HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-11 - Orange Coast PilotYlll llllllR llllY PIPll ! ' ' ) '... ' ~ , ' I l OHA N \.E <:OUN TV CALIFORNIA 2~ CENTS Cop-killer su~pect pleads 'drug log' Murder defendant Gordon Lee Mink tea\lfied Monday that he lived ln 1 twtllght world of auch heavy dn&I wie tha\ he remem- bered nothlnc of th• everuna on which he la accu.aed of gunning down a Garden Grove police of- ficer ln June, 1980. Testifying ln hia own defense, the bearded and long -halre~ Mink maintained that the Jut 10 yeara of hit llfe were no more than• "foS" bealu.e he lnceeted druo 10 heavily. 11When you're apeedlng (taJcJn1 dru11)," he aald, "the i:t1y1 all 8eef1l to run to1ether." Mink offered hia unuaual \ale of rampant drug abuae aa h ia Oranl(e County Superior Court murder trial neared lt.e climax. Cloaini atacemenu ln the caae are eXJ)eeted today. 'the defendant, 32. who la alto known aa John George Brown, facoa the pouiblllty of a death sentence If he ia convicted ot firat-degree murder and apecial clrcunutancea for the shootins death of oftlcer Donald Reed two yean •10. The young patrolman waa 1unned down outalde a bar known u the ~if:;f e Creek aa-loon. I~ la now the Ponde· l"OI& bar. Reed and 1everal other officera had gone into the aaloon to arrest Brown for inve.tlgatlon of aa- uult with a deadly weapon and drug aales. Reed'• partner, officer Glen Overly, testified that Mink left the bar through a aide door be- fore allegedly opening fire on Reed and other offlcen. Wounded ln the gunflre were Overly, officer Dwight Hen- ninger and two bar patrons. Wllliam McKinney, 27, and John Terzia, 23. Tenia waa shot .,.. tween the eyes. Mink waa arrested near the bar a s hort time after the Setur- day n.igftt shooting. Mink testified that he wun't even aware of what had occurred outalde the bar until he awake- ned the next day in Orange County Jail. Bri_tish heat up war zone 4 • rgent1ne • 1pattac s e Twin admits re1•un Et tu, Abby? Recycling told ASBY TOO -Advice colum- nist Abigail Van Buren, twin sister of Ann Landers, admits that she also nas been recy- cling letters in her column. Viejo pilot ejects from jet, injured A Mission Viejo Marine pilot who ejected from h is A -4M Skyhawk jet over Twentynine Palms MQnday suffered a broken leg when he parachuted to the ,desert floor. Maj. Richard Lyle Barton Jr., 40, was on a routine training mission when his jet crashed at 9:15 a.m .. according to a Marine spokesman at the Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro, where Maj. Barton is stationed. The aircraft, belongrng to Ma- rine Attack Squadron 3 11, crashed in a remote northern tr aining sector of the combat center. Bruinsma backed WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. S.I. Hayakawa, R-Callf .• taking sides for the first time on the crowded field of California GOP Senate candidatea, on Monday endorsed Ted Brulnsma'9 bid to succeed him. NATION CHEROKEE. Iowa (AP) -A group of Mother's Day letters appearing in the "Dear Abby" newspaper feature tripped up Abigail Van Buren one week af- t.er her twin sister. Ann Landers, admitted rerunning old letters ln her advice column. it was repor- ted today. In a copyrighted story, the Cherokee Daily Times said let- ters to Miss Van Buren praising an unwed mother for putting her child up for adoption and inqui- ring about the aigni.ficance of a single carnation on Mother's Day were reprinlB. A check of the newspaper's record• found the letters had been U8ed previoualy -one on May 12, 1979, and one on May 7, 1977. AddJtionally, The Arif.Ona Re- public reported today that a rea- der, Sara Baird of Phoenix, Ariz .. recognized the letter about the unwed mother as one she had read before in Miss Van Buren's column. The Daily Times said today that Miss Van Buren issued a statement through Universal Press Syndicate acknowledging the reprinlB and promising that "henceforth every reprint will be labeled." An investigation by the Pon- tiac (Ill.) Daily Leader and The Associated Press found that Miss Landers had been'recycllng 15-year-old letters and answers an nearly idenl.lcal language the last 18 months without telling readers or newspapers who sub- scribe to her column. Miss Lan- ders acknowledged the recycled letters and promised to label re- printed portions of colum.N. Efforts to reach Miss Van Bu- ren by telephone in Beverly Hills on Monday were unsuccessful. Lee Salem. editorial director of the Universal Press Syndicate, said "All the infonnatlon isn't in. I'm sure there will be further discussions between Miss Van Buren and the ayndicate." A syndicate apokesman, who asked not to be identified, t.old the Daily Times on Monday that officlala had not been aware th.at Mias Van Buren was reprinting iiema without labeling them as such. "I've made an effort to label reprints except for special holi- day columns or subjects . . . I (See DEAR, Pace A%) Optimism unjustified? Buatneu analyst John Cunniff asks why econo- mists and corporate offlciah as well u President Re.gan continue t-0 see an upturn in the economy, despite gloomy report after gloomy report. Page M . Cussing's 'good for you' A USC clinical peychologllt says go ahead and aa. when the need a.Nee. Four-letter worda eerve u a pr•ure valYet he oontenda.. Page ~. H~ your teddy !>ear . ... TedO.-... .. ~,, apin. If you don't thbik .,_ ct.:lt tMlr .... ~ D2. .,W!NpMt. WET DUTY -Members of Britain's F irst Ascension Islands. Photo was released today by Raiding Squadron. Royal Marines. hunker official sources in London. down in their raiding craft dttring exerdaes off 3 balloonists found Race participants await 'Survivors' Banquet' By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of tho o•r Hot It.ff The w inning aeronauts are recovering from a bumpy lan - ding. the three missing pilots have been found, and partici- pants in the Gordo n Bennet t Balloon Race are now awaiting the annual "Survivors' Banquet," Friday in Costa Mesa. During the banquet at the South Coast Plaui Hote l, mem- bers o f eight he lium balloon teams are expected lO trade st.o- d es about fl ying through rain, snow and heavy winds in an ef- fort to win the d1Stance competi- tion. With about 25,000 aerial en- thusiast.a looking on, the balloo- nists lifted o ff Saturday Crom Mile Square Park an Fountain Valley. The unofficial winners aboard "Rosie O'Grady" came down 28 hours later about 892 mile5 away in a farm yard near Cody, Wyo. J oe Kittinger, a former combat pilot from Orlando, F1a .. suffered a dislocated shoulder and bruises during the Sunday evenlng lan- ding. lf declared 8tl official winner, Kittinger will bave broken his STATE s tring o f three consecutive second-place farushes an the Gor- don Bennett race. His co-pilot, Los Angeles busi- nessman Charles W. Knapp. also received treatment for bruises suffered in the landinl(. Bill curbing judges dead SACRAMENTO (AP) -At- tempts to restrict the po'1"1er of Californfa judges to issue retro- active decisions and to reduce death and life-without-parole sentences, have died in commit- tee. The Assembly's Criminal Jus- tice Committee gave only six votes Monday to a constitutional amendment proposal to bar ret- roactive decisions unless they are based on federally-guaranteed rlghlB. It "needed eight votes t.o pass. One member voted against the measure, ACA18 by Assem- blyman Dave Stirling, D - Hacienda Hel~hlB. Debby Boone takes stage While starring ln 11 Seven Brides for Seven Bro- then" ln Loe ~. Debby Boone takee time out to reflect on her rapid entry lnto the spotlight. Pace A6. COUNTY A 'second life' at 70 San Clemente realdent Mllton Corb, a mere 70 :yean old. pbl h1a pto frOm llfe in abltract painting. PaaeBt. Much of race officials' atten· tion Mo nday was focused on finding the lone missing Gordon Bennett balloon. The" 10-.Ball." a non-compe ting "pathfinder" craft carrying three men, appa- rently had a radio malfunction shortly aft.er llftoU, causing the aeronauts to lose contact with their chue crew. An emergency locator signal was heard in eastern Nevada near Wiliton Mountain, triggering a search in that snow-blanketed area for the missing balloon. But race officials re<:elved a surprise Monday afternoon, when two "10-Ball" balloonists called in to say they had actually landed Sunday morning in the Arizona desert near the Grand Canyon. "We didn't find them -they round us," race director Tom Heinsheimer said. "Duane Po- wers (the pilot) knew exactly where he was. It was always under control, just the way it should be." After a smooth landing, Po- we r s and crewman Arthur Hickle hiked 20 miles through (See BALLOON, Page Al) INDEX At Your Service A4 Erma Bombeck B2 L.M. BoY.d A6 Busl.ne9I B4-$ Callfomla M Cavabde B2 Oa.ifled Dl.D3-6 Comict 83 Cro.word B3 Death Notka D2 F.dl t.oria1 A6 Enttttainment as SPORTS Marine landing planned? By Tiie A11ociatect Presa Britain said one of its warshipa fired on a surface v.essel today in the body of water separating the two main Falkland Islands. and Argentina threatened to attack an y British ship or plane ap- proaching the South Atlantic war w ne. British De fense Ministry spokesman Ian McDonald told reporters in London that the British ship was an the fave- mile-wide Falkland Sound, just off Bold Cove, West Falkland. when it opened fire. He said a "large explosion" occurred. it was the closest naval en - gage~11t to the Falklands since ArRen\ine forces seized the is-lands from Britain on April 2, and McDonald said: "The incident and its location show how tight our grip is on the Falkland Islands." He gave no other de- tails. Other reports indenlified the target vessel as an Argentine. supply ship or tanker. and said it w as fired on by the radar- controlled, 4.5-anch gun of a Bri- tish frigate, which was said t-0 have been accompanied by other British warships in the Falkland Sound British correspondents with the annada, whose dispatches a.re subject to censorship, said the s hip that was attacked was thought to be carrying s upplies and possibly troops to :Stanley. capital of the Falklands. Prime M ini ste r Margaret Thatcher convened he r inner "War Cabinet" m London amid growing speculation that British marines would soon a ttempt to storm the Falklands capita l of Stanley. Argentina retaliated with an announcement that any British ships or aircraft approaching the South Atlantic war wne or COQ· sidered a threat to Argentine Be- curity would be regarded aa "host al e" and subjec t to ••consequences.·· Britain, which last week ex· tended its 200-mile blockade around the Falklands to within 12 miles of the Argentine coast, said t.he Argentine threat "will in no way affect" the operations of its wk fon:e. British military sources aal~ the liner Canberra arrived Moq- day night off the Falklandl bringing 2,500 British marines and paratroopers. The sourcet (See FALKLAND, Page AZ) Hormcope B2 Intennl.auon C6 Ann Landen B2 Movies C6 National Newa A3 Public Noticea D2·3 Sparta Cl...t Stoct1. Markeu B5 TeleWion C6 Tbeaten C6 Weather A2 World Newa A3 Hot hurlers alons Coast Ansel1 nlp Yankees . There are a lot of Clltatandina ~ IChool mftball pU.chen tn the 0nnae 0oMt ~ ilid mmt of them aN ~and freihmea. ~Cl. ~ DICl.noe9 Md Geoff Zahn eperkled ... ~ .,.., the yana. In ta. --GplDllr ., ~ hetm Stadium. P• Cl. . • FALKLAND ISLANDS • • • · Mid he Uner· wu accompanied by ftve ltndtna craft carrytna heUcoptera, lht 4,100-ton d•· 1\toyer lxe&tr and two trtaatee armed wlth French-made Ex-oc._~1 th• mt .. ue that Ht th• Briuan dmtroyer Shettteld afire 1.tlt~, Mllltary analyata in London Mid troop, tank and landJ.na craft relnforcementa due today would live the talk force "all it needl" to challenp the eetimated IM)OO troope Arpntina poured Into the ia1anda after aelzing them. Brltlah mlUtary aourcea aald about 100 Brlttah commandoe1 have been on the l1land1 for "some time" pinpointing "key targetl" on East Falkland, the 1aland where most of the Argen- tine forcea are concentrated. Writing from the aircraft car- rier HermeJ1, the flaphip of the 'British battle fleet, correspon- dent Peter Archer of the Britiah dOl'nNUc "'WI ... ncy P,. M · aodaUon Mid the bofnbardlnent Sundey and Monda1 •iw.. -. .. a IDltenana-up procm befon an eventual landlna by Brhtah troope" MnnwhUe, U.N. Secretary· General Javier Perea de Cuellar compltMd a fourth da)' ot •pa· rate talka wtth ~t.IM O.~ty Porel1n Mlnfeter J:nrlq,u• Roa and Britiah Ambe'Mdor Sir An- thony Panona at U.N. hetldquar- ~"' ln New York. Roa said the Brttl1h mllltary preuure would not dampen hla government'• desire for a ne10- Uated eettlement. Perez de Cuellar told reporten he aaw "rea1on1 for hope" of ending the cria1a but It would "be very difficult" to hurdle the main stumbling block to a ceue-flre and the start of peace ne1ot1a- tion.s -Argentina'• demand for aovereignty over the Falklanda. DEAR ABBY LETTERS ... didn't think 10me of the reprlnta on tbe special subjects needed labeling," Mias Van Buren aid in her statement. Of the 394 moat recent letters published or received by the newspaper, 10 were labeled as reprints, the newspaper said. When asked last week lf Miss Van Buren ever used recycled material, her secretary, Katie Beal, quoted her as saying that lf she reruns an item "it is clearly labeled as such." Miss Van Buren and Miu Landers were born in Sioux City, Iowa, on July 4, 1918, and gra- duated from high school there. Misa Van Buren, whose real name is Pauline Esther Phillipe, has been writing the "Dear Abby" column since Jan. 9, 1966. Miss Landen -&rther Pauline Lederer -ha.a written her col- umn since 19~6. BALLOON RACE ... the snow until they reached safety -and a telephone -in Colorado Oty, Ariz., race officials said. The third crewman, Milt Caves, remained with the balloon and was reecued later. Heinaheimer maintained that this trio was the best equipped for IW"Vival In difficult wind and weather conditions becauae they all live in the California desert t:ity, Ridgecrest. . Unofficial second-place win- ners In the Gordon Bennett are father and son Maxie and Kria Andenon of AlbuQueniue, N.M., whose craft "Viklng'' touched down near Caaper, Wyo., after travell.ng 850 miles. In third _pla ~e waa the "Benihana. .. piloted by lat }'ml"• winners Ben Abruzzo and Rocky Aoki. Their crah traveled 771 miles before landing near Boul- der Lake, Wyo .. .'La Turista' over? . .. Antibiotic effective in Mexico HOUSTON (AP) -Reeearchen aay they have found a better way to fight "La Turista," or traveler's diarrhee, en- countered by almost half the Americana who visit Mexico. Dr. Herbert DuPont, director of clinical microbiology at ·. the Univenity of Texas Medical School here, said Monday the antibiotic TMP-SMX eliminated the disease in most patienta within 24 hours. The study with TMP-SMX was conducted last summer in Guadalajara, Mexico. TOPPLED ~ -Trailerloed of trash top- pled Monday when driver of Orange County- owned vehicle turned too fast on Bristol Street Deukmejian backs lease SAN DIEGO (AP) -Attorney General ~rge Deukmejian saya he backs a plan proposed last week by Secretary of the Interior James Watt -to leue offshore California aifea for oil explora- tion. "I have no reaaon" to oppoee apecific tract• pinpointed for drilling, Deukmejian said Mon- day before the San Diego Fed- eration of Republican Women 's Clubs. He said Watt's plan for private drilling leues off California'• ahon!I ia In the "belt lnteresta" of the nation becauae of a need to "determine the full extent of our oil and natural gaa rellOun."e." Budget aid: 4-day week BOISE, Idaho (AP) -About 5,000 Idaho state employees will work only four daya a week to help the atate cope with an esti· mated $12. l mllllon deficit in the budget. Gov. John Evans, ln ordering the cutbacka Monday, •id the four-day work week ia a key part of hia plan to erase the de6c:lL To lead the way, the sayemor said he will turn back $1,072 from hla salary the next seven weeb and his wife wtll have to get along without howlek.eeping belp at the governor'• mansion the next aeven Fridays. .,.., ,... ....... .,, ~ ec..... where it merges with Universlty Drive in Ir- vine. No one was injured. Trash was later re- moved to Coyote Canyop landfill. Nu dies fighting lor sand MlAMl (AP) -Sun wonhl- pera who believe lt'• better to buk ln the buff are hoptnt that a pitc h to Miami'• tourl•m· conacloue offida.la will help pre· aerve one of the Sunahlne State'• nude beachee. "I'm optlmlatlc abou t our chancel with the dty," uid Gary Bryant, heed of the pro-nudiml Florida Free S.Ches. a ataiewlde organization. "We're offerint a vtable uaet. · "Nude bathing la an accepted nonn for the people ln cmmopo- 11 tan areas: European• and American tourlata are apendlng their money ln the Caribbean ia- landa, which have a lot of areu designated for nude swimming. Why not bring those tourl1t1 here?" Bryant reasoned. 'Mle Miami City Commimion la deciding whether to convert Virginia Key'a beach into a pub- lic park, and Florida Free Bea- ches wu to preaent ill cue to the cornmlaaion today. South Florida's nude sunba- thers already have lost another mecca, the former "Air Force Beach" In North Palm Beach. where visitors who ahed their clothes these days may receive misdemeanor summonses. On Monday, rangers at John D. MacArthur State Recreation Center confirmed three arrests had been made on the beach over the weekend. The secluded stretch waa pop- ular among nudilts for 25 years as local authoritiea looked the oth er way. But last year, the state and county bought it from a foundation for u se as a "family-oriented" park. Rangers pa11ed out 30 war- nings to nude sunbathers during a two-week "grace period" that ended May 3. Of those arrested over the weekend, one was charged with indecent exposure, wrucn carries a maximum penalty of one year in jail and a $1 ,000 fine, and two others were involved in a "lewd and laacivious act," said ranger John Fillyaw. Florida Free Beaches gathered 2,000 signatures on petitiona as- k.mg for part of the park to be designated as "clo\.hes.-optional," but local rangers told them to present the petitions to Depart- ment of Natural Resources offi- cials in Tallahassee. In Miami, city officia.la plan a cleanup of the 700-acre Virginia Key beach area, and hope• to open it this summer aa a family park. The nudists who had the beach to themselves for years would like to have at least part of it designated as "clothes-optional." Sunny afternoons H owever, Carl Kerns, city parks director, said, "We really don't want to restrict any part of our valuable beach property, which is worth millions of dol- lars, to any particular group." Panly doudy IXQIPI IM 9"""Y att9f'noon1 todey and Wedn.t-~-Hlaht todllY 85 IO 18. Over· night Tow1 O to 54. High• Wedneeday 1 5 to 73. Huntlngton-N-port area t•m· peratut• range from • l1'gll of 15 10 •low of 55 California 8pn119 lnOUIO oeg1n creeping beck Into Southern Cellfomle on WednHd•y •• a IOW•Pt•Hur• eyetem oY9f ~ -.... lalllng 1he ,_, Clllty ~ with Ii Tiie Natlonll WMtMr ServlClt predlcll varleble cioud• lonlgtlt with a ch1nc1 of thowere over lnle nd v111.,.1. mountain• 111d 6-11. Sklal lhould delt •ft« MOmrlg Clouds Wldlleedey, and lempereturH are eapec:ted to wwm. HlgM WeOl\Mday are fMeca.l from ,_ 70 In Loe AngetM. 86 and 73 •t buebn. 48 10 58 In the m0\lnt1ln1, 88 to 7S In the high ~t ind 77 to •~ In low dH· ar11. ~ from Point Conce9llO'I to me Mealcan l>Mder can bpect llght, nrleble wind• through U S 3 Um mary mffS·mornl119 Wednetday, wtlen • • tlleY• """ -t nontMMt It 10 EIMwtlera, from Potnt Conc:ap. lion to Ille Mell.lean bol'der and °"' eo m1a1: N011twt wlnde to to 20 knot• with 4 to 7 foot ..... over outer .,a11n. El ... h•r•. llght verl•tife Wind• beoomlng _, to ~ 10 10 11 knoll thll "*'"°°"· Waet to IOUt'-1 ..... of 2 to 4 ..... Fair todey. ~·:::.C:::,'~ !;:: ~~1~80~'::,:;ly~~~ ~'/2ti!~ Faroo U!Undatstorme dll eloped owr the wlrldl and _..... running to t..i FllQllllll oentral Pl=·=•nlng torn•-· are Pfedlcted 90 ml ... ottll'lote ='.:dllll ~~ and~ Hettna ThuncMrltorme de'l'lloped oY9f ~ ::. O:C:: r,:,: !:=.= Temperature8 ::=:.:. . 1 ' aovth Dakota acrou Hebruka · NATICMI Jaclltol\ MS Ind northweltem !owe Into oantrll .. u Jacll"'* Md IOUlhem Mlnnaaota. ff 47 Kant Olly A nearly 1olld llne of hHvy Albeny ao 42 Lie Vegaa 1"'1nder1torm9 con1.in1ng Nl'atll = 82 87 Uttle Rodi lomedoae and lomedo doude cut 7 4 .... LoullYlle ac:roea oemrll Hetltalka. a...11 AIN¥lle 1s 54 Lubbodl 1wl1ter touchdown• ••r• con· := Cty ee 54 ~ firmed but no lnfUflel ware rtPOt· AuetJn '82 83 _.,. _,Th. i.te lf!OWf .. extended from MtllnOf• ~~ ~ :-:;.-; w .. tern Montana Into Wyomlnv ~ 71 4t ....,,. and aleo wu •c•tt•r•d over ~ M 46 ..._ ~ toulhWNI Utah and IM '"9Mt' .,... M 3t New Ycwtc aM!vat!Of)t of Idaho. By -ty If-70 61 NOttoll ternoorf. • l~hM of enow had :::::. 11 11 No ,..... ~ al ......... lcW!o. I 8ufl9lo M 3f Okie City ~ wttll oc.caelonet tllUn· 9ur11ngton ~ 51 43 OINN ,...."'°""9 ••tended frOfl'I IOU• Oaeper 17 H OMlldO UIMltern fl.wee aorou not1h-CNttlln 8C 71 13 ~ ~ OkWloma lntO "°"'""" CMttltn vw 77 40 "'-"• ~ lfld ICMhWelC MlllcM1. CMrtM NC 71 It Ptttlllurlll Mt.., ......... ~ -~ 13 .. 1'11111d .... ,, .. N9w t•Md Md ~ tM CN01ifO 71 A "'8fld1 Ofe ~ T_. ONll. = : :~ ,10A••• In Uta!, W ..... ~ lood Qme11e 10 a 47 =r'Cll1 ....,.._~'° ColunOie 11 u ~ .... _... M ....... out lnOf'9 IO M ,_Lela ttleft 400 fMt Of a privet• roecl DllM't Ytlft 11 41 a.n AMorllO ff-dMI_,.... a mefOf cov"ty = 11 44 ...... •••ad. o...._, 11 • :::= Ti.e ....._.. WM!tl« lrftoe °""*" " • 4t ...., OIUto,.. .... "*'°' lloodlr'I Oulllll II 41 It t.Ollle ... POHll•I• '" Ut•h " riv.re ~ ,_ • • ..... , ....... ----.,, "'"' ............. .... .... """· ,., ....... .......... ........................ ........... Utall .............. ............ 81 52 CALWC>MtlA 63 3 7 AOP1e Vdr/ 3e 31 lail•lfleld 70 52 lar110W 43 as e...mont 85 74 llOBeat 11 ee 8llhOp 11 55 ~ sa 55 Cu1Wt 01ty 79 50 Eurltle 82 62 Freeno 74 54 Lek• Anowt!Md 79 51 L..lnCMt« 80 64 Long leec:lfl ao 82 Loe ~ 11 57 M~ 81 ee Monrov1e 11 .... Mont«>elo 74 13 Mt. W1*WI 79 62 Naedlll 81 64 N9wpOtt 9lldl et 51 Oelliand n e1 e>nutto M 86 Pa11'1'18'ttnoa 11 11 , ........ 80 u ,_, "°'*9 .. 12 Nvwlkte 70 IS "9d llllfl II 62 AedWood City .. .., ....... '3 ., ..... " 47 ........ ,,._cllno_ llN1911~ 1S ...... °""' ....... ~ 6, " lema AfMI MU ... .._. 71 ....... ... ................. 12Nltedlton 11 to n.rww II II TOf'MOe It ., Tide• ·. TODAY eo 71 75 57 67 82 ao " 58 ee 42 83 ee 16 73 70 10 40 11 • • ... 11 17 IO Ill .,. 12 ., 11 .... 17 .. a 11 M IO • • II a 17 • .. , ft : '71 .. IO II .. It leooM IOw •:Ga p "'· e.o..s flll"I '1:28 PA RIPPED OFF -Mias Hawaii Vanessa DuBois (right), emerges from Anti-Crime Unit build.ing in New York after viewing lineup of suspects after street tJiief snatched her $7,- 000 diamond-studded pendant. With her is Miss Minnesota Lori Kmetz. Both are in Miss USA contest. Judi Wilson, who h eads a group called Concerned Christian Mothers, also opposes any nude sunbathiJla. "Everyone I know will be offended," she said. "They shouldn't be allowed to do it in public. Graham in Moscow Livermore protest nets 64 arrest8-- LIVERMoRE (AP) -In the trances to the facility. fourth nuclear pro test at La-"It was the largest traffic tieup wrence L ivermore Laboratory we've had ao far this year, and this year, 64 people were ar-the moat d elay we've had," rested after women dressed as spokesman Jack Saunders said auffragettea. tried to block en-Monday. MOSCOW (AP) -Evangelist Billy Graham today urged "all governments to respect the rtghta of religious believers" in his lint comments on human righta since he arrived in Moecow four days ago. Offw ~ M~ 15, 1va PIATUlll INCL~1 • AEltOltC ClASSES • PltOfESSK>NAl tNSTltUCTtON • BOOY FAT ANALYSIS • STRESS TESTING • tlOOO PRESSURE TESTING • COED SAUNA . • NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING • COED WH•LPOOl • OlYMPtC FltH WEIGHT • COMl'UTlllZID DYNA YIT. • NAUTl.USUlll:ll~ • SUNTANIOM '~ " • • OUAIANTlmillulTI • WELCOME TO THE POPE -A wall painting in Liabon ahows two doves as praying hancb among other religious artwork. The painting herald. Pope John Paul Il's pending Portugese ##wtlcpltotl visit Wednesday which will extend through Saturday. The painting reads: "Monarchist Youth Gree~ John Paul II." Saudi Arabia jails, flogs 5 Yanks for making booze PITTSBURGH (AP) -A Pennaylvanla woman aays she won't give up fighting for the releue of her brother and four . other Americana jailed and aent- enced to be flogged in Saudi Arabia for making booze. Carol Rudolph of North War- ren, Pa., haa Hked the State Depar1ment and congresnen to Intercede on behalf of her )'OUnler brother, James Philllpe, 30, a Pennaylvanian who had been livtna in BllPxi, Mau .• be- fore he wu aent to Saudi Arabia three years qo. "They aay their hand• are tied," 1he aaid Friday. "But I don't a"ee with them. I won't give up.' Philllpa. an airplane mechanic for Lockheed Corp. who wu 8Cheduled to retwn to the United States in March, wu sentenced to two years in jail in Riyadh four montha ago. He lnliata he and the other Americana were framed and were makina the liquor for private oonawnptlon. U1e of alcohol i1 forbidden both by law and reUglon ln Saudi Arabia, according to a spokesmen at the Saudi embauy in Wuh- ~r a strictly enforced Iala- mic justice ayatem that follow• the Koran holy book. drunkarda, ~~ and liquor-ma.ken are lb:e.~ by whJpplnp. jail and Americans earn more in Alaska WASHINGTON (AP) Americana living ln A.luka made, more money laat year, on the average, than resident.I of any other at.ate, while thoee in Ml&- Ualppi made the least. according to a government report. At the same time, the Com- merce Department report said non-farm personal income ln the United Stat.et grew only 1.8 per- cent in the last quarter of 1981, the nnalleat increue of any of the five preceding quarte·11. In the atate-by-atate break- down, the report aald per capita penonal income in AlaskP wu $14,190 lalt year, up 11.2 pcl"OeDt from the pnviOUI year. Tht' fig- ures are Clerived by dividing a atate'1 total penonal income by lta population. Waahinaton. D.C., WU ranked the next hlghest at $13,487, fol- lowed by Connecticut at $12,995, New Jeney at $12,115 and C..U- fomla at $12,057, the report aid. At the bottom of the .:ale wu Ml11i11lppl, where per capita penonal income WU $7,256 last year, up 10.7 percent from l~. Overall, Americanl bad a per capita income Ian y~ar of $10,-, 61,, an lncreue of 10.6 percent over the $9,611 of 1980, the re- J>O!l aald. The ll statel wilh the highest per capita personal income• in 1981 were moatly in the urban areas of the Northeast and West, the report aald. "Most of the 19 atatel with low per capita penonal l.ncome9 . . . were in the Southeaat and Rocky MoWltain regions," It said. The report alao aaid that for the laat three months of 1981 , non-farm peraonal lncoroe in the United Statel wu $2,459 billion, up 1.8 percent. Non-farm per- aonal income roee 3 percent in the previoua quarter. Non-farm penonal lnoome rote the sharpest in the fourth quarter of lalt year ln North Dakota, 3.6 percent; Nevada, 3.6 percent; Hawall, 3.4 percent; Oklahoma, 3.3 percent; and Alaska, 3.2 per- cent. .. All of theM atatel had larp tncreuel in federal aovernment payrolll and ID09t had large ln- creuee in atate and local aovem- men t and non·durablea manu· facturlng payrolla, .. aald the re- port. The amalleat chaneea were reglltered in Delaware, down 0.5 percent; Wi.Jlconaln, up 0.7 per· cent; Michigan, up 0.2 percent; Indiana, up 0.8 percent. and Ohio, up 0. 7 percent. ORANGE COA'il Daily Pilat Cl1111tled •dvert11ing 7'41642·5671 All other dep11r1ment1 642·4321 Kay SchulU VtCAtPt•~t -()H.c:t"' o4 ""-'""" fom Murphene rd'lo< Mike H1rvev °""""' o4 Mll<'•'•>G 1C ro.MtlO"• Ken Godd&rd Owe<tt• .~ 0.-•'""" Ray Maclean llcnlt- Cherlel Loo• M~(dtlll' MAIN OFFICE uo w~•• a ... .,. r a-•~ "'"'" 'a M<t•I otddttt\\ lkl• I \Ml (0\1• llMW t A ~.,. '"'""Ofl' '") °'-, .. ,. p"°'"'""" ,_. .. 0 M W' \toit•' 1UV"lt4hOr" ... •tOf••I rn•U•r ot .. w.rhw nwinh """'~"' m•y tw rfllorodvc:ttd ... ,..._. \Pf"t l.tt Pl''""'''°" of <OOYrtOh'I OWl¥t \#( Ot"U1 t ,,.,, t)il'fftO'i' JM Id At ( O\flt M,.\A ( .. •fot'fllMlf 1qP\ 1u to01 ~ noHon ,,, • ,.,,,~, \4 I\ nwtnth•~ bV m,.,, \A vt uwtfttNy ,,..,. ,.,,.,,,.. \M\.f CM:·•· P1tol ..,,,,. Wf'lt(I\ t\ (llf'ho 11<...0 tow _, PtK• '' -·"'-" Uy llW Ot ..... (M" P-t-t\Q (.,,,,_, \fo-"I• --ere OUOI•--.Oy tl\J.....,. f ttdn ''" r.-1e -...w -pot'! S..M" H,..linqtOll fl~ACh f """le'ft V&l .. y ,,,,,,. l -1\llMtl \oultl( ........... i. •• .,.- •ll•l•Oft '' PltCllh\N'O ~lutOIY\ ""° ......... ,,_ flW 11'11'( 1p•I -1\tl•IW) 01 .. 111 " "' JJO Wlt\I lie~ \1,..1. P 0 Roo IWIO (O.IA Mo<'" C ehlutnlA •1•1• VOL 75, NO. 131 Philllpe, in an UNOlidted letter to hJa hometown newspaper, the Warren Pa. Ttmea Obeerver, ad- mitted he had "25 1al.lona of al- cohol spirits and material• to make 25 more gallona" when he waa arrested in January. He said the liquor wu for hi.I birthday party. and he bad cele- brated hi.I last two blrtbdaya in Saudi Arabia the aame way. Mn. Rudolph aaJd a Saudi in- vited to lhe party called authori- ties. The five Amerlcanl were con- victed of manuf.actwtna alcohol. accordlna to the State Depart- ment and a 80Wce oont8cted by the AHoclated PreH In Saudi Arabia. The arrest and trial were con- ducted in secrecy, a common practice in that country. There hu been no alluaion to the pro- ceed in g in the 1overnment· controlled preM and no official word on the defendanta. ''Theee men are auilty 11 hell," aaid the Saudi aource. "They were involved ln large-«ale ma- nufactwina of liquor for profit in a country ihat frowns upon auch crimes.'' Black market beer and l.lQuor are available to Americana, but the oost I.I dear, Philllpa told the newspaper. "I could not afford the prices, 10 1 made my own," he aald. "I did not aell or give It to any Moslema.'' The State Department identi- fied the five, all Ldckheed em- ployees, u Clayborn Weeka, 32, of Bruce, Mila., who wu 1enten- ced to eight month• and 90 luhea; Truett Holcomb, 39, of Setfner. Fla., two years and 220 luhea; Frandl Welch, 68, of El- lenbur1 Depot, N. Y .. 2 ~ yean and 290 laahes; Charles King. 48, of Tacoma. Waah., two years and 220 lalhe9 and Philllpa. two years and 220 laahea. The men were apared the floaino, accord.lna to the aource in "'S"1ua1 Arabia. ~ut Mrs. Ru- dolph aald her brother wu bea- ten with a multltailed "jailer'• whip.•• Diplomatic vlllton to the =~ told her hi.I wounda are The 6·foot-6 Philllpa weighed 260 poundl before he WU jaikd. He baa written of loslnl 80 to 100 pound1. He hu comJ)lalned of fllthy condition• and lack of med1cal attention. "We 1leep on the floor," be wrote. "We eat on the floor. We are not allowed to 10 outDde. We have raw Mid bup. Our medal care 18 extremely poor'° nil" State De~t 1pob9man Jmnm Webb aald U.S. offidall In Ridayb were -..cl to nview the jail condltionl. a. .ad the i.cJc of inedkal aid Ma been oorrected. Webb mid then ii nothinc the 1overnmtnt can do to force Phllll .. ·ni-. .. Amlrtmrw ue aubjlct to the laws of the OOUfttry Uw, baPPID to be tn." h9 llid. •-n.. la no way we can lmpoee American Je1al value1 In a forel1n ceuntry." .., .... ......, ........... We're Llslenlng ••• What do you lib about the DaUy Ptlot? What don't you Hite! Call the numMr below and your mt11a1e wUI bl l'ffOrded, tren1tr1bed ind dellvtred to the appropriate edJtor. The Nme 24·hour an1ftttn1 Nnlee may be UMd to record lel· lera to the edUor on any toplc. Mailbox tOatrlbuton must Include their n1me and telephone number for verlfttation. No clrtulation ull1. pleue. • Tell us what'• on your mind. Or119t Oout DAILY PIL04r/Tueeday, May 11, 1912 8 ~· Painteil Stoa found? I 0 Archaeologists identify classi--c · of Athens ATHENS Onece (AP) -Ar· obHol~l1t1 at th• American lchool 0C. O·mcaJ Stud* hen N)' they think rnualve 1ton• toUndationt o1 a a•"°'°uary ac. bulldln1 they unearthed lHt 1ummer belont to the Painted Stoa. a ~ haWlt of DhDolo-=.i and poeta In the Aihenlan "Tb• ~ntUlcatlon of thl• build1na with the Painted Stoa •••m• to me extremely probable," Dr. Henry lmmer· we.hr, 1be 11Chool'1 dJ.Nct.cr, -.let at a Neent i.cture. Tbe find Wll made dwinl the Amtrlcanl' OOth excavation .... 10n ln the A1ora, the market· plMlt and dvk center of anc:Mnt Athent. It came after the ar- chaeoJ0111t1 ba4 4ua down ~ 2S f..c of BywlUne and Roman layen to reeCh the clalll-. c.al levela. lara"t cla11lcal monument. ln the Aaora. /v:ro. from It WU the Royal Stoe, where Soctatee ltood trial. and law the Stoe of AttalUI. a 2nd"'*'tu.ry B.C. lhopplna cent.tr now rebuilt by the American School to houae • muNum and workrooma. IMid• the 1toa, accordlna to account. of ancient travelen to Athena, hWll '*11\Unp of battle acenea featurfnc femoua Athe- nian victories. Oiatllde were di.I· played war trophie1, 1uch H 1hleld1 captured from the Spartana in the Peloponneaian War. "Excavation inside the foun- dationa produced a fair quantity of pottery which datet the buil- din1 to between 470 and 460 B .C.," Immerwahr aald. "The atoe lel"Ved a public function for many centurie1 and was not de- atroyed until the 6th century A.D., althouah the palntinp had been taken down earlier." Located near a tlahmarket and the HJ~ the Athenl.t.n cavalry beadquanen, the bull· din1 wu u1ed u • 1atherln1 p1.m by ...-.dorw of Ath.nlaf' dt!Mnl. . .. You could call lt a lllnd ot hanaout for convenaUon ind debate by 11l1ured Athenian• about town," Camp Mid. The buft41n1 pve ltl neme to the school of phpolophy founded around 300 B.C. by Zeno, who lectured hi.I puplls there -Stol· mm. But later wrltel'I ·~ of the begaan, jug1len and fl•h· monaen frequentl.J11 the colon· nade In the ancient city'• decli- ~~ Ult arch.aeolqpatl ex pect to reaume dig1ina In the Agora in June, it Will be aeveral yean before the Painted Stoa can be completely expoeed. An adja- cent plot haa to &e expropriated and aeveral amall bulinaa prem- ilea on the frtnge. of the At.hem flea market demolllhed to make w~y for new excavations, Camp aatd. • • "Of coune there'• no formal proof lt'1 the Painted Stoa, linoe we haven't found an tn.:ripdon," field direct« John c.amp ukl in an interview. "But the material evidence combtned with the an- cient authon' referencea don't leave a 1reat deal of room fnr doubt." Profesaor T. Lealle Shear of Princeton Unive1'-1ty, who dl.recia the Aaora excavationa, wu ho- pln1 to find the Painted Stoa. named after the picture• that hun1 inaide, when he •tarted work in 1980 on a aite at the northern edge of the market- place. Charter rev1s1on to protect gays? So far the west comer of the Stoa, a roofed colonnade with an interior line of plllan and stun- ped earth floor, haa been ex- paeed. The buildin8 WU about 40 leet wide and probably 114 to 140 feet long, making it one of the LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) -Resi- denta of Nebraaka's capital decide today whether to amend Lin- coln'• anti-diacri.mlnatlon law to include protection of homoae- xual.t. The law prohibits dt.crimlna- tion on the grounds of race, creed or color in employment, houaing and public accommodations. HELPING HANDS -Virginia Camp, middle forekround, is surrounded by friends who have oUered to help her husband Ronald, of Collision, m .. to plant his crope. Because of illneJIS. Camp has been unable to get into hia fields this seuon. About 20 people, using 11 pieces of equipment, have pitched in to plant the couple's 3~ acree. Among the many ettractlone of Cleopetre wu the feet thet lhe owned her own Emereld mine. ·She WU on• of th• ,,, .. Of hl•-tory'• femoue neme1 to adorn themHlvH with th• rloh, ~ ~.eem. wNctt • .... ~tor-. Emerald 11 one of the oldHt llnown gem• on earth and wu found In the rnantetl of .,,.,, Babylon. Today It II ltllt one of the moet ad"*-d and Oheftlhad ofgemltonet. In ~ *'-meny "°'* ..,. mletakenty c.ilad !mera6d h11t becaYM they were green. lwn tOday eo:.=• lend to,,.._, the by uelr'O m11nomer1 auoh u "evening tfMrekt" (~) Of "Orllntal emerald" (tr .. n Hpphlre). TllW and °"* qu~..,,,. refer to different gemetonea ~. The AIMfto9n Gem lo-.'ctety ltrjetly fOfbldl the UM of "" IOOfl .,,. ............ PUbOOeCMI oan INtt roat A.G.I. In ....... The laa~OftM "*-" ber)t. h II a YetY ...,.._ M anct 1Pt ltOM tor the tMfWetl of May. 111 lovely 0001 grHn ~ CiEM WISE Supporten of the propoaal want to add a ban on discrlmlnatlon due to "sexual orientation." Gay rtghta began getting local attention in this town of 171,000. home of the main campwi of the University of Nebraska, last year when the city Human Rights Commiaaion started re.earching complaint• that homosexual• were losing their jobs and apart- ments. The comml11ion uked the council to amend the human rights ordinance. The ooundJ in- stead decided to put the mue to a vote in the form of a charter re- vision on the Nebraska primary ballot. which ai.o includes races for governor and eon.are-. A poll of 283 residents con- ducted for the Sunday Lincoln Journal and Star said ~3 ~n:ent oppoted lhe charter amendment. 34 percent were in favor and 13 ~rcent had no opinion. "Gay rigbta la just not going to make It," poll1ter Doug Evans said. Several groupe. Including bu- sineaamen, psychologlata and membe n of the clergy. have banded to1ether to aupport the propoeal. "What we are talking about are fundamental right.I," said City Councilman Eric Young- berg. "Supportina this amendment is not an e naorsement for homoeexuallty," said Councilman Mike Steinman. "The fact is there is discrimination a nd something ought to be done about it." The opposition leader la Paul Cameron, a social paychologist and chairman of the Committee to Oppose Special Right• for Homoeexuala, who contenda the amendment ia unneceuary and seeks to legitimize what he con.siden an undesirable Westyle. "We're talking about a choaen behavior," Cameron said . "Nobody'• choeen lifestyle should be protected by the Constitution." "We're talking about people who are foroed to live a lie each day, pretend they're someone they're not, just to protect their jobs," aald Cheryl Lonf,of the Coalition for Gay and esbian a vil RJ.ah ta. •• • Sterling apology ·.from Easter bunny Dad PATt I •N•re• a ,.neaaU1t4 °1Atter Ire• "9 .._,...,.. lw 111 alllW fNID la.rtlaa .... tlG.,..,., N.Y. 1'e .a;,,._._ 11 tMt dM lther .a.ri ant.. •UI a.-after._,, ....... 1 lla4*1 m1..., Marell t.1,..a tMt l'vt ..._ ...... eff fw ti.RI J.M., ,. .. &a1a van., 8•linl ~ II eendina a refund co you and apoloct-for the lat.e delfwry. Tax records can be duplicated DBAA PAT: I .. , .. a c:e.ple of wMU aco ud 1tmeMw ~ to IOH all my tu record1. l1 llaert uy w•y I cu pt 1 • ~&e of my tu retua? J.8., Cosca Mna You can pt a _pho&ocopy of a tax return from a prior yeer by fWna Fonn 4508, l!'AqUe9t f« Copy of Tax Reium. Th.ere la a $1 chafae for the tint page, and 10 centl for each additional pep. Thia fonn can be requested by phoning the Internal Revenue Service at (800) 242-4586. Be thorough is co-signing DEAR PAT: A relative ua aaked me to co-lip for 1 cu IML la ~ takta1 a 1»11 nu, ud la daere uy way to protect myaeU lf I do 10 Ue&d wlda ~1? L.E., lrvtM Obvioualy, the riak you take depends on the relative! How- ever, studies have lhown that u many u 50 percent of all the people who co-aian loana are asked to take some degree of re- aponabWty for the unpaid debt. nw main th1na '° remember ia never to ~sign a loan for more than you coufd afford to pay off. To protect younelf, you ahou1d get everything in writing -from the penon you are ~ lignina the loan for and from the inatitu~Uon l the money. Alk the lending inltitutioo for coplea of all papen ant to the loan, includinc any warrantiea on an Item with Credit: Get the lender to agree, in writina, to no you immediately lf the borrower miaes a payment. "The no cation will make it euler for you co avoid late fees ll you do have to make a payment. The qotificatlon allO mean.1 that you will find out about any problems before the cue enda up in court. Try to work out an ammgement with the lender co limit your liability 80 you do not wind up with penalty charaea, at- torney'• bill& or court cost.I ln addition to th~lpel. Al8o find oui ll the borrower hu IOl'De of value which mieht be acceptable to you u collateral, even if t doesn't qualify u aecurtty from the lender'• point of view. Draw up a written · aireement under which the borrower will eventually rei-y you, in put or full. if he or ahe def.aultl. , : Container gardening describ~d . : DEAR PAT: Wlaere cu I 1et laformaUoe aboet MW to pew : veaetablet Ill amall eoatalAen duat I cu,., oe my aputmeat : bale.ay? Several people I now raise nry '°" tom-.ea ta : coatablen ad rd 11.ke to pve Wt kiad of ~ a try. •· -D.E., Cotta Mesa : A tree pamphlet from the Conaumer Infonnation Center, , :· "Growln1 Ve1etables in Containen," teU. you how to arow :: veptables on window lil1a, bak'O'i'-, or whennlw you can fit a :: container. It al8o lugeatl .ome varietiea that are •ped.ally ad- •: apted for srowinl In pot.I. • :: When you order th1I pamphlet (615K), you al8o will receive :! the Spri:na 1982 ''Consumer Informatbl Catakc. '' It 1Jsta more :·than 100 tree or reuonably priced COlllUIDer publlcationa you can ;: aend for by writin1 to Conaumer Information Center, Pueblo :'Colo. 81009. Bulle quantities of the cataJot are available co edu: ;: c,ton and conawner groupa. Adctre. requesta to Department CA : . ,i the above addreee. · • "Goe a problem? Then write to Pat Horowitz. Pat will • ~ cut red tape, getting the an.wen md action you · ._ "1 need co aolve inequitiei Jn ~t md busfneee Mail ~ ques:ims to Pat Haowitz. At Your Setvioe, r1 . Or•nge Cmut Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1$60, Costa • . Mea, CA 92626. • THE PERFECT BLEND OF MUSIC Z4HOURS . . ~ ADAY ma.t • prom ise, reality l7i JOllN CUNNIFP m•-In an eccnom,y ot.....,... ~then fl at .... CIM U'9I of OUtl&andiftl comiltoncy: for.euta that ma· naae to Include 1 recovery 1n ap&fll of WM after Wttk of bid economic newa. In 1t11111, that ..,Ut between the expedadan wt the r.lity can be viewed u an wuaaual lf not bl- aarre 9C(:u.ttence, u if hope for the promllld economic land ..u to prevail OWi' the grtm facta of life. And lt isn't just the ~t and hl1 aupportera who place thelr faith ln the prom.lie over reality, althouah they of courae are the moet outapoken. Corpo- rate economlata too are playin& theumepme. That too can be viewed u in- con1l1tent, because if bualnen retily expecta a recovery it would aeem rea1onable to aa1ume it wbuld plan for recovery ~ of red!-'c!ns lnventorlea even more, decl1nl.nC to invett ln plant and equipment, la)'inl off work- ers and otherwlae cutttna beck. Throuahout thoae bu1ine11 torecuta ii at lHlt one conllatent IEll llllYlll theme that ml1ht help explain the apparent contradiction. The conaumer, they aay almo1t in unilon, will lead the economy up from the pi ti. In that cue, it can be reuoned, buaineu intend.a to begin 1pen- din1 and hirlna when it 1eta a lign from the conawner, apedfi- cally a ailJ'l that the oonaumer la in a buying mood ap1n: But then you muat uk why they 1hould expect him to be1ln buyln1 qain. He ll, remember, 1et1ina the pmk alip. In April, 10,307,000 people were ll1ted H unem- ployed. Moreover, many of thc.e who did have Jobs weren't really verx well off. 'l'be 1avinp rate, whicti had bearun to rile, has leveled off . again. Many incomes~ frozen. And •tralla;!fii~ interest ratea have abut Iona of people out of the market, especially for can and tiou.a. The fOl"eC811rt.1 of a aeoond-half recovery, howtNer, aeem to re- duce the lignificance of amne of theee extracirdinarily grim blta of • news. To •Y, u the White Hau. did, that the latest rile in jobie.ne., by 450,000 in April, was ''diaappolntin4(' leelDI to unden.- ta te "the aize Qf the rra1edy. Counting tN.e who involuntari- ly are work1n1 reduced houn, and thoae who have ceued to look. more than 17 mUlian people are involved, and many of them repraent one or more others. The lignificance of hf&h inter- ett ratea al8o 1ee1n1 SO be pulled down by the forecuta. Interest rates have been on the improve- ment agenda for more than a year, and 1tlll remain prohibiti- vely hilh· Hert> AJpert Johnny Mann Manuel Johnny Mathis George Shearing Chet Atkins Paul Robinson Helen Reddy Nonie Paramor Sounds Orchestral Arthur Greenslade 86lty Joel Norman Candler Seats & Crofts Michef legnlnd Jane Ottvor Paul Maurtat Rome AJdt1ch John Gregory Jamee Taylor ., ........ BEAMING MOTHER -Mrs. Judy Carr, 29, of West- minater, Maas .. poses with her 4 'iii-month-old daughter, Elizabeth, ,at their home. Elizabeth, the nation's first test- tube baby, was bom Dec. 28 ln Norfolk, Va. She currently weigha 13 pound.a, 2 ounces. Senator takes offense to article Sen. Carl Levla, D-Mich., took offense at a magazine article'• deacrlption of him u "dilheveled, balding, plump, perhaps the worst dre11ed man in the Senate.'' Levin aald the Columbia Joumalllm Review article by C.T . Hanson 1u'11eated he wa1n't as "aexy'T as certain other aenaton. "Plump, bal~c <!;'~eve-led -even wont -I Rlloada McGee.ey bu en- dured two divorces, liven up custody of a YOUlli aon. faced the financial and aocial bur- dena of aingle-parenting and latmehed a busfne.. Now, u the nation'• new Mn. America. ahe hopes her can accept with eome degree o( ..-enity. But nmuexy? Mr. Prelident there are Umita to what any man in public life oucht to be asked to ltand for -and thil.c:rcmes the llmlta. "Or at leut I hope it does, and my wife Ulure9 me that it does. Of coune, in that re- 1ard, maybe I cannot tru1t her judgment -after all, lhe picka out my clothea." dilemmas of the 19701 can help her provide answen for her contemporaries in the 1980t. The 29-year-old brunette from Houlton won the sixth annual Mn. America Pageant in Lu Vegaa. • l&Qpr o.u, ....... ,.... IWt M.ki"I that I jiclft ~ clanihe.ndMraiulli~ Ulhen haw nc1•w lfl!itli to the eoew. •1N1M to nw." The f.seral DM1 .Wt .. to 11tabll1h that 0 Nln• to rtw'' dOll not U\trlnit an IM 19401 1on11 ..... and M1 J'lddle," written b1 ••••r ........ and p•bllebeCt by Qt. darwood Publiahlftl, aaJd • Parton~ B2 d'W Miia Parton. plain· tJtta an Warner-Tamerlane Publiahlna Co. and J'ox ran. fart Mute Co . No char1•• wlll be flied !J~ln1t comedian 0Hr11 &llttJ, who w• anwted 1Mt week for inWIUOtlon of vto- lattn1 rulea of a halfway house where he la Mrvtnc d.me f« a dnac eonvktion, the U.S. Mulhal'a o(flce aakl. Kirby, 68, a It.and-up comic •rvtna a 10-year aentence on the druc convktion, hid been 1u1pected of plcldn1 up • packa&e for dellvery t~ an t!8Caped bank robber. . American• pay too much attention '° the trivial, to "the qukk thrill and the e.y kill." uys televi.lion newsman TM Koppel. Koppel wu the 1ueat 1peaker aa more than 4,500 Syracuae University ltudenta received degrees durtna the school's 128th commence- rpent. Koppel ia the anchorman for the ABC New1 program "Nightline" and a 1960 Syra- cuae IJ'8duate. Raadolp• A . Bearat, chairman of Hear.t Corp. and president of the San Frand- eco Examiner, hu remarried. Hearst and hll bride, Maria c. ScnlJ•· exch.aflled VOWI in an EpllCOpalian ceremony attended by friend.a and fa- mily members in Hearst'• Hilt.borough home. The bride, a native of Rome, hu lived in the United States 24 yewa. Hearst, 66, la diVOl'Cled from hi• first wife, Cat•erlae Campbell Bearat. They be- came familiar filurel durinl effortl to regain thei r daughter, Patricia, who was kidnapped Feb. 4, 1974, by the Symbioneae Liberation Army. 'Demon defe nse' movie looins Scrip t on 198 1 slaying trial near completion BROOKFIELD, Coon. (AP) - The ICriptwriter for a television movie about the "demon de- . feme" of Ame Cheyenne John- aon uys telling the 1tory of the tlaylna and trial ll turning out to be "one of the mo1t difficult thin4P rve done." But Bill Kelly uys hi.a product will be an ''honest, 8CCW'ate and thorou,hly documented" acrtpt baaed on the February 1981 llayin1 of Alan Bono, 40, of Brookfield. The cue drew national atten- tion tbrou1h new1papera and broadcaat reporta after the law- yer for Johruon announced he would arlUe that demons po1- se11l ng his client forced the 11ayin1 to occur. Althou1h the lawyer prepared an elaborate defense and invited several mys- tical witne11ea, .the Danbury Superior Court judge who heard the cue refused to accept the "demon detenae." JohnlOn. 20, is aervtng a 10-to 20-year prlaon term on a firat- degree manalaughter conviction. Kelley, ~2. of Loe Angeles, ia trying to meet a May 17 deadltne for the two-hour movie'• ICript. Filming ia to begin after 1ix weeks of rewritin1 and docu- menting. All off.ldal of the mov- ie'• producer u.ld "aeriom con- lideration" is being given to fil- ming the movie in Brookfield, where the ala)'inl occurred. Kelley, who hu written for television and authored three book.I, recently 1pent a week in the Danbury and Brookfield area to talk to law authorities and others involved in the CU!Oc. With The University Diet, you're under constant supervision of physicians and weight-loss JJPeCia1ists to protect your health. Clinically Proven. Exclusive Refeeding and Maintenance. The University Diet is a protein·sparing, You are re-introduced to food i.n a gradual modified fast that's tested and proven i.n 4·step prooess and taught how to keep major hospitals such as Harvard and UCLA. weight off. Prescription supplements supply your Individual Counseling. body's nutritional needs while unwanted fat Behavior modification and nutritional is burned off. guidance are offered to all patients by experta. A Complete Plopam. Unlikeotherprograms, The University Diet includee a pre-ad.miaaion physical, preliminaty ketopnic diet, futing procedure, pn!ICripdon supplements, regular lab test.a, EKO '1, refeeding, behavioral COWl8eling and maintenance . Rapid Re.ults. . You can to.e an a~ ol 20 POUndt per month-e\ooery month-until you I reech your pl. Simple and EffectJve. . You imb no ded.me about food- only the commitment to follow our program and euoceed. If you need to lose 20 pounds or more, call our phone counselors for an appo\nt- ment or information. 'n.ey're fonner paaents. They u.ndent.and. You11 find we cost lees due t.o our size and experience. Your insunmc:e ~ oover it. And alt.er you comp&ew The UniWll'lity Diet, f1W co~ ia available for the rest of your Ufet c.u 1·800-432-8876, 1bll ~. 8AMto9PM7~awek. Phyaiclan inquhw welcOme. Debby 'still ~owing' • Singer proving henelf m 1tage musical Pr'!&~ LOe AIG&ll -lhe'a.,.. two Qrg I 'a t...s a llwl>·hll ..,.... _.... in hlr own tlla.vt· alGft .,..a and wrtnen her au-~1iound it a con1tant .vup fl'om the wry bM1nnlnl to have IO PIOY• myaelf harder than the AYS8ll '*"°" beca'--they ~ that rm there wtth no lc>Od ......._ .. IMd Mn. Boone In a telephone Interview from s.n J'nndlco. She wu In the Bay City ap· P.earln1 in her flrtt mu1ical, '8ev•n BridH for Seven Brotherl." ' She wu ref•rrl"I to her me- teoric rile IO fame In la77 wtth the hit 10n1 "You Ucht Up My Llte" after yean of perf ormina 11 Pat Boone'• dauchter. ''lt'1 fOl'Cld me to try harder. to ,.Jly perform and to f,10W and extand myMlf, and lf what une people think WM true, that I jult * * * . Debby Boone named top working mom L06 ANOl!LES (AP) -The Outltandlnc Worldna Mother of 1982 apent the day In the •tap ll&ht1 Of the Loa Al,,elee Mulic center, where 1be'1 1tarrln1 ln the Broadway-bound mu1lcal, "Seven Bride• for Seven Brothen." 81.npr Debby Boone, 26, won the award tor her enthus&.n for motherin1 and her wholnome quality TV ahowt and '°""' Mid JUy Kuzma, pr .. ldent of Wor- ldna Mothers. Mn. Boone'• huebe.nd and IOI'\, Jordan Alexander, 22 month., travel wlth her when 1he per- f.onnl. Her most famoul hit lt the croonin1, "You Lltht Up My Llfe." "She, too, li8ht1 up .very time lhe mendonl lier ton," Ma. Kuz. ma ukl. ''Add that to her devo- tion to her own family and the family aitertainment lhe brtnp people, and you have 1982'• out.-ltandinc wCll'klna mother.'' The orpn1zatfon'1 ~up were tennil pro Evonne Goola- IO"I C..wJey, for arnna1nl her career around her children; ac- tre91 Lynn l\edifave for her In· 1l1tence on breut-feedln1 her baby at work; actre11 Sally Swthen, I.or her fundraillnc to help the world'• poor children; and ABC.TV new1woman Bar· bua Walt.en, for cartnc 11 much about her da ter • tier career. I ftMlde tM ,...., -~-... ..u.s lith' ra • hntM tD .,.,, If tbat WU U'Ue I wourcta•t tie able to do what nn ~now," lhe .ad ..... , lme.d rw hid tD rMlll pUlh ~. to tb1nk how can 1urprt1e them by dola, 1omethln~ they didn't thJnk could c1or For 10meon• whoee mu1lcal caner la ln fUJ1 IWlnl. aDDMrina In a play -ewsa a miilllil-can DrtHnt rl1k1, Hpeolal11 11 "Bridel" wW oondn• to Bl'wd· way ln July alter~ Mar 4--June 29 stina at the Loa Af'l9* MUlllc Center PavWon. "I tti<H•lh1 U would be chancy,' Mn. Boone Mid about betnl approeched to perform ln the Play by aonawnter Al Kuba, a friend of her nUlband Gabriel Ferrer. "I'd n•ver reahy done any dand.ni before and l'm dan.-dnc In the ahow. I'd never done any acU.nc except one TV •pedal that I WM In -'"nie Gift of the Maai" on NBC in U78. And IUddenly there I am actinl. dan· ctnc. llnClnc and mald.nl OOltwne ch.npa, but I really love it." In the 1how'1 pre-Broadway tour, 1he'1 won 1ome critical cheen -Lawrence DeVlne of the Detroit Fr. Pre11 called her "frankly 1plendid" -but alto IOme puw. "Once in a while 1omebody would really rip me out, and I would think, I don't know It I could take th1t, •• Mn. Boone Mid. ''l had to realize I'm not aolnl to be everybody'• cup of u. and a review h just one pel'IOl"l'1 opin- ion. My bett jud1e now 11 an audience." Mn. Boone, who recently c=eted her autoblo~:fhy, " y Boone, So Far," 1he ~·t been cridcbed for bftna a workln1 mother. Her hu1band and eon, Jordan Alexander, who wW be 2 July 8, travel with her. ''The fact that I'm workl.nc and Duke shelves Nixon project DURHAM, N .C. (AP) -A proeoul to locate Richard Ni- xon 1 praidential library on the Duke lJnJventty campu.e proba· bly lt on hold unUl the fall, •YI a lawyer for Duke. Attorney Eugene MacDonald ll8'd eummer neaottadonl would be avoided becau.ee of the aenaJ- Uvtty of the &mu.. Faculty memben complained bitterly when Duke Pretldent Terry Sanford beaan the tallu with Nixon'• repreeentaUvet latt 1ummer. Nixon l1 a Duke law echool lflduate. not juat • fuU-Ume hOUMWlfe md IDodlll', I thank the rnajal:tty of people .... .,.. thlnldM that tba1•1 11'• only true rofe for ........ lht wd. "I do aome· ..... "' crt*'-d bece'--. . . I'll ~a V•1u nl1htclub or wha ·" Mn. Boone uld 1he triff to ii.er her caner without reprd 1.or--r-· "I thhl Wt mo1t important that r beU.W ln what rm ~ . . . I can't l•t othn people 1 opiniona ·•ff.ct that," •b• = but added, "SometUn. tr1 a balance to hear what people are 11ytna beca'--It helpa ml detiM what l think." Amona hu 1oa11 l• to ~tudy ICdnl while thit'• In New York "becauH I don't Hally feel equipped and trained" to per· form In drama, • lhe'd Wea. "What I'm boptnc la 10me new doon and opportunJUee open up • a naalt ol doinl th.it lhow eo people thlnk of me at a more venatlle performer hutead of jult eornebody who can come out and 1ln1 'You Ll&ht Up My Life.'" BRANCHING OUT -Debby Boone readlet An'-elel. She aay11he hopes to "broaden peo- henelf for a performance of the mu1tcal ple 1 view of what I can do." "Seven Brldea. for Seven Brothen" in Loa Cussing's damn good for you LOS ANGELES (AP) - When the hammer amackt Into Psycholosist says it releaaes tension, hostility your thwnb and you tum the air are emoUonl and • Jot of people nol prone to think can look at a blue with a itrin1 of oath.I, re-can't handle emotional wordl. beautiful iunHt and uy, 'Oh, member that at lea1t one P'Y· "So, con.equently, you've lot (expl•Uve deleted), l1n't that choloc11t uy1 lt'1 aood for you to to u.ee them wtaely and only With beautiful?' Where If he would iwear occulonalfy -and that people you can tru1t," Mat0n rHlly Involve hlmtelf In the your kid• can benefit from the MYI· beauty of the occulon, he mJ.cht practice too. But Maaon admit. profanity 1et tOmewhat rha~lc. even Chaytor Muon, a USC cllnJcal be bed poetic, and uy, 'It 1 like 1hlm· rwvcho~ U\111 the anU-«>dal can · mertna told.' and IO on." -.1 .1-th -M ··u uaed lnJudicioualy or &n the ~ cominl out wt • .-wronc pl.ace It ctoo leave us open A aood roartn1 oath, thouah. expletive re-establl1he1 you -for oerwure," he fl•Y'I· "A.llO, lt lt can releMe tention that won't IO followina 10me fruatrauna epl· ao euy and '° ttmple that lt may away lf you aettle for "rat1" or IOde -u an enUty to be recko-1Upplant other nW>n complicated "dam," MMOn •YI· ned with. 6~ of --·-A d u.nn• .... ,,._.,... n , to 1ome extent, c u11 ue ln today'1 IOdety, he believea. "I think that 11 we aet le11 Inhibited, we don't rely on 'damn•' and 'hel11' u much for 1hock value u we uaed to -they have become IOrt of pedettrian. "And, yeah, 10me wordl will become leu aatllfyinf u we're able to uy thJ.np th.a are qw>re expl0tlve, more anU-«>dal." Maton alto bellev" that cur-llna haa become more acceptable "In all llituatlona -profelllonal. worklnc and family -becaute we are becom1ni more outward Cun&na lt "ablolutely" benefi· "For lnltance, ~1 penon who ii worda are loatna their 1hock val- dal. Muon •YI· i::::=::====:=~:-m.:;.:;.:;.:;.:;.:;.;_;_:;.:;.;_:;.:;.:;.~:;_;_;_;_;.;_;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:;_;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;_;_;_;_;;_;;_~: '"I'hat'• why it'• been done IO RUFFELL ·s In eneral. lona -throuchout the h.lttory of mankind. In fact," he HY•· urHOLSTHt y "Freud on ce 1u11e1ted that l1a,t 11 h ..i "'" maybe we have• dvillzation be-1n2 ~IOI II.Ye. cau.e of the fact we could cuae ~OITA W11A-1•1~11w. lmtead of kill, we could aweaJ' ~~;;;;~~~;;~~ iJlltelld of destrc>ytnl." iiiii • u!:'=~a!?11yallow f .! l ........... .... "1 think th~. thou d tnln , 11 Uo m u1 •'--..... ,..,_ 11 uva. ,.,,...__ ~..__ .. ~el YCll "'---UllDIJI ""~-. .1-.&IMS ,...,..,_,. • ,_ tralninf: I aave my dau1hter t. c ""'-1mt• v-''-' ~era ly what~reacrlbe -cotta1GAM1·121tt bod , .. ~ ....... t theee are w every Y ...... ..-49M•401 knows and just about everybody .a ...... ~ but on the other ~ they ~ ..... '""'·.. " -JCPenney Clearance Sale Begin• Wedneaday, May 12th (Umlted to Stock on Hand • Fuhlon lltand atore only) Furniture Corona Del Mar's NEWEST CITIZEN 1 only Beige lowback chair Traditional styllng 1 only Bel~e accent chair Wlc er aides 1 only Floral print Sofa 1 only Fl9ral print Love seat orig. NOW •sggoo ..... 1W° 141" 1,39900 ... 1,1W° .... PAY! • ~B .._,I 8.5% • • = • rr American Home's Mr. Moneys worth says ... your money always earns what's It's worth at American Home Thrift And Loanl 9 (]/ANNUAL YllLD 10 NoTenwAr•t•u ... PAlllOOK , •• ,., flwlft by .... '°'~ .......... •°£::' ~ .......... "4NI ~~ION,..........,..,,__hwllt ................... ,, •• ltw rnon4tl ,.... "*'• .. 001 ....... -... ,..., ...... ---lt0.00 , .. COllONA DIL MAI .. =--==·:120-0333 . . IN IUINA PUK ?lmLaPlllllllAl9. 127-0333 1 only Floral print aectlonal 2,60()00 .... 4 only Accent chair• 550°° 241" 1 only Plald chair & ottoman ~ 299" 1 only Plald love seat 74goo 311" 1 only Plaid eofa 7ggoc» 48r 1 only Wingback chair 4Wo 221" 1 only Plald IOfa • .,. 48r 1 only Plald lbve seat 7'211'° 311" 4 only Cavalier 1ofa1 AMOrted 1tyle1 5990CI to 69900 48r 1 onlv All Ceramic ·aculpturee 29" to 23500 30% off Orlantal Ruge Entire Stock 50o/o off 3 only Orlental rug 2 only Oriental runner 2 only Ortental rug• orig . '18r' 179" 1ar Home Entertainment NOW ...... ... 71" orig. NOW 1 only 80 watt reoetwr -,.,,... .. , .. 1 only ae watt reoetwr -........,.. 1w 1 only 11" B&W T.V. #1101 2 only.I l" B&W T.V. #1111 ' 3 only I Track tape deck #3D1 a onty Turntable ,.., 1 OJ)ly llllotlvlleOn ·~ '2W' ,,,.,. ... 2418' 171" , ... ur ... .... J I I Al Ortinge 0..-DAILY PILOT/Tueed1Y, May 11, 1NI Offshore oil fight heading for courts For a Umt it •PJ>4!•red that .prot. Cl from Oran1e Cout com· munltl• miaht have IOm8 impact ·on Int.ertor S«retary Jamee Watt'• plana to p roceed w ith aalea o f oil lea119 oft the county cout. That bubble bunt laat week when Watt'• office announced that 8&6,000 acres oft the Southern Calif ornla coast, lncludln1 11 tnc1a off Newport Beach and La- guna Beach, will be offered in the oil lease sale scheduled for June 11. Gov. Brown, who had speci- fically requested that three of the 11 tracts be deleted from the sale, promptly authorized a lawsuit charging Watt with disregard of environmental concerns and geo- logic hazards. The California Coastal Com- mission already had decided to ask the federal courts to halt the sale of 10 tracts off Santa Monica Bay, five off Orange County and four that include puU ot the Loe An· aelea and Lona Beach ahlpplng W\8. The 1ovemor hu repeatedly pointed out that the atate in no way oppoaea all offshore oil lea- 1tn11 but only aeeka deletion of tract.a that hold potential rilk:I for especially aensltlve ahorellne areu. Thla apparently doea not shake Secretary Watt;• 1tubborn all-or-nothing approach to o ff- shore leaslftR. The federal Coastal A c t clearly requires that federal oil operationa must confonn to coastal zone plana developed by the states. Since California has a very specific plan to protect its precious sh 1..reline, the gove rnor and the Coastal Commission are taking the only possible step in seeking sup- port from the federal courts ln their effort to c urb the uncom- promising Interior Secretary. Mortgage fund mirage The bill sounds like a bonanza to the hard-pressed h ousing in· dus try: $1 billion to subsidize mortgage rates. Wlly, in an instant, we can (1) help people sell their h omes, (2) help other people buy h omes and (3) put the construction industry back to work. But, like most things, it's not really that simple and there are drawbacks. For one thing, that $1 billion -and most government programs wind up with overruns -adds to an already swollen federaJ de ficit. Secondly, that $1 billio n might cover just the state of Cali- fornia because our housing market ls so depressed. What about the rest of the country? The bill would subsidize four percentage points of the mortgage for moderate-income buyers of new homes. What about exisiting homes? With California prices higher than in the rest of the nation, could many of our buyers qualify? Even with a 4-point subsidy, the rate wo uld be 13.41 percent, still high by historical standards. Complicating matters is that lawmakers, in a bit of legislative sleight ol hand, tled the mortgage funding to an unrelated program for funding the development of synthe tic fuels. There are indications Presi- d ent Reagan will veto the bill 1f Congress passes it. He should. Cheating the students Prior to 1969, California had statewide standards for high tsehool graduation , requiring com- pletion of specific "core" courses. After statewide s ta ndards were abolished, graduation re- quire ments w e r e slac ke ned in some areas to a point where stu- dents were emerging from school with fe wer and fewer classroom h ours to their credit. For some California students the gap, compared with oth er J ta tes. amounts to as much as 1 'h years by the time they fini sh high achoo!. This, as many educators reaJ- i.ze, is simply cheating the studen ts -and making life that much harder for those who find them - selves confronted with college- level work. Already many high school districts are beefing up the ir course requirements to ensure that their diplomas certify completion of a reasonable amount of solid work. - But this is far from universal. • In some districts a high school se- nior still can slip by with only one or two courses -and graduate. Ann Leavenworth, president of the state Board of Education, believes that California can only move out of what she terms its educational "slump" by restoring statewide graduation require- me nts -first as guidelines, but eventually as mandatory stan- dards. The goal, of course, should be to assure that every California student emerges from school w ith s ufficient training in reading. writing, math and science to qual- ify for today's increasingly tech- nical jobs, 1f not for college. Specifics of how that training is accomplished still could be d e- termined at the local level. But the restoration of stMe wide standards would at least assure that every graduate o f California public schools has been offer ed a basic education that compares favorably with standards set in other states. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot Other views ex- pre!t!ted on tn1'> Pd9<' are ltlo!tt' ot thetr authorc, ano arl •'>I'> Meaoer comment ,., 1nv11 • ed AOdre'>'> The Dall y Pilot, P 0 Box 1Sb0, Coo;ta M e\cl, CA 91b1b Phone l 7141 • 64Z·4321 L.M. Boyd I Lily's j er sey That sweat.er known as the jerwy was named in honor of the renowned profeaalonal beauty of yeste ryear, Lily Langtry. The big book at hand aaya lt'a "a close-fitting ci rcular. knitted garme nt especia lly for the upper body." LUy looked good in that IOrt of t.h.lna· She was a native of the Iale of Jtteey. WM reported that no aort of bride ls more p r ized among t.he French Cameroorw of Equatorial Africa th.an Che Y«etly lnexperienoed girl with a Bach elor of Artt de1 ree. A client Mked what makel um aon of y~ Lady IO dellrable. Don't know, don t lr:now. Scardty, maybe. Q. Doesn't Cube tum out more d - pn than any other country? A. No. lir. the Sovtet Union doe9. Item No. 922C ln OW' Love and War tnan'•Jlfe ia an oblervalion by EngJ.lab ...,,.. _, •r • '"' ,.,., ., ue-. a., •11 .c....-.. ....... ««,.~• ..... .... ~ --.. "'.,.,. ' . poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge: ''The moat happy marriage I can picture would be the union of a deaf man to a blind woman.'' Q. What's a "aeparatrix"? A . That oblique stroke (/) used between fraction1. A.I.lo known as a: slant, alaah, aolidua, virgule, shilling or diagonal. Among the wedding eifta cuatoma- rlly pretented to newlywed• In an- cient China's upper <'laaa were ma- nua.IJ of 1ket.ches drawn by the best . artlatl. They were commluloned by the very wealthy. They wett called r.mow book•. And they contained 'how to" lnatrucUona on sexual ful· fillment. Human akin reOect.a Ught in a par- ticular way. That'• why a severe bnJlae, whlch la really brl1ht red, appean black and blue. Thomis P . Haley Publisher Tltoma1 A. ¥&1rpttlne Editor Immigrants built the dream lNEW YORK -"I was lucky," an A1.1s trlan Immigrant who became an American citizen saJd at lunch the other da:y. He then began talking about other Immigrants, about their energies and th1!ir effects on the rest of us. "They endch our lives and they enrich our vi- sic1n ... They create new opportunities to 1· us as well as for themselves and nu lke tha country richer and stronger in the process." 'fHAT WAS Arthur Burns, the U.S . an•1bas1ador to Germany and former ch.airman of the ~ard of governors of th•? Federal Reserve System. He wa.s one of many immlgranta being honored at a fancy affair at the Waldorl-Aatorla Hotel spt>naored by the Citizens Committee for ln1migration Reform: people like archi· tet:-t LM. Pei, from China; banker Felix Rohatyn, from France; and National Se·curity Adviser Richard Pipes, from Pc11and. Three weeka after that lunch, a couple of miles north of the Waldorf, a dozen ag•ents of the Immigration and Naturali- za llon Service jumped out of unmarked cars and charged the day shift at the G & T Frutt Co. in the Bronx. They took aY.•ay 22 of the company's 100 day4hilt workers when those 22. could not pro- du1ce "resident alien" carda iaaued by the govenunent. 'That waa one of the biJ. 900rea of the tint day of "Project Jot:.' -• comical pr•ogram someone in Washington thinks is going to drive illegal aliens out of the co1untry and open up wonderful oppor· tu11.ities for thole of ua lucky ~nough to be native or naturalized. The agents rounded up 5,000 people acroas the countr y, moat of them Hispan ic, who may or may not be illegally in the United States. The haul for the day was 175 suspects in the New York metropolitan~ RICHARD RHVIS 1 'i • m Hou.ton, 135 in Denver, 130 in Loe Angeles. At this rate, America might be purified of illega ls by about the year 3000. "If they're trying to open up high- paymg jobs to citizens, then this raid ii a joke," said Anthony Sfinale, the owner of the fruit company. " pay these people the minimum wage, $3.36 an hour, for hard, honest work. "Who else would do th11 work?" he asked, aa men who had had carc:b with them lifted aacka of vegetables and fruit. "No one elae, juat these people." That, as far as I can tell aft.er years of reporting on illegal aliens, is the dirty little aec:nt. IDegal aliens are willingly doing neceuary work that the natives and the naturalized don't want to do. And, because their taxea are withheld and paid by employera like Mr. Spi.nale, they are a net gain to the Ame rican economy becauae they are afraid to take the chance of applying for moet of the governmental benefits paid for by those taxes. I once asked the owner of a small furniture factory in Southern California what that industry would do without ii· legal labor. "Go out of bus1Ae1a.," 1he said, "or go to Aata." THE AMERICAN DREAM self- deatruc~. The dream has always been that if a father and a mother worked hard in the first generation, their chil- dren wo uldn't have to do the aame things. Without imm igration, legal and Illegal, there will be no new first gen- erations -and no one willing to do the backbreaking work that haa been the Immigrant.a' entree to the dream. "We are argulng for an immigration policy that ia fair, ju1t, humane and generous,'' said another of the immi- grants honored by the dt:izen.s committee at the Waldorf, Pamela Harriman from F.ngland. In matters of i.mmjgration. generosity is enlightened self-interest. The dream must not die. It is at the center of Ame- rica's soul. "I have watched this countr y for 40 years," said Felix Rohatyn, who came to the United States on June 20, 1942. ''Fi.rat I saw It loee it.a U'\nOCenoe and then lose its confidence. What haunta every refugee who came to this country in the last 50 years i1 the notion that If this country loees its confidence and 1u 90U.l, there's no other country in the world that's worth immigrating to. We have to pray and help this country to not only maintain its confidence but realize its own strength." llallot can correct faulty lawmaking Continuing our analyses of the 12 fJ ' opos111on.' to bt· pul before tht• vott•rs 1111 Jurw Ii, this t•u lumn lakei. up wi th I' r oposition 7. Tht'> is an alll'mpt by II 1w..ird J.1rv1s to prov1dt• by in111allvt· th l' pl•rmanC'nl 1nd(•x111g of !'.l.'.1lt• 1n<:om4· tax rates, a provision w hich the legi- .. 1. 1tors and lht• govt•rnor Ltgr«i•C'd wai. n <ti.un.1hl <• a nd nN·essar y to prt'venl t;1 1Catum t·auSt'Ci n'<.lut't1Un m living stan d<1rds tn 1979 bu t allowed w tt>nnmal.<' la•;t y1·~1r wh1·n budut•t short.ages an>S('. It dol'l> nut affoct th<' WC'althy bt-caUSl' th l' h1ght~t rci tc uf taxation on personal 1n co mt· 1s 11 Pf'H'l•nl But those under th. al rat.c· arC' oflc·n thrown mto a higher ta x bracke t merely because they have 111 1•n g1v1•n a ('OSl of liv ing inl'n·as<.' to 111 ·Ip tht·m mN.'l inflation PROPOSITION 8. Thts ts the 110-called "V1l'l1ms Bill of Rights" It contains many of the crimc.'-rightmg provisions w h1ch the legislators protmsed the public b1 Jt failed to en act. As a result Paul U1:1nn SJ>Unsorf'd an initiative. bm:ked by Re publican leaders of both houses, aimed at making it tougher for criminals Thi· main prov1l>1ons of tht• m1·asun• would <tboltsh "d1m1nu;hed l'apuc1ty" as a dl·fN\.'lt', proh1b1t plea bargaining, prohi· IARl WATIRS btl person!. 18 ye<1rs old or older from bt·tng st•nt to the Youth Authority, pro- vide th<• nght for vktlms or their next of k1n to be notified and attend .entendng .ind parole hearings, and add five years to prison terms for cat·h prior felony of a dl•f endant conv1cl<'d of a felony. Opponents conte nd the meas ure 1s "badl y written " and "ma y b e unconst1tuttonal." Maybe &<>. but since th<' Legislature has failed to light.en up (~)ur so c iety of 'products' T lnoughts at Large: -Everything in our society ill turned 1r1ito a "product" -the ml11t re111 of a c• 1ngressman commercializes her way- w ardneaa Into a night-club career; the ""puty or • "'""•' ., .. tdent "~ lllYlllY 111111 ~ h ls connivance into a lecture tour, and e·ven the mua murderer .eekl to exploit h1 ls wlckednesa by writing a book about II . -Whatever hla pef'IOn&l amlabllJty, I f •ear that future hl1torlan1 wlll mark El.onald Rea1an H perhap1 the mott 11.inorant White Hou. ocicupent of thil 01entury. (He '1know1'' man "facts" that a ren't eo than any pubUc ffaure ln my tkmt.) -What WI caJJ a ••M.Unmation'' When "'''• 1Jve h ta what we call • ''reh,f1h 11 9•1hen aomeont elM 8tvee It. -When the OWMt' take9 • "'"' doc Co • traininc clMI, It la the owner who la 1 etdna \t&lned mon than the q . -If 1_04J atill IUppoM an atomic war CIUl be WCJn.11 Mn la Whal the~ general o ( the U.S . Air Force, H . :i . "Hap" Arnold, said more than 20 ,~an ago: "One nation cannot defeat ano\her today. That concept d ied with Hiro- shima. War la Uke fire. You can prevent a fin? or you can try to put it out, but you can't 'win' a fire." -~ aexual chauvinism or languaae 11 revealed in the fact that when we re- !er to a "looee woman" we are aaylnc the aame aa when WP speak of .. qu ite a man..·· -Conaorvativea tend to focu a too much a\Untlon on the volume of pro- duction, and pay too little heed to the tnequlUa. of diatribuuon; while Uberall ~nd to brood over lnequallue. of b\come, lanOrinl the machinery of producUon. -The con testant who undentanda the rulee will always wln, ••pt when ht com• \IP 111tntt one whn under -ltandl the .-pdonl. -Adv.nlty la U1eful only to a limit: a .noWltOnn 1-tlna th"" ct.ya hunt peo- ple into better nel1 bbon; one lutln1 &h rH wetkt would l\lrn them lr\to beMta. -Motl people With bum.tne bwUncU don't know ahythtnc abou& ~ and tnOlt people who haw lludMd eco- nomk:8 '""' •oefwl1 ct.fiden\ ln bu .. mane bwlindiL · t-r1minal l:Jw:-lht· prupos1twn offl•r.. the public Its only chance to gain tougher l;IWS dt•altng Wllh (I tnl(' J-'urthc•rmore, ,,m·t· th1· b.11lot m1·,,...un· permits the LC'g1slatu rt• to t"orrl't'I tht-flaws by a twu-th1rcb vou• of Vi.ll'h hou.'>t•, no great harm l'an lw dmw tn passing this mea· sure PROPOSITION t . Unfortunately, be- rnuS(.· lht· 11>.'IUC• involve'<.! hen · hax be<.'Omc highly l'mollona l, lh1s 1s the• hottest mc.•usun· on thl' ballot In s1mpl1t·1ty 1t mer(')y authorm .. >S thl' <.'<>nstruct1on of the Penpht!ral C:.ina l, a plan advanl'ed to fulfill th<.• stalt•'s obltRallon to deliver surplus watl'I' from lhl• north lo the San J oaquin Va llc·y and Southern California. Its autht1r. St·n Hulx•n Avala, swears that It will' also proh'l.'t the water needs of tht> north, l'SJX"-'IUlly lhl• Delta area. Conlributing to tht· <.'Onfusion 1s the op- position of a few larf(l' farm operators in lhe San Jooqum Valley who thmk their water t•an be gamc'Ci at a l'heaper rate than thl' Canal will impose PROPOSITIONS 10. 11. and 12 are r('ferendum measure!> which would re- ~ the redistricting lines of all congres- s1tmal. a.ssembly and iwnat<.· districl'> en· ut·ted by thl• Dem1x:rat1c dominated le- gislature ln!!t year One need only look at a few of the gerrymandered district lines to realize that a new deal is in order. Never in the history of the state have districts been ao crassly drawn as to benefit a political party a nd 1pecifk andivfduala within those dl1lricts. The bounda ries are so grossly unfair and so glaringly inoonJi- derate of the comm~nlty lnt.ereste of the people th.a\, unlea overturned by theae ballot propoaiUona, the publlc will suffer · throughout the decade. . { 0 111c•111111 .. 111m . TUl80AY, MAY 11, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS 82 83 85 Spotting someone else in her' .. ' pace" up el8 Erma Bombeck. See B2. 0 ~ STOCKS • In DATELINE CHICAGO: The American Society. oC Newspaper F.cilton has now concluded its annual conclave in the Windy City and blown out of town. This is probably much to the relief of Mayor Jane M . Byrne and the rest of the populace. I mean, who needs a couple of hundred n08y edit.ors poking, prodding and grumping around your metropolis? Mlke Royko, Chicago's famed acidic columniat who appears on the pages --------l"t' of the Sun-Times, set the TOM MURPHINI ~1"1 tone for the mee~gs early , -~ ~' on when he explained why ------------'the British reacted so vio- lently to the Argentinian invasion. Royko compared the crisis to an incident in one of his favorite bars when a little skinny guy ke pt insulting a huge bulk of a man who was also a customer. AFTER A SERlES OF insults, the skinny guy gulped down his drink, turned to the huge man "and said some- thing ao vile it is not repeatable. It had to do with the moral values and virtues of the female members of the big man's famil ." ~ereupon the big fellow reached out, grabbed the skinny guy by the neck and suspended him in mid-air. "His eyes were starting to look like a couple of peeled eggs," Gethet'f!d edit.on, /lining U'OW'Kl and grumpmg a Jot Royko recalled. "Finally, a customer said, 'he's hanging him.' " In the end, some bar patrons pulled the big hulk off and rescued the skinny guy. "When the skinny guy finally atarted breathing again, somebody said, 'What did you say aomething like that to him for? You must be completely nuts.' "Whereupon the skinny guy rubbed his neck, shook his head and said: 'Jeez, I didn't think he'd take it so perlOnal.' .. AND THAT, IN simple terms that even most editors understood, was Royko's explanation of why Argent.ina invaded the islands, thumbing military noses at the BrittSh. They must be nuts. Anyway. the assembled edi~rs o~ our con.tinent did a lot of grumping while gAthered m Chicago. Editors do that pretty good. Grump, grump, grump. . . One gripe was that nobody really bi.g m the Reag~ Administration showed up to woo the editors and explam current conditions. Instead, all the liberals did appear. It began to look like a liberal convention. AUTHOR NOVELIST, peace candidate and wit Gore Vidal, who is 'seeking Calitornia•s Democratic nomination for the U.S . Senate, spoke off the cuff at one luncheon. When he was through, you couldn't be sure who was the greater threat to the nation, Ronald Reagan or J erry Brown. California's U.S. Senator Alan Cranston. who also ap- pears to be testing the waters for a Democratic presidential run in 1984, flayed the Reagan Administration for the current eoonomic doldrums. About the only spokesman to appear for the Republi- can side was Congressman Jack Kemp, the former pro football quarterback and author of t. he Kemp-Roth. ta~ measure. But even Kemp suggested that the president asn t following Kemp's eoonomic advice these days. AND THE FINAL LICKS for the liberals got laid on late in the week when Walter "Fritz" Mondale, vice pres- ident Wlder the Carter Administration, blasted the Reagan defeme budget and walled over the wont economic times since the 19308. If pre1entationa at this convention were supposed to be eome kind of political tug-of-war, it looked like the Dem- ocrat& had all the rope and the Republicans got the !rayed ends. TRIS GAVE SOME of the editors aomethlng ebe to grump about. Believe it or not, there are IOl1le editon in thnl country with eon1ervative inclinations. Believe lt; believe it. All for your correspondent, I'm just glad to be back on t.hil bmt of alJ pomible C0Mta. It WU 89 degrees ln Chicago, even without a politi.cal tuc-<>f-war. Suspect captured Some detective work by an aJ.rt nefCh.boc' led io the anwt of a IUlpeCt ln an attempted South Lapna bur1lary after the au-"*' 1ried io 0. on a bw. Robert Swain, 2e, of Santa Ana, WH booked at Oran11 County .Jall on attetDpt*5 ,...,. d9nUaJ bursWy ., .... ~ into a home • ~ Drive ·~~ The ~-· att.npt -otf • burl)aiJ alarm that alerWd a nelp~ up tit• hlll on Cre&e IOid. ieamllna to a 1bertff'1 deli:: I ot rwpal1. ~-. &ruee luuan, followed the 1Uapect, who fled on foot from the hoUle and tJo.rded an Oran1e County Tranalt Di-. trid bw at Pldtic la1and Drive and Crown Va.tey Parkway. Julian followed the bul, 1iop- plna only lon1 enou1h to tele.' phone the bu• numlMr to hl1 wife who called depucm. DeputJ" were waltin~~hen the l>ua atopped on Pa..., De Valencia ai th• La1una Hilla 8hoppln1 Plaaa and arreated Swain. Julian N,.S behind the Ru all the way to the p ... and helped ldentlfy th• auspect, N· paril lhow. At · 70, art's for life's sake San Clementean finds renewed vigor in abstract painting By JOEL C. DON °'...,..,..,,...,..., It'• no accident Milton Corb'a art a. a joyoua mix of putell and the cheerful colora of the raJn- bow. At age 70, Corb has found sheer delight working with ab· 1tract ICUlptural art. He's flnnly convinced hla effort& have given him renewed viJor. "It's therapeutic," he says. "You can 1ee that moat of my work reflecta happiness. "When I do something that excites me, my aging procesa stops,. I become young. I become vi&.orou.s." aut Corb l1n't one to dabble with brush and palette just to keep busy in hi.a retirement. He's the oldest graduate stu- dent at UC Irvine and hopes to leave the campus with a maater's degree in fine arta next year. The San Clemente resident retired from an advertising ca- reer In 1970 and, by his own ac- count, fiddled around for a few yean with little to do. His daughter suggested he re- turn to school, to complete an education cut short by the De- pression. Corb attended Fullerton Col- lege and Cal St.ate Fullerton be- fore enrolling at UCI to earn his bachelor's degree in art. The soft-spoken artist careful· ly chooses his words when dis· cussing the concepts and subtle meaaaRes enmeshed in his ab· stract creations. He suddenly perks up when the subject turns to aging and retirement. "there's a very Important measage for people of my own age," he says. "They should ac- cept some responsibility that they will enjoy doing . "It doesn't have to be art, but try to do something creative. Everyone has the ability to be creative." His preference is for the ab· stract. Corb explores three- dlmenaional perspectives; with colon and textures dramatically shifting according to the vantage of the viewer. "It 1a my opinion that an artist can't reproduce nature," he as- serts. "How are you going to try to compete with God? You can't do It. That's why I feel when you can't reproduce nature you should go into the abstract." He says he was somewhat of an oddity when he stepped Into a classroom with students less than hall his age. Corb, though, didn't take long to become a peer. And if h is artwork doesn't keep him young, there are plenty of vistas on campus to help out. "I can't possibly act aged with all these young girls walking around," Corb muses. Offers already have been made to purchase his work. Corb, however. isn't sure he wants to go pro. For the moment he'll settle on the two public showings and a thesis required to complete his graduate degree. "I might die tomorrow but I could care lesa.'' he says. "I want to die with a smile. "I'm not trylng to be young. l know I have gray hair and my body la getting older. But men· tally I feel great." NEW LIFE-Retired advertising man Milton Corb displays some of his abstract art at the UC:: Delly Not ptw>toe by ~lttltdl O,,._.. king on his master of fine arts degree at UCI and enjoying a "second career." Irvine Fine Arts Gallery. At 70, Corb is wor- County transit foruins slated Wheels are beginning to tum o n major transportation im- provement projects In Orange County, and public woruhops to discuss the plans that are sche· duled in several communities, mcluding C.oet.a Mesa and Irvine. Later this month, 10-called "acoping aet11ions" will be staged to focus on concerns about an ambitious $2 bUUon program that includes widening the Santa Ana Freeway, increasing capacities on arterial streets and addlng a mus tranalt line through the county. Then In June, 1even work- shops will be held to dacuss more specific conJequenoes of the mam transit project, whlch received a splash of publicity this past weekend. Although none of these major projectl are projected to be com· pleted before 1988, the public sessions are intended to collect public comment to help planners. Three scoping sessions are planned. The finlt will be at 7:30 p.m . Tuesday, May 2~ at the Garden Grove Community Cent- er. The next one will be at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 26, at Ir- vine City Hall, 17200 Jamboree Road, and the last will be at 9 a.m. Friday, May 28 at the Or- ange County Hall of Adminla- tration in Santa Ana. The seven woruhops for the mass transit program will ac- complish about the same thing. All except one wlll begin at 7 p.m. and will be held at these locations: Wednesday, June 2, Santa Ana City Hall; Monday. June 7, Garden Grove Commu- nity Center; Tuesday, June 8, Buena Park Senior Citizens' So- cial Hall; Tuesday. June 15, Co.ta Mesa City Hall; Wednesday, June 16, Anaheim City Library (starts at 6:30 p.m.); Monday, June 21, Irvine HJgh School Au· dlt.orium; and Wednesday, June 23. Orange City Hall. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IUNIBT OVBll BUNTINOTON-Thit aerial view Of ff~ .. tlflltOn Be..:h, looktna from Adamll Avenue '° the hdflc Oclian, lbowl t!Mt am l8ttinC tNflt the PaJOI v.-,.....__ .............. "-.... The photo WM iaan at an altlWde of 1,000 t-. )lit 9bow the Santa Ana River about 8:30 p.m. j I ' I . .. •ANN LAND!A8 •l!AMA IOMll!OK •HOROSCOPE ... Results Of abortion rate study baffles Ann D&AR ANN LANDERS: I wa1 ab10- lutely 1hocked to read that the hlaheat abortian rate ln the UnJted Stat.el wu rec- orded ln Iowa ctty, Iowa, accordtna to the Alan Guttrmcher lnlUtute raearcherl. Iowa City had 1&0 abortionl for every 1,000 women of reproductive aae. Tho 1ee- ond hlahelt WM Grand Forka, N.D., which had lft. By contrut, ln Chlcaao the eom- parabJe filure WU 331 Since you are an Iowan, maybe you can explain why thta rather ll'nAll town ln the heart of the Mtdweat came up with thJ1 dubtou1 honor. I await your rnponM. - STUNNED IN YAKIMA DEAR y AK: I ...,. JH're aot ......... oa oae foo& watUq, INica•M I doa't laave tM foule1t 00&101 wiy Iowa City emeried at tlle top of *'• IJ1t. A 1t1te 1alvenlty 11 la Iowa City, wlalcll meut &laere 11 aa •••11ally lar1e coacea&rat101 of female• of clllldbeart11 a1e la tbt Cltf. Bit C.aca10 llat 1everal 1t1 •4• ... FIRST LADY OF PASADENA -Mayor Lo-man, 36, ii the first }>lack woman to become retta Glick.man 1tand1 on City Hall balcony mayor of a U.S . city of more than 100,000 with panoramic view of her dty. Mrs. Glick-, people. Cancer: Changes due Weaesday, May J! ARIES (March 21-April 19): Gather information and evidence. Theories, beliefs are teated. Cycle is such that you succeed with aid of superiors. Put favon are retur- ned. Lunar e.mphasil on prestige, staading in community, career boost. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Perceive potential -lines of communication wlll open. Means you will break free from re- strictions. You get news which encourages creative-educational project.I. Gemini, Sa- gittarius penona figure prominently. Over- seas call or message iB not unlikely. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): What had been a detriment can be transformed into an aaaet. Financial picture comes into f ocua - you learn more about status of partner or mate. You solve .mystery in unorthodox manner. A.octate talk.a about the occult. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Significant changes occur and involve members of op- posite sex. You'll get inside information concerning legal rights, penni.uions. Focus also on public responaea, partnerships and marital status. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You get valid chance to recoup le.. Major change oocura on domeatlc front -it ii good and repre- sentl aolution to money dllem.ma. Morale IW'PI upwardl -you'll be invited to join presUciOUI orp.nization. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Emphuil on speculation. romance and mlna11na of fact and fancy. Pta9 and another \'iraO filure prominently. YOU could win pme of chance, eapeclally lf you stick with number 7. Younc, viaoroua penon becomes ally. .... 8Y PHIL •INTERLANDI of Laguna Beach i. .,.tSTERN A/#1" ( GALLERY ) I ~..-.--. HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Remain on f arnUiar course; stick with standard proce- dures for desired reaulta. Check records, past performances -adhere to routine which produces quality. Cancer, Taurus. Capricorn persona figure prominently. Reinforce secu- rity measures. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Change of policy ls imminent. Goal which had been in sight may no longer be prime target. Key now is flexibility, mobility, willingness to deal with relative who may be stubborn, aggressive. Aries I.a in picture. SAGITrARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): New approach insures profit. Get rid of outmoded procedures. Budget will be revamped. You make contact with one who encourages creativity, initiative, aelf...oonfidence. You'll get to heart of matters. Debt will be repaid. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Study Sagittarius memage for valuable hint. You'll make new 1tart, gain added independence and imprint your own style. Cancer, Taurus and another Capricorn play important roles. Judgment, intuition are on target. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Gloom ii transformed into glee. You'll have more room, oontacta and &iendlhlpe wW multiply. Gemini, Saatttarha penons figure promi- nently. Areaa. that had been 1hrouded ln mystery wW now receive benefit of greater liaht PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Desirea will be f ulfllJed clmptte effortl of bellicolle individual to thwart plarw. Lunar em&>hlm on greater career, flnanctal stability. You'll be uked to revi.e IOlne plaM, but overall goals will remain in light. lar1• camp1H1, u4 U llad le11 tllaa oae tklnl •• mu1. I am Mffted, a011Pl11HCI and wltboat a clH. Aay u1wen oat *'•re? DEAR ANN LANDERS: Once again you blew it! Your advice to the child with divorced parents wu terrible. I have two lovely stepdaughters. They love me very much and r love them. They would be hurt lt I did not attend their spe- cial events . Also, my husband would be unhappy if I were not invited. You laid, •'The leCOnd wife, lf ahe haa any clua, would stay home." Well, let me tell you, I've wor ked hard to eatabllah a good relatlonahip with my stepdaughters, never once stepping on their reai mother's toes. And u long u I'm invited, I plan to · attend all their special oocaaiona. The one who should stay home ll the lnunature parent who can't stand to aee an ex-husband or an e x -w ife happy . - PROUD OF MY ACCOMPLISHMENTS DEAR PROUD: Too bad, la spite of yoar accomplhlameats (which are commendable), yoa never learned to read. I have aald repeatedly tllat wllen tlle second wife 1et1 aloa1 wldl Uae es, and If tlle cllUdrea llke lier, tJaere 11 ao realOIJ for her to be ezcladed from tlle actlvUle1 la- volv1D1 lier llatbud't flnt f amlly. ne earlier letter from dte brWe-to-be read a1 follow1: "My modler ...._,t want ber, my baaband doeH't waat Iler, and I don't want lier." Pretty plaJa talk. I'd say. Ex-wives wbo paab to 1et dtemaelvea . . . lacladed la first-family affairs wlle• Uaej are not wanted may feel vlctorloH, blii they wla ao&llJa1 beyond tlle booby prize 1..- mak1a1 otllera ancomf ortable. I DEAR ANN LANDERS : I became en- gaged in February. The wedding date wu set for May. My fiance'• siltel'I gave me two s howers. The r e w e re 30 guests at each shower. I received some lovel y gifts. By March I knew we weren't right for each other and broke the engagement. Hll slaters have phoned and asked that I return the gifts. My birthday wu in February, w there we re cakes with candle s at both showen . Couldn't thoae gifts be conaldered b i rthday g ifts? -B. FRO M POR~· SMOUTH DEAR 8 .: Coa1lder them uytMD1 JM want, bat ret11ra tllem. It'• the deceat Was to do. A no-nonsense approach to how to deal with life's matt diff icult and moctt rewuding arrangem e nt. Ann L anders' booklet, "Marriage -What to Expect," will prepare you for better or for worse. Send y our re- quest to Ann L anders , P.O. Box 11995, Chjcago, W. 80611, enclosing 50 cents and a long, 11tamped, self-addressed envelope. Losing spot upsetting Aerobics cla.aes usually happen without incident. You juat drag in and do it before you wake up and realize where you are. But thil morning was different. Someone took my "spot." EIMA IOMBECI AT WIJ'S END It's one of thoee things where you know someday it will ha ppen, but you're never really prepared for it when it does. ACTUALLY NO ONE is assigned to any one place. It'• all on a flrlt-corne-fint-served basil, but your "spot" ii "understood," like your row at church or your booth ln the restaurant where you eat lunch every day. mature. Someone took "my parking spot" the other day at the grocery and it hardly bothered me al all. What can you expeet when you see a bumper sticker from some- one who's against the school levy? Mine ii the best spot ln the whole room. Back row, right next to the door. You get a breeze from the fan, you don't have t o worry about bumping into aorneone behind you and it's right next to the water cooler . I e yed it for months and when the woman who had it before moved to Pittsburgh, I moved right in. Hey, I don't own the spot, right? Besides, it'• not really important. tt•1 not lik e r m a se al in mating aeaaon . U· someone doing aerobics ln "my spot" for ~ hour upsets me, then I've got a problem. It ,. all ao silly. I mean , it's not worth eettbag excited about. . And it's cer tainly no t worth doini Jl whole column on! • College waa all "ope n sea ting," yet wherever we sat on that first day, we sat for the rest of the semester. No one would have dared take my place in Hlatory of Ruaaia (8 a.n'h Mon., Wed., and Fri.). They all knew I waa working on a tan and needed the F.ast- ern exposure. I promised myaelf I wouldn't get para- noid about staking off unmarked areas as my own ever since I used to ride the bua. I got on at the Loop and for four years rode in the aame seat, left hand side, four back, window. I cannot tell you the frustration I fek when I boarded the bus one day and dilcovered another per-.>n in .. MY SEAT!" OF'COURSE, I DON'T get upeet about thoee thin$CS now that I'm older and more POT SH01S BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT But c..t 's onl~ when ~ m isund.ers'ta.n.d ~OU. that~ ever real~ a3ree ~ withdfu! ? c..-~ .. ~..,....,,........... 1r, O>tf ,,"""""'4 ~~ .,,.,..,.,.,. ~ ------------------------------------------------~-----~-~ I . ~. GOif N ON BRIDGE ·~\ -, BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. North deala. NORTH +Ag4 o ICUZ O A& •HU WEIT EAST •QJIOU +tU <::i U O U 0 QIOHI O 1174 •I +IU0t1 IOUTB •71 <:' AQIOt4 OU •AQO Tbe bkldlnri N_..IMt .._. WH& I NT P .. I e> ... ....... , .. • 0 .... 4 0 ... ,. ,._ t o r .. .... , .. o,..u.1 IMdi Q• .. ot •. We have oft.en ttle...0 UM iepertatMe of eouaUq °"' tM 19&114. IJ ....... .......,., tptdM\allr p1a, .. .,...,. ......... NorUa·louUI ~Id •1· pe11t••l1 ie nae~ al• heari1. Aller IH&la i.&d Ju•ptd la llearu, botla ,..,.. ....... ,... .. .... ..... Ntrtlli ...... I beyond game, South felt that al am would have good chancea, IO be went there directly. Thi• waa an odda· a1aln1t contract, but only becauee the hand• were near mirror dlatrlbutlon. Weat made hi• normal lead of the top of bl• apade H · quence-a club le~ would have r iven declarer no ehanee u tbt card• Ile. OtelaNr won, drew trump• In two round• then caahed hit remalnln1 1padt honor and ruffed a epadt. The ace and ltlnr of dlamonda cleand that auJt, followed b7 a low dub from d11mm7. Eut pla7tcl "11eond haad low," and declarer dudced. Wttt w11 In with the Jack pf eluM, but wa• forced to l••d a apach or a diamond. Either would aUow dedar1r \o ruff In du•· mt while dlle&rdinr a elub fro• hit hand.' Declarer would I.Ma f.111M the quMn of ch1bl for hll eontrMt. Dtdanr pla'/tcl th• hand well, but hie Uat was, of afftlllt7, re•..Un1. U ht held & tMrd daaeoad, ... 00.W Mvt run.ct It la du•· ~ ................... ked watii 1.. Mini .., 1ow . ..... Had declarer'• clubt been 11 good aa A.Q·J·x, the co n· tract could nol have been derea1.ed -declarer would simply take two club rlne11ea. Therefore. East should ha ve baaed his defense on the premise that hi• plarlner had either 1.he singlet.on jack or queen of clubs. In that case. Eaal had t.o prevent hla partner from bel n1 end played lo elube. When South led a low club from du mmy, Eaat ahould have hopped up with the ltlnJ. "1waltowln1" hi• part.• ner'• club Jack-a play that ii known In thll trMM .. a "Crocodile Coup." No matter what dtdarer did th9Nder, £alt would have \o come &o t•o club trick• tor a ont-trick Mt. ~ . I ! ... .. . . "Would you talk us a book, Grandma?" "S.•, Otorge? It'• only wire." ,., • t; ( ' ~\ilM .\DLKE by Brad Anderson • ' -8 ---- .?,"·11 I "Hold the gossip until I get rid of ol' MR. BIG EARS!" 'Gooo News ' I cHec~o ~No ANO FOONO OJT RLJFF AA~T BEEN 6UR'11~ f30NES IN '(()JR YARD ~· CYr<.AY. NOW YOU'VE PRDMeED ME YOU WON'T PVT Uf' W.C ~ ..JOHN J .JON~ UNTIL Wf HAVE A. r----POSITIVE IDENTIFICATION I ,....__.-----. Rl0HT? JUST WM.AT IS LIF"E.? LI F'E IS A LDT LIKE A HOl 0.ATH ~00~ '9l'LLINS ,A R,AISE? FO~ YOUR> OWN GOOD, I CAN'T, JOKE: ... S'EE···AS IT IS, IF I FIRE You, You HAV~N1T GoT MUCH TO LOSG-·B<JT··· by Harold Le Doux PUNIJTI Beauty Tfps Tt:M•LEWEEDI Always rernemblr that beauty it only fur deep. WHA1'S "T'HS 1\J~ FOR 1 SOPPY? SHOE I WONDER WHAT THAT NOISE 15 IN MY NEIGl-4BOR'S YARD ....-.-............ _ __...., ·~ . GORDO t 'l 'NK \' W INKt:R BE1' N WE.U. I ~ -rnE!J A~ WHE.EJJ NG IYIE Off 70 'THE I OPEKA11N6 fCr()(V'\ ! ... (M ~ I WILL, 1#.. fuvvowrrz. !! 1'\.\. AL~~~ 'f~'i ~ et~i! DR.SMIOCk WHA"f'S "fHA"f "fHING ON ')OUR NE!CK, "fWINKll5 ' W6t...L..-, WHE!N YA HAVE!N'"f HAP A PA'T"e IN SIX .MON1"HS, YA HAF'TA 1"A~ P""S"flC M ASURe!S 0 .. 00&,.. 1"H9 01"He!R ~A&..S/ • by Jeff MacNelly G£lTIN' A um£ 5ICK ~ 11E WEA~ ~T. l SEE . OOPS--·MY NEIGHBOR IS--- • SPRAYING PAINT ON H IS FENCE by Gus Amola by Tom Bat1uk BESIDES I I'VE 5illl GOT ll>JO MINUfE5 ro CJ-IAN6£ f'Y..) MIND I lo.MO KMOWS ? MA'4&E. <>"E O~'i l'U. 6€. \CKoWN ~ 1''°'£. ~INf.~f ~A JE.~K IN f ~E WO~LO ! 1rG by George Lemont by Lynn Johnston Hell ee ~e.FQ\ MONTtt&i I' I I I I I ,IN The worst ' weve ever done is50% a year. Each January, Hannet T ulvina aelecu a U1t of underrated 1Uver dollan. In 1981, while bullion, stocks and n:al cstat(' went sofc, our liM slill managed 50'Y.. appre. ciation. We've done bcuer. 1978'i. lisc apprc· c1atea 1130:. 1979\. <1 remarkable 2 ~1% 2Jf'1., m ont' )C/JT Even more remark· ably. 1978's list 1s. to dace, up 1094% ComparC' 1ha1 10 any other 411·ycar anve'itment The trick 1s finding the righr coin-. And Ha nne., Tulvan2 1s one of unly 18 recognized experts on Mor~an and Peace .,dver dollars. And we're rhl· only U S rare coin firm chat deal~ exduswcly wich mvei.wrs. Every rare gold or silver coan we 'iCll comes wl!h the andus· try's strongest grade and buy·back guar· ancee'i, our 60-day money·back policy and che besc l1qu1darion programs available For more on ou r managed personal rare coin investment portfolios and rare com-backed pension or profat sharing plans, call 800 854·6016 In California. (714) 851-8202. Or return the coupon for a free information packet. AnJ do 1t MX>n. After all at 1094'\ over 4~ years. imagine what , you're losing each day you delay. HANNIS 1UMNG I '"4JP , I I I I ~ MKArthur 81vd Svn.r )10 ~ BHch. CA 92n60 171il 8SHlOZ Out.ideo Califumi1. I ll00.-8~ I ' 0 Plnw conUKt nw I undtrand vou requlN • I f S.000 minimum llwt111twn1 I I 0 Pit-•nd matt lnb-maoon I I Oii '°"' ,.... ro1n portfuliOt I I I ,,,_ I ™ I Cit, J.,_......___---"'- t ·-=-=~~""""-!'~ ....... - r.,~="11...------~- , ..... ,.. ....... . Y• ••• ,..,.. ,,_ ..... . Y• CM .. h ... -net INtt. AIRPORT W81T 9UltNUI 'ARK ...................... c .... Call Mr. Davli 111·7400 .,.., c ... ., ..... EIP reports sales up l:lP Mkrowaw, lnr:. of Newport Blach ,.pen • ..i. 1ncNUe of 1'1 per· ,.. _____________ _.°"''to =000 tor the i------~------...-----------' quarw M.udl a1. Construction . ·~ available at Heritage Bank., Net tnop_J!'• 1110 In· CNllld to POl,000, or 28 C91\ta I ahare, compared with lnmme of ttft,000, OI' 14 Clntl • lhare, ln the oompuab)e 1981 period. For tbt 1lx month•, .... lncn111d from so . o~.ooo to te.e1e,ooo, and net income from 27 to 41 centa a lhaN. DP Mkrowaw manu- fKtUret microwave tell and meaturtment ln· ltlWnenta. The board of d!rec1on declared a divtdend of 3 cent• a ahare payable July 1 to ahareholden of record June 15. 4 . ' COSTA MESA • 370 E. 17th StrMt • 645·8i00 HUNTINCTON B£ACH • 1607& Colden w_. St.• 8'7·7771 MISSION VIEJO• ui1>S Altcla Parkway, Suite 2E • no.2661 Allel1 Town Plue SANTA ANA• 1224 £alt 17th Strt1t • 547-5871 lttna r . .J11U1ta h11 been named a vice prtlldent of Willia• L. Pereira A11oel1tt1, Loi = atehlt.et. and~ JelUlon "a .niol' ~ who Ml worked an half 1 ctc.r\ np ln '"' Golden WHt Collea• ;~•• l'DllW·plannld by Pftra ln HunUncfon . ThrM Ntw_port BHch rtt.&dtnta rnanaatd to ""break the bank" for a oomblntd •t,400 ln Call· f....aa Ptnt ...... mGMy .... IW~ II par of lntroduetq the AutomatH Ttlltr Machine. Onr11 Wal1i, Wiiiiam P. Bt4re11 and 01or1e NMI Wtr't allowed a tJve-mlnute apne on the ma- chine. Cartl Wal1ll VaJI ot Irvine h .. been named direct« of aalel tor tht DtUMJlud Httel ln Ana- helm. The photoa of Jamt1 R. Pt&trt of ErHt Ir ~ and WlWua au.w.-, of the Newport Ee.emin o,_, were inldver1.tntly trmllpOled ln thJa column May 4. The Daily Pt.Jot ,...,.u the er- ror. Lloyd R. Miller, chief executive officer of New,.rt BarbHr NaUtuJ BH•, al.Jo h., been elected vice chairman of the bank'• baud of dlrec- ton. MtUJ Delle hal been named mana,er of the extra ttrvtc. pf'Oll'am (f.8P) for the Dltaeylaad Hotel and ... I& ... Pan In Anaheim. Haydee TtUoa .. of Hun~ Beach will open Creative Decor Coacept1 GrOlp at 164~8 BolN Ch.lea Hoed on May 20. Rebert Paytoe Ir At1od1tet of Santa Ana has been aelect.ed by I,' .AC I Developmeat, builder of The Californian Club & Fttnem Retort, to handle a program of oommunkallotu and apecl.al event.a for the propoeed $1~ million club to be conatructed in Irvine. Qarlet J. Gormu hat been named a regional vioe president for WUIOD Leanda1 Corporatloa, a MlnneapoU.-bued performance ayatema firm. He OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND Hl. HlllltO 1 11 HI Yld t 1' u ..... ,. PIH lln IO 41 h11 been an account manaaer In the comp4tny'1 Calil,pmla dlvtalon. • Brtee 8. Pollock, 36, of La1un1 Ntau•I: ha been j)romoted to vice prt!llident/1~ral manaor of ComPatll Bualu11 TtltpfaoM 8y1tem1, Sout1'efn California dlvlalon. Nortllera AJr Fret~&, IK., ~ua.rtered ln Seattle, hu appointed Cllrl1tlae Birt.a of Cotta Meta account executive for .. in and cuaio,ner 1ervice throuahout Oranae County. · Tom Le4better, Newport Beech, a M.lea tt!pte- aentaUve for 2M'a Pacb1l•1 Sy1temt Dtvhloa\ hat been named an 80C'0Unl execuUve. Sudra I!!. Cb1mbley of Cotta Mesa haa been appointed ~er of the Huntinp>n Beach office of Imperial Sav1D1• and Loaa Auoclatloa at 1f021 Beach Boulevard. I • I Coclarue Claaae Ltvla11a.a Ir Compuy, !$. of llvine hat been telected to handle the adve~ for the U.S. Equipment Sales and Service~ of Memorex Corporation. . Roser Cral1 Porter of Newport Beach•hu been appointed a director of EDterprlH Nat ..... Bull (in orpnb.allon). • Porter, 35, II vice president, chief flnanda) of- ficer, and chairman of the board for Newport Western Corp .. Newport Beach-baaed oomme~ real estate brokers. Formerly he waa with ColdWeU Banker, Newport Beach. ' u" U\I CllCI M I Jo\. • JY, Up k, I J • ~ Up JlJ l)%. • ..-.. 1.1p .no ~·· U..111 "" • '"' Up ""' ,.,, • "' Up ,., 1~, • ' Uo _.,, JM. • Yi U.. U • .ol I • I Up •\4_J 1 •"'I UpW.I ••• •• "' "-t f1_J 1·~ II.I Up 12-.J ,. • l\lt Up • tlA ""' o l lt) Up ·"' 1'~ o '-Up II 5 , .... Wt Up ,111 ""' • '"' Up ',, ' ~ ' "' VD ,11-J '"' .... Up "'° -.... Up .. . 11 It • ).It Up .. .. '"' • .... "' tS Mlt> • J Up • t I "• • 'l't Up ., J •"'U.." J '"'""" •'II • .. Uo t I 1 I I I tj ,, I ' Mesan second • S ·B~ contest • ID Oeor1• O. 8lpoee of Col1a M .... ,......,t of 0.ha Medi.cal lndu1trle1, wu a runner-up In the Small au.Jn.elf Admtna.tratlon y .. rly tnnovaUon contelt. The award u CaJJfomf.a w~ wW be ~ted durtn1 a ceremony at the Loi Anetlel Chamber of ~on Tunday. 0.lta MC!dical lndUIU'iet, a MVtn·)'Hr old OOft"I· pany, manufactur• dllsx-ble flJten and valv• 1..-d durlnt opan heart 1ur1ery. The company hat alto doveloped •portable lntuUn pump for diabetaaa. Firm changes hands UnJru~ Yacb\I Newport 84-ach, 2001 Wat Cout Hl.f(hway, 1peclalh!n, In ulet and eervice of UnUUte luxur.v ptJWtr y..ch\I, ii Wld.,r new ownenhJp. Oranse Coa1t Marine, Inc., with Tad Fujita, pretldent, and Jim McLaren, 1«n1t.ary-tttuuter, hu taken rwer the owne~p and rn.anqement. McLaren, who 11 alao general manaaer, hH been actl\te in Southern CalUornla yacht retailing aince lH6, the past 12 yean with Unlflitc dcaler9hfps in ~ewport Beach and Long .Beach. Plaza work started <Anttructlon hu beaun on Golden Weat Plaz.a, an office condominium project near the Cypreu Civic Center. Detlaned by Meyer Luley Wilkiruion Archlt.ec· ture Planning. lrvine·bued architectural firm, the one-and tw<Htory 31,600 aquare foot atructure it a project of Golden Weat Capf taJ Group lnc., Newport Beach. Irvin e firn1 expands ln an expanaion and ron.olldallon of operalionl, Alrmac Technology Syatema, Inc., d~eloper of elec· tron.lc votJng 1y1tem1 and cryogenic bwtina technol· ogy, 11gned a JO.year leue valu«f at S2;J million on a 47,862-aquare-foot facility at l~l Bake Parkway in thct Irvine Industrial Complex-Eat. CUlbman & Wakefield a.ocUlte Lynn Dort of the realty firm'• Orange C.ounty office repr.-nted both AJnMC and TrammoU Crow, the le.>r. Monex PR program pushe d The Cox & Burch Advertl1ina Company of Newport Beach ls launchJng • oorpor•te ~paten to famillarlu the bu1lne11 and financial pre11 with Moncx lnt.emaUonaJ, pnrloua metall firm. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES WHAT STOCKS DID HIW YOllK IAPI l!MJ IO "'"" I .WI • OIO '°':l> "" .. , .. ,. •• HfW Y()jtl( IAP) -· 10 -t~ JJa no ,,, " I e;r. -m "' " n Mflll~ Hl' YO,_IC CAP) -'901 nonletrou1 .................. c .... , 71·11 otn11 1 pou11d. U a tlnlltonl. LeM 26-27 ..... pound ZIN II o.nte a poountt, .._Old. Ttll M,7011 ........ WM compoelta lb. A• ll Y• 1f.17 Olfltt I pound, N.Y. ' ....,a11.oo.-.... ........ PM.00 troy OI.. H y SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS .. n. ........... ,..,.. ...... _...., ,,_ .._.., -' I ¢H I ~ lllllflt. Pit H .... ., ti. ~ .,..,,,_ ll•ll\Q I U4 SO. Oft UtO _,.,.., '340 07 Oii $.4 ·~ _,reMll;rtl 1)36 08 off 17 0 I -ltorltlli L•to l1Jo1ng 1333 00 bod. oll I• 00 13M 00 ttllod -M111u1r • NotWtM: 10111, d•llJ Quo101 Sl)<t ~ Oii PtO -·~ lonly d.ity Cl"O'l•I U )4 50. Oii p '° _.,..._. l°"'Y °"" 41UO!-i ~ ' ~A I '1 Oft IOt SYMBOLS FOLLOWER -Bart Nolde, 21, hM received I hla commilllon .. 2nd ·, Lt. In the Anny. He is I the IOD of Col. William Nolde, the 1Mt Ameri- , can GI killed ln Viet- ntm before the 1973 cede tire. I l Alcohol \ to drugs ; revealed Newport women to meet The Newport Beach charter chapter of the American Business Women's A.odation will meet tonight at the She- raton Newport Hotel. The program w i ll honor bo9es who will be guests and one bou will be aelected as 00. of the year. Scholanhip recipl- enta ai.o will be guesis. The dinner beg:lns at 7. Jill Goebia waa selec- ted woman of the year and will be the vocation- al speaker of the eve- ~tertalnment will be provided by the Saddle- back Jazz Group. For lnfonnatlon, call Frances Stuckey at 830-3009. Measles reported SACR.AMBNTO (AP) -Sta .. H.ith Dt.rector Beverlee Myen ia urJOna that pretehool chUcJren be immunised a1atn1t mer w Ma. Myera aald preec:hocl-•1• children are at the ...-i risk ol catdUJ\c m1111M tn the perrlatent California mrrrwoudnak. Sbe Hlcl 113 CHH .... reparW .... the f int 1t WHk• of thl1 year, an• JI JMrcent ...... dlOdrm under & ""9ol .. F 1\lul Wallaclis nnts · . J 1. 1Jostaur""' . 9uiue totnu1~11lifornta of southern~ • ; Free, During Our Grand excellence), gives price Opening Celebration. ranges, suggests what to Thisremarkable768-page wear, how to tip, where to book contains everything find dancing, entertain- you ever wanted to know ment. late dining and about Southern California brunch. You'll learn which restaurants. And now; to wines to order and how to celebrate the grand open-translate foreign menu ing of our new branch, it's items. Along with many yours with our compliments. other useful surprises. Paul Wallach's 1982 'lb receive your very own "Guide to the Restaurants copy of this valuable book. of Southern Colitorrua" simply drop into our new explores 150 cities and branch ottice and ask It's examines over J. ,000 restau-yours, from Southern Cali- rants. It's packed with inf or-fomia savings, the oldest mation and well-$$asoned savings institution in Los with the VkJJ.lach wit. Angeles, now serving you Wallach rates 1estaurants with 46 offices and over for excellence (or non-$1 billion in assets. ' Plus-a Very Special Event at The Ritz Restaurant. Visit our new Newport Beach branch and learn how you can enjoy a dinner tor tour at The Ritz. Hans Prager's wonderful restaurant experience. t .. - ' 8alb001~11-.tt~~~-_J Newport lleadl 2727 Newport Boulevard Open sat 9·1 llllJPllll TUllOAV, MAV 11, 1111 TELEVISION ENTERT Al NM ENT CA C5 Oranse Coa•t Collese won two races al the Western Sprints. C2. PITCHING STARLETS -There are a large number of out- standing softball pitchers on the hi.ih 1ehoo1 level in the Or- ange Coast area. Above are four who will be in action when the CIF playoffs begin Thursday. On the left is freshman Julie Carpenter of Edisoni with Julie Larsen of Marina, Pam White ol Ocean View and Lisa Martin of Irvine also pictured. All four have pitched at least one no-hitter to her credit this season. White is a senior, Larsen and Martin are sophomores and Carpenter is a freshman. Young pitchers making their marks in sof thall Softball action on the Orange Cout front fig- ures to get better each of the next three yea.rs and thoee who aren't among the fortunate teams to have a young pitcher, had better find one in a hUJTY. Sophomore. dominate the top tearna in the area and there is even a fre1hman among the upper echelon, giving impetus to the fact that the teama at the t.op this year will be there for aome tlme to come. The Sumet League appears to have a wealth of young pitchers with F.dllon freahman Julie Car- penter and Marina sophomore Julie Lanen among the best in the circuit. Then there's the Sea View League where Ir· vine sophomore Liu Martin h.aa five no-bitten l4 her credit already this aeason and the playoU. ha· ven't even started. C.O.ta Mesa I.a also bletaed with an outatandlng aophomore pitcher In Nance Lux who hurled a no-hitter against league co-leader El Toro this week. Woodbridge High has another outstanding 1ophomore hurler In Arlene Hernandez and a backup hurler, Karen Schoonover, also a sopho- more. Just to the north la another outatanding 110ph- omore hurler, Lisa Manfree of Loe Amigos High who ia allO doing quite well with the bat with eeven triples thia season. Let's take a look at each of the area players. WOMEN'S SPORTS HOWARD L. HANDY includlnjr Ocean View senior Pam White who has four no-Ttittera and six one-hitters this season. White haa faced 4 24 batters a nd has 197 strikeout.a, better than a 50 percent flgure. She has llaued 21 walka and hu given up seven earned runs for a 0.55 ERA She'• pitched every inning for the Seahawka this season and it she ever takes a rest, ahe'U be in the outfield. "She h.aa a changeup, drop. curve and fastball." aaya her ooech Harry WhJt.e. Larsen had pllched 105 innings wtth 116 atrlkeouta and 18 walka for the Marina Vikings of Coach BetJy Ward when this was wntten She has given up five earned runs for a 0.47 ERA and has eight shutout.a. She also haa a no-hitter and a one- hitter and when she isn't pitching, she's playing the outfield and ia batting at a .291 clip. "She'• real polled and has a great mental atll- tude which la a big ueet," Ward aaya of Larsen. "She's confident and nothing rattles her and she know1 how to pitch. And the best thing about her is that we have her pitching for us for two more years. She's one tough little pitcher." Edi.son'• Carpenter, the youngest of the group. took over for the Chargers early in the season when the original pitcher quit the team. Carpenter haa a 0.40 ERA and h.aa given up six earned runa in 103 innings. She has 80 1trikeouta. "She has very 'ood control of the five different pitches she throw1, · her coach C.OUeen Sliva says. "She's not a strikeout pitche r right now but her control and ablllty to pitch and ma ke opposing batters hit one-hoppers, Ls amazing." WhJle Carpenter has had great s~, one of the big reasons is her catcher. Angie l...o8asso, a se- nior. "Angie calla the games by henelC," says Sliva. "She's our leading hitter (.338) and was named defensive player of the Warren t.oumament." Carpenter went 18 mnings in one game again.st ~llflower, allowing only four hits But the Char- gers lost that one. Irvine's Martin is the leader in no-hitters this season with five. She is one of the big reasons why the Vaqueros are amon( the leaders tn the Sea View League. In fact, the Vaqs moved into first place all alone on Lux's no-hitter against EI Toro Wednes- day At Woodbridge, Hernandez is the right-hander who starta most of the games. She has an 0.53 ERA and has faced 306 batters with 143 strikeouta and 21 walks In 92 lnning1. She's alao batting .222 and plays flnit base or centerfleld when not pitching. Coach t;tephanle Papu' team Ls bleued with another sophomore hurler In left-hander Karen Schoonover. Schoonover has a 0.41 ERA In 34 ln- ninp pitched with 37 strikeout.a and six walb. She is the regular centerfaelder when Hernandez t. pitching. "Karen had 19 strikeout.a in one game~ Caplatrano Valley which lies the CIF record,• her coach says. That s all but two of the regulation 21 outa in a seven-inning game. The two pitchers combined for a no-hitter recently with Arlen e working five innings and Schoonover two. Arlene also has two no-hitters thia aeaaon. Woodbridge is the No. l ranked team in the CIF amall schools divusion this season. Undoubtedly there are others who will bl0880fll ln the future to cont.est these ruing young st.an. But that's not a bad group of stars of the future u well u the preeent who wiU lead Orange C.out area teama into the annual CIF playoH1 that begin ThW"9day. DeCinces, Angel infield on their toes for Zahn Rustlers win in wild ninth On a scale of 1 to I 0, Angel third baseman gets a rating of 50 in 2-1 victory over Yankees By CURT SEEDEN or.,.. tMltr ""' ,..., :Ooug OeClncea aays he still remembers the fl.rat time he took to the infield on the flnt day of apri.na training u a new member of the Angela. . "Everybody waa aware of what wa1 around them," the third bMeman recalled. "It waa a iood feeling. Everybody knew ju.It what to do." Monday ,Ught, DeCincea wu feellna very good, despite a painful left ankle which had ta- ken a foul ball off his own bet three dayw 8'0· DeClnca guarded third baae like the game depended on It Monday nlaht, and actually, ln the end, the outcome of the An· aell' aeriel opener wtth the New York Yankees dld, Indeed, de- pend on lt. With pitcher Geoff Zahn aerv- lna up 1inker1 to the touted Yankee hltten. the enUn Anael Infield waa on ill toe•, ancf It turned out to be Che difference ln the An1el1 2-1 victory before 32, 138 Anaheim Stadium fana and a Southern C.Uforni. tele· vtllon audience. r>eanc. made the play of the pme ln the llxth ~ wtMft he •peered Lou PtnJella'• ilhqt wtih runnen on fint and ..xJnd and tht pine notched 1-1. DIOncel aot the force at .cond, the An· illil ~ .n RBI..,_ from Jlrlan Dowmna tn the aiottom of &he .._&hlrinlalllmt•~,the An,.11 MV9 wan dnl In a row. '1 know rm In for a~ ~t Whim Zllm'• ae~/' DiOnim continued. ''And Illa lt that way. I d*li 1"1 a &oulh ~ f« a-.. be sn lf hi'1 qulill all ...,.., .............. , .... body hita a rocket to h1m in the ninth inning." Fortunately for DeClncea, ht. l)U1icu.lar comer wu the hot spot Monday night, and he wu well prepared when Plnella came to bet in the lixth after Dave Win- field had hit a two-out double and John MaYberryhad drawn a walk. J;>eCincea even went to the mound to talk to Zahn and uked him how he planned on pitching to the veteran. "Doua aaked me how I waa gotni to pit.ch him and he wanted to know If he should move off the Uni!. I aald, 'no, he'• been pul11nc the ball all ni(ht' ••• Zahn recounted. 0n a ICa)e of l to 10, Zahn WU uked how he rated Ue<.;ince1' defenalve aem. "About 60," he ,..~. ' DeCincea knows what the came t. 1otn1 to be like every- o.c:Mal time Zahn throw•," added Man- aaer Gene Mauch . "He know s he'• in for a rough night " ShortltOp Tim Foll, who 1COred the An1el1' winning run. was equally prepared to d o battle wlth a bevy of sho ts o ff the Yankee ball. "You just have to aet up and be ready because you know It'• co-rninl at you," Foll uid. Ironically, It WU DeCinces' er- ror that resulted ln one of Zahn'• few trouble apoll in the fifth in- ning. Yet, even on that play, Foll nearly pulled off an Incredible play. A~aln , It waa Plnlella who cauaed the problema. He amaalu!d 8 hard aroun(Jer whlcb rlc.ocht1ed off DeClncea. The ball went to .l''oli at deep 1hort. Plnlella mana· ged to beat Foll'• throw, but It waa amazing the play was 81 elem U it WU. "You don't know what the batter is doing ln a situation like that. The ball WU hlt hard, SO he might not be hustling," Foti ex- plained. "I would have tried to make the play no matter who It wu. SomeUmea that flnt move out of the batter'• box ian't that fut." Zahn (5-1), meanwhile, scatte- red flve Yankee hlta, includl.ng Dave Winfield's towering home run in the fourth lnnin1 which evened the score at 1-1. And, even though the pitch WU down. It WU not the pit.ch either Zahn or catcher Bob Boone wanted with the big guy at the plate. "I considered it (the pitch) a ml1take, even thouah l\ waa down. But it certainly wun't a han er,'' Boone added. "~an Zahn p_ltch or what?" uked Mauch. "He didn't throw a bed pitch all niaht. The b6c CUY (See ANGELS. Paa• Cl) LOS ANGELES -Patience and a good eye for the atnke r.one against the wild-pitching Loa Angeles City College Cube gave Golden We9t College six rurui in the top of the ninth lnnJng and a 9-6 Southern California C.Onfe- rence baseball vict.ory Monday. The Rustlers trailed, 6 -3, goln8 into the to p of the ninth. Four singles got the inning off to a good start, giving the Rultler. one run and a bases-loaded ait"1 .. ation. From that point on, It was a case of walk, walk and more walk aa the next four runs were forced across the plate by that route. Then Marty Boyd bunted to squeeze in the flnal run and the Rustlen were able to hold off the Cuba In the bottom half of the lnnina for their MVenth win •lain.It four la.es in the eecond half of the 1plit conference eea· IOn. Diaz making Phillie fans forget about Smith trade, PHILADELPHIA (AP) -Pete Role ao& the prae-wtnni"I hJt, but catcher Bo Dtu_~fl>.~. ~~ j)OWet' that ~ the~ Ph1Wel to a 9-8 victory OWi' the Loi A.nae• Dodpn. Bole'• ... over a drawn .. tn outfield wtth one out and runnen at flnt and third In the 10th lnni"I anap~d tl\e Dodpn' ftw..pme wtnnln& streak. < The Philll", howevn, would never have reached the 10th If Dias hadn't bluted a J*r of two.run homers that helped build an 8·2 le1d throu1h th• finlMVen~ in. Dodeln raWitd with ax rww tn the et1hth to tie, which cave ROH a Chanat to atone for a fint-lnnlnl amx- that opened \be way for two une&med Oodcen' runs. The homen bootted Dtaz'a tot.al for the aeuon to ei&ht. a career hiah for the receiver 1ince he entered or11nlzed bueball ln 1871. Dlu came to the Ph!UM9 under C'ather tr>'na elrcumNncll'. Ke .... ~ of • three-teem trede ln which the Philllet ==.rpular youn1 ouu1,elder DIM .W lft 1Drina U'a1nN he npec-W ~r• not cheer• uatll ll• proved hlllllilrlf to &be ..... ~ .... Ha'1 ... )Ill ..... .. DIM i..dl the PhWlm In Niii ..... With ...... Niii (8) ..... (11). on M6nday nJpt after hi• IHoDd I home run, he received a at.and.Int ova· lion. Tho fans kept cheering until he came out of the dup.at and Upped hil cao. 1'0ne thlnl, I don't make the tradel," Mid Dlu. 0 rm happy I'm het-e. r don't worry about U... thlnal. I juat do the beat [ can.,. The Doda•n led 2·0 after Pedro Oumwo doub*t followtnc RCi9e'1 muff of a roudnl foul pop behind an& bile. ·•rw done that Won an1J e11a In aay life,'' Mid a.., a 20-~ map ....-. ~. The PbUIMl:SIM wtnatna nm ta &be lOdl whm a... ......... . OM out Md ............ .,, 9ob Dernier ................... , • l • '°""" 0011t DAILY N.OTn'll11f_., ait1W U, 1111 ,f ._ .......... _. __________ _,, Aase should check .this starter's record · If Don AIM thln.lu h•'• aomethinl, IOina fl'GID the ltarter'I role to the b\&llpen II for the An8lll. he ehould cbedc thil • one out -a 1tory of a reUef artllt • c:ban81na to a ltarim"• role. Buntlnr.= Beach'• Mark Dunbar, a 12-yeer..old, Into the ltardna rolaticn for the White Sox ln the Roblnwoocf Leatue thla year, retultln1 In one very tmpreealve perfor· mance Gn Saturday apinlt the Y ankeel. ~11 he did wu 1trik• out 17 b.ttera 1n a atx-lnnlna pme, allowtn8 only a lfOU"d out In the filth lnninC to mar an otherw18e all-whiff pme. Quote of the day Sam Sldmer, an Oakland radio umoun- cer, after th• A'• played their third l6-lnnln1 1ame, each lutln1 over five hours: "A'a tana don't buy aeata -they leMe them.'' Pirate rowers triumph LONG BEACH -Or- ange Coaat College fln- lahed the regular aeuon in wt.nntna faahion here Monday wnen the Pirate junior vanity and fresh- man el.gbta boeta posted victories over four-year IChoola In~ 2lat annu- al Western Sprint• championships at Long Beach Marine Stadium. The Pirate junior var- a l ty boat w o n o ver UCLA by 4.6 MlCOOda to avenge an earlier la. to the Bruins in the New- port Regatta 10 days earlier. At Newport, UCLA took second place behind California and beat OCC b y one second. Rowing on . the Jayvee eight were Eric Klug, Brad Clancy, Jamee Snody, Scott Zimmer, CREW 9 Phil Canon, Charlie Reed, Jimi Gleuon and Pat Gleaaon with Mick Currie as .coxswain. The Pirate freshman eight boat also poated a victory. even easier than the jayvee boat. The frosh boat won over .ec- ond place UC Irvine by 9.~ eeoonda. Rowing on the fresh- man boat we re Scott Smith, RWll Forbes, Reid Hadley, Eric Moe, John Markel, Matt Hainline, Fred Adam, and Jim Barone. Coxswain was Rich Camey. UC Irvine finished second to UCLA in the vanity eight race along , With taking eeoond In the freshman eight race. For Orange Coast, it marked the f o urth straight year that the junior vanity boat haa won the Western Sprinta title. Conditions on the 1932 Olympic Games oourae at Marine Stadium Monday were windy and choppy =le~ leu than Orange c.o..t hu won 24 Individual boat Utlea In the 21 years the tprlnta have been at.aged and the junior vanity boat finlahed the 1982 aeuon with a 24 -4 rec- oni. " While the eight-man boeta were posU.na ~ rle11 the Oran1e Cout 'freshman fours 1quad Captured tint and .cc>nd In that race over St. Mary'a, USC, Santa Clan and UC Irvine . . Mears ~hits 205 '• ;·· INDIANAPOLIB (AP) -Bick Meara Ht an )moftkW track record at the lndlaupoU. MotoP ,lpaedwa1 tor the~ ~dayMoaday -when be wu timed at -mph. the third day of= for the May ., Diii 500 dlww ••'*--....._,..... ........ . .... ..., ........ In ..... ,..wlda ....... ... = ........... ~ff neord in bl• ···•r:••ed .... ~I oa lunda1 .. ··~·"· .......... IMtt .. OWi ~ ........ clroW • IDUr nma. II lnoh « • two In the ... .,. .e.hth laal~, • leattl• beat Clevefand M rdrr nllht. M ... T11when In tlMI Amenean Lea1ue, A••• OU1 1lammed · Milwaua. reU.t 11()1 Rome ,....,.. um ptch ot the ninth 1nn1nc f« 1 home rv.n to Uh kanul Qty to a a.2 win owr the Brewen . . . Jlm lllee drove &n three NN and rapped out three hlta, lnchacll~ a two.run homer, u the 1treakln1 ..._ Red Sax beet llump-.ridden Mlnneeo'8, M. 'n. w1D WM the UWd ln a rdw and l '7th &n .... Ill& ...... for the Red .. . . . ..... a_,...,. ied a ~run hoawl' ln the .w11th ~ ~ ahe9d and,.,......,. ........ Mlded IOlo lhotl ln the nlnth at White Sox a S..3 win tw.r Toronto ... Dlllpated hitter Miile lvle'1 tint Amert· can LHP• home run ·backed Milt Wlloes'1 -.i..hlt siitahina • Detroit downed Tew, S.1 . . . Pbdl.:hltter JeH Ba ......... and ... ., 8 .... ,... delivered ruD•ICOriftC Nl\ll• with two dut ln the botiom of the 10th l.nn1J\I to stve. OMiand a '1-8 victory over &ltlroon. Bailor'• double wlna for Meta Plncb·hlUer Belt Ballor'1 two-11· out double to deep left f leld ln the bottcm al the nlnth lnnlna ICOl'ed the tytnc and wtrWnc n&nl MOnday nllbt u the New Yon Meta defeaied San Dleso. 3-2. The wlnnln1 blt marked the aecond 1trai1ht pme a Met p&nch-bltter bad driven In the wtn- n l n 1 run In the ninth with two ouh ... l!llewhere In the National Leque, J.-y 8--' hit a 10lo home run to cap a two-run rally In the tint lnnlnl u CinclnnaU defeated St. Loul1, I · 1 .. , Ho"-wn third b ... man &11 &.JP• doubW ud tripled ln the ftnt two In· nlnp 11 the MUOI bUllt 1 five-run lead and cndled to 1 '1·1 wtn owr Ptttlburah ... ftia llaJ•H' two-out double oft= thh•• alo ove of lkn Jlrandloo &hard b II nan ftm drove in the ao·ahtad run u Montreal rail td In the eichth UWnc to def .. t the Olanti, M . Weaver Injury may cauae bout delay W«ld Bax&nl Amodation •Y"Y· • wetsbt chem~ Mike W•••tr hu , ........ a MouJd-bUurY and may haw. to C' ~ .. JuDI) Ude boUt • .,amat~J •tte1" Ce~, the cballenpr'1 maaaeer Nici Monday • . • Th• field for the 107th ~ ol thll Pi-lm-1.U. lhnnk to .. ~ ....... Monday but the train.-of x..iiucky D1rbY wtnnll' Gate Dtl hi ref~ to be mdoid by tM llDAl1 fteld. Televlalon, radio rouowm, are the toP llDOl1I events on TV tciNOt. Ratlft8I are: .,,..,,.,~ excellent; .,.,,., worih waticbiril: .,,., fair; .,, forpt It. II 4:11 p.m., Qa••Ml lt·VVV'V' BAIBBALL: Dod8en at Phibdelphla. .AMMDCel'll Vin Bcully and Rem P«ter. Jerry Ra\.-(4-1) ~ after hla fifth victory of the -.i .,.uwt the Phillia toniaht. He will be fllCinC veteran ri1ht-hander Mllte Krukow (2-2) u the PblWet aeek to win their aecond at.raJaht over the Dodcen· . RADIO B'aaeball -Dodaera at Philadelphia, 4:30 p.m .. KABC (790); New York at Angela, 7:30 p.m , K.MPC (710). BANK PRE;S!;;NTS @ THE 2ND ANNUAL $10,000 UNDBORG SENIOR INVITATIONAL TENNIS TOURNAMENT MAY 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. 23 AT THE LINDBORG RACQUET CLUB 18162 GaTHARD AVE. HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 Phone 714 -842-77 47 LIGHTS, B mg. "taf. 0.7 mg. nicotine av. per cigarene, FTC Repon DEC. 'Bl; LIGHTS HARD PACK: B mg. "tar". 0.7 mg. nicotine av. per c1garene by FTC method. ' Where a man belongs. • ' 'V' • • •• •• M~UlA9UllTA ....... ~~ . " ... 11 t Mt to 11 .N6 17 14 .... 1t 1a UI 114 1• " .411 614 10 22 .Ill 1014 1 ,, ·"' 1014 ................ 21 t .TOO " 11 .613 114 IT 12 NI 8111 12 1• 444 1'A 12 " .4tt • 11 " 401 114 10 17 )70 .... ............. =21 .... Y0111 1 • Totonto I 0etr a. r-1 K-?t:-=-.. a loeton •• 6 ()el(Mnd T, IWlll!lof• t t 10 lfvllnGI) e..tllel.a.wlllld4 ,..,..o.- N•w Yori! (Alollettl 1·2) el A11 ... e (K. Fond! 2·2). I\ CNC990 (Trovl 2·21 al TOfOl\IO (Clancy 2•2)." Oelroll (P. Underwood l·I) al Te•H (HOMyclUtl ~). " .......... (Vudto'fldl 4-2) al ~ City (Gura 2·1)." ea.con (OjeOa HJ el t.Mneaota (..._ 1-1)," Beltlmor• (McOr•gor 3·2) •I Oakla nd (Unofotd 2-4). ,, Clewland (Denny 2·3) •I 8"111• (Perry J..2)." ~~ W L ,..._ 09 : ,i :~ 314 18 14 .533 4'A 13 II .441 1 13 17 -~ 7'A 13 II .41t I ........ ~ SI Lou1a 19 12 .913 ..... Yott< 16 16 .500 )'A Mom,.., 1 a 1 a aoo ai. ~ 13 IS .464 4141 ~ 12 It .444 6 ~ II II art 7 ......,. ....... ~ •• .,._.,... (10 !Mlnga) MonttMI 6, 8M F!ancleoo 4 New Yott< 3. Sell Diego 2 HoW1ol'I 7, Ptttaburgll 3 Clnclnnall 3. Sl Loula I Orly ~ ldleOIAaO ,..,.. ..... Alanta (....,_ 2-t) el Cl'llc;egO (ad 1-4) OHe•r• (A•11H 4·1) •• Pllll•d•lplll• (l<Nlow 2-2). n Sen Dleoo (llcNltlwget 2 .... ) at Hew Y"'11 (Pulao3.~,, S•" Franc:IKo (Hlll!ll'Mker I ·0) at MOI\· ,,.., 1s.no.-i J..2), " Cll\Clnl\all (Soto 2·21 al 81. Louie (M11ra a-2,1." Plttltlurgll (CenOelw1a ~ I or Qtlfftn I ·2) al Kollll.on (A'tWI 2·6). n AMEJUCAH l.£AOUE ~l.YllM ... 1 ..WYOM C~ .... -. .... -. Andlpfl, 2b 4 0 0 0 Downing. " 4 0 2 ' Colline. cl 4 O O o J Moretl. pt O O O O Wlllfleld. If 4 I 2 1 Lynn. cf 0 0 0 0 Maybry. lb 3 0 0 0 llnQlm 3 0 I 0 Plnlelle. o1 4 0 0 0 OeCnc:e 3t> 3 0 I 0 Snl~. 3b3 0 0 0 &eylor, Oil 3 0 0 0 llalbofll. Oii 4 0 I 0 Aa..lc:Ul\,tf 3 I 2 0 C..one. c 3 o 2 o Clatll. " O o O O Deni• 3000 OrlCll.2b 2010 Totals 3 0 0 0 A Jelle!\, lb2 0 I I Foti,.. 3 1 I 0 Boone. c 3 0 I 0 ,_ 29 2 10 2. ..,.~ ....... New York 000 100 000-0• Calltotnla 010 000 01•-2 E -o.cl-. OP -.._ Yotft 3, c.11- lomle 1. Loe -.... vortt •· ca1tom1a a. 28 -Wlnllllld, lllenlqiM. Aa. ~ ..... - Wlnll•td (4) 8 -8•1\lque1. Orlcll, Ao --.... , .. R.Me,(L.~1) ~ • "•a•eo N 10 2 2 0 a 'Al 0 0 0 0 1 z.trn (W,.$-1) t 5 1 I 2 4 8* -~ T -1 $3 A -32.134. ~efff .... UTTIMG MltHHll•l'iat. ...... 40 5 13 0 3 .us OtlCtl 83 13 H 1 16 .320 Ao • ..._ 22 2 1 0 3 .31' c:.-.. 11 21 0 1 ·* LyM te 12 21 0 1 .291 e.ylol' 121 15 ,.. • 22 .290 ~ 118 II 33 1 15 .2Tt '•OI*"' 18 2 6 0 0 .278 Boone .. 4 26 0 10 .266 Aa. ~ ti 14 22 3 12 .241 ~ 109 12 H 3 13 .231 ,ol .. • 21 0 11 .214 a.11 24 I 4 0 1 .117 1Mteeor1 45 • 7 0 2 .1M 1(..... 2 t 0 0 0 .000 J ...,,_ :a a o o 0000 Totala IOl2 121 2n 21 119 .281 ~ • H .. IOW•L 19'A 14l\ 13 • • ~ 1.23 51 " 11 20 $-1 1.73 23"A 22 5 12 s.1 U3 l2 20 14 2t 3-2 2.N 24'A 21 14 16 I~ 2M " " I • 2~ a.» N U II 16 2·2 MO .,.. " 17 14 2.... 3.74 2t 2t 1T 14 2~ 3M ~ 1a • 5 ~1 .... ~ 2tO 111 131 1~11 2 80 ,...,_ 1,,.,.... a Pltut>urgll 100 200 000-3 ' 0 Houalorl 240 010 00.-7 9 I Alloden, Setrnltlnto (2). Aomo (71 end T P-94rt\Ott end MH:iy. W-Suiton (5-1). L-~ (1 .... ~ A-11, 141. Top 10 , .............. , .-.CAM~ OMltH..._ Bonnel.Toronto 24 12 I I 21 1403 Mcer1de.~ tt 86 t 22 AOO Hanel\,~ 2t " 2t 31 .... Sul\clb«g, T-24 U e 32 .311 Vega.~ It &e I 22 .373 E.Mur1i1y,BeltlmOr9 27 t4 ta a6 .872 lorg,T«onto 23 11 e 22 .111 C:OOC-.MllW. 27 110 11 )I ·* 9 .... T-21 100 12 a6 .360 A.JotlNon,Mlnn 21 71 11 2t a42 ..._ ..... Aoel\tck•, 9eltlnwlr•. t; Th«Morl, aw.. land, t : Hft>ell, """'-18, •• KerTWI. a. ¥eland. 7. Og!Me. MlfwMAl•. T; ~ c....-.1. ........... Th«ntor1. ~. lt: ()alMa, ~ Qe, M; Htbell, ~ 21; ..,..,, ,_ ..... tt; 0111, Kaneu City, 22; Mc:AH. l<Alnw ~ ~:.~. 22. Hoyl, Clltcaoo. M : l.ah, ....._, .. 1; Bel'fl•. ClewWond. 4·1. ~ ..... Yortl. 4-1; 811rl\1, c11_1ca90. 4"'!"1; ,., lanl\lalet, a..n1e. 4-1, 9. 8'ar'tlllY. eo.loft. J-1: TUdOf. Bo*Jn, S.1; Sot-.~. S-1; a... ct«. Oetrotl, 3-1; L.ercll, MllWM ... &-1; l'Mtl•, A,.., t-1; 0 . Jadlaon. l(MMI City, s-1: J. Jor-. o ... teno. a-1: vano.-a.o, s..t'dll, 3-1. NATIOMAL LSACM'9 OMltMN. J Tilornpaft,Pma 2t t7 22 31 .3'2 MoAland.Cllloago 2t 110 11 42 .312 =·· t1 ..... 24 .. 11 3t .337 Wooda. C111oago 21 .. t 21 .a33 llalor, .... Yotll It 80 t 20 .333 ..... e,11 ..... '" ..... OAM\,91. l.OUll 27 M 6 11 .321 CoftolipclOft,Cllln. 21 IOI 14 34 ..121 Wiiton.*"' Yori! 2t 121 11 14 .320 29 128 18 41 320 .._"- Kll\QnlMI. N-Ya<k. I I, J Tham PIOfl, PlUN>u<gfl. 10, Hofne<. Allanla, 9. Moreland. CNcaQo. 8 8 ow. PNte6tilc>N•. •. Mut'phy. Allan•• a ................ .J ThOmpaoo PtltM>vtgh 28, MO<eland. Crucago. 77. Kll\QINlr\ • ....., Yor\. 21. Mur· plly. Allan!A, 26. 't K81\Md1. San Diego. 23 l'ttchlr'9 I• ~I F ouc:PI, SI Loula, 4-0. LOii., San Diego, • O. Suuon. Hou.ton. 6-1: Re ~. New York. 4.1, ll•llH, Oodt•••· •·1: W•loll, ~ ~1; QMbef, Atlanta, J-1. Communtty college Qe6deft .... I, t.. ,.,..... cc I ~ w... 011 000 01t-e I 3 Loe At1oMa CC 030 000 030-8 11 4 Manll, Clatk (I) 91\0 Schult. Meys, Wlltte (0), JOMt Ull. Paleo (0) 91\0 Jo<\M w -Clark (3·0/ L-Meya 28-WHPlll\glon (lA), "-1• CLA> Southefn C .. Cofttef'eno. ,._.., tWf) W L Ge I 3 7 l ~ 7 4 1 6 5 2 5 4 2 5 1 a 4 • ,. .. 0 11 • • ~ >· -•'1. # ~ .:=.:.rm,.. a,~..r:w---....., Doe aT ~t IO t.IO 1.10 (HM) I ... IAO IO•ll: I llCI llO .......... ~ ..... CNaa. ......... ~. , ....... • IUG'TA (M) ....... ,AO. ~MOL llO yw-. f-ltGll~ U.tO 11.IO UO o..\ "°" (TOllM) .. ., uo ...,_ (Ward) uo ,.,_.l fMt1 TWo To,, o.a .. II** ltdY. Tiit luO Mt/I, Oollon VH r Cl\aroln a....; ...... .._..,.""'· "'* i11.ll. - TMllD MCI. '70 yva a.-tY ... IM'n*Ol9 1,.40 l."40 , 40 C6loCMlr Win (9Mt t.00 uo 1rw.~ aao Alie r... . ...... oa.. ~rw. nm.. . ..,, ,OUlllTH MCI.. MO yv•. I.Illy~· ==-r It 40 l ,IO 4.00 ,_ D1Mm loMldlell) 1.00 4.40 ....... ,.,,,. (0.00.. 1.80 AlllO racad: 11\4111\ Wer O•""'· lllecly ~o_v!1.l.01Wln, 8011 01 '41•111, l1ir111no -~-. ""* . 11.02~ • UACTA (,_., pelO 17UO. PIPTM MCI. MO yvdll. 111r IN Coed! (Caroau) 3.40 UO 2 IO 9lllp 111'11 Oo UIOky (T,_•) T 20 4 40 Ooubtt Tuft Tl.W'lle ~) 3.40 Alto raa.d: Travel 011 l'H I, Trutyt J•t. CIUtlQ\lt C\rgo. LllOk)' Lady Lodoeo, Wiid• Wine, SwWtwptie 8rowl\ flrn« ; "·"· 8IX'nt Mc:a. 400 JWOL "'4\#1\ Ill--('T.-.J 1.40 ..... Haard Coullty (<*rtlM) O++-P-.,,., w.Ci'Molt) DK-lttMltleny t • (kd) Dt4-o..or-ll*d. • 6.00 3 00 &.20 2.60 3 20 2.20 AM r~ Proud Dukey, Alelly 8' Trlp-~t:'*eel ... Scotttea OUlcMM, 8antaN T1rne: :20.49. • UACTA (S-1) paid 860.IO . •vswnt MCL 360 yvO.. FIOretllll\e MOOI\ (Crgrl 14 80 I 60 4 00 Prt IN llrd ~I t 20 3.40 Wiid Wiid WM (Piii-i 2.80 Ntto raoed: Fort-AockM, Ola~. Doctor ._,_ W9ldl Me MarM. .._.. llorl\ Ao.nnw, OM 0..-, ........... .i.wel Tim« . 11.a4. • UACTA 17·1) pelO PUO. bONTH MC&. 400 ywdL ,..._ 9flott (~ 1.00 3.60 2.IO Pw lnl 9oy (=.. 3.40 2.40 Mr Oulok,_ I I UO Alto raced: AH.,.CI Go. Aooll Oft 8ug, TO\IClfl Of 0.., Mot11er '-· llrllr. .20.30. • UACTA te-74J pe1c1 w .eo . • ...c:« IOI (l-W-3-74) paid e1t_1UO w!lfl 24 Wlrlf*'O tlcMCa (""9 ~ N Pica 9bl ---lklft peld .U.40 wlOI * wWlino uc:a.ca (tour llot-). N9fTll Mca. :sao }'Wda. l'oolla ~= 10 00 a,40 2.40 9ondlo ( 2.80 2.20 CAl!talfl 9plttt (F '9)') 2.10 Alto r-O; 0otta Go T•. Dll:zllrl SIJI, e.,. madoo. Tlrnr • 17.". .. llJIACT" 12 ... ) paid 121 to Ahendanoe -7.372 tMttoM Cup towNIMnt (• Or I " rt, .... o.-1) ...... Oene May" (V S ) d•I Kim Warwl~k (Auttrallal. t .e, 6-2; EllOI TellllCnet (V S .. Oel Pll\er ~---...... T ... .,....... MCNetnata-1.41111 EdmondlOI\ (Autlrall•l del May•t·She!WOOO 81 .. erl (U 8.), 6· I. a-:r Final IMm tt91\0tng1. I Un11..r81eta 2 .rw.iralie. 3 f1 .. l 8c>MI and Argel\tlna Women'• toumement ( ................ ....... ,...... ~ E-1 UOyd Oii Hana M.,.,_0¥• 6-0. 6-3 ......... ,Mio .... Lloyd Oel UM BoncW. 1-2. 1-4 .,.......,...... Kalfly Horv11""YVOftl\e v ......... def 811119 JMft King-Ilana Kloea, M . 1-4, 1 .. 9onftglo tcMlmement (at lllllll,!Wrl l'lnt "-"cl ....... , ...... , ...... ,, AA L-=tl IV 8 . U0--Beacll) def Cal- Oerelll (VNQueY). 6-2. 1-3. T ... BeMab<M (f'renc;e) ~ Qiofglo MW..t>Onl lllaly). l-1. 1-3 ·-FntAound ....... P11 Herr (IJ s I d•I Danl•I• MoplH f!lo!Nnl•). 1-4. 6-t: Barbara 8rN>lell (VS) Oel Eien• V_,111\e lllllly), e-1. l-1 lntetNtlonlll ~~ , .............. ..,_, ................... HerOld $olomo<\ o.I. 9......,.,, "''*· l-1. 1-1. T-5"*' Oal. Jolin UOyd, 6-3, I-I, llelMl TWOGIY Oii. awtlloolt Zipf, 7 ... 1'2: Henn LACOl\1• def. l.m P •. l-0, 6-0, .io.. um My11roern 0.1 Jlmtft)' Ari••. 7 .1, 3.e. 1·4. AndrH Oom11 del Tlllerry TIHHM. 1-4, 7 5 ~ eohool • (atl~ °"'""""" ... Ma111a (Ed.I o.c. l.M {FV). 1, 1-3; Galw1'I (HI) o.t S<illon (Ed.). l-0, 7-5: ,..,._ (Ed I Oal e.o.y (Hit~ 6-0. 1-2: Bamwd (HEI MC Smttll (M,tr ). e-1. e.o. Oabrl•I d~~1.'~. 1-7, l'ark•r (fl dll . ..,,.,d, e-2. -· 1-t. . ._....,.,....... Al\dr•wa-Creml\•r (H8) d•I Wll\dHI· Mlll\Ck (FV), 1-2, 1-3; SlmtilOfle-O'COl\1\941 (!.cl.) def. euc:::::;.~l'Vl ...... 1-2. A11dr•••·Cram11•r d•f. l lmmon•· O'ConMI. M , K .....,eo:...,... (at .. c..,.. C-*Y Cillll) T---1 UCLA. 720,: 2 Cal Sleta fuller1on. 1441; 3. USIU, 750, 4 Ce! ltel1 Nor1!vleloe. 1~ 5. vac. re1. 1 uc IMl\e, n&, 1 LOf\11 a.ct. BIN, 111. 1 uc: San Diego, TIM, t UC Sanll a.n.ra. 803, 10. At'-w..-n. 111; 11. Cal St-oa.-.. "'* ...... 162: 12. UC: ~. 114. fl\dfvfdu•I•: 1. JOlll\10'1 CUCLAI 11·12-139; 2. layH (SIV), lt·l'2-14 1; 3 Pett•• (UOLAI. It· 13-142; 4. f9Ylll !UCLA). ,7 ... 7-144; 5. UIMI let Nllrlonl. J4-T2-14t Otllef1: l . Many (UC IMNI. 17-71-141 ~9.r 100 lllMI I) I, JllOlleon (Lqng_ t.Mfl). 10 ••• t ,, ..... I"''· IAO). 10 41 ••• ""'" ILOllO .... II), 0.11, (Mii I I 1. H1wb11 Lo~ lffel!). 10 H. t Mlllef IMt UO/• 10 ti, $ A-(AlllllOO-VI,...,). 10.1 , (Mlt a1 I T\lfller ILOllO IHclll ~o n . I . WlteOI\ (lanle Mon!U), 10 H,; 011.,tt. (l'......,_.~IO U 100 llHI I) I Tur11•r \l'•H d1111)1 ao to, 2 (LA HWbOrl, 2 4t , ( ..... t 1 Roblnaorl (LA Vall9y), 2 I 23, 2. Millet (Mt, IAC). ti. ... 3 ,.,.,. ('Tan), 21 o . (hell 3) I. JIChOll ILOllV IMQlll, fl.43, t lr.lfl\ ~:AC). 21.'3~, (heat 41 I. Tur11., ILOftt ), " 4 '· ' • tll Ctimlrlo~ t I.Al. 400 (llHI I) T11rft•r (l'Uad•fll). 4t 40. fl ~ (LA Valley). 4t ff. (llelM ill I ....,, ((J C.,~?'' t Ot-fMI IAC). 47.16, 3. (Mlr.coe.. 47 27. (llHI 3) I P1pper1 I 01\Q ltHC~~I 47 04, 2 °'"*"' ,,....,..1. 41 t3. ,.,.., ~I 1 Waahtftg1on (L.ong a-11). 47 64, 2 lkllllo (PANclenll) ... U eoo (hHI I) I 8•11rlng (Full•llOll). 1.63.29, 2 MOfan 1c11ru.1. 1 6'4 31, 3. Nlllo ~adOlebeclc). 1·54 &a: (llNI 21 I Cheprnal\ Ml SACI. 1 &I 10, 2 Cunnll\ghaM (Ml AC) I 51 H 3 Oardl\•r (WHI L.A). 1:u .h : (llMI •1 1. l'retJer• (II Ci mino), I 51, II, 2 ,ranka llonQ lllMGl\j, I 0 I 16, " 0111o11 (Ml SAC~ 1.61 70 1 ... too -(llHt 1) 1 Solar (Hal\coe11 1, Udl; 2 CNpnan (Ml IAC~ H2 II, t AllOIM (PllNdetle). 3 54 32, 4 MC>Ofe (I.JI Harborl 3 54 U , 6 Romero (O•n•rd), 3.65 41. I l.aregou (0111Wd), 3 &I 40. (Mii 21 1 l..M1Ch (El Cemioo). 3 64 &4, 2 Mwqua (Long &e~I. 3.&5 43; 3. Vel•Mluet (CllUtlt (Cltr111). 3 61.47. 4. 0'9' IOfanae C-4 , '°M.MI & JacklOI\ (8111.,1iiekl). 3,61 90, Hr" (Or .... c-t). MU. 3.000 -(hHI I) I Cerllon (ClllUI) . ':10 93. 2 Aobblne tO<oeatO>Onl). ' .. 2, 3 MW1IMI IPwOeN), t 37 I 4. ~II (O•t••• WHI), t :H .8; I . '"•t•r•I• (Ora1tie Ceaet), 1:40.1; I . Aoo1te (l1d•r1MI), t.G.7; (-1 2) I L .. (long 8Mchl. t 19 t: 2 Aulhet10fd (Oro .. monl). 9 23 2, 3 Atanda (HIMOClll, 8 29 9. 4 L- 180 M•HI, 9.31 2. 5 Webb (81k•r1lleldl. 9 33 3. I Olmeda fSadOtebec:ll). 9 40 0 5,000 (hul 1) 1 Carlton (Cl1ru1), 14 &1 32, 2 Oemlnl•r (lOnQ Bnoll). 14 57 44, 3 SOier (Hencoc:ll). II H 80; t. .., .. 1or.,... c-11. 11:04.7: IS ,..,.,,., (Sanll An.I, 16 I 1 I, 0 Aob4M (Moorpert(~ 15 13 2. (-t 2) I Auelu (CltrueL 14 31 I. 2 8 rown (LA V•ll•rl. 14·46 6, I. He•••• (taddlelU•ll). 11:00.1: 4 Agulllar (Oroumol\ll, 15 03 5. 5 Onrlb•1ol '"'*"°"~ 1u 1.1, 1 Gr1111111e (El c.mll\oJ, 1&·24 3. I IOHH -il'IM.I 11 1 L-(81 ... rlfleld), 14 09; 2. L• LOog kach), 14 41, (llMI 2) I Were (P1eedM1al. 14 82; 2 JOlll\ton (Ml. SAC). 15 I 7, (llHI 3) I Wllaon 18•1\ll Monica), 14 35. 2 8rlldthew (LOOV 8eactl). IS 13. (114111 41 1. AellfOf• (9~11), M:it1; 2 Alley (L.oog 8Mch). 14 70, 3 ....._ (long Beacll). 14 .. 400IH -(i-t I) 1 8irw. (l.ot>g BMchl . 62 o. 2 ~ (San 8emllrdll\OI. 52 44, 3 Fl• (long lleecfl). S2 51, (llMI 2) 1 Jotwwon (Ml SACI. 50 57. 2 Mltcllell (Puadel\al. 52 «. 3 C11rry (LACO), 52.to, (PIHi 3) I All•)' (Lono hacllJ. 62 10. 2 A•lllotd ~bfJClr.). 53 25. 3 C:OOC-IEl Cwnlno). 400 1elay -( ..... 1 I) I LonQ &eldl, 40 ff. 2 80 ,,._., 4 I 42. 3 LACC, 41 41, f"'"I 2) I Mt SAC, 4 I 10. 2 El Cemlno. 4 I 39, 3 Anl~ V...,. 41 Ml. ('-1 3) I P...0-. 4 1 17. 2 8aketali.td. 40 to 3 Full••lon . 4112 1.100 relay -(h•el I) I Pauoen• 3 13 71, 2 San 8erl\9fdln0. 3 11 45. 3 81· k11ell•ld, 3• 11 78 thUI 2) I Ml SAC, 3 12 81, 2 Ollncl•. 3·11.te. 3 El C&mll\O, 3· 17 ti. tr-1 3) I LOf\11 llNGh. 3 16 13, 2 LACC. 3:'11 :fT, 3 Fullertor1, 3. HI 39. HJ -Orllllam (San 8erl\9fdll\o). Fr~ (Plllomet ). l.anOOn (lonO Buch). Y °""9 l El Camll\O), Bonn•• (Paaed•n•). 0.1\by (LA Soulh•HI). Edwerd1 (LA Harbor) Arm- 11'01\g (CypreH). l ·I . Harrie (Alv•rlld•). Ou11ory (SOCCI. Jecll_, (V.,lwa). MMl«'I (Ventura ). Wlck•r (LOl\Q 8••ch). War1 (P__,_l. ~ tlACCI, M W -F\111 (L.ong EIMcll). 26-1 Vo, C.,r (Ml SAC). 23·3''4, Mc:Culloucll (lOl\ll Beachl • 22-1w •• ~(lit• h ell). 2l·10V.; 1..H (LA Valley), 22-10. Tll)'IOt (LACC). 22·9. Welk .. (Tahl. 22-4'.+. ~I (Lonq 8eec:tl), 22..... MllCMll (PlllOm.,I. 22·6"'· 8tOOU (LACCI. 22~. ~ fCIVw l. 22-4 KniOfll (8# .. llleld). 22·2"· TJ -Harne (LOflCI 8-1\), ~1. w ...... (Ml SAC). 49-4. Herwy (Ballertlllld) • .._2'A T eylor (LACC). 49· 1 'A. H•l\drlCll 1 (El Cemlno). 4M\4; Hfl (LA aouu-t). 4'-e. Kell•)' (PHeden•I. 4 .... MOfrlClll ILOl\O llMc:PI), 48-3, C.r (Ml SAC). 48-3, 8eOei ~· ). •7-11'<\. Alllon (lall), 47-10, (l0fl9 9-:tl). 46-7. PV -Hllfl•ld (Ml SAC). Mahl\I (Ml SAC). Linn (Ml SACI. Aer19et (fullerlOl\I. TPIOIN (Olendele), OuillAl\O (Olendalel. Tl.II· 1ey (Lonq 8"chl. Hul\1 (8akerelleld). 1&..0. l H ler (lA H1tbor). McOua1d (Ml SAC) • LMettt (Of .... c:o.at), .. __. CEI Cemino) Funk 1san &«'*°"'°" 14-t SP l(ra ylfllr (Long 8HCPll SI I'' SpOlera (Ml SAC). ~-2. Tllomu (Cllru11. S2· 11, Neal 1T1ll f, 61·81>\ PPlllllpe (PUAOenl). 49-4' ... OgOogu (Ml SACI. 4&-S. 8erll•tl I Trad• hell), 0 ·3'A. Ari er. C8•••rellelO), 47-l 't.. Walke• (H ancock , 47·8, 0 111 f8al\ll Monlcaj. 47-4. Hou11on IPM&Oenel. 47·2 JT -Alclleroaon (8•k•relleld), 213·6, Klolle r (Cypr .. a ). 211-1 , YOUl\jl 10.-11. 205-10. Parker (Beller•~I. 2 0 4 • 4 .... (°""81 c:o.at), m-1; Oent (Tan). 20f·IO, .)drift (Olerldale). 201·4, f'ardella (Olendal•). 1tt-1. T11lly (LOl\O Such), 1H ·I , Barba (Ml SACI. 194· f. O'OH ... 11 (l ..... ltHll), 1'2·1: Adkll\I (Sout"-IMI\). 1'7-0. OT -Krayalllr (lon.t:,:.c"). 171-8; n-u (CltrUf), 112·3; I (Oleftd•I. ll0-10; MCM91\amy (Bakertllel~!.t. 167-1: l'Mllpu~Medllll). IS4-e; T'Naa (llU "'-J. 'U·t ; bOBll (Mt. SAC). 164·1: Botd91\ (c.trltot , 111.1; CooklOll (Oroeamot1t). 145-0; I en (C.,rlloel, 1'°" 1, Hlldtol\ (FultenOll. tai-10; 0--(Ckt4•11 ....,, .. , .,._ c• aAC>. •1. AMII 10,000 -I. !val\t tOron mol\I), • 30 20 I. 2. Woodland (90 M.a~ 44J-.ll co," Aral\d• (Hancock). 30 30 6. A Harold (Oflf\Oe Cout~ 30 $4 5; 5 "'"'*"'" (LA llall•rl. 30.43.2. I Marllnu (Paudena). • 3()·!11.1 WorMn , .......... c.lltill ,.,..~ 800-81-• (0rA"tJ9 Coaal). 2 IS.to, A1n9•r (Or11\qa Co••t), 2 17.51, 1.500-LudovlM (0rMge Cout), 4 49 04. S,000-1 Zilla (Orl f\99 CoNI). 10-27 64. LudO'llM (Ofange COMI). 10 51 54; Dube 10.ane• CoHt). 10.&1.st; Miii r•l•y-1 Or•"ll• Cou 1, 4:05 O . LJ-l'endtaton (8addleb1oa1. 11·9~; JT-Bod"•' (8addlaback ), 122-1, OT-TtlbOl•I (8 addl•back). 131·0 : Wondr ull (8.odlabttall). 11~; 8oOller (SeddllOacki 113 ... ca Del9y "'-' .......... ""Ue...,.. CONCERNED -Ram Coach Ray Malavasi displays a concerned look as he views proceedings at the club's mini· camp over the weekend . MD tabs McKnight Fast break, match-up zone planned By ROGER CARI.SON 0( ttll Olllly l'tlot Ii.ff Gary McKnight has been cho- sen as Mater Dei High's new basketball coach, replacing Bill Alexander. Al heck feels Spurs must stop McAdoo INGLEWOOD -San Antonio Coach St.an Albeck aaya hit team will be ready for Bob McAdoo when the Spurs and Loa Angelea Lakera re1ume their beat-of- aeven NBA West.em Con1erenoe Championship aeries at the Fo· rum tonight (8). "Our inability to contain McAdoo off the bench really hurt ua," Albeck noted Sunday after· noon , ahortly after the 30-year-old veteran 1cored 21 point• in the Laken' 128-117 v1ciory in Game One. "li we're going to do anything in th1I teriea, we will have io ana an anawer to him." Albeck aaid. Actually. Albeck haa a lot more to worry about than McAdoo. Fint, there's guard Norm Ni- xon. who la coming off a career· playoff high 31 polnta in Game One. There'• abo M.a&ic Jobnall.l who ~ another patented \rip.le dOuble -that ii 13 polnta, 14 ..a.ta and 16 rebounds. Albeck wlll need eound per- formances from George Gervin and Mtke Mitchell. The two comblned for 56 pointa Sunday. From Page C1 "He's familiar with the area, knows our kids and comes from a good program," says Mater Dei Athletic Director Bob Gonules. McKnas_ttt, by way of San Clemente High, Saddleback Col· lege, Cal State Fullerton 'and Chapman College, spent three yean as an aasiatant to Stan De- Maggio at San Clemente, a year under Bill Mulligan at Saddle- back College and four years at Ocean View High. Hu two fr eshman teams ( 1979-80) were 43-2 at Ocean View and his two junior varsity teams were 39-9. Dur ing that span Ocean View's league record was 39-1. "The tradition at Mater Del is super and I'd like to add what I've learned under Mulligan (fast break) and Jim Harris (matchup zone defense) a t Ocean View," says the 29-year--0ld McKnight. McKnight will be bringing Ric hard S c haaf and Craig Thornburg into the Monarchs' program and the immediate fu- ture appears to be red-hot. The Monarchs have accepted an invitation to compete in the San Dimas Tournament •of Champions in Decembe r and have added St. Bernard and Marina to their n on-league schedule. A l most the e ntire s tarting lineup returns, led by sophmore. Matt Beeuwsaert. Chris Jaclaon and Mike Fields, along with ju· nior John Cook and fart-time sophomore starter Pau Perkins. McKnight is an on-campus coach with cla.saroom duties in the Science Department. ANGELS ON TOES • • • The vidoey helped the Angela keep pace with the Chica10 White Sox in the American League West. ChJcaao. with a 6-3 victory over the 'f"oronto Blue Jays, remains percent.ate polnta ahead of the Anaela, who 1~­ proved their record to 20-11 with the vktory. • "Hopefully, th1a kind of ~l will continue unUl October,' ad- ded Foll. "lt'a a lot ot fu.n." * ·---"··-1=1':D::. WHrT'l IHAOOW HAWAII~ <WWlllAIY "ltrolle'' cai-1 Ao!* de ..... f91)Q • UC•llTAHDM HUMANl94A~ "~llPV'' f Pwt t) I OllNIM --• • MIJNIM .CN9WI 4COMPUOTOIJ .. ,..., .ION F«r• dlrectt Tony WW. larNrd HUOf* In I.hie dtMle et>ovt a eon111- 1u11011a1 ehowdown bee...., ttle PreelcMnt qi -.. u.1 anct .,,. 111ot- , Court. ·HO. NIWMIAT WtTH CLftl N>Mlll 11 I ...... ~ 8NIWI • • ~Mll.1.B' CJ:)MOYll *'A "l.11> RI_." flNO) MorOfol' Sta~1. A young p!Qnear baoomH obMNecl with ra119nge after hill wi .. It klli.d t>y e local land t>aron who ,_..Illa~ • ®CtWIUl.ntm L~COUOAA A tutnberman •doC>I• and raltae an orphaned couo., llllt41n. (Pitt 21 .MOYll **I' '°The Loon41Y. Loo- fWI'/, Looney Boge 84inny M<Me'' (1881) ANmated Volcal by Mal Blanc, June Fol.., ...... -1.w •• blended With OICI In INI complletton ol ~uale Frlu Fraleng "Looney Tunee" IHlurlng Bug1, Dally Ouctl, POtlly Pig, Y_.1• Sam, T-lle Pie end Olh· are from Iha c;arloon --·o· 1:001 == H-'""' DAVI AOA»I MCNEWa l(().W( • M•A•l•H The 40771h MiffWI I tong, .....,..._ nlghl during • -c:Nng '-'wive I JO!Wlt'I WllD IUl .... Ml'Oln G lilOfmWTI IN PASTELI '°TheAr111t" (J)P.M.~ OMng for a new Nie. a loo« 11 IN c:ura11111 powar1 of theOMdS-. 111 INTPTAIHMINT TONIGHT The~tn a-lel on Illa hOrNa of Iha 11111 QITHE~I o-t· Marty Feldman CD>MOYll •• "l-• And U...t" 11979) Goldie Hewn. Glen- cetlo Giannini While trav· eltng In Italy. an American P1 ,_., and 11111• In '°"9 With a merrted man 'R' CZ>MOYll • • • .. Tiie Leop1rd" (19413) Butt L1ncal1et, ci.udll CArdinala G1tl- l*dl'1 IMO lnvaelon of 8dy •eeutt• In ,,,. oerno- Uon of the ar11tocrat1 In lhe IOCMll orMt 7::IO 8 2 ON THa TOWN F .. tured 1 looll at the riumbar one .oep 094lf'• 1n ,..,,., ZM&and. • vl9" with Fr.onci! Hundert-. .,, artltt wtio ultad lrom tM Medltarr-10 New ZMlend In • hofnemacle ~ .. 18 FAMILY nuC> LAVMHI & 9""'L.EY &eot#NIV lA¥9rne wine five m1nu1 .. of .,.. lhoPolncl a1 • ~fNlflUlt • IYIONL.A. '-lured. a 1oo11 a1 l A '1 CHANNR LISTINGS 9 KNXT ICBSI o. e llNBC (N8CI z e KTLA llno I .. • , e )<ABC (ABCI C1 e KFM8 ICBSI T1 It ICHJ·TV (Ind I ((l') e KCST IABCI (j • KTTV (Ind.I ,, 'e KCOP· TV llnd I • • ICCET ( PBSI • e KOCE IPBSI •• SPECIAL -c.om.dWl Richard Pryor ii ~ joined by John Beluahl, Lawanda Page and a1ng1ng group, the Plp1, on h1a special that repeata tontaht at 10 on KNBC (4). rnoet dMlrabla bachelora; • r~t on ,_ laeltlet I~ for man:• l'llP0'1 on weight k>M end dieting • w•A•l•H Klinger beeotnM a hero wflef'I an ••.ploaion rod!• 1"9 ~•ting room . I Cl) TIC TAO DOUGH MACt«lll I LIHl'IP MPOftT \ ...... 9 YOU Alf<ID '°"IT FMluted "Cattle Culling Hor_ .. and "TM OoMe Al• MOYie 81.,.." ®~n. lMT VOYAM OIJ nte MOM() CAST\.I Eric ~aid '-ta t!U documentary employlng dra,,,allc: r•·•nac1ment and ••ctWill tllm lootage to rec:aH 1"9 diu91•-Itta In 1~ that daHnad 137 llY9I aboerd .,,. lwlury cru!Mlhlp MIO 8 (I) IOOK ~ UITI Hoel 8ltl Billby 8nd a •ec>e<tory company deliver monotoguee and perform 1ketcllH •nd mu11oal numt>er1 l>eaad on m•tarl- al trom the "Boo!< 01 l.1111." D 8 INllET MAVUllCK A ~tlul c:on artlll tflee to •elclnOle the l>ltt•I-' rom.,_ l>el-ner and Mavarlctl f R) • MOYIE ••••"The Malt-Flll- oon" (1941) Humphrey 8og1rt. Sydney Green- llrMt A lop private eye la hired to •aco-• priee- .............. l(:(USled ..... ue 8 0 HUPYDAYI a wow * * * "M!Mlon· Monte Carlo" (1891 J Roger Moore. Tony Curtll FMt c:ers. baeutlflll -and • breallnealo c:haae lllghllght 11\11 1c:t1on paclled movie Of gold ll'nUggling end mutMr • P.M. t.IAGAZJNE A looll 11 the eutallve pow• er• of the OMd SN: • aumrnar camp wh«• chil- dren IMtn compu1er pro- '~"" GAlACTICA In order to -=acie ltom 1ltadl by IM CY'OM. the Galecttca flaed1 IOWatd an endlMI fl'\-clneilC: VOid (Part 11 • MUOIAMaA "Oii, Mofwy And Polltlct" The tinel api9oda of IN Nrlel lnvnllgatn Ille Seu<11e .. an -glng llUpetpowar •• •••NII they Inland 10 do with •hair poww, ,,,.., ot>tKt'-.. Iha M6dOla EMC. end haw they lntarKI wfth ttla Unit· ed8tataa.. 8il ttOYA "Why America 8urn1" A ~I on Ille fife pr- tton ntablllllment and llrateglal for lmptovtng Ille Nr..y II pr_,_, (R) ~uov. * * "The Outlaw'' (1~31 J-Aueaall. Walter Hue- On-TV Z·TV HBO 1c1nemu1 IWORI NY., NY IWTBSI IESPNI IShowtimel Spottlont lc:.ot• N-\ Network) Ion. Biiiy Iha Kid ,.,,, In love wlth 1 ~llful wom- :. wflo hidee hl~IN (l)MOYll • •• "bcalibu1" (111811 Nlgej Tarry, Nlc:ol Wlllllm· eon The PplOlll of King An~ bl'"CI po-. and daalll 10 Illa •nlghlt of IN Round Table. 'R' .MOYll ••• "I.al It Be" ( 1970) The Beltlaa.. John Lannon, Paul Mc:Cenney. Oaorge Harrlaon Md Alngo 81.,, ar• followed through r~.rec:otdlng .... Ilona end an lnpromptu c:onoar1. 'G' l :JO 8 0 LAVI ..... AHO IHIM..IY Shlf'ley di-the1 Lall· erna II trying to kMI lier oll eo that Iha c;en have 8qulggy all 10 ....... , 0 • AU.1Nnt9,AMILY Atc:Ne MCI Edith IPl"d • country wMkand In Iha middle of the 11ormy mar- riage of lheit neighbor•. e...nev and ea.nc:ne CH)MOVIE * • "Teuor T'rlln" ( 1980) Ben Joflneon. Jemie LM Cunt&. A c:ollege fraler,,._ ty'• ~ v-·· mUQu«· acle pany '"'"' Into • nightmare wflef'I • vlndtc:· , .... gueet •• .,,.kl~ off Ille pany-9<*• 'R' 1:40 (0)~ N>. Cl) MOYll "The Rulel Of Marriage" (Pan 2) (Premiere) Ellz•- l>el h Montgomery Elliott Gould An llfluanl IU bur· ban c:ouple'1 m8f•ltQe erOdM 10 IN point that • MP8'•Uon ~ nae;. ;a_,. ... ~ A t>••ulllul wom1n Mdl>Oal Ma...,tc:k afte< a.vtng Nm l•om jall. and Marylou Springer lallt lor • not~ gunlltnger (R) 8 0 TMMrl <X1M'Nrf Jack .. thoe;ked wt'9n • c:omputer d•llng ~ metchee him ue> with • moet unexpected d•••. O • MIRV GAlfflH cw..te: JMn 81~on. ,,... """°" MUt•ay Oanc:· .... Ronnie Sc:hell. y Ing Ruocheng • eATTLUTAA GA&.ACT1CA Oetpite Ille Gaiect~·, effor1• to atc:ape, Ille Cylon• continue to pur- 1het1)'1:hrOUQll IM meonellc vole! (Pert 2) • AMENCAH PlA~ '°"9el~" In Iha llrll pan of I --on Ille hie ol Iha c:ontr-llltl Amari· can ec:lenllet. phyllclitl J Robert Oppanll•lmer beComaa lnYolVed In leftlll po111ic. wti11e wonc1ng at the UnlYer'tlty ot c.llfornla. 8etlletay. (Patj 1)Q 8il IMIOI AM8&A "Oii. Mofw)' And Poflllu" The fin.al ~ ol Iha Nrln tnvaeUgatH the Seudlt .. an -gtng auparpower -wtiat they Intend to do with their power, their objec:llvat In Iha Middle Eall, •nd how they Interact wlll'I Ille Unit· edS1a1 .. CO) NlJ'( GAN.NC> t:ao. 0 TOO Ct.OM 'Oft ~ Monf'oe g911 • pft1ne> llUCk on Iha Maire jutt .. Henry le !()'Ing to get Muriel to the hot9flal. .MOYll * * * "The V I P 1" ( 1"3) Elizabeth T lyfor. Ricrlard Burlon. At pe11 t IQlll of a delayed fllgllt -1111 , .... ell In 1M VIP louftga of • L.~ ...,.,,, IMW -••HM• 111rl•utl~ ... ~ . ...,., ..,...~, .......,. ~~·· .,..,. 111efud• .101111 lhlu1111, ~,.... lhltlay HM\pllfll, Mtr• AnfaiOu, Olyllll T11111"'all, Tim f~-. and Tiie Plj>t i1u1.::-..__ .• ..,.....IMon Of. ,,... "-'-·-OOln ...,,.. .... Mel Jonatllen ll'llO~Q • WITH OMil ANO -.v (IMlofl t'rtmlare) "How I OOI OYah" OMla 0 ...... Md ""by 0.. .,. jOfned by INiy PrMlon Md Iha Comttwnlty "''' hptlat Ct\utefl ChOft of o.ilM In tlllt f'llUtloal trillllle to poet CafOl)'n ... ~· Q (C)MCWll * * ~ "The '18ndltft lllOt Of Or Fu Manc1'u" ( IOIO) Paler 8eflete, lid c-. Th9 Fil and loo11and Yatd't De4 Neyland Smith put-the IM·ya«-old arotl ¥lflaln M ha -ohM for IN lngladltnta, lnelud· lnO Iha Crown ........... UMd to "*-• Illa llfe.1)fo. tonging alllllr. 'PO' cmMOWE * • * "Cutter'• Way" (11191) JOl\n HMrd, J9ff Bfldgee. A ~ Viet• nam vet and lllt beet fttand, • IOClal dropout, locue thalf -glee on IOMtlQ a murder c:eae 'A' (%J WOVll * • * "The Marriage OI Merill Sraun" (1979) Han- na Schygull1, Klau1 Low111ch. Dlr101ad by Reiner Warner Fa11blnder Ouflng World W8' II. I Qerrnan t>rkle llrugglel to • ~ M Iha wall• for the return of ,_ lloldler hul- band 'R' 10:11 00 ~ * "Th• Awtllan1n9" ( tHOI Cllattton He91on. Su1anna11 Yori! An ltOhaeologltt'I dlUQlller t>aoomM P<>M"Md by the ma1evoten1 lpltlt ol an anelent EQyptlen Queen 'A' IC>-*> ..... CONVIMATIOH GUMt· Or Tltao Oaf Junco. -~ PlAYHOUN "()ppenllelmet" In Iha flrtl part of • ..,. ... on the HI• of Iha controverlllal .Ameri- can tcientlll, ~t J Robert Oppenheimer ~ lnVO!Yad In laltlet polillc:I wl\lle wor1llng at the U-lfty of c.lllornia. 8erlleiey (Pen 11 Q ()) IUT CW WHATI UP AMPICAI Featured: Iha world'• only nut mu-.im: two prol- lllonal female bo•••; d.,. Ing lhr ... )'M'-otd 16tllare; 88 gun •arnon; a nuoe pl>oto ....ion for • c.nter· !Old 11:ooeaeCJ>ae NIWI • IATUN>AY MGKT Holl 0 J S1mp1on. Gueet1· Alllford & Slmp. eon I YOU AIKm FOR IT w•A•t•H Delly bonlbMO Mllr Iha ~ by an Inapt Nonll KoreM cMlo' ~ Ille iaedlng 1P9Cta1or *POf1 11 ,,,. 4077111 I llNNYHIU. DO<CAVITT I 1=*> 9 (I) AUCC An~· phefmac:tel voioel hll diMpprOYel of artlftc:tel ad<IH._ In food (R) 8 QITONGHT Holt Johnny C anon G-t Oeorge Foater • ([I A80 MEWi NIQHTUNI • l(OJM( . .,..~ ·~NfOIOH • NIWMIAT WTTH CUTI .-0 IE :re ·~MC ... 9MCMI **'It "The FM" (1111111 Lauren Ba call, JarnH Oarnat. A~ flfm ,,., le vtc:tlmi.d by a pe)'Chotlc lldmlrar 'R' t t;AI cc.> MOYll "She'• 19 A/tld "-dy''lwo young "'°"*' tlltow them- ..._ into "*' work end turn f.,.,,.ly ~ Into piMMi••. 11:16 <ID wovtl * *'It ''Cerdllc: Arr•t" ( 187') o .. ry 000dr0"1r, Mlle Chan A bladl rnattiat oparauon 111at .... c1i..m. bodled 1-11 tor tr- ptant• II~ by an otfbaet hOmlcida ooo 'PO' ~~-12:00 e INTPTNNMIHr TONIGHT Th9 MCond In • ....,. on Ula hOrNa of IN Matt. •@ ,AHTMY *NC> A young men .,__ Don Ovt•• to -• TUBE TOP~ERS KCIT (28) 8:00, KOCE (&0) 0:00 -uoo, Money and Polltlc1. '' tlnal epleodt of Saudi Arabia ..n. explont th• Saudit u an ~mer,m, 1uperpower. KCET (28) 8:00.:...KOCJC (~0) 10:30 - 'l()ppenhet.mer." nm of a teVen-part .._ rt• dramatiaina the carwr of J . Robert Oppenheimer I tM controverlial American pny1icl1t known .. the f•ther of the atc>mic bomb. See ltory below. . KNBC ~4) 10:00 -"The Richard Pryor Spectal7' Comedian'• sue-ta Include John Beluah.i, X..wanda Pa,e .00 the Plp1. See phoio, left. KABC (7) 10:00 -0 Hart to Hart." J en· nifer'a acqulaition of a Renalaaanoe coin plunaee her .nd Jonathan lnto jeopardy . dMINI In df91r-and • plain -.. tr.,,.. lormed Into • -aymbof ; "'°"" • * * ...... The o.vll" (1954) Humphrey 9ogact, ,,_,..., .ipn., • l..OVI.. AMI.NCAA ITYL.I "Oiaotdar In The Co.Kt" Mabel II being IUed by en unaoruou&out taal drlvat -~ L>MGUMMI (O)MOYll * * '°TM Puntallmanl OI Anne" (t974)Catl Roberta, Mlfllyn Roberti A women flnd1 h9rMll torn bat- • men and •woman and It IOtOed 10 lhOw her obedl· anc9. Cl) LOLA ,ALANA: TMa AMT LAD'I OIJ LAI Vl!GAI LOlll f....,. performe "I Wiii Sun11111," "Loya The One You're With" and "WhO WHI 84iy?" In 1 con· 0at1 performance l1om the Aladdln Hotel In Lii Vegae Cl)MOYll • * * "LOOklng For Mr Oooclb«" (1977) Ol•ne K .. lon, Tueld1y Wald A 1oc;la ily rapre11•d 1ohoo1teac:11e1 •••k• esc:ti-iant by frequenting llnglel bare and luring Vat· IOu• man lnliO -.n1g111 llandl. 'R' t2lOl 8 (I) WCCt..000 t2:IO 8 QI I.Aft HIGKT ~ DAVIO Ll'T'TUIMAH Ou..1•: author H1rold Conf'ad, lllm director Berry L.vlnaon. ·=-• *'A "Operation Mid Bell" ( 19571 Jldt Lemmon. ErN9 l<OYllCI ,.1:: • * ,..., "DaHI Victory" 1 l97e1 Elaabath Mon1gorn- wy. Anthony Hookinl • MOYIE * * '" "My Favorite SPJ" (IHI) Bob Hooe, Hady L•marr (l)MOYll • • • "Stanlng Over" ( 1979) Bun Aeynoldl. JIM Cl8'fbUl'Qll Alter mon1111 of TV dinner• ard bflnd d•t•. • dlvoro J mag. zlne writer think• ne'1 found ••ue IOV9 wner. • IChOOlteedlar ant«• hi• llfe 'R' 1:108 WOYtl * • * ..... "0..lh a. Nol PtOUd" ( 1875) Arthur HIM J-AleunOer IUI' -""' 1:18rC)MOW • * • '°The Return OI The S.caucue S.Van" ( 19801 M11k Arnott. Gordon C'-"9. Tiie "*'"t>erl of 1 gtoup of college 11uden11 Kllva In Iha prot .. I rnov.- ment dut1ng the '80• gainer tor • wMkend reunion. 'R' 1:2t (8) WTTH A TOUCH CW MMl.DQW Sid c-and Imogene Coca perform t>aggy pantt comedy aAd 111p11tck routin. llong with perfor- mancff by burlHQu• ~lftaall0w~1I Iha lier T'-tte In Flint. Mic:N091'1. , .• ~ • • '4 "An fY9 For An Eye" (ltlll Chuck Norrie, C,Wlllopflaf l.. A San F ranc:taco cot> Quill Ille toroe to avenge the mutMr o1111t pattt* by rnamt>eta ol a drug ring. 'R' 1:AI. MOW •• "' "Jac:kHI Mall" ( 1~21 Wall-Beary, ,,.., • jorle Miiin An eacepae from a lynch mot>~ • hero by preventing • robbery ........ t: 19 CZ) MOVIS • • • "Minnie An<I 1\408- kowill" ( 1972) Gan• Row· lllndl , Seymour CuMI A mllm•lehad c:oue>la ll•ug· gla to rarnllin together dMClll• fllelt many dlff• • -2:2t®MOVll •••• "NelWOfk . ( 19711) F•y• Dun•w•y. P11er Finch An llOlnO televlaion MWllMtn, wf'IOM raltngt are 1taadlfy 1Hpplng. 11 turned Into • r1n11ng proe>hel of Ille alrw••" by a crafty female l>'OQfam· mtng execuuve R 2:408 MOVll * • "Atlt*nt>er When" ( 1973) .JiC1c Warden, Nan Martin A N.w Eng.land family adlulll to wa111me Nfe •lier four aon1 j04n the Mnllca ~1= ** "SWlnglng C~­.,, .. Jo Johneton, CollMn Camp A jo<lfnal..,,, m1j0r 1nrn1re1.. the rank• of • college olle erle1d1ng •Quad to ••POH Ill• ••plot111ion of tne ~teeoer• by the loot. t>allt-.i ·R· Ul{C)WOVll * • "Cellle Annie And Lii· lie 8tltchel (IHI) Burt uinc..ter. John Sevaoe T-tough OUll9wl plc:k up • pair ol tMn•llQI gift• •nd talc• them •!Ong on their ed....,.urn 'PG' uo• WOVll * • "ConQuered City" ( 111651 David Nrven. Marttn S....... Alter Iha Oef .. t of NUl Germany, Am.lean end Btltlth torc:.e 1nernot 1 o QUat d • supply ol arme hidden In a hOlel fr()tfl Greek rebel1 OMOYIE * * "Together?" JICQ.,._ Nne Bl1Mt. M••lmillan Sc:'*' A young women trlel to put-• c:at- delplte the c:lleuVlnlal •Ill· ludee of '* .. .......,, lover •R' 4:008 MOVIE • • ·~ "Tiie Forell R1ngere" ( 111421 Fred MecMurray, Suean Hey- werd When hat for .. 1 , anger l>Oylt lend jilt• her to m11ry a Wffltlly eoc:lel- lta, • -deddel It'• time to lllvpen her com- pe111t111 c:llarme to win 111m !>Kil 4;1S(%) MOV11 * • • "The Leopard" ( 19413) Burl LancHter, C1eu<111 Cardinale G.,1. beldl'1 IMO invaalon ol Stelly r.u1t1 In Ille demo- tion of the etlalOC:f811 In Iha toeial order JOHN DARLING :Oppenheimer': Life work .. . on PBS , , · Ii, nn AO'l'llENBERG ,,,,...._ .... 1t'•d1t••d••'• .. ., ....•. ., ... -MDll•.a- ......... laC...All• , ... II" (1tl0! IJtO T09- n&P1, MiOfltl larraull A "'lddl ... Oad ....,. ~ are IN QUMry ol a _, .. orgenti111on tr;tno to Q9I Ille mlelo411111 tnat one OI them NailowM, 'lit' lc80 CJD * • "Yount,.,,. ,r.,.i· ( t17tl lrlll L.ltaan, K.ith L..,..,. A young Mormot1 llOy ,_ meny ·-·· .. ha approachH aduflhood 1!0CI CC) * * "LOOI! lacll tn Ang•r" ( 19118) Cl1lr1 ltoom. Rlch8'd eunon. lued on 1"9 play by JOlln Otborna Al lhl IHI moment, a MM d11COY9tt lhel he tovee and "MO• hlw .... • ***"The VI Pt" (1"31 E.Mubelh Te~. A!Qnard Burton A• pu- ""lllfl of • delay.ct tt19n1 aw•ll tillla·Oll In the VIP lounge of • London au· pot I, lheff II-tlacorna curlOualy Intertwined CZl • • • "Bladlboetd Juno1e·· 11K5) Glenn F0td, Anne Francie. A Oed;c;8teo y<>ung IMCher 811111'\j)ll to , .. tore order in e b\g-c:Uy training echool wher• tMn·IQe iawle11nna •nd vlOtenca h•ve t1kan root 7:IO { (J * * * ,..., "My Body· guard" ( 19791 Cnrlt Mak•peace, Ad e m 8al0Wln TM ,_ kid 11 I c111c;1go high I ChOOI mek" ltlendl with tne tc:llool OUIC:811 and logelh· et I hey llend up 10 IM CtU• al gang which had pet • aecuted them both 'PO' 1:41 ( Z> * • • * "The Bank Dick" (1940) WC Fleld1 Un• Merkel A men 1nld- Yertantly fOila 1 rOC>t>ery and .. ._.,d9d ..... lot> of l>ank guetd. forc:lng him IO ·-· .... hOIOl;p ·l:OO !CJ "Stevie" Gland• JKll· eon, Mona WM11t>ou1ne A poet II 10,.oed 10 come 111 Q!!P• with me·111m111 •••• "u.tlt Be" ( 1970) The Beatlet Jonn Lennon, Paul Mc:Canney George Herrleon and Aln· go Stitt ••• 1041owad 1111ou9n rehe1 re1l1 recording -.iont end en inpromptu concer1 'G 9:ao Cl) • "OeMrl Trill" f 1935) John W1yne, Mary Kotn· man A •00.0 .... Mtl OUI to lr8') • OatlG of bank robt>er• 10:00 (HJ * tt ·~"A Force Of One ' ( 19791 Chudt Nort11 Jennlfer O'Neoll A mMler ot 111a rnertlal .,., embark• on • revenge-mottvaled Mitch tor Iha klllert ol 1111 lldopled aon 'PG' (f l • * • .. $1111 Stocking• ( 1957) Fred Aetllre. Cyd Ch1r1 ... An Ame<~ lllm prod..c:er become• inVOlvecl with • • ....... RuMAan agent 1n Per" 11 •. "Oeflanc;e' ( 1930) Jen-Mtc:tlMI V1noan1, Tiie- , ... Saldana A O()U(I· ge<IUI young man la.It .. I tone tland eglllntl the •ec:klelt memt>ert of Iha vlOlenl 11r .. 1 gang terrOI· 111ng 1111 nelQht>orhOOd 'PG 10::aO 0 • • Lovera And L18'1" ( 1979) GOl<lte Hewn. Gtencatlo G1ann1no Whlle lr•vellng In Italy, M Amarl- cen gltl ,,._,, and 1•11• 1n love '""'h a m•rri.d man 'R' t1:00(CJ ***"Something OI Value" ( 111571 Roell Hud· aon. Dana Wynter Tna Vio- lence 9nCOU(lleteG by • ~er '"'"' nwn 1n10 •Meller of~ 11:aoCHJ •• • "C_ .. (IHll Rtngo Sterr, Danni• Quaid The c:lownleh metn· t>er of • barely numan ptlhillorlc tribe t>eginl IO d1ecover 111a1 b<'eina and not t>r_, wlll be the key to NI peop61'1 IUMl!val 'PG' 12:00 ......... "Cto..111•" ( 1$47) Aober1 Ryan. Aoe>- er1 Young An antl-Slfftlttc: aoldler ~ I mMla- C:al mu<Mr41f' • **....,"Lei'1Dance" ( 19501 Batty Hutton, Fred Allllre A women ent11t1 ,,,. aid of her '°'"* danc:.- lng pannat 1n an attemi>t 10 reialn cuetocty ol her •·•~"Tlllllf' ...... ,,_, .. (1HO) JoM CW• I fl•••· t'tlylll• Tlt••tff ....,on.,....,.,~ lr11••1 Htm1n1w•y. A CMttar alllpper .,,.. up Ill 1M INddla of 1 ~ llllOot..ut Cl) • •I' "The ,.,, .. (ttlt) l.luran lacall, JllMt Getnet A ~ fll!ll .. ., It *..,,.... "'. ~--··"' (%) ••• "IMdiooetd Junclle'' ( , ... , OteM ,ot •. A1W1 Frlll'IOla A Md'c__, young t..a. llt1el'llj>lt to tMtot• Older Ill • llif.Qty t"'"'"' t C:hOOI wh•r• ,..,,........_and ~ h4Wa taken foot . t;OO CC) "Family Man" ~d "'-· AnM Jadleon Only .,.., 11...ing .,, .,...,, "°" • -r~ Ille flf.iong ·~••to 04hef• OD ••• "The American• tullon OI Emily'' I 1"4) J am•• Oarn.,, Juli• Andrewe Romance g1owe .,.._ • 111111111 Wat Md• -and a non-harOIO off!. oat ~ to prO'tllde hit tupetlorl with IN lullurlal ol llorna l:JO ••• * "Uona For BrHklHI" ( 1878) Jen Rube9. Jim Henlhaw T"'° young t>rol harl. an Old d111ter and • dog put-• dream -a baller Ill• for all on 1n Old larm ·:'"bul eiqie. rtance many llalt-ra1alng edven1ur .. along the wey ·o· 2;()0 (ZJ * • * "Mlllnla And Moak-Ill ( 19721 Gena Rowland• s..,.mour ~ Ml A milmllcl\ed c:oue>ia ll•uggle 10 remain logeill· • delplle In.It many dif· ... _ 2;30 ($) • • • "The GI ... Bot· l()tfl Boal" (1941411 Oorll D1y, Rod Tl~ A phytl· CHI ~ lnVOlvecl with • gift w"O poMe ... ,,_. maid petl•llfl'\e J:OO fll • * *...., "The Eddy Duc:llln Story' ( 19591 TyrotWt Powe<, Kim NOYek P1e11111 Edd>' Oucnln tlgllll 10 m•ka It 10 IM top of hll pt of- f CJ* "S.C•ef Valley" A gtoup of youngttert lry 10 help en Old men lurn a ghol1 town lnlO a .....,._ camp (H) • • • ·~ · The f0ut SeHone · ( 1981) At•n Alda. CarOI Bu<neu Thf' .. coupln, Ill cloM, tong· time frlend1, eapetlence profound Chenget In thelt raletlot\ltllpe wtletl one of tne m1rr11g•1 dl11n- 1agr11.1 .. PG' ......... My&ooy· guard ' ( 1979) Chrll M1llep11c:•. Adtm Baldw+n Tiie ,_ kid at a Chicago 111gn 1c;11001 maltM Irland• with IN achOOI OU\1: .. 1 and IOgtlh- er they II and up 10 fhe C:IU• .. oeno ~ heel per. MCUleG ,,......, t>olh 'PG 4• (%) • * • • TN Bank Ooca" (1940) WC Fialdt, Uni Merkel A mM lnaO• venently fOlla • rOC>t>ery and ,, _.,d9d the jot> of t>enk guard. forcing him to) ·-. rMI hOldup 4:JO <Cl * • • "Lolita" ( 194121 JatMI M-. Sue Lyon BUM! on the atory by Vla-_ .._bollOY A~ aged ptof-tool<• 10 • 5trange young gorl on en eflort IO find h~ 1$) •*'"'"Toby And The Koala 8eat" (18811 Roll Harri• live action and an•· matlon comt>fne to tall Iha •• ot • young t>oy and htl pet koala In Aullr.,..·1 frontier deya 'G •• .., * •• "Rainll .. Coun- 1y' (19571 Ehul>el" Ta)4or. Montgomery Cllfl During Iha CMI Wer. e ceptrvattno Southern t>afle II dee•· mined 10 h•,.. the man of her c:llolce ttg8fd.... of Iha conMQuencee 1: te CZ> • • "Daf1enoe" 119801 Jen.Mtc:nMI Vlncant, T.,._ ,... Saldena A cour•- 0--young man talc .. • lone •land agalnll ..... reek .... "*"barl of the viOlenl •treat gang terror-wno 1>11 nelghbortiood 'PO' 9:30 (J:O • * "Young A/tld Free" ( 1979) Etlk Let-. 1<9111' ~ A young Mormon llOy ·-~·-·· .. he 1pprOac:hH adulthood 'PG' by Armstrong & Batluk 'Norman,"' 'Pond,' 'Cruciler~ open ' NeWJM)l1 ThHWr A.rt.I C.nwr, 2001 and ''The J'roat • .,., •• , the w•'· &r..'YIR h'• opentna w .. k for two dlnner theattn ancf tht wauna Moulton ~ .... Norman. II That Your• rtvlalta the HarleQuln, ''On Ooldtn Pond" 11rtw1 at 8eblldan'1 Wiil and \)'9 ~ Moulton Play~"""" the U&fi .. up on '4Cnadf• ol B&ood!' lllftlll•I Cliff Drive , Newport Beach mln1ter Coaununlly Theater •IUI (87&·3143), wlndlna up rrtday and (990-411S), both~ l'ndayt and Jal Nor1h, once known• DlnrUI the UtNa on the tube, ~YI tbt title role ln °Norman," the well·t.rawltd comedy about a mktdJe...-cl man (Al Checco) who vlaltl hil ton In New York and find.I out th• youn1 man pnftn bit vice vent. The ahoW Optnl toniabt and rww throuah June 13 at the lladequln, S003 8 . lWt>ot Blvd., Santa Ana, wlth reeervatlona beln1 taken at 979-0511. Vet.enn movie and tiace ICtOI' Pat O'Brien. hie wife l!!kUe and daµchter Bri&ld head the cut of "On Golden Pond" at Sebutlan'1, 140 Ave. Plco, San Clemente. The •taa• venlon of the popular movie playa throuah June 20 and ticket• are available at 492-9950. Both dinner theaten are dark on Monday nt1ht1 and offer perfor- mancet at varied cu.rtaln Umet Tues- daya through Sundaya. P!rRowe .. moundna ''Crucif•,'' a IMrlook HoJ.mt. mr.J ry drama, wtth ~ Woode YiNr the .... endary aleut.h and lc'llail Crown •Metiftl Dr. Wat8on. OtMr1 ln t.ht CM\ are A1frtd LuUllN. Wahs J)aly, Geor1• Pellin&. Ka~ohuon, WchM.l Blella. nm Norman w~ Boben Brown. Ltnday Karl. T~ lloulhtan, Mike Band.1ln and "Jim Ryan. "Cructfer of Blood" open.a Friday evenln1 and will play Tu11day1 throulh Satu.rdaya at 8 JUn. thei.f- ter until June 1?1 with Sunday mati· nea at 2:30 on May 1e and 30 at the Moulton, 607 Lacuna Canyon Road, i...,un. Beech. Call •~·0743 for rw- ervationa. While ~three lhowt are bowinl ln, llx othen are bowinl out aJonc the 4 Oranae Cout. Giving tbelr final per- formances are: -"DA" at South Cout Repertory, 655 Town Center Drive, Coiata Meu (967-4033), playing tontaht throuah Saturday at 8 p.m., Sunday at 7:30 and weekend aftemoom at 2:30. -"SEE «OW 1'11EY RUN" at the Saturday at_, p.m. Satu.rdtya thl'ouP*Ma.J 22. -.. PIPPIN" at UC lrvtne'1 Con· cen Hall, numtn1 tont1bt throu1h CALLBOAIU> -8tbMU1n'1 Wiit Saturday at I p.m. wttti a S.tw'dAy Dinnll' ~t-. wUl hold audltticn matinee at 2:SO. Call ~17 for ln· for ltl m ••a.or,. M" on Mon· farmt. CHBaAY ORCHARD," day and Tuelday ot next W.-at tbe HoUywood ..... Temole ... non· Anton Ch1khov•1 claulc drama, •t union aud1Uom wW be held May 22 at Oran1• Coa1t Coll111, Co1ta Mnt the San Clemente 'IbMW, 140 Ave. , (DM·H27), cl~ out with perfor· Pico, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. . . . SHOWBIZ -Jenny Jerone and Rob Wood are •~8 p.mTh. lnu~ thro~~hb.Saturday BACUTAOE -"'Jlldl a5harkey, Ule featured in .. FoW.. a la (;an. ll'' at the San .,. Drama...,. Clemenw c.ommunJty Th.,ater. J'tna1 perfor~ _ .. POWES A LA CARTE U" at El Toro playwrlaht who'• already rnancM a.re Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. Call: the San Clemente Community The· been repr .. ent.ed locally thlt year 4~0465 for lnfonnation. h with the Or-. C.owlty premie1W of ater ~92-0480), • variety • ow on "Who'• on Ff.ntt'' and .. Play On,'' now ------------ lt.aae Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. ln hu a world pnmiere ln the workl at ~"1!11!!'~~!1! the Clbrillo PlayhOW1e, 202 Ave. Ca· the San Clemente Community The-brillo, San Clemente. ·--.. DEATH OP A SALUMAN" by a ..... r. It'• "Your J'lake or Mlne?" -the Showcue Production1 ln the Wett· laie.t comedy from Sharkey'• prolific mln1ter Auditorium, 7571 WHt· pen, and one the author will be dl· mlNter Ave., We1tmlnlter (957-2516) rectlng himlelt. It opena June 3 for a performlna Friday and Saturday at four-weekend run In the Cabrlllo 8:30 and a Sunday matinee at 2:80. AddJtJonall t •'--r -'--w• con Playhoule, 202 Ave. Cabrillo. y, WO Ow""' auu • Featured In the cut are Tom Ne• tlnue their re1pective engagementa, both with 8:80 curtain•. They are verman, Joan Ray, Steve Czl1uth, "Vi.lit to a Small Planet" at the Hun-Tom Wheeler, Chrl1ta Mou and Jack'• daughter, Beth Sharkey. You Ungton Beach PlayhoUte (847-4465) can get more 1n1onnatJon at 492--0465. At Laguna, managtna director "'------------~~-~--~------~--~~-~-----~--~--~---~--- Suspense, comedy in 'Diva' By YAADENA ARAB . ""''' .......... "DIV A" la French di- rec1or Jean-Jacquea Bei- nelx'1 tint feature - length effort, and what a marvelous debut It La - an offbeat IUlpenae story with overtones of fanta- sy and comedy. offers everything in casual country club elegance • 27 holes of ch1mplonahlp golf • 25 tennis courts (8 llohted) 1be central figure ia a youna po1tman named Jula with a pallion for opera and particularly for an independent min- ded American 1oprano who refu1e1 to make recorda. Julet clandesU· nely tape. one of her concerti and at the ume tlme unwlttlnaly take• polHHlon of a taped confeulon by a call girl blowtna the whlltle on a htahly placed crime tta- ure. Soon while devel- opln• a friendahlp with the sl"lft' I he la pursued by record pint.ft, thugs and police and lheltered by a precodout lhopllft.er and ber eccentric boy- friend. • 2 swimming and hydrotherapy pools • 348 deluxe sleeping rooms • nestled In beautiful Rancho Mirage, Calif. (in the Palm Springs area) at base of the magnificent Santa Rosa Moun ta Ina Come aee IOI' yourself why we've become "The Gem of the Desert" ~~"·· T RANCHO LAS PALMAS RESORT· 41000 lot> lioPe Oflw AMcflO ...... Cellofnlll 92270 (71 4) set-2727 01 loll ,,..l800t 22H290 You'll be ll•d you camel ~ -·~ ~·~.J~. "DA" by Hugh Leonard The Beet Play Of 1871 and winner Of W«Y maJof BtoeclWllY A*Wdl A thOrougHy beaUNlna P«tnlt of• eon'• need to come to term. wrtfi hit '•"*· • loYlble old lrlltwnan who11 1plrlt and lrrepre11lble opt1m11m ~ NI ton frOm cyndtm to ICQePtanCe and Joy. ~MOW PU YIMCI :..-- Aprl u ""'""' ..., 1' Malnstage Curtain Times: T uelday-Seturday at 8 p. m. Sundlv It 7:30 p.m. Sat. and Sun. MatlnNI It 2:30 p.m. Limited Seating Stlll Available . ( . .___~=~~~-..... ---:r,~ NOW PLAYING °"''"°' IOUTll tnAllll wwuos uoouuca COAIT rWA ...... ""'° Et Toro 591 5880 TOWie COUii Ct•MAI MAU C•MA UA CITY C*llU Co&ta MIU 7St 4184 Miu.on Viejo 495 8220 Orenot 834 3911 ITUMIM OAlff·tl UA Ct•IU lDWAllDI WOOOllllDOI Orll!Ot 839 8710 WtSlllWIS!tt etl OS48 t1Vlftt SSI 06SS WllLA rAllll TirMI l .. AMI fOUWTAtl H UH •--• Ora1191639 0066 fOUlllain Y*t 83t 1~ --- NOWPlAYINO _...,... __ , ... ...,. _ ... .-r••aun -•""~ er .. ~1<$MO ,_v.11.,ntuoo _ ... ftAU ·--.. u•nJt _..,ts4t _,..IMU..._ ...... c-. C8IT'8 ...... -. .... •••rr C.. .... tit 4UI ...... Ht•SS ..... , ..... ~ P..c_.,. OMIT ...... ft1 JMJ or..,. e:M HU U.-Mii ... I St • Nmf .. tlUn ...... _...MWnlCMlfPUZA ,_¥.,,,ttlt .. t .... ~a.llAI C.. .. 151-41 ..... ----- LUXURY THEATRES ....... ~g Economy ... Ont hi HolH Only 12:00 2:30 5:00 7:30. t :66 *BARGAIN MATIN•••• Monday thru l1turd1y All P1rfo,m1ncH befo,. 5:00 PM (bc.,C ,,_... l•ll•Mt 11M1 HIMlyt) H•t ~IC IUM ANO •C•llWUY "OHAlllOTa Of' ,.,.. .. '"°' ",. ... ' •• ot , •• "80m KM> OP MIRO" Ill) -----"- ... YOUCOUU> .. WMATIHUW'(N) 111', ............ lM<fWOOD Cf NHP SOUfH ,.,., • '" -41Cfta--"<* 00&.MM POm" 4"l ------l "VtCTOR VICTORIA" 1Mi1 ,, ............. .. "URQHt A MUllC WAit'' 1111 ------ "9' YOU COULD Ill .~~! ··-~~= ~ "PARTMIR8" 1•1 "·' 1 ., • ,. • \\ t .. '' .. MllT"Ct~ ••K.......U.¥ "OHANOTI OI' ,_. 4"1 __ .. __ -lovlll Coott Ntwoy otttooOwoy 414-1514 ... , l'teft#fll "' , ........ "CHARIOTS OF FtM" ,,.,., MOM••t ,. •• l•f1'4t111 , t<o\ ... , ••• "PARTNERS" '"' MON fltt It\ t .. ,., '"" , ......... . ..... 1' -al: .. ....,,. .... tM,OltlA':!,!C>TICl! CMILOIUN UNOI" IZ '"II! llllW IM ..... ftl 7:tt • Sit.. Ila, lflMtri t.te CM.41 .-• l1MI .-(..a UGO IS tOllll llUli:O r• NO /111 c..a NOO lllTlt OllTlllll llCUUCll'f IOlllOI --.. !llllll&lt•llU ~ ~ ... "" .... •~A••I ~ ANAHEIM Ol/IVE IN ··-·•••l-.. 179·9110 ....WATI UIHONI" 111 ..,..,.nw.. .. "" Cl... fl '°""° ,_ Jf ,, A, J A II• BUENA PARK ORIV! IN UftcOln A¥0 w.-01 C11ctll 121-4070 ---- • I "t .. ~ A"' f LINCOLN DlltVl IN "POW ll\9f WOMO""" -._,om llft.'"1111 C..·1150llllO ... YOUCOULO- WMAT I NIM""' """ ...,.. _.., "°""' ST091¥~ ... -........ ,. .-; '~ " IA HABWA II/IOI IOj ....... ........... _ ... •n-•'2 ' . OPANGf ll~ • f IN C9llf " '°""° 1. "iiinlr~ 2. "CAT NOP\.r' 1111 S."AIC>Y W~'I nlA* ... TllN" di! Ctllt JI M111111> "f'ftlVATI LlllOHS" 1•1 l'lu• ",.A"""9111" 1•1 Cllll II IOU'IO 1eoc11 '"'a So al G<lfoe<I °'°"' ,._, 191-3693 •n "CTIMI I# Tiii HM "CHMtOTI °' ,. .. -· -"""'"""" ... , C.. H ------"tlOMY'l" fNI --W•lfllOCFflll '""' " toullO .. . . . . ' . . . . AT WILSON FORD ; BUYING HERE IS NO 'GAM.BLE-- ll'S ''KEEl-0'' • • • YOU · 'GET A CATION IN WITH EACH NEW OR USED CAR or TRUCK SOLDI RICHandDICKWILIONIAY: AT NO COST TO YOU WE'RE TESTING OUR MEDIA'S 8 9e -ADVERTISING RESPONSE. uar801 .. YOU CAN BUY NOW ao~bl'. /C'4._-:ll•1J1w. ·l•a1ll• 1111 l•rllllalm and PAY US LATERI .& e,~, ..... 3 DAYS/2 NIGHTS FOR TWO WE WILL WAIT FOR YOUR A SJNio .J RENO. ~EVADA 1NcoME TAx REFUND t ·::o;:::::: .. --... auNDOWNa FOR DOWN PAYMENT ON ! :=.=:--.:.:=. Ii J#'.M"-P U R C H A S E o f ANY . / :~..=...... N E W or U S E D CARI .......................... -........ ,..._.., ___ ._...c.-°"" ....__..,,. ... _ ........ ,.....,....... .... ~ ...................... ----.... --.--..... -............. , .... ___. ... _ _,, _....... ..................... ..... .................. ...._,, ............ -................. , ...... ..-,. ....... ---------•..--·-~· --:v:.·- ~110 __ _ .. _...,..__ __ ......... ___ _ TRY THIS RV - You ~ ., • T-TOPS TO TRUCKS MINIS TO MOTOR HOMES! '11 BUICK RIVERA Auto .. air OOf\d., pwr. ..... ,,.,, ....... MUfM, ~&";~ ..... , 7 9 PLYMOUTH HORIZON • dr •• 4 ..-,.!~'°· alt _.. UL l"""t9' '79 CHEVY MONZA 2 Or., auto. tran• .. air oond .. 4 oyt., pwr. •tr .. radlO. Uc. f11YD '.8 1 teetltY CAPRI RS ,,,,... ,,.., ..... ,,.. .... -· _... 111UY1CM) '8 0 MERCURY CAPRI RS lunroet, .ir concl .. pwT. .... Mtlo 4 •• 4 •• Uc. IMIAY '81 FORD FUTURA 4 Or~ owt. !flt., I -rt•. ....... ,.. .•. ......... .. ....(UL, '79 FORD PINTO ~adlo. Ilk. Lio. '7 9 C .. YSLER !-!.t¥,.£N AT VACATION FO '81 FORD MUSTANG I dr .. •or• .. ,..,r, 'll·i :::..9tl: ,~'·"· '79 FORD RANCHERO Awto. tran•., air oot1d., t:,'f~ pwr. •t-. '81 FORD ESCORT l'a ttton Wagon. Cl , OMNtt•, 4 apd., 11,611 lftll9e, I 121100 FAIRMONT Ollla, VI, •dr .. tleteo, -/lm.auto.=afl'W'· ~UG. '7 8 TOYOTA PICK UP 4 ~. 4 1PC1 • AM redlo, "' -(1Mt7at) '79 HONDA cvcc 40ll..4 ...... ..... (ltlWVIQ I l GlASSlfllD Tue.day, May 11, 1882 Looking for a career in sales? See today 1 s Help Wanted ads , classification 7100. .... lMENTS, rmtllAlS & LOST & F81NI UhlCES ~ ... Ootwt .. , OIPLOYllEMT & PlfPAIAnett -• ... rwi.e ~\-::::.-.,, .. IOCIWIW -... •n --.. --------~ THE REAL ESTAT&:RS ... ,_. • NL'lft Ouutandlng ¥9lue In tNI in--... home on~ HC:. Ovettlled lot. F.R. wlfrplc:. OMl« wll ~ with flnenc:lng. A 8reat buy 11 S23 t , 00. 751-3191 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J4 8"1\ 'J• G• ,. •, B 675 010 1 ...... 673-8585 Tllla '°"""' • 8drm 2 ea Maka your 1nopp1ng ea-home otfen grMt loca· lier by u1ing tne Daily tlon and good terma. Pilot Clusifled Ad• ..................... _. .... .... ANUm• 1 'A% 1at T.D. and owner wlll help fl· nance. Thia home h11 frMh paint, nearty new Cetpel. gar. dOOf °'**. ,_ dllpolal & D/W. ~ price S 15 2 ,900. 831·7370 = ------===----· TFUDI T 10\~L REALTY = Rud lhe c:l&Nlned Id• f :,: the beat deel1 In apart· -ment rentals 842-5678 ----- "'" -------- IPEI WEl•lllY 11 te I , ... 1lll UST l&f 111.IM" I llU MWNIT IAnml DTITI With. 60' on Newport Bay. Sweeping, panoramic view from the Pavlllon to the mounta i ns . Authent ic architectural statement throughout this 3-atory residence plus 4th floor observation tower. The quality and craftsmanship In this d ignified structure -otter spacious rooms & rlvacy, In addition to generous ndoor & outdoor balconies, patios and courtyard entry . Thia magnificent vllla offers two wings for private living. Thia Includes 6 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms, a ormal d ining room, 2 kitchens, ormal llvlng room, large famlly room & mu c h m ore . A aeparate, selfcontalned matter aulte. Large pier and float wlll acc.ommodate boats. A detailed brochure will be available upon request. $2,850,000 fee land. Adjoining guest apartment, plua 3 car garage avallable for $395,000 on a separate 45x100 ft. IOt. WATERFRONT HOMES, tl'fC REM. ESTATE ~ ~·· ... .,..,. .. ~"' 14l6 W C-1 ~ l IS M.llW ~ HMlott &.ell ..,. l*'d .,...... .,,.. ... ' MTUITD South Of Padflc Coast Highway. Two Bedroom, One Bath Cozy Corona del Mar Cottage. R-2 Lot. Room To Expand. $257,000. Sharon Collins' Listing. UITOllTIMIU Architect'• Home -Private Entry Courtyard W/Spa -Fireplaces In Liv. Room & Family Rm. Open F1oor Plan Ideal For Entertaining -Private Courtyard For Master Suite. $237,500. BtnnJe Dixon'• Listing. 759-91• n c.,....,._ ......,.,.c-.r • 1111• TIWlmi•-VI .............. -' J:'i....., .. 2 w, ..... 11 ••tar•"'"''" ew ... .,., ..... .,....,.. ... a .. u11,-. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC REAL ESTATl '""'' R#,,,.,i, Ptnprft\I M.tn.t¥"""" 24:W. W l IM•I H"'\I ~l llt«h 611-1400 AESIOENrlAI ACAL lSTATE SERVICES HI llU llH- Cultom home w lth cu.tom flnan- cln11 Fabuloue French country home wlth ocean vlew in a very apedal beech atmoephere. Ownen will h elp f ln.nce to meet your needl. S1H,- IUI IUll 2 bdrm cottage. So. of Hwy. great potential. Bemlta Ellertaen, r1tr. •un• 8-Jt. Deoofator Home. 3 Br. Broedmoor with Pool and Sp&. Seller wtll Help Finance. Aaklng 0 75,000. Agt. John, 831-<>213 876-2373 Of 720-0740 C..I•... 1114 ~521 CAM""DI:~ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .....•.•.•.........•.. \ ( .-/ l J 1: l· 11 •I I. °' "••I .,_., ., ....... , ....... 3 bedroom r•nctler, Auettc ramify room wlttl large brick fir~ eullt on woe tt lot. 1121.IOO ...._, wit· llno to helo looei for ,,... ' otl1ble fCMnotno. Celt AMELL. t7t-nl0 1BllS YU 6117 Walk to your private naquet club. Walla of .-, view of Sedclleblck, ntpl from pool. m,hly moUva.S ..u.r will help In dM linaDdna or ~ ._.,,.,. .... opdm ... yw wllb •lnlmu• 411own . Only '""* -- llWNIT IUTll ArC'hltttll, deal1nPra, plannrn Two lpll<'f't In Nt"wpori Ct'ru er Ont' II 2000 llq II and OM I.I 3000 .q It V t'f'/ favorablP rall'll Wll• hlllTI CoLt', Brokorr Well dee:. 2Br Npl Cretl condo. CloM lo amenl· 1l e1. putlal view 11200/mo. 131'°"80 Lrg 4 Bdrm. 11mlly rm c:u11om pool home In • country 1ttllng 1 2000/mo le1H. In· c:ludet wal.,, gatdener & pool a1rvlc:1 Bkr 831·7370 BHu• o.i.,..11•" ...................... ,,.,,., 1m ...................•.• IUTIU YMrty.Weeldy-Wln1et, 2. 3, 4 Bdrmt . .111111 IEll. n PlllPUTY 11111. 111·1111 ~, ... lt•la••I• 1Z01 ..••.................. Charming/Sparkling. 2 llory, 4 bdrm. 2 b1/ f1- mlty rm on Penln. Point. I blk from Baac:h and Bay. Yearly ..... SUOO mo 875-0375 c.,, .. ,_, llM 1.Ul •...•..•••.•.•.......• $pygl111 4 Br f1mlly room, 2 frplc ocean/ ha.rbor vt.ws S1950/mo 645-0778 I Spectacular OCMn & city tight• view from every room. Large & 191CfOU1 2 Br. many 1menltlH. S1200/mo. Cd Anthony day1 842·5757. eve1 & wtlnd• 831-e630 . Lg• newly remod. 3Br. 3b1 & ram rm, In Irvine Terr. S 15 00 /mo . 831-7118, 845.o.445 ~.r!tt'!!!r.~ 8 UNITS COSTA MESA, need• work, great po· tentlal. S310K. Jotln 846-7880 AGT t .,.., .. ... NI.IC... w NOnCI N11'Nlal,.Wll ~·Tffii.!i-1 OHHI OOUMfY iu1i•uo. P\llJC = .... tf•W um .... w OCMMT Piir•teoue-11 TM ............. .,.~ Tiit fOllOWlllO S>eftoft It dOfllf Nt 0.-. 0-.. ..... W. ..... If A,_, ~ • ...... ti ..... -. GA__, 1119 folowMt ...,_. ., ..... MNTJHG UNl.IMITID, '*' Aflf .. OWIHO,CA11H 0 •••• 'LAl.n.,, 01.fN '"°""Tiii ~ -I =-A=,...,..."•· .c.t. oodl .. =.t~OI =~o ... cc:;.:~L~e:;"O-Tu~'::~~=-~=~: ,,., J, IMllll, 11071 Alft_.• "°°"Y ~. M .. Cofone del Mat, CA CHllHQ ...0., t Oeldotllit oorpo. L..,ne ~1 CA fHN, .... LW. ~ leellt, 0.. tlM7 retlOn, QWAH 0 Ill, YIHQ WA.HO, Ol'lld M .... ot. INOI CIMt ..,.,. = ,.... tMil'ltt .. ~eo by an tind DOU I""°""' 10, lnclluelwe "'*· Utt 107, LIOunt .... CA "1 IC. lmlttl, 11071 AM-llldMcMI ........ tH53 IMfwloll ~Hvlllln!l'Otl ....... ~ W. ,ONlo c-.._ _,. P«ty .. Hlnale. tNOt 0.... C........ · Tiiie Mttemenl -llled wtltl Ille NOTtCll Vev -..e ....._ et1e4. ~..t II* 101, L1811N Hiia. CA Tiiie ""''""' ,, 001\clllOI., Illy County CMrtt of On11109 Coull~ Oii Tiie ... ""'-.......... ,... lncN . .,,.1.._. ~ & ~ Alt' It, tlll. wtl"-1 '"'lltMI ....,, ......._ Jeoll Lo11e , 1407 IHO'"' ,,_ J. ......._ ,,_ ,_ ,.... _.... • .,._ .._., Orlw, Cofone del Met, CA •Ha ,.... lUU!llWll ....... Wiii.. fJulJll•lltd Ora119e COH I Delly .............. $$ ...... Thie buMleM It ~ ~ • Coun~ C*1I of Or.,. 0ouney Of1 fllloe. April at, May 4, 11. 111. .1892. II YOll WWI lo ... 1111 MMc;e of geMtel per1'*'9NI) • .._,I, UIU. tM2-ll an tltorney In lltlt m11tor. you Jtcll ~ ,_ ·-... --el10Uld do IO P'OMpUy tO lh•I YO\lf ''"-tlatemem w .. flled Wltlt..,. '"ll>ll•lltd Otllltt Ooaat Dally ~ nvtrK wrttt.,, rttj)OftM. 11 My. mey .,. 11. COunty Cieri! ol OfMOt Coullty on NcM. Mey 4, I 1, 11. It, 1Ma. l'ICTmOUI ...... led Oii lllN, Ap!M I&, INI. 1--;.... ______ toeO..u__ NAM1 tTATlimJrr AYf•Ot UtlM Ila •Ide dO"ta,.. T-'ef, .._.. I t ....... ._. ••.,. lllft'l'IM TM lollowt119 l*IOl\1 110 doing dotlo. II trl•t1•et ~ Neldtr A ,....,.. ........... ~ ""''-bullllw.. .....,. w. ............... .....,_ Law~ ....... SNAP. '1.TD. ,. 01011• 8101• ~-·Ui. , .. ,.,. •• ,.,.,, ..... TlwM""""......,.,.... ...... P1CTmOUe IU..... '°'" INIM, CA H7t4. ... LM la lfi ..................... .......,. ....... c: ......... - MAllll ITATllmNT TIM DITULIO, #I Clo11• 91o•· II Utltd o...t t0ll01t1t et c;on• P ~ Of C .!..,•~ Tiit totloWlno ""°"' a10 doing '°'"· IMrM OA t2714. Mjo dt Ull •boo*IO "" .... MUnlo, u .,. OMI ~~ • ~ ... MA .. flN CUNll. ,. CIOllO dtb«\l llacttio ll\fn9dllt111Nij'118, do APftl 20, 27. Mey 4, 11, 1882. IOHUMl.OHl!lt. OALVC .. T & em-i. IMM, CA 9a114 .. ,. "*'-'•· "',...,.,_,. HCflll, 17~~ ~EM. t4 tO AlplJ., ...,,,t~ Tllll tMil'lte 11 ~ed by a et Illy eigww, llUllde -regltttld• l9Motl Callfomla tH4I gentrel Pft'll*ll\lp. • llempo ----------Robert Ooufla• SchumlChOt, Tim DITullo I. TO THE DEFENDANT A c;lvll rta.IC NOTIC( t'10 Alpln•. Hunllng1on 8Hell Tltlt •••'-• wu flied wttlt 1118 complelnl hH b••n ltled by th• c,... . ._ Callfornle t*I / ~l't C1ett1 of OtlnOf Coullty Oii plallltllf :· YoU II you with lo NOTICI ()ti n.u.1U't M&.I MIOllHI Otnt C1lvor1. 314 Ai>fll te, IN2. ~I leMull. YoU tnu91, Within Trwt .... nm Notti! ,opl•t. Or•no•. C111tornl1 ,tl7 .. 30 dtyt •It•,,. tumme>M 1• .... On M1y 25. IH2 ., 11:00 1.m. t2Ma . Publltlltd Oranoe CoNt Otllt't Pilot. lled on you .. Ill• with Ihle COUtl • FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INIV-Lynn lt11.1b•lh Pow•re. 314 April 20, 27. May •. 11, 1H2. wrlUen t••l>OllM 10 the complelnl. RANCE COMPANY. I Ceflfotl\l• YOUNGF.ST BODYBUILDER? -Angie Ge· mallky mulclet up the welght bar aa she bench preue. 7S pounds during one of her daily workouts at a Lansing gym, At age 10, Angie ,,, •. , .... la believed to be Mkhian'• -and maybe the nation's -youngest lemale ln competitive bodybuilding. Nortlt Poplat Oreng• C111tornl• 1717~ urn-'fOU do Ml, 'tOUI deflUlt d eotpor••lon. u rtu1t ... or 5'-. t2Me • • •-ic W'lnrt be entered on epptlc•Uon of the '°' TruelM or Substi1"1ed Trvttee, T,. ~II c;ollductec:t by • n~ nv•rK plllntlff, Ind ll'lle court mey enter• ol thlt certain Oeecl of Tru•I ._ .. .-.-.. ..-..-ehlp judgment eoeirwl you 1°' the rotlel d b RUT PORTE .. -~ ~ D. ~ FICTlTIOU• IU ... U demanded in Ille c;omc>ltlnt, wNch c;ul• Y H H "•I Thl8 etetemenl wu nled with the NAMI ITATIMIHT c;ould rH ult In g11nlthment of ~=~.~~:;'~~ci::r == Coun~ Clettl of OtllflOt Coun1y on The follOwlng 1>«110n• .,. doing ~~,;~~:~.~ :=,f.g'~! 29, 1te 1 ., lnetrument no. 3400f, 1n ApfM ' 1842 ' ' ~:f'FEET, 0031 H•mtllon complalnl ~~~90,':;, ~~ = Publl•h•d Or1nge COH I Dolly A-. Hunllngton BMch. CelHor· 0.ted Septambef 18· 1912 nl•. i nd pureuent to thol certain Pilot. Apfll 27. May 4, It, 18. 1H2. nle 92e-4e LM A. 8'encll, Clerk Nollce ol Deleutt 1nd Etec;1lon 10 1809-12 Denni• F1edorlc;k Luttrell, Jenny V Moreno, Sell the1eund9f rec:orded J111u1ry ---.---.,.-..,..-~----2tHt 80'1•m• Ln .. Huntington MAltTIN ,. lflAMO Deputy 22. 1912 at tn11rumen1 no. '"-nv1-. Beach. Catll0tnl1 92&46 ltO Newpot1 C...t« Dfl" 82-025465. In bOOll -. page -. of Ttnout M1urM11 Allee Lu111ell. 211161 luite 1111 0tt1e1e1 Rec:otd• ol Uld County, wttt ':Am ITA:=• 8eh•me Ln .. Huntington BHch, Hewpot1 9-lt CA t2lltO undet •nd puttu8nt to Mid [)Md of Teddy Bear back irt town Stuffed-bear sales more than SI 00 million nationwide Tit• lollowlng peraon 11 doing C•,!!!?_!'nbule -~~.8 .... ~duct .... by an PubU"14ICI Ot1nge ~I Delly PllOt. Trust Mii •• public euctlon for CMh, '""' .,,~ •• """' "" •ft 11 20 27 M • 11 1982 lawful money ol the Unlled Stat. o1 ~ u : lndlviduel .....,r ' • ay · · · America. et th• m1ln enlrenct to (el W. F. L COMPANY: (b) MeurMll A. Lunrett t764-l2 Flrat Amerlcen Tiiie lneurenco NEW YORK (AP) -Theo- dore Bear haa come out of the cloeet to mike everything all ri&ht ap1n. He'• viaiUng friends and touring the world, dre9ling up and going oul Teddy'1 back in the arms of a generation that once gave him up for man IJ'GtVD-up toys. He'1 a ti.Ir again -and he llket ll ''People are beginning to trea- 1ure Teddy Bean 1Raln all over the world. They're a 1_ymbol of survival. Here'• aomething that aaya we can all get through it. It uya, ·u I eurvived, ao'can you,•'' aaya Peggy B&alosky, who wrote the book on Teddy, The Teddy Bear C..tatoe. Stuffed bear sales nationwide have been eatimated at more than $10 million a year. Sales of one popular bear, retailing from $13 to $700, are up 60 percent over the put y9r. Teddy'• doleful eye1, floppy ears and hair worn thin by too many bugs have endeared him to children for 80 years. He kept aec:reta, abtorbed teara and al- ways took our llde. But 1omethng happened to Teddy. He'• a bear loom-a col- lectible with monetary u well 11 sentimental value . .Now people 111111ma1 who thought they'd outgrown their Teddies are resurrecting them. A newspaper cal.led The Teddy Tribune baa aeveral hundred paying 1ublcrlbera. The Take • Teddy to Lunch Society took their stuffed bean to lunch at the Algonquin Hotel to honor A.A. Milne, creator of Winnie-the- Pooh. Good Beara of the World, f nonprofit group with "dens" ln nine states, gives stuffed bean to children and publltbet Bear Tracks, a quar1erly newsletter. A calendar with Teddy Bear pinups made ita debut thia year, selling out all 127,000 copies. Soon there'll be Teddy Bear sta- tionery (for you, not the bear), Teddy Bear poetera and Teddy Bear pina. Some bears up for adoption carry lofty titles like Douglas Bearbanb,WUliam8hakesbear and Bea.riahnikov. Others already have a family and more Wldful names: Butch, Bon'go, Freddy, Pendleton and Bearon von Tip- toe. And now a be1r named Aloy- aiua, from the televiaiorr aeries baaed on Evelyn Wauah'1 Bri- cSe.heed Revisited, ii the hottest thing 111¥.le Pooh-bear. Twenty-four bean won cuh J>rlzee and e~-paid trt.-to ~ew York in the ffrat natlon1l Teddy Bear.Conie.t. The contest, 1nnounced on the back of the 1982 Teddy Bear calendar, dreW about ~.~ entrf•. Doctors. lawyers. telchen and bquaewives 1ent pictures and penonallty profilea of their IWf • fed frienda. One bMr wae a ac>CXt cook, another w• a I.at.her fiaure and a third w~ a baa lady. Moat were over 50 )'Mn old. All were cberiahed. Of the winnen fiyina to New York in boxes, 1 dmen or more wlll become pinup, for next year'• calendar. Thia year'1 ooverbear Wll Bia,. lotky, named for Peay and Alan Bialo1ky. The 1utbora of the Teddy Bear Catalog, now with 91,000 in print, live in Novelty, OhJo with 1eVen live anhmla and a couple hundred •tufted onee. "Having I Teddy Bear ii like haviz:w a pet without having to houeebreak it," Mn. Blaloeky uya. "A Jot of people atill hive their Teddy Bean or mte. their old Teddy Beart or ju1t need aomeone to tell them; 'lt'1 OK to like Teddy Bean'.'' OOLORUSH t4 KT .. Hee Hemntoo Oennll F. Lultrelt D1on1 Lr NOTICE Comp1ny located et 114 Eatt Atth Avenue, Hu nllnglon BHch, CA Thie l1811n1411'1t wu fifed wtth 1118 rUVl.AI StrHt, In the city or 81nl• An1. ll2~ll.LEM F LICHEA. 9708 County Cterll ol 0 1•• County on CPft 17712 C1lllornta. 111 thet right. tttle and 81uetMf Ofl""'. HunU-ton B .. ch. ApfM 18· '"2· NOTICI OF TflUlnll' tAL« lntetnl convll)'ed lo Ind now held ... .... ,,,..,.., On Mey 18. 1982 •• '1·00 em . by 11 Under Nlld [)Md 01TNlll111 IN C~~ II eonducted by an Publl1hed 01enge Co111 Dally FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURAN-p1operty attuetod In Hid COUnly Pilot. Apr14 20, 27, Mey 4, 'I. 1982. CE COMPANY. e Calllornl1 corpo-Ind Sl•I• d.ac;ribed ... tndMCluel. 1715-12 ration H Trut1H, o r Sueceuor Loi 70 of TrlCI Ho. 5493. u per W. F. lJcMr -----------1 TrUllM 01 Subtlltule<I TruttM. of tl'llp rec:orded In ~ 223, Pagee Thie stat-I WU ftled witll the rtllJC N()TIC[ 1ha1 cet1ein o..o o1 Trual exec:utecl 2e. 27 •nd 28 or Ml1cetteneo1.11 County Clerk of Oolnge County on Apr14 2e. 1'82 .....__ •u111111• Dy VERNON A JOHNSON ANO M•P• In lh• Ollie• ol lh• Counly Ft..a ~ ... ,,,__ CAAOLYN P JOHNSON, Hutoand ReGotdlr ol Nlld County. NAlm ITA~ •nd Wile, end FRANK M VEAAILL hcepl lherelrom Ill oil, IJll. Publlthed Oreng• COHI Delly The IOllowtng per.one 111• doing 81\d CYNTHIA l VERRILL. HUSl>and flydlOC8fbon IUbllanea end mtn- PllOI. ApfU 27. Mey 4• I I, ti, '"2· ~ M: and Wile, All AS JOINT TENANTS. arels by wt'lel-n1tne known, In, _______ • __ 1M_s..e_2 A&F HOMES. t 178 SE Mein end rec:Otdec:I Septetnbet 4. t9e0 u on 01 under Hid lend, below 1 •-..,. 1111\Tll'r StrNt. t..W... Celll<l'nle 9271• 1n11rument no 4413. In booll 13729. dlPlll ol 500 IMt meuuted vettl· ~ nllll'K Philip H. McH-. 11195 Mc· page 690. ot Olltc:l•I ReCOldl ol Cally from Ille eurl-ol IN Qfound. '1CTfnOUe llUeMtS 0 11mo11. •t. lrvlne. Celllornta Orenge County Cellloinle, •nd but withOut the righ1 of .,try llPO" HAm tTATIWNT '2714 S J A' pursuent 10 thll e•rt•ln Nouce or •ny po11lon ot the 1urlee1 o1 lhe The tolowlng dolflO Tl!OfTIH W end •n<lr• ,. Oefeull I nd Etecuon 10 Sell thlf .. Qfound et>oYe • de9fh of SOO fee1 ~ • ~ 1118 len. 1151 Do¥e s1r .. 1, •100, Hew-under recorded Oclober 27. 1911 for the purpoH of 1xplo1tng for ..OATHSTAA COMPANY, tM7 Port: .. ~~,.: 57 H Instrument no 332321 tn book boring mining. drittlng, 1emcwing, PC>ft Che!Ma, Newport S.ech, CA ll 9"f 1· Otgett•. 14269. page 830. of Offia• ~di eat1•cting or mttkellng uJd sub-~ Oolele Poinl Ori.... Corone del M111. of aeld County, wtN under •no P'I'· 11encff, H rHerveo In dffd• of ~ POOie & Spu, Inc;. 1 ~~:"'8~·19 conducted..., e W8nl to .. Id Deed of Trull Mil 1t tecOtd Celllornl• eorpotetlofl. IH7 Port -, publlc eucllon for c11h. lewlut N-encl eddr ... of Ille benefi. ai..a. Newport a..cn. CA 92INIO. Otl*81 ~Hlhlf....... money Of the Unl11d StelH ol ciery et whoM I~ the ...... Thie bl*-le conduc1ed by 1 r""'>' · ........ emee AmerlcA, 81 tile mt1n en118nce 10 being Conducled. Mergot Eretl9tofl corporltllon. · TN• •l•lemenl WU tiled with the Flrll American Tille 1n1urance ek• Bunni Tobin, 24842 08k Horthetw P0019 ~,. cire of Orenge Counl't Oil Compeny 10c8tecl at 114 Eatt Flllh CrHk. l•ke ForHt, Celifornla 1 Spu, Irle. pril • t 2 Street. 1n the city of S1n11 Ana. 92630 Cherie Herold 'tl7477 Caltlorn1a. all that rlgllt, title and Dfrec110nt to the •bove propetty S«lfet.twy Publlthed Orwige Cout OeH't Pllol. 1n1e<es1 convll)'ed 10 and now held may be obtained by requ .. llng Thlt et•t-t wN nled with 1118 Ap!H 20. 27. Mey 4• 11· l9l2. by It under salo Deed 01 Trust In 1118 aeme In writing from the~ COunty Ctwk °' Oranoe County on 1762•82 property lltuateo tn llld County ene wtlflln 10 dly. lrom 1"41 llrat pub41· Apffl ft. tN2. DI-"' ~ State described .. LOI 2 Of T1ec1 C8tlon ol lhl• nottoe "17114 l"-.n. NOu~ 1110 7060 11 shown on• map rec· Said HI• w11t ba m•d• w11hou1 Pub418hed Orenge CoNt Diiiy Plot, F1CTIT10UI IUIMU orded In Book 264, PagH 48. 49 co11enen1 or werr•nty. expreH or Apr14 20. 27. Mey 4, 11. 1M2. NAm tTAT'lmNT and 50 of Mt-'taneout Maps. ra· lmptteo. H to till•. poueuton or 17~2 The loliowlng P«80nt .,.. doing eotd• ol Or•nge County, Cllilomta encumbrences to aetlsfy the unpeld 1------"'-----.....:· bullt'9le M: The 11reet addr ... orothet c;om. betence due on the note or notM OTSE INTERNATIONAL. 2024 mon deslgnelion of aeld properly 1e MCUfed by Mid 0..0 ol Trust, fo Korn11 01lve, Co11e Meu. CA purPOfled to bl 4921 SMtord Clf'· 11 S7 298 21. pfua lhe fotlowfng t2t.M cie, tMne, CA n11matect C09U, ••P9nMS Ind ad· NO'nce..,,,,... _. John M Ruuell, prHldenl. Seid 1111 will be med• Without tnces et Ille lime ol the Initial ~ HotjOf lo ,_..., .,._ tl\et tfle 2024 Korn•I Drive, Cott• M•H. covenant or wttr•nty, expreH or bltution ol Ihle Nolloe ot Sele: Bowd of T"""'91 of ... H:::r:: Celfomle t292t. implied ... to 1111•, PGIMH•on or 731 00 M•~ A RuMell \IQ encutnblllllCel 10 aeclsty IN unp81d 0.ted April 27. 1982 9eedl Una! HW1 '*°' 2024 · · Pf• bal•nce due on 1"41 note or notH FW'lt A"*1C8n Tide .. ,....,. ..... .,.....,,~ eldenl, 024 KO<nll Drive, Cotti aec;ured by Hid Offd 01 Trull.10 l'*'<lnele Comc>""t. ~,.._ ......... end ........... Cellfotnle t2eH. wtl St•.e26 13, plv1 the lollowrng a Celltornia corpotetlan ~ Of ..... lo "" .......... T'hla ~ .. c:onducted by • ..tlmated COlll, ••pen-Ind llCI· o.t> Or,,_od rta.IC NOTIC( = • • 111 .. ofloo ol latd Ct-gerw.i ~ 11enc:ee el the ume ol the 1n111a1 pu-A<llhonled omc- NOTICE OF DEATH OF lldt eflall ll>t CIHrly mulled Thie tt....,_.t -fled with IN bllc11lon ol thll Notlc;e ol Sele 114 EMt Fifth St1M1 .... .,,_ M-..a........ ....... ~"°°',_.....,~MCI..._. County Cler1I oe Ofanoe County on S12.475 87 Sant• Ana. CA 92702 ~r151W' ~---......, .,_.. 2. tH2 DATED A,Pfll 13, 11182 (7141558-3211 OF Pl!TITION TO ADMI· The lollow4 ltd No. 411"• ~•Md to ..,...ft · · · ,,_1 FIRST AMERICAN Publlthed Or~ Cou1 Deify IR.ARY CROSS NISTl!R l!ITATI NO. A ~~Mr • 17M5 Sit--L~·:=i u;; Putllllhed Otanoeeo..t Delly Plot, TITLE tN~A.HcE co P11o1. M•y 4. 11 18. 11M12 1112111. Cltde.Ule F, IMne, CA 112114.ft • Oii riot, 10Ht Yorletown April 20. 27. Mey 4. 11. t912. ~~:::por1Uon 1947-12 BEATRICE BAKER MARY IDA CROSS, a KRARY, widow of the late reddent of Westminater, Ca. Gordon B. Krary, Sr .. a rs-Plllled away on May 8, 1982. ldent of La1una Hilla and She la aurvlved by her Loi Angelea, Ca. Born dau,hter Mary Bid]eman of March 29, 1892 in Lead City, Wt..1tmln1ter, aon David South Dakota. PUied away Crou of Santa Ana, Ca .. 1 on May 10, 1982 tn Newport brother Tbomu Cnaan of Beach. Ca. Survived by her Loa Angele1, Ca .. 1 elater aom Gordon B. Krary, Jr. of Anna Cruan of Loe Anaelea, Le. AnceJea, Ca., and Bruce Ca., alao 1urvlved by 3 P. Krary of Newport Beech, Jrandchlldren and 2 ,reat- Ca., arandchildren Gordon 1randchildren. Grave1lde B. Krary, Ill. John L . Krary, aervlcea will be held on TbomM E. Krary and Bruce Wedo.day, May 12, 1982 at P. Krary, Jr., mter Dorothy l:OOPM at PacWc View Me- V . Taylor of Dallu, Texaa morla.J Perk. Pacific View and Uten·ln·law Mn. Vir-Mortuary, Newport Beach Iii B. Bak.er and Mn. Alice dJ.rec1on. k . Krary. P'uneral 1ervtcee will be held at the Pacific DEATHS View Mortuary Chapel. Newport Beach, Ca. on, Watn.dey, May 12, 1982 at ELSEWHERE 3:30PM. Pacific View Mor- tuary dlrecton. To •II heirs, benefldarles. MERICKEL 0£VELOPMl!HT, I A'fe.~ 8-11. CA..... t7ecM2 AulhOrtzed Officer credltOrl and contingent Celllornle c;o<"POJ8tlon, 17985 Sky. end et°' beb9 2:30 P.M., DI-a.-W'ITV"r 114 Easl Fifth Street ~ l9TIC( credit Ort of Alfred Nor· puk Clrc;le. Suite F. lrvtne, CA 'Wedi.....,,~ 11• llt2, M wHdl r-.n. ""''~ Sant• Ane. CA 92702 d 92714. time end pleclO Wiie .. bo ~ '1C'TTTIOUt ....... (714) 558·3211 NOTICE OF TitUtTll'S SM.f · mandln an persons who PATRICK R. SMrTH. dbl Roell opened end reed. • M.u. ITArn.Jn' Publllhed Orange Coatt D•llV Pi-LOM No. 764-e12/LUCA8 may be otherwise Interest-o.v.1opmen1 Comp8fl't, 121 waw bdl Md.,..,....,, vmtcS '°' • TM following 1*110n• .,. doing 1o1. Aprn 21. M1y •. 11. 1912 1 s No 6'•32-3 ed In the Wiii and/or estate· Street. Utiguna S..Ch. CA 92651. ==:'tc!0~·~·~·~··· bullneel .. : . 11131-12 NEWPORT HOME LOAN. INC ... A petition haa been flied Thia bul"-It COOduc:ted by 8 The eo.,d of Ttutt-el'tall be KEN NCO SALES CONSUL· duty appoln led Trustee under trie bY Aleta Allen In the Super· limited Piii~~-.._, 1 :::;.;:::,/udae of Ill• qualll't of TANTS, 1135 WhlUler. Sulle C-•. PUllUC NOTICC following deacrlbed deed of 1rv11 JO, Mer..,.., .,.....,..men .. Ind,__ the Colte .,__,CA 92627. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION or Court of Orange County Ron•ld P. Mer1ctlet. ....... to_._..,.., Of' .. bide llld to HARRY DENE PEACHEY. 213 tUNNCMt COUWT °' TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR requeetlng that Aleta Allen PrMldent ...... ·~ ..,._ s Kellog, Fulter1on CA 92433 CN..IPORMA CAS H tP•y•ble at lime of ,.,, in be appointed at pertonal Thi• 1111-1 wN nled with IN ..... ~ Ntffl E AoWy · WILltAM KENNEOY. •oo'sun-COUNTY Otl OttANOE 1ewtu1 monl'f or ,,... Un1t@d S1at"I repreeentatlve to admlf'lllter Coun~ Cler'k of Oranoe Coullty on Pwcf1M1no ...n.o. klet Street, Anaheim. CA 92'08 h= EAM. ~t. •n right. ltlJe In<! 1ntetnt con...,., the Htate of Alfred Nor-AP<A 3 ' 1982 ' ,_ ~onttflo ~ =.:'i ~: =: collductea by• -. RAMC 1 . .._,, ~~,tf,:.~~d.~ ;.::;,::;::: mandln (under the Ind•· Publl•h•d Oreng• Cou t Dally lot.-• 11, I H o.n. pMc:n.y D1c1111d inaller dMct'lbed .• pendent Admlnl1tr1tlon of PllOt. AprU 27. Mey 4. It, 11. lH2. Thie Itel~ ... fllld with the No. A 1tt,nl TRUSTOR· GEORGE c LUCAS, Ett .... Act). The petition It 1820-82 ~ 11'11( County Clettl ot Orenoe County on NOTICI °" IHTDmON a 11ng11 men ' .._. fot hearing In n-t. No. 'Aprtl 1e. t912 TO '!TU.,.!!~~ ...... TV BENEFICIARY NEWPORT HOME -· ..,_ P\aJC NOTIC[ .._ ,,..,...., .... "'"' .. '"' -LOAN TRUST Ho lat 3 at 700 CMC Center Drive, NOnce OP.......: 1AU Pvblle!Md Otenge eo..t Delly P1lol. NOTICE IS HE REBV OIVEN Recorded Jenuary 29. tttl as West. In the City of Santi F1CTmOU1.,..... OP •••CMUL NIOHih t Apt• 20. 21. Mey•. 11. 1982. THAT. tublee• to conflrmeuon by 1ne11 No 32510 in bOOlt 13929 P8lt •A• Callfoml .. 26 MAm tTA~ NoUoe le lttreor .,._ ttlllt pur-t718~2 the •~t111eo Superior Coun. 120e o1OfhclatRecord81n thtoMce "'-. a on .... ay • Tho lollowlng per8on le doing euent lo MCt10f1 1tlt of tN CMI FRANK RAY GRIMES. u Execu10t of the Recorder of Orange Co11nty; 1982 at 9:30 8.M. ~ 1111: Code, ltaM of Callfotnle. tN ~ ·-.,. Mftl'V'r ol Ille Will ol Frenk Eer1 GrlmH. H id deed ol trusl descrlt>ee tt1li IF YOU OBJECT to the UTTLETOH GAAOEN1HO SEA-del'9igMCI ..... at P'Mo .... ~ '"~ nv1.-decMMd, wtn Mii 1t priv•i. Mle to followlng Pfoe>ertY • granting of the petition, you VlCE. t54 Molod't Ln •• Coeta Mela. ~~on the 19'11 dey NOTlCI IMYITINO ..,1 the~· e.ne bl$l net Dickier. on Lot 5. eiock 22 of Newpott should either lppear at the CeClfomle t2e27. of fM't, tla, • 4:Go O'doc* PM, on Notice It hereby gf11en lhel the tho IWIM Ind condlllon8 horelntll Buch T1ac1 In 1"41 City of Newport .. -ring and 1t1te your ob-Wllll•m S•-Ltttteton, 154 tllt PNlftltet ..._. ':iropeny Bo«d ol Tnnlw ol the Huntington er mentk>rltd. on Mey 17. t912, °' 8Moh County of Of•llQe. SIN' of 'iaa MOlod't Ln .. eo.ta ..._, Celtof'llle "-betfl ototM. end .,. ~ Beech Union High Sctiool Dletrlct lhwNfl• wtthln the time lllow9d by Cehlomla 11 I* mep rec:ordecJ Ill Jectlon1 or flle written ob-92~ .... _._ ... ..._................. CMtd tt l'Ulllo l10f'l8I. 111o. 20t6 will rec;otve Mlled bid• lor •up-law. ••~ht. Utt•. end ln1ern1 or bool< 3. peg• 26 01 Mlece11.,..,_ Jectlon1 with the court be-,,_ --.. .._...._,_ vr an ,..,_ Aw. Ill .. city Of eo.t.e plying Floor Coverin9t mMUng 0< Franll Grlmea. ~. Mid M•P•. 1n the olflc:• or the count) fore the hearing. Your •P· lndMduel~--s L....... MeM. County of °'*'Of, ltale ot eque1 10 1111~lion•onfile 1n 1n1"11' being 1 one-hllf l~l undl-recorder ot 111<1 county · be I .. ......,, · ...... on CaMtotnla, tN .-1eso11ed geode, the Olfkle of Mid Dlltrlct. vlded Inter•• u cenent In common, 2208 Ooe1n Front AV«lUe, .....,.. MAN HASS ET, N . Y . pearance may n person TNe "~ ... flled with IN oflett•. or ,._,., pr°""'• Bid• •h•ll b• clearly merited In the rNI Pfopet1}1 tou18d In the port 8Mch. CA trnWl2 (AP) -BenJe Glew, 58, or by your attorney. ~ty.~ ol OrMOf Coullt)' on _..,......,,II\._ ""'""9 Cllf: "FIOOr Covortng1 Bid 1419," •d· County ol Orwige, s111e of Cetlfor· .. Ill • ,,, ... acldr ... °' eonwnon ,_ClllOTtmS swmes· NOITVMY 627Ma1n St ~nhngton Beach 536-6539 rACIPtC Y•W ~, .... C.,,.1ery MMtuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1hc View Or111e New~rt Beach 644·2700 MeCC.Ntea NOITllAl•S Leguna Beach 494--9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan C.p1strano 495-1776 who played trumpet in the IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR .....,ft ft • 1 ... 2. NcMf'Cf 1eMi 111 1-., 11 bOM1. drHhd to At1y11 E. Aowley, Pur· nta. delcrlbed .. lollowl· d .. 1onet1on la eh own •bovo. 110 hi• band. of Woody ffenn. ot I contingent credftor of .......... .._.. ,.._ ,.~ n!.!!7~ I bllae. lllafl ~ lfltMnQ, a.ti c;hH lno Men1ger. Huntington P1tcel 1 In Clly ol Senta An1. w1r1en1y 11 given 10 111 c;oml)Mto-.... the dee. Md t ftl ,...,.,.. .. _. '-"MIOt ....._. ~, r_., dnwL 8eec;lt lJnloll High Sdloot Ot11r1C1, County ol Orlll'09. Sllte of Cellfor· nna Of COITecl,_)" • an and Artie Shaw and on~. you mu1 • Aprll 20, 27, Mey 4, I 1, 1982. LaMlord ~the,,.,.. to bid 1025 t Yorktown A11e., HunUnglon nta. u IMwn on e P11ce1 Mep !tied The t>eneficlery under Mid Oetd the record• of Frank Sin· your cielm wtth the court or t781-12 at tM talt. ,woll•M• 111utt II>• 8Mctl CA 9214e, end f908/ved 11 In Boot! 12. Pege 23 01 P111c:.1 Mepe. of Trvst. by , .. '°" o1 e bfMCtl Or· atra, died S.~y. pre1ent It to the pereon11 ~ ~ OMfl Oft>f end= or bet'ore 2:00 p.m .. Wednotdey. In IM office of County Aecordlr of defeull In lh• obllgetlon• 1Mut41d" -IMntatlve ~pointed by •-..,. lllft1"11't -lln'9 of~ NA Mey 19. 118". •• whlc;h time end Otenge. Ct1itornl1. tl'IWe«>y, here1otore exocutto .... ,_.,., n-~ nv1-. _...... -"*' .. le and,._,.. be ' .. _ ......... ....__. The properly It commonty refer· dellvered 10 111• undersigned 1 I WALTHAM, Mam. (AP) the court wtthln our montht fllCTinOUt ....... ~at tM tlfM of purdleot. :::-,.::.· wtfl ... pu_., .,.,..... ..... red 10 .. 1230-1234 South N•· wrllten Oecleratlon of Oefau" llfld _ a..rlel ... -" &rrls, .from the dlte Of flrtt II• .,,._ tTAT'DmWf ......... to prtcw Cl8I 1r Ion In EM:h bid lhell remllln "llld f0t • wh~. Sance Ana, Clfflomla. Oemllnd 10< Sale. encl wrfften llOllee _, euence of lettera H provl-,._ tM ...,,, of Htt*'*'I ll>ttween d The propetty It 10 be ao1<1 on 1111 ot bfNCh end 01 e1ec11on to cauM 118, the c1Uef ~a mate d 1 S f Th• rottowlno per1on 11 doing period of 30 d•y• •ll•r lho II• .... It" but• 0 • .-.1 u 10 111,. The , .. _ und··~---10 ·-" ... A ......... . v , ed n ectlon 700 o the butlnete eo: llndlDr'd end~ per1y. o..o epec111ec1 tor tn. t90111pt of bide. ...... ... -"" -· ........ .....-00 Lt. John • ~ennedy a Probate Code of r-•ttomla. KAUFFMAN & Al80CIATll, t1M 4ttl I 1tttl *Y of Mey, !Mt. Tho Board of TruetH• ehett b• HI• 1' eubjecc 10 current •••H. er1)' 10 sell• Mid obliglllona Md PT-109 to--..to boat that ....., "1llllo ~ L.andlDnt 1 covenente. condlllone, rMtrlctlone. t11er .. 11er the unoeretgned ~· • _.-c The tJme for ftllng clllm1 wut 11S3f Fiibert au.c, Founte611 v• ,_....... • · th• •01• ludgo of Ill• queltty 0 r•Hr111t1on1. rlohl. rlgh11 ol wey Hid notice ot breech end of elee· Nnk In ih• Souib Pad.fie not expire prior to four 19'f, CA nroe. C09lll ~ "'-~ ofleted end,...,.... the end-*"" of reoord. tton 10 be Reeofdecl June 15, tM1 dur1nil Worid w. n. died months from the dllte of the OOH P. KAUFFMAN. 1HH ........ "· 1 zooo.ol2 rlgfll lo,., any Ot .. bide end to ~opetty ... bo eotd Oii IN ... ln11r. No. 227'7 lft Noa t410 Thunday. ...__ ... ~ not•-.-.1 ........ -. ~Street. Fountain v...,, CA '1:..,~ ... ~ ~· ·-"'V '""* Cd\ « pert ~ p..-717 of olkl OflaW ~ ---,_, -.....,..,.. .,.,...,, Pia.IC NOQC( · ...Ytr~. tN2 end pert credit:. lhe tem11 ol llletl Seid M1e Wiii be madil, but~ YO MAY EXAMINE the Thie~ te ~ -.,.. Mi/fl e.. AOWl9y c:r.011 10 tie rcoep11111e to Ult ian-out ~• °' -~ ....... SAN DIEGO (AP) -nte kept by the court If you lllcfMduejOon P K*"'-n Publl~ ~Dilly denlgned end 10 1111 Superior ,,.. Implied. reogardlng tnte. ~ ReUred Col. Geer1e £•e· are lntM..wd In th9 eetate, Thie"'""*'' ... ...,~ the "90Ti110Ue Mlll•M ,..,., Mey•. lt, 1982 Cour1, 1011 percent (10%1 of th• "°" °' ~ .. ,.,.,. -80 one of the A.rm"' --t ......... "'---.._ tTATW lt4M2 llnOUlll bid to IOCOmPMY b ofter rtf'llal11l119 prl11c:1,.1 IUM ot .... .... ., ' ;, • you mlY •-• requet "'"" COwnl't Olel11 ol --.,,. ~on Tiie ~per-..,.~ by Oll1111ed Clltc*, w1d IN bellftce no1o(1) aec:ured by Hid Deed ot moat decorated offlcera, the oourt to rectf4 tPedll ._,. f•. 1811. ~-.: 10 bt pa1c1 °" oon11rmetton o1 .... Truet. with .,,,.,.• 111 .id.-- died S.turday. He r«lltwd notice of the Inventory of ,__ CANYON CNI~ llUOOE VEN-"8.JC N011C( by Superior Coutt, Of .. contttcllod PfOlllded. 1d111-. II~ • .,....,. 25 medala and wu voted ••tale llMll ind of the ~tf'::' ~ t':'l fllot. TUl'I!, lfH1 Ca11>o1 l'loocl, lult for. TH••· tont1, oper11~ end lh• tefmt of H id Dffd of T111et, Into the In1antry Hall of PMftlont, aocounta Ind t• · · · ' mt-12 112.T~o~ear.°Ct=:. ...._"°':9~ ~t tM =.,,~~=-=-:. . .:: '-· C111tgee Md Oacpenett of tM hme at 11\:rt Benn1nC. a.. pott.I delottbed In Section ·-..,. -COMPANY, a CIHfOtrlla OOtPOt• ..... "'TNaml ..... ~ pw~ ...... be Pf'Ofeied .. Of ~ ~=~ ~.., weeee I ....... ~. --· 1200.S of th• Callfornla ,.._ '''""4 !loft. 2N01 CtllMlt l'loed-= '11. ..... UNoft ....... l*lrtat "" ... of OOlllllll..,., of... Seid .... wllf be ... ,,.Oft ..__ --·vu .. n-----------1,,.,.,_COdl LlluN...,~ .. ,...... ........ ..,,...,.,.. llcll0tofllltl.,.~1ortr1111wec1MtOey.JuM2,1tt1tt.-MonU1fY • C.mttery ~ ~ eCHAlll .... "°"'10UI --o.o. DALY Tl'IUIT, C.D. ~ Cllllllllll ........... to ~MCI"""' bt In~ end p..m .. at IN ~ Awnue .. Crematory _, llAm ITATW nuat ... 4tOO MeoAnltut '°" .. .,u•11•• •••lft•ot100 Wll btl'90IMcfaltflt .... of'lal. tflllOt to the cMo c.. ...... 1825 G•lll' Alie , = "9venl MIM...., ..... ,., a HUI• TM f011oWtftO Pl"toftt .,. .... 11atCI NOW90fl .. 1c1t. Oallfornt flf ... D11Ma1. Hu111. Htrl. If own a11d lfftWlla. '°° f.1M ~ Aw, M ... Coeta Mela IMa bwlntlt • fitii 8111 INtl M ltMtly tlllrktd ~tor Mid t.culot, II ,_ City ot 0ranoe. ; 540-"54 Dellotl!9 I• c..,_. Dr. OMNQI OOAIT ,UNDING, ,.AYMOND AND "OIALI ·~ CIMMl'I .. ltf/O''. .. Offlot 8oa 121'7. tto l.lndtn A-Al IN time of IMlnltltl ~ -111111n"1 ~ O ... Jm 1'1 ...... 1tlfl ..,_. c.... --. MILLI,• flfTlllY tru•!1 11t1ymoft ,,...... to~ 1 . ...,._,hr-nue. L'2, IMCll.1....~1toto1. "°".,. ttllo notlo9. tN •• ....... ,._ =· uo'r.::--... CA-o..rome.tlUI . ...... T""""· fH61 ,., ........ &:: .. • .. ..::.::·•·:t --""''--;;·I •. Of,,. 1o1nptld bOlanot of tfle obi• ......... , Qne _., 0 0.1' 8"0 a ~ eorpo. °"""" ..... AM. ~ N10t 8eelfl "Ill' of ttlll noclOI MCI.,...,,_ l'Mklng g•llOll HC\lrtd by Ille abo¥e • ~ ..._... retion.° 1t1hie111t ..,_ C-. M & M DMWALL. 1, ftltt \'111lWMi A'9.; ....... _... olkl ... IOrlbtd deed of tNet end .-.121d W'f-,_ ' Puatnoflect Ortft .. OONt P•ffr ....... o..rome..... . ....,. a ~ ....... ....... CA ........ ,...... • The Ulld.,UClfttd btcUtOI' rH• OOll• ••pen .... 8lld Id¥ ......... ....... ,..... Pltot. -4. I . 11. 1112 Tllll llVtlnw,. ooncMt., -,. MNt1 fnie1 .. , ""1 VelOWet "....,. t.'OOJ.M..:.,•u~~J lhll'ltfltlo,__.,.,.end .. "°'·*• 1012.u 001port1C1o11. °""'9...,...Mei~M?OI .._,_.,_, ...... __ ~ ~T ............ _. 1111 To .. -.-.... .,, ... ,.,. .... .,._==-, .... t--....,.---------t Ortlllt 0011C f'ullClllle Tiltt ...... II OlflM•d by ............. ,,__, --..,~,. .. ., ~ ,-, ..._ .. (!M> ==..... KWrW1 ...... ~:rv -i.:-... n11,_.Wiiil9r1 M :.=,: Ol 111 C>eM' ~fo~T HOMI lOAN, TNI •1111i:r::.. ~ ': ~ ':::."':=...-&:. ==:'..'°~':it.Mt• ::.::,.. cllcledlm. :0-., TNMet .. ti, .._ Tiie INN If ._. M IMn MMT, --~ T.O. 111MC1 COM'"" •=-•IN&.• i$.:-..=:.. ........... tit • • lllMA.IA.,_!AiM•l'4DIMO~ltAAoi:;-.... ~=--= , ... _ ---··· &i:1"'0......... ...... ..... •u...-.... , 1111,. ...... _ .. _ .. _ :=.. .. -:'..;'£,- ,., ...... ONf119 o...,,_= M•1111• Or.,. C... =... .. ,._ -HlllM Or-. 0 .. 1 0eHy flv...J;. ~ o., rloC,A;lrr.Ml!r4,1t,~ fllle,~17,,...4..H, ••'-"· ..,.. ••.t.tt,ltlt ...._ ~-u.11.-. .... , . q I '' ' Or.,. COiet DAJLY PtLOT/Tueldey, Mey 11, 1112 ..=.. 7B!I'!'!!-~ '!!!':.!!:-~~ IAllOA lAHOMAfllKI tMI :-:-~YON_, ~TU. '1nra 'g MllO Ma.II it) H. K. • ~ 1.tM. ~t ....,;, c• 2l~TH, 04 h•I IOU~ lti .. 1. ~ =-~ M•TOfllli.!_tU o.,~.,. Grove I.I. THOM,ION, tom1e t1teO .._10 Mele. Clllfofllie ..-1 0........ ...... ... •• Mt. -•..,_Grow, c.lloo ::.. OA ~l'M, H1111Untton f'lllh.:='c:.!,;;':.~ ICMft ~o:=.~~ca::Ji ...:=.oe::.. YeM1n1 J::·· : ...,.,. ~......,. "• W- flllt..._. .. ~~Ill ~---.. ~ ... 'Y"' '"rV.. ............. ~. telle'!i w•net. 1oc:;:..twW. lot"'' IOfJOtlllOll1~"r· Qu"" ~ ......... ,'-...... lnclNlcl\lol ......:=,~leCIOMuctedl:lyM 0., .... 0l.t'IOIO, ......... ~ .. WoMllM-.C.... • ...._ .. ,,_.._. lllUfl ~ ·-M4llll. 11 1"" ........... W tllld .. !tit flll9 M .... WM NICI llfltfl the "°'*1 C lnydet AIM«Oll lflt.,nMlonol NV .. I Hell Koei .....,,., lno. =:i,~-' ~ ~ Oii ~ <*fir o4 Otenge COl#lly on Tlllt tt1temen1 wu N9d will! Int ,....,..... Ai-. ~ .... ., 1 = '· ~ ,_. J, lttt P"1W =~I~~ OtOl\OI Collnty on ~tl::.:..~.=:=· Nt 11:::.X :..-:. ,..... N ~Or~ COIM D9lw "°'· Publltlltd Oreno• Co11t O•lly ,,_ ~ COUlttY ~Of °'Wiii ~ ... Apfll , 11, ~ 4, u , 1Mi. Piiot, Aptll 21, Mey 4, 11, 11, tlU. 'ubll•lltd Or1n9• Co111 0111y NJ ....,_ 11 .........., ~ a ..._ 'f. 1MI. ' 1151·•2 1•6'42 Hot. AptM 17, Ml'/ 4, 11, 11. IN:I ...... pi111nefllllp. ,_,. llH-U ~ J'AUDllltl ~Ori.,.. 0.... D9lw ,._ ---..... -------1 lot,.,.. n, 1 , n. JIN 1, 1Mt "8.IC M)JIC( ~~ I01MI "°~~r=r ~.~.. ~.~.. \I .... ~ ., T"9 tol ewtnt~r•Ofl I• doln9 Tiit toU~wt111 ptt1011 I• doln9 The rolloWlno !*toll• .,, dOlnt ~:~"~ ...... -~Ill butlneM... Tilll .... ;;;t-;;-... "'111 IN CAfll CAM Cl.U9, 1177 hm· COAITlAND ll"VICll. 1tt tttll'ICIALTIH, 2113 New· eouney ~Of""'-...__... ... ITA,.._.,, ,.,..... Qr, 0.... .... ~ =~tlh .... , 1t. Coel.t ....... CA =:..,•lvd .' Ntwport IHOll, CA ....... 111t. ..... __ --"7 on Tiie ....... ""°"' tre doll'8 0., = =: t~ I c t-r L. '"OtrllHIOll 1.11.1. ITIPHEN DIXON ""ORTIR. =. .::'& ~ ~::. ITC .. 11'91 "''*' TI.i; ._._ 11 .. .,._~111 Cellltt =--1~! ~ .. 711111 It.. 2113 Newport llvd .. Ntwport • '=9" o.w ..... i. Qlfflll OtOYI, C1lllotnla lndMllUiJI ' ....... _ ' e..ctl CA 12~ -. ,· .... "*' ~ lt00ftduot9dbyen wi1.UAM OLIH TATUM. 2113 ~ ..... OA-:~:~~·· Qerd•lt lNI ......-WM tied wlll IN C-L lllOM!ellloli =" IMI,. Newpoft hid!. CA ,,.._ MatY Meon Honrlt1, 1llt1 ~ ClWtc °' 0r9"0I ~ on U.L Cllt L fdWilrdl t:ITllll ~ °'--COMt o.ly Ptlot, letMlt Wey, o.rctan Grove, a.. Me'/ i , lllt. ,_.1 =t""' NlenWlt wae NICI w1f1 IN Olf*ll ~~~ l:ly • Mey 4, 11, 11, fll, 1111 torNa 11M1 PUlllllMd Orwiae eo.t o.iiy Not. ~ °' Or*'OI OOWltY on lt9PMn o. Pon• IOfl'-12 Dof1t...,. Mooft. 11M2 ..,. ... 4, t1, 11, fl, 1112 .-• IMZ. ,_ Thi• llltttntnt WM lllecl wllh lllt ___ Mtte ___ NO_TICE ____ =.aw., Cllltdlft Grow. CllfOrM 2044-82 ~ Orwiae COMt Oii'/ Hot CountY Cltfl( of OtlllOt County on __ listliiCiiCSOiiiiii'--Tilll ~ 11 ~ tw.,, ~----------M9v '· 11. 11, ff, 1112 ....U April f5, lta:I. '1m71 iiiimOii OOWlf unlnoofpor•ted woclatlon other Nil.IC NOTICE MUC NO.,._ Pvbllllled Orenge Coaet Delly Piiot, O::::V tNill 1 =~Honwtta PICTmOUe 9U-U · •-April 20, 27, Ml'/ 4, 11, 1882, M CMI 0.... o,..,. w.a M. Moof1 NAm •TAru.wf 17~·82 ._..A-. CA 117'11 fhll ~ WM tied _..,, IN '"'~~~wing pereon It doing Mm ITATWmNT •-.,. Mft-PlAINTil'P: County o..11 of OrMOt County on ....... _ -~-"'11"4 Ql,.ALD L. HO,MAleTElll; Mey 1, 1112. VICTOR SPECIAL TIES 1103 Tiie folloW4no ~· 111 doing N1TTIOUe 9Ull•M C4"0l M, HOfCMAISTP P-Wlllool Street, Tueiln, CA 11~. ~ K DUIHOANT: Publllhad Orenge CoM1 Oii'/ Pt. ViCTOR LtVAR PETERSON APPRAIHD PROPE,.TIH Mm ITA~ l lLL JOHN G"ATTAN lndM• lol, Mey lt, 11, 26, June 1, 1112. t103 W1lnut Street. Tu1t1n. CA 1H2-t, 2ooe Coun Awnue . ....,. bl.WI"':.!.'*:""~ •rt dolno dlMll encl doltlQ ~ • OlllAT· I074.ta 92980 llOf1 e.ctl. CA tzte3. AUOIO A l.A CAATI. 3404 VII TAN DEVILOftMINTi 0 . D. Dl· i-----------1-l~'!.~... II conducted by an eor.f2ldonFlttentMA. 15101~~ OpoflO, lullt •• H4lwport leech. SIGN ANO CONIT .. UCTION; Ml.JC NOT1Ct nu1.,_ ,._.. CL 92'83 BRYAN L. IECK; ,. .. IMONT IN· I-----------. Victor LIV1t Pelwaon Ptclflo PlllladM. CA 90272 OEMNITY COMPANY, 0018 I 'T)l11 1ta11men1 w11 filed w1111 tlllt 11m11'": ~ 11 conduc1'd by 1 Str~o~•="c!0~" ttvouan V; ROE8 COfitl'OAATIONS HCUllOUe WH CQ0111y Cieri! ol Orenge County on ~. Inc. a;uc. H. Molouci. 173 LlnCS• AHO OTHER 9UllNH8 EHTmH KAMI ITA~NT AprH 12. 1882 R Scott Ttrry lilt, Newport SMoh, CL t2te3 VI THROUGH X The fOllowlnQ PfflOM .,. dolnO F1171M ~ Thie bUe1t1111 le oonducWd by 1 C.. ......... ,,_., ~Ill: Pvblllhed OrlllOf Co11t Dllty Piiot, Thie m'-1 -fllad wtttl the OIM'til pertlllrtNp. MIWONe I 1 ) , 0 UR TH 0 IM EN 810 N April 20, 27, Mey 4, I 1. 11182. Countw Cllr1I of ....._ ,._......,on ·Jotin coldft. NOTICll YM i.eff' .... .....i. 8Y8t°"8 (2) FOURTH OtMEH810H 1755-82 ., ..,.._.,,.. ...,.,.,. .. , Thie ltltament -..... ....... --,__ .... ~ .......... ,... COMf'UTf.A8 ''L'"° IYIJTEMI (4) -----------May 3, 1N2. ,_ County Cl"1I of ~~.;. ';; wfttllwt ,._ NMt IMeN ..,. .... 40 MAHUFACT RING (5) 40 Ol8· Ml.JC NOTICE Publllhld OrMOt CoMt Oii'/ Piiot. May 3, 1112. ... ~ ..... .,.. ..,.. TRleUTION, 3100 w. Wllf'M, ~ u-4, 11, 11, H .1 .. 2 .................. Or ,_, h .....,, 1•1n ..._, 7, leflta Ana. c.lfotnlat27CM MOTICll OI' AVA&A8&1TY -1 .--_, COel1 Oii'/ pt. If 'JOU Wllfl to -* the lldWle of 40 MICAOTECHHOLOOY IHC .. OI' ~ ~ -------------10p .a-.. 4 11 1919t8 2• 1....... 1n 1ttornt '1 In 11111 lftltttr, you 1 Celffornle eotporatlon, a100 w. 1'tle 1nnull r9P0Ft of Ille Qrece -7 ' ' ' "'· ._ lhcMlld do IO pr~ IO lhlt 'fO'JI Wlfnet. lklll• 7, Senta Ana. Calt-Pciper 8mtttl 'oundltlon '°' 1911 MUC NOTICE 2081.ez wrltt.n reeponM. It tity, rrwy be fl. 1om11 t27CM 11 tv11111>1e for lntpeotlon •t 12e i---PIC--il-l-IOUe--.,...---.. ---P\IUC NOTIC( led on 11rne. n. ~ " oonduc:*S by • ~Alie., lilboll llllnd, upori tum ITAft•NT AYllOI U1tM Ml 1!4e ........ oorpor1tlon. •AJ1olntlft1nt, b'/ 1ny citizen Who K.-d-4e. 11 trl1M111el )Mle4fe ... ldlr 40 Mlcrotw100•00 Inc. requettt It, within 110 da'/I 1ner ~°';:'1111 P«IOftl .,. doing N01'1CC TO CMDn'ORe _.,. Ull. • r ...,,.... • -J-.n Men'/ne, tMt publlc.tlon. Pllon1 C714) FREEDOM SPORTS. 2430 OP MAK TRMlefWA 41ue Ud. retPHh tletttra 411 It -1. S.oretaty · ~3,-6242 Of (808) 8'2-3801. .... Lee le ....... mUllR.......... Hiit NMIMnt Wi1 flied wtttl the MMK COA81N 8MrTH. Wtll Co111 Hl9llWl'f, Newport , .... 1., ... u.c.c.) SI Ultecl-..IOltoltlrtlooneejo County a.ti of OrlflOI County on Preeldent 8-11'1, CA 92t83. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN to di un at>Ogodo Ill .... llUll10, de-Mey 10, 1N2. ~ Otange Coaa1 09lt'f Pl-ci.rtt1 Regll\lld WllN!Odl, 1411 crtdlton ot 1111 within n1lfted berl• llooetto lnmedlitomente, de . ,,_ lo\ May 1 l. 11182 Rool!Httt St., Coeta Me11, CA tren•feror thtt 1 bulk tren1rer la eata menar1, eu ~ ~ PutllWled Or11nge Coaa1 Diiiy pt. 3071.,.2 92927. •bout to bt m1d1 on panon11 II hey altUN. ~ w r~ lot, Mey 11, 11, zs. Mii 1, 1112 WllWlctl J-Bryan, 21782 propar1y lllrWllflff delettbed. 1 ttampo. 30l6-82 -----------Cldenll. ~ Vltfo, CA 1129t1. The nemt end ~ .odr-. 1. TO THE OEFENOAHT: A olvll "8.IC NOTICE Thie ~ 11 oonduc\ld by • of the lnttndad lrenaMrot II: compl1lnt 1111 been lll•d b'f 111• 1----.---..--lllln'l'll't------~~=~~~~~--OIMflll p•rtnerlfllp. PHYLLIS c. RIPP~915 ..._ "'11"4 "'llOOUe WM C. R. Wamodl Aedtlll, Coeta ..._, C.. plelntm agelMt you. If 'JOU WWI to 1-----------NAm ITATmmNT ............. ...__, -..._... ..---Thi locltlon In CllllOl"nll of 1M cMNnd lhll ..__., 'ICM.I lnUlt, wtlt*I T '._ ... _,_, ,_, .,..v, ,.,. 30 dayt illff tNt -le ..,. II• ro11ow1n9 pereon 11 dolno County a.ti Of 0r.,. Count)' on chief exacuttve offtCI or prl~ ved on you, Ill• with lhl• court a ~ 111: Me)' 3 1t12. bu•lneu otflc• of 1111 lntendtd . AMERICAN MACHINE PROO-' ,,_ tranttator 11: 31121 Camino Capl. =~.to~::::::: UCT8. 15841 Produo1 La11e, Unit Putlllehld 0t11nge Coaat Oii'/ Plot 1tr1110, San Juan Capletrano, ~.. be entered on epplloi tlon 10 the A7, Huntington laactl, CL ll2t4t May 4, 11, 11, 21, 1H2 ' t2t75. ~encl 11111 01vld It an lay Olovar, 5141 1~ All other bu1ln1u n1m11 end 1 IOllnl1 ~,:er:::: LOWdal Drlva, Huntington Beeoh, 1ddr-e1 ueed b'/ Ille Intended demlndad rn the c~alnt, wtl6ctl Ca, lnMI tran1feror within tllrff YHll lut oould rHult In gernl1llm1nt of Tlllt ~ le oonclucWd by 111 "8JC NOTICE PMt IO 111 M known to the lni.nded wagae. tak~ of money °' propar1y lndMdu.i. tr.,.,.,_ we: I"' f I d I t"' 0.vtd 8. Otover RIPPEL'8 OFFICE SUPPLY, or 0 .. ., re • requH. n ... Thie 1tat-i -Ned with Ille 81121 Calftlno Capl1trano, Si n comp!Mrt. ~ C11r11 of'Or9llOI County on KAMI 8TATl..-r JuM ~.Co. 0.ted: Jen. 22, 1N2. W. I . 1N2. Thi tollcP#lng l*Mfll .,. dotl'O Thi ,__ end ,...._ lddr.-~A. Brenoh • ,_ ~ -ol the lnMnOld tr'llt ...... II: ...._. v ~ °'7, CoMt Daly A-EXECUTIVI INVUTMENTS. 1 AlOEN ft. P£MY, 7132 can>---·1 Menno IOt Mii'/ 11, 11. 2 • Mii 1, .!!!! ... Callforn11 GeMrol ,.,tneralllp, on~~~...__._ ** '· ~ ""'"''-. 20l1 ...,_ Cln1ilr Dnwe."""" ,.,., .... ,_._ .._..AMO ROC«WLL -------------12•5, lntna. Clllb'* . t2716. II Olecr1bed In • Of1lC£ 111 C I lllf W •-... ~ WlmM! A. wooes." ...,._, SUPPLY end l1 loe11td at 21115 •u ., -~=~=~~""-'------1 11' vtne. ClltotNe 12715. Aadtlll, ea.ta..._, CA 8292t. T ..... CA._ PIC 111 IOUe 9UH••• . 0tagoty c. KND. ZMM c--The 1>1111~ name ueec1 b'/ the p~~r.'1:.1 n~ Delly Ptot. U.. ITA,_,.., 11110 VIiie. loouna Hlfll. c.11tom11 NNd trllltf.,or II lolld locatlon 11: .._._ 4 11 111 1 .... " Tiit rollowlno pareon 11 doing 9296a. -.1..-~-RfftPEl.'8 Of'Fa IUPPlY. ...., ' · ' ' -6 bullMll Ill: Jedi H. UQWTI, 4S5e ~ Thet llllcl bull .,,.,,..., II Intended ~2 (A) OPTIMAL l!NTl!RPRISES ..... ww;. IMM, Cellfomle t2715. to be~ .. Ille offlol of: CB) IC~Hl.-EZE, 2011 Kornet Or., Ptter Perrin, U14 Merllltr• ESCROW ENCOUNTERS, INC., Coeta Mw. CL t2t2t Drive, Newpor1 BMcll, Callfoml1 17320 9Hcll 81vd., Huntington· Jeth¥ C. Cannon.1_~_1_1 Komat 92et0. l!leadt. CIMf«nlO 112641 on « 8'111 Or., Coeta ....... CL 1m12e Thie~ .. oondUcted by. Jul'9 3, 1182. .This bulllllel II oonduotld by 111 gener11 pw1narlNp. Tiii• bull! 1renerer It tubject to lndMdult. w..n A. WOOCI C1lllornl1 Uniform Commercl1I • . Jeth¥ C. Clnnon Thie 1Wt11Mnt -111c1 with IN Code 8ec1lon 8106. Jble .......,.,. -Ned with IN County Cllr1I of ar.,. County on The n1me end add rtH of Ill • County a.ft of Onnge CountY on' Apr1I ~1. tte2. s>er•on with""°"' c111ma mey be M8'/ 8, 1M2. Pwrra riled 11 ESCROW ENCOUNTERS. ·-PutJ4llMd Orenge eo.t Oii'/ Piiot, INC •• 17320 lhech Bl'lld., Huntsno-~ Orenge COMt Delly Pl-May 4, 11, 18, 25, 1912 ton 9-:fl, CL 112&47, llld the lllt lol Ma'/ 4. t 1, 111. 25, 11182 ~ my kif fllnO ollll!ll by eny creditor 18118-&2 "*' be June 2. 1te2. wNdl le the ----------------------1 bu1tnH1 dty before the con1um-"8JC NOTIC£ rtalC NOTICE met1on dlt• IP9ClfleO a11ow. -..-.---------------------1 Diiied MW(&, 1M2. ,......,.. COURT OP ntm ..,.....,,...,. .. IUIMH Alden P. Pffry, •• eTAft OP CAUPONU ·~-eTATlmfff Intended Tr.,,...,_ , ... ~w":w.c. The following pereon1111 doing ~.:-~OWfTUI, ltC. ... ....., ef.. ~ ~OUNA BEACH COM· ~ .... !!!1~ ca. mC1 .-.... •11 9' ,_ ---· Jt/ftA IUW.MT wmtW PAHY, 1 &v I . CoMt ~. la-PUClflltlad Orange COel1 Oaly A-P ,._ ef ..__ ~ 9elch, Cellfomla 02Cll1 -lol May 11, 11182 If --llw:fl lntllrpftlal. Inc.., • c.11-~2 _... ~ ~CAUM fornta oorpordon, IOO lidOeWIW. . , '°" ~ °' um N11wpott IMdl. Cellfornla 12ee1 rt.a.JC NOTICE The ..-.-, of RfTA MAAQA. Thie ~ II OOflduc1'ld by t RET WltA8MA for dlange of neme, OOfl)OnlUOl'I. "-"'1 been flied In Court, and It 8w:fl IEnterpr!Ne. lne. ITAT'lmNT OP MAM>Ol-.rf _,,..,.. 10 from lllld llC)CllClllt that JerMa F · Aob9m. OP U9I OP AJll:MAROA"ET WIERaMA llu Thie ..::' -Ned Miii IN ~~N ~t>an- fllN 111 ~tlon pr~ that County Clll1I of Ofange Count)' on doned 111e u11 or th• llot1tlou1 :.W.r be Glllnged A OE May_ 4, 1M2. ~ IWN: ,..W, tner9fore, It II~ Ofde-CllNCMI. DUNN A CRUTCHIJI 11) COMPU $fiTE SYSTEMS red ond directed, that .. pereont ~ 0...-°"" 121,:;~::rJ-SURH SYSTfM~~ ln1eNll«l In lllld IMtW do~ .0 ... ... '0t•-..... ..!l!MEHSY~. C~4) FFOOURTH b9flllfe ttlll ooun In Olpaf;ment 3 on " • .....,....,.. .. ' .. _ S' tM tit! ciw; of .iw., fll2. It 10:30 ....,_, ..._, CA -OIMENSION COMPVT 8 (I ) 410 o'ctoclt a.m .. of M id da'/ to ehow P.nt MICRO TECH 17) 40 8YSfEM8, cou• wlly euoll epplloatlon for Putltllhed Ofenge CoaM Oii'/ Pl-11109 Pal1M1to Clrcle. f'O\lfttaln oll1no• of nelfte 111ould not bt lot. Me'/ 11• 11, 26, "'-1, 11t2 V*f. CeltOfnll 92708 ~ *'76-C TM l"loWoul ....,_ Mime ,... ,. ...... ~,,... oovt of -----------1 larred '° abo\"I ... lllld '"Onlngl We Order To.._ C.~ be pvo-11n~ County on llaolrNler 14, 1M1. bllelled In the OAILY PILOT, In "8JC nlllfK Mif1MI A. f'emum, 111081111-0... ....._ c.Momll. a ,_... metto Cltcll, ,ountaln II..,, 0.. I* .-f ...... ~. p'1nted In LW .. 112 fomll t2701 ~cou"ty. ot ... ,, ono• M oll 'tCTIT'IOUt .,..... Thie~ -OOfldUcted by I« four conMCutlve ...... THE :=~~,.....,., .,., ~A. ,.,.,..._ pr1'f to ltle dlly of lllld ~ s ... _ .. o.tldthlalOa!dllyof ... 1912. BEACH WEATHER TRIPPING Tilll ~ ftl tied with !he lnloa W. 9umMr COMPANY, locattd 11: 3550 Cadll-County a.tt of ()rlllgl County on Of llllcl lac A--. Uni! 8, In Cott.e MeN. Mey 7, 1112. Cow1 C.tllfomll 92828 ,,,,_ OrMOI COMt Oaly Pl-II hlretly regtetwad l:ly the following PubfllMd OrlllOI COMt DllllY ,._ .... .-. 4 11 11 .... 1-l*M>fl lol • ....., 11, 11, 25."""' 1, 11t2 ...., -• • • &<>, ._ 8Mc11 W11thlrslrlc> Cornpriy, 301~ 20&4--a2 1ne • a callfomla corpor1t1on, 355o ___ Nl.IC ___ NOTICt _____ ~'.'~~~u~8~11 e. Co•t• P\IUC NOTIC( T~ IMl9lnaat le conCIUC1ed by a ,.........,. --- -... ~.. corporation. -IT--__,, _. ,,.. AClmOUI .,...... C.otyn S Pitta, Aft OI CALl'ONIA •· um ITA~ 1tcr«arr of oouJr'cw'"l!. .. _ ~~w"'lf pettoflt .... doing Beecll w .. tl\fl'llrlc> .............. - • !ORA.NOE COUNT'< LAPIDARY This 1t~W::i1t.ci wttll the -~= ~ .... -NfO MIHEAAl SOCIETY. 11180 Le-County Cler1t of Otenge County on LOMill .::_ ':.-"'t..:,_.,.- bf410or Offle, Cotta MfN, Cllttor! APfll 20, 1ff2. --TO--=• ni.. t:ltl2t I llertely oett~ tllet tllt fOffOOlng ---CM* .. Dlvht J, Anthony, Pretldent 111 Ml, true Ind cor~ 009'/ of tfli ,_ .,._ OI ..._ ~"tJe.!.'~•~rlve, ~ln11 on 1111 In 11111 offlc• ... ~~Of~ 1~t>ert l lalr. VIM Prfflde111 ljlGE COUNTY Cl.VtK. Wfttt tM Olettl Of WI oowt flf 811 •1M). 11102 L.ome ltr•. Ott~ Publl•lltd Ortno• Coa:1"J'7i ::'~==:f~ _,lj~~~"::1IC1in0). Pllot,A4>r1127.MeJ•. 11.11.1 LOMM9wniwt: ~Loma..,..._.......,°'°""' 'M342 rr II ._..., ON>9llfO .. 11 Callfomi. 92141 ................... lllld ...... ~.'Mien Hopkin•, leorttt'J. fta.1C llnlC( _.., -...,. -oourt • 1.,.ao (Mtffttl• l4H W ... 11111 -.01 • '·"'· J-. ti, 1NI, 111 ,..._MW· ~ .. lie m, Oolllor11l1 UHt ...,. .. =lllt ..... __ _ ................ ~~-MtrnOWall IM .. ._,,_, .. .,_...,_ ""'"'"'°'lted wOC1ett011 other IMlm ITAW ...,. ~ tflM e ~--· ... .!!!!!.. ..... flt ,_,Nfl le dolllt IT '!. .. --OA1M1 & ... o ~" """1tttlffl/ --~--------"* -OM .. llad wfttl Ille ~l~f~ ~tllOIY pulllllftM1 .. -===·a ~ .. fef fe~ Cou~I Ctert;. of C>f•n .. C~n1~ .,....., ~ • -· 0. 111111 n.., • lie cllr., on • 1• • ...... =Ill DM.Y fll.OT e , • ' ,_,..., .-..."1111111-.'lt, t71'71 'f-.. -'S!:rt1UiR ,~ Ot-.. c .... 014W ..., a.... .... o.9lflllll ..,,. ~ .. .. 0-... ~~ Apfl rr, -'-11, ~ ----·-f 11 • 'JM Diiie= ........ ~ .. .............. ,_ =,._ ....... f:,'t-. o....a..._-~--- ,, 'I ' I 0.-c.Jt '!!!'I. P m DllW,..., ...... tt ......... , ............ ,,,... = ..,.... - 8"""'°" COURT OI THI ITAft OI' CA&.a'ONU '°" ntm COUNTY OI' OMftQll le0.A1,_ ON>mll TO IHOW CA&* '°"~°" ..... In ttle Matt.Ir of ltle AllPICltlon °' DANIEL. ICOTI SEllEAT, 1 Mtnof, by DEBORAH I . MALLAMO, Hit Pwent. ,Of OW11J9 of Name. Th• 1pplloetlon of DANIEL aeon lt'.J9E1'T. • Minot. by DE· 80f\AH 8. MAU.AMO, Hie Plrlllt. tor • °'*"' °' ,_, NWl8 i..i fled '" Cow1. encl It ~Ill "°"' H id •P~Oll ;;(DANIEL. SCOTT ,_ flld en ~ cedon proooelno that 11111 -be ~ to OA~IEL SCOTT MAL· Now ......... It le ~ont. red ll'ICI dltec1ed. 1llOI Ill .,.,_ lnl«lltlld '" Mid man. do IPPlll' be!Oft thlt GOUrt In o.c.ni 1ient 3 on the 19th d9y of-"-· 1112 at 10:30 o'clock ''"'" of Mid dey to lhOw oa•• why •uoll appllo1t1on for oh1n11• of n•m• 1llould not be gr.,,.., It .. Nru. ordWeCI tnet • OOf1f Of 11111 Order To Show C.-be puo. blllhed In tlll Otange COMI Dally Plot. I ,...,~ of QIMf'8I drc:u- latlon, printed In nld o~nry, a leut onoe Md! W.-for rour eue- ~ .... WMll• ptlOf to the day Of 9"'8.:r=-1111 Ol'f OI Mey 1182. FAAM< OOMEHICHtNI Juctoe Of Mid Super1of Cowl ~·-*-' . m Wtlet*e......, e4llte 4W Loe .......... c ....... ..,., Publllfled Orenge COMt Oii'/ PI- iot, May 11. 11. 25, N'9 1, 11142. 307M2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D lftftr.~ .. !titftr.,...., .. lllJIJM.IMIWttf '1111.lflrt....... ........... . t:!llit.fmA .. !!M a er Wiied .. ~·'ti&ii 'OR flllNT 1 a-., VttNHNI o.ft4o, ,.;,,drop::.-,;·. w'. •act"". Un 'enoed ~ '=·N:·~ Wllun ' NO ,., •. Ylfd.!::~:·· f(ld•' Q.";'d.,, VI••· .... : 111t1mo •• ,.....,., ,.... Nl-2000. 704·•n•: t41·tOt7, lllkle • iw. a M. tam. "" • ,.. ,.., .c.-=~·~~: ~ IY~,~:: !tvlm.!!!91.!!_•e.f • --... ----......: .... --.. --- ttOO/mo, ,,, ' IHl + • HQMI '°" MNT A'llO llobl• now. HOO •400. Avell. now. 277 8 ldrM. ""· '•nClff •••k up. At•nt "ob111 Hood tine. yard & tar•t•· Kid• & ~•-1_w~1_10_·~~~~­ IM-t737 i*J ~· M-2000. Oceanfront wtay. t & a bf, I ldr t le, nu crpt no A9"I • • comp. futn'd , ~. Avt. P•••..1 ntoe yard. •7oo . .,,,_,, ..,.. I# now. M0-61.,. IMl·•772 ···•~AL&···•• w .. 1i1y 90,091 ,, OCMn, 'Vf' ~ w/W. "9 3 1..ftit'• NOC> 10 '2000 lge 2 '"· 1250 wk, "P ~roo 14M 711<>4J1' open 1~ Corpon. 173-f1M '7904314 Nwpt lltuftt. 3 It on cflol. j .... -11 MHA VlfllOE Hr. l1m ,~,,.~~~t.•llatp. ,._.. rm, n loe . 1 771 , ••••~••••••• ,.._nae>, 4~M Blt>I 2 er. 2 ti. ooncto, ~ ~ "'-' ,,,. IE~UOEO tJbf exec pool ~ poot. 111.e ':..ci -·· •• • •• • •• • ••••• ••••••• • home, dbl gor. NOW Avei. ~i:2.1"50 · Studio,~. fUll kltcNn, ~ENr::> 1 ..... sac. d•P· 1¥::. 5~·~:6.sie'+r,'61~· 750-33 _e_1_3 .. _1_1a_1_. _____ 1 --------- 14 BACK IAY Condo, edit .. , ... •c11on 2 br dupl1x. off ol'l11\tid, 3 bl'« 21, din. l..W•ll 1111 ltreet pr1cg. Quiet .... 75. 2 bl bllna frig• W/O •••••••••••••••••••••• u I 111 In 0 I. n 0 p.'.. frpl, ill new 'die«.'. ~ •BA. ZIA. yHrl'J. Ftp60, 131·7220 t-5 M·F a patio. IHO mo. lit. bit-Int, partelng. CtoM to HUl\RY lamlly llz• 3br dbl .., ' pet.I ok "416 OC-AE.NT ALS 750-331• loet a aeo 142-1166 boy I ooeon . Btkr . 87~112 8lQ Clnyon Conetoe 2 I 3 No __ t_P_anlntull ___ 1_8_r_1_8a_, er .. fUll golf~-~. trpc, opn *"' ca111ng1. twnlahed « untum. pool, 1"'0-1540/mo. A'lloll t.a. lllTAU 2 Bdr 1'11Ba15211 tennl1, 1ecurlty. 11200 / l . 955_0091 e vH / ...... ~1424 Bkr. wtcllda. 2 80r 1 Bo '500 NIW OOHnfront 3 9r. fa. Both h•v• gorog•t a mlly rm. 2 frplo., '1•1tly. petlOI. C.11Jim83f·7370 •2500/mo. 145..0778. Rlmodlld 21>< on ... ,. Cozy Npt Crut town· tide, bbq, kldt "430 home, pool, ttnnl1, nr OC-AENTALS bl I C h . C1 II to 1ea 750-3314 882..()1()7 -~-------1 OC-R£NTALS H1tbor View Homa 3 Br. 2 1·60<'11200 to 12000 Ba. famlty rm. 1 1160/mo. 750-3314 open 7-<l•YI Pureh1H option 1voll. • .. tn,t. _~ __ 1_1_1_. -----I ...,, JIH 2 M 1 t r B re , 2 Yi b 1 , •••••••••••••••••••••• 1700/mo Kld•l •ml pet OC-RENT ALS ok Avlll now. John, egt. 1·5br'1 S200 to $2000 831·2242 760-3314 open 7-<ll'f9 -N-ew_p_o_r_t -H-e-lg-h-t1-l1-ro_e_3 HOME F~ RENT Br 3 Ba. many am1n1. 3 Bdrm. H75. Fenced "" $1160/mo. Call An-yerd & g1r1ge. Kida & tllon'I d•'I• 842-5757. pet• welooma. 6-45-2000. -& wtcnd• 831-6630. AQant. no I•. 4 br. 1~ b1. frplc, 2 car ger. Sgl lamlly. 1800 . Avlll. June 1. 873-0820 Broodmoor Selvlew • Br. 3 Ba. flm rm. 2 frplc•. w11bor, micro, guorded or••· pool a tennl1. 11200/mo. 1144·5•03. t Br condo. 1350/mo. Open Sun. 9849 Continental. (Appty ________ ...,. 5:30 dally) 1 ... t7-3eto .... , ....... Cn11 #n1 Ulf ·················~···· tllTAIT •1 1515·11196/mo. 2 Br. 1YI Bo. T ownhoule, oll bUllt· ln1, boloony, laundry rm, covered perking. Hico loeotlon TSL Mgmt ...... &Hmlin' Buutlfully landec1pe<1 Qlfden 1Pta. Pool I Spe. Covered porklng, HHt peld. No pell. ~ 1395 1 Br. ~'455 2 Br. W• BL 11110 2260 Vanguard 6'0482e -.... um I H5/mo . 2 Br, 1 81. aplt. MW Clfpet, peUO., carporta. Ce.I Ok. TS{. Moml 142·1903 Pierpoint Condo: 2Br TllrM bdrm. 1824 Port ""2slflekl 1 'A b1. Pool, lennlt . Bormoutti. N9wport Bch. -M60Jmo. Clll 841-2589 $1050 mo. A. 'II. Polmer ... ,., .. 213.,.26-7301 I Beaullful gerd•n optt. •a••-,.,,. Petto./dedce. Heel peld. • 1 u..,, 14• Ju• No pet1. 2 chHdren ..i-.. ~~ ...... !.~ff C1J111u1 3Z11il come2 B ·2 B ••3 Oc1anfront condo, 2 br, • ••• :r. •• ••••••••••• •• r · •· .., 5 2'A ba den trple wel 2 Br. 2ba, lam rm,~ 2 3 Br. 2 Bo. aaoo ' • • car Qll cloMd bad<yard 398 W. Wlleon bu, 1p1ctoe u11r vlaw. nr 1c11'11. R. v etorage 831-5583 °' &42-3708 11100/mo. 3532 Br•-111111 1525/mo 11tllut va t o . J on a th I n . SSOO/mo 2 ... t Ba ·~ (213 .... 51_.347 (24 hour9) & 1ec . & cleaning req. · ""· · ..... ,. 32102 Vlo di Ollv1 . per apt., enetad Qlfoee. Watorfront 3 br, 31" bl, 714n &e-2665 b1lcony/p1t10. l1undry 1pectocular view. Jee. w-•-'•il-n• ~~L A~1~5· 842_1803 frplc9 thruout, 71' boot .,.,. • ._., ... ,, ...,,.. .. dock, S2000/mo. US411 •••••••••••••••••••••• Roomy 3 Br. Townt)owf B .. J .. HQME f'OA RENT orn11a.,1e. on1t .. aF1 3 Bdrm 1850. Finced 1pt In quiet adull com. (213)4a1-4317 (24 hra) yord a gerage. Kldl a ple11. Hewty Oecioreted, _, __._~-.... or.2000 nraploce. arldld peUo & fnUt JIH ...... .._...., .. : --· s •••••••••••••••••••••• AQant, no 1... l"age. orry, no pet1. 3 Br. 3 Ba. ex.ee Home In .. 000 Mo. 845·3381 or Notthwood•. 2 etory with 3 bdrm, 2 b1, very nlco, 875'-5940. 111,. 1~:"· room. No H 76 mo. HHr 1ohool. -$500--•• -5-211-1-mo.--2-Br-.-1-S..- dogt . Garden« & 982-2288 or 893-3117 1 •tory. •hag, dropH, wot1r pold. HOO/mo. HOME FOR RENT petlo, lrplc, d/W, bM1nec1 54$-2000. AQar\1, no.... 2 Bdrm. "476 Gorage. 1 oalllngl. geroee . HOME FOA RENT cllllO 0 I<, no p a t 1 . TSL Mgmt 142·1803 4 Bdrm. S750. Fenced 645-2000. Aoent. nor... •3br. nr s.c. Plaza. S.A. yard & goroga. Kid• I c.y,.;.i.., Cllport. pool, epe. M 75. ~~: 645-2000. D~ UJS :.::.~.762·5822 or ---------..................... . WOOOBRIDGE-3Br, R..orMlke •dult tract nr *2 Br 1 bl M110 Yorde 1"'8a. nr pool a tennis SC Plza. Pool. grdnr. upper. New decor. No MeO mo. No pet1. Avoff OluJI 18'. No pet.I. '475 petr . Ger. SOii/mo . 111 wk o r June . a S45 utlt. 775-2580, 833-8074 494-41'2. 556-1020 ---------111. 211. au. DEERFIELD -28r, 281, So. Cooat Vlftu, dlx 2 BR Newl'f decor Gu pd. den. 1uper c .. 1n, plutll 2 81, nr So. Cit Pleza. oncl gor. dwellr. pool, cpt, AC, frplc, dbl o•· Sec. 011e, pool, clbllM. bbq. Adult•, no pete. rogo, lg lot. redwood l&OO. g1g..e910 842_5073, O.Ckl, nr pool1, perk•. 2 bdrm, 2 car Qll encio---------- no p1t1. AYall lmmed. tld petlo. Nr So Cit IAllA 1111 ....... IS26 mo. 762-7491, -Plue . S 575 mo . Adull llVlng. 1 Br .. cer- 133-385e S.5-1708 port. pool & laundty. Ho • ... ,... ..... pete. '425. 931 w. 18ttl . 3 bdrm, 21A De. Japeneae Aa1"-•l1 fanl1"-4 St. 5'&..().4t2. gerden. comm. pool, .h.".-:::~ ••••••••••••• 2 Br. Hiil MIC* Aw. 11t li ke, tonnl1 prMlegH. J>.M IUI ttlf llr, no pall . 2 p1rton1 •115 pefrno. 559.4793 •••••••••••••••••••••• $425 . Slerr1 Mgmt . e7M180 ~per 1 Br. VIiia. boleony, 841-1324 mini ocean view, woter· ---------lllTAU b • d . I 4 2 5 Imo . W•lllde 2 Br. 1 Ba. oen-1 bf', 1 be M50 &48-&«e, 483-0803. trot hutlng, geroge, 2 bf. 2 be saoo etova, ea~drapet. ~ :: rt. bo seoo-:: !1~~-~'.t •. !.~~ :ci~uo + .ec:-::r:; 3 tJr. 2.,. be l&OO urn. l.~une Beocll lu-de~lt. 549.5442 or 3 bt. 2 be 11500 furn w .:.:·: =:.· _1_1 __ 211_. ____ _ 4 bf, 21A be S1350 ' I ' 2 BA. 1'A ba townllo\IM. • br, 2'A be $800-1125 P::.;:a•1· 1 15 '••ek lmm1c. quiet. no ..... ,,, ~ le Rllaor tr::lltu ~ • . • ...~ "'7 1--... -1--lk ____ , Selcony, petlo, ..,, frpl, IUv o , wa to bHch, 1625 mo. A'lllll June lit. 1-.-. ..... Jlfl ll<)IOhlt, pyt antty, nice. 979-1'5t ::'A':":: ••••••••••••••• e mo l1uo, June 20 to ----------- F1°'111MM11. •r3e!'a2c8ah ,Hvtewl.''·· D•c 20. •350 mo. e_ SIOE-38r, 28o, gereoa. " " 955-1111 olllldren OK, no pot1. 551·3037. A'llWI. 511 . M25 mo. + MC de9. ,... ;:::::=======:; .___. ..,, '1n rundoblo. Avoll Moy t. ...................... 846-9688 .... ~ ---------Sherp 2 BR 2 Bo, Igo roome, .. ~ne Incl O/W, gar. MeH Verde. 1625 mo. Coll 640-1 l&a, otll tot Larry or Porn 80. COHl PIHO 2 BA t ba, lge potlo. full He. Klde OK. ... Ind 1119' wat1t. Not••· ~tl. 957~ 2 er a ... Ptdo. Olitport. no ~ MIO/MO. Ave.II 6/17.~5 STUNNING large 1 br glrdan apt. ftoo( 710 w. ilet\ '"""'· ~ 1 bdrm etov•h~'.:. ........ "'° "'9dM,. ....OtOI 2 bdrm, IN, Mlm VW-. =ec•.d........_. n1..,... • .. 111mmlfll ......... !l!Clr ............... IMet'M ••••••••••••• (••· lt'M ........ . .... IT~ OOU.IOI l•~I w•ovttl,_. lit• M~-IL'JBI IM ITUDIHTI MOYtNG ttallilt~ ...... PffMI. LOW "*'· ""' -Ok. 0 .. 111 & ••UH, 1 . LM "' ...my .. ma. ~ T114-411. ConN\lnt AtelenMent ,,_fl! N. .. Hiit Otntl. Ct,,., ~11 Oonttt .. I,...;;; Olct, IL.IOTIUOIAN• LIO HA\JilHCl-M~ tut9 kMfle ewe fOf ,.ti 11 H ... :=, Mt.eNO ._. :.!,.• .... • Ll•.:O•! '1• flit .. ~. 1111/llt ... 'Ol·O· 10. ln111i !tt#nJM........... d1n1p1'rti0ftt01etn•11p. ........ ..__ .. .._ WA 0 UI AIR ,AN,.AANOfNQ mn::".e:;.; ........ .-.-' )oM. ._ .. ..._.ti Jolt. M1lnt & rop1lrt. ~ • ~ ~ & tree remcMI. -~I;-= ,·::: ••"-7 yrt looel up. G11ar. Moblt OOOIOf ~ ·----~------1 141-~' .... _ _...'w.. Qllltk (llntt 1 ... ,_1. •'" , •••• "1:'A ............. work. ,,1001 ttart et ~,,....._, ~ ._... ........ _...._ .... 1.. -•• • M/roll, Aleo 711-7027 ,_., Nf.-00 !we NI ... --.. • • ••• ,....... fiWiOOilii•LJtNO ~. 8'w. _._ 1.01v. yo11r wotrltl bt• 1 ~-.. Owe ..., "°""'"' to~ Do"" .. ..,., ~. J.I. ••• 1110 'nlllhl"" hind. ,,of hMtftt.ef wttt iia::"•rd 11nor. Lio. w~ • Pelmlfl8 1,-1.1ta-. ~'.':l'::"J'Ooete uo.111on "" ..... , .. ..,._~ r.n t..i ;rn ........ ..,...,~-•,.... · "Y"I°'~ "-loom'l~ .r:tttt:;: .......... .. -,... --...-.-• ..-WMt a "IAlLY OLIAN liM4MI IOOlll OU9COmlf'L quel. ..,_ Mf-7171 .8Dt1nktlt,....,... f!t - ~ ~......--~ HOUll1 Ca11::,,hem ~r.rt!'l. !ffl/! Tiier* you, ltt-4410 Aea.foomm. Commel-' ......... • • • •• ••••••••• ..... y._~ .......... ·-... 1--··-............. ~ lerlltOll :----• ~t..'i~•J:!ff• •• ,ON!tlCA 11e. tit. No jOe too _ .. n-· •• u • u ••••••••• ,._., ~•-:~'e'X':'le••••••••• 111_.., LIO IMllll 11CMM4 ~ •...-J~,...... ......... ,1 N>elN'I OUANHQ ~ ~. -I. lllHld/lndu1/0omm'I. Cendld P"OIOI Of your --------. lftdOet'DtntrY UO'd ·----....._ ~-•thOrouafW 1?1h, 111,,C.M'. (t0rot1 Low rttH. ,, .. Ht. mo11 trHt11red memo-f,·''tn 1!..AI_, lll#M. 11 )'!!'· .._ . ....,,..,. ,,_tit 1 GIMtel ...... ..,... ~ holllt. ~7 from 111.iptt I). 131°8108 .71-71et rtee. Lynne, 131-4271 .!'::~ ................ . ~·rc;;•••H• ""' flnl&°ci otrl*\I ' re:.= a.:: ',:0:::...,... 1111 ·-PAINTEA Ne.IDS llMl#.IL..l. • ~~ .. . ll'Mll ... ~ remodtllnl tP"1•"3. ~ IXNRT HAHOYMAH CLIANINO 11,.VIOI: *'.'!lfft!lf!f.......... WORK! 30 Y"I _,,, Intl ...... ~;;"'"'79........ 10078 AdltM Nl.eNI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ,, .. ~ ~ Lio. 'ttl 7. "•"d•ll ........... mn...... _ ~ .....,.. lllu.oneb .. r•t••· frM ,_ atmm ~. ~ oe11no1. _. ~ & teictur• ~ 720-1llO Im Ill •Y ~ 94 • 14!~ 1 tMllM• 9oO, 1prlnldtr & ''""" o.. Palntrlt .. r.afll .... .... IU-1al ft# ;;r.;'I';"............... ~ COMM'LJM.llO, OW... & Id 141-7aat * 1 rao.or~ lntltllttlon. Our work .................... .. ~~Lot ,.OutTOti .. PA~• ~·,. .. =,. I KHOW-LIT'I QllT m. , only 1001t1 n"ntlve. ..... ~ ~~.'~n~7:4!'f130 mJ• II•. a&~iif.41:lio PttlOI. ....... UO d. Vety rw. Uo. IO ~............ ~I :rn fll ~ ~"O· honett & rn~~c:=. ":"• :.r:..~ ~ ~ ~Nett. P~ 846-H77 FAH f.l'T. "°"2092 ._., John ot1'k* 11N2tl Jtcik H. 9anMCt1 Jr. 111--912 zeeo .... ~ --teM>t1101ct1 Tile INITAUaO f.~~= Gen. Oonlf. '6~·1142 La~ lh1ub lnltell SMALL JOll: painting, • I .......-.. 11••"'•• All Kindt. CilMJ.,..._,, ... 111 'I Uf8 IOnded I,_.. 1,_ tl'll'IM'tmoVW =b.1 Oleo, oatl)«llry. HOUKOt.lANING Lio ao41tl • 141-111 Top Q11111t7. lo prloe, ••~•••••••••••• A9ft. JoN't "°"9217 ......,.. ~.I . Am •dd'nt, t9"10d. Pfo "-_...__ -..__t¥.-!f. La.-~~me ,., ....... M-M11 II OUR IUllNllll ~ • ptotnpl. Ex ' lnl IMC-• IU. I0-1121 ...... TILi•. Uo Ht7Ma 14Mtlt tlot. ~ «**t. Olblo-Ill-......._ _ 10 ure. JtnlOe'I Aan.wP,, t.l9t. Rat I Comm'I ~r• • ..., I IAf• ~ neta, kit. -...11 n•H•HHiieueue • ,,_ ....,,..._ ~,,.,,. ""'"'11&-261• ----,.:t• Heuuuuue att. 71' 731-0'708 ~ WOfll, 10 'f'I ~ Den Hllberg Qndne Bert, ma11t•. ltll. oebl-K&D Larlltl~ Mllnt. :;no;;-~............ INCKWOAK: Imel Jobt, • .__1 ~ ~ pet. Oecwga 131-847t ' P.W. Co. "-leom.. I!.. .... .__,_ na11, ralHd p•n•llft9, ............. ,,._ ,____,_, HAN>WOOO~ ~ HOUSECLEAHING ~.Coate....... QUALITY PAINTIHO ,._ •1 ... ,..,. :::r.:. ::::::11 b k ~~ ,.,,.....~ . ..,......, ln1tne. ...... 1714171 0 0 c •••••••••• .... • •••• ,.,.,, •• Uo 117 Ml·1120 ·;;, i~ ~· !C:,OJ~·, ::d~:~·x~~ Lt HMng. MW• and..... Na ..... 1 .... ~~:o~ ~~ QUALITY OOMmlr ... 12 ... ";";.":"A ............ . L'-lHI-St*! S.-llltt. ,_. ,.,._Uc. 8S4l21' Qar~lftted ewtom lttc*, 8tont, f:.' txp. Repelr/remoO. Moet tub)ecta. K·1• :;";"'~:~;.-;;r••••••••••• -. ,_ -·--1..... .. ......... · M.........., _..~ ·~ EXP. HOUIECU!ANElll lloctl. Conc:nee, ltuooo. llltlop I Son PelntlnQ •ft. f'llter, "Hier I Day, to, 111mmer Lio t.. ....,, f _,, ·-_., --.,_...,.,.,., v-"'V• • ,_ • ae11ao.i.. ~ f ~ F--aiA Aif2 30 yr1 evft ............... ..--.... 1734114 1101_. . mo ner ..... oer• or ••••Pin,. Fr•• ••t . •••••• •••••••••••••• " --· ...... , .. ttt. .--.. ·--·· '"....., ...... _, --............ · -your~. Lard I CfP't lne\all/,..,..,_. ...... ,, malH. 0·012 or AULING-ttllCltnl hH Cell 24 "'9, 918-2,11. CUSTOM IAICKWOAK ,,_ eet. &41-102' _l#Ba_...;;._ _____ I Mr. Morven. 146-6176 gd !Miiia. 145-6Sl ~~i?:=e ':'U~fwAU.VN-tNO... 14M7'7. ~,•~lr~~~:Ur~~·· Wiii olun your houN or SMALL/l.AAOI! JOBS ...... ,..... ••••••I•••••••••••••• WIM.. l!l...t- Chlld Cere Hrvloe, Co-Al MoctUr• & ~ LAWN ,...... ...,., ._...... offloe. Elec .. palntl"O, It Nc>t/CM. Aeft. IMW512 lnVUt-Wayne ·~ Lab«/Materlel0 Roofing •••••••••~~~~··• rone def Mar. S to I yr SNmpoo a 9'Mm -.n. ...._ ·~· ........ pUnblng &41-8006 (DCOYE) 1&1-t1os All tys)ea. 1 Y'1 exp, "let the &inenlne In old. Vick.It 1a.-1oa Color brlghlen•rt. wtlt free eet. KM\ l71-toll Comm/retld. Nwpt/CM ~ JOel · · !!!'!!f. lie, guar. LMry 642-1233 Cell~ WlndOW ctptt • 10" min. btMOh. 0..YWAU/ACOUl'T1C ~I. ,...._ woft.. I Imel Moma Jobe Joan't Clw*'G MMoe. .. •• ~Aae.MOVtHG:•n• Pllntlno/W~ AOOf f!AEPROOllNG CIMolno. ltd 148 1863 .. ,., ,,._.....,./ ...-, Iv/din. rmel1&:9WI A99alr1, MW & old. 11 OnrlOft", larry ~7412 o.M MtKE "-1M1 ~·~a.i8~entll•. °'** Cer9fUI a.Moe. QueMty wen--.,. Mtg guar o1 chemlcel 20% Monthly o..ctun1 ,.,,,,. room 17.&0; ooucfl ltO; yrl-., lud N2-Nl2 THE GRAISHOPflEA HAUUNO & DUMP 1 ,,.. .dm.•.&&2..0.10 Uo'd. O.vtd IM4-80tO 00'11 ..Ow.,, •• : •RESIDENTIAL• ... MAA.NiiiRviCE.8... =-·~u~·~il ;! ll#lllMI ~ ~=t. JON. MIA '°' Alndy. ~· ~ *A-1 --· ,,w1.. o.Yll Ptln\tng M7-&1N AYg 1 tty '30: A\19 2 •t) MechaNo. Pllnl. Wlllllefl. exp.' Do work myttlf ...................... ..., ..... 21 Aela~cr y .. ~.':"Jl............. REPA.IAS 12& to 11815 "46. Ctvle t&7-l388 TMk rub' WU. AefL &31-0101 . ELECT .. ICIAN-Prlo•d ..... "'°'· aEAVICE Tlnop queltty. Soeotel Gere FarthlnaH ... N INtnotenor•101~0 ,, ...... Call enytlme. __ ..._ -...a.....t ' 64M1M W• ewe Crpl c..... ~~·:~·=t• on ToppecJ~. Qearl H::?. yard oMIMllp M8KPA, rellabl•. herd I=~ ~::i· =·Uc/Int.'~~~ WALT 170-212& 1rv:.~. ~It) The futut drew In the Steam cleall & uptlola. UC. 3NU1. 87s.o36t up, lllwn~.161-S..1t °'** ~ree-. ::!."'1t1V:·1~V:..-:;: No . 130-1363 Vplna, ~..:.. ontt .. ~;. .. H~ AooflnO-~-S20. 2 tty '30,._ Welt. .e Delly Piiot Trudi mount unit UC'D a.ECTNCIAH MOwtNO • CllAN UPI 125-'30. Sptnlth •pkg Ell Idle Item• with 1 IM-MC~ -..--v .--reco¥el' ' &59--1...,, Claullled Ad C .. Todey WM rper. IM&-3111 Qllel. woR ........ ,__ ~ • L.andtClplnQ WANT ACTION? WllnWpt.-. 931·1&ee o.ity Piiot CllWlfled Ad Find whet you went In l ie. 1411802· 5'6-97 Claullled Ad•. your on.- 642-6e78. seii !die Item• 842-5178 ,,_ •· IS1-I012 Tom free elf. M.-01 Claallled Adi &42-6178 Wint Ade cill 142-5111 842-5878. Delly Piiot Clullfledt' Claullled Ad1 142-5678 atop anoppinO center. .,.,..,, 11.nnhW •••••••••••••••••••••• C.11... JIM ..•••.•............... 1 Br. up11a1re1 pool, gH paid , Re 'a req . 1336/mo. 1•1 Flower St IMM111. •2 br nr 8.C. Plz. 8.A. Pool, •P•-t&4&-seoo. Cuporl. 7&2 ·&822 or 641-1480. fotll) ADS ARE FREE Cal: 142 ... l. !.'.'1..'!.·!~~ .... !.{ff !'!!I..'!.'!.'!!. •••• !.{ !f '!.~'1. .rt! ... ~t!. .... !.~ ~ ~tlone being eooet>' ted fOf flrll quality furnl· ture dellYefy drlwf. OWn tr1n1portetlon, tel•· phone & .int dtlvl"O re-c:ord 1 mu•t. Ct ll Mon- F rL 8 :30·8AM only 846-7'85. AUTOMOTIVE lrrun.I ••UL . ... ~t lww CIUI A llcen-H . Full time; 40 hour week Mondty thru Fri- day. Cedllec: ~ ~x1ilinred CAOILL1\~ IUT PAIT-Tm M • 11Wllt ............. ..,. Work in our fun, casual, profit-making office a1 a te lephone 1ale1 promotion clerk for the area'• f inest new1paper. Only requirement is a good telephone voice and enthwiaam! Local Coeta Mesa Office. ...., ...... ,,... . ........ "",... lala..,1 NI ~1cM ,..._ $84.00 for first week; then 1hare an partnership'~ profita. ... .............. 142-Hll tit. 111 .. ,., .. .. F~furtber Information ,...... advertlelq ,..__.., In the Sfllooll A lnatruetiooe Dlreetory -call LoUe Griffith 642-5678 ext 330 &. .......... TRAVEL AGENT MorninJ. afternoon & evening classes. Pac;! 5'avef I . 'Scl.oof 610 l. 17ttl St. .... AH 1714) 543.9495 h~l'6l Financial Aid Pro1r1ms Accr~\ed by the Accrediting Commission of the Na .. tlonal Association ol Trade & Ttthnlcal Schools Amrncan Atrlines Sabre Com uter Trairunc. - LtamHowtoUM Weng, IBM OS6 & °'9p11ywrlttr Xeroxeeo c• U14) 51111 tat,., ......... ..,. •• , .. , ' • 1 t ..,. IAINMOllMOMIY Become a Word Proo.Inv Spedallat Excellent Career Oppot1unltles WOAD PROCESSING AND INFOlllMATION 22$2 S.E. Briatol-S~~W\n. Anl. ca t'l70/ ........ · .. ..._ . ....,_.._.. ...... PRACTICAL SCHOOLS IN ANAHDM Newspaper Carriers tor l'outes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Vc6ty & Newport Beach . , ....... ... ,ll!"M. C.tw tHMet•tl•• ....... .......... ............. , weMir•~• fer ••• ..... ,.... Call 845--1308 or 851-9352 for Info. '18inlnQ men and wom.n (OO«lue#lotJMJ t> beoon» ~b,. In ,,. ""1i1!_ ol . ·=-ea--.llCIC~ ...... __ ................. ,.,__... ....... , .. ... , .. ... ., -,,,., ~ 634-4565. If iiw ~ 16N L .._,,.Aft. ~ ,'J ........ -::."' . • Or1n91 OoMt DAILY PILOTITu.dey, Mey 11, 1112 IN,.RNATIONAL ~RAVIL IMITITUTE Trllln Por An lloftlnt C.....lftTraftl •TtM .._.,, ... ,....._ dauft. ....... CIT ""'" tfltrtt .. ,. ......... .,., ..... lntoUlnt NOW for dar and evenlnflc ...... c.a .... ..., .. nu~ (714) 851-7797 IAVINE CAMPUS ma ..... at . nt., CA t21ll r •BALLET• TAP • JA12. • TRIM TO RHmt.f • AER081CS •CHILDREN• TEENS• AOUL TS .._,,.,I "9• Cllaatt I t, jW!!!ii.., I "'' ,..... .... 17 lat:::W. .... ....-. ., ......... ,. .......... _, - &Illa Larry CHftord, proflAlonal animal trainer for over 18 year1, 11 offering 01 ..... on bird training . 1. Leam 8tep by atep method of tral"'ng. 2. How to control the behavior you •. 3. TMCh your bird to talk (wtthout drMno youl"Mff crazy). 4. TM Oo'• & Oon'ta of correcting your bird '• undeetrable behavlore: biting, acreamlng, etc. 5. How to keep your bird fat & happy but hungry for training. 6. What tt'• llke to be a bird that'• learn~ng new behavtor1. Have your bird per(ormlng 1 or more behaviors by the end of the 4th clasa. Have a happier and healthter bird through training. W•1-11M•441-JIH BIRO HANO TAMING AVAILABLE Small businnses<n'ate l1&IO ""of n~rv tltrfe jobs in Ameria. Overall, lhc mall business paycheck providl'"i the livelihood or more than 100 million American." . mall bu~inc snot only heps America working ... • h makn America worit. • I.. Or~ OoMt OAtLV PtLOTITueed1y, MIY 11, j 882 btla.l'lllt.MW AllM.IJMIC ... Mft MM.IMtftlC ...... ~A'!!.!Mrttt ...... MW.Mnrfft ....... IJIWt.flllf.lf ...... l!Wt.P.'I! .......... ~.~~~.~~~ ........... ~'-!'.· .. ~~!4 ........... ~.~!'!..".{~ ......... .. Tap o.r. ~1!:;::·=1i'! "'1* ......... i ~-oiWAIUO ... r~~•:.:,;~~ ~·~··· .. ·!!. ~."!fflrre;;;."-t ~~;~~'w:ior~~. ~nftt!'"~·~ hW .,.ed. Air, ir.f.O •t, 7 4 ••:.~~·='i::OO' *mt' 181* oaptllft 1tir1, IHbH , toedtd, M low blue bk. 300 VI, 1 owner. good 17 '""' -.n, tlK, pe, 8 1100 Ot llHI offer. '"' Vw Cetl ;:CCril':"'ao eno , '1t TA~QA, "'"'· Ml.Ill' =-~ :~fg: =· ':"'..ec.~":!,: hNO Mt-ltt7 cono1uon i t.tao nu llr••' mttr oYI' crpt,1-=14_1_ .. _,.. _____ _ Jl•H••• a11.1.llOrto,ow11r rtoflfltuperodUpet~ ... IOOorb•t*80-11U CMIP-HI &4l..flOO L!t~~,0 •0 P /"·1.•m·2,,d00rrn•'t•4,•.o.0t~n~ ••• ........ .. ':J. '""'"'I.I''" Hon•• A•· 14M20t dlllon, ttltV V'YOMI. Need •vH 140·1100 113301 ;r::o:n .............. ,. .. _,,, "' .... ........... oord, ·~·AO, Q1.1ad " -.,._ • .._ ••~1 *"' --· llru . 21 100 mllu . ,_...., • ._ ·-~ 'It p~ ........ tlll rella bl• party t o make VT•• .~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ,.._,, 1~~00 01b M t Mltl OOlta Meea l40-M30 ,,..,..,, --11 htu N 11&1.111 Ill ft .. m Ndl auto, e~OIC 1160, '"'" ' ua ' 1------...---9a1. Reduced to H 11 : WNte/blllCk IMlhef, 300 1"'1 monl '' Pf'llt. o IMI VW Aabt>lt UC. •Int ...,..... r .... .._, " .. 179 Cell 491-4158, l'tWf\IUl'n PftoM , eo.otM old oontraota lo llllUll\e. oond eunrf •*90 cue. Wa apeclallze In leHH we hav• 1 good ••Ito· .:-~:..:.:-:.::.:··-::.:.::::"":;:•~!._la.;~;;-™~===----------~for UMd HP. 6 lpHd. Hl.000. No beek pn1t1 dUe. Atk ii800 1ao.:1M1 for the bulln•11 HtoU• II f 6W ''fl ..... ..........._ HAUT. IMO Mwteng,. _., an~ °:'1 '11 Aooord I.IC, flM Call, Car IWla 10 be converttd tor Aou 1 42·4400, ' tlW 6 prOfeeelonaL o~:.. NI & US&O -C)'I. 30 l)IUI mpg., auto tfONIOn or I loaded , eunroof Hll or lo u.e. 11andard1. Pvt aoe.1ooe Proto l./M. o vw conv .. ,. reato· Lirl• ltl1ettM 7t ,~AMAAO ale, pa, pb, t1'1 whl. P"'f ,,..,,, AIO, rldlO. ~ In ~~,.._110n1 • .....,. ..... sb2 mo. Ply 21MH-H" 1 __ _. t rid. Xlnl conc1. Muat .... If ... lllt *Im llU* wndwa I lock•. va ry old to '4.HO 7eo.ottl ... ~ •• Aod t u .4.;11 daya; •-"· llll 80 Rabb I, Dl_., o M n, Prtoa '4."6. clean, well malnt, 1 ow· ' •lllMBI "t934133...,.... • _.. •-loed4ld Incl 9'1M. 2'K ml, py, Pt)' 646-Htt ...... Saaay Y•I clH1yt Auto '* 129&0. a.t8.740I IV..•WJI ffff •••••o";:I•"'•••••••••••• PP. N .891 '40-tlat m wit c:yt to gl~ )'OU gt•t .78 Chevel\e Good trena-""""""••••••••••••• ,,.... 1111 •1 DEALER IN us A ''fl -.........__ '12 vw IUnfoof van. pro-N ~~ mflHge Bucket Hate. pottallon '*'·MOO w•MTrn uA'ittouMiii.... . . ' "" -~done. cualom AMll'~loe ... na&morel M-MIW 1111 ~ All option•. 1lr, 1t.,eo, :!ri!IQhl. pa int, whHI j830WUO). Juat neecs ,.. 4 llM3 1un1ool, roof ractl. battet l lntr. Tight t)'l)e 2 (' ( labl• part t k 1HI..... TO BlJY Ml • M. lllAI . ttlan new. WOO engine. Make otterf D•· ' J J • 1m111 month~ p<:n~• N:• 81tver with blectc lntet1Qf. 644·0141 ap«altl 03t..ec>03. l•~Xlti.111'• tll\d old cootrecta to •Mum.. NHd• nothing, rune UTI-._ Trldld In on 1 new Roll• "*'-·•• • -~~ '"""· ( ,...,,,, , ... ,, '>Jll '11\)J No back pmti due A•k grNt, 1100 64&-10311 Aoyce.(11411. }'#QI!•,....,..,,.,.. ....... '71VWSuper8Mtle,ang '7tVWConV91tlble,bteck forRoae••2.••oo. ~ ff• llUUll .z..... . .(\OUD WNOAYS WOttl r.,.,-.tly dona. new on black. 13,000 mflH, .... .. .. ,,..,.. • " --------• clutch, palnl, tt1a1, etc. Bre, Duel covw. lmmec '11Coupe0. VIiie, 40,000 558·1009 Proto LIM •••"'•• .. ••••......... WILSON FORD *t'!!lff .ffl! .•...... MY 1Uft1 Su) ITH Mual ••• 10 apprec. P.P. 11850. 184)..3876 mllH Have to IH to WANTED '71 CHARGER, blue, Oflg .IUI .' -...................... 123001b•t otr 9884183 • a ppr• c I at• t I 8115 82K mt Air. fl'#f, reg gu. 18255 8eeQtl 8'\ld -'81 8AA8 Turbo 4 dr Iv mag 18 Supe r 8Hll• Conv 648-2518. Wife'• cat, INtp 11500. Huntington BMott 1640 JarnbotM Aoad black, •II utru. 1 12'. • · 21.000 ml. xlnt cond 551-3284 ••z-lll l IMPOftTANT HOTICI TO ~ANO AOYfATIIUIS NEWPORT BEACH 500 Call M1·13&0 12 vw Bug. good cond. Rwna part. 17000 , TIE WIEST TO BUY . 77 OOOOE ASPE N•--_ ... _____ _ 1411444 . U3001 but offer. 842-5017, 813-0305 SEU,..... UTE MOHL 4-0oor PIS. PIB, AIC. The prloe ol ltema ad· Y9111Md by wNct4I dee• ... In the *"* deNl-llld eicMnlltna colurnna dote not ~ MY ap- pllcab .. tax•. lie~•. tran1ler leH, llnanoa cNrgal. .... tor alf pcM• lutlon control de vice cerllllcallon• or dH I., dooumentary prepare- 11 o n cha rt•• unleu otherwl .. apacllled by the edWt'tlMf. --------•l•Nn IFU 642·"510 btwn 14 2· '72 vw Conv SK 1 "'""' '78 J1gu1r XJS. aporty .................. /'.' .. ·et l/W F lb k R b Ill .. N ~ on of fate model, IOw mllN· USED 0••1 P/W Very low mlleage . red 1 owner xlnt cond Salal·s.rvtc.L.Mtlng u ac . una ,. u eng . u t rea, ga Cadlllaca fn Southtlf'n "" Exc.tlent condition . tao 5001080 873-3651 1~&11 gr•t. 11300 OFR. whl•. br•kH . clHn & Ca111orn1a1 Sea ua IOdayl WILSON FORD Cell e.2.ee1t • · -day815-2315 dapend1ble. .. ,,, 1131 llUll 11171 vw air cond Roof $3900/080. Or trade for 1111111 1.d H# ...................... 111-2141 411-4141 rack, 1t0e110 c a1ie1te. 4X4 Plckup ~M5&8 I OUK.UC ~~~,::n~~ ..................... . ·90 Gl wagon. am/Im, rr v.ry ctaen. 12460 080 2800 Harbor Blvd. 142-1111 WANTED Window defog/Wiper Dix 8•2-81153 f tJn f 111 COST A MESA 0 wh11. ••tr••· gd cond. ·ao SCIRROCO. 25K ml ................... •••• 540-1810 •OHYml T BUY aeeoo. 876-4508 A/C, AM/FM CllH, pwr. # 1 Yeh• ..... , IEW 1112 Ult llllEL f. i i f111 booater equalfzar. 4 11 lr81111 hutJI '71 ltYUle loaded, glHs Iopa, etc. .!~~r~.............. apkra. Catm. w1111. tm· 40K mll••. excellent Ser. 414017211. USEI O&lll '11 Tll I ..... mac. Tak• ov.r IM.1212, UUI, IRaVIAE d T k ' 111.Y 111 .&Ill .... --"--__.;,,.-~ ................ .,.... 27 mo1. t8fl-0550 or un"' con a •over paym t. r WILSON FORD ,, JOI TOUI • PIP $3500 543-0520. """' Dove/Quall SI•. •TII WANTED ,.ITMAlO& 626-51151 '11 IAllfT EXPERTS '111 C•d•lllC Coupe Deville NEWPORT BEACH Huntington Beech INIUt ,,., .....•.•.....•.•..•••• '13 Pontlao Grand Am, 2 dr. AM/FM l teteo, good cond. I 1600. 1131-1154 . WANTED TO BUY UTE_.. no 1111 WILSON FORD 18255 8eeQtl Blvd. Huntington 8Mctl 142-1111 11 HIO • & Air, aunroof, low mllH. 11711•7300 Mr. 0.Y9n""". UI WI• S•lel tu onty. 5-49-8181 llWll.I At.~•-" ••••••••••••••••••••" HI I.II r.J Lookl end rune great. ...,.. OVEAS"'"S DELIVERY PIP _.,.._.. 18255 Beach 8" ... I Oe Elegance. loaded IU-1111 142-1111 TO BUY n•" & v.a, •• ,,,. f110 OllYtmlU WU llE I LHH return. $7 .000 , .... ,.," HTO f111f -.. ... ........ ............. Every xtr•. Ilk• new. YILYI Under wtlolesale boolc ~ Llat1I• IHS ..................... . Un ....ir1 CREVIER --'78 VW Convar t lbla 844-4843 ..... OGMLEASING People who need people ...................... '72T·81rd.landauroof,all .....,. fA-nl Champagne Edition, only lwvv Herbor Blvd ~2•1944 anould always check the '74 Martt IV Sliver Annl'i 8 000 lg ml all IUI FIHtt lelHtiea 1m wo11.com11m IOJl'4 18 ml . Stored llnce n-. 'II I• Siii COSTA MESA Service Directory In the mdl. Cherry cond . lo•-~~· ~ctu~'. x1n':"cond: 657-5389 Auna good. 546-1481 141-1111 Mt-1411 Cl&Htllad Ads 6-42-5678 DAILY PILOT dad, $3250. &46-1945 645•11185 ·WILSON FORD 1• true• c..tr ---- 1e25$ 8Mct\ Blvd. w~=~~u3. ·~!c6t2~~~~uryM~~;·.r:i~: ~!.!'.11.~'.'! •••••• !.~0!! ~.8.!' . .'1.~.'.'! ...... !.~0!! ~!.!' . .'1.~'..'! ••••.• !.t. ~.8.1.'.11.~'.'! •..••• '!.~0!! ~.8.!'.11.~'..'! •••.•• !.~~¥ ~!.!'.11.~'.'! •..••• !.~0!! ~f.!'.11.~'..'! •••••• ~ Huntington 9eec:tl peen Oaltvery. SP300 Of take OYar IMM. w ,,, NJ-1111 WIDE OllTlllU 1_55_1._1_14_e ____ ,. .Y r IDYIOI .... 1m ·111 Mazda Rx7, s model, ~\\h a ,_,._/ IH-1111 ~~1~~'c:C:::·1::.S=: t°"1 °' CIMlln lllO 20e w. 111 152.ooaa. ,...._ a\\\ •••••••••••••••••••••• Santa Ana U .. -. Ml"tl CloMd Sunday flltttHll Ja1 ft# Shaiy repllcaa; pk)lcupe & •••••••••••••• • • •••••• coup••· 4 to chooH & · fro ml (OO•U t ) (Slk. '• A3093). ~ ttartlng at . , .... , ............. ae4 llwedet .. . ... .. ,.... .... 1 TIHODORI ROBINS FORD 10M)HA080A •l•O COSTA Mf\A 641 OOIO Ill MoLllEI ... Sa ..... SeMoe·lNalng 850 N. Beach 8Nd. La Habra 122-HH Compare HouH ol Im· pon. Direct ..... ano eo moa. NMlt>le pymla. Olll 213 °' 114; MERCEDES la 213 °' 7141637·2333 . 1 1 La fer MP (52MO TO •11i:ii111;i• .. M.1iiii1Mi1iiia;;;n;;··· '9pllca). ~M ca.. 4, ... -- Haven't you 'lllaltad long enough to own • Mer- ced•• Benz? Oon'I let thla opportunity p&N you by ..• act nc>'#I We haw a fantutlc ••fectlon of model• & color• 1valf1· 1>19. 000 ml, htw I WOOd Int. --..1 Aa ktng 1 10.000 . & 536-0882 4 nM """' HIO MIWIHI llPllTI ............•.•....... JEEP CUTS PRICES UP TO 11000 JEEP CJ'• seres ..... IMIT Se .... Servlce-leulng ({)(CARVER lt..US R.l'l(l:.·tt.1W 1301 Quall Street NEWPORT BEACH -/ ... ,. .. ..,..._Q I W i>4t#4 411't •'ti _. '""'' '"' " " ... ...., '70 M«cedea 280SL con,. 111-Ull 2524 Hltbor Blvd. 1981 320! BMW. Excellent venlble & hardtop, AM/ Costa MaM cono, 16,000 ml AM-FM FM radio. new tlrH. 64t-8023 ~7770 cHaette, sunroof, air 114,900. PP 832-3045 r,.a ISH cond1t1on1ng. loaded. evet ... ••••••••••••••••••• Aaklng $14,800 or taka r---.-1-1-11--.--11---.511 Ranc:nero. In 1ton1Q9. over payment• of 1374 ... l tOO or b .. t offer. mo. Celt before 5 pm. Turbo dleMI, Aztec red. 815-e1112 VICKJ 528·1143 Brown vinyl. 40 gal tank. ________ , _________ , 37.000K. $28.000 '18 F250 ¥. ton 4 X 4 44. ~-' 111S 673-73&8 000 ml. Lota of xtru. Aft •• r.: ................. 1--------- 5 411M538 ·13 c.pr1. rat>lt ang. ,_ Mil 11 Hiii -.1-9_0_•-t•_u_n_K_t_ng_C_a_b_, 4-~i~~t~o;d. 11800. TurbO dleMI, Aztec red •PHd, •0.000 mllH . ·--------Brown Ylnyt. 40 oal tank. V.ry cteen. Air, lhell w/ 37,000K. $28.000. 11nr.11ec1 Interior. 14750. 673-7388 llfl3..fl534. A•I• rlut" 111' .••.•..•.......•...••. , .... ,. .. llDllll Anything conaldafed· 111n thrU 1NO #I .. Or_,, C..., ._ -2925 Hart>or IMS. C08TA MESA lll-2 .. WE PAY TIP-.W ........... IUI •1111 ....,.../ __ 2480 Hertlor IMS. COSTA MESA ..... 1a.1•1 COMMH~ CHEYROlfT .. _ .... ' ,. r ·,• ~u. I 2QQ _ ... Top dollera for Sport• Cara, 8ug1. Campera. t14'a. Audl'a Aa lor U/C MGR ..... ....... 1et 11 Beect1 BtYd. HUNTlNOTON BEACH ..., ..... Wll1DI I.ate modal Toyotet, Vofvo9, Ptc:*upe I V--. Cll•~ 9 450 SL Merced .. Benz. wlllte/lan leattler. 211,000 ml. extended warranty, mint cond Many extru. Car phone nego1 $33.500 A.- II% leate Call ofc , 975-1128 Lee 11180 450SEL, white with blaok lea the< Int 17. 000 ml. Muat Hll. 132.000. 1978 Oataun B210. Xlnt 714-i31·7836 cond. 33,000 ml. am/Im 75 450 SEL: Loaded, low ttereo cue. $3500 or mlleega. $2000 under ~ ~473 Bluebook. 81~. o.i.1... 11ZJ ......•.....•..•...... .. DELOREAN (#06057) 124,111 --. SUTllll 301 W. Watntll Mt-l4M ... 1111 .......•.•.••......... WE'RE DEALIN' lllDIATE DELIVERY Oft MOST MODELS SAVE AT HONDA SANTA ANA 711 300 so Oii. 1 O'lllnef, Ilk• new, mull Hll thla week. 121,600 """ Call Tucker 548-2213 btwn 10 am & 7 pm. 61 360 SLC: SINer blllfl, blue leather. aunroof, Immaculate. 5511-5001. 611 280$, muat NII. rec· ondltloned. bHt offer. Oya 778-2248, evea 840-81135 75 MG. MW lop I tlM*I. runa well, 12800 080. 01119 851-0248 9Yll .,, 1144 ....•.......•...•..•.• '113 MOB RESTOAE.D $3800, mint cond .. Wire wt1t1. nu paint. chrom.. uphol .. rbll engine & much more. fl.4e..1211 ~~ ........•... !.~ff 10 Opel GT, perfect cond. etuav a aharp. I 1950. 4114-4318 -~~! ......... ~~~ 1112• llEmE. Coma fn a nd drive the IMdlng dleMll AV1111ebie for Immediate dellveryl S ee why peo plt a re l'MICNrtg \O ~ ...... ,. 14100...ltreet NIWPOfn MACH 112-IMI •• 2 F-150 PICKW $500 FACTOllY 81BATIS ~.!7.'.:.:.~ _,_., ...... .., , ................ _ , .. , .... ..•.. -, .. , -···· ..... ................ .-i -----····· ...... . t/U/'1 1111 IRIS. llMllA ~=·~ ••••• 1• ... F111T1 :s.=::r.~ ••••• NOW AT THEODORE ROBlllS I I ''OUR BIGGEST TRUCK SALE EVER!'' .... couma..ca• $200 FACTMY RmAnS LIQUIDATION SERVICE Ill. SPECIAL! ef every r•m•ln'"9 1911 Jn atecti lnclu41ne New en4 D-••· ..... FACTORY RIBAlll 5 DAY TRIAL EXCHAllGE 11ll llTlll lllZ HI. Abtolutolr. Ill•'/' •• Ault. H6ft• , • t tOft , • ••• _ ....... ..,.,. . 1171 UlllU 1111 V ·-·-'""''"""' 11411 ~~J mllH Lio. No. 1111 Miil 111111 ~·~··L~~ '4111 I 'I I 1 IUJllE ClllT Ylll HlllTllWI DlllY PIPIR 1111"'1.\, r.1 \, 11 1 1: OH ANGE C:OlJ N 1 V l A l IF OH NIA 2'1 C [N TS Battered balloonists await banquet By PHIL SNEIOERMAN oftM Deltr ...... "•" The winning aeronauts are recovering from a bumpy lan- ding, the three mlaalng pilots have been found , and partici· pant1 In the Gordon Bennett Balloon Race are now awaiting the annual "Survivors' Banquet," Friday In C.O.ta Mesa. During the banquet at the South Coast Plaui Hotel, mem- bera of eight h elium balloon teams are expected to trade at.er rles about flying through rain, snow and heavy winds In an ef- fort to win the dlatance competi- tion. With about 25,000 aerial en- thusiasts looking on, the balloo- nists lifted o ff Saturday from Mlle Square Park in Fountain Valley. The unofficial winners aboard SCARECROW METER MAID -Make-believe version of Laguna Beach's friendly ticket writer Rosie Miclette is just good-humored fun from Sherwood Gallery on Broadway in Laguna, but J o Jo Greco, 4, of Anaheim, isn't sure what to make of her. Evictions delayed at . Crystal Cove By JEFF ADLER Of tM OellJ Not ..... C rystal Cove State Park's part-time cottage residents reac- ted rather matt.er-of-factly today upon learning their July eviction is to be postponed at least another year. ·The reprieve came Monday when members of an Assembly budget subcommittee agreed to poatpone the evictions until a plan for using the cottages is ad- opted by the Legislature some- time next year, according to AB- temblywoman Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach, who repre- sents the 45-ootta~e community. "I'm glad it's on ice for that period. r think they're moving in the right direction," commented NATION Paul Ramsey, a part-time cotta· ger who lives In North Holly- wood. But Ramsey said he was not surprised by the subcommittee's action. "We thought we'd get that.'' he said. ''The only thing rd be pleased about is if they would honor their commitment to a 20-year leaseback," he added. Another part-time cottage res- ident, Christine Shirley, said she was "delighted" by the lawma- kers' action, but noted it ii only a "temporary respite." And Alfred Willinger, a mem- ber of the Crystal Cove Resident Association's executive commit- tee, said the subcommittee'• ac- (See CRYSTAL, Page AZ ) Optimism unj ustilie'd? Buslnea analyst John Cunniff aaka why econo- mj1ta and corporate officials as well as President Reagan continue to see an upturn in the economy, despite gloomy report after gloomy report. Page A4. Cussing's 'good for you' A USC clinical peychologiat 1ay1 go ahead and CUii when the need arf.let. Four·letter worda eerve M a ~ valve, he contends. Pqe M . Oppenheimer chronicled PBS, starUng tonlcht and for the next u 'fuel.. daya, portrays the aareer of J. Robert Oppenhelnw, one of America'• molt. tnCic heroes. P1&e Of. "Rollie O'Grady" came down 28 hoW'll later about 892 milet away in a farm yard near C.ody, Wyo. Joe Kittinger, a former combat pilot from Orlando, Fla., suffered a dislocated shoulder and bruises during the Sunday evening lan- ding. U deda.red an official winner, Kittinger will have broken his s tring of three co nsecutive second-place flniahea in the Gor- don Bennett race. Hb co-pUot, Los Angelea busi- nessman Charles W. Knapp. a.1ao received treatment tor brulaea auffered ln the landing. Much of race offlciala' atten- tion Monday. waa focused on finding the lone rnillBlng Gordon Bennett balloon. The "10-Ball,'' a non-competing "pathfinder" craft carrying three men. appa- rently had a radio malfunction shortly after liftoff, cauaing the aeronauta to loae contact with their chaae crew. An emergency locator signal waa heard In eastern Nevada near WU.On Mountain, triggering a search in that snow-blanketed area for the miasing balloon. But race officials received a surprise Monday afternoon, when two "10-Ball" balloonists called In to aay they had actually landed Sunday morning In the Ar1rona desert near thl' Grand Canyon. "We didn't find them -they found us," race director Tom Helnshe1 mer said. "Duane Po- w ers (the pilot) knew exactly where he was. It was alwaya under control, just the way it should be" (See BALLOON, Page AZ) Britain attacks ship Falklands channel • Ill -------------------------~ Seat belt Woman wounded • restraint 'lifesaver' Laguna shots leave 1 dead By JOEL C. DON O(tfle Deity Piiot Sten Young children riding Ul cars could be spared death or serious injury from tra({ic accidents if parents made sure they were restrained with seat belts or spe- cial car seats, a UC Irvine pedia- trician said Monday. Following a two-year study of Orange County traffic accidents involving children . Dr. Phyllis Agran dlacovered only about 10 per<:ent of the youngsters were restrained in some fashion. Un- restrained duldren were at the ~rcy of being slammed against the interior of the car or thrown from the vehicle. she said. "Seat belts and car seats have been shown to reduce deaths but a lot o f people are not using them," she said, at a UCI Medical Cent.er press conference to high- light California Child Passenger Safety Week, May 7-14. (See CHILD, Page A2) Home gutted in Valley; cause sought Fountain Valley fire officials were attempting today to deter- mine the cau se o f a Monday blaze that gutted a two-stor y home. Battalion Chief John Bolstad said 23 firefighters from Founta- in \lalley and Huntington Beach responded at 10:30 a.m . to the blaze at the home o f Danny 8undakji, 18772 Capense St. He said a w oman a nd child who w ere home at the time es- caped safely, but f ir efighter Larry Hadlen was hospitalized overnight suffering second de- gree burns and smoke Cnhalation. A second firefighter suffered a minor injury from broken glass, he said. Damage was estimated at $300,000 to the dwelling and its contents. The blaze is believed to have started in the living room, Bolstad said. S TATE By STEVE MITCHELL O(ttie Oellf Piiot ltefl A double s h ooting on the streets of Laguna Beach today left a 21-year-old Emerald Bay man dead and a 17-year-old La- guna Beach woman gravely wounded. Police Identified the dead man as James Anthony Kendall of Emerald Bay. Identification of the woman was bei.ng withheld until h• relatives couJd be noti- fied. The 8: 10 a .m . shooting took place in the parking lot of the Calvary EvangelicaJ Free Church at the corner of Legion and Through streets, police reported. Police Chief Neil Purcell said oHicers have been unable to dis- cover any witnesses to the shoo- tings, which were heard by resi- dents of the central Laguna neighborhood. A nurse who was m the area discovered the two bodies lying near the park 1ng lot of the church and summoned police who cordoned off the a rea im- mediately foUowing the shooting. Both victims had ~n shot in the chest. A small caliber weapon was found near the bodies, Pur- cell srud. Paramedics....U min1ste red emergency first aid to the victims for more than 40 minutes, but the male died at the scene, Purcell said . The t.een-aged woman was taken to Miss ion Community H ospital and was reported in guarded condition. Purcell said the shooting ap- peared to be a murder-suicide, adding officers found a note on the scene, apparently penned by the woman describing to whom she wished her belongings dis- tributed. "From what w e can pu~ce to- gether so far , 1t looks like a murder-suicide.'' the chief said. "We found a note that leads us to believe it was a p~ed event. and we're now trying to deter- mine who shot whom. The female wrote a note discussing who should get her belongings." Pur- cell said. State propositions discussed Columnist F.a.rl Waters continues his analysis of the state ballot propositions to be voted on ln June. Page A6. I C OU N TY A 'second life' at 70 San Clemente re.Sdent Milton Corb, a mere 70 )'MI'S old, gnbl hil 1U1to from Ute ln abstmct painting. Pap Bl. SCENE -Arrow indicates location of parking lot where shootings took place today in Laguna Beach. Isamu Garden Center to open tonight The grand open ing o f the lsamu Noguchi Sculpture Ga r - den in C.O.ta Mesa's Town Center begins tonight at 7 o'clock. The Japanese American Cul- tural and Community Center will kick off the week long festivities in honor of the man Time Mag- azine has called "the pre-eminent American 9CU.lptor." The 1.6-acre aculpturt: garden commissioned by Henry Seger- st rom, includes six e lements meant to reflect the California's changlng environment. Califor- nia Scenario, as it is called, is lo- cated In South Coast Plaza Town Center along Anton Boulevard between the American City Bank and Great Weetem Savin.gil. INDEX At Your Service A4 Erma Bombeck 82 L.M. Boyd 'A6 Buaihela 84-5 Call!omia ~ CavaJctde B2 Cluaified 0 1,03-6 Comics B3 era.word B3 Death NoUcea D2 F.ditoc1al A6 Entertalnmenl a SPORTS Marine landing planned? By Tbe Asaoclated Press Britain said one of its warships fired on a surface vessel today in the body of water separating the two main Falkland Islands, and Argentina threatened to attack any British s hip or plane ap- proaching the South Atlantic war zone Britis h Defense Ministry s pokesman Ian McDonald told reporters in London that the British s hip was in the fi ve- mile-wide Falkland Sound, just oH Bold Cove, West Falkland, when it opened fire. He said a "large explosion" occurred. 1t was the closest naval e n - gagement to the Falklands since Ar~entme forces seized the is-lands from Bri tain on April 2, and McDonald said: "The incident and its location show how tight o ur grip is on the Falkland Islands." He gave no other de- tails. Other reports indentified the target vessel as a n Argentine supply ship or tanker, and said it was fi red on by the radar- t'Ontrollcd. 4.5-inch gun of a Bri- tish frigate, which was said to have ~n acromparued by other Bnush warships in the Falkland Sound. British correspondents with the armada. whose dtspatchcs are subject to <:ensorsh1p. said the s hip tha t was attacked was thought to be carrying supplies and possibly troops to Stanley. capital of the Falklands. Fire victims get break on cash penalty WASHINGTON (BW) -The Federal Reserve Board of Gov- ernors has authorized member banks to pay time deposits with· out early withdrawal penalties to victims of last month s firestorm in Anahetm. The temporary exemplion at- f ects time depositors suffering property or other financial lou as a result of the intense fires that erupted Apnl 21. Horoecope 82 Intennlasion C6 Ann Landen B2 Movies C6 National Newt A3 Public Noticee 02-3 Sports Cl .... Stoett Marketa 85 Television ~ TilMtera C6 Weather A2 World New. A3 Hot hurlers along Coast Ansel1 n1p Yanlcees Then are a lot of outltandlnc hlch IChool eoftball pttchen ln the Oranae ~area and molt of them a.re eopt.xnora and freihmen. Ptae Cl. ~ DeCincM Md OeOlt f.ahn lpll'kled • the ~ beat the Yankeei I.ft the •• opmer at Ana· h.tin Stadium. P.,. Cl. Aftu 1 amoo&h l1ndln1, Po· wera and er wman A rthur Hlckl• hlked 20 mllea throu,h the anow untU th•r reached .. tety -and a telephone -ln C.olorado City, Arts., race offid.ala aald. The third crewman , Mlh Cavea, remained wtth the balloon and waa telCUed later. Htinahelmer maln'\alned that thla trio waa the beet equipped for turvival ln dJfficult wlnd and weather cond1Uont becau.e they all live ln the C.llfornia deaert city_. Rtctaea-t. UnoUIQlal MCOndc wln- nlf'I In tM Ocldon ct ant father and eon Max.le and Krta And non of AJbuQue~ue-, N.M .. whoH craft "Viklna' touched down near Caaper, Wyo., after ttaveUna 8~ mil•. In tnlrd place wa1 th• "BenJhana," piloted by 1.Mt y..,..1 winnel'll Ben Abnmo and Rocky Aoki. Their craft traveled 771 mile• before landing near Boul- der Lake, Wyo. CRYSTAL COVE . . . tion moved thJ.ngl "one 1tep for- ward wtth many 1tep1 ahead." WW!naer edded, ''I always felt confident they'~ move ~nal­ bly. lt doesn't bring anything to a conclualon, however." W ith a proviso that '"'e 23 cot1ages not be left vacant until a use plan la accepted, the five- member Resources SubcommJt- tee set a Dec. 15, 1982 deadline for the state Parka and Recre- ation Department to submit such a plan. The plan is to be approved by the panel and Incorporated into the 1983-84 st.ate budget, accor- ding to Mn. Berge.on. In the meantlme, budget lan- fuage 11 to be included tn th• 982-83 budget, now belng con- sidered, to enaure that the evic- tions are delayed, Mn. Ber1eeon said from her Sacramento office. • She called Monday'• action a "reaaonable compromiae that as- sures public access to the cottaget and treats re1identa In a fair manner.'' St.ate officials and cottage rea- identa have been wrestling with the problems of how to incorpo- rate the cottage community, a national hiatorlcal site, into the state park since 1979. SA Heights annex gets panel look By STEVE MARBLE O(tM OMty Piiot St.ft Newport Beach City Council members af(J"eed Monday to jump into the thorny dispute over what's going to happen to Sant.a Ana Heights. • The council said it will form an ad-ho~ committee later this month in an attempt lo deter- mine what residents want to do wHh their community. The move could be a preliminary step to- ward annexation of the area by ·the city. The Heights, located in county territory under the J ohn Wayne. Airport takeoff pattern, has been under siege in recent months from groups advocating every- thing from annexation to New- port to large-scale redevelopment as a commercial center. Council members got a taste Monday night of how far-flung the views of residents from Santa Ana Heighs are. "I prefer commercial because I just can't stand to live there anymore," said Kenneth Gay, a 37-year Heights resident who said jet noise and traffic has be- corrle too much to take. Heights resident Patricia Cox said she favors annexation be- cause Newport can help the small community right back against airport noise. She said the Heights, in tum, can serve as a noise buffer r.one for Newport. Former Newport Beach city attorney Hugh Coffin, now re- presenting a group calling ltaelf Santa Ana Heights Citizens for Annexation, said if the county is left unchallenged, it likely will push to rewne the area commer- cial. "The county, I believe, ~ts to eli minate a n adve rse constl tu ency," suggested Cof fln. Heights resident R ichard Truofreh said he is opposed to annexation and favors partial rezoning of the area as a com - mercial center. Truofre h , who heads up a group known as ABCOM -na- med for five streets in t h e Heights, said the county i.sland is not the rural paradise eome say, but rather, "a crime.ridden area with lots of dope traffic." .,..., ........... ,..... STUDIES SAFETY - There's no doubt about -seat belts properly used, save children from death and in - jury in a uto accidents, says UC Irvine pediatrician Phyllis Agran. From Page A I CHILD .. • "I think the single most im- portant thing I can do as a phy- a 1 c i an is to get the c hild restramed," she added. The $150,000 study, funded by the state Office of Traffic Safety, revealed most accidenta were al s peeds less than 30 mph. Dr. Agran said 82 percent of the ac- cidents occurre d on s urface street& and most children were riding in the front seat, leaving them vulnerable to collisions with dashboards and wind- shields. Traffic accidents, she noted, are \he No. 1 killer of children. In California. 200 children die and 20,000 are injured each year as a result of motor vehicle collisions aa well as non-crash incidents aucb as cars subject to sudden atopa, turns, door openings, swerves and accelerationa. Some youn gsters are injured just by moving about in a car. In the non-crash incidents, Dr. Agran found 44 percent of the children were ejected from the vehicle. Many of those children accidentally opened a car door or fell out an open window. For children more than 4 years old1 ~belts generally are suf- ficient. But for toddlers under age 4, Dr. Agran sai<l federally approved car aeats -Costing $30 to $50 -offer the beat protec- tion. She also drew attention to the Orange County Trauma Society's "Baby's First Ride" project, de- signed to boost public awareness of the need for adequate restraint for children riding in qars. , Dr. Agran challenged the notion among some parents that they could quickly grab their child in the event of a traffic collision. Sunny afternoons Par11y Gloudy except tor sonny afternoons today ano WeOn•a· day Highs today as to 89 OYef· night lows 49 to 54. High• W•On•aday 95 to 73 Hunllngton·Nawport area tem- peratures renoe from a high Of 85 to a low of 5S. E~•. from Point Conc:ep- llon 10 the Mexican border and OUI 80 mllet. North-I wlftda 10 10 20 knot• with 4 to 7 loot ew.119 ov•r out•r watera. Ele•wh•r•. light varlabl• winds b•eomlng -• to nDt1hWWt 10 to 1a knot• thlt atlernoon. West to aou(hwM! ewetls of 2 to 4 IMt. Falt' lodey. U.S. srJ.mmary Tornadoes-• 9'>0lled In the Or•al Plena It thund•rstorme proauc.d -e -"*' In Min-Mtotl. toulh centr•I Nebraella and nor1h <*llrll Kanau Showers end thunder1torm1 eonllnu.d ov« Upper Michlgen end from eoutti.m Minn.ate to _, .... N9brllka, and lllO In 11M NebfMk• PanMndte and nonh· •Ht ColOraoo. No dame~ wu rlPOr19d lrom the tomadoel. Th•r• w•r• wld•ly •e•tter•d showers end a fe• light ano .. ahow•rt over Wyoming Th•r• -•some 111owe<1 over MalM CIHr lkiH prevmlled from tht 10Uthem and mld-Allantk: coaa1 10 IM lower MIMINippl V...,. T.m1>9rature1 around the n•· tlon early today rano9d from 33 In Lander. INYo to 79 In St~. Texu. .Calif o'!'ia Spnng IMUld beQln c;r.eptng bedl Into Southern Callfomle on Wednetd•Y H 1 low-pr•uure l)'lt9"" 0¥9' NeWd• "'°"'99 ..... ~1 U\9 '**" ctlilty ~ TM Net!onel WMlhef 8ervtoe pr.cllcla ..., .. .,.. Ctoudl tonlgflt with • ChMice ol lhowere over Inland welleya, mounleln1 1nd deMna. ati• "'°""' deer .._ morning c:toudl Wedneadl)', and temperah/rH are e11p~ted to wwm. Temperatures NATION HI Lo Pre. Albany 68 4 t Albuque 78 •3 Amarillo 85 ~ AlhevMle 92 47 AUente 82 56 Atlante Cty 86 51 AUS11n 79 70 02 BaltlmOfe 78 53 BNllngt 4t 35 Birmlngtlm 64 51 Bbmatdl 52 •2 25 8olM 56 38 12 Bolton 57 47 07 Browntvlle 85 78 BuffllO 65 48 Burlington 68 32 Caper 45 34 82 Charltln SC 76 64 Cherltln WV 77 45 Cherttte NC 80 59 Ctl9yenM 68 35 32 CNcago 118 62 Clnemnali 76 50 C19Y91and 66 50 CkTtble SC IS4 49 Columbut 89 48 011-Ft Wlh 81 65 09Y1on 71 53 o.nver 73 41 0.. Motn.a 81 62 08 Dettolt 89 49 Duluth 82 .. 15 El Puo 94 52 Fargo 114 44 01 AaottaN 50 28 OrNt Falla 39 28 04 Hertford 72 49 Helena 47 34 Honolulu 86 74 01 Houston 78 72 lndnapllt 80 57 Jeckan MS 85 541 Jac:kefwlte 13 ... ~City 82 M LAI Vega .. eo 101 Uttfa Rodi 91 a t:.:z-86 51 eo 52 Lubt>ock 88 IM MempNa 82 81 Mi9ml 7t 74 Mllw9Uk• ... 82 ~t.P 85 541 N..,,... 12 66 New°'*11• S7 83 NewYorll 72 51 Nottoll 10 5' Olde City IO 87 Omaht eo . M OtllndO a to . 10 IO katOnll'N•-~· NOU VS Oto! OI C-'• Front1: Cold .,. Watr11 .,. Ptllledphle 74 Ptloenlll 91 Pittsburgh 89 P11and, Me 57 P11and. Ore 59 PrcMcMnce 57 Raleigll 79 Reno 55 Sett Lall• 49 San Ant~ 75 Seattle 50 ~~ M 80 St Louis 84 St P-Tampe 83 St St• Marie 51 SpOll-13 Syrac:uM 83 Tc>p9111 78 Tuceon 80 Tuitt 118 Waafllngtn 78 Wlc:Nte 78 c~ Sell.,~ 75 8lytha 80 £\Kalla 5e Fresno 73 ~t., 13 ~ 85 74 NeadlM 77 Oellland 69 Paao Aotllea " Red lluft 74 RedwoOd City s.rameneo 57 ..... 58 Sen oi.,. 88 Sen Ft&MllOO ~7 j .... 53 81 43 48 48 49 .05 45 29 35 41 gg 02 45 68 49 80 56 45 82 37 35 84 51 88 50 85 55 68 47 43 51 48 48 .. 42 48 80 ... A ..... ';- 17 17 17 17 .. N Sant• 8.,bera a.t 44 Sante M1r11 82 5100kton 43 Thermal 80 Ukiah 71 Bartt-76 63 Big Bear 57 27 BllN>P 82 35 Lake Arrowh419d 42 32 Long Beach 88 53 Momovta 70 51 MtWhon 40 3d N:'l:1 e..ch 83 55 Ont rlo 84 52 Palm Sprlngt 79 51 Puadena 87 50 Sen e.merdlno 62 51 San Gabri.I 68 50 S1n11 An1 67 52 CANADA Celgery 54 28 Edmonton 83 2• MonttMI lie 43 Ottawa 42 Regine &~ 33 Toronto 31 VlnCOU\l9t 8t Q Winnipeg 50 .. Extended weather SOUTHERN O ALlfORNIA COASTAi. ANO -..ouNTAIN AREAi -'•Ir .. cept pertt, =coe.111.,..,... ... Hlgllelft~-- e6 o .lowt ... toN ..... 111 IM mountlltll Q to 82. LOM '° 10 40. Station safety delayed A reque1t by Seal B each School Dlatrict truatee. to check out the aafety of ~ Sal Buch Naval Weapon.1 Station hae been Hl Hide_ by the General Ac- count.I.JU( OUJce. An alde to U.S. Sen . Alan Cranston aald today the GAO won't look lnto the aafety upteta of the bue becaW1e a law1uJt is pending. Ryan Conroy, Cranatan'1 ueo- ciate leglalatlve auistant in Washington, D.C., aaid the re- quest ha1 been shelved becauae the Navy cannot dlacuu i11ues while belng aued. In Jl resolution adopted last month, the school trustees ex- preaed concern for the safety of 500 1tudenll at McGaugh Inter. mediate School at Bolsa Avenue and Seal Beach Boulevard near the 1tation, The ret0lulion stated that Jar. ge ships with conventional and possibly nuclear weapons are loaded and unloaded at a wharf about M>O yards from the 11Chool. The board noted that the GAO in 1975 mentioned a number of safety problems at t h e atallon and aUeged that the GAO didn't perform any subsequent studies to determine il the problems had been corrected. Craoston had requested the GAO to follow up its investiga- tion. Navy officials said previously that any discrepancies found in the report had been corrected. A lawsuit has been filed in federal court demanding to know if nuclear weapons are stored at the station. The Navy says it can neither confirm nor deny that possibility. Long Beach cop facing molest rap A Long Beach police officer pleaded innocent Monday to 21 ·counts of molesting young girls who live ln his Huntington Beach neighborhood. He was ordered to appear at a May 19 preUmlnary hearing ln the cue. Facing the child molesting charges is Michael Bruce McDo- nald, 42, an 18-year veteran who has been off duty for the put six months becal.18e of an injury. At his arraignment Monday, West Orange County Municipal Judge Ragnar Engerbretaen redu- ced McDonald's bail from ~250,- 000 to $100,000. McDonald attorney Gar y Pohbon argued that this amount should be reduced further . A hearing to reconsider the bail is- sue was set for Thursday. A Huntington Beach City Jail official said McDonald was freed Monday night after he succeeded in ting bail. ~ Long Beach motorcycle officer was arrested last week after several girls who live near McDonald's south central Hun- tington Beach home told their parents about the alleged child molesting incidenta. Bruinsma backe d WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. S.I. Hayakawa. R-Calif., taking aides for the first time on the crowded field of California GOP Senate candidates, on Monday endorsed Ted Bruinsma'a bid to succeed him. WINS PRIZE -Daily Pilot photographer Richard Koehler won first place in the sports category of this year's Associated Press California-Nevada photo contest with his entry, "Jump Ball Call." Photo was taken with 180 mm lens in available light at Jan. 13 basketball game between Laguna Beach and Laguna Hills high schools. Laguna players Bob Short (25) and Rudy Dvora k (5) couldn't believe official's call. Laguna Hills wont~ game, 68-61. . 16 at UC Irvine to • receive Dr. James L . M cGaugh, internationally known psycho- biologiBt and outgolng executive vice chancellor at UC Irvine, will be h o nored with an "extraordinarius" title Sunday at the 12th Annual Lauds and Laurels banquet. McGaugh will be one of 16 d1.Stlngulshed faculty and staff members or friends of t h e uni- versity to be honored for contri- butions in research, teaching or community servi.ce. Sponaored by the UCI Alumni Association, the banquet will be held at the Ma rriott Hotal in Newport Beach. Recipients of the awards will receive original monoprinll by artist Dorrit Kirk, master' of fine arts candidate at UCI. Abo honored al Sunday's· banquet will be English professor Murray Krieger, winner of the 1982 Acade mic Senate Dis- tinguished Lectureship Award, and 10 junior class scholars no- minated by faculty members as "ChanceUor's Scholars." One of the 10 will be selected recipient of the J ean and Dan Aldrich Scholarship, which pro- vides quarterly fees for the 1982-83 year. Crime in America topic of lecture W. Garrett Capune, a professor of criminal justice at Cal State Fullert on, w ill spea k on "America's Culture: The Cause or Crime" in a free program Wednesday al Coastline College Conference Room C, 10231 Slater Ave., Fountain Valley. The session, part of Coastline's "Scholars in th e Community" series, begins at 7 p.m. kudos HONORS D UE -UCI will honor outgoing executive vice chancellor James L. McGaugh Sunday. 2 Estancia youths held Two Es tancia High School students were arrested by Cost.a Mesa police Monday afternoon in ronnectton with what pobce said was the attempted assault of a 16-year-old girl who allegedly was kidnapped from the school grounds last week, police said. The names of the two boys, ages 16 and 17, were not released. The pair were arrested about 1 p.m. at the school, 2323 Placentia Ave .. shortly after the girl re- ported the incident. The girl wy unharmed. Police said the Victim decided to report the incident Monday after talking to family members. PIA TUllS INCLUDl1 a week ... • AEROBIC CLASSES • PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTION • IODY FAT ANALYSIS ~ • STRESS TESTING • llOOD PIESSURE TESTING •COED SAUNA • NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING • COED WHIRLPOOL • OlYMPK: FREE WEIGHT * COMPUTERIZED DYNA VIT • * NAUTILUS f XERCISE EQUIPMENT • SUN TAN ROOM • GUARANTEED RESULTS Tripoli 47 killed • ID Street fighting nares for fifth day BJ TIM Aaeoola&ed Pnt1 BEIRUT, Lebanon -Su.et flahUna between rival mWUu ln Tripoli flared tor a llfth Clay today, and DO&e Mid the week'• bloodahed alrHdy hu killed_ 47. people and ln)u.red 215. Clunea between the pro-Syrian Arab Kni&htl and Mmlem fundament.allata o( the Popular Reita· t.ance have abo cauted acute 1borta1et of food, mU.k, dri.nk1nc waier and electridty foe the north· em port dty'1 500,000 reddentl, a police apokmnan ..td. Firemen and civU-defenM teama braved the sunfire Monday ln Bab el-Tabbaneh to reecue all 40 \enanta from an aparttnent buildlna eet ablue by an lncend1ary bomb. Poland expels 2 U.S. envoys WARSAW, Poland -The U.S. government admitted that two U.S. J!lmbuay officlala who are being expelled from Poland met wttb a dlaaident a.ienilat but denied the Communlat govenunent's charge that they were trying to undermine the stability of the Polish state. It was assumed that the U.S . government would expel ~o offidala of the Poliah Embusy ln Waahlng1on. the customary rewtation. The pernment televillon aervice announced that acience attache John W. Zerolla and cultural affairs officer Jamea D. Howard were declared peraona non lfllla Monday for recei~ rnat.eriala from ICientiat Ryuard Herczynaki that 'hit •t the lnterett of Poland." Israel flight flap wide TEL A VIV, Israel -Controversy over the government's decision to ban the national airline, El Al, from flying on the Jewiah Sabbath threatens to force an early election, Israeli newspapers reported today. Two papers quoted sources close to Prime Minister Menachem Begin aa saying Begin was getting tired of pretBUre · to enfOl"Cle the ban, and might resign and call an election. The reporta followed a Supreme Court n.allng Monday that the Sabbath and rellatoua holiday flights could not be halted without die approval of the Finance Committee of Parliament. Reagan summons top leaders WASHING TON -Top business leaders are About 100 busi.nesnen were 8Cheduled to aee being summoned to the White Hou.te to hear Pres-the president over a three-day period starting to- ident Reagan lobby for lower interest rat.es and day. They a.l8o are getting pep tal.ka from budget congressional approval of the Republican budget director David Stockman and Treuury Secretary alternative. Donald Regan. T-bill yields hit low level WASHINGTON -Yields on abort-term Treasury securities are down thia week to their lo- west level in more than two months, ofticiala say. 12.236 percent, down from the 12.78 percent' of lut week. The Government ahlo aold about $4.7 billion ln three-month bUla at an average rate of 12.248 per- cent, down from 12.675 percent. About $4.7 billion in six-month T -billa were auctioned Monday al an average diacount rate of libel lawsuit • W'IDS C LEVELAND -Television wou ld be "blackmailed off the airwaves'' if it didn't fight li- bel suits, says the producer of an ABC "20-20" program th.at came out on the wtnnlng side of a the network Monday ln a suit by a woman who contended a.he was defamed by the procrun. The "20-20" segment, "Injustice for All." dealt with a public corruption acandal that rocked Sum- mit County and Akron in 1980, including allesa- tions of wrongdoing on the part of Probate Judge James V. Barbuto and others. multimillion-dollar lawsuit. · A jury sat through 25 days of testimony but deliberated only about 51h hours before finding for ·~UillIT~ Mayor demands Gates inquiry LOS ANGELES -Mayor Tom Bradley or- dered the Police Comm1asion to review a aeries of controversial remarks by Police Chief Daryl Gates as dvic leaders demand Gates' resignation for hie latest suggestion that blacks are physiologically different from "nonnal people." COl1'Ul\imrion whkh has 10le authority to d.i9cipline the police chief, l&id the group would consider the ilsue at its meeting Wedn8day. Gates, a 33-year department veteran who earns $94,500 annually, on Monday rejected resiination or apology. He djpnlwed the tnddent as "just an- other little controversy in the life of Daryl Gates." Reva B. Tooley, president of the five-member Sirhan testifies first time SOLEDAD -Insisting he haa felt remorse ever since he killed Robert F. Kennedy, Sirhan Sirhan told YllU'Ole board that keep~ him behind ban after 191M"would be wrong and <two wrongs don't make a right." behind the walla of Soledad Priaon, the Jordanian immigrant saki that while he felt ttmone for h.ia act. revoking h.ia 1984 parole would violate the Jaw. "I alncerely believe that If Robert Kennedy were alive today, he would not countenance sin- gling me out fOI' this kind of treatment.," Sirhan said Monday. In a dramatic finale to two weeka of hearings ORANGE COAST Daily Piloi Kay Schultz V-ce p, .-...oent ~°"fl(.'.,,, ~ ,., ..... ,,,.no Tom Murphrne Eclfl"' Mike Harvey Dw"<•r• ot Ma.itetiuo 1Cft,ut;ttlO"I Ken Goddard °""""" "' Oo--••-· Ray Maclean Cont•~ Chatlet LOOI M*"'OO"'> EO.•Of .., .... ......., ........... Clanified advertising 7141642·5678 All other departments 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE IJO w.,. e~v !>I (. ....... M~'" ( • Mt11f~_.,, Ao• I S.0 (O\t•M,.y (._A.,.,_ ~00>••0Qf'4 •"'81 o.__,.. c .... ,, Puo""""<I C-v Pio n•w\ \tof..,., 1Uu'''""°"' ,.0••0t••' ,.., .. ,.,or .O- ¥f"fflttMflint' ,,.,,.,n m•• bf!' r•oroovcfid "'''"°"' \M< ••t P""""'"'•~ ot < oovr•qht ow Mr .,_,, Oft<I t ''"' P""-11.q,o .,.,.t(f ,itt (O\tA M•VI , .... Of'NA 1u.-~ t u d t ~ttpttOft b• ,.,.,,.,., \-4 ""'°""'"'" nv ,..,,.,, "'iO u.w\i"'!_v I"" 'Jr.,.. l °"" ""''' P•lol ...... ,. ,.111(11 I\ com btnl'd tM H_w, p,.,.., I\ P'Vt>'"hifd bY IN Or ...... CN•I ,....,.,"'°,,_ Com-y \<>~''"'" ..,,,_, ••• puOh\-_,,,,, tll•ouqill r rtOey lot C°'U ~ ..... _, 8Hcfl ............... aNcfl F_, .. ,.. .., .. ._,, "''"" l-8•.Kfl S<Nlll(ont A'"""°,..,...._ MltfOft '' °'*'"'"' ~•htrdA~\ •f'G ~aY\ fhf Pfll\( •p•I l>UOl••l11nq plAnl " Al UO W••I f\ey f.lr .. I. P 0 Boa hM (4"1• -'" C .. ,,.,,,.,., .,.,. VOL. 76, NO. 131 Group protests TV cancellation LOS ANGELES -About 300 people who believe CBS' "Lou Grant" t elevi1lon drama waa canceled became of 1tar Ed >..- ner'1 political acUvlt.te., not be· cau1e of plum m etlna ratln11, picke te d the 1tud10 w hile the man they au~ wu veca-Uontna ln c.o . At s me ln ta the Monday nicbt on the bwy CCII'• nu o Fairfax Avenue and Be- . verly Boulevard turned tnto a me1aphone 1boutln1 ioatch when three mm mrrytnc a h• tip with 8'tale vw... polltknid tlielmelwt OD the comer oppo- flte the p6drMa. We'Te Listening ••• What do you like about the DaU1 Pilot! Wbat don't JoU llb! Call the number below and your mnaa1• wUI be ...cordtd, tr.nacrlbed and dellv~red to the appropria~ editor. TM tame 24-tM>ur anawertni Hrvlce m•1 be m.cl to record let· tera to the editor on any topic. llaUbox coevtbaton enuet Include their name and ltl~e number for vertflcalloe. No d reulaOon calla, l)te&M. Tell U1 whet'• on your mind. :l Or.,,. Oout DAILY "LOT/Wedneeday, May 12, 1882 H/f' Al SCATl'ERED ATl'ENDANCE -Only hardy beacbgoen showed up Monday along Newport Beach sands near Newport Pier. Sun aeekers found little sun, virtually zero surf, ocean D91y ............... temperatures a chilly 57 degrees and a stiff, cold offshore breeze. No wonder most people stuck around the fireplace. Old letters found Like sister, Abby admits 'recycling' ABBY TOO -Advice colum- nist Abigail Van Buren, twin sister of Ann Landen. admits that she also has been recy- cling letters in her column. Viejo pilot ejects from jet, injured A Miu.ion Viejo Marine pilot who ejected from his A -4M Skyhawk jet over Twentynine Palms Monday suffered a broken leg when he parachuted to the desert floor. Maj. Richard Lyle Barton Jr., 40, waa on a routine lralnin& mission when h.ia jet crashed al 9:15 a.m., according to a Marine spokesman at the Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro, where Maj. Bart.on la atationed. The aircraft., belonging to Ma- rine Attack Squ&<iron 311, crashed in a remote northern training sector of the combat center. Among the meny attr.ctton1 of Ci.c>patra wH the feet that the owned her own Emerald mine. She wa1 one of the flrat of hl1-tory'1 lamou1 namH to adorn themHlv•• with th• rich, iuetroua ~.gem. WNot'I II the blrthstolie for •• Emerald II one of the olde•t known gem• on earth and wu found In the mnets of .nc:teot Babylon. Today It la still one of the moet admired and cherlahed of gemetonea. In andent tlmea many atonea wera mletakenty caled em..ld IU.t beo•UM tMy .... ,,...,. E""" t°"Y aomt .......,_ Mftd to mllleed the ouatomet ~ """' mlano~rs auch u "evening enw.ed" jpertdot) Of "Ot1ental •merald' <ar .. n Hpphlr a). TheM and offier ~..,.,,. refer to different 1•m•tone1 ~. The Amn:lin Gem lo-• 'ctety etrlcav forbtde the uae of .,,, ..................... publlc=eo oan trutt iour Ml.I. lnllll ....... Tht ··~ofthe ,. ' ,,.,.,..~ "••vetY~ fUI Md ..,. --fW ... "'*"" of Mey. lt1 lovety 0001 ''"" CHEROKEE, Iowa (AP) -A group of Mother's Day letters appearing in the "Dear Abby" newspaper feature tripped up Abigail Van Buren one week af- ter her twin sister. Ann Landers, admitted rerunning old letters in her advice column, it waa repor- ted today. In a copyrighted story, the Cherokee DaUy Times said let- ters to Mlss Van Buren praising an unwed mother for putting her child up for adoption and inqui- ring about the significance of a sirigle carnation on Mother's Day were reprints. A check of the newspape r's records found the letters had been uaed previously -one on May 12, 1979, and one on May 7, 1977. Additionally, The Arizona Re- public reported today th.at a rea- der, Sara Baird of Phoenix, Ariz., recognlud the letter about the unwed mother as one ahe had read before in Mlss Van Buren's column. The Daily Times said today that Mias Van Bure n issued a statement through Universal Press Syndicate acknowledging the reprints and promising that "henceforth every reprint will be labeled." An Investigation by the P on - tiac (lli.) Daily Leader and The Associated Press found th.at Miss L a nders had been r ecycling 15-year-old letters and answers in nearly identical language the last 18 months without telling readers or newspapers who sub- scribe to her column. Miss Lan- ders acknowledged the recycled Jett.era and promised to label re- printed portions of columns. Efforta to reach Miss Van Bu- ren by telephone in Beverly Hills on Monday were unsuccessful. Lee Salem, editorial director of the Universal Preu Syndicate, said "All the infonnation isn't in. I'm sure there will be further discuasioM between Mias Van Buren and the syndicate." @ liEM WISE Cop-killing • suspect 1n 'drug fog'- Murder defendant Gordon Lee Mink testified Monday that he lived in a twilight world of such heavy drug use that he remem- bered nothing of the evening on which he is accused of gunning down a Garden Grove police of- ficer in June, 1980. Testifying in his own defense, the bearded and long-haired Mink maintained th.at the last 10 years of his life were no more than a "fog" because he mgested drugs 90 heavily. "When you're speeding (taking drugs)," he said, "the days all seem to run together." Mink offered his unusual tale of rampa nt drug abuse as his Orange County Superior Court murder trial neared its climax. Closing statements in the case are expected today. The defendant, 32, who Is also known as John George Brown, faces the possibility of a death sentence if he la convicted of first-degree murder and special circumstances for the shooting death of officer Donald Reed two years ago. The young patrolman was gunned down outside a bar known as the Cripple Creek sa- loon. It is now called the Ponde- rosa bar. Reed and several other officers had gone into the saJoon to arr~t Brown for investigation of as- sault with a deadly weapon and drug sales. Reed's partner, officer Glen Overly, testified that Mink left the bar through a side door be- fore allegedly opening fire on Reed and other officers. Wounded in the gunfire were Overly, officer Dwight H e n- ninger and two bar patrons, William McKinney. 27, and John Terzia, 23. Terzia was shot be- tween the eyes. Mink was arrested near the bar a short time after the Satur- day night shooting. Mink testified that he wasn't even aware of what had occurred outside the bar until he awake- ned the next day in Orange County Jail. I Sterling apology from Easter hui:iny D&All PAT: I •,.J.~=9 a ,.r1eaaU11• .. Letter In• die ..._...,..,., ., ,.... ,..,.... a ... ., Ganlndlt, N.Y.TIM_.1.,.lllDltdMat&Mletter..U'tanl•••dlaW.-aflerlCuter1,.. ........ , ..... ,Mania ........... . l'fta...~elllertl.RI J.M., Fouta.la V.U.J Sterll.na Hou. 11 lend.lnl a refund to you and apoloclw for the latie delfwry. Tax records can be duplicated DEAR PAT: I mov" a eo.ple of WHkl a10 ud eomeHw ~ te ~all my tu neofd1. l1 daen uy way I cu set a -.ne.ae el m;tu ntu.? J.8., Cotta Meta You can pt a photocopy of a tax return from a prior ye.r by tillnc Form 4508, Eeq\.lelt f« C.Opy of Tax Return. There la a $1 cbarle for the fint pap, and 10 oenta for each additional pece. 'lb1a form can be requested by phoning the Internal Revenue ' Service at (800) 242-4586. Be thorough is co-signing DEAR PAT: A reladve w a1ked me to co-1lp for a car ..... h dab tdia1 a bl& rlJk. ud lt ihre uy way to protect mytelf If I do 10 Mead wlda W1? L.E., I.nine Obvioualy, the r1ak you take depends on the relative! How- ever, ltud1e8 have lhown that u many u 50 percent of all the people who co-atin loans are uked to take aome degree of re- lpOOllbility for the unpaid debt. 'nle main thina to remember la never to CCHfgn a loan for more than you coufd afford to pay ofl. To protect younelf, you lhould get everything in writing -from the penon you are co-llCnina the loan for and from the institution lendina the money. Alk the lending inltltut:lon for copies of all papers re1evant to the loan, including any warranties on an item purchued with credit. Get the lender to agree, in writing, to notify you immediately 1f the borrower m1aet a payment. ~e notification will make it elller fer you to avoid late fees 1f you do have to make a payment. The notiflc.ation allo mea.na that you will find out about any problema before the cue enda up in court. Try to work out an arrangement with the lender to limit your liability ao you do not wind up with penalty chargee, at- torney's billa or court ooeta in addition to the principal. AJ..o find out if the borrower has llCll'Dethina of value which miaht be acceptable to you u collateral, even 1f Tt doesn't qualify u aecurity from the lender'1 point of view. Draw up a written a,reement under whkh the borrower will eventually repay you, in part or full, 1f he or she defaulta. Container gardening described DEAR PAT: WHre cu I &et laformatio• aboat llow to IJ'OW vqe&altlea la 1mall co•taiaen cut I cu pat on my apartmeat balco.y? Several people I now raise very 1ood tomatoea la coata!Hn ud rd like 10 '*" Wa tlad of prdeaia1 a try. D.E., Cotta Mesa A free pamphlet from the Consumer Information Center,, "Growing Ve1etablea In Containera," tells you how to grow · veptables on window sllla, balconies, or wherever you can fit a • conta4ner. It alllO •uuesta aome varieties that are especially ad- apt.ed fer growing in pota. When you order this pamphlet (6UK), you alao will receive the Slllina 1982 "Consumer Infonnatlon Catalog." It llata more than 200 6-ee or reuonably priced comumer publications you can aend for by writing to Consumer Inlonnation Center, Pueblo, C:Olo. 81009. Bulle quantities of the catalog are available to edu- caton and corwumer groups. Addrem request.a to Department CA at the above addreea. • "Got a problem'? Then write to Pat Hauwitz. Pat will cut red tape, getting the 811.fWel'B and action you • 1 Deed to aolve inequities in government and bwd.nesr. Mail your quedcwls to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, • Or•nge Coaat Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Coats MtM, CA 92616. Economic • promise, 1reality ~ JORN CVNNIFJI' m•-ln an IOCINllllY ol bAarre lncanlUtendll. tlwn fl at lMlt one u... of out9tandin1 conall-.ncy: f orecuta that ma- na1• to include a recovery In aptfe ot w .. k after week of bid economic news. In ttMU, that 1Dlit between the expectation and the Nlllty can be viewed u an unuaual I( not bl· aarre oc:currence, u lf hope for the promi.-d economic land .eb 1o prwall over the pim fac1I of Ule. And It lm't jult the Pl911dent . and hl1 1upportera who place their faith 1n the promtae over reality, althou1h they of coune are the moet outapoken. C.Orpo- rate economilta too are play1n1 the aame 1ame. That too can be viewed u in- con1l1tent, becau1e If bu1lne11 really expects a recovery It would aeem reuonab le to a11ume it would plan for recovery inltead of red~nventorlea even more, d to invett in plant and equipment, laytna off work- en and otherwile cutting back. Throughout thoae bu1ine11 forecuta la at leut one conliltent 1111 AIAlYlll theme that might help explain the apparent contradiction. The con1umer, they aay almost in unilon, will lead the economy up from the pit.a. In that cue, lt can be ruaoned, busineu intendJ to belfn spen- ding and hirlng when lt getl a atgn from the comwner, 1pecif:i- ca1ly a qn that the conaumer la in a buying mood again. But then you must ask why they 1hould expect hlm to begin buying a1ain. He la, remember, settina the pink alip. In April, 10,307,000 people were Hated u unem- ployed. . Moreover, many of t»c.e who did have jobs weren't reelly very well ofl. The savfnaa rate. which had begun to rise, baa leveled off · again. Many lncomee are frozen. And strangely high interest ratea have abut rnilllona of _people out of the market, eapedally lor can and hou.aes. The forecaltl of a aecond-half recovery, however, seem to re- duce the significance of some of these extraord1narily grim bita of news. To uy, aa the White Houle did, that the lateat rise in joblellnem, by 450,000 ln April , waa ''diaap · ting'' aeems to undera- ta te the1ize of the tragedy. Counting thoee who involuntari- ly are working reduced hours, and those who have ceaaed to look, more than 17 million people are involved, and many of them repreeent one or more others. The aign.iffcance of high inter- est ratea allo aeema to be pulled down by the forecuta. Interest ratea have been on the improve- men t agenda for more than a year, and still remain prohibiti- vely high. THE ' PERFECT BLEND OF MUSIC Z4HOURS Hett> Alpert Johnny Mann Manuef Johnny Mathis George Shearing Chet Atkins Paul Robinson Helen Reddy Nome Paramor Sounds Orchestral Arthur Greenstade Bitty Joel Noonan Candler Seals & Crofts Michel Legrand Jane Ollvor ADAY - Paul Mauriat Ronnie AJdr1ch John Grwgory James Taylor Hugo Wlntemaner Perry La Marca John Barry M1l111 Mlnchllter ~-·-·· BEAMING MOTHER -Mrs. Judy Carr, 29, of West- minster, Maas., poses with her 41h-month-old daughter, Elltabeth, at their home. Elizabeth, the nation's first test- tube baby, was born Dec. 28 1n Norfolk, Va. She currently w~igha 13 pounds, 2 ounces. Senator takes offense to article Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mkh., took offense at a magazine article's deecrtptlon of him u "disheveled, balding, plump, perhaps the wont dre11ed man in the Senate." Levin aald the Columbia Journalism Review article by C.T . Hanson 1u,geated he wasn't aa "sexy' as certain other senators. "Plump, baldin£: c~~eve-led -even worst -I ~ODcla McGeetaey has en- dured two divorces, given up cuatody of a young aon, faced the financial and aociaJ bur- dens of lingle-parenting and launched a buafnesa. Now, as the nation'• new Mrs .. America. lhe hopes her can accept with aorne degree of eerenity. But nonsexy? Mr. Pre.ident there are llmita to what any man in public life ought to be asked to 1tand for -and thia cromes the limita. "Or at least I hope It does, and my wife assures me that lt does. Of course, in that re- gard, maybe I cannot trust her judgment -after all, she plckl out my clothes." dilemmas of the 19701 can help her provide answers for her contemporaries in the 1980.. The 29-year-old brunette from Houston won the sixth annual Mrs. America Pageant in Lu Vegas. 81npr DellJ Par .. ._ filed 1utt a1kin1 that a Jud .. de· dare the Md her mUlic ~b­ u.hen have exd&lllve r1Cfttl to the eonc, "Nine to J\ve." '"'-fedinl court IUlt .. kl to Htabli1h that "Nine to rtve'' de. not~ on the 194011on11 "M• and My l'lddle," written by a ••• , Martla and publilMd by c.. darwood PubU1hln1, uld a Part.on 1pokeswoman. Ael&del Mill Parton. p~­ Uff1 are Warner-Tamerlane PubJ.!lh1nl C.O. and Fox Fan- fare Music C.O . No chargea will be filed a~ain1t comedian Geor1e Kirby, Who WU arrested lMt week for investiotion of vio- latln1 rulea of a halfway houae where he la aervln1 time for a dru1 conviction, the U.S. Marahal'1 office uid. Kirby, 58, a stand-up oomlc eerving a 10-year aentence on the drug conviction, had been 1u1pected of picking up a package for delivery to an e9Caped bank robber. Americana pay too much attention to the trivial, to "the quick thrill and the eaay kill," aa)'I television newsman Ted Koppel. K o ppel wa1 the gue1t 1peaker aa more than 4,500 Syracuse University students received degreea during the school's 128th commence- ment. Koppel is the anchorman for the ABC News program "N lgh tline" and a 1960 Syra- cuae graduate. Randolplt A . Hearat, chairman of Hearst Corp, and president of the San Francl- aco Examiner, has remarried. · Hearst and hia bride, Marta C. Scn111, exchanged vows in an Epacopalian ceremony attended by friend• and fa- mily members in Hearst's Hillsborough home. The bride, a native of Rome, has lived in the United Statea 24 years. Hearst, 66. la divorced from hi• flrat wife, Catlterlne Campbell Heant. They be- came familiar figures during e fforts to regain their daughter, Patricia, who was kidnapped Feb. 4, 1974, by the Symblonese Liberation Army. 'Demon defense' movie looins Script on 1981 slayins trial near completion BROOKFIELD, Conn. (AP) - The 8Crlptwriter for a televislon movie about the "demon de- fenae" of Arne Cheyenne John- aon •YI telling the atory of the alaying and trial 11 turning out to be "one of the moat difficult thlnp rve done." But Bill Kelly 18)'1 hia product will be an °honest, aoc:urate and thoroughly documented" ICript baaed on the February 1981 alaylng of Alan Bono, 40, of Brookfield. The case drew national atten- tion through newspapera and broadcast reports after the law- yer for Johnson announced he would argue that demons pos- ae11lng hi1 client forced the 1lay1ng to occur. Although the lawyer prepared an elaborate defenae and invited aeveral m)'l- tlcal witne11ea, the Danbury Superior Court judge who heard the ca1e refused to accept the "demon defense." Johnaon, 20, la serving a 10-to 20-year prison term on a first- degree manslaughter conviction. Kelley, 52, of Loe Angeles, is trying to meet a May 17 deadline for the two-hour movie's acrlpt. Filming la to begin after 1ix weeks of rewriting and docu- menting. An official of the mov- ie'• producer said "serious con- sideration" is being given to fil- ming the movie in Brookfield, where the slaying occurred. Kelley, who has written for television and authored three booka, recently spent a week in the Danbury and Brookfield area to talk to faw authorities and others involved in the case. IGHT ELYI With The University Diet, you're Ullder constant supervision of physicians and weight-loss specialists to protect your health. Clinically Proven. Exclusive Refeeding and Maintenance. The University Diet is a protein-sparing, You are re-introduced to food in a gradual modified fast that's tested and proven in 4-step process and taught how to keep major hoepitals such as Harvard and UCLA. weight off. Prescription supplements supply your Individual CoWtSeling. body's nutritional needs while unwanted fat Behavior modification and nutritional is burned off. guidance are offered to all patients by experts. A Complete Program. Unlike other programs, The University Diet includes a pre·admission physical, preliminal)' ketopnic diet, fasting procedure, preteription supplement.a. regular lab test.a, EKG's. refeeding, behavioral counaeling and maintenana!. Rapid Renita. You can loee an average of 20 pounds per month-e\"81')' month-until you reach your pl. Simple and Eflectiw. You mab no declsSona about food- only the.commitment to follow our program and 1uoceed. If you need to lose 20 pounds or more. call our phone counselors for an appoint- mentor information. They're fonner patient.a. They understand. You11 find we cost less due to our size and experience. Your insurance may cover it. And after you complete The University Diet, {rH counseUrw is available for the reet of your life! Call 1·800·43i.8876, 1bll Free. 8 AM t.o 9 PM 7 dl,YI a week. Physician inquiriea welcome. • J. 1. • The Field Newa,.per 8,_.le1 .. Of 1"tne an- aounmd it wW ~ l)'ld•• el d9il O.Uup Poll becaUll of 1 dtdlnlftl ..,.._Mid ........ to re-~ dtaUibutbl oontnet with the QaUUp Oll'pl'dza· don. TM market fot' the poll hM *unic OYS the yean =Uto1 resulta have become .availablt from the news -~ Swven Jehorek, held pnlldent chSef executive oWt:M Mid McnlMy. 11-. IM t}lree Gallup Nj; t.o be~ by Field wW be for publication Che week of June 21. Jehorek llUd. New company lor_lfJed William A. Terry, former president of Lear Ste- ~·· data producw dlvillon, announced the formation of Epic Computer Producta Inc., a Fountain Valley 4etdper-manut.ctunr-dbtribut.or of lmA1l computer systems, pertphenla and IOfi.tare Epic C.omputer fr'oducta resulted from the meraer of MQl c.ornputer fr'oductaba lltY\m·year-old national computer periphenla dJltri utor, and Epc Computer CorJ)., a one-year-old manufacturer of mk:rocornputer lyttaml and IOftware. Aho meraed Into the new company la .C~wn Manufacturing, a hardware and firmware design group headed by Terry that 1peclalizn in videc. ">e· ripheralt design and manu!acturtng. .. Cushman reports loss Culbman Electron.lea, Inc. of Newport 8-ch reporta a loll of $192,000, or 18 centa a lhare, for the quarter ended March 31. A ye•r ago, the company had a net Income of $170,000, or 16 oenta a aha.re. · Cuahman manufactures communJcationa teat ln- 1trumenta for FM two-way radios and telephone lyatema. The board of directon declared a dividend of 3 cent.a a ah.are payable July 1 t.o 1t.ockholder1 of record June 16. Bromar enters Hawaiial market Hope Brokerace Company, Honolulu, hu be- come the newest food brokerage dMaion of Bromar. Inc. ot NeWpol't Beech. The meraer repreeenta Bromar'a entry into the Hawallan market and marka the 15th food brokerage office t.o operate• a dJvtaion of Bromar Inc. Irvine firm IP'luires realty lrvtne Flnanctal Consultant., Inc., a Newport BMch·t.ed real ... ayndication ~.Announced the ~don of Braucht Realty, Fullen.on. In March, Irvine Financial completed the pur- ~ of 8 & s Beeltorw and lnvettmentl, • real est.a~ finn with offkea ln Placentia and Yorba Unda. l''ideo firm tells loss Datatron Inc .• a Tuattn-bued m.nufacturer of compu'terlled video editlna aystema. in\egrated drcult teati9C1uipment and panel dt.play componenta, an- nouilced an 09ftl'Una m of $724,448, or 27 centa per share, for the n1ne months ended March 31. In the comparable 1981 period, Datatron lost $168,028 or 8 centa a lhare. , STOCKS IN THE SPOrumtr DOW JONES AVERAGES NfW VOi'~ CAl'I • 4•1H . IIlllOfl. = ... er.."' tr."" ...... ~karl S_. E~ i-. lfllellfll Nllonelly et mote -1'· o.n-~. ..,... .... ... R.....ol -·-•w. • ., ~ft.91 9 214,JDO ""' • ~ ... ...... '°'·* '"' -flt T, .. ,11 "*"°' 11»,0DO ~ .... • °"" • 17, IOO ""' -• g' IUCIO .._•I • llAOO 1w. --td.IDD 11"' ... ...... " . " LMNllN: mornlno thdno h30.00, up lt.00. ~ lftefnoon "*'O 11#1.21, lip ea.a . ;c-·-··· M t1"8Ut,11PIO.t? . ........ !:1-"':: ....... ....._a : Oflly dally q1tote .,..~.:·· ............... ... -fr ............ ~ .... -...... t. SYMBOLS POLLOWBR -Bari Nolde, 21, bu received hil oommillic>n as Znd Lt. in the Army. He ia the eon of Col. William Nolde, the lut Ameri- can GI killed in Viet - nam before the 1973 cease fire. Alcohol to drugs· revealed LOS ANGELEs (AP) -Teen-aaen who are extroverted, rebelllous and susceptible to peer pre91ure are ITIOllt likely to mow from alcohol we to marijuana and hard drup, a five-year study has found. "One substance cannot be aaid t o in v ariably caus e use of the next one," aald Dr. G eorge Huba, a.ociate research r.sychologlst at UCLA. 'The question here ia if certain types of psycho- logical factors will lead to that transl tion." Those fac tors were examined In the stud y conducted by Huba in collaboration with UCLA piychology professor Dr. Peter Bentler. The study followed a group of Loa Angeles-area teen-agers from junior high 9Chool through high school. The studenta were asked to respond to a question- naire annually, skipping one year in the middle of the five-year span. He said in 1976, when the study beaan, re - sporues showed that 14 percent of the study's seventh grade boys had used marijuana, and 2 percent used harder drup: pilla, cocaine, her- oin or PCP, also called angel du1t. Thirty-four percent uaed alcohol. Newport women to meet The Newport Beach charter chapter of the American Busi n ess Women'• A..xiation will meet tonllht at the She- raton Newport Hotel. The program w 111 honor tx.et who will be guestl and one boa will 1 be .elected u be.a of the t year. Scholanhip recipi- enta also will be guesta. 'The dinner beglna at 7. Jill Goebig wu selec- ted woman of the year and will be the vocation- al 1peaker of the eve· ~tertainment will be l:k1ded by the Saddle- Jazz Group. For information, call Frances Stuck ey a t 830-3009. Measles reported SACRAMEN'ro (AP) -State Health Dlrector Beverlee Myen la W'£ln8 that prnchool chllcfren be immunlled a1aln1t me11i.. M1. Myers uld prnchool-•1• children are at the .,_test rilk of cat.chine ......... in the per1l1tent California mxwoudli 1k She Hid 212 CHH were l'WDONd dwinC the firat 11 week• of tbt1 year, ancl ae percent .... In cNldnri under 5 ,_..o1 lla lis ~ . . 1.liul Wa ctaurants ~ide toth0~5 lifornia of Southern Free, During OUr Grand excellence), gives price Opening Celebration. ranges. suggests what to This remarkable768-page ween how to tip, where to book contains everything find dancing, entertain- you ever wanted to know ment, late dining and about Southern California brunch. You'll learn which restaurants. And now. to wines to order and how to celebrate the grand open-translate foreign menu ing of our new branch, it's items. Along with many · yours with our compliments. other useful surprises. Paul Wallach's 1982 · 1b receive your very own "Guide to the Restaurants copy of this valuable book, of Southern CoWomia" simply drop into our new expleres 150 cittes and branch ottice and ask. It's examines over 1,000 restau-yours, trom Southern Cali- rants. It's packed with in1or-fomia Savings. the oldest motion and well-seasoned savings institution in Los with the Wallach wit. Anaeles. now serving you / Wallach rates restaurants with 46 ottices and over for excellence (or non-$1 b1ll1on in assets. Plus-a Very Special Event at The Ritz Restaurant. Visit our new Newport Beach branch and learn how you can enjoy a dinner for four at The Ritz, Hans Prager's wonderful restaurant experience. Newport Beach 2727 Newport Boulevard Open Sat 9 ·1 OtlNI Cout DAILY PILOT/Tu.day, Mey 11, 1Na ..... • 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 lftm.ff/JIJltlM( .. lmft.~ .. IAIC\9/UiaMef "1!f.!tff ••••• ./M1 fMfft.• ......... &!lln.!f! .. 11.! t Ir. _., W• HC>Mi•~ MNT 1~ y MMo, pell, ,,.,::.-r,, W. a M'"'· NH. 'eMN •'='I:'::: Wiiton . NO pete. yard & ••'•P-· Kid• I Oar el\ VltW ...... 1111/Mo ........... , ;:.. ""-::• Nl-IOCIO. 19'·4 1 H 1 IU·tOl l', I/Ilda. br, 2 -.... '"' ~· "° . l<aM w/IY-fMOed Vd OW• ....... ....... __ .;..._._-.-,-, .. -.- dentt, opt1 I drpe. ttm1TeeeWI'••••••••• - -tt00/1110, •et I IHI+ ~ ~ MNT Avellable now. HOO 9400. A11111. now. 21'1' I ldr111 ... l'I. ,tflotd week 11p. A9ant Aobln Hood Lana. yard I g•r•t•· Kid• a _e;...l'..;.M.;;.;.tl'O;...... ____ _ .... ,rn .,... ~or:: ..... 2000. o..ntront .-iy. 2 a a br, I ldr a la, nu ots>t no ~' comp. fllrn'd. Oar. Avt. pall.L.!!.loe yerd. t1oo . .,,,_,, a.-ai Ill now. 840-t7M M2•rr2 ••••t".rn.~ ••••••• w~""' t oc.MHTAUS ..... , ~oae r ooeen, PUft OPT W/tflit 11'.t s 1-ttH"t NOO 10 12000 lga 2 9Al tHO Wk, 11p. ~~ f4t5 760-3314 oPlf\ 7-deYt Carpotl. t7M1M 1904314 Hwpt ...... s " Oil Clflof.. .. ____ ,, MHA VUIDE Hr. tam ;~,lj~~~t.•harp. f~ rm, nice. 177&, .............. •••••••••••••••••••••• -.ZNO, 484 HM Ml I Ir, I be...,.....,, IY~ ..,.,,, IW.IM 111f KCLUOED 1bt ex.a~ ""~pool. Mt to ' •••h••::n:tt•••••••• homo, d~f gar, HOW ~Ylli.~~a.'::' ok. llUdlO,~pdfUI~, OC-MHT::' 1 ..... 89C. d•P· 1l::. ~·ss18. t1~011 : 780-S314 81'-1131. --------_e_A_C_K_IA_Y_C_o_n_do-.-.-d-11 .......... •Clffn 2 br duplex, off ortented. 3 br °' 2 & den, l~l·n.11 *1 attMt ptkg. Quiet, '4715. 2 ba bltna frlga W/O ••••':'::1'•••••••••••••• Utll• lnc:I. no peta. 1rp1 iMn.w'dac:or ' pooi9 49R. HA. y.arty. ,,pie, 831·1220 M M-1 & patio. te50 mo. lat, bit-Ina, ponong. aoet "° HURRYf..-.aRia 3br lllt&eec.142·11155 bay & oc:ean. 9rkr -·-· 176-4112 ~tr: olt 1445 Big canyon Condoa 2 & 3 ..,. "'" Br .. full golf COUl'M ¥t9w, 1...,_.14 lutnlthed or untum. PoOI. IJL lllTALI lennlt. N<:urlly. 11200 2 8dr 1'A Ba 152& ..... 844-7424 Bkt. NP' PenlnlUla 1 8r 1 8a, frplc:, opn ~ celllngl, garage. 1540/mo, Anll 811 . 1515·00H evH/ wltndl. 2 Bdr 1 Ba l600 N-oc•anfron1 3 Br. la- Both h•Y• garagH I mlly rm. 2 frplc:., )'Mfly. c.,,,.... mf patio.. Call Jim 83f-7370 12500/mo. 846-0118. •••••••••••••••••••••• Rernodled 2br on ... t. Cozy Npl Crtat town-... '!!!AIY1 •2 I Ilda, bbQ, klda '430 home, pool, tennla, nr -1.,....,.., mo. It. lY.o OC-RENTAUJ ti ea c: h . Ca II to a ee Ba. TowntlouM, .. bultl· 750-3314 _ee_2_.oeo __ 1 ____ ~ ~~~r~N~~- C>C-RENTALS Harbor View Home 3 8r. 2 location 1~·1 $200 to l2000 Ba. tamlty rm. 11150/mo. TSL Mgmt 750-3314 open 7-daye Purchaae option avall. ----------- ... ,,.,,.. _&« __ -ee __ 11_. ______ ~ IHd nfl 2 M 1 Ir B re , 2 ~ b a , •••••••••••••••••••••• 1700/mo. Kld1/aml pet OC-AENTALS olt. Avall now. John. agt. 1·5br'• $200 to l2000 _83_1_·22 __ 4_2 ____ --1 750-3314 open 7-daya Newport Height• large 3 HOME FOR RENT Br 3 Ba. many amenl· 3 Bdrm. H715 Fenced Ilea. 11150/mo. Coll M-yard & garage. Kid• & lhony daya 842-57157, pet• wetcx>me. 545-2000. 9Ye8 & wltnd• 831~. Agent no fee. Broedmoor S..¥t9w 4 Br. 4 br, 1'(• ba. trpk:, 2 oar 3 Ba. lam rm, 2 frplc1, 1ar. Sgt famlly. 1800. wetbar. micro, guard.cs ·-" June 1 ·1~-area, pool & tennl1. "-· · v 'v 11200/mo. 844-5403. 1Br condo. 13150/mo. Open &in. 9641 Contlnent.i. (Appty --'---------1 ---=----:__-15:30 dally) 1-417-3890 ............. Pierpoint Condo: 2Br Thrff bdrm, 1824 Port 1 '-'b•. Pool. tennl1 . ~"· Newport Bc:h.I MISO/mo. Cd 141-2519 11060 mo. A. V. Palmer 21,,.....29-7301 ... "-,,.. •. J ..,,,,,,, 314' -· ... ~ ••••••••••••• ••••••••• C•-'111a1 1Z1i Oce1ntront condo, 2 br, •••• :c:···••••••••••••• 2~ b• den frple ~at 2 Br, 2b&, fam rm, end 2 • • • .. c:er get doNd bec:kyard bar, apec:tac:utar view. nr ach.la. R. v atorage 111001mo. 31532 Br•· •van 15251mo tlt/laal vata. Jonathan · · (213)4151-4387 (24 llOUrl) & 110. & c:t .. nlng req. 32102 Via de Ollva. 114n151-25e15 Wat•rfront 3 br. 3•~ ba, Weat:fleld IPllTm1"L- BHulllul gard•n apta. Pattoe/decb. He9t paid • No p«a. 2 c:hlldren .c-come. 2 Br. 2 Ba. '5315 3 Br. 2 Ba. MOO 3tl w. Wiieen 831-6583 or 842-3708 $500/mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba. up- per apl., endld ~. balc:ony/patlo, laundry rm. AV91. 5-6. TSl Mgmt.. 642-1803 apeetacular view. Jac, 1---------4 frplc:a thruout. 71' boat W111ahulet docti. S2000/mo. 18471 •••HOMEFOR.RENT ... ~~1 1Yn !ua1.r., Taowndutt~-Barnatable. Jonathan 3 Bdrm. se5o. F•nced .. ....,.. .. (213)4151-4387 (24 hr•) yard & garage. Kida 1 eJC. N.wty dleorated, ...... ..........___ "-••2000 ~. ai1ded patio I im.. nu .... ~ ........... _ . .,...,.. · s tr: •••••••••••••••••••••• Agent. no,..,. garege. orry. no . 3 Br • Ba '800 Mo. 945.33 1 or • ~ • Exec: Home In 3 bdr 2 b I •7"' "-"•t Nofthwooc», 2 ltOf'Y with m, a, very n c:e, v ~ ...... xtr• l~m. room. No H75 mo. Near achool. '500-1525/mo. 2 8'. 1 Ba. doge . Gardener & le2·2211or193-3117 1 atory. •heg, drapH, water paid. 1100/mo. HOME FOR RENT patio, trplo, d/w. ~ 545-2000. Agent, no lee. 2 Bdrm. $475. Oar8Qe. 1 oalllnga, OIWll09· HOMEFORREHT c:hlld OK. no P•U. TSLMgmt '42·1803 4 Bdrm. '750. F•nced 54s-2000. Agent, no fee. •3bf. rw S.C. Pma, S.A. yard I garege. Kida & C-'-JMUI Carpor1. PoOI. 1p9. te715. peta welcome.1545-2000. n-L.-t .&..J Pat ok . 752·1822 or Agent, no f... "'"um•-3411 841-1480. --'--------...................... ---------WOOD BR 100E-3 Br, RMOrt-'llle adull trec:I nr •2 Br 1 ba M ... vard• 1"'88, nr PoOI & !4nnl1. SC Plze. Pool, grdnr. upp•r. New decor. No te80 mo. No pell AYall Dtux 18r. No peta. $475 peta. Oar. 141&/mo. tat wk ol June. & 145 utll. 7715-2680, 133-8974 494-4142. 1558-1829 ---------1 IL 2 IL I IL DEERFIELD· 28r. 2Ba. So. Coul Vlllu. dbl 2 BR den, M.lper cleen, pluatt 2 Ba, nr So. Cat Pina. cpt, AC. frple. dbl g•· Sec:. gale, pool, c:lbhM, rage, lg lot, redwood MOO. ITM911 Newly dec:or. GH pd. enc:I gar. dwahr, pool. bbq. Adulta, no o.ta. 842-6073. . I dec:kl, nr poola, parka. 2 bdrm 2 car enc:to- no pita. AYall lmm•d. Hd p'at1o. ,r,150 Cel IAlll -IPrl 18215 mo. 152·14H, Plaza . 1 1575 mo. Adult tMng, 1 Br., car- 13$-3869 545-8708 port, PoOI ' i.undry. No ....... ..... 1---------l pet.a. *425. 131 w. 19th. 3 bdrm, 2'A Da. J.,.,.. ,j .. ,,...,, 1mnl.W _St __ 548-04 __ 12_. --- garden, comm. pool. ;'T.';"'.tt:~••••••••••••• 2 Br. 1911 Maple Avie, tit lake, tennla prMrege1 ..... 1Mal 1111 fir, no peta. 2 pet1on1 1875 per mo. 1559.4793 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1425. Sierra Mgmt. 87M180 Super 1 Br. VMla, belc:ony, 641-1324 mini OCNn View. water· ---------lllTIU bed. $•215/mo. WeN!de 2 Br. 1 Ba. con. 1 br, 1 be te60 ~. 4S.3-0803. lral hHtlng, garage. 2 br 2 bl •'"""' atova, carpeta, drapee. 2 t>r'. 2~ b• saoo-iMO ,,,.... .... '141 No pett, ~ ..... 3 br 2 ba 1950 ••"""9••••••••••••••• beda. 1450 + l9C11rlly 3 br: 2'A ba l800 urn. 't!Y:n• Beach tu-depo1lt. 541-540 or 3 t>r, 2 1>a 11500 tum WtY • • -. 8alellte n0-se21. 4 br f'At be 11350 TV. MUna, mold ..W:., 4 br: 2'A ba M004825 phonH. I 1115/w .. k. I.A Raleof Atty 133-MOO ,_41e-_222_1_. ____ _ , _ ' -6 • Studio, walk to btaoh, 2 BR. 1 ~ ba towMouel. tmmac:, quiet, no Pott. aotoony, polio, ,,.,, frpl, ta215 mo. Ave/I June 1at . ,.,.., .. .inu ,,,_ --akyllghte, pvt entry, nice. ••Atte••••••••••••••• t mo teaM, June 20 to For...-.38r28a..,...., Dao 20. S310 mo. E.SIDE"*,281.garoee, UH. Arch lch Holl. tss.-1111 chlldren OK. no peta. 15614087. AYll. 1115. 1825 mo. +MC c.ttp, ,.._ y.., ........... ............. ~-....... _._ ... flF ...... .. ....., ...... ,_ ............ ,. ..... .. ~ ..... nff fundqte. Avoll May 1. ........................... ~ . .. " ....,....,..one lrld IWO bedtoottl _,, mam. PUMtllHEO -~ OokWOOd ..., ofttf1 ·M~ ..... •1: '"' On I Ci ."_ ... ""''"'I MtJ Miich Mort• '°' • ~. ot • ltt.-llfM Modlll~f!/lf -.itDfCMI MO~ 8Urp 2 IA 2 lo, lge roome. al bftne1Mf D1W gar, MM• Verde. 1121 mo. Cetl M0-11H, Mii for l,Mry or Pam So. CoHt 'l•H 2 IA 1 bo, fo• patio, 11111 MC. tddaOK.INllftof .. & water. Hot••· Att. 117.ot.n 1 2 It I ... lldo. Ollf'POft. no Nte NIOllllO. Awel 111?.~ f ~ ...........•.• ~ Pwtl:=..,Lot Alpllr9, t1alc ....., .......... .,, ... 1tlllo ~~ ......... . Lio. mottler wttl care for YG'lf .,.....,... L.ar ' gdmat16e.MMSl Chlld Care .. "''"· Co· rone def Mer. 3 to I yr '*'· Vk*lt 7ee.lt013 ............. ; ..... •••••••••••••••••••••• MANNE SEAVICU Mtc:hanlo. Paint, wmlah. Tlak,rublwu. 146-9711 Tht laetHt drew In the WHt ...• Dally Piiot Claulfled Ad. Ctlll Today 142·5878. .... 8ilzltll. .... ~ ...................................... ~····· lllitf ............... r.t9., ••••.••••.• ~······1· QwN ~ ~ CUNU'I • tWJl.a ifMiLM IM ..... _. ITMVINO COUICll ll(aMrt WtltO~l"f ln· .. iUiQifilA~ OUliii .-. UI. · .... = ca.Mf.. vtft1 ltlldlftt wttt\ fNlll, l'TUOINTI MOVING 1t.Matlon. lllW "1MI· LOW min. IMI )Oele C*. Dt1k1 & 11•t1H. ,I . t N1.-..._ 111 ...._. ..._1117 LM .,...,. LM ...,,_ ,,._ 00. UO. lttMM. :r='' A"111'11Mf'1 '-_. lnl. .. MNt Otftlt. Ot .... •Miity OtMrttt: ""'"'Off. 11.IOTf'ICIAfh [11 iW.J• ~ ............. ptA/ ~·u':::. ,,,,,,,. :•~1eMti. .... Of. "•PltH Ntw. '"'"I' Ultu·O•tO. ltHli JltttJlfA ........... d111111MH1on, olHn·u,. ~ ...._..... fr,,~~r. ·--~·o:;•• ~t I e ~ ..... ; ~o!•,o-.:elnt I ,.,.1,.. ~-~ ~ulok I.,..,..,....., .... t~•t·t ... tllr!lll. ... :......... work,,,, ... •t•tt It .......,,,...... °""°"'· I ,...,_ m1c~ 1.e-....-................ Qulok • M/rol.NetJ71t-7Ga7 "9M.Uf...001Wlftll • 1nr;............ Mll>IOOMM'VIND ~ • .._ .111 ~ .. ,.,.... I.HYO J'"'' worr111 .... ,. PWI ~-~ Olt9"'"'~rw to-wn.Domr°"""'°"'· "911'1•• .. o1.•.·••• 11n !'vsrtm~ Mnd. '°'~"Wilt ~tiard 11nor. l.lo. w~.,.,..,,. ...,."'--'• & ,...,.. ... Ooeta uo. l1'06t N ~·· Hoa.~-· e-.Jl"" -.. •!.•... _. ... ~ flll I,..._ , 1f ~Of t-.v "-'ooM'L bndll•lllM :-r:~; ......... . ..... ...... ,. -·--·--9ftt • Y OL.MN ........ loOlll °""amen. QYll, .-.W Nl-7171 * ""*"'* .._,_JllU. .._..,_...,.. .. _ HOU .. f a.. GtfteMnl ,.._. ~ Mt..U10 ...._ oomm. CornmerC1e1 -·•u----•w ,,,.'!e!!flc."'1tP/ .. ir~~· 5:-:=e:r'.:f.ie>~ _.., __ ,.. __ -. __ ...., __ ,_•_ ~.ftlllf....... ,., f&t• ~o·.·n""I ... •hot•o•.••o·f·=o··u·r ...,,.,.~ 'Uo. ,.,._ no-tll4 MMOOIUADO-C>He T~ ....._, • ....,.,, "°91N'8 ~ ~ rr.:l• • I. lll11ld/lndu1/0omm'I. " " ,. • Md Cerpefttty. Uo'd. ,,_.. Ma.Al7 _...... "=".tlll--.... •• .......... 1 tfl,l!!:,.0• •• (OOt .. ~ l.OW ralH. ,,.,.eat. mo-t lr111ured m27e8mo0 f.U.,, • "~ lr'Mn .... ..,,. • =· ,_.. i'D.oor•~ ._..... ..-1 from--·• t ... •n-11ee ,,.,'*· l.~.13,.. ···AtrAt;wTiONi··· "n• Hnlthod oupentry, •••"If Quelly.• "-'I '4CMf44 1111 w r...t1r1d• ,AMTl.ft NH.DI •-"'-'• a eu.tom .._._ w.., remod~lnl ·~111111. ,,.,, •-•r u:::-.. .. u Ol.IANIN9 11,.VIOI ri •• t • .&.......... WOfV<J ao Y'9 -=-i ...... ~::"'~........ 10071 Ad.me M2....U. Lie. 4111 7. "•ndall ••••····ii•••:,··-·••••••• ~~ ,,,_,__. RNeoft..._,,tN, ~ ........ 1ar. ~ NMt~&tu1Ur .. 1ao.1at0 I y ..;, Ma.eta ... , uw lod, .,nnt11or & ""'* o.i.,.... 141-1 '"'.... IU.1at ft.II 6-t. COMM'l/MM> OhttMIM' Id .... .,. • 7f0.0741. ln•t•ll•llOft. Our work -. ~ Pl.AITtA PATCHIHO ····....-.-·················· :::'I':::';';"............. .._....._ ........ ~·=::c,· I ........... _. -1 ,,._ .... onl" 100111 •"-n•lve -, OVITOM liltA ~d v';)!i;;::-Uo·-~ ......... Diil'H. 0: · ... ~ HoUlldll'*'f. tlonett & a.de cu ~...... ti Y'I •. Uo. 1. !!:•~c,o. • .. ~~U!.x!;..~70 FREE EST. M0.2082 'lltloe, ~· Uo • --eennitt Jr r:;-;;;;;o;r ............ 41t.... dlpendllllll ~ ~ . .!cal~.. londod. lnl. Aaft. Cotof ,._ ,_ -.,....,.... TILE INSTALLED .. JoM"'Of .. ,•n.aata Oen. C:.,, .a .• ;41 ~~ ... "!!... SMALL JOH: ,-.,une. .. -Ult"•....... .,,.rt. M$-ot11 OIGk ,,~-AJA Kinde. Qwrn.cl. '- ................ .___... -=b ...._... ~ ....,__, ••~ U0 '204atl • .... 1iil Top Oueltty, to price ... .........,,.•••••••••••• ......... Jof1ft '40-t217 -___ .. __ T .... ~ :.&.~ ..... ' • ~ txt .... • .... ,.,. ,_.. ""' ldd'n•. '*"°'· , •• "'-.....__ ................ _ ...._~ f'fWeet. 18CXMMWUt • pt~. a Int= .... -**"ll lll.E** "°" ..--. ctae. ~ .,_ 1f!**!*:w. ,,.. ..;n.. 541..w to~ Jenloe'• ~ ::tf!P.1.............. • ...... 7,...t~7!. ~7 .... 't ,.. ...., I •Y• Qua1tty won. 10~· ex· nee.. kit. Ul4tn 1 ....... ,•••p •••••• .. : ... "',,,.,, A/Vt 17Mlt4 INCK........,, __. ....... · --"" n...... "'"'1 Yt art, mtnte11. kit. ca .... K&D L#ldac:lipe MMtt. ·~!!!.!..'\'!'~~!!. .. ••••• .. • ~"vno;;.,::.-._.___ -. 00 .. ,..,,.., PXiNTINO IMI....., !mJ!! per. =:99-~ •---'-n•te. ral••d penettno, .._....,,._ ~ KARPW000'1.0C>Ra ~ --,.....,, •• ·1··· ••••• ••• •••••••••••••••••• door1, boo c••••· r•· Lt ... ~-.. a....2 · ~ oe.nod lllau~v1ndlb.. ... QUALITY comm/re• 12 ••..U• ~ k .._,.....,.,..., t7W176 tO .... ~.O. •••••••• ••• f --....6- No llMm/No 8hMlpoo mod. & add-one. )Unt ·-.... ......,.. Md WUd. -~t Tenya 1114401 ~ lr1c*. ttone. AeMoneble. yre exp. Aepelrtr.mocs. ••MO;t:.t,.-·.i-;;-• St.lln ~. FMI ,..... Uc. U4U78. Gardening Wlintld hll EXP. HOUIROLlANER ~~-.. ~12 IWIOP & Son PalnUnQ Aete. Fllt•r, hHl•r & Dey. •ve. eummer. tJty. ,,_ _ --.1112 6»-2311 =:opt'n~~.re:~ .... ::¥.............. Aellable. ,.,._ ,, .. Ml ._ ~-.. 30 Y'9 ~ •• lw:l't.,..., NMP ..... 87M114 S10/wtl Ctpta lnealfreplllred .._,, e. AULING-etudeftt tlN cal 14 Iva, tN-t4tl. a.TOM INCKWON< ,,_ _ 54e..t02I l!!!JM Mr. Motgen, M&-6179 ...____... demllge. S"--tt'/.';.rtt•••••••••••...... mat••·. 46-4112 or ~~· 1.-t rat•. ..._. .. ,,,. ......... ....... ~~ rNUU ...a&10. t ~'' MM1S1 ~ ,.,,......... WIH CIMn your houM Of ~~..,.,,..., •••••• •••••••••••••• WI-~-e,.. .... ano.664-t&t , t7s-taee DRYWALL T~NO ' Cell 7 ... tt11. Offt09 lleo., &*ftltne tt NpVCM • ....._ '46-tlt2 Int/ ayne ~/Matet1a110 Rooting !':~••='••••• INmpoo I l1Mm cteen. Al tutur.e I aocMtlc LAWN CAAi! )IOU. John. ~ W,.eooe ' (l)(O,,..' 181.f1()S f 11c"" ~· ....... 'f!!2~.. "I.At the &AnetlfM In" Color brightener•. wtlt Free •t. Kevin l76-80N Comm/rwld. NwpVCM DUMI' J09I !!!'f!f. ' .. , . guar. -·, -......... c .. SuneHne Window crpt• • 10 min. bleach. DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC lClnt, ,....,..Barry.~.,~ I Imel r:=z Jobe Join'• a.*'o ..wi.. ·····~.:.:·~····· Palntlno/W~ • "OOf FfD~ .... ~1NO ~Ltd 641-M53 • & Id 1 ~,,_ -.12 H,,.--Aot• ._....... ._ ,...,.,........... "'~ .._....~~. ra . " no;r.,.,,.,.-_, • ....., ,_____, Hal, llY/dln. rma 16; evg R•patre. new o . 1 "'" ...,..., cal MtKE 1att .._......,~ .... ,.._,,_, _,, ...... ~-of~ .. .,.,. u•1 .,__, rOOf'll '7.60; couch S10; )'f'I ~-lud 162-1112 THE GAAa8HOPP£1' HAUUHO & DUMP OMcea. t217 ~~ ~o UC'd. OeYld ~ ~·.r:ow. F,.. -: •RESIOEHTIAL* chr H . Ouar. eUm. pet .,_._, __ 1 ~ ~2 ... ~t. JOBS. Alk tor Randy, ~ HcM__.lllig ,,__,_ 0...... Painting 147·61H Avg 1 tty *30: A¥Q 2 ft) ~ .. 8:'w~m~:.w ~••••••••••••• ......,..,_ ... ....., Mt-1427 Incl.~~· ·~· * ••~•~••••••••••••• REPAIAI S25 to S1H *48. Ctwte t57..a3M .....: 6Sf.410t . ELECTAICIAN-PrlceCI 11111 PROF. SEAlnCE ......... o.n 7 ~~ ~: F~~I~ F,.. eat. Cell anytime, ............. right, frH Mtlmat• on T..-1--... ,...__ :? . ,_d --HSK'"· rellable, hard ~ ............ WALT no.2126 ,.__ ,...__~ 1ar ln'lll .....,. _,_,..,._. ...._, •---1N't ,.._ Quality. Uc/Int. Strlp-!Mne'e beet. laalc 1 It) We....,. 0rpt -..--• ge Ot ,.,_ ._ _, 7•1 ... 71 ,......... dW ,~ _. WOf'klna Oftt AWlll. Mon, No _1,..,. ~....__ .... .._ ..-...........~ ...,. _,. Steam cleen I~ Uc. atel21. ·~ up,-··----· .. .... ,,._ .~·-. Wed, Fr1 .,. ... let. dey. • ·-~ . .,_,on~. ._ ._.... • ..,-----v. 2 tty.....,. Tnd mount unit IJC'O .:1 ~... MOWING· C\.IAH Uf'I S26·UO. Spent_,, ._,.O ELL Idle llamt with a VIM-Scott 8'&-9325 New4 ecxww ~1302 WOtk guw. MW716 Qull. --------HMllna l.AndaoaPna WANT ACTION? w~. t31·7MI Delly Piiot Cluelfleel Ad. Find what you want In UC. #411802· 54e..t7 Clualfled Adi, your one-Lii idte ltemt 142-6878 F,_ eat. 831-6072 Tom Fr• ae( • 142·ll07 Cleulfed Ada 142-5e78 Wan1 Adi Cill U2:U78 142·5e78. Dally Pik>t CIMaltledL Clualn.d Ade 142·&e78 lloP thoc>c>lng oenttt IMt&ll It Ian fM tllll,. ,_W Hll e •..a.I A·NU-•11/ •• •• •• •• •• •••••••• •••• • • •• • •••• • •• ••• ••••• •• ,_...,, H11 ,.,,,,,,/ Ml' prof. 28-31, non-Office •pace avellabl•. •••••••••••••••••••••• "'*'tor~ 8dl home. es. to 11.00 per foot'" -• -,,.,, '1...1 MOYe In now. 1350. ~ Cannery VIiiage. Burr ~ _. •••••••••••••••••••••• na, 131-1218 Whtte Ritt, 17Ma0 In newer ~g on Cou IMI I 1...1 IM !.'11. .!'!'.~'!. .... !.{~ !!11..'!e.'!!. .... !.~ff !'.~'1. .ff!!!.~'!. .... !.~~ "t:tf!U::1 =ty-:: IDT PllT-tml M • t•Wll .......... .....,. ""'"Y Hwy. South L9gune. ••••• ••••• • •••••••••• • lllllllW!lllli ... llli~ilii,l.i;;:6'i~~~...;i.lliilli.i~iiii;.-'~.S.•• Roommate wanted. •...,, Office tn CCIM, 2nd atory prox. 500 eq. ft. fJCClllen .. _..__11 NICE. Call tor Clelalle. walk-up. OcHn view, private parking behln ture Cleltvery drlYer. Own tr an1portat1on. tel•· pho~ a xtnt driving r•· cord a muet. Catt Mon-F r I. 8:30-CIAM o nly . Work in our fun, casual, profit-making off ice as a telephone sales promotion __ A_UT_OMO.....,...,.,T-IV...,.,E--1 clerk for the area's finest newspaper. ( 'I ..--.,,.,.,.,, ..... fl# M2·6305. cptt, Clrpe ~ g:~:llng. bldg. 15215 mo. Turne 11""""""-l •-A--1-L~ ••••••••••••••••• .. ••• Shr 3br aupt•x Balboa 420 aq ft. f7 Aaaoc:. 4M-11n 148-7486. •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• '!:!~ ••••••• Smell fum. room w/battt Penn nr H St. 11tlla1t • lll Wl111 WullW ,_W4 c.,,. ... Jiii .,_, ----L .. ~1 ~-,.!!' ~ ..... ptaza.1_., F Pf«. '250 +11111, 173-1701 an -. ... __ .... 2 012 , •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• "~ •• ce;;....... ~' ~,w.t... ~ ,~, 5 """"'"~ ...... ,. f(UI) ADS ARE FREE 11 IDI• Only requirement I.a a good telephone ..... voice and enthusiasm! Local a.ta Mesa 1 8f t I t ga •••• ••••••••••••••••• ft lnc:l'g 2 axec Ofoa. H.B. 3976 Bln:tl. 64IOO tq. pai::8 ~~•;.~ ;.q~ PARK NEWPORT .... I'-" 4111 Male prot ton 3 BR. 2 p8rtton9d eub-~tca, ig. ft. or l•H. MtA zone. 1336/mo. 141 Flower St. APARTMENTS •••••••••••••••••••••• Ba apt, tull kttch. tplc, cntn. WOf'k area p1ua ta. Aetnt 641-5032. N&-1te1. Pvt rm, bath. gourmet beam clge, gar, view, recpt. rm. All dona fo Cal: 142-1111 ·--Office . Muet have 0... A Ileen- •• · Full time: 40 hour ...., ...... ,.....,. ....:= =-:!r;;e , ... COUNTRY Ct.UB UVINO mHll, traneportatlon, •l•P• to bell. tmmeCI. decoration •tyle. be&ut. Pim .... 3 Br. 2 B•. yard, frptc, IN NEWPORT BEACH tnelry, companion, tor 87~ 9YI 173-0928 tn appearance, In toe. werehouM epece with ~~~~~~~~~I garaoe-1 11 MIO/mo. 8'ok• A deluxe community on active, •ICl•rly lady. tr-prMtlge bldg. fMWS><>rt carpet•, drpa, I wet t..oet 1 '9rn bl! wttan Col-851~ the Back a.y. Club~ W.. 662-3037.w.. Shr •harp h ... F.V. M ArcllH Marina Bldg. bate. 700 to 3200 :i:"· II• mix, 1 mate Poodl• •2 br nr s.c. Ptz. S.A. • & ..,.; .1 pooe.; I•-..,.,, -...11 41• ~8j~~· ,•:8f ~~~· N'l~•k 142~ MeM lndultrtal pn. 11 mix. 4·21 tn HarbOf vu WHk Monday lhru Fri· Clay. Cadllac ~ ~Xiiknr•d $84.00 for first week; then share an partnerahlp'a profita. .......... , ... Poot, tpa. S548·1800. n6t count, doee to bl*-...... i............... te4-27at W9& wa W. 171tl St., Padftc: Bluff Hornea. au 4484 Carport. 152·5822 or neet & lhoppllig. mD l ftm1 -•• -~':~P::~3: LOST: 4/27, ""' bit tong 14t-14t0. RM9 ~ Rataa Avall lmmed, turn rm In !.!.2 room oftlcet from 142-7804 . hair fem cat. Foothlllt, C:ADILL1\~ ' 142-1111 ed. 112 UntumltheCI atudloa, 1 & ~ PhofMa twnh .. full hH prtv --· utll. lndudeel. Lag Ntguet. A•wara. Neiwtv ClecOrated Inc. MW 2 br. apartmenta. town· "r ' dlattlWA.M<Mea ~olltndry, F.V. nr 405 Realo.iomlOa 87M 7oo 1100 1q. ft, 2 otce. w/ 4~79 91111 carpet, nr S.C. Plaza. t ....___ .... ~ mo + u. ..... .... ~ ......__. Bdrm unit I a 2 Bdrm ·-Sandpiper, 1117 New· · --· " ""'· ,_ aq.fl ...,..._, ·~~· cpll, FIA drt. O/H Cir,•---------1~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1._ Exac. eac. admin. utlat. & unit. Encl•CI garagH, '64041000 port Pref ma.lure m.,., after B•ach. Cllotc1 patio top cond. Frwy clot• Loet: Slello w.tch 518• vie ..: confidante In Newport private eunelecke. 817 lllCoetaMeea8'&-t137 7PM. 91U114 location, SS08 mo. 1315. 1000 eq. tt. 1326 ot 18th/Pomona, CM . BASIC SECRETARIAL & Center. long hre .. hard Jennlf9r Lane. C.M. *S•v•tal atueltoi I 11--.-U-.. --.-,-.--Wanted etralght mile, 131-tOIM O/H Cir, toltet & baetn. '::•rel. 54a.9o2a any-=-~EEP. t-~NG. M!~~~~~ work a chall•nglng lor belml. unltl.,.fumlahed ---o v•r 30, to ellr aup•r •llNl1'.. ttOf'llge loft.17M261. t eomeone unueualty AHL llWt :: := = Wkly rental• now avall. Laguna 8ch cotido. MOO •"Tum Kw Offtoe" S3t0. ,_Ub • "' Lott: QotC1 br9Celet near (714) MM761 bright & eklll•CI. It tlll• 1415/mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba. In today or reMtVe for i~~~.~ rJ";oC:,~~~:~. mo. tat & 1Mt + ,_.. utll. •"B<andl;r OMoe 116. • ......... f! ......... ~:~~n. Val. .. lln't you,~ pool, laundry rm, n•w tun'lf'Mr' momtla. lmar"Y ....... Cal Daw (714) 833-3830 •Seminar/Mt" Room• PMllll'f .__._, llt ~~L ..._ .. & , .. • carpet. UPP« unit. Thia •-4 ~ BMS. """'· dye. (714) 4t7·39t0 • ......-.,.,._.,,__ .. _.., one wont'-" furnte ..... moo.la open 646-7446 ~ hour1y. Lii& • Lott: Brittany Spantet, Good typing ablllty. ... them about thl• ad . TSt. MGmt. 142•1803 ci.lt'f. .. ... ,..Ub fl# Fem to •hr apactoue ~ng. malltng•. =n:,.:i:,:~Pt!: =•~:.':;1aho~ ~n,~:~,~:hN~:icero~~ ~g~~~:·~1:~.W,!~:; 2 BR, pvt patio, naw pelnt On~ Rd. at •••••••••••••••••••••• N•wport ShorH home cal tor Info 762""408. own timtted UH. Call N.e. A9warCI. 142-4114 BMch non 11o9p11a NI· you're the bell. p1 .... I cpta, veo.nt and avWI. Sen JoaqW\ H .. Ad. IAYfml' w/matia, own rm. Avall liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Uiur'le It 714-86&·t414 Lott bell friend: M Bee· ~Irene Rutz. reply In contlelence to: Ofnow~.1~ .. ":",·t~Lany ___ 844-__ 1_900 ___ 4 bdrm. 4 bath, sanely lmmed.131·1"2 .......... II ... .., ll 11 t:;•· lie. 317135, l.ag. Mr. CharlH , P.O. Box ,. • ., .,..,.. ..., beach, pier l float. 11•• ,_ .. _._. ..__ ........ ~2t00 8"'•t Newport Beach Newtv dee. 28r, 1be. •t In 18000 tor Auyu•t Biii _,...., --I --tor rent. 1tX20. 1126 ' · ._-.u. .... Block mHon. exp. tor '"' • · blelNa 2 •· 1 la. kltch. Encl patio, gar. n.ft--.. -1 .... 1·91 ••••Att•••••••••••••• .., Iii•~.. Moving to Newport/ REW RD f 1 company In El Toro.,..._ Ca. l2teO ca114&-4Mt 1636noS*al42·2134 ___ ,, .... v, ......., • Oarege,amtaol.laguna LagunalOolllngtor2toS A or return ° Must be exp. w11·0-e_n_•_r_a_l_o_tt_tc_•_·_H_•_•v-y"" ---------1·--------.-.2 bdrm rurn condo, CM. BHch.:..~ blTI to main Ml-TI bcirm, condo. epayeCI fema6t cat, tong foundation rat1tntng phonH. bookkNplng. 1 8'. refng, ttow, cetpeta, 2 BR, 2 Ba. get, tpec. pe-Avall 8111 tllru 8/21 . beactt MO. 4M-3044 ... 00·11100. Call Dall~ hair. blk/b rwn/wht, welle. 151-4691 16.00 hr. Certlfl•d Ap· ~·· 13 7&/mo. :::· ~1:;-ch. 1825 $550 mo. 541-5419 WANTED: Stnote eat ga-Smell tulte, 2tl5 Alwnilde, :t'~ ~.No 4Tt. :::•. "':!~~·~· ~:~ Boet Covert plance. 142-o2AO 1 aft t :30PM. · 2BR 2ba turn o1e1 CCIM· rage tor •lorage only. H.B. acroH from Poet ---------• 5-411-3401 Clyt, 5"411-1109 oenerel help, wltraln. General Office, part Ume, 2 bf, 1'A ba. 110 Joenn Sl Npt Pen1n1uta 2 BClr 1~ from I ;ooo' monthtl: MIHlon Via Joi trvtne. Office. '350/mo. •--I--...... /l---4 I ewe. 15 0 1 29th st. Ne . typing. anewer phon•. Adult• :.ref. Small dog 9a, frplc, garage. opn May 15·Sep 1 . t33-1Mt 640-6667 -/-FY9•/ 876-1123 1•5. Mon. thru Fri. No. ok .... 7 .646-&438. 1beam1•01Cllllno-,A pvtll pe91''°1 751-1243 AUZ •-•-• ...... IUITRL 1IMMI L:::S~·~H=g· BookkHper, PIT. Nwpt ,_H_un_t_._Bdl_._"3-__ 1400 __ . ___, ......... 2 ... 2 .... 1tL h.a ~ mo, VI , ...... _.., ....... -;,;;;;;;;·····••eeUee n~e1 ......... 23 0 -· e.,. _., "' ..., 956-0098 -'Wtfnela ~ luxury 28r ...................... •lflll 8'D ..--... .vrv" leach lnt•rlor Detlgn ........ lflet pool, carport, pvt patio. --------· -1 No. L•QUn•. Jae. frptc, C.M. 2 oMoea. S45'. betfl, Ith t tton F p 1 Firm. A/A, AIP. eubmlt 1475 mo. Chlldren OK. Cozy 2 8'. 1 Ba. beemeCI wkly/mo. 494-17215 etorage avall. 1250/mo. w UH 0 r~p · a. m.Jt. ,,,. ounCI: omeranlan m x. data to comput•r Mrv. Muet be neat and able to no pau. 84 5-30 1 7 ; celltng, patio, garage, 64&-3345, 494-3803. conf. room, kllch, phOM •... '!fl!!: ... ;,........ brn lam; Shepherd mix. F call 67u 522 wort! with public. Outlet 213-375-8107 Newport Height•. Mo Lldo8-yfronttuxury48'. MCretartal l word pro-Coeta MM• baaed •ngl· btk I tan mat•: Cairn Of appt · Include r•gletarlng .. EAR 9 0 . C 0 .. 9 T pat•. I 5 2 5 / mo. 5 Ba. l'lome: Mp, tannte, 1817 Weetdlff, H.B. Want ceeelng. M .. I metMQe nHrlng buetne ... HO. Tef'rler fem; Auetrallan Bkkpr/8cty, 1 girt ollloe, gue111 In very buty RV " ,.. 145-1812. l>eec:he9. Broker c:ooc»-ttnanclal ln11. 7000a.t. Mf'V. avail. eeparattly II ooo. (503)766-6416 Shepherd Trim.,.; Lab tome computer work. PARK . Cuhter exper /tOO H.1H'" tv.,,1 ( '""·' ~ .... '>JO 'till() ~ o.pendabl• hutt>and a wlle t•am tor growing malnt•nance company. Top pay. Experience pref. 831-0723 aft. to.m. LIU&. &Slllllll Exc•I. opport. Sec'y-legal aul1t1nt tble to ... ume all r ... Po"· tnci.pet\6entty and with corporate law knowledge. 1 pereon, nOTI•tmoklng ofttce In N•.Jllfport Cent•r. 14'-aM-4 Clay Of nlgtlt. LIULSEmlAIY neeCleCI tor bu9y Dtf*'al practice In Hunt Bch. S•ll·•tan•r. 3 yr• legal •JIP. pretlfrtd. 847-8041 Lm-Experience prel•rreCI, but not neoeaaary, Nlaty negotia ble with exp•· rlence. Apply In pereon betwe•n 3·5PM. 210 Newpon Cent« Dr .. Npl. Bcti . PlAZA. lrg. tunny 2 Bdr r ation. Monthy . 1 •t. floo r . Agent dHlreCI. Call: Judy, Mill bit a whl f9m. ,...._ CM /NB area. Simon• helpfUI. AWY 2 B•. bHUtllul d•cor, Large 3 Br. 2 Ba. lrplc, 17~74. 5-41-8032 714-790-0100 ... ,~... port Beact'I Anlmll St*-142-te61. """"... MANAGEMENT Patio, eec. "•t•. pool. tam. rm. deck, Clbl "•· .. 11 00 .. A. ... _,. "30 -• ter. ~ 1111 •..a...,. • • I -" rage, uosun. S7501~. Sal let• 2 Br. tiff pt 8 . .,20 eq. tt. · P9f SCI· - -V7 ....... • "' ......,. • _,_ -a_._ --• :~~=+r.~~t::' 1eo.1eet. '250,__ Mey & June. U .• 3978 Birch .. H.B. Exec. ~c .'""Pvtbath & RESORT • YOSEMITE SCRIUL£TS P=.~~. .. M ,__.. ASSISTANT MANAOEA Tll .. UITI EqUal Opp Employer 675-2910 Aetnt 5"41·6032 View, reception arM, 2 AREA: ,_..,,.ant. OM'I> ,... Newport Archee Mat1na.1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil lmmed tull-tlrne poaltlon• Newer 2 br, w/gerag•, ... lllm.Y .....:.:..:...::..;....;... _____ 1---------tge WOf'k rme a bad'I. At· gtounde, rental•. S226, laR~ c 1oAM 3PM avall tor aggreHlv• In· n •w pa Int. N ° P• te. DI x 3 Br 2 b. • g. r . Vtall• .. ,.,, all ... I -tractive C.M. lndu.trlal 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 d '., m.. NWftU\-' all btwn. • . Oaneral dMdualt Who enjoy WCW• 1445/mo. 646-66n MOO/mo 421 E. Balboa •••••••••••••••••••••• ...., -·-Como6tX.. --.1113 Fondfy . T1ncf• :2:· Mon..frt., Mk ..... .., ... king with people. Muet CIHn 2 br, 1 ba, lrptc, Blvd .. 873·2791, OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br. •llNlf tl~ ---N)ton. Volume be able to WOf1I ewe." end Ea tald• 175-9797 Avalt. now. Weekly thru Elegant Exec auu .. In ---·-UWOUM a..M -.w tnterHteCI apply alter 16s01::.•~ . Exec. re;reat, 1 bdrm -""""*---·.,..a_n.~7.,..9_7~3·_~ pr"tlolout toe. Incl ... Newpor1 ...,.,.. offloe ... Ill Thia rc:Y .-it llW dog •,, 1111 II ,,,._::!:' 15PM CIMl'f, Mil IOf Jana: tnellan w• VIia. Un, 3 cretarlal, recepllontet, epaca, reoendy remode-LHH avallabl• June 11 1 b Mutt ba able to wottl Sat. -ME & ED'S PIZZA II r.. Ull condo, aauna. I:; pool. BR, 3 ea. telephone an• l more. led, xtnt loce~t:;o.r•r· 11ttt, Cal OIGk Cott •c 00 0 •come • & sun. Other. hre. to ba Experienced In hMYV kit· 17th & Tuttln, CM ...................... tmmac. cones. Imo. Cell 714-640-5548 Otcl from MM mo. On-king. Marti 17 • 714-641-1112 ~d ~~ arranged AoolYln pereon· ch•n cleantng In • teed --------- PHEASANT CrHk Et &42-11181131·711t call ofce 1186 mo. THE ••••-•a-iiiii!!!~!i!~iiiiil.~-~1~·~-~·~"~"'"'UHWORM~~~ K•rm Rima· Hardware capacity. 8pant1h l En-..a&. a.f. Toro. New, dlx. 1 br, 1 Nie. 3 8r. 8 Ba. Condo, I.We ....... HEADOUART~S COM· •• -•~• ltup6CI In ttlet ' 112t11~~Hel~rb01~~81~.!' C~·~M~.~~·1 gt11PMth ~•7c .. a.~aary. Houre: FuUtlme, fOf fut-peceel ba. condo. Partdllce Mt· pool, JacllUI, attecheel Luxury 4 8~ 6 ba turn PANIE8: A profeeelonal Fantaetlc ~ 500 aq.fl •ILDAJI ~young AtaNn dog 1~ • f """ surgeon's otttce. N-· ling....., Of1ented, ten-garage . 17 2 6 /mo. home, tennta-bMchM. •nvlronmant. (7 14) fUrnlehed, 2 room auit.. ... l'lm wired OOlaf. Vfc Harbor C E C d por1 Center area. Sacit ~~· • .,._ Wtr. pCIM. Me-118'. AYlll now ttwv Oot. Mey, as1-oee1 IMO. 176-l400 own your own t>eautllut Shopping Center. CM. J;~11,.,,"e~ie1r:ft~~··n' lleN otno. exper1enoe helplut. -.1611-1525, 10-6P._ June, & Oct. *4900 per bid d 1 ...__._ ......_ ano _......_,__54e.._1_n_6_____ " ..,.. ... 2 ..... · 40"" par wee11 Daye ott Photo tiling duUM. c.n Walk to beech, Newport A 11600 ._., ewer g, own own --.--· ._.... ...-.. D.E.S .. n .... _. • ...,_ • M-4 12AO (i-12 2 6) ... d.-Shoru. 1 er. 1 ea. m.:·oJ'8· 975 9014: H8.3offloeenowavall. wearetON.FllNonetrom l.....i. 1311 -·--very • • • ·· -.-S446/ I Id tit ' . • ' at 70. tQ.ft. 4t~1 424 a Pana, Inc., °"9re the un-•••••••••••••••••••••• ,_,_ MEDICAL AatStt. limited ..,,. "41 ,__._ 1m1~ .. n~1 u •· 627-7408 235 aq.ft. tt3-1~t lque=p rtuntty to NII AO~ Pert/Um•. lor exciting Pt .... call tOf app't 1>9t· >C.ray cen. req'd.(MS). •••••••••••••••••••••• ........ .,_...., · 1--....:....------net. known brand• Hal LINE Newport Beach office. ween tAM • 5PM. Mon Rex. tn. 131~ THE WHtfflfiAEE 1•24 Walk IO ~h. N...,c>rt ,_,.,. ,. ..... 4#1 c.-... ........ Lie • wllol•H • dlr•ct to th• 631-773-4 Min. 6 yw't ~. ttw fr1 ~ext 62t ,----~~-~- Bdrm. Aptl. Gym, Spa, ~ 28r, 1 be. 1186. ••••••••••••••••• •••• ~c..-. _..,.., OFFICE •~ tor IN· publlo. 120,000.00 tn-i----------Hourly & commlHlon. Need• Job? Pi:f. Ev. =1rc"· tennle, *-C1wtt 1·M&a71 /'=.. · M , 600-2000 eq tt,per· cfucMI be91nntno tn-ven-QUALITY MASSAGE cal J4Mtt, t66-1'91. HANTYUIT dlelNiO 10f ryday. Cath U . Call ... 1t1--1t •-f lllflU'JI ~,..__ king, TU,.N..f<EY AllO-tory, flxturH, training ~Pr~ .... ~,~.. COOKSlHoet ........... t>uay Batboe letenCI ... 1 anytime. 546-07116 o.tuxe ~ X'tra far· .,_ -•• .,--...... OIA"T1:14tt-2213 program, trip lo merket .. ...-" .,._, -... NEED f .,....,_, •••••••••••••••••••••• fllllEllS ./ .._.. ..,.... d d 1 t Ml4817 prefCI. bul not nee. Full 1:1:u pereon or manu-ge 2br. 2ba, bttna, Studio apt. ocean vl!~.i HI•-=-.. .J ... _1 Hlf an gran open ng pro· Ot p/tlfM. ~=-lacturlng taahlon "°"9ry, dlwhr, 1~ ml ... baaeh. utll tncrd .... 75 mo. ~ Olelett & fatwt -."N# -motronl Abaolutety no .-.. on ... -. 2 , lull time. Engllah apea- Multl. no peta. S&OOmO Encino In ~ a.m.n.. A" ctltnta --.ed~h ··oAoN·A·o·it9MAA~ competition ·~11n11 ""' I :..a.. • :JS ... .,, -king pr•t•rred. Cr191a1 &'6-IM2 ( .. the Mgr Apt C) pho4oa & Ntll•IOet. -~ Ofllc•IMedlcal/Aetall. qualftyF ~~:...... LINI COSTUME PARTS tor CrMttont. 711 W. 17th. ,.__ vtalbWty Mee.At -FOlll ~"'"" .... -.S Yount outgoing people St. ''8'• 7, Cotta Mola. 'A mle beedl. a.,,, 2 c. Miit, ICudlo w/RcW, , .. CreCllta.: ---·--· •-.m •PIHi* Hlgfl •cM •t • wOAMATIOf'f a111t•1•1• INer 5'3". ,_ llR. c.at r,'\f{1 S:-::·.e::::'. frt,. urn pd. 12101mo. °::' :=i:. ~ From t room'° 3 roome. ~~~~ ~:,~,. ·.~~~~ i:. CAU.~~ OO:CAJ.:.tA.. _1_5-;1-32Miii4ii7itiiliiiill-I JllSES AllS .. ,6/mo. 2t3/925-47tl. 16 O ITM1'll9 In. 4M-Ml2 *,...°"* toalMWollenta From St.ti• aq. ft. No Agan~ Tifft Sloet.1..Buel· ___..11111 I l 111.,..tu El A--1_....._,....... wf1o need a ptaoa. • ..... ~· AdJ. Mr· neea ,.,099rtlee .,ok•· -• exp. in--·--"'• t BR. batll l Qlt1ilt, 77't2 II ..__1_1..~ •MllT Ml·l• DOttier lnt'I. 2172 Dupont. ,1189 co. 71417614010 2t20 N. Mein..,... PVttme. CdM. 17H19S mu1t. Only dedicated, ~. 1311. 1et. taet ,....,.... I~~~!!!!!!!!~ Cal AM. 983-lm ,_,.TIMI 714tO ~ Wl'ted to _. footl"9 pertona need ap-l dlp.142~1 .... ,.,~ •uua -ProfeHIOHIManH 1ne1111111116onlmametor ply.(JU>.lllltlltt.Xlnt. 28', 1~ 1171+1176 •••··-~·-••••••••• 2v6iO:weqpf~!r~Cl:·b~·!~ 4::.;.~·~U,::: offlo• t,760 tQ ft ......... • ~·~In ==:.'=~·:; lflt't mlllf ..,., l'/tlrM,l-"iiiiiiiii!iiil"--1 ~=~9ram. Celt: .._ -·'J: nr 9eocll --, 7 7..... ~1 -•to119obM11t1el Arta aar111., -_ ............. ...--.. .,.... ... 1111 r--;;;;~iiiii ..._ltv'd..-1 10' '•ddon, OrOltlll«t. 61 • ...., Ot --·-It dlo allr---eto ... .,, ·-· --"""" -~ u • ......... • wttfl new~~ pool, boal, eto. HI e1t-mt& .... no ... -••• ,. UP .;.;;;; 2 •• hm• Coll BAYFRONT -,:-:.a-6440 ~9y. with,..... ==·for~ BIB umn auu• . 2:, i·~·.~~= = ~&t~ =· ~= :·n~lft~~fz::' ro~ iPfi~illMiiiofl!Oe.iiiiiili?Soiii1iOOliiiil'f,.li:•~·~·nlaf 1::0,000. ,,,Ono nal ba.:;~i;rrn.. tatery 1U111. teoo. en.au. tl'Olft 9111. 2 bdrm from ...._..-ti !9lflt Hn on~"°'~ ,.,...,... eel MO-tnt. 1170, TownhOuN from -·· • · · • 1 ·-\16 blOck to bMott 1 ., execup """ ................... . Ou•o•· '4HJ..io. ,.0 H40 + PNle. tennla, "" beaut. ocHft vlow ""-' ntorfalll, PoMll o.. t101M In LaouM wt"-1 • · -- - -™~4 IOtti. It. for cootctno & ,..•tint other. 1400 ptua . •a ... llMllll"" peld. From .... oi..-...,... ,... ..,...,...,_ i~=~ :::::::d:rr.:~: H:a:"~~.r.::: .~::=-(714,....tll. home noor boeotl wftf'I ' .... llWPllT IUCH I flUl lllCU I I 11 ' .[ ) ; \ I r\ 1 ,', I I I I ' I ' OHAN<iLCOUNIV Cl\llf OHNIA :I!> CE NTS Battered balloonists await banquet BY PHIL SNEIDERMAN O(tMDellY .......... T he winning aeronauta are recoverlns from a bumpy lan- d lns. the th ree m111lng pllota have been found, and partici- pants In the Gor don Bennett Balloon Race are now awaltl~ the annual "Survivors' Banquet,' Friday ln Cotta Meu. During the banquet at the South Cout P lau Hotel, mem- ben of eight he lium ba lloon teama are e xpected to trade at.o- riel about flying through raln, anow and heavy wind.a In an e f- fort to wln the dlatanoo competl· tion. With about 25,000 aerial en- t hualaaUI looking on, the balloo- nlata lifted off Saturday from Mlle Square Park In Fountain Valley. The unoftlcial winnera aboard SCARECROW METER MAID -Make-believe version of Laguna Beach's friendly ticket writer Rosie Miclette is just good-humored fun from Sherwood Gallery on Broadway in Laguna. but Jo Jo Greco. 4, of Anaheim, isn't sure what to make of her. Evictions delayed at Crystal Cove By JEFF ADLER Of .... Deir ""°' ..... Crystal Cove State Park's part-time cottage resident.a reac- ted rather matt.er-of-factly today upon learning thelr July eviction la to be poctponed at least another year. T h e r eprieve came Monday when members of an Assembly budget subcommittee agreed to postpone the evicttona until a plan for using the cottages la ad- opted by the Legl1l1ture some· time next year. aocordins to As- aemblywoman Marian Berge&0n, R-Newport Beach , w ho repre- sents the 45-cottal(e community. "I'm glad it's on lee for that period, r th.ink they're moving ln the right direcUon," commented NATION Paul Ramsey, a part-time cotta- ger who Jivea in North Holly- wood. But Ramsey said he was not sucpriled by the subcommittee's action. "We thought we'd get that," he aaid. "The only thing I'd be pleased about is if they would honor their commitment to a 20-year leueback," he added. Another part-time cottage res- ident, Chrlstine Shirley, uld she wu "delighted" by the lawma- ken' action, but noted lt la only a "temporary resp ite." And Alfred Willinger, a mem- ber of the Crystal Cove Resident Aaaociation'a execuUve commit- tee, aald the 1ubcommlttee'1 ac- (Sff CRYSTAL, Page Al) Optimism unjustilie'd? Bt.u1lneM analyst John Cunnilf ask.a why econo- mltta and corporate offlclalt a1 well a1 Pre1ident Reagan continue to see an upturn in the economy, despite gloomy report after sloomy report. Page A4. CUBBins's 'good !or you' A USC cUnJcal p1ycholo1ilt aay1 go ahead and elm when the need arilel. Four-Jetter wordl Ml'Ve u a ~ valve, he eontendl. Pap M . Oppenheimer c.luonicled PBS, 1tartins tmiaht and tor the next~ days. portrayt the CllNll' of J. ~ , one ol. America'• melt tnClc heroea. Pait . • "RoUe O'Orady" ~ down 28 h<>IJ.l"l la~r about 892 milea away • ln a farm yard near Cody. Wyo. Joe Kittinger, a former combat pilot from Orlando, Fla., auffered a dislocated shoulder and brulaee durlng the Sunday evening lan- ding. If declared an official winner, Kittinger wlll have broken h11 atring of three conaecuttve aecond-pl.aoe finiahes in the Gor- don Bennett race. HI.I co-pilot, Loe Angeles buai- netanan Charles W. Knapp. al8o received treatment for bruiaea suffered in the landing. Much of race offlclala' au.en- Uon Mon day waa focuaed on flnding the lone m1aa1ng Gordon Bennett balloon. The "lC>-Ball," a non-competing "pathfinder" craft carrying three men, appa- rently had a radio malfunction ahortly after liftoff, caualng the aeronauta to lose contact wlth thelr chue crew. An emergency locator algnal was heard In eastern Nevada near Wilson Mountain trlQerin.g a search in that snow-blanketed area for the miaaing balloon. But race officials received a surprise Monday afternoon, when two "10-Ball" balloonlats called In to 1ay they had actually landed Sunday morning In the Ariiona desert near the G rand Canyon. "We didn't fmd them -they found ua," race director Tom Helnahelmer said. "Duane Po- wers (the pilot) kn ew exactly where he was It was always under control, JUat the way H should be." (See BALLOON, Page At> Britain attacks ship • . Falklands channel • Ill Seat belt Woman wounded Marine landing planned? • restraint 'lifesaver' Laguna shots leave 1 dead By Tbe Auociated Presa Britain said one of its warships fired on a surface vessel today in the body of water separatmg the two mam Falk.land Islands, and Argentina threatened to attack any British ship or plane ap- proaching the South Atlantic war zone. By JOEL C. DON or..,. o.it, "°' ,..,. Young children riding an cars couJd be spa.red death or eerious inJury from traffic accident.s if parents made sure they were restramed with seat belt.s or spe- cial car seats, a UC Irvine pedia- tncian said Monday. Following a two-year study of Orange County traffic accidents mvolvlng children. Dr. Phyllis Agran discovered only about 10 percent of the youngat.ers were restrained in some fashion. Un- reattained children were et the mt:rcy of being alammed against the lnterior of .1he car or thrown from the vehicle, she aaid. ''Seat belts and car aeata have been shown to reduce deaths but a lot of people are not using them," she said, at a UCI Medical Center press conference to high- ligh t California Child Pa,.,senger Safety Week, May 7-14. (See CHILD, Page At) Home gutted in Valley; cause sought Fountain Valley fire officials were attempting today to deter- mine the cause of a Monday blaze that gutted a two-story home. Battalion Chief John Bolstad aaid 23 firefight.era from Founta- in Valley and Huntington Beach responded at 10:30 a .m . to the blaze at the home of Danny Bundakji. 18772 Capense St. He said a woman and child who were home at the time es- caped safely, but firefighter Larry Hadlen waa hospitalized overnight suffering aecond de- gree bums and amoke inhalation. A aecond firefighter suffered a minor injury from broken glasa, he said. Dam age was es t imated at $300,000 to the dwell.Ing and its content.a. The blaze ia be1Jeved to have started in the living room. Bolstad said. STATE By STE VE MITCHE LL ()(the Oelff "°' 11.tf A double shooting on the street.a of Laguna Beach today left a 21 -year-old Emerald Bay man dead and a 17-year-old La- guna Beach woman grave ly wounded. Police identified the dead man as James Anthony Ke ndall of Emerald Bay. Iden ti flea lion of the woman was being withheld until h* relatives could be nod- fied. The 8: 10 a.m. shooting took place In the parking lot of the Calvary Evangelical Free Church at the corner of Legion and Through streeta, police reported. Police Chief Nell Purcell said offtcers have been unable to dis- cover any witnesses to the ahoo- tlriga, which were heard by resl- de n ts o f the central Laguna neighborhood. A nurse who was in the area discovered the two bodies lying near the parking lot o f the church and summoned police who cordoned off the area im- mediately following the shooting. Both victims had been shot in the ct\est. A small caliber weapon was found near the bodies, Pur- cell 1a1d. Paramedics administered emergency first aid to the victims for more than 40 minutes, but the male died at the scene, Purcell said. The teen-aged woman was take n to Mission Community Hospi ta l and was reported in guarded condition. Purcell said the shooting ap- peared to be a murde r -suicide, adding officers found a note on the .cene, a pparently penned by the woman describing to whom she wished her belongings dis- tributed. "From what we can piece to- gether 10 far, it looks like a murder-suicide," the chlef said. "We found a note that leads us to believe it was a planned event, and we're now trying to deter- mine who shot whom. The female wrote a note discuuln~ who should get her belongings. ' Pur- cell said. State propositions discussed Colwnnilt Earl Wat.en continues his analysla of the 1tate ballot propolitiont to be voted on in June. Page A6. COUNTY A 'second life' al 70 San Clemente 1'91ldent Milton Corb, a mere 70 ~old, trabl hJa pto from life 1n abmact pAtnUna, Pqt Bl. -·Hot llurlen alo1J6 CoaBt There .,. a Jot of outltabdiDC hiCh IChool IOftball p(tcMn In the arana. eo.t .. And molt of them ... ~end freihmm. ~Cl. 4 SCENE -Arrow indicates location of parking lot where shootings took place today in Laguna Beach. Isamu Garden Center to open tonight The grand opening of the lsamu Noguchi Sculpture Gar- den in Coata Mesa's Town Center begins tonight at 7 o'clock. The Japanese American Cul- tural and Community Cent.er wilJ kick off the week long festivities in honor of the man Time Mag- azine has called "the pre-eminent American sculptor." The 1.6-acre aculplW't: garden commlsaioned by Henry Seger- s trom, includes six elements meant to reflect the California's changing environment. Califor- nia Scenario, as ll ia called, is lo- cated in South Coa.st Plaza Town Center along Anton Boulevard between the American City Bank and Great Western Sa~. INDEX At Your Service A4 Flma Bombeck B2 L .M. Boyd A6 .8uainell 84-5 Oa.lltomia A6 Cavalalde B2 O..Wed Dl.03-e ComQ 83 Cro.word B3 Death No\.lca D2 JCdltorial AB lllnW11ainment C6 SPORTS British DefeQ'se Minis try spokesman Ian McDonald told reporters in London that the British ship was 1n the f1ve- mile-w1dc Falkland Sound, just off Bold Cove, Wes t Falkland, when 1t opened fire He said a "large explosion" occurred. 1t was the closest naval en- gagement to the Falklands gjnce ArR:entine forces selied the is- lands from Brit.am on ApriJ 2. and McDonald said : "The incident and its location show how tight our grip 1s on the Falkland Islands." He gave no other de- tails. Other reports mden tifted the target vessel as an Arge ntine supply ship or tanker. and said it was f1rt·d o n by the radar- controlled, 4 5-mch gun of a Bri- tish frigate, which was said to have l:x-en accompamed by other British warships in the Falkland Sound. British c:o rrcspondcnts with the armada, whose d1Spatches are subject to censorship, said the ship that was attacked waa thought to be carrylng supplies and possibly troops to ~>tantey, capital of the Falklands. Fire victims get break on cash penalty WASHINGTON (BW) -The Federal Reserve Board of Gov- ernors has authoriied member banks to pay time deposita with- out early withdrawal penalties to victims of last month's firestorm in Anaheim. The temporary exemption af- fects time depositors suffering property or other financial loa as a result of the intense fires that erupted April 21 . Horoecope 82 Intennlaalon C6 Ann Landen 82 Movies C6 National Newtt A3 I Public NoUOl!I 02-3 Sparta Cl-4 Stock Marketa & TeleYlaion 0 Thea ten ce Weather A2 World NeWI A3 Angel~ alp Yankees Doua lleQ.nc,. and Geoff Zahn 1pukJed .. tM Ancell beat the Yan.keel In the •rt• OP811!9f at Ana· hltm St.dlum. Pap Cl. • BALLOON RACE· .• • After a 1mooth landln1, Po- we rs and crewman A r thur Hickle hiked 20 mile• t h rou9h the 1now untU they reached aafety -and a teltphone -ln Colorado City, Arla., race otfldala 1ald. The third crtwman, Milt Caves, remained with the balloon and waa reecued lat.er. Helnahelmer maintained tha\ thla trio waa tht? beat equipped for survival ln difficult wind and weather concUtloN becau.e they all live In the California desert dty, Rldaecr'elt. Unofficial aecond·place wln-nen 1n the Gordon Bennett are fathtt and aon Mute and K.rla Andenon of Albuque~ue, N.M., whoae craf\ "Vlklna' touchfld down near Ca1per, Wyo., after traveUna 860 milea. In third place waa the "Benlhana." piloted by lut year'• winners Ben Abruu.o and Becky Aoki. Their craft traveled 771 miles before landing near Boul· der Lake, Wyo. CRYSTAL COVE ... tion moved th.lnp "one llep for- ward with many at.epe a.heed." . WUllnger added, ''I always felt confident they'd move responal- bly. It doesn't bring anything to a conch.aalon, however." ding to Mrs. Berget0n. In the meantime, budget lan- guage ta to be included In the 1982-83 budget, now beln& con- sidered, to enaure that the evic- tions are delayed, Mn. BeraetOJ'l said from her Sacramento olfioe. Oelly "9tle.ff,...._ STUDIES SAFETY - There's no doubt about -seat belts properly used, save c hildren from death and in· jury in auto accidents, says lJC Irvine pediatrician Phyllis Agran. From Page A I With a provlao that the 23 cottages not be left vacant until a uae plan ta accepted, the five- member Resources Subcommit- tee aet a Dec:. 15, 1982 deadline for the state Parka and Recre- ation Department to submit such She called Monday'• action a "reasonable compromiae that u- SW'8 public access to the cottages and treats residents in a fair manner.'' CHILD .. • • plan. The plan ta to be approved by the panel and incorporated Into the 1983-84 1tat.e budget, accor- State officials and cottage ret- ident.a have been wreetllng with the problems of how to incorpo- rate the cottage community, a national historical atte. Into the state park since 1979. SA Heights annex gets panel look By STEVE MARBLE 0t" it. D.ily Not l u ff Newport Beach City Council members a~ Monday to jump into the thorny dispute over what's going to happen to Santa Ana Height.a. The council said i l will form an ad -h ot committee la ter this month in an attempt to deter- mine what residents want to do with their community. The move could be a preliminary step to- ward annexation of the area by the city. The Heights, located in county territory under the John Wayne Airport takeoff pat.tern, has been under siege an recent months from groups advocating ever y - thing from annexation to New- port to large-scale redevelopment ps a commercial center . · Council membera got a taste Monday night of how far-flung the views ol residents from Santa Ana Heighs are. "I prefer commercial beca~ I iust can 't s tand to live the re anymore," said Kenneth Gay, a 37-year Heights resid e n t who said jet noise and traffic has be- come too much to take. Heights resident Patricia Cox said sh e favors annexation be· cause Newport can help the small community fight back against air port noise. She said the Heights, in turn, can serve as a noise buffer zone for Newport. Former Newport Beach city attorney Hugh Coffin, now re· presenting a group calling itself Santa Ana Heights Citizens for Annexation, said if the county la left unchallenged, it likely will push to rewne the area commer- cial. ''The county, I believe, want.a to e l imi n a t e an adverse constituency," suggested Coffin. Heights resid e nt Richard Truofreh said he is opposed to annexation and favors partial rezoning of the area as a com- mercial center. Truofreh. who heads up a group known as ABCOM -na- med for fi ve s treets in the Height.a. said the county taland is not the rural paradille aome say, but rather. "a crime.ridden area with Iota of dope traffic:' "I think the single moat im- portant thing I can do as a phy- a i c 1 an la t o get the c hild restrained," she added. The $150,000 1ludy, funded by the state Office of Trame Safety, revealed most accidents were at speeds less than 30 mph . Dr. Agran said 82 percent of the ac- ciden ts occurred on sur face streets and most children were riding 1n the front aeat, leaving them vulnerable to collisions w ith dashboards and wind- shields. T raffic accidents, she noted, are the No. 1 killer of children. In Callfomla, 200 children die and 20,000 are injured each year a.a a result of motor vehicle collisions aa well as non-crash incidents such as J:&tS subject to sudden stops, turns . door openings. swerves and accelerations. Some youngsters are injured just by moving about ln a car. In the non-crash incident.a, Dr. Agran found 44 percent of the children were e jected from the vehicle. Many of those children accident.ally opened a car door or fell out an open window. For children more than 4 years old, seat belts generally are suf- ficient. But for toddlers under age 4, Dr. Agran said federally approved car seats -costing $30 to $!50 -offer the best prote<:- tion. S he also drew attention to the Oranae County Trauma Society's "Baby's First Ride" project, de- signed to boost public awareness of the need for adequate restraint for children riding in cars. Dr. Agran challenged the notion among some parents that they could quickly grab their child in the event of a traffic collision . Sunny afternoons Parity cloudy ••GePI fat aunny 11ternoon1 tod1y 1nd W1dn11-drf. Hlghl lodly 65 10 69 Ov«· nlghl tpw1 48 to 54 Hlgh1 Wedn1ad1y fl5 t o 73 Hunllnglon-Newporl 1re1 1em- per1turM <Inge from • high of M 10. low of 55 E!MwMf•. trorn Point ~ lion to the M••le1n border 111d out 60 mllee North-I wtnda 10 to 20 knot• with 4 10 7 loot ...n1 over outer w1tera EIHwh•r•. tight nrl1bl• wlnd1 becoming .-t to north-I 10 to 18 knoll thlt alt•noon WMI 10 M>Ul"-t ...,.... of 2 to 4 feel Fiii< loctey U.S. summary Tomad<>M -• IC)Ottecl In the Grell Pl1n1 II thunderttorml Pf~ -•-"*In Min· MeOll. south centre! NebrHkl Md north c.nttef K1nau. Showera 1nd thunder1torm1 continued over Upper Mlchlgen Ind rrom 10UIMin Mlnnelot• to ... 19NI Nebflekl, Md llSO In 11141 Het1111k1 P1nh11ld .. end n0tth· Hit co1or1do No d1m1ge w11 reoortecl lrom the t0tnllda.t There were wtdely 1c1ller•d ahowere ind a lew light 1no"" 111owera over Wyoming Thert -· -.,_, -Melne CIHr 1klnf,•V•ll•d from tht southern 111 mld-All1ntlc ~· to the IOWW Mlultllc>PI V'*'t. Tem.,.,11ure1 1round IM n• t10n _..,. loctaY renoecl ll'Otll 33 In Linder. Wyo. to 79 W. Sfownevlle. Teua. California • # Temperatures NATIOH "lbeny AlbuQUI "m•tlllo Nhev!He Alllnll Atlante Cly Auttln Blltlm<>t• 81tltn0• Blnn~m 81-Glc BolM 8ol1on Br~ Buffefo Burlington c-c-Cllattatn SC Chwt.tn WV Chlfltll NC Cheyenne ClllcaO<> Clndnnltl Clevelan<I Clmt>11 SC Columt>u• 011-FI Wth Oeyton OenV« OM MOIM9 Ollrolt Duluth El Puo Fatgo Fllgtt•ll GrMI Filla Hitt ford Helen• Honolulu Houlton lndneplll Jeclc1n MS .leclllfWlll ~City Lii Vegee Ul1lll Aoca ~ l...ubf>ocl( ....... Mlltnl .......... Mple-81.P ~ HllwOrtNnt Hllw Y0111 =-City °""*" on.ncso HI Lo Pre. 68 41 78 43 85 54 112 47 82 56 66 51 79 70 02 78 S:l 41 35 84 St 52 42 25 56 36 12 57 47 07 85 78 65 4e 58 32 45 34 62 78 64 71 45 llO 59 66 35 .32 66 112 711 50 66 60 84 49 89 46 81 116 71 63 73 4t 111 112 oa 89 49 62 44 . 16 84 52 64 ...... 01 50 26 39 2S 04 72 49 47 34 86 74 01 78 72 eo 57 85 &e 1348 82 • .. 50 01 It 83 96 5t IO S2 M 64 82 81 19 74 ... 62 85 &e 82 58 11 83 '12 61 '10 M IO t'T •to 68 .a eo 70 eo ,..._ ..... -~ ..cu u s o.oe o1 c-.. t• Fronls. Cold..., W•m .. ~ 74 p a 81 PllllOO<f!' 69 Ptllnd. • 57 Pt11nd, Ofe 68 Pr~ 57 Rllelgh 79 Reno 515 Slit I.Ike 49 t: AlllonlO 75 Ille 60 ~~ 84 80 SI Loull S4 St P-Tll\'lpe 83 SI Sii Merle 151 Spolc-83 I yr.CUM 83 Topekl 78 TUG80(I 90 Tulal Ml WuNngtn 78 ~· 7a ~ C~OMIA Belt.,,.,.. 75 8lylfle 80 Eurlk• M FtMnO 71 ~ 83 ~ 8$ 14 ....... n O.land 69 PMO Aobtll .. Aid.., 74 ~City 117 Se«lllWllO ...,_ .. ..,. Dleoo .. Sen ,.,anc:Mco 87 53 6t 43 46 4S 49 45 29 3& 118 411 158 49 llO 56 415 37 315 64 51 68 60 815 55 58 47 ~ 51 ... ... ... 42 .. IO ... .05 4 1 .02 62 lllf llPllT :r. t-a" t4 " A ..... , ... ,,, 811\11 8¥t>lll 64 .... Sanll M1r11 fl2 C:.tockton 43 Tllermll 90 lJlOlh 71 81r1t-75 63 Big BMr 57 27 Bletl<>P 62 35 Lall• ""owhNCI 42 32 Long Belch 68 53 MOtlfOvil 70 51 Ml. Wlleon 40 30 Newi>Ofl e .. c11 fl3 56 Onllflo 64 62 P11m Spring• 79 61 Puedenl 87 60 Sin e.rnerdlno 62 51 8111 0 1brlel 811 60 Senta "n• 87 S2 CANADA Cllgery S4 M Edmonton 93 24 Montrul .. 4) OttlWI 4a Aeglnl 47 u Toronto . ., • VencouV« 81 4) w~ !IO ... Extended weather IOUTHU'H CALIFO,_HI~ COAIT1'L AHO MOUNTAI .. AAEAI -,.,, uoe1ft part!) =ooa911f --=-=-............. e& o L.owt 4f to M. HION lfl IN mournalN 112 10 12. t.o.t IO 10 40 TUka TODAY leoorld IOw t',03 p "'· u 8eooncl ~;26 p,nl, 4.t IOAY ""' iow 1: to u.. 0.1 Station safety delayed A requett by Seal Beac h School DCJtrlct U'Ulteet to check out the aafety of the Seal Beech Naval WeapoN Station hu been aet aalde by the General Ac· counting Ofrtce. An a1de to U.S . Sen. A lan Cranston said today the GAO won't look lnto the aafety upecta of the baae becaUN a law1uit II pending. Ryan Conroy. Cranston's ueo. elate le glalatlve auiatant ln Washington, D.C ., said the re- quest has been s helved because the Navy cannot dtacuu laauea while being sued. In a resolution adopted last month, t he school trustees ex- pressed concern for the aatety of !500 students at McGaugh Int.er· mediate School at Bolu Avenue and Seal Beach Boulevard near the atation. The f'80lutJon stated that Jar. ge ships with conventional and possibly nuclear weapon• are loaded and unloaded at a wharf about !500 yards from the school. The board noted that the GAO 1n 1975 mentioned a number of safety problems at the station and alleged that the GAO didn't perform any subsequent studies to determine If the problems had been corrected. Cranston h ad requested the GAO to follow up its investiga- tion. Navy officials said previously that any di1K·repancies found m the report had been corrected. A lawsuit has bee n filed in federal court demanding to know if nuclear weapons are stored at the station. The Navy says 1t can neither confirm nor deny that poasibiUty. Long Beach cop facing molest rap A Long Beach police officer pleaded innocent Monday to 21 ·count.a of molesting young girls who live in his Huntington Beach neighborhood. He was ordered to appear at a May 19 preliminary hearing in the case. Facing the c hild molest ing charges is Michael Bruce McDo- nald. 42, an 18-year veteran who has been off duty for the paat six months becall8e of an injury. At his arraignment Monday, West Orange County Municipal Judge Ragnar Engerbretaen redu- ced McDonald's bail from $250.· 000 to $100,000. Mc Donfld atto rney Gary Pohlson argued that thia amount should be reduced further. A hearing to reconsider the bail is- sue was set for Thursday. A Huntington Beach City Jail official said McDonald was freed Monday night after he succeeded in posting bail. The Long Beach motorcycle officer was arrested last week after several girls who live near McDonald's south central Hun- tington Beach home told their parents about the alleged child molesting lncidents. Bruinsma backe d WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. SJ. Hayakawa. R-Calif., taking sides for the firs t time on the crowded Cield of California GOP Senate candidates. on Monday endorsed Ted Bruinsma'a bid to succeed him. °"' " Mft 61 . ., . ., 17 .. ,lrit 111111 2'.14 P.tft. • 0 I '9oond° IOw U I p.m. I.I 14" '"'" ,.. .. TOMC)MOW I nota: Hllfl l'..M p.111. i.Aiw f;jt pAI, NII ...... ........ - ----~ tblta.m 4.1 tvn .... '°'ey at 7144 p,m,, ..... W\:dl •• ., .. 1;14 ..... ................ tt:llPA. -W•••lil:ll&A ' - WINS PRIZE -Daily Pilot photographer Richard Koehler won first place in the sports categor y o{ this year's Associated Press California-Nevada photo contest with h is entry, "Jump Ball Call." Photo was taken with 180 mm le ns in available light at Jan. 13 basket.ball game between Laguna Beach and Laguna Hills high schools. Laguna players Bob Short (25) and Rudy Dvorak (5) couldn't believe official's call. Laguna Hills won the game, 68-61. 16 at UC Irvine to • receive Dr. James L . M cGaugh, inte rnationally known psycho- biologist and outgoing executive vice chancellor at UC Irvine, will be honored with a n "extraordinarius" title Sunday at the 12th Annua l L a uds a n d Laurels banquet. McGaugh will be one of 16 dtstinguished faculty and staff members or friends of the uni- versity to be honored for contri- butions in research, teaching or community eervice. Sponsored by the UCI Alumni Aaaociation , the banquet will be he ld at the Marriott Hotz) in Newport Beach. Recipients o( the awards will receive original monoprlnta by artist Dorrit K.itk. masler of fine arts candJdate at UCI. Also ho no re d at S unday's banquet will be English profesaor Murray Krieger, winner of the 1982 Acad e mic Senate Dis- tinguished Lectureship Award, and 10 junior class scholars no- minated by faculty members as "Chancellor's Scholars." One of the 10 will be selected recipient of the Jean and Dan Aldrich Scholarship. which pro- vides quarte rl y f ees for the 1982-83 year. Crime in America topic of lecture W. Garrett Capune. a profesaor of criminal justice at Cal State Fullerton , will speak o n "America's Culture: The Cauae of Cri me" in a free program Wednesday at Coastline College Conference Room C. 10231 Slater Ave .. Fountain Valley. The session. part of Coastline's "Scholars In the Community" aeriei. ~ at 7 p.m . kudos HONORS DUE -UCI will honor outgoing executive vice chancellor James L. McGaugh Sunday. 2 Estancia youths held Two Esta ncia High School students were arrested by Costa Mesa police Monday afternoon 1n connection with what police said was the attempted assault of a 16-year-old girl who allegedly was kidnapped from the achool grounds last week, police said. The names of the two boys, agea 16 and 17, were not relealed. The pair were arrested about 1 p.m. at the achool, 2323 Placentia Ave., shortly after the g irl re- ported the incident. The girl W¥ unharmed. Police said the victim decided to report the incident Monday a.ft.er talking to family members. PIATUllS INCLUDlt • AEROttC CLASSES • PRo;ESSIONAl INSTRUCTION • IODY fAT ANALYSIS • STRESS TESTING • llOOO HESSURE TESTING •COED SAUNA • NUTIUTIONAl COUNSELING • COED WHIRlfJOOl • Ol YMltC PIH WEIGHT • COMPUTHIZ!D DYNA VfT. • NAUTtLUS EXEICIU IQOIPMINT • SUN TAN ROOM • OUAIANTHO IHUlTS • • 47 killed ID Tri po If ( f Street lighting flares I or fifth day BJ 1'e AIMCla&ed Prt11 SICl.RUT, Lebanon -Street tt1hUna .b9tween rival m!Utiu 1n Tripoli flared for a fifth Clay today, and poUoe laid the week'• bloodahed already bu killed 47. people and 1nJured 2U. Uuhel between the ~yrtan Arab KnJahta and Moalem fundamenta!Iata o( the Popular Raia- tance have alto cauaed acute 1horta1e1 of food, milk, drlnk1na water and electl'idty for the north- ern pon city'• &00,000 rwidenta, a pollce apokemnan aald. rtr•men and civtl-defenae team. braved the sunflre Monday ln Bib el-Tabb&n.eh to r...:ue all 40 tenant.I fl'Om an apartment buildinc aet ablaze by an lnoendlary bomb. Poland expels 2 U.S. envoys WARSAW, Poland -The U.S . 1overnment admitted that two U.S. Ernbuay offidala who are beinc expelled from Poland met with a d1asident adentist but denied the Communiat government'• charge that they wue trying to undermine the atablllty of the PoUah at.ate. It waa assumed that the U.S . government would expel t~o officlala of the PoU.h Embuay in Waahlngion, the cuatomary retaliation. The government televiaion 1ervice announced that acJence attache John W. ZeroU. and cultural affair• officer James D. Howard were declared penona non grat.a Monday for recei~ matertala from acJentiat Ryaard Herczynaki that 'hit at the interest of Poland." S. Africa s~aps Soviet spy CAPE TOWN, South Africa -South Africa has exchanged a Soviet spy for eigh\ "very impor- tant" Western intelligence agenta and a South Af. rican aoldier held pruoner in Marxist-ruled Angola, Prime Minister P.W. Botha told Parliament today. Botha said the return of sapper J ohan Van der Meach\ waa part of a deal involving the e~~e of the eight unidentified agenta in an und lo- c.atlon. The South A1rlcan leader aaid an a~ent of the Soviet KGB, identified aa Maj.. Alexei Mlk.hailovich Koalov, was exchanged for Van der Mes:ht, who had been held for aeveral yea.re. Reagan summons top leaders WASHINGTON -Top business leaders are being aummoned to the White House to hear Pres- ident Reagan lobby for lower interest rates and congreuional approval of the Republican budget alternative. About 100 businessmen were scheduled to see the president over a three-day period starting to- day. They also are getting pep talks from budget director David Stockman and Treasury Secretary Donald Regan. T-bill yields hit low level WASHINGTON -Yields on s hort-te rm Treaaury aecurities are down this week to their lo- west level in more than two montha, offidala say. About $4.7 billion ln six-month T-bUu were auctioned Monday at an average diacount rate of 12.236 percent, down from the 12.78 percent of last week. The Govenunent al.lo told about $4.7 billion in three-month bills at an average rate of 12.248 per- cent, down from 12.67~ percent. libel la~suit • WIDS CLEVELAND -Televialon would be "blackmailed oU the airwaves" if it didn't fight li- bel suits, says the producer of an ABC "20-20" progJ1UO that came out on the winning aide of a multimillion-dollar lawault. the network Monday ln a suit by a woman who contended she was defamed by the program. The "20-20" segment, "Injustice for All," dealt with a public corruption ecandal that rocked Swn- mit County and Akron in 1980, including allega- tions of wrongdoing on the part of Probate Judge James V Barbut<r1md others. A jury sat through 25 days of testimony but deliber&ted only about 5 ~ hours before finding for Urban League: Suspend Gates LOS ANGELES -C.alling comments by Po- lice Chief Daryl Gatea "racist, archaic and 1.gnorant," the president of the Loa Angeles Urban League today demanded the cltya top police officer apologiz.e and be auspended. cutting off blood to the brain, becauae their carotid. arteries function differently than thaie of "normal people." Urban League President John W. Mack said in an interview today that he was ''shocked and an-. gry" when he read Gatet' at.atement. ''It was in- credible that he would make such an outrageous atatement and such a atupld statement," Mack said. Gatea waa quoted Saturday u aaylng that blacka might not recover u quickly from carotid chok.eholda, which render suspect.a WlOOll9Cioua by Sirhan testifies first time SOLEDAD -lnalating he hu felt remorse ever alnce h e killed Robert F. Kennedy, Sirhan Sirhan told a parole board that keeping him behind ben after 1984 would be wrong and "two wronp don't make a right." behind the walla of Soledad PrUon, the Jordanian immigrant said that while he felt remone for his act. revoking hit 1984 parole would violate the law. "I aincerely believe that if Robert Kennedy were alive t.oday, he would not countenance tin· gllns me out for thla kind of treatment," Sirhan said Monday. In a dramatic finale to two weeka of hearinp ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Kay Schultz Vee Pi_,_ Mid r>w,...,tnf ~ Afl• ... fl4'tfl0 Tom Murphll\9 (dllllt • Mike Harvey 0..H-lftt Of .... ,~ ... t(a 1C..c. .. ,,._, Ken Goddard °"""'"' ... ao--••I"<·• Rav Maclean r.~·ollt< Chtrlel LOOI ... """""'° '°'"'' Ctauif1ed adv~rtlslng 714/642·5678 All othe• dep1rtment1 642·4321 "1AIN OFFICE lJll W~\I 8 ... \1 ( "''" -"° (A M1111 •OOt~\' Ro• l)ite {O\t• M..-~ (A .,.,_ Cw t n Qtll ••1 0.-'°"" Pu011'1unq Con-"• Ho,..,,., ''Of''"' 1llv\ffftllon~ "'<htotf•I m Mt•r or •d ,,,,.'''""'""''' ¥r•tn mitv ~ ,.,prOduc.f'Ct ••'"'°"" \Of'< t•I ..-rm"'.an Of f 09¥ t tQht ow,...r S-t Ond c '"°'' f""'I,,.""""" &Mtd _., (°'t" Mio'" ( .. HO,-fh-' •UP~ ,._. 800• "'*"' t1f"tt1on f'tv , ,.ft••' \A 1' ""10fttf'tty n, m.ul ~ «iie>m1W1IN., • , .,,_ ?t.,. '-""''' C>i1ttly Pttol •••~ •"t<" h ,.,,, btn•d '"" _, ,.,,..,, '' ""DI••-by ,,,_ 0.- C ... •I PW1111"'4nq ,...,.....,, ~IM••t• -.... P<ll>I"-Monc!Ay 111•1111111' f••d•Y for CO\te --~. ...... POf'I ~ ........ lftqlCW> 84'IO<fl, , l>Ufll•~ v ...... ltvlM LlllfU' .. fl•Mtl *'" ( 0.\1 A \11\q .. t~ ""''°" " ,,.,,.,.,_ l>"111•on' •ncJ ~." ,,,. Plltl( IPfl Olil!ll\11"'4 lllAlll 1\ "' )JO W•\I ft•Y '''""'-p 0 llt • '* Ce-1<1 ....,.,., Lahl0ln1" •1t1• VOL 75, NO. 131 Group protests TV cancellation LOS ANGELF.S -About 300 people who believe CBS' "Lou Grant" television drama was canceled becaUM of atar Ed Ail- ner'• political acdvitJes, not be- cauae of plummetln1 ratln11, picketed the atudlo while the man they aupported wu vaca- tionlnc 1n Cdondo. At aon:ie polnta the Monday ntahtf:lcket.IJlg on the busy cor-ner o Fairfax Avenue and Be- verly Boulevard turned into a me1aphone 1houtln1 match when three inen ca.rrym, a huee • with Bible ~ pollUomd · &Mmaelv• on dM comer oppo- f&te the pk:k.et8. . We're Listening ••• What do )'OU llkt about the Dally Piiot? What don't )'OU like? Call the number below and your m ... •C• will be r•cotded. tnn1crib9d and delivered to ~appropriate 9dUor. The tame 24•hour 1n1wertnc MrVic• ma1 be &alM to record ltt· · ten to the editor on any tople. Mailbox contrtbuton m•t laclude th•lr name and telephone number ror v•rtfteetion. No tlre\alaUOn Hilt, pleaM. Tell a. what'• on your mind. ' Or!np CoMt DAILY PtLOT/Wedneed1Y, May 11, 1812 N SCATrERED ATrENDANCE -Only hw-dy beachgoera showed up Monday along Newport Beach sands near Newport Pier. Sun seekers found little sun, virtually zero surf. ocean D..._,._.lt.ff""9to temperatures a chilly 57 degrees "and a stiff, cold offshore breeze. No wonder most people stuck around the fireplace. Old letters found Cop-killing Like sister, Abby admits 'recycling' • s u spect 1n 'drug fog' Murder defendant Gordon Lee Mink testified Monday that he lived in a twilight world of such heavy drug use that he remem- bered nothing of the everung on whlCh he is accused of gunning down a Garden Grove pohc.-e of· ficer in June. 1980. ABBY TOO -Advice colwn- nist Abigail Van Buren, twin sister of Ann Landers, admits that she also has been recy- cling letters in her column. Viejo pilot ejects from jet, injured A Minion Viejo Marine pilot who e jected from his A -4M S kyha wk jet over Twentynine Palma Monday suffered a broken leg when he parachuted to the desert floor. Maj. Richard Lyle Barton Jr., 40, waa on a routine training rniaalon when hie jet crashed at 9: 16 a.m., aooordina to a Marine spokesman at the Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro, where Maj. Barton Is stationed. The aircraft, belonging to Ma- r In e Attac k Squadron 311 , crashed In a remote northern training aector of the combat center. . Among the many at1ract1on1 ot Cleopatra wu the fact lhal .n. owned her own Emerald mine. She wet one of lhe flret of hit· tory'1 famoue namH to 1dorn themulve• with the rloh , lutttoue green_91"1. wNdl le the blrthetoM for Mey. En)ereld I• one of the oldHt known gem• on earth end w11 found In lhe met1tet. of ancient S.bylon. Todll)' It II 1tlll one or the mott edm!Nd end eherlehed of~onee. In enclent Umet meny ltonet ..,. mlltakenty c.119d Emeteld Jutt "°*'M they were grHn. lvien today eome ......,, ~ to,....... the cwtomer by ueing mlanomera tuoh 11 "evening emetlld" iparidot) Of "Otltntll •"'trald' <or•~hlre). n.. and offier *'"' r•fer to different g•matonH enttNty. T'-~ Gem ao. ;o1ety~t 1Y forbfde the '* Of """'""' ............ ~ ••r" ..,, ''"'' your A.G.I . lftllll......,, TM akt 11 e vMaity of tM "**II Mryl. K II e Wtr1 ~ tut MO 11Pt .. one for N "'°""' of Ml)'. It• lovely 0001 grMn .. \ CHEROKEE, Iowa (AP) -A group of Mother's Day letters appearing in the "Dear Abby" newspaper feature trapped up Abigail Van Buren one week af. ter her twin sister, Ann Landers, admltted rerunning old letters m her advice column, it was re por- ted today. ln a copyrighted s tory. the Cherokee Daily Times said let- ters to Miss Van Buren praising an unwed mother for putting her child up for adoption and inqui- ring about the significance or a alngle carnation on Mother's Day were reprints. A c heck of the newspaper's records found the letters had been used previousJ y -one on May 12, 1979, and one on May 7, 1977. Additionally, The Anwna Re- public reported today that a rea- der. Sara Baird of Phoenix, Ariz., recognized the le tter about the unwed mother as one ahe had read before an Mass Van Buren's column. The Daily Times said today that Mias Van Buren Issued a statement through Universal Pres,, Syndicate acknowledging the reprints and promising tha t "henceforth every re print wUJ..be labeled." An investigation by the Pon- tiac (ID.) Dally Leader and The A88ociated Press round that Miss Lande rs had been recycling 15-year -old letters and answers in nearly identical language the last 18 months without telling readers or newspapers who sub- scribe to her column. Mw Lan- ders acknowledged the recycled letters and promised to label re- printed portions of columns. Efforta to reach Miss Van Bu- ren by telephone in Beverly Hills on Monday were unsuccessful. Lee Salem, editorial director of the Univers,l Preu Syndicate, said "All the lnfonnalion 1.1n't in. I'm sure there will be further dlsc us1ion1 between Misa Van Buren and the syndicate." (~ &EM WISE Testifying in his own defense. the bearded and long-haired Mink maintained that the last 10 years of his life were no more than a "fog" because he mgested drugs so heavily. "When you're speeding (taking drugs)," he said, "the days all seem to run together." Mink offered tu.s unusual tale of rampa nt drug abuse as ha s Orange County Superior Court murde r trial neared its climax Closing statements m the case are expected today. The defendant, 32, who ui also known as John George Brown. faces the possibility of a death sentence if he is convic ted o f first-degree murder and special circu mstanct!s for the s hooting death of oHLcer Donald Reed two years ago The young patrolman was gunned do wn outside a bar known as the Cripple Creek sa- loon. It is now called the Ponde- rosa bar. Reed and St>veral other officer.. had gone into the saloon to arrest Brown for mvesugauon of as- sault with a deadly weapon and drug sales. Reed 's partner , officer Glen Overly, testified that Mpik left the bar through a side door be- fore allegedly open ing fire on Reed and other offJcers. Wounded in the gunfire were Overly, officer Dwight Hen- ninge r and two bar patrons, William McKinney, 27, and John Terzia, 23. Terzla was shot be· tween the eyes. Mink was arrested near the bar a short time aft.er the Satur- day night shooting. Mink testified that he wasn't even aware of what had occurred outside the bar until he awake- ned the n ext day in Orange County Jail. o~lor and Interior "garden · (pltterns created by lncluslons) Ind me of a fresh spring day se lnc1u1lon1 are very char- llf'lltlc of this gem1tone and a flawl ... Emllf'ald ol fine oolor 11 ~ rere Indeed ... and lhete· lore 1 very valuable Item. Moat of the line Emerald mined today comH from Col· umbla. Other eourcn ere Rha. cMe1a. Ruaala, India end Brull. We do hive a source of Em· ereld In the United Stal .. too ... tn North Carolina new Hlddenlte Thie d.Po11r wa1 discovered In 1878 end In 11>70 e root( hoUnd found 1 50 wet ernerllid ~ wH out to 13.14 oerall. Thi• atone hold• the record for the llfg"t end llneat cut Emer•td found In North Am«lca. Thr" other ex<*lent euml)lee of do- 1n11tlc Ernerllldt If• ~ In the collectton •t the 8mlthtO• • ,,..,,, ' While M can't ahOw you MY Mety lerr. c:.t1lled 09mOIOOt11 domeltk> lmerlldt In °"" ltON, • M dO, M tM ~t ttme, he¥9 AKLES H. BARR :.;.:.ru.o::n·:::.·:.:~·~ ------....= ... ~' ...... Come In and ... 04/ll cot-taolon. Sterling apology from Easter bunny DIA• PAT: I •rtltrff • ,., .... uie• ........ , ,,.. , •• ....... a.Q" ..... , .......................... o.n.nw.. N.Y. TM_.,,,...... 11 daa& dtt le&&er Mia't arrt•e aUI a Wtels after Kuter, ........ ...-my oMer Marft t .11 .. t tlaa& l'ff Nea rt .... eff fer •t.81 J.M., Foutata Valley swrim. Houle la •ndinl a refund to you and apolocl-for the late delfvery. Tax records can be duplicated DB4l\ PAT: I moved 1 CHple of ""k' 110 ud aomeltow ....,.. lo loM all •J tu record1. 11 illere uy way I cu 1et a •.,ueate of my tu re&an7 J.S., Cotta Mesa You can pt a _photocopy of a tax retwn from a prior year by ~Form 4506, &q"'*' for Copy of Tax Return. There la a $1 cbar8e for the fint pep, and 10 cents for MCh additional page. 1bla form can be ~~ted by phoning the Internal Revenue Service at (800) 242..4~5. Be thorough is co-signing DEAR PAT: A relative laa1 Hired me to co-1lp for a car leu. It illlt tUJ.a1 a bl& rt•~t ~d l1 there u y way to protect myaeU ti I do 10 uead wttll w1? , L.E., Irvine Obvioualy, the riak you take depends on the relaUve! How- ever, ltudiee have ahown that as many as 50 percent of all the people who co-1icn loana are asked to take some degree of re- apomibWty for the unpaid debt. The main thina to remember la never to co-sign a loan for more tlw1 you coufd afford to pay off. To protect youraelf, you ahoWd get everything in writing -from the person you are oo-ll&tlinl the loan for and from the institution lending the money. AK the lending institution for copies of all papen relevant to the loan, lnclud.lnc any warranties on an item purchaaed with credit. Get the lender to agree. in writing, to notify you lmmediately if the borrower miaes a payment. 'lJ'he notification will make it easter for you to avoid late fees if you do have to make a payment. The notification alao means that you will find out about any problem1 before the cue ends up ln court. Try to work out an arrangement with the lender to limit your liability ., you do not wind up with penalty charges, at- tomey'a bW. or court oosta in addition to the principal • Al80 find out if the borrower ha.a 110met.hing of value which mfaht be acceptable to you u collateral, even if it doesn't qualify • aecwity from the lender'• point of view. Draw up a written acreement under which the borrower will eventually repay you, in part or full, if he or ahe defaultl. Container gardening described DEAR PAT: Wbere cu I 1et taformattoa aboat bow to 1row ve1etable1 ln 1mall coa&alDen tht I cu pat oa my apartment bafooay? Several people I bow raise very 1ood tomatoee ID c:..tallen alld I'd like lo pve illt1 ki.Dd of prdeAta1 a try. D.E., Cotta Meta : A free pamphlet from the Consumer Information Center, : "Growing Vegetables in Containers," telk'you how to grow · veeetables on window silla, balconies, or wherever you can flt a ·container. It alJJo 1ugests tome varieties that att espedally ad- apted for growing in pots. When you order this pamphlet (616Kt_ you a1IO will receive the SPl'lna 1982 "Consumer WonnaUon utaJos.'' It list.a more than 200 fiee or reuonably priced consumer publications you can 1end for by writina to Cona"mer Information Center, Pueblo, Colo. 81009. Bulk quantities of the catalog are available to edu- caton and consumer groups. Addrell requests to Department CA at the above addrell. "Got a problem? Then writ.e to Pat H<X'OWitz. Pat will cut red tape, getting the answers and action you need to aolvr! inequities in govrmment and b"8lnetla. Mail .)Q..11' quer.iam to Pat Hcrowit:z, At Your Setvire, Orange Coaat Daily PUot, P.O. Box 1560, Coaca Me.a, CA 92626. THE PERFECT BLEND OF MUSIC Z4HOURS ADAY ' I , ' Economic • promise, reality BY J011N CUNNJPr ~ ¥ ...... ~ ' Nl:W YORK -In an~ ot bUarft tnoan.uwnct.. thlN r. at 1Mlt one .,... of oulltandinc conal1tency: foreouta that ~· na1• to Include a recover)' In tplte of week aft.r week of bad economic newt. In ltlelf, \hat eplit between the expectaUon and the reall~ can be vl•wed u an unuaual If not bl· zarre occurrence, u If hope for the promiled ecooomk: land IMkl to prevail over the &rim I.eta of Uf e. • A.nd lt lln't ju.It the pnJl(dent and hl1 1upporter1 who place their faith In the promlae over reality, althou1h they of coune are the moet out.apoken. Corpo· 1 rate economJ1t.a too are playing the same game. That too can be viewed u ln- consilten t, because if bu1lneu really expects a recovery lt would seef!l_,reaaonable to a11ume It wowa plan for ttt::OVery inlt.ead of reducing Inventories even more, decllnl.ng to lnveet In plant and equipment, laying off work· en and otherwise cutting back. :rhroughout thoae bualneH forecasts la at least one conaiatent NllB l l llYllS theme that might help explain the apparent contradiction. The consumer, they aay almost in uniaon, will lead the economy up from the pita. In that cue, it can be reaac>ned, buainesa intends to begin spen- ding and hiring when it gets a sign from the consumer, 1peclfi- cally a sign that the conaumer ls In a buying mood again. But then you must ask why they 1hould expect him to begin buyina again. He ls, remember, getting the pink alip. In April, 10,307,000 people were llat.ed aa unem- ployed. Moreover, many of thole who did have jobe weren't really very well off. The aavtnp rate, which had begun to riae, ha.a leveled off again. Many incomes are fr6zen. And strangely high Interest retea have ahut millions of .people out of the market, eepedally for cars and hou.aes. The forecuta of a !leCOQd.half recovery, however, seem to re- duce the significance of 10me of these extraordinarily grim bita of news. To say, u the White Houae did, that the-latest rite ln joblesanea, by 450,000 fn April, was "disappointing" seema to unden- tate the size of the tragedy. Counting thoee who lnvoluntari· ly are working reduced hours, and those who have ceaaed to look, more than 17 million people are involved, and many of them repre11ent one or more others. The significance of high inter- est rates also seems to be pulled down by the forecaata. Interest rates have been on the Improve- ment agenda for more than a year, and still remain prohibiti- vely high. Herb AJpert Johnny Mann Manuef Johnny Mathis George Sheartng Chet Atkins Paul Robinson Heter! Reddy Norrie Paramor Sounds Orchestral Anhur Greens!ade Billy Joel Norman Candler Seals & Crofts Michel Legrand Jane Oftvor Paul Maurtat Ronn6e Aldrich John Gf900'Y J11m81 T aytor Hugo Wlntematter Perry La Marca John Barry MeN111 Manchetter I /' .. 1 un..,,. BEAMING MOTHER -Mrs. Judy Carr, 29, of West- minster, Mass., poses with her 4 ~-month-old daughter, Elizabeth, at their home. Elii.abeth, the nation's first test- tube baby, was born Dec. 28 ln Norfolk, Va. She currently weighs 13 pounds, 2 ounces. Senator takes offense to article Sen. Carl Levla, D-Mich., • took offenae at a magazine article's delCription of him u "disheveled, balding, plump, perhaps the worst dre11ed man in the Senate.'' Levin said the Columbia Joumallam Review article by C.T . Hanson 1u11ge1ted he wa1n't u "sexy',. as certain other senators. "Plump, balding, disheve- led -eoven wont dresaed -I Rlaoada McGeaey has en- dured two divorces, given up custody of a young aon, faced the financial and social bur- dens of single-parenting and launched a business. Now, as the nation's new Mrs. America, she hopes her can accept with aome degree of 8el'enity. But nonsexy? Mr. President there are Hmita to what any man in public life ouaht to be asked to stand for -and this crosses the limits. "Or at lea.st I hope It does, and my wife asaures me that it does. Of course, In that re- gard, maybe I cannot trust her judgment -after all, she picks out my clothes." dilemmas of the 19701 can help her provide answers for her contemporaries in the 1980s. The 29-year-old brunette from Houston won the sixth annual Mrs. America Pageant In Las Vegas. Slnpr DellJ Pertea ft1ed 1ult ukina thal • Juda ~ alant the and her ni.C ~ ltahen have exchMdYt n,llte to the'°"'' 11NiM to ,,ve.11 The fedirtl OOW't .Wt .... to 11tabU1h that "Nine to Five'' dOll not ~ °" t.M 19401 1on1. "Me and My l'lddl1," written by l•••J MaJ1ta and publiahed by ce.. darwood Publlahlna, aald a Panon apok.9waman. Beltdet Mm Panon. pUin- tlff1 are Warner-Tamerlane Publllhlnc Co. and Fox Jl'an- fare MUIAC Co . No chargea will be flied agalnat comedian 0Hr&e ltlrby, who WM ~lMt week for lnvesUaadon of vto. lating rules of a halfway house where he i1 1ervln1 time for a drua convictim, the U.S. Marahal'a office uld. Kirby, 58, a ltand·Up comic serving a 10-year sentence on the drug conviction, had been• suspected of picking up a package for delivery to an escaped bank robber. Americans pay too much attention to the trivial, to "the quick thrill and the euy kill," 1ays televiaion newsman Ted Koppel Koppel was the guest speaker as more than 4,500 Syracuae University 1tudents received degree• during the school's 128th commence- ment. Koppel la the anchorman for the ABC New1 program "Nightline" and 11 1960 Syra- cuae graduate. Randolpll A . Beaut, chairman of Heant Corp. and president of the San Frand-, sco Examiner, has remarried. Hearst and his bride, Marla C. Sc:n111, exchanged vow1 in an Epiacopalian ceremony attended by friends and fa- mily members in Hearst'• Hillsborough home. The bride, a native of Rome, has lived m the United States 24 years. Hearst, 66, Ls divorced from his first wife, Catlaerlae Campbell Heant. They be- came familiar figures dwing e fforts to regain their daughter, Patricia, who wu kidnapped Feb. 4, 1974, by the Symbioneae Liberation Army. 'Demon defense' movie looms Script on 1981 slaying trial near completion BROOK.FIELD, Conn. (AP) - The acrlptwriter for a television movie about the "demon de- feme" of Arne Cheyenne John- aon says telllng the 1tocy of the slaying and trial ii tumi.ng out to be "one of the moat difficult thing'I rve done." But Bill Kelly says hia product will be an "honest. accurate and thoroughly documented" acript baaed on the February 1981 slaying of Alan Bono, 40, of Brookfield. The case drew national atten· tlon through newspapers and broadcut reports after the law- yer for Johnson announced he would argue that demons po1- 1e11i ng his client forced the 1laying to occur. Although the lawyer prepared an elaborate defeme and invited aeveral mys- tical witne11e1, the Danbury Superior Court judge who heard the case refused to accept the "de1n0n defense." Johnson, 20, is serving a 10-to 20-year prison term on a first- degree manslaughter conviction. Kelley, 52, of Los Angeles, is trying to meet a May 17 deadline for the two-hour movie's ICripL Filming ls to begin after 1lx weeks of rewriting and docu- menting. An official of the mov- ie's producer said "serious con- sideration" ls being given to fil- ming the movie In Brookfield, where the slaying occurred. Kelley, who has written for television and authored three books, recently spent a week in the Danbury and Brookfield area to talk to law authorities and others involved in the case. lf»HT ELYI With The University Diet, you're under constant supervision of physicians and weigb~loss specialis rotect your health. Clinically Proven. elusive Ref eedin~ and Maintenance. The Unjversity Diet is a prot.ein-sparin You are re·introduced to food in a gradual modified fast that's rested and proven in 4 ·step pnxx>SS and taught how to keep major hospitals such as Harvard and UCLA. weight off. Prescription supplements supply your Individual Counseling. body's nutritional needs while unwanted fat Behavior modification and nutritional is burned off. guidance are offered to all patients by experts. A Complete Program. Unlikeotherprognuns, The Univenrity Diet includes a pre-admiMion physical, preliminary ket.ogenic diet, fasting procedure, prescription supplements, regular lab tests, EKG'a, refceding, behavioral counaeling and maintenance. Rapid Renita. You can loee an average of 20 pounds per mont.h-8\iery month-until you n98Ch your pl Sbnple and Effec.1M, You make no dedaione about food - only the commitment to follow our · prognun and~. If you need to lose 20 pounds or more, call our phone counselors for an appoint- mentor infonnation. They're fonner patient.I. They understand. You11 find we cost less due to our siz.e and experience. Your insurance "'-Y cover it. And alter ~ complete 'lbe Un.iveraity Diet, free COUflHWw is available for the rest of your lilet Call 1·800·432-8876, 'IOU Free. 8 AM to 9 PM 7 da,ys a week . Physician inqufriet welcome. ... .. 0r.,.. OOlilt DAILY fttLOTITUlldev. M•v 11, 1111 .. CLOSING eea.ee Gallup dropped by syndicate The Fie ld Newspa~r Syndicate of Irvine an- nounced it will dilconUnuc syndication of the Gallup PoU becauae of a declinlrtg marke t and faJlure to re- new a d latribu\Jon contract with the Gallup organiul- tion. The market for the poU ha.a shrunk over the years ~lling r eaulta have ~ome available from lhe ma r newa services, Steven Jeh<>rel\, Field president chief executive officer. said Monday. The last three Gallup Polls to be serviced by Field will be for publication the week of June 21, Jehorek said. Cushman reports loss Cuahman Electronic;I. Inc. of Newport Beach reports a loll of $192,000, or 18 cents a abate. for the quart.er ended March 31. A year ago, the company had a nel income of $170,000, or 16 oenta a lhatt. . . Cushman manufactures communications test m - strumenta for FM two-way radios and te lephone ~ . The board of dlrecton declared a dividend of 3 cent.a a share payable July 1 to stockholders of record June 15. Bromar enters Hawaiial market Hogue Brokeraee Company, Honolulu, has be- come' the newdt food broker-se divWon of Bromar, Inc, of Newpon Beech. The merger ~preeenta Bromar's entry into the Hawaiian market and marks the 15th food brokerage office to operate as a divlaion of Bromar Inc. Irvine firm acquires realty Irvine Financial Consultants, Inc., a Newport Beach-baled real est.ate syndicat.io'n firm, announced the acquiaition of Bl'aucht Realty, Fullerton. In March, Irvine Financial completed the pur- chue of S & S Realton and Investments, a real estatl firm with offices In Placentia and Yorba Linda. New company formed Willlam A. Terry. tonner president of Lear Sie - l)et"'a data producta divilion, announced the fonnation of Epic Computer Products Inc .• a Fountain Valley designer-manufac1.U.rer-diatributor of small computer systems, peripherals and software Epic Computer Products resulted from the merger of MQI Computer Products, a seven-year-old national computer peripherals diBt.ributor, and Epic Computer Corp., a one-year..old manufacturer of microcomputer systems and software. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS IOU COINS . " . " • '4 . ~ ., ... " . " ''" . "' • w. . '-_.,. ...... . "' .,....,,.... ' troy 01 ....... 00. -... _.. ..... 1 ''°" o, .. u.1.00. off .. =-. • ,..., 1.2tror ..... , .... ......... ....... ... ...... . NOi ny ... -.11 .. ottM.oo. METALS NEW YORK (API -Spot nonferrous ~·• prleetl tod~ . CopjNr 78·81 cenlt • pound. U S detlinauons lb L.ettd 26-27 ceril• • pound Z1nc 35 eents • l)O<lnd. deto.,..ed Tift $6 69S• Metals Week cornpoatte All#llllMtm 76-n oen11 a pound. N v .._C\HY $375 00 per flask f'teU-$309.00 troy Ol , N Y SILVER Hendy & Human, $6 68S per 11ov OUO<le. SOLD QUOTATIONS L.etldet1! morning fl.tng $330.00. up s1.oo. l..._1 1fi.rn00n fl~tl"Q 1332.25, up SU 5 . ... 1334.0I, off IU 8 . .. ~ *33U 9, up IO G7 ..... ~ nxtng: del•r-<1 H•~, A ... t11u1": only d ally quote '332.26, up ~..2$. 'r/'.._. only d•lly quo1• $332 25 "" H . .,...._.. onlY d.ity qvote lllt>rtceteo '3.41:16, uo S3 • l. SYMBOLS .. ~---- POLLOWBR -Bart Nolde, 21, hu received hla cornmlll1on u 2nd Lt. in the Army. He ill the IOI\ of Col. Wllliam Nolde, the 1lllt Ameri- can GI kill9d tn Viet- nam before the 1973 ceue fire. Alcohol ~ to drugs revealed LOS ANGELES (AP) -Teen-aaera who are extroverted, rebellloua and 1U1Ceptlble to peer an-ure are molt likely to move from alcohol uae to marijuana and hard dnl&I. a five-year atudy hall found. "One IUb9tance cannot be uid to invariably cauae UH of the next one," Hid Or. George Huba, amodate re.euch ~cholo1i1t at UCLA. 'The question here la l1 certain typet of psycho-Josical facton wW lead to that tnnlldon ... Tho1e factou were examined in the 1tudy conducted by Huba in collaboratian with UCLA psychoJocy pro!_.-Or. Peter Bentltr. The ltUdy followed a ,roup of Loa Anceles-area teen-a.1en from juntor bilh achoo! throucti hiCb acbool The 1tudenta were a1ked to rHpond to a que1tion- nalre annually, lkil>Plnl one yeer In the m6dd1e Ol the five-year lpU\. He -'Ii In 19'78, when the uudy be1an, re- 1ponM9 1howed that 14 percent of the 1tudy'1 aeventh arw boya had uaed marijuana, and 2 percent uaed harder dnl&I: ~cocaine, her- oin or l>Cl'. al.to called an1el du.at. Thirty-four percent UMd alcohol. Newport women to meet The Newport Beach charter chapter of the American Bu1lne11 Women'• Amodation wW meet tonJcbt at the St. rat.on Newport Hotel The proaram will honor be-.. who wW be IU9tl and one bo9 wW &e aelected u bo9 of the year. Scholarahip redpl- enta a1-> will be ,uesu. The dinner beclne at 7. Jill GoebiC WM Mlec· ted woman of the year and wW be &hi vocation- al 1peaker of the eve- "'J;~t wtll be ~~.Seddle- ror information. call FrancH Stuckey at 830-3009. Measles reported 8A.CRAMDrl'O (AP) -Sta• Hetlth DlNCtor Bevel'lee .. ,.. ........ that pr~l ehlld"reli be im1Dunidd a1aln1t mrsw . Ma . Myera 1aid preechool·.,• children ..................... °' oatchtnc 11M11.., ln the pa11l1tent CalUornla mrcdn........_ Ille Hl41 212 UHi WIN nipartisd durtnc the flr1t 11 wee~ of thl1 1•ar, and H ,.roent ...... nc • ._...1 ,......, ~ut Wallacf~urants ~ide tothu~5 lifornia of Southern \ Free, During Our Grand excellence), gives price Opening Celebration. ranges, suggests what to 1bisremarkable768-page wear. how to tip, where to book contains everything find dancing, entertain- you ever wanted to know ment, late dining and about Southern CaWornia brunch. You'll learn which restaurants. And now; to wines to order and how to celebrate the grand open· translate foreign menu ing 01 our new branch, it's items. Along with many yours with our compliments. other useful surprises. Paul Wallach's 1982 'lb receive your veiy own "Guide to the Restaurants copy 01 this valuable book. 01 Southern Cal11orn1a" simply drop into our new explores 150 cities and branch ottice and ask. It's examines over 1,000 ;restau· yours, trom Southern Call· ran.ta. It's packed Wlth 1n1or· tomia savtngs, the oldest matton and well-seasoned savings institution 1n Los With the 'Wbllach wit. Angeles, now setvtng you 'Wbllach rates restaurants with 46 ottices and over tor excellence (or non· $1 biWon 1n auets. Plus-a V.ry Special Event at The Ritz Restaurant. Visit our new Newport Beach branch and learn how you can enjoy a dinner tor tour at The Ritz, Hans Prager's wonderful , restaurant experience. t. .. laJ&iQ~ Newpod leCld\ 2727 NAWPC>rt Boulevard Open Sat 9·1