HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-09 - Orange Coast Pilot'' 111111 ClllT SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1982 BLOCKADE -Map shows Britain's expanded war zone. YOUR HDMITDR llllY PAPIR ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA ~o CE NTS British· attack· reported ~ U.N. secretary-general presses peace negotiations BUENOS AIRES, Araentlna (AP) -Brltiah foroet launched a new attack today a1aln1t the Falkland lllandl, an Argentine military communique Mid. The communique, l11ued by the joint chiefa of ltaff, gave no detaU. on the nature of the re- ported Br1tiah 1trike. "We have no new1 of this moment," a British Defense Miniltry 1pokecnan said ln Lon- don. Shooting waa lut reported ln the South Atlantic cri&ia Tuesday when British warplanes attacked airfi#lds on the Falklands and an Argentine missile shattered the Britl1h Royal Navy de1troyer Sheffield. Britain tent 20 more Harrier jet fight.era to beef up It.I Falk- land laland1 armada Saturday and pre.ed the United States for additional refuellna support. Ar- gentina vowed to cllallenge Brit- ain's expanded new war zone, and tbe United States predicted "new and terrible fighting" if U.N. peace efforta fall. High wind1 swept the fog- ah.rouded Falklands area and no new battle action was reported for the i.slanda 250 miles east of Argentina's southern tip. Argen- tine forces seized the Falklands from Britain April 2. There waa speculation that if U.N. talks collaQ_!e British marines will storm th e islands, possibly by Monday. U.N. Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar met separately for more than four hours with British Ambassador Sir Anthony Parsons and Argentine Deputy Foreign Minister Enrique Ros and said afterward: "We have made progress in some areas but there is still lots to be d.)ne." He said he would meet with Parsons and Ros again today af- ter they consulted with their governments. Both Parsons and Ros spoke of the "urgency" of the talks and Panona said he believed progrelll had been made Two Harriers were lOllt in bad weather Thursday and another was shot d own over the Falk..- landa capital of Stanley Tuesday~ This left Bnlaln with 17 Harriers aboard the earners Hermes and invincible. wtuch normally have a capacity for six jeta each. Presumably the Atlantic Coo· veyor would serve as a makeshift carrier for the 20 new Harriers iJ) the war zone, while the pilo~ take orders from the lnvincible a nd the Hermes. The British government would not conunent (See FALKLANDS, Page A2) Cove's charm ending Cottages retain makeshift style of early beach community By JEFF ADLER to Indians who gathered wild Ofttt. DM11 ""°' s1an seeds and shellfish along the Crystal Cove has seen a lot in Californ ia Coast from Santa the past 5,000 year s -pre-Barbara to San Diego, explained historic Indians. bootleggers, si-archaeologist Eloise Barter, of the lent screen stars plying their art state Parks and Recreation De- and even a dead whale or two. partment's resource protection Now, h owever, It is the old division. l!Mtaps-c:ro1 ting fJie seasra e -~ -~-u-~-w ..... h_oae_ sul;iistence irtufts that are t he center of'~,.i · · JS&'lleiii otu ., 15 Kilo~ -es the tention. ~ncinitas Tra ition, gave way While it was the pristine, un-about 700 A.O. to the Canalino spoiled beaches of Crystal Cove people of the Shoshonean tradi- that first attracted newly mobile tion, Ms. Barter said. Southern Californians to the In fact, archaeologists have shores of Irvine Ranch in the uncovered aa many as 30 ancient 1920s and 1930s, it is the old lndian sites -middens -within :. SUNDAY· SPECIAL cottages that keep them there today. But long, long before cottagers and beach enthuaiasta thronged the popular cove. before it be- came Hollywood's version of the South Sea islands and before Prohibition dried America's spi- rit.a, the area now called Crystal Cove played host to a IRJOCelSion of native American cultures at- tracted by the cove's tidal pools, rich in shellfish and other bounties of the sea. As long ago as 5000 B.C., Crystal Cove surely was known the bounds of what ia now the ·state park, Ma. Barter added. They offer expert.I a record of what life was like for the earliest inhabitants of the cove. Each midden, described as containing the by-products of human habitation, ha1 been mapped by the state and aome- day may be excavated, providing adentista a window to the put, Ma. Barter obeerved. With the coming of Spanish explorers In 1769 and the foun- ding of the mi.salons at San Ga- briel and San Juan Capistrano several years later, Crystal Cove and Southern California passed to the Spanish. Missionaries from San Juan ~fi!strano grazed cattle on the des adjacent to the cove. As the Spanish consolidated their hold QD. the.area. eyen the nearb)'.. I~i.ona_~ame toJ>t..J<n.~rutL _ "Juanenos," according t.c> Chris- tine Shirley. a Crystal Cove cot- tage resident who has compiled a popular history of the communi- ty. And with the Spanish begins the chain of events that eventu- ally brings Crystal Cove and much of Orange County to the Irvine family. Purchased by Jamee Irvine and three partners · in 1864, the ranch became Ir- vine's 10le property ln 1876 when he bought out hia partners. While the Irvine Ranch grew in importance aa an agricultural operation, especially in the years around World War I. the coastal property largely was ~- At one time, the lrvines even considered 8elling a mile of beach between Newport and Laguna, according to an application filed with the National Regi1ter of Historic Places. Crystal Cove was "diacovered" in the early 1920. by both silent film producers and Californians ALL IN THE FAMILY -Diane Carter and fiance John Adarnenn hug outside remodeled version of thatched cottage where her father who were diacovering the joys of ~ in Ford Model Ts. Hollywood producers were at- tracted to Crystal Cove becau.e it.a vegetation and white aandl could be used in their movies to represent South Sea l.alanda. Alfred Carter Jr. stood as a 3-year-old with his father in 1920s, below. During World War ll neighbors requested cottage name change. Balloonists heading eastward, two touch down in Ontario area The as yet unnamed cove's film debut apparently came in 1919 when both an early version of "Treasure Island" and Jack London's claasic "The Sea Wolf," were shot there, according to lo- cal historian and author Jim Sleeper and Mrs. Shirley. During the next 10 years, the cove frequently was used aa a movie set. In fact, early residenta recall that the cove's managers insisted that each cottage be palm-thatched and no laundry be hung on outside clothes lines so as to maintain the island movie atmosphere, Mrs. Shirley re- ports. By STEVE TRIPOLI Ofh~ ..... ·-Two of the eight helium bal- loons competing in the Gordon Bennett Balloon Race a lready had landed Saturday night, but au five American entries and a ~Japanese entry piloted by two Americans remained afloat. The race started Saturday at Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley. The event a nd an ac- companying Aviation Faire at- tracted an estimated 25,000. Two accidents involving hot air balloons which were taking part in a separate competition marred the festive atmosphere, but the five persons hurt in the accidents all were reported to have sustained only minor inju- ries (lee story, photos, page E4). Race spokeswoman Debbie Fawcett said the helium balloon Oeutachland from Germany lan- ded near Fontana In San Ber- nardlno County, about 41 mUea WORLD from ita launch site. The French entry Megeve touched down in La Verne, some 29 miles from Fountain Valley. The French balloon had ex- hausted all of the sand used for ballast and still could not stay· afloat, she said. No reason was known late Saturday for the landing of the Gennan balloon. The other six entries all were drifting east, with most sighted in the vicinity of Palm Springs Saturday night. about 120 miles away, she said. , Japan's Benihana, flown by Benihana Restaurant chain ow- ner and former Newport Beach resident Rocky Aoki and Ben Abruzzo, was last seen near Co- vina, 30 miles east of Loa An- geles, she said. Aoki and Abruzzo, two mem- bers in 1981 of the firat crew to crosa the Padfic Ocean in a bal- loon, are the defending champi- ons In the Bennett Race. L&1t Iranians push back Iraqis BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -An estimated 30,000 Iraqi troops retreated 10Uthward under a furioua Ira- nian ontlaught Saturday and regrouped near Iran's border in what appeared to be a major Iraqi defeat in the Penian Gulf war,~ uid. NATION Bush tries to clear (air. year they set a record for bal- loons of the size allowed in the race (maximum helium capacity of 1,000 cubic meters) by flying their entry all the way to North Dakota. Four of the five American en- tries, many of them abo piloted by record-holders in modern balloon flight, were sighted near Banning, Yucca Valley, Palm Springs and Lake Silverwood Saturday night. The sixth, the Rosie O'Grady. had not been sighted since it left the area of the launc h , Ms. Fawcett said. The winner will be the balloon which travels farthest. In another event staged earlier In the day, a hot-air balloon sponsored by the 7-Up Bottling Company won the Orange County Claaaic, a test of piloting skill. Hot-air pilots, who keep their (See BALLOON, Pa1e .U)· STATE Among silent screen produc- tions shot at the cove were four films in 1928 alone. An early version of "Rain" starring Gloria Swanson and Raoul Walsh waa shot there by United Artists, Mrs. Shirley said, as was Paramount'• "Half a Bride" starring Gary Coo~r and Esther Ralston and • White Shadows of the South Seas." Sleeper adds Paramount'• "Hot News," starring Bebe Daniels, to the Crystal Cove list of produc- tions. "Undo ubtedlv, more were made there than we know about. It's really tough to run them down because they often were released with titles other than the working titles," Sleeper ex- (See CO'M'AGES, Pa1e A!) Plane crash kills three BURBANK (AP) -A twin-engine atr~ane cruhed into a bac~~e and exploded tur- day, killina three, ui . Neil Bogart dies LOS ·ANGELF.S (AP) -Neil Boprt, the enter- talnment magnate whoee dllcoverlea ~ from Donna Summer to Kill. died of.cancer Sa . y . ' COUNTY INDEX :iJi E3 Ann Landen 07 A6 Movies El-3 Classified E6-8, Fl-6 . Orange C.OUOty A4 ere.word 07 Public Notlce9 E6 Ceath Notices FA Real Eltate D6 Delaplane D8 ~:::Marketa Bl-6 Editorial Page A6 04 .. 5 Entertainment El-3 S~le Cl-6 Featuring D7 Te evilion B7 Finance 01-0 Thea ten El-3 Bob Gardner A6 Travel D8 Horoecope D7 Weather A2 SPORTS If I 1\9 Orange Coaat DAll..Y PIL.OT/8und1y, M•~ 8, 1982 ~\ ._, Continued stories FALKLANDS CRISIS. • • on the u.rrangementa. But \he 8rltlah have uaked the United Stateai for U.S. tanke r pJano1 to refuel Brltlah aircraft U ying to the Falkland• In line with the Reagan administration'• lll;f.er of material 1upport, and the 111QUet1t la under consJderatlon. ,.,,Pentagon llOW'ces saJd the Bri- ~ want the t.ankera apparently tll n fueJ C-130 transport.a flying between Britain and Ascension lo uland, whern the United St.atca hu been refuelln1 Brttiah planee en route to the South Atlantic under o longstanding agn>ement -but not warpl ant-1 for the Falklands, eo far as la known. On Friday, Britain exte nded ILi 200-mlle war zone by threate- n ing to attack any Argentine warship or warplane fou_nd more than 12 miles from Argentina's 2.~00-milo coast. BALLOON RACE. • • n" }>aJloo n s aloft by continually '1rtiating the air in them, must <.'lr>hie closest to a landing site they ijhoose before hrt-orr to wan. ¥'!' The 7-Up balloon, piloted by Cleg H a nsen, won by coming Within 6/10 of a mile of ats de- . ted landing spot. Craig Park I rea. ,..,ln helium balloon flights, the b'alloon s a re (tiled with the lighter-than-air gas and use it to stay aloft. Spectators w h o ja mmed lhe park also en)Oyed demonstrations of antique bi-planes, the Goo- dyear blamp. radlo-conlrolled blimps, helicopters and maht.ary air rt..'8Cue teams. There were alao clt.•phanl rides. Jive music, food and c.-clt·bnty appearances. Inventor R. Buckminster Ful- ler was gut-St or honor. fteagan to propose deep arms slashes CREW HAS HANDS FULL -A balloon's flight may look se- rene, but getting it air borne takes hard w ork. Boy Scout Ex- plorer Post 23 and Isuzu team fight to fill their entry. I( ripped Oettr ~llol Pt\oto bf Chatlee llMf a nd had to be deflated to re pair thl' rip. More photos of Sat- urday's Gordon Bennett Balloon Rae~ on Page E4 From Page A1 COTTAGES IN COVE'S SPOTLIGHT NOW . • • WASHINGTON (AP) -Pres-II accord signed by Carter and plained ... But they all w e re ident Reagan will challenge the Brezhnev m Vienna m l979 set-heavy on the South Seas Island Soviet Un.ion an a speech today to ung ceiungs on Jong-range mis-theme .. dismantle nearly two-thirds of its siJes and strategic bombers. Gaven C rystal Cove's own land and sea-based m1SS1les in a s tarring movie roles. i t seems loint effort to reverse the nuclear Re a g an• w h 0 has c 0 n -appropriate that 1t was Holly- arms ra ce , U.S . o fficials said demned that treaty as "fatally wood's brightest star couple. ~turday. fl~wed," is_proposing much lower Douglos Fairbanks a nd Mary The pcesident.'s propnsal ...ID...be-rrussile ceilings. _pick Cord who ushered in ..the _ -------.111Ii.ea.Jl.Lbis ,al~ter....Eu---J~ile cge alon' lhe stretch. College in Illinois, also of Pacific out Highway be· ld require sharp reductions Long Beach tween Corona del Mar a nd I!a -e U.S . strategic arsenal. guna Qeach. e officials, who asked not to What had been a trickle of cars ·dentified, said Reagan would COP charged over the Irvine Ranch Road, re- pose that the United States CR\'STAL COVE PARK the Soviet Union set common ings of 850 Intercontinental in SeX CaSe See related 1tore1, Page A3 balllatic missiles in land silos and ally little more than a trail, be-. bO aubmatines. These m issiles A 18-year-veteran of the Long came a steady stream in October (liould be equipped with no more Beach Polke Departmen t, Ma-1926 when Mass Pickford lied 5,000 warheads. chael Bruce McDonald, 42, has t ogctht:r two ribbons forever eagan'a speech represents a been charged with 21 fe lo ny uniting thl' two bcoc·h rommuni- . effort to seize the political counts of molesting six pre-wen ties by the now familiar Coast ialive from S9vlet President girls in his Huntingto n Beach Highway nid I. Br~hnev. Responding home A year later. according to Mrs. ti-nuclear sentiment m Eu-McDonald remained an Hun-S hirley's h1St.ory, a Los Angeles and the Umted States, the lington Beach City Jail on Sat-newspaper reported that, "On let leader has called for urday in lieu of $250,000 bail. the Coast Highway between "-apona freei.es and cutbacks. Arraignment was scheduled for Balboa and Laguna is a bathing !.rl;low the Soviets will respond Monday resort ihat has the atmosphere of ~Jhe president's proposal. which McDona ld was charged in a a South Sea atoU ... The touring VI~ circulated to the North At-crimin al complaint with 21 party .. saw thatched huts and Lantic Treaty Organization allies counts o f partidpaling in oral Jong-fronded palms marking the over the last few days, l.S unclear. copulation with a minor. beach o f Crystal Cove. You 're Five years ago, they rejected ou-The officer was arrested about wrong -t his 1s no t Waik iki ~ht former PresJdent Carter's 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at his home Beach!" CllU for deep reductions on both an Westminste r , accord ing_ to With th<• l'Omang of the auto, a tles. But the Reagan adminis-Huntington Beach Police Sgt. came in earnest the growth of tration believes that U.S. boosts Bruce Young. the cottage community that re- irtdefense spending might soften McDonald has been suspended mains tocfay. Sdviet opposition. from duty pending the results of A favorite spot of both James ·1~he new pro posal ls to be his trial and an Investigation by Irvine II and III, Crystal Cove *1bmitted to Soviet negotiators lhe Long Beach Police Depart· developed into a 4~-cottage com- in Geneva this summer. The aim ment, accordt.ng to Lt. Brad An· munity when the pair began to i.8• treaty to supeniede the SALT drews of that departme nt. permit friends and favored em-r;r.. Clouds to clear 'Coastal w 1no1 -t to norlr>west 12 10 2Wnot1 lhtough tonight Wtnd ,,., ... 3 to 5 1 .. t NOft"-tetly ..-4 to 7 t..i oute< wetefl wtlh 2 "' 4 loot aouth-t awe11 1n,_ era Cloudr In morning but ual ctea11110 afternoon and Inter weet lltt llruck the n thetn Aoc:lllH on Saturday a low prnaure system cent· In Wyoming brought rain lrlOW to Montana vy tnOw moved thfough tlw! n hern Roct<IH A cold front ad 1howe11 ac:toH much of "40f1Melt ny llllM stretched trom the MIUIHlppl Valley through t SouU-t eno the Great 8• . ... ,.~,,, Wta1f'P' ~'· ~ '111C C.A US :it"t.' ... t. ,,..,,...,, ..._ Fronts Cold .... Warrr ,,.. Extended weather TuHd•Y· Thuradey Ver•able c:loudt Tuttldey Fair Wtdnetday !Ind Thuftdey ..t1h warrnmo trend H'Gf't In coutel WNI 85 10 75 Low• 52 to 58 Mountain rnon hlOll• 52 10 82 Lowa 35 to •5 111,0fl Tiie Soutn Coetl Att Ou1llly M1n1oement dlttrlct pttdlcted QIOOd 111 qu1l1ty lot tll 1re11 ot ftlt CllettlCt IOf today Tnt Pollutant St1nd1rd lndtll wu upecled 10 be 4 2 In ell .,_ Teniperatures Phlla<ll>f>UI Rain .EJ Snow Q Pho.nu• P1tt1burgh Showersl!IJ Flurries[] Piiand ~ P11eno 0111 Pr OYtd .. nc.e Reno Rothmond Sall Lalu1 San Antonio S111111e Shrevepo<t S;oux F11l1 St LOUIS St p.romp- Spolulrte Sy•llCUM! t oo•~• TuCIO" Tul•o Waa111nq111 W1rh1111 CALIFORNIA Occiuoed ,... S•~IU •' •• A1Jplfly Vati.y 811kl!fllleld C~eland 68 49 811r1tow llfo•umonl ClmbMI SC 82 83 Big 8tlll COiumbus 10 48 Oat.Ft Wlh 78 52 8tyH•e C11111na Otyton 73 48 Cwlvet City oen_. 75 45 Eureu 0.. MOll)d 78 52 Fre,no OttrOlt 70 51 lencattef Duluth 62 31 l.ono eeacn r:HO 88 47 tbaflkl S& 40 Loe Al..-* Farve 8!> 31 Mttrytvl Flegat•tt 8t 31 M0<1t0Yle Ot .. I Ft1111 42 31 MonttbtllO Monte<ty HattfOfd 71 45 Mt Wtteon Htlena 112 37 Need• Honoluk.I ee 73 Olllland Hou1fon 77 ff Ot!tlfH> ln<lnapli9 74 47 Pl/In Sp11noe Jacliln 79 47 JtcktlWllt M 611 Patadtn1 P1eo Roble• K1n1 City 78 511 Alver~ LH VegM 86 65 LIUle Aock 11 62 Atd Blutt Red\ltOOd C11y LovllYllle 73 49 \-:•&:JO M::rll 77 51 Ml 79 74 Siii Fr1~ltc0 Mliw.uk .. eo 45 811\11 lart:>1re 69 55 97 67 64 1.7 64 42 57 40 63 .... 68 38 82 63 69 51 83 47 S6 46 79 47 76 33 80 53 78 68 (>7 32 62 52 75 50 88 57 83 53 70 60 76 50 77 51 ~ 81 66 80 62 73 50 63 39 92 69 65 55 10 5t 55 45 78 53 6A 53 69 ao 6A eo 79 54 87 57 72 61 st 51 53 '3 ,93 7t 88 51 94 55 H 82 62 55 8<t 51 .. 5e 76 61 82 51 73 ... ea 82 eo 49 f1 N ployees to build small shelters or cottages along the cove's bluffs. M a n y ot h er Ca lifornians pitched tents ea<'h season along the beach. the historical site ap- plicauon asserts. At'COrdang to popular legend, a lumber ship capsized off the cove dud~ Lb.e..l920s-·~ ........ ~ .............. - drifted in became the baafa for additional CO\Uite.. The cottages' 1pread up a nd down the t'Ove until 1936 when the Irvlnea d ecided no more should be built. The one-room cottages were designed without regard to plans and were enlar- ged as families grew . ~tt'Cording to the application . Because. during the 1930s, the Irvines also requested that th e cottages remain as they were. the community today remains typical of the era. Its "vernacular arch•· lecture" a.s said to be the last re- ma 1 n ing example of an earl y CalJforrua beach commuruty. "As Crystal Cove cottages w ere built, the re were no s ur- veys. escrows or architectural plans. Things just h a ppened," Mrs. Shirley wntes an he r rove history "ll was n 't considered to be permanent o r an investment an y way, but simply an easier way to enjoy summer on th'is glonous beach." Bare light bulbs, outhouses, rickety construction and all, the Cr ystal Cove community has since been designated a h istorical site, listed In the National Regis- ter of Historical Placee. While cottage-builders were busy comblnf( the beaches for u sable construction ma teriala, rum-runners were using the cove for their own pu.rpoees, historian Sleeper reports. . With their yach ts painted black to avoid detection, bootleg- gers used the cove on numerous occasions to lar1d illegal spirits dunng Proh1b1tion. In 1930. Sleeper said, cottagers found three 5-gaUon cans of ille- gal alcohol washed up on shore. Apparently alerted by disap- proving membe rs of the cov e community, local sheriff's depu- ues swept down and selz.ed the illegal hooch before the cottagers could enjoy It, S leeper recounted. Several year s late r , a fishing barge, rum boot and 486 cases of Scotch whiskey were seii.ed from boats anchored In the cove du- REMEMBERS -Rose Bartel moved to Crystal Cove cottage in 1959 because "I didn't like the smog in Los Angeles." ring a September 1932 raid by the U.S. Coast Guard anlf federal a uthorities, Jle said. To this day, cottage residen ts teJJ stor ies of how bootleggers during Prohibition would signal the rum-runners in boats off the cove that all was clear and the 111egal cargo could safely be un- loaded. Digging back through tus files, Sleeper also ha ppe ned on the story of the 80-!oot gray whale that washed up dead on Crystal Cove's beach in 1931. In an effort to get rad of the giant beas t , Orange County's chie f sanitarian deposited 75 sticks of dynamite inside the an- imal and detonated them. The resulting blast. not only scatte red whale blubber in a thousand different dlr~tlons, but Also carried the sme ll several miles inland, Sleeper said . Ulumatt·ly. lH' add(:J , 1h 1· whalt· wa. ... hurm'Cl and bun11l in hm<.· by t•Jrth movl·rs Anolht-r tal<· involvt~ a wunian who n ·purtt-d 1 n 1929 ~ht· "'J!. atldcklod by a "u.ivt•llkfn" ci.'> ~h1· walk('<.! along th<· lx·<u:h . Slt~·.rx·r said. The caveman, whom she cla1- mecrto hive k1Cl<e01n the nose, -- was-de11enbed u bet~ and having a red moustache. A police search of caves and rocks in the area turned up nothing On<· of thC' sadder chapl('rs of Crystal Covl'·s h1slory involves the Japanese farming mmmumty that floun shl·d on lt•ast•d lano nc<irby prior lo World War 11. With tht: outbn·ak o( host1ltt1es 1n 1941 , lht' dozen or l>U truck- farmang fam1lws. who used dry farming methods tu raise pNtS, corn and beans. were herded off to internment <:amp!> for th(· ba- Lan<.'t' of the war McC1nwh1lt', CrystaJ Covl' was UM.-d for mock bombing runs and practtt.·e amph1b1uus landings by Marines during thl' war. the h1storn:al appl1t·a t1on i.t..atcs Following lhr war. fam1llC.'s. many now 1n tht.•tr st•cond or third generation. continued to en.)Oy Crystal Cove as they hdd for mor<· than :m yt:an.. As alway!>, <:ollagl'S werf' lea- sed on a month-lo-month basis. but. pred1t:tably, th(' l('asc>S were rcn<>wed by the· lrvtnt• Company In 1979. tht• htatc• purt:hased the 2. 7!:l 1-acrt.• traC"l from the Ir- vine Company for $32 6 million. Th(' area. much of it opened to the public.· for the fu"St time. was now to be c-a llcd Crystal Cove Stt.tu· Park Thl' next t:haptcr in the ('OVe's long h istor y has yet to be wnt- l.c.'n St.ate officials have said they want to cv1('t residents or the 50-yt'ar -old t·ottages and open tht•m up for the publJ<' to use. Cott.ag<' residents, on the other hand, say they want to stay and maintain lhl' aging !.lructures and hvc• within the ronflnes of a state park This dec1s1on may well b e made in the <.'Ourts sometime in the future As 39-year-old cottage resident La urie Gabriel, who has been coming to the cove since h e r pare nts first brought he r as a child , puts it: "I've always felt it was a charmed place. I'd cry if J had to leave." G d I /ti TME WORLD'S HST CUPET & uarantee n wr ng. . . UPHOLITHY CLEHIH IS nu HTTU I ===.:=:::=::::::-..=.~!.-== • . .................................................... ,·-&. • No a111tnll1.. • ,,.. loen Ote"tlet ~·. • l'elMet ·-"•"'• • 't•1n• 'roof'"• ~ • No '•btle 0.lft... • W1ter 01rn19e 11•,,,ov•I ,I \ • 'jffect O.oorllor ,..... • ~rolet1lon1t Tille Down A ll•ll•ns ~ (,\ ··~··) RADIO DISPATCH IHI [ cttrt 11' t•uuiu "'" ••ta· J &E•Wt•G All ORUllE COUITY ClHIH HI J!ftllltlAt .. 4UIUI "" ~,., & ~ (II C--"'1 ·-flt Thorough Cleaning ly The World's Moat l!JCfMrlenced Profeaalonela • Eicclutht• l!l•otro-Jet Spray ProceH . • OeneretH It• Own Elecrlclty And Heat For Deep-down Ortt lic1racUon • Oriel PHt•r Then Shampoo Or Poem, flfolont• Cerpet Life. • ANAHllM ~·a. at11e Collet• et ........... 539·2039 • HUNTINQTON llACH UH a11!9f Ave .... 142.0HO • COITA MllA 1104 N••!IO,, It. .. ....... 142-0270 • ~QUNA llACH HI Thlrll It .............. 1to-01IO • IL T0..0 Hlet 11 Tel'O fld. • ....... '5•11 H ' • IANTA ANA t MO ltllnt•r Ave .............. tH•2111 • ,ULLl9'TON IMI I Cll•P"''" Awe ....... 17•IOIO • IOUTH OftANft CO. 1002 Del,.,_. ..... M1•1U• • QA .. OIN O .. OVI t:IHI llio11e1 Ave ......... t71·111t • TUITIN/OMNOI tOIO llYl"8 I t........ .U1-4171 Mein OfflUt & P'tant 1 ltf Loe•n Ave., Cotta M ... ..0-1 S .. Or1ngt Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 0, 1082 Cove relaxes • • in its own time frame Visitors to Crystal Cove may wonder how far back they are trav- eling when they pass the time wne sign at the entrance or try to use the telephone in Rose Bartel's collection. Historical photos show how many Californians pitched tents each sea- son along the beach, above. With the coming of the auto, came in earnest the growth of the cottage comm4.~ty that;~ain&-today. .,. __ -- The ~ wiring aJYi Jight.~~ on a kitchen rafter, below, exemplify how cottages were built without re- gard to plans and grew to match the sizes of the families. Today's cluster of beach front bungalows is one- generation removed from earlier versions that had thatched roofs. Such "vernacular architecture" has earned th'e cove a listing in the National R eg ister o f Historical Places. The enclave is just a coastal cranny within the 2,791 acres now designa- ted as Crystal Cove State Park. Time is running out for present occupants of the cottages who !ace a July 31 deadline to move out and allow greater public access to the beach. Dally Piiot Photos By Patrick O'Donnell GIO'STA~ COVE STANgA~.Tj li f: I l J New projects aiming toward camp needs State officials are hoping that Crystal Cove State Park all 2,79 1 acres of its rugged, rolling hills and unspoiled beaches will develo~ into one of Southern California s most popular state parks. Besides the beaches and their obvious attraction, state Parks a nd Recreation Depart ment planners someday envision a park with hiking and equestrian trials and primitive camping areas set aside for use by back- packers. Of course, plans for Crystal Cove are dependent on funding and, thus, the whim of s tate lawmakers. But before such projects can be undertaken , 1t is the depart- ment's first charge to provide the public with as much a<..'CeSS to the park as quickJy as possible Toward that end, the Cali for- nia Legislature budgeted appro- ximately $2 mmion in its 1981 -82 budget for the immediate devel- !,; opment of public facllltle1 •t Crystal Cove. ,, "Our maln concentration e~ is to accommodate the beaot.1. going public," explained David Allan, Crystal Cove General Pt.a project manager for the Park.i and Recreation Department. · Allan said the first phase of development would be devotetl. entirely to the coastal strip lj park that Iles along the ocean side of Pacific Coast Highway .• , ThlS year's funds will be u9" to provide temporary public ta; c11ities, some of which will be b) plac·e by the time beach -goera throng the beaches this summer, All first-phase work is slated to be completed by December . ·' Besides such amenities as H chemical toilets. Crystal Cove will sport charcoal grills, tabln and garbage cans this summ@, Allan reported. Also, the state intends to~. grade six walkways that pr · access to the beach; build to (See PARK'S, Page A4 ) • Who can improv e I on perfect site? ,,. Crystal Cove has been one of Los Angeles County District At- ~H--..to=rn::....ey--JbKnVancfe -~1r."- vorite places 4>r the last 30 years. The owner oC,a one-third in- terest in a beachfront cottage "that is sinking into the sand'" and "held together by spit," Van de Kamp believes Crystal Cove ls "about the best place you could find." The norma l ly r ese rved 46-year-o ld district attorney, seeking election as California's attorney general. descr ibes Crystal Cove m glowing terms that date back to his teens. "It's a very simple kind of place where there's no need to worry about trucking sand into the house," said Van de Kamp an a recent interview. "It's a 'JUlet stretch of beach with no arcades, fancy beach developments or neon." · He fondly recalls beach par- ties, playing volleyball and good fishing when he came with his parent.a in the late 1940s and early 1950s -"It was a good swimming beach and had good grunion runs." COTTAGE FAN -Crystal Cove is "about the best plate you could find ," says LO'll Angeles County District At~ torney John Van de Kamp~_. He a lso r emembers that his thing that muld happen for the mother used to complain regu-statt· 1s the houses remain th~ larly about the kitchens in the at a n •asonable rent," Van de eottages they used to rent. "Our Kamp said. · '• '· kitchen has a JO-degree angle to lie said that if allowed to re-- it and my 3-year-old daughter 1s main rc'8idents not only would bt!'. forever falling down," Van de paying r ent, but the cott~e Kamp added. would be maintained and a pao But Van de Kamp occupies one of history would be preserved of the 23 cottages that the st.ate "I hope reason wins out," Van has ordered vacated by July 31 so de Kamp added. ''The public and that they can be prepared for private uses are compatible." greater public access. "It looks ··rm not as active as I'd like t.o: hke we'll have to pack up and get be. but I'm supportive of the: out," he acknowledged. lawsuit filed in Orange County : Van de Kamp said he was Superior Court challenging the.• pleased when he learned Crystal state's ev1c uons" ~ Cove was to become a state park. He acknowledged that if eJec- but disappointed to discover he ted attorney general, he might was to be evicted. have to disqualify himseli fl"Olll "The houses there are relat1 -the case 1f called upon to re~: vely ramshackle and the best sent the state in the lawsuit. -i : ~~~~.~~~~~~~~-----------~----------------~-~-~---~! trict trustees will seek a legal garten through eighth gtade have. They say the reorganiza-~ra.J~~©f ·~ ! evaluation of some local parents' system to a system that will in-lio n could result in jncreased _, l JI con cerns about whether the elude middle schools (grades six traffic, noise and air pollution. -· J trustees followed proper stale through eight) and kin(lergarten The distri ct ha s file d a ~ and d istrict guidelines 1n their through fifth grade schools. "negative declaration," maintai-i(f fm~. grade level reorganization deci-The parents claim the dlAtrict ning that the reorganization will _ sion earlier this year. d id not do a proper e nviron-have little effect on the environ- ln February, the trustees voted mental impact study of the et-ment. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat lnoma<. P Haley- • 4 I·,. 1 ( t •I f 11 f •• C.l'f"ll I I Kay Scnultz v ................ ' .... 1 f 4 ... t t A.• I"-'"J I om Murph111~ f 1Mof Mike HJrvey ...... '"' .......... "~ ,( uu• thf'WO Ke" GO<ldO<<I ,,.. ... t ... t ""'" tf· .~ Rav ~ncLea" '' .. "'"'~ Charles loo• , M••" ~·o J rft111w ...,,... ... ,..., .......... ~ \:lasslfled advertising 7141642·5678 All other departments 642·4321 MAIN OFFICE t)'I w~" ff"•'' ( "''" ,.,...._,. (A ,,.,,,, '"°'~" flo• IW ( 0-1• M -I A .,.,. \t••ttqt\t t•1 °'""""" (O..'-I Pubhloolunq' (on...,.ty -.o nf'•' ,.61 ... , •Uu,ttAhtw'" "'Cltte>ttAI ttl .. f f'f ~ •O .,,.,,,,#lf"nf"rftf~ ,.,,., ... ,.. ,,, ... .,.. fllllO'OdU<ed •••hou4 'Pf"'''"°' prrtnt'-VOt'l 01 tOOYr...-1 OW""'" 'v. f\ftf1 I'""'' ••. •·tOt '"'"" "'' t "''" ~,,. ( MUOtftlA • "P\ ... #Wh '-'""• ttf'ttf'W\ h• I"''' H I " I~ ,,.,,,,O••• ,._. "'·''' y. "'''-""'"'" IPW-,.,,~ (.M\J O~••h lttlot wtth w..,.ktil i\ 10ftt b+nft(f lf°W' ,.._..,, p,,_., '" PVblt~ O• Ir.. 0r•f"9" (M•I t•llb't\ftff\Q (('llf'OfMf'Y ~P .. fAlf" fl'(ffh()h\ .,, f><ll)ll\""CI MoncMf lltrovqfl r flCIAY IOr r O'll• l\Mw ... ~ • .,..,,, Rl>M:P\ Hunt•nQtM littACl'I Fount••ft "•""'" lfVilY t 1W,.tfM fl,.f4(h "-'tlP\C CM\t A 'H"IQNt fttQ+Oft..el .. dthOf' ~ """''"~ \14turct11•' "ntf \uftO•~ ft\f> ....... p .. 1 ""'''"'""" "'""' ,, Al llO w.,, 11., \1 .... 1 P 0 flO• t\lrrii't (&'.IA M•·'~ f 4'11fo,,'U4' .,.,. ~ At lut week'• school board meeting, the parents presented documents alleging that t h e trustees did not properly follow state law and the dlatrlet's own guidelines In connee\Jon with an envtronmental lmpact study. The trustees agreed to forward the mater ial to the d lstrlct's lawyer for study, with a report due back ln late May. ' ''The attom ey or eomeone has o bviously given the dlatrlct counsel on this i..ue aaying \hat the y had met these requirement.a," aaid Ken Bradley, who spoke for the parents . "They clearly have not. I hope the board members do some homework on th1t latue on their own.'' We'i:e Listening ••• What do you Ilk~ about the Dally PUot' What don't yo~ like? Call the numbfr btao. and 1our mtt1a1e will bt recorded. transcrtbtd and deUv.,td to the appropriate editor The 1amt 2Haour an1wldn1 HrVIN ma)' bf uMd te rtcord I~· ttr• IO the edl&or oa uy topk. MeUbox tontrlbuton aNlt lncluck their nam. Md ttltPboM nu..., for verillcaUoa. ~o drculatJon calls. pleue. • Tell ua .rhat'1 °" rour lfttad. (}f Ol-110 I ¥ ~ Cout DAILY PILOT/~, May,t, 1MI . . In recent daya, four of flve Onnle C-ounty Supervilon have M1d they favor a.or. DeWane-Jlan for the ao_vernorihfp. So hu Newport Beich Amemblywaman Marian Bet,.an. And now, trom out of the ~t, comes lonctime La8Unan rreG N · HowMr, atate attorney general whm Earl Wamm w11 aovemor. Howaer aaya he, too, prefen Deukme~. * *' * MORE QUESTIONS: Who ia Bob Booher and why ii he run- ning tor the U.S. Senate? G"ranted, Robert K , Booher isn't a name you eee In the public printa too oft.en -nal like, say, Pete McCloakey, Barry Goldwa- ter Jr., Maureen Reagan, Bob Dornan, Pete Wilson and Ted Brutnama. But onetime Costa Meaan Booher is ln the aame primary race. Now a Temecula realdent, Booher worked for North Amer- ican Rockwell for yeara, but now ia a aelf-employed microelectro- nics engineer. He wri tea the equations that tell computera how to function. He's running (on a ahoestrlng) ~ he'• .. bent out of lhape'' and be1leYea he bad to do ...... th1na about It. Hit vtewa AN mon 1.Jbertarian than Republican. He'• fed up wtth flDWl'l\IM"l recuiauan.. He •P be ltanda tor lndlvld .. ual llberty, private property rtit?te, non·aureaalon, a free marui and a atronc deten1e, tn- cludina retaliatory capMM)Jty. He M)'I the U.S. O\Alht to etay out of Centnl America and th8t, If ~. he would revoke any clalna he nu,ht have on a federal penlk>o. * * * GOVERNOR BROWN JB. hM apJ>O'nted Carolyn I . Strite of SUNet Beach to the atate Health Ad"'--CoundL ·-~. * * DR. GENE PRAT, a candi- date foe et.ate auptrintendent of public inatructlon, wlll be the apeeker Wednelday at a lunche- on meeting of the Balboa Bay Republican Women. The meeti.na will be at the Ir- vine Coast Country Club in Newport Beach. Call Ruth Ner- ney, 673-7263, or Goldie Joeeph, 1 673-5129, for retervationa. * * * ARK'S PROJECTS ... WEDNESDAY NIOBT the t...,una Ntcuel Republican ladiel plan to hear from 1everal GOP candtdatea for the U.S . Senate ( rom Pase A3) ~l booths from which park ngera will collect a $4-a-day fee; and complete an exami· "'tion of the park to ensure de- vplopment will not disturb sites of aichaeological interest. +Other projects to be completed the end of 1982 include: -C.Onstruction of five unpa-~ parking Iota for about 1,000 vehicles. I -Re-location of the honteback neeeeie&-flow...located &dfic ~ Jl!&h;~~ county Ii t.e. ~ 1 -Development of an eques- ttian ataging area, which will ude a perking lot and accem trail.a, near El Morro Elemen- School. I -Construction of an acceu ~ where the honeback riding CfnCesslon now ii located ana ~r at Reef Point, just aero. tbe hiahway from El Morro Ele- ~tary School. l Allan aaid working drawinga of the various projects now are ~ins uaembled and the atate a&>uld be l"e9dy to advertiae for on the lmprovementa wtthln moot.ha. work on eome of the tqger jecta will not get under way Labor Day becawie atate o'ficiah "don't want heavy equipment in there while the publJc la," he aaid. The second phase of the de· velopment plan will make the phMe work, for example, by pe-nomination and AIRmblywoman vtng the new parking 1ota. c..roi Ballett, who la runnlJll for the Republican nomination for· Later inland phaaea, will be lieutenant governor. developed over 20 years, accor-The dinner meeting geta under d ing to the Parks Department way at 6:30 at the Holiday Inn 1n officlal. Laguna Hilla. Tickets are $17.~. Besides an unspecified number Call 831 -3M4 for reaervationa. of state park rangers, security ~ * * * and safety needs at Crystal Cove TB VENERABLE Orange State Park~ ht; met by Orange Coun Coaat Aasoci~tlon wlll B SANDIE JOY Lately, he's been dabbling with oil paintings County Sheriffs DeC.:'ent cond&d lta legialaton day lun-~ ... Dell7,... ae.n and admits the troubled composition of the oils deputies and Laguna city cheon~y at the Irvine Cout reflect hi.I own inner tunnoil. -li1eguatda. -~ _ __ ~ Club. With hia ..:ulpturea ae1ling for up to J150, "You're almost 40 yean old and you lit and • The atate tt. contracted wiill" -AMe . Ber· --:-000 emt, Bijan Be.MP ii ~ atarving artist s~y;:-!Whal~Y. 1 puWJ:l¥aelf Into~' " BalLar__ ~sb~ii'tfctepw'tioent"fur _..-yman..?je)-.ll'r:b.--... ~ . .man.age to..JV('e.~~ saiO.i~_!r~'"'-:._-mmeo~wing~~w ln-ttla...!91i•~~ curity patro ls inside the park, zelle and county SupeiVllor Tom nian·bom Newportllarboi Mgn SCEoo graou-pointed black, white and chrome Newport -en - paying $158,566 for auch servtoes Riley n expected. ate. . apartment. in 1982. LU1*h la $8.00. Mail reservfl-For instance, the original of hia 70-pound Although he had an older brother in New- Sheriff's deputies usigned to tiom to the ..adatton. P.O. Box "Velocipede," shown above. was purchaaed for port Beach. Bahar said, "I sort of raised myself. I the par.kin past yean report that 13$4, BuntingtonlBeach, no later $4,000 by a Los Angeles bicycle coUec::tor 10 years lea.med the hard way." car burglaries and other beach· than T.ueedaY· ago. He traveled a lot, particularly to New York related cri.mes are most prevalent * * * Subeequent versions of the 5-foot-tall two-City and Europe, llvfn8 for a time in London and at the new park. Allo, there are TB,RE WILL BE a fund-wheeler with all moving parts were sold for for seven years in San Francisco where be repeated inctdenta Involving nu-~~~cratic gubemaio-$12,000 to a McDonal.d'a hamburge~ office In studied at California C.Ollege of Arts and Crafts d.fty or d.rup, deputies aald. rial Mario ObWdo S.t-O.via. the bAcydJ.ng capital of C&lifomi.a, and for in Oakland. For the third sum.mer, Laauna urday t the Santa Ana YMCA. $30,000 t.o a doctor i!'1 Weat ~aim Beach, Fla. Now, he's content to stay mostly along the Beach city lifeguards have been It ltar1a at 1:30 p.m. and laS1a all The fourth edition I.a priced at $45,000. Orange Coast working and trying to enjoy life. contracted by the state to 2U&l'd afternoon. Bahar, a naturalized American citizen who ·•rm overly ambitious," he admitted. ''I park beaches between El "Moro Obledo said 1n • recent swing came to the United States 1n 1959 on hJa own work until I fall over." Bay and the hone ranch. through Orange C-ounty that the when he wu 16, I.a a near-perfectionist about hi8 But, two months ago he was in a car acddent c.o.t of that contract is $45,961 front-nmner for the ncm.lnation, work, moatly high-priced acrylic and crystal for the aeaaon which begins Los AA~~:, Mayor Tom Brad-ICU.lptures. (8'!e SCULPTOR'S, Page AS) ' ', " weekend• in May, eiplained ley, ii . lifeguard official. Bracley b.u name identlfica- >J enviaioned, Cryatal Cove tlon ltin1 for him and doesn't State Park will offer a l1UJe of want U diltmte, 8"d Obledo. everything to Southern Callfor-. lncldencally, Obledo al8o -1d n1ana wbo wilh to en~ one of he favore a return to the daya the last undeveloped areas along when California had a pert-time the Orange Coe.st. legiala TILE Fine quality ceramic tiles from around the world at wholesale prices! 2601 South Harbor Boulevard, Santa Ana 540-0548 n •• SOUTH COAST PLAZA Super saving.son porcelain mosaic tiles! These tiles are per- fect for floors. coun ters. walls and amund the pool. :.rx3" in brown, white. ~old. terra colt.a and some patterns. 4"x4" in white an d ~old. J"x l" ~azed and un$tlazed. All on mesh· This Sunday, Mother's Day COMPLIMENTARY VALET Mall Entry Between Bullocks and I. Ma~ We Park Your Car Free An outatandlng bikini · ln.nun....a Ortentel blllok prtnt-v.,, ..,.,_,,_""' -'UH hacked sheel~ 99C ptt 94· ft. 12"xl2" Mexican unglazed qUarry tiles are ideal for patio. d«kand entry.~ wonl sec thfJe hla anywhere else at th'5 lowprice. ...... lO"x l<r Italian qUany tile. Unadazed . .,.. Mela SPECIAL< WFER This Italian 6•xp" tile is an excellent choice for counters. floors and walls. They are available in white. rustic gold. brown and cteam. 4 FUE Mcee f• nuJ IC) ,,...,,..~ .. a~ Uda tllel (4 pieces per sq. ft.) "Esperago" from Spain. 6"x6" floor and counter tile in white, mottled brown and mottled crea" colors. S'f eae• (4 pieces per sq. n.) \.\\?\re ~ot so me great ideas for Ooors and counters! All of the following tiles c.an be set in her- ringbone an<l many other brick· type patterns. "Santa Rita" Italian 4"xR" Onor tiles in stnkm~ly beauti ful oran~ and cobalt glazes. 29~ eac• (4.5 pieces per sq. ft.) "Wire Cut" 8"x 12" floor tile in gold and brown. 8~ eacll Cl.5 pieces per sq. ft.) Japanese glazed stoneware. 2~·x9" floor. tile in dark brown. golden bmwn and blue. * eadl (6 piec.es per sq. ft.) Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/lunday, May 9, 1882 ls tlhere lile ,after 'parenthood? I Deir .......... .., 8Clry ...... ACR YLJC ACE -Bijan Bahlfr shows 195-pound aculpture, "Round One." r Beoomlnc an ••·parent it Uk• c~rom an at.oluce momrchy to a democrecy, to Elinor L.ena, who It to t!Onduct an ex-paren nc len\lnaJ' Mu 16 at UC Irvine. When th• ~hlld become. an adult, 1h• aald dwina an lnt.ervtew, "You have to m.an,. the ,.... latlonihJp coml>lecety." The way lt 1hould , chanae -Into friendlhlp -11 topic of a workahOp titled ''Once My Chlld, Now My Friend," to match a book ahe wrote. It'• a touah tranal-uon, ah• aald, becau .. you can't lntroduce frlendahlp Into paren- tln1 becauM there are fundamentally dUferent arranpmenta of power. "ParentJ.nc. by def- inition, mean• carln1 for, protectin&, .IUldlna. belna authoritatfve . . . A frlendihip has to be EUNOR LENZ bued on equality. You can't be a friend without that." Ma. Lent, who calll her conc;ep\ .Planned ex· parenthood, noted, "Ont of the moet Important point.I . , • la t.hat you c.n'l depend on your children Oif ~ e1ll to fulflU you. • Once I learned that," ahe aald, "l-waa liberated." The mother of two erown dauahten, Ma. Lenz augeeta, al a flrat atep toward becomlnt an ex- parent, that mothen and father• try to become more lnt.eteatlni pel'IOna. One way to do that, ah~ aatd, ta to reveal youreelf 1J a real penon wlth tnteretta and need.a and detirel outalde the realm of parenthood. to let your chtldren aee you wlth all your warts and blemlahea. "Start living the Ute you wanted to live," 1he adviled. "Aak younelt who you were before you were a parent. Some people are 1idetracked by beinl a parent. Ask what you wanted to be when you grew up." Allo, ahe advised , be avJare of your tone of voice with your children and begin to talk with them more muw.lly, like you would with a friend. Other atralej(ies will be explained during the workshop for 9::f0 a.m. \0 5 p.m . Saturday In 140 Social Science Lab. UC lrvine. Tuition ls $50 per penon or $80 per couple. Phone 833-5414 eo enroll. The ex-parent concept la difficult for people to SCULPTOR'S FIRST MISSION: RES.PECT THE MEDIUM ... (From Pa1e A4) · Acrylics are rotJRh-cast in an oven. Control-in which, but for a twist of fate, he might have led heat· and pressure activate molecules to solid di~. And, for the previous year, he was recu-form, he explained, then the piece ls cut, carved, perating from a serious illness. tooled, sanded with steel wool and polished . "Suddenly, I realized all that crap isn't "Very tediou.1," the artist said. worth it .. .I have a new outlook on Ute.'' he ex-Noting acrylics show flaws, Bahar noted, plained. "You hav.e to literally work to near perfection "I can't say how anyone can be genuinely and that alfecc.-your life. creative and yet not feet hurt, but I think I've "You notice spots everywhere." gone b eyond th e point o r being h appy l>r Because he's visually oriented, Bahar said he unhappy." tends to notice even the most minor flaws He added, "I can't complain .•. You come to a wherever he goes, mostly in the environment point where everything is relative .. .I have sur-and things. not In people. vtved pretty well...I put in just about everything The artist, whose works are in the penna- 1 had ... I've had some success but lots o f nent collectlon of the Smithsonian Institution, hard.ship." Wash ington, D.C .• a nd Newport Harbor Art There's been much change In his lJfe in re-Museum. does crystal sculpture?$ for Baccarat cent years Crystal in Paris, working for a fiat fee. For one. the Iranian hostage crisis adversely He's done five editions, three of them limi- affected sale or has works, he indicated. taking ted. for the prestigious Fre nch firm with 25 pains to state he has no interest in politics and pieces in one edition and 500 in another. noting. "l really have a lot o( feeling (or this One Baccarat_ piece weighs more than 200 country When I ra{ar l o Aom~l~a~ .. ~r\da,.-·~">kl,!'-n..wkt,-!.:.~ •~"N.tnt'i·~~" ----•.. --..___. -$SOlOGOr'-" ---• H .Philoso_phlzcd, "lf you are Somewhat of 'But if he earns $10,000 In one month, Bahar a minority. you just have to work harder to explained his overhead might be $6,000: . overcome people's prejudices .. .I'm a sculptor and "I bui ld in ventory and material. Like my first mission is to make sculpture the way it everyone else, I'm aHected by the economy. My should be made.'' money is tied up in my own art." · An abstractionist, Ba har prefers to use· Currently. he's working on several projects. acrylic. A concept could be In his mind for years, "It's incredibly versatile," he explained. Bahar said, then to clean up the Idea could take a "You can do everything you do with the other day but there's no over.,e. Execution could take mediums and more. It's also more difficul~. It's a as little as four to as much as 400 boun. very energe tic and pure medium, fascinating. One i.culpture, displayed ln the lobby at Under different environments, lights and sea-F1uor Corp .• Irvine, took 500 hours to execute. It sons. it oonstantly changes moods. weighs a ton. a size he de9Cribed as difficult to "Prope rly c~red for, It can last a couple work with because It might crack while being hundred years. I think more ... and it's not sculpted. biodegradable." He's offering 1t for sale at cost plus. Bahar Acrylic isn't a dominant medium among ar-said, because the original buyer changed hi• tists. he indicated. , mJnd and F1uor hasn't decided if It wants the "A lot of people (addle with it," he said, but piece. only three or four have been professionally sue-Explaining bow art la prloed, Bahar aa.ld ma- the first picct' in an edition. ' "As it's sold .'' he said, ''the/rice goes up." If a sculpture originally sol for $10,000, he said, by the time No. 6 In the edition is ready, which should oo approximately three years, the price probably has tripled. He collects rare butte rflies and noted, re- ferring to t h em, that God is the most perfect sculptor. Bahar's works have baen shown in galleries and exhibitions nauonally and abroad. His workB have graced t'Overs of publications ranging from Vogue to ArchltecluraJ Digest and • Fortune magazines. Payments Too High? T !!!Y ·.A· . s· E•w . ··--.. ~· . '9\ ----·· a. Your Next Car From Us! THIS 1988 V.W. BABBIT L •te·.s&/mo·. • \&Jl,O..LC • .,. -u~ .... '-· c. •. -N ,aoo • uc..... 6' .soc. IM. '1,800 ca,. l'Mutt.o. .... &4-1 '*790. llri'ft -ey fl ..... .,., .. bject '° ~, u.I•. JIM MABINO V . W. accept., Mt. Leni aaJd. bee.auto they've been led co.-\ believe once a parent, alway1 a parent. "There ta no word ln the lan~p for the aduJl.R child who no lonf r ta a chi.Id, abe notad. ''TheK' child could be 70.' The parent-child relationship ii the one hwnalf'l relatlon.ahJp that baa lo undergo drutlc change t,b<. aurvtve, ahe aa!d. oJ "It'• never too early or too late to beain lo de~ velop a friendahlp with your child," Ma. c.eru Midt'c alnce what psychologi1t1 call aeparatJon traumJ \. begina when the child lt between 4 montha and 30 months old. ~ Thia doesn't mean a parel\t should become buddy to an 8-year·old, 1he cautioned, but thej'~ must become aenaiUve to a child's need lo explore: •Ht Knowing when a chlld Is an adult ii difflcul~d for many pa.rents to figure out, Ma. Lenz uid, a.: cauae tome children are adult al 14 while othefl_,. aren't. Among signs of adulthood she suggested ai 1 guidelines are wht"n a child makes his own deciaionf~ and stands by them, has an opennea to the worl<L and a desire to Learn. and makes full use of his own.,,~ resources. .,; • "Is there life after parenthood?" Ma. Lenz Uj.,,· ked. then answered. "A resounding yes and lt'f,t better th.an ever." 1 Something Special feminine fashions 250 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa 645-5711 ,~ 1 ! I !~·' . ,/ ,. ' I --+--.--..., --·--- MAY SALE *203 ·--·---10.f F --·-..- " I \ . w I --' .... -..J, ..J ·1'· '" \ '\ i\ I I ' \ \ . I I I y • COTTON SKIRTS • BASIC BLOUSES • TERRY PLAYWEAR (SELECTED MERCHANDISE) We Specialize in Fashion For The M issy Figure (Size 4 thru 18) •(SALE DOES NOT APPLY TO SPECIAL ORDERS) ,. cessfuJ with lt terial and labor cmt,holpa determine ~ price~f A~~~ ~··~~~~,!~,~~1·u~st~ro~bbed benefits ~<'~ ff\; nine major banks. '4 ~: ,,,. 1: ~' ii students To motivate art s tu- dents at his alma mater. Newport Harbor High School, Bijan Bahar has JOi ned w ith La Strada Restaurant in Corona dcl Mar to stage a benefit May 23. I Proceeds fro m th I $45-a-person event wi' go to the school's art de-1 partrnent, he explained The "Ev~ning With Bijan Ba har," will ln - cludti dinner and an op- portunity to view and perhaps purc hase h is works. Bahar said he'll dis- count his scuJptures for the event and after his cost and price o f the dinner is deducted, all proceeds will go to the .:?hool!s art program. I Reservations can be mad e by calling 675-1922. Spring C learance Along with 12.8% financing all our new Cadillacs ore discounted during our spring clearance A spectacular sole on on Sev1lles. Eldorodos. DeVilles. Broughams and Omorrons Huge Selection Choose from our huge selection ot hun dreds ot new Codillocs and toke ad- vantage of the most substantial sov111gs th1syeor Tremendous discounts on all diesels V 6s EVEN the new HT4100 PolNef system models -In all the colors vou wont - and with the options you desire. And all ready for immediate delivery 'M'lether YoU wish to buy or lease. now Is the time. But the supply 1s detinrtely timi1ed -so be sure to huny in early for your best selecilon This 1nay h<· your last C'hanc<·! •., J • ' Cosio Mesa """"ri\Bl:Rs12600 Harbor Blvd CADILLAC r1 1111 'i40Q1oo •t21J15s1 s:>66 We took only the most dPdiwtnl '" hrinu.mR ~'ou lxmkmfl. at talenteJ career bankers. 11~ /tfwsf -and in the finest .... urrn11nd- Eighteen of CaUfomia's 111U,.'> 771e dtffereme tlll'v moke 1.'> llnetll. Our motive? Sonwtlunq _Spe<. la/ Come 111 rodur To bring first doss bank-Announdng the 30% IRA Ing to~ community. nwf's nght' We'll pay .vrJu a Well, we ve done it! whoppinfl, 30% on yoor /ndwidual Business or personal, you .fl.el the Retirement Account for mi1ef\' lull moSI responsive. expert serv1<e dm"i when }'OU open \Our IRA al Huntington National Bank .s before SI 15. 82 · dis11~l11ue three story bonkmg Free Checks laaltty E~ry staff We 'fl bt1y your old checks With me~be_r is a proven our free imt1al check supply fJ'? essKJnal when you t1pen your with ~rs of pen.anal checkirtR accounr expenence, hy 5115182. You 'I/ find a co1111J/<1ft ' 11111w· 11! '(X'! ial1:rtl wn 111''· 1tl• l1uh11u. lle\ll>lr· /JtNfll'\' ''"'"' , mli ,,,,,,,. tlQ,l'l//£'11(, ll/Uf 1 IJ/1//)1/fl'I 'W11/ It (1\ Something Special Our fnendly exµert.\ do ever.ll1111u. imagmabf P lo make bankm!l qwck efficienl ond emy fm m11 Like e\fended !1011/'\ ~L\ dan Fow dm ,._ llfJ tellC'~ and Ul(Jfk-11p telf<'f\ .\fJ(!ed you on yout war f )111 a11tt)IT1<J/1< teller 1~ <1/J<'n 24 l1<>U1"\, <Rt en dm \ u week That 's conuemence' You Owe It to Yourself Stop in. Get to knou us. and l<'t "' Jlel tu kn()w you >'011 "ff oQ.rt't' ow servic<' '·' .v> speoal. 11 would he u cnme to /Jank anywhere el.w [ ttfi J Buslneas Expertise Were o full semice bt1.<,iness bank commilled to serving you heller HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK •' •• 1: •' ,. ,. •' ~ '• '• ! • ' , ~ I .. Al OranQt Cc.tit OAILV PILOTtSunday, May 8, 1812 Unspecified slashes aise budget concern • The budae t plan forged b y Senate Republicans and now ac- epted by the preside nt faces harp questioning from the House and from Democrats, and well it should. The plan, unveiled at a sur- prise Whtte H ouse Rose G arden *8ppearance Thursday, t ails for: -$95 billion in new taxes. -$40 billion in Socia l Secu - i ty cuts. -A budget d e ficit of $39 billio n by 1985. P a rdon o ur sk epticis m , but these a re the same people who ~cklessly threw figures a ro und st year to s uppo rt their argu- ents for President Reaga n's eco- omic game plan . And we kno w ow tha t turned out. '. We don't want to be the vic- liins of another Trojan horse. The plan no doubt has some plerit a nd should not be opposed -0 u t 0 f h a n d w j. t h 0 u t -a look. But it is so vague, and there's irtually no way the House in a Support sea re<.-e&'Jlon year will approVl' intact such a package. For examplt.!, th~ preside nt speaks of "solvency re<:ommenda- tions" for Social S ecurity. H ow can we pro tect bwtic bene lits of a syste m already in trouble amid unspecified slashes? Lest it appear we're too hard on the president, House Speake r T ip O 'Neill. the stubborn Demo - t r a t who's playi n g a gam e o r chicken with the president and the na tion , also d eserves some brick - bats. We're r e m inded of the fa- m ous line that L ynd on Jo hnson ro lled o ff i n t he 1964 campa ign during a campaig n train s top in Culpe per, Va . "What h as Ba rry G o ldw a t e r eve r d o n e f o r C ulpe pe r ?" he ask e d . It w as a te lling line. ·· We ask , what has Tip O'Neill ever d one for us? The answer is spend, spend a nd s pe nd som e more. That's o ne o f t h e reason s we 're in this mess. law • a1rns E ight years a go. w hen the tions whose firms have committed '"'orld's nations bega n negotiating millio ns to the ve nture, and the a treaty gove rning their righ ts and Third World, most of which lacks t esponsibilities tow a rd the seas, the technology. the ••comm o n h e r 1 t a g e o r The Reagan administratio n ·-· m a.n_ki.!)d fa no !)ne do ubted the ___ ~~-to tl)~_£rovision tha~re-\aSt<i wo u oecom~ex. a rduo us quires traiiiler of rrurung tecnno1- ,nd awash wiOl po l tttcs am!-rt--ugy-ro the-tntenmttormt enterprise. yalries. We find this positiQn reasonable, Last week, a dr aft treaty w as as voluntary sharing of know -how approved, 130-4, by a special Un-on a case-by-case basis would not ited Na tions conference, but im-involve coercion and would prob- plementing the huge docume nt is a bly be more effective. at some thing of a s ta nds till be-The adminis tration d id ma- cause one o f the four d issente rs nag e to extract concessions g ua- y.ras the United States. ran teeing pioneering firms a~"CCSS T~e mai n issue t h at l.e~ to to pre ferential sites, but complai- U.S . disapproval was prov1s10ns n e d o ther fi rms enjoy no such for protentia lly lucra tive m in ing guarantee. of the seabed. The U .S . n egotia to r s a lso lt is essentia l tha t the U.S . want more o f a voice in the gov- continue trying to r esolve remai-e rning council for natio ns m ost ning problem a reas in this mam-affected by the seabed a utho rity moth treaty, difficult tho ugh they decisions. This also is a r easonable ma y be. In the future, the w orld request. Nations such as the U .S will be turning m o re a nd m ore or Britain w ould h ave far m or e towa rd the oceans for essential stake in the a uthonty's doings that needs. and d isorde r on o r under landlocked nations with little or no the high seas could mean serious a bility to mine the sea floor. interna tion a l problems. A treaty The c h ief U .S . negotia to r , that every na tion can at least live J am es Malone, indicated the U.S. w ith w ould be in every nat ion 's might sign the treaty whe n it is best interest . opened for signa ture next fall, and For the most part. the treaty expressed ho pe mo re favora ble i1 the culmin a tion of a rema rka-la nguage can be negotiated. (The ~ley successful e ffort to cove r a pact goes into effect whe n 60 na - wide va riety of issu es relating to lions have ratified.) But the prcs- the seas. Among othe r s tipulations, ident o f the sea law confe re nce, it provides for 12-mile territorial T ommy Koh o f Singa por e, said limits and 200-mile "econo!fliC "th e re c an b e n o m o r e wnes" for coastal nations granting negotiations." rights to e xploi t fis he ries and Malone said that if changes minera l resources. It guarantees are not accepted, the U.S. would free p~ssage o( ~aval forces in try to ne~otiate a separa~ sea law peacetime and gives landlocked treaty with our Western allies and countries some access to o ffsho re perhaps the Soviet Union. resources. Such a m ove w ould be un- P r o b a bl y th e m os t f a r -fort unate and cripple a n y hopes reaching provision is for an lnter-for inte rnation a l cooperation in national Seabed Autho rity, sort of e xploiting the ocean's almost. lun- an ocean U.N., to' govern mining of itless treasures. We h ope both our trilJions of dollars worth of nod-nation and the Third World bloc ules containing valuable mine rals. will try t o r e main fle xible a nd Regulating such mining was work out the remaining dtsagree- whe re the strongest disagreemen ts ments. The stakes are too high for arose between industria lized na-failure. Sign Monday, vote June 8 H e ading into th e h o m e ttretch for the June 8 prima ry we can expect to be bombarded with election information on all fronts, from TV commercials and news- paper editorials to brochure11 ln Jhe mailbox and candidate s ' tpeechmaking. Within ihe ne xt four weeks, even those who have paid little attention to the candidates and la- 1ues up to now may well develop tome strong opinions. That will count for little un-ie-the opinion-holdel"'ll have met the deadline for voter registration ,. and that le midnight Monday, May 10. Thoee who are U .S. cltlzens, c.aJ.ltomia reeld~ta and will be 18 yean old by election day are ell- 1tble to vote. ThoH ptevloualy re1l•t•red-who have moved or ~ho failed to vote In the 1980 .....,,_, elllc!Uon ahDWd re-reitater. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat The o Hice of the O ra nge County Registrar of Voters a l 1300 S . Grand Ave., Santa Ana, wiU be open from noon to 5 p .m. today and from 8 a .m. to midnight to- morro w to handle last-minute registrations. Deputy registrars alao will be available at some neighborhood locations. For lnfor· ma ti on caJl the registrar'• office, 834-2244. This is a particularly lignifi- ca'n t e lectio n for Califom1ans. The voters will be asked to e xpren their view1 on 12 ballot proposittoN, inlcluding the con- troversial Peripheral C&nal, reap- portionment, repeal of the lnheri- ~ tax and tax indexing. In the corning week.a data on all the propo1itlon1 wlll be pu· bliahed ln UU. new1paper. But the iminediace duty for would·be vo- ters lJ to beat tomorrow'• relf•· U:-tion deadline. You'~ -;M1NK l'HcY'D AT LE.AST CAt.L ... Poll percentages perplexing By CHARLES G. BELL Dr. Charles G Bell 1s a ~rofessor of political St:1enc:e at Cal State }\L/lerton wc>n• spht about 43.37 percent. It looked caut10Ul> rt•adN might l'onc.'l ude that as 1! thP Canal support was greater than Curb is probably ahead but maybe not the opposition by some 5 percentag<.' But theories of probability and sta- pomtS t1st1lS arc not the only problem with With the June pnmary elections only But the tilert reader will add and intl·rprettng polls The Curb-Deukmt-Jlan weeks away, public opinion survey re-subtract 3.3 percentage pomlS to both the race also illustrates that deflmt1on!. of suits are appearing regularly an the 42 and the 37 percentage figures That "support" a nd "oppos1t1on" can bt.· pres.s, on television and radio They have means that suppor t for the Canal was tricky A l'areful reading of the poll n· become an integral part of our California somewhere between 39 and 45 percent. suits showed that only 27 perC'ent or the political proces,, with one respected sur-opposition was somewhere between 34 Republil·ans polled were familiar with vey, th e California Poll, haVlng ~n m and 40 percent Read that way, al as clear th<.> candadat.es' names. Not uni.JI respon- operatio~ 35 years. that support could be as low as 39 per-dents wt.·rc• given the candidates' namt-s Another recent survey organization, t-ent while opposition could be as high as t'Ould they say who they would vote for' -~s-Poit;-sponsore:<MJy-tmtor-~t,--------lL•l.iy-h m> p<U'ceAt~ .tho.COP vot.eqh -Angeles ~appears to be. hwlding a._ _j'h.Ja... Q.~~~~..U.U~ ..1.0.J&rv~YL~ !l~~~...hel~lll~~~~·· good reputation. conclude that the difference ltl opmaon answN the question -~ These two surveys are published m 11 about the Penpheral Canal is dOSE' with Clearly, the Republican voters' chotce newspapers on a re,ular basis and ar«' support probably greater than oppos1tJon 1n tht.• gubernatorial primary as not very cited by many television and radio sta -nothing more• firm Any other minor piece of mforma· tions as news. Their impac·t is substantial. MorC' recently, the California Poll rE:._ tion l'OUld alter the results. Nenher Curb And, even though both survey !inns ported that Mi ke Curb had regamed lht-nor Deukme11an has a very hrm gnp on take care to explain the limits of their lead in the GOP gubernatorial pnmary many Republicans Thus, Curb's suppo· data. those who print or broadcast them race. In this case, the percen tage split sed lead 1s fragile tu say the least are not always so careful. A word or two was Curb 50 percent, DeukmeJian 40 Another problem with poll results IS to the wise is in order. pc•rcent. The alert reader would not1l't', the kind of respondents St>lected. Even FIRST OF ALL, thc•rt-1s a margin o( error in any survey. Many public opinion firms use ~ !>ample size of about 1.000 respondents. As a result, their hndings should be viewed as haVlDg a margin of error of about 3.3 percentage points For example. an eariy Cal1fom1a Poll this year about the Penpheral Ctnal re- ported that support and oppostUon to 11 however, that the sample was smoll -assuming a good random sample . the 299 Republicans. sophist1c·ated pollster and the a lert rea· THE SMALLER the sample. the wader der should recognize lhat ther~ ~a dtf- the margin o f e rror In this case. the ference Ix-tween havtng an optruon and margin of error was 6.3 percentage going to t he polls on e lection day . points. Usually. <.>arly in a n eleeuon yea r , Curb's support was really somewhere pollsters will include a broad sample of betwec.>n 44 percent and 56 percent wha le the population involved. Later, as elec- DeukmeJlan's was somewhere between uon day draws near. they eliminate from 34 pc!r'cent and 46 percent. A rPasonablv their analysis people who are not re- gistered to vote becauSt> their opinions won't Ix> count.cd on elecuon day How to address lawmakers SOME POLLSTERS use fairly so· phLStica~ quesuons to d<.'termme 1f the registered respondent as likely to vote They m1R ht ask. "How interested a rP you 1n the J unE' primary race between ·x· and 'Y'?" Or. th«'y may simply CtSk: STATE SENATORS Wraoge County I Schmitz, J ohn (3fith D1strn l R 1 41i011 Campus Or ., Newp11rl Bt·:tt'h H:!lifill 97~ !:lti70 Briggs, John V. 1:l5th D1l>trn·1 H>. 1-H l N lbrbur Rlvd , Full1•rto11 920:1;,, 87H·234~ Carpenter, Paul R. (37th Dl!ltrtt'l-fJ), 5400 Orange Ave. SuitC' 20:3. Cyprl""'"· CA 906:m. 952-3Wl Duri'ng ll·g1slat1ve sessions: Stal<.> Ca· p1tol , Sacramento 9581'1. 1916) 322-!J~(){) STATE ASSEMBLYM EN (Orange County) Bergeson, Marian (74th D1stril·t R) 4500 Campus Drive, Suitt· :l44. Nl·w port Beach. CA 92660. 641 -7441 Frluelle, Nolan (7:ird D1strict-H), 18600 Main St . Huntington BNH·h 92648. 842-7335 Johnson, Ross (69th Distrn:t R). 1!>01 N Harbor Blvd . t.1201 , Full<.>rrnn Gardner's column H:!b.tfl. 7:18 5H!l.i Wray, C het 171'-l U1,t11t·t·D). 12i77 \':tll1·:--V11·w . Su11t· ltd . Card1·11 ( :11JV1· 92ti45. ti:lti-4RH I Le w is, John (70th Uaslnt·t·R). !120 Town t"-t Country, Orangl' !J '.!liti ll .1 I:! ~775 l>unng h•g1sl;it1vt· sc·ssaons: Stale Ca p1tul , Sal·rarn1•nto 95814. (9lli) H~-7112 . ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS S 1 ant on, Roger -Isl D t l> t r 11· t , H:H ·.II Io Wi ed er , lla rrlell 2nd D1strtl·t, tt:t.i :32w Nestande, Bruce 3rd Dai.tnl't. H:1.i :1a:m Clark, Ralph 4th D1stncl, 834-:H40 Riie ), Thomas F. 5th District. K:H :1550 J\ddn•ss 10 C1v1t· Cl'nlN Pl . Sant<J An;i H:l?Ol "An· you gomg to vol<>?" Rt-g1stc.•rl-d voters who say thC'y are not interestl•d in the primary or who say th<.'y ar<.> not going to vote are excluded I ro. tht> analvsis. Alilain, like unre~ste· , n ·d 1 1111·11.;, thl·tr opinaons won't bC' rounlt I nn °·l•o(•t1on diiv Thus. m t January California Poll. Deukme;1 l " rc>ported to be ahead of Curb amonfl • '••red Republicans. But t he Ma rch vas restraeted to r e- guitered Re1 .ms who said they were certain to V• n June 8. Eliminating the disinterest · .tepublicans may account for part < •• 1e increase in Curb support. Th ere .lre elear-cut hmlls to what public polls telJ us. But they are here to stay -warts and all We can learn much from them but we also must learn what they don't mean Interloper with sissy name surprised By ROBERT GARDNER Robert Gardner is 11 semi -rf!tired ;u- rist, freq uen t emcee an d senior body surfing enthusjast along the Orang e Coast. fut Cighta were the name or the game In Balboe in the old days. MOit of them were liquor induced -a few ounces of straight alcohol and Mr. Mllquetoast became Jack Dempeey. Bu\ part of it was gladiator stuff -my guy apin.st your IUY ln a valiant eflort to 1ee who waa the bet\ fighter. A areat <.teal of I\ waa geosnphic -a Joe.al agal.Nt an interloper. For example, one sum?Mr l\ teemed to me t._.l Humpy Oolter and J.ack1e Pierce fouaht every Saturday nlah\. not. becau.te th•Y dlsll- ked och odier but Humpy wu local, J.ckie wu fl'Of'!l Puadtna. THEY WERE WELL matchcid and 10mehof.1 IOrlM!One arranaed for the two of them; to knock each otner's hffda oU with monot«lOUI ~lartty. One year our local ch1D\plon, Lynn Berlin, had be•t•n everyone ln town plus a few lnwJopen. Then, juat Ilk• ln the movlH, one Saturday nl&ht a couple of 1tranpn came co '°'"'· They •t an a earner booth in the Q .... n Dr~on, Ori• Wal I b&I )' ran1y 1u1 1wbo cftdn't uy anythln1• How•"•· .. buicldY .... dill He lil it tie mwn that hll INncl aDuW wtajp .,. one in llDWn.l The word ureMI and the local8 ·~· thnd~f.It tumild out dwt the~ guy w• from Glendale. HJ.a natM wu Marlon Morrilon. Wow! A uy name! Berlln showed up, and everyone headed for the be1ch ln front of the Rendezvous, the normal duellna around. However, thi.1 time c&lahan, tlle cop, ahowed up and allowed H how there wasn't aolnc to be any fiahtln• ln hla town that ~ht. So everyone Jumped into can and Ct.row aero. the river into county t.enitory. The cara circled Into a r~c amphJ- \heeW, the aabby IU' Mid he'd COWi' all beta. Dou61e wow!. The locala could hlnlly w .. t. 1be ftnt d9cil6on w• the ie11ct1on ol a iUlD hOWM'. "JM .-tibY P'1 Pi'rilM a me iDcl "'41 ... HoW about tlM lkiDJ11 kid?'' TM locU uned. and the bealn&.·~ pn. The t.owft,""'t aU outAf~ I dimes. quartc>rs, even some dollar bills showered into my hands. The gabby guy covered au the bets. If Berlin lost, the town would be as busted as was She lby, M ont., afte r the Dempsey-Gibbons fight. After all bets w~re down, BerUn a.nd the big guy aquared off. AB a s~tor sport it left much to be deslred. Actually, the fight only lasted one punch. Berlin made the mistake of leed1f\I with a right and the big guy countered with the faa- test left hook I have ever seen. • When it connected with Berlln'a jaw you could. have heard the crunch all the way io Huntington Beech. Berlin landed on hi.I f~ -out Uke a Ughl · l pve the gabby guy all the "=' and he and the bla &UY left. All the went back to Balbot to flle for t.nk· I n.&p\cy. 1 WAITED UNTIL Berlin came to. By that time the cars were all ~IO he and I walked back to Balboa. The next day he left iown. Years later, the bi& IUY mowd down I bettt. I became aequaln\ed with hlm du'Ouah Andy Dmne. By thia time t. r Md ~ tu. llaly nune Marian to Jot\n and while he w.a at it~ hll lll&nametoW~. · <lilt "'Pt ....... p)ayln& ~and 1 bfoulht up the a.hi. .. Wttl*at ~ up frOm ...... r....,...... 1o ~ .............. fdd .............. ..... .. Tbll& ll'all -.WW ..... Marlon flilorrleo• n•ver wu "~ .......... t • t . . .. ....... Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, May 9, 1982 Journalists decry El Salvadoran violence By THOMAS MURPHI NE 01 lllt Deity "'°' II•" CHlCAOO -Form r Daily Pilot 11taff writer Laurie B«klund, currently a corre1pondcn\ t.'<>VC.l· rln& aiuorrllla war fare In El Salvudor, IHt week d pJored violence and mauacre •n.llg•t.ed by gov- ernment troops in thot conflict. "I feel very atrongly about the v1olerK'e In the war," Miss Becklund said. "I've watC'hed govMn· mcnt troops mow down people beforl· my ve>ry eyes and bodies chopped up like jeUy rolls. "We (the correspondents) need LO be more graphic about this incredible violence ln El Salva- dor. You've just got to deal with this stufC. "Often, aome of your editors are telling you ~22u.2.11 ~SCOPE MOUTHWASH & GARGLE Breath feels fresh for hours ' C!\ilEI• CONCENTRATtO ALL ~ LAUNDRY DETERGENT van~~ with Bleach Borax & r Br1ghteners IUlllO SIZE ~ 157oz.4.99 •tfijl{i• COMTREX lh1s ju1u lsn'\ tht' kind of thing pcopll• want to read ovl•r their brt•aktwit." Ml.u ~klund worked u a aportaJ writ.er tor thl' Dally Pilot In llJ72. She has •Ince become a Lalin American correspondent and 11 covering the co nflict In El Salvador aa part ot a Loa Anacle• Times team. Her remarks came during a panel dlscuulon before the American Society of Newspaper Editors holding their 1982 c.'Onventlon here. Miss BeckJund said that while violence is hor- rifying, all too often it gets twis\ed into political iu ues. She added, "One International Red Cross official told me I c.'Ould interview anybody on the atr«.>eta, and they could ~U me they've had 90meone In their family killed or aomeone who has limply SAVEaoe BUFFERIN ANALIUIC AD PRICES PREY AIL1 disappeared." Other '*"'ellata lndudc;-d Ray Bonner, th1: Nt•w York Ttmel; Shirley Chrlallan, the Mlom1 Herald; Tom Fenton, A.uoctal4.>d Prt>SS, ond Loren JenkJn.s, tho Washington Poet. The penellsta were in gcnc.?ral agreement t>utt ITIOlll of the heavy violence and mass killings Wl're lnatigated by government troops. A.ooording to Bonner, "You are told the rlght- w1ng death 1quada are not part of the governmc•nt. But they are. There were 13,000 peopfo killed Jut yeor, their bodies dumped on• old lava beds. "There have bee n no reports that the leflist guerrillas have done aa the government troops have done, tying peoples' thumbs behind their backs and executing them with shots in thetr heads:• SAVE30e SPILL • MATE · PAPll TOWELS MULTI-SYMPTOM COLO RELIEVER SU~DAY, MAY 9th THRU TUESDAY, MAY 11th Relieves most ma1or cold symptoms 6 oz. LIQUID 2.19 ~BAN p? ban ROU-ON ANTl-P£RSPIRANT DEODORANT Regular Unscented or Fresh SAVE 8 4.00 BRAZIER WITH BATTERY ROTISSERIE Features include 24 diameter heavy gauge bowl. heavy gauge s1eel hood chrome·plated sp11 rod and spit forks Powered by ballery mo101 or operates on 110 v house curren t 1Ba11ery no1 included! A=\ KINGSFORD ~:: CHARCOAL SUNNY FARM ASHER .,SAL TEO" CASHEW PIECES Bonner iwid that Congrc.~ ki<t•ps iMAying lf ther•· Is one more musacrc It will cut oft U.S. aid to tht> El Salvadoran govcrnmenll But. he ~'Ontended. there have been a dozen mauacrt.>s 1lnee then. SPECIAL! 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SPECIAL I I • :'I ' • j I I ' t ~ I I l ~ I ~ I .................. £~£~--..... -· ..... ~ ..... ~ ....... -------·~·--·----~~~---~--~ &f Oranp! Oout DAILY PILOT /8und,, May 8, 1882 ic~ • celetirity 5etvice- Nonstops. Republic's Celebrity Service, new nonstops from Los Angeles International. Two a day to Detroit. Two a day to Minneapolis/St. Paul. With star treatment all the way: con- venient schedules, to fit your own. Discount fares, to save you money. A delightful choice of entrees, to please your palate. And more. New One-Airline Service East. Republic's new nonstops open a world of new connections. New one-stops to New York's LaGuardia. New ways to Boston, Baltimore, Toronto, over 30 midwestern and eastern cities. Now·you can fly Republic all the way. New Four-Airport Convenience. Republic serves all four airports: LA International, Orange County's John Wayne, Ontario/Riverside and Burbank. On Republic, you can fly to more cities than on any other airline, from the airport that's best for you. ... • • Fly~-for 1.-.--- With Rer:;>ublic' s Pair Fare,sM buy one full fare round trip ticketatleast24 hours in advance, get a friend's round trip ticket for the same flight free. Ask your travel agent or Republic for details. , Come Aboard. Our new Detroit and Minneapolis/ St. Paul nonstops, new service to the midwest and east, and low discount fares will save you time and money. Our famous personal attention will have you smiling from here to there. Call your travel agent or Republic Airlines: Los Angeles (213) 772- 5100; Burbank (213) 247-8333; Orange County, Santa Ana and Anaheim (714) 540-2060 or Ontario/Riverside (714) 988-8585. TTY /fDD Service available for the speech/hearing impaired at 1-800-328-2213. New Nonstops from LAX Depart Arrive To Detroit/New York 8:40 am 3:45 pm (LaGuardla) 11 :45 am 6:50 pm· Returns To Los Angeles 8:25 am 9:55 am 4:30pm 5:59pm To Mpls/St. Paul 8:45 am 2:00 pm . 11:30am 4:45pm Retumt To Los Angeles 9: 15 am 10:45 am 5:40pm 7:10pm Continuing Service to LGAArrives 5:58pm Republic also serves Minneapolis/St. Poul with daily one·stop flights from Burbank and John Wayne Airport ond provides doily through service to Detroit • from Ontario/Riverside. LIKE • - llllJPllll SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1912 TELEVISION 87 Fountain Valley earns second in Sunset. B3. D 0 BERT AND COMP ANY -One of the newest members of the Rams. quarterback Bert Jones, unlimbers his right ann (left) duQ(lg opening of club's mini-camp at Rams Park in Anaheim-Saturday. At right, other members of the team 0.., Not,......_,~ ..... get in stretching exercises. The mini-camp is a chance for veterans and rookies alike to get a head start on training. Mini-camp --where rookies show their stuff By JOHN SEV ANO or ttie o.1r "°' ~ The folloWing is everyth~ you always want.- ed to know about a football mini-camp -even if you weren't lntereeted ... Rama Coach ~alavaal greeted approxi- mately 50 rookies, free agent.a and~ smattering of veterans Saturday as the club conducted it.a first of a four-day ordeal. The remainder of the team's roeter, approxi- mately 86 players strong, is expected to report by Monday morning. On the sur{ace, the four-day exercise seems nothing more than a futile attempt to get the NF1.. some recognition during the off-season. Saturday's morning workout was basically spent retesting rookies and free agents on their speed and abilities. Most of the veterana, mean- while, spent their time wondering why they were present. "There's a couple of reasons we bring the rookies ln early," explains assiatant general man- ager Jack Faulkner. "First, we want to get an idea of what a player is like mentally. We're not allowed to give them any kind of psychological tests while they're ln llChool, 90 thia ia our tint chance to eee what they're made of. "It alJo glvea them a chance to pt u9ed to our system and meet 90lne of the veterans 90 they're not 90 ln awe of them later." · • • • The center of attraction naturally was Bert Jones, who will wear No. 17 thia lealOn. Jones threw sparingly during the morning workout as did Jeff Rutledge and Jeff Kemp. Pat Haden, who iB acheduled to report along with the rest of the veterans Monday, will not partidpete in any drills due to recent knee surgery. If nothing elae Jones proved Saturday that even a veteran quarterback of nine NF1.. seasons needs time to get used to new surroundings. Jones, who threw lightly at the outset, dis- played his s tr;ength later as the offense went through 90me patterns. On more than one.occasion, though, Jones scattered the sidelines with hla paasea as he was unable to find h1a target. Suppmedly, that'• what mini~p ii all about, however, u it alloW1 rookies and veterans alike to get the bup out of their pme. Another distinguishing trademark of Jones is the manner ln wlUch he throws, which la much like a ptcher In bueball. Whereu a quarterback like Rutledge haa a short arm swing. Jones' la almost a full windup. Obvloualy, no one on the team baa had lime to tell Jones yet that Ram quarterbacks don't get that kind of time to throw. • • • Of course, mini-camp brings with it a lot of dream• and a lot of shattered hopes for many rookies. UC Irvine's Bill Dorvall, who signed as a free-agent wide receiver last week, and Bert Yancy. a Saddleback College pro<h~t. are two classic ex- amples. Dorvall, who ham't p~ed organized football since his first year of college at Butte JC, is hoping his raw speed and desire will be enough to attract someone's attention. • "I've got a lot to learn," admits Dorva1:1. who spent last rear competing for the UCI track team. "It's kind ol like a dream if it happens. I realize) everybody here knows more than I do. "I figure if I don't make it it will be because of the layoff and my lack of experience." Females raising Dorvall says afler his one year at Butte he bypassed offers from Oregon, Oregon State and Fresno State and instead transferred to Occident.al College where he concentrated on track under the tulllage of Coach Kevin McNair. When McNatr came to UCI, Dorvall came with him, a<:eelerating his abilities to such an extent that he competed ln the nationals last year, running the intermediate hurdles and a quarter leg of the mile relay team. It was through McNair. who is doing some work with the Rams, that Dorvall got a tryout and was eventually signed. "This is definitely a different feeHng for me," says Dorvall, who showed his pass-catching rusti- ness when a couple of Rutledge passes zipped right through his hands. "This is the first time in a long time I've had to worry about making a team. "I'm very serious about this. It isn't a crazy idea to me. If I didn't think I could do it I wouldn't be out here." • • • Yaocy felt the same way last year as a free agent signed out of Fresno State. Yancy came to the Rams as a defensive back (See RAMS, Page 83) Mauch's • ire Mauch's message taken seriously He believes a woman's place is outside his clubhouse Angels listen, then beat Baltimore, 7-2 •• By JOHN SEV ANO OflM ~Hot ..... The Angels would be the first to admit they hadn't been very scintillating thus far on their current homestand. In fact, in their last nine games prior to Saturday night, in which the Angela had lost six and fallen nine percentage points behind the Ch icago White Sox in the American League West, they didn't even resemble a good team ln a alwnp. They just looked bed •. So, prior to their third game of the 1erie1 with the Baltimore Orioles, Angel Manager Gene Mauch dedded to call a plar.en meeUna, excl~tchen, • jult to talk aome .'' wen. whatever Mauch meant by that Ntemenl, It worked M the Anaell mapped a three-pme blnc *-It. their Jon&mt of the ...,.,,. by beadna the Blrdl, 7-2, before 48,0H OD LftUe Lfflue mot at Anaheim Stadium. 'Steve Renko, who aabeUtut.d f« pUcher Mike Witt ln the ro- tation, worbd eeven etronc tn- nlQll, and Don Baylor bluted three hita, lncludinc a ~run homer off kmr' Mike J'lanapn In the 1lxth innlna, to kff P th• Alwt.18 Oil the ..... ot. Cbblo· '11& WM .IOOd ~ 80 MVen In-=~ ana 1nap our lo1ln1 ttllidlelro.wt.eloal".' -lldnt priol' to ldlida1 ntcJat .. aw..,. .• lnnfDll .,, .. lillnniilDCa oe AprG 10. Renko, primarily a starter with the Boston Red Sox before oomlng to the Angela ln 1981, hu been used ln a •If.mer" captlclty alnce his acquisition. In other words, Renko hu pitched abort relief, long relief and on occ-.lon even started, depend.lng on what the manager wanted. "I just want to help the ball club in any way I can," said Renko, aa he improved hia record to 3-1. ••rm not concerned with how they want to u.e me." The Orioles started the game as If they were going to make It a short night for the big right- hander. With one out, Rich Dauer doubled and Ken Sinale- ton and Bdd1e Murray walked to load the bues. Renko Induced Gary Roenkke to hit into a dou- ble pl'y, thouch, to end th• \hrNt. The Angela then came up ln their halt of the f1nt and ,,..,. Renko a run to an on .. BrWft ~y~awtf.:~a':d~ 1ln1l• to rtahtl. and scored on ~ Jacklon • nubber up the ftrit a-line. The O!iola countend by eoo--rl"I liQlle ND1 In the third and fourth = a.ton the Anltl beta ~ for ttv. nn on four htta ln tht Utb. '1t __ .._to ... tbme rum,'' laid 8-ko. ''Tb.It .. the way we OUC)lt to be bltU..1 - ( .. ANOSLI, Pip 81) Mota's tips help Baker, Dodgers, I 0-8 It will take one more appearance of young la- dies In h1a clubhowe and AngelJJ Manager Gene Mauch will go up like a Roman candle and the gentlemen of the working pn. will go out on their collective haircuts. lt seema entirely Inadequate but the only way to deal with female. prowling the dre.ing quarters of athletes ls to bar all the media, regardleea of 1ex. Thus, Ln a rather synthetic manner, equality has been eatabllahed and a victory ls claimed, by the forces of equal rights and liberation. Claalc cuea have resulted since the flnt fe- male jou.ma.lilt concluded ahe could not function ln her job unleu adjacent to the flesh of steaming warrion fresh from battle. A SAN FRANCISCO LADY took the matter to MONTREAL (AP) -Loa court and emerged victortoua, her opposition notlng Angeles Dodaen' left fielder with dismay that the jud,e in the cue wu a fe-Duaty Baker, who teed off on mal Montttal pltchlna for the teCIOnd eAnabelm Stadium ~ a battleground last conaecutlve game Saturday, •ya · he th f T -A.nael a couple of tipa from hJtting in-autWM w n e rna.nqement 0 • &Al9 • ol , es atructor Manny Mota wu jult daily tent a woman columnist to cover proea o the the preecripUon he needed. Rama. The lady demahded entrance to the locker Baker atroked five bitl, inclu-room for poet 1ame ln~wa. thte•tenlnl legal acdon at the drop of a joc:btnp. ding a pair of home ruu, and Then wa1 1ep1 pnoedence now, the cue o1 knocked In five runs to lead a H.immelfarb YI. the San Fl'8Dldlco fQen. Pawurm· 1$-hit attack u the Doq9n de-bly on advice ol i-1 ~ the Ramil eetdld out teated the Ex~ lo-8. ---the of '---•w... On Frld•y::,:l ht, Baker tt.d °' C!OUrt ~ •Ure OOl'PI ,.,-·--two hi.. lnc1 a homl Cd tram the room ad the female .i.m.at re. ... ~ In 8D01lwr' tri\apb. and knocbd in fOW' na to The a.. ennounmd .. other' day that they Loa AnaelM to • S.2 wtn. would to *k to the andm~ of an~ s.='a;'tb~~~:::: · aame IOcker room which come u de htful come 80 ...Uy In W\ ..-.. DtWI to Che p1a,_.. IY mMtim now Nnd, y "The re' 1 no doubt I w H and flldualli, lf the door 11 aJlr Che f....i. mta. ltr\lllllnc; J Wal havfnl A clfft• wtll lqUI I• In. • cult time of It," he .old~~ HSN 1111 WUGOll w11 mar of the Tbuna1 -"•nhll· I -~ ... die :IJ 11 t ... .... ...... .., ..... wteb ....., IO 'J1 IO flM a way . llllid 11111 .... -tlal lie lllllNWa. outoliMtlump;;, "ODIJ 80d -kM*1~·._.eu w ln my .... illd .... ... ..d be dubhouilil," ...... -...; ... ualll." ( ... DODO™ .... U) hrtunat11111ar r...-IM a'itro\l•IJ did not SPORTS COlUMNIST BUD TUCKER develop while he was the manager. It was not until the homeatand of the Angels during April of 1982 that a problem arose. Those who were around at the lime say Mauch was furious at the presence of two young ladle. bouncing freely about the clubhou.e dartlna hither and yon among the naked and semi-naked a~tee. The unclad figure of Reoie Jacklon atudytng hil betlin& stance ln front ofa full length mirror ... med to be of particular interest to the ladie9, ot;J- vioualy student.a of batting atancee. IP GENE MAUCH wu furious at thll, it II becauae he entertainl the notion th1a yev'1 Aftl'll team II not without a chance to accomplilh conit llderabJe in the American Le.cue and poll6bly t. )'Oftd. Mauch hM developed the roost letkU nature of b1I entire manacerial life which hM lpanned a couple of dec9del and embnced all mannel' ol _.. rytna on In the clubboule. · Mauch '8 not a hwnorle. man. but he t.u. tb .. an)'thlna amumna about a couple ol yuUJtC -= maln walklna aroulld hi• clubhouae YfhUe hli playera are takln1 care of the va.rloua phMel ol their tol1et. The next time ~ .. It., the mm II ~~!l.."1::..".'°'' likely people. - t will be the only oourwe of the AMiil t to cbe the dubhouit ....... eo.All 'cif imdia and eet up WM& 11 liaoWla • • '1n""11w room" which II • ~ •am~ and lnldlcp.lele .... ttve to the.,....._ ..... ~ ...... --,. the 100 _,...... of b111':WI - • Bebe Ruth 11 tu.rrun1 over In bl1 plMe ot ftlmal Nit. l ........ ------.------------._..,,.,.-.,_ ______ _ • Oranet Cou• OAIL.Y PIL.OT/lund~. ~I, 1MI ~ .. ---------------------"!I•' Auto racing crash kills Villeneuve PnmAP...,_acMt ZOLDU. Belaium -Canadian • IWlltl' OW. VllleneUv., a Fenvl drt· ver, d1td Saturday nJCht alter a 170 mph craah In the final quaUfyln1 -'oil for the Btllian Grand Prlx. He eu.ffeNd leYV4I '*" and bn1n lnjuriel and docton never held any l1rOnl hoJ>e for hill IW'Vtval. Ferrari withdrew it. other car, driven by Franc."e'• DidJer Pirolli, from the nee. The 1ut Grand Prix dri- ver killed wu France'• Pa- trick Depailler, who dJed ta-tins h.la Al.fa Romeo at Hock- l enhelm, Germany, In 1980. The lut fatality ln a race wu that of Swede Ronnie Peter- 80h ln the Italian Grand Prix at Moma ln 1978. _ • va.&.INIUV9 Villeneuve wu taken w Louvaln hospital with ''severe neck and brain atem injuries.'' un~nacioua and with hia vital functions maintained by lntenslve care, the hos- pital said. Quote of the day Denni• Leonard, Kansas City pitcher, after giving up three home runs to BaJti- IDOl'e in the Royals' aeaaon opener: "Well, thoee astronauts (aboard the space shuttle Columbia last November) brought one ball from outer apace to the opening game in Cincinnati, and I put three more beck out there." Bossy gives Islanders overtime win Mike 8011y'1 third goal of the ~ game with just two aeoon& left ln the ' firat overtime period gave the New York Islanders a 6-5 victor{ over -- Vancouver ln the first game o the Stanley CUp linala in Uniondale Saturday night. Camack de- fememan Baroid SHptt1 attempted a clearing pMI from hia own ?.One, but It WU intercepted by Boay, He fired a 30-foot wrilt shot put Van- couver goalie _Rle81ard Brodeer for the_!bi.rd ovmime ~ orhia career indhla 13th goal of thi• year a playoffs. The second game of the NHL finals will be played in New York Tuesday night. Dllone hNd• lndlan oharo• MltHI DUtlt drove In thrH II NN with a~ of doublm and.,...,.. twD U tM ClneJa.nd lndianl GOW· Md the 0.ldand A'•, 8-& Saturday. lA9 larktr, •·l. p&tiched llx ~and tot the ~ wtth help from Du lpW.trl who eunld hit \hlrd .. ~with three lru\lncl o one-nm re- Utf . . . ICl.lewbere in the American Leuue. WWlt U w amu.hed two hit. and drove ln a run and Maril Btmback Mr· ned hl1 fJret victory of th• ••Hon with relief help •• Toronto lhaded KanlM Qty, 2·1 ... O•r•u T••mH UMd a t.tve.-nan homer and an RBI 1tn1l• and M._e CaWweU hurled a five-hitter, leed.lni Milwaukee to a 12.1 rout ot .Mlnneaota ... Chlca10'1 Marc BUI, Tom DLO. Pad•n• and a .. , Law e.ch homered and the White Sox ICOftld four Nnl in the lut two inn1nCI to taM a 7-4 verdk:t from Detroit . . . C81.ck RaJae1 and Mark Clear combi.ned on a llx·hinet and Jerry Rem1 tccnd the wir\n1na run alter reachlnc bue on an error ln the llxth-lnnina u Bolton edpd Tex.11, 2-1. It waa the l~th vtct~ry ln the Jut 18 aames for Boston ... Jerry M•mp,reJ 1larnmed a two- run triple and Job Mayberry bit hill tint homer In a New York uniform 11 the Yankees beat Seattle, 9-4 to put an end to a four·pme 10llng streak. Thompson comes through for Pirates JHoD Tllomp1oa had an RBI • aingle in the top of the ninth to help tie the eame, then drove in another in the top of the 15th inning a1 the Pittsburgh Pirates came from behind to dump the Cincinnati Reds, 4-2 Saturday night at R1· verfront Stadium. Fonner Red pitcher Mmy Sarmleato, 1-0, hurled two ahutout inningl to earn the victory ln a game ln whJch the Pirate.I uaed 23 playera and the Reda 18 . . . Bamp WW• ecored one run and drove ln another and pitcher Dickie Nolet knocked in a run to lead the Chicago Cube over Houston. 3-2 . . . Cltllt Davia and Jack Clark each drove in two runa aa San Franclax> rallied to IOOre six runa in the top of the eigh01 inning and beat THOMHOM the New York Meta, 8 -3 . . . Mike Schmidt hit a home run, two singles and drove in three rurus, a.a well u stealing a baae, as Philadelphia .won lta sixth CONeCUtive game, 5-1 over skidding San Diego ... Louie Smltla walked to lead off the bottom of the ninth Inning, stole his second bue of the game and IOOred on a bwlt single and an error on the play to give St. Louis an 8-7 victory over Atlanta. Smith's run pinned the defeat on Auanta reUet ·ace Ria Camp, 3-'2, ilie-Bravea fourtll p{tdier. SL Lou.ls bullpen ace Brace Satter, 1-0, was the winner despite yielding an Atlanta run ln the eighth. Orange Coast to meet Mt. SAC Thursday Dlbba 1top1 McEnroe to rNoh flnal1 Dtftndtn1 champion B••t• m .,... upaet top ••dtd Jtb MeS. '"• 1.e, e-a •t:-J to Jo&n Cw.boo aJovakla'• lvu t,n the flnall of the wet Toumement ot °'9rnpkml at the W• Side TennLt Club ln New York. Lend1 rwhtd the flnaJa in h.1.11 18th oonMCUtlvt ~t by tllmlnatln1 , ... 1At1 Clere of ~tl~, e-t , 7-&. Dlbbl outlanld a llntPY McDne, 11-11 ln the tJnt•t U.~ M'dnroe, who ..,...tned hill ankle dwinl pncUct ln ~ two manuw •• twtl\td tt aoln in the llahth pmt ol the ~ -00* Gl)lo&ted tJ:w lnJW'Y, hltUAI behlnd" the left-hancfer at every opportunity. McEnroe, who lOlt ln the flnala cwo )"eln IF to Vltu Oenlalda and w• upeet 1111& ~ in the ltCDnd round by CU1M &limaJI', commltt.td 42 untoroed erron ln hJt m to Dlbbt. ' Shearer 1treaklng right along Auetrallan Beb 8'Hrer, contl· !I nutna a ecorc:hlnt eub-par •hootina tU'lnc, rtddled the Wooclllndl Coun· try Club l!aat courae wl th a 7-unde.r·j)U' 84 Saturday and at.reeked to. flw- ahot ieed with a 200 after the third round of the Houston Open. FA 8Me4 started the day with a two«roke leld, but ShMrer blrd1ed four of the tint lllx hola, tak1na the lead on No. & wlth a blrdJe alter Sneed bQfleyed the ume hole. Sneed finllhed with an even-par 71 Oft the round ... Defendlna champion Ju Jtepei .. 1oa birdied three of the first flve holH In firln1 a 6-under-par 87 to take a two-ltroke lMd after two rounda of the 64--hole LPGA tournament in Suffolk, Va. Beta. Dutel remained ln conten- tion with her ~ ltraight 89 foc a 138, three abota behind Stephemon ... Severiuo Bal· ln&ent of Spain ahot a par 72 and took a two- atroke advanta1e with a 213 after the third round of the French Open . . . Jeaay Lee Smi .. carded a 1-under-per 73 for a 72-bole total of 30~ and a four-atioke victory In the Ford Claulc women'• tournament in Woburn, En· gland. 'Boom Boom' pummels Frias Ray "Boom Boom" .... Maaclal knocked World Boxing A.uoclatlon lightweight cbamp&on A.rtuo mu to the canvu and the pounded him un- mercifully on the ropes Saturday before referee Rtclaard Grea atopped the ftaht at 2:M of t)le tint round. Friu. who cap~ the title wlth an eight-round knockout of ClHde Noel lut De- . cember, waa making hia second title deferue . . . Never Tabled took the lead ahonly after the start and led the rt!9t of the way in wlnnini the Triple Bend HandJcap by two lengtha over heavily-favored SlluekJte before a crowd of 32,432 at Hollywood Park . . . Gina ~ goalie for the Colorado Rockies of the National Rockey ~ named recipient of the Bill ~~feiikloal =:·~.:.~~ to the NHL player "who best exemplifies the qualltltes of penerverance, sporumamhip and dedication to hockey." . Pirates drop 79-71 verdict . Santa Monica wins title NORWALK -Oran1e Cout Colle1e'1 wo- men'• buketbell learn came up a little ahort Sat- urday nJ1ht u Santa Monica Collea•'• Rochelle OUwr Jed \Mway for a 79-71 triums)h, at\ltnc ~ C«91n the South.em California champk:ahlp. 11\e 0-9 Oliver llCOl'ed 33 polnt., lncludiNi ave •traieht ln the 20-26 foot ranae ln the MCOnef haU, and ·Pulled down 11 rebound.I to lead the way tor her alde. 'nMI Ptratet, who conclude the aeuon wlth a ~-& record, were wlthln •trlk.l.nsc diatance at half- time, ttailina by a 38-3~ marp,,but Santa Monka kept the~ on to pull out the victocy. "I DON'T JtNOW their ~ and IOOtt but I'd have to 11y we were aa competitive apintt Bani.a Monka • anyone wa. th1a year. "We'll have eight frahman coming tMM:k and wlth a •tron& recruiting year, maybe we'll go for the' gold next year." Orange C.out wu third ln the finals a year ago, t.h1a time (t'a No. 2. The Pirates put forth another balanced eUort with five players IOOring ln double figures. Kril Ktoyer, a returning all-it.ate 1tar, led the way with 17 point.. Coleen Berry oontributl!d 14, Caryn Mark and Tami Parker had 11 each and Cyndi Carroll added 10, while Delores ~ffinger .:ored lix poiJlta. "I expected that if we played to our potential we'd bf: a contender, and we were," aa.id Oleuon. Gleuon knew he had the potential, but the additional help he got from Carroll, a part-ti.me atal1er u a freshman, made a big difference. CARROLL PARKER and Berry were named to the all-toumamenl temn. Effinger led the way on the boards for OCC, with 11, while Park.er (8) and K.royer (6) were ad- ding their touch. "Oliver wu the difference,'' said Gleason. "It's the aecond time she has been voted the MVP in th.is iounwnent." The officiating also cost the Pirates, as evi- denced by a pair of technical fouls levied on Glea- aon. With two Orange Coast women battling for poueaslon with a Santa Monica opponent, it ap- peared a foul waa committed by the Corsairs, but lnatead the verdict went again.at Coast, causing Gleuon to react. His reward: two U!Chnicala. Howard fourth in 10,000 -..• BAKEBSEIE.I.D-Oranse Coast Cdllegu_ Brian Howarff firuahed fourth ln the 10,000 meters Satutday at Bakersfield College in the Southern· Callfom!a community college track and field finala. Howard clocked a 30:34.5 ln the event. Mt. San Antonio College defeated Fullerton in a makeup South Coast Conference baaeball game Saturday, 7-4, earning the right to visit regular season champion Orange Coast Col- lege Thursday ln the flrst round of the Shaughnessy playoffs. BASEBALL Rancho Mesa Verde Athletic Club Oranse Coast, 15-3 during confe- rence play, will host the 8-10 Mount- ies at 2:30 p.m. The Shaughne11y playoffs will eventually detennlne a representative from the South Coast Conference to compete in the atate playotft. Alao involved in the Shaughnessy playoffs are the conference's No. 2 and 3 teams -Cerritol and visiting Santa Ana. Meanwhile, Golden West College and Saddleback College were in ac- tion Saturday in Southern California Conference and MU.ton Conference hostilliies. Here'• how it went; LA Harb« 4, Golden Weet 3 The Rustlers broke on top in the first inning wlth a marker and broke a 1-1 tie wlth two more in the third frame, but LA Harbor took a 4-3 lead in the bottom of the fifth inning and were never aerioualy threatened after that. Chuck Spiegel's theft of aecond ' base Md the Rustlers aet up to ICOre the tying run, but they couldn't take advantqe of it. Spiegel hJt a run-«X>ring single ln lhe flnt~nnin IVld ChrU Schulz'• 1 RBI 11ngJe ted Golden we.i·• two-run inning. Schulz went 1-for-5 to"keep his hitting st reak alive at 23 straight games. Soou Connors was the big item for LA Harbor , striking out eight in scanering 10 Golden West hits. The loss drops Golden West to 20-4 in conference play, 25·6 overall. Seddlebeck I, San Dt.go CC 5 Saddleback Improved Its confer- ence record to 18-6 (23-12 overall) behind a nine-hit attack led by Dale Hahn's two-run homer in the seventh inning. The Gauchos put together a flve- run outburst in the sixth inning to anap a 9COl'eless tie. Tom Link got it started with a one-out single Hahn walked and Gary F.aaly hit a two-run double. Russ Lee followed wlth a free paaa, Bob Perry singled to 11COre a run and Brady Hicks was safe on an error , which llCOred another run. Hisle disabled · MILWAUKEE (AP) -The Mil- waukee Brewers on Saturday placed designated bitter Larry Hille on the 15-day disabled lilt after he strained hia right shoulder during batting I pracdce Friday. Hille, who turned 35 Wedneaday, waa hitting .129 t.h1a leUOn. He had two home runs and five RBI. UCI 111ust settle for split SAN DIEGO -The UC Irvine bueba1l teem did come away with a win in Saturday'• double-header at the UnlYenity of San Dleao. but they were a frultrated group becau.e of what might have been. Alter coutina to an 8-4 victory in the opener of the twin bW, the Ant. eaten t.ook a 7-3 advantqe into the bottom of the 1lxtb of the Mven- lnnlnC nlpt.cap, only to have the . ~ r.lly f« \hr. In the Uth and two In the eewnth to pull out an 8· 7 decWoD UCI rapped out 28 hlta on the al- ternoon, 18 oom•nc from three IOW'· Cff. Junior ~nter fielder Darren Kelc:bner went 7-for-8 wtth two ctou.. blim, a and flve nm1 betted ln. Shortstop Mike Inglehart had six bit. In eeven at-beta with four RBI, while freabman outfielder Paul Hammond contributed five hJta. The UCI defenee hurt the cau.e in the tlxth innlJll of the aecond game, committing a pair of cruda1 erron to help San Diego t.ally a couple of extra rum. DmnAe Cowan pcked ~p the Yk:tc>- ry in the tint pme, WOl'k1JlC into the .wnth lnninc before relleYer Larry Hk:b came on to am a MW. The Anteaters meet Lona Beach State Tue.day, then dote out their 1eaton with a tbree-aame 1erle1 a1atn1t UC Santa Barbara next weekend. FORECLOSURE (714) 542-5811 LENDERS: when you already have a problem don't compound It. Come to where the banks, MVlngt and loans and mortgage brokers have bMrl coming for over 30 yeara. ~1t111t1nel l1ai•1nee 11Me 11i1 ITAN·IHAW CORPORATION I ....... IMt.Mlet • lndMdulll oompvter1zed hllndlcap (SOGA) ·~­• montNy IOU~ • ~ ol group purchM!ng ' OOfl tout'l lllld travel PKkaQe9 • ~IO For• meQC.'"9 tnformatlon without obligatlon: ~-·1013 STARTING A NEW BUSINESS? Accorclng to C•l"oml• Buatneu •nd Profeuk>ft• Code (S.C. 17900 to 17830) •II per•ona doln9 bu•ln•H under • tldlllo4'a name muat ftle • •tetement With the County Clefk end h•v• It publl•h•cl four tlm•• In • new•p .... aemng the ere• In wtllch th• butlftff• I• located. The ....,...... le required by 18w •nd la ~ ... ry In Pf~ your ·bu8'n ... name. MoM ..... ,....... proof of flffn9 to open oommerctal acoounes. The DAILY P9LOT ptO'MH lO'h flllng 1nd pubHcatton ~•· We h•v• 111 th• neoeHary fOfm• and m1lnta1n a delf MfYloe to tM Oninee County CoufthOUH. IJlhef...., br one of our convenient offtoe• or ..,_.. the LEGAL DEPARTlllNT MM»1. lat. 332 for mare lnfonMtlon end tonM. ~ --142-4321 . • 1600 Adams Ave., Co.sta M esa BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Full Weight Training Facility Nautilus -Free Weights -Machines 6 ........................... oltly 59 .00 I y..,. • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • only 9 5 • 00 Haven't you waited long enough to own a Mercedes·Benz? Don't let this opponunity pass you by ... act now! Thia weekiend only, May 1·9, Jim Slemons Imports invica you to cxperitnce au che incentives that •re Me«edn-8ena. Over 100 Auromobilta now awa.it your taUtiny. A fanwc" selecdon of models and CX>lon ·~ a¥tilablit. This Fridlr. S.rurd•r aod Sunday you will find mdy exciep<ional financin&, leasing aod rhe hi,t)nt tnde·ln va(UirS. 1k time tw never been better. So mmc 14/A with t.ll, tM dcalenhip thar hu IOld over 9000 new Mercedes-Bena aut<>tnObiles durlnJ our,21 ynrs in bualnest.. Let us ahow you why the time for your ne• Jim Slemont Merccdea-Benz it NOii'! JimSle .... · 0 •• f'rom Page 11 • RAMS OPEN FOOTBALL MINI CAMP. • • whh burnln1 1pted. 0.fenalve coordinator Bud Carlon, who hM llMt bMn fiNd by \M &mt Md hind by BalUmon, W8I hootn. to hold Oft to the 1peed ct.snon bu\ ClOUldn't. Kt .V.ntually C\lt Y&N:'/ about the n'Udd.ht ot Auau.tt. "l wen\ to Kanau City and 1tayed around there tor a while," aald YAN:y M he watched Sat· u.rd&y'1 workout ln IU'Wl clothel. "They wer. dotl\I pretty lood the euly part ot the ~ ao there wu no room tor me. They Mid l'd be the lint one they'd call lhouch tf they nMKMd anybody." No\ w.:nUn& to wait, however, Yancy ~ the northern bordor md eventually hooked up with Ca.Isaey ot th CFL for the lut five aamee ot the te&tOn. Ht wu IO lmp.retllve ~ary offered him a two-year contract coUJng for $4&.~ thla teuon and •~o.ooo tn 1oss. "I'd much rather ~ here becau.e th1t ii my home," laid Yancy, "but rtaht now I'm pretty con- tent. I don't need a wht>le fot to .. u.fy me." Yancy, ho ran a ecaldlna 4.4 (40 yards) and wu the fuleU..pJayer at training camp last ye&r1 says he improved that to a 4.38 during hill tryout with CaJ.aary. "The .iame ia different, but lt'1 buically 1tW football." he said. "Actually it'a a little more exci- ting becawie they l!ke to throw 1t all the time." Yancy played dcfenslVe back last season, but the CFL club has told him they plan to utilize Yancy aa a wide re<:elver and a quarterback in C9rtain aituaUons thi.s year. • • • Most of the Ra.ms' rookies and all of the free Barons in second after 6-1 • victory Fountain Valley High's Barons knocked off Sunset League champion Edison, 6-1, Saturday night in the regular seuon finale to grab the No. 2 spot from the league In the upcoming CIF 4-A bueball playoffs. The Barons won their ninth straight to finish 10-5, two games off Edison's pace. Edison concludes the regular aeaaon with a 22-5 overall record. An RBI double by Steve Jongewaard and an RBI single by Dean Roberts put the Barons up, 2-0, in the first inning at Mile Square Park, then the Barons answered with a two-run single by John Elliott in the fourth after Ediaon's Mike DeBenon stroked his third homer of the year in the top of the fourth. T im Martino had a run-scoring double and Jongewaard added an RBI mngle in the sixth to salt it a way. ~ 10,. w .. tmlnater.1---- -- The Vikings finished a game away from a third place finish and a berth in the ClF 4-A playoffs after shelling the defending CIF champions behind pitcher John Berry. Berry scattered eight hits to record the com- plete game victory, highlighted by a seven-run 11eOOnd inning when the visiting Vlkea put together six sing)es. Kevin Elster had a pair o f hits for Marina, leaving him one shy of the school record of 30 for the season. Westminster concludea the Sunset Lea~ campatgn at 2-13. Marina wraps it up at 8-7. -..nta.,.. be•kelly tioed to a conuw, wb.Ach calla for a under•k'alt tS!.000 wlth an eJdtd tl0,000 claUle once the )>layer make. the l(!J.Ad. • • • • Seat 11.or)' to came out of r.rnp ao fv OCCWTed Friday when l&alavul and !" au.Umer were wa.UUna throu&h the courtyard a\ lta.rna Park. Malav11l, upon ... tna a hulklna lndJvldual NncU.na neu the buahet, turned to J'aulker and ulted what polltfon he played. Faulkner, wtth 1 wfd• srln on ~ta face, replied: ''Ray, that man la our gatdner." Griffith races at VCI to • win UCLA'a Florence Orttflth ran the 1econd- fuie.t outdoor 200-meter duh ln the world thla year, clock.Ina 22.70 leCOnda '°highlight Saturday'• annual Soutnern California Invftadonal womcm'1 track and field meet at UC Irvine. Griffith, a 1980 Unlted States Olympic team member, euily defeated teammate Jeanette Bolden, another 1980 Olympian, who waa timed ln 23.49. Alice Brown of Wilt'• Athletic Club was third ln 24.01. A quk:k 200-meter final waa antldpat.ed after Griffith broke the meet record of 23.46 11et by Yo- landa Rich in 1979 with a 23.16 clocking ln the first heat of \he tria.la. The 200 w11 one of two individual victorlee for Griffith, who won the lnvltationAl 100 in 11.28 second•, breaking the meet record. Griffith ,alao anchored UCLA'• 1prlnt medley relay team, which won ln a meet-record time of 1:40.8. . UC Irvine'• Debbie Bottomley withstood a charge from Sheila Ralston of WUt's AC to win the 800 met.en in 2:07 .2. An upset was recorded in the 100-meter hur- dles as Pam Page of the L.A. Naturlte Track Club nipped Gayle Watkins of Coast Athlet.icl at the tape in 13.62 .econds. Watkins wu timed in 13.68. Romona Pagel of Long Beach State set a new meet record in the shot put with a 53-4 effort. and a1ao won the dl.ecus with a heave of 156-5. Also winning Individual eventa were Faye Paige of Long Beach State 1n the 400 met.en wtth a time of 54.68 seconds; Mary Mason of UC Santa Barbara in the 5,000 meters with a clocking of 17:21.5, and Tonya Alston of Wilt's AC, who won the high jump by clearing 5-9. Leonard hospitalized -BALTIMORE~) -Sugar Ray Leonard. the undisputed we lterweight boxing champion, was admitted to Johns Hopklnl Hospital Saturday night with an undiaclosed ailment, h06pital oCficlala said. The hospitalization appeared to place in jeop- ardy Leonard's acheduled bout with Roger Stafford next Friday in Buffalo, N.Y. · Hospital spokesman Richard Peck said Leonard was admitted at 7 p.m., EST and waa In •table condition. "Stable is such a noninformation thing, but It's the best I can do," Mid Peck. "It doeln't mean cri- tical.. it doesn't mean good. He's jult 1table." Oriental Rug Sale MAY 7 -MAY 16, 1982 (By The Sq. F oot) A REFRESHING APPROACH to merchandising oriental rugs. We dealers buy new rugs by the square foot according to their grades: e.g., Chinese Super o/s" 90 Line which comes in more than 20 qualities. Therefore, at SHAH 'N SHAH we sell them by the square foot with the quality listed on the ticket and your purchase lnvoice. ADVANTAGES of SQUARE FOOT PRICING BY THE QUALITY AND GRADE 1. Facilitates easier comparison shopping. 2. Standardization: Knowing wha t you are buying and acquiring your money's worth. In the past consumers were in the dark in buying oriental rugs. 3. You can compute the cost by the grade and quality and p./sq.ft. price. 4. You end up with a better rug for less money. In cases of misrepresentation you have legal recourse. P AKISTANI BUKHARA 9/16th Double @ $12.50 p./sq.ft. 9'xl2'= 11,320.00 CHINESE SUPER %" 90 Line Closed Back @ $17.50 p./sq.ft. 9'xl2'=$1,890.00 INDO-HERIZ 9/60 Quality @ $15.00 p./sq. ft. 9'xl2'=S 1,620.00 DHURRIES 60 count 5p1y machine spun woo) @ $4.00 p./sq.ft. 9'xl 2'=$432.00 SILK QUM JRAN 3'5"x4' 11 " $3,000.00 INDO-TABRIZ 7152 Quality @ $12.50 p./sq.ft. 9xl2 Sl,320.00 CALL FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF OUR VARIOUS QUALITIES & SQ. FT. PRICES WE TAKE OLD RUGS AS TRADE-INS OR BUY THEM FOR CASH COMPLETE SERVICE: All work done on our pn!mi9eS by THIRD GENERATION experta 1. APPRAISALS of new or old rup for inturance by their IJ'ade9 and quality: verbal or wriuen. 2. Cleaning, fringing, binding. pet lta1.n removal, bl.eedl.ng mnoval, reweaving, etc .. etc., etc. We Al9o Carry Wall To Wall Carpeting. Ceramic Tile and Hardwood Flooring At c.o.t + 1~. If You Cao Find Anything Y e Carry For i.e.. Ellewhere, Buy It. FREE EDUCATION1 Many deaJen are holdinc SK.-~ off..-. How pnulne 111'9 thale ..i.e? An you re.Uy acquirtna what you are peytna for? Shop them before Uwlr alel tor a el*Wo 1"'"1 and t.htn ahOp them dw1nc UleU' ... for co.11~. REGISTER FOR A FREE SEMJN.U ON ORIENTAL RUCS cryEN BY MOSES K . OOWUNIAN • CALI. FOR THE 'MME AND PUC!. COME TO lJ8 LA T ANO SA V& Shah 'n Shah Oriental Rugs 342:5 E. OOAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR (Brt-..n lbrifald. N~) 2030 S. MAIN ST. SANTAANA . Orange Oout DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Mey 9, 1812 81 .. · From Page 8 1 DODGERS. • • drop hll handa and lhorten hi.I 1trlCle ln an attempt to quioken h11 •winl· "c=r· tt'• worked. Baker hall hla battlnc averap from .~ to .300 and bU boo9tid hlJ homer tot.al to 1Jx and RBI total from 11 to 20. Baker hit a aolo horner tn the flnt lnn1nl and a thJ'ee .. run drive that h.l&hllabi.d a four-run third lnn.1ni "Saturday. Bill Ru.ell ad- ded a run~~ •lnlle with two out ln the third. The Loi Anaele1 rally wiped out a 3-1 Montreal lead whlch came on a two-out, three-run h omer by Gary Carter ln the bottom o( the flnt lnn.lng. Loi A.naele1 lncreued lta lead to 9-3 witfi four more runa ln the On TV tOday channel 11 at 10:30 fourth lnntng. Steve Sax opened the Inning with a elngle and Steve Garvey then lofted a ball over the left-field waU for hl1 second homer ln two days. Rick Monday walked, Pedro Guerrero singled and both run- nen moved up a bue on an error on the play by left fielder Terry Franoona. Monday and Guerrero both came home on a single by Steve Yeager. Montreal cut the lead to a run with five runa In the fifth Inning which were capped by a three- run homer by University High p roduct Tim Wallach. Andre Dawson and Al Oliver also deli- vered consecu tive run-acoring hits in the aa.me Inning. The Dodge n added an lneu- rance run ln the ninth when Sax slngled, went to second o n Garvey'• single and 1eored on Baker's third single of the game. Steve Howe, 2-1, picked up the win in relief. The loss went to Bill Gullick.Ion, 2-2, the Montreal starter who gave up eight hits and seven runs in his three in- nings of work. On a budget? Choo11 thla flHlblt, aolld vinyl for quic k redeco rating. !1ty-to-clean, no-wax 1urt1ce 1t.11 brf ght and t hlny. Reg. 79c 59c SALE to.n . SANTA ANA 2801 So. 8rtstal Sl ... ......... ) ·557-1324 From Page 81 ANGELS BEAT ORIOLES. 1Corln1 ttve, alx, aevtn ru.na 1 prne. ln thole ru.na \On.laht." • • "I don't think lt'1 too tar ln the fulure where we'll alwaya bt dotnl thia." Onch 1t.vted the Anaei. sixth with a ""'1e up the mTddle and 1topped at l8COnd when Jack.Ion aot another hit In almo1t the tditnUcal •pot. Baylor, who II ln ~ final year of hla coninct, la RarUnc to make '..f. contact like he dld back In the 1> c hamptonehlp H11on of '79, :· when h• w11 honored 11 \h e ~rtcan Leasue'• Meet Valua- ble Player. Baylor then camt up, and uoroove" .. he " called b h1I teammatea, aolfed • low lttke Flanaaan curveball over the left.field wall for three J'Wll and a 4-2 lead. The Angell busted \he game wide open two innlnge late r when Fred Lynn 1lngled home two rune, giving ever:y Angel 1tarten at leut one hit. 11We haven't been dol n¥ that for a few gamea no w ,' aald Grich. "We've been getting men on base and then leaving them there by hitting into a double play. It wu nice to see Don drive UCI, Pirate crews compete The crews ot UC Irvine and Orange Coast CoJJege will com- pete In the Weste rn Sprints Monday at the Long Beach Are- na . Other teams competing include UCLA, Stanford , Long Beach State, San Diego State and the University of San Diego. Procee- dingB are echeduled to begin at 7:30 a.m. UCI tlniahed third in the var- sity eights competition at the Newport Regatta held laat Sat- urday at North Lido Channel. In the junior varsity eigh ts, t he Ant.eaten were fourth. Orange Coast finished third in the junior vanit y eights at \he aame regatta, with the freshmen eights posting a second place fi - nish. "I'm not there yet," laid Bay- lor, who hu rallied h11 aver.,. to .287, "but I'tn •tartlnl to hit the ball aooct. "E"verythlnt I 1eem to hit tn '79," he added ln maklna a com· parl9on, "e>Wept for the month of June, I hit naht on the noae. I'm hitting the ball hard now, but I'm only getUng one hJt. "l know event~r. thCM balll are going to •tart faJ.lin8 ln." With the Angel.I' team ERA a •taaertng 5.38 over lta lut nine games, Mauch waa obvlou1ll happy. and relieved, by &nko1 perfonnance. "Renko hung it out just like he always does, .. eald Mauch. "He went through the lineup three times and only gave up two runs. That's pretty good work. After seven innings he had thrown around 100 pitches, eo I thought It waa a good tune to get him out of there." * ANOIEL HOTll One Golla, who Im· 1)(....-d At1(1411 Mlll\eget 0eM .._,.during a workout Friday. wlll 1eturn to hurl batting practice Monday before the Angeli open a lou1-game Ht with the New York Yankff•. The At1(1411a have rapor1eclly tOld GOIU they wlN make a o.c;lllon on him followtng Monday'• w()(kout Meuch hH r41POftedl\I mlde It known to management tllat lie would Hke to r eteln Goltl, Wtlo won ga1ne1 lor him In Min· l'lftOta 1n 11111 • rna PfOblem aurroundlng Goltz ateml from hie contrect Gottz'• ag«it, ~Ye Hetc0tlr1, would 1111• to wor11 out a Cleel wtlefeby Ille Oo<lgwe Ind GOitz would N tlle on Iha 1emaln1ng three )'NI'• ol Illa contrect. H••court would then Ilk• 10 go back to the Angele end work out 1 new deal. Angele' o-a1 Man911« hut. ...,..,, on the otllet hand, would llh to aign GolU to the minimum ulery or S32.SOO and have the C>od9«• pk* up Iha ,.,, ot the tab II Harcoun contlnuN to pur-Ill• '"" One or thinking. Bevaal lndf· c.1ed the At1(1411• may balk 11 tignlng Goltz. ·•11 tounda to me Ill•• they'1• t1y1ng to get mo1e money out of tht whole 1111ng. Wiiy 51\0ulO they get a ,_.,d ror beit>g relellMd?" Tiit Angela have a lrtp4e P<omotlon golt\Q tod•y u they're combining Monier'• O.Y wttfl C1mer1 Oay end Femlly Oay Mli:t,~":: Our f1 mou1 no-wax tll• 11 ldHI In kitchens, dens a nd fa mily rooma. Th• eaay-care 1urfact hH a long-laallng ahlne. S.lf- 1llck back for taay lnalallatlon. Reg. 99( 76( SALE so.n . HllUllNOION! llllCIC AHO MOINT COlltllT ~~ ..... Dfl.UXE VINYL G•t a nt w floor tomghtl It'• HIY lo do-lt-youreelfl Our lntrtgutng Wood·llke dHlgn or "8ndlome Tamar11 IN areat for many room1. No-wax con· venteltct. Reg. 89e-69( SALE 10 ·"· ........ ~SELF-STICK TILE Thi• rich, txclualvt d11lgn combtnH lar~ random plecff and flntly ground c hip• lo achie ve re markable c o tor clarlly. It• truly high gloH aurfac• nHdl no waxing. Reg. 1.49 SALE SANTA ANA ·COSTA .:SA 322 w. 17th 2221 Hllbor Street .. ,Int --) 547-7781 645-1126 I• :.. .. ·, .. ·,· \ .. '• . . .. ' . -. •! "'= ,., I r: .~ i•: .. ' . .. .. ,:" Ortnge Ooilt DAILY '9LOT ,.,,_, -I, 1MI Tournaments off er chance to bridge gap ~ai :F of golf speeials on tap Mi88ion Viejo to be site .. Want to "1ilblilh a tM\DJa date wlth your 1randchUdT Do you hav• 1 y.n to 1•t on th• Nmt court wlth youn1•r or older pla)WI and be on equal tooUna wtth t.hemt If the arwwer to either or both queetJon1 la y-. then take note of the u~ Toumament of the Ape and Generation Gap eventa to be 1t.apd at the South O>ut Plua Racqu&i Club court• in Colta Mesa. Two ln..,...UJ:tl tournamentl wtt.h 1lrn1· ted entry.,. ~Mdultd for Oran,. Cout .,... oou.-ln the next eUlht daya . Th• flrat 11 th• Cotta MeN e,lty•1tat1 toumament at C.O.ta M ... Golf and Coun- try Club Frtday over th• MHI Linda cou.ne. The Colta M111 Chamber of Com· mere• 111pon1orlns thi1 one with the l'aintltw State Holpatal Spedal Olymplcl benttlnlna from the pcoceedt. Tb• format la a chy va. at.ate affair, ln lndMdual and better bill competJtJon wtth only c:unent and t~r emp;eee of the 1t1te and dty of C.C.ta Meu e ble alor\I with lmmedlate membere of the famlllee. The WW Jordln Mernorlal Trophy wW 10 to the wlnnln1 team along with indi- vidual priJ.te for a number of catesort• for both men and women. The Tournament of A1• fea- tu.ree men'a, women'• and mixed doublet ln combined 9.1ea of 100, 110, 120 and 130 yeara. A 25-year-old could team with a • 7~-year-old or two 50-year-old.I could play together. The number of age comblnatlona la almo1t unllmlted. The day wtll befdn wi\hia puttJna cootelt at 9 In the mornTn1 with •tarting Ume1 from 10 to 2 and a dinner and award• banquet at the Orange County hirarounda 1n the evening. The other tournament ia the United Way of West Oranae County toumey •~red by Toyota at Fountain Valley Mile Square Golf Coone on Monday, May 17. In the Generation Gap affair, teams of 12-or-under juniol"I are I teamed with adulta 55•and-Older. The Tournament of the Ages will run from June 19-27 and the Generation Gap event from June I 20-27. Entry deadline for thia one is WednetKlay with entry blanks available by calling 898-0029. Tee-off Umee are from 9 to 12:30 with the $35 entry fee including golf, cart , NBA playoffs, .. · Dodgers. on TV Lakers blacked out ioday By HOWARD L. BANDY Ol'IMD.i17"9taUff Following are the top sports eventa on TV to- day. Ratinga are: vvvv excellent; vvv worth 1 watchin~ v v fair; v forget it. · -10 a .m., Cbannel ! vvvv r • r • NBA PLAYOFFS: Philadelphia at Boston. Alllloucen: Dick Stockton and BW Russell: The 76era and Celtb start their beet-of-eeven F.aetem Conference aeries. with the Celtics holding the homecourt advantage for the firlt two games. The winner in F.ut will play the aurvivor of the Lakera-San Antonio series. alllo aet to begin today. -.. 11 -10:30 a.m., ClwlAr n v v v v BASEBXLL: Dodgers at Montreal. A.mao1111cen: Vin Scully and Roes Porter. The Dodgel"I send Fernando Valenzuela to the mound 1n the hopes of a four-game sweep over the Expoa. Montreal will counter with Ray Burria, who owna an 0-5 mark, but has been a hard-luck loeer on a number of occasion.a this aeaaon and has an earned run average of 3.52. ~:. ~ 11:30 a.m., Channel 4 V V GOLF: HoUAton Open. AAaoaacera: Don Criqui, John Brodie, Bruce Devlin and Bob Goalby. Australian Bob Shearer, who shot a bluing 7-under-par 64 Saturday, owns a five-stroke lead entering the final round. OTHER TELEVISION Noon (7) -TENNIS -The final of the WCT Tournament of Champions, taped at Forest Hilla, N.Y. J..~ 1:30 p.m. (4) -WESTERN OUTDOO~MAN -Using caddis wontl8 to bait trout. 2 p.m. (4) -OUTDOOR LIFE -Comedian Phil Harris hunta pheasant in Southern Idaho. 2:30 p.rn. (7) -AMERICAN SPORTSMAN - Cheryl Ladd participates in a mountain-lion tagging "expedition in Rifle, Colo. Also: Richard Crenna joins boat Curt Gowdy for a fishing excursion to Iceland to aearch for Atlantic aalmon and Barbara Hershey travels to Florida•• Crystal River ln search of the manatee. 3:30 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - A repeat showing of the Iron Man world endurance triathlon from Hawaii. Also: The preliminaries of the world amateur boxing championships, taped in Munich. 4 p.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD -Paul Vizzio defend• his PK.A super lightweight title against Richard Jackaon in a acheduled 12-round bout. ta· ped at Atlanta. Alao: The top fuel competition at the NHRA world finals, taped at OClR in the fall. ltADIO Baseball -Dodgers at Montreal, 10:15 a.m .• KABC (790); .Baltimore at Angele, 1 p.m., KMPC (710). Basketball -San Antonio at Lakere, 12:30 p.m., KLAC (570). ~Volleyball squad ~ heads for Hawaii The Orange County Volleyball Club women'• team will compete in the U.S. Volleyball All80Cia-~ tion open national championships to be held 1n Hilo, & Haw ail beginn1.na Wectne.day. All of the playen on the team are from Orange County and the tournament Will mark their final competition aa a unit after neerly five years toge- ther. The team ia the sixth 1eeded entry from Southern California and la the only one with hi&h achool &frla on ita roster. 'The OCVBC aquad will play an exhibition match with ihe Unlveralty of Hawall Saturday prior to the tournament accord1na to C.oecb Albert GMpartan. Membera of the team Include: -K im Oden,, m.lddle blocker, an All..cIF aelecUon and 1981-82 IDOlt valuable player tfom Irvtne fflab. '-Mary Allilon, middle blockef, freehman at UC Santa "Barbara and ~duate of Newport Harbor Htib who w• All . -Laurie Adami, outllde bitter, frellunan ai Qrenel CoMt Cou.e and all-et.ate c:omm~_ty .col· Jelt ~,.. aJGac wlth All-CD' at~ Hlih· -Lynn Kemler, out.aide hitter, an All-CIF ~ .... frClm LM\ma Bwh mp. . -Katrta.i Mof.o, out.aid• hltt.r, an All·CIJ' ~ tram C.orona cW Mir Kllh· -Kdllm Brown, ..... from c.oc-ona de1 ... _.. -Lila WltdrlnaMu.. outllde hitter and All· es1 ·plaJlr from ....... Dll lf.ilh. ~ lluUlr ................ junlGI' a& c--dll llar lfllla. Qlrte' SwlrMulta ChooM from a wide llllCtJon of '"'*"' ~Sizes7 W .. Wl.llaU.7AI ..... ~ HOWARD L. HANDY and dlnner. The competition I.I llmit.ed to 120 p= with 1w1rd1 for the loPte•t drive, to the pin, low arc-. low net and handlcap-bllnd bo1le competition for both men and women. • • • THERE'S A NEW TREND on the POA tour to fonn a third bracket for the future. At the preeent t.lme, there'• the reauJ,ar tour for gollen of all agee and then t.6ere'1 the Senior tour for thoae 50-and-over. But what about thoee in the 40 to 50 age bracket? Lee Trevino recently told thl1 story about Art Wall. Wall had told Trevino that hit PGA card waa being reviewed and that he might not be ellglble to play on the tour any lonpr. "Now here la a man, one of the ploneera, a man who won the Maatel"I and waa lea- ding money winner and player of the year. and they're golng to take away hit card," Trevino said. In order to combat thia lltuaUon. a lat18 number of 1olf '1 oldtt tourlna prOI art ..auna • mMnl ot •xiendina their playtna Jlva They .,.. now 1ookJ.n1 at • tour for that _,. lfOUP· And Tntvino la confident tt will work. 11It can 80· 1 know lt can 10," he 11y1. "We've 'ot tht ftnanclnf. we've aot the plan, Wt Ye IQl the cf t.iel.' . What more la needed? • • • CHIP SHOTS -The Coata Meaa Golf and Country Club men'• INUP hu appro- ximately 10 openlnp. The fee ii $75, ma-kina thia one of the bargain memberehipa ln the area ... A total of 148 players participated In a recent member-1ueat tourney at eo.ta Mesa with Sid Tllomsoo and Mart Beard capturing low net honors. ln the low Jr09 field, winners went GonUe V0t1 and Ttm O'Man. Next bi& event at eo.ta Meu ii the Serendipity tourney on May 23 with lilllUP deadline next Sunday ... Ram center Rlcla Saal waa the winner 1n the Satchel Club tournament benefitting the Western Medical Center and held at Santa Ana Country Club. with a acore of 76. The deadline for entry into National PGA Junior championahips is June 11 for the SCPCA to 1tage a qualifying round. It will be held at Old Ranch CC in Seal Beach July 26 . DOOR BUSTER 2.57 of tourney Two of the nation'• top ap aroup women~. tennl• playera will be amon1 the l&e entrant. ln the Seventeen Mapdne tenn1I tour.nament of cham~lona Jtar• tins at Million Viejo 1 Marp· rite Recreation Cent.er Tu.day and concludt.na Saturday. Marianne Werdel of Bakers· field la the No. 1 ranked player 1n the 14-and-under qe group and Stephanie Rehe of Hiahland, la the No. 1 ranked player at 12-and-under. Other bJgbly ranked 1tar1 ln- cl ude Tatjana Schrob1dorff of San Francisco who won the 14~and-under title last year and ia currently ranked No. 2 in the 14-and-under age eroup. Competition 11 ln three age brackets: 14-and-under; 16-and-underi and 18-and-under with thtte girls from each state along with P.uerto Rico and the Diatrict of Columbia invited. Saturday's championship mat- ches begin at 10 a.m. Nee 'N Ee9y' Har Color 8 Qt.• K mwt Potting Sol 1s-oz.• int.•·· c..·a.th&eedl !$1 Box of 100 K m.t' con.et=-. The lhM1lOO r1 hlr color Wllf1 l.astwlg T oueh' ...... llC1ion OOidlb. ~~witlh~lra· grm..., ~·lg ola d v ... .. ~ c..· beltl ..... ....... eor-..t ......... lb mo9t ooftee INIMr'I. .... ~ Attt1genltor 16-cu.·tt ncutea free:.. ~ bol1le rlldi. nlldl door lcl o.t>e tray zr ::0 Cob' TV Electronc ~ Ind dYometic 1-button AIADrNtic oclcJr control ''OUR BEST" 4 PLY BLACKWALLS cu Reg. 35.97 -eoox12· 26.99E& e KM 7P1·4-pty ~Cord • 1 nUllllped "* rt. tor traction ....... ~eNDT .......... _... ~,,.• 1, I .-. I. ' , ,, I ' , ~ • .• , Ocior1ese. siette non-tun For hellfthy rooor plants ,,,,,_ 1.96 ~ 14-o%.. Regular Of ~Pledge· For waxed beeuly ir-.tlnlly •you cbt .,. .... 9.99 • • Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 9, 1982 • • m1ss1on It's touglt Rozelle vows fight Saddleback • tennis team a NFL pl•n• appeal of Raiden• decilion LOS ANOl:LIS (AP) -J'a. c:9d with one ot tM moel CNC1al l11u11 In hla 20·yHr tenure u Na\lonal Football Leaaue com· mlllloner, Pew RoaeU• hu pro. m1eed to flaht au the way to the U.S. Supreme CoW't If nece.ary after the lea1ue waa found In violation of antJt.n.llt lawa. wu echlduled Sept. 20 wl\h the IUne Jw'Y. The Collttum hu u- ktd t63 inlWon ciarnac-and the Raiden •1eo million. takes title Gathering baseball scores can be a bis he~dache The NFL alao plant to aeek Conarenlonal action to place It and other aporta 1easuea ln the cat.esory of bueball, where antl- tru.et lawa do not apply. "We ceMalnly Iott thla round," Rozelle said aft.er a U.S. Dlat.rict Court jury returned a unanimous verdict Friday aaylna the league was in violation of 'tfle Shennan Ant.itruat Act ln ref\Wng to per- mit the Oakland Raiders from moving to the vacant Los An· geles Collaeum. It took a jury of six women only 5 ~ hours of deliberation aft.er a 23-day trial to decide ln favor of the Los Angeles Collae· um and the Raiders. However, It wasn't known when and if the RaldeN would move. Another suit for compensation Jmeph L. Alioto, attorney for tho Raiden, tiled for an lnjunc· Uon to permit Immediate move- ment. Detenae attorney PaU'lck Lynch utd a 1tay would be uked It the Injunction w~ aranted. "We are dl .. ppolnted ln the jury'• verdlct and plan to uk for an expedited appeal at the flnt opportunity," Roulle aald at a newa conference after the decl- IJon. A amlllna Al Davie, the Rat-· ders' managing partner who was present when the decision was announced, said he didn't know when the team would move be- cause, "I don't know about all the legal ramifications." Rozelle, who wu not presenl when the verdict was d18c.loeed, said, "Specific details of the ap- peal will be determined after consultation with the other '1.7 NFL clubs and league attorneys. We feel we are partners and not competitors." BAKl:RSJ'IELD -Saddle· back Coll•a• 1wtpt to the Southtm Callfomla community coll• tenn.11 champU>Nhip Sat· urday, ltd by the wlMln~u­ blee comblnaUon of Mark b· ner and Tom Olmatead, The Gauchoa flnlahed a full .even polnta ahead of runneni-up Oran1e Coast College and. Groe- amont and are now putting their alghta on the at.ase championship, which will be'held at Sunny HlllJ Country Club ln Fullerton on Wedneeday. On Tuesday the Gauchoe meet GrollmOnt ln the Southern Cali- fornia dual team championships at Rancho Bernard with a 2 o'clock atart. Orange Cout'• Lance Fedder- ly. the No. 2 seed in singles, had No. 1 aeed Stephen Cluae of Riverside down by a 6-1 count in, the early going of the ti.nab, but eventually suocumbed, when the Riverside atar recorded 6-3, 6-4 lrlumpha. 2m69 A rttu.al performed thl'M dayt a week duriN th• 1prtn1 la the aathertna of community college bueball 1core1 and 1ubnquent formulation of ata.ndlnp. 1''1 an euy Wk when, u ln the Million Con· ference'1 caae. there are tour 1ame1 played on a liven day. Once thoee fOW' llCOret a:. pthered, It la euy to determine who la In fl.rat, leCOnd and '° on. However, in the Miaalon Conference'• cue, there la a problem. Seema thtt ooachee don't alwa)'I "'port the aco"' to the newapepen. Seema they play makeupe of rained out aamea and don't tell any- body. Seema there are auapended games that still require complet.lon but have been put on the back burner. Seema like a pain in the ... when It comes time to f(jrure out who or what la in where in the Mialon COnterence st.andino. There are several culprf ta behind the oocuional irregularities in the Mlaaion Conference atandlnp aeen three times a week ln the Dally Pilot. Ma.t iuiJty la Southwestern College, attractl· vely located near Mexico. Here'• a typlcal phone call to the Chula Vista campua for a little update on Southwestern'• rniafortunatee. Reporter: Men's physical education, please. Operator: One moment. Pt Secretary: Men'• P.E. • Reporter: Hi, I'm calling from the Daily Pilo1 newspaper. I'm trying to find out how Southwes· • 80 HNv,weight Paiper f'tatff Gr~ Piii* '** 1800liii•ded for 1M n ITICfOWllW 011W19 '*' O!Mt/P9pperl Adel tMI to 'f°" ........ c.llorl1ll .., ot.. -red P9ClOln 32 oz '. ................... 32 oz• NHtea' Iced T• Mix "Ttlk• the ....... Plunge!" Sligar rd i.mon ~ adcilli ~ () Qla. 'NlllWI Malted ,... a.a. In c.ton Candy Wlll1 cnl'd'I M9de Wiit! 00-lashioned melted mill tor lhllt deloo..tll taste 13 <UlCe • . ..... 2.40 Women'• Comfort8ble l.Mther·l.ook SldM Whle. black & bllgt ~ Wlll1 pad- ded ... Ind cllatllt llole Vnyl KMART CAil llRIA SPICIAl .... ...,_'W ... -.....--... ........... .._. .. ,. ............ . ·2.15 SwiaaStMk In tlngy N1U01 Wtlh wtlllJC)8d potatoes & ' 'ilflVV MUon8d vege1allle, rol & butter T omado Chld'a Skatff &'8de leftlher i.ciper Toe 11100 l.h- 1ex stying. Uttle *'-..... ''2 ·2.97 6.66 Stick-On--Oock F nd any smoo1t1 c:tMr1 au'f aoe. peel otf boolung and stick on as easy as lhel 3.96 "Gigglea" Standerd--1ze Sleep Pllow. Polyester Iii. polyesuw I conoo tick Save! .................. ~ ZllS'lllitm... .. 13.77 10.97 Cotduroy Bedreat Pillow Of deluxt, 7·wll/8 cotton ~· ~/oottonfil C.to ""• Dinner Wlne Electroftaah· 128 Camera Wilti bJlt-n tlecironlC ftah Ules 126 -.,, and two M batterlH ' Seve. Pfemum table WWlM n iVl ec:onomcN 3·'t&' StZe 27.88 Flea.._. w...,.trtrmw Ellc:trtc: """'*' Ind ~ Ttlma UC> dOM • IN MaY Wlff ~ rol harde. 9.97 .. ·1e1~ 29.87 1.17 Poof Doctor' 18" CUrved w .. 8Neh &.,.nor dllV'I ,.. dltil\ _, tl'le ll'I09t ~ bompooll ( ·-. . • \ ' ~ 14.66 SUNDAY-MONDAY MA Y 9-10~ 1982 ....-ci_,. ~ -• • f:- COMMUNITY COLLEOES CURT SEEDEN t.em did in buebell Tueeday aaalnlt Chaffey. Secretary: Oh, did they play rru.day? c.o.ch Bartow ian't here rt1ht now. He'a practJcir\I with the teem. ' Report.er: la there anyone el.te that would know how Southwe.tern did? Secretary: Oh no. Coach Bartow ia the only one. He doesn't come back. You can reach him to- morrow between 9: 1~ and 9:20. Reporter: Thanlu, anyway. Of coune, there la an alternative, and that i.s to call the team Southwest.em played. Hey, I didn't just fall off the turnip truck. Nine tlmet out of 10, that coach. too ia unavai· lable. One wonders lf the team got lmt on ita bus lrlp return from Chula Vista. Saddleback College baleball coach Jim Brtde- waer faithfully reports the 900res of hia games, and he faithfully corrects the Mission Conference at.an· dinp each time he calla. After several corrections and a mild threat from the editor, it was ume to place a call to Misalon Conference C.ornmJ.aaloner T. Mark Johnson. Reporter: Mr. Johnaon, I'm calling from the Daily Pilot newapaper. I'm trying to update my Mission Conference standings. Johnson: Well I'm not up to date on those. My repreeent.ative, St.eve Smith of San Bernardino, is suppoeed to call me Monday with those. Dead end. Next step, Steve Smith at San Bernardino Valley College. For a man who holds down the title of baseball coach and athletic director. Steve Smith makes very few appearances, apparently, on that campus. He's never been able to answer my phone calls. To make a long story short. Southwestern College is either 12-7 or 14"'6, depending on who you talk to. If you don't like those. compromise. Make 'em 13~6-l. • • • The state community college Cornmitt.ee on Athletics has approved a massive releaguing plan for all Southern California community college ath- letic programs. What la almost an all-Orange County confe- rence. will consist of Orange Coast, Golden West, Cypress, Santa Ana, Fullerton, Cerritos, Mt. San Antonio and CQmpton. ~. Sacfdlebaelt h"as ~:\ groul"Of S~-9iego area schools which has chosen the title, Pacific Coast Conference. It should be noted th.at the releaguing of con- ferences does not apply to football. Lakers, Spurs open at ForuUJ By CURT SEEDEN 0( the Delly Piiot 11.tt INGLEWOOD -When the Seattle SuperSo- nics handed the Lakers a 110-90 setback back on Jan. 3 at the Forum, the Somes accomplished two things. First, they turned the NBA's Pacific Division into a bona fide race, prevenung the Lakers from taking a comfortable six-game lead. Se<:ondly. they showed they had no intentions of rolling over come NBA p1'yolC time. It seemed like a Laker-Somes showdown for the Western Conference championship was imrm· nent. But along came the San Antonio Spurs with George Gervin and company, and suddenly the Sonics find themselves ou1Side looking in as the Lakers and San Antonio square of( this afternoon (12:30 in Game One of their best-of-seven confe- rence finals at the Forum. The Spurs had a surprisingly easy time with the Sonics, whipping them in just five games. Such a feat leaves Laker Coach Pat Riley with an un- settling feeling. ''They don't have the marquee names. but they have some great players.'' Riley lauds. "You don't beat Seattle four games to one with tuna salad." The Lakers didn't exactly pop champagne corks a fter every one of their outings with the Spurs during the regular season. either. San Antonio was victorious in three of the five games, including a I 00-94 victory at the Forum. In that one, the Lakers were their own worst enemy, shooting 36.4 percent from floor. They sealed their doom with a 14.8 shooting nightmare in the third quarter. Gervin and teammate Mark Olberding have spurred the Spurs throughout most of the season. although Ron Brewer pumped home 44 in San Antonio's 128-102 victory over the Lakers back on Nov. 10. M akin~ a sk:lrt is proS&bl)• the most important step toward saving. 1berc i1 a way to take the initial stcP and know you're on the ri&ht track toward a i:egular, scheduled SB\inga.Justioin the Payroll Savings Plan at work. A little is taken out of each paycheck toward the purchase of U.S. Savin&s Bonds. You don't have to wofT')' about makir,g a special effort to put aomethin& aside each ~day. I t11 aJI done for you. Automatically. 1hc buckl 1tart piling up, tho interest grows. and you rcaJizo youve fou nd one surefire way to save. ·. t. ~ • • ,,. '. MAJOR LIAGUI ITANOINGI AfMftNn L ... ue w.-.....otwWM w l ,.t. u " • "'° II 11 821 18 13 .saa a 14 12 au 214 14 18 417 414 10 20 m 1" 7 17 292 .... loeloll ............. Ollroll ~ T0ton10 lleltlmor• .... "°'" ... ._.or. ...... • 19 9 15 10 111 11 11 14 II IS 10 16 10 16 ..... , •• 1ccw .. ~ 7, 9eltlm0<• 2 T0ton10 2, !Un ... C111 1 ~ 7. Oe1rol1 4 Mllw8Ull .. 12 MIMUOll I Cle¥eland •• o.lllend s llot\on 2. Ten• t New Yc>tk 9, S..me 4 , .. , .• a-. 1711 eoo 2" ~ 214 440 8'A 423 7 400 7'A 400 7 ... B•lll"10" (0 M1rllnei 2·21 el A111ele (11.leOn 0-01 Chlc:AQo (0olM)l'I 1·3) II 0.lrOll (Puttnlc" 1·1) Ki nan Clly (Sp1111orl1 2 II al Toron10 (81efb 1-31 MlnnH olt (Rtdlern 2·21 II Mllw•ull•• (Me<:lu<• 2-1) llOl1on (HUrtl 1-0 Of TudOI 3 I) •I T .... (Tan-1·31 Clev•l•nd (8or1n1on 1· 1) 11 O•kl•nd (K-o/1 3·2) Ntw Vor" (John 1·41 el 5111111 (Nelt on l~).n Allanta S111 OieQO ... tk>Nll LHGue W .. llfl\ OMelOn W L Ill ti :a::r,~llCO 15 11 15 13 13 IS 12 IS ClncinnaU Ho<..ion 12 17 bewn ~ 19 10 12 12 13 16 n 14 II 14 U! 18 a.twdeJ'• ._.. ~ 10, MOntr••• San l'ranc:l9Cl0 8 Ntw York 3 ~ 3. Ho<nlon 2 !let. U 879 577 3 $36 4 46-C • 4'4 ••• 4 14 7''t ass -500 4'A 464 '"' •82 $'.\ 440 • 357 ••• ~ 6, San OieQO ' Plnebutgtl 4, ClnelHIMU 2 115 lnlllngt) SI. 1,coub 8, Atlant• l -T.a.f'e~ De49«• (Velenzu•I• 3-3) II MontrH f (Ill.me b-6) San Fran<:llCO (FowtkM 3-0 .. -York (Flleonl 2-0) S•n Oltgo (Lolltr 3·01 •I PMl•d•IPhl• (C#tlon ~I Pllltburgll (Roo1n1on 2·01 at C1nc1nn111 (SMvet 1-3) Atlenll (COW19y O· I/ 11 SI Louie (Forecll ~I Hou11on (Knepper 1·31 11 Ch1c1go (JenltlN 2-31 AMERICAN LEAGUE Anpte 7, Orlol99 2 BAL~ . , ..... llurnbry. cf 4 0 0 0 Oeuer,2b 4 I 2 0 Slngnn. dh 3 0 1 0 E. Muny, 103 0 1 1 Aoenic*, If 4 0 0 0 FOid, 11 4 I I 0 Nollln, c 2 0 0 1 Saltala. .. 3 0 0 0 Rlplitn. 3b 3 0 0 0 c~ . , ..... 0owrnng II 4 I 1 0 &en;q,u rf 0 0 0 0 LyM Cl 4 1 1 2 G"c:" 20 4 1 2 0 R JGl<tn rf 4 I 2 1 R C"'11. If I 0 0 0 8-ylc'f on 4 1 3 4 Ftrg.;en c 4 0 1 0 Boone. c 0 0 0 0 R.Jc:Ufl. lb 3 I I 0 0.0-3b2 1 I 0 F~ M 3 0 I 0 Tot... 30 2 S 2 lotlls 33 7 13 7 ._...,.,... 8eltlmor• 001 100 000 -2 CMilomlt 100 003 12• -7 l ·Lrnn OP-Baltimore 2. Ce llfornla 1 L09-8alllmo<• 4, C•lllornle 8 28-0 auer SB·l'ord. HA·8•ytor (6). SI -Lynn 8-R ~. l'OI. 8f.Ho19ft. ..,.._. IP H fl lfl n 10 f'1Mteg1n (L, 1~1 ~ 9 4 4 I 2 SlanheluM I 0 I I 3 0 l MMllMZ 2 4 2 2 I 3 c ..... ~ (W,3-1) 7 5 2 2 2 3 ~ 18.3) 2 0 0 0 0 I flerlllQttn pflChecl 10 4 0811111 In Int 8th. Slantlc>uM pltClllO to 2 Ollltrt In Ille 71h T-2·31. A~8,01t .... w,. 2, "°T• 1 ~ Clly 000 001 000-1 11 0 T0tonlo 100 010 00•-2 I O Froet. o..i-.t>erry (II lnCI Wllllan; 8om- bec:k. Jackaon 171 and w11111. W -Bom- bec:k, 1-4 L -Froel, 3-2 S -J-.on 13~ A -15,102 WNte loa 7, T...,. a Chlc:aoo 003 000 012-7 11 1 Oeltoil 000 004 000-4 7 2 LMnp, ~ 18). KOOtmltl (7) anCI Hiii, Petry, SoM (t i ano Pwn.n w -KOOtmltl, 1·1. l -Soea. 1-1 HR -CNcago. Hiii (1). '9doreli (21. R Law 11) OelrOll, T""*" 121 A -2',815 .,_.,. 12, Tw1N 1 ......._.. 000 000 100-I 5 1 ............. 004 003 S0.-12 12 0 Ftfton. Jtdleon (5). Corbell en Oe"'9 111 •nd Buter•; Catdwett 1110 Moote. w - Celdwll. 2-2. l -ftflon, Cl-4 HR -Mii-...... ThclmM 141. A -1a.oe1. .............. CMwllwl<I 040 002 020-8 8 1 0.lencl 011 000 300-5 T 2 B"""· Spmner (71 and Haney, Norrie. ~ (3). Beetd (3). T IJn<leNrooO (TJ Ind HMlll. W -e.rtltt, 4·1 L -Norr ... 2-3 S -Splllner 131 A -37 ,408 ..... lo•2."--" 1 Boelon ooo 001 000-2 e o T-000 100 000-1 8 I Aalney, c1 .. , (8) and All1n1on, Mattec:I< •nd Sundberg W-Raln•y. 3-0. l -M•llM*, 0-2. 8 -CIMI (4), A-18,t&O. y ............... ..., Yono 00) 010 104-8 13 0 S-llte 000 010 021 -4 • 0 ~ry. All'#ley (81. Goat11g1 (81 Ind Ce- •-: &..Ille, An<Jer_, ( 7), Sttnlon Ill Ind &.11.n. W-Ouldry, 4·1 L-8H111e, 0-3 S-OoeNge (4). HR-New YOlll, MeyWry PJ, 8Mnle. 8 trown I 11 A· :se. 718 NATtOMAL LEAQW Dedier• 10. fl(pOe • L.Oe ~ iillONTMAL • , llltl .. , .... .... lb s 3 2 0 ~. 20 5 2 3 0 ~. lb • 2 3 2 Cr0fl'l4W1. rf 5 0 0 0 W.,lf 1285 o.Mon.cf32 21 .....,, 11 2 2 0 0 0--, lb 4 I I I JoMrtl, pe. O o O O c.ner, c: 3 2 1 3 .,._,, pl> I 0 0 0 Walec;ll, 3b 4 I I 3 IAndrft. cf 0 0 0 0 Fr-. 114 0 2 0 au.rr.o. dS 1 2 0 "-Oon. p O O O O e.,, ~ 3 0 I 0 llotllir. " 3 0 0 0 .......,.,. p 0 0 O 0 J, .._,.,.. I 0 0 0 v..-. c • 0 1 2 ,_ ..... 0 0 0 0 ...,..., .. 301"'t Gulckt11,plOOO Mlll[ICNldl I 0 0 0 I Slnllll. P 0 0 0 0 A. """-. p 0 0 0 0 Ptllllpe, "" 1 0 0 0 °""'"" 1000 .i-,p 0000 f.ltM,pOOOO NonMn,pf\1000 "-'-Ml I 0 0 0 F,.,,,..,, p 0 0 0 0 J Wlllle.N 1 0 I 0 Totlll 41 10 ti 10 TOIM H I 11 I ._._, ....... t=:.:.·· 194 lOO 001 -10 IOO ON 000 -I ~-GI---.~·· 0'-1.ot MQe6el t. MoMrMI 1. LOl-lll:I~ 12, ~ .... a,~. H It« I (I). C:.W ..._~,:WCllltclfll)l.~2. "'-•N•llt,.90 ......_ °"' I I I I 1 A.... ~ . 0 0 0 1 1..--ri,t.t: t I 0 0 0 I fP '' t .... I. I 0 0 0 I --ar. ,......, .-f 1 00 10 ,,._ 2"11100 ........ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 =., .............. Ill ... -. """"· ............. -...... . ,_ ... ~ .... ......... P .... I llfl Ol4IQO 010 000 000-I 4 0 ""*lldefpl\la 101 000 21A-6 ' 0 Montelut oo. Clllll•r (I) •nd l(ennecly: fl11thven ancl °'" W-"ulhvt n, 1·3 l -Monlt"-, I~. Hft-llM DllOO. l(tnNdy (2) PhllecMlphl .. lolwnlcll (3) A-34.atO. ,.,.... ........ Pin. 000 000 002 000 OOl-4 t I Clnll. 110 000 000 000 000-1 11 , SOiomon, Romo (7), Tellulve (t), 90\ltl"f (12), 8armltnl0 (14) and NioOll6, PIM. ... '"'~· Prtoe (ti. Kern 191. Hume ( 111. SNMy (ISi. Edele n 116~ l ttvlno W -llMmllnlO. 1-0. L-, 1·11. A-11,tH. Aftgel BV«lll" 9ATT1NO Aa " H HA "81 ,.L 8enlQlm 32 3 10 0 3 31) Catew " 18 28 0 7 302 Lynn t3 12 27 0 7 2tO Gr!UI 78 11 23 1 12 216 Beytor 115 14 33 5 20 287 fto JllCi<M)l'I 14 0 4 0 2 Ht Downing 114 18 31 7 14 27' ,.,~ 18 2 6 0 0 t79 Boone Il l 4 24 0 10 26-C Oe Clncet 103 11 24 3 13 233 Re. Jtc:il.t<?" 84 13 21 3 II 239 Foll UI 5 18 0 7 IH Clwk 23 1 4 0 1 174 BwletOll 4~ 4 7 0 2 l&e l(tllellef 3 1 0 0 0 000 Moreno 3 3 0 0 0 000 PITCHIHO .,. .... 10 W-l .... H.-14 10 8 • 0-0 0.00 ZAhn .. 39 ' 18 4-1 ,.. Renl\O 23'"' 22 6 12 3-1 1.86 KJton 17\\ 19 a 11 0-0 280 ...... ~ 1~ 14 211 3-2 a1 s.ncNt 18 18 II 9 2..0 3 32 ForlCh $3 44 13 16 2-2 3.40 Moreno 33\0 35 17 14 2~ 3 74 Will 28 28 17 14 2-0 3.ee Bann_, "' 13 8 5 0-1 4 86 Tolala 287\'o 242 101 127 17-11 2 84 ~::m. UC .,_a, U. of ..,., ~ 4 UC Irvine 120 100 211-8 14 I U of San 01eoo 100 000 201-4 9 3 Cowen. HIClit (71 eno Bernatd, Ooowln. Cammall (7) ano Sct1cc•. Melberg•• II ) W -Co•an (8·51 L-Oodwln ( 13-4) 2B-"-111 (IJCI), e.m .. o (UCI). Ktkhnw 11JC11. Alberico (USO). 38-K~ (UCt) llCONDGA* u. ef 9M Oteee t. UC lr"1M 1 UC ltWle lMo 102 0-7 14 3 u ~ DilOO -oao 01J... 2-a 14 o Ruf~..-.eer-ll)..Hlcb (7) and Bat,,.,d, W1lllam1, Calmp• (2) •nd ltcl•cca W- C•lmp• L-Wanger ( 1· 11 28 -Kelcnner (UCI). H.,.,rnond IUCt), Ht trll !USO), N9GY- pal !USO~ 38-lnglthen (UCI). Aaero (U8l>). ICBA et.ndlng1 w Cal Stall F"""1on 20 P1P91tdlne 18 UC Stnla 8atb11e 13 U of Sen ()!ego 12 loyoll·Marymount 11 UCll'YtrW 10 long 8Mc::11 Stall 7 cs lot MQelea • --deY·--- L Ga • I 2 12 7''\ 13 8''\ 13 9 14 10 17 13 18 14 uc ll"llM 8-7, U of San ()!ego 4-41 CM Sle11~on8-3, P-Olnt 1·1 Loyo1a -Marymoun1 10-8, t.ong Be•eh Slale 4-7 UC Santa Bwbere ~ 10 CS LOI ~ 3-4 T__,-ea-.. UC IMnl at Long 8Mctl S111e CS Loa Al>geiM 11 Cel Stall Fuller\on ~dine 11 ~Merymount CommutWtJ~ u. .... •.~·-· Golden WWI 102 000 000-3 10 2 L.A tWt>ot 101 020 oo._. e a ~ DeR-. 131 ano ScfUI; eo.w.or. ano Cerri.,., Pa111t1on (SI W-Conn0t• l -o.Roee I SS •Hll I, ..... 0-.. CC I .... Oltgo cc 000 000 104-t 8 2 Stddleid 000 005 2h.-I II I Blea, Rolle 111 ano Bnn. Kinney. 8onll11 (7) a n d •~•• W -Kl nn1 y . l-lleo 28 -K•clllgan (SO). Euley (Sad ) HH-w-(SOI. Elle (80), Hann (Sad) 8TAHOtNOI South Coeet Contwence (FIMI) OtlnQI Cout Cerrttoa Senta Ant Ml. 8111 Anlonlo Fullerlon San Diego M.a Groaemon1 .....,,..e._... w 15 14 12 • 8 5 I t.t1 San Anlonlo 7, "-1on 4 Cerrttoe 11. Gr-1 ~·o..­,..,... ,,~, Mt San AnlorllO 9' Or1t1111 Cou1 Santa AN 91 Cer-rl1ot ....... Cofttef...oe ~~ L ca 3 4 1 II 3 10 7 10 7 13 10 17 14 W L Ge 18 • 15 • 3 12 12 • 8 16 8 NottMm DMlkMI Cllrw 1e • S1n llernwOltlo 12 12 • ~cc i Chtlfey 5 15 7Yo II 10Yo Wwder''•._... SeOOlebecll t . San OieQO CC s 8111 BemerdlnO e, Rlvtt"lllOe CC 5 C11rva 11. Chlllt-V 2 bl"-Mlem ti. Pal<>mw O Hlah Khool ,_._~..., .. ldteoft1 Edlton 000 100 0-I ' 3 FOUllleill V*f 200 202 x-t t 0 Oeetnon. Cloney (4) end ltnguwd: A,.,.., L.aMwc:hl (SI and Pt•ll: W-L.aM .. che. L-0.Senon 28-Jong-aaro (FV), M•rtlno IFV). HA-Oe6tnon (E). ...... 1G, ........... , Marina 073 000 0-10 I 1 0 W•crnlntter 000 000 1-1 8 0 Berty Ind AM•; Beu, Ban.y 121. Hanaon (41 e nd H1rrlm1n W-Berry L-8 111 28-L•n• (Ml. M-ery (W). Henaon (W}, Aolll (W) .. "'" AlaM.'tiM $'"::-" =-r :or;.-·--· llWI' leftY(lreoll.I) uo 140' 110 ll ~ l1¥9 (c.nlou) uo 4 '° , ... ''" (~) I IO AltO raoedl dliwet llC>f01, M\tlft ~. l ady lle ll. '•ll'w1.,. ~Uftl, ~owe 11 .. 1, JIClllM f~"10fl Tlnle 2014. II UAC1A (W) pelcl NO tO MCC*O MCI. HO y«dt. MMw l.)nle MMt\I (Hlrl) a 00 :t IO I IO "-t OOod t<ICIJOr ..... I l .IO 3 IO l'r9"ti.cl OOCW Oat~I • 80 AIH r1oed · H loenllo. bey Combln•· llon, M~ Me lrllle. l latlOe Ptffutllt, • an •. "::I.,dt. IMally Mf lo.lombe 0 IO 0 IO l.OQ l!My Anlllt Aiw1 (It 1) 7 .IO •.oo "'°• Mounlln (llld) 3 IO Alto rKecl t wooth. '•m0111 lllr, Oetl• 0 .. IOft, Time 47 14 POUfl'fH uc•. 3&0 ~ara1 "-1'"' ftolle lleclt~I • 40 4 00 • oo Jec1t>Y (Of"Nlllf 1 to 4 IO l(ay C.. Deb 1HIW1) 3 IO Alea 11ced. Jo•nie ,..b, "•mlno Owen. We11in9lon t11prM•, a-t1•. A llw lllg, l.O..• TllM II 01 • llACTA (7·3) peld 141 00 P1'TH llACI. 400 yw111 Mutll*CM ICardOU) 7 40 4 to a IO tt0t11 ,.,. (Hatl) 4 20 3 20 OollYI HOlll 1-..ir1t) I IO Afeo rahd FH I Wh .... Thi Armtn11n, ,,,__ Hloh. l•y lug , ..... 2011 llxnt fl.ACI. »0 ye<Oe Too lnlenll()n IC..dOU I • 40 • 40 :t tO --.01aDW1~ 14.00 1.eo Ntllw Emperor (ClllY'INI 7.40 Aleo rllOld c:Mtro • Roelle!, f"IMI MICll· 1y, Call &am. fleq11111 • Bid, ''"' fellow Frlen<I. 1 .. y llloc:tlec II•, S.lutday WwrtOt Time 11 10. It IXACTA ( 1·21peld*6100 UVINTH uca. 400 )'I'd .. L-~ 11eer (Tonltt) 11 40 a llO 3 IO Woton (..,di 4 40 3 20 R091f voono cor..,1 4.40 Aleo 111Ced· \/1lue Of Wladom, Of•nQOU· laog Oon, Acl Ou~ly. Me ChtrOltM, l'•I· -Go Oo. Golhlnl<rlCh Time: 20.42 • DACTA (t-1) pelO 138.20. llQHTH M CI . 400 y11d1 LHCllOQ Stw (Ltc:l<ey) 4 00 3 20 2.40 Nine Nine Fo11ro1 (CrHQ«J e.to a,20 Fly lnQ Aocilll (Harll 3.80 Alt o rec:ad· Gollkamoan, SH To Sea. Vandyl POiiey, hat Of Me. ,_,2018 la l.llACTA 14 I) paid $3• 20 h lllCK SIX (4·7·7·1·8·41 P•ld Sl,133 '#1111 35 Wlnntrt (II• ho•M•): 12 Plett SI• ~onaol1Uon p110 $24 10 wllll 533 wlnnttt (llv• nor-) eMTff flACI. 350 yatdt El Rey &urntr IC•M91fl 37 00 10 40 5 40 L11t1t Cuey Oec:I< (Hen I 4 40 3 to l'rtndt F0tc:e !CateloUI 8 10 Alto recl<l tam f n y v11pero. K1p1ye S ... I. 8atly Hc4d On 00 Prl\fall PfKtlee. Ftnlthtd lhlrd, d1tqual1tltd and plac:ed eoglltll l1m1 17 85 11 UACTA (4·31 peld S~ to T11NTH M CI. 400 yard.a Kiie C.,., (Fryday) 23 to 7 to UO HonOI Jl1 (Wtrdl 5 00 3 80 Klnot~~~Cr 4.IO Allio r..o I001 ~ Sia, CllatlOllM Bug. JunQlt 11. Time 2050 11 IXACTA (1·2) pe.IO 168.80 Allencltnoa 11,lte Holtrwood Pn SA TUflbA Y'I MSUL Tl (12'tl of ..... !Mf~hbfecl ._....) '"'" llACl. I ti 18 ml ... ProdiglOUt (OrltQll 11 80 7 .20 3 to Recitl Spon (Olu l 21 eo 14 20 PNl't Ph•nt.,y (V•letm>ll•I 4.80 Alto rlOICI Ch.i Time, Tripi-. in TrlpM- 1:911, Donald, The 8<g T • S'#O<O of Honour. NMUy, Or ~. Lat.,.,.. Timi I 42 4/~ NCONO M CI . 1 1118 milt Klng9 0ewn (OltYtrM) 33 00 13 80 II 40 SHMm Side (Mc:Cet1onl 11 20 t 40 Umo John (Hewleyl 10 IO Atao raced Shooting Bennie, Alemo St11ngtr. Gravllea. Gunler lunc:h, Mlel't Megle:, Ktl"a 8o'/, ""'-nber Jed<. l(lntty. ,,._ I « 4/!f •DALY~ (2~1 ll-60 $214.20. nMO flACIL 8 tunonga a-. w .. 1s1.....,1 1 eo 4 oo 3.40 ~ Cf'l9ll """ 1.., M•• wemor => 12 eo e.20 AltO rllOld Hula. Terree1o'• 51noer. Cl1y Born, C'-'-llin. a .... an1 .. Time 1 08 416 • IXACTA , ... , pllO sm so l'OUA'TM M CL ll'A l'UtlOnga Orlglnal Ctn IMc:Ctrron) 4 00 2 IO 2 80 Fat (Uphem) 3 00 3.00 Rllvtfln I Plttc:e) 6. 20 Foay Te mmlt, 011tcat1 Gree•. Tell'• T, .. ...,,.. Cn•rmot1n•. Otnc:in Chlcioc:tlle. Revtloll8 l ime 116 216 ,ll'TH M CI.. I I/ 18 mlle on Ntf Nor1Ny OIOW (McHatgue) 31 40 10 80 6.40 Tynovrf• (~arro<I) 4 llO 3.20 Ealtecl (Plncay) 2.80 Alto rtcld El19en1 BHuly. MIH Wiid Ctl. Or La11ra, Orey S1111n. 1no11nola. thrMt. ,_ Penormer limo 142 215 • UACTA (W ) pelO MN.00. 91l0lt MCIL 1 11 18 mMe SWlne fll 0.- (MOCenon) 4.IO 4.00 aAO 8M<1 Glider (Hewtey/ 14 40 t .40 The ~ (Pfnc:eT) 2AO Aleo rec:ed-Falat-Weflm• San. Ju. mint llrlMI, Cr.,,_ AM. oi-ntr. Colo- nltilam. Le""· Center"""'"' Reick-. Time 1.44 MVDfTH llAC«. 1 1116 mtle • w ... w. (McCerronl 4 20 2 eo 2.20 ~ M~ (Culel*lal 3 tO 3.00 Bold Adi (PierC.) 6.20 A.Ito reced· C9l1b0f10a Degen. C<ofled. s._w.,r1or Time I~ • UAC"TA (3-9) p<llO '4000 h PICIC elX (4·4· 10·8·4·3) plld .4 I 714 20 wllll 1111 .. wtnnera (ti• 11or ... ); '2 P\OI llOc conaolellon paid"" 80 wtlh 213 -•llM ~) llOH'fM MCL 1 l\wlonga NeYer T.oleel 1MCC11ron) 11 80 5.00 3 40 Shanefllta (HllWllV) 3 20 2 .80 Pompeii OOUt1 t~eketl 2.80 l\leo raced Atc:lt Sollly Leughlog Boy, ~.GlfttdO..-flme-1.21 ....,... MCL One mllt on lutl RIQlll o1 Light (McCat•on) 4.IO 3.00 2 .20 Ju1t11C011eui1t 11>ino.r) 6 eo 3. 40 8on of 1 Dodo (Vtllantutla) 2 80 Alto raced: Ser•ng, Toreom, El Pal\Cho Moll. lltftnl ProdlO'f. r,,.... ,.,.. .. UACTA (4·21plld 178.&0. An...Oancie ~2.432. --=:-=··· "'c-~.r, , .. "' 1cor1110. I. C••••lfMO v111ey. 11Ut : I . Dene Hiii. 1IO.lti ' ... ci.. """"" , .... l11•Me.el ....,.,.1 Vault -1 Durrett ...... ue: ... -' Dur'Nft .... .. ti: ... -, (JI.,. (c.e ...... ·~~ ... ·=---r::w-.. I. CMNll ~ ....._ ~ •'---.............. • • LPGA tournament ... Jr~=-P#IM.I lit ...... , -· 200 ~ rlU!y -1 II TO<O (lrGllM. OIHetOlf, W!Mom, lllOfe). I •t U . 2 1 .. I_.., I 4, °';I. ~ Hwbof 1 43 M, 4 Coron• d•I M.,, 1r44 U . • Irvine. I 4t 04 I UrWertllY, 1 ., 01 100 j,ff -I. 'oPP CIT), I 0 01, 2 lo11111ron 1111). ,~ .. a.at: :t l eytor (CdM). 1 47.11,4 Woolfolll(NH), 1,47,ff. 6 ~Cl~ 1 41 M: e. lOOl\M"l'OW (CdM). 1 SO 51 tOOIM -I. Moll•rd (C•lio. 1 .. 12, 2 0 111•,PI• (ITI. 2·01 ,1:' Yo~o•• !Cf), 11'04 1. 4 lltnt.y (NH), t.06.00, 5. 8110 IC.I). 1.07 17: 8 no .ixt11 (Cafllon. Untvtttl y, d4) 80 ,,.. -1. 11.idlllO (bl), U .30. 2 Mo<· tow (CdM), 22.33; 3. l'"!Wllltt \CM). t2 :ie. 4 Wlleon (If!. 22,47; $ NOW!tk (UI. 2US; O Otllle ~I . U . 11 100 I Hwrleon (NH). 63 20, 2 llal IOGll (N ). $!1 t:I. 3 Sol.tlllton (bl). 66 10. 4 WltdOm (IT), 66.64, S. WICltler (hi) H 87, a. no ttxlh (MOtrOll'. CdM. dQ) 100 Ir.. I YllOtnP90n (NH) 4' 02. ' IChw•rm (U), 41 1 1, 3 S1ruw1tlr ICM!, 49 U , 4 Nollintkl (l!T), 49 Gt. 5 Wilton ([Tl 0007, 8 Taylor (C<IM), 60 01 ~o "" -l Popp tl!l), 4 :se eo 2 lu9tljtoK (CM), 4:44.71; ), Mollara (CdM), • 44 711. 4 Catltlon (UI. • 4~ te, 6 Rich (I) 4 48 7 4, 8 WoolfOlll (NH). 4 62 ti' 100 baclt -1. Web•ltt 1£10. 51 44 2 Prlc:ttlll (CM), 68.03. 3. 8el1tc:lt (NH!. 67 11, 4 Blfg (l!.tl). 58 21. 5 !WtWll M St SI, 8 SIMWI (CM). 1 00 08 100 br ... I -I G"'"911 (ET), I 02 a2. 2 J •cobt ICdM), I 03.72. 3 Vokol• 1n1 I 0387, 4 Blgga (E8t). 1 03 ff, 5 &Mn (E.ll) I 04 48, 8 L.aw9on (NH), I 08 00 400 lrff ttlay -1 l!I Toto (NO•lntkl, voi.011 w•eon. PoPPI. 3 15 41 2 ~ HarllOt, 3 18 68, 3 Unlvtttlly, 3 1a 51 4 Coron• del Ma r. 3 22 3 1 S Eetancll 3'22 3e, t . Cotta MMe. :S.22 38 Final -1ng: 1. El TOfO, 214, 2 New90f1 HWbOf. 201; f !aflll'dl, 175. 4 Corona del Mar, 144, S. COiia MMA, 137. 8 Unl'Yenitly, tl, 7 IMne, &2; I. Saddltbtek. 34 WOMIN 200 medley r•y -I. !Mne 18\111 ... 8., rttl, Rlciletlt, Rlc:tlJ. 1:64,11; 2 Coront def Mat, 1 61 11; 3 El Toro, 1·&8 71; 4 hlat1· c:l1, 1.N 13, 5. Unl......,11. 2•01 47. 8 New· pot! Harl)()(, 2:09.55 llOO tr .. -1. RIC:l<etta <II, 1 54.32, 2 lonQ (NH), 1:54.60; 3. Olllflplt (El). 1.68 07. 4 l'td«'°" (I). 1.58.37; 5, Sc11ut12 llJI. 2 00 II. I MtddOCIC (bl), 2:03. 12.. 2001M -1. Morwood (I). 2· 13 13. 2 Gil· IH plt (£T), 2· 14 01. 3 Rt lnhold (CdMI, 2: 18 20, 4 Btrrell (I), 2· 18 29 5 Skt ll (CdM), 220.M. 8. A..,.,111 (bl). 2 20.78 50 lree -t &ltd (CdM). 2t. 04, 2 Ber,_ (fl), 26117, 3. Wolfe (SJ. 2t 17, 4 Carptnltr (EMI. 2t 44. S. Btown (U). 2681. a A.Joon (Ell 211.80 100 fly-I <lllleple (ET). 1 00 12. 2 Wii- iiam• fETI. 1 01 74, 3 Maddock IE111. (ti lllffollt, V .. ) Jtn S111)11ent0n Kal1!y WN1-1JI Beth Oenlel 81.e7-135 1 02 30, 4 Brown IUl, I 04 48 S Parker .....,._ 1)7 (El). I 04 IS. 8 Buldler ICdM). 1 06 08 ee..et-13' 100 free -I 8'<d (CdMl. S3 59. 2 Brano• 72-tt-141 11). ~ 82. 3 Bat,_ (Ell. SS 72, 4 Sc:n..111 71·71-142 U). 68 48, 5 Carpen1tr (Eal), S7 31 II Ctwlt Sally U111e ee--tr Klaat Pal 8rlelley 71-71-142 (El). 57 so Penny Pua 73.et-142 ~ tr.. I GltletPI (ET) S 0 1 91 2 Vlc:lll TabO< 70.73-143 Long (NH) S 03 02. 3 Rtdlet1a Ill 6 14 O• 4 J.,... COiee 71-74-146 P1aer1on (ti. 5.14.53. 5 Crteman fh11 72· 73-10 6 27 48 8 Rol:>b (CdM). 6 30 40 Lenort Mur-• Donna Ceponj 71·75-148 100 O•Clo -I Averlll (Eal) I 03 IS 2 Ch<" Joh,,_, AIMtn<lrl ...WWdt P,pblr1 Wallon 71-76-148 81111'1 Cl), 1.03.12. 3. Rt lnholO 1CdM) 71-71-14' I ot.65, 4 T"°"'91on Ill. I 07117 5 COlltn -74-7a-14a CEll. I ot 32. 6_Cwr.ilJ), 1 1291 78-71-147 100 brMtl -1 Orey (Etl). I 09 64, 7 -~SI~~~ ~Auatln -Tr.T3='fn--Gr1eme..-tEettr+. ,..~.....,._~tr 73-U 147 1 12 16; 4 KrOPP (U), 1'12 90, 6 Cttlllly Lori Hu•hOld Dianne o.ii.y 71-77-148 (Elll. 11345. 8. Jwt>oe (NHJ. 1 14 69 72·78-148 400 tree relay -I El Toro (Wlll1•ma c Jo CalllM>tl M.J. Smit/\ Su•l<I McAllleltr Matdlll W)llltml Ge~ Hlnta 73-75-148 Mink, 841net. Gllltaplt), 3·48 48, i IMne 7t-ee-141 3.61 6e. 3 Coron• di! Mai . 3 54 93, 4 Ea 78-73-149 lenc:J•. 3 55 23. 6 Newpor1 Hatbor 3 5fl 91 78-73-149 8 Unlverelty, 4 11.56 75-74 -148 Flnll tc:Orlng t El Toto, 228. 2 lrv1n1 Lori GllbllCZ Cindy Lu>c:Otn 74·75-149 22 '· 3 Coron• d .. Mar. 21e. 4 Ur11•eo11y. 74-76-149 19i, 6 Ealanaa. 162. 8 Saooi.oack, 114 7 Newoot1 Har00r. e2. a Cot1t M-. 19 Cou...EQR TRACK Women IO\ITltENt C~ONllA llM'TAT'IC*A.l UClrflMI (ell _.. ...... , IOO M -1 ~.Jodi IN•turlltl 11 92. 2 Sll11on Oabne~ (NIMlte). 12 05. 3 Shetyf Thompaon (~ 12 11: 4 Mwoo EOwateM (fteoland91. 12 1 5 Sendra F.,"* (Netwttal. 12 37, e l ine ~d INelurl\I). 12 4t, 7 Jain ftoblneon (CPP). 12 57 1-tlOeCI 2 4"'1 100 lnvttal onat -1 l'lorenc:e Grlllllll (UCLA). 11 28 (rnffl record), 2 L• Sll•w Nedd (UCLA), 11 s '· 3 L•ll•ll• Sherril ICSN), 11 83, Otnec:e Eddlnolon (IP). 1117 S \IWonial Belt ICPP). 12 21 200 ~ ~ -1 FIOfenot Orlflllll (UCLA). 2270 (mM I recotd). 2 J .. nellt Bolden (UCLAI. -t3 49, 3 AllOI llfown (WMlt AC). 1• 01. 4 Roulyn 8ry1nl (N11url1t). 24 11, 5 $n.ron Dabney INaturtte). 24 21, $ OttltCI EOd1nglon (IP), 24 1141 400 Cotlegl/Open -I. Sut FluOell (CPP), 1·04.h . 2. J. IMale (Witte i\C). l:OIS;to;S. Allt0n Affd 1csF>. l:oe.1a: 4. NlollOlu• (C"-1. 1:07.32; 6. ~ llMe\~1:10.tO. 406 ~ -1. '•.. (Clll.8}. soe; 2. i.--• HeocN ~ T auo: a. ClnOy ~ (UClA). H .91; 4. "°...,,,. Jecttaon (CPP). &e H : 6. ''°'-Grllftlll (SC).. 100 1nott1ellonal -1. O.Oble 8ottom!IV (UCI), 2 07 2 (HT), 2 Shella Aaltton Wlllt AC. 2 07 •• 3 Cerrle Z..letkl (COHI AC). 2· 10 ti. 4 Melleu Mtr1el tUCS•) 2 11.4, 6 Wwd {UCL.Ill. 2 12 0 (hand rimed) 1500 S..a.d -I MeliN Mat1al (UC88). 4·32 4; 1 I.aw• Kotertle (CILI ). 4•:12 7, 3 AOIM Anlontewlcz (NllUfltl ), 4 36 8. 4 K ~{UCLA), 4.37 7. 5 IC.Ifft Yoim. (UCI) 4 39 4, I 0.. 0.. o..g.,. (CSH). 4 41.2 3000 lh•nO llined) -1 C••ol GIHaon {SLO) t &t 5, 2 Olene l(ae (ucse), 1o:o2..9; 3 Trec:y Sd""9ICI ccse i. 10 04 7, 4 f,.... Romern (C891 10 OS 7. S K G•11bar (UCL.II). 10 12 4 &000 -1 Mary Mteon IUCS8). 17.21 5 ,,,_,,_Cl); 2 CMC14Kefler (CSN). 17 312, 3 C. Crowle)' (SLO). 17 38 8, 4. T eny Boron (UCLA). 18.04 5: 5 Katlly Kelly (SLO). te 1e 2. e Brenoa 111t1..-. (C81). 11. 19 1 100 nutOIM c~~ -1 Pam P• (Nat11rl1t), 13 90, 2 M1t11ne Humon (Ntt11t11e1. 14,41i. J. ''*-Lonon ?UCll . 16 11; 4 Karen HOblnton (UCLA). 15 20, 6 Sue Rupett (CPP). 16 65· II Mary 8ul'ke (Lt VtrM), 17 3l$ 100 1111ro11 flwll•tlon•I -I Pam P-oe (Nalurlll), 13 82: 2 G1yl1 W•ll1tnt jCA), 13.48, 3. Jlckle Joyner !UCLA), 14 II: 4 S•ndre For-• (Na111rl1•). 14 20: 5. M.,go EOWlfOt (Rt<llanda). 14.20. 8 Mltey "-lllCI (UCLA). 14.5t; 7 Annie Reglt (Nllurlle), 14 113 (wlnd·alde<I 3 17) 4 X 100 reley -I. LA N•lurlle, 411.44. (mM I record): 2. UC lrVIM , 41.41: 3. C•I 8t•I• Long &••ell, 41.61: 4. fledl•nde. 60.14; fl. Cel aw1e Fullel1on. 80.Hl_t. UC Serl l*ao, &U2: 7. Ooci10tnt81, &I.A . 4)( 400 -I. Cef 81•11 NOflMdoe, 3·aa.7. 2 Cel Poly P-, 3.M t : 3 Oocidental, 4.08.0, 4 Aedlendt. 4:30 4 tprlnl 111edley rel•Y -1. UCLA 1·40• ,_ f-dl. 2 "-'"'"'· 1412. 3 UC !NIM. 1 41 e (htnd•tlmldl HJ -I Tony• Alaton (Wiii I AC). $-a, 2 Jedlle _,.,., (UCt.A), e.t: 3 knit (UNI J. fl..:!i.~_ MOfllt (UC981. 5..], I M•rg uer (~I. 14; I . Cet11y Cr!MWI euoft) Clftll w -.. fMI (C&Uf'). ~ u -1 Jaekle Joyntr (UCL.Ill. 20-7: 2 V.onlela ... (Cf'lt). 20-o: 3 MlcNla l(.ellf (VCI). 19·1t.; • loy., (CA), 19·1~. '· Otnli.oya (Wlltt AC), 18·4: f , Tllu111011 (UCLA), 11-44. SP Cooep 01>9t' -1. fl-n• Peoel =LB~~ (Mell ~). 2. "'-ll9Y PoMCll LI . SMi a. lomle 0.. <""-4"1 II 4. (UCLA). 41·$: S ~ <VI'>. 47 : t 1.!My TOtNlll tuCLAt-..;_~ J. Pet lll9'J ICA), 43•1°".i. I. J. AllderlOll (Naturltt). d·2~. I. l .011 (N11utll•). 42>09'. OT -I 1bnot1a P..-C {C9L.8), 1•t; 2. llflOy Tomen (UCLA~·•: 3 '" Ill•• (CAI. IM-2: 4 l 1 IN-2 a. Holllnotworth (~ 133· • <r.~ran (Oj.P) lff.~wy ~·(\A V"flltl< 'l'-10; I, , '"111!1 C If (.IOXY), 114-10; t , JC*! Nodlll \(Cit'). ''· JT -"· ...... (UCW. , ... ~i •••• """ (UClAt. "'•1: a. !Ion• (U)1 , .... : '· llemtt4iln'-!). 14M 1~· I So«tM 0...-1 ), , ; Wflll ln..I. ~Ill .,fj.L;° ~LA 141, LA ...... t1, e.i &Alie ..... Ori Pfifr llO 4l. UC "°""' e1, ~ ..... ... Uta H . Co1t1 Altl ... lea o7~!:tlte a·~r ........... ....:... ,.. ·~ ,.,., ~ t• 1 I ti,-"" 9. V-. ,_.I. 0.-..... LA"t..,.......,__.t..~ ............ 'lat. • COMlllUMTY COLU!QE WOMEN 8eftg Mon6ca 71, ~ eoa.t 71 Of'AMOI COAST -El~ 6, c.ro11 10 Mer• 11, Kroyer 17. P•rfltt 11 Berry 14 TOI-19 13-22 71. SAH'TA MONICA -MOtrlll 12 Vet,,_ 2, C-13, Vlllt\ 2. ~ 33 8'endon 4 Slmrnona 12 To1•· 35 i-19 78 Helft#M Benl• Monica, 31-36 TOlef loula OrMQt CoMt 111, Sanla Mo- nlct 21; Fouled oul Vermeer (Santa Monica), Cwrotl t0rln9' Coulr, lecNncett 0.... G'-1 (Onnoli c-COM:fl).. 2 WCT towNfMftt (•t .... Yon) IMlllNI ..... lven Lendt Oii JoM Wt Cterc, 8-2, 7-S. Ecldle Oll>ba Oii. John McEtvot. 7-6. 8-3 l TA lateflft• toumwnent (lit lolltlotl,l~I llfttlM "'*' Andrew Jau11t Olf Jonathan Smt1h 8-3 8-1 Nation'• Cus> (M 0-11ld1rf, Weet 0trm111r RIC:atoo Cano-Guillermo Vila• (At9<1"1l•I \Argentina) def. Kim WatWlck·Pa11I McN•· me. (A111tr•t1a). t-0, 6-4: Vllu (Argentina) clel Paler McN-• V'ualrallt), l..f, 8·3. 1-4, M.,k EOtnon<leon (A<dllllli•I def Catlo, 6-4, w . 1-2 (Argenllna IMCla Au•1111lla 2 1 Daw .. Cuo .....CMCZOHE \llclor Pecc:l-Fr•ncltc:o Gonr•l•r (Per•gu•yl det. H.,ry FrlU·Blll Cowin (Cenec1-.i. e~. M , MS; Pecci IP•!.-iGll•~ Oii HltMn u-• (CMMS•~ 8-2, M. 1·3. Gonalet (l>lf•QU•Y) clef. Glenn Mlclllb•t• (Caneda), l ·:S. 3-e. 8-4. 2-e. 9.3 P1raguy lea.de !>Ml of nw Mriea, 3--0. EUfllONANZOM A Lalmlna-Sablr (Morocc:o) d ef Henrik Or"rym•lal<l·M•n WH)Od (Po4t ndl. 9·7. 1·2 $-1, 8-3 Moroccx> IMdl belt of five -·· 2·1 ........ •• 111•••• Olull (,_lv•reldtl O f . f.rtdle r (OfottftlOftt), .. ,, .. ,: ,IOdOllf tOtlMt Colal) def. llNICllttOM (Wdl•lletk). 7-1, 74. c... Cllf ,.:~.~-M. ....... \: • • ._...,._.....,~~.rn.., (Oto•n•IQ dlf '~ •1nl1 (Ora1111 COHO, t •I . 4•t \ l·O: .... ....,.Ottri ..... (~ll-•1 ... . ' rt •• o.v-.= ;;;;i;:-: ........ . .....~ ................... r)'. .. .. , .. ~ COSTLY INJURY -New- port Harbor'• John Moffet saw limited action because of a knee injury. El Toro shocks Sailors By ROGER CARLSON 0("1he Delly lltlot 1tetl Diaaater in the prell.ms proved Law to Newport Harbor High'• hopes for a Sea Vie w League awlmmlng champion.ship Satur- day at El Toro took advantage of numerous setback.a to the Sailors to claim the title at Irvine High. "We lost by a disqualification, that's what it came down to," said Newport Harbor Coach Tom Milich, who saw his team deci· mated in the preluna on Thurs- day with the loss of Tom Harri- son in the 200-yard individual medley and two-time defending CrF 4-A breaststroke champion John Moffet because of a knee injury. "It was a rules interpre- tation by the official that cost us Harrison in the IM," said Millch. "The official said he was dolphi- ning off 'the-w all, but·what he was-cloing-wam't-Wept. NEVERTHELESS, the sailors lost the first pJace potential of Harri.8on in that event, and along .with the loss of Moffet in the c hampionshi p finals in th e breaststroke, 1t spelled curtains for the Sailors who lost the title by a 13-margin to the Chargers. El Toro also took the women's tttle, edging Irvine by a seven- point margin. Among the individual winners on the rnen'a level were Newport Harbor's Harrison and Colin Thompson. Est.ancia's Stephen Webster and Jim Balding. Co- rona del Mar's Soott Mollard and El Toro's Craig Popp. a double winner in the 200 (1:45 09) and 500 (4:39.60) !reestyles. Corona del Mar Coach J e ff Stites was pleased with Mollard's 1:58.52 individual medley cloc- king in an unshaven bree7.e, but added: "His time would have been a lot faster if Harrison was swimming the event. It's unfor· tuna te, but yes. Harnson would probably have won.'' MOLLARD IS A two-time champion in the event for the CIF 3-A finals. T hompson went 49 .02 in the 100 tree, Balding turned a 22.30 in the 50 and Webster went 56.44 in the backstroke. El Toro's Mike Gillespie was t h e breas t str o ke w inn e r in 1:02.82 with Moffet relegated to the OOD80laUons, where the two- time defending CIF 4-A champ finished third without the bene- fit of his lower body. "M o tre t pulled only a nd pushed off with just one leg in the prellm.s." explained Milich. "It was an amazing time (1:06) considering." But, It wasn't ama- zing enough to get him into the championship finals. MOFFET SA \'S h e doesn't e xpect the injury, s\tffered during a sandlot football Jame at the beach, to affect his qualifying efforts in the ClF prelima on Tuesday at East Loa Angeles College and he expect.& \0 be in reason ably good shape for the finals on Friday. Coron.a del Mar's Michele Bird waa a double winner in the wo-men 'a competition, going 25.04 and ~3.~9 in the (reeetyle sprints, while lrvine came up with a pair of w lnnen -Emilyllickettl in the 200 Cree (l:S4.32) and Shtili Morwood (2:13.83). ' Eltanda alao had two wtn.nen H Traci Averill (1:03.15) an.cl Becky Grey (1:09.64) won the. bllclutroke and breaatltl'oke, re- apec:U~. El Toro'• Kerry Gllleeple led the way to the title wtth vic:tclW ln the 100 or (1:00.12) and 500 h'.e (5:01.9 , alona with tb• wtnnln.c enchor lea of the 400 free relay. Brett injured TORONTO (AP) -Kanaaa Clly 1'oyaJ.a All.Star th1"I t.e. man CJeoralt Brett. who suffered aknte~lnapme~ .,am., TOrOnto. ma-y be out of &be 11D1_UP. tDr five daya. .... ~ D6I* RlloMlfU•W• ..... 1b ...... ,.,... rilqUlred .. ==-..... ----.. J -MOINIG- •:ttlZIMOYll • • • • 'The llallh 01011" ( 1-.0l W C 'i.ld•. Une Met-• A man l~I· ently 1o11a • tObbery Md •• ewwc:led •M )Ob or ban~ OU.,d, IOICll\g r\IM 10 1- a ..... noldup 1:20 I UTTLI AAIOALa 1:4' CHNIT~P CLOllV~ l.'00 8 MUllC ANO THI IPOf<IH WON> COUNTRY CLUB SET -Chevy Chase is a playboy li(olfer and Cindy Morgan is a debutante in "Caddys}lack," a comedy to be aired for the first tlme on network te levision at 9 tonight over KNXT (Channel 2). G YOU'04 ANO THI IMUll • MUEANIWIM ti) ll<>t.t,.,. AOOM IUHOAY~ '11' DIMCTlOH8 tCl MOVll ..... 'Tl\e ....... ' ( 1078) Ch¥1H Alnavou• Vltna Lllil A Ftench hOOdlum trlH ro follow 1n lhe loolll•P• ol hll Ametican gangllet he•O, Jonn Otll- 1"0" 'R' 0MOVIE ••''>"A Nli!hllngaJe Sano 1n Oerlletey Squ111e' t 1970) R1Clle•d J0tdan, David Ntv«i The nlglll wald\man at • BtUllll Bank 11 tempi· ad to ••tum lo • me of Cttfl'le I~.$ MOVIE • • 'Mulelaalhefs' ( 1978) ROfY CalhOun, Don Kn~• A mute r.rlln h11 Mlven- IUtM wttn hi. wtly ~-• CtOOlclld gold Ofotj)9CIO< 'PG' 1:30 I FOR~ TIMES SEAENOIPfTY II A08ERT SCHULLER G DAYBREAK L.A. 0 AMERICA: THE aECONO CENTURY I ~ICPIJLH OJ AOAICUl TVRE U.S.A. (H)MOVIE • * "The APOI* Domp11ng G•no RlOel Agem" 110101 Tim Conwiry. Don Kno111 A pair of -•letn out1•W1 Q) FRlOlAICt< t< PRICE fD ~NC COMPANY (Iii) CJ.) THf l.AHAYH Qt t<H0W YOUR 118LE t.._,MOVll * • • 'T~ By Love" 11990) Deborah Aalfln, Olane Lana A nurllng rralnee 1•1411 to bt1ng • nandleapplld glfl our 01 a oeep dap1eu1on by encou••o•no her 10 cot•• apond with he• idol Elvl• Pr.ai.y PG t:OO D NEWS C()Nf<EJ\EHCE G P£0f>l.£7 l'J Cl) ORAL AOHRT8 6"J SUAME 8TMET (A) ~ ITl8WNTTEN t: 15 ffi MOVll * * • "Minn• Ano MOI· kOWtll ( 19721 Gene Row· lan<M. &tymour CasMI A m1sme1~ couple 11•uo· gle to remain IOQelNI< Oes.plte tl>el• many dltter· 9ncel HO IJ Cl) FACE THE NATION D Qt MEET THE PRESS • DIAECTIC>HS l'J DAYOFDISCOvtAY Ga THIWOALD TOMORAOW ~KENNETH OOP£lAHO (CJ MOW •r -•*-1'1L&ll--~~ ...... n¥tow G • * "LOOk B&ell In Anoer" I Ul.59J,,Clall.L.Bloaai...Bll;t\· erd &rron -B•Mc:I on 1n. play by John Ost>otne Al CZJMOVI£ • • • 'The Leopud" ( 19631 Burl LancHrer ClllUd•• Cardinale G1111 b.id• s 11180 1nv•1100 or Slc~v •MUlll In !he demO• 1ton 01 Iha at11locr111 in I he IOC'4ll OIO. 7:00 IJ TOOAY'8 AElJOION 0 THAT8CAT 0 UTTLE RA8CAl.8 0 IT 18 WNTTEN 0 KENNETH COPEL.AHO 8) DAY OF Ol8COV£RY g) CARTOONS • YOGA l'OA HEAL TH 9 SPECTRUM ~8UNOAY MASS 7 30 II COMMITMENT 0 WHITNEY ANO THE AOeOT 0 CAMPUS PAOAL£. V1EW"OINT OH NVTAl'TION "Alle<glM' Guests ...i .. ,. n1111an Or Wayr.e Blnna. bac11r1olog111 Dt A Ande<ton, nultillOn COf\· IYltant H9nry Savage Ga JIMMY SWAOOART fD MISTVI AOOEIUI (A) CJ) TV-I LOOKS AT l.EAAHINO 9 IEAACH G)THEWOALO TOMOAAOW (CJ MOVIE • • * Something Of Ve! ue ( 1os11 Roell ~udeon Dena Wyntet The v~ ancounlered by 1 peacemaker turns him 1ntt •-eror~ 1:00 ti SUHOAY MOAHINO 0 THIS IS THE llf'E 8 POPIYlANO FMNOI a fllllfMOHAl WK>N8 l'J LLOYD OGILVIE fD El.ECTNC COMPANY (~ (I) LET THEM llE llOl'fT (!) ~AY,ALWEU OJ REX HUMBAAO (J)MOVIE * * '" "Tl'le Looney Loo-ney. Loon.y 8ug9 Bunny MOYie" 119811 Anlmered v-by M.r 8tanc:. June Fot.., New materlal •• bl4lnd8d ... 1h old 1n thla comp11111on of dau.c F'f1U Frfleng "Looney Tuna•" leatutlng 8 ug1. Daffy Duck, Porlly Pig. YOMmOle Sam. T-le Pie and ot'1- era from th• cettoon -... ·o· UUOVll * * 1h "Hlghtwlng' ( 19701 Nlch Mancuso. D11v1d Wernet lhe population of 1 Southwaalern detetl regt0n i. ,.,r0t12ec1 by oon- dred• of veme>I<• b•I• which lnvllde the .,,. In ,_ num•• wtlet'I night lab 'PO' 1;ao D OOVIUV a.-ta: J l(rtehnemurtt, ~ti Foundation, Ojel, Pat Pal!Nf, The CNKctt °" 1118 w..,, Vlllen- c la; Tim Bu•llngama dl1cu11.. Iha S onrlH c:Mttien ldlool. eowi.. ~lf\lpola &/101( RMn wlttl ~ Pob AMOdlllon. • TOOAY'IMM* WOMAN • amTINCITilmAT .,,.. -~HAJlll. USTitlS the last mome-11, ;a man d1tc0....,I lh81 he lov• anct need9 hlS Wiie $1 WACKY WOALO OF JOHATl4AH WINTIAS Gve•I Jol1n Davldton 101)0 fl NBA 8A8t<ET8Al l Pt.AYOFM 0 ATOHE G.-1 ectot c .. 1 wearh· ... 8 LITTLE A48CAL.I' MOl'MEA'I DAY 8PEOAL lncludw tueh Our Gang MQuence9 u "Spanlly." "W..i-. lrQnM," and Shrimc>• F0t A Day ' U KIOe ARE PEOPLE TOO G...sll Jen!kwl H .. tltOn, hockey iu-,.er Weyne Gratzlly, IMCnet ol ,,... ,.-.i.y Sotnm.t. TMa<a Wetd of the Harlem 06n<le Ti-1., (R) 0 HfAALO OF TRVTM m 0000€1' DUGOUT ED THE LAWMAKERS ml MAGIC OF Oil PAINTINO Cl) MOMEHTS IH TIME Qt NEWSCEHTER W£E<lY '$)MOVIE * • * 't The Fou1 S..· sons 119111) Alan Aki• Ca•ot Burnett Thtll8 COY· pies, au clOMO lono·time f nenda. ••Pf!t18"C8 pro- lound chanoe, "' thefr r9l•t10nlh1pa .. hen one of rhe m1tt1ao•• d111n- teg<l1• 'PG' OMOVll • * * The lc!Olmeket" (1980) Rey Sharlley, Tova/I Fllldahuh A ma,,.plbllve manager uHI various ploys 10 c:.1ap..11 two ,_, tQ9'• Into pop llflil•no 111rdorn 'PO' 10: 16 tD DOOGEA PRE-GAME CJ) PADAU AAl-OAME 1&.30 l'J AOMAT SCffUUVI m ... SUALl LOS Anoetel Dodgen •1 Mont,.., EJcpos SI OPEN MINO Cll!) MAGIC OF Oil PAIHTINO !)) BASEBALL San Diego Padt8f •t PNI• Oelptlla Pl\111 ... ({§) 1<108 AR£ PEOPLE TOO (~lnPtog,_I QJ TO IE AHHOUNC€D (ff)MOW • • "Savage HarvMI" (19101 Tom Sk.,rtltf. Moehelle Ph<lf<pa An Al~ can drought d•l¥ft wild anlm•I• lnto popu1e1ed .,_'PO' 11:00. ((I THIS WOK WITH DAW> 8NNKL.EY -~ * * '.t "The Nei.ed Jungle" ( 195"1 CMrflon HM!Oll. Eieenot Panw lllfllonl of IOldler en!• Invade • 8outtl Am«IC:ln plantellon • MAIT""llCI THIATM •w~TONWla IN MVllW (I') a~i.n 11;1t (%) MCMI • • "o.flance" (11180) • kNXT IC8S) e KH8CINa() e l(Tl._A (lftO I 10 On TV I ' l TV 11t H80 • KAie IA9C> • tifl MI IC8 SI • KHJ TV llnd.I e iccsr IABCI •KnVtlnd' •Keo, TV llncl.I eKctT INf> 'elCOU ,,.,, ,, JC ICtllf'tnUI ,_., IWOAI NY.,N.Y. Pl (WflSI I CESPHI 161 C~lmeJ •• 9'1of11Qtlt • cc..eee,....,....,., Jan·MIChHI Vincent, The· ,... Saldana A cour•· gBOUe young man lellM a IOne •land egalnet the reek .... member• of the vtoltinl llr181 0~ l.,fOI· 1ung h11 nelght>Orhood ·PG 11:30 D QI HOUSTON OPEN F'lnal·round eoverege ol 11111 tourn-t INIUflflQ llOl'n8 01 todey·a lop golf· .,, (hve lrom the WOOd· 1ano1 Country CluO "' Houlton TH l 0 nAAYCOU· WHTTTAKEA QI) WAU ~ET ME< 'Some Thought• Ftorn The South-I Gueal Simeon l •Otte< , .... ,c:h dl•ector Rauechet Pl«C• Rollt\ea, Inc \R) CC}MOVIE • ''' · &"y Jaek-p9111 Tom La.ighlln, OelorH Taylor An ••·GrMn S...11 hllf·brMCI champion• the CBUM OI e lt"9dom KhOOI lot tunaw•ys on an All· ion• Indian •M«V1tion -AFTERNOON- WCT TRNNtt U ®JT~EHTOF CHAMPIOM8 TE.HNl8 lop male pl~s 1ncludtng Jonn McEnroe Eddie ~-~Qt .. b ... ll>.L..I011 Y.i!~-Wlll• comoet• fO< "°° ,,, Of•HI (from ll'W WMI Side Tannl9 Club 1n F0t1NI H1U•, NV ) 0 SEAACH SI THEflMT CHUACttlU.8 'Breek•no The C1rclo" Chutch<ll'1 mOltaty IUC· -we being under· mtned II home by lhe tnl•lgu. of Robefl H.,ley tl!> P£R80HAL AHANCe AHOMOHIY MANAGIMINT' Stodl Market 8uOC8 r .. >MOYll * * "Talle Th11 Job And Shov9 II" 110811 A00«1 Hays. Barbara H«9hey A V°""il ~·11 ••ecvhw runt Into •ealllance 11rhen he re!U<nl 10 1111 hofne.. town to revttettie a comoa· n}'br-V 'PG' 'SlMOW * • "Hawll The Stayet" ( 191111 Jacll Palanc., John Terry An 8dv•nlutou1 young man anlltll the aid of a b&nd or warr1ot1 10 hghl hiS 8"'1 u~. IM o-1otd wno kWled 1111 ••the< ano •• hOldlng a n abbela for •antom 0MOVll! * * Ruc1i.,.·· (1980) Dirk BenedlCI L Inda 81111 A IMll·ltlocke<I Vietnam vat dltturb• lhe petJCe of a smaN Alab-lown PG 12:'-*I 8 NBA BA8KETBALL PlAYOffS l'J MAVEAICt< ml PEASONAL FIHAHC€ AHOMOHEY MAHAGEMEHT "Stook Markel F0tce• And S1t•t8Ql89" 1:00 II TME MUNSTERS Cl> ADAM-12 fill 8lACt< THlATAE MOVEMENT H111or1e: footage llnd Inlet'· -w11h key black ector1 ROl>et'I HOOka, 0aete 0."19 and Ruby 0.. .,. IM• IU<ed (P8"1 1) G AM£NCAH STOffY "War With Me1dco" Cl) ..U IAIKETBALL (Joined "' Ptogr-) (%)MOVIE •• ··~" (19711) C11tt Rob«llot'I, Je.en Sim· mona, A -•llhy women'a husband e11ecu1 .. an et•b· otll8 ICheme 10 dtlW her 10 IUtclde 'R' 1:aoQ WUTEAH OVTOOOMMAH 8F-TROOP Parmenter'• hu•band· hunting 11191., o..,nn. .... '* cao '°' C>obb9. I WIU>, WILD waT HOOAN't HaOU • ADAM-11 • ~HITOffY "The Oold """:. a~o PKA PrOfeNlonlll Kairale Chemplontlllpt (ltom Attanta. 0. ): HHAA WOttd Itel Rac:tnO: '"" Ofld'I Strongwt ,,,..., !Ion (J:)MOYll • ""°'9r 8oogle" (lt7t) Und8 lllelf. Jim ltiy A ftoll end tlll8nled rnuelc ~ .... OUI 10 win I fO!la-•Mirlt dttlCt COii· ,... beforl r.umlng '* ttucliM. •PO' ... OUT'OOOfl Lft l .L,._.llUND l:::"TMIAT * * ~ "Kid 01l1ll1d" I'~ lMt ,,_.,, Ole YfMll A"8r f9H'"I out., IN .wit,·~ 1MR """' ...... INldl .,. ................... r..:: • • • • Hec.i•llllnl" t •Mii Clll'Y Qt1111. ao,N1 ltren A ..... !IV ~ WlOINlll ........... ~ !Mlt,~IN--­IM 1111 ~ ..... ·~ • TIWMNI OOM '"9 ~w•v ··111 Mel ••If' letbatl WOOdftolltl llllOwt l\Ow .. IV II It 10 IMOll I dOO 10 •1 Md llty by llllflO tM doe'• "poctllt" and.-· lalnl~ol~ • WNTINCI '°"A MAION .• The "9port .. QO MCWll • • • \t "Tiie '°"r IM· IOfla" (1H 1) Alan Alda. CarOI ~Mii ThtM GOU• p1ee, .,. clOM, 1ono-11me fttendl, HPB'ltnce ptO· found ohenoe• In 1n..r •e141Hontnip• when one 01 lh• m •.,••o•• dltin· l89llM 'PO CSlMOVll • • * "The V I fl 1" ( 1083) EJlnbeth Teylot, Rtc:h.,d Bufton A• P~• or• det1ye<1 nioh1 awau l•k .. otl 1n the VIP lounge of • London eJtpor1, lhelr HvM bec;ome c:u•IOully Intertwined eMOVll • • •• Teu" ( 1970) NltlHlll Klntkl, Peter F"ltth The o.ugn1.. ol a poo• Engll1h l1tmer b8Gomee the victim or..., lam1ty·1 MC>ff et Iona end lier own bNvty 'R' UOD IUNDAY LocallOn llve ftom 1he LI•· Ing Th .. tre, C111lo1n1a tnalllule ol 11>41 A•I• V•len· cit 8 OILUO.AN'8 tel.AHO •The S•IPC* o'cldontally CINI .. I ta<llO recetv*' In G~'tmoulh •o ~ PORT9MAN Cheryl Lldd joint a moun· llln llon·llggjng ~lllon in COIOtMIO. Rlchatd Cten· na •nd Cu•1 Gowdy heh lot Allanllc talmon In ICettond, Barbare Hlfahey l•lvela the Cryatll Riv*' in Fl0tld1 to linCI the anctange•ed manll18 B MOVll * * 1<\o 'SherlOCk H01me9 And lhe House 01 fffr' ( 19451 BHll Rathbone. N1!)414 Bruct BaMd on "The five Pips·· by At1hu• Conan ~ The Btllleh 1uper1leuth 1nvHt1gates Ille murO*'• of momb11<s or a gentlemen t ctub 83 PAQEHTE Pata M1 P..... Salve· dotana WhO have 1911 their country lo live in TU«On, ~­ml WAITIHO FOR A REASON "Et»!atemology And Logic' 2:.a CZ' MOVIE • • "Muaacra Al Cen1t11 High" ( 1076) And•-St• vens. Robefl Can IOdlna A Ctulade lor ••v•noe begin• altet 1 ptenlc thet ...,.,, 100 far IOU pulled on lhe ~ter •tudenl• by a o•oup of borad high· achOOl ltien4a · R UC> 9 MEW'ACE " MOVlt * * '-t "Snow White And The ThtM SIOCJ\IM" (19611 Cerol kelu, The Th•• Stoogea A tno of~ 00 lhel< beel 10 OfOlflCI e f lllr tnlllden 6.) WUTEAN EXPOeUN! "'M<><e Than Mutlc: An independ41<11 tecotd Cotn· peny ha.1 louno aucceu In CtNllng and dlllttbullt\g mulle by and lot mutlC '1:) OF l!ARTH AHO MAH "The Unnad Stale• One Oul Of Many .... 19AUBU~ 8UOAl\RAY LEOHAAO'S OOlDEH GlOV£S Pln~llNI vi WHllll\Q· ton.DC 1:30tJ~ERS U «I WIDE WORLO Of IPOA'T8 The ltonmen Wotld Endut· Ince TtiathlOn, IHllHl<lg I 2 ... m11e Swim, a t 12-mlle bill• •td• !Ind a m1111non run (ltom H-811) W0tld Bo•lng Ch1mp1on1lllp1 (ltom Munich. WHI G9'· meny) 8D NEWIMAT: LOI •NQEt EB W£EJ< IN MVIEW G OF EARTH AHO MAN "The Greet Plaina World Of The Cowboy" Cl) WUT'EAN OUTDOOMMAH (,C)MOW * *'h "The Heist" ( 1071) Cl\at'lel ""'9vout. Vlma Lltl A Franch hoodlum tri.s to follow In lh• looltlepll Of hl9 Ametlcan gMIOlter hero. Jonn Olfl. •:00ir~ • *'n "Death C•ulH" (1074) Edwero Alt>«t Jr . l(ete Jecitaon Sever11 peopta 1e111ng • c:<ulM on • lu•urlou1 y8Cfl1 .,, eye. tematk:ally murdered 0 POATIW°"'-0 PKA ProfeMIOnal K8'elc Champion• lpa (l•Om Allanll. Ge NHRA Wotkl F1nal1 of Or Reclng, Part S Of the W Id'• S1rongee1 Men lllOn • UOVll • • * "Good Aolln1t EVIi" (1877) o.c. Rembo. er.-• .. Devllo. ANllzlng 1"81 e young woman II pee.. -Ad by demonic '°'-· I Pfltal ...... IO ~-I hermer"f .. • MOYie • * * "A f lettUI Of Dol-llrt" C 1N7) Cllnt lilt· wooct, ~ t<Odl ,,. ~ "IMl'I Wltllno l\llf'll8" em.rt I 0W'9 wer tietw"" lwo faotlona ....,,0 ...... ~ ltld """ to Mftlcene ltld lndl· "'w. • UNW, Molll UCAN SM.I .. ..,...,,. "' Tiie ~.,. .. ,.. •-to helll Ollt • rwAu.,,_,.WMIC "9oml T'llouoM• ''Ofl'I "" ........ OwMc· lllt'leOll T,.._, ,--. ..,..,,,__..,,...,.. ......... ,.., • ,_,,,.,., U.UNl~Jall-•• (I) SfN4"'9C A .... INIOflN ta ,...,_ ~ """9fl .... •111t .............. ... .......... ,. ..... ... .. ...,ll Orange COHI DAILY PILOT/Sunday. May~. 1982 TUBE TOP~ERS K'ITV (11) 7:00 -'1Alalka: Story at the Top of thtt World." Hal Holbrook ntuT1tft documentary on Aluka, a toriottcn land 2.2 mJlct from Ruaia. , • KABC (7) 8:00 -"In1lde the Tfllrd Reich ." Made-tor-TV-movie baaed on autoblo1raphy of Albert Spe r, Adolf Hltle,r'a architect, protog and f althful follower. Ftnt of two part.I. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Mothe r 's D yon· Waltona Mo untain." Ralph Wultc and Michael Learned star in movie premiere. KOCE (50) 9:00 "My Pallkarl." Tell y Savalas portrays a Greek-Amcrkun bust. nessman who returns to hi.a nattvt.• land with hlB rcluct.anl 60n. Q!MOVll •• Kotothl' (1907) Patrtcl< McG~an YOko Tam A Btllllh ~nt 111 vel• to Tokyo 10 1mut1 0818 I MC•el O•OUP Of 1au .. ln1 wi,o ••• plan· nlng 10 mu<def 8 U N Olli· Cl81 1HJMOlllE • • • vTouche<I Br love· 1101101 Oebo•lh Rllflrl O.ena Lane A nur11ng ttait\68 111e1 to b•rno • hand1<.1pPeO g1tl out ol a Oaep dapraa11c.n b~ enc:ou•agmg h!ll 10 Cott• a pond with 11&1 Idol, E 1v11 PtMiey 'PG' S MUROER AMONG FRIEM06 Sully Kellerman encl L •-H• N4"1Mn a181 In lh11 cotnoOy wnodunil HI in • N"w Yotk apar1mon1 on N- YMt'• Eve. 1nvolv1no on aclot, hla wealthy w1fa and h1• ambmoua agent 4:111 l MOVIE • • • · The leoparcf' ( 111631 Suri Lancutot Claudia Ca1d1nale c;.,11 bald•. 1860 1nv .. ton ol Stelly ruulta tn the demo 1100 or lhe arratocrol' '" lhl aoc11l otdet 4:30 Cl) LOVE, AMENCAH STYLE · Down Wllh r11e Lano lord" Paul becomes Ifie apot.Mmen •o• dlaaall1h1K1 l8"1an111n nit bu11d•"O fD WASHINOT()f'j WEEK INRIVIEW~) '11) ll'AO.JECT UNIVERSE 1:00 0 LITTLE HOUSE Ofoj THEPAAIM Laure tngalla llnGt o bOllle con1e1n1"<1 a wr111en •n•lla· 0 ~T'IHOU.YWOOD ()acar I 8t1t ACIOt m TMI JUnMONa Tom m1llM the opening of h11 own bult"811 m11ro 1mpor1an1 marl h11 family end l•tend• fJ!) WHY IN THf WO,_LO (()~HIWI $)MOVIE * * 1-t Tll<t Looney l t>o· ntry, Loorjty Suga Bunny Movie" d981 I An1m111K1 VOICH by Mel Blanc;, Jun• Fotey N-nw11er1el 11 bl8ftded ""'tn Ole! In 11111 complla11on of c:la•••c fr111 rrolong toonev lunos" •e1turino Bugi. Dally Duck Porky Pig. Voeum11e Sem T"'"',. Pie 11no n1n Hf• lrom Hut csr tonn --·G 1-00 11 <I' eo MINUTES CiJ FATHER MURPHY Fatf'>et Mu•pny ligntt 10 oe• lour of "" young1111r. out of a wc.rkhOUM and '8afna wt1y rrK>ut'1•11• m•n Ell Mc:Ov&oe abandoned Otu at lhe llf Ph•nl)Qe (Pa11 211RI c.,i D ®J COVHTERATTACt< CRIME IN AMERICA l'J FLIP Wll.SOH CD Al.AISKA: 8TORY AT THE TOP OF THE W~D rn,. Oocumwitary c,n Alo· •a. • 1orgo1111n lnno only :l 2 miles !tom AuH•• nauateo bv Hal Ho•b•OO• fD ASC€HT OF MAH 111Que• • ·rnvs onct slow I ~l•bla"' uo• ) OHIOAVATA TIMI ""'~ , .. ~. \0 dMI wltll lhe l.OI lt\el N 1 lri'l: WON.D TOMOMOW t:00• MOVll * 6 * ' OaOd~tlllO• ( 1MOI tM M11t11~ Roane, ~118111'""0-1· 80 OfOUtlO• llNl)el °' • tw1nky countty ohib wt09t Wat egatn11 tlwt ~. lnhablll11(1 hi• '"'' U MOVll MOiiie< t 0.; Ofl W•llont Moun111n·· (Premier•' Ralph Walt• ¥•~hHI LeAlned Mary ...., hll • car .cclOenl on h4I< hOn8V moon a.,, 11110 Clt•Oy •l!lluctently ac<.ac>t 11nancii11 anlll•ne;a and Eh,.bell1 hlH "*' '"'' ~u II WILD IOHOOOM f • pin• "'ii r rwt L lanoa M•rh11 1ournev• tctou the va.i lle1101 (platn1) Of Van flu.I• 111 ruch lh41 jungtet al the h• .. ul the Ano.t Mountain• ...,.,a a •arlely of wlldl1fe abound tRJ U Of' CHO G) AOAOHSt<Y AHO COM~ANY fl) MAlnAPIECE THEATRE lc.ve ii• A Cola Chm•l• ~-... L• Due In Par·• Lind• 1>eg1n1 a wt..,1w1nd romance with l• Due oe Souvelorr• 1Per1 11:; ml AMEAtCAN PLAYHOUSE My PnhkB" T eny S•v• 11 1111•• H • Gr .. k-Am11• 1r:ttn bu11ne\1om•n who .,,lhU 1.-1t1CAll'( ,.tult\I ft> ,..., nehv• tiitl'W4..ll wlf"' h•• ••hXIArll son ,,, "''" llll'Y by I 80H Cdp.ill•r10• ) C MOVIE • * ll•allualton D•~ t 1'.i8 I r C.llrlatOPh"r G!'1>rg11, E J Pa&kPr A m.iom1111 •• out to mutON all Ille lrlCll 5tars Of a h Qll tcnoot •nd no one -• lo ~now who 111t 0 MOVIE • • Urbdf" Cowbc.y 11480) Jl)nn l r•vOll• Ofior • 11•"0•" A t>lue-col l;tr wru kttr whrJ 181\cit"t'!l n1mt.ftlf d mod-tn·d.ty COwC..1 ~t IOU• '" &o\ie ••tn ~ girl ht' m ... Pt(S •n • r><Jpulur cvunh I 'fnd w"""'" t;ar vr, l MOVIE • • • M .11t\1'f Al <J MO• "'•N•ll 11972) Oena Row lw1111a. >")'mour Casli411 A "'"•m•ILrlftO GOUC>lt> strvg gte tC. rem8tn IOQvlt•W< dO'lf)•IH 11\elt mMly d•lfll< ences I J •ICMI •• "' "file Otounclellf Con1plrt0r" ( 1t7'11 0.0.te ,_.,d, MlclftMI • .,,.,.., ~ ........ Of • .,.. epai. P'DJIOI ... . oft 1 rutlllaM ln-llge110f\. ~ * * * "COid Tur••'t'' ( lt7 I) Olclt VIII °'IU• ,op. I>* lloot I A lftlall lo.'11 I~· •no HnkruptO\' Wiii WI.ft IH milllOn " an of It• lnNlbll • anlt Cati CWll emotllnl) '°' JO d•Yt Cl!MOVll • • 11 "Mre A'e Oeul)flt«'' ( 1910) Clortt l.Metvntl'. l •aton H11btey The mothlt of 1 ,_,. 111ot1m embllrkt On a traurnallc 8f\O ltutlrallrlg b•Ule 10 bf111(1 her 04N0lltet' I lllOfal IOltlal (R) 11:401HIMOVll •t•1> lhe 'OU• Sea· .oll't f 108 1) Alen AIO• C*'OI Burnett TntM CW l)ffla 1111 CIOM, lotlQ lime lrt.nd1. li•l.IM•-OfO found Chtuogn "' their 1e111ionS1>•1>t wn.n one of 1n1 ma,,1•0•• d1e1n. t~ratH 'PO' t 1·41 G THI ROCK,ORO 'ILU Rocklotd, .,, •• ,Cid ,., • lloler\ car ltlled w;1h ,,...p Olll. bKo<nee a pewn In a deaoty oame 01111eg111 gu,. •unnino 0 MOVIE * • '>' Mtl R'a Davghtar t 1070) Clotl9 t.eachmen Sa11on Hubley Trie mo1her 01 • •ape victim .mba1111 Qt( • 1reuma11c and lrut1•1ur1g ballle 10 hring net d .. ughter a '8P••f tot,..i (At 0 MOVIE * • 11111 :;,1111ng<1• Wl•O l <>Oki L1k11 Me 11074) Me1.,d1lh B••I•• Be•v 8t1dgM A p1ur or Y°""O people warch for lh"'r nllural parent• who abt1n· d<>~ !hem aa N>lanta -MENIGffl- 12'()() Q) HEE HAW r..-.. '"'°"" f J .. ...., •• !lilly C•H" Craddoc~ S MURDER AMONO FAIEH08 SOll!y Ke•Ht<man Ind lHHe Netlwn ••ar 1n lh•s cO<NKly wfl<>dunt1 s.et •n a Nftw 'fo•• apur1men1 Oil Now Yea1 s Eve tnvolv1ng •n ~·or "'• .... auny wole and n11 •mb•f1ooa dgent 12:30 0 MOVIE * * * Ot> Goo•· I lfl7 71 G*°' ge 8.Jt n 1 Jotin O<>n •'tr Goel •olec•~ an J ~ I I l ' ~ • -~ ~ "'be •-'48114-,,om an aoonymou• •Ml t 11wa1 Tnun The AnQ611 I Mo•O t. s.u~uor1ty fJVtiif the animal "'°''d •• ttaltTHftf!d lh•""Oh ll'le use of llOC>fl+I l llC1\la<J co,.,pul•r IKh --mo~llPfly '1l! NOVA t--~8 ~?­SURVIVAL I uritulpe<;llOQ rwno Wp<ir- -· r--m.ir_!l!!_!nli~~~ t~1"'' ~-,..-. I • "'"~ of hope :.ml '..C oent up•l•e•m D 0REATE8T SPORTS lEOEH08 '"Jont>fly Benell Ho~I Kuo HOW&td 'i) MOVIE * • ''°' "Mama ( 19741 Luc:•ll• Ball Beat,.~• Arthut A -1111ny Kc.enl•tC beeomes '"" g•J1r01an ol her young, conven11ona11y •••Md rwic:>h-m RAINOUNE ~M>lved Th•I HouH Ape>r-1 he Economic ln1t1a11vn 01 Ptetodont Rffoain ' The MCon<J Pllfl t>I I del>llle be'-Wtl llam F Suckle'f 81'<1 Jonn Kenneth G•lbrOilh 11 P••· Mnlad (A) '11) PROJECT UHMASE M•A•S•H l(lfnger becomfl • -·· paper edl1ot ®' NIW8 C MOVIE * * "lOOlt Bad< ,., A"Of" ( 19~9) Clllr" Bloom Alrh atd BIHlon Based on 11 • IM•y by Jonn Otbo<,,. Al the latl rnc>m«!I ~ mM Olacovera that 11<1 '°"" and nt'eda N• wile 0 MOVIE * * •,. P1nc:t1C.11tf Gtar>d Pt1• ( 1910) An1niared Alter hit eat OM•On 11 s101en by an e•-COlll!ague, a btllhanl mechanic ctec:1de9 10 1>o11d an avt1n better racing machine aod comoeta wOh h11 ,,_., G 0MOVIE **·~"A Nightingale Slflil In 8etkeley Squale' ( 1979) Rlcne rd Jo•dan, Dav•d Mrvan The night w11c.twnan at • Brttllll Bank •• lemPI· eel 10 ratum lo a hie Of cr•rne s:ao II C88 HEWS 0 H8CHEWS D ®l A8CHEW8 '11) MONEYMAKIR8 'Houalng: Aenl Or evy·· Cl) WILOOMI aACK. KOT'Ta n.. s -a•hog• GO'npet• lo Mve a troubled girl who rit.,. '-hie when ,_ de•I•• to become • s-thOg t.1 nol talcen -k>ualy -EVENl«i- l:OO II Q 8 NEWS a Ko.w< W"8n a women .,._ 10 klll ,_ !Ow<. Kojali _,,,, unable lo •lop hM m M•A•a•H Whan Hawlleye't £.arenll are no111i.d INI he'• dud, he tlndt It no .. .., maner 10 Mltbllell lhat he'a al!Ve. I lft AAOUNO UI IYINNGAT IYWHOHV Salli O.tewa lead1 Iha &a. ion 8~ Orchelrre In "T"' Plt\M Of Rome" by Otlorino ~. Md PlnchH Zullermtn encL .JOMC>ll Sllvwlt..,. .,. the 9Cllolat8 "' Moun'• •in- lonlil Conotttente. t<. *· o.INIWI • i CHANJrl~LI Krll tote UfldetCOlfef In • ~tOlfMttl- • N9CNIWI i:,..,.,. YOVll ···-nie~~ GlflO Ndll ~·· l1t1t) Tlm Cet!wey, Oort ICnOl19 Apelrol.....,.~ try .............. ,..,... 'O' (J)~WON.DOfl ~~WINTW ~-~. .. ,~MDC un'L.8--0N '"'~ c.tte.-........... .................... ................ -. l Nmi f h~ K1enllhC 1eMMrct1 o,, twins 1s 1 held man.ecr by Jamag•'1g ltauo but alsc. by impor t..nt oaw 01V.OV&t,._ (R) y •C MOVIE • • ', Billy Jae~ I 1117 l I Tom Laug1111n 0010•1,. l oylot Ar t'•·G•M•n B~i11 hlil· O<Md Ch8tnP•O<U Hlfl Gdu .. of. 1•...0orn KllOOI few run~w•y• on an Art· 1ona lndl•n •~allOn 0 Z1MOVIE • * *'> The Fout Su- i.one" (1081 I Alan Alda, Ca•OI Burnell Tht.., cou- ~ all rlt>M IOflO 1tme lt1enO• ••1>41•-pro louno chong•• 1n thetr ret8110n111tp1 when one 01 - the matnagas d•t•n ·~•I.ft PO 0 JONI MITCHELL IN COHOERT Popule• ••no•• wngwntet Joni Mlfctw!I ap1>41at• w1lh '"O P91 M•1theny Grovp and lhv P11<1u8.lfQn1 •• the Santa Batbata County Bowl 1:00 II ARCHIE 8UMKER'8 PLACE Barney"'"" II room '" •111. home to a n 1ra1c1blt1 lh~(Oon A<llle51 0 0.tCHIPS Jon and Pnnch are 1.,.me<I wilh lwo memt>er1 of ~pal•OI 0 EHTEATAINMEKT THIS WEEK '"" Report• 01t HoOylOrood I blonde l>Ot'llb1hell1 and lhe h•llOIY of flot•ot l11m1 ln1e1v1ew1 w1tll Donald Sutherland and Julie Andrewt 0 9 INSIDE THE n.AOREICH Alber1 Speer • IUIObl<>gra. phy t*Vellhng the corrup lion or 1nnoc~ 111111 led 10 AdOl1 Hille< 1 retgn or llrror 11 d•1m1111ed. Rutger Hauer. Derek Jaco· bl. 8/ylhe D8nn•• etld John Gielgud at., tP111 110 0 ITISWMTEN Ga MOVll! • • •i, "Clambake" ( fH7) Elvla Prealey. Shelley Fabera A weetthy play· boy 1n M••'"'· wit111ng 10 Mmple Ille Ille ol Of'8 10rt1o worka for hi• moMy, awllct>M lde<'l111141t with • walet·•llng ln1truct0t • AUSTAI"' COOKl'S AMIAllCA "~ome Away Ftom Hom." Advanturou1 merch•ntt •nd aoc111 dlaaent«• Miiie Amenc•'• EHi COHI In the tmeoe of Ell11b81han England • ..OVA "Why A.....,lca Bur'na" A report on Iha tire ,,,_ llOn H lablllhmenJ and atreteolel lor lmpfOYlng fife aaleey 11 c>r-ted (RI ~~ n.ATM ••J.M In A Cold Cllnlale MO!tllltuf I.• Due" In Plf'la, Linde baglrlt e w!Wlwlnd r-wllh Le Diie de ~.(Part1)Q ®MOYtJ • *~ "T'-Fen" (1Htl L111fen ltce11. Jtm" Oetfw A ~ fllm ltet .. ~lrftlMd by • pe)'dlOttc ~·~· ())MOYll •••\t "~~ .. ( tf1t) Qwll ... ..-. Adttft laldwill, The -•i. .. • . CNc4IOO ,. adlclalmell ...... wtm ........ oi-... erMI ...... ..., ...... ,., to ... °"* ..... wllldl hid ........ "*"' ""' ..... ... ••• ~'J:::> ....,~. Hleal ... "" ....... °' -. "'*"' ... --... ............... 0 JACt<VANIMPE Q) NEWS 10:00 o CD m News l'J CHfl.DAE.N OF WAR ED THE DAY AFTER TAIHIT'f J Aol>6<1 OpPQnhr .. m(i< And Tr•e Alomi<: Somo P'lySl(,•\I J f<<>t>t:tl Op~l'l· he1mef i rolt-1 1n 1M b•rO't ol th• .. iomte a~ MO h111 tale et the nano~ ol 1h« U S governmttnl ••• oocu mented fR1 H MOVtE • • "Take T111t Job And Sl'love 11 t 1911t1 Robert Haya &arb111a .,,.,~""Y A ';C"V~ '°'"°'"'ft t 18Cuhvf' '"'" into 1~111,cw,<.e when ht1 returns to tus nome lown IO tev•lalua a r:omp~ n~br~ PG S MOVIE * • * 1, "Tne Four See tons (1911) Alan AIOI C 1<ol Bu•nell Thr" cou P'f'• "'' cloM 10nQ .11mri lrier101, e•l)4'nenc.t P•o found 1.oha09e1 '" th'9ft '"'•flonahips wl'len 0<'8 of lt'itt "'•"•8QP~ d1~1n 14•g•etes PG' 10:30 CD JEAAY FAL.WEU. 'i) JIMMY SWAOOART '11) LORD MOUNTBATTEN A MAH FOR TiiE CENTURY In 1114 7 Mounlt>Allen 8(;cC!l)I• lhe rHpons.1><111~ or ;111t1no 1na ... 111C1 11>&111- "'0 that CO\Jnlty I lr3nSI· llO<I Ir om Brllllh rule to 1nd~enca (Pai 1 61 (R) ~MOVIE • • * The ldolmeker' ( 1980) Ray ShMlo.tty Tova/I F"el<!Shuh A monipu1at1W m~nager uses varioua ploy~ to cetapull lwo ,_,. agen. 1n10 pop ••no•no atn•dom PG 11:00 o o a J: 1-0 ~ NEWS 8 PACESETTERS l'J AFRICA'S WEEPIHO .•• BUT WHO'S U8TENIHO? Hosta C111ol Lawrance, St.., Mooneyham 0.-ta Elrom limb&Mll Jr Dean Jone•. W1Mlaln Shatner C;MOVIE * • * 'Something Of \/al· ue" (1957) Rock Hudton, Dena Wynle< The~ encounl•••d by a ~.,, 1urn1 hlm into a_..., or vengeance IZ)MOVll • • "Mauecre Al C.Ot•81 High ' ( 1078) Andt-SI• 11en1. Robert C1rraellne A crutade lo• •e venge beglnl elt9' I pranlt lh81 wen• 100 f., wu pulled on the qui«er atuderita by • group of t>o••d high· llChool lt*'Ot 'R' ' 11:119 CU NIWI (.OJMOVW • "He t<nowe You're AIOM" (IMO) Don Scatdl· no. Ce11wn O Heaney A peychOtto murdat9t atallle llltlCllWI ~ brlOM•10- be. tllenlly alfd letnlllly -~ "*' *-• ot weddedbllll..'"'' 11:ao I lfl'Ofn'I ~ NDOLUe Ou""' OCM.lpon queen ll.INll ......,,, aclot Jofll1 Ollede 1:::.,.-- ••• "fMetN Of 91ood" 4 ''"' Vlttcenl Prtoa. Olarll -WtMlf\ ht .... to ,...,..~~ fOt 1111 "• !* IOfmw-" I OltMlnf 811&11 • ....... .._ ...... '° ............. • TAL8 OP TMI 1.1•&t10llD . ,......, OUl!Dltlll .. ., ....... lllt CW." ~ . ....., .. -..... llMlf· .... ...... ., .. ..... ......... ...._ got>d ... 111 10 '"• skep1 ... a1 IH'OC>lt1 or lhe mode<n·d<ty "'°'lo Pt;; l MOVIE • • • Th• l eupard 11\163) Suri Lancuror C,,lavd1a Cat.l111a1e G•ri· t;,~ICI• ~ IB6' llYll~ l)f 51'\,,fl( ff"Wff, I fr~ (jit(t t • A Ir••• e1t1&,f1Xt U\ 1n Ill« llOGtO r OHJ'1f 12:45 0 NAME OF THE GAME Gl""'1 H-11 d ·~ Gh•rQ<>CI ..,,h t>eong ll>e mOltl whO womed lhe Cubans •bout lh;I Bay of P.go 1nva51on 1:00 C MOVIE F.>m1ly Fnlorc.f'O tO.•m•1 Jo:.eph CottPw .JoMlpn Patel A voung m"" '"" 10 onr •hl!•d 1n lho mal11. bul naan I tM or .,n, to pull lri. ~ oN R 1='° m TUANA80VT 110 A8CHEW8 ~NEWS H MOVIE • *'t An E~ F0< An Eye I 198 t I Clwc11 Notri1 Ch,.stopl'ler Lee A Sin fran~o cop Q"''' !he ICHC@ 10 ..... fl\(' mu•Of'O DI htS parlnt!t by 1'1')«1'1.,..1 of ii d•ug ung A 1:45 0 AT Ofoj£ Gveat USC BasaelbaM GO<Kl'I Stan Motrison S MOVIE • * "Wiid And Beaut•lul On lb<U (1981) Regtl Por1e Tania Spteas Rich and p00r youno t•avf'll4!ra conve•oe on 4~ 11l111d •BeOtt tot a holiday ol p .. r. tying R 2:00f,)MOVIE * • '> 'Nighthawk a I 19811 Sylv•la< Stallone, 81hy Dee W11111ms A lough N..., Yotk City cop ha.I hit wor~ cut out lot him when Ont Of Iha wotlO'• most d•ngerou• lerrot1•1s .,..,..,.. in h11 Uly R 2:1111 NEWS 2:251C ,MOVIE * 'ROii., Boogie ( 1079) ~8ta1r. Jim Bray A tlc:h and talented music lludent 118lt out 10 '#In a •Olle<·sk11tng dence con- , .. , bel0te t-.imong h4w alUdtel 'PG ~I TODAY-I MUOI<* 2:45 ..we 3*l ~ I: ti Otl MOVIE ...... "'The,..,. (1081) l euren B•call. James G.,ner A popul., him lier II ~ by• psvc;l>oltC Mlmlr« 'R CZ.MOVIE • * "Oellance" ( 10801 Jan-MlchMI Vlneenl. TM- ,... Slldan• A cour• geou8 r<>""I) Min ...... • lc>fl8 1t1nd egalnte "'- recltlMt memberl of Ille vlolent • ., ... geng lerfot• ~ino 1111 '*IJl'lbof'tloocl ·PO· a:aoe ~Ace 1:4S (l )MCMI * * *"' "Mil Bodyguard"' ( 1171) Clltll M•~. NJant 8lldwln The "- llld It a Cl1IGago fliOh 9Clllool INlk• ,,.. ...... \fie --°'**' Md totehf tNy •Md up to !tie on.et O*'O lillNOl'I Md "'MClll!t4 ~ ""' .,.. ... ~ ••• . .......,, .. c•o .... Twry,Nloel~ .... ,,. ....,.. .. .... ~""" ...... ... ... .., .. MllMtflf .. ...... ~ ... 11' .. (Cl lllOWll •• "Ono 11111 09," OH H Cll• .. to!MI .. o.orp, l.J. ...._ A medlNtft ...... --.. ............ .. .......... __ • .._...,.IL -®--. . ..,...,.....,,. .... ..... ,. ..... .................. l l : ' I ~ . . I . ~ \ • ' i • \ • ' . i i i • \ . ' . • CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS , , , I I I '82 STATION WAGON Sliver, auto (Ser. 0958) . '82 BRAT DL, 4 WO (Ser . 0079) ONLY 5 6450 • ono n c ptu1 tu t.•P ltllll) R .. ,0 .. 011 S3275 U month ..... Cap 19Clueto(lt1 S;>OOO Tatel -f.229S SADDLEBACI BIW CALL US ... r ega rding our Exclusi ve Purchase Plan/ We have the hard to find '82 Models S-lpeecl• 320 Cashmere 5spd sunroof J20 Opal green 5 spd snrt. etc 320 Safart beige 5spd snrf 320 White 5spd snrf 320 Silver 5spd snrt 320 Sc1pph11e blue 5spd snrf (Ser 0928) <Ser.0508) (Ser 3529) (Ser 8661 ) (Ser 5162) (Ser 3388) AUIOMAllCI 320 Sapphire blue auto, snrt. .. (Ser 7956) 320 Safari beige auto. snrf (Ser. 94 59) 320 Balhc blue auto. snrl (Ser 7971) 528'• all colors 5 spd and automatics 633 Opal green 5spd 633 Safari 5spd 633 White Automatic. 733'• . (Ser 5495) (Ser 5102) (Ser 0323) 5 spds and automatics Too Many Others to List! AUTO Al-\UN-OOI 14 10 41• \UNltt)()I ... ,"'XJ 111 '1.hMI .... ,,, ... ., '7''5 lt1t 1'11 vw VW IUS V ANAGON • SPD. 8 PASS 4 Sl'O \IUlO " .. ,, ••/"I\ '4HS '10,SOO 1t17 DATSUN 1•7' AUDI 1211 2 ~. fOX • D•. 4 sPO \U•l O '!>l'O A c su~~•OOf -~····< BILL YATES VW I --ANNOUNCES-- 4 SPO STU•O ~~PO A,. 'Spd lodt0 lo ,,., ... ,.~ ... ··-.. " ... ... ,.uc;. '4ffS '7ff5 '44'5 1'71 fO•D 1t1t AUDI 1 .,, TINlll'I fllSTA 2 D•. JM04D•. WITNI COii¥. 4 SPO STllllO AUIO Alll \UNROOf 'Spd Sle•eo ~ ..... .. \•·" '2ff5 ••ffs ""'coo •t"5 ltH HO•IZ.ON , .. , vw 1977 YW U.-T TOCOU" DIUIL lll'tQ(Uf' 'O• Ao1•omot~ • sPO PS S SPO SHf.U lll •Ow-#\)4;lfl #1nn.,. SADDLIBACK -'A6U... -!1ttJ_ ----~i .. s 1t15 DATSUN 1'1• "IUOIOT ,.,. TltU ..... T17 .... "' ,-·=-..:-... --· --~ -.-::-t=;::t;;4-~~~;,;;;;;:;;~~~~-4-=:=~~~4....;=~~,;.;;;;;.;~~;;!!:::...,.--.1--:1:::=t1==:tm SADDLIBACK + + SUBARU -+-+ "t+.+~ ~-..-~ 21402 MARGUIRITI PKWY. MISSION VllJO IA•••r hit oil ,., 1 O'Ool 'UHDAYS 831-2040 495-4949 & BMW & ~1402 MARGUHITI PKWY. MISSION VllJO (A•ory h it ell l ·S ) O"H SUNDAYS 831-2040 495-4949 ·The Newes.I Economy Car From Japan ISUZU ll'llOMOUMCIO llol>OO 1.001 • • 1 A LL PICKUPS IN STOCK 711 2 D• HT • ()II ~ ·~o OMI,. . MIUAlllACa AUIO Vlll1 CllAN \UN•()Of •7 O(IO Ml • St>d Al(, Si.teo AUTO IUHS UCll •f'li"IN•' TRUCK II• ~TOt K ( •• h·. !Ji,, •• ,, ..... ••.cm 210 ' I I s..t 000 . ··::· 280ZX 1, , ' " ., . ' NawPOll I llaACH (714l833-1300 I : I ' ' i . I ,, 0 R A N MOTHER'S DAY, 1982 -Barbara Karl appears with Kristina Karl Delorme and the Delorme clan: John, Jr., 1 3; Scot, 10; Nicole, 8, and Melissa, at the Newport Harqor Yacht Club. Fashions by Neiman-Marcus/Fashion Island. Cover photo by lee Payne MOTHER'S DAY, 1953 -Barbara Karl appears with Un, 4 and Kristina, 6, on the cover o f the Pasadena Star Newsl California Scenario: It's a four day celebration ... C2 Beware the B Rays : Tawny-to-tan may not be terrific ... C2 T • I l ! I 1 ' ' T . , ! \ : I Orange Ooatt OAILV PILOT/SurJday, Ma~ 8, 18H Space leads me By NORA LEHMAN ,.-,,....1nllt...., ONE SIDE OF MY DESK: There'• a pile of lnfonnatlon about oventa 101ng on tn- and-around South Coaat Plan and Town Center, as woll aa cvcnta betna held else- where, but focuted on the well-belng of that area. It's a very tall plle. . On the other side, ia another plle of paper. And over there is Information from ,heaven knows what other county organiza· tions. The disparity Is overwhelmlng. But it ls a testimony to the public relationa bu1i· ness and what it can spawn. If my drawing ability came even close to my late f8ther's, l 'd do a cartoon of me (and any othe r col- 'umnist covering this kind of beat) totally awash ln paper marked with Noguchi and OCCPAC logos. A prayer would be floating up amongst the papers ... "Please, dear Lord, help me and my friends to cope with this . . . " But, didn't Confucious say, the journey of a thousand m1les starts with the first step'! So, now that we're in the Oriental mood, the first step is to get the Noguchi celebration under control. So ... GA GA KU, ET AL: I'll bet you think that's something a grandparent would say to a grandchild, or vice versa, isn't it? Well. it's not, it's a Japanese Imperial Court Dance Group and they're appeahng at one of the four evenings of events celebrating the. "California Sce nario," a lso known as the coming of Noguchi's time in his sculpture garden. · The first two groups to get a gander at it are both coming from Los Angeles and are the Japanese American Cultural and Com- . munity Center group on Tuesday, and the • t>:. to plead e e • folk8 from the Museum of Contemporary Art on Wednctday. The Cultural Cent.er people are starting with a tea cere mony at 4:30, foJlowed by heavier drink• and food through out the evening of festivities. It'll coet you $20 to tee their show . The MOCA group, on the other hand, la o nly charging $1 5, and are planning an audio-visual presentation on the sculptor and their own museum. They start their evening at 6:30 and expect nigh-on to 1,500. Now, come Thursday, we come across that ubiquitous OCCPAC. And just so there are no surprises. they too are doing a Japa- nese evening. Aren't you glad I warned you? They're starting their party at 6:30 p.~ .. expect w wind it up at 9:30 and are hoping you and about 1,500 others will join them that night. The charge this time? $20. Winding up tt}e w eek is the Ora~ge County Alliance (or the Arts soiree. Starting at 7 p.m .. they'll entertain you with a sound and light presentation focused on the many facets of this arts organization. They, too, are expecting 1,500 art lovers and they'll need to h ave a check or cash equal to $25. ln looking over the media kit. there's ON T HE COVER: Appearing on a Mo- ther's Day cover 1s old hat to Barbara Karl. Bv VIDA DEAN Her first appearance was on the Pasadena oeley f'llot ....,,, Edit°' --,.. ...... very Uttlo emphaal1 put on thu fact thMl Jamu Noguchi lJ Loi Ang ll"K·born and that hit Bryn Mawr alumna mother, Leonit' Otlmour'a ancee1ry S. lrilh-Am rican Indian. No one teMN to have lnterwoven thll part of h1I cultural t>.ck&round tnw thill ~vent. Oh, well, tho Orient muat have a more romantic lure. BACK TO THE FIRST PARAGRAPH: That's where l mentioned ull thl1 Info co- ming out of that South Const Plaza urea. Almost all of it out of OCCPAC, or itH a!- fJUat.et. Let'• 10 back a few months, oh you members of OCCPAC'1 chapters, w a point when a croup of pre11 people were uked to come and talk with your press chairman. Quite a number of ua did. Rememberlng clearly is not something 1 do as well as I used to, but that meeting remains vivid ln my mind. Among the things discussed was the necessity for you all to get wgether and not bombard us with stories about your individual parties. We pleaded with you to schedule yourselves ... not operate in a vacuum ... to even combine ... so we wouldn't be hearing from 41 chapters. You realize that even spread out that could mean word from someone in one of those chapters every 10 days or so. Well, some of you heeded our remarks and some did not. But, if you really did a small amount of combining . . . all of you . . . even u.nd~r the best of circumstances, we could stall an my opinion, hear too much! It's gone into overkill. There is a gJ"oan going up in m y part of the city_ r_oom every time A letter la opened from OCCPAC or ltJI sublldlanes. I feel that'• not the reaction you're loo. king Cor, but In your ever·buatUns enthuat- wsm, you've forgotwn that sound blt of ad- vlc.-e given to you ln the fell. . Let me share with you the fact that on rny dc8k ut thla very moment ore preu re· leruK.~ from 11evcn chapwrs. Count'em! That'• fro m those who h eard the request for WRITTEN material. There are also several phone calls from those who did not hear the request for the written word and heard "alert us early" w your plans, assuming we mc~nt by phone. Over and beyond that are me11ages from PR ch airmen asking for photos - pre-and-post publacaty cameramen. Frankly, I don't know how to do a fair number here. Hall those stones are included there won't be room for anvthina else for t he next few w eeks, and by that time, a whole new set of releas<•s would be an, with its requesL'>. Wath 1.200 organ1zat1ons (that's not c.•ounting guilds, chapters, etc) in our lovely county, an enormous number of whom seem to be along the coast and a little inland, not to mention new ones starting c.'ver y day, it's hard to give everyone an even break. So, gentle and unbiased reader, have you an y suggestions on how to handle this dilemma? Take a moment or two and write them in. I feel like going o ff into the corner, pulling my "blankae" up over my head and putting my thumb in my mouth. ln fact. I think I'll do that right now. It sounds w:ry com forting. The price of a good tan worshipers an the shadt', so how do you go about getting that gorgeous tan safely? It can be done, says J oseph Gubermck. -=-~dem.:f.or.~rch ~ d~_v~nt -·-- for ~tee Lauder Inc. Star News' tribute to mothers in 1953. With Years ago, magnolia cr eam y-white ~~~~w~ge;¢an.c±itxi'tstil' ::ia:;;:agc*~:::-'OrpfJ-€"--9kin~~Agh1yltestnble::among =-=- G. Stuart Karl was to appear on the scene a women. A tanned body belonged w someone little over a month later. who had to do physical labor in the out-of-- This cover shows Barbara with Kristina doors. again, but with another generation along Not anymore. A "gJ"eat tan" is highly' proving, d espitE! how marvelous the K arl prized today, and being tanned might sug- DeLorme ladies look, that time does indeed gest that you've had a lot. of time to spend in march along. the sun en joying sports or just lazing about. The proof: The DeLormes: Nicole. age But if you sun worshipers are not car- 8, who shows a strong family resemblance to eful, you may have to pay for tha t tawny h e r own Mom in that 1953 photograph; look, and the price will be wrinkled, older J ohnnie, age 13; Scottie, 10 and Melissa, 6. looking skin, painful sunburns or skin can- Dressed for Mother's Day brunch at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club, are Barbara and Kris tina , both in Chloe's handsome silks: Barbara's a perawmkle blue. splashed with white fl owers and Kristina's, a multi- colored print against an ivory background, double-skirted and backless. Barbara's white polished-straw hat is a Frank Olive design. The lattle girls wear matching yellow and white ~·n~ham dresses designe d by Flor ence Eiseman and whale the boys are n on -d esigner dressed, they are bea utifully outfitted for thlS special OCC'asion. All clothes a re from Nei man-Marcus /Fash ion Island. Please do not ad Just your fine -tuning knob We an . ., indeed. without color t his week. However, at is o nly a t emporary interruption. Cover story photos by Gary Ambrose and Lee Payne. cer. That's a warning from skin-care spe- cialists and researchers. You don't have to give up your place ln the sun, but it's a good idea to understand what it means, says Lia Schorr, New York skin<are specialist. The sun is at ats most dangerous level between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m .. Schorr advises, so plan to do your sunbathing early in the day or after three m the afternoon. Sand a nd water will mcrease the bur- ning pote ntia l o f the sun . and even i( it's cloudy at the beach, don't make the mis- take of assumin~ you won't bum. The most dangerous part of the year for sun damage to your skin is not necessarily the hottest time of the year, warns Dr. Myra Barker, vice president of research and de- velopment for Mary Kay Cosmetics, Inc. Dr. Barker explains that sun exposure 6HAND OPENING J ANUARY'~ th e mo!o\l prt-sl i ~ious nail !-i a lon in .-~port Be ~u·h hatoi ex- pandf"d to a ''omplf'te bt·auty -.;alon . 1 WJ ARE NOW ' I OFFERING THE ; FOLLOWING SERVICES BY APPOINTMENT ONLY: e No Lift Sculptured Nalls • Master Sculpture Artists e Hot Oil or Water Manicures e Juliettes and Liquid Nall Wraps • Nall Tips • Hand Painted Nall Art • Pedicures • Sculptured Nalls Taught J? / /? e Individual Lashes e Lash/Brow Tinting • Body Wraps f/Doa 'I Lare e Massage-Masseuese, Masseur e Waxing for Women and for W akeup ~acia£ Men, Beard. Back of Neck and Eye Brow Shaping e Featuring Oucette Cosmetics • lndlvlduallzed Make-up Design e Make-up Lessons by January or Linda Ducette . • Skin Care -Featuring Esthetlc Products • AIE certified • ~thetlclan • Also Featuring Saaco Product• SPECIAL-MANICURE AND PEDICURE s20 cJANUAR <r •s 2400 W. COAST HIGHWAY, SUITES A AB NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 12H3 (714) 845-3418, 845-3144. 141-3141 O~ 7 Days a Week 8:00 tll 9:00 .. I .. , reaches a dange r peak for ultraviolet radia- tion (type B, generally blamed for most skin damage ) on J une 21 in the northern hemi- sphe r e. but dange rs begin building up in April and May. "You may think more about it in August when the temperatures top 100 degrees." she says "but the danger of skin damage actually peake d two m o n ths earlier." Dr. Barker adds. Sunburn as caused by reaction in the capillaries to heat and radiation within the skin. The capilJaries leak fluids that are re- sponsible for the inflammation. "A sunburn is not a simple phenomenon that's te mporar y. hurts a little while and goes away. It is a perinane nt form of skin damage," she says. "There is evidence," says Dr. Barker ''that severe sunburn early in life tends to increase the chance of skin cancer later." But knowing that too much sun can be hazardous to your health won 't keep the sun A S11ndo11 ~t't:l1vn 11/ thr flron114• romt f)o1l11 l'llut Thomas P Haley Publl1he, Thomas A Murphrne I Edltot L. Kay Schullz Vice l'rMlcMf\I 9ftcl Oltectot of Adnnt••no Nora Lehman a1,i. ldltot Marlorie Fendel Ael•I S•IH Men-oer f'Of New• Call 642·4321 E1ll 205 M•ln Office 330 Wes1 Bay S1ree1 Pos1 Oll•Cl' Bo• 1560 COs1a Meu Gahl 92626-0S60 You go at it slow and easy. . . S tart by using a product with a high sun protection factor, (SPF) rated about 15. Use that for two days. You c.·an be in the sun for a couple of hours each day if you apply the product liberally over your entire body. After two days, your skin has produced sufficient melanin (that's the dark pigme nt existing in the skin and hair) so that you are on your way to a tan. Then you can drop down to a product with an SPF of six or eight. using that over your body whale you let the sun give you the desired tannang. When you have reached your goal. go back to the high SPF product and stay with at. You'll get sufCicient radiation to maintain your tan and a t the same tame be protecting your s kin from the ravages of the sun's B- radaatton. It's simple a nd sa fe and requires no more e ffort than doing at improperly. says Gubernick. Of course. you may be one o( those people who reall y shouldn't try to get much of a tan. If you're fr('('klcd or have brown spots causl·d by over exposure to the s un, you should l:>t' double careful. It's felt that you're more likely to get skin cancer than is the average person. T herefore, you ~hould ~ only a sun protection product with a high SPF and avoid trying to look like a bronzed Greek Goddess. "A child u nder six months should not be exposed to excessive sun." warns Gu- bemick After six months, a child must be protected with a high SPF product at all times. Dr Barker suggests applying sunscreen h berally seven-to-15 minutes before you go out and reapplying at often. Don't wait to turn red And don't think you can fool Old Kang Sol. We've got your style at the Garage ... Quiksilver. Moul, ond OffshOre. &~~[; 56 FASHION ISLAND · NeNPORT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 , . Orange Ooa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 8, 1882 "One for the money": says Barbara as she gets Johnnie ready for his appearance at the Fashionables' three- generation luncheon- fashion show. Johnnie wears a grey Polo by Ralph Lauren Shet- land sweater with his grey cords. Clothes by Ne1mon-Morcus/Foshion Island ----____ __.,_ Two for the show: Scottie and Nicolle DeLor- me are dressed and ready to appear in their portion of the Fashionables three-generation show. Scottie's tennis sweater, navy with red and white stripes is a LaCoste and Nicole's pink rotten a Polo by Ralph Lauren. (There was so much wistful sighing going on by Miss DeL. about that dress it may have left the confines of Neiman-Marcus by this time and gone to live in Huntington Beach). Three to get ready: Barbara checks grand- daughter Melissa's frothy pettipants to see if lnv .. t~nt In Elegance. • Unique Corum watches completely hand- crafted In Switzerland from authentic COIN. $20 gold piece tor men, $5 . gold piece for women. A. man's C\\atz watch, $8,990. B. woman's, $6,900. Balley Banks & mddle Worfd Renown~ Jewc•fers m<e 1832 SOOTH COAST PlAlA. COSTA MESA fnt lev.t. near The COIOYMI (7141 7$1·5640 \ while Mommy Kristina arranges her braids. they should show under h er tiny-print dress, I Barbara's petal-collared 100 percent cotton dress is from Galleria, and Kristina's shirt and wa~~g~w~~~~Ra~hLaurena~ ~~====~~================~==~ Four to go: Here they are in action, learning the ramp routine from an experienced grandmom. worn with knee seeks and penny loafers, as "preppy" as a person can be. Orange Coast lady of fashion: Barbara Karl She's blond, she's beautiful and she was born here in Orange County -at Santa Ana Hospital. Barbara Karl's father and mother took her back to their Balboa Island house where she spent the fi rst six years of her life. Then it was off to live in Flin- tridge a nd school years spent at Mayfield Catholic Girls' School in Pasadena. She didn't return to the Harbor Area until 16 years ago and this time it was with her husband George and three children of her own, Kristina, Lin and G. Stuart Jr. She still models for Magnin's and DeCrenza, often taking his line east to specialty-store buyers. While in Pasadena s he worked with the Junior League, but didn't join the Los Angeles-based Manne- quins of the Assistance League of Southern California until after her move to Orange County. She served as chairman of that organii.ation for two years, comrnut.mg to the city to do it. Currently, she is a member of the Fashionables, a support group for Chapman College. Fashion then has played an im- portant role in her life. But the most important part of her life is her family -her husband, George, her own c hildren and grandchildren. Kristina, who, with her husband, John De Lonne, and four children, live in Huntington Beach. Lin Karl McMahon, pictured in the 1953 Mother's Day photo on the cover this week -also a Mayfield graduate, to be followed by UCLA -lives in Ho-Ho-Kus, N.J ., not too far outside New York City, with her husband Brian, her three chil- dren -Chapman, Jaaon and Emily Retterer -by her late first husband. Kate McMahon and, as Barbara puts it, "?" McMahon, due to arrive soon. G . Stuart Karl, Jr., who's latest venture has been producing Jane Fonda's exer cise tapes, is a CdM High School and Chapman College graduate. He and his wife Debbie, who is also expecting another Karl soon, live on &lboa Island. --------- --- Hawaii ... Free Trip Anyone? Look for Benchley Luggage Travable catalog coming Wednesday, May 12 in fhe Daily Pilat (3 • 125 Fashion Island, Newport Beach, CA near Bullock's Wiishire 92660 In the years between, she spent two years working for the F .B.I. - and that right out of high school - -inodellng for I Magnin, first in the Pasadena store and then, because she was so good, in any store they nee- ded her, and later, while George was in the Navy, in New York for such designers as DeCrenza, whose cur- rent shop i5 in Beverly Hills, and for Anne Klein. "I love to swim and George and I spend a lot of time traveling and on our boat, the Jubilee," she says, but my best loved hobby is to sit with any and all of my glorious grand- children -in New Jersey or here in California." So, the world turns and it's a busy 714/759-9101 world for this super-glamorous -·~=~===================~====::!.. grand.mom. And did Grandrnoms used to look like this' In fact, did mothers look like this (remember Whistler's?)? Not too many, but there certainly seem to What started as a way to keep occupied when her husband was away blossomed into a life-time ca- reer. Barbara shares this week's cover with one of those three children , be more of them these days. Maybe it's the California climate. Al Fashion Island, j o in Us For AFTERNOON TEA wllb fresh baked scones 6 appetizers Weekdays 2:30 -4:00 p . m . --Great Drinks DelitlttfUI Lunches · Gloftoa1 Dinners . • eosm.11c peelt WINTIOH THIS AO AND lt•talVE A 01,.T ClltTIFICATI •QUAI. TO lHI AMOUNT °" Y®lt f'UltCHASI • I • _. CHlllTINI VALMY IKIN CAal IALONI 3-431 Via Ooorto, SUttt A, Newport 8Nch 92883 Op«1 Mondey.SaMciev In uoo .... v-. (714) 67M700 We Rent Big John Grills & Rotisseries. Our grills hold 60 ste~ks or 30 chickens at one time. Our rotisserie will barbecue a whole pig or chrec steamship roasts at one time . W• IHI~ many otw ~ party 1t.m• eveHable. 11s1 B"''" Sir••' Ca,ta m.,,., Cat It was changing-of- th e-g u a rd (to mix cot1ntrie1 here) time for the OCPS Harbor View HUls Commit-· tee, ao they celebrated .at a Bavarian Spring Fest. Here are Peter and Muriel Gipken1 and Ruth and Nick Byhower. They are on the outgoing side. Incoming are Minna and Don Dotzauer. In each c.a.ae It's only one member of the family that's taking over a ~Jtion, but realisti- cally, when one side of the couple makes a commitment like this, 77Je LqwM Mu.um ol Art opened Jt1 major exhibition ol the year, "Southern Ca1Jlornla 8eall1t Palnt.lnll," and pNMl- dent of the board ol tru1tee1, Marla Bird w• there to tmjoy the preview party, ., w• artJ1t Doug/., Bond. Here they 1tand In front of hi• work, titled "Br111o n.,, And Bird.le Bubb uys she doe1n 't take a good picture! Non- sense! She'• pictured here at the Pacific Mutual Sculpture Garden opening. ---------___ , _____ . ._ , the other becomes a -~· --parrotit, wtlly-ni1Jy. From the left, Greg Smith. &i Oliveira and Magi Smith aclmi.re two of the pieces of art to be used m the Estancia Chapter of the American Field Service's tund-rai.a.ing Art Auction Scheduled for May 14 at the O.ta Mesa Neighborhood C..Ommunity Center, the auction preview 6tart8 at 7:30 p.m . and the auction at 8:30. Donations of $3 can be P#Md at the door. Magi Smith is the AFS Chapter president. Greg, an AFS "hopeful" and Ed Oliveira, an Estancia High School art student, will have hia work shown Jn the student part of the exhibit.Jon. ANNIVERSARY SALE sale joyce-selby style! ENTIRE STOCK 20°/o OFF SAU ENOS SUN., MAY 16 The Junior EbeU Club of Newport Harbor had the annual luncheon recently and thetre are the ladles who t.ook over the reins for the 1982-83 period. StandinJl are Gerry Wright, Carolyn Matthews and 1:.au.nt Downey; and seated, Norms Edelhat111er and Julie Pearce, the pret1. / \_.-- "Under the Big Top" is the theme of the May 12 Lido l8le Home Tour this year. Here Marilyn Read, chairman, Patty Ogata, decorations cha.innan and F.ml.ly Barrett, Women's Club president, are pictured in the John O 'Donnells' handaome waterfront house. Two other waterfront.a: Betty Cook's and tl>e Corey Hansens' and two Inside hot1llelf: the 'FheodoJ ~ Kl 'wla' and Cliff-Bartungs' 1na:ktn1p the-t.oar.-- Tfcket price is $7 and the tour begJ.na at 1 p.m . Tea will be served from 2 p.m. until c106ing at 4. Qill the Lido l8le Clubhouse for more information. The Newport Chapter of Z.Onta International held an art auction -the second -planned-to-annwli, with proceeda to go to youth and aenlor citizen projects. Here's a look at those who put it all together. In the front row: Lila Schoemehl, Louise Hamblet and Meredith Melling. In the back row are, from the left: Frances Mears, VlclcJ Potter, Pat ~bal. Carol Givens, Jacque Buslcuhl and Peg Forgit. - Theae 1ix charming young ladle• are members of the Aai6teent Auxiliary of the A.aistance League of Newport Beach. They are graduating aenlors and were honored at a dinner dance at the Santa Ana Country Club recently for their outatandlng service to tbe community. They are, from the left: Michelle Ogata, Dime PNnOll, Jennifer Browning, Sheryl Rad08, Kristin Baamajian and Janet Sweet. We offer our congratulations. SHU 11 ERS CUSTOM QUALin SHUTTERS .. j -; ' ... .. .. :) + { .. .. • t . :. .. .. • :t .. .. :. ., :. :-• :a .. :: ... :. • :. .. :. • :• .. .. • ·; • . . . ' • .; . l I \ Orange Oo .. t DMLY PILOT/Sunday, May 9, 1982 extends its deep appreciation to the Corporate Benefactors, Sponsors and Donors for their participation in this fully subscribed major annual benefit. Le GRan() Casino ORien-caJ .fan-easy May 8, 1982 CORPORATE SPONSORS AND BENEFACTORS Fluor Corporation Mr. and Mrs. John Martin Shea Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A _!Jryant, III "The Estate of Beaver Porter" CommerceBank Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company The Newporter, A RESORT Hotel Bob's Old Fashioned Ice Cream, Inc. James B. Pick _ DonalcLHaskell OccidentaLResearch Cor.poration -Mr. and Mrs. Robert-Guggenheim - Anonymous Dressen-Barnes Surveillance Cameras 'Ewing, Creath & Brown Securities, Inc. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. Price Waterhouse & Co. Raygal Design Associates, Inc. Standard-Pacific Corporation Mr. and Mrs. E. Keith Owen Ms. Patricia Fredricks Avco Financial Services Beacon Bay Enterprises· Mr. and Mrs. Charles W . Hester Deloitte Haskins + Sells Annonymous Andrade/McKee Designs, Inc. Coldwell Banker Ernst & Whinney Latham & Watkins Associated Concrete Products, Inc. Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton David Steinmetz Mr. and Mrs. Richard Steele Orange County Home and Garden Marriott Hotel Canvas Specialties General Automobile Leasing Co. Orange Coast Publishing Company GRAND PRIZES -DONORS Roy Carver Rolls Royce -BMW I 1982 Roll s Ro yce Silver Spirit, One Year Lease .. ... . Jean Claude Murat -Treasure Tours International, Paris I Holiday in Paris, One Week for Two-Air Travel Continental Waterways, Ltd., London I Barge Trip on the Thames, One Week for Two-Air Travel Ochos Cascadas -Mr. and Mrs. Edwards Giddings I Holiday in Puerta Vallarta, One Week for Two-Air Travel Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Adams I John Wayne Tennis Club Membership Air Fare" Donated by a. Friend of the Mu eum ADDITIONAL PRIZES One Rocchair -Rocco Co. • Three days, two nights, two shows at Union Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas -Casino de Paris Portraiture -John L. Bloom • Half ca!'le " wect Na ncy" -Callaway Vmeyaras GIFT CERTIFICATE Amen Wardy -Brooks Brothers -La Cuisine -Rothchild's Wine & Cheese A Da y at Aida Grey's -Antonello's -Apropos -Atkinson's -Men's & Boys' Clothing -Basin Marine Inc. B.D. Howes & Son Jewelers -Blackman Ltd. -Bouzy Rouge -Cafe' Lido -C'est si Bon Dillman's on the Peninsula -Flora Hills -Fritzankotters -Gimone's -'Glendale Federal Savings -Great Things -Greinke Petroleum Corporation Heather's Affairs -Hemingway's -It's Magic -&rt Weiland -Jacques Fura -Kitchen Things -La Strada -Le Biarritz -ITdo Nautilus Love Balloons -Luxe Limo & Livery Service -Magic Isle -Patay Cain-Jerry Malone -Relax & Float -Richard Ouellette -St. Ives Annex Showley-Wrightson Fine Food Catering -Steve Simons Tennis factory -Steve's Detailing -Slavick's Jewelers -The Happy Cooker -The Ritz - Tustin News -Vielano · Importers -Village Inn Mn. Albert A. Adame Mr. Ceorp L Argyroe Mr. Harry c. Bubb Mn. AMn S. Cox Mr. Ben c. 0..- Mn. ftonald R. J' oe11 Mn. Wahw D. K. Cibeon, Jr. Mr. Murray A. Cribin ,Mn. John Hu.rntW Mrs. Richard S. J-.. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mra. Erneat A. Bryant. Ill. Preaident Mr. John E. Dwan, II, Vice Preaident Mr. Ray H. Johnaon, Vice Preaident Mr. Robert 8. McLain, Vice Preaident Mr. George R. Richter, Jr., Vice President Mn . Harvey Somera, Secretary Mr. T. ~Morgan, Tnuurer Mr. J, Thomu Van Dallaen. Aaet. Trtal\hr Mr. Peter C. Kremer Mra. Lucille Kuehn Mr. WEam C. Luier Mn. Hal Lehman Mr. Leon Lyon Mr. Courtland Paul Mr. JamM 8. Pick Mn. Banda1I P,..&ey Mn. Frank A. Rhodel', Jt. Mr. Harry S. Rinker for mew. Wonnadon. oel 769-1)22 Mr. John Martin Shea Mr. Joel Slutsky Th. Honorabk Sheila Pearl Sonenahine Mr. Ron1&d R. Speers Mra. Rkhud Steele Mr. O.'rid Steinmets Mr. Herbert Sutton _/ Mr. O.'rid !. Tappan. Sr. Mn. aw... Ulman . Mn. R.lchard Winkler A Nie~ !pol_.., .o1.tJ Or-. COllt ~ ftle .. • -·--~·---------·"""' Or1nge Cottt DAIL 'f PILOT /Sunday, May 8, 1982 On Mother's~ Vi rgin ia Slims reminds y0u that Founding Fathers couldn't have been Founding Fathers without Founding Mothers. You've come a long way, baby. () ~MS ' 1J111 TAR • MPfTHOL ............ .. ..... Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined , , That Ciga rette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 9 mg "tar:·_o. 7 mg nicotine tv. per cigarene tr{FTC method • , • DIHJ Piiat The t•os t of car part ~ SUNDAY. MAY 9, 1982 ' 1·1·p l1u·<•111e nts w e111 up STOCKS 04-5 3 J IJ P'~1·c·e11 t it1 tlie '70s. ~ REA L ESTATE 06 See liow to save on D3. TRAVEL 08 ~ Firm saving · generator for windy day Stor~ and Pboto1 br LEE PAYNE Prototy p e gets maximum p ower air flow ~ I 0 Ille DellJ PKot llen You don't often see a Chevy pickup with its own built-in windmill. But t h at ls w hat a numbe r or startled motor ists have recently encountered on the streets or lrvine. "They seem surprised when we tell them we are testing our n ew wind powered electric generator," says Richard Pope, vil'e president of Turbomachines Inc .. and the man often at the whc.--el of the strange vehicle. "Many people are familiar with the current efforts to tap the wind as an alternate ehergy source but most associate this with the more traditional looking windmills and propeller-driven devices. Ours is a spinning tur- bine inside an aerodynamically designed housing ." In California the Public Utili- t 1es Commission has been en- couraging the utility companies to expand their use of renewable energy sources sue~ as wind, geothermal and solar power. William R. Gould, the new chairman or Southern California Edison recently announced that his company hopes to be generating two million kilowatts of electricity Crom these sources by 1990. A number of companies already have begun ident- i(:V.in&.fl,n~ property in windy areas where they can set up w ind far ms, sites covered w ith hundreds of wind machines tha t will generate electricity to be sold to local uti- lities. The self-contained wind ma- chines are considered more sui- table by prospective neighbors of the energy sites. Some residents in Riverside County objected to windmills because of the danger of huge, flapping vanes and their interference with TV reception. Two of the largest wtnd farm companies in the state are the Buckeye Corp. with two s1tes in San Diego County and Wind- farms Ltd., a San Francisco company with major backing from Standard Oil of California. "All this activity," Richard Pope explains, "has given a big boost to those of us who have been work ing with wind an d water power systems and a lot of new <.'Ompanies have entered the field. "Many companies like Boeing and Westinghouse looked at the traditional windmill and imme- diately thought or updating it with modem propeller blades. "The problem is that in order to funcuon profilClbly the blades must be so large, up to 150 feet long. that the blade tips go supersonic in high winds and the machines must be shut down. "One inventor was killed rec- ently as he tried to feather his -propeller bJaaes Ina heavy wina. Three of his machines were de- stroyed in that same storm. "At Turbomachines however, our chief engineer was a man who never t houg ht m ter ms of propelJers. He was Vladimir Pav- lec ka. one of the world's fore- • most turbine engineers. In fact, as chief of research at Northrop Aircraft back in 1939, he de- signed America's first jet engine. ''He also designed the world's first production turboprop en- gine. the Allison T -38 that po- wered the Lockheed Electra. "When he tack.led the problem of generatin,g electricity by wind power he tf'iought in terms of a tu rbine. The resu lt 1s the ma- chine we are testing now. OLD LANDMARK -Windmill on Bak er S treet in Costa Mesa has provided safe, pollution -Cree e nergy for more than 50 years. "It incorporates a turbine in- side a hqusing or shroud that has been aerodynam ically •designed to get the maximum power Crom the air flowing through 1t "It is a~lutely silent and can handle winds of more than 100 Banking shifts to home Popu l arity of automate d services prompts experim_e n t By JEFF ADLER Of lh• D•llY Piiot Sl•H As the long lines can attest, automated bank tellers have caught on In a big way in Sou- thern Califorrua. And with electronic banking becoming ever more popular, it comes as no s urprise that Cali- fornia banks already are toying with the next banking innovation that is sure to sweep the industry in coming years -home ban- king. "There will be a big shift into (banking) services i n to t h e home," promised Steve Yotte r. Bank of America's Vice president for re tail electronic marketing. Yotte r explained he can see home banking on the horizon . but he predicted it will be at least five years before bank customers can hook into a system that will bring ban king into their living rooms via cable television, tele- phone lines or computer link. Bank of A.merica and Fir st Interstate Bank of California both are experimenting with home banking while at the same time expand ing the number of au t omated telle r machines (ATMs) available around the state. Before home bankjng becomes t he industry's latest innovation, however, the network of ATMs around the state will be greatly expanded. In fact, it won 't be long until ATMs are available at locations away from bank bran- ches. IRWD chief • wins P redicting machines will soon be found at airports. shopping centers or places of work, Yotter said, "The o ff-site move is to w here customers w ork, play or do business." national ranking Already, &nk of Ameri.ca has placed 10-15 ATMs In a pilot program at various locations not conn ected to a conven tion al branch bank. Arthur Brui n gton , gener a l ma nager o f the I rvin e Ranc h Wat er Dist rict, Is on e of the American Public Works Associa- tion's top 10 Leaders-of-th e - Year. Announcement of the honorees coincides w ith observance o f Nation al P u blic Works Week, May 23-29. General manager of the water district since 1979, Bruington hu apent 32 years In public worka Jobe. He w orked 29 yeara for the Loa Anaeles County Flood Con-trol District, and was chief engi- neer from 1970 to 1979. He is a graduate of Califomla lnatltute of TechnolotD'. Bruington wlll receive h ia award at a May 27 luncheon of the ...ociadon'a Southern Cali- fornia chapter at the Diamond Bar Country Club. He wu no- minated for the award by t hat chap(et and a local chapter of the American Sodety of avu Incl· neen. ·~ -*"°" mede me ver:y proud and aratehll for all the help jrom 11\1 lei~ worbn," helltd. ' IN TOP 11 -American Pub- lic Worb AllOCiatton hM dted Arthur Bn.dncton· ,He said the bank currently haa installed more tflan 360 machin- lles, which cost between $36,000 t o $40,000 each and ave rage about 11,000 transactiona a mon- th. In fact, Crocker National Bank reports that use of lta 250 A TMs around the state is more U-.an two tlmea the national average, ac- cording to Betty Little, a Crocker u.iatant vice president. But deafite t he growing ac- ceptance o A TMI by IOme bank C\.!Stornen, a bank tervtce related more cloeely to home bankina. telephone bill paytna, LI not fa- rina qutie ao well, accordlng to Yotter.' One of the pu rpoaea of First lntentate'• pllot home bankini proaram In the San l'ernand o Valley UI to determine U people would avail thermelve ol .Uch eervlcet or find them lntlmlda- ~ explained Mlcby Fennell, • nm Intent.ate vtce pretldent a nd home banklnc proJf!ct ma· ' aekl 200 honm have beecl nve Judata chime Ndpierlll of conneded by ~puter hookup t.N annuaf award from vartou. • and televl1lon eenen with Ute ~No We> wtnnen.,.. fftlm bank. the.,_ state. ( ... 84NU, .. DI)• ~ ~ l G ENERATING INTEREST -Shrouded wind turbine towers over Richard Po pe. Mounted on a truck, 1t can be t('sted at va- rious speeds to simulate wind conditions. mph. It is designed to take ad- vantage or the highest winds without having to feather or sh ut down. "We have tried to kc.iep 1t sim- ple. with no gear box, gear train or feather ing mechanism. And our heav y equipme nt 1s at ground level. not 250 f t.~t in the air where maintenancC' ts going to be very difficult "The prototypC' th<Jl we have been driving around the streets of Irvine 1s glVing us ;$~ watts per square foot. which L'> up to twice the pow c·r output o f tht> best propt>ller machines yN tested "We are now m the process of funding a research and dt·~elqp­ ment program with tht.· gOM'of budding a 50-kdowall mal·hme. It will be tht• samC' a!'. tht!'. one except that 1t will tw 40 feet high .. MISTAKENLY MALIGNED -Merchants along Main Street mall in Huntington Beach Deity .......... ,..... clalm the d owntown area is suffe ring from ,; bad image it doesn't deserve. Mai~ Street spruces up shops Good business mix in Huntington stresses 'safe and clean' By ROBERT BARU R O(tfle D..,NotatAlft There'• still an OCCMkJnal hor- ror atory or two but merchant. claim that the oft-crltlcize d Huntington Beach downtown area la suffering from a bad lmqe It doesn't deterVe. 'lfley aay news artJcles ln eome Orange County n ew1papeu about 1lea1y 1hop1, tran1ienta runnln1 amok and heavy crime and dru1 UM are rulnin1 bual- nea. One •tore owne r aald women cuatomen have 1lmply quit co- m1ns to nJah\ly dance .__ out of ftian for \heir own~et • She -'cl at.. teen are . "h'• true ihat t ere waa a problem with tranllenta," NJd Larry Reebt, preeldent of the ' ~ Downtown Merchants G uild . "One of them uaed to come into my at.ore and ask for money. "But the police have put In a lot of e ffort and we don't have that problem on Main Street any more." Recht said If the re are prob- lems they are more likely to oc- cu r at the "bara, T -1hlr\ ahope and liquor it.ores'' a long Pacific Cout Highway. "But it '• a w hole d iffe re nt 11ory on Maln S \ftel. We're 19'- tlng a 1 o od ba1lne11 mix - t her e'• an a rt aalle r y, a new Fren c h cafe and an arta and crafts 1tore. .. There'• been a tremendout effort to clean lt up. I've never '"n It lookln1 to clean,'' aaid R«ht, the Ol>-OWll*r of • fuml· shJnas and accessories at.ore Car 17 montha. Recht and other believers of a "aafe and clean" downtown :- w here Pacific Coast H lghwal and Main Street lntenect at \t9 beach -are reinforced by Pol.kw Chief Earle Robii.llle and Ma~ Bob Mandie. Robitaille aald the downtowti a r «'I s till hu the highest ind• dence o f crime in the city b\l• that'• beca~ 80 many people .... tnrown tofilether tht-re. "Crime 11 not out e proPol'tion." he Ilk!. ''There'• d.at(erent ccmp&eJdon alt.oettblllt~ Rob6tame lllkl c11 ... .ac n111~c: t•oae In crime C'ODClldona ba t•ke n place beeauae o ~ .... DI> ......................................... ._ ................. ._. _______________ . _____ ~_ --·-·-··-·-·-... - Orangt CoHt OAILV PILOT/Sunday, May 8, 1982 I aeho by mail. 'Chinese mine partt signed ••las ain1 at wealthy ex~cutive F . . SAN FRANCISOO -Moel rruaU order oatalop, Uko . orchow, are aimed at the woman •hopper. luor uh 1d1ary expect to double production levels to 13 million tons ~ . The mc>1t conaple1JOU1 exception ls The Shar~r Imago talo1 -a gloay, fllU color wlah book aimed at the up- 1 mal buslne11 executive. Th are men who spend lavishly on theJr pleasures even In the face of recession and ,high interest rates. 1982 aa1es are expected to exceed $50 million. The new summer '82 catalog offers a space' age crosa- w ($229) -an ancient Invention updated by modern hnology. MADi OF RUGGED cast aluminum and tiberglasa, t'1 the same futurlstlc weapon used ln the James Bond Um. "For Your Eyes Only." · Also 'depicted are two authentic hand forged Samurai words ($295). They're a matched set -the longer blade esigned for combat, the shorter reserved for Hara-Kiri. Also featured are survival knives, muscle buHding ome exercise machines -even a bulletproof vest. But the talog is more than a swashbuckling macho wish book. The major emphasis is on sophisticated consumer electronics -the kind of exotic equipment too new or too unusual to be found in stores: GLENN SCOTT lie Delly ,.._. lteff A d ade of pollahlng relatJona with the People'• Republic of China has pald off for Fluor Mi- ning and Met.ala Inc., which rec- ently forged o conlract to double the capacity of one of the coun- try's bliSett t'OOl mines. The subsidiary of Irvine-based Fluor Corp began n<'got1aung BANKS . • • with officials of the mainlund Chlnl•ae sovernment in l Y72, aoon after then-President Rl- cMrd Nixon normalized ties with the populoua Allan nation. The latest product or those tallul 1, the conlract, with an es- tlnutled value or more than $~0 mlll!on, to increase productivity o f the Fushun West open pit mint'. The mine 1s in the Liao- nlng province of Manchuria, in the northeastern portion of the country The contract signed on April 29 Is the first involving a foreign country and China's Ministry of Coal Industry. It is the second major agreement for the Fluor subsidiary in Ch ina. However, a $400 million con- From Page 01 tract lo dealgn ond manage a copper project In the Jiangxi province algned In 1978 fell throuah after the Chlneae gov- crnme>nt adopted an "c.•conomlc readjustment" program and shifted prloritlee. The lOM of that contract was a disappointment to Fluor offlcialil, but the more rcoont 11igning has buoyed expectations for more busin~ ties with the country, a spokesman said. "We've had a very good rela- uonshlp with China," the aide explained. This latest announcement fol- lows an earlier contract signing this year in which the interna- tional flrm landed a $200 rru luon project l.O upgrade a coal m1ning operation in Venezuela. about 60 mllet1 northwest of Maracalbo. The.• company alao Is comple· ting three coal mining projecta In Wyoming for American oil com- ponlca, the spokesman added , explalning that "tval It an area where we have particular expertise." In China, the potential for ex- pans.1on has Fluor executives ex- cited Jack Cinque, president of the mining and metals subsid- iary, said China has the third largest c.val reaerveti in the world, and most of the deposits are ca- pable of t-eing developed " -The home geiger counte r ($149) is hand sized and ~nsitive enough to distinguish normal background from ~ •bnormal low level radiation. Services available in the pilot program include account inqui- ries for all types of bank ac- counts: fund transfers between a person's acc..'Ount.s; blU paying to 8,500 merchants listed In the system: bank informational ser- viocs, and membership in a data bank that can provide anything from the latest news to video ~ames, Ms. Fennell said SAFE SHOPPING • • • The Fushun West mine, which ts about 30 miles northeast of the provincial capital of Shenyang (or Mukden), 1s considered the world's largest operating mine where both t-oa l and oil shale are mined Tht' new t'ontral·t calls for doubling productmn levels to five mlilwn tons of t·oal and eight m1lhon tons of oil shale per year. A Fluor management team will supl'rv1s<.• th<' e>tpans1on plans and upgradc equipment while C hinl•se workl·rs are ex- pected to eontinut• handling the labor ':' -The gravity guidance system ($450) turns execu- !. lives upside down -using the force of gravity to spread · apart painfully compressed discs. · "Electronic banking is some- thing to be taken very seriously," the bank executive commented "People are turning in this · GOOD FOR ACHING backs from sitting too much. direction." Gravity boots from the system were featured in the film, Even though the formaJ results "American Gigolo." of the First lnterstatt> experiment -Look-out ($499) is a television that answers your wilJ not be available for several doorbell. Regular programs are interrupted with a picture months, Ms. Fennell rt>marked of whoever is at your door -you then communicate that "Some people are for 1t (the through the TV speaker system . home banking systt'm) and others are scared by it." -Toll guard (two for $75) electronically stops unau-'Yot~er said a program m which thorized long distance calls -while letting local calls go his bank 15 participating on a through. Experts estimate unauthorized long distance calls experimental basis in Mission cost business $4 bi llion a year. Vle.JO offers similar servict-s to a -The escape m·ask (two for $59) is a Japanese de-few selected homes. signed protective hood that provides up to 20 minutes o( As with First Interstate's ex- breathable air in dense smoke, savings lives that could be perimental home bartking pro- lost to sm oke inhalation. ject, whether customers prefer The hood folds up and tucks away in a suitcase or home banking over conventional attache. 'style banking has not yet been ~===================:=====~~~d~e~t.c:::!:muned, Yott.er said. DID YOU KNOW: You can own your office space. You can stop your rent from coin& up. Yoo can own the land -not lease. AIRPORT WEST BUSINESS PARK 245 Flecher near Red Hiii, C.M. Call Mr. Davia 751-7400 Broker Cooperation ,---·;------~--- Big enough to be safe ... How safe? $26 million ~lrong ·Locally owned ·Profitable in 1981 ·Administering over $150 million for other financial institutions "outstanding rclauonsh1ps" be- t ween sherirr deputies, thl' rangers at sta~ beaches and the Hunungton Beach pohct' He said condll1ons wc•re far worse when crime and violence allegedly got out of hand on Huntington and Bolsa Chica state beaches and lapped over to the city beach and downtown area. It's Ro bi ta11le 's bc·lic•f that conditions had a cumulative ef. feet on the downtown b<!cause it's surroundt•d by the two big beachc-s. "Thl•re used to be a really big problem," he said. "But 1t doesn't C'Xist now. Cn t1t·s arc harking back to the way things wt?re and the ml'rchants are taking a beaung." Mandie. the recently elected mayor, manages an auto repair PER ANNUM INTEREST Small enough Payable Monthly Highly Liquid -Safety Assured • Conceptics Computer Corp. Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 975-0388 STOP lllRLlll ---· FOii YOIR IOIEY ... IWJ PIT YOUR IOIEY TO WORI!! An neentlat, ~time, no coat eemlner fOf the eophletlc:ated bu1lne11 1nd novice taxp1yer. uThe lonev Ind T 11 li1m1'M " ~ted bf: "The F•ther ot FIMnc .. I P .. nnlng" DA. H. W. YURMAN CFP • Co-foun'"' of th• College of "u nc:Jet Pt1nntng, ._...., llMfftNr of tM 9oerd of ~ •nd wic. otMllHMft of Acedemloe. e l'onMf c1u*man of the 9oerd of lnMm8ttonal A9- eocAlltloft of FlnMclel PleftMt'9 • Ult.cl ... the ....,.. of ...... Who '" the louth llftCI ..........._ Meft of Ac*le•..Wt. Ftndlftt The ~ lpelleer, llftd ........_ ~ 71 & 71. , ..... IMWls e lte. te reduce peteOMI end bu91Mff tHff 1nd lftorun rour........, 1111nd•"• ....._. • How lndlvlduel• & bu.ln•H profeHl•n•I• cen o.ptteMae on the lldY•tegff of tM now l conomlo TP Recovery Aq. ....... """" ................. of..., ....... '""'' W. ... ..,,... ... IMMJ fM .... MIRll) twft o AMI...,. ........... ., ............ to be neighborly. How neighborly? ·The simplest, safest IRA 150Jo for 18 months ·Our Ready Money Account'" -the interest -bearing checking account ·A Small-Savers account, the big hitter's envy! ·A non-stop welcome . . San Marino Savings 200 West Coast Hiahway Newport Beach, CA 92663 ~'·6133 gar.)gl' JUSt a flow blcx:ks east of the downtown area on Main S trt'Ct. He contends that the area. laid out at the tum of the century, is safe. Like Robitaille, ht' blames c:rime numbers on the 'heavy concentration of people "But there's no more crime per capita than anywhere else in the dty." Mandie also said that down- town clien teh.• 1s improving "bC'cause. th<' riff -raff 1s dwppearing." lie also said there 1s an im- provement in the attitude of the surfers in the clly that often is called the surfing capital of the world. ·'They are olde r and more• posit1VC' and try to get along wllh people," he said . Market Analysis Dow Jones 30 Indu s trial~ May 3 7 + 20 84 -:.._,...+ High 869.20 Low 849.03 Closed 8 69.20 870 - 855-1111 840 -! T W T F ................... --------.------ ' ., .. Orange C .. at OAILV PILOT/Sunday, May 9, 1982 IRllGICIAITITICll llert• 11rc the tock market activitie of publicly traded Orange Cou11ty firms for the week ended Friday, May 7. Data proYided by Newport Securities Corp. \ 61'1f1• 'ti r ; •n.• 'IJ, : :::: ~~:J1 I ••• ,. '• ., iJ -·•'I •I\ "' 1 ••~r Tt1u••l ' '" .. 41 •I •• •. ,If AUN " ... 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'.O' · .. 14.03% 1Annu..tl Ylt'ld 13.35% A11nual l<a1t· 3 Months, $1.000* 1 Year, $500 16.14% Annu;,I '1dcl 15.25% An11u,1I l<.lll' 2~.i Years, $500 Our money market Lhrift certificates pay hilo{her intErest rates thar: 1-ederal law allows on comparnbl e r.lans at banks and sav ings and loan associations. nte-est is compounded quarterly. Earl y withd rnwal s earn 63 annual interest... theres no forfeiture of up to three months' interest or loss of pnnci pal. High interest is onl y part of our story. We will give you $10 cash wh en you purchase a thrift certifi cale for $500 or more. This offer is for a limited timt.' on.y wilh one cash bonus per household. Internal trmsfer of funds is not included. Ava ilable to (;aifumia residents only. Rates offered on accounts o~ned through Monday . • )"11/J ho>1J ,,,, ""'""'' "' '"' '"'''' '"'; kult tHU) 'hnn}!1 1/( "Ho",,/ -----COMMERCia CREDIT ffiMMERC IAL CREDIT PLAN, INC. Anaheim, 6!"10 ~. Br• .. kh11n11 ~I 9:tl'!04, 77 1 ll7.JIJ. C011ta Mesa. :.170 1-:.a,1 17th Si 92627. fl G 1(700. Hunlinl(ton Beach. 1607;; <.1~d1·n \\kl ~I Y<!t;.17. X..l i iii I. Mi!i!iion Vic.-jo, 2H 9S Ahl 1:1 l'ark'ilay ll267'i. 770 ~!)~ii San la Ana. 1224 1-:;.,1 I 71h Sln-t·I Y270 l. ~14 7 r,x7 1 ... .,.> ... r .. _. .. . . . . ., , -..... * ' .... fft ,, )Q, '>1 1,, ~.­ ttl•t -,14,, >~ ~1.~' • ".fl ... , ... ., .. 1?11 • ~. • , , Gil .. " ... , ) ,1.11.,n ,,. \ t ..... ~. ' • ',_., t ,O· • •-•~ ~.~ 12. \' ... , It.Ci. 1-•i:J-•1 '"'".HO 1,1!'. I~ !-----·--------------------------------- I "' • ti'!". ,. ... ~ ~· ..... , ~ ...... ". - "'-""• .,, '")1,. • "'' ... ""'t .. .... "..... ..... !'\ _,,, ... ,.~,,.., 1•• "' ~C'O • ~ t •••• .. ~ '1 .. "' fl ~' 1 "i I ,,')l .. <:140 ~ ·~ ~.\~ fl •• J, •••• M'c ''"" Ct l.•1 il'r1'·S, ••"•0 '·'O 4,'0 'M '· .. ..., <If••' • .. • • , ... ·• ' •• •i;,r• .,,,. .,~,. ' ~o . . " . , "'·. I• ••I•' • .,_. ... .,., ., ._.. ..... , • tf&Tt4 ' "ii1 ... o•p +l.,,,. 0--r'OI\. •J tr .'I ,. "'•llllf'•." II I t i Ii ~... • • °P•' 'I .,._,_ u ,.,,,.,. .. _.,,,., tlal;;U..,t .•! ''' •,.I •p.r I It t>' t \ •"" ••'"'· ' 1" 1u soao •. "J '. 'fll' ,. • 4"'' ••• ., .... , ' , 1 _,, , .. ··~·~ V •"I ••• w ... ! • .. , ....... ,. t "-" •• -' • ._,, .... ,,,. ..... ., .. ••• f • •"\1 •• .,., .. _. •• ,l"I, ' .. .,,, •itS A.J 1' ~.. !.1)1) ,, ,., , "'. I l • ! '\I ' ., ~lo I •f'' n .. ' c• ~ '"'' "4 ''IT • .,. ")I) ''). ')Q I '"1 • t t fWl " \ •1 •l f • I\ 1, -~ . . . ' ...... ' . bu.\.-fl,Pl•~\t, ... ., .. , •&'.'114.1,,1 f')I) '·"'> ..... ,. .... ,. , .... , •A't ·~ ' 19 '.1~ .. ,,.., ,,,.., ,.,,..., ... , "'' &"':f • ... ... , . . .,. a *'"1 'i•• •u SLA.i ,'),_, 11 ' ,• ~· r.,•t 1t • ..-4111\0 *'\, *"'\ a •t •fJ. • t 1c. • ' . "' . " .. .,.~,,. "'t..i'" "' 1•~1 • ., •U.,::;p.\. ~ 1~ ':1. l" . "' ,. . ,.. . ... •' . a, .. • • • ••~ tO ' '>') "•' ' . . .~. ..... .. ,, ' ~ "'• ... -.. p.. ' -, ' ~ • .. • ' . '~··<II -• ._ ' ... :!"It. ~ .. l"lil •1 ~•:&o1 ' H 1 &1• ,,r•t \ l·~. ,.-,~, t•.1'-'~ "O Crash parts' • costs zooming LOS ANGELES (AP) -If you've had to have a fender undented or a iail light repaired recently, you've probably discovered how expensive it is to replace car parts these days. In fact, according to s urveys cited by the Western Insurance Information Service, prices for what's known as "cras h parts" increased by 318 percent between 1970 and 1979. By contrast. during that same period new car prices rose by 63 percent, auto insuranc:e prices by 96 percent and the cost of living by 106 percent. Consumers are paying far more for crash parts than they originally cost when they were part of a complete automobile, according to the WIIS. For example, the total cost of the parts needed to as- semble a 1981 compact car which sold for $6,504 in the showroom would be $22,561 w hen bought piece by piece. One of the major reasons for the stead y In- crease in the price of crash parts is that they are commonly sold in a non-competitive market by the specilic manufacturer. In other words, while you can shop around for items like batteries, tires and windshield wipers, when you need a left front fender for a 1978 Ca- maro you prehy much have to buy from Chevrolet. Of course, some motorists get their '78 Camaro fe nden from junkyards and take them in to the body shop but this is a cost too -the time and trouble of prowling around to find t.he right part. Another problem Is that many auto parts, particularly on newer cars, aren't designed to be repaired economically. If you crack a lens in a headlight on many cars, for example, you have to buy an entire new headlight uetmbly -the lens isn't IOld 1eperately. The t.rend towards smaller and lighter cars alto tends to lnc.rea.e repaJr cost.a. the was aaya. be- cause there is a lot. of damage when the9e typa of vehicles crash - even at low 1peeds. The unibody construction common ln many new cars can also mean more expente becaute the frame and body are welded toeetl\er and must. be repaired u a unit. So wha\ can you do abolat 111 thl1? For one \hl.ng, you can uk your repalrman to find used car par1a whenever &>omible. A mechanic or body 1hop man will ofien know whett to pt a '78 Camaro fender. ,.,. '. ~ f WI'" I tl • ~ • ' I I. •• I • ' • 4? &. Q ,. t , .. ~, ., ... ,, ..... , .. ·-~· 'If· I -· 10-' ' • t ·""' ''·''1 • ,.,0 ~-·". t w. w 10 1 .. H• .014 'I ,,., .,: ,,~ •.H' '. , . ., .. ..... People all along Da1·1y P1·1a1"' the Orange Coast r ely on the 642-4321 .. 'I •• , • .... 1 'tr" ' •fJ .. '· ~ .. ~ 'J •1 •'"l. 1 l°),'I\ It'" • .~~ • 2, 1 .f) I If,. 3 1'i I ...-~"I • '.' C~.UI • 11~. ' • ,,, • 1.1 .. .,, • ';I. 'i , o. "lli •C .".i.1 W" .•111 .-. ,. • '· l 7. 17 1'1..-!1 .. •P .,. \~-~') '·' ---' ·~.' '· l' _,, '4. 1 11. ,, .. \o I ,I) •1.' ... ,. , .-,. '' -8, , .. p.~' ,,_,.._,) • ':>• t t .. a I '), 9 ~J ... 11)." 1 ... ~ ... Ill ' • •• t;.>. t \ .. \1 ... oi •] ... ' ... , ... . \.,,-~, -..q 1/.lt ... •' Seamy Protection tor: Sliver, Cameras. Furs, Jew· elry . Collec llbles. Guns. Documents. Computers. "' '· ,,. .. ',;'l'" 1 ..... ~ H.').I 11•," It, b t 1 . ~ .. '•e.. ~-, •s 14,'i'1 ,;n , rt'O -· '"' l t,1 .. , ,, .. . ,1 ... . ' ... ... ....... , J •I ,. ·"t"l t ,,~ -'. l ... ... .1~· _., .'tll4 'l• • 4 I\ • j ·'~•t. SEACOAST SECURllY SYSTEMS 642-3490 921 ,..,.. Locelty Owned end Op«eted •24 Hr. A.A.U.L . Central Station 2418 Newport Blvd. Costa Mtsa, Ca 92627 MAKE YOUR CLOSET A FORTRESS PROTECTION FOR YOURSELF & YOUR VALUABLES Affordable Security For Home or Office Call Our Consultant For frff Evaluation CUSTOM SECURITY CLOSETS 552-3975 534-8797 ORGANIZE YOUR TIME EFFECTIVELY! It's fast, easy, painless, exciting, and incredibly Informative. It's your chance of the year to see, compare, and try out all the latest computers, word processors, software, peripherals and media and supplies. And find out just which ones can do what for you. With no hassle, and no hustle. Plus free seminars on choosing a small computer. You'll get to know all the newest -and frlendllest - hardware and software whose sole mlaslon In life la to slmpllfy your life .. . 10AM • 6 PM , /. Adm1tsion 57.50. IH your tocel compu• 1uppller for a dl1eount coupon MM1h U .50. .. Befont you buy a new or wed car, check lnto the 9C»t of lta crMh pu11. A 9DOCI IOW'Ce here a. your l...ura!ient, who·•hould know which model• have h er ttian aver11• rep.lr Cotti. BuYtn. • cw lawr lhliri ~ rep&lr CUStl wiO .W. ~ in two w1,w -on lht pM"8 and on $1'e hllunlD ,,.mum1. rtnd ..... bod1 lhOD. 'n. lhop 9hOuld haw -------------____ ,__.. ~··· ·------ ~.,...... ....... pmenl ..... =attitude -. WtlJinll:*I • ..W without ICI Ill Wl11 tMt I wtll c11t ~ 1DOMY law on. -------·--- ----- .... Or1n91 COi1t DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, M1y 9, 1 NYSE ,OMPO SITE TRANSACTIONS ~·H ..... llt('-Vff' OltOl'f , ....... .,..., llt ... lf. HC!YlC", '"· IOtfOll, OfYIOIT UO CllllCllllllATI llOO t l("Aql\ Alit HflOI IO l'f Hll !IMO HI lllHlllU &Mt .... ... ~ kif• .... .... , • ..... .... I.Ml tlia " "" ... ..... .... ..... °" ..... .... .... """ I,.-l..t• °" ': ~:e1 :,1' !t't '=tr?~. : :r;u ~ .,,. • '; = * f; ~ y"' ft"' ,lt 1 ~ e ~~ r: ~ .... • ~··. ·~"*' ~ ili.:1" l"i~ "'~ B1 " L = . .., ,, .-. ii 11 •w ~ ~: •"·"' n~ n .. tit& : ~ :r J~ l'I n~.' '°' \'tfM r ~f : : t: r.: ~~\, ~tr~;: t :; re"' IJ r 1• 4 11'1 :f: IM Ill' d I~ ~ 4 ~ r tll t Ill ~ :~ .,,_. )t/ ... • Ill Jll· "' f 1 1 " • y I IO • .tat '"' It 1111. It " i,... • ,. ""' > ._ ,.~ 1• I'"'" ., 1 ~ •~ ••w 14¥1 . It Sf\ I "' f )0 t ., HI' '4'l f\ " ' ~ I I t J 10 _, 14 U .. la.. JI 1911• f i! t ,.... ll"" »'t' '°' tit 1 flf U Jlt ,. 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''a 1:!. \ i" r· ... ~ ... ~-.~ .~' ... : .~ r r-c. ... !..i.Ut=~ =· ·--~ ,• t ~~ it'i 1t fJ I ·11" ' .e .11 ; i . ~ S f ; f :Ii 15 1:~ 1}1: ~ E dJ ; · ~11 , 7.]ilil~ f f ;f ;l lliitlti~ i~ , OfanQt Collt DAILY PILOT/8und1y, May 9, 1882 I . • ' . .. . • ~· t . : .. .. .._ .. , .. .. ( .. , .... ' 0 us a $ u rquu a cu . • ••••• u 0 u 0 •• Orange Coa1t OAILV PILOT/Sunday, May 8, 1882 Rental rebound? Changing policies told in Mesa Chanstna aovurnrn nt polklH and a new atlltudct of lendlna lnatHuUoN will "tarnl1h tht' financial ln<.'(;nlivt> tor home own r1hlp" during thl' co- mlna ycan, with th rt.'lult thut thert• will be a reauracn<.·u In the renta l h ou11ng market. according to the founder of tho nauon't1 lurgcst real estate accountlnt1 firm. Kenneth L ev entha l, managing partner of Kenneth Leventhal & Co., told an audience of more than 100 Orange County builders in Costa Mesa that the current attitude of the federal government as that the hou- sing industry has been treated too favorably an the past and now should be left to fend for itself Thl' housing indus try, he said, "was conceived, sr,awned, and nurtured b~ regulation . ' including laws giving housing lenders an interest-rate at.1- vantage 1n uuracung de posits and Federal Housing Authority insuran<.'t.' for home loans With its ('urrcnt emphasis on dere- gulation, he said , "the Admm1strauon Business parks topic of seminar Orange County Chapter No. 132 of the Society of Real Estate Appraisers is offering a one-day seminar entitled "Parks: Business-Office-lndustrial," next Thursday at the South Coast Plaz.a Hotel rn Costa Mesa. C.OSt of the seminar, which includes lunch , is $75. Subjects covered will include development, manage ment and investment aspects of the various types of developments. Special luncheon speaker will be Paul Salata. For registration or fur- ther infonnation, pfeaae contact the chapter office at 955-3230. la 1lgnallln1i& 1 dt•llbor1.1tt· dl1~n.iaat1 menl from hou11na." Levrnthal, speaking at 1.1 aemlnt•r 11ponsored by Profcaalonal Bulldt)t magazine and hl11 own firm, auld that pending legislation and new f l!d eral regulations will rt.'tlult In gov<'rnrnt:nt Insuring the sources of money for ln- stJtutlon11 that l.'Ompete with howiing developers, a move that will h ave "grave sociologkal implications." The most profound e(Cect, he said, is being felt in terms of mobility. &>- cause of the diffkullles In obt.alning home loans, workers arc unable to accept transfen to jobs in other parts of the count ry because-th ey ('annot dispose of their homes near their old employment. In add1twn, he said, the housing lenders now arc msastang on r«-eavang a percentage of tht-apprccaauon an a h ome's value, or a variable rate of interest, as part of the cond1uons of a loan, thereby reducing U\e mcenllve for individuals to buy homes. "People now are buying for shcltt.•r instead o r appreciation," he said. wh1('h will lead to construction of homes with fewer amenities at lowc•r cost. "We will becoml' a nic klc-and- d1 me industry," he added, Leventhal predicted that hous ing starts in the United States will be in the range of 800,000 to one mill ion units, which is one-h alf o f the ratl· two years ago California can cxpet·t to see about 70,000 to 80,000 new unal<; bu alt, he said. However, he no tes, n early half of that amount will be at."t.'OUnted for by ('UStom-built homes, leaving only a small numbl'r of umt.s for the consumer housini.t mark<'t During the next three years. Lc•- venthal said, rental housing will bl-- come a good investment, a trend that lending institutions are starting to recognize. California. he said. has a market for 100,000 to 200,000 rental units. Homes inCdM priced lower The prestigious and typically high-priced ad- dress of Corona del Mar is now available lo new homebuyers for less than $1 50,000, with the pre- sentation of Sandcastle, by the San C lemente Group. Aho, the owner is currently offering 30-year fixed rate financing with a 10 percent down pay· ment, making Sandcastle a choi~ for both home- buyers seeking a new residence or a rental unit. Located at 777 Avocado in Corona del Mar, potential homebuyers are encouraged to visit the community, open daily from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., ex· cept Wednesday and Thursday. Or call 673-3271. Above Crown Valley Parkway, along the crest of hills in Laguna Niguel, nestles Pacific lsland Villas, a new 30-unit condominium community. The two-story attached homes a re situated within one mile of Salt Creek Beach. El Niguel Golf Course and Country Club and shopping centers on Pacific Coast Highway. Three floor plans, ranging from 1,662 lo 1,758 equare feet, reveal architectural elements in each Bankers showing • increase Mort1aae bankera In California, deaplte t he well-publicized home- buylnfl 1iump, are beco- m Ing an l ncreaelngly Important factor to th e real estate financing In - dustry. TOP PRODUCERS -These t-op dolla r ear - ners for 1981 were honored re<.'e ntly b y Cold - well Banker-Forest E. Olson Realtors. From le ft are Kathryn Hendricks, Valerie Moncra<'f, Kras Halpen . Carl Aue r , Elaine Fulfront Dennis Faria, Angela Furtek, J oy<.'C Olsen and Karen Stepha n. In figure• juat compi· led by a statewide sur- vey of membera of the Calif orn ia Mortgage Bankers AMociatlon, the dollar-volume of mort- gage loana belng aerv1ced by member -firms jum- ped JO 1981 to $61.g bil- lion -a 20 percent. in- t•rease over the preVlO\U yur. T he servicing of mortgages me ans the monthly handling of payments on behalf of th~ inves tors who own the loans. ----~---. Existing home sales inch up In commenting on the annual sur vey results, Pres ident Richard F. Ryan o{ CMBA attribu- WASHINGTON -Sales o( existing single-family homes in March lncreased by 2.1 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.99 million units, marking the sixth consecutive month during which sales remained below the two million-unit level, Dr. Jack Carlson, chief economist and ex- ecu ta ve vice president of the National Association of Realtors, said. "The March level of existing home sales is 23 percent below the level reached during the same period last year and off More than 50 percent from the peak rea('h e d in November, 1978," Carlson said. The economist noted that du- ring the first three months of 1982 only 420,000 existing homes family homes continued to de· k-d the impressive gain, actuall y changed hands, a de-cllne w ith resale activity drop as opposed to the drastic cr ease of 25 percent from the ping a no the r 1.2 pe r cent in reduction in home-sales, same pericd a year ago. March. to several fact.ors: mort- Re g Ion a 11 y, no area o f the Meanwhile, Carli;on said. high gage bankers are wor- country is showing any evidence mortgage interest rates -both king hard to offer new a of a sustained upturn in housing before and after adjusting for types of loans to pr o- activity, Carlson said. inflation -which are the major spective buyers in order The West and N or th e a s t cause of the housing depression, to make it possible for showed the best performance in have kept home pnces in check them t o acquire the March, with increases in resale "In Man:h. tht-mcdiijn sijlt• homes they desire: many activity of 10 p ercent and 9.7 price of an ('Xistang smgle·fdmlly mortgage banking firms percent respectively over Febru-home rOS(' just s:mo. one third of have been active in pur- a ry levels However , sales are th<' normal seasonal ln<.T<·asc-." hl' chasing existing loans still far below the levels reported said. being serviced by other a year ago. Nationwide the median price ans titut10ns: and, in the In the North Central region , of a resale h ome in March was hght of today's high m- sales dropped 3 9 percent in $67 ,200 -4.3 percen t highe r terest rates. people who March after postmg an 18.6 per-than the same month a year ago. h old low-inte res t rate cent gain an February . In the or down 2.5 percent after adjus-loans are not lik ely to South, sales of existing single-__ tin~r consumer price inflalio_n_. _pa_y_th_e_m_o_f_t. ____ _ HOUSING BRllf S room. Pacific Island VIilas each have a brick , wood-burning fireplace accenting the living and dining room areas on the first floor . CORONA DEL MAR NOW FROM $149,500 Wh1h: al l rhl· ut hn gnl1J 1 hang' m lift' .ire 1-:cttang more ex pen· '1vc, hnml· 11wncr.,h1p in Cnrona Jd Mar •~ ,uJJenly mPre ;accc'>~ihll' th.an tt ha~ ewr hccn. le\ truly a r;1r1: happl·nm).! when t ht: pnCl' 1 if <1 prl''>llJ..:IPU~ con· J11rninium t!> ad1u..,1cd J ownw.arJ r.athl'r thti n upward. And thl' rime fnr y11u fl1 r.1h· advant.1g1: l•f thtlf ran.: happcnani.:.., right now. To reach the two-bedroom, 21h -bath condomi- niums with attached double garages as displayed in the three furnished modela, take the San Diego Freeway to Crown Valley Parkway. Continue eouthwest toward the ocean to Pacific laland Drive and up the hill lo the sales center. From Pacific Coaet Highway, take Crown Valley Parkway inland one mile to PacilJc bland Drive and tum left lo the sales center which ia open daily from 10 a.m . to 5 p.m. For additional Infor- mation, call Kent Realty at 493-0625 or 493-0626. Over 80 per cent of the purchuera at the St.o-- neridge planned community ln the hilla of San Juan Capistrano are from Orange County, acoordlng lo Dale P01t, vice president of F'rMricka Development Corpora tJon. The custom home community'• age bracket falls between 35 and 60 with occupatlona widely varied. Executives in almost every field of endeavor 1 plus a large number of self-employed principal• make up the buyer mix at the unique St.onertd.r~ community. Currently homes at the location range from $415,000 lo $750,000 with lots starting at *210,000. The St.oneridge community, althoua h hidden from freeway and traffic, ii easy lo reach by taking 1.he San Dieao Freeway lo the Avery off-ramp. Go under the freeway at Avery to Marguerite, then-· drive aouth on Marguerite to HJghland and up the bill and Highland to the lite. • -. Lower Inortgages for Santa Clara 1 SAN J OSE (AP) -Home buyere In 1even ;Banta Clara County com.munltl" wlll be a ble to obtain new-home mortpget 4 peroent below mar- lket ratel under a $34.1 million county-aponaored ~ proerarn aimed at moderate-income fami- Under the Pl'Olfan1, famlll" with incomes up ~will be ell,Sble for 12.6 percent, 30-yev . , compared wtth the conven~ bQme-~ ra._ of 16.~ piercent currentb' belq of. terecf. by many -.t ~ lnldtudanl; Louw under the new e will bi made e 1n Palo Alto, Sunn , Campbell. s.nca MllptM. and Hill. The pro- .. anno~ after Saita Clara County dUt ... ...--r-'t with. ~ Jn~Mtiliel)t firm. A. • Bec:br, to .u I mDllan In tax-flW rwwnue bGlldl to rUle the ~ t HO to 400 bom .. ln ta.. tt~1ooo to ··--~ ~ will be IOld ..... UM prt:>• .. ..,.... 10%downand 30-year fixed-rate fi n anci ng. Investors welcome. The lu xury conJornin1um'> of SnnJ c;hde tire 1Jcally lncareJ on thl' ocean ,,Jl· of the highway m uld Cur11n.1 Jl·I t-..far. ,1 p)e;Nmr l11ni.: w~lk trom the heach, parks. R.1l h<i.1 J.,J,111d .inJ 't\ li,h .,hop-.. l:k·J.!.mtly .1ppo111tl'J one anJ twl1 tx·llruum mmld'i fc.at ure larf.!C mas- ll'r 'lllte., .md ).!1111r1n1:t kitchen~. T he times have fori:ed us to adjust our prices. Downward. OLD PRICE: s169,500 NEW PRICE: s149,500 AND CASTLE IN CORONA DEL MAR 777 Avocado Avenue Corona Jel Mnr, Californi a 92625 (714) 673-3271 Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 9, 1982 07 Boyfriendless girl may be stUck on herself DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 um a 16-year·old ailrl who ltl dt•pJ't"alt.'CJ bt'C1&1.&11e l huw nev r had a boyfrl nd. Two or my bt'll friend art> aotng awady, und I f l llO lc•h out ll'• kll\tng me. l am amarwr. bctter-looklna and hnw • nlc.'t·r boml' than t.•lt.hor of thc:11e frltmd1 h ju111t d1)t'tm't &dd up. l am aiolnt1 to d•·~rlhe myaclf to you. Ann. ttnd I hope you will u•ll nw whut Is wrong (l) 1 urn pr1•lly. (2) l lf'tllll pt'<> pie nk't' und {(I vt· lut." of l'Ompll· mc•nt.-;. (:J) I nm very part1l·ulur uboul l>nthing often und washing tny hulr. (4) I om not ovl'rWl'ight. (~) l don't huvt• IAl'lW (fl) My clotht'S a r<' 111 l(uod taste and l have lots uf chang<.•s (7) I nl'vl'r yell or tK'l boastl'row; in public. (8) I mukc pretty good grades nnd am Bl'tive an school a ffairs Q-l.ANDflS (9) l llvt• In a !Jig hou.'*• and my part•nlM url' roMldcrt..-d 11peclal. (10) I am not stuck on myself. PIN111e tell me why I can'l st•cm to get u boy- fr11•nd. BANNING. C ALIF. DEAR BANN: Did you notice tbat you beg11n every 11entence of your description with tbe word "I"? Maybe, wben you begin to tblnk more about "U"'! your problem will be 1olved. DEAR ANN LANDERS. Can you Wit' one more retponM to t.h woman who comptalned becaUJe her welfare ct\eck wu cut by e>taclly lht• omount aht• t"arntod at her nt•w parHlmt• pb? She tlJlkt'<.f, "Why should I work 11t oil It l l'()fTW <>Ut t•x1.ctly th£> Mme us ar 1 sut on my butt?" Shu'U f ll')d the IU\llWl'r to thal 4ut•1niun In her own lottt'r. Sht• wrote: "I finally upplled for publk U&ilstanl'C. I nearly died Inside. No o ne can know tht• fot.,ling without l:lOing through It." S ht.>'1.1 wlkin~ uboul IO&i of pride ''I was dt•tt•rmlnttd t.o gt•l oCf tht• doll• tis i;oon US possible." She'11 wlking about mcentlvt>. "Bdng an hont'!ll pt•rson. I unml'Cliately repor- l\•d my t•arnings to thl' Ut•partmcnt o f Sot:1al Sl·rv1ces" An honest pt•rsun wouldn't sit 0 11 hn bull and l'Oll<.x·t wt•lfan• 1( he hud tht• opportumty to work She asks, "lsn't thc•rt• somclhtng wrong with the systt'm thal provadl'S no 1m:l'nt1 vt' to work?" and 11ht• udds, "No wom.h•r lhl11 L'OUnlry be an a flnanctal ml'K:I •· I 1.1!4k, "l1rn'1 ttwrL• 11om<•lhlr\I( wrong wllh a pt>r80I\ Whu hull 1)0 IOl'l'nllVl' lO provide for ht>nielf?" and I odd, "ls lhas why our country i. in l'I flnsnC'1al mC88?" THERI!: IS A BETTER WAY DEAR BETTER: Food for thought. Tbankl for th• banquet . "St•xu.1/ frt'C.-'llom " pr<·iwnt.'; a difficult dedswn for 1£•1•t1-ag<'l's 11nd tht•ir pan•nt.s Ant1 Lunders of- ten• dowt1-IO·L'llfth ndviC't' in h«r new booklet, "High S<'hool St•x and How tu Deal With It -A Guid<' for Tt·C'n!i i1t1d Tht•1r Pnn·nts " For euC'h bookll'I. send .50 t·c·nto; plus u long. stomped. sc•lf· addn·ssc•ii t'n vt•Ju111· 111 A 1111 L.111tlt'l.'1, P.O. Box I I 995, Chwago, Ill tiOli I I B'nai B 'rith meets Wednesday Scorpio: Your budget needs revie~ Monday, May IU COASTLINE CHAPTER of B'mu B'nth Wo- men meets Wednesday al 8 pm an thl' Commumly; Room of Merit Savings and Loun in Irvine. For more information call 897 -2455 ARIES (Man·h i 1-Aµ11I 19). Conclusions are rc•ached, de<:is1on 1s mUUl' l'OMCl.'rn mg long -range plans, lravel, l'ommuml·auon and edul'ataon. Indt· vtdual you admire will rl•ver'SC' roll's and ~k your counsel. Libra and anothN Aries (1 j:<ure prom1- nc·ntly. IRVINE TOASTMISTRESS Club meets Mon- day al 11:30 a.m . an Newport-Balboa Savings and Loan in Newport Beach. For more information call TAURUS (April 20 May 20): What had been a "nl.'ar miss'' rt'bounds and you tx•ne fit as resull. At't'C'lll on taxi's, INtses, money of ot h(•rs, close re- lat1u nshtp. You'll makl.' new start und valuable con~('L'> You'll a lso g<'l to heart of matlers with mt•mbt·r of opposite• St'X 731-4041. . LAWN BOWLING CLUB of Newporl Harbor meets daily except Sundays fur play. For more in· formalion call 759-9966 TOWN AND GOWN of UC Irv ine meets Thursday at l l am in Ml'sa Verde Country Club for a nnual luncht>on Fur more informatton clal 644-0370. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): First impressions should not lx• thsm1SSt.-d follow through. proct.'<.'Ci along unorthodox l11u·s. Fo('US on parlnt'rship. mJnlal stalU!>, binding ll'gal agwemt·nts. Cancer. Caprn'Vrn, Aquunus n:.illvf'S play important roles CAPISTRA NO VA LLEY CHAPTER of American A'oSOl.'IJllllll ur Ht•t1n•d Pl'r'\ons mt·t'l~ Wednt>s<lay al :! :m µ m Ill th<· Hot Springs Danc't:' Hall of S.m Ju..in Capistrano For mun· cnforrmillon call 496-656-1 CANCER (Junl' :t I-July 22): l.A·avl' (int' points. dl'lJtl' for ,.mothl·r umt• For now. perc<.'1ve en lire p11:turt· Bn1<1d brush -.trokl'S arC' callC'd for UPmtni. Sagittarius n<1l1vt•s will play kl'y roles Employml'nl, basic tasks have brighter hut'. You gl'l nl'<odt-d "brl·ak"' FRIENDS OF UC LA Law School meets Fn· day at ti pm in thl· Nt•wµort Marriott Hote l at Newport Ccnu·r F1>r mor t• information call (213) 825-7049. LEO (Julv 2:J-Aug :!2)' Some asp1rat1ons art· s ubJl'Ct to rcv1s1on. you gt•t what you nt-cd only aflc·r reC:1rranging priortlll'S. Acc<'nl on changl'. travel nl'W'i ccmt·t•rning younJ{ persons, creative t·ndl'avor::. and mt•ssage danfymg views. ------ TDDAT'S CIDSSIDID PUZZLE ACROSS power operative drama 86 Chane. I Time untt 75 'El -134 Pflma 19 Span1Sll 87 Black h•• 7 Atlernoon 77 Son0tous donna grass 89 lmblbef perform 78 Fork prong 135 C<ttle s 20 Playing 90 P1oh1b11 8t>Ce 79 Referee mountain cards S> 9 I Bel or 8 lhlS 14 Nautical 80 Vtnt' plant 136 Oemoltshod 23 Pennsytva 92 Att11fld 20 Medieval 82 That Fr a~ a car n•a city 94 S•• to Nero helmet 83 Quincy· 137 Med>eY&I ~ 1 large DOOi< 96 Encour 2 I Ottet1an1e clGtor catc1pulls 33 Entice lftfed 22 Sandy Rot>e<t 139 Author 34 Ot tt>e 97 Gradually 24 Doctors 84 Bilk De.glllon stomach l&Oed (with aut 85 Harmonize< 140 Concerning 35 Seamstress out I 25 Wa1al band 87 Aggregate 14 1 Qt a11c1at1 ~1sy 98 Common- 26 Neck part 88 Chinese t42 A11an 11ver 36 Mountain pt ace 27 Amtrak mile 143 A'9et•an c.1y climber 100 Speck 28 Actren 89 or attssoe 144 lessen 36 M1lhnet 102 Oocl Foch 90 Rei>roved 146 NFL pos,. 40 Hawaiian 104 HOnf'y 29 Philly s 92 Century hon dish Pharm S1ale pl1nt 147 Lawmaker 41 New Jersey 106 Lar~ 30 Cereal grain 93 81b1tcal ~1ng 149 Neptune s Ctly ltzard'> 32 Prohl lrom 9S Highland spear 43 Foght 109 Flegs 34 Pro1ec1ed head wear ISi F'ullle 45 Chant 111 Comptl't" 36 Auto fuel 'l7 Detenstv1• 1 S3 Bed linens 47 Voter tt:'Gtrl' 37 Powerlut w(lll 15d Equestroans 49 German 113 L.iyer ot rhe pat11c1e 98 Journalist g1>ar arltcle ,,., 39 Sharp· Heywood 155 Arab 5 1 Much I 14 ACtrl''IS po1n1ed adOrrtt'd Hayworlh 40 Clergymen 99 Wtng IOOl&<I DOWN S:.> lamb I 16 Negative 4 t C1v1I wrong 10 I F1t!>t ye8r 1 Seacow 54 Ac:tre5s pref I• 4:? Common hare 2 E•1SIS Gabor 117 Cozy people Gr 103 Wtlham ot 3 Brownie 56 W111Jdraw 119 Wicked 44 Theater sign 111mtame 4 Two-toed 59 Service· 120 Opposite 45 Aegean 105 School sloth woman 121 lnc11nes Island dance s Seed coat-Abbr 124 Aviator• 46 Btbftcal king 107 Make lace "no 61 Waltz•ng 127 Dark place 47 lyric muM! 108 Fiber knot 6 Moral pnn· Australian ot myth 48 Plante<! t 10 Cahlo<n1e c;1ptes 62 lnetptenl 130 French 50 Hard black rockltsl't 7 Canadian 63 Boy Sp landscaplst rubber 11t M1m1c prov1nG4!I 64 Generous 131 Striped 53 Body 115 Mexican 8 Astound 66 Russian animal sfructure men 9 Bandage village 132S11ly 55 Roman road 118 Tiers 10 Natove of 67 Rest11ctod 133 Expunge 57 MuNUm 12:l Type ot Sul 69 Al home 136 Head Fr d•splay orange It Compass 70 Empty 137 Russian City 58 UncOOked 123 Tucks part· pomt 7 1 lngre<hent t38 P1an1 stellt 60 Smooth net 12 East wind 74 Twitch 141 l(lng bee I· 61 M801evar 125 Noisy 13 P11n1er s 76Greek er • entenalner argumenl errors godd9" 143 Unusual 6S Sligh! as 1 126 Map dtr9C· 14 May apple 79 En111e 145 B>blical tee t1on 15 Zod•ac 11gn amount pr18$I 68 Astir 128 Smooth 16 Pull apart 8 I CondUCle<I 148 Exctama· 72 Philippine 129 Cake layer 17 Actress 84 P ar1 ol FBI uon 1p1rt1 130 Voter Balin 85 Part ol a 150 Smell fish 73 0 1 grea1 132 Become 18 Japanese vOlcano 152 And lat SEE CLAlllFIEO SECTION FOA ANSWE ... ~· t• l llfl.-r 1 .• -r~ "' ' ,,. O••"" ' • !( ... t#f' ., ...... f~· .... , (OUA -.tA 641· 1289 U»-w~lho4,. MIH!Off Vll JO 495-0401 ~~C..lt•·­,_ oi. .. ,,._,, •• " • ..., "'-?" Sptclal May 5-May 11, 19~2 Pterophykm: 2.59 Al the risk of sounding concerted. I must say my regal manner and d1stinc lt~e mar kings make me a magn1lrcent add1!1on to your aquarium See me al Aquatic T rop1cals I am on sale under lhe name "Zebra Anger· for only 2.59. VISA' 1~10 W. aa.er•Cosb Mtu !149·ll91•C-IWllor & Biler Help Prevent Birth Defects - The Natton's Number One Chlld Health Problem. Support the March of Dimes BIRTH DEFECTS FOUNDATION lot•... , trf ~· t I "••1•J ~ .. What it means fur your ad fn be "clnssif ied" repeat appearances Th.• market f~ wha~er you adv1ttlM ch.anpe cont.lnually. When you r9pt11t your ad, you reecb new thoooeft. OCU• alofta1 ahbppen and t.hoee who .hop evtr/ da.J. ..., ... '\ cf•Mffted .. • ... ....,.. HDROSCOPI VIRGO (Aug 2:J·Sl·pl 22). Adlwrl· to IJastc pnnc1plcs. At'l'<'nt st.-cunty, bt· awan• of propt•rty valuc.-s :md rc.•fUSt· to bl' slamp<.tdt..'<i mlo hasty dt'<:i- :-.1ons. Some ussot'iall's, n·lallvcs <Jrl' rl'stless and th<'ir counsel. although :-.mcl'rt.'. could be I~ than bt·nC'fll'ial. LIBRA (Sept. 2:3-Q.:t. 22): Study V1rgo mes· sag(• for valid hint. Evaluate.· s uggt·s tions, ideas moderate pace brings dt'lSlrl'd n·sults. Highlight d1 - plomat.·y. family dtS<.·usMoru. m c.·ffort to restore do- mesl1l' harmony Focul. on trips, rl'lallVl"S, visits and gift from surprlSt.' soun:c. SAGl'M'ARIUS (Nov 22-Dec. 21): Cycle lugh, thts could be a power-play day. Lunar and nwner- ical indJcations point to suC"CeSSful procedures, new starts, added independence and increased compen· sauon. Judgeme nt, timing are on target. Watch Capricorn! CAPRICORN (Ix"<· :!l-Jan. 19). You'll ftrush pro.Jt."'<.'t, many whu 1gn11n-<l your Vll·Ws. dfor Ls will. now bc'(.'Qmc· all11~ Fot:us on 1n.<;l1tutions, hosp1!4l!!. spt'<'tal orgarnw11uns and .ihillly to t•xpress Sl'lf an gn1phit· manrwr Arn-s plays kt·v role AQUARI US !Jan 20 fo't·b ll:H W ish rnmes trut-. desart·s an· fulf1llt-d ;md bus1rll':.s vt•nture JXIY!> d1v1dends. You mt«·l 1nd1v1dual who 1s c.Jynamll'. crC'allvt·. stubborn ,and t·m·ouragt•s you lo uultu, talent.-. LO fullt-st t·Xtt:nt LA•o plays important rolt' PISCES (Fl'b 19-MJn·h :!0) l''cx:us on prcsuge, honor. standing an n1mmunity. rna.JOr obJl'<.'l1ves a11d commun1ca11on with prufl's:.tonal superior You'll nM· abov1• pt.•lty pollt11-.. prornot11m dut• dt.~plll btckC'nng among tho.-.t• whu arl' l'nv1ous SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov 2 1): Budget requires n•v1ew. Missing clemcnu.. <•an tx• located tf you de· fine terms, avoid <,el( ·dl'<.'t•pllon Al'C'ent on lnl'Ome. loans, payml•nts :.ind c:ollt·lllon::. P1sct's, Cancl'r , Virgo native::. f1gun: pr om1m·ntly Revis<' and su-camltnc lt."Chn14ut.~ r.;...:.===========.._..::____::==:i---~~~~~~ I RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY l..,,.....ter Md S..• 1922 HAJllOR ILVD. COSTA MESA -541-1156 Ntwport ftlusic Qlons truatoru lJ i\ll\11 l(llldw Mlftllc • ,.,....,.,._ C...terY.tory Cio...t vo1ce-v1ol1n-llule-9u1lar Mery ct. l"nc•. l.M. clr..chw Call for Brochure I I 2' lriltoi 957-0211 NE VI.L ---·-----• 1t c(•epti11g . ocial s,~('t1rity & .S. /. SENIOR CITIZENS. I I Why live alone? We are Leonard and Louisa Etvey and have resided at La Palma Royale since August 19n after selling our home in Placentia. We decided on La Palma Royale after visiting other facilities. Our room is located on the second floor and is comfortably furn ished, with maid service and the meals are served In a pleasant dining room by cheerful waitresses. We have many activities to participate in and we have regular board meetings of which I am chairman. My wife and I have been elected "King and Queen" of La Palma Royale and will join with other 'Royalties· during the year in competition. If you are contemplating a future home away from housekeeping or are dissatisfied with your present facility, my wife and I strongly recommend La Palma Royate. -----------------COUPON ----------------1 WE CARE! r\ctlve Retirement for enlor Citizen LA PALMA ROYALE 525 WEST LA PALMA AVENUE ANAHEIM, CA. 92806 714-981-3242 For Information Cell or Write for Free Brochure NAME =:iA----~------ADDRESS ________ ......_~~---...i~~~ ' CITY . STATE ZIP __ I I ~-------------------~--------------~-----· --------~--~-.... ---...... ~---"'!"'--------':""""----....... ~--"."""""'.-------------- • DI Orang• Coa1t DAILY PILOTl8unday, May G, 1082 Going to vis,it BBttle of Britain By STAN DELAPLANE LONDON Wht'n lhf' Brt\U.h fh~1t IMll· led from Por!Jirnouth, I aot on th<• phone to a rNm I know In London. Ile aald. "No, lhc town htu1 not i(lllH' mod Naturully. cvt• ryont•'11 wlktnAC about tho Jo'alkhmd Mand. art1Alr "'l'hc opinion ht.•ro 111 th1:1t lt'11 11bout 0 11 'l'hcrtl'M 11uppost>d to lx1 u lot of 11 ArtiN1llnu wunlll it and we wun\ II Whul bl•twr rc~u for u w ur?" Tht• wi>alh«r· "Jo;xn•ll<•11l for April Tt•mps around ti~ lo 70 "1 he pulaccs of Bu,·ktnghum and Sl. J u· mt.og's arc still guurdL'CI by thl' Household Regimen~ who have not gone mto l>attlc dress. We don't expc't:t rationing. Matter of Cut.·t, I had o splendid lunc:·h at Langun'11 Bel'f roast. You know I think we BUY some beef from Argtmtma "h doc>s S<-t•m cht'<·ky or tht.•m to i.e1z.c our islands." Thv ~t plat.'l' to S<.'<' England al war is where tht• war 1!> long over Three limes I've gont.' down lo &Ult.• when• King 1 la- rold s tood agam!>l Wilham thl' Conqueror m 1066. (You thought 11 was Has tings? It wru. really al Baille) "Tht" ball It.> of Ha.'lttngs, th{•y l'ull 1t," said the caretaker a l tht• anl·1t.•n1 abbey "It was here that an arrow f1rt.•d by on<' of Wll· liam'!> arch<-rs s trul'k King Harold in lhl' eye and k11Jro him "So Willium built an abtx•y on the spot Latt'r he built the· TOWl·r or London which came in h andy for l'hopptnR off ht•ads." The best way lo Battlt• 1s through Tun· bridge Wells You stop and t;1kl· a dnnk of the chalyl.X'au• wall'r w hich 1s supposed to cure gall slonc>s 1)r falling arch1-s, wh1t'hl'V(•r IS the great.er Battle 1s small Somt• four or fi ve blocks of main s trrl't that l'nds in the• abbey they've• turnNJ into<• girls' school. h 's a forblddlna plure. llua foru 1•Q llkt· 111.it<'tl Mild hlih Witllli lt' IX-.•n own1-d µriv tt>ly st lllll('M. The f1r11 QuN•n Ell1ub<>lh hud It fur awh1h• Thul WUH ufll'r ubbl•y1 wurn abohJth£.U by l11mry V 11 l. Sonwtlmt• In lht• t•urly l 700li a l'Ul'll4.' wa11 put on tho ownon1. Jt'or thrc-c: g<merullons thort.• W('fl' lrugk fUrnll )' dt•Uthll by fire Or walt.·r. ('l'hul'11 u t.'011d1lion of mOllt curlCtl). The owners brought in a prlt'Hl to t.•xor<.'i!M.' It . "And that cndPd the dcutht1," su1d tht: cun·takc·r. "Tho ugh lht• fumlly sold t he phwc 100. l!:xtra tnHurnn<.·t•, you might lj3y " Tht• plucf' lo h uvt• lunch 1s the• nt•arby Pilgrim's Rt'tll They s.uy 1l was run by the monlui for truvt•l~rll who Wt•n• out uf mon · ey. Probably true It WWI rold ~ organi:wd t.•hurily (Tht•y should bring in an l'XOJ't'ISl for that) 1l was a Cour-sl11r l'Old n•staurunl No doubt lhe l'Oldest rc>sl.Huraril in all of merry England. God pity lhl' poor wayfaron. who i;tayed wllh thl· monks Thl•rt• Will> .1 f1rt•plat'l' hut 11 had no chan('l' aguansl lht> frosty April wmd lhal bll'W through the· l'ntl·ks I don't think the Pilg rim's R<>St has bt't·n n•pwnod s1m-i.• the day it was built The food's ~ood Tht• pm'l' wus right But go then· m m1dsumnwr. It's nol a touristy town A <'<>Uplc of l<·u shops, USUCllJ)' full Of giggly SC:hool girls. On<· time I had lunl'h at thl' George. It's old-fashiont.·d. A plc·c·c· o f rurul England from the 1800s I t'Xpt'<'l Cox huntt.•1"3 had lhC'1r hunt brl'akfoslS lhc•rt•. Ont• thing you l'an 11<1y for thl' lirorgt.'. it's warm Tht·rl'0l> an antique s hop at thC' top of the mam ~tn.'t.'l and il sells an un usual product annor· hamnwrcd mmwork I bought u h uuvy C'Undl•luliru, thrc•t.• ft"t>I ac.·ro11 It himti• by 1m Iron l'huln I brouaht It home Hud 1l wired for l'let·trlt'lty und hun~ II from u c.>t•ihng bc.>am In lht• kltdwn It 1 a hunch;orni• plt.'t.'t.' Tht> rnan who run!I the ahop Mid: ''Thi.I wurk comt•• from tht• time of Cut>ur'a In· vA11lon of Brltoln. Thl' ltomana fond coal und iron ht'r'e uml tht•y taught thC! Britons how to makt• It " Ill' 1.UUd local Cormt•rs kN:p up lht• trod I· t1o n A mattt•r of pridt.• and hlstor~. Go down lo &tth• r;c>rn•·tJmc· You'll IWc>. (Bring your ovt•r<..'OIJt) OCC to offer Yosemite excursion A three-day excursion to Yosemite National Park will be offered by Or- ange Coast College's community service office m June. 'Presented as part of OCC's Spring Adventure Tours series, the trip lS set for Tuc·sday-Thursd ay, June 22-24 Cost of the to ur is $170. The foe includ~s n·c:liner bus transportation, a('C·ommodations a t the Yosemite Lod· l(t>, and tours of tht> valley. A $50 d e posit 1s req uire d upon registration, and the balanc:e May 18. Persons may register in the OCC t icket office, located in the college's administration building . The office is open Monday through Friday from 8 a .m . to 7 p.m .. Saturdays from 8 a .m . lo n oon . Reservations may be m ade by pho ne. using Visa or Mastcr~ard, by calling 556-5527 While Britain prepared for old-fash10mod war m the South Atlantic, !.!2_':._household Rcgimc'!!_t did n'!t ifU tnlo batt/(' t.lr<·~ Kid Kingdom where parents can interact with kids A t·h1lrl·!.1zt.od world wht•rt' Mom and 0-.uJ~t·an shart:' th<' fun 1s tht• <.'<>n<.'<'pl o f th<.· new K.Jd King· dom, & thl•mc• p;trk within the• theme park Great America. "Ifs a plare wht.•n• par<>nts l'an mt.cracl with their childre n , unl1k<' trad111onal playgrounds w here they are spectators," says Jim Morrow, gl'n· eral ma nager of th<.· !::ianta C lara amUSt.•ment park 'EYer see kids after a rainstorm floating popsicle stick s in a puddle? That's where the idea for Cas tle Rock Rapids n·ason .. or '>IU' F1ftv-t11ur inch•~ ... the• maximum h1·1gh1 allowc-d It's· lht• 1nvl'r..<' of lh<' old them<· p<irk m<Jx1m "You rnu~t Ix• this t;1ll to (·ntt.•r.'· Caml•s of skill <Ht' opt•n to t'veryonc. The 2-yt•<Jr -old, for l'XJmplt'. tosst>s a ball al the· target from lhn>t• fc-.·l, the ll -yc·ar·old plays from five f('('l, Dad c·ompNc•s w11h lh('m from a d1st.am'f• L'ommc·n- suratt• with his iargt.•r ~IL.t .ind gn·ater exix·rienct: r ., cam e 1ron1 ... Ev<'n park hosL<; <ind hosih.'i('S are eye-lO·<'Yl' with many of lht·ir young guPst:.. Thl' inlf'nor floors o f all booth~ and s1·rv1l·t· ;1n·a!> arl' sunk below ground lc.•vt•I as u h<•1ght <'qu<.1lizc·r. Act1v1l1C.'S, Morrow s...ys. an · bast'<I on obs<·rva- tion of gaml'l> <.·hildrt·n play when lt'ft lo the ir own unagmings. "Ev..r '><'<' kids ;Jft<·r a rainstorm floating pop· su:il' sl1c:k.'> in a puddle·? That's whnt' the 1di:oa for C .1!\llt: Hoc:k Rapids rnrnt· rrom The kids pick up a boat al th<· t•nlranct· and rollow ll from the l'asllt· tHrough lht• moat, undc•r lht· bridge a nd down to lhl· 1·nd of the· rivt·r. Tht•n tlwy can takt• the• boat but.·k lo lht· toµ :..nd 'il.Jrl ov1•r again as many times as they want to" "We took a fum11tar game· a nd put 11 anlo a fant.asy St.>lling." There also arc carpt.•tl·d tunnt•ls, s wingin g bndg<'s, crazy mirrors, a (·h1ld's drN1m of a play - houi-ie. a "jc•w<'l"·sluddcd Ro<:k Candy Mount<im. an<l l'Vl'n ii miniaturt· skl'<.'ball ~amt.• The I Jang S Lidc,. and the T asmanian Punch arl' tht• only rides that are orr -hm1ui to m ost parents for Tht• park. with IL'I five• th1•m1'CJ drt·a<; OrlParu; Plan·. lloml'lown Squan-. County Fair. Yankt'e lforhor a nd Yukon T1·1rilur,v t)('g:1n IL'> M.'Vt·nlh S(•lJson in Man h Cn·:il Arn1·rw<.1 1:-. OJ>('n Wf'f•kc·nds through May 28 . Regular dally o perat10n begins May 29 and continues through September 6, follo- wed by weekends onJ y throul{h October 31. --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----.'r--=------------------, M d I FLYFREE I Tomorrow -on ay I PJ\N AM 2 FO• I OOUPONS I S~ORT NOTICE I 13 countries; save to : PUBLIC AUCTION • By Order Of The Board Of Directors And Other Secured Parties COMPLETE LIQUIDATION TO REPAY PAST DUE LOANS AND LETTERS OF CREDIT TO BANK (Manulactur,,,.rs Bani< of Beverly H1lls1 : $2500 .... $40 each 1 71-Ml31-3889 L------~-------------~ Thru May 22. 1982 High Quality Persian & Oriental Carpets & Rugs Fish & Chicken Dinner Only $2e39 ALL RUGS HANDMADE TO BE SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER ON MONDAY, MAY 10 at 8 P.M. MARRIOTT HOTEL 900 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH Preview wlll commence 1 Hour Prior to Auction Also included in the Auction will be a LARGE SELECTION OF BRONZES. released by a well known West Coast Foundry. A A & A LIQUIDATORS, INC. TERMS: C11h, Check, MIC, VISA MAY HOSPITAL WEEK BEGINS INFO 213-709-0026 Do you or ~omconc clofle to you hove cunccr und need ~omc cmo1innul sup- pon'! A spcciul aroup mcc11- under the guidance of u skilled professional. Tuc~­ doy , 6:45-8:1-' p.m. Call 760·2350. DRIVE THRU SERVICE AVAILABLE ~~~ ~~L~;"m;~us~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'~~~!"!"'"!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;~~~~~~- Sec a play abou1 loncli· nc''· Conference Ccn1er. I JO r .m. Free. -Wanl to be l'I good grandma or grondpa7 :9>rhe to our grandparent§ cla!> . today . 911.m.-noon. Ho~ical Con· fcrc:ncc Ccn•cr. No rcais· trution. FM. ' . .. Employee cclcbnuc Ho • pitol Weck with cake for ""' I ' I <ilelp ~s eelebrate! A~ Hoag M emorial Hospital Pre~hytcrian cn1cr~ i i~ J01h year. we invire you 10 join us in celebrating. A~ a community rc~ou~e. we recogni7.e our re"pon~ibi lity. ea c'tizens . Not only 10 help you get bc11er when you 're '\ick . But al o to ke u well by providing heahh education. blood pres- ;,ure checkl> and speci events . Here ·l> a calendar of happenfogs for the nexr few days. Join us, won ·1 yo '? Your good healrh i~ our best binhday present. Now \ the time 10 take a CPR couN~ ... 001 "lacer." CPR Heart Sttver cour!>C~ arc off cred every Thursday evening n1 the ho!ipital. Cull 760-.S923 for rcserva· 1ion!I well in 11dvance. Free . HOAG HOSPITAL The Sandplpe~ und the SS2 Club , hospital ~uppon groups. host a ga lu nnni· versary celebration ut the Maniou. Cttll 76()...5917 for rc~rvotlons. -Have your blood pressure checked tn the main lobby of che "'"pita I today. 1-3 p.m. Have M>me b1nhday cake. too! View a di. play of Hoaa Ho11pit1l, put and present. .. , For more informat on contact: HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRF.SBYTERIAN 30 I Ncwf?'.0'1 Boulevard . Newpon Beach. Ca 92663 C71•> 760o59ll CllSSIFIED Lisa se'es success in 'Hasty Heart' By JACKIE HYMAN AMMlllM'r ... WrHef LOS ANGELES -Like molt worklna mothen, Lisa Eichhorn find• her life a balancing act these day1 -but unlike moet, the British-trained actress from Readlna, Pa., muat shift for babysitters on two con- tinents.as her stage and tllm career grow1. "It takes a lot of trust. You have to give a lot away to trust somebody with youl' baby." said Mias Eichhorn, whoee daughter, Emily Alexandra Eichhorn-Nye, la almost 7 months old. "We haven't had the best luck in finding ba~sitters but• fortunately my husband (Ben ye Jr.) is a makeup artist and it's work out pretty well that one or the other of us can be with her." They're currently in Los Angeles for Miss Eichhom's American s~e debut, in the 1940s John Patrick play 'The Hasty Heart," running through May 29 at the Ahmanson Theater of the Los Angeles Music Cent.er. movina Intensity by Orepy Harrlaon. Harrieon rehtarNd "Th• Hufl.H•art" whlle performini hls role on S-TV'• "Trapper John, M.D." He and iu l!lich· horn co-1tar with a felstv Kurt Runell. wha1e recent film credlta lnclude 11Elcape From New York." The show'• aenest. waa marked by both exhUaraUon and U'apd~. It ()pened to rave reviewa at the 99-aeet CAST-at-the-Clrcle Theater with Harrilon, Edward F.dwards and Jenntfer Salt, and went on to win alx Loe Angeles Drama Crlticl Circle Awards. The production was moved -with some caat changes -to the 2,100-aeat Ahmanson to fill a alot vacated when ''Anastasia" wu canceled following the death of its star, Natalie Wood. Although she has starred in such films aa "The Europetna," "Why Would I Lie?" and "Cutter's Way," Man Eichhorn aa!d 1he believes her performance in Los Angeles will bring her to the attention of producers. 1ucctt1. I think 'The Hatty Heart' la goina to pu\ me over the top.'' NeJCt on the agenda la tnaklna a movie, "Wild Role," ln MiMelOt.a, plavfu.r an iron ore miner. Then she'll travel to London for BBC production of the Edwardian novel "East Lynne." . Thtouah it all, Mlal Eichhorn aaid,1 l&he and her hu1band are workina hard at malnta.lnJ.na their marriage. "RelaUonahlpe and maarri.aaet don't have a very hiih auccea rate in thfa bUlinel8 and Ben and l believe It's beeauae meet couples are apart a lot," she said. "In regards to ounelvn, we've juat decided that we will stick together . . . He haa been working along steadily just u I have." ln part becau.e of her years bf work on the staae, she said 1he hQpm to keep a level head it fame and fortune arrive. Miss Eichhorn, who trained at Britain's highly regarded Royal Academy of Dra- matic Arts and played roles from Shake- speare to Agatha Christie in British re- gional theater, brings subtlety and strength to the role of a nurse who t.:US in love with a fatally ill Scottish soldier, played with "I'm in an Interesting position at this time," she said, sampling a lunch of fruit and cheese in her dre88ing room during a rehearsal break. "I think that people re- spect me and my talent. I've never disap- pointed bl.\.,t I've never had a commercial "I think so far I 've remained clear- sight.ed about the opportunities I've had," Mlaa Eichhum said. ''I think if 1ucceae and monev come to people who haven't thought about It pr are very young, they caq, trapJ><.'<i. But I don't think that what I oould earn on any picture would be more impor- tant than my f&mµy." LISA EICHHORN ... Who's tending the baby. FRI. 7:30, f'.30, 12.'00 Mid. SAT /SUN. 2.'00, 5:00 7:30, t:30 I SAT. MIDNtGHT DAILY 1:30, 3:45, 5:45, 1:00, 10:00 I FRI., SAT. MIDNIGHT Keep aJl eye out for the fm:uUe.t movie about growing up ft'el' made! You '11 be glad you came! ~ ·1-~!~=~- CITY CEOTER ~ 1'-1 flft f lh ti '-IH1 UtlAN4:1I • ft).4 't/f4/ f't ~'illl l H l 1 • I <. , ":a I~ SOMmMES THEIE'S ONLY ONE THING Oii YOUI Ml• ••• AIAl"Ullll ---.cTVMI lll.LIAll ~ a·~~ ftmmancd to him 1hould happen to you. Including ' Rl'T A(~~-K:u hannc lkpbum Hl-"T A< TOR -Hl'M Fimda PG --.. ··----~-···-·--·­~ --·····-- CITY tEnTEA F'] ~ ~ ...• ~ .......... ,,,, « ••••• .. -'*••= .. ....,_ ... llll UIU · ,.. CARS • "fMAllSr" •llNW! •• ....,..,._.,Nll•ntT--u~ --U111•l •S1sc. .. -1111T lllM ·---llWI •llWMll.lW111_1t ... l lAll1S.SllPWILM -........ nlAlfllllAll ,,..~ .... ~ ....,~,... •. -·-:~:.~.:=l R • ~~l .. tPr**'., ..,.,"••"'!-·-·-• • tt=:~"' ~k~ .. -PJU. l:At, t: 11 IAT/IUN. 1:"'6, 4:11 l>U.1:11 "GOIN' ALL THE A\"' FN. l:OO IAT/IUN. 2:10, 1:31, t:OO •A um.E SEX" 1111 ..... 7:11. 1o-AO IAT/IUN. .,.., 7:11. 1o-AO llflt. 7:00, 10'.30 IATllUN. 3:30, 7:00, 10-.30 "ENTER TH~r.wf" IAT/IUN. 1:11, 5:05, S:35 "FORBIDDEN WORLD" RU. 7:00, 10:a0 (ft) IA T /IUN. l:JO 7:00 10'.35 01ARIOTS OfflRE 0 ~ ~-"'1. 7:10. 9:10 (R) IA T /IUN. 2:00. •:00. l!OO 1:00, 10-.00 "PRIVATE LE880N9" (R) , .... 7:05, 10'.30 IAT/IUM. Ml. 7:0I. ~ "GOIN' AU THE WAY'' FN. l :IO •AT/IUN.2:Gl,1:21,l:IO ""· 1:30 IAT/IUN. •:U , IJU "MISSING" 1~1 "'f'RL 1:15, 10:40 SAT/SUH. 2:00, 1:30, 10:50 -*C>1~m FRI. 1:15 IAT/IUH. •:10, 1:15 1~1"/JIJt~ Bl FRI. 1!11, 10-.20 IAT/IUN. 2:00, 1:1S1 10-.20 FRL 7:15, 1:15 IAT/9UN. 1:15, 3:15 5:15, 7:15, t:1S (R) FRI. 7:00, t-AS 8AT/9Utf.1:15, 4:00 7:00~:45 (R) RYAN O'NEAl JOHN HURT "PARTNERS" FRI. 1:50 SAT/SUH. 1:00, 4:35. 1:30 'Ir::' ~~Ill FRI. 7:00, 10:30 I AT/SUH. 2:45, t:30, 10:15 ~-~ . .;M~ FRI. 7:11, 10-.AO SAT/SUN. a:AS. 7:15, 10-AO "GOIN' ALL THE WAY" FRI. t:OO (R) SAT/IUN. 2:16 FRI. 7:15, 1:15 SAT/SUH. 1:15, 3:15, 15:15 7:15, 1:15 edwards CINEMA HAHBOH lfl 110 A T ADAMS 6 CO<;TA MESA 54 -3102 01ARIOTS fl RE .~ .. ... -.Cl.IKIT~TUlle FRI. 7:00, 1:15 SAT/IUH .. 1:00, 3:15, 5'.30 .... 10:15 (l'Q) cdwards LIDO CIN E MA .. I llWP<oRI Bl\ICJ A l \llA LIDO 673 -8350 Nf W POAT llfAC':H DEATHTRAP • • m1sSltlg. · -c--h( ..... , ...... ,~ ....... .. ""(.......... m P'RI. 1:30. 1~ 'I .. rtll HO IATI-, ........ "001N'AU IAT/IUH. 2.'05 t:JO 10-.41 • """"°·-'""-JrM. UO, t•M ''PARTNERS" , ..... IATllUM .-.-.1111 THI WAY"(lll ,..._ lo\T/~1~ ':: -IATI-. I ti, SA. •• "FORatDOE.N WORLD"IWI ,.,._ ""· 7IOI, t:11 IAT/IUN.111S .......... 10-.-(R) ..,,_ . .,...,,_ ---"VICTOR/ VICTORIA" "'' llJO, 1:11 •1' '"'· 7:00, .. IAT!auM. ti,O, 4:10 IAT/IUN. ,. 1111, 1111, 11110 4:11. f:OO, 1:11 (PO) • ... Tony Randall's ,; new theater ff do •Lo~e, idney' so he can do cla ical theater Bv JAY IHAABUft ~ ......... NIW YOIUC -U you 1ald Broadway can •uppor\ a new ~luatcal repertory theater whoee troupe l• mod l d on \he Royal ShakHpHre c.ompany, odda are you'd be put ln a hoe'ne for the men1ally ukew. Same thtnl mtcM happen were you a ·~­ful TV atar wl\oee act.a or tun II to fiy north to Halifax, Nova Scotia, to perform or dlrect th9 workl ol lblen, Chekhov and Shakeepure ln w dMd of wlnter. Tony Randall, atar of NBC'• "Love, Sidney," hu done both. But ho'• not weartna 1 canvu jlc:ke~1 hasn't been put ln 1 dark. quiet room and told he'u be there until hJa hNd cleert. · He'a now actually plannina \hat clulical rep company with a clqee friend, Jonn Neville, head of that H.alifax theater where he'• 1pent the Jut three winters, happlly eNt'Oneed ln the clau.l<JJ. For 4llean, the dapper, articulate Randall hu built 1 IOU reputation u 1 U.ht comedy actor on 1wge, ln filml &nd ln auch hf\ TV eerlet 11 "Mr. Peepera" and the 1tlll re·runnlng "The Odd C.OUple." But wa~ deep down, clulical theater "la the only thine l ve been interested ln, lt'1 all I'...e ever wanted to do," saya the actor. And th1a lonctnc led one day to what you'd call a lolkal question., 111 Mid, 'Why do I have to 10 all the way up to Halifax to do UU.?"' he recalll uking Neville. "And it kept coming up, why don't we have it 1rl New York?" Th.at was the start. The actual work began - no troupe hu been formed yet, no theater aecured- wlth the umurprialng diacovery that what they had in mind would require money, a lot of it. "Well, I had awom I would never do another TV aeries," aay1 lhe actor whoee oath occurred ln 1977 at the end of "The Tony Randall Show.'' ln which he played a widowed judge for a aeuon. But he reversed hlmaelf wt year ln Halifax when delegates from the TV arm of Warner C.om- ~ =J ---·--·-.... _ ... _=-~~ .. NOW PLAYING IOWAllll IOUTll IOWMOI lDW&ltOl l&DOUUC:K COAIT rWA MllllGel "uo ll Toio m 6880 TOWll CHUI c••u MALL ClllllU UA CITT ClllllU Co<.ta M.u 751 4184 M.uion V1t,o 4951220 Orange 6343911 ITAOIUlt INllft·I• ua CllllMA lOWAllDI WOOOIRllG( OforoQt 538 8170 WtS1mlllllt1 H3 0546 tt•int 551 0655 VILLA, .... TWiii IDWAlln fOU•TAlll waun ... -.K-'ff Ot•noe 639 0006 foun1a., Va11tv 83111soo ....... ,_ .... --... _ . .,. __ ~ --- MU 8tu 1'1&11 519 S339 ~TAllUA l0.¥11\ 8t!i1Cll S•O 7'44 NOW PLAYING C:Olll MIU ltlt• CMlUGI taw•• ~ Cenr• &ho¥dl Woodlllodgl St»um Owe in 979 4141 SSI 06SS 639'170 Cl TOM •OU_. WllTMltdTCJI £0,.¥01 ~· c.ntdome UA h •tn ~\ 1141 !>880 63• 1SS3 198 1243 DEATHTRAP A wickedly funny who'lklo-it. .. -~ mu.Jc:at1on1 came to Mt him. He'd made • TV movte aboUt 1 1lncl•, mlddl•·•ctd man Uvlnc ln 'New York. ''They wani.d mt to make a TV ltrlee of lt," he "1'· "I cOuld not be 1War,ld. But they found a way tO .. , to me: Thov Mid, We'll stve you the money tor th thoater.' " Ht made "Love, Sldn•Y-·" They p11Wd wltb UD0,000 In what ho calla • 1eed money•• tor the thMi.r. Slnce then, he •)'I· "we've made wonder· · ful pl"Oll't9. That teemed to 1tt the ~ roUJna u nothtne hat. II M ~· ball rolled, ht aouaht • ~WI)' home for hit troupe. On 42nd Street, of all plaoet. Once alive and cllttel'ina with lel!~te the· at.er. the atreet, between S.Venth and Dchth Ave· nuea, now la a &arllh neon eyeaore. But Randall knew New York Clty wu plan· nin1 a maulve cleanln1·up of the Tl.met Square area, wtth conal.l'UCUon of ak)'llCRpen, maybe 1 new hotel. and molt Important to him, rehabWtatJon of a row of flne old once·legitimate theater1 now moltly offninl lleCOnd-run fllckt. "My sroup toured the theaten and then pre. tented our plan to the city.'' ht 11ya. (See Toay Randall, Pase ES) Call 642-5678. Put a few word• to work for ou. ••••'C'° LUXURY THEATRfS Etunomv Snltt1M S2 ~0 111 3 00 PM Unit\\ 01hr1w1"' Notel1 s 111atn4.1.1,,116161~'2ssJ1~~, J s (~v~J ~:=~;~ ft#DCm.m fD " . 9 ~ 1 •30 3 '5 &:• '-:========::...--~--l..~·-·-00-1~0~:00;.;_ __ ~~ m 99ing all the wa~ HIGH ICHOOL TE~ERI If" NOWPLAYINO UA CINEMA CENTER Costa Me11 5404594 Mm f rt 7 00 • 9 40 Sat & Sun I I 5 • 4 00 • 8 45 • 9 30 "Rit1111& '2001' 11tul 'STAR WARS''' _,,.,__ .. _ -~-ACAOOMY WINN~R~AWARDS BEST PICTURE BEST ORIGINAL SCORE · VANGEUS Be5T ORIGINAL SC~ENf'LAY COLIN wtLLAND BEST COSTUME MELINA CANONERO Tony Rtnd•ll dJicu.- ••• hl1 hope. lor hi• n wly lorm«J clUli· cal repertory thHtB. "ClH•lc•l thettt•r In the only thln1 I'v• been lntere1ted In," he ayt. 11It'1 aJJ I ewr want«/ to do." "IF YOU COULD 811 WHAT I HEAR" 11to1 "URQHI" 1•1 (A Mu•lo W.,) • Beet FOfetgn Fiim "MEPHISTO" •BARGAIN MATINEES * Monday thru Saturday All Perform1ncH before 5:00 PM (bcept Sptdll En91gemen11 ind Holic11y1) ljll M ll/jit(Jjll Mjllll MlrOOO Of •o••c•on• LA MIRADA WALK·IH 99-4·2•00 "VICTOR VICTORIA" ,~c.1 ,, ., fl)\ 441 • ,, tO,. ........... • ~~~~;o;-,•:, ';,';;;~:.;_~ ''UAOHt A MUSIC WAR*' t•• 1710 Jot ,,. ... ,."' '"' J-:tt , ......... o~......,.· "POAl<Y'S" •• "If YOU COULD SEE ,, • 1 .. •,. "" •,. .. "' WHAT I HEAR" .,.., LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IN ~KIND OP HOO" Cll) _____ .... •W YOU C04A.O IU WHAT I HI.Air' (ll'Q) 1:15, a:ao. t:IO, 1:10. 10-.:JO LAKFWOOO CENTER SOUTH WAlll IN .. ~ AC'fotl AMI ACflllllH MON 001.0UI PONO" (l'OI .... -.-.-. ... ' I AC, UNA so. COAST WALK·IN Mt~t t••t "1<.t (A tHil •f li6' "CHARIOTS Of FIRE" .,, ""' .. ,., " t •• t• . '., ... ' - ti M I I t .. ti. t'! 4 ".0 .. ~· f oe.illy OI Co,,Olewooo 213/511·9510 kPORtt Y'S •. 1•1 n• >• tJt '~ ... "PARTNERS",., 'I I •0 H tG M lf "1C1UM AMO ICMIM'\._•f' ··CHARIOTS 0' FIAE" '"°•''. , .. , ••••• So11111 Coott Mlwoy 0111oonoy 494-1514 "PARTNERS" • ....... ..... 'ACIFIC THUlllU OlllVl Ill $WU 11111((1$ 11111t• •-1..01 "' .. 1114 .. , t i HAlltOll llVO OlllVt Ill 6 OllAllGf OlltVt-111 ••• 11 ,,. u•-••"'.,..' . ....... "" , ...... '"' -·· .. _. PACIFIC DRIVE-IN THEATRES ~Ill 11111lnt fn1• S.1 S-llS ._Slnllllm • IMPORTANf NOTI Cl ' CHllORl• UNOlR 12 JRU' . - IWNr _. 11 .... lllo ""' Jn , .. • ~. S-. . ....,,. 6 oe CM It ~ , <IN'I ..,. tAll oAOtO •\ '°"" "'-""II f "°'"(.All~ "'"" IGHt"Ol ltCQSSl)lll o0$!!'00 ..... Ml IQlllAIU o•AU Cll<f II OlllW-S CID 00.., - jllNAHllM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN h •••OY" ol Lel'T'Of'I ,, "fOl'talOOEN W()Al.0" 101 -"HYONO EVIi." 101 C'.tfltf J' \Qt)llO • • • • • • • • • • • 179·9150 ------I. "ENnA THI NtN.IA" 1al- 2. "CAT Newt.a" 101 euf NA ,All~ BUENA PARK ORIVf '" i.-olft A•• ""'' OI .... ~ 121·4070 --.........,~= t •JI '""' ,Alll LINCOLN DRIVf·IH ttf'<Olfll A•e We" Of l f\O" 12ht070 11·Mi!ll11M Son O<•eo '""' o• ,,_.,...,,. 1•0 I '62·2411 ofWl '!M1N','lll HI-WAY 39 ORIVf IH ..,ot9lllOOI .. WOM..O" "'' -•MYOMO IYll" t•I Cfljf flMIU'ID .... YOU COULO Ill WHAT I HSAll'' tl'OI l'\W "THI MIOOY HOLLY ITORY"tNI Cllll fl IOUllO ,. ,. '.,, LA n ABRA D111v1 111 ___ .__,__. __ _ 17'-llH 1.•·· .1 S. "AHOY WA""4>1.'9 ~AMllN9TllN" 101 ('••• •• \OUNtJ "f'AAAOIH• t•t -MCAAION COf'Y" CNI "GOW' ALL THI WA'r' !ti) -M"'°" acMOOL nAMRr 1111 -l'AIYATE Ll990HI" 10 1 . ...u, -PAltTNl'.AS" 10 1 c'"'"\OU'IO -~ ... 0 Soot G.llO•" CICl'>t ''"WO' 891·3693 MIT OOCTI ... °' , .. YI..,. "CHAlllOT9 Of FIAi" ll'OI ... .,. "AATHUfl" tPOI ~ ,!_IOUflO ___ _ "POAKY'I " tPOt .... ,,. "UP IN 9MOKl" 1t11 ORANGE Olll\lf IN -. . ,. .. . ~. ~ MI SSION (Jl/IVI IN t J Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May'· 1182 Lynn Redgrave keeps busy with • new series fl,~~\lUCK lD8 ANGELES -LyM Reqrave c:ouldn'\ flnd a babyt!t&er '°the ehOWI up, to talk about her new NBC atriel 1-iwh .. Only • with little Anna· bel In her amw. 'l\\at'I aPDl'ODC'llte. Attet all. MJll ;Redcrave II In "Teachtn-On1y" becaUH 1he wu fired from "HouH Calla," and Annabel Lucy Clark, a1e 9 montha, had 1 •tanina role In Uult drama. Tht actren, blue-eyed, auburn-halr9<1 and 6-foot-10, llnl.IM at Annabel, now on the knee of a woman publlcilt. . ''The baby. That'• how It all besan·" She be9- ltatel, then adda, "I'm on tricky 'IJ'OUnd. There are man~thinal I can't 11y becaUN 1 have a law IUlt pen ." Redirave and her manaaer-huaband John Clark are IU1na Univenal Televialon for $10 mUlJoo on i1'0W'dl ehe wu wronatully dllclw'ged from h~ role ln the 1erles. She hacf wanted to breut feed the baby while workina on the ahow, but llid the ma- d.lo feared It wouJa dlarupt production. UnJveral cont.ends that the ro1 laue wu a demand for mo.re money. "It all began with them aaying I couldn't~ the baby," ahe says. "Then when they had a lot o1 protesta about that they said they had aaid no IUCh tlilil.f:I aaid 1 waa ready to go back to work at my agreed-to salary. They a.aid not 110 fut, we no longer have a contract with you. I was the only actor ln television who threatened to show up for work. Gary Coleman, F..rik Fstrada and Wayne Rogers all threatened not to show up." MIM Redgrave aays she had not miaaed an ep- i.aode and had in fact worked on the show until two weeka before the baby was born. Why wu ahe diarniased? She aays, "There are two pcmibllities. One, they didn't like the Idea of babies around the 1et because they were afraid it would hold up production. "Or, they didn't care about the baby issue but knew that I did, and that was one way of getting me off the show. ThOle are two possibilities, and I don't want to comment atx>ut which I think iB the more li.kel ." . ~'Teachen Only" ls her second series and her tint played before an audience. She says, "I felt that being wed to the theater, I could play to the audience and forget everything else. But It turned out to be ao diflerent. It womed me that I couldn't make the size of the performance nght. I waa afraid I'd project too much for the audience in the studio. The first couple of times were terrifying, but then I quickly got into it. Now I find having an audience gives it a good energy." In the aeries, which will run for eight weeks on NBC, ahe plays an English woman who returns to teaching after her divorce. ''She still has that en- thusiasm and ldealiam that can get jaded after a while," she says. "But I suspect ln 20 or 30 years she'll atill have that enthu.sia.am and idealian." , Mias Redgrave will al.so be seen in two other upcoming productions, the CBS movie "C.Old Rea- ding" on Tuesday, May 25, and the CBS Afternoon • • . Tony Rand all (From PaJle EZ) "And they (city officials) have given ua all kinda of encouragement." He beams, wanning to the not.Ion of hi& dream fitting In 90 nicely with that of the city. "I envision 42nd Street becoming a block un- like any other block in the world, with 9e'Ven or eight legitimate theaters, all of t.he finest quality in the world, a theater city ln itlelf. "Well," he says, returning to the present, "they've promised us one theater that has over 1.000 seats. Now mind you, none of this is on paper yet. But that's where we are as of now." RMldall, an Oklahoman whoee career began ln theater here in 1941, eventually would like three theaters. reapectivelr for "large, amall and experi- mental productions.' But one will do for starters. Right now, he h.as no estimate, other than "an enormous amount," of how much it'd oost to operate 1 his non-profit, subscription-ticket troupe. But he haa definite ideas of how it'd be run. He'd put together an acting company that'd be the American equivalent of the Royal Shakespeare Company, "that's our model." And bring In big- name, top-quality act.on as-guest ltan. "It mustn't be done with just any actors you can find, but rather the world's finest actors. And you mustn't ask them to play for nothing, the way it's frequently attempted, with the actors subsidi- zing ii. "No. It muat be run like the Metropolitan Op- era House, where the finest artista In the world appear and are paid well to sing the finest music.'' Hil Broadway company would have a perma- nent troupe of playen aJ'ld a claaaics-only repertoire. "I oertalnly am not again.st new plays," he uys. "Certainly the Royal Shakespeare and the National Theater ln London do them. But that'• not our first aim. "Our first aim la to pl't!9ent, on a pennanent buts, thoee world cla.llicll that New York haa been deprived of, at least all of my life." And, he says, citing a Broadway hit thil ae.:m called "Othello," he think.a such a cla•tcaJ theater can prove a going concern, no matter what cynics say. "Audiences are starved for lt. There's no question that there's an audience here for classical theater.'' He figures It'll be at least two yean before hia belief actually la tested, a belief that the clMllcs, "with the world's flnest actors under really fl.nt- rate direction," can conailt.ently fill a l ,000-Mat theater when even lavish muafcala have trouble dolnc that. And If the reality bombs? "That'd be a ' ~y," he uys. "Beca.Ule l)Obody then would try It ~ for another generation.'' There ii another matter td~ How much time he'll be ab.le W devote 10 it. "8 MOVIE RATUIQI FOR MRBn"I AND YOUNG PEOPLE ,,,. ................. ,.,.... ,,,,..,., ............... . ,...._,,.,,_,,., __ ~ ALL AOlll AOWT'l'lO l!:!l a-.."- ~ • .,,_ ShooUDl'',on CBS Cll\ Jun. l. ''Cold RMdiftl" la a m~tery written by Rt· chard LIYtnlcm ana William 1Jnll and ~ by David Orww. 'n.. WUm In U'1I ~QvWde. like ltol'Y 11 none O\Mr' than"M.All Y9. SN ~11 a fAIDOUI movie NI' ~ htr way a.but ln • Dl.t.Y written by her pLl)"Wri&ht. played by Rober1 Pnit.on. 111&11 my flnt m)'ltm')' and it WU tun," ahe •YI· ..It appeen \hat my clw'acter, Monica, baa dM9d by luJdde but my u.nc. won't accept that.'' Pretton wrttet a new play and arrancn an on...iap NWl1on of 3'.,.i actcn from the other play. In a cold , he hu MCh,one re- . el"1Ct hia tanaLtd reJa p with the dead Ital'. Miii Redaaw aays. '"Ihey are rMl1y ju.tt 1Cenet to trap the \Jller. Each penon aeee her dJfferently. You have the real MonJca and you have the way Heh penon ... her. It11 full of delJdoua red htr- rlnp and clu..'' In "The Shoottna" ahe playa a mother whole IOll la lnvolved ln an accidental ahootina. She uys, ''It's a very mna1l part. I did it beca1.11e lt11 pro IUD cont.rot and rm very. much ln favor of that." Mill Recterave, from a t.amoua famlly of acton, la ltill a Britilli citizen. Her huaband la a natw'all.J.ed American. Two of her children, Benjamin, 13, and Kelly, 12, are En&J.ilh, and Annabel la American. She uys ahe likes the jdea of becornlni an Ameri- can but la not puahina it. Unlike her lllter,Vane111 Redgrave, ahe hu no lnterett tn politics. "I'd never be so foolish u to dilcuu pollt.lca with Vanessa," ahe says. "Neither would the. Actually, I don't think there'• such a thing aa an argument or a dilcu.-ion with V&ne918 aoout politics. You just listen." . At one time or another ahe hu acted with her father, Sir Michael Redgrave, her mother, Rachel Kempmon. and her brother, C.orin Redgrave. "But I've never done anything with Vane91a," ahe uya. "It's 110 hard to find IOl'Dething. Once we thought we'd do 'Hona and Rebell' by Jenica Mitford. I would play Jea1ca, who goes off to the Spanlah Qvil War and la brought home when the family lends a Britiah destroyer for her. Vanessa would play her tilter Unity who went to Germany and befriended Hitler." LYNN REDGRAVE and NORMAN FELL ... On set of new TV series, 'Teachers Only.• Writer tracks 'age of conspiracy' By PHO.. THOMAS A#llMh1411et NEW YORK -For novelist Robert Ludlum, The book was 'The Scarlatti Inheritance,'" and says Ludlum, "I waa gratefully shocked when it became a best-seller. If it hadn't done well I had planned to go lnto teachlng and continue to write on the aide." life really did begin at 40. , Ludlum, now 54 an" with a number of best- selling novela to his credit -the latest is "The Parsifal Moealc" -says he decided to switch ca- reen ln mid11fe. "Alter I aot OUl of college I became an actor," the amiable Ludlum recalls. "I gueu I acted in about 200 televiaion shows and I alao did Broadway and regional theater. That waa In 1971, and Ii.nee then Ludlum hu publlahed 10 books under hia own name and three under peeudonym... "I did that for atx>ut six years, and then I be- came a theatrical producer. He's the creative ca~­ lyat of a show. Hes JOt to bring together the ICript, the actors and the director into a fluid whole. I did that for 15 years, but I got bored with it. ''To me, the theater had started to re1emble a real estate pme. To me. It 1eemed you didn't mount a production to get lta best values, you did It for econo..rruc reaaons.'' He says he used the cover names "bec.ause when I first began wriUng I wu writing 90 fast that I waa producing more than the publlaher wanted. He didn't want to put out more than a book a year under my name, ao I publlahed 110rne of my things under other names." Ludlum'• novels are usually clasalfled aa thril- lers, although he prefen to call them "suapenae writing." · Dropplng out of the theatrical world, Ludlum eet aside 18 months to write a finrt novel. He isn't quite sure why they are ao popular - they've been published ln 23 countries and ln 17 languages and their combined sales exceed 25 mil- lion copies -but thln.ka it 'might be because "we live ln an age of conspiracy. "It was a logical evolvement," he recalla. "The theater ii a areal tralnlna around for a novelist becaUle It lnvolvea you with character and plot. You learn to understand the archltectUtt of a work. You le.am dildpline. "A. we grew up," he aaya, "we realize there were a lot of things we didn't know and we became almost compulsively interested ln finding out. "Although my books are fiction, they have an underspining of reality and I suapect readers grav- itate to them because they think they will learn things they want to know atx>ut what they feel haa been concealed from them." "And, very important, you learn that one of the quickest ways to find yourself stanc.Uns in the un- employment line la to tx>re your audience." Ludlum says he spent the first four months of hia allotted 18 "convincing myself to write that first book. Then I aat down and spent about a year ac- tually writing It." Although fiction. Ludlum says. many of them are inspired by oontemoorary events and by history -"I'm a hiato bulf.''. ''The idea :J 'The Parsifal Mosaic,' for example, goes back to ancient Egypt, while the novel l 'm \:"" ~~~~~~~~~--~------~~--~------~~-:iiil~, \ ~~· . /, GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF DEAR MR. COREN Q. -In. 011r rubber brid1e same die other nicbt, tbl1 auctioa 0«arred: Nortb Eut South We1t PH• PH• Pua 1 + Obie Pua ? Slace •1 pvtaer wu a paHed laud, I decided that die double could aot be for takeo•~ I ,....c1. 4ad the rHwlt wu a dJau"'-. My pertaer lael•ted that I Md to bid, a.ad lie received tome auppott tr .. ow oppoaeata. I feel that I ea rifht, bat we have ICl'•ecl to t.,.. to you for JadaemHt. -Mrt. M. Black, Blraalqham, Ala. !Till• que1t5-llu been awarded tile wMldy .,..U..I A .-1 think that you might be confu•lng two auctions. This II the other: Wet\ N~ £.a Soutll 1 • P ... 1 NT PH1 2 + OW. PUI 1 Here. too, North hu pan· ed on first turn and doubl'd on his second. Thia 11 clearly a penalty double. Had North wanted hi• partner Lo ~d, he would have made takeout double ovtr ont spade. O.b- vlouel1, North must bavt a rood hJnd with apadel u lala be1t.1Ult TM situation yoll 1ubmlt 1J dltte.,.n\. Here, North dld oot have a chance to make • takeout double at hll ftt1L turn -he slmply sald that he. dld1't ..... • ... ~ ... eoll• 1ldera to be an optalq btd. Now the 1ltuatJoa U. cba11· .cl. With U1t oppouata u•- lftl •• oH .,.., Nonb hu .... , ...... ,l'!:" .... auppon for &lie °'II!: 1111"8, Hd ht wouMI like .. ..._. a. • Hit triiia JOU lA .. iOort .. compete for a partscore. A typical hand he mighl hold would be: +x :; Allll 0 QJu +KJu Although this hand 1s worth 13 points, it has only I 'Ii defensive tricks. There fore, l would not consider it worth an opening bid. espec· ially 1lnce I am short in spades. But when fourth· hand opeo1 the bidding with one spade, il is an automatic takeout double. Ir you don't get into the act now. it might lw t.oo late on lhe next round. This could easily be your hand, or you might ht 1e a cheap sacrifice shou ld the op ponents get to game. Q.-My putmer teU. •• that, ...... I reWd a ••Jt. I am d••1•• fiH card• la that llllt. .. ta.at ~ ..... eett-w. WWiul•, T .. ,_, Fla. A.-It I.a difficult Lo an•wer such a question wfth a simple yes or no. By and large, bowever, experts will go to rreat lenfth• to avoid rebid· ding a five-card suit. A rebid '" a lower-nn.klnf suit, for •Jample, u1uall7 lmplie1 that C)pe0tr11 nrat•bld IUlt WU at lt.,t five card• In length. Motl oft.en, when ao expert rr .. 1, rebid• a auit 1t hie flflt turn, you count on hint havlnr a lix-eard 1ult. About the ODly ue.pt.lon to &hit 11 when the bfddlnr •pact hJt beea rtstrleld; I.e.; South l t': Nor0-2 0; 8outh·3<:1. Wl&h a mlalmum 09>nin1 bid, Sou&h bu little opUon ne.pt to NbMI a ft•• eard 1ult. The b1dd1ng has proceedtd: North Eut Soatll West I 0 Pa11 1 <;;i Pu1 2 NT Paa1 3 + Pua 3 + Pa11 4 + Pa11 6 + Obie ? What action do you take'! Q.2-As South vulnerable. you hold: +A6 \?J4 OQJ83 +AK1076 The bidding has proceeded: Well North Eut Soudt Pa11 Pu1 Pa11 I + PaH 2 + Pa11 1 What action do you take? Q.3 -Both vu ln erable. as Soulh you hold: +AQ95 ?K93 OK98 +Q97 Your right·hand opponent opens the bidding with ont no Lrump. What action do you take'/ Q.A-Neither vulnerable, u South you hold: +7 "1 AJ lO O AKQU. •AQS The bidding hu proct"Cded: S..U. W •tl Nortll Eut I 0 Pa11 l + P ... ' What do you * now? Q.&·-Both vuloerable, 11 South you hold1 +71 ~M76'1 OlOIZ •AQ The bJddlnr hJ.::CeedflCI: N_... £.al 1 • I o 1 What action do you take? Q.•-A• Sooth, vulnerable, you hold: •1• t'l llll OIUS •.U TIM bUldln1 i. proeetdtclr WM& ~£.al S.... •• '*' ... 1 WhJL • 1ou bld now? currently working on -I've got 150 pages done - draws some of its ideas, even though it's sel in contemporary times, from eventa that happened in 8th and 9th~ntury England and France.'' When be lan't reading history, Ludlum writ.es. And to do IO he geta up at 4:15 ln the morning. ''There's nothing mysterious or creative about thil,'' he aaya with a laugh. "I get up that early· becauae of the ailence. The telephone doe1 not ring at that time of day." It aho explalna why Ludlum and hla wife don't go to the theater much. "U we get to a Broadway show in the evening, by the time we get back to our houae on the Connecticut shore, it's 2 o'clock in the morning. That makes it tough to get out of bed about two hours later." Thrilling tale close to fact THE PARSIFAL MOSAIC. By Robert Ladlam. Rudom Boue. ISO pa1e1. SU.ts. Robert Lundlum's lat.eat spy thriller hinges on a plot he hu U8ed 1UCCC11Sfully a number of times. A shadowy organization that deftes detection is see- king to engineer a lituation in America that would plunge the nation lnto a holocauat. Such a plot can become implausible and even rlcUculous, but ln the hands of a master story-teller like Ludlum, i\ I.a convincing. In th1a cue the evil f.orce ia a fanatic offshoot of KGB, the Soviet lntelligence arm. It la cal.led VKR and Ls de9Crlbed in the book by a relatively sane official of the KGB it.self aa a band, of mad k1llert "up to their throat.a In paranoid fantasies.'' The backbone of this terror outfit Is a shadowy anny of Americana known as "travelers" or Pami- nyatcb.Ua. 8001 REVIEW Actually they are not Americana at all but Ruaaians selected aa Infant.a and shipped to the United Stata -just how is not too clear -and plaoed with famllles with Marxist 1eanino. They arow up .. Americans, normal in every outward aspect, but 1eCretly schooled for eventual ~tu VKR operatives. Theae travelers are prosrammed like robota, kiWna whomever they are ordered to kill with no feellna, not even for themaelva - With this backdrop we have J the hero a Cuch-oom U.S. lnteWaence agent, Michael Have- lock, who tee1 a girl he loves alaln on a lonely beach ln Spein. Hla equilibrium ian'=hel ed whr,n a few weeka later he apota hla sup y dead true love hW'r')'ina ICJ'Q9 a train pla · orm ln Rome and va-rUabiDi fnto a crowd • he tries to follow. Havelock'• March for the girl lead1 acrou oont&aentl md 1pu1 oceuw, finally triaerlna an ordal' for hil eDCMUon trom hla acencY ;Known • CcJD ()pa. an underpound branch of the State J>9.. partment1 whJch bu concluded lta -.-e apnt hu becomeDlllCClll• I a "*"IC'8 to hia own people. 8o the cbate by Havelock tuml into I fllabt f« bi1 ute. In the pr'OCm. he IMml that a VKA trav· eJ,w bM worUd hll W1Y up lnto the top ecMlom of the,,,_,_., wttb..-to the Whfte ... and ltl~~ U the nary KM a fault, ll la• ~ oC the d\U'8CWI to manim too otten ud -... a&t the ~ .... minor and the boc* .... .. .......... .., that Ludhun .... Wrttten. " TOMHOOI Allodlwct Pl'99 China wants m agazines · ;.~~ !':-• .. t ... ... r. .. , .. I .,, ·.·· ... • ' J • ' t ~ t I l l ' • t ! I I . I l STANDARD OPERA TING PROCEDURE -Panorama of the l lift-offs for the International Gordon Bennett Balloon Race . Saturday from Fountain Valley shows how competition usually starts safely. Frencii entry, at left, filla 88 Destiny, an entry °""' ......... .,a......_ from Perris, Calif., finishes inflation and German crew heads off into the wind. j9 balloOns drift into contest, one runs ~way I I ' i • ' t t ' . I • I f • ' t l t . I ~ ............ ,......_,......_....., ! RUNAWAY BALLOON -Greenpeace entry glides over Dis- : neyland en route to crash landing north of Brea Mall. The fun and games at :Satur- day'• Gordon Bennett Balloon Race and Aviation Faire in Fountain Valley were marred by a pair of balloon accidents In which five people were injured, none aeriously. The wont m.lahap involved the hot-air balloon spomored by the. environmental organization Greenpeace. Four people were injured when high winda appa- rently ripped the balloon from its moorinp prematurely at about 12:4~ p.m. Daily ~ilot reporter Glenn Scott, an eyewitness, said the balloon lifted off but failed t.o gain altitude for a time, drifting through the spectator-filled grounds of Mile Square Park with its gondola about four feet oU the ground The gondola of the runaway balloon struck five-year-old spectator Jennife.r Kuhles. of Loe Alamitoe, then hit a bandstand and dumped pilot Brian Fitzge- rald, 23, of Wuh.inaton. D.C. out of the balloon ana _apparently onto the tQp of a p.rked van. Other wttne91eS told ~tt the swinging gondola then knocked Fitz.gerald off the van and onto. the ground, at which point the balloon was able to gain enough altitude to clear the area. Police in Brea. where the bal- looo c:rlllh-landed about an hour later, said the two student pilots who remained with the runaway balloon also auatained injuries dwing the rocky takeoff. Frank Jones of Pasadena, who took over u pilot, had ec:rapes on his face and Eugene Stilp of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., sustained a possible sprained left wrt.t and shoulder, aeveral cuts and acrapes and a po-1ble fractured rib. Min Kuhles and Fitzgerald were taken to Fountain Valley Community Hospital, where they were treated and releaaed, ac- cording to hospital officials. J00e9 and Stilp, who brought the balloon down near Desert Can- yon Road and the Fanning School in Brea, w ere treated there by paramedic.a, Brea Police said. Another hot-alr balloon pilot told reporter Scott that 1uch ac- cident.I usually occur either be- cauae the balloon was not prop- erly moored o r because of a phenomenon called "tam lift." l'alae Wt occun ln hJah winds, he a.id, when a gust .gives pilots the impremi.on that the air inslde the balloon is warm enough to lift it. They then attempt to lift off only to find that the balloon cannot clear the ground, he said. In the other accident, an as-yet unidentilied balloon came down at about U :48 p .m . in the Tonner Canyon area, one mile east of Route 57 Brea, apparently after striking power lines in Fullerton. Bree police said. Paaenger Ronald Sullivan of Canyon Lake suffered minor bums on his back and the balloon sustained damage from the po- wer lines, police said. Pilot Ro- bert Wallace of Long Beach was uninjured. INFLATION SHOWN -Crowds watclu!d 88 balloons circled by sandbags filled with helium at Mile Square Park. > We Know -The World's Greatest Mom is ours! With all our love, U Lindy, Sue, Katie , A ~~ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/8undey, May •• ltea Mothers work & shop & worry Children grow & leave & marry Days have come & days,,)'lill go Mothers stay & w~nJ/fo know · Dearest Morr( . . We love you so. , WINNER OF $50 GIFT CERTIFICATE CONGRATULATIONS, MOM! :Jo lhe Be~t mom in tfu whole Wor/JJ ' \ \ \ \ I We love fJOU. 1J Diana, Gina, Caroline & Annie ----- • ' / / it ' I / '/ I I I .. ...,.,,...,. ... ~ ~ Mom, ~ f I hope JOU ~ t have a I ) beautlM ; ' Mother's Day. ~ You deserve J ~ ltlll Lo~e. r:~' .,., Amy I I ~~,_- • I • Lu c:, '1:i 0/e A-I I~ o u e fou lJ6~'1 /l1vcl, JENNA1J'1kE El/k I "/,vs/~y, K1 ~t. Ju/1,+tJA1 +oM ,,cµ.l/e To fY"\crn u £ Lave: '<e>~ ~~am: t:li\( f'(W\ ~(:_ ,..~. t~ To a Very Special -~ Mother ... You're the Greatest! We love you. Kathy, rara. Sfobhan, and M~han • r·~ cs a so •••••• Ob s a ••••• 4 00040000 ~~~~~~-:--:-~~~r-==-;111i11111 Artistic talent bottl~d up !I JACalE HYMAN I llflfl ............. ~ 81Ml VAL.LEY -To llOmC lt'1 a muterplece of folk arl rtmlnl!IC9nt of th• Watta Towert. To othen, It'• an eyeeoro or, at bcltt, a curl~ty that11 taldna up 10me valuable rut eaiate. To 86-yoar-okl Trnua Prisbrey, Bottle Vlllage la her life'• work -13 buildings constructed with hundreda of thoUBUnds of bottles gathered from the , dump In this Ventura County community aome 40 1 mllea northeast of Los Angeles. But a change oC ownerthip and the value of the one-third acre of land ,now threaten the unl9ue village that grew out of one woman'• fuclnat1on with 90C1etv's refuse. Bottle Village entered troubled times after Mrs. Prisbrey sold it In 1972 and moved to Oregon to live with her children. She soon rnls3ed her handiwork and accepted an offer to move back with her trailer and act as curator of the <.'Ottages. which showcase collectibles. The property changed hands several times and tinally was sold in March 1981 for about $48,000 to a development firm, Ernest Ph111ips, Inc. "They were going to build some condominiums on the land," said Carl Lane, Phillips' attorney. When Mrs. Prisbrey wa'i 59, she built the first structure to house her t'Olla·tion of 10,000 pencils. She went on to exh1b1l t'Ollections of discarded dolls and other items, buying onJy sand, cement, roofing leiaper and two-by-fours for studs. No one lives in the little colt.ages. which lack plumbmg. · "It's gorgeous,'' says J e ff Wack, 26, a Holly- w ood illustrator and member of the Save Bottle Village Committee. T he bottles, ht1d on their sides, are <.-emented together with grout, smoothing out the surface made by the flat end of lht• bottl('S. The necks are left free. \ "Sometimeg they point outside and sometimes ~they point insidt'. whatt•vcr she felt like doing,' {Wack said. "Som~ have th<'mCS. One house is a shot-glass \house. One is callt'<i Cleopatra's bedroom. She has a rtalC NOTICE 'ICTITIOUI llUIMH NAMI ITATIMINT Th• tollowlng ~taona art dOh'IQ buatneH 11 \/IA Ol!L RIO I, 8399 W•ltldgt Rold. Anthlim, CA 92107. MICHAEL A MoQUIR!, SSH Wnlrldgt Rotd, Anaheim, CA 92807 JAMES \IANOERHEID£, U.0 S . 5286 Allttl Ridge Circle. Anthtlm CA 92807 • JERRY GIMBARTI, 2071 W Ont1110. COfona. CA 91720 MELVIN SAVAGE, 5349 Wt 11r1<1Qe Roed, AnlM!m, CA 92907 ThT1 bu11nea1 11 conctucled by • 09'* .. ptltlnttthlc> MlcllMI A McOu1ra Thie 1111-1 •H l11ed with the County Cletk ol Ofange Co.Jnty on Aptll I , 1N2 CA"'ITZ a KAIOAN Allwner• II Le• 2091 auelneu Center OttH , '""-200 Irvin., CA tv1$-11M ,, .... , Publis!led Ottnge Co111 Daily Pilot AP<ll 18 25, M1y 2. II 11182 1740·82 P\8.IC NOTICE NOTICE Of AVAILABILITY Of ANNUAL REPORT Putsuanl to S11c11on 61041dl ol tr111 1n1tirn111 Revenue Co<!ll nOllCI! II hefeby given that me annual •epon lor 1he c111enllar y1161 1981 ol MARJORIE MOSHfR SCHMIOl FOUNDATION o p11v.ie lou11Cla llon, ·~ ava1lat>le 81 lhe loundallon s pronc1pa1 01111:9 10< 1n1pec11on during •egu1o11 1>u11neas hour• llom 9 30 a m to S 00 p m t>y eny C•hlen who requesli n v.1th111 180 ct1ys Rfll!r th~ ctate ot m11 pybhc;1111on The 1ounoat10t1 s p11nc1pal 0111ce '' loc;ate<l o1t 15795 G Roc~hetO Blvd lrvone CA 92714 ft>e prtnC•P•' manege1 ot tne 1 loundahoo '' Merk 3cuctctlf lbig bedroom set in tht•re with dolls. One is the round house You actually step down mto It." he Mid. 1 "She dug out J big hole I'd say it's about 24 ~feet in diameter and about 2.5 feet deep. kind of a 1 sunken room." PutJh\ht'CI 01ange Co.n1 D11ly I I P1IOI MJy 9 1982 3046-82 ------ ' l \ He said Mrs Prisbrey also constructed a tiled ,mosaic walkway through the village filled with odd 1 items "so you can walk on anythmg under the sun, ~false teeth to the kuchen smk " • Maureen Michelson , edttor of Glass Studio Magazine, says that the Village is "comparable to Watss Towers as a folk art monument · "There was a lime when people wanted to tear . down Watts Towers, too." Ms . Michelson said. "I think what's just starting to begin to happen in this icounti'y is an awareness a nd an appreciation for folk a rt as an important a nd significant part of American art. Unfortunately. in the meantime while we're d eveloping this awareness a lot of places are being torn down." , S upporters of the village have negotiated for Its purchase, even though tht> price rose to $87,500 and later to $97,500. The committec put d o wn $8.750, a non - refundable deposit for a six-month opllon. When the deadline came, Jim Wilson of Portland, Ore .. who publishes G lass Studio and the quarterly magazine GI~. put up a non-refundable $4,375 to extend the optton for three months. L ast February, Wilson obtained another six month extension for $1 0,000. The Prt.>Serve Bottle Village comnUttee now has until Aug. 9 to purchase the property Wome n e t business talk Orange County Wom- en in Busin~ will havt: Ger a ldine D . Green , California comm1ss1ont·r of corporations, as guest ap~a ker at a m eeting May 19 at 5:30 p.m at the South Coast Plaza Hotel, Costa Mesa F or information, call L y n da W . Shea at '720-1355 or Jan Young at 642-8235. Call 642-5678. P\8.JC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUl~H NAME STAT£flllENT • The rooowlrtg pe<sons ate ctolrtg bu11ne.s u 1•1 CANVASBACK HOMES; (I>) CHUCKER HOMES. (c;) DECEMBER HOMES. (Cl) DOVE HO MES, (e) FORE HOMES. (II M 0 D HOMES, (Q) MALL.-.RO HOMES. (Ill PHEA· SANT HOMES l•I PINTAIL HOMES. 1176 SE Mein Street. Irvine. CA 92714 PHILIP H McNAMEE, 18195 McOefmott. •I. Irvine, CA 92714. OALE SIMBRO, U30 Senta· nelll Tetr-. Co<on• Clel Mar. CA 92825 I Thia buS1nes1 1s con0uc1ed by a hm1tect partnership Dale S1mbro fh•s slatement was hied wlth'the !County C!etk ol 0.ange County on APfol 14 1982 Neptune ocie t) CREMAllOff llUAIAL Al SEA 646-7431 Our literature tells lhe complele st oty o t out SOClely c, ...... ,, •• ., ........ M ..,_... C..... '• , "" UL Tl lllGEIOH SMITH & TUTHILL WU TCllfF CHA'll 411 [ I /Ito ..,, Cr>'.I~ M1• .. 1 fM·Q~ll 'IHC E HOTH El S SMITHS' MOITU.AIY 11')7 M.ion <;• Hunlonoton At-.,. 1 '>Ji> I>'> !'I ,AClflC VIEW MEMOll.AL 'All( c.,,,~.,t1-ry M "'"•''" Cnaoel -Crpmator v ..:,<)()Pac loc v,.,,., O• • ., NPWl)l'Jrl Bt• 11 I• l,44 .•100 McCOIMIOI MOITU.AllES t c1oun<1 fi,. ,., n 4Q4 Q4 1 'o l dflU''" H 111 ... l~ llY ! I ~.tn Juttrt C:.<tl•· tr,1 11 4'1'> t, ., H.AllOtt LA Wl4-MT. OllYI M orlvclr'\I • (.,.•n•· 11•rv Cr,.rr.11orv lb')'> G'''"' A" Cos1a M1 .. ,.:1 540 S'>'>4 '1HC I llOTHHS H U H O.ADW.AY MO ITU.AIY Put • few words to work lor you f 117314 I IPuDlllhed C>fanoe Cout Diiiy PtlOt. AP<tl 111 25 Mly 2. 9, 19112. \... l ~ 1739-82 ----------- I 10 Brr adw,h Co-;td Me-;.1 64? "150 ,1. --------'-'--- sues 4 • . ---------.. ... 642-5678 CLASSIFIED INDEX 1 ... , ,,,,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• ...... ffl ,,,, ,,., .. lft ,,,, U I • J U I •• t ....•••....•.......... •·•·•••·····•··•······ .,,,,,, ,,, .. , .,,,,,, ,,, ...,, a. I J•I •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••.•••••.•••.••.• ::!~~ ..........•. ~,.. .. P!l.!1.~t •••••••• !.~~ Gl1111J IH~ C.1111/ 1001 Te PllCt Y• M. C11 642-5678 NMSlS rot SAlf i .... , .... !Mi ,t<'IMYlt lflMr-•ath r ........ ,,,., <'wte lln• °""' ''"'' Cllw• fM!U111\'1JI .. l!':!"-'•ll .. t• i...-•..-1A1-H1llo ~f'oj ...... 111-v .. 11 "'"'"" .... . .... a. .... . k•J.....a l·•lli~OtM flMlo 4M ..., . .,. \"'!.'~-:· 11-1-•\elt IWESlAll "'""'lwSAk Af*lq"'' lw » .. ~:.::=-"· C ••tff') Ltb Ct)ltlh t:::.'~~~~'~!1-llloi>ku• l 010 \olt ........ 11o11 ..... ,.,_,,..,.,\) htdV'ltl.J .,,"""'h l,Qi• fw ~J• -I< 11 ... lrlt ~ ... W~• ~t1 Mll0tt t.,~ :.!ntt''r!rop '"" M ~Utt ~rup R•IK"-~ t., fr!• C..toui Jllul L\1.tt [Hh.aftlt Au l 1.oi.tt 11 •llltd •EMTALS Hw..M"• fwn\"~ lkN\"' l.nfi.,,utMd ltw..t• f\ltn ur l'nl ( ONkHYuni""*-' h1rr. (Oftlk.nonn1mt let TooaNKN\ft tliirn lo•~\lttf (""Otunt\lr" ~•n lftif A.14> ..... Ap&a l nfwtt .\pht'\,1 ........ A.-1 "-• tloerd Hlltl•llot•h c .... -. \ut11fbrt Mtflll.eb \•U JIOlll kf'"'-•h lf'N•l• to '6.u• c,w ..... ,(itf .,,.l fJ,..,.. ..... . ..._.,..,. Mt""M•f t•-'ln al k•M•I ~~ .... .. """ ....... ,, i: . ., IOVM. MOVSIHO OPPOAlUNllV :: ,.....,., ltflotl :: All real ••late aovert11td INI In thll newapaper I• IUb· ttDI 1ect to th• Fed11a1 Fair :: H°"lllng Aot of 11>811 wttlch ,.. mak11 l t Illegal to adver- 11111 tlM "any Pf•farenct. llml· ::i talion or dlacrlmlnatlon •• bllM<I on'~· color, rell- ::: glon. Hll or natlonal orl· I• gin, or any lnttntlon to t• make any 1uch prefer· 1• • n c • , 11 m t I a t I o n o r :: dlecrlmlnallon." Thi• ntw1pape1 wlll not 1» llnowtngly accept any ad· :: vetllelng for rtal •11•111 '"'° wtllet'I I• ln Violation ol tht {!:. i 1ewiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimj 1 .. : HIHI: Advertisers = should check their ~ ads dally and report I = errors Immediately. aw The DAILY PILOT ~ assumes llablllty for Mi the first Incorrect 1141. :in w Insertion only. ;:'; g,,,,, /11 S1/1 1» •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ IHH11J I 002 JliJl •••••••••••••••••••••• m :: PIJ 1711.11 I ...... _, On taking over Miler low· :': Interest loan Especlally ox n l c e 3 bed' o om w I th I w bonus room. parquat :: lloora. ltlend ber In II.II · ti&. chen, 1epara11 matter ::_ suite. S 159.900 Selltt WI" uo 110011. at all otte11 TAR· :: BELL. 979·2390 -BUSINESS, INYESl llli•lli91 tf l1Yetfflc MEMT, AMAMCE IWJ Two u~~a~:!~~~ one 2 =:."=: ~ ~10 bed<oom one 3 bedroom, :::::::: ~~ • :i recently temodeled. setter _,.., i.o.a YJD wtlt conatder e11chanoe tor 14-• ,. ·-· -condo °' house tn Irvine or .......... m. -COiia Me•• $189,900 ANMOUNCEMEIHS, TARBELL 979-2390 ~•SOULS ' I "Meta Ytr49" LOST & FOUND • __ ..,.... )I<> '"' .... I ••• 1•1oo1 >1~ Save nundreds eac " L,..,ui ,,,.,.., :z I monttl on special aeller-le' .. ~!1~"" UY provided ftnanctng Spa· '-••I•..,,.. -nlah beauty 3 bedrooms. lm••· i..~ l tamlly room atntrtg, lite· SERVICES place. large master suite "''"' 111•"1••• "" wtth aunken tub enct sky· EM'l.OYMEMT & 11gnt and att1um 100 'IEPAUTION 1$1 73,500 TARBELL, ..... ,.,. ........ 1.... j) 979-2390 J<1a'ttant"1• u~ Ill :-OllJI NllAI HI Al I ')IJ\11 ..,111\/1(1!> IUIH YllW llMH Hto,000 Great financing on this expanded 5 bedroom, 4 bath Palermo. Owner will carry AITD or 2nd TD w/20% down. Am~nitles include lovely landscaping, priva te yard, 3 fire- places. new neutral carpets and fresh paint. Ill OllYH 11,Hl,OOO Custom home on the golf course with 4 BR, family Rm, 3 flreplaces, french doors. s k yhghts & crown moldings. No expense spared. Ow- ner financing avadable . IPH'IHllY 1·1 11 OHIH MILLI OPEi 11111£111 llY lllllY 2-1 $45,000 price reduct10n! This is a motivated seller -what a perfect opportunity for a prudent bu yer. A fab ulous family home, 4 bdrms, fam. nn., formal din. nn., pool, spa. $349.500. 1111 IWIWMI WE su nu cow1m CISTI IESl SU0,000 Drasll(' rrouct-aon. well below mar- ket valu(', prime lc.x:<itton, nc>ar So. Coast Plaza Highly upgraded :i·4 bdnn.s. :J baths, plank flooring. bay windows. loads of bri('k Spa. ga- zebo and air l'o nd1t1oning High assumablf' 1st & owner will l.'~rrv 2nd llYCIEST UH,000 H<•dut'<~d and n·ady to sell! Sp<J · caous, immaculalt.'. & move an l'On- dation. Remodt.>l<>d 4 bdrm. 3 bc:tth hotne with pool and spa. Assunw Isl & owner will l."drry large 2nd. Pm,'Cl to sell IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 •.....•..•...........•..•................... Pete Barrett Realty present s FOR MOlltERS ANO OTHERS HYH HHH H TH Willi! Park your large boat out here ln front, enjoy out.door livl!'lg on waterfront patio as well as courtyard terrace for pnvacy. Have 60' on the water with excellent single story 3 Bdrm home. Well priced at $525.000. FOR MOnol& AHO onus II 111 IUfll -IEW UITIHI "Wide Open Spaces" ts the feeling when walking anto this 4 Bdrm d1mng room condo A dream kitc h en, wruch opens to large stdE' yard and tn•ll1!l t·overt•d pJt11>. d brtt:k a nd flower covered ierrat'e with foun- t.am across the view i.1de. plus large and private bdrm suites on quwt 2nd floor ThtS home hru. much to olft·r fast1choU!> huyl·n, $7:.!5,lJOO FOR MOTHERS AHO OTHERS WHTGUFF COHTRY CIHllH! Gather in the big country kitchl'n and en- joy the gleam of handsom<.> wood floors, de<.'Orator wallpaper and da- nang acea looking out largl' bay window to trl'llu t.•d sh:Jdl· gardl'll This tS 4 Bdrm and den. or 3 Rcinns, drn and hobby room, with lovely dt.'<:Or lhrUtlUl Dd1nill·ly d prid1· or ownership h ome' $259,00U with excellent hnancang FOR MOTHE.RS AND OTH£RS CHTIM CLIFF HYU 1111! All thl' extras! Pool and spa, l*parate o<.'t.'an view unit over garage the per- fect home office. teenage haven, or an -law home> extra parking for RV or bo:.it. AND beauttrully built and maintamed country style home with 4 Bdrms and large famtly-playroom. Homey ust'd brt(·k fireplac-e. opl'n bt"ams and anv1tmg kitchen on ft't.' l:Jnd Wh .. t 11 Wonderlul Worlo F<•t ( .. ,, 111.t'd AO M llON I ~'P "'""u"'E•\!cH'a'wotsE ,, ....... WMll hMwtin I Ill "" I OUlet. p<etOglou• .,... 4 ... ..,.... ..m bedrooms 2' 1 beth• Jult Mor•· tum•l1l'S ar11 qntton 1 ,....,......, "'": t>een remodelect fully II· " • cJnipin9 IJUQ "" • OPNITlllTT '' 'lhopp1ng "Y"' .,, kl'\nc.ks ottPn wner1 you 111'" l•n<}Pfl•P'i. r•vf·t\"•1.Jf' u<,<· r(''oUll·gett•r>Q Oa11~ n.nly Pilot C1 '•' .1 ... 11 Pilot Cla~so loed A«~ 10 All '' 1'1.ttP ~Ou• •Jct re..itn the Orange Coa~t C·•11 b 4i' :>&7H ann h•t '' l ( ,,11' ~:~ ::l.' nisheCl bonus room fire· •1 " II rou no.1111· •• c •n-t .... .... "• .... 1 .....: place. ctlrt1ng room end P•' that ~ uot Qf'ttir ·~ m,1,~ct Cl1SS1l1l'd All V•"'' •u·llJ r 111, PI t .II{) '.'!.., >I' • 4? 't;;~ ~7···• .,,......... :: den tine · Helt?er nome u .r•o .,I'll •t now wolh J "'"' -Sellef wlll help With alfl>f· C ,_,.., iloeo All :~7,...':,~"' :' Oable tlnanc1ng $210,000 Pnone 642·56 7e 1 V°" _ -------- ""'"' \oJ• v.> TARBELL, 979-2390 :=;-··-· : t7t-2JH f;:;:;.,., ~ 3707 $. BRISTOL "" •. ...,, _,,. SANT A ANA ._..wrltM'•\•,n M,v141,.....""' v.._... ... MW'tt•l l'<,., ...... ,,h (lffKf r11rr ••. q1up ..... ,...,.._. • Of'1hn• "-'lflf 'tetb1M• Wt~f\&t..r.1(1~ ..._,.., tttt'•",.,..., e., j:•,r_,llO 1t1•1 ""'"'' BOATS' MAllNE EQUIPMENT t.tnf-'•I Bl>•h \te.i"I "''\lft ~-\11.tttMt(f"I' lo•h ...... , lkliM• RtM Cllanu ""''~" .... ~''* u.c .. . -. ............ . lcMt) Met••• TUMSPOHATION ""''""" l •1'\li"'" ~i.-K.,,_. t '"1Ptf C er• =:~~·· llot• H"'' '>olt R"'I Tftikn Trot4 !~~!t:'i.11, AUTOMOlllE Wl'Wf"•J ~t•U l'f41U!•) llf.c.rHhMVt a.. W. ....,.. ~ .. """ t'tlllh.ttll'''"' lrlillf•.t \4ftt 4WU.l,.U.t••C AW4MW..n1td AUTOS, IMPHTED ~t•J Tarbell, REAlTORS :: 4 II PHl IOllE ~,,. with c.a1hedral ct lllnga := tnd a remoc:te4ed k11chtn. - 9 5'1. assumable loan :: artd an anxious owner Only $l 10.000 Cell 9-79-5370 'IUV ,, . •u. ·~· tt• •t• . lf >Ill 1IE// O-( Al • • ' "11 • f ' • ._,, '• y .. .,.. --------ttai Moo llvl car s0 bikes• • skatepoards • trucks0 baby carriages•tea carts•trikes A'J• kuewit 4V'I• AliMltliAHulu tllW , 1'7!6 r o I ler skates • wa lker~ toys •wagons•••· scooter s•hot rods• coupes• t railers* har d tops*conver t - lb\es*mot or homes•1 awn mowers•1imos •corporate headquarters •garden carts Model A's**** •typingtables wheelbarrows• recreational vehicles•gotf carts*model tra i ns~lkes •pianos•cars c .. cw; av-(.oto o ...... ''""' "•' l'-l• Jd-'•' JOllM• K.,m.to"(;IH• .....,._.,.... ll•ad• Mtt,t •J"t ltftt )I\, 1101 °""' P~t.•• p_ ... l'llntk """ ... " lt<>ti.1.,-u .... " Su• t:,. }:C.. \etb••• ... \el .. ~ W1l,tl r.11 !llU t'IM YTll !llaJ !lllJ ~ rlli' ria. !llJ1 ~ mt YUll fl4" !11.i ,, .. V!41 tH1 fl• flle '7» -rm "" flll tlU ---tm - If lt's9ot wheels, you'll move It faster In a Dally Piiot ctasslfled ad. Cell · 6 .. 2-5678 and·a · friendly ad· ~lserwm help you turn your wheels Into CAif\. GARDEN PARK · VILLAGE NEW CUSTOM TOWNHOMES Presents ·50/o DOWN Froni $137,950 F1lnin IM• at Ancu1 c.. ...... ....1. Ott• 1au, u.s Call: 714.sa.mt lrNn c.,.rati11 ....... DAILY PILOT ,, • I I , . 5 l 1 3 I i . .111ru1111. 11,Jll PEI llm Is all you pay when you takeover existing lst T.D. Spacious 4 br ex· ecutive detached home. Featuring frml din, fmly rm & fplc. Only $213,000 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •llDY lllUI EUUIOE• Just like "Father Knows Best"! You'll feel as smug as Robert Young in this large elegant older home in prime Bixby Knolls! PS • $39,500 handles. call today about 12 ~ % financing! 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. • IUOI UY AIU • • 1111,IOO * 3 br house on fee land featuring hardwood floors & shingle roof with 11% assumable lst•T.D. Priced for immediate sale!!! 3670 San Mi- guel 759-1501 or 752-7373. ·•Ill Yllll ... Affordable living with •u perQ fi- nancing available. Spacious h-.ne meticulously maintained. O nly $13,500 down. Asking $135',000. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach . 556-7035. ... rwa11 .. UllllYllW-E T otally remodeled by crahsmen! Featuriiig French doors, wooden shutters. plank noon. used brick & pool & spa. FEE land w/GREAT TERMS!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beac h . 759-1501 or 752-7373. •CIUI nFF• Move right in to this spacious 4 Br 2 ~ be~u!ty. Almoet new carpets, flooring & drapes + cozy brick fireplace. $12,000 down buys It, to hurry! Asking $119,000. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beac h . 556-7035. ........ • uu11. On brand new townhome! Featu- ring privacy, 2 mstr suite & de/loft overlooking Uv nn. Only ~123,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * 121,800. * Spacious family home with soaring cathedral ceiUngs and bright ~nd airy country kitchen. With 4 large brs, 2 bas and a family room. It's a bargain at $154,900. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. aWNIT 11111 lff1ll 2tlllaellpel ..... (114) lff.1111 (114) 112-llll ltilmTll IUCI lfflOI MUM ... a". 114 tu-Ml1 (114) .... l.._ Ill[ •• .., ............ Lo- ca~ on 2.4 acres, proper~y in- cludes corrala, ric:1lni rtna. ~. p ool & beautifu lly a uth entic Georgian Colonial home w/S BR, din rm, fam r m, d en & maid'• quarte.rs. Exclusively of- fered $2,200,000 Martha Macnab 642-8235 (L34) llW IHJlllT Moat e legant & exquisite BeyCront home on Fee land on t he market . Approx. 53.75' on the water. DOCK. with room for three boats. Approx. 3700 eq. ft. Totally customized 4 BR executive home of uncom- promising lux ury. $1,395,000 Suzanne Shuler 642-8235 (L35) .. IHI llHIHTll" Beautiful upgraded "Kensington" with loft. Wood, super carpeting, stained glass. brick spa In entry .. you name it, this house h.as it. Auumable loans + owner w lll carry. Priced at $649,000 . Darlene Herman 752-1414 (L36) IUUIY .. IUnl One story 3 BR Bordeaux end unit on lg lot. Spacious llving-d!ning rooms, garden kitchen opening to cove- red patio & beautifully landlCa· ped yard. Owner will finance. $475,000 L ynpe V alentine 644-6200 (L37) . .. • ..... WllW llLU Lowest price home in Harbo' View Hilla incl. land. Fantastic family home featuring 4 BR. fam nn, 2 fpb. wet bar , lg k itchen w /eating area. A mutt to aee! $319,000. Call &ha r on Smith 644-620 0 (L38) HLIH PHllHLI Beautifu lly decorated 2 BR condo w/rich carpeting, exciting walloovering & plantation shutters, steam bath & whirlpool. Secured buil- ding w/pool & rooftop sundeck. Boat slips & good finan cing. Low cash down. Assum. lat & 2J!d T .D . Seller finar(clng . $297,500 BUJ Wedmore 551-8700 (L39) Ill ...... -11&1 Channing 2 BR home with bachelor unit in back. Professionally decorated, 5 blocks to ocean, owner will asalst w/finandng. Must tee to appre· ela te. $265,000 Pat Oakson 752-1414 (L40) UIY •Tm .UT Yllm Irvine Terrace -$250,000! incl. land. Super location . 2 BR, 2 BA. Needa COllDetic help, but what a price. Holly Mar ku 644-6200 (L41) . I IHIHll -SHI.II Moves you in! Vaulted ceilings In~ ter suite. Charming kitchen w/ lg. butcher block counter top, greenhouse window overlook.I ~en court. $256,900 Barbara han 642-8235 (1A2) ILlfH -I 1111 ... 1 $165.000 S lngle story, end unit. "Anita" Plan with 3 BR, 1 ~ BA. 2 en- closed patios. one overlooking s reen belt. Many up1radea. $165,000 Leasehold. Seller u- a ia t e d financing . Dic k Halderman 642-8235 (1A3) ................. ~here is no need for tricky fl- na ncl n g on this s u per 3 BR Million Vlejo home. There ii a high bala nce low inter ett 80 year loan tha t's waltin1 to be auumed . $149,000. Hurry, it won't lut. J o hn R ich ard 551-8700 (L44) •• T11 Pl• Lowest _prked Jeffenon model 1n Woodbridae Eetatea. Read y to move lnto. Spotlela & profellionally deco- rated two BR, den and a 1pec- tacular backyard w/wood deck, ~ & ..,.. Allume $117,300 ln 1oan1. PRICED at $178,000 Mary Welsh ~5-4343 (L4S) ........ lln• 'lbla popu· Jar 8 BR "Canne1•1 8oorl)lan la An a prime location, tuWfWly up- iraded & ln "move In" condl· don. Other amenitlel lnclude a ape & all' condJtlonlna. Otmer will cany llnandnc " dellree • qu.lclr. Mle. Don't ndll thll op- p_ortunl&;y. $175,tOO Kathleen K.elley w..ou (IM)) Orange Cout OAILY PILOT/Sunday, M1y 8, 1882 ., ,, ...... l leri'Titlltl W1lll to eout11 Oout ,._., De- 1 uo t ••rm 91rc11" hOMI. l"Jor t p1rkll"t Cool I 1_p1 O"IV t 7'~, 00 . Ce ll t od1y , . . --I h' \Ill I I()\ \I I/ I \I I \ THE REAL t:STATE:RS IAPPY lllTllEl'I UY · OPEi SlllAY 1 to I .................. ____ __ =............ _, ....... , ....... ,... ., ... , .. .................. ,,,_,, ...... ........ Lw, ... I .... , .... ......... ..,..,.... ~ ma-=:. ~':'C ,..,.. ** •. ......... 1111,m _..,....... ...... ,.,,............... II --tmt........ u11.-.. .,..,...... 11.-.- . nlmln PlllllTllY "' ......... , ... ., ..... ........ .. ,..,,..,..,u ................. ....... .,....,,....... ................ .., ... . ~...., ........... ,...,........ .. ... ..... 11 ............... .... UTTI.I .. 11.111111 ...... "'"' 11111 rMllH4 lie ,,... " *' ....,..., ··-............. hwy......, .... . .............. ,, ........ ,,. ....... ,. . .................... , ........... _ .... ............ ..,..~ ........ ..,. ................................. ..,.. ............ .., ..... .. man-THiii 0111T1 ..... _ ................................... .. ........................... ....,,. ,.. .... .. , ...... " ............... ,....,., YllW .. _.., .............. , .... _..,,,... ..., .. ......,. ni. ......, .......... ..... ........................................ , .. , ... ,_ .......... , ....... "· ••lttf ...... ............ r.. ......... .,_ nl,....,,..., .... ,..., .... ., .. ...... "'" ... , ............ ...., ...... .., .. ~, ..... , ......... ...... .. .............................. ..... lft1t. Fer t t lewl11 1,,1l1ta11t, lll·llM. u ......... ...., ............ OUllll llYT&ll-W&m "'"'" ...... ....,.., _, ........... ............ •········ .. ,..., .. ....,, tllh2W.2M..._. ....... ,.....,........_ ....................... ..... '*' ............... ... .... .... llMIM a' IOUlflNT-UllD-YI nw ................ ., ..... ,....._, W. I •a. ....... 19 PllM-&• -LlcM9 .................. " ................ .......... •••n•-•• TllllflO IRUWl--1 ~ .. ......., ................ ,,... ....... 1l11t l11t1 ••n IMlff11. 11b1H tet I , .. ,.., lllettt •"' , ..... ,.,, •• an 11ttt ''" ,., ..... 1241 ..... .,, ... . tun l&YD-1111 ..... , ...................... ,.. .. .... ,........., ....... ._ ......... .. lllH t•h llH ,,.,t_rty ti I Jrtlt llrttl. .......... u •.•• IAYfllll'·YI ... I.LY .t. .................................... ...., ..................... ,.... ....... 2_.,, .._ ""' ""' ........, .., .....,_ .................. ,..,,.. ........ 1 •utt, UHHILI LUI H 1111,IH, ....... ,...~ ... ~ u.& ISLE-Ill Ull .. tllll,. ..... '""'"' ...... , ...... , .... ................................. ,... .............................. Ma .... ,..., ...., ,..., ...., ........... ,... ........ ~ ................ ,.. .. ..,.., I H1t1. U ,lH,111. hffr wlll t11ll111t tt ..... , --~ 111• 11• lerf are If r11r ••tttltf 11 "'• .......,_...2..., ....... ~ ....... ,.... .................. ....., ...... ............. , ...... ,., .... ,.., 11m,..saanJ .................................. ................................ ,..., ....... ", ............ llUTIW'Y ... .............. ,,.,.rtf •"' ...... h ... ..................................... ..,....,,,n._.... . lllT ULllA ISLAmLITI u..atet,._, ................ ......,,,... '"'"" ,.... .., 2 • ...,., .... w .... .., ................... ZtiMI ...... .. --.. LllllY 111111-111911 , ...... , ...... ,., ... ,,, ........... . ....................... ....., .. ... 2 ................................. .... Me .. ,_ •f 111,llt •at• ..... Ullt ,., ............ ....,.. ....... ,..... wa-. ... ..w ....... ....... ............................. ..................... ,.,.. ........ .... 111111•" U1·1• 1111& IUIJ .. llf ::;~ ~~~':'.::-:::. .. .......... .....,... .... ........ ...... ..... ....... .......... ...,,. ................ . ................... ,.,_ ..... _,. ..... . .,. ............................. .. .......... ~ .......... .... II llrdll 3 ....................... ., .......... ......... wnaan 11 .....,, ...................... ....... ...................... u. .... . ....... ...., ............. . =---r.:----~f:] ......................... ::.1.-.r ...., --.. . Th• City or Huntington Beach 11 off9rtnQ the Jotk>Wlng proPtrtY for Mle: A 8 SES 80AS P AR CE L : 114-150·43 AREA: Approx. 1.20 ICt .. LOCATION: 8e71 Edlton Ave., Huntington BMch, CA ZO~: M·2 (lnduatrlaJ) • MINIMUM BID: 1 152,3 50 (one hundred fifty-two thouaand and thr .. hUndr.d fttty dollars) UAUD•I: SMJed bldl wtN be opened In the Council Chamber Caucu1 Room .. Huntington Beach Civic Center, 2000 Main St. on Wedneeday, May 26, 198 2, at 2:00 P.M. All bid• mu1t Include a cashier's or certified check made payable to the City of Huntington Beach for 10-4 of the bid amount. ORAL BIDI: Orel bids wlll be called for and received after the opening and reeding of sealed bide. Such oral b ids m ust fxceed the highest sealed bid by et least five percent (5't.). Sealed bids must be on flle to be eligible for oraJ bidding. TERMS OF SALE: Sales wlll be In cash -10°4 of purchase price payable upon ac- ceptance of bid with the balance due within 60 days . REJECTION OF 81D8: The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids and the suc- ceasfu I bid Is subject to the 1st right of refusal of the exist ing tenant on the site. INFORMATION AND 8tO ACCEPTANCE: Area Plat maps, appralsal and title Information Is on file and avallable for Inspection In the office of the City Clerk. All bids must be sub- mitted to the City Clerk, addres- sed as follows: Allele M. Wentworth, City Clerk P.O. Box 190, 2000 MaJn Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Telephone (714) 536-5227 SEALED BIDS MUST BE FILED WITH THE CrTY CLERK PRIOR TO 3:00 PM, MONDAY MAY 24,· 1912 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Alicia M. Wentworth, City Clerk PW 0.1-C-1DellyPao.1.1.., t UI 1N1 2050-82 RCTaylorCo 640-9900 WHAT A COMllNATIONll Lovely mountain an d city lights views, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. formal dining room, dramatic wet bar, aeparate family room. All this and a low low price in prestigious Spy· glass. Add good financing and a motivated seller -a terrific buy at $495.000! ENJOY The dramatic pool and spa which is part of this pride of ownership 3 ·bedroom. 2 ~ bath and family room home located in a prime Costa Mesa area. Professionally landscaped in- side and out. Owner will assist in financing. $229,000. IVllY CONVINllNCI Ia yours along with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, and living room that has an outstanding view ot the mountains. Owner is very motivated to sell and will assist in financing. $159,500 . NO DOWN PAYMENT Two brand new 6-plexes in upgra- ded area of Santa Ana. lOxgrcm, no vacancies! Buy one or both of these unit• for closing and commwion costs only! Seller Is very motivated and flexible. Seller says submit on straight note tenna. Don't rniaa out on th1a great buy! RCTaylorCo 640-9900 '=~=' M:~4llA-4'f.tis· = _____ .__, .. ~---- •:.-c.!' ~ -:1 =.-... ~ .... :r .. : .. , ·1 COALES . I I' I' I I I It E H C E I. I I I' I r ......... u .... .., .. ,., r .., ._ ,.,,,.., Maanlf "-'enl location o·~ 8th sr-t' of a<>lf ooune. Majlldc CobUa1 eu1tom by owner/builder. & bdtm1, 11• fonnel din nn, 4m rm, billiard rm, NCl1pntad wlpe nn, & 8 ~ bL Marble, fineet wood peneliJ'\I, alr oond., + ..-ny cuatom ,.._ cures. $2,160,000 lncl~ land. May 1eU f wnlahed. Owner wU.1 help finance. ... ,.., __ 4 Br, 2~ Ba. View home overlookin l Pavilion, C.tallna and nite Uta. We have an Independent appralal for $320,000. Try $20,000 down until you aell your home. Owner will belP flnance. IUffl-.u.11 .. lWI 3 Br. alngle atory home with new car- pets, drapea. paint, and appliance.. Homeownet1 Aaaoclation .maintains pooll & lancbcaping 80 you can travel. Ideal for re,ired couple or_jet.aetters. Move immediately. See anyW'fne. 2111 JD.ft llfl • 1·1 ......... _ ... ,_ Quiet. park-like eetUng. Rm for paddle teMis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de sac st. 3 bdnns, fam rm. $379,500 f~. Ell IND 11UAllJ.U" ll ... Elegant 4 bdrm & family nn. The per- fect plan for large or small family, young or not so young. Lge master suite on ground floor. Beaut. pool and very pri- vate patios. Best buy in Big Canyon. Vacant. See anytime. 644-4910. EllUll llNI -11'1 ITtlJ Buocola hCJme. 4 Br & large family room with brick fireplace, country kitchen, quiet residenual area. Children can walk to nearby schools. Owner will help fi- nance. $229,000 fee. 421-1 ... PL., O.M. UT/Ill 1-1 WUUJ I . THUi Cl., lULTllS 21111ae ...... lllllt .. a4 E•r.w ... Nl .. T IPlD. U. MMl11 11.\HB< JU n I·:.\ LT\' UFIS•llFlll ... Spacious "C" Plan in The BluUs. 4 bdrms,.a baths. huge living rm. opening onto private patio over- looking the pool. Priced to sell at $279,500 L .H. But best of all are the tent\S of 10% down with a 30 year fixed rate loan at 13 ~% in· terest! No qualifying. Quick occu- pancy. IWUI ..... Terrific Corona del Mar location for this cute money maker. Freshly painted 2 bdrm house plus a 1 bdrm. apartment. A super value at just $269,500 with competitive owner financing of 20% down to a 12.9% loan amortized over 30 years due in 10 years . •• LIWEST PllCO ••• Rental units in Corona del Mar! An outstanding investment opportuni- ty located just a few blocks from the beach, s0uth of the highway, Priced at an unbelievable $230,000 with some attractive terms availa- ble too. Call for the particulars. VIEW LITS 4 contiguous R -1 lots 10 prime Corona del Mar location. Bay and ocean vie w s . 75% financ ing. $595,000 each. LUXURY HOMES U.I lllUS ..... Ill One of the most spectacular ocean- front locations on the Orange Coast! A truly magnificent 4 bdrm . home deligned with a feeling for The Islands. Lots of glass and beautiful tropical flowers. A unique investment opportunity. $2,900,000 submit terms. 11n.•m11Y Spacious 2 story home with private pier and float to accommodate large yacht. 4 bdrms .. formal dining rm. and family rm. Pool size bayside terrace a ll ln brick, perfect for sunning. See to appreciate. S98~,000 L.H. I llVESTllEITS ..... Clean 4 year old lndua1rial build1na loa'J> leued. Choice comer location nicely landlcaped. Approx. 16,300 tq. ft. Leued to ~tenants all with 1eparate air condidoned offtoel, net rooma, etc. Reduced to $1,040,000 flnandnC available • Ill ....... . Located on M.arifte Ave. on Belbm ltland. Attnldlve uted brick ~­ dlna te ... ed to pofular Mione'• Re1taurant plua apartment•. $498,000 C1WMi' w1ll tlnanoe. . llEITILI Beyfront Condo • Udo .,.. . $llOOl*'IDO· lrYtne ~view ham8 • $2000 per mo. c.arona de1 Mar ~t '800per mo. 17141 673-4400 IZ I JI 6Jl.JW "" ...... .,.. L9lplt ................. C:..-• It o 'I r:·;, "),•, " J· I ·: t! '),• ~{· .. , . , ' ' '· . J, · ... , • I . 'Q 'li • I .. 'j'° I/, ' I f \i , ... ' 1 .. I 1171 TIYITA OllllA WAIOI 4 IPHd tran1., air cond., radio. luggage reek, deluxe exterior In metllllc brown with Nddl• vinyl In- terior. Gr .. t economy with room for the femlly. (383MPR). 5 2999 1171 ·110 414 "1111 llElllA 11" Automatic trant., pwr. 11. & brlkes, air eond., 1tereo, CUMll•, 1lldlng rear window, dual tank1, tu1tom wheel• & tlrea end chrome 1tep bumper. (1M68928). What a neat 4 wheeler for jult 56799 1111 FMI YU 11&'1111 I P&llDIEI Equipment Includes power 1teerlng, radio, power brlkes. Interior decor end completely orlglnel ln11de and • outl (219WDA). PRICED TO SELL! 1171 llTlll ZllZ Z+2 4 •PMd tran1 .. factory air cond , atereo tape. cu1tom whMI• & tlret and new whit• flnl1h with black budlet Mall. (1 t7NJI). 5 4999 11711 .. ... "1111 ... " Automatic tran1 .. full power. factory air cond .. 1tereo ca1111te, cruise control, alloy wheel1 & low. low m1i..1 Local, 1 own1< car. (936WZC). 5 7999 1110 FOllll F-210 PIOl·IP Automatic tran1., power brakea, stereo caaaette. custom cab and 11ep bumper. A great work truck that's priced to NII. CALL TODAY! 1111 llSTOI FASTUCI Economlcal 4 cylinder engine, 4 speed tranamlstlon, pwr. lleerlng & brakes. AM-FM 1tereo. wire Wheel ditc.. radial tires & more. Mutt HI to apt>reciate. (853VAE). 53599 ' 11 TOYITl ' co11Lu "11111" umao1 5 speed trans .• air cond., pwr. braku, AM-FM 1tereo, Ht. trim package, spot1es1 yellow ftnlll) with black vinyl Interior. (381~62). A fun car with great styling for Jull 5 5299 1111 TOYOTA , MllLU "Ill" LlfTllll 5 speed. factory alr conditioning, pOWer llMflng, power disc brakM. 1tereo cassette, sunroof & under 11.000 miles (18SY724).. 57299 1177 YW UlllT Economical • cyt. engine, 4 speed tran• .. stereo cassette.custom Int• rlor. steel radial tires & morel (793SYZ). Save on this one at only 53499 SPECIAL GREEN RIBBON BUYS These late model, low mileage cars all carry Earle Ike's exclusive 2 year 24,- 000 mile warranty. You can't losel BEST BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY! e 1111 IATlll a..210 2 1111. '3399 Autom1tlc tran1., pwr, brakH, AM·FM radio. 1tM1 radial 11r ... exterior ttlm PK- kage. Very clean In every rHpect. (328TZO). White exterior With beige vlnyt Interior for Ju11 • J~!?e~~~~~.~ a~r·c~~~ .• pwr. brakes. s4 299 atereo, tinted gla11 & morel Gleaming metalllc tllver with cuatom Interior (263VCP). Stylish economy ror only e 1110 llZIA 121 COIPE $ 9 Automatic trans .• pwr. brakH, air cond., 6 9 9 AM-FM 1tereo, alloy wheels, exterior trim peckage & more. (18JZ435). Thlt gleernlng brown metalllc beauty hu leal than 15,000 "'""; don't mla IU • i~.!.~~~~ .. ~~-~ltlorMng, 5 7899 power lteerlng, power dlac brlkM, AM·FM ttereo radio, tilt whMI and"alloy whMll (11332FW). . ·1111 OllYllLEI OIREI ii UTOmlK Economical 4 cyllnder engine. 4 apeed tran1., factory air cond., tlll wheel. custom Interior, roof rack, new paint with tllver velour lntll'lor & under 40,000 miles! (507XJX). 5 3999 111111111 IATMA• ve. automatic trans .• factory air cond., power 1teerlng & brak11, deluxe Interior. MW GoodyMt Eagle radlall and morel (430YQV). Oon"t mlsa this low mlleage beautyl 5 4599 . 1111 TIJITI .............. ,, Full power, factory air cond., Ult whMI, crulN control, 1tereo c11- 1ette, alloy Whffll, aparkllng bur- gundy flnl1h with matching velour rnterlor. ( 1808751). 510,599 1110 IATSll 1210 UFTIACI SL package, 5 1peed. factory air conditioning, AM-FM radio, tinted g1111, cuatom lnterlof & exterior & under 8000 miles. (1APB«7). '5299 1111 TOYOTA CELICl LIFTllCI 5 1peed trans .. air conditioning. ttereo. pe>wer 1teering. rear window shade & cuatom two tone red me- talllc llnlsh. (842XSO). What a car for only 5 5999 1111mn1 ........ IPED" Full power. factory air cond .• till wheel, c:rulae control, leather ,..ts. 1tereo c:aaaette, alloy9, Ermine white with beige Interior. (1AHM247). 58499 1111 Tim& TllllL. ..... ..,,, The ultlmate In economy & fun to drivel Equipped with stereo CUMt· te, alloy wh••I• with steel radial tires, custom Interior. (1AOS832). 5 4699 1111 ISIZV 0 LS" COVPE 5 ·~ tranamlsslon, AM-FM radio an the rectory equipment, just ovM 11,000 mlle1. custom Wheel• & tires {1COA945). . 5 5999 1111 TOYITA CELICl umac1 Automatic tran1ml11lon, power tl..,lng, power dlac brlk ... AM-FM llereo. reer window ahade kit & cullom two tone pllnt. (&13UXT). '4299 1111 TIYOTA CELIOA un11c1 Auto. tran1 . factory air conditio- ning. power dl•c braket. AM-FM radio. aunrool and alloy wheels. (1AOX975). 57999 1171 TOYOTA ONll 1 A "II" UTOlllK 5 •Pied tran.ml11ion. •tereo cu- tette. power br1ke1 and morel (877RLF) An exceptionally clean rare mOdel lor 1ust 53399 1111 llTlll 1210 2 ... Economical 4 cyllnder engine, 4 speed tranamlUion, radiO, heater & spotlen gold llnlsh with beige bucket seats. (556RJH) Priced a1 only 5 2599 f 111 •• Wl.Ull ... OAIYll Wll •• 1-1 Spectacular Golr Courae View This Elegant Listing Offers Pri- vacy, 3 Large Bedrooms, 3 Baths, Family Room, 3-Car Garage & Lovely Gardena. Enjoy Entertai- ning In This Dramatic Home. Pri- ced At $725,000 Trudy Stubble- field's Listing. IHlYHllAnllll IU"I ...... 1·1 TUii, LWE/"'111, II S&U Only $15,000 Down. l..arge Assu- mable L oan With 30 Yr Fixed Rate. Owner Will Carry Large 2nd T.O. At Low Interest. Lovely 3 BR End Unit W /Wrap Around Patio On Lush G reenbelt. Immediate Possession . Only $210,000. Sally Sh1pley's Listing 1121 E. llLHl 1 .. LHAlll PHllSIU IPEI HI 1·1 Waterfront With Dock. Panoramic View -Great Location. Redwood Float+ 50' Dock. Custom Built Home W/3 BR, 3 Balconies. Ex- ceptional Quality. Kitchen W/View Window Has All Modern Ameni- ties. Used Brick BBQ In Outstand- i ng Patio Area Even Tile d Ga- rages. G reat Offering $ l ,W5,000 A Dion -Maria Listing. 142 1&111111 llWI llllYE PHltlTllY UY IPfl Ill 1·1 Custom Bayfront. FEE LAND Parquet Floors, New Carpe ts. 3 BRs + Conv. Den. 31h Baths. Sep. D.R. Huge F.R. W!We t Bar. Kit- chen W/Pantry. Brkfst Rm. Sauna. 3-Car Garage. Wood Deck. Bay, Dock. Owner Will Carry Lrg 2nd. $1.400,000. Marily n Tw1tc hell's LLStmg. H 1 VISTA IUIDE ILIFFS OPEi SH 1-1 Single Level. Lovely 3 BR With Enclosed Yard & Private Pauo On Lush Greenbelt. FrL>s hly Painted & Newly Carpeted. Only $222.500. Sally S hipley's Listmg. 111-111~ llClll ClllU IEL llR tffl HI 1·1 Duplex. R ecently Comple t ed Custom Unit W/Used Brick Fire- place, Me xican Tiles. Vaulted Cei- lings. Master Suite W/Cathedral Windows & Treetop Views. Cozy, Secluded 2 BR Rear Unit Plus Poss. Guest Quarters! G reat Financing. $356,000. A Collins-Hill Listing. it 2 lllE FllTlllHLUI llC CllYll OKI HI 1·1 Presenting The Least Expensive Home In Ne wport Beach's Presti- gious Big Canyon. S hows Like A Model -Typically Pride Of Ownership. Huge M aster Suite Plus Separate Gues t Quarte rs Owner -Agent Will Finance. Priced Under Market Value At $415,000. John Merrill's Listinl . 114 YIA HI Ht su CU111m IPEI Ill 1-1 Custom-Built 6300 Sq. Ft. Home. Mariners Point, S an Clemente. Gorgeous Ocean View & City Light Entertainers' Delight. Numerous Amenities, Too Many To Mention Must Sec To Appreciate. $950.000 Owners Will Accept An R-1 View Lot For Trade, Or Down Payment. Maria Bercovit.z's Listing. UYUllH Prime Bayfront View. Pier, Dock. Quality 5 BR In Desirable Gated Community. Pvt Beach. Beautiful- ly Upgraded. Even If Purchased With Land, $2.076,600 Total Price ls Les.fThan Equal Locations With Equal Ame nities . Priced At $975,000 Lease h old. Maril y n Twitchell's Liting. UUT FllWIOlll Big Canyon McLain Condo. 3 BR. 2 ~ BA. Dining Room. El Dorado Model. Community Pool & Tennis. Security Gated. Priced At Only $230,000. $50,000 Down. Marilyn Twit.chell'a Listing. HUl'""11Y Dramatic Home • Approx. 2/3 Acre • 4 BR • Pool • Spa • Park 8 Cars + R. V. -Great L ocation • Keep 3 Honea, Maybe M o re , On Y.our Own Property. $289,000. A O.bol~S}\Jpley LLIUng. ............... a&.1WUTITI Special 6 Bedroom Home On Ap- prox. 6 Aas. Solar HHted Pool, Spa. Room For Tenntl Court, Horlet, Guest HOUM. MunWcent Vlew Of Surroundi ng l/alley. •1.9'7&,000. Blnnie Dixon'• Llttinc· ........ Tilll, , ....... .., \ ., ..... .... 673-8585 •klittl If IWIUll Lu11ury 4 Bdr, pool, •P• l-------- Ill 'I UTll TUll-UOlllll TllTUIMI ••• fl ...... . Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Sunday, May 9, 1982 llTITI I /I IHI Spectaeular Vi~ of CdM and bay. OoL&ble lot, fee land. t2.•~.ooo. ... TRUii Needs TJ..C, t79~.ooo fee. Great harbor view. 111-TJIUa Cameo Shoree. $885,000 flit" Ivan Wtlla d lsned. llH1111llT OllN $t19,600. 2 BR 21.1 buth. PllllRUIMI 1411 W. IAY lfll IAT 1-1 Prize: Wftt Bay \>Qyfron1 . Sljpa tor 2 bolata, n·modt.<ltod a bdrm, a bluh ft,200,000. Otv•11n & jl!tty vtt-w1 Marlnr mom, <f bdnn. 3 1»1h, 3700 IQ h. tt.3&~.000 Oceanfront Ult llLI llOMll TOI YIA LIM -· tnl Ill 1-1 Pru!WI Lido Nord baytront 5 bdrm. 61,.., bath Lir L.R .. 2 boat 1ltpe $1.~.000 TWmod"ll'd 3 bdrm, 2 bath + larg<• re~· rm tk•um l'ellmg\, furnl~l\(-d, f)()IUJll $.iW.000 lllll llLE llYFllOIT hom• In l••hlon•ble M .. • Verde 4 blk• to golf courM owe 1rg paper 01 15 vr• With 1ow, 1ow. 1nt. Opn Sun 1·5 3195 Ber- m ud e , Coete M••• $184,&00. Own/Agt Lola M 111 tr 93 1 • 1 2 e8 ·of Wi nt to 1wap your prO· ptrty up or down? Do YoU h111e T.0.'1 you want 10 UN? I haYe a program thtl wlll help you clo Juel 11111. Call Diana Cappel, llllllMR PW 'f NltlllUNllT ...agoon v11•w from ti bdrm. ~ b&th, pl11yroum. d11 rk 1111. tlt·11. Av-11 ~hp $1.:l~U 000 WHW BAYSIDE COY£ . . ... Lovely 2 1't.ory, 4 Bdrm, family rm, 2 'Ii bath. s k y lights, 3 car garage and wra p around patio for easy t:nte rtaining. $259,000 foe. 5 BR, $449,000 Ft:C land. SJ)<'<'wular bayf1u11t vww :! hr. 2 blJ up, 2 llr. 2 IJ.a dn 2 boot lihf'." $UIOO.OOO R&"M~ Ill OUYH LUii $1.075 per mo. 2 BR 2 1/1 Ba, lmmaculaw COROlllDO CAYS _;;......;;. ________ ·111• Ol~ ..... j) lllAlflllT •a baa. Like new dupl••-3 & 2 Bdrm 2 I• eech unit-on 11 .. HH. _ th• Hnd, wlll Ilk• eml down or l~ and carry th• entire b•l•nce S760,000•bHI deal on I ITAi •tu 1t•E PAJll Extra nice single coach with 2 Bdrms, 1 Yi bath, new carpel, financing a vailabl e . Only $27,500. 710-1311 973-1111 l'orn11.ido 1~1.inci 1·lu111 h.1yfron1 lt11 H:I' 11091 Utx k t'l.111!1 uv.111 $4:t~ ooi1 WI WmL" Pllll LllO 3 bdm1s. :l'. lmthi. mmlo 1w11r pt1ol $145,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 1., Or L1 ... "'*' 1ne weter ltHtlfll, ot•pltttlJ J&OHI RUln rt11t•tlt• h•t. a llMl'fl 14r• a II I ta•llr ,., ,. . l 1h1I at U4t,HI. 1, .. I•• st Sit/SH 1-1. 14H Strt11ltlt T tn101 lrHtl 1 .. 0.. ... htltr atrlt outl11, s.. tf hr 11 Certel tltl •1r. 0.tllttlral 0111i11• I ialaltl klt- o h u . Frut ult 3 lh U21,HI. lltar 111it 2 ltlr• 1211, ..... , .. hut S1 t/S81 1 -1 . •11-411111 '"'"' St•tntt "l " 111.tit.I 2 Ir 2~ 11, clfttt .. I oellfflc o ... tit. Flrtplaot, 2 oar HC1Hf4 llrllt1 pri• yaft yartl. Prime '" .. fiH, IWHF frHtftr• rd, •11t ttll . .1111 rttt.oetl tt 1141,IH. .......... lrtt1ltaf Par-atlalt ot••nitr, 2 ltlr•, f1•ilr rtt•, fera1l tliaiq rH•. 1Nra4ttl tilt I 01,,.ffl& ... t fllit I M4tn • ., fe Im It .. ., 111,1 .. 2SltLC-IMwr. c...... ...... 175·5511 You don I need a gun 10 draw I all wh11n you place un ad '" lhe Da•ly Pllol Wan1 Ada• Call now I 642-5676 More Room at the Top! YOIJ'H 10¥• thla new Pf~ portion of owrelzed t09 and 11ralght pant• -II'• rtcy, relued, ellmmlng. Nole dropped •hOuld«e. daep ermholH, drew- 11rlng walet. Pinta tit beautllully with plHt ..... Printed Pattetn M250 t>y a.tty Haneon siz. e. 10, 12, 14, 18, 11. SIH 12 (buet ~) lop pen\t t•k• 37 /9 yard• 90-lnctl. Send 12 .eo tor thl • Printed P•ttem to DAILY PILOT. 8 011 511 . Old CheleN Sta.. NfW YOtil, N,Y, 101 t3. Add 50o tot po1tao• and •ptctel ~. Prln Zip, 8Cyl9 ~end81U. Stnu tlonal 1ev'lng• on MnNtlonat CIOfMI art )'OUr9 Wfttl 01K NlW ttta PROMINENT OUIGN8' PA1'Tl!ftN OATALOQ. YOU MW l&O·NOO and mot• ~ )'OU ..., Al \flt top nam•• ,..w .. t .. ly•tO•HW dt1ltfter looka In dr ...... OOS-. eportawear. Piiia IOo •ONUI COUl'ON tet -.......,, Of )!OW ..... ...... t1.eo '°' '"' ~now. HOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 12 Evening Song, Irvine 631-1266 $155,000 Sun 1-5 45 Rainbow Ridge. Trtlrk. Irv 644-9060 $165.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 214 Sapphire, Balboa ~stand, NB 673-6900 $385,000 Sat 1-4 * •225 Grand Canal. Balboa tst, NB 673-6900 $595.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2137 E Ocean. Balboa Penin, NB 631-1400 $323,000 Sun 1-5 2 BR plue FAM RM or DEN * 10 Crest Circle, CdM 640-5249 $1 50,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 702 Acacia. Corona del Mar 673-2041 $235.000 Daily 1-5 * 19 Curl Dr . Jasmine Creek. CdM 640-1515/ 1-728-5 15 1 Sa/Sun 11 -4 227 Via Orv1eto , Lido Isle. N B 644-9060 213 Ins. Corona del Mar 644-9060 $575.000 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 4521 Tremont. Cameo Shores. CdM 644-9060 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM * 19451 Callfsh Circle. Hun t Bch 964-4 134 S 125,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3572 Hamilton. Irvine 759-1221 $132.000 Sunday 1-5 601 Gary Pl, Newport Beach 752-5111 $215.000 Sunday 1-5 1723 Plaza del Sur, Peninsula Point, NB 631-1400 $295.000 Sunelay 1-5 502 "I" Street. Peninsula Polnl . NB 631-1400 $438,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 460 E. 19th St. E/Slde. CM 548-3350 $135.000 325 Rochester, E/Side. CM 548-3350 $149,500 19141 Bimini. Hun\ington Beach 846-6621 $117 .000 1911 Court St, Bal Pemn. N.B. 673-7300 $399,000 Sun 1-4 Sun 1-4 Sun 1-5 Sun 12·6 21 16 Felipe. The Blulls. N B 644-4910 $270,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 11 Landfall Ct. Nwpt Crst. 644-9060 $240,000 Sun 1-5 1610 Tustin Ave . Newport Bch 552-7500 Sun 12-4 2626 Riverside Dr., Costa Mesa 642-6368 S 132,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 3024 Ocean Blvd .. CdM/N.B. 631-1400 $1 ,350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 466 Broadway. Costa Mesa 673-5354 $155,000 Sun 1-5 914 Capital. Costa Mesa 545-1150 $124.500 Sa/Sun 10:30-4 3 BR plu1 FAM RM or DEN 2149 Miramar (Bal Penln) 631-1266 $615,000 Open Dally 2421 Bunya. Newport Beech 675-1771 $255,000 Sat 2-5/Sun 1-4 1903 Yacht Colinla, Newport Bch 644-1017 $550.000 Sal/Sun 12-5 2921 Jacaranda (Mesa Verde) CM 751-3 191 $134,500 Sun 1-5 3823 Sandune. Harbor View Hiiis 644-6200 $397.500 LH Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 3•22 Sagamore Or, Trinidad Isle, Hunt Hrbr 644-6200 $399,950 Fee Sun 1-5 1436 Serenade Terr, CdM 875-551 1 $349,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 3715 W. 8alboa Blvd .. Newport Bch 675-1771 S•29,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2100 E. Ocean Bl, Bat Penln, NB 644-9060 $759,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1880 Maul Cir (Mesa V8'de) CM 831-1266 $299,000 Sat 1-5 * 1472 Galaxy Or., Dover Shra, NB 642-2510 $739,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 118 Via Quito, Lido lale, N.B. 873-7300 Sat/Sun 1·8 1715 Plaza del Sur, Bil. Pentn, NB 844-9060 1595.ooo sun 2·5 * * 1036 Potartt, Dover Shorn, NB __,.4.~ '975,000.F" Sun 12·4 1511 Klngt A0"1, Newport HefQhl'.z. NB 673-e900 UH.000 laV6Un 1·1 , ......... , ....... eMOUUT 22 t 1 Waterfront, Corona cNI Mar M24235 *'81.000 ,_ ... /lun 1..:.t;30 • 341 8oy,•d~ Drove N 8 6n 6161 DIRECTORY ICnp ""• "-d'f director, with 'fOU thl1 ••~ n ~OU 90 h001~tl119 All ~ locoti0t01 lhl•d ~low or• dHcrit.d Ill 4J"ol•r ct.toll b'f edv~~ rinw ... ,... 111 tod<Jy'1 DAILY P'ILOT W AMT .t.DS. P'otr-1 1howl119 Of19f1 houHt fOf' '°~ or ""''.,... llf"9"I lo lht 1wch hof-tloft "' tttll colv...,. Heh Sotwdoy 011dS .... y. 4 BEDROOM 222 Coral Balboa Island 675-6921 $539.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 2804 W Oceanfront, Balboa Peninsula, NB 631-1400 $725,000 Sunday 1-5 424 Belvue Lane, Balboa Peninsula, NB 631-1400 $419 000 Sunday 1-5 760 Via Lido Souel, Lido Isle. NB 673-9060 $575.000 207 Via Mentone. Lido Isle. NB 673-7300 $595,000 Sun 1-5 Sun 2-5 24 H1llgrass Irvine 552-7500 $315.000 Sat/Sun 1-J 4 IR plu1 FAM RM or DEN 1924 Port Weybridge, HVH, NB 644-7936 $279.500 Sun 1-5 233 Poinsettia. Corona det Mar 673-427 1 $624.500 Sal/Sun 1-5 1020 Whllesa1ls Wy)HbrVuHm) CdM 631-1266 $376.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1420 San11ago (Dover Shores) NB 631-1266 $420 000 Sat/Sun 1-5 18 Cherry Hill (B1gCyn) NB 644-9060 $1.395.000 Sun 1-5 1008 Westchll Dr Dover Shores. NB 760-14 10 $375.000 Sat/Sun 11-5 •4626 Roxbury Rd . Cameo Shrs. CelM 67 5-5930/760-8384 $475,000 Sa 1-5 18971 Anlloch Turtlerock. Irvine 541 -5032 $185 000 Sun 12-3 2220 Waterfront Dr . CdM 675-3834 $549.000 222 Via Koron (lido Isle) NB 642-5200 Sat/Sun 1-5 Sal/Sun 1-5 105 Via San Remo, Lido Isle. NB • 673-7300 $595.000 Sat/Sun 2-5 144 1 Galaxy Dr .. Dover Shores, NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 133 Via Undlne. Lido Isle, N.B 644-9060 $745.000 Sun 2-5 427 16th Pl . E-s1de. C.M 644-4910 $229.000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 tt 4 Narbonne. Harbor Ridge. N.B. 631-1400 $2,200.000 Sat/Sun 1-4 * *607 Bayside Dr (Promontory Bay)NB 631-1400 $1 ,200.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 fl 7 Arbor Glen. Woodbrtelge. Irv 645-0776 $179,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 * 1805 Glenwood Ln .. Baycrest. NB 644-9060 $349,500 Sun 2-6 1612 Anita Ln, Npt Bch 631-1266 $225,000 270 1 Canary (Mesa Verde) CM 546-2313 $239.900 2632 Crestview. Bayshores. NB 642-8235 $299,000 1101 Grove Lane. Westclllf 642-8235 $435,000 4 BR plu1 LOFT 32 Vienna (Hrbr Adg) NB 644-0228 $725,000 5 BEDROOM Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 Sun 2-5 Sun 1-4 Sun 12-5 * * 708 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isle. NB 675-6161 $1,500,000 Sun 1-5 * * 1300' E. Balboa Bl. Bal Penln, NB 644-9060 $1,400.000 Sun 2·5 5 BR plu. FAM RM 0t DEN **824 w. Bay, Balboa Peninsula, NB 831-1400 $1,496.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 442 Beoonla, Corona del Mar 844-t200 $595.000-Fee 1808 Galaxy Dr (Ovr Sht) NB 631-1288 $~9.000 S1t1Sun 1·5 Sun 12~ CONDOMINIUMS FOl·SALI 2 BR plua FAM RM or DE N 7 Lago Sud. San JoaQuin Irv 759-1501 S 195 000 Sun 11 4 * 501 St Andrews. Cllffhaven. NB 673-7300 $169 500 Sun 1 4 ::45 Canyon ISldnd Onvc. Big Canyon Townhouses NB 631-1400 $318.000 ?09-19th St Balboa r>eninsula NB Sat 3-5 631-1 400 $319 000 Sc.11/Sun 12-4 3 BEDROOM 4 11 Dahlia. Corona del Mar 675-5511 $325,000 Sal /Sun 1-5 53 Seapine Big Cyn Townhouses, NB 631-1 400 $340.000 Sat 1-3 154 Fairview. Santa Ana 759-1501 $109.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 18262 Yellowood Univ Pk II, Ii v 759-1501 $154.900 Sun 1-5 25 Rustling Wind. Trtlrk, Irv 759-1501 $280,000 Sat 1-S/Sun 1-41 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 21096 Gypsy Moth Huntington Bch 846-6621 $117 000 Sun 1-5 Fairview & Avocaelo Rd Costa Mesa 548-2239 $1 37.950 Sat/Sun 11 -5 3 BEDROOH Fairview & Avocetdo Rd Cos1a Mesa 548-2239 $154 950 Sal/Sun 11-5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1 BR plu1 FAM RM or DEN 300 E Coast Hwy No 113 N B 675-3347 $60 000 Sat/Sun 1-4 2 BEDROOM 300 E Coasl Hwy, No 270, N B 675-334 7 $4 5.000 Sat/Sun 1-4 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 -2 BEDROOM 200 1 Kings Road. Newport Hghts. NB 631 -1400 $399.500 Sal 1-5 3 BR plu1 1 BR 127 -127% Abalone. Balboa Island 675-4822 $695.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 -3 BEDROOM 6810 W Oceanfront, Balboa Pemn. NB 631-1400 $895.000 Sat 1-5 4 -4 BEDROOM * •202-202', S Baylronl. Balboa Island. NB 673-6900 $2.200,000 Sa/Sun 1-5 VACANT LOTS FOR SALE 5805 Seashore, Newport Beach 646-2313 $600,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR LEASE ·2 BEDROOM FUf)NISHED 15 Sea ISiand, Big Cyn, NB 759-1501 S12~/nio HOUSES FOR RENT Sat/Sun 1-6 • IR ptua FAM RM 0t DllN 1627 Harbor Crest, Spygla Hiii, CdM 842-8235 • $1700/mo. Sat/Sun 11·5 CO-OP FOR SALE . I MDftOOM 102 Blue Lagoon. South Laguna 631-1400 S54s,ooo s.11aun 11--e -.. ---. ... - -..... -----------~- I Orange Oout DAIL y PtLOT llundey, M•Y •• 1HI ~.~!=* .•..... ~.~~'! ....... ,.'Mft.~~'! .....• ~.~~~ ....... ~-1!!.~l! •...... ~.1!!.ll.'1 ......• ~'.~':!!.~'.~!.·.'! ..••••• ~'.!!!!.~'.~!.'.'! ....... !~!!!!.~'.~!.·.'! •...••. 99!1.~l!.'1.'t ••••• ~ ••••••••• !.'!fl f.tt~~it •...•... .'."' ~.'1!fll. ... !.'11 ~.,,.ll'ltt ...... J.«1 '':!:!,*' ,~, f#Ml.lllM ... J.fll !~'!r.t!.~!l!A .. l.!tt ~!!!ml.~! •• !!.!l !~?.t!.fttt! .. !.'!l c':~::' , ... ...... ltt lw I It. t It. l'IOUM on lttOe unmTuuueuu.._l A atMll IPll'kllnQ ~ M, t OPl~=~rOH~U~U ,... lll .. 11 .. 1.!"··~ ........ ....-r Cf\ar~lng 4 bdrl'I, I~ 1011111' ~ unit lot, 411 Ylt 1111-n b1 condo. trprc. bHl'I P 1 11 . 2 OOO Lrg a OOfoec>u• 4 ear In dNlf 11aJ •-• e1•• • - INVDT IN NPT. tltGHTS IUlD Charmlna 3 br 2 ba + 1p1eloua new 2 br 2 ba, gar .. apt. Privacy for both. Allumable Joana. AITD @ 12CJli Xlnt Income/tax 1helter. $289,000. Call NADlNE CROUL 631-1266 WHY PAY 11£T AU Owner will sell townhome $~. 000 below market value. Price reduced to $94,500 with Super t e rms . Call ANNE McCA· SLAND 631-1266 FORECLOUEll Abandoned Mesa Verde Golf Course E1tate has a11umable loan of $245,000. WW allow fut eecrow. Priced at $299,000. Call ANNE McCASLAND 631-1266 COSTA EA BAHU. 3 bdt .. lg. fam. rm. w /flreplace, remodeled kitchen. Hurry on best value in town ... $115,500. JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631-1266 EXCHANGE Yrut P91<ftJTY No need to worry about selling your home! Owner of large, exec. custom home on Me1a Verde Country Club will consi- der exchange for smaller Mesa Verde property. Call JACKIE HA.NDLEMAN for more detalla 631-1266 f«SA VEROE BEST BUY Spacious 4 br .. SECLUDED SPA In private setting. Excell new financing available $218,500. JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631 -1266 EXCHANGE WATERflOHT Exceptional opportunity for 2 bdrm condo on the bay. Long term assumable loan of $250,000 at 12.5CJli. Owners will consider exchange for income property. Call for further details. Rusty Guinther 631-1266 COfl>O STEALS!! Now la the time to get thetie at BELOW MARKET PRICES w/lOCJli ON! 3 bd 2 bath, 1,320 sq ft. -$110,000 2 bd 2 bath $119,000 Irvine 2 bd 2 bath $135,000 Newport 2 bd 2 1h bath $155,000 Turtle rock 4 bd 2o/t bath $214,900 2,000' Newport Harbor Ridge Condo for only $399,900 -Newport ll you want a deal on a condo - we will fit you into one of theae TODAY! Call DIRECT for De- tails PATRICK OR FRED TE- NORE 63 1-1266 or 760-8702 NOW. 234 E. 17th st .. Cosu Meu 631-1266 .. a2 Bananca r.wy, lrvile 559.9400 15 Corporate Pltu, ._,t 8ch 7S9-1221 Independent Member Brokers be. t •Woon l'tlet•on Hamltton Oo not olatutb _. otll .. p1t10, ti. 011101. 00 omtj ov:r • prrmt locetlon 81••1 et ... ~ • ...,., j\om• bftlktHtroom. 11n1nl• 110,000. Ttrm1:&Joyou.1.ow pool,olubho1.11e.Own1t IQll.i6B" f.t 1,11mt~ 9'H&OO C•""•trlctlor "'•n 3 r Tu......, flrep1ic1, "'*"Y eatr11. 1'4t•I04t 9Yet I wtlndt, oo~~~ 1 Of ~'r oer1y loen. 1 1 at,ooo. ~vlne>o:,t;:·~~·:.11 ''"' T•nort, n 1 121& end jn11~ '::S:'':!i Near MW •·IMb. 2 bdrm. I Ul,000. U2 Oot1I. .,,_,020 wtldya. ~~If iO:S:.. ~ l'eo Allen, Mr, .. ,.7611 I~~ 12" 900 OI • lilnCI Cuelom'laed 2 ~llh HOh unit with Open ht/lull 1·1. ~ twm -·-,. ' 1 /1. "" I I II ...... __ ...,.• .. ~..:. tllrouthou• pl of lltepleoe, tWIOk>etd petlo, Owf*/~t. 178 ... 11 -unit, pool ull pr ct 1..u •inf I ............... .._1or1 • 1.11 po • gare~. t¥•-tet, ,01. :::?::..: Ull ttOO .IOQ Aoent .,._ ...... ,........... ff1·1244 lennlt wt* !Obeid\, 2 c:utlltow Howl111&00 If.... 2 If. 1 .. + 1 •.1 k iM.a&tl ..... .. ....... ~t::=. W1:~de •111 Orundy, 11•11r : On• yr new oetm·open· 72•108' "'lot. Do nol Ito delrw OOMll Ylewl. "111 Liii" · ' · 17M1t1. 10111 '"to belltYI , e1111urb t•n•nte. IHI ,_......,.... Lero• llr 2b1. lupet High tlet oondo. l\t'i fir OATJl.llA •-------- r. IHl,000. Good fl-Ote t10• 1 1 U ,000. ,-,, 2ba In quiet adult ., ... UH,000 Ocu n & l•y 111••• Avalon Herbot, 2 gor· n1nclno Owner/AQt O. 041·804t ev.-I wtll'\dt, comm N1w cerpe ttng LlpM Y11111 I.I 1960,000 E•clutlY• A;t o-ou• "°"* erctlltectU· CHJMl.•lu1/ 8plller 9S 1-UH •lir• 831·3120 wtlcfyl tf\tl.l•OUI Comm. poof, •tl•1lf1 702•57 tO rel hlatory BHI view In ,,.,..,.,,, Jf# COop •• 11 a 111 CllUbhOYM, etc. Prleed to w•-u bay ptu1 2 1o11 & 1 moo· •••••••••••••••••••••• Hll with SI0.000 dn I wkt ,.,,,, JOff _, rtng Cell tor Clttlill CASH A PR081.EM? HAI 31R, 21A. A· 1 cond on pymtl under 1100 , or uoeuounou•u•o BLUFFS CONDO H V John Io e I A A• Io c . Oulet, lolllld '°'1do ptO• luge R-2 lot. Park Ilk• tubmll term1. H8-1313 • Home•. or loc11 8,R In 780·8850 vldH enclOHd oer1oe. yird Eutllde Byownet .. PUI p• aAe uch1nge lor new COM liiiiij;ijjijiiiijjiiii:I W/D, refrlg, tennlt, 1t:t8.ooo 9.i2.0120 o; 1" 8 pm ...,. DUPLE>C. 4 bdrm ptu1 2 llllOU 141.tff Ii pools, Jecuul Slmpty 1 l=jjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 842-274 1 •It• 5:30 PM Im•• JH4 llTITll b°e~-9135 Owner/Agt I 1111,H• i!~~,,~~rn2~1'o quiet ,.,, .. t from mad- ,. 4 Br. 2•;, 81. Condo ly •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 111. 2~ IA. N-po11 Helohtt. 2 ttory 'cAsf BLAN¢l' denlno crowd•. Own It .... ltt/S. 1·1 Owner M1ny x1r11. **RI R [ [ S BETTER THAN "'' .._, • .,., t"' , •• "°"''' 3 bdrma. 2 b1 with RV With spectacuter view of 101 S 1.060 per mo . f 2l ....... '" s 100.000 In IHUmable " • MODEL ..... •I••• ............ , ..... ,.... .Ccetl AttunW 0% 111 ocetn a n CJ City llghte. 3 714"""·8800• 493-8220 e .. ultfut cont1mpor11y lln1nolng Atklng 11'2. f ITE HAS EVEAYTFitNG '' ,_ ,.. '""'' "'"'" w ,,...,.. Owner wlll cury bel 11 BR tam rm and torm•l 1-iiowiiniiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii home on l lltlt B1lt>OI &00. 648-0790 ft Cul-d•MC llrHt • ..... '"'" • .... ,.... .. "''At<•• 10% with 20•.t. dn 1810 dining Gated courtyard .• l·•·-d ".... .,,L '"•t'"-,,..,,.. T attn .. o ... entry 1no tpl Cuttom _,, . ~ vvftnl, .... -..... llWPllT llJllTI 0..1.11111.11. Ilk• MW. 2 Bdr Slifl .,'o 8mln•ll "toCIUb 1~-4 ... ve pen o un .. rt hi One <Jecor throug New~ Beach 2 llr•t,•cH plu• t bdrm In f1butou1 Woodbridge • Ill O&IYH hOul GrHI Htumeble fl •pt cu gerege se95. TtWl•IU Wlnd1or &1111 ... Orel! NNpof1 Cenltf a..ut. 094:ofator Home 553•7500 Agt n1nc1ng with tow down 11.ll ln•IMI OOO. Five new 3 t>Orm. 3 bath 111011 bet1noe loi n An 1210.000 wttll l l&0.000 3 lh. 8ro1dmoor with 199,000 immediate poueulon Villa Balboa Attr1cttve 1 condo• Pluah ctrpet1. 1beoulute dtllglll to.... •1 IN11-.d "'' & POOi ind Sp1. 88119' wm N-port Condo 1 Br t $566,000 Belle Partch. bdrm den, 1 •1, bath. drpe. tl1lned QllM, pvt 1171.500 fully imorttHd Help Finance. ·A1klng I Ba top 11001 Owner 84"·8200. """ 759-1071 Security bldg Vlew1 ol .u~ao•o y1rd1, 2 cer gerege. No polnll or quellly1ng, $875.000 Agt John. wenta tut 1911 Call I wettr & greenbelt Undef ••ALTY 1811'1 Piece 80% loin II " Owner/Ag:nl -0 ... ~ Open tO·O Sat-Sun. 210 [Uj)\V\"'tlhrldnl' 770-0:SO 831-0213 873-2749 Broker yra old Prole111on111v NVlaTMIN'r• 12'!t%. owner will carry Kl'~ll'J Pffl + 41R + ri-, Ill CllYH -:::::::: E•:."v:i:c:: , "• , , ... " ,,. 2nd °' tty ~ulty lhtrlng N fll BLUS 1 BR In-law ep1 3 br uec hom•. 24 111 159 !>00 Contact Suun '...... • '1 "'" """"' ~~~~·~o~'~ E7ro~~ng~~ lt.'111\m•n•/;:·~1 .. ·~'~~~u,.· UUFlllfT I ~~~~.~.~~.~,!:>~,~~ ie~r~:d g~r;~;!'J, s .. c1,.,.,, 1011 i;4~:3\_7300 Agent ''"''' ... ,,,,. 1011 .....••.•....•........ &..mo .. .. o ........... .. For Mle or rent Unll 21 714-531-8010 83 t -4321 weekd1yt, lmpotlng 2-IStory erchl· toe lot Btft pool & pello 6U -0U8 !.:""ii".ii"m""ii".ii"m""ii"m"m""ii"m"m""ii"m"m···~~~-~~~~~ 873-3968 or 831-4609 Noodbrldge 4 Br Del tKlurt w/dock right• & ore• Sep dog run-could • weekend• home. cvl-de·HC, e /c. large lrH •hided deck t>e garden •pot Circ;te HAL w11•tR1 w•mwnu YIEW Own/Agt w111 ftn1nce. Spr1wtlng 4 bdrm floor I dnve wl ott at pt.g Only 3 Br, ••mlly h<>m• 1n the S1epa 10 the und Deluxe !!!!!'!!l!!t!!!T.!.~ IHt llY 0.... Below mrkt It 1179,000. pl1n urvlced by 2'" S335.000 Agt 8<15.4785 Heights Warm uuo condom1n1um1. only 4 left 8 UNITS COSTA MESA 3 bdrm. 3 be. lim rm, 845-0778 bath• feeturu lemlly brlCk lireplaGe, ll'lullefl. 1 r om $ 2 9 7 5 o o So neeoa work. great po· gar, large plllo. Tennli •Br 2 Ba lem rm, din rm, room. torm1I dining, MVU l•tlEI Frenc;h doors leading to Orange Coast a bftl Blutt tenuei $3 lOI< JOhn pool, ape 1125.000. 10% Yu of u .C.t. 18971 Anti· converHllon pit It fir •· 4 Br/3 81, DD Ru11tc patio & spa tront value Open Sell 646_76&0 AOT dn 12•1tv. 64M397 och. S 185.000 Opn ha place A fully 1ppolnttd adobe ranch M 8 1uile, Sun 903 Buena VI at a I ----- Sun 1.3 641-5032 kitchen. Offered with beam cell Reo S375K (atrng nook In kitchen Agt, Bob, 498-1040 !TRADE C M coin laun- Optn HouN Sat/Sun term1 tor onty· $426,000 Open Sal/Sun 11 -5 1 L•rge country kitchen • Ory. na11 25K/y1. F P 3 br, 2 b•, bey Wlndowt, LI • er Lii/in FULL PRICE! 1008 WHtclllf Dr Agt. pantry Extra pallo & ploy $1601<, tor eQu11y In El C.lfU 11/ 161 IOU oeli ltoora. RV ICCHt, Cut9 detitched 28r MISSION REALTY 780-1410 , eree Living room & di· Su JH• 11<1e C M or NB income •••••••••••••••••••••• good ttnenclng. S124, home. New cpt'g, paint. 985So Cit Hwy, Laguna --1 n1ng room farce enough prop P1 1n only If IWWI 500. 914 Capitll. By ow-c.nt 1tr SI t9.000. Ow· (l14)4f4.llJ1 IEST HY ll tor a party S215,000 CitilltHO 1011 540-8927 01'!... ~d-~·1'?!'~;.t~~!\ ''ii,,tf'iii. 6'iiis.-1•1•60•.iiiiiiiii n8f 551.9aae ., •-" i-· 1212,1H vie JA1s1H2'N1s11<111. BKA Ric°ouceos"5"0000·;.;0 l2 Covington 4-...._ll Aaam ...... _, " v """ II -I ,,,,,..,, _,,. -~ 2627 Bunya Open Seti • MONfY DOWN PLU S --JI lne4 ... 0..-. ~ •••0'"0•••••••••••••••• Sun. 2·5 !Dally by &ppl I o•r, INT EREST FINAN · loant Good terma Prln. Cl' Ollll LIT S I I I I T 0 TA L Enterteln by your own OCEAIFllOIT Xlnt lln 7':>2-0777 MST HER C. ING , • c" .c B' Ag_t _54_9_·_1~-----Wltl'I 3 8t w. Ba. lrptc. pool In r;e•llglou• Tu.. WILL ov THIS 568 ,.. New Spanish v1111, 3000 Ted Huberl Rllr t1 011e1 panoramH. 2"ll SMtl •-a I• By Owner 846-8 HWI lerock 25.000 w/p,:x' IQ It comm'I kitchen. -Spectawler oc:ean YlttN & ocean & mountain views • - FULL OCEAN VIEW Sl.03Q pet month Miter carried llnanc ~ 4200 It imported tile t2 S11,MI MWI mountain vi-With pnvate s 3., 5 o oo Broke, Cett1 ht1 •JASMINE C~EEK* 2 HUGE muter lull••. 2,..., OOLDE~:.~~ERTI S 1acuzzt1 plua 1te1m Owner muat utl gor-ape to 1elu in New ca .• 499 1526 10 2 bdrm townhouae OWNIAOT FINANCED baths, lrpfca, yardt. 2 car ---------I toom 24 beveled glen geoua condo now LeHe pets &nd paint · easy c;ore apt\ 1>4u1 4 bdrm 11nch 640-1515/1-728-5151 S•&ll IOWI dOOl't SOllO b1111 hatd-option consldtreo All 380rm'ptu• den S2'.>~ S1•l1 A•• 1010 house x1n1 1en1e1 e1ea i---------garagu. eaay qualllytng ., 000 .' IWIU Greet tax 111vlng1 BHt ware thruout Hand car-new Interior, ptu1h car· a··••••••••P•I••••••••••• Ftex1ole l1naoc1ng Pricecl buy In c "ita Mau PLUS COSTS IUfS ved 1tont. wood t ll e pet, 2 Br. unique pllk ll&.-1ll1 IBOlord owner an-10 9041 et less 1han 10 x 1111,ltl weekday• t all 85o.9n 8. lloora. 2 lplca. lrg loun-location Call Jean Audi· xiout •Br 1 '•B• gar· gro11i Cell WOLFINGER 2 Br. 2•1t Ba 2 frplc di 2 5 83 340 IRYllE COllO lain Antique v1c101tan chuk 71 41760-0168 or pat11>. poollpatk $89. REALTY Condo Pool, Jecunl, -ken 1 1 • 1• 5• Lovely 2 Bdr 2 Be plua wetbar Lots ot 1talne:1 Coall to CoHt Real E•· 1 900 Auume s59.ooo 191 213-539· 1394 Tennl• Courts. Owner lle~vff~6~4~6~-609~~3~~~~1 garage & lnalde laundry glen Be•utlfully fur-I late 2131558-3040 -ut 11'>% Agt 857-2040 C M Triplex h11_e_r -,-8-S-K Wilt c111ry. 640-5249 1:PERFECT FOR PROFES-In chermlng wooded nlahed Thia houae 11 10 Sl• HO MWI • 39 p SION"L SINGLE Cher~ area 1109,500. Peg De· be 1010 complllely fur-•1 Olill J•il llllll On •' K pnce rinc ,.. ~~ 55" 9400 nlsheO by welt-•nown P11vate park 1 I'.% loan •••••••••••••••••••••• only BY OWNER LITTLE Col •• 11 m1-1er Condo,lormel """"''· •· " 64!>3340 ... Oecora1ot Call tor de· Owner will finance 3Br #0)1/1 81•11 -·---- •ra"'81 dining. lrplc, overtook1 18111 JohnJoel & Auoc 2'> ba lge matt br , call .,,. 111 11_r r,,, Sill /JOO 9 UNITS in HUNTINGTON ~ w1terlall/brook Enclld 760•8950 101 dete111 John Mer-lllAft -BfACtc 10 yurt new 2-•ty, 3300 •Q ft, prof ger•o• plus carpott. at1a11. Agt 831-2242 o,.. I• 12·1 N~·,,;;~;j9;;;h·0;·A~;;~ All 2 BR s4~8 000 Bkr decof, lulh tlow«•." Bdr cloee to everything $93, 36 23 & den. 3 frpic., lllnl 12% 1500, uaume $74,500 11 THTUllCI Preview-elegant & chit· 22 Vlllll 1>1ylron1 Par'! Mint 5 ·0 1 flf\1nclng 1v1ll ~ 13•1,"f. Brak.tr 648-0295 Highland Garden Home MVU SlllU ming Hampton moo11, Reach'°' the 1111ra 1n th•• cond 78 dbl Wide. fire· TRl·PLE X 1n HUN TINO · to 1624,500. 873-4271 h $35.000 dn. bll at 12Ve 4 Br Den, Formal Olntng fabulous v•-• d<llCOt, pvt luxu11ou1 • Bdrm, 3 Ba place. brick patio 161 TON BEACH All 2 Bdrm ~... ~ $3 15 000 F 1 d " 2 fl-..~. 3 comm w/pool & tennl1 view riome 1n gate guaro 000 Alao 2 br 2 ba · heevu shake rool1 14 CAMEO SHORES . •• • n ... oom. r.............. car d bl& de co e IOI , Cullom. Br 3 Bl pool, SAVE V UR CR ITI Agent 552-7500 ~111ge + t1rge Hobby l&ClllllM Ownr Opn HM comm Pro I decor OU WI • rn r years new S 188,000 l ZZI kol pond 3 Problem1 • lorecto1ure, Aoom Pool 11zed tot. SettSun 12-5 1903 $725.000 640·5884. $39 000 Bili Giundy wt20% dn OWC 8k1 1~c~c;·i' 14 75 OOO , divorce. debta, etc?"'"'.' PRICE REDUCED oeeu1.lsndacapea Owner VachtCoOnla64'4-1017 644-0228,673-7771 AQI 67!>·6l6_1 _____ I 5360123 97t5930' • got some cuh Don I 'Niii Ulllt ., fln1nc1ng ACROSS FROM BEACH MlllL£ •••E , ••• · cclmpllcate ma11e11 $13 000 :>111y$420000 Beaul I wioe. 2 Br. 2be. -llllCD S1M.... P 1 e • • • c 11 1 m •. ~ Optn Sat/Sun I-~ 1ge cu1tom hutcn & many 100 apacea. 5-Ster. Or lovely 4 br, 3,.., bl, ~ 548-7137 ~odth9•1• 1V: TlhoewD~:~de Roblnton RNllor HARBOR VIEW HOMES extras Selling below ap-Cly Johnjoel & A11oc .... ~ , ••t ti 1 S"• aJ11•1•"'l p1a11tl el 14" 000 For 760-8650 ,._ ..... me• ~ ._. ....-r ••t 1 • HomH 4 bdrm• 3 b1 -.--~, ..... '"7" ..,.... Vr"R ...,.~.. ~ • ·I~~~~~~~~~ appt call 968-881 7 ..,...., ""'" ............ Just reduced 125.0001 tormel d in & ltvlng 1: GO Meu Verde 4 Bdt, famlly rooms Excellent location IUIOI 11111 4 BR, 2 BA MONTE HunHngton Beach double 21111m 01 Cly 120 units -No Calif Call lor deterlt John1oa1 & A ssoc 760-8650 1211,IH buya • 1 bdrm l\OUM on R-2 lot. Owner may http fin~ llUl'f STUfffl W LmlULTT room home Prime loca· near schools. pool and wooe 11ou111 llrge lot uon 2733 Canary H-U· tenn11 Call today tor In· Sherp lrg 2 Bd condo am1111 pet ok near enop- R-R-VI Jeckte Handle· l0tmlll0n on llnenclng. ~~ :..~~c~~ 6~ SL~g:: BY OWfEt $279,500 ping low 1en1 S26.900 man, 831·1260 SE OPT W/10'1'.DN Cell Te•mi 847'29-5-4---FORECLOSURE Sale . AAPPY MOTHER'S DAY FROM THE STAFF AT HERITAGE REAL· TORS S40-l151 llWNIT IOllTS DIRECT to Patrick or I 58% unoer mk.1 11elue Fr.a Ttflore 831-1288 or Great family home! Four houses from IA'"''I.' 101 l ili IZOO Min b•d s20,ooo Prime 780-4702 park with community pool , play ••••• •••••••••••••••• area Spac1ou1 2 ttory equipment & baseball diamonds. I 1t ACIU 543-8361. Bkr Walk to school without crossing a 1 Running 11r1am, oak iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii street. Small, private. professionally-treea E•cellenl view Full I ROIEllT ... I •u price 145.000. owner w111 -....a done yard with patios all around. In-ca11y Agent e16•2139 631-1286 side completely redone less than 3 876 2589 21 lCIU llMH4 ffV.'!!.~'.~t .• !.~~ ~HERITAGE Owner need• caan. clean 11111que type houM 2 Bl 1 Ba 50x117' tot Lalge det1chac1 oer•o• s 179. 000 548-504 1 evu & wtlndt, &31-3520 wlldV- years ago Fee land. Assume large 1st at 12'/•% & own« may carry 2nd OPEN HOUSE Sll\. 1-5 Peveo 10110 1n close trflea Owner a nx1ou1 low down low µnee owntf will catry .•• ~!~!';. .••... !{~ Sa1e11eue1opt1on nr OC Airport 4800 aq II bldg •200 IQ ti AC olc . :>OOAMP 3 phue. gua- 1an1eeo tenant t.000 aq •ir-• -inr FORECLOSURE SALE ..._ _...lo&A l~~~~~~~~~I Under lender'• co•t So. Two 3'•. S339. 873-3415 1: L na pvt eat•t• 180 Own/Agl. CLEAN & NEAT, Euttldt agu oc.an vu Security •---------home, 3 BR with llrt· m5 000 855-2013 Cllll lliu I 024 place & hardWOOd noora. --·------ • ••••••••••••••••••• •• Located on tree-lined cut Fine et view Uttlma11 REALTORS •SA YElllE de uc with e large yard cullom hOme In Emerald Deteched garage & Bay 5000 IQ ft o f PllYATI POOLI workahop $132,500 cu•tom feeturu. 5 Lovely Ill Bdrm home-642-6388 bOrma $2.200,000. quiet tocallon-11 frptca, Devin Real Ett•te 551-1234 STOL Ill Wutclllf 4 Br cuatom home 1l»Olu1t 1teel 85K Undtf comps Wiii c:ontl· oer 111 ollers or tr1de Low dn Della , 1g1' sec; fenee at pool area for child salely · auumabte llnanclng Call today .. Bob Panrtd· ge, agl 5511-9400 DH~ 1•1•1 I OZI Trade? 4 Bdr home, ocetn •• ••• • ••••••••• • ••••• • vu. lrg tot 1310.000 WIK iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN ltlOe for am1ller ptoP«· 34"05 St Gr9"' Lantern ty Armbfu•t•. Clurman. ICEr~llT Over 3200 aq.ft 3 8R, Brown "94-8595 UllW"n 1924 Port Wtybtldc• Place Newport Stach Cowtuy to Broktt's 644-7936 Agent 676-S717 all 5 672· 1775 IHHtwt .. t Lad II F1naoc1ng Below mkt 1 Why go out of Slate? _BY owne~50_2 __ Leveraged c a111orn1e tn -, • I "ZOO ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!I' I vestment wnh excellent .~!!.~~~.".~.'. •••• !'~ ••• = Uplidll potenll•I 'C-1 Loi See ., 117 Ro· 11'9 .... cnetter. Colla Mua lnllllll lnVHlments I s 1 1 0 • 0 0 0 0 w n • I from $3500 875-3099 Monthly 1n11a11ments 1~ LIT.I v from $150 "' .. " ... ' 19 screa and up 2 $89 000 eecn Bob Cau111n 662-1162 631-4179 SOU}' P11nc1pel1 only ---.----- .. i r I 350 ll•Hlll•, D.lfrl, a;e:r f!!!~~-~!!.~!! .• l.~~!I f!!!!!.~!!~! •• !.~~~ -.-UT--,-,-Tllll---,-,,- 2'• b•. 1bove the Chen ---By ownet Drutlc; price Houae rHteurtnl. Ovtf· lltlAICtl UY nu reduction for lg• down· looks the harbor'. Brand A very prlv1te Mttlng In 1 PIYmet'll 840-7990 n-Alerm 1y1tem1. )•· motl ptHllglou• area. 3 R••( ~ CUZZI. HUn8. MOdtltly bdrm•. 2 bath & family ... r111• prlCed $499.900 room, Moat of the room• 3 Bdrm 2 Be. pool ham. llYllH CIYl PEmMIE n. ••• IO' 11n1nr .. !.~ ... !!r.!!?........ 1.,.,, Z400 WllUll ct•H •••••• • •• • •••• • •••• ••• I Borm turnlahed UH HllWIW S6000 _ 50% Int ·~ 11cre v1tw lot, appro• U( !)l()(NtlAl II( Al l .,IAll .,I l'IVl(.('j OLD CORONA DEL MAR OUTSTANDING BUYS •14 l11eh1H 1,.1 let 1·1 2 Br, R -2 lot. Lowest price $203,000. 111 lfh le4Me4 Wide R-2 lot. I 'Ii bllus to beach, 2 br + guest howie. $330,000 111 lrit ....... , .. Picturesque Cape Cod 3 houeea from O cean Bl. R e duced t o $575,000. HI '"" le4Ne4 Views, whitewater & canyon. Walk to Little Corona. Recently remode- led & expended. $595,000 11• ..... ., ..,.. Outstandlna ~an view, bHuL re- mode}ed lg h ome with In-low quarun . La lot. Sl,I00,000 All have exL"ellent financtna tenn1. Call UllYH••• --·-. 111 llPIPOllT ClfNTlfll 644-9060 Exec Meu Vtfd• 4 BR 3 Ba, DR, pool, 1pe, view Owner wttrade for CM Advanced Rellt0t1 In thl1 h1nd1ome home w/wet bar wlownar fl. 951-1244 open onto a beeullful nanclng Only $19S,500. pool end 1urroundlng Herry Frederick. agt properly or carry 1125. B .. li•1I•• 000 2nd. 5 years S280, h1ti IHO 000 Agl Julie ~6-2313 •••••••••••••••••••••• WTllH SSOOO oown 3 Br 2 B• + Den, pool + 8achetor Unit. Monthly payment S 1800 Full price S 11~9. 000 557-2783 BV OWNER-38r, 281 w/lg heated poot, In lg aectu-o.a beckyd, convenient· ly located & flulble ltfmtl Cell 640-8278 tor mate Info. lllllUY Owntf 111xlous 4 lk!rm, 2000 IQ II hom9' with format dining & f1mlly rm. $128,500 Mu11 Hit In 30 d•Y• C1tl now 979-5370 •.. ,,.,, .. ..... llf **Vz Ml.TO BEACH Super 2 Bdr 1ownnome. 1tt garage. p1t10. 2 poot1. tennla, jac . 8 ao much more Terrific fl· n1nclng •I only 12'1•1-'t Only 1114.900 Ask tor Biii \V\hwf h.rldCJl' Rult~ :i51.:UICl41 ll;!tl\11r .. u l'\••.lfll.., BY OWNER 38R • 2BA • POOL s t25.000 864-4134 ESPE RA TE OWNER I 5 BdrM, btlCh gl1nl, In beat ., ... M0.000 btlOw m1rket. Mull Hll now. Submit your term1. Bkr 841..0709 ...................... -------- $17,000 DOWN! MOVE IN NEXT WEEKI 2 prime Hunllnaton Beach proper- tlct. Shop Sharp, 1parkllna bright & like newt Come 1ee, then call your mov('r. 21096 Gypsy Moth, 2 Br. Townhorn4-$117,000 19141 Btk1nJ 3 Br. tinaJe tan\lly. $117,000 °'-"' Jbm 8uD. l·& • patio 11ea Owner wllt c1rry with euballnllet down Priced to 1111. 1385,000 ltlllll..U A lovety 2 bdtm condo In thl• glleO prl111te com- munity Amenlt111 In · e lude privet• beech, tennl• I pool An ex~­ tenl opportunity $230, 000 . .. RVM* ·---.......... ADULT MOBILE HOME PARI< on the 81y 1 t>Orm. den, 1 bl $60.000. 3 Br, 2 be $88,500. 2 bdrm. furn .. $45,000. 2 bdrm $25,000. 300 E. C11 LIW MWI... Hwy Unit t 13. Newport Lew monthly p1yment1. Baach. Bkr 875~347 Far E11tern country OCEAN VU END UNIT 1tmo1pllere In the d"I· Prim IOC. 2br lrl·M llble north Ind. City li ghts & coutal view• Npt CrMt $235.000 Bkr from Dane Point to Tom Oottler -148-9200 Emereld Bay. B•1utlful By Owner. 4 Bdr. den. & g11d•n• with teehouN, gueet rm, 2 ftmlty rmt. & lpl, QlllO I dtCkl. A Ba, trptc lonnll IMng & YerY pr1v11e /lome. "ISO· d ining. '221,000. s&o. 000. 000 dWn. 645-8108 C714' .,._, 177 YlllM.L.11 2 Bdrm. 2 81. PtnlhOU• ... P1rt111 oc•1n view. 8•11.11. upgreded. owe 2nd. TO, 1184,500. Bkt 873-2741 Of 953-e810 . ABSOLUTE STEAL!! I •t•k• my repu11t1on Ulet INI" tN IUT euv In Newport l•aol\. oceAN VU, LAO '4.IOf', P"'O'· OlCORAU!D, pool, ..,., a ... nu .. •~ only 1318,800. A tr•d• ooneldtreo. c 111 PA- TNOK TlNOAI ~ U1·12H or 110·1102 T • Just prof<"S.•uon.ally dcc.'Oratcd Like nc•w, sophlst1catcd 2 BR + den. 2 1;, BA, bar, pool, spa. beach & M.'Cunty Price t-educed $96,000 to $446,000. Only $30,000 down. Debbie Fratt 642-8235 (L19) LOW INTEREST NO BALLOON Newport Creal gorgeous Plan 4. Try $45,000 down, $1737 mo. Fully amort. 15 years at lOCJli lntereet. AFFORDABLE $132,000 Low lntereat loan, low leue pay- menll, low 20~ down payment. Newport Shores immaculate 3 Br. A-Frame. Walk to~. poola & tenni.I. CANAL FRONT Sunbath, awlm, .. u or fl1h from your 2,000 1q. fl. home. Seller neecb t &0,000 down & wlll carry a.lance at unbelievable tenna. SPECTAClUR TRADE 3 Br. be1Ch hOUM w/labulou. up· 1r1de1. Seller wanu laraer pool h ome In lrvlne, hi• equi\y It $98,000. hla prb $225,000. Otve ut a call ff» mort lntormatJon and~ .. $ lO,OOO • lOO"lt int 5,000 IQ fl Jee, 2 loft• 2 Balance 28 yre $64.000 llrepl•CH Sep apt tor at 1 1 .,_ Ca I I ma101 qtrs $415,000 714/975-0927 1-337· 71110 1'. 1cre1 near new High C•••1td1/ °""' Hoapltel & coneo. 1tfMtlr 1600 11111 S5750 Eaay terms. ••••• ~;.,.-•••••••••••• t .. 3es .. 1163 eva. llWHIT orma AH hilt•< II, d1"t11nn" plMr1n .. 11 Two •1>~ 1n Nrwpntl C"1 n11·r Om· •1 ~OUO •q It and llN' ,. 3000 llQ II Vtty favuritblr rat,.1 I Wit b•m l:olr. Rroluir 641-4781 ov-. 8Q1 r;., li•11/I.11neJ ..• ~ .. '!.~/. •••• !.~~ Swet1w1ter 11 P1lm Springs, 1 wM11 S5500. 857-0151 0.1.1 c ... ,, .. ~!~!~ ...... /.~~ PALM SPRINGS SUN· DANCE VILLAS CONDO Privacy & 11curlty. Lg f1cunt1 w11erf1U, turn. 10% 101n 1uum1bfe. '180.000. (7 14) 325-4171 _______ ,IHI lllllf PIUltTT, AllZ. l111ll•• UM Retell Bever•o• Bust-••••••••·A••••••••••• nt11 Xlnt loc1tton In TRADE C•t>ln In F1~1n hlQh it1lllC 1111, lbOVI $98,000. for hOl.IH or aYer•r. lnaome with 11• condo In Org . Cty. voreb 1 t•rmt. Write or 848-5& 11 Of 8'MISOI afl cell Jtrty Euton for _•_P_M ______ _ Commerct1I Prop"'l TRADE Ce ntrel Cout 1 v1II1 bl•. Sm Ith cteer, au11om i bt YIW W&n\tley RMlty, 117 8 home on 2 to. llone Cor1e1, Pt .. cott, Arlt.. ppty, AIMOllOlrO. l22fM I 8 3 0 t . C 111 VllUe. '°' hOfM or Ullltla. 402.na-3400 Org. Cty bHCf\ ., ... llUI .. Ownt. too ... 4041 ..,._ ,.. • ...a &00 1q. II. Xlnt uoune So. Of !'CM. Wll tnldefiDr 8MCfl locetton. 115.000. ,.., .., .... °""" ..... Flneno1119 avell. QwMft Ownrl'*'· 1 ... 1121 A9t ..... llMI. ~l.90A DUfUX -&Aare ......... Hotefll'ood/ltltp Comm • tOOft.F~lt ~..,,.. ........ (kotflent 2 '*"' ,... -"" 2 ....... Ufllt "' '*"' Of tOWft. U•t,IOO, c..t Undl °""' ....... ~. Ml.UOO ,.,,....., ••• !!!!'If ••• ,~ WANTID: I.,. I aer llOUH. O.M ........ ,. ,... ,, ....... , . .. , .... ,"' l .. I I . . . - , I • " • • ~ . Orange Coat OAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 01 1982 DOLL~ DAV DOUGH 8AVIR8 Sell your no-tonger-needed Item• for oath.. If It tfo•n't ~I, we'll run It another 3 INES Fl OLLA AS daya FREB. Ont Item per ad, mu1t b9 priced. Sorry, no r .. l tatate or commerclal ad1. Call today for full detall1 . .... ,....,... .............. , .. , 3 3 AYS CLA881FH!D8642•5678 ~!'.If ............... !~ffff.ff/I!!-!.~ .. !'.~~!!!.¥~,!~~·!~ .. ~fff.ff'hm.'A~ .. ~.'1.rt.W.~ ~~..... ~0_':,._.. A":~': .. " Y!!.'.~~.~!~!!.m '1!!~.~!~! .... ~ "·-• • •u..i1 • tl ..... "' IH t ••ft 11 1 a..... ,.,, ., •.. .,._ .,.,, .,, -., •.. ,.,,. _ .. , ... w1111 v111a. furn. 3 C.M. 2 otnc.a. 345'. O.th. ... L-1-L • .I -·· ... ., 9 •• .,,_ ,.....,, f -• ...., -#' •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••Uo••••••••••••• "" .,, ,.. • .,_ ••••••••••l••••••••••• .. ,a.. .., .. 1 ··-·"'""••••••••••••• ••• -.-.c-••••••••••••••••• ~ ~ ,,, .. •u"'•-" •--•••" BR. 3 81, atorege 1v111 IUO/mo ·,,··,...·•••• •••••••••••••• •••a .. v1 ..... I! •tr 1·m ,,_., .,, .. II '.S •1 "· .... •I• -. -c 11 '"~o 64411 5.411 3345 4114 3803 ..,., " n.. ~ .1.. .. ••••••••••• n •• • • ••••• Newport Shortt, Canel 1 BR{ Ver11lllet condo, ••••••• ••••••••••••• a. •• a. ,, ... •••••••••••••••••••••• a • • • • _,_ JJl1 t m . n IO t • IT 15, Oc•1nlront condo 2 br front, 3 bdtm, 21-\ be. poo • Jeouul, gym, bll· " •· 1"1' M•......., .. ~ lat -.• ..., Me<:Arlh"' v111 ........ 2 Ir 2 u..a... ....,._. 1617 WHtciltt. N.I . Want '"11u... 48+2330, 4M-Mt4 IMbt 2"' be, oen. trplo. wei Walk to belotl. POOi and Herda, NUl'll 2' ht NC. ·,~· n: ~it1-:2p"e"r~on• l :;;;·~;;.;;,;··0::.::.:•; 91, ne; oa~;;i1 & ip-L ~ (flh-ti• f n llnanc111 1n1t. 7000a.f. p~j;~•p;,j;t:•.;Te;,1--.-,C-o_tt_age-.. -,-,,yte--2b-,--1bu,1pec11oulu view tennll av1ll No pet1 Qerdtn view Ut5. 1iu Sierra Mgmt "1t a 81. Prtv/ 'Ptlo pll1nce1 Sl25/mo. Cltl h~~u~.ytennl1•be:ch~1 t at ttoor Agen t " b1I h , 11mtl" roo-. w1g1r, p111o. NOIW S3 .. " S 1 t OO/mo. 3532 Br1-1950 mo. 715• ·" t <4 ; ua-to57 • 1141-t324 No ..... , .. e~.'Wf1; 1 • 2 131141-$210 Oya. Ava11 now t11tu Oct M•"· 5<4 l -5032 " ' '" "" v111 . Jonathan 752·7•74 Kate ,...... 330 · 2t31377·1221 "'"· Aak ' ---------r.".~11~~";~·.~~r!0 ~-~~~IALS 1213)451-43&712• 110W1l 11, •TU NMl IUT&U Lovely 3 8dr 2 11 condo, 1or Mr. c aahmen. -:;:;•-,.~g~s~:~:.0g/p~~ 11200 mo. Cell 811 or Waterfront 3 br, 3't\ bl, Large 38' 2~112 story Av1ll1bl• now. $300 IAY Tllllll ~~~~'.0i>c!:t':P.~~: 2Br28atwnhM,laundry. se.ooo 975·80H, Helen Gold. 81rret\'Rlty, Speoloua 2 Br. 2 Be .. den. 1pec11culu view J1c, condo. ffrptc.. bttln kltch, week up. Ag•nt bell 1 ml. to bHch. pool, no pet.a. 1495. Ev" 527·7•0CI 542-6200. eweCl73+<4398 lf>llt level. trplc, micro. 3 trplo• thruout, 78' botl yeerty. 87&-7080, Mk tor 875-8170. SPACIOUS 1 Br. 17001mo. IMl2•8118 213-377-2619 i--1-•• ---.-1.--U---d•cka, 1kyllte. open dock '2000/mo tCl-471 Pit & ,.....,. CttN1 tltl #11 31U beam. dbl gar/opener. Bun1t1bl• Jonathan Flrepl1ce, pool much 2 Br. 2 Be. Ught & airy, Lg 18r, eecurlty O•I•. ••· G11eo comm Newly CS.· •••••••••••••••••••••• Av111 5-2<4. $1150/mo 1213)46l·'43Cl7 12,. 11,11 1mmacul1t• HVH Moneeo, mote. Pflvll• petlo, encled o•· trecllve gr0'-nd1. nr So corated newly turn • Euc. • bdrm, 2'-" be. Ir· O 7 9. 3 3 7 6 wk d y 1 , 2 bdrm, 2 be, den, gdnr. re~. 1625/mo. Cat Pllll 1169--0CllHI bdrm. Tennla. prlv boll. vine Terrace. Yr IHH 751-8154 eves/wtcnda. /'-1 3•..i14 I 141-1111 Dea 9Cl8..eeoCI club etc 3 mo or longef Sl<400. 1173•3100 "'•' .,, All new ttoot cover nga. ,...,, 4000 Bk · wetc •&&..•03a C11l1 #"' 3114 B;:~~~~y3dr,o:;~~ou~; 3"8;.T8;.·8t~·H~·~ l:111i111:•5 ·8'lO or Wfttalae 2 Br. 1 81. cen· Im•• 3144 o:z·;;:;,;;;:j~~i;~;; ra om4J •••••••••••••••••••••• 11mlty rm w/atone trplc, Northwoods, 2 atory wllll • . tret heating, gerage, •••••••••••••••••••••• Stepl lo beech. Reis. !'.8.!'.1!.!~J~!!!.!.~f!'! New 3 Br. 3 Ba Condo. trench doors, covered atr1 lrg lam. room. No UUll YllW atove, cupetl, drepH. New 1 Br. Condo tor I••· NeWport Bch 5<48-•280 $1500/mo. turnlahed petlo.GrMllorentertal-dog1plt1M.G1tdenef& Palermo, •Br 2~be, Nop9tl cfllldren water· ••. m 1 ny 11 tr11 ROOMfl1ATr $1000unturn. Mo.to Mo. nlng. Gardener Incl water paid SllOO/mo. vlew, nr pool Ind tennl1. beda. i-450 +security $8 ~0/mo. Joanne Furn prtv room and bath Al~ rentll. tat. & lt1t. Superb $850. 5511-03<47 5•6-2000. AQ.801. no lee. No pell. S 1'75/mo. Jo dtpoalt. 50 ·5<4'42 or 955-11133. 5315-8720. Refrlg. $285. I fllDERS lcx:1tlon:next to ahop· HOME FOR RENT Ann 0 or a n, B k r, 770.5629 8<45-01011 p i ng & theaters 3 ... I IH 'Bdrm $750 Fenced 7511-0619 2 BR, 1 ,~ .ba townhoun ~/.~~.~.'.t •. !!.~~ E/alde C M. Rm In pvt Oldeat & lergeat agency 5•8,,.91111. TOWNHOUSE. 2'h ba, nr yard & garage Kids & • .._...__ ud -··-home w/pool. Sllr beth All cllentl acrHned with I n-. Prlv loo. All bull! Ina, pell welcome. 545·2000 .._....._. 51 '°' one lmmio. quiet, no pet•. _ _._,., S250 Pvt bath S275 ohOtos & re1erences. Im•• 3144 2 car gar with etec ope· Agenl. no tee. SPYl!!USS endtwobedroom•Plrt· Balcony, P•llo. gar, lrpt. Moat eleo•nllpl bldg. In 657-2783 l::;redlla: Coarnopotllan •T•u•r•t1•8•r•o•c•k••v•1•1•w••2••B•R••: I ner 1850 Avall eppro1t • menis FURNISHED $525 mo Avail Jun9 tat L1gun1 Buell, II nut Good Morning Ameriea. '" 611. John Marshell. Agt WO 0 DB RI 0 GE· 3 8 r RlllE and UNFURNISHED 979--1858 location In town. breetll· Npl Bch. apeclou1, turn . The Tomorrow Show den, compl turn. S 1350 831 _22,.2 t'ltBa. nr pool & tenn11 ..,.1 Oakwood also Oiiers taking vtewa. 111 bull-Ina. quiet. pvt studio. prlvl· *'h ott• 10 aH n-cheotl mo. Agl 752·5668 $680 mo No peta Avail J.HCfTIYE --· -....a~Bllll fleeted pool, aub. o•· lege1 $<450/mo 8<40-6290 illtlO neeo a place. Mi •-· t JJIJ 1 ~ BR. yard. no peta, 1St wk o l June wt1I YIEW 'AllVtllltlelPlid ~•u rage. tl1v1tor LHH Furnlalled rm & b•tll IEWPllT Ml 1111 •• ~.~!•••••••••! $!1~~~~.K6.~J1'~:1de 49•-<4142 ·1"""9Cllll TIW•llU 't{;1y4::.~up. 330Clltt Kitch prlv Tennl1. pool, - Oeertleld,3br,2ba <4Br.2'h Ba.21irept1ee1, Occupency New Condoforrent.2 · · 1tep1 to bch N B Maletoahrw/2 1em..,,..., BIG CA.HYON EXECUTIVE E SIDE corner hH, 3Br. twnhM, trplc, 2 car get putting green. gerdener. •$1 Million In Br. 2,~ Ba. $705/mo. Obi ..... ,, lfMi 3111 $275/mo. 6<45-573<4 1ft N-porl Sllorff h~-2 HOME View. privacy, I Ba, alngle gar. lg yd, $725 Celt for app1, 1213) $1700/mo. Realttlon gar, flrepllce, pool, If>' .•• -.... ••••••••••••••••• •pm room• avail Miy 15 :~~~'~'!: ~2·~1J~ :u:i~1: ~~.s: t:'.', ~ s ~~5 .':: 939-3041 bef. 2pm. Rellt~.~~rlund And Mu<:h More• eee w. IClth. 1145-2739 2Br. vtewi ~· allp.~v::· 1M•ll Verde Hm. C.llA I Randy. 8-5. 752-0851 &40-C51CI dep Avai l Mey 20 4 Br. 2'h be. lluo• yard. For 1 monll'l or a Ille· n•!9P127n 11iP1 6'2·09 M/F, nonamkr, ktcll/ A /C, lu1t ms tr aulle, Broedmc>Of S..vtew <4 Br E SIDE·3B 2n-87.r 1 . 3. I d riv $275 mo Prol M/F share luaury 542·3767 bme Models()tWln\l•.:lv · '· .... garage, n rl P furn Condo SC Plaza 1157-03<42. 552-1901 3 Ba lam rm, 2 frplca. No Q11S clllldr1n OK, no pet a JBr. 2B• atap1 to bell, 957-185 S 2 8 5 6 4 1• • 6 2 5 • •••• ,, u.1.ni1iH TIIEH I UllU DEERFIELD . 2Br, 28•. wetbar, micro. guarded 9arnto6pm . le25 mo +MC dep, r•· new p l lnt/cpt. frplc, Room tor rent. kitchen 966 8479 •••••••••••••••••••••• 3br2balg lam rm lg den.1uper clean.plu111 srea,pool&tennla. tundable.Avat1Me.y1. $8 50 . 8 73-9127 , prlv.Lady.Poolprlv. --·-------·1 IH•1rll 3ZOZ fncd yd, w/gdnt S875 cpl, AC. frplc. dbl 09• Sl200/mo. 644-5403 ,.._,kwood 6'8-9596 673-8209 $60/wllty. 557-M,.8. Non-1mkr, 3br condo, •••••••••••••••••••••• 673-1173 I I Open Sun vtJ FEEi • C $200/mo + '> ulll $1~ rage. o ot, redwood ...... Sharp 2 BR 2 81 . lge NO Apt ca ondo decks. nr pools. parks, S•• Cli•••ll 3Z11 Garden .._rtmentl rooms. 111 bltna Incl O/W, ren1111. VIiie Rentals. F has rm w/pvt beth In dtlP 96'·385'4 H 8 ltUIUYll llWNIT Elegant Exec 1u1tH tn prHllgloua toe. Incl ff· cratulal, receptlonllt, telephone ana & more. Ofca trom M38 mo. On· Clll otc1 $185 mo. THE HEADQUARTERS COM· PANIES A prof11alonel 111v1ronmtn1 (7 1') 851·0881 ~20 sq II S 1 00 per aq II . 3975 Birch , N.B Agent 5'41·~32 WESTCLIFF BLOG NEWPORT BEACH (QfAe• #e\10' loll ~.., •• ..... o 0 ""• ••• .;.,.'--./, __ .. ./ -. ... ,1 ,..,_ .;, ... __ _, .;....,,.._. / ............. Cell Mr Howard 645·6101 *HLIU lfFlClS* From 1 room to 3 room• From $116 a aq It No lease requited AdJ Air- porter Inn 2172 Dupont Call AM 833·3223 450 sq ft furn olflce space SAOO 'mo 6<41-07113 In ICl/111111 3 BR 2 BA. frpl(:1;/1nge, 2 no pela Av1ll lmmed. •••••••••••••••••••••• u..-a~~ .. /No. ger, M11a Verde. $525 1175-<4912 Brolter. apt, MH• Verde, C.M ' 12500 aq 11 condo Bay· COM 38r YU $1300 car ~•rage 0 pell $6 25 mo 752·7<499 . BE A C H COTT AGE. 2 ,._ ... _., ,_.., mo. Cell 5•0·11511, uk 10 rent to nonamoking F vleYoung prof (MIFI 10 Cliff Or 3br vu S1400 S77 /mo 191 • $450 833·3858 bdrm, 2 be. Wik to train, 880lrv1ne for Larry or P.m Veru l llu 1 br condo. 25+, no pela. $250 I ahr lovely 3 BR Turtle· BAYFRONT China Cov.,' 3br $2000 MC. 6'8-11423. 6'2-0835 twn, beh. $700 <492-7913 (1116111) $550. Close to bHch ~1307 I rock hme w1coop1e Pvt Bayside Cove. 3br200 1 BR. & OEN, MCluded & WHAri6rt C.•4t (7'4) ~S.1104 So. Coeat Plan 2 BR 1 Full eecurlty. 6<48-387<4 Furn. rm on Bllboa 11 . bath, olc:, 1enn11. pool & l Prime office 1173-1003 W Bay. 5br, dock '3250 pt'lvate, huge yerd, gu & ~bdrm, 2'"> be, Jepenese 11• J•u Newpot1 a..dl/So.. ba, l~e patio, lull aec. Sharp Q1rden Guut Pref nonemkr Val: eva lge yard Avail 1mmed ,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ""IEIOl/FI Wiier paid, range. No {lerden, comm pool c,.;,,,,., 3Z11 170018th SI ~~~erK ~~!':1 'i"o t~ home. lbr, quiet. W/O, 873-8238; dys 1141-1150 553·1539. ask lor Gary I ~12c~= 3br $1500 ~~t~~ C!rpS~·5~St~~~~ ~a9~8s ~~~%1op~l;~~.%'3 i 2°e;:~b;~j;~;~:~i°2 IOovtr11181111 957-0222 ~:~g33 S3 2 5 I mo Room In N.B. pool, prv ba Nd 2 rmm1e·1 lo lhr 3br exec up an Npt till 38r pool $1850 6<46-6'23, 542-0835 1175-8180 ur gar, closed backyerd, (7W}&U-5113 2 B 2 8a lo & enttence, relrlge. $200 I 2ba hae. 2 car/gar lrpl I UlllA IUCl/Flll 2 bdrm, 1 bll, $<425 no nr schla. R.V storage no' pet• srs~,,n~=i Npt Penln1ul1 2 Bdr HI 631·35211. lrg yrd $230 lmmed ...... c..o.,.,. lmW avall $525/mo 11Vt111 5117 &48-8676 Be, Ir pie. garege, opn 'Free rm In church in CM 66.2·1115 or 546-5169 Full set\'ICe/custom s~~r~o. 3br. femlly ~~~9~; Victoria. No 6· , br, 1 bl $&50 & sec. & cleaning req. beam celllnga, pvt PlhO '"ex for Jenllorlal work. Fem 1n 20's 10 ahr 3 Br I olloce & deSk spec. ---------2 br. 2 be $800 32102 Via de Otlva Weekly acrou Ir ocean. STUNNING lerge 1 b r $740/mo. Avail 6/ 1 751•6525 I condo wlsame tNr so .. Nt O.C Airport .. 160 cseg VIEW CONDO 2 t>r, 2'h ba $800-$850 71'1758·2565 I 2 BR 1250 k gltden apt. Pool 710 W 955-0096 eves/wknd1. Cout Plaml Best otter See to Appreciate! S•Pll IEITW 2br 2'.-'tba, micro, gar 3 br, 2 b1 $950 ••ira Coate Condo 2 Br. Cge 11•73 .. 1.': ·up 1Cltti Street. Gent. non-smoker. llgl11 5,.0.2296 llt-llll Month of Auguat s 8 2 s 5 3 3 . • 3 o o . 3 br. 2'h bl $800 ... erport. ..., "° PARK NEWPORT kltch prlv. Rera. I Lido 1Br, deoOOO 675-17111 3 br. 2 ba 11500 furn plus den, decorated 3 bdrm apt, 2288 Clnyoo APARTMENTS I 5<48-7588. Shr 3 BR 2 Ba hme Coll Cd•• di I '"IC 8eecon Bay 3br500 4 br, 2'h bl $1350 thru-out, prlvlte p1t10. A,.rm1at1 Drive. lmmed. occ Pk CM w/M/F Pref pro .... x aute." , im~ C<IM beaut 5bruS3000 3 Br, a bl, watat k gar· <4 br, 2•,; bl $800·$&25 pool, ape. 11un1 lac .. 2 n•/·-:-1.-.1 $<4 115/mo. Clll Ruu, CO TRY CLUB UV G $230 plua UllllllH $100 no'n amkr 5260 mo pl(g, ulll pd. 2855 E. 11 w. "-Hnlront 3Br500 dener Incl S795. No Le Raisor Rlty 633-8600 cu garage. S775/mo .••• '!'..:':~~!!'. ••••••• &42-8153. UN IN Clepotil. Poot, nur OCC 646 27111 Hwy 675-6900 Wtttrfrtet..... peta • · • · .. lH. liU.' J10f VIII• M1der1, 2 br, 2 b1, A deluxe community on · PROFESSIONAL male Costa Men 250 sf IUlte ""' 644 2778 661 1336 IN NEWPORT BEACH 1150..().470 I . .. ....,.. -1'1-14M 1 Br quiet, yard. ,., Plus w1.••• lt1ti 3241 ,..,, ~ 3ZIO •••••••••••••••••••••• lemlly complex $500 .. lhe B.ck Bay Club hOu· I Small furn. room w/balll non-amoker wanted 10 $175mo Ulll tncld 779 range, Ip. adul11, no ;• ·~:3•9,"2"8;"~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 bdrm 1v. b1. S760 mo dep. End.gar. OW.moat ae & ape. 1 pool•. 8 ten· prlv Nr SC Ptau F i><lf share like new 2 be-w 19111 St 851·8926 t.lH. d o g ' I' t . + de P S795 Arch Bell Hg1a: SC Pllll ArH. 3 bdrm, yearly IN. lat & 1111 mo utila pd. 5<48-C 1'7 nla court•: dOH to bull· SSS/wk 568-1737 droom, 2 bath. San Juan Balt>Oa Penln Sub leaM 2 •i·-t•••'-J•" $445/mo. 5411-0588. 55 1·3037 Avail 61 15. lpc, lg yd. patio Now .plua 1250 Cleanlng dep 2 BR 1 'h Bl. !pie. O/W, ness & lhopplng. Caplllrano condo Fire. omces ol 1000 aq. tt. M . •• .".'.'!!-•••• ': ••••••• 6.!. Eastllde 2 Br w/pVI yard, --------·-IVlll $800. 5<40-C3 l 5 57S.08eS pvt patio & OI' No pell .... I "'" 40$0 place, pool, JICGuzJ. only • Utll. flflllorlal & parking Cllumlnt /Spuktln' 2 nu crp11/dr1p11, dbl L1n•1 Bnl1 3ZSO • 1 .. •-'I••~ ... L..... '525 mo 5.43-5'711 UnfU1'nlttled •tudlos. 1 & •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 m1le to beaeh Ind Dana 1nct 673-6610 ••'•tt•••••••••••••••• ., •• • wnB .,_. ,_ . 2 br. epertmenll. town-, Pvl rm, batn. gourmet Potnt Harbor $275 plua atory, 4 drm. 2 ba I•· carport Adulta prefer· HOME FOR RENT ;-9 •·2·a·""~e-.•m~···•• 1ni•11l1 3#1 WTSlll hOUMS meals. tranaportallon. •;, ulllllles. Call Gerhara Prime oll1ce 1p1ce, Co· mlly rm on Penln Point red. no pe1s. 1475/mo & 3 Bdrm $6 75 F1nced r. a. iu ocean •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 bd t I I S5'0·S 1000 lndry, companion. tor I 7 1 • ) 8 3 i • 2 0 4 0 or rona del Mar $850/mo 1 blk from B11cn and $300 MC. dep Opn 1-C yard & garage Kida & vS~e50w/. w1831k ;.~sM•ch •BR. 2BA yH rly. Frplc, Nicer~ ~·~I~ icllve, elderly lady Ir· <496-97~ 675-9510 81y. YMtty lea.M Sl.600 Set/Sun. 189 Senta Isa· pell welcome. 5•5·2000 mo · bit-Ina. p1fldng. Clole to utllitiea. 114~108 *Siver i t studios & 1 I vlne. 552.3037 ...._ mo. 675..0075 bet. 673-0231 Agent. no lee. Wi t.U 1 3111 bay & ocean . B r kr bdrm.unltaerelumllhed Sllr beaut ocean view O.C. •PlllT C«tu '•I llu 3ZU Hr 211 ~ :ft'· .. !! •.. ~.'.!!.......... 875--4912 Small 1 BR, 1 perton only. with lln• dealgner lurnl· i B1t1l1 /1111/1 4100 h(lme In Laguna w1111 1 Ottlce apace evallable, •••••••••••••••••••••• c-·1 .0•6 • i. ....• , .. ,, JZSZ HOME FOR RENT Npt p~•n··~-1 8r I .... no p9(L !)(Ive by 1918 c IU1'e & ~-Move ······'··············· 0 I h., s 4 0 0 p I u. I 55c/""' It 968-<>122 .. --•• , ....... ,........... .." -... Wll1~$325 llUI I ... ·-1 855-8755 ..... HARBOR RIDGE ---------13Br. 28a, wllklng dletence 3 Bdrm $650. Fenced lrplc, opn beem celllnga, · • In tod1y or , .. erve lor ,.~ I Ollice space avellable. Soar ing cathedral eel-3 Br. dining rm. tncd yard, 10 Dena Ntouet Lib & beh. yard & garage. Kida & garage. 15<40/mo. Avell 2 bdrm, 2 bl, MMI Verde, eummer months. Smanly Reu, w.-1y Rat• H.B stralQlll Prol gentle·1 llS< 10 Sl 00 per fool In llng1,be1ut1fulvlew, trplc.gerdener,nrOC grdnr, fse $695. petswelcome.545·2000. Cl/1.9.55·009Clev11/ flrepl1ce,dlallw1111er lurnlahedmodelaopen K.1,'~ttn -Phonet ,manwlflsharalarge CanneryVilllge Burr country kitchen, 3 BA co 11 e g • N o p •I•. <4llJ-&499 Agent. no'"· wttnoa. 1550 dilly. Z channel Movies 11ome near be1ch with Wh 1 RI 675~630 Yrly IM. $1900 mo. $750/mo 730-1515 731-83<le Sandpiper. 19117 New-male over 35 139 5 1 • Ir. Berrett Rtty &42-5200 New 2 Br Condo , n r 3 bdrm. 2 b•. vary nice. Ctr••• ''' •11 •••• On J•-..__ .. Rd. et .....,. -O---C-.-,-2---3 Br 2 Be. Monticello $675 mo N111r school ~· --3 ~"""' ""'' 963-8538. eves & wltnds llice 1n dm, nd stOfy Country Club. $790 mo. '"'2 2288. 1193 3117 . •••••••••••••••••••••• Large bdrm, 2 be, petlo, San Joequl" Hiiia Rd. Bl. Coate Men 545-9137 963-8723. walk-up Ocean view Spygteu •Br l1mlly Townhouae. No P•ll All 5PM 759-1268, .., • or • Welk to pvt beach, 28r. frplc, y1rd, tnclad ger 6 ... 4_1900 room. 2 lrplc ocean/ I S595/mo Sierra Mgmt •95-6279 HOME FOR RENT 1Ba. lrplc. lg petlo, toCI On Lila Ln. Avlll M1y20. .. SUUll llTfl. Yg sot wanted to'"'' t>r cpll, drpa & penellng h1rborY1ewa.St95oimo. Co.6'l·132•· 2B<:lrm.1475.Gerege 1 garage, ordnr . Cape S650permo. Newtydec.2Br,lbe,111t ln Wklyrental1 now1v1111 house nr OCC. C M •20 sqlt 57>54•• M 5--077e. leu hi lar L•kt T1111I 3ZSS c hi ld OK . no pet1 Cod,compleletyrerndl'd. 5'48·193e kllch. Encl patio. gar $105 & up. Color TV. $250 No nsmkr II TIE WITEI LG 1 BR AVlll 6/1, gar. 4 bdrm. 2 ba . temlly 3°br~·2~~·.;;:,;;,ic~·;~ 545-2000 Agent, no '" 1 1OO0 mo I 7 1') 1 Br upatelrs pool 011 1535 no pe1a 6<42·2134 Phonu In room. 227' 631·5783 011t exec suite. 2.012 aq W/0 1torage $695 673-11508 833-2900 ' ·. ' N___, Blvd CM fl -·•·g 2 ew-OICI 5 · · · 1 room, lpc, dsllwahr, sir yard. cov'd patios. up-C ' • • Cod · p a Id . Re I • re q 2 BR. 2 Be. gar, l ple, Pl· w-.,.,. · · · Promontory Pt fem IOO· . """ ~~ . 7 1 9 •,; M • r 1 go Id · COOi, fenced yd. dble gar gradeo $900. 770-2623 •• ,.,., .. , Y $335/mo. 1<47 Flower St 110. blk 10 beach. $6251 11•6-7<4<45 king lor rmmste to share I paruoned sub-oles, lg 11-40-4255. Xlnl achoola. $825 Eves .••• ~~!!!~!!~ •• !.~~~ 2 br. lrplc, encl garden & 6'5-8181. mo. 8<4()..3787 s ... ,, l••lili 4200 2Br 2ba ocean vu apl ~~~~,w~ a~~d~~~ ~n COZY 2 Br. frplc. new 1 2•3•533•9082 Resort-like adult tract nr ~all~ 6~8:i,~~i. Cell tor 3 Br. 2 Be yard, lrplc. $&40 Eutbluff. 2 bdrm, 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• 5450• 675"3605 I decoration style. beaut cpta, am f:,tlo. SO of Hwy. 3 br, 1v. be houae. 234 lli11i1• Vi1j1 3Zl1 SC Plza Pool, grdnr PP garage. $880/mo BrOke< be. Patio. pool, Nrepl8ce IAYRllT Resp mother w1nta 10 stir 1n appearance. In loc l 725. Cl 3-l73<4. Flower St. $850/mo •••HOME•F•OA.RENT°"" Otux 1Br. No pe11. 1475 2Br 2ba. raised celllng. 851-8800 78 1 Amtooe Wey •bdrm. 4 beth, aandy apl/coodo or hae in Irv prestige oldg Newport 2 B<:lr 1 Ba. den. 2 lrplc, 21 979-1137 alt. •pm 3 Bdrm $675 Fenced & $<45 util. 775-2560, lovely loc. not far lrom f2().1114 beach , pier & lloa1 Up 10 $250 •99-1661 I Arches Marine Bldg cu garage. trg patio. 3 Bdr 2 Ba, nu crpt, no yard & garage Kids & 556-t82CI ~!,8.';.~.. $ 11151 m 0 · 3 Br 2bl, frplc. patio. Cozy 2 Br 1 Ba. beamea ~8000 1~ A~Y~;6Blll Proreulonel Female 10 6•2-C6'4 new I Y decorated peta. nice yard. $700 peta welcome. 5<45-2000. So. CoH t VIII•. dbt 2 BR vv-vvvv children ok. no pet1. celllng, patio, garage, rundy. tr. 1· anare w/aame rurn Pro---CIST--1-RSA ___ _ SI050/mo.517Polnaet-6<42-9772 Agent,no lee 2 Ba,nrSo.CatPtazi. Cnu#"' 3114 25160rengeAptC. Newport Htlghta.No 2bdrmlurncondo,CM montory Pt apt 1 152 roomofllces lrom tie. 1144•1093 •CLUI I .. (J• M n "'" 3Zll Sec. g1te, pool, clbhae, •••••••••••••••••••••• $580, 6'2-1415 pets. s 52 5 /m o . Ava II 8119 thru 8/2 1 1157·015 1 5205 uut lnctUded. Smit! 2 BR corner· used .. '.'!r................. S800 979-611!9 MSTllT Ill 2Br 1b1, 1v11t now. -ta/ 845-tC182 S550 mo 5"·5419 F-2 ... re,,... 11ae CdM Realooomlcs 675-6700 k I II 2 Br. cuperts, drapes. oc RE TA s •5 5 •"'"5 " 8r 1'~ ..-_.. ... .,,.. bric rplc., lldwd rs laundry llook.upa. len-• N L • 1 • ....,. Imo. .. . children ok. $<480/mo. Large 3 Br. 2 Be. frplc, H 8 condo. pool & tennis w/wkg women own bd 1268 sq It. Dover. Newpof1 CloHdS gar. Below C12" ced yard, garage No 1·533br'• S200 lo $72000 Aur,.1•11 F•111l1i" Ba.~~~· Ill built-Cell 8'0--0997 l1m. rm. deck, dbl g•· July & Aug $800 mo plus Ba. wall/dry c11 2 Buell Choice patio Hwy. 1190 6<42-09 . Dogs. '550 watef peld. 750-1<4 oe>en -days ·'•"•••••••••••••••••• Ins . ..,.....,..~. launelry rm. rege. upetalr1. S750/mo 960· 1085. bch Non smkr. $325 I oc a !Ion. S 306 mo C173-8355 714/960-39&9 645-7947 Nwpt Blutta. 3 Br on cha+-'-•1111 110Z ~etlonred puking. Nice *p~:i'. :Pr :.·i5:~~s::O. 760-18&8. 2BR 2b1, furn, old CdM, 760-1323 631-l<>IM I •••••••••••••••••••••• ""'"41 Spec11cut1r oceen & c ty 2659 C Orange. ca greenbelt, eherp. RENTAL Furniture. en1lre TSL Mgmt 1142•1803 Carport. 752·5822 or IUCI YUIU lrom S 1000 monthly. WF to sllr llovae w/2 lrg R_e_n_t-11-,- 11 -.-,-0-p-llo_n_n_r _O_C ~'::,!i~ ~~~;. l~o:'~~:~ 2 Br enclld garage, Ur· $1125 6'<4-5319 pkg. Including l1mp1, 1141-1<480. 0 Ix 3 B r 2 b • • 0 ar. MI y 1 5 -SI p 1 5 . BR. 1 bl. lrplc, aun-4ecit. Airport <4800 eq It bldg 2 Br. many imenltlH. pits. drepu 773 W CitJ tJcMtl plctur11. lie for $200 • HAIL .. t . $800/mo. ,21 E. Bllbol 759·12"3 3 blka from bch CdM ,.200 'sq 11 A C olc $1200/mo.ClllAnthony Wiiso n . No pell toe•Y1ew mo .. 3 mo.mln.Ntce lle8tiB.AU S4 15/mo.2Br.1B1. Blvd 873-2 769 ,0CEANFRONTluxury2Br s3eopermo Ullllnct 200AMP3pheH,gu•· days 842-5757, 1ves & 1525/mo 631•48119 atull, dtp. req'd . Pvt. lllln--1 pool, laundry rm. new 675-9797. No. Laguna. Jae. trplc, 1175-172 1 rantffd tenant 1.000 sq 3 bdrm. 2'n bl . •P•. Pty. Cell Dally Piiot _,., wllly/mo <49<4 1725 Sh 1 d 2 br 2 It. Flnanclnn Below mkt. wllnd• e3l-6&30 E/Side 3 br. 2 bl, lam rm skylight. dectt, fireplace, Anawer Ad N o • 78. Buutllully l1nd1CIJ>9d c:erpet. upper unit. Thia Exec r1tra11, 1 bdrm • r rvine con o, • By~ ·54....502 Lg• newly remod. 3Br, w/lrplc, fenced yd, o•r· all extras. $825 per mo 6'2·'300, 2• hr• garden apta. POOi & Spl. one wont latl condo, aeuna. gym. pool Charming home nr surl, ba, on lake Pools. NU·1--V-""-"'----- 3b1 & fem rm. tn lrvlnt dener, cpta & drps. 96'4·3•116 Covered parking. Heit TSL Mgmt. 6'42·1803 tmmec. cond. $600/mo. old CdM. 3Br + comple-n5a. le0nnl•. eurclae rm. IEWNllT IUCI H OO/mo. tsi & 1111 + "1111 .,,. 3111 aid No-11 2 BR lo 6'2-1181181631-7110 1e1uurn, re11rvat1ona 30 I mo . utile Pd Terr. S 1500/mo s•oo •vall now. 277 2 Br.2 blc:ondo,lrpl,enel "' p · ,..... . ,pvt pet ,new paint 857-8062 •"TurnKey01flce"S390 831-7118, 1145-0-«5 R "'c, b 1; H 0 0 d L 1 n e . unit, pool. Bike lo beach •••••••••••••••••••••• BICflef« '395 & q>ta. vecant and av.II. 1 BR. yrty. Utlll Inc. Npt. 117 584 •"Branch" Offa $75. ,,.... 556-1737 Encl garage. 1 child oll CASA IE OIO 1 Br. , "40-"56 now. 1475 mo. Cell Larry Shrs. 14•5. Avt. lmmed. Newport Beach 'h blocil to M/F lhr ' br houM. Nwpt •Seminar/Mtg Room• Cftfl.... .,_,,, Avill. 51111/62. $850 year ALL UTILITIES PAID 2 Br. 1 'I• B1. '510 or Pam, 6<40..1158 6'2-83llO, Cl73-9<450 oeeen. deluxe 3 Br. 2 Ba. Sllorea, nr belch, pool, hOurly. •••••••••••••••••••••• PUR OPTwlthl91i3 lease Sec dtp S850 2250 Venguard5"°"'1M12CI S-450/week . t1nnl1 Gare~, WI O, •Typing, m1lllng1 n:i ~-mr ~~E=f'''° 95 873-7737. ~~i,g~!t~~~ ~:.~ mu. MllPllCTI ~_!~! •••••• !!;!~ ~.~'!!!!!'.'. ... /!.!~ 21311181-1705. ::.:.· f:.!~ Imo & 1 ~Info 762~. Rent In COii• Meu·a 750-33t<4 BACK BAY Condo. 1dlt. tures: Pool. 880, cov'rd $<476/mo. 2 Br, 1 Be. 1Ctr1 terge 1 Br. ocean Stud io apt, oce1n view. • yeer old cuatom dMded NE w E 8 T g a 1 •d 20 oriented, 3 br or 2 & den, guege, aurroonded wttll ept1. new carpet. Pllloa. view. bullt·lna, laundry utll lnd'd. $375 mo. 332 home. 1'h blka to beleh T h VILLAGE SECLUDED 3br exec pool 2 be. bltna, trig•, W/O. plush 11ndsc1plng. No carports. Cet OK. lee .. ended get. No pets. Encino In San Clemente In Newport. Upatelra 2 own ome 11om1,dblger.NOW lrpl,annewdlCor,poola _.,, TSL Mgmt 1142-1803 S<425/mo.M1·i335. {eeetlleMgrApt C) Or.2 B1.1lffp16or ? COM~UNflY. 2 & 3 It. $550 • I •950 1 ,...... 1 2'!\ Ba. tCI00-11100 aq. It. OC·AENT"LS .. pet o. • mo it, 1 Br. furn. trom S-490 =>reslloloul locltlon. 2 Br. 2 Br. lug1 duplex with Bottom unit ""Pt• or Of pure twiury. o.reoee. 75().3314 " tul & MC. 542-1155 2 Br turn. from $580 1 A.. s' 7 5 1m0 View deck. 1 blocil lrom R1•" r5•tlo7.w31tll l•cunl llydro-tuba lnmuter lllO&IYllLSI 365 W Wlfaon.1142·1971 \\fc:alfleld CIC11 -9t13, 11111 ·5112<4, bHcll $$75/mo.Mon-1'/8., ·t .. · 1u1te, d ining r oom•. HURRY 1am11y Ill• 3br 2 BR McL•ln Canelo Dau l-1•I 3111 UllTllllTI. 837-0708 Fri. 599-0821. Evu & Vit1tl•• IMlili l.Z$0 ~o-~~ngo~:'~: ~~+:': ok 1485 $1075 !>"'mo. Celt a.rry •••••••••••••••••••••• Buut11u1 gud1n 1pt1. fl f11t U'1 Wknda 840-4025. OCEA.NFRONT°2T4"8," v1tt p1tloa & 750-331<4 1173-7781 or7CI0-1397 Super 1 Br. Vlltl. bllc:ony, P1tiol/declla. H .. I paid. •••••••••••••••••••••• Adult •tudlo w/atove, r• Aval!. noiw. Wffllly thru yud1,g1rd1ner provl· Big Cenyon Condol 2 & 3 ~~n~ ~n ::-:ri 7~:~ No petl. 2 Clllldren -'· =>HE A SA NT Crute El l rlg. Utll pd. 1250/tno. eummer 1973-7171. ded. Elegent llvlng only Remoctalde, ledb..,,2.bkrldon• .~30t· er .. lull golf oourM view, 5,.. •••e. ,93-0903• ~·2 ... •535 Toro. New, dlx. 1 br, 1 SS10 move In. <4911-8462 15 -'-·• Ir F··...__ "" ..,. furn ... .._.. or unfurn pool ...._ " · .... • be. t4rldO. P•rlcllke Mt· ........... om _...,., OC-AENTALS ........ • • 3 Br. 2 ea. MOO ung. wai.r oriented, ten· .,.,._,, tu.bW A,.rl•••I• f•,.lliH ttalnd. 7 mlnut• to s.c . 750-33t• :::'.':,~~!Y&:,~200 .... u.,,.. 3M w. W1llor) nta. pool, •P•· Wtr. Pd. • •• ,__ --., n•.•--,, ..... Plue or O.C.Alrport. INIA 1141 4131-6583 or 1142-3708 $500. eas.1525• to-6PM ••••••~'::-:.':' ••••• ~ •••••• '!1.!:!:" •••••• ~ Ju1t 111t Of Newyort OC·RENTALS New oceanfront 3 Br ft · •••••••••••••••••••••• l"'""/mo. "' Br. 1 •-. ,..._ ---------8'vd. & '°·Of Sen OlegO t-5br'• $200 to l2000 1y ,, 2 ])le • """ 4 ... .,..-Frwy. stM1lnG .... oo. 150-33•• "'*' 1~"' ,m~~r· ~$-(i~.,1y 11 ., ~.. .,., .,,, .. encled gereoe. lu.,,_ month. U1-&43t, 2•13 mo. · ..,... I r ... 1 balcony/petlo, laundry a.uA #ff Or1noe Ave., Co1l1 ..... lfhl llJ Cozy Npt Cr .. t town· Spanllh Eatlte uvtngl rm. Avtll. S.5. •t~:'•••••••••••••• Mete •••••••••••••••••••••• home pool tennl• nr 811ultful perk·llke aur· TSL Mgmt. 842·1903 r~ WHIFFLETAll 1·2·3 • <>oet n vi.w townhouM 3 • • • T 8drm A ti num S ... ••y ... 2, ..... 1 .. 501-.... •At t>e2e!.~7• Cell lo ee1 roundlnga. 1rt1c1d Aoo-J.i It T-llouM . P .... F • ·pa, --,. ..... .. ...... ""' " -vvv pool . 8unk•n g11 bbq, .. ., • v-•· 8eune poet """"'· etc. Slt.31L TownlloUNby 4911--&MO. apukllng 1ount1l na. •Pt 1" quiet adult com-~111 babb=ln brooll trplo, II • --Hll'bor View HorM 3 Br. 2 &pecloue rooma. ae..a. pi.1e. N.-fy decoreteil. ___ P_-O_IO-_ltlde ___ _ d/W ~ ' meny •,,., ._. Ba. temlty rm. 11150/mo. rate d......., .,... w~ flf~. erlCllecl petto & ~ • lllta Ill· ' ' !ic;O •••••••••••••••••••••• PurclltH option 1vall. oioe.t"'"~ ltit kltdl 1*''0-· 8ofry, no tr.•· oe 2br • 2be, bit"'· ~!':-.:'.° r.'t a :::, .... bdrm,1113 .. J.rMMl•lr cono . 54..-77. en 1 :abl!let•. :.lk 1; 100 Mo. 846'33 1 or ~~· tt.t rn1i.,_~. ~ .. .... ,,..__..__ Hunl ....... on c.tter. 17&-&94t. . -... no peea. ...........,, Ttmle/poof. JtSO. Btutta ..,.,.....,, 3 If, 2 Ba. 1 '~. IOoe S5004a25/mo, 2 It. 1 k IM-f.MI ma -21'°"31•5127 ..,. CIGMseso'°1 ~ poot 2 Bdrm -unlurn from 1 1torlp,!1ha?,· drepe1.~ --~--b-118C-h-.-a-br-. 2-.. -4 ed 2 I , ~I mo:· Ag•nt -'d-.. ......, '"' • 1111 •utla,,.. ~ IMS petlo, ,d w.beM!ed gw,...,... .--. ..--home.~..._ A · ~..,,., r tght1 & no at•••· ~. ~.,.. IMIA 3141 ..... NO pete. M2..,atOI, .. 71/nio. 213/taM1M. ,,,..... t,...t2 IMC" •••••••••••••••••••••• ---.. .. " .._ I 2'.. F ~HTAL8 _,._'" "'• ""'"'· ,. Utllltlet rwt *•· tw LO. f'Na. LA. 1M ..... &~77t2 I Ir. 1 ... ..,.. ,.,o, ,... t~'• UOO to S2000 bl ...a. home. tlO deg, LA ~HTA ~ CetPort, pool! ...... 11. .......... AN, 19', Mt MO. tlN COftflMttt... 760o3314 Clplll\ 1-deya ~d Int VltllirT. ht. g•· 1_, ....,...._, ., • ...... .-et~ o kk. 182-llH or l dep. ..,....,, t7IOIMO ..... to01. te comm. ennla, ,... .----• , -.... , ..... NOMI '°" MHT ,..,.If, ~. t1. W. Of 9etdt, a lllla I. of '" • ...... Z.,, 1"'9. 1171 + 1171 --. a lctm. N71. 'eM'4 IOO per no. 144-2061 ldlnfer. *2 It , -. ...._ wer-. dep, ... M. '" .... " ....,,,., .!.!:.' ... ~ ~~=o~=: 2 t.Utt '"· 2 ,_. t>a . ..., .... , "Pl*·""""''·* ah1d a ., .. ,.ctdH, !!~ .. ..._. J/"" ... "= ... k =... "°...: · s1001mo. l<lda/M'tf pet ~ ~ "~ pet1. O•r. tot11no. ..... no,....• t"4 -""' .. _ ..... ._... oti AVlll,... John -.,. m.tl74 t ad'"'· I blNllt rrom ............. "'*' ·~.-..,---,-~-b-.-ft-Ofc--2-ca_r_, a '1 2241 • ' -" •• •• • ........... • .,. "' earJHel'•r. ~ 111 remllr.'aeoo. • '11'"· L9f4'"• leeotl ,.,. 1 •I IL•• ---.:-re••· Aw•h. ""· .... ,,..o. .lwM , ~ *""'9 lefle a llllPY.,..,..,..... H•"'!l"°'' •• '411· .. ~!!!::!!.,.!!:!!!h!r"'*_:.,_•_~.: 171·1111 •ldye. · It.~ I• m•ny entenl• TV,-.,........., ~ • ffte.f, lllOOI. ~ 71MtM ._..,.... 1tr co"do. t HO/Mo. .._ IUIO!Me. Cll,.,.. r::::.L 11 tllw.-. '~· 11un1, M "'•· ,., eM •1"1'-......., ... Cccs•111slll. (~ tflfftY ._,. 141·1187, 7. ltl;eirl. l'.Mt ·-•LO._. ~Me .. .-9:JO ,....,.._ . .,,,..,..,..,,..-;I ,....., __ .. .._..,.,, ::,;.r.:~ .:;.:.'w:.:;=~ ::.·1.::~:1·.:~ ~,=; .. .,. MMll::t ··~:-... --~'"· .....,_, ........ =---=·,,.· .... =---.n:=· ~.:...,·""· a~..r E·?'J.~·•w.•'- KennebunkpQrt? Wasn't he the Ambassador ffom Australia under Teddy Roosevelt? ro~ AMMTE wanted to shr 2 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii br. 2 b• conao. Hunt. SlllU IFftCI Bch Fem to ahr w / lor rwil, 18X.20. $125 same Ev .. : 980·1223 .., ........ .., ..... lltt M. 10 ahr 3 Br apt. own 8alll, lull kllcllen, lrplc, ~~~~~~~~~ gar· CRloat 10 bei7ch, Smllll auite, 215 Rlvemde, S375 el•. 631-390 N.B. acrosa lrom Poat 2 Am• IVlll In c M. Muat Office, $350/l'f\O, b• 20 & over Kenny 8<40-5557 545.e838 tor eppt. M 21-35 to ''" quiet pool/ jet home. SC PllZI. non amkr $200 to USO. 6'41-3523. 4114-27<42 M/F lo ''" 4 br con~o In Nwpt Btufta. '235 + utMa. 720-0572 (Henry) FINO a SHARE In Nwpl/CdM er•. Ptot. lloy 2•-35 yra, 1tra1Qt11. enthualu ttc, nontmkr. K1tlly 157· t 112 (8·15 wt(dYI) . , ' . .. • • f ml, 11).,."'.,."'I '): ~I~ ... ~. ~1 '-7 P Oa-~"·""·········· Fer..li!!ltt ••.• " .. ~ ............. ~ ............ !i\!¥.w .............. ~'*'""'·········· !IJ'9'/fl. .......... : •• tf JIY L~ oet9. birth to I~ W. Otte Ct"pf ~ ILIOTfUOIAH-,,lced OMl*ltl'Y • MMonlY HAUUNO a OUMf' .. ..,..,. .... Hlftm M• •ALL you,.. ~·.:. ::~.o'~'d, r.... ''~oe::!t~ ~~·c!':J'U::.1• 0" ,Si~ JOe•·t.'f.Czl4 Mttl'f· ~~i1~:;:=~'.i,!r ·~~~t ~=~~'~r::.·~~:::~:: Mi '°'d-e Id -•u--Wn ... .....a111 Lio. &MU1. 11f.03H , • J 8. 14ttt0 a-wlaaal•.i• '°°"' ..,.nllve. CMClk f76-111t ., .,.,_. LA&: , .. _"'V1•-...... ~~r. our prlc11 before you•---------1" IM ...................... c..11r.-... ILIOT .. ICI AN; I.lo. """". ........... -"' ;;:~ ... "ilt9Lv·oti'AH Cl.ii Mar'll.. PAINTER N£EOI MIU •••• ... 1,111111t ....... i .. ttmri ..... u1101.o.10. 1m111 .,.!''A"'""'u~ HOUH'P c1110111111•m ~ • ..,....., :1~1<~:.c•:;.1~ Pl.IT C~om ~ 0.:CM"~~ Job•. Mllnt ' rtpllfl Ille. tr,:;, :~'rob toO 0111 ,r ........... in LI 0 2 u. u . c •II OeYI• Ptlntlng 847·5 fie ....... Oto Ill ' petfoe. J.a. w uet, . IO. '41·5203 ttntll 94 ... HH 0 •• c IAH N ..... 1551 Conlt. Oo. lop qu1llty "-/OOftl "°9 141·Hl3 AHIO/COMM'UIND • • =-= I ~hof I 0 ...... Pllltlll ....,.., work. Lio. No. 310101. concrtte: Remove Old. 20 yt•. 00 ...., own WOtlt. Gen«ll M•lntenence ........ ,.. ..... .:_ .ra:n., lfatMn 2& yr• ••P· Lio. 4()5'941 00 IT NOWI 'r" Ml. 5SMSU Aepleee New. Sm/lgt Lio, 279°"i"Al 84t .. t2f' "'"-'rt I Deoorltll\Q ....,.. ,_.., v•o-ot •••h•ifo••••••••••••• Bofld.ci. Int Rift. COio( "NE HOME J°'". AtpairJ. 8"5-1512 Quel)ty.• Rey 840.51•4 UOl111U IRICKWOAK: lm1ll Job• expert. eea.ot1t Ololl IM fw ..... IMPAOVI MI NTtl If-~ 1.,_J,,l flJt iXPIAT HANDYMAN CL8ANINO HAVICI!• ~:.~.~~~1fs.~~ Your Diiiy Piiot Addltlone a -Cllll-. . •'-,·~"·M·1~:·c·0·r~N·r•e••Ao,:• oe~try . DOOfl~ Ae .. .inabl• r1111, 1r11 Top Ouellly, 10 price, •--..a.... Ot • ....,,.__. • .., •••••••••••••••••••••• "'" "'" .., " ~ C B ICk 8 prompt. 61tl I Int lpec· .... ~ rwlory • DAV CAAi!, My llome. T~C.Dlnellrefaced Plum f\Q,•tc. 842 l3 MllmelN Ullom r ' IOM, 111111.R.e&Comm'IP:rN ....,,...,,tetlw ca!W Pll'tOnel loVlng care. CM f'rM Mt. 9'2·5351 1 l<HOW-LET'S O!T !0-_7_2_0_.Q_7_42_·-----~=~· .. ~:c~~~·a..i~-=9~ _u_t._1_1•_·_73_t_.0_1_oe __ _ 141 ... ll, tit. HI _ .--trM. 1U11 tlrM. llQN 2~. • •-'--/ Diii Ht c.n n1t 111ytnlngl Hou1.clHnlng, llonell I ~~~~~~~~I -iu.t...,,,.......... Me.'1258 ,,..,_ •94-teJt des>tnd•~ CUllOM IRICKWOAK ..... ,..._ ,_..1 .c Child Cert In mv llOtM. nr 11,J~ IJ&l1 •MALL JOBS lfllllng 9e2·2f90 SMALL/LAROE J088 Int/ext WtyM Lelfler br::;-.1 Lie. #34.192 no-e"'4 19111 a Pt~nua. Oo•t• •••••••••••••••••••••• .. : p • Npl/CM Atlf1 a..11.a512 (IXOYE) 711 1·9103 ·o,;;:;;:;;;.;;,~·L~i· CUiiom Loi Ownet• MMe. 842·6111 ••AU.I •Y ~mb; eiec. ,c~~1; ~o~~~C~~=~8~1 Jl,--'H Pllntlng/Wtltpeperiftg • • 4 ' I tHllf'~ ...•... ~ ..•••............. Nell petQlee. 14NctUfN lllfl9 fl(ll ,,.. Mt IQ..1Qt ,Ml HT. 14().2092 'lAITU. ,ATCHIHO TILi IHSTAU.IO .... tuooo• lnl/1111. ao All 1(..,., ~, Yf•· Helt. ,.,,,, 846-2t17 Ml. JoM a.o.t2 t7 r!~~1~1. ........... . II IU. ..... 1121 •11111' a l&Y• r. .. ~~ ............ . 1MJ ""'• ftM/11 MOit IUbteofl, ~1• •••••••••••d•••"••••• Dey, ev e eummer. QUALITY COmm/rH , 12 lt6M yra e11p. R1p1lr/rtmod. Mf. MofQtl\, 14M111 R•I• f'lller, heeler I ~--------.,­eweep Mii 913 1114 Moll IUbJeot1, I<· t2 I college. 2& yra ••P· IHll•• U /hr. M r . Moroen ······'··············· 646.8111 LlbOf/MllttieJ "00111\Q ---------All typ11. 10 Y't 11tp, P-1•• lfmn lie, guar Ltrry e.2-8233 :1~"'••••••••••••••• SIS Mphlt 831-'19tllc der? PIHH con•ld•r c .. ,,., ...... """" Lou'• H~n Setvlce AM 176-2814 ·ABC MOVING· Llc'd Oevld 9'•·8090 Mfg guat of chemic.I Prol111lon1I Typlno I Book!IMpll\Q, my ho(nl. Lynne 831-4279. Repllre. SMIC:oallnQ. LOOlclnO tor• home bufl.. Ct1r1111ne a t!d Me.7825 t . r" • · to Y'•· Jenlot'• Aeo9td> •• ~•"••••••••••••••• Ouallly '#Ofll-f .... rate. I ROOF FIREPROOFING Rendall E. Pr.-ey Jr I •••••••;;;;i•••••••••• Oenerel t1p1lr1. Low Oulek. Cateful ~ 00 IT NOW Fr .. "' ALLSTATE PAVING Fr""' Wiiton. Perk vi-REMOOELJADO.ONS """"•• rel••· 10% Off ltbOf for HOUSECLEANING f'r .. Nllm&IN.55"-041( I D•VI• Pelnll"" 6'7·511S8 Wl'-~.._ "'---'•• Setlcoellng·Slr= H.., 1 El T Ofc and Carl*!lfY. UC'd. ....................... Sr Clll?en1. 35 yr1 1xp. AMIOl\a~ • 1 ... ...~:"~.':~· ...... .. ~rt Comm.I 1::1:-r90 OfO . 25 YMft, lnwtn 6'a.2119 -... ... 77().1417 enytlml. Tanye 913-t•Ot *A-1 1n1•• .!l!.'!!I.............. REPAIRS 125 to $19$ "l.C the SUnlNM In" Lie 1397382 9'~1181 Fine flnl1h10 carpentry, u:n, .. ·tr~~~llll EXP. HOUSECLl!ANEA Top Quellty. SOeclal c.rc Ferll\ll\Q lnterlaf ONlgt1 fr .. "t Call anytime, Cell SIMllhlne Window d II P.cl.11.1 '' ""''"'_,..,,., .. J--~ n In hendl""" 2& vyur1 exp HANGING 110/ROLL WALT 770-2726 C ... nl~Ltd 6'8.ee&3 Den Hlllb«g Gr.cill\g c • .,~ .. ,,,. remo • "i • L-...... ..._nA1o•""AA ... _ .,,. R•ll•blt, , .... ,r.. ••• ..... "-·-" Lie/I St ..,.., . -1y ""-~~. Co "'-'Com "' " Lie • 1'"' 1 A1ndell _., -..-....., ,,,_.., ,._.. •... ,, •• 2• 9 Com"'""ltl~ RllN ..,,,_ty. n1. rip· Hu"-Roofl""·•H ..,,.... ,v-,. "' ..,,_,,, & Piiiing .._, I. ••• •••••••••••••••••• . ,. • ., • 6'9~8 Of cell •••••••••••••••••••••• .,.. 2 .. ,,,e, • .,., ... 1 ....,, ... Ol9C .,_ . ._ .,,,... Lie 3979CM 9'2-1720 CUSTOM SPA DECKS 120-t290 An. w" Ad '6 47 . HARDWOOD ,LOOAS No ovetllme 730-135~ vr':ic ScOt~ ~25 New·rlC()W(-decilt •RESIDENTIAL.* PtllOI, ~-Lle'd. w u_ ... 2-'""" BMutJfully ci..n.d Wiil er.an your hOUM Of STARVING COlLEOE ... Uc •• 11902 S-'9·9734 Avg 1 11y '30. Avg 2 ...., A•l••lln John Of Rick 979-32111 f.~~·~.!"!~~~f. ..... .,.,.., end Wiiied 832-'981 ottlct. Ei.o .. palntlno.11 STUDENTS MOVING Expert w1llco11erlng In· • , .. , ' a..s Chtlt 957~· •• , ••:::•.(j.;0•aHiNE°:::·· e1rt, m1n1e11, kit. c•bl· K&D Lend.ape Mllnt plumbing 54•·9005 co Uc T12•·•3e 11111111on. R111 prlc11 ~!!..!.~!!~/.......... W1'l4ewl ...W Cullom Auto o.t1llll\Q C•,...I ltmn net1, rtlHd pentllng, ~/Comm~n91. B11ll1• Jo111'1 C*nlng t«Wie. lneured. 9'1-9427 Con1u1t1nt A11lgnm1n1 BUDGET RATES/Uc'd BILL 54&-1•92 ........................ doora. bookc••••· r•· __ L_l _H_"_*ng_. __ • -'--1 ...... ~.............. HOUMI, Apt• .. Rental• WATCH us OROWI • 581-8590 I Low min Sml job• Ot< INloe'• bell Blltc 1 lly No Steem/No Shtmpoo mod. & edd·Onl. )(Int Qardenll\Q Wented HAULINO-etudent hH Offlcet 5•0.1297 ASA PAPERHANGING FrM •I ln1 8'1·7581 120. 2 lly l30. J.W.1111•1, Stein S~laHtt. Fut rlfa. Lie. Bs.49278. Mowing, edging. reklng, ~· truck. Low111 ret• Bt.,lallll•• #1nl•J. ltm,.1 1 yra locel up. Guer • 559· l302 ••• •••••• ••••••••••• ory. fr• NI. 839-1682 538-238e 1we1pln,. Free Hll· rom~I. Cell 769-1976. •••••••••••"•••••••••• N~·r;~~. :1;;.·~·;;;,;;1~~· work. Prlcea 1tert 11 •!!!!'.' LET SPRING SUN IN! WC:~','! ~f~1d!:k~~ Crpt1 lnet111/~lr.ci n.-•JI rutH. '5-4372 or __ T_•_n_k .. you ___ . _Joo_n_. --i IDllL ced 1111ll1bl• for home 18/roll. ~lee 751·7027 • Mob.1."~;;,;·~l'c;,·• Cell Tony'a Window MotMr ni..1'111. 648-3944. FIOOd dem•r· Steem :-:1.-;................. "5•5737· DUMP JOBS lLTUU11YI help care. 569-8194 we11paper1~Pelnlll\Q Repelrtreplece Cu1tom. c100 1•w•n1ng. 5'7·58•8. "' ••• ••t "1" ....... DRYWALL TAPING • '"WN ,. .. .RE & Smell MOVI"" Jobi R a 83t..e30() Ive Lie. mother wlll cere for clf\Q."_...." '• ~v'7VV All textur• 6 tCOUttlc com~rllld~"'"t/CM can MIKE 848-1391 Live 1" MCurlty plu• m•· 1, J II• R"/oom'I. dlnavlen • a mtg -------- your pre-ac;Nr. Lg Yf'd & ShempGO 6 tlMm clean. FrM Nt. l<trYln 815-90911 Xlnt, reliable ;"ork. ture lewlng Cir• ror pel1 ••'•~•••'-••••••••••••• qual. Hiimer 5'11·7875 I • kl -~ .. ----- gel melll. 9'5-5313 Color brlghtenere, whl OR"'WALL/ACOUSTIC Onr/IV>I, Barry 845-741 2 PROF. SERVICE pl~!'..'',,· ...... H 81 Fiii PAtmH .I!!~ .. !!!............ $1 67 Per Dar crpll • tO min. blHCh. ' ..,.. ""'"'' ..... OUM 1 ~~4;! b AIChlrd Sinor. Lie IAol r• A •Sprlnlller Rep11r• • I will babyllt In my home 5 Hell. llv/dln. rmi $15; avg Repelrt, new l old. t 1 THE QRASSHOPPEA er.~~?· yard ~lellnup (Since 1919) 83 • 2X08,4• 13 yr• of hepp~ ••••• 11/..'-f .'1.......... Res.tcomm Commercial Thet'1 ALL you Pl d1y1/wk. 19th 6 Po-room 17.60; couch 1 10: YT'• exp. Bud 562·9582 CC>mp1911 Llwn Melnt. v,.. 8=.11r .. "'· Leev• your worr111 b•· 1oc11 Ciutlon'I«•. Candid Photc:a of your . Leno1e1pe Services IOf 1 mona, C.M. Mt-5713 Of chr 15. Guer. ellm. pal ,,,,.. • ..1.-• Dominic 842-41161 hind, Prof h1t111ter wll Thank you, 831·"10 I moll tre11ured memo· 957-8388 30 dey Id S3t-517• odOf. Crpl reptlr. 16 Y'I ::::~':.~ ••••••••••••• --------HAULING •nd IOCl l mo-e&1• f()f you< hM a pell rlet Lynne, 8e1-'218 In ow B•by1lttlnn, fenced yd, Hp. Do work myHlf. LIC'O ELECTRICIAN TIUI Ying 1tudent With truek. 6'8-2952 QUALITY PAINTING I ,. I r.11.,, l&llY lunch & ·~~ .... t Included. Reta. 531-0101 ""··•. ~k.n~. retN T.......,./~. CMltn Lewie 875-9190 10 eerv1 O C lh1I I 111 .,.,. •••••••••••••••••••••• PILlf .. ._.. vu. -"' .._ ........... --------~ J I •-J "'' no '11·5 ••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ALL AL TERAT10Ns Coile Mela. 848-7939 EXCEL CARPET CARE FrM NI. 831-5072 Tom up, lewn rtnOY. 76 1·3478 Heullng, gredlr.~en .!!!.7.."!!t!.! ••••••• ,_R_euon __ •_b_le_. __ 14_·_...,.._ Le1v1 iour worrl11 b•· i & Cullom LMlh« WNr SDYIOl Child Cite Hrvlce. Co· Cpl. 119hoi, trM rug TOP OUAUTY MOWING • CLEAN UPS up, demolltlon ell Reymond ~. 389 E 811ho9 6 Son Palntll\g hind. rof pet1llter Wiii 10078 Adami 962~53<. lllQTll'f rone 011 Mer. 3 to II yr cletnlng. Woril guar. ELECTRICAL WORK Htulll\Q • Landtcapll\Q & lrH remove! Oulck 17th. 1 t8. C.M (1cro11 30 yr1 l)(p . BMcn arM. e&1• l0t yovr hM & pelt. 1se LL idle ttem& wtth a 142 ... ll, ..... 22 old. Vickie 759-1083 Fr .. Mt IMS-1?71 Reu. rtlel. &31·5055 FrM •t. 9'2-9907 ..vie:. 5'2-7839 lrom Relpl'l't ) 831-6105 FrM NI 5'8-1029 1 5'9·2952 Diiiy P110I Cl.,.,1'90 AO •• • l1Jhn11#1111 ff JO •·~al•n• 1 ._,. ~!.~.!.~ .... !.~ !!f!!~! .......... !.'.11..'!.~~'!. .... !.{!'. !'.'l.!'!!!t'!. .... !.{~ !'.'l..'!.~!'!. .... !.{'!f 1 !'.'!..'!!!~'!. .... !.{'!¥ lf-.-fl..'!! ... ~'!. .... !.{~l lJ.~11..Vf!!.~'!. .... !.~~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ,, .. "' ~~ I CORONA DEL M AR ... .. .... ;(........ }"11 tf .. lf4 101$ BOOKKEEPER/OFFICE General office Huvy L1UL &SSllTAIT ~--.:..:- Offlc1/Medlc11/Aellll ... y.......... •••••••••••••••••••••• BANKING Growing Co111 Meu phon11. bookkeeping, Excel opport. tor take· PHOTOGRAPHV High vlllblltty II MecAr-. -~ fnlM\ IM Young rneffled men would Oe1lgn Firm hH lmmo· 15.00 hr Certified Ap· charge legel Htlttent thur a PCH 1000 to By ownr. 981• 230 eppl ~ IUl'1 Ilk• odd Jobe en• & diet• openlf\Q fOf l*IOfl pllat\Qe. e.42-02•0 •bl• to uiume 111 ru· &llllTAIT lllUEI I •OOO •1· fl \viii. Ea. UIEIT/..... ID~ FREE ~-:::'~~m":n•~ SENIOR experienced In llghl General Office. pllrt llme. pon lndei>endenlly end OIL• Pllmll Ag1n1. Im Slo11, Butl· I Ml. k bookkMplng (A/P 6 AIR) typing. en1w1r p"'one. w I th co r Po rite I 1 w • n•H Properll•• Brok•· Smeck In th• m ddl• of 972-9625 91111• .. for s•vtNGS REP & generel ofllc• proc•· 1·5. Mon ttiru F,'1' No knowledge 1 person, FROM EX 1 Hour Photo Systems Is rage Co. 71'1752-8010 ~~!~!·n 4 ~~·:~·,:::.~ C I: Blll " dure1 lnc;Wdll\Q fYpll\Q & Hunt Ben 893-1'00. no11·1mok1ng 0111ce in I now hiring an assistant manager ,. WSI GrMI loot treffte end .,, a . MANAGER Of Olrtc!Of of ... ••••••• good lelephone perao-....___. ---I N. w p 0 r I c. n I e r & color printers for our new Hun-••• -11 RH1erch & 01v11op· nellty. Wll COf\llder Plrl -• ..._... 8'•·2~ dey Of n'Ahl 1,1so .,. ft. Suitable for excellent price For In·. --s t Im• s 1•8 o c 1 "' ti gto Be h s to Ph t b k .., Ion--• ment. preler emlcon-Columbl• S•vlnn1, •lea-· " · 01 • Mutt be neet ltld •bte 10 1 n n ac re . o o 8C • t1orag1. Merllal Arlt fOfmtl ..-. • M ... Ca 92828 Studio, bellroom, etc MEL FUCHS duct or Electronic• & ding Nvlng11nc1 lotn. hal • · · woni With public. OutlN , UIE ctH I ground 8 MUST. Norltsu, Kodak· 1500 per mo. PnMite lealttr Ann or Somer Snyder· Optlce field. Hold Ph.O '" exc1111i<1 opportunity ~I nclude regl11er1ng I Ellperlence preferred. $, Pako of Durst printer experl- FOf Info 982 S.40 Arden 0 . ...ctlng lo lo-In Phy11c1 & M1terlel1 1111lleble In Ill beeuUful ·•-•--• gu1111 In very buey RV but nol necesMry, Nlary ence. Call Jana 2 13_650•8480 ------· ___ ll1-112t cete you. Oen. Del. Al· Science. (71•) 9'5·1525 co.11 Mffl offlel. We're ,...._&U'UI** PARK C11hler ex per negotlibl• with expe· • C-.11thl ••-• ... •Ull lendM. N.J. Recording job• w1nled. Mlllll\Q '" lndlvldu11 WhO Oto mgr. 8mtll compu1er helpful. Apply rlence Apply In peraon I ext. 246. lnl1l1 ff7J -·-~ PUASI IBIS Smooth low female Yolce enjoy• working with co. D•t• ent~. 11..,.,t.... betwun 3·5PM, 2 10 I •••••••••••••••••••••• PA0111Y s,. ....... , ............. , w1n11 r1dlo comm•r· CUtlomtr'l In. rut-~ .. ~ 11J1 aa..&...," .. Newport Cenler Or Npt ~<rw-v·•v•ve._.,,.. .. "'111 • SllP ..... ......... I ~"V"" ~pup-cl1l1, voice-overt etc: environment. Selected Liz ........ ..,..., A91 .. Inc_ -• Bch. .. ---------- In newer bldg on Co111 W r,;eggy to~h•lr. 8'; ~,:~~~u:!:'.:xg: ~~;:~:;~a:=; ;;;~t~~~.. In W T.-.llf ' TIE .. WTI 'Markeltl\Q Pert time Hwy. Soulh laQUn•. Ap-um& aJ.I w h It•· 4 mo m •I•· • 11 •4 1 w • • k 1 nd1 oper111on1 end new •c· -H:~:sz.~:J. ~=r,: :~ Equal Opp Employer IUIAllllUT 1UllU I I I 111 I I I prox. 5001q ft. ExoelMnt L111e Negot111.ci. con-8"6-te10 9'5-98-45 count• (lricludlng IRA. Ion ~7).4013 We continue to grow 6 "11111111 prlnte f:erklng behind 1tructlon sMn• lf>P'OYed Lott: tlendet grey tabby L I(• o g h • n d N 0 W ~ !LOAN pro1per H th• n1tlon·1 Nellonel ... der In t•· bldg. 1 25 mo Turner ·reedy to bulld. opttl tor cat. F, '#ht bib a fMt. am ••I• WMltl 11H eocoun .. ). and wdl bl •lh Mutt bl able to wor1I Set llADWUI WIS mott 1uccH1ful Ill•· phone merketlng It ..... AMOQ. 494-1117 lhll-'* Idell LOCI· bm muetedle. REWARD ........................ lo ht ndl• ln~ulrl•e Into a Sun. Other hrt. to be Full time Exp, pret•o • VA/FHA I phone merketlng co king 2 quellfled lnolv for iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! tlon In 1hopplng~t•r Loet In South H.I . C. ~0-lllrTI .. y•••• m ore compl cited I C· errenged.Af/f11Ylnpereon. Crown Herdwere. 3107 ConUnou1expel\llonhal dlverelfled work on~ --111 IUI .O)ac:antto ~)of"'°"°' Jon••. 3118 t2 81. -· r• -count• Excellent c:ommu-Kerm Rim• Htrdwere. e eo.11 Hwy. CdM opened 3 trelnff potl· tlelf of mtjof client corp. 2250 aq. n.1n the NtlWpof1 1uperm1rkel tenent. 53e-t904 9¥1. O•t•ll-mlnd.ci paraon to n1Catlon11klll• 1nd Ilg.ht 2eee Hlfbor Bl, c .M LOAN CLOSER lfOnt fOf motlVlled lndlY Appllcentt muet be r .. Belbo• s1vlng1 Building Minimum c11n lnYHI· fill acc:oun .. peytt:IM l>C*-lypll\Q are req\Mld. , HEARING AID 1nt1rt1t•d 1n en xlnt Ntble, lntllligenl. mature on E111 Co111 Hwy Air ment le0.000. Act nowt Lemar come home l W• uon In bu1y lrvln• •d C .a mgmt oppty E11per In a mollv1t.ci If you qua. conditioned emple p1r-For lnlormellon call love '°ul MIHlng Sii· egency. A/P H~rlence WI otter good growth po. C~Ylll Eng I d o flnud1 _. lu•Hk & 0. Columbll S1Y1ng1. I gro-ref1110 lleldt preferred hty ~ call Mr Gary ki ng cerp~llng gro u 7t'16'5-ll111 ~· .. 1~~ Reward. H.8 . rlq4Jlred. 10keybytouch, lentltl,ene1tractrwMlary o•E•sg"::C, ~;.s:~•n .... wing l11d1r. hH an Im· but wlll trlln UMrllv1. 545-5779 ..... • 122SO per~ .,..2 • ..,.... typing e mull. Excellent baMd on~. end · · · · medlete opportunity lor hero working lndlY w/ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii R!iilR~t YOS~MITE Lo.I 1 ...., bll w/c.n ~ fringe benefltt Mrt. out111ndlng b1nelll1 In· Clerlcel. Pert time Trtl· .......... •n experienced VA/FHA l11der1hlp 1bllltle1 Ap-PUT.,_ 61M400 nd a:.8:" • ~ lie mli1, 1 m•I• Poodle Bredte1 152..flTI. cludlng peld ln1urence. ""· 1ron1 offlc. 'PPM· ......... ..,. 1Lo1n Clo11r. Thi• poel· plk:ent mull new tblllty ,_ " •ABOA grog ~·::d •,•;rm•• mla. 4-28 In Htrbof Vu ' lrff benklng prlvlleg11 ranee, bUllMN lludenl 1 ~~~;,:~.~~~ ~~=-'r'n:i: 10 work cloHly with Perm .. pert time po1 "' · 'Hon-. au UU a~ .._ Sen Ind Ir" parklna, For en preferred. Wiii trlln llw/ ~ ntONWY people 6 the conllOence evell. Mon. thru Fri to 839-7193 ........ Interview •ppolhtment. r .. 111111e/gener1I of· FUii ume. permanent j ""reepon91b1Hty !Of pro· to hire, trlln & moll'lll• mercll1ndlH & dl1pl1y JI, U i..,, 111$ Found Young Afghan w/ Telepho" o~r. E11per pl .... cell 01r1ene Meg-11 c • co 1 te M • u e.n.r111 ceulng end tumlnlng Trelnlng period 12-18 glllware & work In photo A • ... LTV •• !'!!(................ red collr. HMt>of Shoe>-00 1 'Y·9~ Molher ~ ep-2 ulr• 11 71'-948· 71'1 . 2 · 3 o . 5: 3 O M . w . F verloua documents (ul.. month• In preperellon dept E•per. prero. s .. "'"' 2nd TO '• IMGCenler. 546-tnl PY· ... on • 382 Only Qutllllld lappltc.nta. 957.0701 APPLY IN PERSON 11crow ln1trucllont, tllle ror complete mgmt r ... Store Menager tor Inlet· A Ow1sion or 120,000·1 150,000 fully Loe1 In C<J110e Patil., .. , Third St. Ugunl a.ch plMM 2•300 Lagune HIM1 Mell ind •pprelul reporll, pontlblllty ol 1 brench view emort lo 20/yre. Other tmall b'9dt et1eggy dog. Appllcltloflt bell\Q l<lOeP-CIU.IOT111 -Legune Hlllt <Med• 01 trusl) fOf conl0t· operetlon. FOf 1 pertonal M ..... II arbor lnvl>stmtmt C'o 2nd1 lo S 1 ,000,000. "-wd. 0eya 64t:.2843, ted IOf flrtt Qutllty f\ltnl· * * * * * Ptrl/ttme, for exciting EOE EMPLOYER mence with Lo•n Com. tnlervlew phone Mr 1810 San MIQUll Or., Apyt1, comm'I I non-Evee 845-56oe. ture dellvery dr"'9r. Own COLUMBIA Newport BHch office. mlltM requlrementa. The McKinnon 11 5•5-5779 N!WJ>Ort 6MCh owner progrem. Prln trentportlllon. 1111 · M1'1. 5 )'Mrt experience. llSmS/MIT Pl'ton -Mell W'I" have 1---------11:;;-::iiiiiiiii~ Fii Wll only. Cell for egt. DOW· Loe1: 2 IOI tortoleN, H.8. ptione & idnt driving re-SAVINGS Hourly & commlulon. Cell 873-7730 fOf eppl. rKtnt FHA ln1ur1ng end MEllCAL llDIPT. 300 1q f t. Foot tralllc. NEY SAVINGS. Brent: Rewttcf for Info leading cord 1 mutt. Cell Mon-C .. Judy. 955-1'91. VA guaranteeing HP•· fulttlme. !Of 1111-peo.ci Ontwn Leg 494·6889 963-2e11 to rlCO\WY. 142-2019 Fri. 9:30·9AM only. .and lo•n rlenee end typing of "·55 1urgeon·1 office, New-Plft n..1 .... e4e.1496 "'~"' i.allttn Coo+<S & HOit ...... Exp. HOlEL wpm. Knowi.cige of con-port center erH. Beck Telephone order clerk. IOllll ,..Dll .,._. WHIH f031 LOST: 4/27, tml bll long · * * * * * pr1fd. but not nee. Full H•llllll ventton11 loan• 11 prefer· olfloe ixper~ helpful. Help u1 conduct • p_ro· F• UASI •••••••••••••••••••••• hair f:?' ca~, ~oothlll;. ASSEMBLERS. W• w111 or plllme. 88lary ~· Needed fOf lultUf'Y Laguna red. PhOto 1111ng outln. ceu motion ror thl• er•• t II· ,"" 1111 11111 _ I tO,Ot00-1100,0001 T+0t.or ~•g "7g~· ew•r · treln. Apply 7AM, '1•3c-2252 Hlfbor Blvd., ding on exper. 8"2 t Be.eon hotel. F/Ume tum· e.c4•12,0 1a-12, 2•5,. neal ~·Mon lhtu -•au.&• loci r11ldent11 t . ..95-38 ...... G regor V1ch11. Iv t co. MMe c. 92e2e ~wanted 10 Ullal mer month•. ll111lbl• We offer an e11Qtlflen1 II· Fri 5.30PM to 9:30PM. 2 offlce/etoreg• bid~• Max 80% L 10 v. Return Found: Calleo cat, bleck ~II•. COii• M... tt ue1 Ooe>ty In upen11on & n'IQmt for houra. Cont1c1. Gell 11ry. exc:eptl<>MI worll en-llllOIL ASSllTUT Set morning• 9.30 to (12,500 & 2780 8/F). • 3 .4 1bove prime Cell flee coler, Vista Huerta. AUTOMOTIVE ~ Mif lnl'I mktg MN. Plllm•. Veugnn-Purdl• lor eppt. Ylronment, • generou1 Front 6 back ottloe. Ell· 1.30. Ullent corner loc .• P•r· 01nnl1on & A11oc 86ufft. 8444207 Wiil lrtln. 841-&995 491-4417, E.O.E. beneft .. pacltege lll\CI op-perl1nc1 preferred. lull H•.oo • wHk to ttert king. LHH t ll Or pert. 973-7311 attun.l • portunlty for ldYtnCI· time, Founteln Velley, Aller llrtl w .. k lhare In ~.",..~":.1 ~~·u~.~~0.f~ii!~ #lltJI-, fn1I F~~i Le:=: 1111111. B:~c.J~~A:k~tl~ BYAL Hotel Night Auditor,••· ment Pl .. 11 cell Nency Hunt. Beech •r•• p1111~ profl11. School DI Po Bo •••. ......, IMnt. 961-14" ...... n1ed1d. 9.3, Mon-Fri. ..llllln parl•n<:• In NCR •200. Perrin 11 71•·779-7IO1• 1147.eo<M High nge, oN'f requ1-11r1ct, . • ""' ,,,, _,,, •~•u 7t ) 549-875t POlltlon ""**for 1"1 llme pollltlon •I AMlo IXI. 428· between 9 AM MEDICAL A"' I LI fled rement• II. good phone 85 tO. Founteln V1lley, •••••••••••••••••••••• Found· Sml blk dog fem Mull hlW a... A lleef\· ( ' Of· CrMtl tnn So Laguna end t 1:30 AM, or Hnd •. m ~.Cell en 11:00. 92708. Neomi Wlel1nd WIDOW HAS W for T0'1 t-t yi old. Hr Pteoentit. H . Full lime, ,0 hour ..... ~!~~1:n'·w~~ =~•;:.'1i Ctll 4"-221 t for eppt · reeurne In oonlldence to: X-rey cert r~ d IMSI Menegement Oppor1unl· 9'2-M51 RE Lo•n•. 10K Up. No CM. 541-7213, 967-3221 WHk Mond•y thru Fri-...... ... Toro Ar-. Sel9ry open. ---. *. * ~ ** Flex htl 831 •20 .. , 3t:-. 842-Sf71 2 Office•. gerege, bttll. Credit Check, No Pen-1 dey Cadlll.c ~ Good """'-lbl""' Ille 830-1130 .....,.....,_ ~ Madel• now ""' ..... et Tit· Tuetln Av. a Cout Hwy Illy Oennlaon AHOC. ~ s II prei1rr1d Call Con red ......... ~.,. lie 6 vr• ·~ req., to ~ om... ""'Ot?f?!Y E"'f'Y' • 2 9 5. SEC U A EI 1173-131 t •••••••••••••••••••••• DlllZ fOf detM 11 In baelc m1th. Qlflc• In --....... b ... ._,., cook, clMn holJle a bl· • lenya, N.8. Mutt be OY9t ~;-=;-:=-==iii • AGORAPHOBIC ettr•cllv• N•wrort _... ...... ' 2 d N 21 Auo111on1 n1ld Mey 6'6-184t -,.-II.Diii H•"P LINE N~~ •-a .... n~ h,..,.111 ·-. Enthu.lullc. efficient a ~yell ylr Ol ·a o1n1mo-+· 12th. Wednee. 8PM. 3rd. --- I buy dlacounted Truet $'3i-n:J.4 ~-:-Co;""~ i;;,,. R~ orgen<ied, w/btlkpg up. ..er, ml ure. 1 "Ji ANO LOAN floor. r-• •-!!l~!ffl!.~~}!!!.~ DHdl, 1tral,hl not••· (~ A LL ~ 9'0-e9SO 4 dey wll, pd vec. & lloll-room 1 boeld. 782•7 911· ASSOCIATION 1---------18-9prn. Expending youth NB 3""1" Bir~"' ~..,.. 2nd• A• 3rdt · n for--'-QUALITY MABSAO£ ~'' I ~ dtY1. 6-46-3000. Hou1ekffptr wented. 2 ****** Need• Job? Payday Eve-coun~flrrn llN ~ · · • "' ...... .,.,.,,, ..,. "' ...,..,.. Prof...ion.I Swedilh 11•-;a--i-a--a rydey CHh US. Cell nln"• ror .• •"•rp _,._ fl. or 1111. MIA zone. IUrt or t>enkruptcy, Fut l•A H. .. 1 .. IU..11 ""' _,... OOME8TICS lull d1y1 or 4 •,;.d1y1, "'lme 546-()795 • " " ""'"' Agent 54t·S032. ecllonl Contect John etyte, VIP l!Mtment. \ , ... ,. "''' \.SO •11111.1 TO l t300 Metur• nou.-.. per fOf hou1ework a chlldca11. 9to s. 8roo61hUrl1, •n,. • going m,1tur• people to s,_, Bkr. 955--3454 lo-ePM 6'8-21 17 Growing comp1ny IOO· profeMlonal. Verled du· ref'e req. Cell evu. AMhtlm, Ce 92~ NEED perton for menu· motlnte atl'lbltlout 10.13 PW• IFfllE T~ Fentuy king fOf' ttcllltd conetruo-Utt. Honfft, energetic. 120-1192. equel ()opty lacturll\Q tunlon tlollll'y, yr old•. Call 2 ·4pm. warehou•• 1p1ce wltll 1::i~nTlDYr•~~g~\.n~: ConverHUon wltll Ml· 111'1 aP•.. lion bookkMOll\Q bMlk· relleble, & hre pr dey. -1t•1r•-!Tf)lo)'!iMIF full time, Engll1h •S>e•· 1142·'321. ex1. 343. Alk c1rpelt, drp1, & wet 1111 tor 13800. AgJI , c helle. M C/VI••· Cl11n & melntaln work gtound. Ellctl. t>enaf111. Mon.Fri. Car/rift req'd. -.-IRrUI -king preferred. Cryt11I j'Of;And;;,..;·;;;;~ be~. 700 to 3200 eq.ft. 7..,.9702 , 539..e310 UHi & run 1rr1nde. 81nUty t41y11 & AltOC. 9'0~M2 RNponllble perlOn. M·F .. ANAOEMENT Cr11tlon1. 1t 1 W. 11th. MNI lnduetrlal """"I. 71 1 ...,. · • Mu it be over t 9, ,... 15 70 Brook hollow Or, 81m-noon. 8tert l&/hr, ,.. St. "B" 7, Coate M .... ...,.ft, TDl3 o 69yroldftrn•l•Artllur 8te1U,8A,9210'7 , L 1gun1 N i g uel . 11111'1 P1yrofl w. 17th SI .• Pacific Bluff 3rd l ,&O for 118• Murrey t!Udtnt d11lrff ponalbt• & htYI Ctllf. 50 -2825. Per1onnet llllYll "'Al) •93-9'90. ASSISTANT MANAGER •m DlU lllllY lnduelrl•I Perk, 1135 500• Hcured by ~.B. MCOrt a oompenlon for Orlv.r'e lie. Apply In per. ~ 100% tr... oood drlvl~,: record, lmmed lulf.tlmepoeltlon1 But don't went• 9·& ~? Whittler Ave. 9'2-«83 & HM. 9'5·2075, 543-5'763 .. -"·oom .. _............ .. .. _.. .on: 1126 Ek!p9rlor, C.M. .. • s h & 842 7e<M .,_ _.,,. ..,_ 9'2·9225 Clut 4 lie .• work with ----· evell lor aggreHIY• In-el your own oure • upen111. WrH• Ad Bkkpr/Sc:ty, I glrl otllce, elderly. CdM. 769-947l. -.-..~ dlVldu•I• wno enjoy wor· Income level. W• trtlll 1 too 1q. fl. 2 olc1. w/ All•H•t,..111/ 1914, OellV PllOt, PO Box B1byt ltter ne•d•d, my tome computer work . need.ci l ull or li"' time. king with people. MUii you. 557·5e75 lor ~t SENIOR PAYROLL cpl•. FIR drt. OIH dr, ,., ... a11; t5e0,eo.tamzut2e2e. llome, June t. Rlfer•n· CM /NB., ... Simon• Extc.tee:.ldmln.Mlltt.l Oood .. 1.ry. l·lln~u•I. be able to work ....... If NURSERY j Mtl ure top cond. Frwy cloH , __ .a •--~ _ CM 83t·19N. Meggie 9'2·9601. confident In Newport Ael1reno11 r~~~· on· ~".!Merd•!~d applyJ~•r el1end.) fOf Cflurc:tl. Sun CLERK 1315 tOOO eq ft 1325 _, " ,__. ._ f!en"""" 1 C.nttf'. Long hre .. herd tact: Jan, 494 ~ _, Ilk for .... O/Hd tilt.lb In •••••••••••••••••••••• 1:...1 .. ,Vi:aL:tS IAIYSITTER,M /W/F, reyou .... ..,emove wo1k&cll1ll111gl11glor , ME&EO' 'S'"'.,.. .. ' em/pm&Wedpm.0urCorporetePeyr"ll r, 0 • 11 • •-a---11 1111 UNI R;U 1:30-6:30, 2 yr. atd boy, CleHll .ci Id• wlll point 1omeo111 unu1u111w .. 14.0.1' 656-7781 Mt-2"3 "' ltOf'age loft. l7M211· ~.:=':':":"~........ ""' _, my CdM llome. Rel'•· you In rtw rlght direction brlallt a tkllltd 11 tllle INtlUMNCI 11th a Tu.tin, CM ' · Oepertmenl '"' an lm- INOUSTRIAL 8lDO comm'I ptlotog~ .... Tl/II-6"-9614....., to find Ill• home you 11n'i' you, -..C..your fOI ha• opening IQ r•· lllD$ES All\l'.S :_•dl•te ope~Of~ 3400 eq rt cl .. 11 good IYtll for iwr.. W1 • ._,__ nMd. ~·&111 llMt'l .. t ~ n.wtl dept. for ptteotl to "SO• Tllma l1UI\ M. ~ .-., locelaon. ~. Id\. Cof· cata6oQut, portfOllO, • OVTCALL H HM. 'Q ._.._ .. ..;._.. ....__. .... QUC>ll & fotloWup on r•· Exp. In Geff•Uc nurlie'CI • rort petlOll In OUf IMM 114-4t4-47'9 llMZll ......... ,_ ........ new1l1. Auto retfng or Cereer o~rtunn ... ror 0 1 ,_ omoe. Thie Otoel ,,,.. t It ner tMd9-141-20M 1 IH-llllfll To pteoe your,.,.... '"•"' •b~u• ""'ad. undllwridng eicp. prMer· Men1ger Treln .. • wltll =•'· ~.~ :p; reaponalbl• for ·p1~'1ne IMW. ILaW "" ........... - -... -,.=•.,!,':.o. 8o:'~::•~l:~.Wt!~tf reel. satery COf'l'lmerltU· :;::!!.._Ille~~~ ply.1.P,ai1'111Ut. ~1111, :=:.llftlttl'I HO NI• ••••••••.::::".......... CLA88. ~ .., .. "' H111d1ome. tntelllg111t .... ~ you're""' tlftt. pfffN "" :~· Ctl Aon· oe1.'~ for IM tiicJNv Int. proorem . Cel l: .. lllllJ m lltef 4 1""' ....ione. '°"" ~· .... ~ .,. ~ reply In oonHdtllCI to: .. rno1tvated. ooel Of'tenltd .. 2.f044 ~ "**' .... t LlllL • . · lteft Mon. &l10. el nc•r• •••nd•r ledy.z now ev for motlYI· ~Ulffled. 8"2·&1'18 Mr. c111rl1•. ,,o. •o• Mi&ll ••If• lndtv. "-t1Jr or men~ Hur~ .,..,_ P9Y'oll.,.... .. tklnt 4uel1ty epll ~~Prof Tllttlc*t· gOOd m0ft1•1 under8b tld lndl'MUllll -"O 1f1JoY Hit. Newport 811cll, eicper. helpfUI. bOll. em-mT WI -gOOd 10.11ey~a d • condo, "'"'· or unfUrn '°' for la1tlng , ... 11oneNp, ~ wt1tl ""' public. c.. t2teO ....... Ind dellfl' ..... plo)'M l>tMfltl Appfy It • NIM• ~.., own ""'"H 1111. Cell 13t-Nl7 l•pr re4: Dr•t•rlH. llf'f etore. • u.1. IMll com•uu 1t • Laurte et 114-fN..1•14 SCRAM-LETS Profeu10111t Mu H We.,. ~rentty lntlfW. ·.'I 11•1y.r-p•11at · · .... •· · •• ·" · · · · ·.,·~~ ===--~Of =· ~:1 ~ :~~1,=. ••IHty ,: 11 ~ -11, 11 ANSWERS tfflle rt1pon•lbl• •I· wino ror ,ull 111d ''rt--;r:;::n.,......,,., ~ oondlelonl. ....__,, worll • 1 ....., .,...._, ..... lf'9Cttve'f'OU"9 WOfMll to Tim• Telltfl. Min, Of 1 ... ~ ...... M~OYI • to N~p20.!.'1 ..........__.._....._ .... _ •• •t«front ....... =:,oor~l'MWOlll=:r. ,,,..,. . . ~ O!'lfe nda. w. ---=:-Jooeltl'9.... ... • -._ .,_ ,A~lting • plu• oolftm. on ••I••· ..._... -.. a .. _._. --. •-"' oondo ...,_.Lotion pool, boat, 110, 111 H · • 91AMAL ADY • ~'",..on ot ~ ,_ ...... • ,.~ -n lty end a ooMpe mve MOO·t1100. Cetl Delly Oefw . AOtoftl c=• for aome llgllt Q I t .. _ •-d • ; ' NA'"'" . : re1ume. YIU• .. Home limited llo. Mu1011IO• ~tlofl ~ MMi-,... ~Ad Ho 417• MMIO II IACK 11 eepl~, OOOMIO-i-tur ::::-n ... "' u • CC>ORDINATOR : o.llft. 1114 ten_.. 111 ... tet. I dootor ofo. flte paoUge. Mt.-02•"'9. • 11~':.·~t= =-=~~'lo.~flf .,~~~=; Coordinate a tchedule natlonal : or,,...,, :-"1:"~ ~:;:~ APf!IYtnpettonottencS ~ ~ ,.:;_,""' .. "' •nnlvtrHry 1 .. 1 °" ttt. LAft"Y "OGIAI. f•ff* ~~;:.=:~ adverttttng. Aetpon1tbllltle1 In· : LM. IRlllTMI '11tnr1' _..,. HIL'8"8·,oelt1on• ,..,.. to: ..... ---••m• d•y ttte tcldf oo• 0, W•""'· import11tt, OdOn Ind,..., elude: monthly reportt, corr•-· .,_....., .,_....., °""" COMt ,._ o,en ftOW.,.tntMe t·I t11t1r report cercS1. -... ttep!!' u••· 0111: : 1pondence1 heavy phone work : ereoucst 111 Hunl ~~· -1 ~ A• .,,...,., ..... _,... •BlllriQ~·•aoWl'W! .m '-•°'"'Md IN 7t• IM-llOl w. INTl"YIUU av A'· : and llOht ftllnO dutJH. !iloant • ..., ... .,..,,Ir: .Z,I = f•r '"renftoa. • nJllM-....Nft ~/ =llMCIMAUO" _ _,, r-n ...... __.-;OHL.v.l:t ! ehoukrhlWeomeec:Mrt ex• : .,,,.....,, .... 7 ' ~-'= •-=~== tmS .. ~-....... ·-~ .. ~ .000:-1,... ......... n~IOftMf ' : P9rlenae, •bdlUty ,•,o h•, nd~ .... ~~ : ·~ = g,~.~·~~ =· IL4_•· .... """' ~ 111_..S •rh• =-t".;:g .... ~!t IUl ""....,"'"'er-.: phonM, be •ta or entwu .. .., • n. atv ....._.Ctr. --. WI ~...._.RF ter • L•t'• 1t•tetlete. ~ : able to dMI dlr~ wfttl ~ 11 <*f INll.·1111 " ~~ " -"L• "":..-~~· .. ·~·~~;,,·-~ffilnk · l ~~=-y-= j ~ ... ~~ '='Cs": •·--==-· •:..a . . ~ • ... 'l"-'I:', /ll TJl'Jl .... ~ • .H.fl ,,, : Or .. c-.. .... ; = c::.. o:=. 0:.: -::.:=--~,....... .,.:1 •.:-.......... lft·-,...... ...... ... IU•iiiiJ"°"~ "''"'W1 : •W.'9rllit :. .,,..,...,, "'9 .... Tllea•Dettr,ttt1 c::.~~Olll ... ,..,_,_:.·.w· I"." 11: Aft ................ ,. : ..,........,. r . ·•'-• nz11Dllr::'-1111 ~ MOllT..., ...._...,_ UllH..r IHf ' ll@ ·' MIS ~ .• ~ -"..,._. , -,.... ~ ' Jo -" ·-1111111. ·-• • • • • "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ c " ···•·t~~,., ........ ~··1 · ,...... ..... .. . . ... r: .. . ,,_ l ~ Oran e Coee• DAIL V PILOT/Sunday, May 9, 1882 Fl «fA.'1Mef .... 1.tff 19.t'M~ .... !.{ff «~11..rtlA~ .•.• !.~ff MIMlC!; •• IAtr , ..... rnr.tt.rn. ..... l!ff ftn!~.'1~#.ff "":..,,,,.,~.,. ~ !¥.'!1.fftt......... •rT"'I 11• -......... ... o.t4..a leAlt9t•flO, 0101 "'' tM•I Oottt ._ .. , If "'* tffh, ~~tw.=. ~=~all MIM ULD l1lllu/lll•• \CU~ llond• Doctiapoo. • J" .. ,!!!!.....!.•~ t~ ... ~;-.f!~t........ 'YI ..... Lit ... :ftt! ............. u 191'ft ... ~ wwtl"'9 10 htl' Ill rain fUller V otd, MUW9d. OOOd wtll'I n -10 Modttn I & ot1r1. LUd•r• ~O cltftHI 'loop 71 IYIUlll "M 126 Olrt ..,. ttml bY "" lleotl. bu•lneH ... , ' l \IH , ~TIOUI MALL oNtdfan. 141..ollJ ::~1~:' ~~t:lr~':, Liii• = high quallty IH.000 ObO. M·' ••• I lk•, OOOd cond .. HOO tAU.: w. w. W!looa l"-141 aar. ClOn\"'IHIOn. , Ult Garden W•••· ,, .. lo OOOd hornl: Lib, pl!Ol9 •• ,. Ooet .... "" ... 8'*f\ 712·1'71 nrm M&·04IO ~.~ ......... , ....... ~ ... Mti te. tOwpM l ._, ti&&), Pft!f, '11f. IO tv• wti. lhflhd, dlJlltlon at Lide Wlp• 111-1100 ltm :f mo.11:.~~ UID'IWT 1f•·M0·14•I tl).4014 mlneWA\19. bloncf•,, 1'.tyrt, -· ' 49S.t•" MOTIVATEOOWNI" '11KIWIKHOOO.'Hctle ..... QAN)IN GAOVI tpayed, all allot., 91.at ,,anol~•· ..,,al .,. CoriWlllCI Table. °"' Cal ..... llll·••W•Y cond llPd•I•, ct..n. fa11 a ,.. ~ .... t't'W w/kld1. &.45.0Ut :!":'~ ~~ flnlell. w1e tu11 uphol. Haltft'U, 07! ... 711 liable, many utru , ,_.. a.. .... If . r.i.llln MU ~I · chair•; 1 'I' old, aeklng 11 HObte 10 oolortd..,.. make o 11 tr "I ck ' ''ANTIOU. I ·~··•••••••••••••r.'O"::' ' *900· 52.;e35~ 1111.• new. b .. 1 olr ove; 073-IMO dlllf on HP"· Apply: 'Mtlloft lelancl, ln'ell Of. U 14111 IL . H.I , floe, T~ t llvfll ~1 MMno. "'"~ OOI\• C a ll u • about Ill• OUltllndlnt CatM r OP• portunltlu 11 an ln•U• rence Agent. Training wltl not lnter1er• wllh your pr...nl employment. 41 l\DCU~ COUECTAIUI" KING IN"'l"lft"JNQ IX• o.r-n 111: H1 1Uto':3· TYPIWRITEA. !XXON. '3.000. 173-to7t l•V_A_M_A_H_A_R_0_1_25_tw_l_n \lrr.Rln\W nwtoe tnOt)tf\fy !TleOtlfM TAA ""M matlreN Ml. IW oon ' ' OYX 2+ Elec:tronlc, Prl· , MW cond tow rn111e 80 ll ...... FRllM'bltter newr UMd, worth 1630, 142,..127, oed to ull JOl'lft 2t Good 119111 air, trlr. ll'lpl'l/7S."'pg 11100 dlltorit. lx09llenl -.ry Plant Malntenanoe. Int.. a,..,....,.. ....-11• rlor I t11t•lor llOllUon• • $1,000 to $1,175 el'lop• a ellowa. A•k tor Hcd. UO d•I NtY•! 1<1no 111t baffled Wat.,. ~5-7000. ~c;.7~J· call fva 551-3302 VCM# OOOY u11 QUHn n . wort.. bid with trlll'M tlM191' a 1..:...:.::';.:::.:.:,:..:.:;:,_ ___ .j:;::-;;;;;:A"""::::::':""::::::-::~ • · 1391. cuh only, ~211 liner 1171 .. 2;..121 Interior Dulgn Studio SabOt gOOCI 111 Y"I' boat '71 YZ80, reblt eng, new avell. 'ult time 'Mon·'''· Muet l\eve llOOd drlY!nf _,,_., r«:Ord.146""'2. ~ 9Mcl\ loen brO• dtl. Ueuelly home, ' "> lurnltu,.: 5d W~rk & for~ ~W/lrlr tlre1, rtlllbl•. 1160/bet Antique Inlay ro11wood 164·7360 Vertlcal Ol'le9t ot dtawen. etorao• table, 12 wall· Aleo Lldo 1, oNt beefl otr. Roe 641-18tt flrench dHk. l!l•a•"'· e dl'""!!2~· .. 7 ~ ~~;.1~.!..ac: Moo In_..., tew Um.a. £vea '11 -••• •11 "3-4111 Prlntlnt . k.,991 """· luly pl\onM Hflf/1/1 .. 11111 llllm & '"~ ~· kl*. 11'.,'d. Your outgoing per1on1· lml)ICCa~ cond. llatue **'BUY** .,.. .... 1.. or-·-~'"' mag. 111&-7550 • ...,... f 14,500, ull U500. ' Bhlll Wicker CllaM with le..a.. lllltr 1---------1 4500 mll .. with 36 mo bp'd. In all p~ .. , of c.11. tile, Mo.-t3SO Illy 11 th• key to lhl• • ....__.__ .... 1nettnt Pl'fn"'8. ,,.._ ,..... ..._ poe111on in P""" Npt ecn -A-'J. IOJO 759,9993 Oood u11d Furniture & 1 V ed ttO.-(xc llent 27' ALBIN Vege lloop, del w•rr. like new. 12450 ~~~~ Wiii Nii ~~7ouel\lone ,' 00 · ~.CallLNt::.11211 ~tt.J'l ellp S1UOO. ~f~.:~J'U8T SELL :'!'!.~Ill ••P· Pf•~ -· ..., offloe. 8tntley H•YH I *'"" ...., •l'°fu~.~~! ••••••••••• ~ lftOludt flllOtlvl,_, -ANOC. 1870 Brool(hollow ......... HARBOR AAEA Ul1'llS UITlll Ping p':I Tllbtl SIMI tu. c:abtnll. 3 drew. LUOEAS CIM* WOOd 2$' 80 CC Y1meha. etrMt 11-Hl-1111 Hl-HH a.24127 lea•l 15!,. ... 122.. ullboat. Good 1hape. gel. $165 & mgmt. Pfocll.:iUon mt• ftll't to tull time, wlll trtln Or, Ste 11.e, Santa Ana. * ... ..__ APPLIANCE SERVICE neoement, 1tatu1 re· In brldal bi.It pr.t« con· 92707, 80·2126. Per· "..,., we NII rec:ond., guer. .., " Newport ellp. 'Cuh or 97i·0139 port11 eoot. 1'90klng I elderabte PS* In retaU 1onnel urvlce 100% appllencee. 549-3077 I MY nlllTlll J l #TO Executive mtttl dHk, o•n. ollefett operalton. clotf\11'0 talH. Cotti trM. A p p L y R f 1 ,22.. W L.. 867-11133 .!!!!.'!............... 1wlvel arm ol'lelr S75. trlde. $3000, 175'-1168 tllT 1111 l.m 14 •.... Yetnlhe llO, eppro11 800 Gd. b•n•fll PIOk•O•· Mela. l---.-,-... -n-.. -,---• r g. ... Hiier, Newfull-.izem1ttr ..... 1. INVESTORS + "99-1228 Arn. for 1d111noem•nt 11 .... 1121 5541-9333 Typing, S/H, iome ~!~:~5?~~~SHll9r *125 180. New quHn tlze, COLLECTOAS•v.,y fine 1·ex-eo-.-de-lk-.-5-dr_w_/_f_lle-d-r, w/llaup 1175-63el ml. $276 5.46-7048 with mjr. corp. AHume Retired pafWOl'l to manage bkkpg. Reel Eetete 111• NOW 1100. 750·51132 Ceylon Hpphlret. lot ot 38•60. walnut llnlth. Star • 3 7 1 t & tralltr. 1973 Veape Rally, black. to7: ,!Olrn NHun, t,eP·~· Bcox ~no center In Coate v .. tment firm. Newport I Ill llftJAJICU Folding octegolan ~eme 115 Cer111, ApproK 78 In 1125 842-4127. c1 .. 11c glaH oY« wOOd. w/wtnd1hlold ><Int cond 1 • • P · o... •· Mee&. GOOd oe>l)ly, pert· Canter location. Sen Lea 957-8133 lot, •PP et $92 .000. Complete olymplc rec:lng $1175 OBO 545·3"39 92&e0 I ~ time ba111, flaxlble hta. Joaquin on Co. Contact YOUNG PEOPLE tel>I• w /4 mete I ng Nead cull flow Teka l•I• 1111 •loop. reedy to 1111 .... Cell (213) 88 1·8207. Jam• I Kr u • g • r . S-1 1513 cu It. Fro1t11111 cl'lelre. $75. 835-4925 much leu. make oller. ...................... NMd• tome c:o1met1c1 H 0 NOA CT 7 0 Tr a 111 se" Mlel'lle Preeeman, 1 8AM·1PM. Kathy. 644·1880 PREfERRm ~~J~~i7~~~:~~;88;•~~ Hide-a-bed. dbl, bl~ neu-PIP. 714-980· 1784 ell. 1 Hand fed baby Motuccen. $3200 538-4809 S11ee1 ~:c'5~nd s200 color, 3.5 ""·exp. Wll· Ruby'• Sandwich Shop p gahyde, good c:ond PM wk days anytime very ettectlonlle ~ moa. lido '4 wltrlr, 2 aeta of • , 4 M $75/obO. 642-5107 wkndl $1260 (714)847-5 .. 83. Hiii Xlnt cond . 11500 '78 MINI 50 Trell Very gd ~::..:: /,; ;. ':c; ~.·~ ~:!fa ;~5·~~~c~.P~1i!3 Npt. e!~~~! ... rch l~~l~1~4-~H~4~H~M~~~IAdmlral 111 cu It lroet-frM Queen 11ze 11eeper aola & IExqulelle 'h kt. wedding Perrot · African Orel. vary 873..e t 18 cond S~~ 5272 Leg. Hiiie. Quality con· Irvine & l lfl'I. 645-1100 firm. Stet ttplng. dicta· Tel ... a..&.ea.--eld•·by·'Slde relrlg, Kint llnen $170 aet +6 amallef dlMlond1. young & tame 180 1 21 II SLOOP/SKI HULL • ecWlce Excell beneflte "' ,.. cond, guaranteed. S245. 549.3573 Appr. Muet Nit. Reduced (714)847-5863 .. 50. Trade tor wlndtur· '78 XA75. Ktd'1 11ze. Xlnt Ca•: 96·1·8500· . SAILBOAT Clean Ing & phone, Ille b pg, eblllty to Work II home contacting 646-7909 t $1600 780 0998 .., d $325 minor repair•. Beile manageolc:. 5-IOyra.aKp 1---------Sole Sleeper $85 Brown ° • · Hand led baby Bkla Front fer 559-1833 con · ·--mec:tl. aptltucle req'd. P/ prel'd Salary $15.000 ~::!ln~~o=-~·~.:~: Beer tepper In refrigerator tones, good co.id Cell Beeul 114 kt cubic Zlr-Beautiful & ellec:tlonate LIDO 14•4249 w/lr1r 983-5272 Ctmere/pleteroom ... 11 me . Inc . wk n d • plu1, commen1ure1e w/ phone YOlc:e required. with pump & :gere keg• Liiiian 751-4074 i:vH & c:onle, 14ct gold wedding ~50. (714)847-5853 EJccel oond. 527601btt ·72 Hond• 50014 run• wall llitant. Mon. (3PM to 545-7t00 ••P· Send reeume to: BoK Call John. 835·3253 _,_,_00 __ 556_--0_1 ____ Wknd• aet. Value 1250. red to NEW BAMBOO CAGE Call 675-4719 13.000 ml extrBI .Alt approx. 8PM).'Ti.e(2PM Sa-le9--------926. Delly Piiot, P.O. Box Wutlnghouee refrlg, KINGSIZE Firm beo & $125. Hurry! 780-0998 Large 3 lier. ll5. 5pm Anytime weekends to approx 8PM) Fri a.....t.1.. .__ t580, Co•t• MeH, Ce. TELIPIHE trottlree Side by aide, 21 frame, xlnt cond. s150 ... L/ all-Ff 549-7565 WUI aaorifloe $800. 645-4486 (9·5PM). Sat. (8-SPM): ..._,. ,... 92926-1680 .... l.A .... , cu ft Xlnt oond Auto Ice ,.,.,. ••" -1 ' 25 II E celil> r $9960 Wiii ~ ...... vert'-al co--,._.__ ...... , ._..,., k 0 857-6734 •••••••••'•••••••••••• YttMtl Ztllra ,_... 7 4 92K ,.,87 u637 ,..,.9 ·79 Honoa Trell 90 470 ~"'" "' .. ~ iu•• WOfk In the evening Ml· me ., • lk paneled c ... rttt,.., S7 507,...,, 549-7565 1 ~ ··-• .,,,.... mt like new $695 or Of· marclel camera. Know· The Penny11ver 11 ec:· Security Guard. Appllca· Ung eppta for my Nwpt door•, $400. 642·2897 ~·~~~:: ~~~ ~:~.~ 15•550 559•1833 · ..-. · FHt le tun 36' Mec<lregor let ledge ol PMT proceu ceptlng eppllcetlone lor Ilona being taken for Bell otc. for 8 meJor ho· REFRIGERATOR commode. AHtd cabl· li••ll I Or•lll IOH Catemeren. 122.000. 640-7584 helpful. Excell. for oof· T•phone Soll<:ltore. P/ Christian School. Rel'1 tel. Hrly-commlulon· l ike new. lro1t lree, 2 dr. net• & d r • s • e' • .. ,lt•ll••Hll IOIO •••••••••••••••••••••• o Bo. mu'' •a 11 1 ---------teoe 1tud.,,18 with rele· time. Hra. TUM thru Fri, req. 18835 Brookhurst. bonua 833•3740 aft 1165 893_9080 !'!~••••••••••••••••••• Antique piano 1700/bett 548•5208. '81 HONDA XL 500S led clUIH. Apply In 9AM·12 Noon. Apply In F V 9e2·3312 lPM 631-1319 Full famlly member1hlp, ofr Engllah 1811 1800 1---------i low miles .11tras petaon: 1880 Plec:entle per1on: t8110 Plec:entle. S.C:urlty N-kitchen alnk. l<ohler Wrought Iron dinette ut John Wayne Tennis C1ul>. 648•5919 SABOT Mut, bOom & sail S 1400 549·2612 Aw .. C.M. C.M. -· .. -•• , s•• ... white c:att Iron. 18>l31', 4 .. a • .,., black oct~on top' $500 644~301 ---------Good cond $75 .. B s I I llU.Q'W .._. '"' ., • · Steinway 1tudlo. ebony, !163·5272 r1•lfl ••••, I I PMIAIFIUD SALES CLERK. lull or pl PATROL Aggreulve computer hole, $75. 642-9197 8 h I· b •c k c a Ir a . Muat aell 20pc wetar1 .. 1 lmmec cond Artlat bnc:tt s..-LeM time, apply In parson product• co. lookln~ tor GAS Oryar. work• good $500/0BO 831 -1319 cookware, multi-ply lncl'd 12500•548,.e737 Need partner to "'c. ere e 2 x 5 -.~~~!/.~!~!~f! ..• !.{~~ __ , btwn. t().12, Co.ta M... Oetta .... &r.a female or mele telephone S 5 0 Io 1 at c e 11 er . CURVED 2 11 stelnlals steel. Kint Que· I panaes on new ep<I RENT 26 It motor hOme Outstanding opportunity Stetlonar1. 270 E. 17tl'I Hlespareon. Prev. tel•· 650-9920 l • PC2 co,ucl · Illy. $37~ 551-1977 Hammond Elect H-100 w/ In Npt 714-673-1107 or Sips 8. fully loaded In • rapidly growing firm St Cotta Mua Nights only, 7PM to MM. phone"'" exper. pre-IZY boy chr, be et'· " speekar lmmec c:ond 213 744-8632 ewell• •harp June gre· •• Mutt be 25 or over with I'd. but not nee:; wtll train. like new 22cu II SIS chr & h111ock, ml1c ev I 52200 548•6737 -645-8616 duet• for f:ORTRAN. SAl.ll/lllwy,... gd. driving record. Pre· Prime conalderetlon wlll Seara relt l geretor/ 720-0684 Double crypt, Wiii· ---·------Enaenada 20' lg bn, trlr, T I lllO Bentley Heyes & A11oc. lntarnetlonel computer mlum P•Y tor llcenHd be egoreNlveneu. Early freezer.'"' pr $399 Twtn bed w/eprlng & minster Memorial Perk, ... ,,, lllri•• mare lngahll, extru .• !t'J.!!~ .. ~~~!!!. ..... t570 Brookhollow. Ste company ofter• great In· appllcan1 Many benefit• hra . p/tlme, straight... 494-1912 menress. $90 545.4400 velua S 1700 Aaklng L.1-nl HJO $4900/bst 545-2429 TUT TUIW 114. Senta Ana, 92707, coma potential for expe-l•hnltittlll lary Call· Jim Cenger. Ledy Kenmore portable days. 873-8523 IY99 S 140° Call Anawer Ad , ••• ~:'°d'O.o••••••••••••• WOODEN SABOT 3 Burner sloYe, 20 gel 549-2825 rlenced candidate. 0 .C ~la..•~ 7t4-963·5500 dl1hweaher, ohoiplng •574 642·.-300. 24 hrt. New 12' 801ton Wheler, GOOD CONO $400 water tank , 11nk, table ... , _,,, Ho1p1tel Bed. 11400 n-1 flat bla boat g new 15 Maka your shopping ee· territory. Bentley HeyH t0347 Loa AlemUoe Bl nPIST blk top, xlnt 150 Seti tor $700 845.4400 Whirlpool lo• belh, Kint n • PAT 963-1932 Ice box, S g11 propane star by using the Dally & Auoc. 1570 BrOOkhol· Loe Alamltoa 850.9920 d•""· 673-8523 eYeS cond. $75 hp EYlnfude. 12200 firm. tenk, gd canvas & Uret, Piiot Claulfled Ade. low Or. Ste 114, Senta 714-827-2020 Perl/lime. 2-4 wnk1 or ,. 548-9815 644-7007 YEITllE 22 1t111e used Kept tn ga· ---------1 Ana. 92707, 549-2625 lull/time H qualified Mull WASHER 165 1 8' COuc:h, grMfl, •••••in ,---UIPllA ___ TE___ w/tretler. 4'1't hp O/B, lotl rage when not tn use What ii means fur yuur ad flJ be c/nssified" When people read your ad in dateified. t.bey'ra reedy to buy and actively eearc:hin1 for the euct item to fill their need- maybe it'• lo your S S SttJ/ltt,. $11,111 type 50-80 wpm. 3 al\llta Clean. Works Good $80, good lrema. --of extras. ~195 Sleeps 8 comfortable ALE Type 75. 1011 of phone evelleble: 8em-4pm, 54M 485 549.3573 Like new White rattan, lg; I Stein Ian •teal boat 848-07091964·1 148 plu• other x1res. s 1395 GH-3 OEAOVITAL contact UH teem work 4 Pm · 1 2 ml d n I g h I · DAYER-OAS hooded. $50. 548-3080, etove. W/ovan. $l50. 1---------1 997-8879 now eYallabla In ll'le USA. In fun eref\. Ole. 12em-8em. Set & Sun. Clean Worka Good 185 BIRCH HUTCH With lh4tl· 548•2782 _54_8_·M_5e ______ ... ,,, IJi,, --------- 11 It th• Fountain of Ac:complllhad Personnel 8110 open M in take 543 85 YH. lerge drawer wl 3 ---------0 h 111 & l>#b HTO Tent Trlr.xln1c:Of'O Slpa6 Y~ut~? Free Hmlnar~, 5eMcM, Inc. hOme pay $200/Wk Cell _.... ~;"~J~~ewera S 100 AMWAY PROOUCTS deli· ~~~I~ 't{;~~~1:;, $!111 •••••••••••••••••••••• elac converter, new 1111 h gl'I ncome potentle . 3300 lrvlne. # 101. NB Mre. Oulnn, 10am-4pm, W11te King dl1hw1hr, vered t o your home Thom'H •c:lock 1 'baro NEWPORT ArchH M•· sye & tires, ready to u541 dlllrlbutorahlp• evella· 54s-9971 • t00% FrM 645·5080. Aller Tuea.. brand new. orig $535. h 1 I Cynlhle Blake 641-1215 • rlna, 2 ellpe ev•M. up to $1250 as 11 962-9305 ble. 714/963-5535 540 5553 A I sell $350 pp 548-2429 Kite: . or patio HI Oe I· eve 641 -3216 . meter. Marlln gaff. AOF, ·2· ··2 ••••. 9-5PM SERVICES A • · PP · c ete wrought Ir o n I dock wl'll1. bran pump, .. ~ _.,.... A I S · 1 t SALES par1on wen tad dent. PIT :.:!0~ ~~~~-TY P 1sT.P.,1• 11m 8 Ii Ill IOZO 34X48" gle11 top tbl/4 lrvtne Cout Country Club Offer•. 114&-4005 1---------1 • • lmtl, •1 I Sundlel F••hlone, le· Ne et eppeerence 6 60_70WPM In OUR 01: ~·!(!••••••••••••••••• Cllre. $95, 840-2314 Meml>erehlp for sele. 1 l...,.,t ..... I AttllHritl 9400 gune Bch. Call {7 l4) hendwrlUng Apply: 2590 flee. C•ll 642-6488 9.5 511 Schwinn Cruiser, res· Watetbed, dalull• o-. 1 '500 OBO 750-0142 ·~.'!,l!~~~ .... !!!~ ~g~;,,w aay. Wk or mo •• l.irE0soovwc)AK0&·· 497.,.774 Newport Bl, C.M. Mon-Wed. ~~5•~9~nt cond. S400. 9 large drawers, heat8f AlltectlYe room dlYlder l .v111 rent. lease or To P. pelnllup to 60% off your Salee SEWING MACHINE • . Pe1a $700, Uk $400. bullet 17Jt42•72 $175. on your 20.25' N.B. PO· 40 It boat '':f. av ell. body sl\Op esl 536-9632 OPERATORS [•-------•!SCHWINN SPRINT 10 540-6942. Formtce top .... to ep-wer boat. Bryan Huntington arbour.••• CM 2 • , SEARS & ROBUCK & CO EKperlenc:ed, quellty Y..atitl spd Gd cond Blue. $45 IKlng St Bad. utre hara. p<eclate. 557-0927 673-1388 or 850-t324 $200 mo 848-38t8 -I le MCf ... '"9d1 ~for TV, &42 4432 $85 831·2589 vacuum•. HWlng ma· minded. Beneffta. Piece ltllef PHI · Heedboerd I 150, call Netlonel CHl'I Reglator. Panner wanted. 25' Skip· ... ,,, S,,,.H I c:hlnM, pert-time. APflfy In _r_•t_n_._84_2·_95_5_2___ T.., ~ llll'1•I I 673-1573 like new. electrlc:, 1225 jack Expre11 C e bin lk.i HIO perlOft: llW1ll UCI WI We're '"Icing to t>ulld 8 .. • I .,...5,Sole g love Nat Herc:u· 646-7909 Cruiser $2200 down + •••••••••••••••••••••• 24300 Laguna Hiiie Mall Cotta Mell. C~nvH 1 labor pool of QUellfled ••• "!!!!!!~.~ ••••. ~~. Ion, looH cu1hiona, gd John Weyna Tennie Club 1 S0 1 l3 mo8,.91ndd05•0H0.HE. tllp. 0 II Sunray 115 11 /p Laguna HHll uphol1tery pro<1uc11 graphic art• pereonnel for IOW 31 /FT I quel.. brand new 2 Family MembetlNp eyt " • • ves Mere. 110 . wltrlr Many I~~~~~ ~~O.E~.~~~~I Permanent. lulltlme. Ex· on-cell work In lh• pre-0 brand new lempa. ell Belt Oller 645-5183 _5_5_1_··93_2_1 _____ xtru. Gd tkl boat, 6 perl ence preferred pren eree. At leeat one Aed~ood 2K5 decking, $280. 848_.2g3 76-24' Relnell Crulaar, P81• 15495, 646·9004 Company l>eneflll year'e experience In type-4-20 long;"''° re<!wood j 36" Franklin Flreplece, "'I FI B duel controll lo•· For Classified Ad &45-2244 aettlng, pute up, camere fencing. LowHt price UTTU, WIClfl cut Iron, xlnt cond. ded: mint cond s~e 11 rr•••..,l•li•• WYE SIYH wtTI nu PUTS l"'r>Oflecl car SMina IMPORT AUTO SUPPLY 101 N M11nc:hestet Anaheim 776-9900 ACTION ---------operation or pletemeklng guer Jim or Ken any· I fmtllll $285. 7~727 Slip 155. oe Anze Bey-•••••~••••••••••••••• . Pillt Calle SllPfltHCUll ltn«:eNery.Youmustbe llme.648-9885 WAIUlllE CLEA· 11deVlllage,N.B.l1t. 1l#'i1Hlikn llfl Daily P1lo1 FQr active aporttwaer evalleble to work on • USEI IRICI '1 0 R I E N T A l 000 PIP 833-2493 •••••••••••••••••••••• ITTEITIU AO-VISOR eul>stltute Of call-tn bHll UICI * * · WHIZZER 1940'• rHtO· .... 2·"'"78 company. Muat be bon-· · 30c ee 875-8405 or I Beat prlcu guarani_,. red Value $1,100. Al· IC IWIEH ad. claHlfled •da ,... "" deble. Newport Beech. Selery depend• on eKpe-..,.. RUGS ,. .. 2.lt.W71 ~. rlence Con1ac1 Paraon· 875·7009 11785 Edi nger 1 bllo: · ** . '78 27'11 fl BAYLINER klng$750.Call67~728 TONNEAUCOVER -...,, =========:liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilnel we1t of He.rbor l"Vlctorie." Fly bridge, Frts MG's. '71-81 ---------· ...._ .. ,•--~ C1•1111I 8397219 Gorgeou1 Turkleh VHF radio, belt tank. '79PeugeotMo-Ped.Kept Hever uMd.$75 I .. .._ _, L • •11•11 • Orlentel rugs. depthllnder, oulrlggers, In ttorage tor 2 yeera. Mat' 63l 7797 IY SHIPPING laUr Plitt ••• ~~~!~! .... ~.'!':!' 9' Ven Hemert Couch, · p,p, 112-llH lwlth traller. $22,000. Xtre clean with many ia · m, RCTaylorCo 640-9900 FREE REAL ESTATE LICENSE SCHOOL is available to you lf you are a h ighly motivated, positive an d ambitious person who wishes to enter the exciting and rewarding field of real estate sales. Call Glenn Eineman for an appointment. Offices in Newport Beach, Palm Sprinp & Rancho Mirage. RCTaylorCo 640-9900 330 w Bay St beige llorel, fairly good 648-2843 Ktru. $395 or beet offer. RECEIVING eo.18 Mesa IAllll.. cond. 175 497-4365 W1ter1a11 etelnlall ""' 953-2202. Brano rWJW bm Jeep top An Equal Oppty Emf>lyr cookware. 11111 In box, i--P-UC_H_SUPE __ R_S_P_OA_T_ & hardware Soll boxed Orange CouQty vltemln • _. _ Starl your darkroom to· MOVING OUT OF STATE 642-2915 I WAITEI Seers.fits CJ7 mdl $125 manufacturer requlrea ••· deyl With • Beteler 23Cll 15 cu. tt. frOlt lree Frlgl· 25' • 35·. Take over toen MK II *MINT* 494-1912 perlanced peraon to Vehicle Operator. Olel·A· enlarglng 1en-... lellghl dtl re Deluxe I 1 35 FREE UT I plua CHh. Cln. cond P.P. 673-t455 --------- handle buiy •hipping/ Aide. Seodlel>llCk Valley & llltere.electronlcllmer. Queen Sleeper Sole When you 188 our 673-1605 '79PeugeotMo·f>ed.Kept Nucerstereow/Oo~by& receiving department aree 18 w/Klnt driving Yerloue easels & every $125 Rnd smoked glut weterlen cookware de In llorege for 2 yeere AM/FM auto Rev 150 Requlret knowledge of record. Starting $4 hr. type of derkroom ecces-g chrome 01n1ng Set monstrellon No obl19e~ 13' Whalef-type Seewltcl'I. Xtre clean with many Grephrc Eq $40 Kenny pecki ng proceduru, E.O.E. 830-8191 btwn aory Imaginable All In xlnt 1250 All good condition uon Of high pretSUte. FOf 40HP Johnson $2000 xtru. 1395 or beet offer. _64_5_·8_833 _____ _ freight llnee, local. netlon-10·11AM. c:ond. Wtll sell H package 645·11158 appt. 557-9856. 646-3446 963-2202. •• 1nd lnternallonal ship-WAmESS/WllTU only ssoo 75 l ·8408 Queen Herculon brown I 1981 t5' Boston Wheler. 1---------A1l•• l•1 s.1, ping procedures end Good 1 Call evee ple10 love seet chair & Membership In Rancho ,,_ 65HP Suzuki motor. ll•l11qrln/ ••1MPORTANTNOTicf"0 1tockroom control. Wiii 873-7~ ~· ottoman. $170 640-0327 Sin ,J01·~~n ~h~ new 1ra11er. $5500. kHllll 1150 TO READERS ANO oversee the work of 2 Complete proleulonal Deluxe Ouean bed with ~~I~ t':r $250 tncludea ! 642·7056 •••••••••••••••••••••• ADVERTISERS person•. Pleue call or WHI IMP darkroom &Qulpmant, all natural wo od Lene f I 975-0237 27' Beyllner. Cabin. Fly-Suiukl FZ50. Adult OW· Tl'le price ot Hems •d· apply In person to: 1 11 P/t•-a Job 1 ecceta. N-$750. must trans" ee. d 110 E T nad low mlleage Ilka ti _ _.. b h 1 d nter" ng .,.. or Mii b/o 673-S.-83 hdb1d. N-$650, MH '°' Wh t h I Wiii 111 l>rl ge. . Ktres. op • ••eo 559.12•'• Yer s_. Y ve ice ••· peraon w l lh thop · s125 673-5453 ee c er. H or c:ond 19 M rWJW... ..... lef1 lntheYetl1Cleciessl-a11aaoLIC W ·S t>kgrnd tdeel tor c:o11aga C. 1 1035 · s 75 645-4400 day•. 714-840-3070 · 1973 Vespa Rilly. btec:«. fled e0Yer11sing column• AIUID t d t 2 1 B I I 673-8523 av• d t lncl'""-s u en over . oys •••••••••••••••••••••• ~II•• l•J• I055 !Partner wanted 24 ft w/Wlnd1l'lleld Xlnt oond. oes no """any ep-17802 Giiiette Aw. lrvlne. Ca. 92713 7 14·546-811()1 equal Opportunity ernp1gy: MIF Club of the Harbor Area, SIAMESE KITTEN ••u'••••••••••••••••• Los Caballero• Tennis le· SEAAAY SUNOANCER. $976 OBO 545.3439 pl1c1ble tun. llc:ense. ''iici.Miiif'i oriiieppiiiti. i&4i2i·i83i7i2i l Charmer. 8 wtcs old, $10. E.1t1te Sale. mostly lurnl· mlly membership, coal I NB •1JP $5500. Can Ii· '79 HONDA CBX tren1fer lee1. finance 11 ~S..5821. 555-3752 ture In good condition. S 1200, you pay 1900 nence. Deya 869·0500, Beeulllul c;ond Muat NII. 't:;~rrn'~~*':~r~"; ;~~~ n.. 10~0 some entlquH Phone C e 11 To dd New m • n days. EYee 55 7-9327 S2525/0BO 754-1885 cerut1c1t1on1 Ot dee I er ":'.?.' ,. 54t-3M4 hre 8-lOAM & 752-80 11 dya. eves ---------r----------1 L;b·R~j;1;~·P·~P·;.•t,j;; 4.J0.7PM 857~955 Tune TQWer With controls. llllA II 1111 llll docum1n1ery prepare· YOUNG PEOPLE off 1 i 4' Sea craft. xlnt lion c:hergea unless Short Houri & Great Pay. male. female, 10 wits Garage & MoYlng Sele. 20 pc:. atelnleu atael cond &275 557-4758 ett $100 548-3304 otherwlae specified by Spend yOUf days on the Haebrlln, S125 964-5141 Sal/Sun. 520 Acacia, w1terlH1 cookware, 6 .78 Honda 750F, 10 ml, tne ao_.user Summer Jobs beech & your evening• 23 people needed to 1111 AKC Germen Shepherd. CdM t0-3 S250 498·7959 many xtrn. Sacrifice --------- with me Cell Jeff In l•· entry level !>0$lllof\• ~oung ell bl1ck mete, YAU SALi .,__ p-• FANTASY 37· (Crslng $1700. 645-7275 C,111•1 1510 gune.497-4188 .... ut ..... encpte,mutt 1loop) end ROYAL •••••••••••••••••••••• --------$1 150 ouae-tralned, protec· Muet Hll ell Item• -ull. xlnt •h•p•. make CRUISER 40' (FIB Twn 'll S-Lj II 211 WANTED II Ye. $ 2 00 I 0 B 0 . I offer. 964-8912 eYI -,-----------------"----------552-5482 MOVINGll Item• netude 0•1 SIF). TheH 2 high $825 OBO 645-9829 t, motorcycle (760 Honda 4 BF Goodrich T/A 50·1 qual. fbgl yec:hll FROM 1--------- ( (, ) ) \UTID ( (,.,--<OS---) ) Newspaper Carriers tor routes In Huntlngti>n Beacli, Fountciirl VcfeY & N,wport Beach CALL CIRCULATION OEPARTMENT .._ ... PER'MONlH FREE SIBEAIAN HUSKY Chopper), TV. drlll p<.... BR 13 Ilk• nu, cteanlnq SWEDEN offered tor lo-'81 KsweMkl KZ305. Jdnt TQ BUY TO GOOO HOME TV game. exerclee blcy· gar. $50. 875-9962 eel buyere et epec. cond . Mull ••• vMarketilg Trailees vStrvey Assistants 845~329 cle, Hwlng machine. Term1 (t2'A% fin.) with St300toffer. 761-4298. LATE llOlll entlquee. g1aed1were. Mt>':~~~~=~'!,,~~I~ !'!~~: wd/etmaxoc,~•dcl~I~~·:~~~ '80 Kawaaakl KX250 ISO CUI AKC Cocker pup1, M&F, bull. 1hot1, 1200-$275 OBO Greet Mo1her'1 Dey glttl (213) 43t-t571 gun1, too11. en other ma..,81 'letue 11250. Wit! G t d ~I 1 hOuMhOld ltOl'l'll, etc. '" 714·873-11578. NORD rH con ·· pmen WILSON f()RD Sele SAT/SUN MAV 15th .... tor $1100 Cell Doug YACHTS tor ~taJla. Incl. Bet otr. 85 .e351 & 18th et 2588 Senta Ammermen Wk 85l ·2000 '78 HONDA, 750-F, SUper t8255 Beach 8IYd "PETS "R" PEOPLE Call about our Program to 11op "Summer Itch" EKotlc: vece1lona, heir 1ty1et & low at Sherry'1, Poodle kldl 4 Hie. T· cup, toy, min. Ana Ave, CM Small Wood d11k, brand ... ,,, '-' Sport, blk, 4 In 1 Kerker Huntington Beecf'I * ESTATE SALE * .., 11 -12 . u ,,_ 185. Cllrfft ION hdr chrome, 8.000 orig 142-1111 831-0496 •••••••••••••••••••••• mll•• Mint cond. Muat i---------v Secretarial v Distribution Staff ..... .,.,., ... , .. Ir .,.,... .. .., u •• 1..,._ 128' S/F, Only HH/wlc. tee I 1550/bHt ofr -,.._ Fully fqUlpS*S, rMeNt 547-1545 Machine for beck tCl'lel now,'46-<4005 ---------1 end str ... 1275 Firm SELL Idle Item• with • 557.3391 HaYe eomethlng to Hll? Delly Pilot CleMlfled Ad. No Exp. Needed 546-2.848 SpnnQ« Spenlll, AKC, M. LIYf & wtlt. Sl'IOte I WOI· meo. S200. 498· 7959. AllD&LU 714-877.e795 tn Some fields 7 M O . Old Old Eng . T1IMt ....... ANTIQUE FURNITURE: Chippendale d9ttl, IOYe- Mate,•tlh lop tabl9e. etc. MIC & VIA Acac>ttd HLD-- Lg enort wetchmektta pert1 & tool•. Hll •it w1101a1el• price. 875-0092 Acme Julceretor with Cl· ,,,,. e 11 acllment S 1 H new, Mii 1125. 642-4127. l1t.114-Mll ShHpdog. lam .• AKC. Some pottery, c:ollectl· ~~~~~~!!!~~! 1 h0 1 e. e, et o 1,. blM, garden toot•. f\ard· NeW COde-A·Phonl, Mod. -979-7328 ware. HobbYl•t d .. lgl'lt. 1750 w/r9!TIC>te $200, •nlllNllN 25782 Cale Alcatdo, 5an 5424 ltr. •••••••••••••••••••••• ft# ,. 1H 1141 Juan Capo '-1 4934oM5 Ei.ctr...-..IO Bid Brend .a-~ "" ...................... ••••-~ ,,...... • .:. at atl ,.. AOOAABLE -n•w. "'"" u1.., • •• •• •••• • • •••h •• • • • PUPPIES. 7 WK8. Unique m190 enia, floil. Pd '794. lrede Of Mii tor Cla11lfled edt clo It '{911. 842·5678. ...... ""=' C•ll mlX. &«-4889 UllOld clothH and N7S, 841-1419 ~.-::rod. v a'1~ 2 bHutltul long l'lalrecl ~;.d:~'~·"Sal·:"a"t ~j5 Irvine Coaat Qotl M•m· ...,_,._,..,....~~ usoo .... '3800. l<lll•n•. ,,.. to good ) c ~ n bl ,..lllp ••• , •• oolnt 7""'"3 home. M2-tM1. ,.., oetAI ~I Samaon. CMIMtoullp9 Hllpl I nffd. home de~ 2 1H E .. t OcHn 811/d. --------It--..... .-~ 1111. eplfattly my nalft• le Newpoti 9Ho._, End of Z Cob lVI .. I 1121 • ...._,..,.. "fr..-.y1· I'm 4~ mo ~ ~ 919°" l wtlfte pOrtalttt old, I'm toyel, "'*"""Y 2 ,AMILY Qerat• Sal• uo. vecuum la\I, '"' I' Ml.._... a 110\!Mbr°""'· "4y mo. 4411 w. co.at~. H.e. XIWlt. Ma-1121 • ...._,.,.. tt• w• • """'*"'· ~ I/I ,urn,. MIQ. heetlold. c.r.1'IO IC.IN. lClnt COM OLD GolcMn °"' rottto, =~t'.J:~ 314 Unlverelty Dr,•·• ~~ .. '1:-~ltl tlftl. ._wt---. ..... ,,.dcr;,.HWAY" Cell C.M. ~ IMCHN. *· •uoo. Mt-a1u #'lytllN 111•5007 · * ~.......,. • Dl9C • «w ..... llDM. •• ,.._.__. ...... T•• --mtec. ltama. a1tt. _,_. -'" -· ... 1 'f' o4d neut. TdbY '°"91 tS1.f71t ~-.-, -· Olllldf_~. dOft l 'o•ller MOVING ULI~ ... otla. ......... .,, ~ = =::... *'r,n ..... Mw•t~ ... '*"' MHol ........... tar'fle.Nl ITMM1 ilrzl!" ... tu119, I .... ...... INll COftlet e-tdfllfl, · ' ...... einen·•~ -· ,.... .....,. ~ « y ... . ~." ......... 'P,,::r ..... aa1un 1:1\~ . . -·· ................... ... ESTATE W.E MAKE OFFER '58 Toro- n e do. '73 Pinto, '811 Mu1t1ng, '69 Sllverllne trellilr. 960-0181 after 6 , A.~ ~tt!.9'M~ ... 1Mf ~.~'!!.!l!mlff ....... l!W. ... \tlf ...... ~.'.'!.'./!ff!!~ ....... ~ ... ~'!.IMHttt ....... ~.~t-11.lfAftt,r ...... ~.'.W •. ~!~4 ........... ~.'.~'.~.~!~~ ........... ~.'.~'!..~!~ ......... .. ... ~t ·00;.A-.:•1!Mf v••o J!!..Pft,.VCKI fl'IM .......... e.fr (lttft ........... l.'Af ~!!Wf.fft! .. !.~ff lfM ............ !~ff Y.~!.'!flt!'. ..... 1.~!f ~IJ!fl ......... 1!.!f ~~~~~' ....... ~!~! OJ~l!tMff ...... mf • COM (H'OT. CALI..'°" 1111 llflll ~jili11t1, very Glt1n, •• .. I 't I IAAI T11rbo 4 dr, '11 K1rm•nn Qhle. new Mltllft.A1tll '1t cnewtte. Oood .,.,.... 1111 Oldtm0blle 11taae c"'!t,,~ • .ro~::.~ nu...,.... 1111 :.W:".oo~.~-r,:o·'° __..,... g::,c~t~e,~~~~ 112. ~.':!: t!::.~·~•,e•~~&:. .. ,,WI! PCl'ta"o::.=o ::~::.~o~:~~~ 11omt tDOtrH> tltk b~-lllo pC.OOUt). H-• tow tt I... I a.. -1,,.1 MO.o4,4. W• 1ptol1 11 In t•11e1 "'engine 2 llOWtt A,tOIOI ft 1111ing ll ..... _, mllH & It 11t0tipllon1lly •..Ja fff1 M...a.a-.... , ... n u. -tor tllt bvalntH •ucu-'13 L1gun1 Mtllbu 4 dr. ...ta. orU111 'contrOI, tilt Y ti ttll tHll leACH al\10 CIMnl rt";';TI'uuuuuu:o'io O ,,.... ft • •uuhuuuu•uu•• 'f1 IWll llnLJ tin & Pfof"'IOn.i ucellent boOy~.rlof, whfff, ClHNlle, power II' '-'""'"'• •• P.!·... HUNltNOTONllACH ., Ulll \~:)(J1t.n ·~ ~o~ ~7~=::~';o .. -.=~er ""n:;:t:.~Oik LAlfs• ......... engtne NIUd wind ow•.":!~~:: Ml .... l, MMH1 Off91 gooc1 !Mi .,_,Ml l =r haleflbtcll wfttl t moe . ..., .. t>ltpymte. Olel •-a•t 1 ff 1 •a 1111 tf ... 1111 842·'M' mlle9 & morlf •-u--•P Iran• a AM1'M 213 Of 114; MU.OIOll -,, t • • 1 ....... tM\11 boOll le lt279; Salt ROBINS f(.110 lUlll' ·•~•Ot ·l~O C0\111 MIU 00 0010 I GU Pol\11 1onn1v1111 11111.,1 tlllon wagon 1111n1 cono, one pwn•r Ot•Qlnlll 1mrn.cull111 1:1~00 848-184 I I 11811 CIUllO MtrCtdll t'10SL' 100% lltlOttd \If 900 846 '4400 dlyt, t>13 8'>23 ..... 117 Mtrro NHll An tlOC:k tHJI 1ome 1111or1ng 'IJ'>O 648 8801 'II T·llH 'I IOl)a t>llCI\ Xlnl. Ill \0000 1ake11 1!46· 1448 ---t • L11ler MP ('>2MOTO Top Dolar -u"e~ ...... •_ -,,r~ c .... tte. ~ btue 1t a13 °' 7W13M333 111-·IMI 41MMI Ht-Mii C""''' Hn price '' 11619. ''"" ""'"' .... tN•l ~·••• .. ••••••••••••••• Motora, 2t26 Harbor P 'd NtiW,.Oflll llAOH ~:::it.':OJ.~~ H1ven·1 you waited tong rinl• ITff i •07 1u1tt. Ilk• nu N ~~ 111 Corvettt T-top, r.ct-llvd .. Cotti Moe . al Ha..tlM "O" Herborllvd •• Ooeta enough to own• ~fr·"'•••••••••••• .. ••••• thruout. M u et••• tan. 18800. 842-9652 979.2000. • • Ctd .. lltnr'? Oon I ltl '73 Coroll1 Wagon. 2 dr, 4 12460 407-1987 (" .. dayt °' ... 1·1114 , ________ _ ,or Your Carl M .... t1t-2800. Ihle oc>PO(lunlty pew )'Oii lpd. nu CIU"h. CIMn In' , .i' , I w•UTrn .ltllltl I.. by .• lci nowl We have• out 11409. 8411·'260 '73 V2 SYnroot lvg. reblt /•~\ltt• •,· "'",' ·1r,11dT1'11nnc. olr7ve'o"o'. Tl·tllocp . MIU/ • ....__._ .,.,___ WE'RE fan1u11c 111tctton 01 eng, AM/FM, new f1c1ory J k ~;=1's:f modtte & colo" 1v1lla· 'll llUU I p1 tn 1 & tnl 121160 1,-.1.1\lo • •" n• 842·6652 day• or TO BlJY Cotti Ml" 54o-H30 bte Vwy 11\arp. 12000/080 t!t!t-3912 1_84_1_._11_14 ______ 1 DEALIN' .II ILDMI 130·t1218 IDUNE 9UOOY SlrMI It· PUBLIC llOTICE DH•I 1131 UTI ~ WAITED! lall model Toyo111, VOhlOI Picllupa ' V•n• Cell 1.11 1o01y1 1t77 0111un 82 10 . (8811332) Su~r 111111 2 c:toor coupe Slick ehllt, n-palnl job & e g1t11 runner w1101111t1 blve book II $2350. Silt price II $2$96 llN•TS 8 I Supra, u .ooo ml. 6 , gel. All around gr111 1••111unoy ···1 ••• ~................. 1111 OMI 1301 Quall 8tr .. 1 apd, AM/lllM c.1H w11mp cond. $G50. Ge2·3li52 .,. --. '74 Dodoe 01'1, 8 cyt . 3 1uurn1ATE NEWPOAT BEACH IQUlllHI S11nrf. crulH I• 7 8 v w c 0nv.,11 b I· I 1111 ouewo apd, Aini cond Od ml. WJLSNI FORD """"" HI-HM control, ato. '"°° 080 Champagne Edition onty amw $1500 0110 842-2529 112•• ~-~ ....... DELIVERY ON PP I O d I 9 11 18 t SI _,.. -• ' . 1 7 D 0 D 0 E A SPE N "" _,, ~ '70 M.,00011 210Sl con· 714·652·8988 557~389or..., .,rw;e n-WUm •·Door PIS, PI S, AIC, HuntlnOton 8-ch verllblt -4 htrc:tlop, AM/ . ___ Haa every conc11v1blt P/W. Very low mlluge 142-1111 MOST f'M r1d1u, new t1ra1, 80 Supra. 5·apc:t. loaded. I 'll ''"' lttfft Option lnclvdlng au10 exc;,llent condlllon. 1---------I 14 900 PP 832·3045 xlnt cond $9996 or belt 12 000 99 420 trene . power ltHrlng, Call 8~2-5819 '78 CulltH Cat1t1, xtr11, .vet · ofter. 754·4082 ' 4 ·l powtr tirek11. power ---------1 m1n1 cond 14 . 160 MODELS , '80 Tercel Sliver AM/FM '11 UllfT 111111. power moonroot, '"' 19f01_49_4_·_690_7 ____ _ 81 380 SLC Sllllef blue, elereo 60 mpg llk• CHVERTIIU 2 ton• p11n1. «ut11 con· ·,·9•7••8••F•o•,•_:•G••,•1••n•a·d••1• 73 v 1111 Crul aer, Alnt blue l11thtr. aunroof. n-1.4490 848-8480 k trol, 1111 wheal. aterao v "'l>li«lll AMlf M caH. 4 ( • lfJ 1111 ll1r ' WCJOd Int " •• 0,8n o s \ • o o o ~!.~'.'i. !'!r..~'.t!. ..... . ~.u, "~ a,.,,,, 1101 1979 Oa11un B 210. ( 173XSVI H1lchb1ck With AM/FM redl o, c;uatom clolh trim, whlle- wall t,, .. & auper clean! Wholeule blue book 11 1 3375: Sile price 11 $35 7 5 Baver Motora, 2925 Harbor Blvd • Coate Mesa 979-2600 lmm1cul1t1 689-5001 I Eve<y Aire. M • new tape 1e1111ar Interior & (969\IZKI Super clean & cono I 1500 497·1527 · SAVE 1976 Toyoll Corolla d•· 844-4843 • wire wheel• 1889139) look• Ilk• an 811 Auto· 49_4_·5_90_7 ____ _ '12 211 lu:o 1utoma11c. I 1900 '67 vw Bija bug Sunroof, I T hll cer wlll be sold 10 mall<. Irena • air cond , 77 0101 Cu at C1u11111 . 3 Xlnl cond, m1ny lltraa. 548·3019 radio I 1 950 tho hlOtlHI bldc:tetl Maka power steering, radio & teal. lux. 111 Alraa Xlnt A AT S8600 494·7976 1-1,, .•• 1. ll~l l 9B:Y.3468 I Oflerl Coll tor. de11ll1 morel Whole ult blue ateal S2950 645· 1584 fQ VW .. UllV 'f~'e ftt810· ••••••+••• •••• ••••+••• ""' XI•" t;•J•h1 Must 'HlO Plymoutll Cllamp ·7 9 1,,,," !,4 'J'I" cu11om Twn ~tick om/ I vi Ply ~h 1.0•, 1111 nice <.er $3SOO 4f14.:J:>S'> 4 Wi,./ D11v11 9550 . -9 • • • • • ••• •• • •• •• • • • • •• • Aat/1 101 I 7 r, 1ttl Out\• , auto p 18 ' •••••••••••••••••••••• P ':i too•~ hn1p go 'l2 AUDI 100 • ur•d 1>1g tr•" nGllO 4 1tr. 41111 1vnn1ng cond I.ii'> 4.,M (J• •l • 'lM·? SllOO 49'5 5862 ,., c .. tt•tf ,n., I• 111<1t ;ii...i i ilSO ~ll~ 3 ,,,, '"' 4.t'i • I•• pt> fl r • · 1 1 •rm f '• l 'P 10 ! IC• )0 J[ H1 (' I') ~.~,11,"· OR G.E CCJAST I' Aull• I ox 4 spo •ur>· 1001 11mllm stereo ce•· u11u e.c.ellent <.ono nooo OBO 559·9167 Of tlJ2 0330 711 A11<1r IOOLS 2dr. Im· mnc cond Sec S3000 Mu•I ,Oii 645·6292 1111 DATIH 2HZl 2 + 2 (980ZSL) Thia one IS loaoed Wllh IAlrHI O•LY 111,211 Oller good thru 5-10-82 llEWNRT un11 888 Dove SHMI NEWPORT BEACH 131-1311 I t.• v -IOI book 11 $2875, Sale price -1973 450SL. Aini cond •••••• ••••••••••••••• -:aJvw \/AN 251SR ts $2795 Bauer Motora. 11•1• 1151 HONDA n-paint, converllbl• &11978 T11umph Spitfire Orig owner. 1 IOK m1, WITHAM 2925 Herbor Blvd. Co.ta •••••••••••••••••••••• 1111rdlop, lo ml, $17.000 1 (97 18431 Wlllle w i th rebll eng e tran• new MHa 979.2500 1978 Ford Pinto Wegon contact Joe 875-2968 or apec1a1 cu1tom bleck 6 redlal• 1 thocka new YW t 1ACL388) Automallc 873·0944 grey 111m Haa an AM/FM 1211 gen a bait new WANTED I 111n1 . air cond. a AMI SANTA 79 450 SL Merc11oul ~:rb~ ~~~~~:1~18 w~~ I bumpers 6 beck up llte1. TG~~;~~~~~·~RAvtl FM radio Wholesale blue Benz. white/Ian leather. 111 s •I e b I u e book II novel Cdmper top. now TO BUY I book II $2550, Sale price 29,000 ml, extended $3200 . Sale prlt# 1, Im stereo c1111 all paint 993. 7551 is S2950 Bauer Mol<>tt, warranty, mini cond $369S Bauer Molora 6 body work don e .~. 2925 Harb<)( Btvo , Coate ANA Many utrea Cer phOne 292S Harbor Blvo Cotti! restored· you 11n11h., 638-7880 Ult llODEL Mesa 979-2500 ntlQOl $33.500 Anl)(ne Mell 979.2500 1embly S 1200 in new USED CUS l/C W-H 9 •/, t e 11 e c ll 11 o 1 c . __ p11rte Aak1ng $1600 Se6 THE UR&EST -. 97S-1128 Lea '74 TA6.overor1ve.11erf'o at 386 E t'Jth SI, C M . W1LSQN FORD R~:~~:~ Parll & S«vkle Open All Day Salurc:tay 301 W Warner Ave (I blk west of M1Jn) .73 280 S 1 1 buutllul car $48{15 , 673-6293 or 646-371 4 SELECTIOll ner. 74K u~r .c :;;,, ::~ 83 1-8439 vw parta. Type 1, 2, 3 & 4; I of 111e model, low mllet· 18255 Blach Blvd lo•li•t llfS Mich's $8,258. 840·S384 '72 TR·t!. r>ew pain I, conv alao Kerman Ghia parts. ge Cadlllac1 In Southern Hunllngton Beach ••••• ••••• •• • •••••• ••• --lop int a radials Strong 1 BOdy eng 1rr11n1 a misc Callfornlal See ua tooay1 142-1111 1979 Pontiac Grand Prt• J 0 JEE, 540·7430 '75 450 SEL Loaded low enq & drtve lrain ,3200 ports 549. 1497 llABERS I 155WT DI A ir cond . mlleage. S2000 under Rick 673•8840 '78 Pinto. 8 cyl atallon crulae control, AM/FM Bluebo<>k 875-0092 'H HI UH ClDILUC wegon Xlnl cond low caatette, wire wheel co· ----1980 280ZX. 2&2. 5 1pcl. BMW 9112 blue. GL pack1g1, 1181'80 14J '·'' ~ • • • • • • • • ••• • • •••• • •••• tepe Xlnt cond I 10,400 '79 PRELUDE r,4" 7770 PP Ev1/wknd1842·1229 am/Im. 4 spd, reg Tradt1 f/560 · ' ,,,.,..,. r.r • ~11nne 4,,4 "l' ,, s., 71l0 P•, ts\ 1r1 v ' 1un '-.,Jv" rndc p1 ••D tr ~ t••flow l•rn•J•I "~\. ,11150 JJ1 "4 ~Mi' I 11 SALES-SERVICE I LEJSHIG lj:J 1 2040 495.4949 SADDLEllCI llllW I 15450 •99·3188 gaa. 1111 DATIH '81 HONDA ACCORD 1210 4 or, melelllc sltver . (877MJOI Auna eno llutomauc. air cond, pa, looks pertectl am/Im allrto 5 789 ml o•LY 12111 S8 0 0 0 L 1 k 8 ne w OMet good lllfU 6-10·82 !_6_4_8_·7_8_4_1 ____ _ HWPGllT HTSll 80 Honda Prelude, 5 888 Dove Street speed, new !Ires. moon NEWPORT BEACH root, 1m/lm cauelle IU· l IOO Ltke new $8399 OBO Eva, Wkno 661 -0962 80 300 SO Turbo Olesel Beige/gold, $27.950 1141675-0092 I 78 450SEL. brn wl saddle 1n1 . S3K mi. 1 owner $ 16 500 P WS Auto Sales 675-1579 71 280SE Cpe 3 5 1 OW· ner 70K ml, cleulc PW S Auto S ele• 875-1579 ·79 300 SO Osl t owner. like new, must sell lhla Runa good S48· 1487 2600 Harbor Blvd mrte11ge aulo tran1. pis, vera & morel Wholea111 --77vw BUS COSTA MESA p/b, al e. rad•o. new llrff blue l>()()l( II $4600, Sate 540-1860 & breke1 S2700 I p1lce 11 $4895 Beuer Chompagn• Ee1111on tl42·2526 I Molora, 292S Ha1bor PUB l I C Sunroof. em/Im. 4 spcl -BI o co 11 M $4500/0BO 642-6082 79 Cadillac ~en DIVll 79 Ford L TO 4 dr pis 97;.25-0o 5 e 18 78 VAN Landmark, 4 le wtcomlorteble pillow p/b, 11/c 11ereo. 40,000 . beck lebrrc int all goo m1 8811 oiler 752-83'4 I WANTED caple1n ch" 1cebo• I> -.-- NOT I c E smk aunrl benchaeal. Otes $8900 P 76 L TD bHt otrtr over conv lo bed Calm put S88 8343 $ 1 .895 TQ BUY $6,800 or beat 850-1783 r 66 Cao1llac Convertible. 964· 7253 I 1 oves 640-S200 it3302 cream color 95"1. realor· Ult llDIEL BANKRUPTCY dys 00 \2000 642-7SOO ~!~!!!~ .......... !.~t~I USEI c••s UCEU.UfT 65 Red Convertlblo 95•10 197S Ll~oln Town CouPt Rn , !1402 M11gueme Pl.wy M1ss1on Vlt!JO 1111 C!';t\ 1• T (Avery Eiut ott 1·51 C tJ• T Of XI .,, UP Open Sundeys I 72 D111un 510 Wgn Good cond $1100/0BO 49•·5806 79 Accord 4-dr. 5-epd. AIC. AM/FM CUI 111· reo. 10 ml, reg gas, llke nu 581-'4179 G1uouano11 GIFTS rt1storeo 12000 I 129MDV) LUAUfY with WILSON FORD 1U1 642~!)()() 11very1h1ng including po. PRISTINE VW BUGS ----wer seal, power win· 1825S ee.cll Blvd ~~~e~25~~2·~r;n uf:~ S A L E 10 am & 7 pm I U• •v• c.otor w111• mll· 'r11n9 llbwr11111u snell PUBLIC flOTICr f'qu1p d with comp tow ~ I 1110 HTIH 210 UTCllACI Mull Miiii '78 Accord LX. 11H 230 SL 84,000 ml, I owner. ell Allvehlcleawlllbesoldto orig Aulo, air PS, PB . the highest bidder! Dee· uoth Iopa E•cellent ler demon1tr11on used To tally rec(Jn01troned 7 1 EI 001 ado. blue 8 dow1, 1111 wheel. crulae I Hunllng\on Beecll To Choose From $1500 .642-7500 leather & mo11t s111 " • 1960's 111ru 1970's Many while, 95% reatoreo I control, power locks. 1,..2 Ill l [lJ l'~J1/ J'J.IJ I J ~Jr) 71 El Ooreoo a cla111c price 11 $2995 Bauer ls1 Venture, va 2BBI. auto p11ck ege incl ova11011d 1 BlllKRUPTCY SALE .1.r1ngo; urati.e llnd l1g'11 ltlS llW 2002 (RWGNYL) Thie one hu sllve<. 0119 owner. 13900 1 5 speed trana & AM/ 975-3985 dye. 551-8738 ~ ~ ~ LI ___ J golot gold/gold $2.000 Motors 2925 Herbo r trana Runs good 1nte· on1ro1 flC .Au•I) cru1'!.,. I' 0 P S A1. Re .. r Sii· ll•"ll ""'•lo"' AM /FM 'l!l•H• a <,,.l,~tonl ... r I 'd t°'•rllV, c11JI/ ''" •; vr.r1 ru S7350 ORO f,7 .11 I' . 67 ooi:c:r: · ro11 I, Cyl 4 !.Pd wrJI~ ng mHr>Slt t~ FM h.,111 m1111' lgtf t>Ad Good 11.md $'.)2!) S44 2168 16 I ord ~-2'!0-4 wheeil 011)1• ... I\( t tm)() til' '>',93 (/o' o(>(lf&tO' ti! 111• I Trove- IAll •ln1 cortd, 11er110. S t 500 tH be5 I offer b42-26lJ ''>'l AANCHF AO ,,, ~•o•l'QO s•1(11). ouo hl'J ljl ., Vus 9510 ........••••.......... ... ' ( .. .,.J,.. MHI ,_,,, I II'! ; ~ (•1• r rr•' vGry CIUHll l~K <Jr rg ml, s•,r.01)/Q(jQ r1vf'f $5000 '-IA ~51~ b4', 450'1 att 4 1q1 f),,t 'Jlf4 le r> jimP'!r I 1hlC Nll'er 11' m;;.I' t•f:>O l I '>~'I 1113) -I 1 <,1111v WO~ van 511. 1 C: 6'.ll<. mt 11nt v>nO 1 $( )C>() *;4&-24,9 Aalos WHIM 9590 ......•..•..••••...... WE NEED YOUR &000 HID CH! .Anytt11ng COllt•1Jt•rtr<l I~ U tliru 1980 4 spPed trans storeo 1<1pe a ir <.o nd 642·7500 Blvd Costa M esa· roor gooo. need• boc:ty MOTORS -979-2!)()() work $400. 556-0tl37 1 "" \~ ,1,,,, ..., \ .. 78 El 00<000 Mint cond, FM casMtle _11_M_5P_M _____ _ OILY 13113 1·79 Accord. AC xlnl cond cond $12.500 0 B0 Clll llnc:I company C8rl 548-7245 10 AM to 5 PM Mon· 1071JMVK1 Hus car will b ... 010 Iv lhe hlghOSI t11<loer1 Make Otter! Cell I IOI 1IOl111h' Otf81' good lhru S· 10-62 Beige lnllut. AM/FM, M us i aell S4 9SO llEWPHT HTSH I 7 7 8 . 4 0 2 1 d y I. 0 I c. 886DoveS11eet 6 45-7957. 640 -893 1 NEWPORT BEACH t>ome MG 9142 01y thru Fndey Call for ••• •••••. ••••. ••••.. •• detallel ATIHTIH Iii OWMHS TONNEAU COVER Fiia MG'e, '71.'81 Neve< uM<I. 175 BOB WITHAM 60M m1 Grey wiut~ le11lh 79 Versailles. lo mt. moon r·1. ' I.• ' 1110 76 Pop-top compef new intr Make Oller Call I rl, fully loaded S7.900 •• ".!~ •• '!!'.'! ••••••••••• I 11 e 6 • >In 1 c 0 n d wkdys 642· 1626 548-4388 ·72 T-Blrd, landau root, ell $5500/0BO 644-1444 'll lart v Camtr pwr ale. 8-4.000 orig m1 * 'lt SClllOCCO * C1•.,o 9911 Moonrool. loaded. xlnt Brn on brn Xlnl cond BOI WITHAM vw 1&00 We\tm1n11er Avt WE STMINSTER 893-1551 638-7880 & CREVIER F)n11t Seltofion In Or1ft&t Co111ty C:,alcs-Serv.ce Leasing We sp11c11111ze 1n Euro peen 041!1very WHERE CUSTOIH SERVICE COllES 1 ST! 135-3171 108 W I'll Sonia Ana Closoo Sund11y -----1981 llllW 32Di Has ONL y 13,000 m•les 5 apccd trans air cono 8 AM-FM stereo cauet· lt (100M5871 Priced lo ~Ill ONLY $12,995 ~ , COHMELL CHIVIOLET 7J01 II arbor fl" d Cl lo.I A Mt_..,,\ 546-llOO 133*130I _7_8_H_o_n_d_t _W_a_g_o_n_A_IC-. 75 Oetsun 280Z, xlnl conaote, tpprox 48,000 cono 111. stereo. new I ml $3500, 548-8864 I" e • $ 5 · 2 O O PP '79 Honda 4 dr Accord, 5 552·1823 apd, AC, AM/FM caH, Marie 831-7797 Iv m, 1111 HTlll txlremety CIHn. $1!150 /llGI 9144 210Z CMPl 960-6889 91191/Wknd• • •• • • •• •. •• •••••••••• • t 462URY) 5 speed 80 Accord 4-dr, rid w/ *'78 M&I* 1r11ns • a11 cond 1181'80 & velouf 1n1 . AM/FM caM . Mum • got to let ""' go mags I u g g • g e r 1 c k lo good hOfne for $3400 Olly S7•72 $6800/0BO 770-1199'4 Low m1111 ·cul I'm lier " weekend car Delivered vw 7600 Weetmin11er Ave WESTMINSTER Oller good thru f>-10·82 Beautllul '77 Honoe Ac-green with 11n top Ma· llEWPORT HnUI cord. 5 spd. AC. Ou110 ~ine 893-7880 888 Dove Street 11"90• J6MPG, UNI reg 840·52701850· 1801 NEWPORT BE•CH gaa Reduced to 13950 13•1•1t"' 780-0998 '63 MGB RESTORED 72 Datsun 1200 au10. gd cono am/Im, redial• S 1, I ooo oeo 100.9382 .,. • $3800 mini cond wire 638 7880 J ... ,, I 130 whls nu paint chrome ··A•••••••••••••••••• upf'l ol . rblt engtne a • 1979 J1gu11 XJ8 much more 646-7211 ---------1 I Frnnuc. must sell tooay 610 Oetsun. 1976 Top cono air am/Im, 4 door. 51 000 mtlH I Owner 52500 833--0592 (185YAT) Brltllll reclng I 1911 YW CAMPER green , fuel l njecllon, '77 MGB Convertible. xlnt I 133SMVWI Thia one ., 1 heater, atereo. power cond Gotng abroad. windows & tocks, tele· $3200/bal olr 857-1759 e1trll cleanl acoplc •t-jno. autom•· D•L Y $2915 ttc climate control & IHAHI 9141 Oller good thru 5-10·82 more• Whole1el1 blue ••• ••••••••••••••••• llEWPORT llTSU• book ts $13,325, Sale 19821 888 Dove Street price la $1 3,495 Bautr E POAT SE•C'-' Air em/Im case lo M l lmm ec SS500 840-5270/850-1801 *'76M&I* Mum's got 10 let me go 10 good llome for $2700 Low miles cuz I'm her weel<end car Oellvereo green with ten 1op Ma· •ine 840-52701850· 1801 1981 VW Rabbi! LX. xlnt cond sunrl atereo can S6600 720· t665 7 I SQb~ n-life'! runs ore111 S1200 Call Doug 675-5593 75 vw Buo. itlnl cond AC new r11olels. lo mt $3500 533-2788 ----73 Supar Soetle new parnt new lirea m1~c Xl n t cono $1995 957. 187/ 66 SQua1obac k new motor w rece1p15 New t11ak os Gooo cond 61 Oalsun 3 IOGX. 7000 miles Muat sell S5300 857·209S Motora, 2925 Harbor ARE HERE! N w " n Bl.vd . Co11a Meee 133-1300 I $1S50 497 4689 8' 280ZX Gil 5 apeeo. 1mmacul1t1 Many ex. llH $11200 847-81!1 I Come In and drive l he 979-2500 lee"lng dle·-•t •vellable 'll VW W-_..11.1 78 vw Convert Red w / " _. "' .wn I t:Jlack top. clean. AM/FM 1111 aUAl lot lmmedllta delivery' Cam,tr 5tereo CISI $6700 l .. • H. SOll See w hy people ere $2500 Casi\, assume 6.C6-8028 -• Switching 10 Peugeoll Srlver with bltcl< lnlerlor IUCH IMPORTS peymenta of S 189 per 70 vw conv 95% res to· Tr•ded In on an-Roll• •• mo Balance S6700 IEW 848 0 S 1 ,.11•1931 I red Xlnt cono Musi see Royce (1241). ov• 11841 ~ Price $4,995 DELOREAN 124,101 NEWPORT BEACH 1111 YW •• Pvt Ply 6 .. 6·2265 1•060571 HY CUYU 752-0900 S1800 54S.t!571 MUST SACRIFICE $24,111 ' Ill.LI HYCI ·75 Peugeot 504 dl11el. 7 5 su p ER Bae 111 '76 ~ABBIT. new cMcn. No.I' IS.CO Jlmbof'" Road maroon, 4 dr, 4 lpcl, air, (LeGrand) Sunroot, 111. 1 am/Im ca11et1e. •Ir NEWPORT BEACH like new. S3800 or beat reo cua. xlnt. cond )(Int cond Nice body, nice f1ZI ·;3·i2a ·La2·r~;ii~·4cio' cono s1250 933.1290 _6_4_5_-1_9_8_s ____ _ 63 Clallte T B Ori Tue· AIC $600 slereo ell 70 MARK Ill, IOldl<I Aini son yellow blk tnl 531< orig, ctn car $3 600 OBO cono • lo mt See lo ap· itlnl s3900 675~ 174 644-6806 proc1a1e 494-2831 or £~'.!'.~~'.'. • • •. • • • !.~~~ I 9_2_1_. 3_8_:_311M_1_Sl_L_L___ ~.0. ~0.~ .~~!~ • • •. • • • • • • • SEE Us FIRST! 8 I MARK VI Lesa than 1------· • 400 m1let Prtc:eO tar be· llllilo.. 'A Bl ... RS We lleve a good setec tow lactory invotee' 1 ~ ~ ~ l•on of NEW & USED NEED RELIABLE PARTY (. I II I \(' Chevrolets' I TO MAKE SMALL MON· ./ \ ) ,, ,,, , THLY PAYMENTS NO COHMRL CHEVIOLET 282JI lflrbur Hhd COblA ~H:SA 54 .. 1200 I ~~~83 ~T~~c ~~6~ CLEARANCE PAYMENTS DUE CRE- DIT DEPT 547-8339 SALE' Santa Ane L M • *MUST SELL 1980 Cllevrotet C11a11or> HlllChbaclo. ( 1 DOK046) Front wneel drive. A.Ml ·79 MARK V Full power r M stereo cassette nigh ano air Liken-I wcury performance V6 sport al 11s besll poc~ao• & cuslom lnte· NEED RELIABLE PARTY "0' Wholesale blue TO MAKE SMALL MON· book1s S4810 SeleprlCll THLY PAYMENTS NO 1s $4995 Bauer Motors, OLD CONTRACTS TO ;>q25HarborBlvd ,Coata l ASSUM E N O BACK Mosn 979-2500 PAYMENTS DUE CRE· -DIT DEPT S47·8339 I lilt CHEVROLET San1a Ana LIM IOllZA TOWllE COUP£ 166 Lincoln Converl•ble. 16 I I 11 This ona hH 1011 60'!. restoreo All Black or O•tras. low miles & 11 S4 000 642-7500 extra clean! 6S Lincoln ConverllbMt, 11 o•LY $2995 I Cl85111C , 95•;. rellored Oller good thru 5· 10·82 $6,000 642· 7500 I llEWPOllT DATSH 1 7 1 Lincoln Club Coupe 888 Dove Street Must sell I I .000 NEWPOfH BEACH 642·7500 IU-1311 70 Lincoln Merk Ill. Mint "" $1500 6242-7500 1981 CADILLAC ILDOIADO "DllSIL" (6'43480) $14,995 1911 CADILLAC fLHTWOOD llOUGHAM (1CGX359l $}5,995 1910 CADILLAC 1 fLHTWOOD llOUGHAM (126374) $11,995 SAITA W 1411444 oiler 644-5644 pnt. Aini Urea, xlnt m1. 1 1n1erlor Good engine 301 w Warner 1 i 91SO leoge 13.550 OBO S1850 Hl-Hll ~~~ ... '!.!~!~ ... !Z~! .!!!! .. ~.............. dno-o8s3861 5~~·0• ~~i 1133 1 ~-31_._7958_P_1P __ ·~I ~I ltl Ot<~ C-'V 1--=-=--- :?"n~ rlarbor Btvo &' WANTED ~!!~!!! ••••..••• !.~!¥ 19IO CADILLAC COUPI DIVILLI "DllSIL'' (212104) CIJ~T~ ~ES/\ --------'70 l ·O. Convenlbll. Auna aya • "" an,. me Volro 9112 [!~! •....•••.•.•. !.~~~ go2o.d17.~2!,~. or ti111 MEISTER '76 vw Duh« llalehbl. 4 •••••••••••••••••••••• TO BUY Ult MODEL USED CARS 61 Mercury, whl, • dr. needs vary 111111 work $200 642·8155 919·2580 WE PAY TOP DOL AR FOR USED CARS WM MAQllH BOB MoLIR Ell BMW 9e ilV ..... PDllSCIE/AUDI •Pd fuel Injected. AMI :: 1 VtlYo Dtaltf ~!o~1~14~~~~;.0~f.:: ,,,.,, 1111 13631 Harbor BIVd r,~ .. ,;~~~w;,~~~r!'.'i In OrH&• Cou.tyl new elec lrlcet, new •••••••••••••••••••••• Garden Grove tune-up Greet MPG *MUST SELL shocks, new 11dlator. l ...... lento.-Ltalf.ac Pamportd & very relle· g:r.~;3~1bl• St 100. 714 138_2333 ~':o~2700 552·2031(1ve saus, SHVIC[ UD WSllHI OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS WILSON FORD '8 I CAPRI RS. AT, PS, air, PW, wheel• A real tporty oner PHTllCt SUllRU ?4eO 111rbof Blvd COSTA ME!.A 541-4~00 549-14157 \\E auv CLE~n CARS &AD mu~xs COMJ141:lL' < · CHlV-OL!T. ;>J!2!I Hubur Bl~rl l'(~'1' '!tt t:SA S4~l l00 llUllYP lop oollar• tor Sport• Car•. 8vg1, Camp•r•, 014't AUdl'I .,_k for U/C MOA Safe,.54Jrv1ce-le&t1ng 850 N Beach Btvc:t Lii Habra 522-HU DRUOE coum•s OLDEST St1IM ~rvlCe·Leallng IDY'CARVER R -,J!l 14'i(1:·1~1\\' 8D X· 19 5 lpcl. alloy wtlla, AM/FM, lutl lnJ Tero• lop, 11!800 PP , 831-8330 'll FIAT 12' $2000 873--0205 *Fiil* SPORTS ClllS TOTALLY RECONDITIONED f MTISTIC PRICES .,. ,.....,,. •. ,,..., •'·' 1977FIAT X l /99y8ef. __ ._.,,_. ___ .,_ .... __ ..... __ , lone. 4 1pc1 .. megt, II•· IQ& 1 3201 BMW Eltc.!Mlnt 180 cua t!59SMR cOnd. 16.000 ml AM·FM $4211 c11111te, avnrool, 1lr conditioning, loaded Atklng 114,tOO or ttkt over ptyment• of 1314 mo. Celt before 6 pm \llCKI 528-1143 1978 FtAT X 1111 by Ber· lone. 4 •pd., 11ereo. m•g•. Mint 8ur9unoy. norYY. MM llAllJO ·14 2002. air, 4 epc1, et• YIUIWA&D • reo. •Int cond. $4600. 1t71FIAT124 SPIOE.R. 5 14111 11111 8-'h 8M:t _Mw __ t _M11_4_K-_6" __ 2 __ , •pd .. rac1no green ••• HVNTlfllOfON BF>.CH '80 8MW 3201. 8Hutllul flO, 111oy1, PAllTIHE IA2·2HO cond Ct1llm1t1 oolor BEAVT'l't 1ACPot77. .-.....,....,.---__ luAury pe~IQe. 113,100 Miii P1omwm Pfio.t ot tak• IMlf ie.M $331 peld JM tilt uNd c..-873-4209 1879 FIAT t24 IPIOEA. llort!OftOl ~tlC) -c,-._,------,-1-l-I·• Automatlo. uereo. In ...,.~,ldlltttlOtl •• r.:••••••••••••••••• chrome wire wlletl•. .... Uta "' '11 CaPfl, ~ q. N/1# NOHE~ OllYIA. br1t•. xtnt, cones. I taOO. .... ·ao POl'ICht 924 TU(bo & '80 Porach• 924 Both 101<1ed. Take over 1111 paymenla 71.-1825-1808 '60 PORSCHE 356B HI Ul f:i No ruet, need• no work •OI TOUI S 7 5 0 0 I p er I Ir ad e p.1UT •AlOll 648·8028 ·---------· ST• H & 74 Porache Terg1, wtilte. fttn -.. xlnl mllnl I 13,000 fACIUTTI ev11, 714-997·41 29 IOI WLI 11 USU 11110011>4 ·74 914 1.8, Jdnt. 16600. • 842-11185 Evea. *'lt SCfAOCCO* lmmac Lo ml, air, 1ltlfl0 can . 111r11 Showroom new $5!>00 Maxine, 840-52701860· 180 I 68 VW 5Qutreb1ck, reblt eng, new palnl. ,.dlala. URU llE YOLVI 1966 Herbo• Blvd COSTA MESA 141-9303 140·1417 g O O d I n I I 2 3 0 0 8 I DL mull sell I SOO & 640--0223 anume 111ae Eves & 80 Rabbit, Oleul. cleen. wllnos S.8·3821 lo1d1d tnci aoort. 28K mt, Aalll OiH PP. S5,995. 540-9S29 • • ••• :/ •• • • • • ••. • • •• • •• '65 vw euo. 11200 or w111 l•itk 9910 1981 Mazdt 1!~8 Std an '78 TARGA, Aini, MUST ta k 1 b 11 t o fl Ir •••• •••••• • ••••••••••• (IB1137!.lllltNEWI Alr SEllll Orig ownr. 9&0·814G.P64-2825 1981 B uick Rege l .. d 840-"2"'5 (1 0f'M 11!8) BHullful con... . •P•• trtnt.. " ·•2 vw Notc"'b· ..... com-AM/FM I di I " " ...,. whi te with llghl beige 18265 BMctl Blvd Hunllngton Beech 142-1111 •ctllYtm llEW 1112 Lotlded, glau top1, elc ser 4740/7217 HLY 111,AHI NOWUI ••rtlet Dove/Quell Sta. NEWPORT BEACH • UMlll 75 Moni e Carlo, xtnt cond. all the 11r11 Rte· enlly ptlnled 1 2000 540·1189 NEED RELIABLE PARTY TO MAKE SMALL MON· THL Y PAYMENTS NO OLD CONTR ACTS TO A SSUM E NO BACK PAYMENTS DUE. CALL CRED I T DEPT . 547-8339 Senti Ana LI M ~!!!~1 ...•..... '4!!l 1970 Mustang. Xlnt oond. $1 500 Or but off•r. 838-21-47 '79: 2 dOOI', 4 cyt. copper. 1mlfm aterao. 2 new 11r11. 21,700 mlle•. 14180 080. Mvet Miii, Cell 4'7-4191. • treo " 0 'II Ptntltt ttll p 1 et e r • 11or•11 on tr1m. AM/FM 11ereo cu-70 Nova, ve. 307, euto, =~ =~~""~ ~ Whltt/l>lecll ,..,lier, 300 8G5·2272 aetle, 11r cond , wire 17 mpg, clMn. 91K. pa, '79. 181000ml,1'9dio, tUto Hp 6 .peed "2" •oo wh1111 a only a ,ooo nu tlrH/ m1tr cyt/ crpl. trane, 4-oy! tng, t3IOO. 8111 prlct It SHU. · • .. v,., · '71 VW SUPtr Beetle, lflO • 8 "43 842 tttl Biver Motore. 2025 Ctr nu to be conYertld worll recently dont. new mllul Wholeule blue 11400 P/P 84 • •--·-------• Harbor Blvd .. Cotti to U.S. Standard•. Pvt clutch, paint, t1rt1. ttc t>ook It 17250: 81 .. prlot '75 Monte Carlo, CIHn, '88 COHV£f!ITl8l.l Mela. 171-2600. Pty 213-'45e·8289 Mu11 ut 10 appreo •~1•f:':'ulck Skylerk. P/9, PIS 111981080. Vt, auto. air, f'S, xtnt 'IO RX7. OS MocMI, al9ll '84 POR9CHI 3MC '2300/blt °"· Mt-8fe3 (1 AOEl13) 4 dOOf With 64a.ot12 oond. "800. 1~242 eunrt, ldnl cond. SAOO. R.H. df!W, "*'· blec* Int. Iv mt9-iw o ton• paint, wire *"' PUll* '11 ... 720..4314, 850-0&e3 MOOO. 115-3211 '12 VW 8119, gOOd cond. wh11l1, tlll wheel, air Nd• evto, 1ppro111150, !Jtothnt oonct. IS.IN. '8l 12e klliury 4 dr 1>9r· '11'A 924, Matoon wllan 12300/but olfe r , cond. & radio. Wholel.lle good runner.1<10.2ne ~.ea•• teot cond. Mu•t'1111. Int. Mag•i aunrr. Ate, 842-4510t>IWTI1 a 2. = '::t~r.'300:,. 'll...,....... au.UT. 1llO MueCMe. I ff300ortelteover ...... 35K "'J 1.eoo 0110 ·eo vw l'11tb1ck. Rune 1979 Buick •hgal. a/o, pa. pb, utt wN, pwr oyt. 10 plue mpg .. euto 591-11'8 "'4Mt ,, .. ,, 11300 (H1RIN). landtu top, wndw• l IOGk•. very .,.,., AIC, ,..,_ ~ ...... .... /.ffl 'll ...... 114 dt 119"2316 power ... ,. power win· c ... n. wtll inelnl. 1 OW· Old to .... MO. 1to-Olll ••••••••••••••••• •••• Aed, lOnt ~. M316 °' '12 a.-.1tt. Lo mt. Orte oow, poww' lodtt, orui.t '*· ateo 5'1--7408 •11MUM.>CW~.1TM '71 M1tc•dt• HO. •Un• makl otter. MS-NOi owner. ~~1 contto~ tllt WllHI, air 'IO CITATION 4 dr tuto ong "''·. oY'. p/D, pie. roof. toP cond. Malnt•· '13 Por•ol\1 luptr to, aond.. MIP:M • morel hit.I y loa<*S >Cini ' cond' aufo tran11ood tlrH. nanct ftcord1. H ,HI. ,.,tor.cs, lm"'ao. M•k• 'ti> 9011'U•oco. 21K mt, W"01• .. le blue book 11 '4 IOO 147.'"114 • · '2411. Mt·nlll ·-~,...... .............. ··· c u ue: Sal• prtc• 11 • ·~ • -....,.._,., --Off9'-4t1~ Al • AM1'M cw, pwt, HtH. l•Utr Moto,., 1"2 Colwlr ..... .. 1511 • 1MO 410eel wNte 1111,. •-"~ '1.!f 1>101ter equettHr, 4 ~21 IMS.. eo.. eaoo. .... _ .......,. ..__ HO. 1143 en e Men)' to OhOOM ''°'" Jlj~ IJ I 1l1 ~ I • -._ 9'11fl, Cttm. "9111. Int· ---_ ... bleoll ..... Int. 11,000 , ..... eel•tt•••••• ••• meo. T•O¥er• u 1J HOO .... MT• lntwlor. 10 "'"' '"M ;'~.t'~.~=· 132.ooo. •i MAlH 111 US • 21 moe. tH-oiao o; ~ 1111 'ff Che'IY """*'•"'°'tot .,..... •..,. n " · ·"· t1 .. ?IOO Mt.~· •• m:n ............. i. io. ttc1r1t. ... ~tJc*1 .... •et 200, amtrm. new ,.. ~ •71 lotrooco prOf. t•b" ·n c~ mao ~ •lrt1t1 tlr... .... .. .... .,. ... :.""1 1 __ _!!~~--1 !!!!~•,_4 •P!.£J!...'"P0· '"'' nv p1\n1. alloya, XMt • • ,_"°"'•''PIO._ ... -. t--.,, AZOO. •r-IO , ~ IMreo, r..W. rt· I offtlr ..... ?Ott~ IOftW, ::lo~ II '-""::=::...... ~1.>~~~·· :r,.~~.::1:..~~ ·~~':":._,': ·r .. ~,=."9'1 ...... sr.~.::~ .. r.~. ITIOO. ~o . ~o ~' ,,..._or en.tell •·ooa. * -. ta-neo wa,. ...._ s10,995 1979 CADILLAC COUPI DIVILll "DllllL" (522XW0) $7995 1979 CADILLAC COU,. DIYJLLI (S3eXHT} s3995 1979 CADILLAC nHTWOOD llOUOHAM (895XET) '9895 1979 CADt1LAC HVILU .. AITIO.OOf" (OOIXNV) $11,995 1979 CAIHLLAC HDAN D1V1U1 "O'ILIGANCI'' (3IOV0l} *6995 oner GcMtd Tllf\i ~l-1M2 NABERS CADllJ..A ~ -HAMOll If.VO •• coeTA•U ~1860 .. • . YES, MtAM, l1D LIKE TO . 8U'( A MOTHER'S DAV cARD. BUT I DON'T HAV~ A MOTMER ..• . ---. ROW ASOUT A 6ET-WELL CARD, SIR ? DOESN'T ME MAVE TENNIS ELBOW? NANCY THERE IT GOES AGAIN---ITS GETTING-W IGGLY WHAT I NEED IS A MOTHER'S DAY CARD FOR MY FATHER WHO '4A5 ALSO BEEN A MOTHER TO ME .•. MAVSE, BVT I DON'T TJ..llNK SO, MARCIE I'LL GO LOOK AT YOUR AERIAL HOW ABOUT A MOTHER'S DAV CARD, BUT YOU WRITE ON IT,'' DO NOT OPEN 'TIL FATHER'S DAY"? I DON'T. THlNK SO, MARCIE OVER MERE, MARCIE ~ow A001JT A GRADUATION CARD, SIR, LIKE HE'S 6RADUAiED FROM BEING A FATHER TO 6EIN6 A FATMER ANP A MOTHER? I DON 1T THINK 50, MA~CIE I THINK 1'LL JlJST • 60 HOME, AND 61VE Ml~ A MU6 ... GOOD 11-tlNKI NG, SIR ... THl5 WILL BE THE 6EST MOTH~5 DAV A FATHER CAN HAVE ! By Ernie Bushmil,er j . -· -.. --, .., GARFIELD® . . • .BY Hank Ketcham OF coufQe. tF ')(X(o LENO Ne 90Mf!;. NON EY J. COUl-D E'UY US eJ0TH ?OMS ICS CREAM . t> i> t> . JllJDGE PARKER <l<J<l YOU 5A\D THAT YOUR NEW CLIENT &TAYIN0 WITH HER PARENTS ~A6 A 61CK WIFE AND THP:EE OACK IN CHICAGO! CHILDREN! WHE~ARETHEY1 WHEN DID Af,OUT TWO ViEEK5 HE COME A00 ! HE WA& HOP· HERE? \NC1TO0ET A J06 AND THE.N SEND FOR Mlf; FAMll ... Y ! e>UT HE'S eee N UNA~L.E TO GET WORK ... ANO HE Mlf>fJE5 Hl5 FAMILY 60 MUCH ... . . : . . . , • .. .. . , . 1UE LEADING PROPONENT OF 1ME MOVE 10 oun.AW MC·N\AN t\WlnNES 15 H~E .{A)llH ~ 10CWf' I SENATO~ NOAH VAL.£! .SENATO~ ~LE.,~STOOHAT CAX>ULD l.K)l.J S<J(o(;E5T 1ffAT 'rlQUNG PEOPLE. DO INSTEAD OF PLA't>ING PAC.-MAN ; IHEY DON1TCARE, ~ON, AS LONG A5 Yoo SAY SOMETHING NICE ABOUT IT ,AFTER EACH . IA5TfE ... .. IN ICE.CENi MONTHS, 0011e A CDN11'0\/Ef(:SQ HA& fi>EVEIWPED OVER UJHE'TH~ OR NQT Pl-A'JIN& . F¥\C.-MAN lb HAICeMFUL 10 OU~ NA1lON'6 ~1H ! roF: ONE 1HIN6,~VIO, -rffE.Q CDULD TAKE UP A NORMAL, WHOL.EhOME. AC.-nvrrq uK.E eowut«;, ! LET'S GET OU~ KID5 OUT OF 1ME. Al'CADE5 AND INTO 1ME AUBJS!! \. ' b~ Ferd and Tom Johnson MM ... WELL-ROUNDED/ MM ··· WITH A SOFT" YET FIN<4E~- ,AUTHORIT,ATIVE L.ICKJN' PRESENCE ... <SooD! 5 9 NICE BOUCiUET ! DOCTOR SMOCK By George Lem~nt I F ;t. MAKES MIS"f"AKS:S, ;t.'M . SURE= n-ttSY'l-1.... ONL,..Y ee SMAL.l-ONS.S .' ' ~~-~!!'"ti ~ "< i r ... • IM G01N6 TO 8C cw T'~ G'QACI~ TV SHOW 'f'~ORQOIJJ ·' CAif YOU TIUIT YOUI IYllt ,....,. .,. et ..... Ii• ........ . ::.,•• ....................................... . ............... , CMcll • ...,.. ................ . lnvl .. •,,...,..to croat wrl1tt a to ci.., NMI M W1wn "°"" Thtf1 lfl'9Ct him W W to twist ermt I~ and upward. tt lndl· cated by the dotted tine. Now for some f\ln. Point to one of ~ friend's cla.,., flrt< gera and Ilk hlfft Of her to wlgg.. tNt finger. Savor "'I• ,,,. ment, for It '¥fll t1ke tomt tlmt for tM person to flN• out which flngwfi.,...... To tett youneff, fold ·eu"""'" ,., ... 't'.Jlt•-" •r" -..rw" "'"' •lmllwly, •nd letMMIOlieelMdotM LOVI NOTll WMt ... ,_ ..... a .. l1tltM1ntUllftl • -"f.-Ul-'if'f•tllMIUIP'tlfM ·c ·.,,.1rw•1AU.,'l'l~1Plfµm 't =~IO pointing. ~ abcwd To find out, .....,. llMI from dot to dot. F r Better or For Worse ME. AN' LFWRE~E f\RE ~NR R\OE. OOR S\KE.S101F\E.CORNER $[~--A~' WE. 'Nt:ED ~E-MONE.'{ -O. K.1 MOM t'f' ---~ weu.,o.K.-.~UT ~~ G\VING 'PJ / \H\S 04'\ ONE CO~O\\\ON. HOW MUCH? R OOU.AR. W\-\ATFOR? . . $TUFF. by Lynn Johnston .-~, ~ I GORDO SHOE ~L.~ 15 SPENDIN(; AN A~FUL. LDT OF TIME wrrn t.\'{ CDUJMN ... ~ I I I M ... @ (I' By Gus Arriola by MacNelly . • May 9, 1982 llllJPillt FOR DR. JOYCE BRontERS. PIY- cho&ogllt, author of What E~ M.bman Should Know About Men (Simon and Schut- ter. 1982) You Nkl • sun In hit W• II In Im prime- at what ... 11 • ..,.... 1n IMn? _,.s .. Simi vaa.,. Cdf. • A woman Is In her prtme at every age. because she Is generally comfort· able about being a woman. Women don't worry about their femjnlnlty as "A woman fs alwa}ll In ha prime." much as men worry about their mascu- linity. If you ask a man to look back on his life, the period he seems to feel best about Is his older years. On the other hand. all of a woman's years -from the time she reaches adulthood -are prtme years for her. She has already learned all ebout herself, her body and her world and is comfortable with the know\edge. FOR GREGORY HARRISON, taar of 1Vs Trapper John. M.D. Do. your PMt snedk.81 apertence come In~ on the tbow? -H.L, Altooaa. Pa. • A lot of people on the show do research by sining in a hospital, but my background saves me the trouble of doing homework. J was an Army medic In Ger· many for two years. Although there was no war on, I was called upon In emergencies to perform ftist aid. FOR M1UJCENI' MARTIN, star of Broadway's 42rtd Street WMI do~ .... moa and lwt abOld your bocndwd Erl' rd? .=.JUl..bllttn....Ntw York • What I n1lU m01t are the Sunday papers, aD stx of them. J pmer stx little papers, silly ones, to one btg Mrious one. Sunday ts not a day for e.oncentrattng. I -· --aoni miss-the~ which go on conltently, or the British summer which doesn't resemble summer. FOR ARTHUR U1.ENE. M.D •• of TV's Todav show. .. It true thet ,..... bua.r .... the Woddnt ol the "-"'• artlrtm? -,.M.M., WMll .... N.C. • Televlsk>n ads emphasize that peanut butter ts high In protein. But moet people aren't aware that peanut butter Is 50 percent fat. Becaute the fat Is mono- saturated, ft should not elevate cholesterol levels or contribute to atherosc:lerotl. I believe that peanut but· ter ts a safe and nutrtttous food. THEM YOURSELF FROM 1lfE •ASK'" EDrrOR MOTHER'S DAV NIX: How does a gal know If It's real love or just lnfatua· tion? If you're TV actress~ Sokol" and you have a very smart mom, you'u be lucky enough to get this advice: "A small voice will whisper urgently In your ear. 'This Is It. This Is the real thing.''' Recalls Marilyn: "Very soon after my mother told me this. I met a man who was gorgeous, best described as a com· poslte of Clark Glible. John 'lhnlolta. Mom tea lmpottan<:e of Emat. Robert Redford, Chril Reeve. A$ we danced to some romanHc musk:, he stated In a loud, clear tone, 'Shall w.e go to your place or mine?' With my mother's words still fresh In my mind, I answered. 'U It's aD the same to you, please repeat what you Just said, In a small voice In my ear.'" ... Were it not for their mothers, you would not be familiar With the names of Erwt B011Pmae and Echnrd vm.la. After WW D, 8orgnJne was floundering. ..My mother packed my lunch each day, and I went out to look for wodt. I was always unlucky," he recalls ... Much later, when I was 28, I told my mother the solution was to rejoin the Navy. Out of the clear blue sky she uked, 'Have you ever thought of becoming an llldor? You like to make a fool of yourself In front of peopk -tjNe It a try.'" Said Villella: .. One day my mother MW me playing a tough basebal game In the street. She was convinced rd never stay In one piece If l continued. To protect me she would take me along to my sister's ballet lalons. I was fadnated md asked Mom If I could take lalons, too. At 10 years old I knew what I wanted to do." ... Hom~ Chuck ~ tds a favorite 1tory ~t hil mother: "One night I called and said, 'Mom, rm bringing 35 musicians home for dinner.' She wasn't fued and when we got home, a meal was ready." ... And thll is our favortte Mother's Day story for 1982: Wllr9do a.. .. w mom, Clara, MW her son ftght for the first time when he chalenged Maurice Hope for the junior mkidleweight championship last year. At ringside, a spectatot needled, .. Get out of the rtng you bum." Demanded On of the 6-foot-4 heckler, "Why are you saying thoee awful things to Benitez -he's my son." The man lost hil anger. "Maurice Hope," he expl.llned, IOltly, ''II my brother!' (P.S. BenJta knocked out Hope In the 12lh round.) PROS= ow Don Nldd.. (R.·Okla.) PRO AflDCOfl Today't national debt ls over $1 trtl· Ion, caUMd by runaway mpending. The amendment would make deft.. dt ipendlng ~ In only the rarat of ckcurnlfanca, I.e. WIJll, encl hold 1)0l!ttdenl fully account· .. for tax lnaulet. 1t would ~the flnt mtoua com· mllrnlnl to GowmiMnt ~ wlh· 1n 111 mew. Any ottm method would be aibJlct to ._,, ctwnge by~ whim. We mUll llrnM ~ end Ntum our ptol1llel to eDowlng lndl· vtduals more dllcntlonary Income. Should There Be 0 Condudonal Amendment To Balance the Fedelal ... ? IQllllOll ..... llr UI. L.111111. 11 t •• , ..., ====;..:===~~ -------------------- Treat yourself to $1 ~ in savings. Treat your cat to deliciously different meals-9-1..ives• Sliced Dinners Cat Food. Choose from Sliced ~in Gravy, Sliced Beef in Gravy, Sliced Turkey in Gravy. Each one offers bite-sir.e slices that 1ook good enough to have been sliced in your lucky cat's own kitchen! Each one is an irresistible treat, only from 9-Lives. So try all three! 0 Need a testimonial? Check with the worlds most finicky cat. Morris. ----------------------·-----=;rr-----------~-------~--------$1.00 COUPON OFFER! 3oc ~~&cs~~ N~--~--·~~ OFF ADOaBSS ------APT. II -CITY-------------STATE _______ ,zar __ _ On Mother's Day, a single parent who has known the best of times and the worst of times lovingly offers some ... ·HOPES FOR MY By Stephani Cook. There was a time, not 10 &ong ago, when the rapon1e to the Idea of motherhood was as limple and straightforward as the Images a.octat.d with It: kitchens smelling of apple pie; the cool hand of comfort on the forehead when one was lick as a child; the beaming face tn the audience 111 one reeled a poem, or sang, or jpdu.ated. But we Jive tn a time when the Idea of mother- hood ii mon ambiguous, when the tradltionaJ Idea of famdi; llMlf II thrmened. W. live In a time when young people are choo.a-a not to marry 111 early as they once did. or not getting mam.d at all; when they are decldtng to poltpone chllcb1h (~ dma indeftnllly) and then are having fewer chidren per couple than ln any period ol tUltory except the Great Depr...aon (the avaage number of dlldNla unct. 18 ps Wn8y II 1.03}. And we .,. tn • lme when ~ hal ol .. rnothlll work outllde the home. Al pr...ures of all kinds mount and changes oc- cur, the "Mom" whoM Image we have long carried wit\ ut becdlw a rwrtty: fftllS thin one In 8Ye Anwtcln fM' I .. now the N1fMr.~S.. Sf,eJJltottl Cook. modwr of two chlldren. II tlw OUlhor of Second Lh (Sfmon and SchUIMr, 1981}. which wll k ~ONd In ,,..,-t ,,,,. foll by 8alonlN Boob. families of our (or at least my) youth, with a Daddy who went off to work and a Mommy who stayed at home to Iron the a1sp frocks that lltde girls were ex· pected to wear, and to bake cookies (with the he~ of the litda gjrts) for the IJttle boys who would dash in after school on their way to the .andlot, where they played variations of the games thetr sports heroes played, or stalked each other In mock war maneu· vers, with sticks for guns. CJearty a ~ deal more has changed than just cu Ida of Mom. Our Ida of ounelws haa dvqed, and so have our Ideas of parenting: how It should be done. what It mans -In 1982 -to do It well, whether to do It at an. Sex·role stereotyping -m spite of the New Right -wtll never again be as rigid as It was right up und the latter third of the 20th cen· tury. . .If for no oth• reason than that for the (Int time In history, women need not play baby roulette. For the Int time, a woman has the right (and the re- sponsiblllty) to chOOM whether or not she wonts to be • mother, u well u what lcJnd of mother she wants to be. . Choice .. this .. IMYllllbly coupled wtth em- blvalsra. When one II no )ongll' *nply forc:ed by drcumltancl to .dept to the lneYbbll but Nqulred to .,.... with the ........ ol the choa Ill.If, tomelhlng MW and ~coma Into that~ ~ -the eci:~ of Ill conMqUenea: • kl1d Of~... doa not alll wt... choa does not nilt -a ftGunas of ,loving, a ftercenas of dnmnlnadon, a fterc.ena. of obUgaUon to the choice made. There Is, of coune, no a prforf '*right" choice about whether to be a parent or not, any more than there II a '"right" choice about how to ralre a chlJd once that ftnt choice has been made; I ache for &tends who are approaching the end of their chlJd. beanng yea'I and haven't ~ made a commitment to having children -even by a kind of default, as I did. falbng tnto what was mcpec:ted of me with u bt- de questioning or thought as I once gave to falllng In love. And ~ thll .,.. of chlldNn haa lead much longer than even my marriage, ttill, I vt.w It with .a kind of astomlhed ambtva&mce, Because while I adore my chldmt, while they .. cetmnJy the csrder of my .. sound which cveythtng .... revoava, I think It likely that had I not had them when I did, ln my early 20'1, I might newr have had them at al. I cannot JX*nd to come to tmmt wtth the peradox, and It limply ltandt: I ~ my chlldNrl enormoualy. ~and would MWr with not to have had th.m; • the same ttrM I think I would never have become • mother had I not done It before I knew any belt•. That Mid -and It lt eay· Ing a lot -what are they to me, what have I • (OM ..... °",.. '1J ,,.. ....,, ..... ..,.. .... ...... -Teul Pwnclant JZJM • 1.11 - CSI-~'.1. 7, 11 nan a 7M E¥nno• .,., . , .. - Set ol tllrM ... " 111.18 MlltT Ctfecet ,,.., •nHOO or ,,.Y 0 CIMCll 9f\CIOMO IP•Y.OC. 0 Charge to my 0 VtS4 to "Arnl>UMOOf') o .... c...- l.io. (,, 6 &; liO '""" A4.L ... C....laoHM -..111teX ___ _ .... Mc (PleMe l'fllNT Cle•I ~.., .. t:j ::,... ,,,., .. _ lyl TGUI lot MlrclllnOIM • ~lnll "Mdll!IG • 1 IO I TOTA&. IMCLOllD • OflCHAMIO _____ ._,..._ • ..... .... c.o.o: ....... ~711 I I I "'"9i1n It 2"°9111 MHOlO: ~=t bMI' ~~--,-"--,-,.,..-------IM-,,....---------~ I .. ,...,.,_ ~----:' • acy ..... __ ,. :1 l----~-----------------------------------~l llGFD '""""'"*'from,,. 6J INmed, and what_. my hopes for them? It has been thro~ learning who my c:hildren .. that I have 1aarned who I myMJf am. My daughter. Alo· andra, 13, In that llrange me·and· yet-not·mc tenlk>n that exiltl be· tweal mothers and daughttn, has lhowr'I me wonderlul things about the tema1en .. we share that I IUtped l would never have gruped wtthout her. I once heard IOmeonc NY that one has no tense of having been a daughter unUI one becomes a mother, and In many ways It is true. There is a ding down of the genendk>nl that Is kwely to behold, and as I look at my daughter and ta mYMlf In her, I can •• my own (now dead) mother In myN!f. And on ... and on. And how much I have learned from my ton, Zachary, 11 -In his sweet Innocence -about the prob&emadc rclatlon1hlp between men and women! How much more I under· and about the profound, eonflk:ted attechment llale boys have to their mochen, whk:h bccoma the pro· found. confkted aaachment of male to female, the cndlat aarch of the ttrong, Independent male spirit for the a place that he has never gotten over leaVlng. A c:hikl jars one out of all forms of ldcky and complaoant thinking. Mine did It to me when-they were babla, making me re-examine what I aaw as lbadoii &om~; they do It now with their carefuJ quatlona that convey how Mrioutly they take the cholca open to them. l am aurprtHd that I am even surpt1Md: l thouJd have tan the lndplent skepticism and lndMduallty long ago. Being a mom· options In and choices of playthings which l dkt not have, drawing -11 I dkt -my Ideal Image of women and men, girts and boys, from Dick-and· .Jane primers and TV, fro m gtrls-don't·play-ball-or·make·models comments (my particular furla at my pracrhd role) and from the admit· tedly ovCl'WC>t'Md theme that boys don't cook or ay. l hope neither of my chlldren f•ll limked In what he or she wants to do, or be -what.l>flr that Is -by the accident of that --MX chromoeome that can tum up dher X or Y. For AJcxandra, the dearat of daughters: I hope that she Is able to (con#nuied on page 8) GNE GIFTS FROM SINGER & SI }\\ TC (GENEROUS SAVlNGS IN TIME FOR MY I:.. MOTHER'S DAY, WEDDING OR GRADUATION .) FREE ARM SEWING MAOilNE . MOOa.6104 NOW ONLY $19999 SAVE$50 Off REG PRICE FREE ARM SE\VING MACHINE MOOEI..834 SAVE $60 ~FREG.PACE TOUCH~ 201ost'Wl- SAVE sroQ!. D~~ SEY/ING MAOUNE MODEL 1411 SAVE my who only wanted ~ was bat • ach.-nd both -~a mommy who lb'uggled vdandy wtth what It meant to bc hated from •crreo· typa -I dudu.Uv provided each wtth boch truckt and dol., praented with· out pnjuda. At many other equally .. equal" mommia have dltc:ovcrred, b.b6es teem to know tom«thlng about truclca and dolt wMhout having to bc told, and althouslt Alaandra MYtf took to doll, preftntng paints and her bllnMt, lhe never took to trucks dh9: 1.ach.-y, on the other hand, rolled h.la tiny can wtth appropriate motor nolaet, only much later re· apondlng to hll anetomleally correct boy dol -&om which M WU ftnaUy ln.Mperebie '-by carrying It around unde-hit .-rn h a footbd. $150 - Cff REG. PAICE What do I hope for my children? l hope for them low, of COurM, and a btaudfu1 worid, end frlenda worth the name, and ~ WOfk and chU· chn of ~own -tf they want them. r -hope for them .,, •xpentiOn of their ltva, r.n.ct.d In thclr babyhood ... -4 ,.,,., WllKU', -·· -• 1 I i I VIUA CABINET SAVE ~5 Off REG PRICI PORTASLE HANOHElD \AOJUM SAVE BRIARWOOD , CABINET SAVE '$35 20% Off AEO. PAICE LOOK FOR THE COMPLETE~~ SN:CR SE\WitO NOTIONS 141 VOlR f;IMJRf'TE RET~ . THE SINGER STORE WHERE SAVING IS ALWAYS IN STYLE. HOFD fCOftllnued from~ 7J take charge of her life In a way I wun't ab&. to take charge ol mine, that she has dignJty and ~ and force ol c:hmw:tcr where I had only IM abtect. pitiful deRe to plate. I want her to have strength and guts and daring -In her profmonal as well as personal life -and to sec herMlf as unllmlted In boch. I would also not like to ... her give hen.If over to anyone -man, woman or dUld -with the miltaken notion that her Identity coma solely from her service to ochers ... uni..., of COWM, she dedda on the occupa· tSon ol saint. Already a dUld wtth en· v\able perspecttvc, she was ~ to say NC:Cntly to her grandmother -In re- sponM to an observation by her "!J'afldfathcr about women's potential unsuitability to the workplace becaUM of thctr regaettable tendency to ay under llral -that she saw no rea- son why women thooldn't ay, If they fck like lt. Which prods one to con· tkler why It i. ~ lnappro- pr'IMe ... or put anodMr way, why women's cxprask>n of emotion bothen men so much. I hope for Zachary, the swmat of sons , that he never fears those tears In a woman or In hinuelf and does not automadcally lntetpurt them as either a manipulative act or a revelatk>n of weakn ... And I want him never to forget (because swely he knows It now) the enormous comfort of being In someone's arms, never to forget that It takes great c:ouragc to give onaelf wholehcartecily to another penon. Ho&dlng Jn<! klsltng and cry- ing and being vulncrM* -and cook- ing and sewing and chlld·rcarlng, for that matter -are all acuvma to whk:h an enlightened man can bring something unique from his very male- ".. without threatening that same maaen ... Ya , tima have changed, and concepts of mothering and famlJy have changed, but I sUll want for my c:hlJdrwn what par• enn have always wanted: a sense of mattay, fulfillment, even -dare I say tt? -happtnaa. And becau.. I am a modern woman, I allo wish for them what I have found to hold onto (and what they have been lnllrwnen· tal In ~ me) In a worid wtlt'i new I:'; rula and new rola: the upentk>n of mysel, through them. They are the llnglia molt llgnJ&ant, deftnlng upect of my W., and I am enc:IJally remind· ed that having kJda II lke clmbtng a ~UI, twt1dr'9 mountllin road: The way II arduous and one .aope di· ~ for breath, but the view II warth tt. I uMd AJcJiMdr• rut week wh.the she wanted to have chl&dro. "Sure," .tM replied. "Why?" I .ud. •BecaUM dwy're fun." "WhyO.?" .. e.c. .. they're a pain." "Why woWd you want kids If th.v're a pain?" ' She looked at me liyly. not IUN what effect her answer ~ haw. She took a dMp breath. 1iecaUM It tacha pmenta a laeoti, • lhe Mid. And ttwn lhe hugged ml,~. wtd\ .ma dwt uMd tD be • cWc:8N • dnigonfty w1r9 n .. now lone wtd\ ~iw:e and mueded wllh ~. "11 ... ~ wt\M I ... " I whMp.red nt. ... "l~hlwealdd,~ ,_ ._......,..,.,..,..eohug. .i I . IW&YWl9CL.Y, ..., .... l __ _J r------~------------------~----~---5 I H.._.''S 2 19961 Spring : NEW ;,;: Shades 1 SVMME SLACKS -=-~ ·~ . end I ~ fof Her 281 N. Ith It., hWnon. NJ 07UO lllA llOlllll 11 Yu .' Send pain for which h4lte A1'91a119 Tall "" I I enclose S plua $1.50 towards 6'0 ''-6'3" 6'3"·57' 57".510" EVEI I I postage and handling. W• Have All TheM siz. I Of. ch•ge It to: O VISA OMASTEACAAO ...._ &10-12·JA.Jb.1&20 ' Wom.tU. • 34J6.38.40.42 I Acct.I _________ ~ EICp, O.a•: __J__J_ 0......: q,,,,.,. ,.,,,.,,, I. "°' dwo# "' ..-r IAM, I""' ,.,,.,,. tlw 1/,d, wltltirt JO .. far ""' ,.,.,_ .., "" """'""""· ........ , .~~~~~~~~~ t ..._.. -------Afrt· I --: City~---------------------.... ~ lfer21.IO ...... -------------------------~~~!'~---~ Un~aklng Yankee Catcher Rick Cerone By ffiOlk Goodmon Now that perennial &..ding man Reggie Jacklon has packed his begs and headed west, the question arlses, "Who wlD usume his role on center stage of the New Ydrk Yankees? Who wlJI be the target for owner George Stetnbrenner's ritual barbs?" It most llkeJy will not be a voluntary position, but sev· eral names have come up. There'• the new captain, third baseman Graig Nettles. he of the miraculous gJove and aceJb6c wit. An early favorite Is Lou Plnlella, whole quick temper brought a few run·lns with Stelnbren· ner during sprtng training. And then there's Rick Cerone, the cocky kid catch· er who staked hls claim last October with the Incident of the epithets heard round the world. It came during the min._ playoffs vs. MlJwauku after Steinbrenner had debvered a 6ery clubhouse oration fol- lowtng a bitter 2-1 lou. His dllcoune was suddenly Inter· rupted by Cerone. The wary young catcher was fed up, too -and he told his bc>9I In graphic terms wha.t he coUJd do. Steinbrenner was, by all accounts of Cerone'• stunned teammata. furious. "I pay the bllls around here," he yeDed. "rU say whatever I want. And we'll see where you're playing next year." Of coune, It Is now the ltuff of hlltory that Cerone came beck to hit the home run that led the Yankees over the Brewen. SaJd Cerone afterward, .. U we had lost, It might have been my last game• a Yankee." · Fortunately for all con· c:emed, It WM not. So, al· though the eventual World s.ta Iola to the Lot Ange· la Dodgen was bmlr gaD to semtnnrw, Ccone ii 11111 hts g.Mral on the jWld for hts .... George J<.,.,., asked for a salary of S440,000 (up from S 110,000). Steinbrenner offered $350,000 -Ind Kalafatis submitted the matter to atillMlui •. <:«one won and Steinbrenner IMhed out on cue. "rm dll- eppo1nted," he Nld. "Not In lc>*lg the ablaellon, but in the ~mm. I don't HM he thawed much~" Odd wordt from • man who=-Md pndcel c:McL deYoaon, but I II all part of the eridlaa front office/ clubhouse farce that distingWsha Steinbrenner'• Yankees. The Incident even gained Cerone a new and Jocular nickname "Brutus," as In Et tu. But Cerone, 28 a week from Wednaday, ls no stran· ger to the hot seat. In 1980 he stepped into a posltlon that bears the stamp of SBl)C· dty: catcher of the New York Yankees. lt Is a tradition that dates back to the great Bill Dickey. It was carrted on by Y ogl Berra (still a Yankee coach) and his successors, Elston Howard and MuNOn. It wu the summer of 1979 when Munson -the prtde of the Yankees and the team's first captain since Lou Gehrig -went down In a tragic plane crash. Soon after, Steinbrenner began ICOW1ng the majon for a replacement, He found him In Toronto, wh«e CArone had tolled for the Blue Jays for thrM sea- sons. He wun't btg (5 feet 11 inches, 185 poundl) u catchers go thae days. But he had a lb'ong, sure arm and a MrVk:abie bet, and he had prowd to be a tough and canny competitor be· hind the malk. That ftrtt plNtilped IUrn- mer, under the ceMC'- barrag• of question•, Ccone, who SJWW up jlllt acrot1 the Hudlon Rive' in Newartc, g1ndy Mid, ·rm not ..... to IMke p90ple forvet Munion, becausc they won't. . . . rm mon int«· elllld In ~ the r-.pect ol my llNmlnllla. • That ecc.ptance came quiddy. He thowd the nn ablly to .. ct-. Wllhout llToglflCI. Thia ii no lmll fat, CONldertng the talented , ....... °",...J"' .. MMl.YWl9CU,1111Jt.-.,, BYR.C. WEBSTER WASHINGTON-Establlsbment of a new world record for fuel economy -an incredible 1,368 miles per gallon achieved In the Shell Motor Mileage Marathon by a special three-wheel ve- hicle with 90cc engine-bu touched ttf a stampede among car manufac- turers and tinkerers to drastically in- crease the gas mileage of cars. They are attempting to achieve this with the Pogue Carburetor, a deviee which the Ford Motor Qmpany has shown can deliver over 200 mpg to an ordinary aedan. Tbla gaa-mlserly carburetor has never been mass-produced. The Pogue is covered by several . patents lllued by the United States Patent Office here, but a recent boot ueerta that the patents are invalid, that anyone can now build the Pogue without legal restraint. Aa a result, vendon, parts man- ufacturen and entrepreneurs are rac- ing to lll8a.produce this peerless fuel comerver. COPIES AVAILABLE . 'lbe book, called "Secrets of the 200 MPG Carburetor,'' conta1na full de- talla, lnstructlons and diagrams on bow to construct the Pogile. It mates that anyone can build the carburetor, mm In a lpne worbbop. O>plel of "Secretl of tbe 200 MPG Carburetor" are available from ~ mler llilU'tbaUnl, P.O. Bal 7777-P, New York, N.Y. 10001, at '4.16 (plus $1 postage and handling; total, '5.95 ). The Pogue Carburetor is named for its inventor, Quarles Pogue, who is 81 and ailing In a Winnipeg, Manitoba, nursing home. Pogue is making no at- tempt to prevent others frcn produc- ing and marketing bla invention. •MPG 'lbe Ford Motor Co. of Canada, In a test that is docmneoted in "Secrets of the B MPG Carburetor," proved that the Pogue Carburetor does indeed achieve a remarkable 1.5. 7 miles per PINT-or 205 miles.per gallon. Allan W. Wallace, author of "Se- crets ol the 200 MPG Carburetor," says the Pogue's gas mileage is not all that remarkable. He 88)'1 that others have invented carburetors with exceptionally high gas mlleagea, too, but that the Amert~ can people have been kept in the dark about them by the oil companies, wblcb are aeeking to preserie tJaelr gasoline salea. . To aupport bll aaertloo, Wallace documenta eeveral inltanc8' of ltu- pencbaa pa mUeagea, Including M 1DP1 acbleved by Ralph Moody of Oak Hill, Fla., with a Ford Capri, and 100 1DP1 by 'lbcm11 W. Ogle of El Puo, Tau, with a Ford Galule. Wallace aaya be baa amaued enough cue bllt«ies ''to fill a let of volumes the Ille of an eneyclopedla.'' He lncludll CCJnlb'UCUoa detallt for the mOlt mtenlt.ing and t.lible .,. telDI In hll book. "I feel the public baa a right to know bow to produce its own blgb-mileage ~,"be says. '' U enough people are tooling aroWld In 100-mpg cars, the auto and oil industries will have no choice but to offer fuel-efficient carburetors in all production models." Wallace says that the average car bums only ?A) percent of the fuel it con- sumes. The rest ia lost, unburned, and is emitted through the car's tailpipe as air pollution. All successful blgb-mileage carbu- retors ·drastically Increase the per- centage of fuel that ia vaporized and burned. ''There's no reuoo why the average car's m percent can't be biked to 80 percent." Wallace says. ''The carburetor ol today la little changed from what it WU SO years qo," be says. "I'm hoping that my book will spur a cbang~ the bene- fit of the nation, the ecology, and the COOIUIDel'. ,, BOW TO ORDER To obtain a copy. readers of tbla newspaper need merely aend their name and address with '4.96 (pl .. fl PQ1t11Hwncfltng; total, •.• ) to the followinl addrell: Premier Dlltrtbutlnl, Po1t omce Sm Tm· F, New York, N.Y.10001. Tbla book 11 IOld with a parantee fl. ~ or·IDGDIJ 1*k, and llm- tb""•ltt08U1 reooMmmcled. • ........ Few ....... tMc Scidta « Sqamb. U1ria ...._,•war. PnJeecu ....... ;dlMa...SI~ It really WOlb. Send check or money order to: AdvertWng Art Savtc.c P.O. 8clC 223A • Wiiiow GrM. PA 19090 --Zip ------,....Mlow, ...... ,.,,~ I I RICK ~·· reot11mued from_,,_,. w vetcrana on the Yankee agent draft. The lndians trad· ~aft. Al he recallt, ed h1rn to Toronto In 1976, 'When I got traded, al my where he performed hand· frtmds &om Newark ad, l()mefy .nous;. to C1llch the 'Whit ars you gonna do if •al the~ YW. Ron Guidry or Tommy John rnanagllMnL shaka you off? You gonna Of hla bwglonlng popu- go home?'" Udy he uys now, .. 1(, fun. Wei, he dkin't. and as New Yen fans ._ a per- John qulc:kty obeaved, "My tonally and ~ thar'1 f..-ng II that a alfl:hc what I COl1lkler my.elf, a penonellty. It's amulng how you can catch on In New Yen. Two yean ago they wer'8 saying, 'Who II that guy?'" The handsome, curly-haired bechck>r hall made quite • hit olf the fte.ld around New York. The number "10" he wan on duty wa1 tramliDd Into a aaaa roudnl for "10" jeans, done with a 111- .,,,,. mocW. Cerone has •epeared at ~ hcublg jeanl: A •1f1" on the Gocham I favodl ~ /fcld and o/f. spoa with ...... such rnodela, making him a ahouJd be on a higher level ol regular In the gossip lntelgence, which Thunnan columns. wat, which Cerone ... .. Cerone ahrugl thll busi- At the plate Cerone dkf naa off wtth a laugh . not dJuppotnt etther. He &.d Though he doa get around the club In games played town a bk. he llYel In nonh- wlth 147, drow In 8.5 runs, en New Jcn.y (and owns a hit a aolld .m (.315 with home 1n Dunedin, Fla.). "A runners In ~ poeillon, kJt ol that ttuff lln't true," he thus fllllng Mun.OO's clutch-uys. "I don't know where hMw role). wtth 14 home they get It. ~ heel me runs. Men tmport.antly. he buying a $200,000 yacht &.d the ~·· adCherl In one day and I hed r.wr deNI-. throwing out 47 ~ been ID a boll show." ~t of the nannen who fill atracur:rtcuA1r adM- b1ed to ..at on him. Ha aren't all frtvoloua, lMt year a thumb ~ ~· Af»r the 111ntie and the ...._ made t a loet round ol arthqullca that 9WQrl far Cerone -until the rodcAld Italy. ,,_.atw) c.one .. that ... He pieyed In hoMd MWrW f\lnd-nlllng onfy 71 regular HUC>n b11tblll dnlca for the Ylc- gwna, hang )'.lit .244. dml. ., didn't ,..... at ftrlt In hll two IHI OWIS, the how de,.. to home I hi. My homltown fans have come grandperents were born to low hku. Afm ... tt.. thee, IO WC could t\atM hed M.1't been • ban.ade local ,....,.,.. ~ In .. " ... In s*•--tlnce Whley But wtth ... ~ v.... Ford. Cerone ltmted out as a IUIOI\ underway. Cerone'• cak:her In the Newark lJtde • chief concsn II taking charge laagua awn ~. for a on the diamond ~ rouncf. whAle, he Wat 10 smal he tng beck Into hit 1980 fonn. had to stand behind the pleta The sx-n ol Munt0n11' rather than crouch. He IOOn lhedow hall been ~ Mtt.d up, however, . Md by the moN fonnkW>lc ttln'8d • a quldllbedc It tpeds ol hit owrWI WAii\. E..x Cltt\Olc ~. At C«0M 11 on tM tpOt. and s.to.\ Hal Unlwnlty he \\W he knows tt. &II, • he~ twice MnWd ~Nnlrbn • """' up: "Al I can do lbcMd a Clictsand w Qn•4• It II go out ti-. .1Cl ,... .. c::ho6ce In 1974'• ... pe'form." ~ 'NA'fWIPU, ...... -e ti ,,,.,... • stat1tlng peeeage in Luke'• Pc* where we rad th.i .I--.. ceme within eigt\t of Jeruulem and ~ burlt into tNra. He lo"9d the piece and Ill tNt it 1tood for. and yet he MIW it tilipping ...., from its greet destiny . If it were ... poeeible for Jesus to eMd tears. ht might well WMP aver el our dtie9 todey and 9Ubulbia beeidee. He did not weep over brick end rnortw. of cou,..., but OYef' the people. creeled by God for the high purpoee of lcMng God end neigh- bor. They ~ felling lhort of the mark. • indMct many of us ... todey. The cry of the prophetl in Old Testament and New Testa- ment times h .. llwa.,. been the ume: "~t and tum beck to the Lord your God~ 'Nt nwd to listen. Sometimes. we need hetp to hw God's m 11""9. Why not try our pemphlet: Chriltilo Hft in tht Modtm Wodd7 lt'1 free. No one ~I c•I on you. -FREE _; Mail Coupon Todayl --------, Plea•• und Free Pamphlet entitlff I "Chriatian life in Me Modern World?" FM·26 J Thoe off., 11 amtted to -frM ~ NafN _______________________ __ Addreea -----------------------~ Citv ------------St~• ------Zls>--- CATHOLIC INFOftMATlON IEftvta .,.. KRIGHIS •• cow••us:; fl'.O. ha 1171. New Heven. Conn. OlaZt 99% tar free. I MG TA" -. , Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cignne Smomg Is Oqerous to Your Heafth. In PtGlse of mayonnaise By .rTlotllyn Honlen Creamy, smO()th mayot'lll(ll9e bring• .-to any meal .•. and yoc1 can mob an lnalltfble llpf'md right at home bv giving your blender or food procaeor a c.ohlrf and c.ohlpplng It up }rah. BLENDER MAYONNAISE lwhola ........... 1 'llipDIMI Nit 'It 1119" o Dft *Y mlll&Wd o.b 'r.bMco ...,. 1 ca'ohrsaa.MtDoaJuK:-orwhltewtac .... 1 'it cupe ollw ol « IMllf ollw ol end h.r ....-o1 1. Plac. In container of blender the eggs, salt, musmrd. TabMco and ltmon juice. Procal at high ipNd for only 5 MCC>nd5. 2. Remove center of blender cover and. with blender at hJgh tpeed. add the oU wry slowty, pouring In a taaspoon or two et e time. Continue adding the oil very alowly In a thin •eam. ICill at high !peed. 3. As the sauce thickens and emulsifies. you can add the oil more rapidly. You may also wish to scrape down the sides of the blender Onc:4I or twlCc when 111uc.e thickens and before all the od Is added. 4. Spoon out of blender container and eerve Immediately. U making ahead and you wish to MrVe later, spoon into )ar or bowl, cover and rcfrtgtrate. Maka about 2 cups FOOD PROCESSOR MAYONNAISE lwhole ........... I tllipDDll 1111 lfllllhl,01111 .......... vlneprM a.-jldcie "4 teMJI a Diii hlhlp ~ bllldl pepper « l/I ••••saae ~...,. l'h ~olive ol, ,__, ol or hd ollw olMdbalfpeuutod .1. In bowl of food procellO(. wtth metal bl.adc In piece, add the egg. salt, vinegar Ind pepper. Proc.as until b&ended, about 2 lo 3 MCOnds. 2. Contlnu. procaetng and pow In the olJ very .&owly. a lmlc at a dnw, apeclally at first. As sauce thickens and emulstfies, you may add the oil a little more rapidly. Do not over·procea. Stop machine when all oil h6' )ust been lnc.orporai.d. 3. Taste mayonnaise and add additional sah, vinegar or pepper to your Wdng. Spoon out of food processor and Ml'\le Immediately. If making ahead to ""1e later. spoon Into }ar or bowl, cover and refrigerate. Malcft about 2 cu,,. BLENDER AIOU 2wlde. .......... ·~cto...-tc . ..-.i 1' ipDCMMit 2 ttHllPOODlwWliewtne .... o-a. TiMlco .... % 11•sa1111 hilhlv traUftd bllda PtlPIMf I 'It a.,. ollw ol or Ml olw ol end Ml ~ol 1. P\ace the eggs In container of t:i&ender. Chop garlic very ftne. Sprinkle wtlh alt and rub with flat lid• of knife blade to a paste. Add IO blender. Add vinegar, Tabatco and pepper. 2. Remove amter of blender cowr and. with blender at high tpeed. add the oll very llowly, pouring In a tealpoon at a time at ftrst. Continue adding the oil very llowly In a thin mam, tClll at ~ tpeed. 3. As the sauce thk:MN and emultdla, you can add the oil more rapidly. Aho. you may IMltl to aape down the Iida of the blender once or !WU when sauoe thk:Mns, and betorc aD the oll 11 added. 4 . Spoon out of blender; serve lmmediately. To terve later, tpOOn Into a )llr. cover and refrigerate. Mak.a 2 cupe Note: Aioi! ta the gD: mayonna6M of Pre> venc., France. It Is excellent MTVed wtth freshly steamed vegetables, NrVed • a -.aforoooked, ~~or•• dip for frah ~ crudlMa. You can allo UM ltau unlq\le sandwich lpUd. TIPS ON MAYONNAISE • If mayonnaise curdles or separata, It means you have added the oil too rapkily. To remedy: In a dun blender or food procaeor. beat 1 • yolc. add 1/t tempoon oil; beat. Add ~ mixture slowly. baang et h'sh l!Pffd. Beat W\tll smoochly blended. ·~~promptly ..., meldng ot Ml"'lnQ. To pM'tnt 1 '"tlcln'" from forming on the aurface of the mayonna1te, plaoe theet of plastic directly on IW'face. • Olive olJ, although tradltlonal, has a dlstinc:tiw t.-, which you may « may net like. Peanut od Is a good subdute; sunflower IHd od Oil clur non-Otiental MMnM oG would give a m1Jder, more bl.and flavor. • Vin~ may be vnd allo for aibde flevor·dlfftnnea. Pl.Me UM &ah, de.-Vln4lg8rt for bat resuks. "*"-'t WleU.Y, -•• -• tt •------.. What euer hoppenftl to •'WhMda'• Mother"? Where can vou /oolc In on another •ort of mummv-t>w Klng Tut kind? Or dlna.aun-lcnow where ycx1 can.ltill find them? How am you touch the moon? And whoi holds tJw tnimura of Ameica but must pfnc:h pennia? Go to Amerlca't IDUMUIDI for the anawers: pieces of national and natural 1Ustory. paintings and sculptum, ewn chunks of the moon on display. The Whistler riddle Is a little b1cky (though the painting hangs ln Pans, you can au It on a three-ant stamp-lslued on Mother'• D~ 1934-a.t a Smithsonian cxhlbtt In Wa.shlngton); but the big puzzle for America's 5.500 or so muscwns ls: how to cope with inflatSon, ~ and fedemJ budget cuta. U you beliew In epnadlng culture wldely, he)p ~ local museum with a membership aubsatpdon, or In other ways. How? Read on. Dolle aed dolLue. You know about the tamou. art. ldenoe, and hlttory IDUMUIM. but hwe V9" chec:ked out Wllconlm'• wood-carvlftt muNWD. or Vamom't two tMp......,IDUMUIN,or the nine flr'e·ftthtlat l'DUMUIMfrom Maine to Caltfomla? Or the c:otr.._. mUMUJDt. lock muMUrm, money ~. eporta 1DUMU1M, WU rmaet\WIM, end ao09 ( .. IMng muitnml .. whlN you can flnd cwrythlng from ant-adng amdvarka to nbru)? New Yoeil ~ hM the molt ~lndudlng two ci the nat1on•1 10 ~­ doU me._.nne Md a cotMd, collectlon with co.tuma. cartoont, and J<*e flla. "Here they ex>me-11:59, and right on ac.hedu/e." How to ..... _..., '-t1 Glue It down, the joke book says. But mUMums tpend It For echoolc:hl&draa they brtng textbooks to life. For edult.a. they ptOWie ongoing Drning. For the blind. 8ralUe books and "touch· me" exhibits. For tchol.uw, a place to woci<. For famlba, a bargain outing. For ewiy one of the half• bWlob vWton a yec. entertainment and educ.atk>n and athetk pleasure. And they do all that on llttJe ~ Most museums ar. small, often historic houses or local hlstot1caJ cdlectlons, wtth annual budgets of las than $50,000. Only four percent tpend over Sl million a year. AD need more, some d them desperately. Wbea u ..... tou11a ••• uihot con }IOll •llOOJI• CCHAnt on? Your Bneen. But _,....,count Oftl!!!!· .. to .._ ,.,_90MJor..,...t.HdM. wtavolua-..., ,.. ..... ~ "'°'° ..,. }IOll °"" a1...,. JttwJ .. mone:l'o" don't )ICM'' In the~ Ftndlne a IDUMUID to._.., ii almOll • eMV: They'r. eo evenly aprad thlt .. but OM ci the nltioft't 4S5 CIOft- l"l I II Cftlll dltatcta .. thoutflt to hllw • a..t ans. AIMS llft't I worth It to aippOl't Alneica't namraa. tdlad&c. w1 art11t1c hlrttlige? The ....... the MIDI M few •.. What UJonl c:on- lafM nay ooeNI? .. ~ lt'9 • fKt: 8ullrMl9 conlributa the biggest llngle chunk d ltl ~ rnontY to mUMUmt. C.CS•ae.~ ... OIC 2 ..... _,._..._.._.,.,_,. __ ~ : llAIL ftt nm oouwrRY ROM Oeot.FW& P.O Box 103 Willow Grove. PA 19090 .............................. o One (1) Roeene Set for 13 87 aAftllOM,...._at n Two (2) ROMtte Seta tor I 7 1 • EncloMO 11 my check or M.O .. mllde out to TM Country Store· for a totel ot a , including .11 io e!! •• for POtt9ge handling and Insurance. NAME ________ _ ADDRESS _______ _ CITY __________ . STATE __ _ - When the Handwlltlng'a Off the Wall By John E. Glbeon 111UE OR fi\LSE? 1. A person'• signature can be UMd to measure his f eellngs of self.worth. 2. When a person wishes to dilgulle his handwrtting he usually prtnts. 3. If you conmtendy fall to dot your l's, It may Indicate that you're likely to be highly nervous and Insecure. 4. The grades a person gets In school can be affected by Ma handwrtttng. 6. Baarre handwriting often reveals per· ~ conftk:ts. ANSWERS 1. Jruc. lnvesdgatora from Guilford Col- lege conclude that .. there ls a poslttve rela- tk>~ between the me of one's lign&- ture and one's tetf-ateem. one's status and even one's temporary fee1in9s of suc- c:at or failure." 2. FalM. Research al Richard Stockton State CoOege atlOINed that subjecb trying to dllguila their writing dJd not print, but "ligntftcantly more often switched from forward to vertical or backward slant." 3. FalN. In lludies conducted at Richard Stockton State College, tests designed to show ~ of aecurtty and ln9ecurtty were given to male and female undergrad- uates. It was found that women who omit- ted 1-doa were mot8 secure than those who did not. But "males showed no signi- ficant M'Odatioo between missing I-dots and [a sense of] aecurtty." 4. True. But this la so for women, not for men -as shown by research conducted at Britain's London Polytechnic lndute. In the study, 48 teachers and 24 students evaluated an a.ay. ·Some of the judges NCCtYed the asay written In good hand- Wl'idng. ochers recctved lt In poor hand- Wl'idng. A photowaph of the auppoMd author of the paper was attached to It. When the authon w... female, the rallngs giver\ the aeays were Influenced by both penmanship and attractlWnaa of the photowaph. But no such effects were found With mala. 5. True. Psychiatric studies at the University of Oxford and elsewhere show. for example, that bll.arTe handwriting, u weft as "exploetve unevenne." In letter formation •• auoc:ieted with pmonaltty con&cta. The ltUdy alto showed that In P9l"IO"' wtth anorexi. n«VOSa (a ptyeho- logical dllordcr ~ by wevht Iota, food Nfuu1 and a distorted body lm· age) ttM handwriting fnquently " ex· lm'nOJ smaJ and Mat -a ICl'fpt IO Uny that It may requn a ~ 1'111 --to~ ttM wards. ... tl8 ~W911CLY ..... t,- PAC-MAN. by ATARr PAC w· .. _Tl: .... FF --IMIMW.ll ma ---------MIDlllll--~----~ ITATl ------°' -- SHAPE-UP On A Motorlz1d TrNClmNI •WALK •RUN •JOG v ..... .,... 1-t Yt •.11.ll. 1 Yr..,,_ o.cve-..., '"""'"· Acc.rlltly ,........ ,.. ...... llClllllll .. if' , • • . ,., • ,. ..,,..... ~ .... •all. llt1117M1G. A£80IUCS IMC.. Dept H • C... M .. Cllle, IU 17t1J "KICK" YOUR WEIGHT PROBLEM! .. trS NOT JUST FOii llEN ANYllORE'" TIO REAL OLD . TWO REAL OLD BUFFALO NICIELS INDIAN DADS OalJ ..... o.ar . .... AM II* ' ' a ..,._ wta .-. DlllmlAft .. _ Jl!llT. Ano. ............. M y. •di 8'W I I VD.LAG£ CODC SHOP, UtC. HPT. W . PLAISTOW, "·"· Ollll mallRR.I!~ The Quality Alternative to High-Cost Inflatable Boats wtry pay $600. 11000 °' eYef'I more for .,, lnflaebte boll? Modem technology and~ matefiall nt1# make poeelbtl -~yet long·leleing See Eagle bOlll Pncel .wt •I'* IHO. Canoes.~Md motor-mount bcMlta Yt\'lte '°' OU( ..... bfOC:hufe. a.. bgll. Dept. FMB. 8t . .-..NY1t780 °',....,.,..... ... , ........... Uf Buyers Guide ,,,,.,~ ....... -.,., I try a Cushion-Lift® Chair • Sit Of atmnd with ... • Be indepel ldent egain • &le plinfut joints • No need to 8llt for help • 88tM.ift end Toilet-Lift also available • Medicse coverage inmenyeaMS • FREE BROcHURE -Shop at home - The~ CNlr llf1a you llf.ty. gli'ICty to en lngll wtwe you C*l 918'1d tor your1911, No need to elk tor help. You'I ~ e .... _ • ..,., ........ lwJlln't !hit wtlM you --.«1 n. e.~111 Ult ® e1111r ... frM I00-551-21~1/=·414-542-"61 -----------------~. OATHO-KINETICS, INC. ~ P.O. 8oa 2000-fW. Waolleshl, WI 53187 I I -----------------------· 1 Adch9e I I City s ... __ , I I ,.,. Tellptlone Zrc> I ·------------------ s1nnn WEEK CUllllltM~ ................... , ... , .. , . ...,, ""' ..... , .. '"' t• ,, .. t• ttatl .. """ ,,.. ..... ....... .... ,, .... .... $5.tlte: ........ 2722 I. f tt• T ·---------------------------------· I ..... MCIPM:MILLLlTIOMLtLTD. fW-a: a11 ""-.. ....,,...._,Wt....., 1 IWllNfl'....,. I ~ ---------------- If ju1tlce 11 not elwaya bb!, It may be ti.a.• a Judgr'1 background 11 -af- fedlng hit vlliorl. ~dfadorll· ' fecD1g ths lllllili I08 -more vial ewn than the atmJnal'• record -w11 the Judge'• back- ~. Thegy~ fluentlal factor• were what a judga -.. the goel ol punllhrnent, how So rewall a ILlr· vey, head•d by 8oltott Unlwnlty'1 Kevin Clancy, of 264 Fednl judges. After giving the jlMiga fads about • hypothdeal atmc, such .. the defen. dn't •. atmr.al well he thlnkl the 1y1terp achieve• that goal, hi• ____________ _. political Ideology record, plea and the amount ol moMY In· YOh..d, he llked each for .. 111-.a. The raulls varied dramlllk:aly. For INtance, In one anned~ ICllWto. the typlcal 1111iesl08 ~ \AoW llWr\ ~ kl prtaon. bul ranged from one yar to 25. and the region of the country he'1 from. (Soulhtm~~oulthehlntwt...,P. 1entenc11; Northea1tern ont1 the moat ....... , Perhapl molt dlltl• ig. Clency found that next to the nature ol the olenM Mier, the molt .. If not a cal for ftxed aentcnces," 0ancy told UI, '"this ltUdy Men\t to aaggal the need for guldtllna to &e..n the autonomy and leeway judges now haw." ROCKY'''MIX Nellon RocMfdef. .. portrayed In former IJ>e«hwr*r Joeeptl Per- 1ko'1 lntrtgulng, anecdotal MW book, The /mperfa/ RocQ!ei.r, emerges 11 a man down to e.th, yet Iott In ~· He lowd Oreoe In '** fine f.w yan, -. and boys Mlm to be equally•· trac:tad to bebiea (and dolll). But It eg8 3, I dramalic change oc-cu n , Or. Henri P~s. a ptye:htatrtlt at The Medkal Col- lege of PenMlfvanla, reundy explmned to ua. "Boys now find babies cutt; they en· joy poking and pa.y. 1119 Wld\.ihem, an~· ~ by ed\d male) In many cukura. But 9'0Ulld bable1, glrte now lhow a ltrtktng tottn.. .... . ne., wwmth, u ti they're discovering th• moat beautiful thi ng In the world." (And by tM Wiiy, ~ TN ,_,,_.,,., 111.,.U.. "1 ~A .... ##_,. IM'~ lal Th111 d1y1, 7 ·foot centers and 28().pound Mncmen ~·t the only ones being woo.d by col· lege rccrultm. AJ fewrer ltudentt become availeb&e, IChoolt .. ftghang for the top ona, and are offering a variety of nowl Induce· ments. For lnlt.ma, IMt yes RenlNIMr Polytec:tt. nic 1nldtute glW ach ol 21 blue-chip frahmcn (aver· ep _S.A.T. ICOfa abnolt 1500) hJs own S4,000 Atm1 comput• on whk:h to do advanced woric (or, of coune, pley vkMo games). And Virginia Polv!e!chnlc 1nttttute " offering a i.Ject ~ of lncomWla llucMntl their cholee of SZ.000 or • frH trip IO Japen, Not tur· prtllngfy, In 1heM d8'jt of dwtndlto9 _ ftnendal aid, ~ 90 percent .... choeen the Cllh. ~It dnc:tly to their tuJtiOn bins. UITllDAY8 (Al TauNJ) $undev Mike Wallecc 64; Candice Btrgtn 36: 8'°" Jocj 33; Glenda Jectc.on 46; Al>ert Finney 46 ....... -Fred Ataatr. 83. ....._. - Selvedor tw 78; Mort Sahl 55: Phi 511v.,.. 70. W..11deir -Burt Beche-rech 53; YC>Qt Btrr. 5 7: Tom Snyder 46. ,,_..... -Stevte Wonder 32; a.. Arthur 56. Friday - George LUCM 38. S...· .., -Eddy Arnold 64; JOMJ)h Cotten 77; James Malof'I 73. 1g.11 KCDL LI l '),'). _I r," UUR.\ l!Ml4R VITA INSAT NEAR . WHOLESALE PRIC Ju.t lookl They bring you big Nvlnga on potent vitamins •nd orpnlc minerals! But pleae act now whlle theM low prices are In effect It's ••Y to order. ~ {)~I~' BtlUif!J g~ bl o•l •• now being llCClalmed by buuty •xpertl who have red6ecovered thl• century-old treatment chertahed by 8outhWMt DeMt1 Indiana to produce ~--. soft, supple lkin, desptte their harsh drying enveronment Now YOUR SK"4 CIWl have the luxunous betd of the amamg oil of the JOJOBA BEAN. rich .. ~ oil. In l'Mritlon ~-~ Lotion This naturel beauty atd lubnc:ates and softens the 8i(ln with the deep-penetrating Jojobe Oil. ._.. JOJOBA producu command • 4 oz. boule o( JOJO BA Lotion hi.1~ _p_ricee, but NUTRITION without cha,.e if you check the box HEADQUARTERS want.a you to In the order blank and return it with ftnd out bow JOJOBA can benefit an order for any of the items 1n thiJI your lkin. That'1 why we11 •nd you ad. Of1w .....,_ Illy a., 1m .... .. wa8'. ..... I •