HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-05 - Orange Coast PilotIUICI 1:1111 YDll 11111111 llllY Ml WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1982 ORANGE COUN TY . C ALIFO R N IA 25 CENTS Kids and beer wOn't • mix By JODI CADENHEAD ot ... 0.-, ,... ..... Orange County Fair Boud of- (icials are .ending a rne988ge to people under 21 who are plan- n Ing to attend the Orange County Fair: Don't drink alcohol. At leut not dwi.ng the annual county fair, July 9-18 at the fairgrounds In C.O.ta Mesa. The Orange County Fair Committee decided Tuesday to adopt stricter guideline• tbla summer following accuaatlona that minors were drinking alco- hol during the featlvltiea last year. Ken Fulk, manager of the county fair, said aecurity guard.a will be poeted at all aeven beer stands to check Identifications. Also, the fair ia negotiating U.S.,_ Britain confer with the Orange County Sheriffa department for security In hopee that uniformed offlcera will dia-oouraae under age· drinking and lnddenta of violmce, aald 1'\aJk. Last year the fair hired lta own aecurity foree for the first time af~r being told that Costa Mesa police and sheriff'• deputies would not be available, said Fulk. Fulk said the "low-key" ap- proach to law enforcement while beneficial to a fair atmo.phere, was not without aome draw- backs. "Some people thought that there waa not aa much leCWity," said Fulk. "Thia year It will be much more 'stringent aa far as young people trying to get alcohol." Fulk declined to say whether at OC Fair: the plan to hire sheriff's deputies was in response to two outbreaka of violence reported during the fair laat year. St.even Ronald Stelle, 22, was hoepitallz.ed after being injured July 13 during a fight in the parking lot and carnival operator David Brushia was bludgeoned five ~ays later as he slept in a sleeping bag Inside hla sale' booth. . Fair officials also decided Tueaday to seek 15 percent of all beer Nlea instead of the flat $3,• 000 fee accepted laat year fl"OQI each beer stand aeller. Fulk estimated that the 15 {>ercent fee could amount to $24,000 for the fair this year. a an speace soug DAMAGE -This library picture from De- cember, 1974, shows the kind of damage that an Exocet surface-to-surface miasile can inflict on a ship. It is believed a missile of this type led to the sinking of the British destroyer HMS Sheffield Tuesday. College chancellor criticized OCC instructors vote 'no confidence' in Watson By PHIL SNEIDERMAN or ... o.-, "°' ...,. More than half of Orange Coast College's instructors have indicated they have "no confi- dence" in the leadership of Coast Community College District Chancellor Nonnan Wataon and the district's board of trustees. ln a poll conducted Monday by the Acade mic Senate, the in- structors al90 said they object to the manner in which Orange Coast's new pre*ident, Bernard Luskin, was choeen. Initial reactions from district officials ranged from charges that the poll was a collective bargaining tactic to an ac:tnU.ion that a "communication gap" exists between the admin[atra- tion and faculty. The senate said 352 full-time instructors at the Costa Mesa campus were eligible to vote, al- though this total includes a number of t eachers who are away on leave. Ne vertheless, the poll drew 243 teachers -or 69 percent of the faculty -in what was de- scribed as one of the larger turnouts for an instructors' poll at Orange Coast in recent mem- ory. Results of the secret ballot were announced Tueeday: Your taxes paid Now you can work for yourself WASHINGTON (AP) -The "typical" American can relax a bit when this work day is over: He or she will have earned enough money to pay off the tax collector for this year. According to calculations by the Tax Foundation, it will take every cent earned during the first four months and five days of 1982 to pay federal, state and local taxes for an av- erage person. Because of the big tax cuts enacted last year, "tax free- dom" day is coming three days earlier than in 1981. That reverses a long-time trend. And, the organization notes, the date could be reached even more quk:kly over the next eev- eral lean ~ other parts of the tax reduction are phMed in. Figured on a daily basil, the average tax burden requires two hours and 44 minutes of work each day this year. '!bat'• down three minutes from 1981. Even eo, the typical penon ltill ~ have to work longer th.ii year to pay taxet than to pay for housing and food -two hours and~ minutes a day. STATE -Asked i1 they object to the procedures employed in the ap- pointment of a new Orange Coast president. 220 teachers -or 91 percent of those voting -said yes. -Asked if they lack confi- dence in the leadership of Chan- cellor Watson, 199 -or 82 per- cent of thole voting -answered yes. -Asked if they lack confi- dence in the board of trustees, 190 -or 78 percent -said yes. "l think it's a significant vote," said Senate Presi<lent Fran Pot- ter. "lt once again tells the board that the faculty wants more participation in management, more input and more communi- cation with the district." Miu Potter said the faculty had not previously taken a "no confidence" vote concerning the chancellor and the board dwi.ng her 24 yean at Orange Coast. Chancellor Watson, 66, who has headed the Coast District since 1963, declined to conunent on the poll. But district spokesman Richard Simon said. "We see thia purelr, aa collective barpining rhetoric. ' The district's three-year con- tract with i ta full-time instructors exp.re. June 30, and negotiations with the American Federation of Teachen are under way. The Academic Senate, which conducted the poll. ia not Invol- ved in the bar1atnlng proce11. Senators claimed some of the CW"n"nt areu of disagreements, such .. district televiaion OC>Ur9eS, pre-date the beginnings of col- Jectlve b..-plnl.ni on campus. (See LEADERSHIP j>qe Al) COUNTY Military losses detailed By Tlte Associated Presa Britain and the United States are working on a Falkland Is- lands peace plan, and the loea of British and Argentine lives makes a diplomatic solution ur- gent, Britiah Foreign Secretary Francia Pym said today. Pym told the House of Com- mons ln London he transmitted to Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. a "constructive con- tribution" toward the plan. ''A vital Ingredient of the ideas on which we are wocking ia an early <lNlle-fire and the prompt withdrawal of Argentine forces." Pym uid. He did not provide details. "The military losses which have now OCCW'1"ed on both aides in th1a unhappy conflict empha- size all the more the urgent need to find a diplomatic eolution," he added. Relatives of 87 c rewmen aboard the British destroyer Sheffield were notified today that their men were dead, miss- ing or wounded in an Argentine missile strike off the Falkland Wands. The figures on the Sheffield casualties were given by govem- ment aouroes in London, where Prime Mlnlater Margaret That- cher called an emergency Cabi- net aession. Argentina, meanwhile, conti- nued the search for about 360 crewmen missing !rom the Gen- eral Belgrano, the cruiser torpe- (Sff FALKLAND, Pa1e A%) 'Old' thieves grab $56,000 FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) -A trio of middle-aged thieves known to police as "The Over-The-Hill Gang" escaped with $56,000 after handcuffing a guard to a door at a Seara & Roebuck store. 'The gang, wearing sport ahirta and cuual clothes had prevloualy bungled the robbery attempt.a in Broward and Palm BMch count- ies, but got the routine right Tuaday. A Wella Fargo Security guard WU handcuUed to a door during the robbery, police said. They made off with a uck containina about $56,000 and about 20 pounda in change, offidala said. Proud of its buns A pair ol ll,000 legs 1be owner of a gourmet hamburger reetaurant tn San Joee defendl the u. of the ~t'• name, "Elepnt Bunt." Page A4. Nixon 'smear' recalled In an autob6olraphy rel111ed two 199n alter her death, Helen GahaOn ~ •P Ricbard Nlxan would haw def•tea her fOr the U.S. S..te wtehout n!IOftinl to ...... J.idy" ...... hall A8. A Newport s.ch coed hi. a pair of $1 000 lep. Take • look at them in Uvtnc color on P-. Bl. SPORTS . ,.,, ... , ... WAR NEWS -The early editions of Britain's neW'spapers headline the story of the sinking of the Royal Navy destroyer HMS Sheffield. The vessel was attacked and sunk by an Argentinan missile off the Falkland Islands. Teen gets 70 years ~ in OC rape spree An 18-year-old refugee from Vietnam, convicted of 40 felony charges in connection with five Orange County rape Incidents, was sentenced to 70 years In state priaon Tuelday by a judge who gave three co-defendants 100-year-plua terms in 1981. Orange County Superior Court Judge Franciaco Briseno, whose authority to sentence defendant Tung Thumh Le had been chal- lenged by defense attorneys, . meted out the stiff term despite objections from Le's court ap- pointed lawyers. The dark-haired defendant could have received a 300-year sentence In state prilon. Defeme lawyer Clarence He- watt, one of two attorneys for Le, strongly criticized the 70-year term u Illegal and im- proper. . Hewatt wanted Brfaeno to add 16 years to Le'a sentence on a firearms allegation, maktn1 the total 1entence 86 yeara. Thia would be the aame u a life tien- INDE X A4 AlO BM m A6 82 Dt-8 B1 81 Be AlO Cl2 NATION t.ence without parole, which thft state Supreme Court haa ruled ii an Illegal sentence for minors The added sentence would ha improved his chances of a sue ce9Sful appeal, Hewatt said. Le -17 at the tipw of his · -and co-defendanta Bo P Dung Pham and Minh N ye were all convicted by an Count[ superior court jury a 3 ago o multiple rape, robbery kidnapping and sexual ml900n duct counts. The P ham brothers, both 18, were sentenced to 118 years · . state priaon while Nguyen, ' 18, received a 100-year term. That proceeding took place be fore Judge Briaeno in April 1981 and triggered controversy be c:auae of the lenath of the t.erml. Offlcial1 aaJcf they were th lonaeat prison sentences eve imposed ln an Orange Coun criminal cue. Other judge. d fended the aentencea, 1ayln Brbeno had strictly adhered to the requiftmenta of the law. Radio dNma retlll'.DI ' ....... ,.-.... 8 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedneed•y, May 6, 1982 ------------------------------"'!--~~------------------------------------------------------..... - FALKLAND ISLANDS. . . doed and 1unk by a Brltl1h 1ubmartne Sunday. Brlti1h pre11 reports Hid a mlaile fired from • land-bued ,, Araentlne Ushter-bomber 24 miles 'way hit the control room of the 3,500-ton Sheffield Tues- day afternoon, turning one of the Royal Navy'• mo1t modern warships into an inferno. First reportl said the fighter- bomber flew from the 25th of May, Argentina's only carrier and its largest ship. Even if it didn't, the 25th of May is con- sidered a likely target because it The gang, wearing •port shirts· and casual clothee, had previou-1 Wuhinp>n ~d. The Hr1tish Uefenae Ministry said the cr ew was ordered to abandon the Sheffield "when there was no longer any hope of saving the ~P·" Some tintiah press reports said the ship, one of three destroyers in the British war fleet in the · South Atlantic, had sunk. But a· British reporter with the task force said it was still afloat and bummg more than six hours af- t.er it was hit. The Argentine government was silent about the Sheffield, although news of the attack wu broadcast by Buenos Aires radio 1tatlon1 quottni foreiin news repo.rta. The joint chief• of sta1t .aJd in a comm~ue today that an "air incursion ' against the Britiah task force wu carried out "with results that still are not known." The communique aaid the at- tack occurred 60 miles aoutheut of the Falkland\ about 40 min- utes before the Sheffield wa1 reported hit. British planes made two at- tacks Tuesday on alrat.ripe in the Falklands. The British Defense Ministry said a Harrier jet was shot down and ita fllot killed, while Argentina c aimed two Harriers downed. The British said a long-range Vulcan bomber, presumably flying from Ascension Island, made a "successful" attack on the airfield at Stanley, the Fal.klands capital, in the morning and re- turned safely to Its base. lfhe Argentine communique said the second attack was made in the afternoon by three Harrier jets on a dirt runway at Goose Green, 40 miles west of StanJey Both airstrips were attacked by British planes Saturday in the first major strike of the air-sea offensive launched by Britain to recapture the island colony Ar- gentina seized April 2. ,., Wlrepfloto 'LIKE THIS' -State Sen. John Schmitz. R-Corona del Mar, shows his frog Gloria how it's done while competing in the legislative frog-jumping contest outside the Capitol in Sacra- mento. Readers support Ann Landers County plan . on welfare • J . . ., . . ;. . Idaho paper drops column; four others await decision CHICAGO (AP) -Although one newspaper canceled Ann Landers' daily feature becauae of her uae of recycled material. the advice columnist was buoyed by messages of support from friends and readers. "People have been calling sin- ce last night, asking me what the flap is alt about, telling me to carry on." Miss Landers said Tuesday. one day after The As- sociated Presa reported she had recycled 15-year-old material in her column. "Still others have called and said, 'We don't care If the mate- rial waa written 20 years ago, 30 years ago or yesterday'," she said. The Idaho Falls (Idaho) Post- Regi.ster announced It was dros>- ping the column . Four othera suspended publication of it tem- porarily while awaiting assuran- ces from the Field Newspaper Syndicate that material for pub- lication this month la original . The Field syndicate, which distributes the column to more than 1,000 newspapers, issued a statement Tuesday from its Ir- vine headquarters informing subecribers that "it is pomible a few of the reuaed items are in copy you have on band. U 90, in tomorrow'• mail we will send you a list of it.ems and substitute material." Syndicate President Steve Je- horek was n ot available for comment and others at syndicate h eadquarters refused to say whether It received cancellation requests from newspaper 1ub- 9Cribers. "It's unfortunate that I didn't label the letters," Mias Landers said during a telephone inter- view. "Some people may say I'm dim-witted, but I'm not crooked." Mia Landers said she recycled "very little" material, and aaid she would discontinue the prac- tice altogether because it had been questioned and "my credi- bility is all I have." A joint investigation by the AP and the Pontiac (Ill.) Daily Lea- der led to stories Monday revea- ling that over the past 18 months Miss Landers' column -with an estimated 70 million r eaders across five continents -contai- ned 33 clearly identifiable ex- amples of items that had appea- red in her columns in late 1966 and early 1967. Editors attending the Ameri- can Society of Newspaper Edi- tors meeting, which began Tues- day in Chicago, had a range of reactions to the di8closure. "I feel a little bit ta.ken even though we use 'Dear Abby.' But thia thing makes me cautious," said Stanley Tiner, editor of the Shreveport (La.) Journal. "It's downright unethical," said Les Tratmann, editor of the Stat.en Island (N. Y .) Advance. On Tuesday. the Omaha World-Herald, the Louisville Times, The Daily News of Los Angeles and The Denver Post suspended use of the column pending assurances from the syndi~ate that the material was original. Sunny and warmer 11ternoon 1no everllng thunder· .,_. owr eouuwn ~Ion of CentTll Cellf°'"'9 today. Temperatures SUM~ 1110 warmer todey with NATl«* ~ e 11 the beectlll end 1ow HI Le lnlenCI ., .... Low douda i.te Albeny ee <12 tonight with low1 of 55 to 80. AlbuQUe 76 49 Some low doudl _.ty ThuraOey Aneh«ege 48 37 lhen turnlna 11.1nny and -rmer Athe'Alle n 46 Thurldey aftlrnoon wtth hlgfl9 In Allenta 82 52 the 70. at the bMchM aNI low Atlentc Cty 66 ~ eoa lnlllnd .,.., Austin a5 &4 E!Mwhwe, ffom Point ~ 8eltlmote n so tlon to the Mealcen bofder end Birmlnghm S4 49 out '° mllee: UgM Wfteble wtrldl 8olM 58 28 becoming ....c lo ~ 8 to eo.ton 57 50 15 knot• thl• 1tternoon. South· 8uftalo 87 39 w.t .,... of 2 to 3 fMt, •JICePl Burlington 64 49 locel combined -of 8 t..i In Cher!lln SC 76 82 outer waten. Pettly cloudy thll Chertatn wv 80 41 "'°"*19 becoming felt end .unny Cher1tte NC 78 5& ee 62 eo NaltO<w W~-lie<Yoee NOAA us Qeof OI com.-1.• Fronts: Cold.,. Warm _... Occluded ..,.. 79 •s Aed"'ooO Clly 82 !14 taken to DC Orange County Supervisor Roger Stanton was expected to fly to Washington D.C. today with a welfare crackdown plan -approved by fellow supervi- sors Tuesday -that officials say could save millions of taxpayer dollars through the early detec- tion of welfare fraud. Stanton told reporters that presidential assistant Robert Carleson and David Swoap, Un- dersecretary for the U.S . Health and Human Services Depart- ment. were interested m discus- sing Orange County's approach to thwarting welfare cheat.era. Because the federal govern- ment provides mosl welfare as- sistance, it has the most to gain through the detection of Craud, the Fountain Valley lawmaker said. On Tuesday, the Board of Supervisors agreed to make per- manent a pilot crackdown pro- gram that budget analysts con - (irmed could save government agencies $7 million in federal, state and county funds that oth- erwise would have been lost through fraud over a 24-month period. Stanton has been a strong ad- vocate of the prevention program since first learning about its ex- perimental operation Crom March 198 I through February of this year. The program is simple: lnves- tiga tors for the District Attor- ney's welfare fraud unit are sta- tioned in branch welfare offices to ferret out suspected illegal ac- tivities at the earliest stage - when applications are made out. Stanton said the pilot program, initiated by the District Attor- ney's Office. produced dramatic results after 12 special Investiga- tors were stationed in branch welfare offices. f"rom Page A 1 LEADERSHIP • Collett~.:!•trtct Board Presi-dent W Kettler wu out of town Wednelday, but Vice Pree- ldent Carol Gandy aald the cur- rent dispute "bothers me u an Individual and u a board mem- ber. "I think we have aome com- munlcaUon ~lema that need to be re.olved. ' She 18id the board followed proper procedures In the selec- tion of Luskin u Orange Coast's new president. Regarding the t.eachen' critlcl.arn ot Chancellor Wataon, Mrs. Gandy &aid, "I be- lieve the board has every confi- dence in his leadership ability diat.rictwide." Orange Cout ln1tructors ad- mitted that two recent Incidents have fanned the anti - adminiatration feelings on cam- pus. A screening committee repre- senting Orange Coast adminis- trators, teachers, students, cleri- cal staff and the community re- viewed about 80 applications for a successor to President Robert Moore, who retires June 30. The screening committee for- warded six names to the board of trustees. The truat.eee narrowed this list to one finalist, who re- jected the district's job offer. The trustees then ch08e Luskin, who had not applied for the post, to head Orange Coast. Luskin is president of sister achool CoaaUine College. Some teachers were upset that the trustees had not reconsidered the initial appl.ican ts . More recently, the district threatened legal action against four Orange Coast professors who criticized district television courses in a letter distributed statewide. Faculty members at Orange Coast and at Golden West Col- lege, the district's third school. have rallied behind the authors of the t.eleooune letter. "The board has got to open some channels of com - munication," said Orange Coast academic senate member Bill Purkiss. "I think the poll shows the faculty feels alienated, 1SOlated and abandoned in many ways.'' Reagan: Play • same issues WASHINGTON (AP) -Pres- ident Reagan has some campaign advice for Republicans in Con- gress: run on the same issues that brought the party to power in 1980 and "stand on the record" of his administration. And that means blaming most of the nation's economic woes on Democrats, Reagan told House and Senate Republicans Tuesday night at their biggest annual fund-raiser. "We've said it before, let's say it again," he said. ''The Issues are with us this year. U we do our Job between now and November, voters wiU r econfirm the man- date they gave ua in 1980.'' Nuke leak stated MONTICELLO, Minn. (AP) -Northeast States Power Co. says a leaky gasket caused a 7-hour-long leak of slightly radioactive water from the utili- ty's Monticello nuclear plant into the Miasissippl River. 0.-,Nllt ........... CRITICIZED -Coast District Chancellor Norman Watson has been given a "no confi- dence" vote by Orange Coast College teachers. OPPOSED -Bernard Lus- kin's selection as new Orange Coast College president has come UJ?der fire by instruc- tors. Police rout 2,000 rowdy party goers SANT A CLARA (AP) -Po- lice broke up a crowd of 2,000 people who gathered alter offi- cers ordered noisy University of Santa Clara studenlS to leave an off <am pus party today. There were no injuries or ar- rests, but windshields of three police cars were smashed by beer botUes . The incident began when Santa Clara police, aft.er warning 200 partygoers to quiet down, arrived at the house near campus to send the students home, ac- cording to a police spokeswoman. The students agreed to break up their ba~kyard, aJl-the- beer-you-can-drink party. But the arrival of the police attracted hundreds of people from nearby houses and an I I-story dormito- ry. The streets and sidewalks were jammed as the cro•4fd swelled to about 2,000 people, and students were "hanging out of dorm windows," throwing beer bottles, said the police spo- keswoman. -The crowd wa1 dispersed about 12:30 a.m. by Santa Clara police, with help from San Joee and Campbell police, the Cali- fornia Highway Patrol and the Santa Clara County Sheriff's DepartmenL thle an.moon. ~ ~ 83 51 Relelgh Reno 811 3!1 Sectam4!n10 85 59 .--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ U.S. summary Clndnnall 78 45 RichlnOnO 78 49 Salif\N 89 48 CleW68ncl 71 41 Salt Lek• 80 47 Sen e.rn .. oono 83 58 Clmbie 8C 82 47 Sen Antonie> M 65 Sen G11><1e1 74 57 8trot19 thunderetorm1 moved Columbul n 43 Seettle 54 39 Sen Diego 10 eo NS1ward ecroH Minn.iota on O•F1Wth 85 82 ~~ 86 81 Sen Franoltc<> H 53 TuHOay ahHd ol a cotd front Oeyton 79 '9 78 ee San JoM 111 53 th•t cooled off ereu ol the Denver 78 60 St. Loult 85 85 Santa Ana 72 69 nOl'thef'n Pleln1 that hid a ne1W 0.. Motne1I ee 83 SI p.fampa 83 lit Sen11 Blfbar• 86 58 ~ t .... -the dey before. O.Voll 72 ... lpotlaM 67 28 Senti Crva 84 61 A .. ,,.,, 1h\lndet110l'fll watc;h D\AUlh 75 ... 8yrlCUM 87 40 Senti Mllrla &t 48 wa1 luued for centrel end EJPaeo 72 M TOC*ll .. 84 Senta Monlce 81 57 IOUtMm ~ •• centr• end """° T1 IO TlaCIOtl 71 81 Stocltton et 58 ...-n low9 Ind pert of .....,.,.. ~·fl 58 41 TulM 87 86 T llhOe Valley 84 34 Nebrlllka. Gr•t Flllll 60 " WMNngtn 74 53 Tlwmll 83 Sii HMY)' ~~ devel· Hat1tord • 41 Wldlll• 83 84 TOl'flnCe 88 69 = '1'tet ..-elf IOl.lthaMtefn .....,,. 60 aa CAllOMIA Ywna 82 83 I di, ptOducl~ IOfM local Honolulu 83 116 .. Lo CANAOA I .......... lit . ~on 82 .. ==·~ 72 82 811ow9f• ... ~· lindnepllt 81 ... 88 70 HI Le ll ... 9Cltt"9d °"" the 9outll-Jeckll'I ... 67 lanllow 70 M CelottY 411 I Mitt. c.ntr• fb*i. end llollO J41ckll'IYtle 82 . ., teeumont ... 52 ...,,. of .. NorttleMl ooeat. JunMll 42 12 ---M 37 Edmonton 45 for todl!r. ~°'"" ..... Kal1I City 85 u 9llhoC> IO IO Mon tr• 84 f«ecM1 ,,_die eov"'9rn and LMV~ 71 eo ~ IO 13 ReolM 51 oentrll Aoc*• '° OldMom9 ... Ul9t Rodi ... IO .. &e TOtOl\10 17 .....,,.T .... _...__._, ~ IO ... futtka SI 31 v~ 5$ I ttlundeft"°'"'' frofll Ml~ =-... 12 Freeno 16 Sii ~ 71 ltlnlullft .. '°""" ONo v..., Ind T1 17 ~ 71 !Ml ttie G«1tra1 or .. t Liiii .. ftOIOI\ • ....... 71 47 Long IMcfl 17 81 ll""'Y ......... for.c.M .... of ...,..,, .. .. ~~ .. 81 .. ~ ... -mud! of the ~ 82 41 17 11 Extended A'** COlllll .,_ Newon-w 87 IO MotwO'M .. SI .... YOttl 71 N MonHtltllo 72 eo Cali/oJ9!lia *'toll .., .. ~ .. .. . weather Olde Qty ... t3 .... Wlllol'I 52 42 OflllM t2 ... ....,... n · 11 f elr tflli 1f1.,noo11 throu:i: OrtMdo .. IO' == ... M .. Frld1y•lund1y• P11ot1y 111• Ttllltldey tit louttlerft cellor ;::-12 61 f7 5S nl0h1 tflCt -IY "'°'= ~· ................... t3 .. om.to 13 .. near the ooNt, otll M fair • Ult 00111 Tlluradey 111or11l119. ='t:. 71 .. , ... ~ .. " t41ghe In N OOlltoll .,.... :'?!: ·-~ ,...,.., 12 .. "'° ...,.,... 77 ... from tttt ~ IOI " IM • Or•"'' County oan 11pect ,.._, ar. 12 :n ::= ·~ 87 01111 Co flt IOI lftllft~ erHO. 11ttM t .. CMeotlM, 71 lnlll'd "'AmoH a 46 l .. eo LO'#l ll l• ·~'-:: ., .... ~ M lo IO. Tilutedey r•'°"''""' .. MtN In""* IOI 11 .......... IOlrnlllnlMd. • ....... lltllt PIATUlli INCLUDl1 • AEROltC CLASSES • PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTtON • IOOY FAT ANALYSIS • STIHS TESTINO ...... ::----= llllllBIT lltfllnll :;--'" Tide1 / ....... ~ ........ n,,......_. .. ...... TONY CHANCI 0' A ,.. IMOW-....... ti""'" IM '" IOUTHIM DllDTI . ---~~· I ...,.,,. ..... ~1···· .... = "l.fll. .. , " .... ,,..,...,. .. .... .. =&& ... .................... '°'° ... ,.... tJ ......... ,....,, .......,. .. °"'*" Clillllf'NI :FA~~~~ .. ~"'ii:': di ~ ~ :.=.=-:r..· n ... =:... ..... --.A ... -... • llOOO PIESSUI£ TESTING • COEOSAUNA • NUTllTIONAl COUNSUJNO • COED WH9&.POOl • ~YMPtC PIH WllOHT • ~mtZfD DVNA VIT . • twlfl.US D!IClll IOUIPMINT • SUN TAM 100M " ~ • GUAIAN1HD ... " l • ' - ----------- . . A,. Wtret»ftO(o COLONY HOUSING -Carpenters continue finishing work on apartment complex in nearby Battlement Mesa. Colo., despite Exxon USA closing its huge shale oil project in Parachute. Builders are hope ful Union Oil shale worke r s will rent the units. In back - ground is outcropping of the oil-shale rich Pi- ceance Basin. Unemployed drown troubles Hundreds of laid-off oil shale workers hit the bars PARACHUTE. Colo. (AP) - Hundreds of Exxon USA oil shale workers, bitter about losing their jobs. hit the bars for solace while waiting lo collect their last paychecks today so they could head out of town. Many of the 2,100 worke r s who found the gates a l the desolate construct.ion site locked Monday morning were later loa- ding truc ks and trailers with their belongings. "They're ge tting ~der," said Pat O'Neill. owner of one of the town's two bars. "Not only did they loee their jobs, but they've been, in effect, told that they're only small ants tn the giant Ex- xon antpile." Exxon announced Sunday that escalating C06ts were forcing it to abandon the multimillion-dollar Colony S hale Oil Project. the nation's largest synthetic fuel project. It was a move that was expected to bust the boom in this recently flourishing area. The decision followed by two days an announcement by a group of Canadian oil companies saying they had acra pped plans to produce oil from tar sands near Alberta. This worried e nergy analyst Peter Warren from the Colorado School of Mines, who predicted the abandonment of s uch syn- thetic fuela projects would give "carte blanche" to the OPEC countries to set prices on crude oil. Once the site was completed, Damages awarde~ to girl born deaf S AN FRANCISCO (AP) - The California Supreme Court says a girl born deaf -and whose pare ntt>say had a funda- mental right to nqrmal hearing -is entitled lo special damages to pay for some o( the things she will need in life. Joy Turpin. the second child of James and Donna Turpin, is entitled .to special damages to cover "extraordinary expenses for specialir.ed teaching, training and hearing equipment that she will incur during her Jifetime," the state's h igh court said Mon- day. Dissenting in the 4-2 decision, Justice Stanley Mosk said the girl should a1ao have been awar- ded cral damages. Chief Jus- tice Bird agreed. The deciajen sent the cue back to Fresno County Superior Court. Judge Blaine Pettitt had waed out the case. The parents took their first child, Hope, to Fresno Commu- nity HoepitaJ in 1976 for evalua- tion of a possible hearing defect. They alleged that the Mfen- dants, Dr. Adam J . Sortlni and others, decided that Hope's hea- ring WU normal.•They said they learned later that Hope wu to- tally deaf as the result of a he- reditary ailment The Turpins claimed that they would n ot have conceived a se- cond child if they had known of Hope's heredity problem. They sued for damages "for depriving Joy of the fundamental right of a child to be born . . . without to- tal deafness." In its decision, the majority said general damages should be denied because Joy "obtained a physical e xistence with the capacity lo both receive and give love and pleasure as well as to experience pa.in and suffering." The majority said that In most recent cases, parents have been allowed to "recover at least some elements of damage in such actions."' But Mosk and Blrd said It was "lncoruistent" to permit Joy to recover special damages and not general damages, particularly without explaining the principle behind such a distinction. "The reality of the 'wrongful life' concept la that such a plain- tiff both exists and suf fen due lO the negligence of others. lt la net ther necesaa.ry nor jult to re- treat into meditation on the mysteries of life:• the minority opinion said. The Turpim have since moved out of mte. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Cl111ifiad 1dvart1sln9 J141642·S671 Alt other des»iar1ments 642-4321 Kay Schutu v .. ~1·,~t •id,,.,,...,,.. nt •·'"""'~ Tom Murptm>,. !tfllt"'tt Mike Harvev t)..lllfUw •" .... '..-tw'4,1 1f •• u•~ttnnt Ken Goddard °""' t w ' f"\11•qtw•t111 Rey ~11cLeen ··'""'' ...... Chllrtes l OOI .,,,., IQ .. .., r .,.,,.,. ..,:::.~ .... , .. C""rrl{jlll ,.., OI_. c..,,, P\IOl"l-">CI "'°"-' ' N9 ,..,.., "°'~' ''""''"''°"'· •drlj)rl•I m•tl•r or •O •Hli .. m"'h twor•11t m<ly ~ ''PrOf\ICjpf wit"°"' ~<>Al"'""''"-f)4 ( O.•r'4fll DW""f I rw .,,.._ "°"" °"''' ,., ....... ,. ....,"" " •om -'"" Ht-,.,....,, " fWbll-· by '"" 0<~ '°"'' .. _.,,,,.. '"'""""' Sl'Oll•••• ...,._ .... Pllllll•~ ""°"""" ll)ttl'4fl J rlct•Y lot l"Mtot Moo .. H•woe11 M<ttll M\lftf•ftQi«WI 11•..ch f:~ ....... ,, ••·-·-~" ~ ... c ... 1 •·~,,..._ "'"'"" " """'•""'d 'A''"""'' -Wntl•'I" , ... ;· ~ ... ;::: r.:·;r:,.":: t:~~! ·: :.~.~.~::~,~:!"' " ..... VOL 18-NO. 121 workerS were lo have nUned oil shale. then crushed and heated it to extract oil. In B att l eme nt M esa , a company-built town across the Colorado River from Parachute, Police Sgt. Britt Wurl said an evening thunderstorm tempora- rily dampened the ire of angry const.rucUon workers. who found out Monday they w ere out of jobs. _ "But I don't know how long this lull will last," Wurl added. Parachute ban were crowded Monday night, and Jaw enforce- ment officials were wo rried about further outbreaks of vio· lence -which were limited du- ring the day to isolated skir - mishes and minor vandalism. .Meanwhile in De nver , Gov. Ric hard Lamm met with me m· bers of h is Cabinet to assess the impact of the Colony shut.down, which he termed "a disaster" for Garfield County but "not a mor- tal blow" for Colo rado as a whole. . Police shut down the liquor s to re 1n Battle ment Mesa on Monday, but Parachute Police Chief Steve Rhoads later rejected a request by sheriff's officers to close d own the two bars in neighboring Parachute. These guys a re angr y and they're going to drink." he said. "This Reagano- m i cs just ain't working" "I'd rather keep them here than have them on the road endange· ring innocent people." Dennis Schmitz, a construction worker who says h e spent all Monday drinking beer and shot.a of whiskey ln Battiement Mesa's trailer park, la heading back to Arizona as soon as he gets his paycheck. "The ones who can afford It wlll leave," he said . "The ones who can't will be on welfare in Colorado. This Reaganomics just ain't working." The effect on the area's eco- nomy will be diaaatroua, accor- ding to regional officials and buainela executives. '.fhe Colony project wu planned to produce 48,000 barrela of shale oil daily by 1987 and would have em- ployed 7 ,000 workers at peak conatr\ICtlon. "lta lhutdown wW hurt bank.a from Grand Junction to Glen- wood Sprinp," aald ]!.ay Ouer- r le, preaident of the First Nadonal Bank of Battlement Meu. ''Our lntent. 11 to take~ of the IW'\ltvora." Ironically, Monday waa the tint rneet1n1 of the new Para- chute Chamber ol Comrnerce. "It WU a blt eomber," uJd Dr. Robert Trafll, a denU1t who opened a pncdce on BeUlement Meta llWfal months ACO· 0 Uke everybody elle, ru ~ k.P .... " What do )'OU llkt •bout the Dall)' Nit? What don't you like? Call lhe number below anchyour me•aa•• will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the 1pproprt1t. fdltor. The same 24·hour an1wmn'-Hrvlct ma)' bt uMCI to rttord let l~ra to tht tditor on any top{c. Maltbo• contributors must include h Ir name and l~l~phon. nµmber for vennuuon . No circulation calls. pie~ Tell us what's your mlnd, . . .. . . . . . -. . . . . .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednetday, May 6. 1982 s Budget battle looming April effort for compromise collapses ~J~i~~~~°ia~~~gina NEWS ANALYSIS ~i'e': ::ls~teresl rates have drafting a new federal budge t, He says the anawer la to reduce Republicans are crowing that spending; Democrats counter that they have the Democrats in an ~nomics something has to be done to in· elect.ion-year corner as advocates ts at bu"dget compromise crease reve nues. of increased spending and higher after an April-long ef. Those were d Is pu tes l h at taxes. forr.-Republlcan congressiona l couldn't be bridged in the com· Maybe ao, but the Republican leaders say the:(re going to try promise talks that foundered a comer isn't very comfortable, ei-again. Rep . Ric hard Bo lling, week ago. And the rhetoric sin<.-e ther. The recesaion penlata, un-D-Mo., a key Democratic nego· is not that of compromise. employment Is high, and the tiator, aaid he still wants to work "Apparently the phtJosophu:al pollsters report President Rea-with the adminuitration and the difference be t ween us is that gan's job approval ratings down. Republicans on a bipartis an they want more and more spen· Those are not promising cir-budget. ding and more and more taxes," cumstances aa Reagan seeks to Democratic consressional lea· R eagan said. "l believe w e reassemble his old team of con-ders say any aC<.-eptable compro-should have less spending, less gress1onal Republicans and con -mise will h ave to be fair, by taxes and more prosperity. servative Democrat.a to pass the which th~y mean it must ease The president then asked the kind of budget he wants. curbs and cuts on social spending public to tcU Congress "that you "lam convinced that we Ure in Reagan says it must be respon· think this ts not ume for pohucs the trough, as it is called, of this sible, meaning spend ing has lo be as usual," and that therefore hUI recession, and that we wiU begin c ut, defense a ppropriation s proposals should be approved as to see recovery in the second half maintained at levels tha t won't th e alternauve to "runaway of the year," Reagan said in h is delay the rebuilding of the rrulJ-taXl"S , s p e.nd1.ng, govern~.cnt nationally televised address o n tary, and "our tax reduction s debt and high interest rates. the budget. adopted la s t year mus t be ........ :t'.b.iU. tuas the maki ngs o f a That may no t be soon enough reserved .. Republtcan campaign theme. for Republican campaign pur-P · "If our opponents want lo go to J>06e8. Each side b~ the other for tht: American people next fa ll It takes three to make a bud-the record d ef1c1ts now in pro· and say ·W e're the party that get, a president, the Senate and spect. tm.>d lo take away your tax cu ts, the House. Since the first two are There was a re<:ord deficit built we're the party that wanted a Republican and the H ouse is into the budget Reagan proposed bargain basement m1ht.ary and Democratic, the debate m ay in the first place and 1t nqw is h eld a fire sale o n national become what all sides say they projec ted a t $I 02 billion T h e SE."Curity,' we"U give them all the don't want: a sharply partisan president said that's because lo· running room they want," the debate that will have more to do wer inflation rates have reduced Re publican National Gommitwe with the coming e lections than revenues while higher unem-quoted Reagan as saying. ~~~~~~-=-~~~~~~~~ REMEMBERS THE PHOENIX -Richard Schmidt, a former deckhand aboard the USS Phoenix when Pearl Harbor was attacked, watches films of the vessel on local news al his home in Sin Diego. The ship, renamed the General Belgrano by the Argentine navy, was Af'~ sunk by a British submarine in the Falkland Islands conflict. S mith is holding his invitation to the reunfon of Phoenix crew members that he received this week . Smith remembers the Phoenix as a ''lucky ship" that survived four hard-fought years in Pacific combat. Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHR/f.'S Cutifitd G~molo1<11tt, AOS CLASSIC QUARTZ BY OMEGA FOR MOTHER'S DAY •• l/Vomsn ·• 14K gold Ou1rti w11ch with J d11mol'ld d••I mineral cr.,c1111 ond 14 K gold cht1n br1cott1 'ltSQl'I * Ot'411lge Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday, MaV 5, 1982 ,\•ly PAT HOROWITZ .-or ... n..,,..•w DEAR READERS: 'nWI operators of three 0rance County auto repair ahops have~ -ordered to pay more than $4,000 ln fines &nd If' reatltution after being found guilty of viola- ~ tiona of the Automotive Repair Act, ~ ·u to the state Department of Consumer Affaira Bureau of Automotive Repair. The actions were taken ln Orange County mu.nidpal oourta. All the cues were referred to the Orange County district attorney by the bureau after the bureau investigated com- plaints filed by consumers dluatlafled with repairs performed at the shops. All five de- fendants were placed on two-year summary probation. . In one case, Carl Bergeman and Kraig Kavanagh, doing business as Kolor Me Kustom, 1261 Sunshine Way, Anaheim, plea- ded no contest to committing fraud and ma- klnC falae and misleading statements, in that parts were not replaced aa d escribed on a repllir estimate. The North Orange County Judicial District Court ordered each of the partners to pay a fine of $700 and to make restitution of $704 to an ~ company that paid for repairs that had not been done. fn another case, Safir Bakhahi and Ro- berta Bakhshi, partners in World Mechanic, 1747 Anaheim Ave., Costa Mesa, were con- victed of making an untrue or misleading statement and defrauding a victim by claiming that they had performed repairs that they rua not do. The Harbor Judicial District Court or- dered the defendants to pay a $750 fine ~ to make restitution to customers in the amount of $326. A 30-day jail sentence was suspended. In a third case, Alberto Berardi, doing business as Importec of Brea, 300 S. Brea Blvd., Brea, pleaded guilty to faillna to pro- vide an invoice listing parts and service work do~e North Orange County Judicial Di- strict Court ordered him to pay a fine of $350 and to make restitution of $180 to his victim. Peraons who believe they may be victims ' of questionable auto repair practices are asked to write to the Bureau of Automotive Repair, 3116 Bradshaw Road, Sacramento 95827, or in an emergency call toll free (800) 952-5210. SCORE aids new firms DEAR PAT: I am illtera&ed la ope-alac ••mall retail bables1 ud woDI like co kMw ltow co p U..t doJq 6lt. I laave a lot of •••Hwered ••eaUoH abo•t llcea1ea, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ··:-:-:-:-. 0 0 o o o I · ..... . :: :::::::::: ...... . . . . . . :~~ :-:-:-:-:-: ;r cr. • SAVE 5 60 MODEL 1a& tuu, lacorperaOoa ud macll more. Wllea co I ftlMI Ht abotlt all of tMH t11.1a11.? - J.T., N'ewport Bea8 Make an_ appointment with the COW'lle-Unc office of SCX>RE (Senior Corp of Retired Executlvee) by Phonina 836-2709. A SCORE counselor will talk to you peraonally and provide the buic lnfonnatlon you need. The office i.t located at 2700 N. Main, Santa Ana. They help with problem DEAR READERS: If you or someone you know haa a hearing, language or apeech problem, the American Speech-Lanl'l~Se­ Hearing A.od.atlon and its consumer af te, the National A11ociatton for m~arina and Speech Action, have prepared a number of brochures fbr CONUl'Qet'I. ~ pemphleu ana- wer questions about arttculatlon. voice and language problems, awttertna. adult aphMia. hearing loes and conununication di9ordera of the elderly. For more information, write to the non- profit auociatlon at 10801 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Md. 20852, or phone (collect) to (301) 897-5700 (voice or TTY). Unsolicited items free DEAR PAT: ID die mail la1t week I rec- eived two expeuJve boxe1 of 1tatioaery, ud a blll to matcla. Slllce I never ordered tlaJa paper, or ever laeard of die company tbat seat It, am I obligated. co pay for or to retina .. e paper? -M.H., lrvlDe Neither. If anything is mailed to you without your permission. including ties, stock- ings, or stationery, you can keep it free. Even if the company sends you a bill, you don't have to pay. But it's a good idea to let the company know you were billed for merchan- diaeJou didn't order. Thia right does not ap- ply you agreed to purchase a certain nwnb;er of books or records from a club. •• • j Got a problem? Then wrl~ k> Pat Horo- • witz. Pat will cut red tape, geeting the ,., answers and action you need k> aolve in- equities in government and bwinea M.n your que.tioru to Pat Horowitz, At Your, Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1580, a.ca mesa. CA. 92626. As many letters as possible wi1J be am- wered, but phoned inquiries or letters not including the reader's full name, address and businea hours' phone number cannot be considered. Eureka Upright with 4-way Dlal-A-Nap® •Dual Edge Kleene,. geta dirt rtght up to the baaeboelda. •Power-driven 12 Inch beat• bar brush roll. •Top-filling large capacity dlapouble duet bag • •Adjustable ~position han~le. ::.~~ •6995 ls 'Elegant Q.uns' distaste£ ul name? RETIRING -Orance Cout Collece'• dean of continuing education, Dr. Charl• A. Li- pot, will retire July 1. SAN JOSE (AP) -The owner of the fourmet hatnburger rea- tauran operating aa "Ele1ant Buna" went to court to continue uaina the name that hi.a land.lord flnda distaateful. su,y Gofflteln, figh tlng a ault that aeeka to triple hls -$2 ,000 monthly rent lince he w• asked March 10 to change the name or set out of the Oakridge Mall ln San J0te, argued in court docu· menta that mall ownen are vio- lating hls right to free 1peech. Directories cost Out-of-state books no longer· free Pacific Telephone has begun charging for out-of-state ~lephone directorlea, according to Diane Dailacis, division manager. The move ia designed to recover costs the company must pay to out-of-state telephone companies who charge Pacific Telephone, Dailads said. She said PaeTel spent almost $2.5 million in 1981 on such directories, but provided them free to its customers. The price range will be from $1.50 to $10 plus tax per book, depending on the size of the directory. Many large busineaees have standing orders with PacTel for nearly 750,- 000 out-of-state directories each year. No charge is planned for directories printed in California. Contained ln the docwnentl ia aome 1plcy legal langu•ae that apeaka of the need to ''mUltard defemes" and "get to the meet of the matter." . "We were trying to ahow that worda can mean a lot of thin&ll·" snickered Goffstein'1 lawyer, Ronald Romi. Mall ownen filed aUtt ap1mt Goffsteln, ~O . after failtng to evict hlm over the "Elegant Buna" dispute. "They said It was auggestive," Goffatein said. "It never occurred to me that it might be ta.ken that way." The restaurant's IOtJO depicts a smiling hamburger with a mon- ocle and top hat. ''I wanted a name that would give the place some clasa." Goffstein said. He said while the mall contract stipulates that management mu.st approve of tenants' buslne11 names, the a#.reement specifies that conaent ' will not be u.nrea- aonably withheld." G o ffstein had run the "Brothers Pizza Galley" at the mall since 1975, converting it into a hamburger restaurant two months ago at a cost of $50.000. Receipt.s jumped from $6.000 a month to $10,000 a month with the switch , he said. 30% to 50% off all ••• ' pictures, mi1TOrs, lainps, clocks, giftwares, flowers. All those nice things for the house . \ ., -;:::;~~~~~~~---_,-.....---.......... -~-------------.......... ~~------------;::~~::-::-::-:-:-:-:-::;.::::-;;~:=;-;:~.:-=-.~~-~-~-~--==~---------• ' ;:,(:f"!1f'!!'~'~ .. _...,...._. -• • • ... Elvis mansion open to public Graceland Mansion , Memphis home of the late Elvis Presley, wm be opened to the public as a memorial museum June 7 The announcement was made by Jack Soden, executive director of Graceland Enterprises, during a news conferen'-e on the front steps of the 18-room colonial that served as the late entertainer's private residence 20 years. Guided tours of the mansion and grounds will be conducted from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily and will conclude with a v1s1 t to Presley's gravesite m the Medi- tation Garden, the only portion of the Graceland estate open to the public since the singer 's death Aug. 16, 1977. Jazz trumpeter Miles Davis, weakened by health and drug problems in r ecent years, 1s enjoying a triumphant return to the Euro pe an sl'e_ne after a 10-year absence He made two rare appearan<.'<'S this wee k , an Paris and Bor- deaux, and for fans in Fran<.'C, a jazz-mad co untry, 1t was the event of the year Most tickets had been sold an advance and an Paris, t1c·kf'ls were hawked for up to $80, nearly five times their original price. Larry Wil cox, who stars in the television show "CHiPs," filed for divorce from his wife, Jo- hanna. less than fo ur months af ter she withdrew her set of di- vorce papers. DIES AT 70 -Character actor Hugh Marlowe, who most r ecently starr ed in the soap opera "Another World" has died of a heart attack in New York. bN:ause of unresolved contract ts.sues The s how's producers said Miss MC"Ardlc was asked to leave the show because s he couldn't "handle th(• part " Thl• :ii-year -old husband of onetmw Man!lon family disciple Leslie Van Houten pleaded in- n<xt•nt to t·harges of grand theft and rt'<.'t·1vmg stolen property William David Cy win o f Chino. an artis t and a<.'t.'Ountant, was ordered to stand trial June 21 after hlS arraignment in San Bt'rnardino County S uperior Court. Cywin and Ms. Van Houten, a yl'ar his se nior, w ere married Nov 18 at the California lnstitu- t1o n for Women a t Fron tera, where she 1s serving a life sen- tence m conne<:tion with the 1969 Tate-LaBianca murders. . ·--.. ~ ,.,,. -. I.. Video games h elp sailors ~1 Trials resume in nude sunbathing ...J Orenge Coatt DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, May 5, 1982 SANOER (AP) -The p opularity o f video games is improving the quality of Navy recruit.a, said the Navy's deputy assletant secretary for manpower. Speaking at a junior ROTC graduation prog- ram, E.C . Grayson said video games develop hand-eye coordination. MALIBU (AP) -Nine people thing In the buff on certain explained, while the recot~ arrested 188t summer for nude area beaches S ixty-seven of throe other cases have been sunbathing on Malibu beaches those decided to plead innocent Ya81ru!n, who la repre.ent1 have gone on trial, authorluea and go to court, Yagman said Of h la clients on behalf of t said. th08(.' 67, 21 have lx>en tned -12 American Civil Llberle1 Union , They are being tried In Malibu Municipal Court on mildemeanor charges of nude sunbathlne. said their attorney, Stephen Yagman. Last summer, sheriff's depu- ties arrested 1)41 people for vio- lating a Los Angeles County or- dinance that prohibits sunba- people were l'Onvkt.ed, fivt• were said he wlU contend that lhe Los acquitted, and four cases were Angeles Col.lilly ordinances are dismissed, Yagman said. "unconaUtutJonal." Another 34 cases were duimLB- sed by the Appellate Department o f the Los Ange les County Superior Court bc!cause tht.>y did not go tD trial on ume, Yagman "They are vague and ambl· guous. T hey describe t.he beaches in unintelligible legal languaae and never refer to them by their names," he complained. THESE D~ave Make s.15.ooo. RW ~ nc:t just und<:r · $25,000. each month and is I Y2% higher than 'the most recent VAUR Nft That\t·\<:n WIS ,v ~ ~:~:r~~~i~i~y. dedication have got- GROSS ~~ f~cla;her<: you Al most hrokc. • So what can vou <lo If vou have the mixed ahout it?You can manage vour blcssi1\g of a high salary. your money better. Make yo~1r · net takt~home pay probably money work harder for you. seems to you the gros~sc sort And here's an C1 ttractivc of injustice. new way to <lo it. If you're single and you gross $35.000 a yea r. you net about $20,000: That's gross. OUR NEW IJ4·YEAR· PLUS ACCOUNT. TheS<..' davs vou'vl' got to L·a rn <IS high a .rdtC of r<:t U rn <lS \OU possibl y can. 3Y1 Year Plus Account Vanabl~ Rat<::· Faxed Race: Rate: 13.97% Rate: 14.00% An nualiz.t'll Annual ired Y1dd: 15.21 % Yield : 15.25% 91-day T-Bill auction. In terest is compounded daj Jy. There: is also a Fixed Rate account ava ilable for 3Y2 to 5 vears. which offers a fixed interest rate for the fulJ term. For further information about our 3Y2 -Year-PWS Accounts or our new 91-day. $7500 minimum, MiniT-BiJJ Account call collect ( 213) 240-5913. A Jot of safety (insured up to $100,000 bv the FSLIC), and a lot of interest. It's our way to help make vour net a little less gross. l • I Papers were hied m Wilcox's name in Los Angeles Super ior Court. He is seeking joint custody of the couple's daughter. who lives with her mother in Wood- land H11ls, as well as property rights to be determined. Prince Andrew, Queen Eliza- beth IJ 's !W<'ond son, flew patrols in a Sea Kang helicopte r from the Rnush aircraft earner Invincible but was not involved m combat off tht' Falkland Islands, British correspondents reported Allstate: Saving'>' new Variable Rate V 1 'r(:a r-PLUS Account lets vou invest as little a'I 5500.' for a term of from .1112 to lO \'ea r"s. The intc:rt'st rate on this Variable Rate Account changes on the first day of AllSIBhf sav1nos _J Andrea McArdle left her star- ring role in the musical "The Threepenn1 Opera" after less than a week of previews, and the producers and her farmJy differ on the reasons The 18 -year-old aC"tress and singe r , who was the o riginal Annie in the musical of the same name, was reported to be r e- hearsing other material m New York. Her father. Paul McArdle, said in a te lephone interview from has Philadel phia homl' that his daughte r left thl· Bos ton show The reports said Andrew, 22, a S('a K ing <·o-ptlot, flew anti- submarine opera tions during which a British frigate dropped depth charges. Pasadena elected Loretta Thompson Glickman the Cirst black mayor in its 96-year histo- ry The invl'Stment counselor. 36, and mother of two sons, pledged support for housmg and jobs for all Pasadena's 118,000 residents <11 a t·rlebrat1on aft('r h(·r select1- nn bv the· Bo<ird of Caty Direc- tor-. Honor system lacking Bridge toll booths empty, fees down . ~ Match the Mttlnr to th• oecaalon I with beverar• napldne 11/.U•, i Luncheon ... pklne II/I.~ •. A governor's committee granted an exceptwn Monday to the statewide hiring Crf'eze that, along with illnes- ses. eliminated toll takers temporarily. ''Hopefully, we'll be able to hire someont> or use overtime to ge t the human touch back in the toll booth by the end of thas week," spokesman Jim Larson of the state Transportation Department said Tuesday. A!"d · hope~ully. get more money .~ We're All lnThisTogether. A memh<:r of the Sears fami ly. Over S) bill ion in asset~. •l.Hl1100 1~,..,1•1I1'1111l t.,4.l+tWt.l\l.l1'. "" .. '""''•'Hl""'''1J.•1•• ·~11..Ut1J \,.,•I••• ............... ,,~,..ilMtl'IC,1 '" • 11,, '• ,ll '9,1•t•' 11tl'wM lh.....,•l•o lfW'io1 ,.,.., ("'PM!A.U~4't ~..-.r~I,.,_. Newport Beach One Corporate Plv.a. San Clemente 911 So. Fl Cimino Real Tusrin 182~2 lrvint' Blvd Westminster/Huntington Beach 540 Wt...,trnin:-.ter M.tll. ~·rt'~rlfrrtk+t~ratt~S~r. ~ 6'f Cnf., M~. M ~ ~ 6'f ~ ~ aA ~ ~ffdJ ,-~~. ~ 6 aA-10: 00 41.tW. Elf a Of Nor'sHALF-SIZE SHOP 5~~z1' Sr\ Si-zr"' -=Fn-t~ ~~ o~ M1t''((~~~~ tJ( 9:00 r.~ .. 36 +Ir" 16 ~ 11'2.tlr" 2L/Yz. ~Ur~ ~.riuk ~ Q~ ~ ~ ~~o , • ~~~-:f~. ~ 6+,., ~ 7ti. e GRAND PRIZE of S150 Gift Certificate e SECOND PRIZE of 175 Gift Certificate e THIRO, FOURTH & flf'TH PRIZES of •2S Gift Ceftlft. ca ... e l.htllM '"....,..Oft,..., .... ......., ••• c• wW141f ... ., ..... ... ~,n.. .... } • A df9wtnt 10 win a ~ crMlt b any mel'Cl\el!CllM j)l,I~ Oft ~'"-.. ') ...JJ~-,n.oo .................................................... --.......... --.... .._----------------~~~---~- ~· Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/WednMday, May 5, 1982 oJt1i4 ~E'AU'OFUL.. N6u.J SUM"U «.&.ant~.S Nl..Jl.J\Jt~(:. 0"l L..~ 00~ Sn'\AL~ ~~p l."f koe.A-rru IS ~ Mll~r.w6 ! , I 5o .... ~ ~VlN6 A ~A~. 3_ l)A'IS ONLY!-!Ytl./ to...._, 1~. ~ !:AVE P ~ 1o soi°""~ ~SSES, 1'U>U~ PAt.115, •c:. .. fu)~ ~. ~ '10. eA(.6f'ltJS. t.o.e ~'I~~~! ilN'<tM.Y U>UrnotJ ·~ .. ~l3 VIA l.JPO -lo'J3, 4 510 (fe4>£&./ C..l.U.~ Et W\O'tT) 675-1171 3295 Newport Boulevard fj-1 Newport Beach California vJSA· r . (on Peninsula Across ~rom City Hall) Notice to Telephone Customers WE ARE PROPOSING CHANGES IN THE RATES FOR CALLING CANADA. The American Telept10ne and Telegraµh Gornpany t1d::. filed with lhe Federal Communicat1om, Comm1ss1on d plan It• l>e elfPc..t1w July 29 1982. to restructure rates for long cJ1slanre c:itts bf'lwePn the Untied States and Canada The restructure will rf'Sult 1n rate increases and decreases bul 1s designed t1J 11ave fl() ovPrall t>ffPr.t on interstate Parn1ngs Here are the proposed changes • Esldblish urntorm 1 minute 1ru t1al period c llarges for all cla~· ot calls rt1P 1nit1a1 1 rrnriulP ra11- w1ll vary by mileage dlld 11111 range lrom 27c <0·8 miles) to 93c <2221-4000 miles) Add !tonal minute rates will rangc> from 12¢ to 78c. deµend111q upon distance • Revise rates lor most calls w11h changes ranging trom a 2c re duct1on (calls over 2220 miles) 10 a 15C increase <calls 31-50 m11es1 tor the 1n1t1al minute t htlrges Cti.Jr1q1 , II d<I 1•1•<111.tl f'll'11Jl1> '1IP', N .JI / l!UI' .J I r_ <f•CliJ • I J' I• c1 II): r1 rl'd ,,. iJ~·1.1<;·1tCJ ong lllJOl1 l11~tanct• • Separate Opf'ri.lt<11 1..hi.lrges from bdSJc usage rates and in- troduce uniform :,erv1ce r.harges tor Operalor !:>talion c,all::, ($1 25) and Person IO PPrson calls ($3 00) The approµna1e or>f'ra- tor service charge Nii be added to lhe usa9e rcite tln<.J 1':> 1 hf' salllc rpgardfP~<, ol I he 11>1 jt '1 ot UJll or f·rH• of c1.ly @AT&.T Reg. Bow 11 Mom Cbania. IOlld 141l lold J>l••OD4 Beart Pad.Uat. 14K told 11llamP9Ddaat.Mild14& 1014 • 49 . 838. 50. 35. 38. 28. m...-. nact ....,.,_ BnJMd14&pld8ncelet uuaPeul•ted~ .......... _ .. ~ 110. eo. 37. 28. 24. 18 • 30. 12 KIRK ~...-: .... AnaheinJ schedules • showcase Computer Showcase Expo, aponaored by The Interface Group, wlll be held at the Ana- heim Convention Center on Fri- day through Sunday. Hours are 11 a .m . to 9 p .m . Friday and 10 a .m . to 6 p.m . Saturday and Sunday. Tickets are $7 .50 at the door w ith dacount tickets at $5 avai- lable from computer suppliers ln Orange County and Loe Angeles. Approximately 10() amall buai- nesa systems, micro., minis, word procetlOrs and related computer products and services will be on display. Moat major manufactu· rers will be repreeented. Upg r a d e urged WASlllN(.;TON (AP) Tht• Rt'S<•rv(• Off1t·t·rs As.-.1.x:wllu n ha' a.o;kt'<.I Cungn.'S.' lod1Jy to approvt· funds tu upgradt· Euroµt•an baSt·i. for u&• by lhl• Air Fon·t• Rt-scrvl' and Air National Gu:1rd an l'asc• of b h :allon . OCC STUDENT T RUSTEES -These fi ve students have been elected to sit on OCC's 1982-83 board. Front row, from left, Matt Hainline, Huntington Beach ; Juhe Hall, Corona del Mar. and Bill Kemble, Newport Beach, Back row, from left, Marc Vll1areal, ~anta Ana; and Clay Tucker, Corona del Mar. They will take office June 1. Great American federal's 91-Pay Wonder Marine • recruit succu01hs SAN DIEGO (AP) - Alt.er two hours of phy- a 1 c al training, a 20-year-old recruit died of apparent cardiac ar- rest, the Marine CQrp1 Recruit Depot said. A s pokesman, Maj. Jim Seal, said Tuesday the recruit colla psed in his barracks and WH pronounced d ead an hour later d espite a con stant cardiopulmo- nary resuscitalJon. The r ec ruit, Pvt. Re'g1nald E. Bryant o f Los Angeles, was in his sixth day of training. His exercise Monday inclu- ded we1ghll1ft1ng, pul- lups, an obstacle course and two-mile run. Bryant was pronoun- <:ed dead in the depot's hospital -------- Get T-Bill Interest higher than an bank with · a· $2500 eposit I f you 'vc been looki ng for an account that 's easy to open. offer~ high guaranteed yield. and has the flexibility of a short term . thi s i~ it. You can open a 91 -Day Money Market Investment PLUS A ccount w ith as liulc Annual Effective Yield' 13.254 ~r annum Annual Rate• 12.469 ~r annum 'Thie. NI llMUlll r•t• and .. ~ IO cn.noo • reot'Wll as $2500 . (Typically. the minimum for thi ~ type of account is $7500.) You get the full 13-week T-Bill rate in effect the day you open your account. and it 's guaranteed for the entire term of the account. (Banks will offer you .25% lt'ss i nteresl for their 91 -Day account.) Your money in this account is fully insured, up to $100,000, by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. And. you can open your account at • any of the 100 offices of the Assoc iation throughout the State or by calling The Financial Line. Call The Financial. line (714) 231-4023 Call Direct or Collect 8 a.m. tlll 9 p.m. Call for further Information , or vl~lt a nearby omce and open your account, today. . . Great American Federal SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION T.he S1re11g1h to Soar ... A Century of Success ... Saft Sinct 1885 '• At a loss as to what to get for your Mother this Mother's Day? let your area merchants help you. A fine sefectlon of gifts awaits you at each of the participating stores repre- sented on this page. • GIFTS PEWTER SILVER ARMETALE S.eutlfully engraved ~or mother 'j 2Jag • Pewter • Jewelry • Sliver • Picture Frames ~ Brass ~ Figurines NOACK TROPHY & ENGRAVING CO. 170 E. 17th STREET 646 3141 COSTA MESA, CALIF. • ·rrt!IAl Your M om To,., . THE PAINTED PONY •Siik Flow.,. •Tole P•lntlng •P8dded Album• ALL HANDCRAFTED ITEMS c1u1H a 1upp11 .. In Tole a O.Coretlve Painting. CLASSES HELO· • TUES. PM WED. AM & PM THURS AM & PM ........ llll()H.ftlt 220 MA .... HVHT 9CH \ JUDY DUARTE VIRGINIA SILESKI LULA SMALL HO-Olll .. a~ Sweets for Mom {~ \ the perf~ct gift I :? for the Mom V v.f ho has everything BOXED CANDIES CHEESE CAKES CHOCOLATE MOUSSE OPEN 7 DAYS Sun.-Thurs. 11-10 P.M. Fri.-Sat. 11 -Mldnlght the r's D There~ only one Five Crowns. ~*~ l! l"'J"-'' 'W~~~ .3801 EASl C. OAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR, CA 17141 700·0331 llTIEl'I llY llllEI 1111 It •••• compr.11ent•y Champacne .• _., ., -, __. r,,..., Acup_....,.._ I Mz-1111 I ....... ITIT• ~sJ_..e.~J~================~ JF For Mammas, \\'hes & Sweetie-Pies! Mother·~ Day Dining on the ~aterfront I 11.'.ll \•HH 1.11.trtll' l.11J1.:' lit .I 'Pl'1.t.1l .:\l'n1n11 llf\Ootn· Ill:.' d111 111" .111d "'Ill'·'' th.: \\11rld·f.111111u' ".trl'h~•U\C f{.•,1.111r.1111 111 .:rl1111l1ll)! th.: \\,lier I rc'h ,c .. foud. pr1111.: h..:..:1 1.1111.11" \1.tl .1"1.111 'hnmr .1nil 'rc.:1al ..I.'"'' ,;•111r111c1 .:•11rcc' "111 h.: rr.:p.ircd 1u,1 for '"" .11111 '••11r' "·" 11.1rr' \l111hcr'' n." "11h cl."'· I Hl' .:nt.:rt.1111111.:111 In """CCI T.111-· & l'ulurful 11,ill•"'il f,, '111.llll'I' &11M9tQD Newport BHeh Overlooking Newport B•J lido M•rin• V•ll•g~ jual o" Newport lhtd. ne1r 173·•700 CoH t Hlgh4'8J ~ Mother'' Day s,.cW& served tram 1:00 P JI, R'b ... $7.95 •Pnn1e ' 6 50 •Chic\l.en We\\ington $ . •Red Snapper Card\na\ $5 .50 •New '1ork Steak $7 .95 Vis\t Our A\\ New oessert Bar 963-0179 ,:,a1~t"~ -..... J Orange Cout DAil.¥ PILOT/Wedneeday, May 6, 1982 .47 11% Di10011t with this ad Pacific Pier Mall 218 Main St .. #8, Hunt. Bch HOURS: 1o-e Mon.-Set. Cloeed Sun. (714) 960-9397 • R EMINDER Remind your Mother you love her ... SEND HER FLOWERSI (714) 75 1-4705 3841 BIRCH STRHT NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Come in and see us for Mother's Day Gift ideas at ~Ye.win~ v/ .::;l\~11111Jtt ~ \]{oww £r 9Vu. {jJ{b Westcliff Plaza 1100 Irvine Ave. Newport Beach 645-7845 ITZUBOVIS A IA.LOO• Country Style Champagne Brunch 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Special Mother's Day Dinner from 3 P.M. Compltmentary Flowers Reservations, CaU 549-1512 Mother's Day, May 9th Pcaturina Champagne Brunch 9AM-3PM and Dinner Menu 3PM -HPM Raerwtiom: 642·1295 3333 Wett Pacific Coa1t Hi1hway (lu•l South nf ~wpm Rlvd.I I RAYMOND JEWELRY Mother's Day Special FREE 14K gold floatinc heart with any purchase of $50 or more. ~ Special: Chain Sokleml $7 .00 Repairs WhHe You Wait 369 E. 17th, C.M. 631-5105 Hui: 10-6, Tlus. 10-7, Sat. 10-5 10 Yr. A nnivl'rJar'I Safe rf/a'I IO!h • 15/h ' 20% ott on all stocked merchandise Sale Hrs 10·6 . Mon-Sal (Closed Sunday) 813' 1 E Balboa Bl Balboa Ca 113-4314 ... CHAMBRE HEAL TH & BEAUTY • SKIN-CARE ·All AGES & COM"-EXIONS • COLOR COSMfTtCS • MA.IC!·UP ARTISTRY • HAIR CARE SYSTEM • TOTAL TAIS NUTRITIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM • CELLULAR REJUVENATION SYSTEM • &ODY PAM~RING & COLOI TOOLS • OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED • SEMINARS & VIDEO MARGUERITE O. AllAGONA 673-6990 12t \llA ITHACA • MfWK)V UACH 640-1573 Open 7 am. to 12 Mcncfit 3050 E. Coast Hwy. Corona def Mar Opposite Al>ertsons No mattef hOW you SCJ'l lt...ln any language .. all motnen ore special. ThJs MOthet's Doy, Moy 9th, the Gftndet Gourmet Coffee Shoppes wttl honor • each mom with on Of'Chld. Jusf to '°f ''thank you fa betng '(OJ", ! ' Al Orange Cout DAILY PILOY/Wed!Meday, May&, 1982 'Pink laC:ly'. charge unnecessary, Douglas believed SACRAMENTO (AP) -Helen Gahagan Oouslaa believed Richard Nixon would have d'efeat.ed her ln theil' 1950 U.S. Senate race even If Nixon had not reaorted to smearing her u "the plnk Jady." Her 432-page, $19.95 autobiogra- phy, "A Full Life," wu completed after her death by aldea and her husband, actor MelV)'TI Douglas. It contain.I no maJOr revelatlon1 about her political or •taae careers or about Nixon. But for atudenta of the former president's rise to po- wer, h fills In a few blanks In a f amillar story. gave Nixon an opening to attack her u aympathedc to communiata. ''I failed to take his attack.a se· rlously en ouah. The communis t thing wa1 10 ludicrous. so pre - posterous." Nixon's attack.a, which sp,arked the use of the "tricky Dick ' label that followed h im the rest of his career, were a cue of overkill, Mn. Douglas wrote. WWI already assured. •· ... a fter the K orean War started ... when t he C hi nese communlata started fighting Amer- icana, I waa dead," Mrs. Douglu wrote. "There waa the United Stat.ea fighting communism and I was the person who said we should limit the power of the military and try to disarm the world and get along with Russia. tlcal career. Mra. Douglu dixloee9 that Ronald Reagan, then a Demo- crat, "worked hard" in her 19~0 campaJgn while John F. Kennedy contributed money to Nixon '• campaign ~t her. PUBLISHED -He- len Gahagan Douglas In an autobiography to be pu- bU.hed next month by Doubleday & Co., Mn. Douglas, who died ln 1980 at age 79, bWned the Korean War -not campaign smears -for Nixon'• still-controversial victory over her In his march to the presl· dency. Mrs. Douglas was a liberal De- mocrat whose votes to curb alleged excesses of the Red-baitlng House Un-American Activitiea Committee Like Watergate 22 years later , Nixon ultimately wounded himself by campaign exce88etl when victory "Korea was the critical element in Nixon's victory." Amon other details of her poli- While sharply crlUcal of Nixon, Mrs. Douglas did acknowledge that the ''pink lady" charge waa made by fellow Democrata In her Senate primary, and that while Nixon's supporters smeared her as a com- munist. Nixon personally never made that charge. ----'=---- ~ THE CHART HOUSE MOTHER'S DAY DINNER From 4:00 Steaks • Seafood • Prime Rib 548-7167 1520 W. COAST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH THE FAMOUS 21 YEAR LOCATION MOTHER'S DAV DINNER Ht• a'·•· lltHrYltiHI l•gttt .. 642-9777 Cttta •ua MOTHER 'S DAY DINING ~CU'~~ '-~· SPECIAL EARLY HOURS Brunch from 9:00 a.m. Dinner from 4:00 p.m. COMPLIMENT ARY FLOWERS FOR THE LADIES 2607 W. Coast Highway ON NEWPORT BAY 646-0201 Due To Special Hours Early Bird Dinners Will Nor Be Served JIDlaosa J10a110111 llodMr'1 hy, llay .. ..._...., ..... _.D'qsu.._ Codefafla . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Sunday, May 9th MOTHER'S DAY ju/11 us for lunch <Jr dinner Great Drinks Delightful Lunches Glorious Dinners 37 Fashion Island Newport Beach 644-2030 500 N, Euclid St Anaheim Plaza 772·2130 ~tuo 8ups from Jtalp EXQUISITE ITALIAN CUISINE :lor rnoil.u 0 J 2'Jay 'YfluLe ·a 11our mama /,,/ al home whue we c ooh like 0a mama J~ in !halv FamilJ Dinner For Four '15.95 INCLUDES: Four Salads Four Spaghetti Dishes With Meat Sauce Large Tomato & Cheese Pizza Hot Rolls & Butter • Four Soft Drinks y • u ELABORATE MOTHER'S DAY BUFFET Sunday, May 9 Served Pool-Side 9:30-3:00 And our Regular Champagne Brunch Served in the Mediterranean Room 9:30·3:00 Airporter Inn Hotel 18700 MacArthur Blvd. lrvioe 833·2770 ~ HONOR YOIJR f10f1 at the CHINA PALACE REST AU RANT In Newport Beach Mother's Day Special LUNCHEON FROM S3.95 Serv~d t t : 30 to f:oo Includes: Ho t & Sour Soup • Fried W on Ton Fried Egg Ro ll • Fried Ri ce Choice of O ne Main Dish Fortune Cookies Dinner Combinations & A la Carte Also Open 11 :30 to 10:30 TWI LIOATltlS Tl SHYE YM 2297 FAIRV1EW ROAD 17502 BEACH BL VD. THE FIRST & O NLY SZEC HWAN STYLE CHINESE CUISINE IN NEWPORT BEACH COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH . 842-5505 l :lJea r mother, SlfCHW AN, SHANGHAI · From I I )0 <4 m 10 30 Pm SPECIALIZING IN • • l1~:,~ ~ ~:-~~s';,:~d & MANDARIN CUISINE I Day\ A w~~k ~ m'I friend6 and"!) are having a. f;ufe 1," 11 "' '"" , ... , " ,.., ,, 'p".,. ,,,0 Aho Food '( 714)"' \ 2930 W . COAST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH 631 -8031 gel logelher for 'lou and 'lour l'lpe6 on Sunda" ma" 9 . We will Jtart Jervi1tg Brunch al 10:00 and lf an'ILod'I ele in 'lour f;ne of work would f;ke lo ;oin u6 , have them Join US F'1r calf u6 a l 759-1854. :lJinner will Le Jlarling .. . th t al 4,00 p.m. 60 plan ;1. Carnalion6 for all j• a0 er S 11.e laJie6· _Af fectionalel'I• 1jour Son ~ Day 759-1854 '·I mar ~r. l~Ir-Vi Brunch! 3901 I:. CoaJI _)Jiwa'I, Coro"'' a.. /1• ~ 1122 A Tredttlon for IO Veer• 1H2 lervlnt Nfthtly TH 1 A.M • llTl'!J 11! !.PECllL lllilllrl1111•1•1&M' A Ftnll FllW flt II Moms FREE TULIPS FOR ALL MOMS Treat Mom to a spectacular Mother's Day brunch in our Brasilia Ballroom. Over 78 delicious selections will be featured in the buffet styte dinner. including an array of salads. hot and cold entrees. and desserts, plus: • fJee Champagne • Art Show •Family Portrait • Caricatu~ Drawings Photography • Free Tulips For • Plano Musk All Moms Reservations are suggested at (714) 833-0570 ---. SEEltS GUARDS - U.S . Supreme Court Chief Ju.Ute Warren Burger haa aake d Congreu to allo w armed Supreme C.ourt ·I police officers to pro- ' lect the justices o n and off court proper- ty. • 1900 W. BALBOA, NEWPORT BEACH 173-1401 Complimentary Glass of ChalJfJatne for Mom MOTHERS DAY BREAKFAST To make S.<•9'1 lfom 1 AM lo 3 PM EGGS BENEDICT ALA RONALDO EGGS SARDOUX ALA PATIO CAFE CHICKEN CREPES ALA REINE QUICHE LORRAINE ALA FRANCOISE M l~ wolh Ctwmp~ne SS.SO MOflil with R•9u1., ~ .. Offtr 1r1ublt 1t this location only HUNTINGTON BEACH 19881 BROOKHURST 962-1341 Brookhurst & Adams MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL this day even more spK111l.9rvt' your mother tht" 11mbieflce of f ranee 'The Chet Ulutrec ...in be SCfVlng lunch ......... ' -. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Wedneaday, May 5, 1982 * . 'Mae West ' helps ABC win ratings competition NEW YORK (AP) -ABC had two of the three top-rated ~~lme-tlme program1 in the week ~ May 2, Including a dramatized btoaraphy called "Mae West" in third pl.ace, and aivon the ratino race for the ftnt tJ.roe ln a month, Ilaurea from the A.C . Nlellen Co. show. All but four of the week'• 10 moet-wat.ched shows were reruna and ABC had three of the new showa - No. 2 "Dynasty," "Mae Wea~:· and "Fall Guy," tied for fifth. Meanwhile, ABC's "World News M Tonight" won the three-way even.tna newa competition for the flrat time ainoe early November. CBS' "Eventna News" had been dominant in the field each week over the Jut half-year. The week's No. 1 ahow, CBS' "60 Minutes," combined one new llelJDent with two~vioualy bJ'Olldcut stories. The ra for "60 Minutes," eecond to CBS' " allaa" In the recently completed TV season, wu 21.6. NielM!n saya that meana in an ave~ minute of the program, 21 .6 perwnt of the nation's homes with TV were I tuned to the newanaguine. ABC nudaed CBS from f~t pl.ace In the weekly competition with an average rating for the period of ll).4 to 14.7 for the runner-up and 13.8 for NBC. The networka aay that meana in an average minute of prime-time du- rina th' week, l l).4 percent ol the nation's TV-equipped homes w ere watching ABC. NBC now hu been last in the ra- ti.np 17 weeka in a row. NBC'a top-rated program for the last week surveyed was a movie, r~~~---~~ ..... ~ ----~~ ~ ~ . "Side by Side," in 1 lth place. The atruagling network ICOl'ed, too, with a repeat movie, "Kenny 1!'4en u the Gambler," tied for 13tfi, and the "Country Muaic Awards Show," No. 17. All five of the week's low•-rated programs were eplaodes from lleries introduced this seuon. ABC's "No Soap. Radio" was No. 63, followed by "Q .E .D ." on CBS, ABC 's "Counterattack: Crime In America," "Father Murphy" on NBC and NBC'a "Jokebook." t Ha11a11'1 Exotic t t Lebanese Cuisine t' lJC1'1AI Tti41 C lJ I S l ~f. f Spec1ol1ztng In lamb & Seafood t t l ebonese Style t t MOTHERS DAY t COMPllMENT ARY GLASS Of WINE t w."' lunch or Dinner t Mother's Day Festival Complimentary Orchid For All Moms Lunch 11 :00 to 3:00 Dinner 5:00 to 10:30 673-3322 ( fl('f Lui""' ,,, .. ...,.,...,. ''" Much~t ' IM~ h1\ t.rnh~' ()i.;,l I l lun,.:r f 3325 Newport Blvd 675-4668 t , Newport Beoch 675-4680 4001 \JI. Coast Hwy. New port Beach L. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~;..::-=--:_J=.::=:=:=:=====-----------' CALL FOR RESERVATIONS C~ltf0<n11 s MC* lncun~tt Showroom f1M food. Spino It Loun~t Shows 7 Oats 1 ,.ttk ) pm 10 l • m F0< 0.nMr or Show Rt~tva11om (7 1.\) 963·2366 Ut1 'n.1•W..•1u1.,,I lt1~1Hlt11H 1,.,.1h \ fU"il <lt4'1,lll 1tl lht -Mi'\ fft I ••O PEKING e SHM6HAJ • SZECHWAN • fUWt CUISINES Open Dally Lunch a DlnMr MOTHERS DAY SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH 11:30 TO 2:00 Call For R ... rvatlon• j 540-1937 j 1500 ADAMS AVE., COST A MESA At HARBOR BLVD. Meet at the Cro11ro1d1 Mothers· D11 Sunday Brunch 9 to 2 '1~95 . ~ ~Int & Carnations fot Mom llMtnlalOteUhll ~Soup &WldBlr ... Ust . Coctl* 18050 Brooktlnt, FcurtKI Vlley I ••a-1111 I I l (~t•l><~•l"s NEWPORT BEACH SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY C HAMPA GNE BUFFET BRUNCH ,9:30 to 1:30 '8.95 (4.1' for our 11 and under guests) Our Dinner Menu &rved From 3:00 673-1505 251 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach ·~ TALE oitluWHALE M o thers Day Champagne Brunch 7 A .M . to 2 P.M . Special Di nner Menu 2 P.M. to 7 P.M. 673-4633 . Balboa Pavilion .. 1111 ITIDT ULllA ENJOY MOTHERS DAY Overlooking Newport Bay Flowers For The Ladies . . . CMAMPAGNE BRUNCH From 9:00 a.m. Dinner From 4:00 p.m. 642-3431 Newport Buch • CAFE Open ll:a.m. f<ejervafionJ 644-1237 000 D Newport Center Or., Fashion Island Fish & Chicken Dinn~ Only •239 J Oet two great tastes In our Flah & Chicken Dinner. Each dinner has a crispy flah fillet and two tender whltemeet Chicken Planks,• served with f reth cole stew end eoklen fryea. • -HAMOR a YD. COGA•aA ............ °' len Diieo AorOll "'°"' j!Motbtr:G 1.Dap ~inin~ C ham~gn1 B r1mch Dutntr 11 11.• .• J p.111. 3 • 10 P.•· St/Kt p,.,,, Ni• E11tms Fro111 O•r RIR""'' M"'" Di111 to tht Jtmlilding of strolling g11i111ri111 dltring 8n111th "'"' Mariarhis ;,, tht 11Jt11i11g. • 1740 S0111h COtUI H1ghwtly '-"'""" 8*'t6 Fh#lff f{ ,,~ F ri1m11 ..,. A.,,.,,J 'JI"' 'il/fW 1""· I I .. f Volunteers deserve . equitable tax break The Treasury Department is objecting to a bill that would per~ mit persons engaged in volunteer char ity w ork to make the same deduction for automobile expenses as now ls allowed those using their cars in business. Inequities in the tax laws are not h a rd to f ind, but this one seems particularly hard to justify. T h e business auto expense deduction, un'1er current rules, is 20 cents a mile. The volunteer is allowed to deduct only nine cents a mile for driving connected with char itable work -or to deduct the actual cost of gas and oil, w ith no allowance for the in sura nce, maintenance and depreciation in- cluded in the b usiness deduction. The Treasury Department, opposing a bill that would allow volunteers the 20-cent deduction , claims it w ou ld cost the govern- me nt an estimated $566 millio n over the next fi ve years. S upporters of th e bill point out that volunteers contribute at least $111 billion a year in labor a nd services. And most of the m use their own cars g oing to a nd from their assignments in hospi- tals, veterans institutions, the Red Cross and dozens of other organi- zations dependent upon volunteer aides. Despite President Reagan 's call for more Ame rican s to help each other to mak e up for cut- back s in government ser vices, many c haritable o rga nizations complain that the1r volun teers are finding it hard to afford the in- creasing cost of transportation. Indeed it does seem rather ridiculous to think that a volun- teer giving hours of free time to working in a hospital is e ntitled to less than ha lf the mileage deduc- tion for traveling lo and from the hospital than a salespersop calling on the same hospital to demon- strate equipment. Given the dollar valu 4f-.of volunteer servicd; ttf~"(:biS't' ·w the government o f a n e quitable mileage allowance would appear to be a bargain. How poor is 'poor'? It would not mean any more income for the poor -in fact for some it might mean less -but the U.S. Census Bureau has come up with a n idea that could dramati- cally cut the number of "poverty level'' Americans by simply rede- fining income. S pecifically, the bureau cal- culates that by counting non-cash governme nt assistance s uc h as food s ta mps, s ubs idized school lunches, public h ousing subsidies, Medicare and Medicaid as income at their m a rke t value, the num- bers of people falling below the official poverty leve l could drop by as much as 42 percent. For the elderly, the drop could be as much as 69 percent if medical assistance were included in calculating in- come. The Census Bureau r e port w hich made no recommendations, was based on statistics collected for cale ndar 1979, w h e n the po- verty level was set as an annual income of $7 ,4 33 for a family of four. The current level, reflecting inflation, is $9,300. The d e bate over including non-cash aid as income has been going on for years. Most present programs were not in place in the mid-1960s w he n the poverty level was first established to determine eligibility for government aid programs. ln 1965 it was calculated that 17 .3 percent of all Americans had incomes below the poverty level. T hat had dropped to 11.6 percent by 1979 after adjustment to reflect inflation. But non -cash aid still has not been include d in calculating income . The Cens us Bureau esti- mates that for 1979, for example, such a move would have reduced the number of "poor'' Americans from 23.6 million to 13.6 million and cut the rate to be tween 6.4 percent and 9.4 percent. But it also would have r e- moved the eligibility of many fa- milies qualifying for aid. And if the aid were removed, would they not be "poor" again? There is n o doubt that gov- e rnme nt aid programs h ave greatly redu ced the number of truly suffering poor in the UnHed Stat.es, and \his is to the nation's credit. But this 1s a trick y statistical game a nd one that should not be played without careful examina- tion o f all the possible conse- quences. Above all, it should n ot be used to improve the image of any po litical administratio n b y making it appear that millions of Ame ricans h ave s uddenly leaped above the poverty level. A double celebration Th is is not o nly M exico's popula r Cinco de Mayo holiday, it's also a cele bration of sorts for t he American taxpayer, informal- ly known as Tax Freedom Day. What tha t m ean s is that if every dollar the average American worker had earned from Jan. 1 of this year had gone to pay federal, state and local taxes, this w ould be the day h e or s h e wo uld have wrapped up the bill for 1982. If it's an y consolation, that's three days sooner than the 1981 Tax Freedom Day, which fell on May 8, but still a day later than 1980's May 4 date. That's because t he &onomic Recovery Act of 1981, enacted by ·• •• Congress las t summer, dropped • federal incom e tax enough to provide a three-day respite. Back in 1930 it took only until Feb. 14 to work long e no ugh to foot the total tax bill. Since then the date has been creeping steadi- ly forward, reaching March 9 in 1940, April 4 i'n 1960 and May 2 in 1976. Optimists u sed to hope it would be possible to h ave Tax Freedom Day coincide with Tax Pay Day, April 15. Even o ptimists don't think that is like l y to h appe n in the foreseea ble future. S o e njoy M ay 5 anyway. From\today on you're working for yourself. Opm1~s exprebed in the space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Other views ex- oressecl on tn1s page are tnost> 01 thelf authors and ar11sts ~eader comment 15. mv1t·· · ed. Address The Oa1ly Pilot. PO Box t~. Costa Me!Ml, CA 92112& Phone 17 141 ~ l>4:l·4321 L.M. Boyd I Honest millionaire? Q. Who wu the politician who said, "No man can earn $1 million honest- ly"? A. William Jennings Bryan. ln July of 1906. Mr. Bryan then went on to amaae a per'80nal fortune of more than $1 million. What ~mJmal1 can run by movtng the front and hind leo on one stde and then the tron\ ana hlnd lep on the other aide alternately'? So Nked a cUent. The cat, camtl and glr.ffe, thf'le do. uld I. FaUed to mention, ORANGE COAST DailJ Pilat. though the most renowned amona such animall -that hone known 11 the pacer. More Jamalcana live outalde Ja- maica than lnlide lt. Ernlfatiol\ rate from t.h~re 1ince Wort War II 11 higher than from anywhere e lse worldwide. "Boleterla'' wu the Mme Ln ancient Rome tor a special set of cooking uten.1il1 used for nothing but the preparadon of muahroon'I& Thomi1 P. H•t•y Publt!Mr TIMmas A. Mu""lne Editor 8•r1Nra Kffibk" Edltotlal Pot9* Editor Is TV desensitizing our kids? WASHINGTON -Has the lx>ob tube made zombies o f our childre n? Are young Americans, weaned on television, mere spectators of life -unable to clearly distinguish. real events from the soap operas and fictionaliz.ed series they see on TV every day? Sen . J ere miah Denton. R-Ala ., for one, is afraid that television has an fact deadeJled the senses of our youths and made them incapable of coping with the real world that they must encounter A CONCERNED Denton, who spent seven years as a prisoner of war an Vietnam, has scheduled a Senate hearing next month to consider the potentially harmful effects of television programs on the intellectual d evelopme nt of American chtldren. Denton is regarded in some drcles as a modern Rip Van Winkle, whOl>t' years as a prisoner of war left him out of touch with what had been going on in t he United States during his enforced isola - tion. But he has support from an expert an the field of adolescent developmt'nt, Carole Owens of Englewood. N.J. Owens has developed a theory which she calls the "spectator syndrome" to describe young people who are passive, uncaring and indifferent t.o the acts of violence that OC('Ur around them She defines the syndrome as "an apparent relinquishing of any responsi- bility for the we lfare of others and a desensitization to violence that resembles at-'C.'t'pt.ance of violence as af It were an ordinary part of daily life." Some examples she cites. A 16-year-old California boy shoots has 14-year-old girlfrlend and invites his G. ,-J1-c1_1_11-11-11-1 -~ frwnds to see the abandoned body. Some throw rocks and one shoots the corpse to make sure it's dead. No one calls the polll'e. A 19-year-old Maryland woman hires her lover and some friends to klU her husband for $100. Again, no one call<> the police, and the spectators have no feeling that they did an ything wrong. Two Vi rgin ia teen-agers see a paint.er working on their house fall off a ladder and die of an apparent heart at- t..a<k They take turns posing for pictures with the body. A New York City woman hears on the radio that President Reagan has been shot. She tells her young son, who as engage d in a game. "He should have worn a bulletproof vest."" the youngster comm(•nts, going back to his game Owens agrees with Denton that tel- t·v1s10n as at least partly ltJ blame for the ··spec·t.ator syndronw " "TELEVISION PLACES the viewer an a sem1hypnol1c state and makes t+- hard for kids to daffer<'nllate between reality and fantasy," she told my repor- ter Sharon Shahid "The constant flood of violent mformauon Crom television eventually produces a systematized de- sens1t1zauon to violence." Owens doesn't blame th(· bag electro- nic en tertainment center an the laving room as the i.oll' vlllam for a generation of Spe<.'tators. though "Every choice kids make," she said. "LS a way to tune out the world. Through their music, clothes, food. entert<1 mmenl and reading, our youth are emotionally and sensorally 1sol~~ing themselves from the real world S he asks: "If the generation that fol- lows us as becoming indifferent to vio- lence, to tht-value of human Life, t.o the ability of authority figures and institu- tions to govern, what wall future dl."Cades hold?" Sen Denton, wh~ old-fashioned va- lues sustained ham through years of torture and degradation. Lntends to find the answer Videotape ban might rescue a saver The companies that make videotape recorders are nervous about a court ru- ling that could make it illegal for you or me to record anything shown on televi- sion so we could save at and play it agam lt would be a difficult law to enforce. but just the fact tha t It was illegal would eventually destroy the market for home pic ture recorders. The networks and the motion picture companies claim that home recordings are an infringement of their copyright on material, and the performers claim they ought to be paid every tlme some- thing of thelrs is played. AS AN OWNER of a videotape recor- der, I'm against any restnctions, but as a person who's written and produC't'd a lot oC television shows, I'm for strong copy- right laws. If the Supreme Court ever rules that home taping lS illegal, it probably won't make me rich as a performer but it sure could save me a lot of time and trouble. ln the four years I've had the recorder , I've collected a shelf of about 50 cassettes on which I've saved whole shows and various bats and pieces of shows. Just offhand 1 can't recall any one of them I've ever looked at 1 record Pavarotti when he has a show, but there's never a tune I look at al ,~~' -AN-DY-RO-ON-IY_...,..§t again. I record a football game when I'm too busy ta watch w hile it's being played, but once I've heard who won, l don't have any interest in watching the tape. I've even recorded some of my own things on television, but I don't know where they are on the tapes a nd wouldn't look at them if 1 did. Saving material on videotape is like savi°' anything else and it brings up a question more Important than this one the Supreme Court is going to decide. That question is, how much of our lives Connect these color cues 'fh<'re is a new convention an bridge callro.the "Colorh .. J Cue-Bid" which has givt•n me the idea for a Colorful Quiz. If you can identify one-third of th(l follo- wing dozen e ntries, you have a broad IYlllY 111111 spectrum stock of information; if not. read more and take your blood5hot eyes off the color TV. I. Who was the "Black Princ:e'"' 2. What is a "Brown Swbl"? 3. What was "The Golden Hind"? 4. Who were the •18lue Rld rs"? ~. What ls a "White Dwarf"? 6. Who were the "Green Mountain Bo "? r What Is a "Pink Lady"? 8. Who was the "Yellow Kld"? 9. What la the .. Orange NUNu"? 10. What and where la "Gray's tnn"? 11. What waa the "Sliver Ghoet"? 12. What lt the "Crimaon Tldet"? ANSWERS: l. Edward, Prince of Wale1, ion of .Edward m. who predeceued hia fathtt. which led to a.u.r rtvalrY for tbe aown and eventually to th• War o f Rotes. (SoMcalltd b uuae he favored black annor.) 2. One o( &!le okSc!9\ eeut. bftldl, .,.. tlve to Swhzerland, l mpo~ heh a amtury .,o lor \he dual ~ ol bltf and milk. 3. The tNp ln which Str ~Drab ' ' drcumnavaated the globe in 1580. 4. A school of German expressionist art founded by "modernist" painters of the early 20th century, Kandinsky, KJee and Franz Marc, because they liked blue and enjoyed painting horses. 5. The smallest type of star, extremely dense, with a feeble light, which aft.er a ume turns into a supernova. 6. Vermon~ guerrillas who formed a militia a decade before the American Revolution, and under Ethan Allen, fought against the British. 7 A mixed drink of •gin. ddtt, grena- dine and egg white. 8. The subjl>ct of the first comic strip in color in American newspapen, whole name eave rise to the derogatory ex- pression "the yellow press." 9. The name of a princely family of Europe who have been rulers of the Netherlands since 181~. 10. One of the four lnna of Court In London, where all law atudenu muat complete a courac before cn\erlng the b&r. 11 . An early Roll&-.Royce INlde for 20 years •lmoet without chanae. 12.. /\, popular epithet for \he Unl~r­ l\y of Al•t>.ma CootbAJI I.Mm. tao tee "I'm po1lUve lbey're not 1oln1 to bc'Mk 10. I dan'\ &hank they'll • mild\ ~than t ." -Tl•&•) ..... ...., Deul• ••1••, lnalldnl &Mt unem· ~~at ltii* ,,.._ .. orld War U, wUl ~ .,-...,. aw ~ n te hla 10 pa_.L • do we wash to saVl' for rc•vaew al a later tam<'? I'm an incurable !W.IVt•r , which a<.'C'Ounts for why l have those 50 videotape cas- settes I also have boxes and boxes of memorabilia m my basement. I have at but, like the videotapes, I never go back and look al it. I have old newspaper clippings, seating Usts and programs for dinners I've.• been to that seemed impar· tant at the time. kindergarten drawings by my children, anniversary mementos and copies of almot everything I've ever written. That's a lot of boxes of stuff. I know I'm not alone and the idea we all have as that sometime we'll look at it. We act as 1{ some day we're going to have this wonderful free time in our laves when we're happy, healthy, bright and f~ from any obligation to make a laving or mow the lawn. We act as if. when this moment comes, we'll sit down and spend a year or two having a won- derful time loolung at all our papers, our mementoes and our videotape recordings of Pavarotti and the football games. WHEN DOES TIDS time come? Look- ing at my life realistically, I can't ho- nestly foresee the day when I'm going to have the time or the inclination to go through all this stufC I've saved. If I ever do have the lime. I'm sure my tape rec- order will be broken and the new ones won't be compatible with my old tape. That's another problem with trying to save thlngs for review at a later time. The technology of preservation keeps chanaing. When the children were little 1 took black-and-white pictures with a Brownie. Later I bought a 35mrn camera, but color prints were too expensive to I ahot slldo. ln \he past five years. rve taken mostly color print pictures. The three batches of pictures ~ different alzet, different ahapea and have to be viewed differently. I even had an 8mm mot.Ion pict~ camera which (waded in for a 16mm caJ'nera. I need a dlff erent projl!ctof for each. All these different way1 of saving memories make a terrible rnea in the bookshelves and the buement. I might be better off if they did declare lt Illegal lo make videotape cauettet off your ~levlak>n •t. ::a1:a:~=~ .. ·,~.==4 t ' ' .. . ________ ..... ____ ......................... ~ •••••••• ::A ..... -• -.. --· ... --.... _____ ....;;.__;;....._,. __ ...,._-:"....,. • j 1·,. -_ • ........, .... \\I 11 \.I· SI>·\ Y ...... HEW8 ~'IANGlL..8 Tiie Angela ClllCk a dr11g t""'901ing ring. G WHITE IHADOW • TitE JlfnMOH8 : HAWAII AV'f-4 C>Wlt1A8Y au.11 U¥ Ullmann. e.n. lllmlf\ HoOll a. ( R) 0 I~ (fl MIC NEWS Ql..:NEWS (,C)U0\111 "Saa And The Single Par- ent'' 1:30. AU IN THE FAMILY Arctlle, Edith and Mike eac:ft •el•I• • different sto- ry to Glot18 concerning a v1111 by • refngerator repairman fm NEW98EA T WITl4 ClETE A08ERT8 8i) IM 18'NES8 ~T ([lQ!NEWS (II BAAHEY MILLER A eolortvl counlerfetter gives Abe Lincoln a new- ,. fUhloned QUfht 1:00 II C88 NEWS D NeCNEWS 8 HAPPY DAYS AGAJN • A8CNEW8 a l(OJAK .... A ..... As aoon u Fraink le In charge. Hawkeye ak•P• camp. runs a blockade to find Trapper and wel- comes a ,_ surgeon (Part 2) • JOKEJt'S WILD tD IM 181NES8 REPORT 6i) MAGIC OF OIL PAIN'TINO (I) P.M. MAGAZIHE A IOoll la taken at under· water t>trthtng, a hOUsewtle wt>O -11... tokes tor top comediennes 111 ENTERTAINMENT TONOHT The ..cone on a --on Hollywood's blonde l>Omb- ahella IB nE MUf>PETS Guest G-Kelly (H)MOVIE 8 8 ··The Apple Oumpllng Geng Aid .. Agaon" 11979) Tim Conway, Ooo Knolls A pair Of wetlern oullawa try 10 waltl Ille a1ra11 and narrow 'G' IOJMOVIE ••• 'Delusion" (1981) PalrlC'8 Pearcy. Joseph Collen A pflvale-duly nurM falls 1n IOv8 With'* paltenl'I l)andsonMI young gtandsoo rz)MOV1E e * "Callie Ann19 And ltl· lie Bruchea" (1981) Burt LW'ICHler, Jonn Savage Two IO<JQh oulla"'9 pock up a patr of t~aoe glfll and tell• them along on 1helt lldventur" 'PG' 7:30 f) 2 ON niE TOWN Featured a celebratoon of the program's 500111 broadcast, Ille 35111 Annu- al Newpot1 lo Enser\ada S811boa1 Race. a look al wllete Iha first Loa Angelea film studlOI we<e and wflll'a ''*• now. • IOOk al Iha hlllory of HOllyWOod a a FAM•l y FEUO 9 LAVERNE A SHIAl.E'f &COMPANY Laverne and Shortey ~ome lag team wrnll«• on order to raise ~ for an orphan fund benelot 8 EYtONLA. FHtu'9d • report on Loa Angeles· many aunworlhoppers and thelr -Ch for '"' perfect ,.,.,, the lirll of a two-pert •llPO't on the latest IP8Ql- la1k>n Olfe< World War Ill and surviving e nuclear war. e 1004< al some wild ntw lelhk>n1 for women. CHANNEL LISTINGS 9 KNXT <CBSI 0 D KNBC (NBCJ 1 9 KTLA Clnd I " 8 KABC IABCI c O KFMB ICBSI Y• I) KHJ TV (Ind I il1J •KCST IABCl 'fJ • KTTV (Ind.) 'll 'e KCOP· TV (Ind l • e KCET (PBS) • e KC:E IPBSI SHOCKED -Diane (actress Lynn Red- grave) is shocked to see her comments about-pre-marital sex have been quoted out of context in the school magazine on NBC-TV's new comedy series "Teachers Only." The episode airs at 9:30 t.oniHht on KNBC (Channel 4). ID M ·A·a·H Cot Potter •• !Old 111a1 new mitttaty money 1s belng tuuecl In hopes ot confu$· i the counterle11ers (() TIC TAC DOUGH MACHEll. I LEHRER REPORT 8i) MECCA PA08E.S "TV Newa" Host JOhn Cemeron Swayu looks at hOw the drive for ratongs h11s led to some amuong newsroom "peckages " t1J) YOU ASKED FOR IT Feetured "Hang Gliding' and 26-Mole Fonger Mara111on ( S) LAff...A. ™OM A comedian hOSI and lour comic contestanrs ..no compete against one another 81e fNturid on this uncensored comedy game Show ULASTOfiniE CAOOOE8 t.ilO IJ THE INCAEOIBU: HUUC 01\ltd 11 captured by an ex-convlCt whO tries 10 mua hom hos "'"' a a REAL PEOPLE Fealuted e g<><1tta who ,., .. lelelf•Slon P'OQl•ml e company 111a1 delovets llfrP-INH telegrams a Loch Ness-type monster on Lue Champt-.n 8 MOVIE • • "Bruce Lee. Super. dragon 11976) Bruce Li B1uce Lee • Ille and 1ov11 on hos way to t>ecom•ng K~u·1 gtealnl hf!to U (lg niE GREATEST AMENCA.H HEAO A ~ng m<l1tona1ra wllO knows au abOUt Ralphs 1uper-au1t sends Ralph and 8'll on a wold Chue through the 1Mree1s of l.M Vega& (Al G MOVIE • * • "Farewell My Love- ly' ( 197S> Aoberl Mitchum. Charlotte Aamciltng Seedy 1940. prtvete eye Ph!Up Martowe is draWfl into unlor.-n 1n1r19ue and ~ wnen ,,. lal<es on ,,.. ..-gnmer'll of toe.tong a tough hOodlum 1 mowng Qllllfl8nd • P.M.MAGAZINE A new surglCal techn•Que for Sltpped d•SU a profile ol IH'l)4W Otana Ross tll MOVIE * • *'" The Quiet Man {19!121 JOhn Weyne. Mau- ,_, O'Hara A for,..., p<IHhghler returns to his native ltetend aller k1flln0 a man In the rong, bul l•lla to find 1he peace he sought Eli) MEDIA PA08ES TV News" Host JOl'ln Cameron Swayze looks al hOw lhe drive for ratings hes led to some amanng newttoom ·packages .. 8i) CAUFOANIA DMAMS cPrem1ere1 'Wllderneu Man" Holl Eddie Alt>ert look• 11 the ute and wr11- •ng• of env1ronmer'ltat1s1 JOhn MUlf. the la I her of YOS«nlte Nellonal Park On·TV z.Tv HBO !Conem.t~I (WORI NY , NY «WTBSI CESPNI I Show11,,,.1 Spolllght IC.bl• News Network) ANTHONY NEWLEY ATSEAWORU> I CJ MOVIE * • " "'The Foendtah Plot Of Or Fu Menchu" ( 1980) Peter Seiter•. Srd CMUt The FBI and Scotland V ard s Del Mayland Smith pur-the 168-year-Old 111Cll v1lle1n ea he searches for the 1ngrec11en1s. 1nclud- 1ng the Crown Jewels. uM<I 10 make hos Ille-pro- longing llltxor PG· ($)BIZARRE 'Ho-Mandel ' QMOVIE • e 1-\ 'The Looney. Loo- ,,..,, Looney Bugs Bunny Mowf' I 1981) Animated v-by Mel Blanc. June Foray New material la blended with Old on I hlS compolalton OI claSMC Fritz Freleng "Looney Tunes" feeturing Bugs, Dally Duck. Porky Pig, Yosemite Sam. Tweetle Poe and oth· ers from the cart oon --·o· 1:30• AU.IHniEFAMILY tt'a • new Aret11e .. tovlng and krnd end -a pw- Lled Edolh linda out why. •I sher turn to be brave &') 8i) KENNEDY ~TONIGHT The Oanee Theatre or Har- '-"" pe.10<rns F1teb•rd " Choreograptled by Jotvo Taraa from the Kennedy Ceo1er Opera House 10 JMOV1E * *. * If" (1968) Mal· colm McDowell, David Wood The oppreHtve almose>he<• a1 an Engh.ii boys' ac:tlooi leads to• v10- 1en1 aludenl rebelloon s BEST~ WliA rs UP AMENCA 1:46 (Zl CHAAl.E8 CHAMPLIN ON THE RUot SCENE >.00 II MOVIE • • Aetutn 01 The Reb- els (19801 Barbera Eden Don Murrey Twenty-love ,..at• ette< they disband- ed lhe graying and bald- ing ax-members of 11 mo1orcycle gat!Q reas~­ l>le 10 hfllp • I or met tnflm. ber wh<> ·~ having !roubles IA> 0 ~ THE FACTS Of' LIFE The •tudenlS become emDtoited on a controve<ay onv04vong the banning of MVe• al bOOks from the achool hbr•ry U ®J FALLOUY Howle meets up wolh a men who 11 be!"Q peroled •lier 1en11ng tome 101 the theft ol a large Navy pay- tOll • • ME1'V OAlmN j "Slllute To Falcon Crnt' GuHll Jane Wyman. Abby Dalton. Susan Sulh· van, Biiiy MOIMIS Lorenzo ~ CR)MOVIE **'It "TIWI Fan (19811 Lauren Bacall James Garner A popular lllm star 11 voc1om11eo by a payehOllC admirer 'A' I Z)MOVIE •'It "In PralM 01 Older Woman" ( 19781 Tom Berengor. Karen Black A Hungwlan totharlO remtn- tsc.s on hit patt romanllC c~ta from hi• llrst at ,,,. aoe or 12 to his M<luc- hon of a hOU_,fe at 30 A ~ 0 Qt TEACHERS ONLY Otana s remar11s on pre- marital MK ere quoted }JAJI of c:onte•t 1n the 1ehool newspaper fD AMEAICAN PLAYHOUSE "S.Ouln" The traglC Ille of unaung hero Juan Neo<>- muceno Seguin. one ol the leedt<• Of the tHarrevo- lutlOn. 1a dremallzed tj -~ The economic lllld IOCitl 1.,,.Ctl Of Mii tlong Iha MHICln•U.8 bnrd41r ate ••am"*!. .MOW! * * * .. ,_ .. ( 1980) "- Care, BMry Millet S.-...al Olhed etudenlt al a New Vort. hlQll td\00! •or the l)tlffortning 1111a expertenoe varlout MllMll*• lllld e.ic- -ol both personal and ptOIMtiONll naturee 'PO' tO!OO a a QUINCY Quincy at1emp11 lo pt0"8 that Ille CSUth of a young girl #flo wa1 anecked by her guerd dog wea not •r1 ICCldenl llfv!:' A thoclllng Hrte1 or -It thrMlen to dealroy the Carrinoton family (C)MOVIE • * * "The Return 01 The Secaucus Saven" (1980) Merk Arnott. Gordon Clec>P The memoer1 Of • group of COiiege atudenta active In Iha p<otest move- menl during the '60a git her for a weekend reunion 'A' !$)MOVIE * * "MIHBC<• Al Central Hogh" C 19761 Andr-Sle· ven1. AOl>olrl Carradine A c•uaede for revenge 1>eg1n1 eltar a ptank thal wen1 100 181 wu pulled on the qurater lludenll by a group of bored high· aehOol lroend1 'A' 10:*> Cl) NEWS '1!) JAZZATniE MAINTENANCE SHOP "Piiot WOOds Quartet (No. 2t" Phil w ooos. alto ta•, Steve Giimore. boa. Mike Melillo, pleno, Boll GOOdwln, drums (AJ tOJMOVIE * • 'The Final Confhcl' ( 1911 t) Sam Ne<N, Rossano Brau.1 tn the thord part ol "The Omen trilogy. young Darn.en. Iha embOdlment of Iha AntlChrllt. 11 now an ldutt and • trusted advisor 10 the pt911dent ol the u S 'A' 11:0011 DU (I) <1Jl CB NEWS 8 SATURDAY NIGHT 0 YOU ASKED FOA IT Featured "Me•rco 1 Trained Cenar1es" and The World's Youngest E SC&j)8 Ar1111 ID M·A·s ·H White an en1enaine< does a ahOw trom an omp<olllsed slage on Ille compound. the comedy end dramll ol the doctor a' ltvn go on Cl) 8£NNY HIU Con man Benny plans to 19tlelfe • bootoe of hla cash til) DICK CAVETT IHJ MOVIE e • "Death Hunt" I t981) Charles Btonaon. Lee Mer- vin In 11'8 1930s • Moun· 118 and • frontier crnntnal wage an Old ballle as C<V11i· Latton encr~ on th8 CenedlMI ""ldemes1 A r2 MOV1E • '" last Deys 01 Man On E8'1h"' ( 1!17S) Jon Fincto, PalrlCk Magee When Iha ultimate diluter llt1k•. • 11<ep11eal Nobel ac>enltsl 1111nks that • computer burled unclefground catl aeve the world 'R' 11:30 II CJ) MOVIE • • • '• M.r.i'hon Man 119761 Duston Holtman l aurence Otovoer An on1rosoec1tve graduate s1,,.. ~t and msralhon runner londt homM!fl al the me<cy ol • 1erroly1ng lvgit•"8 Naz• war etomtnal IAI O Q!TONIOHT Host JOl>nny Cer.on 0 9 A8C NEWS HIOHTUHE a l(OJAJ( Ko)ak a godson ge11 into trouble with the law ID nE JEFnR80N8 LOUIN and Flotence have 11 frghl leaving George 1n ,,,. lutCh Cl) &VWOAO ANO SON Fred turns Cupid when Esther fighta with Woo- drow end mo.,.. into the Sanford hOUae (D NEWS8EA T WITl4 Cl.ET£ AOeERTS 8i) CAPTIONED A8C NEWS ($)MOVIE * e "WHiie & Phil" (1980) MIQhael OntkMn. Margo1 Kidder Three people begin • triangular romance rn Gr_,wleh Village that contt,.,._ ""OUQhOU' the mercuroal aoaal mllleu ol the 70. 'A' 1 t:&olC) MOVIE * "'Rolle< Boogte" ( 19791 Linde Blalr. Jim Btay A rich end telented mulk: lludtt't HI• out to win t roll«-ahtlng dance con· 1ee1 before •MU!nlnQ her atudiee 'PG' Orange CoHt OAIL Y PILOT /Wodnetday, May 6, 1982 All TUBE TOPPERS KOCE (50) 8:00 -"Wilde rness Man." Eddie Albert tells the story of John Muir and begtnnlngs of the national conserva- tion movement. KABC (7) 9:00 -"The Fall Guy." Howie meets a man who is being paroled after serving time for theft of a large payroll. KOCE (50) 9:30 -"Borderlanda.'' .Docu- mentary explores reasons why many Mexicans choose to work illegally in the U.S. while others remain in border towns. KNBC (4) 10:00 -"Quincy." A young girl is attacked by her guard dog and Quincy tries to prove her d eath wasn't an acci- dent. t2:00 8 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT The second 1n • series on HollywOO<J'a blonde bomb- ahella U (JJJ LOVE BOAT Gopher's 11111er 1ulle11 Ille leh ·OUI blues • malure couple get Iha surp111e of 111.,r lives and a !>fide dealt woth het new hus- band'• daughter CAI «D MOVIE • • · Vootant Road ! 19S8) Bro8'1 K.,lh Etrem Zlmbal· •II Jr Cl) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE fll) AMERICA: THE SECOND CEHTUAY 0MOVIE I • * • • 'file Last M•tro" ( 1980) Catherine Oeneuve Gere•d Oepatdoeu Direct· ed Dy Francois Trullaol 0uflng World W&I II the p<opr191or1 ot a small Paris l~tra fry 10 keep ll'Mllr ••tlbkShmer'll open du<•ng the Getman occupaltor1 'PG t2'.25 ( ZI MOVIE • • • ., Monty Pylhon Meets Beyond The Fronge" ( 19761 Narrated by Dudley Moore A beh1nd·the- 1een.. lool. 1s taken at rehearsals and ptepata. 11ons 10< Amnesty tnte<na- l10na1 s 1976 comedy ben- eht show thal s1arred memt>e<1 of Monty Py1110n 12:30 liJ Gt LA TE NIOtfT WfTH DAVID LETTERMAN Gues1 Gattaghet "OOUPL.£8 G MOVIE * • • '" "Hombre 119671 Paul Newmtm, Fred11c March An Apeche-r a•sed whoa man 11 forced 10 pro- tect th8 loves ot those he ,, .... • HEWS f£) PEOPLE ANO OAGAHtlATIONS 12:40 tt MOVIE • • Take fhos Job And Shove II ( 19811 Aober1 Heys Batb81e Hershey A young COO'porate execu11•e runs into '"'•lance wh<!n he returns lo "" home· town to revttahz.e a compa· ~b,_,y ·po· t:OOU MOVIE * * • 11t "The Plainsman ( 19361 Gary Cooper Charifls Bocklord A 1ro0 ot lamoua Western charac lerl try 10 .iop a wnote man trom s.>tlong guns to lndlan1 Cl) MOVIE * * • Oetecto_.. S101y ( 19S II Kork Oouglas E~a nor Park8f A New York City de1ectrve attacks hos work woth a maniacal z.eal unit! Iha etlects b99m appearing on hos personal off-duty hie and &veryday relatoonlhlp• t:tOU MOVIE • • • Machine Gun McC11n· c 1970) Jonn <As uvet• Brill El.land A parotecl convrcl plan~ 10 rob • Melle-controlled ca11no by l>Ombmg muCh Of L .. Vegas OJI NEWS t:300QtH£WS ($)MOVIE • • "The Incredible !>h1111r<1ng Vvllm"" I 1980) I oly 1 omhn Charles Gro- d111 A nouaew1le find• It 111.,0 10 CoC>ll w11 .. n she sudd11nly tll!QorU to shronk on a1re ·po· t:36 1C MOVIE • • Cattle Anni. And Lii 118 B11tchoS ( 1981) Burt l anc..st&r JOhn Savege Two tough outlaws pick up " paor ot teen-age gorls and toke 111em along on the!• ddY6rolur., PG 1:46 «D MOVIE • * > Ao11ea1 Hen• ( t9S I I r1ank love1oy Roctiatll Carlaon Soldle<5 m thlJ Korean War refuse to bf1c.k oil on the lace ol th1tenemy 1·&o Z MOVIE * • Phobia t 19801 Paul M1c11aet Glaser Susan Hogen A group of mental paloents are murdered accotd•ng lo theor ondMOU· 1111 .. rs A 2:20f) NEWS HJMOVIE '> Steel I 1980) l"e M a)or•. JefVl•ler 0 Neill A beaul1lul woman 11 •ISISI· ed by • 1oug11 con11ruc1o<?f1 foreman '" runmng lflit. company ahe onnerots alter hor lather's 1usp1c1ous aCG•dentill death PG 2.30 QMOVIE • • • r .. c111owr 11981) N1ge1 terr~ No<;Ol W1ll1am- son rn. t •• ,.,1~t!l of King A,,thut ht.ng JJO>NP• ~nd de••" 10 1,,., knogtot• ol 1ne Aou11d 1.aDIO A I 2:.00 NEWS 2:f.5 I) MOVIE * • • •, Will Penny 119661 <,11a111on Heston Joan Haci.e11 A cowDOy 111e1 to i111y out ol trouble wh•IP .s nPw lronhtitfiwnm an lrtes to build a n-hie 3:000 MOVIE • • Not So Dusty C 19'> II l e91oe Owye< Joy Nochots Two gert>o~ cotleCtors 1nvQt ... e lhem~ves 1n tt\e ~.,,,. tor a vah.o•Dle ~ s BEST Of' W..Ars UP AMERICA 3·16 C MOVIE a a r 10(> H~••I t 19781 Charin A1navour Vorna L... A rre<>ch hoodluf1'\ tttea 10 tollow 1n the IOOll1,.PI of "'· Amer1c:an gnngSlor hero Jonn Dttl 1nget R 3·30 l MOVIE • , la&I Oay~ 0 1 Man Ot1 f arlh f 1117'>1 Jon Finch Patrick Magee When the ut11mate dtSditPr str1• ~s t.1 skeptical Nobel sc1en1 .. 1 thin~~ tnat a Gompole• burlffd un<101oround ca11 '8"8 th~ 'f'Otld A 3.460) MOVIE • •" Ore Oarhng Die ( 19731 James Stewart Murray Hemollon When 11 woman os charged i•tt• murder m tho all9C)8d mer· q kollono of her peralyli<: nusb<.1nd he• attorney m~t prove that ~omeone elw 'ould havP pto11e<1 the man, death 4'06 H MOVIE • e ~at11 Hunt C 198 II Charin Bronson Lee Met- "'" tn '"" 1930. o Moun. he and ft trontte' ct1m1na1 w&ge an old battle as covoh· za11on encroaches on the <.an11d1en w1lde<nesa A' JOHN DARLING 4·I08 VOYMMTOTHI IOTTOM Of THI SIA .. , .... c .. oo (SJ MOVll • • "MHtacre Al Cantrel til@h • ( 19781 And•-Ste· vt1111, Rooert Cerradlne • c;rvaade for ••venge begtn• all8t • i>tAOk lhll went 100 ,., w11a pulled on Ille qutet8f lludenla by a group of bored hogh- M:~ lroanda A UO IC>MOVlt! * * • • lh• A•turn Of fne S.caucu• Sev10n ( 19801 M•th Arnntt Gordon Ct•pp Th11r11dC111·11 Day I httP ff tu·l.-11 -MORNaNG- 1.30 lHJ. * Youno And Fr .. 119791 Ettl. Latffn. Klltfh latMIO A you1og Mormon l>Oy 18'•• ml!l•y lffll as he •Pl>' oa'h"• ddUllhOOd PG l I * • • MOfoly PythOn M..a11 Ehtyorod Tne Frlnoo" I 19761 Nattaled Dy Dudley Moure A Dl!hond-lh&· SCf'flf!h look " taken at ruO•O•"itlS 1uul prepara- 1100~ tor Amn""Y ln1ema- 11on111 • 197& comedy ben· etot ~riow tnal llarred rn .. m.,.,,. ot Monty Pylhon 7'00 C • • • Something 01 Vwtue I 19~71 Rock Hud- son O.in,; Wynter The vio- lence lltl<.ountet9d by a peacema~er tu1n1 nom into a MM!ker 01 vangearteoi Q Mit(;U Poto, Jt 8:00 H • • The Last Cll.UO (t981J Loo Ma1ors Chros Makepeace In a wO<ld 01 me tulurti a f0tmer race cn1 dri"e' ano a tt1t1n-age compu1 .. , experl foghl the oove1romc111 • prosc11ptron ot automoOoles PG Z • • • Culle< s Way ( 198 •1 John Ht>a•d Jell Bridges A maomec> Viet nam vet ano no~ besl t11end • social drop ovl locus t he1r o1ri;irgoes on sollflng a mu<<lttt c11s.o R 8.30 S • • 1nva<1&1 s from '"" Oeo\'J I t981J Puppets T "" Wo1 Id Aquanaut i.ecu11ty p.itrbl anll comtJat crilll Storo9ruy battles an a,my ot aqua11t ,,hens who are de101m1neo ro take ovot tllf' planet 0 • • Ruckus t 1980) Otr~ Bene<IOCI L onlla Blair • A shefl 1.hoc.kNJ ~V1e1nam vel doSlurbS Ill• peace ot a !omall AldDolm• IOwn PG 9-:00 C • • / Bo"y Jack ( 19711 l om Laug"I'" Qelor" Taylot An e•- Green Bert>t nall-Dreea chaml)tons 1roe c&uMI ot a lree<Jom ~hoot tor runa ~ays on an "'unn,1 Indian teM!tV3tl0i' 9:30 Q) • • West 0 1 I hO Oovodl' t 19331 Jonn Weyne Gabl>)i Hoyes A cowbOy M!ll ou• 10 avl!llge n11 fatl\l'r s murder and find h1~ brothet< who tias been m1ts1ng for many yo1ar• t-45 Z • • Cattle Annie And Loll.., Brolehes f 19811 Burt L&nc4HIN John Savag4' T .. o 1ough outlaws pick up • paor ol 1een age girts end take tnem along on the" adventurH PG 10!00 • H • • '' Salem s Lot ( 1g191 Ollv11J Sout James Ma.son A novf.1111 returns 10 111s boyhood home to pu1 an end 10 troubled memor1<•s bu1 11nc:1s 111a1 a $tn1Slf't my<tlerv Sllrovds "" towr PG S • • • Aaontree Coun ty t t9~71 E1tzaDe1h T aytor Mon1gomery Cllfl Ourtn9 Ille C1v1I War a captovat1n9 Southfttn belle 15 deler- moned lo have Iha man ol her choice reoa• diets 01 the con,..quencPs 10:30 0 * • • • Tne F OU• Seaaons I 198 tJ Alan Alda Carol Burnell Three couptes all clo~ 1ong- 11me l11ends 10•pe<1ence l)fOIOUnd changes in lhetr rf!fato0<11t11p1 when one of the matr•Boeis cj1,,•n- tegra1e~ PG t 1 00 C • • loo' Back tn Ange• 119~91 t.laore Bloom A1Gh;1rd Burton Baaed on 1hP play by Jotln Osborne At the 1u1 moment e mnn d1SCover1 that he IO'tlw ltn4I ,.._,, hit Wiie tt:IO (ZJ • • "AfnlflCM Ol(lolO' ( 1HOJ R"'1ard Ott•. l •Uflfl Hulton A Bever ly Hiiia glgolo .,_ the p<lme - peel In • tnvf def ln"88tlgA- 11on 'R' 12:00 0 * • 11 ·To Petta W1111 Love 11HSI Alee Ouln- neH Odlle VerlOI• A Wld• -and "'' _, ell..,.,, 10 play matchmaker f0t HICO othet wt1lle In Pella ID •• '. Lady Liberty' ( t 912) SQC>ll•I ~0tet1, Wol- """ Dev-An llll!'n woman on her way to • wedding 111emp1t to go 1111ougt1 cuttoma wtth • I .. ~ HUl8Qe Cl) • * ··T11e D•m~ Oon I Cry" I 19601 Joan Crewlord David B•lan A woman r-• from meager 1>eg1nnrng1 10 become • Qlamorou• gun motl 12:30 0 • • • 'Oh Godt ( 1977) George Bu1ns. Jof>n Oe<lYer God Ml8Ct• an unwapec11ng young 114.opet· m .. ri.et manager to deli,,., • mesH~ ol hOOe and good w111 10 the 1kep1rca1 pt!Opte Of the mooern-dey world PG 1:00 IC a ' I "Koll Or Be Killed" I 111801 Jame5 Ryan Cher- 1011o1 Moehelle A tor,._ Niuo commander whO lost an 1mportan1 katate mateh to Ille Jape-<lurtng the war -"' 10 avenge hos de•••t by en11111ng the toe> kung tu hgl\ters lrom around the world on a tour· namen1 PG H * e • Touched By Love 119801 Deborah Raf· ton DoJne lane A nutstng lraonee '""' 10 Dr1ng 8 11end1ci1pl)4!d gotl ou1 of a c:Jeep • qepreuoon Dy encouraging her to corre· '>l>Ond with hor odol Etvta Ptesley PG S * * • All Thal J<iu 1111791 Roy Sc11a.oer Jes. StC<1 l4"Q8 I he 1umullu- ous "'" ot .. p<oleuoonal U>orcogtlphe< oS f041ow.d lrom succeu on Ille s1age 10 p•>tsonal croses R 1·30 z • * . The Mi;n Who l ovec:J Women · t 19781 l.harl•~ D;,nner Leslie Caoon lJorected by Fran· ~ois Truttau1 A man ·~ so ob~saed w•tn bf!auhful women that he hnds •I dolll- cull to remain sa1111tec:t wtlh any md•v•Ou~I rela.. 1oonsnip A 2:30 0 • • Aue.I< us t 19801 Ott k 8flned oc I l •nda Bta1r A sn.11 shOGlted Vietnam vet disturbs Iha peace ol a small Alabama town PG 3:00 0 • • • Jam .. Al 15 ( 1977) Lance 1<erw1n, Metrsaa Sue Ande<son After moving a<;rOS6 Ille country woth l\os lamoly a heerl11ck 1e1W1-age bOy leaves nome to retur,, to htl sw"thearl H • '• Tl'ltl U•s• Chaw 119811 LH Ma1ors Chrrs Makepeac.e In a world of the future a fOfme< •Ke c.ar drrver and • ,_...age c;omput., •• per' hgtlt the 90vernmMt s PfOSC•IPlton of aulom<>b•IM PG 3:30 l * * • , Peter Rabbtt And ihe Ta~ Of Bealro• Potier ( t97 II Freoe<rck Ashton Ale•ander Gran! 11A11mbers ol London s Royal Ballet Company per. lorm Yer •tons 01 Pogtmg Bland Je<emy F1ahe< · Jemima Puddle Ovct. • Squirrel Nullt•n ano J.,.o Bao MoGe 4·30 S • • tnva<lftr~ From Ille Deep t 19811 Puppels 1114' World AQu.anaut WC:Uf•ly palr04 and combal craft Stingray bellies litn atmy ol equa1oc attens wllO are det8'moned 10 lake over lhll planet 0 Marco P04o Jr · 5:00 C * * '• Biiiy Jeck 119711 Tom Laughton, Oetorea 1 •ylOt An e•- Green Be<et hall-breed chamPIOf'S 111e cause ol a Ir-Sorn school lor runa- w•~ on an At1iona Indian 1ea.etvat1on Z * • Cattle Annt8 And llltle Btnchet. 119811 Burt Lancaster JOhn Savage fwo tough oull•-pd up a peor ol toen-age gorls and 1a1te them •long on thetr adventul8S PG by Armstrong & Batiuk "1iHtNK11-V."T Pl'.>U..INAilON SHOUl...0 ~E.A6 FRIENDLY ""6 POS618U:.' Radio show exercises listener imagination ~~.?J?~ ~R.?.. NEW YORK -Hi &own flips a swttch and lntertUD"CI the acton taplna 1'The Great C..therine" for C!B8 Rad.lo'• M}'9tery Theater." The three per- fonnf!rt 1athered beneeth the microphone pauae mid..,terx», and look toward the control room a ' fflW *' away. "Mon feelln.I!" Brown barb lnto the lludio mOce. wy ou'r. lhocked b)' what you've jual .een.I'' Tammy Grima, the aro.ctway atar and fre- q~l 0 M)'l1el'y The.at.er" hftdllner, repeata the ~ with all al the emodoo and ,.w.re of an ~ l*'fonnlna to • pecked t),.ter, ~e ••the-a.a.. t.ocay, nmat.nc about. na- ked II\ the •now and Ice In thetr cotton abtlta. NlMtMn out of 20 dylna. An tMre no doctort ...,.. 8rvWD ........ in .. ct.Ir Mid nn.. -~ ll&d.. .. Alm'(.., bmudful?" ........ rbetartcal- b. al the all& be'.'-9 11m'+'t tar a new ~ tlaD ..... -.... al c.• ... the GNet.; Chit I r?MJ ..... w al ..... '"'nMt 8Ctcn clan't Ned," be..,.. 'They KL ~ $!:;!~""' wbln the _.plaallll or dlllilD *'>..,.... ~N ~without -.......... but 1'81111 ... adllil·~ ................... ........,,,,.. oft .... ._. A,.... II a aid et Of .. OGldll\ Alltt ol Radio, that period in the 1930s and '409 when drama dominated the medium. Indeed, "Myat.ery Theater" la a veettge of that era. · "rve done l /100 original broadcuta t.o dAte ln the elght yean of 'Mystery Theater,' and I lhink we've touched all of the clalllc:a -deMaupNl&llt. Poe, Henry Jamn, Conan Doyle, H.G . WellJ," Brown Mys, addlna what mtaht be c:onaidered a phUoeophy for the lbow: "Mystery Theater" la broadcaet at 9:089.m. MoncS.y \h.roUah Friday on KNX ndJo at {U""7 on AM dial. 0 Mystery Theata" bepn ht ninth leMOrl on the CBS Radio Network ln January wlth a re-markable ftve-,.n producdon ol •11A1 M1ianblM. •• It wu, like all of H1 Brown'• Dl'Oducdona. an m · tirely new ada~don of Vice« ffUIO'• d-'c ~ with AJeunder 8courby ln tM lotlid. Hhnan Brown .. a..\ ~ dnmi tor redio llnce 1929, --... ""*'L --rM .. Ol the Ooldberp," with ~ for lile to NBC. ' ... al hli .,...., bUt fOi • brW fOnY Into •lwWon ....... In tM ......... bii ..... .-nt an i'do. He~ "Jf9C liidlo ,.........," ana ol lhe -.....amtY llhldlded ·-* ........ unto d9i end .ol"lHt: And, he maln .. Jna, 111 have newr atopped believing that the 1poken word and the lJna&inatlon of the listener are infinitely atronger and more dramtlc than anythiha telcvtaion can of- fer. ''My 'Inner Sanctum,' " he aaya, recalling lhe iandmaik ahow from the Golden Age. "That ctta- Art Show kinc door w• a claallc." Huntington Center He creeted ~ lib "Orand Central Sta-dally thru Sun. don" and Bex St.out 1 "Nero Wolle," atarrtng Santai ..-...----------c Orwp. "It w• a lfMt eeria." he aays of the lauer. MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY Brown aaye be produces procramt for radio f\.llly aware that the listen r tnutl be ncour1ied to perttdpate. ~•a-..r ..... ...,.. "wttb radio drama." he aaya, 0 you're ~ ~· • ~ you'n cnatlnc your own ah.ow , your own wor ' ~ih yea~ lrMl charectert. •\nnlvt-r .. ry "My leadlnl man wlll look dllferent \o you ~.:-. In tht-lferoor l\ru than to the IUY t1'o blocb away. You•ve IOl \o f .·" ~,... ldndl of~ for yourM).f, or rve aot f.-.S ..- ---:;~,If yw do partlclpece, t ~•n ~·you ~· ... !!',....~ ~." t. •Y9-"In 'LAI Mi8f~' we we'll ~ •• , ..... CA bnc> the ...... ol PMtl Wlit no one had doM before. • In 'Ala.., the O..t,' w. ~ the workt. "--,;,;,_~~-----... ~cm"°P•" . 'n. _.....,...,.. 1n .. Mywwy ,,_..,.., may be Spldil May 5-May 11, ltlZ rt•.,..,._.2,H At the riu of sovncq concttted. I must ~· "" rttal manner and disbac· tlve 1n1r•1np •••• .. 1 macniftcent lddtbon to ~ 1quari11m . Su "'' at Aq"9ttc T ropclb. I am OI sall llndtr ._ ..... ,.. Anltl" tor ~ UI. ,.U. llMlile(y: ....... tbmt ~but 8roWn..,... tbt caU!tMIJ 11 ,,_at ID~ he do-. t•------------.. • All -' ' ---...... - Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT /WedMlday, May 6, 1982 v I ' Don't Forget Halliday's For That Special' Gift For Mother's Day! Newport Beech 17th & lrvln• (714)645-0792 A Letter-Perfect Value For Mom Writing Papers Organizer Just $2.00 with any Hallmark Purchase of $3.00 or more. \ (; 198t H.JH'".1'11, ( 4i'd\. In.( Beautiful portfolio stores her notes. stationery and other writing papers. and doubles as a writing pad. too Cover is easy to clean. and sturdy construction assures many years of use. Ftll it with Hallmark writing papers and it"s the perfect gill for a thoughtful Mom like yours1 • Mother'• Day Plate• • Hummel f1qu11nee • Prec1ou1 Momeni• f1qurine1 • ~ PAPER UNLIMITED 1112 lr.,IH A.,.., H•wport (-1 541-7921 . L J Mo.s.t. 10-•. n..-L 10.t. V/S4 I Nancy Dunn Antiques Fine European & Oriental Antiques and Furniture Also: Crystal, Sliver, Antique Jewelry All on consignment l l 30 Irvine Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92660 Westcliff Plaza 631 -3332 With Love to Mother from Veta's • • /I( /';,,,di 1 "1~·117 . ?/ >jto1J) rj '' /r.1·f l;;al>' 'llf U ' II I;; ( 1' ((,) . D1omr,11d-, "UIJPt t-•,. l 'T'•'tll 11'> u111t". o• rnw•y -J1flt:11·111 -,•ylt·:. l'> •lwrt-u11· ways 111 ~of I love yvu All '>P.1 r I 1u1 • •Jrl r • e1C)h•ec:n ~urol yellow gc,ltl All des1gne<i ""''h 1hc unique 1 bntld ~111ny so 1hn1 trcre 1s neve:r sno991r19 of fine clothing From $805 CHARL ES II. BARR ewefe.w ~of Acc"4ted c:.-4-"c• c;-Society Laborotory 17th & l"iH, Wftfdiff Pina Newport leoch At Last ... Children's Espadrilles Just Like Moms Fits Like a Glove 1052 Irvine Avenue Newport Beach 548-8884 Anthony's Shoe Service • Bank of America • Charles Barr Jewelers • Crown Hardware • Dr. Lou Elder • Hair Randlers Salon• Halliday's Men's Clothing Hickory Farms • Humpty Dumpty • La Galleria • Market Basket ·· Mes Amles Teens • Nancy Dunn Antiques• Newport Balboa Savings• Nper Unlimited " Sav-On Drugs• Storekeeper• Veta's Intimate Apparel• Westcliff Cleaners• Westcliff Corners• Westcliff Shoes• Xavier's Florist ti ... . . ----·---·------- 111am•111 mm WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1982 CAVALCADE STOCKS COMICS 82 85 87 Ann Landers sinks her teeth into the issue of res- urrection of the body. Page 82. 0 ' D Huntington church contests 'second coming' By STEVE TRJPOU or111e~,......,. It sounds almoet too good to be true -the re-appearance of Chriat on Earth th.la 1pring and with it a solution to a ll of hwnanlty'a problema. To members of a Huntington Beach Chrlatian church who are contesting the prediction, it 11 jult that -too good to be true. In fact, the Chrl1tlana warn that the prediction may actually herald the return of the Anti- Christ and the beginning of the terrible Final Daya ol man's reign predicted in the Bible. At the center of the contro- veny is a growing international movement led by soft-spoken Benjamin Creme. Creme, a Londoner who has dabbled in eeoterlc teachings most of his life, says he has received telepathic messages telling him that the Christ, a man who la not the biblical Jesus Christ known to Christiana, will soon emerge with a group of enlightened fol- lowers to aolve the world's pro- blems. Creme, 60, outlines a set of beliefs contained in the optmustic menage that requires nothing of thoRe who hear it. not even belief that the outlined events will oc- cur. Some of its major points: -On the day of the message, called the Day of Declaration, many wonders will be perfor- med. -The Christ, whoee name is Lord Maitreya, and enlightened followers known as the Masters of Wisdom (of whom Jesus Christ $1,lff LEGS -Kelly Butler shows ott her lep that won tJ:iini prize in a national competition, and with it a check for i1 one), will set the Earth on a path that will end the threat of war, wipe out starvation and lead to'true brotherhood. -The meeaage la for people of all rellgioru and thoee with no religion. It'• main tenet is that sharing is the only way huma- nity can 1urvive to build a pea- ceful, progreeaive future. -There la no requirement to believe the pttdictiona, but peo- ple are asked to consider that they will occur in order to create an atmosphere in which the Christ can re-appear. Creme'• f ollowers an - nounced the event with full-page adverti1etnenta in newspapers around the world, including the Sunday Los Angeles Times on April 25. The advertisement and the widespread local interest it 1up- posedly created brought Hunt- ington Beach's evangelical Church B)' The Sea into the pic- ture. ~ The church 1pent more than $8,000 for ill own full-page ad- vertisement, which ran a week later. It waa an obvioua reepoNe to the ad plaoed by a local group of Creme followers called the Tara Center. The church ad'• waminp that Creme'a prediction may actually be the fint sign of the Anti- Christ ia baaed on its interpreta- tion of the Bible's apocalyptic Book of Revelation, co-pastor Clayton Robi.naon said. ln that book it la predicted that the Anti-Christ will come at the head of a worldwide movement. -............. "~ ....... $1,000. Kelly, 21, ia a model and student at Orange Cout College. Newport coed's legs lauded Kelly Butler's lega are certified winners. In fact, they could be cl.alaified .. $1,000 legs. But even Mias Butler, a 21-year-old New~rt Beach col- lege student, didn t believe in her "winning" legs until the enve- lope arrived informing her that her gams had placed third in a national leg competition. More than 15,000 women (or 30,000 lega) entered the contests. "I didn't think I had good- looking lep." says the leggy $1 ,- 000 third-place winner. "Now, l guess I have." An Orange Coast College ar- chitecture student and aometime model, Mias Butler entered "The Great Legs of Summer" Contest. sponsored by a suntan lotion manufacturer and a foot-care products firm, at the urging of one of her mother's friends. 'Turn on the hot -water. ' • • Mesans out in the cold, and rent's going up By JODI CADENHEAD ()("Ille D.-, Not ..... Although l1l08t of ua try to stay out of hot water, Eric JobNon of Costa Mesa would give anything to get into aome. A hot shower. a hot tub, a warm waterbed would do. For the past 1ix month• the sandy-haired college student and about a den.en of his neighbors at Caaa Victoria Apartments, 525 Victoria St., have gotten by with little and, at times, no hot water. To add insult to injury the apartment owner ii now trying to rai9e rents.. Johnson complains. The trouble started last Octo- ber when the plvan.iz.ed pipes in the 142-unit apartment complex started to bu.nit. Johnson's apartment was one of 12 left with lukewarm water that would fizzle faat.er than a dying sparkler on a July night. "We're not against the rent increase," said Johnson. "I don't think that anybody would com- plain if they saw improvements." Jayne Rowe, a ~-year-old se- cretary, said she showers at her tx>yfriend'a or elae U8eS a vacant apartment. S he believes that she deserves a reduction in rent for putting up with the hot water shortage. She says she decided to enter aft.er diacovering th.at first priz.e was $5,000. "f could use the money," she explains. Four to five months a fter entering the contest, s he had heard nothing from its judges and had forgotten the pictures she had submitted, Miss Butler says. When the envelope came an- nouncing she had won third prize, it came aa "such a surprille," the ~-foot-7 coed adds. "I had never won anything like that befe>tt." Predictably, her boyfriend'• reaction to the contest was polll- tive from beginning to end. "He thought it was a freat idea. He wu excited when won and thought it waa real neat," she exp.laina. A1 for advice she offen to others who have high hopes for their leo. well. it's basic. "Get a good photographer." will perform wonders, and will Creme said in an interview last initially aeem to be a savior, said year that he ia "too luy" to per- Robinaon. petrate a hoax. The Bible also teaches that A pereon given to laughing at Je1us Christ is the Christ, and the situation he finds tum.elf in, that his second coming will be the white-haired Londoner told seen by all humanity. Creme says National Public Radio "thil is not the Christ first re-appeared in a role I've choeen for mywlf." the everyday world with no Creme said the Christ has told fanfare July 19, 1977, after a stay hun that he will stop starvation, of many year·s high an the whichCremeaaidclaimaaamany Himalayas. lives aa the Hiroshima atomic It is such deviations from Bible bomb every three days. teaching that alarmed his church, "lf some madman were drop- Robinson said. ping atomic bombs. one every "Jesus himself said, !Anyone three days in the citie1 of the who ii not for me is agaihst me. world, we wouldn't sland for it Anyone who denies that Jesus is one moment," Creme told NPR. the Christ is the Anti-Chriat, or Like Creme, his Southern at least an Anti-Christ," he said. altifomia followers say they be- Why did his church chooae to lleve in the prediction be<'auae respond to Creme's group, just they felt ill truth inside them- one in a long line of those who selves when they heard it. have predicted Christ's return in Ruthie M arks, a free lance the past 2,000 years? writer from the San Fernando "M06tly because of the amount Valley who has become some- of response they received," Ro-thing of a self-appointed local binson said. "Members of our publicity person for Creme, said church sald people at their jobs of the prediction "as soon aa it had brought in the advertiaement was exposed to me I knew it was and were talking atx>ut it. abeolute truth. "We felt that there needed to "It's so home-like to me -like be a Christian response to what no religion I ever felt," she says. we felt was a challenge by the According to Ma. Mark.a, the Tara C.enter." Christ will reveal himself from The church's ad duplicates the the nation where he has been type style. paraphrases the wor-working (and has become well- ding and even h as a borde r · -known) a week before h is identical to the one surrounding worldwide broadcast. Creme's ad-"I'm personally very excited "THE WORLD HAS HAD about at," she said. ''The ultimate enough ... OF HUNGER, IN-truth is there (in Creme's pre- JUSTICE, WAR. THE CHRIST dictions) somewhere -aome- IS NOW HERE," Creme's ad-thing universal, very old and vertisement states. very ancie nt that will re-• "ANTI-CHRIST IS NOW structure everything on this • HERE and THE WORLD HAS planet." HAD. enough . . . OF FALSE If the spring appearance does PROPHETS!" counters the not occur. Robinson said his church's advertisement. church will drop the issue there Creme and his followers, who aJ)d let the prediction sink in its have heard from other Christian own non-fulfillment. churches the charge that they are Ruthie Mark.a acknowledges paving the way for the Anti-that even Creme is "not 100 Christ. take it all in stride. percent sure" that it will happen, In a book he wrote in 1980, but she hastens to add that all Creme says the Anti-Christia not who believe are virtually certain a person but a force representing in their hearts th.at the prediction the evil in all humanity. The will come true. force dissipated most of its Even if.it doesn't occur, Ms. strength in World Wars I and Il, Marks says she will not drop her which the Masten of Wisdom belief in its eventual rea.liz.ation, view as a continuous 31-year but "I 'll be very, very conflict. disappointed ... • Candidate assails illegal alien raids Democfatic gubernatorial can- didate Mario Obledo, on a cam - paign swing through Orange County, denounced last week's raids on suspected ilJegaJ aliens in California as "repulsive and politically motivated." Speaking to reporters Monday in Santa Ana, Obledo said one consequ ence of the U.S . Immi- gratidn and Naturalization Ser- vice r aids was to discourage members of the Hispanic com- munity from participating in the political process. The secretary of California's Health and Welfare agency aJao said the raids helped fuel feeliJ\8.' of prejudice and ill will in the state. If he were governor, Obledo said, he would have used his au- thority to urge the federal gov- ernment to work o ut a more "reasonable, rational a nd hu- mane" immigration policy ma- king such raidl unnecemary. · Obl e do said it was "demogoguery in its h ighest form'' for federal officials to label the INS rald1 aa "Operation Jot.." His solution to the flow of il- legal aliens into California, he said, would be to allow these people to enter the U .S . for a specific pertod of time if they could find a relative already here who would vouch for them. The alien would be allowed to live and work wherever he choee ao long as job preference was given to U.S. citizens. Deukmejian backed by 4 At first Johnson and his neightx>rs took the water situa- tion in stride, joking about orga- nizing communal bathing parties in the swimming pool. Once he did, in fact, jump in the pool when even the cold water went dead in the middle of a lhower and he wu left with a The energy crisis begins at home • supervisors Four of five memben of the1 Orange County Board of Super- vilOn toda~ Califomla Attorney Geor&e Deuk- mejlan for the GOP tubernato- rla[ nomlnaUon ln the June pri- mary. Republic•n 1uperviaor1 Thomaa Biley, Bruce Natande and tt.rrWtt Meder .... Jo'ned by DemocHt Racer Stanton in eodonlna Deuk.mejian'• candi- ~ attorney senera.I, appa-rlnl at a e.nta Ana~ ccm.. en • with hit four Oran1• Cou ty aupporten, welcomed . ... ....... andrepeeli9d hie 1upport for the Peripheral Cwl projllct ad ......... it that. ~ pwnar, he would wtb MY ...,.a.Uoa that mandata local a-'ft8'1--without ~ ,.,.. <*7~-,,.._tly ~ that the • ., requi..,. '° pnMde _...~but .. DOI bel.p ..... fJmlidaD,J: ·.•• 8'iplnl ... ~ a.ti. • 0.. ....,.. Ila"\,. ... to indal• _,a tt •far ~nar at the current tame, u akle mid. face full of 808p. . But in March. JohNon called the Orange County Health De- partment. It ordered the owner of the apartment c:iomplex to fix the plwnbinc. It's now being re- peired. Sally Van Hom. the ~ of the apartment c:omplex, Nid the owner, known to her • the Unn ~)'of Los Anplea. had been PlannlnC to repair the ppee befon beinC told to do IO. '1t .._..t been pleemnt," Mid Ma. Van Hom. wflo Uva in the section of the complex with plumbtn1 problema. "When I have hot ••t•r I'm very .. 191\&l." • Ma. Van Hom added W.t the owner l• 1pendln& f 17&,000 to correct the probletD and l'Xpectl all tenanCI to haw bol wawr by learoed to cope with a 1-.ck of t wet.er, t.enante an now a.ow... m8d over a recent noUae of a June l Nnt Iner 11•1, Ji t ....,. rmt wOl )llDp tram .. to fUO. He .. --drcu-....... ,..adan .... far.•· IDODtb reat hMS..loUowl .. ... ¢' ... ot .... ph ....... BY GLENNA JOHNSON FOSTER Of'\MO.-, ......... Some people avoid sugar. eXCNlive taxea and potholet in the 1treet. I avoid exceesive entbuaium. It la too ex- hauathlj. When I come borne from one of those high- powered lectures on motivation. I have to take a nap. I never add anyone dncribed u "dynamic" to my Christmaa card list. IP A FRIEND CALLS about brinOla over IOfDeOne for me to meet that ia a re.l "dynamo," 1 move. The ~t from people who are full of exceuive eneray caWM!I me to break out ln a rah of definite lack of enthull- Mm. It ta an aUerpc reacUoo known • jealouly. ..... I am jeUow of the dynamic dynamo1 ... ,..-,.----~ who have the enef1Y to ~upan the bandwaaon of the Jai..t crue In phyalcal .fltn-. plain wnpptl' fopdl and entmpnmunhlp. ~ alwaya • take • detour around my -... 1.-IUD TllAT IOllSD.AY tt wW be dilrcov•ed that ~ fltnw ca&W Cllal' In a.bontiory rata. I am ~~~~-::s~~-==== laD, tnmda cut ar Prdm fnlh. 10'& c1on•t know what U. l-9llllD ..... MJ ,...,.._ Ii a bUncfte ol .... ., whln lt carw '° clipping money-saving grocery coupons. With only 63 hours of ICimor work, she can feed a family of eilbt for $2.17. I save coupons, too. I have a kitchen drawer full of them. 1 just don't have the energy to carry the drawer to Alpha Beta. Every magazine that I read ha1 an article about a woman who was motivated to open a gift abop •lline calico golf hap and quilted eoup lad.lee and made a million dollara in two weeka. I AM NOT ARTISTICALLY lnclined. That meem I can't leW, c::rocheti knit. cut u¥l pute or follow tbe do& Even thoee thrift abop oraai,tsaUona won't accept my creations. When I Mt them out to be pk-bid up, the truck runa over them. Some people have become eo entbU8Ludc about their diets, deb1a. dlvoreM and U~"9 •a Din Nodwr, tllU they have written bookl w m accepted by the Book Of the Month Club. I have trouble pttana the bank to ..pt ...,. of the checb that I write. To combat my excealvely enthualudc jlalouay of thme dynamoe. I am ta'YtlW to ~ my moUvatiol-1 betterlel by lleeP'nl wcJ. D. ei.:vtc ~ , I BA VE llOUGlq Au. TBS boob GD bOW '° t.• ne th1n, rich and f.mDUI In 10 ~ I haw ... to aD the modvadanal ledurm and M•4Mn GD "ffoW ID ,..,,. - ~t ~ Wb&» SJ11pAnc ln." 'lbly didn't won. I .tblnlt it w. beaa-.-wblle ..... th9 boaD m a~ the~ J W l!*tdai clDn: ,. - Ill Orange Oout DAILY PILOT /Wtdneeday, May 8, 1882 DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am writing about the answer you gave the woman who asked if she should will he r gold crowns to her relatives, since they are quite valuable, or keep them in her mouth because she was sure she would be resurrected and she didn't want to be put to the ~xpense of having to buy new ones. You were very kind, Ann. In no way did you make fun of tha t woman or try to shake her faith, even though you probably do not believe as she does. Keep up the good work . -C HRISTIAN FRIEND IN MISSOULA DEAR FRIEND: Thank you for those kind words, but I don't believe I deserve special praise for that answer. Although I do not happen to believe tbe woman will bave any further use for ber gold crowns, wbo am I to try to persuade ber otherwise? Sbe could be rigbt and I could be wrong. Tben wouldn't I look foolish? Jlbe following letter may be of interest to you. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I couldn't believe that le tter from the woman who MATADORA TURNS TO ART -Patricia McCormick, 52, once the premier matadora in Latin America's bullrings, now divides times between her art in Pasadena and a job as model didn't know whether to Include her gold crowns in her will. She was afraid when she was resurrected she might need them and de ntistry would be more expensive and appointments harder to get. First of all, on resurrection day the body is transformed to P4:rfection to meet Lord Jesus in the sky. No one need be . concerned llbout his teeth. They will be flawless. Secondly, the writer had better make certain she is in line for the resurrection she is expecting. There are two kinds. you know. The other one is for the damned. If she has not lived a life that would qualify her for heavenly ascent, she has a lot more to worry about than her teeth -mainly how to get to the other side, and quick. All this is in the Bible, J\nn, if she will only open it up and read it. I'm signing myself -HEAVEN -BOUND AND PRAISED BE HIS NAME DEAR HEAVEN-BOUND: Thank you for sbarlng your knowled ge wltb us all. I hope, h owever, you r l etter wi ll not discourage people from taking care of thelr UWlrepM .. coordinator a t a design college. "I suppose I killed about 1,000 bulls," before her 1962 re- tirement, she recalls. "I was in more than 300 fights and gored six times." CanCer: Cycle upswing - Tb•rsday, May 6 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Examine acco unts, c h eckbook s and count yo ur change. Be aware, alert and protect your own interests. Some hanky-panky could be occurring -don't lead with your chin. Good news is upcoming in connection with written material. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Study Aries message for valid hint. Maintain low profile, avoid making legal commitmenta. Go slow, pennit others to state their views and policies. It is lo your advantage to play wailing game. Family member aids cauae. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Basic talks require review. Someone is shirking re - sponsibility. See people as they are, not through haze of wishful thinking. Term• will be defined, techniques will be brought up-to-date. Pi.aces is in picture. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Cycle takes sharp, upward swing. This can be your power-play day. Emphasis on charisma, re- sponsibility, attraction and reward. Rela- tlonshlpa become serious, members of oppo- site 1ex are drawn to you and money op- portunities abound. LEO (July 2l-Aug. 22): Tranuction ii concluded; let go of ~t. take definite stepe towarda new ground. Don't hang on to out .. moded con~:i;ts. Focus also on security, home and d nga with penona ln poeitions of authority. Aries native P~)'I key role. ·POT SHOTS BY ASKLEIGH BRILLIANT HAVING LIVED ~ THROUGH SOME~D ·TIMES, l'M LIVING f'AOOP" • TMAT 5C»C &AO TIMES CAN M LfVrO TH~. HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You are being pulled In more than one direction - examln varlou1 prOlpt"Cta, give full play to Intellectual curi08ity. P'omlly member ls in- volved with key dl'Clslon. Short trip may be neccHary. LIBRA (S t•pl. 23 -0 ct . 22): Follow through on hunch, t.>Apedally where finances are concemt..-d. You'll know what to do and timing will ht! on t.araet. You are on brink of an Important dl1eovery. Cancer, Aquarius pcr10na fll(ure prominently. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You emerge from corporate or political conflict with flytng colors. Cycle high and you'll be victorious. New policy favors your aaptra- tiona. Popularity lncreues, you'll be invited to prnu,ioua affair. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): A~ tend meetina which throwa Uiht on what OOCW"I behina ecenee. Cycle moves upwards. your eff ortl begin to pay dividends. Em- phull alao on review, revision and proce11 of rebuildtna on a more tultable structure. CAP RICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Bur- dens are removed, 1UCCe9lful endeavors re· 1ult from chanps, creative activity. Lunar emphaal• on hopes, wt1h fulfillment, new triendl and aura of romance. Gemln1, Virgo, s.,tttarh• persona ftaure prominently. AQUARWS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Lunar emphul1 on pratlge, honor, 1tandtq ln community and recol!'ltlon of talenta by profellional IUperior. Domeetic adjuatmmt ii on ._..xta and could tnclude acquilition of luxury Item which makn home a more harmonJoul, camtortable pi... I ' . ;· PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcb 20): U,n1· rah1e plant come Into focu1 i.nCl lft.Clude trivel communbUon. educatkJn Md ~­\ual development. More penona beColDe intilrllkll in ·JQW .,..... ... ~ COUid re-.. ........ Jictluft. • teetb wblle tbey are here. Even tbougb tbe Bible 1ay1 a Uf etlme on earth pa11es like tbe blink of an eje, an hour In a dentist's chair getting a root canal can seem like an eternity. DEAR ANN LAND~RS: I can't face another letter about the neighbor's dog who did do-do on the lawn, a jerk who refused to help a woman out of his car, the bride who didn't send a thank-you note and the clods in Cleveland who don't RSVP. How can we bother about trifles with so many important issues confronting us ? Lonely, hungry old people slip tins of tuna into their pockets becauae they can't afford to buy them. There are more than 9 million unemployed people in this country. Many teen-agers, when they have nothing to do, steal, mug, and take drugs. We are hearing more about child abuse and rape. In some c ities it i s un s af e t o rid e publi c transportation. Why don't the complainers use their energy to do something cons tructive? Will you tell us what we can do to change things? -PORTLAND. ORE. DEAR PORTLAND: I'll sound llke a broken record, but bere I go for U1e umpteenth time: You can join voluateer organliatlon1 and give your time. Call yoar local community referral service for names and numbers. No one need remaia Idle U lie or abe really wants to be of service. 1'llte Hit of organizations that need help 11 endless. H ow much d o you kno w about pot, cocain e, LSD, speed , PCP, uppers and downers, glue and heroin? Are all these drugs dangerous? Ge t Ann Landers' all-new booklet, ''The Lowdown on Dope.'' For each bookle t ordered, send $2.00 plus a Jong, self-addressed envelope (37 cents postage) to Ann Landers, P.O. Box J J 995, Chicago, m. 6061 J. ~eautiful yet . ·silly A TYPICAL SAN Francisco day. un- commonly beautiful. reasonably silly ... John Reed, of the Chestnut St. Reeds, rea- ched into the back pocke t of his new slacks and found a slip of paper reading "This Quality Garment Examined by Roanna Bottomly" . . . The billboard at thef'Turk- Lark.in corner of Kahn & Keville, the tire people, presented as its latest deep thought, "Practice Does Not Make Perfect -Perfect Practice Makes Perfegt." Right "Perfegt." A tiny joke, I belie ve ... Mr. Reagan's po- lished and suave advice to the Soviets over the Falklands crisis -"Butt out!" -is al- ready a peraona.liz.ed license plate, adorning what Joseph Que ntin Riz.nik calls his "Tchevy"; an 80th birthday gift from his wife, Charlotte. ONWARD: Sure, it's down the road a JJlece, but the S .F. Convention & Visitors Bureau is already bidding strenuously for the Super Bowl in '85, '86 or '81; Pete Rozelle would like Stanford Stadium, even though Stanfoo has always been iffy about a pro sports connection. perhaps for la)( re~ns. The 1600-member Commercial Club, founded ip 1851, moves slowly, but move it does, having just admitted its very firs t woman me mber, Atty. Pamela Rhodes . Since she is also Pres. of Cable Car Cookie Cars, there will never be a shortage of choc chip cookies aro und the old club ... Co- median Robin Williams, who has a frustra- ting habit of popping up unannounced at clubs around town, plays the Boarding House May 10-15, his first scheduled ap- pearance in five years. MEANWHILE: Bill Berry, asst. div. chief of trarfic at the Hall of Justice, says he ne ve r saw it be fore -a judge in robes standing in line to pay a parking tag. The ,. trailblazer was Muni Judge Lillian Sing "'who, yes, runs the traffic court ... Tom Bradshaw, who runs the estimable Great American Music Hall, has a problem: first he advertised Count Basie's band for, May 1. Whambo, instant sellout. Then Ba- sie's age nt phoned and said the Count "needed a rest." Tom frantically mailed out cancellation notices only to have The Count Himself phone and say, "Tom, I think playing in San Fra.nciaco would be MOST restful. I'll be there." And there he was. TRAFFIC ·NOTES: Judith Whipple calls mete r mai~ and men "Parky Pigs," ~ HERB MEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO which is not NICE ... and Richard Gar- barino is offended by the tow trucks whose slogan, painted on the doors, is "Discover San Francisco." A case of wry. especially when one of the trucks i.s towing a tourist's car .. . As you may have noticed, the tagging and towing of cars has never been fiercer, which is good for the exchequer but bad for the tourist business we are supposed to be wooing. Fi!teen-minute zones, meters that will take quarte rs only. towaway zones marked only by easily-over -looked stencils on the curb (not by sign), and $40 tags add ug to what Appellate Justice William New- som describes as "a city terrorizing its own ci tirens" . . . Newsom w as further affronted when two cops got out of their patrol car at Hyde and Union to tag a woman who had parked her car. £illed w ith k ids. a longside a fire hydra nt while she dashed into Swensen ·~ for ice cream cones. She came out in three m inutes. Upon finding out that the tag would cost he r $40, she burst into tears. crying "My husband will kill me!" "What is this, Alba nia?," Newsom asked the cops. "Give me that tag, I'll pay it." "It you two should have any problems, don't --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~--~~ .. \ ~ .. GOREN ON BRIDGE ,~ BY CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. South deala. NOITH •HO c:> JU 0 A84 •AU WEST EAST +QIOU •2 c:>Al(UI c:>QIOHS 0 Q lt 0 Jt • IH •KUU SOUTH It!."' o ll7UU •'QU The blddlnr~ S..U. w.-Nerda Eaa& J O 1 <:'1 J O 4 c:> '0 , ... , ... , ... Optnln1 lead: Kins of c:>. that contract Ir the defenders forced him with hearlt. West led the king or hearts. and declarer was hap py with hl1 dummy. He had a aunt cJ~bJoaer,aoall he need ed Lo do for his contract wu hold hls combined trump and apade loaers to one. The only w~ lo avoid a ll'ump I03er wu Lo find a 2·2 bN!ak. but apadH oUered 11veral chaneea. Dedar.r ruffed the heart lead and cuhed th• ldn1-ace of diamonds. When t.hat aull.. divided evenly, It aeemed that all waa well, Fort.unat•· ly , however, declarer NW that. there waa one dl1tribu• lion &bat could cauH trouble -If Weit held tour •P'dH to t.he quMn. Don't. take &he outcome of To count.tr that. dtt,lartr 1 haftd for rranttd. Dl1t.rlbu planned a 1lrip and end p&a,. &.loft eaa play atr•!\19 t.rickl. He l'\lfled a i-.art and led t.he When Int.ta bid nve q-..n of cJubl. Eut. won the dlallliOodl. M wun't. 1u,.. kins and ahlft.ed to a .,... .,._. hand It ..... Ht •u Dlduer \oek IUi klet, t.hen .... ~ a. bW ... ...... -plfte4 ... 1"".ci•Ofll tillll ........ &MUliJ proW»l1 1111 _... U.. JM.k·Mll ol ..... '\ .. -.. :.0.....li;;;,...,....._ ............... , .. lasl hearl. The sLage was set for a safely play. Declarer •Imply got off lead wllh a low spade. not. caring what happened lo that Lrick. tr both defender& followed, the kine of spades would draw the opponents' last card in the 1ull and the jack would be high. If either defender showed out.. hll partner would win tl\at trick. but would lhen be forced either Lo lead a 1pade lnLo declarer'• ace-jack teunce, or yield a ruff·and·1luff. which would allow declarer Lo di1card Ml 1pade loMr from one hand while ruffing Int.he Olher. Makl"C five-odd. -------------- PacTel, AT&T joining ' Merger to have 'no effect ' on rates NEW CHIEF -Do- nald D. Lennox, is new president and chief operating officer of International Har- vester C.o. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. haa been 1ranted permission to fully merge with lta majority stock holdett, Amer- ican Telephone & Telegraph Co. The action Tuesday by the state Public Utilities Commission means that .Pacific Telephone will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of AT&T, which owned 91.5 percent of Pacific Telephone before the merger appro- val. The action allows AT&T to acquire the balance of common stock -19 milllon shares -h eld by Pacifk's minority stockholders. "The merger will have no effect on Pacific Telephone's rat.es," said John Dennis, the utility's vice president for r latory matter$. · Dennis said the merger "will sim- plify" divestiture of Pacific Telephone by AT&T later, under t.erms agreed to by the U.S. Justice Department In an out-of-oo'urt antitrust settlement ln- volvln~ 21 othet telephone companies. The PUC said the effective date of the stock buy-up would be detennined later. The merger "will simplify the matter of the divestiture process," said Dennis, adding that all 1B50Ciated financial moves concerning the split- up would be made easier as well. Unde r the terms of the merger, AT&T will give .3~ shares of its stock {or each share of PT&T. No actual cash exchange will take place. 2ND & 3RD T.D. MONEY AVAILABLE • OWNER OCCUPIED • NON OWNER OCCUPIED UP TO 90°/o OF VALUE UP TO 80°/o OF VALUE • LOANS UP TO $200.000 • FULLY AMORTIZED 15 YEARS e 30 YEAR AMORTIZATION • RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY UP TO 4 UNITS 10 YEAR DUE • NO PREPAYMENT PENALTIES e INTEREST ONLY DEAL DIRECT imA SuwJeSt Bank ®,:G 'V11111 L l!N Ol!R FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE e CALL OUR REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT RUBEN FELIX, (714) 730-4419 • JOHN LANDER, (714) 730-4421 ·----------- INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANCE CALL FOR CURRENT DETAILS "4£ "'BER FDIC DON'TMISS EXPO. IT HAS SOMETHING FOR ~llTAURANTl1"0TILI LAWY!RI TOMORROW'S EXECUTIVES Imagine. t"Wd(eds of small compulers and word proces51110 systems all together in one place 'tt>u'M see computers ranging from inexpensive personal systems to sopl'\Jsticated small business systems You'll see word proces5111g sy$1ems that incre898 your office prOducllVllY Plus all the hol n&N releases In smaM compUer software. peripherals. accessories. seM::es. even suppf'ies So, If you want to ITldetstand wha1 the rapidly en18f'glng ~ tJuelness frld per90n8l computer system phenomenOn 19 all aoru and what k can mean k> ~. you srould be here Because you·u be 8'>18 to study Ind conwe IYtlemt and apples· Anaheim COn\fention Center Mtily 7, I , 9 fridor,. t1 AM·f PM • ~. Sundoy1 10 AM·ll ,M tons And nol JUSI a few But hlA:)dreds The popular names you already know And the new ones you srould know aboUI ' Computer Showca~xpo is the one com- puter show you need this ar •Whelm S reel by ~erfac• Orou_p • 1 Frominghom, MA 01701 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, May S, 1982 ~.Your Prof~ss1onal · Flor1st A..OFIBT • 29 15 Rea Hill Avenue A 108 C<»1a Mesa Stone Mill Business Park 641-0810 ACUPUNCTURE CHIH-llWI CHOU, C.I. AUTHOR OF "ACUPUNCTURE I SCIENCE" former Chairman, seminar of Chinese Acupuncutre Foundation PROFESSOR OF ACUPUNCTURE. GRADUATE: CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE WHO'S WHO IN CALIFORNIA. 13th Edition 545-2436 Mon.-Wed.-Frl. Brl1tol Medical Cent., 2720 I . Brl1tol It. Suite No. 229 SANTA ANA 532-5040 TUff -Thur.-Sat. Medical Dental Center 1500 E. Katella Ave. Suite F • ORANGE SMOKING & PAIN-CONTROL MANY OTHER DISORDERS AND DISABILITIES IRE YOU IUYllG I CIR? WE COULD SAVE YOU AS MUCH AS 13118 ON HIGHER PRICED AUTOMOBILES AND CERTAINLY HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS ON MODERA TEL V PRICED CARS WE WILL DO YOUR SHOPPING CALL VIAOINtA AT (11 4) 141-4100 or 141-1122 d very ~l"lCl IJI holll14m· tor "hildrcn 'lh u.1111111>: 111 l.hhl•lll\ 1111 Ill~· \••WI).,'\ 1 1111·111ho:r, • 11 th1 t.111111\ I • fLOIUN(l [l'>l._,AN • 1'£111 UAT[AU • BElTll[IO<Ell • fHTMANUROS • H SCHEL • Pf.1 tTE GAMINE • ABSORUA • SYI VIA WHITE. lll"'l ll'I llVI ll\B'i <.I I It., W[)IPORI SQUARE u,•, J I 1 h '-tt • < .,,, 1 l\h•,,1 • 1, i .! J , I J Bank of Newport PARTNERSHIP ACCO.UNTS OFFER: • IMMEDIATE LIQUIDITY • CHECK WRITING • INSURED BY FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE UP TO $100,000 • THE SECURITY & FLEXIBILITY ONLY A COMMERCIAL BANK CAN PROVIDE Our "partners~ip" accounts are an innovative new way to earn JUMBO TC.D. rates with a low minimum investment. while still having immedi- ate access to your funds. Here's how a Bank of Newport JUMBO PARTNERSHIP account works. We link your deposit to a line of credit in order to create a 30 day $100,000 Jumbo Time Certificate of Deposit. This "partnership" account allows you to write checks against your deposit without disturbing your JUMBO T.C.D. and its high ihterest return, while providif19 maximum flexibility and safety. The rate on the money we loan you is just 1 % above the interest rate on the money we pay you on your JUMBO T.C.D .... so you earn a high yield on your deposit, which is the diffe~nce between the loan and the T.C.D. For full details on JUMBO PARTNERSHIP Accounts. call a Bank of Newport Investment Counselor at 760~6000 or stop by your nearest Bank of Newport office. When you compare other programs, you'll find you can't top a Bank of Newport JUMBO PARTNERSHIP Account. Substantial Penalty lor Early Withdrawals -..-------------------------------------- Address ------------ 0 Please send complete lnfotmatlon on JumbO Partnership account• O Please call me and proyt~ more Information about "partnerthlp" accounts Telephone # ---~---------......... ,.., 11 .. • The worst ' weve ever done is50% a year. Each January, Hannes Tulving selects a list of underrated silver dollars. In 1981. while bullion, stocks and real estate went sc.;f!, our list still managed 50"<-appre. ciarion We've done better 1978'!> li st appre· ciared 11 )''o 1979's, a remarkable l w·:. lJrx) m one year Even more remark· ably, 1978"s list ic;, 1n dare. up 1094'~, Compare that m any other 41 z·ycar 1nve!ilmen1 The mck 1 f1nJ1ng the right cums AnJ Hannes Tulving 1' o ne of only 18 recog1rn.ed ex pens on Morgan and Peace silver dollar:.. And we're· the only U.S. rare coin firm 1hac deals exdu~m.+~ with invc~1nr... . Every rare j.!olJ or silver win w(' sell comes w11h the indus· try 's strongest grade an'd buy·hack guar· antees. ~1u r ()l).Jay money-back policy and the best ltqu1da11on programs available. For more on our managed personal rare coin invesrmenr portfolios and rare coift·backed pension nr profit sharing plans. call 800 854-6016 In California. (714) 851-8202. Or return the coupon for a free information packet. And do ir soon. After all at 1094~· over 4~ yea rs. imagine whar you're losing each day you delay. Orange Cout DAILY Pll.OT/Wed~ay, May&, 1882 DID YOU KNOW: You c1n own yow office It*•· You c111 stop ycu rent from 1olnc ~· You can own tht land -not least. AIRPORT WEST BU81NE81 PARK 241 Flecher Met Red Hiii, 0.M. Call Mr. Davi• 751-7400 Broker Cooper•tlon Coostructim ~I ... ,ft. ava1 aUICi at ·Heritage Bank .. ·Residrnflal ·Commercial Btdldlnp Takeout Commllmenf required alongwtrh~ Conlact: ·JdfJohMon • South Ora9 COunly/lrvlnt" 7M/85M050 Danie her with a Krugerrand gold pendant. An afford· able ~1ft that's simply stunning. And nothing ~hOfl of sheer elegance. Give her the Krugerrand gold pendant. In all the world, there's nothing quite like 1t. But then, there's no one 1n the worlp quite like yoor mom. ~~~ .... , -u--ml 111cAt111ur M (at Birdl) NEWPORT BEACH (71 4) 545-6931 CHEESE & SAUSAGE GIFTS · ·ron MOM MOTHER'S DAY IS MAY 9th Select from e wide variety of delicious gift paks, prettily boxed f or Mother's Day. Stop by soon! IF MOM LIVES OUT OF TOWI WE'LL SEID HER GIFT We'll handle all the details and even enclose a personal greeting! ff i~k©f11f~rM~ OF OH/0$ ~·Pi,·~~ ~:1~.9,~--~· South Coast Plaza s4o-&99 Lower L9'191 By The Cetou-:" G~ America's Leadina Cheese" Stores~ PlllUC NOTICE '1Cnnout .u ..... MAME ITATIWJfT The following per90nt are doing bu"'-IS ZUMA COHSTRUCTORS, INC., 1835 Whllller. Unll F·3. Cott• ...... Callfomle 02e27 Zume Cont1ruclors. • C a •· tornta c;orpor111on, 1835 W111ttler. Unit F-3. Colle MeH, Calllornl• 2827 This l>ual,_ II conouc1ed by • Ilion Zume eon.tNCton. Inc;_. Burly v ,J.at_.., PrMIOenl Thie llalement -llleO with the ty a.tc of 0r-. Coun1y on pril 10. 1082 Ml.IC NOTICE FM:TITIOUI ._..._ .. f1CTTT'IOUI .u .... H NA• 11' ATOllENT NA• 11'ATa•NT Th• lollowlng person It doing I d I butlMaa h The following penon 1 o ng OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED. -=OuE PADS. 3852 Blac:k· 3857 BlrCll Str .. I. Sutle 31'. Mew· 11>0<n. ltWIP. Caltl«nla 92714 l>Ot1 BNc:h. CA 926e0 Vivien R. Even. 3U2 Bleck· DENNIS D MELSTROM. 2701 thorn. WVlne. Celllomla 92714 Harbor View 0.1~. Corone del Met, CA92e2S • Tm bU9lnNt •• condUc:t..S l>y an LAWRENCE l MAYER, 830 ln4illldl*VM41n Even Monllcello Drive, E1condldo, CA T"'-ttatemenl WM llleO with IM 9202~ARRY l~ MAYOR. 4821 Col· County Clettl of Orange County on Marro 26. 19112 umbl1 River ourt. Sen JOH , CA ,,... 05123 Pul>llllled Or.nge Coul Ody Pl-Thlt bullMaa II conduc:ted by e IOI. AprW 21. 28. Mey 5, 12, 19d2 genetal part,,.,ahlp 1782·82 Dennis D Melstrom f117t12 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Thlt llllement WU nled wttll the <Minty Clerk or Orenge County on APfll 27, 1982 Published Orenge CoHI Delly llol. Aprtt 21. 28. Mey S, 12, 1082 1748-82 P\lll.IC NOTIC£ l'\8.IC NOTICl FICTITIOUI Ml8MU NA• IT ATW....,,. The tollowlng ·person I• doing bu.U-el! AOVA~D COMPUTER ORA· ,,.,.., Publl1hed Orenge CoHt Dally Piiot, April 28. Mey 5. 12. HI. 1082. 1900-82 Mt.IC NOTICE '9CTITIOUI 9U ... H PHICS. 885 5-Ql.I" ~. ~t NAfllll ITATa•NT 8eec:ll. Calllomlt 02te3. • • ._ALD •AY The lollowlng per1on 11 doing James John Campbell -H.-vica DtlTIUC1' ~ ae; S11111¥1>rlell eas s..ouu Lane. New--nee -•• •c..--CLAYTON wooos IMPORTS, pOt1 8eecll. Celffoml• 02963. ..... 9v ......... tH5 Churcfl Str .. t. Cotta Me... Thia ~ It condllc1td by an AU..-AUD •ALLOT '2927 ~. J-......_ 8_........ NOllG• 11 hei'eby glvtn lhtt an Cteyton W . wood•. 1055 -·-..... ~. ''""" tlte11on It hereby~ to_,. l*O Church StrMI. Co111 MHe, C•ll· fhle 119*'1*11 ... fll9CI with the wlll!NI Ult Emerald Bey SttW)e Dl- lornla 92627 County Cllnl of Orenge County on 11rie1 on tJlt 21th day of Mey, 1N2. Thie bull!-. II eondueled by en Apr'M i2. 1N2. MIAIUM TO .. VOTWO OM llldMduel '"'"'* The purpOtt 01 Mid elecllon .,_ ClltyOn Woodl Publllh•d Ofange Cotti O.tlly bt to IUtlmlt to the ~•• ~ fhll 111._t -filed with the Piiot. Apr'M 14, 2 1, 21, Mey 5, 18'2 """" Emeratd Bay 9«\llct Oltt1k1. CcNnty Clerti Of Orlltl9P County°" , .. 7.12 tile QlltttlOn Of wMther Of"°' tM Apr'M 11. lN2 AllM> Wiit' Management Agency HANNIS~ ,117.., P\aJC 8'0TIC( .,,... "'* lnlO . '°"trlCl with the PIAlllhed Orenp Cout Dally Pl· Slit• Water AHOUICH Control ~MacAnhur 8hd Suitt lZO "twr<"' 8t1<h CA 9lN>O 17141 ft~I 8101 Ou1ttdt' C.li,1rn1a !100-ll~HIOlfl I IOI. Al>" 21, 21, Ml)' 5, 12, 1Na. ,._ 1011d to borrow tllt mul"'u"' 17~ ITA~ °' AIA'CMI IWJin lf\'IOUllt of 1700,000.00. Of wNcl'l ltlt I "9JC NOTICE "°~ :::.: .. MAm MllTI ot 1111.000,00 11 tor 111e Moo I Tt'I• foltowlnt peraone hue n•tlt of Ille lmtrt ld ley Service I tbandOntd tht we et lt'le llGlltlOul ~r.w::· II purpoae t:A Mid _,. rtCllnout ........ ~ Mtnt RlflOfl Propwtlae It I l'I ..,._ ITAftMINT 1., EMt 171'1 StrMt, COtl• .._, tteot • to obteln fund• or t • I The fOllowtn9 .,.,_ .,. dolfto CA mv. . ~ OI oonttructlon Of oer• bullrtlM lit! The flOllllOUI buelnwa netnt r• lain Of tl'le Meo We• ~ti I AOlfANOfD fUIK MANAGE tened 10 M>OW w11 Ned In Coun"" AoenGY -COleCllOfl lftd tr•t· ., "*'' feclltlel. I MEHT TICHNIOtJH, a'410 Modi· on .. 21-18. Tiie tNldl'IVll imOUnt Of~ O P&tiw roott<'I m.t I I 11101>trd l"t•ce, ll TOfO, Cellfornlt JAMES w, "AY. 1U The to M l>Otfoilnd fl'om tht Ital•""'° undcnund you rtqulrt 1 ~ Mttlett Circle, Co1t1 MeH, CA 4., -.1c1 CClfltrect I• 1'700,000.QO; ' I li.wn '· Kallfl. 24410 MOCll· •'· Nt1.0000 on beflelf of u. ClfY Of r U.ODO minimum lnvtMmfnt ln.tDlrd Pleet, fl Toro, C1llfornl1 MtCHAIL o. AAY. 147 Paul•• 'laouft. e..-. "'°I Ht 000.00 on ~a Pl«tw ttnd mort tnfOfmltkm I tfUO . rtno. Ooell MIM.1..~A t2Q7. "'*' Of "" eNtlld .ev .,.... ful I Oalil•Y 1. 11111,:r:•· 2HH ~ 1. ltMITH. 2004 YMM *"°'· Ttlll ._, 11 eo t>t ,..,_ ~ I on fOO' rarccotn port klf :"~,Lw. MteMon • ~ ~·J::tr ~::,-.mt 10 .,_. ..itti • ~YM' moreto- 1 I ~-· Ktddtll, l~:l "...,. f"VIT, 1101 we,,. Cr.et Drlv•. =.: f9lllfl"l'M Of prlnolpet _, I ..,_ I Cirdl. ~ ltecf\, ~ C«-.. Met, OA '"''· TM -.otlOft .._... '"ooncMted .... Wll.OON -~·"· tit hit ~ .......... ...._to 1111,........ I l =-=::r=·~~ 17w.~~-=1i ~'-;:~":,-=== I c"' I nm':.. " ..... ..,. w • o--• ==:r,., "bl~~"' , ... I I ..... ~&""=~ Tilll .:::=i::-....... IM«AALD •AY llP!Vtc. Oto I ti Ti. 1111 " .. .., ... .. C.unty Ctllti .. 0..,... Oounly all ITNCT I I =-r,~~ br1..-~ °" ~ 14. 1• .-ar: "-A. ""'*"· I I ~ , ,_. °'9111' c.-~ "° ......,., °'tfllll o... !1!!!J,... ~=,cw.,_,.._ I JI! ..... I _..,,.,,.11.a ... t, ... ,_ ........... ta, .,.,;e ........... . ~-------~ ~· ... .. . . . ... Santa Ana ban"-VP named Robert G. OreaU, Laguna :.!f~el, has been promoted to vice pft9ident and 1 B manager at Capl11tuo Nattoul Ba.Dk, the Santa Ana branch. The Newport Beach office of Gnbb & Elll1 commercial brokera1e aroup announced the ap- pointment of David W. Stolte of Irvine u office market1n1 1pectall1t. He wu auoclaied with the hvine office of Aahwill-Bu.rke. Bok of America h.u announced the appoint- ment of Man B. MetliDger aa vice president and head of the new C.Orporate Bank.Ing Group at the Santa Ana main office at 801 N. Main St. Rose Marie WojUdewlci of Fountain Valley. receptionist/secretary/messenger at the Garden Grove office of Western Mutual Escrow Corpora- tion, has been awarded the title of "Employee of the Month" for February. Paclflc Mataal Life IDlarance Company of Newport Beach haa announced the promotion of Roser W. Beck to 2nd vice president, group ad- ministration; WlWam L. Heuelwoocl, F.S.A. to 2nd vice president, individual actuarial; and W. Douglas Lebman, F.S.A., to 2nd vice president, group un- derwriting. All three officers are residents of Irvine. David R. t..wson h.aa been named marketing oommunicaUona director at Megatek c.orp., a San Diego supplier of computer graphics systems and 90ftware. He is a former vice president at LeADce & Company, a Newport Beach public relations/ advertiaing firm. Payne Johson has been named director of public reationa and corP<>rate communications of ~ Diego Gas ud Electric Company. Johnson was OVER THE c OU NT ER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND DC BISINISS vice president of communications at Nuoorp Energy, Inc. KatllryD L. Cally of Orange hu joinedCoclt- rue CbaH, LlvlD11toa & Co., lac., Irvine aa account re'preientative. She wu 11en1or project director at Product Management in Tustin. Ctrcalt Prodada West of Costa Mesa has been named aal(;!ftency for Lamination Systems, Inc., in Southern 'fomla, Arizona, C.Olorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah. Dec-Wood SaJes C.Orp. of City of Industry changed ita name to Lamination Systems on June l. Brace R. Conn haa been named senior sales associate at Marca• & Mllllcbap, Inc. of Orange C.Ounty, investment real estate brokers. WTC Inc. of Newport Beacti announced ap- pointment of two members to ita board of direct.ors. They are Harvey G. Fel1en, a CPA and presi- dent of H.G. Felaen Aasociates Inc., a New York· baaed consulting firm, and Norman L. Perry, ex- ecutive vice president and co-owner of Tree Pro- ducts Co. Inc., an Oregon-baaed forest products brokerage and export company. Former directors James W. Hamilton and George C. Miller resigned. Jeffry J. Jobnaon of Huntinilton Beach hu been promoted to manager of Senrlty Pacific National Bank'• Beach a nd Garfield office in Huntington Beach. _,.., I Eft<-~ ti~~ ;::=1 • ,,...r 9 1 Hl$4"lf ... I AFIC()p 9 BllSF • • 10 CA CU II V ICJleovV> 11 SUll8IO 13 Sc-· 14 Vldltl(io IS S. .. Ftl .. l..,....., 17 Mr'Sl-11 VUl<P 9 ··~ :JO Unifi • JI Htlh(n n NAO O 1J ----,. l~ 1\ 8'.nH u" t..\I ~ IO , ... J IS .. 1'-1 .. IO , .... s• • 1 .. u , ... ) ... '"' ,.,., ,., ... )'> •.. • I 1 • ... , .. DOWffS Loft! 1 ..... • )'. )\, 1 • •• .. , • 1'. 1 .. ''· ,, .. '"' , .. .... 1• .. .... ) IO .... 1 • •• )loo J•, , ... C"9 • I • )1 > . "' , II I• .. "' • 1 ... ... ... • 1 . .. 1 "' .... ..... .. Pel Uo •• VI> DJ Up •.t Up JU VI> l'" Uo J., uo 2U Up 21 • Up 11• Uo , ... Up 111 Uo 1411 Uo 11 • Utt 110 "" i.1 Uo i.1 Up 16• Uo IS i • "• UO IS..t , Uo .. ) •, Uo 14) ' •• uo u) '1 Up UJ .. VI> ll• "• VO tJ) °"~ °"Pc ':10 0 .. ()fl IJ.• 11• °" 11\ .. ()fl IJS . ' °" 11.a '•°"Il l 1 ()fl IOS "• ()fl IOO I 00 IOO 1, Oti tOO '• OH t \ ... Ott •• '• ()Pf t) '• Ott • 1 ... °" ,, .. °" , • '· °" ,. .. °" 11 .. °" 10 .. Oii 10 ·~ ,. .. ... .. .. °" •• °" .. Oii • , °" ., °" • ) c NY SE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS ~UOT&TIOfil' IM(l.UOI Tlll&OUOll fMI MIW YOlll•, MIOWIU, l'&(ll'IC, l'I•, I OUOM. 01 f•OIT &ltO (IN(IMM&fl ITOCW lhCMAllOU &Mb lll'OOIO l'I' TMI ll&tO &110 111\fllllf s 8 1 Santa Catalina bland soon wlll have IU own homegrown bank. Edward Carpenter & Auoclatea lnc., Loa A.naeles-bued f1nanclal in.slltutlon.a conauJttna flnn, prepared and filed the charter application for National Bank of Catalina on behalf of a group of 1ocaJ bu.ai..ne9a people. Approval waa given by the comptroller of the· currency. The bank, to be located In a bayfronl building being erected at 303 Creecent Ave .. Avalon, will be capitallt.ed at $1 'h million ($10 per share). National Bank of Catalina organ.izera and propo- sed directors are John J . Feinberg, Vincent L. Seara· mucci. Milton Schatan, Robert S. Stein, Gloria E. Wall and Leo l.ager. Oil well completed Transierra Exploration Corp. of Newport Beach announced the successful oompletion of its Cinnamon No. 3 well located in Noble County, Okla. Avera~e daily production rate from the Skinner formation of 4,660 feet was 994,000 cubic feet of gas, five barrels of oil and 12 barrels of water throug.h a 12/64-inch choke . F1owing tubing pressure wu 600 psi and casing p~ure 680 psi. Total depth is 5,180 feet. Trarisierra owns 67.5 percent of the working interest. Hom e files available Orange Coast Savings and Loan Aaaocil' ·on is making available free home inventory files w can prov1de insurance or repla~nt infonnation n the event of lea or theft of houaehold belongings. According to Richard Read, president of Orange Coast Savings and Loan, the files are being made available in part due to the fires ip 'Anaheim that de- stroyed 500 apartments and left l,5oo people homeless. The files are at Orange Coast Savings, two Orange County offices in C.OSta Mesa at 1700 Ada.ma Avenue and in Anaheim. ' Short-term bills up WASHINGTON (AP) -Yields on short-term Treasury securities rose slightly in the latest auctions after declining in recent weeks, officials say. Monday's yields were the highest aince April 12 levels of 12.899 percent for six-month bills and 12.849 percent for three-month bills. About $4 7 billion in six-month T-billa were auc- tioned at an average diaoount rate of 12.78 percent, up from 12.64 percent last week. Numismatics exhibit slaied North American Coin & Currency. Ltd. will pre- sent a numismatics symposium and exhibit at the Newport Marriott Ho\el on Saturday at 9 a.m . For infonnation, call 800-432-7446. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES WHAT STOCKS DID WH>I A.M(l 0o0 rocwy ... Ille ., llti ,. ,. NEW YQfll( IAPI W y f METALS rocw~ l16 1., 1U '" IO ll Tueecsey ~ My ,. ., 271 , .. II IO -C•PP•• 711·1 I cen11 • pound, U S o.tlnetloN. -u. 2&-27 '*"' • pc)Wld. -ZIN $5 ce111e • pounct, ~ -T1111 ... MOI ..._. W .. ~lb _...,.._ 16-n C91119 a pound, NT •ow,S37500P# ...... -."la• s• SSSl.00 ll'oy Ol.. N Y LOftdoft: ~nlng n11ng cloMo l ondoft: atletnoon lialnQ cloMO hrte: S3S3.95. oft H 13 'rlNM!twt: 1349 02, Otl $9 98 Zwtotl: lai. nx1ng 10 come .. ,. Hafl4J a Har111afl: only dally Quote ~.~on s 1u11. otllAS"'fe;f'• ~ CWy .... '344.75. ,,....._.. only.~ QVOte l•brtclled $381 "·Off $17 ~2 SYMBOLS . . -· I t 8 7 z .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Wedl\Mday, May 6, 1882 ,. Pastor called 'devil' WEYMOUTH, Mass. (AP) - The congregatio n o f the local First Baptis t C hurc h wiU m eet Thuraday to decide whether As- sociate Pastor Larry Baskin is ''a son of the d e vil,'' the Rev. Dou- glas Auld said. Some m e mbers of the congre- gation who claim "God has spo- k e n d irectly" to the m have op- posed Baskin since h e joined the c hurc h th ree years ago, said Auld, the c hurch pastor. "It started w ith his coming," s aid Auld. "S o m e p e ople got these 'w o rds from God' right after Baskin arrived." Auld said he considered Baskin "absolutely " clear of any wrong- do ing and t h at h is ass ociate is ''taking this very w ell." The d isside n t gro up, a small mino rity in the 400-member congr e g a tio n , h as r e fused to s peak to Baskin o r take commu- nio n , Auld t o ld The Patrio t Ledge r o f Qujncy. "I'm con cerne d a b o ut these people," Auld said. "These peo- ple are hurting thems elves. The y 're good people but they're a little mixed up. I'm trying to help them." 0..., '11ot StAllf Pllolo JUST WAITING -Lori Richardson. 19. sits on the roof of her condQminium in Costa Mesa's Mon ticello complex w h ale waiting for a friend. She says the perch affords her a good vi~w of her friend's approach and allows her to catch a !ew rays from the sun. , "From m y point of vie w it was a grievou s m is unde rs tanding," Auld said. "I a m con vinced w e a r e g oing to b e a ble to work t hrough it." He confirmed a re port that the board o f deacons sent a letter to the congre g a tion . saying tha t som e m e mbers o f the co~rega­ t ion cons id e r Bask in ·•a son of Baal o r a c h ild o f the devil'' and calling the m eeting Thursday. DEATH NOTICES GOODMAN WATERS RAYMOND J . GOOD-RO Y V WATERS, passed MAN, a1e 69. passed away away on May 3 1982 at his on May 3. 1982. Survived by residence ln Costa Mesa. Ca. his beloved wife Mrs. AlJce He was born in Minne90ta on Goodman, cherished father Nove mber 7, 1911. He waa o f Raym ond Goodman of la.st employed as a salesman Seattle, Wuhinilton, Daniel for the Dayton Carpet C.om- Goodman o f ffuntington.pany for 30 years. He was a Beach, Ca .. Alice Goodman resident of Costa Mesa. Ca. and Thomas Goodman both for 4 1h years after moving of Santa Ana, Ca., loving here from Minnesota. He ls grandfather of 8 and great-survived by his w ife Anna- grandfather of 3, devoted bet S . Waters of Costa Mesa, brother of John Goodman of Ca .• a !On J ohn J Waters o f Wiacoriain and Bill Goodman Costa M esa, Ca., 2 sisters of C.ompton, Ca. Reciution Jeanne Hoo.on of Minnesota of the Rosary wu held oo and LaVau1hn O 'L eary of Tuesday. M a y 4 , 1982 at Klamath Falls. Visitation 6:45PM at H arbor Lawn was held at Harbor Lawn Mount Olive ~emorial Cha-Mortuary on Tue.day. May pel. 1625 Glaler Ave., ec.ta 4, 1982 from 2 :00PM to Mesa, C.: Graveside 1ervices 7!00PM. He wu a member were he ld on Wedhesda y, o'r the Costa Mesa Senior May 5, 1982 at lO:OOAM at Citl1en1 and the Newpor t Harbor Lawn Memoria l Beach Senior Citir.ena and a Park with Father Denn is m e mbe r o f the G o lde n Lyoru of St. John the Bap-Time rs of Costa Mesa. He tilt Catholic Church officia-had in the. past attended the ting. Mr. Goodman has been Nor thwestern C.ollege. Ch i- a reaident of Huntingto n cag o. Illin ois. He w as a ve- Beac h , Ca . for the past 5 teran of the U.S . Army for 3 years and a resident o f years where he reached Sgt Ora n1e C.ounty for over 15 M aJor and he ser ve d in years. Services under the World War a Services were direction Harbor Lawn-held on Wednesday. May 5, Mount Olive.Mortuary of 1982 at l l :OO AM at the Qitta Mesa. 540-55M. graveaid~ at Ha rbor Lawn. MANNESCBMlDT Services lfnder th..! direction GEORGE C . MAN . of Baltz Berger on Smith & NESCHMIDT, LT .. COL. Tuthill Westc llff Chapel REI'. U.S. Army. Resident of Mortuary o f Costa Mesa. Newport Beach, Ca. Passed 646-9371. away on May 2, 1982. Fune- ral 1er vice1 a nd Interment SCHUNKE wlll be held on Thursday. ALFRED SCHUNKE May 6, 1982 at Fort Sam reside nt o f Newport Beach0 HoutlOn National Canete.ry. Ca. PUied away on Ma i'. San Antonio, Texaa. Loc~l 1982 at the a1e of 73. ~r. arran~menta under the di-Schunke had Uved in New- rectlon of Baltz Ber1er~n-por t Beac h, Ca. since 1965 Smith & 'l'uthUI Weat.chff and worked at as a chef at Chapel Mortuary of Costa the Newpo rler Inn for 9 Mesa. 646-9371. ~ears. He was a member of Chef de Cuisine lntematio- naJ Organization and served in the Navy !n World War ll. He 11 survived by his wife Margaret of Newport Beach, Ca. P r iv ate services and Interment we~ held. Pierce Bro thers Bell Bro adway 9!iii-!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!B!iii!i~~-1Mortuary dl.recton. ULTZIHGHOfol SMITH & TUTt41Ll Wl!tTCLlff CHA,Et BLACKSTONE LAWRENCE W . BLAC K STONE. passe d away on May 3, 1982 in HB tudent elected J ames H ager of Hunt- tngton Beach lS one of six use stude n ts selected by the P r eside ntial M a n a - gem e nt Internship Prog- r a m . T he 178 selecte d will ser ve t wo-year inter- nships a t vap ous fede ra l a gencies. Agent re hired SAN YSIDRO, (AP) -B o rder i n s pec t o r C harles R. Jones Jr. has been reinstated in the job fro m which he was fired a year a g o for dating a Me xican woman and ar- ranging entry papers for h e r . DEATHS ELSEWHERE LONDON (AP) -Dame Cella J ohns on. n. who nwltlod ht'LlrlS m thl.' dass1l· I !H5 Bnush r11m IOV(' 1>t1Jry "Dnd 1'~m·ount(•r." dwd DALLAS (AP) -Ira G. Corn Jr .• 60. a fmancier and c•xJ>(>rt brrdge player. d red Wednesday. -Wiiiiam Baraett, 82, who wrote 39 novels and was conn ected with more than 40 film• durln1 a 55-year career, died Sun- day. PRO VO. Utah (AP) - William Primrose. 77, a v io list an d editor and ar- ranger of viola mUSJc, dted Saturday Primrose was a faculty member at Bngh am Younit Un1vers1tv LOS ANGELES (AP) - Patoa Prlc,, 65. who coa- c hed such ac tors H Kirk Doug.las and Juan Robards Jr. and who wu jailed u a con eclentloua objector du- r lna World War II, died Wedneeday. 427 E t 7m St Costa Me<.a f.4f. q:n 1 , Qitta Mesa. Ca. Born in Loe An1eles. Ca. on Au1u1t 16. 1964. Survived by his mo· PHILADELPHIA (AP) ther Ceola 'Blackstone of LOI l'ttlCI .. OTHEU swtTHS' MOHUUT 627 Main Sr Hunhnoton ~arr• ~6~39 PAC.-.C YllW MIMOllALPAJtW C.mttery Mo11ua1v Chapel-Crematory J500 Pac1ftc l/1ew o,.,,., ~oort Beach 644 ;,>7()() McCOll..al MOlfUAlllS L901'"a Beach 4!M·94lS Laouna M•lls 76&·0933 San Juan Cal)1s1sano 49SJ776 . Angeles. Ca., 2 brothers Ri--'The Rev. Job V. Buu, can1o and Bruce BlackalOne 7 7, a p h i lo sopher whoo both of LOI~ ea., and wrote "Dyoamiam ln the 2 alatera Janette Blacluton e Co1molo1 y of Christian and ·Yvonne Blackstone alto Wolff" and ''The Sod&l and both o f Los An1ele1 C a . P olitical Pbiloeophy of St. Private aervlces have 0 been ThomH AquinH.'' died h e ld at the Baltz Ber1eron Wectn.day. Smith & Tutblll WeatcUff -- Chapel where private inter-NEW YORK (AP) - ment fol.lowed. Services un-Letter BHI•· 38, a rock der the direction o f Balli mUllc critic who wrot.e for Beraeron-Smlth & Tuthill Rollins Stone, the VlJlace , Wett.cUff Chapel Mortuary Voice and other publica- I ol Costa M-. 848-9371. tion1, died. ---HOUSTON (AP) -Ella GAINER C. POIMlrea, 101, whole late JAY MlCHA.ELOIJNER.. husband Walter W . Fon-•I• 24. r"ldent of Corona dre~S tou nded Humble dt1 Mar. C.. P~ away on Oil n-1 ,.._ ·b•-... May i, 1882. auntwct by hil """' ~runa \..u. w ~ parent.a Rodney and Cecile 11 now Exxon USA. died Oalner, 1 alttt r Kimberly Monday fORTHI RICORD Al)f'll I Mr and Mr5 t .,,Y Dan..,, Cosra Mesa, girl April 9 M1 and Mrs Craig Boardmen, Costa MHa gtrl Mr ono Mrs David Olson. lrvlne. 0111 APfll 10 Mo and Mrs S1even Groom Hunttngton BellGll gtrl Mr ilnd Mrs R1cnard O'Ley., Cos11 Mesa bOy April " Mr •fld Mrs Roneld Tele. Coela Mew girt Mr and Mr• Philip Cotton. Cost• M ... g•rt Ap.11 12 Mr and Mrs John Lew•• Coate Meaa, bOy Mr and Mtt James Urquhart, Ir· ••ne gut Mr Bild MIS Wtlll&m Jones. Irvine, boy M1 and Mis J11llrey Dore. N-· p0t1 Beacn girt llA1 Md llA1a James StaMord. La-guna N1g~ g1<I Mr and Mrs Joseph Campol Hun11ng1on Beach 0"' Mr end Mrs Gery Rorden. New· PO<I 8e11Ch bOy Mr and Mrs Oonald llllngworlh Huntington S..Ch. boy Apnl 1S Mr end Mrs George Metko•1oh Huntington Beach. boy Mr and Mr1 Gusraef Chompll Hun1tr1g1on Be&ch, girt Mr •nd Mrs Robert Fenton. Ir ~vine boy APfN 14 Mo end Mrl J •mes Conw•y. Cos1a Mesa girl Mr end Mrs Frederick Dullen Newport 8Mch girt Mr and M•a Dennis R1c1ce11s. Coeta Meaa bOy Mr and MIS CharlM Lenge Costa M!!Sa glf! Mr. and Mra."r",,.J! Hom. Coeta Mtaa. gllt Mr. and Mre. Un Kye. Fou11111n Valley, boy. ApntU Mr. and Mii. NlaMn PllMt, Hunt- ington 9Mcfl. boy. Mr end Mra. Mlch••I Jorden, Huntington e..cti, boy. Mr. and Mra. Mark Wood, Hunt• tngton 8eecl'I. glf1, M1 and Mra Robe1t Gleuon, Fountain Valley, bOy. Ml •nd Mra ~llM Baca. Hunltno- ton Beecfl. gtrl. ,.,.,. "' Mr. end Mre. G1v1no Roorlquet, Hlll'lllngton Beach. boy. Mr. end M1t. Jon Flota, Huntington BMch,glrl. ,.,.,.,. Mr. and Mrt. Roger Smith. Hunt- ington 8each. girt. Mr. *"' Mrs Oon-*d o.vla. Hunl· lnglon 8Mctl. boy. Mr i nd Mre. Steven Gar•ctl, eo.ttMeM,boy. IT. JONl'tt H08"TAL .,..., Or. and Mrt Kim Charney, Ntwpoft BellGh. girt. MtfcJOtnttal ......... .,.... Mr. and "''*· Al1n l<Ofn, New· POl'I BMGfl, boy. Named HANroRD (AP) -A lieutenant with the Santa Ana police force hH been named police chief at Han.ford. OUver Lee Drummond, 34, --picked from 0 applt- c.nta. ...... - PUBllC NOTICE NklC NOTICE f lOT1TICMll eUllNHS flOTmOUI 9U .... I NA ... IT A TIMINT NAMI ITATIMIHT The lollowlng pereone are ootng NOTICI INVITING 8'°1 c.._ ...... ef lie 0-r The lollowl"" ,__,.n• ere doing bullnHI u . Nollet 11 ht reby given 111a1 the T'reu 2~14 ... ,. •. ~ Ooard of Tru1IM1 ol the Huntington tf ...... bullnttt.. FLOWERS BY JANICE, 754:1 BHc;h Union High SCllOOI Dl1irtc1 ............ D.O. H • M lj)(HIBITS. 1702 NOflh Acacle, G•1oen Grove, CA 92704 will ,.c•••• 1uled bid• 101 •ue>· WHEAeAS Mllalac:t~ ~ Nevllle.,Oran(lt, CIHIOl!lle 02405 J AN ICI: OALLIER Mii.LEA, At ""' s ~ S h David '( Murem•t•u tnc , • t8054 Hyeclnth Ortve. rounr,1n ,...y".,, t•f Y uppli.e meeting 11 ~n praa.nt.O fO llt C<MN>· C11tlornla co1po111ton. 331 Pllnl v1.11au, CA 12704 °' e<1ut t 10 ,.,. epecihcallon1 on Ille trolte< or the Currency llwll PACI· _, In the oll~ Of Mild ()j1t11CI r1c NATIONAL BANI( toc:•ltd In :c;:r4ue. Long BHoh. Cellfo1nt1 1~~::1ln ... 11 conducted by en B•da •hall be c•e1tly mllked Newport Baacfl. l t•t• Of CallfOf· Halllld Oeaton inc . 1 CelltOt· Jenice 0 MHI• 'Slettonery SuppllH Bid •488 nte, ho complied wllh all prOYI· t I lddr....O lo A"yn E AOWlrf Put-Ilona of 11141 •t.tuta of the United n • ooiponr on, 11 Hecttnda. I•· Thi• •l•l-11"8.1 filed wtth lhe ch111ng M1 n1ger. H11n11ng1 on Sttru requ11ed 10 be compiled vine. Ca.lilointa 927t4 COYnty Clerk ol Ora•199 County on BHCh Union High SchOOI 0t11rlc1. wllh before being 1ulhorl1ed to Thi•~ I• conducted by • Marc;h 30, 1082 t0251 Yorktown Ave Huntington commence the buatneu ol b•n· gen41ral Plflntflfl'& F1M:I03 Beach. CA 97446, and reG411ved 11 ktng 11 1 Nettonat B•nll lng OaYl<I Y uram1tau Publlalled Orlllge Cou 1 Ollily Pilot or before 2 oo 0 m MOndey. Mey AMOCtation Thll 1111-1 wu tiled with the Apr» 21, 21. M1y 5. t2 1982 17 t982 11 which 11me and !)lace NOW THEAEFO County Cler'k or Orange County on 1790-82 bldl will lie Publicly opened •no RE. I hereby April 12, 1982 oeruly thet 11141 •bO••namad aNO-f1110ll fltalC NOTICE , .. d cte1ton 11 •utho111e0 10 com"*'Ce Publllhtd Orange Cour Dally --,...---------E•ch bid •h•ll ••m•m vattd for • the bua1ne11 ol banking •• • Pllol. Apfll 14. 21. 28. Mey 5. 1982. flOTITIOUl llUllHllt per1od of 30 day• •lier the dale Nat1on1t B1nktno Al800tllton 1877-42 NA• ITATIMINT apecllted for Ille recetpl of btda IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF wlt-Tha lollowlng peraon 1, doing The Boe1d or Tru11ee1 1hall be neea my s.gnarure Ind Mal (,I of- NlJC NOTICE flCTmOUt IU ... 11 N4MI ITATW•NT Th e followlng pereon re doing butlntNM' (Al COAST INDUSTRIES . (Ill COU NTRY RIVER BASH, (Cl COAST ARTISTS MANAGEMENT. (0) COAST PERFORMANCE. 3225 OekOle Avenue. Co111 M .... Celt• 1orn11 e2e2e. David A' Delley. 3225 Oekol Avenue, Coal• MHe, Callfornl• 928211. Thie bullneee 11 conducted by en lx.tlllneae aa· '"• 1011 tudGe ot the quat11y ol lice lhll 29th day of Jenuary 1912 THE MASTER CLIPPER. 1620 equipment Ollef.O and •-vet 11'41 ComplrOller ol 11141 Cutrtncy NOtlh Frenc;f'I. Santa Ana. Celtfornla llg'1t lo re1ec1 a.ny Of all b+d1 llll<I lo Cha11er Number 17 1M 92701 we1ve •nv 1m1gul1111y 11\ere;n Publl1hed Orange c0111 Dlllly Dlatl8 L Cabhan, 2458 Stnll Ill Allyn E Rowley !IOI Merctl 24 31. AprM 7, 14, 21. Ane Avenue. Coere M ... , Clllolomle PurCflaa.ng Manaoer 8 Mey 5 12, t9, 1982 1324-82 92827 Apfll 27 198, l'tlllJC NOTIC( Diena L Callahall Publtshed 01onge Cou1 Oa11y -----------Thtt llllernent WU flied Wllh the P110I Apnt 28 May s 1982 C-1111 County Cl«k or Orange County on 187!>·82 SU..lllMM' C04M'T cw,... April 1, 1982 ,111434 STATI M C~~ Pllll.IC NOTICE '°" THI Puot11hed Orange Cout Delly COUNTY M LOS AHMl..ll Piiot, Apflt 14. 21. 28. Mey S. 1982 btele of RUBY LOEBEL. Ilka MRS. Thia bullneee la conducted by en lndlYldull _________ t_e_7_8-_82 NOTICE Of TRUSTEE'S SALE MITCHELL R. LOEBEL, o.c-ad. 0.1144 A. Dalley P\lllJC NOTIC£ T.S. No. 225t MO ...... Thll 1111_,t wu filed wilh 11141 On Mey 26 1982 al tO 00 a m NOTICI M NJ190MM. lndlvldull County CleB ol Orange County on f'ICnne>Ul IWalNISI ST AN-SHAW CORPORATION a ~MNTAT'!Va'I IM..I A~tl 19, 11182 ~ ITA,.....NT I Calllorn•• corpor111on es lu1y •P· cw ~ ~ f117115 Th• rollowlng pereon 11 doing potnlad l•ullet under end pursuant AT ....VATI IM.a Publl1hed o11nge cout Delly ~ M : to Deed or Trull June 18 t981 ,,,.._.. c.- Pllol. ApfU 21, 28, May S. 12. 1982 THE MOlllLE SCREEN DOC-recorded July 1 198 t as •nsl No ,.,..._Code Ono. 1'111 173642 TOR, 20011 W Balboa Blvd., N-· 244 tn l>OOk 14 l"3 page 1S5 ol NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEH thal ------------I port 8-:tl. c., 12ee3 OlltC•il Rec:oros on the ottice ol the Simi ZOloC. u p.-aonal rept-ta-1'\BJC NOTICE Sue J1ggll. 1412 Oonacy #1, Counly Recorders ol Orange ow Of the &1ale Of Ruby Loeciel. -~==-------------i Senta Ana. ea. 9210e Counly Stele ol Ca11forn1a eaecu· ~. dMlat PIW•t•Mle. to l'lCTrTIOUI 9UllNelS Thie tMJe111M4111 QOl\ducted by en led by HOME BUILDERS SERVICE the hlghMt and bell bidder, under NAME ITAT'EMENT lndMdual CORPORATION a Delaware cor-thet«meandconoltlon1h9r9'nslt• The lollowlng peraona ere dolng 51» .1agg11 pora11on Will SELL AT PUBLIC menlloneo. and eubjecl 10 conflr. bualneu 11, Thia etat-t w .. ftled with the AUCTION TO HIG HEST BIDDER matton by 11141 Superior Court. on ZUMA CONSTRUCTORS, 1835 County Clet11 of Orenge County on FOR CASH OR AS SEl FORTH IN Mey 19, 1082. et 10:00 1.m .. or Whlll lel, Unit F-3, Coat• Mesa. CA M1y3, 1982. CSEOCTION 2924 f' OF THE CIVIL th«Mne<wtlhlntheltmeallow.dby 92627 ,,_. OE 81 the fr ont en1ranc11 of lew. at the omc:. of Mlllaf. 8uah & BURLEY V JACKSON. 14973 Pub41ahed Orange Cout Dally Pt-Sten Shllw Co1pora11on 2315 E Mlnnott, etlOl'neya for the p.-IONI O•l\bury 011ve LI M11aoa CA lol May 5, 12. 18, :ze. 1982 17in Sr Senta Ana Cafllorn1a repreMnlallve, at 1235 Nofih Her· 90638 2082-82 927 1 I ell ngl'll lllle and lfllerest bOf Boulevll'd. Sulla 200. F\iler1on. JOHN S SKONSENG, 15311 conveyed lo and now held l>y II Califomle. all the right Ude. lnl«Wl Ceoarwood Avenue M•dway Coty "8.JC NOTICE unde• said Deed ol Trull m the and eatate Of the dilceaaacl. and II CA 926SS prope.,y 111u11ed 1n U•d County 11141 rlghl, title. tnt• .. I and eatata Thia 1x.t11neu 11 conducted by • 1 9-1711 and S1•1e d8$Cribed as In.I the Eltata Of Ruby L09bel, «»- gene.II Plll,_ahlp NOTIC~ TO CMDITOflll EXHUUT "A" I ceped, '*acquired by CIPe<•Uol'.I • ~ V Jac:tcson Of' IOUl TitA.NSFEft i .eARCEL I Loi 2 1 or T reel No. Of 1-w or Olherwlee, other then, or 111- Thls 11au1ment wu hied with t1141 (~ 1101-41101 U.C.C.) 90911 H Pe< map reco1oe0 1n bOOI< loddltlon to. thal of the Cl« rr 1 ~ at I County Clerk or Orange county on No1tce 11 hereby given to cr•d•· 397 pages 24 to 28 inclusive 0111ne uma Of her aeetll. In and to al Aprll 19. t982 tors of the wtlh1n n~ transferors M1SC(!llaneou1 Maps tn Ille office of tnet c..111n rMI pr099ftY "1uat.d In F11711J lhar • bulk transfer 11 1boul to be ltle County Rec0tde< ol sa•d county lh• Clly of Fullerton, County of PubUshed Or~ Coett Daily Pttot . made on personal property herel· Excepting unlo the Grantor he-Oranoe, State of Callfomla., dMcn-1 April 21. 28. Mey S, 12. 19112 natter oncrlbe<I rain au 0tl gin and orhe• hydrocar-j n.c:i u followl: 174 7~2 The n1me end bu11neas address boo sul>stences 111 •11d under said An undivided on~hlh (~) DI the Intended lranSlMor are· ta no bul with no "Ohl lo use the I lnt•eal In lhel ,.., pr ~ CLIFTON E SNELSON,.1599 surface or subwrface area ol laid bed .. Loi 4e Of Tract 4429 M per Sul)4lrl0f A..-A·S Costa Mesa. CA land 10 Ille deQlh ol !>00 feet mea· map In Boolt 180. Pagee 28 and 29. 92627 !Med lrom said surl8C41 Of Ml~ ~In the Of11ce n,. names end bUalnees address I E.ccep11no unto ll'le G1an1or 11ere-j of the Orenge County Rec:o1dar, Seminar on money planned W CS. The W o men's Confere nce S ystem, will present "M on e y: How T o M a ke It, H o w To K e ep It, H o w T o Make I t G r o w " a t the South Coas t Plaza Hotel. June 5. 1of the intended t1enafe<-ere on ea~rs ove< said tafld lor tlwl commonly known u 2937 North ANTHONY UGOLINI GE NI purPO~ set lorlh tn section t t ol MaP1 A...,_, Fulerlon. Ca1tomia. UGOLINI, t017 E UnlOn Ave .. Ful· tne second 1estatemen1 and Thia Hie la subjecl to current lerlon CA 92631 amendment ol the Suppremenlary tu ... cov.nanla. conclllk>n•. ,_ Tner rne properly pertinent he-Oeclara11on ol Covenants Condi· 1rlc1lonl. r-tlone. rlghte. rlghU reto ta OMCnbe<I 1n gene.II u hons and Re1111c:11ons recorded in ol way. ••Hm.,ta, and ealellng f'u rnllure. ll•lurH. equipment I book 12427 P8Qes 1923 et 1eq ol anc:umbfancee Of record, ucepc the end matarlala, etc and Is tocaled at Olltctal R6cotd1 or said coun1y · lien ol the Abetrac:I ol JYC!gm«1t 1599 Supt1lor Ave . A-S. Costa PARCEL 2 Ea~ments over the I recorded ~lember 30. 1:875, by Meee. CA 92927. rand desc:r11>ed •n and tor rrie pur· Gereld E Gannon end M111a D The buetnesa name used oy Ill• poses set forth on Sectton 11 of the I Gannon, In the amount Of SM3.98 said trenaleror at llald location 11 Second Reateiement and Amend· l)IU8 lnt•Mt FARGO'S SANDWICH SHOP menl ot Supplementary Dectara11on The terma and condltlonl Of M1e Thll Hid bulk 1ran1ler 11 inten-or CO\lenants Cond11'on1 and Res-ere. Cuh 10 the ••tetlng enc:um· ded to be coneummeled at the ol· tr1c11ons recorded 1n boot. 12427, br1noe In en amount equeJ to the lice ot GRAMERCY ESCROW.,Pages 1923 el seQ of Ofllclal Re-tolel c .. h peld end enwmbrance CORPORATION. 3407 West $1xlh COfds ol Oranoe County Caltl0tnia uaumed of H .000 00. lo be paid Street. Suite 711, LOI Angeles. Tne streel •ddreu and Olher part ca.ah and part Ctedll, the wrme C1lllorn11 90020, on or alter May common dHtgn11ton 11 any ot the Of aucn eteott to be ~ to 21, t982 re11 properly desc11bed abo•e •s lhe p.-eonal ,._,tatlYe and to Th• n1me end eddr•H where IPurpor1ed 10 l>e 337n V•• Capu Ille Cour1 T., percent (10%1 of the WCS Will d o nate part oratme m1y be !tied 11 Grame•Cf Laguna Niguel Ca1t1orn1a emoun1 bid to accntnpwl'f the ott.. E1c1ow Corporallon. 3407 Wesl Tne under11gned Trustee d1s-ltld Iha balance to be pek! on con- o ( 1 ts proceed s to N e w Sixth SlrHt, 6u1t1 711. Los An· claims any 1ta1>1llty tor •n) 1ncor-flrmetlon of .... by the eourt. Tua Directions, Inc . of New-~. Cellfomle 90020 rectnes1 of the 11ree1 add•eu ano 1no renta. ehalt be prorated .. ot port Harbor, an alcoholic The l•t ,dele tor llllng ciaoms In other common des1gna1ton, 11 eny the dlle or conflrmatk>n and Nie. this eecrow II Ul)Of'f nolinc.tton from Shown her .. n The e.umlnatlon oC tl11e, recording recovery progr am for the Depat1rne11t of ABC tti.t ~ S••d s*ite will be made. bu1 wl-or convey1nce. and any Utle tnau- women and a pro"""' of nent llcenM hat 1ran1larred to in-11>out cO\lenent or "'arran1y. ea~eu 1 ,_ po11cy af\all be at the·~ r--· tended trll/\1ferM or implied. reg11ding lllle posses· of the pure"-. the Junior L eagu e ; The So fer 11 11 known 10 said 1nte<" s1on or encumbrances mc1uo1ng 6101 or offer• .,.. Invited for thlt S o uthe rn C a lifo rnia ded Tr1n11eree1 uto intended tees c.he1ges and ••penses ol the p<op«tyenomvttbetnwrttlngano Ra Alli k Transle<or used 11141 IOllOwing •ddt· Trustee and ol Ille trulll crealed by ' win be 1eoalved el Ille office Of M•· pe ance, a ne t w o r lional bu11neu n-and adores-H•d Deed of T1usl to pay the re· ter. 8u1h & Mtnnotl. 111orneya for o f r ape h o t lanes, c ris is ... ""'"'n the three years rast past ma1n1ng pr1nc1pa1 sums of Ille t1141peraonel repl'_,tat1Ye. el t23S cen ter s. and related se-None noretsr secured by s••d Deed ot North Hart>« Blvd . Su11e 200. Ful- xual a ssault-f ocu sed Oa1eo APf1121 1982 T1us110 w•r $8800000with1n1e-t rer1on, C1ftfornte. or m1y be flied AnthOny Ugo1tn1 res1 rnereon lrom Oec11mber IS with 11141 Clerll of the 5Yper1or Cour1 p rograms establis hed tn Gent UgOltnt 1196 I al 60.,. per annum as p1ov1de<I Of' dellvered lo Simi ZOlot penonel-Los Angeles an 1975, and. Intended Trantfe<ea 1n se•d no1e1s1 plus co31s end any ty. 11 eny nme ett• 1t<1t putilcatton ~ <Xar>ge Cou1 Delly Pt-advances ot S 18894 O1 "'''" •nte-of lhll nouce eno befOl'e making tt1e The Tra nsillo na l Living lot May 5. 1N2 rest.,Plu• foreclosure costs ot s t u1e Center for Battered W o-1945.11:> 954 I'S For l\Klhet tnlormallon ll'ld bid · "-Co ------------T1141 benel~1ary uncl« u•d Deed lorma "P9fY at Ille office of the 11-me n tn v1anRe unty. PUBllC NOTICE JI Trull he1e1oto1e uecuted and IO!MY for the per.onar r.-ita- Maj:>r sponsors for the eve nt include Dean Wit- t e r Re ynold s, Inc .. Tra- vele r s Ins urance, Inc., and American Airlines. :Jellvered 10 the understgned • llYe. "CLAIMI AIUllNO f"OM AC· Nrlllen Oecl11rauon ol Oel1111t and The right le r.......O to retect ""I TIONS Of INVISTO"S LOAN Demand tor Sale, and e wrtlten ~all blda. aE"VICll1 INC., ANO/OR IN· .'lottce or Oe1au11 and Etectton to Dated: April 22. 1982. VllTO"I HOME LOANS, INC .. AS ~I The unde<signe<I ca.used Mltd Simi ZOlol Ill.Al llTAn MOKl"l.M '4oltce ol Oefaull end Etee11on to P•eonel Alpr-t.llYe All l)erllOl'll wt>o wtlh 10 recover 3ell 10 be reco•d•d in the county Of the Ella!• of 1ny amount from or eu ert any Nher• 11141 real prC>pefly ls located Ruby lo.bel. o-..cS G u est speake r will be dalm eg8'n11 the RMI Ea111e Com-S111»Sh-Corpor11ion -.uR. 9UtH a -...OTT L 1 mlsaioner'1 Mparlle account ol 11141 23 tS E 171h SI 9y .Mtll'I M. llllllftlltt, OS Ange e s Attorney Reel Ellete Fund tor educauon Sen1a Ane CA 9~711 ,.....,_,. '°' ~ .._.._.,. Glona Allred, along with 1u .. rch end recovery pu1poee~ '7141S42-S811 ett.e Sou th e m Califo rnia w o-• ar1slng from ec1tvilte• or Investors es 111td Trustee ts:t No. HettMw ......._ . . loan Servtcea. Inc . es 1 licensed B~ Fran' R 8eci\8f ~ • m e n tn the fields o f (1-real H llll l><Olc.,. muat file by June Prestdeflr F..,.., CA eau nance and career mana-1s. tn rn Re 1nveetor1 Loen Ser. Oa1e APfll 13 1982 (1141 ....- gcment I vices. Inc , eka lnvHlor1 Home Pubhshed Orange Cout Oe11y Publlth9d Oranot Cou1 Oalfy Pl- . Loens. •k• tnv"tqr1 Home Loans >•tot. Mey S. 12. t9. 1982 I '°'·Mey s. 6. 12. 1982. F · ( i II Co, 8 1nkr upt cy NI> 181S-82 la45-a o r an o rmat on , ca LAI0-03232-CA. un11eo s1e1 .. ----------- 730-8585. Banltruptcy Covrt Cenl!al DlstrlCI of -.,. lllll!nM -.,. ·-Calttornl1. United Statee Courthou-,._ ""'"" ,.._ '"" Writing fair open to youths Young aulhoni and il- lustrators a re invited to compete in t h e or,nge County All American Fair. Winning entries will be displayed during th e Orange County Summer Fair i n Costa Mesa. The competition i1 open to Oranae County resldentl 17 and under. Awards wW be alwn to writer•, writer / lllu1t.-.ton and writer/ llluat.rator teama of two or more. Trophlea wlll be 1w1uded to fint·place w!Men and ent.rtea cho- Hn for dl1play durtna che tummeT falr wtn ~ve rlbboN. Deadline l1 May 10. For lnformatlon call 764-3147. M. 3 t2 No Spring '31r•t. Los An------------gllat. Celllornta 900t2 either an CONSOLIDATED 'Application· 11 dHcrtbe<I In 8u1t-REPORT OF CONDITION """ and Prolelllons COde sacliona C 10410-10483• or 1, ~ ••ec>• onsolldated Report of Condition o f "lnter11at1onal Cen- pieceo•no such Applicauon era in-tral Bank & Trust Corp." of El Toro. Orange County, and complete • 'clalfn' .. 111ng rorth the Domestic S ubsldla.Aes at the close o f business on Marctl n1me. llddres1 end telephone num-31 1982 ~ bet ol H eh c1atman1. the 1moun1 ' · claimed, end lh• tae1u11 b11l1 101 lhe cratm Flliture to 89 llCI will bar recovery from the Coh!ml11loner'1 Fund Stet• BMk No. 1237 ASSETS Doft.W Amount• In Thoueende All peraona who with to recover any •mount from or 1u ert any ct11m ega1n11 11141 Real E11ate Com-Cash a~d due from banks .. .. .. .... ........................ .... 7 ,328 mturoner·e 1eparate acc:ount ortl'le Investment securities Rut E1111a Fund for eduo11lon. IHH•Ch and recovery purpoaee (Market value $69,639) ...................................... 71,712 •rt11~ rrom ectMllea or JnvestOR Federal funds sold and securities Home Loan•. rnc. u • 11cenMC1 rear purchated under agreements ' "late broil• mutl oompry wttll the t retell I d le ff provlelon1 ol Calllornle Buelneee 0 n <>m.at 0 Ices ... ............ ............... 22 800 end Profentone Code Helton• lnvatrnent1 In unconsolidated ' •0470· 10483 Fellure lo do '° will aubsldlarles and auociated =·:~ from lhe Comrn1aalo-companies ................................................................. 23 there m•y be aome clalma1'11 Other ..... ts ............................................................ 2,.01 =~ ::::i·:nz ~ TOT AL ASSETS ....... i:iiiiii:mlii' ...................... 1<M,064 With tnvMtOfe Loan ~. Inc. TOT "L DEPOSITS IN ThoH l)eflOl'lf mutl ~I.at t~r "' cl•lm ageintt IM ~ Fund in DOMESTIC OFFICES ...................... 93,083 ~ btinllr119tcy 1w·oc•dl11g. II there Total demand depotlts .......... ,, .... 24,689 •rt olalmtntt who ~v• olatma TOtll •1-a. HVllYIS d--'t 68 3" .. ig1lnt1 1111 Heco't91"t ""nd btMd • ..... 90 • ·• .. ..,., ... I ..... • - upon their dfflllnO• wllh IRllfflOtl SotherT"Ll'9bltttua.a ... ILIT~·s·· ........... : ...................................... 2,374 Loan 8-fVfcet. 1no. 1nd lnYMIOfS r "' ,_, ~ Hotne l.Ollll. ~ .• l!WIM S*IC'<M. to (excluding 1Ub0tdlneted l'lbt• IM -.1.1 tllet tMV Miii to l'1IOOWr .... --.... • ) = ~ 'l:!.~~o:: ..... ---·-~1.1ou.TY ............. a,457 ......_ "'°-· -.o ..... ._Midi Common 1tock • ' tetlOf'I u" ~Y to "'*1 a ..... -~ ........ ~ 10 000 tllelf ctellll llf•M•t Ill• AecOV91') • ~ ... ---m--• '""cl tty PfOOMdlnt lft tlle bentc-b. No. lh.,.. outltandlng 10,000 1,000 =v:.~~ ~~ "ON1AieVT£o .. cA~rrA'c·:·:::.~: .. ~:~ ....... 1 -Met Ind '1l'oreu1ao• .c1loft a-.rAL C ,.aw .... 11 _..to ltMWll ln TOTAL IH~AEHOlOERS EQUITY •. _ ..................... ·1.907 HAMOI UWM-MT, OUYI Mortuary• C."llterv · CttlNllO'V and ~taS~eo G~'=t CHAPEi,. HILt.. N .C . f::9aon Moore. C orlal (AP) -Tem Pa...,... 70, HrvJeH will be held on _a Bout.hem playwrilht and Wectn.day. May 6, ltei at retired drama profeaaor Energy '°""Im bye t1Mlt ,..,,..,, "9llin9d .-ntnoe .............................. w .................. 1,341 a lraneatt ,., Wlllofl t11.ty .._ TOT AL UA81LITl!8 AND topic of fair ~o;:: ==~= 8HAAEHOLOEA8 EQurrt .................. w .......... 104- 0f ld¥Mton '-0111 hr¥1oet, tM.. , TM ~.:. Jack L. Tlufet, PreMdell4 and 0.. • ...,.. lllCWel ..__ 11 '*..,.,....to ,,._ J. Fedric*, l .v .... ~ ttte etio 11e Mmld '**· ..,_ t625 Orsltf Av• Cota.Mew 5'0-55S4 -. 2:00PM at Newport <Anter who te'-'&ht at the UDlwr· United Methodlat Church thy of North C.rollM t7 with R.v. Kenneth McM.U-yMta. died.....,.. Jan offlclatln1. Private ' --._......,'-In U.U ot now.. ALIAHY, N.Y. (AP) -e.. famO)' ~ mnortal .r:o f mer •• p. Lu W. aavu.nao.. 1-nMlde to the O '•r•••• 11, who helped ....... rounc1at1on or the pmh ~ ~ the NrirDalt 0..w Unltlld .... bllll \hat panaed itatehood tbodfllQuda. P8atftr Vllw to~ Md Haw .. t, 6d Monulry dincton. Thunday. &~11 CODHrvatlon 'loca*9 MP\ JDillii Mil •".-.t'ftt t• '"••er''"',,._ dlolet'M. tor...,,._ a1on1 and not'°' tM '*-:,,.. and l•llSladon u the} ol SID Ju1iD ~. ~~~:":'.,..":;,"ft:;: '*'°'.., Qowtldge ~ the rM&tW• oontllri9d In -,. affect arcb&sectunl cM· -&Miii. .,.. ... ~ .._ PGt1 ~ ~ ,.._.. llde .....,_and I....._ ... 11p wm be dlle\mld al Newl1 elecMcl It.ate Gour\. ~ .... ._..a MGtt ~t In Mid ~ 11 uue. e.. Of .,.. ... ~~ -=c:.=-:; ~.~~·f ==• . .:r=.:r.=$ ::-:=·.:.:;:r..::;:= ... --=-~-= th• Oran1• Couat1 More tlWa H? ~al Crt 111:,;.f:e-:= oan::.a-.. on APfl IT, ,.. 1111 TOfO. ciaa • =altlw~•• ........_Jllld, .. tfl...._, ~... of ,-IJl-*'L.T ... It ':ii c:. tt~ 81: aa'l.:.=::-1 -• ,.,__J. ,_.. day., Rantebo eamno. 501.nae. • • THI t',\MILl' CIRCl:I "I can't remember, Mommy. Which little piggy was which?" ,_,\R,..\Dt:KE by Brad Anderson "See what happens when you sleep out In the bushes." l HE TRUTH l& THAT WHE N YOU PULLED THAT KARATE Olf. YOU COULD ~VE OOTTEN U& &>TH f)tl()T ~,.;;;~ D& I ACROSS 48 Eenhly 1 SMd 520tt ... 5 Rebuff Houte of t PM lgllll Commons 14 Distinct Prftf 56 "Hoot -" 57 Hlbemltn 58 Stake 59 Vltndt 60 Blflhltont e1s.c1c ... 82 Anlfa 83Aadlc 64 AMay 65 basper•ttd DOWN 1 FICIOfltl 2 A°"°'fenct av ..... 4 WtrgMunlt 5 Mede•totl 81da1Nd .., $11* •driW ..... ...... .,. .OCoMIMt ,,.,...., 12Hdy ...... (""*°' t380fteol ,,. tt .... TUHDAY'I PUZZLI IOL YEO UP ... ure 24 Sin*' 27 8pwtlle 21 Allltlwe 30Mnet 31Vemooeed 32Fllllt DAmlWll!e JtCoM.•• ,,...,.. 31Foodlelm 2::1'" .. .. - ll&GIORGE by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) I· I "I didn't know George pl1yed tht hora11." DE'.\'.\IS THE ME'.\:\('.E "When a lady never marries, "Then when a man never she's an OLD MAID." marries, Is he an old butler?" by Ferd & Tom Johnson you STAY AWAY FRO'A "THAT HUSSY, WILl.IE: MUL.1..INS' .' OrlnQI Cout DAILY PILOT/WldMld1y, Mey&, 1982 PUNl:TI 0 I I I MOW GAH vov W(J1'E A COlllMN A800T 8EAlm'? Tl: M BL£1' ££08 YfR F'OL.CHAA100t7 IS L.UVLY1 . ,. l.f. \'OU ARE UNCRASS; <- -· ' •7 by CharlH M. Schu l z Cute Ttps by Tom K Ryan PA"Tl:NI Pt::N~ll\I: (eAi ¥eff HAftf OO'f HerJR'( WAPS~ !:"1eKSOO) ~~~~_;;_~--~-1_l,1_. __ I :::_:_1_·~:· ~.\'.\('\" LOOK-- I CAN BUY US ICE CREAM DRi\llllLE "8.8MOCK HOW'Re YOU cse ,..,.., ,.,, ' e>Y FINANC.fAL.L-Y, "TWINKIE;!' by Ernie B ushm1ller LET'S FUP TO • OOPS---NOW WE1RE BOTH ON A DIET SEE IF YOU STAY ON YOUR DIET OR NOT 1 KN00J rf'5 BE.EN ~IL£ 51NCE. i.,lOU'\/£ HE.ARD~ ·ou~ ME.IL, I <>Ol ~ IMPORl~NT 1'£-Sr 'lo~~ IN Rf.Mf.OIM.. E~LIS~t I~· 1'~\N~ 11M bONtO 00 NoC,000. ~ \(t} c8> ME ... -(OU\.0 ~ (,l"E Mt AO'tlllE ON "OU) -0 6E.T VA~EO~ SU1NE.O, UX>R~1£011 " .. by Gus Arriola by Kevin Fagan Oear Worried. Sorr~, bot l don't answer ~estlons frOfll the footoal\ team. by George Lemont IT KEEPS HER Pr'<>M LEfMNG-ffV\ Pf\lrtTS ON1HE. . WAU.ow:.11••· .. Orenge CoMt DAILY PILOT/Wednetday, MIY IS, 1882 HAND BLOWN CRYSTAL VASE WITH SILK ROSE , . SPECIAl 499 IUY E & J GALLO WINES • IOSI •CIB•llMC • FIBtCM COlOMUID ~2" 1.5 a.;.., YOUI CMOKI LADIES' X-BAND FASHION WEDGE SAND'ALS SPECIAL BUY 8" A worm weather favorite from ltoly. Noturol, novy or celery bonds. Podded suede int0les. L'HERMITAGE 5-PC. CUTLERY & WOOD BLOCK sn SPECIAL BUY 19" Corving Knife, Chef's Knife, Utility Knife & Poring Knife plus Holder. lncredi ble volve ! MEAD FASHION STATIONERY SETS REG. 3.29 229 YOUI CHOICE Choice of 4 fashion designs. Each s.et hen 100 ~and 50 envelopes. Nice gift idea (v10AL SASSooN) . VIDAL SASSOON LADIES' RIB KNIT FASHION T-SHIRT REG. 5.99 LADIES' CASIO WATER SPORT WATCH REG. 16.95 1395 Woter resostonr 10 50 meters Accurate lo 15 seconds per month.' lodies' & youths. l•sANYol "Sil VH" SHIES SANYO PORTABLE AM/FM RADIO & CASSETTE REG •. 109.95 499 8CJ95 Flattering coordinote woth cop sleeves and round neck Auort- ed 10lid colors. Sizes S-M·l. Two-woy 4 speoke1' system, AC/ DC ploy, 2000 mw, amplifier, & much 11'1()(e #99022 fOI TIMS QUAllTY YOWD IXPKYJO PAY 1'WICI AS MUCM 6 .. fT. BRASS PLATED HAT& COAT RACK ,~?, 2A·99 1-:"I • :fw . ' Distlllcth• & ,,. ..... tKCtllt. lttt~frt;­ ~ Wlile•.U .... a..1. Wnr GeWet, ~ n . W-. &f•s, 9-er • ....._..._aw,.... ., ...... c ... ., ..... YOUI OIOICI All BOXED 1- . Daily Pilat WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1982 OUT OF THE KITCHEN COOKING Cl.ASSES SLIM GOURMET C2 ce C10 Designs for fruit are the latest .. · . C6 . .,. o.., "°' ~ .. Illy ...... .,_ A ~OUNTIFUL HARVEST -Several varieties of asparagus are displayed with strawberries, oranges, beans, -rucehini, broccoli, cauliflower and sweet com at the Irvine Ranch Market. A produce nlarket f o·r all seasons MARY JANE SCARCELLO Once upon a time a little open-air produce stand sat by the side of the road on the Irvine Ranch; It measured just 20 feet square, and the only items for sale were fresh strawberries and asparagus picke d right off the nearby farmland. Its name -almoet as big as the stand -was the Irvine Ranch Farmers Market. That was in 1968, and the little outlet has grown into a large, enclosed market (althoufh the original structure sti 1 sits nearby), and two other versions mers are sophisticated enough to appreciate really good food . There's no point in trying to fool them." The Tustin store opened early in 1968, but it was with the ope- ning of the Newport Beach store last year that the company de- veloped a "model" store. Entering shoppers see rows of produce stacked high with every ima~inable fruit or vegetable, plus a few items recogniz.ed only by the most knowledgeable cooks or connoisseurs. "Five kinds of asparagus are available, and we recently put them all on sale for the same price so we can get a feel for 'Most grocery stores have a stoc that's about 25 or 30 percent pe- rishable, but for us it's more like 70 percent.' nave opened in Tustin and New- port Beach, with a fourth store under construction in Los An- geles. But with all the expansion, the owners haven't lost their original concept of the little stand. "We still get strawberries and asparagus from the Irvine Ranch and surrounding areas, simply because ,they're the best," aays John Hubbard, president of the com)JU\y. m. grandfather, Fred Pope, wu one of the earlle.t fannen ln Fountain Valley ~urin1 the 1890I, and hla father WM leaaing farmland from the Irvine Com- paqy when the original stand opened. 0 Jr.a bualne91 l.ncreued at our firat location, we added more ~of~," Hubbard aaya, • bul we ve tried to make sure thinp an ju9t u freeh. J'or ex- ample, corn i1 picked anct braUibt in the --daf. That'• impqr&ant, becaUM the natural ..... la com beldn canWl'tlnf to ..reb within 12boun after' I*· kin& Old cotn Al Jwt awf\al." llubbard. whme cor~te of. flcea are Dehind thee~port 1aore, ltlll bu the touch of an ·=....,_ ~lllllft. Beem ,..t a clllplay of broccoli, 1pot a 1 ... ttw.-perfect bunch and rmlOYe it without bnMlnl h6I lllrtde or cNiWllw tbe IUbtlct. '"It• f&.m to .... --... like tbla," be .. ,. ....... ClUlto- what people like beat," Hubbard says. "Actually, May is a great produce month, becauae the first of the sweet com comes in local- ly, cherries arrive from Northern California and the flrat peaches are ripe." Produce manager Louie To- mita also atocka items not found in most grocery stores, such u 12 kinds of chilies ranoino in heat level from mild to Tlt)iawtorch." Sherm Fields, the Newport store manaaer, ii happy to order any-thlna not already in stock. A complete dellcatemen, lnclu- dinl salads made daily at the aton, hot foods and aandwichee, ii headed by a specialist formerly with IUcbard's Marketa. The aounnet eection includes such exotial .. imported and do- mettlc cheetft, cavar, and truf- flet. Wlnel, available now at the 1Wtln store, wW be lldded to the Newport location eoon. Otner departments 1tock health foodl. Vltarninl, bWk nuia, meeu and filh. "We run all the departmenu with the lllDt t!.tkwophy • the produce -the end fnlhal av.u.ble," Hubbard ~ ••1t•1 a little ~i-fnlh fllh du-l'tnl the lloDdw, but n.ht now ft have a~ IUePY· Ow buyen Mlect at local docu, u well • ti-. in Lone Blech and Ventura, and a few thlno are nown ln from the &ut Coa1t. rwa ... an tky1'CJd&edftl." I IT'S FRESH -John Hubbard (left) checka the asparagus with emp1oyees Sherm Fields (center) and Louie Tomita. The non-produce aectlont help buah*8 dtartna the slower wtnt .. er montht. Hubbard uya Mlea, es~ally of fruits and v91eta- bles, bealn climbing in April, peak in mid-July and taper off by early November. , Durina month• w))en local produtdon ta law, the nmket QUl fil1 in with IOIM bothcue Jtmll (such • fi.b bertJe .......... ) or with produce from ota. ..._ . "Some~, ....... flM but otbera we avmd.'' Hub.;;d •YI-· "l'or ...... l .. llDCk ho-~ C\ICUfDbllw DUt not tome• ~ ...... ~·,.. pretty but ~In n.wr. ~ . Tbankt IO atr ~ht. fnaitl and veaetablH literally are btoutht IO the 110re from the other ... oltbellobt. "We an JMC:tarirMI, peecbft, kiwi fruit and upu.,ua from New 7.eeland, where H•ona ant the revene of oun.'' Hubbard nota. "Kiwi » arown in the San Dieao area, too, but California kiwi ii mnaller and ... a fOUlhel' texture, althouah the flavor i1 nice." · ()ccqlonally the 1tore 1tockl white uparqua nown in from France, and J'rench beana are IOlld for about $4.• a pound. lluywl for the marbt bwpect procluot at the Lot Anplet ter- inlnal ~ at 11 p.m. and work throup the ntlht IO 1et the belt of wmt can't be produ- ced in er.. County. But in a~ wt.. much of the merehandlM turns ovar every two or three day., ordtn an -.tcbld cwefull.y. "MOit ~.., llOHI. MY• • 1tock that I about to or IO per· cent pertthable, but for ua lt'• more like 70 percent," Hubbard pointa out. "It IOUlxlt complicaa.d when I talk about a two-day tumover, but we have a rotadon ayltem, IO it'I not tlDo bed. "I think that'• why eo many produce 1tore1 and rwtauranu fall, thou.Ph -they 1tmply OYW'-ordw. He 11 in ~hara• of about 230 ~in the tbne ltolW-a oaalbinaticln of youaa. part-time warken trained in the .... pl\11 aperiena!d c1erb ptMncl ovw ~tbouch Hua.bard looka men Ww u nllNtlft than .,. ..... ~to rtde a tndal', the company hU a "Parmer Pnd0 mucot at dM TuaUn non who dre .... tn overalll and woru with chlJdnn IO .-Ch aood •· ...,..= ao out to a~k at ~_J:__~~~~-'•---~~------------------~~..:...~~...__......._~--~....-..;.o;.;..~----~.._ ..... w.-~----~~---.....~-----~--4---"' Orange Coalt DAILY PILOT/Wednetday, May 5, 1982 "Put them all together, a:8d they spell • • • fl,~~ SCARCEU.O Much hu been said lately about wcmen in thelr 30. taking time out from succea:tul careen to have l>abies, and more than one newa story hu called it, a "Baby Boom." Maiernlty clothff have mersed with the Drfm for &.accie. look. but dellinl with•. baby ·may be different from experiencel encountered by women apend1q most of \heif hou.ra in the executive Nfte. Do -they rea1iJe what they're in for? · For inltance, there's the prospect o1 brin8ina the baby home from the hotpltaf. For sheer ter- rw and hard worki that rtvall a job lntervtew with the company president, doctoral dlalerta- tions and even the bar-exam. handa down. Having a degree in enlineenng d~1n't •"" guarantee a woman can aet a diaper to stay on a I squirming little newborn, and u for the flnt , bath or two -the trawna atays with the new : mother for years, althQwib the infant goes hap-J pily into a nap afterww 1 Sleep is what the baby gets and the mother ! misses, of course. A woman used to the social graces of the adult world can get depresaed as ahe works both night and day to care for a baby's needs while he expremeti abeolutely no gratitude. Anyone else receiving a snac~ at 2 a .m. would mumble a thank you or at the very least • refrain ,rom spitting up all over her bath.robe. And her hard-won MBA doesn't prepare her Ill If THI llTCHll for a btaby who cries for houn and hours, even after she'• done everythlna ahe can think ot to cellD him. . . But U... Aft jult the hlah polnta ot a mo- u.>1 fin& few weeks at home with her baby, and amny ~'t come ,.. a IW'priae. What can be a shock, espec\ally to a woman Uled to a falt.J**l career, ls the sheer and utter boredom of new motherhood. Tihy bablet don't care to diBcusa the stock ' market, spring fuhiona, baJeball tc0res or the Jatest international criala. In fact, they don't communicate much of anything except distress (unle. aleep can be described as communication). They a!ternate between giving a cool, allghtly blank stare or crumpling their little f~ into brl&ht red masks of outrage. A mother can begin to feel like a machine designed to poke down fooCi and clean up meases. At some point, the poor woman examines her still-less-than-perfect figure in the mirror, re alizes her entire wardrobe is covered wjth stains or lint and says, "For this I spent fo ur years In college, went to gradua te school and clawed my way up the ladder of success? I must have been crazy to think I wanted to ~ave a baby." GOURMET MARKET - I I DELIVERY SERVICE lJ .! !1 - Tired of traffic jam&? Or just not enough hours in the .. day? Call Delaney's and ask about our FREE home · delivery service. Every delivery is fully refrigerated from our store and to y9ur door -SSO minimum, please. All of ,,. #Jere •• Del•aer'• would like to wi•b ll•PP1 Mother'• Day to all. .Meat Seafood BEEF KABOBS csirioin> FRESH CALIFORNIA KING SALMON Whole or H•lf CENTER CUT KING SALMON STEAKS But 1he haan't dUJcovered her chlld'1 leCJ'et weapon. One day, when she'• at the end ot her rope, he decides the time la ripe. AB hia mother bends over the crib one mor- ning, he suddenly Siv• her the Big Smile, hJ.a first ever. She knowa l\'1 no falae alarm, pa pain or muscle twitch, becawe he loQkt rtaht lnto her face, and h1a ey• Ught up. It melts her bonea. She could dredse up high-minded, intellectual reuona for it f"-• chapter in her college psychology book, but lhe doesn't live a hoot. Sudderily ahe knows that bavlna a baby wu worth all the trouble she'• gone to, pfu. whatever comes along. And that baby, no fool, wW continue to melt her with eilenUally the same smile when he'• lix feet tall and read1n8 h1a own p1ychology book.I. They both know that Mother's Day Isn't just a Sunday In May. If you have a friend who'a jult home frOQl the bolpUal with • baby (or one who will be, aooner or later), live her a call. drop by to admire the offlprtns ~ ch.et about tJle real world when ahe ha9 a .moment to apere. . . Take along llOm8 Nut Putries, t.oo, becau.e few new modiera have time to bake, and the needs to keep up her •trenith (or thoee 2 a.m. feed.lnas. (See 'Mot.lier,' Pase CS) HAM.BURGERS NEVER Truddoad Plmt Sale Huntington Center doily thru Sot. lge. 611 pots 2~~ I I t i i ' , •• Tasted so good for hot & spicy use : Cook-In' 8aace In your ' hamburger ••. for tbat : _Far East navor use Sweet 'n Sour. Add 2 -3 tbsp.sauce, chopped onions, and 1 egg to 1 lb. ground meat. Mix well. Cook as ... ual. FREE! ·Recipe Book write WOODY'S P.O. Box 1788, Long Buch, CA 90801. AVAILABLE AT EL RANCHO • GELSON'S •HUGHES -IRWNE--RANCH-MARKET & otherllnrlood-•lore• MAKE MOM QUEEN. WITH THE KING OF HAMS. ~~ ~a.~ ~~( {J)e~Q.. ~'f'!:i."'-~ :,;;;;;;.~ .. tk fu,,t .• tkd ~~~ ~1!~~. ~'!(c\ly FARMS TURKEYS 98~1b. PETROLE SOLE Fl LLETS $ 5 ~~ Mother's Day is Mom's day to rest, so ttt"at her to the best. A fully ·cooked. ready·to-serve Honey Baked Ham. Available only at you r local Honey Baked Ham store. ; ' \ I• . . I . Wine LIQUOR AND WINE CELLAR DELANEY'S PRIVATE LABEL CHABLIS AND VIN<~p~ $29!. CASE OF 6 BOTTLES $} 800 (I. 75 liter) (All LMr-ucl Wlae Plw Tu) Deli CREAMED SPINACH AMERICAN CHEESE WHITE or YELWW COOKED TURKEY BREAST Groceries Ranch fresh Local LARGE EGGS 79!. "Morning Fresh" Produce SWEET RUBY RED GRAPEFRUITS LARGE SNOW WHITE CAULIFLOWE~ 673-5520 We raerve-1he ript 10 U111it q••ll•1 per eueomer Store hourt 9 •.m. to 6 p.m. Monday th~ s,1urd•y, Cloeeci lJ • ' f I , ~I CALL TO ORDER YOUR HAM TODAY. GIFT CERTIFICATES REDEEMABLE ANYTIME ..... --3700E Cooat1<1Qt!wov•(1l4)01l·9000 ..--The llll008Cenl81• l112So 11t001tnur11 (Al llolQood)• ( 1\4) b)$.7~1 fl. ,. -... Tow. Plmo Norm• 2«>01 lloymonO Woy (Al a !Oto Aoocl) • ( l W) 631 ·3822 .,.,,, IEJ# -lQ()OCI 1eocn 9rvd (Al Gorl\elO ,,.,, to Dot111'1) • ( 114) Ml· 8676 ,.,_ _ \.Cl9N Tua11n (Ac<ou lrom rovotoOIO.Cll\09)•(11.t) 091 ·0060 ~ ..,. -71.034 Hwy • (llonc:r.o Mlr<>oe Ptozo) • (114) .W.·J&?• ,,,,.,_ _6210Attlngtot> Av• (nHoroman ~Cent81)•(1l4)068·9ee' AlSON lA-A tAICtWOOO W(ll COVNA ~IHHOltVWOOO WUllMlVUACOl ,l.SAOl..,. !ANlAMOIOCA WOOOLANO"ll N()lll-SAN~ ~YVA4£ PAlO AlTO ANOSANOt(OQ QHE TASl!lSAlllllAC.ISI C 1'111-y--."'C HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY FROM kitcqc11 tqings SALE -~ ~I ~' '"!~,~~!"~ KITCHEN THINGS CUTLERY (lntrc,uc•ory Offer) GOURMET PROFESSIONAL CUTLERY FROM 40 »iLO 0 F & IOLINOIN, GERMANY 7C SPECIAL TY ;,::.':.:." r.:!."'1~ COOKWARE Ee111y Sh111penec1 •nd w1t1 GIFTS Not Steine< ~' ASTA cooKwARE 20o/o OFF JOHN 8008 24x41 WORKTABLE '100 OFF •CJJISINART DLC 7E •MARBLE PASTRY SLAB •ATLA$. PASTA MACHINES •TEAK CARVING BOARD w/splket •COPPER EGG WHITE BOWL REG. $280.00 49.95 47.50 39.60 HAMMERED -10" 3e.95 PLAN -12" 49.95 •CAST IRON POPOVER 19.25 •CAST IRON CORN CAKE PAN 9.05 •GOURMETOPF CLAY COOKER 25.00 •LEVSE ~PART ALUMINUM STEAMER 29.96 • TENOERL.OIN!R 19.96 •SHRIMP ICERS SET OF FOUR 12.50 •$UPERSTONE CLAY FRENCH BREAD BAKER 18.98 •AMERIOAN MADE COPPER•COLANOER .LG. 52.95 SM. 42.96 •AMERICAN MADE MEASURE CUP SET 40.50 -CALPHALON COOKWARE 1K OPP AIK MOUT OU. CUITOll PICNIC aAIKITI IY NANCY .... ,.. ..... ., .......... .M. ' • • .. SALE 185.00 ... ... ... .... ... 11M 1.-.... :::: .. 1..-.. :ltl i - J ~ I I n: I ,, . ,. I ~ " ~ I ! . . : I --------------....--.....---- Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, May 6, 1982 . . .... ··.IRVINE RANCH ·FARMERS MARKETS OPEN . K0111ER'S DAY e:OOLm.to 4:oop.m. \bl1q11tl HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY 1982 Ed.Ilion XXJ MEAT .8 BONELESS PORK ROAST Loin end, Lean and Meaty! flet$3.49 lb $2.89 lb S'l'lJFFED PORK CROPS Reg$2.49 lb $1.79 lb COUNTRY STYLE SPARERIBS Great Barbequedf Reg82.49 1b ..... . , .. $1.791b . ITALlAN,.GERMAN, -TENDERDEEP AND POLISH · GREEN-BROCCOLI DEL I . CHEESE OF THE WEEK: VALEMBERT A delightful, aoft, ripened cheue of the Brie family. Freahly cutl Reg85.951b $4 .49 lb Vienna All Beef FRANKS AND KNACKWURST Reg84.29lb $3 .49 lb Hormel Ger man Style HARD SALAMI ~HliW ·-· --~$4A9~--~ -s~·~-g-s-:~--~~~29~;4:~~--. ---.... ·· ~ -----· Bloc.·oo~U~lmowD•U. .. IOpbWicatecl ---- $1 89 ~"andlt'sperfedwlth lnlne • lb Ranch farmerf Marketa apedal cbeaea, ~EAN GROUND bollaDdalee•uce.eeuoneclmayonnaise, JIEEF p A TTIES or aerved in salad u a reu.h wtth chopped 5 lb box • nuta. 49~ lb Reg 88:95 box $7.95 box $5 OFF ANY 50 LB. FREEZER PAK! $10OFFANY100 LB FREEZER PAK! A vallable at the Tustin and Newport t tQraonlyt .SE A F ·O 0 D Fresh Frozen SIL VER SALMON Whole or HaU. ~eg85.98lb $3.98 lb Silver SALMON STEAKS Rt:g86.981b $4 .98 lb FRESH PERCH RegS3.491b $2•29 lb MAHI MAHI Reg82.981b $2.19 lb ' WHOLE COOKED LOBSTER A Treat! Reg86.98lb $5.98 .b Available at the Tdatin and Newport atore9 onlyl • BAKERY Irvine Ranch Farmers Markets Homemade . CRUSTY FRENCH STICK Made heh dall)'l 16 oz: loaf. .$1.29 Irvine Ranch Farme rs Markets Homemade SOUR BtJSS CAKE OLD COUNTRY SOlJRCREAM CINNAMON CAKE 24 0L . $3.59. I • $foriHo"rs: 10amto 6pm. ~Days Irvine'• Own Locally Grown SWEET RUBY· RED • LARGE GRAPEFRUIT SNOW WRITE .CAULIFLOWER 29~ each 59~ D> TEXAS SWEET ~ · nuo• 0N10Ns 4 lbs for $.1.00 .. • II: SAY IT TO MOM WITH FLOWERS! FRESH DAISIES $1.99 BULK ITEMS Routed and Salted P EANUTS IN TBESBELL Bulk only ..... ~ lb ROASTED TR A IL MIX 89 ~ .. WHOLEWHEAT FR1JITBARS A. ..... Flf._.~ .... ~. 11u11&01.ty.a.cti.fflb $1. 79 111 W!f'CI M l'ru&Jtf'CI. ""1ll only Rq U.?t lb $1. 89 lb FRESH PEANUT BUTTER ............ $1.39 VITAMINS Millcreek c..... llldulel Perry SEA KELP HERB ALOE PA.BA LOTION lloz.lletH.IO $2.59 BIOTBNE B ·lt TRIOPA.ll SCRlJB ............ $8.00 ........... C1 ft' tr I• ~a-. .......... $7.50 EverFresh MOZZARELLA CHEESE Sliced or Piece Reg83.29 lb $2.49 lb Irvine Ranch Farmers Markets Own COLESLAW Reg $1.19 lb ·9s~ lb Available at the Tuatin and Newport storea only! P A' 0 . I S I 0 N S --- .. I CINCO DE MA YO! Irvine Ranch Farmers Mar kets TORTILLA STRIPS Celebrate Cinco de Mayo aU week long with theae delicious tortilla strips! And try 'em with one of the many aalau, picante, or Mexican hot aauce3 we carry! 7 oz. Reg 98(' 79~ Amaretti de I .azmroni ITALIAN COOKIES Make Mother's Day spedal with a tin of theae delldoua blte-slze cookJeat 7 oz. tin. Re g $3.99 Pepperldge Farms BREAD $2.99 Ra.ltln with Cinnamon, Bran with Diced Ra.ltlna. 16 OL Reg 81.65 $1.19 THOMPSON SEEDLESS RAISINS. loa.lt .. llt 79~ ltoa.lt ... l. $1.29 Health Valley SPICY CHILI Uoa.lt .. t l.15 89t c.leetlal S...OOJnp S'"1»>. 1111_,. BERBTEA .._ .......... 99t • Stort Ho11n: 9om 10 9 vm .• \'.c•1•1•11 / l;11·, IAYINE STORE 14002 Myford Road At Santa Ana Freeway . 838-2851 COSTA MESA/NEWPORT STORE 2651 Irvine Avenue South of Mesa Dnvt~ • 631-4404 C3 f ---~ ... Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/WednMday. May 5, 1082 Mem's day for pampering -........ • .. ... DI SCO UNT CO UPON US[RS' DON'T THROW MONEY AW AY' Mother'• Day can be celebrated any day of the l'•k when the children prepare mom a 1pedal, naturally nutrltiou1 brMkfut-ln-bed. Break.tu' preparation l• on e of the flnt ta1ka m a1tered by developing young cook1. Children quickly learn to make buttered tout, egga and. with aome practice. can work up to pancakes, muffina and coffeecakes. Home economists ad· vi•f that mom and dad help by providing chil- dren recipes for foods th at spark the appetite and tea~h th em the im· pottance of eating heal· thy foods during mor· ni9'1 meals. For a light, yet nutri- tious brukfast for mom, try fresh honeydew me- lon sprinkled with maple syrup and Maple Bran Muffins toppeJ with Maple Butter. The menu features foods that are w holesome, savory and easy to prepare. Onc e th e menu is planned and basic coo- king procedures are out-. lined, turn the kitchen over t o the younge r members of your family. First step: Read the recipes carefully and collect all ingr edients and equipment. Assign any tasks using electrical appliances. the stove or oven, and sharp knives den brown. Serw warm or cold with Maple But· ter. Mekee 12 mufftna. MAPLE BUTl'ER Blend 6 cable1poon1 aoftened butter with l tableapoon plus 1 tea· apoon of maple 1yrup until well mixed. Trant· fer to decorative dl1h and refrigerate or u1e immediately on french toast, pancakes. toast or BR EAKF AST I& SER VED -Maple Bran Muffins are a tpecial treat for Mo· ther'a Day morning. 8Ave hundred• of doller1 a yHr on your food and l'louHflold budgetl Receive tl'le wanted dlac:ount COU· pont on brand n1m" of your choice Hurryl You must tncloae a ·~~. Mll·•ddr"Md envelope for NIY d•talll on l'IOw 10 uve money •I your local 11or1 -couPc>NliCHitiOicwa,-..c~----P.o . eox 1m1 _ Mllwauk .. , wt.conaln 53211 lndoMd .. 1._.pe6, MH·eddtffeed en ..... ,,..... Mnd ,..,,. °" iotNng the c1..a.. NAME ..................... ,. •••••..•.•.•••..•..•.••••.••• _ •• , .... _ _., ••• ADDRESS , ........................................................ .. CITY ................... STATE ZIP . You mu•t encloH • etemjMd, ••lf·eddrH Md en•• lope, ·m~u~ff~in.s~.~~~~~~J!!~~~~~~====:!!!!~!!!~:J!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .~ -·~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- THOUSAllDS ·op EVERYDAY LOW PRICES AT VOrtS JERSEYMAID .98 MILK t \I l• I • ''111 SLIM PRICE ,~ .37 BREAD 11 It I•)'\, "-ttlll , V.lif "'' '*"'"""'l•Aolil.lt PINEAPPLE .77 J<JICE 1• ......... ~ ' c ".' \' """'' WESlWOOD }35 ICE CREAM lf'\11 ~· '>""'( , .... '""'""" ..... ,, ,) J l~\t J+t' to the older, more expe- cl.enc~~L~ w t<L ..- dad). KJNG SIZE CIGAREITES n ""II .-.wu"'•..,·•' • -\t-'li•·· ·52s For Maple Bran Muf- fins, the measuring chores can be delegated to the older cooks, while the younger children can help mix the ingredients (with a large spoon. not the electric mixer) and prepare the muffin tins. As an added tre~t. they will enjoy dropping the batter into the muffin cups. The art or making Maple Butter can be mas tered by even the youngest child. Pour the pure maple syrup and softened butter into a bowl. provide the child a big spoon, and let him stir un til the maple - flavored butter Is well mixed. As an alternative, ready-to-use Pure Maple Spread can be purchased at most grocery st.ores. 1''resh honeydew me- lon is enhanced by sim- ply pouring on a small amount of pure maple syrup. Prepare mom's favo- rite early morning beve- rage and arrange the items on a tray using her p rettiest breakfast dis- hes. Mom will enjoy he r special breakfast prepa- red w i th naturally heelthful ingredients - fresh frult, hearty bran. and maple syrup. MAPLE BRAN MUFFINS l 'h cups all-purpose nour - 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 teaspoon aal t l 1h ~P8 whole bran cereal or unprocessed bran 'h cup maple syrup 1 cup milk 1 egi in cup oil 'h cup raisins, chop- ped data or dried apri- coll (optional) Combine cereal, milk and fruit (optional) in a larse mlxtn1 bowl; let stand tlne minutes until bran ~ftmw and abeorbs most i>f &hf moilture. ~blne flout, baking powder and •It in ano- ther howl. Add ea, •Y· r up •nd oil t o cereal mlxttaN and beat well. Add flour mixture all at once ,aid stir )Mt until all tM iND'edlentl are com-blnld. -ar.. 12 muffin cupe or lmert paper li- nen. Divide ttie batter amon1 th• 12 muffin CUii and bake ln a pre- Miated 400 dear-oven IO 1"'utea or unt11 10l· ·Spice it up A4d I little 1pice to J'OUli Ufe by dJ'Yina YoW' herb•. Wh e ther at home « boulbt •'-a berbl can be for future mt. p, the home Md Ml"Clen telepho.,. lnfor· mat.Ao n service of the \JNvrity of c.alifomla Cooperat1¥W &xwnalon, .can ~ &he how-Co In Io rm at Io• . Call 774-7090 a•d a1k for ,n t•n.....,424. OLD MILWAUKEE 279 BEER ~: ... .,'"'11 1/ f ""'' I $'ti. I'll M" ""....., J\t t-l¥JI k't t, '-""" I ... TASTER'S CHOICE 269 COFFEE !Ull"""f fl\h' ' I ~I I II I "'M 11 ORANGE .89 J<JICE '>I IM NI('! ~ll(Jfl .., 1)0!11'<1 C"r.. • RED RIPE TOMATOES DCUC:IOOS TA'.>l( TREAT 1 IMIT 8 LB5 cPu•c~ over hmot 't'<J ""'" lb U1;t ,., •• , 1 '" ,, ,, f I/ "'"'Cl ..... .. ....II 111 I "\l)lr, ,~.. ,.,,. ......... '"' •. ,~\A '""'l t ... ,. > '4 ~j '""'··' ..... .., ..... ,,.,... ''" , .. , ... , ,, ',., IF ·YOU CAR FlftD LOWER OVERALL PRICES WE 'LL DOUBLE THE DIFFEREftCE • FROZEN FOODS • v "' •"ti"" .............. ~ ... .89 .89 2 29 Vons Intl. Vegetables Gr~~fru1tJ:k:e ·" Totlno's Cluslc Pilla "•I l'"" >\tt't! \,t, I .... ~'V"H"' Sara Lee lnOMOual Danish )29 ~ ,.,.. I I• t\ Oh Boy Oarilc Bread .69 .89 O• ..... II'\ tlift..,..,owe.._r~t tUI l 19 re-Ida Potatoes MEATS "''' "r·••., Boneless Femlly Steaks i.'"'' M"o,t1HHJ •t"'lllfHI\ Heef Chuck Steaks ... 2 18 '" 1'36 "' ) 26 'I 1 ,.,..., IWt l t•Ht1~if'lllit~tll°"t'tl l88 Bondus Rump Roast 11• ~ ,,,. """ Boneleu Stewing Bttf .. c"h'k:k~,~~ tit } 97 •It } 79 DAIRY PHODUCl S ~~~ \r~':1~ M Butter )09 .33 )85 HEALTH &BEAUTY Vidal s"'as~oon Sha·,;~~ • 1 99 I \ f ~ .. I ·~ ~ 1• Ii ,,_I tit • ' Aqua Fresh Toothpaste 'llU""' I h!!ll I Ustermlnt Mouthwash f .., "".,, ... , "''""''" .~, Edge Shave Gel .67 1 27 ) 95 )66 3 49 . . .. '""""'. t 39 Colgate Toothpaste • I'll If Alka Seltzer ~ • > • I , "' I •I \I \ Wf '•I Baby Wesh Cloths !'ti/ ... t t~fl~W..,t1tll!C~ .... f~HH Aqua Net Hair Spray 4 21 ) 29 )97 }17 H~ & ·5~·;;c;~11 ,.,~, •· 2 99 ,,., • .,,_I l"foxzema Skin Cream ""I 18'11 .._.. 11\ • ., fltl .. .,..,..,. ' t'\,Wf I\ 'I Vesenne lntenslYt C.re ..t:•, ..... 11""""1<·"' ..... 1 ampu rempons ~ •r-<• •• 'AJIU•1'1•""" I "Ill• ;:,ure Sona oeodorant 2 09 }97 2 95 1 67 PROD<JCE R~'d(); \Vhlte Orepdrult IL. ............... ... RUIHl Potatou ~:e11h'&;6C~i f/;l1h Umu .1.99 '" .59 ·~·25 .•• 29 '" .39 .... 15 $'"'~ llm e,,. fruit Mix .49 Gr~~ G'G.nt J·Bean Salad .74 '''"""'I • , ... Comstock Sliced Appte1 .99 ...... ,...~~ , ... ,,...,~11\ttAi"-"'' awa n Punc .84 t'f'~~PP~/~ra'P,d'ruit Drink • 99 G;.;~ 5Jld\Uh1te Tuna }39 Mhk ... M:t~ 1~hocolate Syn.ip 1 49 "'p.Q ~'"" , .. ,,.,. .... " Cu ·N .69 .rr·g-;·5· e nz auce 1 57 W~kh';'Orape Jelly }37 s~i:td ~~ Df~, .46 H~H"" }35 Jo naon Lemon Aedge P:lf:A9Peuuce )13 ~ .... .63 te Fruit Cocktell ~.,, .65 tePurHalYu ~"'eti~,;k' f1rnupp1e .69 Af'lCf'tf:1t ~~llAWJOI' .67 ~~ ~.i bii""Ba:"'""" n MIN 3 99 sU;.;;?>rk~~,.. Large Eggs ·.87 Cha s nc o:;~~i;'~ .,, ..... , .. 2 99 \t~~~n,1~ 'sik;d"'~t~ .35 ~~o;;;;k.··-·· 489 p;•r'lfft' 4 '"'Rk"'"-""''e:h )19 ec:lous ottA eue ~~~ 235 ~~o,·~~ }39 ge: 1•111 ~1··y·1:, 5 29 a·~~~~ 1 59 grams rown ~~·~··~-.. 2~5 .99 DELICATESSEN LIQUOR ;';(d{ :'WI[ e 1 r..,e Juice 1 55 tt:'~Juk• .77 ~ngeDrink 185 tt:V~toJua .71 lt:A~&une 102 n=-~ Tomatoet .89 lt~'o/eco Slue• .~7 ....a.a~,,.,... nflt(J Wl!l>ff w.v •TO M Y , a. 1 tta. CM.&.c2,,, ,.,. , ..oo 'e-LOCA~ Of! •TON hr.Mr.IT~"°' N.J. rrrM A"9l'flta.l11'1 THiil M t,Rc:l'IW AT"'°"'· 1 '°° w. "<:o 11&.vo.. .,., 1 w ecmt n M LOe MCllLU. ~ oaoo. ~ NCHM \If.CAL W.1 ff MTM ~ Qf!l.V. "'°9T ITOIU °"1' t N4 TO llWll'Dft 1 ~YI A WUK. ·~ .ENlif Klr't<> SIU CWfT S&ZC. 32.0Z 1.94 220Z 1 A3 SAFEOOARO BATH BAR SOPER SIZE 70Z. .74 EA01 READER'S DIOEST MAY ISSCJE ~-.uat ....... , • .uat ._........ ... ..... IMl~c....,..., Wt c.-.. C•ta••w a ... ~ r T .• T~ l.Ano~ oEiEROEMT OETEfmENT FAINA. Y SIZE K1'1<1 Sil£ 171 oz. 7.10~.0l 3.58 ...., •• M.Lft _. ........... CM'll1llMm .... 191~,..Dt.1 ....... .... • - I ~I ' ' . "" n ' ' I 1 With Northern Bathroom Tissue, you not onJy get softness. but now you ;ibo get a rh11nn· to win hard cash. $1000 \\orth'. r---------------1 SAVE20¢ I ON TWO 4-ROLL PACKS OF I Inside every spl:'c1ally rn;1rked parkagt· of Northern is a .. Spell SOFT" game carcL l~ub the -..ilver corner of this card \\'ith the t·clgt of a coin 1111d t.•:-..po:-.t one of the letters from thl' word S-O·F·T. Collt:ct each ~ORTI IERN• BATHROOM TISSUE I of the four letters and win $1000. Or collect any combination of ten letters mid win a coupon good for one free 4-pack of Northern. Use the 20cr coupon to the right to help you get started. And lead the soft life with Northern. whether you win or not. G/\~E Rl'LES .ttlM t IJSfff¥1 W fr "'ii.uh hm+l"I "r lt1 I~,,.,,, ,M_ 1 Jr tr I '-" t t 1tf I 1• A"t ,o •' ,,. ,.,., l,.. "' ... , ., .. ..,__....,., •Pl" • '"'" '"'"°' lrtJ I, It• •P\.1,...,1.,.1,,.,..,. J • ,,. ,..,..., .. ~,. "'l'Htl ... I''''--'"' ... , M--h t'IOI ~ •• ,.. ',...., ..... ,. I .t "• ' f C ...,, • ...,••·I l1•n•,ki•.tl·it '' OUH: l>f Alf k ~•1llt~'f·m lfu~1 uvounh111 ,._,...,.1"'° u< ti u .. loll.JU'' . fuot fl" '"4"f~~rWl1\4' f~ ""' ~Ulf4f ('II ~ l•f IPW h•- r ';• ~1~h~~~tt; -~,~~lt =~M ~~·;~~~~. '' ,,/'°"''"'~'•,. ~ t ... ,.,.-v1n..w11twtbYAf"Wllf •• f•nr._.;mrwnv Al'(· ... ""'*~·.tf'°"l'"'"' :~~; .. c!:.~J~:'~~~,rn:;l~f~ t~·~;'t~~':we":~~;::: ;;1 ~r.-d "'~" tw ~ UCO" , ... ,...,.ueorwiu~Mv-.1.., ., ,,. ... ~ ... \llt.lltd ' ""°"'~ '"' Q.af"1 ut tfml\Arl(.il'd M.t1i 1Wt·pw1y ~e<J fOUpon' 11 Amertuft C•ft c.,...,.,.., PO l or lllS CllftlOft IA i1:1·~~:~ '"'"'" .. ---· c.v..-"' ~-c,ft.tw 20¢ STORI. COl lP< IN I -'.'-11 pull h,1.,l 1~ llt'll'.""-'n I•• 1J•t1l1np.11.., 1111li1 I"""'' ·ll•.11 l .. 111pld1 ).(:tnll' dt·t:11I., and r lrk-1·.111 lw fiouncl 1111 llh' hill k 111 -1w11.ilh 111.11 k1·d packa~t·~ 11f Nortllt'rn H:11hruom Ti-'lll' and 11111111 i,,,, 1-. ,,f 1·a1h J.(;unt-card. (;;um· 1·11cl" \\ lrt·n all l!.Jll ,. 1 ;11tl-. Ii.I\ 1 h ... n rlt-1nl11111 cl 11r 1111 ;\m1•mht-r JU 1~18~ rtw ~.11111• 1;. \nicl \\h1·11 p111l11h11.·1I OffTWO INl11R/ I L---------------J Win the llJb MURRAY• 'WITWOOO'' •• llcyctt lit...,.. »speed tourfn9 bike with convenient luggage rick. Stem-mounted shifter•. sld•poll caliper brakes for a 1mooth, carefree ride. lite Loaf proudly announces the Bermuda Bound Sweepstakes. Here's your chance to win a deluxe Island getaway vacation ... for two. or a shiny new ten-speed bike or handy picnic cooler for those summer outings, whether away or at home. Just look for sweepstakes details on specially- GRAND PRIZE One week v11eatlon for two •t Bermudtl'1 Hotel You'll en1oy fun and games galore m Castle Harbour's kingdom of pink beaches. pools. golf and tennis Includes round trip transportation. deluxe accommodations and meats (M.A.P.) THIRDPRIZ• COLEMAN• LUNCH ,_K •• (125 twlrdldt- Personal·slze cooler Insulated to keep food cold. Deep food tray, freeze and pour bottle Holds ten 12 oz. cana. Ideal for outdoor fun. marked packages of Lite Loaf Wheat, the deliclou~ bread with only 55 calories per slice. Or send name and address to: Lite Loaf "Bermuda Bound'' Sweepstakes P.O. Box 2815 Westbury, N.Y. t1591. Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, May 5, 1982 Hurry! Save up to 65C! The big savings won't lase long on PARKAY Light Spread from Kraft. But don't wait. Now's the time to take advantage of these big savings. ,"" , / .1 f J l'I , pl '•'l 11 J •ti I I ~ 1>:•1111 'flt•, Jll•1I I f I Lf• I Uj, t •' I .. , .. PAR KAY __;!!' -~4!c14 14~ but .till ha• that tamou• PARKAV t\aYOC" ••. ... "' Stoll ( 2 LBS.} ... .. ___, __ ~ ......... _ _.....-> .._ .... ,. ~RAF!> ----- I •'•'>: h. I< \I I . I !\I -·-~I;;;-;-;~.~,-:---25~ l Save 25~ on one c .... 2-lb. bowl of PARKA Y ~ ru t-1 0 0 Cl Light Spread by ~ July 31, 1982. r.IR CiROCER • ,( . · .. -. ;:. :; -; '•) ') ..... Ill ~ ,,, I I : , ·1 'J . 11 •. lw ~IU •qqt • 1·1 !J ... " I 1 ,IJ,,1 .'i . !'. ''"! Ir · 'J(f ,, . J• I'• • •• f4 • I ! I: I ,,,, .. -ill• t '" ,, , II' l}f I I Ii >It ; :.i· ,, , 'I " ,• I' • • ir f ./l . q --·JI ~~ ... TASTE THE RICH, ROBUST FLAVOR OF THE WORLD'S FAVORITE INSTANT COFFEE. .._ __ .. ,ft,, , "\ ,, ? •• 1•t<1, 1 •• . " ,,,. lp.11• l>fl' ..,,, ... ,, I "· •t Lt,.) lil•.1' ,"] h'1" ~1£1 , lttJ;7, tliitl lftJff • :J 'li<"U -...tfi q L1• •it11t bbl' Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, May 5, 1982 Fresh fruit best by design Juat aa good deeJgn i. ~llal to (aahlon, eye- catchlftl preaentatlon 11 important to ~ full en- Jo y men t of food. And !re1h frulta and vegeta· blea make It ~aay for any cook to earn designer status at the table. There'• wide variety of fresh produce availa- ble at the supermarket Which offers contrasts In color, texture and flavor, limitleu possibilities for your Imagination in de· signing food combina- tions that are a tribute to your artistic as well as culinary skills. To help you on your way, here are two re- cipes for sensational fresh produce platters: one is a dramatic past•· che of vegetables as a quick main dish; the other is a speedy. color- ful fruit dessert. Nutrient -packed Fresh Antipasto Platter, for example, makes for a revitalizing, light supper for two or a salad course for four. Brilliant strips of red pepper contrast with t e nder mu s hroo m s. crunchy carrots and shimmering juicy grapes, accompanied by a creamy-fresh garlic dressing. There's no limit to the combination of tastes and textures with this platter -add zucchini. tomatoes or other fresh seasonal vegetables, if you wish. A perfect way to top tf a n-~al is with Fresh ruit Fantasia, a nouvel- cuisine dessert that's delightful to the taste uds as it 'is to the eyes. Dip zesty kiwi, papaya and pineapple wedges. all providing vitamin C. into a lightly sweetened yogurt-and·strawberry Euce. Here, too, you can e creative with other a.sonal fruits. ' According to the Un-lt.ed Fresh Fruit and Ve- t e ta ble Association, ivhen selecting vegeta- bles, ch006e: carrots that ~re well-formed . firm and smooth; mushrooms ;that look bright and ~irm; peppers that are well-shaped . thick- ~alled and firm. with a uniform gl058y color; and g rapes that are firmly attached to the stem. FRESH ANTIPASTO PLATTER 10 to 12 fresh aspa- ragus spears 1 1~ cups baby car- rots Boston or romaine lettuce leaves V. pound medium mushrooms, quartered l small red pepper. sliced V. p o und green grapes ¥1 cup thinly sltced radishes 1;, pound Cheddar cheese, cut into 114 -inch pieces 112 cup toas ted , whole almonds Select asparagus that are green and ten- der. Tips should be well formed and tightly clo- sed. To prepare, break off each stalk as far down as it an.aps easily Wash thoroughly to re- lease any sand. Pare the stalk thinly with a vege- table parer. Lay stalks flat in a large skillet Add 1 inch boiling. salted water. Cover. Cook 8 to 10 minutes or until lower parta of stalks are tender and firm. Drain. Chill. Cook carrots in 1 inch bolling, salted water 10 to 15 minutes or until tender. Drain. Chill. Line 2 dinner plates with let- t uce leave1. Arrange uparagu1, mushrooms, red pepper, clusters of green grapes. carrots, iadiahes, Cheddar cheese and almonds on each ~late .. Sern with GarUc ~· (See below). MAKES: 2 servinp. Note: Can use any variety of fresh produce accordina to 1easonal availability.) GARUC DRESslNG 1 cup mayonnalle 1A cup freahly l orance Dlvi~e 1trawberrlea, plPl)'a a1tc... kiwi llicet and .pineapple chunq and arr .. CD 2 ct..1 plat••· Cut top off ........... ~ ..... wltll a 1mall, 1harp lmlfe. Hollow out with • ·~· rm orane 1hell with Oln1•rH ptraw-bln'J ..... (8eii below) 8eTYe tace over freah f rult. MAXIS: 2 Mr· ...... Aiq ¥lltlCJ of lr•b f rulu can be ..... ..anlinl to leMC>" ..... 'bHJtty. GDURIU CDDlllG squeezed lemon or lime ju lee ~ c up c h opped fresh parsley 1 tablespoon chop- ped onion l small clove garlic, minced In small bowl combine au ingredients, mix well. Cover. Refrigerate 2 to 3 hours to blend flavors. MAKES: 1 cup dres- sing. FRESH FRUIT FANTASIA 1 cup fresh straw- berries, washed l small papaya , peeled, seeded and sliced seeded and sli - 1 kiwi. peeled and sltced Fresh ptneapple chunks GINGERED STRAWBERRY SAUCE 1 cup plaJn yogurt 1 Cup fresh straw- beules. maahed 1 ~ tablespoons ho- ney 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger root In small bowl combine yogurt, strawberries, ho- ney and ginger root. Co- ve r. Chill well before serving. MAKES: l IA cups. DEL MONTE PEARS This week, Lucky reduce~ thousands of prices, again! ~~~!!.~!.ANO ORINKS1 e11 "" .96 Wednesday, April 28th, Lucky began a dramatic price reduction. over 3,500 prices were reduced. In our continuing commitment to being the low price leader. Lucky has again reduced thousands of prices. TOMATO JUICE V-8 JUICE COCKTAIL CREEN BEANS ~''Olll•(\11'(9...-lllC'l- ROSARITA BEANS HORMEL SPAM •Ol <Mll•~ o or-1,, .86 ••Ol< .... 35 >COi< ... 78 .,.,,.,, 1.39 • Thousands of new everyday lower prices on items you buy regularly. Listed are only a few examples. • No games. gimm1cs or costly frills to drive up the cost of your food bill. ~~~;~1~!.~~~.NI< T~N01Ac.. • 9 5 ~~.~.!~ESERVES uu .. 1.55 • No one-week specials. but new everyday lower prices on thousands of items. • No costly double or triple coupon offers. but everyday lower prices to give you a lower total. FRYING CHICKENS ... 49 *"C)f ~' 'OUfMletfC/1.-of" A ROUND STEAK ,.1.87 _,,..llltl0Jt090•I' l\AJ.C11t T·BONE STEAK ll 2.77 IO'QOMl•\Ofll TOP SIRLOIN STEAK .. 2.46 ~·••lOlfli r-!rA!' ... ~~ '°°°.," .1.87 CftlAM CHllSI _....._. . ., ... 88 DANOlA SLICED HA~101 .. , 3.65 r.!.1+,!B .. U!X.!!SCUITS • 01 , .... 2 3 ~~..:~ ORESSINC .,0, ... 1.67 ~.~~~~lA:~.~CUIT~o1 ,.., .66 MOTT 'S APPLESAUCE Mr ., 1.13 ........ 63 FRUIT COCKTAIL .. , .,,.. .. CLINC PEACHES ••OIC•._•44 ••l 'IU f OU k<fO DEL MONTE PEARS ..•. , .... 65 .. ._""~ tl<IO SENECA APPLE JUICE "°' .... 99 CRAPEFRUIT JUICE ... ,, .... 69 l•O-\U ... , ... ~ 09,._ Hl·C DRINKS tOOI CM•67 . """'"' WELCH'S CRAPE JUIC~°' .... 1.55 GATORADE DRINK 1101 .... 65 PINEAPPlE JUICE !~~~~Al<FAST ~~~~ ... 1.85 !!~.~.~~!~ HOf(l# 1.53 _/ I CHILI WITH BEANS •\OIC .... 77 . PET MILi< .,.,, .... 47 COFFEE CREAMER FRENCH'S MUSTARO U Ol iU.75 LADY LEE SALAD OIL ... , 1111.81 ~? .. ~~.~~~U II Ol ... 1. 2 4 ~.~l~~.WHITE BR~.~~0 .. 1.04 ~~~~ .. ~.~READ ••nr.-. •• 59 HARVEST DAY BUNS "' .. ,,49 ENCllSH MUFFINS ,BISQUICK MIX OC0,.0• 1.32 ......-ot. OREO COOKIES .... O<C 1 ,81 -·•--<•• RITZ CRACKERS •fOl IC• 1.42 . ---CORN MUFFIN MIX t OUO• .22 ,W• I JELL·O CELATIN IOI .,, .33 ANTHONY SPACHETTI •o• .. , .69 CHEERIOS CEREAL .,., 00.1.15 TOTAL CEREAL ,,0100.1,51 ~~~LOCC'S CORN FLA~~.s ... 1.20 l<EUOCG'S RICE KRIS~~: 00.1 ,42 COFFEE tQ..Qt \ •til.U ~ ••OI .,_, ..... ""°""'\'~ LADY LEE COFFEE ·~ LADY LEE COFFEE TASTER'S CHOICE ... .,. 09'r0"''*"'' (Ofiftl LIPTON TEA SACS •lfU~2,59 ~·"--2.10 ...... 6,09 •01 ... 2.66 •<DU IC• 2.20 KINC SIZE CICARETTES ... 6.29 .. 6.19 CICARETTES W11n1n9 lftt Su19ton Gtn111I Ku 01111m1ntd I"-Coprtllt Sinol'"' 11 OM9ftVS ID YOlll llt-"" BANQUET DINNERS . ....... , ~~LEE ICE CREAM ... 1 •• 1.33 •tOllM 1.51 ORANGE JUICE ~tf ...0 COllC•ttU&t. w•••-"14"_,,...._,_.,~ .... n---. ltllf tnyllT......., MlvH l tl Happy Mother's oay1 SPARKLING AR· RAY -Fre1h fruit can please .the eye at well u the palate in a nouvelle cuisine des- sert. ~~!'!~FlAKE WAFR.E~•or ""' .96 ORE ·IOA TATER TOTS,,01 .. , 1.31 ~~9!,~E_!,;-1!_.~T,ABLES '°°'""' • 96 ~!~~~·EYE coe CORN tel .. , 1.37 ~~SOI~!!~!.~~ u•'-o •101-1.97 HOMOGENIZED MILK •AO• lft LOW FAT MILK ''°"u' NON FAT MILK \liO'lfUI CITRUS PUNCH COTTACE CHEESE LADY LEE BUTTER <Al <'-1.95 ... , ... 96 tA<<•• 1.63 WOl(!• 1 ,07 uorcr• 1.59 .. o, o• 1.83 ~~OE AA LARGE ECCS 001 ,,. .87 !,~UE BONNET MARCA~1~~ .. • 78 CLOROX BLEACH ....... 98 ·-VIVA PAPER TOWELS ""'l(IU .81 WINOEX CLEANER ,,. '" 1.25 ~~DY LEE FOAM CUPS ••<• ... , .57 ~~~!,~.~ATES •oo<• ... , 1 ,32 ~~!.OLIVE OETERCE~ ... 1.95 DOWNY LIOUIO RINSE .. .,"' 2.49 ~.~~y DOC FOOO •••OW• .29 ~.~!AN DOC FOOD . "'°'(Mt .61 ~.!S~~ DOC FOOO ··•-.37 9·LIVES CAT FOOD ·•-Nt ...... - n , I I ~ , Stir-fry • anytime Sur.fry cooking offers a welcome change of pace for serving vegeta· blea at dlnner time. Vegetables retain their crispness and flavor in this cooking method, and combi ne easily with other ingredients to make a hearty entree. Any Time Stlr·Fry seasoned with naturally brewed soy sauce, pro· mises to be a family mealtime favorite. ANY TIME STIR·FRY 'A pound tender beef steak 2 tablespoons cornstarch. divided 3 tablespoons soy sauce, divided ced 'h teaspoon sugar 1 clove garlic, min- 1 pound fresh broc- coli 2 tablespoons1vege· table oil, divided 2 stalks celery, cut diagonally in to ~ ·inch thick slices 1 medium onion, chunked ced 1 clove garlic, min- Salt Cut meat into thin, narrow strips. Combine 1 Tbsp. each cornstarch and soy sauce, sugar and 1 clove garlic. Stir in meat; let stand 30 mi- nu.tes. Meanwhile, com- bi ne l cup water with remaining cornstarch and 90y sauce; set aside. Remove broccoli flowe· rets; cut in half length- wise. Peel broccoli stalks, cut diagonally into Ve·inch thick slices. Heat 1 Tbsp. oil in large frying pan or wok. Add meat and stir·fr y just until browned; remove. Heat remaining oil in same pan; add vegetables and remaining garlic. Lightly salt vegetables; stir·fry 3 minutes, or until tender- crisp. Stir in meat and soy sauce mixture; bring to boil. Cook and s tir until sauce thickens. Serve immediately. Makes 4 servings. SAVE25<= ON NEW LIGHT IMPERI 11115 266020 The only nutty cornflake anyone makes! Kellogg's Honey&Nut Corn Flakes'"' cereal. Crunchy corn with a touch of golden honey and lots of 1Mlupp HONEY &NUT ~ -eal nu;. r;:.· ' .. _,~ t '·· , .. )(...._(_ --::I;.;,,: ~-....... ~-... 1..,. -.. ._ ~ ~ .... .. ... . . --... .,.,._ --. --.. ,. CHAMBLE Check portlclpottng stores for entry blank and complete details. Entries must ~ postmarked by July 21. 1982 and received by July 30, 1982. THE WEIGHT IS OVER! l NOW LITE-LINE~MAKES 811AN0 FOUR FABULOUS NEW F·LAVORS WITH 1/2 THE CALORIES! Calorie-consc1ous cheese lovers. weight no mor~1 I111.' l111e Hr.111d introduces four fabulous new flavors (1f rron:>s<, ch\'t' ... (' prodlll I Sharp CheddcJr Colby Muenster .md M1mh.'rl>y JcJck .ill with 11 lht• calones And because WC' w.mt you to try them Jll we II m<1kl' ynt1 ,, very tasty offer Duy ill1y of the four new Litt' line ~r .inJ navnr~ now. and 1mmedia1ely save JO( with the coupon on the lt>fl Then m ,11! 111 the front label panel as proof of purcht1<.,e with the t crt1fic Jtt> on the nght. and Wt' II send you two more 104 coupons worth 604 on the flavors you haven t tned Thdt ~ 904 offl So whiJt are you weighting for > v I .. !) n I •' '· ,, ., 4 Ii J d ,, ~: " ' )\ ., b ,, 1 .,, l Cl OranQe Coatt DAILY PILOT/Wednelday, May 5, 1982 Cooking classes off er hot ideas in food preparation • • .Motherhood F rom Paae Cl. NUT PASTRIES 1 8-ounce caMon creamed cottaae cheeee l cup 10ft butter or maraarine • WIDS ~-Inch duck. Brush with tome of the melted butter and sprinkle with 'A cup brown sugar, cinnamon and 'A cup nui.. Cut circle Into 16 pie-shaped pieces. Beginning at outer edge, roll up each wedge tightly and put, point down, on a greased cookie sheet. Repeat with remalnlna dough Bake at 400 degrees for 15 to 20 minutee or until golden brown. Makes 48 pastries . F ASSERO'S Interna- twnal Cookware In Co- rona del Mar will offer a class an entertaining for singles at 7 tonight. In- structor wlll be C harles Laforte, chef at Mr. Stox restaurant in Anaheim. Fee Is $25. Call 673-2343. COAST HARDWARE tn L a guna Beach will present Betsy Moulton instructing in prepara- llon of a nouvelle cuisme dinner party at 11 a.m. on May 6. Fee 1s $20. Ann Dreyer will teach a class baSed on a Yugo- slavian dinner at 10:30 a.m . on May 12. Featu- red will be eggplant caviar appetizer, roasted pepper and eggplant sa· lad, braised pork chops an dilled paprika cream sauce, perohli and wal- nut roulade. Fee is $20. Katie Lang Slattery will teac h a class in dim-sum, the savory ap- petizers served in Chi- nese t eahouses, at 11 a m . May 26 and at 6:30 p.m on May 'l.7 . Fee is $15. Susan Slack w1U teach the use of a food proces- sor in makmg pastry at ti 30 p m on May 20. In- d uded will be savor y English pastries with rnushroom and win e sauce, Austrian pmeap- plt: torte.and gourgere cmg with Swiss cheese. salami and seal.hons.. Fee lS $20 Information and class reservations are availa- ble by calling the st.ore at 497-4403. DIOSA'S Books and Cookware in Irvine will present Dolores Hoffman teaching a Mexican din- ner at 6:30 tonight. Included will be sopa de albondigas, Sonora e n c hi ladas, Mexican chdes with o nion and dessert empanades. Fee IS $20 8111 Steburg will teach a class in preparation of pork for cooking and freezing at 6:30 p.m. on May 7 Fee IS $10. Corhss Rose will in- struct in preparation of sourdough bread at l p .m . o n May 8. Each student will receive a jar of sourdough starte r Clas..-; fee IS $1 5 Corliss Rose will re- turn at 6:30 p.m on Ma y 11 with a class m desserts and pastries designed to be low 1 n c:a I ones and easy to prepare Fee 1s $20. Tarla Fallgatter will instruct in the technique of working with cream puff dough at 6:30 p.m. on May 12 Dishes will include eda1rs fiUed with vanilla cust~rd, cream pufCs filled with crab, t·hocolate mousse puff nng and cheese gourgere appetizers. Class fee is $10 Judy Hl'rmann will teach a class m sausage· making techniques at 6:30 p.m. on May 13. In- cluded will be German bratwurst, South Afri- can boerewors, German weisswurst and Italian s weet sausage. F ee 1s $W Tarla Fallgatter will teach preparation of an Austrian dinner at 6:30 p.m. o n May 14. Menu will Include an on ion tart, veal stuffed with ham and cheese, home- made noodles and a Linzertorte. Fee is $20. Pat Cook will instruct in use of microwave and food processors at noon on May 15. Included will be homemade mayonnai- se, dips, hot coleslaw, apricot squares, carrot cake and a ham and asparagus casserole. Fee is $20. Registration and in- formation about cla.saes is available by catting the store at ~~1-0280. WILLIAMS-SONOMA in Soulh C.O..t Plua will prnent •demonstration ln caterlna your own w•ddlna reception at. 7 p .m . on May 12. The public It invited to the free event. Call the store at 761-1166 tor Informa- tion. SHERMAN LIBR- A ll Y and Gardena ln Corona del Mar will featur• Madeleine De Groote ~a clMI at 11 a.m. on ~y 11. Menu wlll inc.bide muehroom and cauliflower vea•ta· ble·c111h. flllo 1trUd•l dOUilt fG; ... food lltU• .. wt1h crab and lhri.mp ~ I 0 CDDlllG WITH Cllll 2 cupe flour 'A cup melted butter or margarine ~ cup brown sugar, packed Clruwnon .. cup finely chopped walnuta as w e! I as crepes f9r mocha cheese cups. Fee is $20, and preregistra- tion 1s required . Call 673-2261 for Information. MR. STOX restaurant in Anaheim will offer a das,., In Southern cooking at 10 a.m . on May 26. F.dna Burke, assisted by Phyllis Ann Marshall, will teach preparation of bu'ttermJlk biscu1lS, grits souffle and a Smithfield ham. Coet Is $32.50, and class includes lunch with upproprlate wines. Call th e r es taurant at 634-2994 for information. Combine cott.aae cheete and butter ln bowl and blend well. Add flour and mix until dough forma a ball. Divide dough into thirds and chill. Roll out Ii\ of dough at a time to a circle L.M.Boyd D ·1 p·1 ..£ informs in the II J I DI __ ._Ot_·~_(0_un_uU_e_at_~_ha_t_J\Jl_o_de_, _CU_s_~_a_mo_us_l _ _,,f~ ___ 9_t_· s_(0_u_n _JU_eo_t_'Jl_,o_t _J\J_l_od_e_<lt-=-· _c:_~_W_l1o_u~_J _ll_ t§e~rKm~ ls The First Place To Shop For The LOWEST Food Prices ••• ~11£~IBIB. POAK HAM CHIC ENLEGS Smoked Bocks L8 LIMIT 12 LliGS PEA FAMILY , •• , •• 9"'°' ••OI '' to ... 11.39 .... llAOt Qlf ,. 11.29 kl'~(.ut .. 97c <~ro~ '~p<m1C<: l .. ETS cmsruas c.llWT ,,,..rtt 1 • BEEF LARGE ENO , , , ~·, Sale ·--y- ... 11.59 .,., c"""-"11.89 ..Ct tOt•C.U O _,, '•' ,. 11.33 SlllWI 1•sruas ~Ill . ..,, .. 11.89 .. 12.sa •• 11.11 ,.._.,..llllOl1 .. sa.£ fllETS ,. 11.39 wsuw ... 39C ...11.29 = ... 11.89 Northwe•t~[ •, Salmon ~ FAOZEN OEF"AOSTEO ~ Salmon Stealu lB •2.39 ~ ,.,._, ... ,..::..-MIJ IOtll.U.& Im lllllS C9l SlUIS -.,, • ,J I> 11.89 ............ , .. .. 12.79 SlUIWll 11 sruas t ........... &.>,. ...... Mt• "'4 tt "'h.U• Mf' L4.l!Uf flrifO lllUST , .. """""'''"' Ml• eoait'I llf ,. 11.99 P£ICll Funs .. llAST -•o .. o~H!M u 11.19 JACI CllESE FROZEN OEFROSTEO Salmon Roast ~ ~ ~ ICEUSUll ... 12.99 5'£JUJ SlUIS .. '3.29 STtl ET •• 12.09 IW.llUT "12.99 TillEY UWT I ,,,,. I I .~ 10YAAtntH SHASTA SODA POP 2 LITER FOii L.AUNO..Y ALL DETERGENT ..oz f ROYAL I GELATIN l-OZ CAANGAAl'E OA CMNAPPl,.E OCEAN SPRAY JUICE 41-0Z APPLE JUICE ... -.. , • 39e Pork a Beana -·.oz GOLDEN VALLEY FAOM IOAHO ...Al oz .... BOTTLE "' ..... ,loot, JCiN• ---· ·~·· .... Kern• Cataup ! .,CM X9e CH"'S a "Ill MOUi.••"" HQ! • 9e B-B-Q Sauce -"W CO-O>l • • .. 9 .. Mazola -»CM .&• .& .. ,,, 73e t "t\' #Ii llAN.t ..-oul.,_ ~ "O' Hormel ! •OOJVAAtlTlf!l Cat Food APPLES M>l 24e •ou1 84e •CM 75e STATEll llAOS WHITEJDECOM TOA EXTRA FANCY CRISP, JUICY WASHINGTON &TA T&JI BJI05. PLaDG&5 ACCUAACr AT TB& c&acK•T AND ••• " ... ,.. .............. , .... -· -··· ..... , ..... ,.., ........ ! ..... , ., ... ......... ,.. .................... rt-. &.eldl11f lt..u •'••••U-4 117 i.w. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO UMrT QA REFUSE 5"-LES TO COMMEAOAL DEALERS QA WHOLESALERS ~---· ~~'-., I ~~ • ~ ~ • ~ . ?"~- Pepsi-COia Diet Pep1l Or Mt. Deiw 12/12·0Z .. 'O;..z9e ioo,, 9e i:;J'llo0e11 '7lood~ PAPER TOWELS 1·AOLL MORTOll Dt•RS ....... . SALUTO ~~~" J•'S lllRITO ........ . ! <W(>.stpoc 1J~oa(l11 £pN'loP~/ CUTIEMS ! BCOl.1 -.• IEAllS M•-! UL.;~_, ""'-..-.1 IWIS t.."t""' ! ! ""' '2.19 .. ,34' CBee1r. CWt11e. S. Sitquo1t f..GOI &¥-.! .. l'ltNll <MT>< UOUOll ~ (M.Y 1a11 NlfO -AllAA>ll.l &1 OU 11-llC'll'I lOIM IJNDlll --'t.311 lAMf IWtrT ""WAl!4H PllEIPPLE V.llGI , AlfC"f Ill~ MAIS llOCIDOI UI HO IHCW~MO~ POTITOEI '9t · s ~ult vUeot ffiot vUade CUs <tJomousf I • "' • . -. .. -.. -• SAVE35it on FIT&TRIM:RANoOooFood The low-calorie fitness food that tastes great . . SAVE 15C .-~=f-reaJ on Kelloggs Banana Frosted Flakes. Here's some gr-r-reat news for you. Kellogg's &ilana Frosted Rakes'v ceredf They've got real bits of banana and real banana taste. So you get gr-r-reat savings o n gr-r-reat banana taste Distinctive! Different! Delicious! I lan"CSI Cct-To~11w~"' compliment am ml'al an> day of the ~'t'k. Now l'nJUY Crc1:n L1nnt'<i IWl1 NEW !Ian-est U!t-To~th~~-­ HJt.it11u1lll' anJ Cauliflower-Carrot Bonanza. Get rich! Get Maxim! Enjoy more rich coffee from every spoonful of Maxim and you11 be 40~ richer, too. Save 40~ on•ny.tze .. r of Max1m•100% A' ..... Drl•d Coff•• lo ......... Ctoo<I! -CtrJ .. --....................... _,.,. , .... _,..,,.._ ............. __ .. ~ ... w--,_ ... ....,., ioftNw -Ml_, .. W.11 ,_ c.r, c........, ............. ~ ........... --"'--... ..,...,. ... --.,_.,. ....... --.., ... c... ""'. uu IW<lt•oee ... us eo.1 '°"tit c......,. 11/0• '-.. " ...... -~ ... ...... ----· ....... ..., ... ... _______ .,_ ... ..., ...... ,...., .................. ..... ... , .. __ .. .....,_ ....... _ --· '-•'--C.• '0 .... , ._ ll 6"01 Offll Drml "°' ,. IMl l,., OM alUPOll ru "**II "" ""'"" .... ...., ..... _ .. ~ __ ,,.,_ w-'hlln•M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· I I I I I I I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Wednetday, May 5, 1982 -------·-------- SAVE35tt I Fli~al"iilK ~ &RAND Dog Food --------------- b l EO'['[ 0009E ise .. <"°'IQ(-· 38 000 110379 -·-------------- N THE FREEZER SECTIOO (STORE COUPON) 2179 --------------- 15¢ OFF fO °"" CUSl~ tr ... (.Qo."°""' .. "'"-'"' Oftl'1 IO .,,_ Ol.'<"•M oJ •OH" '·..0 prOOuc t 41'VS • 1• .,.,, ~' ut4 "'•Y a. un • ..,.,.,, .,; •'•~•,,...." < °"'°°'"' ..,... oa '•,e<l+O Of tN "'•""••t '""'' •no, ...... •"' t)e,Ua.t.tMel"I •nd M•nc••I iot• IO '°"' a. ... , C.••" .. a>rue I 10 Off one Ce1'1 CovOO" not tr&f'tfer•«N TO CM.M OIALI. .. : We •• •ttoe•m H-.. tOuPQn tO' t~e "l'IA 01 ff..._ CCNCJOf\ 'I IOt trt e "'•'<"•~· m.11 m. '~'f P'C. Of 11"'1 ''" rnetch•"°'M plv• II '°" ha~ ptOoOed ""'"'• ot co..,PQI' •t• com~ 1111o.tf'I Covoon• ••not oe """"' :: ~==~~~~!!:~~\':': :,.e:~'!:::: neK1 purchase of any ~•,.~ tta...o at\O '°""°°""••,_,.CM nonor.o Wt'fO<tt pt~ OU'C"-M ol ...,,.Ii(.~ •t()(• IO (0-«1 '°"°°"' P'" .,.,..., ...,,.,.. b9 .,.,_n WIPOf'\ •eow..-c°""'~' "'l.ISt p.ii, •• ,,, ...... la• \ilt)ld .t P'Ohb'.cl lh .0 Ot tttfr<'-4 WiillJll DIXl8. • or~oc~tu~aftc ... c..~o ... • -..... ,. =::.-....=-~:~O.:.::".-:O ... c!!!·.:---. f.ll'HIATIOH OA?f ti >010 STORE COUP0N • Quartz Wrt1twalch • Ptays' Eleclronlc Arcad• Gome1 [3[J= LJ. u·· . . : ---- when you purchase ~-_ ~ Saran Wrap· Brand Plastic Rim (any size) TO DtN..E": This covpon will be 1tdetmecl for lkt va111t plus 7c banOhno provide<! terms 01 oller htve been COlnjlllld W•tfl Atty oltler al)041QllOll constihltM lllUd trworcn poov1no IMClll H OI sufhc1tn1 SIOC~ IO COY!I COU110f11PltMOted 101 redemption m1at be 5llOwn llf)Ol'l ll!Qlltsl Re0tm1Jtton lhrOUQh outsldf aoenc.res t><oam tie , Wilt l10l bt hOnoreO PCfPI wlltf'e ioecrfrutly auttlollle<! 111 w1111119 by Hot Dow Chtmtell CompJ.ny Vo.o •• f)fOlllbllld . !&ltd 0< restnc1tcl Cullomet mu51 P'Y1111 sates ta Milt Ill COllOOM 10 Tiit Dow Cl\tll'M<al Comoanv I' O Box 301 S [Im C.ry. NC 27898 Ofttf OOoO only rn U S A Cuh redemotion ¥Jlllf 1 20 01 1 t UMfT M COUflOM OHTll DP'lll(S Al•E >. 1M2 SAVE 150 •t20t00 § (3 z C IO Orenge Coaet DAILY PILOT/Wedneaday, May 5, 1982 Indulge in low~calorie craving for asparagus By BARBARA GIBBONS h's the time of year Cor asparagus tips Top Tip: This seasonal e f I c u re a n de I i g h t i 8• u tra-low in ca loriea, only 26 per three and one-half ounce serving. So it's one indulgence you can afford to "pig out" on, caluricall y spea- king. And the best ume to afford it is right now - in season -when it's less exp~ms1ve. r Tip 2': Like most ve ge tables . asparogus 1s high in natural food fi - ber. that fill-you-up m - gred 1e n t that appeases your appetite. And it's vitamin ril·h. 26 calo rics worth pro- vides you with half the daily vitamin C requirc- men t, and one-fifth of the vitamin A require- ment. Tap 3: The less you cook asparagus, the bet- ter its nutritional value Forget you r old cook - boo k's counsel o n coo- king lime ror asparagus; the trendy way to serve asparagus today 1s bright gr~n and crunchy-crisp, with a fresh taste and texture that's d oser to heated through than cooked. The point 1s to preser- ve the unique taste and texture of fresh aspa- ragus. a flavor and srlap that's missing from the frozen or canned variety Even modern , up-to- date cookbooks can mi- slead you on <·ook in g times because each aspa- ragus spear 1s an 1nd1 v1- d u al. with its ow n freshness. moisture con- tent and thickness. All these fac:tors will affect the amount o( c ooking r eq uired to achieve that just-right second when asparagus achieves your own per- son a I d e fin i ti o n of tender--crunchy. What you regard as tendt•r -crunc h y may s trike someone else as either raw or rumcd by overcooking, so have faith in your own judg- meQt and <:ook 1t to suit yourself. Keep in mind that even raw asparagus 1s perfectly t.'<i1ble; the only purpose of cooking is to serve 1t hot. n o t kill germs! Tip 4: How to buy 1t as fres h a s poss1bl t'' A void s preading ll ps or soft. radgl•d stalk~ that ind1t·a tc thl'Y an• over- the-h1ll. Avoid p rl'packag('(I asparagus, bl'tter to pick each spear and1v1dually. matchmg the> thickness. All skinny asparagus. Prices dropping WASHINGTON (AP) -While farmers are stiJJ being crimpe d by de- pressed market prices. consumers are c:o ntt· nulng to hnd it easier at retail food s tores, accor- ding to goverent's la- test figures. "The maj r factor holding down food prices m March was a re<.'overy an supplies of fresh ve- getables," Ass is tant Agric ulture Secretary WiUiam Lesher said Fri- day. Leshe r, the depart- ment's chief economist. said retail lettuce prices, for example, dropped by a third last month. re- flecting an increase in supplies fo llo wing a temporary shortage cau- sed by insect damage in California earlier this year. Tomato prices dropped. more than 10 percent in March as aupplies reco- vened from the January freeze damage In Florida. Lesher aaid. The Labor Oepart- ~nt'• monthly lnfiatlon report Friday 1howed that food and beverage prices over·all d~llned 0 .3 percent ln March. inclucttn1·• 0.6 percent drop in food bou1ht at grocery acorn after ad- juatmenta allowtna for IMIONl1 vanationa. R•taU meat prtcea, howevet', were upO.l per- cent 111\ mon,h, whh hi1her pricet for pork ud other meatl off~t· t1na a O.f percen' drop ln bHf and veal pricH. Pouhr1 prkH were down 0.4 perunt and ... pricet declln•d 1.0 perwnt. or all fut nsparagus will cook to equal donenosa. But fat and skinny will give you a mix of mushy spears and raw o"'es that w ill please nob6dy. If you must cook fat and skmny asparagus, sepa- rate the stalks and start cooking thl• lhin ones first. Tip 5: Use 1t promptly. If you must delay use for a Cew d ays. wra p the spear ends in moist paper toweling and store in the C.'oldt-st part uf the refr1- gerator Wan until just be fore cooking to anap of{ the tough bottoms, by hand. HOW TO COOK ASPARAGUS STEAMI NG is th t• preferred me thod. ·Ar- range the washed, trim- med asparagus spears on a rack in a single layer over boiling water in a large ('ll•ctric skillet or frypan. Cover a nd steam to d es ire d tend-erness (anywhere from 8 to 16 Blll GDUIMIT minutes, depending on te asparagu11 and your preference). Test with your fmgers for the de- sired texture. Another steaming me- thod: Stand the trimmed staJkB heads-up in a very tall coffeepot or o ther tall pot (the top o f a double boiler, for exam- ple) and fill the bottom w ith i or 3 inches of '\ ' boihng water. Cover and steam. This allows the bot- toms to boll while the more tender upper parts steam, an e xcellent me- thod. FRENCH COOKING: Part1aUy fill a very wide pot with boiling water and drop in the trimmed asparagus. Cover and cook 2 to 8 minutes, de- pend Ing on the upa- ragua and your prefe- rence. (This easy method re- sults in big bright green vegetables, but tends to rob them of more of their vitamin value. so it's not really recommended.) MJ C ROVAVE - COOKED CUT ASPA- RAGUS: Discard the tough ends and diago- nally shce thP. spears into 1-im·h lenaiths Put them your prefereflC(' and the In a plaJ1tlc bag and par-asparagus, but also the tially fill it with c·old quantity and thl' wattage wutel". of your UVl'n.) Close the bag and You ca n c hec k the 11losh the asparagus do ne ness o f the aspa- around to clean 1t, then ragus with your fingers drain away the watc~ right through the plastic Close the ba~ and put 1t . bag, without opcminJ( it. on 8 pjlper p aw an your Open the bag careful-m1l·rowave oven ly, bc wary of etK'aping M i c r o w a v e 1 n st<-am. Err on the side of 1-minutt• intervals. cht.'<-'· undcn·uok1ng becausl' king frequently on the thtt vcgttt<tble will cont1- tex ture . (Thi.> timing nul' to l'OOk aftt.·r remo- here depends not only on val from the m1c:rowave. l.,.lf t>OMll lfW NWD NO \All TO C~O<••l DU lll\ 00 "'"'°'UA!fl) f.OMf '°'1 oeMS tr.()f AYa~•Mt 11H WNfU-• (()l.;trrrffr Th1t od onlv tffe<lt"9 at H119htt El Rancho and Hu9ht1 lido WI wncw .... ITW .... ,, .. ~Check Out the lxtra Savings On Reclucecl Prices Througllout the Store! U S 0 A Choice S..f Round · SWISS STEAK lB 1.89 U S 0 A Cho•<• 6tof Round OMAHA ROAST LB 1. 99 US 0 A Choice Beef, Bone In. Center Cut ROUND STEAK LB I .89 U S 0 I>. Choo<e Bo"eleu Beef Top Round 2 49 TERI YAKI STEAK l B • FRllH BEEF LIVER -r;-ouN<i l &a •• 89 m.ioo 1 SllCEij - TYLENOL , ... °' ••t PE PTO 81SM0 l I 1>.BS 4 I A ' "o:J• •' • FINAL NET O'> 01 MURINE CIEAR EYES SOC> M C •00'· •""' ·~ H·P• NA.fURITE VITA.MIN C 1.19 1.•9 1.39 3.•1 IA .21 BEEF THICK CUT ROUND U S 0 A 01010 &eel Rou"d BONELESS RUMP ROAST U~ 0 A Ckolu Center Cvt BBEEF SHANKS U S 0 A Cho•<• Boneleu EXTRA LEAN STEW BEEF . Bvlk Pon>t• not o•er 27% Fot LEAN GROUND BEEF Pon Ready Mo11nto.n LB 2.49_ l8 1.49 LB 2.59 lB 2.19 El Roncko RANCH STYLE BACON fl Rancho SwHt or Hot ITALIAN SAUSAGE LB. lB 1.49 LB 1.69 El Roncko Par\ & S.oton1ng "BRATWURST . . . lB 1.69 leonnett Grovnd bHf·Not 0-.er l.S% fat CHOPPED STEAKS t B 2.49 FRESH RAINBOW TROUT Nort..,e1n •Frozen Oefrotted EXTRA LARGE SCALLOPS Cooked·froaen Oefrolled COCICT All SIZE SHRIMP l 8 6.99 l B 3.99 3·fb Con CRllCO •09 I IHORTINING ... I 6-01 Sliced Holve1, ,,, lite or Htovy Syr11p .62 DEL MONTE PEACHES 16-or Holllfl. 1n lite or Heo"Y Syrup .65 DEL MONTE PEARS 16 or ReQ or fr•nch .49 DEL MONTE GREEN BEANS . 3 Pock IVORY BATH SOAP. .89 Northern lteody To Eat SMOKED HALIBUT Pocific Fillet• FRESH RED SNAPPER . 24-01 Goldtn Grtddle PANCAlll IYRUP 46-01 Oel Monte Re11 . Pina lB 2.49 t B 1.89 1.69 PINEAPPLE/GRAPEFRUIT JUICE .... 91 6 Pait.. 12-or Con1 Reg or S F. OR .PEPPER 7 liter S F Sp,,te COKE • TAB • SPRITE 6 ·~·or Vo"'"" Pl TUNA CAT FOOD 1.75 1.45 .25 ASPARAGUS Joa IHl Ci..ci...- FRESH LARGE 78L~. •ot'ftOMOtoY•"'• 16 Covflrl YE FUMEIN RAMAN ,,ot•t Morvlomo ... 6-01 GENMAICHA TEA .75 .•3 .75 MA•'-lh••.,.• I ea 1.39 IUlttU•A 10).or DRIED MUSHROOMS MORINAGA TOFU 1.19 .99 PKG M.yello J ,..,, "' CHEESE RICE CRACKERS M•roko hllllrot-'• •·01 loftlo PICKLED SCALLIONS 12-oa. 1'119. 83 ~=t.~.~~ ..... l h1tb•rry• Ororio•/Cronb.,ry PEPPERIDGE FARMS MUFFINS . Zuccfllnl l.ototM, Cho"' Mel11, 6'otMtfl STOUFFER'S LEAN CUISINE ...... t 1.S.a Whltw 'onton• SWANSON CHICKEN DINNER .. 1.29 1.19 •••• ·~ . KNUDSEN BIG STICK ................... 1 .19 COUPON N Ul I~ PiiU9uiiy"''m·~ s~' I •llCUITI .... ......... • 12-oa. Moton 0.¥14 ICC>th« '·" FRANKS OR KNOCl(WURST .L Hiii'* "'9· C11tt. ROll4oM w....-1 LONGHORN CHEESE ............. Lt. I.II 0r111-tet, , ... ,., .. CHICKEN FRANKS ...................... I. 6-ea, ,.,. a..ddor °' Low c~ w~ I •• .LAUGHING COW GRUYHE ...... •• Hor.,,el Country Brand 2.19 PORK SAUSAGE LINKS LB El Rancho, Water Added 1.29 BUTT PORTION HAM LB El Rancho Ove" Ready 1.89 HAM LOAF L& El Rancho f1e1h Egg• OVEN READY MEAT BALLS l B 1.89 I FOITIR FARMI I FllllH SPLIT BROE ms MEATY FRYERS WITH GIBLETS e REG. e LITE LAMBRUSCO '1)l .... 1.8. .79 6 PACK 17 Of (Of\\ PLAIN LABEL SCOTCH 1.79 9.98 • ,......, ... ACM ...... . ........ ,IUHCH .25 ... MllCM, .. .. •• ,..,..,,,_.,..\lltw .... ,, ... • Getting into a spring jam Now l1 t h e time to Cru1h 1trawberrlea. lnch head space. Adju1t Cut or chop apricots. preaerv• th• flavors of Finely chop rhubarb. caps. Soak aprlcota for two aprlJ'\I. Measure 2 \1 cu pa rhu· Procaa 10 mlnutet In a hours in 2 cupi of water. Stra-Mberriea, rhu-barb. Combine atrawber-bolllns water bath can-Do not drain water. Add barb, and pineapple are rlea, rhubarb, ginger. ner. Yield: aix 8 ounce rhubarb and cook 10 ml- teamed with juat the and lemon juice ln large jars. nutea, stirring conatant- rlght lnsredlenta to re-uucepan. Stir In powde-APRICOT ly. Add sugar, mixing ward you with taste-red pectin. Place mixture RHUBARB JAM well. Continue cooking pleaaing jams. 1 2 o u n c e s d r I e d until mixture thickens to Gingered Spring Jam over hlgh heat and stir apricots the consistency of jam, combines that favorite until It comes to a hard 2 cups water about 30 minutes. Care- duo of atrawberrtee and boil. Add the augar and 4 '1'\ cups rhubarb, fully ladle into hot jars, rhubarb with exotic bring to a full, rolllng diced -leaving \4 i nch head ginger for an unexpected boil. Boil hard 1 minute, 4 ~ cups sugar space. Adjust caps. taate treat .. Pineapple atirrlnf constantly. Re-Prepare home canning Process 10 minutes In a Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Wedneaday, May 6. 1G82 Cll SAVE THE FLAVOR -Combine several new taste ideaa for preserving the fresh fruits of spring. and lime blend to make a move rom heat, s kim jars and lids aocordlng to boiling wat~r bath can- troplcal jam which con-foam. Carefully ladle manufacturer's lnstruc-ner. Yield: about six 8 talna only a amall ,_ln~to~ho_t~jars:__~·-le_a~_·~ng=---~~t-io_ns_.~~~~~~~o-un~ce~ja~~--·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­amount of sugar. Rhubarb fanciers will be intriJUed by the unu- sual alliance with dried apricots. The result la an ap-pealill1f jam with splen- did color. Select 'these fruits at their peak of ripeness and convert them into unique soft spreads. Home canning these jams in your own kitchen will help you put a lid on inflation. With the rise in food costs-we are experien- cing, it's a wise idea to put up many of your own foods. Start now with spring fruits and turn them Into ounnet delights. Enjoy the flavors of spring all year long. PINEAPPLE LIME JAM · ' 1 quart finely chop- ped. cored, pared fresh pineapple (about I large) 1 ~ cups sugar 3 tablespoons lime juice 1 teaspoon grated lime rind Prepare hoQle canning jars and lids according to manufacturer's instruc- tions. Combine a ll ingre· dients. Slowly bring to boiling, stirring occasio- nally until sugar ctiyfl- ves. Continue cooking. about 30 minutes, or un- til mixture thickens. Stir fr equently to ptevent sticking. Carefully ladle into hqt jars. leaving V. inch head space. Adjust caps. Process 15 minutes in It boillng water bath can- ner. Yield: llbout three 8 ounce jars. GINGERED SPRING JAM I pound rhubarb 4 cups strawberries V. cup lemon juice 5 'h cups sugar 1 package ( l ~ oun- ce) powdered pectin 2 OWlOOS crywtalliz.ed ginger, cut into small pieces Prepare home canning jars and lids according to manufacturer's instruc- tions. Figs add • • nutr1t1on Dried figs, full of solar energy because they are sun-ripened right on the trees, are suddenly pop- ping up In nutrition- prlented recipes with delicious results. You'll want to snip a few dried fifP into fruit salads, add them to your favorite cookie recipe, and mix in with yogurt for a lunch that is fast, nutritious and satisfying. Here la one way to make breakfast, brunch or aftersporta anacking healthful. Just prepare Fig Corn Muffins and watch the family come back for more. A vaila.ble all year lol\8 1n your markets produce leCtion. dried ftp are an excellent aource of cal- cium. ph°:fhorou., iron and natur augar. PIG CORN MUFFINS l CU)> tlf ted flour ~ CUPIUP' . ~ ieupoon ealt com 1n:f ooune .yellow 2eap 1 cup milk ~ cup salad oU 1 cup chopped dried f'--Snlp of1 fta lteml. u. food proceaor to chop f111 ~Y or np with kitchen ect.on dipped into water to prevent 1Ucldn1 . Slf t toC•ther flour, 1u1ar, baldn1 powclll!r1 • ..it, and corn m.&.MICl--.mllk..t MIMI on. 'Stir or beat . beair Jult undl llDOOlh (about l .minute~ Stir ~ ~~~ ..... ~,d ........ 20eo26mlnutlL ..... ~ ll liUHlaa. .... · ces t~~ yec;ir · 1 USDA Choice Beet Round Boneless London Egg Sesame Ralphs Bread 1 lb. loa1 .45 6-10 oz. Rainbow Trout per lb. .97 Chunk Light In OU or Water Ralphs Tuna 6 'h oz. can rust otthe season .59 Reg o r Sugar Free No Caffeine Seven Up 2ltr. NR btt Jl8 12 oz.can Budweiser Beer 12pack 389 Major Storewide Price Reductions Special Meat ValuH Speclal Oalry/Oell Values i~&.;e''St;1lcs ":' 2.89 i:'~~a'n Cheese '!:; 1.87 P~rt";;h;~;", Steaks ~ 2.99 ;;;i" Wle11ers ;.~ 1.59 T;pSi.1;1;' Steak s;: 2.99 ii;.;.ogenlzed Miik i~: 1.95 Si~':ihi'ilia°Steak ':' 2.59 L;;,· Fit Miiie ft:: 1.90 C~o';;.iiiltioast . ":' 2 29 lllllpM. .... o!~•k•ry Values ,_.,.......,... • 77 !!I.,~ Ho°'!!~ Buns ~·. .59 S ... nk Pertlon Ham ~ r-. ~ ... s11c.. • Ralphs Doauts "!i\ 99 Fanner John Bacon ":. 1. 77 "-lpfl•·l•"""'· 11•9"MY., •1c01 1 •49 a.,.., ,......_.v.iw ,.c, ,,.,., l 09 Danish Dr11•1 ~'-• D111t11a or Th~ ':' • 0~~111 F0od Cllle •:::-1.49 -Specl•I ~ppetlte Shoppe VllUH--Specl•I Frozen Food V1luH- ci.ti9'• ,. ... ~.. 2 79 ......... Olf ,....._. 1 32 ll1re Roast 811f • • "'':' • Ice Cr••• "'::.:· . i:'il7.111·· "'":' 2.29 C:'t'... "':.! 1.29 "'':' 1.19 --ll ... 1'9 11c4:i .48 Oooiell • ~-~""" ........... ., "" 59 ••--1 a Clt1111•• .,i:: .99 Donrt1l1&1 Watllea •;.-:; • --lpecl•l IUllWUP ValUH-Specl1I Liquor Yalu••--· ofr:o 2.19 ........ ....... ...:: 4.99 1 58 lht.C:-to,::. • Ciera ...:: 4.41 11_: .58 4.88 ··• .II 4.• Special Grocery Values ,.,..,.., liquid Soap 10~• 01 bll Pt.l11Wt119 Tomato Juice 4tor ca" ...... Kr1tt Mayonnaise l20< I•• Sltlll Formul• AJ1x Cleanser ti or cen IC"'911N Ivory liquid UOL bll btre Actloll Tide Detergent .. .,_ boa llVkhM Mlftute RICI lll oz boa ,edal Tl•-2"' ScoHles 200ct boa .....,_,i.e ... cn,.1n ., ... ..... °*" 11911 Vin Towela tfet. 1011 -Special Personal Care Values- 1199-or Condltlo" Shan\poo 2.59 Head & Shoulders "01 bll 1.09 F-lnlM N119~ln1 Su1>9• 3.19 Kot ex JO ct bo• .69 ltw•Y ltOrlH 0-a"I 2.19 Right Guard 1001 can 1.36 '°""'°"'' 2.15 81br Shampoo 11 01 bll .84 s ....... 2.38 Mini Pads JO cl bo• 1.77 1.88 Produce & Floral Values F1elll Cul .99 DaHadlls bvftCh 2.19 .... .._. .59 Cucumbers ·-.74 VIMl!lpe .87 T11111toes -: ... 1.27 o.tlllal "Sllf 'ry" .59 Ve11t1ble1 • ••• -'• .79 ' Cll Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT /Wedneeday, May 6. 1982 LUXURY THiATRES Economy s .. un1 $2 !JO 111 3 00 PM Unlm 01h11w1w> Nottcl 'Medea' sound hut little fury S lliMjij•X1Ul6J6J~ 2sss/~i!~) S TRIANGLE -Beverly Arrowsmith, Helene Yassai an4 Paul Christian Seidel (from left) play a scene from .. The illustrated Bradbury," closing its two-week run at Saddl.eback ~liege this weekend. Call 831-4656 for information. Cole Porter 'star' of 'Evil' thriller NEW YORK (AP) -Even an island has a theme song in the mystery movie "Evil Under the Sun." It's Cole Porter's "I Concentrate on You." In fact the entire soundtrack uses songs by the late Ameri~ composer -an idea originated by costume designer Anthony Powell. The producers chose John Lanchbery, .whose hobby is movies and whose work lS conducung for ballet, to pick the songs. arrange and conduct. Lanchbery had arranged and conducted the music for the ballet films "Peter Rabbit," "The Turning Point" and "Nijinsky." In "Evil Under the Sun." based on the Agatha Christie det«tive story, Lanchbery decided to as- sign a tune to each character and situation. "I felt that the island was a terribly important character in the picture and needed a Jheme," La.nchbery said. "There was something about the way t~ey photographed Majorca tha t gave it a certain rolling dignity. I thought of 'l Concentrate on You' at once. ''Diana Rigg sings 'You're the Top' -so that became her tune," he said. "T he moment she s1arts to get into trouble you hear 'Get O ut o f Town (before it's too late my love)'. "When Peter Ustinov as He rcule Poirot wat- ches things from the top of the resort hotel, you hear 'I've Got My Eyes on You.' For the French Riviera, I used 'There's Nothing Like Swimming (for trimming the old physique')-." . Lanchbery liked "The re s No thmg Like Swimming" so well that h e included it in the seven-minute medley. "Porter Meets Poirot," that he arranged for the Boston Pops. It's one of the unknown Cole Porter songs. used in the picture that is copyrighted but not published. Another is "lnfonnallon Please," put in when director Guy Hamilton asked for a bit of music BY JAY SHARBtm "'Df-. c..- NEW YORK -The Greek cluak "Medea," flrat performed in 431 B.C., told of the maddened "barbarian" prtnce.. who took terrible revenae on h er falthleas husband by murdering thelr two young aona. (n 1947, Dame Judith Anderson so trium- phantly played her here, ln Rob1J\80n Jeffers' ad- ap1.tUon of Euripides' "Medea," that one awed critic wrote: "It would be useless now for anyone elae to attempt the part." But Zoe Caldwell la making that at~mpt on Broadway. And Mm Ander.>n, •till a formidable actress at 83, Is with her in the Jeffent' edition, now playing the key supporting role of the nune. Sadly though, neither this production nor Miae Caldwell's efforts are in the must-see category. Dtrected by her husband, Robert Whitehead, thia "Medea" is a disappointment, however well- intended. ·Although full of sound, fury, and David Am· ram's discreet incidental drum and flute mu.sic, it's a strangely unconvincing clasaical display of puaion, hate and overpowering lust for revenge. Save Miss Anderson's momenta and the loud, bloody -h a nded closing scene in which Medea's dead , blood-covered tykes are brought out, this piece seems ill at ease with itself, even self- conscious at times. It doesn't often grab you, involve you. The menfolk here are partly to blame, among them Mu.chell Ryan as Jason, the unhappy, oppor· tunislic hearty who's casting &aide Medea to wed the lovely young daughter of Creon, King of Co- rinth. His Jason -John Gielgud had the part in 1947 -is a routine one, a huge, bearded party who ('Ompetently but none too memorably agonizes, bellows, briefl y beams, then, at the finale, cries out m horror. But Medea is said to be the main event here. And Miss CaldweU's interpretation of her, while flamboyant, daring and given a standing ovation at the preview l saw, just doesn't come off. HAllllM ... ft·• •-119M!o0 ......... l'UZA lliuHtSlJt UIWMH CllOI& CUTOI Co<l.i ~ 919 .... A P«!rnolrt Pic:tl.tt ~. -~-:.:.::: '. ,,. ....... ...._ .. _. NOWPLAYINO llW ... la.IUC« f.WUM fOWTa. H Ull (I'•• ~II ueo ,_ V*'t IJt '~ .. nr. C1mJl&I ~..., ~ w-HJ 124l ..__ ,,.. f9'>'111 f.WA191 WHllAIW ,AC:lflC..,.,.. Celll .,,,_,.SS• 06SS l ...... ~ ·~ ISU .. .. ,........ ..._. .......... Wt-UI Mtl ••--., UWMM MITI COUl nAU T ... ClaTtl C_... ColU W." 'S' ctl• ' "CAT PEOPLe" (R) .......... ,... ... 04STRIPES" ,.. "GROOVE TUN" (IQ MOVIE RA1'llGS FOR MRBn'S AND YOUNG PEOPLE : IRI MaffllC)TIO I U.... " .......... --~•'!11'1"''~1~111. I ,._If'~~ {r.y:.,."~w=r·~J ~~~~ggo *"'~IJ/.WJ am ~ 1:00 10:00 ..,,, .. m Showe •• 7:30 9:30 ~-~"'-mCI ~ an O.C... WtnM<I BUT PICTURE I P4.., ~ ~ Rllledne Mwt f.nOnllne ... Eoonomv ... •int 1n Ho111 Only 12·00 2 3015:00 7:30. 9:66 OfflRE 12.00 2:316; 10 7 .46 10 10 Winner I 9AJDIAI OF THE Piosr ARI( m 1:•a 4:301:30 10:00 am 1:00 3:15 a:30 7:415 10:10 lfliEfbl4(12J6s~ 9'282/~~) ..._ Mii ~ l·•••O c:..wtlJI ..iyt(T01l 'Pld6U4 PERSONAL BEST IPGI am STRIPES [!) RICHARD PRYOR THE GROOVE TUBE (Rl LM ON THE SUNSET STRIP A LITTLE SEX (RI ~HWtnnerl CJ * ORIVE INS OPEN 8:00 WEEKNIGMTS/7 JO WEEKENDS * Ch1ldten Unde1 12 f REE Ut1len N o1e<t •BARGAIN MATINEES * Monday thru Saturday All Pe{formancH before 5:00 PM I ElclpC I pedal En9191f'lllflta and Holidays I I#. tr.ilUt#i l,#; ... A lt M1rodo 01 loaectona LA MIRADA WALK ·IN 994·2400 "OU!IT FOR FlRF' 1•1 ·---.......... -. •aY POCfUM NCI --..Of • "CHANOTI Of' l'N" ll'Ol- tU.. HI. UI.-. - "PORKY'I " 1111 tut .......... -- LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IN -eoMa IUMO Of' HEIO" l"I _____ , ... ... YOUCOUU>_.. WHAT I t9Mr' (ll'CI) 1:11,li:ll,Wl,at10, .. lAKfWOOD C ENTER SOUTH Wit.I• •H mlT---"OM QOU)Ut l'OMD" .. , ----- L A.'i\JN~ "VICTOR VtcTORtA" 1P01 .... , ......... ,.__ "PARTNERS" 1111 tl.M, ~ ... , ,. .... ,, ,, "IF YOU COULD SEE WHAT I HEAR"''°' 11;# ,.. ........... ,.. foc1.111y ot Col'ldlewo04 21J/H1·9110 "PARTNERS" 1111 .,.... ,. ......... 11 .. ... _._.,.___,., • "CHAlllOT• Of' FN" l"OI __ .... __ so . COAST WALi< IN 101.1111 Cooat Hlwoy ot ltoodwoy 494-1514 ... OOCTUM M fl« ....,. "CHAIUOTS OF FIRE" IPGI ....,. , •.. "'"-nt.-. •• .. AP1AMi tw" ANAHEIM 0 111vE·tN CMlfl- 8 d ~4 A S'A "1t: BUENA PARK DRIVE IN llllC-A•• Wet! OI .. ftO" 111-4070 ~ + ~. ~ ...... LINCOLN 0 111vE·IN lwt<Off\ A•e We., Of C"°" 121·4070 ''.IIM&\IJi'i' So" Ote90 lrwy ol _,.,.,., C'o l "PARTNERS" 1•1 ........-. ,~ .. ....,, ............... ... """vAn u1•0Nr1•1 l'\.Ull "IUtCC>Oer 1•1 ,,_, __ .. _. .. ,. .. (111 l'\..U9 "CAT NC>t'U!" 1111 Cltltft~ "l'tllVAff llllON•" 1•1 "'ue "l'IACOUIT" 1•1 I f62•241J CINt fl SO\llllO .. • ....___°"''"'_;;_~~-~;--~_;_f_l_ I •n~M-ftM ~T90.l"N"l .. I A •'" A ' LA HABR '~ '>W:V( lp.j -·-·-... ·--17HM2 -... O RANGE r'"'' .if 1N MI S~IO N 11~·1v1 '"' .. ""' w"'""""" .... , :'1111 11 ---- '-.c>MY'9" '"' 9'119 -W•-'*•"1'11 Cllll 11 IOllllO "tom"~ MIRO""" ...,.,., . ...,., .. ,..._,.,.., "Pryor la wondcrf ull " "lw1w 111·1"'"" I lll't ANt,l'I Flt llMt:'S NOW PLAYING ua ClltfMA AllC OfWIG( MAU uwun '°'*'"" 'AUil W•\11""1\le• 89) OS•b OiinQt till 0340 ,_,.,. .. v..., '" ISOO I.IA CITY ClllfMA lDWUOI lfWl'O«f JI ... 634 391 I He,..pUtl 8"c~ 6U 0'80 MA• lllU 'LALA STADIUM Qlllff·lll MO LA MIUN ......... Btu ~19 ~339 0.d•IQe 639 8' 70 LI Mifadl 921 1706 lOWAllOI IADDUHCK toWAllDt lllllTDl MllllCMI INllfl· .. II fOfO \81 •,uo (O\li MN s•O 1444 ~ Ju4/I C4Q,,,,_ ••n 00 -0 ••Mt• 6oCCOfl• f'O't , .. l"'4601"4 .. f 4 0 ) .. ·-44 ----.. .. _____________ .........._ ...... --.-. ........... --------------~ llllyPilat WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1982 . ClASSIFlf D 04 Goniph likes the underdog role By ROGER CARLSON or ... o_..,......., On the surface you might think BUI Gompf, a product of Laauna Beach High and a three-time All-West.em Athletic c.onterence linebecker at the Univendty of Utah would rate a few levela below that of the last player tQ be .elected in the recent Nttional Football League college draft. Gompf baa signed whh the Buffalo Billa as a free agent and (barring an unannounced mlnlcamp) will leave for New Y OC'k July l. 1be 8-2, 225-pounder lm't terribly up- set about being overlooked in the draft and actU&lly figures he's better off. The Billa' roeter ilm't stocked with a lot of All-Pro names in the linebacker rank.a, which includes 32-year-old latah Robertson. And Buffalo went for only one lineback.er ln the 12 rounds of picka, After all, 28 franch1aes went through a dozen rounds, chooeing the best tney could find from graduating eenion and Gompf wasn't choeen, aomewhat similar to hla situation when he was graduated from high achool. when most looked the other way. "Initially I wu upeet," aay1 Gompf. "But a.a it's tun\ed out, it's better that I wasn't, becauae I have a choice of teama. 'l'-ve got to prove it all over again, but it's going to be worth it.' "U you're pkked in a low round you really don't have any negotiating power anyway and you're locked in by one team which Isn't nece11arlly your choice." choo8i.ng Saginaw Valley's Eugene Mar- ve on the fourth round. BUFFALO BOUND-Line- backer Bill Gomph, overloo- ked in the recent NFL draft, aays he will try to hook on with the Buffalo Bills. It's a big jump from the college level to the pro1 and Gompf says he's aware of that fact. "It's exactly the same situation.'' says Gompf from his Salt Lake City resi- dence. "I've got to prove it all over again, but it's going to be worth it." ' Gompf got together with his agent, Laguna Beach's Frank Buck, and when the dedaion was made it was Buffalo where Gompf wanted to make h.ia try ln the NFL. "There ii a little apprehension.," says Gompf, "but this is a lifetime goal. I don't know much about the Bills, except they have aome older guys there (at U- Dining with Mada1n Ram Apprehensive would be about the best task. It makes it even tougher, too, when way to describe my emotions when the RAll9 you have to ~ as you go along. ~ Ram.I' Director of. Public Relations, Jerry ·~ knew the job she inherited when Carroll Wilcox, called to inform me Monday that JOHN Roaenbloom died wasn't going to be a piece Georgia Frontiere requested my pretence at of cake and, in her defenR, she probably a special luncheon Tuelday with other ae-S.EVANQ had to step on a few toes along the way to lected members of the media. learn her trade. Mr first thought. were the usual, "Who, What Ceorgia couldn't .ee, however, at me?' and "What did I write reamtl~ that the time, was that she didn't stop with the might have been offensive to her? ' But surprise. It's no aecret Georgia has been on toea. She was stepping on aome feet and after much consternation, I decided I hadn't a goodwill tour the past few months, trying 90me bodies, too. done anything lately to qualify me for a to patch up distant, if not severed rela-Anyway, a few months back. she decided pair of cement shoes and a trip to the tionahipi. to embark on a crusade to mend those .Huntington Beach Pier, eo I aooepted. Georgia ce~ isn't willing to take all wounded and tom egoe and feelings. And, Naturally, I didn't know what to expect the blame for the bad atmosphere that has it's beginning to ahow. but, heck. how many times do you get a been created around Rams Park the put The air around Rams Park these days, , cha.nee to dine with one of the moet pow-three years, but she appears willing to ad-with everyone, couldn't be cleaner if you ' erful women -if not THE most powerful mit she made aome mistakes. were at a condominium in Mammoth. woman -in protess1ooal aporta. Being an owner of any sports franclWle Whereas her penonneJ uaed to cringe every _Ac_t_uall __ y,_th_e_g_e_t_tt>ge __ the_r_w_aan_'_t _a_to_tal ____ le_t_ alone __ o_ne_ln_th_e_NFL __ -_ian_'t_an_e_uy....:;.. ___ (.;_See __ DINING, Pqe 0%) ALL FOR NOTHING -Cleveland ahortst.op Jerry Dybzimki slides into aecond bue aft.er apparently stealing the bag safely. However, the batter was called out on 1trikes for the ......... third out, nullifying the stolen bue. Covering the play is Angels second baseman Joee Mo- reno. There • is no escape I or USC Aa the le1al forces of the University of Southern California at in .-.. to decide whether to.,. the NCAA. they lbould be a.de aware~ an lnteralina fact of the matter. USC la ltlelf one of the ~hUecta of the naJ.es under which major \lftlvenltiel ~uct their ath- letic propwm. J'urtbermore, USC ii UDOlll them collese. aanctJonln1 the NCAA to enforce tboee rul-. Therefore, it would Hem to behoove the nws"wlhlp al the NCAA to obey lta own rulea or ..,.... the orpnbatlon ~· SPORTS COl.UMHIST BUD TUCKER Angels get • six outs, hut tumble • CLEVELAND (AP) -Cleve- land Indiana Manager Dave Garcia could manage only a weak joke about his team's poor de- fensive play in a victory over the Angels. "We ju.at wanted to give the fans a thrill. We gave them six outa in the ninth," Garcia satd Tueaday night after h.ia club ba- rely held on for a 6-5 victory. The manager then grew se- rious. "That should not happen in the big leagues," he said. ''Th~• a lot of truth in it, that whenyougetintoalosingstreak. people make mistakes. Now, it's over with. But it didn't look good." The victory snapped Cleve- land's four-game skid, while Angela starter GeoH Zahn wu tagged with hia first W. in five deci1iona. Cleveland ahortatop Jerry Dybzinaki made a pair of ninth-inning errors u the Indi- ana nearly gave away a three- run lead. One came when Dyb- zinaki took hb eye off a throw from second bueman Jack Per- oonte on what might have been a game-ending double play gre>wl- der by Joae Moreno. 'n\e runners wound up at mecond and third. Then, after Bobby Grich'• ptnch groundout 900l'ed a run to make It 6-4, Dybzln1kl let a ground ball by Bob Boone ICOOt under b1a 8Jove for another run. "That ball going throuah hla Jep, I can undentand. 'lba1 can happen to anybody,'' Garcia said. "But that other play 1houldn 't ha~. With the three-run leed, you ve l'Jl to fl!\ the sure out" The Indlan9 took 80IDe of the sUnc out of the defemiw laJ*!I ~ ~ doubJea. five BILL WATERSON nebacker) and I think my best ahot a. at Buffalo. "Being able to pick the team I wanted, I wu able to get in under Chuck Knox, and I'm looking forward to that." Gompf'• llat of ~ntlall include a Utah school record of 380 tackles, 372 coming in the Cinal three years. He wu a three-time honorable menUon All- American and the team's most valuable player as a senior. With 4.65 speed for 40 yards, Gompf has never been able to really g.ai.n the recognition his statistics presumed. Gompf was a three-year starter at quarterback and linebacker while at Laguna Beach High, leading the Artiltl to a 7-2 record as a junior before forfeita wiped out the season. Running has no age limit • 'By STEVE TRIPOLI Of"ttleO.,Plklt ..... I . ., At a recent 10-kilometer run in Laguna Beac h , some of the >J heartiest cheen at the f:iniah line w e re rese rved for those who perhaps were thought to be the least likely participant.. It's not that runners over tAe age of 60 are anything new. 'They've been enjoying the sport as long as those in other age groups. YOUNG RUNNERS with well-known names and flashy finishing times usually draw the attention, however, and it ii their faces that become a.oc:iated with rwuli.ng in most minds . Tile older runners' reallOlll for taking part in the sport parallel those of their younger peers, however. ''It was one thing I could really do that I enjoyed. I was compe- ting with no one but myself," says Bill Waterson of Laguna Beach. Waterson, a lean, tanned 62, has been running for 14 years. He wouldn't think of stopping now. "You kind of get addJcted. It makes you feel so good that your body seerm to demand that sort of high." THE "HIGH" Wateraon apeaka of is getting increasing backing as scientific fact. Recent studies have indicated that running re- le ases natural body chemicals identical to those used in anti- depressant drugs. Harry Selling, 61, of Newport Beach says ~· ia just one of three regular ph 1ica.l activities for him. lie he compete in a triathlon which includes a lOK run, 15-mile bicycle trip and 660-~arc:t swim in October. "Ive always been inte~ in maintaining 90me kJnd of physi- cal conditioning," Selllng aaid. But he added that running is more than just conditioning to him. "It's fun and it feels good too. It's good just to be involved," be said SElLING SAID he runs from 20 minutes to one hour a day. three days a week. Each week- end, he spends o n e day with fellow memben of the Orange ,, County Wheelmer\ bk:ycl1ng club on a 3~-to 50-mUe trip." I Dick Whitney of Santa Ana, a 4; member of the NewpoTt Beach Sun Striden runntna club. aya that runnin& four daya a week baa improved bi.a mental lharp- nem and ability to relb. It'• a challenp alto, he aaya. but adda "I'm challenatn& only mYRlf, not other people.'' Whitney, who baa been an ~ tlve athlete for all but 10 years ol hl1 Uf e, aaya malntalnlna hla health ii a najor conaldention Uo. Kil favorite llotran about the (S. BUNNINO, .... DI) I I ~I I I I J By a limil8r ....... a~ lawad== the ltCAA would tend to dwav It )Ill 11 • Jt II lllllllJ tlJal tlm 'WI ...,.1: many Bill Nahorodny, playln1 hl1 flnt pme II.not the lndlam cal- led him ~ from Chari.tan, bit two nuw. -n. t.11 WM up hilt' two NM. "The b.n W U(>_ ha,h In the 1trtke sone." ea.Id Zahn, who pw up• IDllD7 nm9 ID 0 ~ UmlnP -ftw-• he bad tn .. ~ 42% ~ '-Jbat•e IL lt'1 llftUJ llmple." Fernando fabulous· t .......... ol lelll edlon tn the ..... TIM pnvaWnc qu.Uon la wbet.ber eollefe athlltb Deed lo be pw1ned ot oantnl09d. It__. blliml dm -orpMtdcm and ..... _.,N.lnnt o£ '"-........ -c+t"'-' lo enwal hWldnd ,=~~===·the kt I 1 did .-a& tbe iitaa 'l'lle TmjlD i:Jb:ji ----.flam ..................... .... t=::s=·-~ r1' •• llir VIC -pun-.._.,.. ................... ... .............. _,..,...AltlM,WC4111iDOC wt' J• ..... tllit;......-if C11i1 ...., • ., • dae ..-.. • azrn••h --·~-._..ta 9 II• -llii&,... tM ... dMt.-IIF JURI wUI Mah Mtes:ll' 0.. lilMiCh ... Zahn -~bly bodill'iid ---wnpre Owle Mlloney ... not ....,..u.y cUl low ptt.. ct.. llU'tba. "Tm not •Jtni he coet hUn the PllMt but lf Jou...., JO'& clan't II' a**-an \bat ptch down, It WtD .. lo 104'. tt MMda ...... Larr7 8or•nHD and Dan ~ cicmbl-d far the ... r/· .. _ ~1. '.::" up cb9 ........................ naai.&a-? ti lmllqa. lpUlner .................... ------------~---'-________ .,.._ _______ , __ ...-.~----...... --~ ....... ....;.;.~-..;,..---..,t;...--......:;...__....__. __ ..:..._~~.-..=,._,;;..~~·--~--.::-~~~~..;.:....--~..._..-.....;.....:;;~-..--.~~ \ DI Orange Cout O~ILV PILOT/Wedneeday, May 5, 1982 .---------------------------Carlton beats Giants with arm, bat From Page 01 Scne Carleo• wo n h ie thlrd • 1tral1h\ aame Tuesday nl1ht after •W'\lnl the ...,.... by lcmnl four in a DINING WITH MADAM RAM • • • UCLA tabs Brande to aid women's team Former Univenity of Hawaii as-m siatant women's volleyball coach and Orange County native Charlie Brande will join the UCLA coaching ataff in a almilar capacity in an announcement Tueeday by UCLA head coach Andy Banachowski. Brande, 34, a 1969 graduate of UC Irvine, coached at Hawaii the past two years and esta- blished himself aa one of the top fundamentalists and recruiters in the country. Prior to joining the Hawaii staff, h e led the Newport Harbor High women's (1979) and men's (1980) teams to CIF championships. "UCLA is a great pro- gram to be associated with and I'm looking forward to w o rk ing with Andy ( Banac howski) and Nina BRANDE (Matthies, assistant coach) who are both flne lndlviduals," said Brande, who will join the Bruin staff upon completion of the USVBA nationals in the latter part of May. Quote of the day Ted Turner, sportsman and TV execu - tive, in opposing a proposal to expand sp- orts blackouts on cable TV: "Professional sports needs a government-mandated monopoly like the Arabs need more oil." White Sox gain ground on Angels Greg Lulinskl's three-run homer • capped a four-run rally in lhe sixth inning Tuesday night, lifting the Chicago White Sox to a 4-3 victory cwel' Toronto. The victory helped the Whiie Sox- p1ck up a full game on the Western Oivision- leadmg Angels . . Elsewhere, Glen Hoff- man's two-run single snapped a 3-3 tie in the third inning, and Boston defeated Minnesota 5-3 row, atrlktnc out 10 battere and hi~ ~ a three-run homer u Phl1adal»hJa whlpped San J'randlco, M, to htabllcht Naiionll Lffc\.le action , .• J!!lltwhef'e, f~~ hon)e NN by 0&r'J' Tem,loCoa and SlsCo Leaeuo led San Dleao to a 7-3 victory over MontrMI. The victory wu the thlrd of the 1eason for Tim Lollar ... lteltai Heraaadea belted hta flrat homo run ol the MMOn and Ooor1e Headrick hit hi.I fifth, powerlns St. Louia put the Chicago Cube. 7-4 . . . MJke Eaaler hit a grand slain home run and Omar Moreao col- lected four hits and acored three times u Pltteburgh CMLni.t halted a four-game losing stre.ak with an 8-'4 deciaiop over Atlanta. The lo. · was the Braves' fl.nt after nine wins on the road ... Tom Seaver held Houston to four hlta in seven innlnga for his fl.nt victory of the iieason and Cesar CedHo collected three hits as Cincin- nati downed HouatoQ, !)-2. Baseball today On this date ln balebiall in 1962: Colorful Bo Belinsky -pool sh ark , "King of the Twist," and '"The Screwball with the Screwball" -became the darling of the Hollywood Jet Set as he hurled a no-hitter as the Los Angeles Angels defea- ted the Baltimore Orioles, 2-0, at Dodger Stadium. Today's birthdays: Milwaukee outfielder Larry Hisle is 35. Cincinnati infielder Ron Oester is 26. Islanders reach Stanley Cup finals Goals by Bob Bourne, Jobn To-~ aelU and Clark Glllles gave the New , York Islanders a 3-0 lead, and they held on to defeat Quebec, 4-2, Tues- day night to advance to their third straight con- secutive Stanley Cup final. The Islanders, who swept the NHL semifinals series in four games. now try to become the first United States-based team to win three straight Stanley Cups ... Elsewhere, Ivan Boldlrev scored two second- period goals and Richard Brodeur continued his brilliant play m goal as Vancouver downed Chi- cago, 5-3. to move within one game of the_ Stanley Qup playoffs. The Canucl<s can advance to the final round by beating the Black Hawks Thursday night in Chicago. Zahn named Pitcher of the month time they •w her (Ad!J!ac pull into the perk.lna lot now they almmt reUah her pn!9mCe. ~ of that, \houah, let'• get beck to the lunch. The idea of tho affair -the bralnatorm of Wilcox -wu two-fold: (a) It was a deliberate and aincere attempt to reopen communication l1net be- tween Oeorlia and the media; and (b) to the aur- pri" of th0te ln attendance, Oeorsla wanted to banter about eome ldeaa with ua on how she could make our Jobe more comfortable to perform. Both objectives were a auccesa. "but even more Impressive wu what occurred in between. There were no notebooka, no tape recordeni, no tenalons. The conversatlon.a, amo111 thoee in attendance, were light-hearted, honest and fun, mu.oh like a family ~athering at Thanksgiving. Georgia talked freely about her days on the witness stand at the Oakland Raiden-NFL antitrust auit. She alao talked about a recent vwt and sub- aequent party involving her in-lawa; how kicking the football around .with Frank CCrral helped the place-kicker di.agnoee a problem in his delivery but caused her to uf tJmately auffer a tom ligament ln her right leg; her dealings with Baltimore Colts owner Robert lrsay surrounding the Bert Jones transaction; her excitement over this year's crop of Rustler women win The Golden West College women's basketball team, with all five starters scoring in double figures, secured a spot in the upcoming Southern California tournament by edging Long Beach CC, 84-80, in a qualifying game Tueeday night. The victory, the Rustlers' 21st against five losses, matches GWC against Saddleback in the first round of the tournament Thursday (2 p.m.) at Cerritos College. The Rustlers have been seeded No. 3 in the tournament with Santa Monica No. l and Ora.nRe Coast College No. 2. Santa Monica beat out GWC for the Southern Cal Conference championahip. Orange Coast will also open play Thunday playing Moorpark. · The Rusl.lers, ln defeating the Vikings, got a game-high 30 polnts from center Janet Ramaekers. Teammate Jill Guthrie added 20 points, while Kelly Harrison had 13, Teresa Rae 11 and Carol Krikorian 10. cheerleaden and their routlnee; and her procrMU· oiatlon toward dletlna. To say the leut, the luncheon w.-tn~ And, more importantly, it accomplt.hed what Georgia wanted lt to. Everyone ln attendance left with a po91tive attitude. • • • ONE INTERESTING bit of new1 that came from the luncheon WM a pomible ~ueaear, fPJtll! the Rama may become involved wi ln Cuba. ll aeems a sroup hu contacted the a.a.. at well aa other NFL clube, in the hopM It can lure a couple of teams into playing a preseMOn cont.est for Fidel Castro in Cuba In 1983. Georgia said she hadn't really had tlme to 9'>C· plore the possibility of such a venture, but that auch a Idea definitely intri~ed her. "Anything to help promote better rela&tom between the two countries," she said. "I th1n.k lt would be a good idea." From Page 01 TUCKER COLUMN ... naturalJy curious and asked why. "So my parents can come to Arkansas and see me play," Pat replied. Hardly the wheeling and dealing of a criminal element, but the rules we re nonetheless being abused. During the invest1gallon of USC by the forces of the NCAA, another it.em mentioned was the fact an assistant C'>aCh purchased a sandwich on campus for a potential recruit. I t was nev er revealed whether the sandwich was a ham on rye or a knackwurst on pumpernickel but in the probing eyes of the NCAA, a sandwich is a sandwich. Still, 1t is understandable that a school being ~lted with heavy penalties for seemingly minor infractions :-would be the least upset. Similarly, it is not surpnsmgly that cries of possible legal action have been raised many times in the past. rt IS al.so significant that in a couple of decAdes of hearing the whimpers of punished schools, I have never heard a word of sympathy come from an- other 1nsutut1on. Therefore, legal action by USC in the ticket scalping business would be frowned '-Apon by the membership and 1t IS enllrely likely the necessary pressure Will be brought tn bear. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for the Red Sox' fifth con- aecutlve victory. Boston has now won 13 o f its last 14 games . . . Charlie Moore Cliicked a two-run homer in th" sixth inning, and Jim Slaton threw 4 ~ innings of one-hit relief to lead the Mil- waukee Brewers Ito a 9-5 · verdict over Kansas City. Ben Oglivie hit a solo home run LUZ1NU1 for the Brewers . . . Center fjelder Al Bumbry was charged with an error on Jim E11lan'1 run-scoring single in the ninth in- ning, allowing a second run to 900re and giving Seatl.le a 4-3 victory over Baltimore . . . Cite& Lemon scored the lie-breaking run on a wild throw by Texas second baseman Doag Flynn in the eighth 1nnmg, and Detroit defeated Texas, 4-3 . . Tony Armaa doubled in fwo runs in the top of the 13th inmng to break a 7-7 tie and give Oakland its ~ighth straight victory, a 9-7 decision over the New York Yankees. Geoff Zabn of the Angels was II named Pitcher of the month for April by the American League Tuesday. Zahn won four games during the month, pitching three complete games in five starts. In 42~ innings. he allowed 31 hits and five earned runs. His two shutouts helped him to a 1.05 ERA for the month ... Baltimore Orioles first baseman Eddie Marray, who led the American League in slugging percentage for the month of April with a .794 mark and an on-base percentage of .506. was named the league 's Player of the Month ... A specific charge made against t)u#Un1vers1ty of fllinois in connection with the recruiting of two junior college football players led to the current inquiry. Television. radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: No events scheduled. THURSDAY'S RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at Montreal, 10:30 a.m., KA.BC (790). From Page 01 From Page 01 THE PERFECT BLEND OF MUSIC Z4HOURS Herb Alpert Johnny Mann Manuel Johnny Mathis George Shearing Chet Atkins Paul Robinson Helen Reddy Nome Paramor Sounds Orchestral Arthur Greenslade Bitty Joef Noonan Candler Seals & Crofts Michel Legrand Jane Ofivor Paul Mauriat Ronnie AJdtich John Gr8QOfY James Taytor RUNNING • • sport i5 "l run for my life," the bearded 62-year-old said. R UNNING OR not running can change one!s life m several ways, the three attest. Whitney says he gained 50 pounds be· tween the ages of 35 and 45, a period when he gave in to the sedentary lifestyle of the busi- ness world. The only physical problem as- sociated with his sport now is how bad he feels when forced to Jay off running for a while, he said. "I feel low and I get touchy. Everything seems a little worae." Waterson, who said his early days of running were "quite a grind,'' credits the sport and a low-fat diet with dropping his weight from 190 to his present 150 pounds. Running also fills a lifelong desire to "make good at some- thing in the physical realm," he said. FERNANDO FABULOUS • • • ninth, a aolid single to center off' of loeer Neil Allen, 0-2. ''We knew he could hit, and he was still throwing the ball well," said Luorda, explaining why he didn't bat for Valenzuela, and denylng it had anything to do with the shape of the Dodgers' flame-throwing bullpen. Steve Sax put down a well- placed bunt, one that Allen pit- ched into rlght field and the Dodgen had runners at att<>nd and third. After the Mets walked Steve Garvey intentionally, Baker, who wu hitless in 17 at bats at the start of the night, came throulh with the game-winning hit, his ~over the Mets' drawn-in "I don't feel great, but I feel a lot better than I did lut night," he said ol hia O-for-6 at the plate that resulted in a rearranged clubhouae. Fernando. He's been pitching well, but he had nothing to show for it." Valenzuela scattered seven hits over nine innings, striking out a season-high seven. The Mets scored in the thlrd inning when Mookie Wilaon, who had four singles, the first player to get four hita in a game off of Valenzuela, led off the inning with a ba!Je hit and stole second. After Valenzuela fanned Bott Bailor and George Foster, Dave Kingman cracked a single to left for the run. The Dodgers tied the acore in the fifth, when Garvey drove home Sax who had tingled with one out, stolen second and rea- ched third on a puled ball; and then Valenzuela got stronger. He pennitted only four hits the final six innings, and was espe- cially impressive ln the top of the ninth when he caught eltch hit- ter Joel Youngblood looking at a . ADAY KDCM taa.1 FMSTERED Hugo Wtntematter Perry La Marca John Sany MeUssa Manchester George Martin The Lettermen Johnny Douglas Bany Manilow Waldo de 1os Rios Chat1ie 8yYd Geoff Love Atta Coolidge Bet1 Kae(npf 8'1 Sergk> Mendes Lee Holdridge Roger Whfttaker WHITNEY SAID running with fellow Sun Strlders produces a good feeling of camaraderie. He al9o said hia running may be an inspiration to young people. "We needed this win,'' he went on. "It wu impor1ant for us to win it with a tough trlp corning up, and it waa impoi:tant }or fastball for strike three, leaving ir;;~~~;;;;;:;Tltllr=;;;;;liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Hubie Brooka, who had doubled, • on second. George Bamberger, the New York manager, wu im- "Sometime• as 1 run p ast Foothill High School (In Santa Ana) the young people wave. Just the warmth of their ex- presaiona gives me the feeling that maybe I'm motivating them." he said. GWC rained out pl'ftled. "He'• a great pitcher," he said of Valenzuela. "He pitched an SeMoe nm. s-.. Your 0oot Golden Wect College's South-outatandJ.ns pme. So did (Mike) rc.111ore ..., ... Your ~J ern Cal Conference baeeball Scott. They both pitched well, ~~~;.!..,2" game with host Loe Angeles City and both deemved to win." ---· College wu poalponed Tuesday The Dodgen betPn an 11-pme -==-~~1 becaU9eofraln. --~~~~~~~roed~~trl~-Th~W'lunda_;.;;~r..-;.in~Mon.;.,._._treal~.-..!~"-!!!!!!!•~··~·,,.,!!!!!!!~·-:!!:!:••~·~·~~~wy~4~ Gauchos roll on SAN MARCOS -Finl bueman Tom Link went 5-for·G. stole four bMes and knocked ln a pair of rum Tueeday to sperll Sadd.lebeck Colle«e to an euy 13-2 victory over hoat Palomar In Mi8tion Conference buebAll 9Ction. Link, a freshman from La1una Hilla Hlah, l)llCed the Oauchoa' 16-hit attack, while teammate &b Oray belted a aolo home run and added a doub.a. ln hJa 3-f~~ day. •By wlnnln1. the Gauchos improved their Southnn Dlvbion-leadJna record to 16·8. The oaumc. hllVe two sam-reina1n1Nr on the felU)ar tchedule, tncludlnt Tbunday'1 11'owdown whb IOCDnd~plam (in the Southern OtvWon) Soutbw. tern. n..day attarnoon. the 0.ucbol II" ........... BrtMI XinMy all the Niii bl meded An the fin& two llu ... JumP.nc e C.Gmltl ltAl'W WW "YB' lot b.rnmm. ledclllbM* ~ a ftw.nm ,_. aftir' Ow ....... bUt broa the ·..-open with • av.nan ............. ~after twoou'8. Rancho Mesa Verde Athletic Club • 7()()() J\1/<''''' J\v,·. (,,,to ,\1,.,,, 8ACK 8Y POPUl.AR IMllANOI Full Weight Training Paclllty. Nautilus -"-Wei9ht1 -Mochtn• .......................... ..., ... .. ····················-·· ..... ~ Harrieft's Rucholas 1Uol1 ·- • ,· I I I Untouchables • win state soccer title The Untouchablea, a No rth Huntln1ton Beach clu b soccer team of boya, 12-years-old and under, wer e juat t ha t Sunday when they acored a 1-0 victory over West Valley United of Santa Clara to win the 1982 Milk Cup state champtonahlp tournament In Visalia. The Mllk C up is the only amateu r soe<:er tour na me nt in which two state organizations - the California Youth Soa.-er Or- ganization (CYSO) North and South -are represented. The Untouch ables' J eff Rey- nolds scored the lone goal S un- day, while teammate Jim Ustick recorded the shu tout in goal. Hy winning, the Untouchables will now advance to to the Pacific Coast Region als, sch eduled for the Memorial Day w eekend In Vancouver, British Columbia. T eam m e m ber s a r e J ohn Apostle, Lance Barker, Rodney Barker, Da rin Fishman, Brian Giuliano, Scott H olt, Mich ael Lapper, Ryan Lee, Geoff Myers, Jeff Reyn olds, M ark Roosen , M ich ael S a nde l , J im Ustick, Scott Volk and Jeff Zisko. ~ . . . " MAJOf' LEAGUE IT ANOINOl AIMricM!Lugue -~OMMon W L ll'ct. Ga ....... ci.caoo Oalltand Kanau Clly s..11 .. Minnesota Te.aa ,, 9 65-C 13 II 591 15 ,, 577 13 10 565 12 15 ~4 9 17 346 8 14 300 EeeMf'ft~ 11 7 708 15 9 625 12 9 571 9 13 409 9 13 409 2 2 2'>\ s·~ 8 8 2 3•,.. 7 7 Boa1on Def root Mllweul< .. c~ New York Toronto BeOllnore II 14 391 7'' 8 14 364 8 T-eet'ee-.. Cle¥eiend 6. ....... 5 Salltll 4, Ball'"-• 3 • Boston S. M-a 3 o.trott 4, l .. M 3 Oektana 8 ..._York 7 113 onntngal Cr.:.go 4, Toronto 3 Mh-• 9 K9MU City 6 T.....,_t'aO-.. Ka-City (Blue 1·21 at MllwM• (Hua 1·21 Te .. s \HOUQl1 ?·21 at OetroU (Wotcoa 1 ·21 Monnaaota (Enckaon 3-2) at Bollon (Torrez 2· 1) Toronto (Leal 2· 11 at Ch~ (Trout 1·2) Only o-ach410ul.o Matton.I LH11ue W..Mf'ft °'""°" W L l'et. 08 Atlente 18 7 720 15 11 657 12 13 480 11 13 4$6 11 14 440 7 6 a·~ 7 San CMgo ~ Clncinnllll Sen Fran<:1aco HOullon ,, 15 423 7'1t SI Louts Mon tr ... Hew York Pcttabufgh c~ beWll OMa6on 17 9 M 12. 9 571 12 13 480 9 13 409 8 17 320 ,_., .. ._... Dc>OQflrl 2, ..._ York I C1ne1nnat1 5 Houston 2 Ptti.burgh 8, Alleoll 4 SI Louis 7. ChlCllQO 4 San 00.00 7, Montreal 3 Phlled411PN• 9, San Francl9CO 4 TM!tht'•O-Houston (Sutlon 3 · O a t C1nc1nn•ll (Pestor• 3-11 Chle:ego (Bird 1-•I at St Louot lRt~on 1-11 Allante (8adroalan 2·01 al PlllaDurgll (RllOCl«o 0-31 Only 11-acheclul.cl AMERICAN LEAGUE lndlene I , Angeta 5 C~OllMA CLE'YnANO .. ,..... . ...... e>o.n;no II 5 I 2 0 ABanstr ti s 0 I , (;¥-fo 4 0 t 0 Hatrall 3b 5 1 I 0 Lynn cf 4 0 1 I Hr-.1b 3 2 I 1 Jedi_, rt 4 1 1 o lllomtn Oh 3 1 2 1 Baylor dh 4 1 t 0 Nllhtdny c 4 0 2 2 OeCinCI 30 4 I I 0 Hayee rt 4 0 0 0 Morano 2t> 3 I 0 0 Mlln!'lnq Cf 4 1 1 0 FollM 3 0 1 1 Prcnw,2b 4 1 2 0 Grldl pfl 1 0 4 I l)yt>dCI M 2 0 I I &oonec 4 0 1 1 I( ..... Pf 0 0 0 0 TOlala 3e s 8 4 Tot• 34 8 II e ._...., ...... Cellfonlia oocJ 020 o 12-5 ~ 110 030 011-8 E-,._conle, ()yt>ZJnakl OP-Clewland 2. L08 -C alllor1111 S. Cloe lamf 8 211-Tflomton. ,._cont., H•r.,. HllN)r- Nahbrodnr 2. MMWllnQ C...... •MfllPl•IO z..hll(L,._11 6\li 8 5 6 2 3 8.,,._ l\li 1 0 0 2 I HMllliw \li 00001 S.-iCfllll I 2 I I 0 0 ....... ==i;·I) N 1 I I I 2 , ... 2 2 0 0 2 ..,._ ..,_.~T -2:21. A -1"31. --.,. ._ a...... a S.lltl 000 010 012-4 10 0 ~ 012 000 000-1 4 I ... ltOfl, V111d•b•tO (8) 1nd En l•n: 0 M.nlMt, Stewllf1 (I), f M•rtlnet (t) 111<1 0-~•"1.· W-N .. 1011 (1·'6), L-Stewatl 12·21 •· ·v~t (I) HAll-t 110more, lo .. 1111e1n (4). 8H ltle. 11ro119lll•r ( 11 ... _._040 STATE CHAMPS -The North Hunting ton Beach Untou - chables, a n under-12 club soccer team, captured the state championship S unday in Visalia, defeating West Valley Un- ited of Santa Clara, 1-0. The Untouchables will next play in 8 I .,.....,. •. "°7• s Kenaas Coty 103 010 000-S 8 2 M""'aui.ee 111 012 30•-9 12 1 GUia Wright (2). Jac11_, (61 end Wathen McClure. Sttton (SI end Simmons. Yost (81 w Slaton 11·01 L Jackson (3· 11 HRs- Ka""' City "'1a'11n 15) Milwaukee <>Qttvoe (6) Moore ( 11 A 7.8-48 NATIONAL L&AQUE Dodgere 2, Mete 1 ... YOM L08 AMCMUI •rlllll M> •II bl Wlleon,cf 4 1 4 0 S&li.2D 4 1 2 0 8alor.2b 4 0 I 0 o.r...y.1D 3 0 I I ~JI 3 0 0 0 BM•.11 S 0 2 1 KJnomn, 1b 3 0 I 1 Moncley,rt • 0 0 0 Valntn.rf 4 0 0 0 C.,,30 3 0 1 0 Steama.c 4 o o o Guerr•.Cf 4 o 1 O 8toolle,3b 4 0 I 0 Sc:tc.cia.c 3 0 0 0 GrdrW.M 3 0 0 0 R........ 4 0 1 0 M.Sc:o(l.p 3 0 0 0 Valndll.p 4 0 1 0 Yngbld.pll 1 0 0 0 0 Tlvna.pt 0 I 0 0 Allen.p 0 0 0 0 loi.68 33 1 7 I T~ 34 2 8 2 ._..., ...... ,_ YOrl< 00 I 000 000-1 Loe Ange6M 000 010 001-2 None OUI -WWVllng run -.0 E -Belor. Alln OP -Loe ~ t L08 -..._ Yori< 8, Loe Ange6M IS". 28 - Btoolle. 38 -Guerr•o. Sii -Wlleoll. SU 8-Su. .... v .... • 8 "••"•'° 7 I 1 3 0 M Scott 0 2 I 1 I 0 Alen (L.0-2) Lea ......... Valnd9(W ,3-3) 9 7 I 1 3 1 Alen pllctled 10 4 betl9" 111 tM 8th P9 -s-l -2 42, A -36,718 ""•'" ........ 4 Allenta O 10 000 030 • 8 1 P11111>urgh 205 100 00•-8 13 0 Cowiey. HeMa 141 Alvarer 171. M<:Wllllama (8) end Pocoroba. 0 Robinson Scurry 181 Tekulve (81 and T Pena W -0 Aobonaon (2-01 L-Cowiey (0 I) HRs Atlante MUI phy (8J Hor,_ (7) HubD.,d (2) PrltsbufQI> E.-(31 A-4 836 ,_.... s. A•l•oe 2 Houston ooo ooo 110-2 e 1 Ctnetnnall 200 001 1h-S 13 1 Kneppet LeCoae (61 L.CO.tt1171 0 Smith t81 and AthDy See•tr. Hume 181 and Tre· vono w -Seaver (I 3) L Knepper (1·3) S Hurne(61 A-15,119 C.,dlftMa 7, Cube 4 ChlCllQO 000 010 300-4 5 0 SI Louta 007 021 02•-7 17 0 Jenktns. T1drow (61 w Hernander (61 Camp-(71 and Morelend. AnduJ6t Sutler (71 a nd Po'1er W Andu1ar (3·21 L J«il<ons (2·31 S-Su1ter (91 HFU-St LOU<S I( Hernanoez ( 11 H.00-ICk 15) A-22 123 ,,..._ 7, E1poe S Montr .. I 000 010 200-3 10 2 Sen 00.00 300 020 02• -7 11 0 Burros. LM (S). Smith (7) lltlO Carle<. LOI tar Loc.s (71, Chiller 181 and T Kennedy W -Lollw \3·1) L Burris (0·51 S-Chtff., (11 HR1-San 01900. Templeton (11. Lei ceno (3~ Montr_,, Wllledl (2~ A -12,012 ............ Olen•• 4 PhllecHIPNll 031 030 200-ll 11 1 Sen frandec:o 011 200 000-4 9 3 c:.rtlon. Aeecl (81 and B Ooer. G~ Bau (51 Breining C71 Monton (9) and Ransom w Carlton (3·41 L Gal• I 1·21 HR1- Ph1ladelph1a. Carll on f 1 I Vukovich 11 l A 5656 Top 10 {....., ... u el a.t•) AMIAICAM LUOUf 0 A8 A Hl'ct. Bon"811. Tor onto 19 so t 1 20 400 E MU1ray. Baltomore 2' 85 11 32 376 ~ M-• 21 66 12 32 372 Martin Kenses City 23 71 13 29 372 Hwrall. C-lllld 21 81 20 30 370 o • ...,. Bemmore 22 79 17 29 367 " ""'*'· M"1n 20 72 , 1 2tl 3411 lorg. Toronlo 19 48 S 17 354 Paclorett. Chlcego 21 112 6 29 354 C1ti.11, o.trOll 23 94 11 33 351 HooMltune Hrbell, MIMMO!e. 8. Dew .... Anoele, 71 H..-ten. c..,...anc1, 8, <>Qllv ... M11wauliee. 6. 7 T..O Wllh 6 !MM .......... Hrb4k. Mtnntao~22, Thornton. Cleve· lend. 21, McRM, City. 21. OgtMe, Mllweul< .. , 20. Otis. tnM1 City.20 ........ o.cw.M) Hoyl, ClllceOO. M . 1 000. c.udlll. S..11 ... 3-1, Zahn .......... •·1: Ectitrtt.y, 8oe10fl, 3-1: fudor. &o11on, 3-1 Barller. c ...... eno. 3-1: Saucier, 0.1ro<1. 3-i. Guldty. Hew Yorll, 3·1, AllM, A1199I•, a-1: 8ur111. Chlci1go, 3· I, G Jacoon, Kenan Clly, 3· 1: Fro11. KenH• CUy, 3·1. J JonH. Olkland, 3·1, f Bennielllr. SNlll•. 3.1 MAnotlM. LaACMl9 ..... "" ..... J. ~ Plttl. 22 ea 20 '° .-Moftlmel. O'llCeOO n .. 12 M ta Col CIJCb 1, CIM. U M 14 JI JN IM4F -~ ........ w~ CNceao " .. • n ·""' O,lfnllh, at. LOI.it 24 M 12 10 .'41 ~ I t \.oull 21 ... 6 11 .m Wlleofl, .... Yon 14 IOI 14 It .NO ""1. JONl.:.1911 0l900 to II 21 27 .UI IAIOMO, -01-oo ft to 11 tt .U7 ........... J. T~, ,.llMWtf\, t: K11i9mt111, .... YOf'll, I:....,...,~ I; Hotllef, .. ..,..,:~ ... -..w ......... "· ~ ""'" ht~, f4LK· "9ftla11-.a, It. 1.0Je. J I: K'""'*1. ,._ YM. to: T. ~. len Oleijo. , .. ...... (IDllMIMI ,._ • UMt. ~ ...... ..,. '*'°· M: ...... -:.-Z· M: ....... Mollo trell,4ot: .............. ,; ...... ,.._......,..,t.h "9..-...NewY..tl, .. ~0...---~1 ....... ~ 1·1: J, lifl•re, ... 111te11, l•t: t11U•11. ....... ,l ............. ,. ..... ......... " MlllMlc~~ ..... ~~ ....... t CIO -:&·~~~l('f ..... ,., =~i~'I:. ~--. Oii ....... ~. -· °""' Communltz coll99e b6cll.t>acll 1 , PeloMat 2 Saooiebacl< 130 10s 202 -13 16 o PelOmar 010 000 010 2 5 5 l(onMy end in.on Ftynl Rooum (61 Koran 161 CorOe<y t91 ano LAnOrath w l(onney (6-IJ L -Flynt 2B Gray (St Loni< (SI Ha/In (SI Lee tSI. ~· (P). Corcoran (Pl )8 Perry tSI HR Gray (SI. Snyder 1P, STANDINGS South CoHI Conference W L Ga Orange Coe\1 U 3 CemlOS 12 4 1 r Santa An• 12 6 2'> F..ue<ton 8 8 5'• M1 San Antonio 6 10 7 San e>o.go Mei.a S 12 9 Groumorit I IS 17· Tueedaf • Scor .. Santa Ana 8 Ml San An1on10 1 Fut1er1on 7 San Diego Meaa 4 C.rossmonl al C..rnoa (ppO raon) Thuradaf a Oamea San Oteoo MM& 11 Orange Coa11 Fullerton a1 Cernlol Mt San An1onoo at Grnumnnt Southern Cal Conference (S.Cond H .. f) Roo Hondo w 6 6 s s 4 L QI 2 LA H.,t>or GOiden Ml Santa Montea a..iLA Cyp•en 4 Loa Ang411es CC 3 LA Soutllwesl 0 ,.....,., .• s.: ... .. 3 3 J • 1 , t ~ ~ ( 9 6'1 QeNeri W..C et i... ......... C<: ( ....... .....,) Ea.ti LO. AnoeteS al l;YPfllt tPCXI r111n1 Aoo Hondo 5 Santa MOiiie• S 1wooenoeo 11• 1nn.ng1 ratn, LA Harbor 10 LA Sourh .. nt 3 15 , on n•noi ram) llour.claY'• 0...... ._..Moftlce CC •t ~W .. t L09 AnQ<!IM cc ., Roo Hondo l A Haroor •1 Eatt lOI Angeles Cv0<en at LA Southw•t Mia.ton Conference ---Ol•lelorl w 16 L oa 6 Sad<llebecll So..1,,_1.,n a-a...o cc .... iOf"'ll' 14 8 2 11 II S 9 IJ 1 C1uui. f,an B~nardtnO Rlv~r SOC)f! CC Cl'l•ttey Tue•der'• korH SeOOtebaCI< 13 Paoomao ? IS 7 " 11 4 7 1• I 4 17 IO'A '>d n Ott!<;!O CC 6 Soutn ... est~•n I San ~nard•no 1 C11ru• 6 Fl•V'!'St~ al Chalfey tl>llCI •••nl HtQH ICHOOL ... View L....-Pr..,ma ~ """"""' ..... , .... 100 (hHI I) -1 Thlg~n (S). 11 I, 2 Maritn (COM), 11 6, ('*1211. L)'l>eor09r (ET), 11 1; 2 Polukl (Eal), ti 3, 3 ~-(S), 11.4, (llMl 3) 1. SWMZ'f (ET). 11 2: 2. Bradley (5). 11.3, 3. H ... (VI. 11 4 200 (heel 1) -1. Allder_, (V). 23 I, 2 Tremmell (I). 23. I. ('*I 2) I Lybetper (ET), 22 & (Ilea leeQll8 record~ 2 HW (U), 22 8, (heel 3) I. Poieeat (!.al). 22 6, 2 Hornet (U). 23 3. (Mtl •I 1 Thigpen (S). 22.5 (llM ~ rec:otd). 2 5-y (ET), 2i 7 400 (llH 1 11 -I Homer (U). 80 #. 2 Nguy9f1 (CM). &I.I . (llMI 2) 1 ~ (CM). &O 1. 2 Sliva (8). Sl.3, l'-1 31 1 Mc:GUlll· ,_.(COM), 50 7, 2 Polukl (Eal). 50.9; ('-1 3) I Bennyworth (8), 60 I. 2 Hterlllly (!), 61.1. llOO (Mtl II -I AncMr_, (CdM), 1:&1.7. 2 Logan (ET). 2.01 9, 3 0.-Nrt (8). 2:02 5 • 4 W~e (I). 2 02 9, (heel 21 1 0.go <CM). 1 57 I. 2 Simma (1). I H 5 3 Holland (CdM). 2 00 0, 4 VwOI ($), 2 00 2 1.600 -(hHt 1) I Ander•on (Cd MI. 4 23 9. 2 Crawford (COM), 4.24 3; 3 Mc· Cenhy (Eal). 4.2• 7, 4 Medine (CM~ 4:25.2. (llMl 2) I.~ (VJ.• 24 5· 2. Oeel<a (\I). 4 26.11; 3 HOiiand (CdM), 4:2T.2: 4. 8hultt (Ul,4:17.8. 100LH -(llH I 11 1 C•~ (8), 15.7: 2. 8et"91 (CdM). 16.8; 3. s.irnm.~~ 1: 4. 8-(&!). IU : (llMI 2) 1. M (8), 1U: 2. Ek111c1u1 (E't). 18.t; a. Oollty (CdMI. 1e 1: 4. 8ucco1t IV). tll 1. 300l.H -l'-1 1) 1. Gnlgo (CM). at.O: t Bowin (Ell). .O.t: t. ~ {t). 41.l; (?IMI 2) I COvlftaton (ET). 315: 2 h ••ywonll (8). 38 0, 3. Welldnt (U). 4 1.7. (i-t 3) '· Sltro· -cai. au: 2. ~(VJ.•·•· WomM 100 1'-1 11 -1. Vf/11 l-' 18), 12.e; 2 Kllller (CdM). 1S.1; (Mel 21 -. ~ (8). 11.2: 2. Pno.<CM>. 1a.o: a. t-(£1'). •a.1: (l!Mt 3) I. Aegella (U). 12 4: ~ 8-IOert (el, 12 t; 3. Mor1on 111. 1$, I. 200 {hMI I) -I. wtllll (8), 2U; t . Ao-... IV). 25.I; I.~ CC4MJ. 21.a: ('-1 21 1. Vf/11 EM! (I). 21 1: t. l"rlOt (OM}. 21.4, ~13) 1.~ M. "O; 2. ... (I). It.I: a. Tumer 27.2 .. ~ ~·,_. II -I. o.laoy (NH). ... ti 2 l"rlOt ( I :0 U : ('-1 2) t. Lea (!). 1 ;00.0; 2. 8o\fd ( ). l:OOA; ~I t) 1. ""'-"(IT). 67.2 (llel ..... *Onf)I t, Dot (VI. 1:0o.t: !II.at 4) t, ~ (U), 1:00.1: 2. Mofllf'Mll IT), tlOU . IOO ('-! 11-1 ........ 11.t). 2:2o.t: 2. t.tcLauglllln IV), 1:11;f; a. )IOfO• (CM). t:tl 1; 4, ~ (NH). ..,. ... (llMt I) 1 . ,.._ (U). ~11.1: i. ~ Kih: 1-.20.1: .. v...-111. U0.7·4.~iiiil.au 11~ -(Nee 1) t, ........ t. •-fQoolt. 1i1u 1:11.1; 4 AnMlltrM CY>. i':~... t ) ,, ,....., ~~·~~t:r.'..:'~l,°iilU: 100LH --I) t. ~I 14.ft, IWflt (NH). tU: t. ~ _.,, a1· t) t. berti tU· I. tU· t. ¥.17£-~ 1t:.iit. ..... ti?.. -o-tf>1,IMA.UO-.-,MON); t. ONMll ~ ...... ...,... e=..~!1 ~\'~=-~1~~ r:'.r ., \~~'\.n. &I: ..... ,..... ·~'.::c:" .. ...... (• I .... , 100-("••t ti ""'" (OV), to Oi a. tOOflOO (fV), 10 4, J .... l"'I. '°'" 4, Mttterllleler,Hl).1. 10 I, 6 JohMOfl~d.), .... '""" ' -'°'· 2 l'V). 10 I , l•t~m(HI), 10 81 ,,......,....., .. ,,. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedneaday, May 5, 1982 oa Delfr "-1 1Wt "-oto the Pacific Coast regionals, set for Memorial Day weekend in Vancouver. British Columbia. T he team is coached by J im Bald (center, back row) and managed by Errol Giuliano (left, back row). 720 (Heel I) I Brown IOVI 23 0 2 Soonoo (FVI 23 8 3 8'Sh()J) IHB) 24 o. 4 Soler tWm t 2• ' !Heat 21 1 GuHI 10V1 12 8 2 B"m (HBI 22 9 J 1ranqWm I 23 4 • Jonneon tEd I 23 6 uo (Heat 1J 1 Guell 1ov1 49 8 2 Se>e<ie 1FV1 53 0 3 K.,ps!l \EO I. 55 9 (HNI 21 1 E,,,.,y tFVI SO 4 2 Trani (Wm I. 51 !I 3 Bl•hOP (HBI 53 1 4 Bou .. ! I Mat), ~ 6 S N-W<I (Ed) a&O-(HMI I) I Monon (Wm.), 1.51.3. 2. "'10•her (FVJ. I 58 II 3 Anderton (FVt 2 03 a, 4 Mullner (H8). 2 06 6 Kupeh 1to 1 / t4 tS (Heat ?t 1 RamHy (Wm I 1 04 6 2 Pat!. .. \Mar I 2 14 I I Mole (HNI 11 I Ero<:t.aon 1FV1 4 28 I 2 BauQ" (HBI 4 le 4 3 Menn IFVl. 4 43 ~ • He<nanoez tHBl • u 4 1Heel 21 , ~ 1Fv1 4 36 1 2 Jonnson IHBI 4 37 7 J wa11n 1ov1 • •8 1 •.Lawson 10V) 4 50 • !20HH IHHI II 1 Zumwalt IEd I t~ 2 2 Anorewa tfVI I!> 3 3 Mallgum 10Vl IS 8, • (;11coa 1HB1 15 8 IHH! 21 1 Nochola (l'VI 14 9, 2 Lui (Mar.~ IS•. 3 l ...... (F\11. 15 7; • Van Co<"....., (H8). 16 11. J.>UlM (Heat 1 t 1 .t,ndre .. s 1Fv1 39 0 2 Zumwall 1Eo t 39 1 3 Brown (Mar I 40 2 4 G•rc.•a 1HB1 42 2 IHH1 21 I TnSlt!< (fVt 19 9 2 M11c:/>ell tOVI 40 0 3 \Ian Dor-• IHBI 40 5 ' <>Qawa Wm I 42 1 IOlal quaJjllefS Fount""' v.....,. IS Hun 1ongton B•acn 13 Ed•aon 8 Ocean V•llw Ahd Wntm•n-11_,. 7 M•rtn• fl c~~. ( ...... .._, c ........ c...--T..-.,,...,.a V~ 2. ChleaQO I (2 Ot) n-.., ....... C/'tlcaoO 4. V-1 .........,,...,, II~ 4. ChleaQO 3 T__.,.a a-e v~ 5. CNcego 3 (Vanc:ouvw -_ ... 3-1) ~eo.- 1/encouv. at Oolc:ego ~·O.­ChleaQO at v~ 111 _,.,, T-*J .... r 11 llancouve< al Clllca90 (If ,,_.,-yl ..... c:-..- TUMd9y, "'""' r1 NY .....,_, 4. 0..-1 n-.., ....... NY 1...na.r1 6. °'*-7 .. ....., . ...,1 NY ltlander'I 5. 0.-4 (Oii TUMdey"a9-e NY tai-1 4. OueOec; 2 (New York WIN _ ..... ..()) Tournement of Champions (el lffw Yori!) Fin l Round S~IH Ivan Lendt Oet Oam" Keretoc 6· 1 6· 1 ~ Lule Clerc oet ~ °"""'· 1-2. 7-41. Andres Gomez <let Nduka Odllor 6-2 &-3 I ornH Sm.d oei Geot~ Ooven 6-I 6-1 Han• Plrsl., d<>I Peoro Rel>Olledo 6-4 7-6. EdO .. Eoward• o.f Johan KrNik, 6-3, 7 ... ; VIia' Ge<U4a1tos <H!I Er1ei. i.ke,.t.y 8-4 4-6 60 S.Cond Round 81119 .. • John «adro de! Pal Dupre 6·4 7 6. Sh· 1nmo G!ocksteon C1el Juftn Av,.noano 6·3 (1.3 Women'• tournament (al Pe<119le, 11 .. JI Flral Round llnQ .. I Barbata Rossi d<>I El•l•l>4)11l GorOon. 6-3 6 2 Suten Mascenn del Mer .. Ponle<ava 6 3 6 3 Jo Ou< .. def Lena San01n 7 .5 6·2 -(_ > . WOMIN Ooldeft W•I M, I.OM 9Mclt CC IO LOMO •IACH -~~:,:· Qrlffln e. Jonelle 21, Fetzner 17, I. OltMOocill 22. T otalol! 36 10-II to. OOUtlJt ft8T -Krllr.Ofllll 10, °"1M9 20, HattllOll 11, AamHflett 10. fl•e I I Tot•. 36 14-21 14. Hellltmr. OOldeft w ... , 47-4S Toe.I ICMM: LOft9 hecfl CO It. Oo40e!I -Mt 14, 'outed out Te~ (LOftt hMfl CCI ~ If I ' .. " ................ .... ICMOL ............ :r ........ f'dllon o 100 o-t a ' Hil!ltfnOlon htcll 000 000 2-t I 4 ~Md~. v.oc... """""(4) .... 1WIO w ~ <.-,,....,. Loe Alamltoe .TWIOAY'I MIVLTI .. - (IM el ft..ftiflll quett.,._M -''"111 ... T llACI. 3SO Yatdl c.tdl Luca (Chll .. ZI. 17 80 8 20 6 00 8MI The Ac. (M11cMlfl 5 80 4 20 Cotporeta. .JeL(AunstrOl'Q) 3 00 Alt o receo· Son Of Talenl. Lu i Tap, ~ F!QUre Bugs MacNNI r._ 18 u t:2 EllACTA t2· II p.,O S 108 80 SECOND RACE. J~ yerda lady lote Two (Haru 8 80 4 '0 3 60 1 rulya luck (Cardo1a1 6 80 4 40 Go C~r Mine 1CreaQ1tfl 3 60 Also raced Dence Halo Dull Another Cnarg111 8'01 E .. yw1n Mig111y Moon Oeci. Dud .. Mago<: Pttoe Tome 18 $6 THllU> RACE 400 ya•dl M1IO S11 (0e<Otnllll 17 00 6 00 4 20 ()+4 lan<A AIOI Chatge< l~nal 3 60 3 80 OH Crnci. s Bet syet I H Aftl • 40 4 40 Also r~ l(optya Reb&le POW9' Broi.er Somole Man OH oeaor..a1 tor MCond lime 20 ~3 FOURTH RACE. JSO yardl Slunnong Sunny !Creagen 4 40 3 20 2 60 WonO And F1re IBtev1M) ~ '0 4 00 W810i Whll (MNCMlll 3 60 At11<> rac..O Aran-Je1~1n O..oe• To Wake Up JOhf'n•• l amb Sea Zepllyr Oam1en1 AP<• FoOI Tome 18 62 t:2 UACTA t&-41 pat<I $74 80 FWTH IVtCE. 3!>0 vwos tm l(elly Gr_, (Hartl 6 ;>O 4 00 3 00 Eaty PegQy Lou 1Cardora1 3 80 2 80 Lo\ril4y Lou Anne (CraaQ<ll t 3 80 Ala.o raGed Choeno, Argeo11ne Roaa D•· lhong Dani. Str .. klng H•mP EaM On Down Time 1804 lllCTH AACI. 400 yerO• fwffY Comat tPllUlo~) 38 4~ 16 80 7 80 Ptenly Of NOllltnQ (Ttnsu<el 8 80 6 40 Saonl Court (CllrdoHI 3 40 AllO u 1c•O s .. annah Boo• My l •ny ,,.,_.. Town 14.t>d Back Koply Vtllt l(el<l<IOO PunMy LonQleal ,.,,... 20 $6 12 EICACTA (Ml paoo $306 20 UVENTH AACf. •OO yardJ A-CllarQer Go Big (Crdul 8 00 3 00 2 80 600 300 280 Sor florton A•ound fHar11 4 00 2 80 LO.. ~ (BtOOkl) 4 00 Atao raced C1n<1er Cne Je1' Value As 1u1ecl 1 o Won T"l>le Won Running Otat A Bobby Oh Oh A couple(! ,,..,. 20 2' 12 U ACTA t1·11 pao<I $2' 60 EIGHTH AACE, 400 yards eoo. Of Tiie Weet (CrdU)21 00 7 40 7.20 OH-L.olM Soul (Har1) 2 80 3 20 DH·EHy Sandi (Cl'lav111 '00 5 20 Alo<> r....O Heavy Ooot Public Alletr No Chance At All The Bomb SudO•n Dull Nair .. Eagle OH -OMdtoeal tor MCond Time 20.17 S t:a EllACTA ( 1-11 peld 131 80 t:a lllACTA (1-8) pelCI 117 40 12 ~It SIX (6-6--4·9·11 ~Id *3.619 80 wllh ntn. w<nnlng llC-•11 (II ... llor-) U Pick Siil Conaota l!on paid 1411 •o 10 219 winning Ud<et• (low l!Or-.) NINTH RACE 3!>0 yards lropoli Ledy (Paulina) 1' 80 5 80 4 40 Legat Belly tCarooral 3 80 4 00 lln<la 010 !Batel) 4 60 Alao rac;.d M•H Flaming Bunny Tighten Up FleQ Roser Azuru M•uy I ennusee Ftame Tome 1128 12 tllACTA t6-7t p .. o SSS 80 Alleoclance-6 1711 Hof'M reclne atendlnge (INWllflMllyt) ~KIYlll ..._ .. lat !ftcl.. ,..,_ ~25 66 81 ft.832.126 371 73 641 2,426,414 430 .. ,, 2.31&.780 468 ea s1 2.166.3'0 477 llO 86 t."2,811 435 68 •1 1,164.207 215 41 27 Utl.314 499 64 Ill l,6'3.8611 SS3 e3 82 1,&02,067 651101 81 1,338,524 TuH~~tteM ~ ....... CLEVELAHO INOIANI -Outrlgllled ~ I.~. pltefler. to Ctlll*40fl OI 11\e lnlern1tl0ntl L"9W """clle.Md Ille conwett '11 £d ~ pltdllr, ltom ~ IOll Stiff track • • oppos1t1on awaits Uni By ROGER CARUON of' the Oelly Not a'°"' The Sea View League track and field race ia JUll that as Fri- day's finals loom -a race - with Saddleback, EJ Toro, and C.Orona del Mar highs legitimate threats to wrestle the title away from University, w h ich went unbeaten in dual meet competi- tion. Un1ve rs1ty High enters Fri- day's finals, wtuch begin at 5:45 at Irvine High, as the team to beat considering its first place status and the Trojans need but lo finish second to any of the other three contenders to clinch a share of the league title. But. even a second place finish may take some doing considering :fuesday's prelims results. whlCh found Corona del Mar, Saddle- back and El Toro securln~ finaJ berths in clusters. C.Orona del Mar, El Toro and Saddleback finished in a tie for second, thus a first place finish for any of that trio guarantees at worst a share of the title. "h 's going to be a n yone's meet." said El Toro Coach Larry Nitta foUowing hts team's efforts, despite a major setback m the high hurdles. Seruor Pat C.Ovrngt.on. who set a league record an the low hur· dies with a 38.5 clodung and was seeded first an his h eat of the high hurdles, stood and wa~h~ _ .• his heat take off, under the nus- taken impression that the heat wasn't his -that it was a junior varsity heat. University was also hurt in spots. but TrojaAs' Coach Don Chnstensen was pleased with his athletes' times. "C.Ons1dering the cond1lJons, l was pleased," said the Un1 coach . "The only problem is that every one else was doing weU, too. "The k ey for us will be the dis ta nce races and with our JUmpers Friday." The women's d1vis1on was do- mmated by University, accent- uated by the day's last event when sophomore T eresa Barrios (5:00.2) and PoUy Plumer (5:04.0) and Laura Sauerwein (5:04.l) led the way for six Umvers1ty girls to place among the eight quali- fiers FV, Oilers top Sunset qualifiers Bv HOWARD L. HANDY Oflhe Otlly Piiot SleN There were few s urprises as Sunset League track stars jock- eyed for position in Tuesday's prel1mtnaries at Hunttngton Beac h H igh w it h Fountain Valley claiming 15 spots and the host Oilers 13 £or t he finals. The league title went to Hun· tingt.on Beach with an undefea- ted dual mee t season and t h e league meet is held only to qual- ify for the CIF. Ftnals will be held Friday night with fieid events getting under way at 7 and the first running event at 7:30. Ocean View 's sprint d uo of Rex Brown and Mark Guest led all runners in the 1 qo. 220 and 440 qualify ing, as expected. Brown is picked to win the 100 and 220 Fnday night with Guest a close second in the 220 a nd tabbed as the winner of the 440. Westminster runners captured both heats of the 880 w ith Kyle Morton posting a 1 :58.3 in nip- ping Fo untain Valley's Ted Mosher in the first heat. Steve Ramsey won an eased-up deci- sion in a two-man r ace in the second heat. Mosher was the winner in one- mile run heat· while teammate Bob Erickaon won the other heat In the fastest t ime of the day (4:28.8). Fount.a.in Valley runners had the best times in the two hurdle races. Rick Zumwalt and R ick Nichol• won their h ea tt ln the 120 highs and Todd Andre wa was the fastest In the 330 lows at 39.0 with teammate Tom Tessier winning the other heat IW.'e • No varsity field eventa we re conteated Tuesday. ThMe was allo no preliminary llction in the two.mile run. The lone Sumet 1--aue nlCOl'd to fall on Tueeday came In the fraeh-eoph ahot put whM'e Roftr' M11an1k,n. a aophomor•, lilt M· 7 ~ Cd'" er11t the old 8'andard of 54·5 ~ by mon than a foot. Bruce Dudtw of Ed.lion Mt the old mutt In lrt& . Ma .. nakay hu been compe-ttns cm the ~ty leYe1 mm\ ol . the ..... and ..... the top ptt:formln• tn both the lhot put and daltw, acconllnl to hll OOICh ~Uwi& Runttncton Beach =to pikk. up a number ol qa In the field 8"nta :,~/ nltht. IM:hard 8ltm Ml WW 23 flitlntbe~) ~NIM .. ~ .... ~ ln the •hot P•l:aad • ICUI U• ..._. IM i..a In It. mcuit. ;,;;;=,,$11"'11-'"U-•O~t--•4111"1!!1!!1$ ..... ,.:;;o!!!ll"':!!M~/1~441!'¥~Uppi!i!! .... O•¥-•@-----.. C---···---=-•---""'"''----••----------~-.--.--............••.,,...,.,.~--•---------•--•-· ---------------• •4 Orange Coat DAIL y PILOT /Wednesday, May 5, 1982 ------------------------_________ __. . .__ __ Pta.IC M)1lC( MUC fl>TIC( Mt.IC NOTICE ..OTmOUt llUIMM 'tOTf'f'tOUe ""99M MAm tTATl•llfT .. .._ tTA ........ Tiie 1011owtno per.On la 001110 Th• 1011owl110 Petton 11 doing tUlineee M ' bul lMM u : (al HAOHPOINT: (b) llAST· CLAUDINA WAY ASIOOIA SIDI VILLAt, 17702 Cowen a1r .. t, TH , a Almroak, lr1lne. Callt0tf'llt lfvlna, CA N114, 92115 THI GOI OIM COMPANY, 1 John K Al11rom, I Almrook, Calltorn11 c~p0rttlon. 1110 2 co-Irvine. Celiloinle N711. wen l l'.119t1_1fVtne· CA 92714. Thi• buW-le 00tldue1td by • fhlt --.. C';onduoted by • umn9d SNll'Mflfllp, c:OfpOt•lion. John Allttom, Thi Ooedtn ColllclenY 04ineftl Pwt,_ Qet91cf, ao.dtn, Thia tl•l'"*"t WU llted with the PtttlOtnt County Cieri! of Orenot County on Thia llllem.nt wM flleO With t1'1t IAprM 1, 1982 County Cleft! of OrllflO' County Oii ,._ Apl1I 11, tH2. AkiMt~ J • .._..,, MM.COLM a DALY A lllfof. c,,._,.._ Alter_,. •t uw 41IO VOft IC9'1Mft, ..._ -4,_ MMAr1tlvr ....._ Newt*'...,_, Ce. -'·0. lo1 1no • Publl•h•d Or•nge Cotti Delly Newpert '-"· CA ..... . Pllo1. Aprll 28, May 6, 12, 11, 1912. "'"°' 190&42. P~lthld Or•fl9' COU1 D•lly Pllo1, A.J>rll 21. 21. M•y 5, 12. 1982 ---..,-..,.-IC-NO_T_u-r __ _ 1793-82 ----'"-~----"'-1: __ _ NllC. N011C[ W:11r1 FfCnnout~ .. NAMI ttA,..._NT Thi fOllOwlng '*80N •re dOong bu9lneal ... MAY GARDEN l ASSOCIA· TES, 29 Sl"1lght, lrvlne, CA 92715 CHENO-SHYONG HUANG end MEI-MANN HUANG. hulband and wlle H joint len1ntt . 3 Sunllglll, Ir- vine. CA 92715. . JAN°MIN HSUAN and TINA C HSUAN, hulbe\d end wlfl 1,S jolnl 1e<1en1t. 1907 Saddle Dtlve, Pla- c:en1 ... CA 12760 MAY-TZE WANG. 3 Sunlighl, lrlllne, CA 12715 Thia bua.neiu la condueled by a Qtf*el o-nne-S"4P ChtnQ·Shyono Huang Managing Par1ner Thi• 11a1ement WU flied Wllh ,,,. ,te:TITIOUt ...... NAMl ITATSMINT The lotlowlng per.on• ••• OOlng buaineff u HORSE SENSE, 111571 Sell Circle Huntington Beach. CA 92649 Jill C WENDT, 18571 Sell Clrcle. Hun11ng1on Beech, CA 92649 ROBIN l Fl\fER, •881 Sta~ Circle Huntington Beech, CA 92649 !<IRS TEN ANDERSON KUZMA· N1C. 17079 Sou1h Paclllc, Sunset Beach. CA 90742 This bv.lne .. Is conouctoO by II general par1nerahlp Jiff C Wenot lh1t S191emtn1 WH lllllO will\ the County Cle<k of Orange County on Apt~ 20, 1982 F117M2 Publllllled Of1noe eo.a1 oauy Pl1o1 Aptll ?1 28, May 5 12, 11182. 1789-82 ITA~OfJ YM&ICll-NT Of Ull Of' NTmOUt ..... MAIM Tiit lollowlng p1r10111 hn• IOenclontd the UM of t• flo11tlout bulll'llllt nl!M! 1UMA OOf.llTAUOTOl'll INC .. 11H Wl'llllltr. Unit ,.s, Ootlt ...... Ctilltornlt t2t21. TM l'lctttloul ......,_. Heme ,.. femd IO ..... Ml Ned In OfW'O' COullty Oii JW!Ullty 2, 1NO. ZUMA 00HST1'UCT<>"I. INC • • C1lllornla corpor111on, tu• Whittler, UNt ,_,, Colt1 MtM, CA ,t2U7. TNI ~ -conducted by 1 CJOrl)Of911on. Zl.lma CoMINotora Inc: MUC NOTICE 'ICTITIOU9 .,...... f'tC'T"10Ut IMllMH ,......,,.,..,. --11 rlCTI1lCMll .,...... ....... tTAlt•NT ..... tUTtMINT N'AM.luiiMiHT ...._ ITATllllNT The lollow1110 per1on 11 dol119 The 1011owlng 11tr1on It doing Thi lollowlng pereon 11 doing file lollowlng p1reon l1 doing ~ M : bllelnlll u . butlneu H C CAMPBl!LL & bullnMt -w e&TU IN PROCElllMO. COMPUTER Ol"TIONS. eooo ASSOCIATES 1288 1 WMl•tn Av• MUSIC CATl!"I MI . 804 11th 1a1g 17th l tretl, API. 12&. Hun. Qwdttl Grove. '323, WMlmln•I"· 1.u. Unit J Ottd.n Grove Callfor· Street. HUllllnglon 8Mch. C.ittornla ftng1on a..c;h, CA 126'1. Calttornll tiot3 1111 92'4 1 ' ' IM41 • RALPH OUAN!. TUANl!Y Ill, lenny Robin M1111u, &000 Claudelle Eunie. 8m1111 109t1 LllnY Jat!* Coonroel,C~,.2~ ~0 11th SlrHt, Apt 225, HUii• G.,Mn Orove Al 323, WM lmlnt ler, Lowell ClrClt Huntington 'e11c;h SlfMI, Huf,tlnglon ll~h. _,.,. • Ion e.cn. CA 92641. Cellfornla 12813. Callfor11l1 926-41 ' 926'8 hi• bvllMM II oonducled by"' Thlt bu"'-II c:ondue1td by an Hiii ~ ,, aonouc1ed by an Thlt ~ 11 conoucled by 1111 ~. ~. lndl~ I~. AalPfl 0uene Tumey Ill lellfty A M-1• Ol~n .. e Smith Larry CoorwOdlllecl wllh Ille Thl8 1taternenl wM !lied wltfl tN Thia 1111111*11 wu flied Wlltl lhe flllt fltlemtnl w•t llllO wllh the Tl* .UlttMnl -,.__ Co.nly Clitfk of Or"'Ot County on County Cltrk OI Ofange County on County Clerk QI Orano-~11y on CounlY ei.n. of 0r.,. ........ r; on ~.,. '· 1oa2 """ 12, 1t12 AP'll 21 1012 AprY f9, 1M2 r~ F111'111 F-1•tet O< Coul 'o':?:= Publlt hed Orange CoHI Dilly P11bll1hed Or1n11t Co .. 1 Oally Publl•h•d Orange Cou 1 Oally f>vt)Um 29~ 5 t2 1182 • Piiot. May 5. 12. 19, 2t, 1~ .... 12 Pltol. AprM 14. 21. 21. May ~. 1962 P11o1 AprN 21. Mey 8 12 "· 1182 IOI. Apt • , ay ' , 174M2 I 1662-82 1902·82 Harry M. Knott1 Preeiden1 Tllll "•'-t we. !tied ""'" t11t PllllC NOTICE Nit.IC NOTICE Nil.IC NOTICE County Cllr1l of Orange County on 'ICTITIOUI llU .... H Aptll ft, 11112. ,,_, NA• tTATalllNT Publllhld Ot1ng1 CoHt 0~ The IOllOwlng pereon It OolnO Piiot. April 21. 21, Mey 5, '~7~5-&2 bull':~r'Je ANO SHOWER EN· CLOSURES. &<>75 WerMir Av.nue. Suil• 8 , Hunt1n91on BHCll CA MOC NOTtCC 92649 A08£RT DEAN MICHAEl JR , 18261 Waikiki Line. Huntington IUHRtOfl COUM Of ,,_ BMc;h, CA 0284t ITATa Of' CAUfOflMA '°" Thi• bullMM •• conducted by.,, THI COUNTY Of' OAANQI lndMdual Mt. A-H11t1 Roblrl Deen MICllUI Jr ON>CR TO tHOW CAUH Thie 1111om.nt wit tllecl with IN '°" CHANCM °' NAiii! Coun1y Clerk ol Of•noe C°"'11Y on In 1he ma11111 of the 11>9Hcallon of April It, l982. '1'790t MARIA de LOURDES WASSON. for Publtlhed Orenge Coa11 Diiiy PllOI. Ch:::r.~·p~1'::1on OI MARIA d• AptN n 28. May !I, 12. 198~702·82 LOURDES WASSON lor c:Mnge of!------------ '9CT1TIOUI eutMH 'ICTfTIOUI BUll ... H HAMS aTATIMINT NA• ITATUANT Th• tollowlng penon 11 oolng The IOllOwlng 1>t•ton1 •r• doing bull,_ .. l>Ullnffl .. SILVER WINO FARMS, ea Fatr AMeAICAN VISUALISTS. 608 Ori~. Colli MeM. CA 92127 Begonia Avenue Corona d•I Mii. K A THY A HOB STETTER CA 92625 17710 Sanla EllM Founlllltl v .. ley JEFFERY J SCHUSTER 608 CA 92708 ' Begonia Av~ue. Coron• 0111 Mer CA 92625 Thie bvtlt\tta II conduc:1ttd by en CAROL l ll~AVIS 6011 B o-~MOual ·c Ill' Kelhy A Hobllet1er 1111 Avenue. orono dtl Ma•. CA Thll 1181_,t WU hied with lhl 92825• County Clerlt of Orange COUnty on Th11 bullnet• 11 conduc11M1 by o M 3 1982 gtne<ll P1111,..,thlp I)' ' ,,..... Jell Schu11t1 "CTtTIOUI .UllMH NAMI! ITATf.Mf.NT Tha following p1r1on It doing bullfllU U BRISTOL FOOT CLINIC. 2 101 S Br1a101 San11 Ana C•lllorn11 92704 Mi llon Jacobeon D P M 22749 B1yahQte ll,,. El Toro CA 92630 This bulit\811 '' G<HldUCled by 1111 lnd•vldual M1ll()r1 Jic-;ObaOtl, D P M Thll 1111-1 WI> llled w11h Ille County ~II of ..Orenoe County on l'prll 27 1982 Publlth•d Orange CoHt Dall) Thi• 11atement wu llled w1m Ille Pilot. May 5. 12. 11. 28. 19112. ~~lnl '2y7Cler1n91!2ol Orange Coun1y on '-1111M 2033 8~ ....,. • Publl~heO 0&"941 Cou1 Dally Pl- Ml.IC NOTICE -------------· .., Ftll17t IOI. Apr•I 28, Mays. 12 11 1982 rtBJC NOTICE Published Orange Coaat Dally 1901·82 ------------IPllol, Aptll 28. May 5 12, 19, 1982 '1Cfm0Ut eu..... 1894-82 PU1U9 NOnoll seooi.bect1 Community CofleOe Dttltlc:I hef94>y gr..a nolM:. tllet It llU flied IOI a ~ ohMlge In n1 l"ecteral CommunlCeclOll• Cot11,... alon llPPllC;allon tor an FM Trltllle- 1or 10 HrVI Newporl 8etcll, Ctll· tornl• 10 be loc.9tecl on fhe roof of Hoag Hoec>it ... ReaatOlng .,.... tlon Ille 1BPFT1fo 11H A.-d1ted Muc;h 11. 1tU, th• followtng chino•• hn• """ ptopo~: f. CNnQe of Ir~ ltOlll lt.1 Mtu 10 89 5 MHz. 2 Change In pow« OU'IC>Ut lr0tn tingle ten wstl """""' 10 01111 ten wall empllllere. S Change In number of Olrec:tlonal antennH lrOnl IOut 10 IWO COfn- menta In IMIPPOtt of OI In ooooeltton to Ille eppllc:atlOn ,,,_y be Ned wHfl the Federet Communbtton• COm- mlltlon Publhlhtld In Orenot OoM1 Dally P1101, D1t11 of Pul>ltc:1t1on: Mey 5, 7, 12, 14, 18, 21, lle2. :IOU-82 rtaJC NOTICC NOTICE INVITING 9tDt Nollc1 11 hereby given lllal Ille Board ol Trull••• ol Ille Col•I Communlly eoti.oa Om rlet of Or· ""09 County. Ce1if0tnla. wlM rec:elVe Maled bide 119 IO 2 00 p.m F~. May 28, 19112 11 the Purchulng 0epaf1/l'\lnt QI NJd c;ollege ~lflet loca110 at 1370 Ad1m1 Avenue Coala Meaa. C1lllorn11. at which 11me Nld blda wlll be quickly 09'- ned and rHd lor Bid • 1083 - ACOUISITION OF COMPUTERIZEO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGE MEN T SYSTEM , BIO It 1087 - PURC HASE OR LEASE PURCHASE OF COM PUTER HARDWARE.SOFTWARE, ANO name. hiving bffn lllld In COIJt1, P\lllJC NOTICE and 11 1pp1111ng trom H id appli· 1------------- celon Iha! MAAIA di LOURDES PJCTITIOUI llU ... H NA• ITATE•NT Th• following p e11011 11 doino FICTITK>Ut llUltNEll SUPPORT INCLUDING MAINTE· NANCE Plitt.IC NOTICE WASSON hH llleO an 1ppllcalion NA• ITATe .. NT propollng 1h11 her name be The tollowlng peraon ia doing c111nged 10 MARIA de LOURDES bualMll as GUERRERO THE NUT 6 CRACKER CAFE, buSinetS ll ------------ROBERTS WELDING 3095 FlCTITIOUl IWl*EH Co11eg1 Avenue, Cot11 M111 CA .,MAMIE IT.ATEMENT 92628 The lo11ow1ng p1reon 11 oolng W ILLIAM A NTHON Y RO-buainns U BEATS, 3095 College Avenue. VETERINARY SURGICAL RE- NAME ITATE•NT All bods.,.. 10 be'" IGCOfdanet The IOllOwtng person ts d<>ong wtlll Ille Bod Form ln•ttuc:uone end bullltleSS " NEW HOPE FLOORING 1440 Cond•llona and Speclflca11ona wNGh S S111e College Blvd 3 C Ane ate now on hte ano rnay be -ed heim CA 92806 In 1he Otflee OI the PvrchaM)Q Aotftl Coun1y Cltfk of Orange County on Aptll 12, 19&2 F117111 Published Orange CoH I Dally Pl- lol, AprW 14, 21, 28. May 5. 1982 Now. lhertlOttt. II 11 hetetly or~ 1797 N-por1 Blvd . Co1t1 Meu, red and dlrec:led. tllat 111 persona CalllornLa 02627 ------------1 1n11H"ea19d In Hid malltr lo 8PP4lllf Diane Ruth Winningham. •96 PUBllC NOTlC[ before 1hlt court In Oeparl,,,.nt 3 P1noram1 Drive, Laguna B11ch.' Coe"ll Meu, CA 92628 FE.ARAL SERVICE 27 S1Hc1pe Thls bu.U-a Is ccnduclod by an Drive, Newport B11ch, Celllo•.n•• LARRY G McLAUGHLIN 460 1 ol = :.i: ~!~~bmit wllh Illa w Roy C1tcle S•nla Ana CA b•O a c••h•lt .. Chick. Cttr11fl•d ------------1on1119 2nd day OI June, 1982. II C.ilfomte 9261:11 MUNIC•Al C04MT °' 10·30 o'clock • m ol Hid dey 10 This l>Uslnfft It conducted by •n ~IYldull 92663 w 11uam A Roberta Rober! Lee Roo~s. DVM, 27 92704 Th1t out1neas 11 conouc-;11<1 by an clleci.. or b•dder • bond mad • COUNTY ~A~FC>ft WEIT show ceuse wily tuch appllc.llon lndMOul l. COUNTY JUDtCIAl DltTillCT tor cn.nge of name should not be Diane A Winningham 1890-82 Thia statement WH filed with tile Se11capo Drive. Newport Beach, County Cle<k of Orange county on California 92663 indlYIOual payable 11"1 tne orde• of Ille Coea1 L4try McLMJQllhn Community COiiege Otalroct Boa1d This sta1emem wu filed w111t lhtt ol Trustees in an emount no1 lela county Clttk 01 Ofenga Coun1y Of• 1han ltve percent (5•1.t of lh• sum Mt.IC NOTICE INT .. SUf't!ftlOfll COUftT Of' THE gran1e<1 T1111 t1a1emen1 wH lilld with the IM1 11th IL 11 IS further ordere<l thll a c;opy of County Cler'k of Ot9nge COunty on ~~~'T::a. 11111 Ordar 10 Show Cauee be pu-Apl'U 19 1982 • May 4. 1982 Thi• bualneo 11 conducted by an F ,__, indlv1dull Publlalled Orange Co1t1 Dally Rot>e<1 L Rook•. DVM Mlllch 30 1992 l><d u a 9uaran1ee ma1 Ille blddel' • F"186245 will enter 11110 tile pr~ Con- STATe Of' CALIFORllllA FOfl THE COUNTY OF OftANOE DEFINO ANT: QARY MICHAEL bltsl1ed In Ille DAIL V PILOT' 8 new-, '1'7t,. soapcw of generlll cuculallon ptlnl· Publl~ Ofange Cout Diiiy Po· P11o1. May 5. 12. 10. 28. 10112 Thie 1111emen1 wit llled wnh 1he 2078-112 County Cltnl ot Ou1nge Coun1y on e PubkSlled Otano-Coaal o .. 1y p,. lt6Ct 11 ,,.. wme •• 8W8foed IQ him IOI. Apt1I 14 21 26, May 5 1982 In Ille even1 ol lallute 10 ...... &nlO In re JOSEPH GEORGE MEZO- V AR I e Minor and ERIC JON ME.ZOVARI, I Minor by VALERIE JEAN MONCRIEF. The11 Mothe<, tor Change ol Name STE, ... ,.tON, TEJIRY OE MAii· ed In said county. a1 leH1 once lot. Apt~ 21. 28 May~. 12. 1982 TINO, •KE llARt, TERRY DE each week ror lour successive 173>82 MARTINO e11d MIKI IEAllt, a wettkt pr10t 10 lhe dly of Uld hee-------------0 _ _. '•r1Mrefllp dbe HAAS ung P\lllJC NOTlC[ ------------i M"'c:ll 29 t982 '1•190 1691·82 IUCh con1rac1 the proceeOe of thl Pubht llld orano• CAaat Daily ____________ 1cneci. will be 101lel11d or in th• flCTTTIOUS BUSNH Piiot, AptU 14, 21, 28, Mey 5, 1182 f'\B.IC NOTICE caae of a bOn<I llwt lull eum ''*'°' rtBJC NOTlC[ AUTO CENTER ANO LlAllHO aM Dated Apt~ 23. 1982 OOH 1 ""--" }S, ~ RONALD H PRENNER NAME ITATE .. NT 188&-82 -----.-..----------------1Wlll bl 1or1811ICI 10 Mid colllge «*-1------------FICTTTIOUI IW ... SI lllCI FlCTTTIOUI llU ... 11 Tne lollowlng peraon IS doing ·-.,. Wllnl'C NAW ITATIEMENT No IM<lde< may wit110t1w nn bod MJWOMS Judge of lhe ON AllT AMINOO> COll9'\.AINT S~IOf Court MA• ITATEMOIT bualt>Mt u ,._ ""'-. The follo-#tng peraona .,. d04ng CUSTOM ADVERTISING L TO . .....--.. ___ 11 _ T no 1011ow1ng person •I doing IO< a i>«tOd lor lor1y-tiv1 (451 daya CAii NO. A11'°'3 ORDEA TO ...OW CAUSI! (CC~~ 1m1 - CAN NO. -,.., 9UOST£JN & I.Au.ER NOTICll You hHtt i.e.n 1Md. A..UW COf"f)Ofallon B 0 Cos r,..,,.,..... --business U 1llle1 lhe Oala WI. IOI 111tt O~lng bual-... 380 w Wiiton, t 1 ta Mesa. N ... tTAft•MT BUILDING MAINTENANCE ''*eol POELSTRA FINANCIAL. 10 11 CA 92627 WHEREAS VALERIE JEAN MON- CRIEF". pe1111onttt, .. Mother of Ap- pllcan11 JOSEPH GEORGE MEZO- VARI and ERIC JON MEZOVARI, P"ton• under 1he •oe ot etgh1Mn c 18) years. ha.,. filed • pellllon wi111 111e Cletk ol 11\&1 Courl l0t an orde< cn1ng1ng app11c1n11· name from JOSEPH GEORGE MEZOVARI 10 JOSEPH GEORGE. MONCRIEF and ER1C JON MEZOVAAI lo ERIC J(»l MONCRIEF, TM c-' IMJ dectde ........ ,OU 1591$ Ventut1 Btvd., Slllttt 201 wllhoul rour bel119 IMerd Uft.... Encino, CallfCH"nle 11"31 rou rMjMlfld wttMll IO day.. RMd (21') IM-GI01 Brloao Drive. Sul t• 201. Coil• MARIO ALDANA 380 w . Wll· The lollowinQ 991ton• .,. doing E-NTERPA18 E 1oeo2 Brooh•d• Iha BoltO or TruatMa , ... ,v •• Mesa, CA 92627 son B101, Cot11 MeM. CA !12627 bU-""-J lt &H!J. R BREEDING 7682 Onve. Garden Grove Cahlorn1a 11\e PflYllege ot •ttrtellllQ "'Y ano 1111 92714 bid$ or to w11ve any lfregu11rlt1M Ot GARV l POELSTRA. 924 W. This bullneas 11 conducled by an Rhine Dflve. Hun11n91on Be.en, CA Tonia Rene BuGelto, 716 Te,,.ce 1111ormah11es on eny bid o1 In lht tM lnfonnetloft """'· m -1902 II you wl9l1 to IMk lhe lldvlce of Pub111neo Oreng1 Coas1 Dally Ball>OI Blvd , Balboa. CA 12661 lndllllduel 926-47 .0 .. Long Beach Clllforn1a 90807 t><Od1nn BRIAN W ANDERSON. 1433 Merlo Aldana 833 ··+ 1n attorney In tht1 melter. you P11o1. April 28. May 5. 12 19. 1982 SllOulO do to p<ompll)' ao 11\11 your 1903-82 Wfllltn fMCIOllM, II eny, mll)I be 11- Suparlor Avenue, •376, Newport This tlat-t w11 flied w11I' Ille JERRIE GREEN I Kiowa T1115 buS•netS •S conOuc1ed t>y an NORMAN E WATSON Beac:h. CA 92663 Cou Clertl of Of Coun1 on C•ts• O.amonO Ba• CA 91765 1nd1v1<1ua1 Secrttllly. nly •not y i ACK WASSERMAN 7682 Tonj• "'··-'lo Bolte! or Tru1IMS Thie bu .. ,_. II conoucllld by a May 3 1982 o~ c• .........,. ,. ___ "--~· Qtt*al l)lr1netahlp Fl "511 Rn1ne Ot1ve Huntington ...,sch " This Slllemet"ll wll hied witll the ..,.,...., vvnwnun11y led on lime AVllOI Ueted ha eldo deffte~ dado. El trlllun1I pv•d• dcldlr COflttl Ud.. ....... Ida:. -que Ud. r11pond• dentro d• JO dtae. LM la lftfotmecloft que ..... IT IS ORDERED lhll all persons in1ere1led 1n 1111 1bove-en11tled matter appe11 bel0t• '"'' Couf1 11 1o 30 1 m . on June 2. 19112, 1n the SI Uatttd d•M• sollcltar •• con-Mjo de un •t>oolldo en •I• uunto, courtroom ol Depar1men1 3. al Ille deberl• h.certo lmme<1111am1nle. Superior Court of Cellfornia, County d e ella miner•. au reapue•I• ol Orange. 700 Civic Centar Drive eacrlll, 11 hey elgun•, puede aer WM 1, S11111 An1. Cll1tornia 92701, reglalreda 8 tlemPo llno Show CIUH. If any. why Ille 1 TO THE DEFENDANT A c;lvll petition fOf change of neme lhOuld complalnl hH b11n 111•0 by th• nol be g<11n1eo plalnlllf agelnl1 yOU 11 yOU wish lo IT IS FURTHER ORDERED lhlt a Oeflnd 11111 t.-,it yOU muat within copy ol this Oroer To Show Cause IO days'"" this'eummons'is -· be pUb01hed 111 the Orange Coaal Yid on you Ill• with lhl• c;ovn 1 Daily PllOI, 330 W Bay Cosla Meta. I ' C11110 nte 92827 a newsp1nar ol wrl1llll rM(>OllM lo the c;omplaln1 ' ,,_ Unteea you do ao, your def8Ult Wiil g1n11a1 cucutel&on tn O_renge be.entered 011 i ppllcellon of the Counry Ca1tlorn11. onc:e • Week ror fOUf IUCC81SNI weella Pf>Ot 10 IN pl11nUff, Ind thll c;ourt mt)' Inlet a Oii• Ml tor 11eenng on the pellliOn Jv0omen1 eoelnll )'OU tor 1ht ,..., DA TEO April 19 1982 demanded In the COll\C)lalnt. wtllc:ll RONALD H PRENNER could r11ult In gunlshment of weoea. lali Ing of money Of ptopeny JSudge of Clhe I Ot Ol llttr refltf requealed In 1118 uperlO< our c:omplatnt YANO!R MOLEN 6 MALIN Dated· Mitch 26 1te2 LAW CORl"OAATION Rlc:hatd J 'w eek. IM Town C1nl11 Drive. Sulll 1000 Coall llleaa, CA t2t2t (714) 7$1-MOO Publl51>ed Of 1"911 COHI Daily POOi Aptit 21 28 May 5 12 1982 1195-82 Cler1! L_,.. FrlflCit. Deputy Law Oflklee of llYrTay ~ ..... 14 , ...... Bl'ld. No. 1Cla w....,._w,c..nea (7M)IM-5IOI Publl1hed Orange Coaa1 Dally Piiot. AprH 29. May 5. t2. 11, 1982 1904-82 Nl..IC NOTlC[ 8rlln W AndtrM>n PubhsllttO Orange COHI Daily 92T~.7 ...... ~, s c.~ .. uct""" by 8 County Cletll ol OtllnQt County on COlleQI DlllllCI Ttwa 1111-1 w11 flied with Ille Pll01 May ~ 12 19 26 19112 ·~s., -;;;,-;;.;.,P ""'"' ""' Maten 19 1982 F, • .._._ P!~b~:~d ~··1~l~ Cou• Dally. County Oetk ol Otenge C0un1y on 2032-82 Ill"" •-,~ GtMn -209 NOTICE Of TitUIHE'S SA.L1 May 3 1982 ------------,,_ -Pubhshed 011nge Coast Dally 1·112 Loen No • .,.._~ F1_. NIJC NOTICE Jeck Wasserman Pllo1 AptH 14 21 28 May S 1982 T.S. No. 74443-5 Publltll•d Or1nge CoHt Dally Thll 1t11emen1 WU liled Wllll 1118 1W..e2 SOUTHLAND COMPANY ea duly Piiot. May S. 12, 11, 26. t982. FICTITIOUI llUllNEll County Cleric OI Ot1nge County on ------------ appotntl<l Trut1M under the tollo· ""87..82 N.._ ITATEMEMT Aptll 12 1982 fltll.IC NOTICE ll-00015 wino deterlbed deed ol truS1 WILL ~ IOltowlng ""'°"IS doing bull-"17'1' 1----------------bet-No. 17'0 l1' SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE NllC NoTIC( ""'aa Pobllaned oy Orange Coa&I Diiiy Nlt:rn:I NOTICE TO CR£0f'TOflS HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH BROWNLEE SPAS. 19851 San· PllOI. Aptll 14 21, 28. Mey 5. 1982 ,ICTrTIOUl IW8*£SI OF llUU( T'RANIFER (payable at 11me ol Hie 111 lawful RCTlllOUI llUBINRll Oerson. Huntington Beach. CA l&89-82 MAME STATEMENT (Seel. 11g1_.107 U.C.C.) money ol thl Unned S111e11 a11 rign1. NAME ITATI..,,., 92646 1------------fhe lollowino person •• doing No1oce 11 hereby 91ven 10 cred1 1i1te and 1n1er111 conveyed 10 ano Th• lollowlng p erson I• Clolng MARK LEHR BROWNLEE. 19651 Pl&.IC NOTICE busmen as '°'' ol llle witnin named P*'lieS 11\81 now held by 11 unoer 1110 Deed of buaioMt es Sande<ton. Hunllnglon e..ch, CA1------------THE El PESCADOR REST AU-8 bulk transl• 11 lboul1o be me<H Trutl 1n the propeny here1na11er ELEGANT HANO. 3975 Biren 92s.6 . RANT. 40 1 E 17th StrM1, Costa on per50nal property 11erelnal1et dMCr•l>e<I S1r"1. Sul1e A, Newpor1 Beac:h. CA Thia ~ II conOuCleCJ by an FICTITIOUI 8U81NESI Mesa CA !12627 Clnctlbed TRUSTOR RANDALL HACKEN-92MO lnd!VIOval NAME STATEMENT JAM ES A GRAHAM 3389 The nemetsl and bue1neas 1<1 BERG en untl\8rrled man JEANETTE LUCILLE BORIS M¥1c l Btownlee The lollow.ng petsona Ill doing LatkSQUr Collt MllM CA 92626 dr8" 01 Ille inlended lranstetatl• BENEFICIARY BEVERLY HILLS •7 Rini. IN!Oe. CA 12714 This 1111ement WH llled Wllll the bu-SS.. Tl11$ bu-S •• conducllel by an Ill S.K a 0 INC I corporaltOn SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIA Thh ~II conducted by an County Cl«ti <>' Orenge County on WENDELL YN ANO ASSOCIA-lnd•Vldval 2130 S Anne Stteel San1a An• CA TION • COfpotlllOll lndMduel ~ 3, 1982 TES 6452 N-bufy Ot•ve Hunllfl9· Jemea A Granam 92704 RICOtOttO Fte>rulty I 1, 1980.. LUCI Borte F,... ton Beac:h. CalilOtntll 92647 f n.s 11•1tmenl WIS llteO wtlll 1he Tile naml(S) Ind bu•ness aodtes 1n511 No 13417 In book 13•99. This 51•1-t was f1led w41h tho Publltll•d Oran91 Cout O•lly Allrl<l JQS4!9h Bll011I Jr 6452 County Clerk of Orange County on 01 Ille inienOed Hansl••eeCsl ••e page 1399 ot Ofllclal Records In the County Cilfk of Orange County on Plilo1, May 5. 12, 19, M, 1982 Newbury Otove Hun11ng1on Bueti. Apt1I 29. 1982 F\laoM JOSEPH S JAJONIE, S S No olllce ol lhe Recorder of Orange Aptll fl, 1082 201M2Cllllornte12647 Publlallod Orange CoH1 Deily 376-34·4125. GEORGE A JAJO County, said deed 01 ttusl oescrlbea '~ •-..,. Mft'l"W'r Wendetlyn Joyce B•101118 6452 Pilot. Mey 5. 12, 19, 26. 1982 NIE. s s No 255·94·8451 18 15 Ille r0How1ng properly Publltlled 01an9e Cout Dally ,.._ ""'~ Newt>ury 0. ve. Huntington each 2064-112 Sne11ng1on Place. Apt V· 116 fXlttBff "A" Pilot. May 5. 12. 19, 26. 1982. ~-··-·-It Cllllf0tnta 92647 Newp<>n Beach. CA 92863 2081 82 n""""" -This business 11 conOoo1ed by 11n "'-IC N0Tll'c All 111111 certain land sllueted 1n tne -..._ ITATEMENT lndlvldual '""°'" '""-T11a1 1111 p1opet1y Plfllnenl lie Slit1e of Calllornla, County ot ..,_IC NOTlCC Tne IOllowtng petlOnt are dOlng w Jo~ Bilolll FICTITIOUI IWllNEU reto is O.C:r&t>ed 1n general H lu1 Orange C•ly 01 Colla Men de· r-uu.. buaoness u this siatemenl was 11190 witll the ME ST TEMENT m1u11, llJ1uros equ1pmen1 good 9Cribed at IOllOws Ntl2'777 WESTERLY DEVELOPM ENT, Counly Clerk of Ot1nge County on T IN~ I A d wlll, lee.te leffehOld imptovements PARCEL 1 FICTlllOUI 9U ... H 2080 N Tustin Avenue Suite A, Apt~ 20 1982 buSI~ !w ng ptrllOfll •1e Off'O tredlname Slot-ii'" lrlOe CO-'•n Un1133Hsnownon 1ha1 oe<1a.n NAME STATE•NT Sanla Ana, CA 92707 FllnM D & N ST A TIONERS ANO not to compete and 11 IOClled at Condominium Plan recorded Mey The lollowlng per eon II doing SILHOUETTE, • California cor-Pubh1n10 Orange Coaa1 Deily PRINTERS. 8833 warner Avenue, 107 F.,uhion laland Newp0t1 Beech 31 1977 in~ 12219 page 1875 ou--. 11 pora11on. 2080 N Tualln Avenue. Pllo• Apol 28 May 5 12 19. 1982 Hunhnglon ao.ct>. CA 12647 CA ol Ot11ciet Record• ol Orenge SUNG & HO"S CHINESE DELI. SutM A. Santa Ana. CA 92707 1999·82 LEWIS A PAIL LI MAN 9417 Tiie buSIMSI name used by 111e County Cehl0tn11 27000 Clown Valley Pw kway, M ia-THE RIGGS GROUP. • Callfor. GtouM A~ Hun11ng1on Beach. Said lransJetOttt l ti laod IOc:ehon '' PARCEL 2 won VlelO. CA neill n4a corporlllon, 2080 N Tua11n Av-PtJBllC NOTICE CA 92647 NEWPORT STUFFED ROLL P\B.IC NOTICE An und1v10ld l /641h lntereat In VU WAR YAO SUNG, 15001 enue. Sulla A, Senta Ana . CA JOYCE R PRILLIM 6 N 9 •77 Thal Uld bulk 1tan1ltt 11 lnten NOTICE TO CONTRACTORI and 10 LOI 1 ol Traci No. 9083 u 02707 FICTITIOUS IWl*Ell ~ " de<I 10 be conaummalttd 11 lhtt ol Project No. 81 SIR •4 P\8..JC N()TlCC shown on a Map recorded In book SyrlCUM S1rM t. Wellmln111f, CA NICHOLAS PAPPAS I ASSO-NAME STATEMIMT GrOUM Avenue. Hunttngton Beach. flee ol SERVICE ESCROW COM Sealed ptQPONls wlM be received 393. A ...... 5 and 8 ot M'--.... -~~ 92683 ct•TES, • Ca111orn11 corpora1lon, CA 92647 P Y Po Bo "'18 14282 BeKll •1 IM offlcl of P111r11 0pera11ona -Mepr.-~ecotds ol Ora~;;'C'~;;;;-;y: Thia bullnlal II conducted by an 20SO N Tu1t111 Avenue. Su11e A, Tho lollow1ng per ton II doing This buaineu la conduC11d by B~v~ '. wes1m~n'11er, C1111orn1a Chief ot Pl'111 Operation• Ill. Flllr-NOTICa Of T'MISTU't aAL.I Calllorn11, logtlhef Wllh ell lmpro-tndlvldval San•• Ana. CA 92707 bu:sl'i::'e ~~WPORT INNOVATORS. tndlvlduals (Huabend & Wife) 92683 on Qt ahe< May 21. 1182 view Stitt Hoapllal. 2501 Harbor T.I. No. Sl'1'll v~*n1a 1her1on, tJ1cept1nn there· Yu Wat Yao Sung T'"'-bu-.__.. ... conduct""" .... 8 42'0 Patk Ne-po11 Suite 303 l e-Ma A Prllllman Thal 1he 1aa1 dale '"' Iii"" ctelma C Ill I 9""2.. Gt''"" ... --1 ~·-.. ,. Thi• 111temen1 wH filed wtlh Ille rna ..,_ ,. vv YJ .._:.potl Be*~h.~C • 92· ... " • This 11a1e-t w*" filed with t'"-,.,, Blvd., Cott• M-. • orn • cu v NOTIC£ IS HEREBY •"-"· ,._ from Condominium Unl1• 1 tllrough general PM1ntt'lhlc>· ,__ ~ ,., vvu "~' -.... In the escrow referrl<l 10 t>eretn ts untU 2:30 P M. on Wedneldl)', Mey on WednHOey, Mey 28, 19'2. I t fl.4. lnctutlve. loc:ated 111e<eon County Clerk OI Orange County on THE RIGGS GROUP BARBARA J WILEY, •2•0 Park County Clerk of Ofange County on Mey 20. 1982 28. 1162, 81 llltllct1tim.11\ey Wiii be ~00 o'doc-;a Lin. of Mid '::J,· In tM EKoeptlng lrOtll a portion of aalO Apfil 29· 1982 ,~4 RIQOt Newpor 1. Su11e 303 Newport April 29. l982 So 111 u ts known lo MIO 1n1en publ~ly o~ed and read for Pfi-room Ht 11ldt tor c:on uotlng 101 all crud• oll. pe1roleum, gu. Publiin•d Orange Coaat Delly ~~I ' Beach CA 92660 F1*45 ded Translerea(s) said ln1ended rorllllng work .. : T~• Selel. wtttlln 1tle oflloea Of brea. 11phellum and all kindred 5 12 11 M 1982 Thia atatln*ll wu lllllO wllll 11111 Thia· bu111ness 1t CQt>ductoO by an Publtlhld Or•nge Coaai Dally Tr9nsler0tl•I ullO 1he lollowlng ad Furnlt h all labor, malerlel1. REAL E.aTATl IECURIT1l8 SEA-subsltnc-;es 1nd olller minerals un· Piiot Ml)' • ' ' ·• 2065-82 County Qlrk QI Orange County on llldMdual Pool Mii)' 5 l2, 10, 26, 1182 dll1ona1 butlnesa n1mes and ad loolt Ind tqulpmenl ftlOftMt")' 10 ~ICE. IOCtltd I t 2020 North der lfld 1n •Id land except 111e rlgfll Mey 3• 1982 Barbera J Wiley 2083..82 d<..-wlllltn lhe 1hr .. yews IU "Aellnl Ho1 Waler Ind Conden1111 ero.ow.y, 84llte 208, In the aty of to UM •ny porllOll ol lht aurtece ot HARTY & HAllTY TIHI slelemtnl WIS flied wt1h Ille 1------------1 PISI none T9nll•" Repair end rellntt e.cllting Satita Ana. County of Orenge, S... 1he Land tor drilling opetlloona. mt· "8JC lllOTlCl AnlfMFI at '--County Cle<ll Ol 01ange County on fltll.IC NOTlCC T1111 bUlk transfer 11 aub1ec1 10 h01 wller neetlng end 11orage tank• ol Cellfomle-COAS'TUHE EOUITY. n1ng or qva1rytng Of ad Unc:ts. 1nclu-14 ..._... v... Apt~ 6. 118~ FICTITIOUS llUl*ftl Cehtorni• Unllorm Comm1r,1al 1n verloul bulldlnQI. 8 tanks of 111>-INC., I Ctllfornla corporellon, II dino bul no1 exclu11ve ol oil well RCTITIOUt BUllNRH .,..,,,,., CA 127,. '1*95 NAME ITATI!lllENT coo. S.C11on 6106 proxlm1tely 15.et8 g•llona tot1I. Olily lil)POlnted TruetM under Incl dt1lhng, olf development. m1n1ng. .. ... tTARmMT ,,_. Published Orange CoH1 Deily The following Ptt•on 11 doing Oiied Aptll 21 19412 Thi new lank llnlng shell be en ~t to the pow. of .... COfto-Qpeflllon1. 1og1111M with Ille uM of The IOllowlng peraona are dOlng Publlthld Ottnge CoHI Dally Piiot, Aorll 28 May S. 12. 111. t982 buslneU u .Joeepn S J1,lonle epoxy coetlog wtth •• mlnlllluo 2m,111111 --~ tNt~ ~o R~~T= Hid •urt1ce tor oll ••II•. tanks. 00.W-M tc"H AEL l AWAENCE l Piiot. Mii)' &. 12. 19, 28. 1982 1895-82 THE MOBILE SCREEN DOC-G,n-.~ .... "r,J~.,.,_ 1nlc;kne11 of 12 m It ( 1 o an --..,.. • 1unn1l1. mining 111c1v1tlons or ,. 208e-82 TOR, 2005 w. Balboa Blvd, New-.,......., -· lncih). The ma1«111 uMd tor lri II-AMOELIN M, ILOCH, h111t1and lhl lll prOYlded. however. 111t same COMPANY, 17'91 Sl!y Plllt Clf'c.11. Pl&.fC NOTICE IC.-011 nlng thall hlvl • 011lgn rating of alld w1te .. IC*rt ""91\i., recorded shall nol be construed to prohlbl1 of8. lrvlnl, CA 92714. ..,_.,. W'ITll'[ pOt1 Beech, CA t2e63. IERVICI HCROW COWAHY 200 degr'" F. •1n1mum. 11 Fair-Aprll 10, 1tl1, In look 14018 of e1an1 drllllng or such other ope••-ENGL ISH CLASSIC, l TD .• a r-UULno "'""' SUE JAGGLI. 1412 Donl ey. 14212 8"cfl 81¥cl. view State HQt91tlll. In aQc;01"0ance Otllolll Aloordl of MIO COUfti)'. at tlona wmen In no way UM or In any California c;otPOtlllon, 110 Newport FfCTl'TIOUI BUtl,.ll FICTrTtOUS eu.._st "fh~ani::111Ana, ~A ~808 911 ...., w .. tmlflet«, CllMf. tau with plan1 and epec;lficallona there-PIO' to3, Aec:oro.,·1 1111\rument wey attec;t 1ht tur1ece rlgh11 of tald Center Otlve. • 200. Newport NA• ITATEMINT NAME ITAff•NT lndlv~ulf ,_ • c; ucl YJ 111 Publl1hed Or1ng1 Cou1 Dally lor. Mo. 1S002, by reMOll of 1 bf..:tl °' 11nO and Which do nol en1er Hid Beach, CA 92660 The following penon 11 oolng The tollowlng p1r1on tt Oolng Sue JeggN Pilot, May S. 198:.> Pr1ler1nce wlll bl 9rant1d l o Otfeult In ~tor pet1onnence land 111 polnl Ina than 500 feet to Thia bu.,,_ 11 c;onduc;1e<I by • bv!MneH ••· w-... Thia l11lemtnl wu fllld wtlh Ille blddtt l properly approved II of IM obllgetlont MOUl'td ttw9by, Mid turlece, at r_..,.o by Adi M COIPQl'l llon AGE WOODS 17702 SUN SET POOL CARE 928'..; "Smell Bualneu " In accordance lncludll'!f lhh1t brMch Of defeult, ......_'"...___,,~..._..Maw t. 1t50 E"f'*" Ctualc Ltd VILL · • • Counly Cten. of Otange County on ............ ~~ , .._ ..,_. .....,...,.... • · Cow"1 S1rte1, ln'lnl, CA 92714 Eu l Oce1ntront, Newporl B•llCh. Mey 3. 1982 w4th S.C:Oon 1896, tt1 Mq .• Tiffi 2. Notlc:e ..._,.. .... ,_..,_ .... In book 4895. P•o• 94 of Offlc;lal RPr-'~lona GERALD F GOEDEN, 17702 Cellfornla 92881 ,~ Calllornla Adllllnll1ra1tve Code ~ nuery 2t. 1tl2. M Aecorder'1 !ft-Rec«Ot -· Cowen Street. lrvlM, CA 02714 Richard loult Nell.t 12e'~ Ent PubllaheO Orange CoH I Delly MOTICE TO CMOfTORt pllcatlon1 for l)flf.,enc;e muet be ttrument No. 12-031002, Will 1085 WHIWltd Lane Colla This 11•1-t •• tllld 'With the Tll•• bull,_ la COl\OvC1ICI by en Oceanfronl. N-PO•I 151ech C•ll· Pttot. May 5 12, 11. 26 1182 Of' 8UU( "'AMll'DI aubmlllttd 10 lh• Small BulllnHI SEU AT PU8UC AUCTIOH TO THE Mell. Calrtornla 92628 County Clerk of Of11n99 County on lndrvlduttl t0tnll 9268 l 2062_112 (e-. 1101~101 U.C.C.) Ofllc:e, 1823-141h SttHt, Sacra-HIGHEST 8IOOEA ,OA CA&ft, ..,._ "'(If 1 etreet eddf-or c;onvnon May 3, 1982 Gerald F Goeden This bualntel It conducted by 11n Notice 11 llereby given lo c;tedl mento. CA 95814, not .... lhlln flvw M money of IM Unn.ed St.ltee, or• ou 1gna11on ,. ahown 1bove. no F1-7 Thia •••~' wu filed with ,,... lndlvlduel. 1 or a o I 1 h • w 11 h I n n e m• 0 (51 celllldlf days In ~ of bid C811W'1 dledl Or.wn on• .... or war,.nty 11 glVlfl 11 to Ila compl•-Publl•h•O Orange Coetl Delly County C4er1I QI Or11t191 County on RlcherO L NMl rtaJC NOTICE tranalerOtt•I lhll a bulk trentler II 09eflll"IQ d•I•. Thi• pr1terence 19-111tlonal l:l1nk, • tlllt Of ft<let'll 1..-or c:orrec:tllMI)." Pilot, M•y 5. 12. It. M. 1982 ,.,,,11 19• 1982_ Thie 1181_, Wit llled w1lh the about to be made on peraonal pllel 10 projeda wtler• Ille n tlma-ctedlt union, or • ,,.,. Of '9d«ll The beneflcl1ry under aalo Oe8d 202'-82 MAL.CDUI a DALY • County Clerle ol Orange County on NOTICI TO CMOfTOllt ptopeny hanllnaft" 0-ll:led. led J>'Ojecl c:oet 111~ &15,000. MWIOt end lolln woatrtkM'l dOfN. of TrUll, by rtuon of a brN<:h or AprM 9. 1182 Of' llUl.K TilANlfl" The name{I) and bu1lne11 •d BfO propoeall tnU91 bt aubmltled otled ln thlt .,..., al ~ llt flit default 111 th• obllg1llon1 •ecured .....C NO'flcf ' :nor...,. et le•.._ ,,1..,. (t.c"°"9 1101-4107 U.C.C.) dr ... ol the ln1enoe0 lran1teror(1) tor the tfltlrt work d1ac:rlbed the-time of ..... ti rtgtit," tltie llnd ~ tharaby. heretofQ(I 11t1Wl•d 1no '°°Mee"':" Publlehttd Ot1ng• cont Oally Notice ta heftby given to c:r•OI· ar e· GEORGE P. AUSZNAK ano rein. Oev1tllon1 from plan• and flM ~""*· In .,_ dellvtttO to th• unOeralgn1d 1 1'1Cnnout Wit ' '·0 · h• :!.... CIA .._, Piiot. Aprll 28, Miy 5, 12, 11. 111112 1or1 of the within t•111tferor that a CAROL J AUSZNAK, t129 Swallow ::=':"~:."for~==~ = , ._. ':. ~COUl!ty ~°.:'S::~::~~~u~: 111• =•~AP~• Oolng ~ ' 1'1""7 1866-8' ::' ~:~: :,::;:~ t~•=n~r.: A~;!:;:"~ ~':.tro,~ ~~1:. '*"· Tiit Oepattrnent hM the right lot 23 of frect No. ~ reo-of breedl tnct of tleetlon to ~ ~ et: Publltlltd Orenge Cout ~ Pilot. ~lbed chief extciullve office or pttnclpet lo W9lve.,,, It~ In a bid or Ofded 111IOOll1t1, .... a11n1U of the und.,tlq.neo 10 ••N aalO pro-J.D. INDUITAIAL SUPPLY. AclfM 2l. 21. Mey 5• l2, 1 ~;.94 .. 2 rt8.IC NOTICE The """' ano buelMR addr-t>ual11e11 olllce ol th• Intended tor._, mriy OI ~ bldt Mtecll• t out M"9 '°"°* wed! lltflY to u tllfY Mid ~uona. end 2120 tlth 8trw1. A·212. N~I of the Intended lflfttfetor -1ranettror i.. aerne NoblOwMI be~""*il tt lhell0f1hert)'2 leet<>'IM22 ofTred 1,...._ thll unclefligned c:eVMd 8Mcih, CA 12t43. __ .,,.. Wllftn CONl'AACTO R lEASINO CO.. All otlltr l:lu1lne11 nam11 •nd •• l'lltd• on • •l•ndaro lorm lur-No. 44U. .., nocic. Of l:lrlldl I/Id Of etec:tlon JUDITH DIANE MAKOUSKY, ..--""'-~ ...... IHC , 8605 SeMhor• Dl'lve. NtwPot1 addr•IM• uMd Oy 1ht ln1tndtd nlthff by the ~rtmenl end 11 ,,_ _. 8dclr.-or ofW _. 10 .,. recotditcl ~ 10. 1M1 2120 18th Sir.el, "-2 12. Newport 1'1Cnnoul ..-_u ....-tTAT1MINT Btleh, CallfornlL tren1t.,or .. 1111111 lfl,.. Yfftl 1 .. 1 mad• In 1ccord1nae wl1h th• "'°" ""tn•tJoft of the reel PfO-.. lnllr. Ho 14U2 1n boo4l t431t. e.ctl, OA t2te3 um ITAT'lmNT The tollowlng pereoti II Oolng Tiit "*"" and bvlln9a IOd,... PMI IO lw u known 10 thll lnt- "flletNC;tionl to llddlfa." '*1Y • lleltlllebow dMCrlbed le PIO' U4t o1 ulCI Olftclel AeccfdL Thia bulllnMI le coridvcted by.,, fflt lotlowtng pfitOll 11 doing ~ ... ol lhl Intended 1r1n1lerN ire: dtd .,.,,.,.,_ -none. f'roepec:tlW Dlddett MflY tx"'*1e purport to to Dt: 112 1 l-ll'd Seid eaie wilt be meff, t>ut wt• lfldMduel, bue1f1tet ae: AU.AN ROBIN LANDSCAPE/ C.E.C .• IHC i..1~211 '1tWend, Ow· Tflt n•mt(ll and t1u1lneu 10 ... oOlaln plene, ~ 9nd lane,....,., IMdl. OeMornlL thOlll CovtNnlorwanantr, ..,,,... .Mtt Mlllou•Lct JILL o. WINDT. 1tl71 1•11 MAINT co .~ Olllord, Irvine, Cal· den Ot0\'9, fdllfomlt Meel Of the ln1tndt<I "~·· blO WIN~ Cllllll'll et or rntlllllg. Tl'levndelelQl*111erefw~ Of ....... led ,__.,0""' lllle. pOtMt--,..!~ '!.·~~ ,.~~ theon Circle, H11n1111 .. ton IHCll, CA lfornlll 92716. Thtl lhe proper\y ~tlntnl * are: FAEOJ. SMITH llnd PAllCll.LA r~ to die OMoe <>'Ille ChW Of II lleMlty fOf ~ wiocwNoti.-In ~·"; ~.n4l'.. 10 pey tilt .....,... .. , ,,,_.,. "'""-.,,.... ,,_,.,,, t:lt4t · • • Allan E Robin. tll Oxloro, Ir-reto It deecltlbed In oer-11 ... NA It SMITH. 21012 ~ lAlne P1Mt ()pttt1ION at 111t ebove llO• Nlct ICtMt eclclt ... or°"* oom-rem'i lnlnq prlnclptl tum ot the Mey 4• lM2 JILL C. WENDT, 1857 I Sell YIM, Celltomla 02715 ltook In tttde, flkturee, equlclment Huntlf'ltton 8-fl, CA 12Mt. dfHI, t•l•PhOn• number (714) "'°" ,_,,_..,..,, .. _. ,,Olt(I) MC11rect by 1110 OHO QI ,~ Cl{Cle. Huntln9IOll t11ch, CA Thlt bull-.. concNc:ted by.,, enO lnvenlOt)' Of lhlt .,. buet-Tlltl the pr()tlefty pertinent lle- M1-6a12. leN Hie Wiil lie mede Wllnvvt Trutt. '1111111 lnlerMt" In Nld tl01e Publlahed Orange 00111 D11t11 1:1141 lf'lclMcfuel. n111 knowll H CONTRAC TOR ..-o II o.or!Oed In genll'9'-.: II A ~ llonct. l tenderd Fotm Watftlflty • ..,,,_ Of lfllClllN, , .. pravk*I . .OVtllC ... fl 1ny. un6I+' ~. May 5. 12, 11, 29, 1t12. ~ ~ .. conduc:ted by llfl . All#I •• Aol>ln LEASING co .. INO. ~_,II MO& 1todt Ill trtde. 11•""9t. ~· l/07 In iM etnOWll of fifty p0rcent of ..,dfftl title, po-.lon, Of M· lhll t.,m1 ot llld Deed ol Trull, 207t.a2 lndMdUel. Thia etetemtnt WM llltcl with the Seul\or• Drive. Newport le.eh, tr•d• ne!M •net ooOdwlil or 11111 the -ivect prtot 11'11'81 ~IY ourMf•IOtt. W tllltlllt flit ....... -.. dWf18 ltld ·~ of t11t "8JC ll)11C[ .Ill C: Wencft County Olertl of Orll\Ot C0Unty on CelftOmle, ctt1eln prtnt lflOP Ind II toMt.o at: .,.,,., c:onv.-ltlVoMftQ en • ..,.,._ .....,. of tM No'9 cw odllt' *-,..,_end of u. "'*' ~ttd 111y Thlt .....,._, .,... fled wed! \N Aptl f, 1M2. Tl\11 Mid t>ulk 1""''" 11 lnten• 106'7 Pie Aw, FouMeln v.., dlM'e 111 .... of 115.000. • ...... MCUted lllJ .. 1c1 0..-df Miid Deed .. Trmt. M:nnoul-Oourltv a.ts of°""" county"' ,,.... ded to bl~ •t the of• CeMor'flle ta70I. T1-• 111 lhl ~ • be ,.. T"Nll. _....,....Md...,.... 9e111 .... wll be held on Mondey, llMm ITATW Ajlf1I to 11Q. Pvl>lltlled Orente CoHt Deity 1ICe of OonMI a . ....,_ A"°"'9J J TM~ MIM...., by tM '"Ired to eaecvte • contreot11at • ~1:, ~ ,.....:=-= Mey 24, ttl2 at 2:00 p.m t1 '"' Tiie ~ ,_..,,..,. dofrl9 • ,.,.t Noe. Ajlf1I ti . .._ I . 11, 11. 11ti. i-t LIW, t111t llllOllOlle IL. Wte _,.,.....,.... ...... ...._II: •ar u m•f'lt 111 lh• form of • • llf!I, .... """' CMpmlll1 .af'tflUe entraMe to tt.t llutlrteet s PueillNd ~ c.. ~Not. 1 ..... i 201, Huntlfttton ~ Cellfomlt PMfT1NO UNLIMITID. •• tef'ldeld AtfeM\eftt, '°''" t " .,.... .... ....._ .-~ CMc ~ .....,,. JOO 1. ~ tit LA COITA a.macAH rooo ~at...,-, a. 11, ,.,, ~or~ Meyn. 191A. ni.1 Mid II'* tr...., 1e 1n1- ...... I\ IMlt ti. l>tftdlnt upon the -., .._... Md ....-fll .. nwn A~ 1n the Qty OI OrMgt. NtfAUMHT· C') LA CO.TA. ... , t 1-.a PWlJC ~ l1lle w.i..,... ta ---to tM dtd 10 tie ~••d •IM of.. 9*1 of Celtfornfe Oftff upon.-,,,,... .... of .. trwll ........ Ce11torf111L W8'-r. Uf'lt\ , .. , H11nt1119ton lltO'ltllon9 of a.tioN t10I of IN lice of: llTTI HCROW INTI"- ,..... "' .. ...... H id D."4 of Tru1t. TM total Al ,.-. """ of tf1t wtlef put111ce-..._CA l MJC llmC( " llnlfOfftl Com,.erc:lal Coda. Tiit flAllU, IMO., IOI N T~ A ... 11t llDI ..... wWI ... pro1WOI• ........ _, ::: ¥ l, a UOll at ..... ncM1ce 1M tocel wnovnt JIPl"Y LEI! ALONZO '"" PICTmOUI .-.. ftlfM and eOfre• of lhe l*IOl'I nue, tulle tto, lenta Anl. CA ........ ino"' .. Ulllel Codei 11 I -... Ji..... of""~ ~ Of tlle •· 11tt1 o ....... ''"'' · Oetdtll MAIM ITAW wtth Wflom cle#ll• "''' ... tltef le tUOI Oft OI --14, 1111.. .... O.,lft""'1t .... ·~'*' ... ~ .. T~. c.i::. '""11d;t the •IMW• ... Gr"Ott9. CA t2144. "°~af:r TN '°"°'""' penone .,. dolrlg Ooftlld •• ::=:\A~"..... fllll lluMI ., ............ ject to ::: .:::-..::=~:: =:: ~ .. .,, .. coetl; =~ ~i.: ~N~:..Wo~~O:~l ~ha fotl0 ... 1'10 .. , •• ,, OOlnt --:r .. :. ITfAM CLIANINO. :.:::.=~~= ~ !=~~:=-"" °*"'''01 '' _... .... WOr11 It to ..... .,. ,. ., ... ,,... ...... "'*"-., •• , I ... Hewoorl l..c~ Cetl--.... for ....... "'"" flll n•m• •IMI ... , ... Of t.1!9 tllllM ,. ......... ,.,_. Md l'U• ~-IMC. To f .. .,mlf'le '"' °-='' lllcl, uaMDO Al.ONZO, aoit lo. A. V NII OlllOY" 1, 11 '71 ... .... ....., "'911 N .._ t. t• .._ ~ Wttfl -...i dellfte IMY "-_..."' .. ~el......... • ..,..._ 1°" i,wr Oii (714"1 iU tfi.llort llr"t.. tef'lll A11e. CA .... UIM. ~ l..clf\ CA ~ I.. --... 411 I. t., ll t110 ......... -.tlefoN .. OOl"-illecl II lll'TTI UO..OW IJfTI"° ......... Olll6etf/1111 .... ,._ •T..-. DMaNlrlfa.'111 lf107 111'4& ~111",CllllomllMMt. ............................ '"lllfl, INC .. ,.0 ..... 1tNf, ........ W. °"9ot d llit Olllll ~'"" -· tour........, COlMtNM JOYCI Al.ONZO toH ao. ...... ... ~ __. lot'lftMffO'. 411 I 8o _, •la llMMI to 8111 ............ AN. CA lil7' Hll'. Attft.: ...... :-.:~,.,.._,Md mwa a.WT"""9. ·-· f toeury llrMt, &ante AH.~ eret::=::f1tl,:J.~ ..... u.... 9", rt heotl. C1llfornl1 ct•d Tr•f'•fer.-Hid 111te11d•d -~------. ... 0 ...... Ds IJW4• •J&*'I , •TO.~ H101. ....... -· T,....., .................... .., ............ .. •..,._a a .. ,.., C1l:MIHM". '"'...,_ 1a •, .,, .., • '* 1a • ......, ·"" • ,.. ....-• ~ by a .... ....,_ w .-..,... ''· -.. ........ ...._.; .. ,•="" .... ..,~. er ......., ~ ...,..,....... ...,.......,.... ...,....,. •• ~, _ _..., .. ,..,... ... ,mt Mtor1ttio1~1M1te11M1• -M. iiii.J.,, .. A.M. .. ·-:11':-:"..... '-fY .... ,,.,_., ..... I...... LAe.,, ••• ..... ~ ~ ..... "*_............... -=-···,.. ., .......,., ,.... .................. ,..., ... _ ........ ""9• I ••• _ ............... ~~ °".,. ..... ,.., OMf :--. r;--..C!..,. 0. ""'lr.:.• w.t, Qsulf, =If~ C..., ef'I ~o;:.;el O!W!l9 ~ Oii =:'Ir~ .. a...°"""" .. I" ~ W ,_.., 1 C:it=-t..J ", ........... t I (7""", ... "' ' ,~~ ...,., ,_ w ii ~ Tf•AW ,._.,,,,.. .. ~,..._ .. .., .... C:.."1:,c~DeAty C.,'(41~.,._..., ~. O..DllW"' ,. .. ., •• :r.T. .. ~o.-.._~~~· '"~0:."T.~ ~=-.,...0.....,..,...=•,:::~~o.... f ...... • .... IOC, jlpt '• I ,1. '"':;..... ..... M'f 11 tt 1 " ,.,, .. r~ , flllol, "'1t .,.. .._. , .... 2090-82 ' ' . I I \ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wednetdoy, May 5, 1982 DI The marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642 -5678 Orange Coast resident8 bought 42'?'c of all new cars sold in the county laat year even through they comprise only 30:-~ of the county's population . CL~SSIFIED INDEX .... " ,-....... "' ,.,. -"',.,. !~.~!*-... ~~~~!... ...... !.~ !~ffl.~'!.l!!C:... !w.!!.W.!!!! ....... !!e!.W.!*-...... ~.!!!.'.!!!!.'! ••••. .................................................................. ...,11 I BnH• 111 l1J1 C.1'111w C..11 -.U llU .,,,,..., ...,j 1111 ..a • ...., '-' ,,,.,. ,,,..,., ,,,, '-81111 ,,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • ........ .L '''' ••••••••••••••••••••••••• *?.:.............. .. ._,_ I Ill •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••,••••••••••••••••• ...,.. Wiii....... ExecutJYeoondO. ooeen &. '."!.~ •••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• .,..,,.. ~view ,pie cathedr8' •• .............. TWt llUTll.... clg1. etc. 1+ 0den, 110. Huntington Beed'I, doUble I -. , •• •• ... , ltll ·--- EQUAL HOOSIHG OPPOIHUNITY :: ....... ,, ........ IOM All rMI Mt1te ldY«tlled 1... In thlt MWtpaper II IUb- :: 5th• Federel F1lr •• Act of 11188 wtlictl 1111 t lllegel to 1dver- ::: tlae "eny P"ftirence. llml· 1"' 11t1on or dl1crlmln1tlon :: baMd on r909, COior, rell- •• glon, ... or n1tlonll orl· l: gin, or any Intention to - meke 1ny 1uch preler- e n ce. llmlt•tlon or d6lctlmlnltlon .•• ··· 1i~==:i!:::•1 •11 --.... ,_. = ...... . = 11•.111t = INCLUDES LANDI 2 llory, -3 bdnn. 2 bltn home. = .... ..,....,. = ..... ,. -dl~l ... =1~~~~~~~1 =HEW VIEW TOWN - -HOMES. 2 Mllttr SUI• : tH. View of OcHn & -~ Ughta. Qulec Area. -Perk•. open 1p1cea. -1126,000. Only 10% dn Xlfft Fin. Hll or Pit ~ jJ i .873-7300 = .... 11.,.. -.. • Cl1hedrll ~.' : romOdelld kitchen. A .. -1um1bl• loin at 9.15%. -Owner enxloua. Cell now = 97t-5370 . \ ( : ·I l I ti/:· 11 .. ! L • \ '••I • ''~( ... ' • 111111 = ....... . ~ .. ~ 11.n ... , 1111 •m S.nH tlon1I lbr 2 1tory -towMorM W/tA./tll« M9U-= m•bi. fln•nolng. "Birch em Model" only su11soo. =: 2110 Su Mtau• Dr. ,,. NllWPOrt 9elCh. "76f.1l501 ::: or 752.7173 .,. f!G " .. ,, . flt! --~ Walker & Lee PllllllU ... Prii.e West Bly bayfront. SUpe for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1,200.000. Ocean & jetty view~e room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. Oceanfront. .... ....... .. Specloue new 3 bdrm, 000 option money. Dyl :!!:· 1d~1n!:g~ For _.. of"f9nY. Unit 21 den. 3 beth home. Anor-551-8035; WI 873-4&te t: rent 128 900 714-6S1-t010 ;'!~t;JJ~,!~O option .. NIT ~I r~. 847.2etw. ' · e.... *'.., lllJ 141-1111 Owner needl cuh. dMI\ c.-nw •••••••••••••••••••••• Alt\ for Lori ~t antique type l'\ouM. 2 Br. • ~-HouM on Begonl• S2315. · · 1 89. l50x117' lot. lMDt ,,....,,. 1- 000, lot~. prtn. only. Chumlng 3br/2b1. A•· detec'* gmr~. 1119, ..... ~.;~ .......... . ..... NW -... t• Bier. (21S)4M-1123. _,. 188,000. 1106,000. 000. 50-5041 eve• & llft.l f&U.l'f Llll"•IW llMU Quiet, park-like eetting. Rm tor paddle liiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <>wner111gt f42.9n2 wttndl. 431.3520 wttdy9. Tu......, Prune Lido Nord bayfront. ~ bdrm. ~ 'h bath. tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul sntua WTl9I llUl ...., new 4opeX. 2 bdrm. Lge L.R .. 2 boat slips $1.500,000. de ...... a•. 3 b<lnna, fam rm, •379,600 fee. f1nt............ S5000 down. 3 Br. 2 89. llUL f.r 2 beth ·~~t w::; --. • • d f + Den. pool + Blldlllor fir~ • .,.....,_. pe · lat Ju1t oor1 •_!•Y romof Unit. Monthl" P•"m•nt Five bedrOOfN, 3 blthe, gttage. 9%-11t. Pol kemodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bllh + ge rec. rm. 2111 tu tlf•I• Ills ltlM hOmel vWued , .. .xceee • • fir~ home. ~ euh now. Now 1159,500. beam ceilings. furnished, pat.1os. $420,000. . 1~T -•, l·.I. au -10 12 mllllon, bMut~....,9P-S1800. Full price 1 159· rattd. Al10 lncludtd 8 111 Qru11dy, Rllr, uir,.._ _.,_ _... pointed 5 bdrm Hent ...... et 000. 557-2783. wooden patio 90d 111\911 8715-41u11. UllA llLE IAYFlllT p11n with p1nor1mlc boel doc*. 2 car get •• -------- ocHn 1nd night llght ...... 4 blk1 to Ocetn. '2815, ----L Lagoon view from 6 bdrm,~ bath, playroom, -Ill••• + pool ind 1p1, ooo. Fltm. 714-438-e542. dark rm, den, Boat slip. $1,3:>0,000. ml 1111 IPlllll Mft-' fHturlng .1clnt lln111clng TUTI 731-281'. 4Br, 2.000 1q It. home Only 172,000 for thl• with owner partlclp1t1on. Hlghly upgreded cond IAYS• COYE w/formal dining & family c11111c home. Lrg 1 Br Competitively priced at ,_, f.Wgrounde. V.ulted PW a.Tiii! Spectacular blytront vi~ 2 br, 2 ba up; 2"br. rm & mo rt. • 129.ooo. w/101d1 of m1llog1ny 1865,000. c.11 '°' llPPl· to ce111ng1, 1t11ned ~1111. . c1nel front 4 Br. Fee 2 ba dn. 2 boat slirw $1,900.000. 'liCelliiinowiiii.i9i7Miii3i7iOi. iiiil moldlng. Feeturel'lln· YleW. oak trim, lntetcom. rench lend. Term1. 1299,000. ,,... 11 elude wine cellw & trpM). 144-1211 doora, pvt. 1pa. BHr Mr. Clerk. 845-3370 aft MPD llY--IPYIUll YI Beautifully deci>rated "Southport" model with exterulve brick, land- scaping and panoramic VIEWS OF OC E.A N, CAN Y 0 N & CITY LIGHTS. Well-planned 2-story home with 6 bedrooms. immense family room, formal dining room and spacious bonus room. OW help finance thUI exceptional property. $699,500. 631-1400 WATERFRONT HOMES.INC R[Al CSTATE s,..,, Hrf\JJ, PuJC)f'n\ ~""'°"• 2431>W c-1 H...., ~& .. h 6Jl·14M .... Lii& .. On Quiet Cul-de-Sac In Old Corona del Ma r . Just Two Short Blocks From Beach. Comfortable Home On An R-2 Lot Offers Relaxed Atmosphere. Typical Of Thi. Desi- rable Community. Real11(lcally Priced At $2"19,500. Binnie Dixon'• u.ttng. ® --........... ,. 751-11• 12c...,..•"-i .... ,...c:..r- Owner wlll fln1nce. pocketbook price. 1 1159, 8PM. &31·7370 000· • iiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 11~1111 Tft\DITIO\,\I. RL\I l) -. ·: HERITAGE REALTO RS Casual or Dressy! \ ( '.-/ /. / t l l' I f . . .... Ar<'h1tttla, dra11nu1 plann.n Two IP'O'ft 1n Nrwpon Crntt'r Onr 11 lOOO aq ft and ~ II 3000 9Cj h V«r'j favorablf' ratr1t W1I lwn wll', Brokrr (714) 71C)..1IOCJ = ------~ ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I ... JI = '"' trlJ ,, ...... .. ......... ,, '==' S«:1l:Ai~-4~~s· = ------.., CIAY I. -•=::-.::-...:.: --.... .................. _. f IYIOI[ I .' I I t I r _ I EATUC l a• I' I I I _ ·I· .... ,t ... L-1 • .... ,-..... r ... I ..... , 1 •OPEAlf I r I I I " ............. ...,. ........ 111!1!1"11 .... ~----~~ ..... ~ ... ~~-----------------------------------------~~-----~-----.. Orange Cout DAILV PILOT/Wedneeday, May 6, "1G82 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cath. If It doesn't Mii, we'll run It another 3 INES , . OLLA AS days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real'fttate or commercial ada. Call today for full detat11. (Nofl ,.._~ ..... 1*9 .... t1Mt 3 3.AVS CLA8Slt:IED&642-56Z8 .~!~~·············· 1 !'.'.!!!!.P~!~!!.'!!~ .. !'.O.!!!!.¥~!~!~!!!'!. .• '~~1!'!9!!.~!{~~ Aluta••ll IA,.,, ••• ,, ..,,,,.,.,, ... ,.11 It liu• "" 011111 ••• ,., 4400 ,.,.,,, ... , t. A '4 I .J.W fl ,, Id" Iii /, l '-' •••••••••••••••••• •••• • ••• •• • •••••• • •• •• • • •. a.... ~!!!1.~ •••• f!!!~.!!re ...... !.~~1 E!t!~~ .... ~~ •... !.~t !1~~-~~ .•• !.~ff ...• ~.f! •••••••.•••••••••• f:~............. . ... f.f!~.! ••.••..•••• P:!~'. ~~~~.1~~ 1.0. lllHIT ••• -..rr::!~!!l ••• ~!~ .. IL...r ,,_, _ _.a 11-JUST lltted. "*'lou' Lovely 3 Br & Den. 2~ 81. Furn. Laguna BHCh lu-Ct1ll .... "" C.11• .... JIZ4 ,,. ,... • 2 8 5 . 8 1 1 • 4 11 2 5 . Office apace IY•ll•bl•. Partner-Actl'lt °' not -~--2bfi:llo kldNOW$430 No pttl. 11150. Hant xuryttudlo,epe,Sat .. ltt• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• C.!f! ........... 7,,. Hto $1.00 ~er foot In $30.000 Inv opp1y to •••••••·••,••••••••••• ' • 5 5'" 1 • "'• 1 TV aid --•-1'-ut Jl"'I .....--• tarn I tO 000 _,. + 11 CIH n I pretty 2 bdrm OC ENTALS 75()-3314 .,. """ or nge • 11une, m _,,.,..., 8TUNNINO large 1 br "' 1 ' Canntry VII age Burr ' "-· • homt, petlo, garag•. 494-&404. phori••· 1115/w••k. ...._..81119 gerdetl apt. poo[ 710 w. T~~:i:;r,•••;·&:•i&.: Non-1mkr. ~br condo, Whit• Rttr, 876-483o ~~~fo u b I Co. D • n av all May & Ju.ne Elllde 3 Br. 1 BL tnelld rr. •1u 3, ... 4n .2227. ~•u ftlJ 18th Street yard qui• area 14ao $200/mo. + ~ utll. '160 I--------~---------' • ger larg• yard NO .,. .... .., 1 •J1V • · • • v • dtp 964-3654 He Offlet In CdM, 2nd ttory $500/"°. (Juty$450/'#k). PETS. 1579 Redland1 Pl. ••'•"0••••••••••••••• f..,_n ~t 1111 llUtmJiTs 3 bdrm apt. 2288 Canyon M 1•1827. . . . . welk·up Oe•tn Yltw, llYESTlll 875-"87 $645/mo. 54e..ee&O. HOME FOR RENT ••••r.•••••••••••••••• 8t1ullfully.l1ndte•p•d Drive, lmmed. ooe. •--•--M/F refP. ~adUlt, non· cptt. drp1 & paneling WOUid you Nkt llf'l Imm. ,. I ~ I. •i•• 3 Bdrm. 1875. Ftnctd IUOI lllTIU garden aptl. Pool I Spa. 105/mo. Ca ll Rllu _,, -tmllr. Mttr • nr bMetl 420-.q 11. 875-5444 dl•t• & high rat• return ':~.".! ••• f! .• ! •• '!': But Eutald• locatlon. yard & garage. Kid• I Avallablt now. 1300 Covered parking. Heat 1142-8153. • •••••••••••••••••••••• CdM. 511-t0/1. $2115 M Tll WITD on your mon•r? Inlet'· Exte .• bdrm, 2·~ bl. Ir-roomy 1 Br/wettr paid. Ptll welcomt. 545-2000. w •• k "p Ag. n t paid. No peta. MIOMhur VIiiage I 8'. 2 8AM-IPM Sharon Of T• •• I. d 7 c •I Fr. d . vine T rraee. Yr IHH. Att. gar•1,•· Adult•, no Agent, no IM. 875•8170. Bac:MIOf l395 Dix 2 BR. Wiik In ctoteu, ~~~n'::. C:f6~':io~ ~:ii r ... 873-f732 Dix. txte. ault•. 2.012, 493-0461 $1400. 073-3100 1>911. '43 . 831-0754 wnu l/n•I .1ZIZ Oetantront wkly. 2 & 3 br. 1 Br.· • l«0-'456 bltnttOY9 & D/W, moealo 213/748-1250 dey1. Roommatt, cre111.-~-11. lncl'g, 2 txec. ofct .. "·· ~ •1z4 3 BR. 2 bl, 2 ear gar. Nice ••'•••••••'••••••••••• comp. furn'd. Gar. Avl 2260 Vanguard640-9928 ~i<'7'::oomc:,.•a_~ 2131377-1221 -· Ask pie oriented Pf'Of. pteftf· par~lontd aub-ofc1. I~. ':!'!!~ •• !!! •••••• ! .... yrd. w/grdntr. $1150. 3 Br 2 Ba. lrg yard. prl· now. 640-4784 1450/mo. 2 Br . ,..4 Ba. · · · for Mr. Cuhmen. rtd to ltlf' 2 Br w11t1Jdy, ~~Pl~.~~ /o~~ 1",; Ntw 3 r. 3 ea. Condo. 6411-3135. 1137-1458 vacy, cloH to 1ehoo11. •pl .. balcony, patio. E/tld• 1Br \u••t houH . MacArthur VIiiage 2 8 2 fully turn .. $285/mo . dteorauon atylt, beeut. $1500/mo. furnl•h•d. 3 er. 1 Ba. largt yard. r .. ah09Ping. 17501mo. Call SUMMER laundry rm. carport. wlgar~• utll. Avall Ba. new eerpet1 & ~P-'i48~39:/ ~~bra In eppHranet. In loe. $1000 llnlurn. Mo. to Mo. dte. 1963 Continental. 831·2lOl. 1~);:!~ Apt. Furn. CIOle to 111. C .. fOf appt. 11-1. $4 mo. M5-ee25 pllanen. 1826/mo. Call · prutlg-. bldg. Ntwport rental. 11t. & tut. Suptrb $750/mo. 559.5001 Iii I VJ.I 1Zl1 976-0679 TSL Mgmt. 642-1603 2 br. MWty dee ... toe patlO, 21317411-8250 d1y1. Ftmelt. non 1moker . Ar e htl Marine Bldg. loeatlOn, ntxt to 1hop· ..... -•• .'.'.~ ••• ·1.'......... encl. gar. Kid• all. $490. 2131377·1221 ...... Ask 25-40 to lhlf• 2 bdrm. 2 1142""6« p Ing I t h t et er 1 . WtnlJ HOMES FOR RENT 2229 Autoara. fOf Mr. Cuhmln. ba Lagun-Btach apt ---------l 648...Ctea. Sunny 2 Br 2 Ba Xlnt IOe 3 & 4 Bdrma. $875-a700. \4\'£.wt:field 876-e3'111a.42-120e with Ooe9tl View. $375 & otlfl llUI !~'1.!~.~ .. ~~ 2no TD '• $20,000·$ 150,000 fully amort to 20/yra. Other 2nd• to $1,000.000 Apyt1, eomm'I & non. o wner p rogrtm. Prln only CaN le>< tgt DOW· NEY SAVINGS Brtnt 993-26 11 ~~:,?t:~·p?r.1g ~~k ~~ ~f: !~:: f .... Y am: cteen bechtlor apt. dtelrt A~~ htaldtfl 'A ut11. 494-3304 ~~52 ~~in:. tram ovtr lultl landtep pool/ 54s-2ooo. Agtnt 1 BHutlful garden epta. mature tenant, quiet ti.,.,..,.. BAYFRONT: F•m•I• lor ~ 875-eJOO #Mn WulM '°" ape. dbl gar/optner. · · •no ... Patlot/d«:ltt . .._t paid. .,. ... $260/mo, utll• pd. •••••••••••••••••••••• Balboa ltland 3 Br 2 Ba. ---------1 •••••'•••••••••••••••• ~Ytll. now. 11100/mo .•• _,, lfffi JZll No pet1. Chlldrtn wel-833-3125 $350/mo. + ·~ utll1. 2M tq.11. ~. NewpOl1 $10,000-$100,000 +tor 979-3378 wkd y1 .••• -;r.;;•••••••••••••• ~-VIiia Mtdera 2 br 2 ba IEI-Bryan 873-1388 o r Btach. Chole• patio local ru ldentlal TD'•. J5l·8l84 fYM/wknda CC-RENTALS 2 er. 2 81. 1635 tamlll comp.lex. ,·500 + 11111 aar 650-132"4. loeatlon. $308 mo. Max 60'/, L to V RetUl'n 1-5br'• $200 to 12000 3 er. 2 81. l600 ~ ...... ow ......... 831-t094 3.4 •boY• prlmt . Call *--' IHd .1111 Spaclou12 Br. 2 Ba.1pllt 750-3314 open J-daye, 398 W WlllOfl ..... 1.gar., ,matt Ntw 1&2 bdrm. luxury Reap fem, non-1mkr 1hr ---------1 Dtnnlaon & Aaaoc . •• ·.-;c;;~•••••••••••••••• ltYtl, tr pie, mlero. 3 1131•5683 O, 642_3708 utl •pd. 5-48-4147 aptt In 14 plane. 1 Bdrm wltame, Ultra CM twnlhe WITDFml DU 673-7311 1 BR. , pool, Jacuzzi, deck a, ekyllt•. open Nwpt Bluff•. 3 Br on Chol· 2 BR 1,~ 81 fplc DIW from $515, 2 bdrm from nr beh. No P•ll. 1290. s.ttM .. Yla 1 1..L.I ---------~• lard•. llUna. 24 btam. dbl g1rlopt ner. c• ~rttnbtlt. •harp. Specious studlOS one ,_.. -·-1 · · • $570, TownhOUH from a.42·2897 ..,_ #trlflf .. , f,.,, G d $11 ...... "'31" -· --· pYt patio & gar. No pttt. ••40 I I --------Supert>ly tutnllhtd. Vltw ... u~. ar tn view. Avall. 5-24. 1860/mo. u, u:-·a •· tndrwobedroom~11-$345-$475/mo. 1 & z er. 1525mo.1143-6478 •" + poo 8• ttnn '· Young prof (M/F) to 1hr of main channtll FUil M-"-'1 SOJS 1 5115. 7 5 4 • 4 1 1 4 ; 9 7 9 • 3 3 7 8 w led y •. Exec 3br view home wt ments FURNISHED eptt. new earPf1, patlot, w1ter11111. pondtl G11 lovely 3 BR Turtleroek c r • t • r 111 1 • r "t c •. •••••••••••••••••••••• 642-9057, Katt 751-8184 eYea/Wkncl1. lrptc: +pool, only 1825 and UNFURNISHED. earportt Cat OK $390. 1 BR. re· upttalr1. tor cooking & hHtlng hme w/couple. Pv1 bath. 1525-165<>, 2 room IUltt. WIDOW HAS 11$ for T0'1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 3 Bdr & dtn townhouH . CC-RENTALS 150-3314 Oak~ooo ~iso olters TSl ~t 1142·1609 rtfrlg . 1 8 E. Bey. paid. From Sa n Diego ofc, tennlt , pool & lgt $t175 1175-9400 RE Loan1. 101C Up No BIG CANYON EXECUTIVE -• S4l·533l,9'19t84&-2325 Frwy d rive North on yard. Avall lmmed Crtdlt Check. No Ptn· HOME. Vlew, privacy, Vacant, nu"'pllntfcvi>et. ON THE WATER! •All Utilitiel Plld Roomy 3 Br. TownhouM iu--BHCh to McFadden to 553-1539 ult for na.., jRenllltaM/optlon nr 0C elly. Dtnnl1on A11oc. dbl gar May go IHH GrHt vltw of boet1 & 'lmmediMe apl In qult t adult com· _.,_ S tewlnd Vlllagt · ...... , Airport. 4800 aq 11 bldg 873-7311 :~~~r~•:: ~~·J~~:~':,': option. 1760. D11n1, egt bayl Brlek flreplaee . ,..___ plex. Ntwly dteorat•d. 1 bdrm 1tov•. rtfrlg. (714)893-5198 F to lhr pvt. bMUt. 3 bf, 2 4 200 IQ It AC o le . ---------84Q..4Sl8 631-1268 country kltchtn. 1 Bdrm """""-"'' llftPllct. ~patlO & Nice. $400 in<> lnellldlng ba duplex w/um•, 2 1 200AMP 3 phHe, gue· ... Llllll ~~~~~~~~~ 2 er. Eaitllde, upgraded. Ptnln1ul1 eoti.ge. Aval· •st Million In garage. Sorry. no ptt1. utHlllM. 845-0108 •-• 4000 blk• from bHCll. CdM rent-S ttnanl 1,000 aq I buy 011eounttd Trull = front & back yard Lower. lablt now. $875 mo. c an RectNtion 11100 Mo. 1146-3381 or Nr Nwpt Hgt•. 1 tty trl ~•••••••••••••••• $375 +'A utll1. 873-3585 ft Financing 8e4ow mkt. D••d•. ltrtlght not••· Moblle 2br $700 l600 5411-a733 . 673-8550 11 d M h M , 675-5948 Room for rtnt. profetalo-By ~ 546-4502 2nd1 01 3rd1 In loreclo· Np~ 31fam· $1500 . THE REAL ESTATERS For an ~onuct" oroaret110. s•""tmo .. 2 "r. 1 Ba. U"-pltx, 2 br, 1 ba, erpt1, nel malt In 30'1, beaut. Nd 2 rmmtt'I t'o thr 3br aurt or bankrupt f t NptH(jt•. 3/pool $1850 Out1t1ndlng MH• Vtrde ,.. " ~ """ ... ,. drpt, patio, '425· Open N.B. home. Kitchen priv.. 2b• hH. 2 ear/gar lrpl. IEWMT 11111 a cllonl Contae?'.Jo8:n Wattrfron1 H~ Rltrt home 4 Bdr 2,~ 8 , on WSE W1lll ~ri>e MOdels °""'l"•'lv per apt .. tnclld garage. Thurt. 10-~. 247 E. tllth pool av all. $250/mo. lrg yrd $230. lmmtd. •"Turn K..., Office" $390. Shta 955•3454 Cell:631·1400 eul·dt -u e . $950/mo. II WSE 9amto6om No pets beleonyl patlo. laundry St.(213)441-1592 ltOOdef>. 780-8242.Call 86~1115or54&·5189 •"Brancf'l;'Offloel75 .Agt. 631·12116 Atk tor rm. Avell. s-5. E/1ld• 2br hH, lrg fned untll 2PM. Home to lhr $275 mo. Incl •Stmln1r/Mtg Rooma 1 Aaat•~••l1/ ... ,., Uahra/dtfl Anne. ~.~rd ~•nJlr '.r0'gj :~= TSL Mgmt. 842•1603 yd. Pet ok. $4115/mo Room tor rent. prlv tnt. utll. ht & l11t Furn, hOuf'ly 1 II/ •••••••••••••••••••••• e.autlfulty decorettd up-845-3370. Af16. Oakwood 1 Br.+ E.lidt. 111 & lut $200 tee. M2-0a57 $80 par wk or $175 par non-arnlt.r. 1173-8302 •Typjng . m 1llln g1 . i:,~'r....r J,JM greded 3patlo. GrMt IOf Garden Apartments + H CUrlty. $500. Call mo. No Securtty. ldeel fa< Shr 3 BR 2 B• hm• Coll I phonee. • ••••••••••••••••••••• 11ahl.U 1#1 entertelnlng. Gardtntr CdM 38r Vu 11300 546-4318 11 Ttn WJ alngl• man Jay EYt1. Pk, CM wtM/F. Pref Pf'O Cal for Info 752-6408. Aaa ... N91al1 1111 ............ .; ......... lnet $850.556--0347 UdoPkDr Vu $1800 NewportBelch/No. l500-$6251mo.2Br.18a. ...................... ee1-9526 non amkr. $2110 mo. .. .................. .. Charmlnt/Sparkllng. 2 Eat1bluff 38r . $1200 8801Mne 1 11ory •h•t drapH PHEASANT CrHk El FrM ~· mature 6'6-2718 lll&LL.,,.. *llWTUL .to,.., 4 drm 2 bal fa I ... I ... t f 38 f 2 1 16 tlo f :...,. d ' ......._ __ _,; Toro New. dill. 1 br. 1 ' f 18X20 $ 25 mlly rm on Penln. Point. TOWNHOUSE. 2'A bl . nr 200 (71-4) 64~t104 c.tUngt age ..,....., 11ttJ & wane. 645-4 731 .. " "' ,..,.,... .., W .. lltr ---• .,. • • ut 1 r· ovt l dtn it 1n1 I pa . r...,... • ,,,_,_, b• -do Perkllk• Mt· lady. xeha~ for baby· yl F _ ... 3 •~. 2 bl....-.... °' rent, • t l"l•I* 1 blk from BHell and new. Prtv toe. AM bUllt Ina. 81ytront 5Br00Ck $3250 TSL ~ t..2 1603 ting, Wlttf Merited. ttn-54~ . • 17 5 & I u t 11 1. C a 11 • 2 St81C5 S04"2. ~7£...amlF~ Reellle. • Bay. YMrty ..... $1.600 2 ear gar with tlec ope-Wattftront Homtt Rltra Newport Beach/So. . • nl1. pool. 1p1 Wtr. pd. 10-3:30. Tina 642-11558 "t7l21 • uv "" mo. 876-0375 ner. 1850. Ayall ~prox 1111411 ' 1700 l6th St 1 *2 Br 1 ba MeH Ytrdt $600. 855-1525, 10-&PM 0.... 21. POOi, )ac. tennla PROFESSIONAL malt J McDon t ld 'I S tempa ,._ 8/1. John Mlflhal . Agt. • (Dover al ltltl\) upper. Ntw deeor. No B 1_ Step• to bHeh. Rtf1. non-amoktr wantea 10 I d ._1 I 4410 wenttd 702-709-7 15. wal1t1ut 1Hd.1Zll 631-2242 J (71.4)M2-5t1l I pell. Ger. $495/mo. ul .. ffN Ntwp prlY/ deluxe CM •hare Ilk• new 2 b•-.!.~~ ..... !....... Rtwero. 935.7775 ut. ;"f;.0-;a·a0.°~1";:~·h;:n-.~ 1 'A BR, yard, no pttl .. B~t~~ E_o0fnd2o&. ~~-833-1974 .... , 1lfO twnhM. W/D, C:::,· Own droom. 2 beth. San Juan R-1111 ltort at 2650 Avon 17 .., · · 2 bl bltnt frlgt WID ' ..... _ · THE WHIFfLETREf 1·2-3 ' • " ......, .. ""' Ptt Owner·1 wlll plaet eompl.t.lyr.p.lnt•"& eh lld OK Wtatald• .,._,..,, "' "'"""'• 111r3bf nrSC °'•-8.A •••••••••••••••••••••• phont.$350. lll2 C1pl1tr1no~ndo Fir• St 1640.,.,11 .... •18cet1--------- earpatld. approx. 1500 1475/rno 641-0789 · • · · Carport. pool. epe. $875. 8 a G S Room In large houM Co-plac.. pool, • onty geragt. 641-8777 or t In ..___ ........... 11 S'l'SO/ · · trpt,allnewd«:Of .. poote YMtty.octan'ilew,28r.1 Petok.752·5822or drm ... pta. ym. pa. ronadtlMar'A block 2mllttobteeflandC>ena 1 873-77'70 )'OUl'Pt ,,..,.,,...,. ::&-1130 mo. 1'11111 .._ & patio. IHO mo. tit. Ba. BHut. turn., w/d . 1141-1460. Sauna. pool, tennis. tte. lrom OcHn. 1250 ptr Point Harbor. $275 plul you vacation. no c•Qt•. · 3br 2b• lg tam rm. lg IM1 l aec:. &42-1155 gar. $775/mo. lneld• 646--0819 mo. 111 enct tut. ·~ utlllt .... Cell Gtrhard CMll«tW _eM-__ 92_29 _____ _ be•dtt..... lned yd, w/gdnr. $175. 3 br. Bluff• (Paula). on utllt. 873-4132· *3bf."' S.C. Plaza. S.A. o.tuxe ~. xtra lar· 873-1729 ( 7 14111 3 t • 20 4 O or i...1111 4411 WI •altil • ..____,... ...3-117" I t I d Oar. pool, lpl. $750. 2b 2b bl 4"" "7"" JP _...... v• ~ Cl u • c u • • • 11 e • Chlld ok 752-5822 or g • r • 1 • 1n 1 • Furn pnv room and beth. ...... -· 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• CLASS ~ ltl-In Fat .... °' rent. Unit 21 3 M 2 BA. frp6e, ,.,._ 2 11100/mo. Rttt 731 ..... 5 ~U 1141•14e0 dtwtlr. 1on mllel beach. Rtfrlg. $28S ,.__ 1 •-4,10 tfflll • U. your Nfef 4 I.hf ...iooa. 7 14-431-8010 car garage. Ho pet•. New ooeantront 3 Br. fa-faMldtfl · AdUltl, no pttt. l500mo. · 845--0108 ~~/!!.!!!.:':'.~!..... In n-•r bldg on Co11t $40 . Start Mon 5110, $775/mo. tit + 1460 rnlY ""· 2 trplO .. Y9lf'IY. •••••••••••••••••••••• EH tald• 2 BR. am yerd. 531-83e2 Garage email double El Hwy. SQuth Uguna. """° 7·30 PM Prof nwep11t c.,.... Iii 1fM Jm Me. Me-6423. M2-0l36 12SOO/mo. 646-0178. . ,,._,} Jiii option al ettach gar. __. IPIS El aid• C.M. Rm In pvt Side Cott• Mt1• ito-ptox. 500aq.11. Exoelent 759-0499 j~;i~;i1;i;d"coiY"i"s:. 1 BR.' DEN. aeoluded I Newport Shor ... Canal •••••••••••••••••••••• ~:.!~~0· 900 lq.ft. NHr bHCh. sr1clou1 ~~';~.·~~~1~t~h·:;~~ rage onty, 175. ~1177 Cl~":t;t2·;~~ ~~~~~~ --------- lrple. newepta. em patio. prtvatt.hugeywd,geal front, 3 bdrm. 2'A ba. 31r lau 7 .. ,,,173$ 1 lll •. l 11. 2 II.• II. qultt 2 Br. 'A B•. s-57-2783 Storag• Garag•. down·1 Atloc.494-ttn So o I Hwy. $ 7 2 5 . wet tr paid. range. Ho Walk to beectl. POOi and ou:-8 • TownhouH. $495/mo. town Cotti M .... 9x20. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjjj 1173-1734. pall. Carport. 1510/mo ttnnla IYlll. No pate. Ntwly decor. G11 pd. ll60-ae5e. .... 'lelrl 40$01 150/mo. 642-4907. 111 . + $ 3 5 O 1 • e . l950 •JM. lllul ""' tncl gar dw1hr. pool, , ••••••••••••••••••••"" OllllA Ill IAI 2 BR t 'A Ba, fplc. WID. 8411-a.423, 642-0835. 752• ~Th cott ag•, 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• bbQ. Adult•. no pet•. 2Br. 1 !itBa. $375 + $375 Pvt rm, beth. gourmet Ent aide 2 car gartgt. :>250 aq. ft. In the~ lr~~·=Ed«:«YI 75;,~5Pt62t. bdrm, 2 be. Wik to train. Dix tllte 2 Br apt, )'Mrty 1142-6073 dep. gu pd, n r 8t1eh mt1l1. tr1n1portetlon.I tpprox. 20x20. 175 lealboa Saving• Bulldlng ______ • ___ 2bdrm,1be ,1425no twn.bcll.I J00 492_7913 $675.206'h PHrl No · Blvd&Macfedden. lndry.companlon,for 848 -1 tll4 ' d •Y•.on EutCou t Hwy.Alr l Spygllll 4 e r l•mtly ~· 845 VlctOlla. No 6 Pf1•. 1111111111 IPIS qul91, no pttt. 893-481M 1ctlYt. tldtrly ledy Ir· 645-9~3 t'IM. condltlontd. ampl• par· room, 2 trple. octent 9l24 Wnmi•il•r JZH Adult IMng. 1 Br .. car-1 Br w/geregt. welk to vine. 552-3037 evt. oa· •-_, 4~-king. c arptllng, grou harbor lllewl. 1 1950/mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• •JM port, pool & laundrf. No b tach 1435 ptt OK ltf -•le1 ,,_ ...... $2250 par mo BuliaflN HOMES FOR RENT •-1 -ta. $425. 931 W. 19th. ' •111J1 #tl•h 4100 ••••••••••••••••:••••• 84~7711. 1111ianh _. S,..... .... ,..,.2 962-2827, 962-40711 ••••••'••••••••••••••• C.M. 2 offleea, 345 . bath. ,7).4400 .... et 3Z 3 & 4 Bclrma. 5875-$700 • •• • •••••••••••••• •• •• t. -~· . 1111 I PlAll'7 ator•g• nall. $250/mo. 21bdrm, dtn, beam e•I· ··.···~·R•E•.N••T•a•L•t••••• Ftneed yardt & garegea. 4BR. 2BA. yearly. Frple, 2 8 .._....,red«: ......... hriat 3144 5411-33'5 49.-s803 H aR BOR Inge, garage. Nlct. $875 ..,.,. " s Kid• & p•t• Wtleomt . bit-Ina. perking. CloM to r. ·-·1 . ...._x •••••••••••••••••••••• Reaa. WtMdy Rat• . . ~ mo. Mo-6087 1·5bf'I $200 to $2000 545-2000. Agent. no fM. b 1 y & o c • 1 n . 8 r k r wlllngtt gar.; large yard. New 1 br •pt lor IHH. Kltehtnett• • Ph<>net 1617 W•tdlff, N.B. Want LG. 1 BR. Avall. 611, gar, 750-3314 open 7-deye 3 bdrm, 2 ba. Yt ry nice. 1175-4912 $600/mo. 559-5001· many exfru. $850. "Z" Chlnntl Mov1ee llnanclel lnlt. 70001.f. WI D. etorag•. $695. HOMES FOR RENT 1875 mo. NHr achool. 2Br. tBa. bltn1. rtlrlg. 2,~· 1981 ~·~ Avt. tit ~8;~ 9 5 5 . t 113 3 . Sandplpt~981 New-U1t ~~oor . Agtn t 7 t 9 'h M I f I g OI d . 3 & 4 Bdrm1. $875-$700. 962-2288 Of 893-3117 gar~t. yrly $560 mo. l~·2n5o rs•I I . p~flO~I 81. Coeta Meta 645·9137 --· ------840-4255. Ftootd yard• & gareget. tat, l11t + $300 H c.. · e rr• gm · 2 er. 1 '~ ba upgraded ---------1 A Owti.iOn OI llurbor lnve~tmeal L'o Ct1U#na .1U4 ...........•........•. CC-RENTALS t-5br'1 1200 t.o $2000 750-3314 open 7-0aye .... Tll~FEW Rt n1 In Co1t1 MtH '1 NEWEST ga t td 20 Townhom• VILLAGE COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Br. 21A Bl. tll00-1800 tq. 11. of J)Ufe IUllury. Geraget. hydro-tuba In matter tulle. dining room•. wood burning nrtplacet, mlcro-weve ovtna, prl· v att p1 t1 01 & y1rd1.g1rdener pT'OYI· dtd, Eltgent llYlng only t5 mlnut• from Fathlon l•Mj. 7 mlnvtet to S.C. PIH• or O.C.Alrport. Jult tllt of Ntwport Blvd I IO. of Sin Dl9gO Frwy. Starting et $900 a moflth. 1131-5439. 2473 Or ng• Avt .. Co1ta Kid• & p•t• weleomt . c.M..W .. 1 maturt llngle or couple. 641·1324 CONDO. Northwood . SUUll Mm llU 1111'11 545-2000. Agent. no fM. Uahn/ittfl '411 1173-8968.-. 752-8005 $725 mo. Avelt. 711. Wkly r•nt•I• now 111111. 11WN1f NEAR tht bch 3bf 2be •••••••••••••••••••••• dYI uk fOl Kathy. 731-5423. $105 & up. Color TV . Elegtnt Extc tultH In fll •••- frptc:, gar, kld.pM.$500 air OtMe Mii. CtnU ''' ., JIZJ UY lmUS W ........ , JIU Phonu In room 2274 preatlglou• loe. lnel ••· ..,._ OC-REMTALS 750-3314 752-8731 •••••••••••••••••••••• SP C OUS B ••'•"•••••••••••••••• Newport Btvd. CM. erttarlal. rt etptlonl1t. 300 aq fl. Foot trefflc. ---------1 R Wtlk to pvt bHeh 28r A I 1 r. ~ e.e-7445 teltphont en• & mort Dntwn L-cl 4~ I 4J"i ~· ~~· ~0~ ~ g~~-~~lk~c!:1~:~~~·rZi 181, frptc:. 1g pauO. enci Flrtplae•. pool & much Moe1elegent 9')1. l>ldg. In 1...., IHllll 4 otet from $43e mo. On· .... g am · · va · 1er No.Pt'• s..75 & ._.5 gerage. grdnr. C •P• "'°''· Laguna Beach, flnt1t •••••••••••••••••••••• eall ole• $165 mo. THE luulthl uaW4 Junt 1. 8 3-0828 11 775 2580 5511-Cod completely remdl'd loeltlon In town. bf•th-IA~ HEADOUARTERS COM· •••••••••••••••••••••• l • 3Z U1 • -• 1626 ' 1 0 0 0 m 0 . ( 7 1 4 i ........ a t•lng "'"'· Ill bult4"•. 4 bdrm. 4 bath, H ndy PANIES: A proftHIOn•I N.8 . 397!1 Birch. 5600 tq. .~'!!. •••••••••..•..• SO. Coalt Vlllat. di~ 2 BR 873-9508. 8 33-2800 h•attd pool. 1ub. ga· beach. pltr & float . t nvlr onment. (7 141 It or lt11. MIA ion• 3 Br. 3 Ba. Extc Homt In 2 B•. nr So. Ct t PIHi. _c_ody~------W•tllde 2 Br. 1 Ba. cen-r111•. •lt 'lltor. LHH 18000 for Augu11. 8 111 115l-Oeel Agent 541"5032· NonhwOOdl. 2 ltory with Ste. gtt•-. pool, elbhM, ._... It ..... tr al hHtlng, garage. onty. ~~ .. up. 930 Cliff Grundy. Rltr, 875-8181. 520 1q. It. 11.00 "'"'r tq --~ xtra lr11 lam. room. No $600. 979-8918 -t t d Dr 4........,..... ,.. "" Wf'N5 dOQI plMM. Gardener & 3 bdrm. 2 ba. 2 1tory 1 ove. earpe '· rape•. · · 2 bdrm turn eondo, CM, ft .. 3976 Birch .. N.8 . WarehouH Jp•e• with wtttr paid. $900/mo. AMtlat•ll fanhitfl tow nhou .. duplo. Noe'~ ~Hdfen, water-,,,_..,, IHft 3111 Avall 81111thru1112 1. _Agen...;;;.._t _54_1_·50_3_2 ___ carp•"· drp1. & wtt &45-2000. Agent. no IM. •'•••••••••••••••••••• OVerllitd patio. PrlYata be •· 450 + ••eurlty •• ·.-;c;;;•••••••••••••• '550 mo 641 5419 b1r1. 700 to 9200 aq.tt. ----------• "-·t·• •-.• l1.'14 1ae. fl replace. dl•h· d•io•lt. 548·11442 or 1 BR eondo, VerHlllH, • • M ... lnduatrlal park. 711 lllTIU ~.: ••• :::........... w11her. Bullt~lnt. $950 77 5829· Ilk• n .... 1550 mo. CaH Npt 8dl beytront w/<todl, W. 17th St., Pacific Bluff 1 br. 1 bl 1850 •••• M •• mo . Yearly I•••• Rlcherd, 213-830-2323; tip• 8·10, $1750 pr*"· lndu1trlal Park. 1835 2 bf. 2 bl $750-$800 A~IUTIES PAID 962·11135 an '· .ealiB.AIJ 213-f23-7854 ~;5-~~7v,c. 875-2355, Whlttltr A\19. 842-44831 2 br. 2"" bl $800-$850 2 bf. frptc:, enet garden & . 2Br 1be. •t In kltetl. End --------~ ~""C--0. 642·7604 3 bf, 2 be 1925 Com p er• be lore you ei-11o. $800/mo. Call for Tftllll•I petlo & gar. 1535, no Month of Auguat .,,:;:-,_ ... 3 bf. 2 'h be l600 rent. Cuetom o..1gn IN · appt, 873--8522 Ntw Condo for rtnt. 2 pett. 1142·2134 Udo 1bf, den $2000 I'~ · 3 br, 2 be S14oo turM· Pool. BBO. eov'rd Br 2'A Ba. $705lmo. Dbl NO FEEi Apt. I Condo BeeconBey, 3bf $2500 ,1,,.. __ _ 3 bf, 2 ba I 1500 tum garage. aurr<>Ynded with .... Ill IAI ~ flftplia. pool, ;r,; rentalt Vlh Rentala. CdM, ~ 5bf $3000 .,, _ ..,_ : :: ~.!•b• 1825.: :~: plu1h landte•plng. No Freahly painted 28drm apt W. 11th. 645-2 St 675-4912 Br<*er. ~=:f~ ~5: ./...,... ...,..,. L• .f\lltOf Rlty 833-8600 Pflt. with encloud garage . v 111 b d Ceil: 891-1400 1 Br. tum. from $490 Car--ted & avelfable for Large 1 bf, pool. quiet. no •n • H 1 r eon °· \.all Mr Ho""''d 645 610' 1100 IQ. ft. 2 olet. wt ept•. F&R dfl, OIH dr. top cond Frwy elou $385 1000 IQ. ft. $295 OIH dr. tollet & b11ln, ltOfage loft. 675-8251. HOME FOR RENT 2 Br. furn. from *680 ...... pet•. $370. 1550. Clou to bHCh. Laguna a.ctl Oceenfronl ~:Mi'irft'M;iiiiiiin~ ... 111. "•"' "" Utl paid 4rm bee~I 4 Bdrm. $760. Ftneed 38!1 w. Wllton,64~1971 lmmtdl•t• occupancy. 84&-7319 or 87~84 Full NCUl1ty. 848-3874 lurn eondo 1500 per *m.ID .......................... .. patio, pet $350 yard I garage . Kid• & p l600 mo. E. SIOE-3Bt 2a.. gatage, Sh arp Oa rden Guut ..-. 714-414,..118 From 1 room to3 rooma. ~ OC TAL8 750-3314 pettweleome. 545-2000. ~0~'~1~~~1~0~~t:f. 17t 4t 61l-4400 chlldren OK, no pe t•. hom•. 1br, qui.t. W/D, ,,,,.11,. ,_"'141 From 11.18 • tq. ft. No 1J1M: • ... UY Agent, no.... amenltlu , nee r 8.C. UIJI U l ·JIH 1120 mo.+ MO dtp,,... P • tlo • I 3 3 II / mo· •••••••••••••••••••••• ..... r9qU!rtd. Adj. Air· ueklng quellt~ a'btl 3Bt.3Be.TownhouMby WOODBRIDOE-3Br. Plau,yu rlylu" HARaOA lund1ble.Av111 May1. 1441 tS3S OOEAN FRONT214Br. ~lnn.2172Dupont. condo,Jum.otunfutnf0t beDbllng brook. frplc, 1~Be. or DOol I tenn11. $550/rno. 548 ·37H or 848--9999 PARK NEWPORT Aval!. now. Weekly lhtu C9ll AM. 83W22' own llmlted wH. Cell d/w, pool, dbl Qll', many $700 mo. No Ptt•· Avall 563-1202 aft 6. 2 bdrm. fenced , qult t, APARTMENTS IUl'MW. 873-7173, BIVrnt\llT LAurte at 714-956-1414 xtnia. No Pt1a. l800/mo t 1 t wk 0 I Jun.-. $350/mo. oex mob1te twn. out-04HaC. o.raoe "'" . 1"'*'1 w.-VIia. rum. 3 n Jr'"'" I l•I••· ta t. & ••c. 494-4142· M1ture edult1, nor:t•. mo.E.,.1t4-6M-1M1 ~ClUBUVINO BA 3k Pnmeofflc9.81S-100ll ....... n-1 844J.6423. W I T Q I "" 1 IN NEWPORT MACH •,._. 1 U '44()..6548 1.-m•1 ---------eter ront ownhouH u et. ucure . •• \ 111,1,11"1 nl 28r new Int fnod )"d, ge. A cMtuM oomtlWftlty on v-n...,. •c..-n 2 t>r duptex.i..off· Broedmoor 2 Br. 2 Be. News>oft llVd. 6'6-897a. 11.irhur l1111"1n111u t'o ,.g., 222; Auti19ft Or. the 8aall ley. CIUb houo-... 1111,. .... -4 ' I •••••••••••••••••••••• etreet prllg. Quiet. M 75. ~:~~· .~l·pt pb!~i.b!1.y::: ... u.-l4e6 mo. (2t3) 1'1M1S2 • 'epa; 1 DOQte;. i.n. •••••••••••••••••••••• exec up an ...... •It 1 cl H t •·-n1a count: cioee '°bile!-Mal• n••d•d to allar• ~rf. u' • n · o P• • · front patio. 050/rno. L-~ai •1a a Ir. t Ba. new wpet I nee. a ~ .......... -.. ,.~ ..... u-,., ... I ., ... e31-1mw. M-F. . 875-7171. ..~~ ......... :" .. ;; 112s, 2 1r 1 ea "*1t.hou-pe1nt. l600/mo. .. ..._..... ---.......... --.1111,r ... • ............. . SOI ... lltlM. ffpl, pOOI. No lfolc• '81-tlOO hOf'M. '211/mof'ttl pfua F~ ~ Art, NMdl.woftl, Trim I ~ 3:;. =~5 . 1 Br. Condo . n1ee1y up· U.'a PmlT pet•. Agt. ?to-t 1H. M . · UnfUmlehacl ttud!Oe, 1 l utlflt .... can rlpt nowt office l 11..ic ...,. Bral~~k- HTALI 750-33f4 CidU2.f!::.'mo. c au .. ~ b tat• LMngl C.,ta .._ 1114 8r= ~·.:n!:C:o~ ~Pl't"*'"· town-.... ft. ..a:·~·~~ .... '. ~·a -•41 1 Tu•a-a:i MAK( SOMlON( rtAllPY MAKl SOMEONI SMIU Pl-e HAPPY AO In thlt eok.lmf\ IOI onty $3.25. Call 1142·5878 .wam a llllY. Thtnk• tor th• memo· rlH , great ptrty, 1u.,.r tun Heppy 40thl THE DOCKTERS "'' ' '•"' 11# ...•.......••.•.•.••.. FOlltD ADS ARE FREE Cal: M2-ltll Ann or Somtr Snydtr • Ardtn D . ..eking to lo· e•t• you. G1n. Oel. Al· lendlle. N.J. PLUll llLIS Still loolllng !of Iott P4-'P- py. Mother dOg on.vtna . 9 heggy long hair. Oft whl u . 4 mo m e le . .....-10 Loet: •lender grey tabby C4tt, F, wht bib I ,..._ tm. bm~REWAPID. Lott In South H.8 . C. JonH, 317B 12 St. ~1904 ev1. La mar com• homel We lov• youl MIH lng 81&· m.•• M. A.werd. tt.B. "2-1004 Found: M. t<H1hound, Sit, vto. Ctlwtc*k• I.II • ... ..,..Httaft.IPM 2 :i,:_1r 1._ 4 .... aumu1 perk·llke tur-••••••::m••••••••••• gar Meta Verd• •HS 8&40-t1000 ~~ 1~:30 • 2,.. ..~ 2« **W111118• roundlnoe. htreoed mTll'f llt mo' Cell 840·11N I N 11111119R 1~!!!~';"!·~l!l!!!~l~~f!~~~~ " """""'· ~ pool. Sunken OH bbq, ...,._ -Ir , ' , • * l e veul atudloa a t ••• I 5 OIVOfllOI I ALE..C.ll'NC ~o er. Many x1r11• = 3 Bdr 2 11 view tparkllno tounta lna. _ .. .,..-1rrro. 2 • 1~ I« L.lt1)' « am bdm\. lrita ... fUrNlfled fllllDI ~ .._,... newt4oata Ora tt •w•lne u , com· Found: 8ur tboa r d , on ,, I ao. LHH I HO. ...., .. a Medi 8pectov• roome. s.p.~ Ba. T~ ... buflt· IEAUTll'UL 3 Ir MH• wtttl ftM ~"""'" .... ~ ,...... ft.~ pteta, .... , tor coup... • .. 0--II, Hwnt. l cll. I « Ml! tor Mr. club. Aull. lmmed. rn d4r*19 .,.._Walt-Ir! Ina, balOoft)', laundry rm, Venle 1IOO tQ. ft.""""' turtl liOCWl1a Move ~I ...... ....,oy. tt;;''oM;.---w wlll train, Potential of 14'MHI, 171-1111 MW31S· r.!.~':°.J1:: ~ doMtt. llotM .. kHofl.. =-= parking. Nie• pdo, trplo. '-'dry*'-In fOday ot NMNe for = .:....: "lfil klnt . well melntal~d :;r..:;:Y'· Mo. IS,000. loet~ Lt Mu_... no-. ml._ from. ~~~~~111 to Tll MOmf 141-ttoa :0.~~tt'°' ** """""'"*""" ~ . ci-, :ii anl..1 b I cf t . V lolly d • Y• 1---------c "°°"· .., "'¥tc. Y~ dt~,!. l..!.!•zi"Y. ,"1..~.11trldu 1 ~fwn NOi fumlltlM ~ °'*' Good "'°"*"AIMftoa. 7141941 4IOO. Coeta Mw 11..ed 9NI· ~ort ent. "••ar • ---"val. ~I "'",.. W' 2 ldrm0 unf"1rn tr om LO 3 bclml, 2 bl..,.... My. TN Tomorrow..-. Contultant In trvJn• ".. ""'~11\ft&. llO, 7411 ' l1Mt~r--Rcah• IMI Md drpe. otrport.•NW on Jel'nlMW• ""·mt *"oft'* .... ,,.....,. large oflloe to aller•, ooo. < 1.....,.18 loee 1 ""'1111 .,. Oat-OCC, no P•t•. 110 Ian .__.._ ._ M . .eio _. • ,._. H•ar Alrpoft • .-... Own yo1u own J•an-lie "''•• 1 lftal• , ... ti Ill Rll rt51 l111Mt No peta. 111~ r;:;:-1•800 ..,,,., Oel 111 .. cu• l port•w .. r or tnttnt• f'llbl • ._H In HatMt VV ~...,... lfl t9lll Ml rra•n ,.. .. ,,lultW • U.U.. l'rwl t Br. T°"""°'*, '"... ~ (iii-. ...... A/C ..... !tr•tH n 8tere, JHn ...,,_, IU UM ~=· C,M, "~=::: ~ll':.,.~ :. r::.·:.'::=J." f!'A.9J!llP.t!., .. .:!?f =-.::.."C'.::.i =· ":".t:;..-''-Col '::'. ::.:= :O."°I.: Utr e laa'9IM w. Of e.ati. I'*' I . OI Cllen. ..... t "' '" M. '.:":Jr·.on-.:o.vt;a roo'"' n•~ 11. llCIOUTIYI omca lel• It.. tta. MWtll ' ~· • • ~• ..... ..... P~1U!L!0 pote. 1.411. ..... 1111 ... 0111U\tl ' ' 1 ... ''""HI ft, ttOO ..... =· ..,,...._.,,., .. ~~·n~·;~;;:nt M1 .... 1 f , •-..... ~C) .... l'to*l lilt, t be 1u . ,riv ••• AIC. L..e:41•m-TM H.a.•71/Mo. ..... ISl lMI .. *-~a· O~Mt,!a,..,t•-.8..!.IM ... 1. Adllft tud .... •t=lt ~ ~·.f.:..M.:f+O;,!! ·.·:~1 , 111·1100, ....... Mk &Ah-~Ms--ll .,_ ........ ..-..wy,, 4 4 ~-.L ., ... ,_, f I a "lift I -· ,...... - --...., _,, 40 ....,,~ ........ ,U~k.'tee L",Of'· N99 _ ........ 't:·· . ....., Aull.Ma,1.h lly ........ ,., ... ,._,a ll'f'to ._.,_...,lotl ot eeo-~:'c=_:-,:.:.".t:' water. No fH. ~•'· • -..M;•I• ,._,,, -~-=-\111..._m ..... , .. , .. .._. °" ~ ,_ .... :1;,0ll 'If* It,_, a ,_:. 111.cml I~ ~·f: = r..e , .. , .. , ,, .. '" .... W "" .... , .... ~"!.~'!!..c5 ==;;r. r~.u1r. •• , '""'•not ..... "' ... 'E..,..,, ~"1i111 ......... WutJ. .• a 0~11)' ,,.,., ,,..... ...... ~ I ":=.,_....,,_ M "9edCI ,_Mflltnowwttft a M M49 N .Awll Prl 11 ..,_t 0..1Hd M CMITOdllt ,_ ••• _., _,., .. Ad. 111,, 14 • ~llft ..... ) • - t167 P• Dav n:re AU~pCf '°'. "'ttt*'I. ltd .... , PUT ••• IUll•Y 00 rT HOW1 ......... y 046 OalV l'tlot a."'6oeDlrectory Alpl ......... tM Ml-ttta,at.m ~ •....•...••... ~P~Lot Aepelra. 9 HIC oetlng. sas ~ l31~1tt0c ALLSTATE PAVING =-~· Lie #187312 145-81111 . Orange COU1 DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday, May 6, 1982 . . l!(fil.1 •••••••••••••• ~~•nne o; ~~·····••eee l!Jt7.!w •••••••••••• •!tt!S •••••••••••••• ~!m~.,eenoo "*·••oooonooeeoo r.·~l.oooeoooeeoeoo ~.!.~1 -:::·u...=.~· ~I:..O ~-:n:=1na. Ht~crn~.~ "=~I ANI N:" .......... '~::h'1"01'=.r AddNOne. """U•M... orpw . 1cr Min. "9eofl. ,,.. .... KMI 17 1wHpln,. ,r .. ••tl• r1rnov0 dump truok do Oii'..-, ~l· wtn T~. ~ '*' au.tty, Uollne. ltrtp. Dootl,----.-0 Hll.twdln.nMt 11:11¥11 OAYWAUJACOU8TIC metu. '5·072or ~eerv.M2·7NI doW9.•0en6*4117 In 2 ~:· ~'Dllc.onpepet. ~ ,,.. -. ....._ '°'°"' '1.IO; oouofl 11cr: Flepelre, new I olcl. 11 MM7St. HAUUNQ a ouw Wll otMn your llouM 0 No • 7»-13&3 v 8cott l4&-t32& I~ UO. 1110M2 Mt-1170 ~11.-.,!uet. eMm1. pet yrs ..cp, lud 562-NU LAWN CARE JON. Nt1A tor Randy, ofllol. IJeo., painting, •·•-ASA PAPlAHAHGIHG • •;·~··•••••·~··· I ....... " -· ..,.,. ,......, 1 yrs Oomml'916d. Nwpt/CM 141"'42'7 f~ r.,.fl-1 yra loCAI exp. Ouar. ._ t•lmlll I t exp . Do work my11U. "'-t ................ ..-... •••••";;"A••••••••••••• wor". Prtoea etert et Ree. oonvn. Commercial Cw4om Cilrpenti ....._ N1-0101 onrf'C>Pf:i:';.:U.7412 PAOf, SU.Ya .,.,,,.,,_ .. ,..,. M i r;;._ Alec 751-7027 ~ a.vtoel Oeoka l patfoa. J .S . -....... --,.-_-,._,...,....--a..--111-,..--1 Heullna • .,.,._ ~ ••••••••"•':':'I'•••••••••• ~b..lcllerd Sinor Lie H 7-4311 Conat. Co. top quellty a.;:.,_. I UllN*. 1'1111 Ou6ca 'deal\.,,....._ Odlt. ''·moving to Calif, " , 13 'I'• of~ 1•.., ~II •-" work. Lio. No. llOfGf, Trumc untt 171-064e voroe d, looklno lo ioo.i owtomer.. •iT·•-·•••••••••••••••• '-""' _,_,.. __ •_. ae_e..ae __ ,_1 __ 1 Wort! ... ~141-37te --uc .... ·o __ E_LE_CTA __ IC_t_IAH_-4 ~.~.::'::151~ HAULING 1nd 1ooe1 mo-:='.::e ~·.:.:•.:::; Thank you, 131-'4ta :~T~ ... Au"Al.rwrioNS ... IM~~=~S Quel. WOf11-Aw. rat• .. ..,,,_,,. ~..:.·=;~ttti truck. :o:. '&""• 1qu1r1::,, ... H11191 All typee. &42·13'3 ~~~~':.';:t:2~Te· A.Odltlonl a Aemodellog Frw eat. 131..ec>72 Tom :;";';";'I:;:;"............ ... ~ C llf 11 0 ~ A11ld/lndu1/Co111m'I. 1._1..,,.i.1. TOP QUALITY Cetpentry • Maaonry ... a · o. r. · • Lee Low re t ee. Free eet. •••••-Ae:.C.-1 •••••••••• fl/t IElECTFllCAL WORK Roofing· Plumbing ••••••••••••• •••••••• (' 1 '> 7113 • 5 12 2 or 875-71119 candid Photo• 01 your •••••••••••••••••••••• AMI. r~ 531•5066 Df')'W9ll ·Stucco· Tiie Want • AIALL Y CLEAN 183-4&e0 moet trHtureo memo-Cllft9.Clllll, Remodel. J.8. &48-9990 ~Uf!! ~~l~l~!.111 .t-1-.._,, WORPAl.:t1:,AJ!~S. Intl rlel. Lynne, 831-4278 FREE EST. &40.20e2 C.11,...,.... ,_II ELECTRICIAN: Lio. -· -;:.-.tt"6 ;o;;r.:; " ...,. ··-"'~ ..... ..-;;;:&.......... 233 toe-c.10. Small HOME IMPROVEMENT A081H'8 CLEAHtHO ...... .... .......... Ext. Aeouettc: oelllnOI. ,~,,,,1.-1. TILE INSTALLED AEMOOEUAl)().()NS Jobe M alnt " r al REPAIR-PLUMBIHO .. _...._ -:= Rlymond Jewalty, Mt E. 0.. Palnllng 847-51&11 ••••••~::"~•••••••• All Kinde Ouetenteed Uc . .t3"49"2 710-&6&4 and c.tDlntry. Uc'd. 54&-S203 • •P rt. Heetlng. carpen1ty, alee, .,.._.a v.... . 11th, 1111, C.M. (ac:roa1 INT/EXT p••UTtun Neat petdlel & \llCtur.. ~1. John 840-9217 25.,..,... Jn.In 548-2719 tlll. Frw •·No Job too dean flouM. 7 from Flalph'•).131·5106 """"~ F "' 11•1 .. •1 --------Cuatom Lot Owner'8 RESIO/COMM'UINO amall. &46-2111 .8CAlJ8..A-OU8 ~ Uc'd. Refs. FrM .. 1. rM • r -**ALL TILE** Looking'°'. home bul-Addition• & remodeling, 20 ..... Do my-.......... 114&-1Ge7 p• "STER P"TCHINO Quality work. 101!' •X· der? Pl•H• con11oar b d d St t LI ,.-.,_,, ......... o.n.111 Maln1enence Prof, , .. , rllabtl. ••••••• •••••••••••••• ...,. " ,...... 831 7" Randell E. Pree6ey Jr. I 1~75~ 1 e c _ue_._2_1_e04_1_AJ_CM6-8 __ 1_2t_1 ~ & Decorating R9f9. Jean 6'1.aG111 BAICKWORK: &natl Jobe. ..... ,...._ Reatuccoe. Int/ext. 30 Pl'· ......,.ge • " Fred WlllOn. Perk VleW J.O. Alen 494-1810 1,,.i,.1ru, Quality.• Ray &40-5144 llllBm Heiwport, eo.t1 Mela. 25 '/fl exp. UC. 405'941. Yf•· Neat. Peul S45-2977 f •INla• Homea Inc. El Toro Ofc. •••••i;'.••••••••••••• CLEA.NINO SERVICE: Irvine. R9f9. 1175-3175 Bonded. Ina. R«e. COior I/~ •••••••'-••••••••••••• 714-&81-9780 F::~~~~~:; ::~~r:,l~: ~~~~:e~ ~cs~~~.~~':~. Re11on1bl• rat11, trM Bryant'• Lendacaplng expert. ~11 Otctc •••••••!'/. •••••••••••• M~u~~·rn ·Jjh12 ' L~HI-~' Lie 418587 R1no111 F t ·~2 u•7 Don Nellon 9e&-014t Mtlmet•. enctc. •tone, blodt, con-Top Qu111ty, lo price, D 111.llllT .... u,1.121 Mr. M<xo:.·e..M~J6 :::"'4~·;:-:r........... '' 7"" . ...,. · rM • · '" • .._ 720-0742. crate. Fr.JA•, BSQ'1, "'"'· prompt. Ext & Int Spec· Working Mom· babyllttlng ... .................. ,.,..,,..., ft•i uJu/ EXPERT HANDYMAN t101 & d~w1y1. Ow. lallet. RM & Comm'I FrM Pt,ai•f ltmtf CdM~,Yj .. ~,,;..... <;,~~~.:O.c:e~:.~. Cul• .,...,_kl•• lui.M llal C11pentry. Rooflno Houeecl••nlno. hon"t & Uc:. & In•. 536--0914 •t. 114.739--0709 IHI hmn ,, .. 1,, :~r.-. •............... •-.,.,. .,.... John or Rick 971-3218 ••••••••••••••••••••"• •••••••••••••••••••••• Plumbing, etc. 142.ei)13 ~. Q HG ••••••••••••'•••r.:••• Prole11lonal Typ ing & •·-L--r!!r. Bare, m1ntll1, kit. cabl· ........ , I KNOW , ,......S M2·2"0 CONCRETE, Brickwork, UALITY PAINT! QUALITY comm/rH, 12 Boo6ck~ng. my home --· ~ • ._.... I d II -·--· --u; I GET ED-Dfflin plpee, c:taenup, 10 Yfl MMno o .c . A I d 278 ••••••• •• ••••••••••• ~ nete, ,. .. pane ng, Ctlflttlna & EO 848-7825 DIEi He can ftlC anything! HOUSECLEAHIHQ 25...,. _,. 53e-20flll Reaonable. 648-5684 yre Hp. •P• r/remo Lynne 531 ~ . For al~ need 10 knoW ... .................. ooore, bookc11e1, re-4~169 IS OUA 8USIHESSI ,._ ....,... Rel•. Fiiter, he1ter & about benluuptcy call No 81Mm/No SNmc>oo mod. & 1dO·on1. Xlnt o..,.,,.,_,_ 10 yre. Jenlol'• ~ euetom Bril:*, Stone, B11t1o9 & Son PalnUng tWMp Nie. 1173-8184 w;.,,. C/Hahf. (714)1M.t1U .. ~. F~ . .,.;,/1~2 refs. Uc. 834e2711. =~············ ~.-n... AM 876-2514 Bloclt. Concrll•. Stucco. 30 yrl exp., eeec:n ., .... ··-11-:'.l_;i~h;·s~;h.;;01;.~··· _, ..... ~ ~ ""' 531-2311 111-... •••••••••••••••••••••• Alfli Free eet.. 548-8492 Fr• Mt 548-1029 ...,._.. ... •-•-. / . · --HARDWOOD FlOORS exoerti. ~~ · · ••••••'••••••••••••••• Clll Sunlhlne Window II, _........_, Crptl lnlt.a/r~ Crown moulding, Oldll It-Llwn·tr....tlrub Install 8eautltuly dMrl90 We fUmW1 Y9CUUm & ._,_ lulh ,... HUBER ROOFING ChNlnlng, LIO .548-8853 .....,,, Flood~· Steem ned doell8, bookcuea. Tr• tr1m-nmoYal end waucs. 832-4881 -..ppllea. Kitty &41-4970 ~;;:'I'............... lntlext. Wayne LJilw All typM & Flrepfooflng 20% Monthly Dlteounl •••••••••••••••••••••• c:::lng.654-1151 • 973-85ee mint'"· entert1lnm1nt Lawn car.-Rototllllng --------·ABC MOVING· (IXOYE) 751 tl03 lffw..f\ecoYef·Oeckl *RESIDENTIAi..'* MARINE SERVICES EXCEL CARPET CARE ~ WoodeoMlon• 548 8085 or call .... 11.. . Qu1llty HOUllCIH~ Oulc*, Cereful Service. • Uc. #411802 549.9734 A~ 1 •ty $30, A;g 2 sty MecMnlc, paint. vlmWI. Cpt '""""' ., .. ""' to wood problemal An• we r Ao 11 5 4 7 . ••••••~•••••••••••••• w/1 pereonel touch, • Fr• lltlmat-.562-0410 Pllntlng/WIApepertng , -"'~/Met-'al Rooll"" •• . Chrle .... 7•8 8 Teak , rub & wax . • ..... ~. ·-. 131-1528 &42..-300 HAULIN0-1tuo1nt h•• lrv,HB.Beth850-0833 OU&lltywotil-< .... rate .... ....,. .,, . .., ... .., &45-97811 ~ ~~1~· A-..Ll-lga truck. Lowell r1t1. HOUSECLEANING STARVING COLLEGE Lk:'O. D1vld 844-8090 All typM. lO yre eJtP. .. .... wfth4 __,....f K&D Landacape Malnt. Prompt. Cd 759-19711. ~lbta STVOENTS MOVING '••Iii• lk:, guar. Leny &42-8233 Claullleo Ada are the Why Pey StOf'e Prloee? •••••• •••••••••••••• 1 R~~~'f· Tllenk you, John. T.nya 1113-2401 CO. Lio. T12~. ••'-•••"'••••••••••••• krHll ~6~;·.~~ Basic 1 aty answer 10 a successlul ~ leY9f Wit! buy 01· RIVER ROCK • perfec t ~... I~. 641-4427 Expert wellcoverlng In-•••••••••••••••••••••• g1r1ge or yard sale! It'• I reel from Whol...ie mMI . avw pool deck•, petloe, THE GRASSHOPPER DUMP JOBS EXP. HOUSECLEAHER WATCH us OROWI •t•ll•tlon. RH• price•. Mobile Sa--. Doctor ___ 5_5_9_· 1_30_2 __ _ better way to tell more· " -do the labor. FrM w1lkway1, drlvew1y1, Compete l.lwn Melnt. & Small Mewing Jobe Rell1ble, r.ta. FrM "I. Con1ult&nt ANlgnment Rep.Ir/replace. Cu11om. f1no whal you want 1n peoplet .... refs. 851-9920 etc. 8111·2371 Dominic &42-4451 Cell MIKE &4e-1391 CllM 24 tn, 965-24111. Wint Adi Call 642-~78 511~90 Rau. 831~ ...... meg Diiiy P1IOI Claas.he<Ss ~!.~.!.~ .... ~ ~~!!~t~ ....... !t . !i.P.!l!~! .......... !•.11..'!.~'!!. .... !.t. !•.'1..'!~~~ .... !.{'!f ~I..!~'!!. .... !.{'! .. 'l..'!.~'!!. .... !{ff "'1..!~'!!. .... !.{'!f ¥!.'l..'!.~'!!. .... !.t. Found Young Algll1n w/ T~ Feni.sy ,. Ila## 1111 BABYSITTER M/W/F Gp•hno•nre'•' obtoflock•k·•H•P'•'nvoy Houee Mwger, "" rime ................ ~ w. u., S.07/Reo,t f 11.000 red ooler. Hatt>or Shop-Convereatlon with Ml· •••••••••••••••••••••• ' ' • • Mon-Frt Ek'9Y houleflo6d Mltura for Co111 Me11 Typ1 7~. 1011 of phone ping Center. 546-tn5 cll•ll•. MC/VI••. Young ITlllr1ld men would e:30-5:30, 2 'If. old boy, H .00 hr. Certified AP· n..o. mature, depenc»-PHOTOGRAPHY Women'• Clothing Store. contec1 Uee team work -----------t 5SM370 11111 add Job• evH & my CdM·home. Rel'•· pllenoe. 142-0140 J>I• peraon to m1n1ge &11111111 •l'ID I Pennenent pen tJme •x· In fun 1rch ofc. 1-11 1111 wk.-ida. Cen doe variety ~ .-: ........ ..... home. Cleaning, laundry, .. flllTllS per plHee. rmmedl1t1. Aocompli.hed Pereonnel ••••-:....:~:!••OBIC•••••••• Of hen d Y m In IO b • · BOOKKEEPER/OFFICE M•..t ._ llMt and al*t to light cooking & lhopc)lng. $ &45-5711 s.rvic.t. Inc . ..... \.ITVV'H lilda & V"di's ~2-9525 •ve•. Hk for Growln" Cott• Miii ~'~"public. Dutl9I PlMM cell75t·l064 or FROMEX 1 Hour Photo ystems Is Salee 330 lrvtne. •101, NB ~1~':' - -• . Deelgn lrm hH Imm.. Incl u d. reg I• t •r In 0 _&4_0-_2860 __ . -----1 now h iring a n anltta nt manager 1111 I ... 545-llt71 • 100% Free ~·· -•-• • .....a 11-011•• oP9l'llno tor pereon t 1 b Av INSURANCE & I I t f our new Hun I * * * . -Tl/Ill..... .. • ..,. .. _ -1x perlenceo In Ilg ht gu ... n very uey co or pr n ers or -ITllT m1eoretery Ol/T~ -2-:-HRS •••'"•••••••••••••••••• boolckeeplng(AIP& AIR) ~~· f~l•r exper dD•td• .,,, try2p.rdeon11n1"1 • tlngton Beach store. Photo back-The Lo• AngelH Ttm81 8.45-1 PM. Prione ano • ..__.,_ "I ~ .. · Ant. Mrv. Plent olc N.B. 6 general office proce-,,_.,.a::.::::---.. • or n 1 t · ST N I Kod k Clrculetlon Dept. cur-typing 45 WPM min. $6 "~2~ ~ ','..'!' llM21l Exp. only. 11·4 ehlft. duree lndudlng typtng & _......., -3PM -12PM. M u1t be ground a MU , or tsu, a • per hour •nd medlcal .,_. .. .... _, 548-823e 0 t 1 h 1111 ._. a.,• • re1p0nllble. P110 com-$, Pako or Durst printer experl-rentty,.. poe1t1on1 open benellte 7 oay. • _. · ~ ~P C:::CS::~ .. • y~ .~ pany benefit•. Salary ence. Call Jana, 213-650-8480 In ...... t• 1 "~:o re-752.oeee • 119 Gorg1ou1 glrl1 to Hand1ome, lntelllgent IM1lflll Sen time. 's.no reeume to Ad .. --commen1urete w/exp. pr1M11tet ve you earn p1mper you. J1cuul, 30lltl ~ ...U Telephone oper. Exper 11012, D.iey Piiot. P.O. OENERAL OFFICE CeM Larry, 54a.at09 ext. 246. an hourly w1ge 6 01n· Security Guerd. Appllce· =t~n:' ::'.~ elncere •lender lady, only. No other need~ Boll 15&0, Co111 M11a, ln1ur1nce 1oency In INSURANCE :':~e ~;:c; g~~:11:~·~~!!i"~!~~ card, M11ter Charge, ~ood mor1l1, under 35 ply. 9.4 Mon M-F. 3 2 ca. t2t2t. Colt• Mela flu oe>enlno FOS hH opening• for ~......-~~ plHH cell: 957·23111 , req 16835 Brookhurst. Am1rtc1n Expre11, DI· ~:::~ rel1tlon1lllp. ThlfO St. Laguna 8Mctl CHILD CARE-hou••· for energetic pereon to exp. ln01vtdu111 to..,. --------•·--------1 ext. 1204. F.I/. 9112-3312 ner1, •II welcome . Applcltlone being eooep-keeper, llve-ln, for tchl h1nOI• variety of office vice pereonal lln• •c-PllT Tm RecrMtlon SALES pereon w1nteO Security ~':5c3:8 2112 H1t· Prol:ulonel ~b~n 3111 ted for nrat quality fUml. 1ge chlldran. 559-73118 :l~t':9i ~':'n~~=: :::-.,~ ~ 11•9pm. Expending youth P/T UL LU111 Sundl1I F11hlona. Lt· ·· · ~,:U:.'="~on:,,·1~ ~·n~~·t~ .. ( ...... ) knowtedgl ofmtcro-nlm cation ekllla. Salary counMllnQ nrm h .. ope-Super p/tlme poe. for an ~9p_:1~:h. Call 17141 PATROL QUALITY MASSAGE lhlr• -terfront .Ute, phone & IClnt OrMng re-W•t•rfront re11aur1nt. helpful. P1ld comp1ny conwneu1wete w/-,p. & nlno• for ~-5 lharp out· outgoing per9ot1I Thie poe. ---------1 Protu1llli'lll SW9dleh pool. boat, etc. In ex· cord • muit. Cell Mon· Excellent benefit•. 11 ben111t1. F:~t. call 1blllty. Paid company going m1ture people to II 11 one of our lltge 1Pt. llLll Plllll Cetta .... lrN 1~ vtP tree:'J17 ~·tor 1om1 llght Fri. 8:30-tAM only. daya. 1173·7228 bet. George. 54 :::m!i. ~!va:.:,: ~J!.~~~:-~~ ~~;.~!~.~~= ~~1:~~~~·& oroer OHk. lull or pt/ Nlght1onty. 7PM to5AM. Mpl~, occ:ulo-84e-7485• 1~· ... l11UST Sam 54a.at09 e.2-4321, ext. 343. A•k tHn recrHtlonel lunc· time, for Orange Count-Must be 25 or OV9I wttfl 59 yr old l•m•I• Arthur Murrey 1tudent o .. tru eecort & com.,.rnon fOf belroom oenc:ing. Shar9 •1tp1nH1. Writ• AO H 14, Delly Piiot. PO Box 1 seo, Coatl meea 9212e. nel bab~ltt no. Salary COOKS & Holt ...... fJIP Newport men'• 11lon. ._ fOt ~ t101;11. OrHt Job for col· V'• moat dynamic llnglng go driving record Pre- Po91'ble. Cll 840-tne. At~:.~M,.~R:A:·M~~I pref'O. bUt not nee. Fui Mull ll•v• loc1I 10110· -·-leoe ltUdan1. Hoen: Two :~cornpeny.~ '.:1~-~~YJ~~I=~: ,.,,,., Hll Greg' or Y8chta.' 1u1 or p/tlme. SIWy ~ .. w i ng. 7 5% comm . P/T eYH . Mon/Fri. e P*!t Malntenln09. lnte-e hr. dayl & 3 attemoone. ........~M '*'°"'' ty ....,._, -·, •••••••••••••••••••••• Ptacantle. Coe1a Mela ding on uper. 442._1 848-2718 PM/12 Ml u lon Viejo nor & a.nor poeftlonl ,,..... conuet: laglbl1 h1ndwrltlng 1 ............., Pan Am 2 tor 1 tlokeot, tll COUNTER PERSON for HAIRSTYLIST o..nd lot .,.._ 14/tw 5414311 II· avall. FUii time Mon-Fri. Suzanne Helle ~1~1$..~h~.' ~11~ CitJ SeMrttJ 5131. worth~ to sz7oo. Bibyeltter nMded, my equlpmt. rental 1tore bu1y Balboe lll1nd H · we l"M Must hlY'I good OrMng Tll llYm •· nellte & credit union. t0347 LOI Alemlto. Bl l300J080. 11 M 740 lleltM, June 1• Reoferen· 1p1cl1llzlng party Ion. 1173-4013 Kltcflen/Cuetodlen, llPM '9CCWd. 54&4252. 1081 C11metbeck St. Apply In ~reon M·W-F LOI Alamltoe Anyone tlylno Republic c.. S31-1tll5. Meggte equlpmt. Typing r9Q'd.. ..... .. ••• _ to 2AM, new retirement PIT p Heiwport 8Mct\ 9. 111m: A.nlm11 Creek· 714-827-2020 JOHN AT FORD Ski M ammoth with Brend• & friend• from Santa Barberi. (805) 9111-4141 alrlln .. to Mlnneepolla BABYSITTER wanted In lwy t= United A.tit _. llCMlty, Aegant'1 ,. Irv ,,,..lent 714-720-2178 er1, 215 Rtv1relde Av.. SEWING MACHINE lat or 2nd wtt of June, pit my H.B. home for new A•. 5-0780 Full time. Exp. pref'O. Exp. tn ftoot care r9Q·o: 111111111 E.O.E. M/F N.8. OPERATORS ~.'::&.~1~~P•Y UO. =rt!~ ~IT, lllMD II.Ill ~~~~~~~M 3107 ~~~~11& ~o:~~~Pt.~0~:li Lwika:·na~I!.,. .. Ruby'• Sandwich Shop S ALE S. P /tlme auto ~~~o·~·~;~:iu:uPi~~ For bu1y m101ca1 l1b. HEARING AID ~1-1955. 9-4 Mon--Frt. ttno firm need• lnt•lll· help nMdeO, 1ppllc1 -i 3'J ~~s's 0d0• 11 ;: ~ YY : ret .. 642-0652 Tell Moin You Love Her T his Mother's Day send Mom a greeting & enter our "W orld's Creates! Mom" contesl at the same time. Our judge& will select the nicesl Mother's Day Crttting and that mother will rrcc1ve a $50 gift certificate from a leading department store. It's easy. write yo.Jr m~ge to lit OM of the borders below or de51gn your own border of ..qu1I Sile with message 1rn1Je. Borders come in 3 111zes, S 18, SI 0 and the special duld siu for S4 for children under 12 years of age. Bring or mail your greeting to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA. 926 26 before 5 p.m., May 6th -or you may order your mewigea by calling 642-5678, we havf' many borders lo choose from ind we'll bill you or charge to your Visa or MasterCard. .. --"·• • •••••ttt· I .... JA'ltlJFMt~ uas ~ 118 alae hr1. 8AM·5PM Mon-Fri, i aaai ._ gent, 1dept1bl1 people tlonl 3-5PM. C.M. 11173 5411-5781 Uil for Shewn &40-0140 ..... lu•Hll I.. ...._ _,llJ who 1nJoy publlc con-1 ,~mne::::..:':...:.1.:..:7t::h:... &45-:::::,1.:_l~OO::_liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii\ Stuclent Joti. DANCE M/F Ulll1 In IO-needed tor tM.llY generll tact. Mull h•v• cl11r = ctll club, ballroom ctu-.... practice In Hunt Sch. teMph<Mie votoe. Ari Ideal SIMI SelM I OI .... Earn u you i.m to IHI... Self·tlerter, 3 yre legal poa1t1on '°'en outgoing LMlilc hr SEARS & ROBUCK 6 CO N YI lllLS 11000/mo. PIT IY9nlnge. ...... AW..,. exp. preMrred. M7-ec>4l per90tl Who CM'I wof'k on bin ...... , NMdt uleepereon_IOt TV, How would you Ilk• 10 Mr. e-. 54.2-8047. l9 .. 1 reguter IClledule. Op-The Pinnyuver 11 •c· v1cuum1, HWl ng m•-""'u much u S50 oo a portunlty for 111 exoellant ceptlng 1Ppllcatlone for ~.pert-time. Af'f'lY In WM6t? Do you like drl.,..ln llltll luh.... ~ necaaury Experience preferred, pert/Ume Income. For • Telephone Sollclt P/ ..-~· m ovie•. picnic•. pizza Ortho ch1lrald1. Excel-Full time. permanent but not neceeaery, lllety contldentlal Interview, time. Hra. Tuee t!::•Fr1, 2430C) l.eguna Hiiis Mall pertlH , beach pu tlu. lent wage 1nd ~Ille. Benefit• negotlabl• with exp•· ca 11 Mr. SI rot• • t 9A.M-12 Noon. ,....,..., In l.agun• Htlll plue m1ny other thlnge? RD • ~ ..... ..._.... rlenc.. Apply In p.reon or:a '"7711 .,...., EOE "or ..-. ·~,,...... APPLY IN PERSON between :S-llPM, 210 .,,._..,. · p.rton: 1eeo Plecentla, · · · Then you would prob1by a..cti. 121 24300 Leguna Hiii Md NewpOf1 Cent• Dr .. Hpl. IMI ...... C.M. f~o~:bly enfoy worlclng DOMESTICS Laguna Hiii 8dl I_. _S_A_L-ES_/_DE_C_O_RA_T_O_R_1 SALES Mature houMlt-for EOE EMPLOYER -· -Ulll ... ,.n.. Sai.1 Repr1nnt1tlve to QUALIFICATIONS profeNlonal. y;;;;,;J du· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Need 2 experienced Mu•t be crHtlve, Hlf· call on r11der 10 bu•I· 1. Ovw 12 yeer1 of 1ge. Equal Opp &nptoyw people In COMMERCIAL motlYlted, & k:!'l'! ~ -ec:count• JO' a<Mlr· 2 NHt, honH t •nd d•· ..... Honeat. energetic, HOTE.L & INDUSTRIAL rMI ... Exoell. commlNlon, fte. 119 1 n g . M 0 n. Fr I . Plnd•ble rell1ble, 5 hre pr Oey. HlllllMS Ltoeno ft~1 ....... oifto. ~. ....... tit• for • 1ucce11ful & xlble houra. wlll treln. 9em-5pm. 81ee & com-3. Work •lier IChool ano Mon-Frt. Cat/rm req'd. ·-· --· 499-1481 114<M1882 Needed tor luxury Lllgl#ll be i bte to proce11 for growing firm. Beet wor· ---------1 mllllon, company t>ene.-Sltur01ye. 1---------Beadl hotel. Flllme tum-FHLMC loan• & 2nd king condition• In New· IAl.D flt1, wlll tr1ln. Neat IP· CA.LL TODA.YI lllWll (YU) mer month•, flulble T.D.'i . Laguna 8Hch port B••cll. Ewn peerence&good~lng 537-59360t 53 1-5257 Good driving record. hou,.. Contact: Gall ., ... Salary open plu• 71~1 pen ~ ';':. ~ euent11I. Apply Penny· 8AM to 10PM c1111 2 lie., work with V1uolln·Purdl1 for appt. c ommlulon. Clrcl• lell ..........._•-.a....... W. · eever, 18110 Pl1cent11. ~~~~~$~~~~ 9'0erty. CdM. 769-M71. 4t7-'4n E.0.£. Home Loena 489-2281 W• hew u;'9 ~for _c_A_LL_~_~_ .. _9e0-'44_·_WUoo __ 1_x __ ,-c_._M_. ------- Euc. Net. admln. llllet. ..... ~ ~ Melde. IXOlftenolhefpM. two weN dreued lntelfl· SALES ,......,...., a confident In Newport -_. HMded tor time lflarl & o•nt 11le1p1reon1 to OH-3 GEROVITAL Work i t home contacting Centr. Lono hfl, hard Mu1t be experienced. mot9f """*-AW'! to the work In the Newport nowevalleblelntheUSA. To place your message buelnen owner1 pert work & ch1lleno1no for HCA 4200. Room rH· Sin Clement• Inn. A.all Hlfbor erM In oommer-I• It the Fountain 01 1>elore the time. Exper •nd piealnt aomeone unuau ally ervatlona. APPLY TO: tor Anoll. No teMphone clel .. 111 end/or rea-Youtll? FrM Hmlnara, reeding public. phone voice required bright & 1kllled. 11.thl• D1vld McNl•I or Mre. caltl ldentill ..... In the tnOf'I high lncom• potentlel, phone Cell John 835-3213 lln't you, .,..._call 'I04" 8eltazar ~ 10 AM •• atnuent ., .... We oft• dlatrlbutorehlpe 1v1ll•· Daily Pilot Thinking ol o new home 1111W1•t, unctla.llenged, and 5 PM: ---llmt. llber.i comm .... 0111 and ble. 714'"3-6635 Classilled. 642-5676 tor spring? See t~ many underutlllZ9d fl1end & tlA wm u.a Fulltlme, tor fut-1*)ed cir-t Mipport "you ... I ~UiiiiiiMiAd."8:42-~rel--------·I h&llngs In lodly's class!· them 1bout th la ad. 425 So. Coea1 HW1 LB 1urgeon'• office, New-Nit 1t1rter and a llard 1Clualll9d Ad• &42-5&78 fled columns 642-5678 CompenHtlon to 124, 494-1151 port cent.,""· Beck worker. PIH M ca.II me l-;=======:;,,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;====;::,..;;;:;.;;;;;;;;;~;.,;::.:.:.:::.:.::...- 000 plue beneflta. If ol'llol ecpertellOI hefpM. tOt 1 peraonet, oonftdln- yotl're the t>Mt, s>le••• HOUMkMS*'. llve In, ex-Photo nttno dutlM. Celt till lntln'llw 1n our~ r1ply In confidence to: per 6 ret'a n1ce11. 2 .,....1240 (i-12, 2-6). ~ NewpOf1 Center M Ch I P 0 8 0 c:Mdran 11 & 17. Mature r · ., "· · · x women to take care of Modeta now hlr1na •t Tif. 11589, HIWPOrt 8Hch, home In Hunt. Hbr .,.._ tenya, N .• 8. Muetbe t:NW LEO HAHNA Ca. t2teO Mu1t be able to do aome 21. Audltlona hetd M1y SA. VICE PAE81DENT Anenc:1a1 cootilng. Some Eno'lah 12ttl. WedML 8PM. 3rd. ..., L Tiiier le. .._ n•c•••· Ca l l "°°'· AMttcn '44-4910 1111• • 2t3-H2-2441 -llTU _, Aeoeptlonlat needed, 2 Tll• IHder In On-Lin• ........ ..,. don't WMt. M Job? ywa typing ~. ,.., time ...._,_ an l et your ow" t1our1 1 xtnt Plf on t•l•pflone. opening for • cuetomer 5 yrs ~ NQ., to lncom. levet We train Submit reaum• t o .... 11rvlc• repr"entetlve COC*. .--. ~ I -. ,_, •aY ...... ·..., ......, rto'a Oonatruotlon lno., bytlt 2 'f' Old ~ ,_ .,.,_,."" '"'""-t71H Fotbea "d. Le· with • minimum S yra ker, meture.'8alary + -~ I~ guna Nlguel, t H17. ~:.:-"~ ~ room I bOerd. W -7411. AUIWW ftlUW ...._ no Ollf. ~Computer ~ HOU8EKE!PEFI. ••p'd. E.xp."' Qertlla rullng. HI , .. , 500 H9wpcwt c.n. Or.. w/rf/IL tor home In uo. muet. Onty dedicated, .,,,,.,_.. .. opentno. la· N ew p ort e .. c h OA Boll. ~7a1 '°""'I .,.._. Med ep-* o. .,.,_OOft'I....,.. tHIO or pl\one Norm Ill I ~· IJ!p ... eNft. Xtnt. =:;r•nc. .. eentlaf, ~...,..1I01 ..... _...,.,.;....., ::.:.u.oe r a rn . Call: .,_, lfttltty· '000 ~°'°.O: l am.-noon. e tan 15/tw, t;t,Apr!I In peraon :=. ~ ... ~11 • ~~ N l ouet. "';ml. l•lfl -=:..:..., ~'-:&:,';, = :n· ol~*t. CIWlftecl Adi 142·5t7t ~. ~·~~ eolllo CO... 'N.I . ·---._.._.. -••• ' llllf 111·1y p·11at ............... ......... ::= .. '=-~ = =:-.:;:r , PACe<MMNQ & .... ""'-Nie lml'fl 1•1Uty. ~ : • '1Tlft 1MteAM.Tret-,.._,.__.,_... • Ad'*1191ng : "" OK. IOI 1 I. Ou ., eontHt. -laP.r64tnH, . NATIONAL AllY. : I.A. -. ........... ,_. COORDINATOR • ...-. I...._.• Coordinate & achedul• nation.a =:.,. .. • ,...,, '"" advertl,.ng. Re1pon1lbllltte1 In-c:.1 Pllttr elude: m~thly report•. corr•· • o.,t:t0-1:00 apondenoe, heavy phone work and ftGht ftffng du~loant lhOUkJ" h8V9 80fM •· pertenoe, •~ltlty to handle uay ptton•, be detall ortented and abte to demi dlrectty """ .,_ .._ ............... '* IOwpm. HrL 1 .. lo.SPM. m· ._._. ClrIHIJ~ 111111 • •.. _-....... = · ..• _.G'.t>••dlfl a . ••tt ••c C fi ~ nTl"•>••!?'ir ••••-'••••• I . ' News~per Carriers tor l'outes in Hunttngtqn Beach, FOuntain Vafey & Nf'4)0rt Beach J i •• WOfk:rtN Ung ta .. '°" . ,.,, • tel. HtlY•OO .. bonue. IH·• tPM • ., -.- 18.2~ Beectl BM! Huntington Beecfl 142-1111 '11 ....... PS. 1111 wtll, AM/FM 11• r.o CUMtlt. $4200 873-7713 ewe '78 CutlUI Supreme, io.- d t d , w/t xtraa S•200 /be11 oller. 840--3Me I t - illTlllTll IUCI /flllTlll 11110. WEDNESDA y I MA y 5, 1982 ORANGE COUN TY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS 'Fear, suspicion' plague trash plant By ROBERT BARKER OflheD..,Netateff The controversy over whether a trash and sewage-burning po- wer plant should be located in Huntington Beach has taken on the appearance of an irresistible force meeting an immovable ob- ject. City Council members -with the exception of Ron Pattinson -say they are -damantly oppo- sed to the project proposed at Hamilton Avenue and Magnoua Street. Monday they voted to rewne the proposed site -the 38-acre Steverson Brothers Mud Dump -with the intent of making it more difficult to locate the facil - ity there. P~ttinson was abaent. Representatives of area resl- den ts expressed anger at the project, voicing concerns about noise, odors and heavy truc k traffic. They also said they suspected U.S., Britain confer that the council may be making it easier for backers of tne 2,400-ton rubbish and sewage- buming facility. But Dan Ryan, president of the Ryan Energy Corp. of Costa Mesa, seems to be undaunted. He said Tuesday that his in- tentions are as strong as ever to izo ahead with plans. Ryan said be is anxiously awaiting reports from the county which he said will show that the power plant ia a way of removing solld waste while producing electricity al the same time. ''My Intentions are to go ahead. I'll do whatever ii neces- sary. It ia fully ln my right." But Councilwoman Ruth Fin- ley said Ryan "has performed a terrible dimervice" to the city. She said the propogal -which has to come to city officials -has cauaed fear and suspicion and has forced the city to spend "time. money and effort." Causing uncertainty over de - velopments is the question of whether the state or the city has authority to approve the power plant. State authorities say they have final authority if the plant pro- duces 50 or more megawatta. U it produces less than 50, the city would have jurisdiction , they say. City officials maintain it is a matter of local control. They ai.o say the state has never approved such a project over city opposi. tion. The city, meanwhile, voted Tueeday to rezone the property to a limited ~ district, which they say will make it more dllfi- cult for Ryan to put a plant there. The new zoning permits hi- king. picnicking, boating and other passive activities while permanent zoning is being worked out. The property is now zoned for light manufacturing. Falklands pea~e plan sought CRmCJZED -Coaat District Chancellor Norman Wataon has been given a "no confi- dence" vote by Orange Coast College teachers. OPPOSED -Bernard Lus- kin'• aelection as new Orange Cout College president has come under fire by instruc- ton. OCC teachers rap chancellor, hoard By PHIL SNEIDERMAN O(lfle.,.., ..... aUlf More than half of Orange Coast College's Instructors have indicated they have "no confi- dence" in the leadership of Coast Community College District Chancellor Nonnan Watson and the district's board of trustees. pointment of a new Orange C.OUt president. 220 teachers -or 91 percent of those voting -said yes. -Asked if they lack confi- dence in the leadership of Chan- cellor Watson, 199 -or 82 per- fSee LEADERSHIP, Page AZ) Military losses aetailed By Tk Associated Presa Britain and the United States are working on a Falkland Is- lands peace plan, and the lals of British and Argentine lives makes a diplomatic 1<>lution ur- gent, British Foreign Secretary Francis Pym said today. Pym told the House of Com- mons in London he transmitted to Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. a "constructive con- tribution" toward the plan. "A vital ingredient of the Ideas on which we are working is an early cease-fire and the prompt withdrawal of Argentine forces," Pym said. He did not provide detaila. "The military 1011es which have now occurred on both sides in thia unhappy conflict empha- she all the more the urgent need to find a diplomatic 90lution." he added. Relatives of 87 cr ewmen aboard the Br1 ti sh destroyer Sheffield were notified today that their men were dead, miss- ing or wounded in an Argentine missile strike off the Falkland Wands. The figures on the Sheffield casualties were given by govern- ment aources in London, where Prime Minister Margaret That- (See FA.LJtLAND, Pa1e AZ) » . DAMAGE -This library picture from De- cember, 1974, shows the kind of damage that an Exocet surface-to-surface missile can inflict on a ship. It is believed a missile of this type led." to the attack on the British destroyer HMS Shieffield Tuesday. War to become 'more intense' Argentina's destruction of destroyer changes tactics WASHINGTON (AP) -Ar- gentina's successful attack on a British destroyer has shaken the belief of some U.S. government analysts that Britain would win the battle for the Falklands in a cakewalk. The main test is yet to come. but the destruction Tuesday of the destroyer Sheffield by a high-explosive missile fired from an Argentine war plane suggests the superior British fleet may be vulnerable to air attack. llB AIAlYlll carrier developed engine trouble Tuesday and was heading for port on the mainland. Intelli- gence sources said the ship may already have put into port. However, even if the British succeed in sinking the Argentine carrier, which was purchased from Britain in 1948 three years afte r it was completed, the Ar· gentine air force still has about 110 land-based fighter bombers and bombers with enough range to hit British ships in the inune- dia te Falkland Islands area. So far, much of the British fleet remains about 150 miles east of the Falk.lands, out of effective reach of most Argentine land- based aircraft with bomb loads. Until the loss of the Sheffield and at least one "jump jet" Har- rier fighter bomber, Britain ap- peared to have everything going its way in the military confron- tation. In a poll conducted Mot'}day by the Academic Senate, the in- structors also said ~ object to the manner in which Orange Coast's new president, Bernard Luskin, was ch09en. Initial reactions from district officials ranged from charges that the poll was a collective bargaining tactic to an admission that a "communication gap" exista between the administra- tion and faculty. ls there a fountain valley future? • in The war probably will become more intense, officials say, follo- wing the attack, which intelli- gence aources said today occurred 60 mHes southeast of the Falk· lands. The sources, dedinlng to be identified, said the Sheffield had, indeed, "gone down." British press reports, meanwhHe, said the ship was still afloat six hours after it was attacked. Dog license cost dips in Huntington The senate said 352 full-time instructors at the Coata M eaa campus were eligible to vote, al- though this total include s a number of teachers who are away on leave. Nevertheless, the poll drew 243 teachers -or 69 percent of the faculty -In what was de- scribed as one of the larger turnouts for an Instructors' poll at Orange Cout in recent mem- ory. Reaulta of the secret ballot were announced Tueeday: -Aaked If they object to the procedures employed in the ap- STATE Should Fountain Valley have a city foun lain? The city's 25th Birthday Com- mittee has begun drumming up support to put a monument re- flecting the community's name near City Hall. Committee member Woody Young, who is spear-heading t.hia effort, received some words of encouragement from Fountain Valley City Council members Tuelday night. The coun cil committed no funds to the project and retained the rlabt to review the design and comtructlon plans for the fountain. But councllmembers Indicated they have no objections to the propoul. Proud of its buns The owner of a gowmet hamburger restaurant in San Joee defenda the u.e of the e1tabfiahment•1 name, "Elegant Bum!' Page A4. Nixon 'smear' recalled In an au~phy rekwd two yeera af1er her death, Helen GahaaM Douala aay1 Richard Nixon would have defMteCI her for the UB. Senate without rmorUnl t.o a .. p&nk J,dy• llDMI'. ~ M . The birthday committee's work concludes on the weekend of June 12-13, when Fountain Valley will celebrate its 25th an- niversary as a city. Committee member Young said the group hopes to draw on the civic spirit associated with this celebratiqn to produce dona- t.iona and support for the fountain and to build momentum that will can-y the effort beyond the June event. Young said the fountain lt11elf couldn't be built by mid-June but its dealgn and cost estimates should be fJ.niahed for the birth- day celebration. He aaid two Fountain Valley (See VALLEY, Pa1e Al) COUNTY The British are expected to try to hunt and link Argentina's only aircraft carrier, the 25 de Mayo, the largest remaining ship in the Argentine fleet. It was assumed that the French-made Super Etendard that fired the misalle which hit the Sheffield had flown from the carrier because the plane la de- signed for carrier launching. How@ver, later infonnation indi- cated the aircraft flew from land. Nonethele11, the carrier ls conaldered a likely target becau.e it poees a potential danger to the Brltiah fleet. It wu learned today that the A pair ol 11,000 legs A N.wport Belich eoed hM a pair of $1,000 lep. Take a look at t.hetn in living colOI' on Paae Bl. SPORTS .. . Geof6t• oa 1Ji1 mind Dld1 Pilot .. '8wrtter John Sevano dl.ql9 wt th ~own.'~ Frantiere. P.,. Dl. The cost of buying a license for Y_Our doL':ci~ing down in Hun- T. ever yday-type dogs, a 12-month license that cost $12.50 last year now will cost $10. Lilenses for dogs that have had operations so they can't pro- duce puppies will drop from $6.25 to $5. The reduced charges take ef - feet July 1 when Orange County takes over the animal licensing functions from the City of Hun- tington Beech. The county has been providlna animal control service alnce 1976 while the dty had been colJectlng Ucenae fees. INDEX Officials say the city charged the higher fees in order to hel~ ofbet county costs. The county charged $145,404. this year in animal control and kennel charges while the city:1' collected $165,000 in licenses. But the city wound up sub-> sidlzing the contract to the tune of $42,000 when lioen&e collec~ti oosta were figured ln. Under the new agreement, coeta to the dty are expected amount to le. than $10,000, ac cording to City Treasurer w~ Hall. • He said the money will 10 for' free Ucenaea for resident• 62 )'Mn of .ge and over. At. y OW' 8el'vk» A4 J'ood Cl-11 L.M. Boyd AlO HGICllCOl)e 82 BUllnm BM AMLendln 82 HerbCMD B2 MOYMe cu California A& Mutual J'undl B4 C..vabde B2 NetaonalNe'WI AS Cl-fled OM Public "°"'* ~ Corc1 B7 =~ B7 BO Death Nodeea Be All J:dltorill AlO ,,.. ... C12 l'lltll1alnmlnt Cl2 w.thil' A2 ~N..-.u . NATION Radio dnt.m• rel.,.. . I ,. ~ .. ~!' ____ ....__.._..-.:,,• - H/F ·~, •' Continued stories Suspect plans 'antics' FALKLAND ISLANDS. Vows to show up in court wearing barrel • By STEVE MARBLE of tu.lion, allo hu ma.Ued out Harp, wno admltl to havinl a or-. ~ ""' ...., printed lnvltaUona to h.la trial. He knack tor beln1 pulled over by ,,, cher called an emergency Cabi- net -'on. Arsentina, meanwhile. conti- nued the 1earch for about 360 crewmen m1aslna from the Gen- eral Belgrano, the cruiaer torpe- doed and sunk by a British ., '• submarine Sunday. British preaa reports said a 1,. missile fired from a 1-nd-based . ,• Argentine fighter -bomber 24 miles away hit the control room of the 3,500-ton Sheffield Tues- day afternoon, turning one of the ., ...... Royal Navy's moat mode rn warships into an inferno. First reports said the fighter- bomber flew from the 25th of May, Argentina's only carrier and its largest s hip. Even if it didn't, the 25th of May is con- sidered a likely target because it • • poses a potentlal danger to th,. British armada, U.S. analysts ln W~aa.ld. . The Jlrtuah OefeNe Ministry said the crew waa ordered to abandon the Sheffield "when there was no long~r any hope of saving the ship." . Some Hri~h press reports 11a1d the ahip, one of three destroyers in the British war fleet in the South Atlantic, had sunk. But a British reporter with the task force said it was still afloat and burning more than slx hours af- ter it was hit. The Argentine government was silent about the Sheffield, although news of the attack was broadcast by Buenos Ai.res radio stations quoting forei~n new• reP?rts. . ' LEADERSHIP HIT. • • • I DellyNotl ........... PROTESTING -Anthony Hargis says he'll show up like this Thursday to fight a traffic ticket in court. ~ c.o.ta Meta tax flthter An-says he Invited news reporter. police offlcert -aomethin1 he thony Harp sees It, he'll either and several tax cruaadlng col-blames on his habit o( pull1n1 set a barrel of laughs or Wind up leagues. away from signals too slowly, [n a whole lot of trouble when he The Invitation contains a pie-aays the next thing he knew he goee to court Thunday. lure of Hargis atandlni ln front was faclnJ a UOO fine or six Hargis. accwied of driving on a of the coW"t.fiouae wearing a bar-months ln jail and poealbly both. auapended driver's license, says rel. "All because ol an accident he may even go to jail for the His beef, ln the court case at that wasn't my fault," he adds. courtroom antics he hu In mind. hand, stems from the suspension Hargis aaya he believes the For starters, he aaya he will of his driver'• Uceme, something state punished him by 1uspen- wear a barrel into the West-he claims bappened following a ding his license before he got his minster municipal courtroom as a traffic accident In Huntington dal ln court . sign of protest. Beach nearly two years ago. 'This is what t hey do in the Harsia, who explains he ia He says because he was unable Soviet Unfon -punish you first ~testing a number of thlnp _ to prove he had auto insurance. and then give you a trial," he 1 d h h · t his Ucenae was suspended. ' charges . He claims the whole nc u Ing t e c arges agaans Har~·s contends he was un-thing is a waste of tax~yer dol-him, says he will politely refuse ..-to remove the barrel even if the aware . licence had been sus-lars. judge asks him to do so. pended until he got pulled over Officials at the Orange County "I'm. prepared to go to jail' • ,"he by a police officer, agai n in District Atto rney's office In Huntington Beach. Westminster say they don't know says solemnly, suggesting the Hargis claims he was in the too much about the case yet. But. judge could hold him in contempt process of trying to reinstate his they add, nobody should be dri- of court and order him to the driver's license when he was ving on a suspended license. clink. again stopped by the police. And on the matter of the bar- Hargis, who spends a lot of his This time, he says, the officer rel, they s ay they hope that tJme preaching against the _evils simply took the license from him. Hargis has clothes on under it " cent of th0&e voting -answered yes. -Asked if they lack confi- dence in the board of trustees, 190 -or 78 percent -said yes. "I think it's a signiCicant vote," said Senate President Fran Pot- ter. "It once again tells the board that the faculty wants m ore participation in management, more input and more communi- cation with the district." College distract Board Pres1· dent William Kettler was out of town Wednesday, but Vice Pres- ident Carol Gandy said the cur- rent dispute "bothers me as an ind~idual and as a board mem- ber. Ann Landers to explain recycling '· "I think we have some com- munication problems that need to be resolved." Official at Irvine-based syndicate says read ers due explanation Miss Potter said the faculty had not previously taken a "no confidence" vote concerning the chancellor and the board during her 24 years at Orange <Aast. Chancellor Watson, 66, who _bas headed the Coast Di.stricL since 1963, declined to comment on the poll. But district spokesman Richard Simon said. "We see this purelr, as collective bargaining rhetoric.' The district's three-year con- tract with its full-time instructors expires June 30, and negotiations with the American Federation of Teachers are under way. The Academic Senate, which conducted the poll, is not invol- ved in the bargaining process. Senators claimed some of the current areas of disagreements, such as district television COUJ'BeS, pre-date the beginnings of col- lective bargaining on campus. She said the board followed proper procedures in the selec- ti6n of Luskin as Orange <Aast's new president. Regarding the teachers' criticism of Chancellor Watson, Mrs. Gandy said, "I be- li~ve the board has every confi- dence in his leadership ability diat.rictwidr.1 Orange Coast jnstruclors ad- mitted that two recent incidents have fanned the anti - administration feelings on c.am- pus. A screening committee repre- senting Orange Coast adminis- trators, teachers, students, cleri- cal staff and the community re~ viewed about 80 applications for a successor to President Robert Moore, who retires June 30. The screening committee for- warded six names to the board of trustees. The trustees narrowed this list to one finalist, who re- jected the district's job offer. By GLENN SCOTT Of tM Delly "°' ..... Ann Landers is writing a spe- cial column for publication Frid- ay to respond to recent disclo- sures that she recyc l e d 15-year-old material in her syn- dicated advice column, the editor of Irvine-based Field Syndicate • said todaj' .:_ Coast rain said 'last' until fall' Tuesday's surprise s howers sprinkled .20 inches of rain in coastal Orange County, and ac- cording to the U .S . Weather Service the low pressure z.on e lhat caused them is now gone. VALLEY FOUNTAIN. • • Newport Beach received the most rain Tuesday -.20 inches recorded at the Harbor Depart- ment on Bayside Drive. ln Huntington Beach the driz- zle amounted to .10, as reported by amateur meteorologist J Shenllan Denny. ln Santa Ana, rain scales recorded 08 inches of May showers. residents with experience in such projects have volunteered to de- sign the fountain. A donation of ceramic tiles also has been secu- red, he said. But state officials restricted the use of electricity for decorative devices during the oil shortage of 1974, and interest in the fountain evaporated. A similar carnpalgn to bulld a fountain in Fountain Valley ga- thered steam in 1973-74, city of· ficiab said. An elaborate design for a $50,000 monument was se· lected. Young said preliminary plans call for a more modest fountain with more emphasis on architec- tural design than on expensive pumping arrangements. At the Laguna Niguel Water Treatment Plant, the rain came in a .20 inch dose. Weather watchers are predic- ting that this was the last rain of the eeason. Sunny and warmer Coastal Uglll varl1bl• winos well 10 1ou1hwe1t I 10 tS knot• 1f1er· noqn. SoulhWHI swells 2 to 3 feel. Fair. Botton Browns~ Butl•lo &it1ington Cue>e< Chattsln SC Ch11tlsln WV Charllle NC CheyenM Chlcego Cinclnn11i C.....,,o U.S. summary =~; Del-Fl Wlh 8hower1 1nd thunoer11orm• o.yton Pf' ... llltec:I -muc:ft of fhe cen1rel ~ ital• and l*1 of ltle Sout'-t. On ~ Trie tun lholw -the rNt of the Detroit WH1. the Eat and Anentlc Coat Duluth . '181 .. and l'tle ,. of IN oountty El Pao had pertly cloudy lllllel. F11tgc> Sl'lowere nd lhunder11orm1 ·FlaosteH rangeO from the llOUlhem Roclllel Gr .. 1 Fans end Greet Pl1ln1 through the Hllf1ford Mlallselppl llld MIMOVrl "8lleys Helen• end the u1>«>« OrHI Lek... Honolulu Sunny 11119• d~ from 1119 Houslon Allentlc: CoHI stetM to central lndn8'11ts Celllornl• and trom th• Oraat Jaciten MS Balin through Ille north«n Pia-Jadl1t1111M 1., and Iha Pactllc: Hon"-1. Kans CUy Yooey'• lorecaat calla lor l9m--LU Vegu par11uru In the 801 over the Ullle Rock Soueweet o-11, and lrom the Loulsvllle Texu Alo Or.nde V911ey-the L..ubbodl ,_ MIHl•slppl Velley 10 Ken· Memphll lucky, Ten,,.._., 090fgll, and Miami F1ot1da. MhM .. T~llUf .. lfOYnd lhe M-Mptl.SI P tion ew1y todly r999d from 29 In HMhvllle Pocatello, ldano, 10 76 In NtlW Or1Mn• 8<~T-NtwYorlc California The Natlonll w .. 11* hrWle promlMI eunil)', wtrm« elttt· noont lhrOUOfl Fr101y and mot• fling dollde ablg .. CIOlllK, OflOI ..... low ~.,...,,. 0"9J laJ•. camcwnui dtlllpe ... 9ftd ... '°"""" ~ ...... """ I&. ThufldW• hlgtle ltloutd ,~ ~IO In Loi Anoeltt. 72 to H ., betohH, H 10 73 In Ille moun111n1, 71 to ea In uooM deMfla .net '2 to N lft IOW ~ ... 8oMtf't from Point ~ 10 tfll w.uc:.n bot6tf cen 911peat llOllt, •lrl•blt 111ornlnt wtnde, '*°!'*'O ... \0 ~ ... to ti llnote wllh a 2-to I-toot •••tMly tnll. From IO "'"" off•llott •nd out, Mis wlll be NMlnO liO • INIClrllllm ...... Tempem1Ur.e1 .. ,. " .. ,_ . .. =: ., ,., .. ... ... . .. n• ti 11: NOrfolk No. Plell• ()Illa Clty Omehe on.ndO ~ ~ ~ "*'d.~ ~lo. :::!"" S#ILak• Ian AMOlllO INttll ~-:= II Louil ltP..T~ •• •• Mertl ~ lytlCllW T~ 57 88 67 64 58 76 80 78 66 83 78 71 82 71 as 711 78 86 72 75 73 n 5e 50 69 50 83 82 81 8A 82 85 76 84 IO 16 IM n 73 aa 82 87 70 87 75 ... 82 IM 72 13 71 82 12 13 71 18 80 IM M 8& 71 u 13 .. &1 17 .. 47 72 45 37 23 82 4-4 55 34 04 82 01 Sl 51 46 47 88 5t 37 19 84 83 49 The Forecast For 7p .m . EST Rain[!] Snowf.'·:·:·I May 6 r=-:::i ShowersllIIII Fhuriest!..!J 53 1 41 N.f ...... WM-$e<Y<f' 53 07 NOAA U S Oepl ol Comm...c; .. 45 Fronts: Cokt .-. Wwrm .,... 37 34 37 38 74 69 5-4 58 se 67 59 .03 IM 52 59 .17 87 74 .79 82 .01 55 43 34 81 50 48 42 37 " 86 15 81 61 03 .27 40 N 43 .... oa u 29 33 61 0 12 eo .o4 18 M ... 03 It .. .. Tuc:eon Tul .. W•ll'llng1" Wlehl11 79 60 27 87 72 74 52 83 65 San JOM S1n1a Ane Sanll Cruz Tahoe Vllley 81 53 72 59 08 64 51 84 34 PAN AMEltlCAN • CAllFOANI~• u Acapulco 95 75 Baker1fltld ""' vo Barbadot 86 77 Blythe 80 88rmud1 75 63 Eurelle 58 '' Sogol• 66 50 .30 Fresno 85 &II Curacso 90 81 lanc:Mler 71 48 Freeporl 82 68 Loe Ang91M 88 80 10 Guad1la)et1 90 57 MerytYllle 67 50 Guadeloupe 86 77 21 Monlerey 88 HllYIM 82 75 N4ledlea 77 K1ng11on 90 n Oelllend 77 54 Mont9 Bay 90 73 •• PMO Roblee 77 48 M&tatlill 82 88 Red Blulf 86 88 Merkle 93 73 Aedwood Clly 82 155 MexlCO Clly 82 54 4• Sacr-10 H 50 MonleNey 78 88 .09 Sellnll 89 53 ""•111u ac 66 .02 ::: ~llCO ~~ t t" ~:-~·~ ~ 11 ·II II '75 8antl Batbarl M 54 T eguclgalpe tent. Mlfla ff Trlnldtld Stocllton H 111 Vtrwuz TIWIMI ~ ... ti Utlllfl tn lerttow 10 ee , -.... --------1 111g..., ee 31 82 ~ IO 50 Catllllna 68 5e Lono llllCtl 17 It ' '8 M~ ee 68 .06 Mt. Wiiton &2 42 ,34 N9wpOf1 9Mc:tl e6 ff .~ Ont.am 83 IO P-.n SOttnoe II 11 .12 ....,...... . 11 67 40 8111 e.n. dloo 83 M 2't 8111 0.... 7 • 17 Extended weather SOUTHl!!AN CALIFORNIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AMAS -Pll1Glly left ftlO'lt encl' H rly 1110t111no cloud• ,..., lltl lllf llPIRT coett. ~ '*· HlaN In the coastll If .. • rlllflft9 ir-Vie ~ .......... 0111111 IOllr*'"9.,...,LoMAto•. MOUl!tafll rMOf1 llteN .. lO 11. Lowe 40s 10 ICM &OI. Miss Landers, who works m Chicago. told officials in the syn· dicate headquartered at 1703 Kaise r Ave. tn Irvine thaTshe wanted to spell out her position for her estimated 70 million rea- d e rs, said syndicate editor Leighton McLaughlin. . "She said she is writing a col· umn to corrunent on all this," said McLaughlin. "l havm'1 seen it • yet, but it's planned for publica- tion on Friday." The Associated Press, in con· junction with the Pontiac (Ill.) DaHy Leader, revealed Monday that Miss Landers had for the past 18 months lncluded 33 items that, with minor changes, had appeared in her columns in 1966 and 1967. -Since ttrat dtscto-surr,-one n e ws paper. the Idaho Falls (Idaho) Post-Register , has an- nounced it will drop the advice column. McLaughlin, however, said he had not yet received such word from that paper. Also, four other papers, t;he Daily News in the San Fernando Valley , the O maha (Neb.) World-Herald, the Louisvil~­ Times and the Denver Post. an- nounced they would di8continue the column until editors had as- surances that all material was new, the AP reported. Will HB McLaughlin said today that syndicate employees have identi- fied five re used Items within material already sent to subacri- bers for use during the next two weeks. Substitute material has been sent, he said. Because no recycled items were labeled for use before Friday, McLaughlin said, no more recycled items should be published. essay contest Three Huntington Beach high school students wrote the winning essays in a Pri- vate Properly Week contest sponsored by the Huntington Beach-Fountain Valley Board of Realtors. The theme was. "How Lo- sing Private Property Rights Would Affect My Future, and Why These Rights Should be Preserved." The grand priz.e went to Rlcbard Koao, a senior at Edison High School. He rec- eived a $500 savings bond for his districtwide win. plus a $1 00 bond for writing the •The Rotary Club of Huntington Beach has dona- ted $350 to the Cancer De- tection Center of Orange County. The center is a non-profit facility reported to be the •The Huntington Beach Elks Lodge will s ponsor a IO-kilometer run June 5 in Fountain Valley. Runners wilJ start at the ITT Canon parking lot at winning entry from Edison. Second prize, a $200 bond, went to JUI Haoaen, a Marina High School junior. She also received an additional $100 bond for producing her school's top entrv. Third pnz.e, a $1 00 bond. was won by Joan Patltuccl, an Edison HiRh senior. Other contest winners al the high 9Chool level included Bret Haney, Liberty Chris- tian School; K.rtstl.D Hall and Klnten Thomas, both of Ma- rina High, and Jaatlne K . Tanabe, Edison High. only cancer screerung clink in Orange County. The Cancer De tec tion Center, established by Paci· fica Community Hospital, is located at 18800 Main St., Huntington Beach. Talbert Avenue and Ward S treet and finish on the lodge grounds at the same lntenec- tion. All proceeds will go to the Eilts Lodge charily fund. United Way to take over refugee plan By DA vm KUTZMANN Of tlloe Delly ~ Staff County government wilJ turn over administration of a huge block grant program for refugee resettlement to the private sector United Way organization. As a result of Board of Super- visors action Tuesday, 1l is United Way which will run the $2 million-plus program aimed at assisting Indochinese refugees in their efforts to find jobs, learn English and adjust to their new urban homeland. Officials said United Way will contract directly with the st.ate for funds and then dasburse these federal monies to the various agencies which have been provi· ding aid to the refugees. County Administrative Officer Robert Thomas. who recommen- ded that United Way take over administration of the refugee program, said that the private sector traditionally has provided services contained in Oran ge County's refugee resettlement proposals. AEROBI ~NA rlLUS ...._ LlflCINT:IA • °"" ~-518182 PIATUll. INCLUDla • AEROllC CLASSES • ,ltOff SSIONAl INSTIUCTtON ' IOOY FAT ANALYSIS • S~E$S TESTING • llOOO H!SSUIE TfSTIHG •COED SAUNA • NUTWITtONA.L COUNSELING • COED wttmlOOl • OLYMPIC RD WftoHT • COMPUTHIZID DYNA Vil • • MAUTIUS DllOll IGUIPMINT • SUN TAN IOOM •OUMANIB --- millu~rn~ Turkish consul killed Armenian commandos claim responsibility SOMERVILLE, Maaa. (AP) -A Turk ish honorary consul killed by a apray of bullets h ad ignored advice \o protect hlnuielf after hia office waa bombed and kept drivt.na home alone the same route every day, a friend said. . Orban R. G undu.z WU killed lN1&n\ly Tuesday evening whe n a gunman wearin1 a blue jogging auit and dark glaa8et and wieldin& two platob fired into h1a car near an intenect.lon , authorities aald. An unidentified caller to The Auodated Preti in Loe Angeles aald the Justice Commandoe of the Anne- nlan Genocide wu re11ponaible for the attack. "We demand justice for the Armenian nation," the woman caller said. She promised, "We shall strike again." Budget compromise uncertain WASHINGTON -Efforts to find a bipartisan budget compromiae .,. quietly etnerB1na on Capitol Hill even though there ii more disarray than con- sen sus in the scr amble to stitch together an election -year spending plan accepta ble to both Democrats and Republicana. "Our folb are all over the lot. the same as the Republican•," aald House Budget Committee Chainnan James J ones after the panel's Democrats met privately Tueeday. J ones, D-Okla., called budget director David Stockman before the committee today to lay out the Reqan administration's current position on budget. il9uea. House • views 'secret slides' WASHINGTON -Amid eecwity that exten- ded even to yanking telephone9 from a IH.led-off press gallery, the Senate w atched a Defenae De- partme nt slide show depicting a Soviet military buildup. Some viewen said they saw little that was new. Republican members or the Houae gathered in the House chamber under equally tight guard today to view the same preaentation today, as the Reagan admini5traUon and its allies lobbied for passage of a record $1 80 billion deferue authorization bill in the face of bud~et-<:Utting efforts. urfews -reimposed in Poland WARS AW, Poland -Poland's martial law authorities reimpoeed curfews in at least seven ci- ties today followina rioti"i in the Baltic port or Sr.cz.ecin. Meetings of student clubs and all public entertainme nt, including dbcolhequea, also were banned qain. Authorities in Warsaw, Gdansk, Gdynia. So- pot, Gliwice. Elblag and S2'.CU!C'in reimpoeed the 11 p.m .-5 a.m. curfews that were lifted Sunday. and officiala in other cities apparently took similar ac- tion. Four more Arab youths killed TEL A VIV. Israel -Four Arab youths were killed today in the occupied West Denk when a land mine they were h.andJ.lnc exploded, and an Arab girl shot in the head Sunday by an laraell civilian died ln a Jerusalem hospital. oftictaa laid. In the occupied Gaza Strip, manwh.Ue, la:raeli troops shot and wounded two Arabs who threw a firebomb at the 80&dien, an army spokesman aa.id. 'nle Armed Fol'Cel Radio said the four youths who died -aged 17 and 18 years old -apparently dug up the mine and were examining it in a ravine near thetr village when it exploded. Signal Hill police chief fired SIGNAL HILL -The City C.Ouncil abruptly fired Police Chief Gaylord Wert, whole depe.rtment was investigated by the Los Anples c.ounty Dis- trict Attorney'• office after the jail cell hanging of a college athlete. Wert'a removal was requeswd lut month by the city's Police Offictta Amociatlon. w hich said he LOS ANGELES -In the wake of last week's crackdown on illegal aliens, the Immigration and Naturalization Service aaya It bl retumlng \o ita previous level of raidll that net from 50 to 100 un- documented people dally. ''We will return to the level of activity we had before" the federal government lMJnched its "Operation Jobe," Omer Sewell. asaistant dlatrict lacked "ad.ministratJve and leadership ability." But the five-member oouncil had iaaued a vote of con- fidence in him in March, despite a critical review of the department by a private conaulting firm. Mayor William Mendenhall waa the only dis- 8eflter in the 3-1 ouster vote Tueeday night. C.Oun- cilman George Papadakis abstained. direc\or of the INS here, said Tuesday. Sewell said his agency will be working with its normal 20 to 30 immigration agents. instead of the 60 to 80 agenta It fielded daily dwin& last week's highly publicized cnckdown -the aim of which, the White House aaid, was to open up jobs for citi- r.ena and legal residents. Sirhan threat 'not recalled' ' SOLEDAD -A pri8on inmate catlfyinc at a parole hearina for Robert P. ltennedy'a con~ aaauain refu.ed to rwpat bia ~that Sirhan Sirhan planned to kill the ftlUre KenMdy family. "I don't recall mak.lna that statement," Soledad PNon inmate Gerald Wihon testified Tuetlday be- f0tt a parole oo.rd that haa been asked to consider radnd1n« Sirhan'• 1984 parole date. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomar. P Haley PutWt •"-" •IWt ( "-' ( ,,.. u••"Wt Ottw.-. Kay Scnullz y._,. •• ,.~, •.Cf ()wNfN of A41 .... t-..H~ Tom Murpl'l1ne Fii•"" Mllte ~arvty 0.4t'"' 4\'I M~'f'f"~ tC1tUltttnH Ken OoddMd l)w...._H• t\t C\iJ..,.AN""" Ray Maclean (ilWllt~ Charles loo• ......... "! '"""' .., ... ~ ............ ........,.....,, .......... .... .,,,.. ......... '°."' Ull .... 1 • ,.. .,..'°"'_ ... , .. __ ..,.... ...... _, "-., .. ~.~ _, 11¥ , • "' -~.,.. .... _..., ... ClaHtfled advertl1in9 7'41842-5611 All other departments 642·4321 MAIN OFFICE »0 °"'HI 8.tY !>I ("'4-_ _,. l A M4'•1 •dd••" llo• lleO <.oo.I• ll'l•Y (A .,.,. CoP••tQM ,.., o ......... '""''' Puoi'"""" ,.......,y Ho ,...., ''Of•"' tllu\lt •UOft\, •@H&tt•I m .... , 91 H ••tU\olll'M.-,f' Mt•tft "'•'f ai. f'•IJofncNltd wit"'°"4 ,...-C .. t ,.,,..,.,"8ftot <OOYr..,.,. OWIW't '"" ?•-~°'"" 0-.1, P1101 "'"" w11tc11 ~•om !It-tlw _, Pr"" " p;,_. .. ,_.., .,, 11W Qt ..... (~I l'Wit\111"' (.,,,,_., s.. .. , ..... ---p..-u~.,.. -.., '"'°""' fri..t, , .. '"''• llllit~ H""'"" "-" .. ..,. .. .,...,._ llf'Hll ,. __ \ltllty .... ,,.. l ............. .t( .. ~.,., ..... ••lfl4W• ......... lll"d•H9ft " OUb'•""'O \1tturO.t~\ .,._ \und•Y' 1M "' 1"< •P•1 °"°'" .. ""' "''""' " .. , no w•" II•• sir .. , P 0 80• tlo\O '"''"Mr'" l "lofurn•-•t.7• VOL JS.N0.1a School abortion measure backed SACRAMENTO -Legialation to require a public xbool to no- tify a prl'a perenta before excu- 1ln1 her from clua to have an abortion hu reached the Amem- bly floor. Allemblyman Don Sebutiani, ft-Sonoma, author of the bill, offend no evidence 'l\.8day that atudenta are being eXCUlld from ldM>Ol to have abortions, but Mid that 11 It la "8k.ln8 place, parents abouJd be told. _.,. T "'F•Y I' S ,_ ...,...,._ ______ W""_·_ a Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, May 5, 1982 H/F AP Wlfepl\oto 'LIKE THIS' -State Sen. John Schmiu, R-C.Orona del Mar. shows his frog Gloria how it's done while competing in the legislative frog-jumping contest outside the Capitol in Sacra- mento. Teen gets 70 years in OC rape spree An 18 -year-old refugee from Vietnam, convicted of 40 felony charges in connection with fi ve Orange County rape incidents, was sentenced to 70 years in state prison Tuesday by a judge who gave three co-d e f e ndants 100-year-plus tenns in 1981. Qrans[e C.Ounty Supenor Court Judge Francisco Briseno. whose authority to sentence defendant Tung Thumh Le had been chal- lenged by defense attorneys. meted out the stiff term despite objections from Le's court ap- pointed lawyers. The dark-haired defendant could have received a 300-year sentence m st.ate prison. Defense lawyer Clarence He- watt, one of two attorneys for Le, strongly criticized the 70-year term as illegal and im- proper Hewatt wanted Briseno to add 16 years to Le's sentence on a fireanns allegation. making the total sentence 86 years. This would be the same as a life sen- tenC'C' without parole, which the state Supreme Court has ruled is an illegal sentence for minors. The added sentence would have improved his chances of a suc- cessful appeal, Hewatt sa1d. Le -17 at the tJme of tus tnal -and co-defendants Bo Pham, Dung Pham and Mmh Nguyen were all convicted by an Orange C.Ounty superior court jury a year ago o f multiple rape. robbery. kidnapping and sexual mlSCon- duct counts. The Pham brothers. both 18, were sentenced to 118 years in state prison while Nguyen. also 18, received a 100-year term. That proceeding took place be- fore J udge Briseno in April 1981 and trigge red controve rsy be- cause of the length of the tt'nN. Off1c1als said they we re the longest prison sentences ever imposed in an Orang" Coun ty criminal case. Other judges de- f e nded the sentences. saying Briseno had strictly adhered to the requirements of the Jaw No beer for kids at fair By JODI CADENHEAD O(tM DltilJ Pllol llaff Orange County Fair Board of- ficials are sending a message to people under 2 1 who are plan- ning to attend the Orange County Fair: Don't drink alcohol At least not during the annual count y fair. Jul y 9 -18 at the fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. The Orange County Fair Committee decided Tuesday Lo adopt stricter guidelines this summer following accusations that minors were drinking alco- hol during the festivities last year. K e n Fulk. manager of the county fair. said security guards will be posted at au seven beer stands to check identifications. Also. the fair is negotiating with the Orange C.Ounty Sherifrs department for security in hopes that uniformed officers will dis- courage under age drinkjng and incidents of violence. sa1d Fulk. Last year the fair hired 1ts own St'CUrity force for the first time aft.er being told that Costa Mesa po lice and sh e riff's deputies would not be available . SaJd Fulk. Fulk said the "low -key" ap- proach to law e nforcement while benef1c1al to a fair atmosphere. was n o t wi thout some draw- backs "Some peo ple thought that there was not a.S much secunty," said Fulk. "This year it will be much more stringent as Car as young peo ple trying~<> get alcohol." Fulk declined to say whether the plan to hire sheriff's deputies was in response to two outbreaks of violence reported during the fair last year St.even Ronald Stelle, 22, was hospitalized after bemg lnJUred July 13 during a fight 1n the parkmg lot and carnival operator David Brush1a was bludgeoned fi ve days later as he s lept in a sleeping bag 1n s 1de his s ales booth Fair 0 £f1 cials also dec ided Tuesdav to seek 15 percent of all beer salea instead of the flat $3,- 000 fee aocepted last year from each beer st.and selJer. Fulk estimated that the 15 percent fee could amount to $24.000 for the fair this year. Brown speaks out SACRAMENTO (AP) Gov. Edmund Bro wn Jr. says the Reagan administration 1s roun- ding up undoc:umented aliens "to distract people from the wides- pread unemployment." OC welfare plan goes to DC Orange Co unty S upervisor Roger Stanton was expected to fly to Washington D.C. today with a welfare c rackdown plan -approved by fellow supervi- sors Tuesday -that officials say could save millions of taxpaye r dollars through the early d etec- tion of welfare fraud. Stanton told reporters that presidential assistant Rober t Carleson and David Swoap, Un- dersecretary for the U.S. Health and Human Services Depart- ment. were interested in discus- Gem Talk By,/.C. HUMPHRIES CntifiPd Gt>mul111(r1JI. AGS PREV ACATION LE'M'ER Vacation lime is back and we wish you a lovely trip. Vacations are the one time of the year when you can really lay ulde a ll your cares and worries. To make aure you have no cause to worry, may we suagest you check the Collowin8 points. Have your water-resistant watch checked; a blow on the crown or on a pu.ahpiece can caUM lnvt.lble da~ with the rnult that, unknown to you, your watch la no l~r water·retlatant; lt la impor- tant \o have It checked tho· rou1hly before you t.ake lt twlrnm1ne· Have your quar\1 watch smg Orange County's approach to thwarting welfare cheaters. Because the federal govern- ment provides most welfare as- sistance. it has the most to gain through the det('('t1on or fraud. the Fountain Valley lawmaker said. On Tuesda y. the Board o f Supervisors agreed to make per- manent a pilot crackdown pro- gram that budget analysts con- firmed could save government agencies $7 million in federal. state and county funds that oth- :?rwise would have been lost through fraud over a 24-month penod Stanton has ht-en a strong ad- vocate of the prevention program sim·e first learning about its ex- perimental operation from March 1981 through February of this year S tanton saJd the pilot program, initiated by the District Attor- ney's Office, produced dramatic results after 12 special investiga- to rs were s tationed in branch welfare offices. CLASSIC QUARTZ DY OMEGA FOR MOTHER'S DAY Women 1 14 K goln Cluortr w111eh with 1 d111moncl d•al mineral cry111ol end 141( gold eh11n b(ace1e1 '"~ Women ~ 1 41< gold Outru watch w11h 26 d•emonds rri1nerel crys1111 end 14K eh11n breceltt S?SOO" battery checked, It may be neerly 1pent-tt'1 far ampler '°have ua ch..anp the bet1ery now than to have Ow watch co dead in a l\ran1e town . Quarts watch• 1houldn't be expoeed CO h1ah 1.emperalUNI aa the battery mlaM leak. @ Remember not to )elye It 1n MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY ~ .&.•c:! the au.nl We will be MPP1 to t809 N5WPOA~~COSTA MESA ~ c;eny oui 0.-~for JCM& lanl!AtMtlc•rd--MM•r Che l'HONI I ;!.. we parantet you UJ*t~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!I ~ * Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, May 5, 1982 ~~~\ •''"~ ·Auto repair shops fined II By PAT HOROWITZ t\• Ofthe Delly f'Mot lt•ff ~·t DEAR READERS: The operators of three Orange County auto repair shops have been J ordered to pay more than $4,000 ln fines and ,..., resUtution after being found guilty of viola- v~ tions of the.,t-utomotlve Repair Act, according I\. to the state l>epartment of Consumer Affairs' Bureau o( Automotive Repair. The actions were taken in Orange County municipal courts. All the cases were referred to the Orange County district attorney by the bureau after the bureau investiga ted com- plaints filed by consumers dissatis fied with repairs performed at the shops. All five de- fendants were placed on two-year summary probation. ·In one case. Carl Bergemhn and Kraig Kavanagh, doing business as Ko lor Me Kustom, 1261 Sunshine Way, Anaheim. plea· ded no contest to committing fraud and ma- king false and misleading statements. in that parts were not replaced a s d escribed on a r e pa ir estimate . The North Orange County Judicial District Court ordered each of the partners to pay a fine of $700 and lo make restitution of $704 to an insuran<:e company that paid for repairs that had not been done. In another case, Safir Bakhshi and Ro- berta Bakhshi, partners in World Mechanic, 1747 Anahe im Ave., Cos ta Mesa, were con· victed of making an untrue or mislead ing statement and defrauding a victim by claiming that tt\ey had performed repairs that they did not do. The Harbor Judicial District Court or· dered the defendants to pay a $750 fine and to make restitution to customers in the amount of $326. A 30-day jail sentence was suspended. In a third case, A~berfo Berardi. doing business as Imporlec o f Brea, 300 S. Brea Blvd .. Brea, pleaded guilty to failing to pro- vide an invoice listing parts and service work done. The North Orange County Judicial Di- strict Court ordered him to pay a fine of $350 and to make restitution of $1 80 to his victim. Persons who believe they may be victims of questionable auto repair practi<..>es are asked W-""WriteLO the Bun?au uf Automotive Repair. 3116 Bradshaw Road, Sacramento 95827, or in. an emergency call toU free (800) 952-52 10. SCORE aids new firms DEAR PAT: I am interested in ope- Dhlg a small retail butlne11 and would like to bow bow to go about doing tblt. I have a lot of aaan1wered questions about licenses, ...... ..... . . ' ... · .. ·.·.·.·.· ...... . . . . . . ..... · .. ·.·.·.·.· ...... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . .· ..... ...... ·:1 .. · ... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .. ·.·.··:·:· . . . . . . . . ,", ... ·.·.·.·.· . . . . . . . ... , ..... . . . ·.· .·.· ·.· ·.· . . . . . . ::: :::. ·. . . . ... SAVE 5 60 MODEL 1425 FREE 1 YEAR SUPPLY OF BAGS with Purchase of Vacuum NEWPORT VACUUM CENTER 1832'~ Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa (lnterteetlon of 848 5144 Newpott & HatbOf INd.) - HERITAGE HOME CENTER 14210 Culver Drive Hedtege Plaza. lrvfne 817-4171 taxes, Incorporation and mucb more. W•ea can I flDd out about all of tllese tbln&•·? -·J.T., Newport Beacb Make an appointment wlth the counae- llns office ot SCORE (Senior Corr. of Retired ExecuUves) by phoning 836-270 . A SCORE counselor will talk to you personally and provide the basic lnfonnat.lon you need. The office ls located at 2700 N. Main, Santa Ana. They h elp with problem DEAR READERS: If you or someone you know has a hearing, language or .speech problem, the American Speech-Language- Hearing .Association and its cpnaumer affiliate, t he National Association for Hearing and Speech Action, have prepared a number of brochures for consumers. The pamphlets ans- w er questions about articulation, voice and language problems, stuttering, adult aphasia, ht•aring loss and <.'Ommunication dlsorders of the elderly. For more information , write to the non- profit association at 10801 Rockville Pike. Rockville, Md . 20852, or phone (collect) to (301) 897-5700 (voice or TTY). Unsolicited item s free DEAR PAT: In the mall last week I re<:· eived two expensive boxes of stationery, and a bill to match. Since I never ordered this paper, or ever beard of the company that sent it, am I obligated to pay for or to return the paper? -M.H., Irvine Neither. If anything is ma iled to you without your permission, including ties, stock- ings. or statton(•ry, you can keep it free. Even if the compan y sends you a bill, you don't have to pay. But it's a good idea to let the company know you were billed for merchan- d ise you didn't ord<'r. This righ t does not ap- ply if you agreed to purchase a cert.run number of books or records from a club. . - lt j 0111 ;i µrohlt-111 "1 T f11 •11 write to Pat Horu- ill "1t1 JJ.11 \~ill <'Ut red tdpt'. gl'lting the ani.111•rs and <wllun you nl'<'<i co solve in· n t'<JC1ll1t'!' m guv1•r1111Jl'nl ;md business. Mail your IJU<"stiun::. 111 Pill llurn wllz. At Your Ser VIC'C', Or:ingc· Ct ... a.,t Dwly Ptlnt. P 0 Box I 560. C061a mesa: CA 92626 A,, m;iny IC'tl('rs as puss1blP will be ans· Wt'rr-d, but µliom.J mquml's or h•t11•rs not including the rl':id<•r's full 1wm1'. Mldr<'S.." and busint>ss hours' ph<•m• number rnnnot be cons1dC'red Eureka Upright with 4-way Dial-A-Nap® •Dual Edge Kleene~ gets dirt right up to the baseboards . •Power-driven 12 Inch beater bar brush roll. •Top-filling large capacity disposable dust bag . •Adjustable 3-posltion handle . SALE ,._ =~ llL··-" ---L·-Eurelca Self Propelled Upright Vacuum Eureka E.8.P. Upright MODIL 2081 •Vlbra.Qroom~ll •eov. Extra Suction Power. beater bar bruah roll. •Vlbra.Qroom..-11 ~Wide, brrght hHdllght. beater t>ar bNah roll. •Fingertip touch •Brllllant dlrt·flndlng hMdllght. control IALI 'RICI IALl,NCI ·'18995 'I 2g9 s CORONA DEL MAR VACUUM 332 Marguerite Ave. Corona def Mar 875-3883 FIC0'8 APPLIANCES 9073 Adam• Ave. Huntington BMch 888.._.1 ls 'Elegant Buns' distaste£ ul name? RETIRING -Orange Coast College's dean of continuing education, Dr. Charles A. Li- pot, will retire July 1. SAN JOSE CAP) -The owner of the aourmet hamburger res- taurant operatlna as "Elegant Buns" went to court to continue usins the name that his landlord finds distasteful. Sllgy Goffst.ein. fighting a suit that seeks to triple his $2,000 monthly rent aince he was asked March 10 to change the name or get out of the Oakridge Mall ln San Jose, argued in court docu- ments that mall owners are vio- lating his right to free speech. Directories cost Out-of-state books no longer free Pacific Telephone has began charging for out-of-state telephone directories, according to Diane Dailacis, divis ion manager. The move is designed to recover costs the company must pay to out-of -state telephone companies who charge Pacific Telephone, Dailacis said. She said PacTel spent almost $2.5 million in 1981 on such directories, but pr ovided them free to its cus tomers. The price range will be from $1.50 to $10 plus tax per book, depending on the size of the directory. Many large businesses have standing orders with PacTel for nearly 750,- 000 out-of-state directories each year. No charge is planned for directories printed in California. Contained in the document.I ii some spicy leeal languaee that speaks of the need to "mUltard cfefenaes'' and "get to the meat of the matter." "We were trying to show that words can mean a lot of things," snickered G offsteln 's lawyer, Ronald Rossi. Mall owners flied suit againlt GofCste in , 50, a fter failing to evict him over the "Elegant Buns" dispute. ''They said it was suggestive,". Goffstein said. "It never occurred to me that it might be taken that way." The restaurant's logo depicts a smiling hamburger with a mon- ocle and top hat. "I wanted a name that would give the place some class," GoHstetn said. He said while the mall contract stipulates that management must approv e of tenants ' business names, the agreement specifies that consent ''will not be u.nrea- sonably withheld." Go ff s t ei n h a d run th e "Brothe rs P izza Galley" at t he mall since 1975, converting it into a hamburge r r estaurant two months ago a't a cost of $50,000. Receipts jumped from $6,000 a month to $1 0,000 a month with the swa tch, he said. ------------------------------ 30% to 50% off all ... , pictures, mirrorS, lamps, clocks, giftwares, flowers. All those nice . things for the house . t' rr•'*"" ..... ._ ......... .,.. • Y • .- Orange Coaat DAIL V PILOT /Wednnday, May 5, 1982 H /F NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTION OUOf &TIONt IN(LUOI TIAOU o• TMI .., .. , YOll•. MIOWUT f'A(ll'IC, ••w •OUON. o• TIOIT ANO CINCINNATI HOC• t llCMANOI\ ANO •tl'O•TIO l'I' Tlfl MAIO ANO IN\TINlf \•It• Nel ~le\ H•I ~... H•I Pl no\ (10~ (flt It E "«I• Cle~ Cl\9 PE Nh <.to~ (flt !Ml Ill aD0 IJ -14 0\111 prta. 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HllT 40 7 •I 10 -"" -· tO 14 • IP,., "•Pl. "'-AD , l B •I t 40 S N ""'• v. OME41 I ti 1 M tM.. . MedlW tA 10 14 ~ I'll W.C., 1 I • • ,.... • : f'e"'-.,,_,, '6 W..+ \41 1 • t ni ... OME .. 7.. • dJll 4 _,,_, Hell'I 110 11 w ~ ,_, Me(Yllf OS 110 )IYt • 114 ... I'\. OI I .. .t$D SJ ..... 2.2r 6 m ~· 14 O.CI! fJI 1.a rlOD '1 . • He"*! t..O • 19*! ~· "" W.J'd I zto 1 a :: • Ito "•Pl. llft.10 •• rltO ""'• lll ti 4 I -~ "' Of ,,,, 2 11 \0 ltllit • _,_ 1... § It ts\!> 14 MM!Cf A 11 IS , l'wftwll I.It t J """• ,_, , ,_,.. "° 0. ... HI • 4 ......... HM.IS IA• , 11\lo ~IA 10 tO 2t + "' ,._. .. IAO ,_, ,.,_,,, ... U1 s D 11'h 11o DE Ill\ A S ~· 14 HMJI 1"4e 1•+ "' MmtAlll 17 IP -"" "'""'al UO 111 Jt -"' .... ,_ Wn-I D«JWK 4.ll a f1lll•I ~-1 i I ~•\lo AMM!tt _.,a 1lllJ tw ... a _. 1 t ,.__I'll 011.11 ' 4 f't.. DiM• "1 2.. . II Ii ..... kMdH ... t \0 I~ 'I' ~p 2lt 6 • I=-~ n t J 3'1 ... IM .. 4 1'141 "' °'""' l.10 t D M\'t+ .. .W-t 1 JfJ Jiiii+ ,_, ;;;;TrM; t ::: tO 4' .. IA P _. mt!."' ,1 .. t;: ........ i4 5 1 ~ ,! :,,., ..... \$ = . .J ,i -= :-: t -1.i ~·., i:: flt+·,,. = ,.£ ~ m ..... ~ 1 11 J,11 ..... .. alftl UO il JI,) ~ "" HeriHI AO a tt t + " MA ta tO H J0\4+ "" "91rte t I.All 11 ~ ,,_., • ._ 11 1 t ti""• "" Oltf" Ill UO , j IRll ..... IWrlll IJ • 11 ,.._+1 M9rQI. n 7 .. J .... "°"'"" ..ti 7'• Ml'-~ 1.1 • ff m!:"" Pl..,. 'Ju~ ""'•"' _,., • •: I -~ _,.. 1n , ,, ., ..... ,. ,...lb Ult it .., lt'a• .. " ,.n t • "' ' tt111111 ~ ~ ""1( • ,1.! • • 11o ~c 1 .... ?1 ,,. ~! l: ~ '-I! .. 'I=:.~ J-.. J·. Er ··= .... m;:: ~ ::::II' : .. ffl ::...·~--= ·; " ~., tl~.~ =~~II :i: :I-ji~ :· ~ ~ ~I + ~ '"°' 1,1 W ,I .ft v:: = =~ It: I }f ~ \. Nlrtfl' I Mt ""' I ~ •M ... •• • "" .. ... t9-..... "" • '• a ..., MertM ''" ': ,, +·.--..I "''i' '.: •.• t 1 .. ..._ J • .. ""'· .. .., &! .l' • "' ' •• • IMl'rlt • 'I" il\lo .. T tl:l..... ••· .. ~ • 1 "'• -. • • ~ tu ltl'I-w * .. • -.... . .. Md Q4t . , 11t •• ~ 1 rlfl .. -• H I -~ . tt ··-"' "" • ·"-• " M .. ~ 5" . . ~ ,..._ .. -..• ,, 'i" .. _, ... 'I .• II ' ... I~ ., ~ !! f:l:C-,,._. ! • ' \'I 1.a ti t ~ ...., 1 • • 43 "' •1 •.a L. ~ Hltrlfll •:1n ,n ~ t: IS'·'-• f! ·;i:;·:::: ""B .: :' ·: ,· t. • = .:·w It::: .... ,,,,. ~ 7,~,~ ~: 0 t~_'~ I "j 't It::: """-'=-~-= .... .... . ' •• flt ' • ,,.., .. i~ . ,. '°"'"· . • ... ,, ... . "':fl·~· .. ~ l .... ,!l A ~~ ~ ;, .... ~._: ._ ~ ~ t •:: ~ ~ l :s: t :; :4' "f5 ~. ::.' ~t ~. ; :. ...~i; ! ~·= ~ ·f .... "3~ I" .. .,..,~"" B ll" 1= = -~ ..... ·· 1i •• ~ -J.1 u I I ·::·: .. 1·'; •,11J' • : -l .. •...,. ,. 't " •.. .r f l .~ ~ ~.t ~... ' .,. "'• . . ... -,..,.,, s.... N•I PC Nh <.10 .. (119 condo Phase I done The first phale ot what la deecrlbed u Orange County's largest office condominium complex haa been completed by Saffell & McAdam, Inc., Builden. of Irvine. Seven office condominium buildings, offering a total of 110,000 square feet, compriae Phue I of Lake Center, a $95 million, 33-acre complex one mile wnt of South Coast Plaza in Santa Ana. The project i• on Sunfiower Avenue near the Loe Angeles Times plant. Developer of the project is C""alifornia Pacific Propertib, a partnership of C.J . Segerstrom & Sona, Gregory L. Butcher' and James M. Heitbrink. Archi- tect.$ are Langdon & Wilson. Frost, Spence & Trinen of Costa Mesa is leasing agent. New bank in the green Marine Nattonal Bank, wtuch began operations m July, reported a net income of $2,330 for the quarter ended March 31. The bank is located a t Harbor and MacArthur boulevards. . Marine N~tional. with 600,000 aha.res outatanding, has assets of JUSt over $18 million, according to iu statement. MSI data entry system told MSI Data Corporation of Costa Mesa has an- nounced the availability of a program generating software package which can be used by nontechnical· personnel to create customiz.ed application programs for MSI's handheld portable data entry computers. S tarTel sells S tarTas system StarTel Corporation, an lrvme·based manufac- turer of computerized communications and business systems, has announced the sale of the company's StarTas system to Monroe Te lephone Answering Service. Inc. of Beaumont. Texas. - Fluor unit in Brea office Kilsby-Roberts, a Fluor Distribution Company and a Fluor Corporation subsidiary, has moved mto 35,000-square foot corporaJe headquarters in the Brea. Financial Commons, Brea. The new facility for the metal tubular products company replaces corporation h eadquarters in El Monte . R ealty seminar slated The Foundation for F.conomic and Political Edu- cation in Southern California will present a seminar on real estate May 15 at the Anaheim Convention Center. Dr. Albert Lowry, a real estate speaker known for his no-money down purchases, will be the speaker. The foundation was founded by economic adviser Howard Ruff A donation of $95 is asked. For information, call 800-453-1466. Douglas declares divide nd The. board of d irectors of McDonneU Douglas Corporauon has declared a quarterly dividend of 31 cents per share on the outstandinR stock, to be paid July 6 to shareholders of record at the close of busU\em June 7. STOCKS~IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS WHAT STOCKS DID T-. NEW YORK IAPI _, • -•I "-"'l• DO ,..,.., ... 10I ..I 1115 ,. ,. T~ NEW YOf!K IAPl -, 4 MvM\Ced De« 111'f'CI Uft<~ To4AI IHUft New~ !Oew - METALS Todey )16 lCI ns 111 10 ,, Copper 78·81 oenta • pound, U.S deoltlnettona. LMll 29-27 oentt • pound. ZJM 34 oentt a pound,~. T'lrll M.1591 ~ W• CIClmpCMfto lb. AMI 111\.!M 7 .. 77 oenta I pound, N,Y, ......, 1378.00 por ..... ,....._ 1331.00 trc>y oz .. N.Y . SILVER H•ndy I H•rm•n. H .13& por lror oynot. . --Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedneedayt May 5, 1982 Pastor called 'devil' WEYMOUTH, Mus. (AP) - The congregation of the local F irst Bapllst Church will m eet Thursday to decide whether Al.· llOClate Pastor Larry Baskin is "a son of the devil," the Rev. Dou- glas Auld said. Some members of the congre- gation who claim "God has spo- k e n d irectly" to them have op- posed Baskin since h e joined the church three years ago, said Auld, the c hµrch pastor. "It started with his coming," said Auld. "Some people got these 'words from God' right after Baskin arrived." Auld said h e considered Baskin "absolutely" clear of any wrong· doing and that his associate is "taking thlS very well." The d1ss1dent group, a small minority in the 400-member congr egati o n , has refused t o speak to Baskin or take commu- nion , Auld told The Patriot Ledger of Quincy. "I'm concerned about these people," Auld said. "These peo- ple are hut'ting the m selves. They're good people but they're a little mixed up. I'm trying to help them." · OllUy Pltot lteft Photo JUST WAITING -Lori Richardson, 19, sits on the roof of her condominium in Costa Mesa's Monticello complex while waiting for a friend. She says the perch affords her a good vi'ew of her friend's approach and allows her to catch a few rays from the sun. "From my point of view it was a grievous misunderstanding," Auld said. "I am convinced we are goang to be able to work through it." He confirmed a report that the board of d e acons sent a letter to the congregation, saying that some members of the congrega- tion consider Baskin "a son of Baal or a child of the devil'' and calling the meeung Thunday. DllTH NDTICIS GOODMAN WATERS RAYMOND J . CiOOD· ROY V. WATERS, passed MAN, age 69, passed away away on May 3, 1982 al his on May 3, 1982. Survived by residel'.>re in C.OSta Mesa, Ca. hll beloved wife Mrs. Alice He was born in Minn~ta on Goodman, cheriahed father November 7, 1911. He was of Raymond Goodman or last employed as a salesman Seattle, Waahingt.Ont Daniel for the Dayton Carpet Com. Good man of Huntingto n pany for 30 yea.rs. He was a Beach, Ca., Alice Goodman resident of Costa·Mesa, Ca. and Thomas Goodman both for 4 'h years after moving of Santa Ana, Ca .. loving here from Minnesota. H e is grandfather of 8 and great· surv1ved by his wife Anna- grandfather of 3, devoted bel S . Waters of C.OSta Mesa, brother of John Goodman of Ca .. a 10n John J . Waters of Wiloonsin and Bill Goodman Costa M esa, Ca .. 2 sisters of Compton, Ca. Recitation Jeanne Hu<bon of Minne.Iota of .the Ro.ary wu held on anti La Vaughn O'Leary of Tue.day, May 4, 1982 at Klamath Falla. Visitation 6:4 5PM at Harbor Lawn w11 held at Harbor Lawn Mount OUve Memorial Cha· MortU&J")' on Tue.day, May pel, 18~ Gialer Ave , Co.ta 4 , 1982 from 2 :00PM to keu.. Ca. Graveside eervices 7:00PM. He wu a member were held on Wednesday, o f the Costa Mesa Senior May 5, 1982 at lO:OOAM al Citizens and the Newport Harbor Lawn Memorial Beach Senior Citiz.ens and a Park w ith Father Dennis member of the Golden Lyona of St. John the Bap-Tamers of Costa M esa. He tiat Catholic Chutch offida· had in the past attended the tinl. Mr .. Goodman has been Northwettem College. Chi- a resident of Huntington cago, Illinois. He was a ve- Beach, Ca. for the past 5 teran ol the US. Army for 3 years and a resident o f years where he reached Sgt. Orange County for over 15 Major ·and -he served In years. Services under the World War ll. Services were direction Harbor Lawn-held on Wednesday, May 5, M ount Olive Mortuary of 1982 at 11 :OO AM at the HB s tud~nl selected Jaml'S Hager o f Hunt· inglOn Beat·h as one of six USC students selected by the Prcsid enual Mana· gemen t Internship Prog- ram. fDRTHI RICORD Co.ta Mesa. 540-5554. graveside at Harbor Lawn. M,\NNESCHMIDT Services under the direction GEORGE. C . MAN . of Baltz Bergeron Smith & NESCHMIDT, LT. COL. Tuthill. W estcliff Chapel RET. U .S. Army. Resident of M ortuary of Costa Mesa. Newport Beach, Ca. Paaaed 646-9371. away qn May 2. 1982. Fune· ral 1ervlce1 and ln iermenl SCHUNKE will be held on ·Thuraday, ALFRED $CHUN.KE May 6, 1982 al Fort Sam resident of Newport Beach' Houaton NaUcmal Cemetery. Ca. Paaed away on May 1: San .Antonio, Texaa. Local 1982 at the age o f 73 Mr UT~nta under the di· Schunke had lived in New- rectfon of Balu Berger~n-port Beach, Ca. since 1965 Smit~ & Tuthill Weatcllff and worked at aa a chef al Chapel M ortuary of Costa the Newpo rter Inn for 9 MflfL 646-9311. years. He was •member or Chef de Cuisine lnternaUo· eptune naJ Oraanilation and served CMMATION IUAIAL AT SEA ln the Navy in World War II. 646-7 431 He ls survived by his wife Our. literature tells the Margaret of Newport Beach, complete etory o f out Ca. Private services and eocNity. Interment were held. Pierce ,.:----=. .... Brothers Bell Broadway ..llilllii--!!!!!!!-m!'!i!!!~~:...JMOrtUary directors. · . . . :.-.;... _______ _ u"n•o~Ho~ SMITH & TUTHILL W!STCLlff CH/<P'IL . BLACKSTONE LA WREN·CE W . BLACKSTONE, paned away on May 3, 1982 in The 171.i sel<.•<.·tcd will servl' lWo -yea r inter· nshaps al various foderal agencies Agent re hired SAN YSIDRO, (AP) -Border inspector Charles R. Jones Jr. has been reinstated in the job from which he was fired a year ago for dating a Mexican woman and ar· rangmg e ntry papers for h e r DEATHS ELSEWHERE LONUON IAPt Darrw Celia Johnson, 7:1, who nll'ltt.J hl0ar'\.' Ill lhl• t'llL'IMC' llH!'I Rrtlt:-h rt1111 luV•• -<1ory 'Brll'f 1<:rm1untt·1." dwd DALLAS (AP) -Ira G. Corn Jr., 60. a fmancacr and expert bridge player. died Wednesday -WttJlam Barnett, 82, who wrote 39 novels and was connected with more than 40 films during 1 55-year career. died Sun- day. PROVO, Utah (AP) William Primrose, 77. a viohsl and editor and ar· ranger or vtola music. died SalUrday Primrose was a faculty mt>mhcr al Bngham Younll Univenutv LOS ANGELES (AP) - Paton Price, 6:>. who coa - ched such actors aa Kirk Douglu and .Juon Robards Jr. and who wu jailed u a coMClentlout objector du· ring World War II, died Wedneeday. ' · 427 E 17th St c0s1a Mc""' f;4f\ Q37 I • Colta Mesa, Ca. Born in Loe An1elea, Ca. on August 16, 1964. Survived by his mo· PHILADELPHIA (AP) ther Ceola Blackstone of Loe f'lll.ClllOTHIU S.....,HS' MOITUAIY 627 Main St Horthnoton a.. .. r n 536 6539 P'AClftC YtlW NIMC>ll~l ,. ... CelMIJl'f•MOtt118t't Ch1e>el·Crema1orv J600 PactftC Vte"" Ottvr Newoort BfoiKh 644 ?700 •C~MOITUAllH Leoun• Buen 494·9'15 L8Quna Hills • 768,0933 $an Juan Cillptslrtno 495·1776 . --..... Anaelea Ca: '2 brothen R I· -The Rev. Jolla V. Buu, cardo ~ Jk.uc:e 81acbtone 77, a philosopher who both of ~Angele., ea.; and wrote "Dynamlem In the 2 alaten Janette Blackatone Coemoloay of Chrlatlan and Yvonne B1acb1one a110 WolU'' and ''The 8odal and both of Loi Angetes Ca. PollUc:al Philoaophy of St. Pttvate ae~cn have ~n Thomas Aquinas," died held at the Baltz Ber1eron ~ectn.day. Smlth & Tuthill Westcllff Chas-I where private lnttt· ment followed. Sel"Vic:a un· der the dlrectlon of Balu Beraeron-SmJth & Tuthill . W..tclUf Chapel Mortuary of Colt& Mesa. ~9371, New YORK (AP) - LH••r B••••· 33, a roclt mUlk crtUc who wrote fOC" RolJlna Stone, the vma,. Voice and other public•· tklna, cU.d. ---HOUSTON (AP) -Ella C. Fo141re•r 101, whoae late huaband Walter W . Fon· dren Sr. founded Humble' OU and 8.eflnina Co. Whl,ch 11 now !hon 1JSA, died Monday . HOAQ MOIOfUAL H01"1'Al. Aprll 9 Mr and M•s Ler.y Oanv8' Co"a M&lil gut Aprll 9 Mr and M1 s Craig Boar<lmen. Costa Meso 9u1 Mt and M•s D11v1d Olson. lrv1rwt Qlfl April 10 Mr and Mr• Steven Groom. Hun11n111on Beach, gift M• and Mis R1cher<1 0 L•yat Colla Mesa bay April 1t Mr and Mrs Rooatd Tete. Coste Mesa 0"' Mr and Mr• Phrllj) C-Ollon Coste Mete gut AP"ll 12 Mr and M11 Jonn ~ew11 Costa Mesa Doy Mr 1tnd Mrs James UrQuhlrl Ir- vine Q•lf M1 and M1' w1111am Jones Irvine boy Mr au<I Mrs Jettrey Dore New- Porl S.ach g1r1 Mr end Mrs James Stallor<I La guna Niguel g1rl Mr and Mrs Joseph Can1po1 Hunt1n9ton Beach girl Mr end ._..rs Gary Ror<len New .PO<t Beach. boy Mr and MrJ Donald llllngworlh. Hunllnglon Beeot>. boy April 13 Mt end Mrs George Me1kov1ch Hun11ng10<1 Beach. boy Mr and Mrs Gusteaf Chomptl Huntington Beec;h, gW, Mr end Mrs Rob~ Fenton. Ir· vme bay April 18 M1 end Mrs Jemet Con ... ay , Costa Mase. girl Mr and M11 Frederic!< Ouhon, N-port Beech. gtrt Mr end Mn Denn11 Rlckolla Coste Mesa boy Mr and Mrs Cnetles Lanoe Coal• Mesa 0"! Mt. "'° Mtt ~~ H«n. C:0.U ~.glr1. Mr and Mre Un l<ye, Founleln v elley. l>oy. ...,. ,, Mt end Mfl Nl11an Pll"I. Hunt· lnOlon 8eacto, boy. Mr end Mtt MlchH t Jorden. Huntington 8"ch. boy. Mr and Mre. Merk Wood. Hunt· lnglon e.ch, glt1. Mr end Mrt. Robert G1111on, Fountain Velley, t>oy. Mr and Mr•. EllM Baca, Hunting- ton 8eacil, gttt. .,.,.. 14 Mr. and Mra. Oevlno Rodriquez, HUnllngtOl'I Beach, l>oy. Mr. end M,._ Jon Flole, Huntington a.en. gtrt. ..,. , . Mr. and Mr1. ~oger Smith. Hunt· tnglon INadl. girl. Mr. Md Mfl. Ooneld O.Yle, Hunt· tnglon leeoh, l>oy. Mr . end Mr1. Steven Gerardi, COlteMee&.boy. IT . .IOIC"4 HOIMA1 .,...1 Or •nd Mrl Ktm Charney. N...-c><>r1 BNch. glt1, "'*°Y a.-........... "'"'. Mr and Mr• Alen Korn, New· Pofl Beech. bOY Named HAN.FORD (AP) -A lleut'enant wlth the Santa Ana police force ha• been named J)4fllce chief at Ji,an1ord. Oliver Lee Drummond, 34, WM picked from 4& appll-canw. -.. ---. --------------. ----,. . ., . . "' .,.. . -.. ... . .. .. .. . .,. -·-..----- Nit.IC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE 'ICTillOUI .Ull•H t'ICTITIOUI iUIMH NAMI ITATDRNT NOTICI ittVITINO .-08 c-.tr ... If ... C.,_, NAMI IYAftMINT Tl\l IOllowtng pertone "' <10lf1il Nottce 11 hereby 01v•rt lhel Ille f,__, DIJM' II Al Tile fottOWlflG peftona ere dOlng bu ....... It 8 t bualneM.. I' LOWERS ev JANICE. 75•2 oerd 0 Tru••-ot ,,,. HunllnglOI\ ..... i;,..... .... H & M EXHIBITS, 11e2 NOflh Acacle Oatden Grove. CA 92708 Piich Union High Sc;nool O•alttcl .......... D.C. Nevtlle, Ct~. c .. ll0tnle 92M5 JANICt: GALLtEA MILLEA wlll recetve eHtl<I bldt tor 1up WHEAfAS NtltfactOtY ~ plying Saet!OM<y Supphe1 mMllng hH been P<•Mnlld to the Compo Oevfd Mu•1n1111u tnc . a t80&4 Hyac1n1n 011~1. Founteln OI equal to lhe eoocilicationa on hie trotlef of tM Cuueney lhet PACI· Celllo•nl• c;orporauon. 331 '""' Velley CA t2708 In lhe Ol11Ce Of Mid ()t1lr1Ct FIC NATIONAL llANK loeat~ In Annue Lono Beeeh. Celllornle Thie bullneat 11 con<1uc1e<1 by en Bl<ll ah all b• cloerly merk•<I N1wpor1 Beech, Stet• ol CellfOf• 90814 lnd1Yldl.tal Hellled OellQn lno , 1 Celllot• Jenkle G MIKer ··s 1e11onery SuppllH Bid • 488 nle hH compiled with Ill ptovl• nle c;orporetlon. t 1 Heolende. tr. rtwa llllement wu tiled wnn trwi e<ldr•Ue<I 10 Allyn E Rowley, Pur aJOna of the ll•tut .. Of the Uftl18d 1 c Jlf n141 91714 chu lng Metiager. Hu.n11no1on SletH flqulred 10 be oompU.cl "'ne, • <>< County Cte<k of Ot111ge County on S.ec:h Unton High School Olllrl<::t, with belofl being 1utllorl1ed to Thlt l>Ullnell •• COl\dUCtld by • M11ch 30, 1982 10251 Yorktown Ave . Huna.ng1on commence the Oualn••• ot b•n· oen.,11 Partnerll\lp ,,"* Beacn, CA 9'84e. and r-veo '" king 11 • Nation•• Benkln• Oevkl Y MUletnettu Publlahe<I Oranna Cout Dally Pllol . · ·.-<>< 1>1l0te 2 00 p m , Mondd. Ml" A110Cla11on Thi• •l•lement WM llled wiln the Aptll 21. 28. May II. 12. 1982 , County Clefk o1 OtMge Counly on 1790-82 17· 1982• el whleh ume 90 pll<le NOW , THEREFORE, t l\ereDy AprU 12, 1982. b•<la wlll b• publicly opened and certl1y thet lhe •bove·nemed - '1110ll f'ta.JC NOTICE read c1111on 11 eulhOfl* to COflltnenC4I Publlahed Oteno-Co111 Oetly 1 --~-=---------1 Each bid allalt remain v•hd lot • the buatneu ot Denld ng •• • Pll t A M 14 2 28. M 5 982 fllCTITIOUI .ustMlll period ot 30 <lays oiler the 01111 N111onlll Btnklng A1aootet1on 0 . pr • 1, . •y 1ei1.92 NA• ITATIMINT spec111ad tor lh• tece1pt ot bl<ll IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. wil· The followtno perion 19 <lotng Tho Board ol TrutllH ahell b• neH n1y 11gn•1u1e •nd ..., of of· NlllC NOTICE bualn"9 u . tho 101• judo• ol lhe qua111y OI ll<le tn1129th d1y ol Januery, tt82. THE MASTER CLIPPER 1820 equipment otleroo lln<I 1•-•11t the Comptroller of lhe Cu<tency 'ICTITIOUI au--•• Nortn French. Sanl• An•. ceiitOfni• right to ••11te1 any or 1.\11 bid• and to Chert., Number 17 188 .,._ ITATtMINT 92701. waive any 1rregu1arny lhe111nn Published Orange Coul OeHy The following penon la doing Olan• L Celtanen. 2468 Sanae 111 Allyn E Rowley 1lot. M••Ch 24 31. Apt-II 7, 14, 2f, butlneaa u : Ana A-1ue, Coete Mn&. Calllornte PurchH"'il Meheo•• 8 Mey 5. 12. t9, 1982 132442 (Al COAST tNOU8TAIE8. (Bl 92827 COUNT RY RI VER 8A SH , (C) Thl1 l>Ull'-1 la conducted by en COAST ARTISTS MANAGEMENT. lndMduel (0) COAST PERFORMANCE. 3225 Olan• L Callanan boot• Avenue. Co11• MMe, Call· Thie 1111ement wu meet with tho tomll t2828 County Cletll o1 Ofange County on Oavld A Delley. 3225 Oekoll Aprll 1. 1g92 F1*"5 Avenue. Co11e M•••. C111torn1e Publl•h•<I Otenge coaai Oetly 92828 Thll bullnell le condvcled by en Ptlol, AP<lt 14. 2 t 28. May 5. t982 April 27 l982 f'tllUC NOTIC[ Pubhlh•<I Or•noe COHI Oatly _______ ...;...;. --- Ptlol Apt1I 28 May 5 1982 1875 82 NJLIC NOTICE c., ... I~ COURT Of' ntm ITATt Of' CAU'OllNIA '°"THI COUNTY Of' LOI ANQl1 H Ellete of RUBY LOE8El. Me MAS NOTICE OF TAUSTEE'I SALE MITCHELL R. LOE8El., o.c..-ct. D•vld A Dalley PUllUC NOT1CE T. No. 22$1 I HO ..... I This 11at-I wu nled wtth lhe On Mey 76 t982 al 10 00 am HOTICa Of' NAaoMAL . Count)' Clerll ol Orange County on l'tC11T10Ue .,..... STAN·SHAW CORPORATION a ~ICNTATIW .. IM.I lnd•vldual __________ 18_7_8·_82 APflt 19. 1982 ...._ ITATUllNT Calllorn1a co1po1a11on u luly ap Of' M.AL. ~ '117911 The following pereon 11 dotng pu.n1eo Truttee under 1n<1 pu1suani1 AT "'9VATR SAU Publlthed Otenge Coaal Dally ~-. 10 Deed ol T1us1 June 18 1981 ~C.- POot, Aptll 21. 28, Mey 5, 12. 1982 THE MOBILE SCREEN DOC· rec0<<1e<1 July 1 t98 t es tnSI No I f'rot.w Code \\l'IO, na 173&-82 TOR, 2005 W. Belboa Blvd., N-· 244 in book t• t23 po9e t55 or NOTICE tS HEREBY GIVEN lt\et -----------port e..c:n. ea. 92e63 I OlltGtal Rec0<d1 in 1he oll>ee or the Simi Zolol, u '*'°"* rept-1--l'ta.IC NOTICE Sue Jeggtl, 1412Oonecy,1. 1 Coun1y Recorde15 ot Orange live of lhe EatAte of Rutty L~. -----------Sent• Ana. Ca. 02808 County S111e or Caltrorn•• e.ecu a-Md, wlll Nit al l)fWai. Mle. to FICTITIOUI •U•••• Thie~ la conducted by en le<I by HOME BUILDERS SERVICE the h~I end bell bidder. under NAM! ITATt•NT tndlvtdUel. CORPORATION D Delaware cor 11\e te<MI and condltlont h«etnalter The lollow1n11 persotit ''' <loong SUe Jeggll I poralion. WILL $(LL Al PUBLIC menlloned. end auO)ecl 10 contlr-bualnesa as· Thie alet-1 WU n1e<1 With the AUCTION TO HIGHE S r BIDDER melton by lhe Super!« Court, on ZUMA CONSTRUCTORS, 1835 COunty Cieri! of Ofenge County on FOR CASH OR AS SE! FORTH IN Mey 19, 1982. el 10:00 e.m., or Wnnt1e1. Unll F.:). Co1t1 MllM. CA Mey3. 1982. SECTION 2924 F OF IHE CIVIL 1'-"fle<wtlnlnlllellmleAowedby 92627 ,,... CODE al tne lron1 en111nce ot lew, et the offlcM of Miiier. Buen & BURLEY V J ACKSON 14973 Putllletled Otenge COUt Delly Pt· S1an·Shaw Corpo11111on 2315 E Mlnnon. tlt0<n41Y9 fOf Ille pereonel I I Oak bury Drive , Le M11 a<18 CA lol Mey 5, 12. 111. 2e. 1982 171h S1 San111 Ana Ca1ttorn1a repreMOlellve. el 1235 North Her· 90638 20e2-82 927 t, all right t111e and 1nte1e11 bor eovt.vatd. Suite 200, Fullerton. JOHN S SKONSENG. t 531, conveyed 1o and now 11e1<1 by 11 i Clllf0tnte, ell the rr,~:; tntlfMI Cedarwood Avenue Mtdwey C•lv l'ta.IC NOTICE under u1<1 Deed 0 1 Tru'I •n 1ne end •t•te of the . end el CA 92655 properly 111u11eo •n H•d County the tight, Ulle, tnt.,MI end Mtel• n11s ous1,_. is conducted by • 1 ... 1717 and St•le dncrioeo .u lhel the Eatate of Ruby L.oebll. oe. I Qef*ll pertMUhlp NOTICE TO CMOITOAS EXHIBIT "A" ~ ...... ec:Qlked by operetlon Sorley V Jacl(ton OF evlK TRANlfER PARCEL I L01 21 OI Traci No of 1ew O< o~. other then, Of In Tnls 11e1ement ..,88 ttled witn 1ne (Seu. 1101 .. 107 U.C.C.) 9098 &' pet map rec0<<1e<I •n Dook addition lo. thet of the~. et County Cletk o1 Ot&noe County on No11ee " hereby given 10 credl· 397 pegu 2• to ?8 •nctus11re ol the llml OI h« O.lh. In end 10 el Aptll 19 1982 IOfS ot lhe W1th1n named tra.nslerors M15Gellaneou1 Maps on 1ne oil~ ot thet cer1altl r.., PfoC>lftY tltueted In P'117113 lhet a Dull< transfer is al>Out 10 be lhe Counry Rtlc.0<<1er 01 •l<I county the City of Futtetton. County of Pul>ftsneo Orenoe C...oast Daily Pilot made on pe•sonaJ property he<lll· Eacepaing unto lhe Granlor he· Oreng.. Stele of Celllornla, deeen- Apr" 21. 28 Mey S 12 t982 tielter o.KYlbed I rem all <>" gas and ot,,., hy<ltOClll· I-' aa IOllows. 17•7~2 The neme and bu-s aodreu l>on S<JbstancH •n and unde< s.t•<I An undivided on~hlh (~I Of Ille tnlen<led 1ranster0f 11e lano bul with no flQhl 10 use tno 1nter•l In !NI r.., pr deKtt- CLIFTON E SNELSON. 1599 surteu °' SUbSUl18Ge area ol 5a1<1 bed .. LOI 4t! of frect 4429 .. per S Sui>e<IO< Av• A-5 Cost• M-CA land 10 the deplh ot SOO teet mea rnep 1n Book 1eo. Pegea 28 end 29. eml•nar 92827 sure<l lrom sa1<1 surl11Ce of M~ Mepe In the omce The names and t>vMness eodrna E•eec>llng unto the Granlo< he<e ot tno Oreng• County Rec:order, ol the intended trlf\st11ees ate in oe5'!'met1ts over •••<I 11nd IOf the commonly known •• 2937 North on money planned WCS. The W omen's Conferenc.'e System, will present ''Money : How T o Make It, How To K eep It . H o w To Make I t Gro w " at the South Coast Plaza Hot<'I. June 5 AN THO NY UGOLINI. GENI l)Vrposes Mil l0<tn 1n !tetllon It 91 Maple AvetlUI, Fulllfton, Cellfomi&. UGOLINI. 1017 E Union Ave Ful-lhe second res1a1ement and 'r'hl1 1111 la aubjecl lo cuHenl terton CA 92631 amen<1n1en1 ol the Supp1emen1ar y tu.H. covenant•. con<1t11on1. rn· That tho prope•ly per11nen1 he-Dec1arat1on or Covenants Con<11 trtcllon1. ,_Ilona, nglltt, ngnt1 teto 19 desc:tl~ 1n gener .. es 111001 and Restncllon• rec;or<le<S 1n 01 wey, ••••m•nta. end 1Jll11lng Furnllufl. tfxturH. equipment DOol< 12427 PllQM 1923 ut seq ol encumbfenc:.. o1 recO<d. UCllPI the 1nd mete<lels, etc and ts tocated at Othc1a1 Rec0<<1s ol sa1<1 county llen 01 th• AbllflCI of Judgment 1599 Superior Ave . A·5 Costa PARCEL ? Ea,emenas over ltltl •ICOt<led Septemb« 30, 1975. Dy MeN. CA 92827. land <1esc11be<S 1n and tor the P11r Gerald E Gennon and Marte O Th11 business name used by the POses sea torth on Secuon t t ol lhe Gannon. tn the amount ot $9e3.1M sa1<1 1renaforo1 11 said locallon •a Second Rn1a1ement and Amend plua tnte<•I FARGO'S SANDWICH SHOP ment ol Suppiemenl8ry Oecl111a11on The tllt"ml end conc!IOonl of u1e Thel 111d butk 1ran11er Is 1n1en-01 CovenanlS. Con<1111ons and Res· ere CHh to th• exlallng encum· ded 10 be contun1mete<1 et the of· trict1ons recorded "' book 12•27 bflnCe In 1n amount equel to th• lie• of GRAMERCY ESCROw.,peges t923 et seq or Ol1tc1a1 Re 10111 cHh paid end encumbrence CORPORATION, 3407 West Sfalh co1ds ot Orange County Cehtorn1a Heumed ot 19.000 00, lo be peld Street. Sutt• 7 11 , Los An9elea. The s1<ee1 ad<lreu and 011>er pert ca.n end pet1 etedlt. lhetenne C11trom1a 90020. on 01 et1e1 Mey common ~s1Qn011ton 11 any, 01 lhe of auch etedfl to be ~ to 21 1982 lr•al property described aoove 1s Ille peraonal rept-IAtlV'I ~to Tne n•m• end eddreu where purported lo be 3377l V•a Cap" lhe Court T.,, percent (10%) of the W CS ·11 d clelms mey be llte<I 11 Gramercy Laguna Niguel Cahlorn•• amount bid lo ~ny the oft« WI onate part Eacrow Corporation. 3407 Weal fhe unde1s1one<1 rr u11H dis· end the belancie lo be peld on con- of Its proceeds lo N ew St.th SlrHt. Suite 711. Los An-claims any 11ab1hty lor any 1nco1 flrmetlonofulebylheCourt. r- Directions, Inc of New-Qelel. CelClornle 90020 reclness 01 llH! slrMI •<1<11eu end end renta, ah•H be proretecs .. of port Harbor. an alcoholic The tut d•I• fOf filing e1e1m1 tn 1ott>•• common <IH1Qnll10n 11 eny the dlt• of conflrmellon and Nie. lht1 llCIOW If U90f'I notlflcaltOn trom !Shown he<eon The ~lion of title, r-dlng r ecover y program for the Oepertnwnl of ABC lhet perme-Sa1<1 sate w11t be mede out w1 ot conveyence. and eny 1111• lnau- women and a prO"""t of nent ticenM hH translMred to in-lf\O<.lt cov9r1an1 or warraflty ••P<J'SS ranc. po11cy fhlll be ,1 the upente r--1ende<I arensl~ee or tmphed r90er<11n9 1111e oosses-1 of the purc:NMlf th e Junior League: The So ter u IS ~oown to aat<f onllrl· !IOn o• encumbrences 1nc1u<11ng Sida or off•• .,, lnlllled kif ltlfe South ern Caltfornta ded Ttanste11es said 1nten<1e<1 •~ chuges and e•penws ot ttl(' propertyen<Smuatbelnwrttlngend Ra All k Tu1nster0< uM<I lhe following 11<1<11· TruSll!4l •nd 01 Ille trusts c1ea1ec1 by Wiii bet~ •I the ofllce of Mil· pe aance, a networ 110<1•• ousoness names and addtes· sa1<1 Deed 01 Trus1 10 pay 111• re 1er. Bu1h & Mlnnolt. ettor,,....._ 10< o f rape hot lanes. CrlSIS ~ wllh•n lhe throe yeara 1a1 PHI main1ng p .. nc1pal sum~ ot the the pertor\llrept-llUve.•11~ cente rs, and related se· None no1e1s1 se~ureo by sa•d Deed ot NOtth Hert>« Btv<I . Suite 200. Ful- x U a I a SS a U It • f O" US.., d Oele<I Apt1t 21 1982 Trust 10 wit $88 000 00 w11h 1n1e teraon, Cetlfornte. or mey be 1119<1 ~ ..-AnthOny Ug041nl rest thereon lrom Oecemb('r 15 With lhe Clertt of lhe Superior Court programs establlshro 10 Gon1 UQ<>41n1 198 t II 60"4 per annum 1n prov1<1e<1 0< del!Ve<ed to Simi ZOlot per90t>M-Lo5 Angeles in 1975, and, Intended Trens1e<oea on s11<1 note1Sl plus cos is on<I .. ny ty, 11 eny ume '"" nrat publlcatlOn Pubtllhed Orenge Cou1 Ody Pl· advances ol S 18 89• 0 1 w11h 1nte ot thll nollOI end before melting the The Transitional Laving lot Mey 5. 1982 rest. plus 1orec1o~ure cos1s ot St aale Cente r for Battered Wo-111•6-11:> 954 75 I For lurlhtlr tntormellon end bid . Or C The l>enellcrary unde1 !>111<1 Ooed l tormt apply el Ille olflOI of the et· men in an~e ount y . I f'ta.IC NOTICE )t Trust here101ore e•ecu1ed un<I l<><ney fOf the pertOnel r•-••· · f h ~ehvored to tlll' un<1ers19ne<1 a !Ive MaJOr sponsors or t e "CLAIMS AAlllNO FROM AC· Nnnen Oeclatalton ot <1elau11 •nd The rlQht •••....CS to reject any event include Dean Wil· TtONI OF INVISTOAS LOAN Domend lor Sate nn<I • wr111en 1 •nd •It bid• ter R eynolds fn(' Tra· llAVICIES, INC .• ANC)IOA IN· Notice ol Oetault cind Etoellon IO Oeled Aprlt 22. 1982 ' ., VEaTOAS HOflitlE LOAMI, INC., Aa 5etl The undersigned ceused ae1d Stml Zofol velers Insuran ce. Inc .. "IEA1 l!ITAT£ •AO«EAI." 'lollce 01 Oetaull ano Elec11on 10 Pereon.i ~-tattve and American Airlines Alt persons wtio wtlll 10 recov., >on 10 be recoroeo on 1he county of the &let• of any amount tron1 ot assert '"Y Nhete lhe real P.ope<ly is loe&lfl<I Ruby Loebef. ~ Guest speaker will be claim •011n11 lhl Reet Estate Com-Sl1n-S11ew COfoo1a110<1 MLLIJt. llU8" a llllNNOTI Mlssl008''• MPlflle eccounl of Ille 23 t5 E 11111 St •• '°"" Ill. 1lilllftnott. L os Angeles Attorney Reel Ell•t• Fund tor educellon Sama An• CA 92711 AltOfMYa '-..__... ._..,_.. Gloria Allred, along with reH11tch and r1cov11y purpoHi t7 141 542-581 t •tlft Sou them California wo-111s1ng ''°"' acllvllles of 1nvost0ts as s11t<1 T11.1llM 1m lllo. HMtMw ~d.. Loen Servlc;H, Inc . H • licensed By Frani. A Beotw avtt. * men 1n the fields of fl· reel estate t>rc>lltlf rnu1t 111e by June Prea1<1ent F..,_, CA na1 nance and career mana· 15 1n In R• 1nvHtor1 Loan S••· Date "P"t 13 t982 11w1 en.oaoo vlcH Inc . eke tnvulora Home PuOllshed Oren90 Coua Oatly Publteh9d O<enge Cout Oelly Pl. gement. Loens. ette 1nv .. 10<1 Home Loan• >1to1 May 5 t2 19 1982 IOI, Mey 5. 8. 12. 1982. · • Co 8 e n k tu p Icy No 18 IS-82 1a.M2 F o r information. call LA80-03232·CA. United StetH 730-8585. Btnllruptcy Court Centre! Oistrlc1 o1i-------.,. .. -.,,.-r--- Writing fair open to youth s Young authors and Il - lustrators are invited to compete in the Orange County All American Fair. Winning e ntries will be displayed during the Orange County Summer Fair in Co1ta Mesa. The competltlon la open to Orange County realdentl 17 and under. Awards will be sfwn to writer•, writer/ tlluatraton and writer/ illustrator teama of two or more. Trophlee wlll be awsrded to firat-place w1Men and en\rlet cho- aen for dl.tplay durlna 'he 1ummer falr will receive rtbbona. Deadline 11 May 10. For lnformatlon call 75'~3247. Caltlornl•. Untied Sletoa CourthOU· ,..,_ I~ '9. 312 No SPflng Street, LOI An------------gotH. c1111orn1e 90012 either an CONSOLIDATED Appt1c111on· H detcnbe<I tn Bual· REPORT OF CONOmON nest end Prornalons Code Metton• C lld ed R C I 10470.10483 °' 11 nec.saery tteps onso at eport o f ond tlon of "International Cert· preceding such Appttcelion 11e In· tral Bank & Trust Corp." of El Toro, Orange Co~mty, and comote11. • ·c111m· soiling tonh 111e Domestic Subsidiaries at the close of bust~ on March nel'TW!, l<ldre .. and telephone num· 31, 1982 be• ot eech cletment. 1n1 amount ctalme<I. 1n<1 the fec1u111 01111 for St•t• Bank No. 1237 Doltltr Amount• In ThowMda 1he clalm F111turo 10 10 ect win b11 recovery from lhe Comm1111onor'1 Fund Atl pertona wt>o with lo recover any emount trom or e111r1 eny cletm 11g1ln1t the ~e1 Eat•te eom. ml1ttontlf'1 Mj)erate account 01 the RHI Etllle Fund 1or educelton. rH•••ch and recovery purPOHI erltlng from actlvtllea of ln11e11or1 Horne L~ns. tnc u • llcellled real ""'' t>rc>ll., mull comply with the provt1lont of Celllornle Bualneta •nd Profeulon1 Cod• HCllona 10470· 10483. Failure 10 dd IO Wiii ber reoove<y from Ille Commlulo-ner·1 Fund Thate may be tom• clllmentt ••net Iha R.co11.,y Fund who9e ~ It bMed upotl deellngt eolely with ln ... 110" loan ~. Inc;. ThoM petto!\t mutt ~eel their clllm llOlktlt 1tle ~ Fund In Ille benitnc*Y PIOCMdlftO tt lhtfe '" citelmante who heve ctelM I egelnll Ille AeooV8f't J-und l>Aed ASSET& Cash and due from banks . . . . .. .. ... .. . .... ............ ... ..... 7 .328 Investment securities (Market value $69,639) ...................................... 71,712 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under 9greementa to resell In domestic offices .............................. 22,800 Investment• In unconeolldated eubaldlartee and aaaoclated companies ................................................................. 23 Other .... ts ........................................................... 2,401 TOTAL ASSETS .................................................. 104,064 LIAR.JTIEI TOTAL DEPOSITS IN opMESTIC OFF'ICES ...................... 93.083 Total demand depoafta ................ 24,689 Total time & Mvtno• depol!t• ..... 88,3e.. Other MabUltlea ........................................................ 2,374 TOT AL LIABILITIES (excludtno eut>otdlnatlld not .. and ~turM) ................................................. 95,457 IHAMHOLMRI IQUn'Y Common ltock .. No. "'--~t~ 10,000 t>. No. lhatM outatandlng 10,000 1.000 ~ c·om"·,aur'eo"cA.PirA'L'":::::::: .. ~~ ....... 1.-.... '** tarnlnga . ....... ... . ....... .... ... . ... . .... ... ..... .. .. .•.. 1,347 TOTAL 8HAREHOLOERS EQUITY ......................... 1.to7 Energy .topic of r._ir Upoll lllelt "'""" with lnYft!OU Loen •~•. Inc. et1d lnYftlOB Horne Loerta. l'lO , lllOM '*"°"" 10 IM ment tl\at IM1 wWI to recover ~ Iha Aecowry ~ beCl*'9e Of tllelf dMHnot with lnweton Loen ltrtlcea. inc., Mo !'Miit ... 8ldl •cillon .. le n.c.eMfY 10 perfect their citalm •talntt 1111 ll'eco11ery ,.und l>y Pfoceedlng In the 1>enll· ruptey ~IO· fllOla ptrlOnl, howe11er. "'"" coinp~h lu•lo NII end Prol'ullDlll atetlon 1041WI by .,urwlng their r8fMdy aottnl4 all pett0n9 _,.. to "*" In a tranHOtfOft fOf wllleh they '"'1 rtoo.ery from Ille MCI01*y ~ Of\ aooount 0( ttla ..__, eccMtY of lnv.ttot• Lo•n ltrvlcet, lno .. Wllldl ~ IM la llot ...... lO TOTAL LIABILITIES ANO 8HAAEHO[Oa:\S EQUITY .............................. 104,0M l:ner~conHrv•llon ·~wet elCht mJln tut •"•"'""nt to recover rro"' ,In• cl I ti th .,__ ,..._ *'°" Hoene Loane, Irle., DY~ an • a on u fl'/ liJllll1 Juan ""'plltftno. cMCJl~aln•f tnwee1ofl tiOfM affect att.hiwctural dt· N I l ._ ... 8 ..... i..--. • 11t "" Callotnll ,, ... mcn wW be dllC\-9 at ew Y • ec--·• CCM1, ,.,_.-mo._.. TN u~. Jeck L Tauf9r, PNlldent and ~ nltl J, Ftdrtdc, t .V.P. o1 the al:MMM\emtd .,_., ..- declaNa. '°' NmMH _,. and not for the 04Mr: I ,_. pnonet know11c1Qt of u.. mdlfl oontailned In ....... PGt' (lnaWlng tM ~ 1k1t htNOf). end I .,...._ ... ucf\ ........ , In MkS f'9PO't II tru.. bott of "9 un- the NCODd annual Sn· Sen. Jobn ~"'' of ==•.,. "::,*Y '• .r11 ratr tp0wnd bJ AnaMtm • wm .,.ai. """ .,......,. UC..: ".::,e:tr. the Onn1• Couat7 More than 100 local ='l~~~':~"= c:hapts at ... ~ udlA ........ ,, ... 1.--. ..... ---.. lnlitutaotAft'IM•ta: -~ .. ~ =::,111at1tr•O._. rt will a. belda.tur· JW lalo,....-; ciall ,..._.rrti'-Dlll"-diy It JlanehO Cantllo, 11'7·T'M. .-11, t • · ftllr I. ,._ . ~ det Mglteel, .. htmlllf llonl Ind "°' '°' the °"*· .... .. "'*penally of perjury "'91 IM fOfeec*ll 111 true Md OOtt'tCll. ._..on APtt 17, 1NI, .. II Toro. OdfttHIL leJJMI& L. T.., lllOMlll J. ,..... ·-·•o.-..c..• ..... ..., \ lllllEC• WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Falklands war to get more intense? WASHINGTON (AP) -Ar- tentina'a aucce.ful attack on a Brltiah de.troyer bu shaken the belief ol aome U.S . government analysts that Britain would win the battle for the Falklanda ln a cakewalk. 'The main test ia yet to come, but the destruction Tuetday of the deatroyer Sheffield by a high-explosive miaaile fired from an Argentine war plane suggests the auperior' Britiah fleet may be vulnerable to air attack. The war probably will become more intenae, officiala say, follo- win~ the attack, which intelli- * * * gem IOW"Oe9 aatd toctay occurrec1 60 milea aoutheaat of the Falk- lands. The aourcea, decllninf to be identified. aaid the Sheffield had, indeed, "gone down." Britiah press reports, meanwhile, aaJd the ship WU still afloat six houn after it WU attacked. The British are expected to try to hunt and sink Argentina's only aircraft carrier, the 25 de Mayo, the largest remaining ship in the Argentine fleet. It was assumed that the French-made Super Etendard that fired the missile which hit * * * U.S., Britain confer · IEWI llllDll the Sheffield bad fiown from the carrier because the plane ia de- 1igned for carrier laun~hing. However, later infonnation indi- cated the aircraft fiew from land. Nonetheleaa1 the carrier is conslden!d a likeJy target becauae it poees a potential danger to the British fleet. It waa learned today that the carrier developed engine trouble Tuesday and was heading for port on the mainland. Intelli· * * * gence aow-cee aaid the ship may already have put lnto port. However, even if the British succeed in linking the Argentine carrier, which waa purchaaed from Britain in 1948 three years after it was completed, the Ar- gentine air force still baa about ' 110 land-baled fighter bombers and bombers with enough range to hit Bri tiah ahi in the imme- diate Falkland ~ area. So far, much of the British fleet remains about 150 miles east of the Falklands, out of effective reach of most Argentine land- baaed aittraft with bomb loads. * * * UnUl the W. of the Sheffield and at least one "jump jet" Har- rier fijhter bomber, Britain ap- peared to have everything ~ its way in the military confron- tation. Argentina's apparent impo- tence in the face of aeveral bom- bing attacks on Falkland laland airfields, knocking down Argen- tine planes and a1~~~ the old cruiaer Belgrano in1 y streng- thened the conviction of some American government analysts that Britain could overwhelm Argentina and possibly force a negotiated settlement w ithout * * * much greater lo. of lite. Now, in the wake of the 1in· king of the Sheffield, thea ana· lysta are QOm.lng to the vtew that the Arpntinea may aUtfen. Some senior U.S. offidala, ob. vtoualy favoring the British, ant concerned that 1evere winter weather may cloae in and pre- vent Britain from resainlnc the ialanda for months or longer. "I think they have a rather short time frame ln which they can operate," aaid one offlcial. "It'~ not juat a question of lo~ giatics, it's also a question of weather. * * * Falklands peace plan sought South Laguna annex hackers urged to act By STEVE MJTCBEU or ... °"" ,... ...,. If Laguna Beach is ever to annex a portion -or all -of South Laguna into the city, sup- porters in that unincorporated community will have to get hwy. That was the message of the Laguna Beach City Council Tueeday when it undertook the lengthy, complex process of bringing, South Laguna into the munidpal fold. The council aet public hearings on the propoeed annexationa be- fore the Planning Com.miaaion May 26, and before the council in mid-June. But prior to thoee hearinp. the council wants developers in South Laguna to have pre- annexation agreements from the city that will guarantee that current zoning on their parcels will remain unchanged for at least three years. In addition, the oouncil wants a report on the cost benefits to the city of bringing the entire South Laguna community lnto the city. And they want South l..agWla supporters to find out juat how much support there I.a in their community for such an annex- ation notion. By prezoning properties from Dumond Drive to Aliso Creek. the city would guarant.ee existing county-impoeed zones would re- main the same when the annex- ation goes into effect. "In other words, if a South Laguna parcel is designated for single family residential now, under county codes, we'd pre- wne the land for the same pur- (See sOUTB, Page .U) LB animal shelter to be open 7 da ys Laguna Beach's animal shelter The city's action was criticized will be open to the public aeven by an animal support group call- daya a wee k after the City ing itself Laguna Beach Dog Council did aome budget ahuf-Owners Guild (DOG) who said fling to fund the additional the restriction on public hours hours. would be detrimental to animala The oouncil, reacting to objec-and owners. tiona t.o Tueeday and Wedneeday Led by freshman council public closure of the Laguna member Bob Gentry, the council Canyon shelter, ordered funds voted to reopen the shelter from from the police overtime account 11a.m.to4 p.m. every day, unW to be diverted to the shelter next year's budget ia approved operation. th.is summer. A total of $1,026 from the pa-City Manager Ken Frank aaid trol overUme budget will now go th u rtim money will toward aa1ariea at the 1helter, e po ce ove e keep the doon open seven daya a t hus opening the doors to the week through the end of June. fa~ on T u esday• and W ya. ' He aald next year'• budget proposes keeping the shelter a LMt m0nth the city restricted 1eVeD-day-a-weei operation un- public houn of operations at the W November, at which time the abelter to five daya a week, dtinl council will have to conaider budget comtrainta and atricter whether it .wantll to apend $3,000 aanita.ry condition.a impc>Hd by t.o $4,000 to continue the pnctiiCe the county. through the ~· STATE Proud of its bWJ8 The owner of a aourmet hamburaer restaurant 1n s.r. Jme detenda the we of the estabfWnnent•1 name, •'Depnt Bum." Pace A•. ,,, ....... DAMAGE -This library picture from De-on a ship. It is believed a missile of this type led cember, 1974, shows the kind of damage that to the attack on the British destroyer HMS an Exocet surf.ace-to-surface missile can inflict Shieffield Tuesday. Sycamore buyers pursue d Laguna <;ouncil asks solicitation of builders for 62 acres A portion of Sycamore Hills is up for sale again and Laguna Beach of«dals expect to receive developen' proposals within the next nine weeks. City Council members directed the cltlrJ;:esday to solicit pro- poeala builders for the pur- chase of 62 acres of Sycamore Hills adjacent to Leisure World. Frank, but the alternative was to battle the Legal Aid Society and Lagunan John Gabriels, who contends the development should contain affordable units. Frank said Tuesday the city would go o ut to bid on the acreage in six weeks to two montha, and e xpects proposals from developers to be submitted eight to nine weeks after that. He said a developer muat be found to buy the land before the city can continue negotiations with the county on disposition of other parcels within Sycamore Hills for a transportation corridor and a regional park. The city purchased the land for $6. 75 million four years ago and had intended to sell off a portion to pay the mortgage. Only thia time around, pro- posal packages must include a provision for 50 affordable senior citiz.en housing units within the development. Bi.da should be ready to send out to developers within the next six w eeks, according to City Manager Ken Frank. The 522-acre Syhmore Hills property was purchased by the city ln 1978 to end years of law- suits between Laguna Beach and fonner owners of the lanci. Crystal Cove par k cottages studie d In subsequent years, the city negotiated with Baywood Devel- opment Co., of Newport Beach, tO purchaae the land off El Toro Road for $5.4 million. But a bad economy, tied with a lawauit filed by the Legal Aid Society apinlt the city, put the damper on that sale. The city, ln an effort to settle the law1uit, a1reed to puraue developen who would be willing to reaubmit a tract map for the pro~rty, including 60 low-coet hOwdnl unltll for aeniora. Revamping the tract map could take u p to a year, warned COUNTY By JEFF ADLER or ... o.1r,......,. A team of State Parks and Recreation Department experts wu set to begin today the task of determining how Crystal Cove State Park's 45 old cottages can best be ~t to public uae. The task of evaluating each of the aaina 50-year-old structuret that dot the seaside bluffa la ex- pected to Jut through the end of the week, said David Allan, a Parka and Recreation Depart- ment landacape architect and team coordinator. "We'll actually be ~ina from building to building,' Allan ex- plained. He aaid five tenants had decided to deny the ~ acceas AP.ir ol 11,000 lep · A Nftpon a.ch coed bu a pair of $1,000 lep. Take a look at them 1n llvlng color on P-. Bl. • SPORTS Ceorp. oa Im mind DlllJ PJla& il»IJIMWi J• John 8eYano dfnm wftb Nim OWll8' ~ J'roftUen. P"8 Dl. to their oottqee. The team WU dispatched after oo«age residenta agJ'eed lat4! last week t.o allow state officiala into their residences for the fint time sinoe the state purchalled CryNI Cove in 1979, according to Lea McCargo, chief of the tlepart- ment'a development division. A form.al plan detailing how the cottages might be used by perk-goers will be developed by June 1, McCarao uid. lrlcJuded on the survey team la a restoration architect, a land- ecape architect, a htatorian and two apeda1Jm with bldqirounda ln manaatna hiatorlcal and cul- tural reaourcea, uid the team ooordinator. INDEX A4 AlO BM 82 Al> m OM B? Ill • AlO C.11 NATION Military losses detailed By De Astod.ated Presa Britain and the United Stat.ee are working on a Falkland Is lands peace plan. and the 1om of British and Argentine live• makes a diplomatic tolution ur. • gent, British Foreign Secretarj Francis Pym said today· I Pym told the House of Com., mona in London he transmitted to Secretary of State ~ M. Haig Jr. a "oonstructive con- tribution" toward the plan. "A vital ingredient of the ideal on which we are working is an early ceaae-fire and the prompt withdrawal of Argentine forces," Pym said. He did not provide detaila. "The mUitary los1ea which have now oocurred on both sides in thi.a unhappy conflict empha- size all the more the urgent need to find a diplomatic solution.'' he added. Relatives of 87 crewmen aboard the British destroyer Sheffield were notified today that their men were dead, mJ.19.. ing or wounded in an ~WM; missile strike off the Falk.lanq lalands. • The figures on the Sheffield cuualties were given by govern- ment aources in London. where Prime Minister Margaret That- cher called an emergency Cabi- net session. Argentina, meanwhile, conti- nued the search for about 360 crewmen rnillldng from the ~ eral Belgrano, the aui8er t.or'pe.f doed and 1unk by a Briti1~ submarine Sunday. British press report.a said a miaaile fired from a land-hued Argentine fighter-bomber 2f miles away hit the control room of the 3,500-ton Sheffield ~ day afternoon, turning one of t!Mi Royal Navy's moat moderd warships lnto an inferno. ~ First reports said the fijhter1 bomber flew from the 25th bf May, Argentina's only carrleai and ita largest ship. Even if t\ didn't , the 25th of May ia con sldered a llkely target beau.-i poeea a potential clanger to th British U'IDllda. U.S. analysta W~aaid. The Britlab Defeme Ministtl said the crew was ordered 3 abandon the Sbef field "whe there WM DO ~ any hope (See FALDA.ND, hce Al) . . . r r. ". ,, I 11 .. '· 1 •,1 11 ·:· ... FA(.KLAND ISLANDS. • • •vtnl the lh.lp." lltl~~lanea made \WO at-acQe *tUlh pnm reports Mid tacks iay on alntripe In the the lhltone of three deltroyeq Falltlanda. 'the British Defente ln the ltl1h war fleet in the Mlnlat.ry Jaid a Harrier jet wu South tlantic, bed IUDk. But a shot down and ita pilot kllled, BrlU.b report.er with the task whlle Argentina claimed two foree -.id It wu lltill atblt and Harrien dOwned. ~ man than alx houn af-The BrtUah aald a Jooa-ranp tel' lt WM hit Vulcan bomber, presumably The Argentine 1overnment flying from Ascension bland, wu ailent about the Sheffield, made a "•ucoemful" attack on the althouch newa of the attack waa airfield at Stanley, the Falldanda tico.dc..t by Bueno. A1rel ~io capital, in the morning and re-•1-Uon. quot1n1 forelp new• turned safely to ita bue. ~tli.ITbe joint chiefl o( staff The Argentine communtque a6d In a comm~ue today that said the 8eCOlld attack WM made an .. air lncunion a1alnat the in the a.ft.emoon by three Harrier Brttilb tMk force WM carried out jet.a on a dirt runway at G00te "with result.a that 1tW are not 3reen, 40 mUe. west of Stanley. known." Both aintripa were attacked The communique aaid the at-by British planes Saturday in the tack OClCWTed 60 miles aoutheast lint major strike of the air-sea of the Falklands abo\At 40 min-Jffensive launched by Britain to utea before the Sheffield was recapture the island colony Ar- re~ hiL Jentina aeized April 2. SOUTH LAGUNA ... pose 10 there's a 1mooth transition," said city 1pokesman Rob Clark. ''lt'1 a guarantee to the Local Agency Formation Commission and the landowners as to what the zoning would be." he aald. The prezoning action would allow South Laguna property ownen the ume u.. they enjoy under the county'• jwUdictioo. But owners of two large par- cel.a in the preliminary annex- ation ar. cootend the three-year guarantee period may not be ac- ceptable. Openton of Treasure Island Mobile Home Par k, who are 1eellln1 county permiaaion to corutruct high rise time-share uniia on the 27-acre pa.reel. say they are currently battling a lawsuit over the property. Were that to extend put the city'• three-year limit, Laguna Be.ch could change the zoning, they cmttend. Annexation of a portion of South Laguna was propoeed last year by tenants of the mobile home park and adjacent resi- dents. But members of the Local Agency Formation Commiaaion last Japuary d elayed a decision on the proposal until July, saying they wanted the city to meet with major developers over: the :zoning issue. . In an effort to expedite the procea, the council majority vo- ted to hold prezoning hearings subsequent with diaCUasing <fe- velopment plans with the major developers. Meanwhile, they want a coet analysis prepared that outlines the benefita of annexing all of South Laguna -down to Three Arch Bay -into Laguna. And the council aaked South Laguna community groups to 90Jicit support for annexation. 'Old' thieves grab $56,000 l'QJlT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP') ~ A trio of mJddle·aged ~ known to PoJiclt -''The Over·'11l•-HW Gane" escaped With "51,000 after ~ a 1uard to a door •t a Seara & Roebuck store. The Pnf, weertna lpCll't lh.ina and ~clothes bad pnv1oualy buncJed the robbm y attempta in Brow.rd and Pahn Beach count- ies, but got the routine right 1\.-day. A Wella Fargo Security guard was handcuffed to a door during the robbery, police said. They made off with a sack containing about $56 ,000 and about 20 pounds in change, of:ficiala said. Chqpper crashes SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A helicopter that lost power and aplaahed into San Frand.::o Bay remained afloat and wu towed safely to Pier 46 by the Coaat Guard. The pilot and a three- man KGO-TV news team were unharmed. It was not known immediately what caused the chopper's engine to fall about 10:10 p.m. Tueeday. Sunny and Boaton Bl'_. lklttlllo Burtlngton Coaatal g:n sc 57 47 ae 12 87 45 64 37 58 23 78 82 90 44 78 55 • Ctwlfin WV Llgllt verl•bl• Wind• ••II 10 Chw1«• NC ' Laguna Sur job on hold BY JERRY BERTENITEIN Of"'9D.-r .......... Development of a Lacuna Ni· auel houaing project, bordering South Laguna, has been put on hold following an announcement that BroedmoOr Development Co. will cloee i ta lwaguna lfil.la of.floe. The Laguna lli.Ua office WM to be responsible for development of the $23-mtlllon, 212-acre, 382-unit project known aa La- guna Sur. Approval f~ grad.lna of the land at the end of Pacific Island Drive off Crown Valley Parkway had recently been gl- ve n by Orange County and Coastal Commimion offkialt. AFl'ERMA TH -This was the scene on Palm Lane in Anaheim W:~; two weeks aft.er the city's disastrous $50 · ·on fire. Since then, a total of 511 victims have sought aid from the 15 Dlllr ........... ., .......,_ ....... agencies housed at the Federal Disaster Assis- tance Center, which has now closed. Some 1,200 people were left homeless by the blaze. But Genstar Ltd., a C.anadian- based company and owner of Broadmoor, announced Wednes- day that the Laguna Hilla office will close Friday. All of the 14 employees wiU be laid off, ac- cording to Laurence R. Lizotte, Broad.moor development's presi- dent. Broadmoor has a total of 15,000 lota, valued at $500 mil- Ann Landers to 'bare all' lion, in planning in south Orange County. Lizotte and Walter Bannister, executive vice president of Gen- star's executive headquarters in San Francisco, each cited the current economic downturn as Promises to write column on 'recycling' issue By GLENN SCOTT World:Herald , the Louisville or ... Deir ,... • ..,. Times and the Denver Poat, an- Ann Landen ta writing a spe-nounced they ~ould diecontinue ciaJ colwnn for publication Frid-the cohnnn until edjtors had aa- ay to respond to recent diaclo-surancea that all material was a urea that she recycled new, the AP reported. 15-year-old material in her syn-McLaughlin said toda~ that dicated advtoe column, the editor syndicate employees have 1~enti­ of Irvine-baaed Field Syndicate-~led l .lve-reused item1 wuhin said today material already sent to aubecri- . . ben for uae during the next two ~las Landen! :Wh~ works in weeks. Substitute material has Chicago, told off:idals an the syn-been sent, he said. Because no dlcate h eadquartered at 1703 led1tema were labeled for Kaiaer Ave. in Irvine that ~be ~before Friday, McLaughlin wf anh~ ~~tedou7t0 ~eru~= said, n o more recycled items or er gow.a.-should be publiahed dera, said syndicate editor Syndicate exec~tivea didn't Lelahton McLaughlin. __ ,, __ ... ,_ Land had ,_..,cl "She said she ia writing a col-a~ an_. en • --J • umn to comment on all this," said ed ao~ past letters and answers, McLaughlin. "I haven't seen it the editor said, and they would yet, but it's planned for publica- tion on Friday." c ast ra1·n The Associated Preas, in con-0 junction with the Pontiac (Ill.) I>aily Leader, revealed Monday that Mill Landers had for the put 18 months included 33 itema that, with mlnor changes, had appeared in her columns in 1966 and 1967. Since that diacloaure, one newapaper, the Idaho Falla (Idaho) Po1t-Regi1ter, hu an- nounced it will drop the advice column. McLaughlin. however, said he had not yet received such word from that paper. Also, four other papers, the Daily News in the San Fernando Valley , the Omaha (Neb.) warmer said 'last until fall' Tuesday's surprise showers sprinkled .20 Inches o f rain in coutal Orange County, and ac- cording to the U.S . Weather Service the low pressure zone that cauaed them is now gone. Newport Beach receiv~ the most rain Tuesday -.20 inches recorded at the Harbor Depart- ment on Bayside Drive. In Huntington Beach the driz. zle amounted to .10, as reported by amateur m ete«>rologiat J . Sherman Denny. In Santa Ana, rain acales recorded .08 inches of May ahowen.. At the Laauna Niguel Water Treatment Plant, the rain came in a .20 inch doee. Weather watchen are predic-tins that this was the last rain of the aeuon. have taken steps to end the reason for closing the Laguna practice if they had known. Hills office. Meanwhile, Miss Landers told Responsibility for the Laguna The Associated Press that she Sur project, which sits on~ will discontinue recycling old the hill northeast of South material even though she noted Community Hospital in South she had used "very little" from Laguna, will be transferred to pan columns. She a.l.90 said she Genstar's San Diego office, ac- _has. been bUQ¥-ed by reaponses -cording to-biz.otte. Genstar'a-of• -i from friends and admirers. fices are in Vancouver, British "People have been calling lin-Columbia. ce last night asking me what the Laguna Sur, in planning stages flap is all about, telling me to· three years, called for building of carry on," she said Tuesday. 254 luxury condominums, 100 "Still others have called and said, affordable housing units and 28 'We don't care if the material was cu s tom lots, som e with ocean written 20 years ago, 30 years views. ago or yesterday,'" she said. Intentions are for Genstar to One of the three largest syn-sell the land to another develo- dicates in the U.S., field handles per. Lizotte said he saw no delays about 45 columns and an equal in doing that but Bannister felt number of comic strips, said ther e may be some proble m s McLaughlin. unless "interest rat.es go down. • sessions The Laguna .Heach brancn of the Orange County Library is hosting a series of St-ory- times for Children BeSSiont at the local library, 363 Glen- neyre St. Children between 3 and 5 years of age are invited to a ttend the Tuesda y a nd Wednesday sessions, begin- ning at 11 a.m. The one -hour stor ytimes include such titles as "Mice are Nice," "American Tales," "Summer is Fun," and "Seeing Shadows.'' For more infonnation about the on e -hour summer ses- sions, call the library at 497-1733. eouth-1 I to 15 knoll alter· ~ , • noon. 8outllwe11 1well1 2 to 3 CNcego ,. . .... '*· ... ' Clndnnetl ee 34 .04 83 82 .Ot 78 51 "We've had two days of rain in May for each of the last four years," noted technician Suaan Oldham at the Laguna Niguel treatment plant. "So if our pat- tern holds, thia WU the last rain we11 aee \.fntil fall." ~ U.S. summary = ~Ft Wm ' : Showere and thuncter110fm1 Oeyton ~ -mud! of the Olfttr1I o.n-.... and part of IN~ Del MOlnW The .., lllOne O¥er the ,... of the OetrOlt W.., fie bit and Atlantic~ IMuth • ,..._ and the r..c of Ille country EJ Pao Md par11y doudy Mlea. FlrQO 81\owere n11 tlluncteretoffft1 •Flegatan ranQlld fl-om the eouttwn AodlMe OrMt F ... ancJ Greet Plaln1 througll Ille Hartlord UI 11111.,.i and Mlleourt veilleyt Helena and Ille upper 0.... Laa• Honolulu Sunny elllea dewnect from the• Houl1on Atlentlc Cout 1tatn to central lnCIMp4ll Callfornta and from the Great Jedtan MS ... tfll'ougll the northern "-· JecktnYll te1u and IN Peclllc Holthwlll. Kane City T._.a ~~tor~ u. vaoea ,.rahir•• In tll• IOa over tlle UtUe AOCk ' ~ ...,., and ~ .. LoullMlla T' ... lllo ~ V""'1J '1't9I ._ LuOtlock '-' ....... 1,p1 Vllttly to l(en-Memptlil ~y. ,.,.,.., ...... Georgie, ~ Miami "'°'*-........ T~ arouftd tt-. ,.._. Mc*-St. P .. ~ ......... ll'Ol'll.ln ...... PodtelloL. rd•fio, to 11 111 Haw <>nMnl ., ...... TW. Haw YOftl '.C81i/of!Ua ~ No.Plett• 0111• City OIMfla Ortlndo ,,!:M.~': ==-=.-::-.. o:::.: ~ aMeiow,.......,.._. ... ,,._.,0'9 ..... Celhrfile ........ .. ,..,..,.,_ ' -........ Ol9if'lllll "-9, -..... =;.~Al~ m 5°=.a II et...-.. N to 71 In Ille ..... :=-=·~i.:~t.·~·= =-1:: ... ..~ ..... ._ ,_. Oci 1111111 11 fll.T.,,..,. .............................. .............. !Nflll ..... ..... ~ it• .............. i .,,...... to ti ti ..... """ a l • te ...._. T ... .... ~ ...... ,,Offt .. ,..... ........ _...,,, ........ IN ....................... 71 51 82 48 n 41 as ea 79 51 78 37 .11 ae 64 .83 80 72 49 75 S3 1.48 IQ-w.-... S..Y!CA! 80 73 $3 .o7I HOM. us Of c-~ n 45 Front•: Colet .,.. Watm ..., M S7 50 34 • 37 50 3t 83 74 82 88 81 S4 14 58 Tuc:eon TlllN w~ Wlehlta 27 San JON S.OUI Ana Sen11 Cna Tahoe Vlllley 81 53 12 se .oe 84 51 64 34 82 M C~ 15 57 Bakenfllkt 81 ea 78 59 .03 ...... ha 90 84 64 _,. IO 62 Eureka 58 ee w .er 'r-85 44 68 48 84 81 i..anc.t• 71 nr4 .7t~: n 82 .01 MonteNy ee eo .10' 50 ee&&.43 .._... n u ,.. <>M1enct n &.-87 81 .._,~ n 41 70 50 AN 8lulf u ee 17 .. Aldwood Qty 82 55 75 42 .37 s.cr-.to H 50 ... • 8ellNa • 53 12 55 .15 ·-...._ 10 .. ... 81 -·----72 61 San ,f'WIOllioo 74 62 IS• .21 ..,....,.,... N &4 1 -..... r.ter'8 • 1 -~ • 61 12 M "-"* 13 a ~ "**"' 12 A441 .03..... 70 M 1t 46 ....... .. 31 tl2t ....._ I050 ; .12 '° ,, ..,_...,. t: ~ ~ ~ .11 • a MoMMa • ... oe 71 50 .04 Mc. Moon 62 42 .s.-.. .. ........ ....... ".20 n" 'om.to a" .... .os· ,... ..,__ .. 11 .12 51 ., ...... -11 ., .40 • San .. ,..,.IO A II .2t : :: .., G*tal 7• 57 111111,llT ltAH.....CAH Acepuleo 95 75 Batbaeloa ae 11 a.~ 75 f3 Bogota ea 50 .30 CUracao 90 a 1 Freeport 12 M Queelalljet• 90 57 ouec1e1oupe ae 11 .21 Hevana 82 71 Klngllon 90 n MonMlgel lay 90 73 ..... Meutlen 82 ea Merida 93 73 MellJoo City 82 64 ..... Montel'T9y n ea .oe ,._, M ea .02 SMI Juan, P.R. .. 78 .82 Teg1~ Trlnlded V•ea'UI to 81 .. 1S "n Extended weather IOUTHl .. N OAL"O .. NIA COAITAl. AND MOUNTAIN, AMAi -'WIW IMe fllll'I IN ..,,Y mornlnt olouct• nMf lfle ooeec, ~ tmir, Hlglla Ill .. I 00Mlal.,_.f ..... ln!IR"'9 ""'* ............... ..... ............. ~ ... .. Mouni.M roeort ......_ .. to ft, LoM -to tow IOi. The Weather Service ii calling for cloudy 1kiea through thi1 evening. "Typical May weather," a apokesman aald. -= . L •Registration la being accepted for the annual Capi- 1trano Beach Chamber of Commerce "Run Along the Beech, a 5k and lOk event aet for May 16. Coat of regi1tratlon i• $4 without T-ahlrt and 18 with • T..ahlrt. The s tarting location will be Capistrano Beach Park, Coast Highway at Beach Road. The lOk race starts at 8 a.m.; the 5k at 8:10 a.m. For more information call 495-2506. oftlr ...... 111112 ' PIATUIU INCLUDla ------.. I Orange Coat OAJLY PILOT/Wedneeday, May 5, 1982 - • I !! Putting some teeth into resurrection issue . ' I I • ' I } ; i \ ' I .. ~ ' I ' DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am writing about the answer you gave the woman who asked if ahe should will her gold crowns to her relatives, since they are quite valuable, or keep them in her mouth because she was sure she would be resurrected and she didn't want to be put to the expense of having to buy new ones. You were very kind, Ann. In no way did you make fun of that woman or try to shake her faith, even though you probably do not believe as she does. Keep up the good work. -CHRISTIAN FRIEND IN MISSOULA DEAR FRIEND: Tbank yoa for tbose kind words, bat I don't believe I deserve special praise for tbat answer. AJtboagb I do not bappen to believe tbe woman will have any furtber use for ber gold crowns, who am I to try to persuade ber otberwlse? Sbe could be rigbt and I could be wrong. Tben wouldn't I look fooU.h? Tbe following letter may be of interest to you. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I couldn't believe that letter from the woman who MATADORA TURNS TO ART -Patricia McCormick. 52, once the premier matadora in Latin America's bullrings, now divides. times between her art in Pasadena and a job as model , t didn't know whether to Include her gold crowns in her will. She waa afraid when she was resurrected she might need them and dentistry would be more expensive and appointmenta harder to get. First of all, on resurrection day the body is transformed to perfection to meet Lord Jesus in the sky. No one need be concerned about his teeth. They will be flawless. Secondly, the writ.er had better make certain she is in line for the resurrection she is expecting. There are two kinds, you know. The other one is for the damned. If she has not lived a life that would qualify her for heavenly ascent, she has a lot more to worry about than her teeth -mainly how to get to the other side, and quick. All this is in the Bible, Ann. if she will only open it up and read it. I'm signing myself -HEAVEN-BOUND AND PRAISED BE ms NAME DEAR HEAVEN-BOUND: Thank yoa for sharing your knowledge with as all. I bope, however, yoar letter will not dJscoarage people from taking care of tbelr ,,, ........... coordinator at a design college. "I suppose I killed about 1,000 bulls," before her 1962 re-. tirement. she recalls. "I was in more than 300 fights and gored six times." Cancer: Cycle Upswing Tbanday, May 6 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Examine accounts, chec kbooks and count your change. Be aware, alert and protect your own interests. Some hanky-panky could be occurring -don't lead with your chin. Good news is upcoming in connection with written ~terial. . TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Study Aries message for valid hint. Maintain low profile, avoid making legal commitments. Go slow, permit others to state their views and policies. It is to your advantage to play waiting game. Family member aids cause. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Buie.tasks require review. Someone ii shirking re- sponsibility. See people as they are, n ot through haze of wishful thinking. Terms will be defined, techniques will be brought up-to-date. Pisces is in picture. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Cycle takes sharp, upward swing. This can be your power-play day. Emphasis on chari.llna, re- 1pomibillty, attraction and reward. Rela- ·uonshipe become eerious, memben of oppo- site eex are drawn to you and money op- portunities abound. LEO (July 23-Aug. ~ Tranaactlon ls concluded; let ao of ~ definite atepe · towards new ground. Don't hang on to out- moded co~ceptl. Focua alao on aecurtty, home and deel1np with pe!IOIW in poalUOnl of authority. Arlee native playt key role. POJ SHors· B! ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA teetb wlalle tbey are bere. Even tboagb tile Bible says a llf etlme on earth pallet like tbe blbak of an eye, an boar in a dentist's cbaJr getting a root caaal can seem like an eternJty. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I can't face another letter about the neighbor's dog who .did do-do on the lawn, a jerk who refuaed to help a woman out of his ~. the bride who didn't send a thank-you note and the clods in Cleveland who don't RSVP. How can we bother about trifles with so many important issues confronting us? Lonely, hungry old people slip tins of tuna into their pockets because they can't afford to buy them. There are more than 9 million unemployed people in this country. Many teen-agers, when they have nothing to do, steal, mug, and take drugs. We are hearing more about child abuse and rape. In some cities it is unsafe to ride publi c transportation. Why don't the complainers use their energy to do something constructive? Will you tell us what we can do to change thing,? -PORTLAND. ORE. • DEAR PORTLAND: I'll soud like a broken record, bat llete I 10 for tlae ampteentb time: Yoa can Jola voluteer orga.nhatlons and give yollf dme. Call yoar local commaalty referral 1ervlce for aames and numbers. No one need remalD Idle lf lae or sbe really wants to be of service. ne U1t of organJzations that need belp ls eadless. How much do you know about pot, cocain e, LSD, speed, PCP, uppers and downers, glue and heroin? Are all these drugs dangerous? Get Ann Landers' all-new booklet, "The Lowdown on Dope." For each booklet ordered, send $2.00 plus a Jong, self-addressed envelope (37 cents postage) to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, ID. 60611 . Beautiful yet. silly ~ HERB MEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO A TYPICAL SAN F'rancisco day, un- commonly beautiful, reasonably silly . . . John Reed, of the Chestnut St. Reeds, rea- ched into the back pocket of his new slacks and found a slip of paper reading "This Quality Garment Examined by Roanna Bottomly" . . . The billboard at the Turk- Larkin corner of Kahn & Keville, the tire people, presented as its latest deep thought, "Practice Does Not Make Perfect -Perfect Practice Makes Perfegt." Right "Perfegt." A tiny joke, I believe ... Mr. Reagan's po- lished and suave advice to the Soviets over the Falklands crisis -"Butt out!" -is al- ready a penonal.iz.ed license plate, adorning what Joseph Quentin Riznik calls his "Tchevy"; an 80th birthday gift from his wife, Charlotte. which is not NICE . . . and Richard Gar- barino is offended by the tow truck.a whoee slogan, painted on the doors, is "Du.cover San Francisco." A case of wry, especially when one of the trucks is towing a tourist's car ... ONWARD: Sure, it's down the road a piece, but the S.F . Convention & Visitors Bureau is already bidding strenuously for the Super Bowl in '85, '86 or '87; Pete Rm.elle would like Stanford Stadium, even though Stanfoo has always been iffy about a pro sports connection, perhaps for tax rea80ns. The 1600-member Commercial Club, founded in 1851, moves slowly, but move it does, having just admitted its very first woman member, Atty . Pamela Rhodes. Since she is also Pres. of Cable C.ar Cookie Cars, there will never be a shortage of choc chip cookies around the old club . . . Co- median Robin Williams, who has a frustra- 'ting habit of popping up· unannounced at clubs around town, plays the Boarding House May 10-15, bis first scheduled ap- pearance in five years. As you may have noticed, the tagging and towing of cars has never been fiercer, which is good for the exchequer but bad for the tourist business we are suppoeed to be wooing. Fifteen-minute zones, meters that will take quarters only, tow away zones marked only by easily-over-looked stencils on the curb (not by sign), and $40 tags add up to what Appellate Justice William New- som describes as "a city terrorizing its own citizens" ... Newsom was further affronted when two cops got out of their patrol car at Hyde and Union to tag a woman who had parked her car, filled with kids, alongside a fire hydrant while she dashed into Swensen's for ice cream cones. She came out in three minutes. Upon finding out that the tag would cost her $40, she burst into tears, crying "My husband will kill me!" "What is this, Albania?," Newsom asked t he cops. "Give me that tag, I'll pay it." MEANWHILE: Bill Berry, asst. div. chief of traffic at the Hall of Justice, says he never saw it before -a judge in robes standing in line to pay a parking tag. The trailblazer was Muni Judge Lillian Sing who, yes, runs the traffic court . . . Tom Bradshaw, who runs the estimable Great American Music Hall, has a problem: first he advertised Count Basie's band for May 1. Whambo, instant sellout. Then Ba- sie's agent phoned and said the Count ''needed a rest." Tom frantically mailed out cancellation notices only to have The Count Himself phone and say, "Tom, I think playing in San Francisco would be MOST restful. I'll be there." And there he was. Punch 11 R, I TRAFFIC NOTES: Judith Whipple calls meter maids and men "Parky Pigs," ~ "If you two should have any probi.m., don't COl1le to me.·· GORIN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. South deals. NORTH tHO ~Jl1 O A84 •AU WEST E•8T +QlOU +I ~A&UJ <:?QlotU O QlO O JI •lot •IUHI 80UTB +·A&J'1 ~v ... o &ftUI •ClH TIM b4dcllq: ....a.WM& N_.S.. I O J <:? t 0 4 I;> 10 t ........ O,.Dinl lMCI: Kl .. of <:? • that contract if the defendera forced him with hearu. Weil led the klnf of hearts, and dedater wu hap· py with hla dummy, He had a 1ure c'lub loeer, IO all he need· eel to do for hi. contract. wu hold hi• comblAed trump and 1pade '°""' to one. The only way to avoid a trump loeer wu to r.tnd a 2-2 break, but apadt1 ofltrecl 1neral ch&Mu. Deduer rutted \be heart I.ad and cuhecl Ult ldar·att of diamoncla. Wben that. tull clMded evenJ,, I~ lfflfted tut all wu well. Fonuaat.e- ly, howt•tr. dfflarer 1aw tha\ , ... ,. wu one dieUibu· tloD \Mt. ooald ea\&M &rouble -ll W•t beld four.,. .. to , ... ~ .... To eount.er tllat, 4eolarW pluMd a llrip ud •-' .,. B• ,. ... '-" ....... Uie I .... , ti ...... Sat ... ... kl.swall&Wto a~ DaelafW ................ 11-.1.-. 1111 11 ukn ............ ., .-. .. ~__,~, laat heart. The 1tage wu "l for a safety play. Declarer 1imply got off lead with a low 1pade, not caring what. happened to thal trick. If both defeodert followed, tbe ltlnr of •l*le• would draw the opponenta' latl urd In t he 1uil and the jack would be hiah. If etlht dtfendtr 1howecl out.. h1a partner would win 'ha' Uiek, but wowd tMI bt I°'* either to lead a ap&de lato d~r'• aee-jack ~ or yleld a ruff•D4•lun. wbldl would .UOw deelu'w to clikaN ~ .,.. ..., from Oot halld while rufllat lo ,.,_ odter. Makiaf ftvHcW. ---------· --- ·' I \ 111a111111111 mm WEDNESDAY. MAY 5, 1982 CAVALCADE STOCKS COMICS 82 85 87 Ann Landers sinks h e r teeth into th e i ssue of res- urrection of the body. Page 82. 0 0 ~ Huntington church contests 'second coming' By STEVE TRIPOLI 0( !tie D..., fltlot le.ff It sounds almoel too good to be true -lhe re-appearance or Christ on Earth this spring and with i t a so l ution to all or humanity's problems. To members or a Huntington Beach O\ristian church who are contesting the prediction , it is just that -too good to be true. In fact, the Chr istians war n that the prediction may actually he rald t he retu rn or the Anli- Christ and the beginning of the terrible Final Days of man's reign predicted in the Bible. At the center of the contro- versy is a growing international movement led by soft-spoken Benjamin Creme. Creme, a Londoner who has dabbled in esoteric teachings mos1 of his life, says he has received telepathic messages telling him that the Christ, a man who ls not the biblical Jesus Christ known to Christians, will soon emerge with a group of enlightened fol- lowers to solve the world's pro- blems. Creme, 60, outlines a set of belie(s con tained in the opturustJc message that requires nothing of thOAe who hear it, not even belief that the outlined events will oc- cur. Some of its major points: -On the day of the message, called the Day of Declaration, many wonders will be perfor- med. -The Christ: whose name is Lord Maitreya, and enlightened followers known as the Masters of Wisdom (of whom Jesus Christ $1,000 LEGS -Kelly Butler shows off her legs that won thlrd prize in a national competition, and with it a check for Is one). will set t h e }!;arth on I path that will end the threat of war, wipe out starvation and lead to true brotherhood. -The message la for people of all religions and those wlth no religion. It's maln ten et is that sharing is the only way huma- nity can survive to build a pea- ceful, prog~ve futu:e. -There LS no reqwrement to believe the predictions, but peo- ple a re asked to consider that th~y will oc-cur in order to create an atmosph ere in w hich the Christ can re-appear. Creme 's fo l lowers an- nounced the event with full-page advertisements in newspapers around the world, including the Sunday Los Angeles Times on April 25. The advertisement and the widespread local lntereat 1t sup- posedly created brought Hun t- ington Beach's evangelical Church By The Sea into the pic- ture. The church spent more than $8.000 for its own full-page ad- vertisement, which ran a week later. It was an obvious response to the ad placed by a local group of Creme followers called the Tara Center. The church ad's warnings that Creme's prediction may actually be the firs t sign of t he Anti· Christ is based on its interpreta- tion of the Bible's apocalyptic Book of Revelation, co-pastor Clayton Robinson said. 1n that book it LS predicted that the AntJ-Chrtst will come at the head of a worldwide movement. °""' .... ~..,...,. " ...... $1,000. Kelly, 2l, is a model and student at Orange Coast C.Ollege. Newport coed's legs lauded Kelly Butler's legs are certified winners. In fact. they could be classified as $1 ,000 legs. But even Miss Buller, a 21 -year-id Newport Beach col- lege studG!nt, didn't believe in her "winning" legs until the e n ve- lope arrived informing her that her gams had placed thU'd Ln a national leg competition. More than 15,000 women (or 30,000 legs) entered the contests. "I didn't think I had good- lookl.ng legs," says the leggy $1.- 000 third-place winner. "Now. I guess I have." An Orange Coast College ar- chitecture student and sometime model, Mw Butler entered "The Great Legs of Sununer" Contest, sponsored by a su ntan lotion manufactur er and a foot-care products fi rm, at the urging of one of her mother's friends. She says she decided to enter after discovermg that first prize was $5,000. "l could use the money," she explains. 'Turn on the hot water. • • ' Four to five months after entering the contest, she had heard nothing from its judges a nd had forgotten the pictures she had submitted. Miss Bu t ler says. When the envelope came an- nouncing she had won t h ird prize. it c ame as ''s uch a surprue," the 5-foot-7 coed adds. "I had never won anything like that before." Mesans oul in the cold, and rent's going up By JODI CADENHEAD ort ... D941J '""°' Steff Although most of us try to stay out of hot water, Eric Johnson of Costa Mesa would give anything to get into some. A hot shower, a hot tu b, a wann waterbed would do. For the past six months t h e sandy-haired college student and about a dozen of his neighbors at Casa Victoria Apartments. 525 Victoria St., have gotten by with little and. at times, no hot water. To add insult to injur y the apartment owner is now t rying to raise rents, Johnson complains. T he trouble started last Octo- ber when the galvanized pipes in the 142-unit apartment complex started to burst. Johnson's apartment was one of 12 left with lukewarm water that would fizzle faster than a dymg sparkler on a July night. "We're not against the rent increase," said Johnson. "I don't think that anybody would com- plain if they saw improvement.a." Jayne Rowe. a 25-year -old se- cretary, said she showers at her boyfriend's or else uses a vacant apartment. She believes that she deserves a reduction in rent for putting up with the hot water shortage. P redictably, her boyfriend's reaction to the contest was posi- tive from beginning to end . "He thoug ht it was a great idea. He was excited w hen f won and though t it was real neat," she explains. As for advice she offers to others w ho have high hopes for their legs. well. it's basic. "Get a good photographer." will perform wonders, and will initially seem to t>e a savior, said Robinson. The Bible also teac hes that J esus Christ is the Christ. and that his second coming wall be 11een by all humanity. Creme says the C hrist first re-appeared in the everyday world with n o fanfare July 19, 1977, aft.er a stay of many yea r s high an the Himalayas. It is such deviations from Bible teaching that alarmed his church, Robinson said. , "Jesus himself said, !Anyone who i.s not for me is against me. Anyone who denies that J esus is the Christ is the Anu-Chnst, or at least an Anti-Chnst," he said Why did his church choose to respond to Creme's group, just one in a long lme of those who have predicted Chnst·s return m the past 2,000 years? "Mostly because of the amount of response they received," Ro- binson said . "Members of our church sald people at their jobs had brought in the adverusement and were t.al.king about 1t. "We felt that there needed to be a Christian response to what we fell was a challenge by the Tara Center." The church's ad duplicates the type style, paraphrases the wor- ding and even has a borde r identical to the one surrounding Creme's ad. "THE WOR LD HAS HAD enough ... OF HUNGER, IN- JUSTICE. WAR. THE CHRIST IS NOW HERE," Cr e me's ad- vert&sement st.at.es. ''ANTI -CHRIST IS NOW HERE and THE WORLD HAS HAD enough ... OF FALSE PROPHETS!" counters the church's advertisement. Creme and his followers, who have heard from other Christian churches the charge that they are paving the way for the Anli- Christ. take it all in stride. In a book he wrote an 1980, Creme says the Anu-Chnst is not a person but a force represenung the evil in ail humanity The force dissipated mos t of 1lS strength in World Wars I and 11. which the Masters of Wisdom view as a continuous 31-year conflict. Creme said in an Interview last year that he is "too lazy" to per- petrate a hoax. A person given to laughing at the situation he fmdB himaelr in, the white-hatred Londoner told National Public Radio "this is not a role I've ch06en for myself." Creme said the Chnst has told him that he wiU stop starvation. which Creme said claims as many lives as the Hiroshima atomic bomb every three days. "IC some madman we re drop- ping alomic bombs, one every three days in the c1t1es of the world, we wouldn't st.and for 1t one moment," Creme told NPR. J.,1ke Creme, his Southern California followers say they be- lieve in the prediction because they felt its truth inside t h em- selves when they heard it. Ruthie Marks, a free lance writer from the San Fernando Valley who has become some- thing of a self -appointed local publicity person for Creme. said of the prediction "as soon as it was exposed to me I knew 1t was absolute truth. "It's so home-hke to me -llke no religion I ever Cell," she says. According to Ms. Marks. the Christ will reveal himself from the nation where he has been working (and has become well- k nown) a wee k b e f o r e his worldwide broadcast. "I'm personally very excited about it," she said. "The ultun.ate truth is there (in C reme's pre- d1cuons) som ewhe re -some- thing universal, very old and very ancie nt that will r e - structure everything on this planet." If the spnng appearance does not occur, R o binson said his church will drop the assue there and let the prediction sink m its own non-fulfillment. Ruthie Marks acknowledges that even Creme is "not 100 percent sure" that 1t w1U happen, but she hastens to add that all who believe are virtually cert.am m their hearts that the predicuon will come true. Even 1r jt doesn't occur , Ms Marks says she will not drop her belief an its eventual realization. but .. I'll be very, very disappointed." Ca n d i d ate a ssails ille gal alien r a i d s Democratic gubematDrial can- didate Mario Obledo, on a cam - paign s w ing through Orange County, denounced last week's raids on suspected illegal aliens in California as "repulsive and politically motivated." Speaking to reporters Monday in Santa Ana, Obledo said one consequence of the U.S . Immi- gration and Naturalization Ser- v ice raids was to discourage members of the Hispanic com- munity from participating In the poUtlcal process. T he secretary o r California's Health and Welfare agency also said the raids helped fuel feelings of prejudice and ill will in the . state. H he w ere governor, Obledo said. he would have used his au- thority to urge the federal gov- crnmen t to w ork out a mor e "reasonable. rational and hu- mane" immigration policy ma- king such raids unnecessary. Ob l edo sa id it wa s "demogoguer y in 1ts highest fonn" for federal 0Hic1als to label the INS raids as "Operation Jobs." His solution to the Clow of il- legal aliens into California, he said, would be to allow these people to enter the U.S . for a specific period of time if t hey could find a relative already here who would vouch for them. The alien would be allowed to live and work wherever he chose so long as job preference was given to U.S. citizens Deuk mejia n backe d by 4 At first Johnso n and his neig~bors took the water situa- tion in stride, joking about orga- nizing communal bathing parties in the swimming pool. Once he did, in fact, jump in t he pool when even the cold water went dead in the middle of a showe r and he was leCt with a face full of aoap. The energy crisis begins at home • superviso rs Fou r of five mem bera o f the Orange Coun ty Board of Super- vt.ora toda endoned Califomla Attorney ~neral George Deuk- mejian for the GOP gubemato- riaf nomination ln the June pri- mary. R epublican 1 uperviso ra Thomas Riley, Bruce Nestande and Harriett Wieder wen joined by Democrat Roger Stanton in endonin1 Deukrnejlan'• candl- ~e attorney a ene ral, appea-rinl at a Suita Ana ~ conte- ren'e with hi• four Oran1e Couhty auppori.n, welcomed tbek endoc ltmeftla and repeeted hi• eupport for the Peripheral Canal project and promi9ed that. • ~· he would veto .ny lelltlatlon that mandatft local ......,._ without provkUJ\c for ihli' ftNndnc. . Qty and ooun5fldall haw fNCl'.Mlftt11 com that the Jtate NqUlNI to provide oertaln .....W. llut doee not help theriJ ftnendally. ~ Ralph a.n. • 0.. mocnt. lm't ,......... to .... mqcmdidate for P••;rt the cunent Ume, an aide But in March, Johnlo.n called th e Orange County Health De- partment. It ordered the owner of the apartment complex to fix the plumbing. It's now being re- paired. Sally Van Hom , the manaae r of the apartme nt complex, .. td the owner, known to her aa the Linn Family of Loe Angelee, had been planning to repair t.he plpes before bein« told to do 90. "It hasn't been pleuant." taid Ms. Van Hom, who Uvet in the aecllon of the complex whh pl umbtna problem•. ''When I havt bo t w a ter I 'm v e r y ptefut'' Mt. Van Hom llddtd tMt the owner lt 1pendin1 tl '1~.ooo to cornet the problem and expecta all tenanta to haw bot water by ~~·· -.mad '° cope wtth • 1-ck of t water, tenant.a are now boUJna ,aed over a rednt nodoe of a JW. 1 .. t loo I WI. Johman'• ... wOl ....... tnim pa '° f420. Re hlia Met cf.ml,; lat.eel a ,.Utlion ..._ few a ~ 'month rent freeie lollowln1 ~ of dw plumbq. By GLENNA JOHNSON FOSTER OflMD.-y,... ..... Some people avoid sugar, exceesive taxes and potholes in the street. I avoid excessive enthusiasm. It is too ex- hausting. When I come home from one of those high- powered lectures on motivation, I have to take a nap. I never add anyone described as "dynamic" to my Christmas card list. IF A FRIEND CALl.8 about brtng1ng over tomec>ne for me to meet that 1a a re.I ''dynamo,'' I move. The fallout from people who ~ full of exceutve energy cauaes me to break out in a raah of definite lack o1 enthwd· um. It 1a an allerlk reaction known • jNlouay. I am jealoua of the dynamic dyn.arnm ... ..,.------ who have the ener1Y to jump upon the bandwaaon of th• latett craze ln phyalcal fltneu, plain wrapper fooda and enterpnneunhip. Bandwacona alwaya take a detour around my MM . . I AM IUllB THAT IOll&DAY It will be dDcovered that pbyml fttnem ca~ canoer In labontory rata. I am ., ..... of-.:~ food nmdtd that limply 811 "81'.ANB" on the . U It doem't •Y-Rrml. sreen. blue lake, frlnch mt or prdml frelh. '°" dan't know what the beek II In thlire. MJ Milbbci' la I bundle Of .... 11 When ft cam. to ( . clipping money-saving grocery coupons. With only 63 hours of sciMor work, she can feed a family of eight for $2.17. I save coupons, too. I have a kitchen drawer full of them. I just don't have the energy to carry the drawer to Alpha Beta. Every magazine tha t I read has an article about a woman who wu motivated to open a gift shop &elli.ng calico golf bags and quilted soup ladles and made a million doll.an in two weeks. I AM NOT ARTISTICALLY·incllned. That meana I can't sew, crochet, knit, cut and paste or follow the dota. Even those thrift ahop organizations won't accept my creat.tona. When I 1et them out to be picked up1 the truck ru.na over them. Some people have become IO enthuslaatic about their d1eta, debta, d1vorcea and experiences u a Den Mother, that they have written booka which a.re accepted by the Book of the Month Club. I have trouble getting the bank to accept aM of the checkl that~ write. To combat my eXCftllvely enthualutlc jealou.ay of thoee dynamoe, I am tl'Ytna to recharae my motivadonal bltterlet by lleeptna under-an electric 6lanket. I BA VE BOUGHT ALL THE boob an how to bieoofue thin, rich and famou1 tn 10 days. I haw ~ to au the modvadonal lectww and 8elDlnan on ••How to Jlii:i11w m oYemllbt Succem Whilii 8~ lnr'' They didn't wOrk. I think it w ' beca\119 while ,........ the boOlll ... an.ndi.nl the ~ I •• llln.tnc cmwa -- I I I • a a DlilJ Pilat L ClASSlfllD WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1982 04 Go01pf likes the underdog role , By ROGER CARl.30N o<IMDelJ .... llelf On the surface you might think BUI Gompf, a product of Laguna Beach High and a three-time All-West.em Athletic Conference linebacker at the University of Utah would rate a few levels below that of the last player to be &elected in Gompf haa signed with the Buffalo Bills aa a free agent and (barring an unannounced mlnicamp) will leave for New York July l. The 6-2, ~-pounder Lln't terribly up- .et about being overlooked in the draft and actually figures he's better off. The Billa' l'08ter isn't stocked with a lot of All-Pro names in the linebacker ranks, which includes 32-year-old Iaiah Robertaon. And Buffalo went for only one linebacker in the 12 rounds of picks, . the recent National Football League college draft. After all, 28 fnnchJ.9es went through a dozen rounds, choosing the best tney could find from graduating seniors and Gompf wasn't choaen, somewhat similar to his situation when he waa graduated from high school, when meet looked the other way. "Initially I waa upset," says Gompf. "But as it's turned out, lt'a better that I wasn't, becauae I have a choice of teams. 'I've got to prove it all over again, but ·it's going to be worth it.' "U you're picked in a low round you really don't have any negotiating power anyway and you're locked in by one team which isn't necessarily your choice." choosing Saginaw Valley's Eugene Mar- ve on the fourth round. BUFFALO BOUND -Line- backer Bill Gompf, overloo- ked in the recent NFL draft, says he will try to hook on with the Buffalo Bills. l(s a bi~ jump from the college level to the pros and Gompf says he's aware of that fact. "It's exactly the same situation," says Gompf from his Salt Lake City resi- dence. "rve got to prove it all over agaJn, but it's going to be worth it." Gompf got together with his agent, Laguna Beach's Frank Buck, and when the decision was made It was Buffalo where Gompf wanted to make his try in lhe NFL. '1"here is a little apprehension," says Gompf, "but this is a lifetime goal. I don't know much about the Bills, except they have some older guys there (al li- Dining with Madaill Ram Apprehensive would be about the best task. It makes it even ~gher, too, when way to describe my emotions when the lllAflla you have to learn as you go along. Georgia Rama' Director of Public Relations, Jerry knew the job she inherited when Carroll Wilcox, called to inform me Monday that JOHN Roeenbloom died wasn't going t.o be a piece Georgia Frontiere requested my pre9ence at of cake and, in her defenae, she probably a special luncheon Tue9day with other ae-SEVANQ had to step on a few toes along the way to Jected memben of ~ media. learn her trade. Mr first thought.a were the usual. "Who, What Georgia couldn't see, however, at me?' and "What did I write recently that the time, was that she didn't atop with the might have been offensive to her?" But surprise. It's no secret Georgia has been on toes. She was stepping on some feet and after much oonstemation, I decided I hadn't a goodwill tour the past few months, trying some bodies, too. . done anything lately to qualify me for a to patch up distant, if not severed rela-Anyway, a few months back, she decided pair of cement shoes and a trip to the tionshlps. to embark on a crusade to mend those Huntington Beach Pier, IO I accepted. Georgia certainly isn't willing to take all wounded and tom egos and feelings. And, Naturally, I didn't know what to expect the blame for the bad atmollphere that has It's beginning to show. but, heck, how many times do you get a been created around Rams Park the pa.st The air around Rams Park these days, chance to dine with one of the moat pow-three years, but she appears willing to ad-with ever,one, couldn't be cleaner if you erful women -if not THE most powerful mit she made some mistakes. were at a condominium in Mammoth . woman -in professional spor1S. Being an owner of any sport.a franchiee Whereas her penonnel uaed to cringe every __ Actuall ___ Y_. _th_e_ge_t_ioge __ th_er_w_asn_'_t _•_to_tal ___ -_J_et_al_o_ne_o_ne_in_th_e_NFL __ -_isn_'t_an __ easy--=---_...;..(See __ DINING, Pace D!) ALL FOR NOTHING -Cleveland abort.stop Jerry Dybzinaki slides into aecond baae alter apparently stealing the bag aafely. However, the batter waa called out on strikes for the ., ............ third out, nullifying the stolen baae. Covering the play is Angell second baseman Jose Mo- reno. Angels get • si x outs, hut tumble • CLEVELAND (AP) -Cleve- land Indiana Manager Dave Garcia could man.age only a weak joke about his team's poor de- fensive play in a victory over the Angela. "We just wanted to give the fans a thrill. We gave them six outs in the ninth," Garcia said Tuesday night after his club ba- rely held on for a 6-5 victory. The manager then grew se- rloua. "That should not happen in the big leagues," he said . '"There's a lot of truth in it, that whenyougetintoalosingstreak, people make mistakes. Now, it's over with. But it didn't look good." The victory snapped Cleve- land's four-game skid, while • Angels starter Geoff Zahn was tagged with his first loaa in five decisions. Cleveland shortatop Jerry Oybzinaki made a paJr of ninth-inning errors as the Indi- . an.a nearly gave away a three- run lead. One came when Oyb- ziruki took his eye off a throw from aecond baseman Jack Per- oonte on what might have been a garne-end.lng double play groun- der by Joee Moreno. The runners wound up at aecond and third. Then, after,Bobby Grich'• pinch erounOOUt acored a run to make it 6-4, Dybiinakl let a ground ball by Bob Boone acoot under b.la glove foe another run. There • is no escape for USC "That ball golng through his legs, I can undentand. 'niat can happen to anybody," Garcia said. "But that other play shouldn't ha~ With the three-nan leed, you ve aot to get the IW'e out." SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER 'lbe Indiana took eome of the at1ng out of the defensive 1a.-. ~ ~ doubla, five Bill Nahorodny, playing his ftht pme llnoe the Indiana cal· led him up fram °"1'1-ton, hit two nma. ''The ball w. up hiCb USC __.._1_.. • ~ nam.''The ball w.. up hlati COit -.-.. u.t"' more tbmn a mOUon do11ara. in the 1trtke sonet'' aald Zahn, BILL WATERSON neback.er) and I think my best lhot i8 at Buffalo. "Being able to pick the team I wanted, I was able to get ln under Chuck Knox, and l'm looking forward to that." G pf's list of credentiw include a .. school record of 380 tackles, 372 nung in the final three years. He was a three-time honorable mention All- American and the team's most valuable player as a senior. With 4.65 speed for 40 yards, Gompf has never been able to really gain the recognition his statiatias presumed. Gompf wu a three-year starter at quarterback and linebacker while at Laguna Beach High, leading the Artist.a to a 7 -2 record aa a junior before forfeits wiped out the season. Running has no age limit • • By STEVE TRIPOLI or ttM Ot111y Not at.tr At a recent 10-kilometer run in Laguna Beach, some of the heartiest cheers at the finish line were reserved for those who perhaps were thought to be the least likely participants. It's not that runners over the age of 60 are anything new . They've been enjoying the sport as long as those in other age groups. YOUNG RUNNERS with we ll-known names and flashy f inish.ing times usually draw the attention, however, and it i.a their faces that become aeeociated with running in most minds . The older runners' reasons for part in the sport parallel their younger peers, 0 "It was one thing I could really do that I enjoyed. I was compe- ting with no one but myself.'' says Bill Waterson of Laguna Beach. Waterson, a lean, tanned 62, has been running for 14 years. He wouldn't think of stopping now. "You kind of get addicted. It makes you feel so good that your body seems to demand that sort of high." THE "HIGH" Watel"90n speaka of is getting increasing backinR as scientific fact. Recent studies have indicated that running re- leases natural body chemicals identical to those used in anti- depressant drugs. Harry Selling, 61. of Newport Beach says running is just one of three regular physical activities for him. He hopes to compete in a triathlon which includes a lOK run, 15-mile bicycle trip and 660-yard swim in October. "l've always been intemted in maintaining aome kind of physi- cal conditioning," Selling said . But he added that running ls more than just conditioning to hlm. "It's fun and it feela good too. lt's good just to be involved," he saiGtLLINo SAID he runs from io minutes to one hour a day, three days a week. Each week- end, he spends one day with fellow members of the Orange County Wheelmen b6cycling club on a M-to 00-mile trip." Ikk Whitney of Santa Ana. a member of the Newport Beach Sun Strtden nmninC club, aya that nmninl four days a week has improved h1a mental tharp- nem and ability to relax. It'• a challen,e al.IO, be .. ya, but addl "I'm challen&Plc only· l'OY1lelf not ad.-DeOP)e. .. Whliney, who Ii. been an ~ tlve at!WM for all but 10 )'Ml'I of. hit life, aay1 maJntalllin1 bl• health la a ... jol' COl\llderation allo. Hll favorite alo"8ll about the {lee BUNNING, hCe DI) . . .. ' I . • • I I • I ~ I !I I No small de.,ee of the thinldq behind the who pw up • rmny rum in 5 ~ c.1a1m of the punillhment bebw too Mnh 1a the -=-lnnlnll -aw -•he bed in hla cepted fact that all~ fooimll playen ..n their 111NYbm '2M 1nnlnC9. ~t'1 li. tlcketl for a profit. Show me a maJol' vni"'9ty It'• pntty 9'mplit." Fernando f aliulous where ticketa are not IC»lped and ru lbow ~ -NBA atarttna U.-.P of ftw rift1 ta. ~ Mm•r Gent Maueb ml ~ ... ,.,......, boehlnd Howewr, nq _form of Jaw-.. Imo~-..._ ump.. Oeorllt 111a1iamy . ation the desne ()I pllt and tbl mod\laUOn 1ar tb9 c1oe1 not .........,., eau low ptt- Clime. J'or tnllance, the mm who robl a t.8* to cb9 llrilrill. feed hit bwwrY cbOdnn" ~ -pOty .... .,., -~ ... ,_ .... _ who pWla tlae ca,er In order to flnuee a new ' • 111 not .... COit ,_ -·~'-....., bm If you JOU don't au___.. IK a *ib an that Dhcb down. lt A few,_.. ••hm the Ttojln IDodlell t19m Wll Ill to 10Ut" ..._.,, ll6d. WM~ ttl wn In Arkrr-fflue Gut Larr1 8orenHn and Dan ~ --P8t .............. -... lpG!Mr OCllDMMd for the~ a.I ID the UIC adaleMc....... t ....... * q. -• 1-1, ..._. -. tM to .... *lliiel. ......... -.. --..... • ..... Ytrildlliii ................... wlftd ID ddl ran of -.. the TrOJrn ...a .. nmi .. -," l•DI•· lplllUr .. ftlCSD.~DI) r11a ftAMrillimd--. . I I • • zc u we 0 u 0 ..... - DI Orange Cout O~ILV PILOT/Wednetday, May 5, 1982 ---------------------------- UCLA tabs Brande to aid women's team .. Former University of Hawaii as-m sistant women's volleyball coach and Orange County native Charlie Brande will join the UCLA coaching staff In a similar capacity in an announcement Tuesday by , UCLA head coach Andy Banachowski. Brande, 34, a 1969 graduate of UC Irvine, coached at Hawaii the past two years and esta- blished himself as one of the top fundamentalists and recruiters in the country. Prior to joining the Hawaii stare, he led the Newport Harbor High women's (1979) and men's (1980) teams toCIF championships. "UCLA is a great pro- gram to be associated with and I'm looking forward to w or king with Andy (Banachowsk1) and Nina BRANDE (Matthies, assistant coach) who are both fine individuala," said Brande, who will join the Bruin staff upan completion of the USVBA nationals In the latter part of May. Quote of the day Ted Turner, sportsman and TV execu- tive, In opposing a proposal to expand sp- orts blackouts on cable TV: "Professional sports needs a government-mandated monopoly like the Arabs need more oil." White Sox gain ground on Angels Greg Lullnski's three-run homer a capped a four-run rally m the sixth inning Tuesday nignt. lifting the Chicago White Sox to a 4-3 victory over Toronto. The victory helped the White Sox pick up a full game on the Western Division- leading Angels . Elsewhere, Gleu Hoff- man's two-run single snapped a 3-3 tie in the third inning, and Boston defeated Minnesota 5-3 for the Red Sox' /ifth con- secutive victory. Boston has now won 13 of its last 14 games . . . Cbarlie Moore cracked a two-run homer in the sixth inning, and Jim Slaton threw 4 1/i innings of one-rut relief to lead the Mil- waukee Brewers to a 9-5 verdict over Kansas City. Ben Ogilvie hit a solo home run LUZ1MU1 for the Brewers . . . C.enter fielder Al Bumbry was charged with an error on Jim Essiu's run-scoring single in the ninth in- ning, allowing a second run to score and giving Seattle a 4-3 victory over Baltimore . . . ct.et Lemon scored the tie-breaking run on a wild throw by Texas second baseman Doag Flyu in the eighth inning, and Detroit defeated Texas, 4-3 Tony Armas doubled in two runs in the top of the 13th inning to break a 7-7 tie and give Oakland its eighth straight victory, a 9-7 decision over the New York Yankees. Carlton beats Giants with arm, bet Steve Carltoa won hla thlrd • 1trat1hl 1ame Tuesday nt1ht after NtU.nc the 1M10n by lolln8 four tn • row, et.rt~ out 10 batten and hit" ~ a thrfe.tun homer ae Philadelphia whipped Sui Franmco. 9~, to hichlicbt NaUcnal Leque .ction . . . ICIMwhere, fim-~ borne runa by Garry Ttm,lttH •nd 8l1te waeaao led San Dteco to a 7-3 victory over Mont.teal. The vktory was the third of the sea.ton for Tim Lollar ... ltelt~ Heraaadea belted hl• first home run of the lleUOI\ and Oeor1e Headrick hit hia fifth. powering St. Louis put the Chicago Cube, 7 -4 . . . Mike E11ler hit a grand a1a.rn home run and Omar Moreno col- lected four hits and scored three times as Pittsburgh cAll&.T'Olt halted a four-game losing streak with an 8-4 declalon over Atlanta. The loaa was the Braves' flnt aft.er nine wina on the road ... Tom Seaver held Houston to four hlta in seven lnnlnga for hla first victory of the 1euon and CeHr Cedeno collected three hits as Cincin- nati downed Houston, 6-2. Baseball today On tru.. date In baseb&ll In 1962: Colorful Bo Belinsky -pool shark, "King of the Twist," and "The Screwball with the Screwball" -became the darling of the Hollywood Jet Set as he hurled a no-hitter as the Cos Angeles Angels defea- ted the Balt1more Oriofes, 2-0, at Dodger Stadium. Today's birthdays: Milwaukee outfielder Larry Hisle is 35. Cincinnati infielder Ron Oester is 26. Islanders reach Stanley Cup finals neW and Clark GllUes gave the New ' Goals by Bob Boarne, Jobn To-~ York Islanders a 3-0 lead, and they held on to defeat Quebec, 4-2, Tues- day night to advance to their third straight con- secutive Stanley Cup final. The Islanders, who swept the NHL semifinals series in four games. nowe-y to become the first United States-~ team to win three straight Stanley Cups ... Elsewhere, Ivan Boldlrev scored two second~ period goals and Rlcbard Brodeur continued his brilliant play in goal as Vancouver downed Chi- cago, 5-3. to move within one game of the Stanley Cup playoffs. The Canuck.s can advance to the final round by peating the Black Hawks Thursday night in Chicago. Zahn named Pitcher of the month Geoff Zabn o f the Angels was • named Pitcher of the month for April by the American League Tuesday. Zahn won four games during the month, pitching three complete games in five starts. 1n 4211> innings, he allowed 31 hits and five earned runs. His two shutouts helped him to a 1.05 ERA for the month .. '.Baltimore Orioles first baseman Eddie Marray, who led the American League in slugging percentage for the month of April with a .794 mark and an on-base perce ntage of .506, was named the league's Player of ilie Month . . . A specific charge made against th~University of Illinois in connection with the recruiting of two Junior college football players led to the current inquiry. Television, radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: No events scheduled. THURSDAY'S RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at Montrea1, 10:30 a.m .. ~(790). From Page 01 From Page 01 RUNNING • • sport is "I run for my life," the bearded 62-year-old said. RUNNING OR not running can change one!s life in several ways, the three attest. Whitney says he gained 50 pounds be- tween the ages of 35 and 45, a period when he gave in to the sedentary lifestyle of the busi- ness world. The only physical problem as- sociated with his sport now is how bad he feels when forced to lay off runrung for a wrule, he said. "I feel low and 1 get touchy. Everything seems a little worse." Waterson, who said his early days of running were "quite a grind," credits the sport and a low-fat diet with dropping his weight from 190 to his present l ~O pounds. Running also fills a lifelong desire to "make good at some- thing in the physical realm," he said. WHITNEY SAID running with fellow Sun Striders produces a good feeling of camaraderie. He also said his running may be an inspiration to young people. "Sometimes as 1 run past Foothill High School (in Santa Ana) the young people wave. Just the warmth of their ex- presaions gives me the feeling that maybe I 'm mo\lvating them," he aa.Jd. FERNANDO FABULOUS • • • ninth, a solid single to center off of lOlller Neil Allen, 0-2. "We knew he could hit, and he was still throwing the ball well," said Luorda, explalnlng why he didn't bat for Valenzuela, and denying it had anything to do with the shape of the Dodgers' flame-throwing bullpen. Steve Sax put down a well- placed bunt, one that Allen pit- ched into right field and the Dodgers had runners at second and third. After the Meta walked Steve Garvey intentionally, Baker, who was hitless in 17 at bata at the start of the night, came throush with the game-winning hit, hia long fly over the Meta' drawn-in outfield. "I don't feel great, but I feel a lot better than I did last night," he said of hla O·for-6 at the plate that resulted in a rearranged clubbOWle. "We needed tht. wln," he went on. "lt was important for \41 to win it with a toulh trip coming up, and It waa tmpo(tant for Fernando. He's been pitching well, but he had nothing to show for it." Valenzuela acattered aeven hits over nine lnninga, striking out a seuon-h.igh seven. The Meta scored in the third inning when Mookie Wu.on, who had four singles, the first player to get four hits In a game off of Valenzuela, led off the inning with a baae hit and stole aeoond. After Valenzuela fanned Bob Bailor and George Foster, Dave Kingman cracked a aingle to left for the run. The Dodgers tied the acore in the fifth, when Garvey drove home Sax who had aJ.naled with one out, st.oleo second and rea- ched third on a paaeed ball, and then Valenzuela got stronger. He permitted only four hita the final six Innings. and was espe- d.ally lmpresaive in the top of the ninth when he caught pitch hit- ter Joel Youngblood looking at a fast ball for ltrlke three, leaving Hubie Broob, who had doubled, on second. Georlie Bamberger, the New York manager, was lm- G WC rained out P~ a great r.•tcher," he aaid of Valenzuela. 'He pitched an Golden Weat Colleae'~ South-outNndJ.na game. So did (Mike) ern Cat Conference baseball Scott. They both pitched well, game with host Lot ~lea City and both deeerved to win." Collf?ge wu po9tponed Tuetday The Dodan besin an 11-pme becaw.e of rain. roed trio Thunda in Mon\real. ---~~~~~~~~~.._~~--''--~~~~ Gauchos roll on . From Page 01 DINING WITH MADAM RAM • • • t1mt they aaw her Qtdll)ac pull lnto the park!ni Jot now they almost NUah her preeence. ~ of that, \houah. let'• pt t.:k to the lunch. The Idea of the affair -the braln.atonn of WUL'Ox -wu two-fold: (a) It wu a deliberate and alncere attempt to reopen communkaUon llnea be- tween Georgia and the media; and (b) to the sur- prise of thoee In attendance, Geor1ia wanted to banter about eome ldeu with ua on how ahe could make our jobs more comfortable to perform. Both objectives were a auccesa, -but even more lmpresalve wu what occurred ln between. There were no notebootc., no tape recorders, no tensions. The converaatlona, among thoee in attendance, were light-hearted, honeet and fun, much like a family gather'ing at Thanksgiving. · Georgia talked Creely about her days on the witnete 1taod at the Oak.land Raiders-NFL antitrust au.it. She a.l90 talked about a recent visit and sub- sequent party involving her in-1.awa; how kicking the football around with fi'rank Corral helped the place-kicker dlagn<>11e a problem in hla delivery but caused her t.o ultimately suffer a tom ligament in her right leg; her dealings with BaJtimore Colts owner Robert Irsar. surrounding the Bert Jones transaction; her excitement over this year's crop of R ustler women win The Golden West College women's basketball team, with all five starters acortng In double figures, secured a spot in the upcoming Southern California tournament by edging Long Beach CC, 84-80, in a qualifying game Tuetld.ay night. The -victory, the Rustlers' 21st against five losses, matches GWC against Saddleback in the first round of the tournament Thursday (2 p.m .) at C.errit.os College. The Rustlers have been seeded No. 3 in the tournament with Santa Monica No. 1 and Orange Coast College No. 2. Santa Monica beat out GWC for the Southern Cal Conference champioruhip. Orange Coast will alao open play Thundlly playing Moorpark. The Rustlers, in defeating the Vi.ki.nga, got a game-high 30 pointa from center Janet Ramaek.en. Teammate JW Guthrie added 20 points, while Kelly Harrison had 13, Teresa Rae 11 and Carol Krikorian 10. cheerle.tden and their routines~ and her procrlltl· "Ation toward dJeUna . To MY the leut, the luncheon WM lntenttJ.nc, And, more importantly. It accomplished what Georgia wanted it to. Everyone in attendance left with a positive attitude. • • • • ONE INTERESTING bit of newt that came from the luncheon wu a po.ible ~ pne the Rama may become involved with ln Cuba. It aeems a IJ'OU.P hu contacted the &m.. aa well a.s other NFL clubt, in the hopes it can lure • couple of teams into playing a preaeuon cont.est for Fidel Castro In Cuba ln-1983. Georgia said she hadn't really had ~ to ex- plore the poesibllity of such a venture, but that auch a idea deflnitely Intrigued her. "Anything to help promote better relations between the two countries.'' she said. "l think it would be a good Idea." From Page 01 TUCKER COLUMN .. naturally cunous and asked why. "So my parents can c.'Ome to Arkansas and see me play," Pat rephed. Hardly the wheeling and dealing of a criminal element, but the rules were nonetheless being abused. During the mvest1gation of USC by the forces of the NCAA, another item mentioned was the fact an assistant <Y>ach purchased a sandwich on campus for a potential recruit. It was never revealed whether the sandwic h was a ham on rye or a knackwurst on pumpernickel but in the probing eyes of the NCAA, a sandwich is a sandwich. Still._ It is understandable that a school being !>elted .with heavy penalties for seemingly minor mfracllo~ ~ould be the least upset. Similarly, it is not surpnsmgly that cries of possible legal action have been raised many times in the past. It is also significant that m a couple of decades of hearing the whunpers of purushed 9Chools, I have never heard a word of sympathy come from an-' other institution Therefore, legal action by USC m the ticket scalping bus~ would be frowned upon by the membership and 1t is enllrely hkely the necessary pressure w1ll be brought tn bear. THE PERFECT 'BLEND Hert> Alpen Johnny Mann ~ Johnny Mathis George Shearing Chet Atkins Paul Robinson Helen Reddy Nome Paramor Sounds OrchestraJ Arthur Greenslade Billy Joel OF MUSIC Z4HOURS ADAY KDCM taa.t FM STEREO Norman Candler Seals & Crofts Michel Legrand Jane Otivor Paul Mauriat Ronnie Aidrich John Gregory James Taylor Hugo Winterhalter Perry La Marca John Bany Melissa Manchester George Martin The Lettermen Johnny Douglas Sany Manilow Waldo de los Rk>s Charlie Byrd Geoff Love Rita Coolidge Bert K&e(npf ert Sergio Mendes Lee Holdridge Roger Whittaker .. - WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1982 ORANGE COUNT V. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS . Falklands war to get niore intense? · WASHINGTON (AP) -Ar· 1enttna'1 IU«Xle91ful attack on a Brttlah destroyer hat ahaken the belief of tome U.S. government analysta that Britain would win the betUe for the FaUdanda ln a cakewalk. 'lbe main teat II yet to come, but the destruction Tu~y of the ~~er Sheffield by a h1Ch ve milllle fired from an AremUne war plane .uaesta ~ aupericr Britiah fleet may be vulnerable to air attack. 'lbe war probably will become mor-e inteme, offid.ala u y, fo.llo- WlllR the attack, which intelli· .• * * aentit 90W'cee llAid today OCC\U1't!d 60 miles aoutheut of the Falk- lands. The sources, dedinlna to be identified, aaid the Sheffle"ld hid, indeed, "1one down." Brltilb preu reportl, meanwhile, aatd the lhip w .. still alloat abc houn aftet it WU attack.eel. 'n\e Brttiah are expected to try to bunt and sink Ar&efttlna'a only aircraft carrier, the ~de '9f.ayo, the 1araest remain1na lhip in the Araentine fleet. ft w a a a 111 um e d that the French -made Super Etendard that fired the rru.ile which hit * .• * U.S., Britain confer llWI llllRll the Sheffield hid flown from the carrier becaUM the plane ia de· alaned for carrier launchlna. However, later lnlonnadon lndJ. cated the aircraft flew from land. Nonethel:k!J the carrier i1 CONlkiered a y tarpt becauae It pc-. a potenUal danger to the Britiah fleet. It WU learned today that the carrier developed engine trouble Tuesday and was heading for port on the mainland. Intern- * * * aence aouna aaid the lhip may alrelidy have put into port. However, even if the Britilh succeed in llnkinl the AraenUne carrier, which wu purchased from Britain ln 1948 three years after it wu completed, the Ar· pntine air force still baa about 110 land-bued fight.er bomben and bomben with enough range to bit Britiah lhipe ln the imme- diate Falkland lalanda aree. So far, much of the Brltilb fleet remains about 150 milee eut of the F-lklanda, out of effective r each of moet Argentine land· hued aircraft with bomb loe.da. * * * Until the km of the Sheffield and at leMt one "Jump jet" ffar. ~r ter bomber, Britain ap- to have~~ ta way ln the military cOnlron~ tation. Argentina'• apparent lmpo· tence in the face of aeveral bom- bhla attacb on Falkland laland airlleldl. lmocklnc down Arsen· tine plan.ea and alnklnJf the old cn.u.er BeJirano lnitialfy strenc· thened the conviction of aome American government analysts that Britain could overwhelm Argentina and pouibly force a negotiated settlement without * * * much IJ"elltef' W. of life. Now, in the wake of the lln· kina of the Sheffield, tht9e an« .. lysta are cominl to the view that the Atpntlnel may IU.ffen. Some eenior U.S. otfiriala, 00. vioualy tavortnc the B,itiah. are concerned that severe winter weather may clON in and pne· vent Britain from reaamtna ~ ialanda for montha or 1ongel'. "l think they have a rather short time frame ln which they can operate," said one official "It'• not juat a que1tion of lo- giatic1, it's also a question of weather. I * * * Falklands peace plan sought United Way gets refugee resettlement County government will tum over administration of a huge block grant program for refugee raettlement to the private 8eCtor United Way orpnlzation. Al a result of Board of Super- vilon action 'l\aaday, it 18 United Way which will run the U million-plua proaram aimed at Uliatina Indochine9e refugees in their elforu to find jobs, learn =~to their new Offidala aakl United Way will contract directly with the state for funds and then disbune UW!9e federal moniea to the variou1 acenoes which have been provi- dina aid to the refuaeea. Cou.n~tiatlve Officer Robert who recommen- ded that United Way take aver admlniatration of the refugee proarun, aatd that the private -=tor' tndltionally baa provided aervlcea contained in Oranae County'• refuaee resettlement propmala. DAMAGE -Thia library picture from De- cember, 1974, ahoww the kind of damage that an Exocet surface-to-surface mi.mile can inflict on a ahip. It ia believed a miMile of this type led to the attack on tbe British dettroyer HMS Shieffield Tuaday. Irvine cops, kids sq_uare off Irvine-based firm Softball game to stimulate communication? By SANDIE JOY Of91eDllrNethllf it," he aald-of hl1 new assign- ment. "The kida are really sharp, and we have to give them a· chance to reach their potenUal." My 1_7 ln Chino." says Ann to explain Irvine police and atudenta from SELF Wah School will face off at noon May 22 in the city'• Northwood Park. Williams, who bu lived in Ir· vine foe four ~ ia tolf COllCh at University High School Dw1n& hit blah IChool days in Oakland, the officer said he played Jou of golf, hoping to be a pro, and WM buay ~ on the l.inb to keep out of trouble. By GLENN 800TI' · °' ... ...., ........ Ann Landen ia writing a ape· d.a1 column for publication Ftid· ay to respond to recent dl8clo· 1urea that 1he recycled 15-year-old material in her syn· cilcated advice column, the editor of Irvtne-bued Field Syndicate aaid today. Miu Landen, who work.a in OUcago, told offida1a in the l)'D· dlcate headquartered at 1703 Kaiser Ave. ln Irvine that she wanted to spell out her pmidon fer her Mimated 70 million r.· den, 1ald 1yndlcate editor ~t!°w~!he~tlng a col· umn to comment on all this," llAid McLauahlln. "I haven't aeen it yet, but it'• planned for publlca· Uoooo=" The ted Preaa, ln COD· junction with the Pontiac (Ill.) llaily LHder, revealed Monday that Mila Landen bad for tbe pMt 18 monthl included 33 lteml that, with minor chanaea, bad appeared tn her oolumnl ln 1986 and lee?. Since that dleclo1ure, one new1paper, the Idaho l'all1 (Idaho) Pa.t·Beatater, bu an· nounced it wt11 drop the advice STATE column. McLaugb.lin, however, uid he bad not yet nicejved llUCh word from that paper. The event? A aoftball aame arran1ed by Officer Dave Wil· llama who hope• to stimulate communication between the dty'1 youtha and hit department. "They won the league cham- ptonahlp this "{_ellZ," he wd with a wide lrin. ' and they'll play in the CIF (California lntencho· laatlc Federation) tournament Amon& hfa dudee • IChool re- aource officer will be to lfve Jec. turet in junior and aen.lor high .:hool c1ules on narcotics, juve· nile law, rape and .elf-defeme. (See COPS. Pqe A!) Alao, four other papen, the Dally News ln the San Fernando Valley, the Omaha (Neb.) World-Herald, the Loulavllle Tlme8 and the Denver Post, an· nounced they would dl8continue the column until editors bad u~ aurances that all material wu new, the AP reported. McLauchltn aatd today that ayndicate employees have identi- fled five reuaed Items within material alreedy aent to .w.cri· ben foe \Ille durtnc the oat two week.a. Substitute material bu been aent, he said. Because ~o recycled itema were labeled for use before Friday, McLaughlin said, no more recycled items abould be publlabed. 'l'he 27-year-old Williama, a five-year veteran of the Irvine police force, recently w .. named acbool resource officer for the ~~n game ia the fint of what he hopes will be many 1imilar events designed to give teen-aaera "a better underatan· dinC of the police depertment. of what we do and bow we do It. And, we'll get feedback from Crystal Cove park. cottages studied tbetn." . Wllliama Mid be hopet to have an office ln Neb of the city's four hi&h IChoola where be could "be availab)e for what.ever 18 needed -apeekiq to groupe of truant ldda oe detenUoo groupe .•• Syndicate executives didn't Lt. Robert LeDnert. Williama' ralbe M1ll Landen bad recycl-bom, aid be hOI* the officer can eel ..ne J*t letten and amwen. be a rumor control because he the editor Mid, and they would can build rapport with atudenta. have taken 1tepa to end the Ideally, Lennert lndkated, •tu· pndlce lf they b8d known. · denta wW drop by Willlaml' of- Meanwblle, Mm Landen told ftce Just to rap. The Auoctated Preu that abe WUU.ma Mid he'll have ape· will discontinue recycllnc old cWc two-hour perloda each_ day material ewn thouch the Doted when he'll be at a diffeft'nt blCb the b8d med "very little" from' dMd. (See ANN. Pap .U> .. rm ....Uy looklnc forward to COUNTY By JEFF ADLER Of .. Dllr ........ . A team of State Park• and Recreation Department expertl WM eet to begin today the task of determining bow Cryatal Cove State Park's 4~ old cottages can beat be put to public uae. , 'The tuk of evaluaUng each of the aQ1ng SO-year-old ltructl.U'ell that clot the 8Ml¥le bluf& ia ex- pected to last through the end of the week, aaid David Allan, a Parka and Recreation Depart- ment landacape architect and t.-m coordinat«. "We'll ectually be IOhta from bulldlna to builclina.'T Allan ex- plalned. He aaid five tenant. hid decided to deny the team ~ A pair ol 11,000 lep ' A Newport BMch coed hM a pair of tt 000 Jeo. Take a look at tlmD In llvtna cob' on Paa-Bl. SPORTS f to thetr cou.,e.. The ieam ... <U.petched after cou.,e "-'denta aar-eed late i.t week to allow 1tate olfidals into thetr n!lldenoea for the flnt time ~ the state pllrChMed Ceyata1 Cove In 1979, accordtnc to i.e. McCarco. c:hief of the depart- meGt'• ~t dlvWon.. A formal plan detailiJll bow the cottqee ml.ht be uaed by park-aoen wm be deYeloped by )ww l , Mc.<Mao tald. Included on the 8Ul'Ye')' team II a l'fttoratlon architect. a land- acape architect, a h1atorian and two apritlleta wtth ~ in DMNlllM bilWrical and cul· . tural rnourcet, Nid the team coordinator. INDEX At AlO ..... • "' • DM ., ., • AlO cu N ATION Military losses · I detailed I By Tiiie .A .. odate4 ~HI I Britain and the United Statet are working on a Falkland b l land.a peace plan, and the -Britia h and Argentine live makea a diplomatic 90}ution ur gent, Briti.ab Foreign Secre Francia Pym said today. Pym told the House of Com monl in London he trammi to Secretary of State Alexander M . Haig Jr. a "oonatructive ODD· tribuUoo" wward the plan. "A vital ~tof theiae. on which we are working la an early oeue-fire and the prompt withdrawal of Argentine forces," Pym aaid. He did not provide detaila. "The milltary louea which have now occurred on both aide9 in this unhappy con.OJct empha· slZlt all the mott the urgent need to find a diplomadc aolution," be added. Relatives of 87 crewmen aboard the British destroyer Sheffield were notmed today that their men were dead, mi.9· iJl4I or wounded in an Arsentine mfuile strike off the Falkland lalanda. • The figures on the Sheffield casualties were given by govern· ment eou.roes in London, where Prime Minister Margaret That· cher called an emergency Cabii net lle9lion.. Argentina, meanwhile, oonti• nued the search for about 360 crewmen ml8ling from the Gen• eraJ Belgrano, the crui.ler torpe. doed and sunk by a British' submarine SWlday. Britlah preu reporta aaid a milalle fittd from a land-bued Argentine fighter-bomber 24 mi.la away hit the ocmtrol room of the 3,500-ton Sheffield~ day afternoon. turnlnc one of the Royal Navy'• moat modern warlhi.-into an inferno. First reporu aald the flahter .. bomber flew from the 25"th of May, Araenti.na'• only carriel' and tu laJ'ant ablp. Even if lt didn't, the 25th of May ia conJ• ---a likely tarpt bec9Ule 1 po9111 a potentlal.cSancer to Britilb anmda, U.S. analym W~mcl. 11w 8rtd8h Defeme Mln1I said the crew wu ordered t4 abandon the Sheffield "wheq. there -DO ~ aDJ hope o« ( ... J'AL&LAND, .... .U) .. • · 1 I ,, FALKLAND ISLANDS. • • •vtna the ahlp.'' Some ttrltlah pnm reporta aald the ahip, one of three destroyeR ln the »ritlah war fleet ln the ., South Atlantic, had amk. But a .1; ' Brltlah reporter with the taak force aald it wu aUll afloat and ~; burn1nl more tlW1 aix houri af- f r., ter it waa hit. The Ar1entlne government '+.'l• waa ailent about the Sheffield, ·~ t! althoulh newa of \he attldt wu 11 I ·l • JI . , broedcMt by Bueno9 Alrea rat1io atationa quoting foreign new11 reporta. The joint clliefa of NU aaici° tn a oomm~ue today that an "air incursion ' against the British task force was carried out "with reaulta that atlll are not known.'' Brlt~lh lan. ea made two at-tacka 00 alntripe ln the l'alklanct.. e Brtttab DefeftM MiJtJatry aaid a Harrier jet WN abot down and tu pilot killed, wblle Araentina claimed two Harrien downed. The Brltlah uld a lona-ranae Vulcan bomber, preaumably flyln1 from Atcentlon IalaJ'ld, made a "l»CCellfUl" attack on the alrfieJd at Stanley, the Fal.ldanda capital, in the morning and re- turned aafely to its bllle. The Argentine communique llllid the leOOlld attack WU niacie ln the afternoon by three Harrier jets on a dirt' runway at Oooee 31ftn. 40 miJea west of Stanley . Laguna ~ur job on hold By JERRY HERTENSTEIN or .. o.-r,.....,. Development of a Lacuna Ni· auel houatna project. bordertnc South t..pna, baa been put Oil hold folloWtna an announcement th.at BrotdmoOr Development Co. will clOle ltl lAauna Hilla office. The lAguna llil1a office WM to be re.ponaible for development of the '23-mllllon, 212-acre, 382-unlt project known aa La- guna Sur. Approval for gndlng of the land at the end of Pacific bland Drive off Cl'Own Valley Parkway had recently been gi- ven by Orange Co':;.~f. and c.o.ta1 c.ommJmion of . The communique said the at- tack OCCUr1'ed 60 miles 110Utheast of the Falkland.a about 40 min- ute• before the Sheffield wu ·I·' .. 1 reeorted hit. ,.,., Both aintrlpa were attacked by Britiah planes Saturday in the fint major strike of the air-aea >ffenaive launched by Britain to recapture the island colony Ar- fentina aelzed April 2 . I·.· ANN LANDERS •.. But Genatar Ltd., a Canadian- baaed company and owner of Broad.moor, announced Wednes- day that the Laguna Hilla office will close Friday. All of the 14 employees will be laid off, ac- cording to Laurence R. Lizotte, Btoadmoor development'• presi- dent. Broadmoor hu a total of 15,000 lots, valued at $500 mil- lion, in planning in south Orange County. AFTERMATH -Thia wu the acene on Pahn Lane in Anaheim ~i two weeks after the city's disutroul $50 on fire. Si.nee then. a total of 511 victims have 110ught aid from the 15 .,.., .......... .., ..... ~ agencies housed at the Federal Diaast.er Assis- tance Center, which has now cloied. Some 1,200 people were left homeless by the blaz.e. ~ past columns. She alao said she '1 • has been buoyed by reaponses '.t• from friends and adm1.rera. J..-. "People have been calling sin- 1' ce last night asking me what the ·" flap is afl about, telllng me to I• carry on," ahe aaid Tuesday. "Still others have called and said, 'We don't care if the material was written 20 yeara ago, 30 years ago or yesterday,' " she said. One of the three'largest ayn- dlcates in the U.S., Field handles about 45 columns and an equal number of comic strips, said McLaughlin. Uni High students ,,. .. .,. :· seek speech honors l I , .. I fi . . I ... Five students at Irvine'• Uni- versity Hi8h School are bn.mbing up on their parliamentary proce- dure for a national competition this summer in lndianapolia, Ind. Amy Bertin, Pam Doughman. Sandy Greer, Cindie Keegan and Suzanne Whitman won a chance Reagan: Play • same issues WASHINGTON (AP) -Pres-· ident Beagan haa some campaign advice for Republlcana ln Con- gx-e.; run on the same iasues that brouaht the party to power in 1980 and "stand on the record" of his admin1stration. "We've said it before, let'a aay It again," he said. '"Ille laslJel are wit.fl us this year. U we do our ;>b between now and November, voters will reconfirm the man- date they gave us ln 1980." to compete in the national championahipa by placing lint last weekend at the state Future Buaineaa Leadera of America conference in San Joae. The achool bad several other top flni.hen .. well. and placed second ln team competition among almost 100 achoola, aaid MiM Whitmln. Dawn Weiner placed eecond in public i1nldng, Joe Zahavi took second ~data processing and Miu Bertin fint.hed second in economics. Miss Keegan placed fourth ln an e.ay contest. The University aqwad al8o waa preeented the Dr. Jeme Graham award for outstanding activities during the school year. Tbe school's Business ~~ment Chairwoman., Linda I WM named advt.' o1 the year. The five parliamentary proce- dure teammates have until July 1 to prepare for the champtonahipa in Indianapolis, where repre.en- tatives from all 50 states are in- vited to vie for best understan- ding of Robert's Rules of Order. Sunny and ea.ton ~_. Buftllo Buttlngton Coaatal =n sc Light v8rlebl• w1no1 •"' 10 • g:::; ~ IOUthWHt s to 15 knota •Ner-~ noon. South-It •••II• 2 to 3 Cfllceoo ..... '*· . Clndnnetl 57 47 88 72 e7 46 &4 37 58 23 7e 82 eo .w 711 55 ee 34 .04 83 82 .Ot 71 51 ~ 71 51 V.S. summary = 0.-F! Wtl\ 82 .. 77 47 115 ee 19 51 711 37 .tt' ae &t .83 80 Lizotte and Walter Bannister, executive vice president of Gen- 1tar'1 executive headquarters in San Francisco, each cited the current economic downturn u reason for closing the Laguna Hilla office. Responsibility for the Laguna Sur project, which sits on~ the hill northeast of South Community Hoapital in South Laguna, will be traruferred to Genatar'• San Diego office, ac- cording to LU.Otte. Genstar's of- fices are in Vancouver, Britlab Columbia. Laguna Sur, in planning stages three yeara, called for building of 254 luxury condominuma, 100 affordable housing units and 28 custom lota, aome with ocean viewa. Cyclist hurt in collision An Irvine man was lnjun!d thia morning when the motorcycle be wu ridJ.nc on collided with a car, police reported. Police said Webster Bridges, 24, wu travelina northbound on Sand Canyon l\oad north of Marine Way in Irvine when his vehicle clipped the rear end of a car that pulled out of a driveway. While police were Investiga- ting the accident, two cara pe.-in& the acene collided, police aaid. One car swerved into an unocxu- pled patrol car, causing minor damages to the vehicles. No one was injured in that incident, po- lice saJd. warmer 1. '·' · Shower• eno tllunoer11orm1 09y\on ptWllled oww much of IN central 0.-..._Ind pett of INI~ o.~ The .., ltlone -the ,.. of the Detroit w-. Che Ealt Ind AUMtic CoelC Oulu1tl 72 49 75 53 t.48' ....._.., w ...... s..-80 73 53 .011 HOM U S d eo-i.rc:e ' ..... Ind the teec of IN COUl"llty El PMO lled penty dOudy ..... Fwgo Sllowera no tllunderttorma .,...n rMQed from IN eouthern Rod(... <keel , ... n 46 Fronts: Cold.,. Wann .., .. 31 50 34 S1 53 Irvine to get brokerage Irvine has been selected as the , site for the regional headquarters of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc. The headquarten will coordi- nate operations of the firm's 25 offices in Southern California. A Merrill Lynch spokesman said the Irvine site is the most central Location for the region. He said the move will be made by July l. The move will ldve Callf omia two regional heaaquartera, the other located ln San Franci.9co. The a_pokeaman said the Salt Lake c;tty regional office will be cloaed and it• d irector, Arlen Crouch, will m ove to Orange County to direct the new Irvine headquarten. The Irvine Jite, which wlll handle the firm's muah.roomifl8 Southern California operationa, will be located at the Douglas Plaza Office Park near John Wayne Airport. Gun control to be aired in Irvine talk Weapons historian William Caruth will di9CUSI the troubles with gun control and disarma- ment tonight during a speech at the A.lrpor1er Inn in lrvfne. Caruth, a buaineaaman from Texas, will speak at an 8 o'clock gatherina 1pon90red by the Tax Reform fm:rDedl.ately c.ommittees of Orange County. Admt.aion in the Cafe IUcardo Room la $3. Known as TRIM, the spoiuo- rlng group la an ad hoc commit- tee of the John Birch Sodety. Caruth ii cri tica1 of efforts to curb guns on a small acale or to diarm natton. on a larger acale. "Neither gun control nor dis- armament will impede an ag- . greaaor or st.op a criminal," he says. "To the contrary, these proposals would make it eNier . for foreign and domestic crimi- nals to oooquer and pillace." end OrHt Plelne through th• Herttofd M!etlu lppl elld Mleeourl Yllleye Heltne end the upper Greet l.eQe. ~ Sunny aiclM dewned from tl\e Houteon • 37 50 3e 83 74 82 • 11 54 ... 58 79 60 27 117 72 74 62 12 59 .oe · ... 51 '• ,• I l I I I :• 1: ' I I j I ! ' I I I I Atlenuc Cout mt• to centrel lndnllC)lll Cellfornla end from th• Oreet J.clcMI MS Betln tllrOUQll !tit nor111ern P1a-Jecbnvlle '-' end the Peclftc Norttlw•I. Kw City T ocMly' 1 toreo.t Gelle lof tem-Laa Vegea peraturH In th• 101 over th• Uttta Rodi 8outflwl9t o-19, end "°"' the l.oultMllt r-No car.. 11111y oww the Wbl)octl IOW9f M~ Valtey to Ken· ~ tucty, T91WlUI U , 0.0.-QM, Md Mlelnl Floftde, MIWeuk• Temper•-•ound ttte -·· Mpla-St. P Uon ~ ... ,.... ll'Ol'ft 2t Ill NMtwtlt Pocatello, fdaf\o, to 11 In ,... Orttiana ·-·--T..... NlwYorll NOfteal '.Cali/o~a 5:,_~ n. ......... w.... .... e prOIMM~ .,., ....... . nooN P'rtdey and --""*""" ....... .. ....... Nlrld,lle • .._ ,._ ..,_... .,._..., Nlrld. ON .... ==-~==1 ==-""' .. """° •-..re,.._.,_.,,... ... UM ......., • "'Loe~ 72 '° ... AMorllcl 12 et ----H to 11 lt'I t'-..... lftovntatft'-11 to H In uoo-r 1111 • = ,... ........ "' ........ ... "'"** ........... ,,_Con11J•1: ll,._T .... '° ........................... ~ • ....-. ¥ ...... "'°'"'"' ....,..l ....... ....................... ~ to 11 ••• wtdl a I· to ...._. ,.,_. ..-Mr ...... ''o"' IO "'"" off ....... out, .... -.. ......................... 82 58 86 117 78 119 .03 ...... eo s2 .. Ill -~ ... 87 77 7' .7' 13 12 .Ot .. lie .'3 12 $4 87 81 70 50 t7 .. 75 42 .11 ... • ..__,to 82 •. 11 ::;. ra =~ ·SM~ ••n ..... .....,. 71 40 ..... .... ........ a ., ,,_,.... .... ~ 7t... ==-• 2t --., u -..... ... ~' : : MollnMa n IO .04 Mt. Wlillft • • .g,:::,·--- a • . =.:-• ...... 11 " ., . ... .... ~ ............ 83 16 81 N IO M IS 11 .. f7 .. 11 .. Ill ... eo .10' 60 11 54 77 ... aa ea 12 66 N IO • aa 10 .. 74 12 .... • • It • &4 34 'AN AlmNCAN AcecUco 95 75 ~ M 77 Bermuda 76 83 "°00'• .. 60 ~ CufllCllO IO 81 Freeport S2 el 04iacfll ... r1 IO 67 04iadelou9e ae n .21 Havena 12 71 K1n91ton IO 77 ~Bay IO 73 .44 ~ ., .. ~ tit n ~Qty 12 54 .... ~ 16 ..• ot ....., ..... .oa T•llC'I 'F a IO 11 Triilldaid II 16 v...,. .. n '2 10 .. ' ---------... • 11 .12 IO IO . .. ., " .11 ... '°' N 41 .M ... .20 . .. • " .11 et 11 AO ... .Jt 74 17 Extended weather IOUTHllUi OAL.,Ol'INIA OOAITAL AND MOUNTAIN AMM-~-....... · ~,...,.... ..... ,...,. .... .............. ::c: .. r..:r:-=-·= .= .... =1:1 "°"" ........ . . .,.., .............. PLAY BALL -Irvine cop Dave Williams hopes to es- tablish a better rapport with the city's teens. From Page A1 COPS ... He'll alao arrange talks to ele- mentary school students, he aaid, mainly on traffic safety. Speakina to students isn't new to WllllamS; he did it while still a uniformed patrolman. He has teaching credentials in police science. earned through Saddle- back College. He alao studied ju- venile problems in various semi- nars. The Irvine Police Department hasn't had a school resource of- ficer for four years. The position was re - established. aaid Police Chief Leo Peart, to provide "a better means of providing aervice to the tea- chers, students and police officers that have a common concern with our formative youth." Probably 95 percent of the work of Irvine police la non- enforcement related, Williams estimated, "But. the problems we do have in the remaining 5 per- cent are mostly juvemte.related." Israel hikes gas TEL A VIV, Israel (AP) - Prime Miruater Menachem Be- gin'• government ra.laed gaeoline pricea by 8 percent Tueada . Cops nab suspect in chase A speeding Camaro led two Highway Patrol cars, two Irvine police units and the Costa Mesa police helicopter on a 12-mile, 110-mph chase th.at finally ended in Irvine early this mo"!ing. The car was reportedfy driven - by Michael K. Williams, 33, of Orange, who was arrest ed on suaplcion of drunk.en driving and assaulting a police officer. The Camaro was first spotted by the CHPJ'ust before 1 a .m., weaving an speeding north-' bound on the San Diego Freeway at La Paz ln Milmi.on Viejo. The CHP unit gave pursuit, pulled the car over at the Laguna Canyon Road interchange before the driver yelled "I'm going to the hospital" and sped onto La- guna Canyon Road before pic- king up the San Diego Freeway northbound again. Joined by another Highway Patrol car and two lrv1Ni police units, the Camaro aped nor1h to Jeffrey Road and led officers to lhe Irvine City Hall -and police headquarters -before 11opping. While CHP officer Pat Stroh- meyer tried to remove the aeat- beJ ted driver from behind the wheel and lrvine officer Gary Harvey reached in the opposite window to put the car into neu- tral. Williams reported.l y sped off again, dragging Harvey a short di.stance with him. The Camaro was finally ram- med into aubmiaaion at Hale and Dubridge avenues in Irvine, where Willi.ams was arrested. Pops concert at Uni High Music, dance and choral de- partments will combine at Uni- versity High School Thursday and Friday to present an inau- gural pops concert in the campus Circle Theater. . The two-hour program will include a range of tunes, from Charleaton and Dlxieland to the Beach Boya and Beatles, said Daniel Trevino, director. The concerti begin at 8 p.m. on both daya. Adm1lsion la $3. GfW ..... 111112 PIATUIU INCLUDla ~illU~OO~I Turkish consul killed Armenian commandos claim responsibility SOMERVILLE, Ma11. (AP) -A Turkleh honorvy con.tu! killed by a epray of bullets had ipored advice to protect hilmelf after his office WM bombed and kept drtvtna home along the mne route f1Yerf day, a friend aiC!. Orban R. Gundus WM killed lnat.antly Tueeday • evening when a aunman weartn1 a blue joaging euit and dark gJ.... and wieldina two pUtola fired into hla car near an intenectlon, authorttiee Mid. An unidentified caller to The Allociated Prets in Loe Anples uid the J'u.tice Commandoe of the Anne- nlan Genocide wu respon.slble for the attack. "We demand justice for the Arml!nlan nation," the woman caller Mid. She promlaed, "We ahall etrike again.·· ' Budget compromise uncertain WASHINGTON -1'.fforta to find a bipartisan ~t compromi. a.re quietly~ on C..pitol Hill even thouah there la more ctiaan'ay than con- Hn1 ua in the scramble to atiteh .together an election-year •_Fending plan acceptable to both Democ:rata and Republicam. "Our folb are all OYeJ' the lot. the ume as the Republicans," aald Ho use Budaet Committee Cha1nnan James Jonee after the panel's Democrata met privately Tuad.ay. )onea, D-Okla., called budget director David Stockman before the committee today to lay out the Reagan administration'• current position on budget. ilsuel. - Feder.al budget amendment hit WASHING TON (AP) -Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker said Wednesday a consti- tutional amendment requiring balanced federal budgets might not work, and he complained the puah for one by President Rea&an and others di- verts attention from more pressing needs. The chief of the nation's central bank urged Congress to approach the question of such an amendment with "great caution." Curlews reimposed in Poland WARSAW, Poland -Poland'• martial law authorities retmpmed curfewa in at leut ~ ci- ties today following riotina in \he Baltic port of Su:zedn. Meetines of student cluba and fll public entertainment, including di.acotheques, 9a1ao were banned again. Authorities in Warsaw, Gdansk, Gdynia, So- pot, Gliwice, Elblag and Su:zecin reimposed the 11 p.m.-5 a.m. curfews that were lifted Sunday, and officials in other cities apparently took similar ac- tion. Four more Arab youths killed TEL A VIV, Israel -Four Arab youths were killed today in the occupied West Bulk when a land mine they were hand.Una explocW. and an Arab girl shot in the heed Swidsy by an llneli dvWan died in a Jenaalem hmpi&al. ofhclU lllAd. In the occupied Gaza Strip, wwbile. braell troops shot and wounded two Arabi who threw a firebomb at the 10J.dien.. an army apokelman said. 'The Armed FOl"OeS Radio uid the four youths who died -aged 17 and 18 years old -apparently due up the mine and were examining it in a ravine near their village when it exploded. Signal Hill police chief fired SIGNAL HILL -The Oty C-oundl abruptly fired Polloe Chief Gaylord Wert, whole department wu investigated by the Loe Angeles County Dis- trict Attorney's office after the jail cell hanging of a college athlete. Wert'• removal wu requested last month by the city's Police Officen Allociation, which aaid he LOS ANGELES -In the wake of lut week's crackdown on U1egal aliens, the Immigration and Naturalization Service aaya it ia return.ina to ita previous level of raids that net from 50 to 100 un- docummted people dally. "We will return to the level of activity we bad before" the federal government launched its "Operation Jobe," Orner Sewell, aaiatant c:liatrlct lacked "administrative and leadership ability." But the five-member council had issued a vote of con- fidence in him in March, despite a critical review of the department by a private consulting flnn. Mayor William Mendenhall was the only dis- senter in the 3-1 ouster vote Tuesday night. Coun- cilman George PapMialds abstained. director of the INS here, said Tueeday. Sewell said his agency will be working with ita normal 20 to 30 immlgration agenta, instead of the 60 to 80 agenta it fielded dally during last week's highly publicized crackdown -the aim of which, the White Houae 18.id, waa to open up jobll for citi- rens and legal resident&. 'Soviet alliance' told SOLEDAD -A prillOI\ olfidal aald today that Sirhan Sirhan tru.tened in 1979 to "enter into an alliance with the Soviet Union" unln1 he wu treated fairly by hJa parole board. Carol Jiminez, a cue refe~ investigator currently baaed at San Quentin p~.on, said she vtllted Sirhan when she Wat working at Soledad prt.on in June 1979. She said he was interviewed as a prelude to hie annual parole hearina which was thenu~. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ThOmas P Hai.v ""--CNol <•f'CU-~ Key Sctlultz ~"'--Dorec1 .. al -•'""'O Tom Murl)fline , .... Mltl• Harvev Oon1c10. al .,..,, .. -'fl .c. ....... -1 Ken Goddard C)weclat "' o.-- ~:,acL•n Ct11rlel Loo• ........... di!Ot ClaHIGed advertising 1141&42·5'71 All other !Mpartment• 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE D>Wn111..,r.1 <..-1 .. ~.c• AMII_.._ ... ,,.., CO\l•-v CA.,._ c..,,,,. ""1 0.-C .. \t PIAJolt"" ... (_., IM .... ,--. tll~lt•tl ... \, "9ttef1.ll M-« - V.f'tlW-9\ loeftoft ,,..., ._ ,..,-. ... wltllollt _.., ....,..._ 01~_.,,..,.. _,.., YO\.. 71, NO. W School abortion measure backed SACRAMENTO -Leglalation to require a public IChool to~ tlfy a &lrl'• puentl before exa.a-•ln• her from cla.u to have an abarUon baa rellChed the Amem- bly floor. J . -- ~ Don 5ebMt1IDl. R·Sonoma, author of the blll, offend no eWSence ~Y that ltudenta are betnl examd from IChool to haw~ but said that if it .. taktnl plaoe. panntl lhoukt be tlDkl. Ml'iw Llafenlng~.. · What do you like about the Detty '""'? What don't you Ukt! Call lbe number. below and your m .... ,. wUI ,N recorded. tran1~ribed and cltlivtred to lhe approprtet.t editor. · The aame 2A·hour •M•erint Hrvlct rna)· be &lied to record let· t.ni IO lM tditor Qft any topic Ma1lbox C01ttributoft mat include UMir ume and telephone number for vertnc.uon. No clreut1tloe Cilia, ....... :NI .. what'• Oii ,..., ....... Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/WednMday, May 5, 1982 Al "' Wit"""°'° 'LIKE THIS' -State Sen. John Schmitz, R-Corona del Mar, shows his frog Gloria how it's done while competing in the legislative frog-jumping contest outside the Capitol in Sacra- mento. Teeii gets 70 years in OC rape spree An 18-year-old refugee from Vietnam, convicted of 40 felony charges in connection with five Orange <;ounty rape incidents, was sentenced to 70 years in state prison Tuesday by a judge who gave three co-d e fe ndants 100-year-plus terms in 1981. Orange County Superior Court Judge Francisco Briseno, whose authority to sentence defendant Tung Thumh Le had been chal- lenged by defense attorneys, meted out the atiff term despite objections from Le's court ap- pointed lawyers. The dark-haired de fe ndant could have re<:eived a 300-year sentence in state prison. Defense lawyer Clarence He- watt, one of two attorneys for Le, strongly c riticized the 70-year term as illegal and im- proper. Hewatt wanted Briseno to add 16 years to Le's sente nce on a firearms allegation, making the total sentence 86 years. This would be the same as a life 1en- tence without parole, which the state Supreme Court has ruled as a n illegal sentence for minors. The added sentence would have improved his chances of a suc- cessful appeal, Hewatt said. Le -17 at the time of his trial -and co-defendants Bo Pham, Dung Pham and Minh Nguyen were all convicted by an Orange County superior court jury a year ago of multiple rape, robbery. kidnapping and sexual miscon- duct counts. The Pham brothers. both 18, were sentenced to 118 years in state prison while Nguyen , also 18, received a 100-year te rm. That proceeding took place be- fore Judge Bri9eno in April 1981 and triggered controversy be- cal.&8e of the lenath of the terms. Officials said" they were the longest prison sen tence1 ever imposed in an Orange County criminal case. Other judges de- fe nded the sente nces, saying Briseno had strictly adhered to the requirements of the law. No beer for kids at fair By JODI CADENHEAD Oftti.O.-,Nof It.fl Orange County Fair Board of- flciala are aending a rneeaage to people under 21 who are plan- ning to attend the Orange County Fair: Don't drink alcohol. At least not during the annual county fair, July 9 -18 at the fairgrounda in Costa Mesa. The Ora nge County Fair Committee decided Tuesday to adopt stricter guidelines this su01mer following a~~aationa that minors were drln.king alco- hol during the festivities last year. Ken Fulk, manage r of the county !air, said security guards will be posted at all seven beer stands to check identifications. Also, the fair is negotiating with the Orange County Sheriffs department for aecurity in hopes that uniformed officers will dis- courage under age drinking and incidents of violence, said FUJ.k. Last year the fair hired its own security force for the first time after being told that Costa Mesa police a nd s he riff's deputies would not be available, said Fulk. Fulk said the "low-key" ap- proach to law e nforcement while beneficial to a fair atmosphere, was not without some draw- backs. "Some people thought that there was not as much security," said Fulk. "This year it will be much more stringent as far as young peo ple try ing to get alcohol." Fulk decllned to say whether the plan to hi.re sheriff's deputies was in response to two outbreaks of violence reported during the fair last year. Steven Ronald Stelle, 22, was hospitalized after being injured July 13 during a fight in the pack.mg lot and carnival operator "David Brushia was bludgeoned five days later as he slept in a s leeping bag insid e his sales booth. Fair officials a lso decided Tuesday to aeek 15 percent of all beer sales instead of the flat $3,- 000 fee accepted laat year from each beer stand seller. Fulk estimated that the 15 percent fee could amount to $24,000 for the fair this year. Brown speaks out S ACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. says the Reagan administration 1s roun- ding up undocumented aliens "to distract people from the wides- pread unemployment." OC welfare plan goes to DC Orange County S upervisor Roger Stanton was expected to fly to Washington D.C . today with a welfare crackdown plan -approved by fellow supervi- sors Tuesday -that officials say could save millions of taxpayer dollars through the early detec- tion of welfare fraud. S tanton told reporters that presidential assistant Robert Carleson and David Swoap. Un- dersecretary for the U.S. Health and Human Services De part- ment, were interested in dhcus- Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRn·s Cutifittl G"muloN111t , Ar.S , PREVACATION LETl'ER Vacation time la back and we wish you a lovely trip. Vacations are the one Ume of the year when you can really lay aside all ,your carea and worries. To make aure you have no caWlle to worry, may we euggeet you check the following pointa. Have your water-resistant watch checked; a blow on the crown or on a pwt\p6ece can caUM lnvilible cSamaae with the l"ell\llt that, unknown to you, your waticb 11 no JOl'8W water·l'etiatant; It ta impor- tant to have lt checked tho- routhly before you take It twlrnrnlnc· \ Have your quarts watch battery ch.eked, It may be nHrly spen.,....t'• far IU'npler to have w chana9 the bAtwy now than to have the wads 10 dead ln a 1tran1e town. Quar1a watcbee eboU.ldn't be ..... to b6lb Wl'QpenU. a1 the battery mt1ht IHk. ~ not tD lMw tt bl \h9 aanl We wlll be ..._ ID otaJ out ..... cbidlll b Jou md we~-,..a ..-rt sing Orange County's approach to thwarting welfare cheaters. Because the federal govern- ment provides most welfare as- sistance, it has the most to gain through the detection of fraud, the Fountain Valley lawmaker said. On Tuesday, the Board o( Supervisors agreed to make per- manent a pilot crackdown pro- gram that budget analysts con- firmed could save government agencies $7 million in federal, state and county funds that oth- a rwlse would have been Jost through fraud over a 24-month period. S tanton has been a strong ad- vocate of the prevention program since first learning about ita ex- penmental operation from March 1981 through February of this year. Stanton said the pilot program, initiated by the District Attor- ney's Office, produced dramatic results after 12 special investiga- tors w ere stationed in branch welfare offices. CLASSIC QUARTZ BY OMEGA FOR MOTHER'S DAY I Wom1n 's 14K gold Outrt1 watc h w11h 1 diamond d11I. mmeral cryatal and. 14K gold chain bracelet SIUO- Woment I 41( gold Qu1rt1 witch With 26 d1amond1 mineral crvs111 and 141< chain breoe111. U500" MEMBER AMEAicAN OEM 80Cl£T'Y tlOI NEWPORT 11..VD .• OOITA ~ ...., ... J .I * Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/WednMday, May 5, 1082 i repair. shops fined f\ By PAT HOROWITZ ~ ortt.. o.-, ,.., 11att ~ , DEAR READERS: The operators of three Orange County auto repair shops have been 1 ordered to pay more than $4,000•in fines and , restitution after being found guilty of viola-~' tiona of the Automotive Repair Act, according '\• to the state Department of Consumer Affairs' ·Bureau of Automotive Repair. The actions were taken in Orange County municipal courts. All the cases were referred to the Orange County district attorney by the bureau after the bureau investigated com- plaints filed by consumers dissatisfied with repairs per(ormed at the shops. All five de- fendants were pl.aced on two-year summary probation. In one case, Carl Bergeman and Kraig K avanagh, doing business as Kolor Me Kustom, 1261 Sunsh ine Way, Anaheim, plea- ded no contest to committing fraud and ma- king false and misleading statements, in that parts were not replaced as described on a repair estimate. The North Orange County Judicial District Court ordered each of the partners to pay a fine of $700 and to make restitution of $704 to an insurance company that pajd for repairs that had not been done. In another case, Safir Bakhshi and Ro- berta Bakhshi, partneni in World Mechanic, 1747 Anaheim Ave., Costa Mesa, were con- victed of making an untrue or misleading statement and defrauding a victim by claiming that they had performed repairs that they did not do. The Harbor Judicial District Court or- dered the defendants to pay a $750 fine and to make restitution to customers an the amount of $326. A 30-day jail sentence was suspended. In a third case, Alberto Berardi, doing business as lmportec of Brea, 300 S. Brea Blvd .. Brea, pleaded guilty to failing to pro- vide an invoice hsting parts and service work done. The North Orange County Judicial Di- strict Court ordered him to pay a fine of $350 and to make restitution of $180 to his victim. Persons who believe they may be victims of questionable auto repair practices are asked to write to the Bureau of Automotive Repair, 3116 Bradshaw Road, Sacramento 95827, or in an emergency call toU free (800) 952-5210. S CORE aids new firms DEAR PAT: I am interested in ope- ning a small retail batinett u d woald Uke to know bow to go about doing tllJ1. I bave a lot of unans we red qaestlont about llcentes, ...... ..... . . . . . . · .. · .. ·.·.· · .. · .·.·.· I 0 o • o ..... . . . ·.· ...... .· .·.· ·.·. ·> ..... ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . " ..... -i t SAVE 5 60 MODEL 1425 FREE 1 YEAR SUPPLY OF BAGS with PurchaM of Vacuum I taaet, lDcorporattH ud m1cll mere. Wlaea co I Had Ht aboet all of thle &Ma&•· t -J.T., Newport Beaell Make an~ appointment with the coume-li"i office of SCORE (Senior Corpm of Retired Executive.) by Phonina 836-2709. A SCORE counselor will talk to you pe)'sonally and provide the buic information you need. The office is located at 2700 N. M.J,n, Santa Ana. They help with probl em DEAR READERS : If you or aomeone you know h.u a hearing, language or speech problem, the American Speech-Lan~:ge­ Hearing Aalociatlon and lta consumer af te, the National Atfoclatlon for Hearing and Speech Action, have prepared a number of brochuree for consumers. The pamphleta ans- wer questions about articulation . voice and , language problems, atuttering, adult aph.ula, hearing loss and communication diaorders of the elderly. For more information , write to the non- profit asaociation at 10801 Rockville Pike. Rockville, Md. 20852, or phone (collect) to (301) 897-5700 (voice or TTY). Unsolicited item s lree DEAR PAT: lD tke man last week I rec- eived two expensive boze1 of 1tatloaery, ud a blll to match. Since I never order ed tills paper, or ever beard of tbe company that sent It, am I obligated. to pay for or to rehlrn tile paper? -M.H., lrvlDe Neither. If anything is mailed to you without your permission. including ties, stock- ings. or stationery, you can keep 1t free . Even if the company sends you a bill, you don't have to pay. But it's a good idea to let the company know you were billed for merchan-diseJou didn't order. This right does not ap- ply · you agreed to purchase a certain number of books or records from a club. • 'It 1 Go1 a problem? Then wnle to Pal Horo- • wlfz Pal will C'Ut red tape, gelling the ,..., answers and a,·1ion you need co solve in- • I equiCJes in government and busmess. Mail your questions to Pal Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange ~t DaJ/y Pilot, P 0 &x J 560, Costa mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be an•- wen.>d, but phoned inquiries or letters not including the reader's full name, address and busin~ hours' phone number cannot be considered. Eureka Upright with 4-way Dlal-A-Nap® •Dual Edge Kleene,. gets dirt right up to the baseboards. •Power-driven 12 Inch beater bar brush roll. •Top-fllllng large capacity disposable dust bag . •Adjustable J.posltlon handle . 56995 ...... Eureu ltlf ....,.11.~ Eurelra Upright Vacuum E.l.P. Uprtgllt •Vlbr.Oroome.-11 •eo~ Extra luotlon Power. b9etet b9r bfutl"I roll. •Vlbra.Q~ll f Wide, bright heedllgl"lt. b9etet bit bNeh roll. •Fingertip touch •ltllllant dirt-finding headlight. controf IA&.I '9UCI MLI "'9CI ·'18995 '12991 • ls 'Elegant B uns' d istast e £ ul name? RETIRING -Orange Coast College's dean of continuing education, Dr. Charles A. Li- pot, will retire July 1. SAN JOSE (AP) -The owner of the gourmet hamburger rea- tauranf operating as "Elegant Buns" went to court to continue using the name that his landlord finda dlatastcful. SUgy Goffatein. fighting a suJt that 1eek1 to triple his $2,000 monthly rent since he was aaked March 10 to change the name or get out of the Oakridge Mall ln San Jose, argued in court docu- ments that mall owners are vio- lating his right to Cree speech. Director i es co st Out-of-st·ate books no longer free Pacific Telephone has begun charging for out-of-state teleph one directories, according to Diane Dailacis, division manager. The move is designed to recover costs the company must pay to out-of-state telephone companies who charge Pacific Telephone, Dailacis said. She said PacTel spent almost $2,5 million in 1981 on such directories, bu t pr ovided them lree to its customers. The price range will be from $1.50 to $10 plus tax per book, depending on the size of the directory. Many large businesses have standing orders with PacTel for nearly 750,- 000 out-of-state directories each year. No charge is planned for directories printed in California. Contained in the document.a lt some spicy legal lan1ua1e that ape.aka of the need to .. m ustard cfefen8e9" and "get to the meat of the matter." "We were trying to show that words can mean a lot of th1np." snickered Gofbtein'1 lawyer, Ronald Roes!. Mall owners filed suit aga.l.ntt Goffatein, 50. after failing to evict him over the "Eleg ant Buns" dispute. "They said it was suggestive," Goffstein said. "It never occurred to me that it might be taken that way." The restaurant's logo depicts a smiling hamburger with a mon- ocle and top hat. "I wanted a name that would give the place some class," Goffstein said. He said while the mall contract stipulates that management must approve of tenants' b usln e11 names, the agreement apecifln that consent "will not be unrea- sonably withheld." Goffstein had run the "Brothers Pizza Galley" at the mall since 1975, converting it into a hamburger restaurant two months ago at a cost of $50,000. Receipts jumped from $6.000 a month to $10,000 a month with the switch, he said. 30% to 50% off all ... pictures, mi1TOrs, lamps, clocks, giftWares, flowers. All those nice things for the house . I ' I ' ii 1. '-1-llTlll WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1982 OR ANGE COUNT V. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS CRmCIZED -Coast District Chancellor Norman Watson has been given a "no confi· dence" vote by Orange Coast College teachers. "' Coast college leaders flayed Poll of OCC instructors shows 'no confidence' By PHIL SNEIDERMAN ~--~ ......... Mo re than half of Orange Cout College's instructors have Indicated they have "no confi- dence" Ln the leadership of Coast Community College District Chancellor Norman Wat8on and the district's board of t.rult.eell. In a poll.conducted Monday by the Academic Senate, the In- structors also said they object to the manner in which Orange Coast's new president, Bernard Luskin, was ch06etl. Initial reactions from district officials ranged from charges that the poll was a collective bargaining tactic to an adm.iasion that a "communication gap" exists between the administra- lion and faculty. The aenat.e said 352 full-time Instructors at the Costa Mesa -A.aked lf they object to the procedures employed In the ap· potntment of a new Orange Coast "We see this purely as collective bargaining'' campus we.re eligible to vote, al- though this total include• a number of teachers who are away on leave. Nevertheless, the poll drew 243 t.eachen -or 69 percent of the faculty -in what waa de- scribed aa one of the larger turnouta for•an instructors' poll at Orange Coast in recent mem· ory. Results of the secret ballot were announced Tuesday: president, 220 teachen -or 91 percent of thoee voting -aald yes. -Aaked If they lack confi- dence in the leadership of Chan- cellor Wataon, 199 -or 82 per· cent of thoee voting -answered yes. -Asked If they Jack confi· dence in the board of trustees, 190 -or 78 percent -said yes. "1 think it's a significant vote," said Senate President Fran Pot· ter. "It once again t.ella the board that the faculty wants more participation in management, more Input and more communi- c.ation with the district." Miss Potter said the faculty had not previously taken a "no confidence" vote concerning the chancellor and the board during her 24 yea.rs at Orange Coast. Chancellor Watson, 66, who haa headed the Coast District since 1963, declined to comment on the poll. But district spokesman Richard Simon said. "We aee this purelr, aa collective bargaining rhetoric.' The district's three-year con- tract with ita full-time instructors (Sff LEADERSHIP, Pase AZ) U.S., Britain confer OPPOSED -Bernard LUS.· kin's selection as new Orang~ Coast College president hat come under fire by instruC'- tors. . ' Falklands peace plan sought .__ DAMAGE -Thia library picture from De- cember. 1974. shows the kind of damage that an Exocet surface-to-surface missile can inflict Ali' ... ,, JI on a ship. It is believed a missile of this type led to the linking of the British destroyer HMS Shieffield Tuelday. War to hecoine 'more intense' Argentina's destruction of destroyer changes tactics WASHINGTON (AP) -Ar· gentina's auccet1Bful attack on a British destroyer has shaken the belief of some U.S . government analys18 that Britain would win the battle for the Falklands in a cakewalk. The main test is yet to come, but the destruction Tuesday of the destroyer Sheffield by a high-explosive missile fired from an Argentine war plane suggesta the superior British fleet may be vulnerable to air attack. The war probably will become more int.eNe, officials aay, follo- wing the attack, which intelli- gence IOW'Ce9 aaid today occurred 60 miles southeaat of the Falk· lands. The sources, declining to be identified, said the Sheffield had, indeed, "gone down." British presa r~port.s, meanwhile, said the ship waa atilJ afloat six houn after it was attacked. The Brttl.ah are expected to try to hunt and sink Argentina'• only aircraft carrier, the 25 de Mayo, the largest remalning ahip in the Argentine fleet. It was aaaumed that the French-made Super Etendard that fired the ml.-lle which hit the Sheffield had flown from the carrier becau.e the plane ii de- signed for ca1rler launchina. STATE However, lat.er infonnation lndi· cated the aircraft flew from land. Nonetheless, the carrier ia considered a likely target because it poses a potential danger to the British Qeet. It was learned today that the carrier developed engine trouble Tuesday and was headin1 for port on the mainland. lntelli· gence sources said the ship may already h.ave put into port. However, even if the British succeed in sinking the Argentine carrier , which was purchased from Britain in 1948 three years after It was completed, the Ar· gentine air force still has about 110 land-baaed fighter bombers and bombers. School hoard drops contract with USC A disputed contract with the University of Southern Califor- nia to operate a satellite bua1nesa campus at Corona del Mar Ele- mentary School waa dropped Tueid.ay by Newport-Mesa Uni- fied School District t.rult.eell. The decision made durin1 a special meetin1 allows the dis- trict to eearch for a new tenant and apparently ends a dispute with resldenta who objected to ~ unit:,![ moving into their ~r the aareement the dlOOl district will be allowed to keep $49,000 in improvements to the property and a $6,000 deposit while the university will not have to pay $28.~ in back rent. "I don't consider it a victory," laid au~t.endent John Nicoll. "I don t think anyone won. I don't think anyone loat." In earlier negotiations the uni· verslty had aouaht reimburse- ment for the lmprovementa and the depoeit, accordJna to school board vice president Ken Way- man. Meanwhile, homeowners op- (See USC, Pase Al) COUNTY Military losses detailed By Tk .Usoclated Presa Stung by ita tint casualties in the Falklands fighting, Britain announced a new peace effort today. But Argentina gave no llign it w• ready to atop the war, tightened its belt with a peso devaluation and picked up mili- tary support from Venezuela. Despite rumors of larp-ec:ale military action over the Falk· land.a, there waa no official con- f innatJon of any fighting aft.er the lo. of the British destroyer Sheffield and 30 men in the Icy South Atlantic. Against a background of anger and dismay, British Foreign Sec· retary Francis Pym told the Houae of Commons in London he transmitted a "constructive con· tribution" to a peace plan being worked on by U.S . Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. "A vital ingredient of the Ideas on which we are working la an early ceaae-fire and the prompt withdrawal of Argentine forces," Pym said. But the Argentines demand recognition of their sovereignty over the Falklands before any withdrawal, and Britain ref uses to concede 80Verelgnty. "The military losses which have now occurred on both sides in thia unhappy conflict empha· size all the more the urgent need to find a diplomatic solution," Pym said. Pym said the peace plan con· tains contributions from U.N. Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar and Peruvian Presi- dent Fernando Belaunde Terry, who haa been floating his own ce.aae-fire proposal. Pym said Haig'a peace efforts remained alive, de1pite the an- nouncement Friday that the U.S. government waa aiding with Britain and lmpoeing aanctlona against Argentina. In Washington, Deputy White Houee apokemnan Larry Speakee aaid that at Preaiden\ Reagan'• direction, Haig ''remains llC'tlftly enpaed in an effort to do all we (See FALU.AND, Pace Al) Proud of its buns A pair of 11,000 lep The owner of a gourmet twnbt.u1rer restaurant in San Jme defenda the we of the e.tabfiabment'• name~ ••FJep.nt Buna." Pace A4. Nixon ' ear' recalled In~ au~phy relewd two yww after Mi deeth, JleJ.n Gahaaan ~ •!I Richard Nixon would have cW•..cl her for the U.S. Sene .. without l'90l1lna to. "pink lid)'" ...... hie Al. A Newport Beech coed hM a pe1r of $1,000 lep. Take a look at them in livtn& color an ha-Bl. ( SPORTS ..., .............. PROTESTING -Anthony Harg.la says he'll show up like this ThW"Bday to fight a traffic ticket in court. Soffer loses car appeal Costa Mesa car collector Sid SoCfer lost a bid Tuestiay before the U .S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals over where and how long he parks his CadHlacs. 1'le judges found no merit to Soffer'• claim that Costa Meaa violated hia oonsti~tional righta by towing three unregistered cars away from hia Arbor street home. The appellate dedaion upheld a trial court ruling that found that the city's ordinance on im· properly parked vehicles was properly applied. Nuke test slated LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) - An under1round nuclear teat with a yield range of between 20 and 150 kilotons hu been .che- duled for 7 a.ro. 'lbunday at the Nevada Teat Site. INDEX A4 AlO m-~ 82 A6 82 DY 8'1 8'1 Jg C12 NATION Protest a barrel o.f fun? • By STEVE MARBLE Of ... O.., .......... AI! Costa Mesa tax fight.er An- thony Harlda tees it, he'll either get a barrel of laughs or wind up 1n a whole lot of trouble when he goes to court Thunday. Hargis, ~ of driving on a suspended driver's licen.e, says he may even go to ja.il for the courtroom antia he haa in mind. For starters, he aays he wilt wear a barrel into the West- minster municipal courtroom a a llart of prot.eat. thrJi•, who explains he la protesl1ng a number of things - including the charges against him, aaya he will politely refuse to remove the barrel even if the judge ask.a him to do 80. -••rm prepared to go to jail," ™f says solemnly, auggeatang th& judge could hold him in cont.empt. of coutt and order him to th~ clink. .. Harlia. who spends a lot of~ time preaching against the em of taxation, also baa mailed ou printed invitations to hia trial. H aay1 he invited newa reportes:\ and several tax crusading coif leagues. ' The invitation contains a pie! ture of Hargb standing in front of the courthouae wearing a bar~ rel. . His beef, in the court cue a' hand, stems from the auapemion of his d.rivtt'• liceNe, ~ he cl.ai.mt happened followtng i traffic accident in Huntlngtori Be.ch nearly two years aco. ·~ He says becauae he was una~ to prove he had auto inaurance~ hia liceNe was auapended. : Har1l1 contends he wu un~ aware hill ""'""" had been~ pended until he got pulled by a police officer, again i Huntfnat,on Bffch. Har111 daima he was in th pl'OC'tW of t.ryin8 to reinstate b1' driver'• license when he wait ap,in •topped by the police. • 'nlAI time, be ..,a. the officer: (~TAX, Pqe Al) ! . . l ' } I I LEADERSHIP HIT; n:plrel June 30, And nt10tiation1 'wtth th, Amer1can FedenUon of Teechen are under way. • • Laguna. Sur job on hold By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of'IMOllr ......... The Academic Senate, which ,,~ conducted the poll, la not lnvol- ved tn the bargalnln1 proceu. Senator• claimed some of the current areas of dlaagreeipenta, ',. tueh u district televlllon co\anes, '11' pre-date the beglnnlngt of col- lective bargalning on campus. new prealdent. Refardlng the teachers' crtUcilln o Chancellor Wat.on. Mn. Gandy uld, "l be- lieve the board bu every confi- dence in hla leaderahlp ablllty diatrictwide." '· Orange Coast instructors ad- mitted that two recent tncldenta have fanned the anti- administration feeUnga on cam- pus. Development of a Lquna NI· guel housing project, bordering South i.a,una, hu been put on hold foll9wtna an.-announoement that Broadmoor Development Co. will clOle ita Laguna Hilla office. The ~ liilla office wu to be responsible for development of the $23-mllllon, 212-acre, 382-untt project known as La- guna Sur. Approval for grading of the land at the end of Pacific Ialand Drive off Crown Valley Parkway had recently been gi- ven by Orange County and Coastal Commiaaion offidal& ColleftU..:!'trlct Board Presi-dent W Kettler wu out of town Wedneeday, but Vk-e Pres- ident Carol Gandy said the cur- rent dispute "bothers me u an t.' individual and u a board mem- ber. A acreening committee repre- senting Orange Coast admlnla- trators, teachers, students, cleri- cal staff and the community re- viewed about 80 applications for a successor to President Robert Moore, who retires June 30. > . "I think we have some com- munication ~lems that need to be resolved.' She said the board followed lo • proper procedures in the selec- tion of Luskin as Orange Coas_t's ••• ,, ,. The screening committee for- warded six names to the board of trustees. The trustees narrowed this liat to one finalist, who re- jected a.he district's job offer. But Genstar Ltd., a Canadian- baaed company and owner of Broadmoor, announced Wedneil- day that the Laguna Hilla office will close Friday. All of the 14 employees will be laid off, ac- cording to Laurence R. Lizotte, Broadmoor development's presi- dent. Broadmoor haa a total of 15,000 Iota, valued at $500 mil- lion, in planning in aouth Orange C.ounty. '-'' t;: .. FALKLAND ISLANDS. . . can to assist in the peaceful out- h •' come of the cr isis in the South t•. · Atlantic. The ultimate solution 1• .. • must be peaceful or the conse- quences will be lasting and .~!• grave." arrived at the southemmo8l Ar- gentine port of Ushuaia early Tuesday, Argentine journalists said. In Buenos Aires, the Argentine junta announced the peso was devalued 16.8 percent to help fi- nance the fight against Britain. Lizotte and Walter Bannister, executive vice president of Gen- star 's executive headquarters in San Francisco, each cited the current economic downturn as reason for closing the Laguna Hills office. 'Jibe U.N. Seturity C.ouncil was '•'· sch~uled to hold a consultative ... • sesaion1later today on Ireland's · ·· request fof an urgent meeting to end the Falklanda fighting. It said a dollar now C081.8 14,000 pesos, compared to 12,000 pre- viously, and that a seven-cent surcharge will be tacked on to each foreign currency transac- tion. '· .. Relatives of 87 c r e wmen aboard the Sheffield were noti- fied their men were either wounded, missing or deed after a French-made, computer-guided miasile fired from an Argentine lighter-bomber hit the destroyer t·. Tuesday off the Falkland Ialands. The Argentine Economy Min- istry said the devaluation and other steps were ta ken to ''promote an increue in export.a, reduce imports to strictl~­ sary items and increa9e re- source a to finance the war effort." United Way to take over refugee plan r. J There was no breakdown of the casualties. Argentina continued the search for about 360 crewmen missing from the General Bel- gano, the c:ruiaer torpedoed and sunk by a British submarine Sunday. Argentina reported the rescue of at least 680 survivors from the Belgrano, and about 400 of them Just before A:J!ntine forces seized theoFaJ.kla from Britain April 2, tens of thousands of Ar- gentinee demonstrated against the junta'• eoooomic polide9 and inflation exceeding 100 peroent annually. TAX PROTEST ... simply took the Uceme from him. Hargia. who admltll to bavlna a knack for being p\llled over by police officen -aomethina be blames on hi• habit of pullina away from signals too slowly, SA)') the next thfna be knew be waa facing a $500 fine or 1lx months in jail and pomlbly both. ••All because of an accident that wun't my fault." he adds. Hargis says he believes the state punished him by suspen- ding his license before h e got his day in court. "Thia la what they do in the &Met Union -punJllb you tint and then atve yo" a trial," be char1es. He clahu the •l\ole thinl ill a ..... of taxpayer dol- lan. OftldU at the Onmee County Dlatrlct Attorney'• office In wemm,,..,. •Y they don't know too much about the CMe yet. But. they add, nqbody lhou.ld be d.ri-virll on a ampended llomle. And on the matter of the bar- re), they aay they hope that Hargis baa clothea on under it. Sunny and Light verl1b•• wino• ••et to IOUlhWHI • to 15 knoll ,,,.,, noon. Boulh-1 awell• 2 to 3 r..c. Ft#. Bolton Brownaottle Bultllo Burlington c...,., en.min sc et.ti.In WV CNrttte NC ~ CNcago ClndMlltl Clewlend 57 47 88 72 67 45 64 37 58 23 76 62 90 ... 78 55 66 34 .04 83 82 .01 78 51 71 51 C.ounty government will tum over administration of a huge block gant program for refugee resettlement to the private sect.or United Way organization. All a result of Board of Super- visors action Tueeday, it ia United Way which will run the $2 million-plu1 program aimed at assisting Indochinese refugees in their elforta to find jobs, learn Engllah and adjust to their new urban homeland. Officials said United Way will contract directly with the state for funds and then diabune thellle federal monies to the various agencies which h.ave been provi· ding aid to the refugees. County Adnunistrative Officer Robert Thomas. who recommen. ded that United Way take over administration of the refugee program, said that the private aector traditionally has provided services contained in Orange County's refugee resettlement proposals. warmer 82 48 77 47 85 .. -'· V.S. summary =~ Del-fl wth Sho,,ere end thunoeretorme Deyton pr..,..., .,...., muc:h of 1he °"'"' o.n-11.81• Md '*1 of the ~. Die MOIMI The IUn thor'9 ewer \he rwt of the Oeilrott 79 51 78 37 .19 M 64 .83 72 49 75 53 1.48 73 53 .07 NOAA U S o.p4 OI eon-c. W•. the Eaet end Attentic Coell Duluth ..... and the '991 of lhe COUMty El PMO • heel pertly cloudy *'-· Fergo ·, Sho-re nd lhunderelorme •AeQ9tafl 17 45 Fronts: Cold.,. W•m 99 OcckJded ._.. ee a1 • l'8ll09d from !he 90Ultlern ~ OrNt F-. •: ind Grell Pt1tn1 through Ille Hlrtford • ~ MllllM1!>91 and MIMOUrl vllleya Helen• end the upper Gr.t Liii• Honolulu :~ Sunny akle• d1wned llom the Houlton All1nllc Co111 •Ill•• 10 central lndt\ll)lll ,• C111fornl1 end flom the GrHI Jldlen MS • ~ BUfn through the n<>nh«n Pta. Jeotcll'Mle ,_, 11\d lht Peclftg Hort"-!. KMlll City T odey'e fOfeCUC ce111 tor lem. LM VegN plrllurH In lhl tOt O\tlr the Lmle Rook Souttlw.1 deMttt, end from the Loulevllle Teua Rio Glende Vt/ifrt fNW the U1bt1oct1 ,_ MIMIHlppf V•l'-Y to Ken· Memphle tucky, Tenn.a .... Geotgle, Ind Mlemt Aof1dL ....._.. .. TemperltlKM lrOUnd lhe n• M911-8t. p tlon ew1Y tOdey •eoed fl'om 29 In NllllWtl9 Poc1tello, ld11io, to 71 In ...., OriNM .,_..,.., Tna. *" YOftl :cali/omia Notfolt "° ........ Ol!ll City °"'8rMl OrlMdo Tlle .......,., w...._ ....,. FMs¥te Pf'Oll'll'" tunny, WW!Mf efteit· "'°"* nooflt llWGU9fl ,f'IMy Mil lftOf'-........ ~ ... ~ ...... oi.c... ,..,.., ... . -low.,,............... ,..,.. Ore le'fi. ~onil• ~ ... IM "~ ......... Ol9'llrrlls..... :.:~·t -;i:;,_,,. ,.,. ..... ,.,... .,..._, IO In Loe,.,_.., T2 lo :: =- 12 •I IMteGflll, ti to 11 111 "'9 ..... mounl•lnt , 16 to H Ill \IOper ..... ..,"' ...... ...-.atoa111 ...... ._, ... ... llLOUll ._.. hm Point COi •llD : It P.T..,_ ................................... ........ ., ..... IMfn"'t ..... .1 .,.... ...................... ~ 50 34 89 37 50 3e 83 74 82 99 81 54 84 58 TUC90f\ TulN WMNngln Wlchlle 79 50 27 87 72 74 52 83 85 82 58 CAUFONelA 85 87 881teraflekl 118 68 16 59 .03 ...... ,. 90 84 64 -·· IO 112 EIKekl 58 44 .. 59 .87 r=. ~ ~= 14 87 1.o1 A11011e1 ee eo 10 17 74 .7t Mery1"* l7 50 73 •2 .o t Monter-v .. .. 56 A3 ....... 77 l2 S4 Otki.nd 77 IM l7 It PMO ~ 77 4f 70 50 AM llluft tll M 67 ... , .. , "9dwood City •2 55 ~ : • a.er-to 118 50 : ~ .1' . ::-Dleoo ;: : l'2 ft .... lffMCl9oo 74 112 aazr..,_.._. eeu Tt 40 ..... M.ne et ti M hdton II 111 a.a .TWfMI a 13 ... .Ol:I 1.1111111 t2 1 .. • !! ::=. ~ : .12· to ;; ...., to llO 14.. ~ .... .. 42 ...... .... t1 11 • " 11111 ~ NM .Gt 11 llO 04 Mt. Wiiton 12 42 .14 II II ....._.._.. ..... ao a sa e>nterto 11 M ..... '°"' ....... .. ., .12 &1 ., .....,.... -" 117 .40 f7 II len .. , ... IO a M .It .. .. .... 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FARMING WINNERS -Costa Mesa High School Future Farmers of America display their achievement awards from Security Pa- cific Bank. F.arning certificates for agricultural competition were (from left) LeAnne Saur- hammer, Melody Berkhard, Mark Eoren and Kim Jones. Crystal Cove park cottages studied hy recreation team By JEFF ADLER Of" IM Delly Plot le.ff A team of State Parks and Recreation Department experts was set to begin today the task or determining how Crystal Cove State Park's 45 old cottages can best be put to public uae . The task or evaluating each of the aging ~-year-old structures that dot the aeaside bluff• la ex- pected to last through the end of the week. said David Allan, a Parks and Recreation Depart- ment landscape architect and team coordinator. "We'll actually be going from building to building," Allan ex- plained. He said five tenants had decided to deny the team access to their cottages. The team was dispatched after cottage residents agreed late last week to allow state offidals into their residences for the fint time since the state pu.rchued Crystal Cove ln 1979, accord1n9 to Les McCarao. c_hlef of the depart- ment'• development divtllon. A formal plan de\alllng how the cottages might be "sed by park-goers will be developed by June 1. McCargo said. Included on the survey team ia a restoration architect, a land- .cape architect, a hi.storian and two specialls1.s with backgrounds in managing historical and cul- tural resources. said the team ~~~s1'f>epartment officials suggested wt week they would selectively enforee evictions on a "need baal1" 1( residents would Both full-and part-time cot- tage residents have contended th.at the state should first develop a p lan for using the cottages, l.is1ed as a fec'leral historical site, before evicting cove residents. Eviction notices wt!re posted on the doors of 23 cottages, occupied on a part-time basis, April 14. Although cottage residents agreed to permit the inspections. they aaid they still intend to pursue a lawsuit filed in hope of ultimatelv blockiruz the evictions. cess to the couAges. Cartoon display I slated for CdM A diapla)' of cartcona that appeared in the New Yorker between 1931 and 1981 will be on exhibit starting Sat- uorday at the Museum Shop in Corona del Mar. The exhibit wlll include ~ works by cartoonists •The Girls Club of the Harbor Area will be hosting a Mother's Day brunch and fa. shion show May 9. Brunch begins at 10 a.m. at the club. 1815 Anaheim Ave .. Cbrles A•dam1, Peter Ano, Dick Oldclea, George Bootlla and othen. The gallery, located at 27:>4 E. Coast Highway, is open from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m . Tue.day through Saturday. Costa Mesa. A fashion show and award for "Mother of the Year" will follow at 11 a .m. Tickets are $7 for mother and daughter couples. For reservallons call 646-7181. USC PACT DROPPED. • • Coast rain said 'last until fall' posed to USC operations have agreed to drop a lawsuit against the school district and the uni- versity. J oe Stewart, a l eader with Citizena for Respomible Use of Neighborhoods said h e was "delighted" by the settlement. He said the group has spent $9,- 000 in legal fees on the isilue. The university had been ache- Israel hikes gas TEL A VIV, Israel (AP) - Prime Minl1ter Menachem Be-Rin'• government raiaed guoline prices by 6 percent Tuesday to $2.39 a gallon. duled to begin operations Jan. 1, but was halted by the State Coastal Commission's denial of a development permit on March 18. Still undecided is whether the district will pursue a reconside- ration of the coastal commission's decision. "At this point I would question whether we would," said Nicoll. Nicoll added USC is conside- ring using Newport Harbor High School as a temporary site this summer and F..astbluff and Bear Elementary schools in 1983-84. Trustees will have to decide now whether to lease or perhaps seU the C.orona del Mar elemen- tary school site, said Nicoll. Tuesday's surprise showers sprinkled .20 inches of rain in coastal Orange County, and ac- cord Ing to the U.S . Weather Service the low pressure zone that caused them is now gone. Newport Beach received tbe moet rain Tueeday - .20 inches recorded at the Harbor Depart- ment on Bayside Drive. In Huntington Beach the d.rlz.- z.le amounted to .10, as reported by amateur meteorologist J . Sherman Denny. offer ...,.,.. llt/12 PIATUIU INCLUDla • AEROllC ClASSE~ • PROFE$SIONAl MTRUCTION • IOOY PAT ANA&.YSIS * STRESS TESTl«l • llOOO NESSUIE TESTING •COED SAUNA * NUTRITIONAl COUNSELING • COED WHllLPOOl • Ol YMPIC PIH W!tGKT ,. • COMPUTHIZID DYNA Vil • • ~us.._. ICMIPMINT t SUN TAN IOOM ·~ • •• ~· I . I • I t I . • <l I . 111111111 Ila I fllll lllCU • 'i WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1982 ORAN GE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS CRITICIZED -Coast District Chancellor Norman Watson has been given a "no confi- dence" vote by Orange Coast College teachers. ·Coast ·college leaders flayed Poll of OCC instructors shows 'no confidence' By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of'IMW, ........ More than half of Orange Coast Colle1e'1 lnatruclon have indicated they have "no confi- dence" in the leedenhip of Coat Community College Diatrict Chancellor Nonnan Wtt80n and · the district's board of truateea. In a poll conducted Monday by the Academic Senate, the in- structors also said they object to the manner in which Orange Coast's new president, Bernard Luskin, was choeen. Initial reactions from district officials ranged from charges that the poll was a collective bargaining tactic to an admission that a "communication gap" exists between the administra- Uon and faculty. The aenate aaid 352 full-time inatructora at the Coata Mesa -Aaked if they object to the procedures employed ln the ap- pointment of a new Orange Coast "We see t.bis purely as collective bargaining" campus were eligible to vote, al- though this total includes a number of teachers who are away on leave. Nevertheleu, the poll drew 243 teaichen -or 69 percent of the fa~ulty -in what waa de- acri bed as one of the larger turnouts for an instructors' poll at Orange Coast in recent mem-o . kesulta of the secret ballot were announced Tueeday: president, 220 teachers -or 91 percent of those voting -said yes. -Asked if they lack confi- dence in the leadership of Chan- cellor Watson, 199 -or 82 per- cent of thoee voting -answered yea. -Asked if they lack confi- dence in the board of trustees, 190 -or 78 percent -said yes. "I think it's a significant vote," said Senate President Fran Po~ ter. ''It once aPi,n tella the board that the facufty wants more participation in management, more input and more communi- cation with the district." Mias Potter said" the faculty had not previowly taken a "no confidence" vote concerning the chancellor and the boud during her 24 years at Orange Cout. Chancellor Watson, 66, who has headed the Coast District since 1963, declined to comment on the poll. But district aP<>keanan Richard Simon said. "We aee this purelr, u collective bar1ainlne rhetoric. ' The diatrict'a three-year con- tract with I ta full-time instructors (See LEADERSHIP, Pase A!) U.S., Britain confer . • OPPOSED -Bernard Lu .. kin's .election as new Or~ Cout Colle1e president baJ come under fire by instruC'- ton. . • Falklands peace plan sought 1-- • DAMAGE -This library picture from De- cember, 1974, shows the kind of damage that an Exocet surface-to-<surface mimile can inflict UWlr .... on a ship. It ia believed a missile of this type led to the linking of the British destroyer HMS Shleffield Tuelday. War to become 'more intense' Argentina's destruction of destroyer changes tactics WASHINGTON (AP) -Ar- gentina's succe98fu1 attack on a British destroyer has shaken the belief of some U.S. government analysts that Britain would win the battle for the Falklands in a cakewalk. The main test is yet to come, but the destruction Tuesday of the destroyer She ffield by a high-explosive missile fired from an Argentine war plane suggests the superior British fleet may be vulnerable to air attack. The war probably will become more intense, officials say, follo- wing the attack, which intelli- gence IOW'Ce8 said today oocurred 60 miles southeast of the Falk· lands. The sources, declining to be identified, said the Sheffield had, indeed, "gone down.'' British press reports, meanwhile, said the ahip was still afloat aix houn after It was attacked. The Britiah are expected to try to hunt and link Argentina's only aircraft carrier, the ~ de Mayo. the large8t remaining •hip in the Argentine fleet. It was auumed that the French-made Super Etendard that fired the m1lllle which hit the Sheffield had flown from the carrier becau.e the plane is de- signed for carrier launching. STATE However, later information indi- cated the aircraft Oew from land. Nonetheleaa, the carrier la considered a 1*ely target becawie it poses a potenli4l} danger to the British fleet. It was learned today that the carrier developed engine trouble Tuesday and was heading for port on the mainland. Intelli- gence sources said the ship may already have put into port. However, even if the British succeed in linking the Argentine carrier, which was purchased from Britain in 1948 three years after it was completed, the Ar- gentine air force still has about 110 land-based fighter bombers and bombers. School hoard drops contract with USC A disputed contract with the Unlvenity of Southern Califor- nia to operate a satellite buainell8 campua at Corona del Mar Ele- mentary School waa dropped Tuelday by Newport-Mesa Uni- fied School District trustees. The decision made during a special meeting allows the dis- trict to aearch for a new tenant and apparehtly e hda a dlapute wtth residenta who objected to the ~ moving futo their Tnder the agreement the IChool diltrict wll1 be allowed to keep $49,000 in improvements to the property and a $8,000 deposit whil~ the university will not have to pay $28,500 in back rent. "I don't consider it a victory," said superintendent John Nicoll. "I don't think anyone won. I don't think anyone lost." In earlier negotiatlorw the uni- veral ty had aought reimburse- ment fOI' the improvements and the deposit, according to achool board vice preatdent Ken Way- man. Meanwhile, homeownen op- (See use. Pase Ai> COUNTY -Military , losses detailed By Tiie Alaoclated Presa Stung by its first casualUes in the Falklands fighting, Britain announced a new peace effort today. But Argentina gave no sign it wu ready to atop the war, tightened its belt with a peso devaluation and picked up mili- tary support from Venezuela. Despite rumo~ of large-acale military action 'over the Falk- lands, there was no offid.al c:on- firmatJon of any fighting after the -of the Britiah demoyef' Sheffield and 30 men in the icy South Atlantic. Against • background of anaer and dismay, British Foreign Sec- retary Francia P ym told the Hou.ae of Corrunona in London he transmitted a "constructive con- tribution" to a peace plan being worked on by U.S. Secretary of State Alexander M . Haig Jr. "A vital ingredient of the Ideas on which we are working is an early ceue-fire and the prompt withdrawal of Argentine forces," Pym said. But the Argentines demand recognition of their sovereignty over the Falklands before any withdrawal, and Britain refuses to concede aoVereignty. "The military losses which have now occurred on both sides in this unhappy conflict empha- size all the more the urgent need to find a diplomatic solution," Pym uki. Pym said the peace plan con- tains contributions from U.N. Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar and Peruvian Presi- dent Fernando Belaunde Terry, who has been floating his own oeaae-fire propoeal. Pym said Haig'• peace effona remained alive, despite the an- nouncement Friday that the U.S. government w.aa 1idln1 with Britain and imposlng aanctlona qa1Nt Argentina. In Waahington. Deputy White Houae apokemnan Larry .Speakes said that at President Reagan'• direction. HaiC ''remainl actively ertpCed in an etton to do all we (See PAL&LAND. Pap A!) Proud of its bum A plfir of 11,000 less 'l1>e owner of a gourmet hamburaer rstaurant In San J.-' defenda the wie of the est.abfi.hment'• name, "Elegant Buna.'' Page A4. A Newport BMch coed hM a pair of $1,000 lep. Take a Jook at them ln llvlna color on P-aie Bl. , SPORTS ................. PROTESTING -Anthony Hargis says he'll ahow up like this Thunday to tight a traffic ticket in court. Soffer loses car appeal Costa Mesa car collector Sid Soffer lart a bid Tuewiay before the U.S . 9th Circuit Court of Appeals over where and how long he parks his c.dUlacs. The judgea found no merit to Soffer'i cfaim that Costa Meaa violated his constitutional riahta by towing three unregistered cars away from his Arbor street home. The appellate decision upheld a trlal court ruling that found that the city's ordinance on im- properly parked vehicles was properly applied. , - Nuke test slated LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) - An under1round nuclear teat with • yield ranee o1 between 20 and 150 kilotons baa been ache- duled foe 7 a.m. Thunday at the Nevada Tett Site. INDEX A4 AlO »-& 82 AO 82 DM 8'7 ., • AIO Cll NATION ~ Costa Mea tax fighter An. thooy HarP sees it, he'll eithtt tet a barrel of laughs or wind up in a whole lot of trouble when he Ffll to court Thunday. Harp, accu..ct of driving oo a auapended driver's license, says be may even go to jail for the OOW11'oom antics he has in mind. For atarten, he aaya he will wear a barrel into the Weat- mimttt municipal courtroom • a Qr\ of protest. · liarJia, who explains he ia protesting a number of things - including the charges against him, uys he will politely refuse to remove the barrel even if th~ judae uka him to do IO. ' -"l'm ttpared to go to jail," ~ aa~a aoYemnly, auggeating th~' judce could hold him in contempt o f court and order him to the clink. I Hargis, who spends a lot of hit time preaching against the ~· of taxation, also has mailed ou printed invitations to his trial. H says he invited news report.en and several tax crusading col;. leagues. :. ~ The invitation contains a pie$ ture of Harp stmdin8 in ~ of the courthouae wearing a ~ rel ~ Ilia beef, tn the court cue •C hand, st.ems from the auapenliol( of hia driver's licenlle, aome~ he cla1nw happened followtnc ~ traffic accident in Huntingtoit Beech nearly two years aao. ~ He aaya becauae he waa unab14 to prove he had auto inlw'anOlfl hia Ucierwe was suspended. ~ Haraia contenda he waa un.: aware bis licence had been • pended until he aot pulled by a police officer, a1aln i Hunttnalon Beech. Harala clatma he waa in th ~ of trytna to relDltate driver'• llceme when be w ap1n ltopped by the police. : Tbll time, be •ya, the ~ (See TAX. Pqe A!) ~ .. --..----=-----'.-........,,-~'"""'."'"--""."--~-~---,----------- Orenge COMt DAILY PllOT/Wedneeday, May 5, 1882 I U O/N • ~' =------------::::::-:-~--------o-;..-------------------------L a gun a -Continued stories LEADERSHIP HIT. • • ftP(re9 ~une 30, and MCOUaUona wtch the Americim Federation of Twheta ere under way. The Academic Senai., which l•i <.'Onducted the poU, LI not lnvol-~' ved in the baraainina prQCeu. J,., Senatora claimed 1ome of the i "· current a.reu of dl.aalNementa, I,• I auch .. diatrict te~ OOW"ll!!S, '·'· pre-date the bealnnln&s of col- . '! · lectfve be.rpln.lna on mm~. Colle1e dl1trlot BoaJ'd Preai- f •. • dent WUliam Kettler w• out of t town Wedneeday, but Vice Pres- ~ '• ident C.UOl Gandy u!d the cur- -4•' rent d1apute "bothen me u an 1' Individual and u a board mem- ~~·· ber. "I think we have some com-!,.' munication ~ that need to ~ be resolved. ' 1'1 She aaid the board followed proper procedures in the aelec- " tion of Luskin as Oranp C.oe.s_t's i!•l· new pre1ldent. Refardin1 the te.chers' critidlm o Chancellor Wei.on, Mn. Gandy ..sd, "I be- lieve the board h.u every confi- dence in hla leaderahlp ability d.lstrictwide." Orange Coaat lnstructon ad- mitted that two recent inddenta hav e fanned the anti - adminiatration feeUnp on c•m- pua. A ICl'eening committee repre- senting Orange Cout ad.minls- tratora, teachen, studenta, cleri- cal staff and the community re- viewed about 80 applJcationa for a successor to President Robert Moore, who retires June 30. The screening committee for- warded six names to the board or trustees. The trustees narrowed this list to one finalist, who re- jected the district's job offer. ~. FALKLAND ISLANDS. . . ti.•. •. can to assist in the peaceful out-arrived at the 10uthemmoet Ar- ~" come of the crisis in the South gentine port of Ushuala early t"'· Atlantic. The ultimate .olution Tuesday, Argentine joumaliats ~· must be peaceful or the conse-said. t-"' quences will be lasting and In Buenos Aires, the Argentine 1~:· grave." junta announced the peso was •!J•' The U.N. Security Council was devalued 16.8 percent to help Ci- µ•,• scheduled to bold a consultative nance the fight against Britain. 1 • session later today on Ireland's It said a dollar now costs 14,000 request for an urgent meeting to pesos, compared to 12,000 pre- end the Falk.lands fighttnc. viously, and that a seven-cent Sur job . on hold By JERRY HERTENSTEIN or-....., ......... Development of a Lacuna Ni- suel houaina project, bOrdering South Laguna, baa been put on hold following an an.nounoement that Broad.moor Development Co. will cloee ita Laguna Hilll office. The Laguna llil1a office waa to be responaible for development of the $23-mlllion, 212-acre, 382-unit project known u La- guna Sur. Approval for IJ'9dlng of the land at the end of Pacific bland Drive off Crown Valle)' Parkway had recently been gi- ven by Orange County and Coastal Com.miuion official.a. But Genatar Ltd., a Canadian- based company and owner of Broadmool\ announced Wednes- day that the Laguna Hilll office will close Friday. All of the 14 employees will be laid off, ac- cording to Laurence R. Liz.one, Broadmoor development's presi- dent. Broadmoor hu a total of 15,000 lots, valued at $500 mil- lion, In planning in south Orange County. Llz.otte and Walter Bannister, executive vice president of Gen- star's executive headquarters In San Francisco, each cited the current economic downturn as reason for closing the Laguna Hills office. FARMING WINNERS -Costa Mesa High School Future Farmers of America display their achievement awards from Security Pa- cific Bank. F.aming certificates for agricultural competition were (from left) LeAnne Saur- harnmer, Melody Berkhard, Mark Eoren and Kim Jones. Crystal Cove park cottages studied by recreation team By JEFF ADLER or ttie o..., ...... al8ff A team of State Parks and Recreation Department experts was set to begin today the task of on a part-time basis, April 14. . ~ I Relative• of 87 crewmen surcharge will be lacked on 'to aboard the Sheffield were noti-each foreign currency tran.aac- •, fied their men were either tion. determining how Crystal Cove Unl.ted Way State Park's 45 old cottages can best be put to public uae. The task of evaluating each of tage residents have contended that the state should first develop a plan for using the cottages, listed as a federal historical site, before evicting cove residents. Evicti~n notices were posted on the doOrs of 23 cottages. occupied Although cottage residents agreed to penni t the inspections, lhey aaid they still intend to pursue a lawsuit filed in hope of ultimately blocking the evictions. cem to the cottages. 1·. wounded, missing or dad after a The Argentine Economy Min- 1 French-made, computer-guided istry said the devaluation and missile fired from an Argentine other step• were taken to .. fighter-bomber".bJt 'the 4e1troyer "promote a1l ~ in exports, 4--Tiiesday ofLlhaFalklaM Ialanda~ ... tftd!L:ees •~'" There was no breakdown of the ary items and increaae re- •. casualties. sources to finance the war Argentina continued the effort." J.J search for about 360 crewmen t missing from the General Bel- !.., grano, the cn.ti.8er torpedoed and ., ... sunk by a British submarine ;. Sunday. Argentina reported lhe reacue ~ " of at least 680 survivors from the Belgrano, and about 400 of them : . . Just before ~ntine forces 8ei.zed the Falk!.a from Britain April 2, tens of thousands of Ar- gentines demonstrated against the junta'• economic policies and inflation exceeding 100 percent annually. :·. TAX PROTEST. . . ·' simply took the Ucerwe fram him. ,., , Hargla, who admits to bntna a ~ knack for being puu.t over by police offlcen -80IDethlna he blamea on hla habit of pulling away from signal• too 1lowly, says the next thing he knew be • was facing a $500 fine or 1lx ·month.a In jail and po.tbly both. "All because of an accident . . that wasn't my fault," he adds. . Hargis aaya he bellevea the ,. state punished him by suapen- ~ • ding his license before he got his day In court. "Thia is what they do ln the Soviet Unian -punilh you first and then Jdve you a trial," he ch.aria. He claima the whole thma 19 a w..te of iup.yer dol-lan. Offldala at the <>nn,e O>unty Dl1trlct Attor1aey'1 office in Wemnamter •Y they don't know too much about the ca.e yet. But, they add; nobody abould be dri- ving Oil a a.pended Uoeme. And on the matte!' of the bar- rel, they aay they hope that Hargis baa clothes on under it. t t k the aging 50-year-old structures 0 a e over that dot the seaside bluffs is ex- pected to 1aat throuah the end of ref.ugee P;:-1 _ ·n-the week, aaid David Allan. a •ttt --.....P.-a .... rks and""RecreatrotrDepart- County government will turn over administration of a huge block grant program for refugee resettlement to the private sector United Way organiz.ation. ~ a result of Board of Super- visors action Tuesday, it is United Way whic h will run the $2 million-plus program aimed at assistinf Indochineae refugees in their e forts to find jobs, learn English and adjust to their new urban homeland. Offici.als said United Way will contract directly with the state for f~ and then di.sbune these federal monies to the various agencies which have been provi· ding aid to the refugees. County Admlniatrative Officer Robert Thomas, who recommen- ded that United Way take over administration of the refugee program, said that the private leCtor traditionally baa provided services contained in Orange County's refugee r esettlement proposals. ment landscape architect and team coordinator. , "We'll actually be going from building to building." Allan ex- plained. He said five tenants had decided to deny the team access to their cottages. The team was dispatched after cottage residenta agreed late la.at week to allow state offid.alt Into their residences for the first time since the state purchaaed Crystal Cove ln 1979, according to Les McCargo, chief of the depart- ment'• development d.ivWon. A formal plan detaillng how the cottagea might be used by park-goen will be developed by June 1, McCargo said. Included on the survey team is a restoration architect, a land- scape architect, a historian and two specialists with backgrowlda in managing historical and cul- tural resources. said the team ~i'lc"sttyjepartmen t officials suggested la.St week they would selectively enforce evictions on a "need basls" 1f residents would Both full-and part-tlme cot- Cartoon display slated for CdM A diapley of cartoona that appeared in the New Yorker between 1931 and 1981 will be on exhibit starting Sat· uorday at the Muaewn Shop in Corona de) Mar. The exhibit will include oriainal works by cartoonists •The Girls Club of the Harbor Area will be hosting a Mother's Day brunch and fa. shion show May 9. Brunch beglns al 10 a.m. at lhe club, 1815 Anaheim Ave., CM.rln Add.am1, Peter Ano, Dick Oldden, George Bootll and others. The gallery, located at 2754 E. Coast Highway, is open from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tue9day through Saturday. Costa Mesa. A fashion sh ow and award for "Mother of the Year" will follow at 11 a.m. Tickets are $7 for mother and daughter couples For reservatJons call 646-7181. Sunny and warmer USC PACT DROPPED. • • Coast rain said 'last until fall' ..),' ..... · Coastal llgh1.varlabl• w1no1 WHI to aoutl'twHI I to t5 knoll afler.1 noon. SoulhwHt 1wella 2 10 ' 19111 Fair. Boeton 8'ownavtle 9uffelo llutllngton Cuper CNmtnSC Qlerta1n WV Chafttte NC ~ Cincinnati 09Yalllnd U.S. summary =~ Clet-FI wth Sho••r• and lhunderetorma Oeyton pr9ll9lled 0"9t muc:tt of Iha oanlrtl Oan¥W atal• and pett of the ~ 0.. Moinee The aun lhOne cwt IN r•t of lhe Detroit Weel. the Eut and Allanllc ~ Duluth ata1ea and the ,_ of the country El Puo Mid l*tly doudy ..... Fwgo '\. Shower• nd lhunderalorma •AaQ9talf ; t renoeo trom the toolhefn Rodti.. Greet ,, ... , •ncf Great Plalna through the Hattford • t' MIMIMlppl and MIMouti v-.,. HeMne :j f~ lltld the upper ~ LM•. Honolulu Sunny aki.a dawned from Ille Houelon Atlantic Cou1 eta1 .. to c.ntr•' lndN!Ph : ! Calltornla and from lh• GrHt JacllMI MS ' Buln lhrougl't the north«ft Pie.-Jackarwlle lMU 8lld ll'te Pecfflc Nottt1Mllt. ~ City Today'a lorKMt Cllll tor .._ Laa Vegu paraturH In lh• IOa ovtr Ill• little Rocic ~ -.., •• and "°"' ttle loulavllle Tn• Alo Grande Vt/Wt~ WW ~~ lower Mlaal .. IPt>I Valley to l<tn-- lucliy, Ten""-· Georgie. Md .....,.,,. Ronda. Mllweull• Temperat.,,-.. 11tOUNI tlle,.... Mpla.81. P llon Nl1y todey raged from n .., HliltlYllle PocattlloL. fdaho. to 11 In ...., OrlMna 8'~. ,_ New YOflt :California The National W...,_ e.*'9 proml'" IUnrty, _,,..,....,. noont 1llrOU9f! Frtdey _....,. '*'D_.. ......... _ • IUr-e low ,,,__.. ..-°"" !: :=:nftlecJ:::= .... ~'::::-'.In,..,. lflOIAd ~ ....,90 Loa~7tl9 u It Macltet, .. 10 71 In tM mo11ntatn1, 15 to U tn 11""9' dellr'98MUtotllfl ...... ... ...... trorft Point COi C1$1 ... i .., .............. .... 11911 • v1r11Me morning wt!IW "°"""""' -to IOUlflwelt .. i to t llnot1 With a I· to ..._. weeterly ... u. FrOfl'I to f1111N on1t1ore end out, .... wllf ... "'"'*" to • MUIMum ..... Noffoik Ho. Pl9tt• Ollle City °"'8ha Ortlrldo ~ ~ ,...,.,, Or9 "'owtdenOI =:: .. ........ lerl'Mtonlo ....... ....... °" ..,., ... .. Louie .. p. f 8ff!CNI ......... ....,.. =-- 57 47 88 72 111 45 64 37 SS 23 78 82 IO 44 78 55 &e 34 .C)4 13 82 .01 78 51 71 51 82 48 n 47 a5 68 79 51 7S 37 .19 M 64 .13 72 49 75 63 1.u ~..,,.., w..--s.r"". eo 73 53 .07 NOAA us Dept .,. c--ce n 45 Fronts: Cotd .-. Watm w. M '7 50 34 &9 37 50 3e 13 74 12 89 et s.. 14 51 82 SS fUC*)rl TulM W..n!ngtn WICl'tlla 79 50 27 17 72 74 52 13 45 85 87 C~~A 78 59 .03 Bak ... •fleld 88 88 14 64 Blythe eo 80 52 Eurella 51 N 58 .11 Fr~ H 14 87 L.ancat• 11 n 74 . n Loa Anoetee 88 73 82 .01 M~ 17 .. •• ~" Mont.,_,, ea 44 58 41 eo .10 50 s2 34 ·-~ n s1 111 OMIMd n 64 10 50 PMO Aobill n 41 17 48 Aed 11111t ea 88 75 42 .31 AedWood City 12 55 14 ee Secramento 18 50 I S2 55 . 18 a.. .. 53 ... 11 . lerl Oleo<> 70 ... 72 51 ... FrlnGlaoo 74 52 ea• .21 ..,...._. ee 64 71 40 ....... .,.. .. • H ltocilUoft " 11 a .., • TNrmll aa San Joee Sant• Ana Sanla~ T al'toe Valley 81 53 12 59 .oe &4 51 64 34 f'ANAmNCAN Mapulco 95 75 881becloe .. 71 Bermuda 75 63 Bogota ea so .30 Curecao to a 1 "reepon 12 ea OuadalaJat• to 67 ~ .. 17 .21 Hav-12 18 1<"'°810ll 90 71 Monlego Bay 90 13 .44 Mautlan 12 II Merida 93 73 Mellloo Qty 12 &4 .44 Monterrey 78 U .OI t1...., ...... 02 T 'V'ldgaloa to 11 TrlnldM M 18 V•w:ruz 14 11 13 .. .03 Ukllfo 92 7t 45 llerwtow 70 .. M2t ..... "" ~-----------1 .8.2 a: a ; : ·" It ta ........ ee M .ot Tl 10 .cM Mt. Wllofl 12 42 S4 .. • ~ lelcfl .. .. .20 IS M Ont8'lo t3 llt : ~ m· =.:-: :: :l: 17 M s.i ..,_dlllO 13 M .a • .. ... 0... 74 17 Extended weather 80UTHl"N CAL"O"NIA COAITAl AND MOUNTAIN AN!A8 -P9tdW 1111 ftlgllt Ind' ..,,, "*"'" ..... ,..., .... ~ ............... .. CIOaatal ., ... ,.,_. lreftl flt9 ~ .............. .... IOI lftllfld --. LcMe .. to .. Mountain r"°'1 "ltN • to 7'. I.OWi 40e to IOw IOI. ., posed to USC operations have agreed to drop a lawsu.it against the school district and the uni- versity. J oe Stewart, a leader with Citizens for Responsible Use of Neighborhoods said he w as "delighted" by the settle ment. He said the group has spent $9.· 000 in legal fees on the ~ue. The university had been ache- Israel hikes gas TEL A VIV. Israel (AP) - Prime Minister Menachem Be- Rio's govenunent raiaed g.aaoline prices by 6 percent Tuesday to $2.39 a gallon. duled to begin operations Jan. 1, but was halted by the State Coastal Commission's denial of a development permit on March 18. Still undecided is whether the di.strict will pursue a reconside- ration of the coastal commission's decision. "At this point I would question whether we would," said Nicoll. Nicoll added USC is conside- ring using Newport Harbor High School as a temporary site this summer and F.astbluff and Bear Elementary achools in 1983-84. Trustees will have to decide now whether to lease or perhaps sell the Corona del Mar elemen- tary achool site, said Nicoll. Tuesday's surprise showers sprinkled .20 inches of ra'in in coastal Orange County, and ac- cording to the U.S . Weather Service the low pressure zone that cauaed them is now gone. New~rt Beach received the most nun 'i'uesday -.20 inches recorded al the Harbor Depart . ment on Bayside Drive. In Huntlngton Beach the driz- zle amounted to .10, as reported by amateur meteorologtat J . Sherman Denny. .,.. , • --~-----------.... _ ----..,_ ____ ..,__..,,... __________ _ Orange Cou1 DAILY PILOT /W9Cll\Mday, May 5, 1982 . N .. NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS OUOTAllCNtl ... Cl.UOI UAOU o .. , ... NIW '1011•. MIOWUT. 'ACI,.(, ..... aotTO ... OO•Otf A•O Ct .. ClllllllllATI nocir a•C .. AlllOU A•O lll'°HIO l 'f TMI •AtD ANO INITl•aT kw• Ntl ki.. Nel • 1"-C ._. CloM (fll ,. I lldt CIOw ( ... 5 "'-= ~ ' '=· ~ :: . ·~ n ...... ~ ~~"··'= =:..i. ~ :sJ a:=-~ =·,,, m 1·:·: .. s., .._ ... .. 111 • ~ "' i . ,, ..... . "'4.*1 .. rlCI .. 1 . r • :D tt m ...... "' p ....... tllOs.tt ltfl•UOtlllAo•'t ... ~ Clllrth • • ,. lilh ~ ...... 11 • t1 iJ -~ Pe • 11 .. n• 7' ... ~ 1i c .. lll't• ~ ... • t ,fl• ~· ~ I I t0 tli 9'1.+ 14 ,_.,.I. ,..._'° .. 1ldo Miio + '-tw ft .U 11 "2 1211.1 ..... ~uo••a. ......... Pl •to em~l't ,..._ flA '1: .1 '1 ,.......... AO 1 D + lllt -~ • lO IM """·. t .. IU I ~ ~ "'.• t 2 ....:.:· ~ rrv 1.n • 1m »11.-1 ,.,.._. ft 1 S • IV.-.,_ I ... 1.3' • 1S •l(f+ llo ...... Co l.A6 11 1140 """• ~ $Quef0 I.. 7 ,, ,..,.. 14 ...... El .JO 14 I,. ~ .. $Qllll!b 1.ii. u ""' ........ Pmllell I.Gt '' J11 ,.._ .... 1•lllle ·1 S t ~\lo-.... ,...Tie I I.Al) II J7• ~· Vt alt¥ .· J Im. tr.:·· ~ Peittll .tO 7 ,... 14\tt-.... ....... .. ,...... .... • 10 ........ ~. • • • 1.411 + .... P11wr , ... 11 llM »-~ 10 UD s ai. JI,,..• " ""91~ .iD M M6 2'~ + .... lld ta t -4' t I PNW'O n ... • "' ~· .. SldOOI UO S 2S41 J$V. + 9- l"NleEl 2 t m 14¥o..... t:.:.c: .: 1! 1; ,r-: ~ ""''' pl uo . dO 21 _, Ii ,. . I05 ,,,... • 141 PNll! Ill...... ' *° ..,._ .. I 7 t Jll\l'to-\lo :::::~ ='rn ,',' :: in .... ::~ I ilM 2t Mii• .... ""''I pl uo .. ....... • .... I.... , ta n -\le ""'' pl ,.., .. d6lm to _, ta 1 a >11o . ""'II! 111 7.U • &GI • -2V. ~ :f I 10 11 • 141 ..... ~ uo I -......... e:~ 1• 1~,.C ~. ~ ::::::. 2:: : I~ ~ : I.JO 4S 1611.-~ PNllnlll l tlM't•llo e 1•10 tt1 ZS+"'- ""''.._ ?.JO t .0. 21'4+ .. C I• t 13 ):I -9- Ptlll\IH .. • ,. ·~ "' t~ ea:. ; ·~ ::.· PledA..t • 7 atlt ~+ "' $1..C e tO 1 121 IS ~ t• : ~ 1! + "' ~ I • • IS D\4. POtllrY t.i.t 7 Jt> -+ ._ Sl.orT.c t !«Of 1~ + lie P*-I 7 JOO ~ 5eotw n IS CR JOI,._ Ill _,El LV. 17 J7 IJ + 't t:.~I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ... ~"ls8plt: '. >: :: ~ SW"'G Plttllft I.JO It i.1 In..-Ya t 0 II • J • 11 -., ... "'*'Rx 17 1717 '" • V. Sullelr » '2 2'0 ~ \oi Pl.,,tm It IJ 3' IM. • Suollil II I I » 17V• • 1-. Pllt'(llO'f .12 • ~ v. 5urO • • 12 2lYJ "'-I «lit IA 10 l•V.., $ul\IEI n » IOlto \lo ........... 1 • lm -• ~ Sur<o 2.JO • Sii :is... ... "'-Pd AO f 44 14\0 + ._ 5'illC pl 2 2! I nv-'Oo Paferlcl I 111179 1--t\ ~ 1.lfJ I tOI ll'-+ \le ""*~ .• • ,., ....... .. . . SunMn 111 ~ .... Pal>Tel a JI I I,..._ ... S.-IAll It It Siii. "°'1k .lfJ t llt 1111>. .. SuprVI \ • 10 MO 111/1 t II> Por\G£ 1.1• S ... I~ , klprO 1 JO IJ 19'7 DY>-V.. ~,,. UO .. I 1711>. .. 5'.tl>mllG tO t M t'1"'-• 'II> PorG pl 4.411 • • !II -+ \lo 5uP0C,p • 7S Jllo Potltdt IA t llS 11\lo+ Ya $w-I 10 11 1,-. :::£1E~ a: . ~ ~ ~~: ~ ~:::.:' ~ ''3: ~rt 1 "" P,..,,, s .ll If 17S 2W>-14 Synle• t I JO 11 ,,... :16 t II> ~,:r ra.: ; I~ ,:::: ~ SY\'O t ·,~,.1~ ·~• "' Prl...C It .. 11-~ TECO t• I '" ,,._, ._. PrlmMI Ue 11 "1 111t + "° TRE I 11 11 1ni. "' ProclG UO t A60 .. -\lo TRW UO I »I Siii> ._. Pn1R11> J1 It ,. 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'• PuritnF .D i 6115 IJll> • ~ Teallld D 1 10 I~• "" Puroll • I Cll I t) M~ It. THIMt 1 11 IJJI "'-'>-1 ... Pyro 2' J7J SV.. Te11n1 ~ l1 1•1 1:io. "' au.i.O 1.lfJ I U9 41 "' h NMI 1Cll I I ~ ... Ouell50 AO I HI "'°'• It. T.00.. 1• IJ 14'7 -\/. =~· . .a > ~ 1;~· '"' {::ifti1 ,: '!a~ g...,, ~ -II_. -Tn ll •n 17 117 1""• I'll RBll'ld 16 G 11 ..... "" Teat-I., • • t'1 .,.,. RCA to I017"2 --I'll Tutr ClfJCll • ~ "' Rc;A,11 UO t20 2'll't + 1 ~ "'«It n t\li RC.A ril • 1 "" Ya Th<E n I • If~ t '--RCA !If 1. 12 If 1111>-'°' Thlolll I 10 11 2" 14~ t "' RCA p1 i.s .. Jiit ~. "' n .... eec 1 12 11 1 w.... "' RLC .64 I 11 111'11.. • TllOmln ... I l5 "'°' RTE .All 1 S7 7 .... t Yt TllmMd • ti IS..t 141 R .. ,,..., 71 I ttM t~• I'll Tlvttly 10 1 " 1~ l't R......, . DI I'll Tic.to I :ID S S 1.-., t "' "-I.Ill IS • U..t ._ Tldw'lr to • IU 14 • I'll Renco ... II I '"'· T1Mrln IQ • -i,, R..,llt .tO» H -· .... Tl-I' I UIOn -t;. it.y""" I s, 112 Ott\'>-\lo Timi f/181 JI 1 -• \lo R.-,tr .. IAI '11G1 -• ... 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M 1'looo Tr-.c> I 10 • 111 lo\<. • \oi Re-tO JS """ • ""' TrMC pl J 11 '1 _, • lo. RelllW'd 1,Cll I 11 """ '-TrM>Kn 011 • 4\4 Re,.,tn uo 1 1111 ....., TrOP fll w tlO »"' "-Yin "'1.lS 1 tH • l TrOP pl 2 SD 7• , .... • llo ,,_.,In pl4 10 IO -• o.. TrntOll .,. •Vt \.It fkyMU 2411 • 111 1 ..... '" TARtty S7 H ""• llo =~~er:.: 10.: ~. :z ~~= ~= :~ g~ ..... R'-4T I.Ill • • -· "' lr..,.1 ... I J• RloGr., IAO • lt4 J1~ \It TrlCon J"1<' 11 1tl\ + .. RloGr rA .lfJ 117 11-. + ..... TrlSoln 4 SI ~ "" RtteA t a 12 DI ~ I'll Trlalncl 40 14 If 111"" • "' R-llw I.Al 10 11 I~. TrlaPt I 1J JO IS'h , , . ROllCtn tl,.O S J7J :oli\ + '1't Trlco !a I 1'0 1111. + "" Rolllna A • .. I,... 'II> Tri~ i . IOll 11 ..... "" ::;:r, '·:: : 1: ;:..... 14 ~:\~~ :. IO ; I~ t!~ :: RoO... Is. • ,,,. J1 • "' TycoL • IO s 1'0 Ii'-.•.. RotwnH 2.111 t 1e »II> , T'(ler .0 , .., l~t I.It Rotvln s ,.. ICH't• ,,.. rvmw 111 1a 1111o, 11o Aolir pl l ll ' 14"'. -~ -Rollf,. t .jl I 1A22 I,...._ "' UAL ID 1.-.,, l.<o RolmCP 1' UD -.. + v. UGI 2 04 S JO 1• • "' Aon-. «J 2\IJ t ..... UGI pl l 1S I 100 20 Ror.. " II m .,.... UMC tO • " • Row., .GI • .. 1111>-~ UNCR" l5 1n ..._ =r-~ ~' ~ :..: ~ ~f(; lAll ~ ~: .r.z. ~ RtwlO ~ • t03 UV.-141 UnlNV • 7'Jtt S IO '1 • \lo Rvbrm 1.1• 12 •I _, • I UCelrc> J I lt.S to ~.!:11 ~~ ~ l!::~ ~J:.~ ~ =:~ R'rdt<S 1 -1 no -'" UNonC ,.. 10 m ,.... • ""' -._., -UnEI« I SJ • m "" SCA :IOI I -11,,._ \'It UftEI fll UO 1190 14 -1 ~ , • • n ~~: = 4_,: •_: ~ • "' SPSTec: 1 ~ ! : ~ + °"' Ut\EI Ill L411 rAIO 41141 SelllM e It llf -Ut!EIJ:..M • • .,.__ '- 5'9cllh • .l:I u "' " -.... ~. ~ 1.1: ,,1: U""'· ~ ..... E, ~ ... ·~1~ .... u " f,J;;,J UO 1 N .,,.__ 14 pl 7 .4~ • J ..... S-0. .» t G ~I UEI llft4 I • SI .. ~ 1..M S S 11-\lo U()ll(.9 I 71'U ~· '-~ I.JO . "2 ~ • .,. UftP« 1• t l'lD ,,_. \lo Sl"911P l.J4 t ti ._ "' UN,..,. • ... .._. S..eril .411 s • "" •• • • Unryl pl ,. MS> 41\'t. . SOlee;. U ll S D 14"' • .... UflllO n • lt7 IO'MI • '-SJ_. .a 10 Ml M .. • Unllmll 411 " .. 11141. S.J .... R 14.4'1t .• t 7 ••• U8nl fll I.JO . t ~+ '-~ .M 16 lO:I 41\/e t .. \KbTV II .I• It Ml ,.._ 'h SAnltAt ,.., • n " . . . . UflEnrv u z • teS • -11t Sf'elnd l I 1 al2SI """' Ulll""' 1 '2 S 7• ~ ... Salw.I I.JO I II 3114 Ulllu pl t.• . dOll 1411o •... SiulRE Jiit .. 23 7'-..... Vlllu pl • • It ~ t "' S.vEIP , .. t 411 11-. , • • Ufllllnd lb 11 " 4S • _., S...E A 1..M . . 2 11-141 Ufllllftn .22 1 )Q •• _., Sftl11 , • J9 6 -.... UJef'lll I.ti • JO l~t llo ~,:,.::;: iO ~ =~·ia ~ n ': ~~ t!..'!~.~iO=:!f.-..... u~~ "~ .• ,: r~···~ Sc!Att ,tJ It t•d \It "" lAI t a + 141 SC.. I M II 111 + tit .It , :MO I t \It Scocuit S *! .,..., .. , USllld 1t ,1 _, ICMt+ 14 $<.i~ la 7 1'6 ,._+ ... U~ All II iJ ·-)lo $C0!1P I • N ,.,._ 141 US '""' .at 71 ttS tM-loll =\V d~ ~ ~ ;::; :: ~· ,., t.:: =: :: 5i 1111911 ., I • +I UST-UI 10 M 4"11+1 .. I.• . . ' ...... .. . . Uw!tecl\ tA J '" • -"' •t.IO .. 22 ti~ ..... UTOI fll U1 , 11 41 •• ~ G • -Miit. • • UT<ttJ' 2.Jd .. tJ: ll ~ i :: rii r~ ~ !SL-:~! : J E!:: All It : ~ Wt UN,,_ M ' t IM+ WI ':: ~ 6'J ~~·" = .:: 1 " ~· .. ~ ~Pl~=~ ... .: tr~~·~ ....... ;..:: ~ i;;t;r'lllUS ....... ... • 11 ·~ ..... ~ ' •• n.+ ~ • ., ; ~ :r.-~ LI ' IS fflo\-.... •• •• w. = l1i : .• ~ It.:.~ ',d! 7 ltl1 IM'+ .. U.f'\. • ta .. I 0 .. • '-'·:; ; ..: t'.,:: : "'"'-" ~'i/..Jt !. .Wt " '1:2 :· • r • ~ ~s 1 j = 1 · = , ' .J p~ ... 'I • • " ..:t:·;• ~·~ ~::.". t I ::·• .. l.l "lj .. ·= . " . ,, .. ~ ... ,, , -··" '"t ~ ~: ·'1i )==~~ ...... ~· . .. " t •• .. ~ " • ! . tt --,, .. I ;. .. . I " Dow Jones Final Unchanged CLOSING 854.44 ~\ Off ice condo Phase I done The first phase of what ls deflCribed aa Orange County's largest office condominium romplex ha.a been completed by Saffell & McAdam, lnc .. Builders, of Irvine. Seven office condominium buildings, offering a total of 110,000 square feet, comprise Phaae I of Lake Cent.er, a $95 million, 33-acre complex one mile west of South Coast Plaza in Santa Ana. The project is on Sunflower A venue near the Loe .An,i[eles Times plant. Developer of the pro,·ect is C-alifornla Pacific Properties, a partnership o C.J. Segerstrom & Sons, Gregory L. Butcher and James M. Heitbrink. Archi- tects are Langdon & Wilson. Fro6t, Spence & Trinen of Costa Mesa is leasing agent. New bank in the g reen Marine NationaJ Bank, which began operations in July, reported a net income of $2,330 for the quarter ended March 31. The bank is located at Harbor and MacArthur boulevards. Marine National, with 600,000 shares outstanding, has useta of just over $18 million, according to its statement. MSI data entry system told ----------~poral!nn of Costa Meu, has an._ nounced the availability or a program generating software package wruch can be used by nontechnical pen;onnel to create customized application programs for MSI's hand.held portable data entry computers. S tarTel sells StarTas system StarTel Corporation, an Irvine-based manufac· lurer of computerized communications and business systems, has announced the sale of the company's StarTas system to Monroe Teleph one Ans wering Service, Inc. of Beaumont, Texas. Fluor unit in Brea office K ilsby-Roberts, a Fluor Distribution Company and a Fluor Corporation subsidiary. has moved into 35,000-square foot corporate headquarters in the Brea Financial Commons, Brea. The new facility for the metal tubular products company replaces corporation headquarters in El Monte. Douglas declares dividend The board of directon of McDonnell Douglas Corporation has declared a quarterly dividend of 31 cents per share on the outstanding stock, to be paid July 6 to aharebolden of record at the cl019e of busines,, June 7. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS SlorveTotlt IC mert Eaaon • Moelil IBM Pen Am COC•COI• FlowGenl 0.1...,..i HovSll"" ' W•mtCom Tu UIJI Gull Oil cu~~ SldOllGll UPS AND DOWNS .-W YON< Vt'I -n.,, ..,_.,. "°' -._ -"°"' .._ fOC-.. ..... --- ___ .. .,.. _, __ ._ _ _, ... _Cl4C ...... r~-al -lle-...-..-J1••-IOM -... -.. Cl'M.t:..:·· IN •"--_ .. _. "'--....... --IWnt I EMl .. F , ,_..,, .. J G1'R Clf8 • CienMco Inc S W91111 DH E ·~•net IF_.. :~ 10 Gtw.tHotp n II $! ...... Mr9 12 lnllHerv U ielf IJ ,.._El' 14 KCPL 4.J.11>1 IS ,_,..,.11111 1' °""'"'*'In I 11 CoMllQI ,,, ... II Fl411ck'1t M 1' ltCA Jo'°"' COLD COINS ... -r-... , troy oz.. IM0.00. "" ~ ..... 1 t~ oa., fN0,00, off .... ......................... -··· ........ -~.MO.I .,., ••• IMO.Tl. .,, .... MflALS NEW YORK (AP) -SPol nonferrou1 ITl9IM prlCel tOdey: C••~r 7&·11 1 c:enta • pound, U.S oe.unettone Leed ~27 oenta • pound. Zlftc 35 oenta I pound, ~. Tin le.tstl ....._ WMk CClf\'IC)Oeltt lb. ~ 7&-77 cent.I a pound, H.Y. ...._, 1371Ul0 per ftMll. ,...._ 1338 00 lroy oz.. H.Y SILVER .. •nd'I' & Harmen. le.US per troy ounoa. , I • co ca u as s o u UC £0CU 440¥ Orange Cout OAILY PtLOT/Wedneeday, May 5, 1982 Delly Pilot I S.If Photo JUST WAITING -Lon Richardson, 19, sits on the roof of her condominium in Costa Mesa's Monticello complex while waiting for a friend. She says the perch affords her a good view of her friend's approach and allows her to catc:h a few rays from the sun. Pastor called 'devil' WEYMOUTH , Mu.a. (AP) - Tho congreRation of t h e local Fira t Baptist C hurc h w ill meet T h ursday to d ecide whether As· soclat.e Pastor Larry Baskin ls "a son o f th e devil," th e Rev. Dou · g las Auld said. Som e members o f the congre · gation who claim "God h as spo- k en directly" t o t hem h ave o p- posed Bask in since he joined the c hurc h t hree years ago. said Auld, the ch urch pastor. "It star ted wit h his coming,'' s aid Auld. "Some people got thes e 'words from God' r igh t fter Baskin arrived." Auld sald he considered Baskin "absolutely" c lear o( any wrong- d oing and that his associate is "taking th is very well." The diss ident group, a small mino rity in the 400-mem ber congre gatio n , has refused to s pea k to Baskin o r take commu- nion, Auld told The Patriot Ll>dger o f Quincy. "I'm con cerne d about these people," Auld said. "T h ese peo- ple are hurting themse l ves. They're good people but they're a little mixed up. I'm trying to help them ." "F rom my point of view it was a g r ievous mis u nderstan d ing.'' Auld said . "l am c onvin ced we a r e going to be a b le to w o rk through it." He conf1nned a report that the board o f deacons sent a letter to the congregatio n , saymg that some members o f th e congrega- tion con s ider Bas kin "a son of Baal o r a child of the devil" and calling the m eeting Thursday. ffCTITIOUtaut•H NAMI ITATlfllM!NT The tollowino oeraon I• doing bualneu u MllC NOTIC£ PUBllC MOJICE (Al COAST INDUSTRIES. 181 COU NTRY RI V~R 8A8H. (C) I COAST ARTISTS MANAGEMENT, Aprit 27 iga2 MUC NOTICE (DI COAST PERFORMANCE. 32215 Diana L Callanan Publlaned Or.ing• Cout Ouily I Dekote Avenue, Cotta M .... Cell· Thia etatem.,11 was toled with the PllOI Aplll 28 May 5 1982 C·1• lomla 112626 County Clerk of Orange COUl'ty on l875 112 SU'CNC>ft COU«T Of TMK David A Dallay. 3226 Dakota AptU I 11182 f11M35 STATI M CAL.If'~ Avenua, Coat• Ma ... Calllornla Publtahad Orange Coast Dally POOllC NOTICE 'Oft'* 9M26 COUNTY M LOS ANGIL&I TNa OU-la ·-""-t-" by a.n Ptlol. Apfll 14 2 t 28 May 5. t982 Eatate of RUBY LOE8EL. eke MRS lndMdual """"""" -1----------'6_7_8_-11_2 NOTICE OF TflUSTEE·s SALE 'MITCHELL R LOEBEL. Oec...o Daw! A Dalley P\lll.IC NOTICE T.S. Ho. 22S1 NO ...... This stalament waa mea wllh the ------------On May 26 1982 at tO 00 d m~ NOTICC 0# ~ County Clerk of Qfange Counry on flCTTllOUI aU_,I STAN-SHAW CORPORATION a Ml'MMNTATMl't SAU Aptll IP. 1962 NA• tTATIE•NT Cahlo1n1a co1pora11on on luly ap 0# MAL"'°"""" f117115 Tlla lollowlng peraon ta doing pomleo lru)lee under ""d pursuo>nl AT ""VATIE SALi I Publtlhed Orange CoHI Dally ~ea: to Oeeo of Tru~t Ju11e 18 1981 ~.-.. COiie Ptlot Ap<tl 21. 28, May 5 12. 1982 THE MOBILE SCREEN OOC· recorded Jutr I 198 t di tnSI No f'Tobe .. Code \\.,.., 71:2 1736-82 TOR. 2006 W Balboa Blvd .. N-· 1244 in uook 14 12J page I~~ or NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ------------port BMl;h, Ce 92663 011tel•I Reco•d• 1n I"" Ollt<:e t)I lhe Simi Zolot ... pareonal lept-W. I POOllC NOTICE sue Jaggll, 1412 Oonacy ,fl, Counly RhtHO•"• or OrJnge tlve Of the &late Of Ruby Loebel, ------------Santa Ma, Ce 92808 Counly S1a1e or Calolu1n11.1 e.ecu· ~. wtlf Mii at private Nie. to FICTITIOUS •USINllS Thia buel.--la conducted by an le<! Dy HOME BUILDERS SERVICE ,,,_~I and !>Ml bldOef. under NAME STATEMIHT tnaMOual. I CORPORATION .; 01111ware cor the terms end condition• hefelNll\• I fhe 1o11owing panona are doing Sue Jaogll IJOrauun Will Sfl L AT PUHLIC mentioned, 1no aubjact to conllr-bur.lneu aa. Thia etatemenl waa llled with the AUCTION TO HtC.fiESl BIDDER matlon by Iha Superior Courl, on ZUMA CONSTAUClORS 1835 County Cler1t Of Orange County on FOR CASH OR AS SEr ~ORlH IN May Ill. 11182, 81 10.00 a.m., or Wh1111er. Unit F-3. Coate Maso CA May 3, 11182. , SECTION 292• F OF THE CIVIL 1h8f .. 1ter within the time al10W9d by 92627 ,,_.., CODE 111 lhti Ir on1 en11 one e ol law. •t the oltlcM Of Miiier. Bual\ & I BURLEY v JACKSON. H 973 PubllaMd Orange cout Oalty Pl· I Sllln-SMw Corpor ,111011 23 t ~ E I Mlnnott, •ttonwyt tot ,,... paraonal OObury 011ve La Mtreda . CA lot May 6, 12, 19, 28, 11182 17 th St Santa Ant1 C1t1lorn1e rep1eeentat111e, at 1235 Nor111 Har-90638 2062-82 1 927 11 &If "Ohl ltlle and 1n1eres1 bOf Bovle\lard. &Ille 200, FUiierton. JOHN s SKONSENG. t531 I conveyed 10 and now held by 11 Cellfc>fnla, alt the rtol\t. 11118. lntereat Ceoarwooa Avenue. M•away C11y P\8.IC NOTICE under '111<1 Ot'tid ol T ru&t '" lhll end eatate of the deQeUed, end al CA 926!15 propt1nr s11u.ih1d in so1a Counly The right, tltle, lnlereat and ftlal• This bur.lneH 11 condUClllO Dy •I 8-9717 dnd S1a1e de..c11b .. d .u 11\at the Ettate Of Ruby L.oet>el. a.- I oenerat par1ner6111p NOTICE TO CllEOITORS EXHIBIT "A.. ca&Md, haa ec;quired by operation BurS.,O V Jaclcaon I Of' SUl.K TRANSFER PARCEL I Loi 2 t ol True I NO lof lew 01 olhenriae. Other llllln, or In ThlS 5l818"18f'I was filed Wllh 1he (8KI. t 101-6107 U.C.C.) 9098 clS per mau •eco•decl '" l>OOk llddltlon to. that°' the ~. •I CounTy Cieri. of Orange County on Nollca 11 hereby given 10 creel•· 397 IJ••ge~ 2• 10 28 1nc1u,i.t' ol the time of her 088111, In end to al Aprtl 19 1982 IOIS ot lhe w1th1n named Transletors M1sc<!llaoe.ou~ M<il1' 111 lhe olltt!' ol lhal oertaln real ptoperl)I altualed In f18781311ha1 • built transfer •S about 10 be I Irie County R..cor<1e1 ol ~.11d county Iha City ol Fullerton. County of Pub111he<I Orange <;o.isl Oa11y-Pao1 made on pe11onat property here1-Eacept1ng unlo the Granto• ne O<ange. State Of Caltfornla. deeetl-Apr1I 21 28 May S 12 1982 naller aescnbecl rem dfl Oii 911s 1111<1 olher nytJ•OCill ,_, u tollowt t747 8:> Tha name and OU5'n8SS address bor' wt>Stances 111 and un<JI'• ~.i•d An undivided on~lltll ('4) of lhe lfllentlM translerc>f a1e land but ''"'" un "Ohl 10 v'e lhe 1nterea1 In tl\81 reel pr deae:n-lllTH IDTICIS HB stude nt fOR THI S · GOODMAN WATE RS em1nar CLIFTON e SNELSON 1599 sudace (JI subwrlac«-a•P• ot ~'° bed .. LOI 48 Of TIKI ~29 .. .,., SU«>81tOt A..-A·S Costa Mesa "CA tano 10 the deplh 01 !>00 fa<'t mea map In 8<><* 180. Peoea 28 end 29, 92621 ·, sure<J lrom S.ljd 5urlace ot M19C8118neou9 Mepa In Iha ()lfloe The n•met1 and ouainet1s adoress E.acep1tng unto 1ne Gran10< here· or the Orange Co unty RecOfdar. 01 lhe 1n1ende0 iranster-ate in east>men1s over saod ldn<I '°' lhe commonly known aa 2937 Nortll RAY MOND J . GOOD· ROY v. WATERS passed le RICDRD-MAN.~a e 69, paued away away on May 3. 1982 at h~ Se Cle _ -------_ on Ma_982 S~ved..by r.esider¥:e-10S~1a Mesa .C. hil be wif e Mn. Allee He was born in Minnesota on.._ ~ a+-Hunt------ Goodman, cherished father November 7, 1911 He was mgt.ort lk-a<'h as on e of sax ANTHONY UGOUNLGJ::NI pur~~ ~t lo11n 1n se<:tton t 1 01 Maple Avenue, Fullerton, CeNfornlL r1 ·money UGOLINI 1017 E Un.on Ava . Fut--1111.e ~o"'1.JJUL<UAJ1)Jliit and l'!IJ.a.qiLll ~ai;J.JASUU•.tif -IA.-1um-.c.6,.s.?OiH •. -__ .. mennment ol I"" Supp1emM11arr taHI. covenant•. condition•. r ... Th-at the proper!) perttnent fie-04kTll7~Tn5T'CO~~nA 1:i)tml" h1C1IOIW; r-WlllOlll. • l d reio 11 ~ribecl 1n genmal as uons and Res1,.c1tons 1eco10ell 111 ol way. eaaementa. and ealatlng P ann e Furnllure 11.<tures. equipment bOOk ll427 Pa<J"S 192J e1 >t'<l ol encumoranc.a Ol recoro. except Iha of R aymon d Good man of last employed as a salesman USC studenL<> sele<:t.ed by HOAO •MOfttAL Seattle, Waahinaton . Daniel for the Dayton Carpet Com-the Presidential Mana-HOPfTAL Goodman of lfuntingto n pa.ny for 30 years. He was a gcmt•nt lntt>rru.h ip Prog-April 1 Beach, Ca., A lice Goodman reside nt of Cost.a Mesa, Ca. ram Mt .ind M•• Larry Oan•e< Cos1a and Thomas Goodman both for 4 Yt years after moving The 178 selected wall Mesa Qlll Aprll I of Santa Ana. Ca., loving here from Minnesota. He is ser ve two-year intt:'r · ,grandfa ther of 8 and great· survived by his wife Anna-nshtps at various federal grandfather of 3, devoted bel S . Waters of Costa Mesa. brother of John Goodman of Ca .. a aon John J. WaU\TS o! agennes Wi8conain and Bill Goodman Costa Mesa, Ca., 2 sisters of Compton , Ca. Recitation J eanne Hudlon of Minnesota of the Rosar y WH held on and L a Vaughn O'l...eary of Agent re h . e d Tuesday , M ay 4, 1982 at Klamath Falls. Visitation tr 6:45PM at Harbor Lawn was held at Ha rbor Lawn Mount Olive Memorial Cha· Mortuary on Tuesday, May pel, 16~ Glaler Ave .• Costa 4 , 1982·f rom 2 :00PM to Me.a, Ca. Graveside .ervices 7:00PM . H e was a member were held on W ednesday, of the Costa Meaa Senior May 5, 1982 at lO:OOAM at C1tlzen1 and the Newport Harbo r Lawn M emor ial Beach Senior Citizens and a Park w ith F ath e r Denn11 member of the Golden Lyons of S t. John the Sap-Tlme'1 of Costa Mesa. He tilt Catholic Church offlca.a· had tn the past attended the ting. Mr. Goodman has been North western College, Chi- a r esid e n t o f H.unllni tOn cago, Illino is. He was a ve- Beac h, Ca. for the pu t 5 teran of the U.S. Army for 3 year s and a realdl'n t o f years whe~ he reached Sgt. Ora nge County for over 15 M a1or and he ser ved 1n years. Sl'rvices under the World War ll Serv1ces were 4 1rec tlon H arbor Lawn-held on Wednesday. May 5. Mo unt Olive Mortuar y of 1982 at 11 :OO AM at the O.ta .Meu. 540-5554 graveside at Harbor Lawn MANNESCHMIDT Serv>ces under the direction G E O R G E C . MAN . of Baltz Bergeron Smith & NESC HMIDT, LT. COL. Tuthi ll Westcl iff Chapel ~.U.S. Anny. Resident of Mortuary o f Costa M esa . Newport Beach, Ca. Passed 646-9371. away·on May 2. 1982. Fune- ral service• and In terment SCHUNKE wlll be held o n Thursday, ALFRED SCH UN K E . May ~. 1982 a t Fort Sam resident of Newport Beach HOUltOn National Cemetery, Ca. Pas.wd away on May 1: San Antonio, Texas. L ocal l982 a t the a ge of 73. Mr. ~nta under thl' dJ-Schun ke had lived In New- rectlon of Baltz Bergeron-port Beach Ca since 1965 Smith & Tuthill Westcllff and worked at as a chef at Chapel Mortuar y o f Costa the New po rter Inn for 9 Mesa. 646-9371. years. He was a member of Chef de Cu isine Internatio-eplune na1 Organuauon and aerved CAEMATIOH IUNAL AT SEA ln the Navy tn World War Il. 646-7 431 He is survived by his w ife O ur llteralure tella the Margaret of Newport Beach, ·comp lete story ol out Ca. Private ser vices and IOCMrty. interment were held. Pierce c.m -"'-_...... B rot hers Bell Broadway .JliMiiiii1ro.•---miiiii!!5'i!!L..~Mortuary directors. IALT11UGH0 1'4 s.MITH & TUTHILL WISTCllff CHA,fl BLACKSTONE LAWRENCE W . B LACKSTONE, passed away on M ay 3 , 1982 an SAN YSIDRO, (AP) -B o rder ins p ect o r Charles R. Jones Jr has been retnStated m the job from which h e was ftred a year ago for dating a Mexican w oman and ar- ranging e ntry papers for her. DEATHS ELSEWHERE LONIX>N U\l'I l).111w C ""l i a J oh o s o n . 7 :t. v. h" nwll1~l 111·.11 l' 111 tlw 11 .......... ,. n 11 'l H1111.,h lilrn lov1 'l•11 v ··H1 tel ~.111·11l1tlkr.' d 11·d DALLAS (A.Pl -Ira G. Corn Jr., 60. a frnancll'r and t>Xpert bridge .Player. dwd Wt..Jnesday -William Burne tt, 82, who wro te 39 novels and was connected w ith more tha n 40 film s during a 55-year career, died Sun - day PHOVO, Utah (AP) William P rimrose, 77," violist and t.>d1lor and ar ranger of viola mus1l-. died Saturdav Primrose wal!. a faculty member at Brigham Younl[ Univers1tv LOS ANGELF.s (AP) - Paton Prlct, 65, who coa ch ed such actors aa Kir k Dougla,9 and Juon Robards Jr. and Who WU jailed U a conaclentlous objector du- ring World W a r II, died Wedneeday. 4?7 E I 7tn SI Coo;la M1•,.; fi4fi-Q:\ 7, . Costa Mesa, Ca. Born in Los Ange les, Ca. on A uiust 16, :~::c::~v~r:ct.~ne i~f ~ P HIL A DELP HIA (AP) Angeles, Ca .• 2 brothers Ri· -The Rev. Jou V. Baras, ca.rOo and Bruce Blackstone 77. a p h al oso p he r who both of Los An.geles, ea .. and w rote "Dy namism ln th e 2 aJsten Janette Blackston e Coam o lo gy o f C hristian and Yvonne Blackstone alao W olff' and ''The Social and both o f L os Ange les, Ca. P olitical Phll<*>ph~.of St. P rivate services have been Thoma s A q u i n as, dled he ld at t h e Baltz Bergeron Wednelday . "HCI llOTHHS· SMITHS' MOITUAIY i 27 Main c;, Hunt1noton 61-,11 '' !>36 653') r.AClftC YllW .......011.ALr&a• Cerreterv Mortuarv Chapel·Crematorv .s500 Pac111c V1~w Or•VI' Newr>Ort Be!Kh 644 noo M&COIMICll MOllTUAlllS Laquna Beac h 494·9415 L.auna ti•"" 768·0933 $3" Juan Capistrano 495-t776 Smlth & T uth ill W eatcllff --Chapel where private inter· NEW Y O RK (AP) ment followed. Services un-Lester BHI•• 33, a rock der t he d irection of B alu music critic w ho wrote foe Ber1e ron-Smlth & Tuthill Rollin& S tone, the Vlllq• West.cliff Chapel M ortuary Volce and o the r publlca· J of Colla Mesa. 84&-9371. t1onl, died. __ _ GAINER HOUSTON· tAP) -E lla C. Foaclree, 10 1. whole late husban d Walter W. Fon • d~n Sr. fou nded Humble Oil and Reflnin& Co. which is n ow Exxon USA , died Monday. Mr and Mrs Cra.g Soardma11 Cc.sta Mes.i O"' Mr and Mrs David Orson 1r111ne. 1)111 Apnl 10 Mr .tnd Mrs Steven Groom Huntington Beach g11t Mr ar•d Mr s R1charo 0 Leyar. l..OSl8 Mesa DOy April 11 Mr und Mrs Ronald late. Cosla Mesa 0111 Mr 3•><1 Mrs Ph111p Couon Cosla Mes& 11111 Apt ll 12 Mr .ino M11 John Lew11 Colla Meu bOy Mr ind Mrs James Urquhart Ir· 111ne 0"1 Mt ano Mrs Wtlllam Jones. !Nine. DOy Mr Jno Mrs Jelhey Dore New· po11 Be;Kh gtrl Mr dnd Mrs James S1att0to La· gona N19ue1 O"' Mr and Mr s Josepn Campos Hun11ngton Bt'ach g111 Mr and Mrs Gary Roroen New· C.0• 1 Seacn ooy Mr ano Mrs Donald 11t1ngwor1h Huntmgron Beach bOy April 13 Mr ~no Mli George Melkov1ch Hun1tnq1on Beach ooy Mr ind Mr5 Gus1aaf Cllompfl Hun1tnq1on Beach g111 Mr and Mrs Rooen Fen1on Ir· "'"" boy Aprll 14 Mr .ino Mr\ James Conway Cos111 Mesa girl Mr and Mrs Frederic~ Out1en Newport Beach O"' Mr end Mr~ Dennis R1cke1ts Cossa Mefi.t, boy Mr and MIS Charles Lange Costa Mt!N 0"~ fOONTAlfl VAU.eY COMMUNITY HOPfTAL Mr end M,. ~ HO<'n. Ccma M ... gu'I Mt end Mra Un Kye, Fountain Valley boy "'""' ,, Mr ano Mr• Nlsaan Plleat. Hunt- ington &Mch boy Mt and Mra Mlcllaal Jordan. Huntington Beech. boy. Mr. and Mra. Merk Wood, Hunt- ington 8Mc:ll, glrl Mr and Mr• Robert Gleason, Fountain Valley. boy. Mr and Mra. £11 .. 8-. Hunting· ton &Mch. girt. Apfll 14 Mr. and Mr• Gavlno Rodriquez, Huntington BMch. bOY. Mr and Mra Jon Flota, Huntlng1on 8eeeh. glrl. April ti Mr and M,.. Ro09r Smith, Hunt· lngton Beech, girt Mr. and Mra Donald OaVI•. Hunt- ington Beeeh, boy Mr and Mra. Steven Gerardi, Cotta M .... boy. IT. JOUPH HOSl'fTAL Apftl 7 Or and Mrt Kim Charney, NewPOrt Beac:ti. ov• .._, 04IMfwl HMpltal Aprtl 8 Mr and Mra Alan Korn. Ntw· port BHd'I. boy Named HANFORD (AP) -A lieute n ant with the Santa Ana police force h aa b een named police c h ief at Hanford. O liver Lee Drwnmond, 34, WU p ick ed (ro m 45 a ppll· can ta. and m1uenars e1c and 1s 1oca1eo at Olllc•at R1.oe:.0•<1s 01 sa•d co1.on11 lien or the Abatrac1 or Judgmant l 1599 Supe,.or Ave A-5 Cos1a PARCEL 2 E .. s.•menl~ ovf'r 1ni. 1acorded September 30, 1975, by , , MMB, CA 92827 land desc11bP.O on uno tor 1n1.-pur Ger ald E Gannon and Marie O. W CS, The W o m e n S Tne business neme used by lhe poi.es ..el tor1n "' Sec1ton 11 ol lh& Gannon. In Iha arnovn1 ol $963.118 Confe rcn<.'<.' System, w all said 11anste101 al sa10 1oca11on is Second Res1a1emen1 Jn<I Amend I plua 1n1erN1 P r'"'"nt "M on ey· How T o FARGO S SANDWICH SHOP me111 ol Supplemenlary Om.1.i1a11on The 1erma and condtllon• Of .... """ · Thal said bull\ iransler is 1nten· <>1 CovPnanls Cond111011~ a"<! kes are Caah 10 Iha exlatlng enoum· M a k e It, H o w To K t•(•p oed to be consumma1ed at tile ol· 11oc1tons rt>COrdf'd "' boo• 12427 brance 1n an amount equal to the ( t , H o w To Mak e I t lice or GRAM ERCY ESCROw.1 page~ 1923 et seq 01 Olltt1bt k1: 101al caah paid eno encumbranca G r o W '' at the SO u th ~~=:~~~~~~·1 ~~~70~!~1g!:~~h ,co~~~ 0~1?;!'11q:d~~~~~ .. ~~1'~:~~r ~:;~:~ ~~~~C:-it'.~.!81= Coast Plaza H ot.cl. Junt:' Ca11torma 90020, on o• alter May com•non de6•9n1111on 11 any 01 lllt' of aucn credl1 10 ba 9"41Ptable to 5 21 1982 •eat proper!:( dl.'~Crobeo abovP is the p8'aonal rl(lf_,tatlve and to l The name and addreaa where purpo11 .. d tc. be Jl77? v ... C""'" Iha Court Ten percant (10%1 Ol lha W es 11 d ,,. rt clalma may be tiled 1s Gramercy Laquna Niguel C""'"'"'A amooot bid to eocompany the offer W I on a...,-pa I Escrow Corpo1a11on 3407 West The unders•ljl1t'll 1 fU\11'" O·~ ano lhe balan<:e to be pelCI on con- o f its proceeds to N ew S1a111 Su eat. Su11e i 11 Los An-claims any 11ao1111y tor 1111y inc.or r1<mauon of aa1a by the Court. T- Directio ns Inc of N ew-~· Cal1fornla 90020 rectness 01 111e "'!!di .W<l••n a11<1 and ,.,,1a, •llllll ba prorated .. of H bo • · I h I lha 1aa1 oata for ltltng cJ&1ms 1n 1other c.ommon des11111a11on 11 .in) the date of confirmation and sale port ar r . an a ro 0 I<' tNs MC.row 15 upon no111tca11on trorn snow•• hi,11i•n The eumtnehon of tltle, recordlnO recovery program for l111eo.panment0!A8Cthatpe<me-1 Saoosa1ew1llOl!md<1e IJUl.01 ot conveyance.andanytllta lnau- women and a pro """t of nent llc.anM llaa ll•nslerred 10 •~ lhoul covenant or wd11a111y &.<Pt•u renca PoliCY.,,.. oe at the el4)8n• . r-~ tended transle<ee or 1mphed regaro1nq hllt' po .. S6$ of tne PIM<*- the Junior L eague: The , So 181 as liP-"-nown 10 said inten· soon or encumbrances 1nctud1no Bl<lt Of ottara are invited tor Ihle Southern California deo Transletl'es said intended ''°"'s cnarges •n<l eapen·.e~ 01 the properl)l enc:lmustbatnwrlttngand R . k T ransletor u~ lhll lollow""ij add•· T rus1~ and ol Ille lru~ts cre111eo b) #II ba rec:;eilleO at lha offlce OI Mii-ape Alliance, a networ 1iona1 busmess names and addrn-1r.a•d Deed 01 T1u<1 10 pay Ille•• 18', Buah a Mlnnott. attOfnay• fOf o f ra p e h o th nes. c ris is • ses w1tntn the thrllti years 1as1 past ma1n1no P• •nc•vdl >Um' nt tht' lhe peraonal rept-tatllle. at 1235 ~ cente rs and related Sl' None no1e1s1 secureo t.or 'a•d Ot' .. o 01 Norlll tUrt>or Blvd . Suite 200. FIJI. 1 ' I f d. Dated April 21 1982 lru~t to wol S88 000 00 w•lh u111: lerton Cahtorn1a, Of may ba Iii.cl XUa assau t -oc.·usl• AnlhonyUQoltn1 reslthereonlromO»C.t'mllf'• 15 witlltheCletkOftheSUperlOfCourt programs estabhsh t'd 1 n Gen• UQOM• t98, di w. r.>e• ,;nnum as r••<•v•dt'O Of delNareel 10 Simi Zolot per~ t • A g I 1975 and 1n1enoeo r1anste1ees on H•d note1s1 1->tus cosH urt<I .;ny ty. a1 any tlma alt• tlrat publication ..,..)IS n e C'S In · • Publllhed Qfange Coeat Deity Pl· 1.iovanct>s 01 S 18894 o1 will\ ir11t Of thla notlCe and bef0te making Iha The Translllonal Living 101 Mays. 1982 1es1 plu• 1m .. r.1ow•" cc.•ls 11 s1 Ml8 Center for Batten-d Wo-t'l•11-10 '154 75 For tullher 1ntormat1on ano bid 0 . ,,,,. 1,.,n1•hr.•a•r ""d"• ... o (!Ced forms apply al llwi on~ of the at- mt:.'n in ran~t· County ~UC NOTICE >' 11us1 ht'•.,1010• ..... o•tv1111 ,,,.d 1orney tor the paraonaJ rl(lfM8flta· f jel11t-tPO IO lh~ l1nlJ•~t\1qt1Pd ci Uve Ma.)Or sponsors Or thl• "CLAIMS ARISING FROM AC· .. ,,11cn 0Ptld1.it1011 nl dPlau11 Jnd The right 11 r--'ed to •ejec1 any t>Vcnt include Dean W1l· TIO N8 OF INVESTORS LOAN Jemdnd lor SJll' ""d J w11111u1 and all bt<ll t •r Reynolds lnl' Tra· SE RVIC ES. IN C .. ANO/OR IN· 'IOllCt' ol Oel<iull .11111 ffP(loon 10 Dated Ap<ll 22 1982 t: • . VE6TORS HOME LOANS, INC. AS 5Pll The unrlerSH'lMd l tlU't'll ~aid Simi Zol01 vt•lt-rs lns ura n t'l'. lnl·, I .REAL ESTATE BROKERS:· ' 'lotoce 01 Oet.1u11 ,1110 E•,.c.11011 In Peraonal Reprn«itattve and American Airlm<.'S All persona wllo wish to recover 'iell 10 be recorOPd 1n lhl' tounl) or the Estala of anr, amounl from or assert any '"'er!• fhe '"at prope1fy ·~ IOC..iled Ruby ~bet. Dec..-:! Guest speake r will be L os Angeles Atto rney Gloria Allred, along with Southern California w o· m e n in the fields of fa · nance and career man a· cla m aga1ns1 mt' R11al Estele Com-Stan-Sto.<w Co1p01i;11w1 Mlll.2R, &USH 6 MINNOTT m1ssione< s separale accoun1 of the 2315 E 11111 St •r John M. Mlnnott, Real Estate Fun<I tor educa11on, C:.onla AnA CA 92711 Attornap fot Ptf-1 Repf-t- re1ee1ch and recovery purposes I 1714) 5•? !>81 I attn arising lrom 11c11v111es ot Investors .15 sao<I Truslee 1235 No. Heltlor Stwd •• Loan Services Inc a1 a hcensed By flan~ R Bf'C• '" Bulle 200 reel eSlale broker muSI ftle by June P0es•Oe<•I FwMerlon, CA t29S2 15 1n In Re lnveslors Lo•n Ser-Dale Aplll 13 1982 (114) 192...olOO vices Int aka Investors Home PuOhshed 0111ngt' Coast 01111y Publllhed Orange Coul Deity Pl· Loans. a~• lnveators Home Loans' >1101 Mav S 12 19 1982 to1, May 5, 15. 12. 1982 f Co Bankruptcy No 1815 82 F o r in ormal1on. rail LA80·03232·CA un11ed States------------ gement. 730-8585 Bankruptcy C<>u<I Cen111t Olsirtet ot Cahtornia. Urnteo States Courthou- Writing fair open to youths Young authors and il- lustrators are in v ited to compete in t he Oran ge County All Ame r ican F a ir . W inning e n tries w ill be displayed during t h e O r a n ge Co unty S ummer Fair in Cost a Mesa. The comp e t ition is o pen to O ra nge County r eside n ts 17 and under. Awarda will be given to writer s. wr i t er/ illust r a t ors a nd writer / illustrator teanui of two o r more. Tr o phie s w ill b e awu ded t o flnt-place winners and entries cho-sen for d iaplay durlng 'he aummu fair will receive rtbbonl. Deadline I• May 10. F o r information call 754·3247. 541 3 I? No SpHng Street Los An· ------------ geles. c a11torn1• 90012 eune• an CONSOLIDATED Ap1>11eat1on as desc11be0 1n Bus•· REPORT OF CONDITION neu ano Prolessoons cooe sections Consolidated Report of Condition of "Internationa l Cen-104 70· 10483 or 11 neceuary Slept prec.ea1ng $1JCh AppltCAfton are.,,. lral Bank & Trust Corp." of El TOfo. Orange County, and complete, • cta1m setting '°"" lhe Domestic Subsidiaries at the close of business on March name. address and lelePl\Onll num-3 1, 1982 be• or each cl81man1 the amount ctatmeo eno Iha litclual baal1 for Ille claim F a11ure 10 so llc1 w.n bar recovery lrom the Comm•nloner'a Fund All persona wl10 wtah to reGover any amount from or auerl any clelm agB1ns1 the Real Et1a1e Com-m1u1onm ·s separate 11<:coun1 of Ille Real E11a1e Fund lor eoucat1on, 1e1earcl'l and recovery purposes arlalng from ac11vl1las of Investors Home Loana. tnc as a 11cenll4ld real eatate broltm mutt comply with the provlalona ol Caltlo1n1a Buslnesa and Proleu1on1 Code sections 10470-10483 Failure to oo ao wlll bar recov.,y ffom the Commlssio- Mf•t Fund S t•t• Bank No. 1237 AS SETS Dollar Amounts In Thousand9 Cash and due rrom banks .... .................•............ 7,328 Investment securities (Ma rket value $69,639) ............................. 71,712 Federal runds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell In domestic offices .......•.•..•............... 22.600 Investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries and associated companies ..............................................................•.. 23 Other assets ............................................................ 2,401 TOTAL ASSETS .................................................. 104,064 LIABILmEs TOT AL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC O FFICES ...................... 93,083 Total demand deposits ......•........ 24,689 Total time & savings deposits ..... 68,394 Other liabilities .................................................•.....• 2.374 TOT AL LIABILITIES (excluding subOrdlnated no tes and debentur .. ) ................................................. 95."57 IHAMHOLDERI EQUITY Common etoek a. No. lf\ar .. authOrlZ.ed io,ooo b. No. llh•r .. outatandlng 10,000 1,000 Sur_piu. ................................................... 8,280 TOTAL CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL .......................... 7,280 Retalt* eatnlnga ................................................... 1,347 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY ......................•.• 8,807 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND .--i ~~WM-MT, OllYI • Monuarv • C..moterv JAY MICHAEL GAINER, agJ 24, resJdent of Corona del Mar, C.. Pa.eel away on May 1, 1982. Survived by hit ~renta Rodney and Cecile Gainer, 1 slater Ktmberly and brother St.ewe 0a1Mr1 arandpUef\ta Maraaret ana La•aon Moore. Memorial 11rvlc:e1 wlll be held on W~y. May ~. 1882 at t :OOPM a\ Newport Center Unlted Methodist Church with Re¥. Kenneth McMJ1- C HAPEL HILL, N.C. <AP> -Toaa Patte....., 70, a Southern playwrl&ht and r •tlred dram• profeaaor who taul.ht a t th UnJVet • 1lty of North Carolina 27 years, died Monday. Energy topic of fair There may be t ome clelm•ntt •g•lnat the Recovary Fund whOH claim 11 b...O upon cteallnos solely wtlll lrweatc>fa Loan Ser111c ... Inc; fllOM peraona mual pertac:t tttalr clalm ~I the ~very Fund In Iha briruptcy Pfoceadlng It ttlere are clelmanl• who lleva c1a1ma 1galn•I Iha Hacovet'f t-uno b..O upon their deellnga with tnveat<>fa Loan Serv!Gea, tnc and tiwe11tor• Homt Loant. inc: • tl\Ota oeraona. to the .irtant ttlet tM)' '°""' to recover from Ille Reoovery Fund tleCAUM of lllelr detllng:a wllh ln,....tora Lo.n S4rwlOM; lfte., alto _. ••• lllCtl aG1lon aa It ~"H'Y lo perfect tlle)r c111rn age1ntt the Recovery Fund by procffdlng In the bank· tuple; ptooeeotnQ. T'tlOM PtflOnt. 11owt11er, muas comp1~111 e utl· ,.. end Ptot•on• eec11on t<M12(1) by iwrtulng tt1t1r remady _,..,.., 111 PttlOnl liMlt to t"8m 1n • 1r9111aotlon tor WlllCl'I theY 9"k r~o1tery frOl!'I Illa A.,_y Fund Of\ .ccount Of tllt lleeneed 8C11vtty of tnv•ttora ~oan atr111;,:~o .. 'WllfOl'I lnclUdel 111it i. not to SliAAEHOLDERS EQUITY .............................. 104,0M The und9t11Qt1M, J9Ck L. Tautet, PreslcMnt and 0.- nlel J. Fedrick, l!.V.P. of the ~ bank. eectl dect.,.., tor hlmMtf atone and not for the other. I ""'9 '*9()nal knowtqe of the matt•• oonta6ned In &NI ,. Port (tnctucllno the N*'M 9'de Mreof). and I ~ "* each at1tement In aatd repof1 la true. Eeoh of &M utt- detl6gned, for ....... alone anti not for .... othef, .... flee undlt penlftY of perjury thM ,.,. foregoing .. true Ind 00'1'9Ct. , <Aoe~torv \62S Q1;t•t ~Ill Costa Mtsa 540-!>55.4 '9Cl•0'"8i 1an offl~lat1n1. Print• la&:~WA Y ....,_.t. In U.u o( Qowen ALBANY. N. Y. (AP) - MOITUAIY ==J...-~ Form,r R•P · Lt• W. t!Oltoedwr, mlle,..toiM O'Brlea, 81, w ho helped ~le"::J: DI ... toundaUon or the _. ~ ~ w ,~-------~,.~·=C.W Unlled U. biu. wt .,.nMd ..... hood ,,: QurdL Pwllftt"" to A.a.Ila Md HawaU. died .......... Th~. Ener1y conHrvatlon and le1l1lation aa they affect atthlt.ectu.ral de• ..., will ba dilcu-5 e\ the 1«<>nd annu.al In· era Fair sponeored by tbe Orin&• County chapW of .. Aruiliclm lnidtutt of~ It will be held S..tar· • ., ., ..,,. Carrillo. . . · loca\ed e'•ht mUet eaat 1ttet11ptlno to r•cover from tn• .. V'MIOR HOIM Loene, tnc .. b) pto-of San Juan CapiMtano. c .. dlno •oatntt 1n11Hton Hom• .':..... L--.~.lrlll"~a... Newly elec;-... Stat• COUft. 1'loee penona W110 ,..,,. • Sen. John Seymour of c1e1"' ....,.., ""f'ecovefY l'11nd Anabltm .i.o Will --.a. baMCI ....., 11pot1 thelf oeannoe ..,_... Wltll lfl.-en HOfM LMM, Inc., Mor• than 100 looal :,r r,:: i::.=:-"= ~ land ,... ... Low. ... ......,., ...... .......... ,.. ... =:--"'•'' t•OMt--ror Information, c:all ,,._.: :~~ f.. D* ,_, '167·'7'118.· .. M.1t .... ..., ...... *Ml a Euc:Med on Aprl 27, 1MI, at El Toro. CAbt• 181 Jlak L T...., lllOMlll J , ,.... b 5