HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-07 - Orange Coast Pilot, ' .IUlll CUii YllR HllllDWI llllY PAPIR f-RIDAV , MAY 7 , 1901 OH AN C t COllN I V CALIFORNIA /'> CEN r S 0 ess at postwar WASHINGTON (AP) -Un- employment in the United States jumped to 9.4 percent last month -breaking the poet-World War n record -the government an- nounced today. Some 10.3 million people were out of work. April's joblea rate WU up 0 . .f of a percentage point from the previous month, more than enough to set a record. Not since 1941, when the government be- gan compiling monthly statistics, has unemployment topped 9 percent. 1n that year, the joblet9 rate hit 9.9 percent. The California rate dropped from 9.4 pen:ent to 9.3. At the White Hou.e, presiden- tial 1poke1man, Larry Speakes called today'• announcement di.. appotnu.n, and uid, "We remain aensiUve to the plight of the unemployed." He said he could not predict how far unemployment would rile or when it would begin de-cllniJll. "We're looking for signs of economic recovery by late spring-early summer," Speakes said. Sen. Edward M . Kennedy, D-Maaa., charged that the new figures show conclusively that Reagan '1 economic program haa failed to do anything but "dellvet pink s lip after pink slip after pink slip to mil~!ons of decent men and women. "Ronald Reagan's bread lines (See JOBS, Page AZ) App~al planned Ex-supervisor Diedrich eyes Supreme Court ' - CEREMONIAL EXPRESSIONS --Rabbi Aaron Twersky blesses Steven Wanger and Barry Garrett who have come up to lb DAVID KUTZMANN Of the 0.-, Not It.ft Former Orange County Supervisor Ralph Diedrich'• at- torney says he may go to the U.S. Supreme Court to reverae a 1979 bribery and conspiracy conviction against Diedrich that was reinstated 'Thunday by the Cali- fornia Supreme Court. Firatkhowever, Santa Ana lawyer eith C. Monroe aaid he will petition the state high court for a rehearing hued on Its de- cision to uphold both Died.rich's and arc.JU~ ~89L~'• ~n.:_ ~,... ,_..." c--. ,..,, vl£._tio~_il'!.. ~ J:Mio ..S-uperior the ~rah. Berow, all ariiffe a ier1>ai-.--.--C@rt. ..;.. -S - mitzvah Rose's attorney, ylvan .Aron- . son of Santa Ana. also said Tunday he would consider pet- Bar Mitzvah first in state itioning for a rehearing. Diedrich, once one of Orange County's moat powerful men when he was known in political circles as ''Super D,'' was foWld guilty three yeare ago of two counts of bribery and a single count of conspiracy. Developmentally disabled celebrate ceremony By JODI CADENHEAD 0( !tie Delly Piiot Stan It was a moment that both Steven's and Barry's parents had waited more than 20 years !or -a moment that they thought would never come for their aons. Thursday morning, before a crowd of relatives and friends at Fairview State Hos- Eital in Costa Mesa, St.even Wanger, 27, and Barry Garnett, 31, celebrated their Bar Mjtz. vah. THE REUGl9US ceremony marking the passage of a Jewish boy to manhood was both a peraonal and a public milestone. It was the first time in California that a developmentally disabled person had ever received training enabling him to perform the rite. Rabbi Aaron Twenky, who prepared the boys for the occasion, led them out onto the stage by hand and told the congregation "words are inadequate to d escribe my feelings." of which was Steven's candid sigh of relief when he told the congregation half way through, "This isn't SQ bad." Everyone laughed. The feeling was fa- miliar to those who had gone through the nerve-wracking experience whon they were 13, the usual age. ' "This is one of the finest momenta we've ever had at Fairview, I'm proud of these boys," safd Dr. Francis CrineDa, e><ecutlve dJ- rector at the Costa Mesa facility. Robin and Gerald Wanger watched their two other sons go through the Bar Miuvah ritual, but had never even considered the pol!Sibility for St.even. "I'M SO EXCITED,'' said Mn. Wanger, following the ceremony . "It's something w e hoped would come to pass." Rose, his one-time campaign treasurer, was convicted of a single count of oompiracy. Both men were 1tmtenced to l -t.o-14-year state pri8on ien:na. However, the state's FOu.rth District Court of Appeal later revenied the convictlons, promp- Uns both the Oranse County Dlatrict Attorney's Of&e and the state Attorney General to peti- tion the Supreme Court for a hearing. That request wu granted in June, 1981, in effect .etting 811.de the Court of Appeals reversal It alao came on the same day that Diedrich waa given a suspended jail aent.ence and fined $5,000 in Orange County Superior Court for participating in an unrelated • s1deratJon from owners of 2,200 acres in Anaheim Hills in return for a favorable supervisorial d~ cision that would permit resj ... dential development of the property. The Court of Appeal, however, reversed a bribery and conspira- cy conv1ct1on against Diedrich and a C(Jns piracy con v1ct1on against Rose. An o ther bribery c harge agamst Diedrich also was rever- sed, but the door was left open for a retrial on that count. --The~_!!~ iu!~~ on e case aft.er Monroe argued -tllat--the·alleged-bribe--ef ·Diedrich - took place beyond the statute Qf limitations and tha t a later transfer of money was not part of the act of bribery from which the period o f limitations could be measured. Delly Not lteff Ptloto TO APPEAL? -Former Supervisor Ralph Diedrich may seek U .S . Supreme Court reversal of his bribery conviction. campaJgn fund laundering ope- ration ln 1976. Orange County Assistant Dis- trict Attorney Michael Capizzi, who originally prosecuted Die- drich and Rose in the bribery cue, aaid Thuraday that he now believes there is a "very real likelihood" the two men will llOOl1 have to begin serving their prlaon terms. The 1979 convictions against Diedrich and Rose stemmed from allegations that the two men conspired to gain financial con- The onJy matt.er on which the Court of Appeal was uphe ld was an its ruling that the tnal judge in San Diego failed to correctly ex- plain to jurors what act constitu- ted the crime of bribery. This relat.ed to the charge on which Diedrich could be retried, offi- cials said. As a result of Thursday's ru- Jang, defense lawyers have 15 days to petition the state high court Cor rehearing. The Supreme Court's ruling becomes final in 30 days. At that· time, Diedrich and Rose could ronceivably begin serving their sentences, Capizzi said. Mo nroe, however, said he would petition for rehearing, which a.s rarely granted, and then review the court's ruling before deciding on the merits of an ap- peal to the U.S. Supreme Court. Dressed In matching dark blue suits and prayer sh.awls St.even and Barry chanted the familiar Hebrew bl~ings from the Torah like thousands before them, but like no one else. St.even has lived at Fairview for 18 years and Barry 19. Their religious instruction started three and a hall years ago when Rabbi Twersky came to Fairview. "I wanted to set an example for other institutions that developmentally disabled people are capable of learning, abeorblng and training," said the rabbi. "It will be proven in the future that they have abilities." Bot air on the ground THE TWO-HOUR ceremony was filled with a string of magical moments, not the least WORLD ABC explores Hitler years Albert Speer's lrwlghta into the Third Reich are explored in a five-hour movie ABC will air Sunday and Monday nighta. Pap A6. NATION Doctoring of papers charged • Jllclt Andenon reporg that an offidal ~t the in:_ vlronmental Protection ~ ordered doctortna of technJca1 papen eo that a cardnogen would be macfe to appear le11 hannful P9 A8. Now it'• Ann Landen' turn Ann Landen •YI lbe 18 eorry for rwUnntn, oal- UIMI fnm ~ b9cJt. But lhe Uo cJab:nl ahe baa' ,...ved an 'lncredJbJe OU~ of fn.ndahlp and. f.alth in my mt.srf t)' . ., ha-82. . . ' Balloonists banter before big Fountain Valley event COUNTY By PHIL SNEIDERMAN o<ttw~ .... ...., Thia weekend they'll be tea- sing the clouds. put~ themsel- ves at Mother Nature's mercy as they dangle precariously beneath huge helium-filled balloons. But the Gordon Bennett Bal- loon Race pilots came down to earth Thursday to di.scuu this year'• competition during a press briefing at the liftoff point, Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley. Balloonist Brent Stockwell commented on the credentl.a.la of his colleagues. "We have the first team to cross the Atlantic, the first to crom the Pacific, the first to cross the North American continent and the first to cross the conti- nental United States," he obeer- ved. "Well, we repreeent the first team to a-a. San Francia.'o Bay, and let me tell you -it waa hellJ" Before balloonist Ben Abnm.o He cheers Newport patients A "profeeaional vilitoc'' makes the days briahter tor 94 99Uenta in a Newport Beach oonvaleecent home. Page Bl. · Dancer visits our coast . Greaory Htnet. 1tar of 11Sophlatlcat.ed Ladiea.'' ahowed ~lk the Oranae CoMt to lhow off hi8 tap cU.ndnC and 1ellCh a little dandnl· Weekender. STATE could speak, two aides forced him into a black flight r· cket adver- tising Benihana o Tokyo, the restaurant chain owned by his co-pilot Rocky Aoki. Aoki is known for his aggressive promo- tion tactics. "Even my s h orts hav e 'Benlhana' on them," Abruzzo chuckled. In fact, Aoki had transported a hibachi grill and two chefs to the middle of Mile Square to provide lunch for his feflow pilots and visiting reporters. "May be we should have brought along aome fried chicken or something," ribbed American pilot John Shoecraft. Shoecraft floated to fame a few months ago aboard Super Chicken Ill, the fint balloon to croaa the continental United States. He is participating in his fl.rat Gordon Bennett race this year. He and his wtfe, Marl, will be the fint American husband INDEX At Your Service A4 L .M. Boyd A8 Bl..llf.rwm C6-7 Callfomia M Cavabde B2 Clalllfied Dl -8 C.oma C9 Cto.word C9 O..tb Noticee C8 ' .SCUtorial A8 DlWl1ai.nmlnt WMkencler and wife team to compete ln the Gordon Bennett. Race activities will take place from 8 a.m. to dusk Saturday in the central airfield at Mile Square. About ·30,000 people are expected to attend. PubUc entry gates will be oU Edinger A venue between Brook- hurst and Euclid streets. Admia- sion is $3 for adults, $1.50 for children 5 to 12. Children ~J\ 5 wW be admitted without char- ge. The festivities will begin witb te thered balloon rides in the morning as long as wind condi- tions pennit. From 9 to 11 a.m., 10 hot air balloonista will lift off in the Orange County Classic contest. In this event, participanta mwrt chooee a target within 50 mil.el of the park. The winner i. the bal~ loon that lands closest to its pre- aelected target. • (See BALLOON, Page A%) Int.ennUidon Ann Landen Movies Mutual Funds Na&nal News Public Noticell Weekender B2 Weekender as A3 OS,C8,D2 Cl-4 Spor1a Stock Marketa C7 TeleYWon TV Los ~ten Weekendef Weather A2 Homelo...dtn B7 ~ B2 World If.,.. A.a SPORTS OCC wim llde again ... - -- Cl ll S Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, May7, 1982 -~,~ , "-~~~--~~~~==~=~c~r-e~d~it---,,,t. Continued stories interest BALLOON RACE .. • • • From l p.m. 1') dusk, 8 teams from the United States, Japan, Germany and France will Uft off ln helium-filled ballooN for the Gordon Bennett race. 'JJ'-Thi.a is a diatance competition. niu Last year's winners, Abruu.o and ")rt~ Aoki, traveled more than 1,300 '"'' miles before landing in North ri ' Dakota. ~~· A new event will beithe Ce- lebrity Balloon Race, scheduled _,, for 9:30 a.m KABC radio per- sonality Michael Jackson, Los --i.• Angeles Times cartoonist Paul Conrad and rock 1tar Stephen Stills will travel a short diatance by balloon, then rlde to a ftnllh line aboard bicycles. Guest of honor at the event wlll be R. Buckmlnater Fuller, creator of the geodesic dome. Other acllvlties during the day-long festival will Include parachute drops, antique airplane flights, a sailplane demonstration and a variety of mus~cal enter- tainment. • • .I•' j ~:~JOB LESS RA TE RISES . 1!:. grew longer by 450,000 people," a-u Kenned y said, adding that the •~1 "country 1s now harvesung the !•' bitter fruits of a failed and unfair • economic: policy . Americans '!l'j all over the country are losing l' their ho mes, their hopes and their pride " ., ' 11 ;. One economist said the unem- ,, ployment 1s the price of bringing • , , down inflation and others both ' i~ and out of government, pre- •1 _, dieted the rate will climlt even ",. higher before turning around. 1 Since last summer when the •1 :·,recession that still plagues the r;o-i econ~my set in, unemployment t,,.,.has risen 2.2 perct>ntage points. .,, In July, Jobkssness nationwide . stood at 7 2 perc•c·nt ' ; By March, JOblessness had n - I • ~~'Huck Finn' ban· rejeeted~-.·-· HOUSTON (AP) -School board trusu-es have denied a re- quest by several black parents to ban Mark Twain's novel, "The Adven tures of Huckleberry Finn," which the parents con - tend is degradinR Truste<'s of the Sprang Inde- pendent S<:hool District unan1- sen to 9 percent -equalling the post-World War Il record set in May 1975, the high point of the last severe recession. Some 9.9 million people were out of work in March. The continuing business alump hit that nation's manufacturers the hardest, with unemployment among blue-collar workers rea- ching 13.7 percent in April, a record. GOING UP -F.ntries in the Gordon Bennett Balloon Race are b~ing readied for the big IJilli ....... ,._... event this weekend beginning at Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley. . Argentines seek talks But Britain warns of more bombing Unemployment among adult men, traditionally the most stable segment of the labor force, spur- ted to 8.2 percent, also a new high. Teen-age unemployment shot up to 23 percent, and jo- blessness among blacks reached 18.4 percent, both records. In addition, the number of By The Asaoclated Pre11 and told reporters in London to-An Argentine war bulletin Americans forced to accept part-A top Argentine official hea-day that British wa.rplanes will Thursday said 19 of its troops time employment exceeded 5.8 ded to the United Nations today bomb the airstrip on the Falkla-had been killed and 37 wounded million -the most since the to pursue a diplomatic solution to nd Islands capital of Stanley if in British attacka on the Falk- govemment began keeping such the Falkland I.slands crisis, but Argentine troops repair the da-lands since Saturday. It said this figures more than a decade ago Britain was skeptical of the effort mage of two raids the past seven included eight killed and 1ix -tut month~3.i>90 A~ri-a wamed ~-h2ffibin&._..._da~. wounded in a helicopter attack ~-~ete~-out'o!.-~!-. Xh-.-'timee ~.f, !...Qsuien aaW :!---.. tr~fWT.WJU.bQrotfttie~.-n-.~e ~at.-&l...boa.t SobNll "o ~ccording to the seasonally ad-British marine landing could airfield again," Pym satd. Moiiday, 8.riaifwas us~ that Justed figures produced by the come as early as Monday. He also refused to rule out the rest were casualties m the Labor Department's Bureau of The Argentine official, Deputy b~~bing Argentine ~a inland British. air .attacks on the Falk- Labor Statistics. Total employ-Foreign Minister Enrique Ros, ~1elds. although he said Brit.am lands 8ll"Strtps. ment stood at 99.3 million a de-left Buenos Aires on Thursday dad not want to do this. The casualty summary appa- cline of 152,000 since March, night for U.N. headquarters in "But I woul~ .~ot ~ant le;> ex-rently did no~ include losses even though 300,000 more people New York to discuss poasible elude. any possibility, he said. aboard th~ crwse.r Gel"eral ~1- were looking for work. ways to end the conflict that Br.1ta~n l~st two. more Sea grano, which a Bntish submarine The highest unemployment erupted April 2 when Argentine Harner .)Ct fighters m bad wea-torpedoeq and sank Sunday out- figure was a 24.9 percent rate forces seiz.ed the Falklands from ther off thf:? ~alklands on ~urs-side t~e .blockade zone declared recorded at the height of the Britain. day. the BntiS~ ?efense Muustry by Brat.am. io fall?. WASHINGTON (AP) -The Reagan adminiatration expn!lled tint.erest today ln a bill that would Ip balance the federal budget Y aradually wil)(nsr out the tax deduction allowed for moet con- awner credJt int.en!St. John E. Chapoton, as1i1tant treaaury secretary for tax policy, testified that the administration hu not decided whether to en- dorse the legialation, which a1ao would increase the maximum amount of earned interest that can be excluded from taxes. Chapoton,-appearing before two Senate Finance suboommit- teea, cited several potential problems with the bill, including complication of tax laws and the credit industry and a reduction of savings incentives for higher in- come taxpayers. Moreover, Chapo ton said, a 80phisticated taxpayer could get around the proposed lirQits on deductible interest by borrowing agaif'Bt a house, car or business. "Such difficulties are of course present in other parts of tax law," Chapoton said. "The ques- tion that remains is whether the problems created by partial elimination of the consumer in- terest deduction would outweigh the beneficial economic and rev- enue effects of the proposal." The bill, if enacted. would cost the Treasury $1 .6 billion in 1983 and 1984 but would save the gove rnme nt -and cost tax- payers -$1 2 3 billion in 1985 through l.987_ ----- The reducuon an the amount of inte rest that can be deducted would not affect borrowing for cars, homes, education or busi- ness. F.ach dollar borrowed for con- swnption, this theory goes, is one ta.ken away from investment that would rebuild the economy and create iobs. /• mously agrr·<'d Thursday night · that the nuvel should remain m •.>I the curriculum .. •il One parent, Dora Durden, -1 complatn{•d in February that 1<SJanguagc uiwd thr oughout the book was humiliating to black . students It Depression in 1933. when the Argentine Foreign Minister said. and British newspapers nation's labor force was only half Nicanor Costa Mendez told a s~ted today th~y collided in its pre9ent size. BueJ\06 Aires radio station today the atr after ta~ang off on a that ''certain hope exists" for .... ombat patrol. This left 17 of the Plant explosion releases fumes finding a solution, but reiterated original 20 Harriers with the ar- "all negotiations must lead lne-mada still operational. xorably to Argentine 80verelgn-Prime M inister Margaret ty" over the Falklands -a po-Thatcher said the British gov- sition rejected by Britain. emment accepted another peace acquittal Mesa slaying Man • wins • in , Taiwan discussed ~ PEKING (AP) Vice Presi- il dent Georgt· Bush said the rhlhomy Taiwan issue dominated "frank and rand1d" talks today 'With Chm<•st' Foreign Minister , Huang Hua , the· first of three leaders he will be• meetmg m a ~-bid to smooth Sino-American ~· relatum<; DULU'nf. Minn. (AP) -An ex:pbkll'l lewled most of a plant that makes an artificial flavor enhancer Thursday, sending aloft a black cloud of chemical smoke and fumes and forcing thouands of people to evacuate the area. No deaths were r'eported. Several people were treated at local hospitals for bums and in- halation of fumes. The Times of London said plan put forward by U . N. British military chiefs told the Secretary-General Javier Peret government that task force com-de Cuellar as a "framework" for mander Rear Adm. John Wood-negotiations. But ahe said British ward "expect• to be ready to military activity would continue aend men of the Royal Marines until Argentina agreed to remove aahore in force by Monday." its troops from the Falk.lands. There was no official confirm.a-Wormed sources said Perez de tion. Cuellar's plan calls for a cease- Bri t is h Foreign Secretary fire, a phased withdrawal of Francis Pym accuaed the Argen-Argentine and British forces tines of scuttling peace efforts from the war wne, and U.N. ad- ministration of the Falklands An Orange. County Superior Court jury has acquitted one of two men charged in the April 1981 Costa Meaa parking lot slaying and robbery of hair- dresser Carl LaW90n. The verdict in favor of defen- dant Sam MoDAOOr, 19, was re- turned Thuraday following more than two days of deliberations. ex:iited," McDonald said today. Monsoor took the witness sta- nd in his own defense during the trial, telµng the jury that it was Darwictie, not he, who beat and then shot Law.on in a car parked along Harbor Boulevard. Deputy District Attorney John Conley had attempted to link Monsoor with the crime with footprints indicating Monsoor had been in the car. Cooling trend . while Britain and Argentina ne- gotiate their future. Argentina responded to this with a state- ment accepting U .N . "intervention" and proposing an immediate cease.-fire but saying nothing about the rest of the The other defendant in the case, Remi Darwiche, 25, was convicted of murder and robbery in the Lawson slaying. He is awaiting sentencing before Superior Court Judge William Thomson. Monsoor, who was 18 at the time of the crime, was repre.ent- ed by county Chief Deputy Public Defender Thomas McDo- nald . Lawson's body was found in his car in Santa Ana a day follo- wing the slaying. Missing was expensive jewelry Lawson was wearing at the time of the attack. MoN100r surrendered to inves- tigators after initially travelling to New York. Darwiche was ar- rested in Texas ~th much of the stolen jewelry in his posse9Sion. Coastal Llgh1 v111aDlf' wind~ we1t lo soutnwe11 10 10 16 knots eller- noon Soulhwesl !wells 2 to 4 IMt Partly tunny ollernoon ·u.s. summary Strong nor111w11sierly winds gu11tng to 50 mpn blatled lhe Northern Pt11n1 on Tl'luradey 1orc1ng temperelures In North Oaliola to lh• 30s Els8'1rl!er•. h••vy rain epr•ad across towa and W•scontln wnlle strong touthe<ly .. 1no1 brought warm we•ll'ler to llltnola •nd "' • Mtc;hlgan Temoe<aturH rOM 1n10 the llOI "' Plrll ol IM °"'° Valley end llOUIMm MIChtgan Thunderthowera con11nultd In 1outn•rn Teus white p1rlly cloudy 1klft9 covertKI IM Eaatern Seaboard 11nd sunny Olea were OV9r lh9 W9'1 The forec111t for Friday cell•HI for ecetlenKI !hun<lf',,tOrme lrom th• MllllHlppl V•ll•Y to the AP· pelechlana Portly cloudy 1kl4lt In the Eaa1 and sunny sklet In the Wttat -e to con1lnue :califor_nja Cheyenne Cn1cago Clncinnall CMlveland Clmb1a SC Columbut Oal-Fl Wlh Oey10<1 Oe<ive< OM Moines 0.1tott Ovlulh Et Peto Falfbanks Fargo Fl90statt Great Falls Hartford H919na Honolulu H~ton lndnllj)f11 Jtclltn Jacketwtle Kens City las Vegas Llllle Roel< lou1sv111e Memphis M1am1 Mltwauk" Mpls·SI P Naahv•lle New Ori..ne New York Norfolk Okla City Omaha <Xtando Phlladphla Phoenix Plt11bufgh Southern C111tornl1 wlll conll· Piiand. Me nu• 10 have fair akte1 lhrough Piiand, Or• Seturday. ucepl lor low cloudl-Provtde<1<:9' nH1 night end morning houtt Raleigh along COHI COOl9f 811Utday ~ Hight todey and Saturday In Rlc:hmond Or9009 County 64 to 70. IOwl 50 Salt LIM • to se San Antonio Inland vatleyt ~ e'J)Kt hlQht S..ltle In IM 709 loday, In IM upe>« b ' Sh~ SetUtday Lowt In 501 Sioux F' .. 1 Hlgh1 lodey WI mountlina 82 to St Louil 72. 58 10 88 Seturdey Lowa In St P-T~ 40. Spol.aot WHI 10 IOUl"-1 wtnda Sal·. SyraouM utdey In 00f1h9m dM«t1 Hight Topelle 78 to H , 68 to 78 Saturdey. i.-Tucaon S4 to 84 Southern OIMrl hight Tut" 88 IO t8 lodty 82 to 92 Set~ay WMNnQlll lows 1n so. Wichita Nonh9'n and C.Otral c.itfomta wlll be fair thrOugh Sahsrday H · cep1 for cout•I fOfl and tow cioud1 tpfNdtno IOC911y Of'I otn• trll coul lonlgPll Cooler. T enipt>raiilres NATION CAt.WoMeA 55 82 A.t 88 .. 88 86 86 57 5e 88 54 76 ~ 65 60 80 8t 63 88 72 IM IM 81 5'I 83 74 84 8t 17 82 53 85 85 73 77 80 59 82 111 119 85 70 74 78 8.4 76 82 81 11 rt 17 68 80 81 71 72 S5 82 83 78 eo .. u 94 81 82 88 u " ~ The FOf'ecast FOf' 7a.m . EST S'\ Saturday. May 8 57 · •Low Tempera1Ufes 54 50 59 5e 33 46 5Q 54 40 48 38 34 30 30 30 42 71 Pit..,..,,, .... W• .J~"' ..,_ .. v.c ... 87 "'°"'" u ... o..... QI c-..... 60 Fronts· Coo ..... Wiwm ..., Ot 1 klCWd ..-St.1IM>f\tefy ••• 83 !:~ Ca1111na ~ Cu.....-City 6e Eur•• 57 Fresno 611 lancut., 74 long e .. c,, 83 Loe Ang91M 42 Merys'lllle 57 MonroYle 7 t Montebello 53 Monuwey 47 Mt. Wlleon 50 Needtn 43 Newpor1 8eecll 80 Olkland Sl Ontetlo 8 I Petm $prtng1 • 52 P~I 39 Puo RoblH 48 Rlv•lldt 44 R.o Blulf 50 A9dwood City 32 Reno 48 Sacnmento 3-4 Sallnu 82 8tfl B«llWdlno •s San Gebtlel 82 Ian Diego 44 • San Frlr'Cleco .. SanJoM 80 Sant• Ana 42 s.n1a 8M>ef• 48 Santa CNl •S Santa M#ta St Santa MOfllca se Stoekton 50 Tahoe V'*'f 4e "'-"* Torrence Lo 'Yllme '6 88 80 51 u . 42 64 • c~ ldfftonlon Montrwl Oltawe ..... CMAOA 88 73 79 88 IM 78 74 112 IM 78 80 72 89 85 65 81 t8 ao ee 84 93 M 111 ... 65 82 IO 73 58 74 71 ... 17 ee 92 ee .., " .. .. .. 16 62 72 70 40 53 80 47 54 80 80 80 so 66 80 5'I 48 82 68 54 55 88 50 5S 56 SS 5e 32 •7 53 57 57 ... 50 SS &t 87 ee 55 M 50 30 81 ~· LI ., ia .. at 24 Smog 75 81 5e 48 ... 37; • The South Cout Air Ouallty Management Olatrlot predlctt unheaJthM elr for tentltlve 1*>1>19 1 today over Inland v1ll1y1 north I and fflt of Loe AnQ91M, ' Unhealthful 1lr lor Hnelttve · people wu loreoul lor 1111 Rlver1ld1·S•n Befnardlno ar .. with • Pollutant Standatd lndell of 1'3. for tna Pomona and San Oebrlll vl!Myt with PSI 150, and for thl San Fernando and Senta Cltrlla valleyl wllfl PSI 113. Good air 4u1llty wH lorec&at lor other ar-. lnc:ludl~:i polltM Loi Anoeill and with PSI t2, ..,_~ 87, Long 1 .. cll '''end th• co11t11 ar•a. Inland Or1n91 Coullty, llO ..., Uke and hlgtl and low ""-1a wl1h PSI 42. Extended weather Sund:l;.!.111ida)': Varlabl• cloudl. ~ cf .._.. northern moun'*"9 ~ and luuday. Cooler daye, Ouety1 WMltny Wil'(ll In the ~ MOf\dly end TulH•Y· .. ltll• In "" 00 .. 111 ., ... renelnO from ""'* ..,. et -.,..._ lo mid 70l 11"9nd ....._ LOW1 In lfle eo.. Mountlln r9IOf1 tllgM M to II. "°"' at to to. ·- plan. . Mrs. Thatcher said this was ''a very evident ploy to keep them In possession of their ill-gotten g~." "I think we found the jury conactentioW1ly applied the coR- cepts of law. It aounda trite, but thev found a reuonable doubt Monsoor had been free on $200,000 ball durlng the trial. Darwiche remains in custody in Orange County Jail. • from ~IE SPORTS LTD . AEROBIC, DllCE I WORKOUT FASHIOll CEllTER FEATURING: DANSKIN STIVI llOOKS ·1ARIL Y LIGAL SIA SQUITI . CAIUIHKA Equipment: Aerobic & Sport Shoes Legwefghta Jumpropes Dumbella TramPollnea Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 7, i'982 8 • Heart bypass henef it 15 percent of victims may need operation BOSTON (A~) ~ Coronary bypaas operatlona may prolong the lives of 16 percent of all heart attack vlctlma, a far lower per- centage than mo9t docton realize, a Spanish study concludes. the operations are one of the most common and expensive kinda of surifery In the United States. Doctors ln Spain looked for•the characteriatics that aeparate those who lived from thoee who died ln \he years following heart attacks. The study, directed by Dr. G. Sanz of the University of Barce- lona, was published in Thurs- day's issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. T he doctors found that mor- tality was tugher among patients who had two c.'Ondllions: moder- ate impairment of the left ven- tricle, or the lower left portion of the heart, and clogging in a ll three of the arteries that feed the heart. Medical School, said many doc- tors believe that about one-third of all heart attack victlma would benefit from bypass surger y. A major study is under way in the United States to examine the results on mortality of such sur- gery. Bypass operations are often done to relieve angina chest pain, and mapy doctors believe the s urgery will also prolong life. Ho weve r , the o peration s are controversial, because some doc- tors argue that angina can usuaJly be eased with medicine alone, and the re has been little firm evidence that the surgery actually prolongs life. About 137 ,000 Americans un- derwent coronary bypass opera- tions in 1980, although many of them had not had heart attacks. The operations often cost be - tween $15,000 and $20,000. Each year, about 1.5 million Arperlcans suffer heart attacks, and 550,000 of them die. An ad- ditional 5 percent die each year after the attack. rliUerences that might separate the 19 patients who died from the 240 who survived during the followup period. They found that the principal difterences between the two groups w ere the exis- te nce of poorly pumping left ventricles and three clogged ar- teries. Overall, 56 percent of the sur .... viving patients had sluggish ''(entricles, and 26 percel}t had three clogged arteries. However, only 14 percent had both condi- tions and were good candidates for bypass operations. An addi- tional l percent had clogging in their left maln coronary arteries, a condition that other researchers have shown can kill unless cor-• rected by surgery. In coronary bypass s urgery, doctors remove a piece of vein from the patient's leg and use it to d e t our blood a r ound t h e blocked coronary arteries. STEEL WORKERS FOOD BANK -An un- employed member of United Steelworkers Local 1397 in Homestead , Pa., and his little daughter leave a food bank set up by the union. Nearly a third of the 7,000 workers ~t U.S . Steel Corp. in Homestead have lost their AP wnphoto jobs. As a resuJ t , the union organized the food bank through a benefit rock concert, ralfles, donations at mill gates and other collections. F ood is available to union m e mbers whose benefits have run out. These two abnormalities can be improved with s urge ry. Howeve r, they were found to- gether in a relatively small pro- port ion of the heart patients. Thus, the doctors concluded that ''only 15 percent of patients who survive a myocardial infarction (heart attack) are likely to have thei r lives prolonged b)(... surgery." The Spanish doctors followed the progress of 259 heart attack victims for an average of almost three years. Within a month o their heart attacks, the men un derwent cardiac catheterizatio a procedure in which doctor take X -ray movies of thei hearts. In some parts of the United S tat.es, patients routinely under- go catheterization after· heart at- tacks to determine whether they need to bypas11 s urgery. 'the. Spanish doctors recommended that this procedure only be per- formed on those who have weekly pumping left ventricles. A recent study found that most people with clogged heart arte- ries can be treated succeaafully with medicauon alone and do not need bypass surgery. --Dr. Thomas J . Ryan, a heart speciali~t at Boston University The researchers looked fo Falklands not a declared ~ar., hut Inust observe Geneva rule 'Ape' man found in W. Kenya LONDON (AP) -Neithe r Britain nor Argentina has decla- red war, but they are still obli- gated to observe the 1949 Geneva Conve ntions in their confronta- tion in the South Atlantic. The rules drawn up by a 63-nation conference in the Swiss ·China cultivating 'peaceful image_' PEKING (AP) -China has shown signs of throwing its sup- port behind Western anti-war movemen ts to counter what 1t perceives as a heavily Soviet- influenced peace offensive, ac- cording to Western diplomatic analysts here. The aim, the analysts say, may be to gain more influence on Western public op1ruon, especial- ly that of the le ft, that would result in a perception of China as a champion of peace. The analysts , who spoke on condition they would not be identified, said the Chinese also have an eye on improving rela- tions with West European Com- munist parties. They added that Peking w ould like to have as many of these parties as possible represented at the Chinese Com- munist Party Congress later this year to enhance China's image as a leader in the world socialist movement. C h ina broke relations with most of the parties when it split with the 'Soviet Union 22 years ago, but has been restoring them now that those parties are acting more independently of M09COw . Last fall, Chinese newspapers we re claiming that the Soviet Union was trying to use a pacifist movement in Western Europe for its own ends. But more recently the official Xinhua news agency said in a n Engllsh-language commentary that it was incorrect to refer to the peace movement in West ern Europe as a pacifist movement. It said the movement included some pacifists who believe that "life in whatever state is better than in war." But it added: "Based on their own wartime experiences, West- erners clearly see the threats to peace in the world and to peace and security in Europe that the two superpowers are creating by their nuclear arms race. These Westerners have the potential to unify the objectives o f the movement to make it stronger. Only by doing so will they con - tribute more to the de fense of world peace." Originally, the analysts said, Chin a was afraid the p eace ·moveme nt in Weste rn Europe rr¥ght undermine Europe's rela- tions with the United Stalell and weaken the W est's defenses against the Soviets, who!'" the Chinese see as their most imme- diate threat. But when a n anti-nuc lear movement spread recently to the United States and Japan, the analysts added, the Chinese no longer saw it as an echo of Mo- scow's llne, but as something with deeper political roots. China. which has its own nu- clear weapons, all along has cal- led on the United States and the Soviet Union to take the lead in disarmament. While it still accuses the Soviet Union of aggression and expan- s ion in an effort to rule the world, recent statements by Pe- king have tended to P',lt the Un- ited States on a plane with the Soviets aa a menace. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Claulfled advertising 714/642-5678 All other departments 642-43.21 Thomas P Heley Pv~ a.no <..,_ .. r • ..,_,11.,.. 011tt,.. Kay Schultz Vrt.,.Pt~t .,~ 0.-ltCt()f 04 Art~lt~ Tom Murphrne M~nt Mike Harvey Dw«.lnr ol M •Leon9 tC'"'*hont Ken Goddard Ott•c:tnt m Opoot-• MAIN OFFICE »0 W~~f 8"v SI • CO\I• M<t-v CA Nl•ll 40Clcl'~" Ba. IW.0 COO.I•~ .. CA .,.,. c..,,,...,. t'81 0. ..... Co.\I Publ"lk"O C-y frilO ftf''flJ\ \lOUf\ lllV'ft•hon\ -0+t0f'•411 "'1•t•t Ot ff •fth\ttm.Mh twt••" mA\f .,.. r•~OdutN •lt"'Ovt \Of'<••f «Wtmt"toftof COPyr~t """' SHol\d <'"'' """-"""'At Coo.••-.... '"'''0<"'• tUPS l._.flO(h ~"°''°" b••A,,w• '4 /~fftftntr.e, trv tnt4tl Mi \0 moftlhty ,,_ ')r,,. (..01"t (.ut11y Ptlot ''""' •f\kh t\ (.,,\ b<IW'd '"" -p,.,_, " -.. -"' ""' o..,. (.,.•I PU111i"""9 Com°""y ~ ... , ... --•re """""'°"' -.., ll1tOUOft Frid-. for '°''• IWleW Hewlll>" &M<h, H""l"'11100I 8ee<ll f°""l•lft \1 .. 1.y lrwtt>e I~ llt><Kll, S:0..l't CCMl\I A \"'411 ~ ff;ll.,. " PIAlll-s.turd•v• -5v,.4t';'\ '"" ptlll(fp.11 IMAM·~ P'""' ,, ., no Wt" ... , ~''"" p 0 ••• '"'° '°''" ''""'" , .. ,,°'""' .,.,. VOL n. .. NO. W city after World War II govern maritime warfare, the treatment of prisoners of war, protection of civilians and condition of the wounded and sick in armed for-NAIROBI, Ken ya (AP) -A ces in the field. w ild man with monkey-l ike The rules, which both Britain habits is under observation in a and Argentina signed and rati-hospital after emerging from the fied, apply "to all cases of decl.a-forest on the shore of Lake Vic- red war or of any other ~ t.orta, in western Kenya, Nairobi, conflict which may a.rise between newspapers have repor1ed. two or more of the high contrac-The first report from the Ke- ting partJes, even IC the state of nya News Agency suggested that war is not recognb.ed by one of \he man rru~t be half monkey. th~m." But Dr. Pauf Maundu, district They also apply to "partial or health officer in Homa Bey. wu total occupation of the territory quoted Thursday as saying the of a high contrac&ing party, even patient is a "true man who rrught if the said occupation meets with be mentally deranged." no armed resistance." Maundu said the man, belie- "The conclusion from all this is ved to b.,abo ut 26, may have Lnescapable," said Adam Roberts, been abandoned by relatives a lecturer on international rela-when quite young and developed lions at St. Antony's College, monkey-like habits through oon- Oxford University, in a letter to tact with the animals in the wild The Times of London. " ... the The man, called "John" by the laws of war have been fully ap-staff at Homa ~y Diatrict Hos- plicable to the Argentine occu-pital, was discovered by charcoal pation of the Falkland Islands burners about two months agQ in and to the armed conflict in that the Lambwe Valley Forest, on area even if there is not n fonnal the eastern shore of Lake Victo- state of war." ria near Homa Bay, the preas Roberts told an interview er reports said. governments are reluctant to de-He was admitted to the ho8pi- clare war because that would tal March 2. "give the impression that a The hospital staff reporied country has started a war." that John communicates wlth An undeclare d war also re -grunts, quick, animal-like ges- tures and a few sounds that aeem fleets a desire to "lirrut the con-related to words in' the languages flict and a desire to continue of the Kuria and Kisii tcibes-of negotiations," he added. h the area. On e official said the Britis "'~0 Staff members said he prefers government does not plan to de-FIGHTING FOR LIFE -Ten-month-old Tesha June to eat meat on the bone , unpeeled clare war "because that would Swenhaugen is hoping for a miracle in the pediatric ward of bananas and leaves, that he bring up a lot of legal problems," a Spokane hospital. The tiny tot needs a liver transplant to would rather squat than sit and But it apparently is not trying to survive, but her parents and hospital doctors have been un-that when drinking from a bowl evade its obligations unde r the able to find a donor. Tesha's mother, Bethley •• shown caring he rotates it to ensure that he Geneva Conventions. for the baby at the hospital. drink.a from all sides of it. Officials said the 194 Argen-r-------='--------------------------------------- ~es captured when Britain re- took South Georgia, although not classified as prisoners of war, will receive treatment "better than provided for under the Geneva Conventions." The government said it would return them to Argentina, as Argentina returned the British garrison captured when it occu- pied the Falklanda. The govern- ment al.lo ordered an inquiry - required by the Geneva Con- ventions -into the death of one of the Argentine pNonerl. In World W~ Il, Britain and France declared war on Ger-- many after the Germana attack- ed Poland without a declaration of war.'But Britain'• tut l8fioul anned conflkt. the lnvulon with France of the Suez during the Arab-Israeli War of 1956, wu not a fonnally dedared war. Britain &net France called thelr intervention a "police action," undertaken "in order to 8e()U'8te the belllaer enta," larael and J'cypt. SPRING CARPET SALE 100% llrlon S11onr Carpet s K !.! 1netahd lnso llJlon Cut ind Loop Tr101rr . s14so 141-,... lftttalled SALE ENDS MAY 17th You don't have to wait for that tax refund check to brighten up your home. We have 90 day -NO IN- TEREST Terms -(0.A.C.). 100% llrlon Splu1h C1rp1t s 1 2 INI-,~ IMtallH ..., ........ ~ ........... We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you IYnt? Call the number below and your meu11e wlll 'be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. • The .. me 24·hour anawertn1 Hrvlce may be used to record let· ter1 to the .cllt6r on any toplt. Mailbo• contributon mut lntlude their name and telephone numMr ror verirlcaUon. No clrcul.UO., calla. pleue. · \ • Tell ~ what '1 on your mind. . • 84 Or~ Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 7, 1982 D&AR PAT: We laave ov decMer takea Ml ~J leleetv Ju. H u4 llley ..Y we•• re- ceive oar refHd wll~la •I• weeb. We've wrtn.. u4 plaue4ii btlt U.e refull 1tlll w I aot Meta reeelve4. elpl ., L.F., Cosca Meu ~ Selectv aaya there waa a mlxup in its I -teCOl'""""-da .. becau.e of a mimpelllng of your name. The check now baa been prooeMed and you 1hould receive It any day. If not, Jet A YS • know. ~ Appraising TR letter Ir DEAR PAT: I'd appreciate It lf YH COllld tell m e hw I caa coatac& a collector of pretldatlaJ letten or aato1ra~1. I laave a letter 1lpe4 by T'eeoclore Roosevelt ha ltll. ·~ -C.H., Balboa ,~ Col Evalene Pulati, owne'f of Americana -~ lecton Shop (111 E. Cubon, Santa Ana). can ~ appraieelour letter for a nominal fee and she ' knowa o a "Teddy" Rooeevelt collector. The ~ value of the letter will depend on its condition ~ and content. The date It was written also de- ~ termines value, according to Mn. Pulati. •' For instance, the letter probably would be ~ worth more if it had been written during ~ Rooeevelt'a term of oUice from 1901 when he ~ became president following Presi dent ~ McKinley's asaaaination through 1909. The ~ letter you have was written the year before ~ Roaaevelt d ied at age 60 on Jan. 6, 1919. ~ ., ~ ~ $ .. < Diet aids commeni sought DEAR READERS: May 27 is comment dead.line on__.a..Food and Drug Admiuistration's (FDA) adVuory panel re port calling two in· gredjenta in non-pre9Cription diet aids, benzo- • c.alne and phenylpropanolamine, sale and ef- fective in weight control. f, The FDA notes, however, that reports publi1hed after the panel's findings were submitted 1how that phenylpropanolamine doses higher than those currently marketed (but witbl.n... the aaJe r._ange rea>Jlll!!.end~. by _ -the...pMP.1) caus,e.b.LQQ:d..Rt.~H.Y.r.fl. d evat1on. FDA called for more re9eal'Ch to determine a safe doee range for phenylpropanolamine and the extent to which it induces or aggravates high blood pressure. In the meantime, FDA will allow phe- nyl~lamine to be used at current levels (75 · or fewer per day) but will not permit t e higher dosage (up to 150 milli- grams) recommended by the panel and avai- lable overaeas. The panel found none of the other 111 lngred.lenta in over-the-counter diet pills had been proven effective. It said that although phenylpropanolamine and benzocaine (an an- eethetic that works by numbin~ the taste bucb) might help reduce a dieter a appetite, they do not cause weight toes. Only eating lees or exerd.sing more can -:ffect weight loea, ac- cord!na to the panel report Alter comment evaluation, FDA wlll propoee a reiruJ,ation establ.lah1nc, for the flrat tlme, tncredient and labelln1 1tandarda for the.e produeta. Any product fall.lna to meet the etanda.rda finally adopted may be removed from the market. Send commentl to Dockett ~t Branch (HFA-305), FDA Room 4-f, 0600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Md. 30807. For more lnfonnation, write to Willlam GUberteon, Bu- reau of Drugs, at the above addreea. Needs passport renewed · DEAR PAT: Wbt It "e procedare for reaewt.D1 my puaport by mall? It wm uplre ha Jue. -B.M., Newport Beacla You can arrange for a $10 paaaport re- ne wal application by visiting or malling a self -addreaed, stamped envelope to the Hun- tington Beach Post Office, 6771 Warner Ave., Huntington Beach 92647. When the paaaport application ia completed, you can mail it and tw o new , signed passport plcturet to the passport office indicated on the fonn. The $10 renewal fee a pplies to passports reiaaued withm eight years to perBOna who were not minors when the original puaport was l.aaued. As you might expect, ma ny rules and regulations apply to puaport Ulauance. Spe- cific infonnation can be obtained by phoning pos,t office passport clerks in Fullerton, Gar- de n Grove, Santa Ana, Laguna Hilla and Anaheim. The addresses and phone numbers are listed in the White Pages phone book un- der the postal service heading of the United States Government listing. Check fee bill pending DEAR PAT: II It le1al for merclwats to curie 1 fee wlaea a cbeck boucea? Or, la tills jaat aometbhag tbey do oa U.elr own? . J .R., Cotta Meu _ Cu.rrenU)'._ret8llera and le,nders are no_t _ 11.uthorlzed...ID ~ a fee to a~.r-lrliQ writes a check that bounces. Other bUlinemes 11 like bars and grocery stores can. However, there is a pending bill in the state Leldllature (AB 3479) that would authorize lenders to collect a fee (probably limited to $5 or $7) for return of a dishonored check, negotiable order of withdrawal, or sh.a.re draft. • Got a problem? Then write to Pat Horo-.. j witz. Pat will cul red tape, getting the ill answers and action you need to 1JO/ve in- equities in government and bwline91. Mll.il your que•tion11 to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Dally Pilot, P.O. Bo" 158(), Costa mesa, CA 92626. A6 many letters u possible wil/ be aJU· wered, but phoned inquiries or letters not including the reader'11 full name, addrea and bium ea hours' phone number cannot be oonJJidered. A Serve a gourmet least on our lustrous black tray handcrafted. and embellished w11n dehcale 1r1ses From Couroc $.48. 8 A secret place for a connoisseur or sweets Our bnghlly painted candy bo~ trom Vllleroy & Boch 122.50 Town mandates guns. FRANKLINTOWN, Pa. (AP) -The head of each houlehold ln this amall conununlty must own a gun. under an ordinance pu9ed by the borough council. Under the ordlnance, a1mllar to one enacted recently In Kenne- saw, Ga., the fine for falling to own a gun ls $300. But Coundl President Ralph Gundrum seea little chance of the ordinance belng enforced. The o rdinanc'e, paaaed Wednesday night, includee clauses that exempt the diaabled, the elderly and conaclentioua ob- jecton, Gundrum said. "We have thought about it for ~ulte a while," Gundrum said . • What we want to do is bring the gun1 out in the open and g et people u.aed to handling them." Gundrum said the burglary rate la up in Franklintown and the time hu come to do Rome - thing about It. "A vut majority of the homes in Franklinto wn already have guns," Gundrum noted, adding that the ordinance will make the uae of thoee guns safer. Gundrum said the chief of po- lice plans to conduct classes on firearms safety, and "people are going to protect themselves and they are going to protect their u~ CONCERT ON THE WHITE -Jack McGowan sets up bench for piano pl.aced in snow on Oregon's Mount Hood to publici7.e the Mowit Hood F estival of Jazz in Gresham, Aug. 6-8. Sea lions stricken Mammals wash ashore near Ventura neighbors." VENTURA (AP) -A dozen se a lio ns have died and Councilman Larry F. Wonders, --L--1 v Co be h · th t f da who cast the only negative vote, WMa1aeu up on entura unty ac es l1l e pas ew ys, Id authorities say. predicted the ordinance wou The Ventura County F.nvironmental Health and Animal not protect homeowners from 0 _,1 .. ti de ..... l"hnonta 11 tate ks ff'....:-1-12 criminah &-....-on ,_. .._. • aa w e as s par o 11..;MWt, say "Ii so~ne comes to rob you of the aea lionl have died since last Friday and some others and-. you have a gun they're still have been dt.x1vered ill. goinf to rob you," h e said. Six aea liona were found near Rincon P oint, north of "You.u liable ui..g.eL.shoLWit.b.. -Ven~~'"°" the-¥entur~ .pier-and hree -~w~ -·wenntbwvaed--·Mcanth&ate~Park-tn Oxnard.·--~ Scientist critical . WALNUT CREEK (AP) -A scientist at th e Lawrence Liver· more Laboratory rem a ined in critical condition while d octors awaited teatl to detennine if his pneumonia-like illness was cau- sed by Legionnaire's bacteria. Brad Andrewa, curator of mammals at Marineland on Pal08 Verdes, laid the cau.e of the illness is unknown. The surviving sea llona are oomatoee, he said. An autopsy ia planned on. at least one dead sea lion. Andrews said a similar outbreak occurred three years ago in Southern Caillomia, "and we never did determine what was wrong." He said the disease seems to attack the central nervous system and appears to affect adult female sea lions the w orst. EARN AND LEA Deliver the Daily Pilat Boys and girl s 10 or older - Call 642-4321 and apply today . Daily Pilat The Robinsons Gift PAMPER YOUR VERY DESERVING MOM. LAVISHLY. With life's little luxuries. Like a hideaway for chocolates A tray to inspire breakfast in bed A charming basket of flowers And then some. We've gathered the gifts to please her. Tempting httle treasures. for a very reasonable S16·S50. Now add your own special touct:ies. And give a very special mom an extra special day Robinson 's Gifts. 59. To order. c all toll ·free 1·800·345·8501 D Bright. forever frtan blosaom1, tenderly placed In a tiny basket. C A cerate for her bedside From Salos, clean and scutoted, wllh 111 own glass aroo t20. From a collectlon, by 0.ldan. t11·140. IHOP ,1'8DAY 1M1 IA1URDAT 10ot, IUNDAY 11 .. 1. NIWPORT MIH10f$ tl&.AND • WllTMI...,. MALL l . E Our 10• COlltclOf'I pill• celebr1llng children from Sttdnictc. t>tevt11U11V handpelnttd wM an Oflenlel molH With tlatld - I • • I I . I I I ____________ .__ -. Carter to star in fiahins sbow ABC-TV l'fJ9el'Wd a lpOt for five daya on an Ultem Que- bec ulmon river eo that for- mer .President Jlmm7 Caner and hla wife Roaalyaa can flbn a fly-fiahing ep6lode for ABC's American Sportsman aeries. 1lie Carten will be llCCIOlll· panted by an ABC camera crew, American fly-flahing expert Artllmr Lee, a contln-aent of Secret Service agenta and Quebec provtncial police officers. ' 1 'The • taping will take place on tbe Matapedia River on the Gaspe Peninsula June 21-26, an ABC spokesman aaid. You may have read before that vinegar is a great way to clean a coffee maker, but household hints columnist DIES AT H -Au.trian- bom actor-producer Hel- mut Dantine, who por- trayed suave vlllaina in many 19408 filma on inter- national intrigue, died in Hollywood following a heart attack. "-HelOiae says ideas like that Talk show host Dick Ca-are worth repeating. Ponce Belohe Cra se vett returns to his home state Evans, who writes "Hints Saturday to receive an hon- from Heloise" for an estima-orary doctor of humane let- ted 75 million readers in 11 ters degree from the Univer-sity of Nebraska-Lincoln. languages, says she repeats CavettJraduat ed from good ideas in her syndicated column, but never repeats Lincoln igh School and went on to columns verbatim. Yale Uni-In a telephone Interview from her San Antonio office, v e r s i t Y ' where he Heloise said that when popu-mainred in lar demand dictates that she ~ and run a recipe or hint again, she Eng 11 sh . tells her readers the material H e 1 ate r has been published before became 8 during the 24-year life of the writer for column begun by her late 00 __ ... ,ans Former U.N . Secretary- General Kan WalcU1eJm wu Injured when lttw:k and tm- aed leveral feet by a movtnc streetcar while cro11lng a downtown avenue in the Austrian capital of Vienna. Waldheim WU 00.pltallz.ed but waa not seriously hurt, said a doctor. Waldheim, 63, returned t.o Vienna several weeks ago following two terms u U.N. aecretary-general. A California man won $163,9~3 when be stopped to play a slot machine before checking out of the Laa Vegas Hilton. EWe Hara, 30, of Re.eda, la the latest person to qualify for the Hilton'• $1 million slot playoff next April In Reno. Aa ~3-year-old Colorado man named Wlllle Nelsoa, who even loo~s like the country and western star , pleaded innocent to charges of Impersonating the singer, writing bad checks and for- gery. A girlfriend brought Wil- liam David Nelson of West- minster, Colo., to the Ante- lope Valley sheriff's station, where he was arrested, a Los Angeles County sheriff's ser- geant said. A 23-year-old Ore gon , woman returned to Katman- du, the Himalayan kingdom's capital after conquering a 22,000-foot mountain and ce- lebrating a top-of-the-world wedding. Stacy Allison of Woodburn was part of a nine-woman American expedition which arrived in the capital after climbing the 22,494-foot Arna Dablam -the mountain known as the "mother's necklace" in ~epalese -in mother.~-----·~ _______ ._ _____ ... 1~a ... 1 c ..... b..._ a.a.-c.&lllln.--- Free-lance writ.er Cyntltla Joltnny Carson and Jerry Dwyer , freed 14 months ago Lewis. --the Mot01t -£v~1 est t e:gtorr-ot- northeast Nepal. from an Iranian prison, has His skills as a talk show been told to appear May 19 host earned Cavett three before a town justice in Am-Errunys during the 19708. For herst, N.Y .• to answer a c.har-five years, he has been host of ge stemming from an argu-an interview program on the ment over a parking spot. Public Broa~ting System. On May 4, two weeks after reaching the Himalayan summit, she married Mark Meinert, 30, of Springdale, Utah , a t 12,000-foot high Namche Bazar, the homeland of Napalese Sherpa guides. DavisOBrown ' MOTHERS DAY MICROWAVE SPECIAL Right Now In Honor of Mother, You Can Get Special Savings On These Microwaves and More. Surprise Mom With A Microwave NE7730 PlllSOllC •Vlrilble Ptwtr •Temp. hoOt eOtfrost • l.32 c:u. ft. ... $379 95 The l11i11 ~J Pi11101io WHY S!TTU! FOi LESS? AUTO SINSOlt CONTIOl •t.1• 1.32 Cu. ft. I •Auto·~ Defrost ) •& Powtr Ln• ~T&rntabll NE7930 GOOO~ SIAl Of Alffl(N/tl,, onio li•111io1 3 AVl/CC>NY'ICTION OVIN ' OINUS AUTO seelOll S5() ·caSH REBATE SPACEMAKER '~MICROWAVE OVEN SAVES VALUABLE COUNTER SPACE • 2-soeed ran and light • Automatic cooking and automatic roasting con1ro1s • Easy-to·use M1cr0Touch controls HIRDWICI 30" EYELEYEL RIISE WITH llCROWIYE Microwave •Touch Controls •3 Memories •Time of Day Clock I •Variable Power 1 •Temp Probe lower •Easy Clean Top •Chrome ~Bowls •Conth.lous Clean •Black Glass Door •Plotless SAYE llOW OranQ9 Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 7. 1982 The RobnsorYs Gift EARRINGS. ORNAMENTS OF ART FOR MOM. Buttons. balls. hoops, drops, crescents •• , Pierced or clip styles Robinson's own earrings, the perfect accessory !or Mom In goldtone. from the left: the s II shell. $6.50 Medium endless hoop, $5 Shrimp hoop. $15. Kidney shape, S . Medium love knot. $6. R s ash1on Jewelry, 16 To order, call toll·free 1·800·345·8501 -~.. --~ ---------------- The Robinsons Gift SENSATIONAL SEERSUCKER. IT'S A WRAP. Celanese* Fortre!411 polyester/cotton makes 11 soft and easy-care Its essential luxury rr.akes its practicaltty a pleasure Thal's why our seersucker 1s so perfect for Mom Shown the long wrap. $48. Also available: the short wrap, $40. Both p1nktwhlte or bluetwh1te. by Evelyn Pearson. P·S·M·l. Robin son's Loungewear. 40 To order, ca ll toll-free 1·800·345-8501. 411 Fort rel 1s a reg. trademark of Fiber Industries. Inc a subsidiary of Celanese Corp. l I t I • I I l ' • ... -----~--------- Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Frlc:tay, May 7, 1982 'Thirtl Reich'.examines Hitler's 'inner circle TV drama focuses on Albert Speer's insights ).Y FRED ROTHENBERG .,,,,........_ ...... NEW YORK -ABC'a "Ina.Ide the Third Reich," based on the memoirs of Nazi war criminal Albert Speer, goes deeper than the documentaries on Germany and World War II to provide a peraonal perspective on the po- wer of power and the people who used it to maim the world. Speer's best-selling autobiog- raphy, written during his 20 years in prison and publlahed in . 1970, comes to television Sunday and Monday on Channel 7 in a production that resembles a clas- sy cha11l1 alowed by clackety wheels. Thls flve-hour movie will keep viewers in their aeata, not on the edge of them. The movie will be shown from 8 to 11 p.m. Sunday, 9 to 11 p.m. Monday. Filmed in West Germany, "Inside the Third Reich" exam- ines the men behind the monster -Hitler's inner circle. They are portrayed as a band of crude, humorless maniacs, except for the sophisticated Speer, the only unportant Nazi to plead guilty at the Nuremberg war crime trials. Speer was born into Ger- many'• aodal registry. Hia father, played with aplomb by Sir John Gielgud, is an architect. The young Speer, well educated and highly cultured, becomes an ar- chitect, but with grander detdgns. With his superior breedlng, Speer's sins may be viewed aa even greater than the rest of Hitler's henchmen. Speer should have known better. Dutch actor Rutger Hauer ("Soldier of Orange,'' "Night Hawks") gives a clinical perfor- mance, which iJ in keeping with Speer's practice of conscience- con trol. Speer's guilt develops only after the war. "You must learn to turn your eyes away," he tells his wife (Blythe ,Danner) after witnessing brutality against Jews. ln 1931, at the age of 25, Speer doesn't seem to have any politics, nor does he take much of an ideological stance, even after hearing Haller speak for the first time. But he's mesrner1u.>d. and, perceiving Hitler as his ticket to the top, Speer immediately joins the Nazi party. A Gypsy (Viveca Lindfors) te lls him: "Your career will match your ambition . . you will rise rapidly . . . you will win early fame . . . and you will re- tire early." Ambition seems to motivate Speer more than anything else, and i\ allows h im to take a see- no-evd stance, even though he's 'lV REVIEW f I ' • 3 able to continue alter my death with the authority I conferred on him," Hitler told Speer. "I see you aa that man." Speer's architectural plan was to leave a German structural legacy, like ttle Greeks and Ro- mans. He volunteered the uae of has workers for the war effort, but an enraged Hitler turned htm down. "You're at peace. I'm a t war " Hitler is played passionately by British actor Derek Jacobi. Known to TV audiences as the star of "I, Claudius," Jacobi w~ reluctant to take the role because of the physical dissimilarities. But superb makeup and Jacobi's fervent acting produce a chilling, crazed presence, fuU of rire and bnmstone. In one scene, Hitler gives a scathing imit.ation of European leaders Chamberlain and Musso- lini. On the s tump or in the backrooms, Hitler was the con- summate actor Anyone who could seduce a nation and an in· telligent man like Albert Speer had to be. * * * Al' Wl!'ephoto CENTER OF STORM -Rutge r Hauer and Blythe Danner play Albert and Margarete Speer in the ABC television drama ''Inside the Third Reich." He dian't want to play Hitler constantly warned of the Nazi .By JERRY BUCK ChanoeUery and gives it a three· field. Then J began to see at as a dangers by his father, uruversity A., Tei.v1e1on Writer dimension effect. huge challenge and I didn't know professor and wife, Margarete. LOS ANGELES _ Adolf Jacobi stars as Hitler 111 "Ins1de 1f I was pre pared to face 1t " Although Margarete isn't a Hitler, in a brown uniform, pea-the Third Reich," a five-hour "l ask«!. why me?" Jac"Ob1 said major character in S~r·s book, ked hat, and a Nazi red armband, mi.nileries ABC (Channel 7) will between shooung the final SCE!nes writer·producer E. Jack Neuman s truts across 1he floor of the telecast Sunday and Monday. at Laird Lntcrnauonal Studios an utili?RS her as the movie's social Reich ChancC'llery. His gloved Rutger Hauer stars as Albe rt Culver C1 ty "And the answer conscience. Neuman conducted hands clasp his wide belt. Speer, who mobilized industrial was that 'Hitl<'r was an actor. He more than 50 hours of interv:iews production for Hi.tier during ts different in eve7 scene ... wt\h--Speer ~o~-his death1t.!"'"a -'t.ha,·s 'ho w..ay U-l<>«>· ... k•1 -"'"'W ... orta""War'1I .""Bly\l'ie'""Dmiwr-~ven his lamou5ra es wer~-s~ta-.--- free man m 1981 through the camera lens. Stan-plays Margarete Speer The pro-ged performances. AP~to ZEIG HEIL -Derek Jacobi portrays Adolf Hitler in the two-part miniseries "Inside the Third Reich." "Inside the Third Reach" traces dang beside the camera ohe sees gram as based on Speer's autob1-"He c hanged physically and Speer's nsc: from his first arch.a· actor Derek Jacobi an Hitler's ography deteriorated rapidly a fter Stalin· tectural assicent for the Nazas, uniform walking around in a "I didn't want to play Hitler," grad. He was a very sack man. to HI.tier's c 1'ef monument butl· bare studio in front of a black J b a<.'O 1 says. always che wing on palls and la· der and conHdant, to thl' top man scr<'en. "l think l tried to get out of at king m,,ectaons He had Parkin· in Hiller's cabinet as m1ruster of He was being photographed from the first s uggestion ," he son's d1Sease and the rumor was armaments and war producuon. through a new front projection said "My initial 1-eaction was even if he hadn't shot hllTlSelf he "I need someone who will be system that sets him inside the that the idea had come out of left wouldn't have survived." ARE YOU BUYING A CAR? WE COULD SAVE YOU AS MUCH AS $3000 ON HIGHER PRICED AUTOMOBILES Take Mom somewhere1X_ea5af{_l.Jon Mother's Day. In th1.• 4uJ1nt C ountrv Inn., of Frann·, Mnlhl·r·., Day ,., a J<1y of l.l'll'brataon .ind lca'>tang. !)o on th1., Vl'ry "Pl'Ctal day, lht• Pll•a.,.int Pl'il'>dnl will bt' ~~~~. AND CERTAINLY HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS ON MODERATELY PRICED CARS. upl·n fur tlannl•r to bnn~ you French C.ountry danmg fit for a King or "Queen .. .>I Pll'J!>dnt PcdSdnt pnu~s. To anhanu.' this occa.-,.,1on, thl• l'h-a.,.int Pl'J'>.inl wall prl"'>l"nt ,111 the "'Ml-rt·" J v.rnJa 11rch1J, tht• flower of mt'morw., "So m.il l· tha., <l.iv a day uf mt'moril0'i" WE WILL DO YOUR SHOPPING CALL VIRGINIA AT (714) 645-4100 or 145-1122 I If • ',.. • . • J; ") ; ,;~'\'ol ; '•' 4 ·~;Jr.I ..... '.;~· ... ~, .... • .. I :.~ ' "'. I '\ •• I•., ' :"' ' .... ""' ~ • ~~ ... l\ ._Y ( \ ' •1 '• ' • ' ,. ' ~ ~ • ' l • "'\ I /CA1 ,.. J'1l(i'• ·.._:•:> .• ·• "·~ .......... '··' \ :11(.,..,_,, ••• (" ·Y'l"' 1 •• 1"1' :_,.r,, .(' Open Smday FOid To Go htil llninl Now Open FOf 9rHkfa1t AtM .. a Verde Only f7M7J5 ·Pin• ....... 11ti ..... ~ .... , ...... Also Locat.cl On Balboa Island ENTERTAINMENT NfTEL Y COCKTAILS & CASUAL DINING 11 AM. "rlL 9 P.M. 545-1711 Mother's Day Special Cameo Miniature S99S Choose From 5 Different Poses WEDDING SPECIALS NOW BOOKING FOR SUMMER photography by Jeffrey "CREATNE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY" 545-6786 WELCOMES TO THEIR SALON: CORRY SUPER NORMA CRUZ From DelEONS OPEN MONDAY THRU SAT. 540-0600 W«dlhops . far Clllltlnl• 8oMckAe of cl11111 avaMable It the lhop. I rl'nl h C.ountry 1>1t11n11 l .... ottery winne r shortchanged lillionaire lands in bankruptcy cour t ,.,..,...,..'° DETROIT (AP) -O.pite the fact that he bouaht a "bli home" and '4aome cara," $1 million .Mlcblaan lottery winner Ken Proxmire aaya extravagance wu not what forced him Into bank- ruptcy court. The trouble atarted, he aaya, when "Inflation got a hold of" the pool table sales bualneu he la unched with two brothera in Call1omia. "I bought a big hocne, a nice comfortable home" ln Call1omia and "bought some cara," Prox- mire aaid In a telephone inter- view from his lawyer's office ln Freano. ''I bought my kids cars and whatever they needed - guitars or whatever they wanted. Call1omia, ia ln U.S . Bankruptcy Court ln ~ 1eekin(_ to pay 50 oenta on the dollar on • $33,000 loan from a bank and aeveral thouund dollara in other per- aonal debta. "The money I waa maklna from the bualneu (estimated at about $100,000 per year) I wu putting back In the bualneaa to open other busine98ea," he said. "Aa one store made money. I went ahead and opened another store ... But then they staned losing money." Records show he bought a new, cu.atomized Ford van, a new Pontiac Grand Prix, a new Ford Courier truck, a new Dodge Mi- rada and two Ford Fiestas. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 7, 1982 SOUTH COAST PLAZA This Sunday, Mother's Day COMPLIMENT ARY VALET MAU Entry Between Bullocks and I. MAgnin We Park Your Car Free 'I • . ~ . ANltRUPT WINNER - en Proxmire won $50,000 a ?ar from the Michigan State >ttery in 1977. but he filed ankr uptcy in Fresno this ?ar because of an attempt .o go too fast and get too uch." "And then you get to the point where it's just expected of you to buy these, to do this, to live that life style, to entertain people, to have parties, to entertain at par- ties. Sure, I changed." He still has 15 annual lottery payments of $50,000 due him, but Proxmire's ~wy~1 khnSir• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! ..,.,.,Sle~- 11:30 to 4:30. Att~ hi• Hmlnar on t collecting Royal Dou/ton dolls, 11:30 a.m. Win • bNulHul Roy•/ Dou/ton doll, "'Arst Born" (pictured right) In her own bassinet. Value 1116 Register for drawing to be held May 11. No purchase necessary. Winner need not be present . ... • 11/m, "The Making of s Royal Dou/ton Figurine, " during the event. Come lo • Bunnykln• birthday 1»rty and 9Bmple delicious cakes from H.,,..n•• S.k•ry of Beverly Hills, 12 noon. S.. MW Roy•/ Doulton fnlroductlon•. mited Edition Kate away dolls. 01116 r. Days of the Week botlectlon of Victorian fJlrthday dolls. 1125 • Affordable new Vanity Fair collection 'lgurlnes, #6 • New Balloon character figurine. 1125 • New Shakespeare ;ollectlon character 'ugs, 175 Decorative Accessories, 280 The 39-year-old Proxmire, who w on the big prize Feb. 4, 1977 and quit his job as a Detroit tool cutter and grinder to move to bian, says creditors cannot touch it because it is not considered an asset on hand. Those assets are listed as a 1977 Buick Skyhawk, $5,000 in household furnishings and $2,700 in jewelry and clothing. F or complete ad copy and art services advertisers all along the Orange Coast Daily Pilat rely on Bullock's and Royal Dou/ton present • • • in story and song. -----In per son, Michael Daulton • At Bullock'• South Coa•t Pl•z• M•y 8, 11:30 to 4."30. It's a Royal Dou/ton party. And you're invited/ Come see new Dou/ton collectibles: figurines, dolls, . character jugs and more, and collect your favorites. MHt MlchHI Daulton, fifth generation direct descendant of John Dou/ton, founder of Royal Dou/ton. He'll be here to autograph your purchases . . . which makes them even more valuable! Decorative Accessories, 280 New Balloon Girl figurine from the Balloon character collection, 1125 Special order only. New Monday's Child doll from the Days of the Week collect/on, 1126 New Vers doll from the llmlltJd 8dltlon Kate Greenswsy collect/on, 1111 ____ .. ------------.....- \f'JaY to live. OUTH COAST PLAZA, 3333 Bristol, C.M., 556-0611 f.!OP M?ndayif riday 10-9:30, Saturday 10-6, Sunday 1 ~5. . ' .. ' . ~ ' ... Or.,;oe Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 7, 1982 r Rig ht to attorney mus t not be denied Orange Co unty Sheriff- Coroner Brad Gates never has been one to kee p quiet when things aren't to his liking. This aspect of the s h eri!f 's person a lity was shown last Ocw- ber when he took on a fellow d e- partment head , Public Defe nder R o n a ld Butle r . over so-called "earl y" contacts Butle r's o ffice made in a murder case. At the time, Gates faulled the public d e fe nde r 's office for ma- king telephonic contact with mur- der su spect Thomas Fra ncis Ed- wards sho rtly after Edwards' ar- rest in connection with the slaying of a La ke Elsinore girl at a C le- ~e la nd National Forest camp- ~ und. After contact was made with dwards, who was arres te d in ~-aryland, the s uspect stopped talking to two investigators who were present and decided U> fight extradition to California, Gates maintained. Butler contended the contact was both legal and ethical -a position recently supported by a committee of prominent atU>meys and judges. Following a lengthy and costly analysis of the issues, the committee, formed by the county Bo~rd of Supervisors, h e ld that the contact with Edwards by the public defender's office was pro- per, just as Butler had maintained. While it's not hard to unde r- stand why Gates was upset with the public defender's action, the sheriff should bear in mind that all who are accused have a rig ht U> an a tU>mey. ~Milk s urplus rip-off ~ The d a iry lobby. n ot unex-But, while the minimum price ~1>ected ly, is shedding tears over was guaranteed, no limit was im-~Q.-Agriculture Secre tary J o hn R. posed on the amount o f surplus Y~Block 's p roposal to seek a tern-the government would buy. So il ~~ -orary freeze and eventually a was obviously in the farmer's in-~ght cutback in government milk te rest to overproduce and tak e ~~riee supports. advantage of an assured marke t. ~~ Block wants to freeze the And that's exactly what has been ~1rrenL.g.uaJ:a.Ote.ed..s>rice.Ll!..Jl3..lO_Jiapp1ming..¥eac. after year -- per hundred pounds until Jan. 1, Last ye ar, whe n the govern-~stead of le tting it increase to me nt's stock of surplus ch eese had i13.25 on Oct. l. Then, after study, risen U> 560 million pounds, there ~he price m ight be c ut by a bout was a feeble effort to dis tribute ~~ne d ollar. Witho ut new Jegisla-some of it U> the poor. ~ ~oon, the government-guaranteed But it's piling up again, along ~.,..minimum price for surplus pro-w ith the dry milk and butter. And duction would increase U> $14 by in addition U> buying the stuff, the [ :1984 and $14.60 by 1985. taxpayers are footing a swrage bill ~, The proposed freeze and pos-that amounts U> a million dollars a ~~sible cutback would, says the dairy day. r~lobby. "create an inU>lerable level This is fantasy land. • f uncertainty" a nd even force Secretary Bloc k says h e ~.some dairy farmers out of busi-would like to arrange to donate 'ness. some of the s urplus w needy peo- This is n onsense. pie abroad, as w ell as increasing Right now government swre-donations in this country. ...,)louses are bulging with 2 billion That's all very well, but it still •f,o unds of dry milk, butte r and doesn't he lp the taxpayer who is .;tileese, purchased by the govern-paying for the surplus and still ·!iftlent for more than $3 billion un-facing high prices for dairy prod-~er the price support system. If ucts at the supermarke t because of •;the rules are not changed, an ad-the government-guaranteed mini- • d ition al $6 billion could be spent mum. :-"on the program through 1985. Clearly the solution is for the ·! Originally, milk price sup-government to combine its price ~ · po rts w e re initia ted lo pro t ect support with a rational limit on • • dairy farmers when market prices the amount of overprodefction it ~: $agged so they would not be obli-will buy . Only the n w o uld the • ged to dispose of their herds. overproduction subside . /F olitical n a m e . . .. gam e --~-: It is a well-known po litical • ~act tha t a candidate's name can be ~ ~ ver y sig n ificant !ac to r in the outcome of a ny particular election. A name that for some reason cat- ches th e eye of a wavering voter can be an asset -or liability - depending on the situation. ln last Saturday's Texas pri- mary, there w er e several candi- dates for a variety of offices who m ay have a dde d some c urio us twists U> this political axiom. For instance, the state's com- missioner of agriculture was de- feated in the Democratic primary. It is possible that anyone sporting t h e unlike l y combination of Reagan Brown for a name could be anathema U> both conservatives and liberals, depending on which name stands out the most U> par- ; ticular voters. Brown surely did not do his · s=ause a favor when he inadver~ • tently used a raciaJ slur when re- fe rring to famed black educator ~,13ooker T . Washington. r -One can only guess how • Reagan Brown would have fared had he sought political office in California. In the state treas urer race, incumbent Warren Harding may have been severely handicapped in the Democratic primary because of his name . In the first place, Warren Harding was the name of a Republican president who serv- ed in the early 1920s , though Treasurer Harding is no relation. But more importantly, Presi- dent Harding is one of the dim- me~t lights in the Republican pantheon. Scandal for scandal, the Harding administration matched in disrepute the administrations of both Richard M . Nixon and Ulys- ses S . Grant. M emories of T eapot Dome and other lowlights of the Harding years must have been jogged fur- ther when Treasurer Harding was indicted for allegedly using state employeefl as campaign workers. He said the charge was politically motivated. In any event, he lost the election. Opinions expressed In tl'le space above are thow of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex- pressed on tn1s page are those ot their authors and artists. Reader comment 1s innt· ed Address ·The Oa11y Piiot, P 0 Box IS60, Costa Me~. CA -<n626 Phone C71') : 641·4321 L .M. Boyd/ Roy al burial King Richard I or Eqcl•nd had made it clear before his dhth In 1199 that be wanted lo be buried In France. And the French thouC)\l auch an lnt~rment would make not one but several dand)' hlatorlcal altea. So they burled hl1 bead In Rouen Cathedral, his entrails at Charroux In 'Poltou. a nd the remainder In Fontevrault. A1I indelicate as thla ORANGE COAS.- Daily Pilot .J. proccdur• may seem, ll was a common practice for medieval ldn11 of Europe. T!lere are computerlzed robo'8 whicn can duplicate the acdon of \be human wrist or of the hand or of the flngen. But Chere are no robotl yei that can duplJcate the eomblned acdon of the wrilt, hand and flnpn. . ' Tttom.'1 P. Haley Pub II Sher notnnA.~lne E d itor • BerNrl Krelbieft Editorial P119e Editor .. EPA revises scientific data WASHINGTON -So eager is the Envlronmental Protection Agency \o placate commercial interests tbAt a top agency official actually ordered technical papen doctored to make It appear that a cancer-causing substance poses little threat to consumers. The scientist who was oUered to re- write the data refused to do 1t, and eventually quit the agency in d.laguat. He did not volunleer his story; in fact. he agreed to talk \o my a.odate John Dil- lon ~y ~!!,;1'w~t-U:::ni:r..:. ':f. i:~ count with other IOW'Cfl. Here's what happened: DURING THE waning days of the Carter administration, EPA scientist.I urged that the agency decide within six months what to do about fonnaldehyde, a chemical widely used in home building, wood producta and even in eome tooth· pastes. Laboratory studies showed that for- maldehyde vapor cauaes cancer in rats. and La not only a likely human carcino- gen, but also causes "eye, nose and throat irritation, persistent cough, res- piratory distresa, akin irritation. naWlea, headaches and di.z:zine98." The ac:ientists recommended quick ac- tion on fonnaldehyde, de9':ribing it as a "significant riak" \o the J)Ublk. But the new boa of m>A'a toxics and pesticides diviaioo. Dr. John Todhunter, didn't see It that way. A fonner chair- man of the biochemistry department at Catholic University, Todhunter was alao an advi.eer \o the American Council on Science and Health, a eelf-atyled oonsu· mer group that ii funded by the chemi- cal industry. He hu urged the industry's G. -J1-c1-11-1-1a_1_1 -~ Side in Clebit-e. OWi' ~on o! other poi.lollOUI chemic:ala. After a number of meeting, with lob- byiBta from the Formaldehyde lnstitte, Todhunter killed the EPA scientists' recommendation. Then he wrote a memo to EPA administrator Anne Gorsuch, explaining why swift action wasn't nee- ded. In essence, his memo said formal- dehyde's danger to people had not been conclusively proved. ln another corner of government, meanwhile, the Consumer Product Sa- fety Commission banned the use of urea formaldehyde foam as an insulating material in houses. In support of its decision, the commission noted that 16 senior government scientists, the National Institute for Occupational Sa- fety and Health and the International Agency for Re9earch on Cancer had all concluded that formaldehyde "should be presumed to pose a carcinogenic risk to hurnana.•• The commiBsion had been given a COf of Todhunter's memo minimizing th danger of formaldehyde. Responded th commission's experts: His conclusi6r rested "on several incorrect bases or ai swnptlons of fact for which supportiv data do not exist." Earlier, Todhunter had ordered h staff to n·wr1te thl' EPA t.echrucal pape on formaldehyde to conform to his pog_ tion and also, if possible, make it appes that EPA's delaying tactics were not complete reve)t'lal of previous agenc -policy:-He ewe11 pe11ci:led 01 some of d1 • changes he wanted that would "explai away" the danger of fo rmaldehyde, at cording to my sources. BUT THE SCIENTIST in charge c the formaldehyde program rebelled. H SaJd he could not in good conscience altt scientific documents. In dismay and fn stration, he quit the agency. EPA now plans a time-consumin study of the effects of formaldehyde o humans, the scientist said, adding: "Th negates the whole way chemical care nogens have been regulated in the pas To me it's really a repugnant way c doing things. It's going back to the ol way of not doing anything until the be dies were stacked up." Footnote: Todhunter was a unavaili ble for comment, but his deputy.Do Clay. acknowledged that some changE had been made in the formaldehyd d ocume nt s "as we got mor information." ' Why should Reagan play polite h o s t ! I don't know why President Reagan invited Leonid Brezhnev to come to the United States ao the two men could talk. Talking is a fine idea, but why here? Brezhnev waa just as foolish when he turned down the invitation and sug- gested they meet instead in some neutral country like Switzerland. Switzerland is neutral against eveey'one. Inviting Brezhnev here was a mistake because anyone who has ever had friends over for dinner knows that the host is the one at a dl.aadvantage. The guests just sit there, eyeing everything critically and waiting to be 1erved. The host is scrambling around ln the kitchen trying to get dinner on the table and the guests are checking to tee if their for~ are squeaky clean. IF THE RUSSIAN leeder came to the United States. it ii Re.aan who'd be ln this difficult position. ffe'd have to be the polite host. He'd have to run out to the airport to greet -maybe even kiss -Leonid Brezhnev. Why would Reagan bring something like this on himlelf? Years ago. I used to collaborate with another writer. Sometimes he'd come to my houae to work and sometimes I'd go to his. I learned right then that it's al- ways better to go to the other peraon's house. U he came to my bowie, I waa the one who felt guilt}' about how the pl.ace looked. I wu the one who spent time cleaning up before he got there. U the phone rang or the k1da started fighting upstairs while we were working. 1 was the one who had to do something about it. When I went to his house, things were different. I was relaxed and ready to create. I didn't have a thing on my mind I~'' -AN-DY -RO-ON-fY -....... 4 but the work at hand. It was he who had to ask if I wanted more ioe. U Brezhnev came here and went to the White House, Mrs. Reagan certainly would have \o run out thoae $600 plates to show the Commuru.ta the good things that capitalism can produce. Just ~e whatoouldhappenliLeoruddrop his plate in his lap and it fell to the oor in pieces. For a lousy $600, we oould have an international incident. The President's plan was to have Brezhnev go to the United Nations in New York. I suppose Reagan figured that after a look al what a mess both the U.N. and New York are in, the Russian leader would probably go back to Mos- cow thinking he had nothing to worry about from ua. It'• a small point, I sup- poee, but lf Brezhnev came to New York, the Bis Apple would probably have to clean ita atreeta. New York streets were last cleaned 1n 19~9 when Niki Khrushc·hl'V l·amt.· hert> There's no question that Reaga should go to Moscow 1f he wants to tall He could Just say to Leonid, "Hey, w. ought to sit down and talk. Why don't come over to your place. I know yo haven't been feeling like your old se lately and I'm a lot younger than yo are, so I'll just hop a plane and get ov there. What time do you get in in morning?" INSTANTLY, the Russians would on the defensive. They'd have to sta hustling to get ready Pope John Paul II seems to understan public relations better than either Re gan or Brezhnev. You don't hear peop saying a lot of mean things about Pope and you don't see the Pope invi · a Jot of people over to the Vatican for visit, either If he wants to meet t Mexican people a nd President Lop Portillo, the Pope doesn't put the I · chefs in the Vaucan to the test of · to make lingulne with white clam sau taste like beef tacos. He goes to Mex:io and the Mexican government has t worry about what a Polish Pope living i Italy Ukes for dmner. President Reagan should reconside • his meeting with Breihnev. He shoul tell the Sovie ts he 's coming over o better yet, just drop in on the K.re · unexpectedly someday. That's how really embarrass aomeone. Translations can foil the most exa c t w riter There is an old Italian saying in Jeho. larly circles. "Traduttore traditore," which means "a translator is a traitor.'~ and implies that it is imp<>Mlble to tran· slate without misrepresenting the origi· nal. I thought of this not long ago, readinR Bruno Bettelhetm'• ~Una article in 111111 111111 The New Yorker Ma8Hfne on 11Freud and the Soul." Hit complaint wu that poor l'.nallah tranllaUon.t of Freud do not accurately reflect the humanllm he de. alred at the heertof ~· ln re.din& lt. l allo NC*lMd the worda of Jacques Maritain, the French pbUo· eopher, expttMd at Aaptn .om. yeen ago. He waa dluaU.fled with all hJa many booka u-analac.d in\o J!n&Ulh a-. ~ ~ tnnllaton who knew J'recb clid nol know~~ W. who kMW phikmpl\y did; not know Prench." The fact of th~ matter is that, while there are better and worse translations, even someone who knew both Frenc h and phllosophy might have difficulty in converting French \o English and vice versa -because there is no one-to-one correlation between many words and phrases ln these two ~es. (This, by the way, la why all languages have borrowed words from other t.Ongues, and why 8COret of English words are hea~ ln all European and Asiatic languages.) As an example. French does not even have a word prectaely corresponding to o ur •ichaJr .' A Frenchman can eay "chaiM'' or "fauteun:~ dependtn, on the cont.ext. bu\. there II no &eneric "chair'' u ln Enaliah. German hN no word for an ant.mil lwpt • • "pet"; a ~domaltk animal" ~rtalnly doan'\ cm th• but. And we have no word for older people, Ilk• the J'Nnch "v1eUard," havlng to liweri\. Uw 8wfu) 'wnlor dtbtn. ,, lrlTERAL 1RAN8LATIONS are the worat. Marlo Pel ieU. ua that durlnl World W•r ll the lcaliuw Sot one of thetr rew lauaha out ot,.. literal tnnllaacn Qf the 1Jr1dlh "Hdrbe '1eet" (''fl'lona di Casa"). which to them sounded like domttst1 catcd tomcat. An important confl'rence, n ot Ion ago, betwee n Br1t1s h and America offieials ground to a halt when \he Br tish askro to ''table" a resolution and th Am<'rtcans objected. It turned out, h wevcr, that to "table" in Britain ia to it on the table for considenUon, whe 'in America I\ means \o put It Mide. S what chanre did Freud have? lllllY Ill We know ao little abOut nelghbori countries thal moll of '" can'l e¥ name \heir te.der'L ' • . . -.. -----~ .. . ....... . 9"!!!='!"~~~~~~~.~~~~~~==--~~~------------------~~~~-·-0r~M-'Ge __ eo..t ___ o_A_1L_v_P_1L_or_1_Fr_1d_~_.M_~_;_1_,1_e_e2 ________________ A:..=.;.t 1 -.-J I . • / ------·--- •• . . ,. ··• SOUTH COAST PLAZA ~ ' , Photo by ELLEN BAK { , ft .. {J I Ale Orenge Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 7, 1982 rd ball lrvineC • I team! • n We're some of the 1,702 lease who have joined the fight to get a fair deal from The Irvine Company. : We need your help to win big. Yes, we've got them on the run. The Irvine Company has seemingly made some token concessions in programs affecting both the rental and the purchase of our leased lots. How come? Because of the in- tense heat hundreds of your Orange County neighbors have applied. We've literally forced the company, much against its will, to be less greedy and more {ealistic. _ tlo..w• hav.en!t.w.on.pL Gettiag_tbe__ company to be a little more conciliatory doesn't assure us a fair shake on the big issues. We must never underestimate The lrVine Company! Or the size of its war chest. We must keep up-and step up-the pressure. We're fighting for our rights. For exam- ple, we want:• Land values that aren't wildly inflated• Price quotes of what we actually lease, which does not include what we already own • An end to weeks of stalling • A better deal than Irvine's proposed annual rent increase, as high.as 8°/o year after year • Our right to negotiate, as opposed to their "take-it-or-leave-it" demands. We need players, not spectators. We need money to broaden our base of sup- porters, to broadcast the injustice, to step up cp munications, t9 save and Rr~§.~rve our villages and communities. We need dedicated volunteers to work in the eight areas listed in the coupon. And we need money and helping hands now, in the cru cial stages of battle. You have a vital stake in the outcome if you're a leaseholder. So do your Orange County neighbors. Please send in the coupon today. Let's get off the sidelines and onto the field. It's hardball time! - Boris Alenin Diane DuCharme Richard Koeth Steven Ross /,,-·Mail Coupon With Your Check Today·-,\ Hal Altshuler Oir1< Eastman Eugene Kovack Robert Rothwell Robert Amatadter Joseph Ebner Robert Lake Robert B. Runyon I \ Robert L Arnold Jose c. Baydo Frank Lancaster Leslie W Sachs John W Austin Dennis England Juel Lee Bruce G. Saville I Harry Baker Jack Fabregas R.E Leitner Richard Schappert I Ms. Barbara Young, President John M. Baker James Felton Derek Lewis Louis Scott I Committee of 4000 John W. Baldridge Larry Finn Kendall Lockhart Eleano< R. Seares Michael Barone John Fleming Richard w Long JohnC. Selle« Ji 3700 Newport Blvd. Floyd I Bartlett Bruce J. Flynn Robert Longpre Calvin G. Siegle Newport Beach, CA 92663 ·Richard W Bendhetm Peter Forester Jorge Luhan Jerry Silkebakken I \ • • Chester Berry Ronald G. Foster Thomas A. Malcolm Ron Silverman . Charles E. Bishop Jack M. Fox James D Malder Donald M. Slyh I want to help! • Ralph Bjorklund Shirley Fox Robert Mapel Al Smith .: John A. Blaich Robert M. Franks Norman McKinley Peter Snetsinger :~ Richard P. Booth, Jr. George S. Fruehling M.H. Medearis Joseph Soja 0 Here's my check for$ Annette Bork Theodore J. Fuller George W Mefferd Joseph Sortals 0 I vol~nteer to work in the area or areas checked at Committee . Eleanor Bowle Dave Gambill David Mohs Fred G. Spanks ' David Brant Paul Garman Mary Kay Moore Andrew Steinbert Offices. (Please also call to volunteer your services.) · Thomas V. Brooks Gordon Glass Donald V. Montooth Yvonne Stephen (714) 640-1031. Francis W Brown Charles L Golden G,9e!'ge Morales Marsha A. Stolzoff R.J. Brucks David C. Grant Virginia Morris GenE" Sullivan -Telephone Bank Valerie Brumagln Lois G. Graves Albert Nassaur George A. Swarberg U Personnel Rem Burbank Bernard Greene Malcolm Neale Thoms Sybefsma 0 Accounting _ Legal Research Allan Burgess John Greeley J.R Nejad John E. Tate George H. Burr Russ Greengard Mike Nichols Jack Teal 0 Computer Brilliance ....... Marketing & Communications R.J. Butler Norman Groud Rod Nundenberg David L Tomcheck 0 Clerical (Typing & Filing) _ Fund Raising Functions GOOf'ge Calamaras Robert Guggenheim Francis Odell A. Troutman Thomas C. Carney. Jr LJ. Haight Robert Opp Dorothy E. Usedom R.E. Carpenter Hunt Holladay William E. Oster. Jr. John Vann Lumlr 0. Cerny ThOmas Hanks Harold K. Ostm Angelo Vassos Halsey Chambosse Gladis T. Hansen Michael Pace Char1es F. Wade lrvln C. Chapman Robert B. Hicks James Palm Eugene Wade Name Lee A. Chenweth Richard Holmgren Nicholas S. Patin Jack K. Wagner Joseph Colllgan Evelyn Huston Edward Pa.zour Joseph Wambaugh Address Wiiey Conover David Jacob Sam J. Perrino Jacques Warshauer Betty Gressler L Johannes Tedd L Peterson Dorothy R. Webster I.A Cuthbert Al Johnson W.G. Price Phyl Westervelt Cit Arona Dagnoff Ed Johnson Oosmas Protopappas Arthur W. Wiese Walter C. Davison Harry Johnson ' Wiiiiam Rabbit James Wilson Aniello DiCrlscl Philip Johnson Garry F. Radzat Richard Yamabuchl Slate Zip William P. Dietz Warren Johnson Richard Regosln Barbara Young Hazel Dimmitt Ron Jolley J. David Reid Stan Zech Barbara J. Dixon R.N. Jungles Wesley Richardson AnnZemer I Phone( I Nick Doolin Steward Killian Jack Riley \ /. Emma Doss Nancy 0. Kilpatrick Robert $. Rose ' / Ira E. Dowd Ralph Kiser Malcolm Ross '-------------------~------; .Leaseholders-Unite ! • Jointbe C of FRIDAY, MAV 7, 1982 C AVA LCADE-82 TIE Cllll.111 Tll lllm ---------- Diane Wurster led her studen ts in a "Tribute to Parents" at Plavan School. See Page 86. 0 ~ 0 A • • • VlSlt each day helps keep the blues away Retired CdM man lifts e lderl y spirit s COMFORTING -Floyd Meyer holds the hand of 98-year-old Floyd Meyer during his __ daily "rounds" at Park Superi.?! .<;onvale- 0.-, Not l'tlot8 .., '"" PeJM sc..-ent Hospital in Newport Beach where he's become a volunteer visitor. I By STEVE MARBLE Of'hDlllJNet ..... Floyd Meyer atrolla down the convalescent hospital corridor. He's been up and down it & hundred times before. He 1top1 in front of a room, wavee to a woman. waita for her to amile and moves on. "Thia is fantastic. I love it," aaya Meyer, a retired Greyhound bua driver from Chl~o. "Theee are great people here.' At 71 , Meyer has become a farnlliar face at the Park Supe- rior Convalescent Hospital in Newport Beach. He's a profes- sional vl.aitor who knows all 94 patients at the hoepital by name. Some say he's the beat thing that's ever happened to the place, a silver-haired spirit of youth who puts ln a near eight-hour day at the hospital, five days a week. Meyer says he responded to a newspaper ad seeking a volun- teer at the hospital more than a y~ ago and has been showing up ever since. A part-time minister who says he learned the art of listening as a bua driver, Meyer •pends his volunteer hours talking and listening to patients, playing pi- ano_ for them and trying to buoy Open house planned at Wizard of backyard • • air station The Marine Corps Air Heli- copter Station at Tustin will be alive with automotive street rods, helicopters. hot air balloons and model aircraft from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m . May 16 when it hosts ita Third Annual Amied Forces Day Open House. With proceeds to go to the Navy Relief Society, which as- liata Marines and thelr families, there will be food, tee shirts and games available to all who at- tend. Major events acheduled during the dar.-long open house include Tustin 1 third annual street rod automotive show; a five and 10 kilometer foot race; a model air- craft show and displays of Ma- rine Corps aircraft. Highlight of the street rod show will be safety lnspections of veh icles, speedometer calibra- tions on the airfield runway and "show'n'shine" displays. - The five and 10 kilometer races are .et to begin at 7:30 and 8 a.m. respectively in front of the air station's hangar 1. Entry fee for the races is $8 with a T-shirt, $4 without. More race information can be obtained by telephoning Lt. Roy Fussell at 551-7303. Besides demonstrations of radio-controlled model aircraft, full-size Marine a.in:raft and hot air balloons will fly between 10 a.m. and noon. Additional information about the street rod show and other open houae activities can be obt- ained from Major Douglas Rei- nika at 551-7321. Irvine housewife piques kids' interest By SANDIE JOY Of ltle 0.-, ""°' ..... A pack rat with a purpose is what you might call Irvine resi- dent Jane Hoffman. "I save everything," said the energy-charged blonde who's otherwise known as the Backya- rd Scientist. "My husband puts stuff in the trash and I take it out. "You never know when you'll need something.'' • Her College Park home is filled with boxes and boxes of stuff she's saved -JUSt in case. In fact, she had an attic room built just to store everything from balls of string to laboratory test tubes and miscellaneous gadgets. While fixing lunch, dealing with ringing doorbells and phones, answering her son's and a reporter's questions and inter- mittently gesturing, she explain- ed her purpoee. It's to instill enthuaiaam in yoUJli children, particularly en- thusiasm about science, and to teach them to trunk creatively. Lots of what she saves is for hands-on experiments she tea- ches ln elementary echoola ln Ir- vine, Tustin, Newport-Mesa, Cy- press, La Palma and Orange. One class, "Ba c kyard S ci entists ," In c ludes ''experiments designed to stimu- late, mystify and enlighten the young scientist," she said. In another, called "1-2-3 Home loan program funded for county Orange County and Bank of America officials have signed an agreement that establishes a $1.2 million home rehabilitation loan program for specially targeted areas of the county. Officials said the home Im- provement program will be for single-family and multi-family residential structures as well as manufactured housing and mo- bile homes. Putting up the money for the loan program are both the county and Bank of America, which are contributing equal amounts of S600,000. Ttie co~ty's share comes from Community Devel- opment Block Grant funds. Interest rates for the loans will range from 3 percent to 11.5 percent for a maximum of 15 years. Bank officials said. that while there will be no limit on the loan amounts. Kyhl Smeby, Bank of America executive vice president, said the home loan program "is unique because it is the first Ume that Bank of America has entered in an agreement to asmst the owners of mobile homes or manufactured housing with r ehabilitation financing ... Th.ink," she invites students "to step into the world of fantaal.zina, wondering, supposing and ima- gining while learning creative thinking skills, problem solving, deciaion making and having fun.'' Apparently her enthusiasm ia contagious. After doing an experiment at her instruction, her son, Jason, walked out the front door with ita materials -plutic tubing and water -to show bl.a frlenda how bubbles move when the tubing is manipulated. Having tried her hand at va- rious endeavors ranging from fashion merchandising to public relations, Mrs. Hoffman's interest in education accelerated when she helped in her son's nunery achool and kindergarten classes. "I loved the kids; they loved me," she aaid. "It was fantastic." She began enrolling in every educational seminar ahe could. "I really got hooked on how they taught kids," she said. She got a job as an Instruc- tional aide in a Turtle Rock Ele- mentary School first grade and began teaching a cooking class for children through Irvine's Com- munity Services Department. Next, she added the Backyard Scientist class, gave up the coo- king and concentrated on acience. Mrs. Hoffman said she'd like to write a acience book for children and ultimately be the next Mr. Rogers as in TV's "Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.'' "My dream." she explained, "is to lnstill every child wttb curio- sity. I believe that acience lnatills thinking in a child at a very young age." thelr spirits. "In some ways," he observes, "this la a forgotten world. Some bring their mother or father here and 1orget them. ''There's one woman here who gets all dressed up every morning and alts there waiting for her son. He never comes but every mor- ning she gets all dressed up and waits. "A lot of them do that," he adds, "they just keep waiting.'' Meyer says he makes a point of visiting nearly all the patients every day. Sometimes he says he just holds their hands and doesn't say a thing. "All of them have stories to tell, all of them have had their own lives. They just want some attention, someone to talk to." A Corona del Mar resident and the son of a Baptist preacher , Meyer has something of a vol- unteer circuit. He v isits rest homes in Huntington Beac h , Costa Mesa and others in New- port. But Park Superior gets the biggest sJke of his time. 1•l:very morning when I get here there's three or four women in wheelchairs waiting for me. They roll themselves out into the lobby and wait there until I arrive." He says he has only one rule. "Being positive. I'm always positive. They don't need some- one telling them that they're sick and Jook bad. Being positive is the key.'' Sometimes, he admits, the work gets to him. "Some of them will take a tum for the wone and get moved over to Hoag Hospital. You're never sure if you'll see them again.'' Meyer says this makes him only more determined to spent time with patients. He says lf he can make them happy and leave them laughing, that can't hurt. "I've had a good rich life," he says, ''but I wouldn't trade this experience for any of It. I mean that. This is where I've found my reward." ' 0.-,Noll ........... DOWN, NOT OUT -Costa Mesa's Sid Soffer vows to conti- nue his battle with the city over his parked Cadillacs, even after losing another round in court. ~offer won't quit in car park battle Sid Soffer, the C.OSta Mesa car collector who lost another round ln his continuing battle with the dty over where and how long he parks his Cadillacs, says he'll keep fighting. · Judges for the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Tuesday found no merit to Soffer's claim that C.O.ta Mesa violated his constitu- tional rights by towing three unregistered cars away from his Arbor Street home in 1977. Undaunted by the rul.lng, Sof- fer said he'll petition for a re- hearing before the entire Court. Tueeday's dedsion was made by onli three judges. ' T hel are as wron~ey can be,' aald Soffer. • prob- lem la that what the dty doing l.a unconatltutional. It's depriving peopi. of due proce91." . Soffer I who act• aa hla own attorney, is no st ranger to the COW'tl. Last year a trial jury CU• led agalnat him and a Los An- seiea federal court judge turned down his request for a new trial. The bearded Costa Mesan clairn8 that his civil rights were violated when a hearing was not held before the three Cadillacs were,towed. The city contends that it's illegal to park cars longer than 72 hours. "It's not the cani," maintains Soffer. "It's the principle of the thing.'' Meanwhile Soffer says that he plans to sue the city over two other can that were towed. One was a '62 Cadillac that h e con- tends was towed ln 1980 and re- turned at the city'• expense da- maged. Alao, last month an u.nrepte- red 1948 Ford, perked more than 72 hours across the atreet from his home, was towed. It remaina lm~unded. 'They may think it's a piece of ju nk," aaid Soffer. "But lt's worth $3,000. I bet dollars to doughnuts that they tow th at back too.,, Two school chiefs cited lor service Newpol'.'t·Meaa Unlfted .School Dl1trlct Superin tendent Joh n Nicoll and parent Si.n Cohen haw been Mnored by the PTA • for theU' ..-vtce to the dllcrict. Nicoll ... preeented wlth a Conttnutna 88rvlce Award rec- ent11 from the Harbor Council PT~ wtdch ..wt 22 ICbooll ln th• dl1trlct. He won a 1lmUer award ....... be WM IUper'inten• cllmatPmfk: Grow ID 1888 and hH .... '"'=*-ndent in ~..... 1171. Stan Cohen, chairman of the !'.ducatioml ~ Mvi8ar'y Committee, WU liWD 9 ~ ary Service Award. The com· mru .. worked 10 montba on • report that ~•red echool clo- 1\119, currtculum. apeda1 educe· Uonandt ......... ~Uy u. am diltl1d hll ~ tMtna aCtklr\ OI\ -of thi coaunltlee'a recommenda- dona. Odliri 1'111 be a..._wcl In the nat Nw manh. • -- 1 I I -· t • -Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Frtday, May 7, 1112 1 • ·-. • • • l i . '· t Ann apologizes for rerunning tho~e columns (»:lltor'a NoU1: Thia colwnn '8 Ann Landen' penonaJ reply to criticism that she reused old column it.ems.) DEAR READERS: Y 08 knew yoa woald bear directly from me, didn't yoa? Well, bere I am, laylag It on tlae line -a1 always. I owe It to yoa to ezplala what till• flap 11 all aboat and I 1ball do ja1t tlaat. For H yean we've been friends. Yoa bave tnatecl me wltb yoar 1ecret1 and as- ked for pJdance. I bope I bave bffn belpfal. Ancl now I mast tbank yoa for an In~ credible oatpoarlng of friend1blp and faith la my lategrlty, at a time wben my name baa been mach In tbe new1. Tbe five phones la my office and tbe two at bome bave not stopped rlaglag. Calla bave been comlag In from botb coa1t1 and dozens of cUlea in between. My Canadian friends, aa always, have been beaattfally loyal H well. Tile callen are dally readen, faltbfal fan1, editors and pabll1bera, personal friends, all uylag, "We are beblnd yoa, Ann, no matter what -bat please ezplala. Why FANTASY YARD -Cheyenne, Suzann.e and Dal Henderson study outsiz.ed pencils in front yard of their Fresno home. Henderson, a car- penter and aspiring artist, shaped the first pencil when faced with what to do with a tree wa1 oar TV prolJ"UD laternpted to tell •• to listen to t•e 'hll scoop' aboat Au Lu· den on tile late new1T A.ad wlaea we lllfe.. ned, die •b11 aeoop' was tllat )'H Md na 1ome letten la yov colama diat W beea nm before. lfty are daey matlDI ta a bl& deal oat of 611't U tlae advice 11 ielpfal. DJ woald uyoae object to readla1 It a1ala - especially 11 yeara later?" Actaally, my frleedl, wlaat wa1 WfOlll wu tlae fact tlaat I did aot Identify die let. ten a1 reru1. An editor II.as a ript to es· pect new material ules1 odlerwt.H lal»eled. For tlaoae of yoa wlao laave Ja1t emer~ ged from . a cave la lwo Jlma, let me ove yoa tile back1roancl of tlall tempest In a teapot. A 1mall paper ID llllnol1 noticed some of my colamn1 II.ad a famlllar rlaJ. So tbey claecked tlae archives ud learned diet over a period of a year and a half, of tile approxhnately 1,808 letters that appeared, aboat 30 laad ran prevloaaly. . · It bas been called to my attention by some of my colleapea tbat very few col· amnlat1 have been tarnlll1 oat seven col- amn1 a week for H years. Moat colamnllta and cartoon11t1, tbey uld,· 10 on vacation and leave beblad old material to be Died la tlatlr abaeace. Tiley call U 0 tlle beat of" Sy .. ey Barri• or Art Baclawald or Mike & to. Noltody mbldl. la fact, tlaey are de· ~ iteea-=-IMte colamu an tlae belt 0 die lot I llaow my readera eaJ01 reran• be· eaase tlaey keep a1tta1 for ••em. I have ,,..,. my Mftaltlola of Matulty five times Ud every weel I receive at leut a cloien r ..... tl to npeat It. ••J>ead at l '1'' laa1 ap- peared foar times aacl I laave 1tvea per- iDllllta for lt1 ue la over HI Mp aclaool papen ul lafety IP9llcadon1. · · I'm 1orry to laave creaJed 10 macll coausao1~\· aad lacreased 10 maay tele-plaolle b t wa1 all so unecetury. U ja1- one editor ot IHlbll1laer bad let me bow duit 1acll a practice wa1 not acceptable, I woald have dl1contlnaed It at once. Obvloa1IJ. I wa1 naive, bat I certal.aly wa1 not dapUcl• to11. On tile po1ltlve aide, troable lta't all bad. It baa a cartoa1 way of lettlq u U.w bow muy really good friends we lave~d I can teU yoa It 11 beartwarmlag to w that I have 10 many. Ble11 yoa for yoar vote of confidence. -ANN LANDERS -Bush leaguer at heart BY BUGH A. ·MULLIGAN MJ.,_...e.11 .. u•Rt ' RED CLOUD, Neb. -Too bad Georp Stein· brenner wasn't around when buah league baaeball thrived like wheat on these prairies. Thia might have been the richellt town in America, buried .un- der the leaves of h1a checkbook. Of ooune, Red Cloud always baa been rich - rid\ in history and culture and characters. Willa Cather, my favorite American novelist, grew up here and conferred immortality on the place and ita peoele in ooignant, unfor2ettable novels like "My Antonia/' "0 Pioneers," '1Song of the Lark" and "One of Oun," which won the Pu- litz.er Prize in 1923. The whole town from the restored Burlington .- HUGH MUlllGAll MULLIGAN STEW speci&l pit.ch. Mitchell expectorated slippery elm juice for Brooklyn in the 1920 World Serles and for the Card.lnals in the 1928 series. He also got into the record books~ a hitter, for hitting into an unas- sisted triple play in a World Series game. depot with the sparrows nesting in ita tower to the WHEN MJTCHELL BEGAN to 1oee whatever '--Opera-mme upmrtrnJver tbe-hlrrdware·-store;--control .... ~ i)i~wu.aold.to - where the was valedictorian for her three-student Detroit for $500, the equivalent of a subway 'token high achoo! graduating clue, ia a living museum to in today's Steinbrenneronomics. The team physician Willa Cather's way with words and into people's probably couldn't determine whether he bad a hearta. tender elbow or slippery elm disease. "' .......... stump. He then faahoined five more "pencila" from utility poles. The decorations have earned the nickname ''The Pencil Houae," and people come from miles around to take a look. I THE RED CLOUD and the cow pastures sur- rounding It &190 bad a way with the national pas· time that brouabt another measure of fame. Two bwball Hall cil Famen -Cy young and Daz.zy Vance -pttcbed for the Red Cloud Chiefs, when the tam WM in the 0-D Nebruka State League or buried even deeper in the bU1hes. Sometimes ' they only called themeelvel the Indi.ana. Not many towns of 2,500 population can make that claim. But then again when the grand old game really waa filling grandstands around the country not many towns that siJ:e could bout five newspa- pen, three hotels, two trolley cars and two tele- phone cxmpmia Red Cloud, as Howard Caiell would allow, was aomething el8e and produced aome kind of players. Steinbrenner would have been shipping them out of here like priz.e cattle. BEREA.BOUTS THEY STILL say that Denton Tn.le Young Upitcbed for the creamery." That was when only hll friends called him "Cy" and before he became well known enough to lend hia name to beaeball'a most prest.lg1oua pitching award. The Red Cloud Red Chiefs, just before the turn of the cen- tury, were spol'l80l'ed by Omaby and Dickef'80n, the butter and egg people, who kept fireballer Young on the payroll mowing hay· in the meadow, when he wun't mowlng down batters from Fremont, Grand lal.and, Hutinp and Kearney. Arthur Charles Vance, born in Orient, Iowa, '\vas known as "Daisey" in Red Cloud, hia nickname when he pitched for Hasting$ High. The city slicker sports writers got it wrong and called him "Dazey," when he finally made it to the big time after 10 years kicking around the minors. . He was 31 years old when Brooklyn brought him out of the bushes, but he went on to lead the National League in strik.eouts for seven years in a row, fanning more than 2,000 batters in a late blooming career that also saw him win 15 games in a row. The big righthander had a strange idiosyn- crasy. He never let his catcher know in advance what he was going to throw. Most had broken fingers to prove it. Vance played for Brooklyn in the zany days of outfielder Babe Herman, who muffed fly ball.a with his head, and manager Wilbert Robimon, who once boasted he could cat.ch a baseball dropped from an airplane and wound up squashed under a grapefruit substituted at the last moment by Casey Stengel. They helped make the Roaring '20 roar. In Cloud, they might have given credit for Leo feels more secure There must be something about following a mule down endle8I Nebraska furrows -"running on until they met the sky," Willa Cather said -that does wonden for a fellow's control. Young made it to the majors, where he to.eel three no-hitters and, on May 3, 1904, a perfect game. Pitching for Cle- veland, St. Loula and Boston, he chalked up 511 wina, the only player in baaeball's tint half century to pam the 500 mark. DAZZY, FROM BIS Red Cloud experience, could play their brand of ball. One day on the mound, with the tying run on third. he tucked ball and glove under his ann and sought the eolaoe of a chaw ofter~. The baaerunner saw~ oppor- tunity and lit out for home. Dazzy cut him down with a perfect throw to the low hovering catcher but the umpire scored it a nm. Seema it was against the leate rules to tag a fellow out with a Bull Durham k. versatili y. An how, Vance ushered in the Steinbrenner era. Sort of. He was the first major leaguer to draw a $25,000 salary. He was also the first to invert in Florida real estate. Satarday, May 8 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Search comes to conclusion; you find what you seek but not in form anticipated. Emphasis on mystery, the occult, financial status of one close to you. You arrive at truth but might refuse to recognize it. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Go slow, maintain low profile, realiz.e that you can af- ford to play waiting game. Lunar emphasis on public relations, legal considerations and an offer by member of opposite sex. Cancer, Capricorn and another Taurus figure promi- nently. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Lunar focus on employment, recreation, nutrition and im- provement of basic services. Safety h.a7.ard is removed, you'll deliver special report, n~~­ bors will applaud your efforts. Relative , makes special request, reminds you of past favor. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Emotions dominate logic; creative prooe88 is stimulated, you imprint style and could fall madly in love. You'll gain added independence, make impor- tant contact and you'll learn by teaching. Aquarius, Pt.lea penons play important roles. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You'll feel more 1 secure, you'll have chance to be a property owner. Moon emphasis on bu.line8I tramaction, dMHnp with older individOal, winning your way by following through on intuitive fee- Unp. Aquarian plays key role. ·POr ·aon ~y ASHLEIGH BRllt.IANT. ALL I Nltltb TODAY . IS ENOVGH TO C:Otr:r ME AS FAR AS TOMORROW. HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Plans subject to change. Have altemaUves at hand, espe- cially where travel or vacation enter picture. Popularity increases, you'll have reason to celebrate, personal horizons expand. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You obtain needed capital. You're on w~..to building program, whether or not immediately aware of it. Cycle high, you make major diacovery. You locate item that bad been misplaced or stolen. SCORPIO (Od 23-Nov. 21): Your natural love of detective work surges to forefront. You'll piece together clues and come up with complete story. Leadenhip qualities become evident. You'll initiate changel and 1-ue ln- structiona. . SAOtTrAJUVS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): F~ member ~uiree special OODllderation. - ta1 viait could be on agenda. You win via - plomacy. 'Vou're oamplimented on appearance and voice. C1andeltlne meettna aida in plnSnc proper. perspective -~ where mem· ber ff oppadte 118X· ii eQncel • CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): With' cximes true but~..,,. mind at lalt mtnu•. Rulel o1~1JbJ1ct to revllion. Obtain btnt by stud a.rtm m1111p. You'll haw aceea to material. . AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-l'eb. 18): l'.mpb.u on career communlty ~jl&lt. ~deal ldMty and ~ acaommodaUoo wttb IUplll'tar. You'll have more .....-blllty, be~ man . authority and 8dded UM,._.lion WOl ..,._ ten pie. Belauamblp ........ PllCBI (reb. lt-M-.s-~on1· ..... CO"""'P'd !Nim aktl ta 1lliiftl com= planl Into focua. Prijjld can bi wttb ..S of Arill. IDmfb r'r m • •u•...-1~•Mial\ ~UI Yalu. mid a~ if ..,.n •. Bltmt....., bdDP m.. , .. • .... Clarence Elmer Mitchell may not have in- vented the spitball ln Red Cloud, but he certainly pioneered the raw materials hereabouts. When he went off to hana h1a eeamed humming bird in the air for the ~yn Trolley Dodgen and later the St. Louis Cardinala, h1a wife Lulu regularly 91mt him off pecketa of bark from a favorite slippery elm that stilf stands in a nearby meadow to lubricate his Still, he remained a small town bush leaguer at heart, which is ho~ Red Cloud remembera him. According to scrap books in the Webeter =fi Museum here, when he was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1955, one of the local papers headlined it: "HASTINGS HIGH HURLER ELEVATED TO HALL OF FAME." Bush is beautiful, aa was and ia rural America. GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF ~la WJ&lnerablt. South dula. NO&TR •'IU ~ ... OAUI •au WEST EAST •KH •non <::1U <::1 1lHO o .nu o 10'1 •attn •o 80UTB •AQI <::1 1.QI 0 &Qt •AQU Tiie bJcUlnr: S...W• N_..E.ail un ,_•NT P .. ,_ ..... Opealq lead1 Tea of •. added hl1 12 polnta to hla partner's maximum poaslble of 24, NW that there wu not enough for a grand alam and settled In the small slam. Both Westa led the ten of cluba. There were eleven fut tricks and two po11ible 90urce1 of a twelfth -a 3-3 diamond break or an eJttra tridt ln 1pade1. One declarer won the club on the table and fmmedlatel)' went after the dlamo11d1. When that 1uii followed the percentages and 1pllt 4·2, declarer fell back on tit. 1pade ft.aeue. W eat wo11 and 'tUbed bil dlamoad tor clown OH. "A SoOd alun," uW Soulb. "Juet unluU,." . Tn other declarer manar• ed the hand a Utt.le different· 1.1. He too won the ftnt ttldt In dirmm.)', but before tadtl· tar tn diame>11ds. ht ru elubl, dJlcanlfQI a epade from the table. Next came tluw rounda of diam_.,, to find tbtt WNt ha4I four carcla in the .UlL. But declarer wu iD DO lallft'J to '11 the 1P9de n ....... rtnt he cubed Lhe Illar and qu.ee of heuia. aect thee -'" to UM aee, wi.n Wiil..,.. • spade on the third heart, '" contract became a een.Jntt. Weat'• remaintna e&rda wer. known to be two apad .. ud a diamond, and declarer ctidJl't care which 1pade1 Wut held. Declarer 1lmply ltd duGUQ1·1 diamond, dllcardlnc a lplAk &om bfa hand. We•t woe, but wu foreed to lead a •l*M in·· to declarer'• ace.queen t.euee, and the contract wa1 home. Would 1ou sa7 that declarer wu ludty? • ----------- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I 'ACUPUllCTURE Clll-IWl CIOI, C.l. AUTHOR OF "ACUPUNCTUM a 8CleNCE" Former Chairman, seminar of Chinese Acupuncutre Foundation PROFESSOR OF ACUPUNCTURE, GRADUATE: CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE WHO'S WHO IN CALIFORNIA, 13th Edition 545-2436 ~on.-Wed.-Frl. Br1etol lledlcal Center 2720 8. Brfetol 81. Suite No. 229 SANTA ANA 532-5040 Tuee.-Thur.-Sat. Medtcal Den ... Center 1500 E. Keteti. Ave. Suite F ORA NOE SMOKING & PAIN-CONTROL MANY OTID DISORDERS All> DISABllTES • II : IPR • Vetlocles receMOg rebates not elogtble IOI 12 8% ! f LIMitlD .nM1 ONLYI : Look! Brand llew : '82 Camaro Coupe! • =· * • • : SAYE NOW! =----~~~----: E•J .:a-=. a • ...N.llOftmMlllilt .. : lfeep that. ireat GM feefing • with ellli1e GM Parts! • a e ••a a a . :+Bf • ._ ________ --, Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 7, 1982 DQ11}r' Yoo'! Like Our Prices U f~ You'll like 'Our Food U~ Served 5 to 9 P.M. MON: CLAM STRPS .................................................................. 3.95 DMD fried etrlpe Of aweet clam• Choloe Of Potato, col• llaw TUES: CHICKEN FILLET STRIPS ................................................. 3.95 White meet ctlloken nttet ttrlpe deep friend and Mrved With choloe of dlpa, fried breaded zucchini. ~Ofpotato. WED: STIR-FRY BEEF & VE GET ABLES ....................................... 3.75 Leen beef 1t1r fried With mushroom•. green peppe<1. onion• & celery, topped wllh terlyekl aauoe Served With flee, nus: CHICKEN WITH BBQ SAUCE .......................................... 4.45 BOMd chloken breast baked with BBQ sauce. Sefved with cole llaw, choice of Potato FRI: S .. IMP MARINARA ............................................................. 3.95 leaty blend ol bey shrimp, onion. green peppers, <*«Y. mushrooms. served on bed of r1ee Veoetable SAT: HAWAIIAN STYLE CHICKEN ............................................... 3.95 Boned chicken breut topped with C<l1p bacon end pineapple ring. Served with rice and veoetable. SUN: ROAST TURKEY ................................................................. 3. 75 Sliced rout turkey served with dressing, cranberry .. uoe. vegetable, choice of potato. WEEKLY: OCEAN PERCH ........ , ................................................... 3.95 Grllled llghtly sprinkled with chopped parsley, vegetable. choice of potato. Above lncluctes choice of hot rolls or garllc toast. Available Al These Locations 11477 Beach 81., 142·2112 7490 Ecln1er, 847-4736 10136 Adarm. 963-8881 M-other's Day Sale All store~oQen · 'til 7 pm, SaL_May_a __ ---for last minute sale shopping . .... --------------------~-"(( 25%-50% savings on all diamond styled fine iewelry * f,...._ ,/ 'fOIJI ewt)'dly llM Into • gift n oen n.ure tarwwer. !'\ft Md ~ ......... ., lg9llM eymbal ol llM llllt OM ..,.. to I Molhet'I helrt. In ...._ ol .... « y9loW gdd. DOM not Inca*_,.. Md .......... Or, .. Molft IOIM'*IO ... II• ll'ftfY pNdDut. -... ,_ .. otm.. °'*""Md ..,_, 'fOIJI dlc*'9 • '°" olf tor one • °"fl ........... ~ ....................... "' ....................................... Save 30%on All "Praire-look" for the young & active . FMhlone 0.1 reflec1 the wholesome rffltiency "'81 is the backbone of • lot of "mothering" Noltalgte atylinQ ol yesteryear lovinQly recreated for lodey'a look 9nd 1008y's Mom on natural coiO<s on conon Ind ~ bleflOe Jf lllZH ., ..-ai.. an<1 dr- lnot .,.treted). Sele priced one day only' Plllld long..,,.~. reg ~18 s.1.12.eo . Pre-wahed .,_!Wig~. reg $30. Sale '21. SoliiO cokll' prVie blQuae, reg S 1 9 , Sa I• 13 .30 . 09IWn flbrlc pt8lrte SkM1. reg $28, Sile 19.80 . 30% off I 50% off Mom-on-the-move pant fashions! Tender touches for your Mother. Sale 8.40oown one. ltt. Soft .. !tie memory of. Mottler• touch. embloldeled IMVM Ill oenllY llorlQ the eccei1t lnM of Ihle llMplit 111 . FeeNoned of *'remoq4h "'*°" .. nyton "' Oec:rotl9 peily, MIMM' *- A-~--.eo-.. Mi'Ml~tor.._ Mlltl'•.., .. ..,._.on .. oo. Ill °*9 to mbl """*"' wlll hW ......... Md'*'° ....... .., f1te tw ..... go" utlll> ..._.. hy'N wy. .... WllMn._ . .Nt*lt Md ....... . ............. reg.tto ..... ..... .............. &11 ..... L .. er... lerlQll gown. orig. It 2, .... MO. OreM lerlQll robe, ortg. 1111.~ o .eo.. FUI lerlQll gown, orig. 111, -11.10. NI length robe, 0f10. '24, .... , ..... ,.,,.., Of1g. '21 .... 14.l't. fec:tdy, OtfD. l1S, .... 1LIO, ........., ................. ...,, ..... ..... .. ........................... ...... ... • Dally Piiot · e classlfteds e worttfor • you. tall 642·5'71 ·e forqulck e cashsal~l / Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT /Friday. May 7. 1982 RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTUY .... ,, ........... ltJJ MAatOI IUD. COSTA MHA -14 .. 111 .. CUISINART lood thru Mother's Day Only! (1-1-12) , DLC 10E 2 I "-DLC SE DLC 7E 0 OFF DLC 7PRO Art Show Huntington Center dally thru Sun. t CUISINART COOKWARE, PARTS AND ACCESSORIES ·@iii' CROWll HARDWARE All Storn Open 7 Daya .w .. tcllft Thurs. tlll 8:00 Anahein .. 5CO Santa A.ne cenron Rd. , .. ........,Hwy.) 998-5282 Westclff Plaza 102.4 lrvtne Awe. Newpof1 llHch 842·1133 ChJef Running Frame says, ul've hunted down frame<> for many moons 1n many temtones and I know th~ big gest and best deal!; 1n this great land can be !rapped at the Aaron Brothers 1 c Frame Sale Because when you buy one frame at the regular price, a second frame that costs the same or less ls just a penny more. They're selling plain frames. fancy frames. photo frames. ceramic frames. plastx: see through box frame.. ..ectJon framc..>s and frames with glass and backing. 100 So miuns chief'.> and squaws, for heap big deals on frames folio"" the smoke signals to the Aaron Brothers 'ilore nearest ~:cu ·· As.sort ment may vary from store to stnre Corona del Mar 3107 E. Coeet Hwy. (1 1( ....... 0f~) 873-2800 Profeutonal Organization • Whether art Is your profession or your pastime. a neat a11d tidy studio can make your job easier and more fun . This 3 piece artist's set is designed for versatibty and organization. Ale important papers and drawings in a two drawer steel cabinet. In black and putty. 28" taU Reg. 59.95 S44.88. The adjustable draftlng table with a 30x42" laminated top is supported by a metal base with a white baked enamel finish . Reg 74 95 158.88. A 27'' stool with but· cher block-look seat and baked enamel finish completes the set. eln assorted colors. Reg. 29.95 US.SS. Entire package Reg. 164.85 Sl18.88 •Free stick-up clock with purchase of this package. •• 0 LINKS OF EMOTION For Mother'• Day ,,. 14 and 11 "-•t Gold. MtuJT w~ =::•to,,_ B.D. HOWES and SON FINE JEWELERS FOR FOUR GENERATIONS NEWPORT IEACH 3412 Via Udo/ 675-2731 lOS ANCClfS I PASA()(NA I SANTA &Al&AIA rAIM ~PtlNGS / SAN flANCl!>CO I HAWAII I rfl!et! MACH HUNTINOTON IEACH 7470 !dlnaer Ave.IOpen MON • .,,., 1N, IAT. I IUN. 1CM C?Q&TA MESA 1?'14 Newport M.IOpen MON ...... N,.IAT. a IUN. 1CM IL TORO 2A110 lw91Z Dr./Open *>N.-M. 1M, MT .... , .... 11-1 LA0yNA llAQt 1IO I. Qwt Hwy./9Plft llON • .f'AI. M, MT .. a .... 10>1 a +sss•sss $20,000 error .end for DJs SAN orroo (AP) -A f~ montha ago, San Dleso country mu.le atatlon KCBQ·FM promlMd U.tenena it would play at leut three IOnp ln a row without a commercial. To bl.ck the promile, the station Mid it would pay $10,000 to the first U.tener who called if f~er than three songs were played. ''Three ln a row,'' aa the promotion waa called, turned out to be a windfall for Kendall Magruder and Lillian Maaaery, both San Diego area residenta. They each won $10,000 for calling KCBQ after it played only two songs before breaking for a com- men:ial. But it was less profitable for the diac jockeys who committed the blunders -they got fir«i. AB for KCBQ, which la out $20,000 and two employees, it is no longer prornlBing to pay the cash when lta D.J .s fail to play three songJJ in a row. Instead, the station plans to start a contest this week in which an announcer will deliberately fail to play three songs in a row. It is up to the listener to phone in, but the prize will be smaller. Station officials say the announcers· \.rere warned at the beginning of the promo- tion if they flubbed up they would be fired. Larry Darnell, one of the now unemployed disc jockeys. says he and co-worker Susan Payne slipped up on two separate occasions. "I was busy," Darnell said. "One of my ma- chines was down. I blew it, OK?" Darnell says he and Miss Payne were fired because of their "oversight." Station officials say it isn't so. For nine weeks before his April l "mistake," :dlrnell said he used four tape-playing d evices while on the air. Three played music, the fourth a commercial • _ But. th.at.. ni(lht, he r~led, ~~ devices--- was broken. "I just fell victim to a pattern -one, two. three, commercial," he said "I went to my pattern and pushed three." Th.at put a commercial on the air and Listener Massery caught the mistake. But Russ Wittberger, the station's executive vice president, says there w as no evidence of me- chanical failure, which would have gott.er'I the sta- tion off the hook. "If there was any way on God's earth that we could have said there was a mechanical problem and we didn't have to pay, we'd have jumped on it," Wittberge r said. When Massery called, Darnell iniually denied the mistake. But when the listener called back again and spoke with Program Director Bob Mc- Kay, Darnell admitted he lied. He confessed to his boss that he had only played two songs. Darnell says his boss responded by firing him. Miss Payne was fired March 12 after a similar episode. . Station officials say the announcers w e re warned at the beginning of the promotion if they flubbed up they would be flred. A Jan. 21 memo to all disc jockeys said in part: "If anyone plays two r ecords for whatever reasons, you will be terminated immediately. That is the ba ll game if someone through carelessness throws away $10,000. This is non-negotiable. "We fully intend to give away the $10,000. The time and shift will be discussed in the future. . "We ALWAYS play three," the memo conti· nued. "Sometimes four. Again: never two. Play two and you're history." Darnell said he hasn't worked since McKay fired him. "Right now," the fonner announcer said, "the market for DJs in San Diego is not that good." '°'EA c "'"' ' 1. >s Low ost Q. Vaccination Clinic -· Dogs -Cats NmAl "'8IAM f'MWNTION Vacclnatlon1 Dot . Cat latMet $3.95 Dlstem1Mf $4.50 Parvo $5.00 Dog 5 In 1 $7.00 Cot 3 In 1 $5.00 2 LOCATIONS SATUIDAY, MAY I 9 am to 12 noon 2130 to 5130 pm AT AT Co.to M.to ~ c-. Lao-Hilb ~ Yrilet I 71ti & Ot-v-23000 llodi of RodifMid lt¥d. C..to Me.a, C.. 11 T-,_ ~°"'ti V9tetlo..ten AIW9J' "'-tit "'9o-. Oo9t on '-'-. Cott Ill corrlen Come in and see our .large selection of Swimwear -I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ~-,,_ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 7, 1982 ~ .. II II \ \ • II .. • I I ) • ----~·-----~ _.,_. - SAllTA 1111 ./ Alph• Bete Shopping Center 2138 South Brlatol 8trMt (•t Werner) lent• An• (714) 751-4nl A Carvel Store is an Ice Cream Factory Providing Retail and Wholesale Opportunities . . . You can make over 90 ice cream flavors fresh at the store. You can provide your customers with an ariay of Ice Cream Cakes, Logs, Pies, Novelties and Take-Home Containers as well as a full line of Cone and Fountain Treats in both soft and hard ice creams. With Carvel you can offer the widest (by far) variety of custom made Ice Cream products avaiable anywhere! You can wholesale all of yOtl' products and create .any Carvel ice cream desicns for volume accounts. You can expand your factory business by produciilc al of the products for satellite outlet sales at other locations. The cost of setting up your satelite operation is only a fraction of yOtK original factory investment. Y Otl' factory produces and sels while your satellites sea more and more . . . We are acceptinc applications for Orange and Riverside County Carvel Factory owners. Chtic• leolti••• ••• 1Y1il1M1. 1111••• c ..... , .............. . 1111 "'°""'""" lbout Cnll Pho11 (11•) &•~·1111 3 llearby Locations HUllTlllSTOll BUCH I Lucky'• Superm•rk•t Center 18571 Bolu Chlce Aoed (•I Hell) Huntington ... ch (714) M0-1370 RlllCHO llRl&E . RanChO Lo. P811M8 lhoDPIM Center 42·-·lob "°" DrlYe' (Ii HWt••Y 111) J (714) -..2111 STllTOll VIiiage Center/Relphj ~et 12IOl le•ch Blvd. (et Gllrden Grove Blvd.) (714) llW_7ll ) I ' I ! j f ' ' j r ' f -----------------------~----------------------·-------------.. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 7, 1982 Parents given praise at Plavan LIKES ENTERTAINING -Ke nneth Wal- drop joined the chorus. Speclal education atudenta at Plavan School ln Foun\aln Valley got a jump on Mother's Day when they pre.ented a "Tribute to Parer:ata" in aong and verse. The youngsters -from pre-school age through eighth grade -worked for two months developing their Ideas to present their "gift of love" to their mothers and fathers. Teachers Barbara Hardy, Nan Aguirre, Shella Gamer, Cheri Schuler, Amy Mio, Diane Wurster and Judy Caforlo directed the 60 chil- dren in showing thelr emotions. Alto asalatlng were aides, speech therapist and adaptive phys- ical education teacher Jim Mendoza, Nancy Barnes, Sue Bolton and Stephanie Hopkins. The children designed their own costumes and heart-shaped preaenta for the evening talem' show. Delly "9t ,,,_.. "1 ftetrtc* O'Doftnetl ALL DRESSED UP -Loan Nguyen, 5, don-in emphatically singing about what they ap- ned a fur stole and joined Desirae Burnside, 3, preciat.e most about parents. HOOPING IT UP -Tabitha Jackson was de- lighted to be on stage. ~~~~~~~~~~--.::::..__~~ -~~-~~~~~~~ Oriental Rug Sale MAY 7 -MAY 16, 1982 (By The Sq. Foot) A REFRESHING APPROACH to merchandising oriental rugs. We dealers buy new rugs by the square foot according to their grades: e.g., Chinese Super % " 90 Line which comes in more than 20 qualities. Therefore, at SHAH 'N SHAH we sell them by the square foot with the quality listed on the ticket and your purchase invoice. ADVANTAGES of SQUARE FOOT PRICING BY THE QUALITY AND GRADE 1. Facilitates easier comparison shopping. 2. Standardization: Knowing what you are buying and acquiring your money's worth. In the past consumers were in the dark in buying oriental rugs. 3. You can compute the cost by the grade and quality and p./sq.ft. price. 4. You end up with a better rug for less money. In cases of misrepresentation you have legal recourse. PAKISTANI BUKHARA 9/16th Double @ $12.50 p./sq.ft. 9'x12'=Sl,320.00 CHINESE SUPER o/e'' 90 Line Closed Back @ $17.50 p./sq.ft. 9'x12'=$1,890.00 INDO-HERIZ 9/60 Quality @ $15.00 p./sq. ft. 9'x12'-ll,620.00 DHURRIES 60 count 5ply machine spun wool @ $4.00 p./sq.ft. 9'x12'=$43Z.OO SILK QUM IRAN 3'5"x4'11" 13,000.00 INDO-TABRIZ 7/62 Quality @ $12.50 p./sq.ft. 9x12 ll,320.00 CALL FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF OUR VARIOUS QUALITIES & SQ. FT. PRICES ' WE TAKE OLD RUGS AS TRADE-INS OR BUY THEM FOR CASH COMPLETE ERVICE1 All work done on our prernl9el by THIRD GENERATION experu l. APPRAISALS of new or old rugs for insurance by their grades and quality: verbal or written. 2. Cleanini. fringing, binding, pet stain removal, bleed.inC removal, rewnvtng, etc., etc., etc. We Aho C-arry Wall To Wall Carpeting, Ceramic TUe and Hardwood Flooring At Cost+ 1~. II You Can Find Anything We Carry For Le.. F.elewhere, Buy It. FREE EDUCATION1 Many deaSen ar. hold.in&~-~ off ulel. How a-nuine are theme eeJef? An you reall:y .cqui.rint wNit you are payln&Aor'? Shop them before their ulel lor a aped.fie Item and then lt'°P ~ cturtnc Uwir _.(Of' ciompuiaon, UGl51'ER FOR A Fill£ SDllNAR 01'4 ORIENTAL RUGS GIVEN BY'MOSES K. OUZOUNIAN • CA.LL FOB THE TIM! AND PLACE. COME TO US LAST AND SAVE. Shah ~·n Shah· Oriental Rugs 342~ E. cOAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR ~tween MartfOld • NardlM.ll) 675-4300 2030 S . MAIN ST. SANTAANA 557-1400 Burdened with a huge inventory, battered by high Interest rates. we have no.alternative but to proceed with the most comprehensive sale in our history I · Picasso ... Neiman ... Rothe ... AJvar ... Miro. Many, many famous names. But they all must go. Hence, our discounts range fl'OlTI 20% to 60% off, with an additional 10o/o off for cash. Beautiful original graphic art Each piece Is hand slgned by the artist. and framed AACOPLAZA: 505 South Flower St. (213) 419·24'4 llVULYHUI: 275 So. La CieMda Brvd. (1 block So. of Wir.hlre) (213) e&9.e229 and matted to museum specifications. This could very well be your last chance to acquire an investment of such caliber, In many cases. befow our cunent wholesale C08l Brought on by our inability to continue financing thousands of works of art, this sale creates the unique opportunity for you to invest. pertiaps, in just a few pieces of great art of your own. 1 Come In and see what we mean. Now, at The Upstairs Gallery. ... • Grow them ia many places; any avera8e soil will do What .betier wa1 1o -' to delidoul 8WDlneJ' aalada than .by srowlna your own juicy, mouth- waterina tomatoes. Tl\e wrmtile tomato plant can be grown almolt anywhere there'• aunah1ne f« all or M09t ot the day: in platen, pots, hangj.ng bu- keta, on patios, wlndol'·•llla, balconlea and, of OOW9, in the prden. Some tomatoel ......... beefsteak typel with firm Y4tt tender n.h. C>Wib are bite-11%.ed dlefTY tomatoes that the chlldten enjoy in their lunch-boxes. Then there pe ~ tangy red ones, espe- cially good f« cann1na 9nd cataup. Golden yellow tomatoes of all .U.. .Iii theV-own mellow flavor. St.art out with• prot.alonally grown plants from your' garden cien• Ot' creenhouae. They're offered in plutic, peat or day pols, or in flats and trays. Any average prden mil will grow tomatoes, and whatever you do to Improve it will be amply rewarded by larger and more plentiful fruits.~ fore planting, looeen the IOU and condition it by adding «ganlc matter like peat me.a, compost or lea1 mold. Dig to a depth of &-8 inches. Mix in a good aeneraI Jlllll'den fertilizer, such as 5-10-5, at the recommended rate. Once they're growing well, tomatoes benefit from added fertil- iz.er every 4~ weeks. Plant tomatoes two or three feet apart, de- pending on variety. Make each hole sufficiently deep so that the lower part df the stem will be buried. Some tomato erowera start their plants in a trench or very deep holes, filllng in as they grow taller. Tomato planta root vigorously from the buried stem portion. 1treJ18tbenl.ng the plants. Water well u 900n u the tomatoes are planted. and check in a few days to be sure the soil does not dry out. A watering aucer OI' depreasion around each plant helps direct water to the young roots. Mulch w1th gr.-cllppinel. atraw or black plastic to ,. ',,Et:W. I tmll t:OU,011 -__ ..._.._._...,..__-~ .. ---- Selected Varieties of C" Color 4 For$1.95 retain m°'8tW'e and ~ weede. Continue to water thoroughly whenever IOU starta to dry out. 8oakinl fNer/ time II better for the whole root lystm1 tMil frequent~ that dampen• and encoura1• onl~ aurlac:e ro0ta. A steady supply ot water ta llp'da)y impanant when tomato fruits .... developin&. - When ~ ltu1 with ~ Malth1 plants, you can enJOY the fruill of "'17 ..,,_I I !:I tlliPt to ten Weeki after pllndnc. Uater vuted9 wtlJ ripen in about twelve ••ka. Plan now for abundant tomatoes t.hla awnrner. GROW YOUR OWN -Cucumbers, as well as tomatoes, are a good ard veeetable. fNursery Spectaij---, VINCA FHt growing, lone-fating Pertwlnld• tor tote of color In the 1un. 1 GAL., REG. 3.50 f'«# I: / --------------~~~---------------------- Oranoe COMt DAM. y PILOT /F~. May 7. 1982 87 • Warm -weather t• • here. Watch your cantal· ner pfanu caref'41b to meet their w•\erln1 n-11. ff.aJ-"1na bMk•ti and IUd\ diy out ,,_., durillC the aanmel'. ' ~ I • Shallow rott•• plants ..... cmnillllllC rhododel\drona, = and NdmM wQl t from• &hick a~ of mulQh. Tbla-Will betp conter.e motatur-. and keep &be roat8 cool • .. • Cut off the spent bloom of spring bulb flowers but do not re- move the stem/leave• until they have corople• tely dled back. This la food for the bulb below. ground. P ..... Join u1 for -9Unlhlne -door prize• -entert.lnment - SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1982 7:00 A.M. to 12:00 "oon Donation -$2.50 eo.ta Mesa (Lion's) Parle, Downtown Costa Mesa 18th St. & Parle Ave. • U you buy beddma plants in pots or O.ts ana lind you do not have time to Immediately transplant~ Into the garden, d0n't for,.t to keep them watered. They <fry out qufokly ~=~~~~===========::=======---=--­and this is usually the cause for their prema- ture demise either ln the flat or after planted ln lhe ground. ------------i------------------------------1 Sooday is Mother's Day! 4'£l.. OUr Flower Shop la ready with all her teworttee -Roees, Camatlona, Orchid•, -. .. 1 P•a,-Chlna-Muma, ...Gardenia•, met much more •• We have thouund1 to c"ooae from, arrangement•, center plea• .a expertly arranged by our 1tatt of dlellngulehed dnlgnera. Order now and we ••II them at Senalble Prlce1. c,uw-. OptHt lllolhw'• Day Tiii B p.m. MOTHER WILL LOVE OURS! r----R•l•f :ltTil-----, r-----((1JIJ;z.rtl----,r-----«•I•Iil• Id----, I I I I I IANTA ANA 11 FAEIH VINE RIPE l MOTHER'S DAY IS SUNDAY. MAY 9 . I ¥IDUil llZE 11 I 1 CAULIFLOWER 11 STRAWBERRIES HONEY DEWS 1 rrl lllft'D•5 lM ~SIHllJ MOTHll'S DAY t ... •wllMS•cHm.t: ...... ·~·1•• .. ·-• AMs.w.wa: I • te,6 I 118 • / ........... hr ..... OPEN MOTHER'S DAV MOH THRU SAT 1.00 lo I 00 SUH t .00 to S oo Ueyd's .._, & landscape Co., 2021 ............... .., ...... COSTA MISA. CA '2627 • 646-7441 • tbn: ~.-sat. 7 am toe pm 8un. t Lrn. to 5:00 D.m. YllA & M.C. ACttPTt!D -f"o fV\o~ wa-ru L,ov£ 'LONIT WRAPPED African Vlolell, Ala .... , meny blooming ptente. Oleh ....... MdllWn. FROM OUR NUMERY Plant a AON btlefl • for Mom. In bloant, In peper poll. OHL Y t .M Send her our FTD Big Jiug· Bo~qud . Freeh flOIMr'I ot lrMft ptenta In an FTD c.r.mlo Flower Pot. We 08ft Nnd It to . Momanwfr an~byrn>. ltMd•I .... ......... ............ I 11 IMCOMPARABLE 1 I 29* I l SPECIALLY 99e .. ch : L __ ~Y!-~ ___ _j t----~~~~~~-----'L-----~~v~~----J I . SUNDAY 18 MOTHERS DAVI ~-U•ttt,t.ia1-----1r-----«•ItJ;1ti1ar---,r----iNllil•IU----., 1 1~: ~ .. ,AMOUS n l.ARQe laE a Y*E AtPE : 111 ~ II AAliiNs II CANTELOUPES : .. II II 1 PULL II 99e II 89• I I POUND II lb II .. ch 1 I' 11 -• II I -----tt L----~~~-----1 L----~~~----JL ___ ~~~-'!!~':.': __ ~ SUNDAY IS MOTHERS DA YI • .-----f(•Ill.il!ll.r----· ,-----RiITf;1il'il"---........ -----{(•rt r ;ltJ 1 r---~ I 11 II I I flUT "' CALIF.FAEIH l 1 LAROE ICEBao : : NE~Ec:HoP : 1 1 PEACHES l l LETIUCE : I ZUCCHINI : 79-u.. !! 29e !! 3# /1°0 l I IAftlO' II SAVE IO' HEAD ,, SAVE 95' I 1,....,. __ ,_ _________ J L---------------1 L----------- -- _ ..1 COUPON9 EXPtAE THURS., MAY 11-. P.M. 80NOEO FRUIT SltlPPER FOR 40 YEARS MOAE P"ONES 145'-0031 Ul.0017 l•S-OOtl 14$ OOt• - CAI YOU BELIEVE ; THIS ? ? 7 '82 STITIOI WlliOI Sliver, auto (Ser. 0958) '82 BRAT DL, 4 WO (Ser. 0079) ONLY 5 6450 5ADDLEBACK + .+ SUBARU -+-.• i++~ 4+~ 28402 MAIGUHITI PKWY. MISSION VllJO ,,.,, • ..,b l••" i.s 1 0'1N SUNDAYS I 831-2040 495-4949 SIDILEllCI llW CALL US ... regarding our Exclusive · Purchase Plan/ We have the hard to find '82 Models ,. .... ... 320 Cashmere Sspd sunroof ....... (Ser.0928) 320 Opal creen 5 spd snrf. etc ... (Ser.0508) 320 Safari beiie SSJ>d snrf ......... (Ser.3529) 320 White 5spd snrf ................... (Ser.8661) 320 Silver 5spd snrf ................... (Ser.5162) 320 Sapphire blue 5spd snrf ...... (Ser.3388) AUTOllAftCS 320 Sapphire blue auto. snrf ...... (Ser.7956) 320 Safari be1ie auto, snrf ........ (Ser.9459) 320 Baltic blue auto. snrf .......... (Ser ]971 ) 528'• all colors 5 spd and automa!Jcs 633 Opal green 5spd ................... (Ser.5495) • ~33 Sa(an Sspd .......................... (Ser.5102) 633 White Aulomatic ................... (Ser.0323) 733'• 5 spds and automatics Too Many Others to List! IADDLEBACK & BMW & 2U02 MAIGUHIR PKWY. MISSION VllJO ,,.,,.,.,, r.1• •" 1.s 1 Ol'IN'1UNDAU 831-2040 495-4949 The Newest Economy Car From Japan ISUZU tNOMOUNC• ... SOO.IOOf 1..,tvY'4f.\'"'-<t t 11 :ALL PICKUPS . IN STOCK AUTO . Al•, SUNllOOf AUIO Alt SUH•OOf -"'°° lS 000 Ml ..cJJr'k ... .,, •JffS --·..J> -• ---1'76 1tl1 vw vwaus VANAGON 4 S,.O. 8 P'ASS 4 Sl'O SIUfO ·~ . .,.., ... ., •10.soo 1t77 DATSUN 1t7' AUDI 1211 2 DR. POX 4 D•. • Sl'O SIEl l O • SPO A C SUNROOF ••1v1 "'"t•O '2ff5 '2995 I tH llCMIDA ACCOIO 1t7S DATSUN 5 Speed S1e1tt0 711 2 DR HT AUTO VfllY (lfAN n 1111• l~C1 BILL YATES VW --ANNOUNCES-- . . • U- 197',...,. wmmcow. • Sl'O STfRfO AUIO Al• SUN•OOJ • S9d ,_.., _....,. ..,."' . •2ffs ''"' ""'coo '4ffS ltM HORtZON . 1tl1 vw 1'77 YWU.. TCJ COUH DIHIL ll't0CU" 4 Or Ao1l-llc, • SPO , s 5 Sl'O SHEU lX 10w .... ~J.tlfl ••Tin-" .... , '7ffS -., .. , 1•7' HUOIOT 1'7' l'ltU_,. Tl7 """ • 01 ~ •Sl'O COit" S.AIRAa \UNI OOf 4' 000 Ml • Spd AI C Slereo AUTO, I UHS ucn . ... _ •1tts OH ANY NIW DATSUN TRUCK .,. .. ,,., ..... ... ~-..,. ........ , .. ,., 4flH ... fl f Mrlfh• llUtM C:h ft" rw ,-o l!fSTOC'll ~·9UCH (714 ) 833-1300 \ D1Ilj it- FR10Av. MAV 7, 1082 BUSINESS COMICS C6 C7 NICE TRY -Rod Carew looks up after trying to break up double play on~ ball hit by Reggie Jackson in the bottom of Dllllr .......... .., ~...., on the play by Baltimore's Lenn Sakata and Orioles went on to post a 9-2 triumph. the third inning Thursday night. Jackson was thro::....;_wn--=..:.-=o....::u..;..t ________________________ _ ----------- OCC, Saddleback women post wins in state tourney. See story, Page C3. Grilll start for Angels Grimsley shuts the door • • • By CURT SEEDEN member of the Cleveland lndl- oftM Deity l'llot Sten . • ans. However, he pulled a muade ~nks to a . pam in t he n~k. m his rib cage on the final day of Baltimore Orioles starter Jim spring training. Palmer w~ go!le Thursday night So, the Indians placed him on a~ter f_acmg J_us t . three Angel the 2 1-day d isabled list. The n hatters an the farst mrung. . . they sent him to the minors. He And thanks to another pam m was recalled in May and eventu- the . neck, the Angels droppe.d ally given h is release in August their firs t game a t home t his -all without throwing a pitch. season as the Orioles exploded for seve n runs in the ninth in-"I DIDN'T. KNOW wha t the ning off reliever Don ~. h ell m y job was in Clevela nd. The result was a 9-2 Baltimore Fortunately, I got out of that hell victo r y before 25,006 fans at ho le," G rimsley said a fter the Ana heim S ta dium . But even game. more importantly for the Orioles, C rimsley's job with t.he Orioles the game marked the return of seems much more dehned !'ow. vetera n pitcher Ross Grimsley. Manager Ear l Weaver says either whose collection of off speed junk Gnmsley or Sammy Stewart will thoro ughly baffled t he Angel st.art m place of the injured Pal- hitters. mer four days from now. It was quite an effort for a man lronicdly, Grimsle:(s trium- who did not throw a pitch in the phant return to the maJOr lea~e major leagues in 1981 and w ho VlCtory column came on a rught was knocked around m a spring when Seattle's qaylord Perry training game by the University notched career victory No . 300 of Miami. ·and Palme r was after win No. --''l:.m 'surpri.e~ r_ ... ;i.nl I.la ! ?..')!) -. . ""':' --• long," admitted Grimsley, refer-For Gnmsley, 1t was jUSt win ring to his 7¥> inn ings of im -No. 124, but it could n 't have pressive relief work. "[ wa,, star-come at a belt.er time~ ting to get weak, but fortunately "He's very close to being a I didn't have a lot of tough in-starter," added Weaver "He's ni.ngs tonight." worked out real hard for us The The victor y was tht first for changeup has always been one of G rimsley since 1960. Last year, his best pitches " the forgotten righthander was a While Grimsley mixed speeds and locauons, teammate, and ex- Perry's next stop: The Hall of Fame Angel Dan Ford, was supplytfli the muscle at the plate. Ford w hacked a pair of dou- bles as the two teams battled through the first eight mnings, locked m a 2-2 lie. But 1t was his bases-loaded sin gle in the top o( the ninth off ~ that sent th.( Orioles on their way to a sever\! run explosion. He becomes 15th 300-game winner, then dedicates it to everyone over 40 SEATTLE (AP) -Gaylord Jackson P erry r aised a plastic cup of chams>af!1e and made this toaat: "H e r es to you fe llas . Here's to everybody over 40." His toast echoed into baseball's Hall of Fame, which almost cer- tainly will be P erry's next stop on the road to baseball im mor- tality. At 43 years of age and the ol- dest player m the major leagues, Perry becarne the 15th pitcher to win 300 games in a c areer Thursday night by beating the New York Yankees 7-3. With the victory, he joined baseball's most elite pitching ~dre. He became only one of three men alive to win 300 games, the ., others being Early Wynn and Yankee linked • to cocaine NEW YORK (AP) -A judge declared a mistrial Thursday in a narcotics case involving a taped conversation in which an accused drug dealer said he had heard that at least one N e w York Yankees player was using co- caine. ·State Supre me Court Justice Burton B. Roberts declared the mistrial after questioning pro- s~ve jurors and find~ that • about a hundred percent ' had read news stories about the cue. Tile tape came to light when Robena questioned prospective jwon in the trial of five people char.ged with operating a cocaine diatrlbution ring. He asked whe- ther mention of the players' names would prejudice the juron in their deliberations. In the taped conversation, an accuaed cocaine dealer says he heard another dealer allege that one or more Yankee1 used the ~ Daily News bad carried a P9P 1 headllne, ''Link y ankeea ln Drug U1e," in ita Thursday edition.a and a ~ge 2 1tory de- tallinl Rober\I questioning of the Juron on Wedne9day. Ah.I' the story WM ~. Robena ref erred to the taped oan~tloo u "alJeeld, thlrd .. 1ource heauay on &op of ~-" . ltobita1a. Who ICheduloed a new trW ,_ Jw. 1, met ...... Ihm& he d.alared &be rol1lrial b.caUM · ~ ftl IUCb that ft may bave tainted the Jw'1 with re. ~ to their deliberadoo of thla ~ ... S. •Id he at.o srantecl the 1-.....a ta lilht of .... 1 SiiMt _,..,~Ada wlliMINil .. ...... Oft '° the mioUdn ~ .. ,.. lor the cWendanllL Warre n S pat1n. S ix of the 15 pitchers who have won 300 won the majority of those games be- fore 1900, when baseball bore little resemblance to the game played today. that very nearly wasn't for the peanut farmer from Will.iamlton, N.C. after loading th~ bases on three ain.gles with one out. In the ninth inning, however -d · the inning in which he aecu~ s pot in baseball his- tory -Perry got the side out 1-2-3. "I got a couple of chills when t he fans started cheering like they did," said Perry Perry was welcomed at the start of the game with a standing ovation, then forced to return to the field afte rward b y 27,369 admirers who would not be de· n ied one more chance to cheer their hero on his most glorious day. Cut by 'the Atlanta Braves last August after an 8-9 record in the strike-shortened season of 1981, Perry was not invite d to the Mariners spring training camp in Tempe, Ariz., until March 5. On M,arch 27. he signed a one-year contract with the club, just three victories shy of 300. "I wanted to get ahead of the batters in the ninth," Perry said. "I didn't want It to be like the eighth inning when they had the bases loaded . . . after so many runs, I didn't want to lose the game." "I still feel like I can win many more," said Perry who w as in con trol o f the game in almost each inning. The Mariners l!ICOred five runs in the third inning -four of them ut)e8med -and two ~ in the seventh to lead 7-1 going to the eighth. With one out, Perry tugged at his hat and curled what little hair h e has le ft Pe rry, w ho turns 44 in Sep- tember, won his 300th game on h is first try in his 21st major league season . It was a season He yielded a sixth-inning ho- mer to Ken Griffey, then, in the eighth, appeared to lose his con - centration. He gave up two runs Pirates do it the hard way OCC rallies to clinch title; Golden West, Saddleback roll By JOHN SEV ANO Of tM Oellt_Pllol It.fl As Tom L>uggan's line shot saUed over the left field wall at Orange Coast College Thunday, giving the Pirates an 11 -9, 10-inning victory and the South CoMt Conference championship that went with it, tht! Bue players gleefully e xploded from their dugout. . . .. . Part of the celebration. naturally, dealt with the win and what it accomplished. Most of the team's exuberance, though, had to be the result of. the way the Pirates pulled out their dramatic vic- tory. After staging pcmibly their worst performance in almol't three moot.hi at the plate and on the field, the Pirates still managed to overcome San Diego Meta leads of 2-0, 4-1, 8·2 and 10-9. "IT WASN'T artistic, but the bottom line ii that we're 15-3 and the S outh Coast Conference cham=' said an obviously happy and relieved OCC Mike Mayne. In other action TbW"9day, Golden West k~t Its second·half hopes alive with a win over Santa Monica, while Saddleback continued to run away from the pack ln Its division with an euy win over Southwestern. About the only thina the Piratel ran into wu a good-hitting San Diego Meta club, which pounded out 17 hits but couldn't find a pitcher that could throw the ball over the plate. For awhile, too, it didn't seem to matter how many runners OCC had on base because the Sues, through the first seven inningl when they stranded 11, couldn't get the timely hit when they had to. Despite 11 walks, six hits and one Olympian error, the Pirates could only manage to push two runs acroea to trail 8-2 entering the bottom of the ~ighth inning. FINALLY, THOUGH, the Bucs started ca- ahlna in on Brian Tueller's free puaes. Aft.er Dar- ren Puskarich walked to open the eighth, and Scott Darling singled to right to move him to third, center fie lder Mike Carozza singled up the middle for OCC's first run and, believe it or not, its last hit of a six-run inning. Two walks and two ooetly throwing errors la- ter, the Pirates had pushed five·more rum ac:nm the plate to tie the game at 8. In the 10th inning, after leading the entire contest, the Olympianl went ahead again, 10-9, af- ter a single, a sacrifice, a walk, and another hit by third baseman Greg May off eventua.I winning pitcher Jack Reinholtz (9-2). But the Piratea, who couldn't get the timely hit all afternoon. got two in the bottom of the 10th to pull it out. After Dave Tinoco struck out to start the frame, left fielder Kevin Sliwtnald hit a tow~ (See ORANGE, Pqe Cl) ' around his right ear. His pit.ch to Willie Randolph wa$ a sh arp grounder that drove s hor tstop Manny Castillo deep into the h ole, and t he throw was late. Griffey and J erry Mumphrey followed with singles to load the bases. and dangerous Jotin May- berry, the newest Yankee, came to bat. "Mayberry gives me as much trouble as any hitter," Perry said later. "He's hit a lot of long balls off m e, so I h a d to be ver y careful." Pe rry struck out Mayberry on three piches, bringi ng Dave Winfield to the plate. Winfield followe d with a high choppe r that Perry fielded; but when the ball finally came down, Winfield was safe and Randolph had sco- red. Oscar Gamble followed with an infie ld hit to shortstop for another run, but Perry shut the door, getting Roy Smalley to pop to left. "Gaylord is the best competitor I've ever been associated with," Seattle Manager Rene Lach e- mann said. "He was going to go until he ran out of gas. It was more or Jes,, his decision." ·After the game, Perry's bro- ~r Jim, a fonner major league pitcher, joined Gaylord before newsmen. "Gaylord's tractor at his farm couldn't have pulled him off the mound," Jim sa id . "He finishes what he starts." Seattle's runs in the third came on RBI singles by Castillo and former Golden West College star Terry Bulling, an RBI triple by Al Cowens and a two-run single • by Todd Cruz. It was all made poesible, however, by a throwing error by Cerone, the Yankees catcher, on a sacrifice bunt by Julio Cruz. Castlllo drove in a seventh-inning run with a dou- ble, and Bruce Bochte added an RBI stnale. It wasn't claaalc, but it wu all Perry needed. "rm proud of these guys," Mid Perry, who ecattered nine hits, struck out four and walked just one. "Some of them haven't been doing that well lately. AFTER FORD'S hit, Ke nny Singleton slapped a t hree-run homer -the first in 57 ga mes for him, J ohn Lowenstein follo- wed with a double, and Gar y Roenicke ripped a two-run ho- mer to send the Angels down to their firs t defeat at home this season. "When I played here, I enjoy - ed 1t. They have a great bunch of g u ys. I don't h o ld a n ythin1 against t h e Angels," Ford said after the contest. ''I just happen- ed to be on the spot at the righ\ time t onight a nd was able to come through." "Anaheim S tadium is a great place to play. I was pr~ing from the beginning of the season. I've b een tr ying to d o too muc h . H o pe fully. this will ge t me going," added Ford, who came into the game with a 1.79 batt.i.rl,i average. About the only bright spota for the Angels Thursday night were Reggie J ackson 's 2-for-4 perfor- mance at the plate, raising his batting average to .218, and An- gel starter Ke n Forsch 's seve n innings o f work in which he scattered nine hits. Ange l catc h e r Bob Boone pretty well summed up the An- gels' frustrations. "It's a long season. Games like this are going to ha ppe n . To- night, they (Baltimore) just hit the ball well. Let's hope they got all of it out of their systems," Boone added. * ANQEl NOTIS: t,41n11Q9< Gene .._._ h .. announced lhel velltten St9Y• "9nllo wtll ~ 1111 .,.,,., Saturdey nloOI agelnsl Ille Otiolee' .... FleNt-"· Renko. II 37 yura old, .. ,,,. deen of Ille Angel pttehlng •••" He'• 2-t ~ ming 11110 IM gec7'9 Thia wlll be hll l'tm SIM\ or the year Lat1 -· Renko ew-eo lrl 22 gemu, llW11ng 15 of t'*'1 AllhOugtt' the Angel p11cNno 11•ft'• eeme<1 run llYWIQl9 b'°"°"*' from • fine 1.85 befON Ille r~ trip to 2.&e lftet the EMI Coul twlng, II'• at• 111e best In the Amerlean Leegue. Bo.ton It eecond with 1 3.ot ERA . . ........ JeclC• ton'• llr•t·lnnlng RBI •Ingle extended Ill• modHt llllllng atreek lo five gun•• .. lddle llilllrftJ •• ICl'•lc:Ncl from tne OflcMM' lllftlng tlt*'I) prior to IN bell Ol'M-MutTey, Ille Arnetleerl leegue player Of the month IOI' Aprll, ll•d hi• left lland euml* Tll11tlCl8" 1ftemoon by Dr. "9fMf1 t1afil. 1 lOI ~ hend llC)eCltillll, r Fans' taunts don't .bother Dodgers' Monday : .. •From AP ditpetdH Mont.real Expot' Cant IUll relnember Rick Monday with a vebemenct. He wm the one who COit their teem the pennant lut year with a ninth-lnninC hOme nm ln the National Leacue 'pl.a.YOf&, On Thunday, he pve them more to remembei'. The Loi Ancelet .Dodier outflelder Jalled their mllDOriel with a Uip)e In • thne-nm flnt Anni~ that helped the de~ WoJld Cbimplon1 beat the ...... £ ll'OIDll~y'• blow hit a tpOt en &lit..-. wall at Ol1IDI'* 8111dium hi .,_treat tha& wun•t tar bom hll ........ Cktobs .... S..W ...... ~·· ).!It one -Of tbGit ~ thit happen.a," laid Monday, th.NUJnl olt tbe oomddence. .. Anothtt th1na that hap~ ThW"I* day w11 1 bitter h•cldMh ~ Men· On TY today chann.I 1 ~ at 4:30 ... 0 Good hitters are 1otna to hit~ pltcbH.'1 said Reut1 ... !fut pl&cll".l threw ~·t "" but IOl'MUn& ~ can a-t away with ll" 1 LOI Anaelea Manapr Tom Luorda ~·t m1bce 1Uperlatlve1 when '8lJdna about~ . ....... the belt litft·bander Jn &be ~ I today,':' w.orda met . • • ' "I'll pltcb '.m., ht CID rate 'tm." .... Mid w• told Of Lelorda'I comlMl'ltl "bui I~-the ~L" 1'lldilifuer, wllo..,.... Ida 1naMI ---.-•wtdadiii ........... lftlr ~ b1 Ali1llM Dma• 1811 Al Qa.=::::.~a=c ...... 1' ---~----------~--------------~---~-:--.------------------------- 1IC ,,, lo JI •• ~f .. :• I Y. Orange ~t DAILY PILOT /Friday, May 7, 1882 ,_, ____________________ .,. Unexpected worko~t irritates Yankees From AP dl1patcbes . SEATTLE -Tempera on the la New York Yankees had cooled 1 Thursday after a workout the day . before prompted player critidam that · owner G eorge Steinbrenner was creating a "major-league burnout." Steinbrenner ordered his players to Yankee Stadium Wednesday morning for an unschedu- led workout preceding their flight to Seattle to begin a 14-game road trip. The workout followed a 13-innmg, 9-7 loss Tuesday night to the Oak- -land A's Rama algn 21 free agents The Rama announced Thunday liJ.' the •l1nin& of 21 free agent.a, lnclu-4 • .•. dlna wide receiver Wllllam Dorvall, who attended UC lrvlne, and San Dieso State tackle Jerry Stablein, a former Golden West Collep standout. . The group includes three fonner Briaham Youns Univeraity playen -tisht end Robin Andenen, defemlve tllClde Pulwdla Ftl1aga and aafety Tony Hernandes. The Rarnl, who have a va~ at center, created by the retireMent of ruch Saul, qned three centers. They are Brian Scudday of San Die10 State, and Martin Ponek and Carl GW- berg, both former Cal Poly San Lula Obiapo playel'9. Also signed were fullback Gar_y C~rr of Fresno State .. defenalve tackle Brian Douglas of Tulane, llnebilcker Greg Gary of Cal State F\al- lerton, aafety Fred Gomeztrejo of La Verne, wide receiver Darrel Griffin of Tulane, running back George Griffin of Cal State Fullerton, oor- nerback Tom Knight of Hawall, and kicker Alejandro De Anda of Mexico Polytechnit. Others aianed were Long :ee.:b State wide receiver Louil Lledelmeyer, K.anau defenalve tackle John ~y. Oregon State punter Jphn Misko, Long Se.ch State wide ~Ve!' llenry Williams and comerback Lee Wilson. ·0n~a.. , Flelder llgna pact wtth St....,. Dea Plel•er, a former Rancho • Alamltol Hilb and Oaldell Welt c.o&~ ' lff• atandout, hat alsned a contract 1 • with the Pttt.bur1h -St.elerw of Che National Jlootball Leque u a tree apnt. J'lel· det, who played for the Unlvenlty of Kentucky tor two 1n1orw, ii a defensive end . . . Raml wide receiver Drew lllU wu atven a one-year 1uspended 1entence and three years probaUon fw oontributlna to the ct.*Unq~ of a minor in a cue lnvolvtnc a 16-year-old SU'l. Charaes of attempted unlawful lntercoune and ... ult and ~~re droppe d at the •<'ntenclnl( Television, radio Followtna are the top •ports events on TV tonight. Rat.inp are: v vF" v.,.... excellent; v v v worth watching; v v fair; v forget it. n 4:30 p.m., Cbannel 11 v v v v BASEBALL: Dodgen at Montreal. Auoacen= Vin Scully and&. Porter. The Dodgen' Bob Welch (3-1) wW be op- poeed by the E:xpo1' Steve Rogers (4-1) in the aecond game of the four-game series. Tim Wal- lach, a University High and Saddleback College product, starts at third baae for the E:xT . OTHER TELEVISION Baaketball -NBA Playoffs (Philadelphia at Milwaukee), 11:30 p.m., Channel 2. Taped. · RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at Montreal, 4:30 p.m .. KABC (790); Baltimore at Angela, 7:30 p.m., KMPC (710). lrllll 11111 11-illl llilil, ill. 2! !!~JO~iac sP.Jo LCICJuna Hills 25272 Mcintyre St., Suite B LaPaz Wild West Center 17141 586-4740 ~ --- I ;:r---~ , I ~:HONORS XAWE!H BD e35.,ooo UWEAH BlB t!P S!Ttl'BD!Y NIGHT, M!Y am :=I , ... ~,... . , - --....______ f) ...... ,6 •• .,., ,,,.,,., parts ,..,,,. Castro I· YOUR · DllE Motor Oil Neary Duty 91 C UIJO ..................... et. Super lllultl..Crade GTX 20-so 99c fac'lus ell lei ....,C#I ................ .. Automatic Tran1ml11#on Tune-Up S....,..P ...,.,,.CINn ,,,,.,..,,, J#fS. A C.N -'*".,.,, ... .......... .................... ,...,., .... .,,. 2 67 JI.,. c.-. . . . . . . . . ... ~·::.-:.. ~ ........ 3!! JJO IA.CM ........... t& ----~#nJU, JU, 128 . 2· 10 :::-.:r............. ... . . .. ::,: ~.... ... #mil,, ........... 1: -- Track finals occ., Saddleback to clash Cyclists HAPPENINGS set tonig~t in actipn • IN THE DAILY PILOT'S The s. View LNue Pirates recover from slow start; Gauchos nip Golden West Racing into the fifth AUTO MARKET ... and South C.O..t Leque w e e k o f a re c o r d • • *'* trtck and field champi-NORWALK-Ora.nae CoMt CollT. ahook off roll. A 19-8 run tied the game at 30 with 4:26 to play 1hatterlng 1eaaon, top •'OllNTAIN VALLEY .•• ae.rtng up for a f&ll lt82, on1hlP1 are on the line IO?De early jltten to advance while addleback in the tint half, and led by Cindy Carroll, OCC took motor c y c I I 1t1 from United Stat.et lntroducUon of a new line of cars and tonight for team coruld· 1urpriaed Go1den Welt 'lb~ night in the ope-the letld at intennileion and wu ln front t.he rest of Southern California will truck.a, MJtaublahi Motor Sala of ~nca. Inc. (MMSA) eratlona, while Sunse t ning round of the Southern om.la Community the way. compete at the Orange •~ operationa at lta l't'lCe-ntly opened corporate League athlete• will be Colle~ Wom~n'• Basketball Tournament at Cer-Carroll took up the alack when Kria KroY,er Count~ Fairground• ln eadquartera, looated In the Fountain Valley Pla•, ~~~for individual rito.Th~it~tes found thernaelves down 22-11 in ~t ~. ~o~h:d~~1:1bo':!~ ~°cturt!: ~an ~h~!~8>~f· ·10~1~~~t~eu.t.~~~~a:d'd~f~u~':t·. · the early stages before coming back and handing Huntington Beach, Mike •ldlary of Mlt.ublthl Moton Corp .• Tokyo. repreaelitl The top three finfahers Pasadena a 73-63 eetback. the floor and 9COred a career-high 23 pointa. Batt, a seven-time U.S . Orange County'• flnt entry ln the automot.lv~ lnc:h.1:1tiy. In each event wtll ada-Meanwhile, a free throw by Kim Odums with Meanwhile, Golden West autfered from toul champion, Dubb Ferrell ~nitlally, 140 pert10nnel will be employed at the he4()- vance to next week's CIF two seconds remaining broke a 62-62 tle and eent trouble with u ~Yu four players plckin1 J-and all the other regulars q~'! ~~~ operatea •national perta di.at.ributlon prelima. Saddleback to a 63-62 triumph over the RWJtlers. their fourth foul during a four-minute span ml -are e>CPeeted to compete eenter in Garden Grove and aervkle tra1nlng center in Sea Vie w League fi-Orange Coast. which will meet Saddleback In way through the second half. Saddleback enjoyed a Tonight is a special Santa Ana. nals are at Irvine High the 6 o'clock game this evenina. was victlmized by a bonus situation for the final 13 minute• of the presentation w ith Cycle Until rec."ently, Mltaublthl producu have primarily (5:45). the South Coast Pasadena fast break which created the early deficit. contest. Ne ws sponsoring the ra-been recognized by the U.S. consumer as quality tmp0rt League finals are at All of Pasadena's first 22 points came aa a direct With the Gauchos leading 62-60, Jill G uthrie dng program and offer-vehicles supplied to Chrysler Corporation. However, MissiQn Vie jo (4 p .m .) result of the running game. netted a pair of free throws to tie it, setting the ing a $1 dl8count to any beginning next October, 90me 80 dealer locations ln 22 and the Sunset L eague "We had a bit of a breakdown in o ur stage for Odums' heroics in the final seconds. fan with a valid Class IV top U.S . marke ts will market MMSA'1 own line of finals are at Huntington transition," said Pirates Coach Dave Gleaaon. Odums led all scorers with 24 pointa, Heather motorgcle drivers Ii-automobiles bearing the diatJrv..-.Uve three-diamond Mlt- Be¥h High (6:30_)·--~---B_u_t_o_nce __ th_e_Pir_· _a_tes __ reoo __ v_ered __ ._the __ Y_be_g_an_to __ 0arro ___ w_had __ 1_6_and __ Kamm ___ Y_B_ia_h_o_p_ran __ u_p_l_O_. ___ ce_nae __ . --------1 ~ub~~~::~e~:fe~~:u;~~ct line hu not been an- nounced, MMSA automobiles will emphaslu the unique engineering and umovauve technology that have ~ K••P your cor runn.ng better & lo1>9er Co Ye~ otl populor Amertcon con 191s. ·n . •1os2 .,.E~ INFLAR·ALL SALE PRICE 2f18•· FINAl 2s•• Cc:;>ST EACH AUTO& VAN CARPET CLEANER , T·2S9 16 oz. YOUR CHOICE / For amall / trucks, pickups & -vans. Chrome or &lock. 1709'71 I 9 9E!H 1974-'n o~ Monaco, "ymovth Fury, Chryaler, and lmperiol; 1971-'79 Dodge hnl and Pfymouth HorbOft; 1971-7t forcf Folnnont oftd Mercury Zephyr; 1976-79 7 49 Chevy Mon•a. Chevette, Oldt Storfire, 'ontioc Sunblrd, and SET l6lidt Sllyhawtl. Anaheim 1280 N. Euclid • n2-9140 . •Anaheim 2340 W. Lincoln Ave. • 999-1621 Buena Park 5256 hQch Blvd. • 994!1320 ,Costa M..a 1 739 Suf)4trior A'le. e 642-3314 •Fountain VaHey 9880 Warner Ave. • 964-6427 •fufterton , 1Al E. Imperial• 731-6911 CHAMPION SPARK P.LUGS CHAMPION tporlc plugs help wve got! Limit 16 plu91 STANDARD RESISTOlt .95 1~! ,EACH NEW ZEALAND GENUINE SHDPSKIN ,v$EA T COVERS Pure 1heep1kin, cool in the summer and worm in the w inter. Machine woahable. Fawn/tan, gray, or honey. #1044 low Back, #~049 High Back. 39~A! LEE OIL FILftRS f111 mott FOllD & CHllYSUll 1 97 , "S"N ON" •lf1V' EACH 1tlF16VP, LF24VP, 21 • lF2.SVP, LF29VP, lF4SVP EACH CHIVllOUT "SS···· CHtVIUI. CHIVY 111"4-' .. 3 49 IA f9f _, CHfVIOllT 1'70. ?f !fac. 71·'T> w/-..dwo,.4 yohl JOtO 1'.0. 7f 4·• IUICI( 1'61 ·.,., .. roffftAC lft4-7t IA NORTHVHNON •IMWRlllCH >< PRICES EFFECTIVE THltOUGH TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1982 DISTRISUTOll CAN 1963-'746Cylinder 1U7·'741C~ 4 69 EACH lllfUMOI ON OIL FILTERS, TUNE-UP ICITS, ANO SPARK PLUG WIRE SETS. PUii ENTER THE ''W91 ntl wom.D" IWUPITAKU. CERTAIN REFUND RE STRICTIONS APPLY, SEE STORE FOR DETAILS. Ortglnol equipment FOltD porta. 1951-'73 6 C'.ylinder ond 1957-'73 I Cylinder, 4 49 SALE PRI CE KIT ltecelv• S 1.00 refund • 1 00 from MOTOllCllAFT. ____ _ FINAL COST 349 AFTER REFUND KIT 1951-'74 I Cylinder lh<ept 460 •"1Jliw, Moveric~ 1971 -'72 ond 197 4, MuttOftf 1973 with 302. T ortno 1961 with 302) 19n.·794Cylinder2ll11 40CIDI MullOf\9 & 1349 "nlo before June 27. 19n sn 1975-'79 6 Cyltnder 1975-'76 I Cylind•r FOllD with 351, 400 CID & Torino witl! 351M & 400CID 1977 .'71 I Cytll\der thcept 1971 T ·Sird with 302 CID) 1975-'76 I Cyll•• !la<ept full tlH FOllO with 351, 400CID, & Torino with HIM, &400CIDI 'Fullerton 2978 Yorba Undo • 996-4780 •La Mirada 15081 lmf)4trial • (213) 947-5641 •Mltsion Vl•io 24510 Alida Pkwy. e 951 .. 9175 Orange 1100 N. Tustin• 771 -3000 •1ttverald• • 104l03 Mognofio ·~·. 359.3041 • SantQ.Ana 26<M s. lrittol St •• 754-1a2 esanta Ana 1302 E. 17tl\ St.• tSJ •1 Mitsubishi one of the top 10 world automol.ive produceis . ••• SANTA ANA ... Daisun Engines Division of Nissan Industrial Equipment Company has signed Western Engine D1stnbutors of Santa Ana, California, as dis- tr1bu1Dr for California, Anz.ona, Nevada. Oregon, and Washington stau-s. according to an announcement by Merle Demi. general manager of West.em Engine. West.em Engine Disbnbut.ors will handle the com- plete product line of marine and industrial engines produced by Datsun Engines Division The parent company of West.em Engine 1s Palmer-Johnson. Inc .. of Sturgeon &y. W19COnsin. Western Engine has recently moved 1t.s main office from Irvine, California, to Sant.a Ana and will hold an open house al their new facihty at 4030 Chandler Av- enue on Thursday, April 15. The firm will also be ce- lebrating its ninth anniversary on that date West.em Engme also has an office In Antioch. California "The selection of West.em Engine reprE.'St'nt.s our dynamic approach in assigning d1Slributorsh1ps," says Ed Remdollar. sales manager for the Datsun Engines Division "We hope to ha~e a network of approXImat.ely 30 distributors throughout North Amen.ca by the end of this year .Sales will ~ handled i.tnc·tly through this , system." For more informauon on Datsun Engines. l'Ontact Merle Demi <it Western Engine D1s1nbutors, 4030 Chandler Avenue. Sanui A.na, California 92704. phone 714-556-8620 Or. l'Ontacl Ed Reandollar. Datsun En- gmes Divwon. Nissan lndustnal Equipment Company. PO Box 161404. Me mphis. Tenneuee 3811 6, phone 901-396-5170, Telex 810-591·1501 ••• LO ANGELE ... Amenca is in trouble, econo- mically and SOC1ally. and the question is. what can we do about it? That questjon was poeed. and answered, by John B. Naught.on. Executive Vice Presldent -Sales and Marketing, for Chrysler Corporauon, during his addraa to Southern California new car dealers whkh concluded the Mot.or Car Dealers A!sodation's 1982 Spring Buai- neS!J Conlerence held r«:ently In Indian Wella. Naughton expreseed his pentonal feelingJ as well aa his professional judgment, In hi.I forceful address which ext.ended beyond the parameters of the auto industry U> cover the whole of American 10Ciety today. The signs of America'• economic dysfunction are al8o pa1nfully apparent, added Nauahuin. and he noted that the domestic auto industry IS stuck in the longest and deepest depresaion in Its history. whkh has forced more than 2400 dealers out of' businem, and left more than 250,000 auto workers on permanent layofC. For the economy u a w~. he UJd, the number of A.merlcans out of work la the greatest. since 1933. and America'• industrial bue la rapidly eroding. "A nauon," 1a1d Naughton, "in which McDonald's hamburger employees outnumber employees ln its steel industry, has 1enous problems with its industnal base.'' But.. 1tated Naughion, the American people pcmees great knowledge and strength, and have the power to alter the nation's rudderless course. He offered the analogy of Chrysler Corporation which. with the fed- eral govenunent'a help, and its own willlngnes to make tough dedalons, hall ln two years fought its way back Crom the brink of bankruptcy. "What one-company has accomplished, all of American Industry can accomplish. We can generate jobs for our workera. We can cloee the gap between rich and poor. We can deliver on th.e promise of America." But, Nauahton aald, we need to face our problem)a real.l.atlcally and to perform aome ''quick surgery to st.Op the bleeding." He 1ugge11ted that the federal govern- ment take the following stepa: a) grant an lnunediate $1500 pentonal t.a.x credJ t for the purchase of a car or truck that gets at least 25 miles per gallon. Thia would put many thousands in the auto- mobile, and related, industries back to ~ork. and would cut down on America'• uae of Import.eel oil. b) alap a 25 cents exd.ae tax on guollne prices at the pump, to lnau.re that America'• dependence on foreign oil does not i.ncreue during the current, temporary drop in guoline prices. c) give the domestic auto maken a {air break on trade wtth Japan. which could take the form of a tax on every Japanete cu aold in this country. The diffettnce in taxes between Amerlca and Japan, explained Naughtoe. puta the U.S. auto maken at a diaadvantage with the . Japanete auto maken, 1i~ a Japane.e car eeU. for much leta in Amer'k:a than lt aella for ln Japan. Tbeae are nece11ary quick f ixea, explained Naught.on, but what America desperately needs ia a new natklnal plan that would tet long-term polldes to revttallie American industry, and upgrade the quality ol Amerlc:an life. Aside from Nauahton. the new car dealen' 1982 Spring Conference featured Norm Lean, Senior Vice !President of Toyota, U.S.A .. and Dr. Tom Hagtpl, Chairman of the Board of the independent Grocen' 'Alliance. • ~an~ ln h1a remarks &hat what la ham.,.._ rtna the U.S. auto lnduatry pre.nUy I• not foreten .com~Uon. but \he state of the economy and the fact &hat Amertc:anl .,.. reluctant to make larae purchaae9 when the economy llH!ml IO uncer1a1n and l;nte"9t rai. , are 11> hlah. • ~fore, eaid Lean, f« the Iona term what~ U.S. auto lndu.try and lta worken need la not protec- tion frcm foret8n tnde • "\hat'a a pme where f!W:rJ· lbody loees" ·but conUnued MU-revitalisation and ·~~°:~~f«thecw~ 1and all Americana, to tlfhC.n their belta, MUie et ..,...ent for the •tialaadoft ol t.helr needa. rather°"" all of theit' wanta, and help their' fellow ~ w& ,are unemployed, *k and poor. I, In hJI emotionally lltirrioa add.nm. \tw empNilbed the importantl9 of Quality in buiu... dennlnc ~ • ... t.c ol your fn-.rtty, wbkh ahow9 how~ Cl .,.. to °" .wuu. you'\'e a-•'"*Id 1lrttb.. .. a.-&. who .. .,~• well• a .,._.n •Ml\1 ursecl tlii ...... to ~ ~ c:urnnt toulh ..... to perfen their bualn-, and comtor1ed them wtth Qa'9 mWcrte: l ••u you r .. 1 lib you're "'9dy to ao off tbe ...-•. ~ comfOTt. Ood In hit wltdom made O\lf wond round" I Jay Oortnan, J:xtc!utlve Vice p,...1dent of 4. ,.._. c.r o.a.. A-.:lab, -.nDld the~ '4MlbJ.y .....rul" IDd .ttribue.t much of d* ~ 1'° the "I**°'" t•a. : SEE wJu.i t;· . : 1AU'ro DE~l V.E . ro:ovr ou. · . , ~ • '~'ft>QA;y .P. ~ ,_,~ ~ ~ <· ~. ::. .~. :~ :;· ·'• ~· ..... .. :;: ~ ~ I ,,. ~ ~ • • .. . ' .. llAMMI LIACIW 'ITM«*08 ~a~::.•• • t. ..... .. m " 10 '"'° 14 • ,IOI I ,. 11 ·* I ~City 14 10 .au , ... IS ..... 4\t ...... 11 ..._.. 10 1• .M7 '"' T-• 11 .271 .... ._.,........ ...... ,. • ·* OW'dl 11 • . '40 l\t ....... ta 10 M6 Sit .._. 8 14 .Sil N ~ • 14 .Ml 7\i MNYOflc • 14 ·"' rn Tor.-. • II S76 • ,,..,...,...._.. ...._..~2 IOelOft I , T'-2 .......... ~:! ..... 7 ..... YOflc:S ~4.~2 ~ ..,_ ldlecMed T .......... ..._ e1111mor1 (MoGreoor 2·21 11 A•t••• (..,,_2~ K1nN1 lty (L1on1rd 2·2) II Toronto CC*noy24) •o•ton (IOlllrtll y 3-11 •• TIXU 1Hclnl¥CUlt C).2'1 MlnMIOll Wllll•m• 2· 11 •I M•i.auk .. (IAdl 2·1) ~ (~ 5-0) It DlllrCllt (Mon11 ... ,, New orll (Moro1n 2·01 11 S11tt11 ,.__. ... ~ Cl1v111n (Walu 0·4) 11 0 11&11nd (LanafOrd 24) ":=':::Z:-• L ..... Oii Atlllnta 18 • ."2 !WI Dlegcl 16 8 .tu 2 13 13 .600 6 :!,:1,,;..-C I 12 14 ·* • ~ 12 11 ..... .... Qncftwtl 11 ,. .440 '"' ...... .,........ 91. L.oulll ,. • .197 , ... Monlrwl 12 10 .646 ,_Yon 12 14 ·* 614 ""9burafl 10 13 ... • 10 .417 ,.,. ........ " .. 14 ·* Iii a-. • ,. ~---::t'.: 3, .._,... 2 !WI tMdloo &. ,_ Yen S --..... 12. !WI Dlegcl 7 ~ ..,_ .,......, T..,._.._. .,.._.. (Weldi S-1111 ~I~ .. ~ l"'1WI 2-4111 CfllClgO cw.tu 2 ·2l PtttlClurgfl I~ 0-11 11 ~u (lk* 1-2). n Safi l'r8lldlioo (Lllt!llY 1-11 11 New Y cw1I ("'*° 2·2). n Sin DI~ (Curtlt 2·1) 11 Phll1d1lphl1 (l<MOW2• n .Anant. (W• S.2) M Sl. L.oulll (Mure 2·2L n AmNCAN L&AGUll 0rw.1.~2 ~TWOM C~ .. , .. ... .. r ... .....,,d 6 0 1 0 o-MI0,11 4 ' 1 0 0.. .211 4 1 0 0 c.r-. fll 2 0 0 0 knS.rt I 2 3 2 Ae..k*ln.lf 4 1 2 I Mwnwy,111 0 0 0 0 ~.dll 4 0 ' 0 llnlllr\.dll 6 I 2 4 l~d 4 0 1 0 ~,I I 1 1 0 Gndl.21> 4 0 1 1 ~111 4 1 2 2 o.cnce.ao 4 o 1 o ........ s ' 0 0 l'ol.-' 0 0 0 Dwy9r"" 1 0 0 0 9oOnl.C • 0 2 0 ~ 1010 ~.c ~I so Alpbn.Jb I 0 2 1 CnMt)o"" 1 1 0 0 ..... .-1 100 TotlM '2 I 11 I Totllll 33 2 t 2 ....._.. ..... "'-=--100 0(17-t c...nie 200 000 000-2 I -......_ Oft -...,._.. 1. Cellot'nla 1. l09 -...,_.. I , ~ .. 211 - l'ord 2. ND11M. Oow1*oO. L__... HA - llnglNll'(1). ~ (tl. s -c-w. ....... IPHfllEJl .. 10 p.... \\22200 ~.1..Q) "' 8 o o a 2 Stoddlid ' ' 0 0 0 0 ~ l'Ol'9dl 7 82212 MllCL.t-2l '" 6 1 1 2 a ....... ...20000 FOf9dl p11ctll0 10 1 01111< on tne 8th Pit -ltOOfte. I -2:ll6. A -211,008. AneeA ........ UTTlllO M II M ""d -'9t. 141 ,. 2t 7 .IOt .. 11 21 0 8 .2t2 tit • lO 1 12 .2tO 14 2 4 0 0 .2te 106 17 2t 7 14 .27t 213108.271 • 107 ,, 29 4 " .211 " a n o 10 .as1 " 10 23 , 12 .2&0 10201.m n 10 11 2 10 .211 11 6 11 0 7 1M 22 I 4 0 I .192 46 4 7 0 2 .1111 21000 .000 ))000000 tl3I IOI Dt 17 100 .2&0 ~ • M•IOW-'.'DA 1"'4 10 I 7 0-0 0.00 ,. ... 17 I • 2·1 .... .. • • 11 ... , 1"'7 17l' 11 • 11 0-0 tAO ... ,. 14 28 .. 2 ..... aft It 14 12 w l.'4 1~ 11 4 I M UO N 44 11 111 2·2 1.40 28 21 1) 11 2.0 I.II "" 12 7 I C).1 11.11 ~ 232 M 122 17·10 2.71 ._..,.,....... ...,._.. 001 010 001-3 7 0 ........ 002 001 OSx-e • 0 H9Wnt Ind ~ VuallOOllall, l'lnoert (t) Md ~ w -VudtcMall. 4-2. l -1--., 1• 1. I -!'1nfwt (II. A -l .'°'9. ..._ .... -...... ~ 100 214 100..-. 13 0 T-000 200 000-2 I 0 ~ 8. 8telltly (Ill Md~:~ ~ ldllftlclt (1) W ........ W -e. 81111Wy, :t•1. L -HclMyolltt, 04. Hfl - aoMofl. ~!II. fllOt (t). T-. L Jom--~A-1,'i?., ........... ~ 000 100 10().-2 I 1 Olldllld 110 000 01a-4 • 1 ~lftd~~w••o m,._..(1)111d~W-,2·1. l . ._ Oennr, l·I. a -8Hld (I). " -~. Tllomtoll (I). o.tlnd. Murpfly ~A-11,111. ...... , ...... .,...;y.-OaO 001 05-I • 1 .... OOI 000 llll-1 11 I ~. MlrC411MO...: "-'YIM ...... W-""Y ... 2.L-........., N. Hfl-._ Vortl, ~(1). A -1'7Me, NATION.Al. &.aAGUm D1f11 a l,hpoe2 LOI ........ lllOefTfllAL .. r ..... .., ..... .... 4110 """*" 4000 ~ 111 4 1 1 I r ...... 21> I 0 0 0 ..... ,4010 Not!Mnl)f\1000 I ._,, 4 11 I o-ict 4020 ~ Ill 4 0 1 0 ~ lb 4 0 1 0 ,.,__ltlOOOO e o 4222 ca--r.oo1to11 . "•Oto. ldoealeo aooo 11ect1>111000 "-II• 40 10 ..... 1000 ......,,00 00 ....._, 'ooo ._.., eooo ""'°°"-" 1000 ....... 0000 ......... , 0000 WMeptl 1000 ....,.,., 0000 TCIUlll II 3 •I l~ 11 I f'2 .... .,,..., ' ~ Ott=::. ~L.419 ~ •• ....,.,.., '· \,09-\.-.....,.. e: .....,,,.. ' ,.._._.,, ~Or---. .. _ .. ....,_""- ClrW •"' • .. ..,;,'• t=•~ eo •1) l'4 I t I I .. ...., -.00001 • e 1s302 2 10000 1 I 0 0 I 0 •J.~.PltlL Mortland.CNoego Cotapclon.Onn. ..... ,, •' II& • Wooda.°'*41QO Jonee.Sen Dllgo 0.9mllh.8l. L.oulll Wl90n,NewYcn ~.Bl.Louie LaceM.Sen Dlegcl --ion;men. New YOf1l, t: ThomplOn, Pitt .. buflll\. 8: Ml.rptly. Atwlla, I: Handrldl, St. LU. 7; Homer, Alllnla, 7. ............ Murphy. Atwlta. 2t; J. ~. ~ l>UrQll. 2$. '°'9Nft, H9w Yorll.. 23. Hernat\--. SL LNI. 21, T. KlnnlOy, Sen Dlegcl, 20. ,....., . .,........, Fonc:f\, St Lou1a. 4-0; ..... 91 1.oula, S-0: 1.0llat. 8' Dll90. 3-0: Sflow, Siii Dll90. S-0: Aoger-.. MOntrlli. ... ,. BerlnYI. Cine*>- "'"· 4-1; Sutton. Hou1ton. 4-i. "-"· ~·1. CoO~H«n Chlll>ftll'I 7 UC L7. 1 Community cot• Orenge c -1 11. Sen oteoo ..... I SO ...... 110 020 040 1-t 11 3 <>renoe Cout ooo 110 oeo s-11 11 2 Tuello•. Bin Ill) razekH ..,·o Barker Rooker Reinholtz (4) end Tinoco w RemtlolU l Fllll<ll 28-RolHns (SOM) C1tret0 ISOMI. Berto.er (SOM), Bove. !SOMI HRs SllWlnSlll IOCCI. OuoQan (OCCI Ooldln WHI S. SMlll Mona 3 Senta Monica 101 000 100-3 S O ooio.n wn1 AOO 100 oo.-5 e o S1o1<ry end l..-.gen, M.,.th, Cla•ll 171 ano Schultz W-Marsh l S101ey S-Clark 28-E.lkins (SM). lrtlOI (OW). Weg0« (OW) HR-G<andltatt (OW) a.ddht11dl I, louthwfttem 4 Sout-tertl ()()() 001 003-4 1 ' ~ ~ 010 031-9 13 1 ~" Herring (2L --.b (8) ano Pw .. E.uley Bo<>ltla (9). Boudt_, (9) Ko IHI (Ill and Irwin W-Elllly L Hlo<lepller 2B-B1lou9h (So). G1ay (Sa ) Lin~ (S•l HIM IS.I Sw.....oet tS.I 3B-Hllvl IS•I HR-Balough (Sol ITAN0tNG8 &ou1ti Coat eonr.renc. W L <Ml 0r.,.eout C...•"ot Sanla AN Fuller1on IS 3 13 4 1·~ " 6 3 Ml Sen AnlO<ilO San~Mffa OrOMMont e 11 6'> , 10 7•,, 5 13 10 ' 16 1314 Tllv..c&.y't kOfM Orenge Coast 11. Sin Oteoo MIN 8 ( 10 '""l"Oll Ce<mos s. Ful'-'lon 4 Mt San Amonlo 3. Gta1amont O 8outhefn Cal Conf..-ence (hcond Half) _,.,.,,,~ w 1 o 8 6 5 • I!> ti a s ~lk«M S.odllt>ICk 9, Soul-tlfn 4 Chelfey a. San Blrnerdl<>o 3 Rl•erlide CC 10, Cllfut 7 Sen OieOO CC 0, P1iom.t 2 ••• .,,.,., 0-.. Sen Oleo<> CC et SllddllOlcll Rtveulde 11 Sen Blrnerdlno Cit rva •l <:n.itey Plllom1r et Soull'l-llfn l Cle 3 3 3 • 4 s 8 10 8 .... ·~ I I'" 2'11- 3 7 .. 12 • 14 ll'h 17 11• ... Hlah achool Wood'rtdte t,...,..... 2 WoodbftdOe 010 051 1-1 7 2 Metahell 010 100 0-2 I I Moreland. 8ufll• (4). Cool\ (71 and HoWI. O.v11, W11hlng1on (5) 9nd Kln.ino«. W- Burlle (5·11 L-Da•ll. 28-Aulllll (W). Bul'llo (WI. Qonu.IH (Ml. W1t111no1on (M) P~(M). Hitt! echOol ,.. ... etr•A I Arcad11 (22·21. I . •dlNll (20"'41; 3 ~ 117-3); 4 l8 "°" (17-4); 11 Slfn4 V,,,.. 11~1: I . Wllnul (It-'); T ~ (16-1): 8 Loi Altoe ( 14-IS);I Collon ( 17 -8-1); 10. DOI Pl.cioe ( 1$-4, CIP._A 1. M~ (17·i). 2. f'IOltlca (22-3), 3. Fullerton (204). 4. Horth. fl.Iv (ft·2· I), I Loetl (It-Ir. e Covin• (18-1): 7 Loml>OO 113·3·'>· e, II Oof•do ( 11· 7), 8 C.rrhoa 17-4): 10. Gllndor• ,,..., Clf•A 1. C-MI Mer(=:. Herl (llM), 3 Y..oelpl (11-a-1)1 4. A Ve/llJr/ (14 .. ); I 11111 C1Plllr1no v .... y jlll·ll. Whittler pl-7); 7. llev1r1y Hiii• (13·4), i Mlu lon Vi.to ( 1'·4); '· -·'"' Sprlno• ( 15·4-I); 10 teuoua l1M). Loe Alamhoe ntUfllOA Y'I MtUl TS (41h of 11-nloht __.erho<M .-......1 '""T llACt. 350 y1tdt l.•Oy Sell<ll (CetdOU) 23.80 8 40 0.80 MIU 1(1<1 Cau11 (8etd) 4 80 3.00 TOPl>lfl Buo (H11'1). 4.00 Al10 reclO OH·Bl!lllop Brit. OH-Fly Lie· klOy Splll. 8ombl. 04ale SI•. "41N JlciyM, llllll 81Jdll Go. "48111roomloun1. Time. 18 13 t2 IXACTA (8-2) plJd SU 80 HCOftO "ACL 350 yarda Tull Copy (l>omlngU9Z) 6 40 4 40 3 00 Herl C<ill (MllOhlH) 8 80 4 40 Clllcll Tne Doctor (CardoU) 3 00 Alto riced r1n1uy Witch l 10y Bug Zepllyr 01nc1no Oocller. K••••ll W11. Luclly Lady Lodoto Bob• BraH B11. So- prll'O Time 18 40 THIM> II.ACE. 400 y11d1 Oullele (C"-~ 10 60 Couey l~and Whlrl CTr-..rel Ruma Cwt Bit IH"1) 580 300 840 400 3.00 ome B Deel<. Aleo t1IOld Funny Fiith• Malung Memor._ Time 20 78 fOUflTM llACI. 400 y1101 Aedlf ~ (.ArmltronOI uo 3.00 uo Smoot I) s.i.ctoon (LA M09" I ' 80 4 40 Win PoNcy (Mtld!llO 3 20 AltO •K41<1 1<1pe A~ Scon ..-... Erl<lt Luclr.. Thi o.at... '""' 2060 t2UACTA I1·21paid$3060 flf'TH llACI. 350 Y"ds M• )( Chw119 (Aamullll'I) 15 20 7 20 4 tlO Oewoya Brighi Moon (MY'ftl 5 40' 4 20 Mui 8 Fast (8'00111) 7 00 Alto 11ced Bar Klngoom, So•.,••on Sneek Unojel Hond8, Oocumenlallon, At· mal>ef, LYn• T rlP M'flhly McGinn<a ltme II 54 llXTH llACI. 360 yarot Spill I The Punoh (Werd) 17 00 1 tlO 4 60 Loom Son 1ci.e•ez1 8.00 4.20 Two Mof'e Ooublll (Cltdola) 3.90t Alao rec1CI woooy Hun. Uol Hll Shere. L'Ol\llnlng Fotllx>Q. Rock•bO. Jll Rallro.d MO•tn Klncl• Man Time ti IS t2 EJIACTA (!>-41 plt<J S70 llO HVINT-.. llACI. 350 y1ro1 Pley Tutt (C11dou l 111 80 8 tlO 5.80 w .. da Bell (Hart) !I 20 4.00 1m1 Fu1 Joi (T.-el 3 60 Also rac.O Soltlary Jel. MIOnlQftl 8IHll, 1 •k• five Too Jet Foel Oudt. N Run Wo- jllllOVIU Timi 1791 t2 OACTA 15·4) oaocl $12 40 llOHTI4 llACE. 350 yardt Ay• 01'1 (Tr11-e) 24 20 11 60 5 00 M111.,. Clth (WllOI 4 60 3.40 Rel>ll• S11t11 IBatdl .c IO A••o ••Ced EHy OodeO Chl rllf Club. ~ Story W-I Polley IOd Chrome. HI I tlfy Mtas Chtdel P*Y ''"" 1101 t2 UACTA (3-5) 1*0 SllO 80 t2 ,.;tt 1111 C6-1-5-S-S-31 pllCI S2.652 00 •llh 11 *""''"9 llck9'1 tr ..... ho<-) S2 Ptc:lr. S•• conto111ton palo Ml2 llO wilt\ 149 win· n1n9 lid<IU jlOUr h0<-1 MINTH RACE. 350 yerda Lii* Top Ctllcli (Cn1iel 13.00 7.20 4AO uoua tM ""' t1..ruoer1 9 00 5 20 My Seim Dlt;k (Wiid) S 20 At10 ••C•d Shecllr• lmege, Carllfbo. Blue Pool, A1youet1, Viking Den. TIU1onle T;me 19 16 t2 l!XACTA ( 4. 71 plld $88 40 Allende.-8.1111 Hollywood P•rtc TffU"MfAY'a MSU\.TI) (1oth of...., lhofoug.._. IMlttnl) ..,.., llACL 6 lutlonQ•. Brlglll .... (Gualrl) 11 80 5 00 3.00 Jem Min (Hewl4ry) 4.00 a.to HallllUlll\ Brother tPtncey) 9.40 Alt o rlCld S end• OI V•o••. Olttenl Chlrm. Funny Clf-. Joi'• Tr1butl . I L- Cotnpany. ve .... •8¥00m. A Joll• Wltld. H.u· kM Kefth N Timi I 10 315 MCONO ltACL II~ TutMl IHewloyl 3 40 2 60 2 40 Hend 0-.. Hllf1 (McClrron) 3 00 2 tlO Prol-Gr_,. (Slbilll 1.30 Alto racad Tough M-. CalofOMll Fig. ()otofc1or1te Timi Advocate. Tliefnenchua TIMI 109 4/5 SI DAILY ooueLI !Ml palcl l21 20 • ntlflO llACI.. a ~ Win Bold (Slbllle) 38 00 7 IO 3 IO Ewe Win (Dellhouallyl) 3.00 2 40 HtQh Clllblr CCltlaned•I 5.00 SolM Bird. Uly't DrlMTI. ~ P.i-'rlml 1 12. U IXACTA (3-31 paid '2111 00 FOUM'H RACI.. I lurlonQ1 F••tt r, .. , tH-'-YI a eo 5.40 5 20 0111 Setter (Cealanedl' 22 40 12.20 VHle Pecttle (OrtlQtl) 10.40 Al•o reclO Ledy Try•lol, Tulle'• D1m1, Niiiy Mlfgil, S..b<11ze Peyolf. E1alor l..lty, Judy'• AtHOn, HOP• To fall. hke "''oy, Tll• Grot on Ruling Time 1 10 31!1. FlfTM llACI. I II 10 milt on turt. Eltor11 (Plncey) 4 IO 3 40 2.IO o.otok>e jDlllflou111ye1 10.40 5.40 Foreblet P~I 3.IO Aleo rlQld· French Commender. Rill 'N Fly, Adonl1 A••· llldl1n O . t<lng Darlu1. Aolt1to. fighting Flt ..,....,.. 110 :Sf& • UAOTA (74) ,_ 11auo. tfllTH llACL 9 lutlon09 $N¥oV ("'-YI • 40 ~ 40 4.10 a-. Goal 1slblle1 22 eo 10.40 BkJw T ec>t (McHM;uel 1.00 Alto raced' V""94 Blazer. FUl4 vtolon. Fon Jon11. A1fund1<. Convt~ Me. Predoml· nel1. ci-, lwlft lluMy. FlltllfUI 0.- Tlml 1•1<* ..VIJmt MCI. 7 l\it10nOL OlltA Gt-(MoCerron) 6 40 3 40 ' 20 U-Ollnd I~ 4 40 2.20 Q.,c1en1ng Olrl (~) 2 20 AllO •loed' ...... llllMI, Dace!>t.,_. TlrM 1•22 • UA~A l1'41pl6d 11150. I! f'tC« IOI ( ...... 7 ... 1) palCI U 1;144.20 "'1th two Winning tlC:llet• (fl• ho<-). 2 Pl<* 8111 COlllOlltlon ~ 1190.40 with 1 11 ~ nlnO llCl<tll (flw '*-!. U Pie* lb tcrMdl contolellon paid Mt.00 with 132 winning tlallll• (lour hOfMt, one aore1oh or lovr '**· two tCtllel* or tilt .. llOl'MI, !WO IC!tllellll). ltQHTM MCS. 1 1110 mlltJe on l\lrf, CtMU\Olly (~) 1.00 •. IO t .40 T,.. I*-(0..,.,., 1.10 1100 Ulrone (OllYwttl • UO AllO tlOM! 1'111119' 1'1w1td, 8\ltlt of •ono. ~·A~ ..-111on. ~ Trwll. 110tlllfll'lt,leUIPt,_ ""-' , 4 Ill. ~~°"'"*' lunn)oNdtt~:"rhn IUO UO 440 =~=) 4.40 ::: Aleo • .....,o....n- lli.t. tunlfllM Iler M, ¥1tl1 Crowd. ..... lllM*On. ~· 1'.M • IMCTA 11..., _..... t tA-00. ......,.Jll,tll~ WCT~t ...... ) ftW ........... John Molnroa d.. llllomo 01101t1111n, f •I. l•I ... I; 1¥1111 LeflOI Oef. HIM 0110.-melllll, 1·2, 1·0, John 8adrl 011 Tim WlllllOn. 7 t , W: .... Arr..,. def. Ctlrll 1.oW!e, .. a ..... , lddll Dlblll NI. lO. (d· wlfde. S.41 7•6,JoM1.1119 Olo<c dll Andl11 0-.l·~ ... t Wcwtd TMm Cup lM D111111t•1rt, .... 0.-,) ........ OullllrMO VHH (Aroenlln•I dlf Corr1100 ,8.,ami1tl (lllllyl ... a. e-1, Adriano P1111111 (lt•lY) d•I Al1J1ndro G1n1b1I CA•oenlln•j· •••• P·1, 7·1: Yl~(llG~ 'tOtlh (,rencel d•. ....., .....,_.. ~i. 7-t, M : Matti Edmondson (Aullt1ll1) def P1K1I Po11e1 (Frlll()I), 7 ... 3-1 ... :!. (Au1trllll and Fr.,_ tied, l•I. Argentlnt •nd ll"'Y tied, t-11 ltallltn Women'• Open ( .. ,., ...... =-Third~ Cllfll E¥1f1 Lloyd o.1 Aolllyf'I FllfOt1t1l1. 8-2. &-1: Bonnie OlduMll d9f Sindy Collini , 9-1, 7.r,, Hana Mendlllcon dll Su .. n Ml· 11Ct111n. 8-2. 8-3. 81n11 JMn King dll. lv•M• Madruga. 8-2, 0-I, e-.c. Syt\111 Henlll• dlf ~~~~~~&;.-:,~~ rte. 8-3, e-1. v.-Vwmuit leldt Set>ln• S""'1'10nda. 7_. (poetponed by rein) M9n'• money .....,_ ,.,,,,...... ..,. 11) 1 l\rlft t,.encll ..... MO 2 T-Smid 228,276 3 Gullllrmo VllM 207.450 • Jlmlfty Connor• 203.500 5 -.lull Clerc 181.SSO a P-McHetnll• 148.800 7 Vltu Getulaltll t3'.fl75 8 8411 Scanlon 127.• 12 8 JOIVI Searl 126,200 10 ~ T11oay 111,176 Communtty cotaeae SOUTlC ... CAL.WoMA, ~A.La (II .... «tfllkl C~) """' llound ......... Rehlorlk (Ofenge C06at) de!. McClf!lc>blll (llenlurtl, 8-4, 7·8, Miiier (Sllddleblckl def Slutarz (S1 nt1 MOnlcl), 0· I , 4-11, &-•, BlllGl&llone (8) d9f Whlto (Blllertflll<I). 8-t. 0·1, St1c>h•n1 (SJ dtl. McGoneglll (8enl1 Monlc:e), 0·3. 8-1; Olmtlead (8) dlf ChOw (Sen1a An•). 8-2, 8-0 llCGftd ..._.. ..,,. ... Refllotllc IOCCJ dlf Wootan (LA Herl><><), 8-3. 7-8, Kline tOCCI def. Devit (Morplfkl. 7-0. 7·1, Fodderly (OCCI def Au1ttn (LA ltldl TeCh). O·O. 6· I, Po,,y (GrOHmonl) dlf M-(S), l-8, 8-0. 1-2. S1obl (SI def o.v ... x (S1n11 811bor11. 8-3. 8·1. Sieck .. 1one (SI def van-(P-.neJ. 8-2. 8-.c. Scribner ISi d9f APc>efl (Moorpertc). 8-.c. 6-4. Otm•llld (8) dll Olvla !Ml Sen AnlOl'llOI 8-2. 7.5 CllMlll (LA Pierce) Clef StephtM ISi, 7~ 8-1 . hC<lftd .._ .... ~ Fl(ldll'ly•Bonl1 (OCCI del WIM-Pr1do (LA Pierce). 8-1. 8-1 11teun-Reh1or1k IOCCI NI 0--·Dlfnlon (Long 8Mch CCI. 1-3 7.5, Blec:lr.11one-S11phena (SI del Flnlty· HotohMT>I (Santi Monlc:ll. 8-0 8·2. Llllll- Gr.., (SI "91 .EWlng-OlmlOo (Glanellll). 6-3. l-4, Sctt~--Olma111<1 (SI dll At>gue-Oevts (Moorperll). 8-1 8-3 Hath aclWMlf u.-............. Y .... I ...... 8clflelltl (L8) IOl1 to Maref'I. S.-7. loll lo Hoftman ...... dllf. l'ectot. 6-0, ""'· ~ • W : Perry (LI) won, 1-4, &-1, 5-1, 6-1; ~ llnda (LI&) loet by dlflllll. loll lly dlfeult. 0-e. 1-4; 6rumll.iis (L8), IOll, 2 ... 2-t, won. 8-1, ...... 0....... Wllllfd-8nlnd1 (L81 Ott. l..Mter·Stone. 8-2. 0-4; def. Phllllp1.Jollneon llY d1f1ult: Capalltenoo-8oetlrMt (l8) won, 8-3. 1-3, _,,w .1 ... Ed Sneed Scoll H<>dl Hile lrwln ~~. Jodll Mudd :i" ... ~ DA Welllf1r>9 Fuuy Zoeller Tommy VINnltne Plter Ocmemvlt Gibby Gllbll1 WoodY 8leca burn Antonio C...<141 Bob~or MIU Reid Tom Purtnr Ed Flot! Tl\omu Gniy Sl ... e Heh Jiff Sencler• Curtll Str1ng4 Mike Donald Frenll Conner Pll UndMY Bob Glleler Tom t<lto PllerJ--. Ron Slreek David Grlhl!m ~or ... Jerry HMrd Gey8r-Huber1 Gr_, WW/ly Anns11ono Danny Ectw.da 0... EICllllblf 91t _,_,_ FlflN LOUGtlNm ()enH~ !It.-UIOttl John Mula Teteo Joi Oukl Jecit ...,_ Scot1~ Lance Tan S.oeck Ker1 NlrTO 8-J Baugh 8ltry H--8 Sk(C> Dunewey Ol'lld Edwerde o ... e.,, Lii TrlMno Morris H1181tlly Allen Mitter FrlO Coul)lll JllClk NMon Ancly North Mike NlcOlttto Rey Ber• Andy Bean Jim Boorot Cfl111111 Glbeon !om Grellem Jay Hiii 81 ..... Ulbllt John Mll\lfley CaMnPM141 David Senn Ron CoMmoM Joy CuCld SllMI Hlalh GregP-• Howlrd Twhly 8o0by Wadllk>1 Bob MUtpl>\r ~dT~ ~ . . • • 32·32-64 36-29 55 34.33 117 33-34 17 32·3$ e1 33.34 117 33-34-87 35.33 111 34·3'4-111 33.35 111 3S-33 111 34·3"4-111 34-3-4-111 3S-34 89 36-33 eg 33.30 69 33-36 69 38-33 68 37-33-70 34•38 10 35-3$-70 35-3$-70 37-33-70 3!>-35-70 38-34-70 33-37-70 J:l-37-70 3$-35-70 37-33-70 3!>-3$-70 37-33-70 3S-35-70 35·35-70 :st-3$ 70 37-33-70 34-37 71 31-33-71 34.37 71 34 37 71 37-34-7 t 3S-3'-71 37-3'4-71 35...Je-71 37.34 7 t 37-3.C 7 t 35-39-71 34-35-71 35-38 71 3s-3'-71 37-34-71 33-$8-71 33-38-71 33-31-71 3S-38-71 3!1-30-71 35-38-7 t 33-3fl 71 38-36-71 32·38-71 3•·37-71 37-36-72 38-34-72 35-37-72 3S-37-72 33·38-72 3$-37-72 37-35-72 31·3•-72 37-3!>-72 311-37-72 36-38-72 3$-37-7' 36-38-72 37-35-72 35-37-72 3547-7; 31-»-n "-37-7~ ... ~ ....... I et lrYIM Hlell I 100 '"' -1 Popp <rr1. ' 44 11. 1 8ou1hron (II. I H 11. $ Teyler (CdMI. 1·47 ": • ~(I), I 41 ... ~ WootfQ411 (NH), 1:At.11: •· loufbourrow (C:OMJ. 1:41.11. iOO IM -I Mollerd (CdM). 2 00 It. 2 GIUupl1 (ET), 2 02 ti, 3. Cer11on (UI 2 04 1111. 4 81111loy (NH), 2 04 8, 6 Yoilol• !Ell. 2.06 14, IJ fllro !El. ~ 06 99 llO lfll -I. Blldfng (EUI 99: 2. M""-(CdM). 22.21; 3. Wll90n ~ 221.24• 4. ~ •ltt11kl tll), 22 0 , 5 Pk:kell (CM), 22 50, fl Drllk1 (El. 22 111 100 fly I Harrlton (NH), 6&.01; 2 Bal· lock (NH~ 63.67, 3. Soulhrtn IE>. 65.21, • Wlldom (ET). 66 51; 5 MIHOW (CdM). 69 56; 0 Wob1t11 (E), 66 89 100 frM -t Wiiton tET), 49.02: 2 No-vtntlll ll!TI. 49 3!, 3 Thompeon INHI, 48.91 4. kruw1tlr (CM), 41.11: 11 llohwarn IUI. 49 71, I Taylor' (CdM). 49.15 ~ llM I Popp (H ). 4.39 84, 2 MOl- lard (COM). 4.45 89, 3 CatllOf'I (UI, 4.•7 14 4 Soaflkoll (CM), • 47 63, 6 Rich (I), 4 411 50. 6 WOollolll (NH), 4 52 71 100 Declo. -I Wlbll•r (El. 51 44. 2 11.ilaci< (NH). 57 81, 3 ~111 (CM). 67 fl1, 4 Bll'lllll (U), ~ 9$, 5 Beto (El $9 21, 8 81ewwt (CM), 118 II 100 bre111 -1 011'-8 (ET). 1'()2 40 2 VOkola (El). 1 O• 38; 3 Rloo• (El. I 04 41 4 8ffin (El. I 04 70, S Lawaon (NHI 1051 1 I JICobe (COM). I 06 IO WOMEN 200 lrM -1 Rlci<olll (I). 1·55 54, 2 Long (NH). 1 56 8 t. 3 GUllSl)ll (£Tl I 57 42. 4 Scnutu (U). I 59 15, 5 Pt111eon (1), 2 00 09 O "4loCl<IOOl IE). 2 00 94 200 IM -I Morwood (I), 2 11112. 2 Gil· IHPIO jETI. 2 17 09. 3 R11nholO (CdM) 2 10 3 • 4 Berrell (II. 2 20 88. 5 Sllete (CdMJ, 2 10 31. fl A•e<1il !El 2 21 40 50 lr11 -I Btrd (COM) 24 96 2 Brown (UI 211 11, 3 Rudon (ET). 26 27. 4 Blf,_ (ET). 28 46. 6 Cerpenlor IEI. 26 60, 6 WOiie (SI. 2688 100 l1y -I Oillesple (El ), Sll.95 2 Wil· llltM (ET). I 02 83, 3 MedOoclt tEI I 02 95. 4 B•own (U), I 03 29, 5 Bulche1 (CdM), I OS.75. 6 Patio.er (ETI. 1 05 07 100 ltM -I Bird (COM) 53.66, 2 Bullie !I), 54.74, 3 Bernlt (ET), 66 98, 4 C11pen11r El, 5e 06, 5 S~llz (Ul, 56 40; ll Clerk !El, 57 50 500 l•M -I Glllnpli (ET), 6 03 15. 2 Rlckelll (1), 5.05 23 3 Lano {NHI 5 17 t~ • P1lo11on (I), 6:1t.t4: 6, Chrl1tm1n (E). 11:27.17· t. ~11 tCCIM~ !U2.72. 100 i•ck -I S ellle (II. 1 03 87' 2 Re1nholO tCdM). 1·05 16 3 Averoll IE). t 05 46. 4 Thompton (I), 1 07 33. 5 COl>en tETI. t 10 43, ll C11r (U), 1 10 47 100 brlHI -I Morwoocl (I). t 10 10. 3, Berrell (11. I 11 2fl 3 Boylen IETI. I 12 4Q; • s-1el (CdM). I 13 31, 5 BrttCOI tCCIM) 1 t3 54 6 Dunn.no <NH) 1 1s 05. COMMUNITY COUEOE loutMm Cel ctuimplonettlpa (at CerrttOI Colfeel) ,.,., Round "-"• 89ddl.o.c:k 83, Gc*Mn We•t 82 l.AOOl.DACK -Oelums :>•. Derrow 111, B11hop 10 Hiclls 5. Young 4 Boone• 4 T oe.19: 24 16-20 IS. OOLD4lN naT RarnMller1 14. All 14, Kr111orten 12. OllllW'I 10, ~I, DuncM 2, °""*111 2. Tot.Ill: 29 4-10 82 . Or9n0e Coast 73, NudeN 83 PASADENA -$1epp• 9. Collello 1& RYl>acll I, Ouerr .. a 21. Miiioy 4. 01v1e I , Loudel 4, IOlllS J4 1~·'111 l>:J C.llANOE COAtT -Ellinger t 1, Cat•oll 23. "4arl< 13. San0¥1ken 4. Kroyer 6. Parl<e< 2 Berry 8 Toi alt 31 11· 18 73 HIJl11rne Oflf>Q4I Coest. 39.37 Tote.I touts Pasldlne 24 Oranoe Cout 24 FOUllCI out Stepps (P) 01Mf ..,_ s.,, .. Monice 92, CoGlge ol llM! Doten 64 Ouwd 55 Fuhnon COiiege 50 TOftltM'• 0-e I p.m -8adcllebadl YI. Orenge c-t a p m Oanlfd vs ::.an11 MontCI Women AU.·IOVTI4 COAST CONFEMNCa l'lnt T-ttna ~ <Orelletl c..e>; Dot-. eerw (F.-1ont. KMll Wreeller (C..rllos) Jenine Phllltpa (San Dll90 Mne) L.au•en Mllc.._I (Qronmonl); J1ckl1 Bur"u !Ml S•" An1ont0), T-i ''""' (~ c-t: Car• Weller (Fulle<lon). Deed•H Johnson (S•n Diego "4 ... 1. Kelhy Hemlllon (GrONmonl). Phylltt HWdy (Santi Met. Do6of'll E......, (OrlftOI C-4); Sheryl Heyet (Fuller1on), E•elle Jollneon (Seflll Anal. Nouia Bell (Senta AN) MMI Valuabll Pleyet Kr!s Kror-(0t11'1Qe Colel) Coech of Ille Yeer °'"' Giiison (Or•noe Coull HelltJmo 2a-2a Tote! IOUIS Slddlel>llGll t6, Go!Oon Wnt 24 Fouled OUI. Darrow (S), Gulhrte tGW), H11rlson (GWI. Duncan (QW) NHl Dlnofte c.....u·cohnM:NCE T11und17'• lcOfl 11~ o. ~ 2. Y•ncou-win• ...... 4-1 ITANUY CUf' l"INAll (eeetof ....... ) ...,..,..a- v~ 11 NY llllnOlt'I T~O­ Vf/ltCOUYll at NY~· Tlwrecl.9y't 0.- NY 111anc1er1 11 vencov-a.twdaf, Mar 11 NY lal1nd«1 11 VIMCOUYlt T..edt7,ltlafll V~ et NY ltlllldll'S (II ,,_.,-,) Thundlf, ..., 20 NY lslln<I¥• It VancO<Nll< (If,_....,.,., l •tlff'def, ... , 22 Vanc:ou•er •• NY ls11ndert (II -Mty) Weekend television schedule Tl'!Ll'!VlllON lb tU a m t Ill IAlll'!IALL -~ •• MC>n1rt1I 10 I)• m 141 IAll!:IALL -San ~··••ltlero •I N'"" Vork Mn 11 1 m (~) WCT T'l'!NNtl. I p M ( 4) (}()tJi' Third round play ln 1lw tlouoilOO O!x>n 2 pm \71 !IUOAft llAV l.f'.oNA.aO'I OCILPP.N OLOVl!:8 Penn1ytvanla Vt. Wuhlnc111n, f) C In • ..Wt ol boulll \llpod In Wiidwood. N J Also A prollle of former l'M'i!IV)'W.Clhl d\Mlpoon Joe Louill 2 lJO pm t•I -SPOftTI .U:IELD. 3 fl m l71 Tl!:NN .. -Tlw lom\Ulnela ul tM Wl'r ToumamMI ol Chemplona 3 30 11 m (2) -Ca8 IPORTI ~AT1.11l0AY Art Fflaa (24 I J daland1 hie WBA lllhl· w.,11ht l11lto ac.ain11 Ray "Boom Boom" M.vidnl I ?2 II '" • a t...odu i..d I). round bou 1 i.ap>d -. i....v~ ) pm (71 WIOI!: WORLD OP' SPOtlTI NatlONtl <-""1np1onah1p ""'1Dr'cy('w raanc. 11111<-d al S.n J°"" A1ao Ttw U S vs tho! USSR tn a wrt-.ll!n& rntt'I u.pod •I Toledo. Otuo RADIO a......... Dodatrn at .Montreal, 10 l~ • m . KA£1(.' 17llOI Ral\Jrnutt el .1'.npls. 7 pm, KMl"l.• (7101 TEL£VIIllON IU • m 12J NBA PLA YOPFS HI 10 a'" I 11) BAllEBALL -Dodaen ;-• Montffal It JU• m (4) GOU' Pinal round play 1n th<' HOUIWI ()wn ftOfTI Woodlenda, THAI NWfl 171 TENNIS The frnel of I.ha W<.'T Tuurn•mtrnt of Champions, Laped al f"u1 ... 1 llllla. N Y 12 .ti> I'm (2> NBA PLAYOFFS - l 3U p 111 t4> WESTERN OUTDOOR· SMAN UOMnl! <liddlo wontw ID bell ll'OUt. 'l pm 141 OUTDOOR LIFE -Corrwo- doan Phtl ltarrb hunt& pM.,..nt In Sou1hem Id.tho 23(/pm (71 AMERJCANSPORTSMAN Cl...,yl Ladd partinpatl'tl In • mounwn-tion 1«g,gin11 rx,_..d11Jon In RlrlC!, Colo Alao Richard ('rt>nne ptn• hoel Curt Gowdy lor a luh1n1 rnun1on 10 kt'land 10 '"arch lor Aflanlic i...lmon •nd Berb&ra Ht."nhPy travels to f'lon. d.t 1 Cryllal Ktvtt tn 6CM<"h of tM manelft J 30 pm 171 WIDE WORLD OF PORTS A "'P""I ohuw1ng of the Iron Man ""Ofld t'Tlduran1:t' •~thlon rrom tt.wau Abo Thor pteltm•~ of Ow world 111n1....,r boiung champwmhrpo i.;ip«1 tn Mururh. ~ pm 141 SPORTSWORLO -Paul Vrwo d.>l..ndo. lllJ t'KA tupl'r Ughtw•t IJtlor ag~tn\I Ku h•rd Jackaon tn a acheduled 12 round btru I \Jo Ql"d at Atlanta Alao The IOp fut'I wmp< 1111nn at thr NH RA world finals' > uoped ~l Ol'IK rn the Ill.II RADIO a.. ... t>eu Dodgrr1 at Mon1tul. 10 15' • m . KABC 1790). S.llmwitt at Angela. I pm KMK' 11tu1 S..kftbooll San Anlut'OO at Laken. 12 :10 pm Kl.AC 1~711) Knee injury puts Moffet on sidelines Newport Harbor ffigh goes for the Sea Vie w League s wim championship Saturday rooming at Irvine High, but the Sailors will be doing it without two-time breaststroke champion John Moffet, at least in the individual medley and breaststroke. The 1984 Olympics hopeful missed Thuraday's prelims be- cause of a knee injury suffered in a football game on the.beach Saturday and is listed only as tentative as a participant in Sat· urday's finals on the Sailors' re- lay teams. Missing the league finals in the individual medley and breast- stroke does not jeopardize Mof- f et's chances In the CIF 4-A prellms at F.ast Los Angeles Col- lege next week. however , as he has qualified by time standards earlier. The Sailors, unbeaten through the dual meet season, are in a championship duel Saturday with El Toro on the men's side, while El Toro, Irvine and Corona del Mar are battling for the wo- men's division. Saturday's finals begins at 10 a.m. Volleyball playoffs begin Th'e first round of the CIF volleyball playoffs geta under way tonight -with Sunaet League champion Marina at home to South Torrance. It begins at 7 and la the only game Involving an Orange Coast area t.eam with a home match. Three oth ers -Corona del Mar, Fountain Valley and Mater Del -are on the road, and three others -Laguna Beach, Estancia and Costa Meaa, are idle with first round byes. Corona del Mar, the No. 3 teem in the Sea View League, travela to Loe Altos, Fountain Valley, No. 3 In the Sunaet, la at the South CoMt Leque'• No. 2 out- fi"' Diana Hills. and Mater Dri ii at North Torrance. ~ The .xmd round la ICheduJed Tue9da)' ni8bt. ABC picks crew NEW YORK (AP) -Keith Jack.son, Al M)chaela, Howard COMll, Don Dtytdale and Bob Uaer wW announce the a1ioli on ABC-TV't netwock telec:Mta of major lea1ue baMball tbla ye9f, a Mtwark apok ....... IMd Ttunday. • Ja.cuon and Mlobaelt will handle the play·by-pla,J, wllile f otmer playera Dryadale and u.s.r WW prowicM oolalr _. menlal'J for the two re.-.i ....... -=ti WMk: c.a1l"a .. vol"'89Dt "'11 .. ..,.... • otMra.Di .... -I IC•IEll I j -Rey~~lf• Eavlroa;;;tai ~rJap of Newport S..Ch announced the appointment of lUck Hame u .xecuUve land8cape atthiiect.1and Rob Osbon u construction adminiatrator. Hwne will lead a project team muter-planning two hote1Jre90rt complexes ln New Mexico ancf a recreational complex in Southern California. Y. T Da, formerly a eenlor audit manaRer for Price Waterhoute, jolned lJltra1y1tem1, lac., Ir- vine, u corporate controller. James W. McVlcker of Newport jolned the investment division of the Newport Beach office of Grabb 6 Elli• Commercial Brokera1e Gro1p. He was with Marcus & Mlllichap in Newport Beach. Five CP ~ have been promoted to auperviaor at the Newport Beach office of Enst & Wllluey, a Big Eight public accounting finn. New superviaon ln the audit department are Truddoad Plcmt Sale Huntington Center doily thru Sot. lge. 6" pots 2'! rwport llusic <!Iansuuatorv 'fxelence on Mu. fxi.cCJllon' IJiano ; ........................ c ........ ,a.... voice-violln-flut9-9uitar ...., ........ LM. 6-tw Call for Brochure l l.16 ..... ..._....._. .. _..._....._._ ....... --------- STARTING A NEW BUSINESS? According to C•lltornl• BualnHI nd ProfeHlon1 Code (S.C. 17900 to 7930) •II peraona doing bualneu under • flctltlou1 n•me mutt tlle • 1t•tement with th• County Clerk •nd h•v• It publl1hed tour time• In • new•p•per -..rvlng the •re• In which the bulJneH 11 loc•ted. The 1t•tement 11 required by l•w and 11 nece11•ry In protecting your bu1lne11 name. Moat btlnka ·require proof of flllng to open commercial accounts. The DAILY PILOT provides both tlllng •nd publlc•tlon 1ervlcea. We h•v• •II the nec•H•ry forms and m•lnt•ln • dlilly service to the Orange County Courthouae. Either atop by one of our convenient office• or phone the LEGAL DEPARTMENT M2~21 , Ext. 332 tor more Information •nd forms. ) .. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, ~ay 7, 1982 Mlcht l Giiimore and Joaat~u BUI of La1una Belch. Ure1ory Moa&apa of Irvine and Gale Tador are new aupervilon tn the tax department. MJcu el P. Ra11ell hu transferred from the Phoenix of&e of Prabb ft EW. CommerctaJ Bro- kera1e Grot1p to the Newport Beach office u office marketing tpeelallst. Gary Dack hu joined the Newport Beach of- fice of E rmt ft Wkl.uey, public aooountlng firm, aa advanced staff member. The Subona Compuy of Newport Beach ex- panded ltl client roster by three. Joining the agency are National Bank of Cali- fornia, IOOD to open ln Be= Hilla; Landmark Bank. with new corporate · uarten ln La Ha- bra and a new branch ln Anahelm, and Turalee on-the-hill, a residential houalng development ln Yorba Linda. Point 4 signs pact Polnt 4 Data Corpora- Uon of Irvine announced lt signed a $4 mllllon OEM a,areement wlth North American Compu- ten (NAC) of Lubbock, Texas. Tenna of the contract call for NAC to become a Point 4 master dealer and to move approxima- tely 400 computer systems through !ta dea- ler network. Cell 142-5171. Put • few word• to work tor ou. Now You May Rent A Lu_xury Apartment on Newport Bay . Gracious hving 1n a country club setting that overlooks the bay Thats Park Newpon The finest ,apartment c~mmurnty 1n tash1~n~ble Newport Beach Here, for your pleasure. a $1 ~-million Social and Health club. 8 l1ghted tennis courts. racquetball courts. 7 sw1mm1ng pools. and acres of gardens Leases are available for 1 2 and 3'" bedroom units Some are elegantly furnished APARTMENTS ANO TOWNHOUSES ON THE BAY IN N EWPORT BEACH FROM $540 TO $1,000. Conveniently located on the Upper Bay. Park Newport IS IUSI 5 QUICk minutes from the Orange County Alroort ard all maior business centers On Jamboree Road at San JoaQum Hills Road TeleptQie (714) 644-1900 No one buys a house or stock with the expectation of watching its value plummet; why buy a car 1n which that's not 1ust an expectation, but a virtual certainty? Particularly when you can avotd all inferior performance. investment or otherwise. by buying a BMW 3201 Accord111g to the October 1981 NADA Used-car Guide, tf you'd bought a new BMW 3201 1n 1979 and sold 1t this year, you'd get an astonishing 10196 of your money back~ That's more than Audt 4000. Oat- Breakfast in bed on Mother's Day There's no more romantic way to begin this Sun- day. Our tray has a 20"x13" eating surface of woven Chinese fern , generously lacquered, a holder for juice and a slot for the morning newspaper. When not in use for luxurious breakfasts. the tray dou- bles as a stand for potted plants. Fem breakfast tray ............. . .... 1999 lhenew •. Pier1 collections ltr1-· IUHEll -509 Kateb Ave., 772-2472 COSTA IESl -2110 Harbor Blvd., 540-7337 • sun 280ZX. or any other car 1n its price class Even more than many other cars 1n substantially higher pnce classes, such as Cadillac Seville ari(j. Mercedes- Benz 280E. AU of which makes the BMW 3201 • one of the world's.most exhilarating cars to leave a dealership 1n G A car that leaves you enriched by the expert· ence. Instead of impover- ished by It. m1U1Un••• ·~II!· BMW MUNICH (;( M~ Y ·"b.s.o on.-er-c• , .... once '!'Our...,. ll'<• mtr*\'«COtdrc ~Ille c.ono.1on01 )IQ' CAI ll'CI .... 1, .... 'IW "' •• pt1¥.lltiy0' IO I de.itf 0 1981 BMW ol Ntwtll A""9t<1 lnC , .... BMW 1•41C111Mfk eno IOflO.,t rte~tefed ''""°""'"'Of~,.. Mc>O~Wwlo.t. ~ G , _/ L£T YOUR LOCAL BMW 0£AL(RS ARRANGE A THQAQUGH TEST DRIVE ALHAMBRA CAMARILLO Hf.:RMOSA BEACH LANCASTER MISSION VIEJO NORWALK FllDAYi 11 AM . t PM. SATURDAY, SUNDAY110 ~.' rM ...... 11111 ___ __,, -NUii-_....__ ~.an ---181 West Main Street 411 091 OtiVe 2901 Pacific Cotal ~ID. 10840 fires one B"'O (21~) S70·8444 (805) 4~2-8878 Hi&nw~ • 4~201 N Sierra~-28402 •_&_~ti Pkwy (213)868·3~33 SANTAANA ........... 208 West First Street ,(?14) 83!1-3111 ... ~ You can wift a free tmal bVtlneM compu,.r. -·--~ 1"9 ........ --. ,.. ............ llA 017'tt -· --------~----· ------------------------ ----------- • AZUSA (213) 889·2312 (.213) 376-0935 (805) 9-48-6004 (714) 831·2QllO (714) 636-6'76 --.-. CANOGA PARK HUNTINGTON PAR!( LONG BEACH NEWPQRT BEACH PALM SPRINGS 79lE..C lttrcw _..,._ -IF ---•<--.& ua ... cmaa. ~ 7050..,.. Cenyon 3670 Chtfry fMnol 1540 Jln'lt>Or9e ~ 409, Etst Palm C2l3) 967-5331 BoulMrd -. 6000 Ptc1hc BM! (213) 421-5494 (714) ~-6444 Ctn\'Otl °'""' S (213) 346·3144 (213) ~ 1901 (714) 636-5790 NORTH WOllVWOOO (714) 328 652~ GLCNOAL.E LA HABRA LOS ANGELES ~---RMRSIO£ ---•! .,.,_.,.. 42701.anlltflhtm U.W-9022 W11th!ft 818 South 8r B1W1 3443 43td St 9oullwwd 7850 lllNN 1". Bou!Mtd ~13) 246·6~ 8!IO th Beech 8l\ld (213) ~.J270 (213) 761-6133 (714) 785 4'444 (213) 273-3980 ~u~ tum~ l SANTA MONICA eaa-=11Mon1C1 (213) 829 -353~ VAN NUYS ----5230v.tl~ ~·1791 I I • : : 1 • • • ' I I I ). • a ce Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 7, 1882 Stocks, CPI linked Market rises with low inflation 2Sth YNI~ ~ Annlvt!rSDr)' ~ .r. in the 1111 r bor i\ rt'll _:_ __ NIUC __ NO_TICE __ --r __ Ml_l_C _NO_T_IC£ __ -i===Ml=IC=NO=TIC£===-n f~l=WCE 8TAHMINT Of AaANOONMIMT 44 I OW~~ 11•4 ~ATIMl"J,~3~NT ~T·A~=:· o, ua1 Of ,...... 'ICTITIOOI IWllNEH NA• ......,,_. II, C~ ACTTTIOUS ., ... ,, NAMI Thi tollowlng per1on 11 ao1ng The followlng peraon Ilea 1b1n· bullnMI u don1d the UH of 1111 llclllloua J I( CONSULTANTS. 2012 T ll e I 0 II 0 w Ing p." 0 n I h. v. ~;;;;;;;;:;::';);' ;;:· 7:7::4:0====:i abandoned Ille uM ol Ill• llcllllou• t: butlneu name: IJ4llllMIU name: Flamingo Orlve, Colle MeH. Cell- PACIFIC REAL EST ATE, 17 11 lorn11 0211211 W.teiltt Df"'9. Newport Beach, CA Jec;ob Kooby Aklva, 2012 Fle- 9264!0. mlngo Dflve. Co111 Mon, Calllornla The Flotltloul ButlnHI Name r• 9211211. ttrred to abovt wu filed In Orange This bulllness la condUC1ed oy an COunty on April 3, 1973 1ndlVIOual DAVID P LEVINE, 408 Avo-Jac;ob Kooby Al\lv1 udo Avenue. Coron• aet Mar. CA Tn11 1111emen1 wu llled wtlh the 9a625 County Cl«k of Orange County on Tl\19 bullnNI WU conducted by Aprll 14. 1982 an lndlvldueJ. F11n20 David Levine _ Publlahea Orange Co111 Dally Thi• 11a1emen1 WU lllec! wtlh lhll Plfol, April 111. 23, 30, May 7, 1982 COunty Clenl of Orange County on 11179-82, APflf 14, 1982 F24314 Published Orange Coul Dally Plfol April 111. 23. 30. May 7, 1982 11183-82 Ptlll.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8UllMEH NAMl ITATEMEN'T The following peraona are aolng -------------l1>v11ness aa PIJBllC NOTICE BALBOA COIN G ALLERIES. 4100 Bncn Street. Newport Beach, ZUMA CONSTRUCTORS. S515 River Avenue . 11322. Newport Beech, CA 92663 Tile FlcuttOUI Bu1tneH Name ,... !erred 10 above wH flied In Orange Covnly on June 13, 1977 HARRY M KNOTTS, 5515 RI· ver Avenue, 1t3n , Newport Beaclll, CA 92663 LILY KNOTTS, 5515 Rivet Avenue. r322 Newpon B11cll, CA 92663 Th•S business w11 conOucled by • genefal par1M11h1p Hllf)' M Knoll• Liiy Knoll• Tn1~ s1&1emen1 was hie<! wtlh 1he County Clil<k ol Orange County Of\ Al)rtl 19, 1982 FT74'03 Pubhahea Orenoe Coest Dally Ptlot Aprtl 23. 30 May 7 14. 19112 1748-112 FICTfTIOUI BUllNH8 NAM!'. I TATEMl!NT' CA 92860 l-~~~~~~~~~~- Tile following person• are ao1no txnlneu as TAMANAHA ELECTRIC CO , 20912 Glen Cairn Lane Hun11ng1on Beech. CA 92646 WAYNE TAMANAHA, 20912 Glell Celrn. Huntington Beacn, CA 92646 TATSUO TAMANAHA 2206 W 180 Place Touanoe. CA 90504 Tl\11 bustness is conducted by • II· ml1ea p1r1neran1p Wayne Tamanaha Thia 11a1emen1 was lllea w1111 Ille County Clerk of Orange Counly on Aprll 20. 1982 f1tn1• Publlehed 011ng1 Cou1 Dally Piiot, Aprll 23. 30. May 7, t4, 1982 1779·82 Eull90 Investments. LIO • Inc • PIJBllC NOTICE 1 C111torn11 corporallon, 92001------------- We11m1naler Avenue, Untl "53. We11m1na1er. CA 92883 Thts bUSlneu Is conducted by a corporalfon Exsllgo lnveslmenll, Lid Or Hlrscn Preslelenl Tll11 stalernonl was !tied with Ille County Cle!k of Orange County on April 1•. 1982 ,..,.,,. Publ1snea Orange Coast Oany Pttot Apttl 18, 23. 30. May 7 1982 1721·82 N8t2732 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANG£ 700 Clv~ Center Orin Weit 8anla Ana, CA '2101 PLAINTIFF B SHARON CLEVE· LANO As Personal Representative of lhe Es1a1e of DIANE A llALOEZ, DEFENDANT LEONARD RO· BEAT BLAUVELT and OOES 1 1n1ough SO. lnclu&1ve, SUMMONS CaM No. 338220 P\8.IC NOTICE NOTICEI You haw• been aued. -------------1 The coul1 may decide 19aln•I you NS·t2S71 without your being hHrd unleu Delight Momw· • un1queg ~welrf. Daule her with a Krugerrand gold pendant. An atford ab!e gift that's simply stunning. And nothing short of sheer elegance G111e her the Krugerrand gold pendant In all the world, there's nothing quite like 1t. But then, there's no one in the world quite like your mom NEW YORK (AP) Time was, not 10 many years ago. w hen •tockbrokera liked lo tout their waru aa effective "Inflation hed es." T~e aame tide that carried prices of consumer products up- ward, they argued, would alao eventually Uh the dollar value of corporate earnings, dividends - and stock prices. So a long-term investor in the stock market cowd hope to pre- aerve the purchaaing power of his money even while the cur- rency diminished in worth most of the time. Th e n , in the early and mid-19708, along came an era in which the price of almost every· thing but stocks rose faster and faster Inflation came to be seen as the market's nemesis, and in- vestors who relied on stocks as a hedge found themselves getting tnmmed. Today, inflation is receding again. as evidenced by the three-tenths of a percent drop reported for the consumer price index in March . But the stock market seems to haVl' found ·scant cause for celebration in that news either. ln all of this, it IS pretty hard to find anything even faintly resembling a pattern. And one might be tempted to write off as pointless any attempt lo find a relationship between the infla- tion rate and the course o f the stock market. But analysts at Standard & Poor's Corp.'s "The Outlook" recently made the effort anyway. And the weekly investment ad-visory service concluded that the re<:ord pf the last 46 years sug- INVISTllNTS geats that there is some correla- tion after all. Stocks, the firm found, tended to do well when inflation was at Its lowest, and not ao well when the cost of living rose most rap- idly. The 10 individual years in which inflation was most viru- lent rangl'<i chronologically from 1941, when consumer prices climbed 8 .9 percent, to 1981 . when they rose by precisely the same amount. ln between, there were even worse years, like 1,g45 (CPI up 18.2 percent in the aftermath of World War U, and 1980 (CPI up 12.4 per<.'E!nl). Standard & Poor's composite index of 500 stocks managed gains m a few of those years. In 1980, for example, 1t soared 25 8 percent. But on average, the market was down 3.5 percent for the 10 years-of greatest inflation. By contrast, the market rose in most of the years an which in- flation was l east. Its best showing in all the 46 years of the study was a 45 pe rcent rise an 1954, when the CPI dropped 0.5 percent For the 10 years of lowest m- flation, the S&P market index averaged a gain of 14.2 percent. The s tudy also found that bonds lived up to thelJ' reputation of being especially sen sitive to inflation tre nds. Bond prices, which move in the opposite di- rection from interest rates, fell in all of the 10 worst mflaoon years. and rose In eight of the 10 best anllat1on years. As S&P acknowledged, the pattern hasn't been holdtns la- tely for 1lOC'ka. "The past three years may not have been a particularly good test period," the firm said "The stock marke t's strong gains d1.4ring 1979 and 1980, wruJe inflation was exceptionally high, reflected to a large degree the strength of the important oil group, which benefited from surging crude oil prices. "The market's setback in 1981 , despite :I slowing of inflation, again was influenced s1gn1ficant- ly by the oils " Spedal drcumstances like the energy crisis, which e<:onomtstb like to call "exogenous factors," have a way of interCering regu- larly with most efforts to f ind order an anything as unpred1cta ble as the securities markets. Still, Standard & Poor's says. '"the long-term relationship ii. encouraging. If inflation can be ke pt under control, stock prices may we ll extend their r ecent gruns." Continued drop in oil use seen RENO (BW) -Contmued de- clines an onvere1ill energy con - sumption in lhe Uruted States, a decreased demand for crude oil, a decline in foreign imports and no shortages of petroleum products for the remainder _ of 1982 were among the predictions of the In- dependent Petroleum Association of Amenca's supply and demand corrurut~ released Thursday. P\8.IC NOTICE STATEMENT OF A•AHOONMEHT you rupond within 30 daye. Read OF US£ Of FICTITIOUS the lnfOfmallon batow. IUSINE81 NAM£ II you wlSh 10 seek 11')9 adv~ OI Tile tollow1ng persona have an allorney •n lnts rT1a11e1 you abllldoned Ille use or the flcli1tovs ~houla ao so promptly so mat yO<Jr bu11neu name BREA CANYON wr111eo re~ponse 11 an)(. may be ft. MOBILE ESTATES al 1621 E 17111 te4 on l•me KRVGER8ANPGQlDC~ ~world'• bft1 woy lo oW: I IEWPORT COii UCUlllE OVER THE COUNTER .NASO LISTINGS FICTITIOUI 8UllNH8 NA• STATEMENT Tile following pe1sons ere dotng businesa as Street Santi Ana CA 9270 I AVISOt U•led he efdo daman· 4 533 MacAttlluf Blvd. I at Bi!t11) NEWPORT BEACH (714) 545-6931 CAFE CONTINENT AL ANO ICE CREAM. 4250 Barranca Park· ..-y, •R. lrvlne, CA 92714 lllRENORA KUMAR. 23700 Llltle Ouall Avenue. OllmOf1d Bar, CA 9176S SUOESH KUMAR 23700 Liiiie Quall Avenue. Oiemona Ber. CA 91785 The 11c1111oos business name re· dedo. £1 lrfbunal puede dacldlr terrea 10 1t>ove wu filed "'County co.-lre Ud. aln audlen<:la • mef\09 on June 21 1978 que Ud. reeponda denlro de JO 1 Mobile F1n1nc1al, Inc 1621 E dlH. Laa I• lnfotmaclon qua •lgua. 17th Street S11n1a Ana CA 92701 J::.============:J fh•s buStness was conaUC1ed by 1 S• Ustea aeaea so11c111r el eon Ltm11ea Partnership !letO de un abog11do en es1e asun10. R1cha1a Simonian Clebe11a h1Cer10 1nme<11a1amen1e. ae V>ee P1es•de01 es1a manera su respuesll esc;flla Thi• bOtlness is conducted by an tndMdual H•uaoand & w11e1 Virendre Kumar This s1atement was htea w1lh the )• hay a19una pUe<le ~r reg1s1raa11 County Clerk 01 01ange County on l ttempo Aprtl 19. 1982 I TO THE DEFENDANT A clvtl T1111 1tatemen1 was ltleo w11n the Counly Cler1! of Or a,,ge Coonty on Aprll 29, 1982 f-ote022 'omplatnl has been !tied by I lle Publ•lheel Orange Coast 011ly P1101. p1a1n1111 90atn9I you II vou W1Sh to F19MOO Aprtl 26 May 3 10 17 1982 delend 11145 f1wsut1 you musl. wl1hln PuDlished Orange !Coast Dally 1839-82 30 Clays aller lhls summons ts 1t1r PllOI, April 30 May 1 \4· 21. 1982 ....... .,.. ltltl'\TlCE veo on you hie wllh lhtS cou'1 a 1957·82 t----'"-UUU\<--""------wrtlll'n retponS4! 10 the compla1n1 ------------FICTlllOUI ... 8 • .-a Unless you ao w your del•ull wtll PIJBllC NOTICE N.U. ITA~ be entered on app11ca1ton or the FICTITIOUS 8USIN£8S NAME STATEMENT The loftowlno per.on• .,. doing pla111111f ancl th•s court mey enter 11 bullness u 1uelgment against you IOr lhll r~•et (Al SPORTS HOMES, (B l Oemanded in IM compla1n1. NhlC'1 SPRIG HOMES . (C) STELLA could result 1n garnishment of OMES (0 ) TEAL HOMES (El wages 1a~1ng 01 money or pro~rly Tile lollow1ng person is clo•ng 1>us1neu as JOJOBA RESEARCH PART- NERS, t30 I Oova Street, Sulll 260, Newporl Beactl. Celttornte 92660 ROBERT E COLE 6811 Bar Harbor Drive. Hunt1ng1on Beech, Cel1lorn•a 92648 H · or 01ner rellet requested 1n lhe TORUS HOMES. AF) WIDGEON comolainl HOMES, (0) WISl'E IA HOME~, (H) Dated July 17, 1980 TlllS bUSU\99S II eonauc1ec Dy 3 11m•led pannerahlp Robert E COie This statemen1 was lllea w11t1 the Coonly Clerk of Orange Coun1y on April 28 1982 F111774 Publlahea Orange Coast Dally Piiot. April 30 May 7 14 21. 1982 1891-82 MLIC NOT1C£ ZEPHYR HOMES. 11711 SE Main l ee A B<ancll Clerk Street. lrvtne. California 92714 By Joye" A Not\avec Phlllp H McNlrnM. 18195 Mc· Deputy Oermoll, "I, Irvine. Caftlornla MAGANA, CATHART, McCARTHY 92714 Dale Slmbro 1430 Sentenetle a P1£RAY Terraoe. Cofone Oe4 M11r. Callfornla 110l A•entte of I,... St•• 92112S lull• 110 Tn1s business 11 condlJCled by a Lo• Angalff, CA to0e7 (2 t 3 I SS3-4l30 Omlled parlnellNP Publtslle<I OraNWI Coast Dal~ PllOI Dale Simbro .. ,,~ Thia Slatamen1 WU flied ~Ill Ille Aptll 23. 30, May 7. 14. f9S • Coonty Cl«k ol Orange County on 184 1·82 Apfll 14, 19112 F1m11 Publlaheel Oreng.a eo .. 1 Delly Pilot, -----C-"'--17719------ Aprtl 18. 23. 30, May 7, l9112 IT 11 INTINDEO THAT THI -----------1122-e2 SALE WILL 81 CONOucno ON FICTITIOUI BUSINESS NAMEITATEMEHT The to11ow1ng person• are rt0tno bullnees u CONT RAC TORS BOOKKEE· PING & AOMINISTRA JIVE SER· VICES. 823 Wnl 16th Street New- p0<1 BMc:h. Callforn11 92663 ANNE T THORNBURG, 670 Noble S11ee1, Orange, Callfornla 926119 CHRISTINE L NEBLETT,'319 Slreemwooa. frvlne. Ca11torn1a 92714 fhll bu11nesa IS condUCle<I by • o-at par1neral't•P Anne T ThOfnburg Thie 1111emen1 w11 llfed with the Counly Clwl\ of Ofenge County on Aptll 28, 1982 F1192'71 Publf•h•d Orange Coaal Dally PMol. Apfll 30. May 7, 14, 21. 1982 1892-82 MLIC NOTICE FICTrTIOUS 8UllNH8 NAME ITATI:M£NT Tile following 01rson ts aoino OUalneta as COUNTRY CUSTOM S, 8211 rowne S1ree1, Cos11 Mesa. Cafltor- nla 921127 MARION ENOOM MCELROY, 829 Towne Street Cot1• Maaa, Calflornla 921127 Thlt bOtlnetl II conduc1ed by an tn6lvldual. Mitton E MCEiroy Thll llllamonl WU llled wllh Ille County Clot1I of Ofange County on Apfll ~8. 1982 POOi.iC NOTICE FICTTTIOU8 8UBINIH NAME STATIMEM'T The following ~eona are doing bullneSS II SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Ol· RECTION BOARDS, 2901 Sou1h Pullman SI • Santi Ana.. CA 927015 CARYN LEE WILEY, 21502 Syc1more Lane. Colla MeH. CA 921127 MAYNARD "SKIP" JOHNSON, 7712 Pueo del Rey, Pleye def Rey, CA 90291 ThlS bullnest 11 conducted by 11 Ill pennerslllp, Caryn Lee Wiiey Tllill atatemenl wU tlfod wtth Ille County C1«11 of Oranoe County on HHALf OF THI TfllUSTll av: CALtFOlllNIA 'OSTINO ANO 'U· SU....O COWANY, 1tll8 NOftTM LAKE AVE., IUITI 201, ,A SA D«NA, CALIFORNIA t004, TILE· f'tfOM NO. 211411 ...... Nutnbef f082 TNetOf ....... OIOftQIE a -. Kl.LL NOTICI Of TIIUSTU'8 BALI NOTICE 11 '-abY gfV9n tllal Flrel Ch1r11r Flnancl•I Corporelton, • Corp0re1ton. 11 TruatM undat the Deed ol Trull recorded aa lnatru- rnef'll Nombe< 23991 on October 10. 1977 In 8ooll 12421, Page 1722 of Ottlcl•I Record• In the County Rec· or<I« of Ofange COUn1y. Cafffornla, 01 which Oeaa or Tru1t American Salllnge end loen Aaaodallon la the BaneflcJery. by reuon of dehtuft In '11711M Ille p1ymen1 or performance of Pubbhed Ofenga eou1 Delly Piiot, oollgatlona secured tllefaby, 1na Aprll 18, 23, 30. May T. 11182 Notice of Default ancs Bena1lcler('1 APfll 14, t982. 1701•82 election 10 ceuee 10 be 1010 Ille ---------......;--'--~• properly below dHetlbea having l'tEllC NOTICE !>Mn recorded u prOVt<led by lew, ena more than thr .. mon111e h•vtno Orenoa Covnty MunlclJNll Coun alapMd 11nce IYCl'I 1ec:ordallon, wlfl Harb« Judtclal Dletr1ct on Friday, Mey 21. 1982 al II HI 4I01 ~ 8ouleotard A M •• the front entrence 10 the old NewpOft 8Mc:h, CA taaao Orange County Coun~. localed PLAIN'rlFF RONALD SHERMAN. on Santa Ana Blvd., betwaen Syca- OEFEN OANT· WENDELL ARM· more St 8tld Br'*"-ey, Santa Ana. STRONG. DOES I ttvOIJgll v. lndv-Cellloml&, ..... publlc IUC1fon 10 alve, DOES VI and VII. lndlllldulllly Ille hlgllelt blOdef for caen. peyable •nd db• BLACK COMPANY, I oo-•I the time of Hie In lawflll money of p1r1nerehlp, WHITE COMPANY. a the Unlltd Stal .. , wllhOut ~anl corporation or warranty, exl)f .. Md Of lmpli.ct. lutlllllOMI 11 lo 1111•, poH•Hlon or encum· c-No. .... brll/lOM, all rlgttl, title and lnt.,•t NOTICll You 11 ... Heft ...... oonYe)'td 10 and now held by 11 Uri• TM -' _, 4ecNe .,.tMt yw dtr MIO OMCI of TMI Ill end lo tM without ,_ Mf"I Mtwd •ft.... pr~rt)' ln Ille county of Oreno-. yov rMpOfld wftMft IO cMf9, lllNd State of Calllor1111. dHcrlb•d H IM IMonMtloft ....... lollowl fl yc>u wliat't to ... Ille advloe Of Lot 23 Of Tr11Gt no. tote. u I* an attorney In lhla m a11er, you mep r.ootOtd In 800ll H . Pe,ge 21, -----------lhould do IO promptly IO lllal yow Of Mleo.ti.n.ou1 MaC)t, In IM ofllOI ptRJC NOTIC( written reeoo<tM. If any, ~ tJ9 fl. of tl'la County Aec:order of "Id ,1Mf72 Publl1had Orange Coaa1 011~ Piiot. April 30, Mey 7. 14. 21, t98 1989-82 ------------•led on llmo. county, tor tn. P'l"POM Of .. ~ ~COURT AVISOI UatM II• elcM ...._. fl" ~IN~ MGWod by Mid "" CMIOMIA dodo. It trlltun.i,u.-doeNtr OMd of Truet tncludtno th• fMe, COUNTY°'~ 80ll!4J• "'-• ... -..-. • ..... c111rou and up1n1u of Ill• ,_ CMe Cln'8r........ ~ue Ud. fM~4• ._.,. .. M Trutl•. ...... AM, C•1 ,_ tl7'0't .... &.. lo .... II a1trft....... TN 1v.ot IOdrtM Of ottl9r OOM- Mtfl• Of tM AdoPtOn Petition of mon dHIOn•llOn of tl'I• lbOY•· Wiimer Oen• J•nactk, Adopting SI U•ted cs-aollc:lt1t et oon-d911Grlbod pt09ofty 11 1923 'vhf· P"'11nt Mto d9 un ebOQJtdo Of\ •• --*>. ton A\tl9ftUI, Coeta M9ea, Calll«Mi A...,_ CffATIOM (fl'ROeATI) cs.Mrla llllOetfo lmmecSl•t""*"l•, 92927 C... .... AO.... dt ut1 "'•ntra, 1u r tepuHta Tiii total amount of th• unp1IC1 THE PEOPL! OF THE ST ATE OF tlc:flta, 11 hly •!Quna, PWCI• Mf 01ianOe of tho ~tlon MCUf.0 ~ CALIFOANtA, ,. _:lltnld9 I tlompo. Mid Deed 01 Tt\ltt and r...ontbl)' To: JOHN CARTl!A BEAL \. TO THE OfF6HOANT: A clYll H llmal9<1 COJll, liq>er!M and Id· You w• '*">' CON anO rtqvl• comptalnt llH 1>•911 filed by01a vencff 11 the tlm• of tl'I• 1n11t111 roa 10 ~ at a r-lnCI In thle p611ntlff IQtJIM1 )'OU. n ¥0" WIWI to publlettlon of tho Notice of a. la 00\#1 on June 21, UMl2 at f ·'f • m. ~ tllll lllwtull, )'CKI lftUllll, wlf*' '60 ....... . In O.pt. t . 1ocaled 11 700 Civic • _,.. llfter "*""""*"la... Currently 011«1 CMfller• dledl• c.ntw DrM WMl, 8t1M1 Ana! C. vod on yov, n .. w1111 11111 oourt a Of canlf!M Clfledl• .. ti. llC08Clt• ltOfftla '2701, lfld to OIW .,,, i.oat Wfttt9ft ~ 10 CM ooinpWnt.' *lo !tie TNMM P'~ hy.,. r...on wtly, eccorOlna 10 t1lt ~ ~ yOU 4tO eo, ~ ~ .. df•wn In t•vor Of Flf•I CMrl« f l- flltd ,,..itkln Med""" Ht ooun "* be 9fllerod on 1pe1tic.11on of tho nanei.1 Corporalloll Ind utllflO· adoption P•tltlon 1hovld not b• l*lfl*'· encl tllll oourt tNtt en-. • IOfY IO•ntlftOltloll II ~ grlflted. ~ ..... '°" tor -,... 0...0 AcWt 16. '* POOi.iC NOTICE N9t2MI STATEMENT OF WITHDRAWAL FROM PARTNERSHIP OPERATING UNOER FICTlTlOUI 8USIN£88 NAME Tne following parson llH wllh drawn as• general panner from Ille partnership opera11no under Ille 1tc1111ou• business neme ot ALLS· TATE REAL TORS. MILLER·MOORE ASSOCIA TES al 8915 All1n1lc A"911ue Hun11ngton Beach Caltloi nll 92846 The ltc1111oos bustness name s1e- 1emen1 IOI Ille partner,h•P was filed on December 3 198 t 1n the Coun1y of Orange Full Name ana Addren of Ill• Per.on Wtllldraw•ng JAMES M OORE 711S2 Antle Lane Hunllllg10n Beech. Caflloinie 926~7 Jemes Moore f1Tm7 Publ•llleel Orang" Coast Dally Ptfol , April 211. May 3. 10. 17 1982 18"0-82 P\8.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI IWStNEH NAM€1TATRMINT Tf1e following peraons are doing b011lne11 u VISA INSURANCE AGENCY, 1600 Dove. Newpoll Beach, Cell· lornle 92660 SIMS ROMANO ENTERPRISES INC • a C1lllorn1a corpo.euon 1600 Dove, Newpor1 Beach, Calllornl• 92660 Thtt bulllneN II conclucled by • corpor 11 IOll Sima Romano Entaf· priMll David II Simi, Pr• Thia 11a1amen1 wH filed wtlll Ille County Clertl ol O••f\OI! County on April 28. 1g92 Ft9927' Pubhelled Orange Coul Delly PilOt. Aprlf 30, May 7, 14. 21, 1982 1988-42 P\alC NOTICE NOTICI OF "'auc SM.I On May t4. 1982, II t 30 o m at the Rania! Oltlc•. 88113 ParkvleW une. lt"Vlne, Caftlornla, tlle fotloW\ng doterlbed pereonel pro~ wlft be aold II publlc IUCtlon wlll\OUI r- e<"WI (1) FUtnllu,.., Including 1 Zen1111 21·· COior TV. 1 Trueton• 13" TV, 1 lamp, 1 night 111nd I queen I ll• manr .... tx>Q9ring & tteadtx>11d. 2 t1N ~· 01 d1•-• ( 1 wtlh mirror), t VICUUf'l'I eleln«. 1 Hi"" mlrrOf, I Iron & Ironing board, 1 radio, I IY· pewrtter, 1 Aevete cam•••. 2 end tablH, , cf\11r. 1 cou .. t1bl•. 2 00\IChM, 1 OIOthle hamper. (2) Kitchen 1tam1. lnoludlnQ> utan1ll1, 111varwara, poll & pane, touter, 2 Ice 1r1y1. 1 etralntr. t muffin tray, cupt . bowie, glHlff, pta1u. 1 butler dl1ll. I oh••H Of8ter, 1 can opener, t pr Hll & p•pper •hakara, mop. epongH, c!Mnlnglleme. (3) M•n't CtOllllng. Including drell aNtl•. T-e111t11. dr-lllaoka, 1110t1•, eocka. aporl Jacket•, ~II. ti... raJnooa 1, enoee. c:toii. ce111W. , .. CllP• & cult llnke, 1 ... 11.,1. 2 ~., untn. lllcludtng 2 plbowl. t ~t. lowotl. "'"''· plll·)WC- (1) Ml~ lllfl'll. tnotu-diricr't>eokoenwnon .... INClf, p1en1 i oTo\hM l11ngw1. VMrbOOkl, tO• M1Y bMI», puatea, OMdl. ptctur• tt•M•. Ol'IHI .. t. auacl'I• CIM. brl.tCIM, •word, plequ", )(lftaa deoOfW110n•. boOll•, offlOI ~ train eet, c1u111e bag, wl\cue, b•· tl'lfoom "9me• OWcMft l'looo, et..,._ ""· Thill .... It ll'llde Ill IOCOldanoo wt111 OllllOfnla CMi COd9 leottone 1N1 Ind , ... , t>y 1M llftdlu--lllldlord, to dl•toM or P9f•en•I prOp«ty WI bV Thomll COlllOM1 .. PIMltoM, Uf)Ofl ~!tier.. propony Of lfle tend!Ofd MCI a"" notice 10 lll6CI ~ OATtD=IO IN2 . ..._~ fltHll A'Mf· Oet-.~2.= .... Idle! Iii .. wcu.-1, 1llNdl l'lMTOHM'TP Loo A. • Clll1I could rHun In o•r"l•llm•n• or 'otANCtAL. co•"O"A-IY ... _, Otede --.. llklN Of IMflt¥ or propetty TIOH. ~ 0/0 htll w.t ~ ~~&Me llWle.CA111tl ,,~ • o.uty Of OIMI ref14'f ,._., .. , .. lft tM .. "Tn.. W..U. .a ¥0M ~ ~ff, H. HMOIN COMOW& • .oee , OArm> OlllOMr a , tNt. "' .... 111 '• • ._ ..... .,,... J,....._,, ~otT,,.._ .... -Clartt 4•IO Nortl ,..,. ltr..c ...,.. ......_CA-~ f\. lllOtt, ''*"°"· ~ tatM ......,.,~a::~=-~co-Not. (?~~~~o!...eo.i .... .-n,M.tM;1. 14, 1Mi 11.fi.";,~1. = !Ot,~tl,~11111-T,~ ' ~ 1~. 1110.a • • l • rm::o.ounoee :':.:=-' 0.... ~ -=..--c.ac -..--=T. .... .,.,~ . _, ..... " t ll. .~~ ,~. · UPS AND DOWNS » n>o l~li I )1 .. l1'. .... ,. Sil"-eo•'4 10•. n•, NEW VOflK 1.o.P1 ,,.. 1e11-1no "" tS•. O\o, "'°w' \l'oP °""' tlW c.--11•. ll\.. ~OC:llL\ ~ ..,.,..,.,.., ttwtl "'_... ~ \C) I'• • ,,_ tnl»t __, ~ tfW "'°'t _..., on )" J\.. -<"" al <"'°"91' ._,Oln • al ....iurnr ' "· •or r.....,,.,., n\, 11•, No -111ti.t l•.otnQ 1191ow ~ VO -~ I~ ta --...., -U•'IC-<"'°"Gn ¥1 V.. " 1ti.. jjlf~..-c# ""-,,.. "'""'°"' cio..no ~ s• , t>oO P<<f' and '"''" • "'" b•O P<ICI' 111 . ,,,, " ,,, . ... f. I', '""' 1) ,,. '! • d " •S'o ~ "'. ••-'-) n•: •l .. t•\. \)'. s 10'. '~ • ,:~ :~ I ~ ,,.... ..... ' l )'e 14 tO ' • • • ., 11 n>.. "'• ,, 11 .. ll' • ll , ••• ,,,., 14 ,,~. ,. ,, ... •'-' 16 n n•-. ,, JI" lll<. II 11 .. IJ 19 , ... u l'O ~!(,-11 n n l• 1S UPS Loo~ ,<ntt ' UPP< 1 JJ J t .i.. • ,.._ Up Zl I II •) UP 71• •" .. Up !ti I t • Up II l •'• • t UP 110 J•., • •11 Up $t 1 10' , • '' 1 UP .. I ''· • 1 uo "o tO , .. Up n • '' " • '', uo 1so tl11 " l '"> Up ISO • • ... Up Ill I I UCI \Al J , Up U l l .,, Up ,. ) 1l'-• t~1 Up 13 J JI, • .. Up t)O ... ' Up 12• ' , ' uo u) ,, , t Uc> " ~ ' .. , UI) u) '~ • uo ,, 1 • • Up tt I 4'9 • I \JO 111 OOWIO Loo\! )l, s • J•• •tO , .. ... IC>\. ... II , .. ... , .. .. , 111 I J ... )'. 1 .. . ., ) .. )'. ~ J>o s·' ("\. °" Ptr• .. 1 1: .. ()ft .... .. ., °" u t "' Of! IOI ' ii Ott .,. " Of! •S ~ °'' .. • Oii • s l Of! I S °" I l " Of! IJ .. Off ., lit Ott ,, .. Of! •• I Ott 10 1, Ott ,, '' Of! IS ... Otf 1 ~ '• Oii 1t ... °" 11 .. Of! 11 1 ... OH 1 1 '·" Oft •• '• Ott • ' .. Ott ... :& 4 • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 7, 1982 s C7 Meet focuses .. on development 8Ulineal and lnduatry spokesmen from act"Ol8 the United Stat.es and aeveral foreign COW'ltriet will be on hand In Newport Beach next week to explore devel- opments In lndwitrial expansion. The oocaaion ~be the spring profeaional aemlnar of the Industrial De- velopment Research Council. Atlanta based IDRC ia a non-profit proftwional association. Seminar sessions. including a preeentatlon by ~ Angeles Mayor and gubernatorial candidate Thomas Bradley, are acheduled Monday through Wedne9day at the Newport Beach Marrion Hotel. Housing m eeting set Affordable housing and densities will be diacWl8ed May 17 at a meettng of the Home Builders Council at the Airporter Inn, lrvine. Speakers wiU be Gary R. Collins and Steven W. Wraight. partners in the flnn of Collins & Wraight. The dinner meeting begins at 6 p.m . For infor- mation, call 213-625-5771. Mortgage rates decline WASHINGTON (AP) -T h e average interest rate charged Americans for new mortgages fell slightly in April t.o 17.41 percent, the second time this year that those rates have dropped a bit, the govern- ment reports. The number of lenders making loans rose last month for the fifth str&Jght month, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board said The new average effec.1.ive commitment rate on Jong-term, fixed-rate mortgages declined 0.1 percen- tage pQint from Mareh's 17.51 percent, the report said. The rate was 15.53 percent in April 1961. Business parks planned Wilma/P acific, Inc., of L os Angeles, and the partnership ~ Shaw . Talbot. Budge a nd Blbln, of Newport Beach, have Conned California Partners. This joint venture will develop mixed-use busi- ness parks in a five<eunty area of Southern CaJHor- nia. The execuuve offices wiU be located at 1303 Av- ocado Street. Newport Beach. Comarco gets Hughes pact Comarco Inc. of Anaheim announced it received a $3.9 million contract from Hughes Helicop~rs Inc. Terms of the contract call for developing software documentation for au the couputer programs on board the AH-j)4A Apache advanced attack helicopter. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS Pitt Up lH Uo ,, l Up II• UP fl.I Uo fl , UP IO.S Uo I0.0 Uf) ., Uf) t I uo 11 Uo .., uo " Uf) 1 1 \Jo 1' Up 1' uo 11 \Jo 11 Up 17 Uo u Pct. Off 11.0 g: 'P, Off ... ()If u Off u Off u Off u Off u Off u Off • I ()If st Off l.O °" u ()If .... °" u °" 4.1 °" ,. °" u ~ JO lnO , 1 i 10 •S S" .... , 11•111160+ IU '"""' Tran lJllll U Stk >CUI lO" )31 .. ,., Ill• ) .. 1.JM, IOO J.Jllt,XIO 1.JIS,XIO fl .,. II) WHAT STOCKS DID Tr>urt NEW Y<>fll( ll'IPI _, • ..,.~., Oecll,..., unc:,..,._, T~.i ,._. New ~ ..... - ..... , •Mlll ()I() Tnuts 1014 U1 401 1'U a:I 11 NEW V0411( (APl _, • )0 )10 m m ,. 1J SILVER Tl\ul~ey Hendy I HMMll, M.teO per~ COLD QUOTATIONS ;; IJ TM AHoclttM l'r- 5.-cted WO<ld QOld ptl<iel Tl'lu<M!ey ~ motnlng ftlllng• ~5.25, Off ~15 -London: 111te1noon filing S334 SO oft S390 -Pwt.: $340 07. oll S• !I~ _,,, ... ~Mt: S33ti 9e oll S 7 0 I -brlcll: Late flxlr>g 1333 00 bid. ofl '"' 00 $33&.00 alllad -Handf & Harman: (Only dally quote} $334 60. ON $3.90 -«~41: (onty deity qvotel S33• 60. oll $3110 --~·(only d4llly QUOltl l•bf~tad '351 il:J, Oii ... 09 SYMBOLS _____ ,....,,..... ------... ....._.. ...................... ....,,., .. -....... _ .... ,_ a..cta1 .... ,,. :.:::.:.i:.:: ..... -== ....... ---·-.. i:. __ _ -... ........ -0.lltef tf ,.,. '" 11-Mltlf If _,._ ..,.... .. ,... ...., _ -.. .,.. .. ........ ,.., ............................ ... __ .... .....,.._.....~ ..... -,_, .... ~--......... _ ........ _~~ =. ... ...-. 11 --r::-·-.. .:.-::."':::!.~-:0-..:: ... ·flljll·.:.: .. -::--.......... - ~ .,.,,,_ -----------....._ .,._,._n..,.,,.-........... IA ................ ., ........ _ ........................... _.,.... i J. i ENDANGERED SIGN? -Oregon Gov. Vic "Atiyeh says he'd like to dynamite this $10,000 redwood sign on the California-Oregon state --¥ 0 A~~o line to demonstrate the state's desire for n ew residen ts and not just visitors. ~Oregon: Nice place to visit? SALEM. Ore. (AP) -Gov. Vic Atiyeh says he doesn't want outsiders getting the wrong impressi- , on from a border sign that says, ''Welcome to Ore- , gon. We hope you will enjoy your visit." nomination, felt so s trongly about the distinction that he threatened last weekend to blow up a $10,- 000 sign on Interstate 5 at the California border. He'd r ather the sign read, "Welcom e to Oregon." Period. He says Oregon likes its visitors, but also Likes people who come to stay. By Wednesday, however, Atiyeh had cal.med down. Fonner Gov. Thomas McCall, concerned about overdevelopmen t, used to tell visitors to enjoy themselves in Oregon, but then go home. ·-Ln fact. Atiyeh, who is seeking Republican re- Cajun town goes off its diet NATCHITOCH ES, La. (AP) -All 18,000 residents of this town were urged to go on a strict diet but now, two years later , most have gone back to eating local favontes such as fried meat pies. ln 1980, sociologist C.B. "Lum" ElJjs persuaded the state to com- mit public money to put Natch j- toches on a diet for a year. He thought it would improve t he h eal t h of the town . But with in-a-year, he adinitted, ta- king the town off its Cajun diet was a project doomed to failure, and instead the $40.000 went for a media blitz to educate towns- people about good nu trition. The P ritikin Research Foun- dation says. however, that not all was lost. A su rvey of 99· N.at.chi .. toches residents showed 55 could list more than four items from t he Pritikin diet while no one an t h e nearby college town o f Ruston could name more than two. "I guess one way of putting that as that Lum EllJS did a good job," said Roland Pippin. who conducted the survey. a PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS UUllNEaa NAME 8T A TEMENT I I he tollow1ng per1ons are doh business as KASHMIA. L 10, 3<171 VII lid Su11e <>11 Newport Beech,<: 9<'663 DANNY JAY SCHEUER.; Rocky Knot! Irvine CA 92715 DAVID H EVANS 32 Roel 1<.nOll Irvine. CA 92715 I his t>us1ness 11 conducted by QP1111raJ partnership Dan Scheuer Thi~ &taiement wes 111eo With II C.ovt1ty Clerk of Orange Counry • Aprtl <'O 1982 Fa172 Publtshed Or1ngo Coaat Dally F lot. Ap"I :.>3. 30 May 7. t<I, 1982 1757·1 Nil.IC NOTICE · :DllTH NDTICIS FICTITIOUa BUaaNEH MAMIE STATUllENT Nil.IC NOTlCE STATU.teNT OF ABANC>OfttffNT Of' UH Of' FICT'fTIOYaeUllHEllNAME Tiie 101tow1ng person h11 •b•n- Ooned the UH of the llCUUout bull· nns name Ml.IC NOTICE The tottow1no ~rsons are dotng . buainess u LANGFORD of Orange, Ca . and daughter WESTERN HALLMARK CARDS 1 FRANCES MA R l E Jill Steel of Okinawa ""···r -& GIFTS. 793 So Tustin Ave Or-• . ' ""' allQ8 CA 92668 :L ANGFORD. passed away vices and lnt.ennen t will be Barbare Luik 2389 Corona ' "°n M ay 1982 in Monter ey, h eld in P r ovidence, Rhode Norco. CA 91760 ' :Ca whi l e v1s1ting h er son. Island. Arrangementa by Mery Lake, 2389 Corona, Nor· She was born 10 MLSOOUn orr Saddlebadl Chapel Tustin co, CA 91760 ·Apnl 11 1900 H er husband ,,.._ • • Thia businesa ts c;Oflducled by• • . ....... oan«el parlnetShlp Thomas L Langford prece-LESTER Bart>ete LUSll ~ed h er 10 death Survived EUGEN I A L I LL 1 AN F1.-rt1 ~y 2 children William Geor -L EST ER 'd l f Bal Publl1hed Orange Coul Delly . a reiu en o • Pilot, Mey 7, 1<1. 21. 28. 1982 •e Langford o r M o nter ey. bea Island, Ca. Pa.'!llled away 2012-82 Ca. and Dorot hy L . Bradley on M ay 5, 1982. She wasl"'----------- pf N ewport B each , Ca .. 2 bom in Arkansas City. Kan-"U ml1Cf s1Sters Ruth Boland of M is-sas on Ju.ly 31, 1912. She was----------- soun and V1rgirua LaMar of preceded In death b y h e r Ts NO 81i~~=1 120 3~ 8 Arizon a. 5 g r andc hildren parents and her brothers and NOTICE Of' TRUSTD:'a aAU and 2 gr<·at grandchildren. sisters, she w as the youngest Executed by Biiiy E. Stavenaon , V1!11t.at1on will be held at the of 7 childfen . Eugenia and and Remona L Steveneon Bal ti Bt•rgNon S m 1th & John Lester were married A ~n l~~c-Zo~·~,~~E ~~~~~~~~ Tuthill M o rtuary on Sun-on February 7, 1932 in Ark-COMPANY u duly appointed day, May 9, 1982 fro m ansas City. K ansas, they TrustH under end pursuent 10 •UlOPM to 5.00PM Funeral moved to CalJfornia in 1935 Deed ol Trust r.corded 10-30-79. H 1n11. No In book 13373. Jerv1ces will b e h eld o n They r esided on Balboa ls-pege 1295,ofOfflcle!Recordslnthe onday, May 10, 1982 at land for the past 10 years. office of the County Recorder of :OOPM at Baltz Bergeron Eugenia and John celebrated Orange County, Cellfornle WILL Smith & Tuthill Westcliff their 50th anniversary o n ~~ci~:J/~1~LJ~:~g~1~J~ Chapel M ortuary with the February 7, 1982. S h e 1s (pey1bl• et time ol HI• In lawful Rev Gene S wanson or the sur r v 1ve d by her l ovin g money ot lhe United Stet") et the Harbor Chnshan Church of husband J oh n and her 2 front entrance to 111e old Orange N Be h County Court HouH, loclled on ewport ac o rtic1ating. children John, Jr. an d Kay Sent• Ane Blvd . between Syce· 'Interment will follow at Pa-Cooper and also 7 grand-more St end Btoeoway Sant• An•. c1hc View Cemetery. Mrs. c h ildr en , John Lest er III, Celffornl• all right, tltte II/Id lnterfft Langf d d t ( p I r _ Cani conveyed to end now held by II or was a res1 en o au a ......,,.ier, ·e Cooper. under u ld Deed ol Trust In 111e Costa Mesa since 1962 and W ilfred Cooper, Alfred Coo-property 11tueted In Hid County ~as a member of the lhrbor per. Michele Lester and M l-end State deactlbed u Christian Church of New-chael Lest~r Servieft w ill PARCEL t Be h S d Unit 7. In the City of Coat• port ac ervices un er be held on Saturday, M ay 8, MeN. County ol orenoe. State ol the dlrecuon of Baltz. Berge-• 1982 at I l :OOAM at the Pa-Cellfornl•, u lhOWn end detln«I on ron Smith & Tut hill W est-cific View Chapel. Entomb-thll certain Condominium Plan cliff Chapel M ortuary o f men t at Pacif ic View M e-recorded June 15, 1979 In Book Costa Ml!sa. 646-9371. m o r ial Park. Pacific View ~~~~eoe~~·=o!i._ Record• M ortuary dtreCtonl. PARCEL 2 BARBOUR EUNIC E L . BAR BOUR , rt.a.JC NOTICE An undivided 1/9th lnterNt In end to Lot t of Tract No 10425 In the City of Cott• Mae, County ol On1nge, Stile of CeHfomla, u per map record.a In Boott 451 pegea 2 I to 22 ol Ml1celleneou1 Mapa, re- cords of Otenge County. Cellt<lfnl• together with ell tmprovementa thefeon. ••GePtlno thefelrorn Cof\. dorn'"lum Unit• 1 lhrough 9 lnclli· live. IOceted thereon r esident o f South L aguna, --F-IC_TI_T_IOU_a_au_a_INI __ •_• __ Ca. Passed away on May 6, NAME ITATEMl!NT 1982. Survived by son N eil The following person la doing busine.s u -------------1 AWA ENTERPRISES. 2025 ·~------""----.-. 1 Anaheim Ave Coate Mau CA 92627 IALnlHGHO~ SMITH & TUTHlt.L WISTCLIFf' CH.Arll 4 ')7 E t 7th 51 Costa M e!.a f;4f;.Q37 t f'tHCIHOTt4HS SMITHS' M0•1\lilY 627 Main SI Honhnoton &acri 536-6539 ,ACtHC Y•w MIMO•IAL ,All Cerretery Mortuarv Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1l1c View Drive NewPOrt Beach 64'-:noo MeCOtlMtell MOITU.t.a115 Laoun• Beach 494·9415 Lac:iuna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Cao1s1rano 495-1776 HAilOI LAWN-MT. OUYl MonuatY • Ca,.,..tery Ct.,,,_IOl'V 1625 01slar Ave Cotta Meta 540-SS~ I Rlcherd W Cram, 2025 Ane- heim, Coste M .... CA 92627 This buflnest la conducted by en 1ndMdual. AlcN!rd W Cram Thia 1111-1 wu llled w1111 the County Cletll of Orange County on Apol 2 t, t982 ,1~ PAAa:l 3: An ••clullve eeaemenl 1ppur-1enent to Mdl unit for the UM end CICOllp4lnCY of thoee portlonl of the restrlcied common er .. delloneted In the o.derellon of A"trlcilont r-ded In 800ll 13189 J>8Qe 1321 Otftdel A«lofdt of Mid County end thown on the Condominium Plan for MCtl unit. Th• •trHt eddre" end other -----------common dM!gnatloo. If eny, of the rtaJC NOTU rHI property dM<:rlbed 1b0vt It Pul>lilhed Orange Cout Dlllly Pilot. Aprll 23, 30, Mey 7, 14, 1982 1780·82 -'""""!=~~~~~~--~to 1>9: 2206 PICHlc A* ':~~N nue Ho. 10 1, Coate MtU, Ce. 92t21. The fotlowlng pereon 11 doing The underllo~ dleotalm• any ~ M : llMlllty for eny lncorrectnt11 OI the A 0 8 E A T • 0 A l T E A '''"' ldd ..... Wld other COl'llmon .80FTWAAE EHOIHEEAING HA· dtllgnetlon, If llff't, 1110wn ,_..n, VIC£8, 2321 AutOfrl, eo.11 MtM, Seid Hie wlll be medt, but wl· CellfomlL t1IOu1 OOYtl*ll Of Wlfflnty, expr98t AoOtt't I . o.n.,, 2327 "'1o-n, or lmplltd, f90etdlng Utle, ~ C:O.Ct MtM. Celfornle tMM. "°"" Ot lnCMnbr-. tO PtY "" ~ °'*'-It oonoucted by en rtmelnlng prlnolptl tum of th• · note(•) MCured by H id O..ct ol ......_ AoOtl1 S. G.fter Tru1t, with lnt1mt thereon, 1e .... ltlltlNllt -fled '""' the prcwtdld In Mid llOttC•>. ~ County Cltr1I of Orange OOunty on If eny, llndtf 1t1e twmt 01 1M DMd Aclfll f4, 1912. .A TNtl, ..... ol\erott end tlQ>Mo ,.,.. "' of Ule T~ end Of 1t1t tr'*8 Publlthed Or1n1.• Coett Dally crMt9d by Mid OMd of Trwt, to- fllllot, Aclfl 11. a . io. ~ 1 ~-wet en ....... __________ ,977 __ .aa_, The beA&flcMn .,,.., .... DMcl ~ Trutt '*9tofort ~ed end ..-JC M>TIC( dellverect to the vndtteltn•ct • "°""°"' ...... writ'9fl Dtderlt!Oft °' o.tNl -NAm ITA'-f 0....and lot ltlt , enct a "''-''" The fottowino Ptt•on '' dofnt ....,.. Of OefMt end lleottoft to buelrlele -.... Tiie Ill ........... -Lf; IOVHNHRAY MC>uall ,...._ ot 0.IWI and "9Ctl0ft to ET a., • '"' ~ eo.ca ....._ ..... be reoorcted lfl tfle tOUiltY CAttttt ..._. ........ ~lllOIM9'. Gent9 A. WWI t~ Del Mer NMte. ltrM\ Add,_ ..... T .... Alie., Colla Meat. CA'*' ..... """':.°' .. Tr.-°'-1:.9': Mel:'= ~cA 1::a., Mer ""'t ~~:.1· ........ TN& 1M111r1tea ti -·~-~ e ~~C..IOOtO,(Jtlf ...... ,..,.....,, 0.. .......... ......, M. <*fl OtlCMO Tm.I •'JCIOI"-,,., I ,,.... ...... """lw ....... ...._ -.. -•• Qeltc "' Ol9llfe °""">' .. ~ _. ....... ........ =:= ...... ~ar...ow. ,.,,. ......... .....,. .. ..,...,, 14, =r=· ~~:!;l~~~..., PICCADILLY PARK CAFE, <1881 Bitch Streat. Suite P. Newport Beech. CA 92660 The FIC11Uous Bullneu Name re- ferred to ebove w11 hied in Or•nge County on Mey 17, 1981 • RONALD 0 CRAIG . 1~709 Tu1tln Village Wey •J8. Tuatln. CA 92980 TNs txnlnttU WU conducted by an l<ldlvtdual. Ronald O Crllg Thie lletement wu llled W1th the County Clerk of Orange County on AprH 20, 1982 ,..,., Published Orange Coaat Delly P•· lot. April 23, 30 Mey 7. 14, 1982 t754-82 MLIC NOTICE FICTmOUI euatNHI NAME ST A TUIENT The fol10w1ng peraons ere dotng bullneu 11 (a) INVESTMENT BROKERS OF CALIF • Cb) INVESTMENT BAO· KEAS OF SOUTHERN CALIF . 10 Melterd, lrvlne. CA 927 14 FLH ENTERPRISES, INC I C1lllorn1a corporation. 10 Mellerd. trvlne. CA 927 14 Tlll1 butlneta 18 con<lucted by I corporation FLH Enterprlles, Inc. F L Hanton. President Thll 1tetement w11 llled wlth the County Clerk of Orenoe County on Fl .... Published Otar-Qa Cout 0111ly PilOI. Aprll 16, 23, 30, May 7, 1982 1724-a2 F117723 Pubflshed Ot•noo Coul 0111ty Pi- lot, A.pr1I 23. 30 Mey 7. 14, 1981 1765~2 P\llt.IC NOTICE OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOAAO OF I UPERVISORS OF OflANGE COUNTY, CAUfO .. NIA Senti Ane, Cal1forn1a FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The IOllOWt"O ~IO<l " OOtng DU· ness as SECUAIT r CONSUL TANT A"' ALARM SY'. TEMS 2521 I Stoc r10r1 Or1ve J<''l7 Laguna Hilla. C 92653 ABBAS SAOAAI 25211 S•oc porr Drive 2'17 L19Una Hilts C 92653 '"'• bu11neH 11 conaucted t>y 1 1nd1v1<1ua1 Atlt>H Sa1da1I FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT f~ follow.no per~on~ ere OO•t l>u1s1nes.s as INTRICA TE DETAIL 237 A regulet "-"llO of tlle Soerd of Supervtto<• ot Oringe Coun11 Cal· Newport Boulevard Costa Mes llornla elao fitting u Ille Governing Boerd of Ille O<stricta governed by C.alllor0o1t 92626 __ F_IC_TITIOU ___ .-au-.-.--.-,--1 the B~rd of Su,pervtaora WU held Aprll 27. 1982. at 9 30 A M Tt>e f()j. JEFFREY RAGNAR LYNN. 3; NAME aTAT'EMENT lowing named ~ber• being pre_.,I Bruce Nestende Chelrman Ro0er East Live Oak S1ree1 Sllll Gabrn Th• lollowlng person 11 doing A Stanton. Herrlett M Wieder. Ralph B Clark, Thomas F Rlltty and the Calltornia 91776 bullnMI 18. Clerk OAVIO KA1'US 322 Easl L1\ J g l CONTEMPORARY OE-Aeappojnlmant ol Jeck M~ler to !he WttStmlnster Choe Center Authority Oalo.. Slreei. San Gabriel Calllorn SIGNS 7'""2 At .. ~ "-H end ec>P<>intmanl Of Harold A Ft.ell« to the AdVllOf'r Board on Ofug 9 l 776 ion e.ec,,':"cA 9264:. "'" unlln~ Progr11m1, ere epproved. Comrnenoeuons 8l'd procl•ma11ons are appro-This business 1~ conducied by John Anthony H8Qen, 7632 Al· veo Anlgnment of Delinquent Meo1ca1 Center eceounts 11 approvttd oenerar par1ne1S111p D Cerlain conttrvctlon contract• llfe praposed, awarded and completttd Jellrey A Lynn ber1• r • Huntington Beach, CA Legl1letlon Planning Committee recommendations ere adopled This stalemenl was lile<I wlltl 11 92~,:· butlnMt 11 conducted by an The name ol Reproduction, Record• and Graphics 01vi11on la Cour>ly Clerk ol Orange Counly c lndMOo&I. changed to Repr1>9rephlct end Records Division Grant dettd of Ao•· April 28 1982 Fll82l John A H amoor Corporlllon 1 lelaure WOf'ld Ttieme Area percei ii acoepled Ad T egen mlulon f-11 "-port Ouna ere tncr~ Revenue sharing funding Put>l1Shed Orengf! Coast 011 F111274 Cou~~ ~~~~I~ for c.pltel lmp<OY9ments for Ille San Clemente S.,,ior Center II acproved Pi!OI April 30 Mey 7 14 2 l. t98 Pul>llehed Orenge Cout Deity March 17, 1982 Tn1n1fer ol fund• to Fuller1on So111h Centtet Homeowners & Tenents ,,. !893-!. Me.refl 30. 1982 Piiot, Aclfll 23, 30, Mey 7. 14, 1982 F115141 Al80cia11on It euthOrlzec:I. Bolero Mountain Ara LOO!tout Feclllty agree· 1804-82 Publi9hed Orange Coul Delly Piiot, ment wlth The lrvtne Company 11 approved. AB 8 Oetetmlnat1on for All· Ml.IC NOTICE ----IM-ID-,IC--un-~-----Aptll 18, 23, 30, Mey 7, T082. view Tettace Annentlon Is approved Property Tu Revenue &change FICTITIOUI BUSINESS ,..UIK. nviiw. 1720~2 Oetermtnetlon for Annexetlon No. 82·1 la approved AMOtutlons ~•¥no NAME ITATE•NT EIA 400 •• complete end perklf\O rNtrlctlont on PortOle Parkway er• FICTTT10U9 eus..aa adopted, llOd Agrewnent With Miiiion Vlei<> CO<'npeny 11 approved Cfl. The followlng parson Is dot" NAMC aTATUleNT "'8.IC NOTICE mlnel Justloa Council ll•lf pl-t IS epproved OC·9 Super 80 ~ buslnesa et The followlng peraon1 ere doing lrom JOl'lo Weyne Airport 11 lntroduoed by Frontlef Aifllnet Alnendmanll CONNECT SOFTWARE. 26! ~ 11. "CTTTIOUa ....... to Commerdll Alrilne ~Plan for Jahn Wrtne Airport.,. epproveo Orange Avenue. Suite A. Coat WOODCHUCK INDUSTRIES, N.AMI ITATalllbf'T Purchut of 1rect0t for EMAIR«:reellon FecllltlH It 1u1horlzad Lind· M914• Celilornle 92627 1835 Whittler. Suite C4, Coate Th• followlng peraon 11 doing IC8~ malntenll'ICe contract for CSA 3 11 lncrMMd Lamp 1«Yices con· Niies E11ton Hopkins. 28!> Mnl. CA 92827. bufineu u . lrect It approved Coneultent Hrvlcet con•rect for Orange County Re-Orange Avenue. Sul1e A. Co11 HARRY DENE PEACHEY. 2 13 BAM ELECTRICS, 179 W 10th glonll Emergency Medical S«Ylcel Systems Sympoelum. IS awroved MHa. Calllornla 92827 South Kellog Avenue, Fuller1on. CA Street. Cotti MeN, CA 02827 Woodbridge Fire Station IHH 11 extended. Senior c111ian1 Advisory Thit oosinese IS conducted by • 92833. STEVEN ROBERT HICKMAN. Councll'I ennuel report 11 received Publlc11ton of the Synop1e1 ii lndlvtdull STEVEN MICHAEL BODA, 8022 t700~ So Beyfront. Balboa l.i.nd, dlenged. Atehltect-Engl,_ for Fullerton Creak ChenMI projeet Is Mo Niles E Hoplclni Tr1cy StrHt. G1rd1n Grove. CA CA 92862 l9cled Travel reqUMt Is euthorlad Tree• matter• ere approved Tu This statement wu hied with t~ 02804. Thie buelnMt 11 condUcted by en m1tter1 ere 11)9rOY9d. POii Mldlt for GSA/Reproducilon, Records and Counly Cle<ll of Or•nge County e Thie bu.in ... 11 conducted by e II· lndMduel Greptilce 11 rec.lved. Engl,_lng eervl<:el agreement for Moulton Park-"prll 1"· !982 mlted per1neflhtp. Steven R. Hickman wey r:...lblNty Study le approved. BOIN Clllce Local Coutal Program F'lll*a; Steven M. Bod• Thia etetem«it w11 filed with the responM 111mmery ,. reoelved. Col\lljlt&nt MrVloM agr~t tor ROH Published Orange CoHt Dell Thie atettment wH meet with .ht County Cleftl of Orange County on Canyon Roed route toeatlon ltvdy EIR la 1pprOV9d. ReqUMI for propoMt Piiot, April t6. 23, 30, May 7. 1981 County CWtc of Otenge County on April 20, 1982 to proYlde SSI ~to~ ctltntt ~ eutttomed Agreement tor 1682..f Aofll 20, t082 '1'7111 Children'• Group Home S«Ytc.e 11 renewed. Mentel HN lll\ Service• 1------------'1S1t81 Publlthecl Orenp Cout DlllV Pl-egreement 11 1pproved. library egrMment with S1n11 An• College fl\B.IC NOTICE Publllhed Or11199 ea.et Oelty lat. Apr1I 23. 30. Mey 7, 14, 1N2 FoundatlOn le emended. A~t with •=Fullerton for r9Cf .. • 1------------.· Plot, Apttt 23, 30, May 7, 14, 198~ ' 1152-12 tlonal ecttvltlee II Crlllg ~ Perti le . Local Emergency la Nall1741 1159-82 1------------procl.imed. Ven Buren Storm Drain dNlg1t It authorized. Negotllllon ol '9CTITIOUI au ..... Mlle NOTU aor.,,..,..t with Anehtlm ~ Community Center. Inc. ,, •P-NAME ITA ftMENT •-"' unTll't proved. 8udoet trene-. ere grented. Payment o1 toet bond for Yorb41 The following peraona ere dotr n-."' ""'~ '1CTITIOU9.,..... Linde School Ol•trlot I• approved. Annuel repon for Veteren 1nd Con-!>1*""8 81 l'tCTITIOUI .-11 MAm 8T~~ ttumtr SerWlM II reo.!wd. 8ohooll encl othtr lnetftutlon1 are rt!ml>IKMd IA! MR ANGElOS CAPE C()' MAim •TATIMINT Th• fotlowlng iMr•on I• doing lot' UM of lacllltlae kif 91ecllons end tnlolnlng purpoett Feulblllty Study of HOUSE (B) MR ANGELOS ITALIA The IOllOWlnO pe!'90n8 .,. doing ~ -the South Coeet YMCA ~lllon of . Oymn111um •t Crown Valley INN. 11881 Hert>or Boulevvd, G• bueln9ll N: 8EH 0 , 1001W.17tfl St .. &ulte ~ P9f1C le~ Ordinance on oombutttble wood roolt 11 den Gr~. Cellfomll 92'40 OIHOEA OESION8 11M5 Ant-M, eo.ta MeM. CA 12t27. i:=-· The County Adlnlnlltretl¥9 Oflloar 18 directed to 'IPOft on coat MR ANGELOS, INC., e Ce ......_ "--. 111,.0 , :.:.~·:,Al........... ~ t.. ltnntt. 1285f L11Cu ,_....._ ......... on ............... ---now,_._ Ul9d 1n -... .... ft. ,_., ,.~.... .... l.'09 .. -_ ...... _....,,...,. _M.., ,,,..,_. -·.,. _ .. ......-forril• corporation, 1188t H•rb< CA tH27. 81., lot. CA '""'"1• plic:.ltlonl ,.qu.tlng abat-t of penalty for f8'111re to nle ctlenge In Boulevard, Gerden Grove, Celllo VIRGINIA L. JOHNSON, 1948 Tlli. blltlnell II ~ed by I ownet11lllP 1t1tement, 11• denied. The BMrd t djoUrned In memory of nit 92940. Anaheim A~nut, ti IO·D, Oo•t• ed ~ Julltoe SttciMn K. T""""9 end JlldOe Ronald Prenner. Thia bllalnetl 11 coodYOted by I ..._.. ,.,. • 7 rr L (8EAl) JUNE ALEXANDER cor..,...,ellon • -. .,.. • Thill~-!led wtttl the Clea of the Board ...... MOflU14A E. JOHNSON, 1202 ty awti: of Orenoe County on of s~. Roben A. Ventllf• ~'*' 8IMlr Spring. ~ fS. 1912. ,_ OffllCtAL MOCIDMNOI OP Thia •tet-t Wll ftled wtth tt TNt bue1n911 le oonduct«f by a --· ntl OAAllGll COUNTY County CMrtl of Otenot County o ..,_.. pel1ntf&Np, Orlll'IQt eout Delly ~. HOU.-0 AUTMONT\' Apr1I 2, 1982 1'Ne •==I~~ wttn tM _.,,. 18• n , 90, Ma)' 7• 1112• A reouW IM9llng of ltlt ~00\lnty HOUllng Authol'fty WM htld Publlehed Oren~t Co1:t Dal ~r,........, of Or-r.-.-. .... • 170IM2 Atxtt 27, 1"2 tt 9:30 A,M, The Mmed mtmbtfa btlnO ~t: ~.; ...,.,. -.,.... .......,,., "'' TflomM' =CN!tmM A001f fll 8 t Hlt'tfttl M Wledtt 9Nol PllOt. Aprll 30, Mey , 14. 21, 1 .. Aprt 4• 1t12. ,.,.. "9lJC NOTICE Htet**·· ' 1. CMrt ~ Ifie Clerk ... on. • ' ...., • ._.., Otwiee COllM ~ "°'· t-lne~1ntiinouei0Uii•uui11ii•i•ii-i .__.. • •• ~tio.i :::r.wn end IWlebllltatton "'oO-"8.IC NOTICf Aprt te, n . JO, -7. tMI. MAim eTA~ rwl'I, OAt .. ICOt4.oo3/004, .,, ~ • T,.\'91 policy11 •teblltlhed --~~----------... 1102-«a TM 1o1oMnf ,.,__ -c1o1ftt Dllta Proomllng OONUftent MMcll aQIMmelll 11 IPCWO'l'ld Trew! ,._ ~ -~"~.The AuCtlortty adjourned. -----------RLD MAHAOIMIHt,.tHH (..,.,_, JUHE At.!XANOEA -----------i.-.ioont11111 ....... Me "" ~-Cieri! of the Bottd ..,..~..... of~ l'ICT"IOW IU.... AonMI G. <Mrw, , .. IUn JW 90Am oP IUl'lltv.GM Tiit .=.:~~ dOlllO IOl••L:.. Hil"tlllftOfl IMc.fl, Oii W COUllTT C~ ~-~M..,.,. teatlhft. ..... Ma.~ ''OUfl °"""At«' • • I.TO, LAM• Hvnt'"9t0ft IMofl. A ""°""' ....,. Of.,. ._.. of luc11Mao11 of~ County, IOO a. Main Ct ..... ttl. °'9n11, .... ="= ......... • .. Gowrftll'4 eo.d Of h Dlltrtota tlO*'*I by CAt1111 0..1. . ..;,,., ""''""· ~,..:..=-..::a;-r~~:JO~ ONll Oaw11 Han. tt• IH\ _. .. ":.:Uftttntto" '"°"• ;;;:.. M _..,, _... I. n... ,,, MlrJ, en'cJ Han. ,..,: ~ =-.,.,, Ttlla ..,._ '111 •it at••~ e &Mil M ....... '° ........ """"ICM.,.._., Wlllaft 111 Plill'll ir--...C.. Q11M1 Har1 ~ ~-No .. II ............. of .... for Iii""' A1WWt1 ~a.a, fNl•1n ........ wltfl... 1111 .... _..... Clllof"1a5r1www ~~layptad.Col1l"9DUllOl10f!M QMm,A4W1'1, 1111 ~°""Of~ Ool""Y Oii ~ .. ~ ~ ...... -·"""" ,., ,., MftlOtt ~ .......... ....... Alflft, ,..._ .. ....... .. ,..; 1M ........ • •• """ ... ' ,..,.. M lllMJ """'~a·.,. .,.. -. .,., ~ Or-. C:O... = fllllt. Pou•MallM Or..... Clal1l of .. ._. P'YU-= °'91111 = Clill; .. '*· •. ~ '· '"· . ,,..... AtWI • ., ...... ._..... , •r, .. OrM.-o..,..,.,..,.. .._ ,.~:.,.:::: IOt; .-• ...,,,. , " \ ~ --r TRI ' •tG G£0RG£ by Virgil Partch (VIP) Ft\'llL'' c1ac1:1 o ~ .. l. ~ f ~ a "Jeffy ond I don't look ANYTHING alike so why do the neighbors keep mixin' up our names?" "Look, I'm het'e to tend b1r -not to listen to your stupid problem1." ~.\RM:\Dl'KIE 'by Brad Anderson Hank Ketchum 5·7 "'112.._, ...... s..-. .. ""' fl t ~ ~ • Orenge Cout DAILY PILOT/Frldl)', May 7, 1982 ct by Charles M. Schu~z PE,4NtTI SHOE --· JOE , YOUR LUNC H IS READY __ ..,~ i ---------. f I OH, WELL ... I fl~EO IT ~SA ~U06MENT CALL by Tom K. Ry., by Jeff MacNelly ~\G Fa "T A SIMPl.E'NO)b.JlO AA~E ISALR&\D(' etENA LOT ~~iERIL. HOOSE~~~ ~~~AA~'.'.'· I I I ~Ii~/, I ~11 ~~~~~ by Ernie Bushmdler WHY A RE • EVERY WEEK, HE SWEEPS YOU MY ~OUSE GIVING HIM LUNCH? "I warn you ... Marmaduke wants you to get up!" ~ t GOllOO .. by Gus Arriola .ll'DGE PARKER H UW.~ ~00~ ~l'LLINN iHE CLE~N ING MAN rs HEPE·· W~AT~HALL l 'SEND our? ACROSS 2w«dl 58 OlwnflCt 1 S1111a -59 "Hell'" 5 Felll¥111 80 Cupid 10 ''SlclddoOI" 82 Pounded 14 TllOt'a tMtler dowa 1 s AM 85 NelghbOf or 16 ScDlllatl Mlfl. island 57 Blot out 17 Bowed ff Sling II PerlufM 70 UnrlWI ft "°'* 71 Otd Mo 20 Young bird 72 ir-. ~2 Mot pltct llllftdt 2• MwKfled 73 AINy 2S ,....., 14 9MpPllfl 17 °'........ 75 Cellftt Oft ,.,,.... . ,.,....,.. #2<:604M ULlfM ,...,..... 3' ... cMll .0 SlldOfl 2Seoe1Md'• --~,,....- .. c;. 41 1 ............ <:,>. -Mv OAo's ClOSEO NOW. &Jr HE'LL OPEN UP S(X)N AS #Cf.A. CAU.S DINNER: b y Harold Le Doux by Ferd & Tom Johnso n NEVER MINC> WMY I CAN1TCOME" I O WoRK loDAY, l~DDY 'v'.u~E .I JX)AJ'r JIJ..\/E rJ ~" A8'-,17" .... ·/i!1r 1i:.-::/ {?E:VtEW6f M'/ A~T 5 ·7 •. l .:\K ,. W INKt:RBt:AN DRABBLE Mt Nell ~ (Ac:Mce ~ 6o\daoce ) DR.SMOCK HOW .MANY PIP YOU DO "rOc>AY, vUL..IUS ~ NO ~E HOLOIN6 IU£6Al~KOOf5 WrTH lHE lE.AIVl ... "-Q>'Re. Atl 1'1NOONI ~$£.1.. f~ 'f~ ~1WC-S ~ lOOl..O~'r AW1~ "°"'~OUT~ A fAfUt eAU! ....... / ) ~-..;, ~~ 1-.· ~~I \ I ' / \ ''~-.,.' . -~ ~ I by Tom 8at1uk IN FACf, IF lX)(J WANT, r'U Bf GI.AD TO PUT ALL Of THI~) OOWN IN WRITING ! .. 1111 TOYOTA COllOH WllOI 4 speed trans .• air cond .• radio, luggage rack, deluxe exterior In metallic brown wrth saddle vinyl ln- 1erlor. Great economy with room tor the !amity. (383MPA). 5 2999 1111 SllC 414 "111111 SIEllU 11" Automatic trans .. pwr. st. & brakes. air cond .. stereo, cassette. sliding rear window. dual tanks. custom wheels & tires and chrome step bumper. (1M689'28). What a neat 4 wheeler tor just 5 6799 1111 Fiii YU OUTUI I PISSEllEI Equipment lnciudes pow« steering. radio, power tlrakes, Interior decor and completely original Inside and out! (219WDA). PRICED TO SELL! 11TI llTSll 281Z 2+2 4 speed trana., factory air cond .. stereo tape, custom wheel• & tires and new white finish with black bucket seats (117NJI). 5 4999 1111 &Ill IOOO ... Sii ""'" Automatic trans .. full power, factory air cond .. :stereo cassette. cruise control. alloy wheels & low. low mllesl Local, 1 owner car. (936WZC). Automatic trans .• power brakes. stereo cauette, cuatom cab and 1tep bumper. A greet work truck that's priced to NII. CALL TODAY! 1111 llSTUI F&STUCI Economical <t cylinder engine. 4 s~ transmission. pwr. steering & brakes. AM-FM stereo. wire wheel discs, radial tires & more. Mutt see to appreciate. (853VAE). 1111 TOYITl COftOLU "Ill" Ll"'lCI 5 speed trana .• air cond .. pwr. brakes, AM-FM stereo. ext. trim package. spotless yellow flnlsh with black vinyl Interior. (381962). A tun car with great styling tor Just 5 5299 1111 TIYITA OlllLU "Ill" LIFTIAOI 5 speed, factory air conditioning, power steering. power disc brakes. stereo cattette, sunroof & under 11.000 mu .. (1BSY724). 57299 1111 YW llllllT Economical 4 cyl. engine. 4 speed trans . stereo cauette,custom Int• rlor. steel rad I al tires & morel (793SYZ). Save on this one at only , SPECIAL GREEN RIBBON BUYS , These late model, low mileage cars all carry Earle Ike's exclusive 2 year 24,- 000 mile warranty. You can't lose! BEST BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY! e 1111 llTSll 1-210 2 Dll. 5 3399 Automatic \rans .. pwr. brakes. AM·FM radio. ateel radtal tires. exterior trim pac- kage Very clean In every respect. (328TZD). White exterior with beige vinyl Interior tor just • 1911 DlTSUI 20051 5 speed trana .. air cond .. pwr brakes. stereo. tinted glass & more! Gleaming metallic sliver with custom interior (263VCP). Stylish economy for only e 1110 llZll 121 COIPE I Automatic trans .• pwr, braket, air cond., AM-FM stereo. alloy whMls, exterior trim paekeoe & more. (1BJZ435). Thia gleaming brown metallic beauty has less than 15,000 miles; don't miss Ill 1111 TIYITI llPll 6 cy1., auto. trana .• factory air conditioning, pow« steering, power disc brakes, AM-FM stereo radio. tilt wheel and'alloy wheels (933ZFW). . 1111 OIMIUT c1nnn llTCIUCI 5 42991 57899 1111 CIPll UTOllAOI Economical 4 cylinder engine. 4 speed trans .. factory air cond .. 1111 wheel, custom Interior, root rack, new paint with sllvM velour Interior & under <t0,000 mllet! (507XJX). VS. automatic trans .. factory air cond . power steering & brake•. deluxe lntMlor, new Goodyear Eagle radials and morel (430YQV). Don't miss this low mlleege beautyl 1111 TIYITl HPU "HllllF" Full power. factory air cond . tilt wheel, cruise control. stereo caa- • aette. alloy wheels. sparkling bur- gundy finish with matching velour Interior. (1808751). '10,599 1110 l&TSUI 1210 un11c1 SL pa'Ckage. 5 speed. factory air conditioning. AM-FM radio. llnled glaas. custom Interior & exterior & under 8000 miles. (1APB447). 5 5299 1919 TOYOTA CELICl um1c1 5 speeo trans . air cono111on1ng, stereo. power steering. rear window shade & custom two tone red me- tallic finish. (842XSO) What a car tor only 5 5999 1110 TIYITA llPIA "I IPED" Full power, factory air cond., tilt wheel. cruise control, leather aeats, stereo cassette. alloys, Ermine white with beige Interior. ( 1AHM247). 5 8499 1llO TIYITl TEIOEL "HllMF" The ultimate In economy & tun to drive! Equipped with stereo' caseet• te, alloy wheels wit h steel radial tires. custom Interior. (1AOS832) 54699 1111 ISIZI "LS" COIPE 5 speed transmlealon. AM-FM radio, au the factory equipment, Just over 11.000 miles. custom wheels & tires. (1COA945). 5 5999 1111 TDYITl OELIOl LIFTIACI Automatic transmldlon, power steering, power disc brakes, AM-FM stereo. rear window shad• lllt & custom two tone paint. (613UXT). 1111 TOYITI CELICl un11c1 c Auto 1ran1 .. factory air conditio- ning, power disc brakes. AM-FM radio, tunrool and alloy wheels. (1AOX975). •7999 1171 TIYOTI CllAU "II" llTllUll 5 speed transmission, ttereo ca._ sette. power brake• and morel (677RLF). An exceptionally clean rare model tor just 53399 1111 UTlll 12102 ... Economical 4 cylinder engine. 4 speed tranamltaion, radio. heater & spotless gold llnlth with beige bucket seats. (556AJH). Priced at only -----~--= Orange COut DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 7, 1982 DI . II •• ,. WE ARE CELEBRATllli! THE 198311 ARE HERE!! . . . . AND WE'RE HAVING OUR YEAR END DEMO* SALE WITH REBATES & WILSON FORD DISCOUNTS -LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR & FREE 24 MONTH OR 24,000 MILE CAR CAREi • Rental Cars -Executive Cars -Management Vehicles -Plus Special purchase of low mileage previously driven Cars -Wagons .... Trucks -Vans -New & Used! '77 BUICK '79 CHEVY '80 MERCURY '79 FORD RIVERA MONZA CAPRI RS PINTO Auto, air cond. ,..,,, ''"'· 2°'' auto trans. air cOt>d.. Sunroof, air conct, ""'' • cv1. radio, Slk ""'' wind, ANllPM, tPlll • cvl. _,air, redlO. tlffr. turbo• cvl. • aPd, Lie. 1116WllO Nr tffl, llll ""-1, VI Lk. 211YZI Loe 637SA V Lk . IW1U62 79PLYMOUTH '71 DODGE '79 FORD '79 MERC '77 DODGE HORIZON DAIT · LTD ZIPHYI 100 VAN ' WILSON LIST -,,,,, LESS DISCOUNT .f REBATES - 11111 NOW 1112 ESCORT a DOOR HATCHBACK (#1485) (#112826) WILSONUST- 11111 LESS DISCOUNT .t REBATES- '1111 YOUR CHOICE NOW 1111 FAIRMOMTS 2 DOOR SEDANS lndudee doth trim Met, pwr • .ung., gorgeous Pot# whtt• lln6lh & muctt more. ( Sttt. '2008) ( S.. '20eOeO) (Sitt. '818) (S.. •17&457) (Sitt. '808) (S.. t 1T8454S) 2 YEAR CAR CARE NEW 1182 tiRAMAIA ''L II FANTASTIC CAR Lota of equipment. A gorgeoua lewn ftnWI vtnyt tttm ... t & muctt morel (Stk. 11211) (Ser. •113939) 2 YEAR CAR CARE '79 FORD '81 FORD '80 FORD UNCH ERO ESCORT f AIRMONT PICK UP Auto tre11t.. air cOt>d, • s1e11on w-.on. ca. CH· GIWe, ve. «Ir. tltreo. 4 cyl, 4 ttpd .. AM radio. ""''""' ve. -r ·-Ntl• •• •Pd. IJ,S1' "'''-' em11m. auto trens. ""'' Ncond. Lie IW7U62 'U7100 $1Mrlng, (1M27026) Lk 9'0ZEO '80 MAZDA '76 CAPRI '78 DATSUN 'IOFOIDP/U •*·•••r.-.,elrCOl'f.. '*· •cvl.autolrtna • .-r VL el/lo Ir-. elr cond. • VLelllolr-• .-rttr.•'r VLelllolf-.f/Wrttr,etr 1 *• • cvt. ""'*• t .. rw. 626 4 spd, PICKUP ~ TON , . UC. S.YH' .. ,, .... df, ""'''"° tlerto, ...,, cOfld, 4df -.!, rMNo 4 Mid, 11.ot• flll19t UC. tNVNT .. ,, .-r 1111 Lie. ll•XH¥ Lie 1111_, lie. ICHHm COll!lt. eulO ''•"'· ''' • ..,,_ • cvt, ,,.,.. 11•· '1' ve. 4.... 111 oond. NA (Ofld, Lk.18Ul'I• cond. '9dlo,i6;t,327!Nl.i. \ Lie ICAWIS2 Lk ILOt46 (1Y18088) Lie 011w.-o "Make an offer"' •• ~COM! DAILY P9LOT/Frtdey, May 7. 1N2 Writer-oPposes bicultural society LOS ANGELES (AP) -IUchard Rodz1l\MI rememben the moment ln 1975 when be turned down Yale, rebuffed the many Ivy 1..-,ue \lnl· venddee which OOW1ed him • a prot-.or and be-f •n hl1 protea\ of educational pro1rama which rewarded me foe havtac brown Udri.., On that day,~ who had acelled • ui .£naU.th UtuaN.re IChot.i.r, ~and •tout on an Inward journey which would ultimately thn.11\ h1m Into the pubbc 1poClJaht. bloera~~~~ta!:~ Richard Boc1J18Ue&,'' bu made him an lnltant hit in aome c:1rde9 aDd pertah In other9. Some Mexican- Americana hav.e 9ccUleCl bint of belnc a 0 brown Uncle Tom.'' 'llJ'hey will •Y that a man Wee me pve up too much, that I became an ~phile. that I w• cul off from my heritage, .. ROdrtauez says. "I'm a public man. an Mlimilated American. 1 know bow to IW'Vive in th.la .xiety.'' Rodrigue~ 36, hQ R!"Oduced In the autoblog- rapby of hit youth a powerful tnct co.ndemnlng bilingual educatJon, de- nouncing affirmative action a nd advocating the cultural assimilation of Hispanics into the American mainstream. Bilingual education -a method of provi- ding Spanish-language teach ing in American schoola -is repugnant to Rodriguez, a kind of "cultural apa rthe id," which he says isolates the immigrant from the public world in which he or she must live. "I'm talking about what language means to the heart of a child," RODRIGUEZ Rodriguez said in an interview, his unaccented English words spilling out in a torrent. His parents were born in Mexico. "I know Mexican-American families that have been here for five generations and still speak Spa- nish and live in a Spanish society," he said ... They go on in that isolation of the ghetto world." His vigorous opposition to afflnnaUve action came lat.er in hls educational life -years after he had won scholanhips to Stanford University and Columbia University as a graduate student, and studied abroad on a Fulbright Fellowship. "I was being given benefits becauae there were Mexican-Americans who were disadvantaged," he said. "l became the lucky one. But my luck depen- ded on their being absent from the university. It produced a sense of guilt that you could never ameliorate. Was I supposed to go back to the barrio and teach Milton and Shakespeare? "1 was moving away from what my life had been and yet I wu benefiting from my skin being brown," he says. "I was willing to get acholanhips for my ability, but not becau.e I had brown skin. I don't want to be valued for the wrong reason." When the offers began pouring in from Yale and elsewhere, he agonized, because he realized that other non-minority students bad no such of- fers. "I will not teach as long as affirmative action policies are used in hiring," he says. "I don't pre- tend to be in any Bense a minority." Fearful of being dubbed a reactionary, he stresses that he favors affinnalive action for thoee who truly need it -the lower cla.es and the very young. U it is to work, he says, it must begin in grade school. For Rodriguez, it was different. The nuns at his Catholic school in Sacram e nto forced the 6-year-old, who spoke mostly Spanish, to speak only English. When he retreated to silence, they visited hia parents and suggested the use of English at home. "One day in school I raised my hand to vol- unteer an answer," he writes. "I spoke out in a loud voice. And I did not think it remarkable when the entire·class understood. That day, I moved very far fro1n the disadvantaged child I had seen only days earlier. The belief, the calming assurance that I belonged in public, had at last taken hold." Slides on Mexico planned for OCC ,.,,.. ... ., ..... --IT~,_., Tiie totlowll\O p1t10" la doing buelMll• MOllLI A ... IMAL 8\IAOICAI. H0 .. 11TAL, If I Haoape Drh11, ....._,._,.,OA~. Dt'. "°"'1 L. AOOICe, t? a.. ec.,,. Drive, N-porc IHoh, CA t*3. .,... ~ .. OOl\duc1ed by .,, lndMduel. ~L.~OVM TNe ... IMtflt -...... .,. =-r.~~ ar.,. County Ofl ,.,. Publlalled OttnQe COHC Delly Plot, May 7, 14, J C, 21. IM2 3026-82 FICTITIOUI ........ MAMIE ITATW•NT The following pel'aonl wa doing butin.a u; KWIK KOPY PAJNTING, 21171 Marguerll• Prkwy, Mlaalon Viejo, CA 02et2 ..... Rlcllatd Wiiiiam Hattet, 24172 CMllno VIiia. El Toro. CA 92630. Merle Yolanda Hattt.r, 24172 Camino VIiia, Et TOl'O. C('_ 92e30. Thi• bullllMI 11 <:ond'<lc11d by '" Individual Alchwd w. Hell« Tlllt llal-1 WU filed wttll Ille County Cl«k or Oranoe County on A$>rl1 9. 1982 ,,~ Publl•h•d Or•no• COH I Dally Pilot, May 7, 14, 21, 28, 1982 3009-82 ·'I ·-,_ __ rtaJC llJl1Cl .,,. GI'.....,.... I MPOM THI cn'Y CO.llCI fWTHI Ctn' M ,CMMTMI YM.Ll'Y NOTICI! IS HMDY 01V9N Chet I lie Olly Councll win llclld t pWllo llMrlno on n..csey, JMy 11, 1N2, at 1:00 P.M., 11'1 Ille COuld c;ltlttl\- bef, t0.-00 tltc.r AW9nlll, '°'°"""" Valley, C1Utorn11. conoemlM IM t~: lllESO\.UTIOH NO. 1'111 -A lllESOLUTIOH ()fl THI CITY COUNCIL Of TWI! OfTY 0# ~ TAIN VALLEY Dl'Tl,......., ntAT IT 18 IN THE PUBLIC INTfAEIT ANO CONVENll!NOE TO HLL CERTAIN RE.AL PAOP!RTY LOCA· TEO IN THE COLONY JUAlllll AR~.1. DECLAAIHQ ITS IHTl!HT TO 00 ..u, ANO A)OHQ A,.._ fl09' A PROTEST HEAAINO TO TWE SALi. ThON MliMO 10 ~ In llWOI' or In opc>otlllon 10 tllla ptop(M91 wtll be Given 1111 oppott\IMy 10 do to. If tur1fi« lnf0tmatlon 1t ffelted, lOU may contacl Ille ~ublle Wottl• 0.. P~I. at N34321, CfTY COUNClL 0# TWE CITY Of FOUNTA.IH VALLEY E~n MoClendon QtyCl«k Publllhtd Ottnge COHI Dally Pllol, M8)1 7, 1082 302M2 J 11 I O range CoHt DAl1.Y PILOT/Friday, May 7, 1982 03 The marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642-5618 1 Orange Coast res1der1ts bought 42"< of all new c:ars sold rn the county last yea r even th rough t11ey compnse only 30l'f of the cou11ty 's population Real Estate-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place . . CLASSIFIED INDEX IHI 11111t ...........••.....•..• !~~.{~!* ....... ~.~!!.'!. ..•... !~!!!.~~'.' ....... ~~¥.!!.!~~.' ••••••• ,.~.~~~ •••.•• l!.._~!~!.~o.r.!'.'! .••••.• ~._~¥.!.~._'.!.'.'.' ••••••• !._~m.! .. t.:'!1! ••••••• ¥!!~~'1. •••••.... !.'!I ~'1. ••••••••• 1.~l ¥!!!~'1. ••••••••• !.'!ti ~!!~~! ......... !.~I f.-!!~. !!!!! •••••• .'.~~~ !!!~'!! ........... .'.~1 . .'!!r.!!. ~!!!A .. .'.~~¥ ~!!!r.!!. ~~f!A .. !.~~~ .' .w,..n · 4 ar. ti.. •a. Condo. By Flnea1 vtew. Ul11tne1e 1~ w•--PI.. Liii ... Ill Owner. Many X1rU. OU9loml\Qmeln~tld ADULT MOBILE HOM -·-Luxury 4 Bdr, pool, IP9 IU •IS .VII 1108,000 In aaaumable Bey 5000 aq ft of PARK on the Bey. 1 BLUFFS CONDO H.V. TtPllCIY•M.Cll home In fHhlonabl• Prt W t Ba be f SU f 2 boa M u1t .. 11.oompany ltnanolng. Aaklng 8132, cueiom leetu'rei 5 bdrm, den, 1 b•S&0,000 HomH. or locel SFR In Mela Ver~ 4 blll• to gott te es iay Y ront. pa or ts, mcwe. 12000 down. 1 Yf 500 • .....0-790. bdrm 1 12 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 bdrm. 2 ~ 148,000. excheno• for n-COM . 642-5678 .USf11W£ ' fOU&l HOl./SING OPPOATU'llH COUfN . OWC trg pepel'of remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. . 1 old houae. CIOM to tell•. .,.,,., ... ITI 651 123-4 • • · bdrm, furn., 145,000 DUPLEX. 4 bdrm plue 2 15 yrs with tow, tow, Int. ---Ev I 8 7 8 • 4 7 7 8 ; d y I . ' bdrm 125,000. 300 E. C1 bdrm Opn Sun 1·5. 3185 Bet· Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm. 3 83M247. JIW•IMll FABULOUS 4BR 3be Hwy Unit 1 t 3, Newpor 851-8135 0-/Agt mud•, Co1te Men. bath, 3700 sq.Ct. $1,38~.000. Oceanfront. ml llU FIW new 3 bdml, 3 bath home. Greet oc .. n Beach. Bkr. 875-3347 0-al WllMi...... ..-~ c.....,-.... • c...-.. • ., ~·­°"'""-ID T .. r-v•1 ................ ,,... .. Loe_ ..... .__ Llc.-1\ICWf ._v .. ,. =-~ ..... .::· s...J-c.,..., .... Sool.oAM Sul ...... SoYllt..c .... ·--.. --·Sal· SEmCES fiin-,..,... O!rM.-, DIPlOYMENl & NErUAJllN 'lt"'*•l•A«*I >oo w •• ,,... HriJ lloM_., 114 I MEJCHAltDISE """""" Apph•.v•' 4"\'°" ::r;.: M •ltt••I C•l'N'fO. f,qfilt~n'~•· \..oh Poe> "°"'o\w t\trNtwt CateCt \tf• -~t;Old• ,... .. () i.. .... oo Mo<luMr; M1v.U•11COti1' M•tr~llANOlil.t '4 •A"d ••wul IMttwmtf'h °''"" .,.., •• t:q .. p ,..., t.~t~~~~~~ 5'<><11oc Good• 'lof·, kf'"•-"flt 81, f:T-4,.H•••S4""" IOATS & MAllNE EQIMMEIH IW "" 1: $184,500. Own/Agt Lole condo• Plu1h car"""I• Ylewt. Oym, aaune. ape, Ill ••-u :: ..... ...,, ........ ~~~~a1r0883 1 ·1288 or 4Br, 2,000 tq ft. home drpe, eielned giua':-pvt lge decka. Gourmet kit· _, ,_....., UH llU llMll w/tonnaJ dining & lemlly ...,de, 2 cer gerage. 210 chen. Exceptlonelll •UYU Beaut. Oecofetor Home. Prune Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdnn. 5 'h bath rm & more. 1 128,000. 1ith Pface. 80% loe.n •t $e~5.000. H UH 3 Br. Brotdmoor with :: AM rMI Mtete edVertlMd ,.. In thll new.peper le IUb- -Ject to the l'ed•r•I Fair , ... Houalng Ad ot 1888 wNctl . :: makM It llteoal to •dVef· 11111 u.. "any pni1eJa11ce, llml- :: tetlon or dlacrlmlnetlon 1n bu.d on rece, color. rell- 1m glon. Hit or netlonel orl· :: gin, o r eny Intention to •• m•k• eny 1uch prefer-11•1_ ence . llmltetlon or Lge LR .. 2 boat sUpe $1,500,000 C.N now. 87~5370. 12\o\% • OWller wttl c:erry I-· flllct 1.£ You'll love tht1 apecloull Poot end Spa Seller wtll ~ ......,. remodeled 3 bedroo Help Flnence Aaklno ,o,uw 2ndorlry tyetlar1ng 411-1111 homeoneneatrawtc:le lot. $875.ooo Aot John. program wit no money G31--0213 ._. Pwtter home In Mela down. John Ellot, Agt, ..... UY TUI Sunny petlo & J•cuulll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~ Verde. 3 bdrm, 2 be. 83 1·4321 weekdey1: A119ryprtvateeettlngln• Only 10% down OWCI TllPL£I Perk-Ilk• ground• with 873-3888 or 831-4508 rn<>9t preatlgloua erea. 3 S50 OOO under .,.., FIR£ SALE Great levefage, 120•000 La f 6 bdrm 5 L -private POOL and SPA, 1--_. __ enc:1_1_._____ bdrma, 2 ba1h & ftmlly I $ 1551000 down buya trlplex. Ex-goon view rom · .... th. playroom. only S 179.ooo. TT ENT 1 O N v ET s . room. Moet of the roome I oellent locatlon 1n South dark nn. den. Boat slip $1 ,350,000. BRAND NEW CONDOS, In thla handaome home :.· Ii. .. -dtlCflmlnetlon." IUt. Call 5-4&-2313 'f~ condoe tn prime location. pool end aurroundlno Newport Beach Hurry, Cout Plaza.,.., Won't IAYSIDE covr 13 elegent 2 BR 2.,.. bl open onto • beautlful I It'•. 118111 2500 •q It Spectacular bayfront view 2 br. 2 ba up, 2 br. lg• gourmet kitchen. petlo erea. Owner wlfl weekend speclal Call ID lhl1 new1peper wlll no1 11W knowlngly eccept eny ed- :: vertlalng tor reel e1tete '* which le In vtolatlon of the JtoO lew. 1111..i..i~l:!!;!.!I 2 ba dn 2 boat sl.Jpe $1,900,000. micro oven• veulted cerry with aubat•nllel ~~~~iiiiii~~~ 845·9181 · (#ffi);;;'iJ:1 1 celllnga, belconle•. down. Priced to ull. i ---=------COllOllADO CAYS ~:·.:.~-a:uR::::.=:. $38i.im. SIMU llW um•• •llT llllr.I Coronado Island cwt. bayfront lot. 85' boat xfn1 retea & tefma. Set/ A lovely 2 bdrm condo 1nl Exceptlonel Newport BANl & chermlng Hamp- Beeutlfully lend1ceped dock. PUrn.a avatl $425,000 w /tel'Tl\ll. Sun 12·5, 831 -8 t 84, this geted privet• cor11-Beach neighborhood 4 ton model fabulous vlew5 11118 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. llCIG end melntelned 4 Bdrm '+523 CAMN'Dl·fRV!ffi:> wkdya, 850-8778, Eve1, munfty. Amenltlea In· Bdrm, 2'h betha. Speclou1 decor, pv1 comm. wlpool llOl 2000 I~ 22111 --JlC)jl UICI -mo ZU> BOO ..... ----!JJ!lll --- tilt tilt tlJI ti• tut ••• tl19 ti• - ~I Advertisers home. Grut corner ~, _7_5_1-3_29_7_____ elude prlvete beech, end well menlcurec:I yard & tennla ftcllltlea. Ownr. Sh ould Check their ~.:>.n~l!!!,n:.:~ PAii UH = ·-•••••;-tennl1 & pool. An exC91-with plentyl o t room tor Opn Hee Sat/Sun 12·5 -..,.,....., -....., _.,_ lent opportunity. 1230, pool,)acuzz or adding on 1803 Yacht Collnla ads dally and report wlllntnctng. Full price 3 bdrms, 2'A baths condo Ot'lll' pool. $145,000. IN THE LUFFS TWI llAStll.... 000 I Seller wtll carry llnanclno 844-1017 errors lmmedlately. 1142,500. 751-3181 • Thia 4 BR condo tw It ell. Specloua new s bdrm, · LtW 1twl... $2891.~.,1 IULn 1--1-E-IT_l_IY_ll __ Th DAILY PILOT Beamed c.lllnga wlth •d· den, 3 bath home. Affor· .. Low monthly peyments _,. e ded 1kyt1ght1. upgreded deble. 115,000 option Fer Eutern country lll-2J11 S2J2,IN assumes llablllty for kitchen, central air cond. 1 ... 11300/mo. etmosphere ln the deal· I 2627 Bunye. Open Sall the first Incorrect -----""'""==-i w/humldlfler. GrN t loce-1141-ltll reble north end City IEWN--ut Sun. 2-5 (Dally by •PPt.I I rtl I .. • ... llJ •----------------tlon,goodttnendngend ln ~for Lon.... tlghta & coestel views "' -Xlnt tin. nse on on y. _... ·----------------· move In condition. 1248, , ______ ._ ... ..;;_''-from Den e Point to NIH Ted Huber1 Rltr LIT 500. WUT 11 TIAll In, Emerald Bey. BHunfulj Plan 4 3 bdrm, 3 b• j 752-<J777 1129•900 home right on the aand. · Be. OR, pool,~....... 1pa. petlo & decks ,., It hn rn:'t Sll,HI HWI OLD KENTUCKY HME Bulld your own drHm ~ I U,._,100tt1{)Ml:i EMc Mela Ver~ 4 BA CS garden• with teehouae. $200.000 Realtor., 87$-8000 Owner wltrade for cu __, .....,..te .. ~ •1:.50 4 epecloue, Hght end airy In prH tlgloua Newport ~~~~~~~~~I '"' ·-• .,.... "'"'"".., 16'n% 30 yra $2 00 mo Prlvete park 11'111% toan bdrm1. on• huge wt oe Beach. Owner llnenclno 1;: property or carry 1125, 000. ANNE HARRIS Owner wlll llnance. 3Br. u c lot. Need• 1ome evdabte. Cell 548-2313 SEUCT .... , 000 2nd, 5 YMfl. S2t0. 496-7218, 499-1286 2'h ba. foe metr br. cell TLC . .,_.,~~1 hty moll· 000. Agt . .Mle. 546-2Sl& --~r~r tor d•talla John M ar-~.... SurrOl.IQd yo"reelt with •i.,, ~'~ OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN -"811 .t.n 63.1 2.2Al vated. Cell 2313 lfl!~~~~~~~iiifl mllllon $"homea. Newly Ctrarmlng 3b1/ttJa. M · ~.C:itt'~,. 1509 HIGHLAP'llO ·"Vt • CUFF UVEl-flll Fam.I 1, .. 1 •• •w11w.-........ -' tli1lq rtt•. Mllttr Hitt wftll lt•H ...................... ,, ••• rtr 11 a 1rut 1trttt. UH,IH. ftt. 111-1411 WATERFRONT HOMES.INC R(At FSTAn 24.lll W '"'" H., ~ ... e. .... 11 '31·1400 RESIOflHIAL REAl ESTATE SERVICES UM IW 1141,IOO Traditional, elegant & spacious de- scribes this lovely 4 BR 3 'h BA home featuring oak floors, Jead glass. FR doors & extensive use of used brick. Sunny south patio on extra wide lot. Owner assisted fi- nancing. Wllllmlf 1-1 1HN- IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 --..... • rr:'l't.~s&~tU r r r r r r r r 1 • ~~, foe I I I I I I I I I SCRMM.£TS Answers In amftcttMn 5306 ' C::. ':>fl f( T ;"" P4< JP( HT 11: ~ r~ 3 Bdrm temlly aurne 188.000. 1 108.000. Pool hOme, over 2,ooc iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii room, merbla floor a. Ownerlegt 842·8n2 ~It 'BA 2·~ 1>•. term.I) Ill OAIYH stone trplc. FentHtlc WTl9I 11ch eo.r._., llvlng Fenteatlc Back NEW LISTING lor your terma. Elegent Harbor S5000 down 3 Br 2 Ba. ~-..c.. mt.• Bay loc&tlon Owner wtll vlewlngl Secluded In 111 ltlend Ad. 16catlon Thi• · · finance $289,800 own lush lendacaplng 11 Select Property ll priced + Oen, pool + Bechelor 171 41 494-1 177 Ac:IVencec:I Real1or1 our lovely 4 Bdrm home r I g ht • t I 8 5 0 O 0 O Unit. Monthly peyment 95I·12·'4 Sp11clou1 kltchen-lamlly 751-3181 • . 1 1600. Full price $158, aree wtth MN!ng to large 000. 557-2783. I.de'""' 10551 ABSOLUTE private patio and garden BY OWNEA-3Br. 2B• wtlg •••••••••••••••••••••• Each window In the ele- heated pool, In lg aeclu-1 Piii PUCE ST£Al11 gent 2 story IMng room ol ded beckyd. convenient· .. th 11 Deauvllle mod el ly locetad & llexlt>le ESTATES 1 at eke my reputallon trernes • dellghtful view ,. nllT .. lerm•I C.11 84<>-8278 for 4 IR 21L •• that thla 11 the BEST BUY aecvrlty geta enclOMS this ...,.. • more Info. • n... In Newport Bea ch . area ol condominiums I..... In lhl• very elfordebl• & II • --BETTER THAN OCEAN vu. LAG ' BOA. Ottered •I $725.000 .U Wllll Beautlful cuetorn ceblne- try by • muter creft· amen reelly Htl thl1 3 Bdrm 2 Ba hOme ape.rt. Lovely gazebo •nd t>ee- rtng fruit tr-. Low rete • new lo•n evellable. Full price $t48 ,000. 751-3111 I LIT epec6oul 3 bedroom con-•-• MODEL PROF' DECOR A TED. 142-1211 Recently refurblahed do neer So. COMt Plaza. Owner enxlous. 4 Bdrm., HAS EVERYTHING pool, ape, & llke nu 811 tor home plua neiwer unit In $98,600 of ueumeble fl· 2000 aq It home with Cul-<le-aec ttr"t only $378.500 A trede nanctng. A.eking 1att than rormel dining & l•mlly Sun 4 Sall II Club consi dered Cell PA rear with flreplece. Im· -~a.-• n..o.. 1118 ,.,.,. rm $128 500 Mu1t NII 20 min. to mecul•1• condition. A ....... -........ , ·"""' . • . I ....____.... '"'-ter TRICK TENORE Dlrectly rare flndl A11ume 1tt. In 30 daya. Cell now ·~-rn· """"i ' 831 -1268 or 760-8702 Owner llexlble, wlll fl. 87~5370 I •21o.ooo with 180,000 TOOAYI nenc• et low lntere11 •1 12"4 fixed rete & retH. St U ,000. Fot Mly emortlzed. lcomf~;~· d•t•ll•. cell ........ 11-•--~ '"' No potw~~lfylng. _.._ _ Owner/Agent I •---------· u~-\~!'tl ..... ii•iWiiin•u -N-fo_t_U:_l~-n-~-n-.c-_~1n-gyr-$-~-.5-~ - 4 M .... -__ J_J~ One yr n-catm-open-OOOM pttce..135,000dn !"!!l'!!!.~~!! .. J.".!! with cethedral celllng1 gott• '" to belleve. 3 peym't. $845 P« mo. 3 Executive condo. ocean & end• remodeled kitchen. er. $585,000. Good fl. bdnn. 1 ti.. For Nie by bay view Fplc, cethec:lreJ 8.5% e11umebl• loen For Clasaillec Ad nenclng Owner/Agt c. owner. clga, etc. 1+ den, $10 , end •n enxloua owner. ACTION Splllar 8~1 ·1288 Bkr· 888-3537 000 option money. Dys ...... R&"Mt« Only I 110,000 Cell Cati I .... ~ ,. __ ...... 558-9035; 8111 873-4899 87~5370 Daily Pllol - AO-VISOR 3 bdrm. 3 •. fem rm. IEWPllT lllll'TI 642-5678 ger, lerge petlo. Tennl•I Owner need• cuh. cteen pool, ape. $125,000. 10% 81'1tlque type houH. 2 Br dn 121~% 845-8387 1 Be. 50x 111· lot Laroe ........ detechec:I g111ege. S 178, I 000. 548-5041 eve1 & wknda, 831,3520 wkdys. UUll lllll SJtt,tN By owner Under eppr velue 2 br luxury condo Tetma neg 640-~5 0 101 LIDO'' High r1ae condo. 8th nr Oce an & Bey vlewa $950,000 Exctuatve Agt 752-5710 H Tll WATER Sltt,IH .. OPEN HOUSE REALTY .z,) I ~~~~~~ I Su Cl1•t•l1 101' ...................... WllTEWATD YllW Steps to the ae.nd Deluxe condominiums only 4 left from $287,500 So Orange COUl's bes1 Blvfl tront velu1. Open Seti Sun 903 Buen• Vista Apt. Boe, 498-104-0. s,.,, A..1 I OIO ...•.•................ Bradford Pl. owner an- xious. 4Br 1'.~Be. gar. patio. poollperk. 189. 900. Aasume 159,000 lat 11 11'h"/• Agt 857-2040 Terrific 2 Bdrm 1own- hou1e. 28•. 2 cu •l· leched garage. N9w cer- peta. Vacant. 1 118,800. ICUIFIOIT Owner wlll finance on xlnt te<ma Magnificent 3 Br. 2'~ Be beauty. Just ateps ecron e llorel llnec:I 011111 1111 lll1l1 patk) to your own aanc::ty • • •• • •• • • •• • • • ••• • • •• • ULllAPE-.a WITDFIMT Wiii 1111 Panoramic View -Great Water · front Location. Redwood Float + 50' Dock. Custom Built Home With Three Bedrooms, Three Balconies. Exceptional Quality · Kitchen With View Window Has All The Modem Amenities -Uaed Brick Ba.r-B-Que ln Out.ata.nding Patio Area. Even Tiled Garages -Great Offering. I $1,295,000. A Dion-Marla Lis~. -----·-·· 759-91• #ZC~•..._ ... .,...c..... *nDIDT* Choice 3br 2ba home ln Prime Unlveralty Park location! $1,000/mg rent all applies to- wards pun:haae ln 1 year. 2670 San Mt1uel. 7141709-1001 or 7141752-7373 *1K ... UYmlt -.a Fllll* Huge executive ranc h-ltyle home featurtn.g 4 br'a, family fCfm. formal d1nlna on cul-de- 1ac w/room for R-:V.'1. Only '235,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr. 71-l/759-1~1 OI' 7141752-7373 *min, mTY I YllUJ* ......... 9.K .. um.able finand.nc IVai· 1able on thie talWfully deCorated ·a Br Townhome. Vacant & quldc ~llllllon. 2d70 Sen Mlcuel Or., ewport Beach. 769-1501 or 762-5363. . •IMT .... ... . ., ......... ..... (11•) lll-1•1 (11~ lll·JITI ·c.n.. 111 IW IOU •......••..•••.•.•...• Houee on Begonl• $235, 000, lot value, pttn. only. Bkr. (213)438-6823. "IWlll 702 Acecla, CdM. l 235K. Open dally 1-5. 873-2041 IY IWIU 1111,MI 2 Br. 2\.\ Be. 2 f rplc. Condo. Pool, Jecuu l, Tennie Courta. Owner WNI Carry. 840-5248. 111-1171 ,,., ,,,., 1116 ........•..........•.. OPEN ~OUSE SAT /SUN 34'05 81 or-Lantern Over 3200 1q.fl. 3 BR, 2¥. ~ et>ow the Chart LITTLE 111111 =:9t:'=~·z= 11111 ,_, Alatm 1Y91em1, J•· c:uuJ ... una. ModHtly 2·•ty. 3300 1q ft, prof. pr1cec1 '488,800. CleCOf, lulh flowwe, 4 8dr Adv9nced RMl!OB & den, 3 frl>kla, Jtlnt 12% 861-12 .. nnanctng av.II. ~ --------to M24,500. 873-4271 LARGE Medlterrean 1tyte CAMEO SHORES Cu.tom 4 Br. 3 Ba. pool, Jacuzzi. kol p ond, .3 frplc'a , 1475,000 . 875-5830. 4 br, 2 1ty home. Welk to l>Motl. SIMI et 1209,800. 861·8632 •.. ,,.,, .. IHd IHI C..la ,,... 1114 •••••••••••••••••••••• • • • •• • • ••••• •• • • ••••• SPLISH ~PLASH Single ••OfY Ranch atyte 11.11~ ln•IM• w11paotacular pool & ......... •P•· l1H ,tOO. LOW down, no quallfylng. Bkr. Juel In time for eummer. 84M7ot ~ .. ~/:°'~:.-; --"'--.-.-.--"-- 11ro• bdrma, new pelnt, Term• up to you. Low neer perke and eohool1. OOWn '2000 or tow tnte- Off era d .~ t I Ut,tOO. ,_ M!.%.. Super daigM· CA LL UI AIOUT OUA fUI 2 It. JownhouM. end 0Pf.NHOUIE8.640-1t&1 unit, pool. 'ult price 1 101 ,800. Agent 5M-4611. ~-HERITAGE REALTORS lrrlM I •••••••••••••••••••••• _____ .....;;....;;:::..;::~1 Woodbrldo• 4 Br. Det. a It. 1 ea. '*-on llWoe hofM. ouf·d•·aeo. tic. &Oxt18' a unit lot. 4H Own/A91. wlll finance. ~.Do not dlilturt> ..,. nrtt at •111.000. ~;~·· 1'21,000. MMnl , ~.Mende. -------.---i ~1..-.0 -~ r--.. ... - Entertain t>iour own PoOl In,,__"* Tiltt ... ~QOl.OINo:.,s_ WI . d 2 It. t ... + t •• 1 ... -12x1oa· fill lot. Do not dleturt> tentnta. 1121 711-1111 ~49a;A•· t tn ,ooo. --------,~••-. tl14NOMcd)'I. ..... _.., •A. A·1 OOnf Ofl ,., .. fll·I tot. _..,.. 1111• .. ..... ., °"""· at.000. 141•t1H °' 474' .,. 1:111 ,.. By owner. OrHtlc price reduction for lge down- peyment. 640· 7990 beech. Oo llahlng & ne-1111111 B•11 ver mlu • tetephOne cell Fer S1/1 1100 Agent 556-6516 •• •••••••••••••••••••• -""--------! Newport Beech De Anze !f!!r.!!.~!! ... '.".!! ~.!!!r.!!.~f!! .. !.~~ ~::d.r~~td~l·:!;.,Mttlr~ LOW INTEREST NO BALLOON Newport Crest gorgeous Plan 4 Try $45,000 down, $1737 mo. Fully amort. 15 years at 10% Ult.erest AFFORDABLE $132,000 Low interest loan, low lease pay- ments, low 20% down payment Newport Shores immaculate 3 Br. A-Frame. Walle to beach, pools & tennis. CANAL FRONT Sunbath, sw im, sail or fish fr1Jtn your 2,000 sq. ft. hom e. Seller needs $50,000 down & will carry balance at unbelievable tem\S. SPECTACULAR TRADE 3 Br. beach houae w/fabulous up- aradea. Seller wants larger pool h ome in Irvine, his e qut t y ls $98,000, his price $225,000. Give us a call for more information and add.rel8e8. ff11fa & Crai1 O'Brien 840-8208 DOCKSIDE REAL ESTATE place. brick petlo, 181, 000. Aleo 2 br., 2 be .. double wide, corner lot 139.000. Biii Grundy 87~1111. ACROSS FROM BEACH Beeut I wtc:le. 2 Br. 2b•. toe cuatom hutoh & many extru Selllng below ep- pral11I et $44,000 For eppt cell 868-8817 Huntington Beach, double wide, adulta, large lot sme.11 pet ok. near ahoc>- plng, low r•nt. $28,800. T1Wme. 847-2954. c ... .m.1 ... ~~&. ••.... !.'!!'! ll'Pll YIUIY T11 SMftw NNr n-4-plex, 2 bdrm. 2 beth each unit with llreplec)e, encloeed patio, gerege. 8V•-111. Poe. cuh now. Now $158,500. B iii Grundy, Rltr, 875.-8181. ..... , omn Al'C'bllK U, dl'lll&n•n. plJinMn Two tPIC'ft In Nfwpori C1ntu On• 11 2000 tq fl and OM 11 3000 811 II V ttrJ Cavorabl• rHttl Wil UaM O>\o, Jlrok« NEW~ORT IEACH LOT, nHr t>ay and oo•an, ,,44,000« .... OMv. 178-llM -----aoo ._. "· Xlnt -~· llMdl locllllton. ~000. ~·=i.::''· OWM!rl t.111 •k•ra I ... !'!!MJ!!;J·!! CAlttA 1W CMll. ....... ooMo pl'°':' wtM e!ICllD Hd ...... WJO, =· te.,•I•, ,..... ....... ............... ...... o... f'!,ffOH!Me. ,,. ... .-..... """· I \ ... Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 7, 1982 • DOLLAR DAY D()UQH SAVERS Sell your no-long«-needed lteme for cuh. If It doesn't Mii, we'll run It another 3 · -3 AYS OLLA RS daye FREE. One Item per ad, muat be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commerclaJ Ida. Cati today for full detalle . ............. ..., .... ., 31NES CLA881FIED8642 ~s&78 ... ,, .... .i. 4#1 lnlll• ,, ,.,,. "" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• llffa.T B mother'& dauglllet 4 bdrm, 4 beth, undy w11hu to 1hr. tg . 3 br btac n. Pltr & float apt wlmeture tem, 30 18000 tor Augual Biii plua 3 bike from ooean •~•"-"••Grundy, Rllr, 675-6181 Pvl Ill~ & bllh, pvl •lllW.llliio _ _. ... .,._....,_ .. ~N~t;-A:Bc;:;h~b:::;"';;::::::;-::;;:;::::~ • n Ir y I 2 9 0 mo , • 't.ra1d•1 I -p a,.ront w/dOCk. 636·7923 or 980·7276 ' C..aenW !!m.~~ .... !~~ff!.V~/~!~!j .. !'.~~!!!.¥~/~!~!!~ .. ~~~~.'! ........... ~-;-..., A/MlllWll ~~::;;.,., ~~·N~~0c 'r1~-~~;~. 1rt~ IHI #..,..ti 1H1i 1111 C..11 .,,, 1114 lwr.,tt IHei 3111 C..t• .,,, 3114 •••••• !'ff •••••••••••••••• ff!~#. ............................. 675-7671 c, ' I t4JU ·•••u;u Yiilfi•••• ·····•--••••••••••••••••• ;·~~~:~·;~·;:;~·;;·~~ N·;· .-e·;.;;;;·;·;;;·~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• C•1t1 #n1 3114 C.t• lllM JIU ~...__, IMcA Uff 1--M-on_1_h_o_t_A_u_o_u_•_' ••• '!/.~!.!! •• !.~ ..... . Ta ...,._, BIG CANYON EXECUTIVE doge. 645 Vlclorla. No 6. c~lee or .. ,b.11. aharp Nie. 1 Br dplK Quiet Sep •••••-.::.;.;;;,;,••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •• -.-; ...... ;•••••••••••••• Lido lbr. den 12000 Garage, small double, El N .. r new 4-plH 2 bdrm HOME. View. pt1111cy, 546-9124 $1125 644·53111. by gar. 1 emplyd adull •11••-• Ill l.atge 3 bdrm 2 bati>•llo PARK NEWPORT BeaconBay, 3b• 12500 Side Coale MeH, ito· 2 , I . 1tcurl1y Quellty lurnl-over 35. No pell. 1330. S525·16001mo. 2 Br. l'h lrplc. yard, 'ancl1dg1r: APARTMENTS CdM, betul 5br S3000 raoe only, $75 845·1177 batheechuntwlthahtnga 12500 /m o 160degVIEW CONOO ONTHEWAlEAI M8·1021 Ba TownhouM.elfbullt· OnLlaaLn.AvallMa 20 W Octanlrnt 3br 1•500 Eaatt1de2cergerage. lireplac., encloMd patio, 840-4518. · 2br 2-hba. m icro. gar Greet view ot boall & Int. balcony, laundry rm, 1850 mo Y Waterfront Homee Rtlra appro>1 20x2 S15 garage, H'.-llt. Pol S 8 2 5 5 3 3 • 4 3 O O, bayt Brick flrepl•ct, J••lla1t,. covered parking Nice ~48.11136 COUNTRY CLUB LIVING Call. 631 1400 cuhflow NowS159, 675_1781 countrykltchen IBdim •-... a. 31.~1 IOcllion INNEWPORT BEACH 6 4 6 -1164 days. 500. Biii Grundy, Rllr, p 1 1 cottane • el --• 'W 1 B A deluxe community on H B condo, pool & ten-&45-9S.3 eves 67£ •1•1 •-·-D•/•-'dN 3 Br. 2 ba. weter & gar-ennsu• -.. ... v -•••••••••••••••••••••• TSL Mgmt M 2·l803 r upllllra. pool. O•• ll'le Bllcil B Cl b nou --"""--v------1~•~=: ••••• ."~....... dener Incl $795 No lablll now $875 mo Call ---------pa Id . R •I · 1 re Q M & tpa. 1 '~~ 8 ltn: nit July & Aug S800 mo WANTED. sngl garage tor NEWPORT BEACH LOT. fll•1tll 1lfZ 15 ~4•2778 873-6550 1.1,'t fllEIT S450/mo 2 Br 1 •1, Ba $335/mo 147 Flowflf St nla courts: close 10 bull· 96(). I065 11orege only Nwpt Bch. near bay and ocean, •••••••••••••••••••••• pe THE REAL ESTATERS Spanlsll Eatate UvlllQI ~pl .d balcony, pe11o, _S._5_·_88...-1 ______ ness & Sl\oWlllQ Vl~ltita Jtall/llZSO CM Ed 673 7123 Sl44.ooo 0< lrllde Ownr llEITALI 1 Br quttt. yard, rel Plus ft"-Lt.a.ts/ Bteulllut park-like aur-aun ry rm, carport 3 Br 2 b e yard, Ir pie. •••••••••••••••••••••• Garoge. sml 501 Laguna 675-lSM y ty·Weellly-WI 1 2 ra nge, Ip &dulls no ... ,, •• rounding• Terraced CloMto aJI CaJl lO<tWI gerage $680/mo Broktf Unlurnillled lludlOs I & OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br Beach.'• Dile 10 main -•• -3 Mr 90 n flf, ' d 0 g 5 1 s 1 + de P h••• View pool Sunken gu bbQ. TSL Mgml e.2-1803 851-8800 2 br 1partment1. town· Avail now Weekly lhiu beach S65 494-3044 :;:: _ .. u, ·:a.;:; lULn S.C45tmo &46-9586 3 bdrm 2'..., be, ape, aperkllng f ountains houses summe1 873-7873 ..,.r.-.. .,... Euts1de 2 B• w/p"1 yard akyloghl, declt. ltroplace. Specious rooms. Sepe-Wcztlll!ldl 2Br 2B•. Piil patio, Mesa $540-$1000 Indian Wells Villa lur;;--J' Oii' I I ~~oo 500 sq II. Xlnt Laguna Pllnln nu c rpts/drapes dbl all extras $825 per mo rate dining area Walk-In -Verde, wlr & grdnr pd *Several studio• & I BA 3 Ba. ..!~! .• !~!~ ..... ! ...... =c~~'!':n sg;;~/ Miii. carport Adults preter· ''i9i64i·i3i4i66iiiiiiiiiiiiil cloMIS, home lll!e kltch· APUTMllTS. ::6~g6~ o I 5 5 2 EI m bdrm units a1e turnilhed Celt 714-640-5548 M 2 olltcea. 345 . bath. 1ed, no pela $475/mo & I• tn & cabint1• Walk 10 PB•~~~/ldl~~ardHentaplld• wllh tint designer furnl-u ..1e la~-_. 11oraoe avail 1250/mo A.gt 499-8 lll-1111 $300 sec dep Opn 1-4 CdM 3Br Vu $1300 HuntlnQton Cent8f "''"' """'' ta P• 3 Br 2be, lrplc, pallo, ture & acceuorles. Move • .. , 548.3345 494_3803. CWMial ... I Sal/Sun 189 Santa Isa-Lido Pk Or Vu $1800 1 Bdrm-lurn.1505 No pets 2 children wet-cnlldrtn ok, no pets In today or reserve tor Lu•ury 4 B 5 be furn .,__ _______ _ I •z.... bel 673-0231 Eastblull 3Br • $1200 2 Bdrm-unlurn from come u .,5 2515 Orange A.pl C, summer months. Smarlly home. tennis beaches 1617 Wes1cllll. NB Want fftfllitUH I 1H Blulls 3Br·famlly I 1500 $565 2 Br 2 Ba •"" 1560, 642· 1485 turnlshtd model a open Avail now lhru Oct May l1nanc1al 1ns1 7000s I •••••••••••••••••••••• l•ah11•l• 3111 21r 21a ftJ .,,,. Cnma Cove 3Br 12000 3 Br 2 Ba 1600 1 dally June. & Oct $4800 per 1 a 1 11 o o r Ao en 1 CASH A PROBLEM? HAI •••••••••••••••••••••• Call 646-4S49 Baysi de Cove 2/dtn No pels 398 w Wlleon "'" Ulll pd, lge compt. re-mo Aug $6500 Sept 541-5032 Quiet, lofted condo pro· Charmlni/Sparklln? 21----------52200 Ulllit1t1• Fr-I 831-5563 or ~2-3708 mod I br . new crpt, On Jamboree Rd at •6 000 67 .. •80 74 I lo " • d m 2 ba la 3 B di I m tncd yd d ~ ~ d rp1, rel rig No pets San Joaquin Hiiis Ad • · ., • ' v dtl encloaed garage, 1 r,. .. r · • r, n ng r · ' · Baytront 5Br0ock $3250 527 7408 W/0 , relrlg, t ennls, mtlyrmonPenln Point. lrplc,gardentr,nrOC Watertiont Homee.Rllrs LAQUINTAHEAMOSA lllEl.IOOIPllGJJ $335 . 6 4 5 -8579, 644-1900 t---·------- pool1, jacuzzi Slmply a I blk lrom Beach and co 11 age No Pe Is . Ill 1400 16211 Parkside Ln, 1 blk $385-$475/mo. 1 & 2 Ur 960-3726 1---------llllEL SlllllH qultl retrell lrom mad· Bay Yearly tease St,600 $750/mo 730-1515 !~~~~~-~~~~~! W ot Beach, 3 blks S. ol ap11. n-carpel. palioe. E_S_T_S_l_O_E_2_B ____ Newly dee. 2Br. lba, '" Ga1ed comm Newly de· d 1 d o I mo 675 0375 c OK A r new car-In kltch Encl patio, gar. en ng crow s. wn I -3 Br 2ba, cpt s /drps, Edinger carpor1s al pet, pelnl, d1hwar, O•· S535 no nata 6412-2134 corated newly turn • . ~ ~~-!~~~· ~;t~~O c,,,., 11/ llu 3ZZZ bulltlns, gar. $550/mo 3 br. Blulla I Paula), on Ul-1441 TSL Mgml 642-1603 r a 0 •. Patio I 4 4 0 ,.,.. bdrm Tennis. prov bch • •••••••••••••••••••••• 289 E. 16th St 646-6074 Quiet c u 1·de·*11 c · ----------•Roomy 3 Br Townhouae 548--018~. $6.40 Eastblulf. 2 bdrm, 2 club etc 3 mo or longer ownr. Spyglaas 4 Br I amity 3 Br 2 Ba Monl lcello $1100/mo Allr 731 ·4445 W'/.••• ..,,, 314 apl In quiet adult com· be Patio, pool, fireplace Bkrs welcome 496·4 38 ~I ,,. .. n-. ZOIO room. 2 lrplc ocean/ Townhouse No Pllts New oceanfront 3 Br la· •• ••••••••••••••••••• pit• Newly decorated, l1 i JIJJ 781 Am?:os Way liatlll I• lilll 4300 ................ ,...... harbor lllewt I 1950/mo $595/mo. Sierra Mgml mlly rm 2 frplc. yearly Furn. Laguna Beach IU· fireplace, enclld patio & •••• ~............... 20-1114 •••••••••••••••••••••• 8 UNITS COSTA MESA, 645-0778 Co 641·l324 $2500/mo 645-0776 xurystudlo. spa, Satellite garage Sorry, no pell PHEASANT C reek El Cozy 2 Br 1 Ba beamed Male needed 10 share needs work, greet PO· LG 1 BR Avllt 611, 0., Newport Shorts Canal TV. aauna, maid service. $600 Mo 845-3381 or Toro New, dlx I br, 1 celling, pallo, garage. beeulllul Corona del Mai tenlla~~f~ i~; W/O, storage $695 ltu hi lar lront. 3 bdrm 2'1t ba ~;:_~;2s7 $ 115/week 675-5949 b1a condo Parllllke Ntd· Newport Hei ghts No nome 1285/month plus 719 •;, Me r i go l d 4 bdrm. 2 ba. lamtly watk 1o beach Pool and ----------•$500/mo 2 Br 1 Be UP· I ng, water orten1e • pe11 . $525 /m o u11t111es Call toght nowi TRADE C M coin leun-M0-•256 room,~pc shwshr, air tennts avall No pals ·~If J.Hi 311 per apt . ~oar~. 1tnnl1, pool, ape. Wtr 645-1682 640-6479 I F P COOi f d dbleg8/ $9..,' pd $500 655-1526, ---------1-------dry nell 25K yr 2 Bd B d 2 t k: 2 · ""mo •••• ••••••••••• .. •••• balcony/pello. laun ry 1n 5p•• Large 3 Br 2 Ba trplc. Share 4 Br home bet $18.0K 1 11 ·, El r 1 8• '"· rp · Xlnt schools $825 Eves 752 7•7• 1 BR Versailles condo 5 .,.. ,., -•• C ~.or •NquB Y n car garage, 1rg pe110 213•833•9082 • .. .. • . • rm. A.van Ii· lam. rm. deck. dbl ga· ween Bay & Ocean woue .... or income new r y d, co rated ----------• 1 br 1 ba unlurn. steps 10 F.:r~'s. ':~~!1•2~Y~· ~-TSL Mgmt S.2· 1603 •••"-f,.. rege, upstairs 1750/mo Avall nqw 675-2637 ah I prop Ptln only lt050/mo 517 Po111set· 3 '¥.-p . ba nouse 234 beech 1445 mo G arden view S595. •2 Br 1 ba Me11 •• verde •-, .. &. ••~f 780-1668 6PM ' M0-8927 u... ~lj)93 flower St. 1Ji50t m o. 11.1.a-129.5 -•• ._ 979-1137 ah 4pm ,________ ?:.•-•t-t+:--i•e--9ff1-; ~·ef -~lie~ tie .......... ---~--uC11111aiw ··J .,. mms Smart 2 BR CO<ntf' used Cozy Npl Cresl I OWn· Kiit pelS Gar $495/mo THE WHIFFLETREE 1·2·3 •••••••••••••••••••••• ROOMMATE "-' e •pte ··-· v-b .. r 1 nA.A.d 11 B • 833..a974 Bdrm A.pis Gym, Spe, Studio apl, ocean view. .,..,.ux ..... JI ..... _. ... • ric.. rp c . u w rs um1t•• ho ma pool 1tnn11 nr WCI RmlLI Sauna, pool, tennis, elc utll tncfd $375 mo 332 FllDERS de.ow e Bkr979-4383 Cloaedgar BtlowCst l«iti 3240 beac h C a11 101et Avellablenow S300 s500-$525/mo2Br 1Ba &46--06l9 EncinoinSanCiemenie 2111 1Mt1 Aaa It Hwy $890 642-0972, •••••••••••••••••••••• 962-0607 w eek u P A 0 en' 1 story, sh1g, drepes. I (see the Mgr A.pl C) Oldeet & lergeSI agency 673-6355 HOME FOR RENT H-er_bo_r_V ____ H_o_m_e_3_B_r _2 675-8170 petlo, lrpk:, d/w, beamed Oefuut poolSlde. ctra lat· Alt chents screened wolh htta .... Spectacular ocean & city 3 Bdrm $675 Fenced Ba lamoly im s !150/mo celhngs. garage o t 2 b r . 2 b a b II n a, 2 Br large duple>. with phOlos g relefences 10 2-bdrm townhouse llghls view lrom every yard & garage Kids & Purchase option tlVlll Oceanfronl wkly ·2 & 3 br, TSL Mgmt 642-1603 dswhr I '" miles beach view deck I bloek lrom Crecrns Cosm()p()ltlan apls. plus 4 bdrm reneh room Lato• & spaetous pets welcome 545-2000 ~4•61177 comp lurn'd Gar A.vi ,.3br, nr SC Plaza. SA A.dulls. no pell $500mo beach $675/mo Mon· Good Me><ning AmeriCll. house Xlnl rental art1 2 Br meny amenities Agent, no lee now 640-4784 C8/port, pool, spa 1675 536-8362 Frt 599-0821, Eves & The Tomorrow Show llU CEmll llEWNllT Elegan1 Exec su11ts In pres11g1ou1 loc Incl se- c.retatoal, recepllonlst 1elephone ans & more Oles l•om $436 mo On- eal! ores I 165 mo THE HEADQU ARTERS COM· PANIES A proteu1onel envor onm11 n1 171 4) 85 1 0681 5<10 i.Q II $1 00 per sq II 3975 Borch NB Agenl 54 1.5032 7 ------ WESTCllFF BLDG. NC\"IPO~· Db\C+:· (')' ..... '""tirlol• :· .,. ·-........ . '""'--./, __ ... ,_. /( ....... /r .. __ ...... ,/....., __ /_,_ .... C1ll Mr Howard 6•5· 6101 ·b.r--·- r~·~~.le.~ni!'.ct~.:'~ $1200/mo Call Anthony 4 br. 1¥. ba. lrplc, 2 car SUYllW Pet Ok 752-5822 or ''•mile beacn. 2 br, 2 car Wknds 640•4025 * .,, Oii * t o all new rou. Call WOLFINGER days 642-5757, e11es & gar Sgt l amlly $800 Boaut 4 br. tam rm, 2'"1 641-1460 ger. cov'd patio, all pool J.a J••• clients who need e piece *lrLllE lffaars* ~EALTY wlcnds 631-6630. Avaol June 1 673-0626 be exec home 180 deg r•~hts & rec are111 lfWPtaT 141 111t " ._ 213-539-1394 C..ta .,.. JZZ4 I Br condo $350/m o ~=~e~·~~~ewT:~n~!: E~~'.~1:~a~ ~~t:c"ii y;;? $6 Simo 2131925-4796 ••• ~~t!!!'M! •••• l~!f • ~;~~ ~~~6m810s~'ft°~~ c M Triplex fixer S65K •••••••••••••••••••••• 9849 Continental (Apply swimming, gardener $1, $495/mo 900 IQ II I BR, b81h & garage, 7792 Trl·Plex. large 2 Br 1 Ba. Mite 10 stir w/2 fem. epac lease required A<ll Aor- dn s 139K price Prine II NI If 5·30 daily) 1-497-3690 500 per mo 644-2057 f>-46·4645 Newman 1365. let, last yard, quiet area $460 N-por1 Shi s home 2 por,er Inn 2172 Dupont only BY OWNER TIE LIOO FfW I. • 32..1..1 II 2 II.• II & dep 642-4431 661-1827. rooms av81 May 15 Cell AM 833-3223 6A5-3340 A I I C M . IYl•I ,.,. 2 M s Ir Br s . 2 'It b a . 1 • • • Randy, 8·5. :J2·065 I tn n OSie "' 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• $700/mo K1d1/sml Ptl Newly decor Gu pd dUHTN APTI S.•I• A.• 3111J 450 sq II turn ollfce ~UNITSlnHUNTINGTON NEWE S T gat ed 20 3Br 3Ba ExecHome ln ok Avollnow Jonn,i.gt encl ger dwahr,pool, Neu beach Spacious •••••••••••••••••••••• Prof M /Fshare•u•ury space $400/mo BEACH. 10 years new Townhome VILLAGE Nor1hwoods. 2story w1th 631-2242 bbq Adult•. no pets qui et 2 Br 1 •...,Ba MacArlnur VIiiage 2 Br 2 turn Condo S C Plaza 541-0753 AU 2 BR S.C58,000. Bkr. COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br •Ira lrg lam room No 6A2·5073. Townhou1t 1495/mo Be new carpets & ap-S 2 8 5 6 4 I · 4 6 2 5 . 536-0123 2'h Be 1600-1800 IQ h dogs please Gardener & Newpo11 Htlghls large 3 980-8856 pllancas $625/mo Call 966·8479 TRl·PLEX In HUNTIP(g· TON BEACH All 2 Bdrm, heavy shake roots 14 yeer1 new $188,000 w /20% dn o w e Bllr 53&-0123 ol pure luxury. Garages, water paid $900 /mo Br 3 Bl many amanl· 1&111 UI AP11 213/746·6250 daya, hydro-tubs In matter 545-2000 A.gen Dr 2 lies $1150/mo Call An-A.dull living, 1 Br , cer-2Br. l 'llBe. 1375 + 1375 2131377-1221 eves Aak Resp F 10 anr 3 br 2 ba Prome Oll!Ct 673•1003 sul1e, dining rooms, $750-$800 lhony days 642-5757, Soec:bd studios one port pool & laundry No dep, gu pd, nr Beach fOt Mr Cashman house.C M Frplc Nol;miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BAYFRONT wood bumlng fireplaces, 2 br, 2'"1 ba $800-$850 eves & wlcnd1631·6630 endl'WObed<oomlP8'1· ..,..11· •• 25. 93 1 w llllh B lvd & M acFadden, P~ls or kids S290 +ii' j 0 • • P ,.,.. ... ,_, ,...1 6..,,. •89• 2 B< 2. Ba twnhee, laundry, utlla Av811 May 1 Kelly I mer ·W v oven1. ,.. 3 bt, 2 ba 1925 Country cnarmer, Npl menis FURNISHED St M6-04112 qu,..., no,,_ 1 .,..,.... .. pool, no pell. S.C9S Eves _7_60_-099 __ ,_s._9_-08_26 __ exec up an v a Ide Pd• 11o 1 &1 3 bt, 2 • ..., ba $800 Hgls. S Bd1. 3000 IQ II and UNFURNISHED. 2 Br 1981 •• ..,.... •-. 111 I Br w/garei•· welk 10 2 13.377 ·2519 yar •.oar ener prov -3 bt, 2 ba 1 1400 vac•n1 RV access Call ,.,..,,.... ...... b n 1•3 t 0 " ----------1Non-1mk1 3br condo. d_ ... Ea...a 1 11 In 1 ~ OakwOOd also olle•s fir, no pell 2 peraon1 ••c .. • P• " ...., ""V n v g on Y 3 bt 2 ba S 1500 turn Otani agt 631· 1266 902 2827 902 4078 ....., 40IO $200/mo + 'Ji ulll S 150 15mlnoteefromFNhlon 4 b<:2ba $1350 -----•A11UIJllU.P-'«I $425 Sierra Mgmt • • • •••••••••••••••••••••• dep ~-3654 HB ,,_,,. Ziii ISiand, 7 mlnul• 10 SC 4 br. 2'• ba S825-$1100 "lpl Pen1nsute 2 Bdr 1'11 'I~ 6Al·1324 1 Bdrm. 3 blocks from OYef 21 POOi. 11c. ltnnls .. :.~A:;_,............ Plaza or 0 C Airport Le RatSOt Alty 833-6600 I Ba lrplc oar age. opn Oc:cuc*lCY bt1ch No pet• or chtl· S1ep1 to beach Reta. 2500 I Q It condo Bey· Salelleese/opllon nr OC Ju11 •••t of Newpon beam ce•hllQS pvi patio •• 1 ..... "'-ln d1tn S2llO. 11111u1 ptua Newpoc1 Bch 548-4260 vtew. poo l on beau Airport, 4600sq11 bldg Blvd & IO of San Oleo<> HOME FOR RENT S740tmo Avail 81 1 • -'""'' dep 898-3662 Greenbelt 557-7883 or .. , In 0...ept" Full MlfVIGe/custom OlllC@ & Ot$k space Nr 0 C Attporl See to Apprec1a1e1 111-llll 4 2 o o sq 11 A c 0 r c . Frwy Starting at $900 8 4 Bdrm S750 Fenced I 955--0096 evestwknds Rec:teMlon UY T1tllO.S ---------El 11de C M Rm In pvt 6A0-6339 ~ 200AMP 3 phaae, gue-month 831-5439, 2473 yard & garage Kld'I & And Mucn More' 2Br •Pl w /pool, laundry home w/pool Shr b&lh Young prof (MIF) lo shr ~~·-•-•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_• ranleed lenant 1,000 IQ Orange Ave , Co Sia pets -!come 545-2000 SPACIOUS 1 Br rm. no pets Nr IC Hosp S250 Pvl bath $275 lovely 3 BR Turlltrock CdM dla suite A.IC. ample II FlnanclllQ Below mill Mesa A.gen•. no lee SPYGLASS For a month O< a lole-Fireplace. pool & much 1500 873-2252 557-2783 hme w/couple Pvt bath pkg u111 pd 2855 E Cst By<>wnet 5•6-4502 l&CI UY WOODBRI DG E 3 Br nme ModelsooP<l~•!l• mo<e ·~.block to beach I Br Npl Ben. spacious turn . ore 1enn11 pool & lge Hwy 675-6900 ,,_11 '•• •-•, • .._ 1'"1Ba, nr pool & tennois RIDGE 9amlo6om No s. •••tUI garage 1425/mo No quiet. pv1 studio, pr1v1-yard Ava il 1mmed EXECUTIVE OFFICE Bal· -In _, •-3 Br 3 Ba Townhouse S700 mo No pets Avall ._.. Pa 11 12 4 2 0 I h St 1tge1 $450/mo 640-62llO 553-1539. ask IOt Gary bOll Penn 525 11 $400 ••••••iilUEiS••••• ~~:a=:~:ir~.' ~:Y 1 s I wk o I J u n e ElE:~:IE Olkwood 536-8149 female prelerttd. Room Nd 2 rmmte'1 to shr 3j; m o pr Iv Be A I C Commtrclal lot located 1ctr11. No pets $800/mo 494-4142 Weslllde 2 Br. 1 Ba oen· S575 Spac1ov1. cheery 2 for rent. $150/mo 2ba hae. 2 car/gar lrpl 85 7 611 1. 675·3600 near Buena Park Civic It• e e . t 11 & 1 tc 1 Br Condo, nicely up· 4 Bi 2,,., Ba 2 llrtplacea. Gtrden Apertmenb ~~~~.~·c~',1;:.1.g:rra•p~~· Br 2 Ba Prlv~ Petlo 646·5436. Ilg yrd $230 Im med 1_5_5_1_·6_8_3_4 _____ _ Center 18 avellablt for 64~6423 ~ded $495/mo Call putt1no green, gardener Newpof1 a.di/No. No peta. chlldren. water· No peta. 633·3 7 Furnished rm & balh 662-1115 or 546-5169 Costa Mesa 250 st su11e 1150,000. Lot alze Is 11. ---.-E-Sl_YE_l_IE ___ , n 552•7485 S 1700/mo. 680 Irvine bed1. $450 + H Curlly llThlt 1144 Kitch priv. Tennis, pool, Home to shr $275 mo Incl $175mo Ulll lncld 779 600sqltandownerwlll 4 Bdrm 2 Ba f amily **WHlllHllE Realtor Joyce Edlund l1tl6tlll deposit. 546-5442 or•••••••••••••••••••••• s 1e p1 l o bch NB u tll ISi & last Furn, W 19th St 851·8928 help tlnance. 831-74370 home Quiel area. Avail Sharp 3 Bdr 2 Ba voaw 8"42-8235 (71'4) 64~1104 _7_7_0-_56_29_. _____ 2 Br. I 'h bl upgraded 1275/mo 645-5734 all non-1mkr 673-8302 Balboa Penin Sub lease 2 •-mediately Many ame-•-Cl 32•1 CONDO N orthwoo d 4pm. Snr 3 BA 2 Ba hme Coll offices ol 1000 sq h ea "" home! Near lake & beach ... ••••II 1, ...-Beech/So 1725 mo Ava II 7 1 I u111 1 1 & k nlllel. 875--4912 BKA club Avail tmmed •••••••••••••••••••••• ,, ___ , '· meatiBJIU 73l-M23 Room for rent, kitchen Pk, CM w/M/f Pref pro · 1ani oria par mg TJUDI T 10\>\L REALTY " $1000/mo leue on 1 yr BEACH C OTTAGE, 2 170018thSt V prlv Lady Pool prlv non smkr $260 mo incl 673·66lO am Tl I PLU l!lt 8 others lo choose bdrm, 2 ba Wik 10 train, ll>ov•••l l&ll'I) TtWllllEI ,,. .... ••d '''' S60/wkly. 557-6•48. ~6-2718 Prime oll1ce spi ce. Co-Gell you alerted tn real from twn bch $700 492-7913 (714) 642-5113 ,. d 1 •• ••50/ eetelt ownel'shlp New Condo for rtnl 2 •• •••••••••••••••••• F haa rm w/pvt balh In Yg F ahr 3 br, 2 be home, rOt\8 e ,..., .., mo 1 Br We1l11de, C M ~ut..··-'hrldCJC 8'a J••• Br 2•;,Be_l705/mo Obi IOIAlflMf apt, MesaVerde.C.M . 1 175 & I u l llt Cati 675•95IO C· 1 Lot. See al 117 RO· cnetl8f, Costa M .... $3751 "'""1 gar, llrepleoe, pool, epa Moll •••oant •P1 bldg 10 ren1 10 nonsmoking F 10-3 30 Tina S.2·8558 I C a•llNllT 1 B mod 1 E Id 0 .. I C1•/1lt1•t 3Z11 666 W 181h. M&-2739 In Laguna Beach. !Inell 25+ no pets $250 • • Al r up ex. ells •. ~tl llj ••••~•••••••••••••••• !~~~~~~~~~~ locellon In town, bretlh· 54e.;307 ' · PROFESSIONAL m11a Oll1ce space avellable C M S.C50/mo ., 1 "'""I 2 Br 2ba. lam rm, encl 2 eeldy acro11 It ocean.1: 18111,.,, vlewa, 111 bull-lna, non-1moker wan1ed 10 55ct.,, ft 966--0122 2 Br TownhouH with .u "'"" car gar. cloHd beck· toe 2 BR. S250 wk, up E SIOE-3Br, 2BI, garage, heeied pool sub oa· 1 ... I IHrl llSO she re Ilka new 2 b•· ...., pool, H B $575/mo lr.itl\•rt•nu •·~ ... '"1n•· yard nr schl1 R v 110-Carport 673·6158 children OK, no Ptll rage, eleval~r l ease •••••••••••••••••••••• droom, 2 bath, San Juan Olllct apece avallable. 0111 •I C...'1 L91's gel your 1nvestmen1 . rage avail $525/mo 1625 mo +MC dep, ra-only $850 & up 330 Cliff Pvt rm. beth, gourmel Caplatrano condo ftrt · 85c to $ I 00 per loOt tn • P.&. .,,,,0 atarttd Agent 556-6516 Umver111y Park 2 br. 2 ba. ISi/lest g sec g cleanlnQ A ... tt•nll lundable Avell Mey I Or 4 ..... "•" meal•. tranaporlltlon. C>lace. """"'· iaccuzl. only Cannery V1ll1ge Burr irN •~~ alt gara ge Condo 32102 VI d 01 r-646-9596 ... """""· ,..,,_,. Whit Rllr 81£ •'""" ••••• •• •••••••••••• Bell Ea111lde focatlon. $660 553•0168 evea ;e,<!,7 5a • ive U.JuaidH •----------• lndry, companion, for 2 mile to beach and 1 • .,.. """ PALM SPRINGS SUN· roomy 1 Br/water paid. 58·256 •••••••••••••••••••••• Sharp 2 BR 2 Be. l ge lllTI HAii LMlll act111e, elderly lady. Ir· Dana Point HarbOt 1275 Olltce 1n CdM, 2nd story DANCE VILLAS CONDO AU garage. Adult1, no Deerfield, 3 br. 2 be Jl•I• W ••• Jiii ·~ rooma, all bltn1 Incl OIW, Deluxe 2 bdrm, 2 be, vine. 552-3037 evs. plua ,,., ullllllel Cell Ger· w81k·UP Ocean view, Privacy & 1ecu111y. Lg pet• 1435 631..075-4 twnhse. lrplc, 2 cat gar ••••••••~•••••••••••• I l •••1 gar, MeH Verde. 1525 Walk to beech 1750 No ._._,_ ............ ,1 ~Ill herd (7 141831·2040 or cpll. drp1 & panellng l•cunll walerfall, furn $725. Call le>< appt, (2131 3 Br 2 Be Beautiful 1u •••I .-mo. Call 540-1158. uk pete a...u, "''" .. 498-97S8 420 IQ tt 675-5-444 10% loan euumable ..... .. 939-3041 bef 2pm ocean view. Wii i! 10 4aR·29·;·;;~~i;:F;~i;, la< Larry Of Pam Adil• 411•-4060 ····a&;\iii;···· Shr beaut oc .. n view • TIE wam I l 8 5 • O O O · < 7 1 4 I Sunny 2 Br 2 Ba Xlnt loc 4 Br, 2 'h ba, huge yard. b •a ch I 7 5 0 I m O bll·ln1, patl!lllQ. Close 10 Clean, qulel 2 BR 1'h be, 1111 Reu. Weekly Rates nome In Laguna with I Ob exec aulte, 2,012 SQ 325-4871 ~~y~~:.az:,P?~0ti;~.; A/C ,luxm1tr1u11e. 835-5500 bay&oceen B rk r pet10,no pet1.l465 !'!!r.f!.~~! ....... Kllcnenett .. -Phones ot her l400plua tt incrg 2 exec olce .5 IHI lltalt over lu1h lendicp. pool/ 857-0342, 552·1901 3Br 3B11 xlnt So Leguna 675-4912 548-4508 NO FEEi Apt. & Condo "Z" channel Movies 855-8755 per11oned sub-oles. lg I I • 1 2 h ---------rental•. Vitia Aenllll. s d 1 1967 N •--~1 -.. ape, dbl gar/opener DEERFIELD • 2Br. 2Ba, oc st " 811 mont • 2Br, tB1, blln1, relrtg, So. Coa1t Pine 2 BR 1 an P per• tw-Room me t e wanted cnlrl work area plus lg ~· -' A II $2000 675-4912 Broker port ••••••••• ••••••••••• Avail. now. $800/mo den, super clean, plush 1on1 roq va mo garage. y1fy 1550 mo. ba, lgt patio, lull sac. S 190/mo, steps f rom recpl rm All done In TRADE Cabin In Fewn1kln 9 711 ·3 3 7 6 wk d y s . cpl, AC, lrplc, dbl ga-Beaut llul new no me 111 . fast + $300 HC . Kida OK. 1505 Incl gH & Verulllea 1 br condo, Bl Coeta Mesa 645·9137 beach Need aomeone oecorallon 11yte. beaul $96.000 for houH or 751·8184 eveelwknda rage, lg lot, redwood Please call 494-1056 lor mature 1l11Qle 0< couple. waler No tee Agt S550. CloH to beech. ul1UAll -by 51 15. S.5-2061 In eppeeranca, In toe condo In Org. Cty. deckt, nr poofs. parka, addlllonal Into. 873-8969 ev ... 752·6005 957-0222 Full aecu1lly. M8-3874 95'1 -•g, praallge bldg. Newpor• 548-55l8 or eo.4509 Spaclou1 2 Br. 2 Ba eplll no pets. Avall lmmed . ...,,.••i•llll J-• dys uk for Kathy. Wkly rental• now avail. H.B. strolghl Prot gentle-Archu M arina Bldg aft 4PM level, l rpl c, m~cro. 3 ,82 5 mo 752•7499 "'' 1 •-2 Br 2 Ba, patio, carport, Stlarp Garden Oueal $105 & up. Color TV. men will allare l111•oe 642•4844 deck•. 1kyll1t, open 833-3656 · • •••••••••••••••••••••• Npt Penlnaufa 1 Br 1 Ba, no p•t• 1460/mo. Avail tlomt, 1br, qule1, W IO, Phonea In room. 2274 home near beech wllhr---------- TRAOE Centrel Coaat b .. m,dblgar/opener. · HOMEFORRENT frplc opn beam~llng1 5/17.54&-8e75 patio, S335/mo . NewportBlvd.CM. maleov1135 .l 3115 OllTA•U clHr, cu1tom 3 br view Avail. 5-24. 1850/mo. W...W.t o..4e 3 Bdrm. 1850. Fenced garage 1540/mo. Aveli STUNNING large 1 br 848-8333 6A8-74'5 963·8636 1 & 2 room ottloea from home on 2 ac. horH 9 711 -3 3 7 8 wk d ya . 3 bdrm. 2-·~ ba, Jape· yard & oar•ga. Kid• & 8 / 1. 1155-00116 evta/ ool 1 0 w Promontory Pt. rem 100• S205. UtM. Included. P91Y· Alaace6ero.1225M 751·8164 evea/wknds nese garden. comm pets weleorne ~5-2000· wlcnd1. 0"81~'"s1~· P · 1 · A,.ilaltlll F111/1jH .,,,,..,. 1uabW II""' ta< rmmete lo lhare RMlonomlC'a 875-e700 ValUa. FOf hOIM Of unlll. pool. leke, 1ennl1 prlvl· Agent, no laa ' '-•· ""' Otg. C~. beech area. Out11andlng Me11 Verde ,.~,.,. ,,, .,, •••• --------•t U•f•t• .HM # ,,.,.,. llfl 2Br 2ba ocean vu apt 288 eq.tl. 0o1191', Newpon ,...__ ,. ..... •"•" home 4 Bdr 2',., Ba on ''g"• 11175 per mo. 3 bdrm, 2 bl, vary nice, _.._ --Otic 2 BR. walk In cloM11, ••••••••• ••• • l'o~':':' ••••••••••••• •••••• ••"-" 87£3,.,,,. """"" ..--55 783 7£" I •••••••••••••••••••••• blln atove & O/W, mo· • • •• • •• • ......... .,.. YIN Beech. Choice patio · cul-de-u c. 1950/mo. -4 6 ..-160 875 mo. NHr •choof. Walk 10 pvt beach, 2Br, __ ._ n~ 110 mot• Senior Ledy would Ilk• 1oc11i on. 1308 mo • ... - --.,, Agl. 831-1288 Alk for i-, 1182·2288 Of 893-3117 1Ba. lrple, lg patio,~ -• I pa • 1 . 631·1094 So. of PCH. Wiii~~ Anne. :':7.~.~~t .. l¥.f HOME' FOR RENT garage, grdnr. Cape Ctllld • r.te. 645-893 Kennebunkport? :i::·~~'&~.doh~ __ Tl_ffl_ISl_ .... rW __ _ rMI •tat•. 0..,911 Pun. e..utltully dtoO<attd up. Lovely 3 Br & Den, 2·~ ea. 2 Bdrm 1-478. Oerage. 1 Cod, complelely r.mdl'd. E/1lde 1Br gu.11 houM, t 0 b c" & 1 h 0 p 1. WITllflllT Oii ()Wnr/bkr. 751-1221 graded 3 Br 1paclou1 No pets. 1 850 Hana ch fl d 0 I(. no P• 11 . • 1000 m 0 . ( 7 14 ) w/gar•o•' uUI. Avail Wasn 't he the Ambassador from M 0.7390, 873-7075. ...... ..... lUll famfly rm w/atone trplc, 5 6 6-1656 or In o • ~5-2000 Agent no,.. &73-8508, 833-2900 8-1. S.C7S mo. 64~25 T R It? Superbly 1~. View .. ""' lrenctl doors. covered 494-IMM Cody 2 br newly dee toe patio Australia under eddy ooseve . Fern. 2 Ihle lge hM CdM of main channel! FUii ... ...................... patJo. OrMt IOf en1en• For IMM; 3 Br 2 ea view, Clalmlal.., •• .. ..... enCi QM. Kida ok. ~to'. ;.'u~11g,~~'-:~~d~;~1:; c r • 1•r111 1•rv1 c e . ~58· Gerdener Incl 1795. Arch Bch HI"· f•luithW Ull 3 bdrm 2 ba 2 11ory 2228 Rutgera. ~f'V"""\~ bctl. Non amkc. 1325 1526-M50. 2 room"'"'· ..... hnJIW · 5~7 651 3037 A £ •••••••••••••••••••••• ' ' 815--e3711642-1208 V-"~I II..../ 780-1323 11175. 87$-MOO •••••••••••••••••••••• •.. vlllt .,11 . Aesort•Llka edit treci, nr 1ownt1ouet duplek . -------~-..... ~ '1 1 ,,. BR. yard. no pete, 1-1u .U. JJN SC Pl.ta. Pool, grdnf. Dix OvertlU<I palfo. Privet• Ville ~ •• 2 br, 2 be, H yCMt'rt nol ,.,. who (OI Wllal) k.,.,._"'Poll w-. M/F 10 ahf houM wl2 lrg A~tlleeM~llon nt OC •••••••••••••••••••• • ~~1"d1 OK . Waal1lde. tt'A'tt':'o•••••••••••••• 1Br. No peta. M75 & 1-45 110:. llrapl1•1101•· dll!~,: f1mlfy compi.x. S500 + Clofl't ta.I W. -JOll'rt not llofie ._.nlport ll IR 1 bl trplc IUIHteek AlrJ)Of1. 4 eqcft btdg. Cleen & pretly 2 bdrm -5 mo. &4l..Cr83, HOMe FOR RENT utn. 775-2680, 658-1828 wH .. •r . Bu • na. •"" dtp. lnol. gar .. OW. one ol 14 d!st1ncltfflr dltlt<eftt IP'flllltllt ftoof pllftS 3 bike t0rom boh CdM: •UOO •q 11 A olc. tlome, Piiio. garage. E SIDE corner tlH 38r 3 Bdrm. 1875. Fenc•d So Cout Vlllu, dlx 2 BR ;',~.1~::;. '1. 1 '• •• • mc»t ullla pd. ~8-4147 11 Su wmd Y1111ct NI HIMlbn&tOfl kadl SUW!ftd 1380 pa1 m o Utll Incl 200AMP 3 ptlH~UI· ;&~1J·1~!~ & ~~:~Y ia.. •Ingle gtf, ig yd: yard & glf•O•· Kida & 2 Ba. nr So. Cll Plua. 2 IA 1'-4 11, tplc, D/W, Wiii' IJ • 1uult of to!Jly ptrSOlllflled proltulonll 875-1721 f'W'ltaad 1**'1 1• eq $450/Mt} 81a.tM7 kldl l pet OK M75 mo. p.is ~ ~5-2000. a.c:. oat•. pool, clbhM. 2 br, frplc, encl. garden l pvt patio & get. No pell. pl~ Tiit kllld of tllenllOll JOU dtwcvt A '*"'' M/F 18-25 anr 3 bt'. 2 be. ~ R~~ "*1 • 111 a IH1 + 1100 1tc. Agent, no tee. seoo. t1t-et111 paUo. llOOlmo. Call IOf S525 mo. 8'3·5411 bltlld ol nature Md hYllll -11ntled NI• fOfnt w.tll 11epa to bMotl, 341t1 at, ....... iowneriiiiiiiiiiiil-~ "1al ._ 1J ~!J..;1~1011 May 20. r.-.. .,..., '1ll eppt, 87M&22. •w 1 IR get ·~• balllllifts 11<oob and Qllttt ~. COOied br nat111ll N.&. S240. l78-1041 •WHIT .. ...... r.m•"m••••••• ....... ..,. v "1\-;r.' ••• -r.m ............... ,, ru.Jd# 28r 2ba, rat1•d celling, 7.j·, I g ; 58 '1_....i 1 y' ouan lllttm. AM to tllel llMIS COlllU, switlllllill& •"Tum K!r <>mce" l390. e:.~:r-= •. 2.t, r:.~:1--ft-.-.--.-.------~,.,, 21e, W .. ltlng dftfln. ;-r.;'ettie•••H•••••••• lovely loo, no1 ltf froM &41-833\weee4e.232a pool$, a~ alMI e COllwtMlll IOUllOft flUI s/lojlj)lllC s:.'~~o0t!.~au~ •"lt'anch' Office 176. t1400. 17W100 3br 2ba lg l eM rm IO oe to Dena H9* Lib a C.t1 ar... ffM b ••ch. I 8 7 5 /mo . •Ad ttlljllOtflltlll •flf ,ot'Ye IOI• plt(t "'~ WOUid na. 1ennla, HetCIM rm. •Slmlnar/Mtg Roome ---------rncd yd, wtgdnr, te75. bch. grdnr, IH. 181111. ••••••ll'n"t•o•••l'l•'l• 1eo.eoee Ultm Otoudly ul llofM. (ht.fl ll~Pollll 1soo1mo. utll• pd. hol.tf1y. fttlf. lffff II 87i-1113 493.f.411t Ill&. -&.t ... MM 1 bdrm 11ov•~~ One 1/14 IWO '*"•·OM a1ld lwo betll 111·8052 . • •Typl11g . m1lllng1, H:W ·;·,,. ;·•:~c:~d~. 3 IR 2 BA. frplc, ,.,., 2 Na. ,.,., llff ALL UTILITIU '"'D • :::.~ •••••••••••• :::::: ~~Ot ptllltl\11 "'"' $51UO M/F "" 4 bt' tiouM • ...,. ==·Into 752 ..... 11500/mo. rurnlthed. cu la"O•· No P•tt. ;•b:•;t,~;·,;;;-;loe Compare befort you ~~nd ltlorea, nr ~a<itl, pool, 1000unfum. Mo. &oMo. 177 /mo. 111 + 800 yaid. co~'d p1!1ot, UP• rtn1. Ouetom d11lo.n. •rat•B• !lr}•~'~:.•;·.'11/:~~ .......... , ... ,1_ tennl•. Oer•o.•. W/DI mu, ... re1ttel. tit. a tillt. 8U• llO. ........ zi. 642-0l38 oredecl.1900. 1>'0.282$ IHlurll: Peol, llQ, IPtl1mft aeo. M2-0ll1 '" ,.._,. "'_.. "'40, l)lenO. 8HO/mo & !of NM 'mcm, ltl6 _..,,_ looaUon1 nHt to 1 8A. & OE.N MdUdld & cov'rd 0"•• eutroun. ~ ~~ .., ~ a lflop~9'9 & tneatert. ~. ~ ywct,.,.., dad wtttl llllU"' ~ 8eaul~lanctaoi;: llMll 1 IA. 1 pettOn :I; "MMTI want" to w I --rift ltl I. weter _pal • r&nge. Ho !!!'IP..ti. ... IMf plnO. Ho pet-. • ~= par=~ Hut : .,... =-•M 1~ ...--.. V1119 l• ~ hedl; CA br, 2 b• condo, Hunl.E~~~~~~;i~ ..._ /.I pee.. Carpott. I J101mo • HOMI 'O" MNT 1 Br. lam. from= pe1c1, No.-., ...._ .__..... an: Hh. '•"'· to ttlr. wf ~~-:r-··--·••••• Ut. + ••eo u c. lldrm.Hn.Fenc•d 1•tum. "°"' ...,;., ._abdfm,llM;~Yer· (11>••1 1WM.~fl0.12n Tuttletoelt Ylew I ... I ~. M2.oe3S, yerd a Olf•O•· Kid•' ,.. w. Wllotl,Mt·•Jt , " ............. llr=H· .. ,.... ,,.. .. Siii a.., ..... ,"""-" Oii ..... 61ft, C04N4 """· S1UO """" Wfth Diiiy ~ Wlk.ome 548-.IOOO. 'Ind •t1aiyou wenl In I It. "'II. N10 ...,.., • .,., •_.•lie ... It~ wi._ "'°',.,.. 1..... ,_,. W• Ada. .Aeent. no.... Delly,... cu 'A di 22IO Y....,'40... nMMI $110 .000 o wner 675-3099 1 ., I ~~.............. ~!t:~.·~·· I!!~ ..•.•.•..... FINI HOMI Conor•t•: "•move Old, MllO/COMM'LJINO HOMl IMPAOVIMENT ~ ....... . ~~'19. .••.•.•.•.••• ~~~ •••..••••• ···············~···· IMPAOvu.HTI Aeplaoe New. Sm/lga 20 Y'9-Do my own wotk. Mf>Al,._,.lUMllNO MdltlOne & "9nwldallng )Otle. ._,..,.. l4&-I012 uo. 179041 Al 64M1"""" u-.u ~ ...... Want a RIALL V CLl!AN HOUSE? Call Olngllam Gitt. ,,_ 911. MM12S Dr. 34, moving to Oalll dlvoroad . looking ro Nwpt Bch l albo• are boat altttno or ,_ lltt po1ltlon wt'tlle ~qulrln reeldenOe & lb.ldylng Callf. Ito. Dr. H.D. L -Nlll9I Candid l'hotoa of your •lklflnkW "-** by Rlollard Sinor. Lio. moet tr .. aured memo-Aea.foomfl'I, COtrwMl*I al0e44. 11 yra of lleoPY nea. L)'nM, 131-4278 Lal~ Ser'*-&V ._ ng,, Oll'per! • -· cd-. , •. QlM e.,. tit.. ,,. •·No too ....... •••••••••• .••.• !.~!'!!! .•• .... •• emaa. 64&-1111 .. ___ ....... ali-:. DA v OAAE' My l\omf. f<>AMtCA COUH'T'EAI o.n.'11 MelnteMnol --·· ~ ~ lo'Ang ewe.. CM Top9/CeblneU r.e.ced R081N'8 CL.!AHINO a.vtoe •• thorouaNY clalw\ tlOwe. ~7 toc:.i cuet~ ,,..,.,A...,. .... ~ Y'C)U, 131-4410 •••••• ~~ •••••••• ,.., PAINTIA NE£D8 NMt pGdlea l e.cturw • • •• •• •• •••••• •••••• • Uc. ,;;Mt2 77 :.:;:::. time. I09I a-4. ,,_ eat. 642-6M7 -~-----i-'_Re_D..;.~-~-"_a~_ ... _1 Cuetom LO' o.n.. lf--b----llL..-~-· 1 ... ..i..; RESIDENTIAL REPAIAS ...... CLIANINO SlRVICE: ~:::..:~ u . s 1 u 0 WOfU<l30yra1111P.lnV ,,...... ..., .. '~~~Ww. E.llt. ~ Olllnge. Pl.ASTE1' PATCHtNO 10011 AtMrna ~ De* Painting 147-&1le RHtucoo1. Int/ext. io--------- 00 IT NOWI .. .., ..... V our Delly Piiot ~Directory Lookl"I fof a hOrne bull-.,_ --•1 _., I•-•-~ 1 call doea '' all. Rela. ? I ....................... ...... ,,.,, Don ~ ......... "'1•" der ea1e con1ldar AEMOOELJAOC).()NS •••••••••••••••••••••• ,_,,,......., • Reatonabl• rat••· trM ..ttmatea. 720-0742. l'!!!'!T..~....... ..... ~ )ft. Niel PU 645-.2tn ftl. Raymond J41#fM'y, 3419 E. : ::I •••••••••••••••••• t?'tl't., 26 yra txp. 941. lluU/a• ..,___ Randall E. Pr.-V Jf. & and Cerpentry, Llc'd. l•lmll I ., Fred Wll1on. Parle View 26 YM'9· lrwln 5'41-2719 CMltlna & Ed IMt-7826 EXPERT HANDYMAN HoueeclMnlng, hO,....I' ' , ''· C.M. (ecroN Bond9d. fne. Atft. Color ········"'············ _,,,.,.UT 840-2082 Catpentry . Roqllng dependable. from Ralph'•). 93t-&105 a11p9rt 913-0tt1 Olde DB&. Ml-1UI rnir;o; • Rtpreeentaittw MJ ... 11,nt. IH Homet Inc. El Toro Oto 714-681-9780 Fina llnlahad cerpentry, ~!!'; •••••••••••• remod•llnl 1peclall1t. Lio. 4 195 7, Randall 720-12t0 ~~~~~~~~! CUSTOM SPA DECKS Patloe, gazM>o9. Uc'd. Cu,_ fl-'wt.W-b~ll John or Rick 171-3218 •••••••••••••••••~• ••~••••••••••••••• Bart, mantel•. kit. cabl· on-.ys. P.nilng Lot l!..,._I l#ftn nata. ralaad panallng. ~ s.alcoatlng. :':::'T.'"e•••••••••••••••• doora, bookc••••· re- S&S AapNt 831-41Hllc No Staam/No Shampoo mod. & add-ona. Xlnt Stain Spaclalllt. F .. t raft. Lie. 8348278. ~:;;v1NG dry. Fraa •t. 1139-1582 536-23ee Repalra Comm~. C<ptt tnatall/rapalred n.-111 Lie 1397382 845-8181 Flood damage. Steam ;-:1.":~•••••••••••••••• Dan Hallberg Grading clng.554-8510, 87M588 DRVWAU TAPING & Paving Co. Raa/Coml. Shampoo I 1taam clean. All tutur• & acouatlc Lio 387104 842-172 Color brlghttnart, wht Fraa "'·Kevin 875-9088 ~~~'!'!~ •......... Wonting Mom: bab)'91ttl CdM. 3-6 'If otd1. Vldtl 759-1083 Lie. mother wlll care to your ~. Lg yrd gd,,....... 645-5313 crpta • 10 min. blaach. DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Hall. llY/dln. ima S 16; avg Rapa Ire, naw I old. 11 room 17.50: couch 110; yr1 axp. Bud 552-8582 chr $15. Guar. allm. pat odor. Crpt repair. t5 Yl"I fl«lriu/ e>lp. Oo work myaelf. •••••••••••••••••••••• Reta. 531-0101 ELECTRICl~N-Prlcad ---------"'• right, frff Hllmata on EXCEL CARPET CARE lerga or .,.,.... Jobt. Cpl, uphol, araa rug Uc. 39M21. 873-0369 dearllng. Wont guar. Fraa aat 845-1771 LIC'D ELECTRICIAN Oual. wortt-RMa. ,., .. Plumbing, etc. 642-e<>t3 M2·2090 . . TILE INSTAl.LEO I KHOW-1.ErS OET ED----.WuSECLiANINO ~ ............. Top Quallt(' lo pr lea, •Wf I llY• All Kinde. Guaranteed. Dll!I He can nx anytlllngl 18 OUR BUSINESSI 8RICl<WOAK: Small ~· f:,~~~ e: ~~r,:; 1,.J ._._, --.1.. Refs. John MO-t217 494-6969 10 yra. Jan6ce'1 ReQoady Newport, CO.ta Meaa. "'· 714·739-070t •••••::;;:r:i .-;:r.:;:. **Al.L TILE•• 'SMALL JOBS: painting, _An_,.._8_7_5-_26_14____ IMna. Refa. 17&-3176 QUALITY comm/re1, 12 Quellty woni. 10 yra ... plumb, alee, ce~. Expertlaa Houaatiaaplng CONCRETE, Brickwork, O::,~ ~~64 f:!r:~~ll~~~~r:::~i par. Georgia N14'7t Aau. Fraa aet. 7 Wa ~nW't vacuum & Drain plpea. clMnup, ~. ......., Mia. 17W11M ,.,_,_ ~ ........... . 6M"-' n..,, ~ Kitty 841-4870 25 )'I'll U9• 53e-20M Blahop a SOn Palnttng L.R-••·~~.:·K:l•;•• ----------• •••••••••••••••••••••• Ouallty Hou1aclaanlng Cuetom Brtck, Siona, 30 yr1 aicp., 8eacif't araa. ~•••••••••••••• Day eva eurnmar HARDWOOD FLOORS w/a peraonal toud't, CM, Block, Concfete, Stucco. Fraa eat. IM&-1029 LabOr/Matartal Roofing ' ftOhwtl TlllUll ... Lawn·~ lnatall Traa~ Lawn ca~otllllng 54l.aoe6 or eel An1war Ad 1547, 642-4300 K&D Landac;apa Melot. Raeld/Comm. ctaM-up. Lt Hautlng. 648-2489 Gardening Wanted Mowing, edging, raking, 1waaptng. Fraa utl· mat••· 45-4372 or 645-5737. LAWN CARE Comm/raald. Nwpt/CM Xlnt, rallabla wont. Orlf /Oftf, Barry &45-7 4 t 2 THE GRASSHOPPER Complete Lawn Malnt. Dominic 642-4351 nm Tapped/removed. CIMn up, lawn renov. 751-3478 BMutlfUlty ciaanad Irv, HB. e.tll 1150-0933 A«a. Fraa •t. 649-9482 All fypea. 10 yra exp, Mf. Morgen, 646-&'78 and waud. 1132-4881 HOUSECLEANING CUSTOM BRICKWORK ~~ lie, guar. LMry 642-11233 1---------- .. fllh• R~~abla N~~~~':"~.::~:..~~~2 (l~ig~t. ~k1-9103 HUBER ROOFING ~•~••••••• ••••••""•••••••••••••• anya All fypea & Fireproofing Prola11lonal Typing & HAULINO-•tudant hH EXP. HOUSECLEANER #ma Palnllng/Wallpeper1ng N9w-RaooYar~ Bookkaaoloa my hOrna lge truck. Lowaat rate. Rellabla. rate. FrM ••t. ••••··'··••••••••••••• Quality WOl'k-r .... rate. lie. #411802 5'41-9734 Lynna 83l-4:i78. ' Prompt Call 759-1878. Call 24 hre. 955·2418 -ABC MOVING-Uc'd. Davkf 8444090 ROOf FIREPROOFING __ Than __ k_you_._J_on_n_._,Wlll olHn your houH or FOolck, Careful s.vic.. l1•rl•• Mfg. guar. a« c:hernlcel. m... CJMala• DUMP JOSS ffl El I ti It ree eetlmat•.552-0410 ••'-•••""••••••••••••• DO IT NOW. Fraa Mt. ••••••••••••••••••-•• a Small Moving Jobe ~!~ec:d:c;:,s"g, Farthing lntanor Daalgt't oevt. Painting 847-5188 "Let lt'ta &.lntt'tlna In" Call MIKE 648-13111 ..,v .. ,v .. .,.. *l-1 ....... HAN<llNG ftO/ROU Cell SurW'tlne Window Joen'a Cleaning MfVlca. T~uaflty, ~care Ouellty. Uc/Ina. Strip-REPAIRS '25 IO f185 Cleenlng, Ltd ~II IU! HAULING a DUMP • Houeaa, Apt• .. Rental•. In ComHng., 2 >:! aicp. ping. Diec. on paper. ,, .. W-ALT. Calln0-enytlme2 2"' • 20% Monthly Olacount JOSS. Alie for Randy. Offlcal. M().1287 pat tlW ... t.. Vlaa-MC Scott 645-9325 ·21215 641-8427 No ovwtlma. 730-1353 •RESIOENTlAL* Bo tnlllhl Expert wallcovarlng In-i.~d.8.( A¥g 1 aty 13(\; A\IO 2 tty PROF, SERVICE .!.!•••••••'-••••••••• STARVING COLI.EOE etallatlon Rau prlcM ••••••••••• ••••••••• '45 Chr1a 957-4318 Hauling . yatd ~up Dr. 34, moving to Cl llf, STUDENTS MOVING Conaulta~t Aallgnmani BUOOET RATES/Uc'd 1--·------- 0olok & c:laan. Fraa eat. divorced, look Ing for CO. Uc. T124-438. 581-8690 Low min. Sml Joba OK. W11•1• ...... 873-0548 Nwpt Bch Balboa arH IMUred. 841-8427 Fraa •t lne. 841-7581 INtne'a ba9t. 8aalc 1 aty .. __ , -•1tlnn or .. __ llttlng __ w_A_T_C_H_u_s_o_R_o_w_1 _ ASR PAP£RHAHOINO ·-2 ...... ..,. HAULING and local mo· """ ... .., ·-7 yr• local axp. Quar. ,.,_., -v. .., .-. Ying ltudent wllh truck. poaltlon whlla aqulrlng 11/•ll•'I. work Prlcaa atart at •••••••••••••••••••••• 559-1302 Wa Cara Crpt Claanarl Free eet. 831-5072 Tom St~~.~· TOP QUALITY ~~~ ......... .. l.Jl4•n ..••.•.••••.....•...• ................ Work guar. 1145-3718 ELECTRICAL WORI( Carpentry. Maaonry Reu. rataa.. 531·5056 Roonng . Ptumbtng L ...... , •75 81*0 relldence & atud"'nn for •• · .. _ ... ,,.., __ Doctor ..... v • v Call!. Ila. Dr H.1o :·Lae ••••••• •••••••••••••• -/roll. Alec 751•7027 , R';;ir/r:;.;;;: Cuetorn . .t.re you planning a move? Cuatom Carpentry Dack• & patio•. J .S Conat. Co. top quallt work. Lie. No. 3110801 Fraa eat. 659-55, 1 f!!!!~!I.~!!!!!. •••• ELECTRICIAN: Lie ... ~~. SJtB~.; !J!!,. Cement-Maaonry-Bloctt 233108-C· 10. Small .._,....,.., · · ..._. .. ...., H1ullng, grading, clean ( 4 14) 7 8 3 . 5 t 2 2 or ,..,, PUITilll Have you realJ loday • RMa. 831-6300 1w rneg Cfaullled ada wlll polnl up, demollllon. Concrete 783-4550 RHldllndu1/Comm'I. Clasallled Ads? II not, you In the rlghl dlrec:11on waii..Cuet. work. Lie. Joba. Malnt & repalra. SELL Idle Items with a Rea/com Rob 547-2883 _S48-__ s_200______ Dally P1lol Clanlfled Ad. & tree removal. Quick ---------Low rataa. Free ••t you're mining lhe bast Hive aomelhlng to aell?' 10 !Ind the home '/Ou Mrv. 542-7838 Claumed Ada 6'12·5678 875-7188 bargains In town! Classllled ads do It wall. need 842-58711 CHiil HL IUJl 2250 sq 11 In the Newport Balboa Savings Building on East Coast Hwy Air cond1lioned. ample par· king, carpeting. gross lease $2250 per mo 67M400 HARBOR A Dtv1s1on of Harbor Investment Co FH LUii 300 sq It. Foot traffic. Ontwn Leg 494-5688 IOIMl PllPEln Fiii.OU FlllTAll HI.Lil 2 ofllce/stor age bldgs ( 12.500 & 2780 $/F) b - cellenl corner loc .. par· king Lease all ~an. Annual lease w/opl. to renew. Fountain Valley School District, P.O Box 8510, Fountain Valley. 92708. Naomi Wieland. 8'2·8851 °"'' ...... , ... 2 11111. 1 compreuor. t 800 aq ft "' 3500 sq ft Call 819-5370 ask for Victor \ ( : ·/ J. / 111~. ,, l•I /, , \ to• I • •.•f 01 ' , ~~!1.!!.~ .. !.~t FOUND Male lrllh Setter. 2 n d T D • a Red Male, mhl lhee> Blk S20,000-St50.000 lully & brwn. Fem. mix lab, amort to 20/yrs Other blll Male, rnhi lhep. Biii 2nds 10 S 1,000,000 & tan. Fem lhep, bnirn & Apyts, comm'I & non· blk puppy. Male. ahrl-l•'••lrlll ••lll4SIO owner program Prln hair blk cat. Male. Ing- •••••••••••••••••••••• only. Call lor agt. DOW· hair, brwn, gray & blk N.B 3975 Blreh. 5600 sq. NEV SAVINGS Brant· cat. Newport Shelter, ft. or IHI. MIA zone. 1163•2611 125 Meaa Dr. C .M . Agenl 541·5032. ---------1 844-3656 --,.-,-.-,-.,--,-.-1--1 ~!1.!f !!'#. •• e.~1•.•-L-01-t-Ste11_o_w_a-tch_5-_5_, -Ylc-1 WarehOUH •P•C• with S t0,000·S100.000 ... for 18th·& Pomona, CM. carpell, drp1, & ••t local raaldentlal TD'• Reward. 548-8038 any· bare. 700 to 3200 aq.lt. Max 60% L lo V. Return time Meu lndultrlal park. 3-4 above pflma. Call1--S-C-D-IU-.-L£-T_S __ 7 11 W 17th St., Pacific Dennl1on I Auoc 1\1\111 Bluff lndultrlal Park, 873-7311 18 3 5 w h I tt I• r A~ •. ---------! ·NSWERS 642-4483 & 642-7604 ..,.,,.,.., ,,.,, " -------1 '"'' ,,, &IMI • Tullp 1100 aq. ft. 2 olca. w/ ••••••••••••••••••••~• Froui . MulCle cpta, F&R dtl, O/H dr. WIDOW HAS tu for TO'• PLUMBERS top cond. Frwy ctoaa RE Loan•. tOK Up. No Anyone who maku a 1385. 1000 IQ. It. f325 Credit Check, No Pen· mllllOn doll8"1 lhould r• O/H dr. tollat & bHln, ally, Oennl1on A11oc. Ura end lat 110maor141 af .. a1oraga loft 875-0251 573-7311 have their Job. The only INDUSTRIAL BLDG ... ft!!! problem la lo1lng all 3400 IQ ft. CIHn, good --thoaa good PLUMBERS . ...__,Ion H•"'t ...... eor I bur dtaoountad Truati-----------......, ' '"'' ""'' • Daedt, llral,l'tt notH, ,. •W OU '* bldg. IM l·20l8 2nd• or 3rdt n lor.clo-••••••••••••••••••••":l' .. ,.,, ,, .. ,. 4,. --or banlcruptcy. Faat AGORAPH081C •••••••••••••••••••••• action I Contact John H!LP UNI! ,.lllSI' Shea. 8'1r. t5W4~ 536-7T34 nekl~•~r apt/ ~~~~ ... ~~.!.~!! !':!!!.: ...... !.!~ condo, !Um. or unfurn few own limite d uae. Call Laurie at 714~1414 /uJ!*l!lnMI ··~···········~ ··- • > FINANCIAL PCANNING IR As t atJfl ffHIM 1100 DOMESTICS •••,...•••••••••••••••••• Mature hOuMkeeper for R8$p0nslble person M-F 8am·noon. Starl $5/hr Laguna N l guel 493-6-480 Ounge Coas1 Plaza 9901 Chapman Ava Claulfled Adi, your on• • WANT ACTION? Have aomatl\lng to NH? 1109 lhopplng center. Clullled Ads 642-5678 Claa1lfl«S adl do It Wll. Aatwtrtllc Sen profestlonel Varied du· Telephone oper Exper ties Honesl, energetic, only No other need ap-rellable, 5 hrs pr d~y MIUlEIPll West Haven Plaza 16185 Brookhurll ply 8-<1 Mon M·F 382 Mon-Fri Cer/refa req d. needed lull or part time Third St 1 ~uni Beacn 6'40-8982 Good salary Bl-lln~ual The City Shopping Clf ,_,, 16 City Blvd Eut Appllcallonl being accep-lllYO (YAI) References req'd. on· led lor llrlt quality furn!-Good driving record, lllCt. Jan. 494-8'60 tura dallvefy driver. Own Clan 2 lie ., work with Hunllngton Center 7777 Edinger Ave. 9922 Katella A~ Garden Grove tran1portat1on, tele· elderly. CdM. 759-8471. Houae Manager, lull time phone & xlnt driving ra· Exec. MC. admln. aulat. & Mon-Fri. Busy houaehold cord a mu1t. Call Mon· confident In Newport need• mature, depend .. Fri 8·30 9AM only 11 bl• peraon to man1ga 114S:74a5 • ' Canter. Long hrl ., ard home. Clee.nlng, laundry, E.O.E. · work & qhallenglng tor tight cootilng & ahopplng I~~~~~~~~~ ASSEMBLERS. Wa wlll aomaona U11UIUally Pia ... call 758·80~4 "'1: train. Apply 7AM: Mac· bright I akllled. II thll 640-2950. llM&L 119f, Oregor Yacht a, 1831 1en't you. plMM cell your Fullllme. IOf laal·Paced Placenlla, Cotta Meu amartast. unchalleng.d, INSURANCE 1urgaon·1 office, Naw· undenltlllzad friend & tall FOS hll opening• for port Canter area. 8•¢k AUTOMOTIVE I ham about thl1 ad. a>cp. lndMdual1 to Mr· otnc:e axpertenoa helC>fuf. ( (, ) ) \UTI ( (,--~a;~~-..., ) llldiWJ Compen11tlon to $24, vice paraonat llna ac-Photo llllng dut .... Call •.-.U 000 plu1 banelllt. It count•. Muat l\ava good 644-1240 (9-12, 2-$). ws--. you're tha beet, plHH oral & written communl· N .... reply In confidence to: cation lklll• Salarl --IWTllT ewspaper Mutt 11~ c .... A lican-Mr. CharlH, P.O. Box commaneurata w/axp. Front a baotc office. Ex· ae. Full time: 40 hour 8589, Newport Beach, ablllty. Paid company perltnce prefeNed, full wffk Monday thru Fri· Ct. 112te0 banallta. Ad11a11cement time, Fountain Valley, ' day. Cadlllao •x~ FOOD MANAG'iR. Ole. a. ~::n~~~:e~ appl. call ~7~•acl't .,... Carr·1ers ~~~·:.,~:. .. afonred ~~~~-S.':!':;n~~nlp~h; 111.IJ Pl.lat ................... · .. : . . . for A»utes EBS Sept sen. CltlHnl w•I· come to apply. 544·6378 Hunt ngton Beach oanaral office. Huvy : • : In I 1 • pllonH. bookk .. plng, : Adllertlllng : fount I U-11~ & N Be h u .oo "'· cert1fl•d AP· NATIONAL ADV. Q R ·YUINY ewport QC p11anoa. 642.02.40 C()ON)lllATCMt llMflll -.. Coordinate & tchedul• national Mul1 be,...., and-. to advertl1fng. Ae1pon1lblJltlH ln- wortc wtttt ""*' 0ut1ea elude: monthly report1, corre--.,.---• .;;::s.:;;;;__._=----.i '~:~d'~ ~:,01 ~~1~3 apondenc•. heavy phone work 01•an & m••ntaln l!Wofk JA~IC. Ca•h~•r ••par and llght fllJng dut~L A leant areu & run erranoa. help~. AtJfll'I lhould h•w tome ex- Muat be over 11, '••· """" .... parlance, ability to handle UIY pon•lbl• ' "1 " cam. 1111 ._. Ill•· • phonea, be detall oriented and :i;·:1r.:=,,~ &:: .. w tut w abl4t to _. c11reotty with MMtti- 942.-a -mLm lif'9 9g911Ciee. etc. T~ llOwpm,• llbr11u., nMded, my H•.,on ,.,... •• aalon HrL I to IPM. ~: P9feo11.a tiome. June 1, .....,. M1o1at l'l••• local folio· OrlAll C.-.... ..... ---•-' ... ·' ...... ...._'-''-.•-..•---t ~,,.,.u,,. oo""" ••·_,It.. llllii •::i·~~:!.,.-;:" ..:IM&m~in':i:,::..,::..,:ii..,: AR._ .,_,111a•J I llllff bOm •• " old -'"· blley 9afboe la!Md ... .................... '°'"'",...," • • • CAlL ctACULA TION OEPAATMENT _.. ..... ... , 1 I .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 1, 1082 !!.:'e~i~~·!~~p •-.i-••• ~.e.-'.·"'········· •..• 1!.•·mr!!f~-!\tf ~~i·c;.;~· .. ! W.!!:~!l!!! ... /!!f ~'ft.~ ...... ~. •;:":SI '' f'!!!Al .......... ~ ~ ... ~-!.!!!m~: ..... . h1lp needed, 1ppllo1 ,........ TM MM"""'-Nt 8AAG.AINS •BBRFI03ololkdrloh l /IA 510'1 11111111 •lll)l ...... ! .. ! .......... ,. V C'-"YI 4 •OlP~d .··"!9140~0' IJIW nJI tloN S·61'M, C M 1973 1e1ef .... ,,....., ~ ....,,.. 11$Q' 229 Slwla, C. M Sit~ • nv. o ean ng 22' Ctwle Cteft 'N . M.,. 'Tl HOHOA 760-I' 8'ID9t • • · " • •••••••••••••••••••••• lrvlne & 11ttl 148'-l tOO .. o. U41 d~I. Hev.; ( ... 04rn-.•·Llne) oat 150 875-99112 hog. hull. lv.,y °""on. "*' bll.' 4 In 1 'Ket11er1-.-•»-0 __ ,_ ... ____ _ SAILBOAT CIHnlno & , • ., ........... UHd q~een ••• worth SAT/SUN llAM. Bird M1glc 1.iend Gold Mem· Ofeet oond. ~ hdr chrOfM, a.ooo OflQ 71 Pf250 ~ton .)( 4 «. mlnot repal re tulc w.·,. ._kin~ to build • HH, OHh 0111Y. ttU otOH buffet gllHH berahlp, mu al ••II • • oyt lnbfd ''° "'' Het· mllee. Mint oond. Muel 000 ""-L.ote of xttlL AA m.ch aptltUde req'd Pl lebor pool o quillfle del, Ueuelly 'home, meet ellcer. OOod m1eo' l'Mfilet Yllue 11260. Will CUIH •n!. ,ull lnitru· He •1HO/bHt ofr.1_5.,.4_~------- 11 m •, In o wk n d • :n~~ ~':,~:fn~=-:,:: 1M-1S60 ll•m•. 1t442 Perch Cr Mii tor lt100 Cell'= :i:~':;.~ r~~ 841-11145 1971 Chev~ ton 811V•· 94&-7100 preH 11H Al 1eu1 on• * *' BUY** HB 902·3162 Ammerman Wk 851• eummer pkg. •ooo: YAMAHA "D 125 twin ~LlldO l*d"P8tt\ldl.1~1•0· S•IM yeer'e ••wi.nc. Int~ Cfib, high <:heir. pley pen, Small Wood d••k. brend 175-1474 "" c:iond. tow mllel, IO 01de, · 10. ~ " . . L ... llll ht Mttl~. PHte up, c•mw• Qood uMd ,utnlture a IOf .. t>ed, blk ... Wonder ~ 145. mpll/15 mpg. 1eoo. 497-3414, 4t7-1718 btre IHt .. t OfWl IOn Ot pl1tem1111ng A~ I Wiii ... horee. dre .. er, roll·•· elt-0498 ,71 27.,. rt l~'YLINIA 1114'02 'IO CheY El Cemlno, em/ WU .. ,. The P1nny11ver I• •c· Zv=~:1o Y:O~u:'n ~ °' l!U. for You w•y bed, toye. b•by to 1111 ._ "Vlotor11." ''Y bridge, '78 YZIO recitt eng, MW fm, leipe <**, 20,000 ml, oepllng 1ppllc1t1on1 lor aubatltult or ca11.1n basle llAltm AllTm ~~\g1~:· ::i0:.:: Mechlne lor beck ec1141• VH, redlo, b11t t ank, tlree, riilable. 1150/be ::~ By •PPI · 131.~ll..,tMMll Telephon• Sollcllore. Pl S1l&1y depends on ••P.· HI 1111 Ua..1121 l8•2 Corl•neler Coate end slrff•. S275 Firm depthflnderlOlc>Ofteotatt oft. Aob. 641-1Mt • ..... D• In time. Hre Tun lhru Fri, r1e11c1. Contact Pareon· I llY ... ,. M.. 557-3391 18' pwr boat, w/40HP ,11 ... ...., 1H 1111 ..... ~ T --·-- OAM· 12 Noon Apply In net, John eon all 1leo eng, • ..._ CUST DELUXE Pk UP 28402 Marguerti. Pkwy p1reon 1880 Pleeenua. ~· Otut Lee 1167-1133 UUll UU #llHUOHU b .. utlful cond. 11600. 4500 mllM with 3t mo. ~•lo• color with me1: Mllllon V:fi, C.M Pit t N tull-lln 11 t Unique mlao ltema, hou. Walltl "'' ISISMMllll ror 636-4563 w.,f, Like new. H450 Ching flbergl•u •hell. (Avery Exit 1·5) SALES CLERK. lull or p/ 33o•w Bay.SI $eo. Newi;!:r:.:: ••hold cloth•• and ...................... Wlltll Offer. M UST SELL. l!qulp'd With comp tow1---0pen--_9unc1aya_.......:. __ time. apply In person Co1ta M1111 1100. 76(). hardware. Sat-Sun 8·6 lllTllT 11&11 26' sa· T•k• C1Vet loen 848-4e29 p1oklo• Incl overlo•d PllLIC 1011CE btwn. 10.12. coita Mna t992 'n Church St (In Ciro• 1t40. Like new • ...,., .. ·,.. __ .;. Cln -~"' p P 80 cc Yemlha, llrMt... aprlnge, brak• 1nd Ugh! S11t1onera. 270 E 17th An ~qull Oppty Emp1yr Oiw 11ze ..,,_, eot• & reer) Colla Men Electrtc l'llOvement.1740. ,.._ .._,, · ""'"'' · • gel, 1166. control etc. Auto. CNf11, ·lmllPTIY Ill.I St . Colll Mesa llnerl. 1170. 2Hl9 e111 OoHn Blvd. 71S4-1030deOI' 945-0493 873-1805 97f-01311 P/8 , P/S, AC. Aeer ell· ll'JI ... ._2 •• ,,.,..,/,. 649-367S Ne I B h E d f .., t3' Wtlal«-type S..wttdl, ding window AM/FM ·- •••••••••••••••••••••• Bil~:rPen~:~li n o 40HP Johneon. 12000. ~ .. I 1t1r10/t1pe. Cu1jom 4 IP .. d Irena., atereo Sil.El Ea1n big money working pert time by the Beach. CALL w w Wiicox blln•1 MJO Sot1b9d,loveMlt,ooffM OllJnfuall~I 848-3'48 Vernah&llO,af>9'0x.800 whl••ndhHv)'duty t•pe . a i r cond. ••••"'•••••••••••••••• tbl. end tbl, 01blnet. O•r•o• Ht1. 8210 Merl-r..1 I "'J ml. 1275. 641-70411 tire•. 44,000 ml. 17360 (078MVK). Thi• cer wlll loAAHOG. Cheat on C"-"1 1250. 857-8904. gold, Coron• del Mer ••• ":1:'.f!I!!! •••••••••• 1981 15' Boaton Wh ... r, ---------1 080. 117,_2806 be eold to th• hlghHI dr....,, very nice MOO. Oftlce deltl & ohelt1, eleo Late model Adler elec. ty-MW 85HP Suzutll motor, 1973 VMPI R1lly, bl1ck, ---------IMdderl Mike Off«I c .. 1880'• Pine elde table, DIVORCE SALE th hi 1 __. / 1200 new trailer. 18500. w/wtndlhlltd. Xlnt cond. '72 R•frlgereted Truck, for det·"·I • m . & cut• $ 1 1 5 . Cuatorn Sot• ~1400, ~.bf~ ~.~~da!_.~9,!10• 8.42~is~ :+,.":;'· · 842-7058 1975 080. 846-~9. 12· at ... pill• bed, n.w - 7 t4·960·844 I Selea 875-6165 now 1286 • 846- 5 B ' 7' Conf9tence T•ble QM 27' B•yllner. C•bln. Fly· HONDA CT70 Trell/ ~1:.·m~~~o~ ~~: .:. lllTIST OUll sr:" a. I ~7..,,. •• ~'.'!!................ llnl•h. w/8 ru11 uphol. brldold. 110. ~~'" T:/ •Street.~~· S200. brekH, etc. SH Ed & C a ll us ab ou t 1he oulst1ndlng career op- por1un111es as an lnsu· ranee Agent Tra1n1ng will not 1n111rle1e w1lh your presenl employ· ment Circa 19•0. Llk• new. ........., ~· wtmll llllLE chetra. 1 yr old. dklno con · • trld 11 Mobile a.. Ste· YW Electric movement $745. Matching IOlk1 dlrtt wooo 111/stand $tSO 840-8777 SllOO. 752_.363 714-14<>-307o 1'78 MINI 50 Trail. Very gd. tlon, Herbor & Olaler, 7800 W•\mlneter Ave. 7 5 4 • 103 0 , d • or ooffe1, end t1ble1 & Executive mahoginy ... t •-'I ~A concl. S225. C.M . C1ll Ed 1ft 5PM WESTMINSTER 845-0493.., commod1. Auld c1bl· Gelding OH Good w / I ._ ,_., 9113-5272 64e-3aa8 M500/080 youngster• $500 de1k. Perl. cond. Coal •••••'•••••••••••••••• . . 113 1111 5' Cl1wt091 B1th Tub, en-n tis & d r elle re· 951-3591, see on wee-S800, Hll $300/bat. 'll...., Let '78 XA75. Klcfl aize. Xlnt. '87 DODGE '-" TON • •mel. In Jllnt cond, $225. 831-1319 eve konds 948-1945 Ludera 30 dl1111 •loop cond. S325. 8 cyl, 4 epd working 131 1110 780·11727 Nrought Iron dinette NI, TYPEWRITER EXXON S38.000 obo. M ·F 9.5 983·5272 m1n'1 truck. FM, hHI. • Mua1 Mii Ant5 hea:r black ~on !Op, ....... 1111Ht11 IOIS OYX 2+ Electronic Prl~ SUNn 752·71711. • JI, h m•o•. Ir bed. Good,-------- 9634518 AntlquerolltOpdelk•nd 6 h ·b•Ck c •Ira, ;;;~~;.~·.·;·chi,,·.~·:~~~~ Ced to ••II J'ohn MOTIVATEDOWNER :'!',,;.,~,· ''11,,, cond.S95.544·2188 SALES ch1lr S5SO. l 500/0BO. 831·1319 11lver. complele service 845-7000. c.i. 34. Sell-•·••Y cond .• ~~:t.".!!!~f! •••••••• Vo1 ISTO &'' no2H1·e.~F,'i,~~1;~L1 he 558-0790 ..,. lor 8 P91'1ect $700 OBO 1n1er1or Oealgn s1udlo H1tter11. 1175-8711 RENT 211 It motor home •••••••••••••••••••••• USA 1111 the Fovn1a1n ol A .. llHffl IOI r;~~r!:~ ~.'CI~~~~ 5"0•69"2 furniture: 5118 w!'rk & 111Hobie111, oolcfed 11111. Sipe 6, MtY !Oeded. . 1:[/ ,J'_:d~~S M;~!-~ Youth? Free seminars, •'"'•••••••••••••••••• deya. 8734523 evea. J I 1010 etorege t•ble, 12 wall· Ilk• n1w bHt ofr over 84&.eet8 I '19K' 11' I hlgn Income potent la I. HARBOR AREA .!!!!.'!............... P8P9f bin, Ute rllCk $500 13 000 873-8079 •73 GMC ..vtA, -. ~•nt le ~/OBO ,.21, g. mi, APPLIANCE SERVICE -i:ri'tll .,__. 11~"" L di · 14K II d for all. 640-$498 Iv mag. ' . ~'V v" ..... "' v•-$5000. 1111-......a 1111,.,,_ dl11rlbutorshlps a1111la-........ """'new. a ea ye ow 001 28'. Good llght •Ir. trlr, cond., gd mlleage, fully 548-5518, 845-4509 •ft r-• ..._ ble. 7141963-5535 We 14111 recond .. guar. Se I for $700. 845-4400 Rotex dress watch set •-1.. ~ _ __.or, ·•na 4• ~·II E~. • q u Ip. s 24 , 9 5 o. 4. hi ..__, a....-. Sa'·• sppllancee. 5'9-30n di.,., 873 "523 -. II" 2 di d $ 1195 ...... nov• .,,... -• ...,. ..... --•J ..,. ,. .., ··-;57~1445amon s. Ueed 220 .. xc1llent 714-997-4129 831-11249 75 [)Odge Van lllnt cond SllM-kvloe-Leulng llAH A llCI -. j A~~~~~ i~::.-,,":~:~•r • )•b~~~~~r~~!~b:,::;~~· SAPPHIRES & RUBIES cond, Call L91 975-1128 Sebo1. good tat YMI' bolt 11lll•t1 111nJ 1110 S3,700. AMfFM etereo'. ~~~~.·In Euro· START IHE 051-8133 s 125. e 4 5 • 5 3 3 2 • (cul) Need casn 80"/o ott Steel Ille ceblnet, 3 drawer for beginner, $300 w/ltlr. •••••••~••••••••••••• new t1r91• 64()..6332 wmE _,.U Tile Los Angeles Times 1_... Allrnt 78().1390 o s 1 written appraisal legal S55 Aleo Lido 14, only bMn Tiil TIUUI Ford, bl.Ibbie tOp c:ernper. SflYIOI .aJ 1m Clrculallon Oepl cur r~-.... ._ 644-7007 499-1226 In Wltlr few tlrn.e Evee 3 Burner 1tov1, 20 Qll. Table, Wiier. 16 mpg. rentty has pos111ons open Wlll/llfl I upt\l lwtvel rociler chair Euautlve metel deak. 875-7550 w11er t•nk, •Ink, fable, $1850 OBO. 559-1833 111-1111 In 118181 As 8 II aid re-Coln operll•d. $350. 2 y •• ,. 0 Id. I 5 0 . IN I/Es T 0 As + le• boll, 5 o•I. propen• I 208 W. 111 presen1a11ve you II eern 5-48·9490 moma. 875-0805 COLLECTORS-very line •wlvel erm chair 175· Llk• new 15' Mutineer 1111 tank, gd cenvM & tlr•. A•ln Wulltl ISIO Santi An• an hourly wege & gen I u""'I lwtvel OClk cl'lll Ceylon sappl11res. lot ol 499-1226 bolt. Cl ... t>Oet, rigged 111111 ueed. Kept In 01· •••••••••••••••••••••• Cio..cl Sunday erous commissions His Aelrlgeretor: Dbl dr. Xlnt ,,.. r w r 115 Carats. Apfrox 78 in • I """ for reclng, treller. Jlb & rao• when not In UH. WI 1111 JM d S 300 / I 2 y ear• ol d S 150 r• I -1plnnlker, cuatom co-1811 lft I.a& 4pm-9pm For more Info con · o r . 675--0905 · 101 app 11 92,000 •••••••••••••••••••••• vera lor ••II• 4 b o•t. Sleep• 8 comlort1bl•. ..11111111 ... PIHSe call 957 2361 545-8332, 780-1390 Need Cllh llow Take Hand led blby M<lluc:Un, $2895 768-8882 plU9 Other Jltru. 11395. AnyUllng COl\lldered Hu ONLY 13,000 mllll . exl 1204 S.•ra freezer. epartment 2 Redlnef Cheirs much tess make oller very 11tec1lol'llte. 3 mos. 11117-81179 ten lhn.i 1980 · 5 lpeed 1111'1• .. llr cond Gold. S125 Metl. c.11 tor PIP 714-980-178• all 7 $1250. (714)847-5863. 27' ALBIN Vege llooo. dll & AM-FM 119f90 CllMI· s:ulnEd~af~~ssoh':o~=n~a,~ ~11~ Call !Of" appt. appt. 54!-3312. :.c~d~k d•y• any lime Parrot -African Orey, ._y lnbd. Npt. ellp. $18,500. sl',~.m~~j.!;',: :::·r;:: ~~ k I :.,<!~587) PrlCld to gun• Bch Call (7 u 1 1 s..r tappet In relrlgerllor 11' Couch, green. young & time. $180. 548-55545 frig, R .. ee hitch, new _____ _.i91.,uu_ ___ y,'Jt ~ _ _sao, good~ __ Exquwte '• lu. w&ddl (IJ~l-5883--UOEA$ ~.a6' _..,.., rlldlo, ~. t •un p••••i s ioo. 556--0790 -S49-3573 se 1 + 8 s ma II er d 1 a· Hllfld led baby Blue ~ont 11llbo1t. Good •h•p•. converter w/batt char· -""-'ATTAN Dinette ••t I monds App1 Must sell "'··utlfUI & •ff ...... lo le. Newport •llP CHh or OW S3,000. 548-6315 I Order beak. l ull or pll We1t1n ghou1e relrlg, '1 1 & 4 t h'!' Reduced 10 S 1600 :;o:-50. 1714u ... 7:=-~.... trade. S3000. 875-8158 ume, lor Orenge Count· lroettree Mde by alOe, 21 o ... •11 op mi c 0 760-0998 ... ~ ...._, Tent Tr1r, Xlnt oood. llpe 8, ya most dynamic singing cu f1 Xlnt cond Auto Ice c .. ra. Never bHn UHd. Ull 14 -.... •lee converter, new Utt 1 e1eg1 am co mp.any m1ker. Oak p1n eled $300 080. 55f-0790 Beaut (14 kl cubic Ztr-~!!.~.'!!I~!...... w/tleop 87~ 'YI & tlr•. rMftof to UM Good telephone per so d00<a. $400. 642-2897 31ACH HUTCH wtth lhel· ~~~1'v;,:~ ri'~ow~~1~~ Antique piano S700/b91t Ster "3 711 & triller Sl250 u IL 1162-9305 nalHy & legible handwr1 Prlv ply winl• late mdle ves. luge drawer w/3 1125 Hurry• 760•0998 ofr. Engll1h last 1800. Cluelc 01 ... CYV• WOOd. A•I• S.mn, lmi ting a musl H S gra relrlg & •pt size atove sm1ll drewtra $100 646-5919 Corn...._.• olymplc ricing .._ •---udn l~OO dulle Siert S4 thr m.i 556--0790 M L I 1011 ,......, • IN'Sft. T dtcel benellts & credll 845·l04a •~tu•frT, Stelnw1y studio, •bony, •loop . r e1dy to ••II. •••••••••••••••••••••• AEFRIOE,.,.TOA <Itch or p1t10 Ml. Dell· ·~··••••• •••••••••••• lrnmec cond Artlat bnctl Need• aom• coametlc• UTE BODY WORK & I union Apply tn perso11 "" I Elgln production 1urre1 • · S3 00 5 .... ~·-· M-W-F9-11am Animal Llken-.froetlree,2dr. cete~rought lron. lathe.S1500 5•8·9490 lncl dS250054&-8737 2 . ...,._.,.,.. pelnt/upto50'Y1offyour l Crackers 215 A1vers1de S185 893-9060 34x 49 01111 top tbl/4 morns H6rnm<>od Elect H-100 w/ Lido '4 w/trlr, 2 1111 of body lhop 91t. 536-9832 Av . NB . CIW'a. 195• 840-2314 11 XI S 500 N•w kitchen sink. Kohler N terbecl d4lluXI Queen 0...rttt Pt•• •PHker, lmmec cond. II •· nt cond.. 1 . 'M Olm 211 ..... , 1 SALES P1t1me aut o wtlltecell lron, 18x32,4 9'1 cit Mat . $5.550 559-1833 12200.548-6737 873-6116 $85. 631·~589 m 111 n I de I 1ve1 y tiot.. S75, 842-9197 Pa~~~70~~k Uo~: • lftrla 11.iM.•I"' 21 tt SLOOP/SKI HULL. :;6~5~& ~ ~~ ~~ wShke':n GAS Dryer. works good. 540-e~2 lfj1nll1•H•• IOIO •••••~••••••••••••••• t1850 5·5!'1de1 ... !or wtndeur· &nDUll .. ..,. S50 . to 111 c 1 lle r I'. i. I •••••••••••••••••••••• Plafl ••wing m1chlne. er, .,... ~ M tw1tr•• -"I.'.,.,, OS5 Full lemlly membership, Commerci al Mdl ----------1 -. Sales 850•9920 •••• ••••••••••••••••• Jo hn Wayne Tennis 145·H3-6/0. Comp! w/ LIDO 1414249 w/trlr. TONNEAU COVER SEARS & ROBUCK & co li!(.dH IO SWAI MEn Ck.lb $500 64•-4301 11t1nd, motor & extrt Excel oood. •2750tb1t Fits MG'•· ·71.·111 T '--t. U ......... """"' 10 11-. Call 876-4719 ""-~ u• .... S75 Needs salesperson 101 I/ ••• •••••••••••••••••• O bl w ,..., _,, -"• .. ._ ,_,,.,,., -.., vecuums. sewing m 11 SCHWINN 20" Every Sunday. 8am-3pm /:,1~ste~ ~~~01riai ~8~~-11200. 546-9004 C•I 28. IB. Long BHcn Mllf'll 631-7797 Iv m:g c:h1nes, par1-11me Apply in GIRLS' BIKE. M5 Orange Coast College velue St 700 Asking "" ellp. P1rfect cond. I person 7-.ee82 Fai rview & Arlington. S1'00 Cell Answer Ad lr.f!I.t,c..11 1111 $15.500. 714-543-95e8 Porache 358 engine.I 24300 Laguna Hiiis Mall I Olrl'• bike· 28" .B••loon ,coslal Mbes• Admsiss,•,on •57• 642-4300 24 hrs • 5~;.~·.:..::.~·~o· .. _.............__ 8')ert, delrl, seoo. Laguna Hills • , ree o uyers e er' ·-•""' -·-846-8021! E 0 E ~~~9~::·1• brkt ISO. Rese<vatl()ns/lnlo AMWAY PRODUCTS deh· 64:!';oo' cond5 .63S~2!_7 28 fl Exc•llbur. SH50 ---------1 • '>56-5880 vered 10 your home or _,, 4 714-492-0487, 637-oe89 A I W hi 10 IP-' 2e" ltWn light Estate Sale mostly lurni· Cynlht8 Blake 6' 1·1215 30 c1llber Ml rllle w/35 Fut le tun. 38' MacGreg« ••~•~•••••••!_••••••• ~ht xlnt, NWUp tires lure on good cond1l1on eve 6'l-3216 •hot cltp. $275 Firm. C111mu1 n $22,000. IMPORTANT NOTICE SECRnARY •I 1-Or-. C-.ty 2925 Hllfbor Btvd COSTA MESA lll-21H WE PAY TOP DOLLAR F• ISEI UIS IUIU ... NllTllO/lllOI 2480 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA MMIM Mt-1411 WE llY CUii CAii •n•s COMMRL :HEYIOUT "°' lfdrtx.r lit .. 1 I It'. l ~ 'tl ~-" ~ 54#>-1200 Typing, S /H some Dkkpg Real Eslatl! on· vestment firm Newpor1 Cenler location San Joaquin O•I Co Con1ac1 S · 873-470& some an11Ques Phone Free sl8nd1ng pot belly Conltder 38 platol. Per· OB O mu 1 t 1e111 TO READE.RS ANO lfliUiaf ~ 1·3644 hrs 8-tOAM & !tr eplece. never been llal lrede 875-7634 S48-5208. ADVERTISERS ... llYll 4 30·7PM uMCI. $250 631 1218 5'7" Hiydu•Kneebolrd SABOT M•_. ....__ & •• ,1 The price ol ltema Id· I J ame s K1u!'ge1 644· 1860 SECllnlllY Good skills & salary At counting backg1ound helpful C M 63 1·77 10 /61uUIJ #Z -·· """'" _, V9t11Md by vehlele dea Top doll1re for Sport• Easlblull Moving Sate PICNIC lbl for lg lam1ly, Xlnt cond. Sl80. Good cond S75 ler I Wlhlde • Cira, Bug•. C1mper1. ············~·.·0··/FT••••••• Elec: Gnll Tables park cnurch school $45 ~1005 °' 831.()374 IHJ3..5272 • n the cillll-914'a, Audi'• • Lamps BBQ Smoker 'l bfonches S20 540-1735 Ski'•. Olln 1V170 ROI· fled ICMW1lllng column• Aek for U/C MOR Redwood 2x8 decking. Anlq Tete phone Pie· dOlt not Include 1ny ap-4-20' long; llleo redwood hJres Misc No Cheeks Irvine Coast Country Club algnol 180. S 100. with ..,,,, llJp pllcable llllH, llc1nse, -11&11• fencing Lowell price 2433 l/1sta Hoger 9 3 Membership 101 sale binding•. Boote n 8 J>wh HTO tr1n111r leH, lln•nce Yll.ISW&IDI guar Jim or Ken eny-rr11Sat S1500 080 760·0142 Nordic• & Scott S50. •••••••••••••••••••••• Ctiero-, ._tor llr pol· 18711 Belc:tl Blvd. lime. 8'6-9885 645-5077 NEWPORT ArchH M•· lullo n control device HUNTINGTON BEACH Fri. Sat. May 7-8 9· 1 707 * * Q R I £ N T A l rln•. 2 lllpe 1v11f. up to cerllflcatlon• or dealer •• 2 -IECT'Y /CURI c .. ,,., I Orchid St CdM Chtldran n', 1111•, 42'. 942..,.644, t-5PM I (Jocumentery preper•· -•• .,.. Full lime lemporary 6 ~!f!!!t•I IO" & Ladies Designer Clo-RUGS lljfl llUH l i on chergH unle11 WAITED! a1 ._.. I °' tiling (some new) Jewel· ** ••••••.,••••••••••••••• .__ ..... otherwlae apecllled by mos poOftton nvvued . or • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 9 7 9 2 8 2 c 1 ......,.. ' NEWPORT BEACH lllllfllOM ry, Sliver. Household Go r 0 • o u • r u r k t s h o or Sllpa •viii d1y, wtt or mo. the •dVertlaer Lite model Toyot11, PUBLIC LIBRARY Goods 0 1 TV1.-0-hre. Aak tor Jim 648-0551 Volvoa. Plcku""' & Vane. r1en1a rugl 982-6593, 675--2734 ..- I J.i.J .. . CONMRL CHtYIOUT .,.,.,.11 .. rr•.rh,: ''l'-1\'>H"\ su.1 zoo Ill lol&IEI ... SaJee.Sefvlc..LMlllng 850 N. 8Mon Blvd. LI H1bre 122-1111 NUllOHlif'I ti.MST 9 · ... ~.._--, ..... ~ '• '-#•. •• .. "' ....... i.· '80 BMW 3201 Be1utlful cond C11hmere color. luxury peckege. $13,800 or take over leeM 1331 673-4209 1 '81 3201. all option•. u · c1ptlonal cere teken. l mmeo $1 3,950. 498-4523 1171UW1211 1NO 2IOZX. 02, I 91)d, blue, ClL '**8ol. _..., _,.. Xlnl oone1~•10.a. r-P. ~142·1221 ·12 o...-. 510 won GOOd oond. 11100/080, ,.;.;r;. 21111.--(AW:~· Thie OM lw • 6 trene. & AMI FM CMNtte. •YhlU ~good uwu 5-1().82 •INITNT111 888 OoY'I Street NEWPORT BEACH ua-1• 75 Oauun 280Z, xlnt cond 1lr, 1tereo. new llrea. S6.200. PP. 552-1823 1111 l&TSll Hll °"" (462URY). 5 ap .. d treN .. llr cond .. 1tereo & mega. ., f14l2 Offlf good thnJ 5-10-82 llWNIT l&Tlll 888 OoY'I SllMt NEWPORT BEACH 111-1111 '72 01teun 1200, auto. Od cones. am/frn, rlldllll S 1. 000 OBO 780-11382 Fr1nt1c, mull Hll today. 610 D1t1un. 1978. Top cond. air, am/Im, 4 doOf, 5 1,000 mil ... 1 Owner. S2500. 833-0592. DtlMHa 11Zl . ...........•..••..... 1i11 .. DELOREAN (#08067) .$24, .. -. Slit& Ill 301 W. Went« Mt-l4M 11ZS ••........•...•••.•••• '80 X-19 5 tpd, llloy wtlll, AM/FM. fuel lnJ. Taro• tof., S8800. PP . 63 -&330 • '11NT1H S2000. 873-0205 *FIAT* SNlln IUS TOTALLY RECONDITIONS> FllTISTll PllCU 11177 FIAT )(1/9 By hr· IOM. 4 apd., m11g9, 111· 1eo c:ua. e59SMA. S42H 1978 FIAT )(119 by Ber· tone. 4 •Pd., atereo. m1g1, Mint Burgundy 770TYY. um 19n FIAT 124 SPIOE:R. 5 apd .. ri cing grffll. ate· reo, elloy1, PRISTINE BEAIJTYI 1ACP0577 $4111 1979 FIAT 124 SPIDER. Autom111c. 11ereo. chrome wire wh1el1. NONE NICERI 083VSA. .... Meny to CllOOM From JJJ ~;{ J~J1 I :£jj Admlnlslr allon. Npt Cir Start your darkroom to· HTAn SILE P.P. 112-HOJ ---------1 WANTED: Npt. Bch. allp, C.Htll ISIO . Cell ue tod1yt loc1tlon. S7 14 pi hr dayt With a ee..ier 23Cll Sal only May 8 9•3PM NEW KLH SPEAKERS! 31' aettt>Oet. 498-8228 •••••••••••••••••••••• Min 5 yrs up Typing enlerglng *'-· Mlellght 2217 Harbor Blvd Ap1 O~gne~ w;~paper & =·~~ v=: ~~u-40 ft bo1t allp 1v 111. WANTED 60wpm 540-2119 Robin & llltera, eleclronlc timer. FS. C M a9r s & up Huntington tierbour. Security Guard Appllca-v1rlou1 a11el1 & every ---------720-0739 BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA S200 mo. 948-3818 TO BlJY 35,000 Ml • LOADED 1ST OFFER OF S11,900 OWNS CAAi 01ya 840-0783 -840·9451 1981 3201 BMW. Excellent I ~1\\ \~!.?.!l,~11; '11 cond, 18,000 ml. AM..f'M --------- CHHtte , 1unrool, air finl1 1111 lions being tak"en 101 type of derkroom •cce ... Garage Sale. Sat · May 8• -S-11v_e_1_&_c-ry_11_18_l_c_a_n_d_e_la-Color TV Nie. 2 yr wmty. --------..- Chrtsltan School Raf's ""Y lmaQlnlble. All In Xlnt 8·5 Queen bed, dr .... i , bra eenlerptece cost S148. FrM dellvery. ..,,,, ,........,,, .f UTE ~• r 18835 Br kh r cond. Will Mii u package night llland Philco no-S 4 5 0 Se I J $I 7 5 TV Joh ' 646-17811 ,,.._ ....,.. eq 00 ust only $500 751-8408 lroa1relr1g S1msonite na la ff# F.V 962·3312 __ ...,.., p1110 lurn hahld 1lem1 72o-o_73_9 ______ Mlcrow1ve 1ntenn1 for ••••••••••••••••••••t• ISEI IUS Security 47 Bethany Turllerock 12·Pt PIHt stttiaa tf mOYIM In yout tiom. 24 20 f t Sunrey. 11 5 hip WILSON f()RD I' IEmpona enl) 955-t 170 l•rft-&.t C•laa, Slll. hra/day $149. 546-2855 Mere. 110. w/trlr. M1ny PATROL .,.,, IOJS -· xtru. Gd akl bo•t. 8 •••••••••••••••••••••• SllEn SALE 120-GlJI Wlreteu remot• control pea 16495, 646-9004 18255 e.ec:n Blvd BURMESE KJTIEN C unit. flta 111 tv'a, new, Huntington Beect1 •~ It•• •·ea S1t>le. CFA r.,,. $150 htldren s clothes, toys, 12 ...a $115 c~• ""55 .. 1..a2 ••11 _.,. .., • ..,,. misc lurnllure Oven .. ,,.Ht lefttq tf · .,_.'° 110.-UIJM ~ -w. Nights only, 7PM l o 839--0972 mo1orcycle. air cond Fri. sl .. tnrart. 1118. CONSOLE STEREO •••••~tt••••••••••• UTITI •••• 5AM.Mustbe25orover SIAMESEKITlEN S819·4 Vicksburg O "'·-•-• -with gd driving record Channer 8 wtc ...... 110 Nor!hwood l2Mllt erk wolod50c1blnet . .,...,.,., -• MAKE OFFER. '88 Toro. Premium pay foi Ileen-' '""'· · 1 · lnl IJZI n1do, '73 Pinto, '88 Md 1ppt1Cant Many be-548•5821• 558-37~2 NWPT BCH Bell Gar-oe GAS 189 631·t319..,. ·~··•••••••••••••••••• Musting, '59 SllV9rlln• nehll ~ ••~A Sale ever• Sat 9am x1n1 23 .. Color Conaole TV, 7 C1bover C1mper for treller, 980-0181 '"" 8 9VWV $50 72 -07 39 amlll tructl W/rtf/W ~ htttraatitaal • • •••••••••••••••••• nems. iow prlCft to clean dark wood lllnl picture • · 1---------0"-S..•r.._ L•b Ret~ pupa, bike, ou1 lasi On Coast Hwy Waterless 1111nle11111ee1 S450/080. 831 -1319 1700/080. 648-211 4• Aatlpn/ "1 "1 mile. lemale, 10 wka. go inland on Jamt>oree cookware. 11111 In box. eva II •-' ,.__ 111' C.''·--' 1•-10347 Los Alam11os Bl Hllebrkn, $125. 994.5141 Rd. L onto Eutblutt Or . 942•2915 #1nl _... ..... n .,_ Los Atamlloa L at stop Sign onto Vista ,. Sear'• 17" color TV. 8 ~··••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••:,·~···••• 714-827-2020 AKC Germen Shepherd, del Sol, A 10 2610 Vlsto 36 Franklin Flrepll-Oe, en moe old Coe! 1450 tek• 73 CHEV. Open Ro•d. -., I 11 SERVICE Station Allen· young •II black male. del Oro cast iron. xlnl cond, 1250/bit. 848-1946. U2~~· ••II cheep. Sh1y repllcll; pkltlupe & dent. PIT evea & wknds. houee-tralned, protec-$285 760-8727 ..,, a··-~ " coup••· 4 to chooae tlve . S 20010 B O . Garage & Moving Sale I• .... , .. •--' ltll''~ II~" lroml (0011788) (Slk. Nell a ppearance & 552-5482 Sat1Sun, 520 Acecta, FIEE lln ~ I 1111,.1• ••n "' A3093).Prloel1tartlng1t handwriting. Apply: 2590 CdM 10 ., ,_.. •••••• •••••••••••••••• •t II ttll N pon Bl. C M FREE SIBERIAN HUSKY ..., Wh e n You • e e o ur •••• ·~•••••••••••• '111 Peugeot Mo-Ped. Kepi 1 -• TO 0000 HOME JUI UU water1e11 cookwere de· •••tll HI In etorage tot a yeare. SEWING MACHINE •uo: •3"" monllratlon. No obllga· •••••••••••••••••••••• Xtr• clean with many OPERATORS .,...._ '"' Must ee ll all lt1m1 . Experi enced, qulll1y AKC Cocker pupe, M&,, MOVINGll llem• Include tlon or h~h preuure. .._ .. Ill.I xtru. 1391 «beet otfW. mlnd1d. Benefit• Piece buff. •hot•. S200·'275 motorcycl• (750 Honda For •PPI. 57•91158 !verytl\lng for b01t bl.Ill· _9113-__ 2202--·------i retea. 842·9652 OBO. GrHI Mother·e Choppor), TV. drill PfMI, M1mb1rahlp In R1ncho dere & 11llOl'9f Sat. only, PUCH SUPER SPORT ..... -...... -1 Day gtftl (213) 431-1571 TV game. 9ll9'CIM blcy· S•n Joaquin Alhletlc 9•m·6pm. 1023 w. 1811'1 MK II •MINT• H ._,. ''PETS A c11, sewing machine. club for femlly. Reg St. C.M. &45-0920, 1173--14115 THI ODOR I ROBINS FORD lOt>O HAR ROI &l 10 CO~IA Ml \A ~41 001(1 For 1cllve 1por11w111 " .. PEOPU: en tlquet. gl111were, S300, Hit for 1250 In· ~~~~~~~~~ company Must be bon C•ll •bout our Program guna, tool•. 1nd other cludH trenaler IH. -..,.,.,,.,1#/ 'II T.- d•ble. Newporl BHch to etop "Summer hoh" household 1tem1, etc 975--0237 ,.,,., lfllal...,,. ....,.,, 1111 848-M88 hotlc VIOltlone. hair Sale SAT/SUN MAY 161h 1--------.-_,., ...................... :-c*&CJ ~=·mint. · etytee & low at Sherri• & 16th 11 25811 S1nt1 ~heelchelr. Wiii H ll lor •••••••••••••••••••••• 1973 Veepe Aelty, bl.ell, _1_1_• -·------,........._ ... , Poodle klde 4 Hie. T· An• Ave, CM 76· ll46·'400 dlyl. ENJOY YOUR BOAT w~. ><Int cond. ta• .. f~- Worti 11 tiom. con11e11 oup, toy, min. 873-11523 ...,... LAt .. do ttw "°"'' •76 oeo 145 sot ·-- bu1lnH1 own en per 546-"41 Swf['9 Ml, llke "4J, B .... ll INTERAAMS MK. X Vemletl, petnt, dMn, ,._ •79 HOHOA ep ~·:::. ~'. time. Exper IOd pleuen 8of1noer St>enl•I. AKC, M. ~;:S:~111 A';!'~.;.t0J:i Prote11lon1tty Cullom paltt. hp 15~::&o1 rt 8eeU1N oond. Mwt Ill. 84,,...... phon1 voice required l.IYf I wl'tl. Shot• a WOf· Hie 10-4 Set ' Built Rllle Heavy Barret ~ 12625/090. 764-1MIS 1-1-.. -.-.C-1-,-..... 1-0-M-.,-.. -... d-e-e Cell Jotl." 835-3263 med. l200. 498-7959. · 22·250 with Aedlletd • .. ..... Glrl'• 8 pc bdrm Mt, ()(lg 3x-h Scope. Coet S1 , GET TOP Quell~ Cet• KZ IOO, 1e,eao '"'· fllrtna. HOIL. ,~,..tor.CS. ~ Aw.a I 1400, Hit for t3SO or 100 Sec. 1700 Firm Jett =.tryot& :-~IA,,:: duel Nit. reoll•6 b•ok •11.eoo. 145 uoo ~ UUllTllS 714~n-&7N btt ofr. AntlquM, bric·•· 942·1570, 5H-0480 "obert• loet Woru reet, Jtlnt dHll l1HI. l7'S46n ..-. WOfk kl the evening NI I brat, clothM. l~ng C 7 OI l Ken M1·1111. •7 ·~ ........... a•--..... Uno •PPI• for my Nwp 7 MO. o Id 0 d In II • mutt 00. su Onf>t, .._6 l.oe ebetlletoe Tennl1 la· e S.11M, eoct. 21 v -.. v ,_.. ,.,,. --. eon olo tor 1 mejo< ho Sh .. pdog, fem., Al<C, 20eo "4eyer Piece CM mHy member•hlp, coat -II -.. Nd• eom• rHtorlng. tel. Hriy-oommlulon =~~;H But Orr. 846-71124 ' • ~~~?oil:~ "t:Z.:!o.o,:. INll,....,,,. •100 Ml S104 ll80. .....,, bonua 833·3140 •fl Many 10o11-h1nd & ml• 752·1011 dye, IVH •••~!••••••••• ,.,. HOl'lde 150,, IO ml, f...., ..... MM 1PM ,,., " Ftp, "41 chine, collectlbte1, etc. 857·11155 New 12• loeton ~ many xttH. leorlfloe r;r;;;~::;[·~ ~ l&LU ..................... 25782C11teAlcltdo San I C lllflal .... b09t & MW 1~ ltTQO. Ml-1171 Pll IOOkl a't1ari1.f _d AggreHlve compute PU~~. Julf\ Capo Sat ONi e..? :~~ •• 8!,,~~00: !! .. ~ '2IOO"""' !TI ...... Ill o;:s .. ~ tlNt, ~. producn• co. IOOk I CoYC* ,.,..... 844 41tt SAT. Antlquet ~ lo1• Of on lep 1100. 11a:.;Gse -·-r ... Oii() • ., .,...,. ternele 0t m ... t ' .. __ I aoc>cltetl 220 Peullne Pt, 20 I , NATUML OAI OYLIN· It .-• .,. -'71 -OJI, M: fn• MhMpereon. Prev. te ree: r-· lllka. o.r., ~M. po. Ill n,He lt .. I *8. ....... ee.11'9f ,....._, ---pl\oneM6"'••perpr llne..•nd active. weter1H100011ware. -, ltOO • .... ....._,.. 1oou100•. 400. f'd.bl.itnotneo1wlitretn .e'l-tOll,4M-t411 * DTl11ULI * l250.4 .... '7Ht. ,:t~ • · 11• ....,.11 ~~~-~-~~~ ftrlme contldef1Uon wtl ,,..& Kitten•. I wtie. Old ~1. 11·11 9-ut ......,.. apta, muet 'l:J~ude 11 ""·•et Kaw 1 ".a..*' 11~,S:i~:':-:· be~ euno.ty, \,OWllee. .. ....-...... Hll, .1lnt •l'l•P•. make 1•••.· Mtttl •••· •• • 1":.J. • ' 1n.. p11-. "'""'' Ma-7111 ....,.. °""'· ...._.." 9VI 17M7M , .. ...,, nMm. ..;.;..·~·~-'!11!!·~:::=-- lelY. Ci ll: JI"' C•nt* LHAaA APIO. --. • Liii •&ii• .-.auti ... 71•• 1100 k MstJia. iA:'"'P 111'1i1 M Iii ...... --••-...... ._. n l..WI" tll Dtft .. fOI,_" -........ ...... --.. ... --=: ............... " :-~--ii! ..... led~ Y*1 .......... ANTIOU. 'uNefTUltl: ooc.-n lor :: 11M4.:r= °""91', - -· .. ~,. ... -tma!'L-... -~· .. : =· ~ -· ... .. :::1~jlm"='" ... ieeord.ltett~Mtlf. INl•W,•11111 &VII!..~ 11 *M 1nM1nC ... .De , ...... _.fwatru, -o!:L~~-. ·0.~·61 t btwft 1~.J••·~U••_oo..•. -----t IOO. MMr MW ... , , ·······•lfet. Ate" .. 1.1---.nN •t 1111GM..Ml~tl7 ....... 1001 GOO.PIP ...... -,.,_,,_... ... _,. __ ..,__,.. conditioning, loaded. •••••••••••••••••••••• Aeklng S14,800 or l•k• 78 FIHll, very clHn. over payment• of S374 1Unroof, wn/lm stereo, lo mo Call !*ore 5 pm. ml. S3llOO. 873-4978 ~======~ __ v_1c_K_1 5_2_8._1_14_3 __ 1 • .-, Int WI llY ·74 2002. air. 4 1pd, 1t•· •••••••••••••••••••••• USED CARS& TRUCKS reo. Jllnt cond. 14500. 1979 Hond• Accord. COME IN QA CALL FOR Mutt Mii 495-68e2 (282XJP). two tone gold na IPPUIUL. ' beige hlltc:hbec* With 6 ComMr·Oel.llk> C.-' 1111 lpffd Iran•. & AM/FM ........... .. ..r.:................. ~ ... ~ bk.- -·-, ·73 Clpft, ret>tt eng .. new boc* le $4450; Sele pt10e 18211 BEACH BLVD. bfek•. Xlnt c:ond. 11800. 11 14795. Bauer Mol0ta, HUNTINGTON BEACH 840-1143 aft. 5. 2925 HIWt>Of Btvd .. Coetl 141--1, 1414111 77 Capri VII, 4 apd, AM/ _•_4w. __ 9_7f-_2500_. __ _ Top Dolar Paid FOf YOUI Cerl ......... u. ..... ~ 2628 Herbor Blv . Colt• MeM 640-6830 Premium prlcll peld fOf any UMCI cet (torei!On or ctomeetlo) In good oonc:tltton. a.. Ut flfe11 SOlJ TH COAST Dodge ..'888 lli1rb111 Hh d l'n.,I ;i ~l\«,1 ~ O:IJO '11_1 .. ....... , ...... .,0. rNIO. ttlOO .... , .. 'IOICIOOI, euto, ft/8, A/01 uwt .... ontlt, .......-. Mult Hit. U . 700. MM'7JA FM CHI, •Ir, •lerm & more. Per1ect. 833-21142 DlllU 11. •.•••..••..••......... 1111 l&T111 1211 ( ICOD922). Hu low mll•• & I• ellceptlon111y cMlnl ., 81111 Offer good thnl 5-1C>-e2 llWNITIA'lm 888 Dow Street NEWPOAT BEACH ua-1• WE'RE DEALIN' 1"'81ATE DELIVERY ON MOST MODELS SAVE AT HONDA SANTA ANA I I -19IOCADIUAC COUPI DIVll.U "DllllL" (212104) $9895 5-1pd., roedtler con•tt .. ,. AM·FM c:a••. m•g wMel• •nd plnslripea Ser •317129 U•l~lu 111,221 Your Price 18 ,57 7 Subaru DL Ha•chback Thia apony 51pd. hH pln11t1pe1. S·yHr p•lnl warrenly and gru1 Off m1lugt1 Ser •309714 ett doWfl ..,_,.. lllk llftM beeuty O.A.C. will\ 4-19Cf . reclo. penNplete Ind l!M•lrlPM IMtteJ llwTyt Won 1 1•1 lont •• thft price. s.r. •500S35 Standard Hatchback CofM In too., Ind ........ tllle ....... •llh '-tpd .. plft9t,... and ~ ,.,... wenent~ . ... 1111MO OrMQe Cout DA}LY PILOT/Friday, May 7, 1882 lllW 1982 F-I 50 PICKUP TRUCK SALE EVER!'·' FEATURING:• High Payload Capacity• Twln-1-leam SulfMMion • Aerocfynamk Shape • Dual Mitton • Double Wall Construdlon. And the Int goes on and on lllW 1982 COURllR PICKUP FACTORY RIBATIS ·--.... ...,,...... E MGR. SPECIAL! While your <Of It being 1enliced, lent o Ford Euort for $S.OO por doy. ($SO minimum ropalr ordor -3 day maxi· mum, cu1tome< pays for 901). loMtve yourt now -offer 1 a p ir11 S/ IS/12. per Whon rwr body ;..,.in day aro b.ln1 done, ront a LIQUIDATION Front End Alignment. Check and adjust catter, comb«, and toe-In. Does not Include vehi- With f.otd &c«t f. $S.OO ,., day. ($ 100 minimum 100 repair ordor -3 day maaimum, cu1tom1r of every re,malnlng 1911 In 1tock lncludln._ New and Demo1. PLUS cle• with MacPherson 1truts. Domestic passenger car onty. FREE po.,. t .. 1a•l. w. 1o1r. Mil.Es GpfMintllMflh. Off9' ••• piree S/IS/12. FACTORY REBATES hplr .. 5/15/12. TOTAL PRICE Al DISCRIBID "' l. "'\....-,._ ~ . ... ·-..:- 1111 CllYS. Cllllll Gorgeous! Full poww, tit. $3111 c:rulM & ..... QCNWa. Uc. No. 7oeuKV. 1111 FGll PllTG Automatic tran1m111l~n 13111 and pOW9r 1teerlng. Lie. No. 807YTA. 1111 DITSll 211Z 2+2. Ab1olutely Sharpl 113 & Auto. tran1 .. air cond., I '*90. Ser. No. 099747. *· USED CARS 1111 UICGLi llRI Y 2 tone, moon root & only s 8 1 35,000 mll ... Lie. No. 41 101ZVJ. 1111 IEICllY W•. Zephyr model. Ser. Ho. 817571. Ready tor 1um-14471. mer -• great lamlly 1tatlon wagon. . •May 7, 1982• )1 ll I\!! )\11'11 11 (,I 11>1 I() ( )!(\'.'-..< ,i.· ( ().\~I [)I\ I R~I( l'.\.'"l Now_ hanging_ _____ _ Little Alli.son ,Eggers, 4, of Laguna just blends into the art ·Realistic art showing at Laguna museum BY JEFF PARltER ot"h~Not•leff If you think realistic painting bu taken a noeedive OU. century, look .,.in. The current La- ~~ Beach Museum of Art exhibit, "The Beal TJalllC: Sou~ California a..u.t PaintinQ" is fil.. led-with palntfho that Jook IO real the Old ltfasten would weep with pride, 'The pebb8 ln C.oruUe Jenklna'• beach ICelle, "In Memory of Atlanta 1981" are 10 clear and shiny you want to p6ck one up and try to skip it off the water foaming in. The satin bed.apread in James Valerio'• "Letten" is such a tangible blue you want to put your face on it. Walking into the main pllef')' is like waking up from a murky dream and atepping weary-eyed into a bluing aumner momint "1'be paintinp in OU. show are'° reeliltic -so hner- reallltic -you reach for your~ befOft the tour. 1be exhibit is the brainc:hlld of guest curator Lynn GamweU. who writes in the Exhibition Notes that "The best realist painting:s done in Southern California give us an opportunity td encounter our environment Interpreted, edited and distilled into art." . .Fermented into art might be a better wont for lt. There'• a vividneea of vision in the work here - be it a street .oene ln downtown Santa Ana or a ponrail of three women awaah la ftowen grinning at us from bet.ind dark gJ.a.ea -that ia efferve- tlC'eflt, bubbling. But this isn't glib, pop stuff either. You can feel the respect fOf' the subjects coming through in almoat every work. And you can hear the respect in museum di-reca William Otten's voice as be talks about the cunent ex.blbil -? '"lbia is exactly the kind of tbini I hoped to do ,.,ia.n we took th.ia mUleUJ'D ln a new direction i..t yew.'' he said. "If we're goln1 to be a retlon.al ~ here'• the beat of the rec1on 1.n um type ot won. Same people don't think ~ art Is beiQIE do~ today. We1J, this show wl1J •hake a lo1 of peGple up. "JW,Uatic pUnUna ii ltraich~ repot1lna ~f what life ii. But 1t ia'ft't abwt the pliaht o1 rNildtind either. 'n..'•. ~in it -thme Works by and large aren't nepdve. 1"nle reel chaJlenae for the8e artiata ii to find what 11 aesthetically beautiful ln th1a aree at th1a tin)e, They have to cope with all the conventions and tUll take an .veryday ecene and find what ii PIMlina in it. Some peop,)e miaht think OU. art 11 visual pollution. I don't.' ReaUaUc paintina is undergoing eomewhat of a renaimance in the early 1980s. The Pennlylvania Ac.demy of Flne Ar1a mounted a IDMlive exhibit of modern realilln and took it on tour 1Mt yw, a 9bow that Otten calla "one of the two or three mmt im- ponant ahowl of the laP three yeara." Cue in point la the work of James Valerio, whoee blatant yet m~ "Letters" Is probably the show stopper of this exhibit. Three Jeen ICO he came to Laauna Be.ch and oouJdn't tet a pllery to handle bia worit. He left for New York, where hia work cauaht on and la now In areat demand. Va-- lerio's WOf'k can't even be found west of New Me- xico, where Oamwell went for th1a •tunnJ.nc ex- ample of what poll modem real1lt pmntlftl la all libout. Appropriately, "Lett.en" WU pelnted Mn in CdtGmfa~ In lt?&. The "Southern California Reali.t Pai.ntln&" '1thlbit Is complemented by a dowmta1n exhib6lbl of enpavinll lovinllY execu~ Paul Lanclerre; •• ' ~ 'c'oti~ tOt" ;:, •• ,f.J '-'•' I -.. "-~ roam-Did tkJll ''The Win- t ·~·:· .. •~~~~rt'~ it'·'·",,. , 1 ~ eauI~ of anon~ ara.ea fram --" I , I I • • t . ~~The entertainers~~~~~~~~~~~~ O> -: Hines is .'cookin' as ~ ~ in Ellington show "O ;£ By JERRY HERTENSTEIN ..: Of tM OellJ NG4 a..n a> Gregory Hines talks .with his feet. ---'g --He illUnen-with )tis fllSUth.-------~ "Dlddly. diddly da, diddly, diddly da, diddly, i diddly da dat," he says, snapping some fingers. ~ No, he isn't making idle baby chatter. He's -teaching tap dancing. !2 Hines is a tap dancer -one of the best. 0::: H e is c urrently cast as male lead in "SophistJc.ated Ladies," a styllah, foot-stompin' tr): bute to the music of Duke Ellington, playing an'" unlimited engagement at the Shubert Theatre In Century City. But on a recent sunny spring day the limber entertainer turned educator before 50 attentive student.a in a master tap dance clua at Santa Am College. The claH ii usually taught by Sylvia Turner, head of the dance department. This 9e9Sion all eyes and ears appeared to be in tune with what Hines wu doing. Ria aura eeemed to hold those in the room spellbound. "This may be a masters clua but don't refer to me as master, just call me Gregory,'' be said. 'The se.ion was onJy a few minutes old but Gregory, dressed in blue tighta with maroon-a>Jored legginga, wearing gray tap shoes and an earring dangling from his left ear, wu "c:ookin'." "I'm really into improviaation," Hine9 said, a smile on his {aoe. "Just dance, let your mind wan- der and let t.hi.np happen. "Part of my style iJ to stay on my heels," he said, "cauae I'm lazy." That comment and others u 'I'm pleased with the interest shown for Duke Ellington. He had ga in ed most of his fame in Europe ... ' well as Hines' clever footwork, drew one of many laughs in the houc spent with the clall. He walked on the heels of his shoes, toes sus.- pended. Then he moved forward keeping on the plated toe part of his ahoes. "This is a traveling stect~ a time step," ~ said. A long-legged woman in pink leggingl DUKE ELLINGTON ... His 'Sophistia.ted Ladles• is introducing his music-to a new crowd. "rve been very happy with the show," he said. "rm pleated with the interest ahown for Duke El- lington. He had pined most of his fame in Europe. But becau.e oft.fie success of this play people who had never heard of him are inv~tir\g." Hines, despite a love for his work, admits re- petitiousnelB get.I him. "I've put myteU in a position where I have a job. The ahow coata ., much ($32.50 top ticket) that I have to deliver the goods," Hines aaid. He called the top ticket price "almost obecene. "I feel a tremendous reaponaibWty to do the show. There ls so much talent," he aaid. Terri Klausner has been dancing in the show for three montha with a foot injury, atcording to mn.e.. GREGOftY TOE SLU>E ~ .--- And Gregory Mid he is injured, But the ahow ....__ ___________ ...__ ____ _. goes on. It must. wore a conf\.lsed look. · . ding·~t~u=~~r~~~said,divi-Kingdom of Dancing St•llions to .QPen ''Bring tbat heel down.'' he eaid to a tall, curly-haired man in the first group. Hines' shirt The Kingdom of Dancing Stallions, a laviih will insure performanet!9 of the highest technical wu toaked with penptration. mult1-m1Won dollar enter\ainment complex located quality. He had each group try a routlfte he had de-in ~ P-. ope btodc north of ~ Beny ln addition to the grand riding hall, the com- monstl'ated. MOit dkl 1urprtsil\gly well. Then all Farm and Ju;t 10 minutes from Dlaney}And, will plex includet an antique carrlaet plaz.a with a mil- danoed at once. The tape~ Uke hones' boo-hold It.I invita~lonal opening celebration on Tues-lion dollar collection of fully 31 hone drawn ves on the wood plank floor of a covered brldfe. day. . ~ , carriaga fnim all over the worlcL is rare collec- Hinea 1elected an lndividua}.Jrom each o the · •. tion is displayed in a large areti ,corated with groups and one by one had each perform. "Don't The complex, aituated on S'A acres. lnciudes a imported ceramic tiles designed in Italy just for this think in terms of making a mistake," he said. t,4oo seat grand rfdlng h4ll where mUlical pertor-complex. He worked several minutes with Jan Owens of mances of 36 spectacular wb~h dancing The maenificent solid brantA&abling area Is Irvine. "That doesn't aound right," he said, tiatentng stalliona with. ela~rately 008 "4~ will be open to the public for a close-up vlnr of the white f .. pretel'lte4 daily year round. The laY14h1y produced to her routine. "It needs another our count. show which runs approximately 45 .~J.tte~ will Spanish dancing stallions. Each stallion has his own Darlene Cllrpenter, alao of 1rvine, did a routine feature a variety of ecoup and ,so1o production comfortable large atall with b .... tallings. and in detieribed by HineJ u "shim-sham, rt,ht. left, rlf!fht, numbers ~K:aying the unique andlexdtini talents the Inner courtyard of this stab is a life-size right, touth toe, sltde. · ·of •'-eae s ona., ltn own the world 'oVeer 11or th .... -tcUlpture of two white in flight. ''Eiey.'1 H1J'\eS 8aid to Darlene, "YoU took 'my UJI icu Gueata arriving at the of Dancing •lep.• '!:Veryone lllo,hl!d. ' beau!y and •~al pOrlomUng abOIU... ' Stallion• are fl rat lmpr=~fh the ornate "It'• a good Idea to steal atepe," he aaid. "I stole The ahow ~Ul ut.ili~ lntemat4nn~hv Cai.nous Spen1ah-Mooriah architecture at building, pet· one from Anhur Duncan .. (Duncan w.a • lonc·dnlie mWDC to whictl the aiall.klm "dance7f;formal')Ce terned after the Alhambra P ol Spain, re- dancer \:>n the ''Lewrenoe W«lk Show,'')' The stolen• aegmenta of t.M show includ& en~ M IM'll splendent with leemlngly tucim, intricate step? -a triJ>.le pendulum wing. in the "Fiesta'' number, the d.UEnified and hilh1Y latice work, 1\llh ~.Ind an outdoor prden H1nea did the step. Pure talent. The student.a ald.lW production of the "Pu de Drwc.'' the only pedo area. and spectators, titting ~ta wall. loved it. known perfonnlnC 12-hone qulldrilla 1n the world, ldith Evan.. owner and Ital' performer of the ''You've flea~'d ot '•hutne off to Buf,alo?'," the dlffl~l\ aln above the E_~~ tntormaUve ~ la a ~ ~.and baa Hines asked. ''Thia next th1ni ii a 'thu.ffie off to ' tralftJftl ~om. and e-(911 anneG'f ~Q to bad-a lifetime pulion for honiei*."Jlhe. an lntet- Buffalo' wtth a, d1a lhil, al.uh step." ddaht. the audience. nationally famous bullfiahter, his been the at.al' The room e>q>JOded with the eOu.nd of applawte. All COIWmel for the r1den haw been especiaJly Pft°fonnft' wtth the Unit.eel Sta• tour ol the Royal Someone tiaked Gl"ep'Y te M8 and dance. He dntaned b~muter eoetumen ln Ho~ood and Lillimn Stallion Show, ~· ~ alao 1th11 in •'SoptU•tieated UMflN" and play• 8~ -.:ti , ~ ~ (~'td!les, ~) ful eQUIM pr-.entationa world. · drwnl. • I ' / ' "W9 ~ bt ...... trf ~ ~ II } , The ktftldom of dw:lnC :WW = thlna8:,~.~~t"=~S::~~u.: c1emra'":t~~=r=~~::.::~ =)'.:=~thrwP~2~ qw~m..d-., tJlt fup, ... ~1~\.: ... cA.' .. , , ~•l\•n. ~~ta Q,s.~ , P.M. 8Dd &~P..M..~~ al 1~ ~. 2100 ,, •Wl-.l4"'~"'""'JifMl"~Pl ~W-ptP.~mttiHO-aM::~1ttOO~M~~1• d on i.-1Uly. , ()Otc). f~ · . ~~Jijdlll ,;t,1and &toO P.JC. • • u• "· .,. ",,,.,,._.~:;it\; c ' '·"' .. ,• "' • • . ..., I - 3 ~The entertainers~~~~~~~~~~~-, By TOM TIT ' oflhe Delly Pllolm For a yo r who, at 15, is "basicall.r a shy person," Robe ughton of Irvine has done rather well ov r the past four years. He's s~ in a Broadway show, made a few television movi~. played In dinner theater 'on s hort notice, enacted the leading role in a movie due for release soon, and snared top billing over some pre- tty big names iq another film to begin production this summer. , ~ • And. like thl.?prodigal son, he'll return this fall to show his tal~ to the home folks when he re- prises his Broadw-ay role in "The Diviner." for South Coast JU:pertory's production of the play. Otherwise, no( much else lS new for the per- ife''t!o\!rcm't'WaW\\i\lRfh~~cf ~ at the Costa Mesa theater four years lat.er as a star on the maiNtage. "It all just kind of took off," says the tall, slender Macnau~h!'f'l who turned pro after getting his feet wet in th#f ~ "To Kill a Mockingbird" at the Westmi'19\Jlr Community Theater in early 1979. That experiehce wanned him even further to acting, and Robert did some more studying at South Coast Actors Studio in C-Osta Mesa. His "big break'~ came almost by accident. Two nights befor~ the pfoducllon of "Camelot" opened at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse in s.ut Cle- mente, the show rncountered a casting probfem - the youth playl'rig' the boy in the finaJ scene was too big. So Robert got the chance to fill in for him. This exposuteisf>a.rked dreams of a professional career, and he.eJ#ilioned for the juvenile in "A Thousand Clowns" in San Diego although he was not a merpber of Actors F.quity. He got the part - and his F.quity card -and soon was doing "Critic's Choice" in Long Beach. All this transpired in 1979, and then the phones stopped ringing. Rather than wait around for something by chance again, Robert and his father, Bruce, flew to New York to take in the TV auditions. The result was a video movie, "Angel City," with Ralph Waite in which he played Waite's son in a Florida labor camp. When "The Diviners," a drama about a retar- ded boy in h ear tland America , surfaced, Robert wanted badly to read for the role -but he was in ---·-------~ Robert MacNaughton. who wlll be seen this summer In David Splel- berg' s movie, 'E.T.' and later I n 'I am the Cheese.' wlll star In South Coast Reperto- ry's 'The Diviners' next fall. .. · New York and the auditions were in Hollywood. So he and his dad flew back West -but the audition site shifted to Broadway. Eventually Robert and the play got together, and it turned out to be his biggest aucce98, u evidenced by critic Clive Banrea' aaaes- sment of his performance: "Robert Macnaughton Js electric.ally real as young Buddy. Whether it la craft or inner lnlt.inct, Comedy night ~ets laughter aplenty this young man 1.1 perfect in the role," the former New YOl'k Times (now with the Poat) reviewer exuded. "The Diviners" was staged on two different occasions In New York -an~ Robert starred in both. The second time, the show wu viewed by Da- See Irvine actor ,..Page 5 ("Why ADl I Gay?"); Ken,Draka'a ''maclc 1->ns;" Alex Valdd "blind driven" routine; and Dennis Connor's 00,. who kept c-1Una to uk where he WU . But the real atan -the two comedians who won the prlz.es -were S~ Oederkerk and James W. Jack.ion. By JEFF PARKER MIMD1111r"'°'8tan When you m>t 8 roomful of comedlans h-vina to · Oederkerk is a boyish young man who can talk e--: ~ --q faster than an auctioneer and apeclalizes ln car aalea. outdo each other for laughs and a •100 caah pnze, He oUered new"Mercedel for 1 centa aJooc with a 5 they'll try almost anything. cent rebate. Lota of takers. FOi" a little slapstick. he , On a recmt "Comedy Night" at the Via Mari~ introduced "juggling with violence," ln which be Restaurant in Cypr9lo, a comedy trio did a Vlllage interrupted eacli rotation of hia three-apple jug- People·apoof. ooe fellow prmented a video version. al1na actre.to smash one apinst bis heed. You had to of what be thou1ht the 1.,.c:e ahuttfe flight wu 6e the really lib, another' gave the f..test uaed-c=-r Alea Jacbon ill a calm. unemotional man wbo .u .. pitch thl• side of Ralph WUJlama and another ln .__..L.... of wit and .... _..._ wh1le he U1a ln a chalt challeniecf UM! a\Jdierd to f ouow· him on a leriea of Ulll"UIJ nu.i•- "unthouahta," which are hurnoroua non•••· alone, center stage. 0 Hll apeclaltiee were "unthe>Ughta" IUCh aa: The Tuesday niaht comedy bMh it a reauJar feature at v~ Marla, lmtituted by owper Mike "You know tlme1 are hard when you see a Natale "tp pl peo~Je to Cypreaa on a Tunct.y worm pulllnC • bird lnto U. p-ound.~ nl1ht." The plot eeema to be worklng: a healthy Or: "Ever eeeo a~. with a van painted on crowd turned up to .. Allied Fores. Alex Valda, ttr• Dennis <:onnor, Ken Drake, Steve Oederlcerk Uld Or: 11Delta Airlinel t. m.lde lta -.n more James W. Wbon er~ funny IA ~t ethnic. ~ chaftlld It from 'Ww,. rwly when bar. The eWnfnl Yi• ~ by .-ft. , you are' to We're reedy whm you la.' " the IU'\ ~bo 1won· the •don.al Steve -And 1o on. . alike can-..· .• ~ nl&ht at Vla Maria " open to any and - ... co Q) N Hl1hli1hta of the ev~ included. Burpr'a all ~..me. and would-be comks. Anyone ~~r~,......·, .;_~i~~~~~~J~~~ll1~ I N - : 1 I 1 · 1 I I ~ -Coming attractions---_.,,. __ h ~ ~~ ~ .__,..__......_,.. ~ ~--.. -""':.!= :'~: ... . ............ ~~ Summer at Knott's will begin June 12 -NOWPlA'(IHQ : ' Knott'• Berry Farm'• awnmer entertalrunent l -.... ---AmlrullMDUClrl·~weacJna~y;-June 12 With an lee snow - • CIAITPU ZA • ._.... El TOfO sat seeo ;feetu.rtna the Peanut.a character Snoopy. 1 """CBTll cm11&1 IMU ~ IA an c.u The show marka the le'Yellth edition of Knott'• ~ Collatiteu 7St 4114 ..._..-...220 Clrlllfl6343ttt Ice Spectacular, this year titled "Snoopy and AU IT-IMW4 IA------ThatJ•-" OrlftOl 8311770 W...._ H).(1548 Irvine 551 0855 -. ~ ftW , .. ,_ 1Raw NmTAll IAWl ___ The production hu been designed in coopera- 0:: OrlftOl63~ ,._.v111yu11soo ---tion with Peanuta creator Charles Shulz and in- THOOl~DI OP J""8 0 Dlll:a TO C"OOH PltOM OPEN: M-F 10-8-8AT.10-l -IUN 12·9 BLANK TAPE SAVINGS cludes a host of lee skating cbampk>na. The list of atara aet for the Good 'tinle Theeter Include• Dianne de Leeuw, Atoy wu.on, the ad.so team of Randy OMx.tra and.Elyn n.. the comedy of Mike Coune and David Sadleir and the jugg.llng wtz.ar- dry of Bob Welz.. Abo atarting at Knott'• June 12 la Colonel --~ ------... -----. ----the world'• only skating elephant. The Starl.liht.J>avillon will host a fut-paced mu.lcal revue tided "Get on Board! .. and pick- pocket Ricky Dunn will demomtrete h~ akill at aJe6abt ol hand and humor.-· Beclnn1.ng June 23, aurf banm will perfonn in the Cbsa 9 every Wedneeday evening. The stage will have pop and contemporary music Friday DJ&hta. Knott'• daily entertainment abo will preaent the whlrNlca) medicine shows of Dr. H.P . Love- craft, fireworks nightly, hlgb-atepplng cancan dancera.. Wild West aunfighters and live country banda. Com1Jl& up Sa1Urday and Sunday, May 15 and 18, at the farm la the"'Dukea of Hazzard Weekend." It will feature televlalon star Tom Wopat in the Good 11me Tbeate:r and the General Lee car will be on dilDlay in c.alico Square, Knotl'a la open Fridays from 10 a.m. to 11 P·Dlr,. S.WrdaJI from 10 a.m . to midnight, SSundaya from 10 a .m. to 9 p.m., and Monday• through Tbunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. AT CllAZY BOBS -Job Conlee, con- sidered by many to be 'th~ best 6'nger to come along in a long time in a>WJtry muaic,' will put Jn lour appearancf!I at tbe Crazy Hortlft. Stft.lchouae, mrtJng Sunday, May 17, wit.h ~at 6 and J :3lJ p.m., follo-~cm ~May 17, fliC/J abowa at 7 and 111 p.m. oy Bare, abJo l'el')' popular on the Orange Coot, will move into the · Owy Hone the lollowlng weelc. SOMITUllS 111al'SOMLY Olll 1111G Oii ~1p •11D ... . . . Irvine actor rides a comet From Page 3 vid Emmes and Miu4tin Bell!IOn, artistic directors of South Coa.!t Repertory, who penciled tJ'le Jhow in for SCR's 1982-83 season. At the ~t, Robert is back in IOi)ool -a freshman at t~·a University High d taking classes at the te SELF schqol -~~1f g --Wrliis moVfe ., arec oy Ste p el- berg) to hit the. ns. If that doesn't inake him a household w next one -"I am the~" in which he's led over Robert Wagnld. Hope Lange and Judd Hirsch -just might. How does he handle the role of "celebrity" on the high school campus? .. , man·t tell anybody about it for the ftrst !ew weeks.'' he says, "then when people started t)nding out, I'd already made friends. I'm just t~ to be a normal kid, whatever that is." What's ahead\{or the young actor'? "I'd lUce to go to college. pot5ib. SUlnlord, but I've I'! rlot of time before I ~e to decide that." Mea~while Robert Macnaughton fi~ him- self, at 15, perchE!if;I on the brink of stardom ln~e. screen and televy I~ must be a heady feelb'!· "I've been pjlny lucky," he grlrus, "a.od my folks have beeltlliimy great about all this. They didn't push me or try to discourage me. It was my idea, and they both went along." And now M well as Robert and ~many friends in the area, are waiting expectantly to find out just hf!W high this young man's bllllbon can rise. The s.k~i i.Qdeed, may be the limit. l(fJ ,, ' r. THE PORT THEATRE 6136260 "HIGH HEELS " 2905 [. Cod~t Hwy. Corona d ef Mar "1F YOU COULD SEE WHAT I HEAR" '"°' 0 UAGHI" (1') (A Mualc War) a..t Foreign Fiim "MEPHISTO" ACADEMY ~WARDS 'BEST PICTURE BEST O RIGINAL SCORE -VANGELIS BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY I •tOLIN WELL.A.ND BfST COSTUME -MELINA CANON ERO .... DEATH'IlRAP MICHAEL CAINE CH.RISTOPHER REEVE DYAN CANNON The trap is set ... For a wickedly funny who;1~t. 1n.•.u.-s .. DEATHTRAP" £,ecut,.P p.,,,.""' JAY PRESSON ALUN 11.,=•dtt P1oavt« ALFRED de LIAGRf . JR I Mu>« t.y JOHNNY MANDEL P•Wv(t-<l Of BU"TT HA~IS Scr<-top1a1 bt JAY PRESSON Alltf'I inw:ao~tnrttll~ pra, 1>r IRA U vtN-- 0.•C'• "..i b1 SIDNEY LUMEI 6 ~-On stage--------------- §'Illustrated Bradbury' t ... through his eyes "t:: u.. - ~ JOELC. DON ~ tM Delly ,... ...,, "' Ray Bradbury's prolific writings are brimming i with the frailties, in.securities, dreams, fant.aaiea, ~ terrors, desires and paaejons that make up what we GI call the human condition. ~ At times, the renowned acience fiction and § fantasy writer wanders off into a world that can ii: best be described as Pollyanna. He doesn't buck from his exce.ively optimist.le pronouncements: His -untlinc' .. ~~ rmhlic lectures are riddled with the :lUJl&' atutooe tnat tnere &a u1ua:u u v.--· LUXURY THEAHlfS Economy Seatinq S2 !10 ltl J 00 PM UnlP\\ Oth~rW"" Not,tl S 113GU•X•lutl6l6i~ 255,/\~~ ) s [~·.'~] J·s~~ ~·~~ Cm! , 9 1 30 3.4S S 45 CJ 8·00 10·00 12 00 W-ti-,.J:ll\.rnc1 '-~. o.u. W•nnet1 BEST PICTURE I~ i IAJlL\ 1:!.1 Rlw:llng Mid EnthrMllog ... Economy Seating ht HoUI O<\ly TSOf flRE 12 00 2 30 S 00 1·30 & 9 SS 12·00 2:355:1014510 15 'vi(~TOil 'P~ 'DAl°;i'R~o'FtHE a;z 12·00 2 40 5:20 8:00 10:30 PtOST ARIC ~ 12:453:005·207 ~ 10 10 EI iti!d 14 ;12163~ 9'282/ fe ·~ -) O.C.r W~I I Alex 1(.,, .. 1n -*"()n<~[nD v~~~~ 6 10 30 6 00 8:00 10 00 •• u ...... mankmd surfacing out of the dark and fitful waters of political unrest and the threat of nuclear war. Saddleback College's production titled "The Illustrated Bradbury" ·pays cbae respect to the wri- ter's "Unceasing effort to l1UliJ the broad territory that encompasses man's loves, hates and dreams. Direct.or Lynn Wells has succesnully adapted six of Bradbury's stories into an hourlong perfor- mance. Her stage script preserves all of the opti- mism as well as fears that are riddled throughout ~--'~ -... •-•;•-.... uicti.nn, NOW PLAYING AllAHllM OtAn-1• llW&AOl l&DOUIACI o\A ...... 1.1t tl~O (I l•o UI \HO llUI UU Pl.AU UA CHIQIA ..... ~19 HJQ .,.,,_,., 9'! 0' tt OIW&AOI CHIOU Ctlflll OW&MI -IOCC "'°""" """'IJ1' fl I ' WW"tf ~)t 06\• C:•DOIM •AClf IC IOU r• CO.Ul lDWAllOt fOUllTAI• uun ,_..., ,....., IJ9 1'>00 lOWAllll MllSICMI fll.10 MAU CllllMA 1t ..,. v •r •Q'. •no ••·•U H Dlllft ·I• ~ritoft. .,. "' ,.., 1)-U• 1' I uo-..... ••• . I. IOV•fAll HUIT Dlllrl· .. lOWAllll MWf• COAST PLllA • _.,. •-· %1 . 0 1 r ... a-JUl~I c..,....., 1)1 •ti • .,,,..~ • .,..u..,-•••011r ........... , Cl going all the way HIGH SCHOOL TEASERS IRI R9BINHOOD ~ CLASH-OF TH( TiTANS.IPGI' .. -----:------------------- Id's P !&.,Ml(~ 14"'!H,4~· ---Y1CTOR 1/~ PERSONAL BEST IA) Oll! STRIPES ~ THE GROOVE TUBE IRI A LITTLE SEX IRI ~ lomeKlnd ·0¥n Cl of Hero s.oB IRI RKHARD PR'l'OR LM ON THE SUNSET STlllP 1 0-Wmnerl m AR H * ORIVE·tNI OPEN 8:00 WEEKNIGHT,$17;30 WEEKENDS * Ct.1ld•••1 Under 12 FREE Uni~.> Noleci . You'P be glad you came! --- *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Perform•nce1 before 5:00 PM (bc.,t 1""91 £at1,.mt11ta and Hoeldlys) "VICTOR VICTORIA" tr>01 t1 )It 1 M \ ... 1 '' •IM Hlf "CUM 4NO ICllUW\.O "CHAfllOTI M flftl" tll'OI "URGHI A MUllC WAit" 1111 111' I .. I » ... -,.,-. ... -.- \ "POMY'I" 1~1 "ff YOU COUU> HE n• 1• •••• •• ,.,, WHAT I HEAR"t,01 •1• .,.., •• •o •• .,. LAKEWOOD C fNHll WAll( IN ... YOU COULD Ml WM.lfl .. Mr'(N) t111. a:iO, a:ae. l:te. ... lAl<lWOOO C INJEQ SOUTH ...... ~ IN a ,,,,. )f t OA':T w~111. ,,.., ••I OCfllllt OI' '"' tl<Wt -ctfANOTI OP ,._., i-o1 _.,.., .. .. ... ,_,, ..• , ... ,. #------ •oc111i,o ot C:olldlewooct 2la/lll•fll0 "PARTNeRI" ·•1 11 •• 1 ,, • w • '" '"' tt •• "'' "C'JIMS-~· •'CHM90ft °' ...... lllOI--~···-.. Joil!fl C:ooet 141wov ...... t\ ... 1114 The scenery by Wally H ntoon o ffers a mystical quality to the production, with heavy em- phasis on ailver to accentuate the fantasy-like qua- lity of the aiJc separate dramatlz.Mions. The stage design seta the characters apart from their sur- roundino. Perhaps the message here is the clash of man and the stainl~-steel world he has created. That message is strengthened by the costumes, all military-like uniforms that strip away the notion of individuality. "The Illustrated Bradbury" gets off to a slow start.. But after the first story adaptation, the actors seem more comfortable with their roles. It is, ho- wever, a marvelous -albeit short -offering of some of Bradbury's much-loved writings. The production continues tonight and Saturday evening at 8 p.m For information, call 831-4763. ,AC1f1C THUTaU OIUV( Ill S_, Ml£TS Ullflt• '°"" .. Ital "'"', ..... Al HUIO• I L VO O•IVl·lll 6 ...,._ OlllVE·llt ... 101 .. u 111•aa••S..... llll •-lllCO lv••U\ II -fllll....,• 11111,0RUNT NOTICl1 CHltOAlN UNDER 12 fRH! M1rW l/ii4 w ........ 1ww fn 7 00 • Sat Soo1. """" HO OOlf '' SOllNO • fOUll ... W ""°'° ~ TM ll'UAL1o •• II() aM W ~ WIT• (,HITQI "(UUl)ll\' flllSITlOIO -Mll'.ut~ •AUCM..fl~QOll AJI ~ ANAHIUlol ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN l•••.,OY fl Ol l•"'o~ SI t79·9150 ---- aulNA PAlll BUENA PARK DRIVE IN llt'ltCOln AY• •••• Of ICno" 121·•070 eut ... PMI• LI NCOLN DRIVf·IN l""Cotn ~11• ••"of l f\Otl 121·•070 11.t11:11°11 "f 0 flltl00£H WOflt.O" 1•1 -"alEYONO £Vil" 1•1 f"'iNf •1 SOU1110 1 .• :EJinffM-NtNJA"t•I - 2. "CAT P£0f'U" 1•1 J ... ,_,.OY WAJIHOL'I "'ANICIEHITl:IN" lfll C Nt ft 'toOU"'U '•AAADISE" ,~, ...... "CAMON COf'Y" lll'OI "GotN• A.Lt. THE WAY" 1•1 -""'°" SCMOOL TIAMflS" 1•1 "PAIVATIE LESSONS'' 1•1 ... ~ "fAATHIEAI" '"' So" O..go l"'t 01 arootol\11nl (So I 962·2UI • r:~ ,, '°""° m111•_°"'_;_;_.~o.t-~_;3_!o_, _] 1'0MIDOD wON.O·"" I -.._YOM> IVIL" C•t c111t""ft IOUltO ... YOUCOULDan WHAT I ...... CNI fll.lll ''1'W llUOOY HOUY 81'0flr'CNI Clll( II '°""° ' H A e1.-. LA HABRA OlllVI IN ~·Ji. Nr •I O~ANGE ORIVf·IN ~ 'teflllll OI' ... YU" ·~TS OF,_ .. 1-.1 "-111 "AftTHUfl" tflOI CINt 11 SOUllO ---"ll'OtltCY'S" tllOI """ •'\Jfl IH SMOICf" t•I Clll( 11 SOU110 SO'"O ArtO ,,._., $$1~702112 • •tf "C------· "CH.-OTI~ ,_..1Pe1 "AllfHU91" (N I SINGS AT OCC -Popular songstres5 Joan Iden Bowie wi1J perform Friday evenlnj at B in the Orange c.aut College auditorium. Tickets. go on sale for 2 OCC concerts .... Tickets are on sale for two upcoming concerts al Orange <:out College in Costa Mesa. Singer Joan Iden Bowie will perform May 7 during an 8 p.m. concert in the college's auditorium. Tickets are $5 at the door and $4 for Orange C.O.t C.Ollege students. Well-known Jazz arlist.s Ray Reed and Rick Baptist will join four big bands foe a concert May 9 al 2 p.m. in the college's auditorium. Ticketa are $3 at the door. Orange Coast College profeuor Charles Ru- therford will direct the college's four ~btncH. that include Friday Big Band, Tuaday !fi Band, Saturday Big Band and Evening Big Band. For reserva1ion information calf 550-6Q1. HiiiliiSia "GOW AU THE WAY" Al. 9:00 IA T 1-. 2:10, ldll, 9:00 .. A lJTTLE SEX" .., FN.1:15, .... UT/IUN. Ml, 1:11. ... "ENTER ~" SAT/..._ 1:11, 5:11, IS "'fOMllDDEN WORLD" ,..,, ... , .. , IAT/IUll. - "YAN O'NEAL JOHN HURT "PARTNERS" ·~----·-- ~~-~ FN. 7:15, 10M SAT/SUN. l.'4S, 7:1J, 10:AO "GO .. ' AU THE WAY" ,..... .. ( .. ) SAT/-.2: 7 -1~-----.---------------------~--------....::=--=======-=----.;;:-=o== ...... --==-..... ==-----,__..--.,........-;;;--._.~·-=----=-........ ===-=-------- i ~ Intermis~bn~~~~~~~~~-·-~r~~~~-·-·~0~- .- ~ Octafest will draw i dozen play entries "-BY TOM TITUS i or ... o.1r ........ s ~ ~~&::= ~~:.:~ 1 non-profe.looll theafel' on the loaa1 leYe1 bM taken on a IPlrtt and~ oftm aimot ID the pMt. ~ Membenhip i-crown trom nine fnd•tdna ~ groupa to 17, each of which LI represented on a ir thrice ~Y calendar u.una all current produc-tiool. tly a central castina file wu let up to umt membfr theaters in = available ecton. But the centerpiece of A (now known• OCTA after the word "community" WM dropped bl defeNDCe to a.roupe which conalder theJDMlvea ol1* than community theaWI) ii the mnual CJnl!o. act play i.tfva1. 'lbll Wll bow the amaJpnation WM Dain. M the OUfll'OWth of a lt.lmdiu-room--1.y ......... b' the~ t.llvattDileo. Frcm nine theaters pertidpating that year, the field lncn!ued to 12 ln 1981. This year, thouah five more playhowiee are in the fold, there remain a dozen festival entries lince five groups elected to lit th1a one out. The bis event, for thoee who want to mark ·their calendan. will be July 15-18 at the N~ Theater Ar1a Center, which baa been "home ' to both OCT A and the te.Uval lince the lncepdoo of each. Participating ln this yeu'a Octafest (the oftida1 title) will be, ln alphabetkal order. the Ana Mod- jeska Playen, c.a.ta Meu aw: Playbowa. en.-. Community Oriented Theater, Fountaka "91De1 Community Theater, Garden Grove-ctmmun1ty Theater, Bunttnatoo Beach PlayhoUH, Irvine Ccmmun.ity Theater, Lquna Moult.on Pia= Newport Harbor Acton TtlNter, Newport Ar1a Center, San Clemente Community Theates: and Westmlnlter c.oncardty Theater. Cell 141-1111. "'' .... wonlt toWOtll fot '~ ... : . ~ f~ ·~1 • .,,. ~ ~ • 1, I • ,1 ' ~ Which poup. wru be performing on what days will be decided later th1a month when repre9e!ata- tlves of the partidptinc theaten draw for posldonf. Three playa wW be preaented each day of the f.esUval, with Sunday'a pn>ll'8ID betna a matinee. 'lbe festival,• wual, will be non-competiUve and S. not ~Wei with any reQMmaJ ~t. Tbe primary pul'pi)M, accordlnc. to OCTA presi- dent Patti-Gene SUnpeon, LI to ahOwcue the va- riom' tbeeter puupm in <>ranee Count)' and Cl'Mte more lnterat In local theater ln aeneraI. About ba1t of the theaters have 8elected their entries, and the others will be pcld.ng thein within the next weeb. ~ thoee al.reedy announced are Costa Mesa ("Cinderella at the Pinchpenny P~bo~"), Cypre88 (Up 'n' Adam"), Fountain V y ("Dick WhitUngton and Hia Cat"), Hunt- m,ton Beach ("Curtalm''), Irvine ("Inherit the Wind," ooe acme), ~ ("Click''} and San Cle- mente ("Loven and other Stranaers"). No advance Ucketa will be 10ld tb1a year for the OCTA fntivaJ, but reservatJona will be taken at 67~3143 and tbme with reeervat:iom will be 1eated first on ahow nighta. Theatergoers are advbed to get their order ln early -the first two festivala were aellouta. CASTING -The Newport Harbor Acton Theeter -announced lta cut for ~ ne..·· a new play to be pwn lta Orange QJunty premiere . .. Pauline Hae play1 the leadl~e, with Deftnja Tncey, ~· Savttt, Kild Corbett &rklle, Rita Bene Stewm. Dinny Oberbeck and Nal Kop&t ~ the compuy ... 'lbe ahow ~May 28 under the d.lrectkln of Dim l•ffoon . AllO in rehearal for • May 28 opentna la the oounty s;nmiere of "Say GoodnJcbt, Gr9de" at the Irvtne c.ommuntty Theater ... director Robb Fahey .. reheMlllnC a c:ml ~ ol QJrisUne Denny, Wood~ Janee, Peter S ~ IAnore St~me and St.ft Pox Im the Ralph Pape 81riDCQ11.eLy ••• The &611* in ... aidsomd.~ re.ftOOlded in new cigitll saereo. ru.-. . .,. f;WIA5L\ 3 WINNl~R \< \l>I \1' \\\\HI>~ Including BEST ACTRESS -Kadwtnr Hepburn BEST ACTOR -HefV)' ~ . • WEABY -Don Rboadel~t.t Mea, playl.njf'dJe cencral role of Lonvn, la ccmlort«I by hia wile (JMn t) in• acene from dte Arthur Miller drama ''Death of• Sale1man." The pl•y I• ~;;:nted FriAA_ and S.turdllya •t 8:361 May 16 by Showcue Productl the West- mJnner Auditorium. Call 957..fl)5 tor tkket J.n/ot'tmrlan. '·' i ""',-~.r;t. -~ . . ,. . f ;.• r ,· a~---.=. ..,-:-a -~·-·im -In motion----- Last children's ballet due The final lbows of Ballet Pacifica'• "Ballet for Cll.Odren" are set for Sat- urday and Sunday, May 15 and 16, at the Festival Forum Theater in La- guna Beach. The popular children's story by the Brothers Grimm, "The Elves and the Shoemaker," has been set to music by Shostakovich, Lanchberry and Mas- senet as one of the selections. The other, "The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra" by Benjamin Britten, will introduce children to the various instruments of the orchestra. "The Elves and the Shoemaker" and "The Young Person'• Guide to the Orchestra" will be presented May 15 and 16 at !J:30 p.rn. and May 16 at 1:30 p.m. also. For more lnfonnation call 494-7271. May days come to Disneyland Disneyland will kick off a month- long series of Saturday night activi- ties May 8 with fireworks, rock 'n' roll bands and a apecial electrical parade along Main Street, U.S.A. Topping off an evening of enter- tairunent at the park by such bands as Franke and the Knockouts, Jack Mack and the Heertattack. the Henry Paul Band and Papa Doo Run Run, the electrical cavalcade will parade down a dark8Md, Main Street at 8:50 and 11 p.m. Also, a fil'eworka display, called "Fantasy in the Sky," will illuminate the sky ove.r Sleeping Beauty Castle. The oolorful display of 250 ahella will be accompanied by synchroniz.ed mu- sic. Stages throu~hout the park will feature the rock n'roll sounds of the various bands between 7:30 p.m. and midnight. Of coune, the park's regular attrac-tions will be open as usual. The "Saturday Night at the Park" series will extend Saturdly hours until midnight. Upcoming themes for the aeries are variety night on May 15, COWltry and bluegrass on May 22, jazz on May 29 and 30, Latin music on June 5 and swing music on June 12. THE ELVES AT WORK -The final program in Ballet Pac1lica's "Ballet for Children" series is scheduled May 15 and 16 at tbe Fes- tival Forum Theater in Laguna Beach. Shown here are Dan Berney and Nancy Christensen as the Shoema.Jcer and his wife, and Serena Wellen, Jocelyn Vodovoz. &bin JacklJch (standing from left) and Tina Renfro and Kelly IDcketts (seated) as elves. THE PERFECT Het1> Alpert Johnny Mann Manuel Johnny Mathis George Shearing Chet Atkins Paut Robinson SAT., M/11.Y I ••••••••••• 11:00 a.m.: , • 3:00 P·"'·· 7:30 p.ml' SUN., MAY 9 •••• 1:00 p.m., 4:30 ~otnt . BLEND OF MUSIC Z4HOURS ADA¥ ' • KDCM tlD.t • HeMtn Reddy Norrie Paramor Sounds Orchestral Arthur Greenslade Bilty Joel Noonln Candler Seals & Cfofts Mic:hef Legrand Jane OtiYor Paul Mauriat Ronrie Aldrich John Gregory James r--· Hugo Wintematter Perry '-8 Marca John Bany MeMssa u.nct.ter -<'11 •• ,_ a a J .J._ --• -...-.-_____ ..._.._. 5 IO N--...... Sound------.----------------------------------------~ ..-'Th C 1 • f • I Chapter of ~ Orange County Music Center. ,..: e a I orn1ans "We were delighted to appear on the aame ~Ch J h ti.ge u Marnie/' Bunce exclaimed. ::I Or& e 8 0WC88e The Californians performed "Un Bel Di," an lj ~y =·~~t~~ ~k. Nbwn, and a1ao ~ _..., .. 0.-, ,... • ......., "Marni abo u.ng along with ua in ou.r lnt.er- LL • One of the most popular singing groups In national Medley" Bu.nee added. ''11\e Californians -Orange County la not a rock group or a country also performed a medley from "Fid ler on the -o western band, but a group of 20 lingers who per-Roof'." . . j . _f.arrl) D'ecylhl.ng Imm a~y..of-Bfoado.vay-lhow ·--1M'l;cea&nr~gntor e cur-~ tun~, popular and patriotic tunes, Renaluan.ce rent concert teUOf\ waa a performance for the ! madrigal, goepel, country and folk music. Servite High School Faith-Family-Footbell award.a ~ The group la 'The c.antom1ana, a lelect emeJD-night, honoring Carl Karcher. The Californians § ble of singers from with.in the Orange County performed a variety of popular, patriotic and gospel a: Master Chorale, one of the county's most popular music. chorale groupa. According to Bunce, upcomlng performances The Orange County Master Chorale wu foe-for The Californians include an afpearance at for- med 26 years ago and just t hree years ago, The mer Los AnJ:!:; County Sherif Pet.er Pitchess' Califomlanl were oraanbed to perban spedal a-retiremlnt tit the Century Plaza Hotel. lections d wtna the Chorale'• oonmru. ''Ttf"e Calilomlam will also be featured with Both the Cb.ol'ale and Th e Ca.Ufomiana are the Chorale at the City of. Irvine's annual July under tJ» expert directian of Dr. M.awioe AJJard. Fourth C.elebration at Heritage Park," Bunce said. MembeD ol The ~ aonUMle t.o perform T'he Ca1i:f.om1ana will perform as a group when as part of dM! Chorale durin.I the regular concert they travel to Europe &his sununer with the Chorale season;. Orange Colmty Muter Cbonle"• 1981..a2 for• 2~-week J.oW' of die continent. concert leUOll included four Christm.1111-perfonnan-Many of the popular aonga performed by The ces in varioua parta of the county and a February Californians are arranged by pel'80ns close to the preseniatJon of Mendelssohn's great muwrwork Chorale and The c.autornians. "Elijah. u The ChonJe wiU perform lw umuaJ ])Olla DaVid Teit, a member of The Chorale and The concert June 5 and 6. Over 100 perwoiw lilng in the Californians and umtanl direct.or, is one of th<lee Chorale. penona. Aocordlng to Santa Ana resident Donna Bunce, "David ia minister of muslc at Melodyland and busine88 manager for the Chorale and 'The Califor· hu oompol!led aeveral original plecea of music for ua, nians and a member of both singing groups. 800l'l ln addition to arranging many aelections," Bunce after The Californians were formed dw lf'OUP be-said. "He has al.o ar ranged our popular 'Sing' gan receiving requesta to perform at events outside medley." the realm of Chorale concerta. ~ Wyle, a musical di.rector for many tel- "ln 1979, our first year, we performed before evision produttiom, h.u allo worked with Dr. AJ- 10 groups and last year we aang at 19 eventa,.. lard in~ music for The Callforniam. ~u~~· estimated that The Ca~fornians wlll "Mr. Wyle baa arranged leVetal medleys for sing to approximately 35 audiences, IOO>e numbe-The Californians lo perform," Bunce reported, ring over a thousand, throughout Southern Call-"'ncluding selections from 'West Side Story,' fomia during the 1981--82 eeaaon. 'Fiddler on the Roof,' and a patriotic medley." The Calffomlanl' most recent performance w• Wyle will be the special guest artist at the an appearance with tntemaUonally-known ooocert Chorale's June 5 and 6 Pope ooncert which will a1ao artist Marni Nbcm at a gathering of the Creteendo feature The Calllomians. We've got yoµr sjyle, a1 the Goroge ... Qull<stlve(, Moul. ond OtMore. -·-·---· The Californians have become a showcaae for the Orange County Muter Chorale, in addition to aerving as a~ fund-raising ann for the Chorale. "All of the proceeds from performances of The Callfornlana are ch anneled into t he Chorale treasury," Bunce said. "The funda are used to purchaae Chorale music and costumes, pay for ac- companying orchestras and assist in meeting admi- nistrative expenleS." . Bunce'iaaa that none ofThellngers in The · c.automiana are paid. "We have such a wonderful camaraderie among our group and everyone has a good attitude about the arQOunt of practicing and performing we do," Bunce said. This camaraderie is important for a group the size of The Californians, due to the amount of time each person puts into the effort. Accor~ to Bunce, members~arse an ex-tra hour hdl'week before the C practices. Two extra rehearsals, each two to ree hours in length, are v..lso)ield during the ~U\. "We are-planning a wee ker1d h-treat this spring to learn more music," Bunce said. "Since we memorize all of our music, extra rehearsals lire imperative." Surprisingly enough, moet of thel members of The Californians are not professional musicians. Bunce said that of the 20 singers, only four are involved161'\ music on a full-time profe9Si0nal basis. "Many of our members are teachers, public relations and marketing specialist.a, lnvolved in fi- nance or insuranoe, and 10me of us work full-time on a volunteer basis for many non -profit organiz.ationa," Bunce explained. Both Bunce and Dr. Allard agree that the succe88 of The Californians can be meeeured by the enthusiasm of the membera. beeause of the exciting perfor~n1 and great ''Our audiences love to hear Th~;allfomians music they ~." Or. Allard said. • t one of the best ~ ~bout a Californians' ped3 · ia the great amount of excitement and eff~uaiasm dis- played by tbe group, which reflect. 1¥.ir great love of singing." • ', omm1 ee presents LOS ANGELES I hN l J CHAMBER ORCHESTRA with BELLA DAVIDOVICH -Russl~n pia - nist Sunday, May 23, 1982 -7:00 p.m. in the Village Theatre Selections by Schumann, Debussy, Ravel and Fine. Gerard Sctiwarz • Director Tickets available at the ASUCI Box Office, Mon.·f ri., 9:30am-4pm. General • $10 , UCI F .. a~Lstaff , -aluffli, . Cit. & Oth~fildents . ~ i 1t?q , ~~I Students -"4nt"N fur- ther mto, call 833-6379. . . " ii I 1 II ~Table totable~~~~~~~~~~-1 Villa Nova great late-night tdining By JOEL C. DON ot""t"9 0.-, ..... ltaft VILLA NOVA, 3131 W . Coast Highw Newport Beach. 642-7880. Dinner served l p.m. to 2 a.m . Monday through Saturday, 4/.m. 2 a.m . Sunday. Dbttren from $6.50 to $14.2 . Vale parking. Major credit cards.· The search for a late-night restaurant has long been the quest of patrons of movies or live theater. Most kitchens close down at about 11 p.m .. leaving few options for thoee of us who occasionally would like to dine out after a show. But if you look hard enough there are a few spota on the Orange Coast that can accommodate theatergoers. One favorite is the Villa Nova, which truly offers late-n.lght service with a kitchen that can handle customers seated by 1:30 a .m. Though the theatrical production we attended finished a bit earlier than expected, we appreciated not having to rush off from the theater to ensure our evening meal. The Villa Nova hu ..... a cu.lil\ary fixture in NeW}>ort Beach since 1-(t originally started in 1933 on Vine-Street in Hoa.ood. Four yean later, owner Alan Dale moved.W testaurant to Sumn. Boulevard, acro11 from the plush and world- renowned Scandia restaurant. When the hippies and other street folk con- verged on the Strip in the '60a. Dale decided to look for new territory for hia fine Italian restaurant. He eventually settled on Newport Beach, a place he knew could aupport his pl.are year-round. He took over the SurUide restaurant, added a 9e00nd floor and completely remodeled the interior. The detailed murals on the outside of the buildlni took about a year for artist Stefano Falk to complete and are a much-noticed trademark 'Of this establishment. Charlotte ~e explained that her late husband, who was barn in Italy, asked the paint.er to depict fanciful Italian eeuide re!IOrta. Inside the decor is a li• more eclectic with a aeafaring atmosphere apicedjap with the trirnminCs of an Italian eatery. Mn. Dale now operates the restaurant with the aid of son Jim, who la largely responsible for Villa Nova's outstanding selection of domestic and im- ported wines. We decided on a bottle of Chateau St. Jean Blanc ($13), a dry domestic. Our meal atarted with scampi appetizer, sauteed In butter and garlic Soviet pianist will • appear 1n concert Soviet pianist Bella Davidovich will appear with the Los Angeles Chamber On:heatra In a UC Irvine concert Sunday, May 23. Davidovich performed as soloist with the Le- ningrad Philharmonic for 28 years. Her formal training on piano began at age 6 and conUnued her studies at the Moscow Conservatory. Her profes- sional career was launched when she won first prize in the 1949 Chopln Competition in Warsaw. After Immigrating to the United Stat.ea in the late '70s, Davidovtch made her American debut at Carnegie Hall in un9. '11\e concert will be held in the Fine A.rt.a Vil- lage Theater at 7 p.m. Ticketa are $10.~ general ad'miaalon, $4 ·for UCI students, $7.50 for other students, eenlors. and UCI faculty, staff and alumni. For lnforma11on. call 833-6379. U-Hirh band playa concert The band and orchea ra at Untvenity Hi&h School In Irvine wtll prea~t a spring concert Wednesday, May 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the campus gymnulum. M Conductor Larry Gtf(Haer'I mu1tcl1n1 will perform muaJc by Genh• and MU110rpky, .. well• hJahllghta from "Annie." Admlaalon ll U . and apectaton can reterve Udtfte ~y ~ ~ .:hool It 833-3044, ex\. 3& ($5.25). The prawns were delicate and the butter sauce had just the rtght hint of garlic. Since we had already lightly snacked before * ~ theater engagement. we decided againat aoup or Wad and opted to immediately have our main en- tllle following the appetizer. ~· ~~ dinner gueat cb_oae a paata selection, ~ and aaJarnarl ($7.95). We were amued by t1-e tendemeaa of the 911uld. Our complementa to chei Ernest Mergenthaler, w}}o •tarted at the 19- taurant as a busboy at age 17 and took over when ion.gtime chef-Walter Gentile passed away. A fancier of veal, I choee the Vitello Castellana ($12.95). It ii egg-dipped veal with pr011Ciutto, a ~ salty, thinly aUced ham, melted mozzarella and~ t Nova aal.ICIL 1be veal wu delicate and the eauoe • too overpoweriNI. J'or thoee who do not pre f produtto. Villa tfova often a te1ecUon of veel - treea in jult lbout every style tmacinable. • Al8C> el now: All the apedalty pe1te1 auch • ,.. ravioli. cwmeDonl, t.cneillni, manicotti and others S: are homemade. J'rethly made puta always adds ~ that extra sparkle to an Italian meal. • ~ Ja a pleuant line to )'OW' meal and ~, Mrs. Dale recom.mench the zabaglione ($2.50). a ~ light and frothy deaaert. :"" CELEBRATE TACO BELL'S I ..... SATURDAY, MAY 8TH: 17182 BEACH BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH We have a great reason for celebrating. It's our Anniversary! And we want you to celebrate with us. Join irt the party. There'll be: * Jerry "The Beaver" Mathers appearing in person from 12 to 3 pm . * KEZY Radio broadcasting live from 12 to 4 pm. * Free Taco Bell Flying Discs for the first 500 people who arrive. * Free Top-Ten Albums and passes to hit movies will be given away. * A Burrito eating contest! So what're you waiting for? Come into Taco Bell, and celebrate with us. 019'1 T°" .. " --------------------;m FRiETAco §/== I onuBDtm I 1111/A I I .. Jl I 1 I 'I I I I I ~----. ,. . ~ i ~~o~ng attractions~~~~~~~~~~~ f Ozzy Osbourne to t rock at Meadows ;f i By GLENN soon '6 or• Dlllf ......... i The middle-of-the-road linage of Irvine Mea- 1 dowa mualc-maken bu been detoured aomewhat > by an announcement that Ozzy Osbourne will per- > form on June 2~. A former lead singer for Black Sabbath, Os- boume haa ada~tf iJ style similar to Allee Coooer'a old roadahowa. today u "theatrical rock,'' ru. show involve1 sot.hie aets. apedal effects and lots of extra. Oabowne often a oontrut to other narne8 such u George Benton. Anne Mwray, Barbara Mandrell and even Elton John, who also are acheduled to perform thia leUQlll. • _ But the variation la nothing Irvine Meadows Executive Director Mark Kogan h.aan't had in mind from the start. "Aa rve mentioned before, Orange County is a major market and baa in it the whole soectrum of [11.J DINING & ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE ;tJ DAN FOGELBERG ; • He will open the season at Irvine Meadi1ws on June 5 . . COME TO THE WATERFRONT ; IN COSTA MESA llllt 1 ~ Jutt blcllM we·r• 1881 ~ fl'1m b wew do191't mun M don't hM ttlt ~ IMftlOd. Looll, If )OU W"1t U> jail I lot <If tDur19tl WllOI; two hol.n fbr I mNI. ttllt'I 'Pl bullnw. not OllL llut WI hM ~l\l • wlttrll'ont ~ nMdl Inducing h9ll ~ ~ lobrter-h1h ~ 1111'1 ~om~ Ind doWll b COllt. AJI prepared by upel lelad Mlfbod ~ Plus. we hM t9tldlr. J1iCY. ~ prt'l9 t1b In *" ~ Mrflngl. And rlWY meal lndudel hot. tlfty tMJlfl ~ Whit ft )OU Wlfttng fbr-Uldl OI ~­come a> b -... ~our In CClltl Melal • CAEAT !NTM'TAl""'Df MIOHTLY IN OUfl !MCIOUS U>UNOEI • COMf'UM!HTMY "'UH "c:Mat-NIO.flUL.IT" SHlllMP rurT'TUt wmt ~ DINNER MU£. CALADASH I.ANDINO & Ulil DISTILLERY (714) 642·9855 m L 171:11 9trwt. C.. ..... (A mi'1 MON =:.~JO AM "'tM \joft'1 Cellelf It 171:11 Md OrMfl °"""' lfOl!t '00 p., WI ,.0.111 ro• HOO CHINISE ,000 WNCHIS • DINNIH • TIOMAl COCKT AIU ,.__ IAIQUIT FACIUTIES ... cATlltNG * FOOD TO GO · • OPll 7 DAYS I srtrlM lll<Olft OI l'OOO TO '° musical tastes," he said. 1'Tbia I.a not a departure from our plan at all. In tact. it should be quite an intet'eSting show." Ticketa for Osbourne's show went on sale last Monday and Koean said ales are brisk. Meanwhil~. a~~eatre officials have an- nounced that Dan F1 g will open the muiical 1JeMOn with a concert oe June ~ and Director Louis Clark will bring hia "Hooked on Classics" produc- tion to Irvine on June 13. Tickets for Osbourne's show will go on sale at 10 a.m. Sunday at the amphitheatre box office and all Ticketron outlets except Montgomery Ward. For "Hooked on Cluaica" and'lhe Aug. 29 appearance of Sha-Na-Na, tickets go on sale 10 a.m. Wednesday. Orange County will be the second-to-last stop for Osbourne's long and well-publiciz.ed U.S. tour, which began on Dec. ?1t'ln San Franci8co and in- cluded a New Year' a Eve concert in Los Ange lea. It has been a curious, rumor-filled an<f tragic tour that included the strange news that he bit off the head of a bat toued.on-stage during one per- formance and the shock when a band member was killed in a light airplane craah. After tne incident with the bat -which prompted Osbourne to mils hia next-night concert for health reasons -hUma.ne societies began at- tend111j hia concerts amid rumors that other bizarre acts of cruelty might occur, said Larry Rem of Jet Recorda, Osbourne's cwnmt label. But Ross said such acts are not part of Os- bourne's show, which he deteribed aa "music and fun." Kogan said many pe~, remembering Os- bourne's aaeodation 'ttidl k Sabbath, wronaly expect hia new act to be hard-core rock-n-roll. •"f'oo many people don't uncleratand that Ozzy Osbourne ia more theatrical ~· he explained. Whatever they'~~qalled, Osbourne's shows haven't lacked for Uv~ nor haa his reputaUon needed embellhhmeaa l)e lrvlne show, in fact, abould be a natural fo the rumor-mongera con- sidering it will be :;e• ed next door to the L ion C-ountry Safari Wild park. Joked Kogan: " Iona u he stays away from the anJmalJ, we ahould be all rts ht." GRIME STAflRING CIWILEllE DIE Mualc; By .JULI ... TYNE Lyrics By ITEPMN IONDHEIM Book By ARTHUR LAURINTI Dlrec:t•d • .N dftor•otr•P"-Ct by JOHN SPINDLER A LITTLE SEX: Rated R, 1uin Tim Metheaon, Kate 0.pehew and !'.dwud Hemneon In the atory ol. • men who tri8 to be faithful but flnde ll hard. 'The R ratlnl la for adult idtue- Uone. -for diffef'ent r-. but meoece io wtn Jwt the ..,., ni. PG rau.n, mu.t be !or tt1 lofty lhelm9: theft le no oudtty, no violence and wry little oUenefve W:icwice· colln McDowell in • tale ol. and the aapemetunl. DlrecWd CAT PEOPLE.: Wi;;.: NllNmia Kineld and Mal- by Paul Schreder. mUllic by M~. 'The RntiQji la for eexand~. DEATHTRAP: Ba\ed PG, 1tan ~Reeve. Mk:b8e1 CaiQe and Dyan Cannon in • dewf-murder-m191«Y about • weehed up wriler and a promWnc younc author who pew • cr-t mystery. The PG 'raWic la fw violence. 1'11.E FRENCH LIEVTENANT'S WOMAN: Bated R. iwe Meryl Sl(eep in the role of \be Manbrobo and ~ French Lieutenant'• woman and Jeremy Irorw •the Victorian ....... 2::_DINING & ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE OUR FAMILY HOLIDAY DINNERS ARE BECOMING ~ TRADITION. DESERYES THE BEST ' . MOT. R'S DAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH Eleven Select E11tN-n Se~d From 9:30 »,.to 3:00 PM MOTHER'S DAY D~NER Featuring a Stw<"i<J Mem1 enied From 4:30 to 9:00 PM OLD$6 C repe St: Jacques. Scallops, shrimp and sliced fresh mushrooms in a sherry sa uce with cheese. O ne taste, and you'll know why it's an o ld favorite. SOMETHING NEW$6 Beef Bourguignon C repe. Filled with tender beef and pearl o nions cooked in red wine and topped with fresh mushroom sauce. It's a terrific new recipe. SOME:fkIING BORR~WED SOMETHTNG BLEU$6 Crepe C.Ordon Bleu. Layers of ham, turkey, Swiss and herbed cheeses in a ~repei breaded and french fried . ' tx:> a golden~. 1)\1; Ut\lqOe new dish was inspired by the 'lnaftC! chefs cl irance. Rlght now, )'ou ean 'enfay any one of these deli- cious dinners for just $6. Each comes complete with your choice of a mi~ green •or&9F almond salad. At the Magic Pan, there's alway$ something new to come back to. 13 • .. ·. J u • ~-Currently screening ,..; From Pap 13 ~ ~ I.heir d.tuaht.er (Jane Fonda), her la1n1 boytmnd, BWy (played bnlli.antJy by Dabney Coiftnanl and hi.I 13-year-old boy. Thfo PG >. r•~ ill fOI' ~ ca :g u.. POl\llY'S: Raled R, 11a.n Kim Cattnll, Scou <Alomby and A.lex K.atna In a lite of boys growln1 up. The R raUng la for t. nudity. QUEST POR FIRE: Ra!A'd R. t. a look 111 p~hJsioric man and WOffllU\, compwte with pnmnlve laniuage and ••I of "body I tancu-ae" d.veloped by anlhropolo.ii.at DNmond Moma 1 ht' fUm 1tan Evl'f't'tt M"°fll and Rae Dawn CllOfli The RraUllg us tor vw~ and aex -.52 REDS: Rat.ed PG. •tars WllTt'n Beatty .. John ~. the ii: AIMncan jou.rnalut and Diane Keat.on aa LoulR Bryant, who becomes NI wife. Ttus rtlm """ well over tl\re9 houri on a budget o/ ~r $30 million, and Che lovlna cue of Beatty, who alao prodll«d and directed, ahow1 The PG raUJI& Ill for tancuqe .md adult 11 tualwns RAGnME: Ra!A'd PC. II an lnt.eUlaent ll'tWfl VefM)f1 of EL Doctorow'• 1117~ novel, whk:h wHvea ht.atonal cluaractcni Harry Thaw, Stanford White, Evelyn Neabtt, JP Morpn - into the Uva of what ~ wcy hard to be a typkal American fMT11ly El11.11bt'th Mc-Govem giVft a wlnmna perlormance •the :lttamy eyed N8bi1 and Howard E. Rolllnl la commandlna u Coal~ Wilker,• bi.ck plano playa-who la aix.-1 by blcow and bw'eaucr111 1llkci. 1ll4! dtn!Ctor. Malm FOf't'man, had a dll· f ICU It I.ail< Ut C1J t Una the l pnlW li1'g book Into f IJm aha pe, and he 't done the pb adnunbly 1ll4! PG raUna la few nudlly ~ IOmC' violence. SOME KIND OF HERO: Raled R, 11ar1 Rkhud PryOf' u 1 down and out Mari~ who can't make ht. life &<> aa he wanlll it to The R raUn11 111 fOf' ~t' and adult aiu.&atioN DAS BOOT: Rat.eel R ... a Gtmnan-nwde ta.le of tht> ~w wondng In brutal oondltiona aboard a fiaz.l eubmarlne in World War II The film •tars Jurgen Prochnow and Kllaua Wennemann Tht> R ratlna II for vt0lenc. IF YOU COULD SEE WHAT I HEAR: Ra!A'd PC, 1\Al'J MA"' Singer and Shan Harper Tht.a movie 1a i-d on the life of Tom SulhYllll, 8'nger-compo11t•r, wriwr-dlrecU>r and athleu-who was bhnd Rating t.a for ..duh llltu.auona WRONG IS RIGHT: R1.1tf'd R, ll•n Sean Connery 111 11 11:lev11ion commt-ntalor who hOpllCOtChea around tht' world rovt1'1fli l'V'"nlll DI~ by Richard Bcuok.I Th<> R ratm1 aa for adult l'tuauons URGH!: Ralt<I R. us a hi.med colk'cllOn of conceru by rww wave bands ()pod Kenll(.>dy1. Surf Punks, Fll!lh"'°". A.llt•y Ca111. &ho and lhe SwlMymen, Crampa. Joan Jt-11 and olhen Allio 1ppcanng a.re PoOC., Drvo. Gu Go'1, X. Cary Numan and O.nao Bolflio R raltng us for lanaua&t• ENTEi\ THB NINJA: Raled R. 11ar1 Chnatopht'r ~e. Franco Nero and Sl'M!n Geor'ge In o tale of marual ar"' and ven11t•1u1C.'\' The R raung is for vlo!A!'nce FORBIDDEN WORLD: Rated R, t. a IClenl't' fiction horror story lt'l in ·~ Tiw R niling t.a '°" violmcor PARTNERS: Rat.t-d R. 11&ra Ryan O'NeaJ and John Hurt N c-ops -ONP at.ralJ)\t ;md ~ py who m1.111t Uve 1a&elher w tTatk a murder CMe 11\e R ratJng 11 few adult llilUatloN and hommuuahty GOIN' ALL THE WA V: Rated R. us about a a~amy awnmer and youna people w1Lh "only "'°" thing on their minda " Tht' R r1tJn(I is (or adult 11tw.uona and nudity VICTOR VICTORIA: Stan1 Juliot AndttW11, Rohen Preston and Janx1 01mt'r tn a (XlmC!(ly about lit'xuaJ tdenUty and show biz. Oirec1ed by Blake Edward., who 11ao wn>U' I.he ICT'lpt The R ralln& UI for aduh lllUIUON WAR IS HELL -Jurgen Prochnow stars as r.he U-boat capt.aln who leMla a crew of the U-96 on a daring patrol in ibe North Atlantic during World War II in the motion picture 'Das Boot., [) _;J OINING & ENTERTAINMENT GUl-D . leal cantenese f~ Ht here., ••Ice home RE TAURANT Mother'• Day Sunday Brunch from 10:00 Compffmentary Fruit Dequlr1 & FruJt Cert S«vlng: •Slced llNt A......... -0.. llcCll •Acne• ,......_ eo.fs 1111111111 Vol ., vent de' lier Stntd ............. of tlrH frnlt Vtltblllls 112.IS Adul .. • rt.II ~. DI ef IMperttd Ft'lld • VWet , ..... Ctndllr prnenltd to tldt .... 1 Frelh Crol..,,.t /1.oltlen <0.;~~~~~ __,, ~11"1 ~ ~-"E:. -..; fl/ilair agon ·-:.r-- GEHUINE CHINE~ MANDARIN DISHfS Specializing In Chinese A lo C.Orte Dishes •• Lunch Dinner Dal!r ~ Food To Take Out · 4711 e....._ • OUMel . ion ".,._ ••4. 750.7171 • 7S0.50M COSTA MHA • ~ ..... , 64~11•2. 6Jt.ttll FINAL WEEKS CLOSES MAY9TH ALCHECCO a 'f-.... JAY~H {S A~ ~=~w·n llAY11th .. Open 7 Night• 5 to 10 p.m. 8Mr a Wine Served R ... rvetlona Preferred (714)~ tufTllliTOM ECH " TIE Hf'JYMMT COflD .• 1: MOTHER'S DAY DINING ¢~ / '- SPECIAL EARLY HOURS Brunch from 9;00 a.m. Dinner from' 4':00 p.m. COMPLIMENT ARY FLOWERS FOR THI A.ADIEI 2807 W. Co6ilat)tllhway ON NIWP09'T AY 646-0201 -Ovt To Special ~'' Etrly Bird Dinn«• --w Not e. Se<ved ., I 15 -Diversions----------------~ -PLAYS--__;. __ _ • "PIPPIN," a fu~ version of the musical fanta- sy, la on st.age at UC ~·a Fine Ara Theater, playing tonight, Sat,µrday and ~y through Sa~y of next week at 8 p.m . Call ~17 for ticket information. "CLICK" a new oM4ct play by John Ferzacca, will be pretented tonight and Saturday only by the Laguna Moulton Playhouse. at the Forum Theater on the Festival of Ara grounds. l..lgunm Beach. Curtain Is 8 pm. aDd ad.misskm is $1. "SOUTH PACIFIC," the Rodgers and Ham.merstem musical. winds up lta run jhia weekend at Sebastian's Weat Dinner Playhouse, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente (492-9950), playing tonight th.rough Sunday at varying curtain times. Arriving Tuesday is "On Golden Pond" with Pat O'Brien. .. .,.oo,,.v r •a•T~ .. a Mav~De.cember romAnllc comedy, closes this weekend at the lrar1eqwn .lJlnner Playhouse, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., Slinta AN (979-5511), on it.age tonight through Sunday at varying ti.mes. The comedy "Norman, la That You'.'" opens Tuesday. "COMING A'M'R.AcriONS," a satirical comedy with music, completes it.I run on the Second St.age of South Coast Repertory, 655 Town Center Drive, Coet.a Mesa (957-4033). Final per!ormancet att tonight and Saturday at 8:30, Sunday at 8 and weekend matinees at 3 p.m. "THE ILLUSTRATED BRADBURY," a compilation of six Ray Bradbury stories adapted for the stage, cl.a.es with perfonnancea tonight and Saturday at 8, Sunday at 3, In the main theater of Saddleback College, Mission Viejo (831-4530). "WHERE'S CHARLEY?" -The muaical version of "Charley's l\unt," gives final performances tonight and Saturday at the C.O.ta Mesa Civic Playhoule on the·Ar- lington Street entrance lo the Orange County Fair- grounds, Costa Mesa. Curtain la 8:30 and ticket infonna- tion at 754-5159. "SEE HOW THEY RUN," a madcap comedy in an Enghsh Vicarage, continues at the Newport Theater Arts Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newpor t Beach (676-3143). Curtain ii 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through May 15 . "VISIT TO A SMALL PLANET,'' Gof'e Vida.l's anu- war comedy, is the fare at't.he Huntington Beach Play- house. Main Street at Yorktown Avenue In the Seacliff Village center. Performances are Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through May 22 with tickets at 847-4465. "FOLLIES A LA CARTE,'' a variety show, continues its run at the San Clemente Community Theater. 202 Ave. Cabrillo, San Oemente (492-0465), playing Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. through May 16. ~ J ~ "DA," an lrllb-flavored comedy-drama, ll on the i main st.age of South Cout Repertory, 655 Town Center :,, Drive, Co.ta Mesa (957-4033), playing nightly except :i Mondays at 8 p.m. (7:30 Sundays) and weekend matinees g. al 2:30 through May 16. ':< "THE FRONT PAGE," a comedy about newspeperl' f In the Thlrtiee, continues at the Westminster Community '< Theater, 7272 Maple St., Westminster (995-.fl 13), playing _'"'4 Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through May 22. _. ID co "DEATH OF A SALESMAN," the clalaic American !\> drama, la being pre.ented by Showcase Productions al the Westm1n1ter Auditorium, 7571 Westminster Ave. (894-6786) on Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through May 15 and 2:30 May 16. "UNDER THE NUTCRACKERS," a humorous and biting lOOJ( at ~the nacq, 11da·~·-... .a -,,..... ~ writers, hu world premiere at 8 tonight at Beverly Hills Playhoule, 2M S. Roberuocl Blvd .• Beverly Hilla. Stars See Diversions, Page 16 Mother's Day Dining Guide THE FAMOUS 21 YEAR LOCATION MOTHER'S DAY DINNER FllM a P.1. .... " ............ , 6424777 ......... 1900 W. BALBOA, NEWPORT BEACH 113·1401 Complimtnt111 Glass of ChalTfJatnt '"' Mom MOTHERS DAY BREAKFAST h<Hd Ir°"' 1 AM to J .... EGGS BENEDICT ALA AONALOO EGGS SAAOOUX ALA PA TIO CAFE CHICKEN CREPES ALA REINE QUICHE LORRAINE ALA FRANCOISE '415 '""" c.....,_,,. SS.SO along with Aegut., --.nu 1922 Complet6 Dinners from $5.25 to SS.95 5:00 PM· 7 :00 PM D a ily A Tradition for 80 Years Your choice of Lip or sa l~cJ und on<' o f these c ntrc-Ps 1982 Serving Nightly Tll 1 A.M. Mothers Day 640-1573 Open 7 a.m. to 12 tldnlcht 3050 E. Cont Hwy. Corona def Mar Opposite M>eftsons Newport Bhd. & P.C.H., Newporl Beach . ....... tton. HlghtJ ' ~·ed 645-10n IGTIEl'S Ill SPECIAL ., .... ,, ....... C}tPRICCIO CAFE a• ........ ,1 • ...,. A Ft'nh FIOWw fGr II Moms O\W 92 Hot ' Cold !nt,_ 182 Imported & Oomeetk: Wlnee ........ ~. j ------..... -...--- • ... 16 ~-Diversions--------0) ''FROM LINCOLN TO LENNON," portralt.s or slain advocates of pea.ce, at UC lrvine'a Unlvertlty Center Heritage Room ~einninl Monday. Houn 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and 4-6 p.m. weekdays. -,..: From Page l 5 >-include Costa Meun Steve DeNaut of South C.OUt Rep- • ertory 'l'heawr. Runs Fridays, Saturday• and Sunday• ~ through June 13 with 8 p.m. per formancea. Sunday ~ matinees, also. Reauvationa and Information (213) ~ 365-2398. Cout Highway. Parking at Peter's Landing for $1 with ahutt.le bus to festival. lteme Include king-mu handmade quilt. "CARTOONS FROM THE NEW YORKER" dis- 51layed at The Muaeum ShOIJt, 2754 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, thtougb June 10. Gallery hours 10:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. ~turdaya. -c . . -~ -ART . · "AVERY IN MEXICO AND AFTER," works by American modeml.at master Milton Avery, displayed be- ginning May 14 at Newport Harbor Art MUleWll. 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach. Abo on view ls leCOnd ln "California Collects" teries. an exhibition of.popular grapblca. Hours 11 a.m.-~ p.m. Tuesday-Sunday and Fridaya until 9 p.m. -DANCE--...,.._ __ _ J. i "O SUNSET BEACH ART FESTIVAL runs Saturday i and Sunday at fire station on 12th Street and Pacific MODERN DANCE AR'l~J;GLORIA NEWMAN w See Diversjons, Page l 7 1 , 1 ~ Mother's Day PEXING • SHANGHAI • Sl!CHWAN • tlJNAN CUISINES SPECIA L MOTHE DAY C HAMPAGNE BUFFET BRUNCH o,,.,, D•lly Lunch a Dinner To make MOTHERS DAY SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH 11:30 TO 2:00 9:30 to 2:30 •s ~J (4.1' for our 11 ~ llf'lder lluesrs) Our Djnner Mtlfu Served From 3:00 th1S day even -ir ll'l(J(e spec:ial.giW your mother ttle ambience of France The Chel 1.Jtutrec ""'"be ~Mng lun('.h Call For Reservation• 11J:t. 1 540-1937 J 673-1505 I 1500 ADAMS AVE., COSTA MESA At HARBOR BLVD. 251 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach ... l 1' DONOR IQIJI HON. ~ at,,.. CHINA PALACE RESTAIJRANT In Newport Beach Mother's Day Special LUNCHEON FROM S3 .9S Served 11 :30 to 3:00 ·~: Hot & Sour Soup., Fried Won Ton Fried Egg Rotr • Fried Rice ·Choice of o~ ~atn Dish Fortune Cookies Dinner Combinations & Ala Cane Also Open 11:30 to 10:30 • THE FIRST & ONLY SZECHWAN STYLE CHINESE CUISINE IN NEWPORT BEACH SPECIALIZING IN • SZECHWAN. SHANGMAI & MANDARIN CUISINE IH()VU "f<.•Aol..N WOf \l'ICT tOOOI Beer & W ine Served Lunch & Olnf14!r Served From 11.lO 1.m -10·30 pm. 7 Days A Week Also. Food to 00 ordtrs' (7f4) NEWPORT BEACH 631 -8031 2930 \JI. COAST HWY. ... -R MOTHER'S DAY BUFFET BR~CH Our Morhc-r'~ 0;1y Brunch is )ump1uuus Jnd ~r.1ciuu~ Yuu'll lovt" 11 fur I~ fabuluu~ .1rrJ)' of 1.1~1 y spt"l1.1h1t·~ ComplimentJry Ch.impd~ RoJsc 8Jrun of Bc-ef ' BJkcd H .1m. RJisin Saud-' £AAs Bt•nt\11c1 ~Nfood Nt"IA bu rg e.1~onJI Frmrs. WJIJorf SJl.1.I GarJen Fresh'Vt'ger.1blc S.d ... t PoucUC"S .1u GrJtin Chickm ~~ur Hcl"nn1-t fn uur Crt'ani Cn1111~.1m' C~.i~ Y'>V' wo Omdc11l· Assorted.,, '~ P.1<.rrie~ And Mudi, Much More , I , 1 Served in our magnificent (,rand B.tllroum. AJulrs S 12 'Cl Children 56.00. Or in lhe elegant priVJl'Y or rhc GrJnd P\ltf.l~C Jks1Jur.1n1· AJuhs Sl4.~01 Ch1IJrcn $8.00 Cmui11u11t>.1 emcn.11nmcm. • RcttrvJ11ons Jvoihiblc bc-1-tinning 10 11.rn CJJI 7'>2·8777 .,RTI-iE 'REGISTRY IR800 M1cAt1hu r Boulc-vJrd, lrv1nt" ·'lrJ77 Tilt' Rt',lltUI'} Hotrl r~1rp11r.11111n, l)Jtl.t), 'fnJJ I • fl -Diversions----------------:!! a From Page 16 1 i 11 "DIRECTION: DANCE," Santa An.a College'• an· _ETC. ~ lnltruc:t two clulea ln IDadem technique on May 15 at nu.al faculty-student dance concert, ii at 8 to~ht, Sat-J Irvine Cultural Center, 0302-A Daimler St., Irvine. urday and Mat.J4·H ln ~Hall on camp.&&. General "WJTNEll WOMANDND," pnmnted by N~ ~ Registration and ln!ormadon 979-1~2. admillion $4. onnation 83 ·W7l. Mesa AAUW, ii at 8 p.m. Saturday ln Flne Arla lUI, 9- 0ranie·eo..t ~e. Includes readln11 from play-~ "SLEEPING BEAlJ'ff'' performed by avtc B&lJet "SONG AND DANCE SALUTE TO AMERICAN wrlahta. poets. ennell and IClll8 and dance. Infor-- of Southern California •tar"!inc Anthony Sellan and COMPOSERS," Chapman C.Olleo'• atudent-faculty mation 833-0570. · ~ - Terri Haya Is at S p.m. Stlftdey ln UC Irvlne'• F\ne ArtB dance oancm, Is at 8 tcniaht and Saturday 1n Memorial • C. VIU.ae Theater. General admlulon $~. Information Hall Auditorium, 333 N. Glallell St., Orange. Admiliion AVUTION HISTORICAL SYMPOSIUM themed ~ _83_3-_63_79_·~~~~~~~~~~~~11_$4_.~_._Inf_orma~-tion~"-7_-67_~_7·~~~~~~~See~__.,;.Divenliona,Pagel9 ~ ENJOY MOTHERS DAY Overlooking Newport Bay Flowers for, The Ladies CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH From 9:00 a.m. Dinner Fr0111 4:00 p.m. 642-3431 ()ff,, 1r""'111 1t this loCltJon orly HUNTINGTON BEACH 19881 BROOKHURST 962~1341 Brookhuret & Adams ' MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL. Enjoy Our Famous Barbeque Dinners All Mom's Orders To Include Champagne (On Premises) 11 A.M. to 10 P.M. Happy Moth1r'1 Day Mom _We ~<! Yi/ · Mothers Day Champagne Brunch 7 A .M . to 2 P.M . Special Dinner Menu 2 P.M. to 7 P.M. 67J-46JJ .. . Balboa Pavilion ... 1111 l1lllT mof~,.'j i;})a'I ~rune~ ~~~ CAFE I Open 1 ll:a.m. f<•6ervali n6 644-123 7 No matter hoW YoU 9fJY lt...in any language ... oll mothers are special. This Mothet's Doy, Moy 9th. the GOnder Gourmet Coffee Shoppes wtll honor each mom with on orchid, Just to soy "thonk you fa belf\g Y9U". ~ I .. 18 ~-Mom's Day dining---- ,..: MEDLEYS -Guest performers include ~ individuals and groups who provide music both ~ from the rock n roll era and from current hit >. selections. Bill Medley perfonns in concert every .g Wednesday and Thursday nights. ·c: u. CHEZ LAUTREC -Lado Isle. Chez Lau tree ~ will be serving lunch and dinner with your host -o Pierre giving all the Moms a fresh orehid. Witb ~ prices varying. the Chez Lautrec offer§ daily ~ specials for lunch and dmner -a Parisian am- ~ bience without the "Haute" pnces. o THE SPINDRIFTER -Not only will the ii: Spindrafter 's dazzling view and superb cuisine Day, too, because the Spindrifter's prices are remark.ably affordable. Champagne brunch will be the feature of the day and as evening ap- proaches, a st.op at the relaxing lounge and oyster bar spells the perfect ending to a warm May day. ) . THE W AREBOUSE -Dining tun, special e ntrees. and balloon bouquets ar e in store for m.ammas, wives and girlfpends at the Newport Warehouse. Chef de cul~jrie Charles Kalagfan plans to prepare two claimc'gourmet entrees for a festive Mother's Day. Th~1will be filet de sole a la bret.onne in wine sauce "1\d a puree of leek ($14.95) and filet d e bQfU.f marchand an vin, served with duchess potatoes and a bouquetiere of fresh vegetables ($16.95). The regular menu w1U also. be available. Cbampagne brunch will be served from 10 a.m . to 3 pm. and dinner will be served-from 5 p.m. delight that special Mom. but she'll receive a beautiful and fragrant cut rose as well. The en- tire family can enjoy a truly memorable Mother's JOLLY ROGER -At the Jolly Roger Mom can relax and enjoy the ''good food, good peotfe. and friendly atmosphere" that are now famous. She will also receive abeauuful rose as an extra token of appreciation. Guests can choose the extensive breakfast select.Jons. The dinner menu features many of the old favorites that have made the Jolly Roger a tradition with families for years. plus some exciting new offerings. The "Pirate's Hat" children's menu is available as well, with selections for childre n under 10 years of age. Y AMATOS -ThlS award winning Japanese restaurant, has prepared a special menu for Mother's Day including its steak ten yak i and shrimp tempura dinner for only $11 .25. Other award wanning favorite entrees including com- bination family dinners are also available. Dinner will be served from 4 p.m. ·-J . -~ ·- +h""v 1 r • • 1 irl a I J"') I 0 ............. ~ ...... -::~~~~~~~~~~~~--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-lliiii-.-~ • ITEAKB0171Z A ~JLLOO• Country Style Champagne Brunch 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Special Mother's Day Dinner from 3 P.M. Complimentary Flowers .Reservations, Cal 549-1512 I I Meet at the Crossroads Mothen Day Sunday Brunch 9 to 2 'l.9& C~twy ~CM & Cnations for Mom ll111n 1110 te 10IOO <Ms .... ~ ' Sllacl b Wine Liit • Codlals 18050 Brooklutt, Fcurtm Valey I ··~-1111 I ~ free Partinc 405 fwy~ ~· Elit Cenw tf Tllltrt ,...,.... I ,. MOTHER'S I DAY DlllER 1 :00 to I 8:00 Complimentary Champagne W1 iccept MC, Mu, ./, ~., Elptns Accepti11 Hs atians BEACH Bl.VD. AT STAii< tufTIMiTON BEACH ilttuo 8up' from Jtalp ::bear motlur, m'I frienJ6 anJ !) are having a EXQUISITE ITALIAN CUISINE gel log~lher /or 'lou anJ 'lour l'lpe~ on S",.Ja, ma, 9·. We will 6larl 6erving IJrMncJ. al f0,00 anJ t/ an'ILoJ'I .'6, in 'lour lin• of worL woufJ li,Le lo join U6, have fhem calf u6 al 759·1854. 2Jinner will Le 6larfing al 4100 p.m. 10 plan it. Carnalion6 /or al/ ti.. laJied. I \ Al/ecliott 1}01.r :.~~f. tl_i .. m~.' 11~ ~~~ 1 11 -Diversions--------19 EDGAR SBOLUND SCHOLARSHIP CONCERT -,, with Chapman c:olleae Symphony Orchestra and Ccinc:ert 2 Choir at 8 p.m. May 14 in Memorial Hall Auditorium. m From Page 17 1 , "Birth of Air Transporta~1 ~rdal Airlines and Air Mail Service,'' ia May 1:5 at~ Inn, Irvine. SEARCHER GEM AND MINERAL SHOW la at' Brookhunt Community Center, 2'271 W. Cracent Ave., Anaheim, 10 a.m.·8 p.m. Sattirday and 10 a.m.-~ p.m. Sunday. Free adm.iaion. I I \ M.ARMOUSETS PUPPETS, the Riede Marionettes, Le Gulgnol de Paria, Preston Hibbard'a Punch and Judy and Dixie with her troupe of Clowns perfonn at 11:30 a.m 1 p.m., 2:30 p.m. and 4 Cti S.turday and Sunday at the Puppet Cent.er, 1238 S. Blvd., Anaheim. A..dmillion $1. LION COUNTRY SAFARI open at 9:4:5 a.m. dally on San Diego Freeway at Irvine Center Drive, Irvine. -MUSIC------ N. Gia.ell St., Oranae. General admilalon $4. lnfonna-~ don 997.Q7 l. J. 1 ~ SPRING SERENADE, an evening of Enaliah music featuring Saddleback College North Campua College Chorus and guest ainget'I and inatrwnentaliat.a la at 8 to-,, night and Saturday at University United Methodist 5,: Church, 18422 Culver Drive, Irvine. Admission $4. In-'<.I» formation 559-1313. Mot her 's Da y Dining Gu ide .... <O co N ~ THE CHART HOUSE MOTHER'S DAY DINNER From 4:00 Steaks • Seafe>QC1 • Prime Rib . 548-7111 1520 W. COAST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH Sunday, Mlfy 9th MOTHER 'S DAY j oin us for luncb or dinner ~Great qti11b Delightful.tllnches Glorious 'l!lkiners 37 Fashion 1$1and Newport Beach 644-2030 ~ For Mammas, · 500 N Euclid St Anaheim Plaza 772·2130 Wi~es & Sweetje-l?ta1! Mother's Day Dining•' on the waterfront , 1 n:.11 'our '"' 11nt.: l.1d1~" ro .1 Ml cvcnlntt ur win· 11111. 1111111111 .ind "'"11 .it th.: \H>rld-fomuu\ \\ Jrc:h~u'IC ~.:-1.wr.1111 11~ .:rl1111!..in11 1 he ,,. JIC:f .. F re'h ca food. prim~ h.:.:t. fam11u, \f,tl.1~ ,i:rn 'hrimr und ..pedul d."''' ~·1urinc1 cntrcc' 14 ill be prcmirc:d ju~I for '''" .tnd \our,, Sa~ lfo,,,,~ \fothc:r'~ r>u) "ilh clu(~. I 11c cn111rtain111cn1 t11 "S\ll!CI Tulk" & 1.•olorful h.1ll111m h11u4ttch. • • 11 n ..... ' I . r~~~~~~~~~~~~, t HassaQ's Exotic t t Lebanese Cuisine t·------------- t Spec1ol1zmg In Lomb & Seafood t f Lebanese Style f MOTHERS DAY t COMPLIMENTARY GtASS Of WtNf t Wlfh lunch or Oinner t 3325 Newport Blvd 67S..t661 & Newport Beach 67S..t610 ' ~~~~~~.--.~~~~~4' a...r i... ... ~,.,., Moc+ln• °"' .... '""'°"' o..tk l On~ CALL FOR RESERVATIONS Cahforn1•1 MOM lnt1m.aic Showroom fuw Food. Spmu 6c Louni;t Si.o.t 7 O.y1 a wttlc ~ p.m 10 1 • m fOf 0.nnu Of Shnw Rtwrv111on1 ,,J,~ !!L!~~.:~.~~~u-. '1Y't "''tulh ot UM \If"' ht'f• .I\ "1 AL Tt-141 CUl~l,...I: Mother's Day Festlval Complimentary Orchid For All Moms Lunch 11 :00 to 3:00 Dinner 5:00 to 10:30 673-3322 4001 W . Coast Hwy. Newport leach DISCOVER BLACKBEARDS NEW LOOK We've ctwlg8d and have a newly remodeted IOunge, oyster bar and dinner menu! COM£ ON OVER and ENJOY Mothers Day CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH or DINNER AT BLACICBEARD'S Mothert o., lpl!Clel HONt!Y eAKED HAMS WE FEATURE COMBO SPE· CIALS, PR1t-4E RIB OR TOP St ALOIN WITH CRAB. SHRIMP OR SCALLOPS. MONDAY NIGHT JAZi • - IO ~ ~ 2 ~ "O l: c_ ----":.----~ . "O i ! ~- ~CY .l <iDALTON ~OIY JIMY~INf ... FllH.IMC r=-- ·---.. Eleanor. • • Jean Stapleton plays woman $'he admired ' ~ to Delly PffGot l The dramatic story of one of history's most influential f~ Eleanor Roosevelt, is brought to life through the inimitable talents of three-time Emmy Award winner Jean Stapleton, in "Eleanor, First Lady of the W¢rld," a special two-hour film presentation on Wednesday at 9 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). The film traces Eleanor's trauma of building a new life on her own after the death of her husband, President Franklin Roosevelt, through to her in- volvement with, and undying commitment to, the United Natiom d~ its formative years. A sig- nificant part of tha!.mvolvement waa her almOlt single-handed mission to create, develop and win ratification of t~U,bl.'s now precedent-setting Declaration of H · Rights. The altru.iatlc ti r waa tom between family ties and a deep-roo~ instinct to heed the hU{Da - nitarian call. She WAA~roed to chooee between the prodding to "aettle r er~ .. by a daughter ahe never really knew and th~ nK>nal request from Ptesi- dent Truman to come to America's aid aa a delegate to the new United.Nations. Accepting PreSl'aint Truman's offer, Eleanor ignored opposition from Congress and contempt from her own deleption -who believed her to be "more dangerous than the Ruaaiana" -to eal'Jl her plaoe.in diploma . , Her story ia .8iiidi concern, dedicatioD..a leadership u Eleanor .. refused to let anythln« or anyone stand in the wi.y of her commitment U> her country and her determination to seek and insure universal guidelines for the protection of ~ta ;ti.- people throughout the world. E.G. Marahall portrays John Foster Dull~._~ crusty senior American delegate to the U.N. WM'a convinced from the ~t that Eleanor is the w~ po9lble choice as a Cft1t11te and hopes to be ~ right at the earliest ~ty. fl · Coral Browri4,'9iY. Lady Stella ReacUnat, Eleanor's old trtend 8nd a member of the Briu.li Houae of Lords, who ah9WS Eleahor, firsthand, the tragedy auffered by people displaced by World War n, In rampant evidence throughout London. Joyce Van Pf.'µen la Malvina "Tommy" Thompeon, Eleanor'~ secretary and constant com- panion, who has devoted her life to meettna !Ua-, nor's needs. Gail Strickland portrays Anna Rooeevelt Dall. Eleanor'• daughter, e by the abeence of a full-time mother abcj making One last effoA to convince Eleanor toi y devote her life to per family. I ") ~ Kenneth K1mm1na it Durward Sandifer, the forelen affain advWor. 8lligned to FJeanor by Pre-- sident Truman. the pel'Ul inltrumental in auidlna See Eleanor, Paae.11 . Amba,!~dor's wife ~n soapn See Ddyiime Drama on Page 35 •May 7 -May 13• • - ,..._...__...._"""-:-="" __ .--.~._..,.._.,~~ a::----~~-~-"'-==="'"'"'=:=:=="':=-:==~~~-.~.~-=-==:-:-=.=::--=~or::-:~~~~~~~~""!"""!'...-~"'!"""'!--:"""-"'!"!"'""'!!!"'~P--.... _..._ .. U:~i~llll'!""!!~1 ! l Eleanor . • • Jean Stapleton plays woman she admired lpeclel to Detty Plot The dramatic story of one of history's most influential figures,. ~r Roosevelt, is brought to life through the illimitable talents of three-time F.rnmy Award winner Jean Stapleton, in "Eleanor, First Lady of the World," a special two-hour film presentation on Wednesday at 9 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). The film traces Eleanor's trauma of building a new life on her own after the death of her husband, President Franklin Rooeevelt, through to her in- volvement with, and undying commitment to, the United Nations d.ur.inc its formative years. A sie- nificant part of t!:\a1. involvement was her almost sin8le-handed mission to create, develop and win ratification of the u.~ ... now precedent-setting Declaration of ~ta. 'The altruiatie ~ wu tom between .family ties and a deep-roo instinct to heed the huma- nitarian call. She wp, (orced to chooee between the prodding to "aettle ~Wit·• by a daughter she never really knew and th'e 'pe.nonal request from Pr-esi- dent Truman to come to America's aid as a delegate to the new United)i~~ons. Accepting Preaaent Truman's offer, Eleanor ignored opposition from Congress and contempt from her own delegation -who believed her to be "more dangerous than the Ruaiana" -to ~ her place in diploma . -Her story ia 8iiiii concern, dedication::and leadership as Eleanor refuted to let anythin .. or anyone stand in the wl.y of her commitment tb h~r country and her determination to aeek and insure universal guidelines for the protection of fi&)lta 'I« people ~t the world. E.G. Manhall portrays John Foeter Du11et... the crusty 9eDior American delegate to the U.N . ...,,.,,_ convinced from the CMtilel that Eleanor ii the wq pomlble choice u a CftJt91te and hopes to be ~ right at the earliest '?2~ty. Cbral Brown PJ•Y• Lady Stella Re.d.Jna, Eleanor's old friend and a Ir)ember of the Britiab Howie of Lords, who shoWI Elemor, finthand, the tragedy au.ffered by people dlaplaced by World War II, in rampant evidence throuahout London. Joyce Van Pa'µ'.en ia Malvina "Tommy" Thompson, Eleanor\-secretary and constant oom- panion, who has devoted her Ute to meeUnc ~­ nor's needs. Gail Strickland portrays Anna Rooeevelt Dall. Eleanor'• daughter,~ by the abeence of a full-time mother ancJ ~w_ mak1n:g one laat effcrt to convince Eleanor toi l"'8Jly devote her li.fe to her famil . , ilenneth KirnrnJna ia Durward Sandifer, the foreign affairs adviaol' aaaigned to F.leanor by Pre- sident Trwnan. the penon instrumental in guidina •May 7 -May 13• .: - See Eleanor, Page,~1 Jean St.a~eton stan •"Eleanor, 1'lnt Lady of the WorldA" • See Orange County TV, Page 3 .. --------- t ('lj co O> ..... ..... >. <IS ~ >'; <IS ~ -.: u. ~ ~ > ~ ~ n: -'" .. & 1• 1~,.11i · ~ta~ ~~~l~W. ---. _,_ -~-P/;"'4 ~~"*1-· ·svs r Ervis------~~o ,., VotlJt -------t 74'~ I ,'" Atlantic Music's 21 year tradition of only offering the finest in home 0~( entertainment at affordable prices now continues in your car! Sony's . 1'111 achievements in every a~pect of audio and video are renowned throughout ·the worldll And Atlantic is now proud to bring you the finest possible reproduction of music in your car cnurtesy of SONY. Stop by and hear the amazing line of SONY AUTOSOUND set up in our computerized display allowing instant comparison between any com~nent or entire Auto Sound Systemsl XR-708 Pre l\rl"p rM All! Tuner Casselle Deck with Dolby 0 X'tel 1.Mll" ..-rt1 fNqlMftCJ •Jnlltffl• D Memor• pr•·Mt for Mp to I AM and I FM •l•tlone; Hlomatlc ~ ............... 0 Dtaltal ....... of "''t'ftCJ aad IHI t-tn q•arta dlgltal cfocllt o Autometlc uelc 8onMf (All8) 0 DofbJ Miff reduction 0 Metel tepe =-...... ...., ..... 0""" ..,.., blecti XM-55 High-Power Main Ampllf1er 0 Thr••;.~:r ln,•te IHludlnt DIN, RCA, ae Woll aa ......, •o•·••••..., .. ,,.........., ............................ ,-a. ............ 11119/0ot.) 0 ...... N1ef hlnMA wtth UD ~ "9-..._ 0 .._ drtwe .._fer...._..,_,....,..... .... (·ld9 .. 1.U. .... 1Ma/0-.) -----·-·------~ XR-35 r~ AM R~ce1vcr /\1.J'o-Hr•-1f''Se Casset!e Deck w II' Dolby 0 Auto-te¥WM wtth SWKt-*' •loot caMOtt• "credte" 0 0...., ... '9ductloft 0 Unique th......a.nd 9tep equel· lier odl•t• tit• 1CH1nd to .ult 1our car and lr•t•nlng ..,.._one• 0 '°"' epoaker output with fader and be· lanoe conlrola 0 ....., tape c:apebffltJ with tape Mloctor ""°" • XS-613$ SW '2.Way Co~ial Slim-Line Speaker System 0 ....................................... .... wttllo•t Horlflclftl eeund 41uatltJ 0 ••to•.-ontod ......, .... ....., """..,...,.. ........... ·c:-=~~.~~-= = woofer euepenelon •J•leM for ...... MC= .._ 0 XM-E7 high Power Equalizer Ampl1'1er 0 ~ grephlc ........., CJ nw.o-w., Input• in. cludlng DIN, "CA, H well H 1peeker-tenl lnpute 0 Pr .. mp output• 0 ••H drln for optlonot eub-woot.r eppllcatlon (.Jda •• 100HI, .. 11de/Oct.)0 lftclvtduol left end right fedor control for 4-epoellter 1ptom1 0 Input .. "' control 0 Equeltaof dof9at ewttch 0 Subeonk: fttt9' Pf•Hnl• low baH p ....... from caullft9 damaee to .............. .. -,... r .• . ·• 1- . Daily MAIN OFF1C! 330 Wfft a., Coe .. M ... , Ca. Melt eddrHa; 1MO, Coate MMe, Ca.. ... Tei.phoM: ProlfTIAm inllli-Jliiatlon Is provided by tllf! n~rworb and stations and fl .ub)«r to chang~ without nocw. Oran Coast TV Anten11a And have you ever noticed how department stores alwaya have the late.t TV modela f layt..q ~ riaht next to the heme fW'nilh1ncll aecda:l. You'll ~ alway• find a few huabanct. hud.d.lecl. around a -1 Dodaen pme while their wtvee are aboppmc fol' < aheem or a new lamp ;.t a few feet a-.y. r Thank• to new technoloay and expanded 8 p1"0ll'UDID1.na, the bond between man and b1a tel-",, eviiion ii Uiely to become even atroncer 1n the S: years abeed. m The video viltu Joomin1 on the PIY teJeWion ~ 3 E • • • fn>nt have been well-doonnent.ed. You no loneer' ~ Index veryone 18 J8ZZ1ng have to ie.ve your uvtna room to aee edult movWs. ~ . boxln1 title fi1bta, rock concerti and Broadway ~ Orange Coalt1VAntenna ...... Page 3 up their TV act ,playa.Thevtdeopmepeopleareaare-tvelymark-<O Sports H1ghli~h . . . . . . . . Page S eting Pac Man and other challenl(et that can be ~ Day time Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Page 6 By PHIL SNEIDE RMAN hooked directly to your home sets. Your children no EveninQ Schedule . . . . . . . . . Page 8 Of .._ Dlllr ,... ...,. tonier have to feed quarters to video rmchines in Inside TV ........................................... Page 31 One night a few months back a nasty storm the bowling alley down the street. Letters ................................................ Page 32 knocked out the electricity In a poah section of The attractiona of pay TV aervioes and video I.wv°P'!,~Fe e ·········=·~·_ ... _ .... _ .. _ ... _ ....... _::_P~~-New¥h~-=~omm~.-tqndinfffimirw"'"ha.,...t.---•~-en-d--:-e~=r~~ -·----· ·~w~ · · · · · " · · · · :1~ hardshi lhil blackout had sx-cL --- --1hougtr,'tlf keeptn« your ey~lla chewm.s on the .__ ___ _QayJ.!.~ J2! ~~· · ·:...... · · • ....... · .. · · · .Pa.ge.34 --·. ••A/i8 the Uahts wett out and it waa terrible," commercial channela. C she told me. "Slat thank goodnell we have one of The networlu are planning to fill the J>09t· h,,. ~~is those little battery-powered TV sets. We just rnid.nilht alrwavea with non-st.op news broedcuta ~.~~~ couldn't mis 'Dynasty,' you know." beginning next fall for anyone who's still awake at 9 K NXT 1CBS 1 Yes. I 1ue91 I do know. An inaightful critic once 3 a.m. 6121 w. Sunset Blvd .• Los An~eles, Ca de.cribed teleYilion aa "chewing gum for the eyes." And look at how the independent stations, e KNBC INB~ ' Today, there are more flavors than ever, and aep-which have traditionally relied on old movies and 3000 W. Alam ve . Burbank. Ca arating ..ne people from their televmon teia has TV reruns to flll their programming day, have e KTLA <Ind. become, well. almost aa touch • prying chewing suddenly jazzed up their act. 5800 W. Sunset Blvd .• Los Angeles. Ca. gum from the bottom of your shoe. Channel 13 hat been pl'etlenting a four-hour 0 l{ABC <ABC> It'•~ earlier than evf8. orlgl.nal drama. "A Woman C..Ued Golda." ltarring 4151 Pros~t Ave . Los Angeles. Ca There. are pre-tcboolen who can't begin their Ingrid Bergman. The move ha, apparently attracted <81 KFM~ <CBSJ . day without a few cartoons or a "Gilliaan's Island" a 18.r~ auatence because the independent station 7677 Engineer lf ... ~an Diego. Ca. ., .. ,.. . D KHJ·TV <Ind 1 re""lt a nearby elementary achool 8 teacher told actu y beat the network stations ra .... "6'"' m one 5515 Melrose Ave .. Los Angeles. Ca me last -.11r about a class pro..,_ in which her stu-swveMye. anwhile, Channel 9 ia plaru>ino to broadcast < 101 KCST <AllCJ .,-I"~· '"'"''-... 1 · "D 8330 Engineer R<t .. San Diego. Ca dents were uked to refrain from wa~ te evt· some of its weekend honor movtes ln 3-D this • KTTV <Ind 1 sion for one week and to write a report on what month, with special glaaaea available at area 5746 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Ca \hey had done with their free time. 7-Eleven stores. The station even promiaes that its m KCOP·TV <lnd.1 One younpter admitted the just hadn't been horroc movie tio;taa, the, uh, well--OONtructed El- 915 N . La Brea Avf!., Los Angeles. Ca. able to make it ~ the week without chea~: vira, will be 9ee\ ln S-0 , too. 124 1 CBS Cal* she had broken the 'rv blackout becaUle she didn t TV'a powen-that~be are allo looking beyond D KCET <PBS) want to mi .. that week's e,.Pitode of "Eight Ia entertainment for meam of k.eeptng you cllai.ned to 4401 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Ca Enough." '5> your aet. The new two-way cable syst.eml will allow 9 KOCE < PBS1 ~are plenty of .:lulta who are just as re-you to order merchandlle and P'Y your bllll -all 15744 Golden Wnt St . Huntington Beach luctant to part bQJnpany ~th the tube. . from your favorite eMY chair. 1O1 On· TV . A captain at one of our Orange Coaat police And just in cue you do feel like alipJ>lnl away 11~~9z~;;'d Cenlr~ Ave . Glendale. Ca stationa had to write a memo recently, telling d~ to \he local supennark.et, you .un won't be able to 2939 Nebraska Ave . Santa Monica. ca . off.icera it is ~.the rulea to watch televiaion eecape from television. 1H1 HBO · while waiting for n!Sldents to wander in with stolen A company ia currently testing TV 1eta above Time-Life Bldg . Rockefeller Center . N Y . :S Y bicycle reports. check-out stands at llOme Loe Ange1es area grocery 1c 1 c inemax · The habit has even crept Into the hallo~d stores. While you're waiting to pay for your goods, Time·L1fe Bldg . Rockefeller Center , N V . N V halls of city government. I once overheard a dis-you can watch trivia qui.Des, learn some OQQSWner D < WOR> tinguiahed city councilman W'li1ll hil fellow elected tipe and, of courae1 view commerclala for coffee, N. v . N Y ., officiala to h urry on with the agenda ao that he deodorant, etc. - 1111 1wrss1 1° r, could get heme ln time to tee .. Hill Street Blues." The company marked.ng the. moniton hopes Atlanta. Ga :"If~ '· Outside the' home, the forces of commtrce ~ to have them in 10,000 supermarkets across the I E l ESPN I• conaplring to keep people glued to the tµbe. au.-nation by 1985. . < L 1 Select ,,. depots and airline termlnala are often equl~J>ed So it's obvious that video fever la spreading. 1S1 Sh<>wHme wltb~--U--wlthno,....<'"'onln!lllht. IS I SpQtliRhl into a am of the flm q\MRI ... Iii. UJ>o you the face Jlf aJ1 thia, it la ref:rellb1na to find ( c, I Cable N•-want a ID J'OUI' roam?" see . • ~ 21 ,,,...... I ,OOO's of Movies For Sale or Rent See the Video EXperts at • • • . v1-r .. ~mut.1~•· g: · COSTA MISA • 6et14'21 • VIDEO MOVIES .. SPOKEN HERE • MODERN PROBLEMS • NEIGHBORS • BLUE COLLAR • EVERYTHING YOU ALWAY.$ WANTED TO KNOW AIOUT SEX • JANE FONDA'S WORKOUT • STRIPES • TIMI BANDITS • HIARTlllPS ' •THI MIRROR CRACK 'D I I . ' I !_ I r- 1 I ,..: ~ ~ ~ "O 't: ~ ' ~ ------111111! ~ AUTHORIZED BALES/SERVl~E/SATISFACT•DN AMC-JEEP CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH PONTIAC ORANGE COAST . ATLAS BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC AMC JEEP~. ----CHRULE~ YMQUDL .. ,---13600...Seacll-Slvd.,l>f -- 25241=4ar-bo1: .. Swc.i.-----2929 Harbor Blvd. . -Westminster_ Costa Mesa -549-8023 Costa Mesa -546-1934 892-6651 -636-2500 SADDLEBACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 r ROY.CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640.6444 BOB McLARENS IMW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La Habra -522-5333 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.9100 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROUT · 2800 Harbor Blvd. • Costa Mesa -546-1200 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. · Costa Mesa 642-0010 -540-8211 LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SOM LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 ·SANTA AHA LINCOLN-MERCURY 1301 N . Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 MAZDA ~RACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim· Blvd. Anaheim -956-1820 PEUGEOT BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 . PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSOM. INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -6 73-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-2333 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOY OT A 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855f· VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOUCSW AGEN 18711 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach _ •42.2000 -- VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO ~. 1966 Harbor BIV~" Costa Mesa -6-fl03 l' l . ·---------.......... Sports Highlights Friday MAYf, 1ta AfTEMOON 4:00 I ooooa DUGOUT 4:11 DOOGP .... GAMe: 4:t0. MIEMU. Los ~ Dodger• al MonttMI ExPoa 1:00 Cl) UIDAU. San Diego Padr• at Phita- ~ Pl!llliaa !VINNO 11:IO 8 Cl) NM MIKE1"M.L.L PlA YOAtl. L.IONMD'I GOLODt GLOYm ~ Ye. WMl\lng· ton, o.c. l:301 uiowra Al'W1D l.'00 9~0f CHMilll'tCINI .,..... Top male~ Including Jolln McEnroe, Eddie Dlbbs end VllM Oetulaitll compete lor $600,000 In prlzM (from tn. w .. 1 Side Tennll Club In forMI Hiiia, N.Y.). Cl) ™-Wiii( '" MID'W. a:ao 8 PC>fn'l SATUN)AY HI-round WBA LlghtwelgN Champlonahlp bout ~-champ6on Arturo Frlu encl ~ "Boom '""'~,J1 .. f•~n1;.._----... ~:;;;:=n Mancini Worn~ ._. n.-WllJ< IN UIDAU t:ao I DOOGIR DUCaOU'T t:ll DOOGP ... GAME 10::00 ..... IHAU. San Franclaco Glan1• et NewYonc~ Ql9AIOAU. LOI Angeiea OodQerl al MontrMl&poa 10:1o m IAIEMLL LOI Angelea Dodge<• al MontrMI EJ&pot 11!00 8 WCT TENNll "$300,000 Dellae Tourne- mant Ouarterllnall" N'TEW«>ON 1:00 0 8 HOlM'TON OPEN Thtrd--round -aea of lhlt ·~ INturlng some or toda(• lop OOI!· .,, (!Ne fr°"' tM wOod- '""'' Country CkJb In Houaton, Tex ). 2:00 8 8UGAA RAY Vegaa, N9v.). 1:41 (I) ~~~.Q:AUE - IHOW 4:00 Cl) .... a.AU. San Diego PadtM 81 Phila- delph48 Pllilllee 4:30. 80CC8' MADe .. Gl:MWfY Austrle YL Hungwy 6:00 8 WIDE WOAlD Of IPORTI Netlonel Chemplonahlp Motorcyde Racing (from 51111 Jote. Calif.): Iha U.$ va. U S S.R. In World Cup w r .. lltng (lrom Toledo, Ohio). 8'I) aoc:x:a MADE IN QMMANY Austrle ¥t Hungaty 1:30 9 WIOE WOAU> ~ SPC>flT8 Netlonal Champlonahop Mot0tcyde Racing (trom San Joae. Calil.); lhe U.S ¥t U.S S.R In WOl'IO Cup Wr••lllng (from Toledo. Ohio) lVDMNG 9'°° ID SPORTI AM!NCA "W-'a Big tO Swim- ming And Diving °*"" plonehlpl'' 1:00 CR> 80llNG Sunday MAYt, 1ta lllONilNQ to.GO 8 NM MIK£TMLL 10:161PlA==r ... ~ADWll'MGAMI ~ .... Ni Loa Angelee Dodgers at Montr ... EllPO' Cl) llAIR\LL San Diego Padt .. at Phil• delpNa Philllea , 1:00 a OUTDOOf' ~ 11:.IO 8 QI HOUSTON OPEN Flnal-round -~ of 11\1'1 tournament i'Mlurlng -ol todr(• lop GOif· wa (llW from the Wood- lands C-try Club · lfl Houalon, Tex) Af"r8'NOON 12:00 8 9 TOUNCAMINT ~ CHAWtOHI TENNll Top male players tncludlng John McEnroe, Eddie Oibba and VllM GeNi.itla compete IOf $600,000 In prlua (from the Weat Side Tennis Club In f0tMI Hiiis. N.Y.) 12:30 8 NBA IMUT1IALl PUYOFFI 1:00 Cl) N8A MIUTMU (Joined In Progr"') 1:30 8~ OVT'DOOMMAH FMlured a epeclal type ol rifle march. the Schuetten Shoot. 1111 ouhng In the Teton rnc>untWts ol Wyo- ming Wiii• Paul PeblOldl . QllPORT8WON.D PKA Professional ~ Chemptonshlp• (lrom Atlanta. Ga ); NHAA Wot1d Have a ball I Limited memberships available • Corporate Membership • Famllv Membership • Single Membership • Associate Membership • Junior Executive ( 18 to 29 veors of age) • Junior Membership ( 12 to 18 years of age) • Swim Membership • Aerobic Membership • And our new ~I Membership lor _.., w.n.atlOA, cell our ..... director 644-00IO //efu'~ ~a;~ 2601 Eostbluff OrlVf, Newpott Beach, CA. 92660 ; . -, ""*' of ~llCI Reelng: Pen 5 of the Wot1d'a SlrongMI ....... comoetlllon. bl08~LR fMtwed.: "VflellinO tor king Nimon Ofl MlchloM'• ,..,. Marquette. 19~T 5 7:t0. MllMU. 2:.IO 0 AMINCAN ll'OM'9loWf Cheryl Ledd jolna • moun- tain liorl·taoging operetion In Colofado; Alcnard Cten- na llnd CIK1 Oo.dy tleft for Atlantic 'Ulmon In lcelet!d, Barb.,•' Hetllhey travela the Cryalel Aivef In Rorida to find the and~ rnenatee- New Yorti Yenk-at Call· fornle Anoala t:OO (8) Mee fOf' THI "T1 NNHNfT 1 11:00ID ~UNO Tuesday .. Tiie Aoofd .. " Hoel• Ber· ~ ry T Clfftptllna and Tim ':c ~ , ... an lnllde 1: lootl et what It muna to be lilt MAY 11, 1M2 • roolUe. '< .""4 -co UO(I) M .. "U.~ 8alGAltMY UlONAN>'8 GOLOEH OlOVU 4:00 I DOOQM DUGOUT •:ao Cl) ... IDAU. ~ 4:1~ OOOQaA PM..QAMe: San Diego P8df• et Mon- 4:IO IA8E8AU ,, ... E>cpoe Loa Angeles Dodgefa et EVINNI PenMytvanle w. Waantno- ton, O.C M08@WDI~-· ~ ~~-·-7:ao=-,O..r-..-- ___ --l}' "llii~Bar-Tilt Kotvnal\ ~nour­ enc:e T rlethloll, '-luring a 2 • .....,,,... awlm, a 112-mlle bike ride llnd a mar atllon run (from Hewell): World Boxing Chemplonahlpa (hm ~. Weet o,.,. many) (I) MITMN OUT'DOOMMAH 4-·~ PKA Profeaaional KNare Chempoonahlpa (from Allanls. OL): NHAA WOfld Flnaltl of Oreg Racing. Part 5 ot the World'• Strono-1 Men~tltion 1:008 QMATUTSPORTS LEOIHOI "Johnny Bench" Ha.I Kan Howard Monday MAY 12. 1M2 ry Tompalna and Tlm ~ ....... inaide lo<* et whet It -to be a roolcle. 7:00 (D1 THI WAY IT WAS "1947 World SsrlH" 8'oolcl'fn Oodgw• .... New Yonc Yemnll-(Part 1) ._. MMIM>UNO 7:30 CD1 l"IEllALL e.loium'a Eddy Merci<a. the ~·· or•'-1 com-petitor In the sport ol cyc1. lnQ, ,. prohllld l J. .. ~.:ML TICID ![) ~ PEE WEI'S Fld •E IFFEI ~ ~ llY llY llT •, IET I ~ ti SllLL CKE FIEE (41•·YILIE) 5 f .. Pee Wee. 's Hot DoJs ~ ~ 'f ii;"!!<.,• 1-c~':" D. ~1.. \ ~ 145 4007 , .·,Open Dally ! 1 Lm.-10 p.m. Sun. 12 p.m.-8 p.m. c== c:==a:r--• ·OYER 30 DECORATOR PRINTS AVAILABLE SOFA .. -. 84" N'T with 3 Piiiow• LOVESEAT w. 42" with 2 Piiiow• 'Both Pieces Sofa 9ftcl Loft•••• J mu s23i .,s1s1 .,$397 nu m Qm11 SLEEPER 81Mpe Two mu $397 ,...., Olher a.,... .net Febrloa Aftlleble DISC.OUNT FURNITURE A BEDS -1• HAMOR avo. COSTA maA 131 ll08 ~Daytime ..... Cl) WACKY WORl.D OF JONATHAN WtNTERS "'~HR., 39 MIN.) (MON) ~;~1MOANINQ NEWS TODAY ~ ~~ \ I< >I { '\ I '\( I 'Ill: (II QOOO MORNING AMERICA ' fHE FAOOZ\.ES ~ 6:00• 8UNRl8E 8EME8TEA ROMPER AOOM ,, I ilOVIEWHR., 30 Ml] f5) BOGS BUNNY AND FRIENDS i::: MOVIE 1 HR., 31 MIN. THU) FRED FUNTSTONE ANO FRIE.NOS ~ MOVIE 1 HA., 67 MtN. ~) 8U8INE88 REPORT ..J~ 6:06 al I OF JEAN IE · PERSONAL FINANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE- {C) MOVIE (TUE) M~ > <lD WHAT ON EARTH (THU) N GOVERNMENT (MON, WED) t-6: 16~MOVIE mU} OF EARTH ANO MAN (TVE. THU) _2 6:20 MOVIE FRO . MOVIE (MON, WED. FAt) . 0: 6:26 MOVIE 1 Hk, 34 MIN.) (MON) YOUNQ PEOPLE'S SPECIAL (TUE) 6:30 JUNTOS (MON, WED, t=RI) SPORTS CENTER CUl8tNE (TUE. THU) MOVIE (1HR.,30 MIN.) {TUE) JIMMY 8WAGOAA'T KENNY OGOINS (1 Hr:l) (FAI) LETTHEAE~HT (FAI) MOVIE (2-ttAS.} (WED) NTERNA • HouA (MON, TUE) HAMM~ HOU8E Of HORAOA (THU} ·rv~LoocrtA ~~ __ ~HA...64-~} (MOH) -A"8 (niCJr • MOVIE 1 HR.. 46 MIN.) (Wm) ~~"9>--·-----_!.t --· '*'-10 -=~~ -~ .. MEET THE MAYOA8 (M6M, WED) ' 7:30 THERE Tr~y =~tEW~~(TUE) ;, ICART~ v • r. .. UNIVER8n'Y OF THE~ ml ") YOGA FOR HEAL TH HAUB.WAH HOU iUR) (FRI) MAGIC OF Ofl PAtNTING MCME [' 66 Mii.! · MOVIE (TUE) MOVIE 1 HR., 35 MIN. THAT '91AN ~ TIE WHfTE HOUSE: F.O.R. (2 MOVIE 1 HR., 67 MIN. ~} MOYE 1 HR.. 5' MIN. ) CB> A MANCHESTER IN~ (1 HR.) 6: = 80H8 ' MON) &.46 HISTORY OF MEXICO <MON. WED, FRI) MOVIE~) I 00VEAHMENt (TUE. THU) MOVIE 1 HA., 66 ~~Fe> I A.M. WEATHER THE OF THE :;:g =ESTATE PMDPl.E8 (MOH,.wB>. ~~·~~)(WED FAI) MOVIE (1HA.,20 MrN.) (TUE) di~ OAADENEA (TUE. ™Ul MOYIE· (1 HR., 15 MIN.) (THU) fJ:(jQ. LA.~ 8: (I) ~SAN DIEGO HOT FUOOE ... 8AK1<ER PEOPLE 7 (FAI) JOHN DAVIO&ON FOCU8 ON !K>CaETY (MON, WED) TOM ANO .B'Rf OOEANU8 CTUE. THU) BIG 8UJE MAABl.E (FRI) MON~ NEWS Ml8T9' AOQER8 (A) (MON-THO) COMMUNfTY FE£DMCK (FAI) 800Y BUOOE8 YOUTH ANO THE l88UE8 (MON) ON VACATION WITH MtCKF("MOtJSE ANO MEET THE MAYOR~ {WED) FMHKL Y ~ ) RACE FOR niE PENNANT CTHt.n · fT CAN BE DONE U) A CONFLICT OF INTERES'f ( 1 HR.. 4e MIN.) STRAIGHT TAU< .MMIY SWAOOART NEWS UNOERSTANOING HUMAN BEHAVIOR (FRI~ rra EVERYBODY'S B081NE88 (MON. WED HUMANITE.8 THAOUOH ~ ARTS l~'=f'~~~~ ~FOR A AEA80N (TUE. THU) ~=:. ~ ... L (RI) 8POA'11MoMAN (MON. THU) W>E~=:! ™ couoAA (TUE) Ea1!i~!! ~~ ~HAS.)~ :ill ~TH RB..O J(A;THAT~ a ·~AU.EH ~OAPtAIN KANOAAOO GAlJ.~~J.u) DAYllAEN( LA. fT CAN BE~&::) ~ CK(MON) YOUTH AND THE 188UE8 (TUE) ~=~(THU) GAEA T 8PN;E. COAln"Ef' FB..IX THE CAT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS (TUE-FRI) EXPLONNG LANGUAGE (MON) .IMI"( 8WNJ//lNff PINONAL AHANCe AND MONEY MANA.GE-· ~~w:,·\ ~iPOR!!~,.~f'()NJM ALL"8TM (MON. TUE) WEIK It THI NIA (THU) ON VACATION WITH MOCIFf ~ AND ::: ; SC::: If. e:li~ 1{-H~ ~NJIN~~~IS 10:00 (I) THE~ 18 AtOHt TEXAS SIC) VALLEY "' 0 LOVE BOAT (R) TIC TAC DOUGH I DREAM OF JEANNIE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING OETTIN' TO KNOW ME (R)J~ EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM I THU) ~ELISSA MANCHESTER IN T ( 1 HFl) ~~cME (1HR.,41 MIN.) (MONJ1'1· . (II} FLASH&ACK: THE LAST VOY~QE OF THE MOARO CASTLE ( 1 HR.) (TU~ I MOV1E 1 HR., 31 MIN.) ) '' MOVIE 1 HR., 33 MIN.) HUY,f 'i MOVIE FRI) ~ii' MOV1E 1 HR, 60 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE 1HR.,40 MIN.) {TUE. THU) MOVIE 2 HRS.) (WED) MOVIE 1 HR., ~MIN. MOVIE 1 HR., 35 MIN. 10:06al dov . ·· ~30l'!fPFTFAII: ---· ,.,.. ftf--· -·1 MY THREE SONS fl; INDEPENDENT NETWORK<~ ~E EDUCATIONAL PROORAMMI COLLEGE BASEBALL (WED AU8'mALIAN RULES FOOTS~~ 1 1 (THU) 10:46~ ~H=.~~~·~1W,ED~ 11:00• TATTLE'rALES . THE DOCTORS ·1> ~,..1 BONANZA '4 J" 0 FA.Mil Y FEUD THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS (!) BUU..SEYe WOMEN'BP~E LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE 1r 1 ' WHY IN THE WORLD (THU. FNjN ~~= (R) (~111 ) MOVIE ~ ' ] HR., 31 MIN.) (FRI~),· <~ ' ~ 2 HRS., 18 MIN.) MOVIE 1 HR, 40 MtN.) ( 31 ., MOVIE 1 HA., 57 MIN.) (r1-MOY1E 2 HRS., 46 MIN.) 11:161 :: (1HR.,16 MIN.) (f.1 1 11:30 THE YOUNG AND THE Ra. .E:SS 8EAACH FOR TOMORROW RYAN'S HOPE i~CHOAME LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MACNEIL I LetRER REPORT ma BLUE MAABLE (WED) THIS WEEK IN THE NHL (t:RI) AOOEO (MON) MOVIE (1 HR., 31 MIN.) (WED)'_' WACKY WORLD OF JOHA~~ WINTERS iFR) < = j~ =:: ~::~ ~~"I ii 11:36Gl)NEWS '1 ~I al BASEBALL E. WED) .• • 1 \ 11:46 t:tQW TO OTE (WED) .\J !l.1{'\( )( )'\ 12:008e OAYSOFOUA LIVES fWiJGHT ZONE 0 All MY CHILDREN NEWS .MOV1E fi. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 flJ AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (TUE) POCKET 91tt..tAR08 (THU) FLASHBACK: THE LAS'l' VOYAGE Of THE MOMOCASTLE (1 HR.) {FRI) Cl HAMMER HOUSE°' HORAOR (WEO) CZ) MOVIE (1 HR., 57 MIN.) (FRI) 12:35 ltl) THE f:LINTSTQNES (MON, THU. FRO 1:00 D. ANOTHER WORLD HOUR MAGAZINE I ONE LIFE TO LIVE MOVIE EDUCATIONAL PROG~MMINQ COLLEGE8~EBALL (MON) MOVIE (1 Hit.:. 40 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (WED) BEST OF WHA rs UP AMERICA I ( 1 HR.. 30 MIN.) (TUE) ~ McME ~ HR., 37 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 6' MIN.) (MON) MOVIE 2 H~b-WE) 1:06 ltl) THE UNS (MON, THU. FRI) 1:308 (I) CAPITOL NEWS 8'GNATUAE (TUE-FRI) NA~EOtt A_LO\l.E (MON) etGBLUE MARBLE (MON) ~--~~~u~-· .. ·---- MOVIE FR&}• MOVIE 1 HR., 33 MIN. iUE MOVIE 1 i 37 MIN. MOVIE t aA MIN. ) MOVIE 1 • .t7 MIN. U 1:"6 MOVIEr.c. 1 • 15 MJN.) (THU) 2:00 ~ LIGHT JOHNOAVI 0 Ge9AL HOSPITAL IAON8IOE OPENUNE 8UPEAMAN BOTANIC MAN: ON THE LIMIT (FRI) MO<ED BAG (TUE) oocz Kl06 (WED) = W,lWIE GEHrS? (FRI) GUTEN TAG IN OEUT8CHLANO (MON) LES GAMMAS (TUE) T~S F'AMILIES. TOMORROWS FffEN06 (WED) I HABLAMOS ESPANOl~U) =~ MELISSA M~ESTER IN CONCERT (1 HR.) ~5~~E:fHFR1~) I ~ ~ 1 HR.,~ MIN. (WEO) 2:061 THE BUNC (MON, THU, FRI) 2:15 ~E (MON) 2:30 BEWITCHED EMERGENCY Cl) MOVIE (FRO !!!.!'.!!!..~ BASIE~f>m ~·~OF LADY (TUE} ==OF RUSSIA (THU) Mt8TEA ROGERS (R) SPORTSWOMAN (TOE) I MOVIE (2 HRS.) (MON) THE LA8T OF rHE CA000£8 (TUE) MOVIE (1HR.,50 MIN .. ) (WED) HAMM~ HOUSE OF H0AA0A (MON) MOVIE (1 HR .. 27 MIN.) (FRI) 2:351Jl) NEWS (FRI) IJl) BEVERl. Y HILLBIUIES (~THU) 3:00 8 BARNABY JONES DONAHUE RICHARD SIMMONS EDGE Of NIGHT MERV GRIFFIN MOVIE HAWAlt FlVE-0 PEOPLE'S COURT THEWALTONS MIGHTY MOUSE YOU ANO THE LAW (FRI) HOME GAROENER (MON, WED) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT SURVEY (TUE. THU) HOUR MAGAZINE SESAME 8TFEE r Q 8ACK8TREET 8tX (FRI) ELECTRtC COMPANY (R) LITTLE HOUSE ON THf! f>RAIRIE VICTORY GARDEN (FRI) WHY IN THE WORLD (MOH) HOME GARDENER (TUE. THU) THE BEAUX ARTS T~ AT 26 (WED) MO~E~~ ~ INSIDE ALL (MON) ~ THIS WEEK IN THE NBA (TUE) ..,, SPORTS FORUM (WED) a: THIS WEEK IN THt: NHL (THU) ID WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS '=< iH~ MrTCHElL IN CONCERT ( 1 HR) (THU) f MOVIU1HA .. 47 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 16 MIN.) (Web) :"" 4:06 (fl) WI ERS (FR!) _. tm CAROL BURNt:TT ANO FRIEN06 (MON-THU) ~ -4:15. OOOGER PRE-GAME (MON. TUE. FRI) N (() NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES (FRI) 4:308NEW8 BOB NEWHART ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M·A·s~weo. FRI) THE LAST OF THE CAOooE.8 J~ ,_ Y~68PEC1Al,:..CTW,. ___ ·---·· sU~A/c) A CLOWN (THU) ffl&~Jot~WED.~~M" F.A. SOCCER (TUE) GYMNASTICS .(wet>) MOVIE (1 HR., 60 MIN.) (MON) · THAT MAN IN THE WHrtE HOUSE: F.O.R. (2 HAS.) (TUE) .. MOVIE l~ HA.. 57 MIN. MOYIE 1 HA., 40 MIN. MOVIE 1 HA,. 30 MIN. MOVIE 1 HR., 38 MIN. MOVIE 1 HA.,MMJN. MOVIE 1 HA., 34 MIN. MOVIE 1 HA.. 5.t MIN. MOVIE 1 HA., 67 MIN. 3:06= GRIFF1TH ~i~~7~0f~ MEO) = MUSIC HALL: THE RlNG OF 'rHE t:Ef. YOU~~~ LAW (FRO INSIDE JAPAN (MON. MO) OCEANUS (TUE, THU) COOKIE GOES TO TH£ HOSPITAL (MON) LITTLE FflENO (TUE) NCAA IHSTRUCflONAL SERES (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR.. 33 MIN.) (FRI) JUJY COLLIN8 IN~ ( 1 HA.) (MON) ~~~.~(THU) 3:36 IGOMER PYLE 3:45 NASL ~~FRI) 4:00 BARNEY Ml MARY TYLER MOOAE COUPlE.B NEWS WB.COME BACK. KOTTER (MON-WED. FRI) M*A*S•~H (THU) YOU ASKE0 FoA IT OOOOER DUGOUT (MON, TUE. FRI). THeBRAOY ~ (WED, THU) SCOOSYOOO JACK-A-BOY (TUE) 8A8E8ALl (MON. TUE. FRI) THE BRADY 8UNCH (WED, THU) BUGS BUNNY ANO FAaEN06 8'GNATUAE MISTER ROG=:) MACNEIL I L REPORT CINEMA)( SHOAT FEATURE (FRI) MOVIE (TUE. WED) YOUNG PEOPLFS SPEaAL (THU) SPORTS CENTER =ur, :ak.. 30Mu. e) MOVIE 1 HA., .t 1 MIN. MOVIE 1 HA., 20 MIN. • THU) MOVIE 1 HA., 40 MIN. MON) THE Of THE (TUE) -4: al) 8ANFOAD AHO SON .t:.t6 CZ) li!O'{IE ( 1 HA., 43 MIN.) (MON) 6:008 8 e tll NEWS Lrn'LE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE (!) 8A8E.BAU. (FAI) NEW8 (MON-WED) THESA)NT I HOLLYWOOD c> ~~ACK. ~OTTER (WED. THU) 8C008YOOO MCXED BAG: FAKJNG IT (FRI) MIXED BAGCMON) QUIZ KJ06 E} STYLE (W ) BOTANIC MAN (THU) SESAME 8TREE't Q UVEATFIVE O\IEAEASY MOVIE (THU, FRI) TENNl6 HIGHLIGHT'S (TUE. FRI) AUSTRAUAN RULES R>0T8AU (MON) AUTORA~l, =A8(1HA.~~ BRENDON CHASt <¥iOl4. WED) MOVIE (1 HA., 30 MlN.) (T\;E) ~DEO JlJKEBOX (THU) Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities ··serving All Faiths" ~Iarbor LaWQ ·Mount Olive ,. Men101ial Park · Mo1111ary ·Mausoleums Burial In Any Cemetery -Shipm'ent -Cremation. Plans Available 1625 Gl•ler Ave. .(Glaler Ave. at Harbor Blvd.) --•'\ • \I< >H '\I '\( I \I< )\ · 11 .S 5:20~ "KHI Of BeKllled" (1980, A~ture) James Ryan. Charlotte Mlchelle. 6:30• "Oh God! Book II'' (1980, Comedy) Geotge Burns, Suzanne Pleshette. 8:00(%) "The ldolmaker" (1980, Orama) Ray Shar· key, Tovah Feldshuh. 8:05Gl) "The Story Of Vernon And Irene CUtle" ( 1939, Musical) Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers. ~ 7:00(C> "Seizure: The Story Of Kathy M0<ris" (Dra-a: ma} Leonard Nlmoy, Pene4ope Miiford. 7:30(J)"Hawt<TheSlayet" (1981, Adventure) Jack Palanoe. John Terry. a:ooe "Father Of The Bride" (4950. Comedy) ~Tracy, Elizebeth Taytor. (%) "Dominique" (1979, Horror) Cliff Robertaon. Jean Simmons. _ 8:05dll "Matked WOl"Ml'l" (1937. Or.ma~Bet Devis Humphrey Bogart. -9:"00~~··~. Gomed)t..NefetleWood. Ian Bannen. 9:30• "Winds Of The Wast,tand" (1936, West- ern) John Wayne, Phyllis Fraser. O "'The Green Horizon" (1981, AdvenMe) James Stewart, Philip Saytw. 9:'5(%) "Massacre At Central HIQh" (1976, Orama) Andrew Stevens. Robert Carradrne . 10:00(1) "Chandle<" ( 1971, Mystery) Warren Oates. Leslie Ceron. 10:05a7) "The Window" (1949, Suspense) Bobby Orlscolf. Arthur Kennedy. 11:00(C> "I'm All Right, Jack" (1960, Comedy) Ian Carmlc.haet, Peter Sellers. (8) "A Force Of One" ( 1979, Orama) Chuck Norris. Jennifer O'Neill. e "l<Jll And Klfl Again" (1981, Adventure) James Ryan. Annellne Krlel. 11: 15(%) "The Bank Dick" ( t~O. Comedy) W.C. Flel~. Una MM<el. .\l·" l l.ll'\< )( )"\ \1< )\ 11." 12:00• "A-Haunting We Will Go" (f~2. Comedy) Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy. a "The Mephlsto Waltz" (1971, Horror) Alan Alda. Jacqueline Biaeel. e "The Joker Is Wiid" ( 1957. Biography) Frank Sinatra. Jeanne Crain. Cl) "The Black Hole" ( 1979. Science-Action) Max· lmlllan Schell, Robert Forster. Yvette Mimleux. 12:30(%) "The Four Seasons" (1981, Ofama) Alan Alda, Carol Burnett. 1:00(!) "Jailhouse Rock" ( 1957, Muslcal) Elvis Presley, Ju~ Tyler. • CC) "Stevie ' (Orama) Glenda Jackson. Mona Washboume. ,. D "The Earthling" ( 1980, Adventure) WUllam Hol· den. Ricky Schroder. 1:30(8) "The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again" ( 1979, Comedy) Tim Conway, Don Knotts. 2:00([) "Rough Cot" (1980. Adventure) Burt Rey- nolds, Lesley-Anne Down. 2:30QI "Fontamare" (Ofama) Michele Placido. Antonella Murgia. (I) "Hawk The Slayer" 981 , Adventure) Jack Palance, John Terry. CZ> "Massacre At Central High" ( 1976, Ofama) Andtew Stevens. Robert Carradine. 3:00G "RelentleSS" (1948, Western) Robert Y9UOQ, Marguerite Chapman. D "Lovers And Liars" ( 1979, Comedy) GOidie Hawn, Giancarlo Giannini. ~3000 "Cardiac Anest" ( 1978. Mystery) Gatry G~ow. Mike Chan. •:OO CZ> "The ldolmaker" ( 1980, Orama) Ray Sha.r· key, Tovah Feldshuh. . •:30(1) "Toby And The Koala Bear" (1981, Fanta- sy) Rolf Harrfs. 5:00~ "Penelope" ( 1966, Comedy) Natalie Wood, Ian Bannen. I . \ I . '\ I '\( ; , \ ROBBEBY RUNS AFOUL -Sorrell Btoolce, who play• Boss Hogg, makes an attempt ac scagmg an anned robbery on "'1~ Du.Jces of Hazzard" Friday at 8 pm. on CBS (Ch. 2). (j) MOVIE "The V.l.P.s" ( 1963, Drama) Elizabeth Taylor. Richard Burton. As passengers of a delayed flight await take-<>ff In the VIP lounge ~f~a 1London airport, their lives become curiously lntenwlned. (2 hrs.) 0 MOV1E "Kiii And Kiii Again" (1981, Adventure) James Ryen, Annellne Krlef. A martial arts expert battles the minions of a power-mad scientist intent on enslaving mankind with a new mlnd-<:ontrol drug. 'PG' (1 hr .• 40 min.) (%)MOVIE "The Bank Dick" (194'0, Comedy) W.C. Fields. Una Merkel. A man Inadvertently folla a rob- bery and 1$ awarded the )ob of bank guard. forcing him to face a real holdup. (1 hr .. 15 mrn.) 8:30 9 BARNEY Mfl.LER QI NAPOLEON & LOVE "Eleonore" Napoleon wishes to have an heir to the empire he has built for himself, but because Josephine cannot bear him a child he seet<s another solution. ( 1 hr.) I ~T: LOS ANGaES WEEK IN REVIEW BUSINESS REPORT • 7:IOOt~AGAIN ABC NEWS KOJAK • ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT ·The conclusion of a series on H~ood's blonde b0mb9hells I~~ MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING MOVIE "Seizure: The Story Of Kathy Morris" (Orama) Leonard Nlmoy. Penelope Milford. A beautiful young woman with a promising career fights for her life. when the Is struck dOwn by a near- fatat brain tumor. (1 hr., 45 min.) (II) MELl88A MANCHESTER IN CONCERT The ~' llrig8f performs "Midnight Blue." "Don't Cty Out LOUd," "Whenever I Cah You Friend" and mort. (1 hr.) ([)MOVIE "The Jazz Singer" ( 1980. Musical) Nell Diamond, Laurence Ollvler. A Ntw York cantor break• with tamlly tradition and seta out to find IUC· cess es a pop music star. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 55 min.) (al TINTYPES This Broadway revue P8Y9 tribute to America's growing pains In the era between the Gay Nineties and the end of World War 1. (2 hrs.) 7:16(.J) MOV1e "Dominique" (1979, Horror) Cliff Robertson. Jean Simmons. A wealthy woman's hus- band el(ecutea an elabotate scheme to drive her to suicide. "R' (1 hr., 3"' min.) 7:30 9 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: visit a Beverly Hills pltttlO surgeon who has revolutionized hfs praotlce; the Southern Ctllfornla community ol Anza. located on tupposedly the state's worst nrthquaka fault; a look at "Heavens Union." a new wsy to heve MftS&ges dell\lered to IOved or. In the het•tMr. l.FAMILYFEUO LAWANE & 8H1Al.£Y & OOMPANV PEOPLE'S COURT • TIC TAC DOUGH YOU A8KED FOft rT _ ..\ v l.., .,. .,o ,t.lltt) ';n;•'8 t',tMi 0ttit18 \~l'' ~. --..... ___ ,_,_.,.,., ..__......_. --'.._.. .. --,,., r ,_ .... ...,,..,..,....,. ___ \Ml ___ ,_ - llrMOVIE'""La<fy Slngs The 91~9'72. Biogra- phy) Diana Ross. Biiiy Dee Wlll~tnf'the alternately stellar and tragic career of bllHW~ Biiiie Holli- day. whose addiction to drugs Increased as her ~larity did. is traced. (3 hrs.) I E TURE Guest: Michael GM\Y.-"' t:JL I LEHRER REP ~ ALL STREET WEEK "~tr'~houghts From The SOulhwest" Guest: Simeon, Trotter, research direel6r. Rauscher Pierce Re~, UI(:. 7:.W ~INER'S CORNER ..... ...i.. 8:00 THE DUKES OF H :o Two crooks weari ~o and Luke masks r~a{mored truck. (8) _11 ht) ~)I\ D • JOKEBOOK The wor1d's l9J> animators illus· Irate classic short Jokes and oU'le1 humorous viO- nettes. a~ "Bruce Lee: The Man,~ .,.yth" ( 1977, AdvenlUfe) Bruce LI. The llte ~ ~Jlmes ol Bruce Lee, from his beginnings in Hong to his rise as a karate expert and movie star, a e recounted. (2 hrs.) e (II BENSON The governor moves his family and staff to his lumber mill In the country to plan his re- 84ecllon strategy. Q D ENCORE NEWS "March~11"' The Sen· t~ of Challes Mansoo~~Dey ~ the My ·Lia-~e: invasion of Laos; Frank Sinatra retires. • (!)BENNY HU • MOYIE "The Master GunflOOtft( ( 1975. West- ern) Tom Laughlin, Ron O'NeaT. 'A ~nflghter haunt- ed by a shameful deed sets OU1 to r9deem his honor wfth a pistol and a samurai sword. ~hrs.) QI MIXED BAG: FAKING IT Some artists copy the great masters and get paid tor It lind OU1 who and wh~· WASHINGTON WEEK IN REvtEW SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Death Hunt" (1981, Adveoture) Charles Bronson. Lee Marvin. In the 1930s, a Moun· tie and a frontier crlmlnal wage an old battle as clvlH- zation encroaches on the Canadian wilderness. 'R' 1! hr .. 36 min.) CS) MOVIE "The Looney, Loonev. Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" ( 1981, Comedy) .(nlmated. Voices by Mel Blanc, June Foray. New materlal is blended with old in this compilation of d~ Fritz Freleng "Looney Tunes" featuring Bugs, Qalty Duck. Porky Pig. Yosemite Sam, Tweetie Pfe and others from the cartoon series. 'G' (1hr.,20 min.) . D MOVIE "An Eye For An Eye" (1981, Adven· ture) Chuck Norris, Christopher L.ee. A San Francl$- co oop quits the force to avenge lhe murder of his partner by members of a drug ring. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 46 mln.1 8:30 D • CHICAGO STORY Dutton tries to find out why his p<osecutlon ol a murder suspect was hind- ered and Megan tries to prove negligence against a policeman. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 8 Ill MAGGIE Maggie signs up for a weekend course in time management. ERtC SEV AREID'S CHRONICLE IRONStOE CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY OF UNCOLN CEN- Soprano Judith Blegen and uwnpet soloist Ste- phen Burns are the guest arltst1 In U1ls performance of music by Ravel, Handel, Scar19t1I and others. ( 1 hr.) • WALL STREET WEEK "Some Thoughts From The Southwest" Guest: Simeon Trotter. research dlfeetor. Rauscher Pierce AefsQes. Inc. e ~ TMTY WITH Bill MOVERS "The Photo- grapher's Eye" Biii Moyers loo"-at the art of pho- tograp_hy through the works of Emmet Gowin and GaiWinogrand. Q 8:36 NEWS 9:00 Cl) DAU.AS J. A. challenges Sue Ellen for custody of John Ross. and Bobby tries to find a child tor him end Pamela to adopt. (R) ( 1 hr.) • Ill BA TILE OF THE NETWORK ST AAS Twen- ty·tour top stars from ABC, CBS and NBC compete In a series of athletiC events on the campus of Pep- e!f'dlnt University In California. (2 hrs.) ., ALL GOD'S CHILDREN Mllnons of the world's chHdren live In a delicate belance between llfe and death, hope and deSpaft. (-J hr.) e CAEA'TMTY WfT'H Bill MOYERS "The Photo- grapher's Eye" Bill Moyers looks at the art ol pho- tography through the works of Emmet Gowin and Garry Wln2P,rand. O G VOTER S P1PELINE Jim Cooper Interviews the candidates In the 69th Assembly Race. This race Is Important to both the State Legislature and Orange COunty. CC) MOVIE "I'm All Right, Jack" (1960. Comedy) Ian Carmichael, Peter Sellers. In try\ng to do a good job for his uncle in a factory, a well-meaning bum- bler actually upsets the crooked ICheme his uncle hauo carefully planned. ( 1 hr. 19,mln.) (!).TOP RANI< BOXING ([) MOV1E "The Odd Angry StioC < 1979. Drama) Graham Kennedy, John RarQ'1f'(9t. An Austr411an volunteer loldler Isn't qultt ~ for I~ tights aod t11uauons he finds dorina hit tour of dutv In • ~ 'l"Ht'i~ S~lfWr ~ ,l"j~""' -10-Hil• IOOtiM~ Mttfirtilit 1~ Id tnl'1Li8 '*kl -., ·~-- - j -· 10 !Saturday \I< >IC\ I :\C ; 6:00 (!) CHRiSTOPHER CLOSEUP ~MAYBERRY R.F.D. PROFESSIONAL RODEO MOVIE "An Eye For An Eye" ( 1981, Adven- ture) Chuck Norris. Christopher Lee. ( 1 hr . 46 6:06 BASEBALL BUNCH min~ 5:25 HITLER'S MASTER RACE... THE MAO DREAM OF THE SS Hal Holbrook narrates this doc- umentary detailing efforts to carry out Hiiier's plans for creating a supreme Aryan race 5:30(]) NEWARK ANO REALITY 8tVIEWPOINT 6:40 VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA 5:351 THE PARTRIDGE FAMll Y 6:00 SUNRISE SEMESTER PUBLIC AFFAIRS TEEN TAU< APPLE POUSHERS NEWSMAKERS BUREAU REPORT SATUAOAY MORNING MOVIE "Up AJver" ( 1980, Adventure) Morgan Stevens. (8) MOVIE "From Hell To Victory" ( 1979, Drama) Geor~ Hamilton, G&Ofge Peppard. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 6:06<1.Z) WAR ANO PEACE (I) MOVIE "Toby And The Koala Bear" ( 198 t, Fantasy) Rolf HarrlL 6;15(%) MoV1E "Defiance" (1980. Drama) Jan- Mlchael Vincent. Theresa Saldana. ( 1 hr., 43 min ) 6:20,NEWS 6:30 DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE THArSCAT PACESETTERS VOICE Of AGRICULTURE AMERiCA: THE SECOND CENTURY DAVEY ANO GOLIATH rrs YOUR BUSINESS SPEAK OUT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS OR. SNUGGLES 7;00 8 KJ08WORLD Featured· an Interview wllh Meadowtark Lemon, the famous basY.e!oel! S!!r: a repon from Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. on an exc1t Ing new exhibition called "Patterns." which a ~ared at the Franklin Institute Science Museum. ID THE FLINTSTONES BIG BLUE MARBLE 9 SUPERFRtEND6 ~TIONAL HOUR DAVEY ANO GOLIA TH DOCTOR WHO TUANABOUT YOGA FOR HEAL TH SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "The Green Hotlzon" (1981, Adven- turel_ James Stewart, Philip Sayer. (1 hr .• 30 min.) 7:06 all MOVIE "The Buccaneer" ( 1938. Adventure) Fredric March. Akim Tamlroff 7;30 I MR. MOON'S MAGIC CfACUS SMURFS DR. 8NUGGLE8 0 RICHIE AtCH I scooev 000 IHTERNATIOHAL HOUR OAVFf AHO GOLIATH DOCTOR WHO NEWS UNoe:tSTANOtNGHUMANBE>fA~OA MOVIE "Covert Action" ( 1978, Adventure) • Oevld Januen. Arthur Kennedy. (I) FRACTUAED FL~ 8:00 8 Cl) POPEYE • ~ "Springtime In The Rockies" (1937, Westetn) Gene Autry_, pony ROWies. 8 FEAL ESTATE WEE< CE MOVIE "Home In Oklahoma" ( 1947. Western) l~C~~~by" Hayes. UNOERSTANOING SPACE AND TIME ALL-8TAR SPORTS CHALLENGE New York Football Giant• of the 1950's vs. New York Yankees of the 1950'a <II) MOVIE "The Mytterloua Stranger" (1982. Fan· tasy1 Olrlt Makepeace. Fred Gwynne. ( 1 hr.. 30 min. Cl) CONFLICT OF fNTEREBT Joie Ferrer direct& Tony win'* Barnard Hughes In thla drama 1bout a COOlllMlonel lhowdown ~the President of he U.S. and thl Suoremt cou.1. ! 1 hr., 46 min.) MOVIE ''The,_ S.uona' (1981. Orama) Alda. Cetof lurnttt. (1 hr .. 67 min.) 1:80 Cl) TAl'IZAH I~ RANGER fOO SUPER POWER HOUR V8GANG ... - A PRIEST POSSESSED -Rod Steiger stars as a priest who tries to help suburban family exorcise the demons that seem to inhabit their ne w dream house in "The Amityville Horror" on CBS (Ch. 2) Saturd- ay at 9 p.m . • PEOPLE AND OAGANIZA TIONS (l) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERtES "Baseball· Pitching Essentials And Drills" II MOVIE "Lions For Breakfast" ( 1979. Adven- tures an Rubes. Jim Henshaw. ( t hr . 24 min.) 9:00 LEAVE IT TO BEAVER I LAVERNE & SHIRLEY MOVIE "One Mllllon B.C." ( 1940. Adventure) Victor Mature. Carole Landi& I NASL SOCCER KJCKS THIS WEB< IN-BASEBALL ERNEST ANGLEY NEW VOICE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT MO~E "Family Man" (Drama) Ed Asner, Anne Jackson. (I) TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS "1970 Wimbledon" ( 1 hr) 9:30 I (J) BUGS BUNNY I ROAD RUNNER SPIDER-MAN OZZIE AND HARRIET ttl HEA THCLIFF I MARMADUKE PITFALL OOOGER DUGOUT MONEYMAKERS AMERICAN GOVERNMENT MOVIE "The Outlaw Josey Wales" ( 1976, Western) Cllnt Eastwood .. Sondra Locke. (2 hrs .. 16 min.) 9:661 DODGER PRE-GAME 10:00 BASEBALL San Francl&CO Giants at New Y00c Mets (3 hrs.) I SHA NANA (11 THUNDARR I GOLDIE GOLD GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS ''Walt Frazier'' Hoet: 8r00ks Robinson. 1 808.JONES LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brad Seats demon- strates the "bump and grind" wtth a dented Mus- tang and rates automobile stereo systems. CR) e BA8E8ALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Montreal E>Cpos (3 hrs.) ID VOfafS PIPELINE Jim Coope1 Interview. the candidates In the 691h Assembly Race This ra~ Is lmponatnt to both the State Legis18ture and Orange County. (l) AGURE SKA TING "World Champion3hlps" from Copenhagen. Denmark. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) (J) MOVIE "The Americanization Of Emily" (1964, Comedy) James Garner. Julie Andrews. • GR0WtNG PAINS ( 1 HR.) (%) MOVIE "The ldolmaker" ( 1980. Drama) Ray Shark.ey. Tovah Fekllhuh. ( 1 hr .• 47 min.) 10:06Gl) NEWS 10: 10 • 8A8E8ALL Loa Angelee Dodgers at Montre- al re,. (3311""' .. 20 min.) 10:30 AMEAklA'8 TOP TEN • WILD WOALO Of ANMM..8 (!) 8A8f.8All San Ffancilco <Mnta at ~ Yortc Meta {2 tn .. 40 min.) y 8i) PORTRAITS IN PASTELS 10:36@ MOVIE "Our Man Flint" (1966, Adventure) James Coburn. Gila Golan. 11:00G WCT TENNIS "$300.000 Dallas Tournament Quarterfinals" ( 1 hr.) fJ 0 WEEKEND SPECIAL "The B~ Hex Of little Lulu" A li1tle girl uses a fortune I .,, pickle ice cream and her active 1maginat1on n a &ehema 10 convince a friend to work (R) o I WILD~.!,~p WORLD OF ANIMALS THE HUUt\IES COOKING MEXICAN WITH BABIES AND BANNERS Interviews and archival material recall the role that me Women's Emergency Brigade played 1n a t937 S4·down s1r1ke at General Motors in Fllnt. Michigan, ( l hr ) CC) MOVIE "The Fiendish Plol Of (){ Fu Manchu' t1980. Comedy) Peter Sellers. Sid ~r II LASf OF THE CADOOES 11:309 ()) BLACKSTAR MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING I l!J AMERICAN BANDST ANO WILD. WILD WEST MOVIE "Smokey And The Bandit II" ( 1980. r·,.,,-~... l10.fd$. Jac.kie GIU~o (2 hrs-) - . \I·· l lJ{~< >< >~ 12:008 Cl) TROLLKINS NEEDLECRAFT W>EOJUKEBOX 1 '1 I I LOST IN SPACE AOAM-12 QUILTING MOVIE "Mulefea1hers" (1978, Comedy) Rory Calhoun, Don Knotts. (%)MOVIE "Massacre At Central High" ( 1976, Ora· ma) Andrew Stevens. Robert Carradine ( 1 hr . 27 mlnJ_ 12:30• Cl) TOM AND JERRY 8 MOVIE "Beach Party" ( 1963. Comedy) Doro- ~ Malone, Robert Cummings. U MOVIE "Against A Crooked Sky" ( 1975, Adventure) Richard Boone. Stewart Petersen IKIOSWORLD ADAM--12 COLLEGE FOR CANINES NE'EOLECRAFT F.A. SOCCER "The Road To We'hibley" Chelsea vs Tottenham ( t hr.) CH) MOVIE "Smokey And The Bandit 11" ( t980. Corned~ Burt Reynolds. Jackie Gleason (2 hrs ) 1 :00 '(J) KWICKY KOALA D HOUSTON OPEN Thtrd-round coverage of this tournament featuring some of tQday·s top golf- ers (live from the Woodland's Counlty Club In Hous- ton. Tex.). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) I THE MUNSTERS THE ROCKFORD FILES MOVIE "John Paul Jones" ( t959, Biography) Roben Stack. Macdonald Carey • WOOOWRIGHrs SHOP "At Last A Chance To Sit" Roy Underhill makes a rung-and•post chair. t.!) GROWING YEARS ~ MOVIE "Cattle Annie And little Britches" ( 198 1. Western) Burt Lancaster. John Savage 1:061NEWS 1:10 KINER'S CORNER 1:30 Cl) 30 MINUTES Betty Ann adwser looks at teenage bodybulldets and Christopher Glenn exam· Ines the educational system on an Island off the coast of Cuba 8 F-TROOP (!)MOVIE "Tower 01 London" ( 1962, Drama) Vin- cent Price. Mlcnael Pate I HOGAN'S HEROES NOVA "Twins" The scientific research on twins is a field marked by damaging fraua but also by i ant new discoveries. (R) O ( 1 hr.) AOWtNG YEARS COLLEGE VOLLEYBAl.L "C~ate Classic Flnals" (2 hrs .• 30 min.) Cl) FRACTURED FLICKERS e MO~E "My ~odyguard" ( 1979, Qrama) Chris Makepeace. Adam Baldwin. ( 1 hr . ~e min.) (%)MOVIE ''The Bank Dick" ( t940, Comedy) WC Fields. Una Merkel. ( 1 hr .. t5 min.) 1:35«7) MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 2:00 8 MOVIE "The Cut Man Caper" ( 1976. Dra- ma) Robert Hooks, Godfrey Cambridge. I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES Peonaytvanla vs. Watl'llngton. O.C (1 br.) Cl) ST'AR TREK e MOVIE "A Prize Of Gold" ( 19S5. Orama) Rich- ard Widmark. Mal Zett9'11ng. 0 ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK A report on Hol· lywood's blonde bombtMlls; lntervlewt with OonaJd Sutht<land and Julie Andrews. ( 1 hr.) • MOVIE "Frankie And JohMy" ( 1966, Musiclll} EMI Preele1. ~na Douglaa. • 8tGNA TURe Qo.t; M°lchHI Graves. UNOEASTANOING HUM BEHAVJOA a.lllMl~~~~.rm~~ ... --·-·----..-.----------- --.:, --....--~~·--~~ ---- Saturday (continued) greatest comedy team ever pertorms classic slap- stick. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 2:3'0 D SPORTS AAELD 9 GILLIG~N'S ISLAND 9 MIXED' BAG: FAKING IT Some ar11sts copy the great masters and get paid for 11, lind out who and why ID N~EA T: CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT 0) MOVI~ "The Wind And The lion" ( 1975, AdventureJ ·Sean Connery, Candice Bergen. Ci) UNDEAST ANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR CID MOV~ "Hard Country" ( 1981. Drama) Jan- Michael Vincent, Kim Basinger ( 1 hr., 46 min.) 2:35@ MOTORWEEI< ILLUSTRATED 2:.S(%) MOVIE "The Four Seasons" (1981. Drama) Alan Alda, Carol Burnett. ( 1 hr., 57 min.) 3:00 D AGRICULTURE. U.S.A. e LITTLE RASCALS' MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL Includes such "Our Gang" sequences as "Spanky," "Washee, lronee." and "Shrimps For A Day...:.:.~2.. hrs.) 8 0 TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS TENNIS Top mate players Including John~. Eddie 0.bbs and V1tas Gerulaitis compete for $600,000 in prizes (from the West Side TeMls Club In Forest Hills, N.Y.). (2hrs.) I THIS WE£K IN BASEBALL RACING FROM AQUEDUCT ' MOVIE "The N"aked Jungle" ( 1954. Adventure) Charlton Heston. Eleanor Parker. ®CHAMBER MUSIC SOC1ETY Of LINOOLN CEN- TER SopraflO Judith Blegen and trumpet SOioist Ste- phen Burns are the guest antsts in this performance of music by Ravel. Handel, Scarlatti and others ( 1 hr) I RAINBOW ROAD HOME GARDENER ,, MOVIE "Lolita" ( 1962, Comedy) James Mason, Sue Lyon CL) MOVIE "Tim" (1981. Orama) Piper L'8une, Mel Gibson. 3:05 tlZI WRESTLING 3:308 SPORTS SATURDAY 15-round WBA Light- weight Championship bout between chamj::Mon Arlu· ro Frias and Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini (from Las V~as. Nev.). (1 hr .. Mmin.) D EVERYWHERE Location· the Balloon Race. Fountain Valley, ( 1 hr . 30 min.) I MOMENTS IN TIME WILD K1NGDOM BUILDING WITH THE SUN Dick Ellis otfe<a prac- tical advice on the use of passive solar energy. CD HOME GAAOENER (I) A CONFucT Of INTEREST Jose Ferrer directs Tony winner Barnard Hughes In this drama about a constitutional showdown between the President ol the U.S. end the Supreme Court. ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) Cl MOVIE "Lions For Breakfast" ( 1979, Adven- tur~Jan R~. Jim Henshaw. ( 1 hr .. 24 min.) 3:.S P~PRE-OAMESHOW 4:00 BASB!ALL Sen Diego Padres al Phlladel- ~ia Phillies (2 hrs .. 30 min.) I GRIZZLY ADAMS • ERtC SE\l~o·s CHRONICLE MOVIE ~'A Fistful Of Dollars" (1967, Western) Clint Eastwood, Marianne Koch. 9 NA~QN & LOVE "Eleonofe" Napoleon wishes to havp an heir to the empire he has built for himself. but bef;ause Josephine cannot bear him a child he seeks another solutlOO ( 1 hr.) I QUE PASA. U.S.A.? (R) INTROOUCING BIOLOOY SPORTS C£NTER 4:30(f) AGRONSKY ANO COMPANY • SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY Austria vs. Hun· l ry ( 1 hr.) IN'tROCXJCJNG BIOLOGY MOVIE "From Hell To Victory" ( 1979, Df.ama) GeOfi: Hamilton, George Peppard. ( 1 hr .. 4'0 min.) 4:36 NEWS 4:46 MOVIE "The ldolmaker" ( 1980. Orama) Ray Sharkey. T ah Feldshuh. ( 1 hr . 47 min.) 5:00 8 AM AN AOVENfURE DFREE4 L I STARTAEJ< WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS National Champion· sh p Motorcycle Racing (from San Jose, Calif ) ; the U.S. vs U.S.S.R. in World Cup Wrestling (from IT~f~lo). (1 hr .. 30 min.) LA TIN NEW YORK NEWS SOLID GOLD MAN OF MARBLE This pol111ca1 epic directed by Andrez1 Wa1da, of a young ltlmmaker trying to reconstruct a truthful picture of Poland's Stalinist past, has Increased impact because of current events In Poland. (3 hrs.) G» LAWAENCEWRK 8!) SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY Austria vs. Hun- Q!'Y 'p hr.) (f) COLLEGE FOOTBALL "Notre Dame Spring Game" (2 hrs .. 30 min.) CL) THE GOLDEN AGE Of TELEVISION ''The Oeys Of Wine And Roses" Piper Laurie and Cliff Robert- son star as a husband and wife who fall into the pit ol alcohohsm. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (0) MOVIE "Hardly Working" ( 1981. Comedy) Jer· '.l_ Lewis, Susan Oliver. U THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION "Marty" Rod Steiger and Nancy Marchand star in a 1956 production of Paddy Chayefsky's teleplay about a homely butcher who falls In love with a plain girl. (I hr) 5:05 tlZI NASHVILLE ALIVEI Guest: Minnie Pearl. ( 1 hr.) · 5:30 8 LAST OF THE WILD DNEWS Cf) NEW YORK REPORT Guest: Phil CatfJ80, presi- dent of New York City Police Ben~volent As$0C'la- tlon. 9 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS National Ctlampion. ship Motorcycle Racing (from San Jose. Cslif.); the U.S. vs. U.S.S A in World Cup Wres11ing (from Toledo. Oh'9). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • ONCE UPON A CLASSIC "The Talisman" Sala· din learns ot Kenneth's death sentence and requests that Richard give Kenneth to him as a stave. (Part 6) (R) c;i Cl> MOVIE "Resurrection" ( 1980, Drama) Ellen Burstyn, Sam Shepard. e:oo I cas NEWS I NBCNEWS MQV1E "Love Boat Angele" Kate Jackton, Gav- in Mcleod. (2 hrs. l Spring The long race to the World Series will be televised on KNBC (Ch. 4) this season. Saturday action pits the San Francisco Gi- an ts against the New York Mets in New York at 10 a.m. G WHITE SHADOW Cf) NASL SOCCER New York Cosmos vs. Tulsa Roughnecks (2 hrs.) 8) THE MUPPETS e MOVIE "The Adventures 01 Robin Hood" (1938, Adventure) Errol Flynn. Olivia de Havilland The crusading Sherwood Forest hero robs the rich to aid the poor. (2 hrs.) fZl) UP ANO COMING "A Special Feeling" Valerie is laced with a difficult decision when she joins a pop- ular Stngtng group. O a;) SPORTS AMEAICA "Women's Biq, 10 Swim- ming And Diving Championships" ( 1 hr ) CC) MOVIE "Covert Action" ( 1978. Adventure) David Janssen. Arthur Kennedy A prolesslonal spy becomes Involved In Intrigue and espionage when he is handed a dangerous assignment In the Greek Islands. ( 1 hr . 37 min.) ct MOVIE "Nightwing" ( 1979, Suspense) Nick Mancuso. David Warner. The population of a Southwestern desert region Is terrorized by hun- dreds of vampire bats which invade the area in mass numbel's when night fans. ·po· (I hr .. 45 min.) 6:05 tlZI UNDERS(A WORLD OF JACQUES COUS- TEAU • 6:30 8. (I) e NEWS I MARY TYLER MOORE THEMUPPETS WHY IN THE WORLD VIDEO JUKEBOX SHIRLEY TEMPLE 6:46 i HOW TO VOTE 7:00. Cl) IN SEARCH OF ... I AMILYFEUO WHERE WERE YOU? THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER- IES • I PEOPLE'S COURT LAWRENCE WELK . CHECKING IT OUT Featured: televlalon news. teens refurbishing homes in their nelghborlloods; dating In the Cuban-American community. Q I THE MUPPETS MEDIA PROBES "TV News" Host John Camer- on Swayze looks at how the drive for ratings has led to some amazing newsroom ·•packages." (II) BOXING SalvadOf Senche2 meets Jorge "Rocky" Garcia In the scheduled 15-round WBC featherweight title bout. ( 1 tlr .. 30 min.) a;:> MOVI£" "The ldolmaker" ( 1980, Dfame) Ray Sharkey, Tovah Feldshuh. A manipulative ma~ uses various ploys to catapult two teen-agwa Into ~p singing stardom, 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 47 min.) CQJ MOVIE "The Looney, Looney, LooneY Bugs ~~ yr~~§'~~ ~=- Creative J~wclcrs. Inc. •-• ~~W ~-rAN £ I,;, ~..If,./" r~.,:.• {714) 760-6766 ~~-2610 E. PACIFIC COAST HWY.• CORONA DEL MAR NATIONALLY KNOWN. AWARD WINNING ~EWEL.AY DESIGNER 3! 0 - ~"------~~---------,----------. lt . ~ t Sruurday (rontinued) CIO 0> Bunny Mo"'9.. ( 1981. Comedy) Animated. Voices ,... by Mel Blanc. June FOfay. New material iS blended ,.: with old In this compilation of classic Fritz Freleng ~ "Looney Tunes" featuring Bugs. Daffy Duck. Porky ~ Pig. Yosemite Sam, Tweelle Pfe and others from the cartoon se<les. 'G' ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) (%) MOVIE "Massacre At Central High" ( 1976, Ora- ma) Andrew Stevens, Robert Carradine. A crusade for revenge begins after a pranls Jhat want too far was pulled on the quieter students by a group of bored high-school friends. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 27 min.) 7:06 al NEWS· 7:30 9 DANCE FEVER I LOOK AT US OMNI: THE NEW FRONTIER AGHTBACK EYE ON SAN DIEGO The Windjammers. San Diego's big band music veterans of 2.0 years, per- fOfm In concert. I PRESENTE WEEKEND MAGAZINE • SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- el r~ .. PartnersH and ~Sword And S<:v~rer :· ~MOVIE "Almlly Man" (Orama) Ed Asner. Anne Jackson. Only after having an attalr, does a man realize his lifelong rasposlbllltles to others. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) (I) Gol..F HIGHLIGHTS " 1976 US. Open" (I) LAFF-~THON The comedian performs a series of e>ne-lillefs and comic vignettes 8:008 (I) WALT OtSNEV "$1.000,000 Duck" A debt-ridden scientist's research duck begins to lay ~n eggs. (Part 1) ( 1 hr.) U •HARPER VALLEY The leader of a motorcy- cle gang falls In love with Stella and refuses to leave Harper Va1!8X until she goes out with him. (A) e MOVIE 'Soul Brothers Of Kung Fu" Bruca LI. Bruce LI Is entered In the ''International Karate ChamplOnship" at Madison Square Garden. (2 hfa.) • 0 GOLDtE ANO THE 1<106 -LISTEN TO US Goldie Hawn, Barry Manilow and a talented group of youngsters present an·hour of special entertain- ment. ( 1 hr.) 8 MOVIE "Good Against Evil" ( 1977. Hotror) ()eci( Rambo, Elyssa Davalos. Realizlng that a young woman Is possessed by demonic forces, a priest seeks to prevent her marriage. (2 hrs.) Cl) PAUL HOGAN --------~-- I TMtHtNG 0008 THE WC>OOHetMeWAY MOVIE "The Kennel Murder Ca~" ( 1933, Mys- tery) William Powell. Mary Astor' )IJetective Philo Vance sifts through clues and comes up with seven possible suspects In the murder ol a sportsman ( 1 hr., 30mm.) , (I) SPORTS CENTER • (I) GALLAGHER: AN UNCENS()fe) EVENING The comedian performs a series ot Qf'le-liners and comic vignettes. ( 1 hr.) D MOVIE "The Fan" (198t. Svtpense) Lauren Bacall, James Garner. A popular film star is victim- ized by a psrchotic admirer. 'A' ( 1 ht .• 35 min.) 8:06a:l)WOR OATWAR 8:30 8 • ONE OF THE BOYS Gramps takes on an overload of courses when he becomes a full-time ii ht college student. (R) RACING FROM ROOSEVELT SWINGIN' THE BLUES "Hootie·s Blues" Jazz pianist Jay "'Hootie" McShann discusses his hie and music and performs with his band (8) MOVIE "Smokey And The Bandit fl'' ( 1980. Comedy) Burt Reynolds, Jackie Gleason. Sheriff Buford T. Justice calls In his two lawman brothers to stop a retired booUegge( the Bandit, lrom tran- ~lng e baby elephant. 'PG' (2 Iva.) (Q) MOVIE "Cattle Annie And Little Britches" ( 1981. Western) Burt Lancaster, John Savage Two tough outlaws pick up a paif of teen-age girls and lake them along on their adventures. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min ) Ju• 9:008 ()) MOVIE "The Am1tyv1lle t!torror" ( 1979, Horror) James Brolin. Margot Kidder The new own-HAPPY SICIPPER -Skipper Gavin Mac-ers of a suburban home are terroriled by a menac- Leod flashes a big smile as h e pilots the i~. demonic force. (R) (2 hrs.) "L Bo " th 1. • 1. f 1 U • BARBARA MANOAEil AND THE MAN-ove ac roug11 anou1er success u OREU. SISTERS Guests Larry Gatlin and the Gathn season Saturday rUgbts at 9 on ABC (Ch. 7). Btothefs Band, Tom and Dick Smothers. (R) ( t The popular show has already been rene-hr.) wed for two more seasons. G @) LOVE BOAT Captain Stubing helps reunite a mother and daughter, a woman trying to lose weight I SONNY ANO CHER . falls fOf a doctor. and a man attempts to win back A WOMAN CAUEO GOLDA Ingrid Befgman his ex-wile. O ( t hr.) stars in lhe stOfy of Golda Meir's life from her early Cl) WRESTLING days In Milwaukee lo her triumphant meeting, as m MERV GRIFFIN Guests: Dr. Henry Kissinger, Dr. ISfaell Prime Minister, with Egyptian President Armand Hammer. (1 hr.) lt.1 Anwar Sadat. (Part 2) (2 hrs.) e BOAOERlANOS The ~ and social Qj MAN OF MARBU: This political epic directed by aspects of life along the Mexlcan-U.S. border are Andrezj Wajda, of a young filmmakM trylno to examined. ( 1 hr.) reconstrucl a truthful picture of Poland's Stalinist (I) COLLEGE VOLLEYBALL "C'.ollegiate Classic past. has Increased Impact beeause of current Finals" (2 hrs.) 1 events In Poland. (3 hrs.) (1) MOVIE "Fort Apache, The Bronx" ( 1981. Ora· --------------------------------~~-------~ Distinctive Fa shion Every Sunda y Iii~ 11(.'°,(l :l'Wi5 1-:a~l CoJ~t lh.:h11 .1~ l'urnn11 cl4•I Mor ~F:S'S TRADITIONAi. WE:\R f" or those '' hn shop for quallt 1J1 'r If Pat Marley's unparaJleted traditionals wear on forever! We have the correct fit ... handsomely detailed, successful look that sets you out front in the best-d,essed realm. Come see . Ladies traditionals too. ., ~ ' .. id"ttltt(J(j ' 144 ,, 0$$\S#HAHU i~ Saturday (continue.cl) ti ....... ma) Paul Newman. Ed Asner. A tough c~ battles crime and corruption In New York art 1 South Bronx neiQ!l!x>fhood. 'R' ( 1 hr., 59 min.} l 'l Cl) MO~KCallbur" (1981, Fantasy) Hij)ef Ter· ry, Nicol Wilffem900. The exploits of King Arthur bring power and death to the knights of the Round Table 'R' (2hrs .. 20 min.) CZ) MOVIE ''Defiance" ( 1980, Orama) Jan-Michael Vincent, Thef~sa Saldana. A coura~ young man takes a lone stand against the r~ess mem- bers of the \lio4ent street gang terrorlzlngt.i '14Mgh· borhood. ·pQ' (1 hr. 43 min.) 9:05 Ql) NEWS 9:30 '1!) MATINEE AT THE BIJOU Featt.Jre(t. "&mg Hol" ( 1943) starring Randolph Scott 81'1d Noah Beery Jr: a 1939 short, "Jimmy Dorsey": and Chapter 2 of "Don Winslow In The Navy." (R) ( 1 hr. 30 min) CC) MOVIE "Cattle Annie And Little Britches" ( 198 t, Western) Burt Lancaster. John Savage Two tough outlaws pick up a pair of leen•age girls and take them along on their adventures. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 35 min.) r 1 9:35 ltl) MOVlc "BhlyLlar" ( rse.3. ~comedy)' Tom Courtenay. Julie Christle. An undertaker's clerk fan· taslzes his way through life. (2 hrs.) 10:001GD NBC MAGAZINE I NEW9 I FANTASY ISLAND A secretary trleS to win a fortune by 1taytng inSlde a haunted hoo9e f0< two hours, and a bounty honter stalks the <>Ny man ever to elude himrt?') (1 hr.) CJ MOVIE ''The Notorious Landlady" (1982, Com· edy) Kim NcNak. Jack Lemmon. A gowmtnent empk>yee sets out to prove his landlady innocent of a murder charge. (2 hrs .• 25 min.) Cf) MOVIE "H0<ror Rises From The Tomb" ( 1970. Horror) Paul Naschy. Emma Cohen. A young French couple inherit a curse from their ancestors when they return to the castle where a French knight and htS mistress died. (2 hrs..) I SOLIO GOLO AMERtCAN PLAYHOUSE "My PaHkarl" Telly Savalas stars 8111 a Greek-American businessman Who enthusiastically returns to his natlYe Greece with his relUotant son In this story by Leon Capeta- nos. Q ( 1 hr., 30 min.) • MOVIE '1The Rose" ( 1979, Orama) Bette Mldler. Afan Bates. A driven rock singer's Ute in the fast lane le4llt'1l8f Irreversibly to disaster:-'R' (2 hrs.. 14 min.) 10:15CID MOVIE "Hard Country" (1981. Orama= Michael Vincent. Klm Basinger. A Texas worker is tom between his desire to contl~ Jn the ."good old boy" lifestyte and his fiancee'a show business ambitions. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 10:30. PORTRAIT Of A LEGEND (al EVERYTHING GOES Rick Podell hosts this adult comedy game show where contestants mus1 take off their cloth8s If they incorrectly answer a question that has been g!ven them. 11:00 8 G. (J) 9 e NEWS • EHTERT AINMEHT THIS WEEK Repom on Hof. lywood's blonde bombshells and the hlstOf)' of hof· ror films; lni,rviews with Donald Sutherland and · Julie Andrew;. ( 1 hr.) • MOVIE "A Fistful Of Dollars" (1967, Westem) Clint Eastwood, Marianne Koch. The myatttrlous ·•man with no name" enters a gang war between two factions ·~•r to sell whiskey and gune to Mexi- cans and Indians. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "The Q\Mt Man" ( 1952. Orame) John Wayne. Maureen O'Hara. A former prlZ9flghter returns to his native Ireland atter killing a man in the ri~. but fails to find the peace he sought. (2 hrs.) @ MAN OF MARBLE This political epic directed by AndteZJ Wajda, of a young filmmaker ttylng to reconstruct a truthful picture of Poland's &talinlst past. has increased Impact because en-current events In Poland. (3 hrs.) CD SOUNOST~E "ABBA In Concert" cameras follow ABBA'/ four talented musicians thr~t their 1979 tOCq of the United States and during a cOncert at the Wambty Arena In London. (R) c;> ( 1 hr ) (E) NASL W£9(L Y <m MOVIE ''SUl1ny" ( 1980, Orama) Jeremy Wyatt. Csndlda Royalle A mother engages a woman to dis· tract her son from his pursuit of pure unadulterated pleasure. (1hr .• 10mln.) (%)MOVIE "~l'de Bor" (2 hrs .. 15 min ) • 11:308 THE ROCKFORD ~LES G • SATUAoAY NIGHT LIVE Host: James CObutn. GUMt: Lindsay Buckingham (R) ( 1 hr , 30ml.u .A NEWS • = "ThelKlller Elite" ( 1975. Advenrure) James Caan. Robert OuvaH. The CIA hires a p<ofes. slonal a~ssln lo protect a Chlnete polltlcal actlv· lat. 2 hr& 16 min. ( 1980. Come(ly) Peter Seiters. Sid Caesar. The FBI DREAM-MAKER -Ricardo Montalban is the mMJ who makes dreams oome true on the popular ABC (Ch. 7) televi~ion series, "Fantasy 1&1.and," Saturday at 10 p.m. In th.is episode a .9eel'etary tries to win a fortune by staying inside a haunted house and a bounty hunter s talks the only man to ever elude him. and Scotland Yard's Del. Naytand Smith pursue the 168-yeer-old arch villain as he searches for the Ingredients. Including the Crown Jewels, used to (1}'6=-~g effxfr. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 38 min.) ([) MOVIE "Big Doll Houw" ( 1975. Drama) Pam Grier, Judy Brown. Turmoil and passions cause prot>tems tor women behind prison waifs. ( 1 hr .• 40 min.) (I) BtzARAE "Howle Mandel" 11:35@ NEWS 11:468 MOVIE "The Spell" ( 1977. Horror) Lee Grant. Susan Myers. A distraught mother must cope with her embittered daughter who has the ability to cause •·accidents" to happen. (3 hrs.) 12:008 MOVIE "Someone Behind The Door" (1971, Suspense) Charles Bronson. Anthony P8f1tlns. A woman's lover is murdered as a result of her ht»- bend's marnpuletlon of an amnesia patient. (2 hrs.) Cl) MOVIE "Arst Love" (1970, Ol'ema) John Mouldef Brown, Dominique· Sande. A young man smitten with the charms of an older girl makes the startling discovery that his own f1thef Is equalty attracted to her (2 hrs.) CID MOVIE "Excalibur" (1981. Fanthy) Nigel Ter· ry. Nicol Wiiiiamson. The explojn of King Arthur bring power and death to the knights of the Round Tabfe. 'A' (2 hrs .. 20 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Pick-Up Summer" (1981, Adventure) Michael Zelnlcker, Carl Marotti. A rowdy group of young toughs and high school kids vie for the pinball championship at a local arcade. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) 12:06@ MOVIE "The Marrying Kind" 0952, Orama) Judy Hollfday. Aldo Ray. A young coupte on the brink of divorce reminisce at>out thtlt llfe together. (1 hr .. 55 min.) 12:308 MOVIE "Ransom For A O.d Man" (1970. Mystery) P•ter Falk. Lee Grant. When a lady llwyer murders her husband. a bumbtlng pollce lnvestlga- lor g•t• In the way ol other Investigators but sk>wty Q!!Ces lhe clues together. (2 hrs.) Cl) COLLEGE FOOTBALL "Notre Dame Spring Game" (2 hrs .. 30 min.) Cl MOVIE "Smokey And The Bandit II" ( 1980. Comedy) Burt Reynolds, Jackie Gleason. Sheriff Buford T Justice calls in his two lalNf'mln brothefs to stop a retired bootlegger. the Banc:llt. from tran- sporting a baby elephant. 'PG' (2 hrs.) 1:00 G ROCK CONCERT • MOVIE "The Story Of Mankind" (1957. Fania· sy) Ronald Colman, Hedy Lamarr. A heevenly tribu- nal makes • decflk>n CQPO•mfng the future or man- kind after the development of the H-bomb. (2 hra.) I =NG AT THE IMPROV 1:15CC) MOVIE "Jules And JJm" (1961, Romance . . -·15 who are close fMrfdt'•M·r~ to g!VeW elthWt one. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) .,, ([) MOVIE "Cry Uncle" ( 1971, Suspense) Aden ~ Garfield. Madeline le Roux An eccentric mllllonall'e - hires a p<ivate lnvestlgat0< to clear him of murdering ~ his mistress. 'R' ( 1 hr., 27 min.) (%)MOVIE "Looking For Mr. Goodbar" .( 1977. Ora-. or- ma) Diane Keaton. Tuesday Weld. A socially c repressed schoolteacher seeks excitement by fr&-,, quentlng singles bars and luring various men Into 1 one-night stands 'R' (2 hrs .. 15 min.) ~ 1:30e MOVIE "Creeping Terror" (1964. Horror) ':< Vic Savage. Shannon O'Neil. A horrible, indestrvct1-~ ble monster from another planet presents a menace ~ to mankind (2 hrs) 1:"5 Ill ABC NEWS Cl) MOVIE "Wilhe & Phil" ( 1980. Comedy) ~ Michael Ontkean, Margot Kidder. Three people ~ begin a triangular romance In Greenwich Village that N continues throughout the mercurial social milieu of the '70s. 'A' ( 1 hr , 56 min) 2:00 0 MOVIE "The Real Glory" (t939. Drama) Gary Cooper, David Niven. A mlllta~y doctor aldS In medical and polillcal areas In the Philippines follow· i the Spanish-American War. (2 hrs.) MTAATROL - NEWS 2:05 Cf) NEWS 2:26CID MOVIE "The Last Chase" (1981, Science· Fiction) Lee Majors. Chris Makepeace. In a world of the future. a former race car driver and a teen-age computer expert fight the government's proscription ol automobile9. ·~· ( 1 hr . 40 min). 2:30811 NEWS i PUBLIC AFFAIRS SUNDAY MASS MOVIE "The Fan" (1981. Suspense) Lauren Bacall, James Garnef. A popular film star Is victlm- 1zed by a psychotic admirer. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 3:00 8 MOVIE "Dance. Girt. Dance" ( 1940. Orama) Maoreen O'Hara, Louis Hayward. Two beautltul young dancers set their romantic Sights on a hand· some and eligible dancing coach. ( 1 hf .. 30 min.) (!) ~IGH'T TALK • MOVIE "A Life For A Life" ( 1973, Mystef'Y) James Stewart. Tyne Daty. A student suicide dUrlng a COiiege stress experiment leads to the murder of one of the psychiatrists who had supervised the f riment. (1 hr .. 30 min.) NEWS MOVIE "loliJa" (1962, Comedy) James Mason, Sue Lyon. Based on the story by Vladimir Nabokov. A mlddl&-aged professor looks to a strange young girl in an effort to find happiness. (2 hra.. 30 min.) (I'.) GYMNASTICS "USGF Single Blmlnatlon Cham- pionships" Michelle Iliff vs. Juttanne MacNamara and Phil Cahoy vs. Tim Rashoff ( t hr.) 3:30(%) MOVIE "Dominique" ( 1979, H0<ror) Cliff Robertson, Jean Simmons. A wealthy woman's hus-- band executes an elaborate scheme to drive her to suicide 'R' ( 1 hr .. 34 min,) 3:4'6 ()) MOVIE "Excalibur" ( 1981, Fantasy) Nigel Teny, Nfcol Wlllameon. The exploits of King Arthur btlng power and death to the knights of the Round r-.. 'R' c2 hrs .. 20 min.) 4:00. MOYE "Home And Away" (1956. Comedy) Jectc Warner. Kathleen Harrison. When a famity man puts his money Into a football pool every week, hfa ..:apadel become hllarlous. ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) Cl) DA. PAUL YONGGI CHO (I) SPORTS CENTER "4:06 Ill) BETWEEN THE LINES 4: 10 CID MOVIE "MeMn And Howard" ( 1980. Come- dy) Paul LeMat, Jason Robards. An otherwise unknown gas station attendant claims to be the rightful heir to Howard Hughes' blnion dollar eatate. 'R' L1 hr .. 35 min.) 4:308 LAST OF THE WILD Cl) VIEWPOINT ON NUTRmON Cl MOVIE "Out Of Season" ( 1975, Orama) Cliff Robertson, Vanessa Redgrave. Old p<obleml ,..,,. lace when former lovers meet again at an off-....on seaside resort. (2 hrs.) 4:36@ rT IS WRlllEN Gutteridge is Little Gloria NEW YORK (AP) -Lucy Gutteridge, star of public TV'a current "Masterpiece Theater" praen- tation, .. ~ in • Cold Climate, .. will play the i..d in "1.Jttle Gloria ... Happy at Lut.' a fOW'-bour m1ni1er1e1 now in prod~ for NBC . The mm. hued on Barbera Goldlmitb'• beat.- le.lier OD the hwillne-pabbina Child cwtody ra-inYO~ ~Gloria Vanderbilt, will be &n.d- CMt in u. 188243 ~ In addition to Ml• Outterid , the cut will I "" ------··---------------------------"•"""';%";"'~;::;:&.';;-. ~-::;rr~·---=--'""""'=--o.oc-c==::.-;;-;:-;_= .-.::~ ------~---::t=;;;;:=~as;>~r:- ~ ~ \I< >IC\ I :\( ~ ~ .tJ 5:00 CJ) NINE ON NEW JERSEY -c: (I) COLLEGE VOLLEYBALL "Collegiate Classic IL. Finals" (2 hrs.) ~ 5:05 all JAMES ROBISON ~ 5:15Cl) MOVIE "The Bank Dick" (1940. Comedy) > W.C. Fields. Una Merkel. ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) ~ 5:201 LITTLE RASCALS 5:30 DAY OF DISCOVERY ~ 5:36 CARTOONS 0: 5:"5 CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 8:00 MUStc ANO THE SPOKEN WORD SUNDAY MORNING YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES ORAL ROBERTS ~TIONS BIBLEAHS~-- ROMPER ROOM MOVIE "The Heist" ( 1978, Adventure) Charles Aznavour, Virna Lisi. D MOVIE "A Nightlng~ Sang In Berkeley Square" ( 1979, Comedy) Richard Jordan. David Niven. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) • 8:06Gl) LOST IN SPACE Cl) MOVIE "Mulefeathers" ( 1978, Comedy) RC)(}' Calhoun, Don Knotts. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 8:30~~T1MES A08ERT SCHULLER OAYBAEAK LA. AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY POtNT~VIEW PU8UC PULSE -NEWS AGAICUL TURE U.S.A. MOVIE "The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again" (1979, Comedy) Tim Conway, Don Knotts. ~hr$.) {%) MOVIE "Tne Leopard" ( 1963. Orama) Burt Lancaster, Claudia Cardinale (2 hrs .. 45 min.) 7:008 TOOAY'S RELIGION I THATS CAT LITTLE RASCALS fT 18 WRITTEN "THE FAIULOUS" KENNETH COPELAND • SUNDAY MASS SPECTRUM DAY~ ot8COVERV CARTOONS YOGA FOR HEALTH 8POA'T8 CENTER 7:06 al LIGHTER 8IOE ~THE NEWS 7:308 OOMMfTMENT I WHITNEY ANO THE ROBOT .. CAMPUS PAOFllE: VIEWPOWT ON NUTRI- TION "Allerglee" Guests: veterinarian Or. Wayne Binns: bacierlologlst Or. A. Anderson: nutrition con- sultant Henry Savage. Cl). TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING (I) THA rs THE SPIRIT He's bad! ---~- A rc h l ~ (Car;oJT - O'C.01U19r) deals •• with a nasty Jodger, plaY.ed by Dtl1f'l fjjckles, on "Arclile Bunker's, Place ~,Sunday at 8 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). • .J • l ~~WAOOART •; -, MISTER ROGERS (R) THE WORLD TOMOARoW MOVIE "Something Of Value" (1957. Orama) Rock Hudson. Dana Wynter. 7:35@ MOVIE "The Magnificent Seven" (1960. Western) Yul Brynner, Eli Wallach. 8:00 8 SUNDAY MOANING THIS 18 THE LIFE POPEYE ANO FRtENOS PERSONAL otMENSIONS LET THERE BE LIGHT UOYO OGILVIE MUStcWORlO JERRY'FALWELL ~ E · .. D ATHLET1c sHoEr~ 9594 HAMILTON•HUNTIMGTH llACM lllTWl• llOOIJMST .. 11$UM) Announcing The Ma•Tiott Tennis Oub • ~ Membership AVailable • No Initiatioo Fee • I 0 Champiomhip Courts • Full Club House Facilities e RNiAm.Ray -·~d Termis ' . .. n v. ~~Beach ~~rrio~· ..,--Hotel&. Tennis Club 900 Nnv"id.t Center Drive Newport B~"h, CA 92660 Sunday (t.ontinued) I ELECTRIC COMPANY (A) REX HUMBARD ALL.ST AR SPORTS CHALLENGE All· nme Dodgers vs. Los Angeles Rams ot the 1970'& (I) MOVIE "The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bonny Movie" (1981, Comedy) Anlmeted. Voices ~Mel Blanc, June Foray. ( 1 hr., 20 min.) g MOVIE "Nightwlng" ( 1979, SuspeoM) Nick Mancuso, David Warner. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 8:30 D ODYSSEY Guests· J. Krlshnamurtl, Krlsh· namurti Foundation, Ofal: Pat Pallll(t(, The Church on the Way, Valencia, t 1m Burlingame discusses the Sonrise Chnst1an School, Covina, co-sponsorship of a 5/ 10 K Run with Covina Pollce AssocletiOn. TODA Y'S BLACK WOMAN THELAHAYES MEETING TIME AT CALVARY REX HUMBARD FREDERICK K PRICE liLECTRIC COMPANY (A) KNOW YOUR BIBLE F ~HUGHTS_" 1976 U.S. Open" -~ \. fcliMd-Sy Love"' (1980, D'li'nlT--- Deborah Ra in, Diane Lane. ( 1 hr , 33 ml!Al 9:008 N~LWFERENCE W I PEOP._Lf.i·~·. • a ORAC: ~ems R089'Psr.HULLER fT 18 Vt9l1TIN SESAMli alREET (R) Q F.A.~ "The Road To Wembley" (1 hr.) 9: 16 (%) £.. "Minnie And Moskowitz" ( 1972. Romance >Mia Rowlands, Seymour Ce99ef. ( 1 hr .. 54 mltl,L__ __ ~------· CAS'I' <Jrct1AIUC2'EBS -<JWPy aa.,e· (from kit), •a ~y5er; BtDllurray, a crazy ~eeper; ~ld, as an obnoxious tyooon; and 'ed Knight, the pompous club president, are ju8t some of the charaoters at an exclusive country club in "C.Sddysh.ack," on CBS (Ch . 2) Sunday at 9 p.m. 9:301()) ~E NATION I MEET THE PRESS l • The Southwest" Guest Simeon Trott•. reteerch • MOVIE "Houseboat" (1958, Comedy} Cary OtRECTIONS • .·!' t H director, Rauscher Pierce Aefsnes, Inc. (A) Grant, Sophia Loren. DAY OF DISCOVERY CC) MOVIE "Billy Jack" (1971 , Orama) Tom Cit MAN Of MARBLE A young fUmmake< tries to KENNETH COPELAND Laughlin. Delores Taylor. reconstruct a truthful picture of Poland's Stalinist THE WOALD TOMORROW J)88t. (3 hrs.) MOVIE "Look Back In Anger" ( 1959, Orama) I TRAINING DOGS THE WOOOH~ WAY Claire Bk>oQ). Richard Burton. .~ 1 WRITING FOR A REASON (I) WACKY WORLD Of JONATHAN WINTERS 12:00.LOSTINSPACE MOVIE "The Four Seasons" (1981, Orama) Guest: John Davidson. 8 (fl TOURNAMENT OF CHAMftlONS TENNIS Alan Alda. Carol Burnett. ( 1 hr., 5 7 min.) 10:009 NBA BASKETBALL PLAYOFF9 '~ Top male players inctudlng John McEnroe. Eddie (I) MOVIE "The V.l.P.s" ( 1963, Drama) 81zabeth I AT ONE Guest: actOI' Carl Weathers. ( l fl~ Olbbs and \/ltas Gerutallls compete tor $600,000 In Taylor. Richard Burton. (2 hrs.) LITTLE RASCALS' MO.THEA'S DAV~IAL prizes (trom the West Side Tennis Club in Forest ct MOVIE "T868" (197g, Drama) Nastassia Kin5)(1, Includes such "Our Gang" sequences as '1ipanky," Hiiis, N.Y.). (2 hrs.) Peter Firth. (2 hrs .. 50 min.} "Washee, lronee." and "Shrimps For A Olli ." (2 I SEARCH 2:16@ NEWS hrs.) • THE ARST c.HUACHILLS ''Breaking The Cfrcle" 2:308 SUNDAY Location live from the Living The-8 KIDS ARE P.EOPLE TOO Guests· Jenltle Ham· Churchill's military succesaes ate being undermined atre, California Institute of the Aris. VaJenc1a (1 hr. son, -ock player Wayne Gretzky, teacher of the at h~_by_t_h:8 Intrigues or Robert Harley. (1 hr.) 30 min.) year Ja , Theara Ward al the Harlem ID p~ ANANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE-I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND Dance U (1 hr.) .., MENT (II AMERICAN SPORTSMAN Cheryl Ladd joins MOM TIME CID MOVIE "Take Thls Job And Shove It" (1981, a mountain llon--taaalng operation In Colorado: H TRUTH Comedy) Robert Hays, Barbara Hershey. (1 hr .. 40 Richard Crenna ancf-Curt Gowdy fish for Atlantic OUTDOOR LlfE min.} salmon In Iceland; Barbara Hershey travels the DOOGER DUGOUT (I) MOVIE "Hawk The Slayer" (1981, Adventure) Crystal Rrver in Florida to find the endangered THE LAWMAKERS Jeck Palance. John T8f'ry. ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) manatee. ( 1 hr.) NEWSCENTER WEEKLY 0 MOVIE "Ruckus" { 1980, Drama) Dirk Benedict. II MOVIE "Sherlock Holmes And The House Of MAGIC OF OfL PAJNTING Linda B&alr. ( 1 hr., 35 min.) ,,. Feer" (HMS. Mysttry) Bull Rathbone, Nigel MOTOACYCLE RACING "Daytona Supercross" 12:30. NBA 8ASKETBALL PLAYOFFS Bruce. from Daytona. Florida. (3 hrs.) I MAvmtcK I PRESEHTE Cl) MOVIE "The Four Seasons" ( 19811 Drama) PEMDNAL FINANCE AND MONEY MANAGE-WRfT1NG FOR A REASON Alan Alda, Car9J..8urnett. (1 hr .. 57 min.} MENT 2:36Q)WRE8TLIHG e MOVI~ '\lli ldolmaker" (1980, Dfama) Ray 1:ooa THE MUNSTERS 2:41(%) MOVIE "Massacre At Central High" (1976, Sharkey, ToAli Feldshuh. (1hr.,47 min.) (J) NBA BASKETBALL (Joined In Progress) (2 Drema) Andrew Stevens, Aobet1 Cerredlne. (1 hr., 10:06 Ill) LA$l.iPF THE WILD hrs.) 27 min.) 10:16(1) PAOR£,8 PAE-GAME I ADAM-12... 3:00• ~ACE • DODGER PRE-GAME Bl.ACk THEATRE MOVEMENT Historic footage • MOVE "Snow White And The Three Stooges" 10:30()) BASEBALL San Diego Padres at Phllade'-end int~ws with key black actors Robert Hooks, 1981, Comedy) Carol Helsa. The Thfee StOOQM. ila~~<i"rs .. 30 min.) Ossie Oavit._nd Ruby Dee are feetlJ(ed (Part 1) (1 BASOALL bUNCH .. MVDC:n• SCHULLER hr.) THE PERSUADEAS BASEBAU. San Francisco Giants at New York e AMERICAN STORY WESTERN EXPOSURE Mets (2 hrs.,'40 min.) (() ROOEO "Schrade Pro Team" Arkansas Spurs SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLOEN GLOVES I IOOS ARE PEOPLE TOO {Joined In Progress) va. Tulsa Twisters (2 hrs.) Pennsylvania vs. Washington. O.C. ( 1 hr.) BASEBALl Los Angeles Dodgers at Montreal (%) MOVIE "Dominique" ( 1979, Horror) Cliff • OF EARTH AND MAN ~ (3 . h . Robertson, Jean Simmons. (1 hr .. 34 min.) (I) TENNIS HIOHUGHT8 "19?t Wimbledon" (1 I OPEN 1:10(!) !ONER'S KORNER hr.) TOBE NCED 1:308 WESTERN OUTOOOASMAN Featured: a OJ MOVIE "Loving Couples" (1980, Comedy) MAOC PAINTING apeclal type of rifle match, the SChuetzen Shoot: an SnliMacl.alne. James Cobutn. MOVIE "Savage Harvest" ( 1980, Advehture) outing In the Teton mountains of Wyoming with Paul 3:30 NEW8MAKEA8 Tom Sk8ffitt, Michelle Phillips. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) Petxoldt. • WIOE WORLD OF SPORT& The tronman 10:36((l) THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL IF-TROOP World Endutance Trlathloo, r.atur1ng • 2.4-mDe 11:008 OW ri] Featured: "Women's Studies" WILD, WILD WEST swim, a 112·~ bike t1de and a merathon run at the Unfller o4 Redlands. Llf'E Of AILEY (from Hawaii) : World Boxing ChamplOnthipe (from I QI THIS WITH DAVID BRINKLEY 1-tOGAN'S HEROES Monlch, West Gennany). (fl\r., 30 min.) MOVIE' NaJled Jungle" (1954. Adventure) AOAa.12 ~WESTERNOUTOOOA8MAN Charlton Heston. Eleanor Parker. SPOATSWORlD PKA Prof8$Slonal Karate NEWSBEAT: LOS ANGELEB WEEK IN REV1EW I MA8TEAPtECE THEATRE Championships (from Atlanta, Ga.)· NHRA Wortd Of EARTH AND MAN OUTDOOR LIFE Anats of Drag Racing: Pert 5 of the World's Strong-MOVIE "The H•t" (1978, Adventure) Charles WASHtNOTOH WEEK IN REVIEW (R) est Me~cOf!lpetltlon. ( 1hr.,30 min.) vour, Vlrna l.111. 11: G!) ON-OID< ctAClE • AMERICAN STORY ~-1NICE9'EOPl..E 11:15G!) BA8EBAU Atlenta Braves et St. Loult Car· ~MOVIE "Roller Boogie" (1979, Muslc:al) Linda '=00 MCME "Death CrulM" (197'• MyMery) dlnats (3 htl.} Blalt, Jim ~~'i· _ _ Edwetd A~ Jr .. K8te Jlctcton. (J) ~ "Oeftencle" (1980, Orama) Jan-Mlchael 2:008 OUTDOOR LIFE Featured: flyffshlng for king e 8PORT8WCR.D PKA Profeeelonal Ketate VJnoent....!.hefW Seide~ hf .. '3 min.) ~-on iif':r• P• Matquette. ~ (from Adln&& 0&.): NHAA Wottd 11:30 8E w Final-round _.. • flnlll of Or11Q Allclng; Pert$ of IN Wortd't Strong-::.= ( ~C::.'.::1:.": /NANCY----~ ...... (1hr .. llO"*'.) Jioullon. l tn. MIMI ''Good ~ M " (1917, Honor) TIM( NC9I . ''tOd o.llhld'' ( 1982. Mulicel) EMt ...... =r--- iml ____ ............. ?JP I P'''l!mtBBM''' Ii"'!·- -·--.,--------- l6 SuMay(oontitttm) ----i tywood'• blonde bombehell and the hlatory of hor-... ror flma; Int~ wtth Donald Sutherland and , ,.: Jule Andrews. (1 hr.) . ~ • MOVIE "A Aatful Of Dollat8" ( 1987. We&tem) 2 Cffnt Eutwood, Maritlnne Koch. I LOVE. AMBICAN 8TVlE WALL trHEET WEEK "Some Thoughta From The Southwest" Guest: Simeon Trotter. research director. Reuachef Pierce Refsnes. Inc. (R) e MOVIE "Koroehl" (1987, Adventure) Patrlc6< MoGoohan, Yoko Tani. •:=r~ ~ MOVIE "Touched By Love" (1980. Orama) Deborah Raffln, Diane Lane. (1 hf., 33 min.) (I) MURDER AMONG FAIEN06 Sally Kellerman and Leslie Nelllen star In this comedy whodunit, aet In a New York apertment on New Yeer'a Eve. Involv- ing an actor. hit wealthy wtfe and his ambitious ~t. (1 hr., -45 min.) 4:06 al) ... SEARCH OF ANCENT MYSTERtES This doQUmentary offers spec:u&atlon on tti3 Idea that Earth ~beillgi from another ~t. (1 ht.) 4:16(%) MOVIE "The Leopard" (1963. Orama) Burt L.ancater, ClaYdll Catdlnale. (2 tn., 45 min.) 4:30. LOYE. AMERICAN 8'TYlE I WASHMJTON WEE)( IN REVIEW (R) Pfn£T UNM:R8E 6:00• UTTl£ HOUSE ON THE PRAAE • GREATEST SPORTS L.EGEN06 ''Johnny Bench" Hoet: Ken Howard. IM•A•s•H 8TIWGHT TALK z "Mame'' (1974. Mueical) LucHle Ball, Beetrice Arthur. 8 NAPOLEON 6 LOVE "Eleonore" Napoleon wW'8S to have an heir to the empire he has bultt fa< hlmeelf, bUt becauee JoNphlne cannot bes him a chlld heteekaanothersokrtlon. (1 ht.) a FANG LINE "Reeolved: This Houae AJ'P'O'i88 The Economic lnltlatlvel Of Prealdent Ae9Qan" The second pert of a debate between Wllllem ~ Buctdey and John Kenneth Geibfalth Is preeented. (R) ( 1 hr.) •. PAOJECT UNMR8E (C) MOVIE "Look Beck In Anget" (1959, Orama) C&alf~~rd Burton. CJ) BAeEBAll Arizonl State at Wlchtta State (3 hrs.) CD MOVIE "The Looney. Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny t.b<te'' ( 1981, Comedy) Anlmmd. Vololl by .... Bline • .kn F«ay. . cm MCWIE "Ph:tdtf Grand Prtx" ( 1980. AcMln- . ture) Animated. • MOVIE "A Nightingale Sang In Bet1<eley Square" (1979, Comedy) Richard Jordan. Devki NIYen. ( 1 hr., -40 min.) 6:06~ 2'J8AN All-8TAA GAME 5:30~ C88 NEW8 l=E:KOmR L\ 1 ''\I '\( I MARY POPPINS NO MORE -Julie An- drews will be featured during an interview on ''»Jtertainment Tb.la W~' SWlday •t 8 p.m. OD KTLA (Cb.'>-Mi. Andrews will diacua ber ht.at motion plcture, "Vlceor VJctarl&. '' cartoon eenea. ~·· 20 min.) 7:00,Cl>IO • -,ATHER MURPHY Father Murphy fights to get four of his youngstera out of a wetkhoule, and leame wtroJ mountain man Bl McOoada abandoned Dru atthe orphanage. (Part 2) (R) Q (1 ht.) I di COUNTERATTACK: a.ME IN AM~ A.JP WIL80N . JIMMY .,,AOOART ALASKA: STORY AT THE TOP OF THE WORLD This dOCUmentary on Alaska, a forgotten land onky 2.2 mllea from Russia, Is narrated by Hal Holbrook. (1 hr.) I ASCENT OF MAN NCNA "Twins" The aclentlflc research on twins Is a field matt<ed by damaging traUd bu1 elso by ~ant new dllcoverles. (R) Q ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "Biiiy Jack" (1971, Orama) Tom Laughlln, Delores Taytor. An ex-Green Beret haH- breed champions the C8U88 of• freedom school for runawar on an Artzona Indian reservation. (1 hr., 56mln. ([)MOVIE "The Boy Friend" (1971, MuslcaJ) Tw\g- gy. CMltopher Gable. When an assistant stage manager replacea the female lead In a show, she beoome8 a star and finds romance as well. ( 1 hr .• 50 min.) (D) CZ) MOVIE ''The Four Seasons'' ( 1981, Orama) Alan Alda, Carol Burnett. Three cooples. all close, ~time trlenda. experience profound changes In their relatlonshlpe when one of the marriages dlslo- ~rates. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 57 min.) g JONI MrTCHB.l IN CONCERT Popular singer I songwriter Joni Mitchell appears with the Pat Metheny Group and The P8'1U&llons at the Santa Barbara County Bowl. ( ~ 8:00 e Cl) AACHIE BUN 8 PLACE Barney rent• a room In h9 home to an lresclblt atranger (Don RlcklH). e CHIPS Jon and Pooch ere teamed with two members of the canine patrol. ( 1 hr.) • ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK Aeports on Hol- lywood's blonde bombahell8 and the htatory of hOt· ror films; Interviews with Donald Sutherland and Julie Andrews. ( 1 hr.) • di INSIDE THE THIRD REICH Albert Speer'• tutoblography reveallng the corruption of lnno- otflOe that l9d to Adoff Hltler'1 reign ot terror It dramatized; Rutgel' Hauel', Derek Jacobi, Blythe . Denner and John Gielgud atar. (Patt 1) Q (3 In.) l rT•WNTTEH MOAECA.-e & WISE MOYE "Clembeke" ( 1987, MUllcal) Svtl Pr• THIJSISSONI ley, 6hel9y Fabel ... A weetthy ptayboy In Mleml. -.V ltlHIWON.O . · '*'*'fl to --the ... of one whO wortca tot .. MCME...,.. ~. L.oonilV. LOoMy ... • ~. NltCMI ldefldtla9 ..,_ I --..-a Mcwte'' (t•1. eom.dy) Anbeted. Vololl ~. (2L .. bY Mee 911nc, June~ NN m1ur1• II bllndld · 1:• a AMERICA wtth otct In ttta ~of ollllllc Frltt F'*'U ' NNtOt.B:JN & LOVE 1'BeollClf't" Nlpdlol1 "l.ooNy Tw." riilii C.ff"/ Duc:ik. PcwkY to M '*' to the tf!IPlr9 he hM bull tor Plg.•'IW=""'oll'll11'111 . chllda.Meka..anoltw JOIUtlon... (1bl.+--e NOVA "Why America Burns" A report on the fire prevention estebllahment •" 11"8tealet fa< Improving fire safety 18 presented. (R) Q ( 1 lv.) e CHIPS Jon and Ponch ere teamed with two ~of the canine patrOI. (3 l){M,..., a IAASTEAPIECE THEATRE "Love ·Ill A Cold Cli- mate: Monsieur Le Due" In Par!$, (..;Ida begins a whlrlWind romance with Le Due 4' SaUll9te<re. ~a~(~ (fl) MOYIE "The Fan" (1981 , Suslpense) I.Buren Bacall. James Garll8f. A popular (gm star Is victim- ized by a P8Y,chotlc admirer. 'R' ( 1 ht., 35 min.) Cl) MOVIE 'My Bodyguard" ( 197~9 Drama) Chris Makepeece, Adam Baldwin. The kid at a Chi- cago high school makes friends with school out· cast and togethe< they stand up to the cruel gang which had persecuted them both. 'PG' ( 1 hr.. 38 min.) D MOVIE "Excalibur" (1981. Fantasy) Nigel Tel· ry, Nicol Williamson. The exploits of King Arthur bring power and death to the knights of the Round Table. 'R' (2 h<a •• 20 min.) -:::~AV AT A TIME sch,;ider re~ses to deal with the fact that he' a going deaf. G THE WOAlD TOMOAAOW (!) EVENtNG AT THE IMPROV 9:009 Cl) MOVIE "Caddyshack" (1980, Comedy) BHI Mvrray. Rodney Oangerlleld. Tt1e demented grounds-keeper of a swanky counfrY club wages war against the gophers Inhabiting flls turf. (2 hra.) 8 MOVE "Mothe<'s Day On Waltons Mountain" (Premiere. Orama) Ralph Waite, Michael Learned. Mary Ellen has a car accident on her honeymoon. Ben and Cindy reluctantly acoept flnanclal asalst- ance and Elizabeth has her first beau. (2 hra.) I WILD KINGDOM OR.CHO AGRONSKY ANO COMPANY TRIBUTE TO COUNT BASIE Thia special fea- tures a ptQfile of Count B.-and~ career. lnclud-1~ a conr'1~ live at Camede ~all. (2 hrs.) • MAS THEATRE "[~ IQ A Cold Cli- mate: Monsieur Le Due" In Parlsr)·~ begins a whlrtwlnd romance with LB M 88 Sauvete<re. (part 7) Q (1 ht.} ' • AMBICAN PLAYHOUSE "My Pallkarl" Telly Savalaa stars as a Greek-American businessman who 9(lthu&lastlcally returns to his. native Greece with lllS relUctant son In this story J>y Leon Capeta-- nos. Q (1 hr., 30 min.) (CJ MOVIE "Graduation Day" (1981. Suspense) Chdll~ Geofge, E.J. PeeMr~.-dman Is OU1 to mur ~II the track stars of a fChool and no OMeeemB to know who It Is. ( 1 hr.. min.) (I) MURE SKATING "Men's ond Freestyle Championships" from Copenhagen. Denmark. (2 hrs.} CD MOVIE "The Four Seasons" (1981, Orama) Alan Alda, Carol Burnett. Three couples .• all close. long--tlme friends, experience profound changes In thek' re&atlonshlps when one of the man1ages dlsln- ~at• 'PG' (1hr .• 57 min.) CD) MOYIE "Urban Cowboy" (1980, Orama) John Travdta. Debra Winger. A bloe-Coller wOft<er who fendea hlmaelf a modem-day cowboy falls In love wtth a gift he meets In a popu&at country-.and-west- ern bat. 'PG' (2 hrs .• 12 min.) CZ> MOYIE "Minnie And Moskowitz" ( 1972, Romance) Gena Rowlands. Seymour Cassel. A mllmltched couple struggle to remain together iiethelf many differences. (1 hr .. 64 min.) , 8: WEB< IN REVIEW 8: WOAl.D OF SURVIVAL • JAa< VAN IMPE (!) MOVIE "Madonna Of The Seven Moons" ( 1945, Orama) Phyllis Calvert, Stewart Granger Aft« a chldhood encounter with a mysterious gyp- sy "", a woman lives with a dual penonaUty PfOb- ltf'l\. ~rt.) 10:l•eeNEWS l ~OFWAR 1"E DAY AFTER TRINITY '~J. Oppen-hllrMr And The Atomic Bomb" J. Robert ()ppef•'*mer's rOle In the birth atomic age and NI fate at the hands of the U.8. government are ~ted. (R) (1hr .• 30 min.) <BJ MOVIE "Take this Job And Shove It" (1981 . -Comedy) Robert Hays. Berbara Hershey. A young corporate executive runs Into relletance when he returns to his hometown to revltallz:e a company br~. 'f»G' ( 1 hr., -40 min.) <K> MOVIE ''The Four Seeaont"' (1981, Orama) Afan Aldl, Carol Burnett. Thrw ~. d cloee, long·tlme friends, e~ prof~ changes In therr r*ionehlpl when one of the inetttaoM dilln· 'PG' (1 ht .. 67 min.) 10:1'.ir MCME "ctiarge ot The l.lncn" (1954. ~) Mn--Plln'e A~.......,, Qoddard. Ollrtna tM cnm.n Wat, two 8'W'I Lanoera ere fo(oeCJ to ftM to the~ of'lllWby forMt gyp- - SundaY (continued) I JIMMY SWAGGART LORD MOUNT8A TTEN: A MAN FOR THE CEN- TURV In 1941. ~90ntbatten accepts the respon$1- blllty of uniting' ~die and assisting that country's transition from Btl11sh rule to Independence. (Part ~(A) O (1 hr.) g MO'llE ··The ldolmaker" ( 1980. Orama)' Ray Sharkey, Tovah Ftfdshuh. A manlpulatlve manager uses various ploys to catapult two teen-agers Into pop singing stardom. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 47 min.) 11:ooeD8(1)(1JQ) NEWS I PACESET'fM AFRICA'S WEEPING ... BUT WHO'S LISTEN- ING? HOsts: Carol Lawrence. Stan Mooneyham. Guests· Efrem Zlmbalist Jr.. Dean Jones. William Shatner. (1 hr.) ID NAPOL EON & LOVE "Eleonore" Napoleon wishes to have an heir to the empire he has bUllt for himself, but because Josephine cannot bear him a child he seeks another solution. ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "Someltlina Of Value" ( t957, Oramaj Rock Hudson. Ow Wynter. The violence encoun- tered by a peacemaker turns hlm Into a seekel' or vengeance. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) ([)SPORTSWOMAN CJ:) MOVIE "Goodbye. Emmanuelle" ( t9n. Ora- ma) Sytvla Kristel, Umberto Orsini. A beautiful woman's search foe the ultimate erotic experience brings her to a startling realization. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 40 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Massacre At Central High" ( 1976. Ora- ma) Andrew Stev~s • .Robert Carradine. A crllSSde t0< revenge begins' ,ffter a prank that went too far was pulled on the ~leter students by a group of bored high-school friends. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 27 min.) 11:158CBSNEWS {IV MOV1E "He Knows You're Alone" ( 1980, Suspense) Don Scardino. Caitlin O'Heaney. A psy- chotic morder8f' stalks attractive young br~to­ be. silently and "thalty sla.shlng their dreams of wedded bliss. 'R~ .. ~ .. 30 min.) 11:308 SPORTS r..i"""- • 700 CLUB Guests: coupon queen Susan Sam-;· :~~°"'8qe. (1hr .. 35mln.) • (() MOVIE "The Groundstar Conspiracy" (1972. Mystery) George Ptppard. Michael Sarrazin. The sabotage of a secfet space project sets off a ruth- less Investigation. ~his.) -----------, -· . ON TBB INMDB -Sir John Gielgud plays the father to Albert Speer in the ABC (Ch. 7) 11pedal "Imdde the ThJ.rd ~ich" Sunday at If pm. Cf) LIFE OF AllEY 0 MOVIE "Cold Turkey" ( 1971 , Comedy) Oicit Van Dyt<e. Plppa Scott. A sma• town facing bank- ruptcy will win $25 minion ii an of Its inhabitants can ~11 smoking f()( 30 daya. (2 hnl.) • MOVIE "Theatre Of Blood" ( 1973, Comedy) Vlnoent Price. Diana Rigg. When he falls to receive a coveted award fOf his stage performances. a cun- ning Shakespearean actor decides to mordef his critrca. (2 hrs.) I TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED THE FIRST CHUACHILLS "Breaking The Circle" Churchill's military successes are undermined • ASK AIOUT VALET Ll•SE OUR ,LAH ' 900 So. Coast Hwy., (aq•o leach 494· I I 31 °' 546-996 7 Hows: MoA..fri. f·7. s ... t -5, S-. 10..4 -MOTHER'S DAY SPECIALS .20o/o OFF RUFFL ED BLOUSES at home by the intrigues of RObeft Harlev. (1 hr.) • MOVIE "Mrs. ~·s Daughter" ( 19,9. Drama) Cl0<ls Leachman. Season Hubley. The mother of a rape vicilm embarks on a traumatic and frustrating battle to bring her daughter's rapist to trial. (R) (2 hrs.) (() SPORTS CENTER 11:36al) MOVIE "lust For Gold" (1949. Adventure) Ida Lupino. Glenn F0<d. A scheming woman stops at rothing to claim the riches of the loet Dutchman mine. ( t hr .• 55 min.) 11:4000 MOVIE "The Four Seasons" ( 1981, Orama) Alan Alda. Carol Burnett. Three couples. all ciose. lon?-time friends. experience profound changes In their relationships when one of the marriages disin- tegrates.. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 57 min.) 11:46 8 THE ROCKFORD FILES D MOVIE "Mrs. R's Daughter" ( 1979, Orama) Cloris Leachman, Season Hubley. The mother of a rape victim embarks on a tral.matlc and frustrating battle to bring her daughter's rapist to trial. (R) (2 hrs.) D MOVIE "The Stranger Who Loot<& like Me" 1974. Orama) Meredlth Baxter. Beau Bridges. A "----'pair of youngJ>eopte search for their natural par- ents, who abandoned them ea infants. ( 1 hr.. 30 mlnl_ 12:00(!) MOVIE "The World In His Arms" (1952, . AdventlJle) Gregoty Peck. AM Btyth. A pr1noesa falls In love with a sea captain. but Is kidnapped by a hated princ:e on the eve of her wedding. (2 h~.) I HEEHAW TRIBUTE TO COUNT BASIE This special fea- tures a profile of Count Basie and hla career, lnclud· ~ a conce. rt taped live at Carnegie Hall. (2 hrs.) llJ MURDER AMONG FRtEN06 Sally Kellerman and Leslie Neilsen star In this comedy Whodonlt, set in a New V0<k apartment on New Year's Eve. lnvolv· ing an actor. his weatthy wife and his ambitious agent ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) 12:30 (I) COtlEGE VOLLEYBALL "CollegMate Clusic Anals" (2 hla.) II MOVIE "Oh Godl" ( 1977. Comedy) George Burn8. John Denver. God eelectl an Ufl9UIP&Cllng young tupermantet mar\aget'· to delhow a message of hope and good wilt to the IQptloal peopi. 9f the modem·day world. 'PG' (1 hr .. 36 min.) CZ) MOVIE "The Leopard" (1963. Orama) Burt Lancatttf, Claudia Cardinale. Garibaldi's 1860 Inva- sion of Sicily results In the dem<>tlon of the aristo- crats in the social Of'def. (2 hrs .. 45 min.) 12:"6 8 NAME Of THE GAME .n .-' :!! 0 - -· ([) MOVIE ''The Hunter" <1979, Orama) Steve McOueen. Ell Wallach. Ralph 'Papa" Thorson leads • dangef'Oua llfe u a modem-day bounty hllnte<. 'R' (1 hr .. 38 min.) 1:00(C> MOVIE "Family Enforcer" (Drama) Joseph Cortne. Joseph P89Cl. A young man tries to get ahead In the mafia, but hasn't the brains to pull the echeme ott.'R' ( 1 hr., 20 min.) 1:130== RAT PATROL NEWS MOVIE "An Eye For An Eye" (1981. Adven- ture) Chuck Norris, Christopher Lee. A San Francis- co cop quits the force to avenge the murder of his partner by members of a drug ring. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) 1:~8 AT ONE Guest· USC Basketball coach Stan Morrison. (1 hr.) Cl) MOVIE: "Wiid And Beautiful On Ibiza" ( 1981 Comedy) Regis Porte, Tanje Spless...Rlch-and ~ - yCXl_ng travellers converge on the Island resprt for a hoifday of partying. 'R' ( 1 hr., 25 min.) 2:00 all AEBUILOING AMERICA: THE TURNING POINT · D MOVIE "NlghthaWks" ( 1981, Orama) S91Vester Stallone, Billy Dee Wiiiiams. A tough New York City cop has his work cut out for him when one of the world's most dangerous terrorists arrives In his city. 'R' ihr , 39 min.) -2:06 NEWS • 2:16 NEWS 2:25 MOVIE "Roller Boogie" ( 1979. Muslcal) Lin- da Blalr, Jim Bray. A rich and talented music stu- dent eeta out to win a roller-skating dance contest before resuming hef' studies. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 43 min.) 2:308 TOOAY'S RELIGION Cf) MORNING STRETCH (()RODEO "Schrade Pro Team" Dallas Oespe<a- doe vs. Tulsa Twisters ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 2:~1NEW8 3:00 NEWSMAKERS ~~FRANKLIN 3: 15 CH> MOVIE ''The Fan" ( 1981, Suspense) Lauren Bacall, James Garner. A popular film star Is victim- ized by a psychotic admirer. 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) Cl> MOVIE "Defiance" (1980, Orama) Jan-Michael Vincent, Theresa Saldana. A courageous young man takes a lone stand against the '9Cklesl mem- bers of the vtolent street gang terrO(lllng hit nelg~ bothood. 'PG' ( 1 hr., "3 min.) 3:30 8 INTERFACE 3:"6(1) MOYIE "My Bodyguard" (1979, Orama) Chrlt Makepeec4t, Adam 88Jdwln. The new kid at a Chicago high IChool makes friends with the IChoc:M outcast and together they stand up to the cruel gang which had pefMCUted them both. 'PG' (1 tv., 38 min.) 4:00~flWAOOART i MOVIE .. ~. (1981, Fantasy) Moel Ter- ry, Nlcol Wlllemlon. The •lCP<* of King AtthUr br1na power .,., death to the knight• of the ROund Tat*. 'R' (2M., 20 min.) 4:06 al) FUNTIME (213) 941~2121 °"'8Stic~Jlllentl · --..-------r-: -----~1- BACK' TO GREECE -TeHy Saval&t stars u a Greek-A..merlcan bwdnessman who en- thua.iutlc&lJy returns to bis native Greece with a relucta.nt son in "My Palikari" on "American Playhouse" Sunday at 9 p.m. on KOCE (Ch. 50). 4:16(C> MOVIE "Graduation Day" (1981, Suspense) Christopher George, E.J. Peaker. A rJ'l&dman Is out to IT'IUfder all the track stars of a high school and no one eeems to know who It la. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 4:30 Cf) JIM BAKKER 4:50(11) MOVIE "Take This Job And Shove It" (1981, Comedy) Robert Hays, Barbara Hershey. A young corporate executive runs Into resistance when he returns to his hometown to revitalize a company brewery. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 40 min.) Mildred Natwick in 'Kiss' HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Mildred Natwick baa been llped to oo-Nr with Sally Field, Jams Cun. Jeff Brlda•, Claire Trevor and Paul Dooley in 0 Km Me Goodbye" for 20th Cen1'Ur)'-Fox. Robert Mullipn la d1"9Cting f:nm a atnenplay by Cw-lie Peters, frcm an original mry by Mulli-pn. James L. Zimmerman Certmed Pubflc Accountent Fu II range of person•ll zed professional services for small buslneslt_s & lndlvlduals • tNCO. TAX PRePARATIOH 6 PLANNINCJ • IYITDll DEStON & IHSTA&.LA-TIOH • COMPUTERIZED FINANCW.'.,lPOATINO .,,.. '1n111at CoMuetallG:o T 'l 4 ·~ Ooftf' br. 645-4212 .... ,Newport._,. IMPORTANT CARS Weather channel • • • 1s now 1n service By NORMAN BLACK A111 1l1W"-"""" LAS VEGAS, Nev. -Cable television is lntroducina a new tervice for viewers who can't get enough information about the weather. "The Weather Channel,'' the newest 24-hour-a-day cable network, inaugurated service Sunday at 8:30 p.m. EDT with a live two-way news conference from the network's Atlanta studioe and Las Vegas, where thouaanda of cable operators are gathering for their annual convention. The Weather Channel is owned by Landmark Communications Inc., a privately held Norfolk, Va., media company with newspaper, broadcast and ca- ble interests,· and John Coleman, the meteorologist on ABC's "Good Momlng America." . Coleman and Landmark executives ate betting that people's preoccupation with the weather will prompt cable operators to add the service to their systems, viewers to tune in frequently and adver- tlaers to pureh.aae commercial time. Frank Batten, the chairman and chief execu- tive of Landmark, also aees the service as a logical extension of viewer Interest in all-news and all- apol'U networks. · "There are few t.hinga as vital to people's lives as the weather," he saiO. "We think the Weather Channel will be watched by mo.re people than any other channel on their cable systems." Landmark has spent $10.5 milliorrlO leue a distribution channel on the cable industry's primary satellite. A 11aff of 120 baa been hired, and Coleman says milllona of dollars have been spent building the moat technologically advanced weather-casting studio in the world. A cable operator who takes the service will receive a special satellite recetwr"that iaolates and then ~anamita \he local weathet forecast for his area in text forib. In between those weather up- dates and national and regional forecaa18 by on-air meteorolqdata, the network will oiler feature pro- grams with tit.lea like American Almanac and Me- teoroJosical Minutea. CNN. goes to Japan LAS VIDAS, Nev. (AP) -The Cable News Network (CNN) has reached a distribution agree- ment with a Tokyo cable system that will extend the network's 8e!"Vice to Japci, according to chair- man Ted Turner. Tbe .,reement with the lapan Cable Televi- sion Co. Ltd. and lta parent, the Au.hi National ~ C.O .. Ltd., will rMke the Cable news .ervice available 17 boun a day on Japan's only F.nclilh-lancuace ~ ". llEWPllRT iATllJll ~w1m ·To 11 '"' #1 i11111 hll1r r.~ lnls1 Co11trl S11 tUJ ... W1 ln Offlri11 Fatlltio \I< >l C\ I :\( ; \I< >\ · 1 LS 5:00(%) "The F.()f.Jr Seasons" (1981, Orama) Alan Alda, Carol B;/X:tt. 5:25 Cl) "Hawk-tKe Slayer'' ( 1981, Adventure) Jack Palance. John-Ter?y. 6:06@ "The Pigeon That Took Rome" ( 1962, Com-edyL Charlton Jieston, Elsa Martinelli 6:301i) "Undeiground Aces" ( 1980, Comedy) Dirk Benedict, Melehie Griffith. 7:00~ "Kiii Or Se Killed" ( 1980. Adventure) James ~an. Charloue Mlchelle. CZJ "Minnie And Moskowitz" (1972. Romance) Gena Rowlands. Seymour Cassel. 7:30()) "Gigi" (1958, Musical) Maurice Chevalier, Leslie Caron. 8:06 llll "Miss Sadie Thompson" ( 1954, Orama) Jose Ferrer, Rrta Hayworth 8:30(8) "A Foree Of One" (1979. Orama) Chuck Norris, Jennlfe< O'Neill. CiJ "Marco Polo Jr." (Adventure) 9:00~ "The Man With Bogart's Face" ( 1980, Com· edy} Robert Saocnl. Ollvia Hussey. CZJ "Oefianc." ,.(J980. Orama) Jan-Mtetiael Vin- cent. Theresa Saldana 9:30 e "Pals 01 The Saddle" ( 1938, Western) John Wayne. Ray Corrigan. 10:0000 "Steel" (1980, Drama) Lee Majors. Jennifer O'Neill. (I) "The Glass Bottom Boat" ( 1966, Comedy) Doris Day, Rod Taylor. D "Oh Godl" (1977. Comedy) George Burns. John Denver. 10:06@ "Chain Lightning" (1950, Orama) Hum- phr!t_ Bogart, Eleanor Parker. 11:00Ck) "Sex And The Single Parent" (Comedy) Mike Farrell, Susan St. James. (%)''The Four Seasons" (1981. Orama) Alan Alda, Cerol Bllrheu. MllllUf'B'MIH 12.:00G "Roo~ !fVice .. (1938, Comedy) Mane Brothers, Lucllfe-BaN. • "The Court Je9tet" ( 1956. Comedy) Denny Keye, Glynis Johns. • "Flame Of The Barbary Coast" ( 1945, Adven- ture) John Wayne. Ann Dvorak. Cl) "The Blues Brothers" ( 1980, Musical} John Belushi, Dan AyktQyd. D "The Last Metfo" ( 1980, Orama) Catherine Oeneuve. Gerard Oepardieu Directed by Ffaocois Trutfaut. 1:00(1) "Rider On The Rain" (1970, Suspense) Chafles Bronson, Jiii ireiand. CC) "Peoelope'' ( 1966, Comedy) Natalie Wood, Ian Bannen. CR) "From Hell Tp Viet()()'" (1979, Orama) George Hamilton. GeorOS{feppard. (%) "Minnie Andl Moskowitz" ( 1972. Romance) Gena Rowtandt, ~mour Cassel. 2:00CD "Dog Day Afternoon" (1975, Orama) Al Pecina, John Caz.aJe. 2:80(1) "SI* Stockings" (1957, Musical) Fred Aatalte. C-yd Clherieee: 3:00 e "Wa Sundance Women" Ul/t. Western) Ka Hector Elizondo. CB> "Salem'• ( 1979. Horror) o.Md .. Jamet Mason,. (J) "Ooml 979. Horror) Gllff ~. Jean Simmons. •:OO(C) "Tuck Everlasting" (1976, Adventure) Fred Kellet.~•· ~..L.-•:30(1)" om The Deep" (1981, ~-- Flctlon) • "Kii And ' (1981, Adventure)...,.. Ryan Anneflne . •:~(%) "DeflanaaNt.t':1980, Orama) Jan-Mlcheel Vin· oent. Thereu~. 6:06al> "lmlt9'Jpn Life" (1959, Orama) LAN T~.Jef"l-lllRC · C88NEWB e:aol. !JW~ GIRL WATCHING -Jeff Bridges and Carole Kane portray a young couple who confront the problem of maintain.ing fidelity in "'l'he Girls In Their Summer Dresses" Monday at 7:30 p.m. on KDCE (Ch. 50). realities of starting over. when they try to marry and their children biocj( the way. ( 1 hr., 35 min.) (I) MOVIE "Gigi" ( 1958, Musical) Maurice Cheval- let. Leslie Caron. A tomboy being groomed by her aunt and grandmother sets out on her own to catch a man. i1 hr .. 55 min.) 6:30 (I)• NEWS I BARNEY MILLER . NEW88EA T: CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT G BUStNE88 REPORT (() Pt<A FULL CONT ACT KARA TE "Mlddlewelght Contenders Bout" from Athena, Geofgla. ( 1 hr .. 30 mh) (}{) CHARLIE, THE LONESOME COUGAR A lumberman adopts and raises an orphaned cougar kitten. (Part 1) g MOVIE "Oh Godl BooK II" ( 1980. Comedy) George Borns, Suzanne Pleshelle. God returns to Earth and chooees the young daughter of an aaver- llsln~ executive to apread his message to the world. 'PG ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) (%) MOVIE "Minnie And Moskowitz" (1972, Romance) Gena Rowtande, Seymour Cueel. A mllmatched Couple struggle to remain topethef ~t• their rneny dlfferencee. ( 1 hr., S.. min.) 7:1001.ccuws HAPPY DAYS~ A8CNEW8 P.M. ~ M lnWrAew wtth-.ctct M6d'9el Lendon; a oompan~ that ~II name a atar att.r you for $30. J · · I KOJN< . ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT The first of a aeries on the oo.n. of 1he stara. l t.t•A•&*H JOKER'S WU> JACK·A-80V Thia speclal focuses on the rela· tlonlhlp bet•-' • young boy and the thr• adult• ~-=· l =·-OF Oil PAINTING = ''Thit Fnt Daedly Sin" ( 1980, Myt18f)') Frank Sil.Illa. Faye Ol.rllway. A veteran New V()O( City pdlce dttect!Yt, whoee wtfa It ~ ff om • aerloUe llnaM; rfel to catch a brutar wmer terrortzlng Manhattan. 'A' ( 1 tir .• 52 min.) (Q) MOVIE "EMt'' (1978. 0..ama) Kurt FUeetl, s...on ~A dramatization of the "King of Rock 'n' Roi. 3 hra.) 7:30 e 2 ON TOWN FeatUf'ed: a vtelt to New lMllnd; a .. ._ who his ralaed mllllone In gold from the .,... "" oMdal Arch Wtz.ard pf Center· =~· (1972, Mu*al) Ura Mlnntf. •• ~ Or-v. The rfM of the Nezl '*'Y la~ In lthe=-.=lndMduellMI. (2tlrt .. 30'mln.) ~at calfomll HAW~~. . • : a report on wtlgtlt toee OVER~~ .. Guest: Florence Hend«· and dieting; 1 ,.pol1 on ''aportt wtdoWt'': Loe aonNJ:l .iws A=' waltr .... tiff how to get better Mt'1toe In NEEDU;CAAFT -1* G~AC ooOOH ~ "Sex f'.nd The Slf.:lglt Pafent" (Comedy) YOU A8'<ED ~IT M F..atrell.~.&'.Jaitwfi:;.Acoi.loltVddOUtthe ........ V-~·-· ~ .. --· ..... -........ _,_.., ----r---~f - }I 'ft\:' .... • t -n I tO . Monqay (continued) .. · i be, sllently and lethally slashing their dreams of -wedded bllsa. 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) ,..: 9:06111) MOVIE "Marilyn" ( 1963, Biography) Oocu-~ mentaty. Narrated by Rock Hud&on. Fiim e>CCerpts ~ provide a provocative peek at the phenOmen<>n that was actr .. Marilyn Monroe. ( 1 hr .• SO min.) ,;. 9:30 Cl) MOYE ''Requiem FOf A Secret Agent" ~. ( 1965, Orama) Stewart Granger, Daniela Bianchi. ;f A British adventurer working as an American spy rescues a female photographer from the same fate ~ suffered by a fellow secret agent. (1 hr., 30 min.) _. • TRAVELING HOPEFULLY Roger Baldwin, the > 97-year-old founder of the American Civil liberties 1-Union, is profiled. -.2 0: (ff) MOVIE "Death Hunt" ( 1981, Adventure) Charles Bronson. Lee Marvin. In the 1930s, a Moun- tie and a frontier criminal wage an old battle as civil!· zation encroaches on the Canadian wilderness. 'R' U hr., 36 min.) g MOVIE "The Four Seasons" ( 1981, Orama) Alan Alda, Carol Burnett. Three couple&. all cloSe, long-time fdends. experience rrofound changea In thelf relationships when one o the marrlAges dlsln-, tegratee. 'PG' (1hr.,67 min.}. 9:~(%) HOW TO VOTE 10:ooee•NEWS 9 JACK-A-SOY This special focuses on the rela· tionshlp between a young boy and the three adults whose lives he changes. • OE KOONING ON OE KOONING Fiim clips and Interviews with Wiiiem de Koonlng -one of Ameri- ca's most Important Uvlng artists -and his wife pm· vlde a special insight Into the 78-year-old abstract expresslonlst's life and w0tk. ( 1 hr.) • PAPER CHASE "S0tcerer's Apprentice" A Supr,me Court Justice Is put on the spot because of his rflCOfd of never having hired a female law clerk In his 30 years on the bench. (1 hr.) ~ MOV1E "Klll Or Be Kiiied" (1980, Adventure) James Ryan, Charlotte Michelle. A fonner Naz.I com- mande<, who lost an important karate match to the Japanese during the war, seeks to avenge his defeat by enlisting the top kung tu fighters from around the world In a tournament. 'PG' (1 hr., 30 min.) (D> MOV1E "Cloud Dancer" (1980. Adventure) David carradlne. Jennifer O'Neill. A top stunt fhr neglects the people who care about him In tfle ~ fish pursuit of his dangerous sport. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 48 min.) ..... DOIJVG llABD l'DIE -Murphy (Michael Keaten) volunt.arlly trier out lJle Jn jail. to s~y conditlona on "Report to Murphy" Monday at 8:30 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). Kurt Andon la the guard. (%) MOVIE "RUde Boy" ( 1980, Muslcal) Ray Gange. The music of The Clash Is featured In a look at the British punk scene. (2 hrs .. 15 min.) · 10:30. NEWS QJ SIGNATURE Guest: Nigel Dempster. Cl) MOVIE "The Attic" ( 1979, H0trOI') Carrie Snodgrass, Ray Milland. A librarian lives In the past with her memories of a love who disappeared. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 10:66111) MOVIE "The Golden Hawk'' ( 1962, Adven- ture) Rhonda Fleming. Sterling Hayden. A 17th· century high seas battle in the c&Abbean 1nvoives the ~anlsh and the English. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 11:00 •DD (J) a:t e NEWS I SATUAOAY NIGHT YOU A8K£O FOR IT JOE~NKLIN M•A•&•H BENNY HILL MIXED BAG "The Great Amencan Art Game" Examined are all of the elements wtllctl affect the an scene In New York. I otCK CAVETT NUMERO UNO Sir Roger Bannlstet of England. the first runner to break the barrier ol the four-min- ute mile. is profiled. CD MOVIE "Shock Waves" ( 19n .• H0tror) Peter CusbiOQ, Brooke Adams. A group of tourists strand· ed on a small island encounter a former SS officer and his collection of experimental mutants ( 1 hr . 25 mln.L 11:3011 Cl) QUINCY An unpopular coach Is blamed when a member of his college track team dies fr0tn a heart attack. ( 1 hr . 10 min.) II fl) THE BEST OF CARSON Guests. Suzanne Somers. Loretta Lynn, Bmy Cfysfal (R) ( 1 hr ) I@) ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE KOJAK THE JEfFERSONS SANFORD ANO SON RESURRECTION OF LADY LESTER The last minutes In the life of renowned jazz saxophonist. Lester Young, are por1rayed. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) • NEWSBEAT: CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT ID CAPTIONED ABC NEWS (JI) HALLELWAH HOLL YWOOO Gene Kelly hosta a dazzling tribute to the days ol Holtywood when the MGM musical reigned supreme. (1 hr.) II MOVIE "The HowtlOQ" ( 1981, H0tror) Dee Wal· lace, Patrick Macnee. A woman repor1er Is menaced by a killer who seems to be a werewolf. 'R' (1 hr., 31 min.) 11:40 ~MOVIE "Hollywood Boulevard" ( 1976, Com· edy) Candice Rielson, Dick Miiier. Fresh from lndl- ana, a young aspiring starlet beoOmes Involved In a real robbery that she thinks le pa'rt of her movie debut. 'A' ( 1 hr., 33 mln.) 12:00. EN1ERTAINMENT TONIGH'f.. The flfst of a series on the homes of the stars. D a:I MOVIE "King Crab" (1980, Orama) Barry Newman. Harold Gould. Two leodlng brothers turn the family business Into a battleground as they c0tn- The buck starts here. M akin.tt a start is prol>ably'the most important step toward saving. There is a way to take the initial step Use Answer lld service when placing your ad ... end know you're on the right track toward a ,..etular, scheduled savings. Just join the Pa)'roll Sa\'ings Plan at work. A little is taken out of each paycheek toward the purchase of C.S. Savings Bonds. You don't have to WOl'T) about making a special effort to put something aside each p~yday. h' all done for you. Automatically. The bucks start piling up. the interest llilyPilli 642-5678. grows, and you realize youve .AO~~ !~~;~0o:!i~.!~refire fil f~~ .stq~\:~ 1namerica. ......... • ... I '-, I . -~ -. ----..:..:..------------------------------------------------------------------------.. (l)MCME"''Urnra..~Cenetel ~ (laJi, 0r .. Monday CcilQpued) ....... E!!_te tor their father's love. (R) (2 hrs .. 15 min.) C1J M0\11& "The Fearless Vampire Kiiiers" (1967, Comedy) Roman Polanski, Sharon Tate. A J>(Of..,. sor and hit aaslstant travel to Transylvania, where they pursue bloodthirsty vampires who have a ~ tlfur gk1 hiddefl away In a remote castle. (2 hra.) • ~ "Murdef 10 Movleland" ( 1973, Myat,ry) Jamet Stewart, St"*'8f Martin. A detective delve8 Into the sexual jungje of Hollywood to defend the husband of a fading film star. ( 1 hr., 30 mln.) I LOVE.~8TYLE AMERICA: THE~ECONO CENTURY SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "The Rftum" (1981, Science-Action) Jan-Michael Vincent, Cybill Shepherd. Two people who had a close encounter With an alien spaoecraft as children awal1 tt)e aliens' Imminent return. ( 1 hr., 30mln.) 12:06(1) MOVIE "All That Jazz" (1979, Mueieal) Roy Sc:heldef, Je98lca Lange. Th# tumultuous Nfe of a profeelional chofeographer Is followed from euc-~-• cesron the 111ge·to·perto11&I cffMe,...!A' (2 hes_., ~s-- mlnJ_ l • 12: 115 (%) MOVIE "The Fool Seasons" (1981, Creme) Alan Alda, Carol Burnett. Three couplee, all oloee, long-time friends. experience profound changes In M relatlonsNps when one of the men1ages dlsln- tegrat-. 'PG' (1 #a:jJ min.) , 12:215@ MOVIE "The Wagons Roll At Night" (1941, Adventure) Joen u.u.. Humphrey Bogart. A pro- tective big brothe(,~ta to b<eak up the r•-tlonehlp betwee11 hl8 titter and a llon tamer. (2 hrs., 5mln.) 12:30 •• LATE NMiHT WITH DAVID~ G~ King, 6-n. Bill 8rad1ey. (1 hr.) I MOVIE "W~tect: The Sundance Woman" ( 1976, We.tern) Kathellne Rosa, Hector EJtzondo. Aft• Butch Cualdy'a death, Etta Pleoe joins forces With the notorious Pancho VIiia to hijack a munitions train~ hrs.) t I PEOPLE ANO 06QANIZATION8 MOVIE "Excdbw" (1981, Fantasy) Nlgef Ter· ry, Nicol W1llam8on.. The explotta of King Arthur b<lng power end cteattt. to the knlghta of the Rouf'lct Tat>re. 'A' (2 hrs., 20 min.) CD MOVIE "Ey..nn.." ( 1981, Mystery) Sigouf • ney Weaver, Wllltem HUrt. A televlrlon reporter becomes Involved wM a Janitor who may know more about a murder I.hat he wltnested than he Is sayltlg. 'A' ( 1 hr., '3 min.) 12:.0e Cl) COLUMBO A scientist whose son was involved In the theft of reaearoh wor1< kllls a col- league who threatened to reveal the Information to the~--(A) ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 1:00• GENE AUTRY . • MOVIE "Fear Strikes Out" (1957, Biography) Anthony Perkins, K8(I Malden. Boston Red Sox player Jimmy Pieraall 84Jffera a nefVOUS breakdown when his father' a drMng lnftuence and the preeaur• of ~league baeet.I get the better of him. ( 1 hr., ~ JA~-A-BOY TtQ tpeclal focuses on the r9'a- tlonlhip between • yowig boy and the three adults whoee Ms he changa IN BETTER TIMES -Elliott Gould tea- ches hJa a:m. Sean A.rtin, aome of the ~tter point.s of batleba1l Jn • aceite from ''7be Bu18I of MMrlage" Monday at ~pm. an CBS (Ch. 2). (I) PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE "Mk1dlewelght Contenders Bout" tom Athena, Georgia. ( 1 hr .. 90 1:0:-~ MOVIE "The Men Who Hiii To Earth" (1976, saeno.Flctlon) David Bowie, Candy Qark. A rock stat from en allen plllnet. on an Int~ search tor w•t• tor hit people, ~an expott- ed mllllonalre on Earth. 'R' ( 1 hr., 58 min.) 1:308.NEWS I GENE AUTRY SPEAK OUT MOVIE "Undefground Aces" ( 1980, Comedy) Dirk Benedlci, Melanie Grttftth. Pmlng attendants wreak havoc at a swank Beverly Hiiis hotel. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 39::Js ~~ MOVIE "MUMOre At Central High" ( 1976, Orami) Andrew SteYens. Robert Carradine. A CNl8de for revenge begins after a prank that went coo fet was poled on the QUlet• atudenta by • ~of bored h1gO-achool friends. 'R' (1 hr., 27 2:16it•NEWS ARe YOUR UTILITY BILLS INCRSASING7 Our • ....., IW•tlttMlll ., ...... ~,.._row..-, coeear can ua fof FREE lnfonMtton *..OW: YU tfMT! * TOtllrY<U ~I • llCIWE YU IMICYI * lftCM YOll aooo PEME. • Trim Yevf Flaure end L0M lnctlH And Heve A Greet Time~""' 841-2111 1714&: ....... ....... u. ....... ,.. ..... .... '., ........ I me) AndlflW Stevens. Robert Carradine. A crusade ~ f« ~ begins after a prank that went too far wu pulled on the quieter students by a group of bored hlgh-tchool frlendl. 'A' ( 1 hr., 21 min.) ~ 2:30(1) MOANING STRETCH al) RAT PATROL_ or-(()NU BASEBAU. c 2:50. MOVIE "Oimenrb'l 5" (1967, Scteno.-flc~ ,, tlon) Jeffrey Hunter, France Nuyen. In a deeperate ~ attempt to sew Loe Angetee from a hydrogen ~ bomb, an espionage agent empl<>y9 a tlme-dlmen-• rk>n machine. (2 his-) .~ S:OO Cf) JOE FRANKLIN ~ ~~"TheAoadTo Wembley" (1 hr.) : (I) MOYIE ''Steel" (1980, Orama) Lee Majors, I Jennifer O'Nellt. A beautiful woman la asalsted by a l'I> tough constructJon f«eman In running the company the lnhertta after her father's 8U9plcloua, "aociden- tal" cie.lh.-'PG' (1hr.,41 min.) 3:26 CC) MOVIE ''Penelope'' ( 1966, Comedy) Natalie Wood, Ian Bannen. A neglected wtfe decides to die-~ heraelf and rob her liusband'sl»nk. (1 hr., ..a -3::-• ~"Private ~~n" ( 1980, eomedv) Gotdie Hawn, Been Brennan. A wel-to-do young woman mistakenly joins the Army following the death of her new husbttnd on their wedding night. 'A' (1 hr .• 50 min.) 3:46 (%) MOVIE "Rude Boy" ( 1980, Musical) Ray Gange. The music of The Ctaah la featured In a look at the 8'ttlrh punk soene. (2 tn .. 15 min.) .t:OO(f) ~SWAGGART (I) 8POA'T8 CENTER .t:06 (!l) FUNT1ME -4:115(1) l.AFF-A·THON A comedian hoet and tour comic contestanta who compete against one anoth- • 81'e featured In this 'Uneen80red comedy game at.ow. .t:30(f) JIM~ Everyone is jazzing up their TV act JiTom Page 3 nwieooe who'• buddng the trend. rm referring to ooe of my ~ )lere in the newsrocm. Jim DtPelO, who 1Mt week wrote about hia ded9lon to donate hJa televWoo Rt to the church auction and not rept.:le it. Imagine: Jim and hia wile have redi8oovered reedlnc, and their older aon ia Jeaming about life in the non-cartoon worid. Good luck. Jim. rm Pd to lee that 80IDeOOe hu the courqe to kick the video habit, to 1top buildJnl b.11 ltfe around the day1 TV IChedule. rD be anxiow to bear how the experiment ia ~· Just don't call durina "HiO. Street Bluea." ApiMcMMctt*lht~lt Nrwport ~try ~ DIABmca AND FOOT CARl: . - hive the ability IO t8ei palri u quickly or tnteuely u other people, and fOT that ,_, ~ to the foot may not be noUCfll until the coodltlon becolnft ... ~ U )"OU notice even a llieht lnF>' to your foot.. NI a dileMe, evm mild you lhoWd not oaaUnue to dia.betea lendlt to<** dr-walk on It unlH1 It haa <.'Ulal.Oey problm» that at-been examined and lrff- f ect the feet and lep . I\ ted. can alao cau .. • 1011 of Pnibab!y the best ectVica feellnt in the feet. Wee-for epmeone who la dta- Uorw c-n IMr1 more ...Oy belle 11 to hava hl1 feet than ln tha non·dlabetJc o.iunl.Md rwtinely by hie penon. and ll will probe-foot 1peciali.t. With dla- bly Yb lonfel' to cu.re an betia, eYen mlnor prob- lnf«daa Ola tt..... i.. can became--. If Olabeta. ,l..._ do not Ga17 .. Wt untnafllld. 0r. Aft._........... " 0r. ~ J. s~ 1419 S. ...... ""·~ N.8.• · 1303 A-'e A ..... N.8. Ul-5111 760-6907 ---------------·--J --~ .J STARRING NEWPORT BEACH Programming that Gets You Right Where You Liver MONDAY· 7:00 PM ··Newport Now·· 7:30 PM Live Newport Beach Cit y Council coverage or ··c itizens Forum ·· t alte rnate Mondays 1 WEDNltSDAY 7:00 PM ··Newport Now . TBURSDAY 7:00 PM "A Better Way" FRIDAY 7: 00 PM ··Newport Now .. TIJNE IN TO CABLE CHANNEL 24 or K Our local programming lineup includes the interview series-"Citizens Forum,,, hosted by Mayor Heather and live cove- rage of Newport Beach City Coun- cil meetings. Plus, we continue to cablecast our popular magazine format show "Newport Now." Our focus is on the i88uea that are happening around you, and we feature people and places that you know. Your neighborhood and its residents are our stars. PROGRAIOONG- .. ll'f THE PUBLIC mTZJUt8T" GROUP WcABLE ~ Broadc81tiigand Clble, Inc. Tuesday \I< >IC\ J:\(; \I<>\' I LS 6:06~ "Hollywood eou·levard" (1976, Comedy) Gandice RialtOn, Dick MIMet. 5:30(1) "Gigi" (1958. Musical) Maurice Chevalier, Leslie Caron. •"The Four Seasons" ( 1981. Orama) Alan Alda. Cirol Burnett. 8:00(%) "The Marriage Of Marla Braun" ( 1979. Ora- ma) Hanna Schygulla. Klaus Lowltsch. Oir~led by Rainer Weme< Fa'ssblnde<. 6:06@ "Lucy Gallant" (1956. Orama) Jane Wyman, Charlton Heston. 7:00® "The Mysterious Stranger" ( 1982. Fantasy) Chris Makepeace, Fred Gwynne. 7:30(C) "The Outlaw" ( 1943. Western) Jane Aus· sell. Walter Huston. e "The Looney. Looney, Looney Bugs Buony Movie" (1981. Comedy) Animated. Voices by Mel • Bia~ JIJ08 Feta~ _ ___ _ __ 8:00 CZ) "The Leopard" ( 1963. Orama) Burt Lancas-t•. Claudla-Gardinele. 8:06 (ll) "My Six Convicts•· ( 1952. Comedy) Millard Mitchell, Gilbert Roland. 8:3000 "Catdlac Arrest" (1978, Mystery) Garry Goodrow, Mike Chan. • 0:ooe "The Last Metro" ( 1980. Orama) Catherine Oeneuve. Gerard OepardieU. Directed by Francois Truffaut. 9:30• "The Dawn Rider" ( 1935) John Wayne. Marlon Borns. CC) "Up River" (1980, Adventwe) Morgan Steveos. 10:00(1) "A Thunder Of Orume'' (1961, Western) Richatd Boone. Geofge Hamilton. 10:06 llll "Invisible Stripes" ( 1939, Orama) Humphrey ~rt. Wiiiiam Holden. 10:45{%) "Looking FOf' Mr. Goodbar" (1977. Orama) Diane Keaton, Tuesday Weld. 11:00 CC) "The Fiendish Plot 01 Or. Fu Manchu" 0980. Comedy) Peter Stttlers. Sid Caesar. 00 "The Outlaw Josey Wales" ( 1978. Western) Clint Eastwood. Sondra LOOke. 11:3011 "K~I And Kill Again" (lQ81, Adventure) James Ryan, Annellne Krlel. .\l ·"llJC\<><>~ \l<>\'IFS 12:001.1 "Hannah Lee" ( 1953, W1tStern) Macdonald Carey. Joanne Dru • m "The Matchmaker" ( 1958. Comedy) Shirley Booth, Anthony Perkins e "Jack London" ( 1943. Biography) Michael O'Shea. Susan Hayward. 1:00(]) "Kid Galahad" ( 1962. Musical) Elvis Pres- ~. Gig Young. {CJ "Seizure· The Story Of Kathy Morris" (Orama) Leonard Nlmoy, Penelope Miiford. . (%) "The Marr1age Of Marla Braun" ( 1979, Orama) Hanna Schygufla. Klaus Lowftsch. Directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder 1:30Cll) "Cardiac Arrest" (1978, Mystery) Garry Goodrow. Mike Chan. II "The Earthling" ( 1980, Advef'lture) William Hol- den, Ricky Schroder. 2:00 CD "The Private Eyes" ( 1980, Comedy) Don Knotts. nm Conway. 3:0011 "Operation Mad Ball" (1957, Comedy) Jack Lemmon, Ernie Kovacs. Cl) "Mulefeathers" ( 1978. Comedy) Rory Calhoun. Don Knotts. (%) "Minnie And Moskowitz" (1972. Romance) Gena Rowlands. Seymour Cassel. .4;30 CC) "Cattle Annie And Utlle Britches'· ( 1981. Western) Burt Lancaster. John Savage. (I) "Hugo The Hippo" ( 1976, Adventure) Anlmat· ed. Voices of Burl Ives. Paul Lynde. 5:00(]) "Breaking Point" (1977, Drams) Bo Sven- eon. Robert Culp. 00 "The Mysterious Stranger" ( t982. Fantasy) Chris Makepeace. Fred Gwynne. (%)"The Four Seasons" (1981, Drams) Alan Alda. Carol Burnett. 5:06 a> "The Barbary Coast" ( 1975. Adr ture) W11Ram Shatner, Lynda Day George. I . \ · 1 . '\ I '\( ; RIDING HIGH -Fred~ enjoys a ride on an Asian elephanl it Washington's National Z-oological Park· during the taping of the new "Mister &gers' Neighborhood" programs about pets, which are now bei.ng aind daily at 8:30 a.m. M\KOC'E (Ch . 50). . Championships" from Cop«rihagen. Oenmart< (2 hrs) • t. ~ P Cl) A CONFLICT OF INTEREST Jose Ferrer directs Tony winner Barnard HughesMdl'tis drama aboUt a constitutional showdown between the President of the U.S. and the Supreme ~n. ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) 8:30 (I) fl) NEWS • ttl BARNEY MILLER 9 A PLAY FOR LOVE: A ROD OF IRON A study of how a family came togethecf after their mother's death and shared unspoken feelings of dependency and strength. ( 1 hr.) I NEWSBEA T WITH CLETE ROBERTS 8USINESS REPORT MOVIE "Up River" ( 1980, Adventure) Morgan Stevens A young pioneer becomes obsessed with revenge after his wife Is killed by a local land baron who resents his success. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 00 CHARLIE. THE LONESOME COUGAR A lumberman adopts and raises an orphaned cougar kitten. (Part 2) • MOVIE "'The Looney, .Looney. Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" (1981, Comedy) Animated. Voices by Mel Blanc. June Foray. New material is blended with old in this compilation of classic Fritz Freleng "Looney Tunes" teatunng Bugs. Daffy Duck. Porky Pig, Yosemite Sam. Tweetle Pl&and others from the c:ar1oon series. 'G' ( t hr .• @ m.ifl.) 7:100ftk~EWS • HAPPY DAYS AGAIN A9CNEW8 • P.M. MAGAZINE Diving for a new Ille; a look at the curative powe<s of the Dead Sea. I KOJAJ< APPLE POLISHERS ENTERT AfNMENT TONIGHT The second In a series on the homes of the stars. IM•A•S•H JOKER'S W1LD BUSINESS REPORT THEMUPPETS PORTRAITS IN PASTa.& MOVIE "A Cl'lange Of Seasons" (1980. Come- dy) Shirley MacLalne, Ant~y Hopkins. A mlddle- aged couple try out re>vnger partnefS dUflng 8 mountain vacation. 'R' 1 hr., 42 min.) (IJ) MOVIE "Lovers And Liars" ( 1Sj79, Comedy) Goldle Hawn, Giancarlo Giannini. While traveling In Italy. an American girt meets and falls In love with a married man. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 3e min.) . (%) MOVIE "The Leopenf' (1983, Orama) Burt Lancatttf, Claudia Catdlnale. Garlblldl'a 1880 lnve- sk>l'I of SicJly ret411ts In tht dtmOtlon of the artsto-crett In the IOClal etdef'. (2 tvt.. 45 min.) ~:[NEWS . T:IO I ON THE TOWN Fellt\.Qd: 1 look at the one eo.., opera In New Z.-nct. • *It wfth F'9drtck ~111r,-' artlM who aeled from the Meclttirraneen to New ZllMnd In • ~ bo9t. Tuesday (cmtinued) LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY I fl) FAMILY FEUD EYE ON L.A. Featured: a look at L A.'s most desirable bachelors. a report on new leather fash- ions for men, a report on weight loss and dieting Cl) TIC TAC OOOOH NEWARK ANO REALITY YOU ASKED FOR IT M•A•s•H SIGNATURE Quest: Christopher Plummer. MACNEIL I U!HAER REPORT I NEWS FLASHBA® THE LAST VOYAGE OF THE MORRO CASTLE Eric Severaid hosts this documen· rary employing dramatR: re-ilnactment and archival film footage to recall the disastrous fire In 1934 that claimed 137 lives aboard the luxury cruise ship. ( 1 hr) 8:00 9 (I) BOOK Of LISTS Host Bill Bixby and a repertory company deliver monologues and perform sketches and mullcal numbers based on material from the "Book Of lil$ts." ( 1 hr.) D e BRET ~VIAICK A beautiful con artist tries reklodi. tl'le ~weet romance bet~ her • . and Maverick. (R) ~, f htT --'=--·- • MOVIE ·~ MllMee Falcon" ~ 1. Mysteiy) _ Humphrey BOGllll. ..llldneY Greenstreet. A top pri- vate eye 1s hlr1cf' IO reeover a priceless. Jewel· encrusted statue. (2 hrs.) 8 0 HAPPV DAW Jenny Piccalo's father R09009 (Phil SllvMs) &fr9"ge& a showdown with the Cunn- ~~J~~M~ Monte Carlo" (1981, A<Mft- ture) Roger MOOf~OOy Curtis. Fast cars. beauJJful women and a bf ak chase highlight this action packed movie o gold smugglfng and murde<. (2 ~·~HIU e P.M. MAGAZINE A look at the curat"'9 powers of the Dead Sea; a summer camp where children team computer pre>gcftmmlng. I BA TTLEST AR GALACTICA QUIZKI06 SAUOt AAAIMA '-'Oil, Money And Politics" The final episode of the·aerles Investigates the Saudis as an emerging superpower -what they Intend to do with their powef. their objectives In the Mickle East, and how they interact .filth the United States. ( 1 hr.) e NOVA "Why America Burns" A report on the fire prevention establishment and strategies for ~ovlng fire safety is presented. (R) Q ( 1 hr.) (CJ MOVIE "The Otitlaw" ( 1943. Western) Jane Russell, Walter Huston. Billy the Kid falls In love with a beautiful woman who hides him from the law. (2 hrs.) ([) SPORTS CENTER Cl) MOVIE "Excalibur" (1981. Fantasy) Nigel Ter· ry, Nicol Wiiiiamson. The exploits ol King Arthur bring power and death to the knights of the Round Table. 'A' (2 hrs .. 20 min.) 0 MOVIE "Let It Be" ( 1970, Musical) The Bea- tles. JOhn Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harri- son and Ringo Starr are followed through rehears- als, recording sesstons and an lnpromptu conoert. 'G' (1 hf .. 28 min.) 8:06 Ill> ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:308 0 LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY Shirley dreams that Laverne Is trying to kill her off so that she can have SQuiggy all to herself O Cf) MAUI)£" . • ALL IN THE FAMILY QI DANCE "Balanchine's Davidsbundlertanze" New York City Ballet's principals Karin von Arol- dingen, Adam Luders, Jacques D' Amboise and oth· ers pe!form chorqrapher Balanchine's ballet based on the life of cOmposer Robert Schumann ( 1 hr) <BJ MOVIE "Terror Train" ( 1980, Suspense) Ben Johnson, Jamie Lee Curtis. A college fraternity's New Year's masquerade party turns into a nfgrlt· mare when a vindictive guest starts killing off the par~-goer1. 'R' ( 1 hr.', 37 min.) 8:36QD MOVIE "Fire Over Africa" (1954, Adven· ture) Maureen 0'111\ta, Macdonald Carey. Secret agents converge onlrngler to smash a drug-smug- gllng_ope<allon. (1hr .. 50 min.) 8:40 (Q) TIEBREAKER 9:00 8 (I) MOVIE "The Rules Of Marriage" (Part 2) (Premiere, Drama) Elizebeth Montgomery. EJliott Gould. An affluent sut>utban couple's marriage erodes to the point that a separation becomes nec- essa~ (2~ D • t.tAVEAJCK A beeutlful woman sedlJoes Ma\ierlci< af18f saving him from jail, Ind Mary1ou Sprlngec t.ita 'IOI a notorious gunsljn~~ ~) {1 hr.) ... ~~11 • ,, • 0 THREE'S OQMll,ANY Jack Is shocked ~ a computer dating service matches him up With a W~~~T ·1~-rv • t.l8W ~ Gutet1: JNn St~on. the • Arthur Murray Dancers, Ronnie Schell. Ying Ruo- cheng. ( 1 hr.) I• BATTLESTAR GALACTIC.A AME.RICAN Pl.A YHOUSE "Oppenhelme<" In the first part of a Mf'les on the Ufe of the controver· slal American scieotlst, physicist J. Robert Oppen- heimer becomee lnvolwd In leftist polltlea while working at the University of Calffomle. Berkeley. {Part 1) O (1 hr.) • SAUDI ARABtA "Oil, Money And Polltlcs" The final episode of the aeries Investigates the Saudis as an eme<glng superpower -what they Intend to do with their power, their objectives In the Middle East. and how they interact with the United States. ( 1 hr.) ([) PKA FULL CONT ACT KARA TE "Middleweight Contenders Bout" from Athens, Georgia. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (IJ MOVIE "Underground Aces" (1980, Comedy) Dirk Benedict. Melanie Griffith. Parking attendants wreak havoc at a swank Beverly Hiiis hotel. 'PG' ( I hr .. 39 min.) CD) JUDY GARLAND ~30 8 0 TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Monroe gets a piano stuck on the stairs just as Henry is '-!}'Ing to get Muriel to the hospital. Cf) MOV1E "The Human Vapor" ( 1960. Science- Fiction) Yoshio Tsuchiya, Karoru Yachlqusa. A man possessing the ability to be absorbed Into the atmosphere falts In love with an attractive Japanese dancer. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) QI A PLAY FOR LOVE: A ROD OF IRON A study of how a family came together after their mother's death and shared unspoken feelings of dependeflcy and strength. ( 1 hr.) II MOVIE "The V.l.P.s" (1963, Drama) Elizabeth Taylor. Richard Burton. As passengers of a delayed flight await take-off In the VIP loonge of a London airport, their lives become curiously Intertwined. (2 hrs.L 10:008 . THE AtCHARO PAYOR SPECIAL? Rich- ard Pryor's guests Include John Belushi, Lawanda Page, Shlney Hemphlll, M~ Angelou, Glynn Thur· Ima...-~ =r~nd Pips (R) ( 1 hr.) D HART TO HART Jennifer's acquisition of a valuable Renaissance coin plunges her and Jonathan Into je<>pardy. o (1 hr.) e WITH OSSIE ANb AUBY (Season Premiere) "How I Got Ovah" Ossie Davis and Rub)' Dee are joined by BiHy Preston and the Community First Baptist Church Choir of Dallas In this muSloal tribute to poet Carolyn M. Rodgers. Q (C) MOVIE "The Fiendish Plot Of Dr. Fu Menchu" I ( 1980. Comedy) Peter Sellers, Ski Oae*! fhe')':BI and Scotlaf!O V.ct'a Oet. Nayla,,d..9mlth pt'.kal.Jdhe 168-year-old arch vlllaln 81 he aearc:het for the lng<edieota. lncludl~he Crown .,,...../\;Uf 10 make his llf~olona ellxlr. 'PG' (1 hr .. 38 min.) (D)..MOVI&-: Cutttla. ay·.: ( 198 t, OtatM) John Httfd . ..., BrldgiM. /4. melt'Md Vliltnem ~and hit bftt lrlefld, a tQClal dropout. IOC&M tNlf tMtg!M on - Bomb ''Oppenheimer," a se- ries of seven hour- long programs dra- matizing·the life work of J:-ftobert Oppen- bejmec, tb.e..con.Lco· versia.l American phy-~ sicist known as "the father of the atomic bomb," will be broadcast o n "American Pld- house" over PBS f 'h. -50 and Cb . 28) on • consecutive Tuesday •• evenings . solving a murder case. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Marriage Of Marla Braun" ( 1979. Drama) Hanna Schygulla. Klaus Lowltsch. Directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder. During World War II, a German bride struggles to survive as she waits for the retum of her soldier husband. 'R' (2 hrs.) 10:15(1D MOVIE "The Awakening" (1980, Horror) Charlton Heston, Susannah York. An archaeolo- gist's daughter bee~ possessed by the malevo- lent spirit of an ancient Egyptian queen. 'R' ( 1 hr . 42mln.) 10:2511?) MOVIE "Human Desire'' (1954. Orama) Glenri Ford, Gloria Grahame. In an effort to dispose of her clinging husband orice and for all. a woman searches for a paramour wllllng to double as a killer (2 hrs.) 10:30. NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest: Christopher Plummer. CONVERSATION Guest: Dr. Tlrso Del Junco. AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE "Oppenheimer" In the first part of a series on the Ille of the controver· slaf American scientist, physicist J. Robert Oppen- heimer becomes involved in leftist politics while working at the University of California, Befkeley 13 31. 2 ~ r 8 "Tl ... Ci CD ';< 3: I» '< ..... .... ID 00 N - THIS WEEK IN THE NBA • OO art 1) Q ( 1 hr.) BEST OF WHA rs UP ~MERtCAI Featured: the world's only not museum; two professional female bo>ters; daring thre&-year-old skllel's: BB gun warrf· ors; a nude photo session fOf a centerfold ( 1 hr . 30 min-1 11:00 9D8Cl)O e NEWS SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s•H BENNYHIU QUtZKIOS OICKCAVETT INSIOE BASEBALL MOVIE "High Heels" ( 1972, Comedy) Jean· Paul Belmondo. Mia Farrow. A man becomes a member of a club that Is devoted to seducing home- ly women. ( 1 hr .. 45 min ) 11:308 (I) ALICE An overzealous pharmacist voices his disapproval of artlflclal additives In food. (R) D e TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson Guest 1°1[,;t~~h~TLINE THE JE-F-FERS--ONS SANFORD ANO SON DANCE "Balanchine's Oavldsbundlertanze" New York City Ballet's principals Karin voo Arol" dlngect. A48m !:-uctef s. ~~ O' AnlbOise and otth ers petf()fm ~~f~her l... 9ala!\chlne's ballet based on ttit me of"'comJSOMr"RObert Schumann. ( 1 hr.) I I NEWSBEA T WITH ClETE R08Efl'T8 CAPTIONED ABC NEWS 8'°"18 OEHT9' ~ "Tht Fen'' (tH1. SulP80M) Lauren Ji,__~~====:::::::::::::=::::::::=::::-----~r:::~~~~~~-.;.;~~~ ..... ~~:;..;; -..'.'!''!J·::::-::;::~~~~:o=--:-::~~~~~~ -i - I , l . ( --·~----~~~--.-...--~, ~=Tuesday~:--~~con-n~·nueil)--::_·~-~~:-~~:5a~i!i -~--~ ... s -,.: >-• ~ >. • ~ u.. 8' ...J ~ -.Q 0:: Bacall, James Garner. A popular tllm atar la Victim· lzed by a psychotic admirer. 'A' ( 1 hr., 36 mlt).) 11:46{C) MOVIE "She's 19 And RNdy" (Orama) Two young women throw them&elvea Into thtlr WOfk and tum famlly business into pleasure. (1 hr .. 35 min.) 11:66 CH) MOVIE "Cardiac Arrest'' (1978, Mysttry) Garry Goodrow, Mike Chan. A black ma.rket opera- tion that sells disembodied hearts ror transplants la discovered by an offbeat homicide cop. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 33 min.) 12:009 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT The second In a series on the homes of the stars. 8 (!) FANTASY ISLAND A young man becomes Don Quixote to save a damsel In dlstrea and a plain woman is transformed into a sex symbol. (R) ( 1 hr . tO min.) (!)MOVIE "Roberta" ( t935, Musical) Irene Dunne, Fred Astaire. An alliance between Jerome Kern and Otto Harbach results In the produ<:tion o( a new muslcal score (2 hrs.) 81 MOVIE "Beat The Devil" (t954, Comedy) Humphrey Bogart, Jennifer Jones. International swindlers, neck-deep In plans to outwit each other. are diverted from thetr sinister ~alings when an explosion wresks the ship_they ai'Laboerd. ( 1 hr .. 45 mTnl" I LOYE. AMERJCAN STYLE- EXPLORING LANGUAGE MOVIE "The Punishment Of Anne" (1974, Ora- ma) Carl Roberts, Marilyn 'Roberts A woman finds hefself torn between a man and a woman and Is forced to show her obedience. ( t hr .. 15 min.) (I) LOLA FALANA: THE ARST LADY ~ LAS VEGAS Lola Falana performs "I Wiii Survive." "Love The One You're With" and "Who Will Buy?" in a concert performance from the Aladdin Hotel In Las Vegas. (1 hr.) C21 MOVIE "LOOklng For Mr. Goodbar" ( 1977, Ora- ma) Diane Keaton, Tuesday Weld. A socially repressed schoolteacher seeks excitement by fre- quenting singles bars and luring various men Into one-night stands. 'R' (2 hrs., 15 min.) 12:068 Cl) MCCLOUO The nephew of McCloud's girlfriend dies In a fire set by a professlonal arsonist. (R) _j2 hrs.) • 12:26al) MOVIE "The Last Days Of Pompeii" (1960, AdVenture) Steve Reeves, Christine Kaufmann. A courageous Roman battles gladiators to resoue a beautiful Christian girt. (2 hrs .. 5 min.) 12:308 e LATE NIGHT WITH OAVIO LETTERMAN Guests: author Harold Conrad. film dlrect0< Barry Levinson. ( 1 hr.) I COUPLES M0\11E "Operation Mad Ball" (1957, Comedy) Jack Lemmon, Ernie Kovaca. A private Involves his fellow recruits, enlisted men, officers, nurses and prisoners In carrying off the "Mad Ball," a wild par- i (2hrs.) NEWS A PLAY FOR LOVE: A ROD Of IRON A study of how a family came together after their mother's death and shared unspoken feelings of dependency and strength. (1 hr.) (!) COLLEGE BAS~ALL Arizona State at Wichita State (3 hrs.) 12:46(0 MOVIE "Nlghthawl<s" (1981, Drema) Syl· vaster Stallone. BUty Dee Williams. A tough New Y0<k Clty cop has his work cut out for him when one of the world's most dangerous terrorists arrives in his city. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 39 min.) 1:00• MOVIE "Dark Victory'' (1976, Orama) 8 iza· beth Montgomery, Anthony Hopt(ins. A successful produoer's romance Is shadowed by the knowledge that a fatal disease will soon Claim her life. (3 hrs.) • MOVIE "My Favorite Spy" (1951, Comedy) Bob Hope. Hedy Lamarr. An American entertainer lmpetsonates a spy In order to obtain secret plans f0< the U.S. ( t hr .. 30 min) (I) MOVIE "Starting Over" (1979, Comedy) Burt Reynolds, Jill Clayburgh. After months of TV dinners and blind dates, a divorced magaZlne writer thinks he's found true love when a schoolteacher enters his life. 'R' ( 1 hr .. .t.t min.) 1: 10 8 MOVIE ''Death Be Not Proud" ( t 976, Ora· ma) Arthur Hiii. Jane Alexander. A courageous -. - young boy dying of cancer observes the effects of his unflagging optimism upon his divorced parents. { 1 hr .. 30 min.) ONEWS 1:1S{C) MOVIE "The Aetum Of The Secaucus Sev· en" ( 1980, Orama) Mark Arnott, Gordon Clapp. The members of a group of college students active in the protest movement dUrlng the '60s gather tor a weekend reunion. 'A' ( 1 hr., 46 min.) 1:25 (8) WITH A TOUCH Of BURLESQUE Sid Cae· sar and Imogene Coca perform baggy pants eom&- dy and slapstick routines along with performances by burleSque queens In a show taped at the Star Theatre In Aini, Michigan. ( 1 hr.) 1:308.NEWS • MOVIE "An Eye F0< An Eye" (1981, Adven· ture) Chuck Norris, Chrlstophef Lee. A San Francis- co cop quits the force to avenge the murder of his partner by members of a drug ring. 'A' ( 1 hr., 46 min} 1:46• MOVIE "Jackass Mall" (19.t2, Western) Wallace Beery, Marjorie Main. An escapee from a lynch mob becomes a hero by preventing a rob- ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 2: (!)NEWS 2: MOVIE "Minnie Af'ld M06kowttz" ( 1972. Romance) Gena Rowlands. Seymour Cassel. A mismatched couple struggle to remain together desQ!_le their many differences, ( 1 hr .. 5" min.) 2:25(11) MOVIE "Network" ( 1976, Orama) Faye Dunaway, Peter Flnch. An aging televlsk>n news- man, whose ratings are steedlly sllpplng, is turned Into a ranting prophet of the airwaves by a crafty female programming executive. 'R' (2 hrs.) 2:30 CJ) MOANING STRETCH al) WOALO AT LARGE 2:.09 MOVIE "Remember When" (t973. Orama) Jack Warden, Nan Martin. A New England family adjusts to wartime life after four sons join the set· vice. (2 hrs.) 8NEWS 2:'6 Cl) MOVIE "Swinging Cheerleaders'' Jo John- ston. Colleen Camp. A journalism major Infiltrates the ranks of a oollege cheerleadlng squad to expose the exploitation of the cheerleaders by the football team. 'R' (1 hr .. 35 min.) 3:00 (!) JOE FRANKLIN ®NEWS 3:06 CC) MO~E "Cattle Annie And Little Britches" '198 t, Western Burt Lancaster, John Savage . EUubeth Mon tgome- ry and EJliott Gould enjoy a strol l on the bi!ireh'with tneF chil-. Astill and SUIJUJ Blackswne, in a scerr-e f r om "Th e R uleS ol Marriage," a four-hour mini-series on CBS (Ch. 2) Tues- dayi at' 9 p .m. Two tough outlaws pick up a pair of teen-age girls and take them along on their adventures. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 3:30 e MOVIE "Conquered City" ( 1965, Orama) David Niven, Martin Balsam. After the defeat of Nazi Germany. American and Brlti§h forces attempt to guard a supply of arms hidden In a hotel from Greek i bels. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) THIS WEEK IN THE NIJ~ MOVIE "Together?'' fROtnance) Jacqueline Bisset, Maximilian Schell Ky6tlng woman tries to pursue a car.eer despite the chauvinist attitudes of her live-in lover. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) •:ooe MOVIE "The Forest Rangers" (1942, MUSI· cal) Fred MacMurray, Susan Hayward. When her forest ranger boyfriend Jilts hef to marry a wealthy socialite. a woman decides tfl& time to sharpen hef competi11ve charms to wln 'him back. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (!)JIMMY SWAGGART (!)SPORTS CENTER 4:06 Ql) FUNTIME .t:15(21 MOVIE "The Leopard" (1963. Orama) Burt Lancaster. Claudia Cardlllale. Garibaldi's t860 inva- sion of Sicily results in the demotion of the aristo- crats In the social order. (2 hts., 46 min.) .t:20(1) MOVIE "Excalibur" (1Q81, Fantasy) Nigel TMry. Nicol Williamson. The el(J)lolts of King Arthur bring power and death to the knights of the Round Table. 'R' (2 hrs .. 20 min.) 4:30 (!) J1M 8AKKER 00 MOVIE "Terror Train" ( 1980. Suspense) Ben Johnson. Jamie Lee Curtla. A college fraternity's New Year's masquerade party turns Into a night· mare when a vindictive guest starts kllllng off the part_l'....-goers. 'A' ( t hr .. 37 min.) -':46 Ck) MOVIE "Seizure: The Story Of Kathy Morris" (Orama) Leonard Nlmoy, Penelope Miiford. A beautiful young woman with a promising career fights for her life. when she Is struck down by a near- fatal brain tumor. (1 hr., 45 min.) I • \I< >It\ I :'\( ~ \ J( )\ · 1 FS 6:00CI "La Cage Aux Foiles II" ( 1980, Comedy) Ugo Tognazzi. Michel Serrault. • 6:06(Jl) "The Naked Jungle" ( 1954, Adventure) Charlton Heston. Eleanor Parker. 6:30 CH> "Young And Free" ( 1979, Adventure) Etlk Larsen, Keith Larsen 7:00(C) "Look Back In Anger" ( 1959. Orama) Clalre Bloom, Richard Burton D "The V.I P s" ( 1963. Orama) Ellzabeth Taytot. Richard Burton. (%) "Blackboard Jungle" ( 1955, Drama) Glenn Ford. Anne Francrs. 7:30 (I) "My Bodyguard" ( t979. Orama) Chris Ma~ace, Adam Baldwin. 8:06(1ll "Blood On The Moon" (1948, Western) _-Robert Mitchum, Ba<bara Bel Geddes. 8:46(%) "The Bank .OicK" (T940. Odmedy) W:e. Aelas. Una Merkel. , 9:00(Ct .. Srevle" (Dfama) Glenda Jackaoo. Mona - Washbourne. O "Let It Be" (1970. MuSlcal) The Beatles. 9:30. "Desert neil" ( 1935. Western) Jotifl Wa~. Mary Kornm1l'l 10:0000 "A Force OJ One" (1979. Ofama) Ctwck Noois, Jennifer O'Nelll. (I) "Silk Stockings" (1957. MuSIC81) Fred Astaire, ~d Charisse. (ZJ "Defta0ee" ( 1980.t Orama) Jan-Michael Vin· cent. Theresa Saldana. 10:06@ "Al Sword's Potnt" (1952. Adventure) Cor· net Wilde. Maureen O'Hara. 10:30. "LOVefS And Liars" ( 1979, Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Giancarlo Giannini. 11:00(C) "Something Qt Value" ( 1957. Drama) Rock Hudson. Dana Wynter 11:30® "Caveman" (~98 1. Comedy) Ringo Starr, Dennis Quaid. . \1 .. 1 LIC\< )< >:\ \I< >\.IL~ 12:00G "Crossfire" ( UM7. Drama) Robert Ryan. Robert Young. e "Let's Dance" ( ~960. Musical) Betty Hutton. Fred Astaire. e "The Breaking Point" ( 1960. Adventure) John Garfield, Phyllis ThaX1er. Cl) "The Fan" ( 1981. Suspense) Lauren Bacall. James Garner. (%) "Blackboard Jungle" ( 1955. Drama) Glenn F0<d Anne Francis. 1:00 Ci) "The Family" ( 1973. Orama) Charles Bron· son, Jiii ireland. CC) "Famlty Man" (Otama) Ed Asner. Anne Jack· son. QI) "The Amerlcaniz.ltlon 01 Emily" ( 1964, Come- dy) James Garner, Julle Andrews. 1:30D "Lions For Breakfast" ( t979. Adventure) Jan Rubes. Jim Henllhaw. 2:00{[} "Pray TV" ( t980. Comedy) Dabney Cole- man. Archie Hahn (%) "Minnie And Moskowlt2" ( t972. Romance) Gena Rowlands, Seymour Cassel. 2:30()) "The Glass Bo11om Boat" ( 1966. Comedy) Oorls Day, Rod TaylO<. 3:0011 ''The Eddy Ouchln Story" ( 1966, Blogra· i ) Tyrone Power, Kim Novak "Secret Valley" "The Four Seasons" ( 1981, Ofama) Alan Alda, Carol Burnett. D "My Bodyguard" (1979, Orama) Chris Ma~ace. Adam Baldwin. 4:00(ZJ "The Bank Dick" ( 1940, Comedy) W.C Fields, Una Merkel. .4:30~ "Lolita" (1 2, Comedy) James Mason. Sue Lyon. (I) "Toby And The oata Bear" (1981, Fantasy) Roff Harris. 6:00(!) "Ten Thousand Bedrooms" (1957, Come- ~ Dean Martin. Anna Marla Alberghetll • "Raintree CCXJnty"' ( t957, Ofama) Eltzabeth Taylor, Montgomery Clitt 6:05@ "The War Lord" (1965. Drama) Charlton Heston. Rrchard Boone. 6: 16(%) "Defiance" ( 1980. Drama) Jan-Mrchaet Vin· cent. Theresa Saldana. 6:30® "Yoong And fsee" ( 1979. Adventure) Erik Larsen, Keith Larsen L \ . L :\ I :\( ; CHIGAGOFEST -A soundstage special features Rick Nielsen and the energetic Cheap Trick rock and ron sound on Channel 28 Wednesda~ ~t 10 p .m. The special wu taped at the (.;hjcagofest before a live audi- ence of 40,000. I HAWAII AVE-0 OVER EASY "Diabetes" Guests: Bill Talbert. Of. Thaddeus Pr001 (R) Q I NBCNEWS NEEDLECRAFT MOVIE "My BOdyguard" ( 1979. Orama) Chris Makepeace, Adam Baldwin. The new kid at e Chi· cago high school makes friends with the school out· cast and together they stand up to the cruet gang which had persecuted them both. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 38 min.j_ 6:30(1) ID NEWS I BARNEY MILLER , ALL IN THE FAMILY KRAFT MUSIC HALL: THE RING OF THE FET· TVCCINES The Broque Opera Company performs a spoof of Improbable opera plots, with music by Bi2et, Mozart, Verdi and others. ( 1 hr ) I NEWSBEA T WITH ClETE ROBERTS BUSINESS REPORT 7:00 8 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABCNEW8 P.M. MAGAZINE A profile ot pop slnger Olivia NeW1on-John; a divorce case in which the children were given custody or the house. DKOJAK (!) NASL SOCCER New York Cosmos vs San Diego Sockers (2 hrs) 0 ~AINMENl' TONIGHT The conclU9lon of a series on the homes of the stars. IM•A•S•H JOKER'S WILD BUSINESS REPORT THEMUPPETS POA'TRArTS IN PASTELS POCl<ET BILLIAADS Luther Lassiter vs. Cow- boy Jimmy Moore (1 hr.) 00 ON VACATION WftH MICt<EY MOUSE ANO FRIENDS Animated J1mlny Crlckel tries to prOdu~ his own TV 6hOw btJt must first track down vacation- ~stars Mickey, Minnie. Donald and Ptuto • UJ MOVIE "Smokey Bites The Dust" ( t 981. Come- dy) Jimmy McNlchol. Janet Julian. A high achoOI deltnquent gets the whole town on hrs trail when he makes off with the homecoming queen and heads across the atate In a series or stolen automobiles 'PG' ( 1 hr , 30 min ) (.Q) THE WAY IT WAS .. 1947 W0<ld Serles" BrOOk· ~Dodgers vs. New York Yamnkees (Part 1) CZJ MOVIE "Blackboard Jungle" ( 1955. Ofama) Glenn Ford, Anne Francis. A dedicated young teacher attempts to restore order in a blg·c1ty train e:oo e 9 8 NEWS Ing school where \een-age lawlessness and violence CHARLIE'S ANOEl..6 have 1aken r0o' (2 hrs ) CBS NEWS 7:301J 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a vtSit to Freder· WHrTE SHADOW iel<'s ot Hollywoo<t for a look at the ultimate In men's ABC NEWS and women's underclothes; an lnteMeW with young !l!l!!l~::i~:l::~~:!i;t;~~ .. ::::Jii~~.lliu~ti&il~.Ql~~;liiilill~Ja.;i'~ilil'lili"'~ .. ~t! l.. mAMtl..YFEUO VERNE 6 SHIRLEY & COMPANY 3! E ON L.A. Featured: a report on "wonder 0 women": a report on "test tube" babies: a report - Ion -~l~J~~g. ~ YOU ASKED FOR IT. o1 M*A·s·H '° SIONA TURE Guest: John Irving ,, MACNEJL I LEHRER REPORT ::t MEDIA PROBES "Language" Victor Borge 2- offers his own special humor In an exploration of the ~ '!!P&Ct of language oo culture Q ~ (CJ MOVIE "The Heist" ( 1978, Adventure) Charles ~ Aznavour. Virna Lisi A French hoodlum tries to fol· low In the footsteps ol his Ame<lcan gangster hero, ~ John Dillinger. 'R' ( t hr. 32 min.) _. (al BASEBALL New York Yankees al California ~ A~s(3hrs.) N 7:35 NEWS 8:00 Cl) THE INCREDIBLE HULK David searches for an antidote for a powerful bactena which has contaminated a town. ( 1 hr.) D Cl) REAL PEOPLE Featured: bikini-clad boxers: Canadian hockey players who are priests; Chief Crazy H0<1e SCtJtpled In a mountain (R) ( 1 hr.) e -MEME...::-Mlgb Slerta:' (194 t. Orama) Ida Lupi· no. Humphrey Bogart. A gangster on the run mee1s -a beautlf~~.!Mhe mountalos.. (2..bll.L~ 8 9 THtGREATEST AMERICAN HERO An )nte<· nationally reared a6S8ssln plots to spread deadly nerve gas at a mass protest concert where Tony and Rhonda's band Is performing. (A) ( 1 hr ) 1J MOVIE "The Romantic Englishwoman" ( t975. Ofama) Glenda Jackson, Michael Caine. A writer's suspicions are confirmed when his wife's lover ~ars at their home. without an lnvi1ation. (2 hrs ) m P.M. MAGAZINE A proflle ol pop singer Olivia Newton-John; a divorce case In which the children were giveo custOdy of the house I BA TTLESTAR GALACTICA STYLE Featured: furniture MEOIA PA08ES "Language" Victor Borge offers his own speclal humor In an exploration of the Impact of language oo culture. 9, Cl) CALIFORNIA DREAMS ' The Valley" L0<ne Greene reviews the growth of CaUfornia agrlculture In the Sallnas Valley . (I) SPORTS CEHTER ®MOVIE "MeMn And Howard" (1980, Comedy) Paul LeMat. Jason Robards. An otherwise unknown gas station attendant claims to be the rlghtful heir to Howard Hughes' bllllon dollar estate, ·~· ( 1 hr . 35 min.) • (J) BtZARRE "Voga For Health" Ct MOVIE "Hanover Stree1" ( t979, Romance) Harrison Ford. Lesley-Anne Down. An American pilot tans In tove with a married Englrsh nurse during World War II, then embarks oo a daring mission to rescue her husband from enemy forces. 'PG' ( t hr . 49 min.) 8:30e All IN THE FAMILV 0 WHEN I THINK Of RUSSIA Six Russian artists and performers In exlle voice their feelings toward art. freedom. America and Russia. ( 1 hr.) • NISE1 LEGACY This documentary expl0<es the reasons for the increased susceptibility of Japanese Amer1cans to heart disease. l'i) HILLARY'S CHALLENGE: RACE TO THE SKY Sir Edmund Hillary's 1977 Ganges Expedition from the Ganges River delta to its source high In the Hlmalayas is documented. ( 1 hr ) CJ:) MOVIE "Airplane!" ( 1980. Comedy) Robert Ha~. Julie Hagerty. After an airliner's crew falls to fOOd poisoning, a nervous former war pilot is pressed Into service and must contend with on· board hysteria. a secretive control tower and cliche- filled memories. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Cl) LAFF·A·THON A comedian host and four comic contestants who compete against one another are featured in this oncenso<ed comedy game show 8:35 QZ) All IN THE FAMILY 9:00 8 Cl) ELEANOR. FIRST LADY Of THE WORLD The llfe ol Eleanor Roosevelt af1er the death of her husband. President Franklin Roosevelt, Is chronl· cled, Jean Stapleton. E.G. Marshall and Coral Browne star (2 hrs.~ D GD THE J=ACT8 OF LIFE Blair laarns that her mother's surgery Is for cancer and not for cosmetic reesons (R) -8 (f§J THE FALL GUY Colt and Howie go to Las Vegas to pick up a small time con man who they soon learn ls on the hit lrst of the town's top loan sher1< (R) ( 1 hr.) I MUSIC WORLD MERV GRIFFIN Guest. Patti Page. ( 1 hr ) BA TTLEST AR GALACTICA HILLARY'S CHALLENGE: RACE TO THE SKY Sir Edmund Htllary'e t977 Ganges Exped111on from the Ganges River delta to ita source high in tl"le Himalayas Is documented ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "The Atth Floor" ( 1980, Orama) Bo Hop•uns. Dianne Hull An sane young woman Is lncaroera1ed in a bi28rro mental hospital where vio- lence and drug at>uSe are the O<der of the day 'R' -. ·l-l·M~M~A~-' ~ ~ ~ ,. " '" ·~ "'-.,~, •iif......... ---------- I l I • I r t6 "' V\edrrsday (continued) ~ (!) COLLEGE FOOTBALL "Notre Dame Spring T"" Game" (2 hrs .. 30 min.) ,.: Cl) GALLAGHER: AN UNCENSORED EVENING ~ The comedian performs a series of one-linefs and ~ comic vignettes. ( 1 hr.) CZ) MOVIE "Looking For Mr. Goodbar" ( 1977, Ora- ma) Diane Keaton. Tuesday Weld. A socially repressed schoolteacher seeks excitement by fre- quenting singles bars and luring venous men Into one-night stands. 'A' (2 hrs., 15 min.) 9:05al) MOVIE "Genghis Khan" (1966. Adventure) Omar Sharif, Stephen Boyd. The terrifying Khan leads the Mongol hordes across Asia (2 hrs • 35 minJ 9:30 D CID TEACHERS ONLY Principal Cooper orders Diana to give a make-up test to a rich. flunk· i~student. CIJ MOVIE "Passage West" (1951, Western) Joha.. Payne, Arleen Whetan. A westward-bound wagon train gets overtaken by six escaped convicts. ( 1 hr • 30min.) @ KRAFT MUSIC HALL: THE RING Of THE FET • T\.ICCINES T~ 8rOQl4.. Q~.l..Comp&oy per1QU!l' a spool of Improbable opera plots. with music by _..Q!zet...Mowt.~ef.cl!end olbeUJ .. ~ hr.). ---,... -• -----·-. '9 SOUNOST AGE ·•cneap Trick" One of Amer~ ... -. • ca's hottest rock groups performs In an outdoor les- 11va1 concert from Chicago's lakefront; Interviews with the band are also included. ( 1 hr.) 10:00 D Cl) QUINCY Quincy suspects a cover-up by fellow students of a college man who died during lraternir';ll week. ( 1 hr ) 11 rrf Nonsv BEIN' ME ~1er1e Perrine. Aretha Franklin and Bill Murray join R y Danger- field for his first prime lime special f elevision. ( 1 hr.) 8) SOUNOSTAGE "Cheap Trick" One of Ameri- ca's hottest rock groups perf0<ms in an outdoor fes- tival concert from Chicago's lekefront; interviews with the band are also included. ( 1 hr ) CB) MOVIE "An Eye For An Eye" (1981, Adven- ture) Chuck Norris. Christopher Lee. A San Francis· co cop quits the force to avenge the murder of his partner by members of a drug ring. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) CJ:) MARVIN HAMLISCH: THEY'RE PLAYING MY SONG Liza Mlnnelli, Johnny Mathis. Gladys Knight and Carly Simon sing some of today's greatest hits Including: "The Way We Were," "What I Did For Love" end "Nobody Does It Better,." CJ) MOVIE "Blood Barrier" ( 1980, Ac:1Venture) Telly Savalas, Eddie Albert. A border patrolman tries to bring landowne<s who !rattle In illegal aliens to jus- tice. ( 1 hr., 26 min.) 0 MOVIE "La Gage Aux FolleS II" ( 1980, Come- dy) Ugo T ognazzi, Michel Serraull. A middle-aged gay couple are the quarry of a secret organization trying 10 gel the microfilm that one ot them swal- lowed. 'R' (1hr .. 39 min.) 10:30e NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest: John Irving. JAZZ. AT THE MAINTENANCE SHOP "Great Guitars (No. 1) " Barney Kessel. HMb Slit and C~r11e Byrd perform from the Maintenance Shop 11 IOwa State UniversOy. (A) ( 1 hr.) ~ MOVIE "The Kids Are Alright" ( 1979, Musical) The Who. Films of some of the rock band's perfor- mances. revealing thetr notorious p!'odivity for destroying their equipment and the wlld antics of their drummer, the late Keith Mooo, ate lnttll'Sp8f'Md with interviews of the group members. 'PG' (1 hr., 46mil1.) CD> MCME "Ruckus" (1981, Drama) Dirk Benedict A young stranger proves hims.elf worthy of respect and earns a position after a small town harrasses him. (2 ht .. 11 :100l'=?M NEWS JOE FRANKLIN u•A•s•H BEHNYHILL STYLE Featured: furniture. DeCKCAVElT of ,o/a Sc~wal'z Wa,.J, P~.J. LICENSED CLINICAL PSYCHOLOOIST (Pl.5a221 Speclallzlng In: • ASSEITION Tu.a • PIEORGASllC WOID'S GIOlft • COlJUS nDAPY 351 HOSPITAL RD. SUrTE 412 NPT. SCH., CA. t2Ml STEINBECK'S COUNTRY -The growth of California agriculture in the Sa11nas Val- ley is the subject of "California Dreams: The Valley" on KOCE (Ch. 50) Wednesday at 8 p.m . Narrated by Lome Greene (upper left), the specW traces the development of agri- business from the dirt farmers of the 1800s tc Cesar Chavez and the farm workers union of today. CJ:) MOVIE "The Godsend'' ( 1980. Horror) Cyd Hayman. Malcolm Stoddard. The trouble Is just beginning for a rural English couple when a mysteri· ous woman drops by. gives birth to an albino baby girl and disappears. leaving the Infant behind. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 11:15(%) MOVIE "Detlance" (1980. Orama) Jen· Michael Vincent. Theresa Saldana. A courageous young man takes a lone stand against the reckless members of the viOlent street gang terrorizing his nei@_borhood. 'PG'i1 hr .. 43 mfn.) 11:308 CJ) MOVIE "Portrait Of An Escort" ( 1980. Drama) Susan Anspach. Tony Biii. A divorced woman trying to make ends meet tak89 a job with a l fesslonal dating seMce. (A) (2 hrs.. 15 min) I TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. ( 1 hr.) ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE KOJAt< THE JEFF&RSONS • SANFOAO ANO SON WHEN I THINK OF RUSSIA Sl,x Russian artists and performers In exile voice their feelings toward l•rt·~=~~~9> CAPTIONED A8C NM SPORTS CENTER MOVIE '"The Fan" (1981. Suspense) Lauren Bacall, James Garner A 'popUlar film star Is victim· lzed t>Y 1 peychotic admirer. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 11:<Wal) MOVIE "Princess O'Rourke" (1943, Come- dy) OIMa de Havllland. Robert Cummings. A prln· cesa talla In love with an Ameflcan during a trip to the United States. (2 hrs.) 11:4500 MOVIE "The Four Seasons" ( 1981, Otama) Alan Alda, carol 8urnet1, Three couplet, all close. lonp-tlme friend$, experience p!'Ofound changes In their relationships when one of the marriages disin- tegrates. 'PG' ( 1 ht., 67 min·) 12:00. ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT The conclusion of a aeries on the home-of the start. G 111 LOVE BOAT Doc panics when his ex-wife boards the ship and 1nf0Glnl him that they are still ~ally married. (R) (1 hr. lOm1n.) Cf) MOVIE "On The Threshold 01 Space" ( 1956, Adventure) Guy Madison. Virginia Leith Alter a flier is 1ntured, his doctor runs into a strange situation (2 ~· MOVIE "Aide Beyond Vengeance" ( 1966. Western) Chuck Connor~Mlchael Rennie. A buffa· lo hunter seeks revengs1 on several outlaws who attaci<ed and robbed him after his wife re1ec1ed him i hrs.) • LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY MOVIE "Out Of Seasoo" ( 1975. Orama) Cliff Robertson. Vanessa Redgrave. Old. problems resur· face when former lovers meet again at an ott·season seaside resort. ( 1 hr , 30 min ) 12:20 CC) MOVIE "Graduation Day" ( 1981, Suspense) Christopher George, E.J. Peaker. A madman 1s out 10 murder all the track stars ol a high school and no one seems 10 know who II is. ( 1 hr .. 40 min) 12:300 Cl) LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests: film butt Ken Murray: comedian Richard Lewis; former Maha htt man Sunny Gibson and his ---blograpl'fer. R<:rparata Mauola (l hr.) I COUPLES ~ --~OVIE"'"""1l\e Ed<Jynucnin Story',....n9'5o.""SiC>g-- raphy) Tyrone Power. Kim Novak Pianist Eddy Oucllin fights 10 make 1t to the top of his profession I hrs.) NEWS KRAFT MUSIC HALL: THE RING OF THE FET • TUCCINES The Broque ()pe<a Company performs a spoof of improbable opera plots. with music by Bizet, Mozart. Verdi and others. ( 1 hr ) I PEOPLE ANO OAGANlZA TIONS AUTO RACING "Belgium Grand Pnx" (2 hrs ) MOVIE "The Hearse" ( 1980. Suspense) Trish VanDevere, Joseph Cotten A school teacher's vacation is 1urn into a nightmare when a small-town lawyers Ines to push her 10 the brink ol insanity (2 hrs .. 15 min.) 12:45CJ:) MOVIE "Fort Apache. The Bronx" ( 1981 Drama) Paul Newman. Ed Asner A tough cop bat ties crime and corruption in New York City's South Bronx neighborhood. 'A~ yu., 59 min ) 1:00 G MOVIE "The Lignt'That Failed" ( 1939, Ora· ma) Ronald Colman, Walter Huston. A painter with failing sight attempts to flplsh his masterpiece only to see his model destroy )I. (2 hrs.) m MOVIE "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" ( 1962, Wes1ern) James Stewert, John Wayne A man rises 10 glory when he wrongly accepts the credit for gunning dow'1 a notorious outlaw. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Ayde eor • ( 1980, Musical) Ray Gange. The musTc of The Clash 1s featured in a lool< al the British punk scene. (2 hrs .. 15 min ) 1:108 MOVIE "The President's Plane Is Missing" ( 1971, Orama) Buddy Ebsen, Peter Graves. The vice preslden1 takes over when Air Force One disap· pears with the president on board. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) ttlNEWS 1:15(.1) MOVIE "Pick·Up'Summer" (1981, Drama) Michael Zelnlcke<, C8l1 Marotti A rowdy group of young toughs and high school klds vie tor the pinball championship at a local.Jrcade. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 45 mm ) 1:30 DID NEWS I D MOVIE "Modern Romance" (1 981. Comedy) Albert Brooks. ~thryn Harrold. A film edit°' tries repeatedly to win back lhe heart of the woman he loves. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 33 m~ 1:3500 MOVIE "Caven:ian" ( 1981. Comedy) Ringo Starr. Dennis Quaid. "me clOwnish member of a barely human prehistoric tribe begins 10 discover that brains and not brawJ'I wlll be lhe key lo his peoi e'ssurvivel. 'PG' (1hr .. 31 min.) 1:40 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 1:45 NEWS 2:00 MOVIE ''Whistling In Dixie" ( 1942, Comedy) Red Skelton, Ann ord. A radio detective goes down South on eymoon ana discovers strange events occ 1 hr., 30 min.) ~ MOVIE "Family Orama) Ed Asner, Anne Jackson. Only aft• an affair, does a man realize his lifelong r ies to others. ( 1 hr .. 40 min. • Classified advertising la your best Cfk>tce f0t help in setMng the itema you no longer need. Ws quick and lnelq>ensfve. and the PUot reaches • potential bu)'8r1 who live In thla area. •If Pilat Clastifled ads ~64H678 ~II I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 Wednesday ~xitinued) 2:05 (1) NEWS 2:208 MOVIE "The Red Tent" ( 1971, Adventure) Petet FTnch, Sean Connery A 1928 flight 10 Alaska 1s downed. and rescuers attempt to reach the stranded crew. ( 1 hr .. 66 min.) 2:30(1) MORNING STRETCH ([)AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL 2:40G NEWS @WORLD AT LARGE 3:00 8 MOVIE "Cyn11a" ( 1932. Orama) Ronald Colman. Kay Francis. A e 1111sh barnster uses his wife's absence as a ltme to take up with a g111 from the WOl'k1ng class ( 1 hr., 30 mm ) i JOE FRANKLIN NEWS MOVIE "Blood Barner" ( 1980, Advenl\Jre) Telly Savatas. Eddie Albert A border pa1rolman tries to bring landowners who traffic 1n illegal ahens 10 ius- tice. ( 1 hr . 26 min ) 0 MOVIE "Deadly Games" (198 1, Mystery) Sam Groom. Dick Butkus A woman returns to her home- town to investigate her sister's mysterious death 'R' ( 1 hr . 35 mtn ) + 3: 1000 MOVlE "The Amencanizalion OJ Emily" Lindsey takes 'Hee Haw' on road :9. 0 - By JERRY BUCK b° UT......,..,._ CO LOS ANGELES -"Hee Haw," the TV show - that Fred Silverman once said you couldn't kill with ~ a stick, is taking ita music and com on the road. ~ The "Hee liaw" s~e show was tried out at ~ Knott's Berry Fann in SOuthem California and In ~ Spokane, Wuh., where It drew 90,000 people In~ four days. In May, the st.age show will visit Vir-....., ginia. West Vlrginla and North C.arohna. - "It's simply one hour of 'Hee Haw.' the tongs ~ and the sketches, just the way we do It on the air," ~ says George Lindsey, a co-star of the show for the last 12 years. "l do the special guest spot at the end of the stage show. It's part of my night club act." ( 1964. Comedy) James Garner. Julie Andrews. ~~.-een a.B11t.ish,,,war.Jo111.d.Q.w~. non-heroic officer assigned to provide his superiors with the luxuries of home { t hr . 55 mtn.) "Hee Haw" Is a television phenomenon. CBS hastily threw it on the air in June 1969 aft.er can- celing "The Smothers Brothers c.omedy Hour." It was meant only as a summer show, but it was ao popula.t_the..ne.two.ck btJlugh1 it back.Jt WI.a ~y axed by CBS in July 1971, when Fred Silvennan, -~!!11·-~~rk. got-rid of-alJ-eouota y• 3: 15 CZ) MOV1E "l<>0«1ng For Mr Goodbar" (1977, Drama) Diane Keaton. Tuesday Weld. A SOC1ally repressed schoolteaotier see4<s excitement by fre- quenting singles bars and luring various men into one-night stands. 'A' (2 hrs .. 15 min.) 3:30m MoV1E "Wh1stllng In The Dark" (194 1, Com- edy) Red Skelton, Ann RuthetfOfd A weird cult captures a radio detective. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 3:46 ~ MOVIE "The Fifth FloOI'" ( t 980, Drama) Bo Hopkins. Dianne Hull. An sane young woman is incarcerated in a bizarre mental hospilal where vlo- lence and drug abuse are the O<der of the day 'A' INFLUENCE FELT -Jean StJJplet.on stars as Eleanor Roosevelt who, following the death of her husband, seir.es a chance r.o become an in- fluential public figure in her own right in a two-hour dramatic special on CBS (Ch. 2) Wednesday at 9 p.m. 'Star Wars' to be released in video rentals BEVERLY HILLS -The biggest box office hit in the history of motion pictures, "Star Wars'', winner of six Academy Awards, will be releued by Twl!ntieth Century-Fox Video on a three month reutal program. beginn.ina June, it was announced ~ •. by St.eve Roberta, c'hainnan of Fox Video. The prerecorded videocauett.e will be available ln both VHS and Bet.a ll formats, in stereo on VHS (mono compatible). Roberta said, "The releaae of "Star Wars" by Fox Video ia a milestone in the home video industry. It reaffinna our dedication to providing the consu- mer, along with. dealen and d.imibutors, with the best in motion picture entertainment." "Star Wan" is a spedaCUlar film that repre- sents the ultimate ln cinematic entertainment. Wrtter/Dlrect.or George Lucaa' pasllion for lcience fantasy adventure and romance is captured on R. DENIS RUSSELL . O,P .M. T POD/A TR/ST/ FOOT SPECIALIST · • Adutts, Children HCI Seniors Welcome FREE Initial Exa11t Consultation By Appofntmen1 Only 979 313 11100 WARJll ., SUITE 306 FOUNTAlt VALLEY screen with aweeome special effect.a and extraordi- nary apace creatures. The story takes place a long time ago in a gal- axy f.ar, far away ... Princess Lela (Carrie Fisher) from the planet Aldersan la captured and held hostage by the evil imperial f<>ree9 in their effort to take over the galactic empire. Venture90me Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) from the planet Tatooine and a dashing spaceship captain Han Solo (Harrison Ford) team together with a loveable robot duo R2-D2 and C3PO to res.- cue the beauti.ful princete and restore justice to the empire. Alec Guinness, Anthony Daniela, Peter May· h~ and David Prow.e abo star ln this high-energy action movte. The movie baa a VCR running tlme of 121 minutes and la rated PG. * PUBLIC IOTICE * 150 CASH REBATE or 10°/o off our regular price If you own 1 hOrnt conetNGted belort 2122ns. he9ted and Mlved by so. c.t. o .. eo .. rou·,. etlOIOle '°' 100% llnll!Clng 11 low 8% AfN. ftnenong, on !"-purdlue or eoo eq. tt. Of mort of R· 111 ineutetlon wtllcll ,_. btlng tfle entire llClCetelblt attic; -\IP to R-, II 8tand1rdl. Thll monev bed! offer Iii OQOd on lnlulatlon ~ ~ 419112 end 6/t/12 uiileM 91Mnded, amenoed. ~ ntlClncMd by "" ~ prior ""* notice. ~Calif. State end t5~ Fedtnil 1U tfedltt epply. "UlllY IOTLm" 641-8811 Ad1acent lo Fountain Valley Community Hospital ;;;:;;.;;;;=-~::.===~~=~ . 0 oriented programs. The producer hocked everything they owned to put the show into syndication -a smart move, since "Hee Haw" is television's most succeuful weekly syndicated show. It's seen 52 weeks a yearl on 200 stations in thia country and in Canada. Undaey, perhaps best known aa Goober from "The Andy Griffith Show" and "Ma berry RFD," says, "I'm a jack-of-all-trades on 'Hee l::w: I do my own ward.rObe, 1 write my own material. I've been given carte blanche, or, as we aay on 'Hee Haw.' carte grits. 1 do my saven -that's what you do to save a joke. I pour milk over my head or what.ever. We don't make any bones about the material being terrific." "Hee Haw," which la taped in Nashville. takes up only a small part of Undaey's Ume. He has a nightclub act ln Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe, b1a own cefebrity goU t.oumament, he baa a comedy album just out, he recently taped a special for cable TV, and he makea frequent guest appearances on auch shows as "M-A-S-H" and "Herbie the Love Bug.'' "I 9eem to play a lot of cowboys now that I've aged gracdully," he aays. "When I first came out here. I played a lot of v1llain.1 on 'Gunsmoke' and a lot of other shows. Then in 1964, I started doing Goober on Andy's show and I haven't been off weekly t.eleviaion since then." Lindley, a native of Juper, Ala., and a former school teacher and coach, studied acting at the American Theater Wing ln New York. He starred on Broadway as Mooee, the football player, in "All American" and in "Wonderful Town." He was ln "Ensign Pulver," the movie sequel to "Mr. Roberts.'' and has done vo.ioes on Walt Dianey fea- tures like "The ~." "Robin Hood" and "The Arlatocata.'' ""' z Ill c YOUR CHOICE OF CONTROi.i , ·, I J 18 ~Thursday § I \I< >l l '\ I '\( I \I< )\ 11 " . .·. Peltlck Mecnee. 5:15(C) "Something Of Value" (1957, Orame) Allck Hudaon, Dene Wynter. 5:80(1) "Minnie And Moekowltz'' (1972, Aomanoe) Gene Rowlands, Seymour Cesael. S:OOCID ''The ~ Oumpflng Gang Rides Agetn" (1979, Comedy) T1m Conway. Don Knott1. Cl) "Toby And The Koala Bear" (1981, Fantasy) Rolf Harrie. 8:0511Zl "Ruby Gentry" (1952. Orama) Jennifer Janee, Cheriton Heston. 7:10CC) "Aollef Boogie" (1979, Musical) Linda Blair. Jim Bray. a 5:05 aJ "Spenoer' • Mountaltf l C( t963, Orama) Henry Fonda. Maureen O'Hara. 6:309 "The Spider's Stratagem" (1970. Orama) Glullo Brogl, Alida Valtl. CID ·~ Apple Dumpling. , Gang Rides Again" ( 1979. Comedy) T1m eon-.y. Don Knona. o:oo•e•NEWB WHITE SHADOW l\J ...... ABC NEWS )lJ(J I CHNIJE'S ANGELS THE JEFFER80N8 ri.-\"l• HAWAHFIVE-0 OVER EASY "Heart ~" Guests: Pete Ca,,. doll. Edie.Adams. (A) Q I NBC NEWS LI• ... a ... UNDERSTANDING~ BEHA MOVIE "Resurrection" (1980, ~) 81en Burstyn, Sam Shepard. After a near-fatal auto acci- dent, a woman finds that she has the ability 10 heal I 7:30(1) "The Bank Dick" (HMO, Comedy)' W.C. Flefds. Una Merkel. • a.-oo(l)~'The--91eek ~·-tms:-~~ronr­ Max1m111an Schell. Rob«t Fonrte< "-Y't9ttJ~.-' ·------9· '•'Mr~f'RJ'11:1, -oiirM}()hrls Ma~. Adam Baldwin. OJherS but lsp_er~~~~ --- ----cramr a dlVlne lilfloence. 'f>'G· '( 1 hr .. 45 min.) .. 8:05(1l) "No Sad Songs Fot Me" (1950, Orama) M'at~ret Sutlavan, Wendell Co<ey. 8:30(11) "Savage Harvest" (1980, Adventure) Tom Skerrttt. Michelle Phllflps. 9:00(C) "Penelope" (1966. Comedy) Natalie WOOd. Ian Bannen. (J) "The ldolmaker" ( 1980, Orama) Ray Sharkey. T ovah Feldshuh. 9:30• "Texas Terror" (1935, Western) John Wa~. Gabby Hayes. 10:0000 "Touched By Love'' (1980, Orama) Deborah Raffln, Diane Lane. Cl) "Julie" ( 1956, Suspense) Doris Day, Louis Jourdan. D "Father Of The Bride" ( 195Q, Comedy) Spen· cer Tracy, 8izabeth Ta~. 10:05 Ill) "The King And Four Queens" ( 1956, West· em} Clark Gab6e, Eleanor Parker. 11:00CC) "I'm All Right, Jack" (1960, Comedy) Ian Carmichael. Peter Seners. i%) ''The Leopard" ( 1963, Orama) Bt1rt Lancaster, Claudia Cerdlnale. 11:30D "Hanover Street" ( 1979, Romance) Harri- son Ford, Lesley·Anne Down. 12:00e "AdVenture In Baltlm()(e" (HM9, Comedy) Robert Young. Shirley Temple. e "Fancy Pants" (1950, Comedy) Bob Hope. Lucllle Ball. e "Pork Chop Hiii" ( t959. Adventure) Gregory Peci<, Harry, Guardino. CB) "Steel ' ( 1980, Orama) Lee Majors, Jennifer O'NeRI. Cl) "Wiiiie & Phil" (1980, Comedy) Michael Ontkean. Margot Kidder. 1 :00 (f) "Chino" ( 1973. West em) Charles Bronson. Vincent Van Patten. CC) "The Man With Bogart's Face" (1980, "Com&- ILLEGAL ENTRY -Bruce Johnaon guest stars a a murderous dwarf seeking entry to Robin's Nest in "Magnum, P.I." on CBS (Ch. 2) Thursday at 8 p.m. dy) Robert S8cchl, Olivia HUS$iy. 1:30• "The ldolmaker" (1980, Drama) Ray Shar- key. Tovah.Feldshuh. 1:'6(%) "The Bank Dick'' ( 1940, Comedy) W C. Fields, Una Merkel 2:00(0 "The Nortl'l Avenue •rregulers" (1979. Com· i ) Edward Herimann, Barbara Harris. "The Americanization Of Efnlly" ( t964. Co~ James Garner. Julie Andrews. 3:ooe "Legend Of The Lost" ( 1957. Advent1He) John Wayne, Sophia Loren. CB) "Take This Job And Shove It" ( 1981, Comedy) Robert Hays, Barbara Hershey. (J) "The Four Seasons" (198 t. Drama) Alan Alda. Carol Burnett. 4:30 Cl) "The Looney, Looney. Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" (1981, Comedy) Animated. Voices by Mel Blanc, June Foray 6:00 ~ "Roller Boogie" (1979, Musical) Unda Blair, Jim Bray. O "Nlghtwlng" (1979, Suspense) Nick Mancuso, David Warner. (J) "Minnie And Moekowlt1" ( 1972. Romance) Gena Rowlands, moor Cassel. i--------~---------____________ ...._..,_....__,.,.i c114s Newport Gas N' Wash s $ s S-$ $,S $,$ $ l SS$'$ Sf SJ. Drive Thru ··~ I st FAST CASH 3rd TD's ~ ,,, •. ,..., .. ,... .... •Short Term •~Term • Swing Loans Personalized service in your home or office OPEN~tl LYON'S F REE .. ~ • lllON. • LADlll' DAY • 112 "EO. ~E • TUES •• Mf.N'I DAY . 112 flfO. f'RtC( • WE>.· "II• DETAll. • 112 MO. ,._IC( • THURS.· '"U CAil WAIH W/10 OAL OAS PUflCffAIE • PJ'L·KYIRY 4111 CAil FM! • IAT.·,flHSPflAY WAX W1"EQ. WAIH • aM.·llME SNAY WAX W/11 .. WASH ~ COMrurrtA• llU A••·ll4laCl.OU,flAT, l'Ot!K'Hl'..t0 4UICIOl a DOMO ~ Come In To The Mobff StJlft.,'141 . 4615 W. PACIFIC COAST HWY. A.UWU11C11a67~356 ------·0000-..-·------ MEARING AID 8ATTERIE$ 51 OFFI wmt1"1SM Cmlpbell HW1111 Aids In ::r;:.:,. ...., ....... ~1F=~~,.~---- BUSINESS REPORT 1 1,1 1:1• CBS NEWS .,, NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE Thtc~oh for a Loch Ness- type monster In Lake CtwJ1J?laln, NY.: an electronic i n.killing device. I KOJAK ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT The first of a two. l rt report on male soap opera stars. M•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD BUSINESS REPORT THE MUPPETS .-JA. PORTRAITS IN PASTa..s MOVlE "Penelope" (,\._OOs. Comedy) Natalie Wood. Ian Bannen. A negleaed wife deeides to dis- guise herself ~nd rob her huSband's bank. ( t hr .. 40 min.) CD MOVIE "The Last l.,.tro" (1980, Drama) Catherine Deneuve. Gerar~ Depardleo. Directed by Francois Truttaut. During ~ War II. the proprie- tors of a small Paris theatr, lry to keep their esta~ Ushment open during the German occupation. 'PG' .{g hrs . 10 min.) , CO) MOVIE "Cattle Anni~ ~nd little Britches" ( 198 1, Western) Burt umcaster, John Savage. Two tough outlaws pick up a pair of teen-age girls and take them along on their adventures. ·po· ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) Cl THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION "Marty" Rod Steiger and Nanc~•rchand star In a 1955 oductlon of Paddy C e(al<y's teleplay about a romely butcher who fal~ n rove with a plain girl. ( , hr.) ('%) MOVIE "The ldol~er" ( t980, Orama) Ray Sharkey, Tovah Feldshuh, f4 manlpulatl\le manager usas various ploys to catJpult two teen-agers Into pop singing stardom. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 47 min.) HEADACHESl YOU D ESERVE TO HEL GOOD CA1L64MJOO For eo., ••• ~ CGn I uPslla• WISTCUFf CtllOPIACTIC OMCI Dr ....... A. ... Z04J Wettclffit,. W. I oe ... .,.... .... IMWc.c.'I• -~ Moet lnt41nincet ~~ ------~---':· r - Th---u-rsda--y-~-ront-· __ i_n_ued __ ) _____ :_n_-c---_-_--_-_--------.-_-_-------~-;e-. g-e -gl-rfs-w-11-1 lg-n-o-re-h-lm-SiCi-au_se_o_f h-ls_sno_rf1_st_a_f._-: 1 8 9 BARNEY MILLEA The 12th precinct building g 7:10(JJ KINER'S KORNER 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: Mustang Ranch. a legal brothel outSiOe o f Reno. Nevada; whefe to shop to save big-bUCWs: the new "Hooters Club'' for la dancers ~ GD FAMILY FEUD - LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYE ON LA. Featured: behind the scenes Jitrn- lng of "Conan. The Barbarian"; a profile of c;afol Doda: a selectton of popular commerc1&ls frolli'for- • TIC lAC DOUGH I ~. n countries . ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT The first of a two- pav~~Wrf opera stars. IM•A•s•H SIGNATURE ~J; Bar. bara Cartland. MACNEIL / L~ REPORT NEWS RACE FOR THE PENNANT "The Rookies" Hosts Barry Tompkins and Tim McCarver take an ~t what4' tneen&<so-be~- 7:361 NEWS 8:00 Cl) UAGNUM, P.I. A beautiful girl snuf>s ~um and goes alter Higgins. (R) ( 1 hr.) e • FAME A yo\d\g out-Ol-state student arrives In New Yori< City to attend the High School for the Perlorming Arts. (A) (1 hr.) e MOV1E "Assault Oo Precinct 13" (1976, Ora- ma) Austin Stoker, Darwin Joston. Policemen and • convicts join forces to prevent a teen-age gang from i·~ siege to a police station. (2 hrs.) 0 NO SOAP, RAOfO MOVIE "The Valachl Papers" ( 1972, Orama) Charles Bronson, Lino Ventura. A notorious underworld figure de<;l,des to testify before a Senate in~'\uiute. c2 hrs.> i P.M. MAGAZINE A tour of the many sub-<:ul- tures In Los Angeles: an electronic paln-ki"ing device. I BA TI'LE.ST AA GALACTICA BOTANIC MAN •1latltude Zero" Or. David Bella- my demonstrates variations In vegetations, as he ctlmbs from the equator In Ecuador up Into the Andes. • LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brad Sears uses a diagnostic compute\' for a Camero tune-up and demonstrates how to teat a battery. G SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Slsk- el look at the changing Hollywood portrayal of homosexuality with scenes from "Making Love." "Personal Best" and "Victor, Victoria." CE SPORTS CENTER (II) MOV1E "Steel" ( 1980, Drama) Lee Majors. Jennifer O'Neill. A beautiful woman is assisted by a tough construction foreman in running the company she Inherits after her father's suspicious. "acciden- tal" death. 'PG' ( 1hr.,.t1 min.) (I) MOVIE "Terror Train" ( 1980. Suspense) Ben Johnson, Jamie Lee Curtis. A college fraternity's New Year's masquerade party turns into a night- mare when a vindictive guest starts killing off the ~rty-goers. 'A' ( t hr., 37 min.) II MOVIE "Fout Play" (1978. Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Chevy Chase. A ffbrarlan enlists the aid of an TAKATA NURSERY, 4if'ldtcaplng & Maintenance Expert Japanese Gardening Service •Monthly-Weekly "•Yard Malnt .. Tree Trimming *Bonsal Pruning & General Clean-up •Commercial & Residential *20 Years Experience Expert Takata landscaping Service *New or Retandscape •Western & Japanese Style · •Specials: Wat9f'fall1. Kol •Fish Pond, Rock Arrangements *Landscape Design •Irrigation System & Drain System *Patio -Oeckf ,,p -Masonry 830-9900 ext. 51 BEAUTY ON PARADE -Kim Sttlbrede, Mi&s USA 1981, wt11 crown her .uoce:..-on "The 1982 Miss USA Pageant" sped.al, to be broadcast live from the Mississippi Coliaeum In .Biloxi, Mm., on CBS (Ch. 2) Thursday at 9 p.m. Inept police detective after she becomes involved In a bizarre &erles of murders and kidnapping attempts. (1 hr .. 55 min.) 8:30 8 9 MORK & MINDY Mor1<. Mindy and Mearth are COfnered by Katnik at an Arizona fat farm. (Part 2) i RACING FROM AOOSEVEL T ALL IN THE FAMILY MOVIE "The Spider's Stratagem" ( 1970, Ora- ma) Giulio Brogl, Alida Valli. A young man uncovers the truth about the death of his father. (2 hrs.) • SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebart and Gene Sisk- e! look at the changing Hollywood portrayal of homosexuaNty with scenes from "Making Love." "Personal Best" and "Victor, Victoria." G LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brad Sears straight· ens out an alignment problem and evaluates differ- ent makes and' modefs of tires 8:36 (Ill ALL IN THE FAMILY CO) 8fNG BEAST 8fNG 9:009 Cl) THE 1982 MISS USA PAGEANT The 3 tst annual edition of this event win be telecast from the Convention Cent8f In Biloxi, Miss.: Joan Van Artl and Bob Barker are ho&ts. (2 hrs.) 8 • OtFPRENT S~ Arnold discovers that LICENSED AESTHETICIAN C opean • u~~ facials •MA.SSA.GE (on B•lbo• lsl•nd) FOR INFORMATION 71 4 CALL llNO IALDWIN ••• 675-0727 ID ~ 8RAD IMPORT LW DOMESTIC ~NDER~~ f\UTON\OTNE COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE PRll PICKUP-DllLIYlltY .. ~l:='l'au1 (l14) 142-ll'I is sold and Barney an(j his men are1old they haVe 30 days to move. (Part 2) Q ~ Cl) MOVIE "Roed To Salina" (1971. Orama) Mlm-r- sy Farmer. Robert W&IJ(er. A handsome hitchhiker_ o eneount.. a looety young womeo at a desolate co roadlldt eaf9 In Mexk:o. (2 hrs.) .,, • Maw GRIFFIN Guests: Sean Connery, Jessy :::i. Dixon. Andtew Tobias. Brian McCann. ( 1 tv. >_ .~ I BA TTL.EST AR GALACTICA '< NUMERO UNO Belgium's Eddy Merckx. the ~ world' a greatest competitor In the sport of cycling, is ~ ~ofiled. G MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Love In A Cold CU-~ mate: Monsieur Le Dvc" In Paris, Linda begins a - whirlwind romanoe with Le Due de Sauveterre. ~ (Part 7) O ( 1 hr.) ,.., CC) MOVIE "The Evil" ( 1978. Horror) Richard C<en- na, Joanna Pettet. A sinister and te<rlfylng force conceals Itself beneath a trap doOr In' a reputedly "haunted" house. 'A' (1 hr., 30 min.) (I) AUTO ~CING "Be4glum Grand Prix" (2 hrs.) (I) MOYIE "LOI/Ing Couples'' (1980;-Comedy) - Shltiey Mac:Lalne, James Coburn. A married couple and a -pair of young alngleS switch partners rn a-9!me of llfeetyle sampling and romantio rev~. PG' ( 1 hr., 37 min.) (%)MOYIE "The Four Seasons" (1981, Orama) Alan Alda, Carol Burnett. Three couples, all clo&e. l~·tlme friends. experience profound changes in their retation&Nps when one of the marriages diskl- tegates. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) 9:06(1l) MOVIE "Challenge Of The Gladiator" (1~. Adventure) Rock Stevens. Glorla MIHand. Spar- tacus leads his band of slaves In revolt against Nern. the mad fiddler of Romo. (2 hra.) 9:308 e GIMME A SR£AK Julie, upset over not having a dale for the prom. goes out for a walk and returns hours later with the man of her dreams In low. (R) 8 9 TAXJ Elaine gets sick of Louie's Insults, enlists aid from a women's group and gels the lecherous dispatcher fired. (R) Q • UP ANO COMING "Inside Track" Marcus finds a sure-fire way to make fast money In order to buy a motorcycle. O CD MOVIE "91ood earrler" (1980, Adventure) Telly Savalas, Eddie Albert. A border patrolman tries to bring landowners who traffic In illegal aliens to jus- tice. ( 1 hr., 26 min.) 10:00 D e Hill STREET BLUES The bOdy of Ren- ko' s deceased father Is stolen. and Joyce regains eome of her faith In the criminal justice system. ( t lhr.)1••GNEWS 'iO I 'iO TO THE MANOA BORN MOVIE "Savage Harvest" ( 1980. Adventure) Tom Skerrltt, Michelle Phillipa. An African drought drives wild animals into populated areas. 'PG' ( t hr., 25 min.) Cl) BIZARRE "Best Of Blzarre's Second Season" II MOV1E "Kiii And Klll Again" ( t981, Adventure) James Ryan, Anneline Kriel. A martial arts expert battles the minions of a power-mad scientist Intent on enslaving mankind with a new mind-control drug. 'PG' ( 1 tv .. .tO min.) NE:JAPA~:SE u RESTAURANT - TRY OUR DAILY SPECIAL • E njo y Teriyalti • Terapura • Sushi bar prepared by our ramou1 Japanete Cher • Beer • Wine • Salte ~g.:s11. -~ SUSHI · RESTAURANT Open Thurt. thru T\M. 'S PM tlll Midnight 3~ E. Coast Hwy • Corona del Mar, Ca (714) . 673-3933 I l. I 3 2 , P __ ms 30 N Thursday (continued) co °' ... -.2 a: 10:30.NEWS ISIGNATURE Guest: Barbara Cartland. UPPOMPEJI · MONEYMAKERS MOVIE "Famlty Enforcer" (Orama) Joseph COftese. Joseph Pescl. A young man tries to get ahead In the mafia, but hasn't the brains 10 pull the scheme off.'R' ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) Cl) WAO<V WORLD Of JONATHAN WINT£RS Guest: John Davidson. 11:00. 8 8 Cl) 0. NEWS I SA'fOROAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s•H BENHYHtLL BOTANIC MAN ·'Latitude Zero" Or. OaVid Bella- my demonstrates variations In vegetations, as he climbs from the equat0t In Ecuador up Into the Andes. I DICK CAVETT ' THE LAWMAKERS COtrespondente Linda Wet- a . .----- borhOO<J. ·po· ( 1 hr . 43 min.) 2:06 (!) NEWS 2:20(1) MOVIE "H 0 T S.l" ( WZ9. Comedy) Susan Kiger, Lisa London A soror1tffe1ect decides to form her own club of co-eds who concentrate on gratify- ing sex.·starved collegians. 'R' ( t hr . 35 min.) 2:30 (!) MORNING STRETCH e MOVIE "Twisted Brain" (1974, Horr0<) Pat Cerdl. John Niland A tormensed teen-ager is driven by f0<ces outside his control to commit frenzied acts o murder ( 1 hr . 30 min ) (fl) RAT PA TAOL 2:40 1GNEWS 2:'5 MOVIE "Behold A Pale Horse" ( 1964, Ora- ma) Gregory Peck. Anthony Quinn. A 20-year feud between a Spanish loyalist and a local police chief ends with lhe death of one of them. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 2:50 (}I) WITH A TOUCH OF 80ALESOUE Sid Cae- sar and Imogene Coca perform baggy pants come- dy and slapstick routines along with performances by burlesque queens in a shdW taped at the Star Theatre in Fllnl , Michigan. ( 1 hr.} 3:008 MOVIE "The tagle And The Hawk" (1933, Orama) Fredric March, Cary Grant. A war-weary fli- er sinks Into a deep depression. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ,_J..._ __ -thelmec..aod COkle..Boberta. Join P.aul Duke '°' an up- to-the-minute summary of Congressional activities. (f}YMS WEEK~ ,,,__ &FRANKLIN EW8 . ~l'H!'NHt: - -• ~ ---- VIE "The ldolmaker" (1980, Drama) Ray Sharkey, Tovah Feldshuh. A manipulative man&Qef uses various ploys to catapult two teen-agers into pop singing stardom. 'PG' ( J fl< .. 47 min.) CJ:) MOvtE "The Chinese Connectl011" ( 1973. Adventure) Bruce LM, Robert Baker. A martial arts student sets out to avenge the murder of his teachet In whicti a rival school was Involved. 'A' ( 1 hr.. 4 7 min) (Q) MOVIE "The Arat Deadly Sin" ( 1980, Mystery) Frank Sinatra. Faye Dunaway. A veteran New Yor1< City police detectlwt. whoee wtte Is suffering from a serious Illness. trlel to catch a brutal kMler tMorlling Manhattan. 'A' ( 1 hr., 52 min.) (I) MOVIE "The Black Hole" ( 1979, Scienoe-flc- tlon) Maxlmlllan Schell, Robet1 Forster, Yvette Mlm- leux. The csew of a futuristic speceshlp discove<s another vessel perched on the edge of a formatJon which pulls anything nearby Into a giant void where time and spece cease to extst. ·PG' ( 1 hr., 57 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Leopard" (1963, Orama) Burt Lancaster, Claudie Cardinale. Garibaldi's 1860 lnva· siM of Slclty results In the demotion of the aristo- crats In the social 0tdel'. (2 hrs., 45 min.) 11:06 (fl) MOVIE "The 49th Man" ( 195S, Orama) John Ireland, Richard Denning. American lntent- gence agents work frantically to pt'event the enemy from s~llng i~ A-bOmb parts. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 11:308 (I) QUINCY While serving on a jury. Quincy questlona .the validity of evidence, leading to a ml&- trial._! 1 hr .. 10 min.) 8 • TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guests: The Oak Ridge Boys. ( 1 hr.) I 0 AlM; ~ NIGHTUNE KOJAK THE JEFFER80N8 SANFORD ANO SON MOVIE "The Spider's Stratagem" ( 1970, Dra- ma) Giulio Brog!, Alida Valli. A young man uncovers the truth about the death of his lathe<. (2 hra.) I NEW88EAT WfTH CleTE A08ERT8 CAPTIONED ABC NEWS 8POAT8 CENTEA MOVIE "Take This Job And ShoYe It" ( 1981. Comedy) Robert Hays. Barbala Hetshey. A young corp0tate executive rvns into resistance When he returns to his hometown to revltallze a company bl'ewery. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 11:50(C) MOVIE ''I'm All Right, Jack" (1960, Come- dy) Ian Carmichael. Peter Sellers. In trying to do a good Job for his uncle In a factory. a well-meaning bumbler actually upeeta the cr~ed scheme his uncle has so carefully planned. ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) 12:00• ENTERTAINM£NT TONIGHT The first of a two-_e_art r~ on male soap opera stars. e O VEGA$ Young women recently released from prison are forced to pose as call girl• as part of a blackmail scheme. (A) ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) (!) MOVIE "Dear Murderer" (1947, Mystery) Et1c Portman, Greta· Gynt. When a txJs!nessman suspect• his wife of lnfldellty. he murders the man he believes to be he< lovef, but hla revenge back· firn. (2 hrs.) • MOVtE ''Mrs. Miniver" ( 1942. Orama) Greer Gareon. Walter Pidgeon. A family IMng in England dUrlng the German siege atrugglel to maintain a normal exlltence. (2 In .. 45 min.) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE EXPLOAINO LAHOUAGE UKEL Y STOAIEI The work of tOday·s l'lott•t young wrltttfl, dlrtc:tort" and atar. are gathered together In lhOrt film, vtdeo and animated seg.. menta. 1_1 hr.) • 12:308 e LATE NIGHT wmt DAVID LETTENotAN Guests: Sitt Cartii'. Ttd Nugent, Jeck "Hackl8W" ~ o( the San Frenc:leco 49M. ~ t tv.) I COUPLE8 MOVE "legtnd Of The Lott'' ( 1957. Adven- ture) John Wayoa. 8ophla Lcw.n. Two men and a Wdman ... ,en the Seheta f()( a Iott Offy oon11lnlng i19=uure. (2 hta.) BUMMBD-OVT1 -Sgt Mk1c Belker (Bruce WeitJ', center) goes undercover u a bum co trap a bomiddal alMhet' wbo hM been preying on defenseless winos on t.be city'• skid row in "Invulon of the Tbird-Worlcl Mutant Body Snatchers" on ''Hill Street BlU8" Thuraday ac 10 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). Cl) fOP RANK BOXJNG From Fort Wor1h. Texas. (2 hrs. 30 min.) 12:36~ MOVIE "Outpost In Malaya" (1952, Adven.- ture) Claudette Colbert. Jack Hawkins. The owner of a Malayan rubber plantation experiences domes- tic dlsc0td with hit wife. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) 12:408 Cl) MCMILLAN & WIFE McMillan discovers that his Idler's fianoe Is Involved 1n a phony stock deal. (A) (2 hra.) 12:46(1) MOVIE "The Attic" ( 1979. Hooor) Carrie Snodgrass. Ray Milland A lltll8rian lives In the past with her memotles of e love who disappeared. 'R' ( 1 hi .. 40 min.) 1:ooe MOVIE "The Dark Angel" (1935. Orama) Fredric Match, Merle Oberon. When two love rivals march off to war, one of them is blinded and given !for dead. (2 hrs.) MOVIE "The Curse Of Bigfoot" (1972, Horr0t) illlam Simonsen. Robert Clymlre. A Yeti-like beast holds a smaK Calltornla town In a grip of anxiety and fear ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CO MOVIE "The Final Countdown" (1980. Sclence- Flclion) Kirk Douglas. Manin Sheen. A mysterious storm at sea transports the atomlc-pow8fed aircraft carrier U.S.S. Nimitz beck In time to December 6. 194 1, positioning the vessel between Pearl Harbor and the advancing Japanese fleet. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) e MOVIE "Lovers And Llart" ( 1979, Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Giancarlo Giannini. While traveling In Italy, in American girl meets and falls In love with a marrltd man. 'R' (fhr . 36 min.) 3:1&8 MOVIE "Convicts Four" ( 1963, Comedy) Ben Gazzara, Stuart Whitman A convict becomes a famous painter during ·his 17-year Pflson term. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 3:30 Cl) SPORTS FORUM (%)MOVIE "The Four Seaaone" (1981. Orama) Alan Alda, Carol Burnett. Thf .. couples. an close. long-time friends. experience profound changes In their relationships when one of the marriages disin- tegrates. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) 3:40 CC) CINEMAX SHORT FEATURE 3:50(}1) MOVIE "Savage Harvest" ( 1980, Adven- ture) Tom Skerrltt, Miohelle Philllps. An African drought drives wlld animals Into populated areas 'PG' ( t hr .. 25 min.) 4:00 (!)JIMMY SWAGGART (!)SPORTS CENTER Cl) MOVIE "Terror Train" (1980. Suspense) Ben Johnson. Jamie Lee Curtis. A college fraternity's New Year's masquerade party turns into a night· mare when a vindictive glJell' starts killing off the per~-goers. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) 4:06 ' FUNTIME 4: 16 MOVIE "Penelope" ( J966. Comedy) Natalie Wood. Ian Bannen. A neglected wife decldeS to dis.- guise herself and rob her husband0s bank. ( 1 hr .. 40 mlnj 4:30 8 VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA Cl) JIM BAKKER Mobil buys apy story for public television MobU Corp, has purchaed the U.S. television righta \o "Reilly," a 13-par\, &rue-life spy story .cheduled to begin production !n June in Malta. New Zealander Sam Neill will play Sidney Reilly ln the production by BrtU!n'• Thames Tele- vt&on. The aeries will be broedcMt on public TV. Skiney ReWy wu a White Bu.ian who spied for Enaland around the time of World War I. Afi date for "Reilly" hu not been determined. George Segal, Trevoi: Howard, Robert Morley and Emlyn WTlltam1 wUl •tar in "The Deadly Game," a two-hour movie for cable television. Director George Schaefer will direct the film on location in London. The movie waa adapted from the novel "Trapa," by SwiN author Friedrich Duerrerunatt. 1: 1oe MOVIE "It's Allvet" (1964. Science-Fiction) Tommy Klfk. Shirley Boone. A lunatlc's twisted plot ~~~at:'c~[,: =~~l~~!:~u:v~:~~,:. Lucille Ball will be hoateas of a one-hour Ji:. hr., 30 min.) ''Three'• Company" retroapec'tive on ABC May 19 . M) ~E "Death Hunt•• (1981. Adventure) 20th Century-Fox and Showtime Entertain- Charlel Bronten. Lee Marvin. In the 19308. a Moun· ment are developtna "Paper Chue" aa a series for tie and a frontlef crlmlnal wage an old battle as cMI~ pay television . : . Gtorae Brett of the K.ansu City zatlon encroeches on the Canadian wilderness. 'R' Royall wlll star in lncfependent TV 1eries called ~hr .• 36 min.) "Royal Five." ... ~;46! ws"The Man With Bogart'• Face" the :OC':!~Z~ wtth Erik .l£ltrada tn ( 1980, Comedy) Robert Sacchi. Ollvla Hussey. A man decldea to change Na llfeltyll end p'hyslcal Manin Sheen and Blythe Danner Ital' Jn "Man. IPC*fanc. to rtttmble h'9 acr..n Idol 'PG' (1 hr., Woman and Child," theJlhn adap&ation of the novel 31 m!n.) ._, ..._._ ... a-.. 1 CZ> MO'lll "0tr11noe" (1980. Drama> ~1Chat1 .,, ~· .....-.- Vincent. Thtr ... Saldana. A OOUflgl()Ut young The movie.,_ into production in mUf.May at man takes a lone atand egalntt the reckleel l'1'l8m-various locationa ln Loi Anpi.. It wW ello be fU· bet• ot the vlc*nt ltrMt CM1nO t.rrorlz.lng hla netgn-med for two weeka (n Nmniandy, J'nmce. "' • t1 ""* ;. ~ ,., ~:::;"!;;;~ • -.. .. "' . . v••'~:t·.~~ llft.I ~ 41 • a '......Wtdl.._, .. ,_.\ ~~ ----.....,..11~~~~~~~_.J~~~_a~~ -I I Inside TV Jack Kelly reprises I Bart Maverick role Huntington Beach dty councilman Jack Kelly, who oo-•tarred u J~1Gamer'1 brother In the orf&inal "Maverick" ~prilel hi.a role of Bart Maverick in a ~~ in "The Hidalao 'I'hiDI," to be aired at 8. p.m. Tueeday on NBC (Cb. 4). In the ahow, Bret.)daverick UNI a queetionabJie pre-Columbian artifact to finance a gig1µ1tic con game in whJch he plans to eell the entire Ari7.ona territory to an umuspectina ~ hero. The epi- sode i9 part of the "Bret Maverick" .e.ries. . ~ • • • . r • -·"''Kra'iiCrerlopleToo,"'lhe~ny ~-­ win rt i na c hildren •a' show, will tea tuft ventriloqui.at-<10m' Willle Tyler and lideklCk Lester, quarterback J unk:ett and "mad .qlq: vieolqp.st WU Shriner , 'y at 10:30 a.m. on~ (Ch. 7}. ,• ru •.• . 'fwentb,f::;:t top stars from ABC, CBS and NBC enter ent ahowa diaplay their atb.19Jtc akilla and endurance ta ad.ting bead-to-bMd com-~tition when ABC prae!ttl the 12th edition ot the 'Battle of the Networil 81an'' Friday at 9 p.m. on Channel 7. ••• "Borderlanda," a portrait of bow hnmigratian affects the re.identa Of'\tle Mexican-U.S. border, ain Saturday at 9 p.m. fi*i~KCE'r (Ch. 28). • The dorwnentary ~the draunatancea ol individual men, wcmen q children who, beaau.e of poverty, ambition or lell8e of adventure, Uw on Metia>'• rapidly expanding northern frontier. ' ··~ . Giggling Goldie Hawn forsakes glamorous bangles and spangles, •~P;~ Into overalla an! tennis shoes for "<1oldie Nxi · . . .Listen to Us. a speda1toairat8 p.ni'-~turday on ABC (Qi. 7). .v • ••• Ralph Watte, Michael Learned and aeveral other regulars from "The Waltona" reprbe their roles from the Jong-running aeries in "Mothers Day on Walton'• Mountain." to air at 9 p.m. on NBC (Ch. 4). l \1 £. ' Thia la the aecona o~mree televlalo.n moves· inlpnd by the~~ • • • The corrueUon ot•1nnocence that led one "bmicnble man to bec•wM an tmtrwnent of Adolf Hitler'• retail of ten'or''lll "lblt theme of ''lnlkle the Third BeJch.'' an ABCI~ dnunatbatkln of Albert Speer's powetMli:w.t ~ autobiolraJ phy which ain in two IMllw~ Sunday, May o. at 8 p.m. The eecanil -.Nwm air~onday, Ma1 10, at 9 p.m. on ChannieftT:• • The movie baa an allLtar CMt lncludfna Ru~ Hauer aa Speer, Blythe Danner, Derek Jacob(. Sir John Gielgud and 'ftevor-Howard. Alao atarrlna are Ian Holm. Robert V auabn. Stephen c.oum., Maria Schell. Elke Sommer, ~ Sahl and Georp Mw-. cell. t. ., •1111! El!ubeth Mon~ J:Wott Gould and Mt- c:Mel Murphy star m "The Rules of Maniaae," a movie spedal to be broedcut tn two pal1I on May 10 and 11 on CBS (Ch. 2). Botti pu1.1 will air at 9 p.m. Written by ReatnaJdl Role, the contemporary Cooking School ]OMA Y & JlJNE -· .. ,. Schedule q.Jn, I :~.b< 2'tt E. Coast HIOway Corona ctel Mar, CAaas ,.,,.2NJ , .......... ~~) 31 ... Eleanor 31 0 From Page J - her through the bureaucratic jargon of lnt.ematio-~ na1 diplomacy. *** MISS STAPLETON, an actn!ss who ia admired ~ by millions, f9 realizing he r longtime dream in 0: portraying the woman ahe has Jong admired. ~ Aaked if ahe would like to be identified with · Mra. Rooeevelt u cloeely u abe wu with F.ditb f Bunker on the network's "All in the Family," she '< answered emphatically: "I'd love it! There's no end :"' to what you can explore i n this w oman's _. perBOnality... ~ Miu ~:Y,leton previoualy portrayed the for-N mer Fint y in a dramatic monologue, '1.Soul of Iron," which she performed to rai8e lunda to pre- eerve Mn. Rooeevelt'a home at Val-Kill, N .Y ., Ma national historic llite. • When Mlle Stapleton left her lonettme role aa _....._..&.1.w.g,,.1ia...,•ouikN-~r Vl.la&.~1111~~.~ that would put distance between heneifind.dieClia~-­ racter that bad started aa a scatter-brained "dingbat" but grew into a f(!90W'Ceful. iDcreulngly independent woman. BACK ON TUBB:--Huntington Beat:b dty coundbmn Jack Xelly will reprla tM tole of Bart Mawl1dc·for the NBC (Cb. 4) tlttlietJ, ''Bret MaveJ'ick,', ~y at 8 p.m. ~ma deal.a with the breakup of a~u poeedl)' "perfect maniale'' and ltl effect not Oil the couple involved., but alto on their c n and frlenda. ••• ''The Girls In Tbetr Summer Dr-. and Other Storie. by Irwin Shaw" will be rebroedcut Mon- day, May 10, at 8 p.m. on KCET (Ch. 28). The three ltorie. revolve around a common theme: couplea with chaJlli1'I relatiomhipa. Carol Kane, Jeff ~. a.arie. Durntna. Brian Den-nehy and Pierre Santlnt atar ln the special pre- ,eritation. ••• ''The RJchard Pryw Spedalr ' -f1nt broldcut in 1977wWairat10 p.m. Tue.day, May 11, on NBC .(Ol. 4). Pryor ii )med by tbe late John Behwhl and ()\her guest stars in th.la hour-bll comedy pl"08l"&m. ••• Cheep Trick. one of the oountry'1 more popular md Oamboymt roek IJ'O'.lpe, will make a te1.eYlaic:m appearance on Wedne.tay, May 12, on Kerr (Ol. 28) at 10 p.m. The procram Wiii taped lMt summer at a concert in Chicaao· .... ••• 'Jbt, 1982 M'8 USA Pueult will be bn>edcMt from BOoxi, Mill. at 9 p.m. "'nlunday, May 13, co CBS (Ch. 2). Bob Barker la maater of ceremonlea and ''Knott'• Landing'' star Joan Van Ark will aerve • televlaion hoatesa with Donny Osmond u pe.t . performer. .MQNDAY 7 F11g.B£RO '• l CA rTElfiNO ,fUESDAV WEDNESDAY, 18 "l found that growth in Eleanor Roo.evelt and couldn'.t wait w ahow a part of it in thia film," Mils Stapleton sakl. Her makeup as Mrs. Roosevelt included a vaying wig, a dental appUanoe for the Finl 1Ady'1 • prominent overbite, and three-inch lifta 11' the &-foot, 7-lnch actre91'• blllCk oxfords. Mt. Stapleton once met Mn. Rooeevelt when the latter vialted the cut of "Come Back Little Sheba.'• ''Everyone. lncl:iimymelf," said the ac:tn9, "had thought abe w• bun her newareela and new1pa1per pictures. ut, in pe~n. you NW a beautiful woman. becaUle of her inner radiance and concern for others. She ·lftenlly acted u ber hua- band'• eya, ears and i., She WM crlticbed for travellina eo much, but that ,,,.. bow F .D.R. kept in touch with what ..... ldn« 00. .. Mia Stapleton notec:f that 1he admired Mn. Roo.evelt for ahowing what can be eccomp]Jabed beau.-of what you are, refeni.nl to "the furoe of penooality .•• "Service isn't u much a part of polldcal life now as it waa when the Roo.evelu were in the White Houae," Mill Stapleton aid. "Mn. Romevelt was one of the tint political wives to make a life of her own. Th.at was a new idea in this country." *** "I DON'T WANT people to get the wronc Miee and t.b1nk rve ballooned up like this oo my own," aaid Joyt:e Van Patten. ·•., rn show you a cra.b diet that IS a Cl'Mb diet." With that, ahe unfMtened the strap hoJdinc a bulky body tuit she WU Weuing and with mock fanfare umoimced., Wfa~ I drop 40 poundl in two minutes." II Mt. Van Patten'• added glrth wu ;.t part of the meticuloU8 reaeareh that trandonned her foe her rote u Malvina (''Tammy'') Thompon. Eleanor Rooeevelt'1 lon,time aecretary, in "Eleanor, First Lady of the World." Mill Van Patten'• blonde hair w• darkened, and ahe wore it in the style ol the 40'a, 9eYt!l"ely parted and pulled into a roll at the nape of her neck. Senatble ahoea. dark tailored cloth. and no- nomeme hats were part of the picture. Miu Van Patten reeently toured ln "Same Time. Next vw· and c:o«arnd tn the Lot~ oremien and New York productiooa of Neil Simon'• l.1 <>U8ht to Be in Pk:turel." Ber modon pktw9 include "The Bad News Beare,'' "Mame" and ··~1t.·· I . G '®§ ru=zn I l H i Letters J ~ Charles H id comes ! from large family • ,, ;f RAID DATA -I'm coattaully readJaf artl· cles abM& tile cu& of "BW Skeet Blaa." B• of all ~ die pieces, "' •e laaJ fectlled oa CMrles BaJd. -' Pleue fW u la• klJ back&nud -btrdaplace, > movie crMtta, e&c. I-Haid haila from a large San Fta.nd.-:o-bued, :§ Iruh-Cathollc family (Merv Griffin is a cou.ain). a: Ow-les 1tuclied under the Jesuita before ioinirur the Na.y's submarine CX>tpS. He emerJe«i from the sea with the thought of becoming an actor and received a B.F.A. in theater arts from Carnegie Tech. Like most 6edg)!na act.on, Hald eventually ended up In New York, tanding a role In the touring ootnpilny of "Amert Hurrah." ~ re~ offet..foc...re-~----gular ~~k-on "samey Miller'' in favor of a di- rectorial job. He finally accepted offen from two eeriee, "Kate McShane" and "Delvecclllo." .. Altered State9" was the big guy's first feature film. to be followed by '"The lfouae of God" and "The Pretend Games." In 1979, he co-produced the· Emmy Award-winning "Who Are the DeBolta and Where Did They Get 19 K..id:I?" 'HOOD'·WINXED -Tltere'1 a dluer oa tklt. I A)' tile IOlll "Hip Hopet" WU I~ Ht oa.ly by Fruk Slutra la a movie, bet by Btq Crosby ID "Rolll• and th Seven Hoods.'' My friend HY• Crosby aever aaa1 It. Am I lmaclalal tklap? Your late-night television viewing may have led to hallucinations. "HJah Hopes" WU Introduced by Sinatra and F.ddie tf"odgea In the 1969 Frank Capra film, "A Hole In the Head," and picked up an Oacar for best song. Bing Crosby never crooned it in "Robin and the Seven Hoods"; the characters in that film were Interested in knocking over more than rubber tree r.Ianu. However, Sinatra sang another big hit In' Robin" -"My Kind of Town." CLEARING THRO A TS -Please teU me wllo Wxd.Game FILL ltJ n4E MISSING U'TIE!?!i /tJ .,-~t; ''IV WOflOS" BELOW. , .......... I-Al....--~ ~ M IM II M_l_N_. I ll\JTl11 I 111 ILIOINI l§blHll I rnJ,;::rr:G:5· ~ fUARfNIGE nic (..ET'f~S Yo\) r1t.c.ED I~ T"o SPEt.l IH€ ~~AN AtTU$qtxJMl,IMNNI t I I I I 1 · I I does tlle voice-over for tlae Mlller commerclal1. ne voice la so f•mlllar, bet I cu•t place lt. Actor Gene Barry ("Bat Muter.>n," "Burke's Law," "The Name of the Game") bu been the voice of Miller beer for more than a decade. Listen to Gulf and Ford commerctal.a and you'll hear the same familiar voice. 'BUBBLE' UNGUMMED -I remember a beartwarmlq movie .. TV calle4 '1'1te Boy ID tbe Plastic Babbfe." I seem to recall Job Travolta ID t11e title role, b•t my slater tlll•kl It was Mau DUJoa. Wllo'• rtpt? AIM, laow olcl wu tbe actor at tllat time? -Jeulfer Deveu,~Olcago A 22-year-old Travolta starred as the ill-fated young man in that 1976 TV movie, which featured the late Diana Hyland aa his mother. Dillon was still undiscovered at that time and probably wu akul- king around the corridors of hl1 suburban New York school. · :>end your letters c.o J:'epper O'Brien, United Feature Syndicate, 200 Park Avenue, Room 802, New York, N. Y. 10186. TV teasers What was Yoyo to 'Holmes and Y oyo' By W. WILSON CASEY ~ ........... 1. Name the comedy. Cues: The Washington American baseball team . . . Rhino . . . Pinky . . . Off-the-field anUC. ... Starred fon-oer big leaguer Jim Bouton ... Ben Davidlon ... Bill McCut.cheon. 2. Where did the three waitresaes, Allee, Flo and Vera, work on the comedy aeries, "Allee?" Vic Tayback played the role of their 00. in this show set in Phoenix. 3. What wu Yoyo u played by John Schuck on the comedy, "Holmes and Yoyo?'' Richard B. Shull alao starred as the not terribly bright Alexander -noimei: -~ -~-- 4. Who replaced Barney (Don IC.ng_tta) aa the bungling de~uty of Sheriff Andy Taylor (Andy Griffith) on 'The Andy Griffith Show?" ~. Who was Ann's (Marlo 'Thomas) boyfriend on the comedy, "That Girl?" 6. What role did Peter Bonen play on ''The Bob Newhart Show?" Thia show waa about pay· chologist Dr. Robert Hartley (Newhart) and a1ao starred Suzanne Pleshette and Marci.a Wallace. ANSWERS: 1. "Ball Foar" i. Mel's DIDer 3. Robot compmter la die 1laa~ of a ma.a de1lped tG catd crooks 4. Warren (Jack Barna) S. Doa (Ted Bes.ell) t . WlaecracklDg ortbodontltt TV Teuers are available in the book, "TV Trivia Quiz," which includes more than 300 ques- tiom and may be ordered for $3 from Case Co.. 101 Laf•yette Sc., Spar • SC 29303. ---- Automatic Garage Door Systems FOR SAFETY ... SECURITY ... CONVENIENCE Automatic Garage Door Operators by Stanley t . ... LOWEST PRICES IN ORANGE COUNT't "We Are Never Undersold" Sales " service Insured. B:nded 6 !!.!:~!,' N! 312381 .. . Makini! a start is pro&ably the mOst important step toward saving. There is a way to take the initial step and know you're on the right track toward a ,.egular, scheduled savings. Just join the Pa)·roll Savings Plan at work. A little is taken out of each paycheck toward the purchase of U.S. Savings Bonds. You don't have to WOTT)' about making a special efforttqput something aside each p_!9'day. It's all done for you. Automatically. The bucks start pilini up, the interest grows, and you realize you\te AD~ found one surefire 'fake ft.... ~ W&)' to save. . Sii)Ck~~ ifAmerica. t I t I ., IV-Puzzle QOt"ili 1 Plays Luke 2 Prevln and Kostelanetz 3 -Olde Shoppe •IA.atOSS 4 Pinch 5 A Fitzgerald 6 Plays.Astin on Quincy 7 Kitchen feature 8 Actress Rlta- 9 -Cid 10 Bruce Glover Cf Bamey Miiier 11 Bergen's Mortimer- 13 Hawaii Flve·O star 20 Exploslve 22 Ring outcome 23 Gary Coleman. e.g. 28 -Vlgoda 29 TV network 30 -Abbott 31 -Happy Family 3• Played Alice Kramden 35 Plays Colt Seavers 37 Neighbor of Ga 38 --for Sergeants 39 Guys and- 40 Plays Shirley 41 House current 42 -Hogg •4 Newsman Morley 46 Plays Getraer 1,6 Shown, plays Charley 36 Newsman Morton 47 Hamson or Coward 50 The-Upstairs 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 23 24 25 26 27 30 32 33 3• on House Catts I 39 Payable 52 The Buckeyes Jennifer-40 Singer Frankie-43 Miss D11ter's ID 45 Vehicle for Alex Angeles or Alamos -to Billy Joe 55 Miss Damita's sjgn·olf 57 Starred in 38 Down Mideast org 46 Actress Molly-lnll Diamond or ruby 48 One Day,.--T1me Compass point •9 Miss Redgrave's Played Ed Norton s1gn-01f Alan-50 -and Bill Archie's place 51 Played Yemana Bo Derek flick 53 -You Knew Susie Ho or Meredith 54 Played Sna'ke on Arsenic and-Lace What's Happening Freberg or Kenton 56 -Street Played kopalong 58 Aloha Paradise role for Cassidy Debbie Miss Bardot·s sign-off 59 James Gregory on International org Barney Miller Sir -Guinness EMERGEllCY DOCTORS OFFICE THE ATTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A convenient alternative to hospital emergency rooms for: ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough. Professional & Personalized Care ~DULTS AND CHILDREN No Appointment Needed • lmmedMlte Attention Given WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED OPEN:-7 DAft A WEEK 385 DAYS A YEAR 8 A.M.·11 P.M. (7j4) 752·6300 aMIERQIENCY DOCTORS OFFICa 4030 Bll"c:h St. Suite 107 Newport Beach Located rn1tommerce Plaza ' 406 FWY. o.c. Airport ~15oFF . ' I your first visit -----with thil coupon = See what we have to o,,.r • :J W35 y s I 33 .,, 5 -~ $ ,, ::1 CL ~ ~ ~ ~ ..... CP C» N .. 050% On Display Cabinets - • 0 N " 00 O> .... "·Daytime ~ ~ ~ ~ Kent is punched ~ out by Brandon ~ -By LYNDA HIRSCH .2 ALL MY CHU.OREN: At beauty contest, an 0.: angry Brandon spots Kent and pWlChet him out, departs and leaves Erica to judge contest. During tafent spot, Jenny's disgraced when her music is ruir;:c1aa!d conniving Liaa, and she walks off. Em-bar by bia wanting to date Angie, Jesse de· cides not to tell Frank and Nancy about his feelings. With &,telle still missing, Rick offer'j Benny fi. nancial aid and a ~mpted Benny returns to the horses. Stunned by newa of bis sterility, Palmer suffers minor heart attack. At hospital, Donna's visit agitates him and he insists she leave. Chuck and Melanie patch thino up, but he departs after a call from Donna. With l>a!mer ill, Nina meets with new lawyers for Courtland Electronics and Clift becomes angry with her added business duties. Mark upset becauae Ellen has discussed her marital woes with Erica, and also displeased that Pammy hu decided to stay in town for the summer. ANOTHER WORLD: Feeling c.ecille needs her, Elena returns to Bay City, Donning disguises, San- dy and Blaine enter Mayor Stein's oUice with plans to bug it. With Rachel planning to vi.sit Nikolai in June, Sieve infonns her she wilf be a U.S. emissary. Nikolai warned by Capel not to become too ena7 mored of Western ideology. Unable to handle her job responsibilities or relationship with Mac, Anne leaves Bay City. Elena notices a resemblance be- tween Maggie and Rachel. AS THE WORLD TURNS: When the necklace mysteriously reappears in the Stenbeck safe, Steve is cleared of theft charges. Accepted in special police training program, Margo must go to Chicago. Ho- ping to find Miranda. Mr. Big sends Bob tape of Miranda crying for help. Thugs tail Bob to see if he leads them to Miranda, but he loses them. With Nick continuing to shut her out, Kim fears her marriage is over. After J eff tells her he loves Annie, Karen destroys his apartment, collapses and at the hospital cannot remember what happened. In Hol- lywood, John discovers Elliot will not make bis book into a movie. A furious John ls unaware that James owns the rights to the book, not Elliot. CAPITOL: Myrna tells Lawrence she wants him to wed Julie. Sloane and Lawrence plot for her to. have Tyler and Lawrence to win Julie. Myma tells Jordy if he were married and had a child. then his father's money would go to him and not to Trey. So Jordy decides that Beth would be the girl for him. Gillian ecstatic that Thomas is dating Beth. but Wally fears she will throw him over and crush Thomas' already fragile ego. Sloane discovers La- wrence is not what he pretends to be. Lawrence befriends a hooker. Beth breaks date with Thomas to see Jordy, but claims she's studying; when Wally tries to warn Thomas about her, they recall another woman who led Thomas on and tossed him aside. DAVS OF OUR LIVES~ Jl6led up in,a moun- t.aln retreat, Ton y and Renee admit they love one anolbet. During another one of his-psycfllc:.episod.es, Eugene has favorable feelings for Marlena and TOP ENTERTAINER ~Anne Murray is ready for her guest appearance on "The Guiding Light." Her appearance .is part of the show's effort t.o feature top entertainers and improve its rsti.ngs at the same time on CBS (Ch. 2) weekdays at 2 p .m . · Roman and bad vibes for Jake. Mickey decides to fight Linda for custody of Melissa, who is plotting in order to stay with Mickey and Maggie. When Woody questions Trish about Scotty and other personal family matters. she flares and tells him to stay out of hE!r personal life. Danny warns Trish that Woody is just a gigolo. Neil tells Marie if she wanes Alex she must go after him. Roman and Abe grow !ij.lSpicious of Jake. DOCrORS: Aware that Billy plans to marry Nola, Barney and Natalie threaten to blackmail him. An angry Billy shows Luke proof that Natalie was a hooker. Billy and Katie scheme so he can get custody of Lee Ann. Wanting to wed Greta, Theo worries Katie may have another breakdown. Sin- ging for the children at Hope Memorial, Ivy bursts into tears. The Holmses, along with ailing daughter Amanda. arrive in town and MOna and :Philip plan to match Amanda with childhood friend Jeff. blackmails him with the last page of Mrs. Newell's records. Bradshaw decides tQ,go ahead with the suit. When Heather begins to rant and rave against Anne and J eremy. Joe sees what she's like and ends relationship. Monica invitee Philipe to the mansion, hoping his presence will miaie Alan jealous. but Alan is onto her scheme. Thinking that Laura T has been programmed to report information back to David and Mel, Luke gives her incorrect data about the Mal Kuth exhibit and she-takes it back to Da- vid. Rick and Johnny fear Packy is dead. GUIDING LIGHT: After spending night with Vanessa in Chicago, Tony is \lnhappy about rela- tionship. With Jackie aw~y. Carrie and Eve are staying with Justin and Samantha. At Wired for Sound, during appearance llY. Lover Boy, Carrie becomes drunk and Justin Ill' later astonished when he sees her with her arms around Josh. In an at- tempt to blackmail Justin, Carrie comes on to him but he rebuffs· her . ln the morning, Eve goes to make Justin's bed and is stunned when she finds one of Carrie's earrings. Not,« wants to tell Quint that Floyd is the father of het'&by. but she dreams that when she does, he dis6wns her. Henry tells &ss about the illegitima~ son he has Jost track of. Before Alan's ransom mb~y can be recovered. a mysterious figure gets hold1_9f.Jt and places it in a closet. Amanda, ashamed tHat"She misjudged Alan. considers resigning her presidency. ONE LIFE TO LIVE: Marco arrives at Tim - berdark farm and manages ttJ dismantle the bomb, saving Ed and Larry. Ed and Larry are operated on to remove brain implants. Ed is fine, but Larry re- mains in coma and may never regain his mental ability. Aware that Karen bas been taken by Ivan Kipling, Marco and J enny decide to go to San Carlos to find t hem . Mary Is placed in Katrina's care. When Beau tries to warn Asa that Georgine's solaramite vacuum plans have a defect, Asa does not believe him, then a large explosion is heard at Llanfair. Asa asks Mimi to marry him. When Do- rian claims her fingerprints got onto Georgine's plans after Herb dropped them in a drunken rage, an angr y He rb leaves h er and moves into the Hopkins boarding house. Cassie tells Dorian she wants to go with Herb. t RYAN'S HOPE: Using medicine th.at f>at gave for Arley, Kim feeds it to \he governess and ma- nages to rush of! to Orson. tidtlls is upset that Jack's book assignment does not stop his "death of the city" column. Jane takes Rae to party with Onion and his crew and is stunned when Rae gets along With them. Siobhan and Joe make love. Delia, be- lieving she has been the matchmaker. celebrates with champagne. Johnny is l urious when he dis· covers what has gone on an~ Siobhan is dishe~· ned when Father McSha«~rrives with her an- EOOE OF NIGHT: Ra.fen calJs Mike, but the nulment papers from Joe'J 1 phone wires are cut. Later, Smiley. pretending to ,L. be Mike, tells her she probably will be convicted of SEARCH FOR TOMuBROW: When Cissy first-degree murder and Raven prepares to jump finds a box of mementoes of Sunny and Lee shE bail. Geraldine arrives home early but is dissuaded returns them to Sunny, causing Lee to fume. Sunn) from going inside when told her house is being is offered a position in New York, causing Dane painted. Geraldine agrees to meet with Sky and much anxiety. Ted is devastated when he tries to discuss Jefferson Brown. although she still believes sell materials to Turner ln$thunents but they are Sky was killed in Switrerland. Jinx and Derek are commodities they no longer need. Ted blames Brian on glorious hon eymoon. Damien plans to confront and the two are bankrupt. Martin wants to help Raven, but when she spots him Raven fears he's Ted but Travis vetoes the plan. Needing money and about to arrest her and she jumps in cab. Jodie ' is hoping to support Suzi so stie can continue college, mesmerized by portrait she received at the Endi-Bthm decides to h ave SQ~h~t boxing match, al- cotts' party. though it could cost him ~/~ Ute due to an aneu- rysm. Stephanie refuses to believe Cathy's stlnce GENERAL HOSPITAL: Bradshaw is told that she rejected Peter's advance11. Travis decides he Anne.will stop her invesUgati.on if he drops charges wants to find his long-lost lather and asks Dane's against her. Bradshaw complies, but then Heathe_r __ h_e_lP'-·----------------- , . RANCI~- fire staticrery 2823 east coast highway 675 -1010 corcna del mar • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~35 aee me work, as long as we don't compete in what we do. And that has never happened." 0 Daytirne Ambass'ador's wife takes cl 10 SOap opera I I ) By BOB THOM~.... 'I AHoclet9d PreH Wr!!f.:.. HOLL YWv.yD -What is the ambassador'• wife doing in a ~· p opera? When the aw dor is John Gavin, President Reagan's e nvof o Mex1co, and his wife· as the beautiful actress-singer Constance Towers, she is doing what comes naturally. She stars as Clarissa McCandless, member of a powerful Washington family, in "Cap)~" the new CBS daytime serial that made its~e ·l tn a nlghitlme hour Maje~ 26. "Capitol," d) also stars Carolvn Jones. Ed Nelson, Rory 9un and a cadre of newco~. ia the most ambitioU., soaper in years. It ia the project of J ohn Conb9~tut~e man who 2ave YS~ "The young and the ~~ ess ... The show is beihg uped at CBS Televislo~ ity after 10 days of 19Cation work in WashlngtOh, D.C., and Maryland. "Clarissa is a fitness nut. and I had to do a runrung scene in }V~n," Mia Towers said. "When I left for ~ J~tion it was ~. When I arrived it srarted' \0 hail~ I started the acene.. sleet was falling, and oy the time I finished it waa mo- 'Wing. I felt like a nlailman." Indeed, the re~ of a daytime ierial calls for discipline, an~ ~ias Towers will appear on "Capitol" at least ~wtce a week, perhaps more often. How can she ~ that and still be wife of the ambassador to M ? "Mexico Oty, 14 pnly two and a half houn away by plane," she repij"ed. "I can l~ve Los Angeles al 9 and be at the embassy by midnight. "John is happ)' when I'm happy. He loves to .. .JJe11 mom! I don't know what t6 get JOU for Mother'• D•J, So-whatever you buy (or wti.teY« Ded °' tM t* buy fof rou) l'LL MATCH CAROUSEL ~ SWEET SHOP We'll M•k• Mother'• D•J a "TWO-FOA" lklr One -Get One A9 A OHt 1k1r Ten -Get Ten A9 A Otft llUT ONl. Y AT CAROUSEL SWEET SHOP •nd onlr 0n Mothet'• D•r • ..., t, 1112 We're Opett. co.ne on In, hetp mell• ue femoue. 1. CAROUSEL -The origin •! "Cre&O'\ery" Ice cream. All natural fruits, real cream & low air content! Fat! Fat! Fall Plus real malted milk. 2. Our candles are made wtth real butter & real choeolatel Creamyllclout, hon- est! Jelly Bellle8 tool 3. Petits F.O\Ht lndlvldually decorated. Strudel• that wlll blow away In a light brMZe. The cheesecake? lndescrlba- blel 4. The cookies, brownlet & fudge? You • probably Vwotl't make It this far, but If you do, you'll be close enouoh to crawl out lhe front door. CAROUSEL SWEET SHOP Soon to be a household word In Southern Callfornle. Bring the kids too -we have a fffW Video games to kMP them busy. Like PacMan -Gorf -Phoenix In front of K·Mart, ~ Harbor & W11ton, Ooeta M~ Look for our lld next wHkl We're OOfA8 get rout v .. we erel Both had been married before. They have managed to make their marriage work despite ca- reers that often separated them; for two years Miss Towers toured with Yul Brynner in "The King and ·I." Gavin's appointment as ambassador added new compli~tions to their marriage. "It has ~n a challenge for John and a chal- lellJll! for me, too," she said ... ,.. the ambassador's wife I'm involved in community work, I act as my husband's h06t.ers and I'm concerned with the other embassy women. Any social occasion can be chal- lenging; it's important to keep your best foot forward." Although she has spoken Spanish for 20 years, she admitted that she still has to work at it. All of 'As the amb~dor's wife I'm involved in community work, I act as my husband's hostess and l'm concerned with the other embassy women ... ' the embassv ataff speak it. and she trlet to make Gavin speak to her in Spanish, especially gossip, which sometimes is untranslatable. She added: "I first realized my Spanish had improved when a lady asked me a question at a state dinner. I didn't undertand he r, and I asked her to repea t the qu~tion. Only then did I realize ahe was speaking English." The statuesque blonde from Whitefish. Mont., has had a varied career: nigh t.club singing, film debut opposite William Holden and John Wayne in "The Horse Soldiers," on Broadway in "Show Boat" and other musicals, and tourin g in "The Sound of Music," "Mame," "Oklahoma.'' etc. Soap operas are nothing new to her. "Ten years ~o I .appeared in 'Love is a Many-Splendored Thing' for six months," she said. "I thought it was a great experience. Once you know the character, the dialogue comes easy, and you can enjoy It. You have to enjoy what you're doin when ou work that hard." iecalcalreu Oullt ·••op I ~ I • NEW' Cl.ASS SICN-UPS l. llECI NIYINC APRii. IZ11t • HAND.tlAD£ QUILTS• CJFTS • ANTl(}(JES • FABlflCS • DOU •MAJCll'VC SUPPLIES 2701 ...... aVD. INilat To~·,, .. AdllrNI 141·3112 MINI BLJNDS 50% OFF 100% PLUSH NYLON CARPET & PAD INSTALLED From $6.95 Per Yard WE OtSCOUNT PRICE -NOT OU"1.JTY (714) 842·3895 THE AMBASSADOR'S WIFE -C.Onstance Towers, who plays CJ.ari.ssa McCandless in CBS's new soap opera, "Capitol," is the wife of John Gavin, U.S. ambassador to Mexico. She. is shown here with actor David Mason · Daniels, who plays her son, Tyler, on the show. "Capitol" is seen weekdays at 1:30 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). JOIN NPW AND SAVE 50% '• LOCKtRS • JACUZZI • SAUNA THE GIRLS GYM A Tttll Flt1111 0.lter Fer ••-• Illy •EWPOIT 141-1121 PACIFIC COAST -il&llWAY Ullll 411-1414 LllUll OllYGll RI. NO CONTRACT. "'O ~ -~- $ .,, ... a: I» ';< ~ I» '< """ -CD co N ... ' 1 1 ., 1 · I I ' I I • I I ' 36 ~ i .... ,..: ~ ~ ~ :g- LI. ~ ~ -0 ·= Q. ..... ----.J I, ~ Sterling OpttcaJ ROW offers tts huge collection at i'pa4kage" prices ... com:plete with clNr st:ngJe vision lmu1e!. llllM.~... • ~ ldl !1)1 Alla,,..... !be lllshlon .umDes:p:•:· rdlectJan raiectian CloDectiOD $a• .. $34•. ~M· ·, A bJ4ti qual.ttiV line ot eye-wear at TM lai.t 9tiY1-1n pluUo and J?MlA.er et;ylee lnolud.lnl Oleg CUelnl, remarltt.ble pl1oee. met&I at re.l1y tJ!'ol'dable prtoee. ~ Dior, Gloria Vanderbilt, ~·· •Glau or pladic Jenr• ....... , .. . . . . no e~oharge n • Ovenbecl J.enr• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no eJCt;d oh&rge C ~ • Sbou&J>r•pripttam• . . . . . . . . . . . . . no extra oharge •••edq'Hrrioelnmevcu• .... noe~ch&rge PJ.ua ••• The ater1tng Guarantee -If you're not satisfied, return your purchase within 60. d.aU'S for a. tall retmuL J.' STEl!lf:llvlJ fJPf!i:AL .. • AN IPCO fXJMPANY I) • ~ tor speeey l8rv1oe at each brt.Dcb • Same -Ml'9:loe in maey ouil . • Btfooa1.I onl.Y tie add1tJona2 • 1Mua1b ,, IDIDb IOft oom.at lenw only tea pr. • KE>l-OAL I009pted ! I 1:3 I l =---··m ( ) * Olte"Ot lenw atn. __ ... ,....,.,. ..... ,...... =-~19111poi1...,. Qr. l,~ ... ........ _....~ 'n ... ;-----_._. _____ _ ,. llllllCUIT 1 lllTlllTll 1111:1 I f1111111 llllll FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Protests scrap sewage plant plans By ROBERT BARKER OftlMDelfrNot•..., Plana to build a trash and sewage-burning power plant in Huntington Beach apparently have been abandoned because of public outcry and resistance of local officials. Dan Ryan, president of the Ryan Energy Corp. of Costa Mesa, said Thursday two inves- tors for the 2,400-ton rubbish and sewage facility "are backing out from a political standpoint.'' The propo.sal by the 35-year-old Ryan haa met vir- tually unanimous and vociferous opposition from residents. He said the proposal to build the plant at a 38-acre mud dump at llamilton Avenue and Mag- nolia Street "still haa a pulae but it looks dead for now." Ryan had never submitted any plans to the city, touching off fears that he planned to circum- vent local authorities and go di- rectly to the state for approval. Huntington Beach Mayor Bob Mandie expressed hope today that the apparent decfaion will put an end to rumors and suapl- don. "But lt (the mud dump) still haa to be removed and put to use. lt'a kind of a nuiaance and a vi- sual blemish if nothing elae." Ryan aaid he still hopes that his facility producing about 50 me~awatta of power can be de- vefoped som"ewhere in the county. "I believe strongly In the co- combuation system. "The count y is experiencing tremendous problems on what to do with all the 90Ud waste. And technology is now available on haw to get rid of it." Residents living near the pro- posed site located across ·th~ street from Edison High School, expressed most concerns about heavy truck traffic needed to transport trash and sewag4! sludge to the location. Fears also were voiced about possible adverse air quality ef- fects. Jobless ·jump Unemployment breaks Postwar record CEREMONIAL EXPRESSIONS -Rabbi Aaron Twersky blesses Steven Wanger, left, and Barry Garnett. after calli.!1g them Deltr fltloC ..,,.... by Ctwtee .. ..., up for the Torah. Below, all smile after the landmark Bar Mitzvah ritual. Bar Mi/zvah first of its kind Developmentally disabled celebrate ceremony By JODI CADENHEAD Of the Dally Piiot Staff It was a moment that both Steven's and Barry's parents had waited more than 20 years for -a mome nt that they thought would never come for their sons. of which was Steven's candid sigh of relief when he told the congregation half way through, "This isn't so bad." Everyone laughed. The feeling was fa- miliar to those who had gone through the nerve-wracking experience when they were 13, the usual age. WASHINGTON (AP) -Un- employment in the United States jumped to 9.4 percent last month -breaking the post-World War II record -the government an- nounced today. Some 10.3 million people were out of work. April's jobless rate was up 0.4 of a percentage point from the previous month, more than enough to set a record. Not since 1941, when the government be- gan compiling monthly statistics, has unemployment topped 9 percent. In that year, the jobless rate hit 9.9 percenL The California rate dropped from 9.4 percent to 9.3. At the White House, presiden- tial spokesman, Larry Speakes called today's announcement dis- appointing and said, "We remain sensitive to the plight of the unemployed.•· He said he could not predict how far unemployment would rise or when it would begin de- clining. "We're looking for signs of economic r ecove ry by late 'llpring-early summer," Speakes said. Sen. Edward M . Kennedy, D-Mass., charged that the new figures show conclusively that Reagan's economic program has failed to do anything but "deliver pink slip after pink slip a fter pink slip to millions of decent men and women." ''Ronald Reagan's bread lines grew longer by 450,000 people," Kennedy said, adding that the "country is now harvesting the bitter fruits of a failed and unfair economic policy . . Americans all over the country are losing their homes. their hopes and their pride.'' One economist said the unem- ployment is the price of. bringing down inflation and others, both in and out of government, pre- dicted the rate will climb even higher before turning around. Since last summer when the recession that s till plagues the economy set in, unemployment has risen 2.2 percentage points. In July, joblessness nationwide stood at 7.2 percent. By March, joblessness had ri- sen to 9 percent -equalling the post,-World War II record set in May 1975, the high point of the last severe recession. Some 9.9 million people were out of work in March. The continuing business slump hll that nation's manufacturers the hardest, with unemployment. among blue-collar workers rea- ching 13.7 percent in April, a record. Unemployment among adult men, traditionally the most stable segment of the labor force, spur- ted to 8.2 percent, also a new high. Teen-age unemployment shot up to 2S percent, and jo- blessness among blacks reached 18.4 percent, both records. In addition, the number of Americans forced to ac:a!pt part-• time employment exceeded 5.8 million -the most since the government began keeping such figures more than a decade CU[O. Last month, 453.000 Ameri- cans were thrown out of work. according to the seasonally ad- justed figures produced by the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Sutistics. Total employ- ment stood at 99,3 million, a de- cl i ne of 152,000 since March , even though 300,000 more people were looking for work. The highest unemployment figure was a 24.9 percent rate recorded at the height of the Depression in 1933. when the nation's labor force was only half its present siz.e. Thursday morning, before a crowd of relatives and friends at Fairview S~te Hos· pit.al in Costa Mesa, Steven Wanger, 27, and Barry Garnett, 31, celebrated their Bar Mitz, vah. THE RELIGIOUS ceremony marking the passage of a Jewish boy to manhood was both a personal and a public milestone. It was the first time in California that a developmentally disabled person had ever received training enabling him to perform the rite. "This is one of the finest moments we've ever had at Fairview, I'm proud of these boys," said Dr. Francis Crinella, executive di- rector at the Costa Mesa facility. Robin and Gerald Wanger watched their two other sons go through the Bar Mitzvah ritual, but had never even considered the possibility for Steven. Hot air on the ground Balloonists banter before big Fountain Valley event Rabbi Aaron Twersky, who prepared the boys for the oc'CaSion, led them out onto the stage by hand and told the congregation "words are inadequate to describe my feelings." Dressed in matching dark blue suits and prayer shawls Steven and Barry chanted the familiar Hebrew blessings from the Torah like thousands before them, but like no one else. THE TWO-HOUR ceremony was filled with a string of magical moments, not t.he least WORLD British issue warning "I'M SO EXCITED,'' said Mrs. Wanger, foUowing the ceremony. "It's something we hoped would come to pass." Steven has lived at Fairview for 18 years and Barry 19. Their religious instruction started three and a half years ago when Rabbi Twersky came to Fairview. ''I wanted to set an example for other institutions that developmentally disabled people are capable of learning, absorbing and training," said the rabbi. "It will be proven in the future that they have abilities." COUNTY By PHD.. SNEIDERMAN Mthe Oalfr P+loC 8tAlff This weekend they'll be tea- sing the clouds, putting themsel- ves at Mother Nature's mercy as they dangle precariously beneath huge helium-filled balloons. But the Gordon Bennett Bal- loon Race pilots came down to earth Thursday to discuss this year's competition during a press briefing at the liftoff point, Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley. Balloonist Brent Stockwell commented on the credentials of his colleagues. "We have the first team to cross the Atlantic, the first to cross the Pacific, the first to cross the North American continent and the first to cross the conti- nental United States,'' he obser- ved. "Well, we represent the first team to cross San Francisco Bay, and let me tell you -it was hell!" Before balloonist Ben Abruu.o could speak, two aides forced him into a black flight jacket adver- Volcano erupts JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - The Galunggung vokano in West Java has erupted for the fifth time since April 4, belchJ.ng Java, flamea and black amoke t h at combined with clouds to darken sktea 70 miles away, authorities said. The latest erupUon OCCW'l't'ld Thunday. LONDON (AP) -Britain declared ioday that "any Argentine warship or military aircraft" found i;nore than 12 mllea from the Argentine mainland will be regarded u hoetile and dealt with ~y. IJe cheers Newport patients A "professional viaitor" makes the daya brighter for 94 99tienta in a Newport Beach oonvale9oent home. Page Bl. , NATION Doctoring of papers charged Jack Andenion re~ that an oftJdal ~ the in:. vironmental Protection ~ ordered doctorina of technical papen IO that a carcinogen would be maOe to appear )em harmful. P9 AB. · Now it's Ana Landen' turn Ann l•ndert 1&)'1ahe19 eorry fer reninnmc col- ::'wc1~ ~~=== faith tn my intellity ." Pace B2. . . •• Dancer visits our coast Gregory Hines, atar of "Sophlattcated Ladla," showed ~ii:' \be Or.nae Cout to lhow off h1I tap dancing aDd teech a little dandnc· Weekender. STATE I Listeaen wln, DJ• lOR The mlmb w. to play cnly twoNeardl in a row inateacl of th• requincl thrM. It COit a Ban Dteeo country m\llle ttaUOn ,20,000 and two dl8c JockeYI their' jObl. P-. JM. tising Benihana of Tokyo, the restaurant chain owned by his co-pilot R ocky Aoki. Aoki is known for his aggressive promo- tion tactics. "Even my shorts have 'Benihana' on them," Abruzzo chuckled. In fact, Aoki had transported a hibachi grill and two chefs to the middle of Mile Square to provide lunch for his fellow pilots and visiting reporters. "Maybe we should have brought along some fried chicken or something,•· ribbed American pilot John Shoecraft. Shoecraft floated to fame a few months ago aboard Super Chicken lli, the first balloon to cr oss the continental United States. He is participating in his first Gordon Bennett race this (See BALLOON, Page AZ) Here comes judge INDEX · At Your Service A4 L .M. Boyd A8 Buaineae 0-7 Califomla A5 Cavalcade B2 Clmfted Dl-8 Qmiaa C9 ere.word C9 Death Ne>Ucee C8 r.ctlt.odal A8 • 11'.nteNlnJnent Weekender Home/Ovden B7 • H°"*Ope ~ SPORTS Readers and writers who appreciate a well-turned phrase dipped in a little acid have relished Robert Gard- ner's opinions on certain legal matters over the years. Now Daily Pilot readers can share in the best of his observations as the semi- retired appellate court justice s tarts an editorial column with commentary on early Balboa, "dingbat Supreme Court decisions" and the good old days of surfing. The surprise ending of Gardner's first column in Sunday's Daily Pilot will re- veal the strength behind a sissy name. Intermiliaion Weekender Ann Landen B2 Movtea Weekender Mutual F\lnda C6 National Newa A3 Public Notioel C6,C8,D2 Sports Cl~· Stock Mark.eta C7 Te1evilion TV Los Tbeaten Weekender Weather A2 World News A.81 occ wins lltle asam A.I H/F ·~, _... Continued stories .BALLOON RACE. • • year. He and h.la wife, Marl, will be the first American husband and wife team to wmpete ln the Gordon Bennett. Race activities will take pl.ace from 8 a.m. to dusk Saturday in •' the central airfield at Mlle Square. About 30,000 people are expected to attend. Public entry gates will be off ' 'Edinger Avenue between Brook- hurst and Euclid 1treet.s. AdmiJ- ston is $3 for adults, $1.50 for children 5 to 12. Children under 5 will be admitted without char- ge. The festJvities will begin with tethered balloon rides in the morning as long as wind condi- tions perm.it. From 9 to 11 a.m., 10 hot air balloonists will lift off in the Orange County Classic contest. From 1 8.m. to dusk, 8 teams from the nlted States, Japan, Germany and France will lift off ~in heUum-fWed balloons for the Gordon Bennett race. Thia la a dlatanoe competition. Last year's winners, Abnm:o and Aoki, traveled more than 1,300 miles before landing lo North Dakota. A new event will be the Ce- lebrity Balloon Race, acheduled for 9:30 a .m . KABC radio per- sonality Michael Jac kson, Los Angeles Times cartoonist Paul Conrad and rock star Stephen StillB will travel a short d.istance by be.lloon, then ride to a finish line aboard bicycles. Guest of honor at the event will be R. Buckminster Fuller, creator of the geodesic dome. Cop h e ld child • Ill niolest A Long B«i1c h poltu:: ou1cer remained In l luntington Beach City Jail today whale oUlcers continued t<J 1nvt•st1gate allega- tio ns that h<.' m l)lcsted six pre- teen girls at hts Huntington Beach h ome dur111..: the past year and a hair Michael Brun· McDonald, 42, an 18-yl•ar vNcran uf thl' Long Beach forct'. w<.111 <i 11 <·sted latt! Wednesday at hai. 'luuth-cc•ntral Huntingwn B<:al'h home and jai- led for invl'!>llgal1on on one count of child moll'St.ot1on. police said Bail was St't at $:l50,000 Invesllgators said six ~1rL'l, ages 7 through l:l, who l1 v1• 1n th£• neighborhood. I.Old tlu 11 parents abuut the allrgt-<l 1m·1dl't1~ In this event, participants must choose a target within 50 miles of the park. The winner is the bal- loon that lands cloeest to its pre- selected target. Other activities during the day-long fest,ival will In clude parachute drops, ~tique airplane flights, a sailplane demonstration and a variety of musical enter- tamment. ~,......,.,,... GOING UP -Hot air balloons are inflated to mark site in Fountain Valley of starting point for Saturday's Gordon Bennett Balloon Race. Actual Gordon Bennett race will be contested in he- lium balloons, with other, hot air craft used in prelimi.nary races. "It appe;.r; that Jll of the vt<:- llms havl' bN·n talking a mong them i.c·lvl·" <rnd thought they should t<'ll lhl'1r pari nli.," said Huntington B1•a<:h pultll· Lt Mt<rlt• Sc:hnt-bhn "Thc·y knl'W ll was wrong and ll was botht•ring them" :~.British landing on Falklands looms He said thl· childrf'n upparcnt- ly w ere attra<:ted by .. pinball machine and a mckelodt-on movie viewer McDonald owns. They told author1t1t•i. tht·y Wt'rt:' re· peatt.•d ly fondlt.'d and shown pornographu: films 1111 tlu· movll' Vl{'W(.'r , hL• said ' LONDON (AP) -The pros- pect of a British landing on the Falkland Islands is growing as fierce winter weather threatens the British war fleet and at- tempts at a diplomatic break- through get nowhere, military analysts say. ·Police nab • su spect 10 Valley h e ist A man wanted in connection with the armed robbery of a Fountain Valley convenience market was arrested Thursday at hia llvine home. NIWS ANAlYSIS "Th e loss of the destroyer S heffield has demonstrated the vulnerability of the British fleet to Argentine missile attack." said one military think-tank expert. "Time is on the side of the Argenti:fle-junta:-They-orrly-h~ to sit tight to reduce the chances of a successful landing. It would seem a landing is likely in the next few days." The Defense M1n1 s try an- nounced Thursday night that two British Sea Harrier vertical take-off jets disappeared in bad weather while on patrol within the Falklands war wne. That reduced the fleet's origi· nal force of 20 Harriers to 17; another of the fighter-bombers was downed by Argentine anti- aircraft fire Tuesday. Analysts s uggest Britain ruled o ut bombing o f mainland air bases to neutralize Argentina's air power, which outnumbers the task force's 17 fighters by more than 8-1. Foreign Min.iBter Francis Pym refused today to rule out bom- bing Argentine mainland fields, although he said Britain did not wani uu io .1his. _ "BuLl would not want to ex-_ elude any possibility," he told re~rters. 'Polillcally, bombing attacks on the mamland would have im- men sely far-reac hing political implicatio ns," said Sir Philip Goodhart, a key Conservative legislator a nd former underse- cretary of defense. "It would be very dangerous." Analys ts say the most likely move is a "limited" landing on thinly guarded West Falkland Island to establish a strike base for an all-out assault eventually on East Falkland, the main is- . land, where about 5,400 of the estimated 9,000 Argentine troops in the ardupelago are t'Oncentra- ted. Stewart Menaul, a military af - fairs commentator , said in an interview. "Diplomacy shows no signs of SU'ceeeding." Analysts say the ar~nt in favor of a landing is that it would speed progress toward resolution of the crisis and avoid a drawn- o u t naval blockade. -. lnfoc:med .so1~ tbf. Bra-.,. _______ l!"!"!!'I'!!!!!"''"!!!!!'~• llsh iorces wall be reinforced withan three days by more than 2,500 commandos and paratroop- ers aboard the liner Canberra A backup fl eet carrying armor, heavy guns, extra helicopters and 20 more Harrier fighters is still several days from the war wne. "The time 1s rapidly approa- c hing when we'll have to go ashore," retired AJ.r Vire Marshal Author1l11•s •w1d MdJun ald hvt-s with his w1f1., but his chal· dn:n by ;1 pn:v1ou:. 111.11 rs.1g<> l1v•· with th<•1r mothn Long &•a1·h p1JIJu '>did MeDn nald works m th<' rnutor<vrlt· d1 vision but ha-. h1;·11 on l1·ni.•1· wllh an Injury for -.1x rn11nlh-. Fountain Valley police detec- tive Terry Bell said local investi- gators, in cooperation with Gar- den Grove police, had identified John Cho, 18 , as the man who allegedly displayed a handgun and robbed Danny's Villa Mar- ket. 16040 Harbor Blvd .. of $132 on April 14. Despite U.N., American and P eruvian peace efforts, British defense chiefs are thought to be planning ways of regaining the military momentum lost when the Sheffield was hit Tuesday by an Exocet missile launched from a1h Argentine warplane . It was the first major British revene. Sunset chainpions Huntington L ions host pier run The Huntington Beach Host Lions Club will hold its fourth annual 10-kHometer run Saturday at 8 a.m. at the Huntington Beach pier. Mother's Day breakfast at L ake Park, 10th and Main Street The breakfast is from 6-11 a m . and tackt:-ts are $2.50. A warrant was obtained, and Cho was arrested without inci- dent by Irvine officers Thursday momi.ng at his home, 3581 Pecan St., Bell said. Cho, who identified himself as a Saddleback College student, was turned over to Fountain Valley police, then placed in Or- ange County Jail on the armed robbe ry charge. Defenae Secretary John Non, briefing NATO a!~ Thursday in Brussels, said, ''There can be no question of our turning back from the military objectives" of retaking the islands seized by Argentina on April 2. The Edison High School freshman football team was reinstated as the champion of the Sunset League this week by league vote. Edison freshmen sailed through the season with a 5-0 record last fall. But their cbam- pionsh Ip was taken away and give n to Westminster whe n league officials found that Edison Full moon due ' Coasta l Night and morning low cloudl· --.. ot~MI 111r Coastal low 56 Inland 62 Coutal high mid 601. lnllr.d mld-70. Water 62 Etsewl\efe. wind• '°"'"-' to _, 10 10 16 knoll In al1wnoon Wind waves t 10 3 le•• South- -• 1Well1 2 to ~ leel £s1ent1¥1 low cloudlnen wllh par11a1 Clea· ring al1wnoona U.S. su m m ary Tllundetatorma and •cold hon1 prcxtuc.O heavy rain• In LOUlll· ana and southeeat lexaa today. u 1hower1 continued over the eastern middle MIHINIPl>I Valley 111<1 the ~ Ofllo Vllley Sk1419 were clear from the Qa. t kotH end the upf)lf M11&1H lppl Valley to -•ern Te•U and New Molco Fatr lklM were ~ the Southwell. while cloudy akin prevail.a etMWhtre 1n the We11 and rein lell 1n !IHI northern Rocklel 11waslelr1nd w1rm O'llf much of the Eul. Atl&nlt Cly Au•lln Baltimore 81lhngt Birminghm Blsmerck 8°'114! Botton Brownavlle Butta lo Bur1tng1on Ca9')&' CMrtaln SC Chll'latn WV Cllertue NC Clley9nMI ChlCaQO Ctnclnnall CleYllend Clmt>ta SC Columbus Oel·FI Wlh Oayion Denver 0.. M0tnes OetrOll Outulh 67 58 n 50 80 49 66 48 83 63 53 29 69 41 69 50 85 76 .06 83 6"' 74 62 59 36 81 66 89 57 14 61 55 32 62 47 01 14 82 02 68 84 14 57 86 84 66 49 86 63 01 57 38 56 44 73 86 63 54 31 01 76 45 65 28 60 28 60 41 81 52 63 42 88 76 72 56 117 84 57 31 84 611 St 50 54 •3 .to 83 58 74 5 1 1.03 84 63 02 59 44 The fOJec:est FOf 7a.m . EST Salurday May 8 •Lvw Tem0<'fa1ures ,.,._,..,.,.._ .. Wt'""'"'._...,.,...,,..,. ~NO--•_•_u ___ 1 ·~~-·-·~-~-"""--•-·•_•·---------------------.J ' fronts C.otet .,. w .vm ...,. c,, ' kr<l(•<J -S1.11~""'' • •• ' Slocllton 88 54 Tllefmal 118 Ukiah llO Be<llOW 68 60 Big 8Nt ee 32 Blehop 63 42 C11a11n1 88 63 l.onQ 8Hc;h 76 60 Monrovia 14 55 Ml Wlt!loo T2 46 Newport a .. ch 65 58 Ontario 81 SS Pflm Springe 118 66 Pleld4lna 80 56 R~llM 66 San Bern1rdlno 112 57 Sen Get>rlel 60 57 San Joee 74 65 S.11n1a An• 76 50 Senta Cruz 67 &e l ll\09 "el'-v 67 30 R1lelgh 84 67 R4lno 76 40 5-11 Lak• 61 48 Sen AnlonlO 61 40 Seattle 87 46 Shr1¥1POf1 77 65 02 Sloull F"lllt 68 38 SI LOUii 60 60 44 St P·Tampa 81 611 SI Ste Marie 71 42 07 SP<>k•ne 71 46 Syracuse 72 411 TOQl4ca 56 38 13 Tucson 82 54 TulM 68 44 14 WHhlngtn 78 50 Wlchlll 60 30 .01 The N1llonel WHlhlr ServlC41 predlcled tcanered •~• 1n<I' thunder1torm1 from 1111 Mini•· alppl Vall•Y 1cro11 1111 Gre1t . L1ke1, the Ohio end Tennff ... nlley1, ind the cenlral Gulf Coeal Itel•. El Peso Fargo Flagll•ll Great Fall• Hartford Helena HonOlulu HOUllOfl lndnap1t1 Jeckan MS Jacktnvl .. Kan• Clly lea Vegat 1.111141 Rook LOUll\111 .. Lubbock Memphl1 M141ml Mllweuk• M~IP Naeh'lllM New OflMn• New YMI Norlolk 81 84 63 n 12 82 •6 CANADA •I Ttn11>9<1111re1 eround the 111- tlOn ilttv todly rmnged from 2t Ill 8'00· N.O .. to 71 In Yuma. Ant. ~ -alif~'!'-~a . Afternoon 1un1l'lln• co11ld brighten Sovlhlln C1lllornl1'1 WMl!and. but.'*""'"' mwlne cloud cover wlll II.MP morning• IN)ltly gray. TM N1tlonll WHther S«-..ie. 11•0 lorK"' cooler d•Y• and gu•tY well winds S1111rdey In mountllln• end northll'n ~ Hight Set11rdey ate pr.Olc1.0 trom 75 In Loi Angei.. from N to 73 a1 bMdlee. ~ M end 65 In "°*'" teiM, Ill lhl high IOI 111 1ow delltt• 111c1 tl'om 1110 91 I et lllQIMlf ~ .._,,111one ~1111 Oltl Chy 0 ~· Plltlburgh Piland. Me • Piiand, °'' PrcMdence 53 40 18 es 60 S5 72 77 56 77 60 85 33 ., " se 44 82 eo 70 62 80 63 es 111 70 30 ,.. 48 16 47 Celgary 66 36 Edmonton 52 23 MonlfMI 72 5t QnW9 51 Extended weather SOUTH!AN CALlfOANIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AAEA8 -II...,._ cloud-. 8lloh1 cllenot or •howere nortllern • rnoun111n1 Monday and Tu.deY. .._.r.:-------------------. Cooler d•Y•· Ou11y wHterfy 1 wind• In 1~ mounllfn• Mond11Y.' lllf IEPllT anC1 Tueedey. HIQllt In tfll ooettll .,_ rWIOlnG ffom I#« tot M lh• bHCliM t• tnld 10• Intend ., .... LoM In tlle 609. Mounlllln. rMOtt lllgll8 M to ee. LoM 3t to DO. eo.tw• from Po4n1 Conoe9tiOn lO Ult Mfttcan border Giii apec1 Hght, ••rlebl• b'"'" In h••YY! fog 1htOUQh mlddlY llllltdl y. ~to -t wlttdt et 10 to. • ,, knott.,. ~ed a.turc111Y !~ ..,. ..,.... ·T~. =~':'eo'~:.o'.-:. =..,_ ~R; -=-Tr TODAY ,,,... . . ::::-.. ~~ ~ ~ ~\~Od 11 e.Goftd !Ow 1:21 p,fft. U , and k ......, ,_," ..., 11 hoond lllQll t:n p.m. ... 1 .,., • ~ • "· • -4 ft 111t 11 IATUMA't • emnerature• f ===~~-M ft .. :: '1nt low 4 .. 21 a.m. -0,4 r ,_ ~ Mft ...... '1rlfhlgh 10'Ae 1t1, U • -IM'nOllf .,,.._.,,_. • .... ft 1i1r. 11 leoonCf lOw UO p.lft, 1.11 left ClellMMI ,..., l4" .... ., ~~ ~ p.m. ... '!,_.... ... Tn'-. t• 7:41 p,191., ,._ .... , ,11.. , '"'" .-i 11 "'*rl. a 1t1. CT M oon tlH• .,,,4 "'"'" H11 I II TOMOMOW'I T1DU: ,_ 10: ... Mft. LAw l:IO p.m ..... 0.-1 = l :H e.m. C'un tnOOfl 1t NClloflllllllll... B L II I ' I had used an ineligible player. In reconsidering this week, league officials declared Edison did all it could to prevent the transgression, and returned the championship to the Chargers. Bill Boswell, acting athletic director for the Huntingto n Beach Union High School Dis- tnct, said Thursday there are 13 other cases in the district in which freshmen players compe- ted for schools outside their at- tendance areas. Boswell said the district is working to update comptuers to p r event such prob\ems from being repeated. Last July district trustees ap- proved rules making students ineligible to compete in sports for a year lf they enrolled in a school outaide their attendance area. The run is held ln conjunc- tion with the club's pre - • A speech and hearing chnic for children from 3 to 7 will be held Saturday in Huntington Beach at the West Orange County T ea· • An open house will be held at every fire station in Huntington Beach f rom l O a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. • from ~IE sPoaTS LTD. AEROBIC, DAllCE I WORKOUT FASHIOll CEllTER • further information, call 842-1408 or 536-8803 chers Cenlc·r ti ~11S:! L<·r11111>. Dnv<' Free evaluations will bP offered from 9 a m to 2 pm A drawing for a free smoke detector is scheduled Free fire safety literature also is available. • FEATURING: DANSKIN STEVI IROOKS BARIL Y LEGAL SEA SQUITS CARUSHKA Equipment: Aerobic & Sport Sh oes Legwelghts Jumpropes Oum bells Trampolines SPECIAL OFFER AOiaE SMITS '" ... c.r ......... 2831 Cou t Hwy. • Corona del Ms, CA 671:-97IO 10~ OFF . ANY PUICHASI •708 Barranc;J Part<wwy lrvln•;CA 112-1112 .., .. ,,,.,. (W1th Thia~ I ' .. :~ill IT~ rn m· Democrats blast budget Reagan accused of breaking pension promise By Tlae AllOCl•ted Press No sooner did President Reagan endorse a budget plan put forth by his allle. in the Senate thari oongreeaional Democrats jumped all over it as oontemplating deep cuta In Social Security. Accusing President Reagan of breaking hia promise not to touch Social Security, Senate Mi- nority Leader Robert Byrd introduced an amend- ment ThW'llday In W~ D.C. reJecttn£ the Republican-led Senate Budcet C.omm.ittee's call for a $40-blWon reduction in the coat of the retµement program ~gh a oomblnaUon of benefit reduc- tions and withholding increaaes. The budget plan "I.a unfair, huty and went against the president'• promiae that Social Sea.uity would be incl~ in the safety net," Byrd u.id. Group says recession dying H<Yr SPRINGS, Va. -A group of the nation's top business executives said today the 1981-82 re- cession is finally dying, although the pain of low profit& and high unemployment will linger a while longer. The executives also were keeping a wary eye on the budget battle in Washington, concerned that government deficits soaring above $100 billion, could make for a puny recovery. The group I.a hol- ding its semi-annual meeting at a resort ln the western Virginia mountaina. Voluntary prayer proposed WASHINGTON -President Reagan, decla- ring he wants to "restore a freedom our Constitu- tion was always meant to protect,',' has called for an- amendment to allow voluntary gro up prayer in public schools. "No one must ever be forced or coerced or pressured to lake part in any religious exerciae, but neither should the government forbid religious practice," the president told a gathering of religjous leaders during a ceremony Thursday in the Roee G arden 'Lou Grant' move political? Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 7, 1982 H/F . Diedrich eyes appeal to U.S. Supreme Court • Dllr ......... ,.... TO APPEAL? -Former Supervisor Ralph Diedrich may seek U .S . Supreme Court reversal of his bribery conviction. By DAVID KUTZMANN O('tM o.-, l'ttot It.ff Former Orange County Supervisor Ralph Diedrich's at- torney says he may go to the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse a 1979 bribery and oonapiracy conviction agalnat Diedrich that was reinltac.ed Thursday by the Cali- fornia Supreme Court. Flrat~,however , Santa Ana lawyer 1"ith C. Monroe said he will petition the state high court for a rehearing based on its de- ciaion to uphold both Diedrlch's and architect LeRoy Rose's con- victions in San Diego Superior Court. HB tax protester convicted in LA Huntington Beach tax pro- tester Armen Condo has been found guilty of tax and mail fraud by a federal jury in Los Angeles. On Wednesday, defense alt.or· ney Clyde Maxwell told the U.S. District Court jury his client is a crusader who was not afraid to take on a "big bad wolf" -the IRS -by urging people not tD pay taxes. "We need the Condos o f this w orld to question Big Brother," said Maxwe U. R08e's attorney, Sylvan Aron- son of Santa Ana, also said Tursday he would corunder pet- itioning for a rehearing. Diedrich, once on<: o{ Orange County's most powerful men when he was known an political circles as "Super D," was found guilty t hree years ago of two counts of bribery and a single count of conspiracy. Rose, his one-tim(• campaign treasurer, was convicted of a single count of conspiracy. Both men were sentenced to l-to-14-year state prison tenns. However, the state's Fourth District Court of Appeal later reversed the l.'Onvictions, promp- ting both the Orange County District Attorney's OffiC(? and the state Attorney General to peti- tion the Supre m e Court for a heanng. That request was granted an June, 1981, in effect setting aside the Court of Appeals reversal. It also came on the same day that Diedrich was given a suspended jail sentence and fined $5,000 in Orange County S uperior Court for parttcipaung m an unrelated campaign fund laundermg ope- ration in 1976. •. _DE?il'EB...=-Actor F.ci Asner said.be doesn't k:pow if his...political activilp prompted cancellation of h is "Lou Orant" TV senes, although two groups who think that was the C88e say they'll protest at CBS Studi06 in Los Angeles. Condo, 46. is the founder and head of Your Heritage Protection Association whose members as- sertedly believe that they are not legally required to pay income ..laJ,P.c,." Asner said of speocuiat.iott.that ~WM taxes on receip~ of paper money · droppe.cLbecause..he. supported effOtlS....io aend -gm~m 'ionger i.i. backed-by ~d Ora nge County Assistant Dis- trict Attorney Michaf:l Capizzi. who origina lly prosecuted Die- But prosecutor J ohn Spiegel drich and Rose in the briber y _ ~-Olruio_-=..llr.ad of ihe ~,.t sai.Q_Thursda_y that he _l'!Q~ tax protest organization based..in-. pel1e.ves t~.ere.J.s. a "ver y r~al Garden Grove -as a h ypocriti-ltkel1hood tne two men will ca) profiteer. 50?n have to begin servmg their nfedical aid to El Salvador, via the leftist inaurgent.s r ver. . m that country. ''I do know there has been a lot of Internal Rever.ue Servl.~ spo- ''I really don't know . Perhaps I 'll find out doublespeak at the network level recently." Asner ~eswoman Laura Myers 88.ld the is attending the Denver International Film Festival. JUry re~ the verdict -i:tturs-day everung, after one day s de-T he assistant U.S. attorney said Condo encouraged members of his group to refuse to pay tal(es even though he knew that the action was criminal. pnson tt:nns. The 1979 convictions against Diedrich and Rose stemmed Crom allegations that the two men conspired to gain hnancial con- sideration from owners of 2,200 acres m Anaheim Halls in return for a favorable supervisorial de· c1sion that would permit resi- dential development of the property. Iranians reach Iraqi border BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -Iranian troops plo- wed through three Iraqi defense lines today to reach the Iraqi border for the first time since the two nations went to war 19 months ago, Iran an- nounced today. southwestern oil province of Khuz.istan, acene of aome of the heaviest fighting of the Pel"lian Gulf war. The Iraqi military command admitted Iranian forces mounted "a fresh offe.nsive on all areas of operation at the southern sector of the warlront." Iran claimed the breakthrough came in its American charged • 1n killing JERUSALEM -Alan Harry Goodman, an American Jewish immigrant, was fonnally charged today with murder and attempted murder in the .Easter Sunday shooting spree at the Dome of the Rock mosque on Jerusalem's Temple Mount, the Jerusalem district attorney's office said. Good.man, who turned 38 last Saturday, was charged with the murder of Riyadh Abu Ramila, a Moslem guard at the Temple Mount, sJte of two Moslem mosques. 3 quakes shake High Sierra BISHOP -A trio of earth9uakes 15 minutes apart swanned through the High Sierra today, rousing sleepers, briefly blacking out power to parts of at least two towns and knocking a radio station off the air. springs area 15 miles northeast of Crowley Lake in Mono County. The second quake, measuring 3.0, struck at 5:23 a.m. with an epicenter 16 miles northeast of Mono Lake near the ghoet town of Bodie. Browne said the third temblor at 5:30 a.m. tipped the scale i.t 3.6 and was centered at the northern edge of Crowley. The first temblor measured 3.7 on the Richter scale at 5:17 a.m . and was centered near a hot Abortion opinions conflict ~ SACRAMENTO -California'• 1967 abortion law makes it a crime to abort a viable fetus if the mother's health ls not in danger, saya a state attor- ney general's opinion. The opinion, laaued Thursday by Attorney General George Deukmejian, confllctl with an oplnlon iuued last year by lawyers of the atate Health Services Department. O~ANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P. Haley Pohh""'-" 11nd C~N'tf ( f'llM:\it•ve OffH.. .. Kay Schultz VocePt-t ...0 Owec:l<lf ol A,_ l""'Q Tom Murph1ne (dotOf Miiie Harvev O• .. o(.ltlt &I ~.A.,...., 1G•,Ut•t1011t Ken GOddard 0.et.IOt ,,;~allM• Ray M11el.ea n L.Ol'lt•olleo Charles l009 M.,~Edlt0t .., ... ......,, ........... Clanlfled advertising 7141642·5678 All other departments 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE DO w .. 1 l'l"Y SI • CO.I• -.. (A M•ll eOClr.-" l'lo• tWto ,.,.,. M tw. (A .,.,. (OC>t"•"' 1"1 ().~ '°"'' PutH,.hlnq (-y =~::.:·:..~~~~''!~:";.. ~~:=:'·:.~~ \~ti.1 c-rml\\loft of <OPV"f fll O*,,_' ,,,. ?r~ (. .. \4 O••IY """' •II" wllt("" com b•l'l'1f IM ...... , Pt0•\\ I\ P.,bll\Md by llW ()r ... (M<I PIA>li\lllrtq (-"'• S.t>•r.olo •dtl'-••• OUbh•Md -.,, '"'°"°" Frid•• for ,.,. ~ ,. .... oo,, BN<11. MUl\t~Oft flue".'°""'•"' v.,,.,, lrvlM L-8-11, Soult\(O.•I A \11191.,,..-i •dltlOfl ~ -~ \<olu•-..v• -SunN~ n.. O•tft(lt>•t 1N411•\l>"'O "''"'' ".,, Uo Wt•I "•• Slrwt, p 0 ••• iWto '°''" ""'"" t •llfOtl'll• ,,.,. YOL. 71. NO. W . Last ol nudists wins acquittal MALIBU -The lMt nine ol 541 JleOPle arn!llted for appeartna nucfe o-n Southern Calffornia beaches l.ut year have been ac- quitted by a JurY. After four day1 of trial a seven-woman , five-man jury found the nine innocent on Thundu. Flve other CMel wUfl · dilln1mecl W~y by Malibu MunJclSCourt Jud .. llonald Schoen , who laid the ~ cutton ha falled to pre.ent a CMe ap1mt them. We're Llaterilng ••• • What do you Ilk• abOUt the l>aUy Pllclt? What don't 1C* Uket Call ttM number below llilld your m ... •11 will 'be r.eordecl lran1crtbed and dlllvend to U.. appropriate editor. . • ' The same 2'·hour anaW'ft'tna Mnlce may be UHd to i'Wclrd lilt· ltrs to the editor ~ any topic. Mailbox con\ributon m• tneluct. lheltr name and telfphOne nuf"bm' for vermeeuoe. No etnul•Uof! u lJ. pleue. • Tell ua what'• on your mind. t I =::-Sit~~{; 1 ~....... .. ~'=*=::;=---.==~~~l~==-==i:~~==~-=-:=.~~~~..-~~P-1 liberation. "The decision was guilty on all 41 counts of tax and mail Craud," she said. Condo, 46, said he was surpri- 9ed by the verdict. "I don't know how they arriv- ed at it," he said. "My only aim was to uphold and defend the Constitution against corrupt and private banking systems.'' Condo, who testified in his own defense, contended he acted on his belief that Federal Re- serve Notes are not valid money because they att not becked by precious melala. Spiegel also said Condo took nearly $2 million an supposedly worthless greenback s in dues from his members. "He knew th.at money is power and these supposedly worthless Federal Reserve not.es gave him power," Spiegel said. The final arguments came af- ter 18 days of trial, in which Spiegel called about 40 witnesses, most of them past a nd present members of Condo's organization. The Court of AppeaJ, however, revers<."<! a bribery and conspira- cy con viction against Diedrich and a co'lspiracy convi°ction agaJnst Rose. Ano ther bribery c harge against Diedrich also was rever- sed, but the door was left open for a retrial on tha t count. Cranston flays Reaganomics Kemp says Am erica's recession predated president By THOMAS MURPHINE Of .... Deltr Not ..... CHICAGO -California Sen. Alan Cranston took some slams at the Reagan administration eco- nomic policies Thursday in an appearance here before the American Society of Newspaper Editors convention. Crans ton said Reaganomics amount to ''the path to richee for a few AmericanA but the peth to ruin for many Americans." He said Reagan's tight money policy was excemive, "a high riak experiment requiring a miracle to work." He said tight money ia another factor of Reaganomlca and has caused wideapl'ead buainess fail. urea. Cranston claimed that business failures are now up 57 percent. "Ronald Reagan has exploded the myth that ltepublicans are good for businea," Cranston as- terted. The opposite viewpoint was represented b y Congressman Jack KempaR-N .Y., who decla- red that the current recession can be traced back long before Rea- gan 'a presidency. •"There is no doubt that we are in a time of adversity,'' Ke mp said. "But it didn't start with Reagan's election. It started in 1979. 1 saw it in my town o f Buffalo. "The biggest tragedy of this presidency is that m the first 17 months the preside nt has not been able to change policy and get the bond market open." Kemp said high levels of eco- nomic growth will be absolutely n~. He contended that it is at>solutely imperative for "this president to save the dollar." There was some limited good news on the economic front from a third panelist, Allee Rivlin, di- rector of the Congressional Bud- get Office. Panel moderator James Gan- non described Mrs. R1vlm as "the best budget brain in Washingioo a nd has been right more often than the White House, no matter who was in it." Mrs. Rivlin said that there is hope for an upturn in the econ- omy within the next few weeks. "There is evidence that the recession has bottomed out, but no evidence of an upturn yet. . "When the tax cut takes place in July, that will put $200 per person purchasing power into the economy this summer. Recovery sh ould spread into the second part of the year," she said. Mrs. Rivlin forecast tha t in - terest rates will come down over the next few months. She said there wall be an upturn in the economy during the second half of this year, wi t h modera ~e growth over the next two years. SPRING CARPET SALE 100% llJlon SaxonJ C1rp1t s 15!!-teJMd 1110 llJlon Cut 1n~ Loop Tr10111 s14so ... Jd. ........... SALE ENDS MAY 17th You don't have to wait for that tax refund check to brighten up your home. We have 90 day -NO IN- TEREST Terms -(0.A.C.). 180% llJlon Splu1h C1rp1t s 1 2 141• Jd. In.UH ... : Installed Prices Include . NZX1-3'6CJO sponge rubbB pad . DEN'S . U!t~· :iiiiiiili,tiOii:· ustom drapBritJt, . ' .,,,~i 11 f 1663 PlACENTIA AYDIJE : COSTA MESA. CALIF. 9 621 •PHONE 6~ ·-64•2355 I. -- Orange Coa1t DAILY PIL.OT/Frlday, May 7, 1982 e.\_.~\ .~,.~ .· •'' Refund check delayed . t . DEAR PAT: We taave o•r decoder taken Ml by Selectv Jao. %8 ud U.ey uU we'd re-- celve oar s;efuod wllhln lix week•, We've wrlnea ud plaonedt bat the refund 1tUl bas aoa been received. llelp! L.F., Co1la Men Selectv says there was a mixup In its records beca~ of a misspelling of your name. The check now has been prcx.'eSSt.'d and you should receive it any day. If not, let A YS know. Appraising TR le1ter DEAR PAT: I'd •Ps»reclate it If you could tell me ltow I can contact a c ollector or pretldea tial letter• or autographs. I bave a letter signed by Tbeoclore Rooaevelt la 1918. -C.H., Balboa Evalene Pulati, owner of Americana Col- lectors Shop (111 E. Cubon, Santa Ana), can appraise{our letter for a nominal fee and she knows o a "Teddy" Roosevelt collector. The value of the letter will depend on it.s condition and content. The date it was written also de- tennines value, according to Mrs. Pulau. For instance, the letter probably would be worth more if it had been written during Roosevelt's tenn of offiL-e from 190 l when he became presid ent following P r esident McKinley's assasination through 1909. The letter you have was written the year before Rossevelt died at age 60 on J an 6, Hll9 Diet aids comment sought l DEAR READERS: May 27 is comment t deadline on a Food and Drug Admiuistration's ~ (FDA) advisory panel report calling two in-t gredients in non-prescnption diet aids, benw-~ caine and phenylpropanolamint.>, safe and ef- cording to the panel ~ , After comment evaluation, FDA will propoee a regulation establJ.ah1n8, for the fint time, in8J'ecllent and labelina 1tandarda for theee producta. Any prt>duct fa111na to meet the atandardl finally adopted may be removed from the market. • Send oommenta to Dock.eta Management Branch (HFA-306), FDA Room 4-2, 5600 FiBhen Lane, Rockvllle, Md. 80867. For more Information, write to William Gilbertaon. Bu- reau of Druga. at the above addreea. Needs passport renewed DEAR PAT: Wut 11 IM procedare for renewing my pa11port by mall? It wW expire In Ju.oe. -B.M., Newport BeacJI You can arrange for a $10 paaaport re- newal application b y vlaiting or maiUng a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the Hun- tington ~ach Post Office, 6771 Warner Ave., Huntington Beach 92647. When the passport application is completed, you can mail lt and two new , signed passport pictures to the passport office indicated on the form. The $10 rene wal fee applies to passports reissued within eight years to peraona who were not minors when the original pamport was laaued. As you might expect, many rules and regulations apply to pasaport issuance. Spe- cific information 'Can be obtained by phoning post office passport clerks in Fullerton, Gar- den Grove, Santa Ana, Laguna Hills and Anaheim. The addresses and phone numbers are listed in the White Pages phone book un- der the postal servia) heading of the United States Government listing. Check fee bill pending l, fective in weight control. 1 t· The FDA notes, howevt>r, that reports DEAR PAT: la It le1al for merclaa.Dt1 to ·• published after the panel's findings were charge a fee wllea a clleck boucet? Or, II tlala submitted show that phenylpropanolamine just sometblng they do-on their own? doses higher than those currently marketed J .R., Cotta Meu (but within the safe range recommended by Currently, retailers and lenden are not the panel) cause blood pressu re elevation. authorized to charge a fee to a consumer who Town mandates guns FRANKLINTOWN, Pa. (AP) -The head of each hou.lehold in th1a amall community mutt own a gun, under an ordinance palled by the borough council. Under the ordi.nanoe, t1.rnllar to one enacted recently in Kenne- saw, Ga., the fine for failing to own a gun is $300. But Council President Ralph Gundrum sees little chance of the ordinance being enforced. The ordinance , passed Wednesday night, includes clauses that exempt the disabled. the elderly and conscientious ob- jectors, Gundrum said. "We have thought about it for quite a while," Gunflrum said. "What we want to do lJ bring the guns out In the open and get people used t.o handling them." Gundrum said the burglary rate is up in Franklintown and the time has come to do some - thing about it. "A vast majority of the homes in Franklintown already have guns," Gundrum noted, adding that the ordinance will make the use of those guns safer. Gundrum said the chief of po- lice plans to conduct classes on fireanns safety, and ''people are going to protect themselves and they are going to protect their neighbors." Councilman Larry F. Wonders, who cast the only negative vote, predicted the ordinance would not protect homeowners from criminals. "If someone comes lo rob you and you have a gun they're still going to rob you," h e said. "You're liable to get shpt with your own gun." " AP Wltephoto CONCERT ON THE WHITE -Jack McGowan sets up bench for pia no placed in snow on Oregon's Mount Hood to publicize the Mount Hood Festival of Jazz in Gresham, Aug. 6-8. Sea lions stricken Mammals wash ashore near Ventura VENTURA (AP) -A dozen sea lions have died and washed up on Ventura County beaches in the past few days, authorities say. The Ventura County Environmental Health and Animal Regul.a1ion department.a, as well as state parks officials, say 12 of the eea lions have died since last Friday and some others have been di8oovered ill. Slx sea liom were found near Rincon Point, north of Ventura, three •...-e found off the Ventura pier and three were d.iacovered McGrath State Park in Oxnard.;. FDA called for more research to determine a writes a check ~hat bounces. Other buai.nesaes -=~deseTaAge-t~ . .pMA~ 111te bM'!f-al'fd-gl'oee~-eaJF.Howev· .. ~.~--S-~en-.,._-t~-.,..:-c·r-it<~1 --- the extent to which 1t induces or aggravates there is a pending bill in the sta.te Lejlialature ~· a;:n ·~" --Bl"ad.~ator of r;r:u~mmals~eland on Palos Verdes, said the· cauae of the illness is WiIOiown. The surviving sea lions are comatose, he said. high blood pressure. (AB 3479) tha t would authorize lend~s to In the meantime, FDA will allow phe-collect a fee (probably limited to $5 or $7) for nylpropanolamine to be usc.'CI at current levels return of a dishonored check, negotiab~ order (75 milligrams or fewer per day) but will .n<?t of withdrawal, or share draft. permit the higher dosage (up to 150 m1ll1- grams) recommended by the panel and avai- lable overseas. The panel found none of the other 111 ingredients in over-the-<.'<>unter diet pills had been proven effective. It satq that although phenylpropanolamine and benrocame (an an- esthetic that works by numbing the taste buds) might help reduce a dieter's appetite, they do not cause weight loss. Only eatinR less or exercising more can effect weight loss, ac- • Got a problem'! Then write ID Pat Horo-... 1 w1tz. Pat wW cut red tape, getting the ill answers and action you need to solve in- eqwlies in government and business. Mail your questjons to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, C.asta mesa, CA. 92626. As many letters as possible will be ans- wered, but phoned inquiries or letters not including thf' readn 's lull name, addresa and business hours' phone number cannot be considered. ----------·-----.. ---- B A secret place tor a connoisseur 01 sweets Our brightly paint~ candy bo~ from Villeroy & Boch $22.50 A Serve a Qourmel least on our lustrous black tray handcralted. and embellished wrth delicate 1rise'l From Couroc 146. . WALNUT CREEK (AP)-~ scientist at the Lawrence Liver- more Laboratory remained in critical condition while doctors awaited t.est.s to determine if his pneumonia-like il~ess was cau- sed by Legionnaire's bacteria. An autopsy ls planned on at least one dead sea lion. Andrews said a similar outbreak occurred three years ago in Southern California, "and we never did determine what was wrong." He said the disease seems to attack the central nervous system and appears to affect adult female sea lions the worst. EARN AND LEA N! Deliver the Daily Pilat Boys and girls 10 or older - Call 642-4321 and apply today. Daily Pilat The Robinsons Gift PAMPER YOUR VERY DESERVING MOM. LAVISHLY. With life.'s little luxuries. Like a hideaway for chocolates A tray to inspire breakfast in bed A charming basket or flowers . And then some. We 've gathered the gifts to please her Tempting little treasures. for a very reasonable $18-$50. Now add your own special touches. And give a very special mom an extra special day. Robinson's Gifts. 59. To order. call toll-free 1·800.·345·8501. / D. Bright, forever fresh blotsoms, tenderly placed In a tiny basket. C A carate tor tler bedside From Salos. clean and sculpted, with Its own gla'I~ atop $20. From a oOllectlon, by Deldan. 111•9'0. e Our 10· collector'• plate celtt>retlng ct\lldren from 8'tdn1Ck, i.aut11utly ri.nctpelnttd with en Ofltnttl motif, With etend. - T MSJ Data Corp. o! Cotta Mma hu announced a chaln·Wfde aale ol a h.andheld pori.b~ data entry computer •rrtem to Eckerd Drua Co. of Clearwater, Fla. The price was not announceO. Eckerd Drug, a dJviaion of Jack Eckerd Corp., la the Sun Belt'• largest dru,g re\aller with more than 1,200 stores in 16 •tat.es. The system will be used to electronk:ally order merchandise at each retail outlet and then transmit the data via telephone lines directly to one of seven F.ckerd data processing centers equipped with lBM Series/l computen1. Fluor wins AMF contract A Daniel lntemationaJ wlit of Fluor Corp. of Ir- vine has been selected by AMF-Tuboecope to provide design management, procurement and construction management services for a pipe-coating plant and of- fices at Neusa-Dua&eldorf, West Gennany. Total installed costs of the 80,000-square foot fa- cility, which will serve German clients and others ln the.oiJ drilling industry, la estimated at $10 million. Value of the contract to Daniel is approximately $4 million. Utility to issue stock San Diego Gas & Electric pl.am to iaue 250,000 shares of Its preference stock (cumulative) in an offe- ring that is scheduled for May 12. The preference stock, (cumulative) will be priced at $100 a share, raising $25 million for the company. The proc~ds of next week's sale will repay a portion of the company's outstanding short~tenn_ debt. The debt was incurred for the ternPQrary fanancmg of the company's construction program. Money m anagem ent ta ug ht Cape Star Financi.a.l of San Clemente will sponsor a money management seminar Thursday at 7 p.m. in room 200 of San Clemente High SchooL Speakers will be Fred Pleracci and W. Dennis Renter, financial planners. "For information, call 661-7372. I Spa o peration acquired Four Coast and Valley Spas -in Beverly Hilla, Van Nuys, Woodland Hilla and Pasadena -have been acquired by Imperial Spa, Inc., and have begun ope- rating as Imperial Health Spas. fmperial Spa operaie. five health spa facilities in Downey, Whittier, La Habra, Fountain Valley and Garden Grove with a total membership exceeding 55,000. The firm's corporate offices are in Fullerton. P remium pay m ent p ossible SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Pacific Telephone shareholders may get a common share premium of as much as $2.25 whe n American Telephone & Tele- graph Co. takes over the company for about $452 million. PacTel i&clued the prelin\,inary figure Wednesday, but the actual figure will depend mi stock prices at the time of the takeover. The move may occur as early as May 12. Under the takeover agreement, each PacTel share will be exchanged for 0.35 of an AT&T share. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS JD ll'ICI 'I I~ 10 u Stk 11• ti 114.11 IU.O+ 1.U '"""' Tr*' Utlh )I0'13 >4A SJ1.lf Ml.CIJ+ 16of 1.Jll4,IGD Ull.-1.1'15,D u Stt; WHAT STOCKS DID Tllun NEW YOAIC IAPl ~y • Thun NIEW YOfllC CAPI _., • METALS MS 2'10 m m ,. IJ "·'"·· -de* .. , 4JI ...., " ,. NEW VORK (AP) -Spot nonfetrOU4 rnteal pr109I todey. c •• _., 11·1 f c•nl• 1 pound, U.~. lnlttonL L,...i 2$-27 cents I l)OW'd. ZIM 38 Genta I pound, --.cl. , T9ll l e.7011 ~W-~lb. AIU L ura 7 .. n oent9 I oouncl, N.V. ' ......,, 1n1.oo ps flMi.. ,...._ ~.00 trOr oc., N.V. , SILVER Hendy a Htrlftln, II.HI per troy ounoe.~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' ' l -i Orange co.M DAILY PILOTJl"f1dtlY, M-V 1, 1112 Nit.IC NOTICE ........ NOTICI Of' nNtTll'I IAU ,~~IOUt 8UllNHI TrueM'1 .. Ho. "41 ,_.,., STATl•NT On· June 11. 1982. at 9: 16 A.M.. The lollowlng per10n1 are doing Preolalon Reoonveyan<i• Corp., • butlnee. u : Clllf()(nla Corporation .. duly ap· ''ALBERT ALLEN". 22eoo-c polftled Truet• under and purauant Lambert StrMI, Suite 908, El T0to. to the Deed or Tru11 reoorcltd CA 92830. 1t-19-t1, .. Intl, No. 22'35. In ALBERT HARRISON PRITTS. book , l"ege • Of Olllclal 27'61 Chepal1, Ml11lon Viejo. CA Aecordl In the oflloe Of the County 92'82. Aeoorder of Orange County, State RICHARD ALLEN OOUBl.E-of Calltornla. Oil. t813 Camden Place. Fullerton. E.HCVled by Bobble Morgen Lane, OA 92'33. .. hef tOle and eep11ate prOPeftY Thi• t>ueln4M• '' conduc1ed bV. • WILL SELL AT PIJ8LIC AUOTIO~ .,.,_., pertnerthlp. TO TH! HIQMHT BIOOEA '0A Rlcllerd Allen OOubledff CASH (payable at time ot nle In Thlt 11e1emen1 wu flied with the NIUC M>TICE PUel.IC NC>TICI StddlebMik Community Coneoe 0111r1c1 l'le1tby glvet notlOt 11\aa II hu filed IOt a majO< Chenge In 111 Fe<le11l Comm11nlca11on1 Commit tlon applloerlon for an F'M Tr anti .. tor lo aerve Newpofl Bea9h, C111~ lornaa lo be located on the roof of Hoag Ho1pltal. Reg11rdlng appllet• lion Ille i BPFT8f0t15fA. dated March 18. t982, the l ollowlng changH h•v• bffl1 P•OPOHd I. Ohange Ol lrequency lrom 811 I MHr to 89.6 MHz. 2. Change In power ouaput from •Ingle ten w11t ampllllet to duel ten wall ampllller1. 3 Cha110• In number of dlrecllonal anlenn•• from lour 10 lwo Com- mente In euppor1 of or 1n C>Pl)Olltloo NILIC M>TIC£ 'ICTITIOUI IWllNHI NA• STATE~NT The tollowlng pe1•01• 11 doing buJlnen as; TH( SECOND TIMI AAOUNO. 440 ! 17th 81 .• Co••• Meu. CA 92627 8111n Gorham Jon••· 3408 8 l\on St . Senta Ana, CA 02707. lt11• bua1neu 11 condueted by .,, lridlVldual Br11n Gorham ~onet Thll •l•tement WH llled with 11!4f County Clork ol Orange Counly on April :H 1082. f11'1171 Pubhll'led Ora1109 Col•I Daily Piiot, April 23. 30. Mty 7, 14, 1982 1781-82 lewful rnon.y of the United Stal.a) County Clent of Orenge Coun1y on 11 th• front entrance lo th• Old Ap(M 16. '1982. to tile eppUcellon m1y be filed with 1------------ the Federal Communlcellon1 Com-P\a.tC NOTICE Orange County CourttlOuM located • '117421 on Santa Ana Blvd .. '*-8~ Publl•hed Orenge Co•tt Delly more end Broadway, Sanaa Aria. Piiot. Aprll 23. 30. May 7, 14. 1982 C11U: all right. tlllt 1nd Interest t817-82 conveyed to and now l'leld by It mltalon. Publlthed In Oranrc Coa11 1---F-IC-m--IO_U_S_a_u.,i_IH_E_l_I __ Dally Piiot, OatH of Pub le1llon NAMI ITATIEMEHT May 6. 7. t2. 14, 18, 21. 1982 2088-82 file following per1on 11 doing bus1ne11 ••· under 11ld OHd of t rutt In the i----P\8.--IC-NO_T_IC_E ___ _ property tlluated In Hid County l------------ lnd Stale de9crlbed u : 'ICTITIOUS •ult ..... PUIUC MOOCl Loi 73 Tract 842.5 In the Clty or NAM• STATlMINT ~ Beacl'I, County of Orange, The lollowlng person 11 doing NOTICE 0, TRU9Tl!IE'I SALE 8t1te of California u per map rec-bullneat u · T.9. No. 9-24 orded In book 330 page(•) 8 NORDIC REFRIGERATION, On May 21, 1982. I I 9 16 AM . lhrough t4 Of Ml-ilaneout Mapa, 1625 W. M1cArthur. • 17. Colla TITLE SERVICES. INC , H duly ep- ln the Ofltc. of the County RllCOfd., Meta, CA 92826. pointed Tru•tee undlf and purauanl Of aaJd County. WAYNE M. ST A A LES 0 N • to Deed ol Trull recorded May 19. The 1treet addrHs and other 17062 Green Street, #93. Hunting-1980, H Inst No. 19053, 1n book common deelgnatlon. If any, ot the ton Belch, CA 928'611. t3610 1570 r 0111 1 1 R real property detcrlb•d above It lhla b···•--.. 11 conduct_,. by 1n • page · ' 0 c ' •-.,_.., '""' corda In tile office of the County purported lo be: 33 M11n1111 Drive. 1ndlvldu1I. R.cordar or Or1nge Coun1y. C1ll-Newport Bffch, C1llfornle. Weyne M. Staeleaon lornlt. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC PLAZA TRAVEL CENTRE. 112 l W Orange1horpe Avenue, Fuller1on, CA C PETEA HICKS. 28586 M•m- brtno. Minton v1e10. CA 92691 Thll bu11ne!ll 11 conduc:le<I by an 1nd1v1duel C Pellr H~t This statement was filed with the County Clerk ot Orange County on Aprrl 19. 1982 Ftl7W7 Publianed Orange Coul Dally PllOI, Aptll 23 30 May 7, 14, 1982 1837-82 ' . ENDANGERED SIGN? -Oregon Gov. Vic Atiyeh says he'd like to dynamite-this $10,000 redwood sign on the California-Oregon state ,.,,...,..,...0 line to demonstrate the state's desire for new r~dents and not just visitors. The undartlgned Trustee dl1-Thie etatemenl was llled wlth the UCTION TO HIGHEST BIOOER FOR cl1lme any ll11bllity for any lncor· County Clerk ol Orange County on CASH. CASHIER'S" CHECK OR rect,_ In the tlreet address end April 19, 1982. CE"TIFIEO CHECK ( bl I other common de1fnn1lloo, II any. F1f7571 " • P•Y• e a • llme of Ale In lawful money or the Shown herein. l'ubll1hed Orange Coell Di lly United Saatff) at the front entrance Pl8LIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI 8VllNlH NAME aTATElllENT Said Hie will D• made, but wl-PllOt. Aprll 23, 30, Mey 7. 14, 11182 10 the old Orange County Cour- thOul C011enan1 or warranty, expreaa 1803-82 lhoute. located on Santa Ana eou- or lmplled. regarding lllle. pos ... ·1------------leverd. t>etween Sycamore Slreel The tollowlng persona are doing buslneH aa· .Oregon: Nice place to visit? •Ion. or encumbrence1. Including Ml.IC NOTICE end Broadway. Senta Ana. Cllttor-1-. charges end expeneet of the1------------I 1 t Truatee end of the tru111 created by FICTITIOUS BUSINESS nla al 'ght, Ille and lnterffl con- 11ld Deed of Trull to wit: $158.-MAMIE 8TATl!MIENT veyed to and now held by II under I said Deed of Trutl In the property 000 00 with lnterHI thereon from The lollowlng person Is do no llluated In H id County end Stlle November 20. 1981 at 22 percent bualneas as. KASHMIR LTO., 347t Via Lklo, Su11e 211, Newport Beach, CA 92683 DANNY JAY SCHEUER. 25 Roc:ky Knoll. Irvine. CA 92715 OAVIO H. EVANS. 32 Rocky KnOll. Irvine, CA 92715 per annum at provided In .. Id ANDERSON ENTERPRISES. described u : SALEM, Ore. (AP) -Gov. Vic Atiyeh sa)'I he doesn't want outsiders getting the wrong impressi- on from a border sign that says, "Welcome to Ore- gon. We hope you will' enjoy your visit." nomination, felt so strongly about the distinction that he threatened last weekend to blow up a $10,- 000 sign on Interstate 5 at the California border. By Wednesday, however, Atiyeh had calmed down. note(t) plua coats and eny advance• 19132 M1gnolle C30, Hunllngaon Lot 15 ol Tract No. 7800. In the ol $2.229.06 ptu• lntlf .. t. Beach. CA 92648. clay 01 Newport Beach, u per map The beneficiary under tlald Deed Irene Elaine Anderson. 19132 recorded In Boo!! 304, pages 35 to 37 lnclutMI of mlt10ellaneou1 maps, or Trust heretofore executed and Magnolia C30. Hunlington Be1ch. In the olflce 01 the county recorder delivered 10 111• undertlgnad a CA 92646 This bvslnets 11 conducted by 1 general p1rtnerahlp. Oen Scheuer Thl• statement w111 filed with the County Clerk ot Orange County on April 20, 1982 written Oeclarelion of Oeleu11 and This busmeas 11 conducted by an of said county Demand for Sale. and a written lndlv1dual Parcel 2· Non exclutlve appurte-He'd r a ther the sign read, "Welcome to Oregon." Period. He says Oregon likes its visitbrs, but also likes people who come to stay. [n fact, Atiyeh, who is seeking Republkan re- Fonner Gov. Thomas McCall. concerned about overdevelopment, used to tell visitors to enjoy themselves in Oregon, byt then go home. Notlce of Oefaull and Elecllon 10 Irene E Anderson nint e1temen1S lor lngreu and Seti. The und-"'ned caused H id fhlS statement was tiled with the egrets over private a1ree1S 88 set w• ""V forth tn lhe decll,.llon ot cove-Notice of Oelaull and Elecllon to County Clerk of Orange County on nanll, condition• and rHtrlcllons Sell 10 be recorded In the County April 21, 1982 lhown herein where Ille real properly 11 loeeled. F1l7774 Truator or record own8'· J0"4N A F1'1724 Publtshe<l Orange Coaat 01lly PI-iot. April 23. 30, May 7, 14, 1982 1757-82 Ml.IC M>TIC£ Date: April 29. 11182 . Published Orange Coett Ollly Piiot. KR/4.JIAN and DIANE Fl KRAJIAN. Cajun town goes off its tl.i~t Prec:ltlon Reconveyance AP<ll 23. 30. May 7. 14. 1982 husband and wile as jOlnl tenanta Corp. 1784·82 The tlreet aodreu and 01her 1657 E. UnoOln Ave., common o .. ~nallon. 11 any. of 1he Or~. CA 92665 ____ MUC ____ M>_T1C£ _____ real proper! described above 11 es said Truatee. · By· JOhn c . Nixon. ,ICTITIOUa 9Ul*IE8S purported to be • 7 Rue Vlllart. Prea4den't NAME ITATEMINT Newpon Beach. C1lllornle. FICTITIOUS 8UllN£99 NAME STATDff.NT The loll0W1ng peoont .,. dOlng business H TOOL SHACK OF SANTA ANA. 2118 Soulh Milin Slreel. Santa Ane. CA 92707 • NATCHITOCHES, La. (AP) -All 18,000 residents of this town were urged to go on a strict die t but now, two years later, most have gone back to eating local favorites such as fried meat pies. He thought it would improve the health of the town. But • within a 'year, he admitted, ta- king the town off its Cajun diet was a project doomed to failure, and i.ru¢ead the $40,000 went for a media blitz to educate towns- people about good nutrition. waa lost. A survey of 99 Natchi- toches' residenta show~ 55 could list more than four items from the Pritikin diet while no one in the nearby college town of Ruston could name more than two. f I 11 I I I The !.indertlgned Trualee dll-Authorlze.d Slgn•lur.. bUll';.!,; .:_w ng person 1 do ng clalm1 eny llablllty 101 any 1ncor- Publl1hed Or1nge Coul Delly OOM ORIGINALS. 500 S. Main ne91 of the stteel eddr-end Pllol. M1y 7, 14. 21, 1982 2008-82 St., Ste 512, Orange. CA 92668 other common designation. II t ny, Carla Dawn Han. 518 East Sl'lown herlMn. PUBl.IC M>TICE Oakmont. Oranoe. CA 92667 Seid Hie will be made. bu! wl- 1------------ThlS business 1s be1no conduc1e<1 thout covenant orw11ran1y. express FlCTT110UI aUllNl89 by 811 indMduel or lmplled. regarding tllle. poaaea- NAMIE STATEMENT Carla Dawn Herl slon. Of encumbrances. to pay the The lollowlrlg person 11 doing This statement was filed with the unpaid balance of the note(s) Meu- ANTHONY P. CIROCCO, 1228 Eltner Place. Anaheim. CA 9280 1 This buainess la cond\/Cted by an indlv10U81. Antl\ony P Cirocco !his statement was filed wllh the County Clerk of Orenge County on April 22. t982 ANOIEASON, BECK & STEWART WNll.,., A. AnderMn [n 1980, sociologist C.B. "Lum" Ellis persuaded the state to com- mit public money to put Natchi- toches on a diet for a year. The Pritikin Research Foun- dation says, however, that not all "I guess one way of putting th.at is that Lum Ellis did a good job," said Roland Pippin, who conducted the survey. butl,,... u : Counly Clerk ol Orange county on red by H id Deed of Trust. lo·wll· TRUMP MARKETING, 1870 April 21. 1982 S 17 t,679 31, includlnQ es provkled Sanaa An1 Ave., Suite o. Cos111 F18T772 In 111d no1e(1I. 1dvences. 11 any. M-. CA 92627. Publlshe<I Orange cout Daily Piiot under the termt of 181d Deed of J-Guereml. 637 W. C.,.ter April 23. 30. May 1. 14. 1982 Trust. lees. ch11ges end expenses Ave .. 11B. Placentia. CA 92670. 1787-82 ol the Trullee end or the 1n.11ta 223 E. Thou11nd O•k• Blvd., No. 421 Thou .. nd Oeb, CA 91380 F1'7930 Publlahed Orange Coast Dally P11o1. April 30. Mey 7. 14. 21. 1982. t9~2 DIATH NDTICIS Nil.JC M)TIC( FICTITIOUS .U ... M NAM1 STAra.NT The loUowtng persona ere dolllQ business las: LANGFORD of Orange. Ca., and daugh ter WESTERN HALLMARK CARDS FRANCES MA RI E Jill Steel of Okinawa. Ser-& GIFTS. 793 So. Tu1Cln AYe .. Or- LANG FORD, passed away vices and interment will be enoe0;~::~•k 2389 Coron• on May 1982 in M o nterey, held in Providence, Rhode Noreo, CA 91780. · • Ca. while v i siting her son. Island. Arrangements by MlfY Lake, 2389 Coron1. Not- .She was born in Missouri on Saddleback Chapel Tu.tin co. CA 91760. , · • ' Thts ~ ls oonducted by I Apnl 11. 1900. H er husband Ca. ~at pllrtnera:Np Thomas L. Langford prece-LESTER Barbar• Luak ded her in d eath. Survived EUGENIA LILLIAN '*7l1 by 2 ch ildren William Gear LESTER 'd t f Bal Puoltthed Orenge CoHI Delly -• a resa en o -Poot. May 1, t4, 21. 211. 1992 'ge Langford of Monterey, boa~. Ca. Paslled away 2072-82 Ca. and Dorothy L . Bradley on May 5. 1982. She wasP----------- of Newport B each . Ca., 2 ~min Ark.an.sas City. Kan-PllllC •TICl sisters Ruth Boland of Mis-sas on July 31, 1912. She was ----------- soun and Virginia LaMar of preceded In death by her T.S. NO. et=1: 120 3S800 8 Ariz.ona. 5 grandc h ildren parents and her brothers and NOTICE Of TM.ISTH'S SAU! and 2 great-grandch ildren. sisters. she was the youngest Exewted by: Biiiy E. Saevenaon Visitation will be held at the of 7 children. Eugenia and •ng,,R=; ~~ta:;2 11 9:15 ·B a ltz B~rgeron Smith & J o hn L ester were married A.M. CHICAGO 'tlTLE INSURANCE Tuthill M ortuary o n Sun -on F ebruary 7. l932 in Ark-COMPA,..Y aa duly appointed day. May 9, 1982 from ansas C i t y, Kansas, they Truttee under and pureu1nt to l :OOPM to 5:00PM . Funeral moved to California in 1§35. 0..d of Trull recorded t0-30-79, at lntt. No. In book 13373, ser vices will be held o n They resided on Balboa ls-pege 1295. of Otflclel Reccwdl In the M onday, May 10, 1982 at land for the past 10 years. office of tl'I• County A_d., of l :OOPM at Baltz Bergeron Eugenia and John celebrated Orange County, Celllornla WILL Smith & Tuthill Westcllff their 50th anniversary o n ~~~~tJl~,~~J~t~&~'i'U~ Chapel M ortuar y with th e February 7, 1982. She is (payable al time of HI• In lewful 1 Rev. Gene Swa~on of the surrvived b y her loving money ot the Uftll«S Slat•I at Ille Harbo ,..._ -'-f Ch h f h b d J front entrance to the old ()reno• r '-ru-"' tan urc o us an ohn and her 2 c ounty Court Houee. located on ~ewport Beach o fficiating. children John, Jr. and Kay Santa Ana Blvd .• betwHn Syce- lnterment will follow at Pa-Coop er and also 7 grand-more St. end Bfoedway Santa AN. cif ic View Cem etery. Mrs. children. John Lester III, Calltomla all rlgfit, title end Int-I La f d ·d f conveyed to and now held by II ng or was a rcs1 ent o Paula Lester, Carrie Cooper, under aald Deed or Trusl In lhe Costa M esa since 1962 and Wilfred Cooper. Allred Coo-property tltuated In Hid County was a member of the Harbor per, M ichele Lester and MI-111\d State deacflbed u : Ch . . Ch h f N PARCEL 1: rastlan urc o ew -chael Lester. Services will Unit 7• In tl'I• City of Cotta port ~ac.h. Services under be held on Saturday, May 8, M .... Counav of Oranoe, Stele or the darectaon of Baltz Berge-• 1982 at l l :OOAM at the Pa-California. u aflOWn encl c»flrl8d on ron Smith & Tuthill West-cific View Chapel. Entomb-tl'lel cer1aln Condominium ~an cliff Chapel M ortuary o f ment at Pacific View Me-;~:~d~u:a~.5~ 1~~: Costa Mesa. 646-9371. morial Park. Pacific View or Oranoe County c.llfomla. M ortuary directors. PAAC'lL 2: BARBOUR M undivided 1191h lnt-t In EUNICE L . BARBOUR, PtaJC NOT1C( end to Lot 1 of Trect No. 10425 In 1he City of ea.ta Meaa. Couniy of resident of South Laguna. __ F_IC_TITIOU--,-llU-... --,-,--Orange, Stale of Celffornla. u per Ca. Passed away on M ay 6, NAME ITA TUilOfT m.., -ded In Book 45 t pegea 21 1982. Survived by son Neil The lollowlng peraon 11 doing to 22 or Ml1eellaneout Mape, re-business 111· cord• of Of.nge County. C.tllfomta AWA ENTERPRISES. 2025 t0gether with all lmprovementt ~------------1 Anaheim Ave . Cosle Mell. CA tllereon, ex~ttno thef.trom Con-92627 domlnlum Unit• t through 9 lnclu· ULTZIHGHOM SMITH & TUTHILL WISTCLIFF CHA'U 427 E 17th St Costa Me~a 64f\-Cl~7 t "HCI ll.0Tt41U SMITHS' MC>•1\l.UT 627 Mam St Hun11nQton &a( h 536·6539 'AClffC VllW Ml:MO•IAL 'Altl Cermrery M ortvarv Cnaoe1-Crematory 3500 Pac1l1c View Dnve Newport Beach 644·2700 McCO.Mfa MOaTUA•tH laouna Beach 494·9415 laovna Hills 168·0933 San Juan Cap1:W3no •95·1776 • .--- HMtOI LAWM-MT. OUYI Monvarv • C.mtltr\' Crenwtorv 1625 G1111r Ave Costa M"'9 5~555-4 Richard W Cram. 2025 Ane-tlw. located thereon. helm. Cotta Mesa. CA 92627 PAACEL 3: Thia bullnes• is conductod by en An 81lciutlw •-I appur-lndlvldual t.nent to Md! unit for 1M UM and Rlctlard W. Cram oooupenc:y of ltw>M portlone of the Thi• ····-· WH filed wlth Ille r..nated common ., .. deMQrlated County Ctent of Orange County on In the Declaratlon of ,.._1rfct1on1 April 21. 1982. -~In 8ootl 131ff peoe 132.8 '117111 Offlclal Aecorda of Mid County and Publlllhe<I Orange Coett Dally Plloa. 1l'lown on 11'1• Condominium Plall' April 23. 30, Mey 7. 14, 1982 fOf Mdl unit. 178()..82 The ttreel addreH and other ----------comMOn dealgnatlon. " eny. of the rtaJC M)TlC[ r .. r property cleecrlbed above I• -----------l)Url)Or1ed 10 be: 2205 PllClftc A.,.. F1CTTTIOU8 llU-.. nu• No. 101, Co•I• M•H. Oa. I MAim STAra.tn' 112927. The follo•lng perton la doing TM undet•~=~•lme eny butlMN U: li.bMy for.,,,., .,._ of IN ROBERT 8 . GALTER ltr ... adctr•anclotller~mon SOFTWARE ENGINEEJlllNO Hff.-daalgnaUOn, If q, aflowrt .,_.,, VICES, 2327 Autgerl, Coata MeM, 8ald .... wtN be maM, l>ut wl- Cellfomla. thOut ~ °'""~· ...... Robert s. Gener. 2321 Rut09f9, ot ~!*eel. r~ tlttl, PolMl--co. .. MeM. Ctlllfcwnll t2t2t. tkln1 cw ~ to PtY tlle Thia bue1!"81 le oonducWd by en remaining principal aum of the lndMdual. note(•) ncured by •Id l>ffd of Rober1 8, Giit• Tr~llll lnterHt tltereon, at Thll •t•i.tnent ... llltcl wlttl the pr In Mid Mtl(a), ~ County Clerk Of Ofenot County on If "YI· unditf tlle Wlftl ot tlle o.ed Al>t• 1•. 1"2. ;Jf Tn.t, 1-, oMrv-and~ •1171• ... of IN Truaeee encl of ._ 1Nllla Publl1had Oran91 Co .. t Diiiy ~ bY Mid Deed Of Trutt, •o- Ptlot, Apftl 1e. n. '°· ~ 1 i...!..MI wit m .-.... 1en..U n. .. .....,., WMllt ll6d O.S 1-----------lof Ttuet '*9tofore euouttd and ~ ll)TIC( dlllffred to 1111 11nder111n-.. • ..,,..., O.CWMtoft Of Olfeuft Md ~-~· 0-.Md for II .. , lfMI I wtl09'1 ~=-" pertol\ It clolAt ::-n: :::=,:,t ::-' .J: LI IOYHHHl'IAY MOlJtH ....... or ,.fellft Md ........ to lT QI&, .. ,,,,, °"""' c.. .......... lte ,........ "' -:;: ()At2'2t --~II ~ A Wein 11M Del Mir NMle, ltteet A,.._. Md .... ....... ,.~ • :L.' ~ ........ .,~ ...... ,.-.. ...,... MIM, CA tHM. .... •u~ ..... a-...!m ~ M. Clertl, tMA Del ,., _. Ot"'""''" 8"I 1 A¥e., 0.. M9a. OA t21M. Loe~CL C11tt ..=. :::..:.. OOl'CMMd If I llO M eO. Ml.IC M>TICE ITAn•NT Of' AaANDOMllllPfT Of'UMOF ,ecnnous eu.-u NA• The lollowlng pereon h•• aben- doned the UM Of the llctlli0\11 bull- ~ name: PICCAOILL Y PARK CAFE. 48a 1 Birch StrHI, Suite P. Newport 8-ctl, CA 92e60. The Fictitious Butlnesa Nll"I ,... terred to above wu flied 1n Orange County on May 17. t98t. RONALD O. CRAIG. 15709 Tustin VIiiage W1y, #J8, Tuetln. CA 92980. . Thi• bueineaa wea conduc1ed br an ltldlYldual. Ronald 0. Cr elg Thlt ttatement wu nled with the County Clertt of Orange County on AprM 20. t082. '1eOM1 Publllhed Orange Coast Ody P~ lot, /l.pril 2:3. 30, Mey 7, 14. 11182 1754-82 MllC NOTICE FICTTTIOUS aUl!MaH NAMI STAftlftHT The lollOWlllQ pereona are doing butlneM u : (e) INVESTMEl<f BROK£RS Of CALIF.; (bl INVESTMENT BRO- KERS Of' SOUTHERN CALIF .• 10 Mellatd, lrvlne, CA 92714. FLH ENTERPRISES, INC .• a Callfotnll corpor1t100, 10 Mallard, trvlne, CA 92 71 •. Thia but!,_ It conducted by e corporaUoo. FLH Enterprl-. Inc. F. L. Hanton, Pretldenl Thi• statement wu nled wllh the Covnty Clel1t of Orange County on MerQh 30. 1982. ,1tel1. Publllhed Orange CoHt Dally Piiot, Ap(M 23, 30, May 7, 14, t982 1804-82 Thi• butlnesa 11 conducted by an ------------creeled by nld Deed of Truet lndMdull. PUBl.IC NOTICE The beneficiary under Hid Oeeo J1mea Gueraml of Trutl heretofore e•ecuted and Thia statement wu ftled wlUl the delivered to the undersigned a County Clerk of Orange County on FICTITIOUS BUSINESS wrlllan Oecleretloo of 0.feull eno April 8. 1982. NAME STATEMENT Oem1nd for Sele. and a written F1MIOI The following person •s doing Nollce of Oelaull and Election 10 Publlahed Orar.oe Cout Daily Piiot, buSlness as Seil The und8'Slgned caused said April 16, 23. 30. Mey 7, 1982. SOUTH COAST BOAT YARD. Notice ol Oeleull end Election to 1724-82 2270 Newport B(lj.llevard, Newport Sell to be recorded In Iha county ----.. -_-IC_MnTll' ___ .E ___ .e.ac~iccH8!~~n~o~2~Av1s. 2001. ~u~: ~eai~::;u~::~8: l'\IUL m111" No. B. Ocean Boulevard. Newport TITl.IE HRVICIEI, INC • ---,tC-TITI-IO--U-.-eu-.... --.. --BHGh. Calllorn•• 92663 -..,, .. Monica •h•d .. 81111• 40I NAME ITATli•NT . T.h1s business la conduC1ed by an a.nta Monica. Ce ICM01 The .,i1ow1no per.one are doing 1nd1vldual na-f711 bullneaa ••: Michael J Oe1na oate: APft1L 22, 1.a SPEAR TRUCKING. 21t9 Po-This statement wu fifed wlt'1 Ille TITLE SERVICES. INC mone. Colt• Mesa. C/4. 92627. County Clerk of Orange Counay on as said nustM. TERRY PHILIP SPEAR. 21111 Aptll 28. t982 By Kathleen Thompson Pomona, Colla Mesa, CA 92827. FtM210 Vice Prelldenl CANDACE SUE SPEAR. 2 t 19 Published Orange Coe&t Dally Publlsl'led Orange Co Ht Dally Pomona. Cos!• Mesa. CA 92827 Piiot. Aprll 30, May 7 14. 21, 1982 Piiot. Apr'll 30. May 7. 14. 1982 Thia t>utlMlll 11 conducied by In l890-ll2 11169-82 lndMdueJ. flfry P. Speer Thia atalemenl was filed with the County Clerk of Oranoe County on AprH 20. 1982 Flrn'23 Puollshed Orange Coat! Oa1ly PI-iot, Ap(ll 23, 30, May 7, t4, 1981 1765-82 PUBltC M>TICE f'tB.IC NOTIC£ OFFICIAL PROCEIEOINQS OF THIE llOARO OF SUPERVISOA8 OF ORAHGIE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Senta An1. California Pl8llC NOTICE FICTITIOUS ltUSIN!IS NAME STATEMENT The rollowmg PlfSOfl 1s doing busi-ness as• SECURITY CONSULTANT ANO ALARM SVSTEMS. 2521 l Stock- pofl Onve. 11227. Laguna Hilla. CA 92653 ABBAS SAOAAI, 2521' Stock- port Orrve. •227. Laguna Hiii•. CA 92653 Th•• bu11neu is conducted l>y an individual AOOU Satoari This statement was flied with the Co~mly Clerk ot Orerige County on April 20. 1982 F1ffl11 Publlshed Orange Coaat Dally Piiot, April 23 30. May 7. 14. 1982 • 1819-82 P\mlC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The lollow1ng persons are doing ou1s1ness as INTRICATE DETAIL. 2372 Mil.JC M>TICE FlCT1T10US SUIMH ..._STATDeNT A reguler mNtlng 01 the Board of Supervisor• ol Orange Counly. Cal-Newport Boulevard. Cosla Mesa. lfornla. also atltlng as the Gowrning Board of the Olstrlcl1 governed by CehtJ~~;il~2:AGNAR LYNN 322 lhe Board of Supervlaors WU held April 27. 1982. 11 9:30 AM The IOI· . The following perton la doing busl-u: J & L CONTEMPORARY DE-SIGNS, 7632 Alberta Or., Hunllng- ton 9each. CA 112~. Jotln Anlhony Hagan, 7632 Al- berta Or .• Huntington BHch. CA 112&48. Thia oualneaa 11 conducted lly en lndhlldual. Jonn A. Hagan Thi• ttatement wu filed with the County Clertt of Orange County on Marct'I 17. 1982. lowlng named members being present. BN<:e Neslande. Chairman Roger East Live Oek Street San Gaorlel. ~~anion, Harriett M. Wieder. Relph B. Clark. Thomas F Alley and lhe Ceorg-;~~i':~~US. 322 EaSI Live Reappointment of Jack Miiter 10 the Weslmlnstlf Ctvlc: Center Authority Oak Street. San Gabr1et. Calilorn1a and appointment of Harold /4.. Fltchef 10 the Advlaory Board on Drug 9 l 776. Programs, are approved. Commendaliona and proc:lemattons are eppro-This, bustneu Is conducted by a ved. Assignment of Oellnquenl Medical Center accounts 11 approved general partnership Cert1ln construction contracts are pr()90Md. ew1rded and completed Jellrey A Lynn Legletallon Planning Commlllee recommendallon1 ere adopted This statemenl was tiled with Ille The name or Reproduction. Records end Graphic• Olvlslon 111 County Clerk ol Ora"9t1 County on changed to Reprogrephlc1 end Records 01v111on_ Grent deed or Ros-April 28. l982 Flll27S smoor Corporation's Lel~r• World Theme Area percel ts eocepted Ad-mlsalon f-at N-port OunM ere increased Revenue Sl'lating funding Pubttshed Orange Coes1 Dally IOf capltal lmc:;rO'lemenla for lhe San Clemente Senior Cen18' Is approved P1101. April 30. Mey 7 14. 21. 1982 Tr1n1ler of funds to Fullerton South Cenlrel Homeowners & Tenants l893-82 Aaaocllllon la authorized. Bolero Mountain Fire Lookout Facllily agree------------- ment wlth The Irvine Company Is epprO'led AB 8 Determination lor Alt-PlaJC NOTICE llleW Terrace Annellallon Is approved. Property Tax Revenue Exchange ------------rta.JC NOT1C( OetermlnellOti for Annex1tlon No. 82-1 11 8'>Pf'Oved. Resotutlons c:e'11lylng FIC!!!!OU8T• ~!rlHEH EIR 400 u complete Ind plfklng reslrlc:tlons on Portola Plr'l<wey are N..-.. A• .. -.HT F1llMI Put>lltl'led Orange Cout Dally Piiot, Apr1I 16, 23. 30, Mey 7, 1982. 1720-82 'ICTTT10U8 .U.,..M tldopled, end Agre«nent with Mlaalon Viejo Company It approved. Crl· The lollowlng pe11on II doing NAMI 8TATIMl1tl P\a.IC M>TICE mlnal Juatlce Council etafl pllCllment la approved. pc-9 Super 80 9lrVloe oustnea as. Tl'I. follo-lng peraont ere doln .. 1------------from John w-Alrrvvt It ._,, ....... .-..~ Front'--Al"'--. Amend--ts CONNECT SOFTWARE. 2854 ... -•~-uw; • .-TITIOUS au•-11 -r·~ .-~· "' """""" """ ""..,., .,_, 0 A S I C ...,__ r"" -10 Commerclel /4.lr11ne A~ Plan for J n Wayne Airport are ec>P•oved. range venue, u le A. 0111 WOODCHUCK INDUSTRIES. NAME ITAn•NT Purcl'I ... of tractor for EMA/Recreation Facilities IS IUlhorlzed. Land-M .... CalifOfnt• 92627. 1835 Whittler, Suite cc. Cotta The following perton It doing ecape malntenince contrlCt IOI' CSA 3 I• lncreaMd. Lamp tenlloee con-Niies Euton Hopkins. 2664 MeM. CA 92827-bualneea u ; trect It epproved. Consultant eervlcee contract for Orenge County Re-Orange Avenue. Suite A. Cotta HARRY DENE PEACHEY. 2 f3 BRM ELECTRICS. n9 'fl, 19th gionel Em«genc:y Medlc11I Services Systems SymPoslum. la approved. Met11. Calllomla 92627 SOUth K...._ Awnue FullertOI\ CA Slr .. 1, Cotta MeM, CA 92827. ~oodbrldge Fire Station leaH It extended. Senior Citizens Aclvlaory Thia buslneu 1• conducted by an 92833 . ......,. • • STEVEN ROBERT HICKMAN. Councll'a ennuat report Is received. Publicallon of the SynopsH 18 Individual. STEVl!N MICHAEL BODA, 8922 1700\.\ So. Beyfront, Bat~ Island, chenged. Arcllltec:t-Engl,_ for Fullerton Creek Chennet project 11 se-Nllee E. Hopkins fr•c:y StrHt, Gerden Grove, CA CA 92662. lec:ted. Trivet reque.t It authorized. T'9ct malllft ere approved. Tiit This atetemenl wu flied wllh 11\e 92804. Thia i>utlneat le conducled by in miller• are approved. Poat audit for GSA/Reproduction, Record• ind Coun7 Clerk of Orange County on Thi• lxlel,,... 11 conduct«S bye 11-lndtvlduel. GrephlCS It reoetlled. Engl-ing tervlOea 11gre«nen1 lor Moulton Pm-"prll 4, 1982. mltecl -rtntlr'lh'fc Steven R. Hickman wey Feuiblllty St•""' Is •nn.oved. 80lse Chica Local Coatal Pr~rem ' F11n:D .... St-·. Bod• Thi• ··-t-t WU , ........ with ,..... -· ....... p bllahed 0 an c I 0 II .,....... .. .-.. ,.., reeponee 1Ummary It received. Coneu111111 ~agreement for ose u r oe OH • y Thia stetement Wit flied with .he COUnty Clertl of Onlnge County on Canyon Ro.cl route location ttudy EIR I• approved. Request for proposal Pilot. April 16. 23. 30. May 7. 1942 County Clerlt of Orengt County on Aptll 20. 1942. 10 provide SSI Mrvtc.. to alc:ohollc cllenll II IUll'lortzed. AgrMmenl for t682-82 ....... ...,. 1H2 ''11729 Chlldreri'• Group Home SlfVlcet It renewed. Mentel HHllh ServlcH ·------------,....,ft &Y, • ··-Pu .... _.._.. Or~ c-·t ~Pl-·---· .,........... -agrffment 111pproved. Library agreement with Santa Ane College f'tB.IC M)TIC( Publlthed Orange Coast OallY lot, Aprtl 23. 30. ay 7. t4, 1 Foundation I• M*lded. Agr""'8nt with lhe City of Fullerton for recr ... 1------------PlloC. April 23, 30, May 7, 1', IN~ 1752..e2 llonal ac:llvlllee et Crelg Regional Park It timended. Local Emergeooy la NP217• 175M2 1----.-.-.,.-;;:::i-1~----proclllmed. Van Buren Storm Drain clMlgn Is authOr\zed. Negotleoon ol F'ICTITIOUt IU ... SS •-...., nu1~ -0-1 with Anallelm lndependenOl1 Community Cerlter, Inc. 11 ac>-NAME tTATIMafl' ·-"" MftTW"r prcwed. 8udoet trftll8Mrl are granted. Payment of loll bond for Yorba The lollO 1 ...... ,._ ""'""'" ACnnout .,.._.. Linda SchOOl 011trlc1 le apptov.d. Annual report for Veteran end Con-bulllnHa u~ "G peraont are ._,ng P9CTfTIOUe .,._.. ..... 8T~~ tumer SertlCM II reoelwd. Schoola end other lnathutlona are relmburMd (A) MA. ANGELOS CAPE COO MM9 eTATll9NT ~:::wing perton It doing for uta of faclMll• for eleetlona and training l)IHl>OMI. FeulbUlty Studr, of HOUSE (Bl MR. ANGELOS ITAUAN The following ~.,..doing BEN o. 100t w. 17th St .. Sutt• th• South COHI YMCA 01>8f•llon of. GymnHlum at Crown Ve fey INN, t 1861 HarbOf 8ou""*11 Olr· ~ •: M. Cotta ....., CA t2e27. Community Pwk 11 rec:.lved. Ordlnanoe on combVtllble wood roolt ls den Oro,,. Cellfornla 92W · GINGER OEllONS.r. 1~5 Ana-Oary L. Benner, 12eae Lucaa C.,,~· T"'9 County Adrnlnletrat...,. Officer It directed tor~ on oott MA. ANGELOS. INC .. •• Call• C~..!?-7, • #10.0, ~ Maea, 8t, c.rrlto., C>. 90701. contidel'ltlOne on p8'111ng tMtere now being uted In patlct. Apo fornl1 corporetlon, 118'1 HerbOf " n-plicallon• tequtlllng abatement of penalty fOf fllllut9 to file chenol In Boulevard, Garden Grove, Clltfor· VIMINIA L. JOMN80H. 1 ... 1 TIW .,....,... II oondue1ed by a OWMfllllp ttatement, are denied. 'f'he lolrcl 9djoumect In "*"°l'Y of nle t2'40 An•h•l111 Avenue, ti tO·D, Ooata par1nlrllllp. · Jutltloe Stephen K. Tamura -"' J1Jd98 Aonald Pranrw. Thia t>u91,_ I• conducled by a ...... CA t2U7. Gery L. e.ni-(HALI JUNE ALEXANDER corporellon NORMAN E. JOHNSON, t202 Tillt '1ettmef'lt'WM Ned"'"" the Clerlc of the Board Robert A. Ventura ty Ctertt of OrlfnOI County on of a.--.. ........ ~~.~Id.. ta. 1"2. Of'PICW.. 'ftOCRDINOI °' ........... ....... Thtt 1111emen1 w•• filed wttn ttw • ·--.. v1 ,_,.,., County Clerll Of Ot'MOf county Oft ,... .. ~Jonn.on ll'UllWheCI Orengt Cout = Piiot, ::a-:-~ April 2. 1992, 11111 ~ -fllecl w1ttt tt1e Aor11 te, 23• 30, Ml!y 7• I · A n meet~ of the Or~ Hou9inO Autl'lortty -htld Publllhed Orange Co•:.'= Coun1Y c.11 of Ortlfl99 County on . l10M2 AOfll 21,~~ t._~~ The:o: • S ~~~ l>tlno Pl~.,..!: Piiot, Apnl 30, May7, 14, 21, t182 Apttl f4, ttta. rta1C ll)11C( Thomee . ~~, • ..,._,,_,. "• tenton ......... 1 .... Wlldli'. --1es5-t2 ,.,. ......... "*"' •. Clerk Md Cltrtl. ----------""'*'*' °'8ng1 COMC Delly Not. HCnTIOUI ..,..... 8eGtlon 8 Moderate AehablllUitlon :::r.MI and Aehablllletton Pr.:s· "8.IC lll)TlC[ Aclft 1t, 2$, IO, Mey?, ttlf. U. ITA,_y '""" CAt ... l(C)M.003/004, are 8'19' • Tr1Y11 poflcy It •tablle • -----------17Ga... The foftot#lnt pereone ... dotno Dell ''OOMllllO OOMUttant ~ IO'lll•*•t It _,ovtlt. T(l\41 ,._ NOTICll Of' "*IC • ~ • ~_It authofli:ed, Jlll A1111\0ftty ad)Oumed, AUCTIOM Of' NMOMA&. ---MlJC---.,-TI-.---ALO MANAGIMENT, 1HH (HAA.,) "' JUHEAU!XANO!A MONIWY .. Al.111 ----------· l">IOOntUln ·~: 1 .. , Hunt· Clerk of t"9 Bcw0 • otl YACATID fllllWI .... ...... of~ °" ,~ 1'l9eAMT HCnnoue _,.,.... ,_..... Q Gerner tutt °""9CIAL "'°c••: 1111 °" ccc.-> --ITA~ llW* ~: tiunt1ngton. •.•eoh, Ol'~:'.J# ~ Notice le hetaely fl*! on *Y It, Tl't• follOWIAt PlrlOI\ It doln ICalllll"'... ...... • '.!." .ll ~ --r 1"2. et 1q:oo a.m., at MO w. 1191 ~ -l~ M. Gem«, , ... M • e.ntrll AM.~ su .. , In Cott• MHI, Orene• IOO t:C:.~~~i, •·LTD 8'"* L=!ntlnttffl 1..-.. ~:O'=!!".';.-:O:.°'~O:,:.•=~ =·-= ~ .. ':,:!; CA..... D•A• &.. G fief, 1ettl 11111 .. lo.rd ot ~_.Mid~ It, 1111. at t:ao .~M. The toi. left by~AH$, O•l1• oawn "''~iU: ~·· an"' ~""""f1on '"°"· =::.. ~~ .,,_.g=.-n:=: t=:':o ~ ,_le'id :.'7.::::: t.r.: =.:e"C'=-...·., -=·=~Ill..., ty a £ ............. o.trtllelOM..-.i...-.111P1M1 =;=oir.'=::.: c.'9 OINlt .._, · l4'I* G11rMf Ho. atll II ..,_, hllotlOll ot _.. for •"' ANIYIJ VII CO.. .,._..... DlilR ~ 'TNlllal•;llJll _ _...... ~MW ~0...tA~Oiulll/on M • At1tf j1, ..... ,.,,. ....... ....... 1!1_ T1111l=lllilll---wtll 1'11• kPAWllld .... ~ ...... ,. ..... ~.llf'llf.CotllM .. 1d• 0.... Alft ti, 1M, '" ~'·_ .. a..,.. '*""Y Okrta-;, Gr.t!'_1fl ~ --1tan""""'.....,... ..,~ '°' ...,._ .... • ......, ...._ ...... -...... ........... ..... ,..,.,...~ldllMNd. • ....... ,_.. 111A6J JUNI M IXAHDIR 0-.-. Ca. ......, Orwlfl OWi Ollr ...._ _... ... ...... AfWtl •• ~· MllJ 1, , •• "'f ... ~~ :.ir..=-.= ll'u"""*I ~ OMll D111Y Olwll If .. llMt . l'l.llflltllCI Of:T eo... Nr ,._ .,,. , .. n. ...... :.: '°'Wllll Gwt-........ 1.~:r=r-.: lot._,,. .. ..., . "11 ..... • ' Orange 0out DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 7, 1982 H/F •• The marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642 -5678 Orange Coast re sidents bought 42'* of all new cars sold in the county l<Ut year even th rough they comprise only 30% of the county's population . .. CLASSIFIED ~1!!rlf ........... !nitt.t-t.M. ...... IMlr.t!.!* ...... [l'.ftft.t!~ ...... ~-~~ ..... ~ ~«Mr ... !!1t. ...... ~.{'!.~! ....... J.~!!!.!£~! ....... ~!!!.!~1t1t ...•.. ".. I . . -Ao'~·"~~.-.:.~~"::;.~~ "~::nv.:::.~1~ ADUL~~~~ HOM ILUFf~'t'~:,o H.V. 'INDEX (!) !-!~ ......... 1.• '11P.1. ......... 1111 '-'!!'l( ........ .1.«1 ••.. 'l. ......... 11.t1 l f!!!!.!!~ ...... 1.~~1 !m~! ........... 1.~1 .. '!!r.!! ... !!! •• .1.~. ~·.rrr.tt.~!! .. 1.0.f~ J Pia f a.t bl LWWry 4 ldt, PoO', IP9 "311-.& -Ull &l•I• •10&,000 In uawnable lh 9000 eq It of PARK on the Bay. 1 Homee. of locel IFR In I ..... . :=•v~•::.:C:"'!!! Prize Welt Bey be.Yfl'ont. su.-tot 2 boela. Mutt u ll-oompany lln1nc1ng. Altllng t 132, ou:tom rutu.rei. s bdrm, den, 1 be ~.1.~ exchange fOf' n.w COM 642-5671 OOWM.OWOtrv,:.; remodeled a bdrm.I Eietb 11.200.000.. :r--~ac::;·~ 500.14U11G. bdrm•. 12.200.000. ~d~,;.~,u~n~m-O:: ~LEX.• bdrm p1Ue 2 ~ Fii t u r IOUAL ~ 16 Y"I wWI IOW. 'low, Int. .....___ ··~ ·"'--=---........... ___ 4 bdrm, 3 h a '78·"778; dye •11111' _,. 551·l2". bdrml25,000 300e. 151.t1U Qwner/Agt _. Ml.I O,,OlllUNITY 0pn 8un 1•t. 1116 .... .._... ..._. ~ ·-·" "4M247. ltiBl•I FABULOUS 41R Sba Hwy Unit 113, N =:'w... · :: mud:oo,ooet1 Meu. bath. 37 eq.ft. f l ,38&,000. Oceanfront. mT lll1 flW new 1 bdrm.3 beth home. Great ooun 8-ch. Bkr. 87~ 111 UIYll ..._,.... 11r1 l lM, Otto/A;. LMI condoe. Plueh caipeta vt.wl. Gym. aeuna. ~ Beeut. Deooret0t Home. c..i.r-..... -Mille r n 1·1itl Of I --111.1... 4lf, 2.000 eq rt. hOtM drpt, •tllned ...... P¥i lge deoka. Gour!Mt kit· IUYD 3 Br. Broadmoor With ==.., 5 ~r~~t~IMd MMl10I Prime Udo= beyfront. S bdnn. S\.i beth. ~~'T':'o~1:e~~ ~ ~: ;;:;.ac:.xcaptlona111 • Lm ~:'p'F1n!:e~~ ~v........ •• In tNe nftli_.. 11 M>-'4e L.R., 2 boet .Up1 fU00,000. Cel now. t7M870. 12'iW . owner Wiii ceny LApu ~· U You'tt love thlt 1115.000. Agt. Jolln, ........... _ -.· -I F PIPllJll ....... -'"" ~ ....__... ·-·11 1 rtmodel•d 3 bedroo 831-0213 ._ at11 , .. :::,01 to th• ectera air .,,.. _ M, --·"' _, ~ lrwt. :: AClt of 1tee wHdl • ~ Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 beth + ~ rec. rm. progtvn wtt no money home on 811 ••tt• wide lot iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ==-1• makN t IU!geltO adWf· .. ...._._ .....illn-f·-•-L.......I -··-20000 P~homeln Mw down. John Eliot. Agt. • ...... UY 1111 Sounlny1"o!tldo & J•couwuclll FIRE s•u· ~~ •ttae"any...,..ioe,llml· -Q~ ... ._..,., ~-.. • ..,. .... ' • Vtrde.S bdrm,2ba. 831·4821W••kdaye: AwryprlveteMttlnglnt ny "own ftLL ~= :: tatlon or dltotlmlnetlon 111\11 ~ llLI lllPllllT Park-Ilk• ground• with 878-HH or H1·4509 moat l)Nltlgloue .,. ... 3 s. •ecto lflf blMd on race. ootor, ,.._ Greet ...., .... 120.000 ~ •-6 ~-.. .._th pla pr1va1te7P900000L and SPA, .-ltlde. bdrm•. 2 bath & lamlly t:.!':.c',uu..,. 1"' glon, au or Mtlonal on-down buye frlttl•lt• Ex· view UUll1 ......... u .. • yroom. onty 1 • • TT E NT 1 o N v ET a, room. Mott or ttie roome s..1 ..... :: gin, or any Intention to ctlltnt 1ocet1of1 In 8oultl rm. den, Boet .Up. ll.~.000. BRAND NEW CONDOS, In thla handaome home $155 000 lt't t atHll ~SOO aq.lt. a.a&Ac-1• make any auch prefer· COMt PIMa ..._Won't UYSlll 00.,. 13 elegant 2 BR 2.,. ba open onto a bHutllul N•w:ort BHoh. Hurry, :=,.t,S&le :: ~•.--If~ t •• ~tl on or i.t. Cel ~13 •5 oondoe In prtmelooetton. pool and 1urroundlng ••• •nd •P•olal. Cell tW. (STAT( .,_,,.,.,.,....,., SpectacUlar beyfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br. Lg• gourmet kitchen, patio arH. Owner wlll IMIS--9111 =~t'°S&i. uao knowtngly ecoapt any 116-• ' • ' celllnga, balconlu , down. Priced to H ll.I • • iae Thia newapaper wtll not 2 bll dn 2 boet .Upa 11900000 micro oven a, vaulted carry with iub1tant1al -f ..... "r2.... :: vertlalng ror real ••t•t• Olllllll IAYI yard•. 2 c'i:ul::r'gea, 1385.ooo. • =::;.:z,-c:,.. . .. .tlldl la In Vlolatton of the -••••• pool l epa. glY9I -.. ..a ' llW UITill . c..ttu.i~, J• i.w.· -·-Coronedo Ia1and cuat. beyfront loL 85' boat 1dnt ratM l tel'mt . Set/ A lowly 2 bdrm oondo In Exceptional Newport11o~~~~ c-111•"" • t: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil BN utllully land.ceped dock. Plana avail. l42S.OOO w/tenna. Sun 12-5, es 1·81 u , thl• gated private com-1 Bttcl\ neighborhood. •r.. ::::.::::~"":~! · 1.. and m,intalned 4 ldrrn ~S75.CMw5Da:lltvlffl' wtcdya, 150-9711, Ev... munlly. Amenltt .. In· Bdrm, 2'4 bathe. Specioul ew-elegant a ct'lar· -l'rofo<\1 ~ _., Advertleera home . Greet c orner ' 751-3297 • elude private bHch. and well manicured yard ming Hampton model, ,_., ,.,_,, "-looatlon w/e>Clt tlnt "V NII ... tennla & pool. All exoel·I with plenty or room lor labUloua vlewa ~. P\11 :Hs:-lf'rlt I'm = l hOUld Check their accaea. 0wntr ...... J ~~ 21,i ..._~"'-___._ ...._. poo·'. l l"5,000. -LJAll/"'111 lent opportunity. $230, pool, l.wzzJ Ot ~Ing on. f~'r.. Wf.f!!._OI & tennla 11-lloMrl.I-~ ads daJlu and r..vvt w/tlnanclna. Full "''" ...... ...... ... ..... \NUUU ·-• , IN THE-lll..OfFS ----000 Seller wm cesry financing.. ao t . ..., .... r Opn ..... 0r-c:. ,,.., -'1 vt'V'' t 142 600 711-31tf iww -·--· 1299500 Sal/Sun 12·5. 1903 g:::t:i,~., iaao errors Immediately. • · Thlt •BR oondO Ilea It all. Spacloua new 3 bdrm. LIW llWI... 1 U.O•s IW.n vac111CollnlaM+1017 "-'"'' a = The DAILY PILOT Beemecl <*llnge wtth eel· den, 3 beth home. AtfOf· .. Low monthly peymentt. ~~~~~-.. ~~;~ --aaeumes llablllty f ded akyUghtt , upgraded debl•. $15,000 option Far Eutern countrr.1 111-1111 IUT llYll 4. _ _ _ kltctlen, central air c:ond. I•. 11300/mo. almoeptler• In the d... S!U,111 IDITAlS the fir st Incorrect wlllumldlller. GrM t loca· Mt-HM rabl• north end. City lllWNIT OUST 2827 eunya. Open Sall -~ ll• lnl8ftlOn On ly. -1~f:'c:=andl2•~. Aek IOt Lon, agt. llghla & COHiii vlewa _._ Sun, 2·5 (Dally by ~I.) ._..uotwtlWlod me •••••••••••••iiiii•li from Dane Point to --Xlnl fin =.~.:: ~~. = • aoo. WllJ" TUii "' Emerald Bay. Bttutllul Plan •. 3 bdrm, 3 bt . Ted Hubert Rltr c...w-.1101 >1Z OlD KENTUCKY HME I Ul'llllOOIJ1()Ml:I Exec Mw Verde 4 Bl' 3 garden• with ttthouH. 1200,000. 152-0111 ~::.;,..::~"' : 1129,too -• Ba, DR. pool, epe. *"· apa, patio a d•ck1. A h .... "'9't o..iu. "'"' :11.k • ~. ~and alfy == 87&-eOOO Owner w/trad• for CM wry privet• home. ISSO. HI'~% 30 yn. l2}00 mo.I au.-.... =-~11·' = bdnne. on. cul de pro~ or cerry 1129, ooo. ANNE HARRIS Private peti(. 11~% loen. AIUll•I.,,. -HC lot. NH a aomt 11L11f .... , 000 2n • !,l."1'· *280. •te-121a. 499-1288 Owner Wiii flnence. 3Br. :=r::.:•1 = J!-.~.8t.':'~~1ziot1· Surround yourNll with OOO. Agt. . M6-2Sl3 OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN t r~ ~·1!r. nro~~Mr, --.. ., mllllon I hofnM. N.wty Charming 3trr/2ba. Al· 1509 HIGHLAND · -=-= . ::: r~ 3 Bdrm ttimly MMT'9188,000. 110&:000. Pool llome, over 2,000 nll, Agr.13T-22 -.. , . ..,,.. .. ,,~!Ji!ll!iJ!J~;:;;;:r;5;9 111111 NW.._...,. room, merble.floo1e, OWner/agt 142-9172 .,, It.• BA 2'h-ba, taml~, v .... ·-~ .. _..,_. ..... .. ··-lltMtlllosi..to• .. w 4 Br. 2~ Ba. View home overlook.Ing atone lrplc. Fantutlc Wl19I '*"'-'~ 11v1ng. F1n1ut1c Bae -•• &rr:-.!:..•• '* ' ... 1 .. Pavilion. C,ta.Una and nite lites. We have :=·:.-C~r~ '5000 down. 3 lk 2 ea. '---r.. ._, Bay location. Owner w111 NEW LISTINQ for your ....._...... :: .... Jli&llU Ex1ra Woe R-2 oomar lot. ind d a1ul Select ,.,....-. la........... + Den. pool + Bachelof llnance $299.too. viewing I Secluded In 111 =-"1111t...ui :: 2 Malt« Sulta View of Seller wOI flnancel t215, an epen ent a ppr for $320,000. r In ht a i;ia O O OO Unit. Monthly payment 171 4) 494-1117 AdVanoed RMltora own luah landacaplng 11 lltM~w..... -OcHn & Night Llghla. 000! .... ..,.....,. Try $20,000 down until you sell your 75;-3191 • · 11800. Full price 1158, 951-124-4 our lovely 4 Bdrm home . ..... ll•••i. "511 OUlet Ar-. Park.a, open ... .,.. home. C>wner will help finance. . 000. 567·2783. We fttnl IOSJ Sp1clou1 kllctlen-lamlly llSl£SS. llMST· apacn. 1125,000. Only ....... •111 IM _._.,._a. Nt •-~ BY OWNER-381, 28e w/1g •••••••••••••••••••••• ABSQ~UTE r.:" .. tw:'~h :,rv'~ 1r.'0 '=. fllOO n.AJIC( 10% dn. Xlnt Fin. Hal Of' .tl•l.... a _..... -.......... t..,. pool I "' _ __... h d 1 t I • -Pat 8autr AQt. 173-7300 • •WMT ...,.. I.I. ••~ -11 ·-.., . n "' _,,,,.. Piii PUIE ST£Alll w n ow n • • •-:.:,:::~=: ;;; -·-. --ded bedcyd, con~I· .. gent 2 atory IMng room or 1 .. eo1_"'°'""' 11111 ·-------111 IY located & llulble Eltllll I lltke my reputation thl1 Oeauvllle model ·--·WU.• -termel Cell M0-1278 tor 4 II z~ •• that tl'llt It the BEST BUY tramee. dttllghtf\A vi.w. A :=:.!::-l: ml WI.I 'IW. ITMT Bl men Info. • -. In Newport Beach. MCUrltygetetndoeeathlt -.-..Tn , 1111 I WW In tlltt very eftordable & • I _, B~ TH.AN OCEAN VU, LAO '4 BOA, U H of condomlnluma. AllllOMEMEIHS, Fii .... ~ry by a :::=,~ I LIT ~ 8 bedl'oom ~ ~ .. Bd MODEL PROF. DECORATED. Offwed at 172!,000. KHllAIAlS & M ~ UMRa-f Recently relurbl•h•d dO ,,.., So. COMt Ptaz&. ...,..._ MJCloul. .. rm, HAS EVEllYTHING .............. & Ilk• nu all fOf 142 r l11W11 ...-r • .,. aman really N it thl• 3 IH eoo or ble n 2000 aq II home wltl\ Cul~ t eet """' .....-= 4 W. .... 9"' fl& r& ~ Bdrm 2 Ba home ~· home plUI ,... I.WI In A ... ;...... ,. .... ~ .... • • lormel dlnln" & lamlly Sun & o-u l~Crlub only $378,500 A trade ni..;;,::~1111i1i• LOST & FOUND L__.., rMr with tlreplace. Im· ·-"'w"' . .._.."' than • ....,, conaldtred. Call PA II,..... latter ultt wtttl 1.... v•~ and -maculate condition. A appralel9. Only 1119,600 rm. 1128,500. Mutt Mii ' 20 min. to TRICK TENOAE Dlrectty ~ ..... »• c ...... llJG LfcllHtl .. ft me '-''-loJllC ,.., ......... Ulj; JomlCMio• -Trn.t• -S£IYIC£S s..-.... Dlrt<1Gr) -£MPUrM£NT & PIEPAIATietl _,MltW,_ -, ........... Ml , ... , ......... ~ lltll MEICNANDISC :=.. -... Aw IOI •11 ::U.'!: .. •ltrl•lt -110 c.-ru • £4w-"4 -Coh -Dou -rn.1ov .. IOU "'n'lf\W't -c . .,.,~ s.,,, ---"--0---., -Ll•ettor• 11171 ... _, ,-.......... _ -.ll11ttU-V.191..i -111 ..... .ii ............ -Ofllc't "''". E4ufp -.._. -=~~t':. .. -lforUlll o.o.ta -.... 11 ...... ,. .... , -~·1:.i ... H1Fl.5tt'" --IOATS & MAllME £IMIOIT C-&l iOlt .......... 5"'-•N't -.............. i .. , -...... ,,,.. .. -......... a. ..... --.0.S.JI -...... ..51 ... llottt --...=•Slo· -...... ... -TIAllSNITATION A.rcnft r .... =·c!'~ .... • •• tilt =-~ ......... =~ .._ .. _.S&le ..... tie Tlllkn.Tt••tl 111' r:...~·i"" , .. -0-ral ~-Ill£ 1111• ~·~ -lw.-""9V1•1<leo l6li =··••llMb -•On.-.. -TMltu -v-111111 " ............ -"_ ..... -AITOS, IMPOITEO 0..al ''" ""·"-· -"""' Yl9l A'94a HhftJ -..... flU ~ rm '"' rm ~ mt , .. ,.,. mi PW -..... \ 1111 ,_ mt ,_ mri r-r~· -ml ...... mt ~~ '1• fill MOI '14'1 ~. fl• ,,., ........ ,,. ,.,_ ,,. ._ -==.-.. -"" El· ·1 =.. ,,. "" Y••-· ·-v .... "1J ... 0-.J . ams.m 0..11 ...... . A.llC • .... = II& IW ......... ale .. llllJ... ::!: IOln ~~.';:. rare flndl AH UIM 11t. In 3o daya. Call now Newport Center 831-1288 or 780-8702 11 a,. .. , 1tr11t. IHl,111. fta. prloe · t u t,ooo . Owner ttealble, wlll 11-979-6370 l2l0,000 With ll80,000 TODAYI ?5141t1 nano• at low lnterH t at 12% ftxed rate & 111·1 ratea. l 1H,OOO. For lully amortlled. com let• detalla, call No point• °' quellfylng. WATERFRONT HOMES.INC REAL ESTAT£ S.W. lk•1tok p,.,._,., ,...__nt Z436 W Con1 H..., Ntowpor1 Brach '11·1400 UllllU 11 ..... Traditional, elegant & specious ~ scribes this lovely 4 BR 3 ~ BA ·home featuring oak floors, lead glass. FR doors & ext.ensive uae of used brick. Sunny south patio on extra wide lot. Owner uaisted fi· nandng . ...... ,1 .. 111111- IN NEWPORTCENnR 644-9060 '=~=· ~\lctllA-4~~s· = -~QAYLl'GUM ----- ·~~-~ == ........ 1or .. ,_ _.. -· f I SlEHUB I , 1 1 1 1 r I lUPIT I' _ I' I I r . f I Z 0 R E f I i Anyo11• wllo mall•• a . I' I I r _ ~ ::::~~enc:!:: ,__ _____ .. _ th91f joC). Tile onty ,.,.,.._ .. I' I~ ufi" IE LI s I I ;::::~--:._ ..___.__,.l.,__.___.___.__. "' .......... -.. ... ,.. .... i... ......... ...... • ~r;i;,~an r r r r r r t r 1 ·~'°' I I I I .I I I I J · scaMM.ET1 Annen In~ Utl• Aa lL..-1-1--..1 ,_. ~ T7~7 ---Owner/Agent ,.. c,__,. 1111 ....•..•.••.•...•.•.•. •••••••••••••••••••••• No QUalttytno. 30 yr loen ~~~~~-~~~~! IAllll -~. - -., .... 1ov.~ financing •us .• ___.....,. '"' san... ••11wam .. "' ~ ~~~~~~~~:! One yr new "tm-open-000 ful pnce. 1315,000 dn .9.-;r.;;•••••••••••••• By owner Under a ppr Stepe to the tend. Detuxe Wlfft cathedrll c.lllnaa 1-; gotta ... to belleve. 3 paym't. ta4a Pel' mo. 3 EJlecut!Ye condo, oceen & vatue. 2 bi luxury condo: ~11~'fi•.·5 onty0 0 . •slefto. and ••MIOdeled kl1dlan. Br. 1595,000. Good fl. bdtm, 1 b&. FOf -. by bey vtew. Fplc. ca!Ndral Twma neg &40-9805 Or•w Coul'I bell Blutl t.5~ H tumabl• loan FM Cleullled Ad nanclng. Ownet/Agl C. owner. clg1, etc. 1+ den, 110, -·,.... and an enxloue owner. ACTION Splller '31·12H ltkr· te6-36S7 ooo option money. Oya "111 Liii" front value. Open Sat/ ~7'!1t.,.t10110,000. Call Call 1 .... ~.... 558-903$; evt UM899 High rlM condo. Sth llt. Sun. 903 Buena Vl•tt . ...... Delly PllOI Ocun & Bay vi ewe. Ojt1 Bob, •N-10.0. AO.VISOR 3 bdrm, 8 a, l am rm, •WMJ llmTS 1950 ooo E cl ,.,.. &42-5e78 gar, large patlO. Tennie Owner neede CMh. olMn 752.5710 11 uelYe ...,,,. lau Aq lOll •,•. RVM* _..MIN•IU •• .,...., Wiii -Panoramic View • Great Water- front LocaUon. Redwoed.. Float + 00' Dock. Custom Built Home With Three &drooma. Three S.JcoNea. ElrL1eptional Quality • Kitchen With View Window Has All The Modern I Amenitiel -Uled Brick Bar·B-Que In Outatand.ini Patio Area. Even I Tiled Oaraan • Great Offering. $1,2",000. A Dion-Maria Llltlna. ® --.......... 759-111 12c_,. • .._ ... .,..c..- .,.mr* Choice 3br 2ba home in Prime Unlvenlty P ar k loca tion! f l,000/ma rent all applies to- wardl ~ 1n 1 yeu-. 2870 San M11u•l. 7141759·1501 or 1141752.ma pool, epa. 1126,000. 10% antique type~. 2 Br. --------•••••••••••••••••••••• dn 121A% ~7 1 Ba. 60>C 117' lot. Large ti Tll WITO Bradford Pl, owner an - -... detached gerage. 1119. llH ._ xloua. •Br l 'hBa. I"· -000. Uf.5041 •¥H & ,._ patio, pool/park. at, Terrific 2 Bdrm town-wkndt. 831-3520 wtldyl Owner wlll finance on too. Aaeume $59,000 ltl houH. 28•. 2 car at-xlnt terma. Magnllloenl 3 at 11'4%. Agt. 157.2040 tlltd'9d garage ..... eel:· Br. 2·~ Ba. t>Muty. Juat -------- pN. VllOMt. t 119,too. ...... 1t191 actOM. floral lined OIMI ._, ,,,,.,, 111-1111 By ollWner. Drutlc price petlo to YoUt own Mndy ••••••~•••••••••• C.....'-lllM '"' •••••••••••••••••••••• HouM on Beoonl• S235, 000. lot ~n. O<tty. Bkr. (213 23. " .... 702 Ac:ada, CdM. 123&K. Open dally 1-6. 173--2041 ".... ...,,.., '"' 1111,-•••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br. 21A l a. 2 frplc. OP£N HOU§ SAT/SUN Condo. Pool, Jacuzzi, 34406 St Green Lan*" Tennie Courta. Owner Over 3200 aq.ft. 3 BR. Wiii Cerry. 840-6249. 2~ b&. aboW the CNt1 ,_L_IT_T_L_l _l_l_l _l _ll-1 =-==~·~ .... new. ~ eyetame, J• 2-aly, 3SOO lq tt, rrol. CUu.1, NUna. Modeatly deoor, IUlfl flowan, 9dr ~':.tor. & den, 3 fl"ptCa. lClnt , 2% .. t-1244 financing tYlll. Aaduoed ------to M24,!00. 11M271 LARGE Mec*t1w ~ --CA-.ME--0-SHOAE---8--1 4 br, 2 .It'/ home. Walk to ,....... 4 •· 3 .. _ pool ~. St.I at UOt,too. ...,.,om -· .... . ... , ....... Jacunl, kol pond. 3 ----·-------trplo'a, u u .ooo. •ullaflM t7Mt30. ._... IHI ~ 1114 ••• -;;::;' •••••••••••••• • •••••• ••• •• •••• alnglie~ ~ "* 11.11~ 11 m1M1 w/apectacular/.oof & n Fiiis apa. t 1H,IO • Low Juat In time fof aumrn«, doMI, no qulltfYlno. lkr. ::..~,.,::::..~ ~ .. n lar,. bdmla, n-:cC!:· Tarrn~ up to you. Low .,.., pwtla anct . • dOWn 82000 Ot low lftfeo Offered et t1H ,t OO. ,_~~dtlGM· CALL ua AIOUT OU" M I Ir. and CNN HOUM8. M0-1111 unit, pool. ull price 1 101.eoo. Agent .....,.. •· • • HERITAGf 111 At ro~ .... reduction for lge down· beach. Go flllhlng & n• ,,_.,,, .... peyment. &40-7090 -mlta a telephone call. ,., "'-''" Agent 558-85 us •••••••••••••••••••••• Newport Beech De Anu !'!!r.!!.~ .. !.~! !~.!r.!! .. !.~. ~.r~~td~·::o..~:: LOW INTEREST NO BALLOON Newport Crest gorgeous Plan 4 . Try $45,000 down. $1737 mo. F\11.ly amort. 15 years at 10% interest . AFFORDABLE $132,000 Low interest loan, low lease pay- menta, low 20~ down payment . Newport Shores immaculate 3 Br. A-Frame. Walle to beach, poola & tennia. CANAL FRONT Sunbath, swim, sail or fish from your 2,000 sq. ft. home. Seller neech $50,000 down & will carry balance at unbelievable terms. SPECTACllAR TRADE 3 Br. beach haute w/fabuloua up- --crade.. Seller want.a larger pool h ome in Irvine, his equity It $98,000, his price $225,000. Give ua a c:all for more lnfonnation and adctre.es. • flnfa I Crall O'Brien 840-8208 DOCKSl>E REAL ESTATE • MACNAB . IRVNE . ~- place, br1ck patio, •11 . 000. Alto 2 br., 2 be., double wide. comer lot 139,000. Biii Grundy 87M181. ACROSS FROM BEACH . 8-lt. I Wide, 2 Br. 2be, lge ouatom hutcll & many utra .. s.lllng t>etow ap- pralu l at 144,000. For 1p9t can ~17 Huntington Beech. double wide. 1dult1, large lot ltnlltl pet <*. near ~ ping, low rent t2e,too. Terme. e.47-2964. •.• ~&. •••••• !.~ llPll YIWY Tu ..... ....., MW~ 2 bdnn, 2 bath Heh unit with hp6aoe, ~ petlo, garage, Mr.-11t. Poe. CMf'I flow. Now 1159,600. 8111 Grundy, Altr, 87M181. ' 1 l ......................... ~ ................................................................... --..... ~-----------~---------~~------------·--·--- • H/F Ortno-CoMt DAILY PILOTJFrtdmy, MIY 7, 1811 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAYERS Sell your no-longer-needed Item• for cuh. If It doetfl't NII. we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, muat be priced. Sorry, no real tetate or commerclfl Ida. Cell today for full detalla. ....... ....., 3 '!lnAvs INE&J CLA88WIED8642-5678 .. t!~tm.~.~.!l!tf ~!'!!.!f.~l.'M llmtll'f 4 bdrm. 4 bath, Hndy beach, pla1 & 11011 seooo 101 Augu11 e111 Grundy, Rttr, 87M181 • • -• . --• -pl 8dl blyirOtll w/docll, ~.~ .... ~.¥~~ .. ~!.~~!!.¥~~~!'1; .. ~~.It.~~ 1 -=:~ '"='9mi':,w ~~·N8.i~0c .1~71~-~;:: 8 . mother & daughter wlehtt to •hr. lg. 3 br 1pt. w/matura lam. 30 pl\lt 3 bill• from OCMn. Pvt lltiowar & bath. pvt entry S290 mo 536--7923 ()( 990-7278 •-rl!' .... '''' c.11,,.,, 1111 s..w. ...,. '"' c.,,,,,.,, m• ........................... :: ......................................... 615-1e11 eu Ii ,_, '''' •••• ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••_•••• •·••h-••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• C..I• lllU 1114 C.U... 1114 #_..,,, ~ 11ff1---M-Ot1_th_o_t_A_ug_u_1_t __ 1 •••!e.!.!! ••••••••••• T -.--.... BIG C"'NYON EXECtJTtvE 2 bdrm, 1 bl. $426 no N~~-Bluff•..:....3 ~~-on Nice 1 Br dplll Quiet. Sec> .............................................. -.-................... Lido lbr, csan s2ooo Garage. tmell double, El a -" dogt. 04,& Victoria. No 8. o .. .,.... graan ...... t. ..,..rp. . . cluh -•-• p •RK Sid C 1 M t Neer,_ 4~ 2 bdfM HOME. View, privacy. 5A~9124 s1125 844,53 19, by gar. 1 emplyd adu t -•-• Large 3 t>dfl'll 2 b•/•tlo "' NEWPORT BMconB•y. 3br $2500 • ~ • 111. • O· 2 bllh ••ch unit with HCurlty. Ouallty lurnl-o~ THE WATER! over 35. No pall $330 S52S.UOO/mo 2 8r I~ lrplc. yerd, 'encl~ gar' APARTMENTS CdM. beaut 5br $3000 rage ()fl • $75 645-t In tlrapl-. ~patio, eh In 1 •· S 2 5 0 0 I mo. t80 ~ VIEW CONDO S48-102 t Ba. TownhouM, all bulll· On UN lJl. Avail May 20. W.Ooaenlrnl. 31>< 14500 Eaalllde 2 cer gar•1•· garage. 9¥·-1et. Poe. 840-4 18 2Sb8r 25 b•5. 3m31cr.o3, ogoar bGerey~tB~ll~~ ~:rabpo~~c'e&, •u"'_.__ Int, balcony, laundry rm, $850 par mo. COUNTRY CLUB LIVING W1t"1c~~~!41~t""' Rllra approx 20x2 I 5 CHh llow Now I 159 2 · ·.. · •• __,,_ covered parking. Nice S49-t936 JN NEWPORT BEACH -: "" • ...,., 6 4 6 • t I 6 4 d I y 1. 500• Biii Grundy, R1tr.' 875-178t country kitchen. 1 Bdrm ,.._. 3141 tocatlon A datuH community on H. B. condo. pool & tan-645-9543 avea 875-8161. ...... U~ 3 Br. 2 ba. water & gar-Penlnsula cottage. Aval-•••••••••••••••••••••• TSL Mgmt 642-1803 1 Br. upetalre. pool. gaa Iha Back Bey. Club hou· nle. July& Aug $800 mo •••••••••••••••••••••• d 179,, N lable now. 1675 mo. Cell I pa Id. Re I '• re q . M & •P•: 7 .......... 8 ten-""'" 1 ...... 5. WANTED. 1ng1 garaoa for NEWPORT BEACH LOT ,__.I 3111 ener Incl. '" 0 673·8550 I It fllllT $450/mo. ~ Br. 1'1• B1. $335/mo. 147 Flower St. ,,.,.,... """" "" storage only. Nwpt Bctl, nur bay and ocean:•••••••••••••••••••••• pets. 64•·2778. THE REAL ESTATEAS Sp_:il.;, ~etate LMngl apt .. balcony, patio, 6-45-861. ~~~~:.to bull· f1111i1• ••t.J14Z50 CM. Ed. 873-7123 ·•M•,000 or trade. Ownr. IEITILI t 8'. quiet. yard. rel Plua ftlh 1 ~/ Beautiful park-llke eur-laundry rm, carport. 3 B 2 B d 1 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Garage, sml agl. Laguna 875-18S4 YU11y-Weekty-Wlnler. 2. range, Ip adult•, no .... , ,...... round Inga Tar raced CIOM to Ill. Cell lor appt. ga:i.oe. s:&J1~.'B;~; Unlurnlahed atudloa. 1 & OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br Beach. •1, blk to main .UftlW 3 48dnna dogs Ut + dep htaaYlew pool Sunkeng11bbq, TSLMgmt. 642-1803 851-8800 2br.apartmentt.town-AYlll now Weeklythru beach$65 49-4-3044 --·~, .... IW.n S...5/mo. 646-9586 3 bdrm, 2 '~ be. epa. sparkling lountalna. hOUMi eummer. 673-7873 .... r_ • Eutalde 2 Br w/pvt y1rd, lkyllght. deck, llrep19oe. Sp1clou1 rooma. Sepa· Wc:a:l:flekl 28r, 2Ba. pvt pallo, M... $540-$l000 lndl8fl Wells VIiie, furn, 3 l!Ulj I t l ffltJ 500 aq. 11 . Xlnl Laguna PllfllTY nu crpts/drapu, dbl all extru $825 pe< mo. rate dining area. Welk-In ••••n .. IS.-Verde. wlr & grdnr pd. •Several atudloe & 1 BR, 3 Be. "' ti I•' Beach locatlon. 195.000. t •d Its P ate 964-3466 ......,_,, ..... ~ llke kltch --S5 15 mo 1552 Elm Call 714·" .. "·5548 ••::•2••o•H•;::.·3·~·5~.·b·a•t•h•, Flnancl~vall. Owner/ MIL cerpor " u r r-....,,... ' '""'.. • 646-3627 bdrm unite we fufnlaned _,,, ... -· .. red, no pets $475/mo & en & cabinet•. Wilk to Beautllul garden •Pl• with tine deeigner lurnl-1----U-~---~--_.....---Slorage avail $250/mo Agt 499-8. llM1ll $300 sec. dep. Opn 1-4 CdM 3Br Vu Sl300 Huntington Center. Pallos/decke. Heat paid. 3 Br 2ba, Ir pie. patio, tura & acc:essorlel. Move -.... 548-3345, 494-3803 c..n.w ... 1 •----------•Sal/Sun. l89 Sant& IH· Lido Pk O< Vu $1800 1 Bdrm-furn. S505 No pets. 2 children wet-chlldren ok , no pet1. In today or reserve for Lu•ury 4 B 5 be turni---------- . ,......_,' 11,.,,.. bel.673-023t ~~~~·~~r~~:~i~';~ 2 Bdrm-S~~rn lrom ~·2 Ba. 1535 i:eb~~~~t~: Apt C . aummet'm<>rllha.Sm1rtly ~~:J,'rK!!~~~~·~~c~!~: 1~~~:C~::~·~~tN7~0~:~t •••••••••••••••••••••• l1.W811 3111 21r 21a ltJ ..... China Cove 3Br $2000 3 Br. 2 Ba UOO lurnlahed model• open June. & Oct $4800 per ts I I Io or Agent CASH A PROBLEM? HAI •••••••••••••••••••••• Call 646-45"§ Bayelde Cove 2/den No pell. 398 W. Wllaon -'II ultle pd. toe oompl. re-dally. mo. Aug. $8500. Sept 541-5032 Qule1.lottedcondopro-Charmlng/Sparkllng 2 s2200 Utllltl .. Freel 113t-5583or642-3708 mod. 1 br, new crpt , On Jamboree Rd.It $8.000 _ 675-8074.'---------- vldff ancloMd garage, story, 4 bdrm. 2 ba/ I•· 3 Br. dining rm. tncd yard. Beytr<>rll 58r0ock $3250 drp1, relrlg. No pet• S111 Joaquin Hiiia Rd 527.7408 W/D, relrlg, 1annls, mtlyrmonPenln.Potnt l rplc.gardener,nrOC WaterlrontHomae,Altts LAOUINTAHERMOSA -. ..... lll'f1 $335 645-8579 , 644-1900 1----------1 poole. Jacuzzi. Simply a 1 blk lrom Beech end e o II a g • No P •II , 1•1 1.-. 62 p k Ida Ln 1 bl1c $385-1475/mo. 1 & 2 8<. 980-3726 111111. 11110 HU OOTll IEWNIT quiet retreat from mad· Bay Yearly lease $t.600 S750/mo 730-1515 • --t 11 ar 1 · apte. new car....,, patloe, Newly dee. 2Br. lb•, eat Gated comm Newly de-d 1 0 675-0375 W. of Beech. 3 blk1 S. of ....,.. E.ASTSIDE 2 Br. new car-In kltch. Encl patio. gar. Elegant Exec su1tea In an ng crowd•. wn It mo. 3 Br 2ba cptlldrps Edin~. carpa<te. Cat OK. pet. p1ln1, dahwar, ga-$535 no pet• 642-2t34 coreted newly lurn 4 pres11g1ous loc Incl se· :~~~Jok~. P4;~-a";~ C.n•I ltl #u 3ZU bullilns, gar $550/mo: 3 qb~i eBtlu~t~ ,'~;~~·~·a~~ I 141·1441 TSL ~gmt 642-1603 rage pa 11 o s 4 -4 o ~~~met~e~nr!i'o ~;·,~~b':,. cretaroal. recepllonlst, • •••••••••••••••••••••• 289 E. 161h St 646-6074 $ t tOOlmo Allr 731_....45 Roomy 3 Br. TownhouH 5A8-018o. · $840 Eutblutt. 2 bdrm, 2 telephone ans & more. ownr. Spyglaas 4 Br lemlly W•UI J.Mi 314 epl In quiet adult com-ba. Patio, pool, llrepteca. Bkrs -1come 496-4 38 Otes from $436 mo On· r.-.. lnr!!!l. ........... room 2 lrplc ocean/ 3 Br. 2 Be Montlcello New oceanfront 3 Br ta-••""•••••••••••••••••• pl1x Newly decorated, II • _.,. 781 Amigos Way lt•t·'· ., I'&.••• ~300 call ales S t65 mo THE ~""""'!"!' ~ • .d-s19501 Townhouse No pets F L~ ne Beech tu ,,,. -• f20-1114 ~ ,, •-T oo ATEAS co ••••••••••• ••• •••••• harbO< ......... mo. $595/mo Sierra Mgmt mlly rm 2 lrplc • yearly. urn. u -fireplace enclad patio & •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• HEA UA M-8 UNITS COSTA MESA. 645-0n6 co. &4t-t324 $2500/mo 645-0776 xury II lo. epi, Satellite garage. 'sorry. no pet1. PHEASANT Creek El ~ 2 Br. t Be beamed Male needed to ah ere PANIES A proteaaional need• work, great po* LG t BR Avail 811, get, Newnorl ShorH . Canal TV, aeuna. maid .-vice. $600 Mo. 645-3381 or Toro. New, di.II. 1 br. 1 celling. patio, garage. beautiful Corona def Mar environment (7 14) tenllal.S310K.JOlln W/D storage S695 .... hi •11 Irv, 3 bdrm, 2 ,11 ba_ ~;:_~;2s7 S l l 5l week. 675-5949 ba. condo. ParicttkeMI• Newport Helghta No h0me.$285/monthplus 1_8_5_t-068 __ 1 ____ _ 846-7660 AGT 7 t 9 ~ Mar lg.old 4 bdrm, 2 ba, lemlly wane 10 beoch Pool and S500l mo. 2 Br. t Be. up-ting. water orltited, pell. $525/mo utllltles. Call rlghl now! 520 sq 11 $I oo per aq TRADE: C.M. coin taun-640-4255. room, lpc, dshwshr. air tennis avail No pete. •~rl ...,, 311 per apt., endsd gar~. lennl•. pool. •P · Wtr. 045-1682. 640-6479 II . 3975 Birch N B dry n.t. 251</yr F p cool. fenced yd dblagar. $950 mo •• -.-;c;;;•••••••••••••• balcony/patio. leun ry pd. s5oo. 855 1525• 3 B 2 B t I Share 4 Br home, bet· A""nl 54t-5032 . ' . . 2 Bdr 1 Ba, den, 2 lrplc. 2 I $825 E BA V Ill d t0-5PM Large r. a. rp c. .-S 180K, tor equity In El cer garage. lrg patio. Xnt schools. · vee 752-7474 1 • erH es con o, rm. Avall 5-5. tam rm. deck, dbl ga· ween Bay & Ocean aide C.M.~ ~.B. ~ n • w 1 y d • c 0 r a 11 d . 213·833-9082 t br, 1 be. unlurn. atepsto ft!~'~. 1!;~~!~·2~Y;!;· ~: TSL Mgmt. 642-1803 Butt.ir.• rage. upstairs. $750/mo. Avall. now. 675·2637 all prop. r n on y $1050/mo. 517 Polnsel· 3 br, w. ba hOUH. 234 belleh $445 mo. Garden view. $595. •2 Br t be Mell verde ...,. m• 780-1668. SPM. 54()...8927 tla. 644-1093 Flower St, $850/mo 979-7295 754 -4114, 642-9057, upper. New decor. No •••••••••••••••••••••• S.. a.ate U7f liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil WESTCLIFF BLDG ~~EWPORT BEACH .... 1111111 Smart 2 BR CO<net uMd 979-1t37 all 4pm Cozy NPI Crest town-Katlt pe11. Gar. $495/mo. THE WHIFFLETREE 1-2-3 ...................... ROOllllATE Oek.lxe 4-plax M.aa Vfll-brick trplc .. hdwd fire. ButillflM home. pool. tennia. nr •tr•-..... AU 833-8974 Bdrm Ap1s;-6ym. Spa, Studio apt, ocean view. '-"'"•' ... , ... · .... •"' ........ . """~ ./c _ _... de. owe. 8ilt 979-4383 Closed gar. Below Cal ·-.&. JZ40 be.ch c •II t 0 see -~' B Sauna. pool. tennis, etc ultl lncfd. $375 mo 332 FllDERS Hwy $890. 642-0972 -M• 962-0607 Aollabla now. $300 ~s525tmo. 2 r. t Be. 846-06t9 Encino In San Ciemanta 2111 a.ta 1111 Aw 87:J..6355 • •••••••••••••••••••••• week up Agent 1 etory, •hag, drepea, 1-the Mgr Apt C) Oldest & largest agency .1-. ./r ... -•-...a... •--HOME FOR RENT HerbOr View Home 3 Br 2 875-8t70 P•llo. lrplc, d/w, beamed Deluxe poolllde. J1tra lar-All cllen1s screened with _ .. -Spectaeullf ocean & city 3 Bdrm S675. Fenced Ba family rm $ t 150/mo. celllng1, garage. g e 2 b r. 2 ba. b II n s 2 8<-large duplex with photos & relerencea. .;,. _.__. .; ........ -.;_,_ . .., 10 2-bdrm townhouH tights view lrorn every yard & garage Kids & Purchase option avall. Ocelltllront wkly.'2 & 3 br. TSL Mgmt 642-1603 dawhr. t'/\ mllea beech. view deck. t block from Credits. COsmopotllan apte. plue 4 bdrm rlneh room. Large & spacious pets welcome 545.2000. 644-6977 comp. lurn'd. Ger. Avl. 3br SC Pl SA Adults, no peta. S500mo. beach. $675/mo. Mon-Goad Momlng America Call Mr Howard 645 6t01 houH. Xlnl rental eree. 2 Br many amenltlea Agent no tee now. 640-4784 * · nr · · aza$a75· 536-8362 Fri 599-082 t . Eves & The Tomorrow Show · ~.:1'9a:i"~~~ $ t200/mo_ Call Anlhooy 4 br. ;.,.. be, lrplC. 2 car SUYllW ~:'~· ~2 ~:·2 2 or •1, mite beech. 2 br, 2 car Wknds 640-4025· • 'h o 11 * to a 11 new roes Call WOLFlNGER days 642-5757. evH & gar Sgt lamlly $800. Beau1 4 br, lam rm. 2'/\ 84 t·1460. get, cov'd patio, all pool $u r... clients wno need a place -.-_.--m--------8 *-~EALTY. wknd163t-6630 Avail. JuAe 1 673-0626 ba exec hOme 180 deg. rights & rec areu •WPllT 141 11H -• .,.r-. sweeping view Pvt g•· E1111lda 2 BR. sm yard S6751mo. 213/925-4798 C1-'•lln1 U11 • From I room 10 3 rooms 2t3-539'-1394 C.tl llnl 3U4 1Br condo $350/mo 1ed comm Tennla. optlon11 attach gar ••••~•••••••••••••• From $1 16 a sq 11 No C.M. Triplex fixer. 565K •••••••••••••••••••••• 9849 Continental (Apply swimming. gardener $1, $495/mo 900 sq II I BA. bath & gatege. 7792 Trl-Plex, large 2 Br t Ba Mele to shr w/2 fem. spec lease required AdJ Alr- dn S t39K price Prine IE -IF 5:30 dally) t·497-3690 500 per mo 644-2057 548-4845 Newman. 1365, 191, last yard. quiet area. $460. N-port Shat" hOme 2 por1er Inn 2172 Dupont Oflly.BYOWNER. TIELMIYFIW . lni•• JZff 2 Mstr Brs , 2'.t be , 111.211.111. &dep.842-«31 86t-1827 ~~;Y~:~~~52~~115 CallAM 833·3223 645-3340 Rent In Coll• M esa • •••••••••••••••••••••• S700/mo Kld1lsml pet Newly decor. Gu pd. AIL.mTll &P11 II.ti Alli 3UO 450 sq It. turn oll1ce g UNITS In HUNTINGTON NEWEST gat ed 20 3 Br. 3 Ba. Exec Home In all Avail now John. agt. encl gar dwshr, pool, Near beach. Specious •••••••••••••••••••••• ProL M/F share luxury space $400/mo BEACH. 10 years new. Townhome VILLA GE Northw<>Ods. 2 story with 631-2242 bbq Adulle, no peta q u I et 2 Br. t •;, Ba MacArthur VIiiage 2 Br. 2 tum. Condo SC Plaza 641-0763 All 2 BR $45&.000. Bkr COMMUNITY 2 & 3 8<. xtre trg tam room No 642•5073. Townhouee $495/mo. Be new carpell & •P· S 2 8 5 6 4 1 -4 8 2 5 -•---------- ""• ~123 2•;, Ba. 160<>-1800 aq 11. dogs please Gardener & Newpor1 Heights large 3 960-865& pllences S625/mo Call 966-8479 BAYfRQNT ~ of pure lwlury G1t19M, water paid $900/mo Br 3 Ba many emenl-IAlll ... &PTS · 2131746-6250 daya, fRl-PLEX ln HUNTING· hydro-tub• In master 545-2000 J.gen br 2 ties $1150/mo Call An-Adult living, 1 Br., car-2Br. t•;,ee. $375 + $375 213/377-1221 -AP ~s:. 1~ ~r ~r~'1(; 2 ~~ Pnme ottioe 673-1003 TON BEACH. All2 Bdrm. suite, dining roome. $750-$600 thony day• 642-5757. Scitdoul studoos. one port pool & laundry No dep, gH pd. nr Beach for Mr. Cesttmllll. S heavy •hake roole. 14 wood burning fireplaces, 2 br. 2•;, ba S800·$850 eves & wknds 1131-6830-lndlWObedroomlPl'I· pell: $425. 93t W t9th. Blvd & MacFadden. 2 Br 2 Ba twnhae. laund"'. ~.~.~~ ~:.~'Uay 129~e/y yeera new. S 188,000 micro-wave ovens, prl-3 br. 2 ba $925 Country charmer. Npt ments. FURNISHED St. 548.-0492. quiet, no pets. 893--4894 pool. no pelt. $495. E~:S 760--099!. 5•9-0626 execuplan ':~1'!_%23dn. OWC. Bkr · "1 t e pde 11o 9 f 3 br. 2 'h ba $800 Hgts, 5 Bdr, 3000 sq 11. and UNFURNISHED. 2 Br. t981 M•""" Ave, let I Br w/garage, walk to 213-377-25 t9 ......-v1 yards.gar ener prov · 3 br, 2 b• $1400 Vacant RV acoeas. Call _.... beach s435, pet OK. Non-amkr. 3br condo, 11....1.,._:.1 ded. Elegant Ill/Ing only 3 br. 2 be $1500 furn Diana. egt 831-1286 Oakwood also ollers llr. no pet1 2 peraona 962-2827. 962-4078 ,_, 4000 $200/rrio. + ,..., utU St50 ... I•• O....,e" ,._ uuu 15 mlnut• from Funlon 4 br 2 be ~1 •Al Utlllti. f>Mc1 $ 4 2 5 Sterr• Mg m I. ••••• ••••••••••••••••• dep 9&4-3654. H B Full servloelcuatom "-*-JI• llland. 7 mlnut .. to S.C 4 bi: 2'.t be $825-oo Npt Peninsula 2 Bdr l'lt 'lmmedllla 841-1324 t Bdrm, 3 block• from Over 21. Poot. tac. tennle_ d ottlc.e & desk apace i..:.~~~••••••••••• Plaza or O.C.Alrporl LAI Raisor Alty 8600 Ba. lrplc, gerege. opn Occupency beach. No pets or chit-Steps to beach. Rela. 2500 sq II con ° Bay-Nr O C Airport Sale/leue/optlon nr OC Just eatt of Newport beam celllnga, pvt Pih<> dren S290. 111/last plus Newport Bcf'I 5-48-4260 view. pool on beau ·See to Appreclller· Alrl)Orl, 4800 aq 11. bldg. Blvd. & ao. of San Diego HOME FOR RENT $740/mo Ave II 611 •11 Mlllonln .ay --., dep 896-3662 . Greenbelt 557-7883 or llt-QJI 4 200 sq It A C olc, Frwy Starting at S900 • 4 Bdrm $750 Fenced 955-0096 evttlwknd• RecnetlOn -,_. E/1lde C.M . Am in pvt I ~64~0~~~~9~~~;-;:::-:;;::-~~~~~~~~~~ 200AMP 3 phaae, gua-month. 63 t·S439, 2473 yard & garage Kids & And Much MC>fe' 2Br apt w/pool, laundry hOme w/pool. Shr beth lvoung prof (MI F) to shr ranteed tenanl t.000 sq Ora~e Ave . Cos II pets welcome 545-2000 SPACIOUS I Br rm, no pe11 Nr IC Hoap. $250. Pvt beth $27$ lovely 3 BR Turllerock CdM dlx suite. A/C. ample 11• Financing. Balow mkt. Meu Agent, no tee SPYGLASS For a month or a hie-Fireplace. pool & much $500 673-2252. 557-2783 hme wlcouple Pvt bath, pkg. ulll pd 2855 E Csl By owner 5-46-4602 w 00 DB Al DG E-3 Br . time Models~*' more. '"1 block to beach 1 Br. Npt Bch. spacious, turn . ofc, tennis. pool & lge Hwy 675-6900 llOl llY 1Y.Ba. nr poo1 & tennis RIDGE 9aml06clm No · 141-HIJ garage. $425/mo. No quiet. p111 studio. prlvl· yard Avall tmmed EXECUTIVE OFFICE Bal-,,.,, '-Wt "" ..•.•............•.... 11181 Commercial lol localed near Buena Park Civic Center la avallable tor $150,000. Lot elze Is 11. 600 tq 11 and qwrler Wiii help finance. 631-7370 TJUDI T 10\,.\l. Rf . .\I n C-1 Lot. See at 117 Ro· cheater, eo.1• Meal. $110.000 o wn er 675-3099 3Br.3 Ba. Townhouee $700mo No pets AvaJI W,.mTIVll: .. E pal• 124 20th St tagea$450/mo&40-8290 553-t539,uklorGary boaPenn52511.$400 by babbling brook, lrpte, t 11 wk 0 t J une _ .. .,., 536-8149. , mo P rov BI A I C d/w, pool. dbl gar, many 494-4142. Wn1 YJ1W Qekwood WeatlkSe 2 8r. 1 Ba.oen-1575. Sp~. a-y 2 Female prelerreo ~Nd 2 rmmtee to ehr 3br 857_611 I 675•3600 xtru. No P9'• UOOtmo Garden .a-..--.h tr1t heating. geraga, 8< 2 Ba. Prtv-. Patio lor rent. $150/mo. 2b• hse. 2 car/gar trpl. 551_6834 · l•••e. t • t & aec 1 Br Condo. nicely up-4 Br_ 2'h Bl 2 oreptaces. ...-u•--ltova carpet• drapae _, 646-5.436 lrg yrd S230 lmmed. '----------646-6423. ~d•d-$495/mo C111 · • · No pets. 833-3307. 662· t t t5 or 546-5169 Co11a Mesa 250 sf suite C>Ytllng green. gardener-NeWW)Oft BeechlNo. No P9'•. children. wetfll-Furnished rm & bath 1111 YDll 552-7485. $1700/mo 8801n11ne bad•. $450 + Hcurlly ltft•• 3144 Kitch prlv. Tennis, pool, Home to shr $275 mo incl $ t15mo Ulil lncld 779 * *w .... 111 .. E Realtor· Joyoe Edlund (at 16111) dapoell , 54 8-5442 or •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 t e p • to b ch . NB ulll. 111 & lest. Furn, W t9lh St. 85 t·8928 ~~.rQum ~t Be~e!.-~v~lr. 642·8235 (714)~1104 770-6629. 2 Br, l 'h ba upgr1ded $275/mo. 645-5734 all norl·Smkr. 873-8302 Balboa Penln Sub leue 2 '"""" " Sharp 3 Bdr 2 Ba view CONDO Northwood. 4pm. otfces ot IOOO eq It ea lmmedlalely. Many llM-hOmel Nffl leke & beach $u Cl .. ••lf JJ11 p .. WR"f1 Belch/lo. _ S 7 2 5 m 0 • Av a 11. 7 I t . Shr 3 BA 2 Ba hme Coll 1 • • nl11ea. 875-4912 BKR club Av1ll 1mmed •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,..... -me---•nu 73l·6423 Room for rent, kitchen Pk. CM w/M/F Pref pro Ulil. janitorial & parking lllT Tl"' PUI $1000/mo INH Ofl 1 yr BEACH COTT AGE. 2 170018th St •uun · prlv. Lady. Pool prlv. non smkr $260 mo Incl. 673-66lO 111. 8 others 10 chooee bdrm, 2 b• Wik lo train, (Oovertt *"l Tl .. 1.1 i.-.., i..i 3141 $60/wkly. 557-6«8. 64e-2718 Prime olllce space. Co- o.ts you alarted In real 1 twn. bctt $700. 492-7913 (714) IG.ft13 c 2 :';"II; ••• •• ••••• del Mar S8501mo •tale ownerltllp rom. New ondo tor rent. • ·~;~ F hu rm w/pvt bath In Yg F slir 3 br. 2 be home. rona · B W Id C M (Uj) 11.J 8<.2'/\8a.S705mlo.Dbt __ , apt,MeseVerde.C.M . $1 75 &1 utlls Call 676-95IO ~1~j "1' •. · · ~~"'brldgc .,. gar. ftreptaoe, pool, IC>&. Moat aleg111t apt. bldg. to rent 10 nonamolclng F t0-3:30. Tine 842-8558 mo. D., I ~-'111'•1 JVI 66e w. 18th. 645-2739 In Laguna Beach, llnelt 25+. no pell. S250 l.C. &llNIT 1 Br. duple•. Ea811lde. nti '" •••• :«':............... locallon In town, br .. lh· 5.46-1307 PROFESSIONAL male Olllce space IVllllble. C.M. $450/mo. ,..1 'lt~IO 2 Br, 2ba, lam rm. encl 2 eekly ecron Ir ocean. taking vlawl, 811 bult-ln1. non-smoker wanted to 5Sc/sq 11. 966-0t22 2 Br. Townhouae with "" • car gar, oloaed beck· lg• 2 BR, $250 wk. up. E. SIOE-3Br, 2B1. garage, heated pool. eub. ge-.... I ... rl 4111 share llke new 2 be-•---------- pool, H.B. $575/mo t'f.!llllarranu 1·~ .. ,.t,.ln•· yard, nr echle. A.V ato-Carport. 673-6158 children OK. no pets. rlQ•. elevator. L•••• •••••••••••••••••••••• droom. 2 beth. Si n Juan Office space evallable. 0.1 ti C...ly Len get your ln..,..tmant rage evlll. $525/mo. 5e25 mo. +MC dep. re-Oflly. $850 & up. 330 Cliff Pvl rm, b eth. gourmal Capistrano condo. Fire-85¢ 10 St.00 per foot In .._ ,. llH atarted. Agenl 556-6516 Unlve<Sity Park 2 g'· 2 ba. 11111ut & eec. & Gleaning A,.,,.atr lundabla. Avall May 1. Or. 494-8083. mHla, tranaportellon, place pool taceutl only C1nnery VIiiage Burr ... ~~ ........... BHI Eutelda locatlon. ~.g5~tSs ~do ;~·J;~02~~· de Olive. U"'8n11W 848-9$96 tndry, companion, tor 2 mtie to ' beach' ind Willie Allr, 875-4630 PALM SPRINGS SUN -roomy 1 Br/w1ter paid. •••••••••••••••••••••• Sharp 2 BR 2 Ba. tga .n llAll LAllll 1ct1ve, elderly lady. Ir-Dana Point HarbO<. $275 Office In CdM, 2nd atory DANCE VILLAS CONDO Alt. garage. Adult•. no Deerfield. 3 br. 2 bl ... ,. u... 3111 ~ rooma, an bltne Incl DIW. {)aluxe 2 bdrm, 2 ba, vine. 552-3037 ava plus·~ utllltles. Call Ger-walk-up Ocean view. Privacy & Hcurlty. Lg 1)9U. $435. 1131-075-4 twnhee. frplc. 2 car gar. •••••••~::-.~•••••••• ....._, ___ , ••-gar, MeH Varda. S526 Walk to beactl. $750. No ................... ,1 flll hard (714)831-2040 or cpts. drp1 & p1nellng l•cuzzl/ waterfall, furn. $725. Cell for 11P9t, (2t3) 3 Br 2 ea Bea tllul .,_..,,.,, _, mo. Call 540-1 158. uk pell. .,,,.,.,,,., .. ,. 496-9753. 420 aq h. 675-54•4 10% loan 111umable. ... .. 939 3041 bel 2pm · · u •••••••••••••••••••••• tor 1......, a< Pam Adll•. 4~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 1----------1.~::.:....:.::...:.:.:...:....:_: ___ _ -· ocean vie~. walk to 4BR. 2BA. yearly. Frplc, -·1 1111 A"--' Shr beaut. ocean view M TIE WllD S 1 8 5 • 0 0 0 · ( 7 1 4 ) Sunny 2 8<. 2 Be. Xlntloc 4 Br, 2 'A b1. huge yard, b I a C h S 7 5 0 I m O · bit-Ina. petklng. CIOM to Clean, qula1 2 BR 1 'A ba, ·~ ..... Uff Rau. Weekly Rat.. home In Laguna with t 32&-.-871 nr SC Plaza. Open beam. A/C. lu x metr suite. 835-5500. bay & ocean. Br k r patio. no pate. $465 .•• -.-;C"••••••••••••••••• Kltchenett" • Ptlonel o th• r . S 4 0 0 PI u • Dhc exec. suite, 2•012 , a...J 11,,,. 0•~1~~.sh :~c~tpg, Pd:,~ 857-03-42. 552.1901 3er. 3Ba. xlnt so. Uguna 875-4912 548-'506 NO FEEi Apt. & Condo "Z" channel Movtea 855-8755 11pa~~~~~J :~::~rc~·i ... ·-loc & I 2 rental•. VIII• ~tall. s d I 1967 N • r ... 1aa-II# ape, dbl gar/opener DEERFIELD • 2Br. 2B1. · 111 ut month• 2Br, 1B1. bltne. relrlg, So. Co11t Plaza 2 BR 1 875-4912 8rotiar. •n P per, ew· Roommate w • n I e d cntrt. w0tk •••• plu• lg ••• ~~~·••••••••• Av111. now. $800/mo den. super clean, pluah t req Avail S2000 mo. garage. yrly $550 mo. ba, lg• patio, lull eec port $190/mo. ll•P• lrom recpl. rm All done In TRADE Cabin In Fawntkln 9 7 9 . 3 3 7 6 wk d ya . cpt. AC, trplc. dbl ga-eautllul new home. 111, lut + $300 HC.. Kida OK. $565 Incl gu & VerulllH 1 br condo. Bl COst• Mesa 645-9 t37 bHch. Need someone decoration style. beaut $98,000. for houH or 751-818'4-/Wknda rage, lg lot. redwood PINN c:.11 494-1055 lor mature aingi. or couple. water. No lee. Agt. $550. Close to bHCh. UUW mTll. by 5/t5. 645-208t In appearance, In toe. condo In Org. Cty. decks. nr pool•. parka, ddlllonel Info. 673-8989avae, 7524005 957-0222 Full MCUfhy. 548-3874 prestige bldg Newport 548·5518 or 845-4509 Specious 2 Br. 2 Ba ap01 no pell. Avail lmmed . .,n.__, __ ...,., , ... dy. uk for Kathy. Wkly rental• now avell H.B etralght Prof. gentle-Arch" Marina Bldg. aft 4PM l evel, lrplc, micro. 3 s825 mo. 752•7499 . .,1 rmnui• _. 2 Ek 2 Be. ~tlo. cerport, Sharp Garden Gua•I $105 & up. Color TV. man wlll •hare large s.-2~ ----------• d•cke. ekyllte, opan 833 3658 •••••••••••••••••••••• Npt Penlneul• I 8r 1 Ba. no pall 1460/mo. Avall home, 1br, quiet. WI D, Phonee In room. 2274 home near beach wlthr----------TRADE Central Cout b11m, dbl gar/opener. • HOME FOR RENT frplc, opn bMm oemnge, 5/17. 5A&-8675 p a tio. S335/mo. Newport Blvd. CM. mete over 35 . $395. .-Tl 911& cleat, cuelom 3 br view Avall. 5-24. 1850/mo. WHA,W.t 1H4e 3 Bdrm. $650. Fenced garage S540/mo Avall 84~8333 046-7445 963-8538. 1 & 2 room ottlcat from home on 2 ac. horH 9 7 9 -3378 wk dye , 3 b:1~:. ;.i' ba. Japa-yard & garage. Kid• & 6 11. 9.55-0098 ~vn/ STUNNING large 1 br Promontory Pl. tam. 100-S205. Utll Included. e".t. A~~·'= 751-8184 -.'wtlnda. nue garden. comm. ~~~: 545-200<>. wlcnda. ~~1=-Poot. 710 W. A,u18tllfs Fu.Jiil4 ~ r..J.W king for rmm•ta to lhare Realonomlc9 675-8700 Org. ·ct";. baac: ., .. : Outetandlng M ... Varda pool. take, tannl• prlYI· • C... HJ llM JIU Obi 2 BR. walk In cloaat• •t Ual•n 3 • ... 1111 28r 2b1 ocHn vu apt. 268 IQ.It. Oovar. Newport Owrw I054ee 4()43 home 4 Bdr 2,..\ 8• on legee. S975 per mo 3 bdrm, 2 ba, very nice. •••••••••••••••••••••• • ...................... •••••••••••••••••••••• $450. 87S.3e05 Beach. Choloa patio · cul-da-uc, $950/mo. 559-4783 875-8180 $875 mo. NHr echool. Walk to pvt beach, 2Br. bltn atova & D/W, mo· Senior Lady would Ilk• locallon, S308 mo. ,_ -~ Agt. 83 1-t286. Aak for "---,_. 3141 9&2-2288 or 893-3117 18a lrplc lg petlO ~ Mic ftf, pvt~· mar. b k mlddt• aged Lady to 63\-109.t 8o of PCH Wllltradalor MM. HA.................. HOME FOR RENT g•r•~dnr. Cape CNld Ot<. r •. 84$-tll83 Kenne un port? eh,.. home CdM w1111riiiiwHiiiiiiiinnM- ,.. aetata.' Oerratl Pleh, Belwtlfully decorated up-Lowly 3 Br ' Oen, 2'.\ Ba. 2 Bdrm .... 75. Gwage. 1 Cod. ely remdl'd. £/lld• 1 Br gu•t hOUHI I o· b ch & • h. 0 p. . WltllfmT on Ownr/bkr. 75e-1221 graded 3 Br •P•CIOUI Not•t•. t850. Han• chlld OK. no pett. s 1000 mo . (714) w/guag• & utll. Av•• Wasn't he the Ambassador from 640-7390, 873-7075. ...... ... "'LWel famlly rm wl•tona Ir ..... , 55 • 18 5 8 0 r 1 n g • 5-45-2000. AQanl, no IM. 873-8501 , 833-2900 ~1. '475 mo. 045-te28 R ? Supwbly l\.lrnllhed, viaw ..... 4~ Cody Australia under Teddy oosevelt Fwn. 2 "'" 1ga hM CdM of ma1n Cf\ na11 F " ,_,.,, lr•nch doora, covered · "rl•zl•I.., 2 bf,~ dao .. loa pttlO, w/wkg woman own bd "' u ... ••••••-•••••••••• .. •• patlo. Or.., tor antatt• For laUe; 3 8r 2 81. view. -W• ti ..... anol. get. l<ldl Ok .... 90. ptu1 81, weh/dry els 2 c r • t •' 111 • • r v 10 • • =· Gardener Incl. S795. Arch Bch HI'' lla/sn.UW Ull 3 bdrm. 2 ba, 2 atory 2229 Autoart. ~fK)~ bch. Non smkr $325 '525-$6&0· 2 room autte, !!!ft.!!zr.'ff'f.'1.... · 55e-OJ.47 651-3037. Avail. 811 . ~-tik:.;dn·~,~·;;. townhouu duplu. f75-«J'111842-8208 790-1323 S1175. 875-9400 LAM,,..., II 1'A BR. yard, no P•I•. "---mlll lllf SC Ptza. Pool, gl'dnr.'Obc O'lefllied patio. Pflv•t• Wit "'**' 2 bf"'-~-"' II JOl're llOt Wt w4lo (Of w t) ltt11Mllw~ WU. MIF to"" houM w/2 l<g Ran111 .... ..:g11on nr oc rr.;;e.••••••••••••••• oh lld OK..1.W•aUlda. ~';';';"••••••••••••••• 1er. NO I>"•· '41s a 145 J•o, flrapl1•o1•· ds't'~,: t•mlty complex. NW+ doll't *'bad -,o.·r• llOl lllOllt ~" BA. 1ba..1rp1c ~ AlfPQrt, aq n tMdO· CIHn & pretty 2 bdrm S47Slmo.11M1-0783. HOM! FOR RENT utll. 775-2580 ~182e wHher. Bu II· n•-. "" dap. !ncl. gar., OW, one ol 14 d1St1ncltvely cllfftr;~:-'11Mf1l floOf plelts 3 bike lrom bch CdM: 4200 aq ft AC otc, home, patio. garao•. !.110! oorn•r hM, 38r, 3 Bdrm. H76. Fenced So. eo.1 VlM.:a db1 2 BR :e;:1~: ~ll I• at•. "'°"' utl'I pd. MM147 II Suwilld V .. HI 1111 leach. SeewMd ueo ~., mo Utll Incl 200AMP 3 PhH~U•• Ul'J ;~!::J~:TY 18•. •::,tl~•;e 'f yd, ~ ~g~~1::J 2 Ba, nr So. Cat Plaia. 2 bf frplc wt gerden a 2 IR l'A I•, tplo.1D/W, ;:,:..,",~'= = ~==~= 171>-1 21 ~~~~an::.".WO.,, mk~ ,.~ 17 7 ~':.' t I Ht + S 10~ .':: Agant. no ,. . ::0.0::~~· clbhM, ~ seOo/mO. Call tor mr.=. ~a..'r. pete. blMI ol 111b11• * ."" -tllStltcl ltt • lortsl With ..... ~8\~5 ~. ~.~ t 8y owner ~502 a-..,,,.,_ II dap. Ava II May 20 • ..___ ..._, Ill' eppt, 87:M622. '380. 1 BR , ~. ~ bfoob a.lld t1MI ponds.~ by 1111t111al N.8. '240. 675·1041 .... , .._ mn;--'n"-"iT"-••• lff-'787 ;;~:;;;-• .-~..-. •••••• : ~,. -.... ~ 28r 2b•. ralMd calllng, ,.,~1 , 11:' I . ''la ...,. iw..,,.. ID 111111.-. C011rta,....,... •"fum ~Offlol"l3t0. e.o. ''*"'· 2'16 bl, Ir-t8r 28a --i.... dlt1en-...,..... • ....., ,........,. tov..tv 100 not,., from -. •ape• r tOIWtlllelt _. "'¥ .,_. SfW ~ oondO. 2 bf. 2 •"Brandl' Offlol S18. ~ r ... rec.. Yr 1..... ~I._ ' ' .. _..,. • •••••••••••••••••••• .. , ' &41 1• .._.14e-23 ._ 4'fOllt WMld b•, on leka. P~ NU· •Seminar/Mtg Room• 81400. tn4100 1 Ur 2ba lg lam rm . ~ :':SJO::r ~ .~~: ~.tfff! ...... llff ~~ I I T I / m O ' UITm Md~ ~·~r ~) nt, tennla, e1tarCIM rm. hOUl1y. rnoct yd w/gdnr. an . ~ · .. · · · •••• -~~, ~ ~7o~To· ut11a pd . •.J._yp1nn , m1111n"e, en.117i • -• &afA ._. MM 1 bdr"' 11ov1, refrlo. ()lie aid two~°"' -two balfl ... ....,.... ,....--• • M 2 BA. fi'pte, ..... 2 &lh,.., H9f ALL UTIUTIU Pf.JO r.pi'•nm •••••• r.;u =..!*~~ ..,tMllU Ir• 1'11&.lt MIF.,,, .. !bf hoUM, Nwpt c.11torInfo162...e.408. l tlOO/mo. f11ml1tted. cu l"•O•· No P•H. ;•.;ri;.:-;••••z;.:;_ Compare befote you lt!Or ... nr bMCltl. pool, tOOOl#IMft.Mo,toMo, 171 /mo. lei+ S'80 y.id, ~ov'd ~=.up· rent. Cuttom dHltn. ttnntt. Gar~, W/D, ~ ... refttel. 1st. I ......... MO.~. 142.()131 graded. MOO. 770-2'2S fHtUrH : Pool, 180, trplo, oleno. /mo If for ~IQO., ., .. ~IJ •oe•tlon, "91ll to 1 a 1 DIN. tadUclld 1 oov'rd ...,.,., ~ .,...., kf.4140 .., • ttt .... lnt & li'IHtet•. ,,.... ,.,.. """ .. • ded -"h l*iltl IMd90e-"MMTI wented lo w 2 ,..,.. ••tw _peli1 '•:Cc· Ho !!V}J!.9"~·· ~ No.,... br, 2 ba condo, Hunt.~~~~~~~~~ ...._ • ...._ ~. 10/MO HOMI '°" ~ 1 • tum. frOlft = Ith, Fell\. to ahr , •'t-_....., 111,. = amln•n••.. !1.t. + I I I 0 I• o I ld,m. SUI, ,eMH 2 8r. MY!. "°"' ...,.. ~ ll0-1U:S _,_ --111 Ttltfter ... v ....... l -····· MM!llM. ..,.,. & ,., ... IUCle & Ml W. Wltoft ....... 71 H.L acroee ffM ~" 1111. __. tunt. l1MO .... _.. l*I ..-olM· ..wooo. OlllDa. ~~ ..... ,....,111.-,..,.w .... -. .......... __.. . • • • Orange Cout OAJLY PILOT/Frtday, May 7, 1982 H/F ~.~.~ .... ~!' ...... ~ ·-~.'!~.~~ •• !t .................. !~~ !-!I..'!.'!'!!. .... !.~!! !1.'1..'!.'!~ .... !.{!! ~.'.'l..'!.'!'!!. .... !J.~ !'.11..'!f!~'!. .... !.{!f ~'.11..'!..'!~'!. .... !.{~ !'.'I..'!.'!~'!. .... !.{!! llAl11flL • "' ~ Pet Owner'• wlll piece * * * e·evSITTER ··1w 1F IWllWAIE IALU LfHI &ISllTAIT MEDICAL AniSI Limited .--------- - -••• •••••••'•••••••• your pet In 1 hofne while aaa--aa.. • "' · M • w. · .._.... ~~~ .. Piil lllTll ou vecetlon no ce a ..... ,.. Mlall 8:30-5:30, 2 yr. old boy, Full time. Exp. prel'd E11cel. oppor1. lor take-X-ray cert. req'd (MS). PHOTOGRAPHY with uae of reception, ~9226 • ge · Open 24 hra 1 dey my CdM home. Rel' a. Crown Hardware, 3107 charge legal aulatant Flex hrs. 631-4420 ••••STUT IUllllR I conl. room. kttch, phone, CAR WASH & 7 deya 1 wee11 644-8S64 eves. E. Coes1 Hwy, CdM eble to eaaume 1111 res-Model• now hiring et Tll· .... aecreterlel l word pro-GAS STATION ......,,... 89 Gorgeous glrt1 to HEARING AID pon Independently and tanys Ne Must be ovtlf CILIA Pllmll oesalng. Mell & mMa8ge Coate Meaaf Newport CLASS. Reduce 11r .. 1n pemper you. J acuzzi, ..... •-1_._. I,._ with corporate law 21 Auditions held Mey FROMEX 1 Hour Photo Systems Is Mrv. evall. seperetely 11 aree. 29% down. Net $45, your llfel 4 1~ ...ions. Seune. Locals aa well 111 1nf1ta1 les -an :'Tl.'--knowledge 1 person. 121h WedMll SPM 3rd desired. Call: Judy, 000. can prove net. 3 yr $40. Stert Mon. 5110, tourllts. Senk Amert-Good typing ebUlty. U<llls ..... non-smoking office In floor nOW hlr ln_g an assistant manager 714-7~100 lene Mobll 19118· Cell 7:30 PM. Prot Therlf)lst cud. Meeter Cherge, In b111lc meth. Ortic• In ........... New P 0 rt c • n 1 er & color printers fo r our new Hun- 979-5370. Al« lor Victor. 759--0499 Amerlcen Express. DI· ettracttve Newport · 644-2644 day or night. IEEI EITU MHY ti t B h t Ph t b k 11t,., ....,, ft. nera. all welcome Beach non hospital eet-ltll'ftlc 114 .. ,. UUL lllllETUY eutdon'twanta9-5Job7 ng on eac 5 ore. 0 0 ac - Exec. olc. pvt bath & The XerclM Compeny In-~1645-3433 2112 Har-ting. Cont8C1 Ir-Rutt. Set your own hours & ground a MUST. Norltsu , Kodak-~:w~~~er~~n,•~•:th~ ~9:-~o;'J~2~ lrMclus. et., CM ~-8950 ~::1';:~~7 ~~c~~n~~n~~:1 income level. we train S, Pako o r Durst printer expe!l- Attrectlve C.M 11\dustrlal ~~~A~~~ BOOKKEEPER/OFFICE Benefits Sell-starter. 3 yrs legal you 557•5675 for appt ence. Call Jana, 213-650-8480 Complell. ---------Wd If--' J atyte, VIP treet-t. Growtn" Colle Mesa APPLY IN PERSON exp. preferred 847-6041 NURSERY (Ma 1 u re ext. 246. tlMIU --------· Hon rm ... mme-24300 Laguna Hiiis Mall UIE .._. attend ) for hurcll u11 ... '~..... •••••••••••••••••••••• .. ._, 0 I I h ..... I C S By ownr. 968-230 appt lO-§PM 548-2817 dlete openlllQ for person LllQUllll Hiiis .... am I p m & Wed p rn FNU\ ADS Telephone Fantasy experienced In llght EOE EMPLOYER Experience preferred. 556-7787, 846-2393 ~~ UIUYl lal•• uunu Converaellon with Ml-bookkeeping (AIP & but not necessary, salary ---------1 l11J.111 ._,.i HSI .•.....•......•....... Smecklnthemlddleol AR£ FREE chelle . M C/Visa . AIR)&generalolltce •l"l'DI negottablewlthexpe-N11D$[S AIDES 1•-------111111 Pllll11H BalbOI. 41 years aame 53~70 procedures lnctudlllg ty-Earn $6. per hr. houae· rlence. Apply In person un PUT TlllE Camerafplateroom ... locetlon Good tease. Cal·, 59 yr old femete Arthur ping & good telephone keec>lng In Irvine. CdM. & between 3-SPM , 210 Exp In Genatlc nursing II 6-9pm Expending youth s1stant Mon (3PM lo •Wll 1,750 sq ft. Sutteble for storage. Martlel Arts Studio, bellroom. etc. $500 per mo. Greet loot traffic and en Murrey student dealrll penonaltty. Wiii consider Nwpt "P9fo11 12 hrs wk. New?or1 Center Or · Npt must Only dedicated, counselllng firm has ope-approx 8PM). Tues excellent price. For In-N!-1111 escor1 & compenlon for par1 time. Send resume Glrl Frldey Home Ser-Bch lovlng persons 11eed 11p-n1ngs tor 3.5 sharp out-(2PM to appro ... 8PM). For Info 962-5440 formetlon call.. l~~~~~~~~~I ballroom dancing Shire to Ad It 1012. Dally Piiot. vleel 559-6022 Tiii IMI UITI ply E11p all ahlll. X1111. going mature people to Fr 1 ( 9 . 5 p M l , s 111 MEL FUCHS l~nn or Somer Snyder. expenses. write Ad P.O. 8011 1560, Coata Equal Opp Employer 1111 program Call motivate ambitious 10-13 (9-5PM) Wiii w<><k vertl· C-.1m.J , ....... lealtw Arden o. seeking to lo-#914, Delly Piiot, PO Meaa. Ce. 92626· HOTEL Loan PrOCMIOf. Capcbte 642-8044 yr Olds Call 2 ·5pm cal commerclal camera lat.ii H1S lll-1121 cite you. Gen. Del. At-Box 1560, Coate m111 BkkprfScty. t girt office. -.m 10 run 1 gal oHlol Must Nursl"O 642-4321, ut 343. Ask K11owledge of PMT pro- •••••••••••••••••••••• _________ , lendale. N.J. 92628 aome computer work Needed ·ror tWiury-Legunt be eble 10 proceu lor OllT, lllU'S &Ill tor Andrea cess helpful Excell for tnllE •... ICE CREAM j--;;;;;....-.. :;;;;1-·liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil CMI NB erea. Simone Beech hotel. Fltlme tum· FHLMC loans & 2nd 11-7 Smell convaJesc:ent college studenll wHh re- inn-bldg on Co111 UIYD. • llUll Pt.Ull 11111 I :0..1 & Vj:..J.'I 642-9651. mer months, flexlble T 0 's Lagune Beech hospltat, N-por1 Back Pll..-L teted clenes Apply In Hwy, South L-oune. Ap-f&tTllY Still looking lor los t LllU3 ft.Al S liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilhours Contect Gall uea. Satuy open plus Bey area. Good working TIOllllOl&I ~~~'.0~ J 660 Placentia prox. 500 sq. h. Excel-..... •ililllt puppy. Mother dog GO. Pll11-.S WI Veughn-Purdle for eppt commluton . Clrcle condition• 549-3061 Ctassllled personnel t---------- lent private perking ~ voln,,g. Shi eggy long heir. --1••-1 Must be able to work Sat. 497-4477 E.O.E. Home Loans 499-2261 ORTHOPEDIC Ott•--Ilda tech. needed by Hunt-PIT Permanent behind bldg. $525 mo. ...,... wh ta. 4 mo mete. -•• _. & S 0 h h b ....., lllllllU Turner Auoc:. 41M.1177 648-ee10 OUTCALL 24 HRS. un. t er ra. to e Melda. experience helpful. back otc & x-Rey teen lngton Beach City School lntl11tu l•H• lll-020l errenged. Apply In per-..... hsl..,. Needed for time share & ttmtted lie M uscuto· Dist 12 mOflth pos Abi-lfTDllllS ---2250 sq. ft. In the N9wport (II) Lemer come home! We eon· Kerm Rime Herd-Mutt be experienced motel units. Apply to the Skeletal 2 doctor otc Illy to type 60wpm & lake Leading 11111on111 martle- Lease Nego1leted. con-love youl M laslng Sl•·1~~~~~~~~~!lwue, 2666 Herbor 81., NCR 4200 Room rea-San Clemente Inn Ask Pay neg 631-2200 shrthd d1c t11tlon a1 ling firm needs lntelll· Belboe Savings Building on E11t Coast Hwy. Air conditioned, ample per- king, cupellng, groas teue. S2250 per mo. struc:1fon plena 9PPfoved m•H M. Rewerd. H.B. H d I t Ill I CM erv1t1011a. APPLY TO for Angle No telephone 90wpm req'd $1.268 to gent, adaptable people -Reedy to build. Open 962-7004 :;1 ,~0~~11~: .. ~•: Oevld Mc Nlel or M rt ca1111 PUT Tm $1.575.per mo depen-who enjoy public con· for Ihle summer. ldeel Lost: Lt btu 1plr1I note-aeek• alncere alendet Civil Eng. Co. needs Baltaz.er ~ 10 AM MANAGEMENT ding on exper Apply: tact Must have clear Location In •hopping boook, Bal 111 vlc. Very lady, good morel•. under deal g11ertdraltsm1n. end 5 PM: • I D'S Perm., pert time pos 7 3 5 1 4 1 h St • H B telephone volte. An Ideal center edjecent to.rnejor lm'/.ortent. Reward. 35 for testing rel11-O.E.S., Inc. 642-5552 llTU LAllU avail Mon. thru Fri. to 536-8a51 position tor an oulgolllQ anchor aunarmerket te-... 7 • .,1 83.,, ... 3 ... 7 ASSISTANT MANAGER merchendlse & dlaplay ,_,._ ti<> ~-ft......._ on nent Mlnl;;um cuh In-'" .... tlooahlp. r-• • Clerlc111. Pert time Trel-425 So Coeat Hwy LB lmmed lvN-tlme ~Ilona glftw11te & work In photo Plant Maintenance lnte-,,....~, w ~· '""'"o '7l-4400 HARBOR vestment $60,000. Act Los1 1 fem blk wflen Col-Prof111lon111 M en 36 nee, front office appee-494·1151 11vall for aggr11ntve In-dept E•per prel'd See r1or & exterior poamons •regular schedule P· nowt F0< lnf0<m11tlon call lie mix, 1 mele Poodle ae1k1 reapon1lble et-ranee. bualneu atud«lt HOUSECLEANERS went· dMduals who enjoy wor-Store Manager tor mter-avail Full time Mon-Fri por1uruty lor an elCGelfenl I • 26 H b v ..... .-.. Wiii 1 al I f 1 •• t ... __ Must have good driving parlfllme 111come For II 714164~111 m x. ... In ar or 1.1 trecilYI young Women to pr ... err....... r " -ed Ptt1me, exp pref'd 11111g with peop e ... ua ......... record 545_6252 conlldenllal interview. Homes. ~64 shire weterlront estate. real eatatefg111er1I of-Own trana SS per hr. be able to work eves II TIE lllU •H ca 11 Mr s 1r 0 1 a 81 Found: Blk & wht Doxie pool. boat. etc. 111 111-11 c •. Co• ta M e••. 548-9715 Interested apply alter 1610 Sen Miguel or., Printing s•s.5778 3 chenge for some light 2 : 3 0 • 5: 3 0 M • W • F 5PM dally, ask for Jane: Neweort Beach IUIAID 1---------b r • e d Pu P · A 1 t • houMkMplng, occaslo-957-0701. Housekeeper, llve In, ex-ME & ED'S PIZZA _ Real Estate Sates i-F-~-2---~336-ledlee_: _5'43-_. ---~-=-J-.c-.-1 =::i:~~~s1W;: .. ('""4) ~~~~~',"~ ~;~:'..~~~! iiiit7itihi&iiTuisitlini. ic iMiiiil ~~~i ~1n~~h;r~~~ g~~~:~1e:11a~sk~~~~~~ A Division of H arbor Investment C-0 I ·-· 11.lJ p H bo c te Weterfront rHtaurent women to take care of • Part n.. r.... m1nagerlaJ e11p pref'd. Uonlat. typist. sales HP .._ c enney, " ~en r. LARRY ROGERS. l ither Excellent benefits 6 home In Hunt. Hbr ar11. U-AID WI Tel11pho11e order clerk Rese> Include motivation pref. pfT 20 hrs wtc Udo Fii Wll Lease Negotleted, con-.M. Identify. 5021· of Wendy. lmportent, d1y1 673-7228 bet . Must bl eble to do aome Career oppor1unltlea for Help us conduct a pro-& mgmt. Production m&-VIiiage 675-7100 atructlon plens llPPfQved Found Young Al9h111 wt h •pp y news. C 111: 1<>-4. cooking. Some Engllsh Manager Trelneea with motion for this area's fl. nagement. st11tu1 re-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 3oo aq It. Foot traffic, ·ready to build. Open lor rid collar. Herbor Shop-714-364-3603 eves. n e c es a . Ca 11 one of the fastest growing nest 11-apaper. Mon thru ports. accl. tracking & Dntwn Lao 494-6688 this aummer. Ideal LOCI· ping Center 548-1775 COOKS & Hosteuea 213-592-2441 clothing retail cnaina. Ell· Fri. 5 30PM tog 30PM gen overall operalfon lfOlPTIHllT -Pl•D1'1• tlon In shopping center . Ft..-J 1411 flip. pref'd. but not MC. cell """ty tor the h"'hly S t 1 9 30 1o Gd be11ellt package. ewpo'1 Beach loan bro--lld)acenl to mejor anchor Lost; am French Lope• ...................... Full or pfllme. Setery llllllEIPll motl;.;;~: goel orte~ed 1 ~ morn ngs Rm for advencement llf&ge firm Busy~ F• Wll supermarket tenent. Rebblt, ten. PfelM cell BARGAIN! Going over-depending on exper. 5 yt9 Hperienoe req., to lndlv. Retell or meneger sa4 00 a week 10 start with mJr. corp Resume hie typing Eiiper pre-,_., .. YAUJY Minimum cesh lnvHl· 645-6993. 6'&-9119 HIS? t free r/t ticket. 642-8881 oook, clean house & bl· 111per helplvl. Excell. em-Alter first week share 1n to Jim Hu11t, P.O Box 'd Call. Ketle, 640-9350 2 ofllce/storage bldg• ment $60.000. Act now1 Loe1 In College Perk WM. Real. 2131596-0059 ~ DANCE M/F 19111t tn ao-byatt 2 yr old. Nonsmo-ptoyee benefll1. Apply 111 partnership• profl11. 1790, Npt Bch, Ca. (12,500 & 2790 SIF). Ell-For lnf orm1tlon c ell amall black lh-ogy doO· la•,._ clel club, bellroom clu-ker. meture. Setery + any store. Hloh eamlllQ•. only requl· 92660 cellent corner loc., par-7141645-8t1 l Rewerd. Oeyt S40~284S, •• x:-:,:::':'!•••••••••• .... Earn u you teem to room & board. 752-7498. rements 11 a good phone liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil .,,...,.ll'TT king. Leaae all or part. ht..,,_..1 EV91 645-5808. J• WutM 1_.,I $1000/mo. PfT evenlnga, Houaekeeper wented. 2 voice. Call alt 6:00. To place yoor message knocks often when you Annuel teeae wfopt. to ••J LOST· Blk. puree con-•••••••••••••••••••~•·· Mr. Ellls 542·9047. lull deya or 4 ·~·d•ys. M11n1gem1nt Opportunl-before 1~ use result-~ettlng Delly renew. Founteln Velley ,._,_.,,. -· 1 ' Young married man would h k & 1 ties reedl bll School Oistrlct P 0 Bo ••• ~r::::tt;'•••••••• tent• very Mnt mentel, Ilk dd J b & ltMal...,... ouaewor ch ldcere, ext 312• 642_5678 no pu c. Piiot Clan fled Ade 10 · • x _._..... Mkt Beaket pkg lot • o 0 •eves rel ' a req. Call eves phone reech the Orange Co111 8510, Founteln Velley. ···~ ,... BetbOe & 30lh NB. RE: wkenda. can do 1 ven.ly Ort ho chetralde. Excel-720-l l82 equet 2Pp!y Emf>IY! Daily Pilot market 92708. Neomi Wlelend. would you Ilk• en tm-WARD ~ · of hendymen Jobi tent wage and benellt1. Westminster M.,1 --·--Classified, 642-5678 Phone 642_5678 842-&e51 medllte & high rete re-· 972-9525 evH, Ilk for ROA or ellglble. Newpon llllllllPll Westminster City ........ •-e turp on your money? Found white M•ll•H BMI. Beech. 640-0121 Reaponalble person M-F --. lnt•reated? Cati Fred. Poodle, mele, orange •-• .... ~ 11• DOMESTICS 8am-noo11. Stut $5/hr. 2 11111, 1 compre11or. 493-0451, coller. Vic. 13thl011ve . .a• ... _,.. .. .._ . ._... 1 La 0 u n 1 N 10 u et 1800 aq ft or 3500 IQ ft. Ha 960-4482 •••,-•••••••••••••••••• ... 11ure ,......,_MP9' or Cell 979-5370 esk for .__ i.,. · · a.. Mt.c Sen prollAIOflet. Verled du-493..§480. 'llk:tor ;::::1.!f ••••••••••••• FOUND: Male lfllh Setter. Telephone oper. Exper ties. Hon11t, energetic. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 2nd To• 1 Red. Mele, mix lhlp. M only No other need IP-relleble, 5 hra pr d1y. •111111111 \ f >I l / !l /:'If ' I •• '. Watml laWflll •••••••••••••••••••••• N 8. 3975 Bln;b. 5eOO sq. ft. or , .... MIA ZOlll. Agent 541·5032. $20,000-1150,000 fully & brwn. Fem, mix teb. ply."8-4 Mon M-F. 362 ='1:2 Cerlraft req'd. needed full or part time. emor1. to 20fyr1. Other bllt. M&M, mix lhep, M Third St. l..egune Beech Good u lery. 81-llnguat. 2nd a to $ 1,000,000 . & tan. Fem lhep, brwn l llUftl (YU) References req'd. Con-Apyta comm't & non-blk puppy. Mele. •hrt -Appllcatlona being ecoec>-teci: Jan, 494-8460 owne~ progrem. Prln heir blk cet. Mele, Ing-ted for nra1 quality l\lrnl-Good driving record. ~~~~~~~~~I only. Cell for egl. DOW-heir, brwn, grey l blk tore delivery dl'Mlt. Own Cl111 2 lie., work with = NEY SAVINGS. Brent: cet. Newport Sheller. trenaportatlon, tele-elderly. CdM. 759-947t. HouM Meneger, lvtl time 11e3-291 t 1 2 5 Me 11 Or. C. M . phone & xlnt drlvlllQ r1-Ellec. NC. edmln ...... ,. & Mon-Fri. 8u8y household 644-3e5e COl'd I mu11. Cell Mon· confident In Newport need1 meture, dependl- Orange Coast Plaze 9901 Chapman Ave. Wfft Heven Plue 16 t85 Brookhuf'tt The City Shopping Ctr. 16 City Blvd. Eaet Hun11ngton Center 7777 Edinger Ave 9922 Ketetle Ave Garden Grove ... .,,.. WerehOUM 1p1ce with carpet•. drp•, l wet bare. 700 to 3200 1q.f1. Meu lndu1trtat perk, 711 W. 17th St., Pedftc Bluff lndultrlel Perk, 11315 Whittler Ave . 842-«e3 & 842-7904 --Wulal Loet 86elilo wetoh 5-5 vie Fri. 8:30-0AM only. Center. Lo~ hra. herd bl• peraon to menege ;::::1•••••••••••••••• • M&-7~5. k l h I 1 • f home. Cleenlng, teulldry. E.O.E. 110 000-1100 000 + lor 18th & Pomone, C M. wor c a eng ng or llohtcool<lng&ahOf:IPl"O· ~~~~~~~~~ locel rHtdenUal TO'a, Aewerd. 541·1031 eny-ASSEMBL£A8. Wa wltl 1omeone unu1u1lly Pleen cell 7159·8015• or.:: Mu~ L to V. Return time treln, Apply 7AM, MIC• brlP.ht & altllled. II thla 6'0-2950. W 119'J, 3.4 ebove prime. Cell Gregor V1oht1, 11 31 lln t )IOU,.,...._ c.il your INSU .. •N""' Fulltlme, lor f11t-p1c:.d Oennl1on & AllOC sl'D•ULETS ~ Coeca...... am.rt•t. uncttellenged, "" ~ ''"O•On'• office, New-'73--73 · \ll\ltllr underutlla:ed tnend & tell FGS hH opening• for port Center er11. Beck 11 AUTOMOTIVE them about thl• ed. eiq>. lndlvldual1 to Hf-office e~ helpful. ...,,,,,.,. f'rul ANSWERS li l&I• Comp1n11t1on to 124, vice pereonal llne ac· Photo fifing dutlea. Cell • Bulfllll . TllllP .... n 000 ptu1 benefit a. II count•. Muet hi~ good 644·1240 (9-12, 2-5). 1100 1q. It. 2 oloa. w/ ••• '!!!lf ••••••••• !!::f F ~ __... you're the .,.,t, pleen oral l written communl· --------- cpt1. F&R dre, O/H dr. WIDOW HAS ltt tor TO'• ~MIEM -·•11 reply In conlld•nc.e to: cetlon 1111111. Sater{ ..uL &llllTlll top cond. Frwy olote Rf. Loant, 1oK Up. No ~ne wtlo makH a Muet h9W Ow A Moen-Mr. Ch1rte1, P.O. Box oommeneurate wl~. Front I beck office. Ex-1385. 1000 eq. ft. 1325 Cfedlt Check, No Pen dolen "'°'*',. ie Full tlma· 40 hour Hit, Newport BHch, eblllty. Peld company penence preferred, lull OIH dr. lol .. t l buln, atty. Dennlion Auoc. tn and lat IOlfteOM .._ ..:..C Monday ttlru Frt-ce. 92MO t>ene11t1. Advancement tlrne. Founteln Velley. ltorage IOft, t7M251• 113-7311 119119 thW Job, Tiie 01'i1Y dey. Ced*eo ~ FOOO MANAGFA Otc. l C"~~ 91PPt. caH Hunt. Buch arll. tHOOSTRIAL BLOG ,.111 _ ~tem t1Pl1~1.,.1na..!!.'' preferred. Cell Conred counter Nip. Hunt. Bdl. --..-------1_84_7-eoo __ 4 ____ ~ 3400 IQ ft , cleen, good ....... .. ...... good v IN!.-Diii fol" d«alll at . area. 8H1on11, April • I '1 ,.1, • . ..... ~ ._.._t ....... ,.~ I buy dlaoounted Tru1t NABERS •-t 8en citizen• wef· II y · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · '"· · ......,....,.,, ,._, ........ ..,..,-DHdl, ltratght not••· lalS al' .W ~to .P.,.Y. 544-637t ner bldg. M1-~ 2nd• or 3rd• In for ••••••••••••• .. • lff";; .....,, • ...., flll .,,. Olf benll"'P'cy. felt AOOAAPHOINC ~ Oenerel office. HHvy :. ~t•IO ... ••••••••••••••••••• ectlonl Contect John ~ ~ phonee, bookkeeping, • ..... ~•• ...... y .. lllllJ at.a. 9kr. Mt a.414 _,,_ 15.00 llr. Cert.lti.d Ap-• ..,., _ _, • &.ml. • . p119noe. 142"°240 : COON>IMA TOlll , • ..., •• ,, 11• •er .... _ • flM ...... -.. ' . coordinate l eahedule natlonal 1eek1no Que~pt/ •••••••••••••••••••••• ........ -•• -. ... ~ :::c;l!r.'-ect"'u•e. c:ri M• be neet and *t to advertlelng. RHpon1lbllltlH In .. .cn ...., publo. Dutlee elude: monthly report1, corr•- ...,,. .. 714-116-1•1• FINANCIAL Pl.Afl9tG ... -.. i no1i:_d: ~1~1~e ipond•nce, heavy phon• worl( I I nn,/lnwf/ Clean ' metnta.ln wof1t J':.tK. CHhler ••P•r and llght ftllng dut~. A ltcant ~ 1 R A ., .. , l run errend1. llelpful. ApJ/ft ~haw '9C)n,. ex-~··""··••••• S Mu1t be over ie. re•· ..... ... perlenc., abUlty to handle UIY & '"' f 1 :.0.!:1~':0.#r''"; 1111--.. llf •·• :ptton••· be detall oriented and lfrif!fitt l'Jf · Art y~ =i: '°' tM fvturt. Watof\ eon: 1111 , !;, .. A l...a.t abtl to dem ~ wtth ICMwtt-zttlt1'--~1t1Trlftl 1 K.C.O,,. 11 SAT Mom 7-.AO Ml 141..--1tftm ~ ~ 9t0. T~50wpm. ._ •· ~ =-...... ""' .... "'' _ _..._ --· a to·-· lr: ..... llrlillll :OS.: --.. Plint w--., ()floe, 0J•11W .,y ., .......,_, '"Y H;::r;: INfl'I -Oft. Hrt. wr,.., • ~·-~11 Tvu:'i':i c.ilT14-W-17'1. =t=-\=•· iJ;,,~~r.:9:~':.":: -=~-~ =. Cll 1~ b up to ... ltocll ~aYllTTlll ._ ... In •--' 0 ....__ •-........ ., ~ ..... ...... ...... my H1•· ftOm• tot MW ...... '°' Alt -..-PP a nwnr 11URlll "' ...... ~ft_ue. NO. ....... Oullilfl911ilay. ""111 Jf otdalrf. '"· bU9Y .__ 111M4f -- 000. ~" ...... .... ... loft. •tn-4011 ~ . . ~ . :. r ! . . . ' Buying and selllng et a ~~~~~~~~~I reasonebl• price-that'•~ ~~~~~~~~~ whit claullled 11 all WANT ACTION? Heve 1omethlng to Mii? ebout. 842-5678 Cllllaffed Ads 642-M78 Ctuelfled Ide do" w.11. ( L ___ <C ..... :'.:i_> __ l ) ( (,..-~<CS---) ) Newspaper Ca rriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valliy & Newport Beach &ooclEm1'9 • CALL e Slptr~ CtRCOLATION PEPARTMENT • &Nat 911il'lll . 142•21 ' . l \ , ' '· •• Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Friday, Mey 1, 1882 ~IM~ .... !.~ "UtlY'a l l lld•ICh Shop ti.Ip 11 .. ded, 19plloa· tlone l •ISllM, 0 M 1171 11¥11'9 • 17th &•$-1100 !~'1..rte.'!!. .... !.~~ t'it-~ ....... !!! ~~\·1;;~·.. !!~~!! ... !!ff h:t~.~ ........... !".,•'-/ ~ .......... ~ .... ~ .. ·.!~r.!!~ ......... ~~ .. ~ ...... . ........ ~ ~"PNNQ me. BAM AIHS 'OF ao04r1Ch TIA ao·. Ill El..... •llfMn ' '1'1 a-y ~ ...... ..,, ,,,, SAIL80AlCleanlng I mlno1 repalra Buie mech 1pt1tud1 req d Pl t i me, I n c. wknd• M5-7t00 S1le1 ltMlac ftr btr• ...... , ......... ~UMd~~· 221181tftca,C M 8110-4 BAt311k•nu,clffnlnQ U'ctltllOUlft 'M.~·~·••••••••;;,:;••••• 'f..:al J.•epd.1 6700. .... Ho' 0 1, N•v•; ( ... l)jmee·•Line) Oat HO 8'7&-0082 hog. hull. lv9')' option. 7~, 4 In 1 'K': -~-...;...1_18_. ____ _ ~ ... latlp••lfl UHd QUH ft ... worth s AT I s u N II A M 81 rd M1gtc l1t1nd Gold M•m· Greet ooncs. O.S-idebt9 hdt o~rome • 000 Ofla '71 '250 ~ ton 4 x .. '4, ;';:~~ :~:11~ ~u:~1:~.: UH, ~••II ont~. U11 01g11. bullet . 0,, ..... b erahlp, mu at Hll • 8 ?' lnbtd 1f11111P H•· mllff. Mint ·cone,. Muel 000ml.l.OtaOf 11trae. All erapnlc 11111 pertonnet tor d et. Uau11ty llo me, mHt tlleer, good mlto m.,kel value 11260. Wiii ::!~~oindu,.J:,'Z H e 1 1160/but o lr. _1_4tl.l __ H_3' ____ _ on-0111 wort! In lhl pre· 7114o7S50 Item• 18'42 P•rctl Cr :!:,::!~~ ~~-= dook epao•. Ccm I. M 1·tt411 1171 Chev·~ ton 811v•· prHI erea At lento ** ** HI . 182-38!2 2 aumrner pkg. IOto, YAMAHA "0 1211 twin redo pit up truok, ~· yeilr. ••l*iene4t In ty I BUY Crib, high Gl'l&lr. plly pen, Small Wood dell!, brand 875-1474 MW cond. loW ""-· IO Loaded . tao. nuo. ae111no. Piii• up, CM*I Oood u~ ,urnlture & IOfa·~ bit! ... Wondftf new SH mph/71 mpg. 1100. 407-3494, 4117·1718 opefatlon or pl1temAlclng ~I ..... horH, CJ, .... , roll·•-831.()408 511-3302 'IO c~ EJ CemlnO ""' lan~aary Voumu11bl Of &ll.LfOf You we~ bed toy• baby 10 .. _ --'78 27~ It IAY&.INI " Im r31'** 20o0oml IMU ldiM av1ll1bl1 tb work on a edull CIOthea' bookt -1,.._ "Victoria." "Y bridge, '7t llO r•bll Mg, MW . • • • • 1•1 .. aub1tltut1 or ca11.1n bula. .,._ ~ llOU~ miac' Sat 8~· M1ehlne tor beck ac,hee VHF rad lo.JA~~~t_tantc, llr .. .1. r~l1bi.. 1150/bl ::~ l y eppt • 931,2040-~~040 Salary d•~d• on •Pl' HI .... Ill Mii 1842 Coriander Cotti Ind 11r .... 1276 r1rm ~tftflnes.t'OVQPUntor1n oft. l'IOO. 641-1511 · IUll DI• - rlenca Contact P1raon· Meaa. &17·3311t 18' pwr boat. w/40HI' '11 -•aa lH 1111 ... ~ T 2M 02 Mer--ite ,,....., ntl. Ill ,,__ Jolln1on all •lee •na. ,.._. CU8T OE&.UXE Pk UP _... -, 1ttO 2IOZX. t&t. 8 epd, ~ QL oedlaoe. ~ ... Xlni oond~ • 10,AOO. pp ha/Wlltldl 142-1221 1111 .. .,.. 1111 (917MJQ). Run e and loolca~I •f l21ft °"9f.;;,. tNv 5-1M2 • llTm 888 Dow l tr.t NEWPORT IEAC~ Hl-1Mt The P1nnyuv•r 11 10· ~piing 1pplloat1on1 tor Tel•PhO"-SOllcltora. P/ time Hrt TUfl lhru Fri. llAM· 12 Noon Apply In peraon. 1880 Pl•c•lltla. CM. SALES CLERK, M Vor pl time, 1pply In peraon btwn 10-12, Colla Meta St1t1oner1, 270 E, 17th St .• Cpata Mesa ";•hast 111111 ULI ,,.,,....., bHulllul oond. l t800. 4600 mu .. With 38 mo. Beige oolor with mat; Mllelon V:fi. lal PUtt New 1\111...U. maru.t Mt, Unique mlac 1tem1, hou-WuW "'' 567-94M tOf IM-45113 w1rr. Like new. 12410 ohlng flb•rglHI al'tell. (Avery Exit 1-5) 330 . 81y St 180. N::J~••n atu, ••hold clot h•• end ...................... WUTD ~2tMUST SELL. Equlp'd With comp. tow i~--0pen __ Su_nda __ Y9__ '72 Dlt.eun 510 W~ coeta Mee• 1100. 7 2 h1rdwer1. Set-Sun 8-6 MliiiT _.. 25• 35• Take owr loM p1ok•g• Incl ov•rlo1d PUILIC lmOE QoodltN~ir;j· • 1111 11001 · 19021A C hurch St (In Ctroa 19 40. &.Ike new. pl • h. Cln ...,.,..,, PP 80 cc Yamlhe. itrMI .... tprlnge, bratce •nd llOht ---~-'----- An Equ1I oggty Emgzr au.en sit• llMp« IOll a rear) Coet1 Men Electric moYel)'lel'll. 17-40. ll:UI OU · '""'""' ' ' gal, I 188. control eto. Auto, crufM, .... ""' Ill.I llnen. 1170. 2189 Eut Ocean Blvd. 764-1030 di Of' 64&-0403 73-1805 0711.0ISll P/8, PIS, AC. R .. r ill· 111 u-•-#111h•IJlf 5-'t-3573 Ne~po t Beach End 01 ,,., 13' Whal«·~ s..wttcl't, ding window AM/FM 1111 ... 2112 •-Ill.II Earn big money worl(lng part time by the Beach CALL. W W Wiicox •••••••••••••••••••••• Balboa'Penlnsula. 40HP Johnaon. 12000. MT Ill.I 1tereo1t1pe. Cu1tom 4 •P••d Irene., ater•o (RWONYL). Thia one hat A.111••11 100 SOl1bed.loweMt,ool'fee OlllnfllallVfl 848-3448 Y11Nhl80,appro11.eoo whl1 1ndhuvydu1y tep e . air c o n d . •5 •Pffdtrena.&AM/ ••••A•••••••••••••••• tbl, end tbl, c1blnat. Garage 111e, 8210 M1r1-r..1 ... at IOll ml. 1275. 648-1048 tlrH . '4.1,000 ml. 17360 (018MVI<). Thia car wlll FM Clllelt•. MAHOG. Ch•ll on ch .. t 12&0. 867.8884. gold, corona del Mar ••• -.,':"'~•••••••••••• 1118 1 15' Boaton Wheler. oeo. 97.,_2808 be 1old to the hlghut •Y 11111 dreuer, v.,y nice 1400. DIVORCE SALE Olllc1 deak & chalr1, elso Late model Adler elec. ty. ._ 85HP Suzuki motor, 11173 VHpa RJlly, bl1ok, blddet'J Mike Offerl Call 1110'• Pin• aid• table. other thing•. all rtHO· pewnter, w/COW!f, $200. new tr 1 llar. 185 00. w/wtnd~. Xlnt cond. '72 Relrlger1ted Truck, tor defellal Offer OOOd tl\l'u 5-10..f2 • m . & cut• I 1 l 5 . Cuetom sor. orlO I 1400, nebte. Set 101m.4pm. &42-38115 wkdya M 2·7058 11175 080. 846-3439. 12· at ... ptate bed. new -llWNIT Nl'm 714·980·8"4 I S11e1 87M155 now $285. 846-085 motor, clutch, fly whMI, 888 DoY9 StrMt Far•an I•• .,.., ---I B IOI 1' COllfereno. T1ble. oek 27' B1yllner. C1bln. Fly· HONDA CT7 0 Trell/ tren1ml11lon . tlre1, WITUll NEWPORT BEACH • lllT1IT aAll ...... Ill I ... ..'!.'!!................ flnlah, w/8 ru1t uphol. bridge, 110. Extru . Top Str"t. GOOd cond. 1200. brake•. etc. See Ed a 1••1•11 C e ll us •bouttl'le Clro&1940.Llke new. $150. 72~730 WllTIRll&llU chalra,1 yr otd,11klng co nd . 111 M , 1183-6272 tNCketMoblleGu Sll· YW •r • out at anding career op-Electric movemet'll. $745. M1tchlno I041d d1111 WOOd w/llllld I 1 840·8777 1800. 762..e353 714·&40-3070 '75 MINI 60 Trell. Very gd. lion, Harbor l Gl1ler, portun1t1esaa1nln111-75 4 •1030 . de or colle1.1ndt1ble1& Geldlng OH Goodwl E11eoutlv1 m1 hog1ny ,.,11 •·•J ._A oond.l~~· .. 27 C.M.Call Ed1ft6PM ranee Agent Tra1n1ng 11'4S-04ll3 "" commode. Auld c1bl· you no 119 r 1• 1500 du k. P•rl. cond. Coat •••••'•~•••••••~ ......, • ., 2 643138. $85001080. will not Interfere wllh 5' Clewtoot Bath Tub, ell• ne t • & dr••••ra . 95t-359t, ... on WH· 1800. u ll 1300/bl l . 'll ~ LM '78 XR75. Kkl'I .ua. >Ont. '87 OOOGE ~TON your present employ· I emel, In .. 1n1 cond, $226. 831-13111 ,,.,. kenda 848-11145 Ludera 30'di~HI •loop cond. S32S. 8 cyl, 4 1pd working 7800 w .. tmtn.ter Ave WESTMINSTER 113-7111 831-1110 ment 780-'727 Nrought Iron dinette M l. TYPEWRITER. EXXON. 138,000 obo . M-F 11-5 ~5272 m1n·1 truck. FM, he•t. Muat Mii Ant6 heavy bl.ck octegon top. B1111i11' llHl1 IOI OYX 2+ Electronlc. Prl-Suaan 752-7179. .. • mega. lg• bid. Good i-------- 963·45 t8 ' Antique rollt"" delll end 8 h I· b •c k ch• I r•. •••••••••••••••••••••• c • d to· ••II. John ••0T1v •Teo OW"'"" "'''" .,..,, i.11/ cond. 1925. 544·2188 SALES GH-3 GEROVITAL now 1ve1lable rn the USA la 11 the Foonte1n cl Yout,11'1 Free seminars. high Income potenllal dlllrlbutorthlPS availa- ble 7 lil/983-5535 -.. 1500/0 BO 531 13111 Franciscan Chine, 1qu1I .., ,. ""'" chair. 1550 · • sllver, complete service a..1-7000. Cal. 34. Sall-e-wey oond l1a!J.'ll11•r.. llH Vu1 1110 558-0790 ""' for 8. Perteet 1700 OBO Interior Dealgn Studio Hatteru..,75-87i 1 · RE.NT 2e·n:~;·~ •••••••••••••••••••••• A 'l'_l Ill r wln bed w/1~g l 540-61142 furniture: axe w~rk a 81 Hobie lll, colored M iia, Sip• 8, lutty loa<*I. 11177 Dodi• M ui-van. ."4 ~~~R.ARU•••• ~~~~3 evea.•oo Jlflfln 1010 ator•o• t1ble, 12 wall· Ilk• new. bHt olr over M&-8818 ~:!.~~·18':·0C:r.~t •. ~ • •••••""•• • ••••• •••• ••• P4IP« bin, Ille reek '500 S3 000 873-80711 '73 GMC "" -• t •aaJV\/080 -. APPLIANCE SERVICE "=tal ........ 11•00 ~. IOf all. 640-8499 Iv "''""'· ' ' Of..,. owner, ..,n ..-vvv v•-, ....., .. ·--Ladl11' 141( Y•llow gold .. ._,. 2 0 cond gd m1•--ige fully 5•8-5618, 846·•500 111 W1 Mii recond .. guw. I for 1700. 845·4400 Rolex drH1 witch H t .__._ ~ Cl'. ood light air. trlr. ., .... , • •pplleno... 6'11-3077 d•Y9· 8730ii23 9'111. with 2 diamond•. I 1 t95. ....,. motOf, llpe 4, cell Evea. 1 q u 1J! · 1 2 • 11 6 O · _4_. _______ _ se1es R 1 1 $ -857•1445 Uud 22 0 xc111en1 714-11117-41211 831-8 411 75 Oodr van, lClnt cond., lllll l Ito• • r g. 226, Wuher, )bl bed: Mitt/bk aprga, cond. Clll Lee 1175-1128 o abot,,....,... 11t _.., .. __ 1 s3 70 •M /FM t " Dry•r. Olahwuher •ml mirrored dreuer. SAPPHIRES & RUBIES -..--,_ --r1•/11n ft•nl 1110 '-' ·" 1 •reo. ITAllT llHE 1157-8133 1 12 6 • 8 4 6 • 8 3 3 2 , (cut) Need caeh. 80% 011 Steel Ille eabln.t, 3 dre_, tor beginner, l300 wltrlr. •••••TUT••~••lUI•••••••••••• new tlr•, 6'0-8332 The Los Angeles Times 1_R tlm 780-1390 G.S,I wrluen apprelHI legal $56 Aleo Udo 14, only bMn LU FOfd, bubble top camper. C1rculat1on Dept cur· ,.~1 e44•7007 41111·1228 In w1ter few llm•. Evea 3 Burner 1tov1, 20 gel. Table, water, 18 mpg. renlly has po1111ons open WIU/HYI I uphl IWlvel rocker ch1lr. Ellecu tlve m•t•I duk, 875-7650 w1ter tan'k, alnk, t1ble, $1850 OBO. 5511·1833 1n sales As a lleld re· Coln opereted, $350. 2 y e• r • o I d . I 5 O. IN v ESTO RS + ewlvel arm chair 175. Like new 15• Mutineer N II le• boll. 5 gel. propane preaen1a11ve you'll earn 548-9400 morns. 875-0&05 COLLECTORS-very lint 4•1228 t1nk, gd canvu & tlree, an hourly wage & gen-Ceylon sapphires, lot ol beet, CIUI boat, ngo.d little Ulld. Kept In ge· erou1 commissions Hr• Relrlgeretor: Dbl dr. Xlnt 1 uptll swlvel rocker chair. t t5 C11at1, Apfro• 78 In • 1 IOI lor racing. trailer, Jib & reg• when not In uae. co nd 1 300/ol r 2yea r a old .1 150. rll 1plnn1ker,cu1tomco-4pm-9pm For more 1nlo · 875-0805 101. app II 92,000 •••••••••••••••••••••• vera for 11111 & boat. Steep• 8 comlort1ble, please call 957-236t. M5-8332, 760-1390 Nead cot. flow Take Hand led bebY Molucx:en. plu• otf* 11tru . 113115. e•I 1204 s.er1 freezer, epartrnent 2 Recliner Chain much lest, meke offer very 1nectlon1t•. 3 moe. 128115. 788-3882 1197-8879 SALES person wonted I llze. 1150. Clll lor appt. Gold, l 125 Mdl. Call fOf PIP 71•·980-178• elt 7 11250. (714)e.47-6883. 27' ALBIN Vega lloop, dll -S-,,-.-1m-ll-na-2-5-, -.-A-w-n-ln-g-.1 Sund1a1 Fastirons La· 549.3312 eppt. 548-3312. PM wk days anytime P1uot. Atr1can Grey very lnbd. Npt. .Up. 118,500 AIC, Bal )1ck1, 2 dt, , .. guna Bcti Call 17 14 ) a-tappor In refrlglretor 8' COUch, or-. wknds young & ti me . $1eo. 54s.5559 frig, RHH hllch , new 497.4774 with pump & aper• keg• S80, good trwne. Exqul1lla 1't kt wedding (7141847·6883 LUDERS ClaMk: WOOd 25' carpet, rldlo. tllJ)e dee*, W.ES PE•SOI 1100 55e-0790 5411-3673 set +8 smaller d la· Hencl led baby Blue Front 11llbo1t. Good 1h1pe. converter w/b1tt cher- ---------l,ATTAN Dinette I / mondt APP< Mutt sett a-autl"•f & 1tt ..... lonete Newport 1llp. CH h or ger. 13,000. 54a-8315 Ord.' besk lull or pt/ Weat1nghou1e refrlg. ' H w Reduced t o S 1600 .._ '" ..,, ·'""'-S3000 87 .. • ..... _1'"'"· for~1'ge Couot· lfoettr .. a1oa ~~ gl~u top & 4 m1tch'g .• 760•0998 $.450. (714)847-5883 tr..... · .......,1..., Tent Trlr. ldnt cond. 11pe ~ y'a most dynamic: s1no1ng cu It. lOnt cond. Auto Ice chtt. Never bM n u1ad. 1,1 a~ UM 1C . SIM elec converter. new lift telegram compony meker, Oek p enet•d S300 OBO. 55M798 Beaut 114 kl cubic Zlr· 1Ull • UI w/•'-~ 87 ........ 'YI & Ur•, rMdy to Ute confa 14 t old weddl •••••••••••• ••••••••• U9Vfo' ~ 112..,, ... ""'"2 """"' Good leleprione par so-doort, 1-400 842-28117 31RCH HUTCH with the!· HI Valu~ ¥250• red~ Antique pl1no 1700/beat Ster , 3711 & tri ller . <IN 18 ... '"' ·-- nahty & legible hc1ndwrr-Prlv pty w1nta Ille mdle vii. lerg• drawer w/3 $125 Hurry' 780-0998 ~~:9n1\ll1h 1111 1800. Cluelc glue OW< wood. Aat1 lnftn, lut1 ~~~tee St~~: s~1~r gr:i:: ~~Yo!8•Pt i lze etove. :~~:;•w1r1 a 100 . • L ' 1011 Complete olymplc rac:lng I Attn1mn lfOO d1cal bene111s & credit •t•l•~ Stelnw1 y studio, ebony, sloop, ready to ••II. •••••••••••••••••••••• union Apply in person REFRIGERATOR <Itch. or p1tlo fft . Dell· ;::·E~j~·;rod•:c·,~;;i~;r~i l~ec cond. ArtllC bncti NMd1 aome coametlc1. LITE BODY WORK & M-W-F 9-t lam An1ma1 Like nfi lroet lrM 2 dr ca II wr ou ght Iron . lithe. S 1500 548-9490 Incl d 12500 54M737 13200. 636-4809 palnVup to 50% otl your Crackers 215 Riverside $155 893-9060 ' 341148" gleH lop lbl/4 morn•. Hammond Elect H·lOO w/ Lido '4 wllrlr, 2 eel • of body ltlOP ••· 538-0832 Av N B Chrl. 195, 840-2314 •a'I I I .,,.,.. . --i New kitchen alnk, Kohler 0... te P apeaker, lmm1c cond. -•· X nt cond., 1""". 'M OlpY 21J ..... SALES P 111 me auto wtllt• call Iron, 18x32, 4 Naterbed, dalwte Queen, re ••• 12200. 64M7~7 873-e 118 185. 831~5811 ma In I de It v er y hole 175 842-9197 9 large drewere. helter. 15·550 559" 1833 Jm, ,,, ll "' 2 t " SLOOP/SKI HULL $ 3 o o. S 5 o o w lo. I Y OAS .Dryer work1 good :tJ.'.'a:.~oo, Uk 1400. lllutll••H•I IOIO ••••• •.f •••• ~ •• ~~••••• $850. Trede tor Wlndtur· ITTllTlll 646-578 t ask for Shawn 15 0 1 0 •111 c a I I er· "· i, II •••••••••••••••••••••• Pf all ••wing machine. fer. 569-1833 M IWIDI 8"'" · 20 · -1••• 11al1 15 Full l amlly membership. Commer c I 1 I M d I ---------1 Sales """99 .... A •••••••••••••••• Jo hn Wayne Tennis 145-H3·8/0. Compl w/ LIDO 141424ll w/lrlr TONNEAUCOVER SEARS & ROBUCK & co 11~1,, m sw·· IEET Club. 1500 644-4301 •tend, motor & u tra Exealc:':7t!~~/bll Flt• MG'1, '71·'81 I Needs salesperson tor TV ··"'"••••••••••••••••• Ill" Do1.1ble c rypt West· IMI. Uaed only to llmee. N.ver uaed, 175 vac1.1ums sewing ma-SCHWINN 20" Every Sunday, 8am-3pm minster Memoriel Park 11200, M S.8004 Cel 28. tB, Long BHch Merla 831·7797 Iv T:8 chines parf.lime Apply in GIRLS' BIKE. $85. Orange Cout College volue s 1700 Asking ., .. 1llp. Perfect cond. I person I 788-8882 Fairview & ~rl1ngton, S1400 Call Anawer Ad lr.f!i•t. c.H1 Ill 115,500. 714-6'8-95e8 Porache 358 •nblne, 24300 Laguna Hills Mall Glrl'1 bike: 28" Belloon Costa Mesa Admission •574 642-4300 24 11rs • 5~7.~·.:...::.~·K,;;.;:;d• -a~..&a....a 1P9'1, cllen, seoo. Laguna Hiiis 1 • S5 lree to b11yers Seller ·-1-'"" -a..e-ao28 E o E 1 r~, ~outer brk• O, Reserva11ons11nro AMWAY PRODUCTS dell-Xlnt cond. 1125. 28 ft E11c1llbur. 191150 ---------1 ~~~~~~~-1 89 •11 86 "i56-5880 vered to your home &<IS.-1005 or 83l-0374 714-4112-0447, 837-0889 A I Ii .. J, SECltTAllY 10 tPMd 26" llalllll llght Estate Sale. mostly 111,nl-Cynthie Blake 64t·1215, 30 c1llber M 1 rtlle w/35 Fut 11 tun 38• MecGr~ .... .'.' •• ~ •••• !•••••••• weight klnt, MWUp llrH ture 1n good condll~n eve 64 t-32 l6 •hot clip. 1 275 Firm. C1t1m1ran. 122.0 O. IMPORTANT NOTIC£ Typing S /H s ome 1125 673-4708 ' C ..... ~ 38 I tol p bkkpg Real Estate rn· · some anuquea Ph ne Free standing pot belly on...,.. P • · 11· O B O . mu 1 f 11 111 TO READERS AND vestment firm Newport l.nlJ•f 541-3644 hrs 8-10AM & 11rep11ce. never been 1111 trade. 875-71134 548-5208 ADVEflTISERS Center 1ocat1ofl Son lt•l1~·'· •-4 30-7PM used S250 63\.1218 5'7" Haydu Kneeboatd SABOT Malt. boom & NII Thi price of tt1m1 I d· J a on c c n.u _,,, E 11 •• s Xlnt cond. 1 180. vertlMd by vehicle dee· o qum o ontact •••••••••••••••••••••• astblu ... ov1ng lie PICNIC tbl lor lg lamlly, ,.,8_1005 Of 831-037 • Good cond. 175. let• In the veNc::le c:Caall· J 64 et118e 60 s K ruege r IOW llO/FT Elec Grill. Tables park Church.school $45 ~ .. INl3-5272 lledldvertlelngcolumna Lamps BBQ Smoker 2beoclles120 540· 1735 Skl't, Olln 1V170 ROI · "~ t Induct Redwood 2x8 decking, Antq Telephone Pre-..,,,_no •any IP" SECRET AH Good ,1 .. 11-:; & 511lar1 Ac counting backgrouno 11e1p1u1 C M 63 1 77 to 4·20' long, aleo redwood lures Mis<: No Checks Irvine Coaat Country Club 1lgnol 180, I 100. with ,.,,,, Iii,. pllc1bl1 llMI, llc1n11, fencing LowHt price 2433 visia Hooar 9•3 Membership lor sale binding•. Boote IZ 6 D«b f010 tren aler feH. finance guar Jim or Ken any-Fri/Sat $1500 OBO 760·0t4:1 Nordic• & Scott 150 •••••••••••••••••••••• ohat091, , ... fOf air pol· time, M8-9885 645-5077 NEWPORT ArchH Ma· lutlon control d evice Frr Sat. May 7-8 9-t 707 * * Q R I £ N T A l rlna. 2 atlpa 1vat1. up to 1 c•rtlllcatlon1 or dH ler SECT'Y /CLElll Ca•llH I Orchid St CdM Chlldren rY, 11111, 42'. 8-42-4844, 9-5PM documentary prepare· Full lime temporary 6 r ... J .. eal 103 & Ladies Designer Clo-RUGS Bill ll11H IOI tlon chergu un11u d t :":l':'~e. thing (som11 new) Jewel-** ...... :r............... .__ lwtae oth1rwl11 1peclllad by mos po11uon nee ed or I • • • • • · • • • •• • • • • • • • • • 1 ft 7 ft 2 8 2 c I ...,,,_' NEWPORl BEACH ry, Silver. Household "' • o o r Sllpt1v1ll dey,wk ormo. theldvef'tlMI Goods G 0 r g. 0 u. Turk 1111 TV•.-0-hfl. Ali< for Jim ••• ""'51 PUBLIC LIBRARY 111111•1 Oriental r gs ___ v-v-_., _____ -l Aalti WulH lllO .................•.... WIHDYM .. llDIAll Anythlno conllderld: 1077 lhru 1080 ••1ta~~c.....,_. 2925 Harbof Blvd. COSTA MESA 111-2111 WE PAY TOP IOLUR Fii llEI UIS ·wau•• Nl'Tlll/lllAU 2480 Hart>or BIYd. ,COSTA MESA NMall .... 1417 COHMl:U CHEVIOLIT ·"'~ ll•r '"'r fl,.•! I '" l" \H .:-. \ S4~1.ZOO -"'° Top dollera tor Sport• Cera, Buga, C1mper1. 914'1, Audi'• AM !Of U/C MGR M 1111111 YILllW&m 18711 8eectl 81Yd. HUNTINGTON BEACH 142-2111 WAITED! ....... , ...... 11 ....... ....., s1~s.rvic...1.eu1no We 1peol1llze In Euro· PMll Oel!V«y. Wllll OllTlllU IUYIOl ClllU 11TI aaa..a 111 208 w. 1•1 Senta An1 CIOled &Jndey 1111 UW Utl H .. ONL V 13,000 mllel, a lf)eed Iran• .... , cond. & AM-FM llereo CllMt· te. (100M587) Prtc.d to ..... I • • COMHELL CHEVIOLfT .'U !!..;'')''~I ' <'t--l\\H 'I S4~1200 IOI loLlllEI ... S11et-Servlce-L .... ng 850 N. 8"ch Blvd. L1 Habra 122-Hla OUllll Oliilf'I llJllT o· S&lle-~Leulno IOY'CARVER ll U 5 l~.}1<. 1-·Pl\. M .... ""4lllt ... ; •I#" • ~,~. .... " ....... '80 BMW 3201 Be1utlfull cond C11hmer• color. luxury package 113,800 or take ~ IMM *331 87~209 '81 3201, ell option•. e11- cept1on11 c111 tek1n, lmm1c 1 13.950. 4118-4523 1171IMW1211 35,000 Ml • LOADED 1ST OFA:A OF I 11,800 OWNS CARI Deya 840-0783 evee 11-40-11451 76 Detaun 280Z, 11tnt cond 11r. atereo, new tlr11 1 5,200. PP . 552-1823 11ll 1Atm tltt OIWI (482URY). 5 1p eed Irene .. llr cond , •tereo & mage ., 17412 Offer good thru 5-10..f2 IEWPllT IATm 888 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH IH-1Ht '72 Oataun 1200, 11110, gd cond. am/Im, r1dlall •1. 000 OBO 780-9382 Frantic, mull Hll todey. 8 10 Dataun, 1978. Top cond. air, 1m/tm, 4 d()C)(, 51,000 mllH. I Owner. 12500 833-05112. DfHtHa 11Jl ........•..........•.• IEW DELOREAN (•Cle057) $24,111 -· UITl 111 '401 W. Warner -- ut.lUI "•' 1115 .•••........•..•...... '80 X· 19 6 8')d. llloy wnta. AM/FM, fuel In) Targe top. 1 8800 PP . 831-8330 'll RAT 121 12000 873-0205 *Fiil* SPORTS caas TOTALLY RECONDITIONED FUTISTIC PllCU 1977 FIAT )(110 By Ber· lone. 4 8')d., mags, ste- reo CUI 8511SMA. 142•1 11178 FIAT X1111 by Ber- tone. 4 1pd • 1tareo . m1g1, Mint Burgundy. 770TYY. '4111 1977 FIAT 124 SPIOER 5 1.pd racing green, ., .. reo. ellOyl, PRISTINE BEAUTYI 1ACP0577 $4111 1979 FIAT 124 SPIDER. Automa tic, ater•o . chroma wire whee11. NONE NICERI Oe3YSA. 11111 M1ny to ChooM From nJ ~x ~JJll~il Adm1nistra1ton. Np1 Ctr Stert your darkroom to-ESTAR SIU p,p, t 12-tl0a 082•5593• 875•27~ WANTED· Npt. Bch. allp. C.a11.J l$IO location S7 1.,-Pr hr daril Wllh a Beaeler 23Cll Sat only May 8, 9•3PM NEW KLH SPEAKERS! 31' ullboel 499-8228 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~In 5 yr s e.cr> Typing enarglng lenaaa. aaletlghl 2217 Harbor Blvd Apt De~~:~awS~p:pu~ & =·:~v=" ~~o;:gu· 40 II boat allp I Vl ll. w•NTED OWpm 640-2 1 t9 Robin & llltera, eleclronlc timer. F5 C M Huntington Harbour . " Secunty Guard AppUce varloua eaael• & every · 720·0739 BEAUTIFUL 26" RCA 1200 mo. 845-3818 TO BUY L ate modal Toyota•. Volvoe. Plckupe & Vena. . Call UI today! 1981 3201 BMW. E11cellent 1 ~1 \\ \~J.?,!t~," •11 cond. 18.000 ml. AM·FMI --------- cau ette. aunrool. elr fl11I• 11ZI 11ons being taken to r type ol darkroom 1cces· Geraoe Sale. Sat · May 8· Sliver & cryat1I candel•· Color TV NII. 2 yr wrnty. ----------1 Christian School Ret'a sory lmaglneble. All In klnt 8·5 01.1een bed, drener, bra centerpiece. colt $148. Fr .. del!V«y. ,.,,,,I~ I UTE ~• r 16835 B kh t 0000 Wiii Mii U peck1ge nigllt stand, Phllco no-I 4 5 0 S 11 I 1 7 S TV Joh ' M S-1788 r-~ Fe~ 962-33 12' 00 ura ~· I SOO 751 •94oe ~~I~~~~:~~ h~h~:~.~': 720-0739 e Mlcrowev::ntenna lor ••• ~>!. ••••••••••• ~ au IMS Security 47 Be1hany. Turtlerock 12-Pt PIN• 1~ ef movtee In your home 24 20 11 Sunray. 115 hip WILSON f()RD (Emporia ent.) 955.1110 lerfflle Oltla•-S II. llB/dey, 1149. 648-2855 Mere. 110. w/trtr. M1ny PATROL C•I• ,,, ... 11tru . Gd •kl boat, a ••••••••••••••••••••• • mEn s&l.f l2Mlll WlrelMI remote control pue. 154116. M &-8004 18266 8eactl 81Yd. I BURMESE KITTEN unit, 111• 111 tv'1, new, Huntington BMctl C.1t1 1111 lrH Sable. CFA r~. I 160 ~~~~r~~~11n~1~~~0~0:~: 12 ,. ''"• ltttfq et s 115. 54&-2855 Tr / 142-1111 Ni ghts only 7PM t o 839--097 motorcycle. •Ir cond Frr, •lt•tnr••· S1IO. CONSOLE STEREO •• !!6l!!!~!~....... ma-.... SAM Must be 25 or over SIAMESE KITTEN Sat 9-4 Vlck1burg, 120..0lH Dirk wood ca binet, C...,.n, J.11 15 - with gd driving record Ct11nner, 8 wk1old,110. Northwood f3 113~ •~t fJ•A nM•AdKoE,o/fER.73 P ln,88to.T~o-8 Premium PIY lor hc~n-648-582l 565-3752 1 1 1.. ._ -v Md apphcan1 Meny be· · NWPT BCH Best Oarege GAS 110 · ..,. ·~··•••••••••••••••••• Mu1t1ng, '811 Sllvertln• oellt• &. IOfl Sale ever! Sat 91m Xlnt ~ 23" Color Conaole TV, 7 Cebover Cemper f or ltlller, 980-0181 ~ 8 lllftraatleaal :'".4'~................. 11em1. low Pf'lcft to Clean 150 72 -0739 dart wOOd Jdnt picture email true*, w/,_ JacU. ---------C"-Seo.,a... Li b Retriever pupe, blka, out last On Cout Hwy W1terlHi 1talnle111teel 1450/0 BO. 831·1319 17001080. 6428,.4. ~llfllM/ "1 "1 mele. l1m1le. 10 wkl. go Inland on Jamboree cookware. 11111 1n boll. ,,.,. ll#lllt c.,. llJI Cw.Jn llU 103•'7 Los Alam1to'I Bl HMbt1<n. 1125 084-5141 Rd, l onto Eutblutl Or. M 2·2915 Seer'• 17 .. color TV .• ,•••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Los Alamitos L. at stop sign onto Viet• .. ,. 73 CHEV Open Road -. HA" I 714 827 2020 AKCfoerm1n Sh•pherd. del Sol. R 10 2610 Viall 36 Franklln Flreplace. all moe old coet $.450 like · · -I SERVICE Station Allen young 111 black m1l1, det Oro. cut Iron, 111n1 cond. 1250/bei . 848-HM5° !!21<,.::'7.1 7• u ll c hup . Shey ~·: J>lc*upe & houae-trelned, prot•c· $285 760-8727 -._ coup••· 4 to chooae deol PIT eves & wkoos llve . 1 2001080 . Gerage & Moving Sale ... ~11 I •m•• .. ,1a_,1-.6 .,..__ II~• from l (008788) ~tic. Neat appearance & 652· .. ··2 Set/Sun. 520 Ac acia, fll•E lln I ,., WJ, -.,_. "" A30l13) Pl1ceeallt1 11 .,..u ~ I ... ,. •••••••••••••••••••••• · handwnttng Apply 2590 CdM 10·3. w h 9 n y 0 u 1 9 e 0 u r •• • a-.•••••••••••• •79 PeugllOI Mo-Ped. Kept •Y 11,•I Newp01t Bl, C M FRE~J'~g't~~~:KY JUI Ml.I waterlaH cookware de-lf•ttal IOIO In atorege for 2 yeer1. SEWING MACHINE 846_.320 Muet sell aft Items • monetratlon. No obllg1-•••••••••••••••••••••• Xtre clean with many OPERATORS MOVINOll ll«na Include tlon or high p rHture. ll&m S-IALS •lru. *3115 or bee1 off.,, Experienced. quollty AKC Cocker pupa,•M&F, motorcycle (750 Honde For appt, 557·9858. E hi f bO INl3-2202. minded Benefit• Piece bull. ahota, $200·l275 Chop"'"'), TV, drHI "'Ml. Memberehlp In Rancho v.,-yt ng or at bull· _P_UO_H_S_U_P-.,-.. 8-P_OR_T_ ratn. 642-9652 OBO. Great Mother'• ,... ,.. dMa a aaltoral Si t. only, "" Dey glltl (213) 431•1571 TV game, 111erclM blCY· Sen Joaquin Ath11tlc llem-&pm. 1023 W. 18th MK II *MINTlt lllPPIH OLlll cl•. sewing machine, club for l1mlly. R•o St. C.M. 145-0820. 873-1465 TIUODORf ROBINS FORD l0'>0 HllRllOA &l 10 CO~fA Ml\11 M1 0010 "PETS "R" PEOPLE antique•. gtau ware, •300. Hll for 1250 In· ~~~~~~~~~~ For active sportswear • .. aa 1 .1 company Must be boo Cell about our Program guns, toola, end other cludu t r 1n1f1r lee. _,.,,,,,.,, 'II, .. dlble Newport Beach. to atop "Summer ftch" houtehOld llMlt, 9'c. 1175-0237 ,.,,,, Jl.MlW ,,_,.,, 1111 2 atlok 848-8688 E11011c VI Catlon•. heir Sale SAT/SUN MAY 16th ,.,,,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• Black, 'M: 'mint. ltytee & tow It Sherry'a. & 18th II 2588 8 1nt1 Whfflcllelr, Wiii .. II for •••••••••••••••••••••• 11173 V9191 Ratty, bl~, l tt,600. 5-1441 Tel1-t11ftitfef Poodle kid• 4 ..... T· Ana Ave. CM ::i8:~5;!!~0 dlyl, ENJOY YOUR BOAT WIWlndltlM!d. XJnt oond. '12 ... , .... Wol1l at horne contae11 cup, toy, min. s Ilk 8uMt \.9' ua dO the wor111 •1& 080 ~ ciu.ic p ..._,, bullneu owners per 646-2141 ~ ~·1 w~:ia. toya'. INTERARMS MK. X Vemlll't, pelm, oi.-., ,... •79 HONDA C8X braik .. :-=. enc1 ~· Ume EJlpar 100 pleaian Sorlnoer ~. AKC. M. 312 Santa Ana Ave, Npt Prol1Hlon11ty Cu11om pl lrt~ ::::i.o1r t 9MuttM oond. Ml* .... Ml t 4M ' phone voice required llvf l wtlt. llhot:e t wor· Ht• 10-4 Sat. Bulll Riii•. Heavy B1rr.i Mein ... _._ 126291090. 79'-11ta ltl ll Cl11alc M ... A_,,•• C911 JOll:'I 835:3263 med S200 4M-7868 22·250 wi th Redlleld 0 Q ,.,.,.... ---------1-;,;.;,:..:.;'~~·;..;..:..:....;.:;.;;,_:..:·_,01r1·1 8 pc bdrm Ill. orig. 3•·11'1C Scope. Colt I I, ET TOP Ulll~rClr· K2 900, 11,880 ""· felma. 2308L. 1~ , .. tor.Id. TtLDllll &mlAID 1 1400. Hit tor 1350 or 100 Sac. 1700 Arm. Jell pentryot&:'~ ~ du•l ... t. ractc & baclt 117,900. t tl ttOO ~ MlJOttlll 714.e11~ts bit ofr. AntlqiM. brio-• 842·1570, 558-0480 lro:ert• loat w ork•. , .. ,, 111nt dN ll 11111. e1w21..._ - Wor\ Ill the eveni:i Ml 7 M 0 . 0 I d 0 Id I n g . =i :11::i ~~'J' LCMI C.bali.oe Tennie 1.. 87~1 181, al 2108 Kerl 181-17l1. 117 Metro Nelfl. Al lltOCll. llng •tP'* tor my wp 8hffpdoo, rem .. AKO. 2080 M~ Pl~· CM mlly "l'•mberahlp~ coat ... Ma...8---M -.. Nd• eome re1tortn9. 9ch o lor • m1tor 1l't 0 ti,. 9 1 I C o Ir. 11-4$.-7824 • · 1 1200, you pay •100, 111 _,_ 1100 Ml SIOt INO . ....._, tt l Hrly-commlu 1on 117g..7328 Cell Todd Newman w-1-1 bonu• 833-.3740 •ft M1ny tool•·h•nd & m•· 752·80 1 1 d ye . •vu •••...,~•••••••••• '19 Honde 760fl, lo ml, f.,...,.,,., Hll 1PM •'" " •.. AA6f chine. cotlec11bt.e, 11c. 857..eH& .W. 12' ao1ton Wfleler ma~ 11tr1a l •orlflc• ••••••••-•••••••••••• iri 11 ~ J 117 ...... 7~71 T1 Trll OU.., llWI01 P/8 •••••••••••••••••••••• 25782 C.ite Rio«dO, San e•~ I C02 "'."'-tlitltl bo9t t MW 1D •....,.. • I' II l ootc• •"•rp,, IC d AOOAA8t.E Juan ~ Set only 8 1 ._tr o beer c:ooler l'fP l!Wwde. l2tOO ...._ ,... ._.... • -.. oond., bi.. ttree. ..,,l60, Aggre .. lv• compute PUPPtEa, 1 WKa. . • on wnta. Coore. Bud, 110 144-7001 ..;.~ :--111 11;1-417MMi"or ••• produet• co. IOOkl f ~mix. , ...... S~T. Antlq!* and~ ol on tap. 1100. 973-4068 N.o.r u •.0.1 0.0.1 OY'IN· 1-~~ .. -~~~!:,!~.o!'.__~-..... -----....;.;..;.;.._ ,.,,..... or~ t ,r_ p o......i-e...... ........ OOOdi.tl '20 Paullne Pf, 20 pc •••lnltH It H I ::.. ... ". ~--.!': ._ -11 ...--. ... "' IOOI 71 .. CA "'"' ro:· 111e1.,.raon. Prev. tile · ....,...... ...... ..,... CM. .....,_ ·--.,_..,. ~""" I .. d I• 00 hone .. '" ••per. P lino. e nd 1 o clv•. . w1t•rlua c:oollwer•, bo eu. l tOO ••· L.ow lftlllt, n. oo.a t•• • " . r.d. but no1 nee: Wiii train 4t1·80lt, 4M-t411 * llflll UIJ * USO. 4te-YHt. 144-7007 11'00 ...... tl _1_rt.N __ ,1 ____ _ Prime o<M\tldlretlon Wll "'" Klttene, e wt11. Old ~1. 11. II BMut. l'MIOn ~·· rnuat •17 &Ylllrud• 11 HP . '11 IC.Mlilellll KDOI, ICllt 1' ~ lm/ll'lt, OI>.. bl lfil'-....... 8Und~. L.ovat*. 48 1..._ 1111, 111nc af'lape, m•k• SMO/OIO con Cl . Mut HI. ,,..., $1:1alr, ,., pll, l)ra,, p/tlrnl, ttrllOl'll 9'2·7226 -•-offer, 984-et12 eve 8'71-4714 t11001.-. 7'Mall. '31IO. t• ~'[l:J:!'~"' Cano•r LHAI A Al'IO. Spayed, .._~Ir .. Lin Mll 1111 AMII.. .._ 7t '&!£S t•• Olte _,~~•• :f;_=*' ~ .,._ ..... ~.:::=Ill°& r.T."i'l·~IT.T'....... :::-eeM.,llOO -Ci~--•· V= .:-'~ ~:.:; ,_1 ANTIOU 'U"NITIJ"l: occuton car.et tot Mo-·~~il4.;..~.::·:: '71 KMit MH101 .. .... -~ ........ , ...... ~ ... ,.,.r.J!r!........... ~a: -· .... ........ -: -=-·.. - --. ... .... . tec«d. ltart~t t4 ht H ell J '-I, .. ; tla MIO l V1M KOd9I ~ ..,..,. Ho 111, De Ma ._.. lra'9e, Mt •r H ttH , ... --..... I O.!. H04111 btWft l~"Yd•,.tOOd OHtl. .. $&1Mfa tOO Neer rtew ... YIMQ!, "·'· t tl, 11tlll• o tter. "'°' 0..Mla9 10-t IAM ~ .... ,., 110 °' off9r. tM-4002 000. ,,, • ... ~ • tet 1111 .... 7110 WI MY USEO CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR conditioning. loaded. •••••••••••••••••••••• Atklng I 14,800 or tlke 78 Flota, very clean , over p1yment1 ol 1374 9Unroof, em/tm atereo. lo mo. Call before 5 pm. ml, 13800. 873-4978 VICKI 528-1 143 ... ,, ITZ1 '7' 2002. air.• apd, ate-•••••••••••••••••••••• reo, 11lnt cond. 14500. 1979 Honde Accord Mutt Mlt 495-5"2 (282XJP). Two tone gold Fifi lPPUIS&l -------1 ~.()el.Hk> f!~ ............ !.~!. & beige hetcnt>.at w1tt1 5 I Pffd tr1n1. & AM/FM cueette. WtlOlllllte bt\11 boot! .. $4-460: Sall P'1ce It $.4795. BeUlf Moton, 2925 Hwbof 81Yd .. Coell mYlal'f ·73 Capri, reblt enQ., ,_ 18211 BEACH BLVD. bfett ... ldnt cond. $1800 HUNTINGTON BEACH 840-1143 11t. 5. Mt .... 1,Nt-iaa1 77 C1prl VII, 4 1pd, AM/ _Meea. ___ 11_1_t-_2_600_. __ _ FM CUI. air. elerm & more. Perteet. 8~2M2 Top Dolar Paid For Y041r Cert Jl••··-U.1111 '-::1. 2828 Hlltlor . Coet1 MMI 540-5830 Pr9m1Um prloM .,.Id tor any UMd car (fOfelgn Of~) tn good condition. kl Ue Flratl 'IO 90009, auto. I'll, AIO, IUfWf, on °""'..1. IUIWOOf. a4uet Hit. 91 ,700, 141-272' "ft .. 1• 4 dt, Jdnt =:" oond. "°°· .... •11 AUii! , .. • IPCi ..... roof, -""' ....... .. ttt, •"•:~ oond ..-oeo 11101 ---- ,,,,. 11. ...................... 1111 NTSll 1211 (1C00922). Hu low mllea ~ 11 e11cept1on1lly cteenl •Y Sllll Otler good thru 5-10..f2 llWNIT NTlll 888 Dove Strwt NEWPORT BEACH Hl-1111 ' WE'RE DEA LIN' IMDIATE DELIVERY ON MOST MODELS SAVE AT HONDA SANTA ANA -------.... --_.... 111111 CIAIT URll IUl:ll/lml ClllT FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY CALIFOHNIA 75 CEN1 '3 School Power's $100,000 aids district ~~.!~~~IJ.fHELL More than 120 educators, par- To be born with mtelligence is ents, students and supporters a lucky accident; were on hand Wednesday to cel- To have a quality sch ool edu-ebrate the Laguna Beach Educa - cation is a blessed opportunity. tion Foundation's $100,000 dona- To ensure future generations a lion to the school district. quality education 1s our respon-lt was yet another first for sibility . SchoolPower. the fund-raising __ _ _Sc_hoolPower_-'ann-of the Foundation -an or- ganliatlon of parents and com- munity members formed less than two years ago to help ball out the Laguna Beach Unified School District from Its financial morass. And, after only a year ot active fund-raising, the results were lmpress1ve, said Robert Sanchis, superintendent of the four-achoo! district. The Education Foundation was -Supporters met for Mexican the first tax-exempt organization " dinner hosted by Anaheim Sa- set up In Orange County to raise vings and Loan Association In funds for public schools. Laguna Hilla Wednesday night to present the first c h eck to the school district. Sanchis said the money will be used "to cover a projected short- fall In school district revenues for next year." The $100,000 has been ear - marked for salary increases in the once-wealthy district. and school officials say the contrib~ t1on will amount to about a 2 percent pay hike for all dlatrict employees. I "We are very pleased with th~ efforts of the foundation and in lls f irst .year the a mo unt of money r aised is 11gnifica nt." Sanchis said. Jobless juinp Unemployment breaks postwar record CEREMONIAL' EXPRESSIONS -Rabbi Aaron Twersky blesses Steven Wanger, left, and Barry Garnett. after calling them D..,,.._. ~by ChaflM It.an up for the Torah. Below, all snl.ile after the landmark Bar Mitzvah ritual. Bar Mitzvah~ first of its kind Deve lopme ntally disabled cele brate ceremony WASHINGTON (AP) -Un- employment in the Uruted States jumped to 9.4 percent last month -breaking the post-World War n re<:ord -the government an- noun<.'ed today. Some 10.3 million people were out of w ork. April's jobless rate was up 0.4 of a percentage point from the previous m o nth . more tha n enough to set a record. Not since 1941, when the government be· gan compiling monthly statistics, has une mployment topped 9 percent. In that year, the jobless rate hit 9.!ti:wrcenr. The California rate dropped from 9.4 percent to 9.3. At the White House. presiden· tial spokesman, Larry Speakes called today's announcement dis- appointing and said, "We remain sensi tive to the plight of the unemployed " He said he could not predict how far unemployment would rise or when at would lx-gm de- clirung "We 'r e loo king for signs of e co n omic reco very by la t t.· sprmg-l'arly summer." Speake~ said. S en Edward M. Kc·nnedy, D-Mass, charged that lht.• new figures show condus1vl'l y that Reagan's econom ic program hus faHed to do anything but "deliver pink slip after pink slip afte r pink s lip to millions of decent men and women " "Ronald Real(a n·s bread Imes grew longer by 450,000 J)("oplc." Kennedy said. <tdding tha t the "country is now harv<:stmg th<.· bitter fruits of a fa1lro and unfair economu: policy Americans all over the country an• losing their ho mes. the ir hopt>s a nd their pnde." One (.'(:onom1st said the unem- ployment ts the price of bringing down inflation and others. both m and out of government, pre- d icted thl· ratl' wall dimb even h1ghc·r ~fore turning around. Sann• las t summer when the n •t:ess1on that still plagues the c·t:onomy set m , unemployment has risc•n 2 2 percen tage points. In July, Joblessness nationwide -.•ood at 7 2 pcrct.'nt By Mar<:h, JOblc'SSness had ri- sen IQ 9 percent t-qualling the post-W<Jrld War II rc'<:ord set in May 1975, the high point of the last St.'Vt•n • recession. Some 9.9 mJIJmn pt.'<>ple W(•rt• out of work m March. Thl' c:ontinumg busu1ess slump hit that nation's manufacturers lhe hardt-st. with unemployment among b lUl'·t'<Jllar workers rea- t·h ing I :J 7 pert«•nt 1n April , a rt'('Ofd Unt>mploym ent among adult m(·n, lrmJ1uonally the most stable M>gmc·nt <1f the labor force, spur- ted to 8 :! pe rcent By JODI CADENHEAD 01 the D•llr Piiot St•fl lt was a moment that both S teven's and Barry's pare nts had wailed more than 20 years for -a moment that they though• would never come for thetr sons. of which was Steven's candid sigh of relief whe n he told the congregatio n half way through, ''This isn't so bad." Everyone laughed The feeling w as fa- miliar to those who had gone through the nerve-wracking experience when they were 13, the usual age. Zone change would aid artists Thursday morning, before a crowd of relatives a nd friends a t Fairview State Hos. pita! in Costa Mesa, Steven Wanger. 27, and Barry Garnett, 31, celebrated their Bar Mitz vah. 'Live-work' ordinance sought for Laguna Beach THE RELJGIOUS ceremony marking the passage of a J ewish boy to manhood was both a personal and a public milestone. It was the first time in California that a developmentally disabled person had ever received training enabling him to perform the rite. Rabbi Aaron Twersky. who prepared the boys for the occasion, led them out onto t he stage by hand a nd told the congregation "w ords are inadequate t o describe m y feelings." Dressed in matching dark blue suits and prayer shawls Steven and .Barry chanted the familiar Hebrew blessings from the Torah like thousands before them, but like no one else. THE TWO-HOUR cere mony was filled with a string of magical moments, not the least WORLD ''This is one of the finest momenta we've ever had at F airview, I'm pro ud of these boys," said Dr. Francis Crinella, executive di- rector at the Costa Mesa facility. Robin and Gerald Wanger w atched their two other sons go through the Bar Mjtzvah ritual, but had ne ver even considered the possibility for St.even. "I'M SO EXCITED," said Mrs. Wanger, following the ceremony. "It's samething we hoped would come to pass." Steven has lived at Fairview for 18 years and Barry 19. Their religious mstruction started three and a half years ago when Rabbi Twersky came to Fairview. "I wanted to set an example for other institutions that developmentally disabled people are capable of learning, absorbing and training," said the rabbi. "It will be proven in the future that they have abilities.'' COUNTY Members of the Laguna Beach Arta Comm1ss1on would like to see some zone changes next year that would allow artists to work and live out of the ir homes or studios. Commissioners have asked the City Council to consider amen- dmg zoning Jaws to allow artists to have their studio and their residence together in areas zoned for industrial use. The City .Council has agreed to study such a notion, but they want 1t to coincide w ith the cur- rent revision of the entire local coastal plan. By initiat i ng a so -called "Live-Work" ordinance, the Arts Commission i.s hopeful artists will Laguna bans corporal punishment In a s plit vote Thursday , La- guna Beach Unlfied School Dis· trict trustees banned corporal punishme nt In the four-school district. Supported by t rustees Carl Schwarz, Jan Vickers and Ron Chilcote, the board changed a policy established In 1976 that allowed paddllngs of students with the prior consent of their parents. Members Harry Bithell and Dan Danels voted to retain cor - poral punishment. Saying they are phil010phical- ly oppo1ed to corporal punish- ment on campUJ, the board ma- jorl ty Instructed principals to take a look at the revbed POlicv In 19&4. British issue warning He cheers Newport patients LONDON (AP) -Britain declared today that "any Argentine warship or military aircraft" found more than 12 miles from the Argentine mainland will be regarded u hoet.ile and dealt with accordingly. NATION Socialite gets 30 years NEWPORT, JU. (AP) -ClaUJ von Bulow WM tent- enoed to 30 Yea.rt in prllon for twtce trytna to murder h1a belrftl wife wtth lnjectJons of lnaulln. Now it's Ann Landers' turn Ann Landen •ya lhe • ~ for rerwminl COi~ Uftllll from. ~ beck. But ahe Uo clatml lhe bu nat'Wd an 'tncndlble oat~ Of friendlhlp and faith ln my tnteerity." Paet 82. · A "professional visitor" makes the days brighter for 94 paUents in a Newport Beach convalescent home. Page Bl. Dancer visits our coast Gregory Hlnea, star of "Sophlatlcated Ladles:: showed up on the Ora.nae c.o.t to ahow off h1I tap danclna lkil1I and tftCh a little dandng. Weekender. STATE be perauaded to stay m town. creating their artwork and living under the same roof. And while the re are no firm figures, commissioners and many Laguna n s believe artists are being forced out of the Art Col- ony by high rental costs. If artiats were allowed joint use of their homes or studios, they could presumably save the cost of having to purchase or rent a studio and a separate place to hang their hat. Home oocupat1on uses are cur- rently allowed in all residential zones in Laguna Beach, according to June Catalano, the city 's di- rector of community develop- ment. And l'Ommerc1al home occupa- tions are allowed in some com- mercial areas, provided the ap- plicants obtain a conditional use penmt But res1dent1al uses in the In- dustrial areas of Laguna Beach are prohibited. except for those necessary for plant secunty per- sonnel Council members have directed city officials to explore the po- tential for amending the indus- trial zone ordinances to accom- modate artists' residences and studios. The analysis will take place later thts year as the city begins forming ordinances for the local Loastal plan. Here comes judge INDEX At Your Service A4 L .M. Boyd A8 Bullnem 0-7 California A5 Cavalcade 82 Clulified D 1-8 ComSca C9 Cro.word C9 Deeth Notices C8 Editorial A8 Entertainment Weekender Home/Garden B7 Kon.:orie B2 SPORTS Readers and w riters who appre c iate a well-turned phrase dipped in a Little acid have relished Robert Gard- ner 's opinions on certain legal matters over the years. Now Daily Pilot r eaders can share m th<' best of his obse rvation s as the semi- retired appellate court justice s tarts an editoria l column with commentary on early Balboa, "dingbat S upreme Court decisions" and the gocxt old days of surfmg. The s urprise e nding o f Gardner's first column In Sunday's Daily Pilot will re- vea I t h e strength behind a sissy name. Intemiliiaion Weekender Ann Landers B2 Movtet Weekender Mutual Fund.a C6 Nation.al Newa A3 PubUc Notices C6,C8,D2 S~ Cl-4 Stock Marketa t.... C7 Television ! v Loe Thea ten Week.ender We.at.her A A2 World Newt A3 OCC wins title lf6•1n ~ Cout ~ rallled from an 8-2 defidt to defHt 8'n I)le10 Me .. ind win lta third atratal\t SoUth COllt Canlaence b111ball title. p_. Cl. • hj 2 "' .L Orange Cout DAILY PILOTJFt1day. MIY 7, 1112 British landing near? Fierce winter weather threa(ens war fleet LONDON (AP) -The pros· pect ot a Brttir~ land1na on the Falkland ltlanch l1 growtna u fien:e winter weather threat.eM the British war fleet and at· tempts at a d iplomatic break· throush get nowhere, mllltary analy11.1 say, "The 1011 o f the destroyer Sheffield hu demopatrated the vulneral:?Wty of the British fleet to Argentine mlsalle attack," aald one military think-tank expert. "Time 11 on the aide of the Argentine junta. They only have to sit tight to reduce the chances of a aucce99ful landing. It would aeem a landln~ ia likely In the next few daya.' The Defense Minh wy a n · nounced Thursday night that two BritiAh Sea Harrier vertical take-off jets disappeared in bad weather while on patrol within the Falklanda war zone. Deltr .... ....,~ GOING UP -Hot air balloons are inflated to mark site in Fountain Valley of starting point for Saturday's Gordon Bennett Balloon Race. Act ual Gordon Bennett race will be oont.ested in he- lium balloons, with other, hot air craft used in preliminary races. That reduced the fleet's origi· nal force of 20 Harnera to 17; another of the righter-bombers wu downed by Argentine anti· aircraft fire Tuesday. Despite U.N., Ame rican and Peruvian peace e fforts, British :. Bot air on the ground Laguna board to pursue Balloonists banter b e fore big Fountain Valley e vent • annexation By PHIL SNEIDERMAN oftlM Delly Piiot St•H This wee'kend they'll be tea· sing the clouds, putting themsel· ves at Mother Nature's mercy as they dangle precariously beneath huge he lium-filled balloons. But the Gordon Bennett Bal· loon Race p1l9ts came down to earth Thursday to discuss this year's competiuon during a press briefing at the liftoff point, Mile Square Park m Fountam Valley. Ba lloonist Brent Stockwe ll commented on the credentials of his colleagues. "We have the first team to cross the Atlantic, the first to cross the Pacific, the first to cross the North American continent and the first to cross the conti· nental United States," he obser - ved. "Well, we represent the fi rst team to cross San Francisco Bay, and let me te ll you -It was hell!" Before balloontSt Ben Abruzzo could speak, two aldes forced him into a black Clig ht jacket adver· tising Be niha na of Tokyo, the restaurant chain ownP.d by ha s co-pilot Rock y Aok i A oki ls known for h1S aggressive promo- tion tactics. "Ev en m y s h orts have 'Beniha n a' on them," Abruzzo chuckled. ln fact, Aoki had transported a hibachi grill and two chefs to the middle of Mile Square to provide lunch for his fellow pilots and visiting reporters. "Ma y be w e s h ould have brought along some fried chicken or something," ribbed American pilot John Shoecraft. Shoecra ft floated to fame a few months ago aboard Super Chicken ill. the first balloon to c ross the contin e ntal United States. He, is participating in his first Gordon -Bennett race this year. He and his wife, Man, will be the first American husband and wife ~ to compete m the Gordon Bennett. Race activities will take place from 8 a.m. to dusk Saturday m the cen tral airfield al Mile Square. About 30,000 people are expected to attend. Public entry gates will be off F.ctinger Avenue between Brook· hursl and Euclid streets. Admis· sion is $3 for adults, $1.50 for children 5 to 12. Children unde r 5 wiU be admitted without char- ~e. Extension OK'd SACRAMENTO (AP) -De- s pite op position from hunters, the Senate has voted to extend a moratorium on mountain lion hunting until 1986. The upper house approved a biU Thursday b y Sen. R obert Presley, D- ~verside, that would bar killing the cats except to control a ttacks on livestock. The festivities will begin with tethered balloon r id es i'l the morning as long as wind condi- tions permit. From 9 to 11 a.m., 10 hot air balloonists will Wt off 1n the O range County Classic contest. Laguna Beach City Council membeni have decided to punue JU¥lexation of a 5.5-acre portion . of the Allvtew Terrace commu· nity at the north end of town. The council has introduced an ordinance establishing the prezo- In thtS event, ~cipan~ mUS! ning of the site aa a step toward choose a target within 501'1tih::tv1 ~"'tfrtnging ti-iota in Allview Ter· the park. The wlnneJ:....ia-~e baJ ·-race tnt&-tfte-eKy,--- loon that lands closest to its pre· The community is surrounded selected target. by the city and makes use of city From J p.m . to dusk, 8 teams emergency services. from the United States, Japan, Appn,>val by the~ Agency Germany and France will llft off Formation Commission would see in helium-filled balloons for the property taxes and state subven· Gordon Bennett race. tions, amounting to about $3,000 This is a distance competition. per year, go to Laguna Beach Last year's winners, Abruu.o and rather than the ?'unty. Aoki, traveled more than 1,300 . Prewning ind1cates to the res· miles before landing in Nor th tdents of Allview Terrace and Dakota. LAFC what the city's intentions A new event will be the Ce-are regarding land use. Jebrity Balloon Race, scheduled The nt;ighbo~hood. is wned for for 9:30 a .m. KABC radio per-low denstty residential use. sonality Michael Jackson , L os Angeles Times cartoonist Paul Conrad and rock s tar Stephen Stills will travel a short distance by balloon, then ride to a finish line aboard bicycles. Guest of honor al the event will be R. Buckminster Fuller, creator of the geodesic dome. Othe r activities during the day-long fest.ival will include parachute drops. antique airplane nights, a sailplane demonstration and a variety of musical enter· tainment. Work slated on Laguna sidewalks Work waa to begin today on repair of sidewalk.a and curbe in Laguna's central business d is· trict, following City Council ap- proval of a $22,900 contract with a Covina {lnn. Full moon due Langston Construction was the low bidder from a mong f ive companies vying for the work. The project, expected to take between a week and two weeks to com plete, entails r ep air of sidewalks, curbs and gu tters w hich have been damaged by tree roots and other cauaee. Cocutal Ntghl •nd morning low clOudl· neas. otlletw1M !•Ir Co•at•I low 56 Inland 62 Coaal•t 111911 mid 601 1n11r d mid· 709 Weter 52 ·• Etsewllera. winds southwetl to west 10 to t8 knots 1n •lle<noon Wind w•vH t lo 3 le4ill Soulh· w"I _,, 2 10 4 feet EJ<1en11119 IOw cloudlnes• with P•rllal cle•· ring •lternoon1 V.S. summa ry Thunderttorms and • C04d front produced he•vy r•tn1 In loulll· •n• •nO IOUlheHt Tex111 lodey •• ahowert continued over Iha Mltern mkklle M11stasll)Ol Valley anO lhe IOw« Otllo V•lkry Skle• were clear lrom the 0•· kOIH •nd the upper MIHlulppj Valley to we11ern lexa1 •nd New Me~lco Fair sklet -• ove< the Southwell, white ctoudy lklel prevailed eltewtlere In the w .. 1 t and rain fell In the northern Roclclet. Atlante Cty Auslln Bal11more B1lling1 Birmmghm Blsm~ck Botse 809ton Brownsv11e Butfalo Burt1ng1on Caspe• Charlstn SC Cna11stn wv Ch11<llle NC Cheyenne Chic.go Cu1cmn•t1 Cleve19tl<I Ctm1>11 SC Cotum1>u1 0111-Ft Wth O•ylon Denver 0... Motnes OetrOtl Ovlulh 67 58 77 50 80 49 66 48 83 63 53 29 69 '1 69 50 85 78 08 83 6" 74 62 59 38 81 68 89 57 8• 61 55 32 82 •7 01 8A 62 02 88 6" 84 57 88 6" 66 •9 86 63 01 57 38 S6 44 73 88 63 S4 31 01 16 "45 es 2e 60 28 60 41 81 52 63 42 86 76 72 58 97 84 57 ,31 &4 89 The Forec:Ht FOf' 7a.m. EST Saturday May 8 •Low Tempctah.lfe!> RM!gn 8" Reno 78 Satt Lalce 61 San Antonio 8t S..ttle 87 Shrev~ 77 Sioux alla 88 St loul1 80 SI P-hmpa 81 St Ste M.,ie 71 Spokane 71 SyrM:uM 72 Topeke 55 Tucson 82 S7 4() 48 49 48 55 38 50 59 42 48 49 38 54 92 44 07 13 S1oe1t1on Tllerm•I Uk18h B•"'ow 8lQ BM• Bi.tl09 Catallna Long S.llOtl MOflfovl• Ml WlllOll N-port Beath Ontario 88 98 90 88 ee 83 ee •75 84 72 55 81 98 80 5" 60 32 42 53 60 55 45 68 55 ee 56 City offlclab aay the repairs will improve drainage and make the area safer for pedestrians. 1111 llllDll defeMe chief.a ~ thought to be planning waya of reaairung the mllltary momentum lost when the Sheffleld was hlt Tuelday by an Exocet mis8ile launched from a'n Argentine war plane. h was the first major Britiah revene. Defenae Secretary John Nott, briefing NATO allies Th uraday in Bru.ell, said, "There can be no question of our turn.lng back from the military objectives" of retaking t he i<Jlanda seized by Argentina on April 2. Analysta suggest Britain ruled o ut bombing of mainland air bue1 to neutralli.e Argentina'• air power, which outnumbcn the taak force'• 17 f1ghtera by more than 8-1. Foreign MmiJter Frand• Pym rehaed today to rule out bom· bing Argentine mainland fields, although he said Britain did not want to do this. "But I would not want to ex- clude any possibility," he told reporters. "Politically, bombing attacks on the mainland would have im· mensely far-r eaching political implications," said Sir Philip Goodhart, a key Conservative legislator and former underse · cretary of defense. "It would be very dangerous." Adams selected for Laguna panel Laguna Beach reaJtor Carol• Adam• bas been appointed to fill the unexpired term o f fresh man council m ember Daa lteaaey on the city's Board of Adjusunent. Beach chapter of the Orange County M u s 1c Center , a member of the city's Conser· vat1o n and O pe n ~paces Committee and Sl'Cretary of the North Laguna Communi· ty Assoc1auon. She was nam ed fro m among 11 applican ts for ,)-->MiUIJEiY'.!.~.i w~c~xpii:s The Cave -member panel Dec. t. 1983~ --rmer otl urrmrg-anl1'°V'~"""'~- The five-year realtor 1s requests, and also sits as the secretary o f the Laguna city's Design Revll'w Board. t • • Laguna Be ac h Hig h School senior JHtlD I. Miller has been appointed to the United States Naval Acade · m y, according to Sen. S .I . Hayakawa, who nominated the 17-year-old student. _ ~lller, whose parents are • A fund·raiaing party for the Lag una B each High School Boost.era, a aupport group for the high school, is aet for J une 5 at P l aza d e Cates in Newport Beech. Dinner ana dancill( ~ th_e •The bronze scu lpture "Pieces" by the late artist Jacqaellae Stark haa been donated in memorium by the Artists Council to the penna· nent collection of the Laguna Beach Museum of Art. Ms. Stark. who was killed •The South County Youth Shelter in Laguna Beach ls currently offering a 24-hour crisis intervention program for run a w ay youths a n d youths In othe r crlala altua - tiona. The goal of the shelter la to • Jack and Virginia Miller of Emerald Bay, was selected from among 3,500 applicants tor appointments to the Un· ited States serv1ct-academies He is scheduled to report to the Naval Academ y, located in Anna polis. Md ., this sum- mer . Tracy Wells Band will be 01- fered, and the CO&t is $25 per penon. For reservations mail c h eck s to Laguna Beach Boosters, 625 Park Ave., La· guna Beach. 92651. 1n October ot 1\1110 an an a utomobile accident m Italy, was an active artist m Laguna Beach. She was a three-year Festival of Arts exhibitor and a member of the museum as well as acuve an the Laguna Beach School of Art. reunite runaways with their families, and facilities now accommodate six youths full time for up to 90 days or until their criala is over. You ng p eople ages 11 through 17 are served by the shelter. For more lnfonnation call 494-4311. It wa1 f•lr and warm over mUOh of Ille &II The Nlllon•I Weather SeMce predicted llC9tlefed •h<>wow• anO lhunderatorma from the MIH I•· alppl V1lley •cron the OrHI . 1 l•kff, th• Ohio end Tennfl'" I v1lley1. end the cen1r•I Qyll Coat., ..... El Peso F11190 F1eg1tatf Greet Falls H1rll0td Hetona Honolulu Hou11on lndn•plls Jacktn MS Jeclcsnv11e Kine City LH \lllQU ~111i. Rock Lou1111111e Lul>l>OOk Meme>"ll Ml1ml MllwlUlcN Mptt..81.P 81 50 54 •3 10 83 58 74 51 103 84 83 .02 59 « 81 64 .83 17 72 Tutae 58 Wealllngtn 78 Wichll• 80 CALW()flNIA 8tllter1fleld 94 Blythe 95 44 .14 69 39 .0 1 88 P1lm 8p(lng1 P•Nden• Riverside San Berne<dlrio $111 Oal>rlel 89" JOH S•nll An1 Sent• Cruz T anoe V lllev 82 80 74 75 87 17 55 51 57 55 68 M 30 from ~lE SPORTS LTD. ll( TempeutYrH around ,,,._Ila· tton ierty ~ rlfl09CI from n an '•OO· N.D .. to 75 In YWM. Ml. .Calif oJ?lia Atternoon eunahlne coYld brighten 8oulh8rn Celllornle'a wellcend. but • pen111en1 merlne cloud conr wlll llffP morning• moet1y Q!Wf. The Httlon•I WNIMI 8erY1ce aleo forectll cooler daya •nd gutty weal wind• l ttyrdty In mounlllM lllCI nor1hern Ntar11 High• l•lurday •r• ~edleted ttom 711 In Loe AngMal. from et to 73 at ~ be'l-..n N and • ea 1n fnOllfl 111tit. 111 ..,. lliOll eoa In tow ...,,, Md from 1f 10 ,., .. hlOI* ci..t -.VatlOtle. eoat«t trom Potnl Oonc:epllon to me~ b«dtr can 91IPlc:t llOlll, ntlt bfe bfMtM Ill fl•tvy, toe U1rou111 ,.ldd~tturdey , .,.,....... to ...,... M 10 to ,, Moll .. j)t~ ~ llNnMOfl """ 1• ........ = ..................... ..._ ....... .. Temperature• MTIC* .. Le ..... 70 .. ,, rt u N .. hvm. New Ot1Mn9 NewVoR Norfolk No Platt• 01111 City Om911• Orlendo Plll*lpni• PhoenlJI Plltlburgll P1191\d, Me P1i.nd. Or• Pr~ 82 48 53 40 18 85 89 85 72 77 SS 77 59 85 33 81 41 59 4"4 S2 60 79 82 89 83 85 81 10 39 Eurell1 79 48 Fr-.o 88 58 L.ancatler 84 83 LOI Angele6 74 59 M#)'IVIMe 92 51 Moni.rey eo NNOlel " OeklenO 65 ~ Puo Rot>lee 89 50 '*'Bluff 93 81 AedWOOd City M 6" Sect-to 8" 50 SellNI 86 50 San Diego 73 82 81n 'renc:ltOO 58 50 1• ... 78 47 81nta e.rt>ere 8" M 81nta Mllfle N lllf llPllT I .,, CANADA Extended weather 55 52 72 36 23 M 6' I 80UTHlll'N CALIFORNIA COASTAL AHO MOUNTAIN AREAi -V....,._ Gb1C1iL 811gf1t I ohtnce of aflower• northern "'°""'elllt t.tOftday Ind TUl9dl!Y. COOlet dlyl, Outly W .. tetly wllld1 In IM ~11181111 MOlldty.' and Tuttdey ...... In tM ~ •-r~ frillft Uppff IOt ti th• b•~:&;-11 to mid 10, 1111end = :-.i. :.-:: :.'i.=· IO, AEROBIC, DllCE I WORKOUT FISHIOll 'CEITER FEATURING: DANSKIN STIVI llOOKS BARIL Y LIOAL SIA SQUITI CARUSHKA SPICIAL OPNI Equipment: Aerobic & Sport Shoes Legwelghts Jumpropes Oum bells Trampolines -~\UfF komE~ '""-4708 BerranCI! Pwkwl!y lrvlM, CA (Wiiii ""'~ 112-1212' • --.... ----..... ~------- - llllCI ClllT IDlll IDITlll FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1982 ORANGE COUN TY C AL Ir ORN IA t •, Cf-N 1 '· ~ transit plan Irvine plays key role • Ill By GLENN SCOTT or tM D•llY Pllol ... ,. Latest plans for an Orange County mass transit line, inclu- ding spurs running into Irvine, Costa Mesa and Newport Beach were unveiled today. At a press conference at the Orange County T ransit District headquarters in Garden Grove, Deve lopme nt Director Bria n Pearson said the latest design will be discussed Monday by the Orange County Transportation Comm~ion. T hen durin g May and June, residents will get their chance to review ·and comment on the new mass transit line, as well as other proposed t rans portation im- prove ments, during specia lly scheduled workshops. First unveiled 18 mon ths ago as a 24-mile line, the proposed syste m h as gro wn to inc lude about 40 miles. Generally, one line would cut north-south through the county, probably on a raised track. The other Line would follow lhe old Pacific Electric Railway rjght-of- way through Buena Park and Garden Grove, then follow Sant.a Ana Boulevard before paralleling the Sant.a Ana Freeway through southern Orange County. The two lines would intersect m downtown Sant.a Ana near the Civic Center. The n orth-sou t h l1ne w ould penetra te coastal cities a fte r sto pping a t a station in South Coast Plaza. The line then would swing east alon~ Anton Boulevard to Main Street, the n turn south a t Mac- Arthur Boulevard, passing John Wayne Airport and stopping a t Jamboree Road. An optiona l spur would run from Svuth Coast Plaza aouth qt the San Di ego Freeway along Bristol Street to Baker S treet iJl Cost.a Mesa. Anothe r w ould continue on Mam Street into lrvine, eventu- a lly follow ing t h e San Diego Creek channel until stopping at the proposed tra1n -bus station near lrv1m Center. Jobless juinp Unemployment breaks postwar record CEREMONIAL EXPRESSIONS -Rabbi Aaron Twersky blesses Steven Wanger, left, and Barry G arnett, after calling them ~ 0...., "°4 ll'tlotoe by Ch«tM SIMT up for the Torah. Below, all smile after the landmark Bar Mitzvah ritual. Bar Mitzvah first of its kind Developme ntally dis abled celebrate ceremony WASHINGTO N (AP) -Un- employment in the United St.ates jumped to 9.4 percent last month -breaking the post-World War II record -the government an- nounced today. Some 10.3 million people were out of work. April's jobless rak! was up 0.4 of a percentage point from the previou s m o nth , m or e tha n enough to set a record. Not since 1941, when the government be- gan compiling monthly statistics, has une mploym e nt to.pp ed 9 percent. In that year, the jobless rate hit 9.9 percent. The California rate dropped from 9.4 percent to 9.3. At the While House, presiden- tial spokesman, Larry Speakes called today's announcement dlS- appoinu ng and said, "We remain sen sit ive t o t h e p lig ht o f the unemployed." He said he could not predict h ow far unemployment wo uld rise or when ll would begin de- clining. "We'r e looking for sil!{n s of econ o m ic r ecover y by late spring -early summer," Speakes said. Sen . Edward M . K e nne d y , D-Mass .. cha rged that the new figures show conclusively that Reagan's economic program has failed to do anything but "deliver pink sls p a f ter p ink slip after p1nk slip to millions o f decent men and women." ''Rona ld Reagan's bread li nes grew longer by 450,000 people," Kennedy said , adding that the "country 1s now harvesting the bitter fruits of a fajled and unfair economic policy Americans all over the coun try are losing their homes. their hopes and their pride." One economist said the unem- ployment rs the priC'e of bnngtng down mflat10n and other.;, both m and out of governme nt, pre- d icll•d t h<.· rate will climb even higher before turning around. Sinn• last summe r whe n the recession that still plagues the economy set in. unemployment has risen 2.2 percentage points. In J uly, joblessness na tionwide stood at 7 2 percent. By March, J<>blessness had ri- S<'n to 9 percent -equalling the post-World War 11 ra'Ord set in May 1975, the high point of the last severe.recess ion Some 9.9 million people were out of work in March The continuing business slump hit that nation's manufacturers the hardest, with unemployment among blut'-collar workers rea~ c·h1ng 13 7 pt:rc:en t in April, a fl'<:Ord Unemployment among aqult men. trad1t1onally the most stable st>gment of the labor force. spur- ted to 8 2 pc•n·en l. By J ODI CADENHEAD 01 the Delly Pllol Staff It was a moment that both Sk!ven 's and Barry's parents h ad w aited mor e than 20 years for -a moment tha t they thoug ht would never come for their sons. o f which was Steve n's candid sigh o{ relief whe n h e told the congregation ha){ w ay through, "This isn't so bad." Everyone la ughed. The feeling was fa- miliar to thos.e who had gone through the nerve-wracking experience when they were 13, the usual age. Irvine Complex going up? .:J'hursday morning, before a cro wd of relatives and friends at Fairview St.a te Hos- pital in Cost.a Mesa. S teven Wanger, 27, and Barry Garnett, 31, celebrated their Bar Mitz· vah. Planners bac k extensive rezoning project, na m e change THE RELIGIOUS ceremony marking the passage of a Jewish boy to manhood was both a personal and a public milestone. It was the fi:Sl time in CalJfomia that a developmentally disa bled person had ever received training enabling h im to perfonn the ri te. Rabbi Aaron Twersky. who prepared the boys for the cx-cas1on, led them out onto the s tage by hand a nd told t h e congregation "w ords a r e inadequate to describe m y feelings." Dressed in matching dark blue suits and prayer shawls Steven and Barry chanted the familiar Hebrew blessings from the Torah like thousands before them, but like no one else. THE TWO-HOUR ceremony was filled with a string of magical moments, not the least WORLD British issue warning "This is one of the finest momen~ we've ever had at Fairview , I'm proud of these boys," said Dr. Francis Crinella, executive di- rector at the Costa Mesa facility. Robin and Gerald Wanger watched their two other sons go through the Bar Mitzvah ritual, b u t ha d never even considered the possibility for Steven . "I'M SO EXCITED,'' said Mrs. Wanger, foUowl ng the ceremon y "It's something we hoped would come to pass " Steven has lived at Fa1rv1ew for 18 years and Barry 19. T heir religious instruction started three and a half years ago when Rabbi Twersky came to Fairview. "I wanted to set an e xample for othe r ins titutions t hat developmentally disabled people are capable of learning, absorbing and training," said the rabbi. "It will be proven in the future that they have abilities." I COUNTY After s truggling w ith its re- finements for at least five public meetings. the Irvine Planning Commission has endorsed an ex- te n sive rezoning to regula t e high-rise office developme nt in the Irvine Indus trial Complex- West. As a sign of the ch a nge the rewning would create, the new pro~ would rename the area to the Irvine Busmes Complex. The proposal. passed una ni- mously Thursday by the five- member commission, will go to t h e c ity council o n May 25, where ma ny o f the same con- cerns lhltt troubled commission - ers are likely to be raised again. The proposed rezon ing ordi- nance was created to better reg- u late the increasingly inte nse office construction that has oc- curred in the complex the past two years. When d esig ned in the 1960s, the complex was not envisioned for m a n y o ffices a t a ll, said Planning Director Larry Hogle. "It was designed as an indus- trial complex to serve the aero- space industry," he said. But loopholes in the zon1ng guidelines were found and deve- lopers began su~fully to erect large r and larger office com- plexes. City officials finally ac- knowledged the need to properly regulate the space. . "This does not downzone or make things mo re restric tive than they w e re," H ogle said. "KeaJJy, what this does is open things up and make it more lib- eral for office uses." The biggest problem for plan- ners and commis&ionera has been to balance the growi1l$( demand lie cheers Newport patients LONDON (AP) -Britain declared today that "any Argentine warship or military aircraft" found more than 12 miles from the Argentine mainland will be regarded as hOltile and dealt with accordingly. A "professional visitor" makes the days brighter for 94 patients in a Newport Beach convalescent home. Page Bl. NATION Socialite gets 30 years NEWPORT, R.I. (AP) -CJ.au. von Bulow wu tent,.. enoed to 30 years ln prt.on for twice trying to mu.rder hJa helr'cw wife wtth lnjectlona of tnaulin. Now it's Ann Landers' turn Ann Landen la)"l lhe la~ for reninruna col- WMI from lean bldt. aut she al8o cla1ma lhe bu naicetved an llncredible oM~ of frlendahJp and faith ln my lntecrfty.•• Pace 82. ' I I Dancer visits our coast Gregory Hines, a tar of .,Sophllticated Ladles," showed up on the Oranae Cout to show off hit tap dancing skills and teech a little danclna· Weekender. STATE Listenen win, DJs lose The mfetake WM to play only two records In a row instead of the required three. It coet a San Dte10 country mumc station t20,000 and two dllc jockeys tbeU-jobs. ~ M. . for more offices in the prestigious area with the need to retain a reasonable traffic flow . Hogle said industrial uses don't gener - a te ne arly the same tra ffic as large office complexes. According to the proposal en- dorsed, all parcels are guaranteed development rights equal to a certain ratio o{ floor space to area of the lot. Any project that would sur~ a 35 ratio would go lo the plan- ning <.'Ommission for a conditional use permit. A nd th e complex wo uld be d ivided in to. thrt>e areas. The section sou t h of the S an Diego Freeway a nd near John Wayne Airport could have developments with an intensity up to a 1.0 ratio. That 1s roughly the intensity of offil~ lOwers m the South C.oast PlaUI area. Hogle said Development w1th1n an area bound<'d by th e freeway a nd Mdm Street ~'Ould have mtens1ty up to 75. and area from Main to Barranca Pa rkway would have the least intensity. up to .50. If a pn>JCCt surpassmg the .35 ratio wer<' approved throug h a use pt•rmit, the planning com - m1ss1on also could requ1re certain 1mprovc•ments to the local trans- portallon system, Hogle said. He said some sort of fee system pr obably would be enacted to gain an Pqu1table payment to- ward s u ch pro jects as road widenings or improveme n ts to frCl•way on and oCf ram ps. Here comes. judge INDEX At Your Service A4 L.M. Boyd A8 Ek.aainess C:5-7 California A5 Cavalcade B2 aa.ified Dl-8 c.omJcs c:9 en.word c:9 Death Not.tee. C:S J!'d.ltorlal . AS lrltiertalnment Weekender &me/Garden 87 Horoecope B2 SPORTS Readers and writers who apprecia te a well-t urned phrase d ipped m a little acid have relished Robert Gard- ner's opinions on certain legal matters over the years. Now Daily P ilot r eaders can sha re in the best of his obser vatio ns' a s the semi- reured appellate court justice sta r ts a n e di toria l column with comme nta r y on early Ba lboa, "ding bat S upre me Court decisions" and the good old days of surfing. The s urprise e nding of G ardne r 's first column in Sunday's Daily Pilot will re- v ea I the s tre ngth behind a sissy name . Intenniialon Weekender Ann Landen B2 Movies a Weekender Mutual FUnda c:6 National News A3 Public Notioee <::6,C:S,02 Sporta C:l-4 Stock Markets C7 Televllion TV Loe 'Iheetere Weekender We.I.her A2 World News A3 occ wins title asain Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 7, 1912 ~ ------------------------....... -..... British landing near? Fierce winter weather threatens war fleet LONDON (AP) -The pros- pect of a British landing on the Falkland lalands la arowing u tier~ winter weather threatens the Brltlsh war fleet a nd a t· tempu at a diplomatic break- through ge t nowhere, mllltary analysts say. 11111 AUlYlll take-off ;eta diaappeared In bad weather while on patrol wlthln the Falk.lands war zone. That reduced the fleet's orig!· nal force of 20 Harriers to 17; a nother of the fighter-bombers waa downed by Arg(mtlnc anti- aircraft fire Tuetday. • Dea~lte U.N ., American and Peruvian peat•e efforts, British defense chiefs art> thought to be planning ways of regaining the military momentum lost whe n the Sheffield was hit Tuesday by an Exc:x:ct m1s:ule 1.aunched from an Arg1mtine warplane. "The loss of the destroyer Shelfleld has demons trated t he vulnerability of the Britl.Jh fleet to Argentine missile .attack ," said , one military think-tank expert. Uni High student wins slogan prize "Time is on th e side o f the Argentine junta. They only have to sit tight to reduce the chances of a successful landing. It would seem a landing is likely in the next few days." The Defense Ministry a n - nounced Thursday niji!ht that ' two British Sea Harrier verucal What are today's Orange County high school seniors saying about patriotism , free e nterprise and the U.S . posture in the world? Independem·e Ha ll a t Knott's Berry Farm were Irvine High's Nguyen Thi Lien for "Freedom's the right for whic h we m ust fight" and Newport H arbor Hi~h's Anne Sammis for "Too long m thl· fast lane has created the pain." GOING UP -Hot air balloons are inflated to mark site in Fountain Valley of starting point for Saturday's Gordon Benneth Balloon Race. Delly ...... ·-....... Actual Gordon Bennett race will be contested in helium balloons, with other, hot air craft used in· preliminary races .'.·Bot air on the ground •. ··Balloonists banter be fore big Fountain Valley event ,.B y PHIL SNEIDERMAN '•of the Dllllf P\lot Slelf This weekend they'll be tea- sing the clouds, putting them.set- ' ves at Mother Nature's mercy as ·they dangle precariously beneath huge he hum-f1Ued baUoons. But t he Gordon Bennett Bal- loon Race pilots came down to earth Thursday to discuss this year's rompeuuon during a preis briefing al the liftoff poml. Mile Square Park m Fountain Valley. ,• Balloonist Brent Stockwell rommented on the credentials of his colleagues "We have the first team to cross the Atlantic. the firs t to ·cross the Paci fil', the first to cross the North American continent and the first to t·ross the conti- nental United States," he obser· ved. "Well, we re present tht.' first team to cross San Francisco Bay, and let me te ll you it was .hell!" Before balloonist Ben Abruzw rould speak, two rudes forc.-ed him into a black flight jacket adver- tisin g Benshana of Tokyo, the restaurant chain owned by has co-pilot Ro<:k y Aoki Aoki 1s known for his aggressive promo- tion tactics "Ev e n m y s horts ha ve 'Ben ihana' on them." Abruzzo chuckled. In fact, Aoki had transported a h1bach1 grill and two chefs to the rruddle of Mlle Square to providt· lunch for his fellow pilots ·and visiting reporters. "Maybe we should have brought along some fried chicken or something." ribbed Amem:an pilot John Shoecraft. Shoecraft floated to fame a few months ago aboard Super Chicken Ill. the first balloon lo cross the continental Unned States. He is part1cipaung m his first Gordon Bennett race this year. He and tu.s wife, Man, w1U be the first American husband and wife team to t'Ompete ln the Gordon Benneu. Race activities wiU take place from 8 a.m. to dusk Saturday m the central airfield at Mlle Square. About 30,000 people art' expected to attend. Public entry gates will Ix-off Edinger Avenue between Brook- hurst and Euclid streets. Admis- sion is $3 for adults. $1.50 for children 5 to 12. Children under 5 will be adrrutted without char - J.(e. Extension OK'd SACRAMENTO (AP) !)(>. s pite oppos1t1on from hunters, the Senate has voted to extend a moratorium on mountain hon hunting until 1986 T he upper house approved a bill Thun;day by Sen. Roberl Pres ley, 0 - Riverslde. that would bar kilhng the cats except Lo control attacks on livestock. The festivities will begin with tethered balloon r ides in the morning as long as wind condi- tions permit. From 9 to 11 a.m., 10 hot air balloonists will lift off 1n the Orange Couny C lassic contest. In this event, participants must choose a target within 50 miles of the park. The winner is the bal- loon that lands closest to its pre· selected target. From 1 p.m. to dusk, 8 teams from the United States, Japan, G<'rmany and France will lift off m hellum-hUed baUoons for the Gordon Bennett race. Thts 1s a distance competition. Last year's winners, Abruzzo and Aoki. trave led more than 1,300 miles before landing in North Dakota. A n<'w event will be the Ce- lebrity Balloon Race. scheduled for 9:30 a m. KABC radio per- sonality Michael J ackson, Los Angeles Times cartoonist Paul Conrad and rock s tar Stephen Stills will travel a short distance by balloon. then ride to a finish hnc aboard bicycles. Guest of honor al the event will bt> R Buckminster Fuller, creator of the geodesic dome. Other activities during the d ay-long festival will include parachute drops. antique airplane flights, a sailplane demonstration and a variety of musical enter- tainment. Full moon due NIOl!t and morning tow clou01· -· OlllenirlM felt Coettal low 56 1111ano 6:.> Coallal high mid 60•. 1nl111 d mld-70. Water 152 EIMWl'le<'e, winos IOUthwell 10 _, 10 to 18 11nots ,,., alte<noon Wind waves 1 to 3 leet South· -•I ....ells 2 10 4 feet Extensive low cloud1nau with p1r1ta1 clea- ring 1f1ernooos U.S. summary Thutlclerat0tma and • COl<J Iron! prodU<:ed heavy re1na tn Lou1si en• and southeast Teua tod•Y as showers continued over the eastern mlddle Mlu1st1pp1 Valley end the towe< On10 Valley Skies wera ctear from tne Da· kOIU and the upper MtHla. .. ppi v.-.y 10 -•em TexH and New MIKlco Felr •kle• Wife ove< Iha Southwest. wllUe cloudy sides pr...,ailld et1-llere 1n 1111 Weal and rain f"ltl tn llHI nor111ern Roc:kles It wu fair and warm over mucn of the East The NelloneJ Weatl\er Servi~ ptedicted sc:anered ah~• end 1hund.,1torma lrom the Misti•· 1lppl Vallay IOrOH Ill• Gr••• . l.akH, the 01110 and TannB- vallaya, and the central Gull Cout ....... Temperaluret around Ille_ fl•· tklft ..,., tocs.y ranged lfom n In '-VO· M.O .. to 78 In v-. N1I. Ca,lifomia A1ternoon '"na11tn1 could lt)rlghlll\ Sou111ern Calllornte'• ...-enci. IDul • pt<Mlent rnann. clou4 covar wlll kffP morning• moetly gray Tiie National Waalhef ~ alto lor•cHI cooler d•r• end 01111)' •HI wlnda Saturday In ~ el'CI nonhetn ~· H'911a Sat11rday er• prldtolld from 71 In Loe Angella, trom 88 10 7J at beechea, betwMn 58 Md a 1n W101M 1a1ne. 1n 1n. hloll eoa In IOW dMane MCI lrom 7f 10 SY .. Nell'* dlMri ...,.tlOna. 9oew1 lfom Paint ConoaptlOn to Tiii Mftloen border can npec1 11g111. vartablt IDrH rH In ll••llY too ltlrO\tOll midday S11urd1y •. ~to wwt wlnOe It 10 10 ti IC"'* ere llf*lleltlCI Saturday 9'WMOfl Wltfl t-10 a.toot Wtn4 ....... s. '° 4.fooC OWi •• ..... A11antc Cly Au,ltn Ba111mora B1i11nqi. Birmin9hm Bismarck Boi~ Boston Brown~vlle But1a10 Bur11noton Casper Chllrlstn SC Cllarlstn WV CharlH4! NC C~yenne Chteago C1nc1nna11 Ctevetano Clmboa SC COiumbus Dal-rt Wlh Dayton Oen,,l!r Oes M01ni'5 OetrOll °"1uth e1 Pe,o Faroo Flegttatl Great falls t111rtl0td Helet'la Hon04ulu Houston lndnapfls J11cksn MS Jacksnvlla Kens City LBI Vf!QH Little Rock LOUISVIiie Lubl>OCk M emphia Mteml • Mllwauk" Mpta.Sl.P Natwtlll New 0t1ean1 N.-YOtll NorlOlk No Ptalle Okla City Omahl Oflando Pfllladphl• ~· Pilllt>urOll P11end. Me P11and, Or• PrO'olldencl 67 58 77 50 eo 49 66 48 83 63 53 Z9 69 4 I 69 50 85 76 Oil 83 64 74 62 59 36 81 66 89 57 84 61 55 32 82 47 01 84 62 02 88 64 84 57 ••1Wit •"W' 1ft·•·• ,.,.,, .. ,, ... ,. ,,, ( S F.":"l nowt:::.:41 88 64 Fronts f .,,., ..,... w ... m -CJ<• hlfl<'<I -66 49 86 63 01 57 38 56 u 73 86 63 5<1 31 01 78 45 65 28 60 28 60 41 81 52 63 42 86 76 72 58 97 84 57 31 84 69 8t 50 54 43 10 83 58 74 51 103 84 63 02 59 44 81 64 a3 77 72 82 48 53 40 .18 85 89 85 72 77 65 77 59 65 33 61 41 59 44 82 80 79 82 89 63 85 61 70 39 74 48 76 47 ~h 84 57 Reno 16 40 Seit Lake 6 1 46 S•n Antonio 81 49 Seanle 157 46 Sllrevepert 77 SS S10\U Falls 68 36 SI LOUIS eo 50 St P-Tampa 81 59 St Ste Marte 71 42 Spokaroo 71 46 Syracu!lfl 7:.> 49 Topeka 55 36 Tucson 82 M Tutn 68 44 waa111no1n 78 59 Wl<:lln& 60 39 CALIFOltNIA Bekeralteld 94 88 Blyllle 95 Eureka 70 48 Fr..,>0 =~ 68 Lancuter e3 Loe Angelfl ~~ 69 MBr)'t'IMe !11 MonWey 80 Needlel 89 01kland 85 53 Puo Roblel 89 50 Red Blull 93 81 RedwoOCI Clty ee 54 Sacramento 84 50 SalinM 85 50 Sen 04tOO 73 82 Sen F rancltcO se 50 Santa Barbar• .... 5e Santa Mllf1a 88 SURf RIPIRT 92 44 07 13 14 01 Stoel< ton ea Tllefmel 98 Ukiah 90 Bar11ow 88 Bog Bear 66 B1SllOP 83 Catalina 66 Long BellGh 76 Moorovta 84 Mt Wiison 72 Newpc>rt Beach 85 Ontario 81 Palm Springs 98 P11111clan11 80 River aid• San S..nardlno 82 San Gabrlel 80 S11n Joae 74 S11n1a AM 76 Sen1' Crui 67 Tahoe Vallev 67 CAN AO A CelQ.,Y Edmonton MontrNI 0 11aw1 Extended weather 54 60 32 42 53 60 55 48 58 55 66 58 55 57 57 55 59 56 30 55 35 52 23 72 M 51 I SOUTHERN CAl.IFOANIA COASTAL ANO MOUN TAIN AREAS -Variellll olouda. 811Qht I Qhance ol ahOWll'I norlllarn mounlllll'll Monday !Ind Tl#Mdty Coolar dare. Ouaty w .. 1t rfy wind• In the mountain• Monday and T~. Hlgha In the COMtal .,_ ranging ttom upp« IOI at th• IDHcflei 10 mid 10t Inland .,.., I.owe In tllt $09, ~tltn rMOf1 lllQN 6t to II. Lowa 38 to 60 '""-t~-- UCI woman student president Diana Sandoval, a junJor psy· chology student at UC Irvine, has been elected student body presi- dent for the 1982-83 term. E lec.tiq,n o fCicials said more than 1,500 undergraduate stu- dents cast ballots. That number represents nearly 17 percent of the total undergraduate popula- tion. Carl Stelling, a junior engi- neering major. was elected exec- utive vice president and sopho- more physics student J im Koh-' lenberger will be administrative vice president. In uncontested races, Jim Har- vey, a 1umor social ecology s tu· dent, will ser ve as student ser· vices vice president and Tammy Fogarty, a junior biology major, will be acaderruc v1ce president. "Limited Government -Un· limited Results," a slogan by Co- rona del Mar High's Brad Hol- lingsworth, was among the offe- rings a panel of judges found tops in the 12th annual slogan contest s ponsored by the Americanism Educational Le~e. Hollingaworth s slogan, which placed fifth, brought its author $125 in prize money. Judees awarded the league's Trustees' Trophy, a nd $75, lo Paula Jean Ruhl of Irvine's Uni- versity High School for her slo- gan, "Anyone can rise with free enterprise." Receiving honor citations at an awards cere mony Thursday at "Choose communism: The last choice you'll ever make,'' was selected for a $500 first place award. It was submitted try T imoth y Sullivan of Mater Dei High School. This year's contest, according to league off icials , drew 5,328 entries, a record. Overall, $2,000 in prize money was awarded. ' The league, which has offices at Freedom Center near Inde- pendence Hall, conducts educa- tional programJS focusing on pri- vate enterprise, strong national defenM', American heritage and hrruted government UCI students also e lected council members to represent each o f the various academic disciplines at the university. Police nab Irvine man Singing telegram for Mom's Day? in Valley heist A man wanted m connection with the a rmed robbery o f a Fountain Valley con venience market was arrested Thursday at his Irvine home. Fountain Valley police detec- tive Terry Bell sald local investi· gators, in cooperation ~1th ~~­ den Grove police, had 1denttf1ed John Cho. 18, as the man w ho allegedly displayed a handgun and robbed Danny's Villa Mar- ket, 16040 Harbor Blvd .. of $132 on April 14. A warrant was obtained, and Cho was arrested without inci- de nt by Irvine officers Thursday morning at his home, 3581 Pecan St .. Bell said. Cho, who identified himself as a Saddleback College student, was turned over t o Fountain Valley police, then placed in Or- ange County Jail on the armed robbery charge. University High School <:horal s inge rs are offering singing telegrams to celebrate Mother's Day this S unday. For $12, either a men's barber shop quartet or a wo- men's trio from the Irvine school will deliver a special • An Irvine resident, Brian J . Dobblna, has been named marketing director for Or- thopedic Hospital. Los An- geles. The h ospital, founded in 1922, is said to be the South - • Irvine resident Gilbert Cballet has been elected vice president of the American Mosquito Control As.9ociation which met recently in Sacra- mento. Challet, who has a master's • from ~IE SPORTS LTD. AEROBIC, DlllCE . I WORKOUT ·FASHIOll CEllTER salutation along with a flowt'r and a personal message on a card The money will go toward the choral dcpartnwnt's pro- grams Orders can be plal-ed by call ing 55 9 -5 366 o r 552-9639 w est's larg<'sl center for treatment of bone, jo int, muscle, nerve and connective tissue dtSOrd<'rs Previously. Dobbins w as assis tant admin istrator at Cenlln(•la Hospital Med1C'al U>nter, lngll'wood degree in entomo logy, 1s manage r o f the Orange County Vector Con trol Dis- trict which controls d1sease- carrying insects and a nimals such as mosquitoes, raL'i and flies. FEATURING: DANSKIN STEVI llOOKS BARELY LIGAL SEA SQUITS CARUSHK* I Equipment: Aerobic & •I SP.ECIAL OFFll 10~ OFF ANY ~'1UIOtAll ... .,,.,. (With Thli M) Sport Shoes Legwelghts Jumpropes Oum bells Trampolines Jto.t: SPQlm; '" ... 4708 Barren~ Parkway lrv1n•. CA 112·1212 rnruu~rn rn· Democrats blast budget R eagan accused of break ing p en si on prom ise By Tiie A11oclated PrHI No soone r did President Reag~eAdorse a budget plan put forth by his allies In the Senate than congressional Democrats jumped all over it as contemplating deep cuts in Social Security. Accusing Presiden t Reagan of breaking h is promise not to touch Social Security, Senate Mi- nority Leader Robert Byrd introduced an amend- ment Thursday ln Washington, D.C. re,JeCting the Republican-led Senate Budget Committee's call for a $40-biWon reduction in the cost of the retirement program through a combiration of benefit reduc- tions and withholding increases. The budge t plan "is unfair, hasty and went against the president's promise that Social Security would be Included in the safety ne t," Byrd aaid. Group says recession dying HOT S PRlNGS. Va. -A group of the nation's top business executives said today the 1981-82 re- cession is finally dying, although the pain of low profits and high unemployment will linger a whtle longer. The executives also were keeping a wary eye on the budget battle m Washingwn, roncemed that government defici ts soaring above $100 billion, could make for a puny recovery. The group is hol- d ing its semi-annua l m eet ing at a resort in the • western Virginia mountains. Voluntary prayer proposed WAS HfNGTON -President Reagan, decla- ring he wants to "restore a freedom our Constitu- tion was always meant to protect,'.' has called for an amend me nt to allow volunta ry group prayer in public schools. "No one m ust ever be forced or coerced or pressured to take part in any religious exereise, but neithe r s hould the governme nt forbid re ligious practice,'' the president told a gathering of religious leaders during a ceremony Thursday in the Rose Garden 'Lou Grant' Inove political? DENVER -Actor F.cl Asner said he doesn 't know if his politic.al acuvism prompted cancellauon of his "Lou Grant" TV series. although two groups who think that was the case say they'll protest at CBS S tudios in Los Angeles. "( really don 't know . Perhaps I'll find ou t later," Asner said o! speculation that the sh ow was dropped because he su p ported effor ts to s end.- medical aid to El Salvacfor. via the leftist insur gents in that. <:ountry ... I do know there has been a lot of doublespeak at the network level recently." Asner is attending the Denver International Film Festival. Iranians reach Iraqi border BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -lraruan troops plo- wed through three Iraqi defense lines today to reach the Iraqi border for the first time since the two nations went to war 19 months a go, Iran an- nounced today. southwestern oil province of Khuzistan , scene of some of the heaviest fighting of the Persian G ulf war. The Iraqi military command adnutted Iranian forces mo unted "a fresh offensive on all areas of operauon at the southern sector of the warfront." Iran claimed the breakthrough came in its Billy Grahain in Moscow MOSCOW -Evangelist Billy Graham, w hose fiery l'rusad ('S have filled U.S. football stadiums, arrived in Moscow today and said "God and history may Judge us all" unless religious leaders act to avert a nuclea r catastrophe. The 63-year-old Southern Baptist minister came to the Soviet capital to participate in a con- f crence of religious leaders opposed to the ar ms race. He also is scheduled to speak at M08COw 's only Baptist church and a Russian Ort hodox cathedral. No other details of his iunerary have been released 3 quakes shake High Sierra BISHOP -A trio of earthquakes 15 minutes apart swarmed through t he High Sier ra today, rousing sleepers, briefly blacking out power to parts of at least two towns and knocking a radio station off the air. springs area 15 miles northeast of Crowley Lake in Mono County. The second quake, measuring 3.5, s truck at 5:23 a .m. with an e picenter 16 miles northeast of Mono Lake near the ghost town of Bodie. Browne said the third temblor at 5:30 a.m. tipped the scale at 3.6 and was centered at the northern edge of Crow ley. The first temblor measured 3.7 on the Richter scale at 5: 17 a.m . and was centered near a ho t 3 hurt as train cars derail MONTCLAIR -A locomotive, three flat-bed freight cars and a caboole derailed early today after one Southern Pacific freight train rammed the rear of another, sending engin eers leaping for safety and injuring three crew members, authorities said. · pit.al officials said, and the railraod said none wu serious. Power poles were snapped in the 7:15 a.m. accident 30 miles east of Loe Angeles, but Southern California F.dison officials reportea no power ou- tages. At least two of the ~juries were minor, hos- ORANGE COAS I .. Daily Pilat Thomas P H&ley , ••• ,. ,tw .. """I htt•f r'N°Ullv~ OttH ... Kay Schultz V,.,P•...v~t rom Murph1ne f ""'"' Ml1t,e Hsrvev 1 ...... '"' t. ,.,,. ,.,,, .. " .(..n•flthcn1 Ken GoddBrd u.-..... """ ''~"hnt1• Ray MflCLeon I nt+hu .. ltf Charles loot .. _.,(Oil"' .., ....... ""' ......... Claulfled advertising 714 642·5678 All 01her departments 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE l)O ¥1~\I A .. y \! (°'IA M~u (A MAU •00'•"" 80• I MO C 0\1• ~\4' ( A '1t1' Cw~r1ctft• , .. , O•MtUt (o.t\t Pvt>h,h•n11 (Or'nP4nv No""""' \tO,.._,, •lfu\Jf'AilGrn •O•torl•I ,,. .. , .. ,Of~ ¥•rUO,mHlh fW"rtttn m<t, I># ,,._...,we: .. w+t"°"' \0#( ••f ,,.,-mt\\tan nf t ()()yr 1Qht awN>r Ytonn t ........ "°"' .. ~ Po4•f1 «t (M.tA M,.,.,., (AhtOtN,it •UP\ t.u 800• '4.ID'u t1f\fuw-. n. fflrrt .. , '' '' ""°"1"'' n"W m""'' ·"' \On.nntrw, ""' ?,_ l °"'' C>"''' Pilot *If" whoell " <OI>• b•~ ttw-N....,, p,.,.,_, '' O\lbtf\twd by H'W Or-. C 0.41 Pubtf'h•"O ComPM'Y S#o"' •••• -<t•ttioM •'• OUbll\hfo(1 Motla•v 011.,,,.. f "d•¥ 101 (Cl't• -... N#wport li~.o<" Hunlll\tttwl 11 ... , h ~ -•••n Y•llo Irv·~ L'"OUl\oO """'.. \oorll I °"" A '~ ·-~ ...,,.,.,. " .....,.._ ""41.,d•r• -WnNon f"" DW•< •D•I putjO\ll•l\O ,., .. ,,, " •• no W•\I ""' \lr•l p 0 fto• l\eO (O\IA M ...... \.•Ufv,,., .. .,.,. VOL 71,NO. U1 Last of nudists wins acquittal MALIBU -The Wt"'hfne ol M 1 people arrested for appeartna nude on Sou thern Calffornla beach es last year have been tie- quitted by a JUry. After four dayi of trial a aeven -w o man, five-m a n Jury fou nd t h e nine Innocent on Thunday. Five other CMet went ~ Wednelday by Malibu Municipal Court Judge Ro~ld Schoenberg, who Mid the proee. cutlon had failed to pretent a cue -a;ainal them. We're Listening ••• What do you lllct about UM Dally Pilot? Whal don't you Ulce? Call tht number belo" and your m11111e wlll be recordld transcribed and dtll ve~ lo the appropriate editor. ' Tiw """2A·hour •n•.-rt"I ttrvlct may bt uaed to r.cord ttt-ter• to the edit.or on.1ny topk. M1Ubox contributott mutt lndudt lhtlr name and tt lt phon• number for n nnu uon. No clrcul.UC. u ll1, pleue. Tell &111 what'• on your mMact. • r I .I I Orano-Coat DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 7, 1982 o.1tJ "" It.aft "*-T 0 APPEAL 1 -F orme r S upervisor Ralph Diedrich m ay seek U .S . Suprem e Court reversal of his bribery conviction. . Diedrich eyes appeal to U.S. Supreme Court • By DAVID KUTZMANN Ofttt.Oelly .......... Form er Orange Coun ty S upervisor Ralph Diedrich's at- torney says he may go to the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse a 1979 bribery and consp4racy conviction against Die dric h that w as reinstated Thursday by the Cali- fornia Supreme Court. F irs tkhowever , Santa Ana lawyer eith C. Monroe said he will petition the state high court for a rehearing based on il8 de - cision to uphold both Diedrich's and architect LeRoy Rose's con - victions m San Diego S uperior Court . Rose's attorne y, Sylvan Aron- son of Santa Ana, a lao s a ld Tursday he would consider pet- itioning for a rehearing. Diedrich, once one of Orange County's most pow erful men when he was known in political circles as "Super D," w as found guilty three years ago of two counts of briber y and a single count of consplracy. Rose, h is one-time campaign tre asure r , was con vic ted o f a single oou.nt of consp1racy. &th me n were sen tenced to l-to-14-year state prison tenns. H(J tax protester convicted in LA How ever, th e state's Fourth District Court of Appeal la te r reversed the convictions, promp- ting b oth the Orange County Distnct Attorney's Of!ice and the stale Attorney Gene ral to peti- tion th e S upreme Court for a hearing. Tha t request w as gran ted in June, 1981, an effect setting aside the Court of Appeals reversal. It also came on the same day that Diedn ch was given a suspended jail sentence and fined $5.000 in Ora nge County Su perior Court for participating an an unrelated campaign fund laundering ope- ration in 1976. Huntingto n Beach tax pro- tester Armen Condo has been found guilty of tax an d mail f raud by a federal ju ry in L os Angeles. Condo, 46, is the founder and head of Your Heritage Protection Association whose me mbers as- ~rt.edly believe that they are not legally r equired to pay income taxes on receipt of paper money that no longer ~ backed by gold or silver. lntemal Revenue Service spo- keswoman Laura My~rs said the jury returned the verdict Thurs- day evening, after one day's de- 1..aberation. "The decision was guilty on all 41 counts of tax and mail fraud," she said. Condo, 46, sa1d he was surpn- sed by the verdict. "l don't know how they arriv- ed at it,'.' he said. "My only aim was t o uphold a nd defe nd t he Constitution against corrupt and private bank.mg systems." Condo. who testi fieci in his own defense. contended he acted on his belie f that Federal Re-· serve Notes are not valid money because they are not backed by precious met.ala. • On Wednesday, defense attor - ney Clyde Maxwell told the U.S . District Court jUry his client IS a crusader w ho was not afraid to take on a "big bad wolf'' -the IRS -by urging people not to pay taxes. "We need the Condos o f t his w o rld to question Big Brother," said Maxwe ll. But prosecutor John Spiegel de9crtbed Condo -head of the tax protest organization based in Garden Grove -as a hypocriti- cal profiteer. The a ssist an t U.S. a ttorney said Condo encouraged members of his g roup to r e fuse t o pay taxes even though he knew that the action was criminal S piegel also said Condo took nearly $2 million in supposedly w orthless greenbacks in dues Crom his members. "He knew that money is power and these supposedly worthless Federal Reserve notes gave him power," Spiegel said. The final arguments came af- te r 18 days of trial, in which Spiegel c.alled about 40 witnesses, most of them past and present members of Condo's organization. Orange County Assistant Dis- trict Att.orney Michael Capizzi, who originally prosecuted Die- d rich and Rose in the bribery case, said Thursday that he now believes there 1s a "very r eal like lihood " the t w o me n will soon have to begin serving their prison terms. The 1979 convictions agains t Diedn ch and Rose stemmed from a llegations that t he t wo men conspired to gain financial con- sideration from owners of 2,200 acres in Anaheim Hills in return for a fa vorable supervisorial d e- cision tha t wou ld permit res1- de n t 1a l develo pme n t o f the property. The Court of Appeal. however, reversed a bribery and c.-onsplra- c:y conviction against Diedrich and a con spiracy conv1ct1o n against Rose. Ano th e r bribe r y c h arge aga1nst Diedrich alJ>o was rever- sed, but the d,oor was left open for a re trial on that coun t Cranston flays Reaganomics K emp s ays Am erica's recession predate d presiden t By THOMAS MURPHINE Of IM OellJ Not ai.tt CHICAGO -California Sen. Alan Cranston took some slams at t he Reagan administration eco- nomic policies T h ursday in an appearance h e r e b e fore t h e American Society of Newspaper Edie.on convention. Cra ns ton said Reagan omics amount to "the path to riches for a few Americans but the r,tth to ruin for many Americans. ' He said Reagan's tight money policy was excessive, "a high risk experiment requiring a miracle to work." He said tight money is another factor of Reaganomics and has caused widespread business fail- u res. C r a nsto n claimed that business failures are now up 57 percent. "Ronald Jleaa._an has exploded the m y M<'tha t -Republicans are good for business," Cranston as- serted. The opposite viewpoint was represented b y Congressman Jack Ke mp, R-N.Y., who decla- red that the current recession can be traced back long before Rea- gan 'a presidency. "There is no doubt that we are In a tim e of adversit y.';_ Kemp said. "But it d idn't start w ith Reagan's e lection. l t started in 1979. I saw it in m y town of Buffalo. "The biggest tragedy of this presidency is that in the first 17 months the preside n t h as no t been able to ch ange policy and get the bond market open.'' Kemp said high levels of eco- nomic growth will be absolutely nea!Slary. He cont.ended that it is absolutely imperative for "this president to save the dollar." There was some limited good news on the economic front from a thlrd panelist, Alice Rivlin, di- rector of the Congressional Bud- -. get Office. Panel moderator James Gan- non described Mrs. Rivlin as "the best budget brain Ill Washington and has been right more often than the White House, no matt.er who was in it.'' Mrs. Rivlin said that there is hope for an upturn in the econ- omy within the next few weeks. "T h er e is evide nce that the recession h as bottomed out, but no evidence of an upturn yet. "When the tax cut takes place in July, that w ill put $200 per person purchasing power into the economy this summe r. Recovery sh ould spread into the second part of the year," she said. Mrs. R iv lin forecast tha t in- terest rates will come down over the next few months. S he said there will be an upturn in the economy during the second half o f this y ea r , w ith moderate growth over the next two years. SPRING CARPET SALE , 100% llJlon Saxony Carpet s 1 S!t •. taAed 1110 llylon Cut ind Loop Tr101rr s 14!t ·-·~Id SALE ENDS MAY 17th You don't have to wait for that tax refund check to brighten up your home. We have 90 d ay -NO IN- TEREST Terms - (O.A.C.). 100% llflo• Splash Clrplf s 1 2 ..._ Y-'• lftlUllH Ormnge Coeet DAILY PILOT/~, May 7, 1982 DEAR PAT: We lllave ov dec:oMr takee Ml bJ Seleetv Ju. H ud tMiy u¥ we'd n- eelve Hr refHd wltlala 1IK weeb. We've wrtttn ud pM.aed, bit ~e refad 1Ull lllal Mt beft ~lved. Help! L.F., Co1&a Meta Selectv says there was a mlxup In lta records becau.e of a miaspelllng of your name. The check now has been processed and you should receive it any day. If not, let A YS know. Appraising TR letter DEAR PAT: I'd appreciate U lf yo. coald tell me laow I caa contact a collector of presldeatlal letten or Htograpb1. I bave a letter 1ipecl by 'neodore Roosevelt iD lt18. -C.H., Balboa Evalene Pulati, owner of Americana Col- ledOn Shop (111 E. Cubon , Santa Ana), can appra.iae your letter for a nominal fee and she knows of a "Teddy" Roosevelt collector. The value of the letter will depend on its condition and content. The date it was written also de- termines value, according to Mrs. Pulati. For instance, the Jetter probably would be worth more If it had been written during Rooeevelt's term of office from 1901 when he became preside. nt following President McKinley's aaaaalnation through 1909. The letter you have was wrinen the year before Roaseve lt died at age 60 on Jan. 6 , 1919. Diet aids comment sought DEAR READERS: May 27 is comment deadline on a Food and Drug Admiuistration's ~. (FDA) advisory panel report calling two in- •' gredienta in non-prescription diet aids, benzo-~ ca1ne and phenylpropanolamine, safe and ef- ~ fective in weight control. l The FDA notes, however, that reports , published after the panel's findings were submitted show that phenylpropanolamine do.ea higher tha.n those currently marketed (but within the safe range recommended by the panel) cause blood pressure elevation. ---· FDA~mo.ce..resean:h to;idetermine a.._ safe do6e range for phenylpropanolamine and the extent to which it induces or aggravates high blood pressure. In the meantime, FDA wall allow phe- nylpropanolamine to be used at current levels (75 milligrams or fewer per day) but will not permit the higher dosage (up to 150 rn.iJli- grama) recommended by the panel and avai- lable overseas. The panel found none of the other 111 lngredlenta in over-the-counter diet pills had been proven effective. It said that although phenylpropanolamlne and benzocaine (an an- esthetic that works by numbin' the taste bud.a) might help reduce a dieters appetite, they dO not cause weight loss. Only eating Jess or exercislng more can effect weight loss, ac- cordJ.na to the panel report. Alter comment evaluation, FDA will propme a ncuJaUon establlahJnc, for the tint Ume, lnaredient and labeUnc 1tandarda for th.-e prOducta. Ally product f&tJ.1nL to meet the atandarda tinally adopted may W removed from the market. Send comments to Dockets Management Branch (HFA-306), FDA Room 4-2, 5600 Fiahen Lane, Rockville, Md. 30867. For more information. write to WlWam Gllbertaon, Bu- reau of Drugs, at the above addreea. Needs passport renewed DEAR PAT: WUt II~ procedlf'e !or reaewla1 my pu1port by mall? It wW expire iD Jue. -BM., Newport Beac~ You can arrange for a $10 puaport re- -newal application by vl1itlng or malling a self-addremed, stamped envelope to the Hun- tington Beach Poo Offk:e, 6771 Warner Ave., Huntington Beach 92647. When the passport application is completed, you can mail it and two new , signed passport picture• to the passport office indicated on the form. The $10 renewal fee applies to passports rei1&ued within eight years to pe.nM>na who were not minors when the original pa11port was iasued. As you might expect, many rules and regulations apply to passport l.sauance. Spe- cific infonnation can be obtained by phoning post office passport clerkl in Fullerton, Gar- den Grove, Santa Ana, Laguna Hills and ~elm. The addreaes and phone nwnbers are~listed 1n the White Pages phone book un- der the postal service heading of the United States Government listing. Check fee bill pending DEAR PAT: 11 It lepl for merclwatt to cbar1e a fee wM8 a daeci beacel1Or,11 Wt jaat sometb.IDg daey do oa dadr oWJa1 J.R., Cot&a Meta Currently, retailers and rendeca are not authoriz.ed to charge a fee to a consumer who writes a check that bounces. Other businemea like bars and grocery stores can. However, t)tere la a pending bill 1n the state Le,dalature (AB 3479) that would authorize lenders to collect a fee (probably limited to $5 or $7) for return of a dishonored check, negotiable order of withdr!_.wal, or share draft. • Got a problem~ Then write to Pat Horo-'t j witz. Pat will cut red tape, getting the ill &JUwers and 'action you need to aolve Jn. equitie11 in government and bl..lsim!st. Mail your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. BoK 1560, Costa mesa, CA. 92626. As many letters as possible will be ans- wered, but phoned inquiries or Jet~rs not including the reader's full name, address and bu.sine.a hours' phone number cannot be considered. · f , A: Serve a gourmet least on our lustrous black tray, handcrafted, and embelhSh~ w1lh delicate irises From Couroc $4&. I ~ B. A secret place for a connoisseur o! sweets Our brightly painted candy box from Villeray & Boch S22.50. To..vn manda t es g uns FRANKLINTOWN, Pa. (AP) -The head of each howlehold 1n thia unall oonununlty mu.at own a gun, under an ord1rwlce pamed by the borough oouncll. Under the ordinanoe, almllar to one enacted recently ln Kenne- saw, Ga., the fine for failing to own a gun la $300. But Council President Ralph G undrum sees little chance of the ordinance being enforced. The ordinance , paaaed Wednesday night, includes clauses that exempt the disabled, the elderly and coNICientious ob- jectors, Gundrum said. "We have thought about it for ~uite a while," Gundrum said. • What we want to do is bring the guns out in the open and get people used to hand.ling them." Gundrum said the burglary rate is up in Franklintown and the time has come to do some- thing about it. "A vast majonty of the homes in Franklintown already have guns," Gundrum noted, adding that the ordinance will make the use of those guns safer. Gundrum said the chief of po- lice plans to conduct classes on firearms safety, and "people '1l'e going to protect themselves and they are going to protec t their neighbors." Councilman Larry F . Wonders, who cast the only negative vote, predicted the ordinance would not protect homeowners from criminals. "U someone comes to rob you and you have a gun they're still going to rob you," h e said. "You're liable to get sho t with your own gun." Scientist critical . WALNUT CREEK (AP) -A scientist at the Lawre nce Liver- more Laboratory r emained in critical condition while doctors awaited testa to determine if his pnewnortla-like illness was cau- sed by Legionnaire's bacteria. ,.,~ CONCERT ON THE WHITE -Jack McGowan sets up bench for piano placed in snow on Oregon's Mount Hood to publicire the Mount Hood Festival of Jazz in Gresham, Aug. 6-8. Sea lions ilricken Mammals wash ashore near Ventura • VENTURA (AP) -A dozen sea lions have died and washed up on Ventura County beaches in the past few days, authorities say. The Ventura County Environmental Health and Animal Regulation departments,• well aa state parks officials, say 12 of the eea lions have died since last Friday and some others have been dilcovered ill ~ Six eea llom were found near Rincon Point, north of Ventura. three •...-e found off the Ventura pier and three were d1acovered McGrath State Pc~Oxnard. -"r Brad ·Andrewa, curator of mammals a t Marineland on Palos Verdes, said the cauae of the illness is unknown. The surviving sea lions are oomataie, he said. An autopsy is planned on at least one dead sea lion. Andrews said a similar outbreak occurred three y~ ago in Southern California, "and we never did determine what was wrong." He said the disease seems to attack the central nervous system and appears to affect adult female sea lions the worst. EARN AND LEA N. Deliver t he Daily Pilal Boys and girls 10 or older - Call 64 2-4321 and apply today . Daily Pilai The Robinsons Gi ft PAMPER YOUR VERY DESERVING MOM. LAVISHLY. With life's little luxuries. Like a hideaway tor chocolates. A tray to inspire breakfast 1n bed A charming basket of flowers. And then some. We 've gathered the gifts to please her. Tempting little treasures, for a very reasonable $18·$50. Now add your own special touches. And give a very special mom an extra special day Robinson's Gifts, 59 To order. call toll·free 1·800·345·8501 0. Bright, forever treah bloe.omt. tenderly placed In a tiny blstce1 From a collectloo, by Oeldan 111·'40 ' C A carafe for her bedside From BalOs. clean and sculpted, With 111 own gtasa atoP $20. r. ( - ···.......---.. --I llllCICUIT CllTI 1111 1111111 FRIDA V. MAV 7, 1982 OR ANGE COUN TY C A L ironNIA '; ... Lf.N f ', Mesa, Newport told transit plan role By GLENN SCOTT Of the Dall) PKot Steff Latest plans for an Orange County mass transit line, inclu- ding spurs running into Irvine, Cost.a Mesa and Newport Beach were unveiled today. At a press conference at the Orange County Transit District headquarters in Garden Grove, Devel opme nt Director Brian Pearson said the latest design will be discussed Monday by the Orange County Transportation Commission. Then during May and June, residents will get their chance to review •and comment on the new mass transit line, as well as other proposed transportation im· provements, during specially sch~uled workahops. First unveiled 18 months ago as a 24-mile line, t he proposed syste m has grown to include about 40 miles. yenerally, one line would cut north-south through the county, probably on a railed track. The other line would follow the old Pacific Electric (tailway right-of· way through Buena Park and Garden Grove, then follow Santa Ana Boulevard before paralleling the Santa Ana Freeway through southern Orange County. The two lines would intersect in downtown Santa Ana near the Civic Center. The north-south hne would penetrate coastal cities after stopping at a station 1n South Coast Plaza. The line then would swing east alonR Ant.on Boulevard to Main Street, then turn south at Mac- Arthur Boulevard, passmg John Wayne Airport and stopping at Jamboree Road. An optional spur would run from South Coast Plaza south of the ~an Diego Freeway alon.g Bristol Street to Baker Street in Costa Mesa. Anothe r would continue on Mam Str~t into lrvme, eventu- a 11 y followsng the San Diego Creek channel until stopping at the proposed train-bus s tation near lrvme Center Jobless juinp Unemployment breaks postwar record • .. CER EMONIAL EXPRESSIONS -Rabbi Aaron Twersky blesses Steven Wanger, left, and Barry Garnett. after calling them .. OeltJ l>Mot PMtoe bJ..C'-* l&en up for the Torah. Below, all smile after the landmark Bar Mitzvah ritual. Bar Mitzvah first of its kind Developmentally disabled cele brate cer emony By JODI CADENHEAD WASHINGTON (AP) -Un- employment in the United Stat.es jumped to 9.4 percent last month -breaking the post-World War 11 record -the government an- nounced today. Some 10.3 million people '-ere out of work. April s jobless rate was up 0.4 of a percentage point from the previous m onth, more than enough to set a record. Not since 1941, when the government be· gan compifu\g monthly statistics, has unemployment topped 9 percent. In that year, the jobless rate hiUl9 peicent..----... · The California rate dropped from 9.4 percent to 9.3. At the White House, presiden- tial spokesman, Larry Speakes called today's announcement dis- appointing and said, "We remain sensitive to the plight o f the unemployed." He said he could not predict how far unemployment would rise or when 1t would begin de- clining. "We're looking for signs of econom 1c rec ~ve ry by la le spring-early summer," Speakes said. Sen. Edwar d M . K e nnedy, D-Mass., charged that thC' new figures show conclusively that Reagan's economic program has failed to do anything but "deliver pink slip after pink slap after pink slip to m illions of decent men and women " "Ronald Reagan's bread lines grew lon:ger'"by-it5UJ10U l>eople," Kennedy said, adding that the "country 1s now harvesting the bitlL'r fruits of a failed and unfair economic policy . Americans aJI over the country are losing their homes. their h opes and their pnde." One economlSt said the unem- ployme nt is the prK-e of bringing down inflation and otherc;, both . m and out of government. pre.- dieted the rate will climb eveo higher before tummg around. Smee last summe r when the recession that stiJI plagues the t'Conomy set in, une mployment has risen 2.2 percentage points. ~ ln July. JOblessncss natio nwide stood a~ 7 2 pert-ent By March, )Oblessness had ri- sen to 9 percent -equalling the post-World War IL record set in Mey 1975, the high point of the last severe recession . Some 9.9 million JX'Ople were out of work in March The contmumg business slump hit that nation's manufacturers thl' hard<'St, with unemployment among blul'-collar workers rea- ching 13 7 percent in April, a record Unemployment among adult men. traditwnally the most stable segment of the labor force, spur- ted to 8 2 percent. Of the Delly Piiot Slelt It.was a moment that both Steven's and Barry's parents had waited more than 20 years for -a moment that they thought would never come for their sons. <>f which was Steven's candid sigh of reltef when he told the congregation half way through, "Thl8 isn't so bad." Everyone laughed. The feeling was £a- m1ltar to those who had gone through the nerve-wracking experience when they were Hot air on the ground Thursday morning, before a crowd of relatives and friends at Fairview State Hos- pital in Costa Mesa. Steven Wanger, 27, and Barry Garnett, 31 , celebrated their Bar Mitt· vah. 13, the usual age. • Balloonists banter before big Fountain Valley event THE RELIGIOUS ceremony mark.mg the passage of a Jewish boy to manhood was both a personal and a public milestone. It was the fi~t time in California that a developmentally disabled person had ever received training enabling him to perform the rite. Rabbi Aaron Twersky, who prepared the boys for the occasion, led them out onto the s tage by hand and told the congregation "words are inadequate to describe my feelings." Dressed in matching dark blue suits and prayer shawls Steven and Barry chanted the familiar Hebrew blessings from•the Torah like thousands before them, but like no one else. THE TWO-HOUR ceremony was filled with a string of magical moments, not the least WORLD British issue warning '1'his is one of the finest moments we've ever had at Fairview, I'm proud of these boys," said Dr. Francia Crinella, executive di- rector at the Ccsta Mesa facility. Robin and GeraJd Wanger watched their two other sons go through the Bar Mitzvah ritual, but had never even considered the po6Slbility for Steven. ''l"M SO EXCITED," said Mrs. Wanger, following the ceremony. "It's something we hoped would come to pass." Steven has lived at Fairview for 18 years and Barry 19. Their religious snstruction started three and a haJf years ago when Rabbi Twersky came to ~alrview. "I wanted to set an example for other institutions that developmentally disabled people are capable of learning, absorbing and training," said the rabbi. "It will be proven in the future that they have abilities." COUNTY By Pen. SNEIDERMAN O{'tM Delly Piiot Steff This weekend they'll be tea- sing tbe clouds, putting themsel- ves at Mother Nature's mercy as they dangle precariously beneath huge helium-filled balloons. But the Gordon Bennett Bal- loon Race pilots came down to earth Thursday to discuss this year's competition during a press briefing at the lift.off point, Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley. Balloonist Bre nt Stockwell commented on the credentials of his colleagues. "We have the firs t team to cross the Atlantic, the first to cro& the Pacific, the first to CJ'06S the North Ame rican continent and the first to cross the conti- nentaJ United States," he obser- ved. "Well, we represent the first team to cross San Francisco Bay, and let me tell you -it was hell!" Before balloonist Ben Abruzzo could speak, two aides forced him into a black flight jacket adver- tising Benihana of Tokyo, the restaurant chain owned by his co-pilot Rocky Aoki. Aoki is known for his aggressive promo- tion tactics. "Even my shorts have 'Benihana' on them," Abruzzo chuckled. In fact, Aoki had transported a hibachi grill and two chefs to the middle of Mile Square to provide lunch for his feflow pilots and visiting reporters. · "M aybe we should ha ve brought along some fried chicken or something,'' ribbed American pilot John Shoecraft. Sh oecraft floated to fame a few months ago aboard Super Chicken ill. the first balloon to cross the continental U nited l!e cheers Newport patients LONDON (AP) -Britain declared today that "any Argentine warship or military aircraft" found ·more than 12 miles from the Argentine mainland will be regarded u hOlltile and deelt with acoordlngl.y. A "professional visitor" makes the days brighter for 94 patients in a Newport Beach convalescent home. Page Bl. NATION Socialite gets 30 years NEWPORT, R.J. (AP) -ClaUI VOil Bulow WU 11entenced today to 30 years in prilon for twice trytna . to murder h1I h~ wife with injecttona of lnaulin..- Dancer visits our coast Gre1ory Hines, star of 11Sophl1ticated Ladles," showed UJ> on the Orance CoMt to a.how off h1I tap dancinl lkilla and teach a little dandni· Weekender. STATE • Now i1'g Ann Landen' turn Lifteaen Win, DJs lose Ann Landen uya abe ia 9tJ!r:Y for rerunn1n& col· WM1 from ~ a.ck. But lhi allo cJaima ahe b.u r9C.'eived an 'tncnctible outpourtna of friendlhlp and faith in my mtesrtty." P.,. 82_ .. I The nmtake WM to play only two retOrda in a row lnat.ead of the ~ulrecl three. lt COit a San Dlego country muaic staUon •20.000 and two dilc )>cby1 theil' jDbl. P-. IM . St.at.es. He IS part1c1patmg in hlS first Gordon Bennett race this year. He and his wife, Man. will be the first American husband and wife team to compete sn the Gordon Bennett. Race activities will take place from 8 a.m. to dusk Saturday in the central airfield at Mil e Square. About 30,000 people are expected to attend. Public en try gates will be off Edinger Avenue betw~n Brook- hurst and Euclid str~ts. Adrrus- sion is $3 for adults, $1.50 for children 5 to 12. Children under 5 will be adrrutted without char· ge. The fest1vit1es will begm with tethered balloon rides 1n the morning as long as wind condi- tions permit. From 9 to 11 a.m., 10 hot air balloonists will lift off in the O ra nge County C lassic contest In this event, participants must choose a target within 50 rrules of the park The winner is the bal- loon that lands clOSC'St to its pre- selected target From 1 p.m. to dusk, 8 tea~ from the United S tates, Japan. Germany and France will lift oft in helium-filled balloons for the Gordon Bennett ra<.,-e. This IS a distance competition. Last year's winners. Abruzzo and Aoki, traveled more than 1,300 (See BALLOON, Page AZ) Here comes judge INDEX At Your Service A4 L.M. Boyd A8 BUlinell 0-7 Calif omia A5 Cava.Icade B2 ClulifJed D 1-8 C.olnka C9 en.word cg Deeth NoUces C8 F.ditorial A8 l:nt.ertainment Weekender Hane/Garden 87 Horoecope B2 SPORTS Re.3dcrs and writers who appreciate a w ell-turned phrase dipped in a little acid have relished Robert Gard- ner's opinions on certain legal matters over the years. Now Daily Pilot readers can share in the best of his observations a~ the semi- re tired appellate court justice star ts an editorial column With commentary on early Balboa, "dingbat S upre m e Court decisions" and the good old days or surfing. The s urprise endi ng o ( Gardner's first column in S unday's 1..>aily Pilot will re- veal the strength behind a sissy name. IntemUalon Weekender Ann Landen B2 Movies Weekender Mutual Funds C6 NatJonal News A3 Public NotJcee C6,C8,D2 Sportl . Cl .. Stock Marketa C7 Televlllon TV Loe Theaters ·W~kender Weather A2 World Newt A3 'l occ wins tide asain ~ eo.t C.Ollep rallied from an 8-2 deficit to defHt Ban Qte10 M ... and win ltl Utlrd 1t.ral1ht South Coast~ b•1i»D Ude. P.-Cl. . ;t. . u C/N Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 7, 1982 1, -British landing near? Fierce winter weather threatens war fleet LONDON (AP) -The prot.' pec:t of a BriU.h landing on the • Falkland hland• I• 1rowtn1 u fl rce winter weather threatens the British war fleet and at- j tempt• at a diplomatic break· through aet nowhere, military analyata aay. 11fhe 10111 of the de1troyer Sheffield has demonstrated the -11 vulnerablllty of the British fleet to b Argentine missile attack," said .J 1111 llllYlll one mllitary tht\t.tank expert. "Time Is on the aide of the Argentine junta. They only have to sit tight to reduce the chances of a successful landing. It would seem a landln~ Is likely In the next few days.' The Defense Ministry an- nounced Thursday nl~ht that 11 •• II ,. CdM student 12th slogan contest '' What are today's Orange 1' 'County high school seniors saying about patriotism, free ~· s enterprise and the U .. posture in the world? two Br1U1h Sea Harrier vertlcal take-off Jeta disappeared ln bad weather while on patrol withln \he Falldandl war zone. That reduced the fleet's orlgi· nal force of 20 Harriers to 17; another of the fighter-bombers was downed by Argentine anti- aircraft fire Tueeday. Despite U.N ., American and Peruvian peace efforts. British defense chlefs are thought to be planning ways of regaining th~ military momentum lost when the Sheffield was hJt Tuesday by an ,Exocet missile launched from an Argentine warplane. It was the first major British reverse. Defense Secretary John Nott, briefing NATO allies Thursday m Brussels, sald, "There can be no question of our turning back from. the military objectives" of retakrng the islands seized by Argentma on Apnl 2. " "Limited Government -Un- 1 ' limited Results," a slogan by Co- rona del Mar High's Brad Hol· .~.,, lingsworth, was. among the offe· . rings a panel of judges found tops '' in the 12th annual slogan contest " sponsored by the Americanism Independence Hall at Knoll's Berry Farm were lrvine High's Nguyen Thi Lien for "Freedom's the ri,ht for whkh we must light' and Newport Harbor Hi~h's Anne Sammis for "Too long in the fast lane has created the pain." "Choose communism: The last choice you'll ever make," was selected for a $500 first place award. It was submitted by Timothy Sullivan of Mater Del High School. Orange man held after brawl at pier GOING UP -Hot air balloons are inflated to mark site in Fountain Valley of starting point for Saturday's Gordon Benneth Balloon Race. O.ity Ptlot Ii.ff '9Mlto Actual Gordon Bennett race will be contested in helium balloons, with o th<>r, hot air craft used in preliminary races. Educational Lear-ae. n: 1 Hollingsworth s slogan, which '',' · placed fifth, brought Its author '· $125 in prize money. .... , t· ·! Judges awarded the league's 111 Trustees' Tr.ophy, and $75, to , . Paula Jean Ruhl of Irvine's Uni- t •• • versity High School for her slo- .• ,gan, "Anyone can rise with free enterprise." .1 . Receiving honor citations at an · awards ceremony Thursday at .,. This year's contest, according to league officials, drew 5,328 entries, a record. Overall, $2,000 in prize money was awarded~ The league, which has offices at Freedom Center n ear lnde- pendence Hall, conducts educa· tional programs focusing on pri· vate enterprise, strong national defense, American heritage and limited government. f: Man wins acquittal -: . ,. in Mesa slaying . An Orange County Superior , .. , Court jury has acquitted one or ,.', two men charged in the April . 1981 Costa Mesa parking lot slaying and robbery of hair-' dresser Carl Lawson. The verdict in favor of defen· , dant Sam Monsoor, 19, was re- turned Thursday following more ' 'than two days of deliberations. " The other defendant in the case, Remi Darwiche, 25, was convicted of murder and robbery in the Lawson slaying. He is ,.. awaiting sentencing before Superior Court Judge William Thomson. Monsoor, who was 18 at the time of the crime, was represent· ed by county Chief Deputy Public Defender Thomas McDo- nald. "I think we found the jury conscientiously applied the oon· cepts or law. It sounds trite, but . thev found a r easonable doubt exiited," McDonald said today. Monsoor took the witness sta· nd in his own defense during the trial, telling the jury that it was Darwiche, not he, who beat and then shot Lawson in a car parked along Harbor Boulevard. Deputy District Atlomey John Conley had attempted to link Monsoor with the crime with footprints indicating Monsoor had been in the car. Lawson's body was found in his car in Santa Ana a day follo- wing the slaying. Missing was expensive jewelry Lawson was we.aring at the time of the attack. Monsoor surrendered to inves- tigators after initially travelling to New York. Darwiche was ar- ~ in Texas with much of the stolen jewelry in his posaeaion. Monsoor had been free on $200,000 bail during the trial. Darwiche remains in custody in Orange County Jail . A 25-year-old resident of Or- a ngc was arrested on assault charges early today after alleg· edly slashing a man across the neck with a box cult.et during a brawl near the Newort Pier. Poli<.'e said Charles Nix, who is being held in the city jail in lieu of $10.000 bail, was charged· with assault with a deadly weapon. Officers said the 3 a .m. fight erupted when two groups of early-momUlg beach visitors got lnto a yelling match that quickly turned mto a fight. ·• • ' CharJes West, a 25-year-old Newport Beach resident. was re- portedly slashed across the neck. He was taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital whe re 75 stiches were required to close the wound, po- hce said I Also lnJUrcd m the fight was a girl hat wtth a tire iron and a second girl jabbed with a screw- driver. Neither required hospital treatment, police said. Qua rtet t o sing fo r school funds Tht: Costa Mesa Vocal Quartet will pe rform works by Bach, MlJzart and Johnny Mercer du- ring a Newport-Mesa Schools Foundation con cert at 7:30 to- night tn the Costa Mesa Com- munity Center, 1845 Park Ave. The non-profit group is hoping to raise money for the sch ool dtSt.rict. Tickets are $10 per fam- ily at the door Full moon due Night end morning low cloudl· MU, OlhefwlM llir Coellef low 56, Inland 62 Co11111 hlgn mld·60a lnl11.d mlc:t·70s Wiier 62 E1wwnere. wtnda to.JlhWfll 10 -• 10 10 18 knota in a111rnoon Wind WIVH ' 10 3 feet South· west ""'911s 2 10 4 IMI Ext..,alve low cloudiness w1tn p11r1111 Cle•· ring 1f1ernoon1 1 •• .. U.S. summa ry ., lhundetat0tm19nd1 cold lron1 produceo he1vy ra1n1 tn Loultl· 1n11 anc:t to.Jlhe .. t Texea tod1y, ' 11 anowera contlnuec:t over the llHtem mlc:tdfe MINllSippl Valley end Ille lowef Onto V11tey Ski•• were c111r lrom the Oa. ko1H and 1he upper M111t11lppl V1lley to -Item TuH 1nc:t New MeidOO Fair •kleS -e OVtl< the SouthwHI, while cloudy aklH prevaflec:t elHWhere In th• West and rain lefl In 1he northern Rockies II wH lair anc:t warm ovtlf muc'1 01 the Ent The Nallonal W111her Service predletec:t ecellered trlOWef• and lhunderatorma from the Mlult· elppl v1111y 1crou th• Or11t . LlllH. the Ohio and TenMHff velleye. end the c:entrel Gull Cout ••• , .. TempeflturN eround the_!ll· tlOn ~ todSy rMged frOll'I 29 In F•OO· H.0., to 76 In Yuma. Ml. California • A11ernoon eunehlne obuld brighten Southern C1lllorn11•1 weekend, bin 1 '*"8tent merine cloud cover w fll llffp mornlng1 moatty grey The National WHther 8eMoe 1110 lorec11t cooler d1y1 end gu1ty w111 wind• S11urd1y In moun111n1 Ind normern deMnt Hight SltUfdly ere prec:tlcle<I trom 75 '" t.oe Mgelee. trom M to-73 .. ~. ~ 58 .-1<1 ts In moun tlllM, In the hlah ao. In IOW dM«19 Ind lrom 11' IO 17 I t hlfMr deNl1 ei.v11!oftt ...,_ ffOM Poln1 Oorloep110n 10 '"" ~--!Oen border Cit! e"'*1t 1t9 ht, vtrltl>te brMH• In h••vv. too through mldd:t.!11urd1y •• '°"""""' to _. 11 to to 11 knOCI WI oredlc~ '*11#0., an•noon wm11· 10 •·IOot "'° __ ... '°.._ ....... ....... A11en1c Cly • Austin Balflmore Bllhngs Btrm1nghm Bismarck Bouse Botton Browns VIie Butta lo Burlington Cesper CnarlS1n SC Ch11tlsln WI/ Charltle NC Cheyenrn! Ch!CIQO C1nc1nn111 Cleveland Clmt>•• SC Columt>u1 Oel-Ft Wth Dayton Denver OMMo+nes Oe1r0i1 Oululh Et Peso F11tgo Flagatell Greet Fa111 H11r1lord Hel8nl Honolulu HOUS1on lndnaplla Jeckan MS Jeck1nvne K1n1 Cl1y LAI Veges Liiiie Rock LOUllVllle Lubb«ll Memphl• Mleml Mltw141kM Mptt-8t.P NMflville Hew OrtMn• New Yor11 Noflolk Ho. Plane Ol!te City Omlfle °'1endO Phhdpllla ~· PlllabutQh Pttend. Me Ptl.nd. Ore Pr~ 67 58 7.7 50 80 49 66 48 83 63 53 29 69 • t 69 50 85 78 08 63 6C 74 82 59 36 81 66 89 57 84 61 55 32 82 47 01 84 62 02 86 64 84 57 86 64 66 49 86 63 01 57 38 56 44 73 86 83 54 31 01 76 45 65 28 60 26 60 4t 81 52 63 42 66 76 72 58 97 64 57 31 84 69 61 50 54 43 10 63 58 74 51 1.03 84 83 02 59 44 81 6C 83 17 72 82 46 53 40 .18 85 69 85 72 • 71 65 77 59 65 33 61 4t 59 44 62 60 79 62 89 83 85 6t 70 39 74 4S 76 47 The ForecHt For 7a.m. EST RarnD SnowCJ] Salurday May 8 Shower5 filll!lll Ftume~fTil • •Low T t'IT1P<'• atures llllWLI L"-!J ISO N 1"-•"'" W • •"• ... w•-,.. P.IOAA U ..,, 1•1•1 "1 f•.itnrn•4•• Fronts Cr>lel ..,...... W.+1m ....., ()t • ""ll·d ,..- Raleigh Ril<>O San La~e San Antonio S..ltle Shre'/9p()ft Sioux F1111 SI Louis SI P-T1,mp11 St Stej'Aerle Spoke'fie Syrecuse Topekt Tucson TulH Wasnlngtn Wichita Ii. 57 Slocilton 78 40 Thefmal 81 46 Ukiah 8 1 49 Barstow 87 46 Big Beer 77 55 92 Bllh<>P 68 36 Ca1111na 80 50 •4 Long Beecn 8 1 59 Monrovia 71 42 07 Ml Wilson 71 46 Newporr ~acn 72 49 On11r10 65 36 13 Palm Springs 82 54 P11sedene 68 44 t4 Rlverttde 78 59 Son Bernardino 80 39 o 1 San Oet>rlel CALWOflNIA San Joee Santa Ana S1n11 Cruz Tlnoe v111ey Baklflfleld 8fylhe Eurelit Frh"O Lenc .. ter Loe Angella Mlf)'9Vllle Monterey HM<llee Ollll9nd 94 68 95 79 48 66 58 114 83 74 68 92 61 60 69 C1lglrf Edmonton Montreal OlllWI CAN AO A .. I SS 54 98 90 86 60 66 32 83 42 66 53 16 60 64 55 72 48 65 58 8t 55 98 66 80 56 55 82 57 80 57 74 55 16 59 61 56 67 30 55 35 52 "23 T2 ee St ' PMO Rot>let Red 81ull R4ICIWOOc:t en~ Secremento s.nn11 8!1 53 89 60 93 81 68 64 M 60 85 60 73 82 58 60 Ex tended weather s ... Diego Sen Frllldeco Senti lerber1 8ant1 Merla M 88 ee IUlf RIPIRT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -Venatlte Cloudt. Sllgttt 1 chine• ol 1howen northern mounlllnl Monday Ind T~. Cooler d1y1 Outty w111erry wind• In the mount1ln1 Monday . Ind Tueec:tay HlQN In file~- ¥ ... rlflQlllQ rrom ""'* eo. 11 the b11cfiei to mid 701 Inland •-· Lowe tn 1111 SOI, Mounitln, reeon hlOhl It to et. I.ow. SI to 60. c Newport planners eye Balboa revamp Traffic em<'rged as the pnme concern of Newport Beach plan· ning commissioners Thursday when they took their first publ.tc look at a plan to bulldoze the Ba,lboa Fun Z.Onc and replace 1t with a three-level complex or restaurants, shops and offices whe ther the water removal would cause nearby bui.Jdmgs to sli p or buckle. Commissioner AJ. Ian Beek SaJd he was concerned that the water pressure beneath the Fun Zone might "pop out" the parking structure om.-e 1t was placea there The hearmg will contmue May ~o From Page Al BALLOON. • • m1h.•s bC'fort• landing 111 Nor th Dakota A nPw t·Vl'rlt will lw th1: Ct· h.·brity Rtillocm H<Jl"<•. ~chP<lulcd for 9 JO iJ m KABl' read"' pN· sonal1ty Mu.h<H'I Jatk,.on. Los Angclc•s Ttmc·s t·a rtounii;t P<tul Conrad and rm·k ... tar S tephen Stills will trc1v1·l c. ... hurl d~tance by balloon, then rufo Lu .. !in1r.b hn<' aboard btt·vd c... Guciu oi. honw •lLLhc e.Yent will b(• R Buekman'itl'r Fulln. cn •at.or uf th1• g1•odt-s1<. d1>m1· Comm1ss1oners. who put off voting on the prop:t untJl June . said they are worrl<'d whether motortSts wt.JJ be able lO thread their way through the narrow. often-jammed Balboa stn•t-t to get to the new bulldtnl.( The structur e, proposed by Claremont-based JBS Devt•lop ment. w o uld have a lWO )('Vt'l underground garage and parkmg valet ser vice for all shopper s, restaurantgCX'rs and office work· ers. ~\\\ \\\\\ "How 1n tht' world are cars going to get in there?" asked Corrurussioner Paul Balahs, h1m- sell a Balboa resident He suggested motorists trying to get to the complex might ea ther be left f1ght1ng for street space with dnvers wrutmg to get aboard the Balboa Island Ferry or be stranded on Balboa Boule· vard trying to turn onto other adjacent streets The proJet·t is expected to generate more than I ,000 daily car tnps and trafhc experts for the city report there L'> little way to avoid congesuon Comm1ss10ners also said they worried about a plan to dig a 40-foot hole when.• the Fun Zone now 1s m order t.o put m the un· derground garage. Consultants for the developer said this alone would be a four- month project and will require> constant removal or water 1from the pit. One commissioner wondered Mesa proclaims City Clerk Week ln honor or the observances City Clerk E ileen P hinney will host an open house Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The public is invited to stop by the clerk's office at 77 FaJ.T Drive. For more information call 7~-5223. Where would you go if you • Mar Vista Lodge 820, F&AM, will sponsor its an· nual S. Roy Howell Public Schools Memorial Award Program Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the Seafaring Masonic Temple, Newport Beach. For the past six years, Mnr Vista Lodge has rresented to the middle echoo children of • needed a copy of an electronic video game ordmance? Who would you ask 1r you were new in town and didu't know where to vote or who your elected officials were? Chances are, you'd caU the etty clerk Costa Mesa Mayor Arlene Schafer has declared May the area. seventh ancl eighth grades. the S . Roy Howell award. The stude nts are se· lected by·their teachers to receive this award. This program is open to the public. The temple is located at 1401 15th St., Newport , Beach. Refreshments will be served followmg the program. fro,,, ~lE SPORTS LTD. AEROBIC, DAllCE I WORKOUT ' FASHIOll CEllTER FEATURING: DANSKIN STEVI BROOKS BARIL Y LEGAL SIA SQUITS CARUSHK~ SPECIAL OFFIR ... _____ / Equipment: Aerobic & Sport Shoes Legwelghts Jumpropes Oum bells Trampolines A?' 11 0ll£ SPORTs c., .......... 2831 Cout Hwy. ID~ OFF ' AO-£ SPORTS '" ... Corona del Mar. CA ,, .. ,, .. t ANY PUICHASI ..... .,,.,. (Wltft Thia~ t 4708 Barran~ Parkway lrvln•. CA 111.1212 ... .. 111111 CIAIT JHIPllRT UH I Hill Slll:U FRtDAY, MAY 7, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY . C A Lt FOR NIA 25 CENTS Mesa, Newport told transit plan role By GLENN SCO'M' Of tM 09MJ ""°' ''•" Lates t plans for an Orange County mass transit line, incfu· ding spurs running into Irvine. Costa Mesa and Newport Beach were unveiled today. At a press conference at the Orange County Transit District headqu,u-ters in Garden Grove, Deve.lopment Director Brian Pearson said the lat.eat dealgn will be dbculled Monday by the Orange County Transportation Commission. Then during May and June, resident& will get their chance to review •and corrunent on the new mass trans.It line, as well aa other proposed transportation im- provements, during 1pecially echeduled workshops. First unveiled 18 montha ago as a 24-mile li~, the proposed system has pown to Inc lude about 40 miles. Generally, one line would cut north-south through the county, probably on a raiaed track. The other line would follow the old Pacific Electric Railway right-of- way through Buena Park and Garden Grove, then follow Santa Ana Boulevard before paralleling the Santa Ana Freeway through southern Orange County. The two linea would intersect in downtflwn Santa Ana near the Civic Center . The north-south line would penetrate coastal l'lties after stopping at a station in South Coast Plaza. The line then would swmg east alon~ Anton Boulevard to Main Street, then turn south at Mac- Arthur Boulevitrd. passing John Wayne Airport and stopping at Jamboree Road. An o ptiona l s pur would run from South Coast Plaza south of. the S an Diego Fre eway along Brlswl Street to Baker Street ifl Costa Mesa. , Another w o uld continue op Mam S trc'<.'t into Irvine, eventu- a ll y following the S an Dlegp Creek channel until stopplni at the proposed train-bu1' stat iOJl near Irvine U..nt.cr Jobless julllp ... Unemployment break s postwar record ,. . CEREMONIAL EXPRESSIONS -Rabbi Aaron Twersk y blesses Steven Wanger, left, and Barry Garnett, after calling them WASHINGTON (AP) -Un- employment in the United States jumped to 9.4 percent last month -breaking the post-World War II record -the government an- nounced today. Some 10.3 million people were out of work. April's jobless ra~ was up 0.4 of a percentage point from the previous month, more than enough to set a record. Not since 1941, when the government be- gan compilirig monthly statistics, h as une mploym ent topped 9 -~Jlt .. ..lrUhat year, the S>t;Uess ---oeit, .... -,.;;;. ., ai.n.. ,..,., rate hit 9 .9 percent. up for the Torah. Below, all smile after The California rate dropped the landmark Bar Mitzvah ritual. from 9.4 percent to 9.3. At the Whlte House, presiden- Bar Mitzvah first of its kind tial spokesman, Larry Speakes called today's announcement dis· appointing and said, "We remain sensitive to the plight of the unemployed." Developmentally disabled celebrate cer emon y He said he could not predict how far unemployment would rise or when it would begm de-m and out of government, pre.- clming. dieted the rate will chmb eveQ "We 're looking for signs o r higher before turning around. e con o mic r ec?very b y la t e S m ee las t summe r when the spring-early summer," Speakes recession that still plagues the said. ec-unomy set m , unemployment S e n. Edward M Ke nned y, has risen 2 2 percentage points. D-Mass., charged that the new In July. joblessness nationwide figures show conclusively that stood at 7 2 percent. Reagan's economic program ha5 By March. JOblessness had ri· failed to do anything but "deliver sen to 9 percent -equalling the pink slip after pink slip afte r post -World War Il record set in pink slip to millions of decent May 1975, the high pomt of the men and women." last severe recession Some 9.9 "R,Qnald-ReegeO:s·bread ttne'S" -·mttliorr-peapr~wel"eoulor won< grew longer by 450,000 people," in March Kennedy said , adding that the "country IS now harvesting the Money supply off . bitter fruits of a failed and unfair economic poli<:y . Ame ricans all ove r the country are losing their h omes, their hopes and their pride." One economist said the unem- p~o ent 1s the pnce of bringing d n inflation and others, both .......,..-- NEW YORK (AP) -The na- tion's money supply for the lat.eat reporting period was down $4.9 billion. the Federal Reserve r•- ported this afternoon , a figure that probably cases pressure an inu.•rest rat.cs . By JODI CADENHEAD Of ttie 0 .. 1, Pffot Stan It was a moment that both Steven's and Barry's parents had waited more than 20 years for -a m oment that they thought would never cor:ne for their sons. of which was Steven's candid sigh of relief when h e told the congregation h alf way through, ''This isn't so bad." Everyone laughed. The feeling was fa- miliar lo those who had gone through the nerve-wracking experience when they were 13, the usual age. Bot air on the ground Thursday morning, before a crowd of relatives and friends at Fairview State Hos· eltal in Costa Mesa, Steven Wanger, 27, and Barry Garnett, 31. celebrated their Bar Mltz· vah. Balloonists banter before big Fountain Valley event THE RELIGIOUS ceremony marking the passage of a Jewish boy to manhood was both a personal and a public milestone. It was the f~t time in California that a developmentally disabled person had ever received train ing enabling him to perform the rite. Rabbi Aaron Twersky, who prepared the boys for the occasion, led them out onto the stage b y hand and told the congrega tion "words are inadequate to describe my feelings." Dressed Ill matchi.ng dark blue suits and prayer shawls Steven and Barry chanted the familiar Hebrew blessings from the Torah like thousands before them, but like no one else. THE TWO-HOUR ceremony was filled with a string of magical moments, not the least WORLD British issue warning ''This ii one of the finest momenta we've ever had at Fairview , I'm proud of these boys," said Dr. Francia Crinella, executive di- rector at the Cost.a Mesa facility. Robin and Gerald Wanger watched their two other sons go through the Bar Mitzvah ritual, but had never even con sidered the possibility for Steven. "l'M SO EXCITED," said Mrs. Wanger, following the ceremony. "It's something we hoped would come to pass." Steven has bved at Fairvlew for 18 years and Barry 19. Their re ligious instruction started three and a half years ago when Rabbi Twersky came to Fairview. "I wanted to set an example for other institutions that developmentally disabled people are capable of learning, absorbing and training," said the rabbi. "It will be proven in the future that they have abilities." COUNTY By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of' tM Oaltr Nol &laff This weekend they'll be tea- sing the clouds, putting themsel- ves at Mother Nature's mercy as they dangle precariously beneath huge helium-filled balloons. But the Gordon Bennett Bal- loon Race pilots came down to earth Thursday to d iscuss this year's competition during a pres.-i briefing at the liftoff point, Mile Square Park in Fountain VaJJey. Balloonist Brent Stockwell commented on the crede ntials o{ hi5 colleagues. "We have the first team to cross the Atla ntic, the first to cross the Pacific, the first to cross the North Ame r ican con tinent and the first to cross the con ti- ne ntal United States," he obser- ved. "Well, .we represent the first team to CT063 San Franci.9co Bay, and let me tell you -It w as he ll!" Before balloonist Ben Abruzw could speak, two a.ides forced him into a black flight jacket adver- tising Benihana of Tokyo, the restaurant chain owned by his co-pilot Rocky Aoki. Aok i Is knownforhilaggressivepromo- tion tactics. "Even my shorts h ave 'Benihana' on them,'' Abr uzzo chuckled. In fact. Aoki had transported a hibachi grill and two chefs to the middle of Mile Square to provide lunch for his feflow pilots a nd visiting reporters. · "Maybe we should have brought along some fried chicken or something," ribbed American pilot John Snoecraft. Shoecraft floated to f ame a few months ago aboard Super ChJcken m, the first balloon to cro11 the continental United . If e c~eers Newport patients LONDON (AP) -Britain declared today that "any Argentine warship or military aircraft" found more than 12 milee from the Argentine mainland will be regarded u ho.tile and dealt with accordingly. A "profeeaional visitor'' make. the days brighter for 94 patienta ln a Newport Beach conval~t home. Page Bl. NATION Socialite get, 30 years NEWPORT, R.I. (AP) -ClaUI VOil Bulow WM· eenta'aced today to 30 yeara in pri9on for twice ~ to murder h1a hell'eM wife with injectionl of Uwulln;- Dancer visits our coast . Ore1ory Hlnei, 1tar of "Sophtatlcated Ladles," •bowed ~t:' the Oranp c.o..t to lhow off hit tap d.and.na and tMch a little dandna. Weekender. STATE tuteaen · whl, DJ• 1086· The mlllm W11 to play cm11 two nairdi ln a row ll)ltea4 of the required tbne. It coet a San Dlep c:oun~ _. station f20,000 and two d.l8C JockeYI ·um~,.. JM. States. He is participating m his first Gordon Bennett race this year. He and his wife, Mari, will be the first American husband and wife team to compete in the Gordon Bennett. Race activities will take place from 8 a.m. to dusk Saturday In the central a irfield at Mile Square. About 30,000 people arC' expected to attend. PubUc entry gates will be oCC &imger Avenue between Brook- hurst a nd Euclid streets. Admis- sion is $3 for adults, $1 50 for children 5 to 12. Children under 5 will be admitted without char- ge. The festivities will begm with tethered balloon rides in the morning as long as wmd condi- tions permit. From 9 to 11 a.m., 10 hot air ~loonists will lift off in the Ora nge Count y Classic contest In this event, participants must choose a target within 50 miles of the park The winner is the bal- loon that lands closest rp its pre- selected target. From l pm to dusk, 8 teams from the United States, Japan, Germany and France will lift off in h<.>Lium-filled balloons for the Gordon Bennett race. This is a distance competition. Last year's winners, Abruzzo and Aoki, traveled more than 1,300 (See BALLOON, Page A%) Here comes judge INDEX Al Your Servtce A4 L.M. Boyd AS Busi.ne8I C&-7 Callfoml.a A6 Cavalcade B2 Clllllltled D 1-8 Comb C9 ere.word C9 Deeth Noticel C8 Edliorial . A8 llntert.unment. Weekander Hcmt/Oarden 87 . Horoacooe B2 SPORTS Readers and writers who appreciate a well-t urne d phrase dipped in a little acid have relished Robert Gard- ner's opinions on certain legal matters over the years. Now Dally Pilot readers can share in the best of h is observations as the semi- retired appellate court justice s tarts an e ditorial column with commentary on early Balboa , "dingbat Supreme Court decisions" and the good old days of surfing. The su rprise e nding of Gardner's first column in Sunday's Daily Pilot will re- veal the strength behind a sissy name. IntemWiaion Weekender Ann Landen B2 Movie. Weekender Mutual Fund.I ce National News A3 PubUc NoUom ce.c.em Sparta Cl~· Stock Marketa C7 Televillon TV Lot TheateQI Weekender W•ther A2 World New1 Aa OCC wbu title •••ia . ~ c.o.t ~rallied from an 8-2 deftdt to defeat Ban Qleeo Meu ud win lt• third 1~h\ South o.t Conf...a b•1baD title. ~Cl. ' C/N Orange Coat1 DAILY PIL.OT/Frlday, May 7, 1082 ritish landing .near? Fierce winter weaiher threaten s war fleet LONDON (AP) -The pros-' .,ct of a BriU.h landing on the r -_Jkland lalanda ,, growing •• fierce winter weather threaten1 the Brl sh war fleet and at· mpt t a diplomatic break- get nowhere, military na yst.s say. "fhe lou of the destroyer Sheffield has demonstrated the 'vulnerability of the British fleet to \.Argentine 'missile attack," said 11111111111111 one military think·tank expert. "Time ls on the side of the Argentine junta. They only have to sit tight to reduce the c}uul.cft of a successful landing. It would seem a landlng ia likely in the next few days." The Defense Ministry an- nounced Thursday niJtht that ::·CdM student 12th . .. •• slogan contest ' . , • What are today's Orange County high school seniors saying about patriotism, free enterprise and the U.S . posture in the world? two Brfuah ~ Ha.trier v~rt.ical take-off jell dilappeared in bad we•ther while on patrol w1thJn the Falkland.a war r.one. That reduced the fleet'• orl&f- nal force of 20 Harriers to 17; another of the flghte r·bombers waa downed by Argentine anti- aircraft fire Tueeday. Despite U .N .. American and Peruvian peace efforts. British defenae chlela are thought to be planning ways of regaining th~ rNlltary momentum lost wheri tl\e Sheffield was hit Tuesday .by an Exocet missile launched from an Argentine warplane. It was the first major Brit.lsh reverse. Defense Secretary John Nott, briefing NATO allies Thursday in Brussels, said, "There can be no questJOn of our turning back from the m1Htary objectives" of relakmg the islands seized by Argenuna on Apnl 2. \, "Limited Government -Un- liroited Results," a slogan by Co- ' rona del Mar High's Brad Hol- ..lingsworth, was among the offe. . rings a panel of judges found tops .. i.e. the 12th annual slogan contest Independence Hall at Knott's Berry Fann were Irvine High's Nguyen Thi Lien for "Freedom's the right for which we must fight" and Newport Harbor Hi~h's Anne Sammis for "Too long in the fast Lane has created the pain " "Choose communism: The last choice you'll ever make," was selected for a $500 first place award. It was submitted by Timothy Sullivan o{ Mater Dei High School. Orange man held after brawl at pier GOING UP -H.ot air balloons are inflated to mark site in Fountam Valley of starting point for Saturday's Gordon Benneth Balloon Race. Dalt, f'llot I tiff Photo Ac tual Gordon Bennett race w ill be contested in h elium balloons. with other, hot air craft used in pre liminary races sponsored by the Americanism ~f.<iucational League. ~· Hollingsworth's slogan. which •!{>laced fifth, brought its author 1.$125 in prize money. ' -~ .Jud11es awarded the league's 'Trustees' Trophy, and $75, to 'l>aula Jean Ruhl of Irvine's Un1- 1 ,,t.;rs1ty High School for her slo- gan, "Anyone can rise with fr~ enterprise." • Receiving honor citatiol'\I, at an ewards cer emony Thursday at This year's contest, according to league officials, drew 5,3 28 entries, a record. Overall. $2,000 in priz.e money was awarded. The league, which has offices at Freedom Center near Inde- pendence Hall, conducts educa- tional programs focusing on pri- vate enterprise, strong national defense, American heritage and limited government. ·_ !.:Man wins acqui_t_tal__. Mesa slaying • :.1n An Orange County Superior C.ourt jury has acquitted one or .t.wo men charged in the April 1981 Costa Mesa parking lot alaying and robbery of hair- dresser Carl Lawson. The verdict in favor of defen- dant Sam Monsoor. 19, was re- turned Thursday following more than two days of de liberations. The o ther defendant in the case. Re mi Darwiche. 25, was convicted or murder and robbery in the Lawson slaying. He is •wa iting sente n cing b efore Superior Court Judge Wilham Thomson Monsoor , w ho was 18 at the ume of the cnrne, was represent- ed by county Ch ief Deputy Public Defender Thomas McDo- nald. "I thank w e found the JUry < onsc1en uousl y a pphed the C'On- l'epts of law It sounds trite, bu\ thev found a reasonable doubt exi.Sted," McDonald said today. Monsoor took the witness sta- nd in h1S own defense during the trial, telling the jury that it was Darwiche. not he, who beat and then shot Lawson in a car parked along Harbor Boulevard. Deputy District Attorney John Conley had attempted to link Monsoor with the crime with footprints indicating Monsoor had been in the car. Lawson 's body was found in his car in Santa Ana a day foUo- wi ng the slaying. Missing was expensive jewelry Lawson was wearing at the time of the attack. Monsoor surrendered to inves- tigators after initially travelling to New York. Darwiche was ar- rested in Texas with much of the stolen jewelry In his poesession. Monsoor had been free on $200,000 bail during the trial. Darwiche remains in custody in Orange County Jail. A 25-year-old reside nt of Or- ange was a rrested o n assault charges early ~oday after alleg- t:dly s lashing a man across the neck with a box cutter during a brawl near the Newort Pier. Police said Charles Nix, who is Newport planners eye Balboa revamp bemg held in the city jaLI in lieu Traffic emerged as the prime whether thf' water removal of $10,000 bail, was charged with concern of Newport Beach plan-would cause nearby b•JiJdings to assault with a deadly weapon. ning comm1ssiont-rs Thursday shp or buckle. Commissioner AJ . Officers said the 3 a.m. fight when they took th('1r first public Ian Beek said he was concerned erupted when two groups of look at a pla n to bulldoze the that the water_pressure beneath early-mommg beach visitor:i got Balboe Fun Zone and rcpla<'(> It the Fun Zone might "pop out" intc>a yelhn,g match that quickly with a three-level complex of the• parking s tructure Qllce 1t was tw:ned.JfilQ jj.fUJ..l\L . -,.. --·--... .ccst;l~~Clp' ?oc:i.J\'.'~-~.lbecf'_ -·-------- Charles West, a 25-year-old Newport Beach resident, was re- portedly slashed across the neck. He was taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital where 75 stiches were required to close the wound, po- lice said. Also injured in the fight was a girl hit with a tire iron and a second girl jabbed with a screw- driver. N<>1ther required hospital treatment. pohC'c said. Comm1ss1oners, wbo put off voung on the projl'(:t unul June, The heanng w ill continue May said they are w orried wht'ther 20 motorists will be abl<.• tu thread their way through the n<irrow, often-1ammPd Balboa l>trN:t to get to the nPw building From Page A 1 BALLOON. • • m·t1es ht·fun• lahd111g 1n Nu1 th Dakou.i A nPw <·vt'nl wtll hl' the Ct•- ll'brrty H<Jlloon Hvl'I'. -.<.hl·dull•d fur H :rn a m KA BC 1 Jdto per- sonal1 ty M1char-I Jal·k!-.on. Los Ang<.•l('s T1m1·l. t"artoun1st Paul Conrad and rock -.tJr Stt·phen Stills wtll travt•I J -;hrirt dlStan<v by b<illoon. tht·n nd1· tu CJ ftn!!>h line• aboard b1<'V< I<·., ·--Gu~of-:·tT>mtr-m · tftt.-<.~ t-- will bl' H Buckmtnsll•r F'ul11 r creat<Jr of th1· ~1·odt...,1t dom1 Quarte t to sing for schtft)I funds The Costa Mesa Vocal Quartet will perform works by Bach , Mozart a nd J ohnny Mercer du- ring a Newport·Mesa Schools Foundation concert at 7:30 to- night 10 the Costa Mesa Com- munity Center, 1845 Park Ave. The structurl', propO!.l'd by Claremont-based JBS Ot•velop- ment, wo111ld havl• a two-level underground gar age and parking valet service for all shoppers, rest.aurantgoers and office work- ers. "H ow 1n the world are cars goang to get In there?" asked Commissioner Paul Balah.s. him- self a Balboa resident. He suggested motorists trying to get to the complt'x might ei- ther be left f1ght1ng for street space with drivers waiting t.o get aboard the Balboa Island Ferry or be stranded on Balboa Boult'- vard trying to turn onto other ad;acent streets Mesa proclaims City Clerk Week The non-profit group is hoping to r aise money for the school district Tu:kets are $10 per fam- ily at the door The proJec·t 1s ex pt.-ct ed to generate more than 1.000 daily car tnps and traffic t>Xperts for the city report lht•r<> 1s little way to avoid congestion. Comm1ss10ners also satd they ln honor or the observances City Clerk Eileen Phinney will h o st an open house Thursday from 9 a .m . to 4 p.m . The pubijc is invited to stop by the clerk's office at 77 Fair Drive. For more information call 754-5223. Where would you go if you needed a copy of an electroruc video game ordmance' Who would you ask •f you were new ln town and d1du't know where to vote or who your elected officials were? Chances are, you'd call the city clerk. Costa Mesa Mayor Arlene Schafer has declared May Full moon due worried about a plan to dig a 40-foot hole wh<>rc th(' F'un Zone now is in ord<.•r to put in th<.• un- derground garage. • Mar Vista Lodge 820, F&AM, will sponsor its an- nual S . Roy Howell Public Schools Memorial Award Program Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the Seafaring Masonic Temple, Newport Beach. the area, seventh and eighth grades, the S Roy Ho well award. The students are se- lected by their teachers to receive thlS award. Night and morning low cloud•· Maa Olherwlie fair Coastal low 56 inland 62 Coas111 h1gn mid 60s 1n1a1.i:t lnld· 101 Waler 62 Etsevmere w1ndt sovrnweat 10 ·~I 10 lo 18 knots 1n alle<noon Wind waves 1 to 3 feel Sou1n· -t swells 2 10 4 IMt Ex1ens1ve IOw c10ud1ne11 wnh parnar clea· f/Og attemoons IJ.S. summary lhunder1torm1 ano a COid front ~oduced heavy r11n1 1n Lou111- •ll'I end IOUlheHI T1111 IOdly 11 1howa11 conttnued over the te<n middle MIUISSlppt VaMey the IOWM Ohio Valley kles were clear from the Oa· u and the upper MIHIHIPPI to western fe•ll and New ICo F1lr lkle~ -· 0..,., tile thwest. wh1l1 ctoudy sklea evalfed et111where 1n the W111t nd rain tell In the northern ocktet 1 It was fair and werm over much , I the Eut : ~~t:t~~:.,':·!~~r~: ; underatorm1 from Ille Ml11l1- ' 'lppl Veller 11cro11 the OrHt . akH. tha Ohio and Tenne1 ... alleya. and the centre! Gull out atatn Temperaturaa around th• na• ~ tooay renoecf from 2t In o, N.O .. to 78 In Yume. N1L MATIOll .. Le .. 70 '° .. " 11 .. :: = Atlante Cty Austin Boll1more B111tngs B11m1ngllm Btsmarc~ BoiM Boston Brownsvll• Buffalo Burllnglon Casper Chsrlstn SC Chatlsln WV Cllarttle NC Crieyenne Cll~ C1nG1nnat1 Cleveland ClmlMa SC Columbus Oal·Ft Wtn Dayton Oenlllt< Des Moines 0.1'011 OulU1h El Pua Fargo Flag1t11tf Greet Faus Hartford Helene Honok.tlu Hou at on tndnapll1 Jackln MS Jecktnvlle Kan• CUy Lii Veges Little Rock Loul1vllle Lubt>oelt Mempll•I Miami . Milwau!IN MOit-St P Naahvllll .... Ortelnl N9w Yori! Nof'folll No Pfllt• °" .. City OmlN °"""°° f>tlMadphl• Plloenl• Pft latMKgll Ptllnd, Me . P11end. ~· PTOYidenee 61 58 77 50 80 49 66 48 83 63 53 29 69 " 50 69 85 83 74 59 81 89 8-4 55 82 84 88 8-4 88 66 86 57 56 116 5-4 76 65 60 60 8t 63 88 72 84 84 81 54 83 H 84 59 81 77 82 53 86 85 77 77 65 81 69 12 79 89 as 10 74 78 76 08 64 62 36 66 57 6t 32 47 01 62 02 64 57 64 49 63 01 38 44 73 63 31 01 45 28 28 41 52 42 76 58 97 57 31 119 50 43 10 58 61 1 03 83 02 44 64 .83 72 4e 40 18 et 72 66 S9 aa 41 44 eo 82 63 81 39 ,. 47 The fOfe<:ast FOf 7e.m . EST Saturday M;iy 8 Snow[Jl •Low l umiwr ahJIP:. N ,, .. ; .... W• '"", ..,_-4~.i • r<f(')AA II l fll"ftl .t(.utnnu" • Fronts c.;,,.., .-. w .... ,, .-. <>< • ~~k'<1 ..,. Re!e;gh 84 51 Reno 76 40 Sall Like 61 48 San Antomo 81 49 S.a11te 87 46 Sh<1tv11p0<t 17 55 SIOUK F1t11 68 36 St Louis 80 50 St P-Tempa 81 59 St Ste Mane 71 42 SPoloane 71 46 Syracuse 72 49 Topek1 SS 38 fuCM>n 82 54 Tulsa 88 44 Waslllngtn • 78 59 Wlchtta 60 39 CAl.lt'<>f'N1A Bak..-sfleld 94 88 8ty1he 96 Eur•• 79 48 Fr ... IO 88 58 LllnOMlllT 84 63 Lot Ar-74 &e Marya le 112 51 Monter.-, eo NMcllel " 014(1end 85 S3 ' PMO Roblee 89 50 R9d Bluff 93 81 R.cSWOOO 'City N ~ SICTllllllntO " 50 Sallnal 85 so San Diego 73 82 Sin Fr anciteo 51 50 Sama Barbara 64 M Sarita Marla 88 92 ... 07 t3 14 Ot Stockton 88 Thermal 98 U~1ah 90 Be•1low 88 B1g~1• 66 Brsnop 83 Catallna 66 Long Beach 76 Monrovia 8A 1141 Wiison 12 N9Wpor1 Beach 65 Ontario 81 Palm Spring• 98 Paaadena 80 Rt11..-t11de San Bem.,dtno 82 San Oabrtel 80 San Jote 74 Santa Ana 78 Senta Cruz 61 Tanoe Vellev 61 CANADA Calgary Edmonton MontrNI Ottewa Extended weather 54 60 32 •2 53 60 5~ 46 58 55 66 56 55 57 57 55 59 se 30 66 35 52 23 72 56 61 I SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL AHO MOUNTAIN AREAS -Verltble CIOud8 Slight • ' chance of tllowtre norlhtrn mounltllnt Mondey and TIMllday. Cooler d1y1. Ouaty w11terly wlnd1 In thl mountain• Monday SURf REPORT . Ind Tuttdty. HIOl\t In IN coeatll 11 .. t rtnglng ltOl'I\ UPS* 80t tt tha baac:fiei to lttld 70• Inland ., .... LOWI In IN &ol. Moumaln reeofl llltM 68 to 88. LOWI 3t to '· A ...... ,...., .. = 12 .. N .. • 11 17 so. Tidlia TODAY tecolld low UI p.m. ,,I hcond 111011 U7 p m. I.I IAT\MDAY "'* IOw 4.29 a.m. .0.4 ,.... lllQtl I0.41 Liii. u leoond,.,. 1.10 '""' 1.1 teDOlld """ tO'Oa p I'll. U hfl .... 7 41pl'l\,1'1Ma .... ~"''"' Consul tants for the Cteveloper said this alone would be a four- month project and will rc•quire constant remov~•I or wat<>r from the pil. One commissioner wondered For the past six years. Mar Vista Lodge has presented to the middle school children of Thi." program is open to the public. The temple is located .at 1401 15th St., Newport Beach. Refreshments will be served following the program. • from ~IE SPORTS LTD . AEROBIC, DAllCE I WORKOUT FASHIOll CEllTER FEATURING: DANSKIN STEVI BROOKS BARIL Y LEGAL SEA SQUITS CARUSHKA SPECIAL OFFER •• Equipment: Aerobic & Sport Shoes Legwelghts Jumpropes Oum bells Trampolines 10~ OFF ANY PURCHASI . A:081£ SPORTS '" ... 4108 Barran~' P.rkway lrvlne. CA llCPN.11111111 • (With ""' Acl) 112·1212 •• I • nr•n,._. t'J'\••t OAILV PILOT/f'rtday, May T, 1982 N Cf NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS ~OT ... .,.., UIC'-UOI , •• o •• ON'"' .... YO•a, M10w1n. ,.<, ,.C , ••• IOtYON, OIT •O•T ••O CIN(llOIATI noc• &X(MAY.O •lll'O•UO I Y TMI NAtO ANO INtTINIT ., .,. ~ . .... ,, .... .... .... "" ~ ... .... ... Dow Jones Final UP 5.99 CLOSING 889.19 MSI Data sells system to chain MSl Data Corp. of Costa Mesa has announced a chain-wide sale of a handheld portable data entry computer system to F.ckerd Drug Co. of Clearwater, Fla. The price was not announced. . Eckerd Drug. a division of Jack Eckerd Corp., ta the Sun Belt's largest drug retailer with more th.an 1.200 stores in 16 states. The system will be used to electrorucally c;>rder merchandise at each retail outlet and then tran.snut the data via telephone lines directly to one of seven Eckerd data processing centers equipped with IBM Series/ l computers. Fluor unit wins AMF contract A Dante! International unit of Fluor Corp. of Ir- vine has been selected by AMF-Tuboecope to provide design management, procur~ment ~nd construction management services for a p1pe-coatmg plant and of- fices at Neuss-Dusseldorf, West Gennany . Total installed costs of the 80,000-square foot fa- cility which will serve German clients and oth~~ in the.~il drilling industry. is estimated at $10 rru,lhon. Value of the contract to Daniel is approximately $4 million . U#lil y Jo-issue sloek San Diego Gas & Electric plans to iaaue 250,000 shares of its preference stt>ck (cumulauve)'in an offe- ring that is scheduled for May 12. . . The preference stock, (cumulative) will be priced at $100 a share raising $25 million for the company. The proce~d11 of ne~t week's sale will repay a portion of the company's outstanding ahort~term. debt. The debt was incurred for the temporary financing of the company's construction program. Premi~ pay m ent possible SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Pacific Telephone shareholders may get a common share premium of as much as $2.25 when American Telephone & Tele- graph Co. takes over the company for about $452 million. PacTel issued the preliminary figure Wednesday. but the actual figure will depend on stock prices at the time of the takeover. The move may occur as early as May 12. Under the takeover agreement, each Pac'fel share wiU be exchanged for 0.35 of an AT&T share. Money managem ent taught Cape Star Financial of San demente will sponsor a money management seminar Thursday at 7 p.m. in room 200 of San Clemente High School. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS .,=:::: ~-~11<1'::"' ..::~:..: ~ -Ue6"'9 not-...'i ot ...,,... -" Tt11.~t ,;,, ..... ooo ~ . "' E••on' ·.~•.JOO 19v. . "' -· .... JOO ,, .... ~·~ SIOOll(.fl tll,000 )0.,, ., .... T-y m .100 :l'I~. ' S1dOOOl1 "'·* J1" . "' Gen~ M7,000 Q s. .. ~ltool> ,.. 7al JD 141 I( ,.,,.,, V•AOO ,...., ~ cu~s..c. SM,llOO ll\I\ . ' ~'r.:Pwl 517,000 ,,_.. .... !C0,100 10 _.,.. RahlnPvr m.: lltli • 141 OowChtrn t.3141 ... Sony Corp 4J,7al ,, .... ..... METALS NEW YORK (API -Spot nonl«rou1 metal Pl'IOll todey: Copper 78-81 eent1 •pound, U S UPS AND DOWNS dwUnotlone .. LAM 26-27 centa •pound. Zlllc 35 oente • pound, delt¥9t«I NlW TOllll IN') -"'-too-no .., -... -Ycwto .._ h~ .--. --·- - --Wll tf>e lftl'.Mt ond ----°"'*-'"'·~''ii"'"'_"'_ ---11'91!' ... -l: ..... ..--end ~·fllllVt C"lf'O•• .,. ~"· -~ -tho --'~ ...... _.....,, --u" UHi '"' '"' • J J • ..... ' . .. SJ\'> • , ..... "'" . .... 1~. 1\1\ 1Jllo • l llo IJ~ • '" ··~' '"" ·~ 1111 .,.... "' n • ''" "" . "' ,.... ... IO '" .. . '"" lt\'t • ... '"' . ..... -· '"" OOWNI ...... t M9uelTr 1 UH• 1111 B~ : T:::',:: 1 LLCCO.. I HVI'(» • s-.vcr nMNllg:"' 'I .,.. I ... I• ::~" !I =.'f':t l1iC1:' I.Mt,_.~ M -IA '"' -'"" '"" -'"' ~-w. '"" -... J -"' J "' •v. -"' JIM -, IM -.. ~-.. ~-116 ,.._"' J1 .. -'" I:= t: ,,__ .. a -14 COLD COINS -11tr ... 11M, t 1n1Y or., U•t.00, oft ..... _ .......... t troy u ., IMt.00, off ~ f .,.. , .. .., ..... ,..71, . ..... -~--......MOtttoY•t., __ ...... • Tiil le.7011 Met• WMll compoelle 111. .,......_ 76-77 cent•• pound, N.Y. ~ $375 00 pot llMk. ~ $33a.OO troy oi., N.Y SILVER Hendy & Har"''"· 18 88& per troy ounce • .. : . \ ------~-------------------------.. Or-. COMt DAJL Y P~LOT /flrtday, "-7, 111t ENDANGERED SIGN? -Oregon Gov. Vic Atiyeh says he'd like to dynamite this $10,000 redwood sign on the California-Oregon state ,., ............. line to demonstrate the state'• desire for new residents and not just visitors. Oregon: Nice place to visit? SALEM, Ore. (AP) -Gov. Vic Atiyeh says he doesn't want outsiders getting the wrong impressi- on from a border sign that says, "Welcome to Ore- gon., We hope you will enjoy your visit." He'd rather the sign read , "Welcome to Oregon." Period. He says Oregon likes its visitors, but also likes people who come to stay. ln fact, Atiyeh , who is seeking Re publican re- nomination, felt so strongly about the distinction that he threatened last weekend to blow up a $10,- 000 sign on Interstate 5 at the California border. By Wednesday, however, Atiyeh had calmed down. Former Gov. Thomas McCall, concerned about overdevelopment, used to tell visitors to enjoy themselves in Oregon, but then go home. Cajun town goes off its diet NATCHITOC HES, La. (AP) -All 18,000 residents of this town were urged to go on a strict diet but now, two years later, mos t have gone back to eating ,_. 1111( NllC NOTICl NUC NOTICE ------_,,,_.. _ ___,! iii.. "'9UO NOTICI NCmCI OIJ TllUlta'I IM.I '9CTmOUI "*'911 ltdd~ COmrnvnlly College T ......... ._ .... W•1 ttM14 MAm 8TA..-Y OlttfiCI Mr.oy ~ nottol tllat It On Jutle t J, 1"2, 11 ti11 A.M , The folowlnt ow.one lie dol/IO "-llltd IOr a majof dlenDe In Ill Prao111on "9clonvtyanct C0tp .. a bulltl"9 ea; feet.al Communl0atlon1 Comini.- CallfOt"nla Cotl>ot•Uon .. duly • "ALHRT ALLIN". 2HOO·C liOll ~lion lot an ,M Tranel .. polnl!fd T"*-lln6tr "'° purwMt IM!\'*1 etreet, IYlt.e IOI, E.I TOt"O, tOf to Mrvt Hewpo1t 19each, Call· lo Iha Oatd of Trull recorded CA Ht30. lornie to be local*' on tile 1001 of 11· ,. ...... Intl No HUI, In ALllAT HARRISON PRITTS, Hoeg HOtl9ftel. Aeoatdlno ec>c>llU· booll , l'egt , of Otllolal 11111 cnap.ta, Ml11lon Viejo, CA lion Illa #IPFTlf0116fA. dlltd Aeooroa In Ille omoa of Ille c-ty tatta. March 18, uu. lllt tollo wlng Allootelaf of Orange County, ,,.. ..ICHAJlO ALLIN OOUILI· cnenot• hlVt bffn p1opo..O I of CallfornlL Oii 111' Catne*\ Pleet. f'*«1on, ()lange of Ir~ t1om .. 1 Ml'f1 becuttd ~ lobble MOfOlll Lena CA HtU, to It.I MH&. 2 Cllange In power aa lier aOl9 end ...,_,.,. ptOl*fY TNt buel,_ lt oonctuoted bY a output IYom tlnole ten w11t romplllllf WILL HLL AT PUIUC AUCTIOH ..._... partnllrlhlp. -to duel ten well amplllltra. 3 TO THI HIOHllT llOOIA ,OA AioNlrd Allen OOUlllldte Cllenge In number ot dlr1.illon1I 'IOTtTICM'8 ., ..... NA* ITATIMl.NT l 11• tollowtng perton It ctolng b\lllMM M THl SECOHD TIME AAO\/NO, 440 E 17111 St , Co111 MtH, CA Ut:17 l111n Oorham Jonet. )401 I . lioM It l1t1t1 Ana. CA 92707 Tiiie t>utl-11 c:onducted by .,.. lndMdUel lnan oom.m Jon. Thlt lllllllMl'lt wM Ill.cl wtlh the County Clet'k of Otanci-eout\ty Oft Aprll 21 1982 '""" Pl.tbllllhed Ot1n9t Coat o.ily "°'· April 23 30, Mey 7 14, 1'82 1781·S2 CASH (payable II UrM ol ulf In Tiiie •l•ltmtnt w" llltd with the enttnnH from tour to two Com- tewfl.tl money of tile United 119*) COUnlY Clwk of Ora"91 County on mtnll In auppOrt of or In oppc>a:tlon at the Iron! enlrenot to lht Old ~ptll fl. 1982. to tilt apf)lioellon may be tlltd !With 1------------ 0rl"Qe County OourtllouM looeted '11'1429 tile FecHlfel Communlullonl Com· l'ta.IC NOTia: Oft Santa Ane Blvd., bttwttn Iyo.. Publlilled 01ange Co"t Ollly m11111on. Publlthed In 01ange Cout 1---==:~~------ mott and Broadway, 81n1t Ana, Hoe, April 23. 30, May 1. 14, 1'82 Delly Piiot, 01tH 01 Publlotllon· PICTITIOUI 9'1llNlll Oalll. Ill rtglll, 1111• and lnltltll 1817·82 Mey 5, 7, 12, 14, IS, 21 , 11182 NAMI ITATl ... NT conveyed to and now htld by It 2084-82 T111 lollowlng p111on I• doing under H ICI DH d ol Trull In lilt .. _IC MRTll'c bualnet• " property altuatad In H id Oountyl ____ .. ____ ""-'-~----PLAZA TRA\IELCENTRE. 1121 llld Stitt a.crtb4ld ••: '9CTITIOUI eu ... 11 NU •TIC£ w Or1noe111<><pe Av•nu•. Fullerlon. Lot 73 Trect 64211 In Ille City of NAMI ITATl•NT CA NtiwP«1 e.ecn. Couniy of Otange. Th• followlng Ptr•on •• doing NOTICI °' TMllTll'I IAL.a c PETER HICKS 285841 Mem-8ut• of ClllllC>fnil M per mtc> rel)-twtlneat .. : TI No. •M brlno Mlulon ViejO. CA 926111 ordad In boo-339 page(1) 8 NORDIC REFRIGERATION, ' ' lh11 buainesa II c;ondUC;ltd by tn lhrougll 14 Of Mlec*leneGUI Mapa, 1825 W MtcAllllUr • , 17 Co111 On Mey 21, IH 2, at 9. Hi AM .. indlYldual In the Office of the Countv Rec;ofder Mete. CA t2t28 . TITLE SEFIVICES, INC ' u duly IP-C Pet1r Htch of • ..i..o "-·· pointed Truaf .. under and pu1auen1 11111 11111mem .... hied with tile ..., ......,.,1y, WA YNE M STAALESON. to Dead of Trutt recotded Mey 19, C Tile etrtet add11t1 end otner 17082 Green Street. ,93, Huotlno· tteo. •• ln11. No 19053. In book oun1y c1.,~ of 01~ County on oommon deelgnatlon, It any. of Ille ton Beecll, CA 921149 38 0 •79 Of A AP<il l9 1982 rHI prope1ty CIHcrlbect above la Thie butlneu 11 ~UC1ed by an 1 1 • page 1" · 01 llCltl .. f117N1 putPOned to be. 33 MlllnNll OrlW. ln<llvtoual co1d1 In the office of 111• County Published Orange CoHt Delly ~ a..cm, Ctlllornla Wayne M Sl..ie.Gn Aecordtr of Orange County, Ctll· Pilot AprH 23 30 Mav 7 14 fH2 The undaralgned Tru1tH di•· Thi• 1111-1 wu tiled wttll tile 1~i~N~~~~~~ilB1~~~~~CR l837_.2 clalml eny lltblllly 101 tny lnoor· County Cl«tl of Orenoe County on CASH, CAS HIER 'S CHECK OA reel-In the tlr .. t tddt ... and Aptll 19, 1'82. CERTIFIED CHECK, (plytble ti otller c:ornlTIOll de91gnetlon. II any, '11'1111 1l1M of Mle 1n lawful money of tile "-llereln. l'ublltlled Orange CoHt Delly Un/ltd St11t11 11 tile front entrlll4:e Seid 1tl1 wlll be made. but wl· Piiot, ApOI 23, 30. Mey 7, 14, l9S2 to the old 011no• County Cour· lhOut covenant or werranty, •llPf-1803-82 lllOuM, loctttd on Stntt Ana Bou· or lmplled. regarding title, PolMI· ------------levtrd. belween Sycamore StrM t 110(1, or tncumbrt ncea. Including PUBllC NOTICE end Brol<twey, St nll Ant Callfo,. 1-. Chatgn tn<I expen-of Ille I ell "'11 I I Tru11 .. end of tM tru1t1 CIMttd by flCTITIOUI IUllNEll n 1 r..,. 1• I Ill eno nt.,eet Con· H id DNd of Trull 10 wit: I 158,· NAMI ITATIMl!NT veyld IO tn<I now held by II und., 000.00 wltll ln111111 1ne11on from T 111 following pe11on 11 doing atkl Deed of Trull In tile Pfope<lY November 20. 1981 11 22 percanl t>ullnlll 11 11tueted In H •d County end S1e11 per annum u provided In H id ANDERSON ENTERPRISES. described ... note(•) pkll coe111n<1 eny tdvt!ICel 1g 132 Megn0-111 C30, Huntington Lot 15 of Trac;t No 7800, In tile of $2,229.08 plu1 lnl.,NI. Beech, CA 92646. city of Newpor'I Beach. •• per mil) Tile benefleltry under Hid Oted l1tn1 E1t1ne Ande11on, 19132 recorded In Book 304. P'Off 36 lo I 3 B h 37 lnctullve of mltcellanaou1 maps. of Ttu1t nerttolort eHcuted and Megno It C 0, Hunllng1on He • In tile olflCI 01 1118 county record1r Otllvtrtd to the under1lgnad 1 CA 92846 wrltttn Oeol1r111on of Default • Thi• bullnet• 11 conducted by en of Mid county. Demand 101 Sele. end a wt1111 ndlv1du1I. Parcel 2 Non e•clu11v1 1ppurt• Nolle• of Oeltull 1nd El1ot1on to Irene E Anderton nant •11•man11 for lng11u and Seit. Tile uncs.rau.nect CllUMd Mid fl'fl ......... en, w .. filed wllll Ille tgr ... OVll ptlVlll '''"" .. HI ..,, 1 ,.... ,._.. forth In the 01cle1111on of cove· Nolle• ot Oeteull end Electlon to County Clel-o ..,.enge ...,.,niy on nan11 condlllone end r11111c11on• Sall to be recorded In Ille County April 21. 1982 111_.; herein where Ille real property II localed '1ITT74 TruS1or or rlCOIO owner J9HN A Ot t•. Aptll 211. 1'82 PubOINld Ot•noe eo..1 Oally PtlOI, KRAJIAN Ind DIANE R KAAJIAN Preclelon Reconveyance Ap1ll 23. 30, M1y 7, 14, 1982 huU>and an<! 111 11 .....,1 tenanll · Corp 178.4-62 w ,_ ... t857 E Llnc:oln Ave The alreel 1ddr1t1 end other • DlllM.,. MnftM' common ~111on. II any, of Ille °''.%·CA 926t5 '=? ""'~ reel property dee<:rtbad above 11 : Jon T~•~ °" flCTITIOUI .,..._,. purported to be • 7 Rue \1111111 P~~t •• . • N,.. •TATIMENT ~ 8Nch Ct11lorn1t A lllotUed S""'eture Tht following paraon 11 dotng Tiit uno1111gntd T1u111e O••· u .,,... l>Ullneu u cl11m1 any lleblltly 101 eny 1ncor- Publl1'11d Orange Co111 Delly DOM ORIGINALS 500 S Metn 1ectnesa ol lhl llretl tdOtlQ an<! Pilol, May 7, 14. 21 19S2 2008-82 SI Ste 5t2 O<aoge.'CA 92Ms otner common de9!gn111on II any Ctr It Dawn Hart. 5111 Eas1 11iown llerlln l'ta.JC NOTta: oe-rnon1 011nge, CA 92667 Seid 1111 will be made bul wl· P\8.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUllNell NAM! STATEmNT Tile IOllOwlng pertona 111 CIOlng bUltf\ell U l<ASHMIA LTO. 3471 Vl1 UOo, Sutte 2 t 1 Newport Buen. CA 112883 DANNY J AY SCHE UER, 25 Rocky Kno+I. Irvin.. CA 92715 DAVID ... EVANS, 32 Rocky Knoll, lrV1ne CA 92716 T h11 bu11ne11 It condt.Klltd by • general pertnerlhlp Oen 84''1evel Th11 1111.,,,en1 w81 meo with tile County Cle<k Of Orenge county on April 20, 1982 f1'17'24 Publlalled Or~ Cot11 01lty Pl, IOI. Aprll 23, 30, Mey 7, 14, 1'82 1757..a2 FICTITIOUI llU ... H NAME'ITAnMEHT The lollow•no peraon1 are dOlng bullnetl .. TOOL SHACK OF SANT A ANA. 2 I 18 Soulll Mt.n St1eel. Senti Ana, CA 92707 ANTHONY P CIROCCO. t22S E1""" Piece An..nelm, CA 92801 T h•I l>Ultnest 1a conoucttd by tn 1nOM<1ull Anlt~y P C+rocco ___ local~ favorites_ such as friec! meat pies. ln 1980, sociologist C.B. "Lum" Ellis persuaded the state to com- m.it public money to put Natchi- toches on a diet for a year. He thought it would improve the h ealth o f the town. But within a year, he admitted, ta- king the town off its Cajun diet was a project doomed to failure, and instead the $40,000 went for a media blitz to educate-towns- people about good nutrition. was lost. A survey of 99 Natchi- toches residents showed 55 could list more than four items fro,m the Pritikin diet while no one in the nearby colle ge town o f Ruston could name more than two .. "I guess one way of putting that is that Lum Ellis did ·a good job," said Roland Pippin, who conducted the survey. 1-----,--------T1111 1>u11ness 11 being conducted lhOUt coYenant or w1nan1y ulft- f'ICTIT'IOUI llU ... 11 by en 1~lvtdulJ or tmplled. reg11d•ng 1111e. po1NS· N.U. ITATEMIJIT C1tl1 Oewn Hert 5'0ll, or encumbrll'<*I. to pey IJ'le Tile following pe11on I• doing Trt11 1111emen1 w81 II~ w1111 me unpaid btlanoe of the note(•) MGv· Thi• 1111_,I "'" hied wltll tile Counly Clerk of Orange County on Aprtl 22 1982 AHOEAIOH, BECIC a STEWART Wllllam A. Andw_, ' llATH NOTICIS The Pritikin Research Foun- dation says. however. that not all l'ta.IC NOTia: bu--. u . Counl)' Clerk of Orenge Counly on red by H id 0..d of Trull, IO·wtl TRUMP MARKETING. 1870 Apt~ 21, 1982 SHl,67931, lnciuOlng ti ptovlded S1n1t Ant Ave., Sul1e O, Colle FllTT72 In uld note(•I. aovancH. 11 tny. M .... CA 92627. Publfaheo 0 111nge Coast Oa1ly P1101. unde1 1111 t11m1 of n10 Deed of James Guertml. 837 W Cenler Apnl 23 30. May 7 t4, 1982 Trull. 1-. ch11ge1 end expenM• Ave .. •B. Plecenllt, CA 92870 1787-82 of lh• Truatee and of 1ne 11u111 Tllll t>ullneee 11 conducted by an ------------c•eated by &eld Deed of Trull lndlvldull. Dlmttc MnftCE Tile t>enellGlery unOe< Ml<! Oted J-Gueraml ____ ,._VVL_. -""------of Trull rte1etoro11 IHCuted end , '~=~:.~=I l'TATIIMIHT °' AIAHDONMaNT Till• ete11men1 wu llled with tile Oellvereo 10 the unoeralgneo • °' UH °" County Clertc of Otenge County on FICTITIOUS BUllNEIS wrlllen Oec:l1111lon of Olt1ull end Tile following per1on1 '"doing flCTfTIOUI IU.,..11 NAMtf •~n 8. 1982. NAME ITATEM«NT Oemeno 101 Sele, and a wr1t11n 22> E TllouHnd Otll• Blwd .. No. 421 TllcM.tNnd O•ka, CA l1al0 Ftl7930 Published Orange Coa11 Delly Plior Ap11I 30 Mey 7, 14, 21, 1982 1956-82- PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI 9USIN£18 NAME STATIMENT businese H Tilt lollowlng pereon 1111 •b•n· ..,.... f1lllOI The following person is doing Nollce of Oeleull and E1tc11on 10 LANGFORD or Orange, Ca~,,, daughter WESTERN HALLMARK CARDS doned lht UM Of Ille flcllllous t>uel-PubllMed Otar.-COl•I Delly Pitel, bu .. nMt.. Sell. Tile underllgned CtUMO .. l<I FRAN C E S MA R I E Jill Steel o f i w a Ser · & GIFTS. 793 So. Tuilln Ava .. Or· n.., name ... so o T T RO Notice 01 Oeleull and Etecllon to L N GFORD d · ......... CA 92866 PICCAOtLLY PARK CAFE. 4s81 Apr1I 18, 23, 30, May 7, 1982 UTH C AS BOA YA . A , passe away vices and In ent will be -··.-B.,b••• Lu•k 2389 Coiona 1724·82 2270 Newp<>n Boulevero, Newporl Sell 10 be recorded In tl'te county on M ay 1982 in Monte rey, held in Prov! ence, Rhode Non:o, CA 91760 · · =.~1~•;2•~ull• P. Newport ------------Beech Ca111orn1192683 S 7 where •r'le reel pr°'*1'f la loclle<I Ca. while visi tln~ h er son. bland. Arrangements by Mery L•k•. 2389 C«one. Nor· Tile F1C11t10U1 BUSlnesl Namer• DIDI"' MRTICE MICHAEL JOHN DAVI · 200 • Truetee or Pl'IY conctuc11ng 111e lhe lo+lowing pe<IOll IS OOlng bUSI· non as SECURITY CONSUL TANT ANO AL ARM SYSTEMS 25211 Stock· PO<I 011v~ ~227. L99una Hiiia. CA 926S3 co CA 91780 f"-' In"'· ""~ "" No B Ocean Boulevard. Newport T1Tl.f URV1CEI, tHC. She was born in LSJOUri on Saddlebaclt Chapel Tustin, · 1•1ect 10 •l>Ove wH ,_, .,.ange ---.. .........,..-----1-u-.---1-1--·1 eeecn. Celt1orn11 92663 uw •-•-............. •'-ct., lult• 409 • Tllil bus1neu la condUC1ed by t Coun1y on May 17, 1'81 ..... ,,,...,.,. -_.. _. .. --.,.. April 11. 1900. Her husband Ca. generll pertnetlhlp RONALD O CRAIG. 15709 NA* STATIM«NT Tl't11 bullnest II conducted by an IMl.t lllloftlce. Ca ICM01 ABBAS SAOAR I 2521 1 Slack· P<>tl Ortve • 22 7 Ltgun1 Hilla CA 92653 Thomas L . L..angford prece-LESTER Btrbat• Luel< Tustin Vilege Wey, fJ8. Tuet)n, CA Tile fOllOWlnQ '*'°"' tt• dOlng •ndtvtdutl __,,... ded he r tn death. Survived EUGENIA LlLLIAN F11S711 92880 butlnftlu· MIChNIJ D•"'5 Detr.APAtL22.1te2 T 111s bus11Te11 is conoucted by en 1no1vt0ulf i-2 ctuldren W'illlam r-r LESTER 'd t f Bal Publl1h1d Ottnga CoHI 01lly Tllll ~ -conctucted by SPEAR TRUCKING, 2119 Po· Th•t llal-1 wu hied witll tne TITLE SERVICES INC "7 ~ • , a resi en o • Ptlol, Mey 1. 14, 21, 2s. 1te2 lndMcNel mane, ca.a Meea. CA t2t27 County Clerk of Otenge County on aa Mid Tru11 ... ge Langford o f M onterey, boa Island, Ca. Passed away 2072 .. 2 an ~ o. Cttlg TERRY PHILIP SPEAR, 2119 Apr1I 211, 1'82 flll2TO By Ka~ Tllompeon ADbH SatOt rt Th11 s111emen1 was ttled w11h tile Coun1y C~k 01 O<ange County on • April 20 t 982 Ca. and Dorothy 1... Bradley on May 5, 1982. She waa-----------T'Nl•t~t-fitd wfth lht Pomone.CoeWMeea.CA92t27 Ya~llldent Coun~o.rti of Ot-County on CANDACE SUE SPEAR 21 It Publl•h•O Ottnga Co•ll Dally Publltlled Oreno• Cotll Delly of N e wport B each , Ca • 2 born in Arkansas City, Kan-PWUC mllC( -...-· P9ot Apr1130 M.y 1 14 21 1982 Pilot Apr1130 M 7 14 1982 F1m11 Publlllle<I Orange Coul Diiiy PtlOI AP<tl 23. 30. Mey 7, 1~. 1982 1819-82 sisters Ruth Boland of M IS-sas on July 31, 1912. She was ----------Apr1I • 1982· Pomona. Cotta Meea, c~27 ' ' • 1890-112 • ' .,, ' 869-82 souri and Virginia L..aMar of preceded In death by her c"'-1G01 PUbltahed 0t eo.. '~~t in:=:-11 cono by'" 1 · A 5 d h Id TS. NO 813455A Ref 120 35800 8 •--" 3 30~ 7 1 1 4 1 T·_,,, p "-·· •-.,. Ml\ftt'C .. mt &r MRTJl't r izona. gran c 1 ren pa(ellta and her brothers and NOTICE°" TitUITilrl IA.Li lot • ..,...." 2 • . ... .,. • • ~·, ......-,._ nv1rw: ,.-.n. "" ~ an d 2 great-grandchildren. stSten, sM was the youngest Executed by. Biiiy E Stevenaon 17S4-S2 ™' •ttt-t wu flltd wl111 the MOC NOTICE J end Ramone L. St.-.on County Clerk of 0r.JllQ4' County on OFflCIAL l'tlOCE!DINOa Of' Visitation wil be held at the of 7 children. Eugenia a nd On Friday Mey 2s. tt82 11 ,. 15 DI-"' W\TICE April 20. 1te2 THE IOAMI °" IUPEllVllOfll FICTmous BUIUNEIS Ba ltz Berg eron Smith & J o11n "Lester were married A.M CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE l'"\IUU\t"" F1mn OF OflANGE COUNTY. NAME STATEMENT Tuthill Mo rtuary on Sun-o n February 7, 1932 in Ark· COMPANY u ou1y a ppointed flCTITIOUI eu..,.•1 Publillltd °''':r. Coat Dally "'1• CAUfOflNIA The following penons ere oo+ng d ay. M ay 9 , 1982 Cro mansasCity. K ansas, they Tru1tee uno1r endpureu1ntto NAMllTATil•NT lot,Aprll23,30, ey 7.t4,1~~~182 Sant1Ana.ce11torn1a t•utt•r>esaasc 7 loopM 500PM F I OeedotTrustrecordad 10·30-79, Tllelotlowlngpeoon1 trt001ng • INTAI ATE DET AIL 23 2 : to : · une ra moved to California in 1935. u Intl. No. In book 13373, ~ ... A 1agu1111 meeting 01 Ille Boato ot SupervtlOl l of O•ange Counly, C•I· Newpoll Boulevero Cosie M•H. services w i II b e held o n They resided o n Balboa b -page 1m. of Offlcltl Record1 In the <•I INVESTMENT BROKERS OF l't8.JC NOTla: Uornla, etto 11111no u tile Governing Boero 01 tile D111ricts govtttned by Cattlornia 92626 M onday, May 10, 1982 at land for t h e past 10 years. olllce of the County Recorder or CALIF : (b) INVESTMENT BAO· ,.ICTITIOUl llU ... 11 Ille BotrO Of Supe<\lllOll was l1e4d AP<ll 27, 1982, 11930 AM The rot. JEFFREY RAGNAR LYNN. 322 1 :OOPM at Baltz Bergeron Eugenia and John celebrated Orange County. Ctlllornl• WILL KEAS OF SOUT~ERN CALIF , 10 ...u. ITATH•NT lowing n1med member• being presenl. Bruce Nn1ande. Chal1man Ao01r Eest Ll"e 0 •-Stieel. San Gebriet, Smith & Tuthill Westcliff their ~0th anniversary on ~~~:J/~1~LJ~:~gi1i~J~ M1ll~r~H1~E~P~~~~~. INC .. • ~':!.':~:wing pereon 11 doing ~~~anton. Henletl M. Wieder, Relph B .• Cltrk. Thomu F Alley ano lhe Calllg'~i:i~~~!us 322 Ees1 Liv• Chape l Mortuary w ith the Fe bruary 7, 1982. She is (peytbl• et Um• of Hit In lawful California c0tporatlon. 10 Manero. J & ~ CONTEMPORARY DE· Aeapooln1men1 ot Jeck Miiier to Ille westm1n1t1r Civic Centcw Autllorlty Oak Slreei. San Gabiiet, Calll<><nl• Rev. Gene Swanson o f the surrvived b y h e r loving ~of !he United Slttt1) ti tht 1,-.me, CA 92714 SIGNS 7632 Alb_. o H t•~ ena 11>PQ4n1men1 of HarOld A. Fltcher 10 Ille Advlaory Boerd on Drug 91776 front entranu to tile ofd Orange Thia bu9IMN 11 conoucttd by • ton BMo,, CA 9264:. r.. un • ..,. Program•. ere IPPfoved. Commen011ion. end 1>1ocl•me11on1 are appro. ThlS bullnest '' conducted by • Harbor Chnsuan Church of husband J o hn and her 2 County Court l'fouH. located on c:orporetlon. Jolln AnthOny Hag.n, 7832 Al· vect Ae1lgn1Mnl of Oellnquent Medlct l Cenle< accounlt 11 epptoved general paitnership Newport Beach o fficiating. childre n John, Jr. and Kay Sent• An• Blvd . betwffn Syc:t· FLH En1~. Inc. 0 B Ceneln conttructlon contr1Ct1 are proposed. ewtrded and completed JeNiey A Lynn Interment will follow at Pa-Coope r a nd also 7 grand-more St. and 6roadwey Sentt Ana, F. L. Hanton. bell• r ' l'funllngton H ell. CA Legl1l1llon Pfenning Commlltet 1ecommendallon• .,. edoptad Tht1 sttletne(ll "'81 ftltd Wllll tile clfic View Cem eter y . Mrs. c hildren, John Lester Ill, Calltomlt tll ttgh1. lllle and lntereet Prtlident ~·bull,_ It oonduc1ed by.,, Tilt name of Aeproducllon, A1cord1 eno G11p111c1 olv111on 11 Coun1y Clerk of Oienge County on Langford w as a resident o r Paula , --r, Carrie r~r. conveyed to and now lleld by II Tllll 11aiement wu flied wttn tile lnclMdual. changed to Repr<>9rtphlc1 end Record• OM11on G11nt dHd of Ro•· Al>fll 28 1982 ,1_ ....,,...., """">""" under H id Oeect ot Trull In tile County c... of Orenot County on Jolln A. H ""°°' Corporation • leitur• Wor1d n-ArN p91c;t1 11 eccep1td Ad· _,. Costa M esa since 1962 and Wtlfred Cooper, Alfred Coo-proPefly 111ueted tn H id County Maleh 30, tH2 Thlt lt.tement wa:" f»ed with tile m1a1on •-at NewPOft 0v,_ ere tnc:r....O ~ ahtrlng funding Publt1hed Orange Co111 Dally was a member of the Harbor per, Michele Lester and Mi· end 6~ cteectlbtd -P-74 County Cier1I of Ot County tor CIPl1tl ~o..-111 tClf '"'San Clementi a..*>< Cent., is epp<ovect P1to1. AprM 30. Mey 7 14, 21. 1'82 Christian C hurch of New · chael Letter. Services will PARCEL 1. Publletled OrllliJ9 Cout Ollfy Mlfc:h 11. 1H2 ange on Tranel.,. of hind• 10 Fullerton Sou1n Cen1111 Homeownen 6 Tenant• 1s93-82 Be h Se I d Sa Unit 7, tn th• City of Coate Piiot. Apt 23, 30. Mey 7. 14, 1982 f~ Aeaodtlton II eutnonz.cs Bolero Mounllin Flr• LOOkout Ftcillty egr ... port ac · rv cet un e r be held on turday, May 8, Mesa. County of Oranoe. Stet• of 1804-82 ~Orange Cout Deity flllol, ment with Tile lmnt ComPWIY 11 approved AB s DetermlnttlOn '°'A•· PlB.JC NOTICE the direction of &lu Berge·• 1982 at 1 l:OOAM at the Pa-Clllfomlt. •.._and dtfll..a on 19, 23, 30, .,...,, 1, t982. view Terrace Anneutton It llC>PFO'led. Property Tex Revenue E.itc:hanQe ron Smith & Tuthill West· a fic View Chapel. Entomb-11111 certain Conctomlnlum P11n PU8lJC NOTIC( 1120-92 Decermlnelton for Annex111on No. 82·1 It apprO'led Raeolut1on1 certifying FICTTTIOUI llU ... 11 C recorded June 15, lt79 In Book EJR 400 u compltlt and perking rlltfietlone on P0110ll Perkway 111 NAm ST.An.NT cliH hapel M o rtuary o f ment at P acific View Me-13199 PIO' 1395, Oftlclel Recorch AChliOue W.I tdopt.O, and Av~t w4tll Mlallon Viejo Company It llC>P'oved en. Tile lollowlng person 11 doing c.o.ta Mesa 646-9371. monal Park. Pacific View of 0r.,. County Calfomle.. ..,... .,.,.......,, PUBt.IC NOTICE rn1n11 JultlQa Ooundl tttff .,,_t 11 approved OC-9 Super ao Mr-.1ct t>ull,_ u Mortuary dtrec1.ora. PAACa 2. Tiie tollowlng perton1 are ctolng from Jolln W"'f09 AlrpOrt 11 lntroctuc:.d ~ Frortlltt ~. Amendmenll CONNECT SOFTWARE. 2854 An undivided 11ttn tnter.t In ~ea: '1CTTTIOUI IUltNlll to C-Cllll Alrtlne Acoeea Plan for .Jann Weyne Alrpott ere tc>Proved 0 11nge Avtnue. Sult• A. Coate and to Lot f of TrKt No. 1042& In WOOOCl'fUCK INDUSTRIES. ..,._ ITAnmNT Purdl ... of trec:tor fClf EMAIAecr .. tlon Ftclllt ... I• tutllorlied. Lind· M .... Ctlifornle 92t27. BARBOUR EUNICE L . BARBOUR. Nil.IC NOTICE the City of c:o.ta Meea, County of 1135 Whittler. Suite C4, coita Tile lollowlng ptraon la Oolng llCape metni.nance oontrect for CSA 3 11 l!lorMMd t..tmp eerw:. con· Nll11 EHton l'fopkln1, 2954 Otano-. S._. of Cellfomla. aa P9' MMe. CA t2t27. ~ 11: trlCI I• apptoV.O. Coneuttant ~ contract for Ot•no• County ~ Orange Avenue, Suitt A, Co11a mllP record9d In Book 461 peg9121 HARRY DENE PEACHEY, 213 MM ELECTRICS. 779 w 19111 glOnlll Emergency Meolcal SeMcte S)l91ems SytTll)Otium. "apptoved Mfta, CellfOfNa 9282'7 resid ent of South Laguna, --,.-IC~TTTIOU=---1-.,....---,-- Ca. Paaaed away on May 6, NAMI STA~ 1982. Survived by ton Nell Tile followlng pt11on I• doing bullnetl u 10 22 of Mlacettaneov• Mape. r• loultr KelloO A--. f\Aler1on, CA Street, Cotti Mtte, CA 92t27. Woodbridge Fire ltatlon leaN 11 eirtancted. SenlClf Cltltan• Advlaory Tllll bullneu 11 OOnducted by an corda of Orange County, Clllfornla '2$33. STEVEN ROBERT HICKMAN, Council'• ennuel repor1 11 rec.lvtd. Publlcetlon ot the Synopeee I• ln<IMdutl E togelhtf with •II Improvement• STEVEN MICl'fAE1. IOOA, 1922 1700'-' So. 81yf\'ont. 8elboe ltltnd. cflang9d. Nellltect-~ for Fullwton Creek Channel ptOject .. -NllM . Hopklnl ------------AWA ENTERPRISES, 2025 .-.on, eacec>tlna therelrOlll Con-Treoy tllr .. t. Garden Grove, CA CA t2M2. 1ac:1ec:t Tt1¥el req..-1 11 tulhorlzed. Trec:t mett1r1 we approved. T.. Thi• ''""'"'"'wet nled wi111 ltle ·~_...,.,__ __ ._ ___ -..... t Anaheim Ava . Colle MeH. CA '2827 dotnlnlunl unit• f through • lncfu. t2804. ""' bullr-. " conOucted by Ill ml11.,. .,. ~. Poet audit for GSA/Reproduction, Record• end County Clertc of Otange County on IALTl IDGHOM SMITH I TVTHILL WHTCLlff CHArll 427 E 17th SI Cos ta Me'>a f;4f\·Q3' 1 rtllCI NOT'4HS SMrTHS' MOl'l\lilY 627 Main S1 Hunt1no1on &ac n 536-6539 rACIHC Y•W MIMOllAA. r M• c.n.tery M0ttvarv Ct\apel·CrematOIV 3500 Paic:1f1c 'tltew Ortvf' Newport Be ac;h 6'4·2700 .---. HAMbl U~MT. OUYI MortuatV • C.rNlefV ClemllOfV 162$ Gtllef Ave c::::: Rlclltrd W. Cram, 2025 An•- lltlm. Cotti Mete. CA '2627. Thlt bullnetl It condUC1ed ~ tn lndMdual Alcherd W C<tm Tllfs 1te1emen1 ,.. .. ftleO witll 11le Coun1y Clerk of Otanoe County on etve. looettcl fl!«~. Tlllt bWlneM le oonducted by • II· lndMduel. Oraplllet II rectMKI. ~ MMoel egr_,t tor Moulton Ptrll· Aprll 14, 1982 PAAClL 3: mtt.d partlllt'lfllo. Sl4MFI A. Hlclllnln way fMllblllly Study le app<Olled. Bofla Clllce Locel Couttl Prog11m nl1ID An ••dutllve ..-nent """"' a...... M. Bodi Thil ·~· ..... tlled With tht ltej)Onte tummaty le rectlved. Conaultanl ltt'vlOll tgrtemenl '°' ROM Publllhtd O••no• CoHI Dally -*"to Md! unit tor the Ule and Tiiie 1tatement wu filed with ,1141 County Clertt of Orlnot County on canyon Roed route looetton 1tudy EIR It approved. FleQIMlt tor propoeal Piiot. April 18, 23, 30, Mey 7, 1'82 oocupency of nioe. poruona of the County Clerll of Orange COWlty Oft Apr" 20. 1oe2. to prO'lidt 8SI MMCM 10 tlCOhollc c!Mnta 11 eu111or1zect. Agr_,1 '°' 1882-42 rtetttCted common .,.. ~ Apr1I ~. 1M2. ~,....,.,. Clllldren'• Group l'forne s.rvteee 11 renewed. Mentel HHllll Service• In ,,.. Decllflllon or Aeatnctlon• '""'' PUOlllhed Orange I OtlY Pl-IQlffmenl I• 1pproved. Library tgrHmtnl With Sanll Ant College l'ta.JC NOT1CE record9d In Book (31'8 Jl9llf 1321 Pvbhfttd Of'anoe eo.tl OeilY tot, Apr1123, IO, Mey • • t .. 2 Founctetlon It amended. Aor~t will! Ille City of Fullerton'°' recr .. ·•------------fW7711 Ofllclef Rec«dl of Ilk! County MC} Plot. Apr1123. ao. ~ 1. 14, 1~ • 1712~ tlonel ICtMllM II Craig Reglonef Perk 11 "'*1Cled. Locel Emergency It Nler71• Pul>lithed Orenge Coalt Delly PMot. allown on the Condomtntum Plan 1114M2 1-----------p(OCltilmed Van 8uren Storm Drain c1ea1gn It eutllorlMd. Negotiation of • f'ICTmCM.ll ., ..... AP<ll 21, 1982 AprN 23. 30, May 7, 14, 1'82 for ..ot unit. NUC llOTIC( agiMrMnt with AIMlhtlm ~KMc*ldellde Community Center, lno. II IC>-,.,... ITAn.NT 17eo..2 TM "'"t addr .. , and other PtllJC NOl1C( __ •Ulllll proved. 8udQ9I Ir.....,. we gt.nled. Payment ol IOtt bond for Yorbe Tile loltowtng P«IOR• .,. doll't ------------1oorM10n d•ooMttM •"" Ol lflt --.--;:; ... ~ ~ ~r'lc1 1e IPP' . .:=. ~~~IMtor ~!t~nr~~ bull,_. .. rtaJC NOT1C( , .. 1 Pf~Y deacfh:>ed 9'M la HCiihCM• .. H•N TIM lollo I r'-1' d I -·---• .otN96. lc .,., vu-"'"'' ..,.,. _,. -·w....., ~I MR. ANGELOS CAPE COO -~=~=~==~--1~ to br. 220t ,.., ,._ ..... 8TA~ ""' peflOft • 0 no IOt UM Of'**"*,. el9Ctlone end training~. ~blllty st:::ri of HOOSE IB) MR ANGELOS ITAUAN ~A~M ~o. 10 I, Coate Meu, Ce. ~ *.:""' ,__.,. doirlO KN~.:" W, 1Tttl It., W.. ~ c;_:1 ~~~~~ ony=~ ;::nr!t~·~ INN. 1 IM1 l'flrbor lloutevwd, o.~ The followlno "'"" ta dolnt TIM uftd9e9'0Md cHKtll"" 1ny ~ OUIOHI. 1..., ~ M, C... CA tata7. c:::-'· 'The County~.,,..,. omc.t le dlracttd to l'9CIOfl on coat d«I OrOll9. Cellrfomll '2640. bu9lllllf aa: ~ b tl'1 ~, ..... of tf1e lleMI ,..__ I..._.,. ,. __ ...._ GtfY 1.. """'9r, 1HN L.YAI ODnllldlrlttlone Ofl ..-..... ,._.,. now ._..... uMd In ......,.. ........ MR. ANGELOS, INC., e Ca.ti· A08EAT •• GAL TfA ... ..-_....._ ......... ---·-....... _ '-"• .._ -~ CAto101 --.. _.,, _ ........... IOfnla corPQf•llon, 11M1 Hllt>Ot HG I ... ..., -·----· CA t2Jl27, Tt.. bu91f1111 a OOI ...... by ~ ~ Mii"*" of DIMITY tcw llillln to Ille Ollange In ~11d, Gtrdtn Orcwt, Ctlltof· aonw~ ~EE!'..!... • ...!.'!-d ........ 11 lll'f1, .._, ..... VWMMA L. JOHHaON, 1'41 ~. ' a o•••llllP ~ • .,. dMed. Ytte IOatct ectjCM'ned 1n ~ ot n11 t2t40 ~"""'' ..._., ._ -Sl'd .. wit N IMde, tKlt "'-A119MIM A-. 110•0, Ocme · 0.., L ..._ ~ ..... f(. TMUa end Judee AoNld Prwww. Tllil buiir-It condUcted ~a c...omla. lflOUI......,.., ...,.,.,.,, ..,_ .._,CA t2127. n... dd _,.. ......... IN (llA&J JUNE Al..£XAHOEJll COfl)Cnllon. ... ~ ~ •:..~~·g• .. OI .......,~,...,.. ..... ,...... NOMIAlf I . JOHNSON. 1202 an"' er-,. ___ on Qettl_.of~ Robert A. Venturi --_,_ · *"'-« ............ to INlf ._ .....,.., ....., ~ ~ -·r ~ _.., "' Thie etettrnlflf lllld _... lflt ,,. ...,_a condYc*d by an .-..11111111 ,,_.,., "'"' •f tlle T1l6I ..._a. 11¥ • I. 1ta. ~ ~1111 fW ,... ~ note(•) aeewect by N6d DM4" of .... ,........ ~ TMI OMW COWTY ~IY Oeil1I Of Or9"0' County°" ...,._,a. a.. Ttutt, wtt11 lllt9'"t tNrHfl. N ~ L.;..,... er.,.. C08lt =Noe. HOUllll AUTHONn April 2. ltt.2. '~ ~ "=-"':' =. ~ tfl9 r::.--:, ............. t•••= nlll ff11 all .. tl9d .... tfl9 A«I tt, 22 • -:0· W., 1• 110f.tl =-:--~ ~,t~~ ~ ~.::: PubH11led Orenge Cout = ACWt t•. 1ttl. °" .If~ ........ a: and .. _.. =:t~°' 0...... ~ °" P9IJC '·:=°"'*-: AoOI' "-, ...,,.., M. .,_ Piiot, Apr1130, M.,"1, f4, 2~-- ,.,._ .. fll .. Truma .W d .. trum • , ..,_ t-"°iieii;iii;ijiiij;iii~-;.......... I . Clar1I and h Qar11, (lllvbttelled Or~ ~t ='/ ~:Ji,-OM fll TNlt. eo-,.. , a had Or-.. c.-Dlllr ,_, NmllCM _, teeaon • 1tt ~.:;~am and ...,...au:',::S: ~ ROTU Noe. AfWI "-22. • ~frr-«I -\.. :::~:~ ..._ .... 0.... .. ti, a.. ao, -1. 1taf. .... 8TAW ,.,.,., CA 1 .. Kott-003/004, ert . Trawl polloy 11 _. , ----------·I-" 1 _ _. ---• -~~ ~ .,,.,., Til9 .......... .,.,_..,. dGilllf Dal.I PrOOlellnl oor*"8rtC ..._ .. ...,_. la IPPfOY9d. T, ..... ,._ NOTICC Oft W -""--·---• .-alllllora.d,TN~~· AUC'fM*.OflJ.llMIAL ,._ .... -. ......... to , ... "4er...... . "LO MANAOI MIHf ...... (llAll ~ ~~ ""'°""" .... I a 11 HChllOUe Miid 1• ....... Diii '*" #If ~ -...... .,.._ -· --~..::,;.; OM VACATID ._, IJH um8TA~ =':.:.:4~'": :="o,~--. ~ NOC= °' Ofl~'91Wff ..!::!°":'"' .-w 1• fOlflt .... n. •*MJ r r __. llM -=t:F...;.:-'..=: ~ ===-Nottoe 1e JC:,':., on ~II. LI IOV""91NW wouua ....._., C•' ..., ....._." ' , °' ..,...-cowg:,o~~ . 1t1a. '' to.oo -.m .. at• w. '"" IT a..•'* OrM. c........., .. • .. • ~ • .... '_.., M. 0:...-, '18"1 M-..,.. ""9. lttH4 In Co.la MHa, o,.,... CA -,_ ~ .._., L-. ~Oft ..... ~ fMlllle Of tfl9 ._.,of ....... , of Ot-. COuftey, OOUnlY, IN wldll•ltCI .... • ca.fta A. ... ta\ °" .............. ,....,,. ... ,..... ... --=---Q-.... '""'°' .. ~~br ouotlc .... .,.. 09fioflal'"""' Aw.. Clllll lllllla. CA-. ...... "-.,.... 0.. L ..,_., tlttl a-. .. If 9-.-1 .. ._ .. 2t, ,._,It HO A.M ftla W. lift ~=AHi ......... an. 1llA Dill... ... ltCl!lllw.,..... a..,~ .............. ~ ......... ,....r: "°"'"'..-on. Vloava.lllM: ... P" ---.. ,... ,..._C.-111111a. CA-. '• -...... .... ........ I&=-.-:: La.ti.,,_..'·...,, end tflt ca...-. Mf....,. ......_.. ... _. .,....,._111at, ,.,1 .._-.-,CiL .... Cltat ftlta:,--;;;,~•••tr ~--...... ..., .. ICM...,.,_......111,.... ttoft ................ .. ...,.,'!!:.":"----at~ ---............... "' .......... AIWlll ;.·:· ............. a. "111 _.....,, :-....... CMC---=-,_ ..... _ _,,._ ~ ....... "'-iGY' llw-C*lf *'1.c• ...._ .. ,.._ SKJ ..... atCllltff°'9111C...,• -~ • Glllt•0...-0..., lJI I Ill ...... .... ................ _........., ,,-. .. ..___...... ... .............. ,.. 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