've plented them In paper pots so you ca n plant pot end alL.no tranaplent ahockl Like jewels In the summer shade FUCHSIAS Big aelectlon of upright and bHket varieties reedy for your ahade garden. 4" POT REG.1.29 NOW .97 Remember Mom ... Order Early Send her our FTD Big Jiqg· Bouqu~t. Fresh flowers or green plents In en FTO Cer1mlc Flower Pot. We can send It to Moms neuly anywhere by FTO. 17.50 Since 1946 Ha)li~tits. Nursery -Florist 2MO Hart»or Blvd., Costa Mesa FIND Vi'DUR NAIVE • 4 TICKETS WORTH $12 Saturday, May 8 8 a ."'. to dusk · MILE SQUARE PAiK Fountain Valley Athitte $3.00 CNWreft $1 .IO Un4er I PrM MOANING IAllOON llOH • OIPLAYS Alll IHOWt • INT•tAINMINT .. .. ------~-----~------------------------------, . ~·'\. I Sunday May 9th .. : is Mother's Day : The blggeat flower day of the year. "Flowers by Debra" wlll have all "Mother's" favorites and at senelble prices. Liiacs, Tullpa, Roses, Carnation•, Protea, Torch ginger, Delphlnlum, In fact everything from Dalelea to Liiie• of the Valley. Order yours now 645-<>093. .. * CHARGED -David Ruffin, former lead singer of the Tempta- ti on s rhythm a nd blues g rou p, h as pleaded innocent to charges of failing to file federal income tax returns. occ teacher honored Orange Coast College a rt instructor Gerald McCabe has received a national award in fumi- t u re design from t he Home Furnishings Indu- stry. McCabe was honored at the Home Furnishings Industry's equivalent of Hollyw ood's Academy Awards ceremony. The HFI's "Daphne" awards were presented at a din- ner at the Waldorf Asto- ria in New York. McCabe received his Da phne in t h e retail bedroom category for hla Ofman bed. In addition to teaching at OCC, McCabe owns Erin Furniture in Ve- ni ce, a l imi t e d -, production shop. NOTICa Of ~ATION '°" CHANOe .. 0 .......... Of ALCOHOUC MVEUa.UCotN ~ To Whom II May eono.m: ANTHONY & GENI UGOLINI we applying to the Oepanment of Al- cOflollc: a.-Control kif ·· 4 1" ON SALE ee:r& WINE (PV8 EAT PL) to Mii aleohotlc be'.W89" at Hi99 SuperlOr Avenue, A5, Coate M-.C.tomla Published Orange Cut Deily Pl- IOt, April 30. 1982 1M0-82 flCTITIOUI .UMtEH NAME ITATl•NT The toltowtng persons Ale dolno ~ .. ORWIG BUILDING CONSUL· TANTS. 243 E. 22nd St • Cotta Mna, CA 92627 Eugene Robert Orwig Ill, 243 E. 22nd St • Costa Mesa. CA 92627 ThOr• Lavaughn Adcock, 243 E. 2211d St .. Costa Meta. CA 92627 Thll busJneM II c;ondueled by I gener el pal'tneftlllp Eugeoe Rob«t Orwig Ill Thi• 11atement waa flied with the County Clerk or 0ranoe COonty on April 21. 1982 F117771 Publllhed Orenge COH1 Dally Piiot. Aprll 23, 30. May 7, 14. 19112 179e-82 l'tC'T1T10Ut .,... •• U..8TA~NT The 1o11ow1no per90n9 •r• dofng ~u: TOOL SHACK OF SANT A ANA. 2118 South Main SI,_, Santa Ana. CA 92707. ANTHONY P. CIROCCO, 1228 Elener "'-· Anaheim, CA 9280 1 Thll ~ le cooducted by an lndMdu ... Anthont P. Cirocco Thll etatement -ftled wtth the County Citric o4 Clfange County on Apr1I 22. 1982. ~ACK a &'RWAllT ........ ~ m I . Thouund Oalla llYd., No. 421 T1-eMd Gab, CA t1llO P:117nO Publlthed Orange CoHI Dally Piiot, Apt'll 30, ~ 1. 14, 2 ll1!8_2. two-112 SELL Idle 1tema with a Oalty Piiot Clualfled Ad ~2-5e78. lruddoad PlantS• H'1ntington Center daily thru Sat. Lge. 6" pot11'! Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Frldey, April 30, 1082 . FDA order s r e call of Colorado firni 's paceniakers l'IOTmOUI ....... ltAMI tTA'Y'lm#f BOULDER, c.oto. (AP) -Experi- mental pacemellere made b)' a Boulder com~y are beln& recalled becaU89 of a 'reuonable probabWty that the uae of or expc>1ure to the product will c:aUM dee~," •Y.1 a Food and Drue Adm1nlltration ip)k.,,an. Blll Rado• Hid that the federal qency ordered a recall of pacemakerl dl1trlbuted upder the brand namn Synthemed and Valleylab. Pacemakers are battery-operated devtcee that reaulat.e heartbeata by dellverm, ei.rtrical ahoclu at a pre- det.ennlnid rate. Synthemed'a pece- maken have 1 ~ battery cell for bKkup power. Radol Mid 34 of the pecemaken - 12 ln the United St.Itel and 22 In Ja- pan -are ltill ln pat.lenta. · Ed Cheatham, pre1ldent of Syn- themed, Mid hil company notified the FDA about the potentially defective pKemaken alt.er one of the 108 de-w.. the ~peony bal manut.ctured l10pped Won::l.ni In I patient. ffe llJd the patient didn't 1uffer any imme- diate w ef:fectt. ''W•-advt.led the phystdana mana-linl the padenta about the problem." Chiatham 1ald. "l'or a very great -Percentaae of patient.. lt'• not a lethal situation. "It depend• upon what their un- derlytna been problem mi8ht be,'' he uJd~ "fi'a the aoctor•a d.cbton whe- \her it'• In the patient'• bmt int.erert to remove the pec-neker." Letten wamlnc of the defect were 1ent by the company in December, . .X.nu~ry and again laat week, 1aid Raddi'. He Mid the devices were dt.- trlbuted to phyalclana ln Colorado, Califomia, M.lmouri, New York, Ore- gon, Tex.a. Vermont and Wuhlniton. plus In Japan and Austria. SATURDAY. ONLY! Sate starts 1 O AM, $at., May 1 Tiie to11ooM11g P9'80fl la ~ ~ l'leM ... llCU"ITV CONIUL TANT ANO ALARM IYITIMI . 21211 l tOCll• ~~ 1221, L..,ur19 .... CA AlllAI IAOAAI, 282 t 1 Stocll- poft Or ..... f217, ~ .... CA t2'5S. Thie lkl9!r-. la COnd"°'9CS by en lndMduel. Abt>al a.tderl Thi• 1tatemen1 WU filed With Ille County C"'11 of Orange County on Aprll 20, 1912. Ptm11 Publl1hed Orenge cout l)alty .Piiot, Aprll 23, 30, May 7. 1'. 1N~ 1819-82 Save Save 25% 30% Men's polo Sale 3 for 7.50 Ree-alt10. Cool, con~ end highly~ II conon polo atyte tee'• In men'a alzea S-M-L-XL. wNte~. Tll pdo9, reg. 3/$11, .... 311.21 Girl's shorts Sale 3 .75 to 5 .25 A90-15-17. "Dove" nyton put.on ahorts In achoolage a1z .. 7·1 •. Sold or panel, reg. !USO, lele 4.12. Faahlon atr1pe, reg. $7, lele 1.21. Pr•tchootera. reg. $6, .... 1.71. Boys' and gir1s' screen T-shirts -- I JCPehney · All bras and all girdles. Sav. on every tn end girdle In our stock. From IN«, twety there bru to ful figure braa, pt,. croaeoyer undefwlre end our famoua JCPenney bra. For one day ~. pr1cet ere reduced on our enth llne of found- ation garments lnctudlng brief, long leg end lbove-the-w•t atytea. - All maternity to'ps and pants. Super MPlftt.9 to t,em·up for a comfortab'e, ~look. Not II styles eYlllble In every atore. Shop wty for beat aalection. Men 's dress shirt Sale s5 ........ No-ron potyelter/ootton bl 09dck>tt\ In wNte and flltllof1 .... ~prtced for you to •tock up. Min• ... 14~·17. Long~. reg. 19, ....... J Orange Coat DAILY PILOT /Fl'lday, Aprll 30, 1882 .. Closure of Fed Mart stores third blow to San Diego economy ' San Joaquin joble88 climbs SAN DIEGO (AP) -The' planned ahutdown of Fed Man'• dllcount department ltoret wu the \hlrd blow ln N many weekl to the economy of California's second laraeet city, where the Wlckea Companies were aoing bankrupt and Bumblebee Tuna Mid it would cloae ita cannery. Wlckee filed for bankruptcy ln Loi Anaeles -and aald It would move there from San Diego - juat a week after Bumblebee told 900 worken they'd ic. their Jobe> man who would kienuty heraelf ln May, when the cannery will only u Martha L., uelaned to lhut down. children'• clo\hlnc ln Fecf Mart'• But the announcement Wed. La Mesa 1tore. nesday by San Dlep-bued Fed Bob L., In hl1 mld-S01, aald Mart, which llkee to call itself after 18 yean with Fed Mart: "America'• Greatest General "I'll 10 on unemployment and Store" wl\h 46 outleta and 8,000 look fOI' another job, but It looks employees in Southern Califor-pretty blHk rtaht now." nia, AriJ:ona and Tex.aa. had the A clerk In the Chula Vista greatest impact. 1tore aald a aupervU<>r told her "They're gonna kick me on the not to talk to report.en. street with nothing," said a wo-"If you uaed my name, they'd ' come to me ln the morning and fire me on the 1pot." ahe aald. Ct.hen amona Fed Mart'1 3,500 San Diego employeet aaid they too had been warned aaainst public comment. In Culver ettx, thouah. Bertha Isaacson aald 'no one waa too shocked becawie the rumors lave been going around for a long time." In Alhambra, a 22-year-old clerk said buainete had been fal- • Unc off ln recent montha. "The good daya were btld and the bad days were wone," com· mented David Ortiz. The announcement b_x Fed Mart, which reported an '8 mil- lion loaa In the firat quart.er of 1981 and loaaea the two years previously, said lnventoriee would be liquidated an<J aold or leased to others. Its owner la West German multlmilllonatre Hugo Mann. By fte AtMdaW P...., Unemployment kept cllmbtnl ln the San J<111quin Valley durtni March u the~ condnuecf. and •l>rina ~tural work WM hamP.re<i by stormy weather, the ltate reported, Kem Q)Un~ had the ahari-t unemployment rate lnc:reue ,,.,. February, l .S percent, followed by Tulare County with a 0.9 percent In crease and Fresno County, up 0.8 percent. . \ .SATURDAY ONLY! ·- Save 50% on casual shoes Sale 13.50 Reg. 27.". Men's amoottl INther &ri>eck.,e sport oxford with Draton9 tole. A ~ atyte ht promlMa plenty of comfortaibte fun.mlea ~ summer. Ruat toned In .a .. 7 to 11 , 12, 13. Sale 14.99 Ortg. 21.". "Lldy Of1on" with nyton Yeb6 tJPS*W , soft heel wedge and mldlole, nJtlb« tole. Slz .. 8%·9. Sale 19.99 Ortg. •·"· Men's "Rom" t.a ...,_ ~. nJtlb« tole In ntol profle. ~limited'°"°'* Oft ....... Save 30% on all lamps, mirrors & framed e~~.2~-~ el •tr ...... uable In all ea ... Save 30% on on all . ready-made drapes Sale starts 10 AM, Sat., May 1 Save 30%-40%-50% Save 50% on ladies' tops Sale 3.99 ()fig. SI. Poty rt> chenlle tMry top In V·neck pulover Style. Bl1ght eolda In milees' alzee S-M·L. Sale 9.99 Ortg. 120. Slk/aaylc kl1it top In • blended s~ pettem with rt> kl1it welat. Mleeea' S-M·L. Quemttt.. llmlted. Save 50% on Unisex warm up suits Sale 24.99 Ortg. 4t.". A .-Ctkln of W9fTnUP Nt8 In ...orted oolcn, atytee and fabnc blanda. Perlect for the aporta enthueiMt OI UM tor caaual ~ ..... Quentttlee llm"9d. Save 33% on Paradise towels Sale 6.99 3-pc. Mt ..... tO.IO. Set oona6lta of one each of bath, ~ towel and wMh «**I In ootton/poly. A~ ftorll ~ wtlh ahewed and tiny ... toecn. 8li1h towel. reg. SIS, .... UI. Hind tDw1t. reg. 3.ISO, .... LA w.t'I «*#1, reg. '2 ..... t .11. IN POST -Jo Palajac Lucas is new recre- ation direc tor in Mountain Home, Idaho. HB grad ' rec chief in Idaho Jo Palajac Lucaa, a graduate of Huntington Beach High School and Orange Coaat College, has been named direct.or of recreation for the city of M ountain Home, Idaho. She is married to Jim Lucas, who participated on fpotball and wrestling teams at Huntington Beach High. She la the daughter of Mark and Una Palajac of Huntington Beach. Architects convene at museum The Orange County chapters of the American Institute of Architects and Womf n's Architec- tural League will com· bine as s ponsors of a meeting at Bowers Mu- seum in Santa Ana on May 12. Members and guests will vi e w award · winning design entries from the 20th annual high school drawing and design competition. Also on display will be a n exhibit enti tled, "People of the Sun." This show a t the mu- a e um is of pre - Columbian art and arti- facts. The program will in- clude a presentation of the architectural design for the museum's propo- sed expansion. This will be given by two archit- ects from the firm of Daniel, Mann, Johnson and Mendenhall. Dispute ended SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Western Growers Association has agreed that members of the state's agricultural res- earch, marketing and advisory boards mu1t di1elo1e their f lnanclal lnterat 1n the Cl'Opl they recuJ.ate. The •ttlement end1 a four-year le1al . dispute. .. • Orange Cout DAILY Pl T/Frlday, April 30, 1982 ~ 1 l&D WllTl·OPP \ flrofth IOOft tax9d ot long terl'\. $'°,000 GIVES $200,000, '92 dtdudlon or r.fund of '79, '80, 'It tcultt olrwdy pold. (714) 751-482'1 EY91 & W1r.,.,d1 (71 ') ,93., 153, (71') '52·7191 M ak.inf. •tart it pro&abty the mott important ltep fOwW U\inc. 11wre i1 • way to take rhc initial ttep and know you're on tM n,hr creek ro~ard • !:_CCular, tcheduled 1a\ina1. Ju11join the Parroll s.vm,. Plan at wmit. A. linlc it taken out of nch peycheck toward the purchuc of L'.S. SaviNt Bonds. You doin't ha~e to "Orr} abour maldric • ~iaJ cJJon to put ~Ul& utdc each ~'Cl•)'. It's all done for > ou. Automaticalh. The bucks s~ pilin~ up, the internt VOWI, and )'OU ~aJ.i:U )'OU\ C: Found one 1uA:fiA: way IO HVC. It..~ .~~ WIMrn jlOM put µort of ttaur >nlnM• Into U S S4Ll111t• 8ond1 lfO•in' lw/J111111 to build a lut11/1trr futwfY for ttaur couutrv and for wur>11/ ... A P1Mc ~ 01 tM Oelly Pilot 11.);1 ftl 1119-no Council tnAmerica. A BEAUTIFUL BUY OUR 1982 CIMARRON Businessmen try mortgages cash ~ JOHN CUNNIFF -r:EW~nic .:._ Prmed by llualah aalel and the reluctance of old credit aourcea to lend them money, many unall-bwdnem people are rnortpafna their homee. 7The extent of activity lan't quite clear, but many c:omwner credlt companiee are Involved, and one company, BA Buslne11 Credit C«p., haa •100 million of auch loans outatan~g and la 1rowtng swiftly. All the Joana, said William R. Hobeon, J)l"e9ident of the BankAmerica Corp. financial aervfces com- NEWS ANALYSIS pany, are made to small businesses, often retail outlets, restaurants or taverns, with homee u col- lateral. Hobson stresses that some loans are for ex- pansion, or even for seed money ln brand-new bu- sinesses, rather than to meet emergencies. But he also provides figures to show the latter i1 very mucn at work. Last year, he said, 30 percent of applicants were rejected. though screened by brokers, ac- countants and othen who refer potential customers. The ratio thia year is 45 percent to 50 percent, he said. Add.ini to the pressure on small buaineaes, said Hobson, is that traditional sources are tending to draw away from small-bualnea loans. Banks, he said, say they can't afford to make them, and some commercial finance companies establish a mlnlmwn of $500 000 for each loan. Hob.On•a company, based ln Allentown, Pa., of- fers loans from •10,000 to $~.000. although the latter is relatively rare. "Our current loans average $100,000, except in California, where the average has been $200,000," he said. Collateral generally is the borrower's home, but rental and commercial properties are accepted. Making poasible this source of business finan- cing haS been the sharp rise in the market values of houses. A home bought for $45,000 a decade ago might be worth $110,000 now. Assuming a mort- gage of $20,000. , up to 80 percent of the remainder, $90,000, might be available for borrowing. Hobson's rates range from 18 percent to 21 percent, payable in five yean, but with installments DID YOU KNOW: You can own yow office space. You can stop yow rent from 1oi11 ...-. You can own the land -not lease. AIRPORT WEST BUSINESS PARK 2A5 Flecher Mar Red Hiii, C.M. C•ll Mr. D•vla 751-7400 Broker CooSMratlon DON'TMSS EXPO. IT HAS SOMETHING FOR FOR BUSINESSMEN DOCTORS ACCOUNTANTS TOMOMOWI IXICUTIVll IOOS krd rot ,;J,i a few But hi.mreds The populaf. names y0u already know And the r'fflW ones y0u 6hOuld know aboiA • c.ompuer Showcase Expo Is the one com· pi.Mr lt1>W )QJ rmcJ lhtS yeat - SPECIAL MERCEDES -This $250,000 Mercedes-Benz limousine, owned by local businessman Alan Rypinsk.i, will~ one of six Mercedes in mint condition to be exhibited at Fashion Island this wee kend. The car was made on the baals of a 15-year loan. That means the borrower's monthly repayment& are manageable, but he is preaent.ed with a sizable "balloon" pay- ment at the end of five years. A.-uming the borrower'• credit standing has remained good,,he usually can be considered for another loan at that time, baaed on current interest rates. While no one can say what rates will be five years from now, Hobeon suggests there I.a llt least a chance they might be lower. One criticiam of auch practices is that the loans are made on the buia of total rather than business income. The important factor I.a the overall ability to handle the loan, said Hobson, and therefore his company includes income from sources other than the business. Conceivably, therefore. a failing business could persist as a drain on the borrower's personal assets when, it has been suggested, it might be wiser for him to fold or radically reorganize the business. So far, however, BA Business Credit has had OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND formerly used by Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu . The exhibit will be open from 10 a .m . to 6 p.m. Saturday,~noon to 5 p.m . Sun- day. few bad experiences with borrowers. It owns 4 houses as a result of foreclosures, down from 6 a short time ago, and Hobson suggests that if business were better in general these might never have ap- peared among BA's assets. ln his estimation, the industry, which he credits BA Business Credit with pioneering. "is at.ill m its infancy." The company has four branch es, in Richmond, Atlanta, Indianapolis and San Diego, and expects to open a branch in Denver, and per- haps another city also, this year. ln his estimation, the home mortgage type of financing offers small-business people -proprie- torships and partnerships as well as those that are incorporated -an open door at a time ~hen doors are closing. M o reover, it adds an alte rnat1 ve to "brickhouse" outfits that offer home mortgage loans almost indiscrinunately, but charge as much as 35 percent interest, depending on the state, and fre- quently foreclose. UPS LAii 1'1. ,.,. J J'" 10 •.. )•. s .... • '"" ~ I• ., . ., , .. , .... 1 ' '0'• s•. I• 1 I I• , ... ,. ) 7 l·I• IJ JI' I) DOWNS l..esl ~ • 1111 U''> ,,., ) 4 1 , 11.. 11,1; , .... '"" '"" "~ s 1'11 ,,, 2"' , .... , .... 10•., , ... S'> , .. .. ,,, s• • . .... .... . ~ .... • I .... • \I. .... . .... . "' 't\I) • I . ,,. ... '· • I "> . '"' . ,..,. . '• . ,, . Pct Up '°O Up •S Up JU Up 1' J Up 111 Up t'O Up l&.1 UO IS• Up 14) Up IU Up IU Up 11.0 UP 111 Up 11 1 Up II S Up 111 Up 10.1 Up 10 S Up IOJ Up 10.0 Up 100 Up ti Up •I Up I J UP I l Up U UP I l oi, Off""'\, • " Off 1.U .. Off 130 ''· Off 11.1 "> Off ns .. Off Ill ""°""I '" Oii II I .. °" 11 1 . °" !00 '• °" 100 '· Off 100 ''" Off •• .,, 01t •s 1''7 Off ,, .... Otf ti '"' Off ', "' Off .. _.,.°"ti .. °" 17 '• Off ., Off 11 • • ()ft 1.J ''> Otf I J ~ g: H 1 l °" l l NEW VOttK (AP) NI WS l.n t . .S. Megtl JI.JI 21.7• ltw Stt. llA 20 09 The '°''°"""' ... TaFre UI .... -8d s.. NL Inv Set us I.CM NL NL NL NL t.4'-, ........ D'( Ca9TNT t.n NL Fide! 1475 NL Inv Vet 1 '3 U2 t11t ........ ._. CMll...i.I Ge: Gvi SK t,01 NL Inv "-"' U S a.n e11on t11 Seo.r1t1e1 G1'111 1.SJ I 5' Hllnco 7.IS NL IMt 2S 12 NL O.~ Int., -E.,it U 7 U2 HI Yid t.11 NL l"Y RI t... HL t11t prica al oMliCll ~ ~· LI Milll 1.JI NL JP Gt9' 11.Jt IHG --1KwtU. HlYld 1.72 Ull Pwt1n 10.M NL JP ,,_ 1 11 1.14 alUld -~ HI-It.• 12M Tlw1ft t.1A NL J-I.a NI. tOld (Nit ... NDtc 12.1'0 1"1 Trend a.16 NL .JoM HenQ!dc, vatwl Ot ...... T••Fr 'Gii NL l<ll\Mldal l'l"DGI: Bond 11,61 11.72 (vatw .,.... ..... T•llM 1s.n IU7 Oyww 7.11 NL CllMllll ,,.,,...y, (;flt 511!1 11.'1'6 NL Fnc.ITa -ell W e.r ~ 16.SS 1109 lndult _...,. ::,. t< D:: :t Dir ~ :t ,.~ric.=..,,,~1 ADV \4.0I NL !"Ina: llftd /If) 11• lut AtutAn 1tM NL F-II.JI 11. II OhGo U1 t..Q Al,._ !"Ina: • ~ 1.fl 7.tS GrW111 UI 7.Ji CVYN 1U5 ft.It HI \'If US '-'1 ,_ tA1 '-JI ._...,. ,.., u111 •-~ na "-'.._ s.J1 ._. HIY!d .,_ I.• OMll tJll t.a 0!1111 Ul 6.G ~ ,. 16.11 NL til11 Mt t1.tf a.rs r .. EJt 1.ia "'' 14 11r91T 10. .. II •• Ollu 09\ 16.W ~ M WIRtl 7.,. 1.• ~ ,..,..., CWltll A8 l·" 1.te M Welt U.'1 NL 14 ... IA U'1 CWltll CO .SS 1 .. Fnf <Mii 4M J.11 """"-U7 "4r ClamP .. U1 t.11 l"...clln ~: ~ 111M1 .. 11 CMIP N ... UI ON9I 7 • NL ..... 11_,. II ~ 1tJl2 Hl. 1-It.a NL ,.. lfW '·" .. ~ Olfll: ..... 1.71 •• Ofwll\ ..., 11 " ,...,. 11." " I .._. t1.11 *-:~ t: t :" .. .::.J' ~::ri °Tr,: .... .. ... .. ,. 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' ' "' ..... ,... • • » ..... --s ...... .. wvi.u 10t 20 ~ • .,.. WVIY II SI 8 -I& ~ ~..!.,...t..'4\lt .... ~ .J 11 "3' fm:'l: UileCll I» I It 21~ \It lei-'• .., •• ..,, -"' z..-. .n s '°' ,..__ '- f.:f:,11 ·': ~ .w. ~ ~ IMO \ .S.IO 22 ~'­ %,llflllft 1.-• M ~ 14 Airline tells loss NEW YORK (AP) -Eu\em Air· llne1. which domfnltea Lhe Northeast-to-Florida market, Aid It J)Cl9t.ed • ~ 1.4 million Mt loll ln the llnt }luaNr, larply beicau.. of the rec 111lr:in and ,..,.. wan. ~. ftnt-quartar a.., aher pey· =-~ferred 1uick dtvldetKla, tUTPll'•BDWltl.._. . . Jn the IHI ftitt quarter, Eaatern Hmed H . l mUUon but •howitd a ~-........ .,.... peytnc ... ,..... "°'* dlWlenidL 8 117 I I Mercury Savlnp, HuntJngton Beach based fed· oral 11t«k aavt_nga and loan a.Moelation, announced ita unaudited alter-tax adjusted losa for the first quarter was $4,229,000, or $1.09 per share. Leonard Sh;me, ~hainnan and managing officer, said the loss was the largest tn the huitor y of the company and resulted baskaJJy Crom the "continuauon of extremely high coats of funds, the Vlrtual halt In the normal real estate market.s, and the usual seasonal slowdowns experienced during the fint quarter of any year." A year ago, Mercury had a $938.000 loss. or 24 cents per ahare. T-M revenue up, profit do-~n ..... r Revenues of the Times Mirror Co. for the first quarter Increased t.o $522.3 million from the $500.7 million reported in 1981. However, net 1n<.-ome decreased to $20 2 million from $26 m1U1on while earnings per share were 59 cents compared to 76 cents in the pnor year The conunued depressed wood products market was a maJOr contributing faC'tor to the earnings de· cline. Times Mirror publishes the Los Angeles Times, Dallas T imes-Herald, Newsday (Long Island). Denver Post, the Sporting News, Hartford Courant and two papers in Connecticut and the Daily Pilot, and has broadcast, cable television and publishing properties. Baker earnings increa e Baker lntemauonaJ Corp. of Orange announced earnings for the three months ended March 31 were $1.08 per sh are, an increase of 42.1 percent over the 76 cents per sh.are ln the year-earlier period Revenues for the three months wc•re $678.4 mil- lion, an Increase of 32.3 percent over the comparable . quarter. Earnings per share for the six months ended March 31 increased 52.9 percenl to $2 14 compared to the $1.40 last year. Revenues for the six months were $1,302.9 billion, up 35.5 percent. R evenues r eporte d San/Bar Corp. of Irvine had 1mprovt'°(j operating results for the first rune months of the f1SCal year but lower third qUar1er results. For the nine months ended March 31 total reve- nues rose to $18,841,550 from $13,48 1,138 Net income advanced to $1 ,156,243, equal to 64 cents per share, from $374,982, or 27 cents per share one year ago. San/Bar Corp. is a major supplier of electronic equipment and components, microwave radio systems and service to the telecomrnunicat1ons industry Dividend declared The board of direct.ors of Swedlow lnc .. Garden Grove, declared a regular quarterly cash dividend of 5 cents per share, payable June 4 to shareholders of rerord May 14. Swedlow 1s a manufacturC'r of propnetary acrylic and armor products utili i.ed for a vanety of miUtary and commercial applications. PR banquet sch edule d The Public Relations Sooety of Amenca, Orange County chapter, w11J hold its seventh annual PROTOS awards banquet May 14 at 6:30 pm. at Tht· Newporter Hotel. For m format1on t·all 720-2224 STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS JO Incl ?O lrn H VII llS SU. ....... frtt1 Utlll ~SI- WHAT STOCKS DID '""'" "EW Y()f!K tAPI Ao< 2' """""'" .... OKllNCI ,,. Unchtftllt<I ... 'tol•l 1-1111 lqw hloM lS ..... -ll l t-u'' N EW YOAlt IAPJ ~ It ti• >II UC , .. METALS '""•td•• ' s -~ ... 41 1-3 " lO --:. l7t 2tl 1• IO • Copper 76• .. rQ c:en15 " pound US des11ne11ons 111 Leed 26·27 Cf'nl~ o P<>Und Zinc 35 cenl1 1 povnd delivered Tift Sti 5995 Me111' Weu compo1Hf' Ah111tl11um 78-17 cenll 1 pound NV ..._cu•r $375 00 per llas- Plell""'" $338 00 hoy Ol N V s I l VER T tMJrtcley Hondy & Ho1m1n S8 940 p1r troy Qunce GOLD QUOTATIONS SYMBOLS "'l"'.W ....... --~~----:----~-~~-~------------------------~----------------~ -- . · Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, April 30, 1982 D Why call a dozen different airlines shopping for the lowest fare when one call to Associated Cardillo Travel Service GUARANTEES you the lowest avail-. able airfare. Our computer pricing program netW,Ork .. gives up-to-the-minute fares and schedule informa- tion for airlines world-wide. Your ticket is issued in minutes and ~est of all there is ~o service charge. Money Back Guarantee We will give you $25 if you can present us your airline ticket issued for less than our quoted price for reserva ti ons booked (subject to availability at time of bookinq) ASSOCIATED-CARDILLO The friendly skies of United Airlines. Associated Cardillo offers many discount fares featuring United Airlines. United is your·best way East with the biggest freet of widebody nonstops going. Ocean to Ocean service is available from Los Angeles to New York, Boston, Philade::1l1p:h~ia~·==========~ Baltimore and Washington, D.C. • Call our travel service$ today . • Backbay N·ewport (714) 754-1666 *Buffum• La Ha~ra (714) 870-4151 . ' . / *Capistrano (714) 49&-0777 *Eaatbluff (714) SU-8100 Futl9rton (714) 879-1600 . lrVtne (714) 752•1 . . . . . . *W•tmlnater (714) 895·3893 ·11n Qttgo (714) 233-8771' ao. Collt Pl.-..Jwo Town CTA (714) 754~80 ' . 'OPEN SATURDAY 10 A.M.·4 P.M . . ------~----------------------~· ..-----.-....~~...--~;.;;._.;..~~~~~ ................... ~~~~---~~-~-.;;.---· ti ,. ,. -r - Orange Coaat amoas top crews ready for Newport Regatta. C4. . . Edison, W orkIDan .survive iow .blow.s . Surprilel Su.rpNel ' A ltllt.e admiriiltraUve law Judae hM found no evidence that J:diaon HJ1h foot&all coach Blll Workman la a ch.Mt and deYioul ~Nor, appa- Nntly, are any of Worianan'a aklel. Wbat hill trarwpUed OYet the PM& few montha hM be9\ one of the more remarkable 11.0ria of the Onna CoMt area. PAEP SPORTS ~ ROGER CARLSON . but distributed co one and all, de1Mndln1 an in- ~~ reduUon by the Sw.t ~WU to have a law JudCe enter the lmue, hear from all -tddea and ,Svea )idl"""ftt, to the Ire of Workman and bJa .-:idatel. Workman told me more than once he knew euctly what would come of it. ver, maybe did themaelves aome good. A.f1'r treated •• an accused cheat for aeveral mqnt chance• are Workman wlll pack hit bags dne .i the.e daya and head off to aomewhere where hilt appnldated. Once that'• done lnferlor programs may fmd themaelves dolng better. £diaon Htah football became ao •=that envy turned to hate. For many, the only news WM bed news ti lt pertained to Edl8on, which baa ram..aed to a •~ record over the pMt four yeua, includlnc S2 atraJaht victoriee betOC"e endin8 in the CIF playoffs ln lNl. J •tarted for Edlaon at tailback aft.er Kerwin'• de- parture. So, for three yean the Charaera had a ~ taflbeck who WM a U'anlf• and Jo and behold, tbj. 1981 ae.>rl found Chatswbrth HJch transfer Theo Lanaford starting in the beckfield t.oo. "The~ won't find anythin1 wrona because there hml t been anythlq wrona," Mid Workman. But he ai.o mew tbla. The Judlment la "not JEUilty." It lm't ~t,", but "nae suilty .. -and theft la a bla dUfennee in that ltatement for ao-· mecme who lia.,._. to be lnnocmlt. "They (EdUlon Hlgh) were dealt eome ~ low blowa," aaya Westminat.er Hlgh Coach ~ Wat.era. You know, it'• not like Workman and bla ~ are atrangera to the league. Look around. HuDJ ington Beach'• football team ii coached ~y G~ Henry, who replaced Bob laherwood, both wt" Th*e are always a lot of people ready to jump OD a MMlCfMfU) boat and aail with a winner -and Edilon'a tremendous-reputaUon brought forth a few truwfen, none tbf lieut one Kerwfn Bell. in my Judlment r Pl rlnc the f8ltest initial burtt of any hl&h. acboO b9ck in Orange c.ounty history. And, there were other t;;;fef'li aome pretty good, aome average. And, alons with the-power already preeent, the Char1era just kept winning despite beln1 the primary target of every oppo-· nent'a aealOI\. "'lbe cue ta cloeed. We'll not run after our tallB anymore," aa1d Hunun,ton BHch District Super- lntendant Jake Al>bott. "It needa to be Mid Loudly and clearly that the administration and ooachee are honest and ethical and we are proud to have them." experience under Workman. , Mike Henigan waa Marina'• coach and la ~ an uaistant at "l'ountain Valley after a tour w{ Wotkman and Waten was an Uliatant to W~ · for aeveral yeara. • Ken Moeta, Ocean View'a coach until ~ down just recently, had nothing but admiratJon fdt Workman and his t.eam, before and after tettinl (See ROGER, Pase C4) Kerwin came to Edi9oo followlng Mike Dotte- rer'• tranafer from Mater Del a year before and with him he brought a younger brother, Dino, who Out of it all came a m~~ document charging Ed.l8on with a Jot of It waa more of a atatetnent than a charge, aince it wasn't signed, , Thia la cne time rd like to have a loudapeaker available, rather than th!a column. The authon of the w'8igned document, howe- JI Fastest runnings of Kentucky Derby Distance: 11/4 miles; in min.utes I 1. 8ec'9Wrlllt (1973) -~1 :5&'/• Yankees stifled Hooton by Zahn's junk in tot~l · u . h d R. h .. command. .ne p1tc e super --1g. ett1 2. Northern Denc.r ( 1964) 3. Decidedly (1962) 4. Proud Clarton (1967) 5. Lucky Debonair (1965) Affirmed ( 1978) e. Whlrteway (1941) 7. Mlddleground (1950) 2:00 2:00'1• 2:00'/1 2:01'/e 2:011/1 NEW YORK (AP) -Geoff Zahn pitched a aeven-bitter for bia aeoond ahutout of the 8ea80ll and Bob Boone lined a tie- breaklng alngle in \be ninth in- ning to give the Angela a 2-0 victory over the New York Yankeel Thunday night. The victory waa the fourth without a io. for the ~handed junkball pitcher, who aaid he th.rowa eo many oft-.peed pitches that he no longer baa "any on-apeed stuff ... "GEOFF BAS been pitching thia way all year long," aaid Boone, the Angela' catcher. ''He makes pitches when he bu to. He'• a tn.trattna type of pitcher to bit apimt. .. -~ Hiii Oetl ( 1952) Bold Forbee ( 1976) Zahn conaiatently bad the y anbe bitten off atride with hia &low curve and changeup, which he Mid started to come around in apring training. ''That'a when thinp started to fall ln place," Zahn aaid. "Thia year haa been very enjoyable, not juat becauae I'm winning, but becal.Ule the club haa good splrlt. Derby is than more · Malavasi taking some H&R • 1ust a .. r.~ce BJ die AlaodalM Pnsa The Kentucky Derby luta ap- proximately two minutes. ABC'a telecMt of Saturday'• race will be 88 minutea longer. Chuck Ho- ward worrie9 whether that will be enou8h time to tell the story of what he aees aa a festive hap-penm, ln America. "That may aound ludicrous, that 90 minutes lan't enouah time to do a two-minute race, but It'• true," Mid Howard, who la pro- dudnc the Derby ahow. Thia will be ABC'a eighth conaecuUve Run for the Roeea, but the fint time 1 ~ houra la belna .et Miele ipeeifically for the rece. The telecast at.arts at 1:30 p.m. PI11', aW1oximat.ely 1 hour and 10 minutel before posttime. "We felt we ju.at didn't do lt jwltice in 80 minutea (the pre- vtoua on-air time),'' aald Howard. ' "It had nothing to do with ra- Unp; It WU a matter of journa- lism. When you take away the tace ltaell, plus the time we're Uve in the 'paddock and the re- plays and interviews afmward, Dkll the~ you have JhlnDy ... than 15 minutel 1o fDlintbe~. Rams coach heads for Hawaii after shoring up team, staff On Sunday, Rama Coach Ray Malavui will .flee to the Hawaiian Wanda for acme marlin fiahlng and a well~ five-day vacation. Not linoe the .euon merdfully ended for the Rama lal1 Dec. 20 haa Malavasi enjoyed aacb a lux- ury. Eight houra a day, aeven daya a week, be'a either been on the phone, changing play boob, reviewing rum.. interviewinl ~ oc preparing for the draft. With the "'P'""'Ol,..pect-' of tbla being hla final year with the club unle9a 80IDe dramatic changea unfold- ed, Malavaai feverilhly attacked bla talk.. BE FIRED FIVE C09Ches who didn't ahare hia philoeopby, and bl.red five ot.hen who did. He ai.o tt-examined bla offenalve and delemlve play boob -page by s-ae -to .ee what, ti anything, be couJd chanee to malr.e ~ better. Finally, be ·thorouahJy examined the Rama' atre:nctha and weekllz rz• and pniceeded -with a feeble NFL draft -ln trying co fill llOIDe of the holes he found. Now, with everythina virtually completed, Malavasi la Pua to take a 6re.k. And. foe the tint time lince he became bead ooech in 1918, he'll be v.catloning with peace of m1nd. "W~re .olid enoucb now to be competitive," .. ya Malavui .. be --t.ck ln bla chair and Joob aver bla depth chart on the wall. 0 We aot a quar- te.r'beck, a debt end and a runnlnC t.:k. We al8o have a COKNnc ltaff now that'• Woddnc '°8ether real well. Heck, I 1.-d to do tD09t of the won and DOW the,y're do6nC it." In .analydna the Rama, MalavMi contenda there .. t.w, ti.,, 'bDlili ... ,..,, ..,,... ..... best w~ve been ma l'w been heri.'' aya Mala-. nm of the ~ lltuatkln which flndl Bert Jonm, Jeff RutJedal9 and Pat Hedlrl ln oamsietidon.. SPORT$ COLUMNIST JOHN SEVANO "We've been deep in quarterbldcs before, bUt never have we had thla kind of experience." UNLESS JONES falls flat on hll face, there'• little doubt he will emerge u the team'• No. 1 quarterback next fall. Rutledge, who haa the toola and ability but Jacka experlenoe, will probebly be No. 2 with Haden No. 3. Al for the pomibllity of movm, Rut or Haden et.ewhere, Mal.av.ml cont.ends Rutledge will atay for aure . Haden'• future, meanwhile, ii in bla own handa. Haden. f« penooal. family and busine9a rea- aona, bu aaked the club not to trade blm and Malavasi int.ends to hmor tbme wiahel. "He'• done ., much for the arpnlzat:ion and la such ..... t IU)', w.'ll' try '°::ate with him .. much u pomlb&e," MalaVMI talm. U tlM!re la a weaknem oftemtvely it would be in the a... offemive line. But the club hopm it bu remedied that problem, too, by lipinC alx of- femive linemen. "U just one of thme lllx comes throuah. we'll be all rieht." aays MalaYML "If we can aet two, we'll be that mud\ t.r1bel' ai-l. .. lt'a very different. fro m last year." The Angels, who had a ~1-59 record last aeaaon. have won 12 of their last 15 games and their 15-6 record aasurea them of at leaat equaling the club's best- ever mark for the month of April Mana8er" Gene Mauch says the difference in.Zahn from last year haa been the additio n of a c~e. "LAST YEAR, he had only one way to get them out -front and bllck." Mauch said. "He got the hitten in f~nt with hia chan· l(eup and in back with hi.a faat ball. Now be baa that little curve ln there." Yankees starter Dave Righetti, who wu locked in a acoreleas duel•with Zahn until he waa lil- ted in the eighth, aaid Zahn "haa got to be the best off-apeed pit- cher ln bueball. He deeerved to win thia ballgame. He pitched sukf~~etti waa relieved by George Frazier for the final two outa in the ei~bth, but Shane Rawley bit Re881e Jack.son on the right hand with a pitch to atarl the ninth. Fred Lynn sacrificed pinch runner Jo.e Moreno co second and Rawley, 1-1, walked Tim Foll intentionally. Boone had a 3-2 count when he lined a pitch up the middle with the runners moving, acoring Moreno and .aending Foll to third. Brian Downing followed with a aacrl- flce Oy to deep center. ZAHN, 4-t, atruck out four, walked two and worked out of trouble in three of the first four· innings. Righetti, who walked seven, threw 104 pitchea through five lnnlnga and did not retire the Angela in order until the fifth. Zahn, meanwhile, stranded alx Yankeel in the first four inn.ino. LAKERS FACE SUNS TONIGHT PHOENIX -The Lakera' Weit.em Conference semifinal playoff game with the Phoenix SWlS here tonight will be televt- -S on a delayed bui1 beginning at 11:30 on Cwme1 2. · The aame can aJ.o be heard Uw on KLAC radJo (570) begin- nina at 8:30. KHJ, Olannel 9, wblcb uaaal- ly ~ Laker pmea, can- not televlle the game becauae CBS owna the riahta to it. Game tour will be t.elevi.led live Sun- day bellnnina at 12:30 p.m. on 0Wmel2. - LOS ANGELES (AP) -Bu('t Hooton says lie's uauaUy not •t h is best e arly in the aeaaol), Through most of April, the ve- teran right-hander llved up to that assessment. But he appeared to be in mid-season form, or bet- ter, in his latest outing. Hooton limited Philadelphia tq only one hit -a clean single bJ Ivan DeJesus in the fourth i.Jl- ning -as the Dodgen blanlull the Phillies 4-0 Thunday nighl. HOOTON, 1-1, allowed o~ three baserunners in the swt.ti:' hour, 52 minute game. After -first 10 Philadelphia batten we19 retired, DeJesus lined a 1-2 pitch to center and stole aeoond.1>ete Rose followed by drawing the only walk the Phillies 1ot, but Hooton pitched out of trouble~ getting Gary Matthews to ground '.nto a forceout and Bo Diaz to pop up. The only other Philadelp~ baserunne r was Julio Franoo, who got aboard on an error by Los Angeles second baaeman Steve Sax with one out in the eighth . However, pinch-hittei Greg Gross grounded into' double play to end the inn1J1a1 and Hooton retired tbe aide Ji orde< in lhe ninth. -I The one-hitter was the first Hooton's big-league career was his first complete game fi ve 1982 starta. He pitched;i no-hitter aganat the Phillies~ April 16, 1972, in his fourth jor league start. "I'm just happy I got a .olld game under my belt," Hooton, who lowered bia · run average from 4.43 to 3.16. felt like I had t.h.ino ln oootrol the way. I felt like I wu wiJlR consistently well all "I'VE BAD gamea like t early in the aeaaon, but I ha usually put them back-co- until the aeoond half of the I have been a n otoriously al starter. "I haven't really been con~ dent all year. When you aren't confide nt as you should be, • throws your control off." Loa Angelea catcher Ste Y~er waa effusive in hla of Hoot.on. "He was in command, h control of hla pitchea and get them up in the atrike said Yeager. "Burt'a had trouble, but not to~ht. He ched tome ball game .• Hooton, who 1truck out t aakl the pitch DeJea11 hit w Jmuckle..aarve that w.:i't ......... be wanted it. "It wam't a pitch that I ed to throw, I wmted to boudll I\, but 1 didn't," be aid. "I you'd c:all low IDll .IDllde. • pitch to a lot of bitten. chokea up a lot and can ... ~.­ that pitch ... '"The Kmtucky Derby la not 'jmt a hone race, It attrecu lta awn audience. And a ma)Jrity of the people who watch lt watch ... nee a~· They don't know ebout the bonee.1 the trad.ltion. We bave to tell them d'W story of a '-**w ... ..,..,..,, ID Amsb. "Wbm we um pr.-t ... vsd'qsto80 ........... -. --B we oould ftll d'W dme • ............... ....., Orange Coasi reduces ' its 'magic nu.mber',to one ~ It lll' me OlwlOut , .... eH='\ ..... .., lniulllt • .. ~ ............. ..... ... .. .., nua out oeu.. ....... --ar m11NL" •-:.ae::;, -::.~ ... = . , ____ ...,&a'J=~= 11 • • ·.-----!o-~-......--iiiliiiOoi----0-range Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aptll 30, 1982 -- endl could suffer :~ indefinite suspension 11 From AP dlapatcMI t .. .. DALLAS -lva.n Lendl of C1e-B1 cti.o.JovakJ.a, the world'• thlrd-ranked 1 player, facea a poaaible Indefinite 1 1u1pen1lon after being char1ed Thureday with conduct detrimental to profemcr na1 tennis by the Aaaociatlon of Ten.nil Profes- aionala. The organization al80 asked that Lendl be fined $10,000 for withdrawtna from the World Team Cup at West Germany next week to compete in the WCT Tournament of Cham- pions. which opens SWlday at Forest Hilla ln New York. ATP Executive Director Earl "Butch" Buchholz Jr. recommended the aclion which muat be voted on by Lendl's fellow playen. L1NDt Lendl, who waa in Ma- . . drid Thursday, and his agent were !1ouf1ed of the action by ATP field repre- aentauves. There was no lrnmediate comment. The New York tournament, in which Lendl and John McEnroe head the field, offers a win- ~r'a Pun,e o_f $100,000. Though Lendl now is hated third tn the computer rankings, many temnia experts rate him No. l after his fourth consecuUve victory over McEnroe Monday night ln the fl.nab of the WCT Championship in Dal.fas. •r-~~--------------___.:. __________ __ Quote of the day Joe Garaglola of NBC, talking about 43-year-old Gaylord Perry and his quest to win bis 300th game with the Seattle Mari- ners: "The burning question isn't whether he'll win his 300th game this year. h 's whether his spitball will dry out in the Kingdome." Martinez burns his former mates Back Martinez, who spent five la years catching PaaJ Spllttorff before Kansas City traded him away, stWlg his old battery-mate with a three-run homer and an RBI single and Dave Stieb hurled a five-hit shut.out, propelling the Toronto Blue Jays to a 7-0 whitewash Thursday of the Royals. Martinez hammered a 2-2 pitch over the left- field fence in the fourth inning to stake Stieb to a 4 -0 lead ... Elsewhere in the American LeaRUe. a bases-loaded sacrifice fly by Dwayne M1rpby ICOred the first of three Oakland runa in the ninth inning as the A's defeated Baltimore, 9-6 after blowing a 6-1 lead . . . Toby Harrah cracked his sixth home run and Andre 'l'llorntoa rap~ a two-run single to support Lary Sorea- aea 1 five-hit pitching as Cleveland topped Seattle, 5-1 . . . Roa LeFlore collec~ three hlta, includi.ni a towenna two-run homer, lifting Chicago to a 3-2 victory over Detroit. White Sox . pitchers DeDDi1 Lamp, 2-0, and Salome Baroju ' 1 combined on a three-hitter. l Black Hawks pull even with Canucks Dealt Savard scored a pair' of 111· clinching third-period goals Thunday , night and powered the ~go Black Hawks to a 4-1 fight-marred victory ' over the Vancouver Canucka which evened their Stanley Cup semifinal aeries at one game each. The two teams drew 200 minutes in penalties including 150 in the final period ... Mike Bo11y tallied twice and goalie Bill Smidt made 35 saves. many from point-blank range, as the New York Islanders took a 2-0 lead in their series with a 5-2 victory over Quebec. Each aeries ia · scheduled to resume this Saturday. - NABERS CADlLLAC • '1~ Hort>ot Blvd . Cos to Mesa 11141 ~o 9100 • 12131 5&7·8266 '' .. _ ... ~ --:·==:.:--..:: .:.=-=:~--·-...................... •fi900 ~ Olant• rough up Expoe' aurtta •_Darrell B•u• hlt a thl'M·nm •. · homer, cltmaxln1 a five-run flnt-' y aolnlt RaJ .. ..,.., and the San FrancllCO Olanta to ry over Montrffl Thunday n~. ht. Butria, 0-4, entered the came wtth a IJ)lt · 1.17 earned run averaare. beet ln the Nat.tonal i...,u •• but tt climbed to a.12 after hla three tnntnea ot work ••• J:leewhere in UM National. Le.,ue, Tim Lollar limited New York to five hlta in burlinl h1I tint major-leaaue ahutout., San Dle10 ro1led over the Meta, &-0 . • . T•J Pe•• hlt a three-run homer and Dave Parter added a aolo ahot over the wall in atraightaway center to power · Pitt1bur1h paat Houaton, 9-6 . . . Dale M9fptly and .. ._ Bob Boner cncked back-~ back homen for the aecond atralght pme to give Atlanta a 3--0 victory over auc.ao. Atlanta roo- kie hurler Joe CowleJ went aeven !nnine• but had no decision as reliever Geae Garber, 2-1, waa credited with the victory. Chicaao'a PerpaH Jeakiaa, 2-2, was tagged with the defeat after working eeven 1COrele11 ~. Baseball today On this date ln baaeball in 1969: Cinclnnati'a Jlm Maloney hurled the third no-hitter of his career, atriking out 13 in blanking the Houston Aatroa, f0-0. In 1965, Maloney no-hit the New York Meta for 10 inninga and lost 1-0 on Johnny Lewis' 11th-inning homer. He later fired a 10-innlng 1-0 no-hitter against Chicago. On thia date in 1961: San Francisco slugger Willie Mays belted four home runs off four different Braves pitchers (Lew Burdette, Seth Morehead, Moe Drabowsky and Don McMahon) in a 14-4 Gianta victory at Milwaukee's CoWlty Stadium. On this date in 1946: Cleveland fireballer Bob Feller struck out 11 Yankees en route to a 1-0, no-hit victory over New York. Feller'• battery- mate, catcher Frankie Hayes, accounted for the game's only run with a solo homer. It was the second of Feller's three career no- hitters. On this date in 1939: Ne w York Yankees first baseman Lou Gehrig played in the last of his major lea· gue record 2,130 consecutive games. Today's birthday: Houston infielder Phil Garner la 33. Archer shoots to share of lead Veteran George Arcber uaed a n new putter to good advantage, one- p u tt i ng 10 times en r oute to a 5-under-par 65 and a share of the first round lead Thursday in the Byron Nel.9on Golf Classi.c in Del.las. Archer, now in his 19th year on the pro tour, had the lead alone until he recorded his lone bogey of the day, on the 18th hole, dropping back into a tie for the top spot with C•rtla Straa.ce, who scored a 31 on the front side . Long Beach to hold Endurance race The ruling body of auto racing .r has approved a 500-mile World En- durance Championship Race through the streets of Long Beach next year, it wu announced in Casablanca Thursday. The race was set for March 27, a week before the regular Grand Prix held in the city . . . Paal Ward from Westminster ha.a been named a wo- men's assistant coach for the United States- Canada Juniors international track and field meet in Houlton July 24. Televlslon, radio . TV: Buketball -Laken at Phoenix, 11:30 p.m., Channel 2. Tape delay. RADIO: Baseball -Angela at Baltimore, 4:30 p.m., KMPC (710); Montreal at Dodgen, 7:30 t.•·· KABC (790). tball -Lakera at Phoenix, 8:30 p.m .. KLAC (~70). Boston a dill erent cup of tea · Later startin~ time, weather can create problem , Runnina ln the Bolton Marathon ta a whole new experience for tho Wett CoUt runner; a dif-AUNNING ferent cup of tea. eo to a~. Juat aak Georae Arius. the Dally Pilot'• di-rector of operationa who mAde the trip eut recently l9 tr?; h1a aecond Boston Marat.hon. 'MOit of the marathona he~ llArt •t 8:30 or 7 ln the momlnc.'' be ap1alned. 0But ln Bolton. they DENNIS BROSTERHOUS atan at noon. "And you don't kno.J what kind of we.at.her to expect ln Bolton. L.aat year, lt wu cold and thla year it waa dry and there was no molature ln the May 9, a race offldal laid. That would make it the ~ marathon field in hbt.ory. Entriee have actually been accepted for 18,000,' but the race official said, "We expect quite a few to pull out throuah injury or lllnea, as they did last year. If it comes down to 16,000. we will be pleued becauae that la about as many as we can cope with efficiently." air." Ataui, who had run a 3:04 the previou. year, had aet a peraonal goal of 2:50, but had to aettle for a 3:0~ th1a year . "Not only was the weather difficult, there was no ERG (augar aut:.tanoe) thla year for the runners. And that made it even more difficult. "Not very many people from Oregon. Waahlngton or California tared very w ell thia Some 16.000 were accepted for each or the last two New York City Marathons, but somewhat less than that a1.arted. There were 7,000 runners In last year's inaugural ~ndon Marathon year." Another distinctive aspect of the Boaton Ma- rathon la the crowd, not only ln the race, but on the sldellnel. ''They're a.re people everywhere," Arauz said . THE SECOND ANNUAL "Spnng Tune Up" 5 and lOk run.a are aet for Saturday, atarting with a 6:30 check-in at the Ford Aeroapace facility on Jamboree Road ln Newport Beach. "They're in front of you, behind you, elbowing you all throu,h the race. Some even talk with you, even it you don't want them to." The 5k run Is slated to begin at 7:46 with the lOk run due to follow at 8:30. Runners will be competing for some 200 prizes and 250 awards . The competition is open to children, and the youngest category iB for boys and girls under 14 years of age. And the public ii there ln force, too. "Th ey keep &:h.ing you, they just don't want you to quit." Araui want to go back next :¥eat? "You bet I do. It'a become a bit of an obeession with me. And ru be working more on downhill for next year because that was the toughest part of the The registration fees range from $10 for both races and a T ·Shirt to $4 for entry in a single race and no T-shirt. race for me thia year," he said. THE SUBJECT of crowds, 16,000 runneta are expected to participate ln the London Marathon Proceed.a Crom the race will go to the Harbor Area Boys Club, the Harbor Area Garis Club, and the Irvine Boys & Girls Club. For more information. contact race coordinator Sam Johnson at 759-6535. Handball play opens tonight Estancia stops Mesa The 1982 Cinco De Mayo 4-wall Handball doubles championships are sch e duled for to- night, Saturday and Sunday at the Newport- Mesa Athletic Club, lo· cat.eel at 254 Victoria St. in Cost.a Mesa. McCarthy triples; Eagle women also win The t o p handball players in the country are expected, along with players of various classes and skills. Tonight's action begiN at 6 and a 12-hour Sat- urday se98ion begins at 9 a .m . before Sunday's 10:30 a .m. finals. Competition is set for open, A , B, C, masters and golden masters. Jim McCarthy posted a d istance ~ple victory for the FBtancia Eagles in an 84-52 Sea View League victory over Costa Mesa High and Mater Oei stopped St. John Boeco of Bellflower in an Angelus League track and field encounter Thund.ay afternoon. 1n women'• competition, the F.agles alM> won, posting a 64-54 decision over the Mustangs. McCarthy, a aenior distance runner· for F.standa, won the 800 with a 2:03.0 effort, then came beck to win the mile in 4:38.9 and the two-mile in 10:40.2. He wasn't preeaed ln any of the three races. Jeff Bowen won both hurdle races for the Eagles while David Szypersk.i :'"'as a double winner for the Mustangs in the shot put (53-6) and discus (141-10~). Mater Oei's Monarchs did well m C h • 0 0 the running events but had no double zec .s tie, -winners. Jim Gallivan, despite a sore HELSINKI, Finland le~, won the 440, plaoed third in the (AP) -The Soviet 88 and ran on the winning rrule relay Union and Czechoslova-team. k:ia played to a 0-0 tie in Hal Juergem had a 5-10 in winning a lackluster finale of the the high jump while Bob Planta was World Hock ey Cham-the mile run winner' in 4:36.7 and pionships Thursday placed third behind two teammates in night, preventing Ca-the two-mile. Mitch Eddy won the nada from winning its longer race in 9:53.0. first silver medal in 20 Rick Huntington won the 330 low hurdles, was second in the 220 and years. al h . so ran on t e winning mile relay TRACK Estan ci a's Lisa Rossellini had a mark of 103-5 in the womt'n's discus throw. her best effort of the season a n d S h erri Rodriguez w on both hurdle events. Dates changed Dat es f or t h e second pr e· Olympic yacht racing regatta has been extended by one day, from July 31 through Aug. 7, according to the Olym~ic Classes Regatla Organmng Comrruttee The change was mdde to give the rompeutors more sa1hng time on the courses which will be used in 1984. The original date. were July 31-Aug 6. Sea Kings in playoffs The Corona del Mar Hi~h men's volleyball team clinched a CIF playoff ber th Thursday night. its hrst since 1974, with a 15-5, 15-10, 15·6 victory over University CdM finished the Sea View cam - paign with a 10-4 record, while Un- team. The Soviet Union al-iversity fell to 8-6. ready had wrapped up ,-----------------------------_:__ __ _:_::.:_ ________ _ ita 18th world cr own since 1954, while the Czechs needed at least a tie to overtake Canada and finish runner-up on goal difference. · ,.<.JO Spring~ ':--fr, ~ VIDEO t.::_ ~ • · s~if:~s s ALE \~~) RCll PACKAGE ~rn1"1 y JP 170 HP 1~ F: :~:&~f?~·~ SelectaVision •Convtrllblf'VCR System with High SpHd Picture SHrch •nd Spec:1•I Ettec tt •Free Fron1 Row Center Club M embership ' .. • ... ' • . .. I Orentle Cout DAILY PILOT /Friday, Aprtl 30, 1H2 • .Sports on 8aturday'a TV. ~IO nLBVlllON t elef,~~p~~~~n~~ul!~!~ (2~2~n~!~.?.~-bout, ~pod.. INA'ruro:l:tM~A·~LR~KNE:iT~·s USSR and are the top ent.ranta. Tam~. ('I) -AllSBICAN IPO&TlllAN -• • • MDIO N:tt1t Pwtll' 8~ a.Im f« bid IMrlin ot:f **'* 10:10 a.m. (4) -MIS.BAU· -St. Loula at Qndnnad. 11 a.m. (&)-1'Cf T&NNJS. . 12:80 p.m. (2) -NIA PLAYOFFS -Phila- delphia at MilwaWc.te. ('I) -WIDE WORLD OF IPORTI-Jlldde Bewd (12-0) YI. Joee Caba Jt:;.> ln a fM~t bout. telec:Mt live from . AJ.o: '!be KentUcky Oaks. a mile and ~th I race for three-yJar-oJd mu ... taped Friday ln LoWMlle. l p.m. (4) -• .ASEBALL -Milwaukee at Minnmota. 1:30 p.m. (7) -UNTU~Y DERBY -The 108th runntna of the three-year-old race over a mlle and a quarter from Churchill Downs ln Loullville. 3 p.m. (2) -WOMEN'S TENNIS -The sln-8* final of the TourNU'llent of Champ6ona, taped at Grenelefe, Fla. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -The world rhythmic 1ymnaatic1 lllM>el -Mofttr ..... Oodglra. I p,11\,, KA9C ('Ttolc Aft09ll .. .1.. ... G--t ........ _ ---wr ~= ANAllEDt ... Att.endance •t the •-"'--, 4:~ p.m,, ICM~I01 w..-•-~ -~J _,,,_.. ""Tic... "'"' " Phil Jlanil h~ta t In · ana I lni.matJonal Auw Show WM up more 14cw .. .., -'*Y Atoone. 1:40, t:40, 11:40 a.m .. 1a:..o, ......... _ ~-........ _ • ~n-'lut ~--Jim Upp necudve al~w. 1:40 p.m .... Hx (1010). w••-.--llehaw "°' -I ' .• _._.. ~--In the Johmtclae Stnit oft .. dlh C41umbf.e Car n .A.odatlon of...,._,... Coun Sunday'• TV, radio a:ao p.m. (==TIWOBLD _ Mork ~:::'~.!'.-•""' <A""121. TELEVWON Frade(l'l-O)va. Walker(9..()..l)lna8Cbeduled 1 "The~ e1'Pl'ftl9d by the 10 Lm. (2) -NBA Pl.A YOJ'PS -An l'Mtem !,C?:~ ~ m1-.-..11 ~ t.~tttaoe:t ... ~t Tampa I th• 1how wa1 certainly ju1Ufled by th twnda~1 Conf.-.nce pme. (Bolton at w~ Phlla· ua. rLUU! AOC -~·· dlvtJ. cluslc, fJcw'N," Upp said. "While the count iln oU.ldal. '"' delpbia at MllwaUU.). taped at HawaJl and e world's atronaett man etUmai. an tncnue of 20-2K. wtth reporU.na' competltlon. Also: A look at 28 yean aao today that 1how vialwn were taJdn1 advanta of the oP:! 11 a .m . (6) -BASEBALL -Anae1a al Balti·, when Stan Mualal hit flve home rum ln a double-portunJ\y to comparlton 1hop. The deale tldS-t.et more. ' hffder ~the New York Olanta. (7) -WIDE eeetna many of the cor1t.act.t they nwde ln lhow·• Noon (4) -OUTDOOR LD'E -Actor Buck WORLD OP SPOR'n -Heavywetcht Gf'el P1&e , roomt durif\e the next few dayt and weekl." • Taylor fllhel for atrtped marlin off the IOUthem tip (18--0) defends hla USDA Utle qarn.t Jimmy Youna ' Uf: announced the result of the drawinfl of lhe12~.30jap.rn.Penlnlula(2) ·~-"Y~ Aw--(30-10-2) ln a .chedw.d 12-round bout taped at auk>• w'1 erand prize, • trip for two anyw on A .--. ._.., Atlantic qty. Allo: The Hawaiian Muten IW'f1ng AlrCal'• route. The lucky reptrant wu Jonathan tern~ llUM· at ). championahlp M.aruor, Irvine. John D'Arc, MlU. Ford, AnaheUn, the 2:30 p.m. (4) -NBC SPORTS: RINGSIDE -' ~ ,sale.man whoee name wu on the card that wu drawn Tony Ayala (18-0) one ot the ~rillna junior hMblll -~at Blltlmot9. 11 un., ICMPC (710>: MontrMI., al.lo won an AlrCal trip. middleweight contenders, vs. Steve Greaory ~.!.i~.f:~ ~~:'~. 12:30 p.m . KLAC (570). *** Wl'RI HELPING YOU DO n RIGHT PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH ORANGE COUNTY ... A gallon of tia hat just gotten larger. The new fuel stretcher la the Ni.an Sentn, a freth front-wheel-drive car from the maker of Data&nl whJch will be one of the highest milea&e gMOl1ne mcsne can ln C.Ufomia and lhe highest mileage ln the felt of the United States. Special technolog ical and desl1n elementt alve Nilllan Seno-. California mod~lt equipped wtth a Ital\· dard 5-ipeed manual, overdrive transmlalion EPA esti- mates of 33 mpg in lhe city and 48 mpg on the hlshway. ,. TUESOAYMAY 4, 1982 !Ir' ..,t=l!=====::=:::::::~t- HOLLYWOOD · 12 Volt, 10'" Rondom • ~ Orbitol Auto Polisher. Pl119s directly into your ~· cor's lighter raceptocle. 1590 26!! PRO-TECH Drop forged steel with broached drive ends. .------ZtNK • stmuloted thffptkin; fitt both bench ond buclcet Mota. 1519 7!'! DOMESTIC • Retin protection for o tough britliont thine! •12A 16o1. IMPORT · SfMciofly formulated for import finlthea. #13A 16ot. ENNZDIL -.,.;:,·· -~f.~\~ MOTOR •M H·?'-\\. OIL W)'t01' 0 HD 30W ..... f.. 30 jll"' ·• i;1 .111<. uu" --- DRAIN PAii T. ALLEN Polyethylene 6 Quart copocity #P-6 'If-) \ --ICEllE Y • 29" a 47" oil drip pan. Heavy galvanizad ltHI. #281 629 EACH A complete, aimpla woy to fluth your entire cooling •y•tem. Contoin• One Step fluth, MW T1.1rbo Fluth Kit and in.tructiont. .,,, .. 16ot. 2~.' for Mott GM 279 Producta.#PH 13, EACH IPH2S,PH30 OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICE C701RD·1 (Up to 13ft. 11n. le"fith) C701 RD·2 (Up to 14ft. 2in. tength) C701 RD·3 (Up to 16ft. lin. length) 4Aff 7 tACH ~------~------ C70 HD -4 (Up to 19ft. length) 59" IACH ~------------- C701 It D -5 (Up to 22ft. l•ngth) 6399 IACH The new offering debuta 1.n late April at more than 1,100 U.S. Datsun dealers including Dot Dattun in Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa Datsun. Quality Dawun in Orange, Target Dalaun ln Garden Grove, Zee Damm in Fullerton. Irvine Dataun in Irvine, Brea Datsun in Brea. Barwick Datsun in San Juan Capistrano, Anaheim Dataun in Anaheim, Santa Ana Datsun in Santa Ana. Dtck Barbour Oat.sun in Cypre.e and Newport Datawl L., Newport Beach. • In add1t.1on to high nuJea1e. lhe new car haa better aerodynamics, driveabil1ty and interior room than the top-selling Oat.sun 210 model It replaoes. The 5-passenger Nluan Senlra comes with a 1.5-litervengine in a 2·door or 4-door sedan, a sporty hatchback coupe a nd a 1tatlon wagon with 1tand&rd, delux~ and XE (extra equipment) trim levels, depen- dmg on the model. The new car al10 features lour-wheel inde- pendent 1uspens1on, power·usilted front d1a' brakes, rack·a(ld-ptnion s~ring and rear window defroster u standatrl eq'lipmenl on aJI models. I ••·• LAS VEGAS, Nev .... A 1tar-studded lineup, fea· luring a host of past champions of the world'• largest and richest ofl·road race, are pulling the flnlahlng touches on their race cars in preparation for the 15th annual Mint 400 Desert Raoe Apnl 29-May 2. Well over 400 vehicles will compete for more than $250,000 In prize money and contingency awardt in the annual classic 1poruiored and staged by Del Webb'• Mint Hotel and Casino ln Downtown Lu Vegas. The rare will start al 9 a.m. Saturday, May l and lhe huge array of racing buggiea. ledanl and trucka will be bauJJn.g one of the roughest off-road COW1ll!9 evtt laid out, an approximately 100-mHe COW'9e north of Lu Vega.1 lhat the dnvers will be required to cowr four limes. Few will make it. Out of a record 518 vehicles starting last year's event, only 24 percent finlahed the four laps. "It looked like the desert in North Africa after a meeting between Patton and Rommel," said Mint 400 Race Director K.J. Howe about Last yn.r'1 race route. Howe had first-hand experience the hard way. He dnves h is own two-seat race car in the event each year along wllh Andrew M. Zome, Mint Hotel ExecutJve Vice President. They didn't ftniah last yeiu. Among those lhat did, however. Is Laguna Beech, Calif., denllll Ron Gardner, who teamed with Yucaipa. Calif., civil engineer .Bemle Mayer to capture the Clar 1 and overall tJlle. Gardner has returned ID share the driving In a ClalB 2, two-teat buggy with hJt ~ racing partner, Jerry Penhall. Newport Beach, CAllf. - Heavy metal aupentara Roger Mean, with h Claaa 4 lon.g wheel base four-wheel drive Jeep llOllllnl>QI and Walker Eva1U, in h is Clan 8, two-wheel drlv Dodge pickup truck, are beck to defend their ""v""'"._ Both Meara. Bakersfield, CaUl., and Evant, Rlvenide Calif., are not only past Mint 400 champklna but are conquerors of the lnfamowa Baja races ln Mexico Evans has probably more major off-road Ulla than an other competitor. Mean. lhe older brother of 1979 lndianapolil ~ champion and 1981 CART-Indy car natk>nal champon Rick Meers, Is a veteran of a variety of motor sports and la currenlly a fulltbne competitor, hlm9elf, on the Indy car circuit. Meara has enjoyed hla ire-test IUCICf!ta on the off-road thort couiws and has won a record 15 cl.Mtea titles at the annual SCORE Off-Road Champ6onahipa at Riverside (Calif.) lntttnatlonal Raceway. Mean' No. 1 rival in lhe deeert. Rodney Hall, Reno, Nev., a winner of four Mlnt 400 tit.let. wtll be out ID 1trip the crown away from Means at the Mlnt thb yee.r. Norm and Steve Schmktt. La Mee&, Calif., are re-- turning to defend their tJtle ln C1aa 5 for unllmlted Baja 8ug1 aa Is Manny Esquerra, Parker, Ariz., In mlnl-plckupa; Don and Bob Denault. Ml.l.&on Viejo and San Juan Capl1trano. Calif.: In Cla .. 9 for 1200 cc lin&le .... ters; Bobby and Tom Neth, Costa M-. C.alit., In CJ .. 1-1600 cc; and Stan Gllbert, CYJ)l"el9. Calif., in the 1tock tedan clua. Jack Ramsay. LU Vepa, who won the 1tock Vol.klw-em clal 1-t yee.r, hat switched '°the 1600 cc Bajl Bue divilion thla time around. Some of the other top driven w be nckoned wtth thia ye.r are tanner land...,eed kin.K MJcby Thompeon; four-time Mint champion Rolf flbblln of Sweden: two-time Mlnt overall winner J'ri\I Kroyer, NorttuidlJt, Calif.; 1980 overall champion Jeck Johmon, LM V..-; two-Ume overall tltlltt Bud Feldkamp, • lUvenide, Calif., denu.t; wradle Johnny Johrwan, IMDan O.row. Calif., overall winner of the 1989 Mint 400; fonmr MJnt and S.ja four-wheel drive champ Don AdMna, Nachrop, Colo.: .nd rock ...,. Ted Nupnt, who Im lhakm the celebrity lt.atUI he 1taried with w become an llCCOID· plilhed otf-ro.der. . Driver Nat1tratlon will take 'pt.. In th• Mint Hoc.el Thunday and l'nd.y, April 29.JO and the f--.. ........ and~~ wW be held l'rida~ dey and nltht.. .... tM bri.Wan\ly·Ut ........ t in front ol the hoetl. -The popular ....... of ..... cm'I ,,... ........... U. ...,........_ ate at W. y._,. It II -WOJ w .... ,._ ..... ,.. ..... ol d9e tllil¥7 ..... ~ .wl*lh haw._ att&A••-IM .. ,_. ol Lind· Mm .. &N • __. ..... .._ ___ ,_,..,_._.. ........ .. iQ9' n•••• s -,_., • j : Top crews compete in Newport Regatta Saturday From Page C1 SEVANO. • • &mm ol tM top c:nwl tn the Hate convera• on Newport Btacb•1 No.rth Lldo Channel ~ momlnl when Oranae ~ ®• bom the 17th an-~ N.wpcjr1 InvttatkJnal lnter-OaDettate RoWinK Reptta. • ,bud-to-bead ln etaht cUtfe,.nt l'9ICel bettM1nc •t 8 a.m. champJonablpt. but they are tn the mldat of • three-year drouaht. Other entnntl lnclude UC Ir·, vtne, UCLA, Loyola, UC Santa Bart.ra, Unlvenit}' of San OW.- ao, Lona Be.ch State and ~ renn1al favorite Callfomla. ooc will be l.ieeklo.t ltl lixth 1trat1ht freahman ef1bt title, wbil4 the Ptraa. Junior varsity el&ht will be out (or revenp af- ter lalbur 1ut 'YW• l'llCe Co Cal by -thin hllf•.-cond.. C:O.Cb Larry koore'• Pir•t.ea and ..,,.. major unlvenitlee ao The Cal rowen own flve Newport Reaatta vanity elaht Speedway cyclists compete. Speedway motorcycle raclna at the Oran1e Co(u;ty l'a1rpounds ln C.O.ta Meu la on a record run, thanb to the appearance of ieveral f onner riden now competing in the British Speedway ~~the reeuJar progam will be n.an with all of the riden but no 1nterlopera on hand. That meant that Alan Chriatian, Mike But, Dave De'l'emple and all the other riders from thia area wtl1 be competing for the acratch and handicap Gretzky selected HELSINKI, Finland (AP) -Wayne Gretzky of the Edmonton Oiler• and Bill Barber of the Pbiltdelphia nyen were telected Thuraday to the fint all-atar team at the World Hockey Cham- pionlhlp. It marked the first time since 1968 \hat two ~ playera have been named. Gret•y. who waa the leading scorer in the tournament with llix aoa1a and el&)it 8181.sta, easily outdistanced Sergei Sbepelev of the Soviet Union in the balloting, 247 votes to 17~. With five pointa few a first.team aelection and three for aecond-team spots. Gretzky received 32 first-place vajeS and 29 leClODd-place votes, while Shepelev gairfed 28 and 12, respectively. Ivie given his release PITTSBURGH (AP) -First bueman Mike Ivie, once one of the National League's most pro- mlaitlg players, was released Thursday by the Houston Aatros. The A.troa, who made the announcement prior to a game with the P ittaburgh Pirates, said Ivie would be replaced on the roster by minor-league outfielder Scott Loucks. The 29-year-old Ivie, a Decatur, Georgia, na- tive who played his first major league game with San Diego at age 19, spent nearly all of last aeason on the dipbled list with what was described as ''mental fatigue." main event crowns and the top prize money from the pw11t19 that have been averagina almott $9,000 each week. One of the newcomers to Southern Calltomla speedway raci"', Warren Diem of Philadelphia, won recently ln the handicap main. Dubb Ferrell, a aurprile winner of the 1eratch main laat week, will be out to make it two in a row over Chriatian. 8-t and DeTemple, his foa in the ·four-man final. A special promotion by 7-Up will take place tonight with ice chests, aoft drinka and other prU.et . given away. Gates open at 6:30 with the first heat at 8. From Page C1 ROGER CARLSON trounced, and the current Ocean View coach, Steve CoUlesh, was a disciple dt Workp>an's when at Whittier College. For years Workman has maintained his true strength waa with his usiatanta, and he must have been right ainoe everybody teemed to want them. RWlll Pwnell was ticketed for Ocean View be- fore deciding to take an offer from USC. Funny, ian't it? All the9e ooaches from a system that la suppoeed to be getting the job done under- handed being coveted by the loyal opposition. I gueaa what really sticks in my craw ii the knowledge I have accumulated while aaociating with Workman since he was an assistant under Vlnce Aaro. I know bi.a convictions, morally and spiritually. A saint? Not likely. But he's not a cheat. The judge's views, of (l()U1"9e, will not satisfy everyone. Onoe a l011er, always a loeer, I guess. Someday maybe aomeone is going to wake up and realize just exactly why Ediaon is winning and is ao attractive. Coaching forms the majority of success in football -from Vince Lomba.rdi to Clare Van- Hoorebeke, and it goes a lot deeper than teaching the basics. .............. , ..... , 1. Uf ... uo.t: L UOl.A : I. Lona IMcfl ... • ~ •• IJnhwlfty of ... Dlilfo. .......... (1r11) HoentttMllMed. ........... ,.., I. Of#IOt C0Mt COlllOI "A": 2. Lovole: I . UC lanl• lefNH! 4. uo Irvine: •. °'~ COMt COiiege ..... . ~ .................. , 1. ~ LOM leedl ltaw. I . VO IMta 8arbefa: 4. UCLA; "I. callfOmla. ,. ............ ,.11) t. UCLA: 2. ~ I . °'MP c:-t: 4. ·Rustler pair has big night NOR WALK -A strong runner-up showing by Golden West's Dou8 Burchell in the 500 freestyle and Linda Parrish'• w1nn1n8 performance ln the wo- men's 500 free highlighted Orange Coaat area swimmers' efforts Thursday night ln the community college c ham - pionahipe at Cerritoe C.Ollege., Burchell's entered time was 4:40.8, but he shaved more than seven second.a off that mark by finishing in 4:33.57 to capture second ln hia event. Parrish, also from Golden West, raced to victory in 5:14.21 ·after carrying an entered time of 5:22.73 into her event. Other atrong performances in- cluded Orange Coast's Grant Cooling's second-place finiah ln the 50 free, u Cooling posed a time of 21.15, and Scott Lund's (Golden West) fourth-place sho- wing in the 200 intermediate medley. The championships continue through Saturday at Cerritos C.Ollege with the diving competi- tion being held at Cypress Col- lege. UC IMne: 5. U. Of JM Olego, e UC Santa llefbat• I c.idOl,:.-..'(.I. ~~ "A": 3 Cellfomla "A": 4. Orange C0aet CotieOe "I ": 5 UC lrvlne. MllerY....., ....... (MI) I. UC IMne, 2. Ofllll09 "Coeal; I UC\.A; 4. Calltomla, s. ~IMOll ltate. y ....... (., 1. UC ~: 2. lanla kbara; 3. U. Of 8en °"tO: 4, \.Otlg 9-11 Stair, I. Callfomle, e. UCLA. ~; CrwM lletad In l6ne Mdef. From Page C1 aprJn1 tralnin1, Barber add• m1.1eb-needed depth. . Barry Redden. the team'• tlo. 1 draft pick out of ft¥:hmond, has a aood ahol, ti he world hard, at 6etn, a pen of the ooeniN day backflefd alon1 with Wendell Tyler. Defenalvely, the Rama didn't chango or draft much, but Mala-' vaal la counting on the impro- vement of three second-year players (linebacker Jim C.OlliN and defenslv.e linemen Greg Occ Meisner and Bob Cobb) and • . • • • himself aa the team'• new de- fensive coordinator to change ·for moet of the afternoon. thi04P1 around. GWC picked up ita finrt run in ••There' 1t no reason we the firat inning when John Al-shouldn't have done well last tobelli stole home aa part of a year," aays Malavasl of the de- double steal. fenae, "that's why I made a ooa- The Rustlers entertain Cypreea ching change." Saturday ln a noon contest. For the first lime in awhile, Cltn.s ut Saddlebacll 4 there would seem to be some The Owls exploded for n ine reason for optimism and excite- in h f h · h ln ment with the Rams again. And, runa t e top 0 t e runt • the credit should go where it'• n1ng to 'dld the Gauchos down to thet•· sixth defeat against 14 deserved -to Ray Malavasi. • • • victo·.tes in Miasion Conference NOTES IN A COOKIE JAR: ac:tVm. The Rams will hold mini...camp ~aucho starter Brad Kinney May 8-11, with the rookies re- (7 -3) was trailing Randy Robert-porting May ts and the veterans aon and the Owfa, 5-4, when Ci-May 10. Only Pat Haden (knee) trus loaded the bases in the ninth and Doug France (leg and inning .. Kinney mana§ed to get shoulder) figure to be watchinR two out&. but the Owla Joe Ara-from the sidelines ... Yea, the- gon, who had earlier hit a solo Rams will hold mini-camp over home run, cracked a three-run Mother's Day, Ma~ 9, which isn't triple. thrilling too many people. Those Citrus went on to score six who are thoroughly irate should lDOl'e runs off three Saddleback see assistant general manager pitchers in the ninth-inning. Jack Faulkner, who talked The Gauchos had taken a 3-2 Malavasi into thoee dates . . . In lead in the bottom of the aecond next year's draft, which is sup- aa Bob Gray singled ln one run pose to be a bumper crop, the and Tom Link brought home two Rams have one pick in the first more with another aiJ11J'e. round, two m the second, two in The Owla' Robertson struck the third and two in the fourth. out six Gaucho hitters while The Rams also figure to add holding them to just eight hit.s. another No. l when Vince Fer- With the victory, Citrus Im-ragamo is release d from Mon- proved its record to 14-6, and the treat and is traded to some team Owls lead the Mission Conferen-in the NFL ... Malavasi. in a ce's Northern Division. candid moment, still maintains "Mot1t of our strikeouts were the Rams didn't make a mistake by looking;• noted Saddleback m letting Jack Reynolds go. The Coach Jim Brideweser. "So we only mistake they made was let- had the opportunities to hit the ting him to San Francisco ... ball." Malavaai aay1, if pouible, the- The Gauchos travel to San team wlll try to trade Ferra- .Bernardino Saturday for a 1 p.rn. gamo'a rtghtl to 101DeOne in the contest with the Indians. AFC. Nil.IC NOTIC£ ~--------.. PlklC .m NU *>TlCE , ___ MLJC __ ..,_na ___ , ' -<. ~e.oic 1,,,_ \ rtennoue ...... NOTlCI INY1'neQ..,. .......,, -.-TA_TE_MENT __ Of'_M_Al_*>C __ O_l ___ NT__ flCTITIOUS.,..... • ~ •t;... MAm ITATDmN'f The CouMy Sanitation Dlltflct• of ..cnnoue.,..... nATl•NT Of' MANDOMllENT Of' UA Of' MAm ITAT'DmNT -':. CATS I ~ ~ l*eon41 are doing Ofenge County. Cellfomla. w4ll rec-n. W:::: :;:,,,,.~ ~ Of UM Of' ACTYTIOUS FICTITIOU9 ., .... , MAiiie The following .-.on• are doing I DOGS BALBOA COIN GALLERIES elYe IMlad bld9 untll T~. May • 9UllNlll ...._ The tollowlng P•,.ont h111e ~ M : 4100 Blrdl Sll'MI Neiwpor1 8Md't• It. tN2. It 11:00 A.M. 8ICla must SUNROWUI TRAVEL, 1625 MeM The lollowlng pereons htv• at>andoned the UM of the llelltk>ut SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 01-• • be racelved •1 Iha 0tat~· Adml-Verde°""* I, '114, Coet• M-. CA. tl>ln0on90 Iha UM of the nctJUoua bullnMI oarne RECTION BOARDS. 290 I South I I CA 'l:o ~ Lid., Inc., nl1tra1I.,. ottlcel by the date'and ~ALIU AODI. llU A"tlell• W•J. bualnHt nam• BREA CANYON ZUMA CONSTRUCTORS. 5515 Pullman St., S11nt1 Ana, CA 92705. a Caltlornla corporation, 9200 111me1 ~11 ...., -b~ly·~ ....,...9-d\.CAlaetO . MOBILE ESTATES at 1521 E 17th River Avenue. •322. Newport CARYN LEE WILEY, 2502 V!IHlmln•t•r Avenue. Unit .t53, ~they .. , -~'.:'...__..,.....of............ TN9 -lit___, I>)'.,."'· Su-. Senta Ana, CA 92701. 9Mdl. CA tneal. Sy<:am0<e Lana. Cotta MHa, CA 1 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE for ANIMALS I ~ CA 92U3 and a1tatnlned al 1,,. .,.,_ u .. -The f1<:11llou• bual-name ,.. The Fictitious ~ NarM ,.._ 2927. ' . Dl91tt<:ta, 10844 Ella A--. Four.-....,, ,,,_ Wrad 10 abO¥e -fllad In Coutl!Y terred lo 1bc>W -Ned In Orange MAYNARD "SKIP" JOHNSON. Thie~ le oondu<:lad by• tlln V~, c.iitorni., for the. folk>-T"'' 11•1•111•"' ... lllact •II~ u1a on June 21 1971 County on June t3. 1977 712 P-del ~. Playa Oel ~. FREE PET CON ULTATION oorporalton. wlnQ: OPl:RATINO SUPPLIES For ~a.tiof()rwleeCountyonAptt 7• 1 ~ ~ Inc. 1521 E. HARRY M KNOTTS. 5515 Al· A 90291 I I ~~YattmenlA. lid DtSlAICT8' LABORATORY DIVI· iea. ,_ 17th StrMt. SaMa ~.CA 92701 '* AYWlUe. ir322. Newport BMdl. Thia ~ II oonduc:tad by 1 -W ith thh, ad by Doc100 of Vett>rtna ry Medicine ~ SIOH SP£CIFICATIOH NO P~5. PvlllW!ect ()(tn09 C:O..t DellY ~tloC. This~ -conduCtad by. CA 92563 .. pat1nertfllp L c v . A · 1 b I Thie~ flladwtlhlha Bld1mu1tbesubm1tled onlhe Ap111,ta.23,ICl,lt&2 lMa-12 Umll«!Pannet'INp LILY KNOTTS. 5515 River Caryn\AeWtley ow ost accinauons va1 a e: I County Cletti of~ County on torm 1upplled by th• Ol1trl<:11 tn __ .,. """'~ Rldwd ~ A,,.,_, •322. Newoorl 8Nc:ll. CA Thb 1111_1 _ fllad wflh Iha I Rabie s SJ.95 •Diste mpe r $4.50 • Parvo SS.00 ADrtl 14 lN2. acc0tdance with-all proYl•lona of ,-_,,, ,.,,.-. Vloe PreelOent 92683 ty Cler1l of Orange County on _ ....... • Fwn11 in. apecltlcltlon9. CTORS Thi•,,,,_, wu fled with the Thll bUtlnw wu c:onOueted by a Aiir1I I•, 1982 Dog 5·in· I $7 00 • C at 3·in· I $5.00 ... ......._.. .....__ ,.~ n.a.. Pllol Specltlca tlon1, bid blank• a nd NOnCa TO COM'TM County Cler1l of Orange Coun1Y on gen«el partnenhip F1'71M I B I I h C · I .,,.__, ~-.... ...,._, ~-·• • further lnlonnatlon may be ot>lll"9d Thlt notlca ie pubWl9d annually Aprll 19 1982 HatTY M. Knott• Put>llehad Ofange COMt Dally P'llot. ring Your Pet • )ogs on t'as • a1i; In earner. Aptl 16, 23, 30, Mey 7. tN2. 11 Iha above addreu: t•laphon• In accordance wlttl prc>Ylalon• Of the ' · F-oem2 Liiy Knoll• • 15, 23, 30, Mey 7, 1982. WHEN WHERE -----------'"'ln..;;;..;..1-8.;;;.3;,154()..2910 M 952-2411 Callfomlll ~llOn Code, 8ectlon Publi.iwtd Or-Cout ,......._ Piiot. Tiiis Ital~ WU filed wllh Ille 1701 ... /s/J w s....._. 39649.6 '°' edM>OI dlttrlct• °" ~ -...... ......, ,__ Cou -I I -.ic l9l1C:[ .. _~,.,.~ ···-··· hllll ol the tru•I-of Iha IRVINE Aprll 26, May 3, 10, 17. 19112 ...... •2 County Clertl ot ...... nge nty on ......... ,_, .......... Aprll 19. 19S2. "8.IC NOTICE Boarda of DW'ectore. UNIFIED SCHOOL DtSTRICT. Thlt -----------~ f7740S ------------1 at. May ht CO TA MESA ~~M County Sanitation pybllc: IQhOOI dletrlc:I may award "8JC fl>TICE Publleh•d Orange COHI Dally Nltael I .,,.,..,. Rr•r "••''' I '"'*......,.. ,.,_ 11 ~ -Olltrlcl• No&. t. 2. cOl'llracta In amountt of 1eM than Piiot. AprW 23, 30. M1y 7, 14. 1912 STATl...n' Of' WITHDflAWAl 12 Noon-4 P.M. -3. 5. 5, 7 and 11, all of St2.000.00. f1CTfTIOU9 .,..... 1745-82 FftOM 'Afll'TNERStW 111•1l"'t 1 .. ,. ~ OfflCE AUTOMA-0ranQ9 County. Callfomta l'-contracU ml)' be -dad MAim ITATDllMT OP«MTINO UNO£.. I"""' .. 1 llol•• ~1 TION. 11111 Mlt4"911 No .''"'"•· CA Publllhed Orange CoHI Oally during tM currel'll ~ar Y.-for The lollowtng peteons are doing FICTITIOUS au ... aa N~ I •1111 t • .,.,,.. I m~AllY L.AUllfNOf o·ooNNILL, Pilot. Aprll 30. 19S2. 1921-82 ~«al englnettlng, 11-•1 t>ull· bualneN M: I PlklC .nC£ Th• following per10n h .. with· ding. ind 11arlou1 epeclal~-(A) SPORTS HOMES; (Bl drawnaaagenerllpartn«frornthe FOUNT IN VALLEY =. a-woocs • .........,,, 9-:fl, CA trec:tor ~by lntormel • 8PAIO HOMeS; (C) STELLA C....11711 partner1hlp operating under th• Sun. May 2nd A I Tillt ......,_ te-.duc:tect br.,. WI-PlllJC !Im uoar-d contr~«a, who deelre HOMES; (D) TEAL HOMES; (E) IT II INTINDID THAT THI flctltlou• buelne11 name of ALLS-J2 Noon•4 P.M. Molt-"'! ltr11..,.,.l l';rl ........ to be pieced on Iha bid ..... lof the TORUS HOM!StJ:l WIDOEOH IAU ....... CONOUCTID OM TATE ~LTORS. MILLER-MOORE lr11~.,,, ~., 111 Tiii• .~;.<:::>:""' •• flle• .,,~ .... MCmCa Of' T'MISTll'9 IALI lpurpoeenf--..t "!....t.,.;.Nt. fOf ~~.i: HOMES; (0) WIST HOME& (H) llMAL' 0' THI T"UITll •Y: ASSOCIATES II 8915 Atlenllo • r,,..n .. r .. r • ml.I /!. '\\ ••nrr I v " TA...._.,..... ~"-""" -~ ZEPHYR HOMES, 111't SE Main CAL"O"NtA ltOITINO AND IJU Avenue. Huntington Beactl, CallfM· ="1°""°'0...,..~...,Apu, T. o. SERVICE COMPANY aaduly apedltlty.,..... •• ~tged 10 Street. !MM. Calltornla 92114. •rr•oCC..AWY, -MORTM nla 92&45. Ca/1(213) 888-1100 If you havrony quttrlon1. r.-appointed TruttM under the folk>-make~ dlfectly to Iha di-PNMp H. Mc:NarMe. 18196 Mc• LA•I AYI. IUITI lt1, ltAIA The flclftloue bu..__ namtt It•• l'lll>lleMct o c 1 o 1i Pilo ..... WILL etrlct oftlce, .. f~ Dermott, #1, lrvln•. Calllornla :.cUOlllMA t11M, TE.a-,_, lor the plflnenhlp wu fllad .....__ - ----- -........... ''"II<' Oii • '· wing daecrtbed dead .,, I.Nat 1•vue1 U?U,llD ICHOOl DI· ~ _..... Aoftt,tt.U,30,1"2 541_,2 SELLATPV9llCAUCT10NTOTHE " e1WCT 92714. MO.~..... ono-Ttber3.19811n theCountyt:==========~=========== HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH Dela Slmt>ro. 1430 Santanella ...... -of OfanQ9 "8.JC fl>TICE (payable at lime of aale In 11wtul '.O. IOJl 1-Twrtea. Co<ona del Mw. Cellfotnla TrwW .... , C.ORGS I Full Mam• and AddrH• of the PlllJC •Ta IUPIMOllt COURT inoney of Ille United StalH) all "::--~I 92525. 2(9U. Person Withdrawing· l----------Of CALWONtlA right. lllle .-Id 1111.-~to ... ..::; s,..vtaar Thlt ~ .. conduc:tad by. MOTICa cw ntuana·a SAU JAMES MOORE. 7552 Anita OfflCIAl PftOCHDtMGI cw COUWTYOf~~ ~=::.~'=--= onA_!!~~~'.:...~.•.r.!~~ Mmlted~~bro Ch~r...~,~.r::.y~:~I~~·~ ~7Huntlngton ea.en. Cafffoml• THE~=~~~· lW a. CeMer .......... _ ~· ....... """'"--.... .,_ ·-· T1'll9 Ital-I -Ned wlUI Iha CofpofatlOn ... TruetM unOer the J-Moore CAL•ott•A ..... A-. C•• :-:i Of TRUSTO": JANET LOUISE LO-be~ notlca of "'1 lntonnal bide County Cler1l of Ofanga CouMy °" Dead ot Trutl rec:oroao u ln11ru F177U7 Sanla Ana, Calltom+1 ...... Of the A6opt WAY • rMn'ted -.. her SOia eolldled '°' --within !hair 9'>IC-Apl'M 14, 1982. ment Humbel' 239'1 on Oclot>er 19, Publilhed Ofange Coat Delly Piiot. of ,,. Boatd ot s~ ol Ofange County Wlliner Gane J1nacetl. Adopting .-Id '-'-• pr099rtY. ~t:U 10 -ba 111 '°' MfVlcea '~' 19n 1n Bode 12421, Paga 1722 of Aiir1I 2t. Mey 3, 10, t7, IN2 Cltllf:,.~ -:::,: 11 1:.,. GoYemlng Bo.vd of IM Olstrlct• aovemed '::;"?llG CfTATIOM."::9ATI) BENEFICIARY: PAMELA A. abolle Iha 112,000.00 ainounl de-Pubhhed Orange Coeal Daly Plot, Offlclel Aecotde In the COunty As-11AO-t2 by the aOard of &lpervlton wu held April 20, 1982. •I 9'.30 A.M. TM C...., AD SHIER. 11n unmarrtad women. 1Cf1bed ..,_are_..,. and_. Apr1I l5. 23, 30• M-v 1• 1982• Ofdlr ol Or1lll09 County. Callfornla. __ .,. --toltowlng named member• l>alng prHent Rao•r R Stanton. Vlce- THE PEOf>LE Of THE STATE Of AeoOfded ~-18, 1979 .. ba ~ at Iha time bldt -1122..e2 of wtllCh Deed of Trull Amerlean ~ "'111W. Chairman, Han'911 M Wied«. Ralph e Cieri<. Thoma F Alley and the CALIFOAHIA ln1tr. No. 20923 In book 13315, ~. "8JC fl)TIC( SaWloe and Loan A8aodatl0n le Iha NOT1CI Of! P\a.IC IAU CJet1l Ab.-rt: 8Nca Neetande Chlimlln -out of the 1tat• on per· To: JOHN CARTER 8EAL page 541 of Ofllclal A«otdt In Ule .......,. Lewie ~. by r..-i °' deteutt In On MfY 14 1Na at 1·30 pm at 1C>na1 butlnele. YcN "' hateby cited end requl· otflce of Ille ~der of Orange .,.,. Dllrecter ,__ Nean2 th• P•r,m•ri• or :rf~~nca 0J th• Aantal oioca "8a' Parkvlew AgrMmant tor publk: health t nd medk:al eervl~• -IAAP -'' red to -at • ~ In Ihle County; Mid d..i of INtt deeorlbe1 -= ~ oblll)et ona MCur I • y, •n Lene lrWle ,.........;_,_ thef-......... apprOYad. Certain c:onatNCllon contr1C11 er• elllngad, comp191ad ln<I _........... . Iha tollowlng property: D '"""'°" COUft'T Notlca Of Olnul1 and ~· • '_....,_, ~··"' .., f bid Appotntmtnt• of H Godinez to the CMc Cent« Commtalon. coun on"""" 26, 1M2 It .46 a.m. lol 52 of Tr~ No 2353 •per ubll•had Or•nre: CoHI ally Of' CAIA'°""'A tlectlon to cauH to bl aold tha deecllbad C:'°"al P'oC*tY .. be T°' . the Man al Htalth Advl Board and M Ritz to IM Area lO ~:;..::.·::::•::J.1~~C~~ mac> _dad In 9oo1c'93, piig. 38 Piiot, Apr1I U , 30, N2 1743-82 COUNTY Of' OftAHOE property below detcrlbad having ::.•I pu IUCtlon, wlthOUI r .. ~~Ill Olt1~lllllel Board,':! a.wrovtHI Command•tlon11nd .,,,.. t:r701 .-Id •10 ,,,.,_ any legal and H of Ml~laneoua M•P• In •-.,. 111nnrt 700 Clwtc Ceftter Of1we w .. t been ,_dad 11 prOlllded by law, 1· 11 Furniture Including 1 z.n!UI proolamitlone.,. apprOllad Pereonnel matt•• are llPPfoved. W"'* ol • ......... Iha _,_ the oftloa of the County Aaoorder of I"-""' IW. • .... .. AN. CA '2701 end more than ltW'ee monthe halllnO .. • .. TV office UM r•lrlctlon at Dana Point HarbOr II approved. Ordlnll>Ce No. -wtly, tcCOf-·"' to Mid County. ~ C.--· Ill r 0ewt ~l.AINTIFF: S. SHARON CLFole-t6apted altl09 -n record1tlon. wtli 21 oolof TV, I TruetOM 13 ' 1 3320 I edopled Initiation of 1982-83 tundlng tor RlwnU9 Sflarlng Soolel "9d paillllon tlled wtttl thla court thla 3188 SICiiy Avenua Coeta Mau. ,.,.;;--~• LAND A• P«eonal Repf_,t1tlW on Friday, May 21. 1912 at 9: 15 lamp, I night eland. t qutten •IH Pr :me 11 authotlzad F11defal bMCtl «oMon control proj«1 ls aulhO-~n petition •hould not be CA 92f2t ' 491....,. i:'::• ol tha 0 &tete of DIANE A. VALDEZ. A:M. ti Iha front tntranoe to Iha old ==t !i°~:".:'.~1':~~ rl'l~ M,am0tandum oi AgrHment tor Nattonal Health Senti« Corp• ,..~·~· 2 lff:Z "(" 1 ltlWI addr-ot ClOITll'IOl1 .............. CA -OEF!NOANT: LEON~RD RO· Ofllll09 COUn1Y CourthoWI, located 5 .. mlffof i pnyalc:lan le appfOYed SubmlMlon Of a prCJPOMI lof automation of the Deted:~ &,MOti, Cler1I d•algn1tlon la •hown above, no PLAIHTlff: RONALD IHPMAN. BERT BLAUVl!L T and DO£S 1 on Santa Atta 8MI .. ~ Sl:: 11 11~~~r~ ~radio 1 iy. Soolat 8ervloea At)ettcy Central Index I• au1hortzad. Termlnttlon of con- By Belay Ojeda wan11nty II glYen 11 t~. ha compte. DEF!NOANT: WENDELL AAM· lhtough 50, I~, more 8t. and BfoedWIJc lanlllon I ;:rll•r 1 A-• camera. 2 and trlCI with Donald Hama Equipment la aulhortzad. Subg<.nt Award Con· Oepuly **1 or COftlOtt-). STAOMO· OOH I lhrouatl V. lndi.io-11..Watel c.tllofnla, ~ r CMtltAICI _..! itblea t chair I ootfff table. :z dltlont end A11Uranca ara approved Hletorlc Reeourcee Management SUAll ...ca voea The ~ under aald Deed wa· oou v1 anc1 v". lnclMdually ea.. ..., -the hlgfleat °' • .,.,_ ~ 1 ctottiea 11amper Polley " .oopted. ~· tor 1rana* of bell bOfld ~ IWMllty. ~A. YOM of TNll. by reeaon of • bre9dl Of anc1' dbe BLACK COMPANY • 00-NOTICll v ..... " lllMft ""· at Illa tm. of .. In i.wtul money of (2) knch•n Item• Including lnOMlnlflclllon and payment adladule .. euthOtlMcl. T111Ct m1hera ., • • .. .... ..,.... ~In~~~~':"~ 1*1~ WHITI COMPANY, a :::.:-' .=.:=-...:.: ::.= :-w:::=:, 0::::. utenalla\ at!wr#are, pOft & pe11t . =IT: ~=t::'..::::r'~i =~ ==......,CA-dell11ered to th• undaretgned • OOtl)Of 'e.llmOM • ,.. ,...,.... .... •,.,.. .._. •• 10 1111•. Po-u1on or enwm· to•~:•ri 2 10• lr•Y:o!.''':l:!i.1 35,h St•I• Senat• Oletr1c:I ~ PM1ety E..Cllon are rM1tfled • ....., ('1141.!!!"191 written O.CWatlon of DefUt and c........ ... lllleflll ••t ...... bfeno.a. 11 tllfll, '*1 and ~ ~ •• ~ r:ybu~· dl•h •; ohHM ~tlal "'*'1Y a1andwdl .,. ~. CartMn lfMltl ~ -=:;;r"°"':~iMll'lklt. ~J.:r:t=:::: n!°.::1.:-.::'V':~ .:~=~=:1~0~ :·=o:c.-:t=-':9-'.,:; grat~;~:~.~o.,1:0::: ~~eo.!:~.,..·=·~".:!,~~ • • • • 11131-12 111e undefafSIMd 10 Mii talcl pro-.,...... ,..-..... ,..,. ~do to Pf~ eo tNt 'fOAX OfOP9fly In tha ~~Dnnfe, 1>41119 i.na. • • • aory eounc11 •Ml Emergancy Madlcel c.re eomm111 .. .,. rtcttved pertylo..itlifyaMd at111111a1na,Md C',...... _.. • ..,.. ..., wntwn ~.If any, mey tie fl.. ltat• of C•"tomla. ~ N --c;;oMen'• Clothlno. lneludtng 0onanon Of~ 1rom RenClho Vlalo .MD WOfftefl't Club and W ll)1'ICf ~ lN unelefMolled AllMd WW ti ...... lad on time. tolOM: drMt "*1a. T-eNne df9 .... Cftalkb(!ffd from Iha Seddlabecil ArM HllltOftGlll 8odaty.,. tQOeP4ed. ---~~~====:----aMd '*'°'of brW:lfl and~ If~ ... to ......... °' AYtlOf UatM........... Loin of fraot no. 11111, .. pet • eta """'1. COi Pl#wlon Of"" Bulldlno El•~--::a .-Id 9llyw HotllcMlon _,_ W ~'"°" totla ~...,..., 1t. 1112 • an •tt01ney In thla 111111er you ...._ 11 ,,._.. r-...., ~,_..In looec 16. Paee 2t, ~:~ =..o.... Praorem. ta oontlnued. Ootwt to ol tmarlM In i.-tor ,_ 1111 mn• I -rT llllt. No. ao021eq In boot& • ......, 419 .,..,,.,.. 10...; ....,. u.. • ...... • -Of ...... a •.....,..In Ille oftlOa • .. _, :: uigune NIOllll Mglol1al Part! COllOIMIOfl .. audlOttmd. ......,..m of• WA~ P811t , of Mid Ofll*' ........ .._,..::....ti eift1 "'If::. ttH W . ,......_-...... •It of t11e County "eoorcler Of .. ICI ::..:••I outf ltnlla, .......... "' -of Qtd 1#1 JuM Cec*1rano "'9 ltellon It~. Budget ........ , ·••r flHn l>Y 1111 lelCI ...... be INMM, ""' ... .., Oft ...... • .... ... .. ...... , ,, I -...... OOUf!IY, tor ... purpaee °' ~ (41 '.__ ~,,..... ' trlNlan -~.The City,,. 88'1 a.m.m." to•• tor Peciflc AA 171, ""'.,....._ ..,_ of "'°"'.,...... orwmnty,_,.... ANOI UMe4t M eNe.... _..,....,..,,.._ ...... 9' _, --·· COM! .......... T,.._ Oolltrect w1tt1 "'-~ lM. tor """'81 cjk -. lllle • .. ~lo IN or.......,, ,...e11110 -~ ...._ • .._.. _.. ._.. St Utted -.... aollctt1t el con· 0..-tit Tniet ~IN...., .,.., towell......, ,_. ~ ..--.. ~. PfOPOlll1I tor OOftlnll8d rundlnCI ,....,.. ~· purWlllC '° 1'on. Of ~ :'...":f:: --w... ... • -.., da un lbagedo., ........ 011.,, .. •llCI •ii pen HI ot lh• (II ....... , Ulim .......... of "Teeth 4 ~· .. epprO\Oed. The'---•oedWlr ..... umf. .. ,..,... lttM tor IN• r•111•lnlnt prlnolpal 1u111 o tlle ... w. ,,., .... ....,. • .. "'"1la hiaaer10 llM1111dl1..,...M. de T"""9t. • ~eemmo'• ~ plilnl. tad, 115· The OlltClated wrent Of J, ~le~ •.. fll ltla kl v..-• ..,.... 1"'8 ..-.. 1tote(1) NCUred by talcl Deecl ot .... .._" ww 1 s1 .---. .... ,...,..,., au , ....... eecnte. The ...C.....,.. • Oii* o.M-I ~·· ,._...,..., ,._ ar.,,.. Plan tor~ AeM~ 11 .,.,.._,, ~ _. pc,... u to.,.... "' bulloo Tl\lllt, ,.... .,._ • 1n Mid '*' 11 "'Y ...,.. puec1e w , clnrada 111on e1 .. 1911euon ot ·~·!~ .-Yr __ ~.--,,.~ .. " l«w. r--w1t11 Amet!Otfl. w.i....,,.,, AelOClldOn Md wttl'I ,_ 11 .......... ~ *'-prcMMcl, ectvano .. , If l/Jltll, under II U..... ..... ......._.. 1 "8lllllO. ~ ~le: 1-.--· ,_,...,.., --_.., -• Mlltrtll l,yftdl wtllte Weld c.pttal MerMtt Orouo .,. tuttloftaM. The ..., .... ~ .. .,ooec. tllt tlflM or Mid Deecl of Truet, ...... ""....., 9n ... ..: t. TO THI Ol,.NOANT: ~ oMI tori Avenuo. Com ..... ~ ·'-=· -::.. S:.9:i.~r::.. eo.d adjoutMd ............ Ui ~A• ......... end ..... -......... '**'° ~· o~elnt hea ll>Mn ftled b~ l?le .....,., •m .. .. (IEAL) JUHi Al.IXANOIA ....... ~ Ylllr. °"9'11 TN9111JNI fll .. ~ cw-.r 11'1 d• .. ,. 111enere a1.1 , .. ,ueata _.. ...,... ~. 11 "°" IJllflfl to TM total~!..°'•:,:'"' ~~Mt.~__; Clerk Of thlt loerd ONlllJ, Q -alL ..... el Tl\lllt. .......... M eeorf1a II llaY ..... pWdo.., ........ ....,.., rou lllllllt,.... ------· I llfY ..,._ ........ ,__, ._ of iuP1MtOt1 fte ,.-a II IMtMtl to euMtt .... aft...._, -M , t• et I*"* a...... ' • _,. 1llW "*....-OM le•· .-0... If Tftlll • 11 a _.., flJf. ... II -.. .. • ~ flllOC II PIH Oii __. 4lfl IMI :'C ta p.111. M ttle ~ ~ 1 \ TO THI DIPINDMm A tM ¥Od 4lft you, flle wltll tt111 OOUf1 t ,.....,.. •=z;;-IN.. 0..:......;.. 1'MI 80M9 If ... ...... --...,.._ • ....,....tetlleQtWIOO.W..,.,. .. -..tltMINMft ... ~7. .....,.,...,_ .. _.....,.._., .--at•t ........ ~ ~-t CM ....... rlrllli ---• ... • ... -ll,'~~A-.-lft ...._...~~·-•UNeaerou••.,......,. .. fi• -• .._, .. ~ ......_ ..... ~Cllllllf'llll Pt•J::· .. ~ t'=: .. M ~ .............. ft;;_-;;... ..... 11.,_ M9'!t~:.;..-::;•lleft~": ......................... =·t ~ A'r:.-.:=~=,...:.~p =:....... .. ' !It :r. ~ .. ~.:-... ":r"~:t=--~=ft=.i!=-1 :... ··=-" ==z:.s :::r:;..~~;;;;r-~··-h·:· ... .;.:: •~·~.,.ll !'...!!1 ......... -: ---~ .. ., •• , .. .,1t111,5••111t•~..... ...... "" .... ~.~ ~rw::,,;:.:.. .. :'i1=r_JW-:i m '":.~I -;.~=--~, r.r:r,:i "."&.: ,...»Mf. ~. • •• ,.. _.,.., ... ....- MJ!i~"= :: ::. ••r ;i111r'fti =,. ~ ... II ___ _,<=-.Jr:~ ~ ...___....-! a~· ~~ .... t .. ~,~, ~~ ... ~ --~'=':,,-4 q • 9 ... ,,..... --..._, tO 1 ~~ ~~~.;~~"+=: ._.m•-..-.. '•" , ...... ~:= ..-ucAM ·~I •I a' ., . MAJOR LllAOUI 8TAICMNQI ~.J::.tt• W L ,_ 09 1& • ,714 II 7 .111 10 •. Ne 10 11 471 10 12 .<468 • 13 .391 • 10 .375 bllent°"'96- 12 7 "". 12 • • 7 I • I II 7 10 5 12 ~·--­~ 2,HewYcnO ~11.s-tua1 OekJencl II, e.ltllnote I ~3.0Wolt2 Toronto 7, ~ ~ O °"'Ye-r-T........-a ca-.. ~ 1~ 3 4 " • ...... (Witt i'--0) •I Baltllft()(e (Palmer 0-1) 6•ld•nd (L•nglord 1·3) •I Cleveland (Denny 2·11 TUM (Hougll 2·11 .. Soelon (Torru HI Seellle (Perry 1·2) ., ..... yorfc (Aiexender 0-11 OettOll (Wllco11 1·2J el CNcego (Trout 1·21 Toronto (Leal 2·1111 Ken ... City (Gure 2·1J Mllweuk•• (Hau 1·01 •• MlnnHola (Etldl.on 2·2> ~~-w L 15 5 13 5 10 10 I 11 7 12 • 14 .......,..,....... St.L~ 14 I MonlrNI II 7 ,..._Yon 10 II l'ffUtlurgfl 8 II Chleaoo 1 1a PNla6elphla 5 13 ~.__. ~ 4. Phledelpllla 0 San Diego I, IMw Ycrt 0 Pnlabufgh II, Hou91on I Allante I. QllCego 0 Sen F~ 7. MontrM1 3 Only ~ edleduled ~-760 722 .500 421 ·* 314 700 5e3 520 471 .~ 271 1 ~ I~ 7~ I 3 3'), 4'), 7 a T.....,...,~ Mew\.,_, (LM 1.(1) DMeera (V~ 24) SI. Loula (Andujar 2· 1) •I Clnelrtll•tl (PMlor• 2·1) Houlton (Su11on 2·1) el Pllllburgll (Candelerla 0-1) CNcego (Bird 1-3) at A..,,.. (Bogga 1--0) Phllael•IPllla (C•rllon 1-4) 8•n Diego (Cur1ia 2--0) H•• York tSeoll 2·21 el S•n Franclaeo (8ele 1--0) ~AML.aAQUE Mttele 2, YMll._ 0 C~ .. YOM •rll_, •rll_, e>owrq If 3 0 0 1 ""°""' 2b 4 0 0 0 Clet1tlf 0000 Muplvycf 4010 ew .. 1b 3 o o o ~ rf a o 1 o Grich 2b I 0 0 0 Wlnfl9ld W 4 0 0 0 Beyl« dll 4 0 0 0 Plnlell dlf 4 0 1 0 OeOlce3b4010 ~3114010 A9.Jd<11n rf 2 o o o Cerone e 3 o o o Moren ~ 0 I 0 0 Collltls lb 4 0 2 0 . Lynn ef 3 0 0 0 Deni • 3 0 1 0 Foll• 3110 ~pl\1000 aoon.e 3011 Tolall ~I 2 3 2 TOlala 34 0 7 0 ..... .., ....... Celitomia 000 000 002-2 ,..._ Yor11 000 000 000-0 L08-Calilomla II. IWw Yon t . 28-Foll, Mu"'911rey, Conlna S-Grlcll. Lynn. 8F- Oownlng. ~ z..tin (W. 4--0) .... Yllfll PM•llll•IO 11 70024 AlgNC1l ,,,.. 2 0 0 7 5 Frazier ~ 0 0 0 0 I Aewle¥ (l.1·1) I 1 2 2 1 I HBP-by Aawl•y (Jacl<aonl. T-2:30 4-2$,350. ....... _....., ..... 000 010 000-1 I 0 ~ I02 000 1Ga--e • 0 --. ...,_ (7) .......... ...._, Md~. W -~11·1~ L -,_. -.o-4.HR -~IWT'lll(t).A­a,IM. _ .... , .......... Toronto fOO ao.t 001-T t1 0 ic-City 000 000 ~ I 2 ... Md ........ """°"'· ... (t) Md w.-.i, Wtrlll ~ W -lllllb, 14. L -lcllftorll, M . Hiii -ToroMD. e. ....,_ (f).A-1&.m. ..... 0... • omdllld 141 000 OOl-9 I 2 ....,_.. 100 1 to °'°'""' 14 0 McCeft1, T. ~ (7). ._,,Cit Md ... I--.; o ....... ~ca>. f . ...,_ 11-(t>. I~ (ti. G. Oe"'9 (ti Md "*"-W -._.. 2-4. L -T . ....._ ~a. ... -0.-S. Lo..-(I). .....,_., ~(l).A -10 ... ........ nm-. Dlilrdl 000 OOl 100-2 a 1 a-... 010 020 OGll-a 10 0 .. aitwllctl, l_I., ~ Hd L ... arrlM; ~~r:-.:.~~ a..oo, L.tAn (I). A -T .I tt. NAnoNAL ~AQUS Dodlee'• 4, "'9IN 0 PMLAOILNA L09 ANOIUI . , .. _. . , ""' Demler rf 4 0 0 0 0..... 3CI 4 0 I 0 AoM11> 2000 ....._uooo 80lu.o 3 O 0 O Meddoacf 3 0 0 0 "-• 3000 ~2b2000 Gfo.pfl 1000 ~200000 """-' p 1 0 0 0 U...pfl 1000 "-'P 0000 8u2b 4 220 landr• cf 3 1 0 I l!IM•ll 20 11 o.n.y 1b 3 0 0 1 c.ylb aooo Tllom9 ab 0 0 0 0 °'*"• rf 3 0 1 0 Y .... e 3 0 0 0 ,_,....1010 ....,,., .. o 0 0 0 Hootonp 3110 "'-WpOOOO Vdl\oclh pfl 1 0 0 0 • T~ M 0 1 0 TOUll 21 4 I I t .... .., ....... .,. •. t...... OOf 000 000-0 Loe~ IOI 020 CIOJl-4 --0.... .... 0.--4.oe ~ 1. LOl-.. llll~le I , Lot A~ 4 • llooton. ~ .._ .... ~ a.:;.r:--" ·~·::· •• ...._IL.0-*t I 4 4 I I I "'9d I 10001 ..,.., 1 00000 ... ,..... ....... tw. 1-1) • 1 0 0 ' t _,_"""""' T-1:U. ....... OM RH,_ Mumr • ......,... " " I ao ,..a Caoptit, MllWeukM 11 17 I n ..411 Hamh, ~ 17 t4 11 M AOt JoMaOn, MlnnelOle ,. " • 23 .3'7 Yount, ,,..,_... t 1 M I 14 .318 ~.~ ,, ... 11 24 ,,,. Ceo.ti, DelrOll 11 11 I 29 -372 llor!MI, r oronto 15 ae 1 14 .-iorg, TorOMo 15 41 a 15 .Ml• W11ton. Oet•Olt 12 sr • 1a .ae 1 ............ Hr!Mlll, M"-11, I ; ~,.........,.. .......,., OltvtMnd, •: Murrey, 8il11rn0ra. 6: YUlnemalO. lloeloll, I: Thomton. a.-.. l1nd. 5; ""llvle, MllwaullM. 5; John1M>n M~l . .......... 11111 Hrl>ell. Min-ta. 20; Tho<t1t011, Cleve- land, 1t, Oallv ... Ml'?M,l~M1 11. Murr•y, Belllmor•. 17; Meyw • ..--. 17 .....,..,,~, '*'. ~ 4-0: Hoyt, Ohago, ~ F. ,_...,, 4-ttle, a.o. c-NI, ~~· Aponte, 8011on, 2-0: Morgan, ~ _'!'._~ 2-0, I-Ilea, ........ Nii Wiit, ........ ' 2-4; Lamp, Clllcego. 2-0: Wllllama, M!Me- aota, 2·0, Beard. Oakland, 2-0: Darwin, T-.2--0. MAnotlAL L.aAOUS 0 Aa R H .-ct. Woode, Clllc9go 13 45 8 111 .422 a..n, St LO\lla 111 37 4 14 .378 ~.~ 20 711 1121 373 ~.,.....,.. 20 711 18 211 317 Jonw. Sen Diego 15 47 11 .., 7 .• Rly. Pltteburgh 11 ee 12 23 :M4 Thornplon. Pl11Mlutgh 17 " 15 23 ,,.. Gatdenlllrt. NY 19 $2 7 19 346 May, San Frllndaeo 12 31 4 13 342 Conoepdon, Cln ,. 88 8 23 333 Lazctno. San Ollgo 111 72 13 24 .333 Mofgen. San Fr~ 14 4e I 11 333 ....... .._ KillgtNtl, New Yon. 7; Thompaorl, Pitt. l>urgh. II, Horner. Allenta. I ; Murplly. Al· lanla. II; Mortland, ~. & .._.....,In Murphy. Allanla, 22; Thompeon. Pitta· bur(lll, 19. Kingman. New Y orti. 17, Lazeeno, S11n Diego. 18; 5 Tied Wltl1 15. "toMlle (2 0.CWC-) Forxll, St ~ 4--0. We6cl\, Dodeen. Ml Show. San OleQo, 3--0; Rewdon, Mon. Ir .... 2-0, Falcone, New Yorti. 2-0: TellulW, Pllltl>utgh. 2--0, .Mahler. AUenta, 2--0, Clllll«, San Diego, 2--0; Curtle, San Ollgo, 2--0, LOI- lat San l>leQo. 2--0 ColNe ecor• Calltotnla 3-2, Arlione 2·7 Sen Diego St I. UC San Ollgo 2 Cllremonl·'ueld 7·5. Point Lorna 3-e Gormge 3. WMlllll(lton St 2 Mzofl9 9t. .. UClA 2 (Format Or91199 C:O..t Cotteve pltcllaf ..... Hogm'I -.... 1 lttl ..,,... '°' Aau) CommunttY~ 0r.,.c:... ...... ~. Mt. e.tl Anlolllo 000 000 ~ • 0 Or-. C..t 411 000 OOll-I 9 1 Santiago, Johnaon (3ki::toll (I) and Coe1antlno; Sanloro end . W -S-toro 42--01 L -San11ego (4-41). 28 -GrOOI (OCC). h.cL..~ .. ~--2 Oddlll W.. 100 000 Ot0-2 8 1 bl! LA CMG 001 OCllc-1 10 1 ~ ..... (2) Md 8dlL*; ...... Ind KltloU. W -...,.._, L -~ IW\ ._. -ldlla(O~ CttNa M., • .. t ... Clttw 011 003 DOI-14 Ill 0 ~ 030 000 100-4 I 2 ~and Eunoll: IOllMy, EllMr (II). Kobel (II). Boudruu (t) and lr•ln. w- AoOertaon. L-~ 28 -Ao«llldt (C). AllUndar (C). IC). U* (8). 38 -,..,.,,. (C). H#!n (8). • HR -Angon (C). QnllM(C). ' _.,.. .-oerrMI • ,,,_.AY 1. CIMll ,_.., ·*· 1. -. !Wd..1 .n•. 3 TOM Kllll. .TM. 4. ,,_.. .....,_, ,111. t. .. "°""" .1 .... _ ........ l'IOlt 1.JOM~ •. no.1,,...,~ 111. I He1 ""1oft, .?ti. 4 . .-.. Nlolt--. 720, I. .,._ L .. t, .714. •WU."'"' ... ..,.,.. 1. o.M "'°'9, 17 .... 1. M c.h9, ti N •· Clrllt 1~1 ...... 4. M lttlton. U.tt 6 TOfll KM -Tont '**Ille, H 7f NMID'TAOl M ~~AA ltOUI I TOM Klla, .. 1. I lladler, .I) 1. a. TOl'l'I WlllOll alld o.tllt allOft, .U7 t llool1 ""'-"...4£\ ... ... 1. Ton! Wlleltoef, Wry ...... OM"°"' and Nlolc ,atdo, t. 1. Anelr H_orth. Pt11r Ooellftlull, Ctllt ,....,, """'...,, lnCI 8obOy O~....li LIADIM I. CrllfO lledllr, 111 2. Tom~ 111. a, And1 IHn, 1H 4. Tom W111on, 171 6 Fuzzy Z~11'3. llOMSY L.IADIM I (;tela ''*"-· UJT.Tll. 2. Tom Wll• ~. l11t.44t. 3. Jerry P11e. ltH,747. • Tom Kii•. 1111.7'2. I . Lann~ W•d1<1111, l 16UM. 1. Aldr lean. l1HAM 7. loot1 Hoell, l12t, 1'1, I . JoNwl Miel;, 1121.217 . II loon llnlpeon, I tOUOt 10. Hall !twin, llOT,321. c...e~ ........ ueuu~--.cw. ( .............. ca., Low Ml lournM*lt: A Fllglll -I ~OI Fowler, 71·10-11. 2. (Ila) Mika Tlgh•. H-111-70 and l'red IMlrkuM. ... 11-10. I l'llghl -1. (tlel Thollutn White, 97·16-71 and Jol\n Morrow. N-17-71; 3. Mel C•· p.n1.,, 80-tT-73. C Flltfll -1. Alehatd Hoelert, H · 111-70; 2 Wayne Smith. ' 11·20-71; 3. Alen Sawyer, 113-111-74 0 FllgM -1 (U.) 0-ge YOYng, 117·24-73 •nd Fred Aolh, H -2'-73, a (lie) Elbern Oalal1y. 100·24-711 and A•• A1nnlek, ff·23-711. I! ft'Oht -t Emil Aleu11der. 119·71-71: a. owre11 Faoan. 102.21-7 4: 3 11 .. 1 Ford Morr-. 115-35-80 and Elllott Lifton, 108-21-80. .......... ..._.. ... c-.-.a 100-1 PolHkl IE), 10 1. 2 Ria (CM). 10 8. 3 NoUYan (CMI. 1 1 o 220-1. Nl•on (CM). 24 1, 2 Ale (CM). 24.2; 3 Melnllardl IE). 24 4 440-1. PollMtl (E). 51 5. 2 C........ ICM). 61.t; 3 JoMIOn (E). S&. t 880-1. ~ (E), 2030 2. Medine (~2:o5.I; 3. ~(CM), 2 14 O 1. MoC«tlly (£). 4:11.11; 2. Maclllla (CM). 4:40.8, 3 W-., (CM). 4 58 4 2..,....-1. McClll'thy (El. 10:40 2; 2 Goo- de (CM). 10 42.3 3 Arnold (CMI. 10 43 II 120HH-1. lk>wen (E), 1111. 2 MlkullCh IE). 18.2: 3 HemllnOel (CMI 21 7 330LH-1. 80...911 (El. 41 8. 2 MlkullCll (E). 42 4; 3 HernandeZ lCM). 44 I 4t() relay-I ea.ta tHaa 45 3 Mlle relay-I. Eattne1a. 4 I!; 7 HJ-1. Midland (El. M . 2 t.40UIMl1 (El. 5-9: 3. Tlf1 (I). M . ' U -1. Gr_.,1 ~M~~· 2 Midland (El. ,._..a......,.cu T J-1. Melnhetd1 (E). 40-3. 2 M•Ullefl (I:~ t04. 3 ~IE).~~ PV-1. 8cllw (~), 1~.:4_i 2. Ancler90ft (CM), 10--0. a ~in -BP-1. ~I !CMI. 53-6; 2. Smlltl (E). ...... ; 3. Otfften (El. 39-7 OT-1.~l(CM).141·10~2 Smith (E), II 1-4; 3. Gr1flen IE). 10S.51A ..... Def 71¥1, ......... ._. '7¥1 100 -I. Rapptldl_ \~Ol. 1 U : 2. SalaU< ,.y,, !; ~.a~~i~ ~ . ~~..... (MO)..,:;;:::,: 4tO -1 J. Glll!Mn (MO), 53.8; 2. Wood (MO). 54.0, 3. O'Halr (I ). 54 7. HO -1. Grltey~I, 2:01.4; 2 Martlnei IMOI. 2'02.2: 3. J Ol. ~.O. .,.._,,...,...,,,.,.. .7;1. ...... (MO). 4!11.7; a. ...... ~:eo.o. • l41a-1 • ...., a. ...... 9:04.o; .. .... 10: 1 U . ~ -1. n.-~ 11:1~~ !· Fllet (81. 18 23:' ...... (9). 18,21. UOLH -1. Hlinttnoton (MO), 41 6; 2. Young(MOI. 41.t. I 1..-11(1). 42.I 440 r.iey -1 ....., Otl. 45.1. ..,.. ,. - 1 • ....., Dll, a:M.13 HJ -1. ,,.,.,.,... (~ f>.10; 2. ~ (MO), f>.10: 3 8tUDt (8). M . u -1. ,_,_., (S). , .. 11~ 2. ......... 111. 1 .. 6. 3. Juergena (MO). 11·11 TJ -1 S--(I). •2~. 2. Juergene (MO). 37-10; 3. PMllleln (8). 37~~ PV -I. O'Ourm111 (8). 13--0, 2 Meek· llnbutg (B). 12-6, No lfllrct SP -I. Volg (I). 48-1, 2. Page (MO). 4+7; 3 SclWler (MO). 42-10 Women HIGH 9CMOOl. htMcla"' c:.... ....... 100-1 Walla (El. 12.2. 220-1 PrlCe (CM), 21.0, 440 -1. Prlc:a ICM). 1·02.4, 880-1 Kally (CM), 2·23.6; Mlle-I a-, (CM), 5·40 II, 2·mlla-1 Morrla ICM,, 12·01 0; 1 lOLH-1 AOdrlgue1 (El. 12 . 330LH-1 Rodriguez (E). 52.2, 440 r1lay-t. Eatanela, &4 1. Mlle relay-I Co.ta W.U, 4 U .1; HJ-I L&zorell (E), 4· 10; LJ-1 Hof\•alll (E), 15·0, SP-I ~(CM). a4-7; Of-1 Aoaaelllnl IEI. ~ • • ... . .. ....... eoftbel "'°" KHOOl. ..... 1, 0-.. View 0 Edl9on 000 100 0-1 0 2 ~ v.... 000 000 o-o 1 0 Carilenter Ind L-. Whll• and S.,._ lM 38-Wlnlller (E). ·• ...... z.,--.v...,. Marine 000 000 000 002-2 9 O Ftn VllMy 000 000 000 000-0 4 O LtrMll end Sanef\ez, Vanlmen and P•· c:Nlalll ....., Del a. ,,_ •• fjlllt x 000 000 l>-0 3 2 _...,., 0.. 012 000 •-3 7 0 Galle(IOI and Hernande, Menooza, OU- nay (51 and Kanua W-M•ndoza L- 0911egoe. 38-Blller (MO) "::tr I Rligllettl: 2 Qnw-.; 3. Hor1h Torrit11ce: 4. Are.die, 6 Simi V""'1f; 1, o... V1Rr: 7 Vllll Pwtc; a. I.A Oulnte: II. Hewt>ury ,......: 10 Loa Amlgoa, Ol'*8: lillttM, Foni-e, ....... C&'ltNll ........ 1. Weedllrtdee; 2. PHao1na Poly; 3 M•leoc>e..1 4=V nt; 5 Alo Hondo; I Sen'-; 1 Q)ttetlln; I . WMtrldQr. I . ~ '*" Olw1eillen; 10. Mlilody-llnd. We Alllll"" TMUMDA\"9 MN.Ta ~:J:.:::=.. ...... , ~ 1"*'001 4,to aAO uo My DINIGt Kl'llgllt ~I IAO a.DO ...... lov (0r9(1GfY) 7 to Alto r~· tcltY• ..... ~ .,., CMtmer. PGPW ~. 09)'lll'tMI, ,._. ft'/ Image, f!Me• 2;ot • DACTA , ... , paid '3uo NCONO UCL One mlM ,,_ Uilll'I Cflel'OllM (MoCeny)I to 2.80 :UO llltl)'lhm AM "'* (C~ 2.40 2 40 "'-Aftllllr T (Dllotnlr) 3.110 Alto t•Hd' My Sugar.,.,. ..... 1111. AeOMlgn, K41inluelly KleaM. rim.· 2:01. ,_MC& OM iW ,_.. ""*Y Dne1 {MstlnJ M IO 25 20 ti 00 Anti a......, (Todd Ill 11.00 1.80 KMdalla Ila)' (Sherren) I to Aleo •ICICI: le Patron, Herd, MICfll)et. l(en.,yn, Charcoal Hen11¥ar. Loy•I Lad. AnlnlM. nm. 2!03". a DACTA (5-1) paid 1763 20 '-._ '°"""' MC&. Ona ..... ,,_, . ' Nttlf• 0.. COllefll 11.10 uo 4.AO •1" ,....,O::~L.aaetfl t.oo a.to Meltll'I .. a.IC) AllM> raced: untert Shadow, Bpenlall ~d. Doi w-. ~Rae • -coupled. Time 2:05 1/6 ,...,.. MCL Ona mlle p- R1etr1 CNtlCe (0...) ~ 80 8 20 5.80 , Tha Pur1ll (Flllolll 8 00 6 80 El T oranto (Gregory) 6 00 Alao reced; Scorpio O. Anctya Winner, Monterev Orum, JuGa-•· Fo• Hound Time· 2 03 3/5 It IXACTA If>. t) paid S 152 40 lfll'TM MCL One mlle pace ~. Cholol 11.00 11,00 a.oo 10 00 5 00 3.00 81\edOw Renvaafl (C>enrW.l 3,llO 2 llO Alwml'1 Glrl (Grundy) 3 20 AleO raced. T rlemark. T lldor Ba, Brllllent O'&Ma, Smlllng Pop T1me 2113 115 MVPfT'H AACL OM mile pece Sole Eitpee1111on CT odd 111 22 eo o.40 3 40 Ullla lret Rutler (Anderaonl 2.80 2 20 S1< Relti (eartone1 3 eo Aleo raced: 8oa1a. Sil•••• Starlet. Am· ~.o....tSon Tlme. 2;0 I 315. It IXACT A (3-21 paid "' 20 It~· lfl ( 1·5-5-~3> ~ U0.030 00 wltll --4Mln(l licllel ,,.,,. hor-~ S2 Pleil Sl• con.oration peicl $333 80 wtlll 20 Win· nlng llekall (lour hortH) S2 Pick Six aereteh eoneo&euon paid '314 80 wtlh two winning llClkMll (ltw• horlM. -.nldll. l[IQNTH MCI. One rn11a lrOI FINI Oem ~I 21 80 7 40 4 80 HIZZ8Wa, I -.) ~ 40 4 80 Netllle Starllne (Oennl•I 180 4190 raeao °"'""· PlllOlerO Pat Jlrtal Honor Bound. 111..- Tlrnl 2·01~ '2 IXACTA (1-61 ~ S142 IO ..... ,...1 .... dl119t ~.., Dllll' I = O.MoC:etnlfl COrdwo =--M.CS .... ,. .. ...... ....... 19' .......... I03 la 11 IUtO.M Ht • M 2,Mt,124 460 M IT t ,Olf,710 MO 11 It 1,-.oot ..... ., ,,.,. ... q4 .... 1,711,M1 I04 41 IT 1, ... 111 4tO " • ., 1.•-ea1 .. ., ,,....,.1 41' •• 1 .... 1 .. ,..._f ... ...... • .. 11.ltt.740 I " .4-m-.m l 1 111Mt i I 11 .. , .... · 1· . ~ 1111.,. \ The• tor~:......~~ ··-~ .. ~ Oownl, .... ..... .,.,...., --1 r~·· .Jot Ifill"-1-J 2. llOld lt)ti ,..... 11o '·"*-~ ~ f.I 4.t.1911111 ·~ 14 •. "">'" "'°°"'° ...... l0-1 t W1¥erlng Mon..-Cfl ~o If. 1 ~. t.:,~Won ~ ·~ ••• ..-~ Ofy .. 1 10. l·~lld Medelh .. I l 1 Mull•ln(I P1ray 4-1 12 ....... Ow• Guidry .. , I) f·Aoclc SIHdy Romaro .. 1 .a.~~ = ::~ tl,l·WOffle'1 "'--Vll!IMQlie l-1 17. ,,., 0-t ~ .. , 11 .~. MG .... QUI 20·1 11 0.10 def IOI Oelal' a ,.,..,.. 1~ 1 20 f·Ma ... iy' I Pr"-HerneneleJ 8 t n:dRon McAnelly ltall\ld .... ry. ... .. ..,,1191 ow-l RI Mo Ro llt•bl• 2 Len Meyer ) Htwl>eft Allen 4. Mra JOe W Brown 5. Kev WHI Slable 0 John, Jolln,Jt I David OfMlhouM 7. Echowd AntMll 8 live Oak Plent.allon II c w G.... 10 H .. l>or v .... Fatm I I Parllton lltel>le 12 J E Jurnon. ..... 13 Ruea M~Jr 14 Elmanclorf 1&. ~ l!knler II W~ 17 Buckram Oak Far 18 20·20 St•l>le It Allhut 8 Hancoctc I I L9one J Petett 20 J 0 Mltlh . ,,..._. • I Allred<> C...,.. 2 J-V11n S.g 3 Eugene Jacot>e 4 0-.V Smilh 6 J- IMlln 11 Geofge Arnold 7 Frank La8oc· oena 8 Pairldl Kally t Aid< a...,_ 10 Slanl9)1 Hough 11 0 Wayne Lukaa 12 JoM C Miiiry 13 Ronnie W81ren 14 lb MeAl\flly 16 Vlneanl Clyno 18 Howtrd M T..,_ 17. i.-d ""'*10. 11. Aon Mc:An-ally, 11. Edwin Qregaon. 20. Jo .. ph v ~. Weight• 120 pounda eacll wttll ,.,. •• c»pllOl'I Of Cue>eGoy't Joy, (fllly) 11 t l'u<M '527 800 wtlll 20 •tatlart Fifi! ,S422.800. Second Sll0,000, Third S30.000 Founh SI ~.000 Poat Time 2 :SI pm POT o.t'by Nrnlnae ll•t Hera 11 lhe lltl ol pou11>1• 11artan lor Saturday'• Kenlucky Oerl>y at Cllurchlll Downs o...o on ea•Mr money • .,nlngt, aeeo•C:lng to the Dally Racing Form (mulmum 0..by llalcl •• 20 hor-1 t El 8at>a $314.1113 2 Cuellerit 3~.070 3 Munerln(I 317 .2211 4 Gato Del Sol 307.193 5 ~ Light 230.424 6 CupelOY. JoY 213.420 7 AMI Date 174,081 a AH foroee Won 173,llO 9 Stat Gallant 154.790 10 Roc:kwell 140,525 11 Wat .. Bana 128.260 12 Mu-c L..oe< t27.atll 13 New~ 127,804 14 Bold Style 120.201 15 Wollle I RMCel I 12,057 16 Maj .. ly I Pr~ tOll,361 11 Royel Aoberlo 83 900 18 Lejolt 78.990 Ill ~-led Ill. tlO 20 Cul Away 41 115 2 t Mid Vall 36,057 22 Roc:k Staady 20.31 I 23 Cral!y PrOl()eClor 17 .145 24 .JoMny Can Hop IS 900 CommunttY coleae ITATl[C~ (llC c.rttoa C .... ) .... ~ ,, .. -1 Oenlel1 (Cllal>ol). 4 27 74; 2 Burdlell (Golden Waei). 4 33 S 7. 3 Kee1lng (Wut Vtll•r>. 4 311 27, 4 Carter (WHI Velley). 4 41 15 S Jollnaon (Modnlol, 4 42 11. 11 Meo<• (W•1 v~ 4 43 CM 200 IM -1 Mo1har (WUI Velley). I S3 at 2 Ferrte (OleOio Valley). 1 54 72. 3 Snodgran (Cha1>011. 1 67 .23, 4 Lund (Golden WHt), 1 51.84. & Morgan (W .. 1 Valley). I 59 Of, 6 ....,_ (Footh411). 2'02 30 SO It .. -I Mldd .. lon (Oiel>lo Vall•y). 20 95, 2 CoolinQ (Orange c-1. 21 15. 3 Waderneye< (Olablo V•ll•y). 21 32: 4 AH (Cl\ebotL 21 42. S GrlQ9by ISenla a.toniea). 21 45, I Sell<oeclef (Col~ ot ~I. 2146 l·m dt.,ng -I Aao ... ann (Rtv9'ttd•I '7 I to pta • ~ Brllller (W•I Vak<y). 421 45, 3 Elltson (Seddl•l>Klll, 427 so. 4 Voung (Chel>otl. 411.05, 6 Al\larei (Soul'-lern), 391 to e. sn..p 1Cheboe1. 389 115 400 m•d••v r •l•y -t Saddl•b•ck. 3 31 15, 2 W•t van.y, 3 31 llO, 3 Otablo Valley, 3 34 oe. • ClleClol 3 35 42. s Fut· llrton. 3 38 H . I Modeeto. 3 37 09. T...., aeorin(I. 1 Wiii Valley. 112 Pl9. 2 Olal>lo v...,. 92, 3. Chabot. 91, 4 ~ l>ae:k. 57;•S Golden Weet, 29, 8 Moelwto, 21, 7 Fullerton. 21. a ,, .. ,College ol S.. quo1 .. and S1111a Monica. It: II. Orenge Coast. 17, 11 (llel V. P\eroa and ~. ,, WO..M soo .... -I p.,, •• ,, (Gold•n WHI). s t421, 2 e.rneu (Bakentleld). s 1111. 3 SHC>l<emp (Foothllf) S 19 44, 4 Sch<.,..,.,, l"wtnell). 5 24 24. 5 Oeylon (Sen Joaquin 0..ta). 5 2e le. 6 Atmstrong IS~). s 29.18 100 IM -1 Kuka (Dlablo Valley), 1:01. 19; 2. O.vldaon (San Diego M-). I 01.39, 3 Woll• (Mod .. Co). 1 02 711. 4 "°"9rN I Long 8-:fl CCI. 1 '03 4 7. 5 Rly. nor I~ Of s.Quolul. 1 03.118; I . BlrTetl 10.anoe c:-i1, 1 03 " 60 ,,_ -1. Kint (El c.tnltlo), 24 48, 2 8•mrad (Dl•blO VeHey), 24.54; 3 OlanH (Chebot). 24 94, 4. Burton (Santa Aoaa), 25 24; S HOChom (Cal>tlllo). 2!> S3; I. Wah (ModeelO). 25 38 l·m dMno -1. Hawltlnl (Olel>lo Valley). 34 I Ill Pie; ~ llMlt• (~ ol Sequiou). 375 74, 3 Hug111>enu (~lidel. 341181. 4 Ortaga (Ota1>lo Vall•vl. 347 37, S Shirk (VenluraJ. 302 37. 6 Huggett (Slarr•I. 2115 41 400 ~,...,, -1. ~. 4:12.27: 2 Santt Roal, 4. 14 :.:., 3. :fin 011Qo ..._ 4•14 73, 4. Golden W•t. 4 21 4 t, ~ Metlfl, 4n'4.0 C.-e.411150. T---1Olltllo Y'*'!,19~ 2. Footllffl, 47':1; QoiffnWNt, 40; 4. (lie) San Diego MH• end Santa Ron . .JI, o . College o4 Sequlou. JO, 7 Mam, 24, 8 (Ile) MOde110 end S•dd .. b•e-. 23, 10 El Ca· mine>, 20. 11 Cllebol. 19, 1:1 Cueeta. 18 ---=~ ............. ~C....--141 .. Vault -1. Ollver"(CM), t 7; • .,, -1 ~(CM), U : ~ -1. 0..... (CM), 1.1, Root -1. Oii-. (CM), II. 1; U..ouncl -I, ~(CM'), 35.7. >(I< .... t , ... .. _, ,., • '"" ' I .. ·Ce * .. ,. • .. •• . . Orange COMt DAILY PILOT/,l'lday, April 30, 1882 ; II . . ~pht?flp. a > I • ... 4t ,_ I I •1 rt .. • .. , bp capez10 • SOUTHCOAST PLAZA ' ~- , I ,_CIMOJ ... S -.&. MOA•WAY MOIR'U.UY 110 BrOlldway Costa Mesa 642-9150 IALTZIHGHC* SMfnt & TUTHILL WISTCLW CHAf'll. 427 E 17th SI Costa Mesa 646-9371 ,..caaonas IM'TMI' wotn'UMY UT Mein St ~nt~ach I Qraog• Cout DAILY PILOT /Friday, Aptll 30, 1982 C7 Charter number 18838 N•tlonel Benk Region Number 14 ASSETS Doll•r Amounts lnT~a HIT \!Ai.ET IMC , llO Wleon, Coel• -.CAll2827 AOHIH AHTHOHY MAALAH, 100 wii.con_ I~, C:0... W... CA tH1T ~,,...,,... ... ~1.0 l>r .,. tn "-1A.- Tnlt t1•••m•nl wu fll•O w11" In• County ca.ti 04 Orwio-County on Apfll 7, 11112 ,~ Publlol\90 Orange COHI Ot lly Pllol Aor'll I, 18. 23. 30. 1N2 16&1-t2 Nil.IC NOTICE 'ICTITIOUI aUllN«H MAME ITATIMINT The following person 11 do•ng t>ua.ntuaa NORDIC REFRIGERA TION t 525 W MacArthur. • 17 Costa MHll, CA 92626 WAYNE M STAALf.SON 17062 Green Street 93 HunllflQ· Ion Beach. CA 92649 Th11 buainesa Ml conducl8d tiy an 1ndMduat Wayne M StlllMO<l This atatemefll wu hied wllh the County Cle•k or Orange County on APfll 19 1982 ACTmOUa.,._.a ...-... IT.ATIMIWT The 1011ow1no pereon It doing bullnwt N' BEN 0 . 1001 W 171h 81., &ullt M. ()osta Meta., CA 92t27 Gary L Banne<. 1205e Luoae SI . Ctrrllot, CA 9070 I Thia t>ullneaa II concluCttd by • llmlltd petlnwlhle> Otty L 8tnn« Thi. 111\tment'w .. flied wMh tht County Cleltl ol Ot-. County on AP<I 15, 1982 ,U1'177 Publllhed Otange Cout Dally PllOt, •oril 18, 23, 30, May 7, 1082 17<>e-82 PIU llTICt 'ICTmC>Ue IU .... 1 MAmSTA~ The~ --.. doit'O -.. OM INVESTMlNTS. 1117 Ot nt OfWe Cott. ,.._, CA tHH l YHHE K GIHSBUAG, 11 17 Dan• 0...., Cott. ,.._, CA t26H ~1>..-u le conoucrt..i 1>1 en 1n- LY~E K. OfMellUllO fMo lltlt1t1•n• •ti llled wlln 111• C-..., Ciel'\ 04 Ortf'Ot Cout!ty on~ T ,,., ,IM19 ~~'.''i~n~~~~OHI Oul(&~~ Ml.JC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSIHHI NAME S~ATEMl:NT The following peraon 11 doing busineH as DOM ORIGINALS. 500 S Marn $1 Ste 512 O.ange CA 921168 Cat la Dawn Har l 5 t 8 East O.ikmon1 Orange CA 92667 r his t>uslMSB 1s t>e•ng conducled by .tn 1nd1V1dual Cati• Dawn H811 Thr• 1t;11emen1 wll l11ed with 11141 County Cletk of Orange CoYnty on Aprol 21 t1182 F1'7571 Publllhed Or•nge Coaat Dally F1nT72 Pll01, AP<tt 23. 30, May 7, 14, 11182 Put>hsl'led Orange Coa111 Daily P110I 1803•82 "P'4t 23. 30 May 7 14, 1982 -----------t787-82 Nil.IC NOTICE P\8.JC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS IUSIHEH Tile lollowing per~on rs doing NAME STATEMENT b<J51ness es file following person 11 d orng ANDERSON ENTERPR1SES t>usrness as 19132 Magnolia C30 Hunling1oro THE SECOND TIME AROUND Beach, CA 926'16 HO E 11th St Cost11 Mesa CA Irene Ete1ne Ande1sot1 t9132 92627 M1gno1111 C30, Hun1tng1on Beach. Bnan Gorham Jones 3405 S CA 92646 Ros~ St Sanla Ana CA 92707 This business •• conducted by an Tnrs 1>u11ness 11 conducled by an ind1vtdual 1ndrvrdual ,,_ E Ande<son Brran GOtllam Jones This 11a1emen1 wes hied '""" the Hus statement waa filed w.lh Ille County Clerk ol Orange Counly on County Clerk ol Oranoe County on AP<1t 21 1982 /\pr1I 2 1 1982 F11ma F117T75 Put>t1Shea Orangt> CoaSI Daily P1101 Pub111hed Orange Coaal Da111 P1101 AP<ll 23, "lo May 7 14. 1982 Apro1 23 30 May 1 14, 1982 1784-82 1781 -82 PHUC MOOCE CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION Consolldatlng domestic subsidiaries of the Marine National Bank of Santa Ana. In the stale of California, at the close of busmess on March 3 1, t982, published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency under title 12. United States Code, Section 161. Charter number 17052 Netlonel Bink Region Number 14 Dollar Amount• In ThouNnda ASSETS Cash and due from banks ..................................... 2,857 U.S. Treasury securities .... . . . ...... .... .............. . 36 1 Obllga11ons of other US Gov't agencies and corporations .. ..... .... .••. •.. ...... . 800 All other securities . ........... . .. ................. 180 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreemeots to resell a. Loans, Total (excluding unearned Income) ........ . .. .... . 10,289 b. Less: Allowance for possible loan losses ........................... 46 c. Loans. Net .... .. .. ..... . .............. . .. ..... 10,243 Lease f1nancmg receivables ... ........... ................. ... . 99 Bank premises. FF.& E., etc ..................................... 694 All other assets . .. . ....... ... .. ... ... .... . ........... 416 TOTAL ASSETS ......................................... 18,050 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of lndi11lduals, partnerships and corporaJlons .. . .... .. •. 2,819 Time and savings deposits of individuals. partnerships, and corporations ........................ 8,865 Deposits of United States Government .. .. . .... 36 Deposits or States and political subdivisions .... .. ..... ... ............ ... ..... .. 100 Certified and officers' checks . ... .... .... .... . .... 464 TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC OFFICES ........... . ......... 12,284 Total demand deposits ..................... 3.319 Total time & savings deposits ........... 8.965 All other liabilities ... . .. .. .. ... ..... . .... ...... .. ..... ... . 96 TOT AL LIABILITIES (excl\.lding subordinates notes and debentures) .............................................. 12,380 1171 TIYITI ........ 4 IPffd tr•na., air cond., radio, luggage rack, deluxe exterior In metalllc brown with Mddle vlnyl In· terior. G...t economy with room for the family. (383MPR). 5 2999 11111• 414 "1111 llDU 11" Automatic tran1 .. pwr. It. & brakee, alr cond., atereo, ca ... ue, llldlng rear window, duel tank1, cu1tom wheel• & tlrH and chrome 1tep bumper. (1Me8928). What a neat 4 wheeter for )ult . 5 6999 1111 ••••• ICCOll 4 -· Automatic transmission, power steering & !>fakes. air cond .. silver metallic Hterlor with burgundy In- terior & AM-FM radio. (465WU0). 5 6599 1111 TIYITI ClllLU 4 •· SEIAI Auto. tran1 .. factory air conditio- ning, power 1tMrlng, power dl1c brake•. AM-FM 1tereo and low mllee. (1CGE044). 56499 1111 ·-F-2IO Pl•·IP Automatic tran1., power brakH, 1tereo cu1ette, cu1tom cab and 1tep bumper. A great work truck that'• priced to Mii. · CALL TODAY! 1171 lllTlll F11111K Economical 4 cylinder engine, 4 lpeed tranamlalk>n. pwr. lteerlng & brakee, AM-FM stereo, wire wheel di.cl, radial tlree & more. Mult ... to appreciate. (853VAE}. 53699 1171 TIYITI lllllLU "Ill" LIFTUCI 5 1peed tran1 .. air cond., pwr. brakH, AM-FM 1tereo, ext. trim package, apotleu yeUow flnllh with bllM:k vinyl Interior. (381962). A fun car with great 1tytlng for just 5 5299 1111 TIYITI •au.._.,, LlfTllll 5 •Peed. factory air conditioning, power 1teerlng, power dllc brake1 . 1tereo caaHtte, eunroof & under 11,000 mlee (18SY724). 57399 BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA 1/2 TON PICKUP 4 speed transml881on, front disc brakes, 2.4 lltre engine and fully factory equipped. (039756). A graduation special at $ ' SPECIAL GREEN RIBBON BUYS . These late model, low mileage cars all carry Earle Ike's exclusive 2 year 24,- 000 mile warranty. You can't losel BEST BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY! e 1117 llTSll 1-210 2 II. 5 3499 Automatic trana .. pwr. brak .. , AM-FM radio; 1teel radial tlree, exterior trim pac- k age. Very clean In every re1pect. (328TZD). White exterior with beige vlnyt Interior for juet • i~!~e~~~.~r·!~t pwr. brakes, s4 399 atereo. lint.ct glaaa & morel Gleaming metallic allver with custom Interior. (263VCP). Stylish ~y for only • 1!~!~~!.~~!r~r~'!. air cond., • 5 69 9 9 AM-FM etereo, alloy wheels, exterior trim pad<age & more. (19JZ435). This gleemlng brown metallic bMuty hal lela than 15,000 mll91; don't mill ltl • BRAN.D NEW 1982 TOYOTA COROLLA 4 speed transmission, bucket aeata, front disc brakes, 1.8 lltre engine and fully factory equipped. (2~512). a graduation spe- cial at $ - . NO EASONABLE OFFER REFUSED ON AN~Y~T""'""""'R--U ....... C_K_l_N_....,. INVENTORY ••• MAKE US AN OFFE~ EVEN AT FACTORY INVOICE,. INCLUDING ~4x4'51· 1111 Fiii F-110 PICI IP 6 cyl., auto. trans .. power steering, power brak ... AM-FM radio, tinted gtaaa, custom wheels & low miles. (1Y41087). 57699 1110 llTSll 1210 LlnllCI SL package, 5 speed. factory air conditioning, AM-FM radio, tinted glass, custom Interior & exterior & under 8000 miles. (1AP8447). 55299 1171 TOYOTA CELICI LIFTUCI 5 speed trans., air conditioning, stereo, power ateerlng. rea't wtndow shade & custom two tone red me- tallic finish. (842XSO). What a car tor only 5 5999 1111 YILISWAID ........... 5 dpeed trans .. factory air cond., power dllc bfakee, ltereo cueette, sunroof, alloy whMI• & gleaming bl9Ck P90kage. ( 1AOK978). 57799 1111 ISID "U"c.E 5 speed tranamllllon. AM-FM radio, all the factory equl~!i~t Ovet 11,000 mllel, custom & tlrM. (1CQA945). 5 5999 1171 TIYITI CELIU UFTIAOI Automatic tran1ml11lon, power steering, power dllc bfakee, AM-FM stereo, rear window 1hade kit & custom two tone paint. (813UXT). 54299 1111 TIYITI CEUCI UFTUll Auto. tran1., factory air conditio- ning, power dlac brake•. AM-FM r!!dlo, sunroof and alloy wheels. (1AQX975). 5 7999 1111 mna COR-.U "El" C9I 5 speed transmlaalon, stereo caa- sette. power brake• and morel (677RLF). An exceptionally clean rare modef for juSt BRAND NEW 1982 ·TOYOTA TERCEL 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully factory equipped. (415074). A graduation special now priced at only $ I • Cl A ClASSIFIED INDEX ...., ,,,.,, •••••••••••••••••••••• , ..... , •• Cll 142·5171 .mNISAU sm1m ... .... e 1---umm---~~-1 -1111'1 ... - 3 8dnn 2 beth home wtltl plenty of ctwm, In pttlne locatlon. A11ume H1. -000 loen al 12\(i% and ::: ...... osry 2nd wtltl low down. Priced at -11'9,000. Cell now, = ~1171 ~-tl1 = --= •...a = 38d2 .. &29d1 .. & -beef\ • .nt. comer Ioele-: tlon. Pie* up .. phone, : cell Tim Rhone, agt -=, --.. . Rr!M~ = ·--= •• , .,, = a..utlful Newport e.ctl -home for the executive -end hie femlty. Large 4 .... Bdrm tMtt\ open bMfned -cethedral celllnga In II· :;: Ying room. RV eoceu. :;: Low Interest rate flnen· .,. clng evellable. Call for ::: complete detall1, ------•• --.... -"" -~ :m ---"" ---... --... ~7171 THE :REAL ESTATERS -----.., .... ----It'••,..., 8drm3 . .... be1h, tonne! ~ room wtltl ..,..,., tonne! nlng room. Huge bey window. countty k"°'*1 owrtoolca lpet1clng ooot l .,._ CIOM to 3 Coeta MeM Golf CourMe. Try amall doWn, owner wlll help with financing. U75,000. Cell now, a.a1a .,. .,., .,. .,. -.... mt ii -"" -'"1 THE :REAL ESTATB:RS .. Lo.oking for a career in sales? . : See today's Help Wanted ads, .:-'classification 7100. , ~.'!!.~ •••••• ~.~IN!. •.•..• ~.'!!.IN!. •.••.. ~.'!!.191 ...•..• ~.1!!.flj! ••••••• ~.'!!.le! ..•.... ~.1!!.191. •••••••.• ~~.'!!.~ ...... . ~~~ •••• , •••• !."' ~~~ ••••••••• !.... '11!~~ ••••••••• !... ~'!. ••....... !.'.fl ~~'!. .•••••••• !.~ ~'!. ••••••.•• !.'!!I ~'!. ••..••••• !.'!!~ ~.tffl.!!t! •• !.~ PllllllU 11111 Prize West Bey bllyfront. Slipa for 2 boata, remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bllth $1,200,000. . Ocean & jetty views. Marine rocim. 4 bdrm. 3 bath, 3700 aq.tt. s1 .sa~.ooo. Oceanfront. 1.111 llLI 11•• Prime Lido Nord t.ytront. ~bdrm.~~ bllth. Lge L.R .• 2 boat allpa $1,500,000. CUSTOI ElPAHED POITOFIH MODEL NAllOI VIEW NOIES HEAT FIHICIH IY OWIEI Great family home on quiet circle. Four Bedrooms, three and one half baths. 2850 Sq Ft. Dramatic entry. Professionally decorated, Italian Tiie, French Windows and Doors. Central air conditioning with elec- tronic air filters. Sophisticated security and smoke detection system. Oversized street to street • 1ot. Large patio with firepit over· looking custom pool and oversized spa and waterfall, surrounded by mature, well manicured landscap- ing. Childs playhouse. Fifty foot Aviary. $459,000. OPEi llOHE 111-hl 1 ·4 17U rwt ......... Clrde •..,.n•• hllf/lrHlf llZ·llH • 141·1111 * 1111 UY AIU* * 1111,111 * 3 br houae on fee land featuring hardwood floors & ahingle roof with 11~ assumable lat T .D. Priced for immediate aale!ll 3670 San M igu el 759-1501 o r 752-7373 . * WD1llJfF -... *. Sensationally remodeled & de- corated 4 Br hom e featuring swimming pool, bonus room, skylit.e, lush private courtyard, fplc & aaaumable financing. Only $299,000 on FEE land. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * 1ll1LEllll * 11,211 Pll 11211 is all you pay when you takeo- ver existi..ng lit T.D. Spacious 4 br executive detached home . Featuring fnnl din. fmly rm & frpJc. Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San M18ueJ. Dr., Newport Beech. 759-1501 or 762-7373. .... , ..... ................. (11.f) tll-1M1 (114) JU. tall ' \\ I ',: I '1 • ' TAYLOR CO . Ill \I !'11:-. '" l'tll1 •--••mt .. .., ~I 11 fw ...... Pra,1rt, Magnificent location o'looking 8th green of golf coune. Majestic Colonial custom by owner/builder. 5 bdnna, lge formal din nn, tam rm, billiard rm, ·refrigerated wine nn, & 611\ be. Marble, finest wood paneling, air cond., + many custom fea- tures. $2, 150,000 including land. May eell fum.lshed. 21111111......-•hl•-4 ••Nil lllTll. u. ...,...,. •IMll $3eK down to 10% AITD. 4 Ir '*" 1 Bdrm rental. OMC tradel Agt Bruce Blomgren. 790-0297 ANT A Ctaulled Ade 842-5878 Ill.Ill H laA Wltmml' wtll .. Panoramic View -Great Waterfront Location. Redwood Float + 50' Dock. Custom Built Home With Three Be- drooms, Th.ree Balconies. Exceptional Quality • Kitchen With View Window Hu All The Modem Amenities • Used Brick Bar-B-Que In Outstanding Patio Area. Even Tiled Garages -Great Offering. $1,295,000. A Dion-Maria Lilting. (!) 759-91• uc..,.. ....... ... .,...c..-·--........ ,. IDEAL OCEANFRONT LOCATION aad and ~arr are at yonr doorelep in l .. h nntlf11I n.1-2 ... 1_,.. 4 bdnn. 3~ be "'°-· rick el ow~llip in detail a ipalily. C.U II•· Jll -.ee .. Pal U-dolen or Aidt.in 0.yllft for lat "owner M•itled" rinanei ... 1725,000. "·Ope. Sllft .• 1-5. 2804 1t'. Oeeaahvat. Npt. ... WATERFRONT HOMES, tNC REAi. f.ST A Tt s.ln. ~·· "'-•y ~ 2'36 W COMI Hwy 316 M.rn Avt Nfwpor1 Bt1rh Mio. l.i.nd Hl·l41t '7Mfft A SPIRAL STAIRWAY TO * . GRACIOUS LIVING -FOREVER VIEW- Two Master Suites, Mid .. Qlllboar•. *JllMs 10%3 . FINANCING BUILDER WILL PAY POINTS ONLY $125,800 10% DOWN CALL HAL OR PAT 673-7300 751-9906 CIO SAT., Slll Z·5 P .ll U11 PACllC AVE., C.ll End dt Wll8on dlnml• .. , .. ........ WOWI Loweet price bayfront home OH BAL BOA COVES. Laro• 4 bdrm, 3 beltl, double pteoe, OOY«ed patio muofl morel Wiii AIT trade fOf Eutbluff • 8e lhorea Of ???fl ........ 111,IM. 48r, cathedrel oelllngl, I romodeled kitchen. A1- 1umable loan et 9.5" . Owner enxsoua. Ctlll now 97~70 \( >ll/ 1ll'1f I•• ' o ••1 '• .... ..,..... "' RI ....... .... ..... dll-1... Localed on greenbett. to-~~~~~~ =~'*":~ .... lllTI" and atrium. Extra .,o• _..I -•• muter IUlte '*"dramatic; ... ,1 _.. loft bedroom. Priced to A l~nlHllO 4 Bdrm. ... •I onty 1149,000. 113&iif ..... If you yearn lor atone tlrepl.a.e, wood penal· ting. knottY pine~ l a ~ yerd. you'I tow thla home. 3 Bdrm 2 Bel temly room. 0-W wll be hllpf\I -"" flnen- o Ing. Offered at • 150, ooo. 751-3191 I C::.'·• I . ...,...,. I 1•1! 11 >t •• I 'J " ... 702 AMole. CdM. '235f(. Open dllJlo/ 1-6. 173-2041 Cozy cotteoe 2 br, 1 ba, lrplo. walk to beach. Owner flnenc.. R-2 IOI. '215,ooo. &4CMne we. •1----.. Beactl liou11. perfect oond .. a300 aq ft. 4 8dr. den. Opn 1·5 Sat/SUn. 1124,500. G. Douglaa 173-4271 ...., ... c....... 1114 I '911/lfl ••••••••••••••••••••••. OutatMldlng WilUe In lhll 1211'-..... 1'11 trMe¥el home on cut--. • nc. OWf'eti.d lot, F.R. fll 31111 w/trplc. OWl"lf wll ..... , Ju1t In tlrM fOf eumm«, with financing. A grHt lhla !owty ooot home .... b u y a t I 2 39 , O O O • turM terrific financing. 4 751-3191 1.,0• bdrm•. new paint, 1tory home with mrignlfl cent llving, famlly ., ... Fireplace, country kit chen. 12% flnanoln avallabte. Price onl 1149,toO. Call fOf mor clet811a. 546-2311 THE :REAL ESTATEl<S n•ar perk• and ac:hool1. Offered at 11'9,900. CALL US ABOUT OUR OPEN HOUSES. 540-1151 ~~!~~~ _a_u._1_1.-.. -.,.-u-u_•_·_,· fiilil~I lion and good term1. Spectacul.,, 1p.,kllng • • 1n. .... ........... AHUml 10Yt% 111 T.D. paot l epa mekll thle 3 and owner will help 11-Bdrm 2 bath home a 124,111 -nance. Thi• home hH A'"" F tutlc fr"h paint, nearty n-::.;-~ Priol 1149 Siii -.I cerptlt, gar. door~· 950. Call for more de-buy1 Ihle roomy 4 Be· w~ts~. et~ '1!!546-2313 droom famlty home w/2 ., Brand nu • Bd 2-~YJ COfn« toe. V.cant {.;9 AM~ 107370 tit!t\114 ==-m~ -----·-·• -centl. 1120,000. Prlnd-TR\DITIO\. \l. RL\I l) Dir Ftl TIE Yllll PHFHlllllL II IEWPllT IOU Here is an excel- lent opportunity for the first lime buyer, investor or working couple. This l BR, condominium home offers security, recreatio- nal amenities & excellent loca- tion. Offe red at $89,500 with low down & good financing. Bill Wedmore 551-8700 (Kll) YIUH EXHITIYE llllE Lavish use of glass brings the out.doors In. Gated community w/s pa, pool & sauna. 9 mo . young. Quiet area but cloee to shopping & art center. $97,900 Gini McGhee & L o rraine Reid 551-8700 (Kl2) RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES UlllSU 1421,ltl Recent price reduction makes this lowest 4 BR home on Lido! Comer location affords beautiful light ex- posure. l block from tennis, bea- ches & club. Owner will assist fi- nancing up to ten years. Hurry! IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 ,11111111111 ... llmlf 1-4 #Ill•••,, ............ Come .. thla huge two 1tory -3 bedroom home In preatlglou1 JHmlne Creek. Tennl1 • pool • guarded gate. ~ QI . R9JlORS CAll (PM) ... ·1tel 1Stftt .. 581-1100 pala only. Don't delay, c:8I '*"' todey. Dl9l\e Volpe •••1• 3BR, 2BA, A· 1 cond on 1.,0• R-2 lot. Park 1111• yard. e..t.tde.. By OMW. $131.000. 842-9125 or 8'2·27'1 eft• 5:30 PM 3 Br. 1 Ba. hol'8e on Woe 50x175' 3 unit lot. 431 HMll!ton. Do not dlsturt> tenanll. I 129,000. 54-5041 w. & Mindi, ABSOLUTE 831:.;.-:_ STEAL!! 2 er. 1 ea.~ ar. 1 ea. ~:c?~u:'J: 72x105' R2 lot. Do not BEST BUY In New ort dl1turb tenanta. 1521 BMctl OCEANVU ERo Orange. 1 121,000 . 4 eoft. PROf'. Oe'C<)AA. 543-5041 w. l Wknda. Ta>, pooHp8 & ••new 831-3520 wkdyl. all for onty '378,500. A 4 Br. 2~ Ba. Condo. By trade conaldered. Call Owner. Meny xtra1. PATRICK TENORE DI· 1105,000 In uaumabte rec tly 831-1288 or financing. Aaklng 1132, 78CM702 TODAY! 500. l44MJ710. .... "' home. OWnar wll help lnance. HURRY. Thi• beeutlfut home won't IHI. 1155,000. 540-2910 Agt. All! for Lort. ........ HERE ~~sr~ 21ABa TwnhM, 1 yr otcM>uy ~ rect from bullder. E.a•t Side. BEAUTIFUL 4Br, 2Ba, great· great location. lt3t,500. •14211 a-11.ana... 3 bedroom EHl•lde ....i condo. 2~ beth•. llre-tam ._. piece; 2 petloe. Submltl ~one of the S1.ie,OOO. Tarbell. AMI· ttnti1t ocHnfront loca-_t_on._9_7_e._z_390 ___ _ t1ona there la. BMutlful 3 NEW CONDOS & other bdrm home with formal homea, NO DH to quelt- dlnlng rm., family rm.. flen. 10% dn. ~ pymta 1 maid'• quart era, a yHr. RCA Inv. Manny, WOf1llhop and"*' • ..,. 821-6938 . veutt. Lowty trop6cel de· ---.;;--iiiiiiir;'"--1tgn. Spectecutar White IY IWWI water .,_, '2.800,000. I 10K BELOW MARt<ET ,,,,.,,,.. •• ."!!!a •••••••• !.~! • Sharp 4 br, 2 be, fem. rm. IP' home. 80% In., 30 yr loen, 2 pta l.ftdlr. •1•2.000. 979-1131 OAAHD OPENING SAT • SUN 12-6 113 Monte Vlata • ~ Condoe, •14', 000 to ., ... 000. Begen( & drametlc 2 & aer "' plen1, maHlv• frptc1, wet bare, 11' veulted oemnoa. '°""" din. -.. 2 oar gano••· yda, ,,.nch dra, balcon1 ... IOlld -==mudl "'°"· 8ulder ~ Wma. •• na. Wtu1de 148-1270, Evtia ....... •t1hu..._ ............ fot .... Oi• U.. 21 --------.--- 11...as1.ao10 -· -... ,. 2,000 eq ft horM ... ., .. I W"°""91 ... & ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• rm • "'ore. Call now HOUM °" ......... '"9 tn.A10. 000,lot--.-. •. lllt. Cl11>4ft Ila. \ t . 11 I tl /' tt ' • Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /Friday. Aprll 30, 1982 TH£ t'.i\MILY CIRCtN "Con I hove o gloss of water, Mommy? Our puddle is dryin' out." by Brad Anderson "I'm sorry ... I didn't know you don't like cigar smoke In the house!" Jl'DGE P:\RKt~R YOV'RE A HE~. MIS6 CLARK .. AND DINNER Wil l. f>E ON THE HOU&E FOR YOU ANO MR. DRIVER' '900~ Ml'LLINH 11M SURE I COULD WORI< BETTER WITHOUT YOUR CONSTANT 085ERVATION" MOON . BIGG£0RG£ 'c.A ·:. ~· '.' '\. IP.• • If " by Virgil Partch (VIP) '(•J O 1'You wouldn't h1~n to know wher• the neuHt orthodontist 11, would you?" ' Dt.::\:\IS THE ~E:\AC'E Hank Ketchum by Harold le Ooux by Ferd & Tom Johnson ODD --I STIU. HAVE THE FEELING HEIS MANGING AROUND ... PEANIJT8 Ol</IH, WE'LL P1.AY THE POINT OVER. .. ~ PAtTNER WAS 5eRVIN6 ... Tl' MBL£" ££DH IF YOU KIDS WILL M OW MY LAWN, I'LL GIVE YOU EACH A . DON'T BELIEVE HIM···HE NEVER T E LLS THE TRUTH ~-...._ by Tom K. Ryan by Ernie Bu sh m1ller HE USE D TOBE A U5EO CA R SALES MAN ' l D~~LA~t.~. 6 .............. . ............ ........ __ .... ··-· GORDO >-14..\f mE NAK.E:O APE I'!> £1/JOEl<ITL '( 6T!LL E:VOLVIA/Gf 6EEMS HIS J..JTrl.E ra: 1-:, .51...0NL'-I ot:;.APPEAIC- /Ne/ 4-30 t'l'~K ,. "l~KEllBEA~ HEUD , I'M DR .~ Af\V 1-M GOI~ TO BE ~~6€0N ! PRARRl.t: . •.SMOCK 1"'He L-IGH"f'S ARE: S'T'I L..L-FAr:::>l NG, POC'T'OR / IN TEN by Gus Arriola ~o ,.._....___. ................ 'VE:Al<51 MAN WILL .VO LOIYeEK HAVE CU:f • '-' "'-..:..~. by Tom Bat1uk WElk. I I HAVE N\ANPhf.D W ~VE A U11L.E ! OR A f>IGGeR ANr:::> S"T"RON<SeR HAMSleR! by Kevin Fagan I KNOW, I l<NOl.I) If~ J~f 'f~~ 1\lE. ~Ei M-4 ·C,O~'S IN l.lfE. 'JO Hl(,1-\ I ,-----. PA1~1C-'! by George Lemont A\~ o'C1.QO<. IN 1'Hfi ~\NG '??II .. -.OT1CI Of AVAIUMITY OIANNUAL~T T~ ~!Wei report tor ~ °". ~ ~ 1M1 of VIHTAO IMW HOUll. 1 prlv••• foune111 n,'tl 11tllleb .. •• 111 prlnclNI oinc. ~ ring regular bu1ln1H hOura 'for lt1 ln1peoflon by any ctt111n wno 10 r--•· wtltlln 1IO Olyt ."., tN' I O•I• Of 11111 publlC•llon Tll• I d· Or1t1 of 1111 prlv•t• louno11lon'• Pf lncipll olflce • a 1 N .. J" Al!'PQr1 l.l>op Orlv•( Coit• M .. 1. CA and ttll name o 111 prtnc:lp.i ~ 11 J,elanO R. HOUH, Jt Publlllhld Otll'IOt Cout o.lty Piiot, Aprll IO. 1002 rta.tc NOTICE fl1CnnGUI IUllNIH NAiii aTATIMIHT Th• followlng peraon II doing butlnlN ... CONNECT SOFTWARE. 2854° Or1n9e Avenue, 8 11111 A. Co111 Mwa, Callfomla 81627 NllH E111on Hopkin•. 2&54 Or1ng1 Avenue. Suite A, Coate M-. C.Ufotnle 8U27 Thia bual..-la conouc:..o by an lndMdl.lal. NllM E HOOk!IM Thia 1111amen1 w11 llteo wl1h the County Cle<k ol Orange Coun1v on Apr11 14. 1882. '117m P11bll1had Or1n91 Cout Dally Pltol. Aprd 16. 23. 30. May 7. 1982 1882-82 NII.IC NOTICE Nll27H f lCTfTIOUS IUSIN£H NAME ITAT£M€NT The followlng Petton• are dOlng bullnesa H IA) MR. ANGELOS CAPE COO HOUSE (B) MR. ANGELOS ITALIAN INN, 11861 Harbor Boulevllfd Gar· Cleo Grove. Calllomla 92840 MR ANGELOS. INC , a Ca11- lornl1 COtPOrallon, I 1861 Harbor Boule11ard, Garden Grove Callfor- nla 92640 ThMI bu11neu ts conduellld by a corporllk>n Robert A Ven1ura This 11a1-1 was llleel with the County Cle<k ol Ot11nge County on April 2, 1962 f1M581 Publl1hoel Orange Coa91 Dally Piiot. Acrll 30, May 7, 14 21, 1982 19!>5-82 PU8LIC NOTICE NOTICE Of PU8LIC AUCTION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY REMAINING OH VACAT!O PRIEMIHS Of FORMER Tl!NANT (CC11N) fllotlce •I hereby given oo May 22. 1982, et 10.00 a.m . at 660 w. 17th Stroe1 In Cosl8 Mesa. Orange County. the undert1gne<1 will sell al public nle the personal property lett by JOHN EVANS Said property cons•ata of P8f$0- nel papers end furniture Said euc;.. llon wlll oe made pursuant 10 the PIOVISIOO Of Section 1988 Of the C1- 11U Code Dated April 18 1982 Rlct\Md Seti ..... MOW. 17th SI. Cot11M ... , Ce. PuDlllhed Orange Coast Da11y Po lot. April 30. l\Aay 7. 1982 1813-82 P1BJC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSIHEH NA• ITATEMIEHT The lollowlng persona are doing business u . CAFE CONTINENT Al ANO ICE CREAllA, 42!>0 Barranca Park- way. •R lrv!M. CA 92714 VtRENDRA KUMAR. 23700 Llttle Quall Avenue. Olamond Bar, CA 91765 SUOESH KUMAR, 23700 Little Ouall Avenue. Diamond Bar. CA 91765 This buSln8$S II conducted by an lndlvl<Jual (husband 6 wlle) Vlrendra Kumar Thia statement was flleel with the County Clerk of Otange Coonty on Aprll 28, 1982 f11MOO Publllheel Ota1199 Cont Dally Pllol, Apru 30. May 1. 14 21. 1982 1957·82 Nit.IC NOTICE FICTI'll0\18 9U .. N£H NAlft STATEMENT The lollowtng person 11 doing ouslneaa aa. JOJOBA RESEARCH PART- NERS. 1301 Dove StrMI. Suite 260. Ntiwpon a.ch. Calllomla 92660 ROBERT E. COLE 6811 Bar Harbor Drive. Huntington Beach. Calitomla 92648 Thi• business 11 conelucteel by a llmlled partnership Ro1:>er1 e r o1e This •111-1 wn loleel with thfl County Clerk 01 Otange Couf'tty on April 28. 1982 F111274 Publl1heel Orange Coaal Dally Pilot, April 30, May 7 14. 21. 1982 1891-82 P\8.IC NOTICE flCTITIOUI IUSINIEH NAME STATl!•NT The following pert0n1 are doing bU.inMSU CONTRACTORS BOOKKEE- PING & ADMINISTRATIVE SER- VICES. 823 West 16th SlrMt New- por1 &each. Cahfomla 92MJ ANNE T THORNBURG, !>70 Noble S1r .. 1, Orange. C1lllorn11 92669 CHRISTINE L NEBLEn 319 Streamwood. 1rv1n1. Celllornla e2114 I Thi• bu91nns It conduClllCI by II QIMl'll Plrlnl<lhlp Anne T. ThOrnburg This &tllemenl wu tlllel with the County Cler'lt of Otange County on AprM 28. 1082 f1SIZ71 Publl1h1CI Or1ng1 Co111 Dally PllOt, AprU 30, M~ 7. 1'4. 21, 1982 18U.S2 ACTmOU9_...H ..,,_ITA~ Ttle followlng perton 11 doing ~-COUNTRY CUITOMI . en r-.. ltreet, eo.i.a ......, Cflllf«· nle 12'27. 4 MARION ~NOOM Mcl°LAOY. 128 Towne Str .. t , Co111 Mell, CellfOmlt t2t27. Tl'llt ~ le oondYottd b1 II\ lndMdull M-1ofl !. Mt:&oy T'llll llallfNM ... Mid wlVI the County a.ti Of er.,. County on ~u.1tta. _..,. ftubll•Md O~a• COMt Delly ,._ AtH1 :Ml, IMO. 14. 11, 11U 1-.92 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, April 30, 1982 eal Estate-the Complete Orange Coos~ Market Place .. ' ... .. , •.. ~ .. 5ff-nr 5 Bdrm• ch gt1n1 II\ uec .,.., '80,000 bttow mkt. Muat NII now. Sub· mlt your t1rm1, bkr 840709. 1fHW llHI Ill •• No Down-Ho quallfyl~. 6 7 8 low lnterMt. 1. 2. 3Br. from $1100 monthly. '3, ooo total coet. on1y e ten. Call 541·0'425. 24 hrt. iiekiir.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ltS2~ CAM"" DI: fflVltC~ p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D MUTLMATlll Clean . va c ant . netr beech. 3 Bdr n" 81. 11- mlly ntllghbo<hood, cloM to achoo11 & ahopplng. Flexlbl• lln1nc1ng. I 1 '45, 000. 111-1111 . '' RVM~ ---- **PRESTIGE T£RMS! WOOC1bndgt"1 mott pr• 11lglou1 addreH, lhe Lending by J.M. Petit'•. Ottered •t an unbtlleva- bl• 1239.000. Thlt 3 Bdrm OellQht It IUC*t>ly IOc:ated and lnvtt• your <Hltlvt otlef. \\\Hwi h ridge KcalllJ :i~l -:1000 lr.'lffur•flU l'\•'.lr\- llOYE .. Tlnm.DICI Join 1hl move u p 10 Turtlerock. crowdl You too now~ •fford lo llw In Turtlerock In thla 3 Bdrm 2 Ba tlflO!e lamHy home wtcentr. atrium. lrptc & gorgeoue vu. M- toc:. pool. tennll & wide open 1pece.. s 11g.ooo Toni M«rl•Layfleld. 8Q1 558o-to400 FOA SAL£. BY OWNER 2Br. 281 Gondo, 2 car oeraoe. new1y csecor•ted. 111 upgtadtd. In Wood- :~ooo 551-2011 Plll.IC NOTICE f1C'TTTIOUI 90 .... H NA• ITATUle.NT Th• l°"°""ln8 persone tre CIOing 00-11 VISA INSURANCE AGENCY, 1600 Dove, Newport Beach, Call· 1orn11 9:1660. SIMS ROMANO ENTERPRISES •NC .. a Callfomll corporation. 11100 Dove, Newport Beach. Callfornlt 9:lt60 Thlt ~ It condUCl(IO by t OO<PO<allon. Sirna Romano Enter- 11~ .... Ir lNM """I Detached home 111 lrvlne. New carpeting, floor1, central air. 1119,000. Ownet. 551-MM .... o.. ........ ~-a'*' 1714f 494-1 177 £ah,,,.,, IHI ......••.............. 1wmmraa11 lehlncl In p1ymant1. •220,000 In e1tl9tl"-ft· nenc1no. • •or I ·~ eot.m•g~·c.a. ........... MIO_iu BY DWIER Three bdrm 3'A bath, 1paclous IMng room. dining room. <fen with wetbar. Two fir ... plac ... prlvat1i ape In aauna room 4300 sq. '1. Beautlfully decorated home with views of B•y and Ocean •I 119 final, Slll,000 OWNER WILL CARRY OPEN SAT-SUN. NOON 'Tll 5 PM 2323 CLIFF DR. NEWPORT BEACH ' .......... ~-•••• '"" pror .. 1w111 dNOnled. Lia. MW, 11pll.._lld I a + den, 2"' 8A, bar1,poo~ ..... ~1 ..... -dowa, De rr1~t111 OPIN HOUll IATUIDA Y l•li • .1111 IA YllDI COVI .-r . ""'°" IMCll I UN ITS HUNTINOTON BCH 10 'Y"I °"' all 2Br. "458,000. Bkr. 530-0123 111111~ ASSUME l\.t~ lo9n. BY OWNER • Prtoecl IELOW MAAl<ET at ta•7,500, OIWIC IOw ~ 2nd. Open THURS..IUN. 117 Jennifer Lana, C.M. &48-1975 or 1..,1-6242. ~ No. LAQUna prttM ocean vu. TQSI toc.tlon. M IO, ---------"'"-I 000. O. Woodfin , en-1n1 ... TU-.111 ....... lafl etementa pride ot owi• lhlp. Moclerft 8pe. nl1h 1tyte tour untt apartm9"t flouM wltfl ~.-.&golfoourw ...... '° ....... O"IY U"aa'yHra ot•. 1"°"9111laMW ...... ................. :~il•••"ouH"d• •• .... ,,...,, 1111,000 .. .., MleW .,,, .... ,., .......... oottll 'f'lllOtPAL.I ONLYI Cati ••"or ",.,...., .. associated i ~ • - -• . . Nwpt 8Mfl. 3 Br on choi- ce grHnbelt, 1flttp. 11121 . .......a311. Otf THE WATERI Or .. t view Of boatl & bayt 1r101t "'•f lace, oountty kltoNn. ldml ,..,..,,,,,.. ~. ,,..,,.. ..._ now. •rs mo. c.11 e~ THE MAL ESTA TIRS 3 br. I b!.\. frptc, I car r;fl8· -a to bellefl • ..,,.. ...... .. .. Orange Cout OAILV PtLOT/Frtday, Aprtt 301 1982 \ DOLLAR DAV DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-tonger-Mlded Item• for cath. If It doesn't eetl, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One ttem per ad, mutt be priced. Sorry. no real eetate or commercial ads. Call today for full detall1 • .... ""'"•"· .. .,. ... .,..., '!I.. 3AYS ... NES CU881FIED8642•5678 OLLA RS Real 'Estate-the Com.plete Orange Coast Market Place ~!!!.¥~.~!~.'!!~ .. '9~!!!!.f~/~.'!!!!~ .. Alul•atJ A,.ll•nl1 A,ulal•lf ,,.,,_.,, ,,..,,..,,,, ~V111ll• ••ul14'80 '••1'11,. ,.,,, 4'11 Ollln ••t1l • 4400 • IH a. J'•ff , _ •---" 1 ~ fl.Jarml..W Dalu•l•A" D"1,. .. l.J.lfl r.1~ UaJll'9l:IW ·•••••••••··•········· •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ·~ t• • Nl!!'!t, _. 1':': •••••••••••••··~······ •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• nr.r. ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••;.... Wanted rmmtr. ~ *Ill.Ill .,,..* •••• ••••••••••••••••• Tiny·~·tu"cii;:Ti;ik"io C.111 .,., 3114 C11t1 .,., lll4 • ..,,.,,.,, •utl•flM #ntMtl IH1A 311 T HfHPORTf 1EAC9 H Meture llberel maie. 2 br From 1 room to 3 roome. Wlltdlff 2Br -N50 beach 1250 Utll Incl •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •---" _.._. ····•I'•·••••••••••••••• urn ey urn, ••view 2 b1. ept. Lag. Bch. From 11 18 • '"" tt. No ., __ ..... .., ..... 1 · · · E11t1IC1• 1 bdr, pool ---JHlj 3140 model home. Now thru 494-8218. · ..... .,_.,,.,.,, ..... -1200 414-2789. ' ft llundrt' adutta no s>N. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• p•nK llrlllDnDJ Seo! Oc:tl & Cetellne vu 3 IMM reqUlred. Ad). Air· ~ ~'!'!'!>'.~ Furn. L~una BHch lu· •ealiB,.U u 751m'.o. 933_7890 · Huntington Crt•k Apt. uw. 2 M ~nrUI\ +fem rm ueoo mo Utll Fem. r3oomm~~·· 25 or port• Inn. 2112 Dupont, ..,. ... ....,.... ..... --lo • Dltl.tM 1 & 2 lfr. Frpc», New ......_tr..,,. Condo. Incl. Owner/agt.(Y14) OW/(, Br 2...., Bel 111. Cell AM. 833-3223 Beyald• Cove 2/den xuryat • •· Satalllt• APUT•ll E/81d• 2br, 11>1, HOO; enc lad g1r1g11 TV Br. 114 81. bltn1, oer. APID~ 340-28n , M0-3294. 875-6218 Jeenlne. '2200 TV, aaune, !Mid MMc:e, eeautltully lendac1ped 1br, 1be. '400. No pile. 11our1ty. 10-1613, lrPlc. Pool. '725 + dep. MllllU1hl , Roommate, ctNttve--450 aq 11· furn. office Weet Bay &Br/Cloclc '3250 phone• .• 115/WHk. g:e1en ~ta. Pool & ~ 845-9181, 752-ot11 MJ 8AM-5PM ~. • 714-2103. ...--apece. '40()/mo. W t~ I u~ ""-4K-2227 II J ... Jn•-1-•6 •&.--.. ._ pie. or11nted Pfof. preter. 841-.0753 ..... Uon1 """'1--. ntu• . ,.!>~·~!!!king. HHt ept, '275. THE WHIFFLETREE 1·2-3 28r, 1'A81, '375+1375••••• .... '!'!!.::.~.l!:':': red 10 lht 2 Br w/ltUdy, • -·~ IHd ,111 ~ ..--· 1395 VIiia Incl, rlfflg. No pile. Bdrm. Apt1. Oym, Spa, dap, 011 pd, nr Beech U¥ml • fully 1urn .. UH/mo. BAYFRONT •••• ••••••••••••••••• 1 Br ~55 Mey 1. 842·t908 Sauna. l)Ool, tannta, etc. Blvd & MacF1Clden, IEWJf•T C . M. 5/ 15. Debra 8eautlful 3 br. 2 be home, 22!0 Vanguatd540-9121 E. SIDE-3Br, 28a, ear . 846-0e19 qYlet, no p«a. 8~M 548-3981, 556-8804 Prime office. 873-1003 18~4 Port Bar mouth, children OK, no p:r.. Deluxe poo191de, xtra 1.,_ Im.. UU 11111 FlllEIS F to w 2 br houlle, E/llde iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !.:~2';;)4f:·1:0~: p.,._ $45-0/~o.12 Br. 1'A 81. 1825 mo.+ MC dep, r• ge 2br, 2bl, bltn1 , •••••••••••••••••••••• Oldeat & lar t cy C.M., S250, 11t, lut & 'h execuplan SPYGLASS RIDGE IDll'fM- W111VllW 4 Br. 2~ Bl. 2 flreplaoea, putUno grMn, gardenef. $1700/mo. RMltor. JoVQe Edlund 542-8235 Big Cenyon, McLain Ad\111 Condo. 2 bdr, 2 b•. pool, tenn11, HCured parklno. $1000/mo. 833-7890 2 Br. 2 ba COfldo. and unit, pool. Bike to bNdl. Enci. garage. 1 chlld.Qk. Avail, 5118/82. $850 )19ar •••· u . Seo. dap. $850. 873-n37. HWNITCIUT Baautllul 4 Br lam rm. dining rm. COndo, OCMn vie'#, pool, tennll. Y•l'IY $1200/mo. 546-0e8&. BACK BAY Condo, edit. onenteci, 3 bf °' 2 ' oen, 2 bl, bltn1, l rlga. WIO. lrpl. Ill new decot. p<><* LEASE REQUIRED Spaclcul studios. one and two t>e01oom ao;1rt· ments FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED. Oakwood also ollets •All Utllltial Plld 'lmmediMe Occupency • s 1 Million In Reereetion And Mucn More' Fo1 a montl\ o• a ltle· iwne Models C>nPO \1,:lv 9am to Som No !!9U· ~:u'n'dr: ~!~~·ar:!1r~'. fundable. Avall May 1. dawtir, 1~ mllff beech. New 1 br 1pt tor 1•11•. A luxury community on All client• .::'ean~tti utlla. 842-7471 Cloelto ell. Cell'ror eppt. 14e-9591 Adulte, no peta. S500mo. many otrll, 1550. the 8edt Bay. 8pectac:u. photoe & reflrencea. F/M Furn. Rm,,.., 1tlh & "A ... 11111111" TSL "--t. 642-1803 B h f 536-8382 Jo1nn1 955-1833, lar 8p1, 7 awlmmlng Cr.Oita: r ...-.ft Pl..:Mltla. Wltt/dryf. lull Full ~cu.tom ....,,,... IC • or rent, unturn. 536-8720 pool1. 8 lighted tenn11 :..i.ood .~nlng,...,,,..... .. __._-·_ kit nr ...__ .... •200 +utll ....... & ~__._ '205/mo. P ..... call Deluxe 2 Br. 1 B1. In \t """' ,,,,__ ,,,_.., • o...... ....,. ~· Wcstfleld , .... , .,,..- Beautiful garden 1pt1. P1tloa/deck1. Heat peld. No pet1. Chlldren wel· come. 2 Br. 2 Bl. '535 3 Br. 2 Bl. leOO 398 W. Wllaon 831-5583 Of 842-3708 l ....... AllYI $365-$475/mo. 1 & 2 Br. apta. new carpet, petloe, C8lp0f11. Cat OK. TSL Mgmt 542· 1803 552·13et. 4-plex. OW, hook-up1, J,, IHA 314' courta, bike tralla, put-The Tomon'ow Show.' no' tut 648-2093 ' Nr. O.C. Airport encl ad &:.Wr No pet1 ••~•••••~••••••••• ting green. 81chel0fl, 1 *"'off* to .. newcllentl R "SM to AWedltet" 2 bdrm, fenced. quiet. · · Ocaenfront 2 br, 3 ba, end 2 bedreo111.apart-who need 1 .......... oommet• wanted M/F to llMlll cul-CS.UC. 011age '495 $485. 54 · 3100 aq 11 In Oki Medlt. ment1 end \oW'lhOfJHI IEWfllT N .l 1IH ltlat• 2 bdrm. 1 ba hae. --lllllllililllliliilill-- mo. Evea 714-594-1881 1 Br. Crpt, drpa & retrlge. VIII• on cllfl o'looklng from S540 to SfOOO per • Lg yd w/gar. Leave --------2 b 1'~ b •10 J s No pet1 ocean. 3 trplca, IHded month. mHHga on bu• An11-Small lulte, 215 Rlv«llde, r, 1· v a.nn t. C .. I 980-2875 on JambOfM 1t Mila to lhr w/2 fem,....,. phone 845-3273 N.8 .. 1cro11 from Poat Adulta pref. Small dog wndw1, huge b11m1, .,_ ...--Office S350/ ok. $475. 848·5438 2 Br. 1 81. nr BHch & deck, eJec. gate, dbl• -n -!Plqul!J Hiiia Roed Newport Shorea h<>me. 2 Female. non amok er. · mo. 28 ,, new Int. lnoCI yd. IJI· Slat•. enctad gar. '416. 'gar .. miny tr .... Slape (Ja,4~1 . room1 ev1t1. Mey 15. 25-40 to atwa 2 bdrm. 2 545-4726/5'W-5557 rage. 2229 Rutgara Or. No peta. 841·9348 d1ys, to pvt bHch. One of 2 81'>. ond ppar, Randy, 8•5• 752-0851 bl L1gun1 Beach apt Newport 8aKh near Hotig 1-465 mo. (2131 875-8132 840-1071S evea. moat dr1m1tlc 1pt1 on WHtfllll/Oo er ., a. W1nted; Perton to ahr 3 with ocean View. '375 & Hoap. 1000aq. It. MCOnd Co11t. Cpl or 1gl pref. ctu k br, 2 b1 apac. apt In 'h utll. 494-3304 ltC)()( offlcel, emple par- 2 .~~i~'"r,.'tro.B:.~.o;::.: 13500/mo . yrly . to . CdM. Walk to beach. Prof lam tolhr2 er 2 8a klncf· well maintained 2 Br. t Bl. ,_carpet & paint. $500/mo. 1 Broker 851-8800. tannl• 1575. f-728-3081 Mo-S829 Evaa 1425/mo. & ·~ utlla. api. 15°00 Ocean vu. b I L v Icky d. y. dyl. &40-5309 9Vee. ~ Very n 38r. d • a, Ron ~28/875-4411 875-3805 714/ 5-4800. Sharp 2 BR 2 81. lge 8 Molt e6egent ept. bldg. In yrty rental. 1875 ~ Shr INrp hie, FV, mini to Sht lrg 3 Br duplex CCIM Con1u1t1nt In lrvlne hH rooma.111 bttna Incl O/W, 1 ~th~,.. n,: Laguna Beach, fin Ht I.E. fwy. M 22-35, 1290 utll non.' m k r Pro I . luge office to •hare. gar, No. Coate M ... nr n. • It, locatlon In town, brMth-Incl. Big acreen TV. $285/mo Ui.4239 . Near Airport. Real Roomy 3 Br. TownhouM McDonald•. u 25 mo. & dep. 842-4431 tailing vtews, 811 bult-lna, I -1 "4-2788 Nldt · terms. Cd 752.0188 apt In quiet adult com· Call 540-1158 Ilk tor ''• mlle beadl, 2 br. 2 car heated pool. aub. 11•· 2 Roommet .. to •hr 3Br BAYFRONT: Female for CCIM dlx aulte, AJC. ample plex. Newly decorated, Lany Of Pem . gar, cov'd patio, Ill pool re9e, elevator . Le11e NewponBr I Heigh'! prlvalote-~ ~ Jacuul C M $250 Belboe lllend 3 Br. 2 Bl. pttg utM pCI 2855 E. C11 fltepAeee. erldld patio & B.E rlghll & rec •r•••· onty $850&up 330Cllft . w garage,. Pll • -. • . . 1350/mo. +.,.. u1111 . ......; 575-eOoo gar1ge.Sorry,no pat1. AUTlfUL 3 BrMeu 1875/mo.2131926-4798• 0r494-8083 · utlla&gerdenarlncld. mo.M3-8410,83~171 Bry an873-1388 or "-1 · S575 Mo. 845-3381 or Verde twntu>ma type. · · '375/mo. Aidulll. no Uk for Gary 850-1324. HllEICUL 875-5949. 1~~~~ !~clf~:!'J~:r~t~0 v:cc::n'. ~..82~. ,::.1~~~ Studio 1310. ~block peta. 752-2550. Shr • br, 2~ ba Bluff• Female non-tmoker lfflll $500/mo. 2 Br. 1 e.. up-p1t1. SIS60. 3094 Mace Keith, 982-4471 ~·. ':~·2~ SNrpgerden.QUlllhome, condo . Nwp t Bch, Rmmt wanted,_ 8.C. Prime Beach Blvd., at per apt., enclld g1r1ge, Ave 548-4011 494-MOI. !!'!;.quiet, WID. etlo, $230/mo. Alk for Henry. Plaza. Avail now. '225 + Slater, H.B. 847-25-47 Newpo'1 Belch/No. batcony/petlo, l1undry · · AILm11I lPT1 -.... mo. 72().-0572. ~ utlla. 957-2831 tv mag. -------- 880 Irvine rm. Avail. ~5. Dix 2 BR. Wiik In cloMta. Neer beach. Speclou1 i,, ... , Mint/ UIJ 9pac1oue 1 & 2.Br anta 1 Shr 3 Br beachfron1 hOU-Condo tow 2 br. 2'A ba WA~ DH Oakwood Glrden Apartments 1~1 '61111 TSL Momt 842-1803 bltn alove & 0/W, mOlalc q u I et 2 8 r . 1 '"' 8 e . ••'•"••••'••••••••••• . ~ . ae yr le11 *2"'0 Sea , • • ........_ II .,.._ 11.i...1 & patio. $1150 mo. 11t, lut & MC. 542· 1155 floor. pvt p1tlo. more. T ,. 1 Br. upgraded. neerly mlle from beech. No _ .. ;._Or .~ .. •,.5"'1.; • patio, frplc. C.M. 1285. -n• .... (714)145-1'04 1 er,+.E.alde.11t&lalt ChlldOK.refa.SSOO. ownhouae.S495/mo. new pool tennla pet1.M2·23ST. .,...,.., ·'""""' .evea. lmmeel.831-7808 Superbly lurnl9hed.Vlew $a Cl•tall JZTf Newport 8elch/So.. t.:~~ty. S500. Call 84~11S93 880-8859. S550imo. 213/919·118i 2 BR, Yrty. on the beadl. Shr hN w/lull prlv. Avell Rmmte. w1nted, 3 br, 2 ~tr r:~:r~tvu:'c':" a·EA.CH .. COTT.AGE9.'2 1700 16th St I 2 Br. TownhOuM, l 'h Be. 3 br condo w/l)Ool, 2 ml. •It 7PM. $850 mo. lit.-~ NC. lmmed. $225 mo. utll b•. upper It"')' dpbc. ON S52S..$850, 2 room Mitt•: (Dov•• 1116111) ~$525/mo. 2 Br. t Ba. No pet1. 1450/mo. 755 to beach, avall. now . ., •--·" ••11 875-7907 J! ~ Incl. a.2..aeq THE BEACH. Bal. Penln. $1175. 67~9400 bdrm, 2 bl. Wik to train. (7u ) ....... 113 !...'t1oto•rtry;.1_h, d•g·.~..'_P.!!.; W. 181h. St ...... .,507. $600. 559-8881 wknd/ •._,, -·• -R 1 _.. t _.. New b""' y.+u IN 1387 ---------twn, bch. 1700. 492-7913 ~ -~ ,.... .,.... tw .,_,,...., '""""' evs ••••r.;;•••••••••••••• New 1 Br. I 1. VIII• Bel-oom~• •want ... 0 ... r 38'.."3 "' · Balboa Penln Sub leaM 2 celling•. gatage. Brand new Condo 2 Br. 2 WUTIUff boa Adult Condo with 38r 211\BI condo. H.B. mo. 8 301 olll<lee of 10oo aq It ee IH 1••• TSL Mgmt 842-1803 Ba. garage. frplc. yerd. 1 br condo, 1450· VIII• Baeut. 1 bJ 6 den, frplc, view ot CetalltJ.• eun~t1. *275 utll lnct. 846-5e59 G111•n /11 i.at 4360 Utll. Janltorlal & P.rklng 3Z11 Sharp I 18 5 O I mo . ~~;)792~~~, 8g~;:4°'· pool. $550. M0-7814 $850/mo. 84A459. M C1V9' 30 lhr 2 br, 2 b1 ••••'-•••••••••••••••• Incl. 673-8810. 2e;~2·a:·~d~~·t•~jj; IUll IEITALJ ~!:;r .1 ~=wM:::o~~r~~ 8'M811 & "4-8289· ..;...__; _______ I 1 BR condo, Ver11lllH. $a Cl•Mll 3111 turn. moblle home, pool, o~:l~a~~·~~r= EXECUTIVE OFFICE Bal- Oana Point Harbof. $800 Av1ll1ble now. S300 pet1. Gar. $500/mo . Large 3 Br. 2 Ba. carpet, Ilk• new. 1550 mo. Call•••••••••••••••••••••• 'tr/,0N(JB. $3~~9~~~· w 1tth c M 548-2277 boa Penn 525 It $400 mo. Incl gu & wtr. Clll week up. Agent 833-8974 drepea,gerage.Kk110K. Richard, 213·630·2323; Studio ~pt, oc11n view, ep. • • · ' · · · mo. Prlv Ba. 'A /C Mlke (7l4)752·7855Clya 87M170. * 3 br SC,.. __ S A Nopet1.2901Mendoa, 213-823-78$-4 utMlncld.'375mo.332 876-4ll>3 OBL.Storageap.$100. 857-8 111 . 875·3800, Of evea c7141982•9748 ---------1 • nr · · .--... · · 557-8177. 2Br 1be Mt In kltcti Encl Encino In San Clement• 3 br 1wnh1e, N.8. Pool, C.M. Secure, gated. 551-6834 •--•-•--.,. .. '::P~~~~~·J.~. 3A~: ~'. ~2~21:'7:; 2 bdrm, 1 b&. Open Sat. & patio & gar. 153S, no ( ... the Mgr Apt Cl Jae, uuna. 111• 1111 & ~~i~ o 1 c · J · 0 r Col --1.1-MMl--2-50-lf-. _IUl_t_• _.. .. -_._ now Mo-4784 841-1480. Sun. 10am-4pm. 247 E. • S-·~t"'Gtta -"•, 842·2134 Adult Studio, 1tov dep . Reh. *225· *175mo. Utll lnc·ld. 779 •••••••••••••••••••••• . _,,. '' ..,..._ I I Ill 12*0/ 831-0502 S • SC Plaza Area. 3 bdrm, •--2 .. _ SC .,.__ 18th (corner of 18th & • 'OOI' Ille 'Aoo"' r ge. u •· v mo. torag• garage, alngle, w 19th St 851-6928 tpc, lg yd, petlo Now Studio, aummer onty, '"'· .... nr • • .--Weetmlnater). '425/mo. • 11 21111 Piiio A1111 NO FEEi Apt. & Condo l5l0 mow In • ...,..52. Shera 4 Br. home, bet-9x2 • Co a ta Me11. ----·-----Aval leOO ...,_ ......._...._ $500/mo. S.A. Pool, ape. '550. No 873-«>71 (213)«1·1592 • Garden llfl01••"1no r91'11.lla. VIie Rentelll. _,Bay& OcMn Avlll ISO/mo. 842-4907wkdyl Colla Mell, Harbor & · .....,._m"'. Neer bMdl. 975--0870 peta. 75 2-5822 or ' _,. 876-4912 Broll•. i..u Au ,,,, Mey 1. e75•2837 afi 9.5, Baker, 240 IQ. It 11t 5'0-4314 841-1480. Famlly ept. 2 br, 1 be, 1 • 0.tl'twUhett & 8801 •••••••••••••••••••••• 8PM floor . private entrance, ., ,._, _ _. -· s U::,MMEA Fum *3br s c Plaza s A c:hlld, no pet, 1425, $300 • J09toS.idl1 ShOps unmr ~ .. UY . Oar•g• tor rent $45 mo. nc>-amoklng. $250/mo. •n~•ll --t Apt. • • nr · · · · · depoalt. 842-1010 3 Br. 2 Ba. 11800/mo OeMce 1 Br. ALL utlllt• F/rmmte to 111r 2br 2ba MM1 del M11 Ar ... Cell SI • r re Mgmt co. •••HOMlrF·oo·RENT••• SSOO/mo. 975-0879 Oar, pool, •P•· 1750. )Wlfy. 2131282-7733. paid. Poor, rec reom. E.11e1e c .M. apt. s200 751-9905 tve mllMQI a.t-1324. 2Bdrm.1475. oar--. 1 YEARLY 1Br. 1Be. dectt. ~,!1111d1 .. ~· 752•5522 or ... lflal Jlll BEAC,.,,.,. e•y 20102 Blrc:tl St. Jul! oft mo. Pref. 1tudent IMl1 •--I'-' .... --0-1f-1--,- 1-1-1--h--...,.. f '" • """"'· •••••••••••••••••••••• vn " .,_._tol ........ ~ 831-0411 viult -... ~ ce u • o I are. chtld OK, no pell. 1c r o11 rom beech, -3 br, 2'A be townhouae. 1 Br 1 Be, b1yfront i'9oi' ~·-um-v· •••••••••••••••••••••• ~·· ProlwaloneJly S..S.2000. Agent, no fae. '#W/dryr, '475 mo. Ind Ee1t1tde 2 BR, am yard. Open hOUH Sat & Sun T~·.~~~·.·~! 1f:i'fy1~111~~ home, tennla c:rt, beectl, Aft mo. tact Mngr OCMnfront, M/F nonamkr mll ml furnlahed & decor . All HOMES FOR RENT utll. 873-4132 optional-ettach gar. 1·4. 25421 Alta Vl1t1. Claulfied Ad. Call Toelay all utll. Incl. 1175/mo .,..t. 4· 1hr 2 br, 1 ba hou11, Superb 17th St. locatlon. equipment. 1700 IQ.It. 3 & 4 Bdrma. ss1s-i100 A,.,,..,, =0· 900 aq.lt. 881-5824 Of 837..()708 842-5878 )'T1y. 87S-8889 ...... ~ 4#0 $440 & ·~ utl ... 873-8184 1 room, 400 aq It. $380 total. 1503 So. Co111 Fenoeel yard• & geragea. U. /mmdt4 ••••••••••••••••uAu Raap, clean, non amkr. mo. 918-9477 da, ev, onve. Coate Mau. 1950 Kldl & pet1 welcome. ••••~••••••••••••••••• 1 .. 2 .. I .. Furn. room nr ~Airport fem Shr 1ge Clpil(, pvt rm wknd mo. Cell Miu Coe at 545-2000. Agent. no IM. 0.atri/ 31fJ Newly decor. OH pd. & UCI. .,.,~~ or W/O, dee* & !pk:. CCIM: C.M. 2 offtcel. 345'. beth. _7_5_l_-4_19_1 ____ _ C..'-lal •••••••••••••••••••••• encl gar. dwahr, pool, Tell Mom owr. l200/mo. 241 S280 mo. Shr utll, eve 11or1ge aveu. $250/mo. Prime olllc• apace. Co· u.1....s: 34JI llYDLY IW bbQ. Adult•, no pet1. RM. for rent In ~l1t11n 759-9143 548-3345, 494-3803. rona del Mar. $850/mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• Ulllf 942•5073. =·~~~~ ·CO.ta Prof. M/F 1h1re luxury 1817 Weatclltt, N.8. Want 97s.95 lO Near new adult condo nr Our "Wlllhlre Corridor" Nice 2 Br. 1 Ba. In 4-ptu. • tum. Condo. S.C. Plaza. lln1ncl1I lnat. 70001.1. IC lllPllT SCPlau.Sec getH. Sult•ofl•notonlyple-$440.879•8Centar. y L H OV.21.pool.~.tqla. S285 . 641 ·-'825, 11t. floo r . Agent • • . pool. Tr1ct la 1m1ll, turMque vi-. & 1me-~484. e e Ref. St• to Bch. N9'#· 966-8479 S..1-5032 Office apace available, friendly, reaort-llke. 1 nltlH , too numerOUI to So Coelt Plea 1bf 1be 0 u 0 v r port BaKh. 548-42e<> • Non-amkr, 3br condo, ---------i _5_5-_laq-'-tt-. _eee_.0_ 1 - 22 -- BR, dining, air. p1t10. mention. but al10 24 lull MO, pool/a~. 1455 $200/ + ~ utll ll50 Acroaa the Pott Office am Secluded and unit. No llOur uniformed aecurlty lndda QM/w1f 1 no Room for rant, f>!ollllk>-mo. · llU. tllTD 111. 215 Rlverlld•. CM. pet1. 1495 + 135 utll. & • full aervloe bUlldlna. fM 951..()222 · • nil mall In 30 '· beaut. dep. 9M-3854. H.B. •WNIT 840-5557, 545-4728 ?75-2580 Come 1ee for yourHlf N.B. home. Kitchen ortv.. Slngle Mother In 30a & 8 El t E It I our one, two & three Ull& 1111 lPT1 pool 1v111.,,.S250/mo. mo old git'! would lllte 10 •g•n xec au H n Olllca 1p1c• 1v1ll1bl•. New comp. 2 bdrm, gr•t toe. Avlll now. $795 mo. FOf Mtalll 979-3378. 751-8184 bdrm Miit• now avllta-This Mother' a Day send Mom a greeting & enter our 1100 dep. 780-8242. ahire houaln" In New· pre1llglou1 loc. Incl H · 85' to 11.00 per toot In ...... f~ ...... _. Adult llvlng,' 1 Br .. car-"W orld's Greatest M om .. contest at the aame time. Our 1·udgea ...,... n--.... /coa• 18 .. __ cretarlel, receptlonlat, Cannery VIiiage. Burr ....., .,. -port. pool & laundry. No Room for rent, prlv ent. """· ........,, ..,_. telephone an1 & more. Wlllta Rltr 875-4630 The w...... Eetlna. l)N. '450. 931 w. 19th. will select thr nice11 Mother's Day Greeting and that mother will aeo per wtc °' 1175 per ar•. 844-2584. Olea trom 1438 mo. On· ----· ---- 2l3/273-9150. St. 548-0492. rere1ve a SSO g1f1 certificatt from a leading department store. mo. No S«:w11y. ICIMI fOf Reep. F to lhr 3 br, 2 be call ofc1 1 185 mo. THE Paycho-therapy office ........... 752-8731 • elngla men. J1y EvH. h c M F I N HEADQUARTERS COM· avall. Npt Beh. 355 Pie· 31r Me 111 2 Br. newly redee. oupax 881 9528 ouH, · · ,.rp c. 0 PANIES A teaal 1 c ti A 309 1 blk 7521731 • w/llngle gar.; lerge yerel. 1t•s casv. write vour meuage to fit one of the borders below • l)NOfklela.$290+utlll. 1 : prot (7on:l tr 8 n ~·$31~ ,._,_,A $500/mo. 56e-5001. d bo .. _ f 1 . h ___ ... _ Lovely room w/1tteched Av1ll. May 1. Kally :~,~~men · 1 om · -,-xn or t1ign your own ruer o ~ua size wit message 111MU11:. be. overlooklng pool, 780-0991, 54~28 Ottk:e In CdM, 2nd 1tory l'll'8llW ,.__ ...,... 1""" 3lfl s5oo/mo.Brlmmed. occu-Borders come in 3 sizes. S 18, SI O and the srv.caal child 1izr for apa. aauna. w9lk to bctl. 2500 1q ft condo. Bly· NHr Sen Diego Fwy & walk-up. Ocean view. •• • ..,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• pency 2 1 Ba. hoc.M r -k l I S250 •L t d & II 1BR ;;'.iiy~;d~:.:,.-Ywtyllnell t Br.Apt for 1 yard, im. all.garage. eeti S4 for duldrcn under 12 years of age. ten. pr v. +'" view, pool on beeu Harbor 4 ofllcel aulte & cp •· rp• •pine ng . .milt =ouy • me;· quiet adul t. no pet a. tor~ ut ... Sl50 MC. Avall. June Greenbelt. 557-7883 Of front office & recept. 420 aq It. 875-5444 540-7 CM' . 1425/mo. Incle! utll. TSL t 842-1803 lat 9834382. 840-&339 lrH, 2 bath• & kltche-Newport BHch office · · 875-2975. iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiii Bring or mail your greeting to the Daily Pilot, 330 W . Bay NB 1 vt let f nett•. air. & furn. avall. ~-to we._ •-mo' S ,..__ u C · · ge, P • qu urn. lmmaCI avall 11.wn rm w/pvt 1850 mo. 549-2921 ~ .... 2 ~-200• -"' · ~ .. .._,. lmnhW Dbl exec 2 Br apt, )Wl1y :T.":.-;:;:-............. S875. 208'A Peerl. No C..u ..., '114 peta. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1_2_b_d_r_m_1_p-t.-Y-.-a-rl_y_$_7_00_1 SPACtOUS 1 Br. 1111 • •I 227"' Coral Ave. Bl $700. Fireplace, pool & much AU. UTILITIES PAID 213-395-3511 more. Compare before you rent. CU.tom dM6gn ,... turea: Pool, BBQ, cov'rd garage. surrounded wfth pluah l1nd1c1plng. No j)N. 1 Br. turn. from '490 2 Br. fuM. from l580 385 W. WlltOn, 842-1971 Pro,....onelly decor.led 1 Br. condo with 111 1menlt111. near 8.C. PIHi, ye.,ly le11e SHO/mo. 541-3788 or 5as.1202 an a. Nice 1 er. dptx. QI.Mil. a.., by o•r. 1 empfyd 1dult °""so. Ho~·· '330. s.ta.1021 ... ,., nu ...................... Super 1 er. v... baloon)'. mini OOMll vtew, ... .,. bed . ••a11mo. ........ 491-4903. .......... ••• !!t!t. •••...•• ~~! ,,, ... lnianll .. .•. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Weetllde 2 8t t 84t cen-48 R. 2BA. yearly. Frplc, t ral hHtl n,:, ,,,;age btt-ln1, parking. C6oM to • • • • b a Y 6 oce 1 n . 8 rte r 1tove, carpeta, dr1pe1. 176-4912 No peta, children, water· bad1. S450 + eacurlty • • • 1 BR yrty, lmmac, up-depoalt. 1146·11442 or per unit, aecure. Vtew of _n_o._151_29_. ____ ~ t>ay. 155!1 Incl utll & gar. Le r. 1 Br 31 1 Edgewater. Open ' · garage, nNr Sat 1-3 173o-llM3 8 . • Plaza. S400/mo. · · Avail. Sa t. May 111. C.... "1 .,, 1111 _9.,,...12;...-eee_1_. --...,.--t ••• •• ••• ••• ••••••••••• 2 Br. 1 IL 8-ned dnoa. 2 Br. 11,t ltocka from 22H E Maple. Ufo. beach. •1ao1mo. D1y1 540 uu ~~~~: Ewe & WMdl -2-br-, -,~---. -ifplc--, OW--. SM--1 W.... ...__.,, . .-.. patio, gareo-. No peta. -to_.. .. AJ -pd. 1621. J43.647t 1 rm w~ ~ l300 "'°· --liiiiii--l Ref1 . No kttotien . &IUllT Mt-9322. (21S)tl2·1112 INilil 11 Unf\lm. eeudlo. ii'la. Utll 1 er. ta70/mo. Couplia9 lncld, retrlfe. No pet1. ..,..,,..., no,...., 975-tlOI. 2480 ,...._, BMI. C.11 ... 1114 __ c-. __ ... ..;,.;_. _ _. •••••••••••••••••••••• --· fNI II DOlfllO. t 9r. 11.4 8L TOWllll a--. 11 tM*- lnl. '*'°"Y. llundry ""' coverM ,.,111111. Ni.. locllllofl TIL t .. unta ~•CN. A. 92626 before 5 p.m .. M ay 6th -Of you 1tudlo. NII eufftctency, beth In 8 beeutlfUIhM 1n 1--------1_·---=-"'-'"------ rney order your messages by ce.lling 642·5678, we have many '450/mo. 84M2t0 Irv. 731-8830 ~ ~a:'nt N.B. loe .. 580 aq.lt. Hart>or BIYd nr borders to choote from and we'U bill you or charge 10 your Visa Free bec:hetof91'-• mature NEWPORT BEACH 1 eee:.1n9i 640-8215 Baker St. CM. (oppoelt• or M aaterCard. ~~:!'rr. fOf beby· Mature M/F lfv 5 br hM FEDCO). Vacant. cpt1, 11e m.e ....... .....,., Dir~ -I..,.., ill IM IWr ... • IMr, ...,, .... ,.._ •• o.... .... "• .... •IJ ... • altt & • 546-4731, $300 llt/lalt 14e-5355' 520 1q. It. 11.00 per aq. •mp I• Pkg. Mgr. ' . It., 3975 Birch .. N.B. 5'9-13ee ..,.,. ,,.,., .,,, '=·~Jr..~·~~ _Agent 541·5032 --.----.-,---- ······'··············· Bdr. '350, 2W5. Ol8n•. Dbc. ··~ ault•. 2,012 aq ... a PUii! 531-1288 It, lnc:l'g. 2 axec. ca.,. 5 Aeea. W•IY Rat• p1rtloneel 1ub-ofc1, g. Kit~. Ptlonee Haemate. Lag. Bch, M/F, cntrl. wont .,. .. plua lg: "Z" ohannlf Movtee Clfn, neat, w9lk to ocean recpt. rm. All done In 81ndplper, 1H7 New-plus w . '350. SIOO aec. :; ..-..... decoration, ....... , b .. ut. i,.., utttt. •07..e783 an 1 ./.c...--....--,, .... Bl. ,..__,,_ tC ....... 1117 in •Prc•1r1nc1, In loc. ..,.,.._ --MfF reep. yng edutt, non· ~==---pre1t ge bldg. Newport 1--11-11---------amkr. Matr Br, nr bMCtl .,,_ ..,_ ~!:~~! .. Merine Bldg. ~---·-CdM. 511-1011. a21a. ~---- t10I & up. cotor TV. ,... 873-1732 ..,_ ,_,., H• Phon•• In room. 2274 --------•••••••••••••••••••••• w111~ rental• now avall. 8AM..ePM Sheron or T• I N9wport BMI. CM. Went Ad Awlll• · • Mlflll .. 141-7445 --------1----------4 Pnme bWlfllMI looetton r--OCEi--~--IE-CA--,,,, "" on tMy Pac. COMt ~. • ••••••••••••••••••••••, •••••••••••••••••••••• lde•I retell &/or o«lc• ....,..,.°''' .,... '°' ...,.. ,_ H9W..::=-& d~h via~ VI.LI -Kennebunkport ? ~7100 111 " Aeellttore.a2tl0Awn at., 1640 eq.tt. plUI • car • Isn't he the guy who kicked 1br, ar. ll1tot11, e,011 the winning fiekiaoal doo•• tro"' '" in the '74 Superbowl? ..,,..14t w.-0 mo. 200I """°' Dr. f'V"'\ N. ODO• md1 (!;:. I u ( llfl" ~ ca..,... 71411t2•111t ·~~ f41-t777 or Cr .., .. ~ ....... ~ • .... IM&IY ~PftOG•CIY "°" &.IAll r1erw.r:~ .. '.., ...... . .......... '---.. . ptrt. A1uu111 IMM w/ ., .... ,....., ,.._ teln Yalltf ...... Of· •trlet, ,,0 .... Ntt, ,.....,.v .... 11711. N11._1 Wlel•ft•, ....... ' J .. rw .,._.,. .. ru. ,, •• ~ ...... u.. ,,..,...,. "···-'-···"··-••••••••••••• •••• !!'-4...-~ ............................. . .....• ~ ••.•••••••••• r:::;;;;;w............ ....................... ~ 11L£•it..1•fA&J.,.lO OAAPIT "9AI" UECTAIOIAN-Prlaed 1'1111 HAUUHQ l DUMP VAHO&NKM Ull'f l&TD itLASTER ftATCHIHO "- & INSTALLATION, right, ''!!,!•tlmate on T___./_____. ,...___ JOel. Aek tor "-'dy, u-'t"Ot 8C~V~ PAINTING M&-1388 !!,:•t .... ucc,o•p·~~lf.!f'i.1nO t:..Ktna.=~i1 lqUleky tin tlUd 23 yre WOt OI .,,_ ~ • ......-,...,_._, .._, 641 .... 27 -· • oomm •-· •·-· ' .., '".,.. lkpef. guarent..d l ln· Uo. 3"'21. 118-0Sll yP, lewn 1'9ftOV, 781~71 TrH trim, OIHn-up. W~K~r:' .!E!'!a. lnV •• __ .,_ ••AU TU•• eurad~ 03·tHO 1.IC'O IU!OTNCIAN ,,__.,....... P..CW. IMVICE Mc* l t119. '"'e bonded, Ext"" AocMtlc·-._ f!:::::;'A............ °'*"Y won. 10 m •· R.9. c • OUlll. won~ ,.... :mT................. ="" ;:,,.d ~ .... _. llo'd. ,,,.. •t. 79-6148 ,.._:.... p ........... •47.5ft1 o,,A,.v, OCRl•MNIOw'!!k per. ~oe 131• 7t 'r" eet. 131-8071 Tom CotleOe Stuctent•: wndW >ulolt (873-0i48 .... ar.,_.., ..,....... -·-"' -"' CU1tOm Oerwn1o Tll9 11•1 ... 1,11lll1t C..tf.C.,,,,,1 OP OU TV olng, car wuln,. odd ::::::7(•••••••••••••• INT/EXT PAINTING 14 Ell 141-1121 Pr~ ,.ree eet. a.de CU.tom c.n>entry ·c;;,z~~· T ALI J 0 b •.• 84 2 . 44 ., .__,__,_ SAIOKWON<: 8m9ll Jobe. L.lo'd. ~.fr .. -'· &42-eae4 t75-140I Oe ckt & pa1fo•. J.8. Wiiia-CUit Mn Uc. ELECTRICAL WOAK 846-7972 =';TI';;m;:'I'........ ~. Ooeta Meta, 948-1087 '"' lttftll. ._. ... Qon11. co. top quality Rea/ooml Aob'47-2U3 RM.I.,.,... 631-8065 want• ASAI.LY OLEAN IMne. llWt. 876-3175 .__.__ ~ ••••••••••••'.:;:r::;:. f,.. ,_. DO IT NOW' work. I.lo. No. 3e0901. ELECTRICIAN · Lie ... ..,,__... HOUSE? Call Oln,llam ._ .. , ................. ..,. -QUALITY OOftlm/re•, 12 •••••••••••••••••••••• Free est. 55t.eG11 "" · • :;::';'(:::':"•••••••••••• Gift. Ft• eet. &45-128 ..,,_, • .... ~ . ..., 25 'If• up. Uc. IM1. yra exp. A-s>alr/ramOd. 4AYI Tm 1111 ...... a-•-..a.... C,.11111111, ... al 23310l·C·10. Small Cerpentry . M.-ontY 8rtck. etone, """"'• oon· Bonded. fne. Reta. Cotof Ref• Fiiter hHter & --_. FINI HOMll ••••••••••• •••••••••• Jobe. Malnl & repelra. Roofing • PlutnblnO R081N'8 CU!ANIHO Ot.W. Ftp6ca, BBQ'a, Pl· ex..-t, M3-091t Ok* ......;,. __ ...__ .:. .. "'1.u Com p I. iervloa. VM DallY Piiot IMPAOWMENT8 A::OOELIAfD"S:: 548-5203 Drywill • 8tuooo • 1'11e 8eMoe ·a thoroughly 1101 l drlvew1y1. Ouar. -.:..--·------, __ -_--....._-__ v_,_...., __ ..., __ , ----~-----~~: Addlttonel fWl'todtllng 2s~~ry5.48-2119 RESIO/COMM'L/IND ~. J.8.148-HllO dwl hcMM. ~7 I.le. & lnl. 5~14 Top Qu1111r· lo price. •-"-,.,_,_ Mt ... fl, at. IH _ ., _ Addition• a remodelln~, Lio. 278041 AJ &4M129 REPAIA-PLUMBINO Pr~.,....,,.....,.., Drain ptpee: cleenup, ' :";1.._739--0708 ree _. .,,. .. Moat 1ubJeo1a, K-12 a cal. -RI• 20 yr-. 00 my own wen. HOME IMPROVEMENT 8CAU8-A,.OU8 CONCRETE Brickwork prom~~ eomm' Int ~~-=::r............... . ..• ":."":"A ••••••••••••• ~~~~~~~~I bond• d St a I• L c "-1 ~WL Heetlng, cwpen~-.C, Reta.,,_, 831-5019 26 YI'• up. SM-2oee · I.ow ratH on repair a ~&YI'· 16/hr. :: --·· -·-11202J.G7.6~......_ "Ai .1910 '1 A • .,. tlte. Fr• est. No too -QUALITY PAINTING ~~,lie. 13H426. gen, ...... 178 ,.....-.............. __....._ ~· ~...-: ••••••• •••••••••••••• ........ ..,_,I'"-~-o ~c J ........ , FORMICA COUNTERS amall. &45-2811 -CC£& ..,., uw 1 'If• · · 11u~ •-M-~••••••••••••••• Uc. IMM92 n~ Fine llnlthed carpentry, Topal~ efeced Cl.EANINO SERVICE: •••••••••••••••••••••• Reuonabla. 6884 HUBER ROOFING "-:;";';~"::':f, OrMwlY' Pat1ci~ot l!.a.-ltl remodeling apaelalltt. Free-'· ~2-5367 e;:fr.' = .. ~lo~~~~t Rea1onable ralH , free M11~~ 8~~~· 8!:~~!~' Bllhop & Son Pelntlng All typee a r:nproof!ng •••;;;;•WEOOiHG•~··• Repalnl, Sealc:oe ::;,..;:••••••••••••••• Llc: 419587. Rendell .... _ .. Et" ..... 1.. •tlmet•. · 9a : ' 30 .... _., BMctt 11-. Hew AeQowr Dec*1 VIOEO T~I SAS Alptlll 831-41 CUSTOM SPA DECKS _1_20-_1200 ______ 1 ftui.Jat/ ..,........ ... _,,. q 720-()742. ~507 FrM'e.t-:"'' 548-1029 l tc .. 411902 &.....t734 Ekp'd. Reuonablt r ..... ALLSTATE PAVING Patloe. gaz9boa. Uc'd. c. ' "-' ta ··~... We bid .. Jobe.~.,,. HouMCIMl!lng, hol)Ht' llMllJf. Economy VIOeo 9erWlee Sealc:oetfno-St= John or Rid! 97a..3218 ••• ~~ •••••• ~ ••• f. •••••••••••••••••••••• Oul'lty, ~'.. .. .!... dependatlte. •••••• ••••••••••••••• ~~ laeMI (714)568-7081 Fred .._.. ... ,.~ 8111 & o.w ........ .,._ -2 ....... _ .... ,.MOVING· Inv--•••••••••••••••••••••• • .... ''""73e2 846-81111 --..-11 -.-... -Quick, CerehA Serva. (IXOYE) 751-9103 Moblle Screen""""" ..,.._ •• ._. """"'n. . fer.!, •--'-Ban, mantel•, kit. cabl· ..... 1 •Y .., ._.., rvgu _.. -··--....._._ wt-.6-If~ ...,.. ... ••• •••••••••••••••••• ndell, rablHdk pane ng, CMttlne l Ed 848-71125 ~General Ma1n14 ~a~ HOUSECLEANINO Fr• ..um.ta552~10 Rep9if/recMcl. cu.tom. ~~!!'~!!·:.".!~·In~~··· No 9...,,,.,No SNlmpoo oora, 00 CHH, ,.. ..,_.,, IS OUR 8U81NE891 --------,,.... RMI. 83f-6300..,,. meg ............... _ ..... Stain~. Fut mod. & add-one. Xlnt ~f ty Ray &4o.6 4' 10 yr1. Janloa'• Raggedy *&-1 .... ••'••••"'•••.......... Cell &lnlhlne WlndOW ~~~I. •••••••••• CllefUI & loYlng mama of 21mol10 c:are IOf )'OUB, my home FIT. 831-37117 Babyalttlng In our C.M. hOrMa. 1 '/f. & up. Any NL 842-14821848-6760 dry. Free •t. 939-11512 u1t•. Lie. 8348270. ••••••••• •••••••••••• JACK of .. TRADES Ann 875-2614 T ualttv ~care Farthing Interior Deelgl1 '-'-'Mw1IJM1 a..ntng, Ltd 548-1163 636-2* -09 QUI .,. HANGING $10/ROLL :::.~~••••••••••••• 20% MootNy OlecoutYt Crpte lnatalllrapalred lll mD -Cal day or night, ExpettlM Houealleeplng In hanc:tltng. yre exp. Qualtty. Uc/Ina. Strip-....... Flood damage. Steem Crown rnoukllng, Cedar If. uwn-~b lnltd •Jec:k 175-3014* We fumleh V9CIJUm l Competitive Rat• ping. Diie. on papel' 548-Jt4I *RESIDENTIAL* ctng.554-11510, t73-85ee ned cioMlt, bookca-. Tree trtm-rernoYal THE HANDYMAN CAN tuppllee. Kitty 841-4g70 No overtime. J30-IS53 viU-Mc Scott &45-9325 _'3_·2-5-------: A:i 1 11Y $30; .;;g.2 lty EXCEL CARPET CARi =.::: :~n=i:! l.lwn c:e.r•Rototllllng ~l_!mpr:owment H I I STARVING COU£GE I I l.hUdl• $4 . Chrl4 967 Cpt, uphol, area rug to wood "'obiamal • n •54w&-eoe• r A5dor I~• 7 ' Uc'd. Kaipn 989-9145 Quallty ouH::nc~ STUDENTS MOVING Expert w11 coverln~ n-.:1e..11................ ....... ~ '"'---'""' W ....... ~ ,.. " ".. w/e peraonal !..,. ...:. .... · CO. Llc. T124-436. 1ctoan1111u111°t1nn. tR!u"1gpnrmceen11· * •An&.M. * OccHlonal b1by1lltlng ....... n • .,.. ""' · 631·1528 &42-4300 ,._j____, "'~-Irv, HB. a.th~ " _,....... lrvlne't beat. Baalc 1 l1Y wanted. Re11onabl• Free•• &45·1 71 n.....u _._ • ............_.. ':"!::'or:=.:.~!...... HOUSECLEANING ~~~~·uO:~::'C:~1 5111·8590 Free•• 031•92ss 120, 2 aty $30. ta tu. Ekperlenced Shimpoo & ateam cleen . .,.,.-.,•.( -.11111 --HARDWOOD FLOORS Reuona~ .. ..w. ,,,.,,, •• ,_,, 659-1302 548-72411 Color brlgl\t•ner1. wht RiVER Roc·1r:~~·r;;~·1 Free eat KWI 939.5035 __ ,.Beaut~ C!Mned832 .. 1111 r111y~"1'"' lmll•• !.·~~.~~!! ........ r::-:;-;:::............ WINDOW CLEANING .... crpt1 • 10 min. bleach. OVfK poof deck•. pttl09, K&O landlCIPI Mllnt. .. .... wu.... ... ---------••••••••"'••••••••••••• ••BRYANT'S** *Sprlnkler Repair• 7 YRS IN AREA •••••••'l!!t........... Hall, ltv/dln. l"lnl $15; avg walkwaya, driveway a, Raeld/Comm. Clean-up. •-"-EXP. HOUSECLEANER Fiii Pa.tm Walk:<Mtr1ng Remove! R•./comm. C~al 842-5449/845-7972 For all you need to know toom .7.50; couch $10; tic. 001-2371 Lt HaUllng. ~-2489 ••• ~.f•••••••••••••• Reliable. ref..'.;.F2ree11eat. by Richard Sinor. Lie. All typee. 542-1343 Laod~ about bankruptcy, call chr H . Ouar. ellm. pet ---------1 HAULING-etudent hu Cell 24 hrl, .,.,.,. 41 . 280844. 13 yra of happy 96 -113811 (714)835-8182 odor. Crpt repair. 15 yr• P!r.!•U Gerdenlng Wanted ~· truck. Loweat rete. Mature Uve-ln llouMk... local cuetomw1. lh1l"f'-1• ._,, ... _ exp. Do work my1ell. •• ••••••••••••••••••• Mowing, edging, raking, rnnvot. ,._,. 7•"-1"7•. nar, Mperata qtra, wlnt ThaM """"' 831 ..... 10 ••••••••~J;:';"•••••••• •~, -· ... , "'1111 J Rett. 531.0101 DAYWALL TAPING 1wteplng. Free Htl-~· ... .,.. "~ "' v ,,_ " ----''=----·----! Nett pttc:hea & tuturee •••••••••••••••••••••• POUND ADS ARE FREE .. , nun, Alt telrtur• & acoulllc m. I ... e .. 6. 4 3 7 2 0 r Thank you, John. refl. 048-4925 .... PAllTlll ,,.. .... na-1a1 & ~.::;.r~~~ear. l#rin We Care Crpt C*ner• Free •I. Kevin 076-9088 845-5737. DUMP J088 •~--~'i..,-r, Retld/lndut/Comm'I. •••••••••••••••••••••• Steam ctMn & upho6I. ., __ u ~ JoOa -ru PLASTERING 100711 Adame 982-11538 MARINE SERVICES Truck mount unit DAYWALl./ACOUSTIC LAWN CARE & .,.,_, ""''"'V ••••••••••• •••••••••• Low rlte t . Free eit. Int & ext. Re11uc:co, •1,. Mechanic, paint, varnish. Work ...... ., 646-37111 Repalra, new & Old. 11 "~m1r--.... ""-VCM Cell MIKE 948-1391 Reap. N.,e.Jco, up,•• .. w111 __ 81_5-_1_1o_e ______ 1 ........ _.._ .c•• ... 92 " T k Ub & W.v w-"""'" . ...u .......... hou1e1t uy .. ug ~w.....~· •••••••••••••••••••••• ea · r ~ · yrs lkp. Bud 552.-9682 Xlnt, ratlal>te wont. Haullng, grading, demOll· • . • •STEVENS PAINTING ~ &46-978e ~a~~:::~I· The fastest drtw In the Onf/Of", Barry &45-7412 tlon.oCvodncurmef.te t~~~t• "~I ~ ~.30-6f wltdya) llF bacitltNow 191C. In ext. Peopt~h~ ~~ ,';..,eopte FREE EST. 840-2002 Cal: T Id t ti I mill T E G .... SS r • m • . .,.,..,,, -r•ur_, pro woman ree ... Cl'lalttl. HJ·llll rad• your 0 • u or rect tromwtlolelM • Wes I. a Dally Piiot H "" HOPPER Qulctl t«V. &4 -7038 av.JI 1ummer llOUMlll· 845-3348/~511 DAILY PILOT new goodl•• with • It wt do the i.t>«. Free ClaulhedAd. Call TOday Complete Lawn Malnl. ting Lowa petal pMlntl. ---------SERVICE DIRECTORY SELL Idle llama Wllh. Clauffied Id. 042-5878 •t. r .... 85l.e920 642·5678 Dominic 842-4851 Want Ada Call 642-5678 Xlnt. refs. ~4 Want Ads Call 642-58711 11 all abovtl D11ty Piiot Clawlled Ad Clualfled Ada 842-5e78 OCEAN VIW 1100 aq. rt .. 2 otca. w~ c;pta, F&R drt, O/H dr, top c:ond. Frwy c:lote $396. 1000 lq ti, $295' O/H dr, tollat & bHln. 875-e261 WE BUY dl1counted truat deed• due In 3 year• or ..... eom.c1 John si-. Bro- k•. 956-3454 llU.TIP 1111 & melchlng oak 4 drwr Ille cabinet, drc:a IMS. both 12900. 87&-5620 Une11 mw1uu Today thru May 2nd. Frae adml11lon. Hunt· lngton Cent« MaH. 405 Frwt & BMcl'I &MS. H.8. UT&tl ULI Mull MCr1floa lg sM ~ lectlon of Or1ental Anti- que Art. Lg & amall pea of jade, Ivory. Por<*elna. Bronze•. Hveral mag· nltlc;ent 1c:reen1 Inlaid w/Jade & Ivory, 2 with Clolaonne. Lg porc.l&ln vuea w/llde. ......., ca.- b Inell lnlel d. Lg Kol TD..1.-bowt1. Sun Only 12181 ·--19th SI .. Oerden ~· -·-Ca. (7 14) 637..()444. Work In the ewNna Ml· Ung 1ppt1 tor my Nwpl ENGLISH ArmOlre, ~ Bcl'I ofc:. IOI' I mator ho-led mirror. f-'Y 1900'L tal. Hrly-c:ommlHlon $540. 844-1417 bonua. 833-3740 all ·UNLOADING 1PM Fr1day-Seturo.y Amenclln Oek & Pine TB...-UL.a FMCy ~ry ~ Aggreulve computer ANTIQUE M,.,., PfodUClta oo. look1ng for 1830 So Gr1nCt. SA temale Of malt la6ephone ---------.. ~. Prev. t .... MAHOG. Cheat on ctleat phone ..... exper. pre-1a~o~'p~ ·= t=: ~~1:::;:;::~ am. a cute $115. Wl\I. .,. eggi~. Early wk*• arm chr. 1990'1 l tn .• p/tlmt, ttralgtlt ... I d . c o n d . S t2 5 . lary. Cati: Jim c anger, _1'S-t __ ,_s_s ____ _ 714-M3-SllOO Armolre t 1800. Velvet lplftl. amf 'I & ~."r:;,P:fm"~~ Min.~~ exp. oomm · 957-49n vec. Sabfe trained. Her· ...;;..;..;...,.:._ _____ _ bor Travel, 875·1811, -..... ! I t. I ,. •• Orange Co~t DAILY PILOT/Friday, ~rn 30, 1882 G.E. Fletrlgeretor, good THk bed, qn tlze, pl1t- oondltlon H O. MUST form. From Mel Brown. SELL. 131-o.411 Cott 5900. uklng $350, 839-1949 Whlrtpool gu dryer 1vo-----------1 oado grn, 175. waehar 9' 1011, Ilk• nu. rev1r1 fre•, neeelt rapelr. cuthlont, putelt 5276. 144-t487. 876-6457 en 6. D ,,c,f'"H' .ti,.,.,. ., .......... CMON f ,) ..... COMMfll CHEYIOLET l" .. °"111r1• /\ : ' ,.. : \ \1 ~ .. ~46.1200 WINY USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CAL.L FOR Fiii llfUIUL ComW-OeUflo •naan 18211 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH 141""87, 141-Jlll Top Dolar Paid FOi' Your Carl ........ U.ull •-::r. 2826 Harbor . Cotta MIU 540.5830 Premium pnc. pelCI fOf' any uaec:t car (IOl'elgn OI' ~lie) In gooCI condition. See UI Flrttl ...-.: ,_~ ~.,,, /.,.-..,J m._."'t~·m...... . ....... ~::: .•..... P!!f: ••••.••.••. e.11 &.'!.~ ....•..... ~~ ............. ,.. .. ,_ -........ YlillelMle ..a...mwn ..,.LMM ., ........... ! (714) 122..a111 & CREVIER ............. .. .._ . ..., ........ Le .... Sp1ol•llz1ng only In BMW. Saie.-Servtoe--Leulng IDY'CARVER Rl1Sll.Xl:·l\i\-1VV '"4. ,JtNftt-U I ,,,,.,.,_. L ,~~ '4Ao0 ..... "~ ...... ·ao ... tcM>ectc .. * 1110 • 1uto. 11r cond. ern/fm, 147811 runt or••t 871°1784 '11 1200 coup•, auto, amlfm 0H11tt1. Runt gOOd. lookt gOOd. I 1200 080 131·21121 or . 131-71118 ~ 1111 ·••·······•········•·· .. DEUIEAN (foeo57) 124,111 ~ UITI Ill 301 W. Wt/rt« .... , . "'' nu . ....•...........•.•.. *PUTllm* *Fllll* ...... NTINITUD Miiny to chooM rrornl Examplle: 11 FIAT IMO CIAMlc: wtllll bleuty with 5 tpel, air conct .• m•o•. low mllMge. (122NJN) U211 ll FIAT SNll Rtclng green. 5 tpd, 1t• reo. f1\AOI. NONE NICERI (1ACP577) 14111 11 Fill IPllll Autom•tlc, ttereo. mAO•· We lokf newt (083YSA) 11211 73 BMW 2002, perfect ll FIAT 11/t bOCI)' & paint , 4 1pel, 1tereo, m1g1. $4000/0BO. Run• gooel. 9•auI11 u I brown I 1-M_a...._oo_5 _____ (659SMR) 19 530I. blk, 1oeC11C1. x1nt u211 conel. $10,000 firm PIP. 875-53-43 eve. H 2002, air. 4 1pel. 1te- rto. xlnt conel. $5,000. 495-58e2 80 BMW 8201. BHUlllul lt F11T 11/1 Metalllc gold, 5 apel. Al- moe1 MW1 (270YHV) 11211 conel. CHhmere color. we Believe we H•~ The IUllUry p.c«age. 113,800 Loweet Prlcael FIA TS In or !Ake CNer leaM 1331. So Celllomlal 873-4200 ·-· 1111 .........••••.••.•••.. WE'RE DEALIN' lt.llDIATE DELIVERY ON MOST MODELS SAVE AT HONDA SANTA ANA ., \ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 30, 1982 ~~l!lf!!!f ..••... ~~.~... ... M!'!.lftfftfff ••••••• ~~.,_~!!'! •...•.. ~.~!~.'!~ ........... ,.~!'!..,~ ••••••••••• f!~.,ttf ......•••.. ~~.,m .......... . l.'lt!!f! •••••••••• !.~ ~ ......... !.~ff ~~.'!fflP •••••• ~f ~ltf •.••••.•• ~!f ~ •••••.•.••• ~~. ,!~!!'!~!! ...... ~!! ~ftll! ••.••• ~ r!.".!1~!. ••••••••• ~! 1171 J ag ua r XJt. lllSTER '74 8UG1'd. cond .. r-4, '74 lldp Oonv•rtlbl '71 Dodo• .. dr .. 1 ood '71OUttMI8UDrema '*' '79 C4ltiMI Celall. w•llTm (111YAT). Low,......°" AM,,M .... ...,. ti. loc*• .... 13700 •• oond., ... tf'lftl. 1to0 11000 or Mil.... MK ml IMded bllt..... NU'fil' ll'ILI lmmeoulat•. hlal· .... RI. 800. -••I 752'.1111 oeo. pP, 931.toee &46-1U6 .. t6tOO 7to-Ol41 TO llJY lnJaot-4 MonomlOa l I tMS t HwtlOr 8fYd VW Ent '74, 113ko, all ftl1' Oki• 7t OuUeae OrulMI', , cyllndar Nd1n. Orllll\al · n•• part•, look• a flt• tm~ ......... _,............ w on ve rro:!::" mui t 7t euu ... Celal• cffeMI, U11 -._ H klno prlce·•to,t H : ... Gat ... dlnnl Gf'owL I 1took rune e trono a... 1tl1,0AD hoori Hatotl-.... ~I . '3"5. 30,000 ml, Jdr)t cond, It .... Ull mu1t Mii now for only ---• -111·11 MIO/Oft ....... 2'°7 of lata model loW ""'-" baok. Auto. 1ran1.1 air 882-1111 m1>9, oompl ... ,v, reo. .... ~1~~ ... M.~!>!.'.! 114 111-1111 Cadlllacl in 8outMtn oond •• P'#f, et .. •t• ra· Optlont. IHOO/btt oft. 11.•nll.f()RD .... o ._...,.. ........ .......... ... ~ dlal 11,.., Ilk• ""· Jutt '71 CuttMI Celala, xtraa. 042-1273 lw rneg '1\111 Mae&.171-2800. 'tOHl8,noruet,l'IMd1 *..... laeeM ove r 7 000 mllu . ~~nd . 14,110.,,.,, lll1 11211.._,.8fvd, •-~ I'/.'-no work. •noo1part111 ..... _..... j•ONY118). N4tt. l.arte •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ .._,. --trade. t4640tl II•• II k• Toyota · "n• UNd '11 ..... •74 --·A ----.. _... ....................... · ,_.. ... Oar Sal••· 1111·1970 ,....,..,,,_........ M -1111 '74 Jefteen HM!ey, Jdftt, 'IO POttdle 124 Turbo a 1tl0'1 tflnl 1970'• ~~ lfYd. Harbor Blvd .. Co1ta PS, tit wtlt, AM/FM al.. forrro)Kt minded 8 oond. many .. traa, AM/ ·10 Porecll• tu. Both All recondhlon-4.a tu•· ""9•A MESA M ... . 141• 93 03 reo CIMMltla. 14200 12 o. You re • 115. •73 L•M•n•. V·400, a/o, f M 1tere o, 1 0100 loaded. T•k• over IH rantffd. Wiii trad• fl. 14._1111 040-9487. 878-7713 Ewe 006-7111 ~. auto. 119, •• lllnt NMinO ff1-t083 paymentt. 714/1215-1808 nMOa. we 8UY 8UGSI '71 OUttaaa Suofeme, loei-'14 Pinto: 62K mtlee. oond, 11000. &M-M22 .... f7• '71 Ponche 914 SP->'d«· Exanlplee: '79 Sedan O.Vllta, lo ml, wlllft'I\ ded, 14100/bett offer. 11100 '71 TRANS AM Gld. Attrrl • ........... -tt......... ll'lllfJ.13700. 531-7638 1 ... YW • xlnl cond. HtH/tak• MIUI ~ teo-2780 Ed. T-top, fully IOadecl, HI UI JOI YOUI NUT MAIDA., _.._.....;~ .-na .., ... fAGUITI 112' -SI. US!l llU& 1(1.lUI '71 924, blk on blk, enrt, 4 epd., mlnt(083UKZ) 0 v • r I 0 w Pa Y I 1 • · TO BUY 1970 Old• Vlala CrulMr 1973 Pinto, good oond. lo •7K ""· II llttM 17•300 AJC, lo ml, Hke brand nu, 81ftl 131.o4M WOf'I, t l*f, good oond. mtlee. le60 oeo. 14f.7521 18950. 875·2086. 171..... U11 WI. 11100.1111-Nn. ev.O!lt 4CMt '71 TRANS AM, Help, 1415--5333, Laun. 1 ... YW -Uk• MW l5800 ... 1111 . '1l .. ll1'Ull .,_fj "" must ... t'1la ..... New '111111 4 IC)d. Uke MW, (SKP417) 040-M!lt F-"'• ::l::r."e•••••••••••••• T.A.k ~IT~~l Completely r•tored top S2211 70 auaic EJ Dorado, low 11111 •NI fnDD -'77 Trll OueW. Mo, P/8 ma • o '· • to bottom and Interior. RIL~ UI\ PIS look• •harp, gd _539-__ to5_7 _____ 1 ...... r ...... 't ._.. ... AA '"""" mll••. xlnt cond. White/ 11205 haotl ltvd. PIP. (714)141 9181 cond., big tlr ... sseso. ., _. .. ''"" ..,. -u-• _.,., 1Hl -.. red Int. I 1800 0 8 0 . Huntl""'on 8Mct1 17MllOI 131 2t12 .,,_ ~~n ml. Blaupunkt Ill power .,. 541-1448 483-()1()3. ..,,. '7t CUTLASS Supreme. « · .. -"' ................. . ltereo •Y•t•m. Recero 4 IP<f. SHARP. (U0V412) . ' MZ-1111 '5,500. 2tK mt. Loeded. IMllM IHI '14 Wa gon. New tlrH, ... 1. 754-0301 S2411 78 ~lie, tunl'oof, V9fY , New ractt.-. wNt, lllr, •••••••••••••••••••••• • bra ke •. good cond. ·eo PORSCHE 3.,..., good cond, 11,000 ml, 78 Fairmont, ale, em·fm tllt, atereo, Jdnt. cond. •71 CAT AUNA WON I 12 o O. 4 t t . 5 O 9 1 • ""° lHI -.. $9600. &4+-0lto PIP 1tereo , p1, trlr hltcl'I, P.P. 730•1010 V clean ... _7....;30-e4 ____ 10_. ____ -1 No rutt, needa no work. .,. ltlarp. •2"11. 042·tl3e • f/tY • runt · 17 500/part trade. 4 lpd., CHIC. (UZP7M) 'll.... .78 Pinto, I cyl ltatlon Want Ads CIM 042-15e78 700. 1711-1145 ,Want Ad1 Call 642-5178 ----------------~ &46-&028 1210 8lactc wtth *<* leather. wagon. Xlnt cond. Low A•• llftt A•,., ._ A•lll •w Ail• #w II A1IH1 •w "" .81112 large. 2nd owner Moon roof. All extr11. mffelroe euto """' pit •••••7•••••••••••••••• •••••l•••••••••••••••• •••••~•••••••••••••••• •••••l•••••••••••••••• ••••• •••••••••••••••• --------car, compl. r•tored. No 1HI YW.. :~~~~nd . U .tto. plb, ale, radio, ,,.Wtni ' rult, 111 reblt. Herd win-• l brak11 . S3010. dow, air, alloy1. ttef'eo. AutomaUc. (144e51 '11.... 042·2021. 110.000 or bHt offer. 12411 E 11 B 1--------1 111111DA m-. TIW le a loaded, hard to find "Eaatam Zone" gold exterior wltl'I bro11fn V91our lnteJtor, 5 •P"d tran1., 1unroofl moonroor. Blaupunkt AM/FM c a111tt1 & equallzer, air oondltlo· nlng. r••r window dt· lroetw. leatllef arnw•t. log llgtlt1, bre, cat covw & ONLY 20,000 low mll••I Mutt Mll...ONL y H ,tttl Call 974-4111 day1 or 4tt·2530 after 1:00 w .. kd•Y• a w ... kenda. 1142-e971 JCce ent cond. rown/ U..Z. Hfl Wu~~ Jl]~LlJEI !:!J•J brown, w110111al• 110, •••••••••••••••••••••• ra.mJI f 1$$ t t 1 r 450. '78 Mark V Cartier •••••••••••••••••••••• 875-3909 Moon roof, loaded, JClnt UllUT MOTO!tS CAO '81 SEVILLE cond.17250. taa-1290 llJllllT 1.,1\\ \\,1l11t•1 ~, • .,, 'II' 111,500. Lt yellow/llllr . Hll 111.Hlm '87 BAJA. Rblt 2150cc. Int. mint cond, tllt, Cf'Ulll, •• ~ ••••••• , •••••• dr loctll, I way IOlll. 11, 1970 Capri II, 4 cyt, 4 lpd .. ........ Gr .. t cond & lolt of pwr. 000 ml. PP. 573-1334 AM/FM caaMlte 1tereo0 lndudlng lhe II iww ~~~~~~:.; A•klng '77 Cad. Fleetwood Brm. look• good, mech. xl"t'. llUaT ,.. Mint condo. Loeded. Lo 12400. 551-6«9. __ anc1.,.... '72 VW Bui, JClnt cond, ml. Lea ther. 11500. '71 ZEPHYR Vllleger Wgn. r--,__ new engine, new tlre1. 1142-3555 V8, euto, AIC. PIS, ite- A*>: A gr•t Mllctlon of $2960 or bHI offer. *BELOW WHOLESA reotape"IUpefeln. 3tK Renault 111 Mdant and ,_548_·-0438 __ . _____ , LE* ml, 14, 100. 848-8200 ~~~ ~r'R:~ ~ s180011l1 YW ~ 71 · 71 sev111e 11100 #utatUt HIZ Carat 54.f.es 08*7URX * ••••.....,.•••••••••••••• '74 Mazda lta. wgn, new RESALE SALES 'II ••DrllU ~:~~i~'. ~::e~4;•· w--EA.e&;;--. f L!a~a~%, ~r::,~ ~ti:. ~ Eldo Brtz mnrr s 10, ve, auto, •Ir, P•· xlnt *lllD reo cau, xlnt. cond. >Ont. Whitt on whit• 52124 cond. S4t00. 1-633-4242 '7t GLC Wagon. Xlnt llUlt.T pnt. xlnt llrH, xlnt ml· 443 w . B~, C .M. •74 MUSTANO cond. 5 1pHd, reek, leage. $3,550 OBO. $3500 obo. Cal Mon uvu 2524 Harbor BIYd. 72G-0511 evw. 540-1133 ll45-4 cyt, Medi body wonc, Fri 714-972-212.4. 049-8023 645-7770 d1ys 131·5650 anytime '78 Sevllle, lmm1culate, s7oo. 142•2790 •ft. 5. •·---tJ • --•-"-~ •1· .. ·61 BHlla. Navy. bHu IHther. forced to 1111· OWm.Mlt Hll _.,, ,6~, -., -......... A ........ -·-.. _ $9500/080, 847-&e11 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••••••• ",...' ~,. "'"' rnec,.... 1911 Oktarnot>Oe CU.tom .... 11 nlcel, Int.nor. Muat .... c..,,. HIT Crulter 9 PUMng« Et· 111 • .,,'I 1 DEALER IN U.S.A $2450 417-1697 ~····················· tatt Wegon. (1DOH33e). ..... 1980 VW Jetta. Xlnt cond. 79 Camero Btrllnetta. Like new In Whit• with OILOlllE RJY CARVER AM /FM 1ter10 c au. tt,OOO mllea. air. am/Im wood grain & bluevelotJf. ~ r c.~ 9700 m l. $7500. da oa 11•11 •· 11800· Power Httl on both lllllllTI N....JLL..J NJl\...C 859-7000, tV 540·7059 499-4501· lldel, power wlndoWI & ~•• ~-""'-""111 "'-" '"" J•....., 1tL-•-• ff'•• lock•. crUlte con~, tllt ~._,.-1 ~l'Ml<'llf·/1£~ llW,.. ,....,. -1 ... n...... IHI Wt'I deltY9r anywhere In • C!OilO.SUNDAlS '85 BUG, reblt '87 eng. & •••;;~·.·•••fll••••sn•••••• ~mfi:T~· .. l~~I~ the wortdl S-i. at I.Mn ITll front end, 12V. nu ra -~ dl...t economy. Prlc.d 11111 ••11 ...................... ;=c, x1:~1n I out. rr• lla~eNaE~oo: ~~:Co to Hll at only $1950. 1919 Hatt>or ltvd., C.M. ~.ulng . ~~I Btu•r MotOfl, 2920 111·T1ll UllLD.. '72 BUS, 1unrr. w/c1tm Hubor Blvd., Co11a Ma Dow Street. N.B. mAll top, prof. pnt. & whl. M .... 979-2500. Tl2 -1•1___ •-•••• well1, type 2 eng. Teak COMMEll CMfYAOLIT .,..,.. • ~&---Int. MUii .... 831-8003 llnrf4n lea 1141 8act1ftce 1te0 2-dr, 4-wtll '12 .._... •••••••••••••••••••••• drive, pay off & I 100. $20001080. 8415-7571 l'..')o •Id r lo r II . I . ·~I\..,~,\ 541>-1 200 •II, ...... I 541-2517 elt 3PM. w4 ........ SUBARU ·74 Conv. El«*lent con-i.u --• _........ dttton. 811'9 w/Whl11 top -_., &-...-ti•... 11:t:: ti a Int. 544-75n $65. · 131.2589 .,., • .. , • w ..,. ·72 vw Pop Top CM'lpef w•llTm ~Pc:::= :::o '12 -·· ~iz:"*· rel. Sipe 4. MI W ~·~:9~ 111• ·-'7S a unroor Bug, new TO BlJY It 213 or 7l41137·2333 s.v.. auto (..olA} 09int a Int .. rebtt, flaw· UTE -._ '71 MBZ 280SE 3.5. C.. ..., .... le-. '2560. 181-3M 2 111c cpe. Except. cond. Lo '12 mt ·11 vw OMtw Mtd\bt(. 4 1111 UIS mt 117,500, 045-0295 Beige DL 4WD (..ool1) tpd, fuel Injected, AMI WlSON fnDD = .. Zll FM, rH r window d•· VI\ ... '12 fr09tW, MW paint. tir. & 18255 8-dl ltvd. LR• tune-up. GrH t MPG. Huntlnglon Beactl *3000 111111 Pampered & very relit· ... 2 21M02 Marguwit• Pkwy bl9. 12700. 175-1448 or _. -1111 TllDDM* M11t10n vi.to 552-2031 ••fliil IUl\IJV~ T14/111·2141 71 Sauarebectl. euto, xlnt .. 1•2 Special Limited Off« running cond. S1100. ·ar CHOtCE OF COLORS , ... ,. 111 beat ofr. 857-235e Loeded. gAele lope, etc. PURCHASE OA LEASE ••-"••••••••••••••••••• Sef. 4740n217. 1971 TOYOTA Corolla 1978 W•tphalla cwnpar, ., 111,4111 ....... -......... SR5 Llllback. 5 lpffd lo ml. New Ur-. AM/FM .......... -trane .• power brak•. elf CUMtte. 857·252A Dow/Quell Sta. 9t1.U40 (213)424-7197 oond., AM/FM ltweo I a 'Tl UllfT NEWPORT BEACH 1pot1 .. 1 yellow fl11lth 1., •II 1••• BHu whit•. bleck lthr. Snrf. Many xtre. 17,000 ml. 131-7838 wltl'I b6-* bUCk9t ...... 2 dOor, air oond .. am/Im •• ---Low mllH . (381H2J. cuHtt•. new olutch. r----;;;;;;;;;;;;;---*5399. Eat1e Ike Toyota· $2300 or bHt o ffer. mflili Fin• UHd Car SalH. 631·7968. '77, 30 mpg, xlnt rnec:tl'I 1"6-1970 Hatt>or Blvd., •87 Bafa, 2150 c.c. epot cond. new tran1. Urea, '73 M8 450SEL Co1ta Meta. 148-9303 l1mp1. 1t1r10, cu1tom brtk•s-a;hock1. ~7,000 Xlnt cond. Mon-f'r1elt5. ~9487. In t. new tlru, new ~· 75· Ah 9.30PM 1145-2434, 142-5532 •73 Tayota HILUX. 7' tong 1hock1, new electrlctl, 1-13_·5_209_. ____ _ WANTED TO BUY U11~ ISO UIS WILSON FORD 18255 Beactl 8fYd Huntington 8-dl 142-1111 A•ltl IH4 .....•......•......... NABERS c:A DILLAC CLEARANCE SALE! 1911 CADILLAC PLllYWOOD HOUGHAM (1CGX359) $}6,995 1979 CADILLAC COUPE DIVILLI (636XHT} '73 450SE. Sliver blue, blue Interior. Stereo ca1Mt1e, u ... any gat. Excellent oond. 19250. Mr. Duggan 9515-1314. bed -OYer11ze 20 gal. gu rut. Won't lut at S2eet. '71 Cttev. Concoure, 4dr, ta nk, automatic, Targe Call 131-8017. vinyl top. air, 1terao, . top, air, rtdlo, lo ml, Pl· '71 Karm1nn Ghia. new ~top cond29. 1 OWMr relll tlr•. Complete_.. paint, tlret. Interior a ~-. 548-13 s3995 lllllt.lmllll.I '10 MB3000, 1 driver, Jllnt oond .. enrt, nu tna, lamt>ewool IMt covera. perl. 1e rvlc• radord. 120 ,150. 141-1419, 549-5111 1913 • « 280, autornauc. .. oond. Pwr Wind. Or1g prlv pty. Xlnt c:ond . 14f.1t 70 "6-13M '71 OOSE, JClnt c:ond, 1unroor, 1tereo, lo ml. 111.000. 040-4208 • na •••••••••••••••••••••• AllWI• •W DI TOHNEAU COYER F"9 MO'I, '71·'11 ...... .,o = •1-7m ~"'I f!fle •••••••••••• "-ff '71 MGll: Xlnt oond. Mt/ '"' o .... u •• 0 ...-. llOOO or e.eet offer. 1114*. vie:. record•. Xlnt oond. motor. Mut1 ...i '3tl0. '79 Cllev•tt• 4 door, air 12500/btl ofr. CharlH MO-e434 · cond radio deluxe (714) 175·2377 all IPM , . lnterlc)r, llke new, leH or bfr OAM. 74 BUG, Jdnt cond. auto than t ooo mllea. 14 tOO 1tlck, n-8alnt & eng. ...~ .. ..a-• • · 1M1 TOYOTA StMWt S.. $2400/0B . tl0-1155 .............., atw" P.M. dan. Option• Include 5 PIP '78 Monte Carlo, good 'Peed trant., power dlac cond fUll powe1' AM/FM brak•. Thia one ,. ru11y '73 vw Sqrbk. Rbll eng/ A/C 'u 450. 045-3134 • tectory equipped & get1 tran1. auto, mutt Hll.1--·---· ----1 i;raat ge t mlleage. M0-3835 '75 Monte Cerio, xlnt 18JD283). $4999. Ear1e cond. all tM xtru. Rec- k• Toyota-Fin• UHd '"" Im ently painted. 12000. CAr S1le1. 1911·1170 •••••••••••••••••••••• 040-1189. Harbor Blvd., Cott• #1 Y• ~. 1---------1 Mua. t41-U03 ....... _,. ~ tnl ~1. ~;s ~~~bek~380·v:;. ·11 T•<* Uftbadl ULD, ••• loeded, lo ml. xlnt. Alt, MWoof, caaett.. .. LU• •2t00. 157-0330 SH OO. M·f 955·0900 OVERSEAS DELIVERY (Andy); 1¥1 648-9691 EXPERTS '73 Corolla Wagon. 2 dr, 4 .... • U epd, nu cMctt. Olean In a _. out. 11491. 045-'200 · VILll H 1 S upra 14,000 ml 1• Harbor BMI . tmmac. fully e quip. COSTA Ml.IA lllOO oeo 1162...., •• ma ••Mil '77 Cofolta, 0 ec>ct. • dr, 1178 Volvo 242, 1unrr, ~lfm, •o,ooo ml. eweo, "900. oeo. 147-o& 14 • 046473' 1979 CADILLAC COUPI DIVILLI "DllSIL" (522XWO) s3495 ---· 1971 CADILLAC SIVILLI (476278) s9395 1971 CADILLAC HDAN DIVILLI (380VDT) $6995 1979 CADIUAC PLllTWOOD HOUGHAM (112XWP) $9895 1911 ~DILLAC ILDOUDO COUPI (M3480) $15,995 1"7CMIYIUI ... YOIKll ltllAVDIUI llDAN (ltlXYZ) 1l995 -~ 1"1 ClllVIOUT COIWIN'•'°' (1 ..... ) '11,995 • FORD CARI COYBAGI 24/mo./24,000 ml. free full maln- talnence and extended warranty ''THI CLOlllT THING TO COIT FRll DRIVING'' NIW 1982 couma NIW 1982 ... '649.4 Incl. rebate -pk.18 dMler 9dded Iona. Ser. 121405, Stk. 0887. YAN CONYDllOlll '6594 '10,99 ·SERVICE Ill. SPECIAL! Whlle yew ..... M"'9 ..,..1ce4, .......... .. l1eert fer tl.OO ,... .a.,. <tlO ..... ....._ re- pelr ertler -a tl•y ............. , , ... , ..... r IHIY• fer ). I•""'• yeurt new -offer •• Ir • 5 15 12. I .................. 00 Incl. Rebate -plus dealer added ootlons. Ser. 35753, Stk. T1CM7 lllW 1981 FAIRMONI '6110 ·5 DAY FREE TRIAL EXCHANIE: on any of our "GOLD STAR" used cars. You have the prlvlleg• of returning your pur<>haMd c.r within the 5 DAY period and eelect any other car -new or uMd -of the ume or hlQher price. Alk our UMd Car Man for detalla. 1111 .. YI. ..... 1111 .... , .... . I 1111 FORD PllTI 1111 DITS• 211Z 1111 LllCOLI llRI Y Gorgeoutt NI~-. c:NM-a .._. oo-Automatic tranemltek>n and power lteerlng. 2+2. ~ Sharpt Auto. tr'lne., llr cond., 2 tone. moon root & onty 36,000 mAea. Uo. No. Zephyr modef. a.r. No. 111171. "'9fr tw WR. Uc. No. • Uc. No. 807YTA. .-.0. Uc. No. 089747. 101ZVJ, eumnw -• gNlt fMllly Wdloft ...-. ,..., ...... •1• W.,llH .... ... Iller ....... ., .. = ........ 11111 1.., ........ ... .,. ...... 11'811 ...... ... .,. .... ,. ............ ... ....... ,. ............ .... 1nl1•ll1Prlel .... . ....... ,. ...... ,.... .... tan S1211 SAYE S1111 ' SAYE Siii SAYE Siii . "" -11U ... FUTI 1111 FID Flllll8' 1111.11 ........ 1111 ••••ace•• 1111 II.II. lllUll = 0.. .... wt• ooncl., uwoof a AM/ 4 Door. e cyt., eutom8llc .,..,,., a w cond1-4 Door. Loededt Moon roof and white wfttt '9Ct ~ llr'ougtwftl Low,,....,. wfttt .... ..... U0.1AQM1. ~Uc. No. 1CG>Cl81. • im.nor .... No. 121702. ...,... Uc. No. 712.ZllX. ~--... ...... -= ...... llllr ...... ,,. •11 I 11a1u,.. ~-n11•1ra11•111P111e -· ·~ ............ .,. .... ,. ........... 11111 S1111 11111 ( Uft 1• I ------. .;v . , • w • April 30 -May 6 • ( ) I ) \ '\ ( I ( ( ) \ l_ I \ ' 1 ( )' j ( ( )' , I I' I l1 I I I ' I \ ' : "-..I ( )''\ \ 1 \( \I 1' ' I \ " I 1 ) \ ) • I 1 ' I' I I I I .• j, )1 \, ' . I ' ' • F.ddie Albert Will bolt and narrate -callfomia Deaml: Wildemela Man.' Wilderness ntan John Muir to be featured on KOCE The life and writings of the father of Yc.emite National Park, environmentallat John Muir, are chronicled in ''California Dreama: Wildemem Man," airirur Wedneeday at 8 p.m. on KOCE (CL 50). The apeda1 features actor and environmentalist Eddie Albert .. host and narrator. It la a production of KOCE-TV, Huntington Beech. and ia made pomible by a ,..ant from Jim Intent.ate Bank of California FoundaUon, which hu a1IO dlatributed apedal educational materiala free to Calfomla secondary and pott--teeondary ec.hoola and libraries. "Wildeme9a Man" of.fen breathtaking footage of the Yme.mite NaUonal Park from lta inception in 1890 to the preeent day. 'lbe story fcx.'Ule9 on Mulr'a atnaale to educate the public about the natural beaut1ea of the Californla wilderneaa and on hla life-Jone efforta to praerve it. Excerpts from Mulr'a prolific wrltino are de- livered by Albert, who allo offers a narrative oo the envlronmentaliat'a penona1 and political life. The story foUowl Muir'• lite, from hia famlly'a arrival in the United Stats from Scotland, \hrouch hia first trip to Yoeemite and into hia later life, when he became one of the tint environmental lobbytm in America. Vintage photosrapha of Muir with Pn!sidenta Taft and ""Theodore Roosevelt, with ;~ie "swapped tall tales around the campfire," t the telecut, u do cl..ac atilla of h1a home and fa- mily, of Joaera and ahepherda who were chanlini the Yoaemite landlcape in the early part of thla century, and of the breathtaking Yoeernite area which baa lured environmentalJsta, bualnemee and the public for over 100 lean. The preaervaUon o the Retch Hetohy Valley, one of only three such natural wonders in the world and one of Muir'• ~t projects, la allo examined in "Wl.Jdeme9e Man." C.ocltroveray over the damm.lna of th1a magnificent area was heated and the argu- ments aplit the naturallats into two groupe; the ptt9ervationlata and the oomervadon.lata. nu. stor- my t.ue brought the reticent Muir to the forefront as America's leading environmental lobbyist. but unfortunately it did not change the fate of the Hetch Hetchy . .. Wilderness Man": will air aa part of a apeclal "California Dr~ama" aeries retroapectlve over KOCE, which includes the May 12 premiere of "The Valley," a pl'08J'am on the Sallnu Valley, Jnd encore tel«aata of "The Dream of Don Guadalupe" and "Golden City." Executive producer for the· 1erlea la Patrick Griffin. "Wildemell Man" Wat written and direc- See Wlldemem, ~ Sl , I I I I I I ,. ------·--·---"*--~~---.---.-........,....: ............... THE FISHER FYl&10 : {pictured above! : . = :t:.~----···········-···!649 i This VHS video cassette recorder wiM prove on attrac- tive addition to ony home. The FVH5 10 offers 2-hour I 4-hour I 6-hour recording ond automatic play- bocl switching. A doily progrommoble timer allows you to start rec01ding ot ony time within o 2"·hour period with automatic rewind at the end of the tope. Solt touch controls ond o built-in microcomputer ore port of o so- phisticated electronci switching system which reduces mechanical wear .• f eatur•• 0 2-hour/4-hovr/6-hour tecording ond playback system 0 Automatic ploybock switching 0 Doily programmable timer 0 Soft touch controls 0 Soft eject system 0 Auto rewind system 0 VHF /UHF electroni,c tuner 0 12-preset channels 0 Remote pause control IRCS 11 0 4-digit dock 0 etectronic tope counter 0 Dew protection system with dew indicator • : • : • • • • • : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • THE FISHER FYHl20 (not shown) = :~t:..~---········!.719 r .. tur•• 0 2 -hour/"·hour/6-hour recording and ployboclc mode 0 Automatic ploybock switching 0 Seven-day, one-program timer with every doy function · 0 W ith separate displays fC: start ond end time 0 W ith separate displays for start ond end time 0 ~ial 5-mode ploybock 0 Soft touch controls 0 Solt eject system 0 VHF /UHF electronic tuner 0 I "·preset channels 0 Remote contr<?I IRC521 0 Auto rewind system D "-digit clock 0 Electronic tape counter D Dew protection system with dew indicator : rl1her Video Ca11ette • lecordera • ,.. • Fisher's advanced semiconductor : technology mokes o wealth of exciting it and reliable functions and features : possible which odd a new dimension to it your video/oud io recording . • Programmable timers transform Fisher : video cassette recorders into automatic • record ing devicM which will make • unattended recordings while you ore : oway from home. Built-in electronic tuners It let you record one program while you • ore watching another progrom on your : TV. 5 spec lot ploybock modes let you find It-programs easily ond quickly, so you con : enjoy them ot mormal speeds, in slow • motion, frame by frame, or freeze frame : still pictures. Fisher olso provides remote • controls so thot you moy operate your It-Fisher VCR from the comfort of your : viewing position . ......................... Plus on the FVH520 only o JJ.function hond-held remote control unit allowing recore IRECI, ploybod IPLAYI, stoP ISTOf'I, rewind IREWI. fost forward IFFI, pouse IPAUSEI, lost ploybock ICUEI, lost reverse IREVIEWI, still pic ture ISTllll, slow ploybock ISlOWI, triple-speed ploybock IQUICKI, frame ploybock IFRAMEI, ohd audio dubbing AUDIO DUSI. Just sit bock in your favorite choir ond enjoy all thot great Fisher color ond sound. JOK T-120 SlftR AVIYN VH8 llMll Video T .... · DCll 1 INT COLOR AND lllAN' Dn'AL FOR ALL VH8 MCOIDIRa ·- ·Index Or~ Cocid TV Antenna .............. Page 1 Sport• fflghlighU ........................ Page 5 Da11timt Schedule ...................... Page 6 Evening Schedule ...................... ,,. 8 utters ................................................ Page 33 Word Game ...•................................... Pa1Je 33 Inside 7'V ........................................... Page 31 TV Puzzle .............................. Page :13 Daytime Drama ........................ Page 34 Channels • KNXT <CBS)• 6121 W. Sunaet Blvd... Los An«eles, Ca. 9 KNBC <NBC> 3009 W. Alameda Ave .• Burbank. Ca. • KTLA (Ind.) • 5800 W. Sumet Blvd., Loll An1~. Ca. 8 KABC <ABC> 4151 Prospect Ave.: Los An1eles, Ca. <S> KFM.B (CBS> 7677 En;ineer Rd., San Dieao. Ca. 9 KlU·TV (Ind.) • 5515 Melroae Ave .. Los An1eles, Ca. (10) KCST <ABC) 8330 Eq:lneer Rd .. San,Dle19. Ca. • KTTV (lnd. > 5748 W. Swwel Blvd., Los An&eles, Ca. .. • KCOP·TV' (Ind.) . 915 N. La Brea Ave., Los Aq&eles, Ca. (24) CBS Cable .• KCE't <PBS> 4401 SUDlet Blvd., Loe AnleJ ... Ca. 8 KOCE <PBS) • ' . 157.U Golden West St., HunUnston Buch (0 ) On·TV 1139 Grand Central Ave., GJ~. Ca. CZ) Z·TV 2938 Nebruka Ave., Sant.a llonka .. Ca . <H >HBQ • Tlme·Ufe &Ida .• Rockefeller Cent.er, N.Y .• N.Y. <C> Clnemax Time·~~~~~eller ~ter.N..:..Y;,N.Y. • .( •A) N.Y., N.Y, ... .; (17) (WI'BS) Atlanta. Ga. (E> ESPN (L) Select <S> Showt.lme· <Sl Spotl~bl : <C>· <Cable News Netwo~) TV Antenna . ' every little abopkeeper who's had to cbe tu. doon, Jl ~!.=--ot~~~sucb [ Reepn talb about bed·t.Mtine medtctne that -t will eventually improve the nation'• health. But < thoee peaky news reporters keep finding people ~ who are choldna on that medicine. ~ No wonder the Ptt.ident Is upet! ~ Wu CBS right to deny Beqan'a request foe 30 5: minutes to re.pond to the documentary. ~ Reagan Vs CBS• ~:t.::'in~-=~twouldhavelletabed ~ • • precedent. The Adminiatnltion mleht pt into the ~ habit of demandinc TV time -or pint news as-e N Wh J th h ? -"erJ time a n!pOl't pol'trays him• anythlna m ~ 0 8 e ea vy • than;:; habit could have a chilllnc effect 00 i By Pen. SNEIDERMAN joumalla1a. Ne\W people could beain to think twice N or .. Dlllr ,... ..... before reporti.DC noriM critical of the Adminiatration Pity the poor President. out of fear that the Pre.ident would demand va- Lut week tbe ae.pn Administration uk.ed luable air time or print media II*»· for 30 minutes of prime time oo CBS to respaod to 'lb1a is not to uy that all news lhould be re- • network documentary explortna how n!!Clmt cut-oorted in a one·aided faahion. 1'bl& networks' regu. backs in federal aid have bun tJie needy and the lar nightly new• broadcutl strive for balanCed handicapped. comments f.rom the Administration and ita critics. White HOU8e offldala aa1d Prelddent Reapn But thfjla not alwayi-~ry In a more was upeet becauae the Administration hadn't been speclallied documentary format, wh.lcb often re- givm a chance to praent lta Dde oo the documen-flect1 a partJcular point of view and focu.es on tary, which waa entitled "People Ll.ke Ua." narrower atabject matter. In a ~ dlaplay of netwoft ~. CBS said In the cue of "People Like Ua," it waa lm- no. portant to aee bow the little people outa.ide the The ~~CBS documentary w• reported ~"°"~are farinc under the CWTent by Bill Moyen. Althoucb be la known • one of ID poUdel televiaion's more dlatingulahed joumalista. Moyers ~ thele little people may be fcqotten by alao did a stint aa White Houte preu secretary next week, the Whit.e Howe pr-.-COl'p will atill be under Lyndon Joh.Dion, aa hil aitics took pains to following Reapn around llk.e a pack of hungry point out durinl 1-t week'• flap. puppies. I CBS described the program aa "advocacy Tbe President will eet plenty of time on the . journalism," an examination of the so-called TV screen to aell hia economic policies. in fact, ''victims" of Reeonomkl. not a pro and oon look at Reapn u.ea teJevtsion better than tu. recent pl'e'"' the Plemdmt'• tr..l theoriea. clecew.n. Nevertbelw, 8-prr reportedly watched the Televilion was not kind to JUchard Nixon. who broadcalt and considered it unfair. always seemed to develop beads of sweat on hi.a CBS re.ponded to the Whit.e Howe request for upper lip under the bot TV JJcbta. equal time by aylna the network Md dor. ext.en-The same cameraa cauabt Gerald Ford atum- aive reportina on the Prelidenfa economic views in blln1 numerou. tiJnea u lie tried tO board the the pelt. ~ "respectfully reject.eel" the e,,..n Prelidential jet. request. Jimmy Carter could don a cardigan sweater It baa become obvious that the former lldor' in and pme be9kle a fireplace, ~ atill came aero. the White HOUie la qult.e uncomfortable with one aa cool and di9tant on the homl9acreena. role that's sometimes been uatpMld to him: Ule Whether it'• hil actor's training or not, Ronald villain. Reeori comm .cnm -~ .. on teleYWoo., Raaan baa c:onmtendy rejected any au.mpts 'Ibe c:amerM haw t him on hoc-llet.ck~--. to make him a 1eapept foe "erJ American who Is They've ahown him puatng sandbags during the hungry or out of work. recent Fort Wayne fJood. Yet tbll stance runs directly counter to the At press conferences, he employs a warm traditional journallatk technique for cover1ng ato. juat-plain·folb tone and sounds like he lmewa ries auch u poverty and widespread unemploy-what he'a talking about -even when the Whit.e ment. Hou.e baa to is.ie c:orrections a few hours later . Reporting that t.howland9 of people are out of CBS hu turned him down th1I time, but the work hu little impld on a t.elf!Yision viewer -or a Pn!sident llbouldn't feel too aad. The next time he newspaper reader, for that matter. Jovrnaliatl needs a few minutes of prime time for a news overcome thla by focualng oo one or two 1nd1vtduala conference or a ''major addre9," you can be awe who have lost their obs and then indicat.e there are the networks will give him whatever be needs. thousands more out there in the same bind. And the ~pie who are poor, hungry or out of So while the Prelident denies reepoNibility for work will probably be watching, too ..... VIDEO MOVIES SPQKEN HERE ' -\ ( I ,. .. ~ CIO (I) ..... g =c ~ < ~ • 'O 'C u.. ~ -' ~ .... !l 0:: AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP--R&IAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 · SADDLEIACK IMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 154tSl-·Jamboree Road NewPt>rt Beach -640.6444 · 808 Mel.ARENS IMW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La Habra -522-5333 C•EVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC · MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9100 CHEVROLET CHRYSLER-Pl YMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642·00 I 0 -540-82 I I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON UNCOLM-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.5630 SANTAANA UNCOLM-MERCURY 1301 N . Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim -956-1820 PEUGEOT llACH IMPOITS1 • 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 PONTIAC IOI LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSOM. INC. 445 E. Coast HY/y. Newport Beach -673-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUPI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-2333 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street · Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd: Huntington Beach 847-855f VOLKSWAGE~ JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd., · Huntington Beach 842-2000 V O LVO L Sports Highli~ts Friday f NIM. ao. 1tea Iva.cl 1't:t0. (I) NM IAlaTMl.L Pl.AY°"8 LOI AngelH Laker• "' Phoenix Sun• In third gAllnt ol playoff• MAY 1, 1112 MOfMNCI HO. THelWUKIN .... w.u 10:00 8 at U IUAU St. loula Cvdlnalt at Cln- dnnatl Reda 10:30 I NAIL IOCCER IOCIC.I 11:00 WCT TENMI .. 13()(),000 Houtlon T°"'· _t .. AFICUIOON 12:30 8 (I) NM aAllCETMl.L. P\AYOf'FS • 9 WIDE WOM..DM IPORT8 10-rovnd feathefwelght fight l>etwHn Jackie S..d end JoM C.t>e (ltw from Miami, Fla.I; The Ken- h.cky Oekt for 3-~-0ld lllllH (from Churchlll Downs. L.oulr.lt ... Ky ) 1:00 8 ··•o-.u. Miwltuk• Bt--II Mln- neeota Twlna atMIDAU. Mon1rMI Expos It Loe Angelee Oodgert 1:.IO 8 9 THE KEHTUCKY DEMY U... c:ovtreot of IN 1081h '1JMlng of the Int "° of thoroughbred racing'• Triple Crown, the "Run For The R-" from Churchill Downe In l..oullMlle. I( y .). UO 8 (I) TOUMAMINT Ol1 ~,.... ,,.,,... of "* -·· pro-teMioft81 toumement (frOft'I ~.Fl9.). • tll WIOI WOM..DCW IPORT9 Wottd Rflyttlnllc ~ Ilea ~..,. (from ~ Wee1 °""""V). l:IO tll GMATUT WOfnl ......... • .. Jullua Etvlng" Holt: ~ Howwd. 4::80. IOOCER MADE IN GINMNY Chlle VII. P.ni l:OO. ~MADE IN Gl.MtANY CllileYll.Peru lvtNNa ~·lllORTI~ "College Wr•tling: Iowa Vt IOwaSww" 10M8 (1) NM U8kETMU Pl.AYOff8 I ...... 'll BUNCtf 11:00 ...... t,U. Callfomla Angell al 8altJ.. more Or1cMM 11:.IO at OUTDOOR UR N'TEllHOON 12:00 8 OUTDOOA UR Featured: 81Ufllhlng In ~.Mexico. QINNCMOE 10-round Junior mlddfewelght bout between Tony Ayala and Kentucky Derby attendance In thousands 175 1so------1 o~....£.~~ ..................................... ~ ...... .,._.&,...&. ............ ~ , 971 72 '73 '7 4 '75 '76 ·n 78 •79 ·so ·a1 Chicago Tribune Graphic SMELL OF ROSES -Live coverage of the J08th running of the Kentucky Derby is ~et Saturday at 1:30 p.m. on ABC (Ch. 7). a~ 10-round rnlddlewelghl bout ~ Maril Fruit and OwlQht WM!er ~ from T~ Fla.); Pwt 4 of Ille Wortd'a Strongeet Mttl competnlon; Mll'ed ..... T.,..e DMllg (lrom .......,. , •• ~cu MCMa "Chg ~ On Two wtlellll'' 5 Monday . MAYa,tm 2:00 I a ll"ORT'WAr 2:IO ...... 10-round junior mlddfawelght bout ~ Tony Ayala and Si-Oreoory (from Tem- pe. Re.). 11•• M...oUNO i W• Oerl'Mfty'e FrM& Beckenbeuer. wldely .,, regerded ee 1oceer·1 a: ~ ~ plm)w. '< ... i.proflled. •t11 'MBllCHC ~ ~ Stt-..,_ for l>ledl nwtn off "" Greet Barrier Aef1 -Auetr.,_ Ila; PNf Harrlll and Cur1 Gowdy ...... ~ In South Dakota; Peter 8enc:lhleJ tr.... '° llrltleh Columbia to obMrw tile unueuel hebffat and h8blta of the dangwoua killer wf\e69 • 1:00 (I) THel MB< IN MllllAU. QlaucaAftM Y LEONAll>'I OOU>EN GlOVD c.iitornia YL New Mexk:o 'Thursday MAYt.tm 7:00 CD) n. WAY IT WAS 7:IO(D)U I B \U. 8eltlmore OrloMe et Cali- fornia Angele t-:00 . NUWRO UNO Sir Roger Bannle1er of Englend, the fht ~ to brMlr "" bwrier ot the four-minute mle, Ill pro- filed s:aoe ~ 10-r®nd mlddlewe4ght ::'~w=~~-= USA Network T.,.,., Fie.); P*1 • of ""' h • I I wor1d·• s1ronoeet Men 1ta a sp· orta competltlon; Milled Plllrt hrget Diving (from They don't Want to be ~ one of the best-kept se- 8l'O«f'l WfOlf 'WO'/llLD M creta in the cable televi- Greo Page w. Jimmy sion market any longer. Y°"ng In a 12-round the USA Network is only '-•t•tigl'lt 119"1 Clrom 4 years old, bu\ is 'alrea· Atlantic City, H J ): dy the No. 1 distributor H8W911an Meet-SUtftng f . . . Chemc>lon•Nc> (from en. o maJor prime-tame Bonza1 ~ 1n oa11u. sports, with 500 events Hawell.). broadcasted yearly. You Cl> IAIDAUIMJHCH name It -baseball, s:oo • OMATUTWOATS-hockey tennis basket-LECme>e • I "Affirmed" Hott. Ken ball, even rodeo -they HOwerd. cover It, and 70 percent EVINNG of the piograms are , 1:so e lllORT'I P'1HAl. shown live. Have a balll Umlted memberships avolloble What has been a better investment than BUILDING? ---,---.. ,. " • Corporate Memba'shlp • Fomtly Membership • Single Memt:>.1hlp • Associate ~Ip • Jun1or Executive c1 e to 29 veers of age> • Junk>r ~ (12 to 18 years of oge) • Swim Membenhlp • Aerobic Member~ • And our new ArnlQI Membership I • i -~~ g \I< >I { '\ I '\C • i • 4:66 (%)MOVIE ( 1 HR.; 35 MIN.) (THU) ~ 5:008 8UHR18E SEMESTER ~ Cl) LAfF.A· THON {TUE) LL. (I) MURDER AM0Ha ~ENOS (1 HR., 4'6 MIN.) ~ ~Vl~1HR.,60 MIN.) (THU) -' ~ MOvtE 1 HR, 4'6 MIN.} (MON) ~ 6:0611 Of JEANNIE 5:15 MOVIE (1HR.,38~1N. (FRI) ~ 5:20 VIDEO JUKEBOX ir 6:30 JUNTOS (MON. ED, ) VOU ANO TiiE LAW (TUE. THU) JIMMY SWAGGART LET THERE BE LIGHT (FRI) INTEANATIONAL HouA (MON, TUE) TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING (WED) PU8UC AFFAIRS (THU) NEWARK ANO REALfTY (FRI) MEET THE MAYORS (MON, WED) NEW YORI( REPORT (TUE) NINE ON NEW JERSEY CTHU) UNtVEMITY Of THE AJA (TUE-f'RI) 5:351 MV THREE SONS 5:4'6 HISTORY Of MEXICO (MON. WEO, FRI) I AMERICAN GOVEANMENt (TUE. TiiU) • A.M. WEATiiER . THE STRANGE DEATH Of THE OESERT FOX &r~ FM.ANA: THE F1R8T LADY Of LAS VEGAS c> (MON) 6:50• 5:669 REAL ESTATE PRINCIPLES (MON. WED, FAS) al HOME GAAOENER (TUE. THU) 8:00. LA. MOANING HOTFUOGE =~~(MON.WED) ==~THU) COMMUNITY FEED8ACK (FRI) VOUTH AND THE l88UE8 (MON) MEETTHEMAY~ ~ =-~~u>' STIWQHT TAU< JMlf 8WAOGART NEWS UNOEASTMOHO HUMAN Ba.AVIOR (FRlt rra EVER't'BOOrs BU8fE88 <MON. WED . HUMANfTIE8 THAOUGH THI: ARTS PROJECT UNIVERSE (MOH, WED, FRI) THEMATICS FOA ~ LMNG (TUE. FOA A REASON {T\JE. 1KJ) ~d FEATURE (MON) ~~NHL<::J, INSIDE BAIE8AU F.A. SOCCER (WED ~~~~(TUE) ~~CADOOE.81) aili:=:~=i FRI ) MOYIE 1 HR., 48 MIN. MOYIE 1 HR., 2A ..._ J e: u (TUE.fAI) e:t.~ I flLMI THAT TEACH e: IB>AU.EN 8: CAPrAIN KAHGAAOO ~..d:'J.u, OAY9 ll>J( LA. IT CM IE DONE (FRI) COMMUNITY FEEDIACK (MON) YOUTH AMIJ THE 91UE1 (TUE) ~~{THU) OMAT•ACE COAITIM FIUK1HECAT CAP'T'DB AIC NEWI (TUE-ffl) ECPLOMG lANGUAGI (MON) IMlf fl#NIGH'lf flENOHAI. "*MCI NIO MONEY MAHAQE.; ~~-~ .. ---·- I THIS WEEK IN THE NBA (THU) THE REMAAKABLE ROCKET (FRI) ==(THU) MOVIE 1 HR., ~ M.... MON) ~ ~~ HR .. 2& MINJ ~HU) 8: Gl.) MOvE (MON) 8:4'69NEW8 (%)MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (MON) 7:00[MOAHtNG NEWS TOOAV 7 CLUB al GOOD MORNING AMERICA THE FROOZLES ROMPEAROOM BUGS BUNNY ANO FRIENDS FRED FLINTSTONE AND FRIENDS BU81HES8 REPORT PERSONAL FlNANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE· ENT (FRI) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (MON. WED) Of EARTH ANO MAN (TUE. 'rHU) IOA MAKES A MOVIE (MON) MOVIE ~.THU) SPORTS CENTER SNEAK PREVIEW (FRI) CHARLIE. THE LONESOME COUGAR (TUE) FRACTURED FLICKERS (FRI) (I) LOLA FALANA: THE RAST LADY OF LAS ~AS (1 HR.) (THU) I EU81£1Ul1 HR, 30 MIN.) (FR1) MOVIE 1 HR. 30 MIN.) (THU) 7:30GTii lSAWAY · TiiE FLINTSTONES CARTOONS YOGA FOR HEAL TH MAGIC Of Otl. PAINTING MOVIE (TUE. FA) BACK8fREET SIX (MON) 11 HR, 63 MIN.i !>') MOVIE 1 HR., 40 MIN. ) MOVIE 1 HR., 4'6 MIN. FRI) MOVIE MON, WED) MOVIE 1 HR.. 30 aAIN.) (WED) 1· Gl.) (WED) 7;4'6(%) MOVIE (1 HA., 34 MIN.) (FRI) 8:00 Cl) SUNUP SAN DIEGO JfM.SAKKER JOHN DAV1060N AJPPER (FRO TOM ANO ./EMY (MON-THU) BIG BLUE MAA8l£ (FfW) ~ AOOEA8 (R) (MON-THU) BOOVBUOOE8 MOYIE (1 HA., 36 MIN.) (MON~ (J) MOVIE (1 HR., 69 MIN'.) MOVIE (1.-. 40 MIN.) (TH I) MURDER AMONG FRl£N06 (1 HR. 4'6 MIN.) CB) ~AT ON EARTH (FRI) (8) THE STRANGE DEA Tii Of THE DESERT FOX IMON,WED) AEROBtCt8E (MON WED. FRI) ~ HR.. 56 MIN.) (FRI) :.4'61MOVIE~.35 MIN.) (THU) 10:00 Cl) THE PRICE IS RtGHt TEXAS BtGVAU.EY al LOVE BOAT (R) TIC TAC DOUGH I DREAM Of JEANNIE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING GETT1N' TO KNOW ME (R) (FRI) EOUCA TIONAL PROGRAMMING (MON-THU) MOVIE 1 HR., 35 MIN.I (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR, 31 MIN. (MON) MOVIE 1 HR., 67 MIN. (TUE) MOVIE ED) MOVIE HR., 60 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE 2 HRS.) (FRI) MOVIE MON-l'HU) MOVIE 1 HR, 35 MIN.) (MON) THE G OEN AGE Of taEVISION (1 HR.) r:E) MOVIE 2 HRS., 10 MIN.) ED) MOVI~ ~1 HR .• 55 MIN.) ("ruE) 10:06al.) MO'.ilE 10:30(!) PfTFALL GH06T ANO MRS. MUIR (TUE-FRI) TWICE A WOMAN (MON) INDEPENDENT NEl'WORt< NEWS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (FRI) POCKET BIUIAROS (WED) MOVl!U1 HR., 67 MIN~ (THU) MOVIE 1 HR, 30 MIN. (MON) 10:4'6(%) >VIE (1 HR., 2& IN.) (WED) 11:00 8 TA TTt.Et Al.E.S TiiEOOCTORS BONANZA al FAMILY FEUD TiiE YOUNG ANO TiiE RESTLESS BULL.8EYE CTUE.fRI) NOWHERE 1'0 TUAN (MON) BUU.8EYE WOMEN'S PAGE LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE WHY IN THE WORt.O (THU, FRI) ELECTRICCOMPAHY (R) (MON-WED) RICHAAO 8MMON8 =JMON-™~ FORUM li MOVIE 1 HR., 5e (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 38 MIN. (TUE) 11: l!ll (1 HR., ... IN.) (~ 11:30 THE YOUNG ANOTHEAE8 8EAACH FOR TOMORROW ANS HOPE MATCH GAME (TUE.fRI) MATCH GAME L~ERICAN 8lYLE MACNEJL I LEHAEA REPORT ING 8LUE MAA8lE (WED) ~~(FRI) F.A. 8000EA (MON) COLLEGE VOllEYBAU. (WED, THU) SNEAK PAEVIEW (FRO MOVE 1' HR.. 30 MtN.} E· ) MCME 1HR.,15YN. ~ MOVIE 1 HR., 57 MIN. ) \I f I .I{'\<><>'\ J UP AND COMING (R) O (MON) WHY IN THE WORLD (TUE. THU} AMERICAN ENTERPAtSE (WED) ALL-ST AR SPORTS CHALLENGE (MON) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (TUE) -MOVIE (2 HRS .• 18 MIH.) (TUE) GROWING PAINS ( 1 HR) CWEO) MOVIE (1 HR., 3e MIN.) (THU) 12:35 al.I THE R.INTSTONES 1 :00 D . ANOTHER WORLD HOUR MAGAZINE I ONE LIFE TO LIVE MOVIE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING WCT TENNIS (FR1) BOXING (MON) MOVIE (2 HRS., 30 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR .. •O MIN.) (MON) THAT MAN IN THE WHrtE HOUSE: F.D.R (2 HRS.) (WED) I MOVIE ( 1 HR., 33 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (THU) MOVIE (2 HRS., 60 MIN.) (FRI) AN EVENING OF CoMEOY AND MAGIC ( 1 HR, 30 MIN.) (TUE) 1:05~THE MUNSTtRS 1:15 MOVIE (1 HR',26MIN.) (FRI) 1:30 (I) CAPITOL NEWS SIGNATURE (TUE-FRI) NAPOLEON ANO LOVE (MON) BIG BLUE MARBLE (MON) BOXING (WED) COLLEGE FOOTBALL (THU) BARRY MANILOW IN COHC€RT ( 1 HR, 25 MIN.) (MON) D JOCKEY (l HR) (WED) (%)MOVIE (1 AR., S5 MIN.) (THU) 1:35,LEAVE ITTO BEAV£R 1:"'5 MOV1E (1 HR, 59 MIN.) (TUE) 2:00 (I) GUIDING LIGHT CHIPS (R) JOHN DAVIDSON «I GENERAL HOSPITAL IRONSIDE OPEN LINE SUPERMAN BOTANIC MAN: CRACKPOT JACKPOT (FRI) MIXED BAG: VIDEO ART (TUE) QUIZ KIDS (WED) COLLLLLECTING (THU) GUTEN TAG. WtE GEHl"S? (FRI) GUTEN TAG IN DEUTSCHLAND (MON) LES GAMMAS (TUE) . TOMORROW'S FAMtUES, TOMOAAOW'S FAIEN08 (WED) HABL~ ESPANOL (THU) INSIDE BASEBALL (TUE) MOVIE AEAOBICISE (MON. WED, FRI) ~=H ,25Ml~ (MON) MOVIE 1 HR, 35 MIN. (WED) 2:06a1) Y BUNCH ( ) ~~~~(TUE-THU) 2:130&:: AR!liURSCHWARTZ (~} IN 8EAACH Of SHAW (TUE) ii D~ MEACE CUNNINGHAM. (WED) ~ PLAYERS RARB.Y EVEA PLAY I MISTER~ (R) 8PORT8WOMAN (TUE) ~ MUAOEA AMONG FA£.N06 (1 HR., '5 MIN.) IFRI) • MOVIE MON, WED) MOVIE 1 HR, 39 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE 2 HRS .. 50 MIN.) (WS>) MOVIE 1 HR .. 35 MIN.) (THU) 2:35 ~ LY HILL8fLUES 2:"'5 MOVIE (1 HR, 34 MIN.) {FRI) 3:00 BARNEY MILLER DONAHUE R1CHARD SIMMONS EDGE OF NIGHT MERVGRtFAN MOVIE HAWAII AVE-0 PEOPLE'S COURT THEWALTONS MIGHTY MOUSE CANDIDA (TUE) YOU AND l'HE LAW (FRI) HOME GARDENER (MON, WED) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (TUE THU) HOUR MAGAZINE SESAME STREET c;J NEW MAID (FRI) . IDA MAKES A ~E (MON) ALADDIN (TUE) LITTLE FRla.o. (WED) WILD BABIES (THU) F.A. SOCCER (TUE) MOVIE 11 HR. 35 MIN.I (MON. ) MOVIE 1 HA., ~ MIN. (TUE) MOVIE 1 HA., • 1 MIN. (WED) MOVIE 1 HR.. 40 MIN. (THU) 3:06 Ql> ANDY GRIFFfTH (MON-WED, FRI) al.I NEWS (THU) 3:30 8 BARNABY JONES RICHARD SIMMONS PEOPLE'S COURT CHARLIE'S ANGELS HOPPER'S 8ll£NCE (MON) BLACK KNIGHT (WED) YOU ANO THE LAW (f!RI) INSIDE JAl>AN (MON, W£0) OCEANUS (TUE. THU) IDA MAKES A MOVIE (FRI) • BACKSTREET SIX (m GOLF HIGHUGHT8 t) MOVIE (1HA.,30 M .) (f':R) LOLA ~ALANA: THE FiR8t LADY Of LAS VEGAS (1 HA.) (THU~ ·~=1 ::::w::l rMON {!)MOYIE 1HR.,30 MIN.~ ) 3:3611) PYLE (MON. l'HU. FRI) al.I NEWS (WED) 3:46(%)MOVIE (1 HR.,~MIN. (%)MOVIE (1 HR. 34 MIN. ) 4:00 8 MARY TYLER COUPLES NEWS WELCOME BACK KOTTER YOU ASKED FOR IT THE BAAOY BUNCH scooeYooo THE NEW 8TORVTB.LEAS: JACKIE T()A.. Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities "Serving AJl Faiths" RENOE (THU) ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) UTTlE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRtE VICTORY GARDEN (FRI) WHY IN THE WORLD (MON) HOME GARDENER (TUE THU) NUMERO UNO (WED) MOVIE {TUE. WED, Ffl) COOKIE' GOES TO THE H06PfT Al (THU) COLLEGE INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES (FRI) INSIDE BASEBALL (MON) THIS WEEK IN THE NBA (TUE) SPORTS F~M (WED) THIS WEEK IN THE NHL (THU) MOVIE (MON-WED) HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR (FRI) ~:05@ WINNERS (FRI) @ CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS (MON, WED. THU) @NEWS (TUE) •:20(%) MOVIE (1 HR.. 40 MIN.) (FRI) 4:3011 NEWS BOB NEWHART (1) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M*A*S*H LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY THE BRADY BUNCH BUGS BUNNY ANO FRIENDS SIGNATURE MISTER ROGERS (R) MACNEIL I LEHR~ REPORT THE LAST Of THE CADOOES (THU) SPORTS CENTER THE STRANGE DEATH Of THE DESERT FOX i~D BABIES (FRI) MOVIE &HU) MOVIE 1HR,30 MIN.) (TUE. THU) •:35 al.I BAS ALL (TUE. WEO. FRI) l~~DSON (THU) 6:00 8 De (I) 9 NEWS LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE THE SAINT MOVIE (MON, TUE. THU, FRI) NASL SOCCER (WED) wacoME BACK. KOTTER SCOOBYDOO MIXED BAG: IN8IOe. OOTStOE (FRI) MIXED BAO: W>EO Alff (MON) QUtZ KIDS (TUE) ..,,,..~uLECTINO (WED) BOTANIC MAN: ON THE LIMIT (THU) SE.8.AME 8TFEE I c;J UVEATRVE OVEREMY MOVIE (MON, THU) POCKET BtWAR08 (FRO AUSTRALIAN RULES 'FOOTBALL (MON) TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS (TVE) AUTORA~i :8~30~.~ (FRI) =ON~(= THE STRANGE DEATH Of THE DESERT FOX =)YE.AAS Of JERRY LEE -A CELEBRATION JJ.~viIT1~R. 40 aM.) (FRI) {!)MOVIE ( 1 HA.. 35 MIN.) (THU) 7 :!! 0 - • 8 ~Friday g \I< >I{'\ I '\< • \I< >\ 11.~ i ~ 6:15(1) "Oh Godl" (1977, Comedy) George BurM, • John Oenvef. ~ 8:00 CC> "Secfet Valle)'" LL. (%) "Tatgets" (1968, SUspense) Boris Karloff. Tim ci O"Kelly. o 8:06U) "A Woman Rebels" (1936, Orama) Katha- ..J rine Hepburn, Herbert Marahall. ~ 7:30(C) "Cotton Candy" (1978, Comedy) Clint Howard, Charle9 Martin Smith. 8 CH> ''The Big Red One" ( 1980. AdventUte) lee u.. Marvin, Mark Hamill. Cl) "The Odd Couple" (1968, Comedy) Jack Lem- mon, Walter Matthiul. 7:.-5 (%) "Phobia" ( 1980, Suspense) Paul Michael Glaser, Susan Hogan. 8:06U) "Toughest Man In Arizona" (1951, Western) Vaughn MOOfoe, Joen Leslie. 9:00• "Any Number Can Play" (19.t9. Orama) Clark Gable. Alexls Smith. 9:30• ''The Star Packer" (193". Western) John Wayne, Verna Hiiie. CC> "Outlaw Blues" (1977. Orama) Peter Fonda. Susan Saint James. (%)"The Man Who loved Women" (1978, Orama) Char1es Denn«, Leslie Caron. Directed by Francois Truffaut. 10:00 CID "Rud<us" ( 1980, Drama) Dirk Benedict, Linda Blair. Cl) "I'll Cry Tomorrow'' (1955, Biogfaphy) Susan Ha~d. Richard Conte. 10:06U) "Blggef Then Life'' (1956. Orama) James Meson, Barbara Rush. 11:ooe "Mogambo" (195.t, Orama) Qark Gable.· Ava Gardner. 11:30(C) "Shame. Shame On The Bixby Boyl" (1979. Adventllfe) Monte Matkham. (%)"Cattle Ann6e And Utt.le Btttchee" (1981, West- ern) Burt Lancatet, John Sevege. .\I 11 .l{'\< >< >'\ \I<>\ 11.'°' 12:00• "Nightmare In The &Kl" (1966. Orama) John Derek. Aldo Ray. • --Mr. And Mra. Smith" ( 19" 1, Comedy) Carote Lombard, Gene Raymond. e "The Crowded Sky'' (1960, Orama) Dena Andrews. Rhonda~. Cl) "Seems Like Old Tlmel" (1980, Comedy) G> die Hawn, Ctievy Chae. 1:00()) "Dey Of The Trtfftdl" (1963, Sclenoe-Flo- tlon) Howard Keel. Nicole Meufney. CC> "Cotton Cendy" (1978, Comedy) cam How-•d. Char1el Martin Smith. CB> ''The Ordeal Of Patty Heerlt" (1979, Orama) Dennie Weaver. Liu Elfbecher. e "Ttl8" (1979. Orama) Nu1ulla KJnlkl. Peter Arth. 1:15(%) "Monty Python Meets Beyond The Fringe" (1978. Comedy) Narrated by Dudley Moore. 2:00CD "Stir Crazy" (1980. eom.dy) Richefd Pryor, Gene Wilder. . 2:808 "Thteeoennv Opera" (1931, (Muek:al) Lotte L.enya, Em.t lbc:h. 2:-46<1> "Phobia" (1980, Sulpenee) Paul Mlc:hael Gluer, Susan Hogan. a:ooe ''The Hcinkera" (1972. Comedy) James Coburn. Lots Nettteton. 8:30CB> "Smokey Bffee The Oust" (1981, Comedy) ff McNlchol, Janet Julian. 4t "Secret Valley" 4: "Peter Rabbit And The Talel Of BMtrtx Potter" (1971. Fantasy) Frederlct< Altrton, Aleun- der Grant. &OO(J) "Mr. 8lendlngl Bullds Hll Dream Houle'' 1.1948. Comedy) Cary Grant, Myrna Loy. CH> "Manganlnnte'' ( 1980. Orama) M9wuyul Y~. Anna Ralph. •. _"A _ Nlghtlngelt Sang In ~-Square" ( 1979, comedy) Acherd Jordan, Olvld Niven. &to(C) ''Shame, 8twN On The Bixby Boyt" (1079, ~·> Mont• Mati(hem. I \ I '\ I '\( I BOT CARS. TOO -DaJ•y Duie (C.therlne Bach) be<lomef romanrim.U.Y JnvoJved with Jamie IAe HOll6 (Jonarhan Frabl) on "".lbe Du.ks of ll.u:urtF Friday at 8 J>.m. on CBS (Q. 2). Cl) M0\11E "Come BIOW Your Hom" (1963. Ora- ma) Frank Sinatra. Tony 811. A refomled playboy finds hit younger brother folowtng In his footstepl. i1 hf •• 55 min.) CJ) MOVIE "Targets" (1968. Sulpente) BOt1I Kar- loff, Tim O'Kelly. An aging horror-movie star trite to reason wtth • murderous tnlper at a ~In "'°"'8 thea~ .. 30mln.) e:l30 ALL IN ~LY NAPOLEON & LOVE "Georgina" ~ of France tor the past tour yw1. Nlpoleorl decldel to ~"'· bUt who .. """' .. QUMfl -his wtf9 Of hll mlltt .. Georgina? ( 1 hr.) I T: L08 ANOEI EB~ !fol REVIEW --•-REPORT• NIOflEW8 RAIDEN During the CIYI War, a Northern IPY t1* to lnfltrate rebel terrttOf)' and 'ff::':e a train vttal to the South'• ~ lines. 7:~L~ I HAPPY DAYS AGAtN Al!ICNE'WS P.M. MAGAZJitE A melk>rder catatogue that caters to mlllonalres; • ~.nd-wtfe motorcy- de daredevtl tMm. eKOJAK · CJ) NEW YORK AEPORT Gueat: Thomas A. Cough- Nn of the NN Yen State Correction s.Mce. !or 8'TERT' NNMENT TONOHT An lnttfVlew With r;:~=:en:;Q THEMUPPETB MAGtC OF OI. PAINTINO MOYIE "Oudlw ..,_.. ( 1977. Orama) Petet , ~ 8elnt JmMt. When a oountry-wtetern *"'* ltMll hll tDng. an ex-con trtel deeperately to tetiM his recording r1ghlt ~ beffllng the police. 'PO' (1 hr .• 40 min.) CD MOYIE ''Smokey 81181 The eu.t•· c 1981. Come- ft'/l Jimmy McN6chol. Jlnet JUien. A hid\ IClhOOI dlllnquent ge19 the whole town on hit tl8f When he mekel off .. the "'°"~ ~ Ind N9dl 8Cf08' the ..... In a ..... of llolen ~ 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 30 mln.) cm MOYIE "Mountain Men" (1980. AcMnture) CJ.1eon Heleon, 8'ten Keith. Two fur tnippn tnjoy the fr8'dc>m of the wlldemelt In the ,... .... )IMfl betor• the enoroectvnll it of cMlzatlon. 'fr ( 1 hr •• ·"*'·> • JOl!L CME'f If CONCERT The ...... tmllntt Of the Tony Awer~ entertelnlt •• ~ ,,, ... ~.,_~ ......... --'° M.Odw\.~) 7: I OH 'ntE Feetufed: toum-Y to Knox-... .,.., ..... tor. pr9IMw of"" operq of"" 1 Wortcr1 FM. =ya"=uv & OOMPAHV Giants (2 hrs.. 30 min.) I YOU ASKED FOR IT M*A•&•H SIGNATURE Guest: Christina Crawt0<d. MACNEll / lEHAER REPORT WALL STTEEf WEEK "Good Companies Don't Always Make Money" Guest: Stephen C. Leuthold. managing director, fhe Leuthold Group. CB) SNEAK PAEVlEW A look Is taken at the movies, specials and sports events coming up on Home Box Office. (%) MOVIE "Monty Python Meets Beyond The Fringe" (1976. Comedy) Narrated by Dudley Moore. A behind-the-scenes look Is taken at rehef- tals and preparations f0< Amnesty lntemational's 1976 comedy benefit show that starred membe<s of Moni Phthon. ( 1 hr .• 25 min.) 7:36 ~EWS • 8:00 Cl) THE DUKES OF HAZZARD Daisy plans to ~ with Boss Hogg's nephew Jamie Lee. (A) ( 1 hr. B JOKEBOOK The world's top animators illus- trate classic short jokes and other humorous vig- nettes. e MOVIE "Logan's Run" ( 1976, Scienoe-Flction) Michael York, Jenny Agutter. Logan. a young man living in a futuristic society~ Is assigned to discovef If life exists somewhere beyond his sheltered city. (2 hrs.) 8 0 BENSON The governor's party refuses to support his nomination for a second term and Instead offers hlm an ambassador's post In Iceland. i. ENCORE NCWS "June 2.t. 1972" • P.M. MAGAZINE Oiscove< some "Foxy Boxing"; A mall-order catalogue that caters to mllllonalres. • MOV1E "The Searchers" (1956. Western) John Wayne, Jeffrey Hunter. When a CMI War vet•an returns home and flnda his two nieces captured by Comanches. he embarks on a five-year search. (2 hrs.) 18 MtlCED BAG: INSIDE. OVTSfDE Who's making It and dlstr'lbutlon methods II the topk: In the second of a two-part aerlet on making fllma In a doeed mar- ket. ·=~INGTON WEEK IN REVIEW ~ MOVIE ·~raJn" ( 1980. SUspenee) Ben Johnson, Jamie Lee Curtis. A college fratemtty'a New Year's masquerade party turns Into • night-mare when a vindictive guest start• klllng off the e!_rty-gon. 'R' (1 hr .. 3/ min.) Cl) MOVIE ''Seems Like Old Tlmel'' (1980, eon. ft'/) GOidie Hawn, Chevy CNM. A IOft~ lew- yer II torn between her hopeleel ex~ turned--benk robber and her uptight preeent hue-- bend who Is running for Celfomla attorney gen«al. 'PG' (1 hr .. .t2 min.) • MOVIE "All That Jazz" (1979, MUlical) Roy Scheider, Jeu1ca Lange. The tumultUOUI llfe of t profestlonal chOleographer la followed from auo- CeN on the stage to personal cri8M. 'R' (2 nra.. 3 mlnJ_ 8:30e • CHICAGO STORY Dr.ot~ the fight to save Or. Bergatrom·sg reputa- tion. and Frank Wajorlf(I c:or rt rtlignlng from the ~ force. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) • Ill MAGGIE Maggie and her husband Len. on their way to • marriage encounter ...ion. make a wr~ turn and wind up stranded when the car runa lout ~8EVAAEJ0'8 CHAONIClE All IN THE FA.ML Y BEETHOVEN'S EMPE'AOR CONCERTO Pianist Mtu Rublnlteln Joint the Orchestra de Parts With Paol Kleckl condUctlna. (1 hr.) • WALL Slf&t WES< "Good Compentes Don't · Always Make Money" Guelt: Steohen C. Leuthold, managing director, fhe Leuthold Group. e CAEATMTY WfTM aeu.. MOYERS ''Out Art'' Bill Moyers lookl at torM artlltt who t>reek with tradl--tlOn to lt-r>e m1t1agee that a,. unique, outrageous Ind unoonvtntlonll. Q ai1~AMLY t:00 (I) DAU.Al With the help of Mlaa Biie, J.R F.el*Y to Fer1ow'1 ranch to try to regatn'hla aon . E ) MOYE "The One And Only" (1978. Come- ft'/) WlnkJlr, Kim Derby. A mldt done a pletf.. rvn wig end becomel the fluhlelt wreetter to 9Yef .,,.., • ~ tn.) • ~v GIWA4 ''&Mlt• To bp Opera IMdlog n:.; .. Oueltt: ... Cotemen, c:twtltopher Rich, Mart Arnold. kin 8twtner \ L.aurenoe t.au. Diana ea..,..,,.. (1 hr., :TM1'Y WITH K.L MOV8l8 ''Out M.'' 811 loc*9 It aome 8'tllll who tw.-wtlt\ trad- tton IO .. "11111" tNt .. ~ outr9geOUI -~'1'=:.i MCWll ·-~· ~ ~· {1810, ~ Fridaf (continlled) Cl) TOP RANK BOXING From Atlantic Cify. New ~. (2 hrs .• 30 min.) 6 CD MOVIE "The Last Metro" (1980, Orama) C8th«lne Deneuve. Gerard Depardieo. Dfrecfed by Francois Truffaut. During Wor1d War It, the proprie- tors of a small Paris theatre try to keep their estab- llshment open during the German oocwpatlon. 'PG' Li hrs .. 10 min.) (Q) MOVIE "Tim" (1981, Drama) Piper t.urle, Mel Gibson. A young retarded man and a sensltl~. mld- dfi..aged WOfll:Bn develop a ctoee relatlonahlp of mutual need and unde<Standlng that leads to an unorthodox marriage. (1 hr., 35 min.) (%) MOVIE "Cattle Annie And Little Britches" ( 1981. Western) Burt Lancatter. John Savage, Two tough outlaws pick up a palr of teen-age gltls and take them along on their adveotures. 'PG' ( 1 ht., 35 min.) 9:05(11) MOVIE "Away All Boats" (1956. Adventure) Jeff Chandler, George Nader. A transport crew proves Its worth while und« attack during Wood War ti. (2 hrs .. 25 min.) 9:309 NAPOLEON & LOVE "Ge<J<glna" Ruler of Franccl tor the past four years. Napoleon declde8 to become Emperor. but who win reign as qt'9ef'l -his wtfe ~or his mkfttess Georgina? (1 tv.) • e IN8IOE STORY Hoddlng Carter looks at Amer1can press coverage of Israel and the Middle East. - 10:008 (I) NURSE Grant Memcnll 11 kwaded by a boisterous, self~tered talk lhow host and h&s eotourage. who try to tum the holpltal Into a luxury resort. (1 hr.) 8 e MCCLAIN'8 LAW McClain 11 lasigned to protect a deputy mayor who hes been ~ for assassination by a group of foreign terr (A) ik~= i TONY BROWN'S JOURNAL "Ghettonomics" Tony Brown looks at one black newspaper's outline of self-help guldellnes to black &uMval In the ptto . • FHHG LINE "Where To Go On Prison Reform" Guest: Watetgate conspirator CtwktS Colson. ( 1 ht.) ~ CB) MOVIE "Mountain Men" (1980, Adventure) Chartton Heston. Brian Keith. Two fur trapPerS eoJoy the freedom of the wlldefness In the last few years before the encroachment of clvlllz.atlon. 'A' (1 ht., 36 min.) Cl> MOV1E "Chapter Two" ( 1979, ComicW) .,..,_ Caan. Marsha Mason. Soon •"" hll wlfe'I dMlh, a writer finds himlelf retuc:t.ntty Wing In lcMt lglin. 'PG' (2 hrs., 4 min.) e MOV1E ''Fame'' ( 1980, Orama) Irene Cera. Bar- ry Miler. Sevefal gifted students at a New Y~ high school for the perlormlnQ arts experience varioul setbacks and successes of both peBOnal and pro- fesalonal natures. 'PG' (2 hr$., 14 min.) 10:30.NEWS I iiONA TURE Guest: Christina Crawford. CAUFOANIA WES< IN REVIEW MOVIE "The Last Of The Mobile Hot Shots'' (1969, Comedy) James CobUrn, LyM Redgrave. 10:46 ~ CHAAU8 dw.tPuN ON THE FILM 8CEHE 11:oogf.&~MN£W8 l ~~rr . IENHVHU. MIXBUtAG: INSIDE OUTSlDE Who's making it and dlltrlbutlon methods Is the topic In the eecond · of a two-part 98rles on making fllma In a closed mar- k.t. I Ota< CAVETT WE WERE <EWAN JEWS The retUM ot Her• bert and Lotte Strausa to o.rm.ny, from wNch they fled In 19'43 to escape almolt Olft.in dNth In • Nazi conc.ntration camp, II chronlded. ( t hr.) (II) MNMN HMtl l80tt THErAE PLAWG MY ~ Liza Mlnnell, Jol'lnny Meeti1. Glldyl ~ and Ca11y smoo q ..,. of todmY• "' ..... ..._ ~ "The W~ W. Were." ''Whit I Did For LCM" and "Nobody [)c,.. tt a.n.." CZ> MOYIE ''In Pr.... Of Older Women" ( '911; or.m.) Tom Bererp, ~ 1119c*. A HunglrlM loltwlo ,..,....._on hll Pllt rorMMlo ~ from hit flrlt " the ege "' 12 to "" lldudlon of • ~ ., 30.r.&r-tt ., 11:••<1> NIA "-AW>flll =~meet,._.. a.N In tNrd _...,.. ol -rn DMelan ~· • •TWT 12.mCMon. O&.-Bob mw~· 1hr. 'tBB CAP.FAIN SP•Aaa -Known tbrOughoua ti» unlwne • Capi.i.n Kirk of "Star Trek,'' actor Willl•m Sbatner will di.cu. hU actia6 career on "Over Easy" Friday at 5 p.m. on KOCE (Cb. 60). ,. With beaUtlf\Jf women that he ftnds It dHftcult to remeln satisfied with any lndtvldual relationship. 'A' ( 1 hr., 55 min.) 1 :00. MOVIE "The llWfsibte Man" ( 1933. Science- Fiction) Claude Rains. Gloria Stuart. Bued on H.G. wens novel. A chemist loses hfs sanity after Ingest- ing a concoction which irppatts invlllbllty. (1 ht., 30 mrn.) -•MOVIE "War Hunt" (1982. Orama) John Six- on, Robert Redford. A soldier 1n the l<orean War becomes schizophrenic and reacts oddly after a "cease-fire" order. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) · 1.:20 ® MOVIE "Ruckus" (1980. Drama) Dirk e.r. diet, Linda BaaK. A ~shocked Vietnam vet di. turbs the peace of a small Alabama town. 'PG' ( 1 ht., 35 min.) 1 :25 Gl) MISSION: IMP088t8LE 1:308NEW8 •EVENING AT THE IMPAOV 1:!0(C) MOVIE "Outlaw Blues" (1977. Orama) Peter Fonda, Susan Saint James. When a countJy- western singer steals his song, an ex-con tries des- perately to retrieve his recordfng rights while bafftlng the,loe:'PG' (1hr .• 40mln.) 2:00 eNEWS 2:06 MOVIE "The Men" (1950, Orama) Jaci< Webb. Marlon Brando. A paralyzed W81 veteran 11ruggtes to overcome the per90081 dltflcuftles ~~by his disabilities. ( 1 hr .• 50 min.) 2: 15 ()) MOVIE "Wiid And Beautiful On Ibiza" ( 1981, Comedy) Regis Porte, Tanja Splesa. Rich and poor young traveners conwrge on the Island resort for e holiday of partying. 'R' ( 1 hr., 26 min.) 2:26 (fl) RAT PA TROl 2:30• MOVIE ''The lnvislbltt Man Returns" (·1940, Science-Action) Cedric Hardwlcke, Vincent Price. A man borrows the secret of lnvlslbillty when he Is accuaed of his btother's murder and must find the realkiller. (1hr.,30mln.) I= "Here Come The Girls" (1953. Come,. dy) Bob Hope. Arlene Dahl. Following a threat on the llte of a show's star perlormer, a song-end- dance man tills In as a decoy to trap the killer. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • MOVIE "Curse Of The Vampires" (1970. Hor· ror) Amalia F\Jentis, Eddie Garcia. A btother and slat« learn that their vampil1em was eoquKed from thelt mother. '1 hr .• 30 min.) CllAU.~AA 8POAT.8 CHAu.ENoE 1969 Kanta1 Q!:ty Chiefs vs. 1951 Los Angetes Rams • MOVIE "Texas Lightning" (1981, Orama) Channing Mitchell, Maureen Mceonnlck. A boy's weekend hunting ~ wtth his flther twns Into .,.. initiation Into menhood. 'A' \ 1 hr., 35 min.) 2:46. MOYIE "My Gifi Tiea' (11M8, Romance) Lllll Palmer, Sam Wanamaker. A young Immigrant girt . tries to get iler father out of the old country and put her boyfriend through law achool at the same time. (2 hrs.) 2:60 (I) MOVIE "Monty Python Meets Beyond The Fringe" (1976, Comedy) Nertated by OUdtey Moore. A behlnd-the-scenea look Is taken at reher- sals and preparations for Amnelty lntemet!Onel'1 1976 c?ffiedY benefit show that starred members Of MonEPhthon. <1hr .• 25m1n.> S:OO NEW8 Cll BOAT RACING From Miami, FloridL ~7) (t hr.) (8) MOYIE ''Willie & Phll'' (1980. Comedy) Michael Ontkeen. Margot Kldder. Three people begin a triangular romance In Greenwich VMage that continues throughout the metcurlat social ~ Of the '70.. 'R' (1 hr .• 56 min.) 3:30(C) MOW: "Middle-Age Crazy" (1980, Come- dy) ~n-Margret. Bruce Oem. A 'rew <*eloper's successful job and beautiful wife manage to drive hlmlntoamld-llfecrlels. 'A' (1hf.,31 min.) 3:46(1) MOVIE "Seems Uk• Old Tlmee'' (1980, CGmtdy) G'*le Hewn. ~ cnue. A toft-heert· Id l9wyer II tom betw_, hw hopelw 9)(-hulbend- tumecH:Minlc rObblr and hw uptight pr-.nt hue- tMwld who le ~for Celfomil •tt~ genlf1ll. 'PG' (1tw .. 42 min. "'-"00• MOVIE " trMalble MM'a RIYlnge" ( 1.-;w. 6dlnc:e-Fict6on) Jotw'I Cemldlnl. Jon Hll. A tcientllt 11 klllld ~ lht ~ men M ,.,.,,,,,.ldlf1tm11eda11 •~=~-r··ai I Ugo Tognml. Mid*·~ . ~acouple ..... ~ ... ~IOQllthen-..utwtane .?.l!.~a:J. "MCMI,~ .... • Ut11 .,..._.. 4:~=,·=u~-:p n -.... ;.•a*-Ct ...... .. .\ f< >H '\ I '\C ; ~ 5:00 Cf) CHAIBTOPHER CLOSEUP ~ ~.:r~.Stud'' (1978, Orama) Joan Col- (!) PAOFESSK>NAL RODEO From Mesquite, Tex- as. (2 hrs.) ® FLASHBACK: ARE AT THE COCOANUT GROVE Eric Sevareld holts Ihle docUmentary Ulus. tratlng ftle tragic events of Saturday night, Novem-S ber 28, 1942. when the famous Boston nightclub a: exploded Into a blazing Inferno. ( 1 ht.) 6:0606 E (fl) Bt4A8EBAU BUNCH 6:30 VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA Cf) ARK AND REALITY 6:35G1)THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY 6:45 Cl) MURDER AMONG FRIENOS SaNy Kellerman and Leslie Neilsen atat In th18 comedy whodunit. set In a New YOik apartment on New Year's Eve, Involv- ing an actor. his wealthy Wife and his ambitious agent p "'·· 45 min.) 6:00~ESTER PU8UC AFFAtRS TEEN TALK APPLE POUSHEAS PERSPECTIVE BUREAU F£P0AT SATURDAY MORNING MOYIE "The App6e Dumpling Gang Rides ~ .. (1979. Comedy) Tim Conway, Don Knotts. • MOVIE "Coast To Coast" (1980. Corned)') Qyan cannon. Robett Bleke. (1 tv .. 34 min.) (%) MOVIE "Barber•" ( 1968, Scienoe-Actlon) Jane Fonda, Milo O'Shea. ( 1 tv., 38 min.) &.061iM AND PEACE 8:20 NEWS 8:30 DU8TY'S TAEEHOUSE T'8CAT PACEBETTEN VOICE OF AGRICll.TURE AMBICA: THE SECOND CENTURY DAVEY AND OOUATH fT'8 YOUR BU8IE88 IPEAKOUT CAPTIONED A8C NEWS DR. 8NUOOI E.8 MCME "SecondWlncf'' (1980, Dfeme) Uldsay w~. JemM Neughton. 7:00 • KID8WOAlO Featured: an lntetvlew With the famous comic book and TV ..-c:harac1et1, Bat- man and Robin; a report Of) an exciting rollercouter at Rodc.Jway PSayland oded the "Clnerame Coast-•·" • THE FUNT8TONE8 liG BLUE MAABlE 1:::=-HOUR DAVEY AND QOLIATH DOCTOR WHO TUANA80UT YOGA FOA HEALTH 8PORT8 CENTER 7: U) MOVIE "On The Waterfront" (1954, OJama) Mel1on BrMdo, Eva Malle Saint. 7:30,~8MAGIC CltCU8 8NUOOl.E8 R RICHIE NCH / 8C008Y 000 lflTEANATIONAl HOUR DAVEY AND QOLIATH DOCTOR WHO NEWS e NONo HUMAN BEHAVIOR 7: MOYIE ''Undnrcutd Al:M'' (1980, eom.- ctf) Btneclct • ...,_Ottflleh. <t tw •• 39 mn.) . (%)MOYIE "Tllglll" (1-&taptnle) Ben Kar· e:':· TlnlO~hr.,30mn.) • R ''The~~· (1936. W•-• 15"~ = U. In" ( llM6, W1111mJ r~·-l~T--HartbOll. Ute••TANDNl~MOlWE "Thi Lo.-' (1177, ~) M Tomin. . MCING .. ~ Dlfb)o Aloll'' --::;;;Ji'· . CB> MOYIE ''Kii Md• c1•1, AcMnU9> Ja,,,. Ryen, 1 tw •• ., "*'-> (I) fOfW ''ti* ~ =llllllllllAAO'llDO tlon)~--~ ' ~ lll)x. (1 hr.:.t17 •t' ,, 1:30 T I I ~ I HAPPY DAYS GANO t: ~VE~~~ I LAVERNE & 8tR.EY ''The Human Vapor'' ( 1960, Science- Ion) YOlhlo TIUChtya, KarON Yachlqusa. Cl) 80008' NA8l tOCK8 "North American ANGLEY . Ii VOICE AMBICAN OOVEANMENT t: CZ> MOVE ''Monty' Python Meets Bevond The Frtnga" (1078, Comedy) Nanated by Dudley Moore.~.) 9:30. ~ BUNNY I AOADRUNte mZE Nit) HAfRET l,~THCUFF I MARMADUKE__ THl8 WEEK If BA8EBALL MONEYMAl<EA8 AMSICAH GOVBMitENT MOYIE "a.la Are Anglng" (1960, Mualcal) ~ollday. Dean Matt\n. 9:31 all MOVE "The Story _Of Seabilcuit" ( 1949, Draml) Lon Mc:Cdllter, Shlr1ey Temple. t:.t0• MOVE "The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs ~ M<MI'' ( 1881, Comedy) Anlm8lad. Volcee by Mel Blane. June Foray. (1hr .. 20 min.) 10:00•. MSEBAU St. Louis Caldlnall mt Clncin-rwti1'edi (3 tn.) NANA THUNOMR I GOlOE OOLO Man Of A Thouund Faces" (1957, ~·Dorothy Malone. . 1808JONE8 LAST CHANCE ~•.AGE &r.i Seera stralaht· w out an :Z."'*" problem and MllUlt .. dlfter-ant mlkea ~of tlr•, (R) - • VOTa"I PRUNE Jim CoopaJ modlr8'• a dlbett between CMdldatel ..-.Ing otb lo ~ FCX# 8111CIW" (1981, Drmma) Carol Burnett. u.~7 "*'-> "Gigi" ( 1158, ) Mutce Chewt- llr, ltlll Ceron. (1~ 16 "*'-> A' I ULA'I nwTIN Wl.D OF NIMM.8 J• - Big plans Joe Flynn and Eve Arden, respectively as tlie dean of a f inah- cJally hard-pressed conege and the presi- de'J t of a cere.a1 com -. pany, make plans for a super-strength for- m u J a accidentally concocted b y two •cience students in Walt Disney's "The Stronget1t Man in the World" Saturday at 9 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). I COOIQNG MEXICAN WE8T...-rER 000 SHOW HIGHLIGHTS 11: 5. MOVIE "C8Yeman" (1981, Comedy) Ringo StarruOennll au.Id. (1tv.,31 min.) 11:30 (I) BlACK8T AA I AMERICAN 8AN08TAND ,WllOWEST MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING 11: GZ MOYIE "The Death Of RicNe'' (1977, Dra- ma) Ben Gazzara. Robby Benion. \ I I I I ~ '\ < H ) '\ ~rued) . -• NcNA "~era. 5'*91 And Prtwlte LIYll" The beneftts and potentlaf huwda brought about by advances In computer tecl\nology are lnvesttgat· ed~ (1hr.) nHGYEARS MOVIE "Something Of Value'' (1957, Drama) HUdson, Dena Wynter. ())GOLF HtGHUQHTS "197' U.S. Open" 1:36al) MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 2:00. GIUJOAN'S ISlAND e MOYIE "The Greet Amettcen Wlk*nese" {J977, Ad\lenture) Oocument91'Y. • MOVIE "The Paralax VleW" (197,, Drema) Warren Beatty, Paula Prentiss. c1\JRE Guost: Clwlstlna Crawford. UNOEA8T ANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR COll.EGE VOLlEt'8All "Collegiate Clasaic: "Santa Barbete va. USC (2 hr&) · (8) MOVIE ''The Apple Dumpling Gang Aides ~In" (1979, Comedy) Tim Conway. Don Knotts. (.I) MOVIE "Mr. BuddWlng" ( 1966, Mystery) James Gam«, Suzanne Pleshette. ( 1 hr., 4'0 min.) 2:15(%) MOVIE "Peter Rabbit And The Tales Of Beatrix Potter" (1971, Fantasy) Frederick Ashton, Alexander Grant. (1 hi'., 30 min.) 2:30 e GLUGAN'S ISL.AHO QI MIXED BAG; INSIDE. OUTSK>E Who's making It and distribution methods Is the topic In the second of a two-part series on making fllms In a dosed met· ket. e IHSIOE STORY Hoddkla carter looks et A~ can press coverage of ltlaef and the Mktdle East. e UNOERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR 2:36 all MOTORWEEK lllUSTAATED 2:56. JOEL GREY IH CONCERT The v.satile tat- entt of the Tony Award·wlnnlnb entertainer are fea-- tured In this one-man show which Includes 1 salute to Geor~ M. Cohan. (1 hr.) 3:00 8 (I) TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPtONS TENNIS Anals of this women's profeselonal tournament {from Gfenelete, Ra.). (2 hrs.) e MOVIE ''The Reluctant Astronaut'' (1967, Com- ~} Don Knotts, Arttu O'Connel. • (II WICE WOALD Of SPORTS World Rhythmic Qymnatlcs Champk>nsNpl (from Munich, West ~). • MOVIE "Van Nuys Blvd." (1979, Comedy) Bill Adi«, Cynthia Wood. ta BEETHOVEN'S EMPEAOA CX>NCEmO Pianist Arthur Rubinstein jolnl the Orchestra de Parll with Paul KJeckl conduc:t"rw':!.: TI•ICING HUCUAA WM L F9'Tll holll lft °'how Amlflom1I .. ,...,.King to the rtlka of the .,. ,.. Ind :WJ!·t: .. WOl1dngto....,. ..... IMOYIE "The Uttle lhgonl" (1981, Adventure) =r=P9mon. :°' EVER'fWI GE Location; llYe from "Health .11~cr*· Nofwlllk. (1hr.,30 min.) RAQNG AQUB)UCT GMArr~ LfOEND8 "Jullul Erving" ~Howwd. B.OMEGl>.RCBBI MCWIE ,_.. The Of Kathy Morrll'' ) leofWd Nmoy, Mlbd. a•CI> MOVIE "1'M Blildl ~(1979, 8delioe-Floliiift) MmdmllM 8chll. Aoblrt Fonter, Ywttl ~, .... ( 1 "'·· ~ nlln.) CZ> IOE . ._..... c1• ~Action) ...,. Fcinca..., aer-. c1 hr., • m.> ~= ''UlcMl1ia•1 Oold" (1099, Weet· ) P9alc. °""' ltwtf. NJNle BICl!VWID'~ 1HE AOCICFORD • MOYIE ''DMlt Wllh" (197~. Drwn9) Ctwtel ' ~~LOW ·~· """ of for Che• failr_.~ decldll to bloome • tllUI ""° ......... ~ -hill .... Gr ....... _ 1 1 "'· I QUE PASA. U.S.A.? (A) 8PEaAL TREAT "I 00n't Know Who I Am'' A 18-yeer-otd adcptee QOf1 on a dttflc:Ult but deter· mined search for her blotoglcal perentt. (R) (1 tv.) I IHTAOOUaNG BtOLOOY 8PORT8 CENTER MOVIE "Kill And Kiii Again" ( 1981, Ad\lenture) J8fnes Ryan, Annelne Ktter. ( 1 hr .• '° min.) 4.'05.MOVE ''The kk*naker'' (1980. Drama) Rey 4:~,~~"'"·> e IOCCat MADI• GERMANY Chit vs. Peru ( 1 tw.) I INTAOOUCINQ BIOLOOY WHO WANT8 TO IE A HERO 5: LAMSICAN MMNl\JRE I :.~~ KOJAK MOVE "The Br_Mklng Point" (1950. Adven- ture~ Gerlilld, Phylll Thald•. L=..~~ondJon __ .. • opera about a GYJ>9Y art and the dragoon wt'°88 ... lhe tun. Herbert '/'on Kerajen oonductl the Vienna Phltwmonlc. (3 tn.) I~..::: GERMANY Chit YI. Pe(u (1 hr.) =I FQf FOOTIA&.1. "Qlmlon lJrM'lity a.me•· c2 tn., ao m .) "Kli Or le Kllect' ( 1980, Ad\lent:ure) ~· Chertoete alc:Mll. e ''Up,._.. C1MO, Adventure) Morgmn 6:0l=NAltM.LI ALMI Gualtt.: Moe .,8'8ndy, • Joe . c1 tw.r &:•~ OFT.-WLO WILCOME MCK. K0-1-wdl- g MOVIE ''Bloodlport" (1973. Drarrw) Ben John. eon. Gary Bueey. • ~ UPOiN A ClA88IC ''The TlililrnM'' King Rtchard leerl'll that Kenneth delerted hit poet out °' love for Edith anCI Mnfencea him to deeth. (Patt 4) ;:) ~ "Penelope" (Comedy) Anna S.gman, ~~Murcell. (I) MOVIE ''Gigi'' (1958, Mullcal) Maura Ct*81- ler, Leslie Caron. ( 1 hr., 55 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Monty Python Meeta Beyond The Fringe" (1976, Comedy) Narrated by Dud'8y Moore. (1 tv .. 25 min.) l . \ 1 . '\ I '\( I 8:00. Cl) C88 NEWS I 'I:=~ Time Machine" ( 1960. Science- Action) Rod Tay1or, Yvette Mlmleux. Based on the novel by H.G. Wells. A computer genius devises a unique vehicle that carries him to a futuristic society Involved In rebellion against Sllbterranean "farm- ers." (2 hrs.) I W~ITE SHADOW THEMUPPETS MOVlE "Magnum Force" ( 1973. Mystery) Clln1 Eastwood. Hal Holbrook. A San Francisco detective traces a series of murders of notorious gangsters to a frustrated police team. (2 hts.) • UP ANO COMING "For Me, Myself... Maybe" Joyce Wiison fights resentment at home and on the )ob when she Is promoted'to a loan supef\'lsof at the bank.O • SPORTS AMERICA "College WrestOng: Iowa Va. Iowa State" ( 1 hr.) ®MOVIE "Take This Job And ShOve It" (1981, Comedy) Robert Hays. Barbara Hershey.~ young corporate executive runs Into resistance when he returns to his hometown to revitalize a company brewery. 'PG' (1 hr., 40 min.) 6:06al) UNDERSEA WORLD Of JACQUES COUS- TEAU 6:15. MOVIE "Coast To Coast" (1980, Corned)') Dyan cannon. Robert Blake. A runaw.y ~ and a 1C1appy trucker hMllna c.attle coat to coat becOme lhe target of a wlkf crem-country·chale. 'PG' (1 ht., 3' min.) 8:30·-~ • I THE MOPPETS WHY IN THE WORLD .1 7: ,~~~Of ... I WIEE WEAE YOU? THE HNVf BOYi I NANCY OAEW M'f8TER. I Wl.D t<INQDOM P£0PLE'8 COURT LAWRENCE WBJ< ' CHEQONG fT OUT FMhnd: Latino mc:Me and actora; rodeo ~ an lntarAew wtth c..toa~ IL PA08E9 ''Solp 0pera·· HOit fMh Warrick takes a behlnd-the-tcenel look at the ~ ductlon procell that Yleldl • dally IOllp. 0 CC MOVIE "Kii And kl Aot/I(' (1981, A<Mntln) ..,._ Ryan, Annelne Krill A mlftilt .-ts 9'Cl*1 belnlll the mk*>nl of • power-mad ... tilt lnl.m on .,.Ying maridnd wtth a new "*'d-control drug. 'PO' (1 hr., 40 rm.) (JI) MOYE ''All Eye For Alt Eye'' (1988, Ofwnl) Aob9rt L.anelng. P8t Wayne. A bounty t.AnW 1Mkt revenge on ttae ...,. lllbte for the ct.th of hill wfte Ind ton. (2 tn.) ~ MOVIE ''Cattle Arfrle And Uttte Bnlchlt" 981, Wel&ern) Burt lafalW. John 8ewge. WO tough OUltawl pick up a s* of ...,... glrtl and .. them along on their acMnt\l'a 'PG' ( 1 hr.,36.:J. ' 7:0&E 7: ONCE Ft!Y8' ATUI OUll: TH! NEW "'°"'8 =:L:':t:c I W9E y__."~~~ . NATtoNALL Y KNOWN, f.WAAO WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER ~ u 1 -~ ,.. $ :l! Q. ~ > 1 ~ -<O CD N ( It~ (contiDued) ~ 0 EYE ON SAN DIEGO John Beatty reports on the recent archaeloglcal findings of prehistoric man In San Diego; BIN Griffith tab with San Diego'• new Pa~ Dlcf( Wiiiiams. I THE MUPPET'S BUILDING WITH THE SUN Dick Ellis offers prac- tical advice on the UM of passive SO(ar energy. CC) MOVIE "The Late Show'' (1971. Myst8f)') Art Cerney. Lily Tomlin. A seasoned private eye ri encounle<s btackmall and murder when he comes ~ out of retirement to locate • cat belonging to an ottbeat female client. (1hr .. 30mln.) (I) 197' U.S. OPEN GOLF HIGHLIGHTS ()) BEST OF WHAT'S UP AMERICA ( 1 HR, 30 .2 MIN.) 0:: 8:008 Cl) WALT 0tSHEY "A Disney Vacation" Donald Duck. Mickey Mouse and other Disney char- acters illustrate In a series of cartoons the spring deske to go on vacation. (1 hr.) D e HARPER VALLEY The Relllys try to put a damper on Stella's relationship with the handsome new publisher of the Sentinel. e MOVIE "Mysterious Island" {1961. Sclenc&-Flc- tlon) Joan Greenwood, Mlchael C<ajg. Ave men escape lrom a Confederate prison and· encounter strange creatures on an Island In the South Seas. (2 hrs.) 8 (II BANJO THE WOODPILE CAT Animated. A spunky runaway cat finds overwhelming excilement and the value o friendship In the big city. 8 MOVIE "Beware! The Blob" ( 1972. Honor) Godfrey Cambridge. Marlene Clark. A frozen. shapeless mass brought from the North Pole by a ~Isl thaws out and goes on a killing spree. (2 i ~AULHOOAN SONNY AND CHER A WOMAN CALLED GOLDA Ingrid Bergman stars In the story of Golda Meir's life from her ear1y days In Milwaukee to her triumphant meeting. as Israeli Prime Minister. with Egyptian Presk1ent Anwar Sadat. (Part 2) (2 hrs.) 18 CARMEN Great Bumbry and Jon Vickers stat In Bizet's opera about a gypsy gin and the dragoon whose life she ruins. Hel'bert Von Karajan conducts the Vienna Phllharmonlc. (3 hrs.) I TRAINING DOGS THE WOODHOUSE WAY MOVIE "A Farewell To Arms" (1932. Drama) Gat'Y Coopef, HIM1 ..... A MXnfld Amer1Can soldier falls In love with IW English nur1e In World war I Italy. (1 hr .. 30 min.) Cl) SPORTS CENTER .(II) MOVIE "Excalibur" ( 1981. Fantasy) Nigel T er- ry, Nlool Wllllamlon. Thi e.ploltt of king· Arthur btlnQ ~er and death to the knight• of the Round Table. 'R' (2 hfa.. 20 min.) • MOVIE "The Four Sellonl" (1981, Orama) Ailn Alda. Cerol eum.n. 11wee couples. al cloee. Iona-time fflendl. expettence profound changes In thW relationlhlpl ~ one of the mafflage9 disin- tegrates. 'PG' (1 hf., 57 min.) 8:0I ~1 WORLD AT WAA 8:30 • ONE Of THE BOV8 Olive< and Bernard Tube Topper "A Farewell to Arma" Channel 50 --8 p.m. dlecover that they •• too old and too young for their own good. (A) • 0 ST"'A.NLEV l'HE UGl Y DUCKLING Animated. A forlorn ugly ducidlng embarks on a search for Identity. -.-......... Cf) RACtNO FROM l"tlUUQCYc.a.T • 8WltQH' THE BUD "Mary L.ou Wllllams" The "queen of jazz" remlnlsce6 about her formative years in Kansas City. · 8:'5 (%) CHAAl..ES CHAMPLIN ON THE ALM SCENE 9:00 8 Cl) MOV1E "The Strongest Man In The World" ( 1974, Comedy) Kurt Russell. Joe Flynn. Two college students aocldentally concoct a vitamin formula th.at gives people soperhuman strength. IB> 12 hrs.) D • BARBARA MANDRELL ANO THE MAN- OREll StSTERS Guests: Andy Winlams. the Oak Rldde Boys. (R) ( 1 hr.) 8 111 lOVE BOAT An unusuat_wtor helps a man, a beautiful woman meets hef guardian angel. and a ~=T~ wreak havoc. Q (1 hr.) • MERV GRIFFIN Guests: Marie Osmond. Joeeph Bottoms~ Norman Saleet. Marc Lappe. (1 hr.) • AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE "Prtvate Content- ---. . . . ment" Reynoldi Prl6f'k original screenpiay libout a YOU!lQ soldier's last family reunion.before being sent to fight in World War II sta11 Kathefine Walker and John McMartin. Q (1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "The Man Who Fell To Earth" (1976, Science-Action) David BOWie. Candy Clark. A rock star from an alien planet. on an Interplanetary _ search for water for his people. becomes an expfolt- ed mllllonaife on Earth. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 58 min.) (I) COLLEGE VOLLEYBALL "CoMeglate Classic: Semifinal" Santa Barbara vs. USC (2 firs.) CD Cl) MOVIE "The Four Seasons" (1981. Orama) Alan Alda, Carol Burnett. Three couptes. all close. long-time friends. experience profound changes In thefr relationships when one of the marriages disin- !!grates. 'PG' (1 hr .• 57 min.) (Q) MOVIE "Steel" ( 1980. Drama) Lee MaJO<s, Jennifer O'Neill. A beautiful woman is assisted by a tough construc11on foreman In running the company she Inherits af1er her father's suspicious. "acciden- tal" death. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 41 min.) (%) MOVIE "Cutter's Way" {1981. Orama) John Heard, Jett Bridges. A maimed Vietnam vet and his best friend. a social drop out. focus their energies on solving a murder case. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 9:05al) MOVIE ''The ltallan Job" (1969. Adventure) Michael Caine. Noel Coward. A groop of smalltime crooks plan to pull a bank heist during.a rigged traf- fic l@l: (2 hrs .. 5 min.) ~ 9:30. MATINEE AT THE BIJOU Featured: Roy Rogers and Bob Nolan and the Sons of the Pioneers star In "Song 0 1 Texas" {1943); a cartoon. "Christmas Night"; and Chapter 1 of "Don Winslow Of The Navy." (A) ( 1 hr .. '30 min.) 10:001• NBC MAGAZINE I ~~ASY ISLAND An oil rig worker wants to meet a centerfold model and a pilot wants 10 tame the Thunderbird In an Air Force fighter ,et. Q ( 1 hr.) II MOVIE "The Victors" ( 1963. Drama) George Peppard, George Hamlllon. An American infantry platoon travels through post-Wortd War II Europe (? hrs .. 50 min.) (!) MOVIE "Or. JekyU And Sister Hyde" (1972. Honor) Ralph Bates. Martine Beswick. A young doctor experimenting with strange chemical draughts develops a serious gender problem. (2 lhrs.~D GOLD THE GOLDEN AGE OF Ta..EVISION "Wind Rom The South" Donald Woods end Julie Hatris HOMEOWNERS Wtlefe. )VII ~ itinerary IM you ... a OOslness or pleastle, tiefore )IOU go -p!M a stop to Pat lbley's. fOI' J) ~s ,_ -Pat Marley, ~mself. ltd assoaates continue to pl19l1t MI'S fashms thlt ..Ue 111 dress or casual! Now•'1..mted to ladles' tr~ . We • hM a hideaway sale upstJr$ II the atbc r0001. PU II nlld the st«e you'll .. ....,~.., 11tt -tu SP/ special gift! ~~::::l • 1 I Saturday (rontinued) star In a dramatic tale of urvequlted love centered around several American couples In a amaU Irish inn. U hr .• 30 min.) • MOVIE "Private Benjamin" ( 1980, Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Eileen Brennan. A welHo-do young woman mistakenly }olns the Army following the death of her new husband on their wedding night. 'R' (1 hr .• 50 min.) 10:30. PORTRAIT OF A LEGEND ® 25 YEARS OF JERRY LEE -A CELEBRATION Johnny Cash. Kris Krtstofferson, Charlie Rich and Mickey Gilley join Jerry Lee Lewis In a perfocmanoe taped at the Jackson Han of the Tenneseee Per- formlrig Arts Center In Nashvllle. ( 1 hr.) 10:'46~CHAALES CHAMPLIN ON THE ALM SCENE 10:50 BR>'SLIFE 11:00 8. (() 0. NEWS • ENnRTAINMENT THIS WEEK Interviews with Roger Moore. Sheena Easton, Rita Moreno, Pat Boone and George Hamilton. (1 hr.) • MOVIE "Death Wish" (1974, Orama) Charles Bronson. Hope Lange. After three hoodlums murder his wife and leave his daughter In a state of speech- less shock, an enraged man sets out on a one--man v~ance campaign. (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "The Seatchecs" ( 1956, Western) John Wayne. Jeffrey Hunter. When a CMI War veteran returns home and finds his two nieces captured by Comanches. he embarks on a five-year search. (2 hr&) QI CARMEN Grace Bumbty and Jon Vickers star In Bizet's opera about a gypsy girl and the dragoon whose life she ruins. Herbert Von Karajan conducts the Vienna Philharmonic. (3 hrs.) 11D AUSTIN CITY LIMITS The legendary WiHie Nel-son and Texas songwriter I storyteller Guy Clark are featured. ( 1 hr.) (I) All-sTAR SPORTS CHALLENGE New York Football G~nts Of The 1950's vs. New York Yank-ees Of The 1950's CD MOVIE "High Heels" (1972. Comedy) Jean-- Paul Belmondo. Mia Farrow. A man becomes a membef of a club that Is devoted to seducing home- ly_ women. (1 hr .• 45 min.) ca> MOVIE "The Story Of O" ( 1975, O<ama) Co<· lnne Clery, Udo Kier. A young woman tests the Umlts of love as she allows herself to be dominated by the man she loves. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) Cl) BIZARRE "Best Of Bizarre'• Am Season'' CZ) MOVIE "Last Days Of Man On Earth" (1975, SQMnce-Flctlon) Jon Ancl'I, Patnck Magee. When the ultimate disaster strlkes. a lkeptlcal Nobel acl- entlll lhlnka that a compMr buried oodefground cen uw the WOttd. 'A' (1l'lr .. 2.e rm.) 11:10al MOYIE "St ...un•1 Lane" (1940, Orama) awr. L.aqdon, VMert &..*'-A lttMI .,.,._ adopts a home'8• waif and helpt her become a. star. (1hr .. 50mk\.) 11:30 'THE AOCl<FOAO F1LE8 e 8CTV NETWOAK Guests: Third Wor1d. ( 1 hr., mlf\. I~ "The Fighting Seebeea" (1~. Adven- ture) John Wayne, Susan Hayward. A group of Wor1d Wlf II Seabeet II llllg;ied to repaJr mllttary lnltalatlons dengeroualy clole to enemy temtory. twt.) MOVIE "Carrie'' (1978, Hocroc) Sluy Spacek, Laurie. A timid teen-eger becomel the butt of a CNlll prom-night prank Ind retaliates against hef ..,.,,., .. wtth a devastating. IUpe(Nltural fury. (2 hrl .. 15 mlfl.) i MOVIE ''Oteduetion 01y" ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 8PORT8 CENTER MOYIE ·on. Fan" (1981, ~) Lauren Blcal, James Garn«. A popular film star Is victim- ized by a PIY,chotlc edmlrtt. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 35 min.) Cl) MOVIE' Metlacra At Central High''. (1976. D<a- IN) Andrew 61 .... Robert Cal1'8dne. A Cl'Ulade for revenge beglrw aft• a prank thlt went too f9I was puiid on the QUet« 1tudlnt1 by a group of bored hlgl'l-tchool fnlndL 'R' (1 hr .. 21 min.) 11:.eae MOV'IE "ffom The Terrece'' (1960, O<ama) PU Newmen, J09nne Woodnrd. Bated on the now.I by John O'twa. A 1TW1'1 marriage orumblel ttom neglect u he dlmbl the llldder of aucce11. ( 3 12:=-· MOVIE "The Wied Angell" (1966. Orama) P9ttt Fonda, Nancy Sinatra. A rough band of mocorcyc111t1 roema through ~nla. ( 1 hr.. •5 min.) Cl) MOVE "Web Of~·· ( 1989, Oreme) Brett tiallly, Margaret '--A man flnde hlmMlf ena.n- gled with a ~drug-emuggln when he lets out to lnYelt the kidnapping of hit former gfl'lo- r:+~ "(1911, Drama) lytba• '-Wllit1a. A IOUgft New Vortt Qty oap Im Na wart& GUI GUI for Nm ~ one of lhl ....,, -;;.i::. ........... ~ .... Cllly. I ilwlillli ~ .. :,.\1174. _, """ ........ A,.._...,. • 7'00 OLD-Oliver Nugent (MJdcey Rooaey) diM:oven he ia too old IOI' Illa own I°!'!' Satw'd.ty •t 8:30 p..m. on ''One of iM Boys' m NBC (Ch. 4 . Gulf Coast town wreaking havoc on the llvM of tetrl- fled citizens. (2 hn.f Cl) COLLEGE FOOTBALL "Clemeon Untverslty ~ Qalne'' (2 hra., 30 min.) CZ) MCME "In Pralle Of Ok* Women" ( 1978, er.me) Tom S..iger. t<af90 ea.c:k. A~ kJtharto remllllecla on hla pat romantic conquetts, from t"8 h It the ege of 12 to hit ledUctlon of• hoUlewtM It 30. 'R' (l hr., 48 min.) 12:.e&(I) MOVIE "Rabid" (1979, Horroc) Martlyn etwmbera. ffank Moore. A young woman who was Ctttic.dY Injured In a motorcycle accident II saved by a radlcaly new MOlcal procedufe that leaves her With only one aide 9'fect -a vocack>ua appetite fOJ human blood. 'R' (1 hr .• 34 min.) 1:008 AOa< CONCEAT • iJCME "Since You Went Aw~" ( 1~. Orama) Oeudette Colbert. 8hlrtey T empte. An American famlly struggle to remain a.ne deepffe the problemt they must-race dul1ng WOl1d Wat II. (3 hrs., 15 min~ M188K)N: IMPOe8a.E EVE'NNi AT THE MPAOV MOVE "SeYen" 1en. Adventure) Wllllam , Batbara L ... U.~. lntellgerioe ca .. In • ~ cial agent to atop the Imminent merger of MYefl Hawaiian crime syndicates. 'R' (1hr.,40 min.) 1:06® MOVIE "The Four S1Mc.-." (1981, Drema) Alen Alda, Carol Burnett. Thr" couplM. d cklee, long-time friends, e~ profound ohengee In -relltlonlhm wNn one of the merrllgee dlllfl.- t atet. 'PG' 1 hr., 67 "*'· 1: ~CC) MOVIE ' Seizure: The k.ory Of Kathy Monte" (Drema) Leonard Nlmoy, P9nlk>pe Miiford. A beeutlful young women with • ~ cateer llghtt for her llte, when ft 11111\d down bY a ,_,_ fatal brain tumor. ( 1 hr .. .a "*t.) 1:30e MOYIE "Thi er .. ....-, A9tf..-.ge" (1971, Horror) Kent Taytor. Graot w..n.. An American doctor plot• to trenaplent the tnln ol • Mktdle ea.t- ern clctatOJ. (2 tn.) 1:.eae MOVIE "War Goda Of The Delo" (1985, 8clenoe-Flotlon) Vincent Pftoe, Tab t-blt•. An underw•t-...... OllY'• rui.r kldMpl two ~ .women. ~"'··~ . 1:11.£~ "TN~ .. (1M1, Homw) Dee W Patrlak w.one.. A womM ,.,,,_ II "***'-............ .,be ....... 'R' I ~\a Heard, Jeff Bridget. A maimed Vietnam vet and hie best friend, a IOclal drop out. focus their energies onn=mucderca.. 'R' (1 hr .. 45mln.) 2:30. NEWS (!)NA GAS SAVERS QUIZ «!) AGAIOUl TURE U.S.A. ~'46()) MOVIE ''The Four Seuonl" (1981, Drama) .g_,... Alan Alda. carol Burnett. Thi" couples. au close, long-time friends. experience profound ctiangee In ~ thefr relatlonshlpa when one of the marrlagee dllln-5: tegrates. 'PG' (1 hr., 57 min.) ~ 2:55(C) MOVIE "Somethlhg Ot Value" (1957, O<a-- ma) Rock Hudson, Dana Wynter. The violence > encountered by a peacemaker turns hlm Into a 1 seeker of vengeance. (1 h< .. 50 min.) CID MOVIE "Kiii And Klfl Agatn" (1981, Adventure) ' ~ Jamel Ryan, Annellne Krfel. A martial arts expert battles the minions of a power-mad scientist Intent on enslaving mankind with a new mlnd-<x>ntrol drug. 'PG' (1 hf., 40 min.) 3:008 MOVIE "Vivacious Lady" (1938, Comedy) Ginger Rogers. James Stewart. A college professor encounters sharp-edged hostlllty from his conMfVa- tlve parents when he marries a cabaret singer. ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) . !I? STRAIGHT TALK ~="U.S. Alpine Championships" (1 h<.) 3:30e MOV1E "Tomb Of Llgela" (1965, Horroc) Vincent Price. Elizabeth Shepperd. A dead woman attempts to ruin hef husband's eecond marr1age by terr0<1zlng his new wife. 3:36e MCME "Popeye" (1980. Comedy) Robin w1n1ams. Shelley Dwan. Whlle searching foe his father, the aplnach-eating sailor visits a quaJnt hdm- let where he picks up a foundling and a skinny sweetheart. 'PG' (1 hr .• 5-4 min.) 4:00(f) OR PAUL YONGGI CHO Cl) SPORTS CENTER •:06 «!)BETWEEN THE LINES CZ) MOVIE "last Days Of Man On Earth" (1975. Science-Fiction) Jon Floch. Patrick Magee. When the ultimate disaster strikes, a skeptical Nobel sci- entist thinks tha1 a compute< burled underground can save the wor1d. 'R' (1h< .• 2• min.) •:fs e MOVIE "Hideout" (19-48. western) Adr1an Booth, Lloyd Bridges. A mayocal candidate's bid for office In a small town results In attempted murder. (1 hr.) •:$0 (!) V1EWPOtNT ON NUTRtTION .-:36 «!) rr 18 WRITTEN (JI) 26 YEAA8 Of JERRY LEE -A CEl.EBAA TION Johnny Cash, Kris Krlstofferaon. Charlie Rich and Mickey Gilley join Jerry Lee Lewis In a performance taped at the Jeckaon Hell ol the Tem•H Pet· f°'"*'G Ma c.nter In Nalhvlll. ( 1 hr.) i.. BOT Of WHAT'S UP AMERICA (1 HR., 30 .e:.ea~ MOVIE "The Late Sholl(' (1977, Mystety} Aft~. uty Tomlin. A 1111ooed prlv9te eye encounters ~ and murder wt'l8f'I he c:omee out of retirement to locate a cat ~Ing to an offbeat female cffenl • :· 4:50e LAST OFTHEW1LO i · 'The Venrea~ce of Khan' name of Star Trek film HOLLYWOOD (AP) -"Star Trek: The v enpnm ol Khan" .. the title of the .a:Jnd 1DOYle about the edWnturs of the Stanhip J:nterprile and la aoew. Bicardo Monialban 8tan -Khan. • c:hancter fin\ featund in a lt8'1 ep.odlt ol the .. Star Trek" te1evilion ....._ Blbt,..... Beech. Merritt Butrlck and Paul Win.field allo IW'. Returnina crewmen. are WUllam Sbatner, Leonard Ntmoy. n.ran.t Kelley, Jam.a Doohan, Walw Xoen11, Geal'lle Talrel and NlcbeDe N~ plUI newcoms ~ AJJ.y at Lt. 8Mvlk. Nk:bolla Meyer directeei from a ~ bJ Jeck B. Sowardl from a 1tory by Harv. Beftnett and Sowarm. Gene Boddenberry, wbo creeted ·~tar Tnk." ... oomultmt to the production. Tbt majol' CllldDc bM been canpleWd tor .. lAdd Co.'• ~ ol the JDOYle .,..*" of ,_ Wolfe'• '-nw laltlt fkutt." The Mtronauta Will be portraJWCI by Cbatlill J'raak .. leott Ca~nter. lleott Glenn • Alan ~ .. Barrtt. Mm Olma. 0-.Qlllld. Qi,, • ., ........ Wll'd • OUi an.am. Sam llaeNrd ~ Chari• Yeepr UMI IUm · s~111L:tn 1a1i11 ill DID .,... MM1 Wally Sdlltia Wlllbl Hf ldli". ":flit ........... FE ...... ...... ......... . ....... _.., ... _.,,, t •• Ntrcnla..: ~2 ---------- • . ·----·-· ·-----------------~----·-----·-----·------· ----~ ----· --------·---------···----....... ··-·· ·--...... ·--·--. ·-.... ·-.. ·-··· .. - u -!Sunday- (") :c a. c( \I< >ll:\ I:\C ~ ~ 5:00 8 VOYAGE TO THE BOTIOM OF THE SEA "' (!) NINE ON NEW JERSEY :g (I) HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL .. Derby All-Star LL Classic" (2 hrs.) ti 6:05 all JAMES ROBISON · o 5:30 (!) DAY OF DISCOVERY .j (%) MOVIE "Peter Rabbit And The Tales QI Beatrix ~ Potter" ( 1971, Fanta.sy) Frederick Ashton, Alexan- der Grant. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 5:36 (11) CARTOONS 5:4011 MOV1E "The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Sunny Movie" (1981. Comedy) Animated. Voices by Mel Blanc. June F0<ay. (1 hr .. 20 min.) 5:-451 CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 6:00 MUSIC ANO THE SPOKEN WORD SUNDAY MORNING YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES ORAL ROBERTS OtRECTlONS 8'8LE ANSWERS ROMPER ROOM A CONVERSATION WfTH OR. GERSON COHEN Carl Stern talks with the chancellOf of the Jewish Theological Seminary of Amefica about Issues facing Jews In America and abroad. (1 hr.) CH> MOVIE "Salem's Lor' (1979, Horror) David Sout._James Mason. (1hr .. 50 min.) 8:06 w LOST IN SPACE • (I) MOVIE "Hawk The Slayer' (1981, Adventure) Jaok Palance. JoM Terry. 8:16~ MOVIE "ABBA: The Movie" (1978. Muelcal) ABBA. 6:30 e FOR OUR TIME.8 SEAENOIPfTY f«J8ER I 8CHUU..S4 DAVBAEAK LA. AMBICA: THE 8ECONO CENTUAY POINT OF VfEW PUBUC Pll.8E NEWS 7: •TOOAY'SAEUGION I THAT'S CAT UTTl.E RASCALS •SUNDAY MASS SPECTRUM DAY OF OtSCOVERY CARTOONS YOGA FOR HEAL TH SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Cattle AMle And Little Britches" (1981. Western) Burt Lancaster, John Savage. (1 hr •• 35 min.) 7:06 (fl) UGHTE:R SIDE OF THE NEWS 7:10• MOVIE "The Four Seasons" (1981, Orama) Alan Alda, Carol Burnett. (1 hr .. 57 min.) 7:308 FAITHWAYS Tube Topper Counterattack: Crime in America Channel 7 -7 p.m. 0-.-K~ I WHITNEY ANO THE ROBOT CAMPUS PAOAlE "Viewpoint On Nutrition" a...ta: Actress Robin Shefwood, actress Jo AM l~~~~T~ING THA re THE SPIRIT SEARCH JMtlf SWAOOART MBTER AOOEN (R) THE WOAlO TOMOAAOW 7: I!) MOYIE "Gentlemen'• Agreement" (1947. Orama) Gregory Peck. Oofothy McGuire. e:oo• SUNDAY MORNNG 1Ml•THEUFE P()PEillllnlllC\o'f'E'll: ~ .. REN08 PEMONAl. DIMEN8IOH8 LET THERE BE UOHT LLOYD OGILVIE MUBICWCRD JE!PRf FALWELL B..ECnlC COMPANY (R) REXHUMBAAD CHl.DAEN Of THEATRE STREEI Prtnoees Grace narrates this documentary which fOCUMI on three young, talented student• at the renowned K1rov Ballet School. 1n Lellingtad. frOJ'l thet flfat tense aud1t1on to a passionate perlormanoe six ~ars later. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) F.A. SOCCER "The Road To Wembley" ( 1 hr ) MOVIE "Steel" ( 1980. Drama) Lee Majors, Jennifer O'NeiU. ( 1 hr .. 41 min.) 8:30 D ODYSSEY Guests: Diana Bruno-Harris, Hun· ger Organizing Team of the Interfaith Hunger Coalt- llon; Nat1vo Lopez. Amencan Friends Service Com m1ttee. Reverend Monsignor John F Barry TODAY'S BLACK WOMAN THELAHAYES MEETING TIME AT CALVARY REX HUMBARD FREDERICK K. PRICE ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) KNOW YOUR BIBLE MOVIE "Who Says I Can't Ride A Rainbow!" (1971. Adventure) Jack Klugman, Norma French. 8:-45(%) MOVIE "Incorrigible" ( 1979, Comedy) Jean-Paul Belmondo. Genevieve Bujold ( 1 hr . 30 mln.1 9:00 D NEWS CONFERENCE IPEOPLE7 II ORAL ROBERTS ROBERT SCHULLER IT IS WRITTEN SESAME STREET R COLLEGE V~ACCt_ "Collegiate Classic" Penn State vs. UCLA (2 hrs .. ) e:1om MOVIE "The Earthling" (1980. AdVenture) William Holden, Rlcky Schroder. ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) 9:301 (1) FACE THE NATION NEW ZOO REVUE DAY OF DISCOVERY KENNETH COPELAND THE WORLD TOMORROW I MEET THE PRESS MOVIE "A Thunder QI Drums" ( 1961, Western) Richard Boone. George Hamilton. 10:008 (I) NBA BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS 8 A CONVERSATION WITH OR GERSON ~ Car1 Stern talks with the chancellor of the Jewish Theologlcal Seminary of America abou1 i.. facing Jews In Ametlca and abroad. (1 hr.) I GUJGAN'S ISLANO BA8E8AU. BUNCH HERALD OF TRUTH MOVIE "Ballad Of A Gunfight«" (1963. West- ern) Marty Robbins. Bob Barron. I REX HUMBARD THE LAWMAKERS Correspondents Linda Wer· Announcing The Marriott Tennis : _Club -. Swxlay (continlled) thelmer and Colde Roberts Join Paul Duke for an up- to-the-minute summary of Congresslc>nal activities. I NEWSCENTEA WEEKLY MAGIC OF OfL PAINTING · SNEAK PREVIEW A look Is taken at the movies, specials and sports events coming up on Home Box Office. Cl) MOVIE "Resurrection" ( 1980, Drama) El.len Bur~t n. Sam Shepard. 10:06 NEWS 10:15 MOVIE "Barbarella" (1968, Sclence-Flc- tlon,ane Fonda, Miio O'Shea. ( 1 hr .. 38 min.) 10:30 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND • 1<106 ARE PEOPLE TOO Guests: Wiiiie Tyler and Lester, Jim Plunkett, comedian Pat Hurley. fllm- 1~=~~~~~.J MAGIC OF OfL PAINTING MOVIE "The Last Chase" (1981, Sclence-Flc- tlon) Lee Majors, Chris Makepeace. ( 1 hr., 40 10:3:'~ THIS WEEK IN BASEBAU , 11:00. ON CAMPUS Featured: a visit to the "Quak- er Festival'' at Whittler COiiege to learn about the history and art of the Ou8kers. e BASEBAU Callfomla Angels at Baltimore Ori- oles (3 hrs.) • MOVIE "Van Nuys Blvd." (1979, Comedy) BIU Adler, Cynthia Wood. e MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Love In A Cofd Ci- mate: Heir Apparertt" The Montdores locate their heir, Cedric: Linda leeves her husband and moves In with her new love. (Part 5) Q (1 hr.) e YOUNG PEOPLE'S 8PEC&Al "Winners" Three mentally retarded yOUQglters who participated In the National $peclal OfYri'lplca are profiled. • WASHtNG'rON WEB< IN REVIEW (R) (I) AUTO RACING "NASCAR Winston 500" from Taledega, Alabama. (3 hrs .. 30 min.) 11:050) 8A8e8AU. Chicago Cltbs at Atlanta Braves m tn .. 15 min.> • KENNY LOOOINS Singer I IOngWl'tler Kenny Lonains perlorms many of his greatest hits -lnciu6 l~"'f.Whenever I Cea You Frtend" a.nd "Keep The Fire" In this concert taped at the Santa Barbara CoontY Bowl. ( 1 hr.) ··r~~~W>W«l.EY COLE-WHITTAKER •OUTDOOR LIFE CJtURcH .. THE HOME M.l. llU&U WEEK ''Good eomp.1'11 Don't Miike Mone(' Guell: Stel>hln C. Leuthold, (C) ... ,,_-~--~C:tt~A~~~tte (~ches" (1981, W..tem) Burt lancat8f', John Savage. \I 11 l \'\t >< )'\ 1~· OUTDOOR UFE Featured: Bllttlshlng In Baja. Mexico. '~'It Heppened To Jane" (1969, Come- Dorla Dey, Jeck Lemmon. THE AA8t CHUACHl.L8 "A Famous VIC1ory" chll. now Dulce of Marlborough becW of Queen Anne. o.Mltl the French In the Bettle of Blenheim.~ hr.) e Ml~ 1o.rounc1 junior middle~ bout between Tony Ay• end St8'19 Gt9gofy from T.,,.,., ~). (1 hr.) L~ ANAHCE AMJ ~MANAGE- (1) LOl..A FALAHA: THE F1A8T LADY Of LAS YE'OA8 Lola FalMa ~ "I Wll SurM." "LOY't The One Y~.l're '' end "Who Wll Buy?'' In • Concet1 perlonNwlce from the Ailddln Hotel In La Veges._ (1 hr.) (J) MOYIE "Phobil" (1980, SWpenle) Paul Mlctwel oi.-, 8uean Hagin. (1hr.,3' min.) 12:16. t.tcWIE "Popeye" (1M0, Comedy) Robin - Shellv Owll. ( 1'fw., 64 min.) 12: I NM IA8tCETIAl.L Pl.A YOFPS. v -!.- • KR<PATRICK PlAY8 8AOH Ralph ~trlQ(. one of the woncra gr•..t hlrP*hordll1s. per- tonna a recital of music by ~ from the Peabody Conservatory of~. (1 hr.) e 8PORT8WORLD 10-round mmlc11t1cS-lll'lcl•n11111elghtllnftl bout between Mark Fram and Dwlaht Walker (ltYe from Tampa, Fla.); Part 4 of the World's Strongeet Min competition; Mixed Pan Target OMng (from Ha~l':hORY I WAJ:.M:f WOALO Of JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: Ruth Ekmj, 1:30e MOTORCYCLE RAaNG "Drag Racing On Two Wheels" IWl.O, WU> WEST NJAM-12 AMSICAN STORY MOYIE ''Ju6el And Jim" ( 1961, Romance) Jelnne Moreau, Olk8' w.,,.. 1:41(J) MOVE .. ~ .. (1979, Comedv} JNn-PU lllmondo, ~-. t!ujoki ( 1 hr., 3b 2:~~ ' I a 8PORT88EAT ·1'0VIE ''The Parellax View" (1974, Orama) Warren Bee~Paula Prentlal. • t.tcWIE " Six LOYM" (1963, Comedy) Deb- bie Reynotdl. Robertlon. al CARMEN Grace Bumbfy and Jon Vickers star In a&.f'e opera about a gypsy girt end the dragoon whole Nfe she ruN. Herbert V-on Kerajln conducts the v.nna Phllhannonic, (3 hr'I.) I TMNHQ 0008 THE W000H0USe WAY WNT1NB FOR A AEA80N MOYIE ·~ Of VllUe'' (1957. Orama) Aock Hudlon, Dini Wynter. ( 1 hr., 65 min.) 2:10. MOYIE "Father Of The Bnde" (1950, eom. dy) Spencer Tracy, Elzabeth Taylor. (1 tw., 35 2:="J.i NEWS 2:80. flN08U 1CHound junior ~t bout between Tony Ay8'e and Steve Gregoty (from Tam- Fla.). ( 1 tw.) QI LIG.4.H'l Ill.ANO 9 AMEAICAN 8PORT1MAH Peter St,._ f()f black lnllln off .... o-t 8entlr AMf ,,_ AUit'*; Phi HM1a Ind CUrt Gowdy ,.,.,. Dtwnt In South OMoce: ....., S.dllly 1raw9 to llrtttlh ~ to obMfW lhl unmMt hebltat ~ hebttl of the dllnalroUt Idler wtWe. ( 1 hr.) • MOVIE ''Sherfodt Haem. And The fpkler Wom-fCI:_---- ..., ......aHll "1116 u.a. COin" MU at IW ftob9rt tclllr\ a.t Hec*8rt, Ctw1lllig Md ~ ~ ..., In "* ..... of ..... lbOut ~· llt lround din-"" ...... '"T .. lhl ~ 0.. tor ,._ . .h~ CC11ge (tt• .. ao "*'-> • • ---- 15 -.,, 2 ~ r $ .,, ~ s.: ~ > "' 3: (j) !::> .... co CD N Legend Ann JIJJlan •tar• as "Mae We•t" and James Brolin plays her long-time lover and manager, Jim Timothy, s~ at 9 pm. on ABC ~ 7) . -~---- ~-----.,... .. .... --.... 16--------------------~--~~~.....---~~----....... -------------------------- N ~Swrliy (continued) I • PROJECT UNMRSE ..... (I) AGUAE SKA TINO "W~mplonlhlf>9" ~ &1' M~~n, ~r:;:r~y.... ( 1980. Comedy) i: Don Knotts, Tim Conway. : cm MOVIE "The Water Sablea" (1979, Fantasy) Animation and llYe action. Jail* Muon. ~ (%) MOVIE "Cuttet's Way'' (1981, Orama) John ,, Heard. Jeff=· (1 hr .• '6 min.) ~ 5,130t£e:k KO~ > MONEYMAKERS ~ CHILOAEN Of THEATRE STFEEf Prlncesa ~ Grace narrates this doc:omentaty which focusee on o: three young, talented atudentt at the renowned Kirov Ballet School In Leningrad, from U'lelt fltst tense audition to a pask>n&te performance 9bt yean later. (1 hr .. 30 min.) L\ l . '\I '\( , t:oo•••NEWS •MOYIE "At The Earth's Core" (1976, SO.OO.-Flct.loA) Doug Mcaure, Pet• Cuehlng. A gtoup of expk>rera penetrates Eatth to Its center where they I~ =Ion Inhabited by prehistoric creaturee. KOJAK IT 18 WRITTEN CHAAUE'S ANGELS MOVIE "The Retwn Of Frank James" ( 1940, Western) Henry Fonda. Gene Tierney. Jeeee James' bfother avengee hla death. (2 hrt..) • MOVIE "Ameflcan Graffiti" (1973, Comedy) Ron Howard, Cindy Wlliaml. Four Ceutomia teen- ager=t a final, nostalglc g=: of IMocenct on their achool_~duatlon t (2 In.) ta WRI rERS; ARTH SCHWARTZ The oompoeer of "The Bandwagon" and "A Tree Grows lln ~U8how 8 aong CJOWL (1 hr.) N8CNEW8 Eve.tG AT SYMPHONY Selji Ozawa conducts tl'lt Bolton Symphony Orchestra In Bach'• Sinfonia fcif Double Orchestra and "TrOla Petites Lltur~" ~ OIMer Ment11n, (R) ( 1 hr.) (JI) SNEAK PREVEW A look II taken at lhe mooAee. =-and aporta ....,,19 oomlng up on Home Box Cl> WAO<Y WOAl.D OF JONATHAN WINTEA8 Guest """ Buzzi. &;Olfl) WEEK .. REVIEW • MOYIE "~ And The Bandit 11" (1880, Comedv) Burt Reynalda, Jackie Gteuon. Sherttf Buford 'T. JtMtlct cala In his two lawman bfothefl to atop a retired bootlegger. the Bendit, from JW). e:=:=~· ·~~ (1 hr., 66 "*'-> ll!rs HOU vwooo •NEW& . 1'HE WOAU> TOMOAAOW WHY IN THE WOALD MOYIE "King Of The Mountain" (1981, Adven- ture) Harry Hamlin, JoMph Bott.oml. Three young L.Aa bachekn deYOt• th* .... to the tpatt ol. «~~PG' (1hr.,30mln.) ' ~ MOVIE "Who Says I Can't Adi A Ralnbowt" ( 1971, Adventuft) Jeck t<Jugmen. Norma French. 1'he caretatcer of a Greenwich Vllae pony farm facet evtctlon by an unecrupuk>ue reel eetate agent who wants to build a Ngtwfle on the farm's lot. 'G' 8:~1 hr.,~ CHAPUH COMEDY THEATRE 8:~ OHAALE8 CHAMPLIN OH THE RlM 8CEHE 1:00 Cll eo ...no • ,.-A THEA MURPHY An etderty mountain men ~ 8 ~ he hea cared f()f llnoe lhe WM lbln- doned u a beby at the~ (Pert 1) (A) Q i hr_J a COUNTERATTAO<: awe IN ~ (Pr.,.,.,e) George Kenneoy holtt tt"9 new ..,... thet encoutages ...,. to Join the wer .._. •I ~:tao..c:ornmun6calt0fl. (1 hf.) .WV8WNJG>Jfr HOPFEFi 8 alNCE Thll ftlm S)Ol11eyt of one of • • major 20lh century A1f111t pelntera. ( 1 hr.) ( TUTAHt<HAMet8 EOm tf<NA ''COmpUtert, 8Ptet And PrMte U." benefltt end potrie( ..... br= *"' :-&>ciT.rr .... ~..·-­ (C) MCME " · Thi .._~ ... _,, ~-......_;:;:;:,,.I II :O~&;F~~5 SBOWOP'l"S -.a.rt.re (Valene lJerUneUI) and Ann (Bcmnie »an.t.Un. from Wt) are .,in per- aiMld«:I IO JftWDf another variety abow frX' the loe&l aenlor citium on "One IJ.y at a Time" .Sunday •t 8:30 p.m. on CBS (Cb. 2). CE SPORTS CENTER CH> MOVIE "The Four Seasoos" (1981. Orama) Alan Alda, Carol Burnett. Three couples, au ctote. long-time friends. experience Pf'Ofound changes in their relationships when one of the marriages dlsln- !!grates. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) (I) MOVIE "The Fan" (1981, Suspense) Lauren Bacall, James Garner. A popular film star Is vtclim- lzed-by a psychotlo admirer. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 36 min ) • MOVIE "9 To 5" (1980, Comedy) Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton. Three working women rebel against their eubjugatlon by a male chauvinist boss. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 60 min.) 8:06dlJ JERRY FALWELL 8:308 (I) ONE DAV AT A TIME Ann and company are persuaded to do another show at !he Park Uto- 1 senior citizens· hotel. THE WORLD TOMORROW EVENfNG AT THE IMPROV MOVIE "Phobia" ( 1980, Suspense) Paul Michael Glaser. Susan Hogan. A group of mental patients are murdered according to their lndlvldual feara. 'R' ( 1 hr., 34 min.) 9:008 ()) ALICE Mel's money-winning contest at thf diner threatens to put him out of business per- manently. 8 e MOVIE "Kenny Rogers As The Gambler" (1980, Western) Kenny ROQ8r$, Lee Purcell. A Pf'O- fesslonal gambler takes a train ride through the Old West to help his estranged son and finds romance with a shady society lady along the way. (A) (2 hrs.) I WILD KINGDOM QI MOVIE "Mae West" (Premiere, Biog<aphy) Ann Jtnlan, James Brolin. The life of the legendary actr8S$ who built hef stardom on sex Is chronicled. i.<M'.'~o • AGAONSKY ANO COMPANY ta SONG WRtTEAS: ARTHUR SCHWARTZ The compe>Sef of ''The Bandwagon" and "A Tree Grows In BrOOktyn, •• shows how a ~ grows. ( 1 hr.) • MAStERPIECE THEATRE 'Love In A Cold Cit- mate: Foreigners Are Fiends" Lord Meftn gives Lin- da a little house. and Christian becomes Involved with one of his aJdes while helping refugees of the ~ntsh Civil War. (Part 6) o (1 hr.) • AMERICAN PLAVHOtJSE "Private Content- ment" Reynolds Prioe'a original screenplay abOUt a Cl) U.8. ALPINE SKltNG young soldier's last family reunion before being sent CD MOVIE "Happy Birthday To Me" (1980. Hor-to fight In World War II atara Katherine Walker and ror) Melissa Soe Anderson. Glenn Ford. As nuder John McMartin. Q (1hr.,30 min.) begln8 chopping away at her clfcte of etltla1 fntnda, CC> MOVE ''Cattfe Al'V)le And Little Britches" a prep school senior wornes that ahe may be lhe (1981, Western) Burt Laocaster, John S.V.· next victim -or poeelbly the kier. 'R' (1 hf .. 48 -'two tough outtaws pk:k up a pelr of teen-~~ min.) and take them along on ttlelr ~ 'PG ( 1 cm MOVIE "Fort Apache, The Bronx" (1981, Ore-hr., 35 min.) ma) Paul Newman, Ed Alner. A tOUgh_oop battles (I) C0U.£0E FOOTBALL "Otmaon Untwwslty crime and corruption In New. Vort< City's South f?l>ring_Game" (2 hf8., 30 min'/ Bronx neighborhood. 'R' (1hr.,59mln.) CD MOVIE ''The Fan" (198. 8uapenM) Lauren (%)MOVIE "Peter Rabbit And The Tales Of Beetrlx Bacall. James Gamer. A popular fllm star le vlc:tlm- Potter" (1971, Fantasy) Frederick Ashton. AJexan-IZedbyapsychotleadmnf. 'R' (1hr .. 36mln.) der Grant. Members of London's Royal Bdet Com-cm ~ "Mehogeny'' (19'15, Drama) Diana peny perform versions of "Plnllnn BAlnd," "Jef Rota. Anthony PettOOa. -A )'<U'lg black woman rlees Fisher.'' "Jemima Puddle-oUCk.'""Squlrrel Nut::,X from the depths of the ghetto tO' International fame and ''Two Bad Mice." (1 hf., 30 min.) u a fashion de&lgott and model. 'PG' (1 hi .. 60 7:06~NEW8 min.]_ , 7:30 8COTT HAMIL TON: WORLD CHAMPK>N 9:06 Gl> NEWS ON . Scott Hamilton talka about· winning the 9:30. (I) THE JEFFEASONS George gives Flor- World Tltle in skating and la •1so shown as he per-ence~"hels>ful 11ps~1how to land a man. CE GOLF HIGHLIGHTS " 1975 U.S. Open" JACK VAN IMPE formed In the 1980 lntematlonal Stars On Ice Show. I "~ ~ SUAVfV,,_ 8:00 •(I) ARCHIE BUNKER'S Pl.AC£ Archie's new MOVIE "The Great Man" ( 1957, Orama) Joee lawyer takes measures to have the bar run his own Ferrer, Dean .hQ)er. After the death of a popular way. humorist. a feporter tries to find the sectet of his 8 e CHIPS A band of QOmput8f thieves hamper eucc~ (2 hie.) Jon end Ponch's •U0t1s to &PPfehend them by foUI-•NEWS ~up thtCHP'scompoter. (1 hr.} 9:MdlJOPEN UP • ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK lnte~ with 10:00• ())TRAPPER JOHN, M.D. Gonzo turns ama- Roger Moore, Sheena Easton. Rita Moreoo. Pat teur detect~ to find a bone marrow donor tor one Boone and aeorr Hamllton. c1 hr.) of hla P!tlenta. c1 rir.) • a ....a" BELIEVE rr OR NOT Praented 1 ·.NEWS are exploratlona of Pompeii's "City Of The Deed." TIE SECRET WM the haunta of Eu'ope'• werewavea. ghost• of Scot-HOPPER'S SI.ENCE This tum portraye Of one of land'• Glamll c.atle, and lpitttual heelngl at Amertca'• majof 20th century Atallat pUitera. (1 IL<>tKJ-11 w'Y"·L hi.) • ,, fRl11EN • EXCHANGE "No Excuee, Sit'' 'fhe mytht and ~ ~= VIH" (1974, Dfaml) reeHtles of the world's most famoue mllltary lnltlt"'° Warren Beatty, Paula Prentlea. All == tlon of higher edUcatlon -Weet Point -ere !!f>lored. Q ( 1 hi.) report• attempts to unoowt • natlorMlde oo MOYE "The Lat CNate" (1981, saeno.Ao- of polltlcal ......._ (2 hrl.) tton) lM Maicn. Chrla M9kepe9Ce. In• WOftd of I AU8T AIR COOl<F8 AM8ICA the future a former reoe car di"* llnd 1 ~ege NAPOLEON l LOVE "Geofglna" RUier of computer 'eicpert W1' the~·· ptoeol'tptton ance for the PMC four~ ~ Ololdtl to of IUtomoblta. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• .a min.) become~«, bUt ~ Wfi feign II q..,_. -hit.. ~ "All That Jim" ( 1979, MUllcal) Roy Ofhltmlltfwll~~, tw.) Jelll6CI 1...-tge. The tumullucM lite of. NOY '"Twlrw'' The ICllll!ltlo Oft.-. pt0ft•lrin.t chofMglmpher 11 ~ frOlll ~ llld nwMd ~ bud .,. lllO ~ °"' on the ._. to pnonel crtw. 'R' (2 hrl., 3 Hw.I min.> -• • A~GGldCI-D~-==.:.~.::,-.-· 'il~i~l=mll:1 •11 .,. .......... c am. =AD' it! Jlnl ,._ MID O'IMa: ...___.. )~·~91b:TIMJI ·------,._,..._.-.. ______ ...;.,,;..;..;,,.~---- • • -~···-a.; and villains. accompanied by a blind guardian angel. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 38 min.) 10:30. JERRY FALWB.l I .MAMY SWAGGART LOAD MOUNTBATTEN: A MAH FOR THE CEN- TURY "The Labors Of Peace" Following the Japa- nese surrendef In 1!M5, Mountbanen becomes Involved In handling postwar polltlcal and human problems. (Part 5) (A) O (1 hr.) 10:36 a> MOVIE "A Taste Of Honey" ( 1962, Drama) Dora Bryan. Rita Tushlngham. After a young, ~ tlve British girl has an affair with a blaek sab, she struggles to accept the fact that she Is pregnanL (2 hrs.) (I)~ESMrTH 11:008 D 8 (I) 9 ID NEWS I PACESETTERS • WORLD VISION NAPOJ..EON & LOVE "Georgina" Ruler of France for the paat four years. NapoleOn decides to become Emperor, but who will reign as queen -his wife Josephine or his mistress Georgina? (1 ht.) • SNEAK PREVIEWS ~ MOVIE "The Return Of The Secaucus Seven" ( 1980, Drama) Mark Arnott, Gordon Clapp. The members of a group of college students active In the protest movement during the '60s gather for a weekend reunion. 'R' ( 1 hf .. 48 min.) CD MOvte "Cinderella" (19n. Comedy) Cheryl Smith, Kirk Scott. A prince tries eeveral young wom- en In his klng<jom In his search for the one he met at a royal ba_IJ. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) CD) MOVIE "The Stunt Man" (1980, Orama) Peter O'Toole. Steve Railsback. Wanted by the police, a disturbed Vietnam veteran finds an unsure haven on a movie set whe<e a World War I epic Is being filmed. 'A' (2 hrs., 9 min.) 1 1:16.~NEWS 11:30~SPORT8ANAL · I ABC~ MOV1E "Come Out. Come Out. Wherever Yoo Are" (1974, Mystery) Lynda Day George, Peter Jaffrey. When a young glr1 reports her traveling companion missing. she Is told that the girl does not exlat. ( 2 hf8.) Cl) LIFE Of AILEY · 0 MOV1E "Jennifer: A Woman's Story" (1979, Drama) Elizabeth Montgomery. B<adfOfd Dillman. A Fifteen-year-old Brent ~oo no idee how.soon he'd be usmo CPR to save someone's hfe when be com· pleted his Red Cross trauung at a Youth Sarery Seminar. But. wh.tle Brent was nd&no the tram home from that senunar, a· man collapsed two rows behind hun ''He wasn't breathmo. and l oouldn't find a pulse;' Brent recalls. "l wasn't scared. I didn't have time to be scared. I knew what to do and I did It • • lf)'OU were in Brent's place, would you knOW what to do? Well teach you Jom us == = widow trying to make a Nfe fOf heraetf and her chff.. dren becomes lnvotved In a bitter struggle for~ trol of her late hulband's ~· (2 Fil.) • MOVE "The Country Girt' (1954, Drama) Bing Crosby, Grace Kely. A faded Broadway star Immersed In &elf-pity Is given a chance to stage a comeback. (2 hrs.) I TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED THE FIRST CHUACHILLS "A Famous Victory" Churchltt, now Duke of Mar1borough because of Queen Anne. defeats the French In the Battle of Blenheim. ( 1 hr.) • Leasing •sr ••our VALrr Lus1 OUI ~ (; ~' 900 So. Coat Hwr .• Leg.o lffclt 494-1131 -546-996 7 Hews:-w....M. f·7, Set. f·S, S-.. 10-4 END OF MONTH SALE 200/o Off I \ - • 1 I l I I I - .,,_,. -,.-~· ~ ----· II. -N ~Sumay (continued) • .- 1 12:361 M18810N: IMPOesleLE ~ 12:~ NAME Of THE GAME ~ CB) MOVIE "King Of The Mountain" (1981, Acfven.. _ ture) Harry Hamlin. Joeeph Bottoms. Three young -c L.A. bachelors devote their energies to the sport of ~ dfaQ.!.aclng. 'PG' (1 hr., 30 min.) -12:50~ MOVIE "La cage Aux Folles" (1979, ~ ~ dy) Ugo Tognazzl. Michel S.rault. A nlghtctub ~ owner tries to prepare his transvestite lover fOf a LL. visit by his son's flancee's father, the morals com-- -missioner of France. 'A' ( 1 hr., 31 min.) 8' 1:009 HOPPER"S SILENCE This film portrays of -' one of America's major 20th century Realist paint-~ ers. J 1 hr.) _ 1:30 (II ABC NEWS .2 I TURNABOUT Ci: NEWS MOVIE "In Praise Of Older Women" ( 1978. Drama) Tom Berenger, Karen Black. A Hungarian lotharlo re.mlnlsces on his fast romantic conquests, from his first at the age o 12 to his seduction of a housewife at 30. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 48 min.) 1:3ial)NEWS 1:458 AT ONE Guest: actor Bud Cort. ( 1 hr.) ())MOVIE "Deadly Games" (1981, Mystery) Sam Groom, Dici< Butkus. A woman returns to her home- town to investigate her sister's mysterious death. ·R' (1 hr .• 35 mln.f 2:05 (!}NEWS Ill) WORLD AT LARGE 2:168 NEWS 2:20(H) MOVIE "Happy Birthday To Me" ( 1960, Horror) Melissa Sue Anderson, Glenn Ford. As mur- def begins chopping away at her circle of elitist friends. a prep schOOI senior worries that she may be the next victim -or possibly the killer. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 48 min.) • MOVIE "Lovers And liars'' (1979, Comedy) Goldle Hawn, Giancarlo Giannini. Whlle traveling In Italy, an. American glr1 meets and falls In love with a married man. 'A' (1 hr., 36 min.) 2:30. TODA Y'S AEUGIOH §MORNING STRETCH rrs YOUR BU81NE88 MOVIE "He Knows You're Alone" (1960, Suspense) Don Scardino, Celtln O'Heaney. A psy- chotic murderer stalks attractive young brldet-to- be, silently ~ lethally 818shlng their dreams of wedded blls& 'R' ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 2:451NEW8 3:00 NEWSMAKERS ~JOE FRANKi.JN 3:Wr...:ME "Phobia" c1eeo, SUlpenee) Pau1 Mlcheel Glaer, SuMn Hogan. A group of mental patients are murdered ecc:otclng to their lndMdual .... ·~.\Jr:'" 34 min.) 3:30.Nn ACE Cl) l«ME "Al That Jazz" (1979, Mueical) Roy Sdlelder. Jeeelce l.8nge. The tun'Utuoue llfe of a profeselonal chor~ II folowed from euo- ceea oo the atage to per90Nl crilel. 'R' (2 hrs., 3 • ~~JIMMY 8WAOOART . CC) 'fi'OYE ''The Return Of The SecallCUS Seven'' 1980. Orama Mette Amdft. Gordon . The ~ --·- members of a group of college students active In the protest movement during the '60s gather for a weekend reunion. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 46 min.) (I) SPORTS CENTER -4:06 al> FUNTIME • MOVIE "SmOkey And The Bandit II" (1960, Comedy) Burt Reynolds, Jackie Gleason. Sheriff Buford T. Jostlce cells In his two lawman brothers to stop a . retired bootleggef, the Bandit. from tran- sporting a baby elephan.t. 'PG' ( 1 hr., SS min.) •:fOCB) MOVIE "The Foor Seasons" (1981, Orama) Alan AJda, Cerol Burnett. Three couples, aR dose, long-time friends, experience profound changes In therr relatn when one of lhe marriages dlsln-t~rates. 'PG' 1 hr .• 67 min.) .. :30(1) JIM KER Natwick in new movie HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Mildred Natwick-has been li8rled to CXHtar with Sally Field, James Caan. Jeff Bridges, Claire Trevor and Paul Dooley In "K..119 Me Goodbye" for 20th Century-Fox . Robert Mulllpn is directing from a ICl'eenplay 'by Charlie Peten, from an ori8lnal story by Mulli- pn. Ja'mes L. Zimmerman Certified Publlt Accountant Full ranpe of personalized professional services for small businesses & Individuals • INCOME TAX ""EPARATION I PLANNING • SYSTEMS DE81GN I INITAUAT10N • CO..-uTERIZED FINANCIAL M'°91TING 645-4212 Compute The "CHiPs" crew has its hands full when a band of com- • . puter thieves hamper their efforts to appre- hend them by fouling up the CHP's compu- ter tonight at 8 p .m . on NBC (Cb. 4). Nell Carter stars in NBC's 'Ain't Misbehavin' HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Nell Cart.er will rec- reate her Tony award-winning role In °Ain't M.ia- behavin' " for a two-hour apedal for NBC. Mlaa Carter, 1tarrln1 In the NBC serlea "Gimme a Break," a1-> won an Ob6e and the New York Drama Critics award for her higb-apirlted performance in the collection of music by Fata Waller. a.car winner John Williama will compoee and conduct the ecore for "Monsignor.'' a new film from 20th Century-Fox. Chrlatopher Reeve and Genevieve Bujold star in the Frank Yablana production. Wlll.laml" has been nominated for the Academy Award 14 times, winning Oacara in 1972 for "Fiddler on the Roof," in une for "Jaws" and in 1978 for 0 Star Wan.': #EWPDBT BllSU# W11ts To Be Your # 1 lltl11 l11l1r 11 lr1.-s1 Col11J! S11 II loi1r • · •• We In lfflrl11 F1iltllfio· a,rll litl111! Monday \I< >H ~ I :\( ~ \I< >\ · 1 L'°' 5:00(%) ''Cutter's Way" (1981, Orama) John Heard, Jeff Bridges. 8:00® "Hot Lead And Cold Feet" (1978. Comedy) Jim Oele. Don Knotts. 6:30• "Lions For Breakfast" ( 1979, Adventure) Jan Rubes, Jim Henshaw. 6:36® "Aylng Down To Alo" (1933, Musical) Glrlg!t Rogers. Fred Astaire. 6:~ CZl "Incorrigible" ( 1979. Comedy) Jean-Paul Belmondo, Genevieve Bujold. 7:30(1) "Mulefeathers" (1978. Comedy) Rory Cal· houn. Oon Knotts. 8:00 <Bl "Ruckus" ( 1980. Orama) Dirk Benedict, Linda Blair. II "9 To 5" ( 1980, Comedy) Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton. 8:05® "Attair In Trinidad" (1952. Orama) Glenn Ford, Rita Hayworth. 8:30 (%) "American Gigolo" ( 1980, Orama) Richard Gere, Lauren Hutton 9:00~ "Seizure: The Story Of Kathy Morris" (Dra- ma) Leonard Nlmoy, Penelope Miiford. 9:30 e "King Of The Pecos" ( 1936, Western) John W&Yf!!!. Muriel Evans. 10:00CHJ "A Force Of One" (1979. Drama) Chuck N0<rls, Jennifer O' Nelli. CJ) "The V.1.P.s" ( 1963, Orama) Elizabeth Taylor. Richard Burton . . • "Father Of The Bride" (1950. Comedy) Spen- cerTracr,. 8lz.abeth Taylor. 10:06al) •Dames" (1934, Musical) Joan Blondell. Olok Powen. 10:30(%) "Targets" ( 1968. Suspense) Boris Karloff Tim O'Kelly. ' 11:00~ "BiUy Jack" (1 971 , Drama) Tom Laughlin, Delores Taytor. 11:1&• "Nlghtwlng" (1979, Suspense) Nick Mancu- so. David Warf't8f. 11:30® "Smokey Bites The Ous1" (1981, Comedy) Jimmy McNlchol, Janet Ju"8n. .\I 11 .H '\< >< >'\ \I<>\ 11 .'°' 12:00. "Young FtK)'" (1965, Western) Rory C. houn. Virginia Mayo. • "Walkabout" (1971. Adventure) JeMy ~ter, Devfd GutpllU. • "Love With The Proper Stranger" ( 1964. Romance) Natalie Wood, Steve McOueen. Cl) "Starting Ovef" ( 1979, Comedy) Burt Rey- nolds, JIH Clayb\Jr~. CJ) "Straw Dogs' i 1972. Orama) Dustin Hoffman. SUsan George. 1:00(1) "love Me Tender" (1956, Musical) Elvis Presiey, Richard Egan. ~ "LOOk Back In Anger" (1959. Drama) Claire Bloom, Richard Burton. CID "Take This Job And Shove It" (1981. Comedy) Robert Haya, Barbara Hershey. 2:00CD "Cheaper To Keep Her" (1980, Comedy) Mac Davis. T ovah Feldshuh. (%) "Monty Python Meets Beyond The Fringe" (1976, Comedy) Narrated by Dudley Moore. 2:30(1) "Mulefeathera" (1978, Comedy) Rory Cel- houn. Don Knous. 3:008 "Zorro" (1975, Adventure) Alaln Oeloo. Stanley Beker. CID "Ruckus" (1980, Drama) Dirk Benedict. Linda Blak. 3:30 e "Ruckus" ( 1980, Orama) Dirk Benedict Unda Bialr. . (%) "CUtter's Way" (1981, Drama) John Heard, .Mn Brldgea. 4:00(1) ''8edknobt And Broomsticks" ( 1971, Fan- teayl_ Angela l..anlbury, David Tomlinson. 6:00(1) "The Fortune Cookie" (1966, Comedy) JKk Lemmon, Walt• Matthau. CC> ''SetzUre: The Story Of Kathy Morris" (Drama) Leonerd Nlmoy, Penelope Miiford. ~e "Th• 0.-1 R9ce" < 1965, Comedy) Jack lAmmon. Tony Cuftll. 6:20 CZ> .. PMer Aebblt AnO The r• 0t Beatrix Polt9f' ( 1971, Fanteay) Fl'edertc:k Athton, AleQn. dlrOrlnt. I . \ ! ', f ' l ' I I UNHAPPY :_ Murphy {Micbltel Ke.ton, !'fht) la not bllppy when be dUooven )Ji. girl fri~nd w1lJ be Jl"CWICUdnll OM Of M favorite J)U'Olees. Bia Walter (Ken Foree) on ''Report to Murphy" Monday •t 8:30 pm. on CBS (Ch. 2). Oiflner ana Edward Herimann. (1hr .. 30 min.) I OVER EAlf'( Guest: Sophia Loren. (R) Q N8CNEW8 ~d And Cold Feet" (1978, Com- edy) Jim Oele, Ooo Knotts. In The Old West, twtn brothers -one rough 'n' tough, the other a city- bred mHquetoeat -compete lo a grueling contest to see Who will Inherit their father's fc>rtune. 'G' ( 1 hr .. 30mln.) Cl) TH~ LAST Of THE CA.OOOE8 After <*covering his Indian heritage. a T exaa youth becomes Cbs888ed with leamlng more about his anoeetors and their culture. 8:30())~~ l~IN~ttt~LY ~T: CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL ·~=rCTKARATE ~MOVIE "Viva Las Vegas" (1964, Musical) EMs Presley. Ann-Margret. A Laa Vegas swimming Instructor becomes the object of affecJlon for a ~· car nut and hit Italian friend. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) g MOVIE "Lk>ns For Breakfast" ( 1979, Adven· ture) Jan Rubel, Jim Henshaw. Two young broth- ets, an old drifter and a dog puf1Ue a dream -a beUer Ufe for all °" an old farm -but expe<lence many hair-raising adVef'ltures along the way. 'G' ( t hr .. 24 min.) 7:100!cE AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE Behind tht ecerM1S at "WKRP In Cincinnati"; an Interview wttti Buffalo Bob of TVs lold ~~~Doody Show": ENTERTAINMENT TONIC!HT The first of a lef1es eon~· blonde bomblhella. JOl<ER'8 WU> .....tE88 ""AEPORT....__ TH!~ MAGIC OF OL PAINTING MOVIE "Look 8ac:I< In Ange(' (1969, Orama) Bloom, Rlchlrd Button. 8Med on the pley by John Olbornl. At the .... moment. a nwt Illa D1tiW'1 thlthekMllndllMClthlllwll. 11 l'lr., .Omln.) CDMCMI ''Thi RMI CounldoWn'' (tllO,..,... AQoon) Ok l)nt1'rr ~&Men. A....,,..,. storm at -b=rta ... .,.. P"•• eWaaft OM6'f U.8.8. llllC* In time to"Dlc*ttlbef I. 11M 1, PGlll60r"'1I the v...s ~ ,... ~ Ind thit ~ ....,.... ..... "'°' (1 l'lr •• .., min.) CD> .MCME "Thi Latt MMro'' (1llO. Dr8ma) Ciltw'l1e Dino-. Glcwd O.-• OIMolad bV .. to C'4 Mooday (cootimed) I Danner and Edward Herrmann. (1 hr., 30 min.) Cl:)" MOVIE "Billy Jack" (1971, Orama) Tom Laughlin, Oelotes Tayto<. An 9'(...Qreen Beret half- breed champions the cauee of a freedom eehool for runaw~ on an Mzona Indian reservation. ( 1 hr~. 55mln. Cl) URE SKATING "World Championships" from Copenhagen. Oenmar1<. (2 hrs., 30 min.) CD MOVE "Scanners" ( 1981, Horror) Jennifer O'NelH. Patrick MeGoohan. A lethal conn1c1 arises ~ ~een two amen groups of people whose extraor- ...J dlnary psychic powers Include the ability to kill ,.. telepathically. 'A' ( 1 hr., 42 min.) 1-• MOVIE "Nlghtwing" (1979. Suspense) Nick -Mancuso, David Warner. The popolatlon of a !2 Southwestern desert region Is terrorized by hun-0:: dreds of vampire bats which Invade the area In mass numbers when night falls. 'PG' (1 hr .. 45 mfn.) (%) MOVIE "Straw Dogs" ( 1972, Drama) Dustin Hottman, Susan George. A man and his wife attempt to remove themselves from violent Amert- can society, but discover that a peaceful sorface can hide undertylng savagery. ( 1 hr., 55 min.) 9:30 9 Cl) MAKING THE GRAOE Felspar hires an educallonal con9Ultant In hopes of Improving stu- dent-faculty relations. • IMAGES A loot< at the techniques of various Lat- in American artists and how these reftect thler styles and persooalltles. (a> MOVIE "Middle-Age Crazy" (1980, Comedy) Ano-Margret, BluceDem. A Texas developer's sue· cessful job and beautiful wife manage to drive him Into a mld-Ufe crisis. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) 10:00 8 (J) LOU GRANT Lou and the staff gear up for the biggest disaster story of all when a crisis In the Mlddl8 Wt seems to make the threat of nucMNtt war ~bility. (1 ht.) 8 • MOAE TV CENSORED BLOOPERS Flubbed fllm clips and outtakes never Intended for public viewing are Pfelented; Dick Clatk hosts. (R) ( 1 ht.) I !~~Rc:atdo Montalban nanat• an exp6oratlon of the lives and eteetlone of Mexico's gl'eatest murallstl -the late Oevtd Alfaro Slquelroa. Joee Clemente Orozco and Diego Rivera. (1 hr., 30 ;'JAPER CHASE "Voices Of Silence" A volunteer In IN ecf)Ool'• Prtlon A ••a Program t>eeonm emotk>nllly ~ wtltl I poltlceJ ectMet whO II t>elna held In aolltary conltiwnent. ( 1 ht.) CH> MOVIE ··Up The Academy'' ( 1980, COmedy) Ron Lelbmlo. e.t.ra Bech. The war-oble9eed .commandant of Weinberg MIRtlty Acedemy II no match few the troubleeome brate enrolled ttwe. 'A' (1hr .• 29 min.} Cl) MOVIE "Si.ting Over" ( 1979, Comedy) Burt Reynoldt, Jill Cl8yburgh. Aftet monthl of TV dinners aria blind dat-. a dlYofoed megazJne writer thinks he's found true low wt.. a IChoolteecher entn hit life. 'A' (1 hr .. " min.} 10:30•NEW8 a §OHATUAE Goeet 0yen cannon . 10:50 Ir) NEW8 Tube Topper Bob Hope's Stars over Texas Channel 4 -9 p.m. o.e-.w ... 11:ooee•<1>D e News I 8A1'0RDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR fT JOE FRANKLIN M*A*8 *H ....VHIU. MIXED BAO: vtOeO ART This new art form Is exptored by means of a definition and a survey of the WOl'I<• of artiltl. e NUMEAO UNO West Germany's Franz Becken- bluer, widely regarded as IOCOl('a greatest al- around pla_yer, It Pfoflled. Cl:) MOVIE "Middle-Age Crazy" ( 1980, Comedy) Aoo-Matgret. Bruce Dern. A Texas developer's suc- ceuful )Ob and beautiful wtfe manage to drive him Into a rnk1-llfe crlt& 'A' ( 1 hr., 31 min.) CD MOVIE ''The Afth Floor'' < 1980, Drama) Bo Hopkins. Dianne Hull. An sane young ~Is Incarcerated In a bizarre mental hoepltal where vto-tence and drug abute are the Ofder of the day. 'A' U hr .. 30 min.) (Q) MOVIE "Loving Couples" (1980, Comedy) Shirley Maclalne. James Coburn. A married couple end a pair of young alriglee switch pertners In a ~ of lltestyte sampling end romantic revenge. PG' (1 hr .. 31 mfn.) • MOVIE "Ametlcan Pop" (1981, Muslcal) Ani- mated. The history of American pop music. from vaudeville to rock 'n' roll, It traced through several generations of a tamlly of muak:lant.. 'R' ( 1 hr., 37 min.) • (%) MOVIE ''American Gigolo'' (1980, Drama) Richard Gere, laU<en Hutton. A Beve<ly Hills gigolo becomes the prime suspect In a murder investiga- tion. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) 11:20all MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 11:309 (J) QUINCY A student training to be a medl· cal examiner reports that a veteran staH docior Is covering up a murde<. (1 hr .. 10 min.) D a THE BEST OF CARSON Guests: Henry Fon· da, C~tal Gayle, Fernando Lamas. Lacey Neu- haus. (R) (1 hr.) 19 ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE KOJAK THE JEFfERSONS SANFORD AND SON IN SEARCH OF SHAW This documentary on the writing of Shaw's biography by Michael Holroyd concentrates on the early years. I DtCK CAVETT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Terror Tram" (1980, Suspense) Ben Johnson, Jamie Lee Curtis. A college fraternity's New Year's masquerade party turns Into a night- mare when a vindictive guest starts kllllng off the part..l_..goers. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) 11:-46(.AJ GALLAGHER: TWO AEAL The comedian performs a series of one-llnefs and comic vignettes. 12:00 e ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT The first of a series on HollyWood's blonde bombshells. • 9 MOVIE "Americathon" (1979, Comedy) John Ritter, Harvey Korman. A 21st-<:entury Amer1· can president stages a national telethon to raise funds for his bankrupt country. (R) (2 hrs., 15 min.) (!)MOVIE "UFO Target Earth" (1974, Sclence-Flc- tlon) Nick Plaklaa, Cynthia Cline. Two scientists and a psychic l.nvestlgator encounter extraterrestrial beings. (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "Hoc"ror Houee" ( 1970, Horror) Frankie Avalon, Jill Haworth. A group of restless young peo- ple with time on their handt decide to conduct a eeance at a haunted house. (1 hr .. 30 min.) I LOVE. AMERICAN ~ CANDIDA George Bernard Shaw's commentary D The European Way to U LT RA S LIM o wne r s & fou nders ,JILL & ALI.EN NI- CHOLSON. spent years resear- ching and p erfert ing t he ir unique tech niques for body contouring. Cell!Jlite is a malady that has plagued females fo r ages, and hos been sometimes m iscon - st rued as something the indi- vidual is unahle to get rid of. Larry Stewu·t-"I lost a•,-. Inches otr tn)' waiat in only 8 treatments." Keather MoNalr-"Thl• ia the only all·over effective c@I· lulii. It Inch loa prosram that worked for mt." Classic Beauty There is a world here in Co- rona del Mar where your fon- dei.l dream& con come t rue. a place where yo u can become the perrmn you have a,lways wanted to be. No need fo r far away spas or heolt h resorts. Berause there is ULT HA· SLIM. a plare totally different fro m any other limm ing studio anywhere, with itR spaciousness & 11e renl t y, s ophi sticat e d equipme nt & i.k illed prores- io nel s taff. ULTRAS LIM it dedicated to the well-being of it.a clients, providing the latest & most miracul ous treatment for cellulit t" con trol and slim· ming under the aupervi11ion or experta. "But, more than that," they say. "we have looked for natural ways to bring out the innate beauty in every woman. In our studios we have i n11talled equipme nt una vailable a ny - where else in t he United Stales so that we co n offer the best of rejuvenation & lleaut ify ing treatment for those men & wo- m e n w.ho really rare abo ut themselves." · "To do that we include eel· lutronica & nutrit ional guide- lines to break down cellulite - t hat annoying mixture or fat, toxins , fluids and waates that accumulate in the layers of connective tissue between the muscle!\ and skin." "At ULTRAS LIM it can be controlled & eliminated ," Jill , continued. "Our tota l concep t program combining nutrition, life11ty le guidance & ULTRA· SLIM electronic machines pro- d uces astonishing results." Allen Nicholson s tat es that he has been pleased with the w id e acceptance o r t he UL TRASLIM JJfogram by men. "While not bothered as much by cellulite men seem to ap· preciate the mu cle tone & inch IOll that our program provide• -quir kly & e(fortle!!11ly." Gary Ruu ell, Manager of ULTRASLIM of Corona del Mar. invitu you l<l visit our studio for a free nutritional consultation. -- (714) 875-2711 3810 E. Coa1t Hlsbway, Corona del Mar _.riiC::f 4430 -.. -w 022 - .-..-......... ....._._ ...... -----·--~·-·-·-·-~ ·--·-·------------------ Monday (cootinued) ·-. on iove.--minlage 8nd ftdlllty, starring Btythe Danner and Edward Herrmann. (1 hr., 30 min.) • AMERICA; THE SECOND CE'NTVRY 1~al)NEW8 12:308 •LATE NIGHT WITH DAW> LETTERMAN ou.ts: Arthur Ashe. Art Buchwald. President ~t berber Miiton Pitta. (1 hr.) • • MOVIE ~orro" ( 1975, Adventure) Alain Delon. lr.ntey Baker. A Spenleh nobleman become8 a ewordeman and urges the poof to rebel agalnat a =:"11ary govennor. (2 hrs.) I PEOPLE ANO ORGANIZATIONS MOV1E "Fiiimore" ( 1972) Documentary. The Grateful Dead, Oulci<aitver Meaunget' SeMoe. Jet· fereon Airplane, Hot Tuna and Santana perform one last time In a farewell concert to Fiiimore West. 'A' ~hr., 45 min.) INStDE BA8E8All MOVIE "Airplane!" ( 1980, Comedy) Robert Hays. Julie Hagerty. After an airliner's Cff1W falls to- food poilOOlng. a nervous former war pilot la ~ed Into Nf'Vk)e and must contend wfth on- d hysteria: a eectetlve control tower and cllche- ftlled memor1ea. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 12:408 Cl) COLUM80 A motlvatlonat reaearch spe- clellst kills hie b6eckmall victim. then frame.I the men's Wife for the nuder. (A) ( 1 hr .• 40 min.) 12:60@ MOVIE "Beach Blanket Bingo" (1965. Com- edy) Frankie Avalon, Annette ~. SkydMng and kidnapping are part of She fun and frollc of the t~ beech set. (2 hr&) 1:00• OENE AUTRV • Movie ''The Big Camlval'' ( 1951. Orama) KJrk Oougias. Jan Stwlng. In order to boost his career. a reporter exploit• the eufferinQs of the Wife of a man trapped In a~. (1 hr.,~"*'-> (I) PKA FULL CONTACT KARA TE (I) MOVIE "Swinging Cheef1eeders" Jo Johnston. Colleen Camp. A )ournalllm major lnftttrates the ranks of a college c:heerieectng ~d to expose the exploitation of the cheerieedefs by the footban teem. 'A' (1 hr .• 36 min.) • AN EV£NNG OF COMEDY ANO MAGIC Orlon Bean hosts a zany hour of ~':Of-hand and slap-· stick taped at San Francleoo'a <9reat American Musk: Hall. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) (%)MOVIE ''Targets" ( 1968, ~) Boria Kar· loff, Tim O'Kelty. An aging hooor-fn<wit star tries to rNIOf'I with a murdelout enlpec at a dr!Ve-ln movie theeter: (1 hr .• 30 min.) 1:~0Cli) FlASHBACK: FIRE AT THE COOOANUT GROVE Eric Sevateld hosts thla docOmentAWY 11k19- trattng the tragic ewnts of Sat1Xday night, Novem- ber 28. 1942. when the famous Boston nlghtcklb exploded Into a blazlng Inferno. ( 1 hr.) 1:130•= SPEAK OUT 2:0& (!)MEWS 2:10(8) MOVIE "Smokey Bites The Oust" (1981, Comedy) Jimmy McNlchol. Janet Julen. A hlgtl lchool delinquent gets the whote town on hie trail when he makel off with the homecOmlng queen and heeds acre. the state In a _.. of stolen aut~ A "OMAN 8COllNBD -Lee Bemldr" heads an int«Mdonal cast in • new pt'Oductlon of ·~ uttB'' Monday at 9 p.m. on ABC (01. 1). bles. 'PG' (1 hr., 30 min.) 2:16.NEWS ~MOVE "Look Back In Ar'QK' (1959, Orama) er.. Bloom, Rtchard Burton. 8aed on the ptay by John Osbome. At the lut moment. a man dlecoYers thet he kMl9 and needs his wife. ( 1 hr .• 40 min.) 2:20.NEWS 2:30 (!) MORNING STAETCH (I) AUSTRAUAN RUl.E8 FOOTBAU. Cerfton vs. Fltzrov (1 hr., 30 min.) e MO\'IE "Aucl<us" ( 1980, Orama) Dlfk Benedict. Linda BllJr. A ~ed Vietnam vet clsturbs the peeoe of a smaU Alabema town. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) CJ) MOVIE "Monty Python Meets Beyond The Fmge" (1976. Comedy) Nanat*1 by Dudley Moore. A behlnd--the-scenea look ta taken at reheeraala and preparations fat Amnesty lntema- tlonal' a 1978 comedy benefit lhow that ataned members of "40nty Python. (1 hr .• 25 min.) 2:35(1) MOVIE "Seven" (1977. Adventute) Wlllam Smith, Barbara LM. U.S. lntellgence cah In a spe- c:tll agent to atop the Imminent merger of seven 2:~awaia,~nz=-'R' (1 hr .. 40mln.) 2:56 MOVIE "ONma" (1938, AdVenture) Ray- AR• YOUR UTILITY BILU INCRllASING7 a.,,..-., ...... , ...... ,..... C-',.... row....,_., Cd ua ~ FRll llltOfnwltlon = Z W# JS: mond Massey. Sabu. A young Indian boy saves a British regiment from being 11\U88Cfed In India. ( 1 hr .• 55 min.) 3:00 (!) JOE FRANKLIN (ll)NEW8 , " ,, ~ - 3:40 CB> MOVIE "Ruckus" ( 1980. Orama) Dirk Ba-. diet. Linda Blalr. A shett-thocked Vietnam vet dnr b' turbs the peace of a sman Alabama town. 'PG' ( 1 ~ hr .• 35 min.) ,, 4:00(!) JIMMY SWAGGART # 1 CC) MOVIE "KJll Or Be Kiiied" (1980, Adventure) '<_e- Jamea Ryan, Charlotte Mlchefle. A former Naz.I com- mander, who lost an Important karate match to the > Japaneee dUt1ng the wet, aeek8 to avenge his defeat ·!_ by enlistlno the top kung f\J fighters from around the wor1d In a foumament 'PG' (1hr.,30 min.) Co1 (I) 8PORT8 CENTER 4° (%) MOVIE "Straw Ooga" (1972. Ofama) Dustin .... Hoffman, Susan George. A man and his Wife ~ attempt to remove themlelvea from violent Ameri- can society. but dllooYet" that a peaceful surface canh~aavagery. (1hr .• 65mln.) :;gg1 GAl.1.AGHER lWO REAL The comedian petforma • terlel of one-lloers and comic \lignettes. 4:30 (!) JIM BAKKER e MOVIE "Out Of Season" (1976. Orama) Cliff Roberteon, Vaneeae Redgrave. Old probleml reeur- faoe when former loYer'9 meet again at an off...eaeon seulde reeort. (1 hr .• 30 min.) TV teasers By W. WILSON CASEY ~--...... 1. Who WU Col. Steve Austin'• (Lee MajPn) b<9 on the adventutt leries, '"Ille Six Mill.ion Dollar Man?'' 2. Name the two •tan of "The Penuaden." Their roles were the Britiab Lord Btett Sirrleir and the plain Danny Wilde fJom the Bronx. ' 3. Who Mng the theme 80l'\g OD the western aeries, Rawhide," which starred Clint Eastwood among otlien7 4. Who u.na the theme toog of "The Rebel" which starTed Nick Adams? 5. Name two of the three hosts of ABC's 'llfhoee Amuinc Animala" wbk:h explored the world of uUma•• · 6. Who h09ted the G.E. Theater for eiaht yews? Hint. he once WU the governor of C8U- fomia. . ANSWERS: 1. a.car Goldman (Rkhard Andenon) 2. ~ Moore and Tony Curtis. 3. Frankie Lane 4. Johnny c..h sang the "Ballad of Johnny Ywna'' 5. PrUcil.la Presley, Jim Staflord. Burge.a Meredith 6. Ronald Reagan l -___ ._._..._., ..... ,.-.-~-·----·-· ... ---···--· ....... --:.~-=---~ -.... tt .I S'l'ARRIJ'G .... ~·w ...... PORT BEACH Programming That Gets You Right Where You Live! " MONDAY• 7:00 PM .. Newport Now" 7:30 PM Live Newport Beach City Council coverage or "Citizens Forum" <alternate Mondays 1 11JB8DAY 7:00 PM ··Sound Off" Wl:Dla8DAY.7:0t PM "Newport Now" TllUJt8DAT 7:00 PM "A Better Way" ·1:ee PM .. Newport Now·· Our local programming lineup in· eludes the discussion series -··Sound Off". our interview show hosted by Mayor Heather -··citizens Forum:· and live-covera1e of Newport Beach City Council meetings. Plus. we continue to cablecast our popular magazine format show ··Newport Now." ' Our f~us is on the issues that are happening around you, and we feature people and places that you know. Your neighborhood and its residents are our stars. t VI-' 1 ' rf .Tuesday \I< >l l'\ I '\C ~ .\I< >\ I FS 8:00~ "Secret V*f' (1936, Western) Richard Arlen. Vltglnle Gfey. Cl) "Muteleethera" (1978, Comedy) Rory calhoun, Don Knotts. • "Underground Ac:M" ( 1980, Comedy) Dirk Benedict. Melanie Griffith. (%) "In Pralle Of Older Women" ( 1978, Orama) Tom~. Karen Bliek. 8:06 a> "Fnt Traveling Sa.leslady" ( 1956, Comedy) ~Rogers, 8atTy ~. 7:30(C) "Cotton Candy" (1978, Comedy) Clint Howard, Charles Martin Smith. 8:0000 "Oelpel(" (1979, Drama) OW1< Bogarde, Andrei FetTIOI. • "Kltl And Kill Again" (1981, Adventure) James ~an, AnnetlM Krlel. (%)"The Thief Of Parts" (1967, Mystet}') ;Jean-Paul Belmond<>, Genevieve Bujold. 8:361!!) "Shadow On The Window" (1957, Adven- ture}_ Philip Carey, Betty Garrett. 9:30• 'Westward t-fo" (1935. Western) John Wayne, Shella Mannofa. ~''The Late Show" (1977, MysttfY) Art Camey, UlyTomln. 10:00® ''The Four Seaont" (1981, Drama) Alan Alda. Cerol Burnett. - Cl) "AJI The Fine Y~ Ceonlbels" ( 1960, Drama) Natale Wood, Robert Wagn«. CZ> ''The Man Who lovecfWomen" (1978, Orama) Chattel Dennet. Lelle Caron. Directed by Francois Tl'Uffaut. 10:061!!) "A Klei Befor9 Dying" (1966, Suspense) Robert Wagner, Jeffrey Hunter. 11:00~ "Penelope" (1966, Comedy) Natalie Wood, Ian Bannen. e "My Bodygua1d" (1979, Drama) Chris Makepeece, Adam Baldwln. \l 11 .l{ "-.( >< f \ \I<>\ 11 ." 12:00• "The Glr1 Rultt" (1956. Comedy) Rol8lnd Aullell, Fernando Lama. • "Made For Each Other" (1971, Comedy) Renee Taylor, Joeeptl Bologna. • "T.-Story" (1960, Comedy) Jene F'onda, Anthony Ptrklnl. Cl) "Stir Ctazy" (1980, Comedy) Richard Pryor, Gene Wilder. CZ> "Phobia" (1980, Suapenae) Paul Michael GI.ter. Susan Hogan. 1~8000 "The Outlaw Joley Walel" (1976, Western) Cllnt Eastwood, Sondra Locke. 1:00(!) "follow That Ore.m" (1962. Comedy) EMs ~. Arthur O'Connll. CC) "Stevie" (1tv.,40 mln.1 • 1:46(%) ''The "Ollef Of Paris' (1967, MytttfY) Jeen- Paul Belmondo, GeneYllYe Bujold. 2:00cc "The Mln'or Cr1Ck'd" (1980, MysttfY) Eliza-beth Taylor. Kim Novak. . Cl) "The Four Seaont" ( 1981. Orama) Alan Alda. C.olBumett ~30· "Llndtrground Ac:M," (1980, Comedy) Olri< Benedict • ......,,.. Griffith. 3:00. "Fathom" (1987, Adllenture) Tony Francio- !!i Raquel Welch. Cit) "Hard Country" (1961, Drama) Jan-Michael Vincent, Kim Belinglf'. 3:46(J) "Peter A9bbtt And The Talel Of Btetrtx Potter" (1971, Fantasy) Fredtr1ck Alhton, Alexan- der Grant. 4:00~ "Sec:Nt V*'I" (1938, Wlltem) RJchard Men. Virginia (ftv. Cl> "The Shogun Wlfttorl: Oenguard A~" (1 981, Fant~\ Anlmeted. 4:30e 1'The Green Horizon'' (1081, Ad¥enture) ....... S1twart, Phip Sayer. . 6:00(!) "A• Ol"9t Orl'The Weetem Front" (1930, Drama) Lew Ayret, Louil Wolhelm. 6:16Cll "Monty Python MMll~Frtnge" 1918, Comtdy) NMlted by Moore. &:~CC) "Cotton Cendy" (1978, ) Clint Hoiftrd, Ctwtll Mlttln Smith. -~ - I \ I ' I ' I l . ' ''-. ( • , ,, BECOMES OF AGE -Joanie (Erin Moran) ttem ta to prove to lier parenta that w la re.- enough to be left on her own on "Happy J'S TuMfay at 8 p.m. on ABC (Ch. 7). Chacbi (Scott &Jo) bope9 IM I.I convtndn/( ~· (I) TOP RANK BOXING HIGHLIGHTS • Cl) MURDER AMONG FRIEN08 Sally Kellerman and Lealli Nelllen star In this comedy whodllnlt, set In a New York apertment on New Yeats Eve. Involv- ing an actor, his wealthy wife and his ambitious 90t. ( 1 tv., 45 min.) • MOVIE "A Nlghtlngale Sang In Berkeley Square" ( 1979. Comedy) Richard Jordan, Oevld Niven. The ~ watchman at a Brttleh Bank Is t~ed to rettltil to a life of crime. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 8:30~tEWS I ALLIN~Y BLACK KNIGHT A youna Engllehwoman on VIC8tlon In France meet• -.-;T8'ack t<mght," and beconl8I enxloul upon her return home wondering If lhe wtll eee him ~In. (1 hr.~ I :=~ ~E. THE LONESOME COUGAA A lumberman adopts and raises an orphaned cougar kitten. (Part 1) 8:46~AALE8 CHAMPLIN ON THE ALM SCENE 7:100 ~AGAIN A8CNEW8 P.M. MAGAZINE A summer camp for single adults; the 85-yeer-dd "granny" wno makes rock \1 ... ~=ve In her theeter. RACING FROM A008EVEl. T ENTIRT AINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with JUie Anchwl. M*A*8*H JOKER'S WILD WIE88 """AEPORT'~­ THEMUPPET8 MAOeC OF Oil PAINTING MOYIE "The Apple Dumpling Ging Rldtl .. (1979, Comedy) Tim Conny, Don Knotta. A pa of ~ outlaws try to wlllk the strait and nerrow. 'G' (2 tn.) CD) MOYIE ''Viva Lal Vegas" (HMM, Mullcal) E1v11 Prelley, Am-W.gret. A Lal · Veg111 IWtrnmlog lnltructor ~ the object of eftlctbt for a , ~ oer ,_,,.Ind hll.....,. frtlnd. (2 tn.) .:=~~~~= men r8lled ., \NII. who Wlllled NI 1n111t1111i•w1t1e1no1,...., .... tuma to ... of crtmt begll1 llng with the l'Obbary IQd dlltrUotlCln of the ,..lllOI, ol the men who tcdc ·n brldHo • "°"' ..... (1 hr .•• "*'·> ?:• OHM TOWN Featured: more~ of ~=Inducing ... 10 IOndl [he;;.~~: more°" .. IDW; a ..... = IOllHllnllld .... H9'DI• .... dlttllDSlld ~ .. ne.rr: a M ~ lllNori ...-. a prollt of c .. a 1111'1 Tuesday (continued) most famous car salesman. Cal Worthington. (I) 8 TIC TAC DOUGH (!) BASEBALL New York Mets at Los Angeles Dodgers (2 hrs., 30 min.) SIGNATURE Guest Mel TOl"me. MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT NEWS lg YOU ASKED FOR rT M•A•S•H MOVIE "The Late ShoW" ( 1977, Mystery) Art Carney. Liiy Tomlin A seasoned private eye encounters blackmail and murder when he comes out of retirement to locate a cat belonging to an offbeat female client. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CID SNEAK PREVIEW A look Is taken at the movies, specials and sports events coming up on Home Box Office. 7:35(1ll NEWS 8:008 (I) BOOK OF LISTS (Premiere) Host Bill Bixby and a repertOfY company deliver monologues and perlOl"m sketches and musical numbers based on material from the "Book Of Lists." ( 1 hr.) e e BRET MAVERICK Guthrie tries to get Maver- ick to help him win the Sweetwater sheriff election. u hr.) • MCME "Bruce Lee's Secret" Bruce LI. Bruce Lee's rise from a waiter In San Fransisco to his Inter- est In the racial wars. (2 hrs.) 8 ([I HAffPY DA VS Joanie attempts to prove to Howard and Marlon that she Is responsible enough to be left on her own '°' a few days. (R) Q G MOVIE "I Walk The Line" (1970. brama) Gre- gory Peck, Tuesday Weld. A Southern sheriff becomes the victim of an alluring young woman who Is the daughter of a local~. (2 hrs.) • P.M. 'MAGAZINE A summer camp for single a~ the 65-year-old "granny" who makes rock stars behave In her theater. • MOVIE "The Getaway" (1972, Adventure) Steve McOueen, All MacGraw .. The profits from a half·mlllkxHk>llar hetst by a husband-and-wife team are almost io.t to rtval crooks. (2 hrs.) I QUIZKJOS SAUDI ARAaA .. The R9Ce With Time" The aocial and etAtural dlermm poeed by the Infusion of Western tec:hnology In a country r"9d by~ tlonal Islamic codet are explored. ( t hr.) • NOVA "Twins" The ldentlflc reaeerch on twine Is a field marked by damaging fraud bUt alto by ~ant new dl8coverlea. (A) Q (1 hr.) 00 MOVIE ''The OUtlew Joeey Wales" (1978, Western) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Loctce. A men becomes an outlaw when a ruthtelt bend of Union eokfiera destroys hit Southern farm and kills his wife and son. 'PG' (2 hrs.. 18 min.) Cl) MOVIE "The Foor Seaaont" (1981, Orama) Alan Alda, carol Burnett. Three couples, an cloee. long-time friends, experience profound changes In their relatlonlhlpt when one of the marriages dlsln- ~ates. 'PG' (1 hr., 67 min.) •MOVIE "My Bodyguard" (1979, Orama) Chris Makepeace. Adam aildwtn. The new kid at 1 0. cago high school makes ft'lenda with the achool out· cast and together they stand up to the CN8I gang whleh had persecuted them both. 'PG! ( 1 hr .. 38 mln.j_ 8:90• 0 LAVERNE ANO 8HIAL£Y Laverne and ~·a apartment Is robbed twice In one week. Q I ALL IN TH£ FAMILY OAHCe MEACe CUNNN)HAM The w;ortc of choreographer Mefce Cunnlnghem, one of the pioneers of American modem dance. II ahowcased. ~~CENTER CHARLE CHAPLIN COMEDY THEATRE 8: al) ALL IN THE FAMILY e:oo• Cl) MOVIE "POl"tralt Of A Showgirl" (Prem- iere, Orama) L...i.y Ann Warren. Rita Moreno. Ttvee Laa Vegu dancers dMI with problems on and off the ttlGI. (2 hrs.) e e FlAMk)() AOAD Constance tries to get Julo to kNI ~ Tyrone. and Eudora Weldon 8lkl her hueblnd '°' a divorce. ( 1 hr.) • 9 THAEFS COMPANY .Nick becOme1 a llmlt· .._fountain of energy at a glamorous party. Q • MSW CRFFIH °'*'s: 8.B. King, Bernie e ctw111 Wethnl. ,.,,, Ragerakt. ( 1 hr.) N. FEFICAH Pl.A YHOl.e "MY PllkM" 1 e11V ltn • I Gr•·Amettcan ~ who ~ f'9tUrrW to hie n8tM Greece wtth hll NIUctllf1t eon In thlt ltory by L.an ~ nos. Q ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) e MUOI ~ ''The Aw With Time'' The IOCAll Ind oufturll ..,,,,,_ pOMd by the lnfuek>n of Wellem tecnlofogy In a country IWd by ()()f'W9ft- tlor* lllemlc oodel .. ~. ( 1 hr.) ~=-·--"~ .. *>min.) fllCWll ''Otld't • ( 1872 ....... ~) ... Robert ....... A dlllllild,,...., • 1 c.an-olo bo(11d*111Naa1• l'9 ...._of en~ "'°'= .... """ (1 "'·· .o-.) <11 M ''nit All~., .. ('tlO. ~) ,_. ..... ,.~.A .... NllwVo.tc ~----. BEATING UP -Comtance (MoqJail FaUd11ld, back roWI HCOnd from Jett) trln to pt Julio (Fermndo AlJende, mJdd.le row lint ilYJID lieh) to lcill Michael 7)rooe (David &tlb~ row lint from Wt) on~ Road" •t 'tC cm NBC (01. 4). Otbtn ID _,... Ude Qty poHce detectlw, whole wife II auff.tng from a Mrioua illnelt, trtee to cetoh a brutal klller terrOflzlng Manhattan. 'R' ( 1 Iv., 52 min.) (%) MOVIE "lncotrlglble" ( 1979, Comedy) Jean.. Paul Belmondo. Genevieve Bu)old. All unrepentant thief contlntJet hit aWlndllng waya following his release from prison. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 9:05Gl)NEW8 9:30. 0 TOO Cl06E FOR COMFORT Agent Henry'• wtshet. Jeckle becomel ec-.geged to a pollceman. QI 81..ACK KNIGHT A ~ Engllehwoman on vacation Irr' France meets a • Black Knight," and becomeS anxlou9 upon her return home wondering lhhe wM1 ... him again, ( 1 hr.) (I) COi i FOE VOUEY8ALL "Collegiate Qasslc" Penn State vt. UCLA (2 hrs.) 9:35@ MOVIE "Who Slew Auntie Roo?" (1972. Horror) Shelley Winters. Mark Leiter. After kidnap- ping an Ol"phan who reeemblet her deed daughter. e widow It purlUed by the girl's bfothef. (1 hr., 55 mln.j_ 10:008 • OEOAGE BURN8' 100TH BtATHOAY · PARTY Goldie Hawn, Andy ~bb. Miiton Ber1e. Steve Martin and Johnny C.,.,,, are among the atara who join George Bumi fOf an tll1y c.lebnttlon of the ent...-s lOOtl'I blrthdey. (R) (1 hr.) 11 ftll ! =Jonathan end Jennifer enter a high-stakes card game to win an expenalYe bet&- baK catd collection and rescue e kidnapped boy. Q hr.) THE Pe:ASUAOERS MOYIE "H.O.T.S.I" (1979, Comedy) Su1an • Lita London. A sorority reject ~ to form her own club of co-edl WhO conc:«1trate on gratify- ' teX1teMtd ~ 'R' ( t hr., 35 min.) OROWINQ p ( 1 HR.) . 10: CID MOVIE "The Four SMtone" (1981, Orama) Allo Aide. Cerol Bwnett. Thr11 couplet, an clole. 'long·tlme fntndt, txpefta!ICe profound chengll In thM rtlatlonehipl when one of the marrtlg9t dllln-=. . 'PG' (1 hr., 67 min.) 10: •NEWS • !!iilHATUAE au.t: M9I Torme. OONVENATIOH WITH OAAMEH ~A.TA A on the reknowotd ltllQI. 9m and TV ectret1 who .. the co-founder of the ~ found9tlon of the arts ~lllnted. ~~ PLA\'HOUIE "~ Pllbri'' Telly ltn • • c:tr.·~ bu&-nsr.-. who ~ l'9tUml to hll natW ~ wfth his ,....,.. eon In ltlil •cwy bf &Aon~ i!IJ:~·,*?::iJ.. 11. .., ... MEWi ~MICmlORlf row) .B.ublnt Ru.Ii. OVtlm JUJM., S~ Ste- ven., John Beck, Glenn RobarU; (mldle row) Howard Dull, Kevln McCutby; (front row) Peter nm.c. am. a.ue,o. Mm Harmon and Woody Brown I ~~ BENNY HU QUIZKI08 DICK CAVETT MOVIE "The Man Who Fell To Earth" (1976, 6cience-Flctlon) Oevld Bowle. candy Clark. A rock star from an alien planet. on an Interplanetary search for water for hll people, becomel ..,._ explolt- ed mllllonalre on Earth. 'R' (t hr .. 58 min.) CI> MOVIE "It's Not The Stze That Counts!" (197'4, Comedy) Leigh Lawson. Elke Sommer. A man who had a rather unusual Ol"gen trentPlaat operation returns from a sea cruise to find he la the only male In the world who la not Impotent 'R' (1 hr .. 30 min.) CD) MOVIE "Robin's Nest" (Comedy) After a breakup. a married couple meet again at a twinging 2!_rty. (1 hr .• 10 min.) •MOVIE "A Likely StOfY" (19-47, Comedy) ~ WN118ms, Betbara Hale. TNnldng that hll time on Earth Is soon to end. a vetertnerlan decide9 to let hlmeelf go ~nd ltYe It up. ( 1 hr.) (%) MOVIE "Phobia" (1980. Suepenee) Paul Mlchaef Gtaer. Susan Hogan. A Qfoup of mental petleMI ere murdered acoordlug to their lndMduat ..... 'R' (1hr .. 3'4mln.) 11:aoe Cl) ALICE Alce sha.re. hef n6ght IChool pay-cbOIOGY letlolil with the geog at the diner. (R) I !• dle•GorT~.tOlt: Johnny carton. Guest: Ill A8C NE'W8 NIGHTUNE KOJAK THE JEFFER80N8 8ANFOAD ANO SON NEWS DANCE: MEACE CUNNINGHAM The wol1t of choreogtaphet Met'oe Cunnlnghem, one of the p6oneera of Amencen modem dinoe, la~. ~ ~~Cl.ETEAOB!RT8 11:1[:..J:. ''lttfCruY' (1te0, ~ Floh-•d . Gent Wldet. ~ men .,. en tor b9M robberl and eent to jll. 'A' ( t hr .• 51 min.) 12:00. ENiEHfANmff TONIQHT All lnt9Mew wllh ~ Anctrwa. • 9 FMTMY aAHO A men beoome1 a ~ .,..,.. IWf, end I young woman becomee ~ eo ht w can keep an ere on ~ = '~ ~· ~'* ... -~ .......... (1162, eom.-ctv> liw CUN. FMd U.tt Ni-A~­Ind a rlnCINr llim IO OOPll .. I _al.._ gartl. i~ ......... Ill, .... (*8, Mlmn- • ..., Tlb ...._, .... CMul-.i. A ... d · AMlrtDln ..... --•• -... ~· In , ,. ~ 0 - .... U> O> N ! .. 14---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N 'Ttnday f c.ootiwed) I France during W&id War I. (2 hti.) · T9 • LOVE. MitSICAH STYLE g a) MOVIE "Fortunes Of Captain Blood" ( 1950, Adventure) Looll Hayward, Patricia Medina. When j an Irish dOctor Is exled to Barbadoe hit thirst for " vengeance prompts him to become a Wicked pirate. ~ jl. mus ON 800tETY 'O • MOVIE "Kii And KJU Again" (1981, Adventure) ~ James Ryan, Annellne Kt1el. A martial ar1a expert battles the minions of a power-mad scientist Intent ! on ensiav1ng mankind with a new mlnckx>ntrol drug. 'PG' ( 1 hr.,~ rm.) ~ 12:06. Cl> MCCLOUD McCloud la assigned to the city's mounted polce unit (R) (2 hrs.) o 12:10® MOVIE "The Last Chae" (1981, Sc~ f Action) Lee Majors, Chris Makepeace. In a wof1d of the future, a former race car drlvef and a teen-age computer expert tight the government' a proecrlptlon of automobllel. 'Pa' ( 1 hr .. -40 min.) 12:308. LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests: author Jay Robert Nash: "Or. Porter," the Inventor of the pedeStrlan toll booth. ( 1 hr.) I COUPLES • MOVIE "Fathom" (1967, Adventure) Tony Francloea. Raquel Welcti. A Cttmlnel hir• a female parachutist to recover a prlceleee piece of Jewelry under the pretext that she la lookfng for a bomb- ~device. (2 hr&.) • ilAa< KNIGHT A y~ Engllahwoman on vacation In France meet• a • Ba.d< Knight," and beconl9I anxious upon hef return home wondef1ng H she wtll see him~ (1 tw.) ~EXPLORING LANGUAGE THIS WEEK IN THE N8A MOVIE "LCMWS A.nd llatt" ( 1979, Comedy) Goldle Hawn, Glancel1o Giannini. While traveflng In Italy, an American girt meets and falls In love with a married man. 'R' ( 1 hf .. 36 min.) 12:36(%) MOVIE "'The Man Who loved Women" ( 1978, Orama) Charlet Denner. Leslle Caron. Directed by Francols Truffaut. A man le ao obee8aed with beautiful women that he finds It dltflcult to remain satisfied with any Individual relatlonshlp. 'R'. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) 1:00• MOVIE "Soult At Sea" (1937, Adventure) Gary Cooper, George Raft. After a ... wreck, a &hip's offlcer Is forced to make an lmportMlt deci- . . CABEE.11 MOVE -Lealey Ann Warren atars u a Broadway ~ newly arrived In La Vegas and H(/el' to continue her career In a new loaale in "Portrait of a Showgirl" Tue.day at 9 p.m. on . CBS (OJ. 2). _ trying to get the mlcrofllm that one of them swal- lowed. 'R' ( 1 hf., 39 min.) 2:06. (!) NEW8 2:30 (!) MOANING STRETCH al RAT PATROL ... 2:36(%) MOVIE "In Praile Of Older Women" (1978. Orama) Tom Berenget, Karen Black. A Hungarian lotharlo remlnlscee on his past romantic cohquests. from his first at the age of 12 to his sedoctlon of a housewife at 30. 'R' (1 hr .• 48 rm.) 2:.tOe MOVIE "The Other Love" (1947. Drama) David Niven, Barbara Stanwydt. A concert planlat and her doctor lall In love during her stay at a Swist TB ollnlc. (2 hrs.) •NEWS 3:00• MOVIE "What The Butler Saw" (1950, Com- edy) Henry Milllson, Edward Rigby. An elderly Englishman returns home with a chief's daughtef'. i hr .. 30 min.) JOE FRANKLIN =E "Cotton Candy" ( 1978. Comedy) Clint Howard, Charles Martin Smith. A group of high school mlsll1s lorm a rock band to compete with the echool's established baAd. (1 hr .. 40 min.) Cf) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "197 4 U.S. Open" 3:16(1) MOVIE "H.O.T.S.I" (1979, Comedy) SU88n Kiger. Lisa London. A sorority reject decides to form her own club of co--eds who concentrate on gratify- ing sex-starved colleglana. 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 3:30 Cf) SPORTSWOMAN 3:-40 (B) MOVIE "Despair" ( 1979, Orama) Dirk Bogarde. Andrea 'ferreol. A Russian confectioner 1Mng In Germany Is faced with total ruin during the rise of Nazism. ( 1 hr .. 59 min.) 3:46. MOVIE "Death And The Malden" ( 1973. Mystery) James Stewart, Strother Martin. A young woman. tong suspected of mental Imbalance, IS charged with the &hooting deaths of her father, steptl'lOther and stepslstef'. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 4:00 (!)JIMMY SWAGGART Cf) SPORTS CENTm • MOVIE "The Postman Always Rings Twice" (1981, Orama) Jack Nicholson, Jessica Lange. A young woman and her lover plot to murder her hus.- band. 'A' (1 hr .. 37 min.) 4:06 a) FUtolTIME 4:26 (%) MOVIE "Monty Python Meets Beyond The Fringe" (1976, Comedy) Narrated by Dudley Moore. A behind·th&-Seenes look is taken at rehearsals and preparations tor Amnesty lntema- tlonal's 1976 comedy benefit show that starred members of Monty Python. ( 1 hr., 25 min.) 4:30 e VOYAGE TO fHE BO'TTOM OF THE SEA (!) JIM BAKKER 4:-40~ MOVIE "The Man Who Fell To Earth" ( 1976, Science-Fiction) Oavtd Bowle, Candy Clark. A rock star from an allen planet. on an Interplanetary search for water for his people. becomes an exploit- ed mllllonalre on Earth. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 58 min.) 8'ofl ooncemlng the only IHeboet. (2 hrs.) •MOVIE "The Counterfeit Traitor" (1962, Adven- ture) Wllllam Holden, Ull Palmer. The Brltllh gov- ernment ~ a naturalized Swede Into ~ a spy against the Nazl9 during Wof1d War 'The Letter' on ABC • • • • a QUIZ II. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 1:~rMOV1E "Summertr•" <1911. Drama> Michael Oouglat, Jeck Warden. After dropping out of college and loelng faith In hit glrtfnend, • young guitar player Is drafted to terve In Vletrwm. ( 1 hr .. ;~ . 1:20 Cl:) MOVIE "Penelope" ( 1966, Comedy) Natalie Wood, ten 8annen. A neglected Wife decidie to di&-~ hereelf and rob her husbencr• benk. ( 1 hr .. -40 mini 1:30 •NEWS 1:~ '1oVIE "Wiid And Beeutlfut On Ibiza" (1981, Comedy) Regle Porte, Tanja 8Ptele. Rich and poor yOllng travelert converge on the ltland retort for a ~of pertytng. 'R' (1hr.,30 min.) 1:56® MCME-"Hird Country" (1961; Dr.,.,.) Jan-- M6cheel Vincent, . ,, Balnger. A Te>ee1 fectory worbr II tom be\ m hit delife to continue In the "good Old tsov'' 1IT•tyle and hit ftlncee't ttlOW ~ embftlont. 'PG' ( 1 tw .. 46 min.) 2:00 • MOVIE "Home Of The Bt8w" ( 194~. Dra- ma) Frank Lovetov. Jamee Edwarda. Ourtng Wor1d War II. a black GI. with I phyalcaJ hendlcap IUffers mental torment at the hendt of NI white comrades. ~hr., 46 min.) • = "La cage Aux Follel--tl" (1980, Come-dy) Ugo Tognam, Mlcnll StrrUt. A mkidl1 aa.c1 gay couple •• the <1'*'Y of a MCrtt organtzatlon NEW YORK (AP) -The postal system may not teem particu)arly JE}amoroua, but lta contents - from love Jett.en to can mail to notes daahed off with pol9oll pen -have fM::inated Wmmaken for more than four decadee. . The most famom .. billet dowc" of them all may well be Somenei M.a~t "The Letter." Lee Remick •tan in a • TV pretentation of the ate.em~ cI..lc. to be Monday at 9 p.m. on A.BC Ch. '!). Jtiek Thompeon, from the feature film "Brea er Morant," co-•tara in the t.elevialon pro- duction .et ln Malaya. Before watcb1nc "The Letter," tab th.la quiz by Jania Hinch to tee if your movie-memory ia letter-perfect. 1. One popular TV eeriee bepn each epilode with the Vf!rJ IPldal dellVf!r/ of an envelope, but if there wu no letter enclosed, no one teemed to mind. We'll tell you the oontentl wen always the ume -$1 mlWon tax free. U you know the name of the .ms, you've aot two etlllY points. and lf you know who llped °"* checb, you've eamea two more pointl -and a lot of interest. 2. Letters were prec:tow ~ ln an Enc1iah flick called •'The Go-Setwee." The leadJ.na.lady waa ,;darling" In ''Dr. Zhlv.,o," and her letdfna man la known to have an eye foe the I.air sex. lndudino "women in love" and one ''unmarried w~~ ---------,, OUPON--OIVORCE MEDIATIO I A NON-COMBATIVE PROCESS I COUNSELOR-ATTORNEY TEAM REASONABLE COST FOR FURTHER INFO Their names are worth three pointa each, and their mailing~ even more. · 3. Lee Remick 11 the •tar of the all-new pro- duction of "The Letter." For two polnta, can you remember the great actrem who starred in the 1940 movie of the same name, and bued on the same story. Hint: Her eyes were immortalized in a recent rock musk hit. 4. Not all "lettert" are u 110phllticated aa thoee written by Maugham, and lf you can recall a tel- evision aeries from the 1953-54 aeuon called "A Letter to Loretta," you'll agree. Name the long- nec:ked beauty who starred and chalk up three potnt1. u you remembef the eeries' s::onceet. you've won a whoppinc atx more -~ you re proba- bly watchin,a too much TV. 5. In tl\e film "They Knew What They Wanted," an lmmilrant grape farmer carriea on a courtship through the mall. Who played tbia lette!'-wri~ ''molt happy fella" -you don't have to know the 'Private Lives of Henry vm" to know h1I rwne. It'• worth two polnta. For another pair, name b.ia CXHW', better known foe her ~ comed1es than her ~ell ... pen pal. u you call her Mn. Gable, we U only Cive you haU of the four polnta that the correct answer la w0r1.h. · 6. In a UM9 movie, a woman aenda "A Letter to See The Letfef", P¥e 30 WE RAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF NEW AND USED CAJlS FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVER FOR LEASE OR SALE. CONNELL CHEVROLET ,......, CoM 11no /or n ,.ore. 2828 Barbor Blvd., Co.ta Mma ~-·'·---- .. I I t t I I ! I I t I I t I l 11 I • \I< >l {:'\I :'\( ; \I< >\ 11 .~ 6:00(8) ''The Mysterious Stranger" (1982. Fantasy) Chris Makepeace. Fred Gwynne. e "The ldolmaker" (1980. Orama) Ray Sharkey, T ovah Feldshuh. CZ) "Last Days 01 Man On Earth" ( 1975, Sclence- Flctlon) Jon Finch. Palllck Magee. 6:06Q) "I'll Be Seeing Yoo" (1949, Orama) Ginger RC?Q!!s. Joseph Cotten. · 7:00~ "Sex And The Single Parent" ( 1 hr., 35 mln-1_ 7:3000 "Take This Job And Shove It" (198\, Come-<M Robert Hays, Barbara Hershey. Cl) "Gigi" (1958, Musical) Maurice Chevalier, Leslie Caron. CZ> "Peter Rabbit And The Tales Of Beatrix Potter" (1971, Fantasy) Frederick Ashton, Alexander Grant. 8:00 Ct "A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square" (1979. Comedy) Richard Jordan, David Niven. 8:05Q) "Born Yesterday" (1950. Comedy) Judy Holliday, Willlam Holden. 9:00(C) "The Fiendish Plot Of Dr. Fu Manchu" {1980. Comedy) Peter Sellers. Sid Caesar. CZ> "In Praise Of Older Women" (1978, Drama) Tom Befenger, Karen Black. 9:30 m> "Santa Fe Stampede" ( 1938. Western) John Wayne. Ray Corrigan. 10:00® "The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again" (_1979, Comedy) Tim Conway, Don Knotts. Cl) "Julie" (1956, Suspense) Oofls Day. Louis Jourdan. Ct "The Last Metro" ( 1980, Dr.ama) Catherine Oeneuve. Gerard Depardleu. Directed by Francois Truffaut. 10:05Q) "Gentlemen Marry Brunettes" (1955, Musi- cal) Jane Russell. Jeanne Crain. 10:"6 CZ> "Mooty Python Meets Beyond The Fringe" ( 1976, Comedy) Narrated by Dudley Moore. 11:00(C) "Rollef' Boogie" ( 1979, Muslcal) Linda Blalf. Jim Bray. .\I .llJ{:'\< >< >:'\ \I< >\'ILS 12:008 ''Honeymoon" (1947, Comedy) Shlr1ey Temple. FranchOt Tone . • "When The Legends Ole" (1972. Western) Richard Widmark, Frederic Forreet. e "Hell Is For Heroes" (1962, Dramat Steve McOueen, Bobby Darin. Cl) "Willie & Phil'' (1980, Comedy) Michael Ontkean, Margot Kidder. 12:15(%) ''Barbarella" (1968, Scieno&-Flction) Jane Fonda, Milo O'Shea. 1:00(!) "Frankie And Johnny" (1966, Musical) Elvis Presley, Donna Douglas. CC) "Cattle Annie And Little Britches" (1981, West· em) Burt Lancaster. John Savage. 2:00CD "Caveman" (1981, Comedy) Ringo Starr, Dennis Quaid. CZ> "Cattle Annie And Little Britches" ( 1981. West· em} Burt Lancaster, John Savage. 2:30(1) "The Incredible Shrinking Woman" (1980, Comedy) u1r Tom11n. Chane. GrOdln. e ''Tess'1 1979, Drama) Nasta88la Klnskl, Peter Firth. 3:00e "Hombre" (1967, Western) Paul Newman. Fredric Match. (8) "Steel" ( 1980, Drama) lee Ma)of1, Jennifer O'Nellf. • 3:45(J) "PhObia" (1980, Sospense) Paul Michael Gluer. Suaen Hogan. •:OO CC) ''Tld E....iastlng" ( 1976, Ad\fenture) Fred Keller. Joeeot't MIK:Gulre. Cl) "Hugo the Hippo" (1976,. Adv9nture) Aolmat· ed. Voloee of Burl 1W1, PmA Lynde. 5:20(J) "BarbeNllll" (1888, Seienoe-Flot!Oll) Jane Fonda. Milo O'Shee. 6:30® "The MysWloUI Strange(' (1982, Fantasy) ~-·.-~·Fred~. I CIJ --~ UUllCll) ..... a-lier. Qiron. 'Tbe ldafrnilii(' 0880. .,,.., Aey IMrkey. ovah Feldlhut\. • NEEDLECAAFT (CJ MOVIE "Sex And The Single Parent" ( 1 tw., 35 min.} 8:30(() • NEWS I BMNEY MILLER ALL IN THE FAMILY NEWSBEAT WITH CLETE ROBERTS BU8#E88 REPORT 7:00,&wsNEW8 I HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A loo+t Is taken at underwater birthing; a houseWlfe WhO writes jokes fOf top come- diennes. I KOJAK NINE ON NEW JERSEY ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT The ~ In a aerlee on Hollywood's blonde bombehells. ll•s•ti JOKER'S WILD THE NEW 8TOAVTEUERS: JACKIE TOA- The first In • ~ Mf1el featuree story- teller Jackie Torrence whoee speclallty It ghost 8* lrle98uet.ae REPORT - THE MUPPE'F8 MAGC Of OIL PAINTINQ MOVIE ''The Apple Dumping Gang Rides Again" ( 1979, Comedy) Tim Conny, Don Koottl. A pelr of western outlewl try to walk the at.rah and narrow. 'G' J2 tn.) CD MOVE 1'Woodltock" 1 j970, Mulloal) DoQu. mentary. Many of the top mullcal group1 of the late ~eoe pt1t9r1n .. .,.. ..,.,. roak __. Mid k\ e.thll. New Y~. In 1998. (3 twa.. 5 "*'·) (II) MOVIE "Dllltlon" (1'81, MYltlfY) Palr'lda PMfoy, Joeaph Cotten. A~ W flla In love with he< patient'• llat'ldlome young gtandeon. {! h{ .. '°~"-""·) (%) MOVft: "Cettle Annie And Llttle Britches" (1981. Western) Burt Lancaste<, John Savage Two tough outlaws pfck up 1 pelr of teen-age glr19 and tike them alOng on their 8"1tur... 'PG' ( t hr., 35iM'I.) 7:30 e 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: 1 celet>fetlon of the pr~am'f IOOth brOldcut; the 36th Amull P•rptY to 9-_. 8111:mt a.oti I took It whlrt the mt LOI Angtlel flril leudlc» were and .......... now; • ~ at the hlilCGrY Of HGly* ' .... v,.., . . ... . .. . . ..., .. .. . . ... ....._.. . 15 Ecology Veteran actor and en- vironmentalist Eddie Albert (tcp 1eft) hosts and narrates "California Dreams: Wildern ess Man '' Wednesday at 8 p.m . on KOCE (Ch. 50). The special program looks at the life of John Muir (bottom left), the famous con- servationist of the J.at.e 1890s who was r e- sponsible for the for- mation of Yosemite National Park and founder of the Sierra Club. :3Z 0 - r 91--------------------------------------~~-------~-----------------------------Wrlresday (continued) i on Swayze IOOka at hc5W thi aaYi fOi riilng. ha led .-to tome amazing newsroom "ped(aget." g • CAUFOfNA OREAM8 (Premiere) "Wilderness Man" Host Eddie Albert looks at the lfe and wrlt-i_ lngs of environmentalist John Muir, the father of < Yoeemlte National Park. CC> MOVIE ''The Flendilh Plot Of OJ. Fu ManchU'' (1980. Comedy) Peter Selers, Sid Ceeear, The FBI and Scotland 'Vatd's Det. Neyland Smith pureue the 16&-yeer-old atch vtllaln u he ...,ct. for the lngr~ts, ~~he Crown Jew9, ueed to imais=-~"' elxlr. 'PG' (1hr .. 38 min.) BIZAAAE "HOWie Mandef" MOVIE "The Looney, Looney, Looney Suga g Bunny Movie" (1981, Comedy) Animated. voice. n. by Mel Blanc. June Foray. New materiel Is blended with old In this compilation of clalelc Ftftz Freleng "Looney Tunet" featuring 8uGI. Detty Duck, Porky Pig. Yosemite Sam, Tweetle Plit and others from the cartooo series. 'G' ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) 8:30 (!) IRONSIDE I ALL IN THE FAMILY PIANO PLAYERS RARELY Eva. PLAY TOGETHER Three generatlonl of New Orieens plan-- 1st& get togetller to demonStrate how artists 1nflu-ence each others' works. ( t hr .. 30 min.) e e KEHNEDY CENTER TONIGHT The ~ Theatre of Harlem performt "Flntblrd.'' ohoreo- f phed by JoM Taras, from the Kennedy Center a House. (1 hr.) MOVIE "... tr' ( 1968, OJama) Melcolm McDowell, David Wood. fhe opp1eeetve atmoephere at an English boys' &ehool leedl toe vldent student rebellion. (1 hr .• 51 min.) (I) BEBT ~WHATS UP AMERICA 8:36 IALL IN THE FAMILY 8:46 CHAALES CHAMPLIN ON THE ALM aoe.£ 9:00 (J) MOV1E "Retum Of The Rebeil'' ( 1980, Comedy) Barbara Eden, Don Murr.y. T~y-flve yeers ah• they dlsbended, the ~ and beldlng el'-membefS of a motorcycle glM'.10 ,.....,.,bit to help a former member wtio II having troubtes. (A) (2 tn.) e e THE FACTS OF LIFE The atudec;lb become embfolled In a controversy WwoMng the~ of eevereJ books from the IChool Abfaiy. e (II FALL GUY Howie meets up with a man wtio II being paroled after MfVlng time for the theft of a lerge Nevy payroll. ( 1 tv.) .-MERV OAIFFIH "Salute To 'Fatcon Ct'eet' " GU.ts: Jane Wyman, Abby Delton. &.n 8u111Van, ~ Moee1, Lorenzo L.ma (1 hr.) L= ''The FM'' (1•1 ....... , LW , ...,.,. CWner. A ~ lllm -II Ylctlm-lzed by a~edn*er. 'R' (1hr.,36"*'.) (%) llOYtE '""1 Pralle Of Older Wotn1n" (1978, Drama) Tom Berenger, te.wi 8lllck. A Hungarien lothat1o remlrlllcel on hll pelt romantic conquMtl, from hll first It the ege of 12 to hll Mductlon of• houlewtta at 30. 'R' (1 hr •• .a mn) 9:0&@ ~ ''The ,,..... Nmvy Of 8argaent O'Farrll'' (18ee, Comedy) Bob Hope, Phylll Oller. A ~ officer atternpea to raille the epft1tl of hll men after~• l9ft <Jry by the ~of a beer boet. 2 htl, 9:30.. ONLY Ol8nll't tenwkt on pt.,,...., .... quoted out of. contat In the echooCMWlf?I'*· On Mlr*tl' (1858l.._Comedy) o.vtd T°"**>n I ne pretty .,, edn*9I ttlll to IOf1 out the of a rWV1ll offtolr and I afltee- IMR. (1hr.,30 min.) I Mi8ICAN PLAYHOUSE "Segu~r The tn1g1c of """'"U hero "'*1 Nepomuceno Seguin, one of the leederl of the T..-molutlon, II chmltlllld. r;;i ( 1 hr" 30 min.) • 80NJBl..Na The economic> end IOClll eepecta of ... .,.. the .~.8. border ... ....... (1hr.) • eMCME ''Fllme'' (1880. Or8me) .,.,. C... Ber· ry .................... *-Y• high aetb9c:U end IUOClllll of both pel'lonat and ptO- t1•forel natura 'PO' (2 hra., 14 mh) 10:00• • QUICY Quincy attempll to prOYe that the diMth of I young git! who Wat lttlelked by hef r.£.cJ11:!"..=r acddent. c1 ,,,., • '1i~ A lhocking terila of events ttw.ten to dettroy the carrtngton famlv. (1 hr.) Cll PIANO Pl.AVERS RAAB. Y ~ PLAY 1l>OETHER Three generations of New °"8ellt plan- "" get together to demonstrate how artists influ- ence each others' wort<&. CC> MOVIE ''The Aetum Of The Sec811e111 Sevefl' • (1980, OJama) Matte Amott. Gordon a.pp. The member• of a group of eolege ltudlnta active in the protest mcwement duflng the '80I gather for • weekend reunton. 'R· (1 hr., "8 min.) Cl) MOVIE "M~e At Central High'' (1976, Ora- ma) Andrew Stevena, Robert Catradfne. A CNS8de f()( revenge beglna after a prenk that went too far w. pulled on the quieter students by a group of 1 ~frtenda. 'R' (1 hr.,21min.) 1 TUM<it.a~ JAZZ. AT THI SHOP "Ptllt ooda Quartet ii:i. 2) " Phll WOOdl, do sax; Steve Gilmore, · Mike ._.,, piano; Bill Goodwin. drum9. ~ (1 hr.) CD Ll<ELY IT "rhe WOtt< of tocMy'a hot1Mt young Wftt.., dlrectcn end st8ra •• gathered tog98W In lhoft tllm, video and tnmlted eeg- menta. (1 hr.) (II) MCWE ''The FNI Conflcr' (1981, OJama) Sim ..... Aotaano Brlzzt. In the third '*' of "The Omen'' trlogy, young Demien. the ernbodlmtnt of the Antlc:hrtlt, la now en ldutt and • truated l<MI« to the ~1t of the U.S. 'R' (1hr.,49 min.) 11: IM<f>MNEWS YOU AltCED FOR rT JOE~ M•A•t•H IENNYHLl. OOUUUC11NG Feeturec:t orohldl: furniture: '°":&CAvm QOlf HIGftUOHT8 "1976 U.S. Open" MOYE "O..th Hunt" (1981, AcMnture) Broneon, lee Mln4n. In the 1t30I, I Moun- ltl end. frontier cttmNI .. .,, old battle.~ zadon enooechl9 on the C9Mdlln wlk:lllM& 'fr i!., 38rnn.) MOW "Liie ~Of Men On Ear1h" (1'7&. M»oflotlon Jon FJnch. ~ -- , Reunion 11 J Don Murray, Robert Mandan, Michael Baseleon , Jamie Farr and Christ.opher Ccn- n e 11 y play agi ng members of a long- disbanded motorcycle gang who reunite for one last stab at glory in "Return of the Rebels" Wednesday at 9 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). the ultimate disaster strikes. a skeptical Nobel scr ent)$t thlr*a that a computer bor1ed underground can save lhe world. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 24 min.) 11 :06111) NEWS 11:308 CJ) MOVIE "Marathon Man" ( 1976, Suspense) Dustin Hoffman. Laurence Ollvief. An Introspective graduate student and marathon runner finds hlm&elf at the mercy of a terrifying fugitive Nazi war cflmlnal. (A) (2 hrs., 50 min.) 11 TONIGtit Hott: Jotlnny Carson. ( 1 hr.) A.BC NEWS NIGHTLINE KOJAK THE JEFFENON8 SANFORD ANO SON PIANO Pl.AYERS RAREl Y EVER PLAY TOGETHER Three generations of New Orleans pian- ists get together to demonstrate how artists lnflu- 1~~~~~ CAPTIONED ABC NEWS 8PORT8 CENTER MOYE "Love At The Top" (1974, ComedYl Jean-LQ Trlntlgn•nt Romy SchMldlr. The rer8· tlonlhip between a .. ~ bulll'l •1men and a pl'Ollltute II ~ed by a cynk:el novelist. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) Cl) MOVIE "WHiie & Phil" ( 1980, Comedy) Michael Ontkeen, Margot Kidder. Three people begif'I a triangullt romlnCe In Greenwich vmaae that continue& throughout the mercurtal 80dal mlleu of the '70I. 'R' (1 Fir •• 68 min.) 11:36@ MOYIE "In A lonlfy Piece" (1950, OJema) Humphrey Bogart. Gloril Graheme. When a Holy- wood writer II ICQIMd of murder, he sett up en albl lnvoMng hll gktfflend. (2 hrs.' 11:50CC> ~ "Roler Boogie'' (1979. Muelcal) Lin- da Bleir, Jim Brey. A rich and tlilented mulk: stu- dent aeta out to wtr'I a roler-tketlna dlnce cootelt bef()(e r-.mlna her ltudll9. 'PG' (f hr., 43 min.) 12:00. ENTERf AINMENT TONIOHT The eecond In a --on Hollywood'& blonde bomblhell. e GI LOVE BOAT Gopher's father IUffert the '9ft- out tiiuea. a mature coupe get the ~ of their thlw, and a bride dMll wfih her new hueblncfl daUQhter. (R) (1 hr .. 10 min.) (!) MOVIE "13 Frightened Glltl'' (1963. Mystety) Murr.y Hamilton, Joyce Taylor. A young Brttlih teen-ager la flnllly •JCPOMd ... top female MCtet it. (2 hrs.) ~ ''Vk*nt Aoed'' (1-. Ofaml) en.n : Efrem ~tltMlll Jr. TNClk drMrt anoounter meny dlnglroul lllualtana .... •••llPOl'tillG highly eJCDIC>lll'9 rOdllt Ml ( 1 hr .. 4& "*'-) LOVE,1ttllflCAN ------. ----· _... . r Wednesday (continued) I AMERICA: THE SECONO CENTURY MOVIE "Tlle Last Metro" (1980. Orama) Catherine Deneuve, Gerard OepardleU. Directed by Francois Truttaut. During Wor1d War. II. the proprie- tors of a small Paris theatre try to keep theW estab- lishment open during the German occupation. 'PG' (2 hrs., 10 min.) ' 12:25 (l) MOVIE "Monty Python Meets Beyond The Fringe" (1976, Comedy) Narrated by Dudley Moore. A behind-the-scenes lool< Is taken at rehearsals and preparations for Amnesty lntema- tlooal's 1976 comedy benefit show that sta.rred members of Monty Python. ( 1 hr., 25 min.) 12:308. LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN IGuest ci,8tL~her. ( 1 hr.) MOVIE "Hombre" ( 1967, Western) Paul New- man, Fredric March. An Apach&-raised whl.te man Is forced to protect the lives of those he hates. (2 hrs.) I =.eAND ORGANIZATIONS COUEGE VOLLEYBALL "Collegiate Classic" Santa Barbara vs.. USC (2 hrs.) 12:.tO(Jf) MOVIE "Take Thia Job And ShcMI It" {1981, Comedy) Robert Hays. Barbara Hei'shey. A young corporate executive runs Into resistance when he retuma to his hometown to revttaltze a ~brewety. 'PG' (1 hr., .Omln.) 1:00• MOYIE "The Plainsman" (1936, Western) Gary CooP.ef, Charles Bickford. A trio of famous Western characters try to stop a white man from selling guns to Indians. (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "Detective Story'' {1951, Orama) Kirk Douglas, Eleanor Parker. A NeW York City detective attacks his work with a maniacal z.eel until the effects tfegkl appearing In his penional, off-duty life and tMlfYdaY relationships. (1 hr., 30 min.) QI THE NEW 8TOAYTB.LER8: JACKIE TOR- RENCE The fltst In a two-part l8'lel feeturee etory- teller Jackie Torrence whole epeclallty le gho91 st~ rle&. CC MOVIE "Network" (1976, Ot'ame) Faye Duna- Wlly, Peter Anch. An aging t~ newsmen, whose ratings are steadily sllpplng. II turned Into a ranting prophet of the anmw by a crafty female pr<>Q:_ammilQ executive. 'A' (2 tn.) 1:10• ~ "Machine Gun McCain" (1970, Adventure) John CUUvetea, Brttt Eklend. A R. DENIS RUSSELL. D.P .M. ,ODIA TllST I FOOT Sl'EOAUST TITLE BOLE -The electric St~pb•nie Dabney dances the ti&le role in Suavimlcy's "Firebird'' by .Dance Theatre of Harlem on "Kennedy Center Tonight,, on KOCE (Ch. 50) Wedneeclay at 8:30 p.m. HEARIN& AID BATTERIES '1 OFFI Wft'MMIM c.., Heari111 Aids In Montgomery Ward Bldg. Hwfk .... C ..... ............ 89&;4833 -~--.... -- parOled convict piers to rob a Mafla-<:ontrotled ~ no by bombing muc 1 of Lat Vegas. (1 hf .. 30 min.) 0NEW8 1:308eNEWS (I) MOVIE '"The Incredible Shrinking Woman" ~ (1980. Comedy) lily Tomlin, Charles Grodln. A ,... houseWlfe flndl It hard to cope when she suddenly 0 begins to etv1nk In el.~. •PG' ( 1 hr., 24' min.) ~ 1:36 Im NEWS .,, ~ MOVIE "Cattle Annie And Little Britches" :i (1981 . Western) Burt Lancast8f, John Savage. ~ Two tough outlaws >ick up a pair of teen-age girls _ and take them along on their adventures. 'PG' C 1 hr .• 35 min.) 1:"5 e MOVIE "Retreat. Helli" (1951. A~ture) Frank loYejoy, Richard Canson. Soldiers 1n the Korean War refuse to back off In the face of the ene!!!J. • (2 hrs.) 1:50CZ) M0vtE "Phobia" (1980, SuSpense) Paul Michael Gla&IJ!. Susan Hogan. A group of mental patients are ri'llrdered acoordlng to their Individual fears. 'R' (1 hr., 34 min.) 2:06 (!) NEWS a) RAT PATROL 2:20 8NEW8 ® MOVIE "Steel" ( 1980, Orama) Lee Majors, Jennifer O'Neiff. A beautiful woman Is assisted by a tough con8tructlon foreman In running the company lhe Inherits after her father's suspk:loos, "accldefl.. tar· death. 'PG' (1hr .• 4'1 mln.l 2:30 (!) MORNING STRETCH ;. (I) F.A. 80CCER "The Road To Wembley" Chelsea vs. Tottenham (1 hr.) e MOVIE "Excalibur" (1981. Fantasy) Nigel Ter- ry, Nicol Williamson. The exploits of King Arthur bring power and death to the knights of the Round Tat*!. 'R' (2 hrs., 20 min.) 2:35 1 WOAl.D AT LARGE . 2:..0 NEWS 2:56 MOVIE ''Wiii Penny" (1968, Western) Chari- ton Heston, Joen Hackett. A cowboy tries to etey out of trouble while a new frontlerewomen trlet to 3:~-=· J~::SS: ~~· (1951, Comedy) Leelle Dwyer, .kYf Nlchola. Two garbege col*tona Involve themsefY99 In the search fOf a. valuable boc*..oJ~·> ~=OF WHAT'S UP AMERICA a:'I~ MOVIE "The Heilt" (1978, Adventure) °*'" AzNVOAll, Vlrne Lill. YA WANNA CHEAT?· MIGHT Al WELL DO IT UP REAL GOOD, HUH? ~ CAROUSEL 4 swm SHOP You'U h8'19 to ecrape the butt-1•t off the roof of your mouth -th8t wit matte ue famous - 1. CAROUSEL -The orlg ln•I "Creamery" le:• cre•m. All natur•I fruit•, re•I cr .. m & low air c:ontentl Fett F8fl Fat! Pkll , ... lftlllted mlltc. 2. Our mnd68e .. l'Mldll ..... ,.. butler & ,.. choeolatel Crwnytlctoue, hof1.. ... , .-a-.. toot 3. P.ute ,oura lndMdualty CS.COratect. Strudels tMI wll blow ewey In a laht bf'eeu. The dleHec:eke? lndellcrlf>•· blef 4. The c:oc* .... brown ... & fudg8? You prob8bfy won't make M W. tlr, .,_... II you do, )'OU'll b8 .,_ ~ to orlWI out the front door. -co CD I\) £ __ I f I I 1. I ...,._ .. .._ ....... 18 ~Tliufsdav ~ \ ~,( \I< >I l '\ I '\( I \I< )\ I L~ 4:66(%) "Peter Rabbit And The Tales Of Beelrlx Potter" (1971, Fantasy) Frederick Ashton, Alexan- der Grant. 5:00 e "Private Ben)amin" ( 1980. Comedy) Goldie Hawn, Elleen Brennan. 8:06111) "Storm Wamlng" (1951, Drama) Ginger ~. Ronald Reagan. . 8:30{8) "Young And Free" (1979, Advepture) Erik Larsen. Keith Larsen. CZ) "Monty Python Meets Beyond The Fringe" (1976. Comedy) Narrated b,Y. Dudley MOOl'e. 7:00(C) "Something Of Value • (1957. Drama) Rock Hudson. Dana Wynter. e "Marco Polo. Jr." 8:00 (8) "The Last Chase" (1981, Science-Action) tee Majors. Chris Makepeace. CZ) "Cutter's Way" ( 1981, Drama) John .-,eard. Jett Bridges. 8:06111) "Jennifer" (1953, SUepense) Howard Duff, Ida Lupino. 8:30 (I) "Invaders From The Deep" ( 1981, Scienoe- Flctlon) Puooets. • "Ruckuer. -( t980, Orama) Dirk Bef'ledlct, Linda Blalr. 9:00(C) "Blly Jack" (1971, Orama) Tom Laughlin. Deloree Taylor. 9:30• "West Of The Divide" (1933. Western) John Wayne. Gabby Heyee. 8:45(%) "Cattle Annie And Uttte Britches" (1981, Western) Sort Lancaster. John Savage. 10:00(11) "Salem'• Lot" (1979. Horror) OeYld SOUi. James Mason. (I) "Ralntree County'' (1957. Orama) Ell.abeth Ta~. Montgomery Clift. 10:06111) "The Long Dart< Hall" (1951, Mystery) Rex Harrison, Liiii Pa.lmer. 10:30• ''The FOUi Seasons" (1981, Orama) Alan Alda, Carol Butnett. 11:00 CC) "look Back In Anger" ( 1959, Drama) Claire Bloom. Rlchard But1on. 11:30(%) "American Gigolo" (1980, Drama1 Richard Gere. Lauren Hutton. . \I I I l { "< >< f\ \ l< >\. l L~ 12:00. "To Parll With LOYe" (1965, Comedy) Alec Gulnneel, Odlle V"1oll. e ''Lady Liberty" (1972. Comedy) Sophia Loren. Wlllam Devane. e "The Damned Don't Cly" (1950, Drama) Joan Crawford. David Brian. 12:30. "Oh Godl" (1977, Comedy) George Bums. John Oenve<. 1:00(1) "Tlclde ~ .. (1965, Musical) EM1 Presley. Julie Adams. CC) "Kill Or S. Klled'' (1980, Adventure) James ~n. Chattotte Mlchele. (II) "Touched By LOYe" (1980, Orama} Deborah Raffln, Diane Lane. AP'F AIB CON'l'lNUlES -Danna Mills, who plays Abby on ''Knot.s Landlng," seduced Gary EwiJW in the hut epillOde, but tbe af- fair ma1 be __ ru~ning ou t of steam now. "Knots Landing'' al.rs Thursday at l 0 p.m. on CBS (Cb. 2). (I) ''AM That Jazz" (1979, Musical} Roy Scheider. Jessica Lange. 1:30(%) "The Man Who Loved Women" (1978, Ora- ma) Char1es Denne<. Leslie Caron. Directed by Francois Truffaut. 2:00(0 "Smokey Bites The Oust" (1981. Comedy) Jlml]D' McNlchOI, Janet Julian. 2:30 • "Ruckus" ( 1980, Drama) Dirk Benedict. Linda Blair. 3:00G "James At 15" ( 1977. Drama) Lance Kerwlrt, Mellsaa Sue Anderson . CID ''The Lut Chase" (1981, Science-Fiction) Lee Ma~ Chrtl Mlkepeaee. 3:30~ "Pet• Rabbl1 And The T• Of Beatrix Potter" (197( Fantasy) Frederick Ashton, Alexan-- def Gtant. ':30(1) "Invaders From The Deep" (1981, Sclence- Flc11on) Puppets. e "Marco Polo. Jr." 6:00(1) "GOcr• Little Acre" (1958, Drama) Robert ~.Aldo Ray. (C) "BlllY JICk" ( 1971, Orama) Tom Laughlin, Delena faytor. CZ) "Cattle Amie And Little Br1tches" (1981, West- ern) Burt Lancatter. John Savage. 6:05it!) "The Iron Mtatrese" (1 952, Adventure) ~Ian Ladd Vlf Ma . . . . . &:SO 8 "Fontamera" (Orama) Mlchele Placido, Antonella Mwgla. I .\ l."I"< I e:ooee•News CHAAUE'S ANGELS C88NEW8 WHITE SHADOW ABC NEWS THE JEFFERSONS HAWAII FIVE~ OVER EASY Guest: Van Johnson. (A) Q NBC NEWS UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR MOW: "Young And Free" ( 1979, Adventure) Erik Larsen, Keith Larsen. A young Mormon boy faces many tests as he approaches adulthood. 'PG' i hr., 30 min.) SHOAT PICKS MOVIE "The Earthling" ( 1980, Adventure) Wil- liam Holden, Ricky Schroder. A world traveler teaches a young orphan the ways of survival In the Australian wilderness. 'PG' (1 hr .. 37 min.) 6:30(1). NEWS I BARNEY MIUER ALL IN THE FAMILY NEWSBEA T WITH CLETE ROBERTS _ BUSINESS REPORT . THE GIN GAME Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tan- dy re-create their Broadway roles as an elderly cou- ple who discover that life in an old-age home has few rewards outside of playing gin, until tension creei Into the games. ( 1 hr .. 23 min.) 8:45 CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE ALM SCENE 7:00 C8S NEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A school where women are taught how to snare a wealthy husband; a visit to a danger-fllled Mexican rodeo. I KOJAK . MEET THE MAYORS ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with Donald Sotherland. IM•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD BUSINESS REPORT THEMUPPETS MAGIC OF Ofl PAINTING MOVIE "Something Of Value" (1957. Drama) Rock Hudson, Dana Wynter. The violence encouo- tered by a peacemaker turns him Into a seeker of ~ance. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) CD BOXING "Welterweight Bout" Milton McCrory vs. Tyrone Rackley (D)THEWAYrTWAS CZ) MOVIE "The Man Who LOYed Women" (1978. Drama) Charles Denner, Leslle Caron. Directed by Francois Truffaut. A man Is so ob9e&sed with beau- tiful women that he finds It dlffio.Jlt to remain satis.- fled with any Individual relatlooshlp. 'R' ( 1 hr.. 55 mini 7:20 NEWS 7:30 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a look at the Southern Cellfornla fltnesa craze; a visit to the Pre- monition Center, where psychic's predictions are checked for aocuracv. ~---........ -------........ -----.1~--N-;;;.ra;;ww-;;1.---, _____ ...., _________________ ..,. ~s s s s.s s s s s s s s s s s s SJ ~.:.!.:!!, .. ,. .... :Jldil HEADA.CHES? · ~ ._.. • 'IUD.• MIN'I DAY · tl2 MG. flfUCl • WID.· ..... DITAIL·tl2MG.flfUCI . ~ ~ • ntuM.·l'RUCMWA .. WltlOALGAll'UROtAM ~ I st 2IMI 3rd TD 11 · .._.. • P'IU.·IVUlu•cA""'° •=Term • Term · • Swilil Loans ~ • IAT.·~RHIPMYWAXWIMG.WAIH .._.. • IUN.•l'RD llltlAY WAXWIMO. WASH ~ O..P•C..C-er ._.. COMNTI CAa UPAta ·MlllCIDU.fMT,POUCMI. fOIWGlll a DOMUTin Come In To The Mobil Staffon Al MISW.PACIFICCOAITHWV. "'..,....6~J -.... .,.., ..... _ - ·--- ---·-.-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ job as lead slngef In a rock group when the and Thursday (continued) LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY l .FAMILYFEUO EYE ON LA. Featured: a behln0-th&-9oenes look at the "Battle Of The Netw<rt Stars" for a report on why the celebrities compete: KABC-TV critic Elmer Dills critiques the cu1$1ne at a grammar school cafeteria: Part II of a report on surviving World War Ill. e TIC TAC DOUGH APPLE POLISHERS YOU ASKED FOR rT M*A•S*H SIGNA TUAE Guest: N0<man Cousins. MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT NEWS SNEAK PREVIEW A look Is taken at the movies. specials and sports events coming up on Home Box Office. (aJ BASEBALL BattllOOfe Orioles at California A~ls (3 hrs.) 8:00• Cll MAGNUM, P.I. Magnum Is hired to act as bod~rd f0< an Internationally famous ballerina. (A) 1 hr.) B FAME Budget cuts force the dismissal of one of the teachers, and one of Bruno's songs Is stolen ~a famous roci< composer. (1 hr.) • MOV1E "Bruce LI, The lnvlnolble" (Adventure) Bruce LI. When a young Kung Fu student turns bad, one of his fellow classmates must try to right his terrible wrongs. (2 hrs.) • (fl NO SOAP. RA.DK> Tuttle books a beauty ~nt that turns out to be a scam. a MOV1E "They Came To Cordura" (1959, Adventure) Gary Cooper, Rita Hayworth. An Army major becomes Involved with a treasonous woman after being relieved of his combat command. '2 ~~HILL • P.M. MAGAZINE A school where women are taught how to snare a wealthy husband: an Inter· view with Diana RoM. • A WOMAN CALLED GOLDA lnorid Bergman stn In the story of Golda Meir's U1e from her earty days In MitwUee to her triumphant meeting, as Israeli Prime Minister, with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. (Part 2) (2 hrs.) ta BOTANIC MAN: ON THE LIMIT Or. DaVld Bella· my travels to Shillong. Assam, the wettest place on earth. tor a look at one of the fkst man-made eco- IQglcal dlsa.ltera. • LAST CHAHCE GARAOE Brad Sears demon· atrates the "bump and grind" wtth a dented Mus- tang and rates automoble stereo systems. • • 8HEAK Pf£VIEW8 Roger Ebert and Gene SWt· el hoet an Informative loOk at what's new at the "'°"'"· Cl) 8PORT8 CENTER CH) MOYIE "An Eye For Art Eye" (1981, Adven- ture) Chuck Noots. Christopher Lee. A San Francte- co cop quits the force to avenge the murder of his par1ner by membefs of a drug ring. 'R' (1 hr .• "6 min.) Cl> MOVIE "The Fan" (1981, SUepenle) Lauren Bacall. Jamee Gan'Mw. A popular fllm star Is victim- ized by a psychotic admirer. 'A' (1 hr .• 35 min.) e MC>vfE -"Oh Godl" (19n, Comedy) George TAKATA NURSERY, ~ng &Mall'Unance Expert Japanese G•d•ninc· Service *Monthty..Weekly •Verd M.&nt., Tr99 Trtrnmtng * Boneal Pruning & General Clean-Up •Commetdal & Reekt«1ti8I *20 Ywa Expet1enoe Elpert T ••ta Liliclicapin1 Senlce TOUGH CBAIUC'l'EB -Bruce Weltr portrays the 11Crully undercover cop on "Hill Street Blues" who 1lkt¥ to bite bJa opponent. wben they get tough Thund.ay at JO p.m. an NBC (Cb. 4) . Burns, John Denver. God Mlects an un&lJ9P8cilog young supermarket manager to dellver a mesaage of hope and good will to the skeptical peop4e of the modern-day wor1d. 'PG' (1 hr., 36 min.) 8:201 ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:80 0 MORK & MtNOY Mort< meets an den trom Neptune who seems to have a lot In common with him. (Part 1) i RACING FROM A008EVEL T ALL IN THE FA.ML Y MOYIE "Fontanwa" (Orama) Michele Ptacldo. Antonatla Murgia. A emal ~ vtl9ge 9trugglal agaJnst the tadlt regime. wt"9 one's man daaWi to i..ve p<>Utlca and unr•t behind t:wtnga him to Rome . ~hrs.) • SNEAK PAEV1EW8 Roger Ebert and Gene Sillk- el hoet an tnformattw loOk at what'• new at the mcMee. e LAST CHANCE GARAGE Hoat Brad Seara dl&Q- noeecs an alllng battery and lnveltlgat• • bfake *>"'" tern complaint. 8:6011.1 Ml88ION: IMP08818tE 9:00 Cl) JOHNNY CASH: COWBOY HEROES John Ander.on. June carter Celh, Glen Cempbell and the Oek Ridge 8oya )oln Johnny Caah In a """'" eel tribute to the Ameilcain cowboy. (1 hr.) e e Off'AENT 8TAOt<E:B KJmberty II ottered the LICENSED AUTBETl~IAN -eati .. • ~.,_,op facials •MA.SSA.GE ( .............. ) FOR INFORMATION 714 CALL llNO IALDWIN ••• 875-0727 r Arnold accompany Wllllt to an audition. Q e III BARNEY MILLER Barney and his men learn that their precinct bulldlng may be tor aale. (Part 1) J! 0 -~ MOV1E "Carry On Scteamlng" (1967. Comedy) Gerald Thomaa. Harry Corbett Ttvee oops tet out ~ after monsters and vampires who have taken up c residence In a lonely hoUte In the woodS. (2 hrs.) ,., • MERV QAIFAN Guests: Or. Henry Kiselnge<, Or. ~ Armand Hammer. ( 1 hr.) 19 • NUMERO UNO Sir Roger BanN6ter of EngJand. '::< the first runner 10 break the barrlef of the four-rnlo- ute mile, Is promed . • MASTERPtECE THEATRE ''Love In A Cold Ci- mate: Foreigners Are Fiends" Locd Merlin gives Lin- da a little house. and Christian becOmeS Involved with one of his aides wfllte helping refugees ot the lsh CMI War. (Part 6) 2 ( 1 hr.) MOVIE "Graduation Dey ( 1 hr., 35 min.) AUTO RACING "NASCAR Winston 500'' from Talladega, Alabama. (3 hra.) ([) M~E "Nighthawks" (1981, Orama) Sytvester Stallone, Bllty 0ee Wllllama. A tough New York City cop has his work cut out for him when one of the wof1d's most dangerous terronsts arrives In his city. 'A' (1 hr., 39 min.) Cl) MOVIE "American Gigolo" (1980. Drama) Alohard Gere. Lauren Hutton. A Beverty Hills gigolo becomet the prime suspect In a murder Investiga- tion. 'A'_{ 1 hr .• 57 min.) 9:30 8 • GIMME A ~K For the flftt time In his career. CNef Kanlsky kltls a man In the line of duty. i ) 0 TA.XI The cabbles recd the momenta In thel< ltvea when they decided to become taxi drivers. {Par1 2) Q • UP ANO COMING "A Special Hlellng" Valerie 18 faced wtth • difficult decision When ahe joins • pop- ular singing group. Q 9:601~ MEWS 10:00 Cl) KNOTS LANDING Karen and Ullmae apot Gary and Abby In a tonchtlme uelgnatlon, and Laura moves back In with Richard. ( 1 hr.) e e HU STREET BLUES The handgun uaed 10 kltl a polloeman tuma out to be stolen from the police property ~t, and Balker purwes a ~&';\i'NEV.1test. (1 hr.) 1·1~20 ~THE MANOR BORN MOYIE "ExcallbUt'' (1981, Fantaay) Nigel Ter· ry, Nlool ~. The explolta of King Arthur bring power and death to the knights of the Round Table. 'R' j2 rn.. 20 m .) IMVJ LE "Voge For~ .. MOVIE "Oh Godl Bo<* ti" (1980, Comedy) ge Burns, Suzanne Pleehette. God returns to Earth and ctlOOMI the young daughter of en adver· tlllng executtve to IP'eed his r,,... to the wor1d. 'PG' (1hr .• 35mh) 10:20G!) MOVIE ''SeYan o.ya In May" (1964. Sulpenae) EkKt Lanouter. Klftc Oougles. A top-- ranking U.S. general plots a mlltary oci:: tk>n to the preeldent'• PfOPo.d t agreement With the 8oYlet Unton. (2 hrs .• 30 min.) 10:30CW' . l~!Normen~ NEW JAPANESE RESTAURANT TRY OOll DAILY SPEaAL • EaJo y Teriyakl • Tem,.,.. • s.la1 .... ,....,.... a., .... 1 ...... J ..... a.e1 • 11eer • Wlae • Seke •··-~'!!UtJL\~i .. E. COllM ~ • Cofona .. Mir, Ca i ......, I 30 ('I Thursday (continued) ao O> -•MONEYM~ (D) MOVIE "Fort Apache. The Brome" ( 1981, Ora- ma) Paul Newman, Ed Asner. A tough cop battles crime and corruption In New York City's South Bronx neighborhood. 'R' ( 1 hr., 59 min.) CJ) LOlA FALANA: THE ARST LADY OF LAS VEGAS LOia Falana performs "I Wiii Survive." ~ "Love The One You're With" and "Who Wlll Buy?" -o in a concert performance from the Aladdin Hotel In ~ 11:,~9ilt!A~~~., NEWS ...J YOU ASKED FOR fT > JOE FRANKLIN ~ M•A•s•H 5! BENNY HILL it BOTANIC MAN: ON THE LIMIT Or. David Bella- my travels to Shillong, Assam, the wettest place on earth, lor a loot< at one of the first man-made eco- i lcaf disasters. DICK CAVETT THE LAWMAKERS Correspondents Linda Wer- theimer and Cokie Roberts join Paul Duke for an up- to-the-minute summary of Congressional activities. CC) MOVIE "Middle-Age Crazy" (1980, Comedy) Ann-Margret. Bruce Dern. A Texas developer's suc- cessful Job and beautiful wife manage to drive him Into a mid-life crisis. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) ([) MOVIE "What The Peeper Saw" ( 1971. Suspense) Hardy Kruger, Britt Ekland. A disturbed 12-year-old plots the destruction of his father's sec- ond marriage. 'R' (1 hr., 40 min.) (%) MOVIE "Cutter's Way" ( 1981, Orama) John Heard, Jeff Bridges. A maimed Vietnam vet and his best friend, a social drop out, focus their energies on solvl~ a mtJrder case. 'A' {1 tv., 45 min.) 11:308 Cl) QUINCY A young mother is accused of murdering one of her Infant twins. ( 1 hr., 10 min.) 8. TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guest: Tony Randaft. ( 1 tv.) I 0 ABC NEWS NtGHTLINE KOJAK THE JEFFERSONS SANFORD ANO SON · MOVIE "Fontamara" (Orama) Michele Placido, Antonella Murgia. A small Italian \'lllege struggles against the faclst regime, while one's man desfre to r~; .. ~:::·0- 1 MOVIE "All That Jazz" ( 1979, Mu*al) Roy Scheider. Jessica Lange. The tumuttuoua Ille of a professional choreographer Is followed from sue,. cess on the stage to per90n81 crltet. 'A' (2 hra.. 3 min.) . e MOVIE "The Four Seasons" (1981, Orama) Alan Alda. Csrol Burnett. Three couples. atl close. long-lime friends, experience profound changes In their relationships When one of the marrleges disin- tegrates.. 'PG' (1hr .• 57 min.) 12:00. ENTERTAIHMENT TONOHT An lnteNlew wtth Donald Suthenand. • 0 VEGAS Dan tries to find a p8f'lon making repeated attempts to klll a female lmperwooator. ffi) ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) Cl) MO\l1E "Shoot First, Ole Later" ( 1973, OrlWM) Richard Conte. A policeman In the handl of gang- sters findl himself In a equeez.e when asked for one favor too many. (2 hr•.) • MOYIE "Wind AcrOll The EWf'glldel" (1958. Drema) Burt lvea. Chtlttopher Plummer. A man tights to MYe the natural beaOty of eerty ~ lt~L~lda.~ STYLE FOCUS ON 80CfETY 8PORT8 CENTER • 12: 8 • LATE NIGHT WJTH DAVID LETTERMAN Gueits! Jimmy P*MI. Mickey Spillne, ptyChlc Dor~. (thr.) I MOVE "Jamee At 1&" (1977, Orama) Lance Kerwin. Melltla SUe Anderton. After moving aoroet the country wtth hll famlty, a~ teen-age boy IMwe home to retutn to hit sweetheert. (2 tn) l~LANOOAOE HAUB.WAH HOLL YWOOO Gene Kelty hoeta a dl.z:zllng tribute to the daYI of Ho4t)'1fOOd when the MGM musical r""9d IOptlme. ( 1 hr.) (JJ) THE FOUR 1'0P8 Thi predll hwmof 1111 of the Four Topt .. fMtured In tlJCh IOUI olM8lca M "Bernad9ttt" and. •'Stlndlng In T"9 8Ndowl Of L..ovt." 12:36(C) MOYIE ''Kii Or Be Kllld'' (18IO, A<Mtn- tura) Jame9 Ryan. en.ton. Mlchlll. A bmer Nezl comrrwndet, w1ho IOll .i ~ ...... match to the _..,,... durtna the ww, 8Mka to awnoe hll cWMt ~ «11r119 h tap kunQ ~ ~·· .,. from around the *Oftd In• tourmmlllll. 'PO (1 1~12f.iiWr•-=:r~ .... jurOf'S Is found murdered. (R) (2 tn.) 12:45(%) MOVIE "Peter Rabbit And The Tales Of Beatrix Potter" (1 971, Fantasy) Fradeflcic Ashton. Alexander Grant. Memt>tn of London's Royal Ballet Company perform vert1ons of "Plgllng Bland." "Jeremr, Asher," "Jemima Puddle-Oucic," "SQUifrel Nutkin, • and "Two Bad Mice." ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 12:50 (fl) NEWS 1:00 e MOVIE "The Cowboy And The Lady" ( 1938. Western) Gary Cooper, Merle Oberon. A romancing ranch hand sweeps an heiress from the city off her feet. (2 hrs.) · e MOVIE "Plan 9 From Outer Space" ( 1959. Hor- ror) Bela Lugosi, Mona McKinnon. UFOs containing strange Inhabitants from an unknown planet Invade Earth. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (I) TOP RANK BOXING CD MOVIE "Stlf Crazy" (1980, Comedy) Rlohard Pryor, Gene Wilder. Two men are mistaken for bank robbers and sent to JaU. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 61 min.) 1:108 MOVIE "Godzilla Vs. The Thing" (1964. Sci- ence-Action) Aklra Takarada, Yuriko Hoshl. When Godzjlla threatens a huge moth, Its moth« Mottva 1ttadt1. { 1 hr .. 30 min.) ONEWS 1:20 al M188K>N: IMP08818LE 1:308.NEWS (8) MOYIE "The Last Chase" (1981, Sclenc&-Ac- tlon) Lee MajorS. Chris Makepeace. In a W9fld of the future, a former race car driver and a teen-age computer expert fight the government's proscription of automobiles. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 40 min.) • MOVIE "The Howtlng" {1981, Horror) Dee Wa~ lace. Pat(icil Macnee. A woman report• Is menaced bye klllef who eeems to be a werewoff. 'R' (1 hr., 31 min.) 1:36(1) MOVIE "Swlnginq Cheet1eader1'' Jo John· ston. COiieen Cemp. A joumallam major lnflftratee the ranks of a college cheerleedlng equad to expoee the eXf!01tatlon of the cheefteaders by the footbaM teem. A' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) . 2:00• MOVIE "Elghteen And Anxtous" (1957. Dra- ma) Martha Scott. Jackie Coogan. A young girt finds that the road to htpplneM Is e rocky and often 2:~~ ~hr .• 45 min.) 2:10~ MOVIE "Look Baek In Angef'' (1959. Ora- -ma) Claire Bloom, Richard Burton. Based on the play by John Osborne. At the lalt moment, a man dllcoYett tha1 he lollft and needs hll wife. (1 hr., 40mln.) ~ 161CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE ALM SCENE 2:20 RAT PATAOl 2:30 MOANNG STRETCH e E "The Oavll'• Hand" (1981. Orama) Aobef1 Aide, Linda Chri.tlen. A man flndl that his Innate goodnele . pr.vents him from becoming a total participant in an evil VOOdoO Ctlft. ( 1 ht., 30 2:~.NEWS 2:46l! MovE "Cattle Annie And Uttle BrltcMI" (1981, w .. ttrn) Burt Lancester. Joho SaV89!· l'wo fough outtawa P'c" up a paw of teen-age .. ~ Ind ~ them along on their 8dventures. 'PO ( 1 2:';(,·135 =.o AT LAAQE 3:00 MCMI "l~ In Pawn" (1952) IWl\lfd "9ydon, Berber• ~. A woman gemblll with ICM and IOlll her hulb8nd. ( 1 tw .. 5 m .) w JOE F'AAM<UN • __.-=_..-... ---- Tribute- Coun try music star Johnny Cash and his wife, Jun e Carter Cash, pay a musical tribute to America's western h ero in the special "Johnny Cash's Cowboy H e- roes" Thursday at 9 p.m. on NBC (Ch. 4). Cli) SNEAK PREVIEW A IOOk is taken at the movies. specials and sports events coming up on Home Box Office. (J) MOVIE "The Fan'' (1981, Suspense) Lauren Bacall, JarMS Garner. A popular film star is victim- ized by a psychotic admirer. 'R' ( 1 hr . 35 min.) 3:30 (EJ SPORTS FORUM Ct MOVIE "Lovers And Liars" ( 1979. Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Giancarlo Giannini. While traveling In Italy. an American girl meets and falls In love with a married man. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) 3:45. MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE Cli) MOVIE "An Eye For An Eye" (1981, Adven- ture) Chuck Norris. Christopher Lee. A San Francis- co cop quits the force to avenge the murder of his par1ner by membefS of a drug ring. 'R' ( 1 hf .• 46 min.) 3:50CI:) MOVIE "Middle-Age Crazy" (1980. Come- dy) Ann-Margret, BrtJOe Dern. A Texas developer's successful )Ob and beautiful wife manage to drive him Into a ml<Hife crisis. 'R' (1 hr .. 31 min.) '-:00 Cl) JIMMY SWAGGART (I) SPORTS CENTER 4:05. GENE At.TTRY (fl) FUNTlME 4:30. VOYAGE TO THE BOTIOM Of THE SEA (!) JIM BAKKER . (%) MOVIE "Monty Python Meets Beyond The Fringe" ( 1976, Comedy) Narrated by Dudley Moore. A behlnd-the-$Cenes IOOk is taken at rehearsals and preparations tor Amnesty tnterna- tlonal's 1976 comedy benefit show that starred members ol Monty Python. ( 1 hr .. 26 min.) 4:46• MAYBEAAY·R.F.O. . 4:50()) THE GIN GAME Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy re-create their Broadway rotes as an elderly couple who dleeover that nte In an old-age home has few rewards outside of playing gin, untU tension creepe Into the games. ( 1 hr .. 23 min.) ... The Letter From Page 24 •Three Wives;• announcing her intenUoo co run oU wlth one of their huabanda. U you c.n oerne each.of the four women who starred, Y°'l'll earn four pointa apiece: One went on to be a "private tectel.lry" named Susie McNamara; one WM in lhe ~ even thou1h •he wu .. Forever Amber.'' another wu called "Pinky'' by two put Ethm. Barrymore and Wat.en, and the fourth wu a character actre9I who WU the wt.ecr1CkiJ"l ladY of the day in comedies llk~ "Plllow Talk" and .. Move Over, DarliJ'lC." .U.wen: 1. ''Tbe Ml~," John Bermord Tipton. 2. Julie Christle, AIM Blta. 3. Beae Davia. 4. Lorena Youna. fAl1I...., 1n ~...ct Mill Youna starred in tbtir dramatlladona. 6. Ow• lAuchton, Carole Lombard. 6. AM Sotbem, Linda Dainell, Jeanne Cnin. 11wbna IUU«. ail~ "0ett1netton 1nn1r 8p8ot" (1tee • 8dloc•Flction) 8cott 19redY. en... Norttl. When t te;!!!:!:§:.ftliTsi~ u t ---- , ·--1 I Inside TV ABC set to air Dr. Seuss again By JEFF PARUR or .. .,.., ........ Dr. Seuss fans will be pleued to know that ABC will air ''The Grinch and the Cat in the Hat" May 20. In this zany tale, the jaunty Cat in the Hat incun the wrath of grouchy Grinch when he tU(lll a light machine on him that tuml the Grinch into a lilly looking ~t in plaid and polka dots. . . The latest remake of Somerset Maugham's "The Letter" will appear Monday, May 3 on ABC. This version of the steamy tale will feature Lee Remick u the murderous lover and ChriJtopber Caz.enove as Officer Withers ... Phil Oonahue, one of the nation's most enter- taining interviewers will begin contributing his talents to the A.BC Late-Night News this October. "He has a wonderful curiosity and perception," said ABC head Roone Arledge ... The grim tale of Albert Speer and his 8810cia- tion in the Thlrd Reich will the the topic of still another television show May 9, when ABC pre9el"lta "Inside the Third Reich." Acmrd1ng to the show's producer, E. Jack Newnan, Speer's greatest crime was in using slave labor to man hia annament ma- chinery and prolonging the war for two years longer thatl it should have gone. Speer wu con- victed at Nu.remburg for war aimes. Neuman con- ducted 1D1De 50 hours of interviews with Speer in preparation for the show. Starring will be Rutger Hauer, .Blythe Danner and Sir John GieJsud. Speer died in 1081, two months before filming on this production began. . . Jack Palance will host "Ripley's Believe It ar Not!" Sunday, May 2. Set tor expb'ation are the eerie Janda of the wenwolf in Germany; the tragic lite of ancient Pompeii wbett 2,000 _people died in a volcano erupt.Ion; an °update" on the cune aur- ~ Tutankhamen'• tomb; and of coune a vilit to Allib to -a 70..pound ~-.• Su1ar Ray Leonard wlll de end hit welter- wei&bt crown ~ third-ranked contender Ro- gel' "Stafford . on pmne time televilion J'l'iday, ~ 14 at 8 p.m. Siaflord ii 27 years old and moved into title contention with a 10-round dedslon over Pi- pino Cuevas in Novembef' of 1981. He 1ut fought March 2 and lmoc:ked out chalJeneer David M8drld in round one. . . "An American Love A.Hair,'' a new movie for televilloo. bu begwi lhootinC in Lm Anaelea foe future broadcut on CBS. Victoria Princfpal wW star• Dr. Diana 0.WIOO. a marine bioJopt who ia determined to 1tay cellbete until the marrlel and Gil Gerard wW star u the dalhinC younc atiomey who call.I upon all h.ia wit and charm to prewnt her from thia fate wone than death ... Don't miaa this: on the May 16 "Arcble Bunker'• Plact," An:hie "oomea down with a bid cold and Stephanie catchel a severe cme of jealousy when Archle'a friend Katherine ruahea to his llde'' ... Former CBS News Pleeident BU1 Leonard hM been named the recipient of the coveted Oeorp Foater Pe.body Award far ~ ncelWD. Leanard bepn bil CBS c:ar8er ln lMt • a roYUic repm1el' for WCB8 nidJo. . . ''Blll." a~ about a reu.rdld man; ''G.E. Theater" and Danny Kaye are al.lo wlnnera of W,Awarda. .. Jean Stapleton his •IWWd a JcJncUme drwn '° ponny meanor Bomevelt in "Eleanor, Jl'inl A WARD WINN~B -Sir John GielJlud, who recently won an Aademy Award IOI' Tu. role in "Arthur," will play Albert Speer'• father In "rn.Jde the Third IW:ich." Lady of the World, .. aet for broedcaat May ·12. "I found 8J:Owth in Ele.a.nor and couldn't wait to show a part of it in lh1I film.'' Mia Stapleton said. Her makeup aa Mra. Rooeevelt includa a wig, "dental appliance for the First Lady'• pnxnlnent overbite" and three-inch Ufta in her ahoea. . . A trivial question: Who played Mr. Spock'• wife in "Star Trek"?, Charo's rival on '"'11\e Love Boat." Dennis Weaver's wife in ''The Day the Lo- ving Stopped," and a freclcled frontierwoman in "Little Hou.eon the Prairie? .. You're rtaht! It was none other' than Tasha MarteW The untblnluble prospect of nuclear war sparked by a-crWa In the MJddJe r..t. will bec:omt thinkable on the .._y 3 "Lou Grant. .. 'nle teni- fytna threat to WCJl'ld .,._. bM llnb with the bum ward BUlle la coveriJl8 and with Charlie Hume's lilt.er, Clalre, who la an expert on nuclear medical care ... J&cnum Ml all the trouble be can band.le in the May 13 "Map.wn. P .I." when a beautiful lirl. a Sumo wrmtler and a dwarf Pill up on him in a story of love and trwhery. . . A ruthlela crew of drug mn.1aler• punue a trio of amateurs who dream of sudden wealth in "Who'll Stop the Rain" .n foc Wednelday, May 19. Nick Nolte It.an aJona with nae.day Weld and Mi- chael Moriarty, Anthony 7.erbe and Gall Strick- land. The movfe ii t.eci an a book by Boben Stone called ''Doc Soldiers". . . Allo JoinlrtC the lilt of Peabody Award winners w• "Hill Street Blua." wbJch teetm to have won .very award abort of the mldclleweicht crown. but then. lt'• ,..ity a besvyweicbt. Since lta premiere on Jm. 15 of 1-t ,_,., the lhow bu wen 101De 23 awarda and lllDlt mrry a -· . . · Quincy UDDOWl'l llll "111.: rw::ket •hen a trained iumd q tuml GO the child it ii IUPsaeci to pl'O- wet and iiDI the toddler with da.patich. TlUI ltOry untoldl May 5. . . "Smurfa," the ID09t popular new Saturday marni"I Jll'Olf8ID In 10 ,_,.. bM led NBC 1o lta blaeat audfence ln five yun In the Saturday mominC audlmce nee ... MQNDAY 10 . . . Wilderness "V ~ horn Pagel ~ ted by J. Francia Gladstone. :Eddie Albert bu establlabed an enviable re-8 putation with his many fans throughout the world • for the excellence and versatility of hia perfor-"Tl maooes. as well as for his dedication and contribu· 5: tion to humanitarian causes. ~ Albert's careel' as an entertainer began when, > as a movie theater manager, he performed magic 1' tricka before each film. Soon be started working a with a singinC trio and moved to New York where ~ he sang in small clubs while living over a speakeasy • on West 48th Street. A one-year singing engage-co ment on NBC'a radio show, ''The Honeymooners -~ Grace and F.dd.ie" with Grace Bradt, segued into a major part in Ganon Kanin's "Brother Rat" and established Albert as a Broadway star. It was not long before he caught the attention of movie acouts. Soon he was cast in the film version of his hit play which led to his being signed to a studio contract. Among his 60 feature film credita are "Roman Holiday" and ''The Heartbreak Kid," both of which won him Oacar nominations. He alto received the National Critic's Best Supporting Act.Dr Award for "The Heartbreak Kid." Addltiooally, Albert is remembered for roles in "The Teahouse of the AufUSl_Moon," "Attack!," ''I'll Cey Tomorrow," "The ~est Yard,'' "How to Beat the High c.o.t of Living, ' "&cape to Witch Mountain" and "Airport '79." His meet recent film, "Yes, Georgie>!," with Luciano Pavarotti, is aet for releue aoon. The star of a pair of poP.ular televiaion .mes, "Green Al::res" and "Switch, ' Albert baa also star- red in a number of movies for television including "Goliath Awaits.'' ''Concorde," and "Rooster.'• Albeh'a long list of stage credits include pro- ductions of "Seven-Year Itch.'' "Room Service," "The Mu.Ide Man," "Say, Darling," and "The Bo)'I from Syracwe.'' and a highly..acclaimed version of Thornton Wilder's American c.laasic, "Our Town." Albert bu abo ventured back to muaiC in highly avccie9ful nightclub tours throughout the country, and u a recording artist on tlie albums "Mia 1Jbert)','' "Eddie Albef't and Margo." ''Hiab Upon a Mountain, .. '"'11\e Nina, The Pinta ,and The Santa Maria, •• and '"lbe Eddie Albert Album. •• In June, Albert will join Luciano Pavarotti on ataae at the San Francisco Opera In a production of "Turandot." Bill Bixby will hoat 'The Book of Lista' HOLL ~AP).-Bill Bixby wW be the hOlt of. the l)!_W te!1e9 ''The Book of. Llltl. •• which beClnl Tuelday. The teriea la adapted from the best-aelllna boob by David WalleJch1nlk.y, lrvtna Wallace a Amy Wallace. It will be telecalt for four weeb. Amona the :T::ta are i3 children ralad by wild an1mall. the~ moat beautiful wamen in the world, the nine dumbest thiewia, the five beat ways to pick up 8irlil and the eight moat memonb1e killee In movie blst«y. "AJn't Milbehavtn'," the 'l'clny award-wtnntn& Broadway muaical featurln1 the mualc of F,tl Waller, will be produced by Colwabla PtctUl'el Televtlkm • a two-hour lp8dal for NBO. The llhow, •hk:h capWl'ed-im. Tcoy awards indudb'I Bel& MUlllbl la 1178, .. aUll nmnlna on BroedW., aftm' 1.000 pw:tm11• Ml Fw-o.'IC. .... "'°' ,,, l&od»obild'• , J .. ,r----~~~~~~~~~~~~---~-----:-::=:---=====~~----~-------' 1 - , SAVE FURNITURE SAVE ... LOW OVERHEAD = LOW PRICES g .... ------------------.--------------------•1 i SOFA BEDS ~~~~ ; ro~nd~!?~ EASY OPEN-SLEEPS 2 New Factory Sealed & Warranty (Prices Start At ) TWIN SET FULL SET Full Size Only S}88 s79 $97 ~ Queen Size Only s199 QUEEN SET KING SET .. 2 Stytes-14 Colors Avall. $}47 $167 £---------------------------------------------------! a: BEDROOM SET SOFA & LOVESEAT Beautiful 5 Piece Wood Products-Solid Only $297 Loose Pillow Sets Decorator Fabrics 4 Styles To Choose from Only $397 "ATTENTION RENTAL SHOPPERS" Sofa & loveseat '117 Lamps Corner Group 9 pieces '111 Bedroom Set 5 piece Dinette Sets-Table w/4 chairs '11 4 Orwr Chest Cocktail & 2 End Tabies •t Bunt Bed ·w/Mattress '11 '147 '27 •1•1 DISCOUNT FURNITURE & BEDS 1151 HARBOR BL VD .. COSTA •SA 631-8809 -VISA •• Delivery Extra Automatic Garage Door Systems FOR SAFETY ... SECURITY ... CONVENIENCE Automa!1c Garage Door Operators by Stanley LOWEST PRICES IN ORANGE COUNTV "We Are Never Undersold" TV Puzzle DOWN 1 Shirley Klrkes role 2 Stan's partner 3 Chlta or Geraldo 4 Mr. Vlllella's sign.off 5 Miss Louise 6 -Savalas 7 A Rubinstein's sign-off 8 -Alamos 9 Hey, there• 10 Ed or Reck 11 UN veto t3 Layer 16 Bro or Sis. 19 Miss Uggam·s sign-off 22 Mr. Zlmbaltst Jr 24 Subiect 26 Knight or Bissell 27 The Flying - 30 FOOd quality 31 Vlctona- 33 Unch on Vegas 34 Starred 1n Green Acres 36 Rob, to Carl Reiner 37 Miss Jackson's handbag 10 38 -Lanza A.CROSS 40 Office mail . 41 Kyser or Francis 42 Marvin or Bernard 44 Peggy- 1,8 Shown. a Coal Miner's Daughter 12 Oscar winner as Hamlet 13 Bosh 1" Miss Ullmann 15 Mr Lear's sign-off 16 Mend shoes 17 Mad.or 5th 18 See 30 Across 20 Followed FOR 21 Before 23 -Brynner 24 -Close for Comfort 25 Float 27 High- 28 Mr Egan's mslgne 29 -the Down Staircase 30. 18 Across Had a famous feud with Jack Benny 32 -Talbot 35 Lunar vehicle Abbr 36 Quincy's righthand man 39 Coolidge. to lnends 40 Newstand purchase, for snort 41 Role for 6 Down 43 TV network 45 Plays BJ 47 An Aida's s1gn·oll 48 Teacher's org. 49 Take the-and Run 50 Played Sgt B1lko 52 -Roberts 53 Plays Trapper Jotln 46 Set. as aspic 50 Upperclassman Abbr 51 Mr. Edwards' ins1gne SOLUTION ------------Slft <:.>upon Expire1 '211 S-15-12 •149 -------------Coupon hpiN• s-1s.a2 ••• Fil PriH UDO NAUTILUS FEATURES , . Letters Hamilton played Hank COUNTRY QUERY -Please llelp me. Wilen I was P.,!»wing DP ID tile early fOs, tllere was a movie made abomt tile life and deatll of coantry and we.tern singer Hank Williams Sr. lf I re- member right, HaU was played by George Ha- mil ton. h tbh true? Also, what was tbe name of the movie? THE FACE UFTS -I bave a ueo bet recar- dillg Katbrlne BepbUD. I say s he got ea•gllt 11lopllft1a1 la a depart- meDt store some 1ean ago. Am ·I rtgbt? No. Another leading lady of the '30s and '40s was involved in an un- fortunate s hoplHtinl( Wrd.Gaine Incident, but revealing her name would not be in the best taste at thi1 late date. Send your letters to Pepper O'Brien, United Feature Syndicate, 200 Parle Avenue, Room 602, New York, N. Y. 10166. Hamilton did play Williams and gave what has turned out to be the best performance of his career to date. That was in 1964 and the picture was called "Your Chea- tin' Heart," taken from Williams' biggest hit. The songs were dubbed by Hank Williams Jr. FILL ,.., 'rnE Ml~SING L.ElTERS ltJ l~E ''TV ~11 BELOW. NICE WORK -What Is tile name of Olivia Newton-Jolla's b•y- friend aad wbat does be do for a Uvlag? The young man, who has lived with Mias Newton-John for the past two years, is Matt Latanzi. Besides keeping his roomie happy, h e works as an actor. His latest role was the teen- age stud who seduced Jackie Bisset In "R ich and Famous." ·~~-vrtrt~ .. :J:fo~ QI~ ~ht:J ~ /lllS(' :1'~ EIER&EllCY DOCTORS OFFICE THE ATTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A convenient alternative to ho.pita/ emergency room• for. ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Professional & Peraonallzed Care ADULTS AND CHILDREN No Appointment Needed • Immediate Attention Given WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED OPeN: 1 DAYS A WEIK 318 DAYS A YEA" IA.11.-11 P.11. (714) 752-e300 •M•RG•NCY DOCTOll8 OPPIC• 4030 Birch St., Suite 107 Newport Beach ·a FWY. , J5 :!! g E ~ r- $ ,, "' a: .. ~ > TO 50% " ~ c.> ? ..... <O QI ~ On Display Cabinets 34 i 0 - fj Daytime i ~ ~Palmer learns ~he's still sterile R BJ LYNDA lllR8Cll ii'. ALL MY CBILDREN: Llaa 1eta Amanda to 1teal Jenny'• talent tape tn order to MbotaCe the beauty con- .._ Anpe c:acchel .1-pttparina to cheat and &eta him to ...ibe be can put the teSt on hil own. Palmer leaml that be'1 .uu lteriJe and cannot be the father of the child Doana'1 expectbc. At o.iay'1 urJdna, Nina -.c:::-to Cliff. Nina encour.,. Tom to ca1J Brooke ln ti.ta. but bwtwl Tom pt8 drunk and p}11to an~ dnde aoiDlt Palmer. When Mtianle exp dWnte- rest in Oiuck. Carrie makm a play fOC' bbn. Rick mabs a date with Melanie and the couplet meet. Melanie lam-raced and Carrie tella her to flnd another roommate. Certaip Kent ii behind the reslp.ation of h1a top uJe.. mnan. Brandon deper1ll the comp.ny. Mark f.a.Ua to pt teKbinl po.t at LJ.anview Un.twntty and Pammy con- eolea him In Jllen'• amence. Mark tell. Ellen be wanll to put a boJd on atarUnc a family. A.NOl1ID WOllLD: WaiUnc at alrpor1 fOC' Sandy, C.ecilJe mille9 plaM and Male Mb her to moYe ti.ck Into bit home. Joe la bl8di:ma01ne Denny. Alts be catches Dl and Pete k.luins. Steve in.alatl 1he atop aeeing Pete. Sandy frwtrated becalm be hM h!elln8I fOC' both Cecille and Blalne. Bob returna keya to Quinn'• apartment. Elena, ClOllCftTaed about c.dlle'• atranp behavior over the pbone1 plans mum to Bay Cty. .U TBB WOaLD TUBNI: ....... bedie's M.areo Imo edmittlnc abe loY'9 Tom. Annie ten. )eU the lows him and Mira fOC' tldelity, but Jett lm't ca1aln be can ..,ee to thole tennl. llnce be hM apent ,_... watctUnc Annie fall in love with other men. A jealou. Karen pledcea to CIOl'De between Anne and Jeff. Wl1b M1nnda ln a pn.on that be canno& vWt. Bob continua to mm her. James c:ndD 8fMlral ribs in a bone-rkUnl milhap, which la another puaBel to Barbara'• n.bbec=b CAPITOL: Gillim and Wally are unaware that the woman 1n nan..• life Iii the ftS·fktie Beth Bochmen. Seelnl Tyler mc1 smne .u. tnnocw.• --... Julie i. 1uaceptible to Lawrence'• advancft. MYrDa tells La-· wrence she wanll b1m to marry Julie, and he aai'ffl. Tyler aet1 Important J>C*Uon on eecurttJ committee, ~out a venceful Trey. Myrna orders a -FBI ..,..t Pbll Bwpla to pt dirt on security cnmmtttee members; .Phll,,aneend by Myma'1 corwtant orden. YOWi to,_ even with her. CLarulta lhodred when elw ~Tyler-and sio.ne ~-Mn teDa 81oene be tb!nb lu!Wa WIQlll for Tyler and wW help Sbne win 'l'J'ls. Wbm a.Ired to get his brother Matt to throw aw.tic "9111 In return fOC' beJng let off ihe hook for debt, Wally refuaea. Wally borrows $5,000 from Judeon, but inateed ot UlinC lt to pey hal1 hla $10,000 debt to the bookies, Wally wilhholda $2,000 for bett1ns JIUl'PC*S. DAYS OF OUR LIVES: ..\fler JeuJe breaks en- peement wtth b.lm and admits abe Iowa Joeb, Jake quJtl the Body c.onnectlon and l"tta Alex to pve him pcmtJon at boapital. Roman t.raca LU to Florida and brinp her back to Salem. To be elmer to Nell. Lb cakel volunteer post at hospital, but Neil wanta more than stolen momenta wtth Liz at hospital Tony appelled when he and Renee check into adultl-only motel. Marlena •nd Roman growln& clceer. Don intriguect when he learna Gwen Ila~ ta broke and living ln her law office. Mil:by plans to fight Linda. who la 9eekina control of estate Mary left Mellma. Seatthlng Steph~'• library, 0ouc and Julie cliaxwer r.muy tree9 for ..veral prominent Salem famllles, ln- death and Mike :frees Alan, who la happily .reunited with Hope. Kelly 'Loulle'• condition lmjx'oves, but the'• ltil1 critical. Nola, Hillary and Morgan pl~ up their diffe- rence.. Morgan la unhappy because ahe'• been unable to conceive a child. Vanesaa Intrigued by Tony. When Jackie'• father becomes ill, Carrie offers U> watch Sa- mantha. Jealou. of Mark and Jennifer'• frlendahip , Amanda ~ her out of town. ONE LIFE TO lJVE: Ivan plants an electrode in f.d and stopa F.d'• lnvestipUon. Under Ivan'• spell. F.d tella Marco that he WM wroq about bit IUlp6dotw that H~ • and Ivan are tbe aame man. Altrid tella Larry about Ivan'• power ~ him, and Larry deddes to fight. Larry wanta to take Karen away with h1m. but when be arriw. 1t 'nmberdark farm with F.d, Ivan ii there and prepanw to drag Karen otl. Karen leema about Ivan'• powers and aci-s to IO along with Ivan in exchanse for Larry and F.d'1 safety, but• Ivan whisks Karen away, he loc:b Ed and Larry into room with time bomb about to explode. Aaa'• enatneer Paxton la a spy for the umcrupuloua Ju- piter Co. Beau teU. Dorian be knows llbe stole Georgina'• IOlaramite plans and threatens to prmecute. 'INVBS'l'IGA TION -Luke Spmcer, played by Tony Chary, bu begun to accept tbe death of Laura, but declde. to inve.tigate the cauae of her death on "General Hospi- tal" on ABC (Cb. 7) weekdaya at 2 pm. clud.lna the Hor1onl, and the complete inventory of An· denon Manutacturtnc. DOCrolUk Natalie feerful when Billy cban&'ea hit mind and ~ teJllnc Luke about her booket' s-t- Mona decides to destroy Nola and the Dancy1. Luke wonders about Natal.le'• plllt and about her strange ac-oounUnc methoda. Theo teuful about Kade'• emotional llabillty. Me recalla the child the p ve •way. Mona de- cides to match Jeff with an allln1 female from hi• ch11dbood. EDGE OI' NJGBT: Kelly dedd99 to vWt bia ~­ tn Italy and amtea Vel aJoac. Damleo us-t when be r.Ima Poppy Is on rddie'• ade. 8mUey bea all of Ra- v.n's ti.Al at bar. nae. Rawo 8b.lttered when the 1ee1 TV tape, uneware thet It'• been nwde In the b1.ement of her bawe. lhowtnc ..... been lndided fOC' fir'lt..desree mwder. Spencer atop9 Sky from eeelng Raven_ by pun: chinl him OU\. Jodie reaaMI oil peilltina whk:b beJong'8cl to her mother and. stunned .me. Jt raemblea her . GENER.AL llOIPITAL: Luke, beslnrUn.c to eccept Laura'• death, decides to find out why abe died, and Magda, the DPrJ, t:lvs b.lm 1pedal paychlc powers. The amt a doc Ol-~th comes to Port o.a.rlea with im- portant art exhibit and Sc:orplo is blred ae aecurity Comultanl Scorpio bellevea Mel and David have UJeaal plans fOC' exhibit. Luke thinka truth 1erUm wouJd unlock Laura T's nwmory. Packy and Riek are -ulied by toUatw who want Johnny out of fllht pine. Ruby WU. Dan about her booker peat. Lee ... AIM to .-mam.,e c:ourwelor. but Scouy advt.a Mol*9 DOl to. Lee .. hor- rified at what he c.'Onliden Scolty'• i.ck of ethb and throws hlm out of hit office fOC' IOOd-Noah and Anne ...... 8r8dahllw did not ~ ... c:mtrol pOll fOt Mn. Newell. Joe nearly catchea Mather corntn& on to Scotty. GUIDING LIGHT: While trytna to .-cape Luct.n Goff, Alan ~ hJa pilot Wayne lie mo tn on scheme. With Ivy'• twlp, Mike leama Alaa'a wbereaboula. Al Alm ...... to ..... Goff and w.,.. Goff taUa to hlin .. RYAN'S HOPE: Kim wants to back out of kidnap- ping scheme, but Orson .. ures her that plan lO take Arley and pt a mWlon bucb la foolproof, and he renta an aputment In Hew Jeney. When Ox teU. Roeer' be bullied Jane into giving the pearll. they have fistfight and Ox deddea that Rotes' doem't daerw Jane. Jane upet because Ox hM made mauen wane. while Roeer believes Jane still hM a yen for Ox. Roger .eeks and tell comfort from Dee. Rae rm.. to talk to Jack about her previous uaoclalion with Hollla. When Jack la offered another Job, Rae realizes HoW. la behind it to pt Jack off "death-of-a~ty" story about Hollll' deatruction of lm- preuive old riven.Ide buildinp. Siobhan captures a muuer ln Central Park, and when Dee 1ugeat1 1he clean up in Joe'• apartment, Siobhan la stunned when Joe walks In and headil fOC' the shower and her. S&AllCB FOR TOMORROW: Followtnc Ure blo- wout and car Cl'lllh while trying to pt away from thuea, Brian auata1na minor held injury and Suzi'• injured knee pull her danclnC careu on hoJd. When Suzi overhean Joanne blaming Brian for accident 1he becomes angry and aeven all relaUonahlpa with Joanne. Scephan.le tella Joanne she knew she'd get Suzi beck one day. 'nMll'DM falllna foe Cathy. Dane deddes to quJt spy buainem and considers staying ln Henderaon. When Lee ls obvt.oualy proud about Sunny'• appearance on the ''Today" ahow, a.y am-with jealousy. TEXAS: RUdd e>penly declate8 hit Jove fOC' Brette. Judith pcetenda to like Ruby, but plana to ruin her re- latiorwhlp wtih Mark. Rena puta foot down when Grant tuma down invttadon from her to have dinner wtth Ju- dith. TeWna Judi&h he hM a hi..,... trip. Gf'ant ta.a. Rena away to Europe. Lurlene. 1mltten with Joel, la fearful when a YOWll nw.e appllee for position to aid Joa1 and Lurlene deddes to take on an older woman fOC' the Job. John ahowl.ns romantic lntereat in Vivian, who la having hard Ume pleaalng Judith. YOUNG AND THE RE811.ES8: Patti admlta to Carl she ii living with Jack. Snapper Wanta Chuckie to know he ... the boy'• father. Al~ her rnarrlqe la stW in trouble, Chris wanll Stuart to atop int.erfeJ'lnc. Robert warns Laurie her plan to get Pnmtlla Industries away f.rorn Victor and beck lnto Lance'1 hands apelb dlaaater. Nikki tells Kevin ah• wantl to marry him, and still malntaiJw her ·~ that he ls the fat.her of her unborn cblld. Kaye wonders when Earle'• wife will recall their college days. &ve • qustlon •bouC your l•vorlte .o11p or .o11p •W-1 Write to Lynda Hinch. clo hJ4 Nrwsp11ptt Syn- dlcaU!, P.O. Box 196~0. Irvine, C.lJl. 92714. She will answer .. many q&MWtlotw • a cmn ln he-a>l&mu1, but the volume of mall mak• pttrwoniaJ replie. lmposlble. Every Sunday 2823 east coast highway 675-10 I 0 cama ,del rrar • ' 0 Daytime Off the street and into 'Texas' OBESITY and OP:rlFIST TIE n11LE11: 11am OFTEN ASSOC IA TED WITH •HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE •DIABETES •HEART ATTACK & STROKE •JOINT DISEASE •&<We IUCCe98 In to.Ing 40-.80 LBS or MORE •NO HUNGER •Behavior Modification, Nutrftlon• COunaeNnQ and ExerctM RebabHltatlon lnaurence Relmburlabte •GUARANTEES LONG TERM SUCCESS THE PLACE: PHYSICIAN'S WEIGHT MANAGEMENT GROUF?. • .-•. ~p _....._ _______ , ___ • r 4• '90111 llOW lllD SAYE 50% ·9 LOCMEIS . • JACUZZI •SAIN -- i V, r .... g l I ~ ~ i a: \ ·. \, ·. • APRIL 30, 1982 • INSIDE · eellender ! ( I j ' • : ' • ' J • J I ' . I ! ! ' J • ~ ' : ' ' • • Flying high Balloon race more than just hot air By PllJL SNEIDERMAN or .. ~ ....... -On May 8, all eyes will tum to the lkies above FOW\tain Valley. For the third comecutive year, the dty will host the Gordan Bennett Belloon Race on the cen- tral a1rfield at Mile Square Park. With an expanded anay of aerial attractlona, the event II allo being billed 11 an "Aviation Faire." Activities will lnclude hot air balloon rides, a celebrity balloon race, Marine air eearch and 19CUe demonstrations, a sail plane demomtration. a fiyo- ver by antique bi-plane9 and pencbute dropL Banda. games and food booths allo will be fea- tured. But the main focua will be the two~ bal- loon compe1itiona. In the momlng, 10 hot air ba1loona will take ~ :.r~~ = "'="'~=emcw to ln th1a event. each pUot picks a targiet within ~ miles of the Mlle Square Park launcn 1lte. F.ach pilot ii required to land hia balloon .. cbe • P°"" llble to the predetermined ~t. Thll feat ii not u -.y 11 it IOUID beca"9e unlike conv~ntional aircraft, a balloon cannot be ..... ed. h --ride with the wind. movtna with the prevaWna weather conditionl. Hot air 6aDoona rely on a propane burner to remain aloft for two to four houn. Liit year'I hot air winner Wll JCen Frank of Redwood Oty, who landed on his snde1erm1ned target. the Imperial Golf Courie in er-. Th1a year, Oraqe County Clus1c pllota may lift off between 9 and 11 a.m. From 1 p.m. to duak, elaht team.a from the United Statee, Japan, Germany and J'ranae will lift off in the 1982 Gordon Bennett Rece, a d1ltance competition utillzlnc helium-ftDed heJloorw. "1nUs oonie.t will feature ane ol the world'• molt fvnow helloor>Wta. LMt Y91"• wtnnen, Albuquerque~ Ben Abnmo and Ja...-e n.taurant chain OWDa" Rocky A.old, will ntum to try f« a ~ vict.ory. ~ al8o won the 1971 Gordon Bennett with• t partmr.) Abnmo ... put o1 the three-man mm that completed the fin& ••l c I hi tram-Atlantic balloon ru.ht In 19'18. IAll& ~. Abnmo md Aoki kdl ,...i In the ant a1 'ul tram-hdftc bdocm fllcbt, Dylns ---t.000 --from Japan to • cnilb .......... lfal1lmn ~ Allo ~,= ..... ,..,. OordilD ..... .uwm IM ...Saa..._ol...._d Krla Andllwa. ...... AlldellOD Wiii = of ... um .... At' *....., flllbt wttll • . ................ JtrtlAllid WWW C l'JlllCla 11'1 I 11M ..... 81(111& frcim 8m ..... W flt to Que.. ble.Ct •* 'llmn1't1 aAJ1aC"me · ftlt=t. a...•-... I •• ..... ht .. wl ....... Jallil and .... •111nft Gf loo&• ..... Alta., wW °' ....., ... ,,.. ..... " WI& ouut •· .w. .._, ... ...., °' tllit twu 7 .... 01•-m ,... .. ":!ialr. from ........ ot 0r...-co.i ... ............. .,~,,. .... ....... ~-----·-~ ......... ., Tiie aaat:J••Wt ..... ••••• = ... .... Y• ~-.-...•· ""° ..... u ... 1 &II 1•111& la t•. TM :-.f""dOil ! 1=1 -~ ..... l ........... . .. _., W.11. . -· I. I t ~ -Showmansliip ~El Toro spruces l up fo~f big show i With more than 350,000 spectaton expected to -g show up for thia weekend's air 1how at Marine GI Corps Air Station. El Toro, orpnizen are urging $ visitors to use public transportation or get an early ~ start. Gates will open at 9:30 p.m. both days. with £ visitors treated to a static display of Marine Corps 0: aircraft and .~uipmenl · The highllght both days is the air show, whkh runs from noon to 3 p.m., and features the Blue Angels FUght Demonstration Team. Because of anticipated traffic congestion and parking problems, Marine eo.,,. offidalat with local, county, and state aaencies have - zed programl to m1nimbe oongestion to and the air station. The beat way to avoid the mus of vehicles, Marine offk:iala uy, ii to leave the driving up to the Orange County Tranait District. A.a in prevtoua years, OCTD is offering park and ride .ervices from ll!'Vel'al locatiom. Spectator• may park near 6th and Flower Street in Santa Ana; the Laguna Hilll Mall; the Irvine Meadows Amptiltheater 1n Irvine; and the Marine c.orp. Air Station (Helicopter) in Tustin. BLUE ANGELS ... Strutting their stuff For tho9e wWJ.nc to brave the traffic and con- gestion, four entrances to the air lhow will be open to motorilta. a.. will depart for the air show site from all four locations ~. half hour ~ng at 9 a.m. until noon. returninc ~ half ban 3 to 5 p.rn. both days. One way fare Is $1 and children under six ride for free. The Main Gate and Gate No. 9 are located near the 8-Qta Ana Freeway. A third entrance to the air station will be the pta near the pauc area on the .:------------------, northeMt comer of the stadon, off Irvine Boule- vard. 'n» fourth pte ii located alona the station'• 642-4321 ~~ter, just abcWe Gate No. 3 off~- Direct or collect , I •lj ,.,11, c.allfornla HtcbwayPatrolmen, <>ranee County · to subscribe to' your II I Sheriff'• depuU. and lrvtne police of&ela will be hometown paper, the · · · on band to ctu.t traf&, and lip will be posted to il I . F£STIY AL HALL AND RmAURANT .4fC. GERMAN BAND 2 to 6 P.11. Burn1 t4.25 WINISTUBI IATHSUU.a ~•u RA'rooD SHOP SAUSAGE WOIU> GRANNY'S llOla. BilDY AA'l'Yl11m' CORND ~=-.~~=;,.-.- • aid motoriltl. . Vlllal• ..-. -· C.M. skater had hard season By JEFF PARKER of'ttle~Nottwf After 10 months on the road, doing nine shows a week ln the bl,ggest cities around the country, the Ice Capede1 brings Its aeuon to a cl0&e this weekend at the Loe Angeles Sports Arena. For leatured performer Aimee Kravette of Costa Mesa, the last hornestand brings to an end the shortelt, hardest aeuon of her professional itkating career. And If ahe were the complaining type, she mJg.nhtt bring teara to your eyes with tales of the brolwl collar bone lut July that sidelined her for five month.I, or the ke Capades 1how in New York lalt February when lhe tried to kick a bobby pin off the ice at the same time IOl'lleOne elte did, and got a 60-ttitch s1uh on her shin for her trouble. But a complainer ia one thing she isn't, and when the 22~year old skater takes to the ice for the year'1 lalt four shows this w~keod, no ooe will probebly nodce much more than a graceful cham- pion lkater who lovet making her audience gasp in apptedation. Kravette IWDI up her injury-prone aeaaon - her .collCI with the Ice Capadea in an otherwise injury-leu career -with a laugh and a self- deprecating UI 11 ment: "rm 10 dumb. I wM trying to walk my dog while ridina my bike. and he~ in front of me and down I went. I WM lying there in the atreet thlnkm4i· about everyone who Would yell at me for dumb." to correct her "mistake," Kravett.e con- lhort four weekl before hitting the ice again. 'lbe broken collar bone .eparated, and she WM out apin until December. But bild luck wam't to be outwitted. Kravette's first show in Febl'uary waa aoina without a hitch until ahe tried to kick the bobby Pin off the ice. But in the flalh of a partner's newly sharpened skate, it all chanced· "I remember kicking for the pin and 10meODe elle's skate hitting my lea," ahe safd. "I didn't want to me11 up the show, 10 I just held onto the people next to me, really leanln1 on them for support, before I had a chance to look down. I saw a little blood and lk.ated off the ice. 11lefl I saw the whole thing. I think I .:reamed for 10 minutes before they quieted me down." And sitting in a New York City hospital emeraency room didn't work wonden for her eenae of terenity either. "Thla ii definitely not 'General Hospital,' I kept thinkina· I kept wanting Rick Springfield to walk by, but no luck. Just a lot of bunw and here I am in my mim. c:mtume with blood running off my lea," lhe laid; laughing again. It may be that Kravette haa uled up all the bad luck of a career in just one aeuon. becau.e until this year, her rile to the top of figure 1kating 1how- mmwhlp hll been .weeping and unfettered by such nlll1inl tblll8I • injury. See a.ta Meu, Page 6 ... Balloon race From Pagel I --~----------~--------------------.................... ... Committee for Arts presents BILINGUAL TEATRO FOUNTATION In "VERMA" Sunday, May 2 -3pm -VIiiage Theatre with CARMEN ZAPATA, play by LOR- CA THE KcKENNA8 • IR18H FOLK llU81C Wed. May 5 -8pm -Village Theatre From Dublin -on accordion, plpet, & harp llALALAllCA DUO • .... RU8SIAN MUSIC AND SONG I Sat. May 8 -8pm -VIiiage Theatre Lynn Carpenter -piano, Alex Eppler -Bala- laika HOWARD SHANGRAW ... In 'Coming Attractiona' The SCR production ls the third time lt has been done. It opened off-Broadway and ran for lix months. Just this put winter lt was ~produced by the Indiana Repertory Theater in Indianapolla. "A funny story came out of that Indiana production." Tally recalled with a chuckle. "I was ta1kina oo the phone with one of the productim people about the pla)ll I 8lked her bow it WU doing land" she replied, •Wen. I've got 80IDe good news and IOme bad news. The good neW'I la that the ahow la teWnc well, but the b8d news tit the theater burned down after the openinc. We moved the play into the hi«h IChool auditorium. I\ WU a .ell out, but the next day we were hit with 16 lncha of mow. W..'w had the wont bUuard In the hiatory of the state. Still, bu1ine11 la .,00.' " Tally...,_ and concluded. "But that'• ahow biz." ~~-~ .... ~ . .. .. ;... ··-->-.•. "'"\ ,,, •. ,.,, • ~I f • o • o • ~ ' I • _ • , ... • , • 4 i-·The classics ............... ----........ -------------& e-h . , what we miatake for a beat Beethoven to the They're youna (formed The result WU an ~ eet oven s gloomy expreHion in crowd at the Santa Ana ln 1977), enerptic and n.citiJla performance, at ~ portraits wu bi.I lnten-Wah School auditorium. beyoad the It.au of new times Ilke a pipe organ < • · b . atty, whlc. h doe• come The conoert, preeented kid on the block. played with Ill the stops ~ lnUSIC up eat ~~~~~-~t.~t:~::fces~re~V. led~=~~ ~!·u~~:0;h~~\~1;t:: :g · ce of bi• Eighth and alto demonatrated to diaclpltned but happy Thomburah, Kathleen u. Ua'f:f'Y JANE SCA&. WM pcrtrayed •a~ Ninth symphonies by the first-time llatenen that Symphony No. 8 for the O'Brien, Frederic de i dine and unhappy man. Paclflc Symphony Or-the Pacific Symphony f1rat half of the program. Marsellle and Richard "2 Of .. Dlilf ,... .... he wrote IOIDe very ln· chestra with the Pacific bu potential to become a aavina Symphmy No. 9 Allen, joined the orche- • Althou1h Beethoven aplriq mu.le. Perhaps Chorale ahowed an up-major mualcal force. (and the chorale) for 1aat. stra and chorale for the 4 "Ode to Joy" finale I which wu just th.at -a ~ ---------------------------------------.....;. ____ joyoua combination of ~ religious inspiration and a: show busineH razzle- dazzle. IR.VINE . ~WS :AM'HITHFATRJ: In Association with KE2Y present Sunday 8:00 P.M. Reserved: SI4.00ISJ2.00 Meadows/Lawn: 59.00 JUNE 6 JIMMY BUFFErr & The Coral Reefer Band Saturday 8:00 P.M. Rewrved: 514.001512.00 M~~owstLawn. 59 00 JUNE 12 CO:MING ATIRACilONS: TICKETS ON SALE NOW July 18 July 25 August 1 August6 *Augusts •August22 •August 'Zl •September 10 JOHNNY MAnDS THE BEAOi BOYS BARBARA MANDRELL . rnE GIARLIE DANIELS BAND GEORGE BENSON MELl$A MANCHBSl'ER ANNE MURRAY ALJARRBAU SFASON ELTON JOHN with Sped.al Gunt QUARfERFLASH Saturday &r Sunday 8:00 P.M. Reserved: $14.50 Meadows/Lawn: 510.50 EDDIE RABBrrr LACY]. DAL'ION Sunday 8:00 P.M. Rrs4!rved: $15.00tS13.00 Meadows/L.iwn: $9.00 JUNE • JUNE ~2021 • f TICKET INFORMATION ONLY (11•) '177·1300 FOR PHONE OIAICIB CALL ~S NEW SERVICE TELE· TRON 13 (213) 4UM062. MASlllCARO AND VISA ACCEmD. PRODUalD BY c&5T 10 COAST C<»K:lllm Whatever ,the orche- stra's faults -a tenden- cy to play a little too loud and too fast where the music calls for a quiet, thoughtful approach - they'r e typical of a young and enthusiastic group. (The program'• excel- lence only heightened the need for the new Orange County Perfor- ming Arts Center. The 80-plece orcheatra and 140-volce chorale made thingJI a bit crowded, es- pecially for the soloists jammed ooto the stage's front edge. No one should have to dodge violin and cello bow• while trying to ai.na). But everyone coped well, and the evening wu a aucceu. Perha,Pt more seaaoning and a few more seasona wlll give the Pacific Sym- phony the wider rec- OfPlftion it cte.erwa. Beethoven concert The 140-voice Pacific Chorale, formerly the Irvine Muter Chorale, and the Pacific Sym- phony erme.tra will of- fer Orange County'• premiere performance of ~thoven'• "Mbaa So- lernnia" Oil May 22. John Alexander will oonduct bodl p.apa f« the concert, acbeduled for 8:30 at the Santa Ana m.h School auditorium, .na lt will be the final praentation ot the hd· fie~·· COl'lbdt --llOD. 8olotata will be Lynn Cole-Adcock, toprano; Janet Smith, me110- t aoprano; l'rederic de Martellle, tenor; and Mlcheel U-Pu, bm. ~ooncert ....... red by the lrYtne Com-~· .. a1ra11tof ~ to the Pacific Tick ... an Dricld at '!erf:tr.u' tlCJ wl an :.........t== __ .__ ..... _ ... .. ............ ~ Ar .. AINelaUea e ~~ •• .o. .. --~·-·__...___,,__~~-------------------------------------.............. .. Comple te Dinners from $5.25 to $5 .95 5:00 PM -7 :00 PM D aily Your choice of soup o r salad and one of these entrees Fettucfnl "Neptune" The Weight Watcher -broiled. freshly Ground Beef Country Fare -b roUed. breaded Pork Chops Fish and Chips Om elene du Jour ... plus your choice of dessen. Inc luding Haagen o azs Ice Cream or Apple Strudel and a selection of beverages fro m coffee. tea. Iced tea. m ilk or Sanka. New rt leach CAPRICCIO CA FE a• wi)"==. 'lenNICM> 000 Nc-wpon C<"nl<'r Df1Vt" I Nc-wpon 8ea<h. <'.A ~r.tff{•O I C7 14l 640·4000. Eicl 61 :Jft Our Mocher"• o., Brunch it sumpcuous and gracious. >you'll love ir for rhe fabulous :may _of tasry spccialr1cs. Compllmenrary Cht~ RoaSt Baron of lelf Baked H am, Rlilio s.u~ Eggs &nedicr Seafood Newbura_ Herring in SourCr8m Croissanrs Seasonal Fruits, Waldorf Salad Garden Fresh Vegetable Salad PoutoeS au Grarin Chidtln Cha~ur Crtaoe Your Own Omelene Auoned French Pastries And Much, Mu,h MOit Served in r mapifimftl ~Ballroom; Adults S 12.50 Children S6.00. Or in rht e ..... ,privacy of the Grand Purtagt Restaurant; Adulla 114.)(). Child,_ aa&>. Continuous enctttainmtnt .• • RcservatiGM ... Hable btain'*e 10 a.m. Ca ll 7'2·8777 . R SOMETHING OLD $6 Crepe Sc. Jacques. Scallops, shrimp anc.1 sliced fresh mushrooms in a sherry sauce with cheese. One rasce, and you'll know why it's an old favorite. SOMETHING NEW $6 Beef Bourguignon Crepe. Filled with tender beef and pearl onions ccx)ked in red wine and topped with fresh mushroom sauce. It's a terrific new recipe. SOMETHING BO~R~WED SOMETHING BLBtJ $6 Crepe Cordon Bleu. layers of ham, tu rkey, Swiss and herbed cheeses in a crepe, breaded and french fr ied to a golden brown. This unique new dish was inspired by the master chefs of France. Right now, you can enjoy any one of these deli· cious dinners for just $6. Each comes complete with your choice of a mixed green or orange almond sa lad. At the Magic Pan, there's always something new to come back to. South C.O.t Pim (714) 556-1225 pPen dally from 11 AM Bm Mall (714) 990"'434l Ofer pd after S PM .... co CD ·N ---- .. '--r 6 ~ · ... Costa Mesa skater ~ O> ~ FromPage2 ~ Kravette began ._tine at the age of 2, when i: her pa.rents noted that ahe had "too much eneqy ~ and no place to put it." She waa compettnc by the • ~of A, gradually working benelf into the U.S. ~ n,w-e Skatina team. ~ 'Ibat team. made up of thia country'• top 10 LL akaten, goes abroad each year to compete in the -international games. She capped her competitive l career in LondOn in 1978, with a fifth place win in j the world event. 1 In 1980 ahe tried out for the prettigioua Ice ~ Good day for Irish ~. set at UC Irvine Irlah pipe and harp muaicians Joe and Antoi- nette McKenna will perform at 8 p.rn. Wedneeday, May 5, at UC Irvine. The husband-and-wife team plays the tradi-µonal beDads. jigs and lamenla of ~land on uillean 'pipes, tin whistle, harp and ICCOl'dion. Joe McKenna, two.time winner of the All- lreland Pipers Championahf p, was rai8ed in Dublin where he studied the Iriah or uillean bagpipe. His wife studied the harp and traditional tinging styles in the Gae~1peaking regions of the country. C..pede. abow' and made it. "I wu reall~ nervous during thoee try-outs," ahe remembers. 'U I'd have known who was wat- clling me, it would haY& been wone. It turned out to be the ahow'• producer and the president of the company.'' With the pressure of competition off, Kravette aaya ahe'1 enjoying skating more than ever. '1t'1 juat~hearina a whole arena full of people reapo to what you do.'' ahe uJd. "You can tell if you're bing and you can tell if you're sweeping them oU their feet. Tbe belt audiences are )'Out.Ii groups -Boland Girl ICOUta -they go wild during our ahowa. • The Ice Capadet 1how does aome 360 1howa du.ring Ila 10-month touring leUOll. The akaten live out o( IUltcues for the hectic teUOn, sharing hotel rooms and eating oo the run. "When I get to another hotel room I ju8t put up my posters and ltu.fted animal.I, and call it home. 'Ibe travel ii great. Sc:metimel I mill heme and the IUltcues get a little heavy. By the time Monday rolls around and you've done 10 ahows that week, you want to lit in your room and ve,etate. Behind the glamour of that show, tnere'a a lot of work," ahe said. Kravette ii looking forward to her two months oU when the show enCJs Sunday. "I think rn get a part-time Job for the summer though,'' ahe said. ''Last year I laid around on the Tickets are $5 general admiwicm, $3 for UCI students and $4 for other atudenta, aenior dtizem and UCI staff, faculty and alumni. For more infor- mation, call 833-6379. =-~~ a few weeks. well. it does get a AIMEE KRA VE1'1'E ... End of season ~loco de fliayo 'feStlvltl8s 111: ORIGINAL ONCO DE MAYO CBPMATION MARGARITAS ~ PRICE 9093 E. AOAJM 962-7911 HUNTIMGlON BEACH Cinco de Mayo Celebration MOrl>At • JlESDAY & WEDNESDAY •an•.• ... •llD • Cinco de Mayo FESTIVAL .. 1740 So. CGaat Hwy., l:apana &Heh 7 ~Currentlyhanging~~~~~~~~~i H.B. artist wins watercolor awar·d By JEFF PARUR or-..,.., ........ Huntington Beach watercolorist Linda Stevena accepted the American Watercolor Society'• Gold Medal Award Saturday at an awards banquet ln New York. Her win.nina painting, a transparent watercolor called "Water Light No. 33," was cboeen as the outBtand.ing work from thousands of entries in the ~ annual contest, the largest juried watercolor com-fomia with her family at the age of 6. She began l petition In the country. taldna art ~ In Santa Ana public achooll and i T he piece wu ori~!lly 1hown in Oran4e wu Art Yearbook Editor for Santa Ana High County at the Laauna ch Mu.eeum of Art m School • a tenlor. January and Will return to the county In June for Her first lnltructlon ln watercolor came at Oc-• the Water Worlu invitational 1how at the Brea ddental College. She wu graduated from UCLA ~ Cultural Cent.er. with a deaee in art ~ later ~ Cal State Loog ~ • It la one of 36 workl done by Stevena, dealing Beach wtdi a muter• degree m fine arta. ':< with the effects of lJaht when it hill the water. She has been wor ldnc ln watercolors exclusi-~ "I've been working on ltUdies of ways that . vely for six yean and oonaiden hene1.f "booked." 2: light interact.I with water, the reflective and re-"Waterooloc la considered to be one of the more ~ tractive properties of liaht," lhe laid. "lt'a a repre-difficult media." she l&id. "But once I 1tarted wor-• :~~~::i ~'t;, a~~= 1::.:~ ~~~:::,~:'/:h:n~:U~~~t0!b~1 ~edt~~~·~h: i water and the wa~tl come oU iL" methodical worker, and I think that helps in I\) Stevena wu in Michigan. moved to c.all-watercolor painting." '6inco de "ayo 'Festivities CINCO DE MAYO/ j oin Us Wednesday, May 5tb for Special Me.xluln Dtsba,Margarlta Pltcbers, Tia Marla & Coffee, and Fun! Great Drinks Delightful Lunches Glorious Dinners 37 Fashion Island Newport Beach 500 N. Euclid St. Anaheim Plaza 644-2030 772-2130 -1/lael"'.i ?2e.ita11eald • LUNCH • DINNER • COCKJAlS AUTHENTIC MEXICAN .FOOD Entertainment With JOhhny Ballad TMmL.•AMT . ................. cw,t Looi! For Our Dellr Sp«Wi f-4 To 0o ' IWO IGCAftONI To celebfate the 5th d Moy. the Grinder Gourmet Coffee Shoppes will offer Chili & Beoru for only '"c1nco centavos" per c up f0< Cinco de Movo. .1Dellcioso! Sony llO .. <Miii -plus _____ _ f<eg1ster f0< "ul)O p1r'ioto gronde" filled with all the extras! For Dine Out A dvertising And Info Call Brenda Caponera 642-4321 ~Jet. 26') \ I-- l I N s -g Studio Cafe offers ~ good stuff inside >. . CG ~ ;f By JOEL C. DON or-.o.-, ........ .: GI ~ STUDIO CAFE. 100 S. M.ai.n St., Balboli Pen-~ inaula. 676-776(). Dinner .erved from 5 to 10 p.m. ~ Monday through Thuraday, 5 to 11 p.m. Friday ~ through Sunday. Dinners from $7.95 to $11.95. _ Major credit carda. .2 The Studio Cafe has long been a favorite a: among jazz aficionados who appreciate an intimate pub featuring live entertainment seven nigbta a week. .. Witness the lines that form out.aide on a Friday or Saturday evening and you'll ha\'e io tt1ure there's good stuff lmide. It's a boiat.e~~ group and the ~-ement couldn't be more delighted that a strong foUowtng has emerged since the place opened six years ago. • e If it's got • tlaftdleS • you'll grab as.le • taster ln • Dally Piiot e classified e ads.Call t 642·5671 U YO&.I arrive before 9 1n the evenll'\R, there's quite a different scene. The music ia claaical (recorded) and the atmoephere quieter but ;.t • cuual. 'lbe restaurant la in full IWing serving up the Studio Cate's rather simple but tasty menu offe- rinp. You have a choice of four items: beef ribs, chicken breast; shrimp or a combination of ribs and chicken. Manager Von Martt subsequently explained that the menu wu planned foe quality not quantity. But to live their bill of fare a little more variety, a freab -food offering ta included In thew~ and Thunday evening menu. The catch ($8.95) can be red mapper, sand dabs, bluefiah, tcallops. ecampi or Boston ICl"Od -all, aooord1nc to Martt, .erved fresh, not frozen. The Studio Cafe puta spedal emphaaia on an easygoing atmotpbere. The waiters are clad in T- ahirta and make special eUort to have cu.tomera feel like good buddies rather than patrons. The intttioc LI marked by stained glall, wood abiQc)e wall.a and ~ plants" AdjK'ent to the Balboe Peni.nlu1a boardwalk, the restaurant commands a picturesque view of . • Balboa Pier and beachgoen enjoying the return of the summer aeuotl. - Becauae of its prime peninaula location, p!l!- king can be a problem. On weekends. you ahOuld espedally allow exva time to find a tpace. My guest dw. the beef rlbl. ('8.95) cooked with a tanty barbecue uuce and •rved with • W. crock of homemade baked beam. I ch~ the skewered ahrimp (f 11.95), marjnated in eoy .. uce ·and ginger. and .erved with raJsin rice, JJinntt begi.na with a large ·aerve-younelf bowJ of salad with a creamy garlic dressing. . The ribs turned out io be the hit of the eve-ning. I almost wlshed I'd changed my order upon aeelng plates of succulent ribe aerved to others in the resiaurant. Martt explained the ribs, a houae specialty alwa~ in popular demand, are trimmed of '11 ex- poeed fat and bolled for three houn. They are then aerved to order, with laat-minute baking In an oven with the barbecue sauce. Theee are lona beef-back ribs and a aervfna ia generous enough to satiate even the lat1est of appetites. '"1e llhrimp WM li&htly lellOMci and broOed with onions, bell peppers and cherry tomatoes. 1bouch I tasted the d1atinct flavor of toy •uce, 1 ap1n milled out on the tinier· STARRING lllmPEUIE MU81c By .M.E S'l'YNE Lyrics By STEPHEN SONDHEIM Book ey ARTHUR LAURENT8 Dlr.cted and •oreoeraphed by JOHN SPINDLER -EKS~ B FFET ELABORATE MOTHER'S DAY BUFFET Roast Beef ~ Fresh Salads Roast Lamb 1!fY & Much More' Bourbon Glazed Ham Decoratjve Marriott lce'Carvinas Marriott's Famous Twin Pianos I OUR FAMILY HOLIDAY DINNERS ARE BECOMING A TRADITION. Sunday, May 9 Served Pool-Slae · 9:30-3:00 And our Reauf•r Champqne Brunch Served in the Mediterranean Room 9:30-3:00 ~, I ' _, ' \ ·~oljen ·-::'. s~ ...., ·~ Si{;)ragon " , '- GENUINE CHINfSE MAHDMIN DISHES Specializing In Chinese A lo C.Orte Dishes . _Lunch Dinner Oatb' • Food To Take Out • 4711 c..-. 011At•• . J02J H.-r .... 750.7171 • 750-IOM • COSTAMISA ,.. .~~. ; ;MJ-7142 • Hl·ttll __ . ..___ -. The Grinder is proud to announce the serving ot Fresh Fash on fnday and Saturday evenings only Lightly breaded and grrlled to a golden brown 1 Only $4.A5 Cahlorn1a Style topped with a maid Spanish Sauce and sliced tomato and avocadO . Only M .95 NewPort Beech 1400 Pacillc Coast Hwy Huntington Beech PiClllC Coast Hwy. So. of Plef ti. wt're Lowtr• C....-. Not• do WI,_. Cnb Legl but M '-II ... flAtlMr hllt Ill\. INtmp. .... .,.... Wt ..... I .............. , ............... ~..,,. IW' fftll1rtwe111WtprtmeltbendOllW ...... ,,,. ._.. .......... u,.. ,...,... ..... , ....... ••••it"' a.. ..... · VOUCM._"9 .... teol .................. llUt .. ~ ....... A I • ' "' . .. ·~J ... -~ . ~,. A VERY SPECIAL JAPANESE RESTAU_!lANT Award winning traditional Japanese cuisine and superb western-style specialties. Your favorite seafood, chicken, and steak. Delicate soups and delightful salads. Impeccable service in a most beautiful setting. Discover Yamato ... a very special dining experience. uaDaato 60 Fuhior Island N~wport Beach / 644-4811 <;~ntury Plau Hotel • 217-1840 DISCOVERBLACKBEARDS NEW LOOK We've cMnged Ind have a newly remodeled lou19t, ~bar and dinner,,....,, COME ON OVER and ENJOY Mother• Da1 CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH or DINNER AT BUCK8£AIU1S MotMt'a Der .,.., ... HON1Y UKID KAiii WE FEATURE COMBO SPE- CIALS, PRIME Al8 OR TOP 8 1 ALO IN WITH CRAB, SHRIMP OR SCALLOPS. MONDAY NIGHT JAZZ 9 J! a f r I IO N CIO O> T"'" g i ~ ,, "C u.. • ,, i 1 ~ -~ ii: • ~~~T VIDEO ENTERTAINMENT • ' Body Heat ...... -NEWEST RELEASES•NOSTALGIA•CONCERTS AELIGIOUS•SPOATS·CHILORENS•AOUlT INCLUDING THESE TITLES TIME BANDITS ARTHUR BANG THE DRUM SLOWLY WALT DISNEY'S POLLYANNA MODERN PROBLEMS STRIPES TltOUIA.HOI OF TAl'U AHO DtSCS TO CHOOSE F"OM (OPEN: M -F. 10.9-SAT. 10·6-:SUN. 12-6l ONE STOP FOR ALL YOUR VIDEO NEEDS ASK ABOUT OUR EQUIPMENT RENTALS 369 East S.~tmlHnth StrHI Cost• MH•. C•hl<Nro• 92617 /714J 631 ·STOP or 631-7867 ACROSS FROM RALPH'S VIDEO- -On canvas------~ Eiden berger • ID rare appearance Joeef Eidenberger, 83-year-old artist who I.a CONldered to be one of the world's foremost color etchen, will make a rare penonal appearance in Orange County from 1 to 4 p.m., May 2. The AUltrlan-bom arUst will be at Whitman's Galleries which II now exhibiting 200 of the prints he created by the intaglio multi-plate etching pro- cess. Whitman'• ta located at 3545 East Coast Highway in Corona del Mar. Born in 1899 in Goilem, Austria. Eidenberger started bis career aa a landlcape painter there. In 1923, he enrolled In the Graphic Academy of Art in The ultin1* in .. andSOlnl.~ re-reoorded SI new digitll saereo. <U.~· FmlA5lA ............ tM~f_,....,...,"-•• ...._ ....... "-~ ....... "' ... ._, .... ,. -.[g] . ''l~f\Nl,f ... fl I I ' ~ Vienna and atud1ed undtt some of the world's mD8t accompliabed artiltL Starting with oopper engraving ftnt, and then graduatina to et.chini aa a ~um, Eidenberger's spedal\zed ltUdia IOOll brought him .. acoell, espe- cially in the complicated proceea of color etching. Thia will be hi.a seventh visit to the United States. He bu received many commiaaiona here including the Bicentennial in Wllllamaurg, city commlaaiona from Seattle, Denver, and New Or- leana, and many of the nation's presidenta' homes. Eidenberger's art work.a capture the World charm and picturetque 1Cenes of the European and American countryside. His aoftly-<:olored etchings can be found in countlea galleries and print col- lectiona throughout the world . For further Information on Eidenberger's pu- blic appearance, contact Bonnie Whitman, (714) 675-2478. YOU DON'T HAVE'° II UNDll IO TO LOVE llOlltf $ ll9fy T ....... 32. Sec1'ftwy -1 thought PORl<Y'S was rN#y au,,.r. ft was lighthHrted •nd t,,. good gvya won.• C..ltec*ley,31 ..... CounMlof -1 thought PORl<Y'S was great. I would t8ke my 14·year-old to ... It. And I'd~ It to my frl«td&. "I thOught ft was grHt from •t•rt to fin/ah. I l•UQh«J all,,,. way thfOUfJh It. H ze • .. c --Diversions-· ____ ._.... ______ llllliliilill_...~ ...... ----i- .~PLAYS --.. wom~n whfileama for vitality in her loveleu !ZND ANNUAL SEE FF.STIVAL, where Sou-~ ~· w be-itafdd at 7 p.m. Sunday ln UC them California artists and tta.ftamen display and I Irvin«: ~«: Arts Village Theater. Carmen Zapata ,aell their wares, ia 10 a .m.-4 p.m. Saturday and _f __ s~ m Bilin~ Foundation of the Arts presenta-Sunday at Long Beach Museum of Art, 2300 E . :_ "THE HUMBLE KING," a children's thea~r production, plays Saturday and May 8 at Cal State Fullerton. Reservations and information 773--3371 . "THE GREAT AMERICAN WANDERUNG " a hike with outdoor theater and picnic, will be presented May 22 and 23 at Irvine Regional Park by Open Windows, a participation theater company. Tickets $12. Information and ~ationa 848-5553. "VERMA," a play ab9ut a young Spanish Come lht1y And l:ntor WALT DISNEY'S FAllTAllA (01 At 12:00 2:30 5:00 7:30 l :H . Eaan. ... 111..-. - Aw.rd Winner •n.LGSJ MK( 1:002:15 5:307:••10:10 AC.ec UT THEM • llllllCK IPGI Shows at 7: 30 1:30 •Midnight 0...._.IBUT l'tCTUftll atAMOrs•AM (PQ) 12:00 2:35 5:10 7:• 10:10 * CINE Pl IOUfifO• Otr•t to .,_ ~ , .... , •IM * "°"' IMn.,y -•ted _, ..... , .... , TUN to IJn Britt Eklend In ..... ..,...,", HeHNilht(R) AICiWd~1n -OF HEM (A) "'-! S.0.8. IA) C\W&UU The Oroow Tube (Al A Litt .. lex (ft) All 0..1 .. 1 .. °'"" 1:00 P'M W..den/7:30 w...on. CHILDREN UNDER 12 PRH UlllLE• NOTED .,.. don't ..... movie ,,,,..,.. __ unqadlled 1111.• -Vincent Oonby, NEW YORK TIMES ; uon. Information and tickets 833--6379. · Ocean Blvd., Long Beach. Admiasion free. "ALADDIN,, AND "MERLIN" rformed b Lilliput Players, an educational ~ compar.i/ available for showing at Orange County and LOnB Beach schools by calling 731 -2792. Presentations underwritten by corporations. -ART----------_;._ .. "" LE GRAND CASINO gala featuring a hosted &: bar, gourmet cuisine, roulette, bingo, blackjack, ~ craps, dancing, diMer and a 17-plece orchestra, is at • 6:30 p.m . May·8 at Newport Karbor Art Museum, ~ 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beech. Tickets i!: See Diversions, Page 12 ~ -co CD N THE ~LY t-10YIE POWERED BY LET THERE BERO€K $IOfmg BON scon . ANGUS YOUNG MALCOlM YOlJ'.IG PHIL RUDO • CUFF WILUAMS ~and o...ct9d~ ERIC OtONVSIUS ono ERIC MISTLER I THE~ OF SOUND I 1he largest and loudest rock and roll sound system fN9r to be installed In a theatre. I /IGIOC ..__on AMNnC llecodl a-.cs lop!! I •• -~ .1 .. ..._ ··!!1-::::-.==-:1 ' 12 ~--Diversions---------------- g ~ Page 11 COLLABORATED WORD by Chapman Col- -for the black-tie affair are $175 each. Information lege students Sharon Robison and James Hay dis-~ 759-1122. played May 3.-7 1n college'• G~eim Gallery, < 333 N. Glas8ell St., Orange. Gallery hours 1-5 p.m . CERAMIC SCULPTURES, African motif ba- tiks and etchlno are featured at F.aat/West Primi- tives Ltd., 384 F'"oreat Ave .. Suite 17, Laguna Beach. Hours 11 a.m.-5 p.m . Wednesday through Sunday. ~ CHINESE BRUSH AND OD.. PAINTINGS by Monday through Friday. Aclmmion free. ~ Jo Pattenon shown from 2-5 p.m. May 15 and 16 at DANCE ~ 17682 Beach Blvd., Suite 102, Huntington Beach. SILVER LANDSCAPES, black and white -------------- i THE REAL TIDNG: SOUTHERN CALIFOR-photographs by Andrew D. Shumaker go on display OCC ANNUAL STUDENT DANCE CONCERT -0 Tuesday at Natural History Museum, 900 Exposi-is at 8 tonight and Saturday in OranJe Coast Col- e NIA REALIST PAINTING, survey of recent realist tion Blvd., Los Angeles. A.d.milaion $1. lege Auditorium, Costa ~esa. Admission $4. Infor-~ painting done in Southern Calllomia, opens today mation 556-5880. j at Laguna Beach Muaewn of Art. 307 Cliff Drive, WATERCOLORS by painters from Pacific ~ Laguna Beach. Museum hours 11:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Northwest go on dis= Saturday at Challis Gal-.. SNOW WBJTE," a bellet for children is at 3 _ ~.X except Mondays: leries, 1390 S. C.oMt way, Laguna Beach. See Diversions, Page 13 ~~=-----------------:----:-------===========================;-----------___;:..._ ____________ _ Q: .. Pryor is wooderf ulJ He is tender, hilarious, thoughtful.~· 9C8.l'ed and deadly ef'Odmt." -Shri1e ~. l.<l8 ANOU.ES TlM&S t c... ....... .,... •• , I /~I w ,, ,; I i N, I,. -1! • 11 ~~ .. MfAmA"• .............. 'ACIFIC THEATHS OllfV( ... S_, MEETS ""'°'""'..us--not .. ," KAUOa llVO OlllVf· .. 6 .._ OAIVf·ffl ..... , .... _._ ---Mll!Mfl ., ....... 1-41 .. ,. •··· .,,. ANAHEIM DRIVE IN "t'NVATI L1el()N9• flll -"AACOUSl"' '"' Cllll " IClll'IO ----------.-----------.. _._..... __ , __ , ___ "" --11Q MC~ !"I "CAT NCMIU" I'll Cllll " -Clllt " '°""" -" " • a "' ~ BUENA PARK Ulm't IN Uncolfl _ ...... ICIOCMI t2M070 -- .. • •• 4. ~ .... t LINCOLN D~l\I( IN l_ ............. OllCftOll 121·4070 -. •.; . ,, FOUNTAIH VALLEY DlllVf IN S-Oleeo'm • ........... (IO) 1 Ml-Mal . .. " h l/tl..f 39: _. wf II; -- ' .', ri..,81.•A •'•' •• ....... So. '--·-,....., 191·1693 ..., __ ., __ "CttAMOTI OP ,.... !NI -~MntUfl" CN I C.·AIOUllD ---!90MY'9" ... , -.,. ........ .., C.·lt- ) I I I ·13 Diversions-----~----~-----l From Page 12 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at Irvine Cultural c.enter, 17302-A Daimler St., Irvine. Adult tickets $3. Inf9rmation 979-1582. LOS LUPENOS D,E SAN JOSE perform Me- xican folk dances at & tonigh t in UC Irvine Fine Arts Village Theater. General admission $5. Infor- mation 833-6379. ·-EJc:--· ------ MOTHER'S DAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH is Sunday at Knott's Berry Fann, Buena Park. Fun- fighters, cancan dancers and Rene's Marionettes entertain daily. "WITNESS WOMANKIND," readings, interla- ced with song and dance, staged at 8 p.m. May 7 in UC lJVine Concert Hall by AAUW. Admission $5. Infonnation 833-0570. GEM AND MINERAL SHOW is 10 am.-6 p.m. May 8 and 10 a..m .-5 p .m. May 9 at Brookburst Community Center, 2271 W. Cre9cent SL, Anaheim. Admission free. Gems, jewelry, findings, cutting materials, books and equipment on display and sale. COMPUTER SHOWCASE EXPO is at Ana- heim Convention Center May 7-9. Ad.mission $7.50. IN WILDEST TIBET, a photo-lecture, is at 6:30 p.m. May 7 and 8 at Wilshire Ebell Theater, .4401 W. 8th St., Los Angeles. Admission $8. Presented by Sierra Club. ''Rivllls '2001' ,,,.,, . 'STAR WARS''' _.,.,,,.,,, «Jlo4Dla, us ..... SPORTS FOR~IGN AUTOF AIR, featuring Ferraris plus formula, sports and vintage race cars and parts, is 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday at Los Alamitos Race Track. Information (213) 923-3310. PBILOSOPRER BARBARA WINTERS speak.a on "Inferring: Reasoning in Humana and Animala" at 4 p.m. Monday in Chaf'a:!n College S. tudent Union B&Jilding, 333 N. G 11 St., Orange. Ad- mission free. , ¥YOU COULD WHAT I HEAR" <N> • f2lll. ,., "'' ,,,... ... "CAT PEOPLI" . <•> -. ....... .,. .. "STRIPES'' .... "GROOVE TUllE" ffiO- ~:~; J_ ' I I .. . \ j I I • ---·-- ' '.' .. .. ..... · ~ .. '! i i .~ .• ), Cltarpr 'T'k*ll S. ~ 1213)460-4411 t k ktts 1t IM Box Oflke or Tickrtron. Croup Saks: (213) 464·7521. • OPENS MAY.tTH • MUSlCCTNTER Q OON:mfY CKAHOU'll ~PAVILION l 0 \ A N '• f_ l • \ C I V I ( l ! G H T 0 P I: R A The oddest team on the squad and the funniest cops in America. ' 14 -<-. I -.g l: ~ ~ 'O ~ u. i 'O i 1 ~ -.2 a: .'A· DEATHTRAP MICHAEL CAINE CHIUSTO,HE" MEVE DYAN CANNON The trap is set ... For a widcedty funny who.lklo-it. in -Ll¥1N'I •DEATHTlUU'" E;ecu1...e Producer JAY PRESSON ALLEN Aucx .. ~ Produc.er ALFRED de LIAGRE. JR Hwc by JOHNNY HANDEL Produ<.e<1 by BURTI HARRIS Scr~y by JAY PRESSON ALLEN e.~ on u.c stl,e 111•1 bt IRA LEVIN :>oreciec1 br SIDNEY LU.MET r==:-r==-:==::=====-=i '~-----• .. -cow-.-..r'°"" CO#Nl4¥ ~ --·- ..... _ ............... ·~ .~·· ~ !II! __ ..,_ WINNER 8f..ST ORIGINAL SCO~ -VANOtLIS 8fST ORIGINAL SCRf.UiP~Y ·couN wruNtD 8f..ST COSTUMt-MELINA CA.NONERO .· .· - l : ' I ·.< _ _] -r -' '. I t ~--µ~' .. .. ···~ w -Diversions----- .Country weekend slated AT CRAZY BOBSB -Clyde and Bobbi Luca• will perform at the Crazy Horse Monday at 9:30 p.m. S.Cking them will be t.he Marine Kelp Cowboy Band. Appearing on the &1me program will be guest artist Charley D. Packard and Newport entertai- ner J.J. Mack. From Page 13 Knott's Berry Fann'• "Academy of Country Music Awards Wee- kend" kicks off tonight through Saturday with country stara Eddy Ra- ven and Terry Gregory topping the roster of performers. Both country singers will perform in Knott's 2,100-seat Good Time Theater at 8 and 10 p.m. tonight and Saturday, with additional country entertainers appearing on \he Cloud 9 stage throughout the wee- kend. Among the singers wlll be Tex Williams, Eddie Dean, Billy Mize, Sue Thompeon and Doye O'Dell, all performing thelr moat popular coun- try hi ta and backed by the award-winnina Aa.- demy of Country Music AU-Star Band. Show times ln the M Sic Cloud 9 will be 7:30 and -U ----------9:30 tonight and 7:30, 9 and 10:30 p.m. Saturday. EXPERIMENT AL VOCALIST Joan La Bar-.K. n 0 tt • 1 reg u la r bara perfonna at 8 p.m. Wednesday at Newport Townsfolk Country Harbor Art Museum, 850 San Clemente Drive, Band, along with wild Newport Beach. Admitaion free. west gunfighters and high-stepping cancan FREDDY FENDER perfonns at 5 and 8 l?·m.. dancere will also enter- May 9 at National Orange Show, San Bernardino. t.ain 1uesta tonight and lnlormatlon 855-0201. Saturday. Operating hours for AIJ,.AMERICAN BOYS CHORUS performs at Knott'• academy wee- 3 p.m . Sunday at La Mirada Civic Theater. _Mem-kend wlll be until mld- ben include boys from Newport Beach, Huntington night tonight and from Beach and Carta Mesa. Information 533-7600. 10 a.m. to midnlght Sat- ENSEMBLE FOR MUSIC IN OOR TIME urday. Al Jarreau aeta O.C. performs at 8 p.m. May 7 at Chapman Collep, 333 N. Glulell St., Orange. Piano worlu will be per- formed at 8 p.m. Saturday by Patriot Amelotte and 'e>prano Julie Roberta performs at 8 toniaht at O\apman College. All admilaiona tree. information ce "7-8811. appear an --... .................... ~------------~------=--- .4ll.l am MO 111 , ...... M.CXIYl nlf HAL OF n.E MOTION P'ICTl#IE COOE OF SEl, MGIAJI TION If it's got wheels you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot classified ad.CaH 642-5671 and a friendly ad-visor will help you turn r.our wheels ntocash. WINNER OF 3 ACADEMY AWARDS ...... 119-.aA" ............ UT/-.a11, ...... ...... .., ' ' ..... ,. ... UT,..1:11,.._ 1:11 .... (ft) • - • • • .. ~..,i:_~ -. : I • ' .. . · -· - -Piiot Weekender, Friday, Aprt 30, 1982 • --· 1 --·"' !gf I 2 ·'He I . Jl~~~ n~ . ' " n ill?. .. ,'l1.1., .• rflt[ ~HJr i!~" i11 •1--flr l1r! ' 1·a, · fj~I · 1!: flit~~ hHb hrJi: 1 ~ ~ =I ' ... ~ -· ! I 1 1 .. l a !I~ s -· ~ ·--'~ . I .: !. '' ~; .. ~ ~~-a-' II J f II t1 . I ~I ,l ll • ·I zl!! i l "•f, ~1e1 r§ j. JIL' . lf~f ::.. ~· .... .,.~ • -~oc • .. Jl'J;r .i 1r . hf . '1l1:'1r ;n µr u~J lb ~~!i nru~ 1!.b: ~!f '< u!11 ,Ji1 ;-~,1~ ~f11flJ.IUl . Q!J,1 .J!uf uf llfdl ,, ~f 1H ui1 ~12=-lrrdJ ;:d1H In.it trr ~ -·: c -~ ~~·~-~~-• -11&---~· -. . 'H ·,''l'i:I' ~ • i'° [~ '-~/ ·'-. .. If .. J; \II' ,l:r,.1U i!~.12' r,·~ i . . ~-. __ i" · l ii Ji .f 1 s ti! u lffl,1 !~~_\:;· .·. 911"',Jf '. · , -~' J~I d~!Jj = !f ii _.: .Q L, ~· --·~f ; ~ti[ JrJ111[ (JQ f i i ~ _ ~ . .. -1 1~ 1 rr \ - ' f. -f J ! 'f J l --~ :\l1r &' l (A.'' I • 1! .fi I ' u,, ll.,,, U11 Hf1 n ~ . ~fl fJ f ;:111 ~JU ~11 t'I l _.1___ """ _ _,._.: . .,. !~, ... 1 1lfaH·i,I l- i .i 9 r Ii -., '>-7-. • •• -, ,.= • ill .. i t& ' 1 I ~ 0 L Q \,; ·J . L er~ ' J :11,}" t 2 ti ~ -~. . . :·. ii~, Iii •t J' ~i 1,f --· Q. ~i~ :· ;· h,."·. ~. 'l ! 'j 11_· I,,,_ 11111 • '.;'~ • i':.1o:_~ ' i f !l~ lJ! afl i ... ~·_ .·. ~8:11' ;. I -1-.. -.. _ --~ tf... 1rtt l't ··I , .. , ~'I ~ r" . ., ---i1, t' ,. J~t ·~JI ~§ -·. --. . _':<:;!.~.,,..~ • s ii ~ E ~ l -.~1 s ... . , lis; ,1 ~n -· :-· i s . -1 I " 'i : ·~~.~~:.•--. i ". i Ill • '° -~;•·rr~·-~"-"'·~ .. . • l~f I }if . Jl! .! If -----.. -~- ,. . I . I . , •• llllCIC• 1111111111 IUCI /11111111 lllllf; FRIDA Y. APRIL 30. 1982 OR ANGE:. COUN I Y C ALIFORNIA 25 CEN TS Sirhan par ole b id Plot link~d to jail?· 1# ....... . COAST MAN PROTESTS -John Mancino of Huntington Beach stands outside Soledad PNon Thunday, waving petitions toward pa- role hearing. Petitions proie.t 1984 parole date for Sirhan Sirhan. Woman burned in crash By PHIL SNEIDERMAN .or .. o.eir ,.. • ..,. A 65-year-old Huntington Beach woman who was pulled from a flaming Cadlllac involved in a three-vehicle collision Thursday remained in critical condition today at UCI Medical Center. A hospital spokeswoman said the victim, Selma Denktaa, of 6811 Scenic Bay Lane, hu ae- oand and third-degree bums over 35 percent of her body. Huntin&lon Beaich police offi- cer Randy Payne and several bystanders were credited with reecuing Mra. Denktaa from the vehicle after it fiipped over and bW'Bt into flames during a mia- hap at 9:11 a.m. at GoldenWest NATION Stieet and Garfield Avenue. Four others received minor injuries in the collision, police said. Huntington Beach traffic offi· cer J. C. Dowling reconstructed the accident this way: Eain Denktaa, 29, was north· bound on Golden Wst with her mother, Colingil Suat, 54, and her mother-in·laW, Selma Denk- taa, • iwnaera in the CacfOtac. AD live at the same Scenic Bey Lane addrees. Wltn-. told _police the CMifl- lac entered the intenec:tion and wu st.ruck broadside by a Mer- cedes driven by Julia Marie Lammano. 36, of 5541 Ridgebury Drive, Huntington Beach. Upon impact, the Cadillac skidded out of control, struck a motorcyclist, sheared otf a fire hydrant, eending a gusher 25 feet skyward, knocked over a traffic light pole, fiipped on its roof and bunt into flames. Eain Denktu and Mr•. Suat were able to crawl out of the vehicle, but the elder Mn. Denktaa WU trapped in the beck seat until Officer Payne and aome b~ broke the win- dows and pulled her to safety. Ms. Lammano, the driver of the Me.rcedea. Ronald Lee Stude, 24, of Huntington Beach, who was riding the motorcycle, and the two women who freed themselves from the Cadillac were all treated at local hospitals and releued. .............. .,.., ....... Weat Street and Garfield Avenue Thunday. Three women -Are pulled from the buminl car, one of whom WM c:rttkally injured. COUNT Y ' Witness labeled 'a liar' From Wlre Servket SOLEDAD -Inmate Robert Bell, who aaid be first ~ted with a witneu a1awt Sirhan Sirhan In Orange County Jail, labeled the witneu "a chronic liar'' Tbunday. Bell teatifled to the parole board about witneu Lawrence Ea,,.... wu.on, wbo bad told the board Sirhan had th.reet.ened to kill Sen. Edward M . Kennedy. Bell WM the aeoond witnem of the day to diapute the death threat claim. Sirhan, convicted auaain of Sen. Robert F . Kennedy, has denied allegations of threats against the eeoond Kennedy bro- ther . Bell, a ooovict.ed burglar, told Sirhan'• parole boar.d that key wtm.. Wu.on, la ''a chronic liar'' and .. a prolific manipulator." 'nM! board la conaidering whether - to re8C'ind Sirhan'• 1984 parole date. . Bell said Wilton approached him in 1978 and auggeated he oonoborate WU.00'1 ttory about the alleged Sirhan death threat. "He wanted me to say I over- heard him and Sirhan talkin, about political f.icuree and that heard him say he WM goina to aua•ainate Edward Kenn~ after h.la (Sirhan'•) reie.te," said. Initially, Bell Mid be did tell that ttory to authorities but now claimed be WM lying. When pa- role board member Loretta Col- lier referred to a previow state- ment by Bell quoUnc Sil'han • saying, "l ain't finitbed with him (Robert Kennedy) yei. ru aet hla brother," Bell w• adamant. "He didn't uy none of that," Bell said of Sirhan. Aaked i.f he (See SllUIAN, Pqe AJ) Youth ruled eligible for Little League National Little Le.cue offidalt have ruled that 12-year-old Arri Buford i• ell1lble to continue p1aJinl b•etiall in the Fountain Valley ~NC111b Jeuue. The declalon 11 expected to end a relkleDey dltput.e IUn'OWl· ·~i':: ~rHldent of Fountain Valley North, aald nadmlal Little Leacue oUldaJa in Wlll.lamaport. Pa., notified him late th.la week of their dec:Uion that Arri .. ~. 'l'bcam L. Bi-own. attorney for the Buford t.mlly, hM l.ndJcated the family will drop lta JaWIU.lt aplnlt Little I.....-• IOOll • writtiln cantirmation of the decl- 8on .. r..tved. Arri .. expected to be pla~ wtth hill team the Am-oe on Sat.- urday at th• Ll1bthouae Lane field In l'cultaln V UJ.y. The Buford family lived In J'ountain Valley for nine years. Lut year, Arrl'a father James Buford.. a dlubMd veteran, mo- (IM LIT'n.B, Paae Al) EYING SKY -Marine Maj. Tom Guiney peen through goggles and window of helicopter. He was watching para- chuti•ta jump from another helicopter during practice Thunday for weekend Marine air show at El Toro. See story and additional photo, Page Bl. U.S. cuts export,- aid to Argentina WASHINGTON (AP) -Se-. cretary of State Alexander M. Haig J r. annou nced economic aanctiona and the auapenaion of milltary exports to Argentina to- day and said the United States would "reapond ~tively to re- quests for materiel atpp>r't" for Britain in the crisis over the Falkland lt1anda. "There will of course be no direct U .S . militar y involvement," Haig said in an- nound.n4i the aanctiona ordered by President Beagan after Ar- gentina on Tburaday rejected anew U.S. efforts to mediate the ditpute. Hale said while be pc 11 ed the effort at mediation. the United State• refrained from taking aides in the crhia, and Britain understood that position. "Now, however, in light of Ar1entina'1 failure to accept a compromlae, we mutt take con- crete 1te1J1 to uncle.ncore that the United Stat.a cannot and will not condoJie the use of unlawful force to rnolve di1pute1, .. he ..tel. Argentina invaded the Brltlah-beld ltlanda April 2, and the Britllh emt \heir' fleet to the South AtlanUc to mount a bloc- INDEX A4 A8 81-7 M B2 Dl,DM SPORTS • m Cl M kade that took full effect at 4 a.m.,' PIYI' today. Even as he announced Amet· lean support for Britain, "our closest ally," Haig said that in the end there will have to be a ne; gotlated settlement of the terrt.- ·torial dispute over the lplll'Rly populated islands 250 miles off the Argentina coast. "Otherwise we will all face unending hostility and ~ in the South Atlantic," HaiC He began by saying that the crisis was entering "a new and dangerous phase in wblah large-scale military action at likely." He reviewed what be called.._ "extraordinary effort" by th .. United Stats to find a~ 30lutJon, an effort that aent him • shuttling between London and Buenoa Aires. . Haig said the United Stat.et Md propoeed "a fair and ~· settlement that would have ill·, duded an end to boetilitles, miJl!, tary withdrawal by both ..._ creation of an interllli Brillah-Arsentine-U.S. authaliq, to aclmin1ater the ltlanda and .. creation of a fnmewodt fOJ' mo aodatlolll to determine the nn.a: aettlement. -r. SIRHAN HEARING heard a conver.tion about Ken- ~y, he Mid, "No. I dJdn't." f BitU tald he aareed to U. foe ', illon when the two of them (were toaether at the Oran1e ,County Jail becau.e Wlllon oon-~ lvlnced hlm he had ''juice" and Could influence authoritiel to be nJenlent with Bell, who wu then ., ~waltlnl trial. ~ "He wu always buddy-buddy Jnd uked me if I needed , ~," he laid o1 wu.cn. But .;later he said he learned that "'Wilson was known throughout &he pri.an system u a liar. . "tverybody knows Larry ~WU.On is a chronic liar," he tes- Utied. Aaked if Sirhan ever dla- cu.ed polltict. ta. llid no. ''Ht didn't talk to hardly anybody,'' he said. "He WU jult by hlmlelt." Aaked who Sirhan'• cloeeat fl1a WU, he aa1d: "HiJmelf." Asked ff he might be ptting 90methina for this teltimony, he re lied; ''1 ain't gettin' nothin'.'' k:uer, William "Old Man" Kogan, 60, aa.id Sirhan. whom he conaidered a friend, wu the ~­get of opportUnilUc prilonen who sought to make polntl for them- .elves by wheedling Sirhan'• Ule story out of him and embelll- shlnsc it. ~LITTLE LEAGUE. • • .. ved, temporarily to Detroit for ~treatment. Arri, however, wu living in 1rountain Valley with a family /riend during December and Ja- nuary, when Uttle League regi- •Jtration for the cunent season ;~-conducted, Engel aakl. 1, With strong pitching and hit- tinl, Arri helped the Aatrol reach .~~· ., The Vet.erana A.d.miniatratJon cfecently relocated the Buford itamily to Garden Grove, and «llJ)e rival coaches pro1eSted that Arri was not eligible to play ln , Fountain Valley· North . But league preaident Engel said the national decision appa- rently hinges on the fact that ellgiblllty ia determined by where a youth wu living at the time of registration. Now that the decision was reached, Enael said he hopes lo- cal Little Leque partidpanta can return to concentrating on the game. "I ha~e to see what this has done to our Jeecue, '' be said. "I'd like to get it behind U1 and just go back to playing bueball." . On of re leak solved ' Problenu that caused a n on- radioactive leak to a nuclear po- wer plant in San Onofre have been identified and corrected, Southern California Edison Co. reported Thunday. Art auction aids Anaheim homeless An art auction to benefit Ana- heim fire victlma will be held Satu rday and Sunday at the South Coast Plaza Hotel ln c.o.ta Mesa. Interior Transfer of Yorba Linda will be 1elling Utbosrapha, fine art and braa and porcelain pieces Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.andSundayfromlOa.m.to • p.m. at the hotel, 666 Anton Blvd. Ben efits slashed SACltAMENTO (AP) -Slee- ping pills, antihistamines, and eyeglasses for people with 20-40 vision or better are among the Medi-Cal benefits to be elimina- ted in a tentative plan to cut the program by $500 million, a legi- slative aide said Thursday. Water from the reactor's coo- ling system escaped Wednelld.ay from Unit 2 of the San OnofrP. Nuclear Generating Station, which i.a undergoing startup tes· ting. Such leakage i.a common to the startup procedure in any large power plant, company sp<>- kesman David Barron aid. The incident occurred during testing for leakage in valves and p iping in the reac tor coolant system at high temperatures and pressures, Barron said. Nuclear fuel in the reactor has not yet been irradiated and no ~vity was releaed ln the i&lddent, he aajd. Polynesian dance competition set Polynesian national dance competition will be held Satur- day at the Huntington Beach High School gym, according to Pat Down!)'. president of the spol'llOfinl Exchange Cluh. About :>OU dancen att a:hedu- led to compete from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., Downey said. There wUl be a $3 admillion fee. ............ P REGNANT ASTRONAUT -Rhea Seddon Git.on and her husband Robert, both astronaut.I, have announced that they are expecting a baby late this sununer. Mn. Gibeon is the first member of the astronaut corps to become pregnant. Raid brings quest by job seekers More than 20 would-be work- ers showed up at the B.P. John f umiture plant ln Santa Ana to- day seeking to fill jobs fonnerly held by suspected undocumented workers removed Thursday by federal agenta. An employee said the firm's personnel office was busy hand- Art Festival to fe ature handicapped About 1,500 handicapped stu- d e n ta from Orange County IChoola will be participating Sat- urday in the sixth annual "A Very Special Arts Festival'' at South Coast Plaza shopping center ln c.o.ta Mesa. Carol Johnston, star of the television show "Let~." and Jay Maclntoth of ''The Waltons" will be on hand for the opening ce- remonies at 10:30 a .m. in the Carowlel area. Students will display their art work and perfonn .onga, dances and musical programs until 4 p.m. at the shopping center. Studenta from Fairview State H09pital will participate ln two dance routines near the Seara lto?'e at 11 a.m. ling applications th.ls momLng in the wake of the raid in which 130 workers were taken lnto cuatody. Immigration and Naturalizati- on Service and Border Patrol agenta deecended on the plant at 2001 E. Dyer Road as part of the week-long "Ope ration Jobs" campaign be ing c onduc ted nationwide. The purpoee of the operation ls to remove undocumented work ... era from jobs, thus making the positions available to people who are either U.S. citizens or are in the county legally, offidals aay. ThW'8day's enforcement act.ion in Orange County alao led to the detention of 52 people employed at the West American Rubbe r Co., 750 N. Main St., Orange. A switchboard operator said the firm would have no corrunent on the raid. Slnce Monday, when the first raids occurred in Los Angeles, more than 600 suapected undo- cumented workers have been ta- ken into custody. Many workers wer e released after producing documents showing they were legally within the United States. Those ~ho cannot produce necessary papen face deporta- tion. Operation Jobs baa drawn strong protest from leaders of Hispanic, civil rights and reli- gio us groups who claim the sweeps are discriminatory and racially motivated .· French musicale at Golden West French music wlll be per- formed and French paatriea will be eerved at two concert.a called "Soiree Musicale," planned at Golden Weat Col- lege ln HunUnaton Beach. The~ wUl besOn 3t 8 p.m. Saturday and at 2:30 p .m. Sunday, May_ 9. The •A Greenpeace ho t air balloon will be featured at the "Flight for P e ace" picnic- rally scheduled at noon Sa t- urday at Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley. The event will inclu de •Golden West College's Community Chorale and Ma· drigal Singers wiU perform at a free concert slated for 3 p.m Sunday in Forum 11 on the •A four-part lecture senes on graphology -the art of handwriting ana lysis -is being offered next month by Coastline Community Col- lege. Taught by analyst Sarah C. Engle, the series will be of- ooncena wUl take place in the college's main theater. Concer t pia nist and in s tructor Rose Au Wood wiU perform Sweets will be ser- ved by t h e F ren<:h Club. Tickets may be reserved in advance by calling the coll<'ge bookstore, 894-6070. speakers and mus1c1ans rl'- presen u ng the nuclear dis- armament movement. Green- peace is working on a Com- prehensive Test Ban Trc•aty that is seen as a first step lo ward full dLSarnlamenl Huntington Beach campus Selecuons will range from classical t.o popular music and will include gospel tunes and folk son~. fered Monday evenings, May 3 through May 24 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Robinwood LA-ar· ning Cen t e r, Hunungton Beach. More details are avaal;i ble by calling 963-0811 , extension 256 County jobless rate expected to rise Although Orange County's jo- bleaa rate remained unchanged through March, unemployment i.a expected to awell ln the county by .rune when college graduates flood the job market, according to Employment Development De· partment figure s r e leased Thursday. According to labor market analyst Alta Yetter, the county 's 6.1 percent jobless rate "still compares very favorably" to the March unemployment rates for the state and the nation -9.4 and 9 percent respectively. The EDD figures indicated that 73,000 Orange County residents w e r e o ut of work 1n March , compared to 72,000 in February. The unemployment ra te remai· ned unchanged because the size of the labor market increased. The March 1982 rate compared t.o an unemployment rate of 4.3 percent posted in March of last year in Orange County. Ms. Yetter said the outlook for the future isn't bright, predicting that the jobless rate will r ise considerably in future mon ths because of near-certain layoffs in manufacturing. She said that the increased hi- ring in trade and service indu- ~tries probably will not off.set the layoffs. Students from the Huntington Beach City School District will perform from 1:40 to 2:30 ln the Jewel Court. A.l.ao, students from the Hunt- ing'ton Beach Union High School Diairict, Magnolia School Dlstnct and the Newport-Mesa Unified School Dlatrlct will display art 'Alabama ' tops country mu~ic ,projects. Mandrell, Haggard sha r e best vocalist awards By Tiie Alaodaced Presa Some sunshine due The roddna countq . band cal- led Alabama WM the lq winner at the 17th annual Academy of · Country Music awards, taking two honon ln addition to being named entertainen of the year. ger Randy Owen. "It'• a great honor. Lut year we did 300 days on the roed and we're glad all the peo le Uatened.'' ~ill Mandrell'• top female vocallat award marked her fourth honor from the Loa Angelea- bued academy. for "Elvira." The song ia the subject of a $10 million federal lawsuit by members and aurvi- von of the Rivingtons, who claim that the "Oo-papa-mau-mau" refrain of "Elvira" was stolen from a Rivt.ngtons hit. t;ocM tONglll Wlln tempereturN ranging from 54 lo 59. Morritng tow cloud• on Saturday with moatly o..1nQ In ewty attemoon '80fM hazy twnlhiM due. Hight ee 10 10. EJMwMr•, from POlnt Concep- tion to tM M••lcan border ano ·out eo m1Me: Light .. .,1.bla w1ne11 Anlght and morning houra. beco-mlnO _,to IOU1.,._t 10 10 15 knot8 In the .n.moon. loeley encl ••tUfNy. WHterly •well 1 IO 2 feet, except local 3 to 6-loot bl!'* .... In outer waten oetly cloudy thfough Saturday Ith partial ctearlng and aome In the anamoon. Temperatures ~ .. lllf llPlll Barbera Mandrell WU named top female vocaltat Thursday night, Merle Haaard won top male vocalist, and the duo of David Frizzell and Shelly Weal won top vocal duo and 90ng ot the year, for "You're the Reuon God Made Oklahoma,'' ln the ceremony at Knott'• Betry Fann. Alabama. which ie. than two years ago wu playing a bar in Myrtle Beach, S .C .. claimed "Hat" trophlea for top vocal lf'OUP and album of the yeer for their "Feela So RI1ht.'' A year aao. the bend won the top vocal group award. "I think the academy just kind of 1-da the way," said lelld atn- "You've been very, very aood to me for a very long time," the linger told the audience of 2,000 at the Buena Park amusement park. Haggard wu not on hand to claim his best male voca.llat tro- phy -hla 14th Hat trophy and his sixth for male vocalist Juice Newton wu another ab- sentee winner ln the best new female vocaliat cate1ory. But IUcky siuaa said. '"nwlk you. Lorcf" aa he collected h1a award for beat new male vocallst. The Oak Rtd1e Boys, gospel l1ncen turned country, won the atncJe record of the yew award • However, in accepting the best single award. Oak Ridge Boy Joe Bonsall said without referring to the lawsuit that the band had first heard "Elvira" sung by a group in Texas a few yean ago. "li we knew the name of that little vo~ in Texas we'd buy them a Cad.iliac," Bonsall said. The Clint F.utwood film "Any Which Way You Can" became the first winner of the n ewly- created Tex Ritter award for country motion picture of the year. That award wu preeented by Ritt~r·a IOna, "Three'• Com- pany" •tar John Ritter and his brother Tom. · rnmu~rn ~ 12 die • ID hotel f if.'e Several others injured in , leap from windows BJ ~ AllOdated Preli HOBOKEN, N.J . -A fire of suapAdoua ori1in raced throuah a four-story reeldenUaf hotel before dawn today, k1lJJng 12 people and inju.r1Jll le'Vel'al' othen who leape(l from windows to escape the name.. One woman at a top floor window io.ed her baby ln10 the anm ot two men down below, before lhe jumped benelf. Deputy Fire Chief Edward McDonald Mid "an empty conialner of unknown 1Ubltanoe wu l'elDO-, ved 'from the build!"I· Somethlnc WM there that ahouJdn•t have been.'' Offidala said Sl peofle, lncludinc 13 children were In the Pintert Hote: at the time of the fire. Economic index declines aga~n W ASJDNGTON -The government' a Index of lacil"I Indicators, an import.ant gauge of future economic activity, fell for the 11th straight month In March, the Commerce Depu1ment reported today. The 0.5 percent decline in the index waa the same u in February, hardly an enoourqing sigrl that the reoelllon might be nearing an ena. - The index la designed to. forecut economic trends one month or more in advance. World's Fair opens Saturday KNOXVll..LE. Tenn. -Truda and backhoes, painters and food vendors rushed around the- grounda of the 1982 World's Fair early today, put- ting on the finishing touches for the weekend o~ of the festivities expected to draw 100,000 people to town. The fint world's fair ainoe 1975 and the tint ever in the Southeast opens Saturday for a aix- month run. President Reagan and hia wife, Nancy, will be on hand. London test tube twins horn LONOON -Ja.ephine Smith gave birth to Britain'• first teat tube twins, both boys, at Lon- don's Royal Free H08pital, as her mailman husband Stewart looked on, a h09pital spokesman said today. Daniel and Christopher were born within 10 minutes of each other Thursday night after 'Mrs. Smith, 31, had been in labor for 17 houra, the spo- kesman said. "Mother and babies are doing well," be re- ported. "The babies are normal in every way." Daniel weighed 4 pounds, 11 ounces and Ch.riato- pher 5 pounds, 2 ounce.. Iraqis kill 2,500 Iranians? BEIRUT, Lebanon -Iran said its forces cap- tured a ''large area'' from Iraqi troope in a major offensive in the Iranian oil province of Khuzistan today, but Iraq said it c:ruahed the drive and killed 2,500 Iranian aoldiera. Iran said Iraqi war prison.en were being eva-. cuated from the battle scene to be paraded in Tehran, but Iraq reported "hundreds of enemy captives are being evacuated to Baghdad." the Iraqi capital. Salvador elects independent SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador -A split in the rightist coalition in the c.omtltuent A-embly made pomlble the election of a banker favored by military leaden, the Cbrbtian Democrats and the United States as provisional president of El Salva- dor. The National Conciliation Party broke with the aasembly'a ultra-rightist speaker, Roberto D' Aubumon, and aided with the centrist Christian Democrata to elect Alvaro Magana, 56-year-old he.ad of the National Mortoae Bank for the last 17 years. He la a political inae"Pendent who is consi- dered to have moderately CONervative views. Cop killer loses parole hid SACRAMENTO -'n\e state parole board has canceled the June 13 parole of "Onion FieJd'' killer Greaory Powell, aayl.ng there la new evidence he would be cSanaeroua if releued. Powell, 4A, and a companion were convtc:ted in the March 1963 alayl.ng of Loi Ana'eles police offi- cer Dul Campbell in a field near~ ~ killing and pro~ trial were dramaUzed in JO. aeph Wambaugb a book and film "The Onion Field." State closes San Diego hank -~ SAN DDDGO -Padfic c.o.t Bank. under ln- Yelltlption by bank:ini exunlnen and the FBI for th e put month, bu been clOHd by th e state, becomlni San Dle1<> County'• tint bank failure Dee 197 . merger fell thouab, foreing State BanJdna Super· intendent Rlchanl Domtnaun to declare lnaolven- c:y. In announdna the clolure, ~ aUcl an examination dJdC.ed the bank had 'sut.tandal' to.ea whkh reaalted in an Impairment of capltal." ' The clolure came aft.er week-lonl ~~ for a Cllleelled .......... 7'14'142-1171 All..., •• , ........... MU1 llAIN OPPICa .... .., ... c..119 ..... CA. MMI.-..: ._,.,C:-......_CA.. .. ~-Or-.C:..."31'' ·~· ..................................... .... ..... _, .... p ...... ........ ''·-~-. • Ot o.lf .............. IN COURT -Reginald and Margaret de la Cues~ of Huntington Beach are central figures in a landmark real estate mortgage cue. Huntington couple in landmark case BJ ROBERT BARK.ER or .. o.1r ........ A Huntington BNch man and bJa wife are central figures in a court cue that could have a b6c hnp.ct on the way Americana buy and aell real estate. TREY ARE RestnaJd "ae.'' and Margaret de la Cuesta. They have just returned from Waabiqt.on D.C. after hearing ="arguments in their c..e Wednmllay at the U.S . Supreme At stake, lawyen aay, la the future of a.uniable mortpge8. · The cue involve. the P'U'Chale of the Yorktown shopping center on Be.ch Boulevard by the de la Cuestas in 1977. The de la Cueataa intended to UIUlDe the exlat1ng loan of 9.25 percent from Fidelity Federal Savings & Loen of Glendale HOWEVER, FIDELITY claimed that the balance of the trust deed w&1 due on ale of the property. When the de la Cue.tu refUled to pay the balance and take oµt a new loan at higher interest, Fidelity began foreclosure prooeedino. The de la Cueataa got an injunction and the matter h.u been fu the oourta ever alnoe. An Oran,ge C.OUOty Superior c.ourt judge supported Fidelity's due-on-aale demand. but C'.alifomla'a 4th DI.strld c.ourt of Appeal backed the Huntington Beach couple. The California Supreme c.ourt declined to hear the cue and Fidelity' appealed to the Supreme Court. "WE SURE didn't know where t.hla all would lead ua 4 ~ yean aao. but we have pie thia far and we'll see it to the end," ·-~ Cuesta aid. Mn. de la eu.ta II.id they are carrying on the battle for other property owners and buyera. "If we don't wtn. a penon won't be able to sell property becau. of bJch interelt rats. "And even lf people an willlnC. they probably won't qualify beca•• of the hicher' ,.. ... lhe laid. THE DE LA Cuettaa' attorney, Fred Crane, said the Su- pnme ~ la rullnc on whether a federally chartered aavtnp and loan ..xiation can pnwnt a property buyer from usuminl( an existine. low interest rnortaage on the ~and imte.a force him OI' her to take out a new loan at interest. A . dedmon la expected thJa summer. State cbarte.red ..xiationa have been fOl'bidden to require a new loan when a home chancea handa under a 1978 rullnc by the· Callfomla Supreibe c.ourt known a1 the Wellenkamp decWon. He wants phone in grave ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) -After waiting 13 yearn, a 63-year~ld man has given up hope of getting a telephone installed at home and asked the telephone company to put one in his grave instead. The Daily Milllyet reported that Ahmet Dereboy first made his application for a telephone to the postal authority' which handles such requesta, 13 years ago. He wu given a number -but no phone -and told to wait bis turn. Recently, he was told there would be opening for new p}¥>ne exchaJlcee ln hia neighborhood, but that earlier appli- canta bad Driority. H/F Gay LA regent seated BY JEFF ADLER or .. .,.., ,.. MMt Al The fint openly bomoeexual penon named• a Univenlty of California regent won confirma- tion in the state Senate ThUl'lday when Sen. Paul Carpenter, D- Cypreaa, cut the deciding 21at vote. ' Loa Angelee attorney Sheldon Andebon, a 51-year-old 1ay actlviat, clvlc leader and bank chairman, won confirmation by the minimum 21 votes req~ after aeveral earlier roll call Vot.e9 fell short. Carpenter, see~ the Demo- cratic nomination for U.S . Se- nate, uid be reluctantly CMt the deciding ballot ao that Sen. Jo- se ph Montoya, D-Wblttler, would not have to leave hia sickbed in order to vote. Montoya had indicated be would vote "aye" on Andelaon'• appointment if he were pre9enl. Of the 10 votes cut againtt AndeJ.on. two came from ~ crata and eight from GOP law- makers. The two Democrats said they opposed the appointment because of Andelson'a sexual preference. · Carpenter termed hla vote 'a "courtesy vote" and Mid, "On the natural, I don't think I would have voted for him, although ri think he's qualified to eerve on the Board of Regents." He added be did not expect h.la vote would help draw auppor; for his U.S. Senate bid from thf gay community. ' Aho approved by the Senate were attorney and fon;oer U.S. Rep. Yvonne Brathwaite Burke and San Franclaco attorney Jeremiah Hallisey. Both were confirmed aa regenta by wider margins than Andel8on. : . The appointments were made by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. An- delaon and Hallisey both are members of Brown'• U.S. Senate Campaign steering committee. In opposing Andelaon'a ap- pointment to the board, Sen. Ruben Ayala, D-Chino, com1 mented, "I waa told this maD' should be admired becau.e b~ came out of the cloeat when ti was not popular. I don't. think· that it'a popular now -at least not in my district." On the other hand, Senate President Pro Tem David Bo. berti, D-Los Angeles, argued thal it was ''a shame that aex became the overrl~ consideration" in some aenaton minda. "If you look at bJa beckground. he would be the kind of penon everybody would vote for," Ro- berti said. . Truck tips, clogs freeway One of the moat con1e~ stretches of the &mta Ana ' way wu even more co ested this morning after a d'!ftve truck tipped over, fCIC'dna cbure of a ramp to the aoutnbound Newport Freeway. The 90ddent occmred about ~ a.m. and pnmpted the Callfomla: :!fbway Patrol to laue a Iii•~~ A CHP apokemnan said oortb bound traffic alone the frftwa ..., bacbd up for aeven1 mile&, ... rault of the ~t. t The truck waa loaded wltht woodln paUeta and eon. plmta. the ~-nan aid. 181% JjJlon S11111r: 01rp1t 111% llJI•• Pliah C1na1t . .. I•• llJl11 Cut 1111 LM' Tr111rr I Tr1Yir1 PllJ•r S1111r P111ll Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/l'rlday, Aprtl 30, 1982 -·\ '''"'~ Keep your • tax records BY PAT HOROWITZ Of'llieO.-,Noell.tlff DEAR PAT: Wben a taxpayer receives a re fund claeek, does tllat meu tile re tura baa been accepted ud tllere 11 no lon1er a need to worry about keeping receipts? AllO, my refand check was not tbe amount I expected. Wby la W1? K.E., Huntington Beacb Even if you have received your refund check, Internal Revenue Service says this does not mean the return has been accepted without question. It is still su bject to audit for three years from the deadline for filing. For example, receipts and records for the return filed by April 15, 1982 should be kept until April 15, 1985. The change in your refund check can be the result of a correction to arithmetic, or it could be because part of your refund has been applied to pay a balance due for another year. In any eve nt, you will be receiving a letter from the Fresno Service Center within two weeks explaining the difference. Both sides nee d to b e aired DEAR PAT: I'm a member of a special interest orga- Dluttoa. I'm upset about a television program I saw wbJcb only represented the opinions of the other side. Isn't the station obligated to air opposing views? K.E., Fountain Valley Yes, stations are legally required to air opposing sides of controversial ~ues of public importance. However. there is no requirement that both points of view be included in the same program, or even the same program series, as long as a reasonable opportunity for contrasting views is provi- ded. Book off er questionable DEAR PAT: In yesterday's mail I received a postal card offering "The (Oar Last Name) Family He ritage Book" for a limited time only at $%7 .85. Tbe card states: "Till• long la1tlng family treasure la bard leather texture boud, stamped and embossed ID gold, aerially numbered ud registered to owner, and If not entirely pleased with her work, refund la guaranteed within 10 days." I r ealize oar last name is unusual, bat I wonder If this is a worth- while offer. E.T., Balboa Similar offers that A YS has run across over the years tum out to be vinyl boo~ with gold-colored lettering that contain a brief history of a family name. Usually they are n ot w or th the price asked. If you are interested in the history of your family name, there are plenty of books in the library that can provide background. · • ''Got a J70l»etn? 7hen write to Pat Horowitz. Pat will cut red ta~, ptdn6 the amwen and acdon you I • 1 need fO D \le inequJile. Jn ~f and fxWness. Oregon I 'deports' refugees SACRAMENTO (AP) -Cali· fomfll'• welfare chlef hu com- plained that Oregon advtted 5,- 000 joblesl lndochlne.e refugees to move to California where they could collect welfare, the Sacra- mento Union reported. A telephone hot line told re- fugees in Oregon "if you want a job, go to Ok lahoma City or Houston. If you want to go to school or fO on welfare, go to California,' according to Marion Woods, director of the C.alifomla Department of Social Servioee. He said the Oregon hot line also offered the refugees travel money. The Union reported Thuraday that Woods made the statement in Washington, where he atten- ded a congressional hearing on refugee funding problems Wed- nesday. He said the Oregon hot line message supplemented a letter sent to the Indochinese refugees AprH 1 by Keith Putnam, assis- tant director of human resources for Oregon. The letter said: "I am sorry to say that for many of you, the best advice I can give you is to move to another state where your job prospects are better and where federal refugee program funding continues to be available to re- fugees who have been in the U.S. over 1 'h years." It referred them to the hot line for more mformation. The letter was sent two weeks ago after 2.000 Hmong tnbesmeo began moving from Oregon to California's Central Valley upon hearing that farm joba were available. Putnam, contacted by the Union in Salem. Ore .. acknow- ledged that the letter and hot line m~ge were too strong, and said the hot line message has been change d, the news paper said. ln Sacramento, Shawn Ortiz, a spokesman for Woods. said a de- legation of Hmong tribesmen from Oregon was scheduled to meet with st.ate refugee officials. Ortiz said part of the problem is that the federal government, which had been supporting re- fugees for the fi rst 36 month s, recently ruled that after 18 months employable adul1S would get federal help only in those l#Wll ...... ERA FANS -Actresses Valerie Harper (left) and Jane Fonda share a smile during news conference in Los Angeles to promote a May 30 benefit program for the Equal Rights Amendment in the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. Kansas gets 'Yellow Brick R oad' A Kansas lawmake r has proved once again that when it comes to legislative priori- ties. there's no place like home. With a touch of parUamen· tary wizardry. House Majo- rity Leader Robe rt F r ey convinced lawmakers to de· signate U.S . 54 acroes southe- rn Kansas "The Yellow Brick Road ." The route passes Las Vegas.hotel officials denied that a Seattle man who won a $400,000 jackpot was provided with girls or that he poured most of the earrungs back into the hotel's slot machines. Cecil Barns, 56, who won the largest slot jackpot in the city's history April 3 , surfaced in his Comedian Rodney Da.nger- field'a trademark white shirt and red tie soon will hang In a respectable place alongside J immy Darante'1 hat and Archie Bllllker's armchair at the National Museum of American History. The comic who claims he "don't get no respect" dona- ted the shirt and tie to the through Liberal, which Frey represent8 and where there is a tourist attraction called "Dorothy's House." Kan sas was the state where Dorothy, the young heroine of "The Wizard of Oz," caught a tornado and was whis ked away to the land of wicked witches and munchkins hometown of Seattle saying he put $300,000 of his win- ninga back in the slots "trying to hit another $400,000." Burns told The Seattle Tunes that bell captains at the Circus Circus Hotel in Las Vegas provided him with ''the best-looking girls in the world." Srruthsonian Institution's col- lection of memorabilia Crom prominent American enter- tainers. "This is a big thing. I only got two shirts, you know," quipped Dangerfield, who wore an open-collared green shirt with a black suit for the laugh-filled presentation ceremony at the museum. Hawall'1 repreeentauve to the Mia USA paaeant had a t7 ,ooo necklace and 80lld aold pendant ripped off hu neck durlng a si1htteeina tour of mid-Manhattan, police uld. V aaetH O.Bol1, Mill Ka- waU, told pol.Jce she and four other contestant& were croa· •Ing Lexington Avenue at 49th Street at the time. Country music 1lnger Shelly Weal haa given birth to a 7-pound, 2-ounce girl na- med Tess Marie ln Nashville. The father la Allen F r lz· iell, lead gult.ari.at in the band that plays for Miss West and her singrng partner, David Frizzell. The Frizzells are brothers and younger bro- thers of the late singing star Lefty F r lnell. Miss West is the daughter of Dottle Wett, a singing partner of Kenny Rogers. Several Hollywood actors. writers and producers are looking to the courts to prove their claim that studios cheat them when TV series or mo- vtes are syndicated. according to TV Guide. Feu Par ker , star of the "Daniel Boone" TV series, sued one studio for $48 mil- l 1on, alleging "the r e is a systematic. well thought out program of fraud and deceit" in a process used to determine if a syndicated show is profi· table. said an article in the magazine. James Garner, star of TV's "The Rockford Files," said he has not received any of the show's reported $52 million profit and is considering suing. aCC'Ording to the maga- z 1 n e . Comedian Milton Be r le, retired Los Angeles County S he riff Peter P itcbeu and other would-be poker parlor operators accuse Ci t y o f Commerce officials of stac- lung the deck agajnst them in favoring a Nevada corpora- tion for the License. The City Council still has to approve a club site and awaits results of a sheriff's depart· ment background check, but Commerce Club lnc. appears to hold the upper hand m the deal. Its officers include a blackjack dealer and card room manager at Las Vegas' MGM Grand Holt?I. 1 Mail your quesdons to Pat HOl'O'Witz, At Your Servioo, ·,.... • Orange Cout Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa 1 I . Meu, CA 92616. A6 many k tten • po-'ble will be ,M>IWtted. •but phoned inquirie. or Jett.en not including tbe rea- sta~wherethey~~~~eeor ~~a~~~~~~i~~iiiiiii~iiii~i~~i~ii~~~iiif local welfare. California has a local welfare program, differing in each of the 58 counties, but Oregon does not. der's full rwne, addrers and bl.l8inerl houn' phone number can-, not Pe considered. " · ACADEMY BOUND -Ira Ro be r t Ast rachan, son of G erald S . Astrachan, 8597 Garfield Ave., Fountain Val- ley, received an appointment t o A ir Force Academy at Colorado Springs. He attends Fountain Valley High School. .. THI . IA•L'I " 1 Ill MIAnNe ----....... 8l LID. 217967 ..... 1--a-•YOUtOooo ' Cc.I~ ..._ ... YOlll AIMI -·--641·1219 , ................ _......,. 49S.o401 W'll ~ C...,•·-......... "'-"· .. A.wy ... .,., • • • • A Tr•dHlon for 80 Y••ra 1182 .. I Tum your unusables into usable cash.Call Dally Pilot classified 642-5671. lirvlng Nlghlty TH 1 A.M. Ortiz said that by law Califor- nia cannot de ny the refugees welfare or food stamps. Clock plant to wind down THOMASTON, Conn. (AP) - Workers reacted angrily to news that the Seth Thomas clock fac- tor y here will be closed ln No- vember and ita operations conao- lidated with a West.clox factory near Atlanta. E.T. Ryan, presiden t of Gen - eral Time Inc., called t h e Tho· maaton facility outdated and in- efficient. He said operating cotta would be lower in Georgia. The factory, w hich gave t h la town lta name, employa 175 peo- ple, most of whom will loee their jobs. STEREI ue1111n11 We Loat Our L•••• Save Up To 800/o ;"/./;/,.#~ Oriental Rug Sale APRIL 30 -MAY 8, 1982 (By The Sq. Foot) A REFRESHING APPROACH to merchandising oriental rugs. We dealers buy new rugs by the square foot according to their grades: e.g., Chinese S u per ~" 90 Line which comes in more than 20 qualities. Therefore, at S HAH 'N SHAH we sell them by the square foot with the quality listed on the ticket and your purchase invoice. ADV ANT AGES of SQUARE FOOT PRICING BY THE QUALITY AND GRADE 1. Facilitates easier comparison shopping. 2. Standardization: Knowing what you are buying and acquiring your money's worth . In the past consumers were in the drak in buying oriental rugs. You can compute th e cost by the grade and quality and p./sq.ft. price . You en d up with a better rug for l~ money. In cases of misrepresen tation you have legal recoune. PilISTANI BUKBA.RA 9/16th Double@ $12.50 p./sq.ft. 9'xl 2'=$1,350.00 CBINaE SUPER %0 90 Line~ Back @ $17.50 p./aq.ft. 9'xl2'=$1,8H.ot INDO-llBRIZ 9/60 Quality @ $15.00 p./aq.ft. 91x12'-$1,tH.80 DBUIUUBS 80 count ~ply machine spun wool @ $4.00 p./sq.ft. 9'x12'=$f3Z.ff ISPILUIAN IRAN SUk Wrap 6'x7'9''•$1,tff.H CALL TOR A COMPIZIZ LIST 01' OUB VARIOUS QUALITIES & SQ. rr. PRICIS WE TAU OLD RUGS Al TIU.DB-INS OR BUY TBBM POR CASH We A11o c....y Wall To Wall Carpetfna, CArMD6c TUI and Hardwood J'loor1nc At c.o.t + l~. If Y• CU ..... All,.... We CuTJ Per Lett ElHWIMre, B•t It. ' , Shah 'n Shah Oriental Rugs l IOIO 8 . MAIN ~· MM'l'AANA 5 7-1400 • ·-· llf Or.,._ OOllt DAILY PILOT/flrtday, ~I IO, 1112 ,,..--~-.,-L-S-.-~-,,.-,.-,~-.. fJ-.. -... M-, .. -... -f.-P-.. -•. s-... , .. -1-!-.~-.c-, •. -,.T ..... -!-~-. N-.. -,~-•• ,-~-.C-c,-:J-.1-.P-. .,-~-" -S.... ~ UCMANOHANt•IJ'O•Tt•tvTMINAltA ... IMITIHf. ~ ~ Mesa builder reports loss Stand.ard·Pedfic Corp., a C.O.ta Meaa-bued ho- mebutldln1 firm, announced the company'• first quarterly operattn, io. ln lta 21-yeer hiltory. Net loa for the quart~r ended March 31 was' $1,145,094, oc 29 CMta per aha.re, compared to net ln-· come of $000,e62, or 23 oenta, lut year. The company'• board of directort reduced the quarterly cuh dividend from 17~ centa per share to 5 oenta per share. The cash dividend wW be paid July 15 to ahareh.>lden of record on July 5. Fluor gets China coal deal China National Coal Denlopment Corp., a unit of the M.in1ltry of Coal lndUNy, and Fluor Mining & Meta.la Inc .. a tublidiary of Fluor Corp., jointly an- nounoed the llign1ng of a contract to modemiz.e and expand the F\Uun West open pit mine in Llaoning province. The contract. the first of ita kind for China's roal industry, calla for l.nc:reuing production to 5 million toDI per year of coal and 8 million tons per year of oil aha.le. The IOOpe of Fluor'a work includes engineering and design services associated with mine planning. ~~t .election and modernization of materials Total value of the project would be approximately U.S. $50 million lf performed ln the United States. The value of FM&M'1 8ervices was not dlscloeed. Bank directors named A group of Orange County business and financial executives have been elected directors of Enterprise National Bank (in c:qan.ization). Elected were George S. McCan. M.D.; Roger C. Porter; Geoffrey L. Stael<; Kathryn G. Thompson; and Ernest C. WillOn, Jr. They will be joined on the board by President Timothy Peralta and Robert N. Manley, executive~ president. Ent.erp!Ue National Bank plans to locate m the Warmington Plua. Crocker relocates Crocker Bank has moved its Huntington Beach banking offJa! to 19840 Beach Boulevard in the New- land Shopping Center. Merger announced American State Bank, Newport Beach, an- nounoed it executed a merger agreement for the pre- viously announced aale of 100 percent of its outstan- ding stock to a newly formed company owned by Dr. Tsai Ming Yu of Tokyo, Japan. The ~ment will be submitted to shareholders for approval within 60 days. The purchue price of $10.50 per share will be payable $6 in cash and $4.50 in promissory notes, bearing lntettst at 13 percent per annum. Contract awarded BusiN'91 Parka/South Division of KACOR Deve- lopment Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation, an- nounced the award of a construction contract to Gentoai Bros.. Inc. for the Huntington Plaz.a, the 25,- 000 aquare foot office buildlnc will be located at !*>Isa Avenue and Dan Lane in the Huntington Beach Busine91 Park. It ii ICbedul.ed for completion in November. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES HEW YOl'KIAPI FIMI Oow-J-..... HEW YOllK (A:1 -Sltff, Thuft prlct lor ~. ··"· nocxs ...,_ctwlllt .,,. ....... __ °l:'.'111 :r.., ~ ~-~ -Yen S.ll bdwlet '-.. ..., tr~NtiCN!ty ., ...,.. 11\M $1 10 Trn >O ... l4U4 Ml.GI MJ.-2.1' 5'«1 1.3 ,. -N WlftNtleOO I, •Ito +I"' 1' VII Ill" II• SS 113.ot llUI-UI ._...stnf'Ur ·~ IJ . " 6S Siil mu n 11 DD 11 m.1~ u2 ~~ =~ -1 '""'" •.at• _.., Tr ... 1,DUID Xerox <t .., .. ,..., _..,. Utllt m.• Hof'ton m m1: .. -\lo ..s si. 7.lSS.AOD Gouldtnc ~ ~·v; WHAT STOCKS DID ~ ..... ~ = .. "' --~ """ .1 ... fhun -T&T =--_.., ~-411:: ,. •'"' HEW~K !AP! "'4tT ,. Sci.All 11--114 -· FeclE.--.,. .. • -1111 ~ """~" .... AMERICAN LEADERS DIKll'*' .,. ... Une"""91d -GI fO(.i ·- ,.,, *3 -...... H JI . --n • HEW YOllK (AP) • Sele1, Th11•1 ptlce ..... ~ ... --eat... -I AM(KOIO AINrkaft ~ '- " ... "' ~y ........ 11\M 1' "''"' ~Ho "'-Ill NEW 'Y()AI( (API -,. OoftleArl • 1n... 7111 -111 ..... Net ,._ I,.,. *" ·-,_ ""'11nt A IOI... tl'll ·~ ,..,.,_ , .. Tll'.Qlm s ... MO ..-:.:.·-. OKll-111 m :::i:..... ... ,.. ""' u~ ft DI a.t.1'I Mii -Ill TO(el I-,. = .. ~ Ill.• ,,.. -~ .... '""' ' , .... " ----' ..,...... ... ----METALS SILVER ~ & ...,_ .,, tlO"" "°' -- GOLD QUOTATIONS -Orange Cout DAIL\' PILOT/Friday, Aprll 30, 1982 Why call a dozen different airlines shopping for the lowest fare when one call to Associated Cardillo Travel Service GUARANTEES you the lowest avail- able airfare. Our computer pricing program network gives up-to-the-minute fares and schedule informa- tion for airlines world-wide. Your ticket is issued in minutes and best of all there is no service charge. Money Back Guarantee We will give you $25 1f you can present us your airline ticket issued for less than our quoted price for reservations booked { sub1ect to availability at time of bookinq) ASSOCIATED CARDILLO The friendly skies of United Airlines. Associated Cardillo off~rs many discount fares featuring United Airlines. United is your best way East with the biggest treet of widebody nonstops going. Ocean to Ocean service is available from Los Angeles to New York, Boston. Philade='1l1p~h~ia~·==========:.3 Baltimore and Washington, D.C. • - Call our travel services toctay. Backbay Newport (714) 754·1566 •euffuma La Habra (714) 87,0-4151 •cap11trano (714) 49tM>777 *EMtbluff (714) 8"-9100 FulWton (714) 87Q.1500 IMM (714) 752-8391 . •weetmln1ter (714) 895-3893 Ian D11go (71•) 2334777 lo. Collt Pllll-Two Town CTA (714) rt6'-0llO •OPEN SATURDAY 10 A.M.~ P.M. .. NftiW WM ITAW CM' AIU•CNmDT ..... ITA,....,. °'"" °' NOTICB or DEATH 'tCTITIOUI .,... .. ' Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Friday, Aprll 30. 1982 H/F NI.JC MOT1C( PICTmOUa .,._., C1 NAMe eTATIMINT '1Cnnoul lllll•N file lollowtno l*IOnt ltt Ootng Tiit ro:i~:·:=r. dOlllO bullneM ... bU9lnett ... ,_..._....,._...,edolllt rtennoutetJH•MMAllm 01' E PPIB C. MAHANY, NAmtTAfllmn "'°""°"'-' l'ICTITIOUllUIMN ~ • The followl~ per-hu •b-ilA EPJl'I& CLAJRS MA· The lollowlno pt reo11 I• dol110 .._.ff•,_., NAMI ITAT'lmNT "LO MANAGIMI NT. tltN dont d "''UH ot lht llctltloue BANY A&A EPF I& C .,..,_. .. , ,....._......,__-.~ Tiit tollowlno P•reon I• doing ~ '"-' ... Ht, Hllftt• ~ neme: L-~' • RWlll INTfll!PRIHI. 2021 ~ tAW 09nM a.o .......... ~ .. ~ ..._ ~ H t4t. PAO"IO REAL !tTATI 1111 PW~DE·MABANY ANO OP Anelltlm Av1., Coit• MtH, CA -......,...._~.-SOUTH COAST IOAT YARD. .._... ca. o.n.. 1tla eun,. w.Gllt'I Drlw. NewDort a..t,,, OA ., T J T I ON T O A D M I • t1t21. o.V.-M'Nll!l¥Y •• u1. lfto.; ... een 2270 News>«1 1ou1ev11d. Ntwpott SP!AA TAUCKINQ, 2 I Ill Po. IRM EUCTNCS, n 9 W. ttul rnone. ca.ta~. CA l2t27 ,,,. Co.ca M-. CA 12827, de11oer LMe, Hu11t111gto11 hacll, t 2tt0. · NJ 8 T £ft g I T ATE N 0 , IUcl'larO w. Cram, 2025 An•• Dl'M. ....,.. ,.., ~ 0... IMch, Calllo"'lt 020N. ~ ....... The fletll!Out ~ ,.._,. Alllllt '*!'i Cot11 Mtea. CA 02U7. • tMa0. MICHAtL JOHN OAVll. 2007, p~~~.!'~~~~~e:~ It STEVEN ROlfRT HICKMAN, CANOACl sue SPEAR. 21 UI 1700~ lo. hyfrot1t, 8alt>oe lllalld. Pomona. ~a ~. CA J20~7 CA t*2 Thie~ i. conduc:fecs by •n lhlt tlutlfteN It CA>nduetad by all lndMduel lndMOllM L)'Me M. Garner, 19202 •~ lwrtd 10 ebOvt ... ftltd In Ora.not T • U '--I '--Tl'llS bu*-It eotldue1td by an TWll ..._It...,.....,,,•..,.._ Ho. 8, Ooean Boulevard. lffwoort 4at1oer LeM, Hununoton ... 011, County on Aofil 3 ttra. o • .... n, ucn eflcla-11\0Mdull . o..111 ~. J.O., • ltMh. Celltomlt ll2M3. ~ Ut4t. DAVID It. LSVINI •Ot Avo-l1el. credit.on ana conllngent RIOtl..-d w. Crem DMI........, ,,,,....... Thlt butlnett 1• oonclucteci by •n 0-. l . Garner, 1HH ~". oec1o A-..nue. Corene J. Mar OA cred.lt.on ot Ettie C. Matiafty r... etewntnl wu tlted wltll tne Tiii• •'•''"''"' ••• 1i1t0 wl~ll• lnOMd\111 g::.i.;;:..ttu11t1111ton ... ch, ~ ·' and peraon1 w h o may ta ~1~0f er.no-County°" tta. oi.tiOfer.,..~.. t. ftti. •••1!:~,! l:r w1t11 the T.,ry p, S~r 8~ A Hi<*ma11 Thie mtemellt WM tiled with the Thie •la'-it w .. Iliad with Ult Thie ~ • .. OCllldUo1ed by , 911 "' oonducted by othe.rwlM lnt.erft1ed ln the · •'871tl ,,... County Cl«ll o1 Orenot Co\inty on Off*'ll Ptlftneret\IO. ~~~ wU1 and/or •&ate; Publlehecl Oranoe Cout Dell~ PllOt, ""~u?':.T~ ... , o.111~ Al>fll 28, 1182. COun~CMrtl o4 Ora.not ~ty on County Cletk Of Oranot ~on ....... 11182 AOtll 20 1182 ....... . . ,_ Lynda Q.,.,. Thlt It .,.. 111eO with IN A petidon bas been fl.led N>tll 23. 30, May 7, H . 1tt2 ' ' '1tea10 ,,ma -·-PublllMd Or~ CQut O•lly Pl· Publltn.d Or~ Cout Deity Pl· Tt)le ~ -Ned llltth the County Clertc ol Or.,. Coun ... on by J T M-•-'-•·-in .1..._ 17I0-12 •-a.---Publltlltd Or1"CI• CoHt Oally County 0..-of Orenp County on Apt1I f4 1M2 '' Efti ee.n · \;IV .. ''" '"" .--..,,_ Piiot, Apoll 20, May~. 14, 21, IN2 lot, Ai>tll 23, 30, Mey 1, t4. 1N1 lot, AP.II 23, 30, ay 7, 14, tlti 170&-12 _________ ,_1_112_ .. _2 Aptll t4, 1Ma. · · ,._ C:::rlor Court of Or•n1e ,,.IC NOTICE rtemlOUI 9'1H•M tell0-82 '117111 Publlehed 0r.,. eout Delly Plot ty requeettna that Jean PICTmOUe .,...11 NAiii •TAW _.,. ..,,,.1: W •ta rta.JC NOTICE ,.,;:bllahed Or111ge CoH I Oal1 Aprt 1e, 23. 30, Mey 7, 1ee2. ' T. McArthur be appotnt.ed M ..._ tTA,_,. Th• followln11 ptr•o11 le dol110 ~""" -•IK ftC'lT1'IOU9 llU ..... • Aclft t8, 2S, 30, Mey 7, IN 1eu-t2 personal represent.atJve to Th• following P•'•°" I• Oolnt ~ • P'I011n0Ut .,..... ...._ ll'AT'hlEfT 1~2 aidm.lnJ.ater the eetai.e o f Ettie bu-'-u: TRUMP MARKETING, 1870 NOTtC• °' TWUl'TU't IM..1 MAm t'fATllmff H1• lollowlng P•raon It d.Plno -----------fl'alC NOTICE C. Mahany (under the lnde-Ro 8 1! RT e. o A LT e A 8 a n11 A11a Ave .. Bulle 0 , Cott• T.I . No.._.. ,,:_,.,. _....,. ,..._ 11 --0 -~ u "8JC NOTICE ,tcTmOUl IU..,.H ~ndent Admlnletratlon of onWARI I NOINEEllllNO 8ER· Meat. CA 112927. 011 M1y 21. 1H2, at O:t& A.M, AMER•CAN PREc1ou11 1NllRNA· BEN o. 1001 w 11111 St .. ~· -m ......... ---NAMll t TATIMaNT ta•-... ~) ........ _ ~··t1on ,_ VICES. 2'27 Autoart. Cotla ....... Jemte Quertml, 837 W. Cent« TITLE SERVICES, INC .... duly IC>-TIONAL, 117-f AIYWelcM Ortw. -"°" M, Coll• Meu, CA 92627 rw. -• -u -tM.-. &nc u ,. Clllfornla. Ave., .t8, f'Moentla. CA t2970. pointed Tf\dtM under llf'td pWWI ....... CA eata. G•ry l Benner, 12658 L~I .... ITATW•NT ~'~per--.,. dOlng bull· eet for h eertna In pt. No. Rob«'l 8. °""'· 2327 ""'°"" Thie~ It c:onduc1ed by an 10 0..0 ol Trutt reoonled M~ 10. AOeelfr I.. tlOOOtO. 1221 w eo... St Ctftllot. CA 90701 Tiit followtng perao111 are doing · 3 at 700 Civic Cenier Ori COit• MMC o.1forn1e 02t2t. lllCIM<lual. 1910 ... ln11. No. 18053, 111 boo« HwJ • ,..,.,.., ....,. ~ •Me.3 Thlt bu"'-It c:ond\ICted by • ~~HA ELECTRIC co.. E ~.0~:.~~ ~=-o;; :!~ Weit, ln t he City of Sa~ ~nw .. conducted by 1111 Tlllt ..=,. °':.""'..., WIUI tllt ~J~·1:~: ~~fr:. :: ?i:!'c~~u~r; ~ = L .. ::;..cted br .,, In llmlltd P~.,.n;r.~"- 20912 Gltn c.lrn lMM. Hunllllgton C~=T K. GARONER, 11111 Ana1982• aCaUt 9.·30foma.m..la on May 26, Robert 8. Oa11et County Cltrti otOrenge County on Record« of Orano-County, Clll• Thia a1a1e1u111 wn llled wllh U1e Thie tl•tement·waa flltd wltfl the IMch, CA 92648, Thia tteternent wu flled wM tt1t Ac>tll •• 11112. f9r111~.~lll SELL AT PUBLIC eo..ntya.. °' OrMoaCauntt on""" 1 County C1911t of Orange Co\inly on WAYNE TAMANAHA, 20tt2 Olen g~1~~2;•rr•c•. Coron• dtl Mer, IF YOU OBJECT to the County Clettf. of Oranot County on I'-UOT1V!'ll TO HIGHUT BIOOf!A FOR 1t12 ,.._1 "Prll 15, 1982 e.lrn, Huntington Beech, CA 92848. .._ aranthu• f the U'' AP<ll t4, 1082. PubMIMd °'llllCI' C0MC Dllfv Hot, CASH, CASHIER'S CHECK OR Pu~"a/led 01.,,.. eo..1 O•llY Piiot 'Wff77 l ATSUO 'fAMANAHA, 2200 w. Thi• buelntM ,, conduot-by an .. ... .. 0 pe .. on, you '1'7t1t Apfll 18, 23, ao. M-1. 1tt:t. CERTIFIED CHECK, (p•yabl• a1 .... 1t, n. :ao. IN2 late-t2 PubHlhed Orange Coaet ~ Piiot, 180 Plecle. TonlflOI, CA 00504. ln<!Mduel should either appear at the Publl•h•d Or•llll• CoHt Dahy 172442 time of ule In lawful money of the · •onl 10. 23. 30, May 7, tte2 Thlt butlneM I• c:onclucttd by• 11-T Robert K Oardn« hearing and state your ob-Piiot. Apt!! 1e. 23, 30. Mey 1, 1N2 United s111•> a1 tn. ltot11 entrenoe -... ..--1706-42 mlttd per1ntfmhlp. 1111 •\at•m•nt Wll lll•d with lh• jectlons or file w ltl b tffl-12 rtllJC *>TICE to th• old Orenge Cou"ty Cour-"._ ""''IK W1yne tlt'l'tlltlal'ta County' Clerk ot Or•119t Couniy on ;..,. I . r en o -tllouM, tocaltd on SVtta Ana Bou- Tllla •llt91Mllt WH Ill.CS with th• AprM 20. l982. .,-t on• wuh th e court be-ruauc M)JIC( l'tCTTTIOUI .._.. levarO. ~tween Sycamore StrMt 0oc.w1ty a.tt °'Orange CcMlty on ,,.,.,17 fore the hearlng. Your ap-NAm ITA,_. lll'td 8'oectway, a.ma Ana. Calllor· ftC'TinOUa .,_ .. NAm tTATlllmMT The_,. per-.. ~ -Aprll 20. 1M2 Publlltled Or•nge Cout Dally pearance may be In person FICTITIOUI ., .... ,, Tll• following pe reon I• doing nl1 tit rlgllt, tltle and 111twM1 c:on- '117711 Piiot, Apfll 23• 30• May 7• 14· 11182 or by your attorney ....... tTATeMt:NT ~ M : v9)'9d lo Ind l'tOW held by h under BUT VAlEJ INC Ito-· c-. Publlll\ed Orange Cout Di lly 1775-82 IF YOU A R E 'A CRE-Tn1 following pereon 11 doing J & l CONTEMPORARY DE-MIO 0..0 of Tn11t in tht P<operty ......_CA tM21 .. PMot. """23, ao. Mey 7, 14, 1982 P\BllC M>TICE DITOR bull-u : SIGNS, 7632 A!Wt• Or., Hunting-•llu•ttd In Mid County •nd Stet• ROtl!l'IT ANTHONY HARLAN, 160 1779-82 or a contingent ere-PLAZA TRAVEL CENTRE. 112 1 ton 8-11, CA 112MI. detctlbed M: Mean. •6'. eo.i. ..... CA 92627 FICTIT10Ut IUINH di tor of the deceued, you w 0.WlQtll'IOl'pe Avenue, Fullerton, JoM Anthony Hagan. 7032 Al-Lot 15 of Trtct No. 7800, 1n the T"'8 ~ i. -'ducted by.,,,,.. "8.IC NOTICE NAMa ITATl•NT must file your claim with the CA ~<1• Or., Huntington BHch, CA City of Newpor1 e.cto ... '* m8') dMdllel "'°°""'A. HfltlM Th• following perao111 .,. doing court or p re•ent it to the C. PETER HICl<S. 2&680 Main-92&41. recorded In Book 304, ~ 35 to Thia t1•t•me111 ••• 111eo wllh tne Public '-""" wll bt helCI by bulinea u: naJ . brlno, Ml111<1n Viejo. CA 92001. Th.11 bu~ It oonducted by an 37 lnclYalve of mleoellaneoue map1, County c.... o1 OrMoa c-iy on Apfll 7, the Cott• MeSI Planning Comml.. (•) INVESfMENT BROKERS Of pe!'W' repreeentaUve ap-Thlt bus!-Is oonctucltd by tn lndMdutl. In the omca Of the COUf'ty reco<d« 1"2 elorl •t the City Hiii n Fllr Drlv• CALIF .. (b) INVESTMENT BRO· pointed by the court within lndlvk:luel Jol'tn A. Hagan of MIO COUf'ty ,.,..,. Colla.._, Cllltorrit, •t 6:30 p.m: KEAS OF SOUTHERN CALIF . 10 four montha from the date of c P•tw Hie*• Thim •l•t-t WM llled with the Pwc:.1 2: Non oclu9lve IPPW1• ~;'.'~';"n~::i~f~O•ll Oellr~;·~ or u eoon .. l>OMlble therMll« on Mmll•td, lrvlne, CA 92714. first iHuance of letters as Tiiis Slatement wH tiled with lhe County Clertt of Orenge Counly on n•nt He•m•nll tor lngre11 •nd Mond•y, Mly 10, 1982 regerdlno FLH ENfERPRISES, INC .. I provided in Section 700 of County Clerk of Or•nge County on Merell 17, 1982. egr ... ov., prlv•t• •lrMt• .... , the IOllowlng eppltcation.· C•lllornl• corpora11on, 10 MmJl•rd, April 111. 11112. ,,_. forth In tl'le decl•r•Uon ot cov•· 1. renullve m•p of Tr•ct lrvtne. CA 112714 the Probate Code of Ca.!Jfor-'1'7M7 Published Orange Coat Delly Piiot, nantt, condition• •nd rHlrlctlon• --,.-IC-TITIO--U-l _•_U_l_IHE_l_S __ T-11768 fOf Otty E. COofc, 907 ENI Tiii• bullneu II conductad l>Y • nia. The time for f i Ii ng Publlslle<I Or•no• COHI Dally Apo1I te. 23, 30. Mey 7, 1982. etlOwfl herein. ..,. .. ·~ATIMeNT B•lbo• Boul•verd, Bllboa, for • corporation claims will not expire prior Piiot. Aprll 23, 30, Mey 7, 14, 1882. 1720-82 Truetor Olf ,_downer: JOHN A. Th• tollowlng pe11on I• 001ng one-IOI subdlvlllon tor condom!-FLH EntetP<IM•. lno to four months from th .. date 1837-82 KRAJIAN lll'td DIANE R. KRAJl.AN, l}Utln.t .. nlum purpotM. loctltd 11 168 Al-F l Hanson. . ,... MJC ll'f1C( l'IYll>tn<I and wit. U joint tenante NORDIC REFRIGERATION bert Plec:e, In a11 R2 2one E!Mron-President of the hearing noticed lbove. PlllJC ll'f1C( Th• slrHI •ddr•n 1nd oth•r 1525 w. M•cArtllur • 17 Coll• menttl delermln•llon: eittmpt. Th11 •••tement wM 1119d with the YOU MAY EXAMINE · oommon delignatlon. II eny, o4 the M .... CA 92t20 For further Information on the County Clerk ot Orange County °" the file kept by the court u '1Crmou9 llUllMSP '1CTmOUe ~.. 1HI property dHcrlbed •bov• I• w AYN E M ST A ALE so N. •bov• •ppllc1tlon1, telephon• Mitch 30, 1182 you are interested in th . U.. ITAT'UmNT ...-ITA.,_,., purporl•O to b•. fl1 Ru• Vlllere. 17062 Green Street, t113, Hunting· 754-5245 Of call et the ()fb of Ille F1ta74 tate fil e es-,..!.~-llO .,., ......... Oolng l>Utl· : .:::~ sw-ia .,. clolng ""*' Newpor1 BMctt. Calltomla. ton BNch. CA 92649 Plannlng Departmenl. Room 200. Publlthed Orenge Cou1 Dally . • you may e a request PElll'UMEll 0 , LIOO 34 12 Via Th• und•relgn•d TruetH di•· Tl'Q butlnM6" conouc1eo ov an 77 Faff Drive, Cotta~. Calllor· Pltot, Apfil 23. 30. Mey 7, 14, 1962 With tbe court to receive T LL~ ~TINO CEHTEA. .. 0por1o, ....._, leecl\.c..O.-t21e cl•lme 1ny ll•blllly lor 1ny lncor-1noMdU1I nla. . 1~-82 special notice o f the inven-c:'"'tte2e.1., · •MO, c-. ..-. Keoen '111enc1et. 111e .. • ce111orn1e rtct,_ ol ttlt •treel t<ld,.. tl't(I W•yne M Stu.!Mon Publllhed Orange Coaet D•llY tory of estate as.set.a and of l!MILIO H "'Al'CllCO, A LAW c0tporellon. 14101 South YOtt>e S1r•1. 01Mr common d .. lgn•llon. II any, Thta Slllem•nt waa flied with tllo PIOt. Aorlt 30. 1962. PlllJC ll'f1C( th t 'ti d CORPOAATIOH. • ClllotNe ~dOt\ 8ulle 200• T...un. ~ 92&80 lhown hertln County Clerk ol Of•nge County on 1952•82 e pe 1 ons, accounts an "' r-11 Can•• Ori••· ooo. Coa1a T1* ....._ • --!If a --S•ld u l• wlll b• mad•, but wl· Apfll 19, 11182 f'ta.IC NOTICE PllJC 19TXE 1'1CTm0Ue ~ MMm IT8T'llmlllT ,,,. lotlowMo ~ .. ~ -.. OM INllESTMENTll. 11 t7 Oan1 0."'8,Coei.-.CA~ LYHN( K OIHlllUl'IO 1'11 OMe o.M, c:o-. ....... ~ l2at Thlt -le conducted lly an 111· -LYNNE K OIHll8UACI Tiiie 1l•lame111 Wat lll•d wllll Ille Counly OW\ o4 0.9"08 CounlY on""" 1, 1812 ,._,. Publlthed Or•~ Co•ll Oelly PllOI. Al>rtl e. 1e. n. ao, 1t12 1677-C f'ta.IC NOTICE FICTmous •UetHHI NAME STATOIENT The 1ollow1ng pe rson 11 d oing l>u~ness as DOM ORIGINALS S00 S Mam St S1e S 12 Orange, CA 92668 Carla D11wn Hlrl, 518 East Oakmonl, Orange CA 92667 T hlS ou .. nest IS l>t'ng conducted I>~ an ind1Vtc>ual Carla Dawn H81t Th11 11alement wo1 11180 w11n the County Clerk of Orange Covn1y on Ap"I 21 1982 ~ de9aibed in Section ...,.~~. IAl'IRETT, A LAW -l<.9lleft l'1Nnolal Inc. 1hou1 covenan1 orwwrtnty, npr-F117571 ~~.,. .. ~ uOO .~ of the California COAl'OIUIT10N,e~oorpoi8illol•. ace111om1a-Por,uon or Implied, regvdlng tlt141. ~ Publllhed Orange Coast D•lly F1t7712 The.-==~--;;·........,,-. Probate c.cxte. et6 Town cen1er O••••. HOO, Co••• Mellmel ~ tytgun. elon, 0t encumbrancet, to p1y lhe Piiot. Aprll 23. 30. Mey 7, 14, 1982 Pub01he<1 Ofanoe Coast Dally P•IOt rtaJC NOTICE ·~.., ~... 8 J di 0 _11 ..._CA...._ Pr-• unpeld balanct ol tht notl(•I MCU· 1803.82 April 23 30. M•y 1 14. 1&112 ~!.!!.,IOU8 .,..... -.~l McOUJRE EHTERPRllll, At··-· aa-.u.,t La Tlllt~le~.,.~ Tlllt a1e1eme111 wu lll•d w1111111e rtd by laid 0..0 ol fruit, tO·Wl1' -----------1787-82 .._ tl'AT'lmNT 100t1T....,11-. ....._ 1, ,_...,, .. roey a w ,..,._..... eo..ntyc:tw1to1o...ne-Counl)°""""'· s111,ua 31, 1nau01ng u P'O'rided P\&JC NOTICE The toflowlng person• ere dOlng v""iiCA'27ot. 881 Dover Drive ~~"'-:.on '*· ~ In •aid note(•). •dv•ncH, 11 any, -----------P\&JC NOTICE bull~(f UNDERSEA ENTER-Oel••i;.~~:r::v~r~ SaJi.e u ' Em#io f.r-.CO, p,_, Publlllled 01 .. ioe co .. t o .. ,, Piiot u11d•r th• term• ot H.ld O.ed of F~::.~:A~~::::s i.---FIC_TITI_OU_s_•_U_l_IHE_I_• __ PRISES, 9 17 w. 171h StrHI, fl2, =._IHI. S..11• 7. F<Mlfttel11 v .... ,. CA Newport Beacll, CA HHS Tiii• ••••-n• wu lll•d !,t,~h~ Apt 1• "· 23• 30• IMZ 192...Z !~,·~· ~~f!'!'::-:id,~~:: Tiie to11o w1ng pereon" 001ng NAME STATU.N'T Cotl• .._,CA 112627. '11* ~• -Oy ·--'4%-1448 Oountvc:twltofe>r.,,..Counl)011Apt 7 CtMtad by Mid Deed ot TNll. busl,_ u Th• tollow1ng person 11 doing JOS£PH JAMES RYAN, 1954 ration. Published Orange Coast 1M2 . ruatJC M>TICE The ~under Mid Deed AN DERSON ENTERPRISES business li F~:v~~=. ~;1~~10. ~111c. Daily Pilot, April 30, May l, ;~;'.'~~~;,~~"~:S~o•11 oa11lS~':.'z '1CTITIOUt .u ... u ot Trust ll«•to or• •xecutt<I •1'd ~~. ~:o0"2~~ C30. Hun11ng1on 440 rte, ~~crtoc~~~; ~=!!.~'t~ Colt.a"'-. CA. Wlllm A.~ a.. 7, 1982. NAm ITATDmln' !:1~1,:'~~!~i!iu~~~~·~ Irene El•lne Anoeraon 19132 92627 TNt ~ II conducted by • Tiii•"=•"' wu llled wllll Ill• 1953--82 "8.IC NOncE ~~persona tt• doing D•m•11d for Sele, •nd a wrlll•n M•gnotll C30. l1un11ng1on Beech 811an Gorham Jones 3405 S generll partnership. ~ClartlolOttn119Counl)011Aprll 1, __ .,. Mll'\TM'r "1CTITt0Ua _,..... KASHMIR, LTD 3471 Vie Uclo· Notic. ol Default 1nd Elecllon to CA 92640 Rou SI Sant. Ane CA 9'2707 JOMph J. Ryall 1M2. ,.~ nuln.f; ....._ tTA~NT ·· · Sell The 111ldellllg11ed cauMCI Mid Thlt bu11nesa 1s conClucleCI by 1n Tnrs l>Usmess 11 conducted by en Thie ltatement wu flled with the C:.tru 11 4 ,...., lllllD, e:......., The foMowlng per90t'\I.,. ..,..~ Sult• 211, N•wport B••cill. CA NQl0lce ot O.tault and Election 10 ind•v;dutl 1nd1v1<1u11 • County Cl«il o4 Orenge County on :::..:,.~ ITATl•NT Of' WNOOl•PST M. ~'V sneegANNY JAY SCHEUER 25 &.It to be recorded In the county Ir-E AndetM>n Bnen Gorham Jooea Apn! 20, 111e2. .. ... i:........ -Ill-..~ ,2~ ..... (W .... ._ AMERICAN MICRO PRO· ..,.....,.. .,..,..., I_.__, C• .....,71,. • where lhe rNI p<opetty 11 locettd Thtt st•t-1 was Iii.ct w1lh the This st•te,,_,I w H flied Wt111 the '117711 , • r--.,. .. _ TS ...... p~.. ·-1 "'-,.,.,. .. ... " Trwtw or perty oonduet....., Nie County Cl8fk 01 Otanoe County on County Cltrll ~t Otenge Covnly °" Publllhed Orange COUl OellY Pl-_......, CA_, .....,. The tollowlng pereon hH •b•n-2714. · ""'•" .... ore, lntlne. CA DAVID H. EVANS. 32 Rocky mu MRYfel •. INC ""' . Apnl 21, 1982 AP<il 21 11182 lot. Apf'll 23, 30, May 1. 1•. 1912 l'vlllWloed Orenge c-a., l'llot. cloned the IMt Of the llc:tlllou1 but1-Javald F1rooqul, No 8 Pan-Knoll, IMne, CA 92715. -tMta ~ ........ ....._a F111774 Ftt1775 1753-12 Apt e, 1t. :ta. ao, tta t--..a ,_ -._ ltW!e, CA 92714. Thie ~ .. condUcted by• ........... C• _, Pul>hshed Otange Co•SI Oo1ly Pilot. Pubhlllled Orange Cout Oa>ly Pllol, PICCAOIU Y PARK CAFE. 4411 ...,.,., pertnerehlp ...,,. Apt1I 23 30 Mey 7 1.t 19112 AP"' 23 30 Mey 7 14 19112 -::z:::==::-":-:::-===-:=~~------------l81rcll Str••t, Suite P, Newport RuaMana J. Farooqul, No. 8 Dell~ o.tec Al'M. 22, tta 1711• 82 1781-82 1111 lmal BMcl'I, CA t2660 Ptndora, lrWlt, CA 92714· Thie ttaa-t -111«1 with the mLE SERVICES INC Tl'te Flctltloue 8ullMN Nlt'nt ,.. Thie bu9lnw 11 con<1ucttc1 by an eovni Clet1t of Orange eouniy on .. Mid Trutt•. · ~ to •bOve w7u flled In Orange Mdr.'Valci Fwooqul l.prl . 11182. ,.-... ~~Pr..identTl\omclton -..-.ty on Mey 1 . 11181 ,.,,_ RONALD 0 CR G Thie ll11-t was llled wltll Ille Publl9tled 0ranoe Cout Delly Pl-. Al • 15701 ty Clerk of Or-noe Counrv on lot .o...ni 23 30. ~. 7 14. 11142 Publl1lled Orange COH1 Dally BUCltLEV m erly of Mou nt V ernon , = VlltQe Wey, .fJ8, Tu.on, CA 1><119, t982. " • ....,.. · • tY • •1757-a2 Piiot, Apfil 30. Mer 7, t4, 1tt2 BETTY R. BUCKLEY. Iowa. M rt. 0~ waa 1 Thie~ -conduct~..., ' ,,17'1319 18e9-12 rea1dent of Calla Mesa. Ca. member of the of the 80 1nc1Mdu.iii. -, Publltned Or1nge CoHt Dally 1-----------1----------- for the paat year after mo-Eastern Star for ov e r SO AONlld D. CrllO • Aclft 18· 23, 30• May 7. 1962 Ml ll'f1C( ~ ~ vlng here from Oceanalde, years and an active member Thia eta1emen1 wu flied wtlt1 Ille 1723-82 Ca. Pamed away on April 28, of the Methodist church and ~~ °=2 °' Orenge County on "8.IC NOTICE 1982. She had been a nW'lll! gave to many charitable or-' · 'te0M1 work ing for the Weatcllff garuzatlona until her recent PublW'ted Or~ co..t ~Pt-NO;c:.=,:~ Nunln g Reglatery for the illness. Fun eral ser vices '°'· Aprll 23, 30. ey 7· 14• 1* Pureu•nt to Sec11o11 t104 (d) ot put 6 yean. She ls survived were held today, at 10:30AM 17154-e2 the 1n1em11 ~ Cod9, r1011oe 11 by her huaband William, at Harbor Lawn Memorial PtaJC NOTICE :!-:Z ~n':: ';;a~;~ diu.,bten Kathleen Bell of C~a el with Rev. Aaron o 1 c C • '1CTl'nou9 _.. In •II h89f Commlu ... Inc., t Oita Meu, Ca .. Maureen r officiating. Interment MAim ITAT'119MT private foundation, le avtlla~ •t CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDmON Consolidating domestic subaldlarles of the Newport Harbour National Bank or Newport Beach, ln the state of California. at the close of business on March 31, 1982, published In response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under title 12, United States Code, Section 161. CONS OLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION Consolidating domes tic s ubsidia ries o f the Marine National Bank o f Sa nta Ana, In the state o f California, at the close of business on Marc h 3 1, 1982, published In response to c all made by Comptroller of the Currency. under title 12, United States Code, Section 161. Charter number 17052 Nt.iiunat Bank Region Number 14 ASSETS Donar Amount• In Thouaenda Cash and due from banks ...................................... 2 ,857 Hartman, and Theresa Stout, Melr ose Abbey M emorial Th• 1011ow111g per•Ofl• are Ool"O Ille IOUl'tdltlon'• Princlpel afllc:e tOlf her m o t her L aur a Belle Park, Anaheim, Ca. She i. butlr1llM ... in.o.cuon during reout.r IMJllMll Devll of Oklahoma. l lister, aurvlved by her chert.hed WOOOCHUCK INOUSTAIES llOufl from O a.m, to 4 P.IT'I by tl'f'/ Cherter number 11131 U.S. Treasury securities ............................................ 361 2 broth en and 4 grandch il-da~t.er Mrs. Marian Cates =·~'~+.Sult• C•. Co1te ~="'aft':~~'::!1!,1~.,:1~U: dren. Recitation of the Ro-of t.ehouse, Ohio, grand-HARRY DENE PEACHEY, 213 The louncl•llon'•~ Of ........ ... tlonet .. nk Region Number 14 Obligations of other U.S . Gov't. Doller Amount• agencies and corporations . ............................... .. 800 In Thouaendt All other securities ..................................................... 180 eary wW be held on Friday, daughter Noelle Cates a nd Soult! ICtlog A-Fullerton CA ·-April 30, 1982 at 6:30PM at great-gJ'IUld8on Wllllam Grif. 112933. , • le located at 228 alnut 81r .. 1, •h Harbo La M---'-' rt both r .. ,.., h o SfEVEN MICHAEL eooA 81122 ~ BMch. CA 92660 Cash and due from banks .................................... 2.246 • e r wn c n.ov•...., n o nmte OWll', hlo Tr•cy Street Guden GroYe CA Tll• prlnclp•I m•n•o•r ol tll1 S T •~ Chapel. M ass of the Resur-and devoted slater M ra. 92804. · • 1ounc1a11on 11 HOIQlr T Chrlttene.'\. U. · reasury securit..,. ............................................. 117 rectlon will be held on Sat-Mary Ellen Bush of Tipton, r1111bUllln8SI11 con<1ucttc1by•11. RAYMOND w . ._, ......... All other securities ..................................................... 150 A88ETS S·-·. Bod• ,A h---.. d t Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell a. Loans. Total (excluding unearned Income) ....................... 10,289 b. Less: Allowanc e fo r possible loan losses . . . .......... . ....... 46 u rd a y , Ma~ 1 , 1 9 8 2 at lowa, Services under the di-m11tc1 pen::'t c ~......... Federal funds sold and securities 9 :00AM at t . John the rectlon of Baltz Bergeron-........ a N. lllOMllunt .._ pure ~ un e< egreemen s Baptlat Catholic Church. Smith & Tuthill Westcliff Thi• •t•t•m•nt wH Ill.CS Wlll'l th• ANMlm CA t290t · to resell ............................................................. . Interment ael'Vica immedla-Chapel Mo rtuary of Coata =t ~of Orange County on Publl•h•d Or•ng• Co111 D•lly a. Loans, Total (excluding 6 ,000 c. Loans. Net ........................................ 10,243 tely following at Harbor Mesa. 646-9371. ' · '11191 Pflo• April 30• tllt2 unearned income) ........................ 35,650 Lawn Memorial Park . Ser-WOODS Publl.ned Or•11e:: Coa11 Diiiy 111SCM2 b. Less: Allowance for vicet under the direction of GEORGE CAMPBELL Piiot, AprM 23• 30· ay 7· 1~·7~!:2 P\BllC M>TICE possible loan losses ............................. 340 Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive WOODS, reddmt of Balboa ~nnous IUtMU c. Loans, Net ................................................... 35,310 M ortu ary of Coata Mesa. laland, Ca. Pawd awa~ P'lalC M>ncE NAW ITATIWNT Bank premises, F.F.& E., etc ..................................... 662 540-5554. April 27, l 982. He waa Tiie toiiowtno 1>«eons .,, doing Other assets ............................................................ 1,442 OGDEN in San Bernard ino, Ca. on ":::;::~~=· bu•~,':;~ARY MARKETING TOTAL ASSETS .................................................... 45,927 BESSIE S . OGDEN, of ~ber 20, 1901. SUl'Vived Tiie followlng penon II doing CONOEPTS, 8470 C.rrllo1 Av•.. LIABILITIES Santa Ana, Ca. Pa.ad away by his wile of 55 yean Julia, bull,_ ae: unit 8o:'=~2~=-Demand deposits ~f indlvlduals, on~ 27, 1982. at the age l aon George and Barbara COME 'N' GO TRAVEL, 1 t53 W•Y. C01ta ..._.., Callloml• 92020 partne<ahlps, an COf'porationa .......................... 3 ,506 Of . A -ident of Orange Woods, Jr., daughter Marl· South P•clllc CoHt Hlgl'lw•y. L•· R L Time and savings depoalt8 of lndlvlduals, .... I and William u • .J"-guna Baecll, CA 1205t. •Y lppa, 510 Madlton Ave . County for 35 years, for-yn · ....... -uvwan WINDSTREAM. INC., • CelltOf· Plteentla, CaHtornla 92070 partnerships, and corporations ........................ 36,328 -----------..and Julia and Richard Kugel nl• CC>rllC>f•tk>n. 1154 O.vlola, u -Thi• bu9lneM .. conduc1td by • All other deposits ............................. ............................ 17 _,.---------·and aho 1ur vived by 7 gYn•leactl.CAll2051. generil pwt""111ip. Certined and officers' checks .................................... -481 ,.caeaor ... s m&.•OASW'4Y MOtlYUAIY 110 BroadWey Cotta Mesa &42-9150 g randch ildren. He waa a n Thil bu1ineu 11 conduettd by• Ray Lippi TOTAL DEPOSITS IN corpor•tlon 0. A. Moyere atoodtorney aft law In Holly-Wl~trMm, 1no. ,..!!"' ·~~t~ with t11e DOMESTIC OFFICES ........................................ -40,332 w , Ca. or 45 years. A Ab 0r-. .,.,..nty ..,_ .. "' -·--County Oft Total demand deposits .................. 4 ,004 vactuat.e from South We.sw-P'8ak1811t ""'1121• 1"2• Total time & aavlnge de posits ..... 36,328 rn Law School, and admit.-~ ·~:r:r.;~ltd~: P\ibll"*f Orengt eo.11 Da~~ All other llabHttie. ....................................................... 65-4 ted to t he bu U\ 1927. He Aptt 20. 1M2. Al>fll 23, 30, May 7, 14, 1112 TOTAL LIABILITIES wu a mmnbet o1 the Santa ,.rm teoo..ea (excluding eubordJnated notes Lease financing receivables ..................................... 99 Bank premises, F F .& E., e tc . .. .... .... ... ... ......... . 694 All other assets . • .. • ....... . ... 't6 TOTAL ASSETS ........... .. ............... ................. 18,050 LIABILITIES Demand deposits o f Ind ividuals. partnerships and corporations ......... .. 2.819 Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations .. ... .. .... 8,865 Deposits of United States G overnment .. .. . . ... . . .. 36 Deposits of States and political subdivisions ....... ..... . ............. .................. 100 Certified and officers' c hecks ................................. 464 TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC OFFICES ............. ....... ..... .. ........ 12.28" Total demand deposits ..................... 3 ,319 ' Total time & savings deposits ........... 8,965 All other liablRtlet .... ........... ... . .. .. . .... .. .... .. . . .. ......... 96 TOTAL LIABILITIES (exctudlng subo rdinates notes and debentur•) ............. .. ............................... 12.380 IOUITY CAPITAL LU.TZIM .. OM IMmt .. TUTHa&. =~ ~!·~~ I04~. n9Y cr;~."r.i2,.,. NlJC *>TIC( af\d <Mbentur•) ................................................. 40,986 of the Scottllh Rite and Sh· 1t1e-a2 Ac:TmOUI .,._.1 EQUITY CAPtTAL Preferred stock ....... P referred s tock No . shares outstanding -None WlllCLWCHAf'B. -427 E. 171h SI Costa Mesa e.te-9371 line. Private famlly eervioel ._ aTAftlmNT •-.,. 11nftl'r Tll• fo1tow111" P• • 1 .. No. lharea outtta ndlng -None Common a tock were he,ld. Interment at Pa-r-..,,-. ... _ ... _ .... • ' on • .,01110 ---Common ltock a. No . lh•res authorized 810,000 ciflc V iew Memorial Park . '1CmlOUI ~ LE BOYSENBERRY Mousse a. No . lhatee eothoriz.ed 876,000.00 b. No . shares outstanding 600,000 3,000 ~:-~1:!:e°:l 8:::1ee b~ ,,J..~~,::.,_ _ dolllg ~ ~ Fllf Drlw. Coate,..... b. No. theree out9tendlng 506.000.00 2,630. c. S urp lu a ............................................................. 2,98~ C WhOOda toScthel 2nd ChCourch of GINQl A OUtGHI, 1MS ""'" A~.~ A..:..•c~=~ Mar ~~~'iWontl"ind'~ .................................. 2,530 u~~~1=::n~·= rltt e ntlet of rona 11111111 Aw, 110-0, Cotll MtM. -= M Otttk 1NA Def ...., for .... _.11 M:iM _ _.. ..... ..i al Mat. Plldfic v i.w Mor-CA :;...A L. JOHNSON, 1948 A~ .... ~ ..... cA 11HH. ....,, .. 1g9r1 •"' 1 ......,.t r....-ves ..................................................... {312) n.y cl&nldorl. ,,_ --~ by 1 other ~ re11rv91 ........................................... • 119 TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL ....................................... 6,670 VUl..A.&OVIC :.:...~=~· 110·0 , Coeta ~ ':f:'':":.. .... Ca.ni TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL ............................... m ..... 4,M 1 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND MICHAEL RIC H AR ~MAN I JOHNe()ff 1I02 Thie llttemeiM tllecl TOTAL LIABILmas ANO E'O UITY CAPITAL .............................................. 18,0 50 VtJLAKOVlc. .JIL ........ , ,.... •"..; ... o!,::'r'ld. ~ a..;c °' ~ ~ ': EQUITY CAPrTAL .............................................. •&.9 27 MEMORANDA of Colta 11 ... ~ PUMd ~ ~ ..!. 11y t Aplt ft. lNt. mliOM.NDA (Mlo•ole .... ....... ' . ___ ,.,..... ,..,,. ,................ . .. -.... , "'81.~ Apil JO, 1112. He II ~ L. ~ °'"'" eo. °* ""-·--· ........ llJ .. w111 ~ ,,. ..... ••• .. ..,. .... "' AtHtl n. IO • .._ 7 14 ..., • ef....,. ... , Stendby lett"' of credtt. total .................................. 484 a; V•k' ute., a... ="l~O::.,• °'9"1' ONiey Oii • ' 'flMI ~ '-"-' ofofor9dlt, l.,._ ............................... 1, 158 Time owttftoetM of cMpoalt c1 ., t aon llktlHl J . 0 ,.... •"'119 ~ _.... In denomination• of =:: :.a.,.~•.::J ~ .... ~ . .,..~ w •_,..•.......,.....;..,. or'" ~tone oe 1-.000 7 ,.1 ~ 11~~ °'ao~;,;:.:~·;.-.::.:;.······ ............................ e ,112 Julla .t\aa "'" .'reo:;: -....., ' ,_,,.,. -' A_.."'°'Zw"30'aiiiMiei'_. .................. w.............. ' ,,';a.~:.., ,;;.;;-~ Meu. Ca. eitd atl .. beUt (or 011111111 Mllillll... .... ~ ... : lllllte fll W t * ru. ea.. l ...,. ,.... ~ To••f dll!Dlltl ............................... , ... " ............ i 11141 ttrother Joeeph of PUU· a. T• == ...... , ................................... M,171 Wt, the Uf'ldllllgneid dlreotOf'I ..._the oot1•--.vr1ll. PHa11IH11la, I We.= ._... .._.,.. .,,....,. of "'II 11ae1mene of,..,.,.,,.. Md......., Wi .._. ..,.,-.i§..ldle¥M of • rum ,.11:1 ........... w.,... '*-. ._ mn ...._.by ue, end to,,.. ilitll• illl DllllNii •Wall M • ,. -.. w ua. w to ._ Mii of our 11noW11d11 • ......, II Ind.,,.., ... ' l•Mla, llNRll .. I... .. '°""'• I =I~ I ••laHyea, A /W, • JI • ., Cllt• t • N!!il!l,!!!,ie Orange Cout DAILY ptLOT/Frktay, Aprll ,30, iea2 1111 TIYITI ....... 4 •Pffd trana., air cond., radio, luggage rack, deluxe exterior In IMhlllc brown wtth aaddle myt In- terior. G'9et economy with room f()( the farnlty. (383MPR). 5 2999 1111 .. 414 "1111 amu 11" Automatic tr.,,.., pwr. at. & br8k•. air cond., et•reo, cUMtta, alldlng r .. r window, dual tanka, cuatom wheal• & Urea and chrom• atep Tf»iii" 117111111 ICCOll 4 NII Automatic tran1ml11lon. po)¥er ateerlng & brakea, air cond., allver metallic exterl0< with burgundy In· terlor & AM·FM radio. (465WUO). 5 6599 1111 TIYITI 11111.U 4 •· IEIAll Auto. trana .• factory air conditio- ning, power atM~lng, power dlac brakH, AM·FM atereo and low mllea. (1CGE044). 56499 1118 Fiii F-218 PIOl·IP Automatic trana., power brakea, atereo caaaette, cuatom cab and atep bumper. A great work truck that'• prloed to Mil. CALL TODAY! 1111 lllTlll FllTllll Economical 4 cylinder engine, 4 IPMd tranamlaelon, pwr. ateerlng & bruea, AM·FM atereo, wire whMI dtaca, radial tlr• & more. Muat ... to appreciate. (853VAE). 5 3699 1111 TIYITI OllKLI "Ill" UfTIAll 5 apeed trana., air cond., pwr. brakea, AM·FM atereo, ext. trim package, epot .... Y*low flni.h with black vlnyl Interior. (381982). A fun car with great atytlng f0< just '5299 1111 TIYITI ..... , .....,, LlfTW 5 apffd, factory air conditioning, power lteerlng, power dl8c brak ... atereo ca ... tte, aunroof & under 11,000 mffea(1BSY724). '7399 BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA 1/2 TON PICKUP 4 speed transmission, front disc brakes, 2.4 litre engine and fully factory equipped. (039756). A graduation special at $ SPECIAL GREEll RIBBOll BUYS These late model, low mlleage cars all carry Earle Ike's excluslve 2 year 24,- 000 mlle warranty. You can't loael BEST BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY! e 1111IATlll1-210 2 II. '3499 Automatic tranJ., pwr. brakea, AM-FM radio; lteel radlel tlr•. m~ trim pee.. kage. Very clean In every reapect. (328TZO). White exwnor with ~ vlnyt lntartor f0< just • 1111 llTSll 21111 •4399 5 apeed trana., air cond., pwr. brakea, atereo, tinted glau & morel GIHmlng metallic allver with cuatom Interior. (263VCP). Styllah economy !Of only • 1llO IUZll 121 °"" . '6999 Auto~tlc trana., pwr. brak ... air oond., AM..fM atereo, allOy wl'leell, extartor trim padlage & more. (1b.JZA35). Thia gtMmlng brown INhlllk: l>Muty ha leae lhM 15,000 mAee; don't mlae ltl • 1~~~~ .. ~atrcondlUonlng, '7899 power steering, power dlac bi-ak•, AM-FM atereo radio, Ult wheel and'alloy wtt.ta (933ZFW). . BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA COROLLA 4 speed transmlsalon, bucket M8tt, front dllC brakes, 1.8 litre engine and fully factory equipped. (234512). a graduation spe- cial at $ . NO EASONABLE OFFER REFUSED ON AN_Y_T_R_U_C_K_l..._N......_..._ INVENTORY ••• MAKE US AN OFFER EVEN AT FACTORY INVOICE,. INCLUDING 4x4.'SI· I ' 1111 Fllll F· 118 PICI IP 8 cyt .• auto. ttana .. power steering, power brakea. AM·FM radio. tinted glaaa, cuatom wheel• & low milea ( 1Y41087). 5 7699 1110 llTlll 1210 LIFTUOI SL package, 5 speed, factory air condltlonlng."'AM-FM radio, tinted glaaa, ou11om Interior & exterior & under 8000 mllel. (1AP8447). . 55299 1111 TOYITI CEUCI UFTUOI 5 apeed Irena .. air conditioning. atereo. power ateerlng. rear window ahade & cualom two tone red me- tallic flnllltl. (8'42XSO). What a car for only •5999 11M YILllWllEI •••••• "I" 5 apeed trana., factory air cond .. power dl8C br8k•. atereo cauette, aunroof. alloy wheel• & gleaming black padtage. ( 1AOK676). '7799 1111 lllZI "J.S" ~ 5 lpeed ttaMmlaelon, AM..fM radio, all the factory equipment, just owr 11.000 mii.. cuatom wtleela & tlr•. (1COA945). 5 5999 1111 TIYITI CEUOI LlfTIAOI Automatic tranamlulon, power lte«lng, power dllc brak•, AM·FM atereo. rear window ahade kit & custom two tone paint. (813UXT). 54299 1111 TIYITA CWOI UFTUOI Auto. trana .. factory air condltlo· nlng, power dlac brakelf, AM-FM radio, aunroof and alloy wheela. (1AQX975~ 5 7999 1111 TIYITI COllAU "El" a.I 5 •P"d tranamlaalon, atereo c ... sette. power brake• and morel (6nRLF) An exceptionally clean rare model IOI' )ult BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA TERCEL 4 speed transmlulon, bucket aeats and fully factory equipped. (41S074). A graduation special now priced at only $ 111111ca F HIDA V . APHI L JO. 1<182 OHA N r~f COU N I Y C ALIFORNIA 25 CENlS . ·SOuth Laguna annexation due ~ By STEVE MITCHELL Of1MDe19r"9t ..... The Laguna Beach City Coun-. cll aaya it will consider bringing all of South Laguna into the city, including Three Alxh Bay. And the council will take another look at prezoning a por- tion of South Laguna from the current city limita at Dumond Drive to Ali.lo Creek as a prelude to annexation. Several property owners in the area aay they oppose both no- Uona. The smaller annexation was requested a year ag9 by residents of the Treasure Island Mobile Home Park. They fear they would loee their units should the county approve a high rl8e time- share projec t planned for the 24-acre parcel. The county's L ocal Agency Formation Commission postpon- ed a decision on the annexation J UST STEP BACK -Marine parachutist departs from heli- copter during air show practice Thursday at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. It's easy. All you have to do is stand on the proposal until thl1 aummer, sayina the city'• general zoning provil1ona are too restrictive. The commialion ilwtructed the city to meet with developers at Treasure laland, and Hobo Ca- nyon property owners, in an at- tempt to work out an agreement whereby the "inte~ty of county planning decisions is pre.erved. City zoning laws prohibit buil- dings higher than three stories. The plan for Treasure Ialand also includes sracttna provlalona that do not match Laguna'• ordinan- cet . In addition, a zone change for the propaeed 700-unit project at Hobo Canyon aleo conllicta with city codes in relation to density and grading. City officials have met with repre9entatives of both develop- ments and have propoeed zoning which the city claims ls compa- ...., ............. ..,...._ end of the ramp at th~ of the helicopter and take one step backward. The helicopter will pull away at about 100 mph. Oh. don't forget to pull the riJXX>rd. lninate says Sirhan foe liar U.S. cuts exports, aid to Argentina J ohless toll • to increase in county? From Wire Services SOLEDAD -lmpate Robert Bell, who said he first associated with a witness against Sirhan Sirhan in Orange County Jail, labeled the witness "a chron ic liar" Thursday. . Bell testified to the parole board about witness Lawrence Eugene WU.On, who had told the board Sirhan had threatened to kill Sen. F.ciward M. Kennedy. Bell was the second witness of the day t o dispute the death threat claim. Sirhan, con victed assassin of Sen. Ro bert F. Kennedy, h as denie d allegation s of threats against the second Kennedy bro- ther. Bell, a convicted burglar, told Sirhan's parole board that key witness Wilson, is "a chronic liar" and "a prollflc manipulator." The board is considering whether to reteind Sirhan's 1984 parole date. Bell said Wlbon approached h im in 1978 and 1ugge1ted he corroborate Wilton's story about . the alleged Sirhan death threat. .. He wanted me to say I over- heard him and SlrhaA talking ( ... lllUUN. Pap Al) NATION • WAS HINGTON (AP) -Se- cretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. announced economic sanctions and the auapension of military exports to Argentina to- day and said the United Stat.es would "respond positively to re- quesls for materiel support" for Britain in the crisis over the Falkland Islands. "There will of course be no d ire c t U .S . mi l ita r y involvement," Haig said in an- nouncing the sanctions ordered by President Reagan after Ar - gentina on T hursday rejected anew U.S. efforts to mediate the dispute. Haig said while he preseed the effort at mediation, the United S tates refrained from taki ng sides in the crisl1, and Britain understood that position. "Now, however , in light o f Argentina'• failure to accept a comprom.iJle, we muat take con- crete steps to undencore that the United States cannot ahd will not condone the u1e of unlawful force to resolve disputes," he aald. Arcentlna Invaded the Britilh·held ia1andt April 2, and the Bridlb .... their fleet to the South Atlantic io mount a bloc- • kade that took fuJl effect at 4 a.m., PIYr today. Even as he announced Amer - ican support for Britain, "our cloeest ally," Haig said that in the end there will have to be a ne- gotiated settlement of the t.erri- ·torlal dispute over the sparsely populated islands 250 miles off the Argentina coast. · "Otherwise w e will a ll face unending hostility and inaecurity in the South Atlantic.'' Haig said. He began by saying that the crisis was ente ring "a new and dangerous phase in which la rge-scale m ilitary action 1s likely." He reviewed what he called an "extraordinaty effort" by the United States to find a peaceful solution, an effort that sent him shuttllng between London and Buenos Aires. Haig said the United State• had propoeed "a fair and aOund" settlement that would have in- cluded an end to hortiliUes, mili- tary withdrawal by both 1idet, cr e ation of a n interim Britilh-Argent.lne-U.S. authority to adminilter the lllanda and the creation of a framework for ne. aot.tationl to detenntne the final •tdelnent. COUNTY A lot of hot air Although Orange County'• jo- bleu rate remained unchanged through March, unemployment is expected to swell in the county by .rune when college ~uates flood the job market. according to Employment Development f>e- pa rt men t figures r eleas ed Thunday. According to labor market analyst Alta Yetter, the county's 6.1 percent joble11 rate "still compares very favorably" to the March unemployment rates for the state and the nation -9.4 and 9 percent respectively. The EDD~ indicated that 73,000 Orange County residents were out of work ln March, compared to 72,000 in February. The unemployment rate remaJ- ned unchanged becau.ee the size of the labor market lncreued. The March 1982 rate compared to an unemployment rate of 4.3 percent pted in March of lut year In ~County. Ma. Yetter-aald the 'Outlook for the future 1.m't bricht. predictina that t he jobleaa rate wlll rise considerably in future month• becawe of ne.r-<lel1aln i.~ in manufacturinc. 'nwt Gordon Bennett S.lloon a.. wtU be held in Fountain Valley for the third comecuUw year. Wee- Undlr'. 1"1ta t t.li• 7 m111ale1 '! =-iewe Mmtlli ... a W 'tWr loc* al ... _ ...... ...,,.._ ............ ..... 1•N'11j·le11. .. 11 . rable to the existing county zo- °1l'f iy Manager Ken Frank said the d ty has even proposed gua- rapteea that would aee that com- parable zoning remaJn in effect for three years after annexation. But b oth developers have balked at the suggestion. Frank will suggest that the council prezone the initial anne- xation area and again offer gua- rantees to the· two major land- ~. holders. In ad dition, he will a1k th• council to In vestigate the coetl and benefits associated with .. annexation of the entire Soutl Laguna area into the city. • rt it la shown that there art benefits to Laguna by brlnlinl all of South Laguna into the dtj the council could pursue that option w hen the !:AFC meett again on the issue this aununeq city officials said. EYING SKY -Marine Maj. Tom Guiney peers through goggles and window of helicopter. He was watching para· chutists jump from another helicopter during practice Thunday for weekend Marine air show at El Toro. See story and additional photo, Page Bl. Extra parking set for El Toro show c .. ~ ... •. The Marlnea at El Toro are provldinc extra parking areas for the expected 350,000 vilitors to Saturday and Sunday'• open hOUle and air ahow. A new parkina area will be available for vialtors near the Marine baae 1olf course, and shuttle bl.-will be provided to trarwport viewers to and from the air ahow. INDEX A4 A6 86-7 M B2 Dl.1>8-8 m C7 M Other parking areas include -. are a ne ar the 1tatlon plcnk 1_~ounda, two areas alonl t~ rught line near BWld1Jll # 8lld another near Gate 9. · For those who want to patk near the golf coune and aaticb ·• ride to the 1how, take the ~ Dleao Freeway to Lake ~ heaa eut to Trabuco Roed .._ tum left. - SIRHAN HEARING : . ·. about political f1gures and that I I • heard him say he was going to 11aa1inate Edward Kennedy Wfter hla (Slthan's) releaae," Bell ~cl l.nlUally, Bell said he did tell at atory to authorities but now almed he was lying. When pa- role board member Loretta Col-=referred to.a previous state- t by Bell quoting Sirhan as ng, "I ain't finished with him rt Kennedy) yet. I'll get his er.'' Bell was adamant. He didn't say none of that," said of Sirhan. Asked if he heard a conversation about Ken- J.,edy. he said, ''No, I didn't." is Bell said he agreed to lie for ,,~ibon when the two of them were together at the Oranae County Jail because Wu.on con- vinced hlm h e had "juice" and could influence authoritia to be lenient With Bell, who waa then awaiting trial. "He was always buddy-buddy and asked me if I needed anythlnf.'' he said of WU.On. But later he said he learned that Wilson was known throughout the prison system as a liar. "Everybody knows Larry Wilson is a chronic liar," he tea· tified. Asked if Sirhan ever dis- c~ J>C?litics, he said no. "H e didn't talk to hardly anybody," he said. "He was just by himself." ?resident's speech ... ad little insight b WASHINGTON (AP) -Pre- 1Vldent Reagan's aides cautiously \'et out advance word that his speech to the nation would have '°'IOme new ideas." /t But in the end there was little ~ew in what he said Thursday hi ht. " ~gan's nationally broadcast ~ delivered from the Oval -Offered no changes in his proposal to break the budget deadlock. • -Offered no new proposals for altering the debate and pro- iedu.re under wh1ch the Con~ •m tackle his 1983 spendfng pan. Reagan endorsed a proposed Constitutional amendment, pen- • <!Ing in the House and Senate, that generally would r equire Congress to approve a balanced budget In the future, except in -,vartime. It would take a three- fifths vote of each chamber to ,._p prove a deficit budget any 1qther Ume. llWB llllYSIS After repeating many of the economic arguments he has made in the past, he told his audience: "Make your voice heard; ler your representatives know that you support the kind of fair, ef- fective approach I have outlined for you tonight. Let them know that you stand behind our reco- very program. You did it once, you can do it again." Within a little more than one hour after the speech, 1;313 telephone calls were received showing support for the presi-. dent and 261 opposing him, a White House press office state- ment scua. In writing a final draft in longhand on a yellow legal-size pad, Reagan apparently rejected advice that he turn a harsh tongue on the Democratic lea- dership. As he put the final touches on a speech that aides earlier in the day predicted would be a tough attack on his opposition, he ap- parently chose to try a softer sell. As White House officials told it Thursday morning, Reagan was P.lanning to use the speech to 'blame the Democrats ... for the failure to reach an agree- ment" on the bud~et. U WlretlflOto PREGNANT ASTRONAUT -Rhea Seddon Gibson and her husband Robert, both astronauts, have announced that they are expecting a baby late this summer. Mrs. Gibson is the first member of the astronaut corps to become pregnant. Raid brings quest by job seekers More than 20 would-be work- ers showed up at the B.P . John furniture plant in Santa Ana to- day seeking to fill jobs formerly held by suspected undocumented workers removed Thursday by federal agents. An employee said the firm's personnel oHice was busy hand- ling applications this morning in the wake of the raid in which 130 workers were taken into custody. immigration and Naturallzatl- Sign language results in traffic crash A San Juan Capiatrano moto- rist who got pulled over becaUle she wu practicing sign language while driving Thi.tr.aay was re- leued, pulled back into traffic, and struck and injured a motor· cycllst. According to the California Highway Patrol, an officer pul- led over Carrie Marie Warren, 19, in Ml.saion Viejo. But Mias War- ren convinced the officer all she was doing was practicing some sign language. on Service and Border Patrol agents deecended on lhe plant at 2001 E. Dyer Road as part of the week-long "Operation Jobs" ca'!"pa~g n being conducted nauonwide. The purpoee of the operation is to remove undocumented work- ers from jobs, thus making the positions available to people who are either U.S . citizens or are in the county legally, officiala aay. Thunday's entorcement action in Orange County also led to the detention of 52 people employed at the West American Rubber Co .• 750 N. Main St., Orange. A switchboard operator said the firm would have no comment on the raid. Since Monday, when the first raids occurred in Los Angeles, more than 600 suspected undo- cumented worker11 have been ta- ken into custody. Many workers were released after producing documenta showing they were legally within the United States. Those who cannot produce necessary papers face deporta- tion. Operation Jobs has drawn strong protest from leaders of Hispanic, civil rights and reli- gious groups who claim the sweeps are discriminatory and racially motivated. They also have charged that those taken into custody are being denied certain rtghta, such as being per- mitted to talk to an attorney. Baseball, soccer camps planned Baseball and soccer s um- mer camps for youngsters have been scheduled in La - guna Beach beginning June 14 and running through Aug 27 Baseball camp w iU feature Instructors from the high school team and is set to run in four sessions. The sessions are set for June 14 to 18; June 21 to 25, • Laguna N1guel's auxilia- ry of Children's Home Socie- ty, Les Petlles Fleurs. has slated its second annual wo- men's doubles tennis tourna- ment for May 13 and 14 at the Laguna Niguel Racquet Club. The· soc_iety is <t non-profit •The Dana Point Women's Club is sponsoring tennis classes for both males and females of all ages and sk1lb The ei~ht one-hour c.lasst-i. •The Laguna Beach Mu- seum of Art will present a free hour of chamber music f o r c h i ldre n e ntitl ed "Concerts ·in Miniature" Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. Led by cellist and the former conductor of the Orange County Symphony Orchestra Frieda BeUnfante, the musicians will d emon- June 28 to July 2 .md July 12 lo 16 &x>t't."r ('Umps will be hl'ld July 19 to 2a. Aug 2 to 6: Aug. 9 lo 1:3, Aug. 16 to 20 and Aug. 23 to 27 The ('amps will 1ndudc• in- SlrlJ('tlon In rundament.als and additional work for interme- diate and advancc·d athletes S<'hool aged youngsters ar<' em-ouragcd t.o attc•nd For mon· mformat1on c:..11 497-6001 volun1.in1y supportt-d child and family "*'rYl<.'t· agt·my for adoption. <.hlld t<irP. Coster homt:!>, pubh<. <.·dut'Jl1on and pn•vent1on or C'hJld JhU"-<' further 1nforrnut1on on th<.· so<.·a·ty and th<.· 1cnn1s t11ur- namc·nt l'an be ohl<im<.·d bv tl• I<.· phon 1 ng ·HJ :3 50 7 I o'r 495 4241 <.'<>st $18 and t•nrullm<·nts now Jr<.' bt•mg a<.·<.•cptt•d Cont<i<. t 1t•nn1s instructor M1<.·hael El- h .. rgy at ·H>:J-5 108 Stratt> the V(•rsatJIJtV or t.'a('h instrument In the eruembl1· Sponsored by the mu - seum's ~un1 or C'OUn c1l, the concert 1s geared toward clt•mentary-age children The c-ounciJ suggests that chiJdren attending be a t least eight years old. The Laguna Bea,·h Mu- seum of Art is locawd at 307 Cliff Drive, Laguna &ach. Onofre leak solved Problems that caused a non- radioactive leak to a nuclear po- wer plant in San Onofre have been identified and corrected, Southern California Edison Co reported Thursday. Water from the reactor's coo- ling system escaped Wednesday from Unit 2 of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. which is undergoing startup t.es· ting. Such leakage is common to the s ta rtup proceaure 1n any large power plant. company spo- kesman David Barron said. The incident occurred during t.esung for leakage 1n valves and piping in the reactor coolant system at high tt>mperatures and pressures, Barron said Nuclear fuel m the reactor~ not yet been 1rradiated and nc rad1oacuv1ty was released in thE 111c1dent, he said · The president sought to re- employ a tactic that worked ex- tremely well for him a year ago: Encouraging the people of the nation to apply pressure. through letters and telegrams and tele- phone calls to their representa- tives in Congress. "He'll say that the people who contributed to the economic pro- blems we see today are standing in the way of solving them. one aide predicted. And a well-connected lobbyist, summarizing a White House briefing he had received, predic- ted: "He's going to really take the gloves off." When she was then released and pulled out from the center divider back onto the San Dlego Freeway at Avery Parkway, the CHP said she collided with a moton:yle operated by Gary Mc- Clennahan of San Clemente. McClennahan was taken to Milsion Community Hospital and later transferred to Camp Pend- leton. His condition was descri- bed u good. 'Alabama' tops country music ~ torugnt w!ln 1em~alU<H r•nglng from 5~ to 59 Morr.ing low clouds on Saturday wllh lllOSlly cleerlng In early afternoon " Some hazy 1un1h1na due High• 'Mio 70 EIMwtlefa. from Po+nl Concep- tion lo the MHl<:an bord•r and OUI l!O "'"-Light variable Wind• nlgtll ~ mornlnt!:.u••. beco- ming -· 10 tout I 10 to 15 knOtl In 1"-al1~ today 9f'ld Saturday Wulllfly await I to 2 l••I, e11cep1 local 3 10 5-1001 combined ... , In ou1e1 wa1 .. 1 MOtllly cloudy through Sltu•day '#1111 pertlat CIHrlng and 1ome ~ ltl lht •ll•noon But that didn't happen. Some sunshine due Tempe ratures NATIOM .. Le ..... 54 35 83 68 70 44 ee 38 87 49 68 44 83 54 ee 42 81 34 86 65 .18 48 28 .19 eo 34 S5 43 S7 72 ee 38 58 33 69 31 .20 --------------------.. 50 Norfolk 58 40 Neeoeee N 88 60 No. Plett• 46 a Oeklend 78 :: ~ Ol<lt City 81 82 .28 PMO ~ 11 41 57 47 OnWla M 49 Aed 8luff 13 47 eo 52 °'1endo ee 83 A«twooct City eo 60 82 48 ~ M 51 Stcflll'Ml'l10 IO 41 70 ... Pno.nlx 93 70 StllnM 72 u .... Ptttabur ... 43 Sen Diego 70 83 :: = Pltlencl, ~ 81 30 81111 ,,enolac» 87 '8 87 54 Plltnd. Ore eo 4t Senta ..,,,.,. 87 so 82 43 .02 Pr~ et 38 Senta MIN 17 60 ee 45 Aelalgll et H 8tqc•non 11 60 82 4t Reno 14 a 1 Th«mel M 83 42 Slit Ulke H 31 Uki.tl 14 s1 ae Sen AntonlO 12 13 Bentow to 12 37 .oa seetUe ae ..-Bio ..., 8 .. 7 87 ""' SIW~ 71 80 lleflop -Sioux ,... ... 41 CeUlllM .. : : SI Loult 14 41 L.elle ~ M ae a at aw Mn ee » ~!:"" rs ~ ~ ,02 & a 5 Mt.WIW ~ 11 12 .OI ....,_, ._... ~ 11 • 1.ot f=um • ~ 'L =---• "•1 !! • .......... t7 44 ,.. • .... 11 -WIOlllel ti U a.i ..,,..,.IO 71 .. • ..,..... 14 M 11 .10 C&i'OMM ..... AM 10 ~ : ,04 --·-·· .. 11 ......... --~ ..... ~---= 5 ·01 5 5 ! Extended :: n ... er S E /orecai . : : ....._ 11 41 IOUTHl"N CAL"O~NIA ~TAL. ANO l!IOUNTAIN ~-~.;,o::~~. lllf llNIT . MiSl Mandrell, Haggard share best vocalist awards By 'l'llle A.11oclated Pre11 The rocking country band cal- led Alabama wu the big winner at the 17th a nnual Academy of Country Music awards, taking two honors in addition to being named entertainers of the year. Barbara Mandrell WU named top female vocaliat Thursday night, Merle Haggard won top male vocalist, and the duo of David Friuell and Shelly West won top vocal duo and song of the year, for "You're the Reuon God Made Oklahoma," in the ceremony at Knott'• Berry Fann. Alabama, which lea than two years ago was playing a bar in Myrtle Beach, S .C., claimed "Hat" trophiea for top vocal group and album of the year for their "Feeb So Right." A year ago, the band won the top vocal group award. "I think the academy ju.It kind or leada the way," Mid lead •in· ger Randy Owen. "It's a great honor. Last year we did 300 days on the road and we're glad all the people listened." MiH Mandrell's top female vocaliat award marked her fourth honor from the Los Angeles - baaed academy. ''You've been very, very good to me for a very long time," the singer told the audience of 2,000 at the Buena Park amusement park. Haggard was not on hand to claim his best male vocalist tro- phy -his 14th Hat trophy and his sixth for male vocalist Juice Newton wu another air sentee winner in the bes t new ftrnale vocalist category. But Ricky Skaggs said, ''Thank you, Lord" u he collected his award for best new male vocaliat. The Oak Ridge Boya, gospel aingen turned country, won the sin&1e record of the year award for ''Elvira." The song is the subject of a $10 million federal lawsuit by members and survi- vors of the Rivingtons, who claim that the "Oo-papa-mau-mau" refrain of "Elvira" was stolen from a Rivingtons hit. However. in accepting the best single award, Oak Ridge Boy Joe Bonsall said without referring to the lawsuit that the band had first h eard "Elvira" sung by a group in Texas a few years ago. "If we knew the name of that little group in Texas we'd buy them a Cadillac," Bonsall said. The Clint F.astwood film "Any Which Way You Can" became the first winner of the newly- crea ted Tex Ritter award for country motion picture of the year. That award was presented by Ritter's aons, "Three's Com- pany" star John Ritter and his brother Tom. ' I I I. ...... ~ --. _.._ . .. --... -.......... _ 1111111:1111 1m1111m11 .. . .. FRID AY APRIL .I" '482 r,• AN (.£ r • >11 N ' )' C A LIFO n N IA 25 C[N T S Sirhan plot linked to county jail I i From Wire Services SOLEDAD -Inmate Robert Bell, who said he first associated wilh a witness against Sirhan Sirhan in Orange County Jail, labeled the witness "a chronic liar" Thursday. Bell testified to the parole board about witneaa Lawrence Eugene Wilaon, who had told the board Sirhan had threatened to kill Sen. F.dward M. Kennedy. Bell was the 'second witness of the day to dispute the d'eath threat claim. Sirhan, convicted assassin of ( JUST STEP BACK -Marine parachutist departs from heli- copter during air show practice Thursday at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. It's easy. All you hav~ to do is stand on the Sen. Robert F . K ennedy, has denied allegations of threats against the second Kennedy bro- ther. Bell, a convicted burglai, told Sirhan'• parole board that key witness Wilson, le "a chronic liar" and "a prolific manipulator .. " The board is considering whether to rescind Sirhan's 1984 parole date. Bell said Wilson approached him in 1978 and suggested he corroborate Wil.10n'a story about the alleged Sirhan death threat. "He wanted me to say I over- Deir .......... .,..,~ end of the ramp at the rear of the helicopter and take one step backward. The helicopter will pull away at about 100 mph. Oh, don't forget to pull the ripcord. Many seek jobs left by aliens Argentina cut o f f Man held in prank More than 20 would-be work- ers showed up at the B.P . John fu~'ture plant in Santa Ana to-da seeking to fill jobs formerly he by suspected undocumented wo kers removed Thursday by federal agents. An employee said the firm's personnel office was busy hand- ling applications this morning in the wake of the raid In which 130 workers were taken into custody. immigration and Naturalizati· on Service and Borde r Patrol agents descended on the plant at 2001 E. Dyer Road as part of the week-long "Operatio n Jobs" campaign belni cond\tt!ted nationwide. The purpose of the operation is to remove undocumented work- ers from jobs. thus making the positions available to people who are either U.S. citizens or are in the county legally, officials say. Thursday's enforcement action in Orange County' also led to the detention of 52 people employed at the West American Rubber Co., 750 N. Main S t., Orange. A switchboard operator said the firm would have no comment on the raid. Since Monday, when the first raids occurred In Los Angeles, more than 600 suspected undo- cumented workers haye been ta- ken into custody. Many workers were released after producing documen ta showing they were Jeplly within the United St.at.es. (SM IOB, P .. e A!) NATION ·u.s. aids Britain in Falkland crisis WASHINGTON (AP) -The United States today offered mi- litary supplies to Britain in the Falkland Islands crlaia, while suspending arms aalea and loan guarantees to Argentina. Presi- dent Reagan accuted Argentina of armed aggreaalon and aaid it "must not be allowed to succeed." So ended four weeks of neu- trality in the territorial dispute over the South Atlantic islands. Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. announced the oanc- Uons against Argentina and the off er of aid to Britain. although ruling out any "direct U.S. mili- tary involvement" in the height- eninl{ crisis. He said Reagan ordered the sanctions against Argentina be- cause the Buenos Aires govern- ment refused to compromise in the dispute over control of the islands. Haig said the Falklands crisis "ia about to enter a new and dangerous phue in which large- scale milltary action ls Ukelv." At the White House, Reagan told Midwest edlton and broad- casters that Ar1entlna waa the aggressor "in thla dispute over the 80VettiCJ'tty of that little ice- cold ~of land down t.here, and they finally just l'ftOl1ed to armed agr-'or\ and there WU bloodshed. "And I think the prlndple that all of UI mwt ab6dle by ii armed agl' I Hkm of that kind mwt not be allowed to succeed," the pre- sident laid. He said he wa1 sure the United States would honor any British request for aid, becauae he knew they would not make any request he could not honor. But Reagan aald he had not received any respon.e to the of- fer -"At thla moment we've had no request for such help'' - and repeated Halg's aaaurance that "there would be no direct involvement militarily by the United St.ates." The tilt toward Britain had been expected, but the American stance waa toughened wlth Halg's announcement that the United States "will respond po- sitively to requeata for materiel support for British forces." He did not aay what kind of supplies would be involved. He spoke as both Britain and Argentina 1et up war zones arowld the dlaputed illanda. The Britiah bad lmpoeed a full bloc- kade of the repon at 4 a.m. PI.Yr, and Argentina responded by de- cJ.arina a blockade of lta own. Deapite Hail'• peaimbtic u - ee.rnent of the pwpedl of war, fteaaan WU heard to remark that neltner aide 1eemed to want to ltart the ahootinc· Rapn w• overheard mak:lJ\I t hat comment to 1en atora at a White House meeting on t he bud1et. "It Juat aeema obviou1 that no one wanta t.o star t the (SM FAL&LAND, P ... Al) COUN TY A lot of hot air 911 call Taking a hard line on abu8ers of their new 911 emergency telephone system, Irvine police officers arrested a youth they ujd made a prank murder report Th~~ to the police report, David Jacbon Clark. al8o known u David Bojorek, of 43 Choate, admitted to officen he made the bofrua call, in which he claimed he wu being murdered. The 18-year-old aaid he wu watching television with some friends when he decided to dial the new 911 number and ICJ'eam foe help, the report said. H:.:C::ently didn't realize the of a caller immedia- tely flaahea on a switchboard terminal when any call ia receiv- ed on the 911 line, said Irvine police Lt. Bob Lennert The phony report waa the first received on the 911 line since it WH opened April 19, Lennert added. Clark waa booked ln Orange County Jail on suapidon of mm, false emergency reports, with bail set at $500. ''Our concern la that this ii atrictly an emerpncy line," said Lennert. "We need to keep lt open in cMf! aomeone elle really does have an emerpslC')'." Bus service set TEL A VIV, llrael (AP) - Recular bua service between F.cYpt and Israel began 1:l in another atep toward • zed relations 'nw Gordon e.nrillU Balloon Mei Will bi bitld ln IWntain y.u.y fOI' the thArd OOllleCUtMt yw. w ... .....,. heard him and Sirhan talking about political figures and that I heard him say he was going to aHa11inate Edward Kennedy after h1a (Sirhan'•) release," Bell aald. Inftlally, Bell said he did tell that story to authorities but now claimed he was lying. When~­ role board member Lorett.a ~ her referred to a prevloua state- ment by Bell quoting Sirhan • saying, "l ain't finished with him (Robert Kennedy) yet. I'll get hit brother," Bell was adamant. (See SIRHAN, Pa1e A%) E YING SKY -Marine Maj. Tom Guiney peers through goggles and window of helicopter. He was watching para· chutists jump from another helicopter during practice' Thursday for weekend Marine air show at El Toro. See story and additional photo, Page Bl. ~ Extra parking set for El Toro show The Marines at El Toro are providing extra parking areas for the expected 350,000 vi.aiton to Saturday and Sunday's open hou.e and air show. A new parking area will be available for vlsltora near the Marine baae golf course, and lhuttl~buaes will be pt'ovided to trarwport viewen t.o and from the air ahow. Other pU'king areM Include an area near the atatlon picnic s.ro_un da, two areas along the flight line near Bulldin& #6 and another near Gate 9. For thoee who want to park near the aolf COW'M and catch a ride to the 1how, take the San INDEX At Your 8ervtce L.M. Boyd a.me. Callf ornia A4 A6 88·7 M Cavalcldt a •fled Qwnlm • Dl.DM m ~ Dlalb NodOll Mtartal ......__. Wtlll11*r a.1rrnp1 .• { ... ,,,,,, -, , \. I l' 1 I Diego Freeway to Lake Forest, head east to Trabuco Road and tum left. Continue along Trabuco and enter the air station near the .. course. The route will be open• until 1:45 p.m. both days. Gates to the air station will be open from 9:30 a .m . to 6 p.m. both days for the open hou•, static display of aircraft and U. noon air show. FJorida dar~ened · MIAMI (~) -Traffic~ went dark and elevators ltoDPeil between floors as a ruah -fio- power faOure aldpped .a"CJ9 tblt Swwhlne State ThUnday. ' FALKLAND CRISIS. . .. 1hootlng," he said. Argentine Foreign Minister •.Nicanor Co1ta Mendes aaid in 1New York that hJs nation had not ~jected the last U.S. peace pro-!oaa ls, but he only made 'oblervationa" Thursday. , "I want to make clear that Areentlna has not rejected the 1(.Jnited States proposal," he told ~porters after Haig's announce .cnent, insisting Argentina is pre- ~ "to negotiate and negotiate li' and ne,otiate." He aald Ar1entlna "la always ready to comply with ,Security Council NIOlu tJon 502 And to ac- cept intervention of the United Natlona or any of ita organa and, of courae, of the 1ecre· tary-general." But, at the aame Ume, he rei- terated his nation'• insiatence on resumpdon ol Argentine rule of the islands. .~IRHAN HEARIN6 ... 1 "He didn't say none of that," Walson is a chronic liar," he tes- 'Bell said of Sirhan. Asked if he llfied. Asked if Sirhan ever dis-~ a conversation about Ken-cussed politics, he sald no. ~.he said, "No, I didn't:" "fie didn't talk to hardly Bell said he a~ to lie for anybody," he said. "He was just W ilson when the two of \hem by himself." ~ere togethe r at the Orange Asked who Sirhan's closest County Jail because Wilson con-friend was, he aaid: ''Himself." lvinced him he had "juice" and Asked if he migbt be getting tould inlluence authorities to be something for this testimony, he lenient with Bell, who was then reJ>Ued: "l ain't gettin' nothin' ." ffwaiting trial. Earlier, William "Old Man" "He was always buddy-buddy Kogan, 60. said Sirhan, whom he Jlnd asked m e if I needed considered a friend, was the tar-.n)'thinB." he said of Wilson. But get of opportunia\ic pri8oners who 'later he said he learned that sought to mhke points for them· Wilson was known throughout selves by wheedling Sirhan's life the prison system as a liar. s tor y out of him and embelli- {, ·~Everybody know s Larry shm~ 1t I . )OB SEEKERS . • • '{'hose who cannot produce necessary papers face deporta- ltion. . gious groups who claim t h e sweeps are discriminatory and racially motivated. They a lso have charged that those taken O peration Jobs haa drawn into custody are being den ied ttrong protest from leaders of certain rights, such as being per- Hispanlc, civil rights and re li-milted to talk to an attorney. * * * (:ounty jobless rate I expected to rise Nuke bill backe d WASHTNGTON (AP) -Le- (illation to require the Energy Department to establish a policy for short-term and pe rmanen t Jdlsposal of radioactive nuclear waste h as been passed by the Senate and sent to the House. 6.1 percent jobless rate "still compares very favorably" to the March unemployment rates for the state and the nation -9.4 and 9 percent nsp«tively. The EDD figures indicated that 73.000 Orange County residents • were out of work 1n Maren, compared to 72,000 in Februarr. The unemployment rate rem~1- ned unchanged because the sue of the labor market increased. The March 1982 rate compared to an unemployment rate of 4.3 percent pied In March of last year m ~e C.OU.Oty. Ms. Yett.er uid the outlook for the future isn't bright, predicting that the joble11 rate will rise conalderably in future months becau.e of near-certain layoffa in manufacturing. WASHlNGTON (AP) -Pre- sident Reaaan's aidea cautlouaJy Jet out advance word that hl1 speech to the nation would have "aome new ideas." But in the end there was little new in what he said Thursday night. Reagan's nationally broadC3$t speech delivered from the Oval Office: -Offered no changea In hie proposal to break the budget deadlock. -Offered no new proposals for altering the debate and pro- cedure under which the CongTI!SI will tackle his 1983 spending plan. Reagan endorsed a proposed Constitutional amendment. pen- ding in the House and Senate, that ge nerally w ould require Congress to approve a balanced budget in the future, except in wartime. It would take a three- fifths vote of each chamber to approve a deficit budget any other time. But even that step re flected Reagan's long-standing support fer the balanced budget concept. He said at a Marc h 31 ne w s conference that he liked the Idea. adding the caveat that it "must also carry with it a limitation on taxes." That tax condition was mming from his speech Thursday eve- nine. · The president sought to re - employ a tactic that worked ex- tremely well for him a year ago: Encouraging the people of the nation to apply pressure, through letters and telegrams and tele- phone calls to their representa- tives in Congress. Woman held in a ssault on Irvine officer A 41-year-old Newport Beach woman was arrested at an Irvine coff~ shop early today after slae allegedly locked a police officer in the stemach. Betty Jeanne Bulloc k, 280 Cagney St., was booked into Orange County Jail on suspicion o f assault on a police officer, a misdemeanor. Bail was aet at $2.- 500. Officer John Coltrane was called to the Airporter Inn coffee shop at 2:20 a.m. today after ho- tel security guards already had made a c1t1zen's arrest of the su - spect for being drunk an public and throwing a salt shaker at a waitress, said Lt. Bob Lennert. As Coltrane began to handcuff her , she kic ked him, Lennert said. Coltrane was not hurt. Some sunshine due· '-00! 1omgn1 w111'1 1empera1urr-t r9ng1ng lrom 54 10 S9 Morr.1ng low clouot on Saluroay wllh mo.Uy clearing on eatly alr!'fnoon Some hary sunshine Oue High• -.&1070 EIMwllflfe. from Poml ConGel>- Oon 10 the MeJ1COn borOer ano out 60 mllea L1gr11 variable winos 1 night ano morning hour5, beco· ming west to IOUthwest 10 to Ill knots In the alll!fnoons 1oday ano S.Curday W••t•r1y swell t 10 ~ ..... ••C•P• local 3 lo S·IOOI COfllblnecf 1111 1n ouler wllers ~~O.tly clOudy through Ssturda~ 1111 parllet cltartng ano 1oma =ne In the afternoon 1V .S. sumnia ry I ..... NI -the upper M ...... V*'f locley u ~encl t IP'MCI from the -~ fnto Ktn-llnd !._.i.MO from lndlana to M,.,_ ....... Tllufldefttlowwa over Flofldt ... ,_,.,mo¥911 -tht Atleontlc, .. rwl of Ille llltloll had fair Ne1!ofltt w .. tller S«vlc• t tll11n4•r1llower1 ov11 • •nd 1011tll•11tern Hew • Wl1ll Ck>udy .... -tht 9' lie IOf,ltt\ern 0rMt ,..., A ••• tl'lunotttllOW•n ovtf 1 ... 1111'9'_.. lllortd9 MO I ......... nortlletn MtlM ..,, 1•1 ... llMtM, k•ttered •11-tft ..,. I XpeGted !Of WMt«n tefl and tllt mid· ind ............ 1111\IPli' Vllley, ,....., .... llOUllCI IM ,,._ = r..o "°"'"Ill • to ,, In ,...,..., T e nipera lu res NATION ..... ,,., ... 36 UM 10 .. ee ae 81 41 51 44 83 64 ee •2 11 34 85 56 .11 48 28 .11 IO 34 55 43 17 72 le SI ~· •. . ...,., •• ,.. , o ,,._.,.,. 5t $3 mntm ---=== .. O•• v\ ~ .. ' -· 4 51 at .20 --------------------ee 50 .. 50 8142 51 .. 57 ., eo &z 12 • 70 ... • 52 llH 17 64 ea 43 .02 .. .. 12 .. a .a " .. 12 17 .oe 17 ,. N la .. . .. 2t " 71 ,Oil .... 11 N .Ga n 11 U1 n • • '' a .. . .. " .10 M N ·°' 70 .. .... .07 .. n .. ,1 t7 IO 51 40 :: :: 51 41 .. 83 .. 61 t3 70 64 43 81 30 IO 4e .. 31 .. 31 64 81 "" 12 " M 44 75 10 64 41 64 41 .. G2 83 8" ea 40 51 43 14 5t a 83 ., ... II 13 NMdlM 15 Olllllnd 78 .26 Puo ~ 11 41 Red 8MI , 83 47 Redwood City IO llO 8ecrlll'lelltO IO 41 8allnel 7il 43 Sin Otego 70 ., Slnl'~ 17 41 sent• a.t>wa 17 60 sent• Mane n eo 810d11on 11 IO Thermel t6 \Ai.ti M 8enltow to llg8-11 =. : LAik• AtrowtlMCI .. Lono leedl 71 :r=:.. :: .......~ "' Onti11tD n =.:.-n ..,, ..,_dloo 71 c~ w.llllld IMJOM 14 lemaAM 70 a •1 ---------~~-----• a : :: Extended = l't.-IO • ,, .41 ... .. . a 5 /olV!Ctul . n 41 eOUTHU N CAl."O"NIA OOAITAL AND MOUNTAIN t'R'~~--.......... """lliiii .... """""" ............... __ .... __ ::;:::;;...,.~.::~ .... °" --.~-.· & ......., If 1111111 il#"-;rr,;;.": n:::r:. 11•1mYl11 After repeating many of the economic arguments he has made ·in the past, he told hta audience: "Make your voice heard: let your representatives know that yuu support the kind of fair, ef· fectlve approach l have ouUJned for you tonight. Let them know that you stand behind our reco- very program. You did It once, you can do It again." Youth ruled eligible for Little League Nadonal Little League officials have ruled that 12-year-old Arri Buford i1 eligible to continue playing bueball in the Fountain Valley North league. The decision ia expected to end a residency dispute surroun- dina the youngster. Mike Engel, president of Fountain Valley North, said national Little League officials in Williamsport, Pa., notified him late this week of their decision that Arri is eligible. Thomas L . Brown, attorney for the Buford family, has indicated the family will drop its lawsuit against Little League as soon as written confirmation of the deci- sion is received. Arri is expected to be playing with his team the Astros on Sat- urday at the Llihthouse Lane field in Fountain Valley. The Buford family lived in Fountain Valley for nine years. Last year, Arri's father James Buford, a disabled veteran, mo- ved temporarily to Detroit for medlcal treatment. Arri, however. was living In Fountajn Valley with a family friend during December and Ja- nuary, when Little League regi· stration for the current season waa conducted, Engel said. With strong pitcning and hat- ting, Arri helped the Astro6 reach first place. The Veterans Administration recently re located the Buford family to Garden Grove, and some rival coaches protested that Arri was not eligible to play In Fountain Valley North. One-<lay tripe to Ensenada. Mexico and to the Ramona Outdoor Play will be offered In May by Irvine's Commu- nity Services Department. In addition, the city also will 11ell $10 pueea to the 20th annual Renallaan~ Pleasure Faire ln Agoura. For the Ensenada trip on May 15, a bus will leave the Irvine Civic Center. Jamboree Road and McGaw Avenue, al 7:30 a .m. a nd will return about 9:30 p.m. Participan~s switch buses at the Mexican border. F ee for the excursion as $28.50, which includes re- freshments served on the bus. The Ramona pageant. ccle- • A seminar in tra1n 1ng your pets will be prest:ntccf Wednesday al 7:30 p.m. at thl' University Park Clubhouse. The session headed by dog obt.>daence trainer Sae Myles ts free and sponsored by the city's Animal Car e Center Pet owners are urged to bring questions, but no animals. Meanwhile. the non-profit group that assists at the shel- ter wall hold a fund -raising "Second Time Around Sale" • A pool tournament and pot luck dinner for teen-agers is planned May 15 at Heritage Park Youth Services Center, 4601 Walnut Ave., Irvine. The tournament winne r wall receive a pool cue. said • A half-day deep sea fi- shing tnp "to allow teens to catch their parents• din- ner" is planned June 5, ac· cording to Scott Smith of the Irvin e City Youth Serv1t'es program. Fee for the tnp, open to all I.rvme teen-agers. is $22. That bratang the roman<.-v 01 (•<.m y California, wall Ix· prL'St.'nl1'tf for the 55th year Saturday 111 the San Jacinto Vall<'y A bus will leave the C1v1c Cc•nu·r Jt 11 a m a nd r<.-turn <in1und 7 30 p.m The $1K ft~ 1ndudl'S trans- p o rtati o n on iln L11r conditioned bus and adm1s- s1on No transporu.uon I!> offn1'<.1 through thl· ca ty for l~w Hl· na1ssa ncc· Pll·as ur<' l-'a1 rl' Tickets at SJ)l"t:tal gmu11 rau·s art• ava1 lab)(' Thos<' 1nt(·re:.tt·d 1,1n r<· g1stcr for trip:. or bu) ti<. kt'l,\ ut th(' Commun it\ S1·1 VH.l':> D<:parlmC'nt <.1t C1.t" I Lill or ca ll 754 ~J1m1 S:..turday I rom 10 <• n1 '" I pm. at tht' Culvcrdcilt· ( 'lub house. 3754 Hamilton Res1dt·nts w1 i.hrng l11 d11 n<1 tl' nt-w or UM·d 1 t1·m-. for the PAWS (Pro rnot111n uf Animal W<:ll Bt-1ng1 PV•·nt 1,:an call Carol Pc·nh ollow .ii 552-8417 or KLith y Host·Vl':Jr at 552-7838 PAWS supplH·s food vo lunl<.ocr... ml'dtl'al .suppl1l.., and assists in -.p<1y·nl'utl'r pro~ rams for th<' sht•ltt:r Scott Smith, program toord1 nator. Parti<.·1pants must :.upply somPthmg fur the dtnn1·r. h•· S<11d Rt·g1.strat1on tan lw madl· Mav 1-t includes trdn:.portatwn l><Jat fare. rod r<'ntal and f1sh1ng llt't'ru.c: HPg1strat1on will bl· ht·ld from May 8 lhrough :l:l ill Ht•nliig<' Park Youth Scrv1n'!t Ct•nt l'r. 41i0 I Walnut Av<·. lrvtm'. EnrollmL•nt is ltm1t<'<.I to I 0 JX'Oplc> 'Alabama' tops country music Mandrell, Haggard share best vocalist a wa rds By TM Aaaoclatecl Pre11 The rocking country band cal- led Alabama was the big winner at the 17th annual Academy of Country Music awards, taking two honors in addition to being named entertainers of the year. Barbara Mandrell was named top female vocalist Thursday n ight, Merle Haggard won top male vocaJist, and the duo of David Frizzell and Shelly West won top vocal duo and song of the year, for "You're the Reason God Made Oklahoma," In the ceremony at Knott's Berry Fann. Alabama, whlch less than two years ago was playing a bar in Myrtle Beach, S .C., claimed "Hat" trophies for top vocal group and album of the year for their "Feela So Right." A year ago, the band won the top vocal group award. "l think the academy juat kind ot lea<U the way," uid lead 1ln- ger Randy Owen. "It's a great honor. Last year we did 300 days on the road and we're glad all the people listened." Miss Mandre ll's top female vocalist award marked her fourth honor from the Los Angeles· based academy. "You've been very, very good to me for a very long time." the singer told the audienre of 2,000 at the Buena Park dmusement park. Haggard was not on hand to claim his best male vocalist tro· phy -his 14th Hat trophy and his sixth for male vocalist Juice Newton was another ab- sentee winner in the best new female vocalist category. But Ricky Skaggs said, "Thank you, Lord" as he collected his award for best new male vocalist. ~ The Oak Ridge Boys, gospel singers turned country, won the single record of the year award for "Elvira." The song as the subject of a $1 0 million fed era l lawsuit by members and s urvi- vors of the Rivingtons, who claim that the "Oo-papa-mau-mau .. refrain of "Elvira" was stolen from a Rivmgtons hit. However. m accepting the best single award, Oak Ridge Boy Joe Bonsall said without referring to the lawsuit that the band had first heard "Elvira" sung by a group in Texas a few years ago, "If we knew the name of that Jattle group in Texas we'd buy them a CadlJJac," Bonsall sa1d The Clint Eastwood film "Any Which Way You Can" became the first winner o f the newly· created Tex Ritter award for country motion picture of the year. That award was prt!Sented by Ritter's sons, "Three's Com- pany" star John Ritter and his brother Tom. • I \ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 30, 1982 ; I • Why call a dozen different airlines shopping for the lowest fare when one call to Associated Cardillo Travel Service GUARA~TEES you the lowest avail- able airfare. Our computer pricing program network gives up-to-the-minute fares and schedule informa- tion for airlines world-wide. Your ticket is issued in r)"inutes and best of all there is no service charge. Money Back Gua~antee We will give you $25 if you can present us your airline ticket purchased from us (subject to availability and air fare changes) ASSOCIATED CARDILLO • The friendly skies of United Airlines. --- I *Capl1trano (714) 49&-0777 •weetm1n1ter (714) 89&-,!3 • Associated Cardillo offers many discount fares ·1 featuring United Airlines. United is your best way East with the biggest freet of widebody nonstops going. Ocean to Ocean service is available from Los Angeles to New York , Boston, Philade::l11p~h~ia~·=========~ Baltimore and Washington, D.C. - ) \ • ,I I '-'" !Mt ..... ""' l'·l I* C'"9 Cillt "'I Ml O.W Clll IAlrr.J • .: 1··" ·~ r 11 'I:! .. u• '.....!! ' • ~ 11 If ~. ;: S.t.• ... I~ 'I "'ii ".IV.. • .4 't " I~ tt .;: .-..c·t .": • • :! B ~~:~ ,~ .. ~ . ! 5 .. .J: II ' I~ .,.... • • ..~ I ~ t: 1' ..... . .i i 1 J;~, ;ii :: ~ ···" ... I. 1 . ":·= ... ,':': ,_ • ..: ~ if: : ;;;· = r;·= !~·="•fl r ·r .. , ! :t -A-4/li-~ ': .: :t:;··· ,.,.. I tt 14 • ~ I -. 4!1 • It !AAll t,: 1f ffl ==:: I ... t I• llllr ~ 111 IG .~ ~ I ~ 6 • ~ ... t.a 1 I ~ l.IO Ml~· Ill.., 1 . . ' t;t• '-~ j'.iJ .. I if":° .. ~ A •• I • -... ·'·~ .' iU&:-~ i= ~ ~ l12 ... ~ .. ~ ~ l1: I .,."fl~ .. ! 1 If P. '# 11.12 · 56' ti -~ lf'llP()I I.Ji 1 lfl!\6+ '-J -• "' ~ J ji ,,, + i I.a I JI ~+ "' C,,. ri1 .ft .. MID ._.. \a II jlM.l! .. f ~ ... • m e . 1• 'tt a II 156 ~+1'-e,.. 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" GI .... . 2 •• tM .... . ~ ... --.... . :11 l j:~:~ IJ -i .. --4'i; ~·; H•lrl'~ J:N .; l ~·i J1~~:i f! ~~ I . ~ ~~· ,\ ~ ' ' .Fluor geu China coal deal Qalna NaUonal c.o.J Dewlopment Corp., a unit of the ~ of c.o.J lndUICl'y, and nuor Mining & Metala l.nc., a l\lblldlary of Fluor C.orp., jolntly an- nowad the llcn1ni of a aontnct to modernize and aped the ll'uibun Wert open pt mine in Liaoning province. The contract. the tint of lta kind for China 'a coal tndwtry, calla for lnt'ttulna~uction to 5 million tom ~ yell' of coal and 8 tom per year of oil thale. The ICOpe of Fluor'a w · · lncludes engineering and deai8Jl 1ervice. ueoclated with mine planning. =~t .election and modernization uf materlala Total Vllue of the project would be approximately U.S. ~million U performed in the United States. The value of FM&M'• lel'Vicea wu not dl9Cloeed. Bank directors named ~ A lfOUP of 0ranp County buainess and financial executives have been elected directors of Enterprise NaUonal BUik (1n cqan11.adon). l'.Jeeted were Giarae S. M~ MD.; Roger C. P9l1er; Geoffrey L . Stack; Kathryn G. Thompson; and l!meft C. Wu.on. Jr. TheYt wU1 be joined on the board by President n.mothy Peralta and Robert N. Manley, executive vice pnllidenL Eftierprile National BAnk plans to locate in the Wannfneton Plaza. Crocker relocates Crocker Bank has moved it• Huntington Beach banking ottice to 19&40 Beach Boulevard in the New- land Sboppina C-enter. I Merger announced American State Bank, Newport Beach, an- noa.noed it executed a merger agreement for the pre· vioualy announced lale of' 100 percent of ita out.sta.n-dina stock to a newly formed company owned by Dr. 'l'laf Mini Yu of Tokyo, Japan. The ~twill be submitted to shareholders for approval within 60 days, The putthue price of $10.~0 per share will be pay~ble f8 in cash and $4.60 ln promiasery notes, beart.nC tnt.es'elt at 13 percent per annum. Contract awarded Balllne-Parka/South Dlvilioo of KACOR Deve- lopment Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Kaiser Aluminum and Cbemlcal Corporation, an- nounced the award of a construction contract to Gentoli Brea., Inc. for the Huntington Plaza, the 25,- 0001quare foot office building will be located at ~lsa Avenue and Dan Lane 1n the Huntington Beach Buainele Park. It ia echeduled for oompletioo in November . STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES HlW YOltlCIAPI Flnet Dow.-...... ~...,·"""·"· • '"" CJ:. :r.., ~ ~-~ JO rm MUt ,..... MOJIJ M2 -2.7' II utt Ill.a 114.16 lll.Ot llUI-0..1 " sa m.u • 11 no 11 m 1s-'Ln '"""' .... rr.,. 1,a1.10t utits .. .. .. .. • . • • • fll IOO '5 5111 • • • • .. " • • 7 .>:SS'.- WHAT STOCKS DID r-• Nl!W ~ lAP) """1 2' .., '71 -1171 u 2:1 -~ ... CD ...., ,. • ClllA 1111 llntll •• . .. FRIDAY. APRIL 30. 1982 (Jq ANGF COlJN I 'r C ALIFORNIA 25 CEN TS , , Sirhan plOt llnked to county jail I From Wire Services board about witness Lawre nce Se n. Ro be rt F. K enned y, has The board ls considering whether heard h im a nd Sirhan talking .. . I SOLEDAD -lnmate Robert Eugene Wilson, whp had told the de nied alle gations of threats to rescind &irhan 's 1984 parole about political figures and that l I Bell, who said he fi rst associated board Sirhan had threatened to against the second Kennedy bro-date. heard him say he was going to with a witness aga in s t Sirhan kill Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. ther. Bell said Wilson a pproached assassina te Ed w a rd Ke nnedy S irhan In Ora nge County J ail, Bell was the second witn~ of Bell, a convicted burglar, 'told him in 1978 a nd suggeste d he aft.er his (Sirhan's) release," Bell labeled the w itness l"a chronic the day to d ispute the d eath Sirha n's parole board that ker, corroborate Wilson's story about said. liar" Thursday. threat claim. witness Wilson, is "a chronic liar ' the alleged Sirhan death threat. Initially, Bell said he d id tell Bell test ified to the parole Sirhan, convicted assassin of and "a prolific manipulator." "He wanted me to say I over-t hat story to authorities but now JUST STEP BACK -Ma rine parachutist de parts from he li- copter during air show practice Thursday at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. It's easy. All you hav~ to do is stand on the 0-. Net,........, Gery~ end of the ramp at the rear of the helicopter and take one step backward. The helicopter will pull away at about 100 mph. Oh, don't forget to pull the ripcord. Many seek jobs-left Argentina eut off Art f es ti val slated for l,500 kids by aliens More than 20 would-be work- ers showed up al the B.P John furniture plant m Santa Ana to- day seeking l.O Cill JObs formerly held by suspected undocumented workers removed Thursday by federal agents. U.S. aids Britain in Falkland crisis be allowed to succeed," the pre- sident laid. About l.~ handicapped stu- d e n ta from Orange County achoo la will be partid paling Sat- u rd a y' ift the sixth annual "A Very Special Arta Festival" al South C oast Plaza sh opping cent.er in Costa Mesa. . d a1med he was lying. When pa; role board member Loretta Coli lier referred to a previous stat.et menl by Bell quoting Sirhan 84 saying, "I ain't fi nished with hln} (Robert Kennedy) yet. I'll get hut brother," Bell was adamant. (See SIRHAN, Pace A!) An employee said the firm 's personnel office was busy hand- ling applications this morning In the wake of the raid in which 130 workers were taken into custody. immigration and Naturalizati· on Service a nd Border Pa trol agents d~-ended on the plant at 200 I E. Dyer Road as part of the week-lo ng "Operation Jobs" (See JOB, Page AZ ) WAS HINGTON (AP) -The United States today offered mi- litary supplies to Britain In the Falkla nd Islands crisis, while suspending arms sales and loan guarantees to Argentina. Presi- dent Reagan accused Argentina of armed aggression and said it "must not be allowed to succeed." So ended four weeks of neu- trality In the territorial dispute over the South Atlantic islands. He said he was sure the United States would honor any British request for aid, because he knew they would not make any request he could not honor. But Reagan aald he had not recelved any responae to the of- fer -"At this moment we've had no request for such help" - and repeated Haig's assurance that ''there would be no direct Involve ment militarily by the United Stat.es." Carol Johnston, star of the television show "Lefty," and Jay Maclnt.olh of "The W&ltons" will be on hand for the opening ce- remonies at 10:30 a .m . in the Carousel area. EYING SKY -Marine Maj. T om Guiney peers through goggles and window o f helicopter . H e was watching para- chutists jump from another h e licopter during practiae Thursday for weekend Marine a ir show a t El Toro. See story and_ additional photo, Page Bl. 7 Candidates' forum in CdM All four candida tes for the fifth district supervisor ial seat, including incumbent S upervisor Thomas Riley, are expected to attend a forum Sunday afternoon at the Oasis senior citiz.ens cent.er in Corona del Mar. The 3 to 5 p.m. forum, sponso- red by t he Le~ o f Wome n Vot.en and the tal Coalition of Concerned Citii.ens, ls open to the public. . _ 1'he senior citizens center is located at 800 Marguerite Ave. The candidates are Rlle)I, Dr. Gene Atherton, David Hlr8Chler and Al Arps. NATION Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. announced the sanc- tions Against Argentina and the offer of aid to Britain, although ruling out any "direct U.S. mili- tary involvement" in the height- ening crisis. He said Reagan ordered the sanctions against Argentina be- cause the Buenos Aires govern- ment refused to compromise in the dispute over control of the islands. Haig said the Falklands crisis "Is about to enter a n ew and dangerous phase in which large- scale military action is likely." At the White Houae, Reagan told Midwest editors and broad- casters that Argentina wu the aggressor "in this dispute over the sovereignty of that little ice- oold bunch of land down there, and they finally just retarted to anned agrellion and there was bloodahed "And I think the principle that all of ua must abkle by ia armed ~ of that kind must not Gold closes at 1342. 70 NEW YORK (AP) -Gold plummeted to '342.70 an ounce today, a loll of t13.10, •J>.PU!D~Y~d~ to =~=~~~~ had clmed ln LoftdOri at .. l .IO. The tilt toward Britain had been expected, but the American s tance was to ughe ned with Halg's announcement that the (See FALKLAND, Page A!) Man found dead in bed Police have discovered the body of a 28-year-old Costa Me5a man who had been dead six days. The body of Gary Lee John- son, 523 Bernard Street, was diacovered in his bed at 6:30 p.m. Thursday after neighbors be- came suapicioua -' called police. Police aaid ~ was no evi- dence of foul play. A spokesman for the ~ County Coroner's office said the man died April 23. An autoPI)' WU IChed~ today to determine the cause of death. COUNTY A lot of hot air Students will display their art wock and perform aonga, dances and musical programs until 4 p.m. at the shopping cent.er. Studenta from Fairview State Hospital will participate in two dance routines near the Sears store at 11 a.m. Studenta from the Huntington Beach City School District will perform from 1:40 to 2:30 in the Jewel Court. Also, studenta from the Hunt- ington Beach Union High School District, Maanollil School District and the Newport-Mesa Unified School District will display art projecta. , Benefits slashed SACRAMENTO (AP) -Slee· ping pills, antihistamines, and eyeglasses for people with 20-40 vision or better are among the Medi-Cal benefita to be elimina- ted in a tentative plan to cut the program by $500 million, a legl- alative aide said Thureday. The Gordon Bennett Balloon &ice will be held in Fountain Valley for &he third. conMCUtiw y..r. Wee- kender. ' E~tra_ parking se~ for El Toro show The Marines at El T oro a re providing extra perking areas for the expected 350,000 visitors to S aturday and Sunday's ope n houae and air show. A new parking area will be available for visitors near the Marine base golf course, and shuttle bwtea will be provided to transport viewers to and from the air show. Other perking areas include an area near the station picnic g_rounds, two areas along the flight line near Building #6 and another near Gat.e 9. For those who want to park near the golf coune and catch a ride to the ah ow. take the San INDEX A4 A6 B6-7 A6 82 DlJ>3..8 m C1 A6 SPORT:.; Diego Freeway to Lake Forest, head east to Trabuco Road and tum left. Continue along Trabuco anct enter the air station near the go\( course. The route will be ope&. until 1:45 p.m. both days. Gates to the air station will be o pen from 9:30 a .m. to 5 p.~. both days for the open house, static display of aircraft and the noon air show. Florida darkened · MIAMI (AP) -Traffic signals went dark and elevators stop~ between Cloors as a ruah-hoU:r power failure skipped acra. tip Sunshine State Thunday. I I ,t I I . SIRHAN HEARING . • • "He didn't aay none of that," Bell said of Sirhan. Alked If he •beard a conversation about Ken- ()edy, he said. "No, l didn't." Bell said hl• agreed to lie for Wilton when the two of them 1wer e together a t the Orange County Jail txx·ause Wil!!On con- vinced him he had "juice" and Id Influence authorities to be JenJent with Bell, who was then waiting triaJ. ( "l:le was always buddy-buddy iJilnd aske d me if 1 need ed ;,cY'\hini." he sald of Wllaon. But taler h e said he learned that 'Wtbon was known throughout ~ priaon system a~ a liar. • "i verybody knows Larry c. Wilson Is a chronic liar," he tes- tified. Asked lf Sirhan ever di.- cussed politica, he uld no. "H'e dtdn't talk to hardly anybody," he said. "He waa jutt by himself." Asked who Sirhan's clost'at friend was. he uid: "Himself." Asked 11 he might be getting something for this testimony, he replied: ''l ajn't gettin' nothin'." Earlier, William "Old Ma n" Kogan. 60, aald Sirhan. whom he considered a friend, was the tar- get of opportuniltic prllonera who sought to make points for them- selves by wheedling Sirhan's life story out of him and embelli- shin~ it. WASHINGTON (AP) -Pre- 1Mdent Reasan's aides cautiously let out advance word that hi1 speech to the nation would have "some new ideas." But in the nd there waa little new in what he said Thursday night. Reagan's nationally broadcast speech delivered from the Oval Office: -Ottered no changes in h is proposal to break the budget deadlock. -Offered no new proposals for altering the debate and pro- cedure under which the Congress w i ll tackle his 1983 spending plan. ·FALKLAND CRISIS. • • Reagan e ndorsed a proposed Constalutaonal amendment, pen- ding an the House and Senate, that generally would require Congress to approve a balanced IJudge t an the future, except in wartime. It would take a three- firths vote of each chamber to approve a deficit budget any "' ht>r lime. ,United States "will respond po- .pltively to requests for materiel 1upport for Bri tlsh forces." He did not say what kind of supplies ~ou.ld be Involved. He spoke as both Britain and Ar1entlna set up war zones .,-ound the disputed islands. The . ~tiah had imposed a full bloc- kade of the region at 4 a.m. PIYI', Ind Argentina responded by de- ~ a blockade of its own. , Despite ffajg's pessimistic as- ~nt of the prospects of war. pe.pn was heard to remark that OB SEEKERS •tapaign be1ng conducted Mdonwide. 'Ibe purpose Of the opetallOn IS t> remove undocumented work- .,.. from jobs. thus making the )lplit.ioM available to people who ~ either U S . cauzens or are m ~ COWlty legally, offictals say. 'Thursdays entort:ement action •lb Orange County also led to the 4'etenUon of 52 people employed t the West American Rul)ber neither side seemed to want to start the shooting. Keagan was overheard making that comment to senators at a White House meeting on the budget. "It just seems obvious that no one w ants to st art the shoo ling," he 8CUd. Argentine Foreign Minister Nicanor Costa Mendez said in New York that his nation had not rejected the lut U.S. peace pro- p osals, but h e only made "observations" Thursday. • • • Co .. 750 N. Main St . Orange. A switchboard operator saad the Hnn would have no comment on the raid. Since Monday, when the first raids occurred in Los Angeles. more than 600 suspected undo- cumented workers have been ta- ken into custody. Many workers were released after producing documents showing they were legally within the United States But even that s tep reflected Reagan's long-standing support for the balanced budget concept . H e said at a March 3 1 news conference that he liked the idea, adding the caveat that It "must also carry with it a limlt'.ation on taxes." That tax condition was mlSSing from his speech Thursday eve- rune. The preside nt sought to r e- employ a tactic that worked ex- tremely well for him a year ago: Encouraging the people or the nauon to apply pressure, through tellers and telegrams and tele - phone calls to their representa- uvcs an Congress. County jobless rate Woman held in assault on Irvine officer A 41 -year-old Newport Beach woman was arrested at an Irvine 1..-offt-e shop early I.Oday after slie allegedly locked a police officer in th!' stomach. • rise expected to · Although Orange County's jo- rate remained unchanged u1h March, unemployment npecied to swell in the county by lune when college graduates dt>od the job market, aa::ordilll to Jlrnployment Development De- f• rtme n t f igures released 7hunday. According to labor market JU\A,lyst Alta Yetter, the county's 8.1 percent jobless r ate "stall compares v'ry favorably" to the March unemployment rates for the atate and the nation -9.4 and 9 percent respe<:.'tively. The EDD figures indicated that 73,000 Orange County resit.lent.s were out ot work In March . compared to 72,000 in February. The unemployment rate remai- ned unchanaed becau.e the si7.e of the labor market increaaed. The March 1982 rate compared to an unemployment rate of 4.3 percent posted in March of last year in ~ Countv. Ms. Yett.er aid the 'Outlook for the future isn't bright, predicting that the jobless rate will rise considerably In future months because of near..oertain layoff.a in manufacturing. Be lly Jeanne Bullock . 280 Cagm•y St .. was booke d into Orange County Jail on suspicion of assault on a Police officer. a rrusdemeanor. Ba.tl was aet at $2.- 500 Officer J o hn Coltrane was called to the Airporter lnn coffet- ahop at 2:20 a.m. today aft.er ho- tel security guards already had made a citizen's arrest of the su- speel for being drunk· in public and throwing a salt shaker at a waitress, saad Lt. Bob Lennert. As Coltrane began to handcuff her, she kic ked him, L ennert said. Coltrane was not hurt. Some sunshine due T e1nperalures \,OOI tO"'Qnt w!ln 1eml)4!1BIU•"' rtn;lng from ~4 to !.9 Morr:ong low clou1H on S"u•Oay wolh mostly Cleilrong on f'lirty 311f'rnoon Some hilly ~un\hon• Ouf! H1gna Mio 70 EIMwt>ere 1rom Pooni Concep· lion to the Ml!"C•n bo•<ler ano OU1 60 m.let lighl •lfl8ble wonclt nigh! an<I mo1 nong hours lll!CO· mmg wes1 10 f.OVlhweat 10 10 1~ i.no111r1 1ne a11ernoons IOO•y ano Satu•d•y Westerly 'well 1 to 2 reet. except loc•I l 10 6 loot comb1ne<1 •••• 1n outer w11ers M0911y cloudy through Sa1ur<lay l•ilh Plflt&I CIHring 11nd ,om• l tuMhlne in the 1t1., noon ~ll .S. suniniary Atllf1.I 0-lhe upper MIMI .. ~~locl1y11lho'#ltf1end ! •~WIOWlwt eprM<I from Ille fll•INMHll9 Into KAnMe 1111<1 nllhed from lndl•n• to Mlt· ,..llonal Wealher Service at 111unoerehow•11 over •no eoutllHttern ""' 'With cloudy .... l7V9( tN ,.. Of fl9 tov111ern (ke•t PlelM. NATION .. Le Pre. 84 ~ 83 5e 70 .. M 38 87 41 5e .. 83 84 M 42 91 lM es ss .18 4e 28 .11 eo 34 65 43 87 72 ee ae \t •• ...., •• o ....... " 61 33 .«mmJ ---=== 51 31 20 ----------------------------..-------~~-M 60 Horldll 51 40 ..._,... ' t5 N 60 No. Pl8tt• 45 2t Oe"1end 79 M 42 Okla City ea 52 25 PMO Roblee It 41 58 M Omahe M 41 ~ 8IUff 13 47 57 47 Ofl8fldo .. 93 ~ Clty 80 50 80 52 ~ M It Sea11M1110 80 49 62 .. Ptloenl.11 93 70 lallnM 72 43 10 4t =t. 84 43 sen Dteoo 10 ., ea 52 PIPI '"1 30 Sen Francleco 17 49 89 $9 !land. " 97 IO .7 u Ptlend, Ore 80 4f Senti lafb.,e 12 ;; .o2 Pr~dtnee ff ae a.n11 Mllfla 17 llO .... ~. AIMlgll ea 31 Stockton 11 IO ea .. ~ 84 3 t T'*°'"el 15 13 42 8'ilt LAke 51 37 Ullleh U 11 " Ban Mtonlo 17 t3 e.9'ow to ... -Seetlte M 44 Bio lellf !! ... .., .oa 8hr 11 eo 8lehop .... 17 • &lou-:r.: .,. 41 ca1e11ne ea M 32 II LOUii ... 41 L.1611 A«owMed ti :: ft 11 Ste Matlt M S2 Lono IMCtl 73 11 1\ .Oil ~IM &3 34 MontOYle 72 ta .. ew--16 40 Ml.__, • -1 II .ol fotllll• Oii 43 NewpDft 9aedl '°n n • 0 fWIOft ... " OllWto .. 1. ' Nat u 13 , • ...,.. n • ·• WllllNftol11 e1 "' ,.....,... n • ' ., Wll:Ht8 t2 " 8811 lefntrdlno 7' ... .. len Joel 74 ts It • tO C~ lant8 Ana 10 • 11 ·°' ll4lker"'8IO a 11 ·----~~~--70 M --"" • • m ~ '° .. ~ Extended .. n ,,..... ... II 17 UAI au 12 IO " t :: n LOI All... ll : J OreCtJa I: == . 11 41 IOUTHlftN CAl.IPOnNIA COAITAL AND MOUNTAIN AMAi -.._..,. ........ .................. ___ .... ~ .. '*· L...ilY .... ., Ill ............... "' .. .._..._ ... 11.-.... 111 :: l::t:=' :-:: :r:. .. lll!ll ............. ______ ._. ........ ~~ .... ,...-i-.. --~ NE• ANAlYlll After re~eattng many of the economk argument.a he has made ·in the put, he told his audience: "Ma ke your voice heard ; let your representativea know that you support the kind of fair, ef- fective approach I have outlined for you torught. Let them know that you stand behind our reco- very program. You did it once, you can do it again." Youth ruled eligible for Little League NaUonal Little League officials have ruled that 12-year-old Arri Buford ts eligible to continue playing baseball in the Fountain Vafley North lea~e. 'the decltlon 11 e xpected to end a reskiency diaput.e surroun- ding the youngat.er. M ike Engel, preaident of Fountain Valley North, said national Liq.le League officials in Williamsport, Pa., notified tum late this week of their decision that Arri is eligible. Thomas L . Brown, attorney for the Bu.ford family, haa indicated the family wilJ drop its lawsuit against Little League as soon as written conflrmaUon of the deci- sion is received. Arri is expected to be playing with his team the Astros on Sat- urday at the Lighthouse Lane field in Fountain VaUey. The Buford family h ved· an Fountain Valley for nine years Last year, Arn'• father James Buford, a disabled veteran. mo- ved temporarily to Detroit for medical treatment. Arri, however , was living in Fountain Valley with a family friend during December and Ja; nuary, when Little League regi- stration for the current season was conducted, Engel said. With strong pitching and hat- ting. Arri helped the Astros reach first pl.ace. The Veterans Administration recently relocated the Buford family to Garden Grove, and some nval coaches protested that Arri wu not eligible to play ln Fountain Valley North. Time Inanagement topic of workshop How to manage business and social time more e ffecti- vely wlll be the focus of a workshop scheduled Satur- day at the Mesa Verde Lear- ning Center, 2990 Mesa Verde Drive F.ast, C.OSta Mesa. The session, e ntitl ed • Thi· Child c;u1d.1n1 I t•(•ntt.·r of Or<tnKl' County will bt• t·clebrat1ng 1l!> 2 bl <.1nna Vl'tsafV an C<r.>t<i Ml·s<i w1lh a Wl llt' CllHJ l'ht'l'M' f'JI l ~ \ti n1j!ht The Costa Ml'l><.I ..ind Nl•w- pun Harbor An•;i C 'l1t11nh1·r., ol l'orrlllH'll'l' will h1· 11111Hl v • N('wpo rl H<'ul·h pol1n· an• urging c·1uw ns not lCJ ww t h t.• n c w 9 I 1 t.· m l' r g t· n t' y numbl•r for ruullnl· liusa m·s:. <:alls The 911 numl:x.·r :.hould lw \.ISl'd If pohn'. f I tl' Of IJJ ru lllt'<lw assist.ant.'\' " n1·t.-<lt'<l on • Western themes c-ontmue to ride high as the Paul.anno PTA pre pare s f o r 1l s "Roundup" next Friday al the Costa Mesa elementary school. • Newport Beach attorney Victoria C. Avery has been elected 1982-83 president or the Orange County Women Lawyers. ''P osi ti ve Time• Management," will bf' hPld fr'Jm s::iO a m to 4 pm Regas trataon f ee is $1 5 More informatum ts av;11l.1ble from the l'oll t.·gl'. !Hi:\ Ott 11. ext 256 ,,,.,11 ... 111 111g I h1 I I 11 '" •• I I011l lltllll I 111 j "Ill ,II Iii, ( 'l11ld (;uul.11111 l'111t•1 J,1 1·. llllh St C 'n.,l.t (t.11 ,,, M1·11t.d ht·.dlh t11 .111111 Ill 1111 1 htld1t•11 .ind f.01111111, 1 ... lJl11V1d1d II\ Ilic · 1111 11 1111 .111 ,ol11l1t \ '" I•·•' 11.1 I \d1 "' '111n " $.1 F 111 llllll 1 1111111111.1 11.111 1.ill h..fti 77:u J ll 1111m1·d1,it1· ho1 '1' But l-.1lb l'lllll't'I 11111).( f><ll'klrlg '•II 1 r11I p111bl1 111' ... 11.1\ •• 111111.ol Ill 11 th1 I I Ollllllf• 11111111 I ' ... 1 uuld II\· pl.01 1·d d110 ·1 11\ lo :11 fJt •lltt •II 1111 dt•to.111111.J 111 Tl11 """" l1U'llll''• 11:1111111·1 ,, "'' 1, 1 • .111d 1 111 1 ... ti1 I .111·1:1 Hayndc~. pnze., a wt-stl·m dmner and bak<' salt· will be included In the dC:llVlllt';'S £rum 4 to 8 p m at Paularanu Ele· ment.ary School. llJ nnu Ave·. Cost.a Mesa Judi A. (;urtin of Orangt- was C'lected Vl<.'t' presidt.•nt and Lag u n a B c• al h d t t '! r n l' y J eann ette Merril ess wa ~ elt"Cted treasurer Sky's limit for lovers WATSONVILLE (AP) A young couple in lovt· say tht•y'll carc·le the glob<.> strapped to a pa11 of spindly, motorazl"d hang gl1 ders -a six-month. 30,000-nuk· odyssey over three l'Ontments The trap was sc.:hedulro.rl lo tx· gin toduy I rum J I 1t'ld 111 tl11s S;1ntJ Cru1 CuurHV tlt'.11 wl11n· lht· tiny plant.~ art.• ·built. HO 1rnlt.':'t -;;1ulh of S<m F'rant·1!-411 ··All Wl' nt'('tl 1~ goo<l W(.'Jlhl'r. and lht.• wcuth«!r fon•t'dSt lcK>k!!> 11nt·." 'oa1d Jam Ccunpb('ll :!5. fl yang "'nh P:ill)' Trust~. :i:s 'Alabama' tops country music Mandrell, Haggard share best vocalist awards By The A11oclated Pre11 The rocking country band cal- led Alabama was the big winner at the 17th annual Academy of Country M4)1ic awards, taking two honors in addition to being named entertainers of the year. Barbara Mandrell was named top female vocalist Thursday night, Merle Haggard won top male vocallat, and the duo or David Frizzell and Shelly West won lop vocal duo and song of the year, for "You're the Reason God Made Oklahoma," in the c:eremony at Knott's Berry Farm. Alabama. which less than lwo yeara ago was playing a bar in Myrtle Beach , S .C., claimed "Hat" trophlea for top vocal group and album of the year for their "Feela So Right." A year ago. the band won the top vocal group award. "l \.hink the academy just kind 01 leads the way," aaid lead tin- ger Randy Owen. "It's a great honor. Last year we djd 300 days on the road and we're glad all the people listened." Miss Mandrell's top female vocalist award marked her fourth honor from the Los Angeles- based academy. "You've been very, very good to me for a very long lime," the singer told the audience of 2.000 at the Buena Park amusement park. Haggard was not on hand to claim his best male vocalist tro- phy -his 14th Hat trophy and hL'l sixth for male vocalist Juice Newton was a11other ab- sentee winner in the best new female vocalist category. But Ricky Skaggs sajd, "Thank you. Lord" as he collected his award for best new male vocalist. The Oak Ridge Boys, gospel singers turned country, won the single record of the year award for "Elvira." The song 1s the subject of a $10 million federal lawsuit by members and survi- vors of the Ravmgtons. who claim that the "Oo-papa -ma u -mau " refrain of "El vira" was stolen from a Rivingtons hit. However. in atwpting the best smgle award. Oak Ridg<' Boy Joe Bonsall said w1thout referring to the lawsuit thal the band had first h<-a rd "El vira" sung by a group in Texas a few years ago "If we knew the name or that little group an Texas we'd buy them a Cadillac." Bonsall srud. The Chnt Eastwood film "An!/ Which Way You Can" became the first wanner of the newly- created T ex Ritter award for country motion picture of the year That award was presented by Ratter's sons, "Tliree's Com- pany" star John Ritter and his brother Tom. l llllCI CUii FRIDA Y . APRIL HJ . 1Y82 <iHANLE<OUN fY C A l lfOHNIA 25CEN TS · Sirhall plot linked to county jail From Wire Services SOLEDAD -Inmate Robert Bell, who said he first associated with a witness agains t Sirhan Sirhan In Orange County Jail, labeled the witness "a chronic liar'' Thursday. Bell testified to the pa role board about witneu Lawrence Eugene Willon, who had told the board Sirhan had threatened to kHI Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. .BeU was the second witness of the day to d ispute the death threat claim. Sirhan, convicted assassin of • J UST STEP BACK -Marine parachutist departs from heli- copter during air show practice Thursday at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. It's easy. All you hav~ to do is stand on the Sen. Robert F . Kennedy, hH denied allegations of threat• against the aerond Kennedy bro- ther. Bell, a convicted burglar, told Sirhan'• parole board that key witness Wilson, is "a chronic liar'' and "a prolific manipulator." The board is considering whether to rescind Sirhan's 1984 parole date. Bell aald Wilson approached him in 1978 and suggested he corroborate Wllaon's story about the alleged S irhan death threat. "He wanted me to say I over- .,.., ..... "'°'"..,Gery ...... end of the ramp at the rear of the helicopter and take one step backward. The helicopter will pull away at about 100 mph. Oh, don't forget to pull the ripcord. Many seek jobs left by aliens Argentina cut off Art f es ti val slated for 1,500 kids U.S. aids Britain in Falkland crisis More than 20 would -be work- ers showed up at the B.P. John furniture plant In Santa Ana to- day seekmg to fill JObs formerly held by suspected undocumented workers removed T hursday by federal agents. An employee saad the firm's personnel office was busy hand- ling applications this morning in the wake of the raid in which 130 workers were taken into custody. lmmi·gration and Natura lizati· on Service and Border Pa trol agents de5(;-ended on the plant at 2001 E. Dyer Road as part of the wee k-long "Operation J obs" (See JOB, Page A2) Candidates' forum in CdM All four candidates for the fifth district aupervisorial seat, including Incumbent Supervbor Thomas Riley, are expected to attend a forum Sunday afternoon at the Oaals senior citizens center In Corona del Mar. The 3 to~ p.m. forum, sponso- red by the Lea~ of Women Voters and the tal Coalition of Concerned Citizens, Is open to the public. The senior citizens center is located at 800 Marguerite Ave. The candidates are Riley, Dr. Gene Atherton, David Hinchler and Al Arps. NATION WASHINGTON (AP) -The United States today offered mi- litary supplies to Britain in the Falkland Islands crisis, while suspending arms sales and loan guarantees to Argentina. Presi- dent Reagan accused Argentina of armed aggression and said it "must not be allowed to succeed." So ended four weeka of neu- trality In the territorial dlapute over the South Atlantic lslanda. Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. announced the sanc- tions afainst Argentina and the offer o aid to Britain, although ruling out any "direct U.S . mili- tary Involvement" in the height- ening crisis. He said Reagan ordered the sanctions against Argentina be- cause the Buenos Aires govern- ment refused to compromise irl the dispute over control of the islands. Haig said the Falklands crisis "is about to enter a new and dangeroua phaae in which large- scale military action Is likely." At the White House, Reagan told Midwest editors and broad· casters that Argentina wu the aggressor "in this di1pute over the sovereignty of that little Ice- cold bunch of land down there, and they finally juat l90rted to armed agrellion and there was bloodshed. "And I think the prtndple that all of u. must abide by la armed aganwion of· that kind ml.Wt not Gold closes at 1342. 70 NEW YORK (AP) -Gold plummeted to $342.70 an ounce today, a la. of $13.70, ap~~)' d~ to profit takina And a pomibWty of a ~ in Araentina·&!Ulh ta1b on the Falkland8. 11le metal had clo.ed ln 1.ondon at $361.50. • be allowed tQ succeed," the pre- sident said. He aaid he waa sure the United States would honor any British request for aid, because he knew they would not make any request he couJd not honor. But Reagan said he had not received any response to the of- fer -"At this moment we've had no request for such help" - and repeated Halg'a asaurance that ''there would be no direct involvement militarily by the United States." The tilt toward Britain had been expected, but the American stance was toughened with Haig'• announcement that the (See FALKLAND, Pa1e A!) Man found dead in bed Police have discovered the body of a 28-year-old Cos1a Mesa man who had been dead six days. The body of Gary Lee John- son, 523 Bernard Street, was diacOvered in his bed at 6:30 p.m. Thursday after neighbors be- came suaplcloua and called police. Police said there wu no evi· dence of foul play. A spokesman for the Or~ County Coroner's office said the man died April 23. An autopey was echeduled today to determine the cauae of death. COUNTY A lot of hot air About 1,500 handicapped Stu· dents from Orange County school.a will be participating Sat- urday in the sixth annual "A Very Special Arts Festival" at South Coast Plaza shopping center in Costa Mesa. Carol Johnston, star of the television show "Lefty," and Jay Macintosh of "The W&ltona" will be on hand for the openin3 ce- remonies at 10:30 a .m. In the ~larea. Students will diaplay their art work and perform aonga, dances and musical programs until 4 p.m. at the shopping center. Students from Fairview State Hospital will participate in two dance routines near the Sears store at 11 a.m. Students from the Huntington Beach City School Diatrict will perform from 1:40 to 2:30 in the Jewel Court. Aho, students from the Hunt- ington Beach Union High School District, Magnolia School District and the Newport-Mesa Unified School District will display art projecta. Benefits slashe d SACRAMENro (AP) -Slee- ping pills, antihistamines, and eyeglal8es for people with 20-40 vision or better are among the Medi-Cal benefits to be elimina- ted In a tentative plan to cut the program by $500 million, a legi- sladve alde uld ThUJ'lday. The Gordon Bennett Balloon Race will be held ln Fountain Valley·for the third OOD1eCUtlve year. Wee- kender. What takes 7 minutes? ._ Steve Marble tak• a noitaJP: look at &bat .e.lbc,a laland ...,.Y ~ eee in inoY* and com· -..a:hllBl. I • heard h im and Sirhan talking about political figures and that I heard him say he waa going to aasasalnate Edward Kenned y after his (Slrhan's) release," Bell said. Initia lly, Bell said he did tell that story to authorities but now . claimed he was lying. When pa: role board member Loretta Col~ lier referred to a previous state-: ment by Bell quoting Sirhan ail. saying, "I a1n't finished with hint (Robert Kennedy) yet. I'll get h~ brother," Bell was adamant. : (See SIRHAN, Pa1e A!) j EYING SKY -Marine Maj. Tom Guiney peers through goggles and window of helicopte r. He was watching para- chutists jump from another helicopter during practice Thursday for weekend Marine air show at El Toro. See story and additional photo, Page Bl. .. Extra 'parking set . for El Toro show The Marines at El Toro are providing extra parking areas for the expected 350,000 visitors to Saturday and Sunday's open house and air show. A new parking area will be available for visitors near the Marine base golf course, and shuttle buaes will be provided to transport viewers to and from the air show. Other parking areas include an area near the station picnic grounds, two areas along the flight line near Building #6 and another near Gate 9. For those who want to park near the aolf coune and catch a ride to the show, take the San INDEX At Your Service L.M. Boyd Bulinell A4 A6 86-7 M 82 Callf omia Cavalmde Opcifled Comlm Death Noticel Bdltorial r.iltenalnment Dl,DS-8 D2 C7 A8 Weekender 82 SPORTS Diego Freeway to Lake Forest, head east to Trabuco Road and tum left. Continue along Trabuco and enter the air station near the golf. course. The route will be open until 1:45 p.m. both days. Gates to the air station will bt open from 9:30 a .m. to 5 p .m.. both days for the open house, static display of alrcraft and the noon air show. Florida darkened MlAMI (AP) -Traffic 11~ went dark and elevators stopped between f loors as a rush-hour power failure skipped ac~ the Sunah.l.ne State Thunday. Ann Landers B2 Movies Weekender Mutual Funds B6 National Newa A3 Public Notk9 Ol,C7,D3 ~ C:l-5 Stock MarUca B7 Televtllon TV Loe Thea.... Weebnder w..... A2 Waltd Newt A3 "He didn't aay none or tha\," Bell aald of Sirhan. Aaked if he rd a convenauon about Ken· y, he sajd, "No. 1 didn't.'' Bell aaid he agreed \0 lie for llt0n when the two of them ere toge the r at the Orange nty Jail because WilJlon con - vinced him he had "juice" and Id Influence authorities \0 be jent with Bell. who was then alting trial. "He was always buddy-buddy nd asked m e i f 1 nee d e d ," he said of WU.On. But ater he said h e learned that lllotl was known throughout pri.lon system as a liar. "f!verybody kno ws Larry • • Wlllon 11 a chronic llar," he t.8· IJtled. Aaked JI Sirhan ever dla- cu.ed poUtlct, ho uld no. "He dldn'\ talk to hardl y anybody." he aald. "He was ju.at by hlm1elf." Asked who Sirhan'• closeat friend wu, he Mid: "HlJlllelf." Asked If he might be gettJng something for this testimony, he replied: •11 ain't gettln' nothin'" Earlier, William "Old Man" Kogan, 60, said Sirhan, whom he consjdered a Criend. was the tar· get of opportuniatJc prt.oners who sought \0 make points for t,hem· selves by whcedUng Slrhan's life s tor y out o f him a nd embelli· shlnl( it. W ASHlNGTON (AP) -Pre· atdent Reaaan'a aidet cautJoualy let out advance word that hia speech to the nation would have "eome new Ideas." But In the end there waa little new in what he said Thurtday night. Reagan's nationally broadcast 1peech delivered from the Oval Office: -Offered no changea an his proposal to break the budget deadlock. . -Offered no new propoaat. for altering the debate and pro- cedure under which the Congreu will tac kle hi• 1983 spending plan. :FALKLAND CRISIS. • • Reagan endorsed a proposed ConstiluUonal (Jmendment. pen- ding In the House and Senate, that ge nerally would require Congress to approve a balanced lJudget an the ruture. except In wartime. It would take a three- fifths vote of each chamber to a pprove a defi cit budget any nthPr time. United States "will respond po· .ttively \0 requests for materiel port for British forces." He not say what kJnd of aupplies ~VWLO be involved. He spoke as both Britain and r1entlna aet up war zones _.. ......... the disputed islands. The h had imposed a full bloc- of the region at 4 a.m. PDT. A.rgentJna responded by de- -.u1r11111 ... a blockade of ill own. Dnpite Haig'• peaslmlatic as- (lle!"'1mlt of the pro8pecll of war. Ul4•~ was heard \0 remark that neither aide 1eemed to wan\ to start the shooting . Meagan was overheard making that comment to aenatora at a White House meeting on the budget. "It juat 1eem1 obvious that no one wants to start the shooting," he aald. Argentine Foreign Minister N1canor Coata Mendez said In New York \hat h1I nation had not rejected the lut U.S. peace pco- p 01 a ls , but h e only made ''obeervations'' Thunday. • • • Co . 750 N. Mam St .. Urange. A switchboard operator said the firm would have no comment on the raid. Since Monday, when the first raids occurred an Los Angeles. more than 600 suspe<•ted undo- cumented. workers have been ta- ken in\O custody. Many workera were re leased after producing document.a showing they w ere Je~ally within the United Stat.es But even that step reflected , Reagan's long-atanding aupport fer the balana!d budget concepL He s aid at a March 31 news conference that he Uked the idea. adding the caveat thut it "muat also carry with il a limitation on taxe9." That tax condlt1on was rn1118lllg Crom has speech Thursday eve· nana. The preside nt sought to re- employ a tactic that worked ex- tremely well for him a year ago: Encouraging the people of the nation to apply pressure, through le tters and telegrams and iele· phone calls \0 their representA- t1ves an Congress. ounty jobless rate Woman held in assault on Irvine officer A 41 -year-old Newport Bea<.•h woman was arrdsted at an lrvine coffee shop early today aft.er sl1e • allegedly kicked a police offk.oer ln the stomach Kpected to • rise '-OC)I lontgnt Wlll'I l('mj)erlllUtl't ,.no1n9 from !>• 10 59 Morr.•ng tow CIOudl on Salu•dlly wllh mo.tty cle&t11\9 In e111~ allf'tnoon Some nazy sun1n1ne due H1gh1 ee 10 10 Eleewflef• from P0tn1 Coneep· lion 10 lhe Mexican border •nil out 60 m•'" Loglll v1r1111>1e winos nlgnt 1"<1 mo1n1119 nou11 t>eeo 11'1~ -I to toulhWOll 10 10 1~ 1111ot1 In the a11ernoon1 today 8M S11urday WHterly •well 1 lo 2 Itel. eacept 1oc1 I 1 10 ~-1001 combtnecl •••• 111 oultr watefl Mottly el<>vdy lnrough Saturday wltll P8rllal e1e1rlng and aome i ~ lfl the efttmOOll ... tlOftll WHtller 8ervlce t th1111d1rahowera over •nd to11tllttttern New • """dOudy ..... ~ tht .. ... IOUthem ar... ...... A tew 11111nd•rtllowere 011er ...... '*" ""°'* llld .... ---nortlltrn •••"• ..,. ~. ICttltrtd thOWtU • ftt)eCted lor wtt•n ton end th• mid· •no •"""'._.._v...,. 73,000 Orange County residents were out of work ln March . compared to 72,000 in February. The unemployment rate remai- ned unchanaed becaute the si.z.e of the labor market i.ncrealed. The March 1982 rate compared to an unemployment rate of 4.3 percent posted ln March ot la1t year in Oranj(e Countv. Ma. Yetter said the outlook for the future l.sn't brig,ht, predicting that the joble11 rate will rise considerably in future montns because of near<-ertain layoffs in manufaciurlng. Be lly Jeanne Bullock, 280 Cagney S t., w aa booked Into Orange County JaH on suspicion of assault on a Polle<' officer, a nuademeanor. Bail wu set at $2.- 500. Officer J o hn Coltrane was called to the A1rporter Inn coffef> shop at 2:20 a.m. today alter ho- tel security guards already had made a c1tiz.en'1 arrest of the 11u- spcct for being drunk In public and throwing a salt shaker at a waltret18, said Lt. Bob Lennert AB Coltrane began to handcuff her. s he kic ked him, Lennert aaad. Coltrane was not hurt. Some sunshine due T enipe r alur es NATI<* .. Le Pre.. .. ~ 83 M 70 44 .. 38 87 49 5t 4• 13 &4 ee 42 81 M 66 55 .1• ... 28 t9 eo 34 55 43 87 72 M 38 H 3' 89 31 .20 ...;.-----------------=~-.. 60 Norloll &I 40 NeedlM " •If IEPllT M 60 Ho. Piette 45 28 Oekland 78 M 42 Okla City 88 52 .25 PMO Aoblecl It 41 N 34 Omth4I 5t 41 Reel 8IUlf ea 47 57 •1 <>Mndo " ea ~ cny to eo 60 52 p~. M 5 t leclerntlltO to 4t 82 49 Photl'll• 13 70 a.nnu 72 O 10 41 all 14 ~ s.n oaeoo 10 ea .. 52 ~Me 11 30 Sen ,,MCMoo 87 ... H ff ' to 41 '91111 1tttNW1 87 60 87 54 = et 88 lent•....,.. 11 eo 82 4a 02 At6liCI" M H llOoltton 11 60 .. •s Reno ... J1 TMtmtl " 82 .. 8eft Llkt 5t t7 Ullllll ... ea 42 ..,, AmOfllo 12 ea 1erttow to 11 M a..tl9t 6f 44 91g 9-87 82 17 .OI :.."'12 71 to 111110P M 17 M ... 4t Ctttlnt M :: : St Louie .. 41 I.Me AnCMtle9d '1 M 2t It lte ~ M !~ LOllO teMtl 72 It 71 ,02 9't*IM 16ta ~ MonfOYll .. • .. _,__ -Mt. Wlltofl 11 12 .• fOf"M : :: ~::1..... ~ 11 II t.01 ~:" ea U l'IMl ltWW!tl II 11 •·• w~ 1744 ,...... n t1 " ea ea ltn ..,_dlno 71 ... a Wldllle ..,, JoM 1 • M t1 . tO CM#'OMIA fant9 Me 70 ~ : ·°" =·••d :: 11 ----~~'!'--- .. .. .01 ...,..... .. :" Ex~nded ,,, " n ,,_.. to ••1 ~ neo~ • : t: .., t:~ ~ : J orecaa .. • II ~ 11 41 tOl.ln41 .. N OAL.,Ofll .. IA ti N COAITAL ANO MOU~tTAIN :t::.;..T.-:.::::.: .... OltQ ....... ~.--· ~llllM.WWW~ .... "'-...... _ ... ,. ........ ... :: • i:=:: :r.:. ............ .......................... ____ _ C-TU. ...... ,...,., '"' ... .......... ~,, , ...... 5r "iiH .... :11 •• ' ~,, ...... • NE•AIAlYlll After repeating many of the economic arawnenll he haa made · in the put, he told hJa audience: "Make your voice heard; let your repreaentatJvea know that you aupport the kind of fair, ef· fective approach I have outlined for you \Onlght. Let them know that you stand behind our reco· very program. You d id it once, you can do It again.'' Youth ruled eligible for Little League National Little League offlciala have ruled that 12-year-old Arri Buford 11 eligible to continue playing buebldl ln the Fountain Valley-North league. The declalon ia expected to end a reeidency dispute aurroun· d1na the younpter. Mike Eneel, prealdent of Fountain Valley North , aaid national Little League otflclala in Wllllam1port, Pa., notified him late thia week of their dedalon that Arri i.a eligible. Thoma.a L. Brown, attorney for the Buford family, hu indicated the family wilJ drop ill lawauit agalnat Little Leaiue u soon u written oonfinnatJon of the deci- a.ion ia received. Arri ia expected to be playing with hU team the Aat.ros on Sat, urday al the Lighthouse Lane field in Fountain Valley. The Buford family lived· In Fountain Valley for nine years. Last year. Arri's father James Buford, a d laabled veteran, mo- ved temporarily to Detroit for medical treatment. Arra, however , wu living in Fountain Valley with a family friend during December and Ja- nuary, when Little League regi- stra\lon for the current aeaaon wu conducted, Engel laid. With atrong pltcnlng and hit- ting, Arri helped the As1rOI reach first place. The Veterans Adminiatrataon recently re located the Buford family to Garden Grove, and aome rival coaches prolelted that Arri was not eligible \0 play ln Fountain Valley North. Time management topic of w~rkshop How to manage bualneas and aocial time more effecta· vely will be the focus of a workshop scheduled Satur· day at the Mesa Verde Lear- ning Cent.er. 2990 Mesa Verde Drive East, Costa Mesa. The 1ess1on, entitled • Tht· Ch1lrJ (;u1d.111n l't•nll·r or Orringt> County will bi.• t·dl•br;.itang 1ls 21 st ;.inni vt·rsurv an Cosw Mt'SJ with .1 w1nt• and l'ht·t·:.t· µ.11 t ~ lo ntllhl The Cc.>:>ta Mi.•i.4.1 and Nt-w JJlll'l llarltor An•;, Ch.1rnlwr~ 11( l'mnm1·1t·1· will lw 11i111llv • Newport Ht•4Jt·h µolu.t· an· urging t·1uwns n<1t to US(.' I h l' n {' w 9 I I L' rn {' r g c.· n ' v numbt.•r fur ruutant· hui:.ant•:...' calls ThL· 91 I numht!r i.hould tx· u1wd ar polln" farl· 1>1' fJdl'J nu'(fk as."lhtmwc· 1s 1wc.-d1-d on • West.em themes contmue \0 ride high as the Paulanno PTA p re pares f or 11s "Roundup" next Friday at the Costa Mesa el<.'mentary 8(.'hool. • Newport Beach attorney Victoria C. Avery has been elected 1982-83 pres1den1 of the Orange County Wome n Lawyers "P os iti ve Timt- Ma nagement," will bt' held from 8:30 a m. llJ 4 p m Registration f ee Is $1 5 More mformataon Is avaaloblt• from the t·ollege, 983-081 I , ext 256. 'f1lll...,lll lf1g I Iii· II It b1 •d llrll 1111111 ,,111 i p111 .11 llw C'l11ld (;u1d.1111 ·1· ('1·1111•1 171 Jo: IHl h St 1 ·,,,_1,, M1 -... M1 ·nt.d h1-;il1h l1 1 .. 111111 111 1111 < hild r1·11 :ind f.11111111 ' 1' l>I 11Vtd11J hy ll\1 I \11 I I 1111 •Ill ,1hll1t\ 111 I'·'" "·"' .\d1 11;. 1>11111 1i1 $.1 For 11u111 · 1111111 '"" tum t .ill fi·lli 77.U .,11 111111\1 d1.1lt• IJ.,,,, B ui 1.111, 101111•rninu p;irk1n1>< ' .. 11 • 1111 pr11hh·m' ''' .1\ ,1111111.11.- 111 Ill ho I lll U 11111· Ill•• II ••1 ~ i.111uld lw pl.1u·d d11"' lh 111 ~111 pol111· 111 lirt• d1 Jl.11l11w111 Tit• pulu 1 hu,1111...,, 1111111111 ·1 I .. h I I :1 ' I 7 .. II d I I I ' I' ti-4 I 11u:1 Hayradt"lt, prizes. a Wl'Stern dinner and bak<• sale wall bt.- ancluded an the acuviues from 4 to 8 pm at Paularano Elf•· ment.ary School. 10 nno Ave. Costa Mesa Judi A. Curtin of O r.rngl· wa.i:. electC"d vice prt-s1d,·nl and Laguna Beach Jtlor(l<')' Jeannette Merrlless wa .. elE'Cled trl'&.Surer Sky's limit for lovers WATSONVlLLE (AP) A young coupll• 1n lov<· say they'll cardl• the globe: strapped t.o a pair of s pindly. motorawd h;.ing gla dl'ni a sax-month, 30,000-mall· odyuey over thrc-e t'Onllnf'nL'I. 'l'he tnp was )>Chedulwi to l>e·· gan tod;iy from .1 lll'ICI 111 th1" S<111 ta Cru1 Cuuuty n<'<.1r wlu 11 lht• tiny pl:.im-s an• hu11t. KO 1111lt ·' o;outh tJf Sau F'rJlk'IM o "All WP nt"t.od II> good WNlhL·r ;,nd lht· wc•alhl'r f<)rc•t .1l4t look" 11nt•.'' said J1ni C:arnph1•ll ".!~ flying wath P<tlly TnN 't L:I 'Alabama' tops country music Mandrell, Haggard share best vocalist awards By Tlte Alaoclated Preaa The rockJng country band cal- led Alabama was the big winner at the 17th annual Academy of Country Mualc awarda, taking two honors in addition to being named entertalnera of the year. Barbara Mandrell wu named top female vocalist Thuraday night, Merle Haggard won \Op male vocallat, and the duo of David Frizzell and Shelly West won top vocal duo and song of the year, for "You're the Reason God Made Oklahoma," In the ceremony at Knott'• Berry Fi.rm. Alabama, which lem than two years ago was playing a bar in Myrtle Beach, S .C ., claimed "Hat" trophiea for top vocal group and album of the year for their "Feels So Right." A year ago, the band won the top vocal group award. "l think the academy juat kind ot lead.a the way," laid lead lin- , ge r Randy Owen. "It's a great honor. Last year we dad 300 days on the road and we're glad all the people Uatened." Ml11 Mandrell's top femalt' vocalist award marked her fourth honor from the Los Angeles - baaed academy. "You've been very, very good to me for a very long lime," the alnger told the audlenr.e of 2,000 at the Buena Park amusement park. Haggard waa not on hand to claim hl1 best male vocalist tro· 'J>hy -hla 14th Hat trophy and his sixth for male vocalist Juice Newton waa ariother ab- sentee winner In the beat new female vocalist category. But Ricky Skagp said, "Thank you. Lord" as he collected hit award for best new male vocallst. The Oak Ridge Boy1, goapel singers tu med country, won the single record of the year award ror "El v ira .. Tht.· !Song I!> th<· SUbJ<.>Ct or a $1 0 malJaon federal lawsuit by members and surva · vors of the Rav1ngtons. who claim that the "Oo-papa-mau-mau" rdrain of "Elvira" was stole n from a Ravangtons hit However. an a<.ttptang the best single award, Ouk Ridge Boy J oe Bonsall said without rcfernng to the lawsuit that the band had first heard "Elvira" sung by a group an Tl"Xai a few veara aj(c.> "If we knew the name or that little group in Texas wt:'d buy them a Cadillac.'' Bona.all said The Clint F.astwood fllm "Any Which Way You Can" became the first winner of the new ly- created Tex R itter award for country motion picture of tht? year. That award was presented by Ritter's sons. "T laree's Com- pany'' star John Ritter and has brother Tom. , ---·--~--------- NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIQNS ' lltTA,._. !ltCl.llH HAHt Olt •Ml ltlW ¥ff•. MIDWllT, ,AC.,IC, ''"· Mt•M, OlflOlf AltO ClllClltlt'Tt nOC• •C•ANll A'!O HNttflt IY TMI lfHO AllO llf011tlT . reports loss Standard-Pacific Corp., a Colli. Mna-baaed ho- mebuilding flrm, announ~ed the company's first quarterly operatJ.na Jo. in lta 21~ ht.lory Net lou for the quarter ended March 31 was $1.145,594, or 29 cent.a per share, compared to net in- come of $900,962, or 23 cent.a. Jut vear. The company'• board of directors reduced the quarterly cash dividend from 17~ oenta per share to 5 cents per share. The cash dividend will be paid July 15 to shareholders of record on July 5. Fluor gets China coal deal China National Coal Development Corp., a unit of the Min.iat.ry of Coa1 Industry, and Fluor Mining & Metals Inc., a subtldlary of Fluor Corp .. jointly an· nounced the signing of a contract to modemlz.e and expand the Fushun West open pit mine in Llaoning province. The contract, the flrlt of it.a kind for China'• coal indu.my, can. for increuins productk>n to 5 million tonl per 'ear of coal and 8 riiUbon tons per year of oil shale. The llCOpe of Fluor'• work includes engineering and de.ign servlces a.oclated with mine planning, =~t selection and modernization of materials Total value of the project would be approximately U.S. $S0 million If perfonned ln the United States. The value of FM&M'a tervioes wu not d.iJclmed. Bank directors named A group of Orange County bullnes:s and financial executivee have been elected direct.on of Enterprise National Bank (ln organiz.atJon). Elected were George S. MtCan. M.D.; Roger C. Porter; Geoffrey L. Stack; Kathryn G. Thompson; and Ernest C. Willon. Jr. They will be jolned on the board by Preaidenl Timothy Peralta and Robert N. Manley, executive vi~ president. Ent.erprile NaUonal Bank plans to locate m the Warmington Plaza. Merger announced American State Bank, Newport Beach, an- nowlOed it executed a meraer agreement for the pre- viously announced aa.le of 100 percent of ita outstan- ding stock to a newly formed company owned by Dr. Taal Ming Yu of Tokyo, Japan. The ~t will be .ubrnltted to shareholders for approval within 60 days. The purchase price of $10.50 per share will be payable $6 in cash and $4 .50 In prom1uory notes, bearing interest at 13 percent per annum. Contract awarded Buatnem Parka/South Division of K.ACOR Deve- lopment Company. a wholly owned subsidiary of Kaller Aluminum and Chemical Corporation, an- nounced the award of a construction contract to Genao.l Btoa., Inc. for the Huntington Plaua, the 25,- 000 1quare foot ofCice bulldlns will be located at liotsa Avenue and Dan Lane in the Huntingto n Beach ...,._Par~. It 11 ldMiduled for com~ fn November. ..... a.. tr;°"" ~ ..., ... m.-: = . "' IN .. == .... '-= .... at.Nt ._ °" •llfll :r: w.. r...-.o E C"ICor9 m.- ~°' g IJ .. "' ,,._ ,.tlllltnikll • c .. Edit lll'AOO p 0rM09 COMt DAILY PILOT/,rld1Y, Aprll 30, 1t82 . i . . , , , . .. Why call a dozen different ai rl ines shopping for the lowest fare when one call to Associated Cardillo Travel Service GUARANTEES you the lowest avail- able airfare. Our computer pricing program network gives up-to-the-minute fares and schedule informa- tion for aklines world-wide. Your ticket is issued in minutes and best of all there is no service charge. Money Back Guarantee We will give you $25 if you can present us your airline ticket purchased from us (subject to availability and air fare changes) ASSOCIATED CARDILLO . ... , . The friendlv skies of United Airlines • ·r. . . . . ( Associated Cardillo offers many discount fares featuring United Airlines. United is your best way East with the biggest freet of widebody nonstops going. Ocean to Ocean service is available from Los Angeles to New York,· Boston, Philade~1l1p~h~ia~·====:::;:===~ Baltimore and Washington, D.C. .. Call our travel services today .. 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