HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-04 - Orange Coast Pilot-. YIUI lllOlll llllY Ml .. TUESDAY. MAY '1, 1982 ORANGE C OUNT Y CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS HB sailor's death Two charged • ID 1 By PBD.. SNEIDERMAN or .. Dlllf,... .... Two brother• from North Carolina have been charied with murder, kidnapping ana armed robbery in connectTon with the death of a recently di.charged aa1loc who left Hunt.J.niton Be.ch on March 6 to vllit his father and never arrived. Inveattaator L . J ... r of the Maricopa Cou.nty Sheriff'• De. partment tn Arizona Mid Kelly K . Hamilton, 30, and Willie K. Hamilton, 22, both of Fayettevil- le, N.C., are auapected of mur- dering Jerome Uward Pttchie Jr., 20, a Huntington Be.ch rem- dent who wu dlecharged from the U.S. Navy on March 1. Jeuer nid Wlllle Hamtlton WM ICheduled appear at • crand jury heartna today on the obar- 1"· Hla brother la In a Nort~ Cvollna jail foe perole violadon. awaJtinc pomible extradition in the murder CMe, he aid. PltclUe Jett Huntiqtoo Beach on March 6 to vllit hli father in El Cent.ro. Hit body wu found March 21 in the de.rt about 20 mUea aoutheaat of Olla Bend, Ariz. Je.er aid love.Upton belie- ve Pitchie picked up the hitch- hiking Hamilton brothers near San Diego. He said police have alleged that the brothers drew knive9, tied up P1tchie, drov~ him to Arizona and atabbed him to death. The brothers then drove back to North Carolina in P ltch ie's van, J esser aald. In that elate, several possessions belongtna to Pitchie were pawned, ancf an in- vestigator .Ln that state who was · routinely checkln1 pawn 111" found aerial numbert linked tq the murdered man. J.-. Mid. I ' ' Kelly H.am.Uton turned blllllllt ln to North Carolina authort.W on the probation violation, a.ad h la brother wu U'l'9ted In Ort pus Christi, Texas, Jemer Mid. ( Thatcher def eiids sinking • • r1t1s om • • a1rstr1p. l Ann Landers takes advice, stopS 'reruns' OOPS -Advice columnist Ann Landers says she'll stop recycling her old columns al- ter b e ing found out this week. Bandits hit restaurant, grab $1,300 Two armed thugs, one wearing a bueball cap and a nylon •toc- king maak, locked seve n e m - ployees of a Corona del Mar res-- taurant in a liquor storage room Monday before escaping with $1,300 in c.h. police report. 'The bandlta entered the Quiet Woman, 3224 E. ec-t Highway, more than an hour before the restaurant's 11 a.m. opening hour and started rounding up workers. including a Southern California Gu Co. em= who atrolled in during the · e of the robbety. Police said the gunmen at tint · forced employees into a restroom and later moved them when it waa dlacovered the reat room could not be loebd. The banditl, both believed to . be in their early 301, took the . manager into a btdt room where they forced him to open the re. taurant safe. WORLD · CHICAGO (AP) -Ann Lan- de rs say s ah e haa recycled 15-year-old letters in her advice column the put 18 mootha. but will stop becauae the practJce WU questioned and "my credibility la all I have." Mila Landen uid publicly in the put that the lettert In her column were authentic. In print, ahe often chided Yale University 1tudent1 for trying to aneak phony letten pMt her. A joint investigation by The .Amociated Prem and the Pontiac (Ill.) Daily Leader found that from April 1981 to April 1982 there wen 33 clear~y identifiable examples of items that bad ap- peared in Mlal Landen' daily column in late 1966 and early 1987. Editon of the more than 1,000 newapapen worldwide, among them the Daily Pilot, who buy her column and her C!lltimated 70 million readers were not told ahe wu recycling previoualy pub- U.bed letten, aometimea ualng only alight changes In wording and details like names and ages. For example, in a Feb. 22, 1967 letter from "Irvin1'1 Wife" a woman said her hiabenci was too attached to h.la mother, atopping at her home each morning for "coffee and a bagel" and each nillh t for ''llOIDe chicken IOU~_ or some chopped herring. "Hi• mother telephoned every night to aak.: "b Irving all right?'' On Feb. 22, 1982, a letter came from "Millie in 'The Bronx" and the man'• name wu Sam. He ato~ for "a cup of oocoe and aomtl homemade coffee cake" and later for "a bowl of eoup or ped herring." Sam at.o got a tly call fnim bia mother. an interview Monday with an AP reporter and ..mtant pu- blilher Jamee Peane of the Daily Leader, Mias Landen WM ahown 12 examples and acknowledged letters bad been recycled. "lt start.ed about a year and a half ago," Miu Landen aaid, ''while I WM Fing throuah my acrapbooka to flnd aome fettert for abort telephone apota I wu doing for llllnoia Bell. When I aaw a letter that WM ~Y lnt.enwting, OI' m.de. point ln a . forceful way, I CIOl'1llidered Ulling It apin." (See ANN, Pap .U) Marine landing proteeted MIAMI (AP) -The landl:'fn of U.S. Marinee at the Guantanamo Bay naval bMe a milltary exerci8e sparked a JX'0'9t by tbP•nde of worken In Cuba'• Guantanamo provtnce. Havana l'9dlo reported today. NATION BooJc clean I adJer'• name 1be eon of ~ admiral blamed fer the aaw of the JapMae att*:k an P9arl Harbor 1119 a mw book helpl cleu' bit father'1 namt. faet M. · "Prime-time TV crltialMHI · Prlml-tlml wl'VWon *"' att.w pi'Oll'llDI that f•ture a1mmt •ffeml.nat. --and diVorced mo-tbln, cbm'PI a crtUc. hit A"I. • , • • Field rendered I useless :~ LONDON (AP) -Britl• warplanes made a furtbel' bolllt; bing "sortie" today on the air~ atrip at Stanley, capital ?~ ~ Argentine-occupied Pal~ Islands, Britiah Defeme ~ tary John Nott told the HoUle Commons. On Saturday, Britiah V~ bombers and Sea Harrien bombing raida OD the airport the fl.nt fiahtt.ng of the moo• old crisia aver the Araentine _., z:ure of the British coIOny. Nott informed members of Parliarnen\ today: "A further aortle wu ma .. today to rendet' the aintrtp ~ sable for liabt supply, commura&. cations ana ground attack air- craft T;J::.tina within the F~ land themeelva" Nott pve no fw1her deca1la ol the latett raid. Earlier, the 0.. fenae Miniatry bad reported more fighting with Araentlne forces around the island. 0.., Not,..... lw .._.. K_._ ROUGH TIMES -Monica and Andre w Huntington Beach . He o ffe rs som e harsh Abrams put their belonRings up for sale in thoughts about the nation's econom y. Nott'• brief announcemeat came after Prime Minist.er' Mar- gare t Thatcher defended Bri- tain's sinking of the Ar19ntiDe cruiser General Belgrano witb more than 1,000 men aboard, aad criticism of the &mday torpedo a ttack mounted at home and abroad. The Argentine ship -outside the 200-mile, Brlti81a- imposed war zone around the islands .. Couple hold 'unemployed sale' Job loss forces Huntington family from rented home "U we had left it any later k might have been too late. I milbt have had to coml to the 11"'- with the news that 80IDe of our own vesaela had been aunk," Mrs. Thatcher told the Cnmmom By ROBERT BAR~ER Of"ttleo.ly ...... wt Monica and Andrew Abrams are holding a "suddenly unem- ployed" aale at their houae in Huntington Beach. 'The sale of kit.chen applianoea, houaebold furniture and houae planta lute until May 16. 'lb.at'• when the A.bram9ea have to get out of their rented houle becauae no more money, la coming in. Abnuna at bil job .. chemical engineer lut ~at DlaooVi-lion A.adatea uartered ln Costa Me-. About 900 people have been laJd oU over a period of montha after the f.inn WU acquired by a Ja~ company, he said. The company maket luer vi- deo di8ca for home movies. ''We•ve got a amall cuah.lon of savings, but that won't last Jong. And the unemployment benefill won't DIMl'ly pay the boule rent of $700 per month." Abrama, 36, Who Mid he WM eamtna in the area of $30,000 a yw baa .sit out rw gnea Whlle belna interviewed for STATE this atory, he received a call from a Stanford University official wanting eomeone to manage. the 1ehool'1 chemica1 wastes. Abrams also says there Is a "The burden is falling on the middle class." paibillty of a job with IBM in San Ja.e. If they don't materialize, he aaya he and his wife, who hasn't been working, wUJ go back to Colondo where he waa raiaed. "I could alwaya ~o back to being a aki l.natructor. ' Abrarm aaid he la pretty de- preued and fruatrated becauae he bellewd he had a long-term job at DilcoVision. But he believe. that conditions leading to the layoff• were not fore1een. · He aaY1 he la bltter about "the aystem.'f "I can't have the same stan- LOS ANGELES (AP) -Getty OU Co. and Southern Callfom1a JMWon Co. haw -.r"eed to develop copner&Una fedllU.. aDowtna l'dl8on to Wle excell heat tram GittY• CJil..fteld lteam ,._.._.. to produce electrldt)' for 400,000 houNbolda. Neither company would m.l the C09t of the projlct. Supermarket BmOJcer nabbed An ..., .. olopt ....... dtllm'• ..... of • '""'w ID a SID DlejD llipii amrlDlto ~ A&. S PORTS dard of living in wh ich I was raised. I grew up, went to college and worked hard and yet w e ca n't afford to buy our o wn house. "The country IS m trouble eco- nomkalJy and· there are no signs of a recovery -it is dead in the water. "And I am'just appalled at the rising deficit an d incr e asing interest rates. "Most of the money is going to the government, not the people. ''Congreta votes thern11elvea pay raJ.SeS and tax breaks. And prac- tlcall y nobody in government makes less than $60,000. They're out of touch with us who make $20,000 to $30,000. "'The wony I live with bour1J is that Argentine foreft in ac- tacb , both naval and air, will -th.rough to our forces.•• T he Royal Navy armada la poaitioned off the diaputed co- lony. Meanwblle, Ireland la requ.. tins an urgent meetina of tbe U .N. Security Council to put a (See F A.LllAND, Pap .U) Balloon race in spotlight "It's almost like there is an at- tack on the middle class. Schools are going to hell and college loans and grants are falling. The bur· den is falling on the middle clasa. Balloot race1, balloon rtdet and avii on exhibitlom will all be pert o a full day of ewn1a at the Gonlm1 Bennett Balloon .... and Aviation Faire cm S.~ in Fountain Valley. "You aee no fewer Mercedes on the hlahwaya. That'• where my anger liea. 'The system la not working." INDEX At Your~ A4 blna Dombeck . 82 L .M . Boyd A8 8'.W"• 88-7 Callfom1a At> C.valctde B2 ClMllfled Df..8 Comlal All ero.wOl'd A8 Editiarial AJ l'nWtalnment Bl Horoecope B2 C OUNTY Today'a.Dally ~ Ind•.,_ apedal eouven!r edition ..., a.a to the annual balloon niQe .... tectlon c.. Intermliillon Bl AnnLanmn m MovtiM Bl Mutual J\mdl Bl NatkmllN8W9 AJ :c:: ..... Dl-1 lr1 ~ BO Tb.atlln , JD W•tlm' AJ Wodd Newa Al 'NN LANDERS COLUMN •.• . She aald abe rerely uMd the Jebo.relc M.ld the 1yndicJte'1 .. reaydld ma..nal In her coh.unn edlton wue not eware of the •na that ah didn't think 1t =f:e &P.d that lf th., ba4 ~ ar unmual. woWd hllw adV1leCI Mill ~ u1 think people r .. d my ~· , Landen ~ Ullnc old ltmll umn few advice, ~. amu-without clearly 18beUn, them ~ Hment ... I don't think the relJIMtl. .. c•;;•r car••· The Important J~orek Mid eeveral nt~· >th ts to aet the information per edlton inqu1nd about an AP -· lhe u.kl. 1tory Monday reportJna Mla1 In a 1tatement IHued later Landen' UM of recycled mate-e y, lhe Mid it bad not oc-rial. 1 ~ to her that Uli.na~ The Loui1ville (K.) TlmH . ' tmial would be COGllclend de-temDOnrilY ~ &.-°' the ·~ve. She aid ahe would sto. p coluiim today Ul ''W9 haw ... ·~old letters Immediately. IUnDC9" that advance cop6ll ol • wJ'1 colWDDI Mnt to the ~~ .. .,.. 1.""11 "My credibility 11 all I have frt!e of old material.' Mid Milut : ... .-net I would never ~~Y ~ K.allay, w.iltant manactnc edl· , 1nenything to damage It, 'saic1 ~ tor. 1 Landen, whose sympathetic Editor Dave Smith ol the San ... ,~w advice oolumn haa'been Rafael (Calif.) Independent ~~1{11y'Ddkated 26 years. Journal, a 1ub9crlber, 1ald the .. 1 St.eve Jehorek, president and newspaper would publish a cou- i ~hlef executive officer of Field pon askin1 readers to comment · ''"'Newspaper Syndicate, dialribu-on the d.ilclosure. '''tor of the colwnn. said Monday Ann t..ndera la the pen name that columns in the hands of for Esther Pauline Lederer, 63, , ·w1·~t.cribing neWIJMlpen would be whale twin slater Pauline !'.ether l. 1 eviewed for recycled material Phillipe writes the al.mi1ar syndJ- . .,. sut.titute columna provided cated advice column "Oear l,t:I l'M'Cell8l'Y· Abby" as Abigail Van Buren. J .•!'' 'ftJ"' . ·;FALKLAND ISLANDS ... 1 ·:'4tnd to the "open war" In the 1be commander o1 the Argen,- .;Qlouth Atlantic, the lrlah diplo-tine navy said Monday that the ' , . : ma tic million announced today. sinking of the General Belgrano. '" , It said it la introducing a res-Argentina's only cruiser, waa elution demanding the lmmedia-"th.W country's worst dnlle dtlll- ·lte cemation of Britiah-A.rgentihe ta.ry setback in more than 100 ~fighting over the Falkland years." 1 lalanda; negotlationa to resolve But Adm. Jorge Anaya said ,,the criail through diplomacy; and the torpedoing pf the ship by • the lifting ·of economk sanctions Bri ti ab au bmarine would •.against Argentina imposed by "1tr'engtben the decision to con- • • Britain's allies. Cinue tJ.e figbt''·for the Falkland • • In Dublin, Iriah Defense Min-Island.a, which Argentina calla I 11.ster Patrick Power said his gov-the Malvt.DM. 1 emment had switched from sup-People seen on the streets of .• ,, fOr11ng Britain on the Falklands Buenos Aires took the news of •crlaia and ia taking a neutral the linking quietly fir!ooday, with stance. sadnels. . The Argentine joint chiefs of U.S . Secretary of State Ale- ' uttaff aaid today that Argentine xander M. Haig Jr. said today the •.Nvy reecue vessels have picked heavy casualties in the British '1 iup 400 survivors of the cruiser ainking of an Argentine wanahip , ··General Belgrano, torpedoed may be causing Argentina to 'Sunday by a British submarine stiffen ill resistance to any com- ' tp the South ·Atlantic. promise aettlement of the Falk-.,·~ Naval aources expreued optr--land lslanda confllct. ~ that more survivors would ·'·! 1Je _found Testlfyinl before a Senate : ~~ A com0mlloique aaid the 400 Ap.pro~riatio~ subcommittee, "'.'' ·-.rv1vora members of the crui-ff.aieaaid that u of~ mom1nc J • .i:.J ~ ; - ' 2 the oeceeeery flexibih"\y hM not , ,~.er 1 1,04 -man crew, were ..a-... ~ in u..~ .... ___,, f . ., the support ve.el Gur-.,_,..~ .uua-nu-or a -7't en route to~ political settlement of the di- t!M Up of the Sou1h American IP'&te. tinent. "One could readily draw the '·The communique aa..id re9C\.le conclUlion that the recent t:nOc ·,r.work continued in the area km of lives .-odated with UM! ··Owhere the cruiser was hit by loa of their cruiser bat contri- •• •i.Britiah torpedoes. Some 15 reecue buted to their contf nuing .... yeme}s were involved. intransigence." he said. " 13 youths sought in beating Seal Beach police have 1.ued a deecrlpt.loo of three YOW\I people 0 dreaed in punk rock fuhlon" who are wanted ln connection with the beatinc of a 16-year-old Milaion Viejo girl. Police said the three demar1ded drup from the eirl and attacked her when she couJd not produce them. She W&I found crawliJ18 on her handl and knees, covered wlth blood and dirt, in the mid- dle of Beverly Manor Drive in Seal ee.ch at 2:20 a.m. Sunday, officers aa.ld. The girl, whose name waa withheld, told police she had been &>6cked up by three youths In 1919 light blue Chevrolet Ca- maro aa she waa hitchhiking home from a oonc:ert ln Pasadena. She was treated for her inju- ries and releued to her parents. GREAT ESCAPE? -Senior correctiona oUl- oer K.C. Webb (left) and umtant warden John Ign.acio ex.amine a homemade, one-mui hell- ........... copter found at Nevada's maximum security prilon in Canon City. The driver was described aa Caucasian, age 18-19, 5 feet-8, with curly brown hair, a thin mustache and a thin build. Hia first name may be "Mike" or "Mark." A male paasenger waa descri- bed as Caucaalan, age 17-18, 5 feet-5, thin build, with short straight brown hair . For the hirds \ Finches delay couple's sail The way Dana Point aailon Blll Hu1hea and Marilyn Lowland o,ure it, .nother couple of weeb won't kill them. THAT'S BOW lone omlthoJopta uy It will take for a half dozen beby f1nches -hatched Monday ln the Mila of the couple's 32-foot ndng,yecht -to fly the coop. A linch l)fft. containing lix tiny ecp. WM dllcovered by the couple in mid-April .. they were pftp&rina to .et ..U from a dip at the Dana Potnt Marina. >J they were removing tbe blue canvu cover that protect.a the ma1ma1l, they dllcovered a pair of finches bad .et up ~. in the folda of the all 'The OCMD·&6lnc pair'had tw\> cho6ces· TOSS OVT THE nest and enjoy a 1WU1y, windy Sunday ail 10 San Dlego, or wait it out until the eggs hatched and the baby fiDche9 left the ..-. They opted for the latter -Somewhat srudlfnlly, Marilyn adml1L Seate Fish and a.me Department experi. laid the eaa would batch in about 12 daya. They were ol1 by four days. ORNITBOLOGll'l'S •Y It'll take &DOtMr 14 daya foe the baby birds to~ stronc ~to take off on theU' awn. Give OI' take. a few' daym. JJm and Marilyn should be able to at ..n bY the weekend of the 17th. ·1ru be n1ce "° bsw the boet t.:k." Marilyn laid. And lbe'a pd the couple wllited. , ONCE THE YOUNG bUdl leaw, it's only a matter of ftmovtnl the nest and cleenlng the bUd dropptnet off the deck. 'Ibere ia one other matt.er of concern, however. Finches like to return to the same av.sUnc p~ year a.ft.er year. Enactment urged WASHINGTON (AP) -Pre- lldent Reaaan and a broad ttOl8 9eCtlorl of conaervatives and libe- rala on the Senate Judiciary CClmmittee are urging quick en- adment of a compromiae exten- llon of key provisions of the 1965 Vodng RJa.hts Act. A young woman in the car was described as Caucasian. about 17 years old, with short brown hair. Anyone with information on the trio has been asked to contact Sgt. Leonard Frisbie or Detective G reg Young of the Seal Beach P ol ice Department, (213) 431-2541. Bonin wants out of Orange County The attorney for convicted Freeway Killer William Bonin aa.id Monday he will request that his client be moved from Orange County Jail becau.e they cannot have private telephon e conver- aationa. William Charvet said he will uk Superior Court Judge Ken- neth Lae 10 order Bonin returned to San Quentin prison pending the murderer's trial in Orange County, scheduled to begin an July. In March, in Loa Angeles, Bo- n.in waa sentenced to death in the gaa chamber for the torlu. e- mW'den of 10 young men whose bodies were dumped near free- ways. He la awaiting trial on charges in four more murders in Orange County. last time Bonin waa allowed to call him was at 1:15 a.m., which th e atto rney said was , "ridJculous" and in violation of a court order signed by Lae allo-• wing BoQin to Ulie the telephone one hour per night. Charvet said he would chal- lenge the county jail in federal court If the telephone situation is not changed before Bonin is due to stand trial. No charges on Reynolds LOS ANGELE.$ (AP) -The Los Angeles city attorney says Burt Reynolds won't be charged In an lncident in which the actor allegedly roughed up a free-1.anoe photographer trying to snap his picture. Sunny afternoons Crash hurts two women Charvet said that Bonin's calls io him are placed from a speaker telephone where anyone in the jail can hear if they are walking by. He contended that his cUent has a right to a private conver· aation with his attorney. In addition. Charvet sai~. the ''One has a right to use a rea· sonable amount of force to re- move a trespasaer," said a state- ment issued Monday by City Attorney Ira Retner. tOO.he !Halc#l border c:en expect llghl, varlabl• morning wlnd1, beCQtTung IOUt'-l IO .-t et 10 • to 18 knot• dutinQ tfle atlemoon .~ Coastal with. 1-10 2-•°:1'-'atly .... ·~: • e.rty momlnQ 11gt11 .,_.. gi.. Temperatures · vtng way to per11•1 ei.arlng thl• • I ~ Hlgha of ee to 74 low NAT'IOM •J idoude late tonight. Wed~ay .. &... leafing by mid-morning, 111en AlbM)I 87 3t I tunny. HIQll• of ea to 78. Over· ,\lbuque •.2 45 1 ftlO'lt lowt ~ to 64 Huntington· ~ 77 50 ~ ., .. temp«aturn ren· ~ 75 50 Q1no from a hlgtl of 68 to a tow of Atlanta 79 55 !8. -Atlante Cty 70 51 .,. ' S....-e. trom POl<l1 Conclec>-Au9tln 16 8 I t non to the M•"lcan bofder and 8elllmof• 13 48 out eo mllM: Nott'-' to ~ 91111ng1 13 61 •ty .... 11 of 5 to a t .. t toVth 8lrmlnghm 82 34 -°"* ... -. Ugllt ~ 8lamerCll S5 51 wind• through tonight ••eept 8olM ae 4t ~ to -1 10 to ta lulota &oeton 83 44 Wt ""9moon. W-'etty ..... of 8fowntY\lle 64 S1, Phllaclpt!le 1102._. ~on 84 4t • ,...,_,.. c...,., 72 50 PlttabWt. CNt191n sc n eo ~=· Or• Charlltn WV 78 40 · ' =:...NC ?~ H ::::- Ctllcaoc> 79 48 :::i City Qncinnall 78 42 Seit ...... Clelleial>d ee 42 8WI Antonio Clmble SC 81 53 S...tte Columbul 7 4 39 . Stvewpott • ()el.Ft Wth 8378 63 Sblx , ... Deyton 43 St Louie Den,,. 8771 52 St p. Tempe Del~ 5t St8 .. Mane = ~::~ EJ P9eC) 86 61 I SYJecuM FttgO 17 tO Toe*.• ~ Cl& 32 Tumon ~ ,... 81 4t CAUJOM9A H#tfelrd .. 40 ........., ........ 16 <I.I ....,. Honc*&i 87 .. 8eunont HouMon 83 87 ..... ........,.. 1S .... ~ ........... MM_.,. ..... '* 80 64 ca... IC.-aey 11 64 ~-. LMV-e-15 61 -.. unta~ 12 .. = ~ 11 44 LAM AmMtlMd U11:1«10C* n M ~ .... -7 • =r r. ft=-~ ::· 1141 '~ ~Ortllnl M " I Mol 11~ 1M1 New Yen 11 M :':., ---7211= .,.... ..... ...... =.. '-~ : OM9rto ~ ... ,,.. ........ n 64 87 .. • 41 85 37 ff .... 16 .... 11 50 84 51 n 36 83 57 12 82 st 41 86 eo 14 58 80 67 11 eo 72 32 65 ..... .. 43 80 11 It M " 64 • 11 71 eo 11 M 11 61 IM 12 70 61 75 to N <I.I 17 ... .. 40 12 llO 74 u 11 :i .. 12 80 7f M 12 11 ~u .. 11 11 ,, 71 .. to to p ....... 11 a. Paeo ftoblee 16 .. ANMlde n 11 Rad.,.. •• Aedwood Qty n .•· Sact.mento t3 47 SallNI 72 48 8WI BerNrdlno 79 87 Sen 0..,,... 18 47 Ian Diego 09 14 San fl'rwldtco et ~ Ian JoM 78 ao Sent•~ 72 :1 Sant• 8arbar• 81 2 Sent• Cf\cz 76 53 Senta Mane 11 45 Sant• MofllGe M M Sloclrton .. 47 T.,_V*"I .. ~ TMrmel t2 11 T~ 70 ... CMADA CllOltY Edmoneon Mol1'relll 0..-AeP'l9 Toronto VlnOOll\llr WlnNIPe8 Extended weadJer IP,UTl41"N OAL .. 10 .. NIA OOAITAL AND lofOUHTAIN AMAi~~ .. --Hrty • ......... OOllt. ..... fllr. :-r:: 111 • ooee1a1 .... :=.,:-.t11e =-:•·... .. ..... lnllfld-. ........ Moullt• :=r I .. 1 .. '--'*• -Two women were injured in a thre&-car colJJllon Monday after- noon at Garfield Avenue and Golden West Street ln Hunting- ton Beech. PGlice aid. China reshuffles Photographer Ruseell Turiak, 37, of Sherman Oaks, had told police that Reynolds pummeled him April 26 outside the act.or's West Le» Angeles home. A police report said Reynolds had arrived a t hia house with actreaa Loni Anderaon of televimon's "WK.RP in Cincinnati." Trecy 14'nanc, 23, of Founiatn Valley wu reported in stable condition today at Padflc.a Hoe- pUal, receivina treatment for a COOCUllkln. . TOKYO (AP) -China carried out a major government reshuf- fle today that included elimina· tion of 11 of the nation's 13 pre- niie:rs, the official Xinhua news agency reported. With The University Diet, you can lose an average of 20 pounds per month -every month -until you reach your goal. The UniYel"Sity Diet i8 a protein·spe.ring, modified fut that ia clinically proven and available only through licensed 'medical offbs. PNlca1pdon eupplemente supply your body._ nutritional needs while unwanted fat le burned olf. A Com~ Plopun. Unlike other pro· grmne, The UnMnity Diet includes a pre· .mm.Don pby*-1. preliminary~ diet, fudnc procedure, preecripdon supple- rmnta. fllUlar lab -.a. EKO'I, nieecHng, behmottl coumeUng and malntmance. ' M...._,. Sele. You're under constant IUpw~ ot phytidana and weigh~ epedaH.q to protAlct your health. ....... • EHtct.tve. Yw make no decWom about food -only the commlt- IDlftt to follow our prqpwn ~ ~· Exduaive R.efeeding and Maintenance. You are re·introduced to food in a gradual 4 ·Bt.ep process and taught how t.o keep weight off. ltldivldul Cow ..... Behavior modifi- c.atkm and nutritional gWdance are offered to all patient.a by nperte . If you need to loee 20 pounda or more, call our phone counselors for an ,appoint- mentor informatj()n, ~-re former patil!llta. They understand. You11 find we COfJt leel due t.o our • and experience. Your insurance may cowr it. And after you complete The Un!Yel'lity Diet. f1" COU11M""6 ia evallable for the lM of )IO'll' W.1 c.l l·MJO·al-8876. 'IWI r... 8 AM to 9 PM 7 da.YI a week. Physician lnqul· r1M welcome. :nm I . ,"' UNiVERSnYDIEr Or.,_ Cout DAILY ptLOT /Tueeday, May 4, 1982 WORLD'S FAIR FffiEWORKS -The giant Sunsphere at the World's Fair in Knoxville, Tenn., reflects the colors of exploding fireworks. Each evening's fair celebration is high- lighted by a mammoth fireworks display. At right is the en- II# .... , •.... ergy story as visitors persue the display of the h istory of energy in the United States Pavilion. The six-month event officially opened Saturday. ! Egypt's prosperity hopes soar by return of Sinai Peninsula CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -The return of the Sinai Peninsula has rekindled Egyptian hopes for proepe.rity, but the lnltial impact of the Israeli withdrawal haa been largely symbolic. "With the return of the Sinai. Egypt restored ita identity, and the best thing is that we rstored it without war," Tafida el-Sherif, a 28-year-o~ petroleum company secretary, wd. Egyptian officials and the govemment-<:0ntrolled newa me- dia have focused attention on development plans for the Sinai since Sunday when the Israelis ended their l~-year occupation. The Cabinet met last week to di8cu8a pro~ and assured resi- dent& of food, water and services. Hassaballa e l-Kafrawi, min- ister of housing and land rec- lamation, said 200 wooden pre- fabricated buildlnp were being constructed on the ruins of Ya- mit., which was destroyed by Is~ raeli troops removing squatters oppoeed to the withdrawal. h ome in el-Arish on the Med i - terranean. In a May Day speech, Presi- dent Homi Mubarak said Satur- day the end of the laraeli occu- pation generated a giant m o- mentum that should be harnes- sed toward building the eco- nomy. Western economiata eeti- mate !'cYPt'a annual inflation at 30 pm:ent. "We cannot continue to depend on the external world to provide our baic food. We'll all. have to Intensify efforts, double our work and pay the tax of peace as we did during war," he said. Israel's protracted withdrawal, which had many Egyptians wondering for months whether the Jewish state would live up to its Camp David pledge to be out by April 25, left a aour taste with some. other facilities built by the 11- raeU.. Tourism is a pillar of the Egyptla bringing n economy al- ready. in Q 1.1 billion last year. The Egyptian planners also hope to continue and expand land-reclamation projects begun by the Israelis to lncreue food production and provide new homes for people living in the overcrowded Nile Valley. There is little prospect that the return of the Sinai will help re- duce the amount of resources EcPt devotes to supporting the m1liiary, which is en1a1ecf in a long-term campaign to replace equipment purchued from the Soviet Union, including a $3.3 billion deal with the United States. DefeMe Minister Abdel-Halim Abu Ghazala haa served noUce that he expects the 367,000-man FcYPtian armed forces to be kept up to strength "so that it may alwav• serve at a deterrent force." SHOULD SHARE -Sen. Wil liam Proxmire, D - Wiaconsin, says the Pentagon should be r.e9uired ·to pay NASA for research and space shuttle operations sfnce the military will be using the 1pacecraft more frequently in the future. I Court to studj Social Secul-itY sex bias case " I WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to judge the validity of one Social Security provision which, the government concedes, deprived eome men of benefit.a that wo- m en in similar circumstances could collect. 'nle justices said Monday they Paratroops ~ will adopt safety plan FORT BRAGG, N.C. (AP) - The 82nd Airborne Division is hastening the adoption of new safety procedures and stressing existing ones following a Cali- fornia air drop in which six pa- ratroopers died and 157 were in- jured. AA Army investigation into the accident during the Gallant Ea- gle 82 exercise at Fort Irwin near ~arstow , has implicated high wi.n(k, clwmy parachute hames- lel and hard terrain for the un- usually high number of casual- ties, officials say. Maj. Pat Cannan, a spokesman for the 18th Airborne Corps, pa- rent of the 82nd, said exercises run ad average "one per thousa- nd injury rate." However, Gallant Eagle's six fatalities nearly doubled the 82nd's mortality rate for the past five years, Army statistics say. Jn that time, division soldiers jum- ped 521,000 times, with an ave- rage of one accident requiring hospitalization per 1,000 jumps and an average of 1.5 deaths a year. Cannan said that after the Gallant F.agle exerciae on March 30, paratroopers are being re- minded to release a device called a capewell immediately upon land.lni -spilling wind from the nylon chute and preventing the paratrooper from being dragged on the ground. Lt. Melvin Shafer, who super- vises a mandatory paratrooper refresher course at Fort Bragg, said many ~oopers involved in Gallant Eagle "were dragged on the ground. They couldn't relea- se the canopy relea.ae assembly." The 82nd has also hastened a switch from capewells that must be pinched by thumb and fore- finger to ones that require a tug on a ring, a simpler task. The conversion is about 35 percent complete. wiU review a federal trial tudae'• ruling that •truck down i&lro- vision as an example of ~r­ m.iu1ble aexual di8crlmina~. Before 1977, the Social S«u- nty Act treated men and women differently in conferrlna apcaaal benefits -monthly paym•nta available to people aged 61 or older who are entitled to (Slly mimmal or no old-age diub&lity benefits based on their own ac- count. A provision in the act~ those people could receive ~ne-­ f 1 ts based on their spouses1 in- romes. 1 But before men could ~ive spousal bene fits. they hat to prove they depended on t eir ' wage-earner wives for one-alf their support. Women applying for spousal benefits faced no such requirement. I In other actions Monday( the high court:~ -t<ule<1 b)' a /-'/.vote that AJbuquerque, N.M .. cannot &roe the Seventh-day Adventist Church to get a permit before its members can solicit donations. -Agreed to decide when federal proeecuton can shard .e- cret grand jury infonnation with lawyers in non-criminal sections of the Justice Department. 1 -Agreed to settle a ta>C di- spute. in a case from Tew of considerable importance to tax shelter investors, lnvolvin~the tax consequenc es ->Of 1 "non-recourse" loena for ~ich the borrower does not agree to become personally liable. .: -Le ft intact a lower ceurt ruling that a Peachtree Gty,Oa .. ordinance uncon stitutiorually banned the posting of prices•n a gasoline station operator's siflls. -Refused to dismi" an'ap- peal previously filed with the high court by a convicted ll1inoi.s murde rer who now sayi be wants to die for hia crimes. TIM! court also left intact the death sentences of two Texas ~en convicted of killing law ~ ment officers. and rejected - ments that a Georgi.a death inmate was denied a (air · . In the sprmg of 1977, the:Su- preme Court struck down·the differing treatment of men1and women under the disputed pro- v 1s10 n of federal Jaw as u n - ronst1tutional sexual diacrirnina- uon. ~ Later that year, Congr ss amended the Social Security to eliminate "gender -ba ed differences," but discovered that such eradication caused financial problems. Some Egyptians, who recall that the Sinai wa1 Ignored for centuries until the Israelis captu- red it ln the 1967 Slx-Day War, were cynical about the interest in the area. Mustafa Amin, dean of Egyp- tian columnists, wrote in the mass-circulation al-Akhbar, "I felt as if someone had stolen 50 pounds from me and after 15 years of2tru le I've recovered onl 30 ." ··~ has made no aacrlficel in withdrawing from the Sina.I," said Mowlir Habib, 43, a manage-, of an office equipment com~y J "larael had to withdraw ~ land it illegally occupied." VP Bush to return to China As explained by Justice partme nt lawyers.. "elimina of the one-half support req ment made substantial nwn rs of retired male federal and s te employees eligible for Sale of military items to Taiwan called 'time bomb' spousal beneilts based on t eir wives' earnings.•• "Ha, ru bet they've take.n all the flour to Sinai," said Amal Fak.hry, a Heliopolis housewile, aft.er an afternoon of looking for flour during a spot shortage that · from time to tlme affect• one commodity or another ln FcYPt's planned ea>nomy. The moat immediate return from the Sinai is expected to be in tourism, using hotelt and other facilities built by the Israeli•. Touriml is a pillar of the E«YP- tian ea>nomy already, bringilij ln $1.1 billion lut year. But most FcYPtians interview- ed at random are hoping for the best. The Egyptian planners also hope to continue and expand land-reclamaUon projects begun by the Isr~ to increase food produc tion and provide n ew homes for people living in the overcrowded Nile Valley. "The Sinai contains lots of treasures, and lf we exploit it SUOCe9tfully, It will bring lots of revenue to E'.aYpt," said travel agency owner -Oinar Hu.-ein, 48, who has bought a/lot of land and plan• to bull a vacation There is little prospect that the return of the Sinai ii expected to be in tourism, uting hoteh and ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Kay Schullz V<.•P•~t «td ()•K h''llf ()t A11v.-.t~ Tom Murphone £tt1t()i Mike Harvey OV«tc"W of M•'ttttt~ 1C..CUIOtlO"'t Ken Goddard 0.KtOI nt ()rp9t4U~ Classified advertising 714/642-567t All other departments 642·4321 MAIN OFFICE JlO W•\I 8AY \I (°'I.a~ {A M A1f •octr.-\\ 80• 1\60 (O\t• M«'4 (A .,.,. (oP>"Qllf °'11 0.-( .... '° PUC>lo•h•,_. (-y ,_.o n•w\ \tof•\ 1llu\l••hOI"\ ••<htOf .. I m•t•r Of .. v~'''~~h ._.,P-,,. m..tf bP r•swoctvc:fld .,,_,. ~r ••• •rmt\"°" ot rOP..,r•t owMr \fie Ond f ..... , 1)1.,...ltotQ!J" (Mtd .. , '°''A M,.,,.-( AltfGn•·-- t UP~ tua1 'of>o\Jrio••onby r,,.,,.,.., \.f /\IY'Mtfttf\t\' &. M'41I \ft \O"'""tfitt'¥ fN> '),.,. l Oiit\f 0,.tt\' Pilot Wlff\ ••h(h fl\ Utth-Do"fll I"" _, p,.,., I\ _,_...., by !ti. ()r ..... '"'"'' PW11w,.. ComlNfty ~Nr4f• ""'''°"' M• ll<lt>ll•""" ~y "''.....,. Fro<111y 10< C•ta -· Hf'•.,...., ~.Kii liUl'llHlql°" 8H<ll ~-llllfl Veli.y trvlM l"QUM l\<tll(I\ 'loulll (°'"\l A •1"9fe !'It~ •O•hOff " ,,._,.,"""' Saturd1tY• • ..., ~ TIW pron< 1p4I l>UlllO\llofWI 01 .. "I h Al J.)O Wf\I 8•Y Sl,_I, PEKlNG (AP) -Vice Preli- den t George Buth returns to China this week to confront an iuue that brought hlm to the Chine. e11pital two yec'I ago - the Rea1an policy toward the Chineee Nat1onalilt government on Taiwan. In 1980, Bush wa1 trying to eue ChJ.neee anxieties over what they taw as then-candidate Ronald Reagan'• ''two-Oiina" po- licy. The Chtneee said he failed then. After he became president, Reagan did not reltOre diplomatic relatioM w ith the ~ov­ emment aa PeJdnc be would. Nor did be ~ to lelJ the Nationallm the lldvanoed jet flahten they wanted. "But he authorized the ..ie ol mWt.ary •pare puta to Taiwan ~·~pl.l4 te 1trona objedlona from ~·On Sunday, tbe ~'· Dally, the Communlat Party newapaper aaicl the 1-ae WV a 0 ti.me ~" threatenlnl rela· t1om t.t.een the Unatlld ._ .. Ind OUM that ••can only be de-- fu.d by WMhinlbL" Aot\111.na the tJaltld s-. °' attempttna .. to create 'two Bush hu been uytng Peking's objectiona poee no major threat to Sino-American tie•. The tw o vernmenta have been ne"°tia- Ray Maclean t:ononlM:f Cherles Loot ~ ... _(Oolel' P 0 Bo• ll!IC) CO\••-"' '•"'"'"' ... ,.,. VOL 71, N0.1M CbJ.nM or 'one Chim. cme Tai· w.n' ID t'hw'drd fafm." It Mid w~ muat ••lhow a COD· er. ... not abetnct. an •xpUdC. . r:c1aa~• not -~ lbacllity JD ... ~Cfdna'lmw•1fl'tty." .., ...... ..,., leewuhM We're Listening ••• What do you Uke abbut t~ Dally PUot,? What don't you IUtt? Call the number below and your m•1l1e will a.. rffOl'ded, transcribed and delivered to U.. appropriate edltOt. The same 2A·hour anawmn1 MrVict ma1 be uHCt to record lfl· lera to ~ editor on any topk. Matlbo1 tontributon mutt laeNdt their name and tel~phone number f0t vertrte1U.. file~ callJ. please. TelJ us what'• on your mind. . ting for five montha, and China hu spoken repeatedly of the im- portance of their strategic rela- tionship. The result was a "windfall to some retired gove rnment m- ployees. CAPEZIO ESPADRILLES -ON THE LINE FOR SPRING Oran~ Coa1t DAILY PILOT ITueed.y, May 4. 1982 is forever thing' OBAR REA.DEM. Baldini la forever, expll1a MY· And 11 you're one of many who hlil ipeftl a lot ~l money on a variety of pro- d\ldl that prunlle to pow new hair or to atop hair km. tieware. None of the products work, ~ to • medJcal advt.lory~l to the 1'ood a Drue AdminlatraUon (FDA). AA n>A panel of medical acienUata, in- cludlna two dennatololiata. carefully acruti- hbed the mec:Uca1 literature on hair 1rowth ( '.and bair-m ~don producta. They al8o examined product labela and tnstrucdona and evaluated data 1ubm.ltted by product manu- facturen and othen. The panel found that the lnlredJentl were ufe few external I.lie when 1.-.d • tpedfied. But the producta could not do what WM claimed -they could not grow hair cw prevent hair tc.. There are producta which have the oomnetic effect of mak1ni hair aeem thicker, the panel noted, but hair growth la not involved. 1'be FDA not.es that no product or process 1 can affect hair once It emerges from the ac.alp, 1 idnce arowth occurs from the hair root. Even I pennanent waving, shaving, bleaching and 1 other trauma to the hair does not affect the hair It.elf u long aa the root la not Involved. Tiaht ponytaih and braida or excessive tea-.ma, howt!Wr, can tug at the root and follicle and damage hair growth. . What can affect hair growth? Nothing applied externally, including hormones. But bonnonea produced by the body can cause baldnel91n males who have inherited the gene for male-pattern baldness (alupeda). Some physical conditions can cause overall loss of hair in both men and women. 1bele include clrua therapy, iron defldency, fever1.~!!tlon. honnonal thyroid lmbal&nce, c:ruh weuna and 1tarvatlon. liormone imbalance followlna childbirth a1lo can be a caUM. To help you know what varloua baldnem productl cl.a1m to do, why they don't work, and to explain the teltina done on them, the FDA offeu a free copy of "Baldne11 Treatmenta," available from the Conawner In1onnadon Center, Pueblo, Colo. 81009. Ground beef labeling DEAR PAT : I ....Uy n.d u appreda· ble dtffereace la tH prleet my 1apermanet d1ar'ea for "ref.alar," "lea•" ud "estra leu' IJ'ODd bee . h &hre uy dJfferaee la tbe fat coateat of tbat meat? G.C., Co1ta Meta While U.S.D.A. 1tandardl require ham- burger meat to be no mon than 30 percent fat, the difference between categories of ground beef la up to your aupennarket. Most ltOre9. however, ute thla general ltandard for their labeling: regular la not more than 30 percent fat; lean la 13 percent fat. and extra lean la 10 percent fat. • Goe a problem'! Then write co Pat Horo-• 1 wicz. Pac will cut red i.pe, getting the - answers and action you need to aolve In· ,,.... equirie. in government and bwines1. Mall your questions to Par Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Dally Ptlot, P.O. Box J '80, Cart.a mesa, CA. 92626. .- ( Four coast firms given top pacts Q)ntnct. totaUJ.nc .143.5 mil- lion have been awaided to lndu- atrial firml In the 40t.h eonar--Mnal Dlatrtct, ~ to Rep. Robert E. Bedham, R·lfewport U.Ch. The 1overnmtnt contracll have been awarded by the Army, Navy and Bureau of Mlnea to four dittennt com.,.me.. Ford A.erotpACe and Commu- nScationl Corp. of Newport Beach received the bulk of the con- trlcta. totalina •110,6 million. Of the total, $46 million waa for ammunition to be manufactured at the company'• plant in San Juan Capi1trano and another $3SU m1Won tor varloul portionl of pro1ram1 on the Chaparral mlllUe, to be perfonned at New- port Be.ch. In addition, there la a $21.3 mllllon contract for Sidewinder mlallle control l)'lteml. work to be performed at Newport Beach, and $8.1 milllon for apare part.a for the new Divtaion Air Defeniie (DIV AD) program, allO at New- port~ . Hughel Aircraft Co. will build electronic equipment for the Navy at lta Irvine facility, In a contract valued at $24.9 million. AP Wlrepflolo PROTEST ON ANYTHING Bob Glinder thinks he has the · ideal business for these hard ttmes. a store that specializes in frustration. Glinder shows m the "I'm Fed Up and I'm Not Going to Take It Anymore" store in thC' Santa Cruz County community of Ben Lomond, offers books. buttons. bumper stickers and T ~shirts to protest absolutely anything. What it means fur your ad tn be "clossif i£d n r1arriof f's Luxurious Rancho Las Pillmas I' Now Open For Breekfaet AtMMa Verde Only t7M735 ·Pin• • ., .... ttti ........... ..... • Wtlllll Also Located On lalboallland ENTERTAINMENT NITELY COCKTAILS & CASUAL DINING 11 A.M. TIL 9 P.M . 545-1711 c organized Your ad i1 categorized within • 1pecific clu9ification. Buy .. can qui~y and ee1ily find what they're looking for, IO • your ad pt.a bett« raponM llallyPlat claultled ad1 142·5e78 Mother's Day Special Cameo Miniature s99s Choose From S Different Poses WEDDING SPECIALS NOW BOOKING FOR SUMMER photography by Jeffrey "CREATNE WEDDING PHOTOGR~PHY" 545-6786 brf --/ . WELCOMES TO THEIR SALON: CORRY SUPER NORMA CRUZ From DeLEONS OPEN MONDAY THRU SAT. 540-0600 Wortlshops for Clrtsbnls Schedule of cl ..... avallable at the lhop. 641-3112 / Reagan lauded' by cartoonist Cartoonlai Jalea FelUer aaya PretldHt RHllD and the New Right are making the country "an awful lot more fun" for cart.ooniata. Feiffer, apeaklng to about 200 people at a dinner of the Arizona Civil Liberties Union, said Reagan was giving the nation "a lot more energy, a lot more oauion than a few years ago.'' "Jimmy Carter played on our national psyche like a low-grade infection,'' said Feiffer, whoee biting cartoons appear in The Village Voice and are syndicated. A North Carolina man has been elected president of the Sierra Club, the nation's lar- gest environmentalist group. Denny Shaffer, a busines- sman from Fayetteville, N.C., succeeds Joe Fontaine of Tehachapi. - 9 • Duel vases B r19h1 M3. ,, BEST WISHES -Britain's Prince Charles in uniform as colonel of the Welsh Guards in Camarthen, Wales, ad- dressed the regiment and wished them well should they be called up for duties with the Falklands task force in the South Atlantic. David W. Watt has been named chief executive of Nucorp Energy Corp,. which ran into financial difficulties laat year. He replaces Richard L . Burna, who has stepped down A mother of l8Vef\ children. Bel•• Marie Bar11tad T~ompao• of Sandpoint, I~ho, wu choeen u Amer- ican Mother of the Year by American Mot!Mn Inc. LaDan AMll'Mll Jacob of 0mn. Utah, a mother of nine, wu named National Young Mother by the or1anlz.atlon, wbich concluded lta confe- rence In Salt Lake City. Mra. Thompaon waa 43 when her huaband dled, lea-vm, her with aeven chJJdren agea 2 to 17. All aeven have aince graduated from college and married, and ahe haa eight grandchildren. Mrs. Thompeon has worked for the U .S . Foreat Service a Ince 1961. She also operatea a 90-acre hone ranch. · About 50 people turned out for a graveside ceremony ip Appleton, Wile. marking the 25th anniversary of the <leath of Communist-hunting Sen. Josepb R. McCarthy. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Tuesday, Mey 4, 1982 Citizen arrests Sllloker SAN DIEGO (AP) -After warning the man in line w ith him about amoking ln a auper- market, Dr. John B. Nevara says he made a citizen's arre1t and would do it again. "I felt obligated to do what la necessary to deter people," said Nevara, an anesthesiologiat. After asking managers of the Food Basket store to make the man stop smokins without suc- cetl8, Nevara said he arrested the man, a young sailor, who djd not resist. The aailor, unidentified by po- lice only as a medical corpsman, sat in his car until officers got there Saturday night. Patrolman Wllliam Cameron issued a mis- demeanor field release, ordering the accused to appear in Muruci · pal Court next week. as chief executive ol the San Diego-based oil-field supply and oil production flrm, offi- cials said. Bums will remain chairman and devote efforts to strategic planning for the company. A city ord:nance forbids smo· king in supermarkets Nevara said he IS a mt>mber of GASP, or Group Against Smo- king Pollution. Smoking, he said, "is the cause of many cardiovascular ailments and respiratory diseases." MAY WEDDING -Singer Melissa Manchester, 31, poses I with her new husband , Kevin De Remer, 27, after their w<.'dding in Bel Air DE-Remer S<'rved as the songstress' tour coordinator The couple will spend their honeymoon in Eu- rop< ' The Robinsons Gift WATERFO RD A DAZZLING WAY TO SHOW YOUR LOVE ON MOTHER'S DAY. Choose from our gh1tPr1ng assortment ot l~tl "r.id i:rv~1a1 ootv and vases. expertly handcut and moulhblowr t v d"d1c.w <J I ar11sans. and you·11 see Mom's eyes liqht up for <,•HP Oon t lorCJPI to ask aboul our Crystal Club Plan when you corr>P n 10 SPP 111 ir>~· '>f 011r r::ollect1on. 1n Robinson s Wati>rtord 1•::' T1 " :• • call tot<· free 1 ·800·345·8501 r, ·1 •riole<l col'11pote S125. D 10· salad oow1 $199. • E 9• scallOp bowl, 1142. F / , H 0\ • OYat VU., ... ., I l I I I I . • l Al Ortn;• Cout DAILY PILOT/TUlldly, M-4. 1"2 THE t'AMILl' ClllCt:N BIGG£o•ca: 8'-l ~ f c .. by Virg il Partch (VIP) PE Nl'TH Beauty Tip:; s " How to look younger .. - A l f J by Charles M. Schulz Don't be born so soon Tl'MBLE"EEDN by Tom K Ryan MY fJIRTH CarrlFICU1'1 MY peN'fuu. Rt:CORPS,ANV . "You don't hafta be afraid of him unless you're 0 fly ." by Brad Anderson •"Stop! Stop! No kisses while I'm working!" Jl DGt: P \RKt:R ~ .. _ -.. ,..... ...... _ ACAOSS 53 Malled mass 1 F1tse god 55 ()egentfate MONDAY'S PUZZLE lot. YEO 5 Mennonites 56 StOl"&ge unil 10 Between 61 Newspaper 14 Asian carpet item 15 Blanket 62 Improve 16 ~IOQUllh 64 Sevefal 17 Strengthened 65 W Indies 19 Woody plan1 peak 20 Merchant 66 Too bad'' 21 Be indebted 67 Covrt figure 22 COOied 68 Tnlled 23 Cautions 69 Wheck , 25 Mauna - 26 l ocahon DOWN 30 Spanish t Nobleman article Abbr, 3 I Meat 2 Ripener 3• H1awath1 '• 3 Reok>n craf1 • Allghl 26 EXCIYlt• 36 Spinet 5 Not ethteal 27 Tibetan 38 Grtell lttter 6 Impair "beat" 39 SIOt 7 Heedlellly 28 Singly m10hinea 8 Swelter• •word• 2 WOfdS 9 Unplc)wtd 29 - -tM 42 H11em room 11r19 31 Nueletc ICld 43 Roundup 10 Movtmef'lf 32 Gobblt 41 flftCY - 4601gg!e 48MI .. f9')retented $1 A Montegut 52C11dgMM 53 M~ S4 Father Artb tr ....... · SHOE Why can't you boy It at the store llke everyone else?" Hank Ketchum ® t I by Harold Le Doux I \'1,Hf Rf ('11(' H."l' uET THE IDEA THATl WA5 1 I ,.. . (:,()INC, 10 GET !~ h:L• HAVE NL"I 5f N~I INVOLVE['\ IN 11Vl1' F('R THE ('rrRES:,E(l TH1S 0 e, 7 IN OL•R :X..1C1En I LL lA~E , IT ON ALONE. ::5A_;w.-·6=~ ,b, - by Ferd & Tom Johnson Wf DoN'r kNOW IF /T1l-L RUN ANY ~,ARTHER . YOU~TO I M lltA.T ~TUF~ IN~£fjj..\ Cf C4WER '·' "('\ DR.SMOCK YOU COUL.D e>e: RIGHI'", WAL-1"5R ... ... French toat I 1 Of trade 2 WOfd• SS EctlatlC .._.,__.......,~ 45 Sttotied 12 -11.. 33 Cotrooes • 47 IM"-" 13 ~t as WM ltuhy 41 Fiber ~nou II One 0t '1-.o 37 Anent 50 a.w 24 8ound '° Up.to-dete 51 lldflt't t1"1 H DettOll leMI one ,. ~ 57 CnittlCU'I 58Monty·SI St And °"*' IO Ael'!llll'I 13 Shifter ' t •• ,, .• l • l I -• 1.r .t._,, ... ,,M .• J/!'"'-..:., ITS MY DOCTOR A l\I01E FROM MIJ1'Hf:Ff ~ by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushmllter TAKE TWO ASPIRIN AND GET LOTS ... O~ All.C 'IOUl'l i-.lfW ~EAOl.-JG .::.LA 5-:S-E :::- .:.1\J1 N(;;o '1..JIJ Tl('>...."''X.ll!tLE.f by Gus Arriola l .:,l.i...'c-Mf ~:+IT ~ \\';_.~ .. F 1'-l 11-lf 1.11~~.:>tt tHl[CU.._-..µ •i;:,, ~'=-\\C'r<JJ- IN.:;:f IF WE:'R.5 N01" GONNA ee: FISHING FOR. SAL.MON, MAY85 l PID eR.1NG ALONG 100 MANY SINKE:R.S, HUH :> • - RESIGNS -Archie McCardell, chairman of the board and chief I executive officer of International Har- veater, hu realgned. Louis W. Menk, riaht. chairman of Burlinl- t on Northern ha• been named as Mc- Ca rd e 11 ' s replace- ment. IRE YOU IUYll& I CIR? WE COULD SAVE YOU AS MUCH AS $3111 ON HIGHER PRICED AUTOMOBILES AND CERTAINLY HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS ON MODERATELY PRICED CARS. WE WILL DO YOUR SHOPPING. CALL VIRGINIA AT (714) 145-4100 or 141-1122 COSTA MESA AREA AUTHORS HAVE YOU WRITT• A BOOK? A publlaher's editorial representative will be int.ervlewin& local authors In a quest for nnlahed manuscripts suitable ror book pubUcatlon by Carlton Pre•, Inc., a well.known New York subsidy publishinf firm. AU subjecta will be considered includln& ncuon and non.fiction, poetry, drama. reUgion, philosophy, etc. He will be In your area In late June. IC you have completed a book-leneth manu· script (or nearly so) o n any subject, and would lll<e a profeulonal appraisal (without cost or obli&at.ion), please fill in and mail the coupon below. Authors with completed manwcripta unable to appear may send them directly to the address below for a free readln& and evaluation. Authors whose works are still In procress may also write. ;-;-.:,:-t.::-.:·~~. , ............ , ..... ------· I pu.ntm•nl •nd •OMld Nanw --. I I pt•f•t AM • J PM I I t "',.,,. •• , ... "'" "'61'1U Addt•fla I I :.~r: ... :,..,~:: C:.~~ I , .... ,,...,....,,.... I I "~ r .. l'o --111at 11t·IU• I I Ala11 ~. ,..,., · Ill S. ,. .. ~1' Or. • ..,,wf1' HI .... CA. tO!U : ·------------------------· f • Anaheim Announcing our newet /cnfion, 31 O So. ~ 7 bi1cd' So. of LJncoln on Magnolia, corrw of~ (114) ~51·3101 Ori~ 621 East KaM Aw., ~of TIJstin AW , (714) 53~1441 wntminst.,. 61S1 ~trllitiW M . It Go1tJtri ~ (114) 894.J3'1 . Orange Cout DAILY PILOTITUMday, May 4, 1982 .41 I ., Writer Stein attacks prime time TV I I steclal ..... Deily PUe• RADNOR, Pa. -Pn..ne-thne Amer- ican televillon In the 1950. and 1880., offertn1 the eerenlty of neat, clean American homea with cartna mothen and atrona father•, hu stven way to prqpwn1 that feature a1nDt effeminate herO.. and divorced mothen, a critic ~there ll uncertainty, rqe and danger lurking ln the bombed-out Garden of Eden that 11 prlme-tlme televillon,'' wrote ~ Stein in TV Guide mapzine. Stein, new1paperman, author, attor- ney and former White Houee 1peech- wrtter, wrote a two-part leriel anal)"linl ~o...;...;.~~ ~ chanaee in prime-time • The "hero" on the "The Greateet American Hero," he Mid, ll "a nebbiah who happem to be lfven 1upematural ~-by beinal from outer IJ*l8." ha1 had to deal wt th a runaway 1 dau1hter, a 1hoplifUn1 mother and a ,J double-cro.ina co-worker," Stein wrote. The 1turdy., determined wom~ of earu.r ~ aa portrayeci ~ CIMvw'1 mother (Barbara ), Mill Kltty (Amanda Blake) ln "Gun1moke" or Victoria Barkler, (Barbara Stanwyk) on ''The Big Valley, • &Min aaid, have 1lven way to the di- vorced mother on the "One Day at a Tl.me"...-. "A1thouah lhe haa earned for henelf a fine career, a lovely apartment and two beautiful dau1hten, 1he la alway• de- eperate. 'l'hll 11 a comedy and there must be dilemmas. But truly ~rrible thinp happen to her. In typical epbodee, lhe Stein contend.I there Janot one lhow on prime-time TV today that ta •t in the praent and ll not ldence fiction ''tMt pnmnw a woman with YOW\& children who Ja married, eecure and happy. Th.la, like the chan1e1 for men, ti a 1erioua chutge. Indeed, all the chanpl are •-rioua. "If TV 1how1 reflect reality, TV 11 ahowtng a gre.tJy chanpd America. It, u 11 more likely, TV ha.a an eflect - however indirect and subtle on our Uvee, then theee are indeed deeperate and an- V/ role mod.ell makina their way into our living room.," Stein aaid. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY FROM GOURMET & SPECIALTY COOKWARE GIFTS SALE CUTLERY (Introductory Otfw) PAOFE8810NAL CUTLERY FROM 400~0 0 F SOLINGEN, GERMANY 7C . I ASTA COOKWARE 20o/o OFF '' JOHN 8008 24x48 WORKTABLE •100 OFF REG. § Match the aettiq to the occuion I with be .. ras• napkin• 16/.35', •CUISINART DLC 7E •MARBLE PASTRY SLAB •ATLAS PASTA MACHINES •TEAK CARVING BOARD w/splkes •COPPER EGG WHITE BOWL $260.00 49.95 47.50 39.50 SALE 115.00 31.15 31.15 29.15 ti Luncheon napkin.a 16/1.00 I I I ~ Million "'-Jo 24401 Ab ~ 1t s.tl CMgo Frwway (114) 170·0821 Ce»t.t MftM 1300 HMbor BM:J . (s.hind Thrifty Drug). (114) 549.33~ hrly blrdst Mission Vl•Jo •nd W.srmlnst•r f•cllltla now OPM •t f •·'"· Mond•Y through lrld•y. C>"""11 • ._ ~ ol ~ ,.., HAMMERED -10" 36.95 PLAN -12" •CAST IRON POPOVER 1~:~; •CAST IRON CORN CAKE PAN 9.95 •GOURMETOPF CLAY COOKER 25.00 •LEYSe 3 PART ALUMINUM STEAMER 29.95 •TENDERtOINER 19.95 •SHRIMP ICERS, SET OF FOUR 12.50 •SUPERSTONE CLAY FRENCH BREAD BAKER 16.95 •AMERICAN MADE COPPER COLANDER LG. 52.95 SM. 42.95 •AMERICAN MADE MEASURE CUP SET 49.50 -CALPHALON GOOKWARE 10% OFF ASK ABOUT OUR CUSTOM PICNIC BASKETS BY NANCY 29.85 29.85 11.85 7.15 11.15 11.85 14.15 10.85 12.15 42.50 34.50 31..50 ~29 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mat. CA 92625 714-673-3«'4 14905 Holt Ave. Tustin, CA 92680 714-731-6615 Mission Viejo Mall Room 794 we've added $250,000 worth of diamonds to our regular stock and put it all on aalel Save on our entire stock of dazzling diamond Jewelry, plus a special one day only collection. You'll find savings on pendants, earrings. cocktail, engagement and men's rlnge. Cl'looee aoutalr", diamond cluttera or diamonds with other precloue 1ton ... all In 1.Ckt. gotd aettlng1. Our Diamond Couneelor wlll be here to help you In our Fine .t.welry Oepa11ment. Reg. 150.00 to 1291.00. ••I•"·"'°"'·" Mervyn'• Diamond ~1• 11 luued with eech purct\9M. Al eny time, lhe wnount of the~ Mlllng prJce (or th• tOUll ~nt of S>eY"** mede on the prloel mty be ~ tOWatd tlM putchaiM of a more·~ di~. plVWldlnQ .. '""" .. mede -tM Oternond ~Md tn. diamond 1e 1n the on-""" mounttna. not nwred or demtlld· I Soft'-. MIUMratione "'llY .. ~to ~ ...... ltytea m•v vary bV •~•· I Mission Viejo, CA 92691 714-495-2660 Wednesday only May 5 Huntington Beach 12 noon to 8 p.m. . Wednesday, May 5 Hunt)n~tpn Beach. 9811 Adams Ave. at Brookhurat St. . . . . . I' l t I .'u Orange Oout DAILY PILOTITUMday, May 4, 1912 .. ,. Alien raids raise disturbing questions There la 10methlng very di.J- tur bln1 about the manner in which the bnmlaration and Natu- rallllUon Service hu been going about lta 0 0peration Jobe" cam- ~ recent weeka. the drive to .. open up Jobe held by illegal aliens for unemployed Americans" has netted perhape a couple of thou- sand worken acroea the country -10me 600 in Los Angeles and Orange counties, a few hundred each .in New York, Housion and Denver. One cynic suggested that at this rate America might be "purified" of illegals by the year 3000. Others suggest the whole maneuver is an attempt to find a 1C&pegoat -i.e. the illegal alien - for IOlll'ing unemployment Whenever news of the raids comes out, some unemployed do show up to seek the vacated jobs. One furniture plant in Santa Ana wl\ere 130 workers were seized, r eported 20 in line next dayi. asking for work. The INS talked of releasing "high-paying jobs" for our own unemployed. That, said-the owner of a fruit company in New York, is a laugh. His jo~ pay the minimUJll wage, $3.35 an hour. It's hard work and nobody wants it, he ad- ded. The wages at the Santa Ana furniture factory were between $3.35 and $4 an hour. So much for high pay. There is no doubt at all that illegal aliens are in violation of the law and that cannot be condoned. But the way the raids are handled is equally h ard to con- done. Helicopters and officers mounted on honeback were used in the Orange County strawberry field raids. The recent raids were carried 1out by swroundina a small factory with a fieet of INS vans, storming the place without warning, cha- sing after fleeing workers, hand- cuf flng them and loadln1 those who could not imlnediately dhlplay evidence of lepl reeldenoe. A fat..r number are able to produce proof that they are either legal residentl or clttiena. Thoee who cannot have been aaked to waive their righta and accept im- mediate deportation to the Mexi- can border. Not by coincidence, almost all are Hispanics. This procedure last week in- spired U.S. District Judge William M . Byrne to order the INS to cease deporting the detainees without informing them of their right to counsel. California Sen. Alan Cranston has urged U.S. Attorney General William French Smith to halt the raids which, he says, "are sowing dangerous seeds of racial and eth- nic conflict in California." There is little doubt that this is occurring -and th~t it could well discourage employers from hiring any workers of Hispanic appearance for fear their business could auddenly be \argeted. The <liscouraging part of the whole affair i.s that COngress and succeeding administrations have been well aware of the ever- increasing population of illegal aliens for yelU's now. And no one has had the cour- age and the energy to do any- thing about it beyond letting-an understalfed INS engage in pe- riodic roundups that barely scratch the surface of the problem. As repeatedly noted here and elsewhere, some form of perma- nent, non-counterfeitable identifi- cation must be established for the protection of both employers and workers. And a guest worker program of some sort mu.st be ap- proved. · The recent raids have taken· on an unsavory flavor which , if reported from another cou n try, would result in expressions of righteous shock. This does not be- long in America. A very small miracle? Almost everyone these days eeems to be talking about nuclear weapon.a and the threat mankind's tools of war poee to life on F.arth. In the midst of all this gloom and doom talk, a Stanford scientist working in the esoteric field of subatomic physics may have made a bizarre dilcovery that could tum out to be one ot the most signifi- cant in the hi.story of acience. Al- though there have been no con- firming experiments physicist Blas Cabrera apparently detected a st~an e subatomic particle that w the linchpin of efforts to tie all o physical existence into one Band theory of reality. "kven the moat jaded cynic would have to marvel at such an achievement. What Cabrera believes he detected was something called a monopole. For the last 50 yean, phy1fcl1ta have climbed moun- tains, crawled into caves and braved Arctic cold in vain efforts to find the thing, because of ita vast theoretical importance. What in the world ii a mono- pole and why lhould anyone care? For starters, anyone who took high school lclence should know that every magnet has both a north pole and a sou th pole. Op- posite poles attract, like poles re- pel. Aside from that, magneta do a wonderful job aenerating electri- d ty, and the c:lilCovery of magnetic fields led to radio and televillon. The experts say a monopole ii • a magnet with only one pole, north or south. Wise guys might wonder why scientists went to so much bother to find one. All you have to do is saw a magnet in half and you get two monopoles, right? Wrong. If you slice a magnet in half, you get two magnets, each With two poles. A monopole would be a cu- rious sight, as it is said to have almost no physical size, yet weighs one quadrillion (that's with 15 t.eroes after the one) times as much as your everyday proton. Leaving aside the almost in- comcnsible math, scientists say · ery of a monopole would enable them to complete the so- called Unified Field Theory, which would tie all the funda- mental forces of nature into one simple, all-encompassing state- ment of reality. No less a genius than Albert Einstein labored over such a theory for years without IUOCftl, Completion of the theory, difficult tolrasp though it m"y seem, woul be quite a step for- ward for mankind as we seek to comprehend the world around us. These efforts seem to show that although our species is always creating horrendous problems for ounelves, we al.lo turn our ener- gies toward understanding the most profound questions of exis- tence. It atvee reason for optimism aoout our fu~ure. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner views ex- pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is Invit- ed. Add,.ess The Dally Piiot, P.O. Box IS60, Costa Mesa, CA 97626. Phone (714) 6'2-.. 321 . L.M. Boyd/ Housewives' rights Mott exploited of worker. ln the nation are the housewives. Maybe IOU've 1-.d that. It'• the claim of the Service Employees International Union. And that Union reportedly lntenda to or1antze sa!d howiewfvet, and to demand on thttr behalf the . n,ht to ftw weeka of peiid YK&tlon ~year. Noihlnc new abou~ thfl. ORANGE COAST ._,Pilat Hou.ewivet in Norway have had paid vacation riah1' for many years. An old VfJ'linia law makes It Wega.I the,.. to kMP 1 bathtub ln the hOUle. • How do you account for the fact that snuff al• have doubled in the South durlnc the wt five years? Thomas f'. H•l•Y Publl•Mr . TttofMI A. tM,,...lne Editor larlNra Kretbklt Edltort•I Pa .. Editor • The great Cantaloupe caper WASHINGTON -The federal gov- ernment is swanning with investigators constantly searching for waste and fraud. Sometimes they wind up spen- ding dollars to retrieve nickels and dimes. Take the case of Frank Smith, an Air Force produce manager. Government hawkahaw1 spent $50,000 or more to investigate the possible waste of a few hundred dollars' worth of cantaloupes. And a conscientious employee's career has been placed in jeopardy as a result of overzealous e fforts to uncover what would, at best, have been a picayune waste of the taxpayers' money. SMITH IS AN EXPERT in the un- certain business of ordering the right amount of perishable fruits and vege- tables for large numbers of people before the stuff goes bad. He plied his trade at Andrews Air Force Bue. Md., the sub- urban airfield t.hat is home base for Air Foree One and other VIP aircraft. Something went wrong with 14 cases of cantaloupes t.hat were to be served to Air Force pet'90nnel at Andrews. Maybe they were little overripe when they ar- rived; maybe they were kept i.n storage improperly or too long. Whatever the cause, Smith determin- ed that the melons wer~ unfit to aerve, and ordered them thrown out. He was promptly accused of stealing government property. The way Smith's boss, Commissary Officer Barton Haitr, went about build- ing a case against Smith reads like something out of a television cops-and- robbers series. Hairr called in the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. The OSI boys went to work as if it were a major apy cue. They staked out the unsuspecting dumpster behind t.he commi.aary. Hidden cameras were tram- Q -d.-l:.-•• -.-11.-1•---· -. -~ ed on· th~lrash receptacle to record activity from every angle. Some 40 hours of film footage were taken during the suppoeed Canteloupe Caper. The purpose of this elaborate opera- tion was to determine if Smith was throwing out salable melons i.n cahoots with the trash collectors. No such incri- minating evidence turned up on the hidden cameras' film, and the OSI de- clined to bring criminal charges against Smith. The hidden cameras did record some incriminating evidence. But it incrimi- nated the Air Force, not Smith. What the cameras recorded was shock- ing; Air Force personnel, struggling to feed their families, were filmed sear- ching through the trash i.n the dwnpster for edible food -i.n much the way that starving women and children used to pick through GI garbage as far back as World War Il. When the identifiable scavengers were questioned by the OSL they said it was common practice to go through the An· drews dumpsters. It was a humiliating but necessary way to make ends mee1"'0n"" an Air Force salary. That was enough for Smith's boss The hungry garbage scavengers were "proof'' that Smith had been throwing out edible cantaloupes. They would not be picking through the swill. the brass reasoned, if Smith were not dumping edible food. He was accused of stealing government property. THE EXTENT OF SMITH'S alleged "crime" might have run into a few hundred dollars. Sources close to the investigation told my associate Donald Goldberg that the OSI spent upwards of $50,000 to make their case. This ridiculous Case of the Crummy Cantaloupes has worked serious harm on Frank Smith. After nine years in the produce department at Andrews. he is being treated like one of his rotten me-· lons. He has sperit the last several months sitting at home with his two young sons. hoping to be told he can return to work. Meanwhile, there is no sign that the Air Force Is doing anything about the plight of impoverished personnel who must raid gar~e dumps to feed their families -ottler than recording their embarrassment with hidden cameras at a cost of thousands of dollars. Footnote: Air Force officials refused to discuss the Smith case on the grounds it is still under investigation. Shoe style may save women's feet The single biggest step women have taken toward equaJity with men, since they acquired the right to vote in 1920. is in the shoes they're wearing. Fewer women are tottering around on high. spindly heels, and there is no doubt that the change in footwear is going to help them stay even or get ahead of men. Up until now it's taken women longer to do everything because in the shoes they were wearing, they couldn't get any- where as fast as men. ONE OF THE most encouraging things I see every day is women walking to work i.n New York City. New York. more than almost anyplace else in the country, is a walking city. Hundreds of thoi:lsands of people walk 20 or 30 blocks from where they live uptown or down- tomw, into midtown where they work. Thousands of the young women you see are hustling a long In good, heavy rubber-soled sneakers. Sneakers have become so sophisticated that no one calls them that anymore, but I'm sure you know what I mean. The women either carry a bag with the shoes they plan to wear in the office or they have left shoes at the office. T hey change into those when they get there. ln most cases, e~~n their dress shoes have heels that are low <.'Ompared to those that women wore in the past. I don't know how women ever got trapped Into wearing spike heels. Spike heels are only sligh\)y less arcane than the bindings Chinese women used to use I~'' -IND-Y-R0-011-Y -~ to make their feet small. I say t don't know but I suppoee I do know. Women's legs look sexier in high heels than in sneakers. What I really don't know is why this is so. - For some obscure reason, men have got themselves thinking that a woman's leg, from the knee down, ls more at- tractive if the calf ia quite full but tape- ring off sharply into a thin, bony ankle. IC the heel is propped up on a platfonn, it tends to make a lump of the calf muscle. That's the look we like. The answer Is for men to re-educate· themselves about what looks attractive about a woman's leg. I've just about got ·More listeners than readers Things I Learned Eh Route to Looking Up Other Things: -That the average peraon spends about 10 pe~nt of hl• communication time on wrt~. 16 percent on rndi.ng, 30 percent on •pea.kin& and 45 penient on U.tening. (And we do the laM wont.) -Tfiat when the American Institute of Arch1tecta IOlne yean qo polledt, li. IYlllYU• ~ ~ memben to find the man who ~ molt influenced Americen ateblc.eture, l'rft Lloyd Wrlaht cune in a dlltant aecond co Thomu Jelfer.>n. -That Leon Trotsky transformed hlmlllt Into the le.dint pneraJ of the auulan rtvo uUonary army wltb no p11IOM1 ............ limply. by ltUd)tna mWtary atracesy at the pubUC lUJrary. -That th• Untveralty of North c..n11r'9 WM the fint atm UMni~, ln the U.8. to;::-doarl. Iii &•, whlD 0.0..,. w laD Wll 11111 ..... -That among Indla'a poor, 85 percent of a family's annual income Is used to buy food; in the U.S. the comparable fi- gure it 16 percent. -That modem agriculture la increa- singly, and dangerously, becomin g "monoculture"; for ln1tance, only two varieties account for almoet all the peas 1n the U.S., maJdnc the c:rop hiahlY wl- nerable to bliaht and l)llUlence. -That Laay Jane Orey wu the mo1t unfortunate woman in F.ngllah hlatory: nominally queen of Enaland for nine • days, she wu behellded at the ... of 17 -alona with her father and buiband, • -Tl\at when Sydney, Au1tr1ll1, wanted to b uild an opera house, tt• competition produced plans bun around the world; tht wlMer wu a Dane, a non....-chltect. who merely lketched hi. deQJl on a afncJe 9heet of paper. (It WM a .rt. of 8Ca1Jop lhelll ltandlua on end.) -That more writen have btlun their careen u d0C10rl than any ol6er occu-p~ t lo.n: Babelal1, Keat~hekkov , ~ A.J. Cronin, J Bomalna, Conan Doyle, OUver Wendell Holme., Wllliam Carlae Wlllla.me, Oliver Oold~ llDJth and a ICON of other llt4fl"&r'Y fl- ,.-. I myself to the place where a woman's leg looks better to me i.n a pair of sneakers th.an in shoes with heels. There hasn't been much progress • made ln what men wear on their feet. The a\>erage man is wearing shoes that don't really come close to approximating the outline of his feet. He buys a pair of shoes that are about an inch longer than his feet so they won•t pinch his toes and then starts breaking them i.n. Breaking i.n a pair of shoes means stretching them by wearing them until they're close en- ough to the shape of your feet so they don't hurt much when you walk in them. If you look at a man's foot in his shoes. you ca1' tell the shoes don't really fit. The widest part of his foot almost always stretches the leather so that the upper part of the shoe hangs over the sole. FOR YEARS NOW they·ve been molding ski bood to flt your foot preci- sely ·and I'm waiting for that to happen with the ordinary shoes we w e ar. I oonfidently expect the time isn't far off when both men and women will be able to walk into a shoe store and have shoes made for them that exactly conform to ' the shape of their feet. Molded shoes can be bought now, but they are made mostly for people with orthopedic problems and they're very expensive. Even people with normal feet look funny i.n molded shoes becaU!le the shoes are the shape of their feet and we're not used to that. We're used to pretending that our feet are the shape of our shoes, ~d they're not. of course. Feet have gotten a d.iJ1y deal over the years. We haven't plld half • much at- tention to them as we've paid to our hands. Feet are what Howard Cosell would probably call the unMtng heroe. \ of our bodiet. We ouch' to 8Jve them a better break, .net the women waJJdAI 10 work ln sneak.en or runntnc tboel .,. \a.king a bl& atep ln that direction. lf I wore a hat, I'd take it off to them. CLEARED -A new book <lll the Japaneee attack on Pearl Harb- or saya there wu no dereliction of duty on the part of the late Adm. Husband E . Kimmel. according to hi.a son retired Navy Captain Thomas Kimmel. Admiral Kimmel cleared BALTIMORE (AP) - The son of a naval ad- miral dted for dereliction of duty during World War II says a new book about the Japanese at- tack on Pearl Harbor belpa to clear his father's name. The book. "Infam --Pearl HirbOi--aiiliu Aftennath," reports that ' President Franklin D. Roosevelt knew that a Japane9e taak force was poised to stage the de- vastating air strike that fofa!<f the nation's entry inlo World War II. Retired Navy Capt. Thomu Kimmel agrees with the book's conclu- sion that his father, Adm. Husband E. Kim- mel, wu a 9Capegoat in what author John To- land termed Booeevelt'a plan to rush the nation into war. K.immel wants the military to publicly clear his father s name and set the record straight. Toland says Roollievelt did not deliver crucial 'This inlorma- tion was kept from the pub- lic." intel.ligence meaages,to Kimmel and hi• Army counterpart because he believed the U.S. Navy could wipe out the Japa- ne.. According to Toland, the president wanted the United States to enter the war against Nazi Germany and be knew the Jape.nae would have to fire the tint shot. "I'm of course inter- ested in getttna ml fa- ther's name cleared. ' the 68-year-old Kimmel, of Providence, Md., told the Baltimore News Amer- ican. "You talk about the acandal of Watergate. 'lb.la ec:ende1 la wone and ahoWd be told. .. Kimmel'• father, the PllCWc Fleet commander, ' w.. Rl1eved of duty 10 days after the attack on Pearl Harbor and wu retired involuntarily in 19•2, after .38 yean of lel'Yioe. He died in 1968 after spending 26 years tryinl to clear his name. A presidential board f9und Kimmel'• father and hil Army counter- part, Lt. Gen. Walter Short, auilty of derelic- dan ol duty and enon of )ld&ment. !fut according to To- land, a Pulitzer Prize· wlnnlD8 author, a Cabinet-level in~•-­ dan conducted immedla- tllly .ttel' tb9 Peerl Har- bor attack reported to BcJ QI I wit dlill DO IDdM· ... ,... '° b&Mm-fortbe ic-. '-rbil lnbmadon .,.. lcept from the public," Toland ...... ··ADd 9Wll today, .... people dDn't reaftae that both the Army IDll lfavy Mid iJl.. ~ which cleared ~mdSbcrt." llillllil~· I Orange Couf DAILY PILOT/Tuelday, May ... 1982 F . 'Riul Wallacf s rants of~out em Free, During OUr Grand excellence), gives price Opening Celebration. ranges, suggests what to This remarkable768-page wea:i; how to tip, where to book contains everything find dancing, entertain- you ever wanted to know · ment, late dining and about Southern CaWomia brunch. You'll learn which restaurants. And now. to wines to order and how to celebrate the grand open-translate foreign menu Ing of our new branch, it's items. Along with many YQUJS with our compliments. other useful surprises. R:rul Vktllach's 1982 1b receive your veIY own "Guide to the Restaurants copy of thfs.valuable book, of Southern Cal11omia" simply drop into our new explores 150 cities an= branch ottice and ask. It's examines over 1,000 rest • yows, from Southern Cali- ronts. It's packed with or-fomia Savings. the oldest matton and well-seasoned savil1gs tnstitutton in Los with the Vkxllach wit.' Angeles, now serving you 1Mlllachrates restaurants with 46 omces and over tor excellence (or non· $1 billlon in maets. Plus-a ,_ry Special Event at 'n'8 Ritz .Restaurant. Visit our new Newport Beach branch and learn how you can enjoy a dinner for four at The Ritz, Hans Pragers wonderful restaurant e~rtence. t. ... l 11 I· I ·-· ' Ale Or~nge Cout DAILY PILOT/Tu.day, May 4, 1882 . I Research Results Conclusive: ------~--·--~-----------~ . .. ·- ·. · . . . . . . . . ~ , • .,,---. :Extensive lftlls MERIT proven taste alternative to er tar smoking: ~ Landmark smoker st udy confirms t hat the majority of higher tar smokers who have switched to MERIT hrye one thing in common -Praise for MERIT taste. Taste Debate Ends. Natiqnwide survey reveals over ·903 of MERIT sn1okers who switched from higher tar are glad .they did. In fact , 94% don't even miss their farmer brands. : Further Evidence : 9 out of ~ 10 former higher tar smokers ;report MERIT an easy switch, ;that they didn 't give up taste in :switching, and that MERIT is the ~best-tasting low tar. they 've ever tried . .. ; Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined $ That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. I Taste Verdict: MERIT Further, extensive unmarked- pack tests confirm that MERIT delivers a winning combinatio n of taste and low tar when compared with highe r tar leaders. Confirmed: The overu1helminR majority of smokers reported MERIT taste equal to -or better than -leading higher tar brands. Confirmed: When tar levels were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT combination of low tar and good taste. Year after year, in study after study, MERIT remains unbeaten. the proven taste alternative to higher tar smoking-is MERIT. 0 Philip Monlt Inc. 1912 Kings: 7 mg "tar:· 0.5 mg nicotine -100's Reg: 10 mg "tar'.' 0,7 mg mcotine -lOO's Men: 9 mg "tar:· 0.7 mg nicotine av. per cigareue. FTC Report Oec'.81 II MERI T MERIT Menthol Filter t TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1982 CAVALCADE TE~EVISION STOOKS 82 85 87 C) Jack Webb, known for his role in "Drssnet," I aces a palimony suit. B2. 0 ~ 0 HUD grants • extension column reruns on home for retarded HOW'S THAT AGAIN? -A fellow news hack casually mentioned the piece contained ln this space yesterday and suggested, "I see you're back to doing the Old Farmer's Almanac and the weather again." Heavens, I'm glad the Associated Press didn't find that out. Just look what hap- pened to Ann Landers. As it turns out, the AP moved a dispatch on the wires yesterday afternoon which alleged that columnist Ann Landers, who has given advice to everybody from mecha- nics to movie stars for decades now, is currently recycling her columns. That ~. the charge came that Ann was taking some letters she got back in the 1960s and running them again, together with her answers. ACCORDING TO one of our editors who keeps track of s uch mat- ters, the disclosure about Ann Landers was the lon- gest piece he's seen on AP's . r;,. """\ TOM MURPHINf ,~", "hot" wire in ages and far eclipsed the number of words devoted to the Falkland Islands hosti.li ties. That might have something to say about our values, when Ann Landers is hotter stuff than a shooting war. Ann always has drawn considerable attention and runs as the lead columnist in this sterling journal daily in our Cavalcade Section. You might suspect it would have been hotter news i"f it had been alleged that Ann was filching from her twin sister, Abby, rather than recycling herself. COLUMNISTS AND EDITORIAL cartoonists are two classes of joumalistics who have always been accused of filching ideas from each other. The notion here might be il it's a good idea, and was printed far enough away, steal it. You'll look good. Okay, Jet's recycle that "good guys be.it the pirate" acene one more time ... Maybe in the Ann Landers case. the thought was, if it was printed long ago enough, give it a rerun. Television does it all the time. They get back into some of those old shows of the 1960s and often it's some of TV's best stulf. StealinR from younelf, however, in the case of most columnists, probably just roe.ans that the old brain eel.LS are beginning to give way. The battery's going dead. THE AGING COLUMNIST wakes up in the middle of the night with this brilliant notion, feebly forgetting that he used that same gimmick in 1978. He doesn't know he's recycling it. He's just fogged in upstairs, wandering in an aimless circle of words. Thus your faithful wanderer has recycled weather, surfing, Newport Beach politics, County Seat jokes, Laguna Beach antics and other trivia. No doubt much of this has been recycled as the years roll along. Press photographers sometimes suffer the same syn- drome. I mean, how many different ways can you shoot a pretty young girl about to take a hammer to a sundial to illustrate the change to Daylight Saving Time? So every year, some weary edit.or looks at the print as it's flopped on his desk and remarks, "Oh Lord, it's the old girl-with-a - hammer-at-the-sundial shot again ... " ANYWAY, BACK TO Ann Landers, who defended herself against the charge of recycling columns by declaring the main purpose was getting the infonnation out to rea- ders. And it's true that readers today who are 22 years old were just getting born when her 1960 column ran. All of which may prove there isn't really anything new under the sun. Or the sundial. Maybe I ought to take off to Chicago for a few days and see if I can come up with a new weather column. See you next Tuesday along this best of all ~ible coasts. Highway • pro1ect near end A lane widening project in Newport Beach that has been snarling traffic at Pacific Coast Highway and Jamboree road should be completed by the end of the month. The Irvine Company-financed project, when finished, will re- sult in an added westbound lane on Pacific Coast Highway. The added lane will stretch roughly 500 feet on either side of the intersection and is designed to ease passage through the intersection while making tur- ning off or onto Jamboree a simple chore. The $200,000 project la part of a larger program involving a group of development firms that have agreed to overhaul 14 intersections in Newport. The work is a' condition of several development projects, aome com- pleted and some not. The city, meantime, is con- sidering a project to widen a stretch of Paci!lc c.oast Highway between MacArthur Boufevard and the new Upper Newport Bay bridge. Two stumbling blocks stand in the way of the work -De Anza Bayside Vlllage mobile home· park and the Irvine Ten-ace res- idential community. Adding an extra westbound lane to the highway would re- quire cutting Into the De Anza park and diaplacing several mo- bile home9. City offidala say the fol.lu at the mobile home park are less than overjoyed at this pro- spect. !!Ast of Jamboree and the other aide of the highway, Irvine Ter- race residenta reportedly have requested a sound wall be con- structed as a requirement to any wideninR work. Public hearings will be held later on the proposed street work. Trio sought in assault Police are searching for two men and a woman who allegedly gave a ride to a 15-year-<>ld Mis- sion Viejo girl, then sprayed her with tear gas, struck her. de- manded drugs and left her on Beverly Manor Drive in Seal Beach. Officers were alerted to the assault at 2i20 a.m. Sunday by residents of nearby Leisure World, who heard the girl screa- ming, police said. The girl, whose name was withheld because of her age, was treated at Los A.lam.itos General Hoepltal and returned to her pa- rents, police said. NON-ACRIMONIOUS ANACHRONISM - Todd French of Fountain Valley and Baer Charlton of Irvine (ln white) battle It out • knlghta of old durlna medieval fair that WM part of open hoUM at UC Irvtne during the ._,...,....._,,..,....O'D••·- were Juat demonatratlna on behalf of the So- ciety (or Creative Anlachronlmn. The Celebrate 1 UCI open hou.e drew an eltlmated 1&,000 vt- 1Uon to the campua for W•YllOOM fair. car- nival. toun and .c.demic demor•tnltiona. ·wffkend. They reaJJy weren't an1ryi they -~"'--- o.-, Noe Staff ~o DECISIONS, DECISIONS -Lisa Grant, 8 (left) and Kim De- hoff, 7, both of Fountain Valley, discuss their options during Trade A Toy outing in Mile Square Park sponsored by the Family Study Group of Orange County. {:hiJdren brought toys they had outgrown to family outing and picnic Sunday and traded for toys brought by other children. Mary Poggi Richley services Thursday Catholic rites are planned Thursday for Mrs. Mary Poggi Rachley of Newport Beach , a fifth generation Californian and the first recipient of a master's degree ln sociology from the Un- iversity of Southern California. She died Monday at the age of 90. Mrs. Richley's family traced Its ancestry to the Portola Expediti- on to California ln 1780. Her fa- ther, Raphael Poggi, landed In San Frand8co ln 1854 at the age of 17 in quest of gold. He later settled with his wife, Adelaideo Machado, in Wilmington on a 200-acre ranch he purchased in connection with the foreclosure sale of the 31,000-acre Rancho Palos Verdes. Mrs. Richley was born on the ranch ln 1891. In 1916, she was award~ the first master's d~ in BOci.ology given by USC. She held many offices whlle atten- ding college, including vice pre- sident of the student body. L._t month, her sorority ho- nored Mrs. Richley at lts annual meeting, announcing that her aorority si.sten had establlahed a scholarship at UCLA in her name. Mrs. RichleL moved to New- port Beach'• ldo Isle ln 1966 with her husband, M.A. "Bud" Rlchley. Mr. Rlchley died ln 1974. Bay Friends • set meeting The J'riends of Newport Bay will hold ti. 14th annual meetlna Wednetday eventnC to CllaCUU, amonc other thlnp, on• of the t>ay•1 molt tl'eelWed nsldent. - the llgh~-fooied clapper rail. It ii .umated that a third of the 1taie'1 clapper rail popula- tion, believed to be 200 'Or i ... wlniera in the Upper Newport Bay eooJotka1 neerw. ack Zembel. a U A ftih and Wildlife Servtcel bloloPtt will cl*'-the ~ 1Jlrd and 1how a new J't1b and Wtldllfe film at the 7~80 p.m. meettnc. The meeUIW wW bl hOt ln the· ra.tkln hall of the htk New· port a~t complex at Jam- • bore• and San Joaquin Hllla roedl. The public .. lnvtwcl. In addition to being a member of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority At USC, Mrs. Richley held mem· berships ln Town and Gown of USC, the Half Century Club of USC and was a life member of the Ebell Club of Los Angeles. She also was a member of the Lido I.ale Women's Club and ser- ved with the ladies guild of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church in Newport Beach. Rites for Mrs. Richley are scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Thunday at the church, 141 W. Balboa Blvd. Burial will be at Calvary Cemetery. 8urvivors include two sons, M.A. Richley Jr. and Ralph P. Richley, and six grandchildren, all of Lido Isle. Irvine • sites hunted By JOEL C. DON O(lfle o.lr,... ..... Federal officiala, in an appa- rent attempt to clear up an inter-<>ffioe mafu, have granted a group an extra 10 daya to find three sites in Irvine to bulld homes for mentally retarded people. The problem arose when the Santa Ana-baaed Sutton Foun- dation thought !ta Houalng and Urban Development loan would be canceled May 1 because the group hadn't identified sites for the apedally designed homes. Arxording to !'Ted Stilllans, a spokesman in the Loa Angeles HUD office, the foundation baa until May 10 to find the lites. But a directive from Washington, D.C. had told all HUD offices to complete such project.a by May 1. Since local HUD office had granted the May 10 date, which was an exteruion granted from an earlier deadline, it was deci- ded to allow the foundation the additional days. The Sutton Foundation had been given $515,000 to build three homes in Irvine. In addi- tion, HUD agreed verbally to extend the loan to $750,000, the amount originally requested by the foundation. The Irvine Company haa been asked by the foundation to find the sites. But the company baa had some difficulty locating builders for the sites. Thomas Nielsen, Irvine Com- pany senior vice president, aaid the firm la negotiating with a developer to build one or two homes. He sajd he believes the company will be able to accom- modate the Sutton Foundation's request by the May 10 deadline. The homes would be occupied by trained workers and three unrelated disabled children. The Sutton Foundation's aim la to help raise mentally re~ed children out.side of institutions. Stress seminar set "Stress and Time Management for Famlllea" is the topic of a two-hour .eminar being offered Thursday night by the Orange Coast YMCA. Cost la $8 for cou pies and $7 per person for th aeminar that begins at 7 p.m. a the Orange Coast YMCA, 230 University Drive, Newpor Beach. For more infonnatlon 642-8380. 1- • I , Orange CoMt DAJLY PILOT/Tu.day, May 4, 1HI Brother ·goner, hut don't write off motheJ. 1 ' DEAR ANN LANDERS: Pleue 1ettle an argument. Our brother, aae 21, baa been arrested and charged with criminal 1exual aaaault in the first degree. He ii accuaed of raping a 14-year-old girl. The crime was committed one week after he wu paroled from prison for a plea-bai'~ed lesser of- fenae. That one wu rape, . My brother, sister a&i I have washed our hands of him. He bu been in trouble ever alnce he wu a child. When we tried to PUPPY LOVE -Betty White and Anson Williams don't seem to faze Buckeye, a St. Bernard, during awards ceremony at which Williams was honored by the Los Angeles help him, we ended up aetttna involved in a mea becau1e he couldn't even be honest with ua. Ever,_:ntact with our mother 11 the ume: ••p write to him. I don't believe . he did tt. lf lou don't forgive )(.our own brother, I cant love you with a full heart." Should we continue to go aee Mom, knowing 1he will pre11ure UI? It's very de- Pteelina and we are sick of lt. -HASSLED IN GRAND RAPIDS ~~ Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani- mals. Williams was recogni7.ed as a friend and lover of animals. Ms. White presented a plaque to Williams. T® event was held in Hollywood. Charisma aids Gemini Wednesday, May 5 ARIES (March 21 -April 19): Play wai- ting game, refuse to be chided into snap declsions. Check details, be aware of ref e- re nee material and verify sources. Contrac- tual obligations command attention. Focus also on partnership possibilities and marital status. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Memo- randum is connected with basic chores, me- chanics and jobs that often are delayed or ignored. Imprint style, get ideas on paper and form alliance with one who is lively, perceptive, analytical and loyal. _.. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Domestic adjustment dominates scenario. Focus on speculation, children, affairs of heart and charisma. Member of opposite sex offers creative plan for recreation and travel. Taurus, Libra. Scorpio natives figure pro- minently. CANCER (June 21-July 22): See places, people as they actually are, not merely as you wi1h they might exilt. Mean• avoid seli-deception. Focus on building material, practical plans, solid structures and revisions which rectify past errors. Webb finds self, tangled in suit LOS ANGELES (AP) -Actor-producer ' J.S Webb baa been named in a "paltrnmy" IUit filed by a man who oontendl hil late mother bad a lcr'8 relatklnahlp with Webb. 1'he IUit WM filed J'riday in Superior Court ~lcbard J. Sherman, IOn of the late Jue iqlUl and admlnilltrat.or pf bw mtate. Webb, belt known • Bet-Joe l'l1day oi the ~· TV 1e1ie1 and tor produdna aach ae-rt•• "Adam-12," ,.Dl>erpncy'' ana ''UPO," wu named u defendant, alone with Webb'• Mm'k vn Productiom and attorney Jecob Shea· rer. Webb decUnec:l ccmment on the IUlt. which da1ml that he and Mn. Sherman establWwd a reJalkinebtp ln earq 1~3 and lived toatther ~ l'adno until 1980. wnna that time, .a.. Sher· mu an.,.clly owned a bOme in Loi,_,.... Md "'°'"9d IUpport S-ymeft'8 from a fOl'1IMW hm- bmd. The complalnt llid that in Declolber 1978 .. ,....._.bu.bind tm.tlnld to.,,~ IDd wttMnw hs in-.C In the.__ ....... of her relaUonahip wttb Webb. 8be .U..Uy ..... .., .. ..._teibe111aw1 ~.nca,. 'Syzt+ the Qu:=f afW' taDdftC to Webb. WllOellrp~ to"tUe ... cm'eofbw ,..,,,.,. ..... ... • ..,. to~ about mcney ........ " the adt .,.. .,,,. ,,. n:lldcwwNL.endld'ln Auamt t•,. • Wllll>. -clac to ault. ...... '°,,..,. w a a I 2 4'8. ·-HoDJwiod, -...... otiGt • r..T.:.':.::: u. 1-. • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Message recei- ved which alludes to added responsibility, pressure, challenge and a major ppportunity. Lunar emphasis on short trips, ideas which can be transformed into viable concepts. Relative asks you to share portion of finan- dal burden. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Finish ra- ther than initiate project. Don't attempt to work with flimsy or substitute material. Reach beyond current expectations. You have chance now to strike chord of universal appeal. Valuable contacts are made, ideas prove fruitful and profit results. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Lunar cycle is such that you succeed with new concepts, fresh material. Highlight independence, in- itiative and imagination. Judgment, intuition are on target -you'll get to heart of matters and be at right place. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): First im- pressions are valid. Follow through on hunch, give full rein to intuition. You learn by teaching -creative procesaes 81' stimu- lated, memben of opposite sex are attracted. Clandestine meeting is related to romantic liaiaon. SAGrM'ARWS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Your natural abilities IW'ge to forefront. Emphasis on IOCia1 activity, numerou,s contacts. crea- tive abilities and gain through writing, pu- bllabtna. Launch long-range programs, es- pecially thoee connected with advertising, public relations, education. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You· gain mo~e aolld emotional and financial footma -auperlor commendl you and you rec;elve credit lon1 overdue. ~~ariut, Scorpio, Leo penon.a fllW'• pro ently. Bequeat ii fulfllled, your 1ullftt1om are taken eerioualy and oOnfldence will be re1- tored. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Emphalla on tnavel, tntenalfied relationahlp, ability to imprint your own 1tyle. Galn indicated tbftN&h wriitn1, peraonal oontacta and commumcauon with one you aclmJrt. Oe- mlDI, Vlr10, 8 .. ittariUI ~l'IODI play key rolil. . DEAR G.R.t If you want aodllDI to do wltla yo1r brotller, flae, bat doa't write your motber off. \ . . , CoaUaue to see lier. Wlaea 1be a1kl that yo1 forpve your brotller ud write to blm, don't arpe wltll lier, Jast H1tea -then do •• yoa pleaae. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Last night my 16-year-old daughter and I were coming home on the bua from a movie. A teen-age couple sat ln front of ua. They were wrapped around one another -French-kissing like you wouldn't believe. Their hands were everywhere. They were totally oblivious to anyone around them. It was just plain dis- gusting. I "She's what I've been dreaming about!'' We I , have exchanged letten for five monthl and I spoken on ihe phone several times. He sounds like my dream man, Ann. ~ I was stunned when my daughter sighed, "It must be wonderful to be in love like that." I wu amazed at her comment, but instead of responding I told her I would write to you, describe the scene and ask your opinion. After all, I am only her mother - which means I am from the olden days. Please, Ann, say something. -BUR- LINGTON MOM· DEAR MOM: Wbat your daupter wU- ne11ed w11 oot proof of love. It wa1 a public dt1play of poor ta1te1 a lack of dignity ud aolld evidence tbat they have no re1pect for eacll other or tbe aea1lttvity of tbo1e around tJaem. DEAR ANN LANDERS : I 'm a 55-year-old widow who looks younger, feels terri.fic and am comfortable flnandally. I live on Long Island. A cousin in Seattle sent me a picture of a divorced man my age. He had seen a picture of me in her home and said. In today's letter he suggested I .ell my home and come out and marry him. I know it sounds crazy, but I am tern~. My cousin refuses to advise me one wat;or the other. When I ask specific questions she aays, "I am no judge Of that." I I've been so lonely since my hua~d died. This is the first time I've felt anything for a man. I don't want to lose my chance for happiness. Please advise, Ann. -STAR-I LIGHT KISSF.S DEAR STAR: Any woman wbo wollld I sell ber bouae and marry a mall-order Ro- meo baa rock.I lD her clock. Go to Seattle for a visit. Meet bh family, frlend1, bo11 -and crediion. Tllen decide lf be'1 tbe man wltb wbom yoa want to share your Uf e. How to -and how much'? Find out with Ann Landers' new booklet, "How, What, and When to Tell Your Child About S ex." For your copy send 50 cents al(>ng with a long, stamped, self-addressed enve-l lope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chi- cago, Ill. 60611. Off to running start If you're searching for someone who just ripped off a supennarket, you're looking for someone wearing new hose, lipstick, underwear and gloves, who smells nice, coughs a lot and has a steak, ham, pork roast or lamb chop tucked in their shirt. ERMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S END According to a recent survey in Security World magazine, these are the top 10 items being lifted thHe days from supermarkets and convenience stores. Hose is No. 1. AS A WOMAN WHO HAS been kiiown to kill oU an entire af1ernoon in front of a pantyhole rack figuring out i.f I'm...an A .. B, C, D, XX, or Wide Load, I say these sleazy, swiftv shoppers get what they deserve. I l shade like Sins of the F1esh Beige or &ta- ped Knee Chestnut? Or do you want the ~ ic Don't Tell Your Mother Black or Variql6e Frankly. all these dishonest people ho Plum? t pilfer hose off the shelves without pa really tick me off. They not only take e human race down a notch, they give ~­ tyhose shoppers.everywhere a bad name. Everyone knows shopping for hose is an art form. It was elevated to that position 20 years ago when pantyhose were born. You cannot hurry the buying p~. No egg will hatch before its time. Just in case you're curious as to what 1 th~y steal the least of, it'a peanuta and ~t-1 ten es. If you buy them for your height, the waistband will bind your knees together. If you buy them for the right weight, the waistband will make you flat-chested. Neither of them gets runs. . ' POT SHOTS Do you want fanny control? Tummy control? Entire body control? Industrial strength for those special occasions when breathing ii secondary? Or a spot tourniquet for your cellulite? BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT What do you want to do in them? Cough? Massage your legs' Jump higher? Or make America beautiful by conce~ them under your slacks so it looks like you're wearing "no thin'." DO YOU WANT KNEE-IU'1, thigh-bi's, bare, nearly nude, with seams, bikini, rein- forced toe, h~ or extra room at the waist- band? The options go on. Do you want a new LO~ DOCSN'T AL.WAYS L.SAD T1> MA.PPIMSU, · 1· -------------------------------------------------- GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Neither vulnerable. South deals. NORTH +AJZ \:I J2 o AQ84 ••un WUT EAST •7U +KU4· Q IOU c, 1'714 ~ltt87 OU •to •tOU IOUTH •Qt05 c:::>AQU 0 &JI •AQS The bidding: &-' WNt Nerdi Eu& I NT P ... 4NT P ... tNT r .. P ... P ... Opening leaet1 Ten of o . Put your brid,. wll&rd.ry to tbt t..t. Cover up the Eaat and WMt handl and dtddt what'• your beat chanc. to make elx no tJ'Ump after a diamond lead • North'• bid or four no trump don ncK uk for ac.e -tbtN le no a,....cS eult. I\ la •Imply a quantitative raiH • in no trump,tand asks partner to bid six no trump if he has a maximum. South had. and did. At first glance it seems that you have to play for one of two fineaaes being right. As t he cards lie, the heart fineue succeeds. 10 7ou make your contract. You took a line that gives you a slightly better than 8-Lo-1 chance of success. But you dldn·t ta.Ile quite the beat line. You could have given yourtelf a tligbt additional chante. Sinee it'• even· money on the location or the heart king, win the opening diamond lead in your hand and lead a low heart toward the jack. If West bu the king ot heart.a and goe• up with it, you don't nffd tbt epadt nne .... You t.an take four &ritu In tach . miDOI' auit, UaNt la hearu and the ace of ..... If Weat bu the kJnr of heartl and playa low. th• jack will win. Now you can abandon hearta and Lake the apade finelH. lf It wiu. you have all tbe trlcke; If lt &oeea. two llluria and two epafft bring your tot.al to twelve. If the jack of hearts is cap- tured by East's king, you c:u • still fall back on the spade • finetae! But your eipt .r heart.a CtOUld be ~ aee bl Ult bole. BefoN tak.111 tH ipMt · fln ....... a. tbe ace ~ue•• if be1rta. lf eit•er •f11ilii •Larted"wlth ........ c:ludln1 the IN, will Mt up .. tM trick and lhe .,.. S-. • unneceaaary. It ia epoU ... that extra hope thal ...- you up t.o tM expert ra~. 'Pippin,' 'Click' take stage IY TOM Tm1I • t °' ........... A N~ wn6cn of a rock m\llklel and an award·_.... ~ one-Kt P!a)' t'Ol'llJ)rile the new ~ tan mta the 0naa· CoMt thfa week. l'lrl& UJ>. ~ Wecta.aa7 _b __ • two-week run at UC lrYtne. II Plpplnt" on,lnally •t In the 9th otntury In tbe ~ of Charllmape. Director Irvine KilMer Ml ,,..forwarded the •tUna to the 24th cmtury eo alt.er the mu.icll to ••a tan• .... of the rnlnd." -~ "ptppAn" wtll be~ WedMlda thro h Saturday et um week arid 'l\mday ~h S:t- wda'f of nnt In dae Pine Ana Villqe Theater with an 8 p.n). CUJ"Wn. Call 833'6617 for ticket lnforma- Uon. Two perfonnmo. of ''Click." • abort play by Oranae co.t 9oll-. theater prof John renacca, will 6e lllwn Friday and Saturday by the t...guna , Moulton Playhouae. Mlehae1 Leigh and Emily ' Wayde Ital' in the drama about a woman held hoa- . iage by a diltw'bed Youna man. ) Curtain ii 8 p.m. at the Fon.am Theater on the Fett.lval of A.rta srounda, Laguna Canyon Road, Lquaa BMcb, wfth ticket Information available at ,49f-0743. It'a dOllnc week.end few five currently running lhowa on COMtal sta&a· They are: -: "Comtq Attnedolli" at South Coast Re- pertory'• SecoM Stap, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa M.-(9&7-4033), with final performances to- night throu,h Saturday at 8:30, Sunday at 8 and weekend matinees at 3 p_.m. -''Soeda PacWc' at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhou.e, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente (492-9950), running nllhtly through Sunday at varying curtain times. :, -"Perty Cerao" at the Harlequin Dinner JPlayhouse, 3'503 S . Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana (979-5511), oc ataae nightly t.hrouah Sunday, alaO at varying timel. r -"'WHft'a Qarley?" at the c.c.ta Mesa O vic Playhouae on the Orange County Fairgrounds l(75'f..5159), playing Friday and Saturday at 8:30. -''Tiie mutrated Bradbvy" at Saddleback College in MialiOll Viejo (831-4530), cloelng Friday and Saturday at 8, Sunday at 3. Continu1JlC their respective engagements are "Da" on South Coaat ~epertory's malnstage (957-4033), .. See Bow 'l'MJ Ra" at the Newport Tbeaw Ana Center (675-3143), "VltJt to a Small Plaae&" at the Huntington Beach Playhouse (847-4466), "FoUJet a la Cane D" at the San Cle- ·mente Community Theater (492--0465), '"'De FroDt Pase" at the Westmiruter Community Theater (99S-4113) and ··~" •f a Sa.lesmu" for Show- cue Productions (894-6786). * BACK.STAGE -The Newport Harbor Actors Theater ls takina ita recent production of "Division StrMt" on the l"Olld . . . the show, with only one clwlce from ita original cut, is running Thundays ~Swldays until June 6 at the Pilot I Theater, 6600 ta Monica Blvd., Los Angeles ... ......... should I ' happen to you. .. @ .B_EDWEllER LET THEM HAVE A DRY BED n...-.. ........ -..... ----.. -·-·· ........ -.. --.. ---... -·-·----· -"--. .....-... .,..........----·-...... -----....---.. ....--.. -..... --·--..................... _ ........................ ,., .... r .• _.,. ____ ____ "Equally Eff«tiW! for Adu/rs'' r-;.::;;;.;~~-;::r~~;T~~-~ 311 Forat Str .. t I ,._oou WI 544S7 i I P...,.11115 NAM( I I AOOAE.SS I I CITY STATE --ZIP __ I I ~E AGl --t • Pectloc .......... -1 lid ,.,. IA9" •. IOI : ~ .wfnao • Nlllll N'\ZllE ,• • • .. • • .... • • ... • f {.. • ~. --------------------- Make lbur Future Something Really Speclall LAST MOMENTS -Dean Santoro (right) comforts his agin8 father (Thomas Toner) in a scene from "Da" at South Coast Repertory. The Irish comedy-drama continues nightly• except Mondays through May l~. CASTING -The Laguna Moult.on PlaA!:: hu cut ltl next production, the Sherlock mystery "Crucifer of Blood" . . . Geocge Wooda u Holmes and .Michael Crown as Wataon head the company, which includes Alfred Lutjeana, Walter Daly, George Felling, Kathryn Job.mon, Michael Bielitz., Dick Oldden, Norman Weingarten, Robert Brown, Lindsay Karg, Tony Houghton, Mike Sandlin and Jim Ryan ... the ahow opens May 14 and plays through June 12 . . . Dina Fayer has won the coveted role of Rhoda, the child murderea. in the Newport 1beater Artl Center's production of ''The Bad Seed,'' which abo will star Lynda Oswald as her mother ... others in the cut are Dorothy McMillan, Tony Caprio. Carol Stockrneyer, Earl McCanna, Pat Oswald, Kris Ha- gen, Francia Donnelly, Robb Kirby and Tracy Godlrey . . . the drama will be on stage weekends from June 4 to July 3 . . . J[.ep .. ~.,. .. die,___' • mowl9 ..,.,_ poWiac ..,.._ • W ~·· .._.,, .. !>Cl U.IMAl'UZA 9'11 ~29 S339 lOWUU ClllU crnr• Cmu loltSol 979 4UI A Panrrarc Plcnn .Ac. ---~-==tr!'~ NOW PLAYING ·----• ... ._ .. .,,uca mmaw.-r,..•AU.tT ll loroUt UIO ~v..., Ut tSOO N TWiii CIMJUI U.. IUI -.t W-ltl 1743 ... _ ....... 19!14110 HWUOI .......... PAQflC MWTI ce&lt ••ft SSI 06SS ~ 9Ncll •t• 1 SU .... ,...... .... ___ W~>19rffl>61l --- lOWAMI MllTI COAST PUlA T ... COfTtll CMll&I Calla MoM l~t 4 t I• Alte.llD111rv ..... t7_., .... •ft.ao off on cN~12 )'9Gl'I ond ~ 0t~of2S0t~ --~~~,...._0.. .... ---------- Orange Cout DAILY PtLOT/Tuetdey, May 4, 1982 DAIVE·INI Ol'IN 1:00 WHKNIOHTl/7:30 WlEl(ENDI * Children Under 12 FREE Unleu Noted • 8ARQAIN MATIN•••* MoM8Y dtru l.....,.ay All Perlor~ befOfe 5:00 PM , ....... ,.... , ............. ......,., MQUla'T-,OR ,_.."" "VICTOR VICTORIA"'"' ----------- IUT PIC'Nlll ,,_ tc~'I' "'CHANOTI Oft ,_..'"I ----- "'l'OfllCY'I" '"' ------ LAKEWOOD CENTER WAll< IN .. YOUCOULD-WMAT I MUii" (N) 1:11,lllt, ....... IAl<EWOOD C fNHP SOUlH """,. ,., -4IC109--"C*--,_..""' .,... ___ _ I ... YOU COULD IH WHAT I HLUI" '"' . .,... ... ___ _ -"'PAll'nmRS".-1 -----.,.,,_t=-. ___ _ .._ .. 11. • -a. .s lllittllW IMPORT H T NOTICll CMllDfHN UNDIR 12 fRU! ....... ._ ..... ftl. 1•. Ill. ... .....,. •• ~ ..... .,,.,.Ml CM -IS -Sl'flll8 1• llO Ml CM -wno ~ ICCll9IT --_..,,. ~ .. iiu *"' ........... - .......... , .._. ANAHEIM ORIVf IN ,._•tel le-SI 179-fllO ClllHl -.. _."'1 ..... ,._ .. __ TIIW'tlll ~w ~~ 1"111CAt1QlllllPMN• ~Ir" !NI "CAT NOPU" 1111 8• ~ "4 A r f UI' BUENA PARK OPl\'t 'N lAHAR~A "'"., --· .... -·--· .,,.., . . . 1 ORANGE 1·~· .... leecll ... s. .. 81r•Gr-k-.... ,.,, ... ~--­"CIMA lllOP ..... C"1 ""' "MnMUll'I"' Clllt· .. ------~-Clllllll- ._.ATIJtitoeee~ 1111 ~- .-_.._ ..,__._ ---p ..._ .... ~ '--.. -.. • . '\ & "Pryor la wonderful! '' -8hl'lla (knoon. LOe ANO&Jn 11Mf.8 NOW PLAYING UA c•MA U1C OIWIClf UU UWAllM f.-TMI HWY wu 1mons111 89' OS46 OrlllOI f31 0340 r~ Y.., Ut 1!>00 UA Cln CIMMA UWMM ...,..., JllllO' 634 3t11 Ntwpe11 klcll •o O~IO M .. lllU"-AZA ITAOM*Nlft•HI MIOLAIMMM...,... e.n s2un• Otano-8't1110 l• •• '2H70I UWAMt SAOOUMCll uwuoi .. ,nk ... ..,.. ........ fl T0to ~II SH O Cosll ,_w 540 1444 SM .lolan C.11-493 4S4S -0 , ...... .ce:•""-• '°" .... (........._., -. ---··i------· --. ...... _...,. . ., •. Or8"Q9 Coat DAILY PtLOT l'Tueld9Y, Mmy 4, 1812 N1"llYIW .. ii Miil lfA~ Mlm0U91Ull•t1 Tiie t°"°wlfl9 •ettMI II dol119 MAm ITA,._., Mll!ll=.;.OftfATION IYITIMI ~-::~It l*tonl.,. dOlnO ~AH 1 I...,..._. !Mflt, C... IOHUMAOHIA, C~'~ __ .. ,,. ~ ... , .. '° ...... MIHllY L41foY L1HU1, I Mtrl• leoofl, ~ tH41 .... IMllO, CllMorflll 1111• "°bttt Oo\ltllt lohv~. ~~II~ by Ill 1 0 Alpl11t. H1111t1119lo11 IOHll, ._._.__ nitt ..... """9y LtrOy l.IHllt MIOllHI 01111 Otlv11t, 31• .. ~ ......,._,, WM ~ .~ 01111 Popler, Oren99, C1llfornl1 ..._,'Y Qlf1I OI 0111noe ~~ on t2MI A!W1I t , 1112 Lyllll !llllb•th ,O#tre. 314 a.~ P.,_ Nollh Popl1r. 011no1. 01llfornlt '"--Oranot CO..t o.lly ,j. 8Hel . ......... . , ITATl'lll#r Th• IOllOwlng ... , .. " I• 1101119 bUllntll 11. WALKI,_ IAIH AND DOD,., IW Wfllt111t U , CO.ta Melt, CA tM27. 1t111tey 0 Walller, 4111 W. let 11 .• Ip. fl. llntl AM, CA '2702. Dtvld I . Wilker, U5 1111111., Huntington lead!, CA t"41 Mary l.ou W•• Thlt ''"'"""' ... fllod wtltl .... County Clortl of °'lllOI Colltlty Oii A.prll t, 1111 ,,..,.. MUC I011CI Mt.IC mTa NUC .ra MUC M>Ta ~---The'&.'~~ ~.'f:mr HANOI O~ IVl'llllOfl '"' followlng ,., .. fl 11 dolno The foltowl119 pet1011 I• dol119 ~-. ""°"' .,. dc»ng The foflowll1t ,.,_. •• foll'lt .,. CMI ~ °"" .... l>utlflell.. ~ .. ; Mut" MOOILI 202 I ~... ..... AM, OA.,... KAUf'f'MAH a AHOCIATH • .-,.ow1.co, 1H• c 111> CA 0 10· f'U!IT ""· Hs1 H1,,.1110fl 'LA"m"· 01.tH '"°'''"Ill 1~ "**' ,,,...., '~ v.i. ooe111 ... ~i~w °'CA ~!io· .. , ~.:~ IM0.~1~ AVMut, Huflllllt1Gn 9-eft, CIMor· CORP.,• C4llllomle -.-1111on ~ CA tnoe ._. .. L WADI ... ..,..4 • .. ~tt:':.i02o I • • "" ·~ Olf'(HOAHT: CAL ~TO '"°" ' OOH , KAU,,MAN. 1HH "°°"J "'· M .. Cofone del Mw, CA ~f.°:._0~ n 704 °· Ullll, Dt1111le '"dttlOll Luttrell, CUllHO, INC., 1 ~ oor1'0-~-ltfwt, f'OUflllill V...,, CA t3!!_. ............. le~""-•'"""' .... -..,., Tiiie ~ II OOlldllCt4id by 1 2111 I lahtml Lfl., Hu11tlntt0fl r111or>. OWM D Ill. YING WANG. •• ,.,. ,,.. ,,__ ....,_,_"' ... ...,..POftloll INch, Celitofftll t2t4t WICI ~I 1 ltvouafl 10. ~ ~~II~ by Ill lndMdlleiMiot.I W ,ONIO . J~ liOMlll, INC Mll.lften AllCll l.llttr ... 2'M1 ll1MlllOMI ·-~ '· .,~.-.~· TNa ~ -flled wlttt tht ~ 9lh1m1 ~IMlllllflOfl .. H11. C... .... ..,. Thll ........ ~ w1ttt lfll County alt1t of Or1ng11 County Oii Thll ........,,, Wt flleCI Witt! Ult CllNofllle NOTtCll YM ""9 .._. ..... ~ Cltrtl of Or-Coun"' Oii Aprll ff. 1tl2 County Qlltll of OrlllClt County on Thll ~ II OOfldllCted by If'! tM .... Mef .......... ...c ........ • 1....... -....... ., ,._ ........... ttN. lndMdllll. •ltMtlt ,_ INMt ...... .....,. ... -""' Maureen A. Luttrell ,_ ,..,...._ .,.. • ... ..._. ' . ,_,.. Publllllld Or111ot Co,.i Dilly '"*' o.wi9 '· l.Alttrel 1M Wet: uelen ....... lot l.pfll 1ll, 20, 11. M1y 4, 1MI Thie 11ut1n111 11 GOndueted by 1 tW·H general pertnerllhlp. -----------1 ~ D. lollumlChlr ,utllllhld Otenot Cooll Oaolly ,.. lot. AfKll IS, 20, 21, Mey 4, 1Na. 1U2""2 PublltNd 9"W119 C0111 D1111Y f'llOt Piiot. Al#M 27. MtY 4, 11, 111..!MI. ~Or~ Coael Delly Pl• Thie 9tlltmtn1 WM,..._, w1ttt tht II YOl.t Wllh lo_. !tie Id~ of Al#"ll 20 21 Mlly 4 11 1"2" ' IMW2 lol, "°" 1S, 20, :l •Mey 4, 1"2. County Cltttl Of Ortngt County Oil• 1n 11torn1y In 11111 m111tr, yOll 1 • • ' • 171t-aa lHl.U AprM 19. 1M2. ehOUld do 10 ptOmptty 10 tN1 YOio!' rtaJC *>TICE ™' 1tat-1 wu 111ec1 w1111 '"' 'IC'"'°"' _,;;;11 ~~~~=.2~f Orenge Covnty on --~MU~,....IC--*1-TIC(----1 PlBJC NOTIC( 1---MUC---Mme(-----1 '"'• wrttlMI 1eepon11, 11 any, fflll'( o. fl,. Na.IC llllC( ncTITIOUI ....... Publlthed Or1no1 Ooltt Otlly Mid on lltne NAMSITATlllllfT ,~ fitCTl1llOUl Wll NAllll ITA1WT llOTICI 1fW11NO llDe PNol. AprM 20. 17. Mey•, H, 1N2. AVl80t U1114 111 eld• ._ ... U. ITA1WNT ..-. Thi tOlloWtniJ f*eoM llt doing NotlGt II 11.,.tbt Ohl_,. thll the 1111-li d-4•, II lrl•""'~ltNe tlleldlt Thi 10110.wlno PlrtOll I• doing NOnCe -,.,...., IM8 l>lllltlttl N! loerd Of Tf111tH• Of lht COHt ·-.,. 1111\ftH =,~d~•=•:d. =•:o ':': butlnt1t M: OP~~ Tl ANOClltH, 1 t20 Mooklng· Commulllly Cotl•o• Oletrlot ol ,._ """-._. ..._ 11 .......,....... _ ......._ Tht followlng pe11011 le doing Pub1te1110 Orlnge Cout 0111y bUllMll 81: Piiot, A.prlt 27, May 4, 11, 18, 1812. P~TI HALLMA~K SHOP. 911• 1808-82 AdaMe Aw., Huntington BMoh, Cl.------------- 0214J11111n llUltl Solomon•. 11S5 ,f ..x Illa LITILITOH GAAoeNtHO llA· NotlOe It '*MY ll¥tn "'9t blfd Wey. AneNttn Hiia, CA t:rl07. Or1ngt OoUnty C.orTN. wltt rec-PJCnnoul .,._.. ........... _. VIOi, 1'4 ~ Lii .• COtll ...... euet1t to NOllofl , ... of Ille~ Jedi"· H111dy Jr., 2127-D I . e1¥1 ...... biCI. up lo 11:00 a.m.. NAMi ITATUllNT Fotllt Ad., Lot 411mltoe, C1, 9072(/ . _ Thie bU11nttt II conductld by Ill ''°nnoua ...._ .. .,...,.., l&AMI ITATllllNT JI lotomolie Tiit followlng pe11on 1e doing Thie ....,_,, -fllld wltn tht ~ ... Coun1" ()w1I Of OtellQ9 ~IY on NAV·COM OF DANA POINT. Apttl t. 1M2. 34320 Suite ·e· Cout Highway, ,..,_ Deni Potn1, Celtt. t2e29, . PuOllthtd Otanot CoNI Deify Pl· Devt" Marin• Eltc1ronlce, Inc .. '°' Al#t 1). 20. 27. Mey 4. 1~ 1051 QleyellM St., Co111 M111, 1123-82 C-'lt 92Ut. ---=c---llft-Tll'r ____ , nii. ~ II conGUC11d by I --~.,,.~-----""-'-~---COf'pOllllOn. ...cnnoue ..... Dewy Marini NAMI tTATIMaNT EllCtronlca Inc. Cllllomle 8207. • COcft, ..... of ~-Vie 1#1• fllrVlew. llMI AM. OA 127~. Friday. Mey H , 1811 It Ille Pur· Thi f"'._....,, -eon• .,. d ........ Wlllllfll lltVtfl Llllle1on 1114 .,...,.. .. ... """'°.. JAX J . OAl'AOLL 7120 Modi· dlellflt Otpert"*" Of Mid oolllgl butlneee ~~............ ';''"" Mek>dy Ln., Cotti ...... ~ OOl'IPWo1I ~ .. Oft .. , ... 1:!. lngbtrd Way, A111h•lm Hiii•. CA dlettlct toc•l•ct It 1170 Ad•mt ·HAP, LTD .. II Clove BIOi• 92$27. ,,...-...... ' -021<>7 ...... c.-...... ~.. "' Tillt ~ II conduo'9d by In of Mey, t-. et 4. o alodl ,.., on TNt bUliMle II oonduC1ld by 1 wfllCl'I lilM Mtd blcle wltt be publicly '°"" I,...,,., CA ff7 t•. lndlvl6ull. 1he Pf ........... ~°'*1r II ptt1Mf1Np. opened Md r.ed tor: TIM ()ITULIO, #9 Clove Blot· Wiiiiam I . Utttelon hN be9I ...... Ind .. lo-~ Jedi "· ~Jr. ,UACHAll! 0,. FUEL IHJEC· earn. lrWMI. CA 827I•. Thie ltal-t WM fled wlttt 1111 =:. '::°111~ ':'~ Thie, .. ""*""' fltd with Ult TIOH PUMP TUT STAND; OOL· ~~!.!:.~!!'~~7 1~9 Clove Coun~ o.11 of Ortngt County on MtM, County of Orenee ll.IM of County CWk of Orenot COullty Oii DEN WEST COU.EOE Tlltl ~ 11 conducted by 1 Ac>r• I, 1M2 . c.Mfornla. tN MM1111tooe.. ~ N>rll 8, 1982. All bldf .,, to bt In ecc:ordenc:e generlil pettnettlllP ·--ohel1... or P«-* P'ot*TY 0. ,..,_ wlttl 1ht IMd f'Off'tl tnetNC1lOftl llld Tim OITl.tllo PuWltltd OrMOI COMt Delly Piiot, lllf1bed t,..,_ 111 ,,_ ,,...,.. Of: ~ Orenoe Ccut D1111Y Pl-CondttlOnl end ~Uonl which Thll 1111_,1 -hllcl with lhl Aortl 20, 27. Mey 4, t 1, tN2. Ndwd .......... U-... lot, A.prll 13, 20. 27, Mey 4, 18'2. we now In IMt end """!bl -ed County Cllt1I of Ot1t1ge County on 1111-t2 :r .,. ... ""'~ ...Mne. cNtJ 191w2 1n tntofflcl of thlPurdlallnQ AQtnt 14.fK• 18. 1982 1------------dNrt. of Mid eolllgl dlllt1l;t. f'W7• PtllJC *>TlCE L..llldlotil ~ ._. l1Gfll to '* rtaJC. NOTIC( bell blddlr ,,_. 1Ubm1t wtth 1111 PUOllehed Orange eout Otllly Pllo4 11 tht 1111, '"roll .... inuet bt bid 1 cuhltr'• c~eck , oertltled A.pr!I 20. 27• Mey•. 1 I, 1982 • medt wtltl Ollfl q _,.-..fol It ACTTnOUI .-11 clleck. or bidder 1 bond made 1717•82 IN time of~,,. purdlMM ..... 8TATlmMT p1yable 10 Ille Ofder of Ille Co••I ----------- Thi 1o1ow1ng ,.,_,. art doing St_, D. Oe'tey ~ -Preetdenl ncTIT'IOU9 ....... NORTHSTAR COMPANY, 1N7 Thia ttel-1 -INeCI with the NAm tTATnmWT goodl -IOld M la. llld m..t bt The loMowlng pWIOfll WI doing Community College Dlelrlc1 8oerd Ml.JC *>TIC( removed at Ult time Of pwoMM. ~ .._ of Tru11 ... 111 111 amount not lete -----------lell Mll>JtcC to pftor 09'11( itahn i. A&F HOMl!S, 1171 SE Mein then five perc:.nl (5%) ot the eum ACTTTIOU8 ......... '"'•vent of Mtti.tfttfll NIW .. 11 s11 .. 1, IMne, Cltlfoml4l 82714 bid .. e OU""'' .. lhal ttle blddlr .... 8TAT'lm.NT lendlcwd find Olllloaled petty. Oeted Phlllp H. McHlfnee. 11tt6 Mc-wlll enter Into Ille propoltd Con· Thi fotlowlng '*'°"' ate dOlng Ihle •th a 11th clay of M1y tN2 Dermott, #1, hvln1, Cellfo(nlt trec1 If thl-1• twlrdld lo him. bu.,_. u: PU011o lt0f9QI, 1no L.enclor°d. . 8271• In thl _,, of llllture lo enlet Into OTSE INTEflNATIOHAL 2024 PuOtllMd o; ... c:o.t o..y "~ ThomN W. and Sendra J. Al· eucfl oon1raot, the pr00Mdt 1of thl Korn11 Drive, Coall MH0a, CA lot, Me'(•. 11.1112 ien, 1151Oo\ftSlfeet,1100, Hew· check wlll be lorf11t1d. or n thl 82626. ~ port e Bteoh. CA 82ee(). cue of • bond, the full IUtn thereof John M. Auuell, prHIClent. Alp J. end Mary I. fOf'Qllle, 57 wm bl toffllled to Hid college di· 2024 Kornat Drive, Coate Me11, Goleta Point DtlYe, Corona del Mat. etrlct. CallfOl'nla 92629. Clllfomle Q2'25. Ho blddet mey withdrew '* bid Mergeret A. RuaMll. vlae pr .. Thie bu*-II condueleCI by • fOf • l*lod of f0f1Y·fl'te 14&) deye 1ld1n1. 2024 Kornal Drive, Coall N0'1Cll IWl'ntel -genetlil .,.,.,....,..,. Iller Ille dlle Ml (01 the opening MIN, ClillfOf'nll Q2621. Notto. I• htrtby OIWll ttlet the PNllp H. Mc:N-thereat. ™•~II conduc:led by. Port Chel-. New~ e.ac11, CA County Clettl of °'Al>Oe County on The tottowlng pereone ere doing t2t80. Aprll 8, 1N2 ~ - Notttullr Poole & Spu, Inc . 1 ,,,,_ CANYON CREST fllOOE I/EN· Cltlf~nll c0<poretlon. 1887 Port _Publltllld Or20enge ~41 D811V2Pt-TUAE. 25301 ClbOI Aoad, Suite Q""'8 -...... _~ CA.......,,. lol, Apr1113. I, 27 ..... y . 184: . 112. llgllnl Hiiie. Clillfornla 82W Thie ~i.~eci""b;"i 158<M2 THE ROBERT E. OSBORNE corporll11on. 1------=------.J COMPANY. I Calllo1nl1 corpora- Northi41f Poole -.,C llll( tlon, 25301 Cabot Road, Sultl 112, & ap.. Inc. Laguna HUii, Cllllfoml• 82653 Ct*1e Herold C.O. DALY TRUST, C.O. 0 1ly Sectetl!IY N01'08 tNmwt9 _. T1ullH, 4100 MacArthur Boule· lfil9 1t11emt11t WM "tecl with lhl Notice 11 htr.Oy 9tver1 ttlal the verd. Htwport B .. ch, Calllornll County Clerk of Orenot County on l!kwd of TNllMI of the Huntlrlatofl ~ Af)(ll 18, 1062. 8eeof1 Union H~ 8ohoot Olllrlc1 RAYMOND ANO ROSALIE SI U11ed Cle1t1 aollc;lt11 .i Clon• ~ de un at>ogado en Ml• 11Unlo. dlberla "-lo lnmedletemente, de ..11 m-1. au reepuMll .,tta, el hi'( .iguna. pulde -,.trldl • ltemc><> 1 TO THE DEFENDANT A civil compl1lnt 1111 been lll1d by the Plalnllfl agelnat you 11 you wlllf"I to def«\d 11111 lawault. you mue1, wtlllln 30 deyt '"" this 1141mm0tll le ..,. ved on you. Ille with thlt court 1 wrlllen reeponM 10 Ille complaint Unleel you do 10 yOUt ~ -be entered on 1ppllcellon of the p111n11n. lfKI 11111 ~ may ent., 1 judgrnen1 AQllnat you lor the relief demanded In lhe complllnt, wfllcn could reeutl In garnl1hmen1 o• wegee. lllllng 04 money O< prooetty or Olhet reltet reQuelleCI In the COfT\plajnl Deled Seotembet 18. 1982 L .. A Btencn. cterll .i.t"lny II Moreno, Dlc>u•y lllAlmM '· l!"AMO '10 .... ,_. Cert.., Orlve tllltit196 Newpon 8-tl, CA t2lllO Publllhed Orenge Co•I Ollty PllOI, AprH 20, 27, Mey 4, 11, 1812. 1784-82 PtlltlC NOTIC£ ,,.,.... ... i'90lllW.....ctbidllor~ MILLS, a t1mlly lru11. A1ymor'ld Publllhld Owange CoU'I Delly Piiot, Gym Floor AtftllllHllO llld....,... Miiia TruetH, 1365 t Ylllow1ton1 Apf1 20, 27, Mey 4, t 1, 1882. rnMtlng Of' ~ lo 1f1e epoofftce.· OtlYe, S111t1 Ana. Cellfomle 92705 I 7 56-82 bone on flt In 1ht of1toe °' 191111 °'" M & M DAYW AU . INC.. Profit ---------lttlct. 51\a(lng & Per\llon Plln. Raymond 8olrd of T"*9tt of ltlt ~ Tiile 1111-t w11 tied w11t1 thl Thi lotl'd oC Trull-,__ t ..---• p~~ •-......., , .... ':.:t:............. d II ,,__., .... ..,_..., 8UHNC>fl C"'_.,"" T...--• "" --County Cletll of Orange County on 1><lvlleg1 of retecllng 1ny 1n • John M AuSMlt ......... • vr ~ .. r9ClfNit bldl tot~ 14.ptU 11, 1N2. bide Of' to wll\le My trreQUlerlllM Of' Thia 1111-1 w• flied wllh Ille IT A TE Of' CAL~NIA rta.JC M)llC( Bide 1htll be ote111y merlltd Miiia l'rualH. 1395 I Y1llowetone --------......_--"Oym Floor Aeflolletl6rlg and ....._ DtlYe. Senta An1, Cllllfornla 112705 ACTmOU8 IU8'Nl!U rl1l1 Bid Ho. •t1", eddr-.cl to Thie bulk-. le aonducied by I NAm tTATl•WT A1if11 E. Rowley ~ Menlo-ltfnlted p.nnerlh!p. Th1 tollowtng peraon la doing Otf, Hunt1ng1on' lhecft Unb1 High C 0. DALY ~ .._ School Dtttrtct, 10251 Yortlown This a11i-1 wu fillcl wllh the (aj W. F L. COMPANY. (bl A ..... Huntlnglon 8eoc11, CA t2t41. County Cilt1I of OranQ9 County on GOU>AUSH '"KT .. 8sel Hemllton ltld recehoed at or~ 2:3IO P.M. Apttl 23, 1882. Aven111, Huntington B .. ch, CA Wed:....S.,, May tt, 1ta2, al .... llA&..COUI a OAl. Y 82646 llt'ne end plocl bide .. .,. publdy • ....,.. .. law WILLEM F LICHEA. 9706 oC*ltd llld Ned. ·-_.,._MM., Blu« .. I Ot•ve. Hunllngton Beach. Each b6d etiol IWNllll ¥llld 1or • ,,0 .... 2110, CA 82&48 1>9tlod of 30 d119 after the d1t1 Newport) -~ CA ..., Thie ~ it conduetld by an apedftld for Oii r90llpl of b6dl. ~ --·-~ The Board of Truet ... eflllt b9 ,,_, W F. Uc;her 1111 eolt Judt• of th• quality ot Publl1h1d Orange Cout Dally fhil llllement ..,.. tiled ..tlh the equipment °"9f"td llld ,__ 1'lt Pttot. 14.PrY 27, May 4, • 1. 11, 1982 County ci.11 ot OrMQe County on :1ght to reft01.,.,., or 11 bide ltld to 188&-82 ..,,,.. 26. tN2. ....... eny ~ "*-· ,,.., Slgrled Alifll E. ~ Cltpet a.q IM9dllg or_.... to ,_,m 1ntorm1llllH 111 1ny bll or In th• County Clerk of Orange Couniv on COUNTY Of' OflAMGE !,It "*::t•on •111,,. ofllclt Publtlhed Otenge Coeat Otlty Pllol, blCICSing AprN 2. 1892 No. A·10MS7 .,. Mid I 14.f)(lt 20, 27, Mey •. 11. 1982. /a/ NORMAN E WATSON ftllU1 NOTICE Of' INTIDfll<* TO HU lldl •11•11 b• oletrly mark•d. 1762-12 Sectetery. P\lbllthed Or--Coul Dally P:lol. "EAL P"O'f"TY AT l'IUVATE .. ,. • ..-......... ..._ INd l4to''. Id· Boetd of T 1--.,.... IAU .,...,.. -"'"' -----------nn April 20, 27, May 4 11· IH2 E11a1e ol AUTH SWOPE. "----drHMd to Allyn E. Aowt.y, PUr· -.,C ll'flC( Cou1 Community 1711().82 ..,_.,.. ch11lng M1111911. Huntf119to11 C04tege 01s111c1 MCI 8MCfl Union High SctlOClf Dtn1ct. .-.cTriiOiJI IUWWWii PublllheCI Orenge CoHI 011ly •-.,. tlliftTIM" Notte• 11 hereb1 go,,.,, rhat tub-10251 Yortltawn Aw .• Huntington MAlllla aTATUmNT Piiot. Aptft 27, Mey 4. 1892 ,._,"nu•~ .ec1 10 conl11ma11on by lhe et>ov• 8eec11, CA HMe, ltld ~et 1873-82 -----------enlllle<I Supe<IOf Court on Mly 7 01 blfOft 3:00 p.m., Wtdllttd1y. The lollowtng pe11on le doing NOTICE OF DEATH OF 19112 II 9 00 am or lhereallet M1y 19, 1ff2. 11 wtllctl UIN and bulinaa 11 ELINOR R. PETTINGALL ""thin lhe hme lllOwed by -· me pl-.bid• .tll be publicly opened p!-~. ~~~~~9: ____ "8JC ___ *1_11C( ____ -1 AND O ~ PE Tl Tl ON TO unClers1gned u Adm1n111ra1or ol end read. A1lph Glenn Blldwln, 489 P1tk NOTICE OP DEATH OF ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. rne Hiiie 01 Autn Swope dlCH- Eecll bid lhll IWNllll wld kif 1 Ave · Ba11>o11e11nc1. CA 112612. ROY LEE AND OF PETI Al UIH. ledn~-9:'!4 ~.1Pl.!!_•1~~ on'0 tne1~ period of 30 d•Y• alter Ille date Ralph 8eldwln .,,.-•. -"' ~ .... .,.....,.. ·-~ foftht receipt of bldL TIU• 1111-1 .., .. filed with ll'le TION TO ADMINISTER To aJJ heirs, benef1Ctanes. 111m1 1ne1 cond1t1on1 ne1e1neller Thi loerd ot Tru•t-"'811 be County Clerk of Orange Covnty on ESTATE NO. AlUlll. c reditors and contingent m&nhooe<I au 11ghl 1111• and 1n1e- the •01• Judge of tht qu1t11y of Apt~ 9 1N2 To all heirs, beneflclaries, creditors of Elanor R P et-•HI 01 Aulh Swope dee.eased. 11 tqUlpment ofl9r"td end,.... Iha Ille l:me OI her Clealh and alt nglll, :1ghl toreft01 enyor II b6dlend to '11119 crediton and contingent tingaJI and pef10ns who may 111,. and Wlletesi :na1111e .. iaiehas WV'l eny lrTtGUllrttY lflertln. Pul>ttlMCI °'~ Ccul Delly Pl-cre dilora of Roy Lee and be otherwise inte rested in acquired 1n addll1on 10 that ol FICTTTIOUa .,._88 Alifll l. ~ lot. Aptlt 13' 20• 2 · Mey 4' 1~'1;.,,, perwona who may be other· the will and/or 45lat.e. o.ceoen1 1111Wt 11me 04 her Clelth, 1n MAm tTATa•NT Purd'8llllG MlnlOI' wlae lntereated In the will A petition haa been hied the reel properly ioclleCI "' lhe Publl1h1d Orenge Cout Dilly ~ ~ Pilot. Aor11 27, Mey 4, 11. ta, IN2. Publllhed OtlllOI Co.et o.ty Ao 184S.a2 lot, May 4 end 11, 1N2 20Q&.a The IOllowinn .,.,..~. ••e d-'"" Otled: May S. 1ft2. Nil.JC *>TICE nd/ •·•-b R v i h Ot h County of OtMge, State of Caltf0<-~ u : ··• ..-----....... PUbllhed 0nnge C08ll o..y A-I------------a or es ...... : y . n.e t nsmoor in t e Nf. dacrlbed u tollowt ORANGE COAST FUND ING, IOt • ....., 4, 11, tN2 P'ICTTTIOUS .,..... A petition hu been filed Superior Court of Orange Tne -lll<IV 50 ()()feel of In& 191 Eut lllth Str .. t, Cotti M.... 2007-t2 NAMltTATIMDfT by Frank M . Le~ in the County requesting tha t R eetierly 18200 tee1or1ne 1ou•h· Cllll0<nl1 82621 Th• lollowlng peraon 11 Clolng Superior Court o f Orange Keith Dinsmoor be appoint· w .. t quarteo' 01 Lo: 38 01 Traci 9· "' 111111ma1 0 C F C •-.,. 1111\ftl'C ~ u : C . 1ne City ot COlll Mesa. County ol -lf'lC . • lllt0f'nl1 c0<po. ,.~nu•~ PLAIN llANtll.A, 2024 Celwrl, ounty requesting ~hat eel as personal representative Orange. s iete ot c1111otnla, •• A~ He had lD the pMt at1ended =·~1!::! ~::;:1reet, Coet1 NOTICa .. VIT1NG..., Coeta Meta. Ca. 82$29 Frank M. Lee be appointed to administer the eatate of s11own on a map 1h«eof, r1C01dld STANLEY P . ACKER· the Northweatem Colle1e. Thia bullneet 1e oonduct.s by 1 Nolle• la hereby given thll Ille Aebecce M. l<ouuth. 2024 u penonaJ repreeentative to Elinor R. Pettlngall (under in Book 9, pege 9. m1acell1neous MAN, reetdent o f Coat• Chicaco, IllinoU. He wu a OOfPOt•llon Board ot Truat-of the Huntington ca1wn. Cott• ....... c. 82626 adm1nl.ster the estate of Roy the lnder endent Adm in. 1-m•P• •n tne olltce 01 tni county of the U.8 Ann t Ot CoMI F Blach Union High Sctlool Olllrk:1 Thi• l>Uti-11 conducted by"' 1 _ Wide the Ind nd 1ecore1et of aalCI coonly Excepting Mesa, Ca. Paued away on veteran • y or MQe Ulldlng wlll receive •Hltd blda for aup-lndivldual .......,., ( r epe en-stratlon o F.states Act) The therefrom the northerly 150.00 May 2, 1982. Survived by bJa 3 yean wbeN be r.Khed ~~ plying Floor Coveting• meeting or A.oecca M Kouu1h ce Admiruatration of FA\ates petiuon is aet for heanng in '"' 11ao ucep11ng 1nerel1om s1 aon Gary Acker man, 9-t. lld:lr md be-"*' in Thia 81,,_,.,.. tlled with 1,... equal to 11w ~Iona on Ilia Ir: Thia •l•l-1 ... Neel wlll'l lht Act). 'n>e ~tion ia let for Depl. No. 3 at 700 C1v1c percen1 ol all 011 and m1nerels "'-·--Phylli8 wem.r and \\Tartd •• n. .. +1ola will County a.ti ol OrMge Couniy on Iha oftlol of Nici Ollilriet Col.my CIMk DI 0tAng9 C<M1ty on hevtna in t. No. 3 at 700 Center Drive, Weal, in the rlgfllT•h nl -.... ~ be ... _.... w .... cl .. _ Al#t 23 1982 Blda •11•11 be clearly mulled April 5. 1N2 Civic Ce . w ln c· f s A Cal f e l>tOper1y •• commo y re-• -.W Viola May ...,, __ ...,... ..... CID ...-.y, _.y ' "Floot Coverl11g1 Bid t418," ad· '~ nter ve, eat, ity 0 anlJI na, 1 or· letred to H 886 West H1mll1on pm!d::-:hlldren, Shawn 0.y, 5, 1982 at 1 l :OOAll at the ~:..~uTIN a AHOCIA· oreued 10 Allyn E. Rowley, Pur· Publlahed °'';19 eo..1 Deily Pl· the City of Santa Ana, Cali-nia on May 19, 1982 at 9·30 s""' Cos11 Miu. C..,f0<- Tanya Miller and Gre11 ,raveeide at llarbor Lawn. Tai chu lng M1nege1, H11ntlng1on IOI Aptll 13, 20, 2 . Mey 4, 1912 fol"nla on M1y 26. 1982 at a .m . Theule 11 1ub1ec1 to current Gay, Brian Ackerman and Servk:a und:lr the dbecdon •.......,. c-w °""• Belcf\ union Hlgtl SdlOol Dletric1. 1153 .. 2 9:30 a.m . IF YOU OBJECT to the 11•es cov•n•nta. conditions. res· Kristin Acbnnan. Senic8 of Baltz Berpnon Smith & .... A. 10251 V0tktown Ave .. HuntlngtOfl l----PtllJC---NO-ncl_____ IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the peuuon. you ~,te:~• =-=1~9:;111r'~':';:,' will be held on Wectn.day, Tuthill Weaft~~~f Chapel ......,. ...-. CA._ ,1.. ~;;.' 29:4::m~w:=.~ 1--F1C-Trn---C>-Ul-.-.. ---11---sranung of the petition, you should either appear at the .,,., enCumbf-of recoro to t>9 May 5, 1982 at 12:00 noon at Mortuary o \,,VIila Meaa. Publlahed Oringe cout Delly Mey 18, 1882, at ""'le" time and ...-STATDmMT should either appear at the heenng and state your ob· sa111llld out ol the putchAM ~ Padfic View Memorial Park !Me-9371. Piiot, AprM 27. May 4, 1 t, 18, 1M2 pl-bid• wffl bl publlcly oPtned The followtng per.one ere doing hearing and state your o b-jecuons or hie written o b· ™ P1°'*1Y 11 l<*I on'lln .. 11' Ch.aCl with the New~rt GOODMAN 1ees-a2 ~.!-~ ........ ..... ~ • jectlona or file written ob· jecllons wtth the court be· ba!'.~, _ 011.,, ., • .,,~, ..... 1_ 1k •• RAYMOND J GOOD ~·bid tl"llllt rllN!ln v_,"" a KENNCO SALES CONSUL· I h h be Y ""' .,. ••...., ~ ••• Har r Elu Loc11e # 767 . • Ml.JC M>ncl oulod of 30 d•Y• after th• date TAHTS. 1835 Whltller. &Ille C·•. ,ect1oru wt t e court · fore the h earing. our ap-p1oi-1y and must be 1n wr111ng and offlciat1n1. Pacific Vlew MAN, afe 69, pu9ed away IPICifled fOf' 1he teoele>I of bide. ea.ta......_ CA 82627 fore the hearing. Your ap-pearance may be an person #Ill be 1ecelved a1 tM ofloce ol Bank Mortuary dlrec1on.· on Ma~l982. Survived by ACTTnOU9.,..... The Bo1rd of T1111IH• 1h1n t>e HAAAY DENE PEACHEY, 213 pearance may be in person or t;1 your attorney ol Amer1c1 Truit Oep1rtmen1 •1 .. 1_ o..... _.,.e .. _ "''-NAm aTATllmNT the 101• juClge of the quellty ot s. K..._, Fullrton, CA 82833 b t•~ I YOU ARE A CREDI 4141 MecArthur 8outev11d, Suile rua """ wu nu-. 6'IAllO --. °' )y your a .... 1""Y· • 100 Newport Beien C1111orn11 WATERS Goodman. chertahed father ... ~~ ... ng peraoM .,. doing equipment ottered and r_._ lhl WILLIAM KENNEDY. 400 Sun-IF YOU ARE A CREDI· TOR or a rontin~ent creditor 92&eo 11 ..... ume 1nw 11r11 ........ .,..__ rigfll lo reject My Of' Ill bldl end lo kllt S""'. Anaheim. CA 92806. -., ,......,...... ROY V. WATERS, pMled of Raymond Goodman, of HOWARD MAAI< ASSOCIA· w8M lllt't 1tr9911l11hy 1nere1n Thie ~le conducted by 1 TOR or I contingent creditor o f the decease , you mus t cation ot thlS nouce end before ~a an Ma~, 1982 at his Seattle, W~, Daniel Tf.S. 25301 c.bot Road. Sult• 101. 0111d· Mey 3, 1N2 llmltld PlflnettNC>. of the deceaaed, you must file your c laim w:th the mi:,k•ng aald sale M ,..._ G d f t t I~--H" ... c • ........... .t.I ..... E. ..-. H n-.... .._...._.. f •t I . . h h . h .... o. mull bll ...ied and .. n be ace tn eea,...... oo man o unun1ton .....,.....--· '"' ... v...... ~,.. ·--. ....... ·--• 1 e your c aam ~1t t e court o r present 1t to t e opineCI 11 tne ollice 01 Bank 01 He W .. born ln ..... ___ ta on Beach, Ca .• Alice Goodman D•vl<I M Hel09, 25301 Cabot Purc:hMlng Manaqer Thi• •Ill-I -tiled with ,,... t t t t th I ....,..._, Rold SutW 107 UiguN Hltll CA PubllaheCI Orenge Cout Dally County Cletlt of Orange County on cour or pre11en 1 o e persona r epresentat:v<' ap· Ame11ca Truat Oepertmenl •I the November 7 , 1911. He wu and n.orn.. Goodman both 92653, ' ' P11ot,M1y4, 11. 19112 14.fKll l8.1982. personal representative ap· pointed by the rourt within nou1ot9001m on t!Wtal>oved•le 1-t employed as a M1mman of Santa Ana, Ca., lovln1 Petry H. Hlnkle, 25301 C1bo1 1944-82 ,W7ta1 pointed by the court withjn four monlhll from the date of The PIOP«W ...,11 be tOtd '°'cast> for the~ ~t Com-p-andfather of 8 and IJ'Ul.-Road. Sulla 107, L8QIHI• Hltlt, CA ----.---.,. ... ..,.-TV'C----Pul>'ilhed Orange CoM1 OeHy PMot. four monlJll from the date of first issuance of letters as Ten percinl ( 10"•1 °1 ine amount for d f th f 3 d ,_ .. Q2t53 ____ ,.~---"""-'-~ ___ A.fKll 20, 27, Mey 4, 11, 1982. fl f I ided . .,, __ I 700 f bid 1110 accompeny :he oller by pany years. e wu a gren • er o , eYOl.CU J~ck Love. 1407 S eecrett 171._82 r1t 1esuance o elters as prov in ~•on o cert•flld °' calhlet"• ChlCll and 1,... remdent of Coat.a Mesa, C.. brother of John Goodman of °'"· Corona det Mii, CA t2t25. NOTICI! ~":Ru-:;:... •A.La provided in Section 700 of the Probate Code of Califor-b•l•nc• 10 be p11e1 at ciou 01 H · for·~ years af\er movtns Wiaconlin and em GoodmAn Thie~ .. conducted by I Trwt .... um ..x 1911( the Probate Code of Califor-nia. The time for filing CtOW Te•H. rent•. oc-attng 1nd heft. frcm ~He Iii of Com=, Ca. RediaUon gtnetlll pertnenilllp. on May 25, 1882 at 11:00 a .m.1-----------ni~. The time for flli!'g claims will not expire pnor :::=·r:~~=·~r;:'ti!'~; survived by h1a wife Anna-of the will be held Thie It~=..,~ .. ltlld with the FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSU· NOTICa Of' Ml.I claims will not expire pnor to four months from the date ,,... purch .... shall be ptOl•led .. bel S. Waten of ea.ta Maa, today at 6:45 M at Harbor County Clet1t of°'..,.,,... County on RANCE CO~PAHY. • C1lltorn1e Of' MAL PfM)flEfTf to four montha from the date of the hearing noticed above. of 111e clotft o1 eecrow Euminallon ......._,•eon . aten o wn oun ve emo-Aprt 15, 1N2 a0t Truat .. OI Subltltu1ed Trust... ..._ A1n• o u~ no..._. a e. YOU MA y EXAMINE o 1, ran1 er a•H eny n-,..._ John J w f La M t 011 M -...-COfl)Oflllon, .. Tn.et ... ~ s.--AT MVATI tAU f ... _ ~ •'--' bov I 1111 I I I !Ille I Coeu Mesa, Ca., 2 alatere rial Chapel, 1625 Gieler TIMIUr, ....U a lle"9:1w ot 11\at certeln Deed ot Tru•t txe-In 1,... Suc>etlof Court of the 511111 .. :ou ._MA EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If ~·;_;~e::1~ :d11°1';!-:= Jeanne Hudeon of M.lnnaota Ave .. Coste Meaa., Ca. A,,.,.._....,......,.. cu led by AUTH H. POAT EA , 1 of C111torn1a. for lhe County ol t,..., file ... ept by the court. U you are Interested m the es-01 the Hllll Recording ol con- a.nd LaVau1hn O'Leary of Grevealde 1ervlca will be :S:-3':= ..::-~ m1rrl1d woman u het HPatatt OranQ9. you are interested ln the es-tate, you may fj)e a request vey1nce 1nC1 one·h•ll ('Ari 11crow Klamath Falla, Oregon. VI-held on Wectne.lay, May 5, -P<optrty. Ind •-did o-iber In the Mitter 01 the Ell•I• 01 Lite. you may file a request with the court lo r eceive •-shill be Plld by 1111 pu1cn- 1ltatton wlll be at Harbor Ul82 at lO:OOAM at Harbor '"7411 :o!~~~~~-~ :!,THONY L OE SOUSA. Oiu•· with the court to receive apeclal notice of the 1nven· °' P\lfn ch-.0 1 d lh T __ M ""·~-La M _.._, L -'th Pubtbhed 0r--eo..t n.a.. Piiot .._... ..-la) tJ f th I rne un ere gne reaervea • ........... or1Uary on ~-y. wn emon .. par-. w1 -....-_, • Reootdl ol Orenoe Oollnf)t. Celfor. Notice 11 hereby given 11111 th• '~· no. ce o e nven· tory of eslAte auet.a and o f r ..... 1 10 refllM 10 -~1 A"Y bids May 4, 1982 from 2:00PM t.o Father Dinnie Lyona ol SL A'1'1I 20· 27· Mey 4· 11· 1":.;13-e2 nta, 1nd pu11111nt to 11111 e«tlln undertlgned _. Mii 11 Pr!Yete Slit, tory of est.ate assets and of the pelitJoru, account& and ""0eted Apr1126.1Ni 7:00PM. He wu a member John the Baptist C.tboltc Notlu of O.f1u1t 111d Election 10 to the hlghHt ind bHI bidder. the petJtJona, ICCOUnt.a and reports deecribed m Section e AN I< o F AME A 1 c A of the Coeu MeH Senior Church 0Uiciattn1. Mr. ----MUC---..,-TICE-----• 1 :f t;';'8~"::'1~~~4:.J~rt~ ~~-nc:!,':·~~:'1~11~~ reports deecribed ln Section 1200.5 o f the California NT&SA •Adm1n1sir1t0<ofll'le Cltlaena and the Newport Goodman hu been a real· -----------82--025486, Ir: booll -. PllO' -. of 0ey o1 Mey. tN2. at 1111 ott1c1 of 1200.5 o f the Callfol"nia Probate Code. ,,... 911119 of ,,.. ee.ch Senior Qtbene and a dent of HunUngton Beach, MOTICI! C:~~ •. HU Offtdlll Recordt of Mid COunty, wfl Rodi. Pollodl. Pettker, Oelbflllll & Probete <:ode. R . 1.eldt Dtumoor, aJXIYl.natnld OICIClenl member of the Golden C.. foe the PMt ! yean and a On Mey 18 1882 1:00 undlf end punuen1 lo Mid Deed of PhllllP•. A L1w Corporellon, All: ~ 6 Weaker At1.on11ey at Law By Frank D Luer Tlmen of Coeia Mesa, C.. realdent o( Oran,e County FIRST NATOOL Tr~1.H e.m .. =~=::.:=:. = ~~·~.9~~ IM-W. lit Street, SHE. 17th Street, PrQC>et'ly M•n1gement Ot· for over 15 yean. Servica CE COMPANY .• California COfpo. Amerlc1, II Ille main entrl/IC.e to Loe Anolltl. SI ... OI Cellbnle. .. Plua te.el Selle Ill :"°MN>"· FANE ------------.under the dtrecUon of Har-ration. H TruatH, or Succ111or Flret Amerlc1n Tltlt lneurtnet the right. !Ille and lnter"1 of Mid Let Aaieles, CA Hill C.at.a Mesa, CA IZIU Altoml1 et Lew ._.,.--------....... ' bor Lawn -Mount Olive Tru.1 .. or Subat11utld TruetH, of ComolnY locelld II 11• &It Fifth ~at thl time of death and (lll) dl·JIH HS-77H • N.......,. ••~ tutte tol IALT%1 .. GHOM SMTM & TVTHIU WISTCU'* CHAHl 427E 17th 51 Costa Mesa 646·937 I I f'tHCIMOTMHS ~5' MOITUA.IY fll7 Mein St ~llf'qton &!ttch 536-6539 M f C M ttlal c:ert.in Deed of True! txlCUted StrMI, In lhl city of Senti Ana 111 thl :1gtlt, ut1t end lnletHt that 8ef1te A C...._,. tt70 ortuary o 01ta eaa. by VERNON A JOHNSON AHO oaRIOfnl•. •II 11111 right. Utlt and 11\1 .. ,,1, ot Mid 6eceu'ld·•t tht Publ11hed Oranfe Coaet Publlehed Oranfe Coast T...,...:::; (?1.4) m ..... 1 640-5"4. CA.AOL YH P. JOHNSON. Hulband 1n11re11 c:on~ lo end now l*<I time of dlelh Ind 111 tht f'IOht, tltll Dally Pilot, Aprl 27, 28, Dally Pilo t, AprJ 27, 28, Publtahed Oreng• CoHI Delly end Wife. Ind FRANK M. VfMILL by" under NICI Deed of Tnm In lhl Ind lnt ..... 1 tllel lhl ...... of Nici May 4, 1982. May 4, 1982. Pllo "~M "7 "8 M • , .... 2 GLENDENNING Ind CYNTHIA l . llEAAILL, Hutband property •llu1ted In Mid County d-...cl '* llOCIUlr9d by operetl-1880-82 1879-82 I . ...,... • ' • • ey . 1Sa 1-82 CALVYNGLENDEN· lnd~-AU~~m~H~~~~~~rl~u: onof~or~.0~~«1----------------------~----------- NING. __. .. _t of 7 _ _, __ • ,..._ end rec0tded Seoltmbtt •. 1HO M lot 70 of Tract No. S4Q3, u I* In lddltlon to ttlet of Mid dloltlld, 1-.ouc:11 .inl'lllC ....._ lnllrumlrll no. ,W 13, In book 1372tl mep recorded In look 22S, PIOfe It the time ot detth, In MCI to .. lhl Paaaed away on April 21, p1g1 880. 01 01110111 A1cord1 OT 2t, 27 and 28 of Ml10 ... 11n•oue et11llrl reel property, aituetld In tM 1982. Survived by hta wife Olang1 County. C1fllorn11, ind M1p1 111 Ill• offlc• of'"' Covntr City of Newport leedl, County of PhvlJie, 2 children Karen purau1n1 10 that c11111n Nollu of Atcqf<* of Mid County. Of1ng1, lt1t1 ot C.lff0tnl1, .,.rtl· , Olfwt Ind Election to Seit U... !•etpt the,.trom 111 Oft, ou. eu1ar1y deact1bed • tolowa. to-wit· Swanton and Terr)' Glen· Ufldtr rec:O<ded October 27. 1981 hyd<ocerbOrl IUl>ttanott Ind min-lot 10 OI Traci No. 44182, In"" dlnninc. a)lo ~ by hll .. lnatrumtnl l)O. S3232, In bOOll etllt by whit-name known, In, Clty of Newport 8Mcn. C°""ty of bro&her RolMrt Glenclen· 1•2'9. page 830. of Ofllclll Aec:ofdt on or under 11ld land, btlow • Orenge. Stl\e of Cellfomle. M per nl d 1 __ _........... of Mid County, wtl ~ Md JIUI'· dlpth ot 500 '"' ,,..1111,.tcl ....,,., mtp· recorded In ea. 1M PIOii .ftl, an .. --........ ter wt to Nici Deed ot Trull ... II ~ ffOfll tht eurllOI of !tit ground, 22 to 2S ~of tlll 1riu1eou1 Heather SwanlOn. Memonal publlc euct1011 lor 01111. l1wh11 but 1'ltthOllt IM :1ght OI entry upon ~IP'o In ttie Offtoe 11f u.. c-ty eervlcea will be held on money of the United llltH of 11ny portion of the eurl-of 111e ~of NAd ~ ...,_ Th rad M e 1982 t America. II Ille m1111 elllflnct to ground lbo\fll • Olplh of 500 leet Wlltl Ill llldMdtd 1/Mlfl ~ Ill --------- FND YOUR NAME • 4 TICKITS WORTH $36 • ,A~Y•W r•oteAL , .... CefNt9'"f Mortu•IY C~l-et.matO<Y MOO fttcrllc View Or1V. 2.-oc)PM !iib. ~ i-r:.. ,.,., Am•rletll Tiiie l111u1111c1 for 1111 purpoH of explC>flng for lol "of.., wet .a. . a.t>Vt-4an ,...... •• _._ • ._...._ __ .. Comoll'YI located It 114 &Ill fifth ~ l'lllnlng, drtHlnf, rtmOYtng, .,_. -111iOllfW ..._ ee; .a& "4lunon a. VV1 -StrMt. In lht olty of ltl'lll A111. blr1C1lflo Of merketlflo Mid IUbo 9o61to Wll)' •. *""°'1 ._.,,, Cel- . u Ntwoott9uen &&4·2700 MIC~ MOITUA&•S LeQuneBe.eh $t•9"416 Laouna Hill& 718-0933 ~ ""-C.p11treno Ats-177& OUve, Burbu\k, c.. In u.u CeJlfOfllla, Ill tfl11 rto111. tlltt llld llanott, .. reHrVed In detd• Of '°""' aaam. f flowere tbe famJJ1 ,.. :-:-' ~..Z'8.:t~:111":: re::!e _, llddr ... of ttie .,.,.._ 11 ~== .':f-... ~ '. ~ ~!:'8.i~~~ property-=:'"'.~ Coun2 .... 1Y end d#'y 11 wtlOtt ~ IM .,.. II _., eny ""*.,... conwn.,..01111 .. • ~ 8t8te di ae: ....,. "' 'rrect Mine OOl'lduCttd; '98rg(M .,._oft Mlb~ 10 8'PJO'lel o4 Ille Court. latlon or the Burbank No. 7080 1t ~ Ofl 1~1ec; .• •II• lu11n1 Tobl11, 2042 Oall Aolao, t11e Ull4lerMft•,....,..,.. IM YMCA. Ht beb..s to the orffd "' IOOlt *· ~.... I. U cr .. 11 L•k• 'oreet Oalltor11te ltgfll IO rettct eny Ind Ill bldl Pftof lrvtne r--DUat. & bad Ind '° ... ot~ ~llPI· r• ..... · ' to '""Y Of 111 otdllr C101lll11•4 IN -.. ~ cordl ... ---........ ,. ~ oreo-. to 1ht tbOllt ~ .... .,..._ rtCired ID th9 .,. for m!i"' ~of~..., CoOlft. •HY IM obt1111tcl by '"""""II Term• ot 111• oHll 111 lawful l9¥fnl ,_.. purported " ._ 4t2tl~ llmt In W'l1tlllll from tN bttltld*Y money ot th• United St•tH 011 .... IMflt CA • wlttllll 10 dey1 from tht ""'t publ-OOf'lftrNtlOll Of Nie. or pwt oeefl -...t ~ • ....... _... OI thll notice. Ind llellllOt ..... IOlcl .. i-. • M id 111• ...., .be 1111M *'tllollt ltld ..,. will be m.ot wllllollt cured by M«ttett or TNtt DMCI OOYeflent ot wett41ftty, ..,,... Of oownant °' wttr1111y, tllP'-or on Ille ptoperl~ 10 Mid. Ten ~ ... IO""'· POUUllOl'I Of ~. -to"'~· poll01tlon"' °""Of.,....,. bid IO bt.,...... enNMrll'909 ·--.. ""*" ............ to-V .......... wMfl bid. NlanM ctu. Oft U'le note Jt "°'" ~ .._ on lflt llOtt or llOIM Ilda or ....,_ 10 be In Mth Md MCWed by . ..., ~ of rrwc. to ...,,., br llild DMCI et TNll. ao .. .,. ..._. .... -..Jd of· ~21.,a, ::;,=. ~ wtt:., ,...,.,, ,_ u. ~ ..._ .. em,._.,..,'"' flm PU>--... ~!!..... ~ -....__.. ........ Ollllla, ...... efld .. ~..,..Md.,,. ... of -·· .,.._ ....... -puo =---*"°'"'°IMlel'*" bllCatlOll of tlll1 NOllOI of Itta: ICllltft Of 0111 NOllot of fUe: o.ed 1'11111111 = ... tMI, ••l,471.11. 11"11.00. ,...,. 0. OATB>.wll 11. ttll. DIMdl""911, 1tft ~ ... f'NT~ ,..,..~.. • .... ~ Tm.&INIUMHOI 00. ....._ ~ NU.GOii. rtl iWt ~ a-oorpcnlloo 1 Clllomlil • ...,-.., a "9iLUit., Au. C•· -........ Don~ • ~ ··=·'*" ~~= ~~:::·~-· f1t, f1 ~ . (1MJ l~U • ...,,,.::,1#.='t~~ .... ~ 5::-~ -·· 1141• r \ 1 , 1 . I '! 1 I I I I -..11 \' .-!VHeO-. -----1=...--· I I ANG&LI I WHfT'l IHADOW • ntl&ICaONI I HAWAIAYM> OYIRIA9V cai..... ...... Alefl. ~ t.leedowe. (A)O • UNDIMTAHD..ca HUMAH184A~ l··sta .. MUN>lft AMOHO ......,. Siiiy Kelletman end IAelle ~ •tllr In thle c:omeOy whodunit. ... In • New Y orll 9')8rtment °"' New y-·· E\19, lnYOMng .,, ectOt. hie ......ithy ...... end hie lmbffloue agent. e wovw *·~"A Nlglll"'CIM Seng "' llettieloey SQutv• .. ( 111711) AIQletd JOfdan. Oevtd H!Ywl. The night -tehmen at a 8ritleh 8el1ll la tempt- ed to r•t.wn to a Ille of c:tllne. l:aO. AU. IN THE FAMILY Arellle may ha\19 bought e etoten wetcn. • Nl!WUIAT wrrH CUTI N>efRTI • • ••If.II lllEPORT (l)QINEWI a llMHEY MIL.LEA ®CHAM.IE, THE LONaOME OOUGAA A lumbermen adoe>ta and ,..._ an orphaned eouget kltWl'I ( Pet1 1) 9:41 (%)CHAM.a CHAMPUH OH TH9 ALM SCENE 7:001 CllNEWI NeCNEWI • HAPPY DAYS AGAIN I A8CNEWI KOJAK • w•A•a•H As 900fl u F ranlt ._ In dlatge Hawk~lpt C*"P. rune a ~ to find Trapper and ....._ ~ e ,_ IUtgec>n (Pllrl t) I JOKER'S Wll.D ••INIEllA90RT MMMC Of' Otl. ll'AINTING Cl) ...... MAGAZJNE A -camp IOf alngle adu1t1: 111e es.year-old .. oranny" ~ ....... roek .. .,. behe\19 ... ,_. ,,... •er Ill l!HT9'T AINMENT TONQHT All Int~ With Julie Andr-a TME MUPPET'S CW.I Oet>oratl Hatty CD>MOV!e **'A "Vive La Vagu" (1964) EMe Prealey. Ann- MWOfel A LU Vagu ewlmmlng lnatruetor ~ Iha ot>)eet ol aflectlon IOf I aporta CM nut and hie ltallen friend CZ>MOV!e * * "The ThW Of ~ .. ("87) Jean-PllUI ~ do. ~ 9ujOld. A young men rala.d an unde. ~ waated 1119 lnhetltanc.. lurna to a Nie of crime beginning with the robbery end deatruetlon or the m8Nlon ol the man ~ took 11i. loYely bf~ to-be lrOM him. 7::IO . 20NTHETOWN Feetured: more hlglllghll ol the Alntrlllen JOurt-.y lndudlng • llWI lo Bondi 8Mc:h, • -Ch lor opals and a vtalt to • aH'fer'• perlldlM I al FAMILY mJO LAVU... & IHR..EY & OOfll#AK'f The gWle agt• to let Fon- de lhr-a party 81 Iha ptzza Bowl e anONLA. F•tured: • repor1 Ol'I llOw pit bun doga, tralMd f« lllol9noe. .,. beiog found CHANNEL LISTINGS 9 ICNXT ICBSI 101 e KNBC INBCI fl) • K.Tl..' (Ind.I 11 e _KABC IABCI Cl e KFMB ICBSI m 1J KHJ .TV (Ind.I (!7J •KCST IABCI ff) • KTTV (Ind.) !I J •• KCOP-fV (lnd.l • • KCET !PBS> • e KOCE I PBS> NEWCOME R -Dianne Kay atars aa a1 naive newoomer to Las Vegas who hopes to make her mark as a professional dancer in the made-for-TV movie, "Portrait of a Showgir!," at 9 tonight on KNXT (channel 2). See related story below. m«• and m«• Ol'I the '-· • r'90'1 Ol'I the IOC)hlstlcated ._ _,,,. Ol'l9 '*"O de\l9lopad by the mllltaty; • Bot> Medley I uhlorl etlOW. a ptonla OI c.lllornla'• motl famoua ew aalaaman, Cal Wortll· l!!PtOl'I • w·A·s·H The 4077111 ii bu9y IOOldflQ au., wounded Korean GMu.na wMl'I • 8hlny 1e.e C'-Olet pull9 Into camp. I Cl) T1C TAC DOUGH MACHel.11..EHAEA llll!JIOAT co NEW8 di YOU A8fCS> Fo.. rT F .. tured "Arizona UOn Safari'' and '·8elglum'• Diamond Secret• •. (C)MOYIE • * * * "Tiie Lale SllOw" ( 11177) Art Carney, Liiy T0tnlln. A M8aonad ptl- 11ata eye encounter• blaci<- malf and rnurdet wtlet1 he con\M out of retlr-t lo IOeate • eat belonglnQ to an Offbeat lemala client !ID SNEAK PREVIEW A loo6t i. laklirl at the mew- .... ~ and sport• event• coming up on Home Bo• OflQ l:OO II (I) 900K Of' LISTS (PYem-.1 Hoat 8IH Bl!!by and • rec>«'Of)' company ~~and P••lotm 1katcha1 and rnueleal number• beMd on material from tlle "Bool! Of U811." 0 8 MET MAV'E'Ala< Gotlvle in. to get ~­ lek to help lllm _, the s-••• sharltf a1ec-11on • MOYIE * * ··an-L•'• Sectet'' er-. LI 8 9 HAPP"f DAYS JoetMe •II~ to ptO'<a lo Howllrd and M.nc>n tNt at'8 18 reaponelble enough to be left on hw own lor a '-w~(R)O • MOYIE •••"I W ... The Una" ( 11110) Or•gory Paek. Tueacley Wald. • l'.tlll. MAOADNE A aummar camp fOf W>g1a .OUlll, Ille 6S-.year-old ··granny" ~ tnak• roc:ll ,,.,. bahaY9 in ,,., ,,.,._ ., .. ., MOVIE **"The Oat-ay" (1972) S teve MeOuean . All MacGr- • SAUDI ARA.BIA "The Race With Time" The aoelal and QUft ural dllem- mu poMd by the infusion of W•tem tachnology In• country ruled by eon,,.,.u. onal lllamlc: eodea -~ad D NOYA .. Twlna" The ac .. ntll;c '~ on twin• la a llald mwked by demaolOG ITeud but alee by lmpOrtal'll - dltcOYarlee (R)O ®MOYIE * •• "The Outl-JOMy Walea" ( 11178) Clint Eut- wood, Sondra Loell• A man beeomea an outlaw ~TV Z·TV HBO IC1Mma111 (WOR) NY ,NY (WTBSI IESPNI I Showt I,,,. I Spot11oh1 IC.t>I• News Network) wMl'I • rutflleu balld OI Union IOldler9 dealtoya hie &>uthanl term and kllll hie __. .. and 90l'I 'PO' Cl)MOYll ' * * * '.\ "Tiie Four S..· 9009" ( 1118 I) Alan Alda, CarOI Burnett. Tllt'M eou- s>M. .. cloM. IOnQ-tlma frlendt. ••pet19nce 11'<>- found cfl•non In their rel9tl0n9111pe Wiien one ot th• m arriage• dlaln- ·~PO' • * *"' "My Bodygu«d" ( 1117111 Clwt9 Mak~. Adam 8aldwln The - kid " • Ctiteago high 8dloof ......... frlaf>d• Wltll the 8dloof outCMI and toget,.,., ,....,. ltand up 10 the Cruel g8nQ wtlictl had petMC;Uted them both 'PG' l:aO 8 lfl LAVERNE ANO SHIRLEY La verne •nd Sh1tley·1 apartment la rol>bed twic. lnOM WMl!Q • AU IN ntl! FAMILY When Berney Hainer'• ,qywwd wti. wan11 to kfSa and mall• UC>. Arcni.·. got • beUer ldu end her name la Boom Boom t:OO 8 (I) MOVIE "Portrait Of A Sl\owQl'I' (Premiere) LHl•Y Ann Warr•n, Rita Moreno TllrM LU vao .. d-• OMI with Pf Ol>leml Ol'I and off the 11aoe 0 8 FlAMIHOO AOAO Conat.,_ tri.. to get Julio 10 klll Mlehaal TyrOM, and Eudora W81· dOn ..,., ,_. hu~ tor • dlYOtce 8 111 THf&'8 COMll'AH'f Jecil becotnea • IWnll .... lountaln of -llY at • ll'_emotou• party O • MERV QNff1N 0.-1' 8 8. KlnQ, Barnie KQP&ll, C,,.,._ W•l'-811, Fern Fllzgarelcl. • AMINCAH Pl.AVHOUM "My Pallltwl" T.-y 5.., •. ............ O< .... ·Amar- lean bu11neaan1an wno .,,lflut:IUtie.lly retutn• to Ne nathle a,_,. with hie relUClant eon In tlW l10fY by Leon Capetanoa O fl) SAUDI AAA8IA 'The~ With Time'· The toelal 81\d oultural d~ mas pOMCI by tile inlulk>n or Wut•n lac:hnOlogy 1n • country ruled t>y eonvenll- Ol'lal 1.rarn1c: cod• at• ••plOred CC)MOYIE "Stevie" (Q)MOVIE *** "The Flrat ONdly Sin" (1NO) Frank Sinatra. Faye Ourwway A .....,an H-Vor11 City police oeteetlva, wf>OM ..,.. 11 aultarlnQ lrom a -iou. Ill- ,_, trla8 to eateh • t>tutal kilter terrorttlng Manhal· tan 'R' (I)MOW • • "lneotrlQlble" I tll711) Jean-Pa ul Balmondo. Gan•vl•v• 8uJold. An unrlC)efltant thief COl'ltln- uea hie 9WlndllnQ weye 1~­ lowlno hie ,...._ ffOM pr\aOn 'PO' 9:IO 8 QI TOO CL08E Fo.. ~ AgalNt HWy'• wtlhM, Jeeltle~ ~ to • poliOlmM tO:OO. 8 QaOftQE .,...... 100TH IMTHDo\ Y PNrrY Goldie Hawn, An<ty Olt>t>. M'"Ol'I e.rte, St..,. Martin and JOMny Canon era among the • ..,.. ~ Join ' George lurrw I« an _..,. ce6abfatlon of the .,,,.,_ ..,_.., 100dl bltttldey. (R) ......... • 0 tWWT TO*"' JOMlllM aM Jeftnltet tn*•lllOll••--e-ne to_., II\~ "-bell o.cl OOlll011on and -• kldMpped ri!~ •i. "H.O.T.1 .1" (1179) luMtl Klier. u.. l,.oftdon. A toronty retect ..._IO '°""' .. -CllA> ol 00-.. 'Mio --*• on .,.......,,. -..wwd --1~~ .... 10111 MCMI · • • • ... ''TM ,_ a..- _.. 1'11111) Alan AICM, C.Cll llumett. Thi'• OOU• p6M, .. dote, long-time ftlendt. ..perWIOa PfO- IOllnd cMngw In their ,.t~ wfltn Olle of Ille marriage• dl1ln - i llt•. 'PG' tO::lll .... A OONYIMATION WITM~l»ATA A~ Ol'I Ille rell-*f filgl, flrfl 81\d TV ectr- wtlO .. Ille co-.foundar ot ·"*~~of tM lltt9 .. pt-.ited. ..... OAH ll'LAYHOWI "My Pallhri" Telly 8 a11a- lu 1111r1 • • Greak-Amer- IOan t>ualneumen wllo enthw!Mtlelllly relurn• to "'9 natM Greece with 1111 reluctant '°" In 1"'9 atory t1:00a'e~aQ NIWI • I.A T\MDAY NIOtrr Hott· RlcNltd Bar>)emln o-t; Alc:ale Lea~ 9 YOU A8KU> FOA rT Featured: "Spein'a MaehO Olymt>lc:a" and "Yugoela- llla'e Klllw White Rapid• ... • w·A·s·H News aprMda thfooghOOI the camp thal a -llr• ••Imminent • -.NYHIU. 8enny plays lloat to two 111. tie \'tlllore lrom France. ! ::::.i CAVUT ***'A "The Man Who Fell To Earth" ( 11178) Oevld Bowle. Candy CIWk A rod! 11 ar lrOM an 8llen planet, on an Inter~ tary -ch lor _,., IOf 1111 pt()91e, t>ecomM an HplOltad mlUlonalre on Ewth 'A' (1»MOVIE * "Rot>fn't NM!" Aft• • t>t'Mkue>. a mar rled couple ,...., 8Qlloln •• • lwlnQing pM1y D MOVIE ***'A "A UKaly StOf)'·· (ta471 Bill WlltlatN, Barb&- ,. Hale Thinking that Na time °"' Ellrlh la aoon 10 and, a vet•W\arlan deddea 10 let hfmMlf oo end INa " (t)MOVIE * * "Phobia" (IMO) Paul Mlehael GIHer. Suaal'I Hogan A group OI mental patient• are mu•Oered eocorOlng 19 thalt lndMdu- .,...,... 'A' 11::IO • (I) Al.JO( Allee lhwee "*' n!Qhl lldloOI paydlOlogy leMOn• w1111 the uano a1·91e dltler (A) O QITOHIOtfT Hoat Johnny Cation Oueat E)'dle Gorme •o A8CNF#8 NICIHTUNE D KOJAK A eon•tructlon wont., lnad-1.,,tty k ... an e11ee- utlve, lllen lalc• Iha, lllc- tlm'• Merel eaelle ol •loten dlamood• •nteJ9ffMONS All I.ha prapat atlona IOI Jenny. baby ,..... Flor- ance went • child of II« own .IANFON>AHOIOH To ~· t0t Oonna'a alfee110n. Fred go.. out I« lhe s...lot Olymt>lc:a. • NeWlaEAT WITM CUTEA08PT8 11:46 (I) MOVIE • ** "Slit Cruy .. (1980) Rletlatd Pryor. Gene Wiid- ., T""° men we mlatalc.,, lor bank rot>tiera encl ..,,, to jell 'R' -Ml>flGH'T- 12:00 e EHTPT ANllEN'T TOMGHT All Interview with ""'* Andf-8 QI 'NITA6Y lllANO AmM~amnt•· luf trapae llyat. and • )'OUllO WOft'lan becomu lnvlalbte 80 lNI ltle can keep an aye °"' ,.,., nanoa (A) .MCM! • • ... "Lat~· &ea- dtllle" (1115'1 Tab Huntw, Etc:tlllra~ • l.OW.''WAH STYLI "l.ov9 And The Hu9tlat .. Bio Rad la waiting to tllk• °"' a pool llua1lar from llf\0111« town. "Love And The Old &oytrlend .. John I• ~-.cl at work ~ henpeelted at llome. I:::: ON 90CllTY ** "Kiii And Kill~ .. (ltet) J-Ryan. MM- Orange Oou• DAILY PILOT/Tueeday, May 4, 1982 -. TUBE TOPPERS KNXT (2) 8:00 -"Book ol l.bta.'' Bill Btxbl hoeta variety 1h ow baaed on un- uau•. and intrl£:,DI material ln the belwellen "The k of Ll.IU" and ''The Book of Lista n. ti (Premiere of four-part 1ertee). KTTV (11) 8:00 -.. P.M. Ma&Hlne.'!. Profile on a 66-year-old "aranny" who makes rock •tan behave in her theater. KOCE (GO) 9 :00 -"The Race Whh 'nme." Exploration of cultural and IOCial dilemmu posed by tnfU1ion of Western technology in a nation ruled by Ialamic code.. KNBC (4) 10:00 -"George Bumi' lOOth Birthday Party.'' A repeat of a special in which stars joih George Burns for an early celebration of hia lOOth birthday. Includes Goldie Hawn, Andy Gibb, Mil· ton Berle, Steve Martin and J ohnny c.araon. h l(f1el. A martial artt •llP"t MtUM Iha minion• of • powe<~ aclentlat Intent on *"411•vtno man- kind wltll a ,_ mind.con- trol dtUO. 'PO' ta.. (I) MOCl.OUO 1t: 10 CID "°"" • '" "The Lui Cllue" (11111) L .. M~. Chrla Mak..-ln•~of Iha futur.. a IOfmtr r- CM dfl¥ar and • teen-ave CC>mf)Ulat expert fight Ille government'• ~oec:rlptlOn of automobllea 'PO' 12:t0 0 al LAtt NIGHT WfTH DAW> LSTTENotAN Gu.te: ""'"°' Jay Rot>ert Naeh, "Ot POfler." Ille Inventor of Iha pedealrlan IOll booth. ·~ *•'A "Fatl\om" llllen Tony FranciOM. Raquel W81c11 A enm!nal hif• a l•m•I• paraehutlll to ·-. ~ P"°* OI ~ under Ille pre- 1 .. 1 that ltle la loo«lng IOt • bonlb-trlggarlng device. I ='OAIHQ LANCM•AQ( 12:.16 (%)MOVIE * • ·~ "The Man Who lo"9C! women" ( 111781 Charle• Denner, Laalle CatOl'I Olree1ed by Fran- cole T rvlfaut A man II 80 oO-..cl with t>eautJfuf women that he llnde II dilfi.. OUll IO remain Utletlad with any lf\CIMdual r .... t!QNNp 'R' 1:eoe MOYIE * * * "Soula At Sea" (11137) Gary Coope r. 0-ge Raft. After a - wradc, • INp ·a olfloat It loroed to make 81'1 Import- .,,, 6ec:ialot'o c:onc«nlng Iha only llleboel • MOYIE . *. ''The CountarMill Traitor" ( 111&2) Wiiiiam Ho60en. L*I ,..,,., The Britlefl go.wnmant blacll· malle a naturalizied Swede Into t>a<omlng • •PY aoainat the NaN during Wcwtd W111 ff 1:10• MOW • * ~ "Summartr••·· (11171) Wchaal Oouglaa. Jack Wwo.n After dtop- plno out of college and loa- lno faith 1n hi. glrlfriand, • YoU"O guitar player la dr'aned to -1n Viet-nam 111 NfW9 1:20 ct) MOYIE * • * "Penelope.. ( 11188) Natalie Wood. 181'1 Banner\. A nagtec:teo w1te deeld98 to dl8QUIM '-Mlf and rot> ,,., huebend .• baf>k 1:308 8HEWS 1:48(1)MOW * * "Wiid And Buutlluf On lt>IU" (1118 I I Regla Por1a. Tal'l)a Spleu Rich atld poot young Ira ........ c:otMlf'gt Ol'I the Island rM«1 IOf a holldll)r of pet· 1:ee<ID°~ • • ·~ "Hard CoUfltty .. ( 1H 1) .JM)..MkNel V"'- cent, Kim 8ulnget A T•- U lllC1e>ry WOt11• la IOtn be~ hi• deal<• to con- tinue In the "good Ol<I t>oy" •i..tyta and Ille llan- oea'• ~ ~ arnbl- tiOne. 'PO' 2:00 • MOYll * * * ~ "Home OI Tiie Btave" ( 1Mlll Frank Lov• IOY. J-Edward• Out-tno Wortd Ww II .• !>leek GI with • phyeleal han<ll- C41P ..,,_. mental torment 91 Ille ll~t OI Illa wNta eomradee 8 MOll'9 * * • .. La Cage Aull FOllM II" (11180) Ugo TogntUl. MIC:hel S..rault A mldd ... aoed g.ay couple .,. the Q1.1arry ot • Mefet organl- utlOn trying 10 gal Ille miero111m that one or them •wallowed 'R' 2lOl 8 NEwe 2:M (%) MOVll •'A "In Pralaa 01 Older Woman" (11178) Tom 8et9"C11', Karan Black A H\lngaflan lotharlo remit>· llCM °"' hl8 peat romantic ~·· "°'",. "'-.. tt1e age ol 12 to hie Mdue- tlon ol • houeawlfe at 30 'A' 2'A0 8 M0\19 * * 'A "The Other Loo-a" I tM1) ~Niven, Blllba- ,. Stanwyck A eoncer1 pienlal and ,.,., doctor 1a11 In love dwlnQ ,_. ,,.,. •• • SwiMT8dtnlc • HIW8 H)O. MOVll * • "What The Butler S.W" I 11150) Hervy Milll- 90l'I, Eoward RiQby Ari elderly Engllahman returns "°"'8 With • c:Nef'• dllUQll· ,., (C)MOYIE * • "Couon Ca ndy' ( 11178) Cllnt Howerd. Ctiw• Manin Smith A oroup ol high .chOol m11- 11t1 l«m a roek t>ano 10 compete with Iha 9ChOOl'I Mlal>llahed band a: 11 (I) t.IOVtE *'A "H 0 TS I" (111711) Suun Kiger. UM London A 10t0tlty rejeet OecidM lo form her own dub o1 co- ed• ~ COf'Otnlt818 on or••lfylno .... 11arwc1 w - ~ ·R' ~'40 (BJ MOYIE **'A "OMpair' (111791 Olrll BoQarde. Andr .. Fer- rao!. A RuMIM eontaetlon· ar tMng In 0..many le f~ wttll total ruin during Ille l'IM of Nutam • al41. MCMI * •'A "O..th And The Malden" ( 11173) J ame• $1-"1, Strothw Martin A young woman. lono ..,._ pac;ted of mental lmbal- anc.. 19 charged W4111 Ille ahoollnQ dNll11 OI her , llller. llepmotller and e1apa111 .. 4:00DMOV!e ••'Al "Th• Poatman Alway• Ainge Twice" ( 11181) Jael!. Nlehofaon. Jaalea Lange. A young -and ,,., lover plot to murder her hUll>and · R · 4t2S (%) MOVIE • *"' .. Monty Python Metta Beyond The FrlnQe" ( 11178) Narrated by Dudley Moore A b•hlnd-the- --IOOlt .. ,.... ., ,.._.... and ptapet .. tlone '°' AmnMty lntwn. tlonal' I I 1178 comedy ben- efit 81\0W tllat atarred member9 of Monty '"Y'll<>n 4:.ac>. YCr'fA<M TO TW£ BOTTOM Otf THE MA "C>Mdty Ame>fllblan1" 4:49 (I:) MCMI * • *'A ''Tiit Men WM , .. To latU\" (lt7t) OtMct 9owle, Candy CW.. A rOCllc llM "°Ol'll "' ~ plwlet, OI\ .,, ......,,__ teiy ...,on '°' WMet '°' Ille people, ~ an •JIP!Olted mllllon81r• on lattll .... W•d"••d•W'• o.,,, ••• "'•"'•• =-,.., • .,_- MO CR>•·~ "'Tl1t ~ llrengs" (1ot2) CM1 Mall..,._.,,.~ A de)'dt-*'O MllilOllfl boy fMCllM an -.ncer wltll 111 MOtl of dutllou• Of1gln In l'Mdlev• A4*rl• • * * * "The ldolmaik· f/f'" (IMO) Rey INrttev, T ovllfl Feldehuh A men!· pu1a11ve maneoar -var- IOu• p1oy9 10 eat.,n lwo •--aoere 1n10 pop .rno- ing 11ardom 'l'G' (Z) •'.t "I.Ml 0.,.. Of Man On Earth" ( 1117&) Jon Finch. Patrick Mao .. When Ille uttlmlll• dia&ater atrlkM, • ak-c>lleal Hori.I aelantlet think• that • com- put• bUrled underground can .. .,. Iha w«ld. 'R' 7:00 (t) "Se• And Tiie Sing .. Parent" 7:aG (8) * * "T aka Tllll Job IVld Sno,... h" (11181) Rob· ert Heye, Barbara Hatlbey. A young corporate euw- 11111 rune Into raalttance wtwl he returna to hil l\Ometown to revttallze a comp-,. l>f~ 'PO' (I) • • • • "Gigi" I 1168) Maune. D>evallar. LeUla CWOl'I A IOMl>Oy '*"O oroomed t>:r ,_ aunt and Qrandmotllef Mii out on '*' own to eateh • man (I) ••'Al "Pater Rabbit And Tiie Talea Of Beattl• Poll•" (111111 Fredarldc Alhton, Ale•andar Or ant Membata or London'• Royal Ballet Company par- IOfm ,,.,Ilona of "Poglll>g 81and." .. J•amy Fl-:· "Jemima Puddle-Duell," "Squlrral Nulkln,' and "Two Bad MIC:a " l:OO 0 '**·~"A NIQhtlngala Sano In Berkeley Squar•·· ( 111711) Richard J«dan. Oallld Niven The night watchman •I a Brltlah 8ank II ,1ampted to return to• Ill• ol er- t:OO {t) * * ·~ "The Foendleh Plot Of Ot Fu Manchu" ( 1NO) Pat• Sellar•. Sid c-The FBI and Seot· land y •d'. Del Hayland Smith ~ Ille 188- yaw-<>ld areh vlltatn .. ha -Chet tor Ille ingrad- lanll, lneludlnQ Ille Crown .i..et•. uald to mall• 11o11 Ml•profonQlng ell•lf 'PG' CZJ * •,o, "In PralM 01 Old- ., Woman" ( 11178) Tom Barengar. Karen Black A Hungatlan I01hal'IO ramtn- 1.cea on hi• peat romantic ~II. lrOM 1111 tnt at Ille age OI 12to1111 Mduc· uon of • llOuMWlta at 30 'A' t:ao . • • "S11r1ta Fe Stampe0e It~) JC>M Wityna. Ray Corrigan The TllrM Meeqult-. try 10 dear a eowt>oy aecuNd of murdetlnQ a gold ptoapee- 10f ~CID •• "The Appia OumP- Nno Gano Ridee A9•in" ( t9711) Tlfn Conway. Don Knoll• A pair of -•em outlawl try to walk the ttralt and ,,,,,T_ 'Q ' Cl) •• * ~ JUiie" ( 11158) Oona Dey, LoulS Jourdan A WOtftatllea-,_aec- ond NMC>and ......, "'* dlKovarl hi killed ,_ llfat ~ in order to many ,_ • • * * * ··The lut Metro" ( 11180) Catharine Oanauv•. Gerard 0epar. dl4M.t Oltee1ed t>y Franeo!• Trulfaut. During World War II, Ille ptc>prletora ol a email Perla ttiMtre try to kaec> theit Mlat>ll9twnenl open dutlng I lie Gar tnan occupatlOn 'PO' 10:46 (%) •• '""Monty Pyt1'0n Metta Beyond The Fringe·· ( 11178) Natrated by Dudley Moo•• A bel'llnd-th•· --IOOlo " taken •t rer-ula and prapara- llon• lor Am,,..ty Inter,,.. tlonal'a 11178 comedy t>en- alll 81\0W that 11 erred membeR of Monty '"Y'llOn. 11:00 (C) • "Rohr Boogie" .. (tt1t) Uncle ... ,.. lftir. A "'1t1 _, t ...... ""*.....,.. _ ..... wltl I 'olw-4AllUllO ...,_ ~ ~,...,,...,. lier 11udlel 'PO' , ....... ~ .. (19471 111wi.,. ,.,...., Frandlo4 T-. w.. on 1 72-lloW flaMoe, • ....., ~ ...... --.'°' ,....,...,. ........ ••• ''Wtlell 11'1 ..... .,. ow· 11'12) -.-Mi11Mf1l,,...,..,.,....... . ""~.....,,Mr di.a 11 a ltd by ._ OlllWW- 11'9 wHte -'Mio Intl• dl..oed '*" to ro.Mo ... •ttllc• °"' °"' Ille own to ~•lot> todeo .. ., •••• "H.illeF0t Hero.•" ( tOHI lteve ~. Bobby Derln. A' IQued ol Al'IWICM Gia II Otdeted 10 llCMd '** "" 0.-at eny OCMIC. Cl) * • "W,.. & Pllll" ( IMO) Mlc:il\llll OnllcMtl. M•OOI Kidder Thr• peo. pta beQln • tttanguW ,_In Or~ V1f. laga that co11t111ue 1 INOUQhOUI Ille rnarcur'-i llOdal mMleu ol Ille '10. 'R' 12:11 CZ)*** "Barbw ...... ( 11188) Jane Fonda . MllO O'BllM A daring ~ heroine ot Iha lutura -··· ,,,.,. ~-198 and ...... _...... nled by • t>llnd guw~ angel 'PO· 1:00 ~ •• ··c.nie AAl"9 Md UtU. 8rhc:hea" (11111) Bun Lancaatar, John Savage. Two IOUQh outiew. pick up • pelt of laar\-aga gltta and ..... them along Ol'I .,..., ed119"t.w•. 'PO' ~ C2.J • * "Cattle Annie And little 8rltc:hea" (1111) Bun Leneuter. Jc>M S.vaoe Two IOUQh outlew9 pick up • pa1, o1 •-aoe g1r1a end tllk• them along Ol'I their adverltur• ·pa· 2:30 (]) * * "The lncreotOle Slvtnlt!nQ Woman" (1N0) Liiy Tomlin. Ctwwlea Gro- din A llOu-Ue finds " hwd to oope "'4'lett "'* IUdOenly l>eglna to afwiNI 1n alza 'PO' D * * * * "T-" ( 111111) Nutuale Kln ... 1. P9ter f irth The daughlat Of a poor Engllah farmer beeon'l98 the vlcilm of her family'• •ac>ir•tlon• end llet own ~ty 'R' 3--00 D * * *'Al 'Homt>re" ( 11187) Pa ul Newman. Fredflc: Mardi /VI~ r-"""'• man 18 forceo IO protac:t Ille '-ol tl>OM lie l\al• (8)•~ "Sleel"(tNO)Lea Majon. Jennilar O'Neill A ~llulWOft'lanoe...i.t­ _, l>y e IOUQh eon.tructlon foramat\, In running the c:ompeny "'* lnharlta after lier ,.,,,., .• ~. "acc:ldantal .. 0..111 'PO' 3:A6 (%) * * "Pnobia" (INO) Paul Mlchaal Glaaar, Suun Hogan A group OI "*''., peoanta •• """" dared -ding to ~ lndMOual ._.. 'A' 4:00 CC) * * "T ucll E"""8at- lng" I 11171) Fred K ..... Joeapll Mac:Gun A young girt -• an Immortal lemlly known u the Tuc:lla ·o· Cl) * * ·~ "Hugo The Hip-po.. ( 11178) Animated. V'*'-of 9url ,.,.., Paul lyn6e A pink llippopota- ~ ...... an adver'llLKOIAI trip, accompanied t>y a 1o1- 11e 1>1aca t>oy ·o· &:20 (%) •• * ··8"'t>walla" I tMe) J-Fonda. Milo o·SMa A o.ri11g ·~ heroine ol the future encount.,.. atrange Galax· lea MCI vlllelr>8. eccompa- nlad by • t>Nncl O--dlan angel 'PG' 6::IO CID * * .,., "The Myelerlou9 Sttanger" 1111821 Clltle M.i.apMCe, Fred Gwynne. A d•ydtNmlnQ Miuourl • t>oy lanc:tes an aneount• with an angel of dubloul OtiQll\ In medieval AuetrlL Cl) •• *. "Gigi" (1158) M-lca Chevalier. L .... CatOl'I A tomboy t>e1ng oroomeo t>:r ,_. _.., and granOmother .... out Ol'I her own to eatcfl a man .... * .. The ldolmak- er" (IMO) Rey Shattiey, TOY811 Faldthul\. A manl- pulatlYa menagat 11998 Vllr- loue ploy9 10 eat.,n two •--eoer• Into pop elnQ-lnO 91.wesom. 'PO' JOHN DARLING by Annstrong & Batluk 'Palikari,' 'Portrait' both disappoint Designed, Finished Installed "' ~ s . . r l i I l . l 1 , . . l i I . . l • l . .. : . . . •• Orange OoMt DAILY PtLOTIT'Ullday, May 4, 1982 Piper triples space PIJ:w8~ Inc. Mid lt hall crt&:! manut.c-~ to •PP'Olima~ equan t.t and IDoYld a.c:uUw and ttw otticel to ~ quarten tn lrvtne. Tbe ~and manu.fad:urer of d1ltrict eo1ar hoe waw ~ 11).c. bee~ had tom.ly been tn . : ltUFFELL •s UPHOLSTllY ' i .. I ti toe_..,.. · atH ...,IOI IUD.' COITA MHA-Ul·t 11'6. I DID YOU KNOW: You can own yow office space. You can stop yow rent from 1ofnc ..,. You can own the land -not lease.· AIRPORT WEST BUSINESS PARK Ml Flecher nur Red Hiii, C.M. Cell Mr. Devla 751-7400 Broker Cooperetlon An .................. no ......... MmlMr .... .. .......................... Md IMWloe ... . ,.,.. "11ae lo1e1~.!!U .... , .. ,, "TM Fether of Flnenctel .Plllnnlng" DR. H. W. YURMAN CFP • C•toulMler of tM C.-... of PIMMlel ftlenna,.._ ............................ Md ... dlielrwelAcUl1"41DI . ,_ ............................. , ..... ,.. U &llMH el,........ "91w_. • u..d ........................ ....... Md hull\•• ll1left of AclNllo.....,.t. P1lndln9 TM ................... AIWtceM 71A ?a. I MITH Our Most Affordable TRS-80 For Professional or Home Use sggg • Manage Your Budget •Track lnveatmenta • Game• for The Family i!i' '·.. '1:~ • -"' S J;\.... • "· , ' #• ' ....,, • .... •• .... ~-~-·~_, .. , • Leam to Program Get down to sertoua bualneas with your own computer and use It for tun-tilled games In your leisure time! Keyboa~1 monitor, end 18,000-Chareeter memory-ell In one beaunful desktop unit. Learn to program with our easy-to-read man- ual, or add en optional cauette recorder to use a wide vari- ety of ready-to-run programs. Easily expandable to our deluxe 2-dlak business system. l;f f. ft.1; ,f fJ~ A DIVISION Of TANpY CORPORATION SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE . COMPUTER CENTER OR PARTICiPATING DEALER PRICES MAY VARY Al INOIVIOUAl STORES ANO OEAlERS New office building in Irvine Comtructlon bu be8- u n on a f&00,000', 20,09&-9e1uan~foot buil- dlna at I Whatney, Ir- vine, in the Irvine lndu- ltrial C.ompla PMt. The Newport Beach otflce of Grubb & Elli• Commercial Brokerage Group h exclualve markettna .,ent fOI' the pro;::; two-1tory buil- ding, 1ituated on 1.4 acres, 11 expandable to 26,000 1quare feet. Divenlfled Manulac- turin1 and Enatneering Company of Irvine la general contractor with designs and landlcaping by T. H. Forhan & Aa- 80Ciatea of Ofanae. An Auguat completion ia echeduted. Farr named The Anoclatlon of Profeealonal Conaultanta, a Newport Beach-hued non-proflt organization, hu re-elected Erle G . Farr, president of l!'..ric G. Farr & AHociatea, aa president. !'C:. ~ ,..'UHt efMI buelftlll ..... eftd IMfllll,.. ..... epUldflllll .......... • How lndMctuDaa • buDIMDD pr~ can capt-..._ on tM lldYWttagee of the MW Econom6c Tu f\9-• Low Cost Vaccination Clinic OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS .. , . . ' ,. . " Q<NWY Act. • ... ... utlllz• MldofUt tttouP• .. pereonal, ....... ....... OOfPCW8tl IW'9J ,... ,. ... .., Mwe • • And,,..,. .,...._..,._enU.W- CMlnMn of tM llMrd end CMlf lbeouthoe OMoer, ...... PIMnc*I Group . ::... , ........ ""'4 ............... . ..... .., .... , .... ..,11. l&M,. .... ,. .................. .................. -Limited Sutlng, Cd~ for ... ,..-... v.uon~-. lll-1111 Dogs-Cats ~CMMAM~ V~cclnatlon1 Dog. Cat lobiet $3.95 Dist•ml*' $4.50 '°"° $5.00 Dog 5 In 1 $7.00 Cot 3 In 1 $5.00 2 LOCAnONS SATUIDAY, MAY I 9 .,.. to 12 noon 2'30 to 5130 P"' AT AT COllO ,,_, ~ c;...., loe-s .. ~ c.... 179' & 0.-.. 23000 llodt of lod!Nld ltwd. c... Mme, c.. • ,_ ,_ ......, °"41 v ......... ,......,. ,,_. ....... Do,. Oft ....... Cob ... corrien EXPO. IT HAS SOMETHING FOR MUTUAL FUND a Jama ..,....,It H. Sml .. , m WU named vtce prnldeni. operatlona of Tlmn Mlrr9r Ca•I• Tel· evt1loe'1 We.tern Dlvlalon. lrvtne. Smith WM formerly vice prelident and aeneraJ manapr of C.ox Cable of San Otego. Ca, Crewl, f!t of Dana Polnt, haa Joined Berrt••e..Jw nuaert", El Toro, .. d1rector of ..i.. He WM employed by KeeLlJle. Wilcox In a lim1lar pcllltion. Sin• D. Ca .. IU of Fullerton hu been nlllDed mana&el' of offJce 1eulnc from leulng iep U •Ua- tive far the lnlH CompHy't property ~e­ ment divillon. Col•••U Buker Poreat E. Ol1oa, Reabers announced that Reva C. Sam.ell of c.c.ta M.-hu been named a member of lta s.ie. MMter au.b. Membe~fi! llmlted to aaentl who .U ln exce11 of $ 1 in tt.a1 estate ln one calendar year. James R. Peter• of Laguna Niguel. an audit manager for the New port Beach office of Erut Ir WIWmey, a Big Eiaht public aooountins finn, has been awarded the Outstanding Alwnnua Award by the accounting department of Cal State Fuller1on. The Newport Economic• Groap, has formed an appraisal division in the Newport Beach-be9ed firm. , William Sbrew1bary, M .A.!., former direc1or of the Irvine Company a ppraisal department, will head the division. J oining him will be Joaatban Tlaomp1on , SRPA, a 15-year veteran of the appraisal field . The National Aeronautics and Space Admini- stration hu honored two employees of Po,..~ apace 6 Commutcettoa1 Corporattoa with $100 checb for tecluUcal achievement In connectioo with an energy ~ apon80r'ed by NASA Rol»ert L. Pea1, manager of the mechan.ica1 engineering department and acting manager for IOlar ~er l)"ltema ~ depu1ment. and Walter E. GarriSH, a grind engineer, at the corporation'• Aeronutronic vlsion at Newport Beach. were cited for their patent dilclo-.ue on the control configuration for a Stirling engine operated on IOlar eneqy. . • DOWNS I.Mt a. Prt ,.... '" °" ,, ! 1-. "' °" .... a -. Ofl IU Sit> -I Ofl Ii!"" ,.... "' ()fl ,.. "" -1 °" "-_,...,OH W 12 -, .... Off 21/t -... °" rr·.: 1 -.... °" 1 -"' °" 1•.c. -.... °" 11.0 1\1, -.... °" .... 1•.c. -.. °" ... , ... -.... °" .... ,_ -.... °" u ..,, _, Olt u ltl/t -, .... Olf .... 10 -1 Oft t.I IO -1 Oft 9.1 • _..,°" u Jllt "'°"u "" -"' °" u JS -2"' °" u Slit -.... Oft LJ • wins contract Ford Aeroepaice & Commwucatlona Corporation bu been awarded a $690,000 Phale I 1tudy contr.ct f~r tecond aource production of the Navy'• high· veloctty anU-radiaUon milllle (HARM). Ford A•;::c; wllJ review the authenttcated HARM dai, ·recommend chanie. for lmpro- vea proouciowty ~ COit; dem,n a eet of production toolln1 and teat equ.lpment; and generate pl.ans for production lnitlat.lon and lopUc support. The five-month 1tudy will be carried out by Ford Aerolpace'1 Aeronutronlc Diviaton. Newport Beach. ·Brokerage relocates Menill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc. has moved lta Newport Beach office to larger quart.era i.n S uite 200 of the Oouglaa Plaza Center at 19000 MacArthur Blvd. The office was formerly at 4501 Birch Street. Firm changes hands R.A .. K. Products, Milwaukee, has been acquired by McGuire-Nicholas Mfg. Co., Inc. of Los Angeles. R.A.K. Producta manufactures Strate-Cut. the Uni- venal Cutting Guide. McOuire-Nlcholaa Manufacturing i.s a manufac- turer of leat her an d canvas work aprons and tool holden. The sale was initiated by Ronald J. Speyer , di- rector, mergers and acqulaitiona of Peterson, Diehl, Speyer and Brown of Newport Beach which has been retalned by McGuire -Nicholas to guide its 1982 ac· quiaition program. Designer loses 1 cent Piper Hydro lnc. of Irvine, designer and manu- facturer of district solar hot water and space heating systems, lost $61.161, or 1 cent per sh.are. on revenues of $213,349 in the quarter ending March 21. Titla compares with a loss of $22,372. or l cent, on revenues of $73,678 m the like period a year ago. Baker declares dividend Baker lntemational Corp. of Orange declared a quarterly cash dividend of 23 cents per share payable May 25 to shareholders of record May 10. This represents an increase in the annual dividend rate Crom 60 cents to 92 cents per share. Earnings on increase Wespercorp of Tustin announced that earnings for the third quarter increased to 28 cents from 23 cents in the similar period a year ago. For nine months, they were unchanged at 67 cents per share. Sales for the quarter increased from $3,323,000 to $3,593,200 and for nine months from $9,901,000 to $10,347,000. Wespercorp manufactures magnetic tape and disc drive controllers and other producta for computers. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS JO Incl 20 Trn IS Ull U SI' '"""' Tr..., Vt1t1 'S SI~ WHAT STOCKS DID N EW Y()flK (AP I IMY , ...., ........ o.<li-Unc~ TOl4tl 1-. ~-... ~ N-IOW\ WH.JI I AME X 0t0 NEW Y()flK IAPI M1rt J ~ ,..,.. """-*' 10 OKll""" 111 ~ no TtUI •-,., _.....,,. 11 --10 METALS ~ lit 114 ISS • • c.,,., 1•"· 7t c ente • pound. U.S. dellllllilllb .. L.-. M-27 °"* • pound ... '*"' • pound, o.llvwed. "" ............ w.-~lb. MMlllu1111 t .. n _..I pound, N.Y ....., *376.00 per .... ,....._ e:ssa.oo lroy OJ , N Y. SILVER ,.....,) H1noy & H1rm1n. $6 890 per lroy lUf\Ce GOLD QUOTATIONS SYMBOLS ..... ,__ ____ ...,. .___....._ __ ti __ -............ .,, ... -~ • W TI • swl .....,_ ..,._ .. -===-=-~· ...... ....... .:-:i= ....... ii ...... ..... ~ .. .,..._ •II ,.-.... If -......................... ..... -................. --·---.. ........ • ....... .,... M M t T 1111 • ___ ...... "_ ...__ ....,. .. _111,,_..,.-r: ......... .................. _... __ --::........._ ...... ,,.._ ···~---......... -_.... .,..~ .. ~--..... -...... ::;::;:---------t:t.'9",....". --=--·· ...-i• ........ --.......... ,_____ . r. I ~ I ' I I 'I· I I t f I I t I , I I I WE~'RE CELEBRATING/ THE ALL NEW RAllliER INCLUDES 24 YR/24,000 MILE CAR CARE FREEi $500 REBATE 1982 FORD VA# CARGO VAN E1tfr•., Too-lltlm.. oue ----$- To MMtlonl ( # 1"1e) (A13alfU) WILSON LIST- 1121235 LESS DISCOUNT & REBATES - 13,000 .. " ... ' YOU can BUY #OW and PAY us LATER! WE WILL WAIT FOR YOUR lllJOllE TAX REFUND FOR DOWN PAYMENT ON PURCHASE of ANY NEW or USED CAR! 1982 .ESCORT 2 DOOR HKTCRBKCJC __ , (#1465)(#112826) . WILSON LIST - '1111 LESS DISCOUNT & REBATES - 11200 NOW 1981 FAIRMONT 1982 GRANADA 11L11 1982 COURIER 2 DOOR SEDAN FANTASTIC CAR PICK UP Includes cloth rrlm seat, pwr 11trng, gorgeous polar white finish & much Lota of equipment. A ~ fswn ftn/th, vtnyi trim ..,.t & much morel m0te. (Skt. #2006) (Ser. 1 206060) (Stk 11818) (SM 11178457) (511< .. 1806) (Stk. 1 1271) (SM. # 113939) Equipment Includes 5 IPfHKJ manu~ OWKdrl~ and the XL T option package. fight blue with blue lntftrlor. (Stk. # 1462) (SM. #604561) <SM. 11118456J 2 YEAR CAR CARE 2 YEAR CAR CARE 178 TOYOTA PICK UP 180 FORD P/Ol UP ~TON 4 cyl., 4 sp., AM radio, sir cond. (1M27625) VB. 4 sp., sir cond., AM rsdlo, low 7,327 miles. (1Y 16066) '79 CHEVY '80 MERCURY '79 FORD MONZA CAPRI RS PINTO Auto, •or cond, _, slttr 70r, •ulo •••M. •Ir cond S11nroof •Ir cond _, • cvl ritdlO Slk PW< wind, AM FM, \Phi • cvl pWr ''' r.cloo Sitt• lurbO • CYI. • U><I Lie 116WA0 ,,.,, M•I. ""-'-'·VI Loe 771YZll Loe U7SAY Lie IW7U.2 179 IJHEfllOLET STEPS/DE 176 FORD P/Ol UP SUPER CAB W/SHELL Auto., pwr. str ., sir cond., AM/FM, coll bar. (148169) V-8, sutomstlc trans. (1AZ4515) '79 FORD '81 FORD '80 FORD RANCH ERO ESCORT rAllMONT s1.11on w._, ce en GN•. va. .ir ''•''°· Mlle.• ,Dd, IJ,)16 mlles •m fm, ..,,o Ir•~. PW• "111700 ''""1111 Loe liOZEO EXAMPLE OF USED TRUCKS AT WILSON FORD 79PLYMOUTH '71 DODGE '79 FORD '79 MERC ·'77 DODGE . '81 FORD '80 MAZADA '76 CAPRI '78 DATSUN '76 AMC HORIZON DART LTD ZEPHYR 100 VAN MUSTANG 626 4 spd, PICKUP SPORT R'BOUT • dr. • lPd. rMtlO, •frCOftd • dr, 6 cvl, euto lr•ns. r>wr VI, auto lr•M. •Ir cond, • VI. •ulo lr•n•, r>wrtlr, •Ir VI, •ulo ,,.,,., l'Wr fir, •Ir 2 dr. '<YI,,,.,, I*, 'lef'M, st-• cyl, lle<90 ••Pe• •Ir • cvl, 1111 wl\I. Ive •Kil Lk S46YHI' ''" ,,.,.. dr. AM•l'M , .. , ... _, cond. •dr cond. rMio •tPd.11.ot•mllft l lc. lllUl'I• COl'd, Lk llSPKI Lk ff•VNT '''·_,bl< Lk I W<NY Lie 1~11ll2 He l(HH213 l k ll432 .. lRANSPORf ATION SPECIAL Lk OTIWAG $3682 $3582 $ 382 Qordon Bennett a..oon Reae -Alt Adwr11elng Suppl«nent to the DAILY PILOT, Tueeday, May ... 18U Gordon ·Bennett· AND AVIATION ·FAIRE Saturday May 8, 1982 -. . A SPECIAL SO~ENIR EDITION OF THE . DAILY PILOT ·- Tuesday May 4, 1982 '. All systems are "GO" for the launch of the 1982 Gordon Bennett Balloon Race and Aviation Faire on Saturday, May 8 at Mlle Square Park, corner of Edinger and Brookhurst In Fountain Valley. This will be the third year the festivities have been held In Foun- tain Valley since the contest was revived In 19?9 In long Beach. fSee page C6~.~ The 1982 Gordon Bennett Balloon Race and Aviation Faire wlll be an all -day spectacle of f amlly entertainment starting at 8 a .m. People coming early may en- joy tethered hot air balloon rides. In the early hours of the faire there will be the Orange County Classlc hot air balloon race. f See page C3J. Following the classic wlll be the Celebrity Balloon Race with Michael Jackson, KABC-Radlo, Paul Conrad, L.A. Times cartoonist, and singer Stephen Stills. fSee page C3). Following the hot air balloon races, balloonlsts wlll take off In the competitive Gordon Bennett gas balloon race. (See page C4J. _ Dramatic aviation exhibitions will continue throughout the day, includlng ultra fights, model dlrlgl- bles, vintage aircraft, gyro copters, sall planes and parachute jumps. fSee page C7J . A ph<?tography contest spon- sored by the Dally Piiot will be open to both amateurs and pro- fessionals, with separate prizes Jn each category. f See detalls, page C8J. Admission at the gates Is S3 for adults and s 1. SO for chlldren ages 5 through 1 2. Discount tickets, priced at S2.SO for adults and S 1.25 for children may be purchased at the Fountain Valley Chamber of Com- merce, 10525 Stater Ave . .. ~ Cl I' I \ ' ' , . . ) SILENT FLIGHT -The balloon "Kitty Hawk," carrying Maxie Anderson and his aon Kris, travels over snowy mountains in a trans-continental flight. The Andersi>na will be competing in the Gordon Bennett Balloon Race Saturday. c r····----------------~ f I ~ IM PIZZA 775-7977 I f1 I , IESTAIUll 775-8833 I I I ~ I· $ It Large Size I I ~ OFF PIZZA I "' • • • • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .I I I ' I t t 11. PIHCI 81 SUIWICI -·· I ~ I y2111111 111. Prl11-21• 1111 PrlM I ~ I . I ~ 16S35 MOOKtUST. f<UCTMt VAU.£l I r. .... ,_,._._,.,11111 I I a.. Dl9I ~IMZ .. i ._ ___________________ _ i ' j j ' • , J ( l I • • I • I ' I • • I t ' ' ' • I • t. t Mother's Day . Specials! WHAT NICER GIFT THAN A NEW NO-WAX FLOOR FOR MOM Wall Coverings 30-50% off Window Coverings -Mini Blinds 50% off Wood Blinds 40% Off l~'·:.'* Gift Certificates! 'C:. ~..-,·~ . PACIFIC DECORATING CENTERS ~rrtl·.1r · >f••J floor l.1•,t .11 >11 • • co &-i The no-wax floor you love to come ' ·home to ' \ I Dfflgner SOlu lan la the only no-wax floor • 1 with the richness 91 In- • 1 ~ laid Col0r1"' -Arm- 't \• atrong'a axcllslva pro- c111 that butlds UP Iha COior anct pattern with thOuaanC11 °' varlcolorad vinyl granule•. Thi rHult 11 a rlcl'ln111 of col()( •nil a unlquety "t1alted'" IOok thet no printed tlooflno can begin 10 match. And Ila a•tra-dufable Mkabond llO<WIJl IUf• fece r-.ta tcvtta and ecratchff, eo 11.-C•ln• lta fuetlou• .. , ... ,,.... IOok w11nou1 wutnt tat '°"9Af than vinyl l)O'W9ll noor.. lo coma In now and ... fOf you!Mff Why 0.Slgnef lolarlan from Am11trono le "So nice to, come tlOfN to.·· ·~~ ·•9•• . ..., .. I The ballooN taklnC off at Mlle ~ Pwk ln Fountain Valley Sat~y won't jult be c:areytns crew memben wtth l9Ck lunchel. ~ta in the b\1-cilliance Gordon Ben- nett a.noon Rece will be Ullnc equipment •pecUi· cally ~will~..::· within bounds ol a eet of ,...ulaUom coverlna launch and landlna. balloorw arid equJpnent, crew1, rank.Ina and pro. teltl. ' And, they'll hav-a team of race offidala and an lnternaUonaJ Jury working with them for a 1uc- ~ul nice. Included ln the required equipment are a VHF two-way radio tor communication with Federal Aviation AdmlniltraUon facllltlea, a receiver tor navtcatlon, a radar transponder, oxygen, emergency ~ bGm1n, equiJlll*llt u,htlJ\8, maps, and a natJonal o.,. In the 1u balloon Bennett race, no airborne heat.en or aa~~ balloorw are allowed and no experimental balloonl may .,.n!dpate. without authoriatkln from the race dlrector. The maximum volume tor balloona la.1 ,365 cub&c meters. Thole 1,060 cubk meten or lell have two-man cnwa. Thole Wa-than 1,050 cubic me- t.en have tm-.-man crew1. Rankin• of th• compelltota 'at raee'• end Ja determined by the d1ltance between •tartinl and 1and1na polntl. TWO balloon cate.,n. are ranked -the gen- eral catepy and a clUllc ~ catepy Umlted to thoee bal1oona which made their firlt fliaht prior to Jan. l, 1979. "Once a ~ hal taken place, the fllcht la offidally t.enninatecf." It la stated. C.Ontestal\ta are requ.lnd to telephone offtdala to 1tat.e the time and plaCe of landing and the name of the nearest dty, u IOOn u pomible after landinc· The fiight cto.ler, lncludlnc the offldal ~ mall pouch , 11 to be aubrn!tted to the 1teward1 oonunlt• for the race at the Fountain Valley PolJce Department headquarten no later than 10 a.m. May 14. The time Umlt for protest. regarding the race la "not later than the final 1t.ewarda' meeting" at 11 a.m., May 14, at Fountain Vaijey City Hall, the re- gulations 1tate. The protest fee la $1 ,000 and the decision of the race jury ~ final ACRYLIC WARM-UP SUITS VALUES TO 50.00 llOW -2919t --- LmERED T-SHIRTS REG. 1.95-22.95 FOOTBALL SHIRTS NOW 3.99 ·~------· ---- REG. 24.99 FLEECE WAR•·UPS: HOODED TOPS NOW 11.99 REG. 18.99 BOTTOMS llOW 11.99 ... . SKI JICIETS KRISTIN, HEAD, GERRY, ASPEN, LEVI ~G~~~ 180.00 !NOW .19.99 .i VALUES 65. 00 ·up TO • ~ . 611111110 SHOE . SALE · ADIDAS I NIKE 52.99 38.89 48.99 30.99 r .. f (1 ~ ( EDINGER AVE. PUBLIC PARKING FOUNTAIN VALLEY RECREATION AND CULTURAL CENTER ....... (/) ....... ~ ... 3: (/) WALK-IN GATE 5 0 Q:.'. ::r ::> V) :::c z: ::.: 0 0 j::: 0 ~ Q:.'. > al < MILE SQUARE PARK -Public parking for Mile Square Park, site of the Gordon EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY PARTICIPANT & HANDICAPPED £.NT RANCE L.4.1 > / < 9 WALK-IN GATES 1 2 -J (..) ::> L.4.1 MILE SQUARE PARK Bennett BaUoon Race, is on the north, off· Edinger Avenue. ' Pilots name their targets In 1981 -for the first time m the 76-year history of the Gordon Bennett -a hot air balloon . race was held in conjunction with the traditional helium balloon race. The hot air event, dubbed the Fountain Valley Classic, was a pilot-declared goal contest. Prior to llft-off. each balloonist selected a target within 50 miles of the launch site. The winner was the bal- loonist who came closest to landing on 'that site. The 1981 winner was Ken Frank of Redwood City, Calif. Frank's destination was the Imperial Golf Course 22 miles away in Brea. His landing came within .2 miles of the site. • This year 's hot air balloon race will be titled the Orange County Classic. Agai n, pilots will be requi- red to detennine their target prior to lift-off based upon wind direction at the time of launch. All goals must be-within &O miles-of Mite Square Park, and the balloon landing closest -or on its target -will win. The 6alloonis1a will inflate and launch between 9 and 11 a.m. on Saturday. Gordon llnMtt Blloon ,._ -11'1 ~ ~t to tN DAllY PILOT, Tueeday, May 4, 1112 Races J~st part of fun Exhibits, balloon rides, music at Gordon Bennett lntra1J1ht demorutrationa. 11 a .m . -Marine air aearcb and rncu monatration. Saturday'• Gordon Bennett Balloon Race it part ot a day full of eventl that include an aviation fair, balloon ridet. d!lpiaya, hana ,.uden. parachu- tlata and entertainment. 11:11 a.m. -Parachute drop into Mlle l!itimi- Park. The IUf9l of honor at the fourth ~ rece to be he1CI since ita revival wlll be Dr. R. Buck- mlnster Fuller. The nm wt1l be held at Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley. Nooe -Sail plane demonatrat.lon. l!:H p.m. -Army a1r eearch and fe9C\MHj:le mon1tration. The IChedule of eventa follows: I a.m. -Gate9 open to the public. Tethered hot air balloon ride9 bepn and conUnue until winds prohibit. l p.m .-dHk -Launch window opena.: or Gordon Bennett International Balloon Race. 1:30 p.m. -Fly-over by antique biplanes. % p.m. -Marine air search and reacu monatratlon. Demonstrations by ultraliahta (motorized hang gliders). %:30 p.m. -Parachute drop into Mile Sallare t a.m. -Opening cettmOnles. t a.m.-11 a.m. -Launch window open for Orange County Clamic Hot AJr Balloon Race. t :30 a.m. -Celebrity balloon race with Mi- chael Jackson of KABC r adio, Paul Conrad, Los Times cartooniat, and Ste hen Stills. Park. S:H p.m. -Army air eearch and te..-ue. 4 p.m. -Ultralight demonatrationa. All-day entertainment will include muai rock, country, and marching bands and demo lions of radio-controlled blimps. ~ Fed up with ties, shirts, after ' -' ' shave lotions and other mundane gifts? Give the gift of excitement-the never-to-be-- forgotten experience of a HOT A~ BALLOON ride . Fun and enchant- ment for the entire family-you wiH be remembered always for this exhilarating flight into the clouds. ~ Gift certificates available for chil-• dren of all ages who share the same sense of adventure. Book: your passage now (standil1 roomonly) by calling (7l4) 857-5453.: I • finliuar m. t;Itagnastu i ------. ---.. ----------~,- Ji allo on & Awning <!tompanu! • ) , I ' I SPECIALIZING IN FINE AMERICAN ANTIQUES (7 14) 751 ·8922 '18218 ~UCLID ST• FOUNTAIN VALL~Y, C~ 92708 ) AND QUALITY REPRODUCTIONS l'lrtArtClrtO A VAILABLI: orcr-. 1·0Avs\ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ lt lf ~ I ge • I Gordon""'*'.._, ... -Alt~~· to lM DAILY PILOT, Tu.My, May ... 1112 teams competing IEWAY ~/loons from U.S., Europe, JapfJn in race v .......... o«i tht Gordon Bennett Balloon Race a i.. newcomen will be pertSctpaUna in the ~tldon Saturday~ Yountatn Valley. Nini tMrm an enierfld In the pa balloon rece, of them from the United States and one ~ Japan. Germany, France, and Swttaerland. '!be i.nw and pUota Include: U.S. I -PUot Joe Kittinpr hu placed eecond the Gordon Bennett rece MCh year liJlCe ita re. al in 1979. KJttlnpr, who hu made mor' high altitude lltlloon fltanta than an~ In the •orld, alao aet a foe the world'a hlCl*t parachute Jump and lel\t!Mt free.. fall. Encued In a ~ ault, Joe jt.uqped In from the gondola of a ba!Jnon at an altitude of ,800 feet. For the 801 four minutes and 36 MCOnds he fell, reechtna apeedl up to 614 mph until at ... He free-fell, reaching s eeds up ~to 614 mph. feet above the earth. his chute automatically and he floated to the New Mexican deeert An enameer living in Florida, Kittinger also fl1 aerobatic airplanes for the ''Rosie O'Grady n Circus" baaed in Orlando. e haa completed more than 7 ,600 hours of t time in 27 different types of aircraft, logging than 5,300 hours in jeta, 1,000 of which were combat mi81iona. Co-pilot of the U.S. I team's balloon, "Rosie rady," will be Loe Anseles businessman Charles , in his tint Gordon Bennett race. While new · , Knapp Is an accompU.hed fixed-wing t with more than 3,000 hours of flight time and than 1,000 hours of open cockpit flight time in tic aircraft. l A collector of antique aircraft, Knapp Is alao a uent exhibition pilot in his vintage Bucker ister and Bucker Jungmann aerobatic air- t. U.S. 0 -Fred Krieg Is a four-year veteran of Gordon Bennett races. In 1979, he flew a balloon w was too large to qualify for the com~titiom. In 1980, he flew a new balloon, "Destiny,' and fl- ed eighth overall. Kri.eg ret~med to fly ''Destiny" in the 1981 --------. na and l'OOY9d up to fourth place in 1 field of 11. Krie8 besan D)'ina belloOm ln 1969, and hu lince trained more than 2~ balloon pUota throua-hout the world. · He allo helped establiat\ ·the rqu]atlona that aovem ~ ln H~. Fred and h1a wife, H&Jnal, live in Perria, Calif., and own a commercla1 hot a.Ir balloon company. A pioneer in the sport of hot a.Ir ba11oorUna and a life member of the Balloon Federation ol America, Krieg la allo 1 d.t.tributor for a balloon flnn. SAMDllGO FlllWAY ! u i MILE SQUARE PARK BENNETT RA CE SITE -Mlle Square Park may be reached from two freeways. An airline pilot by profeuion, Krieg la an in- ltructor and" eerdfled to teech in all categories ol aircraft. He hM flown In most of the gas balloon racm in the United States, and wU1 again compete this year in "Destiny." A.uiatina Krlea wlll be co-pilot Ron Grove, r-=================~-===========-===~ flyln1 in h l1 flrtt Gordon Bennett Race. He haa 3 o % OFF! been around chief for Kriea lince 1979. Cf rove hu been a hot air belloonilt since 1974, and hM loae<f more than 300 hours in ridea, trai- ning, and promotional ruahta throuahout Southern California. ENTIRE STOCK' A carpenter, Grove lives in Santa Barbara. U.S. m -John and Marl Shoecraft are the • (irst American huaband-and-wlfe team to fly In the 76-year history of the Gordon Bennett Balloon WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION Racein 1980, John and Ron Rippa attempted the OF DRESSES, PANTS, SHORTS first trans-American balloon flight In the Super SWEATERS AND BLOU ES Chicken I. Thunderstorms over Columbus, Ohio, forced the balloonists to parachute to safety. A second attempt to cross the country via he- lium balloon ended short of ita destination when the balloon developed a leak. In 1981, Shoecraft and Fred Gorrell launched Super Chicken ID from Orange Coast College and landed on an l&l.and off the coast of Georgia. The S hoecrafta will be flying "Rodney the Jazz Bird" in the Gordon Bennett race. Starting Wed . ., May 5 T hru 'at.. Ma} B DRESS AFFAIR OPE!\: The Shoecrafta live in Scottsdale, Ariz. Both have been hot a1i balloonista since 1978. U.S. IV -Pilot Brent Stockwell has served as Safety OftiCer for the Gordon Bennett races for the past three years. He will be flying in his first Gordon Bennett competition. Women's Apparel & Accessories Mon .-Fri. 10-6 Sat. J 0 -5 Stockwell is president of an Oakland balloon distribution company and certified repair station Lor both gas and hot air balloons. He has more than 2,000 hours of flight time in gas and bot air balloons, and recently appeared in a (See RACE, Page Ct) 848-2242 -19093 Beach Blvd. (at Garfield) Huntington Beach SPECIAL .FAN SALE SUPER MOTHER'S DAY SPECIALS QlfC)IZEL I·A:\'DELI ER I ls.i-.11-.. J y .. w.,! ... , ... tt.a" .. ~ 2 ., •• 0'-1' \I Fountain Va ll e\ Lt~hting •)).{11~ \'(, cHntr di Urrn 11...fiur't Fountain Va li er 968-1611 an announcement ~ l Ri:ST -A girl is framed by the base of a balloon on grounds at Mile i• Sq Park at Fountain Valley. Nine teams are entered in the 1982 Gar'Ckln Bennett Balloon Race. 1 11 I ~ -~. ~ ~ leron•ut ln1truotion I R111aroh 2940 Grace Ln., Coeta M- RideS * Inspection & Repairs Instruction ~ Desirns FAA ReNlr &t&n #411-1'5 ... u.tor . .. ....... , ..... . • 111 ........ . .• ... .. Ill ....... c.11e.r1a. .141-1122 f ft ~ ( ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ii '"' l ~ lf lf ~ lf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lf ~ ~ = TO THE VICTORS -Ben Abruzzo, left, and Rocky Aoki, shown with James Gordon Bennett Trophy, set a world record for gas balloons of the Gordon Bennett competition size when they flew· 1,347 miles in 1981 competition. Gas balloons old-timers Hydrogen-fllled variety around since 1783 A long dlstance record was set in last year's Gordon Bennett Balloon Race, breaking a record for a sport nearly 200 years old. In 1981, Rocky Aoki and Ben Abruzzo flew their gas balloon from Fo\.ll'lt.ain Valley to Mlllarton, N.D .. a record-breaking distance of 1,347 miles. Gas balloons such as those an next Saturday's race have been in use about as long as hot air bal- loons -since 1783. While they have co-exlsted over the years, the gas-filled vanety has always been more popular an Europe than m the Uruted States. In Europe, there have been several hundred gas balloon fligbts each year since 1783. The difference in the two types of balloons is in the lifting gas. Gas balloons carry a limited volume of llghter-than-air gas, either hydrogen or helium. In the Gordon Benne tt race, the non-'fla mmable helium will be used. The gas balloon can be made to rise by drop- ping ballast -usually sand -to reduce the weight. A small amount of ballast, such as a handful of sand, can lift a balloon as much as 100 feet The balloon is returned to earth by venting gas through the top. In the Gordon Bennett race,. participants will attempt to fly as far as p015Sible using their limited supply of gas. The balloons cannot be steered, but can change directions if the pilot changes altitude and catches wind going in a differe nt direction. The Gordon Bennett Trophy is awarded to the balloon team which flies the greatest distance. FOR YOUR DINING PLEASURE -SERVING Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Daily MR . MUSIC MAN, DAVE HOLDEN appearing at "BREWSTERS'~ RESTAURANT & LOUNGE Treat Yourself To a Delightful Musical Evening Wed THAU SAT 9 to 1 A.M. 964-3877 10830 WARNER AVE., FOUNTAIN VALLEY Son Diego Fwy. Warner b it Ea1t to Eudid • FREE*!! APPLE PIE S.END MOM THAT SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WINE -BALLOONS -TEDDY BEARS FLOWERS -MUSICAL TERRARIUMS SAVE 50% ONE DOZEN HELIUM BALLOONS!! ONLY •sn with a DOZEN ROSES ••2,,. or Morit -Local Delivtry Limit One pa Ciutomer Whitt Supply l.uu OPEN 9--6 0.ily ORDER BY PHONB 962-6687 21 '62 Brookhurtt Sc., Hunt~Ston Bach • • A Complete & Un1ciue FLORIST Gordon Btnnett Balloon R.ce -an AdV«tltlng 8uppMlment to the DAILY PILOT, Tueeday. MIY 4, 1H2 and AVIATION FAIRE Welcome Gordon Bennett Balloon Race Saturday, May 8th l•re ll'lilB ., .... , lls lllls ... 11 . 5 DAYS ONLY . MAY 4-8 Sleepers may never be lower Save $50 lo $150 Hand· some sofas by day thal convert to comfortable beds at night Save on full and Queen sizes 1n a big group o f today's most popular styles Choose from dozens of smart fabrics and colors Lamp prices nosedive Save 25~ Tray lamps floor tamps and table lamps 1n a br1lhant group of designs that In- cludes wood. ceramic, glass. j ' .., Full Size s249 Queen Size REG. $399 brass and chrome ~.1 S299SAVE $1001 ~ Dining room prices dip to new lows II you think the menu of ap- petizing styles and finishes Is a treat. just wait until you check out the savings• Trad1tlonat. country and contemporary groups m a variety of sizes and designs And now. every one IS priced at irresisllble savings 27% OFF Every Dlnlng & Game Set IN STOCKI Prices fall on all wall sy.stems in stock Save S50 to $200 Modular display/ storage systems. room d1v1ders, home entertainment units and more. Many styles m popular finishes Some with dropltd desks or bars A great way to organize your books. collectibles, treasures. TV and stereo components. DOUBLE RObM DIVIDERS REG. S32t S249 ~ Prtces Vdetcent on section els Pluth contemporary MCtlonal with thick 1tat cuahlona .nd cuddty10ft 1009e plllowa. all tallored In an ally• care decc>f9tor fabric lnctuo.1 4 comer artd 4 amrl ... unltt. 11110. ... tel9To•2111 Prices plummet on chairs & recllners Save $50 to $150 on lounge chairs. rockers. recliners. recliner-rockers • decorator accent chairs sw1vel- rockers and more Choose from to- days most popular looks. colors and fsbrlcs sgg TO 1399 WALL LAMPS 50% OFF REG. 39.95 s19es Prices dropped on occasional tables Save $20 to $100 Cocktail lables. end tables lamp tables. sora tables. consoles and commodes Your cno1ce ol many handsome styles m lustrous wood lmtShes or pamled tones Some lopped with sparkling glass sag TO S299 All bedroom prices lowered 1 ~ Save $100 to $800. Whether your taste runs to tradltlonal elegance. country charm. sleek contem- porary or anything m between. you'll probably find your dr•m bedroom Included In an outstand- ing selection of specially-priced designs 4 PIECE SETS 1599 TO 12999 ... .... _ All llvlng room furniture deflated .~~.:]~f ' i::_~ _, ... :; Leather save 110010 $300on a br .. thlaklno Fumlture group of sotaa, love Mata and MC• tlonals In tradltlonal, contem· prices take 8 tt.lmble porary, country and American .... lradltlonal dellgna from many of ,.,,,, the tupreme luicury of IU A k "'~-t genul,,. 1 .. thet upholat9"9d piece our loltMat ma •ra ..,.,,...,,, 0 ra the one gift )'OU can Q1119 Which amart fabrics and eolora. will .atually lmPfOYe wtth age M- AEO. Sift coming more t>eeutlM and au'pp1e •299 SAVE $1001 II ·~ ~are go by. LEATHER 10,AI .... LEATHeA AIECUNUI ' 1 I f f I • -~- Gofdoft lllMett ~ ~ -Alt~ ~t to the DAILY PILOT, Tueeday, May 4', 1982 Race has lnternatlo·nal flaVor (C. .... lrMIPaae C•> movie, '"nM Blue and the Orey," playtna Thaddeus Lowe, head of \he Umon Army 'Balloo-n Cor,PI ln the CivU War. Stockwell flew tn the 1981 Founi.ln Valley ClNllc au balloon dlvlalon. He and co-pUot Ken Frank plan to fly tn the 1982 <>ranee CoUnty Clu- lic, for hot alr belloona and then hWT)' bllck to Mile Square Park to prepare for the Gordon Bennett. Frank II the winner of the hot air dMlion of last year'J Fountain Valley Clualc. He eredlcted that he would land at the Imperial Golf Coune ln Brea, 22 miles from Mile Square Park, and hit the spot he targeied. Frank, a lieutenant ln the San Mateo County Sheriff's offW,, hu 2,000 houn of flight time ln fixed-wing and U1h\er-than-1lr craft. Stockwell and Frank will be fiyi.ng a new belloon, "Balloon Excelsior" In the Bennett race. U.S. V -n-an.-Atlantic and traN-contlnental balloonlat Maxie Andenon w11l fly In hlJ second Gordon Bennett race lh.ia year. He teamed with Ben Abruzzo to win the 1979 race. Maxie ii one of three crew membera to c:roes the Atlantic Ocean by balloon. Anderson and Abnmo, acxompanied t>y Larry Newman, launched from Presque We, Maine In 1~8 and flew to Mis- erey. France. In 1980, Maxie and hi.a son Kris flew Crom San Francisco to Quebec, for the first trans-<X>ntinental balloon flight. Andenon later teamed with Don Ida, for the first round-the-world attem~via balloon. The "Jules Verne" launched from t but developed a leak and was forced to land In dia. Anderson haa made 11 gas balloon fligh ta of 100 miles each , about 14,000 miles and 450 houn aloft. Ht II chairman and chJef execuUve officer ot a mlnlnc company baled ln Albuquerque. Co-pilot Kn. Anderton holda the world record for dlat.ance and duration In one hot alr balloon claalflcatJon. Both And rlOna live ln Albuquerque. They will ~ fl Ina "VUdna." lapaa I -Pilot Ben Abruzzo and co-pUot Rocky Aoki set a world record for au balloona of the Gordon Bennett competition alz.e (1.000 cubic met.ert) when they flew 1,347 mUet to Mlllatton. N.D. In the 1981 race. Abruzzo•• 1978 trana~Atlantic flight wu follo- wed by a victory In ttie 1979 competition. He re- turned In 1980 and with Newman tel a duration record in thelr category. La.at year, Abruu.o teamed with restaurateur Aoki to fly ln the Oordon Bennett. Thia year they will again be flying "Benihana" In the race. Abruzzo and Aoki conq~red another aviation frontier when they flew their 400,000-cublc foot helium balloon. the "Double Eagle V" from Naga- ahima, Japan to a crash-landing In Northern Cali- fornia In November. The four-man flight covered nearly 6.000 miles. Abruzzo ii a real estate developer Crom Albu- querque. He has more than 3,000 hours of.fixed wing flight time and more than 800 hou.., in bal- loons. Aoki, 42, ts a fonner Olympic wrestler. He has also produced the shows "The Incomparable Max" a nd "Fun City," and a fi lm, entitled "The Last Artist." about former boxing champion Muhammad Ali. He wiU be flying in h1s second Gordon Bennett race. Germany I -This~ill. be the thLrd Bennett raK"e tor pilot JoJo Maes and co-pilot Hana~ ~t They partlclp1ted In 1979 and a1aln in 1981 with a new balloon "Oeut.chland." The balloon w• the first European-built balloon to fly In the Gordon Bennett sl..nce the nce'a revival In 1979. The balloon's gondola lncludea a fold-down panel with a two-fold purpoee; to stretch out the Jega for comfort in 1leepin1 and to provide the ultimate aeronaut "comfort ataUon." Mae1 la an architect from Duaselfdorf, Ger- many. He la alto a hot air balloonilt and fonnerly was a race car driver In Europe. Ak.erttedt la from Stockholm, where he ii an airhne pilot. He la a member of the Royal Swedish Aero Club, the IOOOnd oldest ballooning club in the world, founded In 1900. Hana alao !lies a hot air airship and participated In the first Hot Airship, Rally In France In 1977. He has flown In many races throughout Europe and the United States. France I -Tlerry Villey and Gilles de Mareuil will be piloting "Megeve Mont d' Arbols," Vllley in hi.a fourth Bennett race and deMareuil ln his third. De Mareull Is the Secretary General of the French Ballooning Federation and 15 a member of the sporting commi11ion o f the Aero Club de France. ViUey is a medical doctor from Paris. The French balloon has been flown In each Gordon Bennett race smce 1979 and has won the classic category each time. Swiss I -P ilot Karl Spenger flew the classic-style (European) balloon "Circus Knie" in the Gordon Bennett in 1980 and 1981. He has Clown over 10,000 miles in gas balloons and has crossed the Alps more than 30 times. This year , he will be flying a new European-built balloon. Bennett balloon race dates back to 1906 The Gordon Bennett Balloon Race, no newco- mer to international competitions. was just a matter of history before it was revived in 1979 in Southern California. The race had been held 26 times between 1906 and 1938, but it waa deflated in 1939 by the be- ginning of World War 11. JaJt1e1 Gordon Bennett, publisher of the New York Herald. had sponsored the earlier raoes. The race had always been a Jong-distance event, wtth the goala to stay aloft the longest and to travel the greatest cliatance. But gas ballooning was nearly extinct in the United States until the Gordon Bennett race revival in 1979 in California. DUI TO IUSONSIOL G11D OUI UMI . WI All fOICID 10 CLOSE OUI DOOIS FOllVEI. WI HA VE SPlllT 3 DAYS MOllNG DOWN PllCIS OI EVllY • THING IN THE STOii. WI PIOMISI THAT YOU WILL II DllWD WITH OUI 111C11DIKI PllCIS AllD SELKTIOlll I THANICYOU, The race that year -which began on grounds adjacent to the Que(?n Mary in Long Beach -at- tracted balloonists from Japan and Europe as well as the United States. Trans-Atlantic balloonasts Maxie Anderson and Ben Abruzz.o flew to Colorado to win the Gordon Bennett Trophy for distance. The other balloonists landed throughout California and Nevada. In 1980, the Gordon Bennett Balloon Race was moved to Fountain Valley. and 13 balloon teams competed for the international trophy. The winners, Jerry Tepper and Corky Myers. made it to Nor- thern California. Abruu.o and Larrv Newman set a new duration rj!C()rd for the sitt of the gas balloon the new. 'A French team made 11 all the way to the Pmnades area ea.st of King Cuy. Cal1forrua. to wm the Classic Balloon Trophy for d1sta1K-e traveled and the Qu~n Mary Trophy for distance Last year, Rocky Aoki and Abruu.o flew from Fountain Valley to Millarton, N D .. a r ecord- brealong distance of 1,348 miles The renewed interest in ballooning has brought the first Amencan-made type-certified gas balloon and produced a demand for Gordon Bennett-size balloons Lo be made an Belgium, Poland and Ger· many. Consequently, more events have been sche- duled using these balloons as their focus BEACH RUNWAY -Orange O:>unty avia- tion pioneer Glen Martin ii pilot in plane photographed in 1918 from Newport Pier. The photo and other historical aviation BALLOON FLIGHTS A cross country flight in a H ot Air Balloon, a chilled bottle of champagne and a good friend-get set for a day you will never forget. Hour long flight for two ......... $150 Gift certificates available CHAMPAG • ... -r•••••••••COUPON•••••••••~ 'I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i $2.00 OFF i 1 4 I : ANY LARGE PIZZA I I hb Out Orders ~ I I I I I : I CALL 963-44881 I I ':, 989S-6 WWO, FOdfTAIN VAUEY 'h BLOCK WEST Of BROOltUST .. ________ COUPON •••••••••-' **************** I ON EUCLID AT WARNER (Across from Mlle Square Paft() 839-1989 I SERVING THE BEST IN ••• •PASTA & HOMEMADE LASAGNA * * * * * * * * * * * * •BEEF, WINE , & SOFT -: DRINKS •ITALIAN & AMERICAN SANDWICHES ... ,,,,,, . ..,..,.,.. prints are featured at the Vintage Art & Photo Museum and Ralph's Furniture in FoW'ltain Valley on May 1, 2 and 8 .. MOTHER'S DAY SPECIALS RUFFLED BLOUSES ; .. M ~~to "'9 DAILY ptLOT, Tueeay, Mey 4, 1111 Cf Race features Aviation Faire 1 Tethered balloon rides, displays, fly-bys due ComplimentlM 1he Gordon Bennett compeU- Uon Saturday at Mile Square Park tn Fountain Vallty wt1l be an Avtatlan hi.re. lvenu will ranae from overhead fly·b)'I to tieChll'9d hot lir baDoan rldm and ltaUc 6p1.IY1 on the IJ'OUDd. Orance County'• "Salute to the Skin., wlll blsin at 8 a.m. with the tethered balloon ridel. 1'h1I la an l!IU'ly·txrd attncdon becau. the balloonl muat come down when the wind ltar1a to blow. Al KntCw of t.. Habra will Jeed off the 9 a.m. openinc OiHlllCJUlel with • pAl"llChUte drop into Mile Squan Park. Krucer will unfurl the Amerlcan flag aa he Ulla, while a band below ltrikel up the Star Spanpd~. Kntcer II aJ.o part of a team of parachutilta that will perform in free-fall formations during the day. Other memben of the team are Jim r.dwarda of Hunttnaton Beach and Dean Westaaard of La- guna Beecl\. WatchJ.na the akydlvel"l ao up will be aa much fun for the audience u watchina them ~ down. • Towtna the Jumpen will be Paul Beutach of Onta- rio in liie Po1ish-made aircraJt with a Rusaian en- gine. 'The airplane ifl a replic8 of the type that was built in Poland during World War 0 . The J>lane waa uted for a variety of missions, including re.cue, parachUtlnfl towing gliders, and crop dusting. The airplane haa short range takeoff and landing capabillties, and Sives the appearance of goina straight up. At 1:30 p.m., A.rt Va.ldn of Paloe Vent. will 1.-d the lai'aen ll'OUP of tx-planel to fly in fonna.. tion 1tnce World War II over Mlle 8Quare Park. Thirty antiQue aircraft wtll be flown &y indepen- dent aircraft owners. from throuahout California. Valdez wUI brine up the rear lat" hi• Sterman Qoudboy aircraft. one of two airworthy CJoudboY1 · ln the World ... One of the ltatJc diaplaY1 on the 8JUlnd will be Dave Snow's exhibit of the world's lara-t model of· Two types of gliders will be exhibited at the faire. the Spruce Gooee. Snow of Long Beach and hia a.ad.ate, Glenn Odekirk, will IOOn publish a book containing 170 photographs of the Spruce Gooee from Odekirk'• private collection. Odekirk waa a confidant of Howard Hughes for 30 yean. Throughout the day, there will abo be radio- controll~ blimp demonstrations. Two types of gliders will be exhibited at the aviation faire: ultralights (motorized hang-gliden) and wind-powered sailplanes. ~rge Wacker will be one of the pilots towed to about 2,000 feet by the Poliflh aircra.ft, then released to circle down to the landing strip. He will be flying a PIK-20B fiber- glass sailplane from Finland. ~&DBRAUNER SAVE $20 on our matching wood chairs S44 each In aeta of 4. S1n91y $49 Saddle tan vinyl seat Easy to assemble to; BIPLANE -Pilot Glen Martin, who later .._.founded Martin Aviation. ii ahown in a bi- plane in a photo taken at about 1915 at Newport Beach. 1:"wrights weren't first to fly ~ 1 ~Balloon rides came 120 years before Kitty Hawk .. ... While Orville and Wilbur Wright are generally 1 ,. • ..xi.ated with mankind's f.i.rat fllfht. it was in 1783 I I' -120 years before that day at Kitty Hawk -that , . man first viewed the-earth from the sky. Charles demonstrated the gas balloon in Paris in 1783. The hydrogen-filled bubble shot off into the clouds and landed, 1~ miles away, in the village of Gonesse, where villagers knew nothing of the experiment. Joeeph Montgolfier, the son of a French paper manufacturer, had long been obsessed with flight. One version holds that he became convinced that smoke waa "magic" and could cause material to float. With hla brother, Jacques Etienne, he experi- mented with shapes and sizes of balloons. or aero- stata. as they were called. They IOOl'1 l~ that he.t. not smoke wu creating the lift. Eventu~~ rooeter, duck and sheep were aent up ln a , becoming the first living thi.rig, aloft. When they emerged from the flight unbar- • med, it signaled that it was possible to breathe at · great heignta. • Meanwhile, physicist Jaoq_ues A. Charles had been experimenting in Paris with hydrogen. When word reached him of the aerostat, he decided to apply what he knew about h ydrogen to the balloon. ." Charles' balloon was a sphere, while Montgol- ... fier'a was elongated. Charles' balloon was only 12 feet ln diameter, but it was a long, costly process to manufacture hydrogen and it took nearly three ~ya to fill the here. Thinking the object to be a monster, the villa- gers pitchforked it to "death," as it twisted and hi.sled with escaping gas. On Nov. 21, 17B3. Parisian physicist Pilatre de Rozier and the Marquis d ' ~rlandes made the world's first manned free flight in a Montgolfier- bullt hot alr balloon. - On Dec. l , less than two weeks later, Charles took the first ruaht in a hydrogen-filled balloon. Balloons today do not differ greatly from tboee that were built nearly 200 years ago. The hot air balloons are heated by the flame from a burner. Propane gas is used to fuel the burner. Hot air balloons can remain aloft aa long aa there is suffi- cient propane -usually two to four hours -de- pending upon the ambient temperature. A balloon flight on a cold winter day will last longer than a flight in mid-summer . Most modem gas balloons are spherical. The main difference from Charles' original design ia the addition of a valve on the top of the balloon, to vent the as when it ex from the heat of the sun. Vlllaie £UllOPEAN SHOPPING. DINING A ENTERTAINMENT se UNIQUE seoPS CHAPEL llll'OlfTS l'ROll .utOVND THE ro1tLD MOTEL COME AND ENJOY OUR MAY FESTIY AL Every Weekend Thna May AND ~ ~ , IN 11IE STIU'.ITS OP : FESl'IV AL HALL BU ";.:I ..... SPECIAL EVENTS RESTAUUNT ":'~ • ...l l 'fO OLD YOllLD SUNDAY '-4\ ~ vw.AGI 4 PC. .~ MOTHER•s DAY GERMAN BAND GEIUIAN DANCE 2 to 6 P.M. CROUP BUFFET H .25 ACCORDION BY Wiii YINEmJBE RATllSltELl.D 18PUS90 BAil SEAFOOD SHOP SAUSAGE WORLD GRANNY'S HODIUDY BRATW'UIST ' CORNER Phone (714) ~2-7010•893-0112 •OPEN DAILY 11 A.M. 7561 W. CENTER AVE. HUNTINGTON BEA~ CA PARADE MUSIC By Meeel Muibaaea From The RatMbller COBBLE.ttONI CLOWNS CANDY A BALLOONS FOR MOTHER CABNA'nONS FOR MOTHER SPINDA DAY TRB EUROPF..\N WAY \~,,_.\d "'' -~ FROM OUR ROWNG SIOCK COLLECTION incas rizesl . . ·1992 Gordon Bennett Balloon Race • • I · P'9otography Contest . .. Bring your camera to the race, then enter the photo contest -your snapshot may be wonh a lot. PRIZES: Amateur -1st $200 2nd 5100 3rd S SO Professional -1st SSOO . 2nd $300 3rd $200 MAYl,1912 .. ·-: , 18& BROOKHURST ST. I FOUNTAIN VALLEY (CORf'JER GARFIELD 'BEHIND McOONALDS) I . I PRECIOUS STONES! 16'', 18'', 20'' $ LIMIT 15 PER CUSTOMER "MAYIE THE LOWEST PllCE IN AMEllCAll '' 14 IT. GOLD OIARMS RINGS 503 11075 3 on IYllY llNG IN THI STOii iS 50% AND 75% OFF Orange Coat DAILY PILOT /Tue.day, Mey <4, 1982 ; SALE STARTS THURS., MAY 6 MOTHER'S DAY IS MAY 9TH SALE STARTS THURSDA y I MA y '6 SALE HOU~S 10 00 · THURS. • FRI. 10-9 e DAILY 10-7 ... AM SHARP!! SUNDAY 10-6 , I WATC'HES 75u%o OFF - ---.j 1 0 e 80 BE HEiE WHEN 1~::;;;;; e THE DOORS OPENI AM SHARP! THIS IS ITI UP TO %1FF . ' DON'T MIND THE CROWDS! i > I I I I I • .... '· ~ .. '· ~ '· " •. • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT ITUMdey, May 4, 1982 0 D ROBERT'S ... now flying high -over FOUNTAIN VALLEY Experience a store alive with color and imagination. Filled with glitterir:ig lights, unique designs fashioned of chrome, wood, glass, mirrors, rattan and more. Experience ROBERT'S, a leader in .the world .of modern furniture. ROBERT'S HOUSE OF MODERN FURNITURE stands Located in RALPH'S HOME FURNISHINGS out in the contemporary furniture field because of the exciting manner in which it presents its complete stock of furniture, lighting and accessories. ROBERT'S1entire store is displayed in exquisite room settings to aid customers in choosing furniture that will fit in their own homes. Prompt delivery I set-up and top quality decorator services are also provided ... and ROBERT'S is. competitively priced. That's what the ROBERT'S experience is all about. Good quality, trend-setting furniture,· top-notch service and solid savings. The look of today AND tomorrow is at ROBERT'S HOUSE OF MODERN FURNITURE. MALL llllJ Piiat TUESDAY, MAY•. 1082 ClASSIFllD 04 Workinan: Interview .story was false Edison coach says he did not apply for a job as a Kansas assistant Mathemat:ic8 WM always my favorite subject ln echool -lt la an exact denoe, no two ways about lt. Two and two make four -two and maybe two ~no 1r>lut1on. PREP SPORTS 18 ,.,, lll/S.Nrd8y, May I. 1982 l . With that bit of sage advice given, the subject at han4 is an apparent erroneous story released on Saturday regarding the status of Edison High football coach BUI Workman by the Orange County edition of the Los Angeles Times. The headline aays "Workman Interviews for Kansas Job" and the author says the same, revela- ~qns which sent a few shocks through the F.dison High campus. But the Chargers are getting used to a few wavea by now. ROGER CARLSON Workman Interviews for Kansas Job a receivers coach, hu to be opened up to adver- tiaement. "The position probably wouldn't pay that much anyway, I don't know. u-ttw11 Sc11oo1 ~ c-:h aw won-,.,,.., .... "' ... .._. K-on-.vi, for an -<-"iAI Jt/b al ~ Ut11•tn1l)', TM -..... Ov.tt-...., • u . ..--nllll llll'IM "llPPf'l 111 OM Cl,. plAiyolto. ~ '--* "-"' .... ...,, .......... 11111tu1a ... -..... "'"'" Ml l8med WortunM and lht l4lloli looUlall pro. ..... "" "" ICl'"'Pft "' "-. waru...n 11u ~ "' • KM-. tOOl.b.ll ....., and tMt-. .,. nw ,..._ ,,_ ,_ ............ , ................. nor. -._ .• ,........ .....,,.,,, °""'· ._ IO "-.,,,_ ,__ IW "False alarm," Workman said Monday morning following hia return from Lawrence, Kansas, where he and Ediaon athletic director Lyman <::lower spent the weekend, attending a footba.11 clin.l.c at the Un- iversity of Kansas. "I'm going to be right here (at Edi9on), ready for everyone to shoot at," said Workman. So, why would a newspaper with the national prestige of the Loe Angeles Times n.&n such a story? Wor\.IMll wu Ubd by KA/WM olft. ct.&11 IO -'Y for U>t o11 ....... wU..14 JQb WI wu Id\ •llUlll INo .... w IWft r.m.o., aW.C.. p1.a,.,... for OW J., MWU. UldlldlNr All .... - """"" fl.llllled; °"" c..---bid kn ·""" -,_... T!eY ·-lhtM 1NI ~ f•.,.., ll•yl Wil "That's amazing," continued Workman. "I don't know what to say. There was no interview. "I was involved ln a golf tournament . . . with that many kids from F.diaon (five on campus, three more coming) they like to talk with me. "I don't know why," says Workman. "I seem to be the topic of rwnors, at least it wun't negative. "I didn't broadcast I was going an~ I left a message that I waa going to be out of town. People can make all kinds of things out of it." "The same rumor was here and I can un- derstand why. But Bill had made plans for over a year to come to out clinic and golf tournament in conjunction with our spring game, which involves some of his players. Cue closed -until someone opens another chapter. • • • "It was a work-pleasure type of thing. Lyman and I did some work with their staff in t.enns of special teams. So, Workman ii now, never has and never will be a candidate for a job at Kansas University - right? "It just 80 happened I had a coach leave the staff a few days before, ao everyone saw him here and WU thinking, too. ALUMNI FOOTBALL GAMES are becoming the ln thing for area preps trying to beef up ugging funds. "I didn't interview for any position there. I saw Coach (Don) Fambrough for a total of about five minutes. covering a span of three or four occasions. Not quite. With a reputation built by a 45-5 record over the past five yeara, Workman ii a legi- timate candidate for a lot of jobs. Convinced? Let's go a step further .. Fambrough, the Kansas coach, "says this about the situation : "Bill haa not applied. But believe me, I would certainly be interested in him. rm lmpc-.cd with h1a knowledge and the penlOn he ii, but he bu not applied," said Fambrouah. Corona del Mar and Newport Harbor alumni will collide June 4 at Newport Harbor and on June 12 the alumni at Costa Mesa and FAtanda will meet at the same site. "There were two positions open at Kansas but one has already been filled, and the ot)'ler, a spot for Fonner players (ex.eluding current eenion and (See WORKMAN, Page D!) H-earty salute to iife Massimino is helping those who helped him. By HOWARD L. HANDY Of tt1e o..., Piiot •tan Too often in these days of pampered athletes and big money pay checks for the professional stars, they forset where it all started and how they got to the top in their chosen field. T hat little something extra a coach taught them or a parent did to bring them along the way and pu\ tbern where they are today Is forgotten. The at.hJete tends to take all the accolades himseU and put things way out of perspective. IT IS REFRESHING, indeed. then to learn of a diffe~t type of athlete who puniahed himself to the limiti while in .:hOol .nd-Jlas continued to do the ~ tO help ..-IJC'Oll'8lll 6e cmae starred in. lt is even more astounding when that athlete par11ci pated m a so-cal.led minor •port like water polo that has no professional future. When he steps forward to praise htS coach and gives him credit for aiding him in has life's goals, then tries to do - something about it, it is even more amazing. Ferdy Massimino is that type of individual. Massimino, for those who would check the record books. 900recf the winning goal ln a sudden- death overtime period against UCLA to give UC Irvine the f"'CAA water polo champion.ship in 1970, its only DivW.on I title in the 1Chool'1 hiatory. While auending UCI, Massimino took a year off from the gruelling sport to serve as student body president. He was not afraid to give of himaelf then and he isn't afraid to do the same, or a little bit more, now. AFl'ER GRADUATION from UCI, he eought .a chance to attend medical IChool #lJld finally landed a apot .in Philadelphia at Thomas Jefferson Un- iversity where he gained his M.D. status in 1977. At the present time, he Is an emergency room physician for the Permanente Medical Group and works at Kaiser Foundation Hospital ln Martinez in Northern California. In February, Massimino finished 30th overall and fifth in his age group (30-35) in the gruelling Triathlon competition in Hawaii. Thia includes a :U mile ocean swim followed by a 112-mlle bicycle race and concludes with a regulation marathon run of 26 miles, 385 yards. "From the day we are born, the body begins a slow process of degenerallon, which, for most of us, should take at least 90 to 100 years," Massimino says. "MY SPECIAL TY is emergency medicine and I have an on-going interest in preventive medicine, in particular the relationship between risk factors and coronary artery disease. "For this reason. 1 decided to pick the triathlon event to compete an. I ·am also very interested in helping the Newport Water Polo Foundation whicb was started about a year and a half ago. . "I feel that I have been rewarded with a healthy lifestyle and 1 follow a fitness program. "Having come through Ed Newland'• program at UC Irvine has made me competitive for this type of an event. It ia an extension of the philoeophy of Newland. If you work hard enoufh and long en- ough you will achieve success. That s hia theory and has been since I was in school there. "I HOPE TO BE successful enough in the triathlon to be able to take something back to the community and ahow the importance of such trai- ning and the ultimate results. The heavy training uncfer Coach Newland did a great deal for me in this respect. IRON MAN EFFORT -Former UC Irvine star Ferdy Massimino as he croaea the finish line of the 1982 Ironman World Endurance Triathlon. "Right. now I'm getting invitationa and going out into the community &o speak about fitness and Ufeatyle. It is a community out-reach program for me and is an arm of the Foundation. I'm doing it to help the Newport Water P olo Foundation -I'm. promoting fitnea l hope olhen can 1ee what it has done for me and others along the way "On this basil, I hope to help them rme m::k for the foundation and in turn give llOl'Dething to c.oach Newland. · "But I am not the only one involved. Bob Warington is president of the group and at least two (See MASSIMINO, Paae Di) Al~ WAS I PICKED? -Colleen Wesnak (right) of Allentown. Pa., croeses her fingen and cloees her eyes as judges decide on cheerleader prospects for the Philadelphia Eagles. Winnen of the cheerleading tryouts will be known as the Liberty Belles and entertain at NFL games in Philadelphia. How do Angels spell relief? AASE CLEVELAND (AP) -When Don A111e was sent to the bullpen by the ,A81el1 d uring the 1980 aeaaon, the I riaht-bander wu "down about It," aJd ~te Andy Huller. • "But ~erybody aat down there and talked to him, • 8Uted u he ii," Huller CIOllt.Uhled, "and Tt didn't tab Jona for ~ to pi the feel of relief. He'• been wt**·" BAllLER COMBINED wlth Aue ~ na,ht to do what they'w been ... an c -ahutUnc doWn tbe .. pORUce.ler fired five 800l' I I-In· nlnp after relievtna Miu Wlti tn tlMt 8'CIJftd and A-. ndNd u.. flnel .....; Oeve1end ..... -ffw oft llriUoutl -• tbt ..... nipped the~ M .. · Ala. 3-1 with aa ~ t..,...._: leadln1 0.67 earned run averaae ln 27 innin11~ex lalned: "'l'ro a little more relaxed out of the bullpen dlM I was lt&.rtin&· ...Uy, when J'O'I come ln you're In a lituation with men on '- and you don't have time ti> Wnk abou\ everythlnc. . .. ~. who hM not lllJowed a nm o4ft 13 lnnlnal thll '"'°"'aid one o1 the NMOllll the Anpls have l'OU'ld to • 17-8 swt" that ••eWrybocSy • um....., a.. been eettinc dudl hlts." DON BAYLOa TIBI> tb•"1•me '" the ..wnth 1nn1nC 1"-m RBI clalallle off Len Berbr', then wan it In the ninth with • wrUlo9 fly off Dan lpOIDlr, 0.1. Barlrllir -'cl ll 11'. nw di urrwd to be 'laid wtth • ~ Iba AIJce'a' Nta;y w .. that time. 01 had aood stuff, but I WM Just erratic with_ my control," Buker l&lcl. "U they (tbe Indlam) aeon me four nma a pine, I ~ wtn ao of 3e -.•• Berke!' e..J*f with hll 3-1 record lo- t.let, but Dan Sdllner, 0-2, 1ook the - for OeYeland. dw tam'• fourth ltnlaht. ROD CABBW led off the Ana•l•' nlntli wtlb a~· off lptltner:.J'Nd Lyna ftlbd. carew ,,_t to tblrd an .._. Jacbon'• fly ball and ~ on Baj)Or'a driw to detp center. TM ~ IDOnld twice In tbt tow1h Ott ..... without. hlt. J.cban lid ol1 with a walk an4 one out later Bobby Ortd\ allo walkilcL Jadllon ICCINd and Ortch .moved to third when third ._... man Toby Harrah allowed a fl"Ounder by Doua D.Cincel to .-t by bkn f(W an T'. error. <1rfch ICOred ora ·a ucrl.fice fly by Tim Foll. The AJw9)I tied it M with alngle runa in the fift& and eeverlth lnn1no. Carew' Lynn and J~ hit comecutive li.nalea f(W a run In the lixth. Jacbin walbd with two out ln the _,venth and Baylor doubled him~. "I DID .. 'T GET the 1011, but I lhMald'W=t far havtna the fOW'·run a.IS and ~ the atx wallm 80 they could come Bu'ker aaid . "When you I" four down to Barker and --mck .. bed ~ lt'a • M.'e fffllnC," Hudlr ea!d. "£verybody th this room feela moocl about It." Aue ..W, ur movecl th• ball ~ and out.. I • IDDll fl 1n1 atrtbouta on my f aatMll, •Xfff I for the tau one a CUl'Wlball. •• l Dodgers: ~essage is clear· .. LOS ANGELES (AP ) - Shortly after the Loa Angeles Dodgers' 12-lnning, 6 -3 lou to the New York Mets Monday night, Dusty Baker strode into the clubhouse, ripped the name plate from his locker, then bur- led hia director-type chair onto a table, shattering the chair. Whether it was the Cruatration o f ·yet another failure by the Dodgers' bullpen, or Baker'• own troubles a t the plate -he's O-for-17 and without an RBI in four games -the memage wu clear. The Dodgers are playing no- where near their capability, u the 1tandings in the National League West wW attest. THEY'RE TWO GAMES be- low .500, at 11 -13, and seven games out of first place. They're also only one-half game out of last place. The bullpen is as responsible as anything for the Dodgen' early struggles. Monday night marked the sixth time in the last seven games the bullpen haa appeared with the Dodgers ahead, or the ICOl'e tied, and failed. And the one time it did come through, on Saturday, it took Baker's throw to the plate ln the ninth inning to nail the tying run. At least. on Monday night, the bullpen did show positive signs. ALEJANDRO PENA pitched out of a scrape in the seventh inning. striking out two batters, including George Foater, to leave · two runners on baae. And Tom Niedenfuer followed him with four 9COreless lnnings in which he scattered four tin- gles. Then came the 12th. Terry Forster gave up an im - m ediate s ingle. Then, after a sacrifice bunt, by Dave Kingman, of all people, another lingle. And when h e hit John Steams with a pitch to load the bMS with one out, Steve Howe repi.ced him. Hubie Brooks then whiatled a single to right and two runa were home. THE METS ADDED one more run ln the 12th to hand the Dodgen their third ic. in four gamea and, at the aame tltne, reach .600 (12-12). For hia part. Forster, the ic.er-, took the blame for the def•L "It'• pttina old,'' be ta1.to."d OecUna on a 1-3 won-lam and a 8.66 ea"*5 run·~· "I mede IOml! t-.d pttm. anCI I aot burned. I'm havtnc trouble gett.ini the ball down. ·•rve Ju.ft aot to evaluate my pltchtn1. ·There'• 1omethln, ·wrona. r don't know wbal U _ W11 hun. I could ur.da Albd lt. but I'm not. I'm juat malllq clwnb phcba .. The 1ame mlaht have beeu CNW two~ ell'lilir wwe it "°' -• ~ ..... =~ by Ric* MondlY In rtabt In the iop of the 10th ....... With n.8IUm'I .. ant and ........_ two out1. Monday made a C•••· uvln• catcb on a thot bJ 8-.m.. . 1 l ! ' ' . .. . •• OfMge Coeat DAILY PILOT/TUetday, May 4, 1912 '..------------------------ .J Magee accomplishes an historic first! Kevin Mqee llCC'OrllplJahed IOlne m·· lncndlble featl dwinl h1a two yeen of playtnc blllket.ball at UC lrvtne, but ' lt'1 doubtful any of tJ'8l;D al>Pl'OIChed h1I achievement announcea-by the NCAA rec- ently. In 1982, a1 in '81, Maaee dJd not win a national Individual 1taU1tfC1 champlonablp. Thoee honon went to Texu Southern junior Harry Kelly in .cortna (29.7 point•): Cal 1enior 'ldark McNamara in field pl aocu- rw:y (70.2 pen:ent) and Tena junior LaSalle Tbompeon in rebounding (13.5). What Magee did aocom- pll1h, however, was 1ome- thina even better. He fin1lbed in die Top 10 nationally In scoring, field goal accuracy lllAGllll and rebounding for the ae- ~ time, 10methine no major collegian hu ever done. The 6-8, 230-pound forward, who appean to be a cinch first-round eelection in the upcoming NBA draft, was fourth in ac:oring (26.2), fifth in field _goal accuracy (64.2) and seventh in re- bounding (12.2), Quote of the day Tom BelDIOlla, a fonner NBA player and coach, on the pro basketball playoffs: "They eo on and on, like a guy telling a bad joke for 15 mJnutes." From Page 01 MASSIMINO • • • others from Newland'a teams participaied in the triathlon -Thomas Baughey who finiabed ninth and Bill Leach who was 47th. "OUR GROUP HOPES to otter more than just a top-notch water polo program. It's sort of what Newland himself always rep.retented and it's real appropriate to me to be involved in an endu- rance activity on a recurrin8 basis. "Anyone who smokes or wants to lose weight can do ao by using an endurance type of activity as a foundation and building a healthy lifestyle around it. There are no aecreta in tliia area." MaMim.lno la working four 12-bour ah1fta each week at the hospital (noon to midnift) and train-· i.ng full-time the other three days. t doesn't give him much time with his two daught.en, All)'!IOD and ntfany, or with wife Unda. "Linda wu initially resistant to the whole thing but after having gooe to the event. abe ex- perienced a transformation. It is one of the most exciting athletic competitions I have ever been to. And lt wu ina'edibly exciting for her. For the fbwt time in my athletic catter, abe w.. excited. too. "ALL THE TRAINING that ia required pre- pares you for the event. I am pl-«iented and I will be there Oct. 9 when the 1ixtb annual event is held in Hawaii. I swim from 8-10,o:J'a.rda a week; ride 150-200 miles on a bicycle; run 40-50 miles a week. "Most of the top athletes in the triathlon are training full-time. It is the premiere endurance event In the world today. It la an ironman event. They are having some triathlons all along the Cal- ifornia coast th.ls summer but they will be aborter. We call them tin-man triathlons (compared to iron-man). "I will compete in one or two jult to break the training monotony. But I have my lighta 1et on the October event and anything along the way is really not tha1 bnportant to me." Being a phyaldal exponent and an articulate and-astute ICholar for a number of yean. Mamim1no knowa h1I subject thoroughly. "On a typical shift at work, I interview from 10 to 20 patients who come in with 'chest peina.' They, of course, are concerned about their heart and I usually u k questions and take a risk factor profile. "INV ARUBLY WHEN I uk about exerdle, the most common respomes are 'Oh, I get a lot of exerd.le at w«k.' or 'I work hard all day 1or'I at home and get plenty of exercile, I "My experience la that a tremendous amount of mt.information or lack of Information exi1ia about what kind of exerdae has a protective effect aaaiNt heart di8ease and prornoa optimum health. ~durance type activity i1 the kind that we are ta.lkin2 about. "Endurance type activity is defined u any activity that uses (1) large muacle grot.ape that can be maintained oontinuoualy and is (2) aerobic and rhyt.bmical in nature. ''Some common examples are nmping-Joainl, walk.lna-btldn1. 1wlmmln1, bicyclln1, lkatlna, rowtna. crcm-<lOW\try lldJnc, rope lldpph>&, ju:ler- d81 and variaw endurance pme llCtiviU.. "THE AMERICAN College of Spor11 Medi· cine makes the follawinC reoommendadom for tM quantity and quality of tn1nlnl for developlnc and main'91ning cardio-l"elplrawry fitne-= "One-the frequency of activity 1hould be three to five days a week. '-i\to-the lntemlty of ...Uvity lhot.ald be 50 to 80 perant of maximum hMrt raw, which can be asUmated by IUbtncUnl your .. from 220. ''Three-the duration of activity 1hould be l&-80 minutes of contlnuoua aerob6c llCdvity. Low to moderate duntian ICtlvtty II recomanmded Initially for the non.lathledc lldult. · -. Braves stay unbeaten on the road the aeuon, and Claldell Wa1'1astoa . Pkll Ntetro won hll first game of • hit a three-run homer u Atlanta re- mained unbeaten (9-Q) on the road with a 10-4 dedslon over Pittabu.rgh to highlight National League action Monday . . . Ebewhere, Gary Carter and arl1 SDeler homered to back the seven-hit pltcblna ol BIU O•lllcklOD, and Montreal downed San Diego, 8-2, in a game de- layed )2 mJnutea by rain. The Io. marked only the second time the Padres had lost two in a row this eeaaon . . . Itel~ BenwMln and DJDe lorg rapped RBI s.lnglee. and Darrell Porter belted a two-run homer aa St Louil rallied for .five runs in the aeventh inning to beat the Chicago Cubs, 9-4 . . . Rookie 1Bob .Denaler sent Philadelphia ahead with a run-aooring double in the fourth inning, and the Phillie. beat San Fr-ana.co, 6-3, to win two g~ ln a row for the first time this aeaion ... Pittsburgh'• Ja1oa Tlllomptoa wu named the NL Player of the Week aft.er batting .407 with five home rum and 12 RBl Bueball today Oil ... dAte ln b• •"'"In 1971: ................ IOONd tbe ... mllllontti run IA prof ... tonal bueball hl1tory durtu a 1•m• a1alnat Cbe Ian l'Nndico Gtanfl at~ Park. On WI date ln leM: Henldild New York Yankeel oudlelder Joe DlMaalo rmde hil ~ Jeq\18 cs.but. wearln1 lfo. 9 -rather than nt. now- retited No. &. DtMaak> collected three hit1 a1 the Yanken dileated the St. Loui1 Browna, 14-5, at Yankee Stadium. Today's btrthdaya: Seattle Manaar Re!M LIChemann ii 37. Sf. Louil Infielder Ken Oberkfell f1 26. .Detroit fl.nt t..rnan lUC!k Leecti II 26. Injury to Hearne could delay bout · An Injured fln1er on the rlaht • hand of boxer Tlloma1 Bearu ooUld fonie postponement of h1I ICheduled May 24 title ftsht with middleweight charnpion Marvla Hagler, Hearn•' manager- tratner said Monday. Hearns aald he in~ the , finaer lut week when he tripped while running ancJ tried to break h1I fall With h1I right hand . . . Natlonal Football Le•gue repre9entativea held a prep lelSlon in Tampa, Fla. with of:fida.ls from 10 cltiet who put in bida to host future Super Bowll. The bids are for games XIX, XX and XXI, beginning in 1985. Actual 1ite selec- tions will be made in NfW York June 2-3. Ana- heim la one of 10 dtiea posting bl.di . . . Major League baseball attracted more than 5 million fans ln April for only the leCOnd time in hiatory. Aprll attendanoe totaled 5,009,065, 8e00nd only to the recqrd-breaking aeuon of 1979 when the opening-month crowd count wu 5,119,235 ... Mlke llabb,.a former Univenity Of Oklahoma football player, died durtna 1urgery to repair a knee injury he suffered during OU'a varalty- alumni game. Babb 1uffered from cardiac arrest while on the operating tAble. Televlslon, radio TV: No eventl tcheduled. RADIO: Bueball -Angela at Cleveland, 4:30 p.m., KMPC (710); New York. Meu at Dodgers, 7:30 p.m., KABC (790). == ~) lbiNld ........ ... N....,n Huboe-athletic director 1111 Ptmdca predk.11 a llllout an June 4. --. . . Wl'.ITMINITER BJOB football ooech Birr)' Waten ft reeoverln1 from 1ur1ery performed Monday at PacWca Hoeptal foe the removal ot two dilca. Waten hal had a chroNc beck problem f.ol' the 15 ye.n and the HunUnitcn ~ Nlktent to be on the recupenun, lhelt for at IMll& monthl. He JI ICheduled to be releaeed from the holpltal in 5-7 days. • • • CBEC&INO AROUND --Ca.tA M .. Htab'• annual wrestlinQ tournament appean to be bt du. fall bee.awe of ihe lnabWty to find a COICh to dill date •.. All-American water ~ bonan WWN .c- corded Newport Harbor's Mark BneU J.L e.J. vatore and Bob Taylor, alona with Corona del Mar-• Larr'-Jacob1H and Dan lmhnllle and Co.tA Mesa I hll Ca1&l1Je . . . aee:.tu and tryout.a for the ninth annual USA De- velopment Le!JUe are May 20 (5 p.m.) at Bola Grande Wah. Tryout fee f« the 0rana Camty team 11 $1!. The Orange County coach 11 Bola.a Grande High'• Toay Llpold. Amante overall champ Amante, skippered by Mel JUchley of Udo Isle Yacht Club Wu-the overall and C.. A winner ln the final lea of LIYC'a Tri-Port ~ race foe Performance H.andk:aP Radq Fleet ta fltlW'- ning from the Enaenada race. 1 . F1nt lea of the race wu ailed from San ~ to Oceanside on Saturday. and the llClOOd Jes thin Oce.amlde to Newport on &mday. Both recal w; the inverted ltarl with the lower cI.. and aJm.oer boatl ~first acoord1na to their raUnC. --1· .. °"9e .. 01 '( 0 1'•1 .. ....... CLASS A -Teunaml, Doug Ct.Ma A -An--. .... -.. o.ni.on, OPYC. t.y, UYC'. I ClA88 8 -°'*'-· Ed WIN. CUN I -0...... Ed-.... eve eve. · 7-~ CLASS C -8oolefl Mlet, Ooo CLASS C -f8'ooft Jim Ura And«aon. eve aavc. · • · & _, • J .. fllOlOI toa.c.C.O C:OlllWA.Ht LIG~TS 8 mg "tar". 0.7 mg n1co une av. per c1ga1e11e. FTC Repon DEC. '81; FILTERS 15 mg "tar". 11 mg. Rtcotine av per cigarette by FTC method Where a .man b.elongs. • _,__ - , l . ' 1 f I ! • -· 0nnoe COlilt OAIL't' PtLOTITueeday, May 4 , 1982 .. UCI by I; Gauchos, CdM • WID The UC lrvtne tennla t.m. • 'xpected, held the le.dafter the fint day o( competJtton at the PCAA Champonuupt, belied by UCI Monday. What wu unex- pected, h owever, wu the Ant. eaten' margin over the rnt of the field. After Eric Quade, the team'• No. 2 player, and teemmatee rd McPherson (No. S) and Mark Ramos (No. 5) were all upeec In their respective divtaton1, &be UCI aquad only held a lllm one- TENNIS r• point advantage over cha.rgfni UC Santa Barbara and Lons Beach State. _ FIND YOUR REGION -If you have a · youngs1er, boy or girl, int.erested i{l participating in the A.mertcan Youth Soccer Organi7.ation this year, take note. It's time for registration in most regions. Signups begin Saturday in numerous regions along the Orange Coast. Above ii a map to help figure out the region in which a child should participate. In other action Monday, Saddleback Colleae wrapped up the Miaaion Conference cham- pionships with an all-Gauchos final in both aing1et and doublea. Corona del Mar, meanwhile, crushed San Diego's top CIP re- presentative, La Jolla, 24-4. ~'' ~t\\~ ":...~~ ~~ " .. YOM Loe~ ' ' .,.... ., .... ~-. e~~~~ a~i~~~ ~ '9 .... .21> 1 0 0 0 C4¥.3'1 6 0 1 0 ,...,.. 1 1 a o o.n.n..a o o o o 1 • llA.MMl ~-.., ....... '•1ttunL...---.-..... • W L ,_., - 11 I ·"° 11 • .M1 N I I w 11 I .671 U 11 .MO 11 " ... I 11 .MO • I • 11 .111 ............. ,. 1 M I 11 I I 1J I ti I ,. • u .......... ........ ~, .............. 0 ...... ...._..2 ~l ..... Yclltl2 "-Qtya, ....... 1 <-....-....... T .............. ... AOt I JllO " Al • .... "" .-1 1 .-1 1 ---~ ~-a-ii..s---1-1) ..... (tlllMlft CM) .t ..._.. (D ..... lln.a2-I) ....... ~ 2-2) .. '°"°" ~ ~-er-1-i1 at owon cP__. 1-1) • ~~ 1-1)at .... Yortt "'f • .:.. ~ 1·2) .. a.-(8urN 1-1) Kall-City jQwa 2-1) al Mllwaull .. ~,.,, ~:::r:' W L ,_ -11 I .110 14 I ... 3 ,, 11 .... 1 11 II .4M 1 11 14 MO N 10 1ll ... 1'4 ............. It. LOllll 11 I ...., .....,.... 12 I .IOO 1~ ......... 12 12 .IOO N ............. I "-!!1 '~ "'' I 9tt I 14 -~ CNol9a • 11 .m , ,. .......... ................. (12 ......... Mll'*tO.......,., IL&..-1,~ ........... 2 l'tll .,...... • ~ .... Tl~--- .... Yorti (loon 2·2) a l D•4l1er• ('Yalli I d 2"'> Howtall CKMt>98t 1·2) at Cl11Cl1111a1I ~N) AUallla (Cawley 1·0) at Pltlt111ur1h .,...,...""°' CNo19a I..,. 2-2> at 8t. LOllll~ '1.-......,,. M) llt ... l*9D l\.Gllr 1'1 A 2 \ tda (Celttofl 2~) al leil ~ -(Gl?e 1~1> A MCANl.EAGUR a,....1,~4 c~ a.aYl'.LAle .. , .... . , .... ~114000 OloNll 5010 ~rf 0 0 0 0 ......,,3b 3 I 1 0 car.. 111 4 2 3 0 Hargrv 1b ll 1 2 1 Lym c:t 4 0 1 O Tlwnln dll 4 0 1 1 ~rf3211 H.,_rf 4 011 ACWll" 0000 ~c 40•o Bertordh 4 012 Mannnoc:t4000 Otidl2b 2 I 1 0 Pwoonl2b 3 1 2 0 OtCnct 3b 11 0 0 O ~I " 1 1 1 0 P'cl• 3 0 0 t Mc8rtdpll t 0 0 0 lloonec 1000 Totlllt 312 5 1 4 Toe.It 32 4 I ll ..... .., ....... CllliDr'llla . oocJ 2 to to 1-1 ~ 220 000 000-• f -C.,_, Hwt9h. OP-CelllOtllla I LOl-Ca lllornla 11, Clevala11d I 2a-lft'Or. H~L1"f\. a-car-. Oyt>-~-kl ......... " •• -eti Wll1 1 .. 4 • ' I 0 ..... 5 40011 ~CWt? I~ 0 0 0 0 I ..._ , •,a 1 o .... ~~ 1 1 1 1 2 1 Wit I . T-t:U. A-1 ...... ...... T.-. ......_ ao ooo 001-1 1 o itii~i~ Klngllwl.1b 6 0 1 0 Ou«rw,ol 4 1 1 1 YOftlllllld.rf 8 1 2 1 v.....,,c ll 0 0 0 a..rn..c 5 1 2 o Sdotcla.c 1 o o o llrooU,lb • 1 ' 2 ,_...,,.. 1 1 0 0 Qrdnhr.. 5 1 1 1 Or\a,"'1 1 0 0 0 1'1119o.p 2010 ....... tooo aw.n,p 0 0 0 0 Hooeoft.p 2 0 1 0 ,~ 0000 ~ 0000 Almn,p 101 0 ~tOOO ~ 0 0 0 O• t!.:.::t 1 0 0 0 Ll'ftClll,.p t O 0 0 1 O O O ,...,.., 0 0 0 0 ··~ 0000 T4*111 47 a 11 1 r--. 41 a 1 a ._ Yort ._ ~ ~ 100 003-4 Loe Moma 010 000 200 ~ E -feaew. DI' -Loe Moma t. LOe -._ YOfll 12. Loe ~ I. l9 -llilaftdey, ... -......._ (2). OuMwo (I). • -wt. -t. ---· ............ -1'1119o. o.~;. ?Qngman. • " • • • eo Pul9o ·~41 312 ..., 1i. 2 0 0 1 1 ,..,... 0 00010 Allll Nt0002 "~·1·2 2 0 0 0 0 0 ...... l'Al101321 ~ •00002 ..... '40010 ,.,...._,._. 141 2 I I 0 O ....... •10 00 0 F-........., IO 1 ... Ill .. llfl. .. -., ,.,...., ....,... Pe -y- ... ......_ T -3:AI. A -*'Me. .,_.,,.,....., Atlanla 001 330 003-10 10 1 Pltl9burgh 010 003 000-• 10 2 P • ......,o, McWllwna IS). o.tber (71 Ind Beneclct; Solomon. Sarmiento 15). Scurry (7) and T. Pen•. W-P Nlekro (1-0) L-Solomon (1-31. 8 -Gerber 151 HR1-Pltt*"Oh, J. ~ 19). a. Aoblnaon (2). Atlanta. WMNng1on (3) A-4.&3e. C.....1,C-.4 ~ 000 112 000-4 II 2 St. Louil 300 010 SOx-11 11 1 NoleS, W Hernw>dc f1). L Smltll (7). RI· !*Y (T) -J °"'9, Fond\, Bair C1l end Porter W-Batr (2·0) L-NolH 13·31 HR1-Chle990, Ourllam (3) Kenaas City Por1..-(3). IJIPlll.h*M2 Monlr... 001 110 131-11 tO 2 San Diego tOO 000 OOt-2 1 3 ~ _, ~ ..... .-.-. ._ ne (Ill end T. Kennedy w-GuMidlaon 12·1) L-Montetusco I t-3) HR1-Montreal. Si*er (2). Cwttr (3) A-26,20 I ........ S.CMMtel ~ 300 tOO Ot0-6 6 t San Frenc:Hco 02, 000 000-3 1 0 R11th11en. Monge (3). Fermer (9) and S 01u; fowtti ... Scll•l2edar It). U..11141 (8) _, May W-Mongia (1-0) L-8cNtteder (~) S-F•rm« (3) HA-Sen Francla<:O e..-(5). A-12.022 Tep11 ~ ........ , ••PICMLW eMaH,_ 11 41 10 t9 ACM 21 11 11 aa .- 20 N 11 21 .aa ID t2 ti 11 .371 11 .. 5 11 .171 11 71 11 ..... 20 12 11 • .Mt 20 71 ..... 12•11u.aee 8'lndberg. T-11 • I D ..1M ......... Hr1*I. ........ ,,, ••• ~-.. 1; ......... ~ 71 Hlrrllll. ~ ••• 7 Tied 1Mli .. ........... Hr'bea, MltM'IHOla, It, ..-...1._!<M ... Clty, 21; TllOr11t~ ...... 1~L~ Otle, ~City. ao; .... ..,,.1, -11; OllMa. ...... ,.. ....... (1 ........ , "°"' a..eo. i.o: ............. G. ....._, "-Qy. M; c:.uiim. ...... M: ~·Ian i. t-t; t'lllNr,......., 1-1; ..... t-1: ..... °"'°"' •1: Ol'*Y. .... 1-1; A-. ...... ... "f'Clll&. ~City, 1-1; J, ...... °'*· llllld,l-1;, ................. 1. MATtOllM. LUeUI e Ma H ,_ MIO 11 U .M7 12 .. 1• to.., 1111 122.118 2111 1t It ... ~···­n I" • .141 .. I 11 .MO ~'*'° ::~~= I 1,8allc-.c..~· 14rf Mlf J. ~. ""''"""' !l ~ . ._ YMl, 11: ......... Miil ... r; .......,_, ~ t: """"·-.... .. ......... ~A .... -~Tlftllill;••1""4-"'l·"'-' :=.. ... ~.:...~-;; T.~,tl. w:~.=.....,.~= Mti.~. ~.:"" ....... YM. .. ,; a...~ ... 1; ........ Cll ........ 1:J. ..... ........ l-1; ............... ,:--. ....... ... \ ............. .. . =-"'°'* ~ 1', UCLA 1 cal ••rt• ,.,.. .... Cel ..... ----1e11a-2 ~ ..... 1 ..... .-. .... HtQH 8CttOOt. ""'"'9fty I, .._111*1 ......, I New!>o<t H.,bOr 002 010 o-3 1 3 Unl-.lty 310 002 •-t 12 1 Mac:Kelvey and Roe; Fu llfld Wlttwwpoon. 38-~(U). . Loe.U... .... M<*OAY'aM9'A.TI 11•1 of.,....._... ........... --.1 FMIT Mel. 400 vwo. 8ently N:M CWard) 14.00 1.00 4.10 Think Six (BtOOlla) 4.00 3.00 CMc Pno. CAaroo._) a.oo Aleo ttc•d. Seyou One Two, KlptybH, FltatpMftt, Shfftd N Rlctl, Cagney. Truell· eta J<yy. Toke T1m9 Tim« 20. 72. a UACTA 1a-e1 p11c1 w .eo. MCOM> lllACll. 350 ywcs. Tumbie-.d Ace (Hwt) 13 40 7.20 4.80 Flaming c.1 l&.rdl 1.eo 4.eo Mr Come(~) 3.eo Aleo ••cad J111 Ou.1uon ear. MovtnQ Van KJng. Ball 8ond1man, TOOlln N Aulln. Aov .. klMO Jet t-ta.ta TIMO UCS. 350 y-. Lotu Sl)'lt IMalrl 21.eo 1.40 4.eo Ouratron (8wd) 4.00 3.00 Jungle Play CPllU!lnt) UICI Af10 rac:ad· Marg McConnell. Maid In Tllnl. Re01 ,... PoltOy. ~ P-. 0o For Ooughtl!M Time: t8.3$ FORllTI4 flACI. 350 yarCS. W"8t Troullte ~) IA.40 17.80 11..IO 8w 8o MM (Hwt) 27.00 13.90 ~ CBardl 5.eo Aleo r8ced Sir L~ Gem. ~ CM. a.-Jet Bug. eraca .. Jedi eo-. n.. ~­T09 Me Not. °*1n'I Olwnond Tirlle t&.21. • DACTA C&-tO) p9ld la20 eo. ~ uca. 3$0 ywa Digit., (Peu11ne> ao.eo 10.00 4.eo Fatl ~ (Mltehell 5 40 3.80 """9c:1 Go (Hart) uo Al90 •8ced CtlettO I Rocket, ...... 14- K()j.il TllM HI 21 a&XTH llACL 360 y..-O. Cut N Run 1W1td) 12 80 5.20 s.eo Klsucl\lc: (Tr..-1) 4 40 4,00 Rail<oed Wateh (Hwt) 4.40 Aleo rac:.cl Pw9'Mdlc, Hlpplty, T09 &II ~~y The Bull. Gr~ G<ay, ~ Time t9 1$ • DAC'TA ~I .. NUO. M'Wlfnt flACI. 400 yardl. Soncho !Hart) 4 90 4 00 2.IO Mr Oulc:ll-IAclelrl 1 oo 4.40 At119try (Cardoza) 3.IO Aleo ••c•O L..cky Leif. Shlelly lk>one. Higher Oro.<. Country PlllOI. TM M~ men Time 2039 12 EUCTA 14-11 paid $41.00 llGlml lllAca. 400 ~ Tiww N EMy (NNVfta) U..IO 11.40 UO ~ Y0411 ~(Said) UO UO .._ ..... ()..aclkey1 5.00 Aleo'**'= a.y~ Mr.~ Oaci<, lme CtllC Copy, Mlt Boogia,"""""" L ... Time 20 4 1 124$ 00 IZ PtCac SOI (9+1~) Paid l 1,A06.80 wltll 28 ~ tlC .. IA (four ._...).12 Ptdl SI• Contolatloft paid tltAO wtdl 418 ..._ '*'Cl llClletl llhr .. hc>r.-). ~ llACL 350 ywda. ~For c;..,. 1ew~•.eo 4.oo 2.eo Wrw>Qll Aloi (Mllehell) 10.00 5.80 Oenvtile St.lion (P-.Alne) 4.00 A110 •aced OM Liiia Liiia. Jeleway 8-y. Kaan Olene. N•IM T-. KIO At Heert. Sey Ohle*. Euy Jett Wlndt. Time: 1171. t2 UACTA (4-1) pWd 164.40. TPml AACL 350 ywda. Magglat M"" ~) IAO 3JO 2.80 can. ClllN Doll (Hart) 4.40 3.00 ~ s:J~C!rcl-. Tlftre 91f, r:!: Credit. P•y Tiie Noll, MOOM~. WlllCly, AaQtim. . flme-18.21. a UACTA (4-9) peld l40.40. All~ 10,ff? ~ # -~ -• • • • • • • • • • • • &-3. W ; McOoug.i IUNL V) del. O.Vn.. !Pl. 5-2. 5-4 , ..... , s1-1uc111 def. &tamer 1"1. s-o. 1-2: Huntw (l>HLV) def. 8taMlngton (I.JS). 5-2. 8-2; Ran109 CUCl) "81, s.ntord (Fl). W , M , 8-t. SChulU Cl.BS) def. 8ogga (US). 1-2. M . , .... 1) Henoeraon IUNLV) def. 8ryllb (US). 5-t, $-1. 11-2. Pwezll IUC1) def. Noblet (Fl). l-0. &-2. Kanner IUCS8) def. llfooU ll&S). M 5-3, 8'-,-18..18) def Z...... IP). M . l-0 ................ (No.1) SnyOer tUCI) Cle! Ao-IUNLV). 5-3. M . Jacllllell (F8) d.i And~aon CUC88), 8-3. t.$, 7.5 IMe.l) Sheperd (L88) def. Ellil ICSF'I. M . 5-1; Arnell (UCSS) det Ouadl CUCI). .. 1. 5·4, 1.e. (Me.I) GMler (UNLV) def. ~ (UCI). M . 1-8 , 7-8. ~CFS) Cle!. Kl.fin ISJ8). 8-2. 7.5 (Me.4)' Nalaorl CUCI) dfli. ,_,,..,, (UCSI ). M . M . Natdl ILBS) def McOougal !UHL V). 5-2. M (Ne.I) SI-IUCSB) Oel Hunl« IUH\.V). 1.e. 14. kllutU ILJSS) dll Avnoa (UC4). 1-1. ..a. 5-2 1 .... 1) l'wc:n6; IUCI) Clel Heltdel-(UNLV). 1-2. ._,,Kt-(UC88) def ~(SA). 1-1. 8-0. ............... 0..-... <--1> Moi-. ac Nwdl Cl.88) 411. ~ (P). 1-1. M ; ~IFS) det. Olis· .. ,.,,,,." IUNt.,Yl1 &-"., 8-3. 5-2: Ok:lillll"""· °'"""''on .11 .. s1 u.t. Barnal1·.Andatl0n CUCSS), 1·i. W : Snyd«..Qwlde IUCll def. 8..-1on-Kennecty IUS), 5-3. W . (Ma.I) Mct>oug.i-Hunler ::;;~.:-Mwor~ lMtMt (P). 1-3, 7-6; (VCSa) def WalleflekM•ol* P'S). 5-1, 1-1, 1 .. ; SNpato-8toolre 1~as1 Olll. t11111 >-"-moa CUCll. 1-4. 1-4; Sav1-.1Cuflft (S.J8) del Kent-Wlooll IUSI. S.1, 1-2. 1.e.. ( .... ., Mcf'tler-·Petc:H• IUCI) del. lanford· L1nt11 IP'll. 1·2, 7-5; L11bber .. Auu1fl 1ucaa1 def .,__v., EyMe (SJI). 1-1. 7-e. Age11l·Hender1on CUNLV) del 0.Vrtee-8~ IP). 8-0, 5-1; &call\.._,. (L88) Olll. 9cgg1 -~•ddoa IUS). M . W . . T earn 8cofw (alW llnlt day): 1. UC 1rv1n1. 22 polllta; 2. (tie) UC Saftta 8art1er-. Lona 8eectt Stele, 21: 4 Nwalt•LM v..., 1'f, 5. fr-Stell, t4; &. S.. "-State. 11. 1 Cal State Fuller10n, 2, I. (tie) Paclllc. Utlill St•te. o ~·1J£'Cl.L1 1::;-:-;,~> S orlbner (l addtebacll) dat. Cluae ~l,..relde). 1 ·4. 1 -1 . t:'; ltrolll ~> •· OttNtec1 ca.o• • •1. t.w. Scribner 5.!:~~ det Strobl ISaddtebac:ll>. 5-3, 5-7. M . ............. ~ (S.~I t 1i*) ... LAilllla-Ol9U lhdW«*). l-1, 7-8. Hlgh9Chool .... ............ 1''41. ~ft~ ...... Gabl'lel CH8) loet 10 Matlae. M. def. Sul· Ion. a-0. d.i M*tcllo. 5-2, Oaf. Turrell. 8-2. Cramner CHS) io.t. o.e. wen, 7-5. 1-1, 1-2. CarrOll (H8) !oat, CM. M . 2-e. M: Ga11Z (HS) loel. 0-8. t.e. '"°"· M . loel. 2.e. 0........ AnOr•••·8•rnero (HSI d ef Perker- Slmmona. M . 1-2. def Wltltc:fler-occo.v.11. 8-1, A-3. Eamelt-8ertle (H8) !oat. 2.e, 2-8, lljllk, ...... 5-2 c-• ... M.La'91ft14 9ulllvwo ((:dM) ~. 5-3. def. v-. 5-0, def. Ot vla. S·O. Oet. Sllore , 7-1 ; 8r-'>lt99f (CdM) "'°"· M . 5-1, W . 5-1. Al~ CCdM) toll. •-e. d•launed to Yenu. won. 1.e. IOll, &-7. Solda1 ICdMI loel, M . .an, 5-4, a-0, 5-2. ~ HttywerO·Waalllr ICdM) def L--.. Suc:hte, M , 1-3, Oii. Morea-f<"-J, W . M . Geni~ ICdM) won, M , M . M . 1-6 ......_,..~u ........ 0.-(U) oe1 Fr-. 5-3, daf. ~. 1-1, def. O'*tt -•· M . loel to ~. 4-t. PLUl9ofl IU) to.I. 1-7. wen, 5-1, M ...... 2.e; Dey (Ul ioat. 4·1. won. 5-4, 1-5. loel, 5-1; Martina (U) IOll, 2.e. won. t-4, .. I . loll. t-4. ........ Ollwr·Vltl4lateall (Ul 10a1 to Wlnlwowd- 8etN. ~a. 3·•. io.1 10 MUtJ>hJ-JoMMll. M , 4-t; Gaithar-Margolla (Ul "'91. W , NI, llOlll. M , M . AYSO • sign ups slated The 1982 American Youth Soccer Organization season' doem't pt off the ground Wltil September, but offLcl.ala from the region1 in Orange County have already scheduled regiltration daa. AYSO ia open to boys and girls .,es 5-18 in most repona. . Here's a rundown on upcoming reptration dates: ....,.. I (Fountain V'*'t. W..,.,,....,, -.....,. ann.y., MoOrM Junior High. 11 ..... to 2 p.1'11.., l30. bf1ng • bll1f1 ~ -... g°I I adlacMed. Cll 983-3123 lor .................. -11 (&at Neiwpoft e-n. COton. d9I ...., -Aagl91ratlon laturday et Eeat-'*"' e.-tary School, t:ao a.m. 10 2 p.m .. PO . ..,_MW to the ragk)n, --)'Ml• old and «Mr, to paf1k:lpete 1" 1~ ... ..-.1111~ mwt be dona In par. eon. Cll-more t11fol11111tton. --" ~ Newport 9eecfl) -~ ,_. .,. latur~y from t 1.m . to noon at ~ ,,.,,..,, ... com. °'"' DfM. IMne A-, ta.~ ftll.tld Ulmlt INuranoa, ttoc:tor1 name. hOUM l ddraea and home DMM. Fht·tlma raglltrani. eflOUld bf1nO 1 ... ~ .... Short ... OOftleat ~ lad.Cll ....... . -W (C.0.U ....._, -A9gl9tratton II ~ and Mey 22 at a.-1c1 ltdlool, to Liii. to~ p.m., ta <'20for~dlld.11e for Wrd).. -.,..,.,. ehould bf'"9 a blrt~ ........ ~ ... of .... .._,."'°' Mel hev• an an1eroancy phon1 number. C.11 N7.-S1. RletOM 144 (South frvlne , 1outh o f ......., -Atglttl •lkln .. .lllna I Ind 12 al Untwnlty Community Park, 1 BMchtrM &.--. 10 a.m. to 3 p .m .• '30. bring 1 birth ....... Cll 13$.A Y90 for lrlfomletlon. -·~ ea.cti) -Aedltrttlon II • 22 et L...-9eecfl Hlgfl. 10 &.m. to 2 """· ..... for younglMn. ..... 6-t5 -of Olic. lit, l40 t'Wlll*lltlon ~ II.ape tr. W'llform), "4 ff>f aacond cfllrd and UO for "*d. I l .. lllW ... "'°'*! be ~lied by an lllMl. !WW~ t9qUlr9d to pantdpata In ... ~. Cll 4M-96N. l RICMC* • (North HuntlngtOf't 8Mcft) -8llrlUPI -eat tor May 15 at the Murdy Par11 Community Cen• fl'om t a.m. to 2 p.m .. 125 ... Wild Dlrtfl oartlftcate ~ .... teat ldleduled. Cll ... 1 ..... 9'1et0te 141 (North Huntington Beach • W•'""'*-· SunMt 8each), raglatrallon la S.t1W41ay and May 22. t a.m. to 1 p.m . at , .. _... .... ltdlool. *20 '°' ... dlld. *20)« --.. 115 '°' "*d. blrttl ......... Ind ........ OJ .. t9qUlr9d for younoiMrt .... to .. ""'°"' c.a lM l(Jalr\ ., lft-1101 '°' ,,... ............. MelOll • (South Huntlf\010f't 8"ch) -,., ...... ....,II oomptate. Ceil BetWa eo.... u.ldl. M1-0Z1t, tor mof'l lrltoimatton. ,... 117 (Central Hwtttngton 8-ctt) -"9lll1r"'*1 a.turdey et Tat6ert 9ctlool, t . UI\. to • ""'-· '30. lletd IWMtlon req&kecl. CHld MU9t ba llx by Dec. 31. 1H2. No ttv.-Y9W....._ Cell Deryte Hett et "4-~4192 tor ~~:,n••cu. "'f:"" !MM, "°"" of e.rran-CllO -Fltgjll r ' la Mey 18 Ind 2S, COiiage ,__ lblMMtary 9ctloo(. 121 for ........... .. .., --.. bltttl Olf1Hlolte r9QUlt9d fof :;:•en MW to Region 211. ~Ill• tMt ad Cell M Wlleoa et 562-4942 tor .... ............ --•m.an1. • .-,a11on-18 wl t2, ..... ~ t L ift. to 3 p.m., 13(), t4C) .... -a. ainn OW1lllcatl required. ... ...tuetlon KlladUlad. Call Jim Stone at -..-• men tneorrnatlon. Garage sale set There will be many beneflda- riea when the Huntington Beach AquaUc Cll.lb holda ita two-day lale Friday and Saturday, 4-15 at 6871 Rio Vista Dr. untington Beach. The ule. with donated it.ems frclDt aPIJl'OXimately 150 families, LI acbeduled to 1tart at 8 a.m. At UCI, Jim Snyder (No. l), Rob Nelson (No. 4) and Ruben Perczek (No. 6) all reached to· day's f inal after posting fint- round and .emif:tna1 victories.· UCI doubles teams of Snyder and Quade, and McPherbt and Pe rczek. also survived first-· round competition. S nyder wasn't pushed in ei- ther of hia matches as he eMily disposed of Pacific's Elliott Dun, 6-1, 6-3 and Nevada-L..1 Yeps' Phil Agassi, 6-3, 6--4. Quade, who reached the sin- gles final last week-tn 1b:e 1.3jlli ••· tournament, was upset in the second round by UC Santa Bar- bara's Larry Barnett, 6-7, 6-4, 7-6. In the Missio n Conference champioruhlpa, hosted by San Diego CC, Saddleback'• Rob Scribner defeated teammate Mark Strobl, 6-3, 5-7, M to claim the singles title, while the dou- bles team of Strobl and Scribner defeated the Gaucho twoeome of Sean Leslie and Bob Gnu, 6-1, 7-6 to take the doubles crown. La Jolla, the defending San Diego County CIF champioru, couldn't solve the Sea Kings. the No. 2 team In this year's Sou- thern Section CIF rank:inp . CdM. which is 17-1 for the year, was led by junior Brian Sullivan and sophomore Scott BrownaberQer. Volleyball • • pairings announced Top-seeded Laauna Beach, No. 2 seeded Estancia and No. 4 ll!ed- ed Costa MHa high achoola all received first round byes • the CIF announced ita pairinp for • the opening round of the volley- ball playoffa. Area teams that will be com- peting Friday include Marina, which will hart South Torrance, and Corona del Mar, Fountain Valley and Mater Dei, which will travel to LOI Altos, Dana Hilla and North Torrance, respectively . All matches are aet to becin at 7 p.m. The Artist&, who have won 36 atratght dual matches over ape-- riod of two yeara and are the defending CIF championa, won't play their first match until next Tue.day' .. will the FAgles and the Mustangs. Laguna Beach finilhed South Coast League play with a 10-0 record. In the Sea Vlew Leacue. matters were a bit more com- petitive aa m.tanda (13-1) edaed c.o.ta Med (12-2) few the -.W crown . ~-·-­'--...... L...-a..dl, bY9: ...,.._ et IOI• ew tam Ac:ad«fty; Ceiffornla et Loyote; lcMllfl Tomnoe et Manne; Ian a.Mr1te el -... .... ..__~~ .. La~ OIMr CllJ et8eflta ~- Sen ...,.COi. !)ye; ArGMla ., lllllWl'lll"lfl ..... ••""*'•· Cot-...... L.oe Mal:~ v-., .. Dene._ ••• SOd •.. .o .. ... a.tben at &outtl •llM4MM; ... .., o.e .. ~Torr--:---.. GWC women top Fullerton . brouabt the other run home wbm lbe utlted •_..~to Wt. -·---~-----~--·----. ---·-------- '1C'fmOUl-ll UMllTAftMINT Th• tollow1no p1r1on la doing ~-APPLIID RESOURCE MANAOE· MINT. 1 1~ Slater Aw., SUit• A. P.O. loll taa4. Fountain Yet.;, CA t770I. Jolln Alohud a.nohu, 2071 Chal1e 130, Cotta Mela. CA 92627. Thie l>uliMN le cond\lcted by WI lndMOllal. Jotwl I\. 8encMZ Tltlt •tem11t11 WM Med wllh the County Qerll of Orange County on . Orlln09 OOllt DAILY PtLOTIT~. u.y 4, 11U ..Cllna Pai.. ~--~.~ MtmOUllUll m11 5P "di:IWatmr ~ ~· ........ .,.... , ... =--==~ dOlftt Ncmft II HIM.~N M ~":l~ll'I ,._. -doing MAfUHA INYllTMINT oo.. ....... •. aUVfta• ...... ··-trMlt•rt et Ut• wltlll1t neMM HMI LIMITIO. o· ... ltlVNttl QIM T~T 1•11 ....,_ ~' ...,,._., ..._.....,.. tnil lfl ., Me MMI It....., la "*~I irw., CA n1tt, Lene ~ ..... CA ...... OIATll, H• I Ht 201" llrffl, .......... --== .,.._ NCl<l.L. OIVILOf'MtNT. a toUTHl""N OOUHTlll Tl"-00.. ...... ~ Nta1 ...WMI ...... ~ eMtomla --•tlon 1TMI ky· MIN.ALI. '°1tl La~~ .. ._ =. '=9e~J:,! · 11191J• ...,_ perk Olrole, lull• iJ'. Irvine , OA .. .....,.... OA 1C11904. _., al._ ** Ill ta1t4. lNe llUiii-II _..,..,. "r a TNl IMlrlaae ll _...., ._ P\. ~711 I . ...... t'ATNCI< "-IMITH, dbe "'°-* oorpcwaUon. ...,..._. ., 111 ._. Ot. ' o .... °",.,.,. ~..1. 121 w-'°""*" Oounllel Ten'lllNll ~ 0. ......._. 1'1te tll ..... llteel, L..,na lledl, uA ete6t. '*"" OtlcM'/i _,,_ .... ., lll1MIMI ™' ~ .. ~ ~ • vioe ,.,...\t "* ..... ,...,. ._ llecl .-• bWtlMM enlM et'"' liltenfed 11m1we1 pan,_..., Thie ttl...,t ... ..., ....... =ts. <t:a ol OtlftOI COuMy Oft .............. ..,.. M9rloa .. ~ Oounty ci.t! ot Or1if199 Col#lty °" ...,. • ,_ Alt et!Mf blletMM rtllNt •IMI lllonald '· Meridl ... M Oh ti IN2 M*lllll ..,., •Y Ille tll\eMM • ,.,....,.., ., • · ,_ ,ubflltled Otente Oo11t Dally iireMfwet wttttlft Ult .. "9fa laet Thie lletllllllll -11tec1 with the Put>lllMd Otenge Colet ~ ,.._ "°'· ~ 17• Mey •. 11• 'f• tllf. C::.:U tw • U.... .. ,......,. Collnly Ci.ti of Otenge County on lol, AprM 13, 20, 21. ~ 4, t':::.a .... Tiie ,::-_,-i:..... ..... Ap#ll 2$, ttH. ·~ w ..,,. of .. ~ ......... 11: PubU•h•d Orano• COHt D•I~ = 111\YIH' MOttf10U9 -· Gl..ONA '· INCM, 1"11 ~ .. Uot, Ap#ll 21, Mly 4, 11, II. tit , """"" ""'-.._.. ITAW ~· VIie ""'· Oe. ... ., 1120 .. 2 "'°'"*" .,...., ~:'!It,.,.... la dolnt 19 ,.1 ~-=~,.~= NAm ITA~ COAITLAHD MIMCll, 111 IHO, '"d 11 Met L•t!J.0 •· PWlJC .,TIC( ~~ pWICM'll.,. dolnt ... 1111 ll 111, 0.-...... CA '1:: ........... ;'1.7;;'' U•IA OOGif °' t 1t8PECIAI. TIES. 21 t3 New· "'*7 • IMlllMM "':.. W tM OAUNJIM port Blvd., Newport Buoh, CA CeHt L. 1-n..-U1.e. met laoetloft II: COUWT\' tW OR.AW 924183. c.. L ...,... 111 IMt 1111 ll. T!IMMldWll•.,..... lllMIMld '-=:.: IMI. ...... STEPHEN DIXON "0"Tlfll. ·~~::..,. •MOOIW•._ ............ •MAMCL-1, 28t3 Newport Blvd .. Newporl .................. 110 I...._.,,,._ ..... 0-. Du•••• 8eldl OA t2M:t ·--tomla tlltf on .,· ertet M•'I a wiLLIAM OLEN TATUM 2113 • 0... L l.ooemadon 1• • .... A '~ ~ lllYd .. ~~·CA e.11.a. c.t L ..._. TNtWll er.-.• llOt ...... to y:o.:ft ~ NONIUY 9~· ~ le conducte6 by 1 cc!:.,:'::'=... ... ..:;':: ~!!!!O~n1111!,!nt OO!ftfn.,IOll AT ....WATI I.Al.I ~ ~ f. 1112 -_. -NOTICI II HEREBY OIV&N ,,_,. gerwal S ..__. • · ,_ Tiie neme 111c1 adclrHt ot th• THAT. tub..,.I to conllrmallon by Putllahed Ofenge Cout o.llY Pl-.,,_, · ,...,.,., peraon wttll wtlOftl oMlllN may be ,... Cou Aplll 3 20. 27. May 4 UMl2 Tlll9 lllternent -filed With IN ~ Onlnot COMt ~Plot. Ned II OLONA'· MKIA. '"" Ille l bOV9-enlllled SuperlOt 11. Apfl I , 1912. lot, 1 • • . '1&3M2 County. Clertl ot Orange County on Mey •• 11. 11. fl. 1111 ....... ---°'·· Y'llai"attl, ca. ..... PRAHi( ""v Ol"M!S ... beouior -----------Apr1I ;~. 1N2 •-""' --and .. llll *'1 for ..... dMN by of Ille WMI ol Prenk hrl Orlm••. "8JC fl)TIC( 'W111'1 ~ ""'-""'I otdlklr 1f111 M Mtv 11, .... deOMMd, wMI 1111 at pm1te Mle to Pvl>ll8hed Orenge Cout Diiiy Piiot, It IM ........ d9y ..._.. tM ~ lhe ~ end bell Ml bidder, on ........ 20. 27 ... _ 4. 11. 1ee2. fltCmlOUI • 11•11 _____ ......... ---. _.._, the 1.,-me end oondlllon• herelneft· PK:nTIOUI alll•M ..... ~ -• !133-82 um ITAW _,..._. --_...., er inarrtlonec:I. on May 17, 1ee2. or flAm ITAW Tiie tollowlno pereon I• doing Dlltecf:C::..I; 1112. therMfter within the tin.. tllowed by The tollowlftO pereon It doing ---NU---NOTIC(-----·I bu11Nef -. • '::..... law, ell right, title. end lnlerHt ol bullNM • (A) ~TIMAL ENTEll .... IHI, _ ............... ~ ,.~ ........... ,.._ FrMll Earl Or'llnM. ~. Mid CAA CAAE ClUB, »11 Sum· (B) l('*El.-EZI 20t8 Komet Or .---.....,_._ .....,_. _, lnterMI being. one-hett (IA) undl-,,.,... ar .. coeea...., OA nat. '9CTmOUI al ••M c.. ..._ ca.' 1292e ·• lot Mey •. 1112. vlded 1ntereet .. tenent 1n common, ,....,. flyM, »n aurn.-..t um STAT'Dmtlf ~ c. c.nnon. 20111<omai1 zoea.ea 1n '"-, ... ptoper1y ioce1ec1 1n the ar .. Coatll Mlel. CA 12Gt. The folloWlnO ~.,.doing °'·· c.. ...... ca.... County of Orenge. Stet• Of Calllor- Tllll bullnMa ll oondUOted by an ~ • Thie ~ le oonduDt9d 11y 911 •-.,. Ill\._ nia. deecrlbed • tolowa: lrldMdUml. AP .. AAIHD PROPERTIES lndMdlllll. ,._ ""'IK Parcel I In City Of Senta Ane. a-.~ tM2·1, 200I Court AV911U., Hew· ~ C. ~ ..._ COWfT County Of Otenge, 8tete of Celltor• Tiiie etaWrntnt -fled wttll Ille port ltech, CA 92t8S. Thll etetllNflt WM lltd wt111 Ille Of' ~ nil, M llhOwn on a Perotl Mee> med County°""" Of Otenge COUnty Oft R8T Flnanclal. lnO.,. Callof"'* County °""" ol Oranoa COUnty Oft ~ COUlrn In Book 12, Paoe 23 Of Parotl MllPI. Mtv s. 1tta. oorporallon, t5t01A ~ IN'd .. Mer'· 1112. "'CMa c.... DfM.... 1n 111e office or County Recotder of ,_, Pacific P~. CA 90212. ,_ .._.._ ..__ ,..._ -Orenge. Cellfofnla. ~ ~ COMt ~ Piiot. Thll bullnMa le oondUCttd by • ~ OrW1Q1 COMt Oelf1""' ~ - -_..., The propeny 11 commonly refer· M9y •. 1t, 11. • 1912 2044-82 llmlt.i ptl'tMllNp. lot Mtv •. 1t, 11, "21, 1MI OIRAl.D L. HOFMAISTEA; red to H 1230· t234 South He· R8T Flnandal, Inc. 1~ CAAOl M. HOfMAISTE.R wnope, Santa Ana, Callfomla. •-ic lllnJ1C( ~1Teny DERNOANT The proper-ty II to be IOlcS on an ,--. "" ,..._, P\lllC ll011C( : H oa •n .. ndlvt "N la" l>Ml9 e11cec>1 N 10 lllle. The TNll etattrnent -fled 'Miii Iha BILL JOH "" A" I • 1111 11 1ubjKI to cu,,ent 11ae1, '9CTITIOU9 au ... H NAllllC9TATW•NT County a.ti Of Onnge COUnty on ftC'TT1lOUe ..,._.. dl.i and m bu11NM •GRAT· t condltlonl t lctlonl Mey 3, IN2. ~ ITATDml'T x~::~~IJ C~MNE:f~~c~·18:~ ~~;.rl!ll,t~~d'':',rol wey ,_ The followlng petlOnl are dolf\o T _.., -·-· .. "" -PubWled Orange Co.t Oelf1 Plot. ~ ._ IRYAN L. BECK; l'REEMON IN· The ptopeny wtll be IOld on the The lollowlng pt,.on la doing l>UllnMI .. HOLISTIC & NUTRITIONAL COUNSEi.ORS. •O• We11mln111t, Suite t. Newpor1 BMctl. CA 92&&3 ROXY HAMIL TON DOWNING A ....., '· 11, 18, f.S, 1982 PRINTING ONUMITED. 10S37 DEM NIT~~~~ lolowtnO tetme. call or pen cMh .... £1111 A¥WIU9, Fount.in Yllley. C .... tllrOUllfl Y, end pert credll the t•rne of IUCfl 1593 cori.der. co111 M .... C 1 ____ ,._._-_IC_llOTICE...,. ___ _ 92t2e. Thia ~ la conducted by an f'ICmlOUI • H •11 lndMdull. Mm STA,._, AollJ IWnllton Oow111ng. The tolowtng pwaona .. ·dolne DO. "" 1111-t -flied with the Counl)' CWll Of Orenge County on Apr1I •• t t&2. ,1mll2 PUblllhed Orange Cout Delly PI- iot, Apfll 13, 20, 27, May 4. 1982 1&21-82 Mt.IC NOTIC£ ~-FREEDOM SPORTS, 2430 WHI CoHI Highway, Newport leacll. CA 129U. a.ilt AaglrWd Warnoc*. 1•t RochH t•r 8t .. Coi t• ...... CA 92t.21. W&nllc* J...-ltyen, 2t182 C---. ~Viejo, CA t2tl1. Thie ~ II oonduc.s ~ • flCTTT'IOUI .,..... oener• Pfl'll••• NAm 9TAffmNT C. R. Wamooll The lollOllllflng per1on 11 doing Thie •taWnanl -Ned wltll Iha tiu..,_. ... • COUftty Clertt Of Oranoa County on VICTOR SPECIAL TIES. 1103 M9y 3. 1912. WlllnYI s1r .. 1. T_,.un. CA 92680. •-VICTOR LeVAR PETERSON, Pvblillled Orange c;_. ~ Ptlot. 1103 Walnut StrHt Tu1tln CA< ....., 4, 1t, 18, 2S, 1N2 . . ·~ tomi. 92108. ANO 0TH£A BUlfHESS ENT1TIU credll to be eOQ.ptatlM to IM un· Fred J. Smllh, 21072 Amt>«· YI ~=X .,_, det1lgned and to th• Sup. erlor -=a Lane. Hunllngton 8eecll. ~ Court, ten percent ( 10%) of the tonMa t2t4t ..oncat y ._.. ..._ ....._ emoun1 t11c1 to eccompany ttie oner Prlacllla I< Smith. 2t012 Arn· T1'e-' _, ........... ,_ by otr1llltd <:hedl, end Ille~ b«wlc:k LAM, Huntington BMdl, ...... ,.., -..... ~ ...._ to be paid on conftrmellon of .- Celllornll ~ -..... ..,.. .... by Superior Court. ~ .. conuacted Thie bu•lflHI 11 conducted by C' .-;r _.. for. THH, rent•. operellno end ~ (Hut«lend & Wife) 11 ....., wllfl to _. if. adw. Of mtlntenence ••e>enM•, end pt~· Fr.cl J. Smith •-mUn1 Oft "'--~ to Thie alat-t -Ned With the an attorney In thl• matter, y04.t pvrctl•.., 111111 be P•Of•ted u 01 Coun"' Cltrtt of n.-Coun"' on lflcMcl do 90 ~ ao tl'l9t ~ ......... ,. Of conflnnatJOn of Mle May :i~ 1882. .,._...,.. ., written ~. 11 en,, ,.,.., be '-"Bid. or Offwl ere Invited for thll ·-lad .. :' .. ~u. .... Ml ... ~ P'°'*1Y end mull be In writing end Publl1hed Orange Co11t Dally ~ It ....... ._. dMWlr will be ~ at the olftct or 8111. Piiot, May 4, 11, 18, 25, 1N2. ....,. U.. ... 1 #v& • _. Hunl. Harl, Brown end BHrwlll, 2080-82 11 ·~ IOt Mid EJiecutor. •1 Pott '1CTTTIOU9.,..... NA• t'TATl-..J The lollowlng p1t1on 11 doing t>ual-.. : KMK DESIONS. 1303 Avocado ... "41. rMpHd• ... .,. de ,....__ 011 t"81 120 ' lnden Av .. .... '-....... 'pq ...... "'''""" c. • .. II Ulltddaaaaaolklltlrll_.., ,_,Long 8-:11, Calffomle eoeo1. de abogMo 911 ... .unto • .. """.,. lftlt .... putilcatton .,.,::' i-to lnmedlatarMnte, cle ~ ::, = and before the mek6ng :-.._ ~ '!~:"' ~ The uoo9'119ned E .. cutor rH-~---..--.,-... Ille right 10 reluM any end 114 1 t. TO .THE DEl'ENDANT: A cMt bids. . =:alnt hH bHf't filed bv tlle OA TEO Aptil 28, 1982 • Franlll Rey Otw.- 92880. Thie ~ " con<luc1ed by '" -----------.\ve .. •220, Ntwporl Beech. CA 92980 lndlvldual. Victor I.al/er P .. ..on Mtty Kay Shew Crookall, 4 19 P1n0fem1 Or . Legun1 Beech. CA IQallwt ,ou. • ~ ...,.. to • EJiec:utor of tM dttWld ........ '°",,...,wilt*' Thie llaterntnt -flied with IN County Qer1i Of Orange County on Apf1I f2. 1882. HC1nl0Ue • H•M ~ ~-•-· MAm ITA~ ••-.,...._ 1a oonducled 1>Y en '° deya efter INa ..,._ le... ~ decedent ved on yO\I, flle wllh lhll COU'1 a llAU, HUNT KAlfT MOWN WJtttiart ~ to IM oomp..,11t. AND uoWrrz • ,.,1M Pul>IMed Orange eo..t O.ity Piiot. """ 20, 21. May ... 11. 1942. 1156-82 The folooMne per-.ont.,. dcMCI •ndMduelMery Key Shew Ctoo ... • ~~ INYE.STMENT8, a Thie atat-t w .. flied with Ille CeJlfMnl• QenafeJ PartMflhlp, County CWt. of Orenge County on 2091 .,._ c.... DIM. """ Ai>r• t . 1982 i.s. lnlM. ~. t:z111. ... ........ ._.. Or ,.~~ '='~ ~ ~ do ao, YflAll ..._ .. -.,.....,_ L ca.a. be entered on a~uon to the ~..,......., .....-.Mc11N1oourt"W!f.,..• •0 __ ~ ...... '°" tor Illa ,..., ..... ---· damMded [n Ille _.,.,t. wtlidl ta U... Aw could '"ult lft ounl•"m•nt ol ~ =::..fA _, .... A.WOod.•1 ...... r _ _, enge._. llOTIC8 °' Al'flUCAnoel Ir,,.....~ t:z116. lot, ,\pr'4 13, 20. 2'7. Mey 4. I 2 ~.~: ;:,c;'ed~ Publllll•d Orenge CoHI Delly M.COMOI~~ ""°~~ea: 1&2G-82 ...... t2MS. NU llJTlCE ~ Pllol, May 4. 6. 11, 1N2 Dald: Jan. 22. 1M2. 2046-82 '--A. 8rW'Cf1 aertt To~ It M9y Coftoam: -** H. Qlldlwa, 4116 ...,..,.._ -----------JERRY L , JOYCE. LllRADO & .-Wfl/, lnlM. Qr11om1a t27t5.. 8AHDftA W. ALONZO .. ~ ,. .. ., "etr1ft, 13 U w.rtnen to tll• Department ol Alcohollc ........... ,.._ 9eec11 ,._...__19 B-aoe Control for• .. ,, .. On ........ ~-....... • ,,,_,.,..., Sale ... r & Wine IPubllc eauno n:· bullnMa 11 conducted by• Plt c•) Ileen•• to Mii alcohollc generll par11•1Np. b.veragH et 4tt 1 Werner Ave., wwi.n A. Wood UnlW tOt & toa. ~ e-:t\. Tllll lltlllament -fled w1t11 Ille Ca. PWfllfled Oranoa COMt Olly ~ ~ Cler\ of Oranoa Count)' on loc Mey •• 19'2 Apftl 1, 1M2. ,.,,., _________ 20_,_ ... _2 PubWlad OrMOt Co.t Olly Plot. "8JC M011C( ....., •. 1t, 11. 15, 1te2 ~ ,,.,.,,.,, Y. Mor9ftO ....... P'CiiiiOUS MIMIRH °"""1 MOTtC8 TO CalDITOat O• NAlm t'TATDmJIT IN*'·~ .... "'' I -Mm Of'.,._ Th• lollowlng pereon 11 doing MaW MID hOCMw.L. "°" TO "'"" D ALCOtG 90 ~-.. Cl II Ill W., ....... UCl•M:i:/a( ..... BALBOA LANDMARKS, 1642 T ..... CA -.. ,, ..... Vivian Lene, Newport BMch, Cell· (114) n~ t1eM1l1 U.C..C. _. II ~ lornle 92MO Pubfllllad Ot'MOI eo.t. Olly Plot. ~ l8 HIMIJY OIV£H to Ille Ruth=· 1$42 VMan '--· Mmy 4, t1, ti, fl. 1912 CredlCon Of KEITH NEWMAN.~ ~~=~en 20IS..a2 clel Security No. 583-01-2413, lndlvldual. -----------Traneteror and Lle«1 .... wlloM Rutta Hynd• PlllJC ll011C( ~ addr.-11 .01 L 1ntl 9t1 Thia .... _, ... llled wtth lhe --------~-~ In Illa~ Coatll ..... ~ County Clerk Of Orange County on NOTICI OF HATH OF =rtMll .,.,:..,~to .,e ~A~ . MUC fl)TIC( N>tN ~2· 1982· •111m ~D NORMANDIN AND mad• to JAMii A. GRAHAM & The toHowtng pereon It doing -----------Published Ot1nge c 0111 Delly OF 'ITITION TO ADMI· J ACK ''R"A, loolal leourlt)' ~-Mrrrioue•l •M Pllot.N>tM27,May4,11,11.11M12. NllTlflllTATENO.A Numbar1IU·l4-tU7od ~'~ ~.:!: n.. .:..".:=-:.doing --------1 - 8 -58-82--1 11~1 heirs. benefk:lartee. :=:::.:~== o.M.,.,,,.,, T~. Jtl •• 111 L ~•CANYON A880CIAT£1. "8JC M011C( credit o r• and contingent tM Cit)' of ~ oi 8:::'t)' f' tettl et .• No. ao. Coeta .._,CA ,.-•tt-•-., ........ :=: c redit o r• of Alfred Nor-Loe A~. tat• orn • -............. gener ...... • _ .... --·· h ttaa. •&96•• 2.*2 Owwllrid ,__ , --... _,,,_. -mandln and persona w o ......_.___..__In,.---..._ of_ Tiii• buelMM 11 oonduotect bv ~ ...,, ....... ---...-tTATlmlfT m ay be otherwise lnterett· _.. ~ otft:';~ WI lndMdull. W• ~ V...._ N.V .. • The following ~· -dolno ed In the wtll and/or est= bu•lnM• office of th• Intended ----=t~r:·:;;,111a ....,_. • .-,.._OOijlOl...,.i.a bullr.-aa: A t::tlon hea been 1ta...,01la:"-•m-.k ,,_ genetal pa'1~~1M>t.t t•ega OAANOE COUNTY LAPIDARY a.__. All tMf b I d ~°"""of Orange Count)' on Oalt. ...,.,__ ANO MIHEAAL SOOETY. 1580 LA-by A Allen In the_._. o ue ""' namM an Mtv a. 1112. .-.-.. bred« Drive. eo.1e Meu. Callfor-lof Court of Orange County ~.::::= = 't:9 == ,,_. At'*1on 1nterne1.10na1 N.Y .. • nil t2t2t requeetlng that Aleta Allen .-eaow•MoM!tofle ....... PIMllwd Ot'MOI• ~Olly Piiot. ...._. .. Nim. oorpo1aeon., 1 Devld J. Anthony, PrH lden1 be appointed u peraonal 11 • ....,w.,. HOHL M9y •. 1t, ta, fl, 1-o-n•~ partnet', SCMttegatw.tt-(ec tlng), 1510 Le brador Drive. The P'--'Y 11 ._ llled In 1M2~ Oalt. ...... c::urac-• ........,. eoeta....., CellforM tMM repn1 .. ntatlve to adrrnniltN • .,.. Ill: ~ ._ ~...;;: ..:=: -----------Allmm. Robert llelr. Vice Pre1ldent the eatate Of Alfred Or· 1q1tirrnlftdaood•otaowtllln "8JC fl)TIC( TNI an.--11 oondldld by• lactlnQI. t2102 Lome 81reet, Ow· mandln (under the Ind•· .......,. ..._.~•THI Lw ... w ...,_..~=•AaNclltn c1en~-._~,_:::~ec1ino1. pendent Administration of a. ~MITAUMNTarld _..., _...,_,., 12102 • -S "'-clen ""---'-&tat• Act). The ....... Ion la locllllld 9t 401 L 11'11 ..,_,In .. ... _,,,,..... -• ~·... l19llC. .._ _.,..., ..-,,,.., .._......, In ~t No Cit'/ ot Coet• M•H. County of MAim ITATIMmfT ...,_....,,._..., Callfomla 1214t -• ..,. ,,_.,"' ...._ · • Otenoe. State of C ... Offtle, Mel TME BU61N£88: Ir. Willt ~ . H•l•n Hopkin•. S.cret•'l. 3 at 700 CMc Center Ortve. tra111ler tM folloWtnt Uooflotlo BEACH WEATHERSTRIPPINO YantuNI N.Y. (acting), 2485 w. P•l•I• Roe • West. In the City of Santa ... ,,.,. .. lloeflM: ON IALI LI· COMPANY, located at: 3650 Cedll-J. ~.woof An1helm, C1llfornl1 12828 OUOA LIClNll N ftlbtr laO A--. Unit B,"' eo.11 Mw. A~ect Thie~ le oonducUd by WI Ana99' Cal91~or30nla on May 28, •7.010040,,......,.. to;.... Calllomle 9:ze28 Thie~ -fled wttr1 tn. un1nCOrpora1ec1 uaoc1at1on othet' 1 2 at . a .m . ~ • .01 1. ,,... ._ tor .. II hereby reglltered by Ille followlno ~°"""Of Oranoa COUnty on ltlan . per1nertfllp. IF YOU OBJECT to the ~ ........ ,I. '11tt1 "GI 1*91)11~ w .. 1.,.,.,111P Comc>enY. :::_ ti. 1=-.•· ._ ............. ~i =-~ with 111e granting of the petition, you .. aey ot c.e ..._, ~ 11on. 356<> -.. _ .... thould eUher appeer at the or.not . ...._ °' Cllfomle. Inc .. • Cellfornla corporetlon, --. 0-. ~ County Clerk ol Orano, Count)' o.-arlng and atate your ob-That tll• amou"' of purohH• Cedlllac Avenue, Unll B, Coal• -~C....Dt. on .. ...., 20. 1082. • 1rv -orOOi rllJ illllofllflOOI .alon Mw. Calllornia 92t2& .... .. """" nann etlona or flle wrjtten Ob·..,...,.....,,,,..,..;._.,. Tlll9 ~Is conducted l>y • ............... CA-Publl1hed Orange Coa1t Dtll)' Uonl with the Court be-lllld ........ llMllldl'9 .. ...im.. corporation. •--PloC, Apr'4 21. w.y 4. 11. 11. IM2. 0 • the hearln". Your ap-tect llMmOtr. "ttie Mlfll of 1210, Carol)'n s. Pitt•. Publllfled ~ C01111 Oel1 Not. t~ _,.'"°9 ma~ .,e In __.. :O •.. oo. "'*" ...... ., .. -. 8ecfelary of ....., •• 11. 11, f.S, 1112 ,......._. ...--.. 8eactl Wtettler9tr10 2097""2 PWlJC MJ11Cl Of bY }OUt' a omey. a..... TNI -~~itltct wtth i11e •-.,. -IF"'t'OU ARE A CREDITO.A ..... -.................... 1 .. 000.00 ,._ ""',_ cu • OCMIT °' 1'111 °' a contingent credttor of ,...,.,..,,... ---fie!!! County a.ti of 0renoe Count)' on ITATIOl'O~ U£1A t-dectMld ,,,,,,,. mutt Ne ..,,_,_._it _ tlO-Apftl ~. 1112. M mu aa COURT°' 1'111 Nil 1'111 ,,. • ,_ T'lllll ll Ml.._..,_ ~ I hereby~ Ille! the lotegolno ITATI Of' 0-.0ll:U OCMft"Y °' W your ~ wtth the court Of .-d ..._ n .......... ...... :~r~n'•INel on llleconlnec1the«i)'I• ofofflcthe•· NllTMI ........... present It to the SMraonat ,_.,...... -... ..., ... OOUlff'Y °' W %:JP I .. rweeentltfYe iOPOlm*' by .. ...__.Pi f 1• • 0... COUNTY Cl.ERK. • .. .... .. .. ""A .. ...,. I& 111' the oourt wit'*' tciut monthl '"•' '"• HHlderetteA ,., .... "ul>llshed Orenge Coe:1~~ ==~--,.,..._...:. from th• date of tlrtt II• .,..::."':'::.-:..":; lltlot. Apt1I 21, M9y •. t I, 11. 1te2. ... A. t-. -TO ~ 1Uano9 of 19ttet"I U provt-MN .,___ Im .._ _. IMM2 -TO .... c..-,. CllW °'... d9d In 8.otlon 700 of th• .., .. _. ......... ---------4 Nil ONW GI'.... TM %1=: 1 .. NTA MAMl.o Pr~ ,......._ ~ ,._.._.. ...._ ....... ~ PWlJC MJ11Cl ~~ .. UWW-MT W-•:=.r= ~ _,.,.. "' ...-.um.. T'lllll e ............. ~ Mt'lftltJa• I II :.. .............. ~ .. -= ::i..--:.:-..:~-~=~~~o': ~~.,.~~ ... ITAW onler ................. _.. W MA MAMIMT W8IMA ,_ monthl from tM date of tM ~-.r.;'j 111 f T1'e ............... .,. ""'~W\"flWITIWWta -.. • _. l¥1ft ~ ... Mertng nodo9d lboV9 .. • 'fl lfU __, ... ....,,......P .. I LOMAINI WYMAN: .................. flTA DI YOU" • .. ... If ... I .... ~-:TJ;.~~lf!o... ,!'.:.~.:-:'.:=: U::. . ......, ... ..., ..... ..::,:~~~== .::,.~s:::;:.. .. ,..": c..-.............. oewt .. ,... ................ ,....... .. 9d lntheeetate,, ............... , ...... ...:..~::o:.or.n:" =..':-o;·,'=.:=.-: ::..~~ir•··u·~ you: .. to~..,: .. =:A-a:~:=.~-= .,.. ............. 71Ultde .......................... ...... .. .... tM ,_.,,.. ··-·r.•.lflw..-Ot'Jet -. ....,.. ...., Cir. -...... "" .. ......, ....... ..... .. .., te .... notice of th9 lnv.ntory of ... ,,,.,,.,. ... !.1. O•w••'I of n. -11•111..-~ • "• ~ OMJ11• ... • .... wtw.,... .,,.,, ..... hlf ••tat• a11et1 and of th• .... ., o--.,,..... ...-,..OJlllk. ..,,., .. ...., ........... .__ .. et ... ,.. •ltMN "' ._ .,.utlOnl aooountl and ,... .. 05•.,,.... Ollllli.e ,.,_......, .... • ..-tw '"' .,....... ..-. ~b9d I e.otton ~ ._...,,... C::....,0.::': ~_:wi:.• ~v'=.4: ..A~.*::'1:':1~~ 1ioi.s of th• C~llrornla ~ rt,= .... .. §! .... I ........ "' .... DAfLY "LOY, ... ..... ... l:=ode. L I ,_. .. -~ 0.. ..... 0lfl%-.•~ •mT.&.ectfM.A ... u.... ... ..,rn.o:m•"' Dlll9= :.~:e...:r.....: ... ,... .... ,.,...... --,:,. ..... .... ::;:It: --II 222 .,, -.. , "'· .. ~-=n... ._c ... 0r. 1 ........ .._... ==..~ w -.... -.:w.~ ::a ... , . -.:,; -="' -~=. -CA- 1 l?J@ ms r~o..e,.,..., a..0111t•"' ,,. • ......., 0n:aee,011trM ~r-~••-•• ~--.... u.-.-.-.... ..,. ........ -............ 11.llll -·· -..... ..... ' - 6 4 2 • 5 ,. 7 8 ·D A I L .Y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 ·a ~~~!f ••••••••••• ...,.,.,. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~¥. •....••.. !.~ $72 900 Specloue 1•11ory condo, 2 Bdrm. lu•n lendaoa· plno. pool, •P•. 20% dowfl. 1642 Pl ~ta. -... --:IN•*"•..._ iii ........... ltM .. M rMI •tate ad~IMCI : n 11111 ~ Is eul>- -ec:t to tll• Federal Fair -ou1lno Act or 1888 -lch makH It 1119011 to : dvertlN "any preferen- .., . limitation or dlacrlrnl- :: atlon b•••d on rec•. -olor. religion, ••• Of .. atlonal or~ln. Of any In· : entlon to l'Nk• any IUCfl -referenc., llmltatlon or ,,.. lac:rimlMtlOn .. NEW VIEW TOWN· HOMES. 2 M11ter Sul· t•• View ol Oc•lll' & NIOf'lt llOftta O\ilel ArM. P1rk1, open 1pace1. $125.000 Only t0% dn Xlnt An. Hal Of Pal Bauer Agll 573-7300 ,..,.. ..... S pectacular hidden 2 hit newspeper wlll not atory home In beautllul IW M ... Verde EleO*nt ~ IM nowtnolY ~t any ed· vered enlry way, lormal ..... ert11lno for real Ht•te llvlng room and dining, 11 In vtoletlon of the I* family room. oourmet ~= ltltchen, 4 huge bdrm1, 3 i. belh1, beeutllul view •• Advertl•""'rs from reer yard. Aaeum• = _, very hlOh loan. Priced -hould c heck their 1239.900. c an 546-23 t3 5 ds dal ly and re-iiiThl:fa.:!'!'.!I 5 ~~,~~r~~! ~A7Lev tf1fujfJ::1 = PILOT assumes Ila-PML ... 1111 ..... blllty for the fl rat 4Br, cathedral ce111nga. & Jiil Incorrect Insertion romodeled kitchen As-.. nly tumabl• loen at 9.5%. • • Owll8f anxious Call now = 97i-S310 -:llZ --,,. -Recently refurbl1hed . \ f : ·I l I 1l /:'If •• '" • •. ···' 'llJ't • .. • ---Ott home plu• ,_ unit In -------- , .. , with llreplaee. Im· 2 --I Piil macul•t• condition A ••n AAA IUC -rare flndl A11ume hi 96 ,.... -= --... - Owner lltalble, wlU ti· Rare opportunity on nanc:e a t low lntereat huge~ 8eeal IOI ralH. $185.000. For Sehr•carrythe 1atat complete d etall1, call low Inter•. Both~ &48-1111 have 3 bedfooma. Uve In -- , .• _ Ill' - THE REAL ESTATERS = PlllD Tl --llU •WI Lowett priced In M111 • del Mar. Large 3 8drm home with • dellghtlul. warm llvlno room which -lnvlt• tamll)' en)o)'ment. "'" As1ume low lntere1t ,,.. $71,SOO loan and Miier wlll help with the llntn· -c:lng. Only st 29,000. Call = 844-7111 E 1142§$§;1~ .., = .... , .. .., = I Ptel/S,. -Outstanding value In this ::: tri-level home on cvHSe- -l&c:. Overalzed IOI, F.R. •1 w/lrplc. Owner wlN Hiist : :~~ "~:n11~~· 9~ a~·~'. = 151-3191 ----C:.'" ,, '-t-' '•LJ! I~ 't I" ' t '' 11M,lll = lllml"ll I.II -Spectacular. aparkllng = pool & ape mll6c• tllla 3 -Bdrm 2 bath home • -bargeln. FantuUc: usu-: meble loenL Prtca • t49, 950. C•ll tor more d•· ti.. IJlfa, 548-23 t 3 . .. tut t1• tut -tlll -THE REAL ESTATERS -81HIT-.......... -11 ..... :: NCLUOES LANDI 2 11ory, = bdrm, 2 bath home. -...... .., ...... = "'"'" OM, ran1 OM! Hurry, <*I &73-8S50 THE REAL ESTATERS Buying and selling et e re11onabl• price-that'• what c:1 1111fled Is 111 •t>Out. &.42-561& '* ~ • p 4 r r:n • = a) ~ • ·>< a) dll-l ... :: ~~~~~~~~~I • JIVI '* ~ For Ad Action := Cal a -5 Daily Plot 5 AD-VIS(I ·= 642-5678 :1~~~~~~~~ -The ta1teat draw In tll• tlla WHt ... a Oalll Piiot .. = CIMlllled Ad ... -MTI. = • ' t ) .... ISIK dOwn to t~ AITD. 4 Ir _. t ldrm renWI. OMO tradel AOI lruce l60mQr9fl. 190-4291 11.,.. ITllTD Ot~ Cout DAILY PILOT /Tueeday, May 4, 1982 •• Only t 10,000 downl Walk to South Cout Pl&r' Otlux• 2 bedroom garden home. EnJov •PatlCllno PoOI and t pal •1111t1•sa1n .. °'"I'~ .., .... 21' "' .... "'''"' Magnlfictnt location o'lookinl 8th .,een of golf ooune. Majeltk Colonial custmn by owner/builder. 5 bd.rma, lge formal din rm, tam nn, billiard rm. refriaerated wine nn, & 6 Ya ba. Marble, finest wood paneling, air cond., + many C'Ul1om fea- tures. $2,150,000 including land. May .ell furniahed. Owner will help finance. For Clualtled Ad ACTION Cal a 1111 .............. .... •• .., 8'11, .... MM111 Delly Piiot AD-VISOR &42-5878 RESIOENTIAl REAl ESTATE SERVICES ..... u ..... Custom home on the secluded plaza with great 12'1 financing. ben, fireplace & sundeck in the master bedroom, gourmet kitchen, brick entry, 3 car garage makes t.hi,, the best price on~-~· . • IPlll ' 2·1 1l11Plllla .. S. IN-NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 GE I GEORGE ELKINS CO mtUllD South Of Paclftc Coast Highway. Two Bedroom. One Bath Cozy Corona del Mar Cottage. R-2 Lot Room To Expand. $257 ,000. Sharon Collins' Listing. G:r --......,._ .. Ulll ISLE- PRESTllE, PRIYICY a '9tfMt """"" ..._ .... ,..,,..., ,., lwa• ,..... .. 2 ......... .... watetftfrtmte.ltlW...._ .... . .... 111 .... , ,, ...... "'''' .. .. .............. ... .... ..,.,., ... . •tr1l1I tr l1tl11trl1I ,,.,.,,,~ t1,-, ... U1·1411 WATERFRONT HOMES. INC AEA.l ESTATE s..... ~ ...... p,_.,. ~"' 243$11. Co.osr H"'\I , JIS "4.rWlt,.,.,. NfWl)Ort Bt..c h e.bw lti.tnd Ul-1400 '7Mttt RESIOENflAl REAl ESTATE SERVICES LMllU 12,111 ... Thia eminent residence is customi- zed for the professional family. Built by a prominent builder for his own home; it la in flawlesa condi- tion. 5 BR, library, gourmet kit- chen, formal dining room, inclu- ding muter suite & maid'• quar- t.era. In a moet desirable bayf.ront location, with pier & slip for 70' boat. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 For Sale by OwTl« 4 Br 2 , • I • I II r .. I ea. Dining rm. Family nn. ,..... Mesa North. 751-51~. Beautifully turnlahed ex llWPllT lllllYS qu111te 3 Bd cutl om TIWll•U hOme In exclusive area ot Five new 3 bdrm 3 bath Palm Springe. $30.000 condos Pluah darpela dwn or trade. OwlllW wt · • aubsidlze paymenta tor 1 drpa. 1talned glan. pvt 1475 000 Joye yarda, 2 ur gatage. 210 W a 11 i e • Re/ M a II 16th Piece 80% loan al • 12 'h% -owner will c:erry 631-1266 2nd ()( try equity tharing msT SILL program with no money 48r. 2,000 sq It. home down. John Ellol . Agt, wllonnal dining & tamlly 831 -432 I weekdayt; rm & more. $128,000. 873-3988 or 831-4509 Call now. 979-5370. weekend•. l1IPI" ... Prim• Newport Beach property. Guarded com munity with recreallon room. pool and apa. High Haumable llrtt, lry low down, OWT* will Uliat In financing. ONLY S 108 000. RCTaykxCo ~ r , ~O()() .ATTENTION VETS. BRAND NEW CONDOS. 13 elegaint 2 BR 2'h ba condos In pnme location. Lge gourmet kitchen. micro ovent, vaulted celllngs. balconlea, yards, 2 car garages. pool & apa.. Bulldef glYel xlnt ratH & terms. Sall Sun 12·5. 831-819•. wtldya, 850-9778. Evea, 75t-3297 Wll/IPMI 1WI 11&1111 --Spaclout new 3 bdrm. lnlM t12... den. 3 bath home. At- Ju.t right for the young fordable. $16,000 oe>tlon Hecutlve getting 1tar-lee. $1300/mo. led. Moat lnexpenalve 141-2111 .... , Biii .... IWM '111 ...................... lean l pretty 2 bdrm home. patio. garage, • •• &rthlr ... 8392 Tamani Dr Apt A ........... Sharp 3 Bdr 2 Ba vlaw hOmel Neat taKe & beech c lub. Avail 1mmed $1000/mo leaae on 1 yr lae 8 other• to chooae lrom. iJ \\\lt"9brldqc RulllJ :)!t i 381111 111:Vlbn1•••• l'l.••.1,.,.,. Univer.tty Park 2 bt. 2 ba. alt garage Condo. $660. 5~188 eves. m.~.!!}!! .... !. ... HOME FOR RENT 3 Bdrm $878' Fenced yard & garage Kida & peta welcome ~~2000 . Agent. no lee ~.!¥.~ .. !.~!. 1350/mo. Dix moblle hm. Mature adult•. no pett. Quiet, ucure. t991 Newport Blvd &46-8373. ~.~ ... !!.~ Furn. Laguna Beach lu· 11ury atudk>, ac>a. Ba...,_ TV, aauna, maid ..W:., phones. $115/week. ~~-2227 !~.~!! .. !!.ff IUllBTIU Available now. $300 week up Agent 675-8170 <>c.ntront wtdy 2 6 3 bt. comp. turn·d. Oar. Avl now. 640-4 78' SUMMER Studio Apt. Furn. $500/mo. 97s--0679 ~ stuOios one n ""'°bedroom IPl't· menls FU .. NllHEO 8IMI UNfU"NllMEO. Oakwood also oflen • All Ul.llil6al ,... "lowr tct1 ~ • 11 Miiion In Rea11M1 1 Ano Much More' For ~ month or a hi• ""9 Models or-i. ~,.,, 9am to 8CJrn No gen. condo In Orangetree. Aall for Lori. agt. AHume 10.8% roan w/1--------- low down. 83t·7310 Charmln9 3br/2ba. Al· aume $&8,000. S 105,000. <>wner1111t 942.9112 li,_iiiiiii•iil-iiiiiiiirmii•iiiii-1 Atthlte<\a, deel111en, plan..... .. Two Spet9 In Newport C•nter. OM 11 2000 aq h and -II 3000 IQ h. Very f1vorable ra&eel WIJ. 'JlMn Cow. 8roller avall. M ay & June, l &OO /mo. (July M501-). 876-9867 c.....,., "" Huntington e.ach You are the winner ol four free tk:kela ($38.00) value to the ..... ,111&1 s-:Nfl Village Huntington 8eact1 Tueadey May 18 8.00pm Wedneaday May ti 3 Br 2 Ba, lrg yard. prl-. vacy. cloH to achoola. ahoppjng. S750/mo Call TR,\DI T 10\, \l ~L\I I) 'llLI" IUll 3 Bdrm 3 bath home In excellent Huntington Beach area Anumabl• loans and owner will fur- ther a11111 with 15% down. $210.000 Call Jackie Penney 142·1ZOO J PETE BARRE TI REALTY ~ Canal front 4 Br. FM .•.................... Exec. 4 bdrm. 2'h ba. lr- vlna Terrace. Yr laaH $1400 873-3100 $5000 down. 3 er. 2 Ba. land. Term1. $299.000. + Den. pool + 8ec:halOr Mr. Clatll 845-3370 aft Unit. Monthly payment 8PM. C.11 .... ,IU S 1800. Full price $ t59. k:Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii] •••••••••••••••••••••• 000 557-2783. Ill ....... ._.. IWm LJ91911U * New 3 Br. 3 Ba. Condo. .......-.... , Make Offer! North Udo $1500/mo. furnished. ..... MWI y owner. Drat lie price Complex.:t'Sty Ocean vu $ tOOO unlum. Mo. to Mo •:30pm Pettes muat be redff· med before anow time To clalm pa11e1. call 642-6678. a.xi. 272 Paa- -moat be claimed by May 1•. 1982 •• * will get you a terrific tu eduction for lg• down-7 Office Sullee· Abo. rental lat. &. 111t. Su· Shelter on great Income ayment 640-71>9<> 2 Newpor1 Lot...S85,000 perb locallon. neJtl to property E .. lalde loea· 1---------e.cti. OWC. 831-4179 Shopping & ll'IHters !Ion Ow!lef wlft trade or lfttrtllMe 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~8-4988 3 Bt 1 8&. latge yatd. re-aha re equity Call tor ADULT MOBILE HOME 11 _._ IWf -•---------r dee 1963 Continental details. PARK on 1he Bay. 1 -• _. •u1U1• S750/mo. 559-5001 lll-1ll1 bd den 1 b ~000 Excellent bualness pro-,._j Jiff l!lllll•• .. 111112 bdrm. 2'b :.8 ooo' 2: P9rtY wllh •tabllahed te-•••••••••••••••••••••• ... .. rm. 1 ... • ' 28 X bdrm. furn • S45.000. 2 na111a. OW help nnance. 3 3 br. 2 ba. newly dee Sunny 2 Br. a. lnl loc bdrm $25,000. 300 E. unllt. potantlal to expand. CI o 1 • I o beach & nr SC Plaza. Open beam. Cat Hwy Unll 113. New· SI , 176.000 r... achoOl1. Good neighbor· 1kylllea. lrplc. lg deck 831-2101 . !~.~!! .. !.!:!. OC-RENTALS 1-5br't $200 to $2000 750-3314 open 7-days IA~ Heuport 8wft/No. 880 Irvine 111 161ftl (714) 14S.t104 Pl•CllPOl1 8eech/So .. 170016th St (Do\oe1 II llltl) (714)142-6"3 Y-ly. ~ view, 2 er 1 Ba. Beaut furn . w/d. gar $775/mo l ncld1 utHa 673-4132. 2 1tory, • + bdrma, 2 --------- balha. llreplace, gorgeOl.lt view. Pier and lllp. S3000 per mo. AYlll. Feb. 1. ~-" 11.nnJIA-4 ....................•. 675-3347 ~All HI HO'll ...... 984-3161 1pa. dbl gar I opener ,.,,,,., .i associated ltOMI' loo<. Aval!. now. $800/mo •••••••••••••••••••••• C! w • • • .. • • .; p 0 r 1 B •a ch . e k r . -hood. $975. 1 yr min over lusl'l landscp, pool/ ~ -REAlESTATE ,,.,,,,. '144 979-3378 wkdya , 31 .. • ••• ".... 6.11 141111 •••••••••••••••••••••• 151.at8' _,wllnd• r 11, • • ... -.-.-.-.. -.. -,--.. -... --1-· ...... _ 752-873t IN SEAVIEW • • ... .,.. Tlv• Odrma. 1'A ba. For. s~ 2 81'. 2 ea. aplll ~~~~~~~~,--------. ~ . T f .. _hill with f .. WestaldeH" a_~room, ... .... NEWPORT B"' .. CH LOT. !MM or ..... QC>I. $750 eve I. lrplc. micro. 3 .;.; ..,.., ~ ,,,, OC> o 1... or-rancher. aa '""""I)' a-"" 751•9905 decks. 1kyllle, open Exec 3br view home w/ •••••••••••••••••••••• view. thla 4 BR 3 ea home mlly room wllh large 3Br & den. 2.,.Ba. atal-near bay and ocean, beam. dbl gar/opener trplc +pool. only $825 Dix exec: 2 8t apt. ~ 11 decofated lo perfection. brick llreplace. Sita on ned glau, 2 frplct, Sl .. ,000 or trade. Ownr . ...._, ,._j ,Ill Aval!. 5-24. $850/mo OC-RENTALS 150-3314 $875. 206'h PHrl. No Guarded gate and onl tree adorned lot. S 129, aecurlty tytlern, R-2 '°'· 875-185-t :.:.-£.:.............. 9 7 9. 3 3 7 6 wk d y 1 . pets. •~19 000 900 _ _.._ wtll lo<* tall Can be 2 nltt Wiii trade R. ~"-........., 1 ..... .-Nwpt 8lulf1. 3 Br on ---------.., • . . _ a u . •---Ir ._ 1 8 """"""· .....,., ,_... 751-818' -.'wllndl. choice gr..-.belt. thlfP 2 bdrm apl. YHrly $700 lJ"'-ICilJt lt'()M t s ~~~;1. ~::~~· REAL-~0; ~~c~'Oo pr0r:;11; ~.ttm:!l.~ r,"!·.~~;~~':..~4 a.11 '"' s 1125. 844·5319. 221•1t eora1 Ave e1 s100. ~~A..t~·~·· .. ~c,,.~·;:~·e~7~Mooo~~~-~-~~--:::;;;F-1 6 7 3-eh 8. 3 7 11 s ... 8 UNITS COST A MESA. s 5 9 5 7 5 4 •• 1t 4 • 4 bdrm, 2'h bl ON THE WA TERI 2 13-39$-.3511 ~ Wiim ahore Dr. ~:i~1'!:. ~:kg~ po-&42-9057, Kate • ..,.,. lhler1 Great view ol boat1 & ..,.., C.,UttlM lllmT &46-78e0 AOT S890 plus depotll. LH. bay! Brick flreplace, "9lalm ~ •--...&. JIJ R d I d M v d R .... 1 -I.IL BIO CANYON EXECUTIVE opl/trade. 1_.39'-3848 country kHehen. 1 Bdrm •••••••••••••••••~: -• emo e e Ha er • E ptlonat Nawport 4 -• HOME. View, privacy. 3 Bd & d h Penlnsula collage Aval-4BR. 2e•. yearl". Frplc • •••• •••••••••••••••••• T-Ptan. Sharp 3 Bdrm........ xc• r en 10-n ou•• b S875 c 11 " • .. rn, h d 4 AM 2 bdrma. 25•4 dn. or Hcurlly. Quality furnl· " · la le now. mo • bH-lnt. ft....,...,. etoee to· ladsllut..... kyllght• In fam rm and 8Hch neighbor oo . trade? PPLS ONLY. Mr. ah lnga. s2s·o'O/mo. Vac.nt. nu paint/carpet. 873-8550 .,..M.,,.. ................ mHt•r ba. Hug• cul d• ~~!:~= Cropper Act 640-<'518 dbl gar. May go ,.... THE REAL ESTATERS ~1as!.:12ocean . B ric r F tale 1 Unit 2t clot. OwMrt anxloua. • t 752•1920."493-3827 option. $750. Diana. agt 1---------• ---------« or....,· tiling $145 000 For an with plenty 01 room or .... • ............ 2br 1700 831-1286 UAll IPMI 2Br. 18a. bltnt, refrlg. 714-53t-80t0 t to ... C.. S..O..t151 pool. jaouZZI or adding on. _,.,.. C... "1 llM J == et11ry flnendng. lll IE.lB z~~ ~:= =~= 12fr~t~:yar~~=· 4 Br. ~n~t FH ~=;~f,•i/~YS=~go,:c~: ••••••••••••••••••,•••: -· IULn •• •• nrw wai---ont H~ Rltrt $eoo ~8733a on ~ 1 an d M r . c 1 • r 1c mature ttngle or couple. House on ~onle 2311 ..... -. ..., Wiiii ... " "''... 1850 A 8"'5--3370 Ah 9 873-8H9 ~ 752-8006 000. lot value. pr1n. only. Ila •111 San Clement• pride of Celt: 831-1400 d83•·1at12c..: ...... 11~0· .. n~· · · .-a911 ror Kathy -~Bk~r::._. ~(2~1~3)438-~~58!:2~3~·-~~~~!!'!!!'!~~~~I~~~~·~·~~~~ ownwahlp. Modem Spa.-I -""'· "-"'" ·-Wik to Bc:tt, 3 BR, 2 bl, 2 -•· · nlah atyle four unit ...... 11.JutdlW Beautlfully decorated up-car gar, fpc. patio. C... "1 llM Jiii * * * •u"-lfM aWPllf m1f apartment hout• with •••••••••••••••••••••• graded 3 Br 1pacloua Comm Pool. Ianni. $826 •••••••••••••••••••••• llela.... IMd JM -ooeen. hllla&golfOOUtM "--11 1111 famlly rm w/tlone trplc. mo. 980-t235, &42-89t5 ·Walk to pvt bHch, 2Br. 17822 San Oov9I •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 b vtaw. doee to ewrythlnQ, r:;;-;".;•••••••••••••••• trench doora. covered 18a. '11*:. lg petloJ.. encl Huntington 8eed'i OWNER DESPERATE Plan 4. 3 bdrm. a. only thrH yeart old. IDTILI patio. Ofeet fOf entert• CdM 38f vu tt300 ~age. grdnr. \;a~• You are tn• winner 0 6Br beach giant, exec $200,000. ehowt Ille• new. S•ll•r Ywty.W~Wlnt•. 2, ~;8· Oarde 7 ner Incl. Udo Pll Dr vu s1eoo St 0 ~mo-,. rwndl( 11 :·, lour hi tk:Utl (s:M.00 arH. U0.000 below • .... -" wllt help finance and 3. • 8dtma. . 566-034 E.8llblutf 38r. tt200 844_ nee. 833_2100 vellll to the ;::~~·J:~·~;o;w. !!.": ~Sis\2}00 mo. =.:rs.:::=: Jtllll ll&n • ... • ... 8lufft 381-famllY t1500 Cody -1..U t========I 4M-7218, 4tt-12te 1325,000 la way below ...... , TOWNHOUSE 2'A bl nr Ctllna Cove 3Bf '2000 --------Sedff vi.eg. ---------11---------1 ourrent r•placement II new. Prlv loc. All b~llt Baytld• Cova 2 'd•n ••It ...... Huntington 8Mc:tl For Cl...itled Ad You don't n..cl a gun to ooetll PAfNCIPALS -.. Ina, 2 c•r gar w\lh llec '2200ont S&Doclt 13260 3 bdrm , 2 ba, 2 ttory Tueeday Mey 18 l :OOpm "°TION .. draw r1tt .. •hen~u ON\. YI C all owner IJM1TI openw. 1850. Avall ap-~_.... u--Rtt townhoute duplex. Wednuday May 1 Call a .......... an ad In IN (114....,.~.01..., -11111. Jctln Manhall, wn..-..ont ,....,,_ " ov.ttb.M patio. PflYat• 4·30pm Olly Piiot ,,_ ,._ -· Au\ 8'1·12'2 111·~ Jao. Ureplace, dtth· P .... a muat be red AO-VISOR f:2~-Ta Adel Cell now wane Adi Call &42-5871 .... • walMt. 8ullt·lna. lt50 --... ....__ ...._. t'--••2 "•78 • 1._. BA. yard, no P•la, mo Y •atlJ l•aae .. _, ,,__,.. .,..,.. ... -. """ . ..., ,_,_,, 1Mr child OK. Wetttlde. lBr, 2 bacondo.9ftdunlt. ....2:1••• -• • To clalm pauea. cal liMr llt la# I.-"6 lall .IMll .... ;::r.:.7 ..... :.-:i: ... ·~ ,.7... ~ol . Biiie to beach. ..., ~ ...., .. , &42-5878, •• 272. p •••••••••••••••••••••• :;-;;. ............ ::::T criarmln~p•rkl:1n • 2 -111mo. -1--· • 1 ~ ...... -:-'."""'."-----~~ muat b9 Glelm.s ~ .,._, "" t bdrm, atove and frig. ... at~. 4 • 2 ,. ·-~-Avall.1111712.M&Oyw t560 No -ta no -~ 14. 1812 ,,._;mi on P9nln. pant. -.-lea••· SK. d91). tHO. 144-fD ...... ' .,_. • • • 1 bll1 lrom .. ach end .._. .l9a ers.m 1. ~-~-----...,,.. mTI mA l9Lll Oi.t inwat.- IDlftt -2 untta • both ki1M1c81. 2·1tory, 3 BB, family ~DI· lllllp-dowD LR wlbeMIUtul IJ*. Cbe to beectl 118 A• B Palmllr tU0,000 Jfetelle Be•Jamia 1&2·1414 (K48) , la, Ya.tty..._ It 4IOO ... -;;;;:".,. ....... ::;;: 2::.,. ""10. 9"d....,... & mo • 175-0375 ' <>C-MN1' ALI I CK BAY Condo, !Milt. llOOIMO. a.. tor · 1-•·• t200 to aooo orilt!Md, a ew °' 2 a•· ....._ en-e111. 6.il1&w .... U•f 1$04314 OI*\ l-clays 2 ba, bttnt . fng., W/O, :-;=:;~=~ rn .. -i ............. i 4 • aot ,.,,,.,, .,... • ...,., .. ,... c1eoor .. ... lfUI .... ,_:MO, bllla 'to beaetl. & patio. HIO fPIO. 1t\, lltlt?ll... 1100. IU·llOt .... &aeo. Ma.1151 For ... 9' rMt. Untt J1 eea..-1. ~. 9lka Cenwon ~ 11 S 11....Ut.eolO NeAft 119 Odi 91w, fb9 ~ CCMM Nw, fnlUtlf&Aff ~A~~. =·~~~ >Cini~ r • MIO. •BLOCK TO llAOH (a's 1MO •• l..o. 1 Mr t ••. 11 3 brl Bluff• (Paula), on (114)14CM?SI ..,.,_net '"'·'°'"'al'='"' 411 •t c11l0 dt·••o -,...._.cozy I If, f11rtO,..,..... tt1 11100/..-o. Mr nt .,_,..,.,, ..-""...-. HOM11 "°" MHT ,.._ oceMtwem I Ir. lo OI Hwy. UU ~ S&'49dnM.tl7W100 llllr rift._! tdD.. ~ 111-tTM. ,_.., ,_,. & _,-..,_~ __ .. -""' __ .....,,.__~-· ..... 1u• a ,.,. wetco111• "....,' •~ o ---~no .. trontLI ''""· i1' ..._ .-. ., ........ ,... .._. yew lftopplnf M • tennl• ••Ill. Ne "''· ..., '¥ Mint t~ ~ IMO mo. .... Clhedllel Ad&. 7Q.7414 I ·I 00 IT NOWI .......... yow Dtllly Piiot Setvloa Dhcrtory Aepreaentatlve la·ll11,at.111 ~ .. !!! •••.•••.•..... OflYewayt, Plltllng Lot ~ Seelcoetlng. 8&8 Aaphlt 831-4199Ue ALLSTATE PAVING 8Mlcoe1Jng-Stttping Aapelr'S Comm./Aeald. Uo 1397382 845--8181 ~l!!'r. •••••••••• For Ill you need 10 know •bout bankruptcy, call (714)835-9162 .,,., JW.tnun/ ,.,.. ..••..•............... MARINE SERVICES Mechenlc:, paint. varnish Teak , rub & wax . 645-9786 laJJftn •••....•••••...•.•.... .......... Bulld•• Since 1947 Additions • Remodellng Doors. windows. patio COlllll'a. Free "'· Reaa. Lie:. #3109•2 ~9-2170 Find what you want In Dally Piiot Claulfleds. Cuatom Loi o.n.. Looking for a home bull der? Pteue consider Randell r:. Prealey Jr. & ~ed Wiison. Pertc View HomM Inc. el Toro O l e . 714-681-9780 . ~ ...... c.. ,,_ OtMMrt Iara. mantel•. lelt. oabt· .,.., ""' "'""' n•tt t•l••d p•n•llnt •••••••• •• n ....... .. ·~~.~· door•. bOOkCHH r•; ••••n• ., WOtk ...,. 14W71t mod. & •dd-ona. Xlnt Ctwl9tlne • Ed 848·7826 ...... Uo. U41276. ._._,_ Wtf'/ ftay Store Prtoea? 6M.23te m........,. •••••••••••• Cwpet ~ wtll buy cM.•--------1 --r~ from wfMl•ll• rnll • Cf-own mouldltiO. *"' .. •-.. If .. dO tN llll»ot. ,,.. nad c:IOeetl, boe*GlllM8. Lewn-1,...aflf~ .., .... • ,-. ttt·MIO m•nllH, 9111ettalnrnent rr .. trtm-removll ' cablneta. WOOd eolU1Jona lawn ter•RolOllllinO ~c.4fm!tf..... IO ~s1~1 An 15!8;':'°!: :-: 4 7 . 842-4300 ~ •.•••..•••• ~f!tfltl •.•..••. General Malnttnanoe Ml• • A4NHlfr•' ~··1r1a CLIANINO ffiv1c1: OYallty.• Rey 840-lf<M Aeeeonabl• re1H. free TH! HANDYMAN CAN •tlmetel. ~r/lmpOV9fMnt 720-4741. Llc'd "* ftl..tt41 1·H-~---,-no-.-l\-o_""_I_& RESIDENTIAL RlPAIAa ~. I call dOH It •II. R•I•. M2·2tt0 Don~ Hl.()148 HOUIEGLIANINO VCPUU HANDYMAN 18 OUR IUllHUSI Cerpentry • Aoollng 10 y,... Jan609'• Ragoedy Plumbing. 91C 142-8013 AM 875-2514 • *. •1rtet11 1111 K&D ~ Malnt. ..,.. ,,..,, fxpettlM HOUMltaeplng IMH Dunn Or. RIVl!A ROCK • perfect Reaid/Comm. CIMl'l·up. •••••••••••••••••••••• We turnllh vecuum & Huntlno1on 9aed\ OV9t poof cMctc•. palloa, Lt H•ullnci. 548-2489 HARDWOOD FLOORS 1119P11M. Kilty 841-4910 You are tll• winner of w•lkwaye, driveways, Qerctentno Wanted dBeau1~ ~2 •881 Quellty HouHoleantng ~~':1::Ce4• (SSe.OO) *· te1•2371 Mowing, edging, reklng, an wu-. .... ... w/a peraonel touch. CM. --' .. _.._ a.-n awHplng. FrH eatl· ••.U.. trv, HS. Beth 850-0933 -:-:1.-::-. •••••••••••••• mal••· 145-4372 or ••••••••••••••••••••• HOU81!CU!ANINO H=~~~ ~!:~ i=.1c 845-6737. HAULINO-•ludent hH Reuon•bla-depend•ble Tueaday May 18 8:00c>m Free eat. Kevin tlTS-9088 LAWN CARE tge truck LowHI rate Tanya '83·2401 W d d M 19 Comm/,.., Nwp11CM Prompt Cell 759-1976. l!..-tet 8 n•::~ IY ORYWAWACOUSTIC Xlnl r..;.. WOl't Thank you, John. EXP. HOUSECLl!ANER :tt'r.":.':••••••••••••••• PaHel must be redH· Repelra, new & old. 11 Onr/oPr Berry 645-7412 Rattabte, refs. Frff 111. CUSTOM SPA OfCKS med before show time. ~exp. Bud 552-9582 ' DUMP JOBS Call 24 hrs, 955-2418. P ..._ _ .. __ Llc'd THE OAASSHOPPER & Small Mov'-Jobs G 11 ...... ou-. . Toctalmpauea.call.,.~--· c ..... L .. , """ HOUSECLl!ANIN . John or Rick 979-3218 842-6678. •Kl. 272. PH· ~............. ~~~ ~~&:,"'· Call MIKE 846-1391 Dependlbll, Hper, wlll 6 ,,.. •---' -muat be claimed by ELECTRICIAN-Priced ---------1H1ullng, grading. demoll· do g11aoea. welfa & win· mr..'.f!!l:~........ May 14, 1982 right, free .. um•t• on TllEI lion. Concrete & tree dowt. ate. Oen &48-8857 No Steam/No Sh1mpoo • • • large or small jobs. Topped/removed. Clean r emov-dump truck. Stein Speelallst. Felt Lie. 396621. 673-0359 up, lawn renov, 751-34711 Oulok Mt'V. 642·7638 dry. Free •• ,. 839-1582 C..nt'C.•lttfe c HAULING & DUMP Wiii clean your hou11 or office. Etec .. painting, It plumbfng. 548-9005 Crpl. ln.t.u/r--·r'""' ·~~!!,i_-M·::.::~.-B~!!~· LIC'O ELECTRI IAN •• ,,.i S.mm JOBS. Alk for Rendy, ....,., .. ...., VV'I,,.... _. .. 7 ~ Oual. work·Ren. rat" •••••••••••••••••••••• J,..1 ...... ,,, Flood damege. StMm Wells-Cust:work. UC. Free .. t. 831-5072 Tom Collage Studenta: wndw ____ 64_1_·'4_2_7 ___ ••••e:'l' •• "::'r:;; ••••••• Clng.554·8510. 973·8566 Res/oom Rob 547-2883 """ clnn ear waxing odd PROF SERVICE Raymond Jewelry. 389 E. TOP QUALi • • •· S' 17th, fl 18, C.M. (acroH EXCEL CARPET CARE c..11.,,.,, ,..,,,, ELECTRICAL WORK I 0 b. 6 • 2 • • 4 9 • Haullno . ylld c:IMnup lrom Ralph'•) 831-6105 Celt. uphol, 1181 rug •••••••••••'•••••••••• ..... ret... $3 t-5055 _64_5-_7_9_7_2_____ Oulcil & cleen. Free eat. CINF nlng ~?5rk gu7at REMOOEL/AOO-Olc~S ELECTRICIAN. LI c ........ ___ 11_7_3_.-0648 ____ ••••••!(•••••••••••••• ree "' "'" -l77 l and Carpentry. L d. 233108-C· 10 Small •••••'""•••••••••••• • w•I•• BRICKWORK: Small jobs. Shampoo & steem clean. 25 year•. Irwin 548-2719 fobs. Melnl & repair• Carpentry · MltOflfY •• ~~~~•••••••• Newport. Costa M .... Color brighteners. wht Addition• & remod4'11ng. ~8-5203 Roofing • Plumbing Want • REALLY CLEAN Irvine. Rela. 1175-3175 crpll • 10 min. blHCh. bond a Cl St It e LI c Oryw911 • Stuc:c;o • l'lte HOUSE? Call Gingham Bry•nt'e Land~-..i,.,,. Hall, llvldln. rma $15: avg #202752 AESIO/COMM'UIND Remodel. J.B. 646-9990 Girl. FrM aat. 846-5123 -· ...._., . .., room 17.50; couch 110; J.G. Allen 494-1810 E~/;17~1m~1<>;:'6-~~k6 HOME IMPROVEMENT ROBIN·s CLEANING ~~=: :~=. ~~ •. c:: chr 115. Guar. ellm. pet REPAIR PLUMBING Service e thornunhfy O odor. Crpt repair. 15 yra Fine llnlahad carpentry. • c·lean hou·ae. ~:0-. na57 1101 & drtveweys. uar. .lCP 00 Work my •• lt. remodeling epeclallat. f1ntJ11lrilt Heating, carpentry. elec. "'" ...,.. ue. & Ins. 538-0914 9587 R d 11 •••••••~•••••••••••••• tile Free eat. No Job too --------~ .Refs. 631-0t01 Lie. 41 · an 8 FORMICA COUNTERS small. 645-2811 SCRUB-A·OUB CONCRETE, Brickwork, 720-1260 Topa/C•~• refaced Prof. reu, rellable. Drain plt>ea, cleenup, Clanllied Ada 842-5678 Sell Idle Item• 842-56711 Free est. 642-6357 Cluallled Ads 642-5678 1W11. JHl'I 631-5016 25 ~up. 538-2068 -----------~- ~ ............... lt~'lf!l ••.••.••.•.•• ·AIO MOVING· Palnllng/WeflOepertna Oulotc, Oatef\A a.Mee. Ouellty worll..r .... rtCe. ,,.. •Umllt ... 852-0410 UO'd. ~ 544-8090 *'"1 --· , _ _,_ ~~ :tt:7=.=··r=:mJ=.r· No~1ao.1ass1 ~1n1.e111p- srAfMHO COl.LIGE ~ ~~2s 8TU0£HT8 ~IHO ·co. Uc. T124-i43t. llPetl wallooverlng In· in.ured. 841-8427 atell•tlon. ,.._. prlce1 . WATCH US OROWI Conaultent A11tgnment ---------i._u;_1_~_&_eo_~~---r~. '18. ••••••••••••• ,.,..,.. by Rtcl\erd 81nor. Lio. 2aoe.u. 13 vr• o1 h8PPY IOCal customen. Thenk you. 831-4410 ... ..... ASA PAPERHANOING 7 yrt 10011 exp. Ouar. work. Price• atert 11 '8troll. Alee 751-7027 ~~~!! ...... . ••BAYANT'S1t* W~lng Remove! All typea. 842-1343 RHld/lndus/Comm't Low rat••· Free eat. 876-71119 11!!!'1~ ••••••• PAINTER NEEDS Neat petohee & te.irtur" WORKI 30 yrs exp, Intl f rH ttt. Hl-14" Ext. Aeouttlc e.lllngt.1--------- 0avls Peintlng tl47·5188 PLASTER PATCHING INTll!XT PAINTING RHIUCCOI. lntlext. 30 Llc'd. Reis. FrM "' yrl. Neat. Paul 545-2977 848-1oe1 • 11 .. w .. .... ,....... a·i1·"'···Me:1iii 25 yr• exp. uc. 40!'941. -I l&Y Bonded. Ins. Reis. Color •-• e expert. 963--0911 Dick 1MI ,_. •-..In Top Quality. lo price, ••••••••••••'•-::r:; ••• prompt Ext & Int Spee-QUALITY comm/rH, 12 lllllt. Rea & Comm'I Free yrs exp. Repalr/remod Ht. 714-739--0708 Ref a Fiiter. heater & ---------1 SWMP Mia. 6734184 QUALITY PAINTING 10 yr• aervlnO 0 . c 1#/U• Aeuonabte. 64S-5e84 ······'··············· HUBER ROOFING Blahop & Son Pelntlng All types & Fireproofing 30 Yfl exp., BNch llH. New•Recover·Oeck• Fr .. eat. 5.48-1029 Uc:. u 11802 548-9734 ....., hl9llM: Lat>orlMatarlal Roofing lnUext. Wayne -..-... All types. 10 ~ exp. (IXOYE) 751·9103 lie. guer. Larry 642-8233 ltlffP!. •••••••••••• _ •. Motllle IOteen Ooc1« Aepaltlr..,.,.. Cuatom. RM&. 13 i-ISOO IW ft'llQ ,~ •••......... •8c>Mtt* ....... AMJcomm eoi-cMll Landecape a.vtoee H7_.,.. '""" ...................... All ALTERATIONS a Cultorn Leetnw WMI. 10078 Adllml te2-e&31 '"' •••••••••••••••••••••• ...,... .... FREE EST. 640-2092 TILE INST AllED All IOnd•. ~antead. Aefl John IMC)..t2 17 ••AU TILE** Ouellty wOt1I 10 Y'• ••• per. George 831..S.C79 ~ .. ~ ............ . Mo•t eubJacta. K-12 & college 25 yra. $5/hr. Mr. Morgan, 845-5178 !lZ'.-.1.~ ...... . Proleulonat Typing & Bookk~. rrrt home Lynne 831-4'278 . !~.~ ..... "Lat the 8unsNne In" Call ~Window ClaenlnO. ltd MM853 20"-' MonthfV Otac:ount * RESIOEHTIAl * Avg 1 sty S30: Avg 2 11Y 145. Chrla te7-1311 ........... 1mne'1 beat. Buie 1 l1Y 120. 2 lty 130. 559-1302 WINDOW CLEANING 1 YRS IN AREA 842-~91845-7972 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run it another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, n~ real estate or cQmmerclal ads. Call today for full details. OLLARS 3 3DAYS INES CLASSIFIEDS642-•5678 (~. Eatn IMa 11.00) ~='!ii-A~;:;sdM A"U.':'.:::.. A':'.;.::;.. ~ ........... !.'!!f !~'!!!.!!.~!~ !'!!!~.~!~ .... ~!f c.;:::::: UTJ !!~~~-~.'!/!~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• ••• •••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Roorn Jn targe houae Co-M/F resp. y1 adutt. non· Newport Beecn ne8I Ho.g ••••••••••••••• •• •• ••• N 8 3975 Birctl. 5600 sq. lulMo(lnett/ ,,.... ~!~.!!!!! ...... !.~~~ f!!.t!.!!!!~ ...... t.~~~ !!.!~ .......... !.~~~ !'!!r.!!.~!A .. t.~f~ ~~:~ ~~1.~n~r 1·~5~'~c.~ c'!:~ ~~~r-1~·, ~~ = ~=~~1~=~=E 300 .~.~"•"le. ~~~ ~~~5o~~~ zon•. lll'HITlll Westalde 2Br.1Bacen-PHEASANTCreekEISharpGardenGuest mo latandlut. 8AM-8PMSheronorTe-bldg . Vicky day• Ontwnl.eg 49<4·5e88 1100sq.tt.2olca wt tt-ft.•l!f. JM . ................... ... ,.,u,,,, 1525-$800/mo. 2 Br. 1•;, tral heating, garage. Toro. New, dh1 I br. 1 home. 1br, quiet. WIO. 673-1729 reu 673..e732 714164~ cpta. F&R drs. O/H dr, ••• ~;;e:. •••••••• Ba. TownhouM. all built· stove, carpeta. drapes ba condo Parklike Ml· pat I o . S 3 3 5 I mo Roo 111 crHt"'9 peo-Jalutrhl Jnt.JfJ# top cond. Frwy <:10111 Art, Needlework. Trim & Ina. beleony, laundry rm. No pets. Children, water-ting. water orlenwted. 64&-6333 ¥.'.'!}!,.'!.'.'!!~ ... !.{!f pie ~lent~ prof. pref•· Consultant In Irvine hH ...................... 1385. 1000 sq. It 1295 ~·~~_:~ex:-. covered parking Nice beds $450 + security tennis, pool. spa tr llll l .. •-t red 10 stir 2 Br wlstudy. large office to share. -IMI! lfFIOE 0/H dr. toilet & b11ln, S location deposit 548-5442 or pd S500. 855-1525. PARK NEWPORT .. .._ 1 11 I $265/ Near Airport Reu nu._. atorage loft 675-6251 67 5-H9 l Tu8I· at 770-5629 10-5PM APARTMENTS Reu Weelily Rates u Y urn • mo. terms Cell 752-01845 WarehouH •P•ce with 1---=-------1 t0-5 30 TSL Mgmt 642-1603 Kitchenettes. Phones C M 5115. Debra. carpets, drpa. & wet feta.. f JSf _Ol.:..:V.:..0.:..R..:..C_E_S_A_L_E_-Cer __ a_m_lc_ •uliaffn COUNTRY CLUB LIVING "Z" cnanoel MOViea 548-3981. 55&-6604 CdM dtx IUlte, AJC, ample bars. 700 to 3200 sq ft •••••••••••••••••••••• Cr at• Buslneu. com· ........ ,.u IN NEWPORT BEACH s d I 1967 N F k pttg, utll pd. 2855 E. Cat Me .. lndustrt•I park, .,, ft werehouse. 30c • lle8tiBJIU ~•u ...,. Jlfl A deluxe community on an P per. ew-•male. non •mo er. ...., plate, Ideal !Of couple, g ..... tS •••••••••••••••••••••• the Beck Bey Club hou· port 2~ to there 2 bdrm. 2 Hwy. 87~ 711 W. 17th St .. P.clflc II. all or part. 17th & will train Potential 01 IPAIMill TIWIUl•I THE WHIFFLETREE 1·2·3 M & spa, 7 pools:ti 1.,,. Bl CostaM8S1645-9t37 ba Laguna Beach apt EXECUTIVE OFFICE Bal-Bluff lnduatri al Park, 1_Pomona. ___ 63_l_-0_8_7_1_-1 l•OK this yr . Sac $3, BHutlfully landscaped New Condo for rant. 2 Bdrm. Apte Gym, Spa, nis courts.; close to bu•I· Sfll AU lfllL ~tuh'H<>e.en ..... )' .. ~· S375 & boa Penn 525 ft. $400 ~2~l1 ~~~;et..111 · The fastest draw In the 000 631-66H garden apts. Pool & Spa. Br 2'"' Ba. $705/mo. Obi saur;:e ~· tennis. etc neu & shopping. Wkly rental• now avail. n • ..... ...,.,.. mo. Pr Iv B •. A IC. west. .• Dally Piiot Covered park In~ Heat ger, llreplec.. pool. spa. 846-1 S 105 & up Cot or TV. BAYFAONT: Female for 857-8111. 875-3800. SELL Idle Items with a Clasalfled Ad. Cell Today Have something to Mii? paid. No pets. 666 W. 18th. 645-2739 Deluxe poolside. xtra lat· Unfurnished studlOS, I & PhonH In room 22H Balboa Island 3 Br. 2 Ba. 551~ Dally Pltot Clualfled Ad. 642-5678. CIUaJlled ads do It well Bachelor $395 ge 2br, 2ba, bltns, 2 br. apartments. town-N-port Blvd CM. 1350/mo +.,., utlls. Costa M ... 250 al. aulte 1,=~::~::~~::~::~==!!=~=:=~=:==~!i!~i!i 1Br $440-$455 Large1bt,pool,qulet,no dswhr, 1'h mtlesbeach houses &46-7445 Bryan 873-1388 or 1175mo.Utlllnctd.779 I 2250 Vanguard 540-9626 pets. S370. Adults. no pell 1500mo $540-$1000 850-132•. w 191h St. 851·8928 1450/mo. 2 Br 1•1. B• 646-7319 or 673--0884 536-8362 I•-« laW1 '"' 1 b I ti •Several 1tud101 & 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Exec conc:k>. C1 ot •eoklnd, Prime olflce space. Co· •P ·• a cony. pa o. El Side 2br. I b•. $500; 2 Br I Ba nr Beach & bdrm units are lumilhed UfflllT CdM 1 blk hlne Ye. rona cMI Mer. $450/mo. laundry rm. carport lbr. 1ba. $400 No pe1S Slater, encltd gar $485 with line designer lurn1· • bd • b th d 2 sty, lrplc, 2 br. 2 ba. 675-9510 ~~J~~'. Cal~-~ 845-916 1, 752-0911 MJ ~!1"pe10ta76&41·9348 days, ture& acceuories Mova b r~. • &· 1~•n 1Y very pvt 2 patios. gar ---"------iE SIDE-3Br. 2ea. oaraoe . .....,. eves In today or reserve lor s:~to io~'!~gust~:111 ~21;1 r1~;'::,,.:_~w. 1.0. lllNIT children OK. no pets AllmTM APTI sommer month• Smartly Grundy. Rttr. 675-6161. vr• Office apace available. &•~tfi:-a-1 S625 mo +sec dep. re-S lurnlshed models open Resp fem. non-smkr shr 55clsq ft. 966-0122 Wwt:9 -=-.-lundabll. Avail May 1 Near beach p1clou1 dally 2 bdrm turn condo, CM. w 1•1 m •. u 11 r a C M FUllLY IPTI.-6'16-9596 quiet 2 Br 1 ~Ba Avatt 8119 thru 8/21. Olllce epaca available. Townhouse $495/mo 0 J bot Rd $55-0 mo. 541-5419 twnlhe nr bct1 No pe1a. 85c to $1 00 per loot In Beautiful garden apt• 2 bdrm, fenced, quiet. 960-8656. n am " · 81 1290. 842-2897 Cannery VIiiage Burr Patloaldecka. Heat paid. cul-de-sac. Garage $495 San Joaquin Hl\11 Rd. Np! Bch baylront wl docit. Young prof (M/F) to shr While Rltr. 875-4830 No pets. Children wel· mo Eves 714•594_1861 3 br CO(ldO wlpool. 2 ml. 644-1900 sips 8-10. $1750 pr wk. lovefly 3 BR Turtlerock 1---------1 come. · to beach. avail now Nr NHYC 675 2355 Psycho-therapy office 2 .... 2 °-1535 2 bt, 1'111 ba. 810 Joann St. $600 559-8861 wknd/ •--CJ-••,_ ••11 · · · hme wteoupte Pvt bath, avell. Npt Bch. 355 Pia-... .... _. -•• -675-7671 ofc, tennis, pool&. I"• 3 Br 2 Ba. $800 Adult• pref. Small dog evs •••••••••••••••••••••• ----------1 • centla Ave. 309. 1 blk 3"• w wu...-ok •~75 846-5'3e Studio apt. ocean view, Month of August yard. A v al I Im med. from.,....,. 631-0484 •0 • .....,n · -· 1 br condo. $450 VIiia utll lnerd. S375 mo. 332 Udo tbt, oen $2000 553-1539. u6I for Oaty ,._,, 63 l-5583 or 642-3708 2Br, new Int, fnc:d yd, ga-Wernet (213) 832-6404. Encino In San Clemente BeaconBay. 3t>r 12500 F to ahr pvt, beeut. 3 br. 2 Office In CdM, 2nd atory -. .... llOYl rage. 2229 Ru~era Or. (213) 592-1801 Chris <-1he Mgr Apt CJ CdM. beaut 5bt S3000 b• duplex w/ume. 2 welk-up. OcHn view. S3e5-$475/mo. I & 2 Br $465 mo. <213> 7S-e132 2Br. 1'-'1Ba, S375 + $375 Adult Studio. stove. re· W.OcMnlrnt. 3br S4500 blka from bHch. CdM. ~~·~d~~~7t~;:nng. apts. new carpet. patio&, 2 Br 1 Ba new c:.tpe1 & dep, gu pd, nr BHch frlge. utlts 1260/mo Waterfront Homes Rltrs S375 + '"' U111• 873-3585 1---------1 catport• Cat OK. paint SSOOtmo Blvd & MacFadden. $510 move In. 498-8452. Call. 531•1400 . M Tm WITD TSL Mgmt &42·1603 Brok• 851-8800. quiet. no pell 893-4894 Leguna Buch Oceanfront c,,.,,.. /«lat f j lf Dix. exec solte. 2.012 aq ~---:~--:::------1---------1---------12 Br. large duplex with 1 d 1500 ••••A•••••••••••••••• Roomy 3 Br. Townhoua.e S harp 2 BR 2 Ba. lge lrrblt 3144 view deck. 1 block from urn co~ o ._4 per Garage. amen double. f.I ft, lnel'g. 2 uec. ofca., 5 apt In quiet adult com-rooms, all bltns Incl OIW, •••••••••••••••••••••• beach. s6751mo. Mon· week 71 -49 719 Side Costa Meu. ato-partloned sub-oles. lg. plu. Newly decorated. gar. No Costa Mesa nr New 1 br apt tor lane. Fri. 599-0821. Evea & Vltltlt• lnldifZH,_raoe __ on_ty_._s_1_5_. _64_5_-_1_11_1_1 ~~,,P·t~~. ~~d~~~ ~~ llreptace. enclsd patio & McOonalds. 1525 mo. many extra•. 11150. Wknds ~-4025 •••••••••••••••••••••• garage Sony. no peta. Cati fii40· I 158. ask tor Jo an n a 9 5 5 • I 8 3 3 . OCEANFRONT 2 & • Br. Olll• Int.I Hll decoration style, beaut. $600 Mo 645-338 I or Larry or Pam 536-,8720 S.. J•u Avail. now. Weekly thru ••••••••••••••··~··••• In appearance. In loc. _ll_7_s._5_9_4_9_. -----iBEAUTIFUL 3 Br Meu 2 Br, 1 v. b• upgraded ~-'1tru1 3111 summer. 673·7873· ci~·r! ~"=i.3::6o~~: ~rr"c'~~: ~:~in~•ardo~~ $500/mo. 2 8r. 1 Ba. up. Verde twnhome type. CONDO. Northwood. ••••X:'••••••••••••••• Indian Wella Villa furn 3 ~5 49<4-3803 642·4~ per apt., enc:lld garage. 11100 sq It Lge patio, 1725 mo. Avail. 71 t . Trl-Ptex, large 2 Br 1 Ba BR 3 Ba ' • ' • balcony/patio. laundry trplc. anclosed gar. No 731-~23. yard, quiet erea. 1460. 'c 111 7'14-<&4<>-554a 11117 Weatcllff. N.B. Want mfl 911& rm Aval! 5-5. pets 11150. 3094 Mace tle1·1827. llnanclal lnet 7000•.f. 1 & 2 room otflcee from TSL Mgml 642-1603 Ave 548-40111 i-. .. ,,.,. "" ... ,.i, ,. lhn ,,,, I. I 110 0 r Ag. n t 1205. Utll. Included. _________ , ::1'::::-............... ,..,. b• ,. •••••••••••••••••••••• 541-5032 RMlonotnk:a 175-1700 1 Br. + E.li<le. 111 & last Lg 3 bdrm, 2 be, new cpt •••••••••••••••.••••••• Male needed to share ---------t~====-:.:...::.....:.:..:.:..1 + H curtty. 1500. Call and drpa, carport. NHr Studio: V. blk from main IAOl U Y t>eeYtllut Cof'ona del M11 1-... mtD 258 aq.ft. Oowr, Newpof1 64M388 OCC. no pet s. 1550 beach 13'85. Utlt Incl. Deluxe t Br. ALL ullllt .. home. S285/mon1h plu• .... IT BHch. Choice patio 1~251mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba. 751-3896 Good kltch 49-4-3044 paid. Pool, rec room utlllllH. Cell right nowt tocellon, f308 mo. t story, shag. drapes. 2 Br. Townhouse. ,,..., Ba. ......., 20102 Birch St . .lull off 84G-6479. :::~.~;,~~:~!,~~~~·:. 631-1094 ~frplc. dlw, beamed No pets. $460/mo. 755 Moat elegant apt. bldg. ~'::,~,n~~e;:r~1:::~ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil cretarlal. recept1onlst, l-wiiiiaiiyimiii1miiiiii"imiiihi1ll --'Y•· garage. W 18th. St. 646-9507. In Laguna BHch, flnHt Apt.'· ROOMllTE telephone 1n1 & more. ....._., .. Wll LWel TSL Mgmt 642-1803 Clean, quiet 2 BR l 'h ba, toc:atlon In town, breath· Oles from '438 mo. On-- •2 Br 1 be MeH verde patio, no pet•. 1485. taking vtewt. all bult-lns. FllDERS call ofce 1165 mo. THE ~~~;;': upper New decor. No 548-4606 ~:;!~~l~~~:o~u~;.::~ A,,,,_D.'~"_11nl'!,,," Oldelt & largest agenoy. ~~~~~R~~': .. ~:j cr etartal eervlce. ::J.~9?:r. l 500l mo. So. CoHt Plaza 2 BR 1 only.$850&up 330Cllff II .,... • All client• screened with envi ronment. (714) S5254e60.2roomMllte, ---------1 be. lge patio, lull sec. Or. 494-8083. •••••••••••••••••••••• photoa & refer9nCM. 851-0ell $1115. 676-9400 •3bt. nr S.C. Ptau, S.A. Kid• OK. S5e5 Incl gu & Credit•: Coamopo41tan 1---------Rent/l ..... /optlon nr oc Cperportk, poot7"'2• epe.5a $875. water. N o fee. Agt. ··._,•••• ..... •••••••••"'•••'• Ill-Good.Morning~ 51210 •q.;.7ft5. IB11.r~OhpeNr sBq. Airport, 4800 lq ft bktg. et o . ~ • v22 or 957-0222 • ;.-;m • .. 11111 The Tomcwrow Q<..,.., • :J. y •• • • f 841•1..eo. 1 BA condo, VerHlllH, ... ..,.__ *~off• 10 111 new Agent $41-6032 4200 aq ft AC o c , ---------12 Br 2 Ba, patio, carpon, Ilk• new. $550 mo. Cell New 1&2 bdrm. luxury clients wtlo rlMd 1 pMice. _ 200AMP 3 Ph•M0o311•· •3br, rw S.C. Plez.a, S.A. no pet• $450/mo. Avell Richard: 2 13·830·2323: apt• tn 14 plane. 1 Bdrm •WfMT M1·1• tentead tenant 1• lq Oar. pool, •P•· 1750. 5/17 548-8875 213-823-7854 from $515, 2 bdrm from ft. Flnanc*la. 98'ow mkt. Chtld ok. 752-5822 or d 28r 1 .. _ Ink" ..... ., _ _. 1570, TownhouH from By°"'*~ 841-1480. 1 bdrm duplex, yar 1-• g• .... Ml "''· '"'"'' *840 + "OOll. tennla. M ... to •hr wl2 fem, 8'>tlO 1-liiiWieliii•'i•iii-iiill ---------• rage, tmeil pe1 ok. $400. patio & gar. 1635, no • ,. ., E•ll•ld• 2 BR, sm yard. mo. 540-7998. pets. 842·2134 weterfetfa. pondal OH Newport Shor• home. 2 ~ •''Tum K~ Offtee'' 13to. option et ettaeh gar. for cool!lng & hHtlng room• avall. May 15. .I'~.....,.. •"Bfancfl~' omoe 176. S05/mo. 900 sq.fl. STUNNING 1::1.• 1 br NO FEEi Apt. a Condo paid. From Sen Otego Aendy, 8-5. 752..()851 ~=-• •8emtner/Mtg .-ooml ~ ~~t= P . 710 W. rentell. VIiia Aen1all. FerwyhdtlvM• FNodrdth on Oceenlront, M/F nonamkr ./t• ....,__ hourly. 1 .. I .. e.. · 67M912 Brok.-. HC to e 8 en to ahr 2 br, 1 bl hOUH, ./,.,._ •Typing, melllng a , • 3 bdrm apt. 22N Cen)ion 8 • • w 1 n d V 111 • g • $440 & 'A utlll 1173-.8184 ~ -"*"'· N•wly decor. OH pd. Drive. lmmed. occ. • • • C714~1N. • C. fodnflO 751-MOI. encl g•r. dwtl\r, pool. s495/mo. Call Ruu. "-t ~ .. -. AHP. CIHn, non smkr, bbQ. Adult•. no peta. -~2 .. 1..... ,.151 8~ •-• -fem. Shr 199 dplx. PY1 rm, 142-t073. "'" -"" " -·........ :-;;;r."•••••••••••••••• W/O, ct«* l fplc COM. -.. ... ------------•DIX 2 SR, .-1n doMtl. y Coetha M..-1 1 ~-f~ r111en!o,f.'a.°'.!!!!!" 1280 mo. Shr utlt, eve ·--•fllll* ,.,.., 11XlO, 1111 -_..,. bltn etove & D/W, mo-ou •r• t • w nner o ·--.,., _,, 75'-9143 -... .., :~·=-.. d·"t :::I 1 Br -er --'-fir ..... AAtJo -... fOUf ,, .. lldlett (138.00) H.B. l\Otne. l<ttoNn ortv~ ii:rom 1 room to 3 rooms. ..., " "' • ··" • _, ' ,. •• ,.... • """"" value to the ;oot evell. 1250/mo. Prof. MI F share tullury port po01 leundry No Chlld OK, rate. HOO. 00 f\lm Condo S.C P14IU From St.11 •,.ft. No ~!!~~!!~!!!!I pet.'. ... 25. 931 w. i11tt1. '45-1193 -flMU 1 dep. 780-1242. · • · ..... ,.quired. di. Atf,. ~ 81. ~92. 8"cllff V-.. Room for rent, rrlv ent. 12 85 · 6 4 1•4 82 & • ~·Inn. 2172 Ol.tPOnt-f!!9 !fffrl.!iff 1Br 9ue1t.hou1e, w/ ~ .__...... eee-847t ,...,. .o.u ........ .._ • redec duple 11 e--· tlO per -" or 171 per ~ """' -•~ • ..... • -2 8'.i.~ .._· x ~ & "'• f.."!'5 1• Tueaday ay ti l :°"*f mo. Ho 8eourlty. td .. I 2500 eq ft condo. B•Y· BAYfRONT ....., atore at 2tlO A\'On w/ ~Y•d. l4elmo.M....,_ betoreeflowtl!M. forelnalemen.Jll)'!Vee. vi••· pool on buu ll..1..0 9111.ft ... ll* llOO mo. 1· To olelm p .. Ha, oall M1-t6'2t GrHnbel1. H7·11H °' 11 1uw;c, 141·11'1 or 2 It. ttlt *'* A¥8. 19' 2 br, newly dee., !gt pe11o, 842·81'78, ext. 272. Pa. F-...____ •·-~ PlifM oflloe. '-1003 71- ",.no -11. 2 -eo•• ~get. Klde., oll. "'90· ... muet be dellned .... ·-,,___,...., .. ,me._ .. • 21 "'""11 ........ ,..,. &.&&¥ Ali1f191' u -4 1""""' "' l=•dl.,,._ f« beb~ lmnWd 11\1911 tum rm wlP¥' a -··.L.• 4 • .,,. M•"'" •7~'71/tu-820t ..... , 1 • ..... a"°"'· MM711. belt! In. beelltlM •in Ian sqz .. M.4 • • • ... ""· 73t.aao execup ...... ..,. I& mYILI a-i ~ ... ...,.. ............. ~r mature t•nant. qu1,1 ~ 1 •1 9f ..,... 1 <>wr 21. Poot, jM, tennia. Allp. F to lflt I bt. I be .. IR 1111111" .. • _, 2 ':*~:or~ 2 IC9r ...... l2t0/mo, utlle pd, mlle from llHo tt No 8teP• to b .. oh ...... 1\0\IH, C.M ,rplo. No M ..,...,~ In ...., '*'I on 0oMt '.,. • • ~OS h~= 8314126 ~ 84J.m7. • Newport~. 64M2IO. P•t• or fl Ida. HtO ... oflkll & .. ..,... ...,, '°""' LltlN-,.. !.:~79,r' · Wle ......, .. 2 br 2 be. unt. '"'• b a. •uto t•r Ulla. A\ttl. ~1 Kelly Nr. O.C. Alrl*' , proa. IOO aq. tt. I• fatlltty oompteii. SaOO +Vara.Ill•• 1 br-OOAdO, klJCh prlv/ d•h1xe c;J 7eo.oet•.14 2t ..... _~to-~11 1r 1..; ..... ;..;...:.''.:.:"..;_--..;,,;:~-1 d•P bot. o•r .. OW, 1110. CloMe1. =oll • ....,_, W/D, "11o. Own Ha\09 eometl\1119 10 NM? ......,. mo9t utlt llMf, &4f.4147 NI eeowtty. 4 ~· IS80. ~1ta Cleilllfted adl dO" .... -' ... ~ ... . f ,\', f, • --....... Tell Mom You Love Her This Mother's 011)' bl'nd Morn a gr«'etin~ & enler our "World's Greatrsl M om·· rnntrst at thr 1>am!' tum•. Our judges will 1elect the nicest Motht'r's Day Grttlln~ and that mother will receive 1 SSO gift certificalt from a l«-admg depsrtmrnt store. lt'1 CH\. wnlr vour message to fit ollt' of t~ borders below or. dHign vour own border of equal s11e with meuagr ~. BOrdcn comr in 3 s11!'1o, S 18. SI 0 and tht' s~cial cluld 11iu for S4 for chiklr«-n un<kr 12 years of age. Brmg or m11I your ~reeling to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay 51.. Cotta MrM, CA. 92626 before 5 p.m .. May 61h or you may order your messagt's by calling 642-5678, W«' have many borders to rhOOM" from and we'll bill you or chargr IQ your Via or Mastt'rCard. ··r#c•o• ••• .. •• 1 18 tiM' 110 Sbe . - -Orange Oout DAILY PILoTITUMday. May ... 1982 D'J tNIJ.'111. ••••••• ll!lf "'~~, 1'!~~ ....... Herouton oouch, Ht. ,..,_ MM ,,,_ •·•· brown & beige plald •• •• .. 1in1 ... tt"9•T .,..,.,, -iii 'M good oond MMt20 • 1t 7 t 212 Co Io r .. , l.l• utt• leh. Cell (71<4) 1eMfy p1ue '-AWf tn • TV1 -o-tvt A.Ill for Jim ••••••••••••••••• •••• .,.,.'114 '*""· Nq phone 041111. 8LE.f PEA40FA te2-55t3, 870.27:l4 1' C1bov1r Camptr for IMll ,_ Thurl. bhm. t-3~. with lnlltelllng oNlr. OA pu1hbutton color tmall trudl. w/,..._ ~· Or{efie1k, lull or pt/ MQINE'8 '4$0, t73-l202 TV like ne~. UU I YOOloeQ. 64•2t 4 ~~mc!: = ~,:O ~~-~8~· ~.~~n:-rn'~: .._en.n __ .. _. _1_1a.._a_t9_, ___ , 1 ''f,~,~ iet1gr1m oompany. WAITRHl/WAITER wl fe3..4090 NEiW l<LH SP!AKEASI --------- QOOd ttfephone PlllO· oer tor wlotr•r b11kat ---------1 Retail vlllul, '625• rldu-llHltU Can 1111 .... ...... ... nellly I teo!blt handWfl. lunch llfV. t :30-l :30PM, COUCh & LOV9Mll, nt new oed to 1375 7eo.ot9t •••••••••••••••••••••• W. Nllll en ooen1r1g for ting I mu ... H.8. grl• Mon-,rl, Earn 1150-1175 lllnt cond. Allllng 1350. 8 &AUTIFUL 25" RCA '73 CHEV Open Road. two ..ee df..Nd tnlafft-dutte. Stttt Mltlr. mt· wllty. Mu11 bt neet, per-"3--4000 Colot rv .... 2 'J1 wrnty 'I 7 K ml ... 11 ct1 11p lftfn:lf, ffl! !!f gent UIHP•rton• to 01011 benefit• & oredlt 1onabl• & energetic Queen llz• tteeper tOf• & 1148. Fr .. dellvary. _84_2_-a_a_n _____ _ 2_11d • • • ••.;0~1 work In th• Newport union. Apply In per1on 1179-0747 all tOAM for linen. 1170. TV Jonn'• 848-1790 •tflllH llkn llll M0.000·'~* fuuy H#bot.,.. In comm.II'-M·W·' t-111m: Anlmat _IPP __ 1. _______ 1 ___ ...,. __ 54_9-_3_S_73 ___ 1B••ut1tu1 25" colot con-•••••••••••••••••••••• eMort to Other a?w~----11111111 0111 HIH and/or re•· Creokert, 21& Alv.,llde Attractive room divider IOle TV, Ok wllnut c•bl· '79 Peugeot Mo -Pad 1 ....... ''· o.ooo. if. -~ ~ ~ -<ax..a;+.:-1-----------· ldenttel ..... lnttMlmol'• Av., N.I . Word Processor buffet t h 42x72 $175. nel.11116. 850-taeo. Kepi In storage tor 2 'Y'•· ·~· .. non· ~·· .. ,.,, ~. I... •Pnvent .,..., We ofter SALH Formica to~ .... 10 •P-•1" ••• n 100 Y••" ,(1r1 cleen with -•icr.: • I I '*' II I 11"'-el _,,......,_ ,A.. 8 ................ ntatlv• to X.,Oll 850 ope<ator With pr~11te. " 7·""'27 a -• menv xtr11 $395 or betlt """'" ' f ''"'· .-r " ' •••••••••••••• 0 th hal ·• ~-c I· """ ""''"'..__.."" .. ,.. .,...... t t rl•' •"Ill 2 t -" v• ' oniv. or lllt DOW t o r.ide ..,. • gNet 9'IPPOf1 If you are a 0111 on rHder 1d bu•I· op Meta 1 ., -1· 0 ---------1 ColOf port1ble TV, 12&0. ott., 1183-2202 I• NIV IAVINQI. '1r9"t: I .. ,JC?!4N AT FOt ~D 11 h lent wage and benefit•. Hit •tJrter •nd • hard neu aooountt for Id· 4. days per week. Non-Swedllh •molted g1111 •tend •v•ll 873-7248 ...,.ttH · · " -.•mmo ,, w •1 RDAOf' .. lolbl. Hlwpon worker. PleHe call me vartltlng. Mon-Fri , 1mokar. NEWPORT SE-dinette Ht, cane bac1t1---------· #1l•1q1ln/ lrenda A friend• from BMch. 14d"-o1a 1 f0< • pertonal, conllden-ll•m·Spm. IH• & com-CRET ARIAL. c h rs . S 35 O I 0 B 0 ..,,. ' Mui•• lfHlfll ll 51 --.,__, ~ Senta lert>ara. (808) 1111 lntlfvlew In Ol.lr pre-mlNIOn, OOfl'IPlnY t>tne-752-2377 860-t880 LsJ .. nt •••••••••••••••••••••• ;r.r;'l' .. -;rnm.. Mf,.1't IUlllY -Ill tliolow Newport Center Illa, wjll treln. N11t IP· .... &.,-J1.. Cullom con1empor11y •••";1••"00••··~···••• '81 Vlrego 750 Ilk• new. St0,000·1100,000 + °' HHdeome t-'t•lllgent NHdt machine opera-Oftlot. pa.ranee & OOod lcietllng •• ':~~~•••••••••• sofa & lovueet. orig 1#.na.I HI 4500 ml 311 mo, warr locat.c,;rdenttel TD'•· 301•h llluilneum•n tort fOf '*'1mlr. llfglf, LEO HANNA MMntltl Apply Penny-... ,,.. "" 11300 HO $450 8d •••••••••••••••••••••• 12.39S call 848-4829 ~ llllov! :tl~I~ ..... etnc.ere 1lender ~-:~::o:~e~~p;r~:~oc~ SA. VICE PRESIDENT 11ver, 1f90 Placentia, •••~~••••••••••••• near • n e ~. I 4 0 0' t:· Gla~per rPHd hul ·77 Yamaha 71SOCC. shalt Dennin It & AHOO ~·~~~· ~.... raqult9d. eao-oeea. !~ L ,...., .!'-10 C.M. o~ Oo~~·:c,r,o~:longp 850-t880 I n::i~· PAl°~t~.o.~~~n:~· d r Iv e o. BO 55s -'o8p5d9. '73-7311 ...... ~t·t3t? -l'll&Jt\ .....,. ,._,ore -\«-. U1J1 w • u Solid pecan coffee & end ly, 836-0724 $550 Sl050/ 1-· .. -·-,._, P/T 11111. Mon/Fri.• Receptlonltt nHded, 2 Tel•phone tollcltor. no chf. l3.200. 5-49-3 152 tbl• w/wall unlll, 1775. •--.. , _o_ooo __ c_o_n_d ____ _ ~ f'mlf ..._, lfll Good driving record, PM/12 Mlulon \lleJo yw1 tYDtno ~. Hper. nec.11-5, Tuea -'.-1141,,, alf wfM MCI. 850-1880. 1-11, .. 111•1 79 Su1uk1 RM 125 Dirt ... Mt• r;:e'".":"................ Clue 2 lie., work with ., ... '4/hr 541431t ··-lllnl .. ,.. on telephone. ttwu Fri. Gd. co. l>en9flta. :rr. ............ ~ .. Elegant unuMd sol•b•d r..1 .. 1.1 HJ Bike. good cond . ssoo ••••••• .. •••• .. ••u."r.' ..... Am a fOf 1 ticket, tll tldert'J. CdM. 758-t471. '«I~ Submit r .. ume to Ma· Apply In perton: 1880 HARBOR AREA mint cond orig $850• •••";l••"tt•••••••••••• film 845--0490 WIDOW HAS• •0t TO'• Slit. WOfttl uc> to $2700, ...._ ....___ ~ • •••• -llY rlo'• Con11ruct1on 111e.. Placentia. C.M. I APPLIANCE SERVICE uc $400 S50-fSeo • OLD EVINAUDE R6 L.CHIM, 111< Up. No N00/080. 975-8740 --. _. _. -.--• 27815 Forb .. Rd. l•· . Wa Mii recond., gu111. · · 15 HP, $400/or 011 otr !973 Vespa Relly. bllck. ·•Credit Ctl~k. No Pen· 40 hrs, no evenings. Sa-needed for buly generlll guna Nlguel, 112677. Security Ouard. Appllc•-1 IP9(lencea. S..t-3077 Sota Sieeper $05. Brown I 875-4784 w1~w751nd01h80*!1~.,X~n.' ... 9cond alty. Oennfaon AHoc. °v'rrllttf luy commenturata on practice In Hunt Bch. PlaMe no Oll'I. Ilona being teken for tonH good cond Cell • .,..,....._, 673-1311 ~ ............... eiu>ertence. Laguna Hiiia Salf-llar1ar, 3 yr1 legal Cllrt1Uart 8Chool. Ref'a,R•frlg. $225. Wuhar. Lllllan'75t _4074 Eves & 1978 Metcury Outboard, KZ30 ..... .... 1111 76S-378.4 Mlfll lllp. Pf9fWrecl. 8"7·0041 •10111•11 r~. 1M35 Brookllurtt, Dryer, Olthwuhtr 1125 Wknda v 80HP, lo hr•. s 1.800 ·~10 ~·;a~ u II 5; :~· I ... _., fldl~!!"', .... T 11 COMPA;:ION.Aio;:·~~: Entry level accountant. LIFE GUARDS 14.78 hr. lmlcm_edla~lng.~ ~. · 982"3312 , .... 548-68-4& KINGS;ZE Firm bad & 542--0053 all &PM St6001offtlf 751-4268. ""'' _,,.., rv tu•• woman. No llva In, deg r • • r • q u Ir ad· Swim lnttructora, $11.llO ot C8t' .. ..,...oom. ,_ SEWlNO MACHINE I llY ~ frame xlnt cond s t50 IHl1 ln1fl ~ I( I( $00 '82 1 Offd2nd 1• ~'!!.'°111 ... "..0 1•, ....: heavy lltwk, full or accounting or related. hf. Call 868-031 t appearance euentlal. OPERATORS ' LAI 9S7·1t33 857..e734 •••··'•••••••••••~• ·~~•,wt .. ~ 1· 1 4c• e 1 Of _....; ln "''toeo-• .., N Heavy pllon ... llgll1 ty-E11perlenced. quellty 24' Seebl rd Sword Ii ah ..,,...a e . ....,an. 11 re-UI °' ~ fMt P9r1dine.145-7470 o expar. nec1111ry. Loen Proceuor. Clpablt I A I I Ref~ Ilk liable meny elllrts action I Contaot Jo""n y ... ,._ _......._..-•A ~·Id Salery nagotlable. Non-to run 1 f:' o ....... Mu11 ping. pp1y n pa,.on minded. 1kneflt1. Piece r ltc>f •new. auto .,, ... "11 IHI bo11 & lrlr Compl rig-make' 6 t t er R I ck ............ '"""' ....... n ~..,..,,.,..., ,,_, .. -smkr. A/P, AIR, G.L.. be •ble .. -. I Mon·i:.r~..e: Trend 1"1· ,.._, 642·"52 ~3 ::.!!!~, 2 dr 11 55. ••••A•••••••••••••••• ged, reedy 10 llah S 15, 673_8840 _-_-_..,_ ... _______ II-• odd Jobi evet & prep of flnanclal etltl· o proc111 or port9 -· lne, 1200 W. .. •• ......,. Estate Sale, moslly furnl-000 495-5885 ----------~ c.n do a variety menta. Send reaume to: FHL,MC lo•n• & 2nd Pactfle Coeet Hwy, N.B. Student Jobe Kalvlnltor Food-erame. lute In good c;ond1tlon, 53' YACHT Docked in '80 Kaw11ak1 l(X250 '•••••ff/ or handyman Jobs. PO 8011 12130 Senta l .D. •·Laguna BHch •ID111•11 w tharp llnu, vefy lg. !~ml-3• .. ~~llhqr•ue!.toP~.~n&e Npl For ule on lime Greet cond .. equipment " ,, t12~t525 ev .. , Hk for ~na 927t2 Attn· Petri· ar••· Salery open plu• 151" --11 f 1 t bl d 1 / .,.. .,._ ..-,.... Incl S900 851-635t 111111'/ M . el•• · · comm1111on. Clrcla Cotta MMe ad agency 1 ..,..__, re r g/ rzr, d r •de 4.30-7PM •haring baal• only Tu i-. I r...J · Home loan• 49f.-22111 neeclS fanteldc recec>tlo-1ld• Coppertone, l:ood · · be n e 1111 a 11 o av a II '78 HONDA, 750-F. Super ~.;rn9 ... -:.;;;;-;...... ..... "•'-' 11• FOOD MANAGER. Ofc. a Maida Hperlance helpful nlat lmmec:Uatety H .. vy How would you.~~to cond, troll free. 200 ,,.,,., 11fO I 1100-'1500/mo Doug Sport, blk. 4 In 1 Kerker l•...-lt /.IM ~ ................. counter help. H\lflt. Beh. N..d.cl f time th & phonN, typing i. publle :;-Dl~Pt'us MAN~ 675-1355 •••••••••••••••••••••• 875-3258 l'ldr chrome. 8.ooo orig ... r.;iM••M. .... :re: AM. terv. Pl1nt ofc N.B. area. Sea1onaf, April . tel .'t' ... ......., lr~n. contact . Exp•rlence, OTHEA TH,INGS? Then Wlllrlpool wullar. Hot-WllTIU IAllll ·79 3 10 Wallcroll Cebln mites. Mini eond Musi ..._ hp. only. 8·4 •lllft. Sepl. Sen. el. tl.zen1 Wei· S'° c't" •·TI' 10A k eccuraey. relleblllty, per-)'OU would probaby pro-point gH drytlf, Meytag w/lland $160 840-8777 Crsr, 11ern rm. 31', 1wn •5!7e_1S8!5550 /besl olr 1_64t-92 ___ se_. _____ 1_c:oma ___ 1o_app1y __ ._544-__ 5_3_78 fo~nA,J;.'•~0'1.:'e':;~ aonelll)', & exc.llent IP-babl)' enjoy working for porteble lllec. dryer $95. J I. II O 330·1. 101ded. sips 11 .. .. .. 11 .. r+o •A-Oenarel office. Heavy, _ca1_11_1 _______ 1 P••ranca •mull. Full ue ... 548-8&72 lft n 1 $38.500 73 1 ·4332 .. 1111 B••••, •,11,1 -·-,..., ..... I""' tJfne • •••••• -................... 637 534-0 • ,.I •• #fl / T.._ona oper. E>cper phonea, bOoklrHplng, MEDICAL Aulst. Limited . Call Patty OUAUFICATIONS· New relrlg .. Kenmore. Emerald & Diamond Ring. • I t /$ flH McOonaJd'a Stemri• ~· No otfler need ap. IS.00 hr. Certified AP· X-ray cart req'd (MS) 55e-04e0 g,.30-1•00 ;· ~ 1~ 'JMfl of~· troettr ... auto Ice maker $2825 eppralaed. mull lllMll IPfOW. ••• ~!t.~!!!!f! ..•....• -anted. 702•70 ... _7 5• • 1-4 Mon M-F. 382 pUanoa. 842-0240 Fie• llra. i:J1-'420 · • · · Ht, onHt •n •· S560. 846-1749 • a e 11 , S 1 2 5 o IO B O . C c . RENT 26 11 motor home .. • 'nird 11 Laguna Beactl ~ypllt pendebia. • 557•9978 22" hros rall 58 Ma· Reward. Hl-177' Ht.. · ........ ..... AHldentlal r .. 1 .. tat• 3. wor11 attar achool and SMta 15/3 cu 11 Froelleu !'log hull Every opllon Sips 8 ~1l.~ed 17. l•'ilil!!.-"IO~lltillk~lfl .. rl being ... ~ Must be nMt end able to MISES AEES omce,,.."" opening fOf SeWtdeye. upright freezer. xlnt .,.. Cl diamond pendan•.1 Great cond Dependab .. Pet Ownar'e.wlll place -"" , .. , QU8111, ...,,.,.. wor1I with pubic. Ol.IUea flip. In G«latlc nuralng 1 a well groomed peflo-CALL TOOAYI cond S275 548-2887 •ft mu1t sell 1h11 week, •P· 6 cyl lnbrd 180 hip Hl!f· 24 72 Cius A W1nn1e your pet In a l'lofN lllNle ... delllery dtlYer. O#TI I nelude regleterlng must. Only dedicated. neble tndnM preferred 537·5113e or 53t-5257 .. PM praised S 1325 -$500 cutes eng Full 1ns1ru-)( 1n1 con d S 8 9 5 o )'OU !~tlon, no caon. tran1portatlon, tele-~uesta ln very t1u9Y RV kwl need Call SYun 831-0213 · SAM to IOPM Admiral 111 cu ft frost-tree OBO Pertec;1 Mother's mentallon and radt0 plus 540-1542 or 546-9460 9&4-_.... ~. 'm~·~·. cg~~:i:: ~~: ~,., .. p., ply.i~:h"' x~~ 1 ~~bt~:,:~'g•:l~' ;;::1~~~51•9919 ,., :~;~:~·pck~ ~~~tri I ,,,u,,. '""1 1111 !tar.,...._ l~lf Fri t :30-9AM only. • rt-...... Int. program Call· RecfMtlOn """""· ..-• . ,..,.., 675-7474 •••••••~•••••••••••••• -' •••1~-. _.,, .. -1424044 PIT ... 1 •ew Llatt1~ ~ 646-7808 •••••••••••••••••••••• Ten1 1ra1ler 1amlly srze. •• ···-·---• -..... 1111 ·--..,Ir • ..._.. ---..... c s 1---------.i -• 1-Nur-.. -.,-.,--------Super p/tlma pol. lor _, }'art time, 3 10 t lhltt. ~ 11,_ Home omputar. Te11as 4 GLA PAR wllrlr & ·79 good cond1llon 101s 01 SSE.MILERS. We wlll .. • • y·~ •-a • __.. -outgoing peraonl Tiii• Wiii train. • -lnttniments, 911{4A, MW, elec: Evrn t511p St 195 room and 9Jllr&S (low treln. Apply 7AM, Mac-- ---• •••••••••••••• 1330 1-452-8 t&s Gan. W 11 Mii ,._ 675-tOSO "'~61 997-867n ,,y poe.leltoneofourterp 142-3013 Peugeo t PBN 10. 12 · -• 1 ....... ....~ • =:.:.. ~~·w:_:s 1 I GENERAL C>Ffq. I ~~:~l~~~B'~~ apt. complex• In lrvlne, --eoeecs. 24" trame, pearl OLD SLOT MACHINE 78 27'"' It BAYLINER I A•I• •-m··1, .... ,. nturance ag ncy n -.. • ,,, .... ,..... ... 1upervl1lng chlldren & ~ whit• w/acces. $225 '°' ..... ·v1c1or11 .. Fly bridge - • r-lilWf Cotta Mesa hu opening Bay.,.... Good wortllng IHn recr11t1onel tune· --·-8«-52511 673-2534 tl lo 5pm VHF radio. bail 11nk I Aeen11rin HOO 2 for energatle peraon to condltlooe. 549-3081. tlon1. Oreat job for col-Wont In the~•· depthlinder. oulrrggers. •••••••••••••••••••••• n••ded for 7 yr Old handle variety of offloa PACKAGING & Stodl Rm. 1age lludenl. Houn: Two ting apptt tor my Nwpt l8'1'btf C 0 MP LET E H 0 BB V wllh tredet 122.000 UTE BODY WORK & au.drlpleglc mate In dutlet. Mutt bt '"PO"· FIT In Santi Ana. Tral-8 hr. daye & 3 atlernoona. Bch ofc. for 1 maj« ~ •,£-t,t, •iazf PRINT SHOP S250 fl.46•2843 pa1n1/up lo 50% off your __ .M_._LN1 __ 1n_. 645-0e6 ___ 1-i t ibia & wllllng to l11rn. nM OK 3031 8 Oek Pleue contact: tel. Hriy-commlHlon ••• ':f.~ ••••• ~·.. Phone 673-4855 body sriop est 536-9832 , 8ABV81TTER/HOUSE-knowtedge of mlcfo-lilm . ' " Suzanne HelN or Sale or trade for .,,.,,,,...,,... helpful. Paid compal\y S.A. Tll -.. bonue. 833•374o 111 .. llt/n Oouole crypt. West· poc1tu1pruck, 1611 Tro-hull '14 Clm 211 Hciet. ' ~.-1;n, 5 dyl. I~. 2 r F 1PM Red-ood 2118 decking, minster Memonal Park, $65 631 _2589 cfllldran. S110 wk.+ ben11t1. or appt call toe1 CemelDac:tt St, ~.__ velue 11700 Asking walk lhru. very good room & board. 842-9822 George. 549-8909 Plrt n.. hit. Newport 8Mcfl Tlllf••s ......, 4-20· """":"'°redwood S 1400. Cell An1wer Ad cond S 1· IOO ... tm.S'f Teleptione order clerk. 7t4-T20<2e76 Wont your own hfl. from fencing. low11t price "574 6.42_4300. 24 hrs 556-t233 or 993-9748 , H•IP ua conduct a P..ro-EOE. MIF 3 pm to 8 pm , Mon-guar. Jim or Ken any----------21' C"'..tt 'II e ... Newp9rt men ' Hlon. motion for 11111 ar .. • fl-~~~~· ~·~~~~~ Thur• & 811. am. !Earn time, 846-9885. • • • ... , .,.. Must have local 16110-nett n•mpaper. Mon thN :;,o '4 per lw & borlUe oi.---'·• ...... GOO<I tunning condllion IA8Y8ITTEA wanted In wino. 75% comm . Fri. 5:30PM% 9:30PM. Ruby'• Sandwich Shop vlng preaentatlon: no C.-11' -...,.. Twin V8'• Wood Hull MY H.8. home for new 846-2716 Sal. morning• 9:30 to help needed, appllC•· "Ul':Y' Gd. phone p•r-LsJ.-Mtf "" 17420 Sanll Lucia Sleeps 4 Newport slip Baby11tter needed. my home, June 1, Referen- eet 631-1985. Maogle .._&5 _.......,.PIT 130 tlone&-5PM CM 1873 It 'd C II • ::1 ae.••• •• • FounlalnValley Ask1ngSt1,500 Will _.. "I',._""''' , ..... •u-: • ,_...._, & 1 · .~ ... · tone 'I req · • : ••• • • •• •• • ••• You ere the winner of consider 1rade1 S'"'IP-....,.. tlra. •4 0360 _. 184.00 a wffk to ttart. .._.. 1 tll . ..,..,... 1100 Oebtlla, 142·t470 New VMtar enlarger & " ~~~~~~~~~.J Full time. hp. pref'd . lent. $299. Allk for &Ian four free lldlet• (136 00) PER VS 673-5200 BABYSITTER. M/W/F. Cr~arct.ara, 3107 ~~~hare In SAL.ES/DECORATOR YUWL...., It nMlllt. value to lhe -------- a»6:tO, 2 yr. old~· e. ~Hwy. CdM ~~·-o:'"'J" _.._ Mull be creative, 111f-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ..... YllUI Partner wanted 25' Skip----------• mv CdM 110,. •• "•f'a.---------'"""'' -·~._ •....--mouvated, & love peo-Mln.3ynui>.comm'I.& ~"..... 1ac11 Express C11i1n ,,_,' li--J ..w M4 1514...,... EARING AID ti It. phOne pie. heel. commla.lion, 119C. Sabr'I trained Har-lllllM H ~·ff v·~~ Cru1aet $2200 down+ ••ii•ii•ii•i••ii•ii•.....:;:o.ii.i••iiiii-i•ii~ii.i•i•ittliiiiiiiniii:.:i;7iiiiff~r.i~ wolca. Cell aft t.1)0. Rult>M houri. will ttaln. bor Travel, 8 7 5-t 311. T· -~t~lon ....-.8 OOpmh s l 300/mo ,~Id• H H IOOf(KEEPEJVOfflCE .... 111 .. sl t It Manegeinen1 Opportunl-...._l4f1 ...,. Sten yOl.lr darlrroom to-_..y ... ay 1 8 slip Days 669-0500 Growing Cott• Mat• ... .._ ----------1 d9Y1 With• a.... 23Cll Wednudey Mey t9 Eva 557-9327 O..lgn Firm hu irmn.-ut. 312, 542·5978 Ill.a YUiil ...-r en6ergitng ..,_., aafellghl 4:30pm ....._~for t11 thal _.. Oppty Ernptyr E.arn ..... ,_..., WC>ftll...,. NMd Ac>ol<>-tralned er. & flltll"I, -.ctr~ timer. Puses mual be redH-Will tenl. lease or T 0 P penion 1~====:=:::;1 ._ .. __ , """ •gent with 3 yre min. various ••HIS & every med befc>fe show lime. on your 20-25' N 8 po-••P•r en cad In Ilg ht ...... AWi .... pert time by the Beach. ••S*'lence. Nwpt Bch. type of darkroom acces-To clalm puses. call w e r boa I Br y • n boolctleeptng (A/P & CALL: W.W. WllcO• ,._. lmaQlnable '"In... 673 388 850 32 A/A) & ganarat office ~ necetMIY NIT 1'm 714-e8CMl441 ._. HOf'IM. 8«-5373. IOtY . wlll ... ,·"" ...,,1 642-5878. 9111 272 Pu--t or -1 4 Pfoo.dufei Including t)>-FU! time, permanent 8-9pm bpend1"9 yOU111 soA'Auiie~S~.:...:.::..::..:...:...:_ __ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil='. V:so~ ~r.:'41: -must be claimed by 3 4' Olual Trawlet Ilg pfnt & good telephone Benef11a counMllno nrm ,_.. ~ GH-3 GEAOVITAL -. May t4. 1982 t972 139,950 Has 1hp ~. Wiii conaldef nlng1 k>f':. 3 -5 allarp out· now avallable In the .... .... • * * 642·1~ I _., time. Send rHume APPLY , .. PERSON I t I t '.... ......~ ~~~~~~~~~J~M l 1012.0allyPllot, " gong eurapeopa o "'"""laltlhervumllirrof f ... 'llls Ill "'fl 1f'•fAMWAYPROOUCTSdel1·1Hll $a.iJ HfO ..:.. P.O. Boll 15110, Coate 24300 leQ\."\8 Hiii Mall motlllata ambl1loul t0-13 Youth? Frff Mmlner• W , ....li!!J :U41d ::' ...... , ........... ~. vered to your home ..... , .............. .. Found: Oolden Rel. F, L.aouna Hlb yr old•. Cell 2-5pm. high Income poten1111: .,. 10 • Slamall/Hlm•l•yan Kit-Cynthie Blake &41-12t5. II' ..U.11 ISL 1r1111 Satter M, Pit Bull _Meea. __ ea. __ 92_92_9_· ___ ,_ __ .o_>E_ E_•M_P_L_o_v_E_R __ ~2~~ Ht. 343 Ask ~~·,~~~}~!1151'!!1eavall•-~~~! ~1~c! tan. 7 WHlll. male, ..,. 64l-32l6 1978. VHF. AIP. latho ml11, wtlt & blk F. Haw-HILD CARE-house-Honest price for honeat 1~~~~~~~~~1 ...... '""'" ~ on-call work In th• pre-Choe P1. S50 495"'874. Newport Beach Tenn19 ROF, low nrs 5 bags. nas por1 .~ .. ~ Shel-keeper. 1~-ln, for sclll top quallty COflatructlon 1:P •• Illes 1...... pt111 area. Al 1 .. 1t on• !'e. • ....,0 C 1 u b . fa m 11 y me m . evllf)' op11on, shows bel ter, ,.._ • ......,.. ege c:fllldr; · 559-7368 wc>fk. EJIP9flenoad & 0.. lent ... alntenanca. lnte-Mature for C'oa'' ••Ha )'elf'• oper1enca In~ .-bershlp, $750 642-4847 tet than new O w C •• nl ..... hlropractlc; eulstent, pendable Call Dimitri Hor & llllWlor positions .. ... Mtti""' ...... , •••••••••••••••••• 75e;, ol S69 900 Loet: ... ml • ....,,neUJllr, call Tuee bet ween 979-5027 111111.Fulltlme Mon-Frt. Women'1ClothlngStore. . ..,..,_eup,cemera PETS"R"PEOPLE 5PiecePlaceSeitlngs. lRAOEWINOYACHTS grey/tan, Hell & Ectwarde t:miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii M 1 h ood d 1 1 Permanent part time ex-~atlon or platamaking Exotic vacatlon1, he.Ir Franciscan Oe:9ert Rose. 875,.,,,,.7 960, 1725 Eve (Pr•atle• Tcact). H.B.. 10AM-tPM for lnt9Mew. 111 us •,,_v! g r v no per ple111. Immediate. II MOllNl'Y· Yoo must be .,......_ & love 11Sherry1 S20 5 1 """ rward. ~1792 931-7191 retofd ..... M2S2. 84S-57t1 avallabla to work on• ,~ . pet P ece place i---------1 ---....------~-,-.,...-------HOTEL fJIT Per~ .,.,.lltu1e or call-ln bllll. Poodle kid• 4 Hie, T-aettlng. meny serving aser w/lrlr, xlnt cond . fl.Mii mlll Ian company need4 1111.... lll•ll Salel Seier; ~di on ex.,._ cup, toy, min. 546-2848 pieceS. 552-3352. call or see all 5PM. Stlll loolllng for Iott ln·hou1t phone help. Needed tor IWcury ~ 1111 l -tl•nce. Contact Person· ...... .., Pel Meglc Love Begs, the 1--54_1_·_59_3_o ______ 1 puppy. Molner dOQ Grit-_eonue._,__54_6-_883_7 ___ Be&Cl'I hotel. F/tlme turn-Al'lllll• lfllT -NI. M pup1. 54e-13g5 an 4 parfec:I gift lor Mother. MOTIVATED OWNER vtng. Shaggy long hair. am/lTPtST m•r monlllt. flulble La.ding natlonel m.rka-Th L A ele T l1'.... G .,~ $4.95. 631-12t8 Cal. 34 SaH-a-way cono Off White, 4 mo male. · hours. Contact: Gall ting firm na•dt lntalll-• 0• ng 1 lmH olden .,.,rleverpupplft, ---------Ha11MU. 675-871t 54&-eelO for 1m~I co. In Costa Vaughn-Purdie for appl. gent, adeptable people Clrculatl~~ cur-.... AKC. 90 +champions. Mini tr1mpo4lne for health, 1-6-. -0-0-0-d_ll_g_h_I -1-1r-. -,r-lr-1 MFul••~· ood benefltl. 497-«n. E.O.E. who en Joy publlc con-rently has.,._,..,.,. open 330 . Bay St. ho m • ra I 1 e d 11 t t er btl1 made, jog in safely, motor, sips 4, call Eves Lott: Mnd« grey tabW urne. Type 40 wpm. l~~~~~~~~~I tact. Mull have clHr In 11111. Al • fletd ra-Cotta Mela 831-8984 reining & benlllclal. Cit. F. wtit bib&......... TrtlnH OK Call Ann I~ teMphone voice. An Ideal preMntatlve )IOU'll earn All ESU!! Opp!y 8!1fJ!xr $1911 646-605t 7 t4-997-4129 bm mua1.:M. REWAAO. 142·11363. ..... .... llett --i11on for .,, out""""" an hourly wage & gen-- - -Lab Re\riaYer pups, blka. --·-------1--------- lo.t I So t .. H B c ,...... .,.,.."" ---~ ~ H male. female. tO wk1. N1t1on11 Cuh Register, 12' Kiie w/lrlr n u " · · • OUNTER PERSON f Must be e11parlencad. -...... ~ -._._..on --· .....mn'WAll. rs •tt."" 3 7 B or c-00 R ...--· ..,.., -· ....... 4..-..-..,,.._ Info Haabr11n, I 125. 964·5 t41 llke new. electric. $225 ~ Jo net. 1 l 2 St. equlpmt. rentel store N "'42 · oom raa~ • ragutar 1ehedute. Op-..... -......... ...,.more To piece~ n-. 546-7909 673-2815 alt 5 536-1804 ew. epeclellilng party erve1lon1. APPLY TO: por1unlty for an hCllant pleHe cell: 957-2381. before the FREE SIBERIAN HUSKY ---------1---------1 Lamer come ho1J1•t we ~· T)'Plng req'd.. David McNlel or Mrt. pertlttrne Income. F0t 1 ex1. 1204. rMOSng public. TO GOOD HOME JOhn Wayne Tel)nls Club ebol. good 111 yeat bo11 to.• youl Mlutng SI•· hwy phonet. United Rent 8811azar ~ 10 AM confld•nllat lntervl-. At P4IMlng 1 phone 145-4329 Family Mamberlhip tor beginner. S300 wllrtr mH• M. Reward. H.B. A.JI, 645-0790 and ~ I....-. 'i:~'sl:r SI rota It c~.:'l'r1ec1 eel• .!:11':1 ~ :C:.se11 AKC Cocker pup•. M&F, __ Baa_t_Ott_.,_._64_s._5_1_83_ ::-:.~:~..:\= = M2-7CIO' 11•-• --•u. .._ · you In the r\ght c11recuon buff. lhota. 1250 to S300 So56t9. 67S-1 Fou1td: M, t<e11hound, 111~ vto. Ch••CJMk• Ln, t48; fe3..3Mt aft 5PM l'Ouncs: Surfboard, on hach 81, Hunt. tcifl. 147. '*· 176-&at --42S So Coll1 ~ lB fl OBO GrHI Mother' I --------Fot bu•y madlcel lab, 494-1151 SELL Idle ltamt with• to nd lh• home you ,.,. ••2 .... 79 ,.._ gttlt (2t3) 43M57t lfbwUA.,... SN,t lnll flfL 8AM-5PM Mon-Fri. Dally Pitot CllMffled Ad. Ned. 842-5878 Went Adi ...... ... .... .,..., Up to 59 ft. COM ., •• ..... 140 HovMkeeper, llve l.n, ••-1~-~::;:;;;;;:;;;:;;;;:;!.========~=====~~ WaW ,., 19 oo ft c p per & rel'• nace11. 2 11 ,. 1rH II ,,. "41 •••••••••••••••••••••• · P« 811 tlQO)' NOE M/f utlat In ao-cNldren t t a 17. Mature l•••••b•j••h••••••b•••k••• lsM ,......,. ~-dew. r1e9_5· 714-955-2473 c:191 club. batlfoom clu-women to take care of ~ '~':!!,;~ t llll ...... I .... .... EMn M you laem to l'lofN In Hunt. Hbr .,.... w/y11d lmmed. 846-1749 968-5037 after e NEWPORT Arc:hH Ma- rin•. 2 lllps avall up to 42' 842-4844, 9-5PM 11000/mci. PIT ewnlngs. Mul1 be able to do tome Mr. Siii 542-9047. cooking. Some Engllth t---------1 n e c e 11. C 111 ••• .... ..,... 5136 w .oanmouth VINlll YoJ are Iha winner of *'' ,,... llck•t• ($38.00) Vltul loH 2t3·592-2441 HOUSEKEEPER EllP'd, w/ref1, lor honw In Nwpt 8ctl. 145-0315 ........ 5yn~t«t.,tO cook, dMr'I llOU .. a r>a-_, .... .._... Vllege t>yal1 2 y( old, Nonemo-~ 8eectl. ker, mature. Salary+ ,.._. • 1t l;OOpm room & boefd. 762-7499. W•d"Hday May 19 HOUSEKEEPER, ••P'd, ( l 4:*'91 'ff/rflfl. for llOrM In L1f. ,,.._!Mitt bt redM-8cfl. 4M-075t , ........... .._..,.,.. N To ctotlft pattH, c•H IHM • ewspgper .....,., •· m. ,.. Aelponlltite ,.,._. M..f: • ... lllO ~ by l.,n-noon . l t111 •1t1r. -M. .._ Lag una Nlft-11, ~ • • 49M480. . r.. . Pilat ...................... \;Alrners * l'OUt11 ·: in Hun~ 81ach, }lip 13'h f'I x 42 fOf rant '300 mo. t40-5tS9 W' lllp for rent 1 month. Newport BHch. 1210 mo. 142· 1~. ATTEITlll .. ..... TONNEAU COVER Flis MG'S. '71-'8t Never used. $75 Mat1a 631-7797 Iv m:g Aa111 111 S./1 •••.•.•••..•.......... IMPORTANT NOTICE TO READERS ANO ~OVERTISERS The price ot 11ems ad- vertised oy vetucle de•· lers Hl ll'le vehlcle dasSI· hed aover115ing COiumns does no1 Include any applicable taxes. license. transler leef, flnence charges lees lor air po1. lullon conlrol device c;er11loc;111ons or deafer documentary prepara- 11on charges unless 01herw1se spec1f1ed by lhe advef'llser fSIO WANTED TO BUY UTE llHL ISEI CUI WILSON FORD t8255 Beach 8tvd Huntington Beactr U2-1111 ESTATE UU MAKE OFFER '68 Toro· nedo 73 Pint o, '66 Mustang. '69 Sllverhne 1ra11et 96C).() 181 altl!f 6 A.lipn/ ChHitt .... fSll •.....•.••..•.••...... lllllL .. ,,," Shey repllcas, plcitups & coupes 4 to choose lroml (006768j (Slk A3093) Prk:el st1rt1ng at MY lt,tHI THEODORE ROBINS FORD 1060 HU&OA &l VO CO~TA Ml\A 642 0010 l !a ey bt in le· ch -lies ". ..... pd f n..11Jr1.,. HH ~ ...............•...... '78 Jeep CJ5. runs oood. ale look• good. $4400. ~r.. 875-9457 r--;09- fnds Hll •..•.•...••...•.•..••. '17 Ctievy Cheyenne 41l4, V-8 . 4 apd. $5700 . 833-olM. ·a 1 King Cab, 2000 ml, ""-9 forcae Mia. $7150 coeit ll400 673-1784 178 Toyota P/U, lo ml. new paint, lllnl oond, '3900. O.yt H7~U07 or ev.1 873"9275 "13 1.H.C. " ton Pie* Up. Xlnt. 11300. te0-2514. FOuntain Vafty.& N~rt Beach 10 ft boat 1t1p avail. HOntlngton Harbour. ·ao IA ton 1hor1.1. 5 •g· l200 mo. ~te 8400 ml, li.40 . 142-4482. ~'3. '71 F250 " ton 4 JC 4 44, 000 mt l.ott of xtr-. Aft 5 4""463e 'H Chelltotet P.U. I cyt. N1w paint. tote of ChfOIM, $2000 Of trede. 8424111 \.'"'9 M• Muffwt Mt on • Tuff et. •tong oam• • 1pld\f end re1d It\ tr11 Delly Pllol c:z.::llled "°''°" lbOut Mut~ ,.. •• Tllftee and boUlflt It IOf It H . Yo.. u.n Nit yout tuff•t 1114 .. ,, of otller thin .. through Delly ..itot Ct .. alfled Ma.c.11141.ean Orange Cout DAILY PtLOT/TUMday. May 4, 1982 . II!· ......... Er ~'!!.!Mfmt ....... ~'!!.l!ftm4 ....... ~.-.'!'!..~ ....... ~!!"-~ ....... ~•.r.'!t .......... t'!!! .. ,m ......... ~~ ........... ~ ... '!!..,f!4 ........... ~-~~ .. ~~ ....... ., .,2f:tr· ... 'fe. .......... 1.~1 !t!tf!1.fft! .. n.ff !'f.•.•n ..... mt !'11.~n .......... r.J!lff .. : ...... ~!f -~~........... ~·er.·r. ......... "-~' E~ .......... ~. n,,1 ............ r. .. i:: ,_.... ' • .... ......, a • 'Tl WW 'll WW....., •SJ•Utm UI II .. m 78 e::n 10orv. lllle nu 71 Cont111en1a1 Towo 1973 Pinto l)OOd C(WJ, 10 :...... i ll4MI ....... •vat.. All opllon1, air, tl•reo, llM1Mt Wt have a oood ••~· g:: ,eel~~~· f,!~oo ~':':. :·,0~1R1n~::~~ m11ee_:.~a.~ P ~ tt I... IC.Int oond tr600 tuMOOf. rOOfrtetc, better Wt IP"lallae In IHNI l lon of HIW I USIO ~ ff 7ff·lt« - ..... ' IMe-4' 111 lhWI new. 13200 lor lhe bueln•aa ••ecu· CtleWOletal • 11 11 •&. ~ .. , ' •H ,.,,1 11-a ................ ~al •' ,••• ••••••••••••••••• 1-------.-,,-1 ........ -- -H f _....., .... ,...,,_,..,., 71 Dodo• 4 dr l ood n •••.-.••••••••••••••• -~0~!._, ~ ~.Jmeo· '71 VWllConYtnlblt. whllt '86 vw ....... 11200 Of wlll ~ ......... oond ,_ llW. 180() ....................... '711 Fut"/ 2 door, ~ I ~oo.1:.s· .,...~.,..-_.,.., on w It•. ,3,000 f'l\I, ....,, .. 1M• 080··p · 1971 CIPflll,4 ~,49')d, allt,J(Jnt M 75 H0-2114 '97rtw mo t Hntlble pyml• l:o!f oond 1 71100 1111• beat otter • P. 1131·tc>M ' AM/FM c .... ua ll•eo Olal 213 or 71'; MER· 2 ,5 cfyt, 7~ M0-8'49, M4-292S llMIM '7' Dodge o.rt. e ~. 3 lootlt good. mech •lot' IMtlM C E 0 E S I a 2 f 3 or ...,.. JalCtlle rtln 9n ... ... ....... 1 1pd 11101 oood Od ml '2400 86 '.e«t ••••••••••••••••• •••• , 714/837-2333 '72 8U8, aunrf. w/c1trn •••••••••••••••••I'···~· N~~ 11600OBO.1'2-21129 #111 . Hll WANTED ''!!~~==~~~~l·73 4608£. Sliver blue, top. prof. pnl. a whl, #1 fthe..., 't4 llM IQ wlM. ta 114j ..... f!I. ............ . i.: blue Interior Stereo ftll~1 type 2 eng. THll le.___ --..... C L " $611 e3t~llll9 •••••••••••••••••••••• '970 Mulle(lQ Xlnt conct TO 8lJY '781110:Top runolng c;HMllt,uMa anygaa. lnl.MUltMllll31-eoG3 -....--r• i , 198,FORDEac orl $15000rbut o ller c;ond CIMO. 11r. aml fm E.1tctlleot cood. 19260. •.un lllt• lt()()f\10Ju ~11 WANTED Hatc:hbedl. Auto trana .. 830-2947 UTI 11111. .#t la~C~ rtdlo. 4 door 5 1,000 Mr. Ouggen 1165-8314. 'll lllllf _., I (,...i.i\\-..• <,.i()•tiOJ air cond .. pwr. at .. 11..i 1---------1 mllH 1 Owner 125110 .. 70 Mer* .. 280SL coo-2 dOOf, alr cond .. emlfm .. LU.. rldlal ,,r ... llke n-. Juel 01'uldll• Hll 1111 GAii ~~-::.~· 113·~:~~~ ~,,:·owne1 ~~·~~·dto~~:~~·1r~~~ ~;~~·J•:; 'b~~,o~~~~~: ovERs~~~i1veRv TO BUY f1c~~1l8~01~~·~:~. ·······w··;N··T·E··o······· WILSON FORD Ill-.. $2050 S 14,900 PP 832-3046 83 l·'9&a. E•ce1~! ~Brown/ UTE llllL Ike Toyota • Fine UHd ft 18255 Beach Blvd. --------1 546-3016 evea '87 BaJe. 2150 c.c. 1pot UIU Ill bro~ft. wholeaale $10, 1111 •••1 Car Salea. 19611"1970 TO BUY WI ,.' .... Wllll Harbor Blvd • Cotta Huntlngloo s.eiotl lampa, altreo, cualom fllfl 450 l.a2-1111 • 11180 28-0ZX. 2&2, 5 spd. '81 380 SLC: Sliver btu., In I . new t Ire•• n • w 198e Hart>Of BIVcl. . 1175-3909 WILSON FORD ~~ •o .• ~~ .. 7. 6 4 6 -11 3 o 3 UTI llHL ,. TIP .11.R blue, GI. pac;kege. atereo blut leether, aunroof, ahoeka. oew elec1rlc11, COST"' MESA ., ...... v • tepe Xlnt cood $10,400 tmmaculete. 559-5001 IMI. Won'l lut at S28e9. " 111 WlllT 18265 Beach Blvd 1111 Diii '71 Pooll.e Flreblrd Good running euto $500 545-3982 •• -Ull PP Ev1/wknd1 642-1229 , 'll HI Call 831-8017 Mf.tm ....... 1 Hunllt'll)ton S.ach WANTED 11.M 111•1 0.WtH• 1111 Xlnt c;ond, maoy lltru. '84 Bug. nu eno. brakea, A•lel l1H4 o11ai~!'!!"m11ea-142·H11 .TO BUY WILSON FORD ""111/-1 •••••••••·••fW••••••••••• $6500. 494-7978 lolerlor P•rf. pelnt & •••••~•••••••••••••••• ge Cldltleca In Southern ••vmt 111265 Beech Blvd 24'0 Hert>or Blvd 1111 .. HOU bOdy 11775. 881-3982 •••ii IHI Caltfomlll Set UI todayt lfW 1112 un ... L Hunllogtoo Beach '75 Lemana. 2 door. po- wer & a i r $ 1200. 960-2514 c~:e•=A DELOREAN , -· Turbo di ..... Ante red '84 VAN. 1113!1cc. 12v. •••••••••••••••••••••• IUDI Loaded, glaH tops, etc llD •••• 142-Hl 1 Brown vinyl 40 oat I.mt auper dlff trana. 11900 '88 Trevelall, ~rfer~ ..... I.. St<. 4740172'7 ...... , ... ,.,.Jd H11 ... 1417 l•O&o571 37.000K. $28.000 842-70111, 848-,IO!I wagon. CB, FM, tepe ...,....,.., llLY 111,4111 WILSON f()RO 'll ....... •••••••••••••••••••••• WI llY $24,110 673-7388 '71 VAN. new eng . ell deck, lo ml, 1 1800/0BO. 28gg~~J'Zd •Wiii OlteYJ•let PS, 1111 whl, AM/FM ate-• • • •••• ' t•" IT~z German p1rt1. need• 873-21115 '" 5. 540-lllO 18255 8eectl Blvd '90 ca6;'93.~1;1314£= Al• I. 1a1ft19 ... IMS i"'• ~ 1llghl body wor11, $2900 Dove/Quall Sis Huntington Bead! 437 Prmu ton Or lllfl W •••••••••••••••••••••• 642-7018. 64&-1805 'C IHf NEWPORT BEACH 142-1111 1970 Olda Vllll Crulaer Coate MeN -TllOll 301 w Warner lTTDnll 77 -•-•;5•A;;c-;;;:;d~;·L•;; CAO '81 SEVILLE IU-0111 Wgo. 9 pasa. good cond You ere the wtnner of ..O. l.SO .. IWllll nr -• ml!M. Clean. 11300. S 18.500 Lt yellowllthr 79 Ch t 4 d '78 Pinto. 6 cyl station s 1 t o o 7 5 11 ·9 4 7 7 lour free tickets ($36 00) COMHELL CHEVROLET Chempegoeedlllon 494_71114 Eves,wt<nds fn1,mtntcond,Ult,cru1tM1. evete oor.air wagon Xln1 cond Low 640-21 111 value to the • 1125 TONNEAUCOVER S unroo f $4800 drl0eka,6weyapllt. l l, cond ,radio.deluxe mileage autotrans pis •OISYllUI ~]~!•••••••••••••••••• Fils MG's. '71-'81 963-4134 .Uk HIO 000 ml PP. 573.7334 1ntarior. lllle new. len p/b a/~ radio ne..: urei ·79 Cuuass Ca1111 di.set . '"I,."'-I t ' ... :\ ' '-'I ' '1 f '-I • 73 850 Spyder conv . Never uaed, $75 ,77 Sctrcx:co. 14100 Ex-•••••••••••••••••••••• than 9 000 m1laa S4. 100 & b, 1 i. 8 s · S 3 0 8 0 30.000 ml, xlnl cond 28 Seacl1H Village looks sharp. runs grea1, Maria 631-7797 Iv m cell cond Aall tor Jor-73 RIVIERA. •Int mech. *~s:i1~~· 548-0500 after 5 PM 642-2526 mpg, comp! Hrv r ec ru!;:~~"~!°"y i:e:~pm SO-I 200 S200010BO 645-0953 dan 752-1760 cond Nds some body 8-0 CHEVETTE 4 dr. AIC. • Options S41150t bst 011 -----------=--·1-------""""'."-llfCI 1144 w ork Make 0 1 r . o97URX aulo. AM/FM, 1111 whl, 10 £1at•I• IH5 642-9273 Ive msg Wed n e 1 O 8 Y Ma Y 1 9 -lml '74 FIAT 124 Special 4 dr. •••••••••••••••••••••• DIVORCE SAE-'72 vw 499-4118e •7:~~~Ai~25~:!~r!ot ml, mint cond P P ···~;8•;;;;y-·c·:.j~;·•• •n It.IS OITWS Posses ~~f';e redee-Top dollars for Sport s clean AM/FM stereo ·77 MGB Convertible. 11101 WHtlllla. new eog, n-5'45295 1 - Cara. B::Jl•· Campers, $1150 obo 644-1742 cond . Going ebroad. Michelin tlrff, body & Int "•'//''"• -15 White !.'~~lie 52 124 • -----1 Moonrool. loaded, xlnt S800 545-3982 ~cf>:::•paahsosweallrneca ll 91•'1 A l'a x $3200/bst ofr 857 1759 xlnt Sacrlllce $2500 11" ,.., '' ~· .... 11a.1 l•r llZS cond $7250. 833-!290 li•I• -117 .. · '81 Flot Spider 2000 Int • •••••••••••••••••••••• 443 W Bey. C M ... rn "'~ 642-5678. ext 272 Pas-Alk tor U/C MGR cond, tow mlleage. am/ n../ •1.~1 63 1-6674 '79 SEVILLE. White, lea-645•2963 •••"·-·•••••••••••••••• Llncoln ·10 Maril 111. 82. •••••••••••••••••••••• MS must be cta•rned by ...... t m cassette, luel tnl :-r. •••••••••••••• ! .. !. .71 CONVEATIBLE ther lnlerlor.Stereo c;as-'75Cordobt ,blk.1360t8· 000 o r 1g1nal mllea '74Pinto 82Kmlles May 14• 1982 Yll.llW&lll S8900 640-6198 (Jann) •70 Opel GT. perlect cond Xlnt running cond. sette H 840-5425. 0 1 Seti things lasl with Dally ~~:J'o·~57•_03i;0 · x n I Sharp. Runs greal. Must S 1100 • • * 1871' ee.ch Blvd '78 124 c onver tible. Classy & sharp. 11990 $4500 661 -1391 720-2l89 Piiot Want Ada sell! $1650 645-9744 960-2760 ---- HUNT~~~CH ::::u~~~lm~~tt~~~ ~"::c: I 494-4378 114~ ~ ... ~'.'i.'!.'.'! •••••• !.~~ .... ~',!i.'!.'.'! •••••• !.~!f ~ ... ~ .. li.'!.'!! •••••• !.'!!'!~ ... ~'.'i.'!.'.'! •.•••• !.~~ ~ ... ~'.'i.'!.'.'! •••••• !.~~ ~ ... ~ .. ~i.'!.'.'! •••••• !.~'!'! ~! .. '!.'i.'!.'.'! •••••• !.~'!f! riflc e at S4 199 -p11ce .!!A!!! •••••••••••••• WllTD! negot1ab1e 494-4324 1977 PEUGEOT Diesel I I I I I I I I I I Late model Toyotas. H••'• 9121 Wagon Auto Irena . Vofvos, Pickups & vans •••••••••••••••••••••• pwr s1 pwr brakes, Call ua today1 WE'RE stereo cass wl pwr boost dual tanlls & n- met blue t1n11h Great tamlly car 1293TZ'I) ............ 4l c ......... "-U .. tJOJ., U0.'4t7 WI llY USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN O~ CALL FOR .. AlfUllM. DEALIN ' ~799 Earle Ike Toyote- F1ne Used Car Sales 1966-1970 Harb<>< Blvd., IMMEDIATE ~:.~·4~818 646-9303 DELIVERY ON '11 PHIEIT UHi Kept tn s1o rage l or 2 MOST years, extra clean many eKtras. $395 or best ot- ter. 963·2202 Co<rnier -DeUllo 1821~~LVD I MODELS HUNTINGTON BEACH '47-IOl7, 141-IH1 SAVE 1978 PEUGEOT 504 Ole- sel 4 speed, stereo cass. pwr st & bralles. pwr windows (04 9TZU) Ou1stand1ng economy 10< only $5699 Earle Ike Toyota-Fine Used Cat SaM!s 1966-1970 Harbor Top Dollar Paid For Your Car• ...... "" u...1e-..... ..., 2626 Harbor Blvcf Colla M... 540-5630 AT Bll!d Costa M esa 6-46-9303 540-9467 '°'"'' 9150 ..........•...•......• MEISTER POllSCllE/ 1111 HONDA SANTA Premt11m prn:es 1363 1 Harbor Btvd paid for any used car AN A Garden Grove 11ore1gn or domestic) s a I 1 s. S 1 r , I 1 1 • In good condtllOO See ua F1rat1 I Lenhlc · I Parts & SeMCe ()pen AH I 114 IJl-2331 •..... Day Saturday 301 w w .u ner Ave 60 356B no rust. needs .11116 11.ul~tt Hho l ,.,, ,I '"''·' 0)kl U.111 ~ .. !!!1.!~r..'!.~ ..... . 11 bll\ west 01 Mainl no work. S75001par11al trade 646-6026 1--------1 80 Porsche 924 Turbo & 540-7430 80 Porsc;he 924 801h 77 HONDA C1v1c hatch· loaded Take over lse bac~ 11ood cond1t1on I payments 714/825-1608 $2 300 972-9';25 a11er 6 --Aini malnt -.13.000 80 Acc.ord 4 door 5 eves 714-997·4 1211 P rn 17"' Porsche Targa. white Aa~ 1101 s~d aor cond em/Im •••••••••••••••••••••• Xlnt cond $7395 Days 74 914 1 8. xlnt $5500 '79 Audi 5000 6 4 9 'l 1 2 O Ev e s 642· lc80 5m~9 63 •·0688 "I DEALER IN U.S.A 79 Accord Hatchback fY"V r A 0\ /'CD 'll &111 100 5 '>Pd am1fm. 1mmac. l'\L....11 ~V C:.J'\ 4 dr, i1lnl runolng cond. $o4600 499·2122 eves f)(ll f c.~ $1000. 495-5862 ·79 Ak e nu 581-4179 l\\..JLL..J l'l.../l\..C:. ID 1112 78 Accord LX. sliver. orig •••••••••••••••• ••••• owner $4300 975-3985 . ClO\l O SUNDAY\ & CREVIR '1Mttlt11•1 ....... ....., ~LMllog Wt 1peelallze In Euto· "7•°:im11n mMIMlllTI UM1'1 208 w. '" Sent• An• CloMd Sunday .......... "" .. , .. _,.,......, LMatlllN .. ........ lllrll .., ....... ., ............ (71•) 111.UU -ll&&if'S -.mr &· ·1• to02. e1r. • aed. ••• reo. Jdnt oond. '5.ooo. ..... ..., '81 HOI, d c:iptlona t ll· e41pUonel oero "ken. 1m,,.u. t u .tao. ........ dys. 55 1-8738 all 5PM ·-------'•"'• 1112 1 ••• ,, 1130 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••'••••••••••••••••••• Sates.-.Servtce-Lea.stng 72 XJ6. xlnt investment SAlllll&OI Leaving country Red wt •-••t blto. •nl Fully toad&G New -- llr es, brk s Show c ar Ul-2040 411-4141 SS 900 548-4141 82 HATCHBACK GL Fully loaded S 1500 & take o ver pym t s 661-1391 ~~!'. .•.••.•••• !.~!¥ 1979 TOYOTA Coroll• SR5 Ltllback. 5 •Peed trans . ~ brekea. air cood ' AM/FM 111<90 & • spo11eu yellow llnlah with black bucicel Miii HI US ~ Low miles (38 1962). JO• TOUA • $5399 Earle Ike Toyot•- fllll h4Al0•. . • Fine Used Car Sales 1966-1970 HarbOf' Blvd .. n• ty & Coste Meu 646-9303 fltn -.. ... 540-9467 fACIUTll _7_7_C_o-ro-1-1e-. -5-,-p-d .-4-d-r. 11111.IW 11 UllUlll IOllll air. am/Im, 40,000 ml ~------~1 1110 IUll Ul CllPE Th11 11 a loeded. hard to llnd "Eastern Zone" gold elllltrlor wit h brown velour lntertor. 5 epeed t r a ns . a unrool/ moonroot Blaupunkt AM I FM c asse11 1 & equalizer elr conditio- ning. rear window de- lroater. IHther armrest. log llghll. bra, cer COWt & ONL Y 20,000 low mllesl Mull sell ONL v $9,119111 Call 074-411 1' d1y1 or 499-2530 after 7 00 weekday• & wee- kend• $35001080. 847-0514 1981 TOYOTA Starlet Se- dan Options Include 5 speed trana .. power dlec brakes. This one Is fully lactory equipped & 0911 gr•al gas mileag e (18JD283). $4999 Earle Ike Toyota-Fl oe UHd Car Sain 111118-11170 Herbor Blvd • C oat• Men 11411-9303 540-9467 81 Coroll• , •• lo ml. 12K, ab9olut Hke ,_, 14350, 111ru. 73-1714 77 Toyota Corooa 11111 oew. Alf, r/wln<I defog, 4 door. iww t>rlk• & llr•. $3600. Call Doug Turin 1~------~1 (work) 673 -1434, IHllti 1131 842-4911 elf llPM ...................... ----.,.----1 HUii 'll llUU .. 1.,1'1 VflfY ah8tp. 125001080. 11 1139-82,9 011.lllYI 111111n MUQWI Wt'H clellvtf ~· In ttle WOfldl ha UI at --••n '°" H..-bor l!JIYCI .. C.M. 111-71'1 9411 Dove Street. H.8. lll ... MOft lemll'-ert QottlnQ the camping "bug" thl1 ,..,. ff you llavt • cem- per '"at'• no' o•ttlno utod. NII It now wlttl • CIHllflecl Ad. 1!!~~ ......••. !!.f ! '72 TR-f. MW p.int~ conv. 109. 1n1. a 1act1• ~1.rono enq. & drive tr.in. 1320CJ. Riek 873-ll40 '17 IAJA "bit 2 tlOco. °'-' cond .. lot9 of .... HH ttl• worka. Alilnf htll. 131-I017 --~----/~--~----~~~~--~·-··· ·' IRllD IEW '82 ESCORT ............... u-11..-... 1ne ... ..... ............ __.,. FREE! '.~..='..:=' IRAID IEW '82 COURIER FREEi ·~ .. ~ ._.._,_ FICTllY IWTI 5 200 P\11 ll&IT 111111111 TIE FIRST 1183 Tiii YURI TAKI IHllR ADYICll BUY A IETIER CAR AID &ET l IETIER IUID IEW '12 F-100 PICKUP FREE! ,,.._ .... .,,_ ~-- BRAID IEW' 1112 MUSTAllG WIRRAlln! 5.0 litre H.O. Engine; fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;:&._.:..;.;;;.~~.;.,;..~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Zero to 80 mph FREE! FREEi FREE! FREE! FREEi in 1.1 aeoonds! 5YEAR/ 50,000MILE ;Z1;~;e F 0 R D M 0 T 0 R C 0 • E X TE N D E D FllTllY lll&tt WARRANTY-FREE ON ANY NEW '665 1981 or 1982 CAR IN STOCKI PU111UT11•1111 SERVICE lliR. SPECIAL! ..... ,__ .. .....__.... GM, "'"' e '•rel lacert for 11.00 ,., -.,.. <• 111l11llllu111 rep•lr lfMf -I ll•J lllHI· ............ ,.,. "" ... ,. .... ., •• r•ure n•• -offer .... 1/11/111. s 00 per d1y with 100 FREE MILES BODY SHOP SPECIAL! Wlle111:.: IMHlp re~lr• ere ...... ,,.....,..,._. ,., ..... ,.,..,., .......... ••111111 ,.,.,, erll•r -••• , _..._..,........,,.,..., ... , .•. ,. ......... "'""' Olfw ....... lltl/U. IRllD IEW '11 FAIRIOllT ..,.. ..... ....... M-.1..,_ ... ._ .. .................. --. FIEEI '.:='.::'.:=' FICTllY IDITI s USED CARS * 5 DAY TRIAL EXCHANGE '* USED CARS 1111 CllYI. •Mii ;::~=·~· S31il 1111 nu F1m1 "''"' ... ··-.,. 1 , Sllll ·-·""""''AM~ .. .. U.Nel~\. 11ll llTSll 211Z HZ Aboolvtolr, lh"''I' ••• Auto ttan• • a r COi\ , II _ .. __ 747 11110UIW ... '•"' " p..._. la· _..,._ ""-' SAYE lo• .. II•• ltc No ti- 11llUICIU ... Y 2---•or11r S I ~i~J 111t1•• l ie No 14 I 111111 allT Ylll llllllll llllY Ml I I .-;. TUE SO A Y, MAY 4. 1982 OHANGE COUN TY . C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Two charged in H .B sailor's death By PHIL SNElDERMAN or-..,.,,......,. Two brothers from North Carolina have been charged with murder, kidnapping and armed robbery ln connection with the death of a recently d11eharged aailor who left Huntington Beach on March 6 to vi.alt his father and never arrived. Investigator L . Jeuer of the Maricopa County Sheriff's De· partment In Arizona said Kelly K . Hamilton, 30, and Willie K . Hamilton. 22, both of Fayettevil· le, N.C., are suspected of mur· dering Jerome Edward Pltchle Jr., 20, a Hunt.tqton Beach resf. dent who wu d18Cbarged from the U.S. Navy on March 1. Jeaaer said Wlllie HamJlton was 1eheduled appear at a p-and jury bearing today on the char· sea. Hia brother ta in a North C.UOllna jail f« parole violadon. awaltlng po.aible extradition ln the murder cue, be uid. Pitchie left Huntiogton Belch on March 6 to vWt hia father ln . El Centro. Hla body wu found March 21 In the deift1 a,bout 20 miles aou theHt of Gila Bend, Ariz. Jm1tt aaJd lnvestipt.ora belie. ve Pitchte picked up the hitch· b.ildn1 Hamilton brothers near San Dle10. He aaid police have all.fled that the brothers drew knives, Ued up Pitch.fe, drove him to Arizona and stabbed him to death. The broth.en then drove back to North Carolina in Pltchle'a van, Je11er aald. In that state, several poaessions belonging to Pitchie were pawned, anc:f an in- vestigator in that state who was routinely checkinS pawn 111~ found aerial numbers linked i. the murdered man, Jemer' aid. ' Kelly Hamilton turned tim.lf in to North Carolina authori~ on the probation violation, ~4 h is brother wu arrested in ~ pus Chrati, Texaa, Jeaeer said. ~ , British warplanes r;:. decimate airstrip Stanley rendered unusable LON DON (AP) -British warplanes made a further born· bing "sortie" today on the air· strip at Stanley, capital of the Argentine-occupied Falkland lalanda, BrlU.h Defense Secre- tary John Nott told the Houae of Commons. . Oeltr "°' ....... "NcNnl " ...... On Saturday, British Vulcan bombers and Sea Harrien made bombing raida on the airport in the flnt fighting of the month- old criais over the Aarentine 11ei- zure of the British coTooy. Nott informed members of Parliament today. ROUGH TIMES -Monica and Andrew Huntington Beach. He -offers some harsh Abrams put their belongings up for sale in thoughts about the nation's economy. "A further sortie waa made today to render the airatrlp WlU· sable for light supply, communi· cationa ana ground attack air- craft operating within the Falk· land 1a1anda thermelves." Couple hold 'unemployed sale' Job loss forces Huntington Family from rented home Nott gave no further detaila of the latest raid. Earlier, the De· ferue Ministry had reported more fighting with Argentine foroes around the laland. By ROBERT BARKER or ltle Delly Not It.ft Monica and Andrew Abrams are holding a "suddenly unem- ployed" sale at their house in Huntington Beach. The sale of kitchen appliances, houaehold furniture and house plant.a luta until May 15. That's when the Abramaes have to get out of their rented house because no more money is coming in. Abrams lost his job as chemical engineer last Friday al OiscoVi- sion Aasociates headquartered in Co.ta Mesa. About 900 people have been laid off over a period of months ,,,..-~ after the firm was acquired by a Japanese company, he said. The company makes laser vi- deo discs for home movies. "We've got a small cushion of savings, but that won't last long. And the unemployment benefits won't nearly pay the house rent of $700 per month." Abrams, 35, who said he was earning in the area of $30,000 a year, has sent out resumes. While being interviewed for this story, he received a call from a Stanford University official wanting someone to manage the school's chemical wastes. Abrams also says there is a Armed bandits hit CdM restaurant Two anned thugs. one wearing a bueball cap and a nylon atoc- k ing muk, locked seven em- ·ployees of a Corona del Mar res- taurant in a liquor storage room Monday before escaping with $1,300 in cash. police report. The bandits entered the Quiet Woman, 3224 E. c.out Highway, more than an hour before the restaurant's 11 a.m. opening hour and started rounding up workers, including a Southern California Gu Co. employee who strolled in during the middle of the robbery. Police said the gunmen at f1nrt forced employees into a restroom and later moved them when it wu dl1covered the rest room WORLD could not be locked. The bandits, both beUeved to be in their early 30s, took the manager into a back room where they fon:ed him to open the res~ taurant safe. Workers at the reslaurant said one of the crooka was vtty polite while the other "talked like a boxer -not too bright." Employees also said one of the gunmen was wearing a white bueball cap bearin8 the name of a Mexican beer. Officers said it took the l!leVen persona nearly half an hour to break out of the liquor storage room and phone police. Marine landing protested MIAMI (AP) -The 1andlna of U.S. Marinet at the G\Wltanamo Bay naval hue fn a mWtary exen:ile sparlui.&. a protest by thoul8ndl of worken tn Cuba's Guan~ province, Havana rad.lo reported today. NATION Boole clean latlJer's name 1be IOft of an admiral blamed for the 1UCCW of the Japan-attack on Pearl Harbor •Y. a new book belpi clear' hla father's name. p._ M . I»nme-ilme TV ciltleUed Palme-tam. teWvWan now on.. Jll'Oll'Mll that fMture almon eUem.lDate beroee and dlVorced mo-tbli'lt dw .. a c:ritk:. PIC'I A 7. poesibility of a job with IBM in San Jose If they d on't materialize, he says he and his .wife, who hasn't been working, will go back to Colorado where he was raised. "I could a lways go back to being a ski instructor." Abrams said he is pretty de - pressed and frustrated because he believed he had a long-tenn job at DiscoVision. But he believes that conditions leading to the layoffs were not fores«>en . He says he is bitter about "the system." "l can't have the same stan- dard of living in which I was raised. 1 grew up, went to college and worke d hard a nd yet we can't a fford to buy our own house. "The country ts m trouble eco- nomicall y and· there are no signs of a recovery -it is dead in the water "And I am just appalled at the rising deficit and increasing interest rates. "Most of the money is going to the government, not the people. ''Congrem votes them9elvee pay raises and tax break.I. And prac- tica 11 y nobody in government makes less than $60,000. They're out of touch with us who make $20,000 to $30,000. "h 's almost like there ls an at- tack on the middle class. Schools are going to hell and college loans and grants are Calling. The bur· den is falling on the middle ~. "You see no fewer Mercedes 6n the highways. That'• where my ~r lies. The l)'ltem la not work.lng." STATE Nott'• brief announcement came after Prime Minister Mar- garet Thatcher defended Bri- tain'• sinking of the Argentine cruiser General Belgrano with more Ulan 1,000 men aboard, and criticism of the Sunday torpedo attack mounted at home and abroad. The Argentine ahlp was outside the 200-mile, Britiah- impoaed war zone around the islands. "U we had left it any later it might have been too late. I might have had to come to the House with the news that some of our own vessels had been sunk," Mn. 1batcher told the Commona. ''The worry I live with hourly is that Argentine forces in at- tacks, both naval and air, will get through to our forces." The Royal Navy armada is positioned off the disputed CO· lony. Meanwhile, Ireland la reques· ting an urgent meeting of the U.N. Security Council to put an (See FALKLAND, Pace Al) Balloon race in spotlight Balloon races, balloon rldea and aviation exhibttions will all be pa.rt of a full day of events at the Gordon Bennett Balloon Race and Aviation Faire on Saturday in Fountain Valley. Today's Daily Pilot includes a aped.al IOUVenlr edlUon devoted to the annual balloon race. See lectlon C. LOS ANGELES (AP,) -Getty OU Co. and Southern California Edllon Co. have~ to develop cogeneratlng fadlitlea allowtna ZdllOll to u. excw / heat from Getty'• oil-field IJteam .... ton to produce electricity for 400,000 hOUMboldt. Neither company would reveal the ooet of the project. Supermarket 8mo.lcer nabbed An~ mabl a dU..'1 ~of a llDOker in a San Dlilao aape.l'IDllbt. hie A.5. SPORTS .. For the birds Finches delay couple's sail By STEVE MITCHELL ()("tM Deity Not Ii.ft The way Dana Point sailors Bill Hughes and .~ Marilyn Loveland figure 1t, another couple of weeks won't ·' kill them. THAT'S HOW long omithologuits say it will take for a half dozen baby finches -hatched Monday in the sail.a of the ~uple's 32·foot racing yacht -to fly the coop . A finch nest, containing six tiny egp, was discovered by the couple in mid-April aa they were preparing to set sail from a slip at the Dana Point Marina. As they were removing the .blue canvas cover that protects the mainsail, they discovered a pair of finches had set up housekeeping in the folds of th~ sail. The ocean-going pair had two choices: TOSS 01.JT mE nest and enjoy a sunny I windy Sunday sail to San Diego, or wait it out until the eggs hatched and the baby finches left the nest. 'They opted for the latter -Somewhat grudglnaly, Maril admits. ~te Fish and Game Department experts said the eggs would hatch in about 12 days. They were off by folt.r days. ORNITHOLOGISTS ..ay il'li take another 14 days for the baby birds to be strong enough to take off on their own. Give or take a few days, Bill and Marilyn should be able to set aail by the weekend of the 17th. "It'll be nice to have the boat back," Marilyn said. And she's glad the couple waited. ONCE THE YOUNG birds leave, it's only a matter of removing the nest and cleaning the bird droppings off the deck. There is one other matt.er of concern. however. Finches like to return to the same nesting place year after year. SU.rprise showers drenching county ' ' . Surprise showers brought on by a low pressure zone off northern Baja California sprink- led Orange County early this morning and the Weather Ser- vice says there is a 30 percent chance they will continue this afternoon. Ma y, so this is a bit of a surprise." The rain fell heaviest in the south coast areas of the county - in Newport Beach where the Hatbor Department reported showers from 6 a.m . and in La- guna Beach where the sprinkles began around 3 a.m. A few miles north in Hunt- ington Beach, a disappointed J. Sherman Denny, amateur me- teorologist, reported no rain so far. "There is no storm of conse- quence anywhere around us," said Denny, who charts the rainfall and weather conditiom each day u a hobby. "It ia ac- tually quite-rare to get rain ln INDEX Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley and Irvine also reported light driales from early morning. The U.S . Weather Service in Los Angeles is calling for de· creasing low cloudiness throuCb this evening, a 30 pen:.-ent chance of more showers, and 8WUlY akiee by tomorrow afternoon. Crash hurts two women Two women were Injured In a three<&r colJllion Monday after· noon at Garfield Avenue and Golden West Street in Huntinl· ton Be.chLJU.1: aald. Tracy • 23, of Fountato Valley was reported ln atabie condition today at Pacifica ffoe.·. pltal. . lnt.erml8ion At Your Sernce A4 Bl Erma Bambeck B2 Ann Landen 82 L.M. Boyd A8 Movlm Ba a..ne. B8-7 Mutual 1\mdt • Ctlifomla AS National Newt A.I Cavabde B2 ~=-Marlte1a Dl~ Oe='fled 04-8 B7 .Qmb a A8 Televlllon BO A8 Tbeaterl B3 Qwnr l'ditodal AS Weether A2 Bntert&lnment m World Newa A.I ...... B2 COUNTY FALKLANDISLANDS ... end to the "open war" In the South Atlantic, the lrith diplo- matic mllalon announced today. It aald It ii lntroduclna a res- olutJon demandlna the lmmedia- le cematlon of Brftllh-ArRenUne '>fhlflahtlng over the Falkland '" tUlllanda; neaottations to resolve a·tt~• crlal.I through diplomacy; and \he Wtlna of economic ~Uona '•1' jgalnat Argentina lmpoaea by n••u8ritain 's allies. J • ~' ln Dublin, Irlah Defente Min- i.ter Pat.r1clt Power said hie gov- 1 ·U? ~t had switched from sup-·un'foc1inc Britain on the Falklands 1-,•U orl1l1 and,s takl ng a neutral rr.R•t.ance. no1H The Argentine joint chiefs of , 1taff said today that Argentine Brhi1 h a ubmarl ne would ''•trenll'then the declllon to con- unue tne fight" foe the Falk.land lalanda. which Argentina calla the Malvtnu. People seen on the 1tree\I of Buenos Aires took the new• of the sinking quietly Monday, with sadne.. U.S. Secretary of Stete Ale· xander M. Haig Jr. said today the heavy caaualliea In the Brit11h sinking of an Argentine wanhlp may be ceu1ing Argentina to stiffen lta reailc.ance lo any com- promise settlement of the Falk- land Islands conflict. 3 youths sought in heating Seal Beach police have lalUed a det1CripUon of three young people "dreued in punk rock fuhion" who are wanted in connection with the beating or a 15-year-old MllSion Viejo girl. Police said the three demanded drugs from the girl and attacked her when she could not produce them. She waa found crawling on her hands and knees, covered with blood and dirt, in the mid- dle of Beverly Manor Drive in Se~l Beach at 2:20 a.m. Sunday, officers said. I t·1t'havy reecue vessels have picked .i0 llp 400 1urvlvors of the cruiser 1 t• 1tGeneral Belgrano, torpedoed I -'jb a unday by a British submarine CJOl~n the South A tlantlc. ~t" Naval sources expressed optt- ..,.,t>tnism that more survivors would v~ ·~found. Testifying before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, Haig said that "a.s of thlB morning the necessary flexlbUity haa not developed in Buenos Aires" for a political settle ment of the di- spute. "One could readily draw the conclusion that the recent tragic loss of lives associated with the loss of their cruiser hu contrt- bu ted to their c ontinuing intransigence," he said. OFF TO WAR -The.,mokestack ot the' ocean Uner Qpeen Elizabeth Il just clean the Com- modore Barry Bridge near Philadelphia last month as it aalla up the Delaware River. The Brltish Defense Ministry .. announced that .,.., ....... once the liner reaches ita home Port of South- ampton, England, th1a week, the ship will be used to carry "aevera1 thousand" backup troops to the Falk.land Ialands. 'l'he girl, whose namt! w as withheld, told police· 'he had been picked up by three youths in 1979 light blue Chevrolet Ca- maro as she was hitc hhiking home from a concert in Pasadena. She was treated for her inju- ries and released tO her parents. The driver was described as Caucasian, age 18-19, 5 feet -8, with curly brown hair, a thin mustache and a thtn build. His first name may be "Mike" or "Mark." m M A communique said the 400 ·ut ~urvivon, memben of the cru1 - n~·•er's 1,042-man c rew, wer e aboard the support vessel Gur- btUruchaga en route lo Gurruchaga, hl..,Jat the tip of the South American -ud ~tinent. 'abr The communique said .-escue l ,, t.Work continued in th e area •id t....here the cruise r was h it by '""1kitish torpedoes. Some 15 rescue r,....~..,essels were involved. The co~er of the Argen- " ~jtine navy said Monday that the ~1f1 $i.nking of the General Belgrano, :•A<IArgentina's only ~uiser, was -111~,..thls country's worst single mili- Vfl''tary setback in more than 100 ~ fltears." · But Adm. J orge Anaya said "~the torpedoing of the ship bv a ... ll\ A s mall number o f non - es,,ential U.S. Embuay pel"IOlUlel and some dependents of diplo- mats will leave Argentina tem- porarily as a result of the Falk- land Islands crisis, the U.S. Em- ~y said today. An embassy spokesman decli- ned to say how many people were involve d , but said the majority would go to Montevi- deo, Uruguay, 120 miles across the River Plate estuary, for a still undetermined period. The U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires has 75 American.diplomats. Some 7,000 U.S. ~itizens live In Argentina. I ::~~hild , 3 , blamed •-ii :~:for Huntington fire r.l.J(.(, Fire off~cials 5:8id a 3:year-old for exhaustion at Huntington ,r-boy playing with a cigare tte lntercommunity Hospital and light.er apparently ignited a blaze was later released. '<~at gutted the inte rior of a r. •Huntington Beach home. •1~ I y Seventeen firefighters respon- , .1-ded to the alarm a t 10:44 a .m . Monday at the rented home of Patty Rollins, 18811 Huntington St., Huntington Beach Fire Cap- tain Roger .ffosmer said. The woman, he r chtld and a family friend were able to escape safely, Hosmer said. Damage to the single-story home was esti- mated at $44,000. Hosmer said one firefighter . Captain J im Kettler, was treated H untington cyclist injure d in crash A Huntington ~h motorcy- clut Wal in letiOUI Condition today at Fountain Valley Com- munity Hoapita.l with injurie. he suffered Monday in a perklna lot collision near Gothard Street and Mars Drive, Huntington Beech. Traffic officers said Randall Banks, 28, of 6551 Warner Ave., loat control of his motorcycle and struck a parked car as he pulled into the lot at 8 a.m. Monday. ~ Mesa allows high ~ise on Bristol The Coata Mesa City Council aaid Monday it would allow high n.e construction along a stretch of Bristol Street south of the San Diego Freeway. Oe.piteoppoaiUon from nearby homeowners, the council voted 3-2 to Increase the build~ng height llmlt from 30 to 85 feet along the east aide of Bristol between the freeway and Paula- rino Avenue. Councilmen Donn Hall, Ed McFarland and Fzic Johneon vo- ted in favor of the 85-foot limit, with Mayor Arlene Schafer and councilwoman Norma Hertzog oppoeed. The council alao voted to allow 50-foot construction on the west side of Bristol between the free- way and Paularino, where the five-s10ry Holiday Inn ii located. They alao voted to maintain the current 30-foot maximum along Bristol, aouth of Paulartno Avenue. It was unclear what effect the 85-foot height limit will have on CalUornia Pacific Properties' plana for an eilht·story hoiel and four high n.e offices. the h1ihest beinR 126 feet. La1t month the development company in partnenhip with C.J. Segeratrom & Sona, revealed plan• for the hotel and office development to be built on the 13.6 IKftl site formerly occupied by Montgomery Ward & Co. ;~\" , ...... \• Sunny afternoons • Eerly MOtntng ~ ~· QI· 'v1ng wey 10 par1111 cleerlng lhll • •11emoon Hight ol 66 to 74 low , clOuds i.11 lon~hl Wedneso1y ' Cleul11g by mid-morning. l hen aunny High• of 68 to 7e Over- ' 1'1Qhl tows 54 10 64 Huntlngton-Newi>o<1 ., .. 1emperaturn ran-~" ~ lrom •high ot 68 10 a IOw ot 1 E.llNner•. from POlnt Concap- • 1 'llon 10 Ille MeJtiClln border end OUI 6Q mllel. North-I 10 l)or1h· arty aw1t11 ot 5 10 8 feel south ~ ouler walers l.Jght veriable wind• lhrough tonight except eouth-• to _, 10 10 18 knota thlt enemooo Wn11W1y sw.1t1 of 1 10 2 feet V.S. sum mary Thundentorms conunu1d 10 move 1cro11 lhe RocklH. 111e centrel high P1a1n1 end th• Oa- ' , kot• 1od1y. 1eav1no golf·blll 11- \ zed hell 1n -tern North 09kote and 1e1tterad 1howars over the AU1ntlc Cout into the toutllefn tip of Florid&. CIMr aklft prevllled from lhe GrMt Lakll 10 the Sov1heatt and 0.... the Pacltlc Cout • Mot9 lho*er• end thuncSeflflo. ...,.. we forecut for today trom Chi UWlf' Mtlaiaippl V*'t end low.r Mlllour1 v..., to northern N1IDN end _,,t.n utlh. wllh .,._, o...., -t~n Montan• Md ncw1hem Milne, Sunny Mlle •r• lorec11t tor wul ot 1h• Aoclcl11 end over 111• All111llc C-'MMal. Hlgfll loOay wtl .. "' the eo. ~ llW nottMm AllMUo CoeM etaw "1d from Ille northern P• clfto CoM1 to Wyomlno and nor-thern~. HIQN wMI be In th• 601 If' l'O~lhern Mein• and _t.,,, .-ontetra. end Into the toe "' .. ~ end Atkona OtMtU. TelN*•turet ......_. lflOlllCS \19 In tftt ~ end IOI becoming IOUlhwe&t 10 -1 el 10 10 18 knolS during the aflemoon wnh • 1 to ;.>-toot weste<·1y swell Te1nperatures MATIOM "' LO l"cp 67 42 06 82 53 77 5-4 75 45 79 52 70 54 02 85 64 73 50 83 38 02 82 49 85 52 N. • .,. ... w .......... lM>< ...... AIDlny Alt>uque Amar1llO Ast\eVllle Allanll Atlante Cty Austin Balllmote 81tHng1 9.,mlnghm 811marck BOllHI Boston 8rown1vtte BuffalO Burttngtn CUI* Chl<IStn SC ChlrlSln WV Ct\afllle NC ChlyeMe ChlCaQO C1nc1nnah ~..-and Clmb<a SC COlumous Del-Ft Wlh 01ylon o.n- &8 32 NOAA U '> ~ Of c,.,.._._,. 63 50 06 Fronts Co6d ...-Watm .,. OccluOed W'P St.1•• "~""' .·:f' 84 87 o.a Motnes o.tron Duluth EJ Pat0 F11go Flagtl•tl Greet Fllll Hwtford Helena Honolulu Houaton lndnec>l'S Jac:tctn M!I J~ K-Clty LuV~ Ullle floclt Louis• lubOoClc ........ Mleml MllwllJlcll ~lP 64 39 67 49 72 39 77 62 78 41 76 SS 73 64 13 79 51 76 45 66 41 81 47 74 43 83 62 76 49 77 50 81 83 70 .. 65 48 03 85 S3 06 87 85 01 85 41 65 32 .. 47 05 65 33 87 69 63 68 18 •9 .... 57 IO 57 79 ea t5 eo 82 eo 71 48 77 81 83 82 78 70 22 87 41 12 85 04 NNhvllll 78 New Or!Hn• 8' N-York 71 NorfOlll 72 No Platw 8' 0111• Ctty 80 Omlha 81 Orllndo 82 Phlladphl1 73 Ptioenl• 97 Pll1tburgh 69 Piiand, Me 85 Piiand. ar. 59 Providence. 65 Raleigh 78 ~ 77 Slit~· 64 San Antonio 82 S..tlle 58 ::U-:1.: :: St Louie 80 SI P-Ternpe 81 St Sle Miiie T2 Spoil-55 Syrecu11 18 TOI*• 80 TUOIOn 81 TulH 8" Wllllllngtn 75 Wlcftlta 01 47 59 53 54 55 63 64 80 S3 02 lie 12 38 -45 .10 3ll 13 4S 15 45 " 3-4 10 85 39 81 &e 85 5t 39 " 03 <tO 64 85 ~ 64 CMJ/fOMIA Bek«tllald tt 70 ~lie M Eur-a A 40 F~ 11 57 ~ 92 68 71 62 86 e:z 82 7S S4 85 49 88 62 n ss 83 st 72 ... 89 80 $9 5-4 87 57 71 86 57 92 80 89 81 87 36 11 51 70 57 88 40 7-4 82 12 eo 7' 51 ee 81 78 58 to eo 18 52 11 57 79 57 Extended wealher Te111peta1ur11 eart, today ranged ftOfll :ro In Redmond", Qt9., 10 1t lft Ptlolnlx, ML -...----~------~..-"'!"'-.~~- IOUTHl1'N OAL"O"NIA OOAITAL AHO MOUNTAI" AAUI -~ _.,.... .... nHr Ille co .. t, otllenrl" flit. • HfON In the ClOllCel .,..., ......... from Ille -.,.,., IOt at flle --. c~• \O "'"' t01 1111e11d ..... 1.owl 13 10 t3 MOUl!1elft t~ ~ 11 to re. c..owt o to ... ~-=-11 t1 ea a ea II " " " IO Laguna finds way to sell Sycamore A male passenger was descri- bed as Caucasian, age 17 -18, 5 feet-5, thin build, with shor t straight brown hair. A young woman in the car was described as Caucasian, about 17 years old, with short brown hair. Laguna Beach city offlcial1 believe they have found a way to aell 62 acres of Sycamore HiU. to a developer and at the same time · aati.afy complaints about lack of affordable h ousing listed in a lawsuit filed against the city. City Council membe rs will consider a proposal by City Ma- nager Ken Frank tonight that would aee a provision for 50 af- fordable senior units in the de- velopment off El Toro~ near Letsure Wot'ld. Th e c ity purc hased the 522-acre Sycamore Hilla parcel Suspect held on Newport shooting rap A 22-year-old Newport Beach man haa been arrested for the shooting of restaurant owner Lorenzo Pasini during a robbery attempt. Officera aid they loca- ted the alleged gunman late Monday ln a hou.e only block.a away from Puini's Cout High- way diner. Timothy Patrick Webb waa ch.argm with attempted murder and anned robbery following his arreet at 6210 W. Ocean Front. Police aid they believe Webb, who la being h e ld in lieu of $2~.000 bail, shot the owner of the Spaghetti Bender restaurant once in the che1t late Sunday during an attempted robbery. Paslni, a 68-year-old Hunting- ton Beach resident, is in aerious condition at Fountain Valley Community Hospital. Offlcen aid the bullet which at.ruck Puini waa fired through a wood door at the restaurant which the owner had tried to cla.e on the gunman. The bandit, who fled \he 6204 W. Coast Highway diner empty- handed, accidentally dropped a leather jacket in the restaurant. for $6.75 million in 1978 to end years of law1uiu between the then-owners, Rancho J.>alos Ver- des Corp., and the city, over the number of units the d eveloper could build. In order to partially pay off the mortgage on the land, the city was to sell the 62-acre parcel lo Baywood Development Co .. of Newport Beach, for about $5.4 million. But Laaunan John Gabriels, through the Leeal Aid Society, tossed a monkey wrench in the negotiations by filing suit against the city. claiming no provt.aion for affordable houainl( was evident in the approved tract map for the project. Freshma n Councilman .Mob Gentry and Mayor Sall y BE-lie- rue met with Gabnels last week a nd the results of that meeting will be unveiled to the e n tire council tonight, beginning at 6 p.m. in COWlCiJ chambers. City Manager Frank wiU rec- ommend the city begin anew aeeking developers who are w1l~ ling ~ prepare. a new tract map including 30 uruta for low incdrne seniors and 20 units of affordable housing within the projel·t. Anyone with information on the trio has been asked lo contact Sgt. Leonard Frisbte or Detective Greg Young of the Seal Beach Polace D e p ar tme nt . (213) 431-254 1. Kindergarten • s1gnups set Registration for children who will attend k1nderarte n in the Huntington B e ach C at y (Elementary) School Di.strict in the fall will be held from l lo 4 p .m. Wednesday at each of the district's seven e le me nta r y schools. . Proof of age lS required at the time o f registration . Children who will be age 5 on or before Dec. 2, 1982, a.re eligible for kin- dergarten. California law a lso requires proof of immumuuon against childhood diseases Parents who are unable to re- gister their youngsters Wednes- day are encouraged to do so as soon as possible at their neigh- borhood school. Aliens in smashup fleeing border cops A carlo ad of farm workers crashed into a ditch in the Gol- d e n Triangle area of Irvine Monday following pursuit by a U.S. Border Patrol agent, police reported. One passenger was slightly injured in the accide nt. The workers were checked for docu- mentation and taken to a Border Patrol sta\ion in San Clemente. Police said a Border Patrol agent was checking workers late Monday morning when he spot- led six men an a 1972 Ford station wagon. The agent pursued the vehicle m a Border Patrol vehicle with lJghts and sirens, polke said. The car carrying the suspected ille~I aliens traveled on private farm roads and a t one point crossed Irvine Cente r Drive in the Golden Triangle, an area bounded by the Sant.a Ana, San Diego and Laguna freew:fys. It continued on a fann road until plummeting into -a three-foot ditch. IGHT ICKLYI With The University Diet, you can lose an average of 20 pounds per month -every month -until you reach your goal. 'M..A u ' { n:_ • • • , ,.., 1Uve""ty ...,..,t. is a prof.(?m·spann~. modified fast that is clinically proven and available only through licensed medical oHkes. • Pn!ecriptton supplements supply .)'OUr body'a,p"tritional needs while unwanted fat is bllJ'n«l off. A Complec.e Plotl'nm· Unlike other pro- grams. The UniversJty Diet includes 1 pre- admi98ion physical, preliminary l<etqren.ic ~ fasting procedure. prMC:ription supp&e- nienta. regular lab t.esta, EKO'a. refeeding. ~ COW\9tUng and maintenance. Medle9Uy Safe. You'n! undereot'\ltMt aupervWon of physidan9 and weigh"°'8 1pecieliata to protect your health. Simple ud Effect.Ive. You make no decision.-about food ...:.. only the commit· ment to foUoW aao-program .net 1uoceed. Exctusi~t Refeedintt and Main~anct. You are re-introduced to food in a RT'OduaJ 4-st.ep prooes.~ and taught how to keep ~Loff. JndMdul CowwelinJt. Behavior modifi- cation and nutritional guidance are offered t.6 uU paticnt8 by experts. If you nOC'd to lose 20 pounds or ~. call our phone counselors for an appoint- ment ~r lnfonnati9n. 'They're former pat.ienta. They undel'st&od. You ·u find \W cost less due to our size and experience. Your insunmoe may cover it. And of~r you complete The Uajversit,y Diet. frH cou1"tllng is available for the nllt ol your lilef CalM·800·432·8876, 1bll FM. 8 AM to 9 PM 7 days a ~)'hysiclan lnqui· riet welcome. \ wrnrn IT LI] Polish violence erupts Police clash wi th 25,000 at Warsaw rally By 'he AIHClated Preas WARSAW, Poland -The worst violence in Waruw linoe the ltart of martial law bloodied the Pollah capiial u thouaanda of Solidarity supportera demomtrat.ed in Poliah citiee for the 8eCOnd time in three daya. Police armed with rt&. and clut. char~ 26,- 000 people maned in Warsaw's hlatorlc Cutle Square Monday for a rally called by underground Solidarity \Mden. The crowd ICl'eamed "Ge8tapol2ta !" ai more than 400 helmeted police and their wamlnp to diapene, wtme.e. Mid. ater-cannon trucks pelted the crowd, and the police charftd, firlnc tear-au grenadn. Ambulancee sped b1ee-dlnc. beaten cSemonltretors to holpltala. but medAcal offidlll retu.d to say how many people were ln- ;uect. Reagan, Bre'.lhnev . meeting o~t MOSCOW -A aenior Soviet spokesman today ruled out a U.N. meeting next month between So- viet leader Leonid Brezhnev and President Reagan and said the Kremlin was holding out for a "prepared" summit in Europe this fall. "We are w~ting for a ~ear and accurate reply from the American president" on Brezhnev's sum- . mit propoul. Yurt thu.kov, the leading commenta- tor of the Commun.tat Party newspaper l>ravda, told a news ooo!erence. Zhukov said Soviet offidals heard that Reagan waa conaldering Brezhnev's propoeal to meet ln F1nland or Switz.erland in October but that there had been no official acceptance from Washington. crash Algerian envoy dies • ID NICOSIA, Cyprus ..._ Algerian Foreign Min- ister Moharruned Benyahla, who mediated the re- leaae of the American hostages in Iran, was killed in a plane crash in northwest Iran, and Iran 8CCU8ed Iraq of shooting his plane down. The official Iranian news agency, lRNA, said everyone aboard the Alaerian government plane wu killed. APS, the Algerian neW11 a,ency, laid they included eight other high-ranJung A.lgenan officials en route with Benyahia to Tehran for an oUidal visit, an Algerian joumallst from APS and the executive jet'• four crew members. Nuke plant safety questioned LOS ANGELES -More than 20 speakers - the majority frankly oppoeed to any fonn of nuclear power -has told a panel of three Nuclear Regu- latory Commission staff members that the NRC's proposed policy on nuclear plant safety is meanin- gless. ln emotional five-minute speeches laced with references to the death and diaeue that would re- sult from a nuclear power accident, the speaken said it is impoaslble to make nuclear power safe. Monday's {l'Ublic heari.na was the third on the NRC's propoeed policy. Sirhan hearing in 2nd week SOLEDAD (AP) -Sirhan Sirhan threatened to kill the chief proeecution psychiatrist while on trial for assassinating Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, the psychiatrist's partner testified in a hearing on whether Sirhan's 1984 parole date should be res- cinded. said Monday that the letter oontalnlng the alleged threat was rniaaing and neither the doctor whme life was aaid to have been threatened nor the doc- tor's eecre1ary rememben!d re.ding luch a note. The hearing into whet.Mr Sirhan, 38, lhould be allowed to keep hia 1984 parole date ia DOW In its eecond week at Soledad Prison. But a lawyer for Kennedy's convicted aauain Bill · lVould ban armor bullets SACRAMENTO -Armor-piercing handgun ammunitiorf called "police killers" would be outla- wed by a bill passing the California Amembly. Bane, D-Van Nuys, said Monday the ammunition "is suppoeed to be manufactured for police to uae, but the police don't want it. lt's dubbed a police- killer bullet because that's the only value it has." The author of the bill, Assemblyman Tom Reagan to back school prayer WASHINGTON -President Reagan iB pre- paring to. announce his support of a constitutional amendment allowing voluntary prayer in public 1ehools, an administration official says. The official, who asked to remain anonymoua, said Monday the president will endone a constitu- tional amendment on Thursday, which hu been designated National Day of Prayer. Story sends president rurining WASHINGTON -B~~ time he arrived for work ln the Oval Office, t Reagan had al- ready read the morningnewapaper'• account of how a cnm-burning five yean _&jo chanaed the life of a black family In suburban Maryland. He wanted to do 90IDeth1ng about it, he infor- med hia aldea, and sugested that he vi.alt the fa- mily to "tell them thia Isn't the way it i• in Alnerica .•• By mid-afternoon Monday Reagan wu in • helicopter heading for the College Park Woodt ranch home of ~bara and Phillip Butler, both print.era In the Government Printing Office. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P Haley Pvn...'twl<f fitnd Cn+ttf ( • ecvt•ve Oftte.., Kay Schultz llte•P••-• 000 Ow•<:t<lf of Atlv"'l""'O Tom Murpl\lne '"""' ' Mike Harvey Ow.Cl(W ot .... ~ .. 000 1C•c..tahon1 Ken Godd•rd I Owect0t "' <>P@t••- Rey Macl••n C'.Oftll.,... Charles Looe M.,..-0 Edtlor w:::::.r .,...,.., '"*" 11 .-.. eo "°' -~_....,.,ao.,.. °""..,_,., •"'""""'~-·-........ ...,..._~ .. ~-­=~~.,.._,~~c: --- Cleulfled edvertislng 7141642·5&71 All other ct.pertments 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE ))OWttl B••S• ,.,.,.-.... (A M•ll •-.u llot l!otO CO\I• ,...,.. CA ~ '°"'"'"' 1411 0.-(CN\I Pllb4"1""11 ,..,_.,, No "~ ''°'..,' 1flV\tr•UOI'\, •d•torf•I m .. ,., M .. vtrOw~t\ ,.,,..," ,,..., o. rtorOdu<tid •O"Ov4 \OPC ••I oittmj''fOf'I ot <oc-yr19'11 owMr rrw .,,.,. l.M\I 0..llT P tM>I ... , .. wttl(ll k , ..... DlnH lrw -.. Pr"" ' -"-by , ... Ot6ft0t Coett P-"""" COi!'-"• S.P<t•<tl• --~• PUblh-~. "" ...... ,.,,d•• fOf , .... -· N••POt1 8-h .. "" • ..,. ... Buell.,._,...," ...... ltwl ... l~ llH<I! Sou"' (Mtl A~......_. ..,,,..., " -·-S...u•d•v• -'-•"' TIW O<IMllMll ,.,.,....._ 1u .... 1 ,, ~· uo Wnl .. ,, ,.,.. •• P 0 I•• 1,.,0 '°''• ~ (•lllo•ftta ffl~ YOL.71,N0.1M Rough road faces ailins company C!UCAGO -Dllptte rattfka- tion of contr11ct concetliom by ibe Unli.cl Au1D Worbn, tnt.r- natlonal Harvester Co.'1 new ~t tMm tee. ... very touah lltuatlon" ln U'ytna to ..w the aWna manufacturer, ana1)'ltl ay. The UAW on Mondav an- nounced that ltl rank-and·fll•. memben raUIW a MW amtniet that will rHuh in Hveral hundred million dollan ln •- vln11 for the nation'• larl•l bMvy equipneftt mamaf8dUnr, We're Listening.·~. What do you llkt about the Dally Pilot? Wbat don't you like? Call the number below and your m .... 1e wtU bt reeotdtd, transcribed Md delivered to the appropriaa. editor . The aame M·bour anawertn, aervtce may N UMd to l'ffOl'd a.it· ttr• to the edit.or on any topic. MatJbox NetributOn mlllt l9thlM tHetr n1me and l.tepltone num• for Yeriftm*-. No drnllUall tall•. pleue. TtU Ull What'• on your mind. Orange Cout DAILY PtlOT ITUMday, May 4, 1982 li/F ~Al ,.. OOPS -Advice columnist Ann Landen uya she'll atop recycllng her old columns af- ter being found out this week.. Cost cuts • • 1n transit budget eyed Orange CoWlty Tranait Di1trict directors have been h an ded a propoeed $85 million budget for the 1982-83 fi8cal year that seeu to maintain current levels of service but at reduced costa. The new spending plan, for which public hearingJ will begin on June 7, is about $23 million below this year's overall budget, transportation offidala said. The totala would change sub- stantiall if $14 million in federal grants~ <$istrlct is awaitine are soon appl"OVed. That would bring the proposed budget total to nearly $100 million. OC'rD Finance Director John Beatty said the proposed new budget is fully balanced and reflec::ts efforts by the district to reduce coats through more effi- cient operation while maintai- ning the same levels of service. However, the budget does re- flect a drop in service hours, Beatty aaid. With the diatrict's fares expec- ted to remain the same, it ia es- timated that $16.7 million will be generated in auch revenu e in 1982-83. Fares are 75 centa du- ring ruah hours and 60 cents the rest of the day. Beatty said the principal IOUT· ce of budget revenue would be local salel td fundl which will bring In an MSmat.ed M3 million. 'nle balance of the dl.strict•s in- come comes from state and fed - eral grant funds. The new budget estimates that operating expemea in the upco- ming fiacal year, which begl.na on July 1, will be $72.3 million. Ca- pi ta.l expenditures are estimated at $12.1 million. Thia year's operating expen9e9 were budgeted at $71 million, while the overall budget total Wal $108 million. Official• said one reason the new budget's totals are lower than this year'• is because of the tranafer this summer of opera- ting authority for more than 20 lift-equipped vans to a new agency known as the CollllOlida- ted Transportation Agerv:y. The va.na provide service for handi- capped people. OCTO directors agreed Mon- day to shill authority for opera- ting the vans to the new agency, which will be run by the county's Community Development Coun- cil. Ann Landers 1 takes advice, { 'reruns'~ stops • CHICAGO (AP) -Ann Lan- den aaya she hu recycled 15-year-old lettera In her advice column the put 18 months, but will stop because the practice wu questioned and "my credibility la all I have." Mt. Landers said publicly in the put that the letters ln her column were authentic. In print. the often chided Yale University student• for trying to sneak phony letlers past her. A jolnt investigation by The AaaQciated Press and the Pontiac (Ill.) Daily ~eader found that from April 1981 to April 1982 there were 33 clearly identifiable examples of items that had ap- peared in Miss Landers' daily column in late 1966 and early 1967. Editors of the more than 1,000 newspapers worldwide, among them the Daily Pilot, who buy her column and her estimated 70 million readers were not told she wu recycling prevloualy pub- Ushed letters, sometimes using only slight changes in wording and details like names and ages. For example, in a Feb. 22, 1967 letter from "Irving's Wife" a woman said her husband waa too atillehed to his mother, stopping at h er home each morning for "coffee a.nd a bagel" and each niaht for "some chicken 90Ul? _or 1ome chopped herring. "His mother telephoned every night to ask: "la Irving all right?" On Feb. 22, 1982, a letter came from "Millie in The Bronx" and the man's name was Sam. He stopped for "a cup of cocoa and some homemade coHe-e cak e" and later for "a bowl of soup or chopped herring." Sam also got a nightly call from his mother. In an interview Monday with an AP reporter and assistant pu- blisher James Pearre of the Daily Leader, Miss Landers was shown 12 examples and acknowledged letters had been recycled. "ll started about a year and a half ago," Miss Landers said, "while I was going through my acrapbook.s to find some letters for short telephone spots I was doing for Illinois Bell. When I 0 .r saw a letter that was ea~y Interesting, or made a potn\!ln a forceful way, 1 oomidered Ulling it ain." ' S4Ce said she rarely uae<l the recycled material In her ~ and that she didn't think it "ext.raordina.ry or unusual .• , "I think people read mi co. lwnn for advice, guidance, 41"U- 1ement ... I don't think) the read er cares. The lmpor;Cant thing is to get the Information out," she said. ~ In a statement Issued lflter Monday. she said lt had no' oc- curred to her that using recjcled material would be oona1dere4 de- ceptive. She said she would19top reusing old letters immediately. "My credibility is all I have and I would never knowingly do anything to damage It," said Miss Landers, whose sympat~tic personal advice column has~ syndicated 26 years. , Steve Jehorek, president1and chief t>xecutive officer of Sield Newspaper Syndicate, dist;Gbu- tor of the column, said Monday that columns in the hands of subscribing newspapers woWd be reviewed for recycled material and substitute columns provided if OE'CeSSafY. Jehorek said the syndicitte's edit ors were not aware of, the practice a nd that if they ·.)lad known would have advised Miss Landers against using old ilefns without clearly labeling them as repeats. · Jehorek said several new1pa- per editors inquired about an AP story Mo nday re porting Misa Landers' use of recycled """te-rial. .,. The Louisville (Ky.) Times, tempo~ suspended use of the column y until "we ha"f as.- surances" that advance copies of columns sent to the paper "are free of old material," aaid Mike K.all.ay, assistant managing .edi- tor. ,rJ &Utor Dave Srruth of the San Rafael (Calif.) lnde pen<Mnt Journal, a subscriber, said the newspaper would publish a cou- pon asking readers to co~nt on the disclosure. IJ ·~ ~ . ' Bonin lVants out of Orange County : The attorney for convicted Freeway Killer William Bonin said Monday he will request that his client be moved from Orange County Jail because they cannot have private telephone conver- sations. . William Charvet said he will ask Superior Court Judge Ken- ne th Lae to order Bonin returned to San Quentin prison pending the murderer's trial in Orange County, scheduled to begin in July. ln March, in Les Angeles, Bo- nin wa.s sentenced to death in the gas chamber for the torture- murden of 10 young men whose bodies were dumped near free· ways. He is awaiting trial on charges in four more murders in Orange County. J Charvet said that Bonin's calls to him are placed from a si telephone where anyone In e jail can hear if they are w by. He contended that his nt has a right to a private conver- sation with his attorney. ln addition, Charvet said, the last time Bonin was allow to call him was at 1:15 a .m., w the attorney said w "ridiculous" and in violation court order signed by Lae wing Bonin to use the teleph one hour per night. Charvet said he would c lenge the county jail in fed al court if the telephone situatio is not changed before Bonin is ue to stand trial. ColomJI and oosuol bpodrlllet by Coc>eZlo leatufe open.roecs fMSh wtftt 0 ygrlety °' Cteattve heels. Designed and priced tor comlort-$26. to $29. -th••• convoa hpo· drlllet ore ovolloble In seven Spring tolhlon coba. ~ Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/TUMdey, Mey 4, 1882 is forever thing' DEAR READERS. Baldini la forever, ~xperta •Y· And, lf you're one of many who f\111 tpent a lot of money on a vari•ty of pro-ltlUiN that prom1M to srow new hair or to atop lhair 1om, beware. None of the producta work, ~ to a med1cal adviaory panel to the ll'OOd .aJM! PNI Admlniatration (FDA). =An FDA panel of medical acientiata, in-u.dlna two dermatologist.a, carefully acruti- iled the medical literature on hair growth ' hair lom prevention producta. They a.1ao umined prodUct labela and ~ona and evaluated data 1ubm1Ued by product manu- facturen and others. The panel found that the lncredJenta were aafe for external U1e when IU8ed • apedfied. But the producta could not lido what wu claimed -they could not grqw hair or prevent hair lam. There are pt«IUCta ' which have the ooemetic effect of maldng hair 8eelD Ullcker, the panel noted, but hair growth bl not involved. I The FDA notes th.at no product or process can affect hair once it from the ecalp, llnce growth occu.ra f~ hair root. Even I permanent waving. 1having, bleaching and other trauma to the hair does not affect the 1 hair it.elf u long as the root ia not involved. , Tight ponytaila and braids or excessive tea-• .ma, however, can tug at the root and follicle and damaae hair growth. What can affect hair growth? Nothing applied externally, including hormones. But hormone• produced by the body can cause ba1dneta in males who have inherited the gene for male-pattern baldness (alupecla). Some .Physical conditions can cause overall loss of hair ln both mt.n and women. 1lM!lll include drua therapy, lron defJdeney, fever, rtdladon. honnonal thyro&d lmbelance, cruh dietina and 1tarvatlon. 'Hormone imbalance followinc childb!rth allo OU\ be a cau.e. To help you know what various ba1dnele product.a clalm to do, why they don't work, and to explain the teltlna done .on them. the FDA often a fre~ copy o f "Baldneu Treatments," available from the Conaumer Infonnation Center, Pueblo, Colo. 81009. Ground beef labeling DEAR PAT : I u..Uy fllMI u appreda· ble clifferace lJI tile prleet my Hpermarflet cllar'es for "refalar," "lean" aad "extra leu' sroud bee . II tllere uy cliffereace la tilt fat coateat of tllat meat? G.C., Cotta Mna While U.S.D .A. 1tanda.rda require ham- burger meat to be no more than 30 percent fat. the difference between categories of growid beef la up to your supermarket. Most atorea. however, U9e thll general atandard for their labeling: regular I.a not more than 30 percent fat; lean la 2"3 percent fat, and extra lean I.a 15 percent fat. • Got a problem'! Then wriee to Pat Horo-.. i witz. Pat will cut re-cl Ulpe, getclng the - answers and action you need to solve in- ._ equlUes in government and bwiness. Mail your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast DaJ/y Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, ~ia mesa. CA. 92626. .1 ·1· • , •[· • ·1~ ·•·.•• ·.,, :;., ...... ,., ;•-·4 ·•·.,.,_· •.-.... r,,,·~:...«" l ·, ··. -·· ... :.""' .. , .... ,' '"'\• ... ,,..,,, ~ ... ., .. :~.~~ ..... ~~, ..... ~ ·, . ~ : •• , •. ... .• ' •• .. .. ... ·~ •• J .... , '. \1'""'1,,:::.r,..¥"·, • ·~pl\ . . , ". • , 4 , .• ',.• " . II\..\""'•' ·•· .• r'.JJ.~ ,.~ ·: 1 "11 ,-(j • .,.. ... ' ••• ,' • ' • J .,..,,,.~ .... :'\'•'1 -.1 .. ~t 'l .• • t.'•...r,) .;. .··~A ., ~ ·, .... •\" 4' -.,~ ...... ,-..., '·• l~ ... t'v ,, l:1t\f.;~·\'!,• .~-J-''7?11ti • Open s.ntay F.t To Go htio llfinl .... W'.Jo) " ........... ,.. •••••••••••••• 4 ! Four coast firms given top pacts Contrecta totaWna $143.5 mil- lion have been awarded to lndu- atrtal f1rml in the 40th Consrea- llonal Dtlt:rict, ~ to Rep. Robert E. Badham, R-llew por t Beech. The 1overnment con tract, have been awarded by the Army, Navy and Bureau of Minea to four dittennt companies. Ford Aeroepece and Commu- nlcatlont C«p. of Newport Beach received the bulk of the con - tracta, totaling $115.6 million. Of the total, $46 mlllion waa for anununiUon to be manut.ctured at the company'• plant ln San Juan Capiatrano and another $39.5 ml.Won for various portions of programa on the Chaparral millile, to be performed at New- port Beech. ... AP Wlreptloto In addition, there la a $21.3 mlllion contract for Sidewinder m1-Ue control aystems, work to be performed at Newpon Beach, and $8.1 mlllion for •pare parta for the new DMalon Air Delense (DIVAD) program, alao at New- port Beach. PROTEST ON ANYTHIM1 HoL t .1111<11 1 ll11r11t_., la hcc, thl· ideal business for th1:st· h.11 d 111111 1 -.tr •fl 1 l1.1t ..,,,. qalizc.g in Hughes Ain::raft Co. will build electronic equipment for the Navy at ita Irvine faclllty, In a contract valued at $24.9 million. frustration Glmdcr show:-. in th4 I 111 l• 1 d Uµ .ind I'111 N\l t Going to T akt> It Anymore·" -;t rn r an th,.. S1int<1 ( ·, Ul County community of Ben Lum(lnd, •ft• r , h111·k liutt11n · bump1·r stickers and T-shirt.'> lo Jm•l < t 1, .. ,,1u11 I. 11!'. lhr11J.'. What it mRflrlS far your ad ff) be "ctasmf i£d" 0 organized Your ad is categorized within a specific cl.uaification. Buyera can quickly and Mtily find what they're looking for, llO · your ad pt.I bett;er retpOMt! bffyPffat cl111lfled 1da 142·5671 r1arriof f's Luxurious Rancho Lits Palmas brf otters everything in casual country club elegance • 27 hotes of chamo1onsh1p golf • 25 tennis couns (8 hghteOl ~ • • 2 sw1mm1ng and hydrotheraw - ---- POOi• • 348 del0>Ueeomq r; a C rooms • nestled 1n beau1tful " ~ ' Rancho Mirage, Calif l•n ,,,.. (1 : , Palm Springs areal at base ot · , , -•. the magn1f1cent Santa Rosd .. ' Mountains ·' • ; ·~I I Come see for yourself why • , we've become ·The Gem of the Desert ~,Mornolls. V°RANCHt) LAS PALMA~ R l:~·-oJn - ~1000 Bob Hoe>e Ot"'e IWicho M<1~ CIMO',,.. 112270 ' I · 17 "1 ~M·7727 QI TOOi fr..., ol\OOl 2,1! 92#: . .. • . /' ...... ·~ ,.r "u~ I --_ _, -· '· Now Open For 8' .. kfHt AtMffa Verde Only ·""• -~ .......... Mother's Day Special WELCOMES TO THEIR SALON : .... , t7t-67J5 .11114 Also Located On Balboa Island ENTERTAl~MENT NITEL Y COCKTAILS &CASUAL DINING 11 kM. Ttl I P.M. 545-1711 Cameo Miniature 5 9 95 Choose From 5 Different Poses WEDDING SPECIALS NOW BOOKING FOR SUMMER CORRY SUPER NORMA CRUZ From DeLEONS OPEN MONDAY THRU SAT 540-0600 Workshops for Christmas Schedule of olaaaee avallable a1 the shop. 641-3112 H/P ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ NfOtZM ..cmnDUI Ill U•M HCiiiiOGI euelllM "°=:mioue ....... ~~mAllTIMllffll•M o•A•Cll CcMlllYY IUPl•UOlt AW -m--...... , ... __ ,.__._ ..._ ITA~ ....._ ITA~ °°""" 'tN' wtftt "''°" It doln ~ATW Th• ::»o:1;0 .. ;:::,;'i. dolno Th• 1011ow1no pereo11 •• dolno ~ • l*'toM.,. doino TM 'olOwlllt l*tont.,. doll'I ,. CMI Q1111i1w o.-. .... I ~&OMA'"°'4 IYlftM ~':'10• l*90M.,. dOlrlO ~:: ....... AHOCIATH. ':"~!§'W!H9r1 Ifft 9 .... MUI" MODll.I. IOll) I eo. ~If 'llT. NJ1 H•= 'lAl~~e'tf ,:a,..,1a ~AHY1~ ...... !MM. 0.: v. MAC"'"· e~.1~ 19* ~ en.. '°""'*"' v-. -*· CoMa ...... QA Nt2'. llW, .... ~ OA t 2t04. ~~:-----lwh. • c~.....1.-~-~; ~lOOtlMWllllOnO ---....,,_ lt11.. t4t0 AIPIN. !Ir OAt2fOI MICHAll WADI l'OHllO •I .JAX~IHO .. eeeMornlll ,_ n-,_,,_..,_, ~ ...... flfotOTO p...,. ' tilun-L•~ LeHue, I Mlfl • ClelWomle tHoM ~OOH '· KAVffMAN, 1tHt l'ocir "-M ., eor-del Mer: corpor•ll~. IOIO 1 10· luH n, Oe nnl1 flrederloll Luttre ll, Cla&IHQ, INO., • ~ eorpo. 'i:I. "'*" ~ t2f14 "°'*' Douttu lchumK!Mf, ~ • ., ... '°""'tin Vfll#y CA tH21. ..,,~ ~ Nf04. 21H 1 ..... ,,.. Ln .• Hwntlnt ton raUorl, OWAN o .... YJNO WAHO. lld'Jl9I IMll-.111 It oonduOtlO by an 1410 Atpt1n!l.~unllntton IHOh, 12~. ~_.__:_ 19 .........,_._.. :... _ ~~le ooncMlt9d by OOf110Rlton. It ocncM1ed by a 9-oh, CW1ofn1e '"'6t Md DOU 1 lfwouafl ~.--.,. -~... -··------"'' -· ---JAX............. ...... MaurMn Alloe Luttrtll. l1M1 ICllMCMti ~Ir Leroy LeMue -I MICllHI O•n• Celvert, 314 ~ l.ou Wiii.• lndMcMll. M'°"4MI w. "ONIO ....,.._., ""'' B h l.n H II I .. " c... ... ..,. .,,. ~ ... fled with IN orth Poplar. Oranoe. CallfOtnlt .,,. ... ,.,.,.,WM fled wllt\.,. Don ... ~ .,,. ...-nant .... flltd with IM ,,.......,. ~,:.tat... un ~ on •0 . NOYICll v ....... --..... CouMY a.-of Orenoe ~ on 2tM County a.-°' e>r.,.._ °°""~ on ,,. NllelMnt .., llltd wttti l"9 County a.11 ot Orange COunty on O:: ~ -tied with "'-,,. ~ le oonduated by an n.. ~ _, ..... ...,... ,_ ·~ •· 1MI. Lynn lllaabeth ,owere. H • Apr1I •. 11t2, County CMr1I of e>r.,... County on Aprt ff, 1912. ,_ .. _.. tY 1N 2 Of Orange County on lndMduet, wfl'*" ,_ MMt ...., • ..._ ' ..... ~ P""'9 Horth ,oplar. Orenge. Calllornl• ,.,.. Aptll ft. 1112. . .,.... t , · t ....,,_..A. lJJttr• ,_ ,___. ..... • .,._ ..._. ...__ Ortnae O<*M Olly jtl; t2tel llUblllhed Orange CoMt ()ally ''" ,.,... Publl•h•d Oreno• CoH I Delly P"7S o."'9 "· l.Alttr• .... IMMll IMIR Meew. lot Apr1111, 20, 21, May 4, 1NI J TTlll bue11-. le oonduct.cl by a lot, Aptll 11, JO, ll, May 4, 19'2. PublllflM Orenge eo.t Delly Nol, Piiot, Aptll 27, Mey 4, 11, ti, 1M2. ~ Orenge Cout OeilY Pl-Thie ii.tenient wu !Med wtth the " you wlel'I to ..... tM ~Of 183342' ven«el pertnerlhlp. 11U-42 Aptll lO, 27. Mev 4, '1, 1M2" 11M342 IOt, Aptll 1', 20. 27. Mey 4, 1'lt::u COUnty a.rtt of Orenge County on an attorney In thl1 ma11e r, you -----------.1 Robert O. ~ -----------I 171""2 Mft-April 18, 1N2 thOIM do to ~omc>tly 10 INC~ MUC NOTIC( Thia 11e1emen1 wu flltd "'4th the "8.IC llll'llnH ""'-... .,. ..,,,,,_ ,.,., wrtllen ~.If any, mey be ft, :--"'"!"' ....... '!"!!"'-------1County Cltrll of Orange County on .,,.,,_ -• -llU ... 11 .--""'-Publltfled Orange OoHt Dally led on time. 1 l'IOlll~ Mll••ll /l.prll H, 1M2. fllCTmOUe..... ~ ,_,_ ~~nl-NT M0'\1CS lfWT'INca W Piiot. Aptil 20. 27, Mey 4, 11, 1N 2. AYllOI UatM lY .W. .__ I NAm ITA,....,, ,,_. MAim IYA...-.,Y ...._ TM follo'Mnt l*IOnt are doing Holle. la h.,eby given 1hal the '71M2 dMo. II trlMfta ...... .....,, The following peteon I• doln~ Publl1hed Oreng1 CoHt Dally ... !!!.!..'..o~.•I~ p•reon 11 doing _ ..:-::,. _ ... , • ~ ... ; l oard of TruilH• of lh• coa•I ------------*• U.S. • • ...... • -~ •: Piiot, Aprll 71, Mey 4, 11, ti, 1912. ----·--~ -Tl • I .... 7120 .. ..,..,l:t Communttw Co~I• • Olefrlct o l .... .,. Mft'IM'r ,.,. Utll. , .. ,."II• ll•Rlr• lie M l'ATa HALLMNIK SHOP, 1111 1eot-12 UTTl.IT""' ,. .... -~1..,. 1.... °" NMOMAL PWMn .. eeoo •·-· ........ ~ • l'VIKI'-""'-. ..._ i... 1a hW«l r ih .. ....__ Adllne,....., •• Ave .. Huntington e..ci.,. a. .. .,_=--..----==----"' ~~~~ J;i;i7iti.~eo.";".,;;: ... ~,to !!....~t lllwnot'!!t! P'lf• bird l:~t· ~~ .. HJ~· ?.2i!:a: 2'v.9T..~ up to ,,:: :_::_ l'ICTinOW .,..... --~-.....,..,.,_ ··-.._. -·-· Al oi .... CMt • ·1 ,. Id .. 1 tu um •T•,_.,, s1 u11ed d .... to11011., .. qon. Men l luatt Sotomonl, '1361 Pia.IC 11111 Wiiiiam Steven lltti.ton 154 COM. ltaw of a....n1e, the IM'I• FalfVMw, a.nta Ana, CA t2T04. r •Y· ... ay 4• 1 •1 the Pur· The lollowlng l*"aont att cSolng MIO de un llbogedo.,-. a.umo. 1 rroeter Ad,. Loa Alllml1oe. Ca to7'20l~::-:::s::==--=:-~'="'="==--~ l.n Co.ta ...... ~ .......,. ....... ~ .... by JAX J. CARROll, 7120 Moctl· ctlMlnO ~ of Nici college ~ .. : debetl• "-IO~le, de Tillle ~ laoonduel«I by an ...CTmou. .. -ai "'21. .. ~.,......._..~tit 1111dl!Y ~2U~.d Way, Anaheim Hlll1, CA:=~=·~ 1™m.: SNAP, I.TO .. ,. Clove Blot· •I•~•. eu le eec:ftta. llndMdUll. NAMS ITA.,...NT Thlll lluelMM .. oonduct.ct by .,, of Ml!r. IMI. et 4:CIOododl llM, on T"'-~ .. conducted by whldt time Mid bide .. be DUbleiy eom. IMne. CA 112714. .. hlly elguna, -,..., .. I J.1, ~ The lollowlng pe,.on It doing lnclMdull. = ==...~~ general pattlWlhlp. . • openecl eft!l reed lof: • TIM OITULIO • .ti Clove Bio.. • llempo. ~·C':1=.fletd~t11e ~c-:iM OF DANA ,OllH. Wtlllem s. UtU..on ..., .. "'* teonoe. lno. .. aoN "**" HMdyJr. PURCHASE orr rru!l INJEC· aom;.~·1~o':~~t •• Clove ao!n:.~1~~~.~E::."'no~r.~ :)' c~~ APf1I ti, 1N2. 34320 Suite ·a· COHI Hlghwey. ~~em:' c=.fledcc::., ~ ,...,.. A¥11. In .. Oliy of c-. ec:-~·~ flled~~ ':: t}fN"'V:~~~~iTANO; OOL· ~. IMnt, CA 112714. plelntlff agelnet ye>u. If you...,, to '117W o.ne P01n1. Callf. t2t1t. April 18 1912 ...... County of Orange, ,,.,, Of ....... !.Y 1"•2 ange All bldl ... 10 be In eocorow-TNI ~ " conducl«I by • ~ Ihle'-"· you """'·..,,., ._,. ~1• 200renoe ~4 Olly1 pt.. Devey Marine Electronla•. Inc., • · PW7• ~or~~·, """" •· ""' · .,..,_ with 1119 Bid Forni lnatruetiona and generel per1Mnhip. 30 d'Yf •hM tNe IUmfnOnl 11 w · ""'....,.. ... • 11, -... • 1182 1051 Cheyenne S1., Cost• ...... Publlhed ar.,. eo.t Delly Piiot, flllle.d ~ ._ _ ~ '!..'_.. Put>llehed Orenge Coeal Delly Pl• Cofldltlona end Spedllcellon• whiCh T1m OITullo v~ on you, Ille with thlt aourt • __________ 1aw __ 21 Calf. 92629. Aptll 20, 27, Mey 4, 11. 1N2. Alctwd ...... ...::-n-.;;;.., lot, Aprll 13. 20. 2'7,...,. 4, 1962. .,. now In Ille and '"'I be~ Thie IWement -Ned lWllh IM writt«I reac>onM 10 Ille~- ... .,. ..,._ • Thie bullMea It conduCtied by • 1781.Q 2 ............... ~ ... -=...._ ...._., 18lM2 intMotlloeofthePurctleelngA.Oe"t County~ of. 0.eoge County on UnleM you do to, 'fO'.N de«ault ... ..._ ""'-. corpot11U011 -_. -.,,_...,,_ ... ..., of Mid,.--.... die rlG1 Apt1I 1e, 1982 b• entered on eppllc:etlon of Ill• --~~....,..--------o.vey Mar!M i------------dlwn. __,,. 1 • f1f7.m plelntlff, and tNt cour'I may enter e ~toualT .. ~N Eleclronkll In<:. PUl.IC NOTICE lAndlonl ~ lfw "'1flt to b6d P\aJC NOTICl EKh bidder mutt aubmll -'"' 1119 Publllhed Orange Cout Oellr PllOt, judgment eaalnlt you lot IM ,...., .. ,_, St O o.vey et the H ie. PurchHH muat be bid a cHhler'• c~eck. cerllll•d AprN 20, 27, Mey 4, 11, 1981 demended In the complelnt. whlclfl The fotlDwlng pet90N we doing Pr::'.n · mede wllh C8lfl 01Mf Md pt6d tor et ACTTTIOUI .,..... oheoll, or bidder ' bond made 1717-82 could tHull In gernl1hmen1 ol bu111NM M: I flCTTnOUI ........ the time Of purdllll. NI puror-ad um aTAT'DmNT P•Y•ble lo lhe e><der ol the Coul -----------'09' t•lna of ~TAR COMPANY 1N7 Thia statement -Ned with the ..... aTAnMUfT OOoda -add ..... and ml.wt be The IOllOwlnO '*"°"'we doing Community ColleQe Oltttlc:I Bo.,d "8.IC NOTICE :r 01,;•r reflef =·~r~~ POtl CMMa. Nnport a..Cll, CA County Cler1l of Orange County on The followlng peraona .,.. doing remowd at the 1.._ of purdleM bu.in.... Tru11 ... rn .,, amount not.... ~ t2tl0. April e. 1982· ,....,. bullMMC"'N:-O:N CREST RIDGE "EH· S-. eubttOt to prtcw oenoallation ..; A&F HOMES, 1171 SE Main th•n ""'percent (5%) OI lhe aum -"-'.l"lC=~TITIOU=-~.~.,...~~.,. • .,..--0.ledntSeptember 18. 1982 Honhttar Pode' Sc>M. Inc:.. • " .. th• .v.,,t Of Mlllem•nt b•twMn Str•I, IMne, Callfornl• 92714. t>ICI -• guwent• lhel IM bidder ..... STA~ L .. A Btenc:ti, c::lerll Ctltlomla corpe><etlon, 1H7 Port _PllOUfhed Or:'."W, f:f.t'' o:xa~ TURE, 25301 C•bOI Road, Suite landlord Md:':;*' party 0.led P1llllp H. McHMIM. 11185 Mc-wlll .,,,., Into the propoMd Con· TM lollowlng per-eons.,. doing Jenny v Moreno. a..., Hllwpor1a.en.CA82te0. lot, A~ 13. 20. • •Y 4, 1 · · 112. LIGUM Hiiie. Celltomle 112663 tl\lt 4ttl 1 I Ith of May: 1N 2• Dermott, #1, lrvln•. Calllornl• ttKI tt the Mme la •w.,ded lo him. ~ .. : 1llll ~ .. oonduc:t.ed by • 15e0-&2 THE ROBERT E. OSBORNE Publlc l toraoe Inc Landlotd 14. In the event of failure to enter Into OTSE INTERNATIONAL 2024 Deputy MARTIN P. PAM<> oorporatlon. jj;-----.::;.__ ___ __, COMPANY,• Calllornl• corpora· PublWltd ~co.et · Tl!Omu w . and Sandra J. Al· IUGtt contrect, Ille proc:eecle of tilt Kornat Drive, Cot1a MH ·•. CA Nonllet8' Poole .... •Ta lion, 25301 Cebot Rolld, &111• 112, lot. May 4, 11, 1912 ten, 1151 Dow Str•, #100, Hew· check wtll be lorlelled, or In lh• 92e28. '10 ~ c.n ... °"" ...,. 1111 & ap., Inc. Lagune Hllt1, CaHlomle 112853 ~ port e Beeclfl. CA 92e80. GaM of e bond, IM !Ult tum tri.teof John M. Rullell, pretlOenl ONrie Herold C.D. DALY TRUST, C.D. Oely Alex J . end Mary 1. Forge«e. 57 will be forfeited to Mid c:olleQe 01· 2024 Kornal Drive, Coil• MeH: Newpot1 llMdl, CA tl2lllO Publlllled Ortnge Cout Dally Piiot, Apr11 20, 27. May 4. 11. 1982. 1764-a2 ~ MO'nC8 INmlMO _. Tlil1tee. 4100 MacArthur Boule· 1----.. ---.,.-Mft-Tll'C____ Ooltta Point DrM, CofOtlll def Mer. strict Cellfomla 921128. Thl9 etat-' -flltd wlttl tilt Notice I• hereby gtven that tM vard, Newport BHc:h, O.fllornl• ~ "'11"4 Celltoml• 112e25. No bl<IOer mey Withdrew 1111 bkl Mlll'gatet A. RusMll, vlc:e pte- County Clertl ct Orange County on Board of TNtttte of IN Humlnc*ln ll2tt3 Thie bu*-la oonouated by • for • pet1od ol forty-five (45) d•Y9 sldenl, 2024 Korn•t Drive, Cott• Aptll 19, 111t2. BMoh Union HIQtl lcflool Otetf1ot RAYMOND AND ROSALIE MO'ne8 lfmlMO.. gene.el~. alter the dale Ml for the opening Meu. Ceilfprnle 926211 .,_IC NOTICE '~ .. l'eclllve.....cJ.,._tor9UPOMna MILLS, I l•mlly lru1I, Raymond Notice la her•by glv.n thet the .Ptlllp H. f.Ac:Harnee thereof. Thia bu*'-I• COtldoc:ted by a ,.~ Publllhed Orange COUt Delly Piiot, 0ym Aoor Aer.1...,.111 and.....,.... Miii• Truatee. 13851 Yellow•lone 8oard of TNate9a of tit~ Thie stat-I wM ft1ec1 wtt11 the The ldWd of Trwi-,__ t generel perlne<ltlip SUPl!NC>tl COUllt'T OF ntE Aptll 20, 27, Mey 4, 11, 1912. meeting or ~ to ltMt aoeoHICa-DrM. s.t\19 Ane. Cellfomla 92705 IMGh Union High lcflool Dleltlct COunty Cler1I of Orange COunty Cfl prlvllege of rejecting any and all .Jolln M RuMell 175&-&2 ttorla on .. In the oMoe ol Mid °" M & M DRYWALL. INC .. Proll1 wll r...ive ......... '°' ~ Apr1I le. 1912. l>kll or to waive any lr'recluCerllles or Thia •let-I WU flied with IM ST An Of c~ -----------9'rlct. 6hartna & Penaion Pten. A8ymorld car1)11t~meetlngor eqilll to f1'7ffl lnlormalltl" In any bid or In the Cou<lty Clenl 01 Orange Coun' on C~ ... ~1~ PJBJC NOTICl Bide 1hall b• clH rly muk•d = "S:'"~~~=~~· "".:r:-o-• = •on .. In the Ofllct Publlhed Orenga COUt Delly Piiot. bidding April 2. 1982. NOTICE Of-W NTION TO K U "Oym Aoor ...... lllNng Md...... . a °' OIMr1ct. April 20, 27. Mey 4, 11, 1N2. /II HORMAN E. WATSON F1-1 .... l PllOPl!-TY ·T p•1v·T· l"lCTITIOUI WM r1al1 Bid Ho. 4111", eddr....O 10 Thia ~ .. conduc:ted by • Bid• •11•11 b• GIHrly mulled 1782-82 ~-Publllhed Orange Cout Delly Piiot "•" .":... .. " .. "' NAm STATUmMT Myrl E. AGM1¥ • .,._.._._ ..... llMlled pertnerthlp. "earp.t CMftlng M 14110", Id-----------BoMO of TNtl-Aptl 20 27 M-4 11 1912 ' -The loUowlng per•on It doing get, Huntington ~-u;:,,. H1g11 C. 0 DALY drHMCI to Allyn E. Rowtey, Pur· ~ l9Ja Cou1 Community ' • ., · · · Ettate of RUTH SWOPE, 0.0..-~ ea: Sc:tl<MM Dleirlct, 10211 Yortltown Thia •tttemenl wa1 Ned with tilt ehu lng M•n•9er, Hunt~ eo1ege oi.tr1G1 t7eo-e2 MCI l•) W. F. L. COMPANY: (b) A....._, HuntlnalOn 8-dl, CA ..... County Cleftt of Oranoe County on 8eectl Union Hlgll ScfWIOI FlCnnout .uiiaD Publlthed Orange Cout Dally NollOl 11 hereby 9ill9tl llwl, a.t>- GOlbAU6H 14 KT., 95el Hemlllon endrecelvelfatorl*an2:30P.M. Apr9 23, 1982. 10251 Yor11town Ave., Huntington NAMe eTAnmlfT Piiot, AprM 27, Mey 4, 1982. rtaJC NOTICE iect 10 conhtm•llon by the at>ove- 1 B h C • ' ... , "«.1116 DALY .............. CA 92644 Md,..._ at 1873-82 -----------enlllled Supe<lor Cour1 on Mey 7, A"'enue , Hunt ngton uc • " Wednwil!)', MllY 1', tte2, atlltlldl -_.... • The followlng pet1on 11 doing NOTICE OF DEATH OF 1 .. 92, at "' 00 • m . or lhereaftet 9iMt. . time and pttice b6dl • be~ A..._,. et U. or Htor• S:OO p.m .. Wedneeday, .,__ ... • • WILLEM F LICHER. 9 708 opel1td Md r-s. 4• ~ ~ May 1', 1N 2, •t wtlleh time and BABOR KOSMETIK DEPOT 488 PUl.IC NOTICE ELINOR R. PETTING ALL Wllhtn the time 9llOwed by law. the 8luerwf Drive. Huntington BMc:n. Eld! bid IMI rWM1n Wild tore p~,O.ln =.i CA tam ~ ~ wlll be putlllcty ~ Pant 11. ...... Belboaltlend.CAll2e42 ------------iAND OF P E TITION TO ~.:':~~;e:,·~~1~~~r~:_~ CA 92644. perloo of 30 daye ettet tlle date (7""" --• • .., ·-R1lph Glenn Baldwln, 481 Perll NOTICE OF DEATH OF ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. --... -· Thia Ill*'-ts oonOuc:ted by"" ---... tor the__._ ol bldlL .. _.,_ E.citl b6d IMI rtlNlln Wild tot • A Belboe lllenO ,.. .......... 2 ROY LEE AND OF PETI Al131U. ~~1".~ ~,~'~ ... .-d~ on10 11~ lndlvldutl. ~Oetd of ·;,:;;;r_ atitl1 be ,,.., period of so d•Y• •11•r Ille dale ...... . ...... ....... ·-·-.... .,.. ·-· ""' -·-W. F. Llcher th• sole Judge of 111• que llty ol Published Orenge CoH t Dally eptclled tor the receipt Of 1*19. Thia.~~ ftled with tM TION TO ADMINIST E R To all hears, beneftcianes, 1erm1 and conditions hetelnalt•• This ... ,_, wu "*1 wlOI tM ~ of9wed and-"" Pllol. April 27, Mey 4. 11. 11. 1N2. Tiie Board of Truet-lhall be County C*11 of Oreoge County on ESTATE NO. Al13181. creditors and contingent mentioned 111 r19h1. lltle tnO lnte- Coumy Cler'k of Orenge County on r1ght to refeet.,.,, or II.,.._ and to 188&-t2 =:,.Judge of th• quallty of AprM 9 1982 To all hein, beneficiaries, c rediton of Elinor R Pet· rHt ol Ruth Swope. deceaMd." A"'1I 2tl 1982 _..._ _,., ---. ---...... ofWed Md -lfle · · d . d . . all and h the ume ot hllt ONlh and ell right. · ~ .. , · _.... _,, ... ._ .. ., .__.. rtaJC NOTICE ,.~ ere 1tora an conti ngent ung per90ns w o may 1111e. and lnterett tll8t the estet• hu ,,_ , Signed Myrl E. AoMI¥ r1gM to Nteet elft Of II bide and to Publiahed Orange Cout Dally Pl-d f R L d Pubt11hecl Or•nge CoHt Dally PwdlMlne ~ wve.,.,, lrt'eauWltY tt.'ell\. lo Aptl 13 20. 27_ M 912 ere I tors o oy ee an be oth erwise interested In acqulrtd 1n 1dd1t1on 10 th•t 01 Pilot, Apr1I 27, Mey 4, 11, 18, 18112. PubllNd C>nnoe ~Cely f'I.. 1"1CmlOUS IU ... H Myrl l. Aooiltliy t, . ' ' ay 4' lfl~:> perlOru who may be other-the will and/or estate: decedent 91 the time of l'Mlr 0..th, In 1MM2 ict, May 4 Md 11. 1M2 200l-t2 N.u. STA~ ~Manager .,_IC NOTICE wlae interested in the will A peti~ion ~aa been filed ~~a~l&'~~J:1.~!':,d~~ iiiPiiiiii"'iiiiMmwiiiii;it..._ __________ '"i The ro11ow1ng pereon1 .,. doing Dllt9d: May 3, 1M2. ,.~ and/or estate: by R. Keith Dinsmoor an the n1a <1Mc:r1bed .. IOllowt ~ u : .._ ~,rr..!! eo. Olly,..... -~,...~IC~Tm~IOU~S'.'"'IU~ ... ~~ .. ~-A./:.tJtion has been flied S uperior Court of Oran~e ·The -terty so.oo 1ee1 or,,,. ORA.HOE COAST FUHDIHO. ""' ,_, • • ...,. ...._ STATIMINT 191 Eatt 16th s1,..... eo.i. M-, 2007.e2 by rank M . Lee in the Coun ty requesting that . H llerly 182.00 feel ol lh• south· c.Mlomie 92828 The tollowlng pereon 11 doing Su .... r ior Court o f O range Keith Dinsmoor be appoint· _, qu"1et of Lot 38 of Trec:t 9· lfl .. -.,. Mft-~ al: .. -IM City ol Cotta MllM, County of O.C.F. Inc..• Cellfornle c;orpo. ,._ nu1"4 PLAIN VAHIUA. 2024 c.w-i. County r equ esting that ed as personal repre9entauve Oteng• Stet• ol call lornl• aa AC&ERMAN He bad In the put attended ratlOn. 191 fut l8th StreM. Coat• MOT1Ca tNVmMG llDe coai. Meea, Ca. 92928 Frank M. Lee be appointed to administe r the estate of snown ~ e map 1roer.o1. rec:oided b N h Coll Meu. Call!Ot"IU 92928 Rebece• M. KOHUlh, 2024 -·· t.ati El" R p . all ( d I B k 9 9 I fl ~-STANLEY P . A C K ER · t e ort western ege, Thi• buel,_. I• concsvc:tecl b)' • Notice 11 hereby given th•1 th• u pe • ....,. ... ~pre9el\ v eto 1.n or . etung un e r n oo . page . mace a . ..,,.., ~AN, resident of Co1ta CbJca0 o, llllnoia. H e wu a corporetlon. Boero of Truet-of the Huntington c.w-i. Coet• ......_ca. 82829 administer the est.aw of Boy the Inde pendent Ad mini· m•P•. In th• olflce 01 th• county -• Or eo.. 8ea<:tl union High Sdlool Oletr1c1 Thia ~ la oonouc:ted by '" Lee (wlder the lnde nd Fa Th rec:orw of MIO county Ex~11ng Mesa, Ca. Pueed a way on veteran of the U.S. Army for enoe I Fun(llt\g wlll re<ietv• H aled bid• lor IUP· ln<IMduel. pe en-stration of tales Act) e therelrom the northerly 150.00 May 2, 1982. Survtved by bia S years where b e reached ~~~ :z'.:f Floor CoYerlngl ,._i1ng or RetMlcc:a M. KOMUtll c:e Administration of F.irtates petition is eet for hearing m fMI, ••so nceptlng th•t•from s1 eon Gary A c kerman, s.lt. ~and be .rved ln Thia __ ,..,.. flled With the totllelC)edflc:alklntonlia_, nu llelMWll -lltecl wl1h tile A.ct). 'nM! ~~on ia eet for Dept. No . 3 at 700 C1v1c parc•nt ol •II 011 sno minerals daulhter PbyW. Welner and World War n. SerW:a will County cin of Orange County°" ttle office of Mid Ollttlc:t. County Clertl Of Orange County on ~ ;;f'>!1No.3 a t 700 Center Drive, West. in the right;h 1 1 a *8-Viola May Gnewk:h, be beld on W~. May Aprl 2.3. 1"2 •·F~::;,: c::!~1~,o~~;'!~~~.~~~~ Aprl a, 1912. ,,,_. 0 I.er ve, West. in City of Santa Ana, Callfor· !erred e,g'~:9:a~ '~~~~~~Tit~ aandchlJdren. Shawn 0.y, 5, 1982 at ll:OOAM at the ~:.::::.·SATIN a AHOCIA· dr .. MO 10 Allyn E. Rowtey. Pur· ~Orange Coat Delly Pl-the Oty of Sant.a Ana, Cali-nia on May 19, 1982 at 9:30 Sttwt. Coeta MMe. Celttotnie 1'any a Mlller a n d G re gg craveslde a t Harbor Lawn. na chulng Menager, Huntington IOI Apr9 13. 20. 21. M9Y 4. 1N2 forn la on May 26, 1982 at a.m. Theule 11 sub1ec1 to current Gay, Brian Ackerman and Services under the dlrec:tkm • ~ c.... o.+.., 8Mdl Union Hlgll Sc:hool 018trtc:t, 185342 9:30 a.m. IF YOU OBJECT to the , ..... co¥en•ntt conduions, , ... KrilUn Ackerman. Servic. of Bala Ber~ Smith & ..... A. 1ou1 Yoflctown Ave., Huntington PUlJC NOllCl IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you ~':c::.~'·.~~--=~i'.~,'~·~~· -.n• be held on Wednaday, Tuthlll W eatcllff Chapel ....,._,.._..,CA -,._ 9-:11, CA ll2&4e, Md~ et l-~===~===--1 granting ot the petition. you should eithtt appear at the ..... enCiumt>ranoea Of rec;.oro to.» w&&& _ Of before 2:00 p.m., Weclne.dey, _L_.,.. -·1 ~,!· Ul82 at 12:00 noon at Mo rtuary of Coat. Meu. Pubtlahed orange CoH I Dally May 19, 1H2. at .titc:fl time and ~ either appear at the hearing and state your ob· N tlsfled out 01 tri. PVtchue pnce View Memorial Park 646-9371. Piiot. Aprtl 27, May 4, 11, t8, 1"2. plec:. blClt wll1 be publicly~ h earlna a nd at.ate your ob -jecllons o r file written ob· TM p<opel1y Is 90ld on an .... 1a·· Cbaf!l w ith the New~rt G"o<>DMAN 18M-&2 Md reed. jectlona or file written ob· jections with the court be· baaltB ... • _ 011.,, -• '""''_. 1_ 1h_ RAY~OND J G OOD Each b6d lhall rem.in vlllld tor • 1<£NNCO SALES CONSUL· ~tJ I h h be f h h i y "' -•· .., -·-Har r Elks Lod1e # 787 -. -/rtll.IC NOTIC( peri od 01 30 d•Y• elter lh• d•t• TANTS, 1135 Whittler. Sul!• C--4. ~ oru w t t e court · ore t e ear ng. our a p-property and mutt.,. 1n -111n9 and o fflclatln1. Pacific V iew MAN, a,e 69, pumed away IP«flled 1or tM recefC>t of b6dt. Cost•......, CA 92$27. fore the hearin.g . Your ap-pearance may be i~ person """be ,_._, a1 tri. otttoe O! Bank Mcrwary d1recton. on May 3, 1982. Survived by AC11T10UI ..,.... The Board ol Tru••-•h•ll be HARRY DENE P£Aai£Y, 213 pearance may be in person or by your attorney. 01 Amettce Trust Department •t bia beloved wlfe Mn. Alice NAm ITAT'lmWT tlle sole Judge ol the quellty of a. Kellog, FUiierton, CA 82833. b our ttonle IF YOU ARE A CREDI 414 t MacArthur Bou!evetd. Suite The lollowlllg doing equipment off9red and --the WILLIAM KENNEDY, 400 8vn-or "Y y a y. • 100 Newpotl Buch Calllornl• WATEBS Goodman, cheriahed father ~ .-.one -r1gt11 lo refeet wry or 11 bk1aencl 10 klat 81,...., Anehelm, CA 92808 IF YOU ARE A CREDI-TOR or a contingent creditor 92660 at any time en« 1tr11 put>N- • ROY V. WATERS, pMl8d of Raymond Goodman, of How9.:RD MARK ASSOCIA· wtllve wry lrregulenty ll'lereln. Thia~ 19 conduc:1ed by 8 TOR or a contingen t <n!dltoi: o f the deceased. you must c•llon or this notice end belote ~wa on Ma~, 1982 at his Seattle, W~ Daniel TES, 25301 Cebol Roed, Suite 107, Oiled. M.y 3, 1982 jllmlted ~-ll'llp. of t he d eceased, you mu st fi le your claim w ith the m~~~ng uld .... Me.a, Ca. G d f t l t •-~Lu .... ,... "'2 .. "" ·-E. R......._ H ............ ..,.___, fil I . "th th t h °"''mutt be M8leO end wltl be -1-oo m an o un~n o n ---"-·""' • ....... ""'" ~-, ..-.. ,.._,,_,, e your c a am w1 e cou r or pr esent 1t to t e -""' O vld M Het 25301 Cabot Purc:hUlng Meneow Thia etat-1 wu lltecl wf1t1 the . opened 91 lhe ollfc• 01 Bank or lie WM born ln Minne9ota on Beach , Ca., Allee man ... ..,. •.,.~. 1o7 ?-.:..,_ Hiiia CA Publltlled Orenge Colll Dally;r-.-.. ,..._.....,Or-County -court or present It to the personal representative ap-Am•ttca Truat Oepertmenl at th• 1 Wovember 7, 1911. H e w u and 'IbomM Goodman both 92653.~.. · .._....-· Ptlot, May4. 11. 19&2 •A;;"fa~ea2:" -..... -· personal representative ap-pointed by the court within hollrol900em ontlle ebOve date. IMt em= .. a .aJem>an o~S nt.a Ana, Ca., lovlna Perry H. Hlnkle, 25301 Cabot 1~2 f1f7eet pointed by the court within four months from the date of The pr<>Pef1y wm be told for cull . ._ .-L-;r: ~t Qim. ther ol 8 and -i-Roect, Suite 107, ~ Hllll, CA -----------i1 Pul>lllMd Orange Coeet Delly Piiot, four months from the date of first issuance of letters as Ten percenl ( t0%) 01 the •mount .....-.._ .. --• P'lll.IC NOTICE ........ 20 27 M 4 11 1912 "ded S bid 11 to accomp•ny the oHet by .-nY f« yeuw. w• a 1r andfather of 3, d evoted ,..Jack love . 1407 SH cru t ____________ , ..... ~ · · .., · · · first luua n ce of letters as prov1 in ection 700 of certified or eullfer"• G1'ec:k and tt1e r.ldent of Costa Mesa, Ca. brother of John Goodman of OrMI, Cofone del Mer, CA 82825. M011Ca J~. &AU ' 1718-t2 p rovided In Section 700 of the Probate Code of CaU!or· b•ltnc:e 10 be paid at cioee ot •• for 4~ yeus aft.er movt.ni Wi8coNd.n and BW Ooocfman Thie bu9llWI It cionOucied by • Truet No. 11211 ,.,e llTll the Probate Code of Califor-n la. T h e time for Ullng crow TexH . rent•, operating and b8'a tram Mlnrmota. He le of Com=, Ca. Redt.ation gene.el pert!W'ltllp. on May 25, 1982 at 11:00 •.m. nia. Th~ time for f lll~g ~ will .~~tfexpireh pdar1or ;::~::i~•i:n:.,~::;·~~:~,~ llUl'Yived b:y bi.I wife Anna-of th e will be held Thia ~-ftlecl wlltl ltMt FIRST AMERICAN TITLE IHSU· NOTIC• ~ SAU clai.liw will not expire pnor to our monu... rom t e te IM purc;hu. Shall be prorated .. be18. Waters of Cmt.a Meea., today at 8:45 M at Harbor County a.rtt of Orange County on RANCE COM, ANY,• Calllornl• ~MM. ""°""1Y to four months from the date of the hearing notioed above. of 1ri. c:IOM of eaaow Eumlnatton Ca.. a a:m Jahn J. Wat.en of Lawn Mount Olive Memo-APJ11 15. 1982. ~:.·:~=: ~ AT.:':~~ALI of the hearina noticed above. YOO MA y EXAMINE ot 1111e. tren11er tun. eny 1n1e 1o- Coet.a Meaa, Ca., 2 s laters ria l C hapel, 1825 G isler T..._,9-ta I IW:.w of that cert.in o.eci of Truit ex• ln the~Courtoftri.Stete YOU MAY EXAM INE the file ke pt by the court. lf ==~_:>·~:d.~::;~: JfJllDDe Hudlon of~ A ve., Costa M e ea .. C a . ~..=:.., 3 • cuted by RUTH H. PORTER,• or Callfornla, lor the County of the file kept by the court. If you are interested in the es.-ol tll• H iier Recotdlng ol con· and La Vaµ~ O'Leary of Gravesift servica will be n..e ui.-......,.,..... o.twe married woman 11 her ••P•r•t• Oreoge. you are lnte~ tn the es-late, you. may ble a request veyance •nd one·h•ll l'Arl eacrow Klamath Falla,~ Vi· beld on Wedneeda.y, May 6, ....,._,. ....._ C...... -prc>perty, end recorded Oeoember In 1h• Maller ol th• E•t••• ol tale, you may file a request with the court to receive I-t11911 be pelO by lhe pureh- ·l•-tJon -ill L-at bor 1"82 a t 10.·00AM at Har...._ , ..... f1 28· 1911 •lnetrument no. s.4008, In ANTHONY L. DE SOUSA, Oeoe•· with the court to recei ~1ft1 • { h or purc:t>aMn .. .. -• .,.. PublWled Or c:o.t .....:'P.ot book 14338, Peo9 1228. of Ofllclal eed. . ve s~ nouce 0 t e mven· The undet11gned ruerves th• Lawn Mortuar:y on Tue.Say Lawn Memorial park with enga ~{ • Records of Orange County, Celtor· Notice •• h•t•by given that the special n otice of the mven-tory of estate assel5 and of nght 10 retuM 10 .c:cept '"Y bids May 4, 1982 from 2;00PM ~ ht.her Dmnle Lyons of St. Aprl 20• 27• Mey 4• 11' 1•1783-12 nl•. and pu"uan1 to thel oertaln undertlQneO wit• •1 Pnvate s.. tory of estate uaeta and of the petition.s, acrounts and Delee! ~ 28, 1"2 7:00PM. He WM a JMmber J ohn t h e Bafctlet Catholic Notice of Dela.ult and Election to to Ille lilgh .. 1 and bH I bidder. the petltJoru, accounta and reports described in Sect.ion 8 AN K o F AMER I c " Of •he"'~•-~ ... Senior C hurch off clatln". Mr. -----------1 s.11 tllefeunder rec:otded Januery awbfect to eonllrmetlon ol H id ......,._. de9c:ribed in Sect.ion 1200 5 f h C llf NT&SA • ....,. .. -• fltaJC NOT1CE 22, 11182 aa lnllrume nt no. &.tpenor eourt, on or •tier the 10ltl ·-..--· o t ~ a o rnia · u Aclmlnl•t,.lor o1 tri. Cttlsen1 and the Newport Goodman baa been a real-----c..--1-.,,-12----1 e2~.1n bO<* -, ci-oe -. ct cSey of Mty, 11182, et tt1e ofllCe ct 1200.5 o f the California Probate C.ode. 1119 Mt•I• ol tri. s.cb Senior" a~ and a dent of Hwitinaton Beach, , Offle:&ei Aeoorcte of Mid County, w11 Aodl, Poloc:ll. Pettk•. Oelbr811h & Probate c.ode. R. K.eJdl Dl.umoor, ~emect o.c.o.n1 member of t he G o lden Ca. for the PM" S ,_,..and a NOnctr cw TMISTDI IAl.I under Mel pwauant to Mid Deed Of Phllllps. A Law Corporation. All: Madin 6 Weaker Attoney at Law By Frtnk D Luer Timen of Co.ta Mesa, Ca. reeident of Or&n1e County ~~~91~1~~ =~=~ = ~~i.:·~ ~ IM°"'W. lit Street, H t E. l'1dl Stnet, Property Menegernent Ot· ___________ for over 15 yean. 8ervtcee a: COMPANY, • Celfomle corpo. A~lc•, et ttle main .,trenoe to Lot Angel-. State of Cellfomla. 11 P1ua Lenl Sette 111 =""'° J, ,.,. under the dlrect1on of Har-r•llon. 11 Trull••· or S~c:eHor Flrll Amerloan Tiii• ln1ureno• 1M rleht tit .. end Int-I ol Mid IM ~lea, CA Htll Cotta Mesa, CA tH!7 A"omey et i..w u&.n•H•HOH SMfT'H & TUTHILL WISfCUff CHAPIL 42T E 171" SI Costa Mesa 646-9371 b o r Law n -M o u n t O live Truet• or SUbatlMed Truet ... of Company loolrted et 114 East F1fttl ~et Ille Ume of OMth end (UI) 4lt-1Ht Hl·'l'75' • N. llllllft 8t.....,.. - C !NI oerta1n Deed of Truat .-cuted Streel, In th• city of Sente Ane all the f'IOM, tine and Int.,..., that p bl~ h d 0 Co Seti'-Ma. Celltorftlla '2701 M ortuary of oeta Mesa. by VERNON A. JOHNSON ANO Callfornle, all thet right, 111,. Md the ..._. of Nici d--.cl •t the u • e range aat Pub ll1h ed O r ange Coast T 1 ~ (7'•) m....,. M0-5654. CAROLYN P. JOHNSON, Hulbend .,_..,~to ft! now held time of OMth and.., the right, lttle Dally llot, April 27, 28, Dally Pilot, April 27, 28, 'P'ifb:::,9~0 Orange CoHI D•llY and Wiie, and FRAHI< M. VIEIWVLL by It under Mid Deed of Trvet In 1tMt and Int ...... ttiat Ille eet8'a of Mid May 4, 1982. May 4 , 1982. Pltol. Aprll 27, 29 . May 4. 1982. GLENDENNING end CYNTHIA l . VEMILl., Hueband property elluated In •.•Id County deoMMd h• eoqund by operetl-1880-82 1879-82 1aa1-e2 end Wlf9, All AS JOINT TENANTS. and Sl•le o.et1bed M : on of lew or O\htrwtee, other lhwt Of C ALVYNGLDDD-~r-ded~~-4.1*M ~roofT~~~.-~ln~~to ~of Mld ~.~~--------------------------------- NING, relddent of lrvtne, Ca. 11ne1rurnen1 no. 4~ 13, In book 13728, "'IC> ,_ded 1n 800ll m. p..,_ 11 111e 11me of OMtll, 1n Md to all tile Paued away on April 21, 1P•g• 190. ol Ofllcl•I Record• of 21. 21 •nd 21 of Mleeetleneoua oartaln,.., property, alt.,.., In ti. 1982. Survived by b1a wife Orange County, C•llfornl~nd M•P• In Ill• ottloe of th• Coun\y City 01 N9wport 8"cll, County of Phvllle, 2 chlldnn Karen lpureuanl to 111111 w taln No of ~of a.Id Coumy. 0r-.. lta1t of Callfofni.. pattl· ., Ottaull and aectloft to W Iller E.woept tllefotrom ell oo. ,... CiUlaftY dttclriMd aa ~ '°"11111: Swamon and Terry Glen.. unci.r recorded OCtot>er 17. 1N1 hyclf'ocatt>on .,~and min. "'°':W°!!tf9Ct Ho. ..et2, Ill lhe dMm'n& allo aunitwd by b'8 H lnltrurnent no. U H 2, In bocHI ., ... by ~ nerne 11nown. In, ttty of IMdl, County of brother Bobe rt Otenaen-l42tt, Paoe 830. ct Ofllcllli Aeootde on or under H id lend 1>91ow • Or-.. atm of CaMomla. • per n1n1. and 1 &nnddaucht..-r:::Stoc::rO:: ~""'"':l:t depth or 500 feet,_..;,"_,., !NIP,..,..,.."'._ 1144 ,.. Heather Swm. ~ publle euct1011 tor CH ll, lewful ="':U.IM..:;::~ =.::.a:_==: ::!•A:; HrvlcH w ill be held on mone y of th• United l tetH of any portion of ttie aurlaoe of tM RloOfdtr of.-, Oountr 109lltt* Tbund )( 9 1982 t AIMtlca, et Ille main entrance to around abo¥e a dir04f'I ol 500 Miit 9"" _,. lndMdad 1/'Nltl ~ Ill 2.-ooPK :f fh. ~ J>r!.. Plret Ame rican Tiii• ln1urance for th• purpoee o4 eq>lorlng fof •of ... tnlGl 4tll. I 111.M:t.r:I ,.._,__._ _., ...... ~ OofN>eriya 1ooatad at 11 .. 4 bet f1"tl boring mining, dtllltnf, ~ ._,. ....,, ... ~ "'*"' .e: 4N : ~ •• VU1 -ltrHt, In IM city of nta Ana1 ex1raiatlng Of 1Mf11 .. tng .., aui-'*O w-r, ~ eaactl, Cel-1 , a.&rbulk. C&. In Ueu C.,lfOfnl•, all ttlat tlfl\1, '9U. -•IMMe, aa r~ ~ ,..... Of -. UGuif .n .. o~ :~re~ =-:-...,OO:-O.:.:'r:111': ~and..._. of ... ...._ II~~~';.~~ • __ _, ___ H---•~. C"~lll ~eountyt ... and and *"rat ...... ~ ..... i. 1110N.MrlM,.. ... oooi11111•~1e n.111W1 """'° -.. • ~ --M: ...,. I of ff'9CC 1Mi111g ~ ~ Wbfeet to=°"" Of IM COvtt. latlon or tbe Burbank No. 7080 .. ...._°"•::ft,__ •U lunnl ToblH, 4142 oaic AltO. .. l#lllfllld ,_.,..the YllCA Be balOIWld '° the ::to i:.= :'· '--=.::· 41' CrMI!. l allt• ,Ot•at. Callforftl rtgM '°,..... -Md .. btdl ... lntne c.ountrJ QUh. Be Md OOtdl ot -.2 ... !~ ,... .... to tl*Y " ....... 001611•4 .. ......___.._..la_...._ ._ ----· . DltlD•Dnt IO .. ~~...._ _. ......_ ..._ ... ~ ~TM ...... ~::.v 1'11tir be obtained by r141~lflt Te rmt of .. ,. OHll 111 lawful 9"Wa1 ,_... _ ':...,-1 ............... • ... in ""'"9"""' lie M ...,Y money of ti.. U11Uect ltat" Ol'I !MN. --.. _., • ....,. 10 ,_. frOl'll ti. flf'llt ...... oonflr'IMtlon Of ...._ « -1 caat1 ~ .... ~ ....... wttMtil :!?~ ,:-: ....... WltJIOut ;:'.c.~Mof1-=-ia: ~o.: cOftn•nl Of ..,,.,.1y, .,, ... Of or ..,.,....,, "'INWI °' °" the Pf~ eo .-.. TCWI pet· ............. to""'· potl ILllOA Of lfntllled, .. •o .... poelHllDA °'.,,. .......... bid'° ... ••11nn1J ......... to ..... ~ ............ '° ~ ... ""INlid wftll bid • ....,_ 4Nt eft tM ,,.._ ot ,..-.,.,_.,_Oft "'9 Mia or,.._ lldl (I( °"9r9 IO a.. IR ...... end MGU!'M.W Mid 0.... of fnllll. lo ......., -., llld DIM of 'fl'Ull, tD .. lie......, Ill .. .._... of· :C~\~·~ :11:. ~ Wit! 11,1tt.a1, ,._ •,...... .._".,,, ••.,..,...,.. IMl- ............ ot .. -.-............... ........... ..... ............ °' ~llOll of tllfa NotJM of a.t'; :=.:i w; = :..-=. ~= .,_. .. _..ot ~ 1Mt. 8'1.471.11. m•AO. ' PMNK D .-rZ1 n.,.:,~~ -..~,,.-..... ~~-=-=·:... !'t!;t.~ 00. ""' ..... ..: ':' "9tiillll•1'' 'J, &..o..:''* .. ' :=:.:...... APWlo.UP9. .. , •• ~ ............ Ollllr ~~-.... M r'lllQa.. ,,..._,_...... ' J::MleJin._ ... ~,., at PaelfLt &_ ... •~.,. ~·. , I!!'~ .,. -Sal....... P ... o...o.__.... ~c-....'---..... 0..,FllllliDVllw .... ,, .... l.11.... . , ........ tt,'11,,-.-y ~ I ...... "'1-et J ------------------- FIND YDUR NAME •· 4 _llCKITS WORTH $36 • 18 M1.s In Todly's ClaPlfllclsl - .. -!1911---.... ---... ~---~----.... ---.... ---------------------------------------. ------------- 'Pippin,' 'Click' take stage ~-~= A tu~ ....-..on of a rock muaical and an aw~wtm\lnc ortpv.1 one«t ~y oomprt.e the Mw ~ faN aJorit ~ Oruwt CaUt t.h1t week. l'lrlt up, ~ Wedneeclay for .. • two-week run at UC I.rvtne, It Ptpptnt CJl1Clnally 11t 1n th• 9th "9ltur)' in the retp of CharJemacne. Director Irvine K.lml>er Ml fut..forward9d the l8tU.n8 to the 24th ctntury to alter the mUlk:el to "a fantuy of the mind." -"Ptppln" will be 1tqed Wedne.day th.roush Saturday of th1a week and Tuelday through Sat- urday of next 1n the rtne Atta VWaae Theater with &I\ 8 p.m. C\ll'tain. Call U3'6817 fOI' Ucket lnfonna- tion. -Two perfe>nn&IX9 ol "Click.," a ahort play by Oranae CoMt Collep theeter prof John Fenacca, -will be .Sven Friday and Saturday by the Laguna Moulton Playhouse. Michael Leigh and Emily • Wayde star in the drama about a woman held he»-, taae by a disturbed ycNng man. ) · Curtain la 8 p..ni. at the J'on.un Theater on the Festival of Arta lfOunda, Laguna Canyon Road, Lquna Be.ch, with ticket information available at I .. 9i..0743, lt'a cl.Oline weekend for five currently running ~ ..ahowa on couta1 atqes. Tbey are: -"C...ta1 AttractJoa1" at South Coast Re- pertory's Second Stage, 655 Town Cent.er Drive, Costa Mesa (957-4033), with fin.at]>erformances to- r night through Saturday at 8:30, Sunday at 8 and weekend matineel at 3 p.m. -"Soll~ Padflc" at Sebastian'• West Dinner i Playhouae, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente (492-9950), running nightly through Sunday at varying curtain times. -"Forty Carats" at the Harlequin Dinner ,,Playhouse, ,3503 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana (979-5511), on •tale nightly through Sunday, a1ao at varying times. -"Wltere'a Qarley?" at the Calta Mesa Civic ' Playhouse on the Orange County Fairgrounds (754-5159), playing Friday and Saturday at 8:30. -11n e Dlaitraced Bradblll')'0 at Saddleback College in Miaaion Viejo (831-4530), closing Friday and Saturday at 8, Sunday at 3. Continuing their respective enga&ements are "Da" on South Coast llepertory'a mainstage · (957-4033), "See How 'hey Ra" at the Newport Theater An. Center (675-3143), "Vl•JC to a Small Plaaet., at the Huntington Beach Playhouse (847-4465), "Folllea a la cane II" at the San Cle- mente Community Theater (492~0465), ''ne FroDC Pase .. at the Westminster Community Theater (99~113) and "Dea~ of a Salesman., for Show- cue Productions (81M-6786). * BACKSTAGE -The Newport Harbor Actors Theater la taking i\I recent production of "Divis.ion Street" on the road ... the show, with only one change from lts original cast. is running Thursdays through Sundays until June 6 at the Pilot l Theater, 6600 Santa Monica Blvd., Le» Angelea ... _ ... -IMlmDCnU .. should happen to you. «» ~ BEDWETTER LET THEM HAVE A DRY BED n. .. -... ,... ........ ____ .. _,_,, _ ..... -.. -----.--... --..-. ........ ......_ M_.cwc.....-...... .. ,ce1ea11:c•1W• ---·-.... ----... ---.......... ---·--·--'--................. ,. , .. ----...... .....,. ......... ,. ,,.. w-•• _..., ____ ... ___. "Equally Eff11etive for Adults" 1 • I ,.-.;.::;;;;.;~~.;;::.;T·;;:l~;T-;,~-, 31 I Ftrat Stteet I NeliOOM WI ~S7 I AD'drmo • PAlllTI l'.AWllE PARENTS NA!lotl --------- AOOAUS ----------- • • • • • CITY _____ STATE --ZIP __ : Pto()Nfi _______ _ I P.CtllC 11111•"-ltONI lid 1t7t AGE--I IAVft 4 '41 : ~ Make lbur Future Something Really Special! Graduating? ... Changlngs Jobs? ... Starting a New CarHr or Ufestyle? Auure yourself of LAST MOMENTS -Dean Santoro (right) comforts hll aging father (Thomas Toner) in a scene from "De'' at South Cout Repertory. The Irish comedy-drama continues nightly· except Mondays through May l~. CASTING -The Laguna Moulton Playhoule has ca.et i\I next production, the Sherlock Holme9 mystery "Crucifer o.f Blood" . . . a.or,. Wooda aa Holmes and Michael Crown as Wat.on head the company, which lnclude. Alfred Lutjeana. Walt.er Daly, George Pellin&. Kathryn Jobmon, Michael Bieliu, Dick Oldden, Norman Weingart.en, Robert Brown, Lindsay Karg, Tony Houghton, Mike Sandlin and Jim Ryan ... the show opena May 14 and plays through June 12 . . . · Dina Fayer nu won the coveted role of Rhoda, the child murderess, in the Newport 'Theater Ar\I Cent.er'• production of "The Bed Seed," which a1*> will star Lynda Olwald aa her mother ... othera in the cast are Dorothy McMillan, Tony Caprio, Carol Stockmeyer, Earl M~. Pat Olwald, Kria Ha- gen, Francis Donnelly, Robb Kirby and Tracy Godfrey . . . the drama will be on •taae weekends from June 4 lO July 3 . . . ~ ............... ,.,,,,,_tlttOO ... 1111.& rt.AlA 8'H 529 SJJ9 CDWAAH CMIUU ctllTCll Cos•• llfQ 919 ... , A~~~ -------~~ NOW Pl.AYlNG UIWMIOI U•lUCS QWAW ,_., .. HllrT f l IOIO Sit SUO I-Vllly U t UOO Ila TWll ctmllAS lJOlll tl'.IO MIU Wttl-Ult H J 1'0 .... _ .. 49\.,,., llW&llOl WOONlllDGt'. ,AClflC MIJTll CMIT k• ... SSI oe~s LIQUlll..,, ••• ISU lll•WUJtllllft•ll -·--Wew-~lt13't3 ,.,. __ CIWMOI I09T1I CO&IT P'\AU fDWll CUITUI C1'tlJIU Com liltw IS 1 • 1 , .. a beautiful future at John Robert Powers where countless women o1 all ages havt tound ntw ' .... Mitt' •.•.....••• 7iJO ..... personal horizons to match the chal· lenges ahead. learn tvtfYthlng from Mak'tup to Modeling and much more. Call or com• In today tor a frH per· sonal an11Yals and pr~ram discussion. "tlEGISTER OWtlTIES FNM. Y NIGHT'' All Seofa '2.00 off ntUIL, Mltl .... w .. Mltl •••••••••••• 11.ao ...., as00 ,. ..... 7sal......., IUN •• Milt 9 •••• 1s00 ........ 4iJO r>.-1 An ..... •111n..a•t7.IO ...... •11.so oH on chi~ 12 )'9Cn ond undef "' oroupe of 25 °' mor.. Oranoe COiet DAILY ,,LOTITUMday, May •• 1982 .. ~me.:r-..:-' I.OJ. IRI DRIVE·INI Of'EN 1:00 WHKNIOHTl/7:30 WHKENDI * Chtldren UncHr 1.2 FREE Unlhi Noted * •ARQAIN MATIN•U * Mond1y tllru lltun11y All Perlonnenc.e before 6:00 PM (~ .,..., E ... 1 .. 11111 IM HllUp) ,. ~·Li•lili ~,. LA MIRADA WAlY. IN "GUllT fO.. flM" 1111 -ll:AI.--.-- "f'OMY'I" ---HI.~- LAKEWOOD CENTER WAllC IN -eom ..., OtJ ...... ,.,. -----,,,.. ... YOUCOULO .. WHAT I HUii" (N) 1:11,--. ... •1' .. LAKEWOOD C fNTfll SOUTH WAI• ... 99T~-­"oet OOLDGI flOelD" .... -----I "PARTNIRI" 1•1 ___ .......... . '1F YOU COULD HE WHAT I HL\R"1N> __ ...., __ _ Foe1111y ot Colldi.wooci 21J/U1•fll0 ''PAlt'1'WRI" i•1 . ...... -. ...... -. .... --So11t11 Cooet Mtwoy Ol ltoedwDp 49'-1114 ... , l'CTllM cw fMI -~HANOTI OF ,.... IN ) _, ...... _ IAfl-lllt.••·t-- A~~Htit.il ANAHEIM DRIV( IN ,, .... °' " ot l•mOfl ... 179·9llO •&1tT-·1A1 P\119 ~··· M .AMIT'"1N1 C"'f ll- ~lil NA ~t ill BUENA PARK ORIVI IH ltneOlll ,. .. 'lt•ol OI CMll 121-«>70 •• ,, .• l.nco•~ •..-• *•" of ltno" 121·4070 11.1•mn.u•i So11 Dt•oo ,....., 01 ttoot1...,..1 (kt) '"PARTNIM" 4'!1 --. .... -.... ,, ______ _ . ...,. __ , ___ ,., f'\.119 "'CAT 1111.0f'\,r fltl C•t '1 M>llllU .....wan LS110111~ I'll "W '"ftACoun" (11) 962·2 .. 1 CIM H- ..... ..__0._;:_ .. _~_._::,_°' __ .. MTMIM"Clll P\IM 1ICllR• DSAM.,...INI ' C..·"-..YOU 1111 1 WMATIMIM"_... ~..,. .......... y .,..,..,.. .. CCIII lllOUllD ' " .. ~ ~ A LA HARR A I••" .... -... OU ANGE ••1<·, 1 -. -~--­"CM' IDT~,_..INI .. ~ .... C:..·fl-~--'Wiil3 .... ...,. ...... ... Clllt .. .. ''Pryor la ~ull 0 -~Ila n._, t.oe A 111411 iRJ<tUt '-9t •~ .. ~ ----\I j ........ -.· NOW PLAYING UA C•9M AM OMMll MALL UIWAMI '"9T• tAUIT Wn111W15ltf .. , 0~•6 OrWIGI .,, 03•0 ,_Ulll v"""' ,,. I MO UA GfTY CltllMA llWUll llWNIT :>ranoe e34 1111 NtwPQll llNctt U4 0760 Ma. IN.I ,WA tTAIHUM OlllWM• llM1 LA MIMM llfft .. •u S2t me °'lllG' U! mo L• Mittcll t2H70I PWAMl IAOkUAC« lDWMOl IAllTOi ..... ....... El Teto se1 suo '°''' llltM ~·o 1•0 s.tt .NMCitlllW ... 49' 04S "4) , ........ ACClf'f10 •09 , ........... ..,, HF llT Bank approved for Catalina Santa CataUna Ill.and soon wlll have Ua own ~bank. Edward Carpenter & A11octatH Inc., Loi AnetlM-bued finl.nclal iNUtutiON conaultina firm. ~and filed the charter application for l'fadonal Berik ot. C..tallna on behalf of a croup of loc:al buane9 people. Approval wu given by the comptroller of the cummcy. Tbe bank, to be located ln a bayfront bulldJni ~erected at 303 Crelcent Ave., Avalon, wt1l i:,e· capital.lied at $1 ~ mU.1Jon ($10 per lhare). NaUooal &nk of Catalina orpnizer1 and proJ»- led d1recton are J ohn J . Feinberg, Vincent L. Scara- mucd, Milton Schatan, Robert S. Stein, Gloria E. Wall and Leo Z.,er. Oil well complete Transittra Exploration Corp. of Newport Beach announced the auooeeaful completion of it• Cinnamon No. 3 well located in Noble County, Ok.la. Avetaa:e daily production rate from the Skinner formation of 4,660 feet was 994,000 cubic fee=of as, five }>arrela of oil and 12 buTe1a of water a 12/04-lnch choke, Flowing tubing pre98W"e WU 6 psi and calfng pre11ure 680 J)G.,Total depth la 5,180 feet. Tran1terra own1 6'1.5 percent of the working interelt. • Home files available Orange Cout Savings and Loan Association ii making available free home inventory files which can provide lnlU.rance or replaoement information ln the event of km or theft of household belonginp. A.ccordlng to Richard Read, president of Orange Cout Savinp and Loan, the files are being made available ln part due to the fires ln Anaheim that de- stroyed 500 apartmentl and left 1,500 people homelees. The files are at Orange Coast Savings two aran,e County offioee; ln c.o.ta Mesa at 1700 Adams Avenue, and in Anaheim. Short-term bills up WASHINGTON (AP) -Yields on short-term Treasury IPICW'ities roee alightly in the latest auctions after declinlng in recent week.a, officiala say. Monday's yields were the highest since April 12 levela of 12.899 percent for six-month billa and 12.849 percent for three-month bills. About $4.7 billion in six-month T-billa were auc- tioned at an average m.oount rate of 12.78 peroent, up from 12.64 percent la.st week. Numismatics e xhibit slate d North American Coin & CUrrency, Ltd. will pre- sent • n uml1ma6ca symposium and exhibit Newport Marriott Hotel on Saturday at 9 a. information. call 800-432-7446. R ecord r evenues told Inc. of Fullenon pol1ed record revenues and in the third quarter and first nine months of th year. For the 12 weeks ended April 1, sales advanced 35 percent to $11,~,980. Net earnings were $144,613, or 5 omtl per share, compared to a lea from operations of $149,295, or 6 cents per ah.are, in the year-ago period. Nauglee Inc. operates a chain of 24-hour drlv~­ thru restaurants ln California, Nevada. Utah, M.isaouri, Illlnoia and Kanas. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS NEW vo.IKIAP) f'W... oo..Jorw. ....,._ tor ManiNv. Moly l ITOOtS JO Incl 10 Ttf! 1$ VII u Stk llldoll Tr.., UIUl u Stk WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK CAP) INiy J -TAME•llD HEW YOl'IK (AP) ,.,, J METALS T"":JS .. m 7 .. 11 It "'-· ~ -tM ,. I ' -er 71·11 cent• • pound. u.a. -·-... -l.eM 2f..27 °'"'* • jlCUld. -Die al Oll'lla I pcM!d, --.CS. _,........,. ....... w.-.,..,.... •. -Ilsa ' ~77-•~N.Y . • • ,1111.00.-.... =4 F -.oo WO, O&.. N.Y. SILVER ...,..&..._ ................ GOLD QUOTATIONS ~ . --,. ~ .. -.. -----.. ---. . ------- --. --. -. WE'RE ·CELEBRATING! THE ALL NEW RAllliER l INCLUDES 24 YR/24,000 Ill/LE CAR CARE FREEi $500 REBATE 1982 FORD VAii CARGO VAN Extr•• Too Num#'OC# To Mention/ (#1«11) (A 13111MU) WILSON LIST- ' 12,235 LESS DISCOUNT & REBATES - 13,000 .. . . YOU oan BUY llOW and PAY us LATER! WE WILL WAIT FOR YOUR l#IJOllE TH REFUll FOR DOWN PAYMENT ON PURCHASE of ANY NEW or USED DAR! . 1982 ESCORT 2 DOOR HATCHBACK ( fj 1465) ( # 112826) WILSON LIST - '6199 LESS DISCOUNT & REBATES - '1200 NOW 1981 FAIRMONT 1982 GRANADA ''L ,, 1982 COURIER 2 DOOR SEDAN FANTASTIC CAR PICK UP · Includes cloth trim sea(1 pwr strng, gorgeous polar white finish cl much Lots of equipment A gorgeous fawn f1n1~h. vinyl tnm st>al S riuch more1 Equipment Includes 5 speed manual OWf'drlve and the XL T option packllQfl; more. (Ski . .rt2006) (Ser. 1<206060) (Siie. #818) (SM. # 178457) (Stk. #806) (Siie. 111271) (Ser 11 113939) light blue with blue Interior. (Stlc. 11462) (SM. 1604581) tser . .rt t 7B456J 2 YEAR CAR CARE 2 YEAR CAR CARE 178 TOYOTA PICK UP 180 FORD PllJK UP % TON VB, 4 sp., air cond., AM radio, low 7,327 miles. (1Y16066) '79 CHEVROLET STEPSJDE 171 FORD PllJI UP SUPER CAB W/SHELL ; Auto , pwr. str .. air cond .. AM/FM. roll bsr. (f48169) V-8, automatic tran~. (1AZ4515) , • 4 cyl., 4 sp., AM radio. air cond. (1M27825) '79 CHEVY '80 MERCURY 179 FORD MONZA CAPRI RS PINTO Auto, eir COnd. PW< ,,..,, 101 ~u•o l•eni. '" concl Svnrc>ol. elr concl. i>wr • cyl, redlo, Slk PWr wind, AM FM.'"''' H•I 1>Wr\fr.u<110 \lnr.lurbO•cvl.•sPCI. Lie IMWRO '79 f ORD 1 81 FORD '80 FORD Av•~~~.C~,~~2i. S•••~n E!t~~~ m· Ghi!,~I~.~~. PW< SA!el, 1111 whffl VB LI< 711Y ZB Loe 637SAY AM FM 118. -· ''"' SA!ll• •• SPCI, 13.Sl6 mllJs 1m1tm. IVIO trans. ""'' L .r IWrlS.1 #117700 sl"rlnt. Uc IWIJS67 . 79 PLYMOUTH '71 DODGE 179 fORD '79 MERC '77 DODGE '81 FORD '80 MAZADA HORIZON DART LTD ZEPHYR 100 VAN MUSTANG 626 ' 4cff, 4 IPCI. redlo, 1lr cond 'dr. 6 cvl, auto lrlM, PWr VI, IVIO lrens, elr Concl, 4 VI, eUlO lrlnt• owr sir. elr Ill , I UIOJ/ens, PW< sir elr l Or • tYI tlW• bk •lerff, (.011~. l\Ho trens, e lr Lie. ~YHF '"· Sft(tO • de. A,M/FM •larto. ,,..,, cond. 4dr cone!, redlo •\PO, 11 Ot• m11~, t'itnCI lie ~·•llNT slr.PWrbll Llc.114XNY Lie IE1131?y lie l(HH213 • I.I( lCAWISl lRANSPORTATION SPECIAL Llc.OnWRG """ 4 s'pd, LI<. llUFI .. ' Llc.HOZEO '78 DATSUN PICKUP • cvl. '*" ._, •Ir cond. Llc. ILA24' EXAMPLE OF USED TRUCKS AT WILSON FORD .. I IM H/F Or.noe CoMt DAILY PILOTITu.ct~. May 4, 1982 = ...... "°"'°"' IUll•ll -,,, .... -__ 11 110nG9TO11-llOM Nmn11W .-.e A"""" ..._ ttATW r.v --W N.ll ftlJlllW4 MAm ITATWT ""'°"' .,.. dolllt The kllowlnf PtnOM .,. """ _.. ITATW , .... ...,.... U.0.0.) TM folloWlnt "'9oN -dOlnO ~Ml Tll• lollowlng P•teo11 It doing NOTICI 11 Hl,.llY QIVIN to ~ea: -•I t.WMO: <t>~44-MA!UNA INVHTMINT co .. ~:::, •~yOI• ·No .... ,.. or•dltora or Ill• •1U1ln naMM HMt LlMrTID. trttt llcYSWtl nA't, "11 ._. .. 0.-. QIM , ........ ,....,, tNt1 a---.o ",,,_" "'" " ,. ........,.. .,_...,., ttlet ii ,.,. Ir~ II Oltdt ... '· tMno. CA t27'4. !Oft....._ cA...... ~~~".-.,_CA iiM't. OIATH, H4 IHI 10th ltrHt, .... • ..... Oft..,__,... ~ OIVILC>ftMIH!i t ""D JIWILL THOMPSON, IOUTHf"N COUNTIH n ... Coola ....... CaMlotnla '*1 ...-......... i1 IJ..... Ofllie OOfpot'atlOn, 17tM HY- '"' M .. illal Dflff, H11ntl"41lon MIN~LI. 1071~ La Cleonega IMYd., -.. lllo0wt81f_. ~a ~cJt,! Tiie llllM tM ....,_....._peril Olrcile, 11111• '· lrvln•, CA .... CA...... lr~,CA~. ..,.., ..,,....., -of.............. HT14. 1""' ....... 11 ~ .... • .... ntat PLOWIM TOO 110 I . .._ PATNOK ll IMfTH, dbe Rodi lndMINIL . . "'1 an tMllltla .. OONM*d "'1 I Tiiie 1M11'911 II~ by an IML ....... Ce.-· 0...llOCMMnl ~. t2t Wew ,,... J. ~ ODrllOf~ eounu. Tormlnell lndMdUal."°'*1 0 • ......_ n.. ioo......"' c.llfOtnla ff tM '''°"*· L.,.-9MOll. CA mat. TNI f!r1t1*• w llef w!Wl Ille OMnl\ Clrid9V ·.,.or-oNlf ~..,_or~ Tilll ~It oondU010d by• OouMY °""' of Oreneo County on VIOt py....,;t Tilll •tat-• ... lllecl wllh .. b111l11 ... Offlff Of lll• liUendod lllfnned ~. Apt f'-1eea. Tlllt etelelMnt wu tied wttn 111e COIH'l'Y o.. of Ortinoe County on ... ,.. II: lll'M • ....._ ' Meridlel o.<e1op11ien1 ,.,..... County Cleft of Onlnot eoun11 on April ta. 1112. Alt o19* ~ ..... "•"'" •lid Aoneld ,. . M4widl11. • , .. ,_ 0.-..eo. ~Not, Mat'Cltl 111, 1tU. Publlthed Orenn• Coa'~1:' Mdr ..... "9M by Ille lnlondled PnMldlnt the ~IO, 17, Mllf 4. 11, 1MI. ·~ • IN2. tr1Mf9ror Wlthlfl ""-~· UC Tiit. 1t1wmenl -flied with "' - - n -=· ,'1fJ;M. Putlllltled Or~ Coott OellY Pl-PllOt, "Pfll 21, Mlly4, 11, 1, , ~==--=•INIMllldod =i~~ Ofengo County on _._ -lot, Aptl 13. 20, 2 , Mey 4, lllU. TM .... alld ....,_. ....._ ,_ ,_ .. ,._ la&ll-82 "9l)C Mn1C( of IN .................... • Publl•ll•d Orang• Co111 Del~ MTITIOW IU'tlt•H ~ITA,.....,. The tollo•lng pereon It doing bullMle Ill: AltPLIED AHOURCE MANAOE· MIHT. 111133 Sia* A'te., &.tile A. P.O. lox tall4, Fountain V""'1. CA t2TOI. . Jolln Rlohard Senolloi, 2017 Otlllte 130, Coele MeM, CA 92927. Tllil bUllnoM • oonduc1ed by Ill lrldMdual. John R. 8lnc:heZ Tiiie IUMemeM WU flled with 1M COIH'lty Ollftt of Orange Coun!y on Aor1I 4. 1 IU. ,,_, Publlltied ~enge CoM1 Delly Pl· ioc. Apftl 13. 20, 27. M.y 4, 1N2. 1t35-82 ---.. ---111'-Mft-°""-.r---"°"'*" _,11 •II Ck.ONA '· WIJ\ tltet Wind-Pltot. April 27, M.y 4, 11. 18. lit . ,._ n111~ MAim ftA~ eor or .. VIia Jtn, Ce. tllf1 1120-82 PIO'f1TIOUI.,.... Tiie followlng P«Mfl 11 dolnt It::.=,..~~= l-----------1 TM ,:=nr:=-:. doing ~~LAND ll"VICU, 11t IHO' end 11 f:'o':°'H at: TIO I . 1--'iUiiiMlJCl'i5i'o11Jiii11C(~f'Oir- bullflW 11: EMltMtlt.,ltt,0-. ...... CA ~ ... ~~~1:......,1 iWi OiCOUIWfOf -,,__,_, .... _,,.,.._ CAf.ltl)lllU 1111SPECIALTIE8, 2t13 New-_,, IMd It.....,., at Mid io.tloft 11: ORANQS por1 Blvd .. Newport BHcll, CA c ... , L. lnoornaolon e.lt.a. "-OWIN TOO COUNTY OI' t2te3. Cati L. ~ 111 r..c ,.... .... Tilel Mid bl*. nnllW It IMllldod ...... .. -· STEPHEN DIXON PORTER., 111, 0.. ...... CA Otlf7. to lie~• IN of100 ot. ::-~ _ .. 2113 Newpcirt 81¥d .. Newport l19 bullnell It CIOndulltld by .. 110 I. lalboe 111\0d. ..._ c;..,. 0111111• 8-c:f1 CA 112te3 I lndMdllll. ........ 1 • ,..., ... _ 1T wiLLIAM OLEN TATUM. 2113 ! c... ~__.,... ~C::Z. ....... on°'~ _., · ..., A 1~ Newpon 81\'d,, Newport 8Mctl, CA a.k.L .,., L !dwal'dl r.. bUll nneMI It not~ eo l:°.:i1 ~ NONJtTY ll21M13. '"* ....,_,. ... Nod """fie Oelllornl1 Uniform Commorlo1I T AT MVATI IA.Lil ~ bulil-. II oonducted by• eoun: a.11 of Oralll9 ~ Oii Code Idol\ ttOI NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN ~II Plt1MftNp. Apt • 1M2. ·-The n1mo encl addreH Of tl1e THAT, eubj~I to oonllrm1llon by Stephen 0, Poner "''°" with wtlom ctalrnl mey be _ .. __ -11 ...... s ·-· Court Thia •t••-· w• !Med with Ille PubWled ~ Coeet ~ Nod .. OLONA '· MKll', 11111 ~·~es:':""'Eucutor Coun~ a.rlt of Ortnge Couniy on Mev 4• 11· II. • 1• WlndllClf Dr., VIie Pen. CL l2tl2. ot th• Wiii of Frank Earl OrlmH, April II, lt82. __ .,. llM'll'r end the lllt 6r/ tor Mnf olmrlli by 6-Ued, wtM NII et Pf'lv•I• Nie to P1'7S71 ,._ ""'-""I cndllor lhlll be Mey 111, wt'6ofl tM lllghell end bell net blddet, on Publllhed Orenge Cout Delly PllOI, --•u11•• II h ~ 6r/ bOtClt9 fie cion-tn. term• end eondlllona ,.._elnafl. HCllllOUI 9Ull... Ap<ll 20, 27• Miy 4• 11• l982. rMiitmr=T ll.llWl'lotlon date apeolfted abo¥e. er menlloned. on Mty 17, 11182, or MAim ITA~ 113:M2 The followlllg per1on 11 doing o.tocl; Moy 3. 1112. 111e<een.r w1t111n Ille time llllowed by ~::wine pereon 11 doing ____ Nl.IC ___ N0_11CE____ bullnool • ~ ~:..,.. 11w. al~llt, 1111•, 1nd lnl.,"t of OAR CAAi Clue, ~n Sum-t.JJr".!~fLJN.TIAP .. IB:· Publlhed Orlngl eo.t Deify~ ~:: •• belr'll~~·u= ,..... oer C09111....., CA 82t2e. PICTmOUe -• ~ .._,-c;: ~ Komot ·• lot *Y '· 1"2. Ylded ln4«MI .. teNnl In common. 1-. ltWft. asn ~ ...-ITA~ Jfl/tr9f c. cennon. 2011 Komot 20ee-e2 1n the re11 P'oe>ettY 1ocoted 1n 111e ar..:t ~ MM.I. CA nea. Tllo 1o11ow1ng '**"" .,. doing Dr Coote ......_ ca. tzue CounlY o1 Ortnge. Stat• 01 c..ttor-,._ ....,_.It oondlded by 111 bullnell 11: Tht. bu11r.-11 .......... --... .... an Illa, ct.ctlbed • lollow8: lndMdull. APPRAISED PAOPERTlll --"" "8JC Mme( Pwcel t In City of Santa Ana. _..._ ...!!!!!'° ,,_, --..... ...-_ 11112-1. 200e 0outt A-. New· lndMdllll. ~ c . cennon --11Ww;ai•ioo..i'CcociCMi.111Tiirr--couniy of Ofenoo. si.i. of c111tor· •,.. -n•n -,_ ""™' '""' por1 e.otl, CA 112983. '"* ec.temont w llleO wlltl Ille Of nle, u lhOwn on • Plll'Clll MIC> flied Cow"Y Ollr1l of Or9llQ9 County Oii AST Flnandal, Inc., 1 Ce11torn1e County CW1I of Or911g9 County Oii CAUtOllNIA In 8°'* 12, Pege 23 of Plf<lll Mepe, tMy 3. 1912. _ oorpor111on, tllt01A auneet BNd .. Moy 3 t112 _ ==.., co:.:z._ 1n tn. ofllce ot COunlY Aecorder or ~ -:::.• PICfflc Plllledel, CA 90272. ' • ~ •-Orenge, CellfornlL PullllNd ~ Co.t _, ,.._., T'Nt ~ II condugf*d by I Publltled Or911g9 CoMt Deify Pl-IMll AM, CA ..,., The pr()9«ty II commonly ref«· t.My 4, 11, 11, • 1112 llrnlled plll'tnerlNp. lot Moy 4, 11, 11, 26, 11112 Pt.Al=LD L . HOFMAISTER: red to 11 1230· 1234 South NI· 2044-82 AST AnencW Inc. 1....al wt\ope, Senti Ana. Cellf«nla. ____ IC_Mn_T'M'r ___ -t ~T..,Y -----------CAAOl. M. HOFMAISTEA The property II to be IOld on Ill ~ nur~ ,.,_" "8JC NOTIC( DEFEHOANT: "u 11" bu1a except .. 10 11111. TM Tiiie N"'""'1 WM llled wltll ti. BILL JOHN GRATTAN lndlvl· 111• le aubject to current 11xe1. '1CT11lOUS .U ... IS NA• HAft•NT Tiie lollowlng pereon 11 doing bullnMI u . HOLISTIC &. NUTRITIONAL COUNSELORS. 404 W•11mln1ter. Suitt 1, Newpon 8Mch. CA 112e&3. ROXL HAMILTON DOWNING, 11183 Corlender, Cott• i.. .... CA ,.. _ _, dull and m bullrleel M QAAT • Ion ..._ ....... COIH'lty CW1I Of Or9llg9 .....,. .. , on '1CTTnOUa .,._.. E T G D OE ~II. condl1 8 ' r•tr.._,...,,., t.My 3, 1'82. NAm ITAT'DmMT TAN DEVEL PM N ; · · • rHerv1llona, right. rlglltl ol w1y ,,_ The following P«'IOM .,. doing SIGN AND CONSTRUCTION: Ind _,_,ta of record Publlfltd Orange CoMt Deify Plot, bull,_ M: BAYAN L. BECK; FAEEMONT IN-TM property wilt be IOld on Iha Mey 4. 11, 11. ~.11182 PRINTINO UNLIMITED, 10537 DEMNITY COMPANY, DOEB I IOllOwlng tenna: cull or pwt cull .... EJHa A-. Fountlln II...,, c.-. lhn>ugh V; ROE.a CORPORATIONS end 1)111'1 CAldK .. Ille llm\t of a.di fomll 92708. ANO OTHER 8U81NE88 EHTTT1E8 c:redll to be ~tlt>le to Iha url- Fred J. Smith, 21072 Amber· VI THAOUOH X deralgn•d 1nd 10 th• Sup.,lor 112tzt. -----------wlcll ~. HunUngton Beech, Clll-c-::::-r.:-' Court, 11n p.,cenl ( 10%) ol th• IOrnil 92e44. MOTICll YMI ...,,_ MM ..._ tmOUnt bid to eccornpany Ille offer Thi• ~ It conducted by 11/'1 lndMdUel. P1C1'moue-..11•• U..ITA,_,. D.D. ~ l1lmiltOn Downing. The lollowlng plt'90ftl .,. 4P"lCI ~-. Thie ltalemenl WU flied with the CounlY caortc of Ortnge CounlY on Aptl II, tM2. p~ Put>llttled Orenge Coul Diiiy Pl· IOt, AprM 13, 20, 27, Mly 4, lllt2. t82t-82 FREEDOM SPORTS, 2430 WH1 Co11t Hlgll••Y. Newport 8-:tl. CA t2tlS. ~ ~ Wlf'nOdl, 1 ... RochHl•r SI .. Co111 ...... CA 92t27. WllWlck JeiMI Brytn. 29712 c.denM. MllllClrl Vleto. CA 112t111. Thll ~ II oonduCtld by I ACTmOUI Wll general plt'\rlerlNp. 9IAm aTATDmNT C. A. Wernoc* ~~wing p•reon I• doing ~ ·~:::\:. 1119d~ ": VICTOR SPECIAL TIES, 1103 Mey 3, 11182. Wllnut Street, TU9tln, CA 92680 ,_ VICTOR LeVAR PETERSON, Publltled Orange COllll Deify Plot. 1103 W1lnut StrHI, Tuatln, CA Moy 4, 11, 11, 25, 1M2 1tM-12 02te0. Thie ~ i. conducted by .,, lndMdull. Vlclor LIV1t P9l- Pri.efft1 K. Sml111, 21072 Am· by 0«1111ed cMc*, end the balance berWlc:k Line, Hunllngton 8etch, n. ..t _, ._... ...... ,_ 10 be plld on c:onllrmetlon of .... Cellfomle 9264e. .._. ,_ Mlal .._. _._. by Sup«IOr Coun, or u contrected ,_,...... ..... ..,.._... II d Thia t>uelnHI le conducted by ..._ ...._ irr ~. tor. Tull. ren11. op•re ng •n lndMdulla (Hulb9nd & Wiie). W -· wWI to ... the eclWle Of maln1en1nc• upenMa, end pr ... Fred J. ~ ...-mil#M on in-.-8ICCIC>llbll to Thia 1111-t wu llled with IM •n ittorn•y In 11111 mi lter, you purchH., lhlll be pror11ed u ol CounlY Clerk of ~enoe CounlY on :.: 00 '° ~ '° lhll '/04ll the c111e of cont1nn111on of ..... Mey 3, 1982. relPClftM, err;. m.t'1 be fl. 8lda or otferl •• ln\llted tor tnll F~ lld on tlmL property end mu91 be 1n Wf'ltlng end Publlahed Orenge CoH I Delly AY1M>I U.tM M ... ._. w1t1 be r'°""'9d 1t Ille ofllcle of 8elt, PllOC. Mey•. 1 t, 11, 2~. 1ta2. ~ ~!}'•1._ ........ ~ Hunt, Hert, Brown •nd B••nwll~. 20e0-82 -· -...... ' -11torM)'I '°' uld EJcec:utor, •t Poe'! '1CT11lOUS IW ... 11 NAMa ITAnMRNT Th• lollowlng pereon I• doing ~-= l<MI< DESIONS, 1303 Avocado Av• . •220, Newport BHch. CA ~ Muy 1<1y Sh•w Crook1ll, 419 P1nor1m1 Dr , Legun1 e .. cll, CA ~·· "49. ,......_ ... ,,.de II Office Box 1287, 120 Linden A.,.. .... L.9 Ill....,. I ... ...... nue, L""" &Mch, Cellfornle 90801. 911.JNd CIMM ICllldlel' .. G0t.ato -.. _..........._ de 1111 llllqg9do an .... """'°· do-91 ""1 ..... ""' the flrwt ---· beri• ll-1o lnmec:tlalement•. de of thll notloe Ind before Ille making .... ,_.., 911 ~ --of uld ..... 11 twy ...,._ ~.., ,..,,...edll The underelgned Executor r .... e llempo. ....... the rigM 10 r.tu. lll'TY encl Ill 1. TO TWE DEFENDANT: A oMI bide. 2 ::;.:::Int hll been flled by lh• DATED: April 28• tea IOlllWI )IOU. M yo11 ~ to Frlflll Rey om-..-.. "* .._. ... ......, rl'Ult. wllt*r • EJ.eculor of the _.., ..___., •-Wiit of the TIMI llllernent -llled wttll Ille County Clerll of er.,. Coun!y on Apr'll 12, 1t82. HChnGUe • H•ll &Miil . MAim ITA~ Thie ~ II conoucted by 1t1 30 de'fl after INI """"'°"' le ..,. uo...-n..-ned dee.dent, ved 011 you, Ill• wllh thl• eourt • .... , , .... -.... ---Mttten ~to the ~I. -,_.,, .._.., _...... .... 'WT1M Publlll'led Orange Coee1 Deity Pllol, Aptl 20, 27, Mty 4, 11, 1g82. 11116-82 eeonca °' AM.ICAnoet TOl&L ALCOMOllC~ ..... To Wholrl It Mey eonc-n: JERRY L., JOYCE, L18RAOO l SAN>RA W. ALOMZO -~ 10 Ill• Oep1r1ment of Alcollollc Bewrege Control for 1 "41" On Sile a.er l Wine (Publle Elllng Plec•) McienH to NII 1le1ollollc beVtr•ctM 1t 4t11 Werner Ave .. Unllll 101 • 102, ~ 8-ch. C&. Publltled Or9llg9 Coeet o.ly PI- ~ ~ .,.,_ _.. doing ndMOuelMllY Kay SMw Crooh ll EXECUTM INVESTMENTB, 1 Thia etal-1 w .. flied with !he Cellfornla General Pertnerehlp, CounlY C1ertt of Orenoe Couniy on :tOl1 ~ c-. OrM. ..... Apr1I o. 1982 146·: C:-W:.:: :r:..-. Pul>lilhed ~ CoMt ~~ If ¥Ina. Ce1forM 92115. IOI, Ap<ll 13, 20~ May 4, lN:Z. OrWOo'Y c. Krug, 2Mel eon. 112042 nltoV .... ~HIKI. CelltcM'nle ------------112MS. NlJC NOTICE .Id H. Oldtllm, 43116 WtnWI---------------' W.y. IMN. ClltorNl 127111. Peter Perrin, 131' M1tlnor1 Oftw, ~ BMch, Caltforn11 92980. Thll ~ II condUcl*' by • general pll1J•lt ... ~A.Wood Thie llatemltll ... fled wlltl .,. PlCTITIOUS .U ... SS NAMllTA~NT Tiie lollowl,ig perton 11 doing l>u.W-: BALBOA LANDMARKS, 1542 Vivian Lane, Newport S..Ch, Cllt· loml• 9zte0 Ruth Hynd•. 1542 lllVlllll ~. County an of Ot'lflgl County on Aptl ~1. tlNl2. '-.na _________ 20_1M2_ Publltled Orange COtlll o.ly Plot. MlC NOTIC( Mey'· 11, 11, 25. 11182 ~ iot t.My ... 11182 Newport BMch, Calilornll 92e&O Thia ~ II conduCled by 1111 lndMdUll. Ruth Hynd• HCH1'*"9Ul••M MAim ITA,_,. . NI.IC N()TIC( Th• rouowtng pereon la doing 1-----------~ -TAADEWIND8 ENTEAPAlllE8, ,., E. 1111 .... No. 30, eo.ta ...... CA'"37. DIMd ,._, T....,,, Jf., 181 E. 11th St., No. IO, co.ti Mele. CA 92t27. Tiii• b"9lnele I• conducted by an lndMduel. Dewtd A. Tr9Ylof, Jf. n. .... ••It ........ """ the County an of Or9llQ9 County on • w.y 3, 1112. Thia Ital-I w .. fllec:I With IM Coun!y Cler1I of Orange Couniy on Apnl 22, t982 Ut*el yo11 do eo. your ~ .. AND ~o.6e be entered on epplleallon to the ., ~.., ~ pWnllfl, llld WI CICll#t ""1'f lt"IW e A.ftemep Judgment IOlllWI )IOU tor h ,...., P.O .... 1111 demellded rn the oornpWnt. ...,.. • ...,... •- e1ou1d r111111 In g1rnl1llment of = =..fA _, ~.~:. :=.c:r~ Publlalled Or1nge CoHI Dilly complllinl Pllol, Mey 4. 5. 11, 1t82 Detld: Jan. 22. 1112. • 204&42 Lie A. er.not\ Cllf1I Jorwry v. Moreno _,.~ H1U11tG AND ROCKWa.L ••C-•• .... .., T--.CA-~)l't,._ Publllhed Orange CoM1 Delly Plot. Mey 4, 11, 1t, ~. 1N2 ~ C' W ?ftift' 6 4 2 • 5 ,. 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 y . c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 ·2 • s 6 7 '8 I ClASSlfllD CLASSIFIED 'INDEX ,,.,,,, Jin .... ,. ... •• ••••.•••.............• ·•··•··•··•··••····· ~.{'!.~.'! ••• .,... f!ltf!'!. ••••••••• 1.1!1 ... ....... . ,, .... , .... Cal Priz.e Wm Bey bayfront. SUfll fOC' 2 boeta. ~eled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1.200.000. 642-5671 mlSDFllW o-.i ... ......... ............ ~-.. ... c.-.... ., o.i..•-0.. ...... a11n ,_¥.,. -.... ..... -t....-11.n ==----Vlt)o :."l:..·.:-S..J_C.,..,_ .... _ SMllltdo s..ui1.1.1-··---·kk IWESTATE ""-lerSale ~-Wt ..... = -1 ~ .c,, ... c.-~IOI "'-t'\7 c .. •=tt• s.u. ~U..ulale _ .. __ .. _ '--'-" l_,,al 1'rapwt7 Liil w Sok -HatTrlrPrt• -..Dooort.•-~:':rc~~ .. <Mtl-....... ........ , ........ c ..... &ull&t.Ulac.....,. .... Du&o.,_ IOOALS ... •• ltll --... .... •• ... ... -... ... IW ... , ·-.... lfll ... le.I ·-1• .... 1• ·-!)le ... 1100 JD flit ,. ·--1111 ml ml -tile --1111 -- Ocean & ,,euy view 1. Ma.tint room, 4 bdrm, S bath, 3700 aq.!t. $1,385,000. Oceanfront. UllllUllllll Prime Lido Nord bayfront. S bdrm. 5 Yr billh. L&e L.R .. 2 boat slips $1.~.ooo . Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + largr rec. rm. beam oeillnga, furnished. pa\loa. $420,000. u11111U um111 Laaoon view from 6 bdnn. 5 bath, playroom, dark nn, den, Boat slip. $1,350,000 . UYSllE con Spectacular bayf.ront view 2 br. 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn 2 boat sllp1 $1,900.000 ClllOUIO CAYS Coronado Island cuat.. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock Plans avail. $425,000 w/~rms Piii Ult 3 bdrms, 2~ baths condo near pool $145.000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR j,i1 Boy\•d .. D•·vt· ._. B o7~ 0 101 _h,....... JI• =~~ : IMI lmli $12 900 ~.:.=~1· = ...................... , T-"',. m (!) Spacious 1 story condo, • ~~.i = 2 Bdrm. lu1h 11nd1c1- o.,.w ... u.i • ping. pool. ap•. 20'% = ~.. = -down. $642 Pl paymenla. :=:-.::·· = -= ~f OWl542313 ~=~~ ~ ~~P~R~ ~ilti=tJ:1 a...i ... SMr,• .-N EW VIEW T O WN -:i,~.:..'... !: hM11lilar't ....... HOMES. 2 Mealer Sul· -a....i -All real es111e •dvertlMd 1e1 View ol Oce1n a ~"' Rt111a1 :: In this newap1per Is eub-Night Lights Quiet Area ~ ... ....., ..,. Ject to the Federal Folr Perk•. open ep•c•• • ... •--Houalng Act o f 1968 $125.000. Only 10% dn .-SS, lllY£$l which m1kea It llleg1I to Xlnt An. Hal or Pat a- MnlT, flttAMC( 1dvort1ae "1ny preferen-Aot•· 673-7300 IRJl'lr ce. llmltallon or dlserlml----------= = : n11lon buod on rec•. ftEW YllW =~' ieu color, rellglon, •••or •••1111 _,,. ._. : n1tlon•I origin, or 1ny In--_, .,._ -tentlon 10 make any such ~Tn • -preference, llmllatlon or Speclleulu hidden 2 story home In beeuutul Mesa Vwde. Elegtnl co- vered entry wey, lorm•I ....ol£lflS, dl9Cfimlnatlon " PBSOllALS & LIST & Fl•lll S£me£S Thi• newapeper wlll not llvlng room ind dining, knowlngly teeePI any ad· v•rtlalng for reel ••t•te f1mlly room, gourmet ,,. kllehlll'I. 4 hl>ge bdrm•. 3 "'' wtlldl Is In viol1tlon ol the bllhl, beeutllul view = 1-· from re1r y1td. Auume uic very high loin. Priced = EIMISt Advertisers 1239.900. Call 54&-2313 • !~~u~da~~e~~Jhr~~ t141t\t1q port errors lmme-l~~!!!!!!!!=-!!Jllll·•·•-1111·!11·~~~ -dlately. The DAILY NIL -.1111.-. J: PILOT assumes Ila-~:~=~='~11~,;,:. blllty for the first aum•ble 101n 11 9.5% -Incorrect Insertion Owner anxious. cai1 now ::; only. 97~5370 =i-------~ ---.u -----lf'I) ---· .., -..., ------ llPLEl- OllT l llEIA Recently relurblehed home plus newer unll In reu with llrepl1ce Im· m1culat• condition A rere llndl Auum1 let Owner llexlble, wlll II· n 1nce el low lntoro1t retu $185.000 For complete detells, cell &48-7171 t!!ll§il1!1 = .... ~1 .. -Give youuelf Mesa Vflf· -de In '82. 3 Bdrm 2 8a -hOme wl mervt extru on = cul.0.-aaac:. ~c Irv 2nd = T.O. Full prlCe $t3',500. 751-.3191 fi~!Ht14 ... , .... ..... / ... Ou111andlng vl!lue In 1tll1 ,,....,,.. home on cul-c»- aee. OverllHd IOI, F.R. w/trptc. Owner wll .,..... with llnanelnQ. A Qr .. I buy al U3t,OOO. 7&14191 • .\{ >ll / 1l/;'/ ~I A •' ' ~, • f 'Vf ""' ·., 2 ... El I Piil 1211,000 Rtre opportunity on huge Newporl 9eecl'I lol. Seller wtll e.rry the 1 II et IOw lnterllt 8olh ~ hew 3 bedrooma. Uve In one. ren1 ooel Hurry, caff 873-8550 THE REAL ESTATERS For Ad Action Cal a Daly Piot AD-VISOR 642-5678 c:. .. . ; -t-"·' . t 1~ flop at "°"'•· II'• "'Y wttl\ ell Ulfted M2-tl71 -~ I l OtMOe Cout DAILY PflOTITUllday, May•. 1912 FIND YOUR REGION -If you have a youngster, boy or girl, interested in participating in the American Youth Soccer Organization this year, take note. It's time for registration in most regiona. Signups begin Saturday in numerous regions along the Orange C.OUt. Above Is a map to help figure out the region in which a child ahould participate. ~'' ~ ... \~ ":...""r'-=..~ ~ ... YO. Loe ANemUa • , 111111 • , 111111 Wllon,d I 0 3 2 11u.2tt I O I I ~ eHH e:HH lelor.2b 1 0 0 0 C-r.30 5 0 1 0 ~.II I 1 2 0 o.nwn.,a.i 0 0 0 0 ~ • • . . . " MAJOR LUQUI ITAHDIMCM ~at=· • W L """ -17 I .llO 1a • .H1 214 12 t .111 I 14 11 .MO I 11 15 .421 514 I ,. .aeo • t 11 .$11 I ...... ~ 11 7 .... 14 • ·'°' 2 11 t .MO 114 • 12 .4lt I • 11 •• 114 t 1S M1 1 t 1S .111 1 ............... ........ ~. ............... o 1o1a11...._.a Olldlrld ...... yon, 2 ic-ai,1 .......... 2 Onlr..-...... '".......,.. ..... .,..... llAflft ~-~ ceor-1-11 ..... ~o.4)81....._..(0 ...... --2-2) ....,__ ("9dtlm 2·21 .. eo.ton (HWwt °ii-CT-1·11 tt Oetto11 tPeellnldl ,.,, . OelllefldclldefwoOd 1·11 •t New Yor1L INGNell 1· . foroMo ( 1·2) •t CNaigo (91.me M l Kena .. City (Our• 2·1) •t Mllw•ullH (MCCiure 1·1) ~~ W L ,.._ -" • .750 14 I ... s 11 11 Mt 1 11 11 Mt 1 11 14 ,440 N 10 1a .411 N .............. 81. LOIAa 1t • .l40 ~ 12 I AOO .... Y"" 12 II .toO ~-:::.~ ct'*-00 I ,. .m .............. .... Yen I, ........ S (12......, Allef*10,~4 8t. l..NI •• ~ .. ......... ':."~ PU1 s ·s •• 5, 1e11 a Onlr ..----T .............. 1141 ,.,. • 114 114 .... Yorll (Scott 2·21 •1 o •••• ,. (V ...... 2~ HouetOft (Knepper 1 ·21 •t Clnclflnetl ia-wwi Atl•nt• (Cowloy O·O) e t P'l1t•b11rtll !"*'-1-41 ct'*-00 UeNdM 2-2) .. 9l LWla IMdUlilr 2-2) Mo1!tr91111 C8W"' M l et 18'1 OleeO (\.Glllr 2-4) l'tll1S Ude (Cetteon 2-4) tt 181' frMCll- -(0.1·tl AmRICAN ~AGUE ~s.~• CAUfOMllA Cl,aWLANO lltrllbl lltrlllll OownlnQlf400 0 Ollonelf 500 0 8enlquz rf O O O O Hwrell 30 3 1 1 0 Carew lb 4 2 3 O Herg<V lb 3 1 2 1 Lynn ct 4 0 I 0 Thmtn dh 4 0 I 1 Re..lcllen rf 3 2 1 I H8Y99 rf 4 0 1 1 AClattlW 0 0 0 0 H....,_o 4 0 0 0 8eylor dll 4 0 1 2 Mennng ct 4 0 0 0 Orlcll 2b 2 1 1 0 ,..,cont 2b 3 1 2 0 o.onc:. 3b 5 0 0 0 Dyl>Oll • I I 1 0 Fol • J 0 0 I Mcer1cl i;itl I 0 0 0 8-o 3000 Tot• 32 I 7 4 T«*la :12 4 t a Ce11om1e ..... "' "-:r 2io 101-a ~ 220 000 000-4 E-C•row, Herttll OP-C1llfor11le 2. LOl-C•lllornl • I t , Cleul•nd I H -l•ytor "a;~ 1 -cor-. ~ llnl*l. 8'-Foll. ' ~ •NA••W l<lnQIM, 1b 5 0 1 0 OuwNr,Of 4 I 1 t Yongbld.tf $ 1 2 I Ye.gw,c J 0 0 0 ~ 5120 &doec:te.c 1000 lk"ooU.Jll ,. t a 2 "'*'I.a 1 1 o o OnirWM 5 I 1 I Orte,pfl 1 0 0 0 ......, . .p 20 10 ........ tooo 9wwt..P 0 0 0 0 "°'*"'-" 2 0 1 0 f.icono.p 0 0 0 0 A."9ne.p 0 0 0 0 ,.._"' 1010 ~100 0 Jrgnltl,cill 0 0 0 0 ::,: t 0 0 0 Lyndl.p I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ForlW,p 0 0 0 0 8."°"'9,p 0 0 0 0 Totlill 47 I 17 I Totim '3 a 7 :S ..... _, ...... ,._Yen OIJt 001 100 ~ Loe~ oio ooo 200 ooo-a E -Yoeger. DP -Loe~ 2. L08 -Ntw Yotll f2, Loe~ t. }9 -MoftNy. HA -MondllY (2). Ouwrwo (I). 118 -._ IOPI 2 . ....,.,_• "'-'I, llu. S -Puleo, Oerdonlft.. Klngmen. ...,..,.. • " "a• ao Puleo 8"i4SS3 2 9w9r\ 1141 2 0 0 1 I ,lllcone 0 0 0 0 1 0 ,.._ :114110002 Lynaf'(#, M ) 2 0 0 0 0 0 i...,...... . HooD1 114 to a a 2 • ,._,,._ .. 00002 f'ldl.... 4 .. 0 0 1 0 ~t4) 141 2 a I 0 O ........ ..1 00 0 0 .... plWl84. 1 .,..., In .. "" ... -9y FoP1W ~ .. -y- ... lcilo9cie. T -t;& A -N,Me. ._ ......... 4 Atlen4JI 001 330 003-10 10 I PlttatlurOfl 010 003 000-4 10 2 P Ni911ro, McWilletn9 (I). a..-171 ano '*-'· Solofnon. Sermlerl1o (51. SQifry 111 endT Pena W-P Nlekro(l·OI L- Solomon C 1·31 S-Geroer 151 HAa Pltteburgll, J. ~ (I ). 8 . "4>0inl0ft (21 AtlMle. WatNt>9ton 131 A-4.l:le c--..... •. c .... CNcevo 000 1 t2 000-4 fl 2 St LOUIS 300 010 SOa -fl II I No'eS. W Hernanc>ez f7J L Smith C 71 R•· pley C7I ano J O•vtS F Otsch, Belf m end Port•r W-8air (2·01 L-NOIU 13 31 HRs-Choeago, OYrllam 131 1<1naaa Clly Port• (3) E!lp08 I, l'edf'M 2 Montreal 001 110 131 -8 10 2 San 01419Q 100 000 001-2 1 3 ~anCl~~.loo­ne (II) and T l(ennedy W-GulticklOn (2·11 L-Montetuaco (1·31 HRa-Mont1H I, Spete< 121. Carter (3) .\-26.20 I ...,...,,Oleftt9a PllffedelPhle 300 100 0 10-!> II I San Frenc:IKO 021 000 000-3 7 0 Ruthven. Monge (311 f'ume1 (Ill and 8 Otu . Fowtku. Sch111ede< (II. L•vell• (Ill and Mey W-Monge ( 1-01 L-Schl lzedel (0·4) S-F1r,,,.r (31 HR-San Fr1netaco ' Ev-(S) A-12.022 Top 10 ( ....... ~= AmJllCM OMA ",.._ 9oMel,Toronto 11 47 tO 1t .404 =1.1: . .ei:::.· 21 11 " 12 ·-20 7t tt 2t )ti Cooper....... 20 12 12 ,, J11 lcq. ToronlO 11 41 I 17 .S71 o..r,...,_. 21 1a 11 a .- ......._,"""'· 20 12 1 t • .Jtl ....... Olla!OO 20 71 • 21 .Mt Cell*I. Ootroll 22 • 11 as .-.....,o. T-It • I r.1 .364 ......... .=c:::.::\' == :---1) ..... Hr~. Mln-te , U ; ""°"8io, Ken ... City, 21; TllorntOft, C~. 20; Olla, ~City, 20; Y...,_.I, 9oeton, II: OQIMo. ..... ·-tt . ,.....{I~) ~. QllmlOO, U: r.M, ............ 0. JedtlOft, ~ City, M; c:.uc.. ...... . M; ~. loeeof1, a.t; T ..... , loltion. a.t; BerMr, ~. a.1; ..... Oeeroll, $-1; Qu6clry, ..... York. J.I; A-.~ a.11 ,,. ~City, i.1; J. --. o.; llnd, S-1; '" ................ a.1. llAT'IOM&. LUeUI eMAM...._ M tO 11 11 .Jt1 n .. 11 ao .•1 11tt e a .• It 1t tt •-* ........ a• 11 • _..1 .... , • .MO ~-OleeO ti '1 IO to al T,_,,_, a • 7 17 .-~.-°'I:-..:. l4 ,, ... I NIOM ICMOOl. Ufth.,.ity t. ....,.,. IWMr I Newporl Htrl:IOI 002 010 O-a 7 3 Un!V«llly )10 002 a-41 12 I Meet<•.., end Roe, Fu end Wl!Mrapoon 38 Lamphier (U) LoeAIMt .... llllOMDAY'S MIUL.Ta (1•1eft1~ .......... _.., ;lflaT lllACC 400 vercsa a.nay Ac. (Werd) 14.00 I.Oii 4.10 Thlnl< SI• (8tooltll 4 00 3 00 CMc Pride CA-J I 00 Alao t•c•d 81you One r.,o, Klptybee, Fweaooertt. Slwowd N Rich. Cegney TNdt· er1.Joy. Tolle Time T-20.72 It lllACTA (M ) peld '33 90 HCOND lllACI. 360 y11rda. Tum~ ACo (Hltll t3 40 7.20 4.50 Fleming Cet (8erdl 7 90 4 10 Mr Comic (CheYG) 3 80 Alto riced Jet• Ouu 11on Ber. Mo"lng V•r> K1ng, 8•11 8onoam1n. Toolln N Autin, Royal ldahO .i.t fl(M 18 Ill TIMO lllACIE. 3SO YIU da LOIU Style (Adllfl 25.eo 8.40 4 eo Our11ron (flerd) 4.00 J 00 Jungle Pley (P..,..,._) 4 00 Aleo raced Merg McConnell, M•ld In Time, Reba.,_.. Polley, SllewMe P-. 0o ""' Doughtlme n,,,. 1835 fOflUTH lllACE. 360 Vllfd• Whet TrOUble (Peullno) at.40 t1.00 11.00 8ar 8o Men lt11rll 27 00 13 80 Domaoood (flerd) 5.10 Atao reoed SI< Lcwee o.m. ~ Cet. Sir .i.t Bug. Cr.a.er Jed< Boa, The Dull<•. T09 ~Not. D11t1t1'a Diamond Time II 28 II EXACT A (6-101 peld sa20 IO. """ lllACI. 3SO yerdL Dtgllal (P-..1 lO.eo IO 00 4.80 FU1 l'llltN (Mllc:he!IJ 5 40 3-IO Aeeoect Oo (Herll 3.IO Alto rac«I Cherro a Roc;lr ... IMjlll. HID KOi• i-1821 atXTM lllACL 3SO ywela Cu1 N Run (W11td) 12.80 S 20 3 IO l<IMIChle (Tr-.<e) 4 40 4 00 Rl*oed Wiien (Herll 4 40 Alao , eoed Per em«llc: HiW!Y. T 09 Em Up Sonny The 8uM Grennys Grey, Nighta Llrnlla Time 11115 • UACTA (M) peld Ma.20. HttNTH lllACa. 400 yerd• Soncno (Hlltll 4 90 4 00 2 80 Mr OulCit-(Adltlrl 7 00 4 40 Arllatry !CardOU I 3 80 Al10 raced Lucky Leil. Sheclly Boone, Higher Order. Country Plato!. The MO< ... man Time 20 39 '2 IJlACTA 14-tl Paid 148.00 ....,,. MCa. 400 ywdl,, ntr.-N b9y """""'8) IUO 1t.40 1.10 A-. Y0411 OIAcee (a.id) I.JO 4.40 Ael'IM Aebtll ~ 1.00 NlorllOed:Clmy~Mr.~ Dodi. ,..,. Chic Copy, 8411 Boogie. Aul\.WIWI LM Time 'o 4 I $245 00 a PtCat m 19--6-1.e-4-41 pe1c1 t 1.408 80 wtlh 211 """"'llO llclketa (four tlor-). t2 Pleil Sia Con.otaHon peld 131.40 with 411...,.. nlnQ oc:tiet• (llveo '--i *"T14 ltACI. 350 yw~. ~ F0t C.... (CetdoU)4 80 4 00 2 90 wrlWIQle Alot (M~) 10 oo 5_eo Olln.wle Slatton CPeullnel 4.00 Al90 tee.cl Ohl\ Lele Lale. Jetlwey ~. K_, ~. Nettve T•, t<ld At .._,, Sr, (;hid.. EMy Jela Wlncll Time 17 71 11 IXACTA 1"-1) Pe1c1$6440. 1'l'NTH MCa. 350 ,erella Meoolel MM! (,.__I I 40 a.to 2.80 Cerllli 0... Doll (Hert) 4 40 J 00 EMy Scer'8 (Creeaerl uo Aleo reciod: Ceil 0-. T'"'9 k . , ... Credit, P1y Th• Note, Moonri¥Or, Windy. Aegllme fk'N 1121 a UACTA (4-fl) peld l40 40. Allanel-. 10.157 6-3, 6-3; McOoug9I (UHL V) dlif, OeVAle (Pl. 6-2. 11-4, , .... ., St-• (UCS8) dlil. Stemey (P). M . 6-2; Hunt• (UNLV) def, 8'MllnQton (9J8~ 6-2. 6-2; ~ (UCI) -Mf. Benford ('8). 64, W , 6-1. Schultz (Ul$1 def 8ogga (lJS). 1-2. M (Mo.•> H~ (UNLV) def 8ty•b (US). 1-1, 5-7. 6-2; Perc:zk (UCI) del ~ (F8). M . 6-2; Kermer tUCSBI def 8'ooll1 (LllSI, M . 11-3. 8rY90f1 (SJ81 def Zenner (P). 1-3, M .............. (Mo. 'I Sn)'Oer (UCI) def ~ (UNLV\. 6-3, M , J ecklleh (FSI dot And.,aon 1ocs11. •·3. 1-e, 1.s (*. 21 Sf>epwd !LBSI del Ellie (CSF). M , 6-1; Arnell (UCSBI del Ould1 (UCIJ,1-7, ,_., 7-6 .I (*.I) G-(VHLV) def Md'her-(001 M 1-6 , 7-6 ~ (FSI del Kullft (8JS). 6-2. 7.5 (Me.4) Nll9on (UCtJ dfll F1Mnn8n (UC88). M , M . Nerell IL8S) del McDoug.I (IJl'jLVI. 6-2. M (No.I) S-(UCS8J dfll Hunter !UHLV). 1 ... 11·3, Schultz !LBS) del R1rnot CUCtl. 6-I ..... 11-2 (No.II ,._c::nll CUCll oel IWlderlOn (UNLV). 11-2, 11-3, Kr-(UCSBI del 8rY90f1 (8JS).11-1, M '"' ltOUNt .,...... (No.,, MOflYec·Hefdl (LBS) def Dun-Neklllltolmll (Pl. $-1, 11-4. Jedllleh-Stlne (F81 def. O...· "''"""' IUNLV11 5-7. 1·3. 1-2 Dlch_n . Qr!Hlt>jlon (SJSI d.t e .. nell·Anderaon 1ucse1. 7·5. &-3. s~-au.o. 1uc11 def Blltlon·Ken...oy (US). 6-3, 1-3 (Me.I) Mc:DoUQel·Hunt., IUNLV) del Munroe-zenner (Pl, 11-3, 1·5, ~Ander9m (UC9BI def Wlllefl.id·Noblel (F8). 8-7. t-1, 1-t . Sl\epwd· 8'00"8 (L8S I def Neltor>-Aernoe CVCll. 11·4, l-4, S•vl•no·Kulln (IJSI d•I Kent·Wlcoa (US). 5-7. a.2. 7-1 ( .... 1) McPl•·•o1 .. Peruell (UCtl Oef Senlord· Lent11 (F81. 1 -2. 1·5. Lubbeo·Aunell (UCSBI Oef. lltv90n·Ven Eynde (llJS). t-1, 7-1 . Aonal-Hend1raon (UNLV) del OeV.....StlltM\' (P). 6-0, 1-1. 100411-Men• CL8SI del Begor! ltlddo• (\J8). M . 6-3 Tewn S-... (Iller llr'l1 "'Yt 1 UC IMne, 22 POOnl•. 2 (Ile) UC SaMa e..-... Long 8eed> Stet• 21, 4 Neotecs.-L.ee Vegee. 11 . ~Fr-State, 14 8Sen-'-Stete,11,7 Cel StaM Fulerlon. 2. I (tie) Pacific, Utell Stel•. 0 C-.:1'1 ..... .....,.. cc-1d&icl l'llw..a =~cc;1 Scribner (Sa ddleb•Clll d el. Cluu tRlo reld •). 1·4 , l ·I . •-a: ltrobl (Sedclle«>edll def. OlmetM ( lleddlebectl). 6-1,6-3. Scribner ~~ dol Strobl (Sld•t>•CIO, t-:1, 5-1, 6-4 .,.......,..... Slr~ (~)def.~ Gnu (Bed"'ltllldl~ 1-1, 7-1. High echool """" ........ '-" t4Yo, ...... ''" ........ Oab<lel (HI) loa1 lo MetlM. 34. Gel, Sut· Ion, •·O. def MOIO•C:hO, 1·2, .,., 'T'un'ell, &-2, Cramner (H8) 10tt. G-11, -· 1-5, e.1. 6-2, Cerroll (H81 loat. 0 ... 3-1. 2-41. o-e. Olf\Z IKBl IOel. 0.8. 1-8, won. M . loel, 2-8 0.-... Andr•••·Bernerd (HBI del Pe rk••· S........_. M , 1-2. def WNlc:her-Ooconneli. 6-I, ,..a. Eemeet-Bertle (H8) IOet, 2-8, 2-8, aolll ..... 6-2 c.-.. liiller :M. LI _,... 4 Sullven (CdM) ~ 1-3, Gel Y-. l ·O. d•I Dn1a, 8·0. d•I Si.ore , r.s. 8'owneber98f (CdMI won. M , I-I, 1-3. e. I, Aler (CdMI IO•t. 4·1. det1u1te4 to Vena, -· 7-5. toet, 6-7 Solclet (COM) lolit, W , won.t-4.6-0,t-2 ~ HIY""lrd·WUhet (CdMI Oef. L-- 8uclll•. 6-0, 1-3. def M0t ... IU!oury, 1-3 . M . Gertten-Ewtng (CdMI -on, t-4, 6-3, ..... 7.5 ---·~· ........ Or-(U)def Froom1111, W, ~~· 1-1, def.~. t-0.io.t 10 d , ...._ PIUllOn \UI IOel, 1-7, won. &-1, 6-4, io.t, 2-8; 01y (UI oet, 4-t , won, 1·4. 7·5, loll. 5·7; Mar1lne2 (UI loat. 2·1. won. 1·4, 1-2, totl, 1-8 .,..... 0tl"9f·V•nhteett (U) Iott lo Wlnl . ...-0· Berez, 3·1. 3·8, Iott to Murphy~oflnaon, M . 4-1; O""'-·Mergollt (U) IPll. 5·1. 7·1. IJlllll,(M.M . AYSO • s1gnups slated The 1982 American Youth Soccer Organi za tlon season' doesn't get off the ground until September, but offidala from the regions in Orange County have already acheduled registration data. A YSO ii open to boys and girls ages :5-18 in most regions. Here's a rundown on upcoming registration dates: MCllOM I (Foun1tiln V'*1y, WMlmlnetor) - ~ Seturdey •t McOeMn Junior HCQh, 11 a.m. to 2 p.rn., ~. bring • blntt certlbte, .... ~ ec:fledulecl. Cell ~123 '°' "'°" 11-.111111too. ..... ., (f.ut N9wpot1 BMcll. Corort• def ..,.,) -Aegl•tretlon Seturd•Y •I Eut- bllllt Eel'llenWy Scflool. 9:30 e.m. to 2 p.m .. ~.pie,.,.,_ to tile reololl. M'ien·)'Mt•· * end "'*• to perUc:ilpew ln 10-m1nute llkllle Wllludon. Aealett8tlon muet be dOf'8 In I*· -· Cell ~ for more lnfomwatlon. ...,. ., (Weet Newport 8-:tl) -SIO- l'lup8 .,. Saturdey from t e.m. to noon et £"'91 ./vttlol High. comer CM DrM, 1rWW A~ &21, ..,_.. lhould 1Ubm1t lnN'enoo • doctor • nerne, llc>uee •ddreN end llom• ~ ,..,_.-ne regletrwita ltlolAd bring• b4t1tl ~te. Shoft alllh cont•t edlecN-tecS. c:.I ......_. ...,. W (C.0.U ...._, -Aegillretlon 19 snn.y end Mey 22 .. a...1c &dlool, 10 Lift. tot p.111.., 125 (l20 for-"' c:ttlld, 1115 for lt*d). -P.Y.• ~ bring • blrtt-oei1Mcal1. ~ cMlie of*',..__ 8'IOC enc lleve en 911'\0rgency piton• number. Cel 867.S1. RIOIOM 144 (Soulh lrvlne, •outll of 8en'WQ) -Aegillltlatlon .. June g end 12 •• Un1V«91ty Community Park, 1 BooclltrM L.aM, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m .. 130, bring • birth Oll'lllloll ... Cell 133-A YSO fOf lntormetlon. --• (Lllgune Beedt) -Algletr•Uon II Mey 22 at ~ 9-111 High, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.,....,. for~ eow 11-15 .. ot Dae.''· '40 •tallbatlon ()loUnolt« kwpe the IMlform). UIS ror ..cones ct11rd •nd '30 for lt*d, revttcranu "'°'*' bo ~led by ell ..... ,_.,..,. required to pertldpet• In ... -..ion. Cell 4'4-11689. : MtMOM M (North Huntington 8Mchl -...,__ n Ml tor May 115 et the Murdy Perk ~Center from t a.m. to 2 p.m., 1215 .• .... wld &IJ1ti ~to required ....... ICMcMed. Cell 947..ett6. MalOM t41 (North Huntington BHch. •. w.tmlnater, 8unMt 8Mch), regletretlon 11 Seturday and M1y 22, I •.m. to 1 p.m. •t ,..,.,,.. Sdlool, l20 for Int c:ttlld, l20 for llOOfld ... 115 for INrd, blrtrl °"1Meet• end ... ~-required fOr ~ -to the l'lfllon. Cell Lw Kl*! .. lft. 7101 fOf more llllon'Mlton. MalOll •(South Huntington BMdl) -~ .. oomplett. Ceil Bert>er• eo.. ltO'Adl. 147~11, for more lofolrNUon. .... "" (Cefttnll Huntington 9-:fl) -"9glRreUOn S.turd«y et Tllf>ort Sdlool, t ......... to a p.m., ~. ftlld ..,._tlon '9qlked . CNld"""" be. by Doc:. 31, 1912. No"-YMt-oidt. Cell Oeryto Hett et N4-Mt2 tor mote ""°""99on . ...... (No11'11Mne, nor'll of ..,,..,.. oa>-'luutllradon II May 1e end 23, CCllloe ,..,. Bw•iMtllfr 8otlooi, 121 '°' P-. NO .., ...... birth certttlcaW r9qUllNd tor ~·new to Region 21s, llllll• IMI IC.....,_==~c..:,:• Welaoe at 552-4M2 for mote~•· .... :J!io.lmlln). rag61tre1IOll Mey 15 Md II, ,__ , t 1.m. to 3 p.tn., '30, t40 .... M9y ti, birth oerub .. reqUred, ... n1tu1tfon ICJheduled. Cell Jim Stono et 112..-S .., "'°'° lnlonnltlon. Garage sale set 1bere will be many benefid.a- ri• when the Huntington Beach Aquetic Club holda ita two-day ......... Friday and Saturday, Ma.Y 14-16 at 6871 Rio Vi.ta Dr. In Ramtlnlton Beech. . The Ml•, with donated items from ~tely 150 famllies, t. .cheduled to atart at 8 a.m. •• UCI by l; Gauchos, CdM • WID The UC Irvine tennSa team, • fXpect.ed, held the lead afttt the flnt day of competition at the PCAA Champlonahlpe, bo9ted by UCI Monday. What wu uhex- pected, however, w1a the Ant· eaters' margin over the rHt of the field. After Eric Quade, the team'• No. 2 player, and teammatee DI McPherson (No. 3) and Mark Ramos (No. ~) were all upset in their respective di'<i•tona, the UCI aquad only held a allm one- TENNIS point advantage over charpns UC Santa Barbara a nd Long Beach State. In other action Monday, Saddleback College wrapped up the Mission Conference cham- p1onshlpa with an all-Gauch• final In both singles and doubW Corona del Mar, meanwbtl-4 cruahed San Diego's top CU' n,, presentatlve, La Jolla, 24-4. At UCI, J im S nyder (No. 1), Rob Nelson (No. 4) and Ruben Perczek (No. 6) all reached to- day's final after posting fl.rat· round and aemifinal victories.· UCI doubles teama of Snyder and Quade, and McPhel"IOn and Pe r cze k , also survived firat- round competition . S nyder wasn't pushed in ei- ther of his matches as he euily disposed of Paci f ic'a Elliott Dun, 6· l , 6-3 and Nevada-Las Vegu' Phtl Agassi, 6-3, 6-4. Quade, who reached the sin· gles hn.al last week in the Ojai tournament, was upset in the second round by UC Santa Bar· bara's Larry Barnett, 6-7, 6-4, 7-6. In the Minion Confe rence championships, hosted by San Diego CC, Saddleback's Rob Scr ibner de feated teammate Mark Strobl, 6-3, 5-7, 6-4 to claim the singles title, while the dou- bles team of Strobl and Scribner defeated the Gaucho twoeome of Sean Leslie and Bob Grau, 6-1, 7-6 to take the doubles crown. La J olla, the de fending San Diego County CIF champion., couldn't solve the Sea Kinp. the . No. 2 team in this year's Sou- thern Section CIF rankings. CdM, which is 17·1 for the year, was led by junior Brian Sullivan and sophomore Scott Brownsber"er. Volleyball • • pa1r1ngs announced Top-seeded Laguna Beach, No. 2 seeded F.atanda and No. 4 leed· ed Co1ta Mesa high achoola all received first round byes aa the CIF announce-d its pairings for the opening round of the volley- ball playof&. Area team.a that will be com- peting Friday include Marina, which will host South Tornnoe, and Corona del Mar. Fountain Valley and Mater Def, which will travel to Lo. Altos, Dana Hilll and North Torrance, respectively. All matchea are aet to begin at 7 p.m. The ArUl1a, who have won 36 straight dual matches over ape- riod of two years and are the defending ClF champiom. won't play their fint met.ch until next Tuelday. .. will the r.,1el llDd the Mustanga. Laguna Seach fin1ahed South Cout League play with a 10·0 record. In the Sft View Leecue. matters were a bit more com- petitive aa F..tancia (13-1) edatd Costa Meaa (12-2) for the 1eq\le crown. ~ROUND PM9Mll .,...,.,.... Laguna leech.. bwe: ...,.,.... at 10tei tern AcecMmt: ClilfOM!a •t l~ ...... r-.. M9r1ne; ._a....•..__ ... ....,.ili:.:"' .. La~°"" air ate.ta ~~- ..., litttOOI, ~: ...,..... It ............... ; CotoM ~Mer M l.OI Miii; ~ ..._ It 0.. H9t; •w I' at IA AAL; .... lerlNll• at 9outtl ......._.: .....,-.,. .t Nor"1 Torr...-; ....... ._ . ' win '" • 4 • a o ....., • 400tl ~(W...-~ a"i 0 0 0 0 I . J. TilollloMft. P'ltteMrfll, t; ~. .... yen," ... ~,. ..... 11 ...,._., ~-"°"*· .. ........ ........ MllllM.11: J,,,....., ..... ...... "''°'9Mll. .... y .... *I(, .... GWC women top Fullerton ..... . .. '.I ...._(l.0-2) 1 I t t I t WP_.._., 1. T-~N A-1 ..... ......... .,..... ......... IOO 000 000-1 I 0 ..... 400 020 ..,._. tO 0 ,....., C-.(1).~{7). ~. ~ . =--"=--~~ ~t=-r1r~ .... ~ ....... =.·"·CM. ...... ta; T,=m •"" . .... , .... . ,_., .. .._ -· ... Dll9a. M:~"1: ....... ~ Md, 4• : , ........... -.. ,, ,.._ .--. Y"'-•1: 0.... ,....., •1: ~~·11 '-...... ....... •t: ............ ,, ..... ...... ·-~ ......... .. ~~·1~7 Ce! ltata Oollllnouot Hiiie t, Oel llelo Honllt ldge I ,,_ ..... ti, .. ,,.. ... ' 1 brouaht the other r un home w1Mn lhe lifted a waUM fb' to Wt. . \ OrM9it C0Mt DAILY PfLOTfTu.My, May ... 1982 H/F ., .~1.' "1tlnr...:...... ...... ...... 9'-'11.ftl!...... •• .. ... { J.lff ·~iiiiiiiiiiillili•lillill. llll't. 01111 1\11'0 Aot• , OOod 1~,_, bOet .,r.•••••••••••• ••• HI a 111111 ' I Liii,.. a .. I 11111, ao tla"O' ''°· 1100. wllll for beDlnnar. NOO wltt1t. '11 1<.weeMI KDOt. lllnt V ....., fat 11 ONta Mw ad ...-or .111.11 ..._ oenM ,_.. llO. bfndl"I'· loot• n e Alto IJdo 14, only bwt oond. Mu et ue. • ~r .,... ,_........,,..... W,.. to•• l:.t; H•r·boy NoJ•nt• a acou 110. '" ... .,., .,,,., .._ ,,eoo1oftlr .. 1n.~•. ..... . • ~ .. ,. lftlmllllM~ . .....,.. ,_ '1' .... ~ .:.· o!"'= ... MOTT 17&.1 '11 Knt l<HIOO, ·a ca ... pne. fteiluN. '*°'*· M*la • publlo we·,.._ to bulld • 2 • i. a 1 0 .... lnl uodaM. oie.n. '-'' • r• ~':':"~1T,~::i•. oontaot. ,•:t:,;::noe. , ... , pool o qvallfled • •m P • fr,...., VP to H tt, ODM .,... 1fable, meny extru. '\.tT ~ ..,.._, · ,_ .. .,......,.. ...... .,.... .,,,_ ..._ MM M.00 par"· Cell PeoaY mak• offer. Ato ll 11111 • l•ld1~ '!"· MMlly, a.....,..•~ iltOtk In t"9,.... Heroulon 0011011, SH ••• m¥.:'ln11' ••• ~ "'c.rri., 7'4-t&6-2U3 t7&-ee40 n'70I No ....... QOllllll g::•noe a MUii. 'uJf ,,,-. .,..., At .... , one ltrown & b~l•ld, 1 t'7t 212 Color wti-d• 1-8 'IO l<awtiaaltJ KX280 .... ~ f. (Ml~ ,_,., -:.-: :.:.:; OOod oond. 20 ~~~~ ~EWPOAT Arollet M•· Great cond .. equipment ...... ~ -pel"IOll-..._ 111 NM t: 1:00 ....... , or.....___ 8l~A ' ma. 2111pe .-i. up to 1no1. MOO. aa'..a&1 ---'tnd, ·--· · ..,..... -·-• ~~lldwk GA puellbutton color 42• '42-44M4 MPM ;:.:.~1,r:.dw~::f~~ ...,......, o"~,:~~,_{9Y:O:'k":'n": M0.'7$-1202 ' ~\:t":,~~91°28· NA~E0:eoa:1orenttor '?~::·!~·= ..._ a. '--MM taeponalbla. Plkl com.-PIT -• -tU••-Ot OllMn belle. "'-' cndlnz.a, '-'". 2 pvt boata. Appfoll 20tt lldr chrome, 1,000 orig ~.n.rr.;i •• ITT PH)' be11•flt1. lalery...,., Oltlme ;:-:: .. IMery d9pendt Oii PP9-et>out I'. A11<1no •1u. NEW KLH S~KE':,_ ••· Newport uea mu .. Mint cond. Muet U01000.t1IO,OOO fl.Illy 00""'99"9'r•t• w/Hp. outgoing pereonl Tiiie rtenee. Contact ,.,ton· ~ Alllllll v8'Ue, ~ 411&-7474 Mk fOf Marte u• 11550/b Ht ofr ""°"a····,•0o 1ao11.1f90•0.0t00w0• ~~ ClllL.any,14t11Dt Poa.ltMonaofour*91 Ml,~.... OOYOtt &l:o:;;t .,,.,. oecStoS315. c .....,..... 541.1845 ... 00, INIUAANCe flP(.~lnlrYIM xlntoond.AllelntS310. IEAUT.,UL 25•• A A Sllc>a•vallda wllOfrno ................. , •• 1.1 Apyt1, oomm'I & non• ._ II gu ...... luh... .'GI llH opentno• for 1u1>ervl1tng ctlll~ren i \ .... ta-4000 Color TV ..... 2 >" wmty. 84e-o851 y, --6?/ owner program. Ptln ffi1'JL!; ........... ':T 0 111 h ':f 1 --.. ... p. lndMduel• to..,. tHn reGreatlon.i funo· uo , Illy St. t 148. "*' doll'VerY. latllfW... 1111 onfY, Cell !of ..,, DOW-JOHN AT FOAD r 0 0 • ' )l....,. Yloe P•flonel line •o-.. ..,.. Greet Job for cot. coee...... OllMr\ ... .....,. aofa. TV JoM'• '46-17M NAN TE 0 BAL B 0 A ••••• ~ ................. . N!'t' IAVINQS. Br•nt: Ski Mtmmotll·wltll '-1 ••911 ~tt. OOWttt. Ml* hew OOod .... ilUCMnt. Houri: TWo An linen. S170. ISLAND Dock, Slip, RENT 2t It. motOf home. _ ... __ H_1,.1 ______ 1 9rend1 l Irland• from ~ ::tr:i1~ orll & written ~ I Tw. ~ & 3 Clftamoona. ew 549-3513 S:t~'. :·~=;::: MOOflng or Tie Down for Sipe I . tu:'l. IOeded !P.11. ! "' --811111 larber•. (808) liiifiiYiiiiiiii1 cet lon •klll•. S•lary p.._. oonteot: ia.1-N II• AUrecllv• room divider '*• 1195. 1so-1eeo. 8' Sall boat. 176-97tl °' 84 Mtl U _,. M1-414t IUlllY WIADHI OC!n'WMI_, ... W/ •• & 8'anne H.-e -• n • -b tt t t7 42 72 11711 640-5214. 24' 72 Clau A Winnie. i1o:oo0:a;CM;,0W+i~~ ---------1 Nead• m1011lne Os>af•· ~·Paid oompeny M -.. •II ?" ,!:.Ca 11 , :.. to,.,.: 11" • JL.1M Nanted Off ahore moo-Xlnt cond. 18950. toe.I r••ld•ntlal TD'•· H..•0n1d1•,.omb•·1 1 1ntelllgent tort tot'*""-· oeroer. ta. AdYanG*nent 1611carr 1~ St. ..._, • ttpa. AWt In ~ ~.o82'7 Colot ponU. T\I, 1250. rtnn for leue, Nftport 540-1642 or 646-94e0 Mu-. V-. "' u neaamin tac:ll.,,pteate<.Cutfom potentlal.F0teippt.call ..___a.di petaoft.No~cah. atand--" 873-1241 Ba• 35· 1allboat f I 3.4 :b';"~ :,,,n~."'C'!n Mall• alnc•r• •lender workroom bparlanoe , _IMl __ e_ .. _1_8_08 ____ , '7tr'720-ztte nu.,.,._, 1~. 8wedl1h smoked OIHI •• ,... 55t~93 . frlllm ftntl If, & .. lady, good mor•. under _ .. ,__. l50-otla •• LO• .. ,F ....,M'S dinette 1et, 01ne back .. ,. I .n.. •••••••~•••••••••••••• D•nnl1on "1100. 31 for laatlni,r•la-r.,._..... ~ ..... -.,..... chr• 1 360/0BD N .. NlED N t Bch 11 Tent tr111ar, f1m11Yc size, 873-7311 -·-WI W C0Mt Hwy ' . L.,/-f " · p · ·I p, f ---------lklnlHp. 13M3 .... {UI) PIT •Y ... Mon/Fri. 8 I d I .II ~ :z N 9 ' 8S0-18e0 ••e':l:"'JJe..-........... 31' .. llboet. 496-6228 good condition, o.ta O • -.... Good drl'Vln" record PM/12 Mlulon Viejo Ruby'• 111 "oh op ' • · •--·• Ill~ room and elC trae (low =II, .,... .. nel HH Cl••• 2 lie., :Work with ar-.. '4/tw 641~11 et-help nffded appllce-WAITAESSIWAITIA w/ Cu1tom Q,Ontemporery _., • ~llp t3'11 It X 42 10< rent price) 997-t879 !@' "'···················· . t'--.. _ .. __. c' M 197• r lck balk t aofa & IOYeHat Oris •••••••••••••••••••••• S300 mo ........ Alfi 2 f 1 , ........ tll elderly. CclM, 151MM71. •I PM ...... _...... ' . "' car or w .. er . • a1•00. iao. l45'o . a ·. 12' G1a1par •P••d hull ,;•0.5159 A111 •-~...,, ..... , •••••••••••••••••••• .... , or ........ ~&17"1.'45-1100 lunollltl'V.8.30-1.30PM, •"•r new 1 4 oo .·boat,flotatlontanka, -"m •• ,,.. .. , WIDOW HAS Ill'°' TD'• S/31. wonh 5fi 10 •27oo. Inc ...... 111.t L.1111. _.,. · aAWIOICX>MTOD Mon.ftn. !am t1I04178 ~ ..... 1 • ..,. • ntWIY pelnted. trant dol-l4 --. -.11-p-for_r_en_1_1_m_on_111-.1 I Ann•tln Hll AE Loene, 10K Up. No '3001080. 8 8-8740 40 hra, no~. Ba-needed'°' bu9v gerwal Mu1t be ore1tl"9 .;.f. wtcty. Ml.tet be'*'· pet· ....,.. "'""" ty, 13&4724, '650. Newport Beach. $210 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~.~~~·~~~:on"":,::~: .. krw•I 1uy commensurate on praottoe In Hunt loh. mo1lveted & love pao-eonebl• & energetlo. 8olld pecan ooffe1 & end mo. ~2•1234. LITE BODY WORK & 173-73l1 !hf • .-•• =........... e..,.nence. Laguna Hiiia. 8elf•1tartar, 3 ,. :a:' pee. l'lloell• oomtnlalon t71·0141 aft 10AM for tbla w/wall unite, 1178, ... ,,, ..,,.. ~/up to 50% oft your --~~-:-=="'.'""---I,,. flutM 1111 713-3714 Marie axp. Pl...,•ld. T 1 ......,.. hcM.. Wll 1,.,.,: wt. wt1 eep, ec>-1aeo. ._1 __ 1 ,.,, 1~uf~t~n~~~:1U'u'bv;~~ atlOP Mt. 531-9132 ..... -·~········ .. ••••••••• E ' I I • 0 tant LIFE GUARDS 14 7t llr 4•14'1 Wcrd Pr "':p,ant unua.d tof•bad ••• ':1:-dtt.-........... 1200 mo """3618 ... -m ....a...... COMPANION Aide me-n ry eve o oun · . . ocessor ""' I 1a·o· OLD EVINRUDE · _.,.. --" ,...._ I buy dlacount•d Tru1t tur• woman No II~• In d egr ee r e q u Ir • d -Swim IMtructon. M.to Ill.a m nt cond, or g. .. , 15 HP, $400/or b9I otr ---------1 S65. 831-2589 ~:~ ~~:~,~'f:::! no llHY)' hawk, full 0; accounting or related. hf. cal tee-0311 &rn blO money wortit.lng x.ox lllO opereeor wttll eac.. MOO. eso-taeo. 175--4714 -.ii., 11111 ... Of ............. FCllll '*'time. '48-7470 SNO 9Jlper. nl~2!_ .. N•ry. Loen P1~. ~ par1 time by"" 8Mdl.. 10p Mlntal1el ak ... 2 to 8ofe Steeper 1&5. Brown d ... 1111 • ..... -,. alary negot ...... on-10 run 1 Oii omc. Mutt CALL: W w. Wllcoll 4 dey• par WMk. Non-tone• good cond C•ll 1918 Mercury OUtboar . •••••••••••••••••••••• actlonl Contact John Youngmerrladmanwould amkr. AIP. AIR, G.L .• ba eble fo procei• tor 71..:_~1 llnOftar. NEWPORT SE· Ulllan·781•4074 E~ea a. 80HP, lo hrt, 11,100. Sim jyal anu1• ...... 8hM 855-3454 Ilk• odd Jo bi avH & prep ol financial 1tale-FH LMC loan• a. Znd CAETAAIAL. Wlcnd&. 642..()()53 aft IPM. Up to 59 it, COM area. wtcenda. Can do 1 'Variety menta. Send iwume to: T.D.'I. Lagune Beach SA TU.2317 ICING SIZE Firm bed & ... ,. ,..., "" 10.00 per ft. Cell Peggy TONNEAU COVER Flis MG'a, '71-'81 Never uted, $75 l•""WMll/ o t handyman Job1a . PO Box 12130, lanta area. 8all ry o.-n plue GH-3 GEAOVITAL ... l'Jt"N fr·~. lllnt. ---"'. Sl"'n. •••,••'•••••••••••••••• or Carrie. 714-955-2473 • .,.,, 872-9525 av ... Hk or Ana, 92112. Attn: Patrt-. commlulon: Circle now evallebl• In tll• -f.C _ -·-""'tu "" 4 8 bl d 8 dfl h ~-d• 8 fl r•I 1 •....!/ 8llL cla. Home·L.oane 4•2211 USA. le It the FOUl'ltaln of •H•••J• ............. 157-673-4 2 •• r wor • 1-----------1 IMI I 1..-' G """" & Youth? FrM aemlnare, • ..._ 1111 boat & trlr. Compl rig-NEWPORT Ar~hee Ma-A "' , i.H Matla 631-7797 Iv m7 ....................... ..,, flutM 1111 FOOD MANA EA. v.... Maida, txPe1laoe1 helplUI. high Income potentlal. •••~••••••••••••• a.,.-1'J. 1111 oed. ready to tlall. St5, rlna, 2 11tpa avall. up to •• '. ••• !!!•••••••••••• ' •• ,, ,,. :::r.................. counter help. Hunt. Bell. Headed tor time~ & dlltrlbutortlllpl aYall•-OLD Ooldan Oak rolhop ... 9A................ 000. 495-51e5 42' 642-4144 9-5PM IMPORTANT NOTICE .!'!f!I!............. ""'· MN. Plant ofc N.B. area. Se11onal, Aprll • motel unite. AWt to the ........ 714/913-5536 0.-W/l'#MA, edJl»Ung &tat• Sale, rnoltly fufnl-• I . • 10 READERS ANO *_., Exp. only. 8-4 •hlft. Sept. Sen. cltlzena we1-S•n Clemente Inn. Aek .,.. ~-13.200-~162 ture In oooct condition, 55 YACHT. Docked .n WANTED· Dock to rent for .. ~.·.-. 648-9231. coma to llC)pfy. 54-4-5318 ..... A ....... No t..._......... ... 1 _., _ , aome intlquH. Phona ~.._Pt.1 Forb ••,•• only tlTme 2 pvt boat• APC>fOJC 20tt ADVERTISERS _,. -· "" . ._ ....... ~-_, 11,. Ill 541-3644 llrl &-10AM & .,,., ng ••I on ex • • N •"' P 0 , 1 • r • • The price of Items ad-1815 so. El Cimino AMI. a...tlc Sen Gener11 office . HHYY oallel Mature for Coeta M••• •.•a .. •.•."·····•••••••••• 4:30-7PM benefits 1110 av all US-7474 lllk IOI' Mri vertlMd by vehicle dea-l. C. 4'2-72te Full lie. Tel9phone oper. Eiper phonet. bookkfft>lng. MEDIC. AL A.u.t. Limited Women'1 aotfllrta Store. HAMOA AREA ' · 1 1100-$1500/mo. Doug 1et1 In the vehlcle ~ onfl'i. Ho ottlar need ap-$6.00 hr. Cartlflad Ap-X-rey cert. req'd. (MS). Permanent pert time n -APPLIANCE SERVICE ,,,,.,,, !!ff 175-3258 •.,.rt 111ftM tied adve<titlng COiumns Mw°.~~."c,~1:~:.?o':.';f5~ ply. 1·4 Mon M-F. 362 pllanoe. M2..()240 Aell. llrl. 831-4420 :s.g~~· lmmadlate. We ... 1'9COM~. ••••••••••••••••••••• '7t 310 Wellcralt Cibln Slip• 1va11 day, wil °'mo ~;::.':: 1'."x~~~~: Aeward. 835-1775 ext. TI*d St. Laguna 8w;tl lwnl...... ~ n Wll'fm saml Cnf, Item rm, 3t', twn ~6-0551 tran•1er feee , fin ance 17. Apc)lcatJona being aooep-Must be Mat end U>6e to MISES Al)ES ..... , .. Ref rig . U26, Wu her. WI.,.,_, ll50 ~m H0'1, lo1ded, •IP• 6 w AN TE o BAL Bo A c:Nrgea . ._for al< po1. tad lor flrlt quality rum.-work. wtth pubic. Due. f.llp. In Oar1atlcnur-'ngl -Dryer, DWlwuher 1125 _,_,.. . Miii 1 31,600 73 t -4332. ISLAND Dock, Slip, lutlon oonHol device Pet Own~··~= lure defivery driver. Own lncluda raglaterlno muat. Only de~lceted, lfllT --. '46-~ :;".~'-•••••••••~? 131-6340 Moonng or Tie Down for certlllcat1on1 or dealer ~ .I:.u!. no caon. ~.!':!'&°~~~.":r~v·l,_t:~:: gueatl In "art buay AV loYlng I**>"• nMd •P-Th• 1.09 AnoetM Tim•• '"' IPf\llml . em:: :p~ ==· II I • IPUllL ~g.~2~' 675-9716 ()( ~l~cnu~~~~·grz:~·~1!r:~ "4-0221 cord • muat. Call.Mon-ARK . CHiiler ••Per ply. Exp. au 1ttlf1. Xlnt. Clrculetlon Dept. cur-LM 957-8133 ••II I 126 o IO BO. 22' Chris Craft '58. Ma-otherwlH ipeclfled by helpful.Apply Ina, proo11m. Call : remtyllalpoeltlonaoperi ~ .... aut .. ,,,7_...:..18 llOQ. hull. EYwy option. wanted: Off shore moo-Fri. 8:30-9AM only. •"'411... 2~ In HI••· Al• field re-fW•ioeretor-•,_, o ._ ... 0r .. t cones. Dependable ring for l•H•. Ne•port the advertlw ~ IOlllOMI """'°" lllMICI eo.<>1111 -.£ Pl-. a HAPPY AD In ""' column for onty $3.25. Call 142-5878 '46-7416. 1111 .... llflr.• Nuralne prnentatlYeyou'llaam defrolt, 2 dr $155.'4ctdlamondpendant, 8eyllnbfd 180hlPHer· Bay , 35· aallboat ~--,,-• fSll ASSEMBLERS. We wlll In W f....... aJ, -'I-an hourly wige l gen• 113-SIOeO. mu.i Mii 11111 WMk, ·~-culH eng. Full 1natru-551~93 -., ~~."o!Pe~c~~~· ~~cl GEHEML OfftCE 11-7. 8MelCOMcMc•nt ~~ = k-:iYlnat'rf Food-er•~•· ~~6H:~~ft~1~:r·~ :r-'':Uon and r~p1up1' IW--A-NT_E_D_·_N_pt-. ...,Bc--h-. s-1,...1p""', ••••••wANfiii ...... PtaClrltia, C09t. MaM lnaurance agencv In 11oe91tllt, Newport 8adl ptH" call· 857-2381 1 erp nee, very g. ,.._, ~ 557 9978 oc apice. m 31' aallboat 496-6228 ---;;iWPiiiiiiniW--I ,.. __ • ...___ .. ~ .....!...... .._. ·-Good_.,_ ext. 1....,.,. · • refrtg/lrtr, dbl dr aide/ ..,., """I • summer pkg. $4500, JQ BlJY I -..,...,. -·-......--"' _, ----"' ''"· llde. Coppenona,c::. -="· "" 175-7474 $llp t3'h It X 42 IOI' rent lllmr for energetic s>«•on to oondltlona. 54e-.3081. S .. LES t d d f 1 f 200 _,..., S300 mo d d f 27 Id ff~ " pereon wan • con • roe rH. . ••••• .. ••••••••••••••• t4' GLASPAR wltr1r & '19 UTE .. L ~=:d~lpl:;lc m~~aoln handle Ylllaty of o ACKAGIHO & Stock~-Sundlal FHhlona, La-816-1356 Home Computer, Te•H elec. EWI. 15hp. $1195 540-5159 o M uve In 84S--06e1 :1'::t:-& '!~ng~:.~:n-. FIT In Sante AnL TrU.. ount Boti. Call <7141 Wlllrlpool ~Hiier. Hot-lnltrumentl, a9/4A, ne., win NII aep. 875-t050 34· ltlp for rent t month. 1111 'Ml_ · · · knowtedge of mfQ-o-411m nea OK. 8031 S. Oak.. (97 .. n4 point 911 dryer Msyteg $330. 1~52-6188 Gwy Newport Beach $2 to WILSON! fCJRD a::r.:~:1~.~.~-helpful. Paid compei\y SA ... ..... por1atlie Mac.~ 115. OU) SLOT MACHINE ·:.t.~:0~1!~:. ~~v;:1~::. mo. 642-1234· 18255 Buell Blvd. clllldren. s 1 to wk. + benefit•. For ..,pt. call OrdM dHk, full or Ptl -. 546-18'2 fOf '*· VHF redlo, bait tank .... ,, •--11 H u ton Beach room & board. 142-9622 Gaorge. 54~ "" 11F11 '"'-time, fOf °'Moe Count· New ref rig .. Kenmore, 17$-2834 11 to &pm. deptllflnder, outrigger•. •~: 11,.._ -•• un ng •a• __ ..., Taltpllon• order olerk. (a motldynamk:elnglno trOMfl;ile, euto Ice maker COMPLETE HOBBY wltll tJlltet. $22,000. t11U ,_., 142-1111 Baby1ltter needed, my -•"":-' Help ua conduct 1 oro-talegram compeny. ta60 '46-1749 146-2843 •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------borne. Juna t, Releren-Newport men• ulon. motion tor thta .,..•1 ,,_ Good t~one perto-· 9AIHT SHOP 1250 . 111110 VElllL llTln UL.I ,cea 631-1965. Maggie Mull heye locel follo-""".,..1reper. Mon thru nallty & 1eg1bte ~ Selr't 1513 ClU ft. FrOltil9 Phone 87~5 For Sele or trede fo r 22· Cllrte Craft '58. Ma-. MAKE OFFER '68 Toro- BABYSITTER wanted In •Ing . 78% com m . Fri. 5:30PMto 8:30PM. ting a mutt. H.S. gra· vprlollt fraezer, •Int ooubla crypt, Well· pekuptruck, 16ft Trl-llull hog hull Every option nado. '73 Pln10. '66 my H.B. home lor new 148-2718 Sat. morning• 1 :30 to du1te. Sta'1 '4/l'tr. me.-conct.1215. 646-2"1 lft mlnllar Memorial Part!, walk tllru, very good GtMI cond Dependable Mustang. '69 Sllverllne born a. 5 yr Oki girl. PfT, ...... .... 1:.30. dlcaf benefltl & oredll 4PM olua 1 1700. Aaklng cond. S1,100. 6 cyl lnbrd 180 hi p trailer. 960--0t81 aft• 6 flulbte llra. ~ Full !Ima. E•"'. pref'd. 184.00 • wHk to ltart. union. Ap!Sly In pat1on NJnWt/119 ciu rt fr091..frM S1400. Call Answer Ad 859-1233 or "3--9741 HerculH eng Full Jn-Alili-n/ 1---------1 C H d_. 3 tor Af1ar first WMtl attare In M-W·F t -11am: Animal .,._by-alda rafrlg, ldnt #574 '42~300. 24 hrs. H' ... 'tis-1trumentatt0n end rll<lio .. -BABYSITTEA, M'IW/F. rown ar war•. ~nenhlpe profits. Cfedlera, 2t5 A'-1llde __..~ 1245 Good ru~A-~ltlon plus dock space Comp4 ClUlitl HJI 8:30-5:.30. 2 ""· °'<I boy, E. eo.t Hwy, CdM __..._'o::J _.._ A N 11 '::."'· . ' * * * """"' pk S .. 50 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------,. -·-.,,.. •.......-v .. · · -T•ln Vl'1. ood Hull summer g _.MA"·' •-r I._,..,. ••-my CdM ho1Ue. Ref's. HEARING AID remantl II 1 phOr'9 ~ ....___... 875-7474 ~ ,.i -,._ ~ ~ewe. SALES •e -~ SIMpt 4. Newport 1llp 1--------Shay replicaa, pleltupa & •••••••••••••••••••••• voice. Cel llft 1:00. s .... "-reMntetl'19 to 17420 Senta Lucie Aaklng I tt ,500. Wiii • ·-•~'•un h ,, ' FOlll> ADS ME FREE ! Cal: IU-1111 Pe 0 FlCE •-~I ... I .. M1n.-1 Opportunl ......,. •-•••••••••••••••••• ..,__...._ v..-. ,,..., •"' coupe• 4 to c oose BOOt<KEE RI F -.11 I -.-... -·. -call on reedar ad bull· P•uoeot PBN 10. 12 .--.. ..... -• con1lder trade•. SKIP-..... ............... Ir om! (005768) (S tk. Growing Coeta Me11 .... elC1. 3 t2~2_5818 neH accoun11 for ad· apead. 24 .. frame,~ You are th• winner of PER vs 173-5200 c..,.,,, J.11 A30ll3). Prlc9a starting 91 O..lnn Firm hH lmma-I 1...__. uertl1lng Mon-Fri hit I 122"' four fi"M tlcketl ($3e.OO) . •-t fJ-llLJ SI ..al d#llita·~· '°' peraon -"·-!QUI! Opf!Y E"'f'X' • . . w • w I CC... '" Yelue to the Partner wanted: 25' Skip---,.. •• I ...... aL&.......... - - -9am-5pm. a ... & com-'44-62H. -,.-a• jack Ellf:re1a Clbln •••••••••••••••••••••• ••P•r enced n llgllt -...,,.. mlMlon compeny .,.,,._ -7 c c 1 book1teaplng (A I P & flt• woi treln Naet IP-&..6UI s..cllfl VIM--. Crul .. r. 2200 down+ · •bover emper or AIR) & oeneral o Hlce ~ necwary NIT 19 pe9,anca a. go0ct ape111ng ~IJ._ 11 ="=''"iMCt. I 1300/mo. lncid•-H. H =·,~.' :1~~~· ~ ......,....._ ty. F\111 time, --1 • -m . .,_..._.....,....., ww•th ---1a1 a ... ':t7. p-_..,, T·-" ta 8--. 1llp. Daya 159-0500. w-"' ..-.. -~. ,.....,. ._.._"'""" •--_,, · .,,. -Q·,· •••••••• .. •••••••••••• ,,_, . ......,... E 557 9327 plftO" & oood tefaphona 8eneftta counMltlng 11rm hM ~ HYer. 11eo P acenua. .. .. /ff wed nud • y May t 9 --· I FMf 0-llilell ~lllty. W. cone6der nlnga for ~-5 •h•fl> out-C.M. 4:30pm Wiii rent, 1-or T O P $ 100 646-3738 part Uma. Sand ~ma APPLY IN PERSON going mlture people to •aa -Redwooct 2lll decking. p ..... mu1t ba redea-on your 20-25' N.B. po- H4EODORE ROBINS FORD lOt>O HU&O• Bl'ID COSTA MIU ()0·0010 tq,Ad #1012, Delly Piiot. 24300 Legune Hiiia Mall motivate embltloue 10.-13 _. 4-20' lbng; lllo redWood med before efM)W time. we r boat Bryan IJtdrit Cur 1131 P.O. Box t 810. Coata LeQun• Hiiia yr olda. Call 2-5pm. Telephone aollcltor. no fenclno. Lo•••t price To clalm P•••••· cell 173-1388 °' 850-1324 •••••••••••••••••••••• Found: Golden Ret. F, Maaa. C.. 92126 .OE EMPLOYER 142-4321, Ht. 343. A1k axper. nee. 9-5. Tuai. guar. J im or Ken any-6"2-5811. axt 272 P... • '73 CHEV Open Roed f RHI l>rirn ISSI lrlth Setter M, Pit Bull 1----------1---------for~ thruFrt.Od.oo.beneflte. Ume.'46-M85 .. mutt ba clelmed by 34 Oleael Trawler fig, 77K ml, sell c heap •••••••••••••••••••••• mix, wllt & blk F. N--HILD CARE-hou••· Honest price for llone1t 1~~~~~~~~!I Apply In peraon: l810 . M.y 14 1982 1972. $39.950. Hu llip ~2-8877 '78 Jeep CJ5. rvns good, =.'~Animal SM!-~::.1~5~~;3:111 =-~u~=~:: l~lant Maintenance. lnta-Ptaoantll. C.M. C...• I . • * * 642-t234 11i --,-t.n-.-.--,-Jj-,.--,-,-f-10 ~~~-~:s~ood suoo. pendable. Call Dimitri J1or & exterto< polltlon• S.OUrlty Guatd. Appllca-w..i-1 ... ,. J.JJ "" •••••••••••••••••••••• Loet: M mini. Scllnaui.r, hlropracllc 111111ant, 979-5027 avall. Full time Mon-Fri. Oone being taken for ••"'~•••••••••• AMWAY PRODUCTS dell·•••••'••••••••••••••••' '79 Peugeot Mo-Ped. ~r.yltan. Hell & Edward8 c all Tues between ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Muat ""''good driving Cllrlatlan School. Ref'• N" VMtar enlarger & Yerad to your llom•: II' w 'W' Ill Kept In atorage lor 2 fntb ISU (Preatlge Tract), H.B.. 10AM-1PM for lntelVlew." record. 645-6252. req. 11135 Brookhural. llne.1299. A.-for Brien Cynthia Blake Ml-1215, 1978, \/HF. AIP. fatllo . yurs Xtra clean with reward. 848-1792 1-13_1_·,..17_9_1 ____ ~ HOTEL PfT PennMent F.'I/. 962-3312 at 17M181. 9119 '41-3211 ROf, IOw hrs. 5 bt!OI, haa many xtru. $395 or best •....••.....••.•..•... '17 Chevy Cheyenne 4ll4, V-8 , 4 spd $5700. PlUll -..S lien company nwl• Hlllmll llFFll SEWIHO MACHINE Newport Buch Tennis every optton, 1110w1 bet· otter. 963-2202. Stlll looklng for 10 11 ln-houH phone help. Naec:lad fOf luxury UQuna 111•1111 OPERATORS 11•1111 Club, hmlll. mem-ter than new. O.W.C . •11rqrln/ '81 King Cab, 2000 ml, puppy. Mother dog on.-8ofM& 548-8837 Beach hotel. Fltlme aum-Experienced qu•llty Stan your darkroom to-beraNp, S150. 2-4847. 18% of 169.900. • __ ._ 11,,. lllneu forcea Nie, S7 150 Yin~. Sllangy 1onn hair. i---.----~----mer monthl, llulbl• Leading netlonal matt!• minded e.n.fttt Piece =Witt!• a..... 23Cll 5 Piece Place Setting• TRADE WINO YACHTS ~..... ~ cost $8400173-1784 833-0186 -.. ... f ••~• 11 c 1 t Gall tlnn firm nH,.• lntelll-_.._ ,.;..., .......... · ........ ........_, ...-...... Fr----------~ .. ~ .. · 876-9007 eeG-1725 Eve. ••••••••••••-•••••••• ---------Of white . 4 mo male. tor am all c~· In Coate ours· on •c : •1 edaptabi: ~ ,.,_ --~ ..... -__ .. ........_, ._--. .,.,.. '81 Vlrego 750 llke new 178 T<>YQta PIU, lo mt new '46-a810 MMI Good beneflll Vaughn-Purdla lor appt. 99"1 ' bll l ftllers. Mact.ocwtle ~ 120 par 6 piece place L ... r wltrtr, lllnt cond.. 4500 ml 3g mo. warr palnl. xlnt oond, $3900 · T · 1~4~9~7-44~~n~·~e.~o~.~e.~~~~I who • .. nJoytpllu c c,on-... ~Jobe Yarloua •• .. I• l •"•'Y ••ttlno. many ••rYlno call or ••• 111 5PM, $2,395call 146-4629 01y1 957-8507 01 eves Lott: '*'<Ser orey tabby Fyl time. W>a 40 wpm. tect. ua aYa c H r ~ type of darkroom aoc-.-"""-. 552-3352. 541.ee30 eel. F. wtit bib&.._.""-Trainee 01<. Call Ann .... t~ Yo6ca. An ldMI llTI 90lr'f ,,......,.. NA'"*" -·n Yamaha 750CC. allart 473-6275 bm rnUstadle. REWARD. 142-8343. .... ... poeltton '°'an outgoing ............ oond. Wll ..... paage Magic LOH Saga, Ill• MOTIVATED OWNER d r I Ya . 5 -Ip d . ·73 I H c v. ton Piek Up Loll In South H.B. C . .._O_U_N_T_E_R_P_E_R_S_O_N-fo-r Must be ••parlencad. penon wt1o cen work on How would you Ilka to only. 1100. 751-1401 ~ec1 J'" for Mother. Cel. 3-4. W..-way oond. s 1050/0BO. 551-0159. Xlnt S 1300 ~~.O:.. ~B 12 St. equlpmt. rental atore ~r~:1~2no•~·ARPo:~ r~~~ eregvlef ,::C:-~ earn• mUdl M '50.00 a ewe. .95. 1-1218 Hatter-. 17M71t ,_G_ood __ cond __ . ---~ --~.__960 __ -2_5_1_• __ _ 1peclallzlng part Y David McNlel or Mri . ~= lncoma For• ...-1 ot£8. PLUS MANY Mini trampotlne ror llMllll, 28'. Good llgllf air, trlr, 19 Suzuki RM 125 Dirt ·eo 'h ton 1llor1. 5 sp Lamar coma llomel We equlplflt. Typing req'd.. Baltazar be'-' 10 AM confldantlal lntenlew OTHER THINGS? Tllen 6,. W belt made. Joo In ..r.tv. motor, _. 4, 'call Evee. Bike, good cond., ssoo 9 4.0 o m 1. s 5 4 o o. love youl MIHlng SI•· ~:.:=·United Rent and 5 PM: 11 M 8 1 t i you would probaby pro-lm•••••••••••••••••• rele xlng & benlflolal. 714-997~129 firm. 845--0490 M2-«82. 645--04113 maH M. Reward. H.B. jl,iiiii7i80iiLiiil-_... • •-~ .... 178' · ro • • bably •nJoy wor111ng fO« lltmNa/Hlma11y1n Kit-1199, '4&-«>Sl • t "2·7004 -·-._ ........ ,. · ua. ten. 7 weak•. male, 12· Kite wltrtr 1973 Vespa Rally. bl.eek, '76 F250 v, ton 4 X 4 44. HIRD IUll 425 So. Coalt Hwy LB .... .... , OUAUFlCATIONS: Q1oc. Pt. l50. 495-4874. N1t1onaf C1111 Regleter, $500 w!Wfndlhle'd. Xlnt conc:t. ooo ml. lob ot lltras. Alt SCRIU L£TS For bu:T. medlc11 lab, 494-t151 1. 0\191' 12 yww of age. ._ "#II lltle ';""· alec:trlc, 1225. 1~2815 aft 5. H 75 080 e.45-3439 5 49~ ftlll• llra. SA ·5PM Mon-Fri. HouMkaepar, ll'Ve '"·ex-dt9111,1n1111 d 2. Nelt. 11one11 and de-~••••••••••••••••• 6'6-908 --------- ._'40-0 __ t_40 ______ 1 per & rel'• neoeu. 2 Nu '~enoe pendebti P£T8 "A" P£0PLE JoM Wayne Tenni. Club ANSWERS .. NCE MIF ..... , 1n ao-chUdren 11 & 17. Me1ure ~INou"'sT•l .. L EAf"'L 3. w~ in. ~ and Exotic ncatlona. heir femlly Memberlh!P Brlba " t t k are Of • "" ,.._ M-Seturdeya. ttylll l low at Sfsry'a. 11.c Offtir. IU-&113 V~--F......, clal dUb, ballroom clU-woman o a • c tate tOf e 1uccnarut & CALL TOOAYI POOdte tilde 4 Hie, T----------t U"rmn -·7 .... EMn •you IMm to t.orne In Hunt. Hbr .,..._ l'CMtnt ftnn. a.t wor-831-5e31 or 531-5257 ,._ •-"*'-846-2'48 So6818. GRAVY 11000/mo. PfT .,.,,.,.. Mutt be .. to do aome king oondltlonl In New-IAM to 10PM __,... ""7• ________ _, From the Take a Hint Mr. Biii 542·9047. cooking. Som• Eftllllth port Beech . I ......... N .. n0R??fll Depertment: '!f04' know 1---------1 n • c ••a. C • 11 71~1 M .,._ 846-1allS llft 4 •·~ Ml ....... ,.a bed 00<*..... • • * 213-592-24.41 .........----·-.... ............. ..... ,........_ -----'-......•............... your famlly can maka "'9 ..,... HOUSEKEEPER -A'i<'C',' to:..7n.~: .......... , ~c;.:,.w.urH wllll tll• 5135 ~~mouth ~x~ ~·.i~~ :,~ = :.:::·~ .. ':. home UIHd lltt•r. I l1lu•l11 You ere the winner of gent uleaperaone to lat_... ~7.,.., I foUI' free tk:ket1 ($31.00) 1111 •t• work In Ill• N•wport l---==-:==::=:--i;-:::::-:::::;;:::::-:::=~:::-·1-::~:-:;-----1 -.. to the 5 Yf9 ....,....,. req., to H#bOf w In oommer· -YlllAI ooott. dMI\ '*-& I» olal ..,., end/or r••· ...,.., 'l/llage byalt 2 )'I' olcl. NoMmo-............. .,, "" mew. ::::' 8Mdl ker. matu'9. e e11ry + efftueftt .,..., We offer T·-11 l.'OOpm room & llOetd • .,._,...._ ..., 00fftit"111DI• Ind -1"' .-1UPP011 • '°" .... ....... day M•y • OUSEKEEft!A, ..,.d. ..., ee.rter encl 'IMltd 4~ ,.,,. for home• Lee. wor••· ,,_.. ctll ,... .._ mu•• .,. red... 8dl. 414-471, "'·m oonldl "'1-~---~~--t f'MJI ...-. *"' time. --To 011&.n peu ... cell •II • *I 111 1r1 our iw.- MMln, .... 212. Aeipo.1111* ......... ...., =-~ OMter -mu111 be GlilllMd by 8tm-noon. ltlt1 tan.r. 'LIOHAMM -14.11112 Laguna Ntguet. IA. VICE ,..1IDINT ••• 4~. ,..,&~ Pilat ............ ·······..:· =nlat ~': : ~tWllfla~1r111-. • • •lftt PR' .n telep"9M. : ,... .. "' ......... r ......... w. NAllONAL Al¥V': ,.. ... ~ ••·· COOM91ATOR 17• ,_,_ "'· &.e- :=dlnate & 80Mdute Mtl• ""0 :,•;:!· 111!'· t-"""!!!:!~ •--rt1llllng. A11pOM1blnt ... ln-E monthly report1. oone-A9t11Mf911• noeL~avy phone wortc .. Naht '"me cklt ... E ................... ~ n.pert .... ..,1111-~H:!A•, alllty to handle , P11one1. be dei•t oriented Md ... to dMI •ectty ..... ..,_... ~ ....... .. ...,..... Hni. I to SPM. . .._.lllftNI.,.. °' •• Ceiiit .... . ,,...... -OltM A : ....... Newsp,J~r .eGrriers for l'outes m Huntington Beach, , Fiuntain Vdfey & N9V1POrt Beach I ' - ---------------------------.. H/F OrM09 Coelt DAILY PtLOT/Tueedey, Mmy 4, 1882 ~ •#Ii. 9"-.. C..ty 2925 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 171-llOO WE PIY TIP DOl.LAR ••no 11111 ........ NINI/AUii 2480 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA .... ,.. Ml-1411 Wllft &DI 11111 • n111s COMMRL CHEVROLET '""ilJrr"' I<. I l'>:\\1~'-\ S46-l 200 WIUY USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR l Fiii AlfUllAL Comller·OeLIOO 1821~LVO II HUNTINGTON BEACH .. , .... ,, 141.au1 'I Top Dollar Paid I For Your Cor• .......... u.. ...... ,.,,, 2626 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa 540-5630 Premium prlees paid tor any uMd car (foreign or domestic) In good condition S.. Us Flr111 SOUTH COAST Dodge .!8118 11.irbm Hf\d • l'~tJ \ly"" ~ <1.0 ~~1.!!'~!t'!. ..... . jalJ f 101 .•.•.................. I MODELS 1978 PEUGEOT 504 Die- sel. 4 apeec:t, stereo cut. pwr. SI. & brake•. pwr SAVE wi ndows. (049TZU) . Outltandlng economy lor only $5699. Ettie Ike Toyota-Fina Uaed Car AT Sales. 1966-1970 Hart>or Blvd .. Coate Mesa . H 0 ND A &48-9303 540-9487. ,.,.,.. 1151 . ..••...•••••.......•. SANTA ANA Pans & Service ()per\ Alt MEISTER ..... /1111 13831 Herb« Blvd. Gttden Grove ........ ,,,,,_ Leatills 714111-llU Oay Saturday •-.60-3_5_8_B_, -no_ru_s-t.-need--t-1 30 1 w Warrtfl< Ave 11 blk west or Main) no work. $7500/pertlal 1rtde ~8028. 540· 7430 '80 Por9Che 924 Turbo & -------1 '80 Porache 924. Both 77 HONDA Civic hatch-loaded Tak• over I•• back good condlllonJ payments. 714/025-1808 S2 300 972-9525 alter 11 pm 74 Poraclle Targa. white. ----1 ldnl malnt. $13,000. BO Atcord, 4 door, 5 eves. 714-997-4129 ~peed air cond amlfm Xlnt cond $7395 Days '74 914 1 8, 1dnt. '5500 . 5 4 9 2 1 2 O . E v as 842· 1c80 a!l l 0088 "I DEALER IN U.S.A. '79 Audi 5000 $6300 552-2839 I 79 Accord Hatchbac« 'lJ 1111 100 5 spd. amflm. 1mmac ., IUl'CARVER IO.lS-~ 4 dr. xlnt running cond. $4800 499-2122 eves 11000. 495-5862 ·79 Ake nu 581-4179 ">ll-1 Q()-)Ol(:IH'I• f11Z ·79 Accord LX. sllvtll', orig ~•"V 11" ....ci- ••••••••••••• owner $4300 975-3985 • ClO\fO SUNDAY\ dys 551-8738 at1 5PM -1.w. nn J1•1•1 11JO ··········•••••••••••• • • '•• • • • • • • • • • •• •• •• • • S~L..ealilng 72 XJ6, itlnt Investment UM D'• Leaving counlry Red w/ blk Int Fully loaded New .all 11 11res brks Show car H1·2MI ....... $5 Cj()() 548-4141 '82 HATCHBACK GL Fully loaded, $1500 & take over pymll. 881-13&-1 !:~!~ .......... ~~!f 1979 TOYOTA Corolla SR5 Llltbtck. 5 IPHd 1r-.. iio-brM•. air cond .. AM/FM at•eo & e 1pot1e11 yellow flnlth with b4.ctl bucket -ta. '11 ..... '71 Pontlec Flrlblrd °i:o~IO '76 Leman1. 2 door, po- 11111 er & elr. I 1200. eeG-2514 . n..-"" 1111 ···•·•················ PS, tilt whl, AM/FM 1t• reo cuaet1e. 14200 673-n1a.Evee ~ •• * AlllL ....... 437 Princeton Or. CoettM-. You are the winner of lour tr .. tlclleta (Sle.00) VaiWIOthe _, ..... s..ctlff Villagl Hunttog1on Beecn Tueedty May 18 8·00pm Wedneeday May 19 4:30pm PHH• mutt be redff- med before lhow time. To claim p11111. call 642-5478, ext. 272. Paa.- "' ml.Ill be claimed by May 14, 1982 IUll IEW '12 F-110 PICKUP FREEi ·~ .. -_,_,_ FllTllY IDITI 1 *****BEAT~*~*~*~**.:.1..:'Ju~u'=·'u BRAND NEW '82 IUll IEW '12 VAN y EXP 1 n .._ _. un•t *' 1111 _........, _..., IUID IEW 1183 RAISER FREE! AN f .. ~t.:r.t'::' .. FlCTORYwmR'£iiTE flEEf '.=".I'-• so o DEAL s"'"''man Pl.US Gtm DISCDUllTS _. ___ ..,_ 5..U PICKUP...._....mll! THE FIRST 1983 T Alli THllR OF THE YEAR! ADVICE! BUY I BETIER CIR IND GET llWll IEW 1112 IUSTUG A BEnER .. ~:~~=*'· WARRIMn! 5.0 litre H.O. Engine; FREEi ·.~: ..:=· r.;;;;;------;;.;;..,.;;;...;~.;..;;,1-_______ ~------iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ z... ,, II ... NATUNNG: •High Payload FREEi, FREEi FR EEi FREEi FREEi .. I I __ ..._! ~=::.~·~,"· .T:~:j;~:.:~ 5 I ·so ·ooo ...... ~-=- ::::.: ;~,u~~:~~~:~l~n~ YEAR I MIL~ M-.1~..::.:-.::..,. And the !let goea on •nd on to flUJ '.:::t'.t'..=' keep rou 1n •trte. FIOTllY IEllTE F 0 R D M 0 T 0 R c 0 . E x TE N D E D •soo WARRANTY -FREE ON ANY NEW PUS llllT 1110t11Ts 1981 or 1982 CAR IN STOCKI llWID IEW '82 COURIER FREEi I,..,.. .. .._ _,, .... ,_ SERVICE MGR. SPECIAL! $ 00 BODY SHOP SPECIAL! llUI IEW '11 FllRIOIT .............. .. ...,. ............. ................... --. ..r '.=".:'.:=' & CREVIER ............... ....... o...., ~leasing We ·~•olallze In Euro. .,..,.. Dellvery. '01 TOUI • 153119. Ettie Ike T~ .. I Nin MAIDA . Fine UHd Ctr S•I••· s 2 0 0 n ... ' ' 1966-1970 Harbor BIYd .. Cotta Melt. 646-9303 mn • mw ... 540-9467. While ,.our c., I• Ming ••"I· oed, lltent • ford ltcorl lo• ... 00 per d•J (MO rnlnlm11m rep1tr order -3 d•,. mfll· mum, c11•tomer ~Y• fM v•I ll•••n•J.oun now -ofl•r upl'" ll 15112. per day with l.QO FREE Mil.ES """ l.'::. .._, ,....,. .,. ii-. ....... ,.. ..... ,., .... ,., ..,. (t• .... 111111" , ..... , ., .. , -• ,., _..._,........,..,. .. ..., ••• tell• •11111lllt•111 ... °"" ........ .,,.,... PllTllY ID&TI I HI US r-1 Low mllea. (381982). f•..,.Hf IEIATE fAcanTI '_7_7 _C_o-ro_ll_a.-5-,pd-, -4-d-r."' 1111 IAW ST cm1 lllJl M~W4 elr, am/Im, 40,000 ml. •=•PUliliiil•iiAilTiiill1Gtlmliiiiii~S!!ll!!l!!l!••••••••••••lliil1!11!!!!!!!!!l••ll!l•••••••ll••lillilil -""-· m1•-.1m 1110 IUD& .... 111 208 w. lat S.Ota Ana CloMd Sunday ............. ..... , .. -....... . "-' ..... .. lllLlil9 lftU .., ....... ., ....... ...., (714) 111-ma -llS&n'I UlCllPE Thi• Is a loeded, hard to find "Eastern Zone" gold e1e1e rlor with brown velour lnlerlor. 5 1peed tr1ns • aunroof/ r moonrool Bl1upunkt AM/FM c11satte & equellzer. air condlllo- nlng. rear window de-- l'rOllM. leather ermreet, log llghlt, bra. car COWi' & ONL '( 20,000 tow mu .. 1 M11•t Mll...ONL y 19.9~91 Call 974·4811 day• or 499-2530 efter 1·00 lllllHkdaya & Wff· kend1. $3500/0BO. 847.()614 1981 TOYOTA Slarilt S.. dan. Option• Include 5 IPMd trane., power dlec brtk•. Thie one It fully lect°'Y equwed & gM9 greet gee mll••O•· (18JD283), ....... Earte Ike Toyota-Fin• UMd Car Salee. 1Ht-1t70 Harbor llvd., Cotta Meaa . t4e-uoa 640-94e7. ·11co3011ao e,loml, 12K, .. .,... '4360 • .,,... 1-1714 AIDT & '11 Toyote Coro"• Ilk• MW .... rfw/lnd, dlfOt, 4 door, .,.. btalc.-& ..... 13500. Cell Ooua TUfln t--------1 (worll) 11t·HU, 642 ..... " aft lftM 'It ........ option• ··-~UOft•I oar• taken. •••eo. a u.no . •••• 'Tl -v.,., lflarO. aeoo1oeo • .....,,, ~ ........ ~ \Tt. TM.'*''*"'& top. Int. & ,...... . =~·. USED CARS * 5 DAY TRIAL EXCHAllGE. '* 1rr1 lllYI. ••••• e:-s=·~ S311D 1-,..nma :::: El-rr..:= s•111 -..u..-.wuet. • 1111 FORD PllTO , A\ltO""ahc lt•A•Ml .. ihr! 131196 --·•-"'Ol'f .... MlrYl4 1111 FOii FllllOIT "_ .... _...._ • Ooor • C'll. "''°"'""c; $1811 ~ .... 1CXJJQe' ..... v.1c;. ......... .,... 1171 DITSll 211Z a+: "~•oi.t.i1 •~or'/1 Sllll Avt• Ul ftt alt Otill • _ ...... ,., ,.}.!!!~-.... .,......,_ ,._, •. ,. te• Mlle1 Lie trfe . ••IXll4 f . . I I I • 111111 1:1111 lllPllT IUCH I Hiil lllCll TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1982 O RAN GE COUNTY CALIF OA NIA 25 CENTS TWo charged • ID HB sailor'.s death By PHIL SNEIDERMAN of'ttMDellJ ........... Two brothers from North Carolina have been charged with murder, kidnapping and armed robbery in connection with the death of a recently di.acharged sailor who left Huntington Beach on March 6 to visit his father and never arrived. Inveatigat.or L . Jesaer of the Maricopa County Sheriff's De- partment in Arbonl aaid Kelly K . Hamilton, 30, and Willie K. Hamilton, 22, both of Fayettevil- le, N .C., are auapected of mur- dering Jerome Edward Pitchie Jr .• 20, a Huntington Beach rem- dent who wu discharged from the U.S. Navy on March 1. J euer Hid Wlllle Hamilton WN scheduled appear at a grand jury hearina today on the char-ie•. Hia brother i1 in a North Carolina jail for parole violation, awaiting poaible extradition in the murder caee, he said. Pitchie left Huntington Be.ch on Man:h 6 to visit hil father in El Centro. Hi1 body wu found M.rch 21 ln the de9e'l't about 20 mlle1 1outhea1t of Gila Bend. Ari.z. Jes.er said investiptora belie- ve Pitchie picked up the hltch- hildns Hamilton brothen near San Dte10. He aa.ld police have alleged that the brothers dre w " knives, tied up Pit,:hie, drove him to Arirona and stabbed h im to death. The brothers then drove back to North Carolina in Pitch1e's van, Jesse r said. In that state, several possessions belonging to Pitchie were pawned, and an in- vestigator in that state who was routinely check ing pawn slips found serial numbers linked to the murdered man, Jes.ser said. Kelly Ha.rrulton turned himself in to North Carolina authorities on the probation violation, and hts brother was arrested in Cor- pus Chnsll, Texas, Jesser said. British warplanes deciinate airstrip Stanley rendered unusable BULLETIN LONDON (AP) -A Britllb destroyer, HMS Slaeffleldl waa attacked aa.d soak "w tb a aamber of ca1aal tles," and a Brllbll Sea Harrier jet was sbot dowa ud lt1 pilot killed by Ar- gatlae forcet today lD tbe battle for tlle Falklaad1, tbe Defense Mlalstry t9DDoanced tbl1 after- DOOD. By Tiie AHoclated Preti .,.., .... ,..... ............. ......, ROUGH TIMES -Monica and Andrew Huntington Beach . He offers aome harsh Abrama put their belonJ{ings up for sale in thoughts about the nation's economy. British warplanes bombed the aJrstrif at the Falkland Islands capita of Stanley again today and the U.S. Embassy ordered aome of its penonnel evacuated from Buenos Aires becau.e of the British-Argentine criaia. Couple .hold 'unemployed sale' Ar«ientina searched for more · than 360 crewmen still missing from \he sunken crui8er General Belgrano, torpedoed by a British submarine ln the wintry South Atlantic OD Sunday. Job loss forces Huntington family from rented home The United StS'tes said the Belg:rano cuualties could stiffen Argentine resistance to talks and the Kremlin accused Britain of aerioualy eacalating the fighting. Ireland dropped support for Bri- tain and called for an urgent U.N. Security C-ouncil 9e9Sion By ROBERT BARKER 0( IM Oety '904 lbtff Monica and Andrew Abrams are holding a "suddenly unem- ployed" sale at their house in Huntington Beach. The saJe of kitchen appliances, household furniture and hoiae plants l.aata until May 15. That's when the Abramses have to get out of their rented houae because no more lllQ1ley ia corning ln. Abrams lost his job as chemical engineer last Friday at DiscoVi- sion Associates headquartered in Costa Mesa. About 900 people have been laid off over a period of months aft.er the firm was acquired by a Japanese company. he said. The company makes laser vi- deo d1scs for home movies. "We've got a small cushion of saving,, but that won't last long. And the unemployment benefits won't nearly pey the house rent of $700 per month." Abrams, 35, who said he was earning in the area of $30,000 a year, has aent out n!SWDt!I. While being interviewed for this story, he received a call from a Stanford University official wantV'lg someone to manage the school's chemical wastes. Abrams also says there is a Armed bandits hit CdM restaurant Two armed thugs, ~ wearing a bueball cap and a nylon stoc- king mask, locked seven em- ployees of a Corona del Mar res- taurant in a liquor storage room Monday before eacapine with $1,300 in cash, police report. The bandits e ntered the Quiet Woman, 3224 E. Coast Highway, more than an hour before the restaurant's 11 a.m. opening hour and started rounding up workers, including a Southern California Ou Co. employee who strolled in during the middle of the robbery. Police aid the gunmen at first forced employees Lnto a restroom and lat.er moved them when it WH dlacovered the real room WORLD could not be locked. The bandit.a, both believed to be in their early 30., took tbe manager into a back room where they forced him to open the res- taurant safe. Workers at the restaurant said one of the crook.I w• very polite while the other "talked like a boxer -not too bright." Employees alao said one of the gunmen was wearing a white baeeball ca~ \he name of. a Mexican . Officers aid It took the .even persons nearly half an hour to break out of the liquor storage room and phone pol.ice. Marine landins protested MIA.MI (AP) -The landJ.na of U.S. Marines at the Guantanamo Bay naval bMe fn a military exerdN loerked a protat by thouaandl of worken in Cuba'• Guantanamo province, Havana nidJo reported today. NATION Book clean latlJer'• name The .. of ml edrairal blamed for the ~ ol tb9 Japm-8«llck on Peul a.bar •YI a new book bllpl .... ~ father'• name. P.-M . r'nme-tlme TY crillelad poesibillty of a job with IBM in San Joee. If they don't materialize, he says he and his wife, who hasn't been working, will go back to Colorado where he was raised. "l could always go back to being a ski instructor.'' Abrams said he ia pretty de- pressed and frustrated because he believed he had a long-term job at DiscoVision. But he believes that conditions leading to the layoffs were not foreeeen. He says he l.s bitter about "the system." "I can't have the same stan- dard of living in which I waa raised. I grew up, went to colleae and worked hard and yet we can't afford to buy our own hou.e. ''The country aa m trouble eco- nomically and· there are no signs of a recovery -it is dead in the water. "And I am just appalled at the rising deflci l and increasing interelt rates. "Molt of the money is going to \he government. not the people. ''Congn!ll vote thermelves pay ra19eS and tax breaks. And prac- tically nobody in government makes 181 than $60,000. They're out of touch with WI who make $20,000 to $30.000. "It's almost like there is an at- tack on the middle clul. Schools are golna to hell and college loans and aranll are falllng. The bur- den la falling on the middle c1-. "You Me no fewer Mel"Cledes on the hlahwap. That'• where my ancer-liea. The lystem la not workinc." STATE British Defense Mlni.ster John Nott told the House of Commons in London the aim of the I.at.est bombing raid on the Argentine- occupied Stanley airfield was "to render the airstrip unusable for light supply, communialtions and grounq attack aircraft operating within the Falkland Islands themaelves.'' Nott gave no other details and Argentina did not comment im- mediately. Britain said ita raids on the airport Sawrday left the 4,000-foot main runway unusable for jet fight.er1. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, speaking in Parliament before Nott, defended Britain's torpedoing and 1lnking of the General Belgrano. The crui.aer was hit Sunday 36 miles oullide the 200-mile war mne Britain has lmpoeed around the Falk.la.nda - the dilputed British colony 250 (See PALU.AND, Pqe A!) Balloon race in spotlight Balloon races, balloon rides and aviation exhibitions will all be R8J1 of a full day of events at the· Gordon Bennett Balloon Race and Aviation Faire on Saturday in Fountain Valley. Today'1 Daily Pl.lot lncludel a •pedal llOUVenlr edition devoted to the annual balloon race. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Getty 011 Co. and Southern California Edllon Co. have apeecl to develop copnerattna facWU. aUowtna Ed180n to me nee11 beet fnlm Getty'• oil-field ltMm ~tian t.o produce elecU1city for 4001000 hou8eho ~ther company would reveal the cost ot the project. Supermarket smoker nabbed An ~ tmUI a dtiMn'• arr.t of a llnOkel' ln a SID D111o •pll'ID&rbt. Piii A&. SPORTS For the birds Finches delay couple's sail By STEVE MITCHELL Ofthe DellJ Piiot St.tt The way Dana Point sailors Bill Hughes and Marilyn Loveland figure 1t, another couple of weeks won't kill them. THAT'S HOW long ornithologists say 1t will tal<e for a half dozen baby finches --hatchl'd Monday m the sails of the couple's 32-foot racing yacht -to fly the coop. A finch nest, containing sax tiny eggs. was dl9eovercd by the couple in mid-Apnl as they were prepanng to set sail from a slip at the Dana Point Manna. As t h ey were removing the blue c·anvas cover that protects the mainsajl, they discovered a palr of finch{'S h:.a<l set up housekeeping in the folds of the sa1I The ocean-going palr had two chokes: TOSS OUT THE nest and enjoy a sunny, windy Sunday sail to San Diego. or wait it out until the eggs hatched and the baby finches left the nest. They opted for the latter -Somewhat grudgingly. Marilyn admits. State Fish and Game Department experts said the eggs would hatch Ln about 12 days They were off by four d ays ORNITHOLOGISTS say it'll take another 14 days for lhe baby birds to be strong enough to take off on theiT own. Give or take a few days, Bill and Manlyn shouJd be able to set sail by the weekend of the 17th. "It'll be nice to have the boat back," Marilyn said. And she's glad the couple waJt.ed. ONCE THE YOUNG bards leave. it's only a matter of removing the nest and cleaning the bird droppings off the deck. There IS one other mall<'r of t'OO<'C'm, howevt>r. Finches like to return to the same nesting plat-e ye&r aft.er year Surprise showers drenching county Surprise showers brought on by a low press ure zone off northern Baja California spnnk- led Orange County early this morning and the Weather Ser- vice says there is a 30 percent chance they will continue this afternoon. The rain fell heaviest in the south coast areas of the county - in Newport Beach where the Harbor Department reported showers from 6 a.m. and in La- guna Beach where the sprinkJes began around 3 a .m. A few miles north in Hunt- ington Beach, a disappointed J . Sherman Denny. amateur me- teorologist, reported no rain so far. Ma y. s o th is is a bit o f a surprise " Costa Mesa. Fountain Valley and Irvine also reported light dnu.les from early morning. The U.S . Weather Service in Los Angeles is calling for de- creasing low cloudiness through this evening, a 30 perrent chance of more showers. and sunny skies by tomorrow afternoon. Crash hurts two women "There is no storm of conse- quence anywhere around us,'' 1&ld Denny, who charts the rainfall and weather condl lions each day as a hobby. "It la ac- tually quite rare to get rain ln Two women were injured In a three-car oolllsion Monday after- noon at Garfield Avenue and Golden Wee\ Street in Hunting- ton Beach, police said. Tracy LeBlanc, 23, of Fountain Valley WH reported in stable condition today at Pacifica Hos- pital. INDEX ·At Your Service A4 Interm.UiAon B3 F.tma Bombeclt B2 Ann Landen B2 L.?,t. Boyd A8 Movies B3 Bwd.nell 86-7 Mutual Funds B6 Calitomla M National NeWI A.3 Cavalcade B2 Spor1a Dl-3 Opndfted IM-8 Stock Marketa B'1 C.omkw A6 Televltlon 8' ~ A8 Tbeaten B3 Editorial A8 W•ther A2 Dl*1ainment BS Wwld New1 AS lbwcope 82 COUNTY · Q~~M~ •lfiMC'ft.~·l~, I .u.. ... , of Ar .. ft '°'8• •* ... tr' .. _ ... I~:'! them ..,. dependenta 0( dlploimta wUI .. U w. Md left ft any later I& leave A19ndnl winporui1y for • mlpt haw been too. IUt. I miCht Mont.evtcleo, U~y "in ~ ~ .... Md '° t'Olne '° the HcUe 'Ol the tn8lc ~ ln the South with \be newa that ...,. of our Atlantic and the umettled oond&· ·,:, own #._la had been aunk," tionl l& hu c:naeed." ,. ·• Mn. :t'hatidam' told ~c.anmona. No .t11ure1were1Jven. The ,.r,l.. tftiiii w.in')' I Uve with hourly U.S. l!m~y ln Buenoe Ai .... . • ... tbll\ Arcentlne fofCH ln at· has 75 dlplO,rnata. Some 7 ,000 •. ,~ t.IOlat.. r.>th naval and air, will set U.S. d\lzena JJw ln Arpntlna. ', ~to OW' fOl"Cel." poeit1oned Friday, the Uni&ed ~ia-. en- • off .. Ftlklanda. f •t ed lklt oppocftion Laborite Lord ded lta peace ef orta, o .. er , J~ declared a.inid uproar in Britain millt.aey aupplia and lm· , . ~ the i--. of Lords: "By linking posed mtU\afy and economic •. , • Uw cralNf. the ~nt baa sanctions -aalmt ~entlna be- "'' ~ mau mur&er on the cal.Lie of lta refUlal bu~ on 1•.v ~ ... !!.-~~ He called for an un-the F~ .OVe~igJ\ty ~· ..,......._~ Britlah oe...,ft.re. In Was hin.1ton, Secretary of 3 youths sought inbe~ting Seal Beach police have l8aued a dacripUon of three y~ people "dressed ln punk rock fashion" who are wanted in connection with the beating of a 15-year-old Mission Viejo girl. Police said the three demanded drup from the girl and attacked her when she could not produce them. She was found crawling on her hands and knees, covered with blood and dirt, in the mid- dle of Beverly Manor Drive in Seal Beach at 2:20 a.m. Sunday officers aald. ' • 1 MO. Laborite9, wbile reflec-State Alexander M . Ha.ls Jr. told ' ~:-of tlw thf! Senate Approprlatlom "'b-, i· argued that Mn. That-committee today that "the ne· ,., cher'a ative government cesaary fleXiblUty has not deve-~ muat step up diplomatic negotia-loped ln Buenos Aires" for a ~ litical .ettlement. I tlona IO end the cNis that began l ' more ~ban a month ago when ... ._ Ar1enOna seized the Falklands OFF TO W All -The smokestack of the ocean liner Queen Ellubeth n ju.It clean the Com- modore Barry Bridge near Phllad41tlphla Jut month as it s&i1a up the Delaware River. The British Defense · Ministry hal announced that ,,, ........ once the liner reaches Its home port of South- ampton, &lgland, this week, the shlp will be uaed to carry "teVeral thousand" backup troops to the Falkland Ialands. 'l'he girl, whose name was withheld, told police she had been picked up by· three youths In 1979 light blue Chevrolet Ca- maro as she w aa hitchhiking home from a concert ln Paaadena. She was treated for he,r inju- ries and releaaed to her parents. The driver was described as Caucasian. age 18-19, 5 feet-8. with curly brown hair, a thin mustache and a thin build. His first name may be "Mike" or "Mark." , ~, after 149•years of .British rule. I ., Aqrmtfua's joint chiefs of staff . annoUriced 1n Buenos Aires that · ,,. 880 ·IUJ'Vfvon have been picked • •,I up fl"Ofll'lhe General 'Belgrano .1' and t!at 15 re9Clle veaeela were , con\Jlf\ling to scour the area , • w~ the warship went down. ! The reported rescue still left : 362 ~n officially listed aa ' ' milling 11); the icy South Atlantic. • The ~tely owned ~gentlne v newt·~ DYN quoted naval ·-~ at saying the majority of ... 1 the 1,4"2 crew were retcued, but ... ow ,'00 figures. -The l1.S. Embassy in Buenos A4~s .. aid a sma'!J n~ber of • •• "One could readUy draw the conclusion that the ~t traO: kllS of lives amoclated witb the lea of their cruiser has contri- buted to thel, contlnu in1 intransigence.'' In Moscow, the official Tau news agency said a "sharp in- tensification of the aggreuive actions of the British flotilla fol- lowed right after" the U.S. gov- ernment aided with Britain Fri- day, and said Britain was res- ponsible for a "sharp deteriora- tion'' of the ailuation in the South Atlantic. The Soviet Union buys a great deal of Argentine grain and beef and uses the South. Atlantic for much of its shipping. \. Mesa allows high rise on Bristol The Cosia Mesa City Council said Monday it would allow high n.e conatrucUon along a ltretch of Bristol Street eouth of the San Diego Freeway. •Despite oppolitian from nearby horneownen, the council voted 3-2 to lnci:-e~ae the building height limit. from 30 to 85 feet alon1 the east aide of Bristol betw~n the freeway and Paula- rino Avenue. \h ~ ild, !3, blamed ' . .,.. ·. Councilmen Donn Hall, Ed McFarland and Eric JobNon vo- ted in favor of the 85-foot limit, with Mayor Arlene Schafer and councnwoman Norma Hertzog oppaeed. '•'t ... ~ y .· fOl-HUJitington fire 1be council abo voted to allow 50-foot oomtruction on the west aide of Bristol between the free- way and Paularino, where the five-story Holiday Inn la located. ·'' Fire oUicials said a 3-year-old '•boy .f)~y1"g with a cigarette ~~tly ignited .. blaze ·ll!th'lit 'ed the interior of a Hiln :Beach home. ., .# ... ~ ,-• .• ~~ firefightera respon- ~ctee to O\e alarm at 10:44 a.m. Mo .-t the rented home of J 8811 H unti.ngton ~-'··-,-Beach fire Cap-~ Ha.mer laid. • ~ ~}*n, her chU~ and a , f.lmd'y were able'to eecape safely~ ¥illfner said. Damage to ·the elngle-story borne wu estl- ro.W at $44.000. ' Hoerner said one firefighter, Captain J~ Kettler, was treated ~ijii\~ I for exhaustion at Huntington lntercommunity Hospital and was lat.er relused. Huntington cyclist injured in crash A .HuntiJlitoo Beach motorcy- clial wa• In serious condition today at l"ountaln Valley Com- munity Hosp'81 with lnjurlel he suffered ~ In • parldna Jot colUaion neu Gothard Street and Man Drive, Huntington Beach. Traffic officers aaid Randall Banb, 28. al 6551 Warr't« Ave., lart control of b1a l1l010l'cyde and struck a parked car u he pulled into the lot at 8 a.m. Monday. They also voted to maintain the current 30-foot maximum alone Brlatol, aoutb of Paularino Avenue. It was uncle.r what effect the 86-foot height limit will have on California Paclftc Properties' pliuw for an eiaht-story hotel and four hi~ rlR oWoes. the hiahest being 125 f~. Last month the development company ln partnerahip with C.J . Seger1trom & Sons, revealed plaru for the hotel.and office development to be built on the 13.6 acres lite formerly occupied by Montgomery Ward & Co. Sunny afternoons Temperatures ,• Early rnorflllng llgM .,_., • Vint ,..... ~ pa111e1 ot•••ne 1tt1s ~ tfgllaofNto74. Low ~!Me tonlGf'lt. Wednetdq. Clffll~ tnld-111orn1ng, 1~ wnnr. of ea 10 re. Ofe<-nlOM..,.,. lO '4 Hun~ NewpOf't ••• lemf*'•lur• ,_ ~ fJom a hlOtl of 88 lo a IOW Gii tltawlw•. from Poinl eonoep. ,. tlon to the Me.lean bOrder and ' ~ 80 ~ Nortnw.I IO !'CW1.f\-ettr ...... of s 10 a '"I aoutn -OU* waters Light VW\ltM wind• through tonight except ~ to -I 10 to 18 knott iWe ~. W•-'Y ........ Gii t ..... lJ .S. 1ummary '.Th-o.rttorrytt continued 10 ~·~ Kr•H lh• AocklH , Ille centnil Ngfi Plllln1 and tll• Oe- kot .. ~. leelltfta golf-bell ... l9d 11111 In Mlie'n Jiorlh OakOla 9IWS Klltefed tl\OW.tl 0¥4W Ille NATIC* .. Le N 91 42 .oe 12 S3 17 64 75 4S 79 52 70 54 02 85 64 73 60 83 38 .02 82 49 as 52 ea 32 SJ so .oe 14 67 84 3t 17 ,, ......... ~ = ....,.ar.-18 41 .._YOttt 71. .,... 73 64 .11 ~"'= 78 &-1 ~ 71 45 OrWldO ,, .. 41 PNeclptM a 1 n Pllolnbl 74 .., PlttltM. oh S3 82 ~~ ~ :: ~~Ore at ea Pr~ 70 .. =~all •: 41 ::I/ 9llt UM :1 = ,01 =-MIONO ... , .. .,;:: ., 32 .. 89 47 .0. atLG11111t ea S3 lt•P.f.,.. 17 • et ... ...,. ..,..... ~-­T ~ T.-. tuNe w ...... ...... ,. ,.,, .... 11 53 ~t " a " .. 12 to r ;#: :~ .. 38 ee ., .10 &It ... 13 15 45 ·'' 71 45 .,., ~1 .. -.10 ·e: ;; ., =· ~E .... ():) .... 15 n :: o~ ..._..... It 70 .n = t: .,,.... ., w.... • Occluded..,.. SlllhOllollV •• LOl:r ' 71 82 ....,._ .. 62 ~ 12 OeklMd 75 54 PMO~ as 49 ,....,. .. 82 AedwoOd~ 77 55 8ec:r.....mG 13 58 8allnM 72 41 SM Olego " eo Sen FfeiicllOO et $4 Sant•a.t>eta 87 57 Serrta Mette 71 Stocaeon 16 67 TllenMI 92 Ulllltl IO .... <* .. &t lllO ... 17 M =-77 51 10 67 &.-.*'.,,... .. 40 • L.Oiltle9Cfl 14 12 Monrcwte 12 80 Mt.Wleol\ 11 11 .....,,, 8-cll .. ., ~ 7t 5t P• 9pftnfll IO 80 , ..... 7t ff ~ 11 San ...... " 79 '7 Extended Laguna fillds way to sell Sycamore A ma le passenger was descri- bed as Caucasian, age 17-18, 5 feet -5, thin build, with short strrught brown hair . A young woman in the car was described as Caucasian, about 17 years old, with short brown hair. I Laguna Beach city officials believe they have found a way to eeU 62 acres of Sycamore Hilla to a developer and at the same time satisfy complaints about lack of affordable housing listed in a la'tlm!it fl.led against the dty. City Council members will conaider a proposal by City Ma- nager Ken Frank tonight that would aee a provision for 60 af- fordable senior units in the de - velopment off El Toro ROad near Leisure World. The c:ity purc h ased the 522-acre Sycamore Hilb parce! Suspect held on Newport shooting rap A 22-year-old Newjlort Beach man has been arrested for the shooting of restaurant owner Lorenzo PMlni during a robbery attempt. Officers aaicl they loca- ted the alleged gunman late Monday ln a bou.ae only blocks away from Puini'a Coast High- way diner. Timothy Patrick Webb'was charged with attempted murder and armed robbery following his arrest at 6210 W. Ocean Front. Police said they believe Webb, who la being h eld In lieu of $2~,000 bail, shot the owner of the Spaghetti Bender restaurant once In -the cheat late Sunday durina an an.empted robbery. Puinl, a 68-year-old Hunting-'°° Beach resident, la ln serious condition at Fountain Valley Community Hospital. Officen said the bullft w~ch struck Puini wu fired through a wood door at the re1taurant which the owner had tried to dale on the gunman. The blndit, who fled the 6204 W. ec.t Jllihway diner empl)'- banded, acddentaUy dropped a leather jlcket ln the restaurant. ,,, for $6.7~ million in 1978 to end years of lawsuits between the then-owners, Rancho Paloa Ver- des C«p .. and the city. over the · number of units the developer could build. In order to partially pay off the mortgage on lhe land. the city was to sell the 62-acre parcel to Baywood Development Co .. of Newport Beach, for about $5.4 million. But Lagunan John Gabriela. through the Legal Aid Society, tossed a monkey wrench in the negotiations by filing su.i t against the dty, claiming no provision for affordable houaing was eviderlt in the a pproved tract map for the project. Freshman Councilman Mob Gentry and Mayor SaJJy Belle- rue met with Gabnels last week and the results of that meeting will be unveiled to the entire council tonight. beginning at 6 p.m. in council chambers. City Manager Frank wlU rec- om~end the city begin anew, teeking developers who are wil- ling to prepare a new tract map lncluding 30 unita for low income seniors and 20 units of affordable housing within the project. Anyone with information on the trio has been asked to cont.act Sgt. Leonard Frisbie or Detective Greg Young of the Seal Beach Poiice De partment, (213) 431-2541. Kindergarten sign ups ,.set Regist.ration for children who will attend kinderarten an the Huntington B e ac h Cit y (Elementary) School District in the fall will be held from 1 to 4 p.m . Wednesday at each of the district's seven ele·mentary schools. Proof of age is required at the time of registration. Children who wiU be age 5 on or before Dec. 2. 1982. are eligible for kin- dergarten. California law also requires proof of immunization ag .. linst childhood diseases. Parents who are unable to re- gLSter theLr young1ters Wednes- day are encouraged to do ao as soon as possible at their ne igh- borhood school. Aliens in smashup fleeing border cops . A carload of farm workers crashed lnto a d itch in the Gol- den Triangle area of Irvin-e Monday following pursuit by a U.S. Border Patrol agent, police reported. • One pa11enger was slightly injured in \he accident. The worltera were checked Cor docu- mentation and taken to a Border Patrol stat.Ion ln San Clemente. Police laid a Border Patrol agent wa checking workers lat.e Monday momlng when he spot- ted six men in a 1972 Ford station wagon. The agent pursued the vehicle in a Bonjer Patrol vehicle with lights and sirens, police said. The car carrying the suspected illegal aliens traveled on prlvat.e farm roads and at one point crossed Irvine Center Drive in the Golden Triangle, an area bounded by the Santa Ana, San Diego and Laguna freeways. It continued on a farm road until plummeting into a three-foot ditch. HT KLYI With The University Diet, you can lose an ave.rage of 20 pounds per 'month -every month -until you reach your goal. ~clwdve Refeedtng and Maintenance. You are re·introduced to food in a gradual •·step process and taught how to keep weight on: IOdividul ~ Behavior modifi· ~tion and nutritional guidance are offend U> all paticnt.8 by experts. lf you need to loee 20 pounds or mom, C4ll our phone counselors for an appoint- mentor information. They're former petient.f. They underltMd. You11 find we coet less due to our lize and experience. Your lnsuranoe may CO\'el' it. Md aft« you complete The Univeni~ °"' ,,. COtUfWlbw ls lyalbible for the iWol)'OUl'We! Cll ,_.. ... 8878. 'lbl ...... 8 AM to 9 PM 7 ~a Week. Phyaician inqui· riel~. Orange Cout OAtLY PILOT/TuMday, May ot, 1982 By Tlae A1100lated Pre11 WARSAW, Poland -The worst violence ln Warsaw since the start of martial law bloodied the Poliah capi\al u thous.nds of Solidarity 1upportera demonstrated in Polish cities for the .eoond Ume in three days. Police armed with rifles and clubs charged 25,- 000 people massed in Warsaw's historic Castle Square Monday for a rally called by underground I ,. Solidarity leaders. The crowd screamed "Gestapo! Gestapo~' at more than 400 helmeted pollce and Ignored their warninp to dispene, witnesse9 aa.kl. Water-cannon trucka pelted the crowd, and the police charted. , firing tear-gas grenades. Ambulances sped blee.• ~·beaten demonstraton to hospltala, but medrcal · • officials refused to say how many peopAe were in- jured. Reagan, Brezhnev meeting ~Ut MOSCOW -A seruor Soviet spokesman today ruled out a U.N. meeting next month between So- viet leader Leonid Brezhnev and President Reagan and said the Kremlin was holding out for a "prepared" sununit in Europe this Call. "We are waiting for a clear and accurate reply from the American president" on Brezhnev's sum- mit proposal, Yuri Zhukov. the leading commen~-/ tor of the Communist Party newspaper Pravda. tota a news conference. ' Zhukov said Soviet officials heard that Reagan was considering Brezhnev's proposal to meet in· Finland or Swit2.erland in October but that there • had been no officiaJ acceptance from Washington. •• ' OOPS -Advice columnist Ann Landers says she'll swp recycling her old columns af- ter being found o ut this week. Cost cuts • • in transit ,budget eyed Algerian envoy dies • ID crash NICOSIA, Cyprus -Algerian Foreign Min- ister Mohammed Benyahia, who mediated tt'ie re- lease of the American hostages in Iran, was killed in a plane crash in northwest Iran, and Iran accused Iraq of shooting his plane down. The official Iranian news agency. IRNA, said everyone aboard the Ah~erian government plane was killed. APS, the Algerian news agency, said· they included eight other high-rankmg Algerian officials en route with Benyahia to Tehran for an official visit, an Algerian journalist from APS and the executive jet's four crew members. Orange County Transit District directors have been handed a proposed $85 million budget for the 1982-83 fiscal year that seeks to maintain curre nt levels of service but at reduced c.'OSts. The new spending phin, for which public hearings will begin on June 7, 1s about $23 million below this year's overall budget, transportation officials satd. The totals would ch ange sub- stantially if $14 million in federal grants the distract IS awa1tmg art> ., soon approved That would bnng the proposed budget total to Nuke plant safety questioned nearly $100 rruWon OCTD Finance Director John Beatty said the proposed new budget is fully balanced and reflects efforts by the district to LOS ANGELES -More than 20 speakers - the majority frankly opposed to any form of nuclear power -has told a panel of three Nuclear Regu- lator y Commission staff members that the NRC's proposed policy on nuclear plant safety is meanin- gless. ln emotional five-minute speeches laced with reduce costs through more eff1- references to the death and du;ease that would re-cient operation while maintai- sult from a nuclear power accident, the speak~ . ning the same levels of service said it is impossible to make nuclear power safe:, • However, l~e ~udge~ docs re- Monday's public hearing was the third on the ' fleet a d_r op 1n servu:e hours, NRC's pro"""'.--i policy Beatty said. ~ · With the district's fares expet.·- ted to remain the same. 1t 1s es- timated that $16.7 million will be Sirhan hearing SOLEDAD (AP) -Sirhan Sirhan threatened to kill the chief prosecution psychiatrist while on trial for assassinating Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, the psychiatrist's partner testified in a hearing on whether Sirhan's 1984 parole date should be res- cinded. • Ill 2nd week ~ . generated in s uc h revenue in 1982-83. Fares are 75 cents du- riilg rush hours and 60 cents the rest of the day. said Monday that the letter containing the alleged threat was m&SSmg and neither the doctor whoee life was said to have been threatened nor the doc- tor's secretary remembered reeding auch a note. But a lawyer for Kennedy's conv1cted assassin Bill would ban SACRAMENTO -Armor-piercing handgun ammunition called "police killers" would be outla- wed by a bill pas.sing the California Assembly. The author of the bill, Assemblyman Tom The hearing into whether Sirhan. 38, should be allowed to keep his 1984 parole date is now in its second week at Soledad Pnson. armor bullets .. Bane, D-Van Nuys, said Monday the anununitlon "is supposed to be manufactured for police to use, but the police don't want it. It's dubbed a polioe- killer bullet because that's the only value it has " Beatty said the pnnopal sour- ce of budge t revenue would be local sales tax funds which will bring in an estimated $43 million. The balance of the district's 10- come comes from st.ate and fed- eral grant funds. The new budget estimates that operating expenses m the upco- ming fiscal year, whl(·h begins on JuJy 1, wiU be $72 3 m1lhon Ca- pital expenditures are t>st1mated al $1 2.1 million. This year's operating expenses were budgeted at $7 1 mill ion, while the overall budget total was $108 milllon . Officials said one reason the ne w budget's totals are lower than this year 's is because of the transfer this summer of opera- /, ' ting authority for more than 20 1 lifl:equipped vans to a new Reagan to hack WASHINGTON -President Reagan is pre- paring to announce h&S support of a constitutional amendment allowing voluntary prayer in public schools, an administration official says. school prayer The official, who asked to remain anonymous, said Monday the president will endorse a oons'titu- tionaJ amendment on Thursday, whlcb has been designated National Day of Prayer. Panel approves voting rights • 1 .. WASHINGTON -The Senate Judiciar y Committee today approved, on a 14-4 vote, a com- promise bill that would extend key provisions of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, the major priority of civil rights groups this year. Endorsed by President Reagan, civil rights or- ganiz.ations, liberals and Republican cooservat1'-"!S., the measure won the votes of a few of the JUdicia:r:y panel's most coMervative members, includina l'au1 Lax.alt, R-Nev., and Charles Grassley. R-Iowa. The Senate is likely to a pprove the compromise civil rights bill by Memorial Day. A similar version already has cleared the House. agency known as the Consolida- ted Transportation Agency. The vans provide service for handi- capped people. ocrD directors agreed Mon- • day to shift authority for opera- ting the vans to the new agency. which will ht! run by the county's Community Development Coun- cll ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Class1fled advertising 71 41642·5678 All other departments 642·4321 MAIN OFFICE t)t Wfl'\' HA'f' \t ( r)"l.t,. ~VII I A Rough road. f ac~; '· ailing company _ Kay Schultz v .... p,..._!ifon, .... " ........ ,, .. '" .,, ... .,,_,~ I om Murph1oe r.ttt-.. ' ............ ,,. Ken Goodard ,.,.....,., w ',.,,,...,.. ••• "1 Ray Maclean , .. ,,,,,..,.. Charles l 001 U.tttltQtfto t r cJittW ..., ........ ..., ......... _ M""'t •00,,.,... fit)• '\fa() ( ~tA ~A t A .,,.,,. (OU'ttlQf'\t t•) Or~'°""'' PUit)t1,h11~ (IJtt'llMO't No,..,...,, ,,o,,.., .uu,,,.,.,,,.,,.., • <1HOl't1tt ,,.. .. ""' ,,, ~ .,,.,,,,.,,,..~,, ,.. ,..,.,,. ,.,,.._ t>-r•pf'f)du(lld ••1"""1 "Of"( ••I °'"''""'''tnf't Gt c OC)Vttqrtt OWNll't Y-• onn • t ....... 1• 1,,.,. tMtli .o (""'A ,...,... *' r Ah•tv"•,. •fP' tU 4Y't '•""""•'•f'\'tH"'.n h'Y r""'t•·• \4 l\'1WV\flill, n. '"·''' \It"'',, • .,,..,_.., '""' ,..,,~ lu.4'-' I>•••• r.~ ..,,.,, ••ruf,. ... ton• b1n9'0('f ,.,.. ,.....,, _.,,.... " ~·~ ti\' ow Qtltnqf' C M"I PU011\htnq ( nn.,.....,, ~1M'f"Af~ ftdft'°'"' • .-. ouht"rw-" ~"• tnt~ f • •d"• tor '"°''• ~\it Ht ""M,t """"'" ... Ul'\t"'<lftw\ KPM f\ , oun•""°' Vlt~y '""''" ..... ~ .......... ~ ...... ,~,, .,~., .. "'~ "'1'ttl t0f\ "' l)UN1~ "4turnAy' ttNJ \wM(lltY' tN- onnt fPflll poht1,n.nq IH"nt "' .-t Ue W,_,, .... _. \trHf '' o no. t v.o c ""'" Mit ""' t .. 111·l.•tt•• ... ,,_,, • VOL. 1' NO. 1M ClilCAGO -Desptte ratlfica-1 tion of contract conce11lons by ' the United Auto Workers, Inter· national Harveste r Co.'1 new mat\18erneflt team faces "a very iou1h lituation" in t.rytng co eav. the ailin8 ma.nufact.urer, anatys11 ~he UAW on Mo'nda~ an- nounced that lta rank-and-file members ratified a new contl'llct t hat will ruult in several hundr~ million do)Jar1 fn N- ViDll for th• nattdn'a laraest heavy eq~t lnAllU.f~ ... ~ We're Listen1119· ••• Ann Landeirs. takes advice, stops 'reruns'·~ • CHICAGO (AP) -Ann Lan ders says she has recycled 15-year-old lelt.ers in her odvil-e column the past 18 months. but will stop because the practice was questioned and "my l·redibibty is all 1 have." Miss Landers said publicly m the past that the letters in her column were authentic. In prmt. she oflen chided Yale University students for trying to sneak phony letters past her. • A joint investigation by The Associated Press and the Pontiac· (Ill.) Daily Leader found that from April 1981 to April 1982 there were 33 clearly identiCiable examples of items that had ap- peared m Miss L a nders' daily column 1n late 1966 and early 1967. Editots of the more tha n 1.000 newspapers worldwide, among them the Daily Pilot, who buy ht•r column and her estimated 70 million readers were not told s ht' was recycling previously pub- lished le tters, sometimes using only s light changes in wordmg and details like namt>s and ages. For example. in a Feb 22. 1967 letter from .. Irving's W1f C''I' a woman said her husband was too attached to his mother, stopping at her home each morning for "collee and a bagel" a nd each night for .. some ch icken souo or some c hopped herring." H 1s mothl'r telephoned every night to ask: .. ls Irving all right?" On Feb 22. 1982. a letter came from .. M1lhe in Tht> Bronx" and the man's name was Sam He stopped for "a cup of <.'OC08 and some homemade cof£ee cake .. and later for .. a bowl of soup or chopped herring:· Sam also got a nightly call from his mother ln an mt.erv1l'W Monday with an AP reporter and assist.ant pu· blisher James Pearre of the Daily Leader. M1.ss Landl'rs was shown 12 examples and acknowledged letters had betn re<:ycled. "It started about a year and a h a lf ago," Miss L anders said, .. while l w as going through my scrapbooks to find some letters for short telephone spots I was doing for lllinots Bell. When I saw a Jett.er that was especially interesting, or made a point in• !orc.'t.'ful way, 1 t'Onsldered ualf\a it again." She said she rarely u1ed the rt>cydt'C! ma.t.enal m her column and that s h e didn't think it ··l'xtraordlnary or unwual. .. I think people read my co- lumn for advice. guidance, amu- Sl!men t I don't thinlt the n •ader eares The Important thing 1!> to get the mformatJon out.'' shl· said In a stat<'ment issued later Monday. sh<' said 1t had not oc- l'urrt>d to her that using recycled mat.enal would be considered d~ e<•puve She s.11d she would Stop rc•using old INwrs immediately. .. My 1:rt!d1b1hty is all I have and I would never knowingly do anything to damage 1t," said M tss LandC'rs. whosl' sympatltetic.. (>t'rsonal advic.-e m lumn has been syndkatc.'<i 26 years. Stcvl' Je horck, president and chwf exe<'ullvc officer of F"reld Nl'wspapcr Syndicate, distribu· U>r of the l'olumn, said Monday that t'olumns 1n the hands of sub5':rtbmg nt•wspapers would be n ·v1t'Wl'd for r£'Cycled mater{aJ and substitute ('()lumns prov1dfd 1 f nf'CeSSary . Jchorl'k said the syndiCate's t'd1tors were not aware of the pntl'llct-and that if the y had known would have advlSed Miss Landt-n. against wnng old items without clearly labeling them as rt·pt·ats J t•hon:k said several newspa. pc•r editors inquired about an AP story Monda y reporung Miss Landt•rs· US(' of recycled mate- rial The Louisville (Ky.) Times. temporarily suspended use of the column today until "we have u- surances" that advance copies of columns sent to the paper "are free of old material," said Mike Kallay, assistant managing edi- tor Editor. Dave.• Smith of tbe San Hafat•I t Cald) Independent J ournal. a subs<.'rtbe r. said the 1wwspaper would publish a cou- pon askmg n·ad(·rs lo co~mee>t on lhl· d1sd osure Bonin wants out of Orange County The a ttorn ey for convu:tl'd Freeway K iller Wilham Bonin said Monday he will request that his,client be moved from Orang£' County J ai l because they cannot have privatC' telephone conver- sations. . William Charve t said he will ask Superior Court Judge Ken- neth Lae to order Bonin returned ~·San Quentin prison pe nding the murderer·s trial in Orange County, scheduled to begin in July ln March, in Los Angeles, Bo- nin was sentenced to death m the gas chambe r for the tor ture- murdcrs of 10 young men whose bodies were dumped near free- ways. He is awaiting trial on charges m four more murders in Orangl· County Charwl said th:.it Bonin's calls lo him ~r1• plal't'<i from a speaker l<.'ll•phont· wht•n• a n yone in the JC:ltl c:an hc>ar 1f they are walking by Ht• contc•nd<'<i that his client has a right to a private conver-. sat1on with his attorney. In add1t1on. Charve t said. the last ttmt' &min was allowed to l·all him was at 1: 15 a.m .. which th e atl or n ey s aid was "r1d1culous .. and 10 violation of a court order signed by Lae allo- wing Bonin to Wit' the telephone one hour JX'r mght Charvet said he would chal- lenge thl' l·ounty jail 10 federal <'Ourt 1( the L<'lf'phonc situation is not changl'd before Bonm is due to st.and tnal Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tueeday, M•Y ... 1982 .. is forever thing' DEAR READERS. Baldlna l1 forever, expena •Y· And, 1t you're one of many who Ml 1pmt a lot ot money on a variety of pro- . ducta tha_t SWom1M t.o rrow new halt or t.o atop ba1r 1*, beware. None of the producta work, ~ to a medical advt.ory panel to ~e Food ape) Drug Admlniatratlon (FDA). An FDA panel of medical scientists, in- cludJna two dermat.ologtata, carefully acruti- nised the medical literature on hair growth and hair W. pre~tlon producta. They alao examined product labels and lnltructfbns and evaluated data submitted by product manu- factwen and otben. The panel found that the lngredienta were w e for external I.lie when Uled u specified. But the products could not do what wu claimed -they could not grow hair or prevent hair loss. There are products which have the cosmetic effect of making hair eeem th.lcker, the panel noted, but hair growth t. not involved. The FDA notes that no product or process can affect hair once it emerges from the scalp, since growth occura from the hair root. Even permanent wavlns. shaving, bleaching and other trawna to the hair does not affect the hair itaelf as Ions as the root is not involved. Tight ponytails and braids or excessive tea- sing, however, can tug at the root and follicle ,. and damage hair growth. What can alfect hair growth? Nothing 1 applied externally, including hormones. But 1 hormones produced b y the body can cause · baldness in males who have inherited the gene for male-pattern baldness (alupecia). Some -.Phylic;al conditions can cause overall loss of hair ln both men and women. Theae include dn&g therapy, lron deficiency, fever, radiation. hormonal thyroid imbalance, cruh dletlni and atarvatlon. llormo~ imbalance followlna childblrth a1lo can be a <:aUle. To help you know what varioua baldDelB products claim to do, why they don't WQrk, and t.o explain the telt.ini done on them, the FDA offers a free copy of "Baldneu Treatmentl," available from the Conaumer Information Center, Pueblo, Colo. 81009. Ground beef labeling DEAR PAT : I aaully flad u apprecla· ble differeace lD die prteet my aapermarket cltar'ea for "refalar,'' "lean" and "extra lean' groaad bee • 11 cure uy difference 1D tile fat coateat of di.at meat? G.C., Costa Mesa · While U .S.D.A. standard.a require ham~ burger meat to be no more than 30 percent fat, the difference between categories of ground beef is up to your supermarket. Most stores, however, uae this general standard for thelr labeling: regular ia not more than 30 percent fat.; lean is 13 pen.-ent fat, and extra lean is 15 percent fat. • Got a problem '! Then write to Pat Horo-.. l witz . Pat wJJI cut red t.ape, getting the - answers and act.Jon you need to solve in· ,._ equities in government and bU&iness. Mall your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Cosca mesa, CA. 92626. -~-~ -.~~ ------·-~ - i -· i -~ml '1.99.:. •5.99=.•$7.49=' ! Good tor three pieces ol 1u1cy 901oen I Gooo tor nine 01eces ot 1u1cy. gotoen I Reoeem this coupon lor a Car'Y Pack 0 brown Kentucky Fneo Chicken plus orown Kentucky Frieo Chicken with loaded with lilleen pieces 01 iuicy, C single servings ot co1e slaw masneo I tour •011s a 1arge coie siaw a large I 11 golden brown Kentucky Fried Clhcken O potatoes ano 9r avy ano a ro11 masheo po1a1~s ano a medium g1 avy z Lim•I lwO OfltlS oe• ourcrtisr ~O"P<l" 9000 I ( I l1m11 lwo Oiiers pr• ourtnne Couoon gooc I ,,,.,., rwo ot't•s cw D1J'C"•se oup0n OOoO only la< comom•11on .. n.1e10,1~ OfOe•s only IOI com0•11;11oon ... ~.1r O••· o•oers on v 10 omo •Atoon .,n,•t 'O•'~ o•oe1s Cusromei P•rs all aoplo<:iOle Silts la• CustOl!le• 04ys a11 iPl>'•caoie sa•es Ii• Cus1omt• P•yS di' app .. cao e Sills '•• Otte e Pires "ay 16 1982 I I Otter 8l(p1res May 16. 1982 I r x m • Otter eicp1res May 16, 1982 t'ro<:o m•y •ary al oart•c1oi1r1n9 •ocaloons P.icu may •iry •I oano<:iP'I•~ IOtattons Couoon QOOO Mlf '" so~'"''" I !>·ices may ••'Y al 04rl•C1Pil•Mf, IOCillOnS I C0uoon 9000 only'" Soutnern C11tl0t1111 Wl\tft I illloro.a wnrre 1ou set '"' mr,,., CouOOI' QOOO on1y '" Sout11trn Cal• oro1a wntie you see tnr memoersn1p se.1 01 int l(enrucky oersn1p su1 o1 t11r ~rn1uc•1 you see ine memoe1sn1p su • or Int Kentucky Fr1eo C.n1c~en Anoclitoon friro Cnickt n AHocia1ton 9 f 11eo Cn1tktn Assoc1at1on 9 ---• --COUPON -• -----~ntucky Fried Chick~ Open Sunday Flld T1 Go Patil llninl Four coast firms given top pacts Contracta t.otaD.tnc $143 •. 6 mil- lion have been awarded to lndu- ttrial finnl ln the 40tb Congree- alonal Dlltrict, ~ to Rep. Robert E. Badham, R-~ewport Belich. The aovernment contract• have been awarded by the Army, Navy and Bureau of Mlnea to four different companlee. Ford Aeroepace and Commu- nicat.lont Corp. of Newport Beach received the bulk of the con- tract.a, totaling $115.6 mUlion. Of the total , $46 million waa for ammunition to be manufactured at the company'• plant ln San Juan ;.~C.lstrano and another $39.5 on for varioua portiona of programs on the Chaparral rniMile, to be perfonned at New- port Beach. In addition, there is a $21.3 ·million contract for Sidewinder missile control systems, work to be perfonned at Newport Beach, and $8.1 million for spare parts for the new Dlviaton Air Defense (DIV AD) program, alao at New- port Beach. Hughes Aircraft Co. will build e lectronic equipment for the Na vy at ita Irvine facility, in a contract valued at $24.9 million. What it rnRflrlS far your ad ff) be "clos#ied" c organized Your ad is catecoriz,ed wit hin a specific clueification. Buyen can quickly and easily find what they're looking for, 80 · your ad get.a bett.er response. Daily Pilat CIH11fted ads 842-5878 Now Open For BrMkfeet AtMMa Verde Only ·Pill• . .,.etti ........... ... , .s.1e4 Mother's Day Special t7M7JS Also Located On Balboa Island ENTERTAINMENT NITELY COCKTAILS & CASUAL DINING 11 AM. ill 9 P.M. 545il711 Cameo Miniature s99s Choose From 5 Different Poses WEDDING SPECIALS NOW BOOKING FOR SUMMER photography by jeffrey "CREATIVE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY" ,,....,..... PROTEST ON ANYTHING -Bob Glinder thinks he has the ideal business for these hard times. a store tha t specializes in frustration. Glinder shows in the "I'm Fed Up and I'm Not Going to Take It Anymore" store in the Santa Cruz County community of Ben Lomond, offers books, buttons, bumper stickers and T-shlrts to protest absolutely anything. WELCOMES TO THEIR SALON: CORRY SUPER NORMA CRUZ From DelEONS O PEN MONDAY TH RU SAT. 540-0600 Dow Janes Final UP 5.42 CLOSING 154.45 Santa Catalina llland soon will have lta own ~~rpenter & AHoclatea Inc., Los Angeles-baled fl.nancial lnttJtudoftl conaultlng firm, prepared and filed the chaTter application for National Bank of Catalina on behaU of a group of local businea people. Approval was given by the comptroller of the CWTency. The bank, to be located ln a bayfront building being erected at 303 Crek.'ent Ave., Avalon, will be c.apitaliz.ed at $1 'A million ($10 per share). National Bank of Catalina organizers and ~ sed dl.rect.ora are John J . Feinberg, Vincent J.,. a- muc:ci, Milt.Qn Schatan, Robert S. Stein, Gloria E. Wall and Leo Zager. Oil well complete Transierra Exploration Corp. of 'Newport Beach announced the suooesful completion of its Cinnamon No. 3 well located in Noble County, Okla. AveraR,e daily production rate from the Skinner fonnation of 4,660 feet was 994.000 cubic feet of gas, live barrela of oil and 12 barrels of water through a 12164-inch choke. Flowing tubing pressure was 650 psi and casing pressure 680 sm. Tolal depth is 5,180 feet. Transierra owns 6?.5 percent of the working interest. Home files a vailable Orange Coast Savings and Loan ~iation ia making available free hane inventory files which can provide insurance or replacement infonnation in the event of loes or theft of household belongings. According to Richard Read, president of Orange Coast Savings and Loan, the files are being maae available in part due to \he fires In Anaheim that de-- st.royed 500 apartments and left 1,500 people homelesa. The files are at Ora.rwe Coast Sa\ling.'l two Orange County offices; in Costa r.lesa at 1700 Adarra Avenue, and in Anaheim. Short-term bills up WASHINGTON (AP) -Yields on short-te•m 'lreasury securities roee slightly in the latest auctions after declining in recent weeks, officials say. Monday's yields were the highest since April 12 levels ol 12.899 percent for six-month bills and 12.849 percent for three-month bills. About $4.7 billion in six-month T-bills were auc- tioned at an average diax>unt rat.e of 12. 78 percent, up from 12.64 percent last week. Numismatics exhibit slated North American Coin & Currency, Ltd. will pre- sent a numismatics symposium and e xhibit at the Newport Marriott Hotel on Saturday at 9 a.m. For information. call 800-432-7446. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS . '"· . ~ ... . "" + ... .~ . " . "" ..... t ~ .... \'Ol'lll (.¥)-The~ ....... -.. .... '°"' llool (~ ------........ _..., _ .. _ _..,_.,,~,..,_.,,_ --~-»··---...,_lafO ............ -... _ -.. -.-.----· -...- Pn Up 1U Up II.I Up t1 Up U Up ••• UP t I Up Lt Up u Up U Up ... Up u Up 1.2 Up 1.1 Up 1.4 Up " Up ... Up .. , Up .. > Up .. , o«W YOfll( lN'I --n"°" II'..,. -..,_ ~ Of t"9 _,. "'<"I Kll"Y9 "'"*'°CM'! s.:tc:ll. ~ -"""""' n••-•"• •• ,.,.,.. ,,_ lnll Bnk,,.,. 11•.600 • Dome!>lrt ' 1Sl,tCJO ,... • ... Kallm.a •65.JOO "', • .,.. ·-1'4.lOO 711> ''"' 10.tt P-13. tOD 10'4 W.•tH'lt 12.100 ,,.... • ·~ 11~1 10.IOO ~ -"" :::t.~ A ~= ~ ; :: Oyna1«1 C.. 61.GCIO 10 , "> METALS NEW YORI( ~Pl -SPOI nonlenoua ,,,.. 1111 pticee •odlir ,,,;;:..~ 71·11 cen11 1 pound, U S. ~8,v oenl8 • PoY>d. --36 _.,... powld, --.... _.,.......,. ..... W..~lb • ,, ,_ ~n-* l pound, H.Y ·-· 1371.00 pet ...... A I' aa.0G lroy OL, H.Y. GOLD QUOTATIONS . . .. " · .. . • . .. • • • • • I . v= I t I ' . • . . I.,.. I I I I . , J . I ~--------- Orenoe COMt DAil y PILOT /Tueeday, May 4, 1982 WE'RE CELEBRATING! THE ALL NEW RA#liER INCLUDES 24 YR/24,000 MILE CAR CARE FREEi $500 REBATE 1982 FORD VAi CARGO VAN Ext,.,,• Too Nutn«'OU9 To M•ntlonl (#1«Je) (A1 ... ) WILSON LIST- 1121235 LESS DISCOUNT & REBATES- '3,000 YOU can BUY #OW and -PAY us LATER! WE WILL WAIT FOR YOUR llCOllE TAX REFUID FOR DOWN PAYMENT ON PURCHASE of ANY . NEW or USED CAR! 1982 ESCORT 2 DOOR HATCHBACK (# 1465) (# 112826) WILSON LIST - '8199 LESS DISCOUNT cf REBATES - 11200 w NO 1981 FAIR•ONT 1982 GRANADA 11L11 1982 COURIER 2 DOOR SEDAN FANTASTIC CAR PICK UP includes cloth trim seat. p wr •trng, gorgeou• polar white flntSh & much Lots of equlpm«11 A (JOf"QflOIJS fawn finish, llinyt trim Hiii & much morel mere (Ski 1:2006} (5« #206060J(Stk. #818) (Ser. # 178"57}(Stk •806} (Stk • 1271)(Ser • 113939) · Equipment Jnclu<1es 5 ~ mlUIUllJ ovwdrfve and the XL T option packl/Jflf1, light blue lllffth blue intenor. (Stk. 111462) (5« lf60456 IJ 1ser "178456J 2 YEAR CAR CARE 2 YEAR CAR CARE 1.78 TOYOTA PICK UP 4 cyl . 4 sp . AM radio, air cond. ( 1M27625) I '80 FORD PICK UP · ~TON VB, 4 sp., sir cond., AM radio. low 7,327 mlles. (1Y16066) '77 BUICK '79 CHEVY '80 MERCURY '79 FORD RIVERA MONZA CAPRI RS PINTO AuJo ' 'lfWJ ru~f t'tt•r )Or •vfo •r•ns •Ir cond Sunroot. •tr cood, pWr .t 1 vi r•d•O 5tk $.IA'' .,,, 'lf1 AN 'M \Ohl • (YI PWf '" ffflO ''"'· turbO .. (yl, .. \Pd, L•c ... WAO -·\Ml ' 1• , .... , v~ l •< 71tY Z8 Loe 63/SA v L •W/JY,1 '71 CHEVROLET STEPS/DE '76 FORD P(Cl UP SUPER CAB W/SHELL Auto., pwr. str .. sir cond., AM/FM. roll bar. (148169) V-8, automatic trans. (1AZ4515) '79 FORD '81 FORD '80 FORD RANCHERO ESCORT FAIRMONT Aulo lraf'lt •Ir cone! Slallon Wavon, Ctl. CH-GN•. VI, <Gr \ltr.o, AM FM VI.-· ''"' Wll• .• UICI. IJ.SI• "'".. .,,, ''"· tuto lr•n• -· Lrc 1WllS67 •1711()0 •leer1nv ll< l'IOZEO EXAMPLE OF USED TRUCKS AT WILSON FORD -'79PLYMOUTH '71 DODGE '79 FORD '79 MERC '77 DODGE '81 FORD '80 MAZADA '76 CAPRI ·71t>ATSUN '76 AMC HORIZON DART LTD ZEPHYR 100 VAN MUSTANG 626 4 spd, PICKUP SPORT R'IOUl ; Or H PCI r•0-4 •Ir <ond ; dr 6 cyl, t\110 lrtn\, _, VI, t uto lr•f'lt, •Ir ~. ; VI, t lllO lrtn\, owr ''' elr VI, tutO Ir-, ... rtlr, elr ) dr.; <YI, owr !*, \lerto. t°""' evto lrtn\ t lr •'9fft ; CYI. •toreo tepe, elr 6 <vi, llH wtll, lul rKk I le ~YHI' ''" ''"'° dr. AM FM ....... -· cond. •dr Cond.rlld•o • Mid II Oh'"''" tond. Lk llUFI• cClf'd. Lk IU~KI LI< St•VNl •Ir. owr 1* l t< ll•KNY Lk 1EllJl1 lie l(HH17J LI< ICAWIU lie IUll .. TRANSPORTATtOH SPECIAL LI< OllWllG "Make an · offer"