HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-12 - Orange Coast PilotOllAN(a LOlH~ I Y I /\I If CJHNIA •' •,f NT', Fa'l.klands quiet as ·peace progresses BJ fte A1MdaMNI Pre11 &rlU1h Forel1n Secretary Funcl• Pym 1ard today that "aome ~" had been mede in ta1ka at the United NaUonl to MU.le the Fallc.Jand Ialandt cri&IJ but that "many dlfflcult prob· lenw remaln.11 • He 1poke after a Cablnet mee.. Una in London but dJd not elab- orate. At the United NaUon1, Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar 11ld he WH "very 1lad" to heV of Pym'• Nn'W'b. "1 want everybody to be optJ. mlltlc. But a1 far a1 J am con· cerned I am very cautloua. I think we have to work at leut for a couple of dayt.'' he MMS. Aaked when the two 1ldea would be re.dJ: lh1ft from in- direct ne.,ua to d1Nci ta1kl on the future of the J'alldanda, he aaid: "We mlshl end our ex- era. bv the end of the week -I hope.'' Ar=-mad•.f..r:i. at U.N . uarten y, and Bri\lln'1 repre1entaUve Mkt they were .. very lnterHtlna" but would take "a few more day1'' f« .... htnt. MHnwhlle, no new mlUtary IC'tJon Wll repoc1td 1n the South Atlantic. Brita.In claimed lta bet· tie fleet hll a atn.naJehold on the laJanda 2~ mllet eut of the Ar· Newport, Laguna affected l(enUne coa1t and laolated the estimated 0,000 t.roopl O«'Upytnc them. An Aflendne naval IOW'CI 11ld the Brltl1h claim w11 ''rtdlculoua.'' After a flf t.h day of t1lk1 Tuetd.ay at the United Natlona, diplomata repoc1ed aome propw toward an a1reement to call a ceue-flre and resume nesotla- tiona on the future ot the dilpU· ted lalanda. But the pomtblUty of a Britilh ... ult on the Falklanda 1tJU loomed. Prim• Mlnl1ter Mar1artt Thatcher told the Houae of Commonl that ''the fact we are ne&otlatinl doel not c1oee off any military optJona at all.'' Brltf.h aourcet predicted the crlUcal point ln the ta1Jg could be reached by Thunday. But Britllh minlaten have dented ipecula- Uon that the sovemment hu 1et a deadline for aareement ~ the talb at U.N. heedquarWn. One deldllne of I IQt"t WM ~ howev~r. Cardinal BNll Hume, the Roman Catholic arch~ of Wettmlnater, announced the~ Pope John Paul D'• villt to 8rtto: ain a\artln" Mar. 28 would ~ canceled uni..• military hmd· liUn ... ceue or be on the way to comlnl to an end by the rn.ld~ dle of next week." The vlltt would be the fln\ ln hl1tory by • pope to Britain. State suit Inay halt offshore drilling • Berry scary? Buena Park 'monster' seen No one has yet named the creature, but given the commu- nity In which the sighting oc- curred, it should perhape be cal- led the berry monster. The creature, reported to be between 7 ~ and 8 feet tall, hairy and bare-cheated was 1lghted Tuelday ln Buena Park, home of Knou'a Berry Farm. Pol.Ice aa1d several resld~ta in the 7600 block of Franklin Street reported aeeins the creature emerse from a drainage ditch and so Into an apartment com- plex. Police investigated, but could find no trace of the berry mon- 1ter. Nor could televlalon newa crewa. "We've had ao many calla. It'• been golJl8 on for two days now," one weary police 1pokawoman aaid th1a mom.lni· v .letlm, 21 , slain Laguna girl, 17, I aces murder rap By STE VE MITCHELL o<-.a..,,......, A 17-year-old La,una Beach Hlch School prl faces cbarpa of murder tollowtn1 an apparent murder-aulclde attempt near a church Tue.day. 11le 8:10 a.m. ahooUna at the corner of Leeton and 'through Str eet• left J'amea Anthony Bomb threat routs flights SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Ten fUghta were diverted from San FrancUco International Air- port -the nation'• flfth busiest -after a bomb t~t forced 263 puaengen to evacuate a North- west Orient Airliner on a remote, windswept runway. The bomb threat was dlaco- ' vered Tuesday, acrawled ln lip- 1tJck aero. a mirror ln a lavatory of the 747 arrivlna from Hono- lulu. It read, "I have a bomb on board.'' Airport offlclala halted alr traffic at 7 p.m., two minute• before the plane touched down on runway 19L near San Fran· daClo Bey. No bomb wa1 found. Athens smoggy ATHENS (AP) -Traffic in Athem wu cut by half and in· duatrlal output. by one-third u sovemment emerpncy meMW'el went lnto effect Tueeday to de- creeae the llize of a denae brown cloud of lmOI hanging over the dty. WORLD . Kendall. 21, of Emerald Bay, dad. Laura Lee Felat, 17, of 475 LetOon St., apparently ahot her- Mll ln the cheat after flr ln1 a round from a atolen .22 caU6er revolver at her boyfriend, fatally · wounding him. Police Chief Nell Purcell aaid officera have been unable to dt. caver any wt~ to the ahoo- linp. which were heard by resl- d en t1 of the central Laguna nelahborhood. A nune who wu In the area dl9covered the two bodies lying near the parking lot of the church and summoned police who cordoned off the area Im- mediately followin8 the a.hooting. Both victima had been ahot in the chetL A small calibtt weapon waa found near the bodlea, Pur- cell Mid. Paramedic• admlnl1tered emergency firlt aid to the victiml for more than 40 minutes, but the male died at the 1eene, Purcell aaid. 11le teen-aced woman w• l11ted In fair condition at UCI Medkal Center thill rnomtnc. P urcell said the ahOQtlns ap- peared to be a murder~auicfde, 8ddlnc offk:en found a note on the ..ne, apparently penned by tM Womllll . dm:riblnc to whom, 1he wllhed her beloftllnp dll· t.rlbuted. "From what we can pleoe to- sether 10 far' it look• llke a murder-tUldde,'' the chief aaid. "We found a note that Jeedl ua to believe It w• a planned event, and we're now tryina t.o deter· mine who •hot whom. The fe· mate wrow a noted*-•~~~ lhould Id her beJonclnp,' n&r· cell laid. Author viewa worlil future. ...., ................. SAGA ENDED -Artilt Chrla Mamon aeema ie. than overjoyed at the fate of hia brome bM relief of the fate John Wayne. The memorial ICUlpt.ure la deltined for an office in Newport BeaCh City Hall until the dty decides what to do with It. Sentencing of ex-UCI student set City hall to get Wayne memorial Patrick Arthur Dlxon Jr .. an honor atudent who briefly at- tended UC Irvine's Collese of Medicine, pleaded no conte1t Tuesday In Imperial County Superior Court to charges that he practiced medicine illegally. Dixon entered the plea In El Centro to charges of preacrtbing medicine without a license and grand theft for aoceptins a $65, 000 salary u a peychlatrlat In a county-run out.patient cl1nlc. Superior Court Judse Harold Chaille aet a 1entendng date for Dlxoo on June 14. Dt.xon, 40, wa1 arrested March 10 on IUlpidon of impenonaliftl a peychlatrlat durtna the prece- ding 1even montha, ualn1 the name of a former colle1e room- mate, Dr. Howard Smith. Dixon already had earned a doct.otate ln educaUon and psy- choloa from the Univeralty of M1cblon when he bepn clalaea at UCL However, when he dropped out of UCJ'1 C.Ollege of Medicine in the fall of 1977, he had atten- ded cJ..ulea for only a few mon- ths. Imperial County Health De- pertment oUiclala told the >..o- dated Prell only two ot Dlxm'• 287 former J)l1Jenta had three• ned to IUe the COW\l)'. COUNTY By STEVE MARBLE o< .... Ollltr ,... ..... The John Wayne memorial sculpture saga came to an end this week in Newport Beach. It had anything but a movie acript finale. The bronz.e bu relief of New- port'• most famed dtl:en, which ha been collecting dust in art1st Chril Mataon's Corona del Mar praae. will be moved to the city hall office of Ron Whitley. The move 11expectedto1en- erate little fanfare. Whitley, the Qty'• perka. bea- che9 and recreation director, laid he'll hang onto the 8-foot·lona artwork un til the clty council deddea what to do with It. T h e council already ha1 banned the bronze plece from ever brine d.laplayed in the dty hall lobby, the only place 1arae enou1h to accommodate the .:Wpture and a few vtewen. Whitley, who atanda to becola.e curator of the pnaU•Jtt mUleWll around with the bM relief altt!ni ln hla office, aald he'• 1ure the artwork will eventually be di•· played aomewhere. The piece of art, oomml-'oned two yeen aao and fbUlhed arty thla year, deplci. a 11eene from the Wayne movie "Sta1eco.:h." The aiory behind the memori- Upper Bay cle•aup begin1 Cleanup work bepu on U.Pper Newport Bay wtth the lmporUna of mare dirt. p.,_ BJ. A.menea become. cl~lll.ed " Tia Jm't ~ tor UUle old ...._ anymore, eocor-dlal to a Vf9 .. Ulb • Mlhr:l.nr. Pall Cl. STATE al, 81 wild 81 some of the late actor'amovielCrip~.centeredon the question of who would pay off artbt Mataon. The question came up after the memorial doubled in s ize and price. Aft.er months of bickering, the c::ounclJ thia week agreed to write a final chapter in the aaga In the fonn of a check for $10,000. The $34,000 piece of art now belongs to the cit.y. Artl1t. Mataon, who 1ald he went. bankrupt while working on the memorial, aald he'• glad the whole thing'• over. "lt'1 about time," h e com - mented. ''Thia whole thing prac- dally ruined me." Mataon aa.ld he considers the bu relief hi• beat creation. He Mid Wayne wu hia lifelong hero. "You wait and aee," he pre- dfded, "aomeday it will be worth more than $1 million It'• a one of a kind." R eagan to appear W ASHINGroN (AP) -Pres- ident ae.pn will hold a nadon- ally broedcaat oewa conference at 5 p.m. PM Thursday In the F.ut Room of the White Hou.e, It wu announced today. INDEX A4 AlO A8·9 82 AD 82 Dt...e JM JM IM Al O• B3 SPORTS Action challenge to W8tt A ault filed by the atate o~ California agai nst the federai government over offshore oil drilling could prevent traci. oft Newpo rt Beach and Laguna Beach from being leased next month. U.S. Interior Secretary James Watt has proposed putting 11 offshore tracta near N'ewport and Laguna on the market June 11. The suit, filed Tueeday in Lm Angeles by Gov. F.dmund Brown Jr. and the state Coutal Com· mluion, specifically challensew Watt's a uthority to leaae 22- Southe rn California off1hor• tracta. The four tracts off Newport. and Laguna are three and a halt miles offshore. Both cities, crtu, cal of the proposed lease aale~ have hinted they may join the' suit. Newport Beach City Att.omeY' Michael Mille r said the City CouncU hu given him pennllaion to join the suit if he belleve11 It would be In the city'• beat Inter .. est. He aald he wilJ decide within 10 days. The suit specifk:alll oomplairw that leaains some o the tracta would contradict the Commla .. sion's coutal plan. It also said Watt violated the federal Outer Cootlnental Shelf Lands Act b~ falling to follow the governors rec:onunendat.lona that certain tracts be deleted from the June lease aale. Wall, the suit charged,' conskl· ered only the value of oil and 1aa and not the environment. The suit ia similar to one IMC year which halted aale1 of 29 tracts o ff San Lula Obl1po County. However, the Reagan AdminiatraUon has appealed that cue. Teen thieves video addicts? CORONA (AP) -Two youths apparently "addicted" '° video game1 appear to be behind a awh of bur1Jartea ln recent montha, authorfUes say. Police are 1earchtn1 for 1 17-year-old and a 19-year-old, both from Norco, .who alJetedly burglarized flve homea in th• Corona and Norco area, 81t. Jamea Steele of the Corona Po- lice Department aaid Tuelday. • D91r ......... ..,..,~ COVERING UP -What ts 10 rare as a night in May at Anaheim Stadium? This waa a pretty rare sight Tuetlday night u a 30-minute rainstorm brought out the ground crew With She infield cover as the players headed. for the dugout. When tction resumed, the New York Yankees beat the An&ela 3-2 (tee Sports, Page ~). _ WA.8H1NOTON (AP) -Lo- w... oil~ and~ pro-ductivity have .now.a the Pciltal Service to triple it• •urplu1, po11tal offldala report. Thia ClOU)d "*" that • polcal rate Iner .... , which had been antJdpat.cl ln .... 1983, could be puahed back lnw 1984, oftlclall ta.Id. The Poet.al Service expected • 1urplu1 of $120 million tor the filcal Year that bepn Oc\. 1, but it hal alrMdy coUecied MM mil- lion over expemet u ol. Match. The fl1ure1 were dl1cloaed Tue9day at the aervice board ol. pemon meeU.na ln Atlanta. In November, the aervlce ln- 1tltuted a two-cent hike to 20 centl for flr1t-clan mall. Thatl boolt came eight month• after the P<»taJ Rate C.Omm1ulon ap- proved a jwnp from l~ centa to 18 centa. · SF center leaking SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The new underground Moecone C.Onverttlon Center, supposed to be "as wa'8rproof as a bathtub," la leaking, and en~ineera HY IOfne of the leaks can t be fixed. a newspaper reported. ~o nudes are good nudes Miami rejects 'clothing optional' beach plan MIAMI (AP) -Nudlsta have tSeen told by city commiaaioners tit.pack their "total tans" and dlOYe ellewhere. •"The five-member board voted uN.nlmoualy Tuesday against a propased clothea-optional area for \rirginla Key, a nudista' beach belng transformed into a family recreation area. Nude sunbathers face proeecu· tlon under at.ate Indecent expo- aure laws, which for years have ame unenforced at the aecluded lleach aoutheAst of downtown Miami. ' Repre.entatives of a branch of l'lorida Free Beaches, a state- wide organization involved in 6 - ghta to preierve nudist beaches, argued unsuccessfully that tou- rilta from Europe and the Carib- i..n could be lured to F1orida t>y an opportunity to take their clotbel off. • After the vote, Gary Bryant, ft.ead of South Florida Free Beacb-elln' ... ,. "fid the group would Ult: .~:·. !aJd the grou' ning an Injunction and teot:1 ~ ruling on the constitutional rights involved. Bryant said the group will raise money for U.a legal funds through the sale of T-ahirt.I de-. picting a nude couple facln1 a sunaet. Mayo r Maurice Ferre Hid gove.mmenta must "be reflective of the moral standards of the community." Bryant countered that.I "Morality is a penonal laaue. It cannot be legislated." But Ferre concluded: "You. are free to move to thoae cities which have a different viewpoint.'' Guy Dancy, a city sewer worker who said he worka near the Virginia Key area, teatlfled he believed nudity "inapirH rape." "The things I've seen would make your hair curl," he added. Police who patrol the area said nudists have been law-abldln1. Group members aay they have a self-enforced code of conduct that restricts intimacy on the beach. Officers said the only problems they encountered were from voyeurs peeking behind trees to gllmpee the nude IUD-bethen. People who attempt to spy on the naked beach -goen "are the- evll ones," said Commiuloner Miller Oawklna, who wu the only board member to say be waan't oppoaed to nude aun- bathen. He aald he voted agairut the measure beanJle of the COll1I of enforcJ.na a nude aanctuary with policemen. "Deina nude la not lewd," uid Free Beaches member Tom Chittenden. "We're not wild an- imals. We just don't have any hangups about showing our bo- dies -clothes were only made for the cold." The board told the group to pool their funda and purchue a private beach for their sun - bathing activt ties. City officials plan to develop Virginia Key into a family park. The aecluded beach wu vir- tually abandoned after it waa deaignated for uae by Mi.,W'1 black.a four decades ago and later turned into a haven foe nudista. The organization recently lost anot~er popular ta_nning apot. Warming tren.d Temperatures NATION .. I.At Albeny &e 41 Alt>uque 78 "3 ,0¥9f out., wlleft lrorn P01n1 AnchOr-0-48 32 eonc.uon 10 Ban Clemente •• Attenll 82 se lend, northwetl wind• 12 to 22 Allentc Cty 66 51 l\nOt8 with corntlln90 -4 10 7 ~In 79 10 1.-..1. EIHwhere llghl verlebl• 8911lmore 78 53 wind• bec:omlng WHI to nonh· ~mlnghm &4 51 _, 10 to 18 knot• 11ternoon 8lemllfdl 52 42 W-1etty Jwell 2 10 3 feel Mo.try 8oiM &8 3t =. Poec>I -IOw clouds 10-so.ton 51 47 aun.io 85 4& 8ur1ington S8 32 U.S. •ummary Clwtltn 8C 78 &4 Clwtl1n WV n 45 CMtllle NC 80 59 Tomedoe9 threatened Nebr .... ~ 66 35 ~ Wld Old8home on Tl-49Y • CNcaeo IMI 62 * 1torm 1y11em continued to Clndtlnall 76 50 OduCe W9t WMtl'9r In "'' <*'· CleYeland 66 50 81 P-Tempe 83 &8 Santi MeN 84 ~JI p1r1 of the nation. wllh Clmble SC 84 49 ~were end lhunderetorma 89 48 Spok-63 87 S1ocltton 78 erect from KanNt Ind Mts-ColumbU• Syr-63 35 Tllermel 11 o.t-ft Wlh 81 85 Topt1111 78 84 Torranoe .. ttvougfl lowJ 10 Wltconlln. OtlVlon 71 53 Tuc.IOn 80 51 YUrnJ 78 ~A ttlund.,atorm whk:h produ-Den-73 4 1 TulM IMI ee d 1 1ertea of to rn1ooea hll Dea Mo!Na 81 82 Wuhingtn 78 50 9tAlf..._AM t~t.,n Otd1hom1. dam•· 0.ltolt 89 4.9 WlcNt• 78 ea = :: 13 bulldlngl JI Allu. Alf ,ore. Duluth 82 ..... 75 • knoc*lnO out ttdll l«Vlcl El Puo 84 52 the b11e ind knocking out 57 43 ~ BemlUdl 75 .. F llr 1>11'111 eooc>t• 70 48 In the town. F1tgo 64 ..... == 64 :)8 8now lingered -northwelt· Fllg1taff 60 2t 75 55 CurlCIO to n FrJePC)ft 81 13 W)'Ornlng ..rty rt.d:fi. but Br•tF .... 39 28 Ber It OW 89 50 G*lllJ)lir• 93 54 ~11Ul'tl haw""' lghtly HJrlford 72 49 a-.nc>nt at 45 90 12 fre.ing, NMrly 14 lncMI 86 74 llg8Mt .. 23 Hl\'JN Honolulu Klnl)Jton ea n f 1now hit f1t11n JI Linder, Houaton 78 72 = 59 38 MontegOBa)' .. 73 •• Jlr\Cll It begen lherl Mon-lttdnapli• 80 57 78 50 ..,......,, 12 ee '"°"""9· JIC&lll'I 85 se Cul¥w City 89 50 Mericle " 73 lllea were cloudy lrom the Jedltnlllll 83 .... Eureka 57 48 8eJltl thrOUOfl IN MIMoutl 1(-City 82 ee Fr..no 74 48 Mealco CltY 81 87 v..., to the Ofeet UMJ, LaJVIOJll 88 50 .._.., ... 43 CMW»A 0.-.,,. IOIJthern PtelnJ. Uttle Aodl 81 ea Lone a.d\ 70 53 Ce6gery M I For todey. Jhoweft Md ltNl'I· ~ IO 52 ~ 64 51 ... f~ lrol'll the 12 81 '° 41 f.dmOntOn 72 ......... MontrMl ea nttJI end aoutt11r11 P11tn1 Mtllrnl 7t 74 ~~ 64 46 Ottawl O&&gfl 1M mid M111t11'ppl Y• .. .... .. 12 ...,,, ... a 70 52 Regine 51 to t~ up~ Great L11111. Mpe.-81,P 85 M Montar9' M 51 ... '°'~ """ the ..... 82 55 Mt. Wleon 43 3 1 Toronto .. . .....,.,.. y_,_ N Gt•t ....,. "" Ule wittll !MwOManl 87 13 ....... 78 67 Winnipeg .. hnny .... ..,. fot• New Yortl 72 51 =:.: 8elcll 13 56 from AorWJ to Kemuelly Ind Noriblc 10 61 .. IO Y~J,Mwell••tctOM OmaN IO 51 Ont.no 13 41 loutftwelt 111411 muc:tl of the Orlando 13 80 PM ... n 51 Extended CoMt. ==-74 53 9t111 ... 11 .. 11 8tt PllO,_.... 71 41 ;::rt. • 43 ,....,..... .. '° weather 57 4& "9d 11111 IO .. ~.Ora IMI 41 ...... Qty 11 .. "'OAcMllCI 67 .... .. ..... 11 41 ~ ............... :::s. oo.tll -otollde -WI-~ 56 21 sen..,_.., 13 12 IO 41 aena..w .. .. ~ doudlnl-. OIMNlle MILAM ... 35 ... °"" .. to ....... 111 ........... ... Mtoftlo 1& .. len,...,.._ 11 41 = ...... ,. ........ ...... '° ... ...... .. 41 . ~ Ill -'"°""""' .... "".:r-1 .. .. .._AM .. N M. LoWe IO to U . lloull ... to ... ............ 72 .. It LOUii .. eQ ... Cf\11 71 ..., Counlian cliarsefl with $100,lKJO fraud l I •i DAVID &UTllUNN 'befon two -'a In ol the 8oUd c.owt convtdAala ol Jwiltl a '-9 ,,-~----.,...--------..... ,._ ....... ,.... ... and ........ Eu1ene Conrad, at one time g,:: County ~. SubNquent to that cue, Che Onnj9 County'• pnmier pollU· The heerbll w11 ~ cio. onetime polllkal ftnaftd« a18o cal moneyman, wa1 bound for ..ct atwr a reporWI' au.mpted to wa1 cionvicted on federal loeD lta .. ~ today after a .,_... ~admtttanee '° th• procee· fraud eharpl ud an unrei.t.ed boud ordend him Ja1led foe lbc OOlllPlncY chartl '9*'1 '° • montbl on charMI ti.at h9 bUUd , 47, had ~ ..,._.. Onftaw County fund-launderiftC an Anal\elm pnyalclan out of by 1ta&e Department of CorNC· c.e. tl00,000 or more. 1 tJonl of&en on March 30 at h.11 C.onrad 1erved time in federal Co"rad'I parole WU revoked Anahelm Nelct.nce, He WU on Pl'iloft from June 1ff8 to A"'IUI\ Tuelday after a full-day heatlna parole from a 1975, Superior lMl. Before hi• le .. l troubles be· pn, Conrad WU 0ran&e Count· y'1 leadlna political donor in 1978. ., ........ . READ OVER REELS -Mill c.alifomia, Suzanne Pauletle DeWamea. literally fiips on beach at Biloxi, Mill., during pbOto lelllon as Andrea Kaye Pennington, Mill Mialillippl.. looks on. Mill DeWarne9 la from Thousand Oaka. Both are compe- ting in Mill USA contest. Ann Lan~ers flays . television newsmen · SAN DIEGO (AP) -C.Olwn- nilt Ann Landen, criticized for recycling old leuen in her advice column, aaya television ne wa- casten went "out of their way to be vicious and destructive" to- ward her. ted her and told her not to worry about the incident. "Walte r Cronkite -we've known each other for yeau - called me and told me, 'Thia la the damnest bit of nomenae rve ever beard.' '' abe said. "He told me he had heard a report on CBS News that I had lost 90l'De newspapen becauae of· what happened, and he juat couldn't believe that. "TV bu been the most irre- aponaible in covering the atory, particularly in lnatances where newspapers don't own the TV atationa (that r e ported the atory)," Mia Landers aaid in a " 'Dld that really happen!" telephone interview publlahed in asked me. I said no, that I waa Tue9day'a San Di.~ Tribune. still published in 1,000 papers ln It was alleaed at Tuesday'• parole heartna that Con.rad en- l•led in a achtme to defraud Anaheim phy1lclan Lawrence Krain out of more than tl00,000 from 1Mt awnmer until the time of hla arrest 1ut March. Neither parole board memben Gilbert Saucedo and Percy Crow nor C.Onrad'a attorney, John D. Barnett, would dt.cu. aped.t1cs of the charges. Or. Krain alto ~lined to comment. Saucedo an~ Crow said after Tuesday'• he'aring that they were perauaded by a "preponderance of the evidence" that Conrad violated hi.I parole. The six-month jail aen'8nce waa the maximum allowed by law. Barnett, who aaid C.Onrad de· nied any wronadoinc, wu espe.· clally angry after the parole board rullng because Krain re- futed to teatif y. Barnett had subpoenaed Krain for the hearing, but the phyai- cian, on the advice of h is attor- ney, Invoked hil Fifth Amend· m ent privilege against aelf- incrimination. "There waa no rational baau for the parole revocation," Bar- nett fumed later, adding that It is pcmible he may appeal the parole board'• dedsion. Witneuea who appeared Tuesday included Krain , two Orange County Dutrict Attor- ney'• Office lnveatigators, a state Department of Correction. in- vestigator and Conrad's son, Mark. Conrad, who haa been held at Orange County Jail, since his arrest, was shackled during the all-day hearing. A a a reauft of the parole board's decision, he will be im- prisoned until SepL 30. He will then remain on parole until Feb. 17. 1983. Storms ravage Texas, Oklahoma By, Tk Alaodate4 Preti Violent thunderstonna hurllnc do%en1 of tornadoes tore into communities across Texas and Oklahoma dwinl the night and early today, smashing homes and buildings and unleashing flash floods in some areas. At least six people were killed. Scores were injured. A alngle- engine plane crashed In a field during a thunderstorm early to- day near Idalou, Texas, killing four people. "~ome newapas)er television 20 countries and I hadn't lost one. critics have been very h oatlle, "Barbara Walters called me very mean to TV peraonallllea, and aaid, 'Thi.I Ls part of the price and I really think it was a way one pays for being a atar.' Walter for TV to get even with newa-Annenberg just said to ignore it. paper penonalltles for what the S ulzberger said not to !eel bad critics have done to them.'' about it. Indians depicted Ann Landers, who apoke to "And Art Buchw=d t told the newspaper from her Clllcago Lecturer Paul Apodaca will home, said "old friends" like me, 'Thia attack &I .' and preeent a program on the Indian former CBS anchorman Walter menUoned that you might u well era of West Orange C.Ounty to- Cronki N York T1mes tell Ronald ~ not to keep the low lev 1 · te, ew pub-'8111.,..., hla old ." night at 7:30 at er e of Usher Arthur Sulzberger, TV ..... ._ Huntington Beach City Hall, Guide publllber Walter Annen-The advice columnist aa.ld the 2000 Main St. The free program berg and Pulltzer-Prbe winning controveny had not dam.aced her iJ aponaored by the Amigos de humorist Art Buchwald auepor-_repu__._ta_tl_on_. _________ Bo __ lla;.._Ch.ica __ . ______ _ WHO'S WASHING WHO~? -Stacey Maho- ney reacts with chagrin as Christopher the dog shakes off his bath water. He probably resents being rinsed down with a garden hoee, unlike ., ........... the gentle care afforded pampered poodles at a fancy canine boutique. This action took place at a recent h umane eod.ety-sponsored "dog waah" in Sudbury, Mus. 'Turn swords into plowshares' saYs Guatemala's junta chief GUATEMALA CITY (AP) - Six weeks after a military junta took power in a bloodless coup, the general who leads it saya Guatemala'• guerrilla problem must be .olved by turning swords Into plowshares. "A mWiary .olution alone onJy create• more enemies.'' 55-year-old Gen. Efrain Rios Monn said in an Interview with The A9ociated Pttaa. "You kill one guerrilla and hls family be· comes your enemy." "I have always said that (leftist) subversion exista for a good reaaon. in this country. There ii a big gap between the clall that rules and controls and the claaa that has nothing. "We need to build homea. We need to have planning baaed on their needs and reality. We don't want to be the policeman of an lpdian village, we want to help it develop." Riot Montt, a self-proclaimed born-again Christian who uaed the Bible as a textbook when he was a military achoo! lnatruct.or. says another chief reason for "subversion" has been "failure to take into account the different nations that make up Guatemala.'' About 60 percent of the coun- try'• 7 million people are mem- bers of dozen.a of Indian tribes, each with its own language. Most of them live in the highland• Deukmejian fla y s law on abortions LOS ANGELES (AP) ......e CaJl. fom.ia Attorney General George Deukmejian aaid vagueneaa in atate and federal abortion rulinga doesn't prohibit prosecution in cues where an aborted fetus was developed enough to survive out.aide ita mother. Deukmejian's opinion clears the way for crlmina1 charge. in the case of a Woodland Hills man, Malvin Weisberg, who for- merly operated a medical labo- ratory. At least 2,000 jars with fetuses preserved in formalde- hyde were found al hla home in February. Examination of 43 specimens by the county coroner'• office showed 101ne were older than 20 weeks. The 1967 atate law per- mitting abortions said they must be perfonned within that period u.niem the mother'• life or health were threatened. However, subsequent state court dedlionl and the 1973 U.S . Supreme O:>urt rulin1 that libe- rallzied abortion laWI nationwide have J>rOl'Apted the California MediCal A..odaUon and the •lite Department of Health Services, among othen, to question whe- ther any time limit can be en· forcied . District Attorney John Van de Kamp aought Deukmejlan'a opinion on d..e Issue to clarify whether charges rniaht be filed ln Weiat>erg'a case. The oplnion doesn't have the weight of law but can be used as a guide in absence of case law. lnvestigatons have said Weis- berg, who once ran a medical clinic in Santa Monica, has coo- perated with them, but they re- fused to revttal his explanation for retaining the fetal Uaue. No charges have been filed yet. Deukmejian •~dd Callfomla'a therapeutic abortion law was unoon.stitutJonal becau.e It viola- tA!d U.S. Supreme Court prohibi- tions on laws that fix the time at which a fetus becorne9 capable of surviving outside the womb. The high court said that wu a medical queaUon, not a judiclal or legialative one. The aame law unconatltutio- nally banned abortions on de- mand when the woman's life wu in danger, another right the high court allotted women, Deuk:me- jlarl aaJd. Howeve~~aald 1tate law couJd be ln led .. banning abortiona after 20 weeka unleu the fetua wu viable or the mo· ther'• health waa ln danger:The latter condition ha• been Inter- preted to lnclUde mental u well .. ph ysica1 health. ORANGE COAS l Daily Pilat Cla11Kled •dvertlllng 71411•2·5671 All other departments 6'12 .. 321 Thomu P Haley 11'1~""' -~r .......... Oll-.. K_, ~hullz v-.•ft•.......,.._,.,. •"' °""'"" "' .. -··-tom Murl)NM , __ MAIN Of"CE J)I) W••I RAY \I (MIA Mtt'<I (.A MAii •d!ft-\\ 11<1• I *I (0\1• ~'I" (A .,.,. Cout• ..... l"1 Ot ....... Co-\1 Pwlll.V-C-~ ,..., nPW\ ,,.,,-.,., tllU'Jfttt.ort\ f'dttOf ... m .. tf'I .... vtttt1u~h ,,_.,,.,,. ,,....., Of" ,,.,OfwtN ..,.....,. _. ,., .,.,..,...-ot <OOY•,..., o-• n orth and west of Guatemala City, where the guerrilW move with relative ease. ''Unfortunately, previous gov- emmenta and their lnatjtulions have abandoned lheee peopl~. so the left came in and indoctrina- ted them," the junta chief said. "Now they aee repre.ion in ua. This ia a shame. We need to in- tegrate these people." Last year about 300 Guatema- lanl were killed each month by government tf<>Ops, rightist death 1quads and leftist guerrillas sup- ported by a growtna number of poverty-stricken fndians and other peasants. Mulacres of 20 or more villa- gen were a frequent occurrence during the past decade and the rightist death aquada bell;;ed re- sporwble were said to have ~p­ port from elements in the mili- tary. This led the Carter admin- istration to cut off American military aid, which has yet to be resumed. The number of victims has been reduced by half in the past alx weeks, according to a source who keeps track of such mattens. Others agreed that mutilated bodies dumped on the highways are no longer a common occur- rence. Rios Monll claims to have dis- banded the police detective corps, the most notorious right-wing death squad. He says he ls orga- nizing villagers into civil defenae teams and giving them weapons to protect themaelvea. Military sources said privately that the United States soon wlll provide training for Guatemalan oCflcen and enlisted men to improve diacipline and respect for human rights. Since the coup, Rios Montt has also: -Arrested more than 40 government offidala on 1U1plcion of corruption. -Announced he would divert hia $100.000 salary and $900,000 per80nal expense fund to public worka. -Eliminated a million-dollar subsidy to bus owners and said he will spend the money on de- velopment projecta to benefit In- dian communities In auerriUa- infested Quiche and Huehuete· nango provinces. Bua fare• are expected to double, to 10 centa. -Halted public worka proj- ect. for which offidala allegedly received bribes from contractors. Included are a $3 ~dollar h11hway project and • multi· mlWon-dollar holpltal conavuc- tion prosram. -Begun reoraanizlnl the Ju· dicial •)'•tem. Most juCJgea are expected to be replaced. -Barred 111 of flclal1 ln bia pemment and the ptevioul ooe from running in the next elec· t.lonl. But no data for them hu been Mt. ''Thia 11 &be bet& pernment G uatemala bu bad ln JNra,t' U.S. Ambsn c'lor J'rededck Cha· r.in told The Alloc:lated Pr ... ' 'There bu been a U'emendoul improvemen\ whh ntJMIO\ to burmn rt.chll ... Orang• Cout DAIL y PILOT /WednHday, May 12, 1812 • warriors LONDON (AP) -When the Queen Ellzabeth 2 aeta ull for the Falkland Ialanda war zone · thl• week, the troo1>9 on board wlll Include 660 Gurkhae, ffj. malAlyan eoldien whme lona and le1endary aervice with Brltain hH won them a place in the rank• of the world'• tou1heat flahtera. ~he 1mall warrton from Ne· pal, wtth an avenae helaht of 6 feet 3 inche1, are from the 7th Duke of Edlnbur1h'1 Own Gur- kha Rlfies. Their trademark ta a razor- aharp, foot .. long knife called the kukrt. The Gurkhu are among 3,000 members of the Brltlah army'• 5th Infantry Btlgade, equivalent of the U.S . Rapid Deployment Force, acheduled to leave Wedneaday on the converted lu~ury liner for the two-week trip to the Falklands . It la not known exactly what role ls envtaaged for Ourkhaa in a battle being fought with cornputtt-IUided Exocet mt.iles and Sea Harrier jeta. Presa spec- ulation here saya the Infantry brigade might be used as a gar- rialon force If the Argentines are evicted from the Falklands. Com.menting on the govern- ment's decision to deploy thtt Gurkha battalion, Defense Sec- retary John Nott said: "It would be a rleaaure to fight with them. But would never fancy facing them." During the 195-0s, Nott was a signals platoon commander with the 2nd King Edward Vll's Own Gurkha& in Malaya. Gurkhaa have 1erved In the Britiah army for 167 years, figh- ting for a country mott of them have never seen and winning 26 Victoria crosses, Britain's highest medal. Gurkhas fought on the British side in two world wars. Two hundred thousand fought in the first war, lel'Ving ln France, and 40 battalion• fought in North Africa, Italy. Burma and Malaya in the .eoond. With their fearsome kukri knives and their motto "It'• bet- ter to die than be a coward," the Gurkhu have a le1enday repu- tation for courage. A Col. David Honford, dacri- blng a aklrmiah in the Burma campaign of World War II. wrote: "When the Gurkhaa ran out of hand grenades, they 1pent 20 minutes throwing stone• at the Japanese troops." The British first encountered the soldiers from the foot.hills of I# WI:: • ~ l\'llt FEARED FIGHTERS -A group of Gurkhas wade throU&l\o a marsh during exercises in India in this 1965 file photo. Somll•1 650 of the small (5 feet 3 inches) Himalayans, reputed to be.rl the world's toughest warriors, will be aboard the Queen EliV"I zabeth 2 when she sails for the Falkland Islands this week. , the Himal.ayas in the early 19th century after the Gurkhas had '.X>nQUered most of what is now Nepal and had worked their way well acroes the border into India -moat. o f which was under Bri ti&h rultt by that time. After nearly two years of fierce fighung, the Brill.Sh troops forced tenns on the Gurkhas in 1815 but were so impressed with the Himalayans that they decid- ed to enlist them -and have continued to do so. Each year. British recruiting officers travel to Ne pal to ch006e around 500 men from as many as ,,. 1.1 .. 8,000 applicants. Lured by thil,. money and tales of glory, boys ., yo.mg as 14 have been known 1d try to sign up. A wrist X-ray exam was devised to weed thed9 out. w Gurkha recruits serving ifJ4 Britain receive the same basic; pay as British soldi'ers: $140w month, which is about 10 tillleml the per capita income in Ne~·tr. Apart from tourism, Brltidli service is the main source of Nepalese foreign exchange, and! Britain pays $1.8 million a year lff pensions to former Gurkha sol.a. diers. according to the DefeMel Ministry. J • ... , Court approves 'excess' tax 1 beyond the set limit for the~ day-to-day expenses." SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Cities may support pension plans by levying real property taxes in exce91 of 1 percent, California's Supreme Court rulea in a case involving Proposition 13. The unanimous decision dis- misaed a suit by Richard Cannan, a San Gabriel landowner, who said he was taxed in excea of the 1 percent limit set by the tax. cutting proposition on July 1, 1978. Cannan asked for a refund of $39.48 of hia 1978-1979 taxes. He Gem Talk ByJ.C. HUMPHRIES Ctrhf1rd Grmol01111t, ACS WE'RE SE'ITLED IN at oar aew Mm• alleged the excess was falsely represented by the city as being on behalf of a San Gabnel bond. The city appealed a Court of Appeal ruling. The opinion written by Justice Frank N e wman sai d th e 4-year-old proposition did not deprive t.'OrTlJ1lunilies of the right to maintain tax-supported pen- sion plans that had been esta- blished previously. On the other hand, the court said it.a ruling "provides no au- thority for governments to tax "ll simply rerogni?.eS that the indebtedness for which article XIII A expressly allow• adde taxation includes the import.a obligations cities incurred when, with specific tax authority prdi vided by voters before July 1,. 1981, they Instituted pension' plans for their employees." .; The court rejected the Idea that the 1978-1979 payment waf. not a prior indebtedness bee.awe. it recurs each year. \ Corum' s Masterpiece Colle ction Fine Gold lngota, Weighing 5, 10. Or 15 Grammee. Eleettonlc Ouetu • Cash _ discounts permitted ·v~~ DSAa PATi I ..... 11•1rtq tfftriq 1 ••tt•••• •• 111• tHl•••n er •1 •••II • : Ill An ......... , ............. "'' er eu a •••IHll t1ta~H1• It• ••• proe•· ... , M.O .. CM&aMua 8W1inl a "dta-ount fw c.uh" protf&m doee nol req~ the approval of any feCleral = ~ '° tli9 hdera1 TrMte Ccm· . However, y~ must dhlclOM clearly and cmwpk:uoUlly '° all cuatomen (not jult endit au'd holdlft) that you offer a dllcount few CMh. You can do U\11 by posUna •lien at each loeatlon where purchases are made aayln1: "We Give Di1COunta tor Cash," 011 ...uuna llmilar. J'TC addt that the dlecount may be aa Larae • you wtah and you have the option of offerlnal CMh dilcounta only on certain types of producta or 1ervlce1, or only at certain 1tore1 ln a chain. Althou1h the Truth ln Lmd1na Act permlta you '° of fer a dilcou.nt f.or CMh. It forb&dl ·you '°pat a IW'Charp on ~ made by c:redlt card C\.mt.Omen. u you poet only the credit card price by each (tan and then deduct the ~t when a cuh MJe ii made, you an oUertnc a dllcount for '-Clllft. u you pmt both a cndlt card price and the lower Clllh price by .ch Item, you are alto offertnc a di8count for cub. But if you only pc9t the di8counted CMh price and then cbarse ~ cndlt card c:ustomen the biaher amount, you .... 8ddinc. ~and mat i. ap1n1t the law. · If you have queatlon1, contact Juatln Dlncfelder or Larry Demille-Weeman at the Federal TrMte Commialion, Sixth and Penn- •1lvania Ave., Wuhin1ton, D.C. 20680, or phone (202) 724-1139. Dos shots clinic set DEAR PAT: YHr dOl .. wahll readers will be &Id &o bow daat Ualted Hamaal&ar· iul of Oraqe Couty wW ap.1111po1110r a lew-eeat vacciaatlM cllale Jae I> at Mar4y Park. , ... Norma Drive (MU Go&Ma West IL ud Waraer) la HadQtem Beadl from It a.m. &o i p.m. n.e coat Will l»e $1 for rabies Hd '' eaell for dl1temper aad parvovlr11 •aeeiaaU... Paymeat mut be la c811l ud r::. .....W be leuliled. For laformadoa abotlt • -cHt cat vacclaatlHt or 1payla1 aad ae•terlll1, yoar readen may call a UaUed UCI psychologist wins f e_llowship Medical psycboklpt Deane Shapiro Jr., direc- tor ot outpetient ~ at the UC Irvine Med-ical Center, la one of 50 American profeuionala cholen for a W.K. Kell<>11 Foundation National Nlowsh_!p. . Dr. Sbapro, of ~ Beech. will study bow bullln 11 in the Unit.ed Stata and Japan oope with exa:utive sire.. He allO will compare the effecti-vmem of Western and East.em me.a management tectuiiqua Kellog fellow• are selected on the bul1 of creclentlala, aldllt, lntereeta, demonstrated leader· ahlp potenUal and recommendatiom from lnstitu· ·uona. Each receivn a three-year arant of up to $30,000. Shapiro, 34, joined UCI in 1980 after serving at Stanford Univenity. He abo hat served u dean of ..,temk attain at the Padfic Graduate School of I ~· · He recentl}' p~bliabed a book t1 tled "Meditation.: Self ReeWation Strategy and Altered 8tawof~." .,,.., .., u-11, 1112 ... _..... lit ................. ., ~ .. Ill .,.....,14 ~ =Hu4 •I" "ri• Meci ., ..... .._,..,,. E eMICtht ...... tt T,._ ..... , •• 4er tl1t 111 .. "Cl .. • Lm"' .. .., .... H1maaltarlu vol .. t~{ fre• lt •·•· lo • •·•· at 11 .. 1111, llt-INI et .......... Bll a.... Ore·H UnJted Humanltaftanl ;}.; ii otfertN a durable, .l.ltht·w•l&ht formica pet klerltlflCa· \ion~ at ha coet of $2. Th• tap come In 1mall, m.dlwn or lar1• tlHt ln red, blue, yellow, black or whita. The lmall '-a ill aut- tabla for a cat or very amal1 q . The tao can be ordend by~ t2 (mlb Oftly) to United Hwnanitarlanl of onn.. County, P.O. Box 477, Garden Grove HSU. Include the pet'• name, owner'• name an.d add...-, ctty and 1tata pb&1 two talephone nwnben -youn and a fn.nd't « relativ.'a. 'nw milk: word. •<reward," .-can be Included. Use child restraint• DEAR RJ!ADERS: Thi. ii Child P ... n. pr_ Safety Week. Studlel Indicate that traffic icddenta are the major kJJlen Of yourtpten, accordill8 to the National Automobile Club, which acfda that t.hia trapdy could nearly be eliminated by the uae of restraint devicea, usually conaiatinc of a sturdy aeat attached'° the car by anchorfnc belta. Even mrnall bet»ea can be torn from a parent'• anna In low speed craahea. The restraint device holds them eecurely and diatribuie. the force of the Cl'Mh evenly. The club reporta that an etaht.-yeer study in the 1tate of Wa1hln1ton 1howed that 90 percent of the deatha and 70 penient of lnju- rie. to children under aae 6 who were Invol- ved ln automobile accldenta could be pre- vented by a safety re9\raint lyRem. The C..lifomia Child P ... ncer Safety c.ommittee aurveyed childl'en ~ In M counties durlJtl 1981 and found that only 13.a percent of children under aae ~were protected by the 1imple device. Acrou the nation on an average day, three children un- der age.~ die and 160 are injured beau .... they were riding ln a vehicle without child re- atrainta. --I • GQt • pt'Oblftfl~ 'IlHtn writ. IO P•t Haro- .. '] wftz. l>•t will cut red tape, 1ectJ111 th• ill aivw«1 and actJon you /wed IO .olw Jn. equldts In ~t ptd bulinels. tUIJ your que•tlon• to P•t Horowlta, At Your Service, Orange Coat Dtally Pilot, P.O. Box IMJO, 0... ,,,_., CA. R2626. A.t nw.ny letC.171 M IJI09/ble will be .tJV- werrd, but pbon«I i.nqubWe or .lettcn not lnclud11J6 lhe l'Hder'• /ulJ ~. ad""-and bu6Inns houn' phone number cannot be~ MAY PHOTO . SPECTACULAR II COLOR REPRINTS 225$ Returning to Bob BurtU Pablon /&laJUl RONNIE BRO attbeplano • Direct fr~m bu U.S. tour • Limited engagement beglm May 4tb • Appearing 'JUe&day tbru Saturday nlgbu Ji Paablon l•laJUl 714-644-2030 Seville recall orilered UNI ANOl:l.D (AP) -The~ ~..._.movie ·~" on CBS ftailhed at tbe tof!.!!. the Nw.n ,.......,.. but ABC cla the MIWGl"ka •Y that ...... an•,,,,,. ... prtme.dlne minute 11.T _..... flf die natkm'• boam wtth TV .... ty;. necl to ABC. I WASHINGTON (AP) -GeMn1 Mo&alw c.orp. hal bMll ordered '° ,.. call eo,ooo 18'71 CMm-'° oonect an alt polludon el"D1llloril problem alln4· lar '° one which uwe ln the 19'78 and 19'7'7 mod-.... ftnt ... ~the May ....... ABC· ,.,.raprime·Ume toep opera "l>ynM:ty'' llCODd ln thl retinal compiled the A.C. Niellen Ad NBC renm, 11TV'1 C.lllOIM Blooperi," tuu.hed &h1rd. -.... .,.._the top f'.IV9 Mon ... AK'a I ''Too a... tor Comfort" and ..,,.,... C41n .... y." • Such Perennial CBS front·r"'UNW'8 u "80 mlnutal" and ••DllJM'' are • rerww and did nol IDAU the Top IG. "80 Minutel'' WM ln 11th pl.tel lilMI Tb• Environmental ProtectiOll Ac•ncy Nld that the recall affect• Cadmac a.vm., with &. '7 ·Uter fuel·tnJeet•d PIOllne ---· lt Mid aefecta ID the exhau.t ... Ndn:uladon .,...._ are r9UIU,,. In ac1rt'v. nitfolln oxide .......... Th• l!P A, which two years .,o required OM '° fix a llmUar problem on une and 1977 Sev-w.. Miid that the redr· culatl.on 1)'8Wml on the 19'78 Cadf}Jac:a have be- c om• clo~ with cart>on-tlke ... Under the order, GM hall U day. to aubmlt a plan to remedy the problem or request a beartnc. Co. 'nw lhoW ended lta eurnmt....., attar a m>"*Y that won't be reeolved until fall. ABC WM f1nt ln the May 8we.p week tndN May 9 wtth 15.'7, CBS tJniatMd. tW.1 point behind with l•.'7 and NBC wu third wJth u .a. The Schools OK 4-day week DAYS CREEK, Ore. (AP) -In a coet-cuttln1 move, the Daye Creek School Board haa voted to 10 to four-day IChool weeka in the fall. 11'9 boe.l'd qreed '° uk the 1tate Department of Education for a waiver of rule• req'ulrln1 dl1trkt1 lo have 1chool at leaat 1'75 day1 within a 12-month period. The board plans lo len1then the school day by one hour. School would be held Mondays through Thundays until Thankllfvtna. After that, school will be held Tue.day• throu1h Fri· days. "DallM'' WM in 25th. Here .,.. the ToD 10 lhowa: "Old~"~=---· •:a:ef ti.I Of;I ~ .....-1 . cet:' ," tt.1tt1e.1 ...-on. MO: "TV•~ I .. ), 11.t Of H.J Mllll9fl, NIC; 'TOO C .... IOt Co"''°''•" 10.1 or "·' 1111111o .. , Ate; .. ,.., ... . C1111,~" tU 0t 1U ......_ AIC: • .,.,.. el ue.. 1t • ti.A ....... N9C: .,..,. .. """ .. 11.t 0t il.t ,,...., MIC;·.............-~ 0t 11.0 Mlloft. oee: .,..... ,. l'*d • ,,.,. '· ••A., 11.0 ,,..,....., AeO: ........ of tM ....... 11.1 Of 1411 lllllon. AeO. .._ .. tM nm 10--.: ·•....,..., .. cu: '°'"" ,,. OW.'' MC; •on. °'*-ol ....._, ft CM: "Thi Lowe Aoctt." MC: • .,_, .......... HIC: "TMCIMr• ()ftly," N9C; "DIWrent ..,..., .. ..C· "Oil'lllM • .,_,. • ..C: ~. ,J .... CM: ,. ..,....., .. ..c. ..... .,. the -._..._,... lhowl: .. Gddle -- Ille Kldl,'" AIC; "ClllceeO ltory.'' NeO; "''•"* Murphy, .. NIC; "Crim• In Amer IOI, .. AIC; ••Jokebooll.'' N8C. "Health' cola eyed PEKJNG (AP) -China has deve- loped its O\\'.n "c.'Ola," a health drink made from peon y roots that could turn into an international best-seller, the People's Daily repor\ed. :souTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA 557-6161 LOWER LEVEL CAROUSEL MALL VITAMINS BULK PRODUCTS LINDBERG Ylllm PACI I 30 Dey &IPPfY reg. 18.95 90 Day 8uppfy reg. 4e.95 RICH LIFE llEUTD ZllC 26 MO. 100 Tabe LINDBERG m-E•u. 50 cape THOMPSON •u•c••• 90 Tabe LINDBERG m .. 11 25000 1.U. 100 C&P8 13.9& 38.96 1.95 3.95 1.35 2.15 GROCERIES KING TUNA Ulll1' .. , 1111 8'A oz. Cen .19 GOOD STUFF WIUTllEll 24 oz. Loaf .99 1.81 ... 1.9& LINDBERG lllRIWEll IEEll ~18oz. 1.39 CELESTIAL SEASONING 111 ........ ..... , "- 2411111 1.11 PRC)DlJCE na ll nm n 1111• ,.. llDWI RICEc-n .45 .. RAW ILIDIDS 1.95 .. 7 IRlll IRllDU .99 .. CARDI COATED UISllS 1. 7 6 · d'&.t COUPON I CIEWllLE mlllll C I Ill ME 10 llE FIEE I lee-,,... 2.11-YN let ~ Twt letlln fer Dis Prlet ' 1 •• .,. .............. I Aetrtla.1NT....... I : Ullll 1 ,. ....... ....,. 11n1a I -------------------' LUNCH COUNTER TUil SllDWICH PUIUT ·IUTilR 'SHllE 11 IL 2.25 1.25 HEAL TH & BEAUTY AIDS MILL CREEK EUSTll SKIN ELASTICITY TREATMENT CREME 3.4 oz. Reg. 8.50 MILL CREEK HENNA • .... 18oz. • -~11oz. ALTA-DENA RAW MILD DELI .• mu.EDE &.9& 2.11 2.11' , 1I01.Pllekage .11 .. • 11. , Orange Coat DAILY PILOT /Wedneedey, Mey 12, 1M2 Pac-Man record: 3,183,440 points \ ,,..,.,._. .. "UB·OH" -Sylvelter Stallone, playing heavyweight champ Rocky Balboa in "Rocky lll." .eems to have met more than hi.I match in Hulk Hogan, who portrays Thunderlipa the wrestler In the soon-to-be-released film, the second and laat sequel to "Rocky." Research findings offered Ml&O IUappa, 20, of Milwaukee clatmed an unoffidal world record of ,,183,4~ potntt on a P.c·Man machine. "I wanted to pt to tour mllllon. J know I could have done It, flut my hand1 hurt too much." A computer 1elence 1tudunt ICOred nearly three mllllon rolnt• thll month, and the manuf.cturer 0 \he same Mid It that time that lt did not keep tc0rina recotda. The National Geoaraphlc Society pr•· sented the Oen. T-omat D. l"Ue Space Trophy to two apace 1huttle utronautl and Oen. Lew Allea Jr., the Air Force chlef of 1wt. · Air Force Col. Jot H. Ea1le and Navy Capt. Rlcllard H. Traly received the 1981 oward for pllotina the 1huttle Columbia In~ November on It.I le<X>nd orbital fllaht, which marked the first time a manned craft retumed to 1pace. Allen received the 1980 trophy at the 1ame award1 dinner becauae there waa no ceremony tut year. He wu cited for contrl· butiona toward aaaurlna an operational mili- tary •pace capability. HYl~~a:r:.~=-llll~~d~ "when he ~ a halrcut.'1 o.d, who II W•hinlton POil Executive l'.dltor BH Bradlee, 60, twfa·dlvorced and the father of three chUdr.n a1ed 21to33, wu Initially roluctant 11bout 1tart1n1 another family but overcame hll reeervaUona, the new mother ">Id PeopJe mapzlne. "If an~lna happena to ua, the belby can live with '1 ton, Bea J r.," Mid Ml. QuiM, who plant tQ return In llx monthl to part-time work on her Poet column 1kewerln8 Wuh- lnfton'• hJ&h eodetY,· U Imitation 11 lflattery, then Chryaler Corp. Chairman Lee A. laeecca ml1ht be foratven lf he bluaha. Hla 1tratihtforward, OO-nontenM 1tyle In national televlllon ads for hla compuiy'• can la belna copied in Detroit radio ads by a fur compeny, Wrubel & Koiin Fun Inc. of 1ub- urban Blrmlncham. Iacocca 11y1: "Me? I'm In the car bualneea." Haney Wllll, owner of Wrubel & Kozin, declaret: "Me?l'm ln the fur bualnema." Aaked why he copied Iacooca, Wlah .. 1d "It'• a atrong ad. It'• excellent.'' Conductor Mia MMCI found ...,. mu· tJ,c mixed with hll honorary ..,... • he de- livered th• commencement .Od...-tor the Weetmlnlter Choir Co1Jea4t at Prtnotton, N.J. Durlna the 53rd annual commencement exercltet, the colle1•'• under1raduate and aroduate 1tudent1 formed a OO·member chorua and the WntmJnater KandtMU chotr hannonlr.ed wtth 3& lndJvlduaUy tuned brMI belll. Mehta 11 mu1lc d irector of the l1rael Phllharm.onlc Orcheatra and the New York Philharmonic Orche1tra, with which the 1ehool'1 chotr hu performed 260conDtl'tl11.nco 1939. The Boca Raton (Fla.) ownen of the Double Dlamond Ranch ln Okeechobee, J'Ja .• had to 1ettJe for '"' than half of what they e xpected when they auc tio ned their 27 ,000-acre 1pread. The land. told ln 27 parcela. brou1ht t12.3 million. The Wold family hoped for '27 mil- lion, or tt.000 an acre. The Double Dlamond wu appralaed by taxers fM f 1& mlllion, which the family Mid "wu not far from what we paJd'' In 1976. \ UC Irvine undergrad- ua te1 who have s pe nt the lut eight monthl In buic biomedical research will releate their fin- dings at a 1ymposium May 18. The 1tudents, a ll ju- naora and aenaon have conducted reaearch proj- ecta under lhe guidance of faculty members. Some topic• Include 1timulant medication and hyperac tive ch ildren, allergy -causing com- pounds and a quick, new method for doctors to detect it.rep throat. Republic's led out cill the stops to. DETROIT and MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL. The 1ympoeium, open to the public, will be held from 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. in the community center at Campus Village Apartments on campus. For Information, call 833-M14. Indian rock art displayed 1ndlan rock art wlll be the 1ubject of a lecture at UC Irvtne on May 20 at 8 p.m. ln Room 220 of the Social Science Tower. Lecturer wlU be Frank Boc k, archaeology in · 1tructor at Cerritos Col- lete and founding mem- ber o f the American Rock Art Re1earch A1- 1oclatlon. Bock also 11 editor of the asaoc1at1on new1l e tt e r , "La Plntura.'' The lecture will com- plement a photographic exhibit, "Rock Art: An· clent lmagea on Stone." on dlaplay through June 11 In the UCI Adminis- tration Building lobby. Welfare case SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The California Supreme C«lrt h.81 ruled In a 4-3 decl1lon that a trial court 1hould uae In- dependent judgment ra- ther than re l y o n 111U~tlal evidence" ln reviewing welfare denial caan. Celebrity Service Nonstops. Republic's Celebrity Service, new nonstops :from Los Ar'lgeles International. Two a day to Detroit. lWo a day to Minneapolis/St. Paul. Wrt+i star treatment all the way: con- venient schedules, to fit your own. Discount fares, to save you money. A delightful choice of entrees, to please your palate. And more. New One-Airline Service East. Republic's new nonstops open a world of new connedions. New one-stops to New York's loGuardia. New ways to Boston, Baltimore, Toronto, over 30 midwestern and eastern cities. Now you can fly Republic all the way. New Four-Airport Convenience. Republic serves all four oif"ROrls: LA International, Oro~ County's John Wayne, Ontario/Riverside and Surbonk. On Republic, you con fly to more cities than on any other airline, from the airport that's best for you. Fly2for1. Wrth ReJ?Ublic's Pair Fare,'>M buy one full fore round trip ticket at least 24 hours in advance, get a friend's round trip ticket for the some flight~ Ask your travel agent or RepubGCfur details. CoillG Aboard. Our new Detroit and Minneapolis/ St. Paul nonst~, new service to the midwest arid east, and low discount fares will save you time and money~ Our famous perSQOOI attention will have you smiling from here to there. Coll your travel OQ!'!lt or Repubr.c Airlines: Los Angele$ (213) 772- 5100; Burbank 1213) 247-1333; Orange Coun!y, Santa Ana and Anaheim (714) 540-2060 or OntoridRiverside (714) 918-8585. 1lY /TDD Service available for the speedv'hearing impaired at 1-8()()..328-2213. ........... w , I I ( ~ ' • • t 0 "'°' , 1*11 ~~ ( 'tJlud 111JH dtWI Llf"'' ( .,.,,., qJlt• •nuu O.(JH . • n&I~ ,t..Ja 1"911 I • •M'' MAIA ' ,. WINTER BEAUTY Sll»PLY ss." OFF MY MCMQ( or S25" c. - s2se OFF MOtASl or *15" c..,. •1." OFF ...au or '10" Ill .. •1015' ADAMS AVE., tllfT. BCH., Ml-3922 • 2300 HMIO avo., C.M., 54S-51IO _,,,,,. • 3"I •TOl, U ., 557·1ot5 Ct1ll1at • 540& WAUllT, av., 551·31M ., 1 ~TH PllT CONTROi. . ... 'ev,., 2 MeMh'•..,.. • Get "" #Mftth ..... a. .. ........ /1/12 Cil I Daly PIOt AD·YID 642-5671 12021 New,..,. llvtl., CM Wtdclnc I Prom SptcWs 25% OFF WITH THIS COUPON W•'oy CASH ,., ow Goad & Silv« .c.i... ·~ ··-"'· ~-..w--.. . ....._11w.. ' .......... (111 _, ,.,,,., Mr. Gold 230 IHch St. 497-1 011 A.-"-lefA (0.Wntewn .... una) Vlte/M.etercard 30292 Crown Vtltflt Pky.' LA1gUt1a Nlgult, CA 495-3152 (,,.., Alphe IN) Locee.d ltt "•U Newport NMt JambofM 6 lfl1tol 1000 "'''°' Notth #11 151·2351 !t1.50 OFF ANY ROLL of 110-126-135 Color Print Fiim Developed TV · v.iolence 'raging' Record do1e1 of mayhem replacing 1ex DllCATUR, W. (AP) -TtlevWon la tW'ft1nl from •X to ra'Ord doe. of murder and mayhem, eccordlnl to 1 waichq ooelitlon that claJma ABC Nil the most violent pros:rarnrnlna on the alrwav.. The National Coalition on T1levl- 1lon Vloltnct, which hopea vlewen who oppoee violence will preNure adverUlln ln order to tone down the network lhowl, manltond prime-time ielmlaon from Jan. 4 to March 27. The co.Udoo Mid commerclal net- work violence rON 33 percent lince the IJ"OUP'• 1Nt check lite 1Nt yew, ahowtna four tLmel more violent acta than two Canadian networka and nine d.mel more than Public ~tine 8ervtce pn>lralnl. The IWVI)' found an averap of 10 violent acta per hour on ABC, com- oared with 1n 1vera•e of el•ht for NBC and CBS C01Qblned, and an IV· .erap of ax ln the 1llt awvey. 0 We have not INn the 1tudy and re.erve comment untll our IOda1 re- Harch 1taff can evaluate the meth- odolo1y behind It," ABC 11ld In a ltatement. The coalltlon'1 flndtn11 were an- nounced ie. than a week after a U.S. Department of Health and Human Servlcea report concluded that TV violence can lead to a11reulve be- havior by teen and child viewen. That report uid there la a "conHn1U1' amon1 1eientl1t1 that a "caual relaUonahlp'' exllta between televilion violence and aare-lon· The eo&lltlon l&id the molt violent Dl'OQl'aml lncluded ABC'1 "Fall Guy," r•strike Force," "PolJce Squad," "T.J . Hooker" and '"The Great.est American Hero," and CBS' "Duk.es of Hazzard." "Strike Force'J and "Police Squad" have been canceled. No N pro- graml were mentioned. Co1lhlon ch1lrm1n Dr. Thomu Radecki, a p1ychiltrllt at lhe South- ern 11Unol1 Unlvtttlty School of Medicine, uld one reaeon for more TV violence II that antJ-MJC ,,oupa ant corn1nc out •tronaly apJ.rwt many low-violence ent.ert.afuinerit lhowl. "It'• 1 knee-jerk ~on," Rad«ld 11id. The televtaion Industry "cannot pt their wt1ten to try out terlptl that a.re low in violence and don't dwell on NX/' he aid . Tht coalition'• flndlnp were ter- med "curiou1 and lma1lnatlve" by Oeorae Schweitz.er. a 1po"-man for CBS Broadcut Group. He quesUoned the 1urvey'1 meth-odoloo, uytnar "the numben a.re to- tally out of une and don't have any real bull In fact." An NBC 1tatement Mid, "Attemptl to measure violence on televi1lon through varlou1 count• are often mllleadlng." "Le11 than two montha ago. the National Coalition on Televilion Vio- lence, found NBC 'clearly the lea1t violent' of the three networkl," the network said. Violence II defined by the coalition aa "an intentional hOllUle uee of force of one pen10n against another." Ra- dec kl aaid murder and rape are weighted as more violent than a aim- ple 1hove. while a comic pie In the face doesn't count. He said the coalltlon'a 2,000 mem- bers prlmarlly are physlctana and re- search psychologists who want to preuure the networkl by proteatlng to advertilera. A aeven-member panel monitors a random selection of prime-time pro· grama. Radecki said. The aelected shows are viewed twice by dllferent people to avoid bias, he added. - HIRED -Geor1e Burm, who played GOd in the movtee, hu been hired by the Epllco.,_J Church dlo~eae In Houat.on to appear ln three 30-aecond televi- sion commercial1 for the church. They will be seen 1tartlng May 24. Pests targeted Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. has signed a bill that would form cotton peat abatement districts in Orange County and six other counties. e Daily Pilot e classifieds e workfor • you. call 642-5678 e torquick e cash sales. Put Jhe Power of the · Daily Pilot 3-D Ads to work for you by . taking advantage of this special off er • • • DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS 3 llnes, 3 days $3.00 Here's how It works for you. Run a 3 line ad for 3 days for $3.00 -If you don't sell your Item on the first 3 days just call 642-5678 and ask for your 3 for FREE . and we'll run your ad an addltlonal 3 days absolutely FREE! If you find you have your Item priced too high on the first 3 day run we'll even let you lower the price for your FR~E 3 day run (no other copy changes allowed). Each addltlonal tine you wish to run will only cost you $1 .00 such as: 4 llnH, 3 time• = $4.00 5 llnH, 3 time• = $5.00 I llnH, 3 tlmff = Sl.00 No matter how many ·unes you run, we'll still give you 3 days FREE If you don't set your Item on the first try. Rules are simple -one Item per ad -Item must be priced -sorry. no com- mercfal ads allowed, .. DOU.AR DAY VERS CLASSI Fl EDS NANNY -Barbara Barnea, de1crlbed as .. exceptionally firm," hu been chosen to take care of the baby expected in two mon- ths by Princess Diana. Cyclists, skaters 'illegal' SACRAMENTO (AP) -In an embarrassing gaffe, the state Legisla- ture has inadvertently made lawbreakers out of the many Californians who uae bicycles, roller skate and skateboards. The new law, enacted laat year to discourage skat.era and cycliats along the new San Diego Trolley, turned out to prohibit self-powered lo- comotion on any public Croperty in the state, a elialative aide said. "The meaaure, SB572, wu intended to bar cy- cling and skating only along the trolley line's right-of-way, but the specific Ve hicl e Code section that was amen- ded applied to parks, campuses and o ther public property. The legal quirk was dialovered by Bill Green, a member of the Sacra- mento Skate Coalition, which haa been arguing with the State Police ovef the use of rollers- katea ln Capitol Park. Ironically, the aponaor of the measure, state Sen. James Milla, D-San Dteao, la considered to be the Lealalature's fore- most advocate of bicy- cling and other alternate fonna of transportation. Dave Kne pprath, a Milla aide, aaid the .ena- tor ii developing legiala- tJon which would quic- kly repeal the ban. Topic eyes • • surv1v1ng • recession A aeries of six semi- nars for "Surviving the Recession" will be spon- 10 red by t h e Orange County chapter, Ameri- can Institute o f Archi- tects, starting May 26. Dr. Y .N. Chang, foun- der and president of the Buainea Strategy Insti- tute In Tustin, will con- duct lhe9e te91iona at the Marr iott Hote l In Newport Beach. The programs wiU be- gin at 7:30 a.m, and con- clude at 9:30. Sublsequent dates are June 2, 23 and 30, and July 7 and 14. For •Information call 5~7-7796. Apartment show set 1 The annual Orance County Apertment Show will be held June &-8 at the Anahetm c.onwntton Centllr. The 1how, 1poMOred by the Aputment ,._,.. elation of Oranje County. will be nearly doubled ln m.. ror information. call 8M-l600. La Habra HS pla~ reunion Tie La Raltra Hl1b' ....... ol1182wtD ........ ~ ...... ,,.., 10. rar laforma&lon oell JliD Walin at 112 .. tlN. I Orenge COMt DAIL¥ PILOT /Wedneed1y. May 12, 1N2 Germans listed as nation's leading ethnic group 1Fined SAN DIJ:OO (AP) - Attorney 8teph•n I . OWll. fonner DMJociadc Party chairman in San Dle•o County, mutt ff• fra1n from pftcUdnc law • for two yeen -by Older' : of th• court. GUii.i Olo : WAIHINOTON (AP) -More Amerklanl CU\ tnce """ anc.t.ry co Qennany Chu\ to any other countey, the C.U Bwwu repor11, But, offlclala •Id, amon1 Amerl· Hftl' native l1n1u11H other than ~. German lwW eecond. foUo. wtna Spanish. Tile atudy aald 28.8 percent of Americana re1>0rted tbemHlVH at .... t pertly of Omnan ancelU')'. · lrl1h formed the aecond-lar1e1t u at 24.4 percent, followed by 22.a pereen&. the bureau said. would mean about &2 mlWon Americana cona!dered th•m11lv .. at leut partly German compared with 44 mi1Uon lrllh and 40 million En· au.h. However million of Scota and Welah Uat~ themHlve• separately from the £o8Uah. U the three were comblned, the total for o ... at Bnt.ain would make h thJI country'• lara-t arastral poup. The bureau baaed lta 1tudy on a 1urvey taken In 1979. S.C.\m people who listed more than one ance.try, 1uch H Dutch-En11lsh, counted In both catepi•, the total II more than JOO 99rcent. The atudy aatd 88 percent of tht lndlvlduala surveyed ll1ted at least . one 1pedfk: anc.try, ll perc»nt did not lilt any ancmtry and the NmAln- der put down either "Am~rtc.n" or "UnJted Statee." Tu~nin.8 .'° mother tonaues other than J:nallah, the bureeu slid SpenJ.lh WAI lope with 7,7 millJon peraonl U. t1n1 h .. Oerman followed at 0.1 mil· lion, then Italian, 4.1 million; Polllh, 2.6 million; J'rench, 2.4 IJlllllon, and Ytddlah, 1.2 million. WM fllM f 1,000 and put : on two i•an' probatlon : for ml1demeanor con· : tempt of ClC)W't. : SPECIAL I SAVE 8 1.10 SPECIAL I . . • . . . . , .. ..,. .. nw. , ....... ,,.., .. ~·I : ' t . .. . • ·~Hti,.1.&I I.DIM ~ QIU£TTt : ~ "GOOD NEWS!" News!~ :-1 PMOfl 79c 4fiilfl,• em OIL FILTER _J.49M *H""'• Dous.:=• Ass't little dolls. tneased rn glass make cute ~.:i~,~~r 1 89 your llome lrJUt e U. ====== SAVI 10 "TY .. IJP'' TRAYS FAMOUS f1ll(JeS A fun organ11ed way for children i~&?:,.1 gg 11111 • u. Brrght yellow for us1er v1s1b1hty 2 39 rn•S/4 CANOfl • -DRAlllER TRAY l&PS COUWTUS DIY DlWU DISH DRAINER Ass I Colors ~ PWSONIC AC/UTTUY._.. CASSETTE RECORDER Automatically shulJ unit off when tape comn 10 1n encl Bu1l1-tn COit' den1tr mlc10- pllone --~-:in:-.: 34 95 , ... ......,, . AO PRICES PREVAIL WEDNESDAY. MAY l?th THRU SATURDAY MAY 15th IUTCIMG CHAIR Tiie lin1l 1oucll for a vlnyl·wtl>tltd patlo7 29 Sii Also folds compactly zr a 34' mllt1M • 1HERMDs. muu ''CHILL YBI • • POnuu COOLER &AVE•a.oo WON DURA DOOR MIRROR .... NUIH(O WUUY· F-.. ,.... 11 ... 5.99u. -"READYBREW .. I" 12-Clli Clffn lhlr•r -ma ~ ~ ....,,.., c:J-- Starts to brew wlltn you tell II tot IAY·ON AO jft 88 ~·~· 'lllAftmCT 1000 1•..ia.-• • 11• C.. If IU ···-S.S I• 'IM Ult n U1 ..ct,..~ 49 NOCTOl-SIUX• Easy·to·uH one 11noer controls for rnstant utra blast ot steam. spray and deluu sell·ctun1no actron •IUITM wr. ~· P'itkllu)I & • IUITM • C---- '"' II' ) ... ._ ....... ,_wr.1-. . ._ ... .. ,_ .. .. • lldl I llDI -Cl'fP ~,,.....)7 ea. ·Anll-um.I (lhl kinr)I-. •CIMIUI·•-.-.__. 3LT. 3.25u COORS 8EIR 12-.IOTlUI IUY2& SAVB49' SAV• •1.00 Fed Miit Catl•n WELCOME SAV·ON Drug• hll been eervlng SOuthern cattfomll for 38 ye1t1 Ind we are he'9 to Ny. Let UI prove to you thlt. we dllerw your-bulN9. Try U1 once. Whit dO you tMM to tole? BABY ClAMS ~ TOPOL ® SMOUl'I TOOTHPOUtM Wltll Of IOL 1.79 c1a11.1• ANESSE COMMnW• Regular or Extra Body NOXZEMA SlllN atUll Refrnlles & ::·:~: 1.39 ~ RAITREE ..... ,LOTIOll Contains natural ~~~f :··"1 jg 10 N. .'t ~ GLASSWARE • lt&ClllLD ....,..... LJllEY ~C1•1 I ,. •• 3.49 ... ..,..,.,_ A lot of drying powtt lof IUCh I COlftPICt unlll . ' .. J l I ,. I ~ I I • 0r.,. Cout DAILY "tLOT/Wldnelday, M~ 11, 1111 our ''°""'°"'' Florist .,91& Rtd HUI Avenut A• 108 Cotti M111 e• 1-oe 10 You can own ru office IPICt. You can stop JM rent ffom 1otns "· You c1n own the Int -not ltast. AIRPORT WEIT BUllNlll 'ARK Ml Pleolw neer Red HNI, C.M. ':.-':.'°"' llU ..... eTA'R...-r C•ll Mr. Devla 7S1·7G aroker Cooperetlon Th• tottowlno p11aon le dotno~~==========:r.~~~~~~~~~~~~ bu9lntN ... COMPUTIA ll'HILOSOPl'llRS, •-IC tft'nl'r 23045 ll C.bllllo.11 Toro. Clllfoml• rta.IC NOTICf .--"'11PK t2~ 'ICTITIOUt .......... Herbe11 M NordQUlll, 2304& El CMNlllO, El T0to. Cellf0t1Mt 92930 Tin buelntM .. oonduettd Oy .., 'ICTIT'IOUI IUtMll NAMI ITATIMINT NAlllS ITATIMINT Tht followlng pe11on le CIOlng ·--l'llCYHICIUI .,._ .. .._ITA~ ~. Th• following pt reon 11 Clolng bU.W-.. : bUllnett H l•I Bl!ACHPOINT, lb) I AST· Tfle tollowlnt pe11on 11 doing Her ber1 M Nof Clq\lt•I Thie atll-1 we• flied With lhe Covnty Clerk of Orano• County on UNIQUE PADS. 3852 Bl•ok· SIDE VILLAS. t7702 Cowan SlrMt, lllOf'~1 lrvtne, C•lll0tnl• 127 1' Irvine, CA 8271' Mey 10. 1912. vlvlen R. Evt n, 3H2 81tOk· THE GOEDEN COMPANY, 1 11\0f'n, lrvlne, Celll0tnle 82714 Ctlllo1nle corpo'811on, 17702 Co- """""' Mi OHAl'•Y'I LIQUO", H U C"-"'•n A¥eftUI, Oerdtn Qrovt , Celbnlll '*, , Jenet lttWIQ, 104N Slow! Rt• '"'°" Publlahed 01enge Cott i Delly Thlt l>uel-It Con<IUClecl by en wen Strwt, lrvlne, CA 927 t4 lndMOUll Thlt butlMM It ConeluCllCI by e '"'· Founteln \71lley, Celllornl• ta?OI PllOI. Mey 12, 19, 28 . .kine 2. IM2 3()88.8' VMen Even oorpor1tl0n llllt tleltmenl WH llleel With lhe The ~ Com91ny County Clerk ol Orenge county on Ger.if ' ao.o.n. Thie bUelnMI le oenduo11d Or en lncllwiduel. March 211, 1982 Pretideflt THI I ---co·-.,,.... Thlt ttll-1 we• filed wllh the Nit.IC NOTICE J-1 84INrlO 11111 etal-1 ... f"9d with 11141 OolMty C*k of Orenge County on IN ~·nte" vnT Publltt\e<I 0'8ngt Coeel Ofilly Pl-Covnty Olefk of Orenge COVnty on I TATI Of' CA.L•OttMIA IOI, Ap<ll 21, 21. Mey'· 12. 19'2 Ap<ll ti, 1182. May 4,~. ,1117D Pubttel'leel Oreng• (foe11 Delly ftllol, Mey 12, ti, 2t, June 2, 1082. 30e5-82 '°" n. 1712·12 lllALCOUI a DALY COUNTY Of' OflANOI -----------AltlfMJI •1 Llw In ,. JOSEPH GEORGE MEZO· "8JC NOTICE 4100 ....,._Ind. VAR I,. Minor end ERIC JON ft.O ..... ,,. M~ZOVARI, • Mln0t, by VALERIE NOTIC! Of' Aftf'LICATIOH '°" .... ,.n llMdl, CA nta ,,~ ~e:.:::~~=· Thell Mother, lor CHANOl IN OWNI,._. Of' Publlth9CI Orange Coaat Delly Piiot, CAN NO. A11_, A.1.COHOUC •YIMO. UCIJtU Aptll 2t. 21. Mey 5, t2. 1182 ~~COURT Of' ~TO IHOW CAUM ..... ...., 1713-82 o~ (C~ ' 1rrf) To Whom II Mey eonc..n C0UWTY CW c.AMOl POlll ftlT WHER.EAS VALEAIE JEAN MOtol· HUNTINGTON RESTAURANT COUWTY AIDeCIAL DWF'MCT CRIEF petttlonlf .. Mollw of Ao-INC le eoplylng to the o.c>enrnent IM1 ,_ tt. p11eeni1 JOSEPH GEORGE MEZO· of Alcollollc 94tv9fege Conlrot tor • I I?~~ -VARI end ERIC JON MEZOVARI, on .... gentrel H llng pl-. 10 .... fl\.AINTl'Pt '--1' TA--.L per.an• unoer the ege of llQh•-eiconollc bft•,.o•• et 18380 P•· H"•AWT1 OAltY .CH.AIL (ti} yeert, hive filed 8 pelltlOn with c:lflc Cout Hlgllwty, Suite 22, Hun· tft,...•IOM TIUY N MAA-ttlt Clltk ol lhla Court lor en 0tdet llnaton Such, Celtf0tnle 1211411. TlllOi. -· 1iA11tlL TIUY H cllenglng eppllcenta · neme from Publlt heO 0'8ngt Co ell Delly MAlltTHIO IH •Hl• llARI, • JOSEPH GEORGE MEZOVARI 10 Piiot, Mey 12, ll82 ._.., ftwtMf ....... llAH JOSEPH GEOAOE MONCRIEI end 3077-82 AUTO CWT9 ... L.aAlllMO eM ERIC JOH MEZOVARI to E.RIC JOH DOlll 1 .,...._............. MOHCRIEF ... MOM IT 18 ORDERED thel 111 per.ant Oii ,..T......., COWl.AINT lnt1r1111e1 In lh• ebove.·•nlHl•CI CAIS MO. ,_ melter •we-before thlf CO\il1 ec eeonc11 v ....... IMeft ..... 10·30 • m .. on June 2, 1912, In '"' .,... .... ..,..._ ....... ,_ C<>Yrt1oom of 0toer1men1 3. •I the ....... ,_ .... llieent _.... Superior COU'! oi CtllfOfnill, County ,.. ......., ...,. • .,._ "9.i of Orenge, 700 CIVIC Cen111 Drive .. W. 111n ....... w"'· Sent• AN. Cetllfornie 12101, "yOlt ..W. IO ...a tM 9CMo1 of eno ahow ceuH, II eny, why 1h1 a n ettornty In !hi• met111, you petition for change of n•mt ahouiCI lflollld Cit IO prornp~ IO that 'f04JI not bl Ofltll.O. Wf1"ln reeponM, If My. m.-y bl fl.. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED lhel e • lid °" time. coer; of 11111 Order To Sl\oW c-AYleot UI~ 1'9 lhk ........ l)e publlahecJ In the 0'8"(18 CoHI ...... II ltlHUI 1Jtfe4h ••l"r Delly P!lol. 330 W Bey. ea. .. M"8 .....,. UIL IM •• a1s • -Celllo1nle 1>2927. • n-•P•PI• ol ... U4. r1191e11•e Mtttre .. It gentrel cl1cule t1on In Ore.nge .... U.11...,, HllF ........ County, C.1don11e , onc:41 e WMI! fOf four tvCCeMlve WMll• ptlOf to the 81 Uetect ~ eotlcfler el con· oete Ml for '-''"9 on the pellllon Mio Cle un •boQeOo"' .... .-into, DATED April ti tH2 deberie ~ lmmeellela!Mllle, RONALO H PRENNER d• 111• m1ner1 , •u rHc>u•••• Judge of 111e Merit•. ti hey elgune, puede .., &iperlor Cout1 ~ 8 '*"90. VANOIR MOUN a MAU N I. TO THE DEFENDANT; A c:MI LAW C~ATION compleln1 hH .,.en filed by "" .. T-C9"1« O.-IY•. plelnifff agei1wt Yl)U, tt you WWI to lutte 1000 ~ 1'* '-'It, you rnuet, wltNn C..111 ...... CA t1t2t • deyl .,._IHI~ II Mr· (7~--ved on you, fllt with tlll• courl • p Orenge CoHI Delly Pilot Wfltten ~IO tM complelnt Aptll 21, 21. May 5 t2 11182 "'"6111 yOlt do IO, 'lfJ4lt dief-'" will 179S-f? M enllfed on •PC>llc•llon ot 111e plelntlff, end INe court "'Mt enter • ---.. ---ll'_Mftftl"t ____ _ ....,.,_,. ~ yC>U for fhe rellef .._ nY I~ ..,_ldtcl rn 111e ~. wflk:fl •-----c--,..------ 00111d rH ull In gt rnlehmt nt ol ~ COU1tf CW Titl ...,.., \911nQ of ~ or proper1y .,. _ -,. ... __ .. or other reOt f re .. uffted In Ill• A •• _. .. --"' '°"'"' ~ COUWTY CW LOI AMGB.11 oet.c!: Merc:fl 25, 1982 bCate Clf M.v LOUEL. ._MRS AlcNrCI J Wedi, Ml'TCHEU A. LOUEL. 0-..0. lAIMa Ff81\011, ....... Ml.IC NOTICE K-OCIOa ,.c:mtOU1 au ..... HAMii ITAn •NT Tiie IOllOWlng petM)llt ere dOl"Q ~ .. MANA GEMENT SERVICES GROUP, &562 Ludlow Avenue, 01110en GrO¥e, Ceilli0tnl1 921145 Thomet R Humphrey, 34 Deerwood EHi, lrv1n1. Cellfornl• 92714 John B Hlgmen. 9124 S INtcfldele A--. Downey, Ctllfor· nl• 90244 Eerl L Sl1end, 5562 Luellow Avenue. Geroen GroYe, Cellfornle 821145 J OouglH Humpllrey, 13742 Merque111 Street. WHlmlnattr, Ceilf0tnte 921183 W111ren R Oleon, 27 Monltcllo Drive. Coron• del Mer, Celllornle 921125 Kent A Bruna 12402 S Poundl A....-. WMIMW, Celtl0tnle 90004 Thll bulineet la 'onducteo by 1 QllW•I Ptr1nttlhlp Eert L SlrenO Gener ti Pertner end ,t,ttorney In Feet IOt MAN AGE MENT SER- VICES GROUP Thia 1111.,.,.,.,1 wQ flied With ltlt County Clerti of Ofenge County on AP<ff 211. 1912 '111107 PublltlltO Orengt CoHt Delly Pilot, Mey 12. 19, 28. June 2, t182. JOM-82 9ICmC9 cw NMOIW.. ~ 0-. flf ..... W lalmfTA11ft'I UL.I ~ tftff 14,_ .._.. ::':1.. 1t11 cw MA&.""°""'" NOTICE OP DEATH OF we ••ztsr, c.. wa AT ..WATS MU WI LLIE CHARLINE KIL- {1M, ...._ ,......c.111 GORE, 1h WILLIE C . Publi.lled Otenoe CoH t Delly NO~ ~~J:. thel l.ILOORE, ab W. C. ltlL- Not. Ap'll 2t, t.tey a. 12. !9, tM2 11m1 Z01oc. .. .,.,.__, r...-GORE AND OP PETITION --------'I04-82--IM of tN ~of AuOr Loebet, TO ADMINISTER ESTATE ::=--=:-~=-~NO. A·llJJH. ----------lhe \erme end condttlOne IWtlnetler To all heirs, ~fld.ariea. '90T1Cll ~ ""'9ftl"8 MU mentioned. end 1ub)ec1 to conflr· credlton and conUntent ~- NOTU T: .:.:='QMH ht :!~'°;'1~~.s:fo~o~.'. ': d lt o ra o f Willie Charline .,. w111n n day. Mey H . 19'2, •I "*..,.. W!Ullll thl tlrN elowed tiy KJ11 ore, aka Willie C. Kil· MO o'doellt: e.m. of _.. *tt. In IN llw. 11 the~ Clf .... lullll & p-e, aka W. C. Ki)&ore and '""' Mt H id• tor oonduollng Mlrwlott, 8lltOFM¥I 1~1the ..!!~ pert0na who may be other-TN•11'• ...... ""'*'IN ofllolt of repr~. et .... """"' ,..... I I d I h Ill MAL UTATl NCUfHTU -~-bof loutll'uwd, 84"'8 zoo. FullMon. w M nterelte n t e w VICI , ••eattd at 2020 Nortll c.IJotnle, el IN rtaM. WI, lnW• and/or estate: 1r--... ""'aoa. In .. c._.., of :;:',:-:,.":~_,el A petit ion hu been filed :"r~"T~ -.& die~ of= i.o..:':: by Urben M. Derkum ln the IMO., a ..,_.,81tofl, .9 OMIM. ,_ 80lll*9d i.y ~ Superior Court of Oranae *"' ••aln• Tr"""9.,,.., _, of llw « oo.wlee. ao. "*'·or In County requ.-Una that Ur- ..,....• .. ~ of ... ~ eddMlol'I to .... of the-......• t.n M. Derkum be appoint-=.:.:' O: ... ~= ::. ':.:;:. -.nr.~ .=.:,-: ed .. penonaJ repreeentauve ANOIUNI ... •LOCH. ltuffand IM City Of '"I erton, County of to admJnl1ter th• at.ate of lftCI ... ·~---. reconled ~.,.J:: of Cellfornle. dMclrlo-W illie C harline Kllaore of =:.:~ ~ =-=::: A:'1mdtv1J ed on~th l") Corona ~I Mar. CA (unider ,... tdl • ._,,,.. .• '"~' 1n trwt , ... Pf' ~ the I ndependent Admlnh· MD; 1IOOZ, 111J ,_. tlf 1 ~ Olf bed • Loi 4' of Trect 44 • per tnUon of r.tata Act). 'nle ......,. ~ °' ""°"'*IOt In lode Ito, PIQll 2t end 21, peddon ill aet for hearinc ln r:::...-,;';-=: :::It: of tftt Or11191 o::R:oC::: l>ep t . No . 3 at 700 Civic ...._ _. "'*" -,_dt!I Ja.. ommonly known •• 2t37 Nonh Center Drive Weat, Santa ..-y It, 1•. • fll11a,,..,.1 M-....,.. Aw. F'*'1on, ~ A na, CA 02701 on June 2, fttllfMflt ... 11-oaeooz wtLL f M• .... 11 111b.ltet 10 -rent 1982 at 9:30 • m. l&L AT ,..UC MIGT10N tO THI ...... COY9Mllll, OOl'lelltlOn•. r-J• yo'u OBJ. -~ th ....,. ~ flOl'I CA*4, .... ,.., «b-. l1ghte. '1Gtlte r -. • to e .. ...., ..................... , wey, MMfMftle, end .. llfl"O &nnt.ina of t)w petition, you .......,.. .._ *-" 111 a...... ten of IN Ab!':r:c"~· ~ ~ ahould either appear al the =-..::~ •. •.':.\~ C: == eccwded ~'*""' 30. 1•~ h eartnc and at.ate you r ob· _.... lftCI ~ .._ ...,_, clDflll.. eretcl I . Oa11non a nd Merl• D. jectlona or file written ob-., "'flll...., 11,..... ae ttie • In Ole emoun1 of tN:UI jectlon.t with t he court be· ... of-. II ~n::.,-: ': n. ~end 001ldl!lon• of .... fore th~ hHrtna . Yo ur ap-= iifi?.-: In ....,~ •: c.... 10 I.ht .. 1111"0 tnevm• ~may be In penon or _, • ...._ MOe lft an ~t equel to !fie by your attorney. Ult tt .. Treat No • ...., r-. otal cMfl Hid .. oooandooencum, ~~ JF YOU ARE A CREDI· .,.... • ..... 111 ==..,' Clf °'ff. · • 0 -,,_.... TOR I ~..a1 as1 .. , u .. ...,. wtttl 0111t11nct pwt cndlt. IN"""' or a cont1ncent 1.nu t-.. ~ z..,.. of 22 of Trtot IUllh ord to Illa ~ IO or of the deceued, you muet -. ._, PWIOfllll ,...,,.._.Incl 10 f ile your claim with the n. .._ ...,_ °" .._.,.... Cour1. Tift~ (I~ of._ cou rt or prHent It to the .... •us .... Of tM reet ~ l:ild IO ell D llP-~ttle °"91' ,.., • ..... ....,. ,111~ 11 .. ....,.. to Illa on OM-penonal repretentaUve •P- ""'°''"It M ! 1'21 LMW&rel oh•lly... T .... potnted by the COW'1 within Lalla. ....,.. ..-, Olll90nlll. ,... ... ....., Illa pror*f • of low month. from the date of .r=-G..~:1: C::=:i"'C:-J:' =.,::. flrt t 1e1u1nce o f t•u e r• aa w..,... •..., _. ~ tftd ::i-!..,. lfttU. provided in S.CtJon 700 of -rs I e. .. ~Illa It ~ the Probete C.ode of c.J.ltar· .:=:--..::: ::;~ _ ;.;;·.,. llwtlad '°'.,.. n la. The time for fllln 1 ---1u11111u, er'et1· _. ........... .,.,.. ... 1abm wW not explre pr1« ........... _.,;.:..._ .. ,,..... ... ,....... .... .,..el ,.._ tofourrnonthlfnimthed9te -., ... .... • ... .... • .... ~. attonMWe .. ol the 1-rlna noticed.,.,. -....,.., W .... OeH ef ,.....,.._..I..!! '111 YOUL1'MA" &XAMINW. ,..., ............... _ ................. _."'" .. • _.... ...._ ... ........, • CelffoMla.i. or mey lie fllM the file Upt by the ooun. U I ............. --_. .. an•-=-: C0Wt you an In......_, ln the .... ........ ·----.r.: :::-.:.: .. ,.~ ..... you •1 m. a ........ ~-==-.-..': · .. ....__.....,_,,...,..._ Uh \he court to r.celve ~'"et,,..., ,.._ , ... 1 , _.., ...,.._ tllcl pedal notkla ol the lnven· .':l!Z1..o.~ ·-.... ...::-.. -::... of ...... _ ..... fl .. --., -;'I: w .. ,..... ,..,. .... ._. the peUtlonl, ecoounta and .. ... dm:ribld ln ..... .... .. ,_... .. ,.... .. , l .I of ... c.ll ....... Pro-.. ... •°*-C!lll•-··--..c. w::r:::.*'· AC&AY, MCOaeooa, ,.,_.. ,..._..... ISNNION A lllGION B=¥.w· ' .,, •.• sl<l l:;,, _.., • ::.·,,-='~ ..... ... ... .... ... .... ~~-" tt•t •ms • ..... •• OlJWUt a.Mt -.,... ...... """-Dllr ~ =r ..... ...,. llf•&lj ... ,.... ..... M UC NOTU • Nemer INYITINO ..,, Nollet It here by glYl ll lhll Ill• Boerd of Trull•H of 1111 CoH I Community Colltgt Oltlrlcl ol Or· enge County. Cllllfomle, wlll reGeiYe NeleCI blclt up to 2 00 p.m , Frldl)', Mey 21, 1912 e l the Pu1cllHlno Oepwtment of MIO cOlllgl Clietrlet locettd II t'70 Aelemt Avenue, Coate Mff•. Celtiornte. el wlllch llmt tald bldt will be qul<:kly ope- ned 1ne1 •••Cl IOI Bid • t0113 - ACQUISITION OF COMPUTERIZED HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGE· MENT SYSTEM, BICI I 1067 - PU RCHASE OR LEASE / PURCHASE OF COMPUTER HARDWARE. SOFTWARE, AND SUPPORT. INCLUDING MAINTf· NANCE AH bldtl ere 10 bl In -oence with the Bid F0tm lnttructlont end Condlllont enel Spec:lllceltont WlllOtt a11 now on Ille Ind may be MCUted In 11141 oftlCe of 11141 PUICllUlng "91"1 of Mid COiiege Clltlrlet E8Cll biOo.r ,,_t tubmlt With ..... bid • CH iiier'• c:heck. c:ertlfleel c111ck. or bidder'• bonel meele p1y1ble 10 th• order of the co .. 1 Community Col1eQe Olt11lc1 8o1td ol Trutt-In en emoun1 not "" then five pe<eent (5%) ol Ille tum blO Q e guet ent• lhel Ille bidder will enter Into Ille prc>pc>Md Con· trllCt If Ille....,,. le twerded IO hint In the -t of leilur• 10 enll' Into eucll conlrllCt, Ille ptoc.ldt of the c111c11 wlll be lo1lelled, or In tht U H of • bOnd, lhe luU 9Um th«tof WIU be !Melted to Mid COiiege dleo- trlet Ho blOder may wttlldt..., hit blcl for • P9f\OCI of one llundred '-tty ( t 20) Cl8)'9 etter the 0811 Ml ior the opening lllerlol The Boero or 1 rullfft reHrvee the prhflttge ol rejtcllng eny encl .. blOt 0t 10 we1v1 eny lfregulerttlft Of lnlormellllH In eny bid or In the bidding NORMAN E WATSON SICl'N<y. Boeto of T1u11- Coat1 Community Colttge Ol"'IC1 Publlahed Orenge CoHt Otlly Pllol. M•y 5, II. 12, t912 20lt-82 NOTICI Of' TMllTll'S IAU Loen Ho NECKAMEYER TS No. ~&37-t.a1 T 0 SERVICE COMPANY, e Cal· lfornla co1porellon. •• duly •P· polntlcl TruttM under the loflowtng dleetlbed dMCI of lrvtl WILL SEL( AT PUBLIC AUCTION ro THE HIGHEST BIDDER FO,. CASH (peyebl• et Um• of H ie In lewlul money of lht United 8 t11111 •II rlgh1. !Ille end lnl..-..S conveyed 10 end now held 0y It under Mid o..o of TIVll In Ille P<°'*1Y herelnertar oeecnbed· TRUSTOR MA RK 0 NECKA· MEYER end THERESA I NECKA· MEYER, huebend end wife .. joln1 lenantL 8ENE,.ICIARY CHRISTINE COPE PENCE. en unmer1leel women. Flecofcllel September I , tlll 1 .. lnttr. Ho 10060 In booll 142t2 ~ 342 of Ol11c1411 Recotd• In lhe office of Iha Atcoreler of Orenge County. Hid deed of lru1t C111crtb11 the fOllowlng P'OC*IY LOI 11 o( Trlet No.126t, .. Pl' mep recorded In booll 3211, PIO" 30 lo 39 of Mll09flentOUI Mepe '" ,,,. offlel ol lhe county Atcorder of Orenee County, St•te of CellfomlL 5074 ALOER, IRVINE, CALIFOR· NIA "llf • ttrwt eddr-0t OOfl'WtlOft dH lgnellon 11 tllown ebove. no wt uenty le glYlft N 10 Ill compi.. tMllM 0t contet-)." Tiie blneflc:Wy unel« Mid Deed ol T rutt, by reoon of • br-.h Of C11leu11 In the obllget1on1 MCurect thereby, hert1ofor1 .. ac:ulect end delivered to lht undertlgned • w1IHen Otctaretton of Oefeul1 end Dtmencl lot' Seit, 11\d written notlee of brHCh encl of tllOtlOn IO ~ unCleralgnld 10 1111 Mid PIOC*tY to N lltfy HICI Obllglllont; end Cher• llltr Int undertlglllcl caulld ealCI notice of brMCh end of tltctlOn to be Aecoi'dlel Ft bf11llY 4, 1112 H lnttr No 12~•2'23 In bo<* ,,. • Of Mid Oftlclel llleootdl. hid .... wtll be made, bllt wltti-out c:ownlli'lt or wwrenty, ..,,,_ or lmplled, rlOlfdl"f lltte. poeeee. llol\, Of ll!CUlt'lbr lllCll, to l*Y the 111T11lnl"" prlnclpel '""' ol tllt notl(I) NCUred by H id 0..d Of T'Tlllt. with ln1tfllt • In Mid "°" prcMCled, tdVeno.t, N My undef Ill• ''"'" Of llld ~ of Tr1111. .... ClfMlt .. Incl ........ "' ,,. T,,,.... and of the trwee Ol'-.ct "r Mid D.acl of T,_, teMl ...... be held on WI ONllOAV, JUNI a. !Na el 2:00 pm .. at IN ~ Avanut 11\flence lo tM CMc Center 8ullcliftt, aoG 11114 CflatNnM A• ""'· ONnoe. c.Mofnla At tM .._ Of IM Wtlel pulltla9- llon of ""' notlOI, ,,. tolel ""°""' fll 1111 ~ balanae of 1ftt obff. fltlOn MOUred lty tftt a4>0Yt ~ ....., died "'trllll lftCI ~ ................ IM • ., ... le •t.eoit.01 • TO WTl .... INa THI 01'1,.lttCI ::._vou MA Y CAL&.,.,., " 0.. '3.~,:.~ Mtalll T,_... ~1T.O, ti~ COWA- n-..... ·-· ...:.,-..., "·lT=r'~ ' ,1c•1• ftatt:.,.:· L11'l11• fou n d er and c h1lrm1n of Uplan4· lAwll HOfMI· WM rwned "Builct.r of the Year" by Walker a lM, lac. at the firm'• ~~2 pro1ram It \ht Dt1neyland Hote l In PHI B. Haney, rilk manapr for POll4eroa H1m11, a n lrvln e bomebutldtn1 firm, hu been named to the Rllk ~ ot the Y tar Konor RoU. The competJUon ii 1po1..-.d by Bua1nw lnauran· ~.an l.ncJuatry public9Uon. Jot Porter of Hunttncton Beach hu been na- med nadonal OEM MMI man.aaer of Lea r SleS)er, lac., Data Produc tt Otvtelon. lie had been with Dlablo Syatema, Inc., Hayward. Boule Lee T•ne r hu Joined Callf onala Plrtt Buk u 1 bu.al.MM d evelopment o fficer in it• offk.'e at 601 W eet.cliff Drive, Newpor t Beac h . She had been vice prttlde n\ o f Employee Bene fit Consul- tanta of Santa Ana. Job W 8aud1n R e alty hu relocated to the larg er John W Saunders Bulldlnf at 8072 W arne r A venue in Hunt.tncton Beach . Joe Compof eUce hu been a ppointed prftldent o f Sil Wllllt, Long Beach . H e replace• Gra h am J o nes, who moved to Sil S mith T ool, Irvine, u se- nior vice p.retldent-manu(acturing. SU W lllla, a dlvlaio n ol Smit h lnternatlonal, Inc .• manulactu.res preclaion con trol valves for the hydrocarbon productio n and completion marke ta. MDS/T r lvex, Co.ta Mesa, 1u blldia r y o f Mo· hawk Data Sdencet Corporation , anno unced pro· motion o ( T om Baye r to regional aale• m anage r , Santa Ana, and Ken Leer, national aalee manaaer, Costa Mesa. Rader Fl.DD fr Rolmu ef Callfonaia hu been retained u public relationa COUNel by Mttaobulal Motor Salee of Ame rica, b e., Fountain Valley. G a ry Scll•lt& h.u been a p pointed marke\lng r e presen tative for C aatomw eave Ca.rpett, lac ., Fountain Valley, and Sou thwestern Divtaon.of the T oac lte Ro ... 6 Co . of OrHl:~oaaty la ex- pand ing operatloru in Newport h to include OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND N(W 't'Oitlt IAl'I C.THT tlO NI. Hllnco 721 NL ,,._ ... MMinQ .... C:..*"'lel Gf> HI YICI • n NL 1 .. !Gnl, ....-1ec1 W Gf'lll I QI 1 ll LI -1.a NL ,,_ _..,,.. -I EQull t Iii t ti """'"' IO 0 NL llM!ft ol iiK"'lu.t Cllenc.ellor Group Thrffl t.21 NL Qitelltn, Inc ·=.• . HIYICI I tt 'l1 Tr9'111 ... .., HL 1"8 jl(Q ~..... HI-, 12.11 tUe FIMMI• Prell, liltW _..,., NO.C 17 • IJ '2 P.,ne I II NL , ..... -.... f eaM ttOS 1111 l'nct1'11 l?f.> NL tllf C,_. -~ II.II NL llldWI Ut HL Vellltl OI ...... f'O 16.n 11 • '"'-• • ML CVtlllt '*-.... 1U7 NL l'.i I~ <Mf•I f......,,, SJ.M NL 8llCI ""' 12. .. 1' 0t Al"-~ • .,L ,..,: ~-II IS gi,:;, ni: rn _,, I' 12.tJ NL 0"'4ll 141 a. 1' IMOl'I •.01 •.loJ AOV IU 7 HU Hl Yid .... ,,11 Net"'°" S_., 6 14 Afuh'" 1MIJ NL IMMI UO .. ,. 0,.11 6A "'° AIM F"-. ODln '1• I0.0. ha !Ji I .. I ... CVYICI tJ tl I, t•• Ml M..i1 11 tO 44 Wllq 7,IO I 0 l dlon t CM • t1 (Allu 0411 It lS NI. 44 W .. I ll ll NL HIVld I• • C•llft Al I It I • """ Ci4'I 41t S. AlflN ff ti 1' N id"' a> IJll 111 ,~Gr-. A atrlftl 11 • IUI ., I., t JI Grwlfl 1 IS NL ._,""' F-M I • ,... In<-12.M NL A a.t I.II t "·tt NL MIA• 7'2 I D A1fQ S. • a. iic"4 Oen1: 5tM(I It.A NL A MIAI 11,01 ll. Fund 11 :Ill 12.• ,,eoillllfl ~. ....... """ It lll(om .. ,. • .. AOI ' " Joa ,., ,..., Ult -. .. ... , .. ~Tc 1,... 'R ?."""" II.JI 11 m4 11 !t II 6f = 16f f!Clfft ti !· ll.1 '!:.J :::: u " !.: "~ .... ) ,.., C..-'" lllCOfYI WWl #I 71• 7 ~ USO... -rrtr~ = ~.:t _ l'P 0,~ \), 7 Tl)lh .,... I.la'· e.1 ,..,.. inc Mufi • 14.tl It. Vti* •17D ~ ::ION ,., #ft ..... °""' " .... ".,. ~t oorwu.ltlnc .me.. Headfnc the~ ration will be man11ement con1ul tan t1 llaa•1 Herrel and Su4y Davll. Touche ROii & Co. of aran,. Cou.nty ta one of the Bl8 Efaht lnt.emadonal .ocou.ntlna and ~ unc t1.mw. Peclflc SdeaUflc Compuy appOtnted PetT A. Swaa, 37, of Tuatln, corpo rate treHurer. H eu preeiden t of the board of \he 1rvine Ranch Water t>latrict. Allea R H mODt, of Newport Beach, aytt.ema conaultant for Gn eral Dy umlca Commulcadoa Compaay In Anahelm...l.. h at been named to the company '• .President '• l;IUb for aale1 performance durtng 1981. Beverly Hills S&L sues stockholders MISSIO N V IEJO (BW) Bever ly Hilla Sa· vinga & Loan Aaloclation (OTC) announced It haa filed au i t in the F ederal D 11tr1ct Cou rt for the Central District o f California agains t a g r oup o f individu als It a lleges have con s p ired to acquire con t ro l o f the association by illeg ally acqu ir ing shares of It.a cap ita.I stock . T h e laws u it names as defen dants Severyn A$- hkenazy, Arnold Askenazy, S he ldon Appel, Carol Dunha m , A lexia E liopulos, Marshall Goldbla tt, Bruce Kat.es, Evelyn Kat.es, Steph e n Massman and Gar y W . N ielsen and certain r elated entitles. The lawsu it a lleges that the defendant.a viola· ted federal securities and ban king laws, state ban· king laws a n d the association 's articles o f ln corpo· ralldtl In the course o r acqu iring their holdings. ~::~~I r?~~ :x 1~1• ~::UPS ANO o· OWNS 11\o 1) 1 '•"-• »'• n • u • .. lS'-T~ t a •. a•, Jt' • f1tir) Teu ;rnP ,. .o•. ,., 7' > feltmA ,. .. )I\. HEW V0111t IAPI Tlw lot-, .. 114-17' • ftt1•nl 10>.. Ulo -the O¥e< 1,_ C- ""' llO ru A8 • ~>.. ~. llotk• -_,..,., 11w1 .,.,,.. -,. n:: :: I ~:::;,fJ, 3, ,.; ,,. """' - -1,. ,.,,,,., -on ... '"' IJ.JiYOI• \ I IS : ••.• i::~ ol ,...,. --ol _,... n\e~ Jj, "'lcol'd U '/! No ~ lteot~ -U er• N'ltl • • TnonF<! II'. 1t•, .-., Nf! --c--<~ .,, ""' l4' • l4'' UnM<(;<I It 10 OOH~ llOI-11-pr...,tou\ < ....... ,. »" lus E"' s• s• 11' o 11', U~ S.. ?I'; l1 ' Dt<I o<lee end TuH 1 ... , Dt<I P<tee 17' ' II'-US Trtk 17 17•, J._ ' UVeltll •'• .... ;;, ;r;• Unw E;, I '. • .,~ ,,.;II ~::,~ !:, ' :::;I i tn. It va1H11 • ... • I••· 1 2 '1 •ll<t Ven OU. 17' • 1J J 11 "~ Veltto n•, ''" , 7711< 11"-Vl<t•.st IO'• 10>. s ~ 111' • V11MOC4> "• t • • 7~ 11''> VeNthl> 1"-It I tJ•"'> t• W•r"E ' IJ"' U , a 11 111. W•f\Eor 1JI• " • ""' 11 W.ldtm •>. t 10 t•', tit, WONrct 11,, n•" H )I )T'> WHOlcl llO JO' ' 11 '"° 10 1111,,_~ 17.,, 11 11 «>''-" w1 .. ro , it 11•. ,. »"1 11'1> Wo1v""" t•. •'-I\ '"' ;r., w-rr , 17,, 1t 7Y I 7•• I Wood\..(11 JI', t7 tr '° '°'' wr1Q114w 11·,17~. 1t I•" 1'• ZiOrtVt ' 14' • 14'• 1• n• -_,.._ lO )I n n ,. )) ,. ' , I • s • I I ' 10 " 11 IJ " ,, •• 11 " ... " GI lO UIS 11 uu n .. 11 . ,,. JUflAllO n ,. . . '"• ..... ' ,, •• h J~ "'• , ... ..., ,~ .,., ... IYo 1.. • "' .,,,., . "' 1-. • "' ''-• t "" . "' •t't .. 1 • • • 1 • "' , .. I I , . '• 1 • ... .. . .,,, ,. . . ... ••• • \ii, ,, . ''• fV• <f I . ...... ~' LA>I , PU Up I! 1 Up J1J Up 1'.e UP 1f7 VP DJ Up ru v. n r Up IU Up ~, Up 16 I Up IU Up tU VP IJ.A Up "1 Up "J Up "J Up "' 1>11 ru Up 14 1 Up IU Up 11.I UP IU Up ,,,. Up IJJ UP IU UP Ill ""'' °" JO• 1·~ l , .... Oii " ' .. °" u..J 10~ ,,,~ ' ... 7" ,.. '" 1' I 7'1 11·1 , .. 1\0 II , ... , .... Vo. l I l J·~ • " Off 11 J '"' °" ., , 1 Oii "' '• Off II I 1 1 OH tOi '• Off tOO '-Oii IOO .. °" •• '• Off t 1 '• Off •• •• Oft • 1 '· °" .. , "' °" IJ ' Oii t.J ~. Of! I J ... °" u .... °" ... "' ()fl ,, ..... Oft 11 .... Oft , 1 lo OH I• .. Oii I I In-l lQ ffL Oc_, , .. Nl Skin Aw FOO llCll NL lllO NL tt.• NL II• NL IO " NL •O NL ... U I 1111 NI. .... '°'" tU• 1'..-n.v 1'11 '" "'°' ..... .. ..,. IU NL t .!I IO.O 17 Jt NL t7'1 NI. ll '2 NL ..... , ..... • i ' 'ft I~ .. ~. ·1t . ' . OrlftOe Coelt DAILY PILOT/Wtdneeday. M•v 12. 1982 8 At Gallup dropped. by syndicate· The Field Newapa.,.r Syndlca\Ct of lrvln an· nounced It wUl dltcontlnu. f)'ndJcaLlon of tho Gallup Pull txicauae of a declhuna market and laUuro to re- n w a dt.tributlon contract with lht• Gallup orpnlu· tk>n. The market for th~ poll h.aa 1hrunk over the yeal"IJ 11f;IUnj( rl'1ulla have ~me available from the ma r n~w1 ae~. St.even J ehorek, .Fleld prHldent an c:hlel uxecutlvC! offll:er, u.ld Monday. Tht' lut thn Gallup Pott.. to be serviced by Field will bf> for publlcAt.ton the wN"k of June 2 1, Jehort-k uld. Cushman reports loss Cuahman Electronics, Inc of Newport Beach reporu a le.a of $192,000, or 18 cent.I a 1hare, for the quarter ended March 31. . ~ year ago, the company had a net Income of $170,000, or 16 cent.I a 1hare. Cushman manufacture1 communlcatlona teat In · 1trument1 for FM two-way rad101 and te lephone 1y1tema. , The board of directors declared a dlVld<:nd of 3 oenll a 1hare payable July 1 to stockholdeni of record June 15. Bromar e11ter. llawaii rnarket Hogue Brokerage Company, Honolulu, hu be· come the newest food brokerage divtalon of Bromar. Inc. of Newport. Beach. · The meraer represents Bromar's entry Into the Hawaiian market and mark.I the l~th food brokerage office to operate u a dJvilion or Bromar lnc. Irvine firm acquires r ealty Irvine Financial Contultants, I nc . a Ne wport Beach-baaed real estate ayndicalion llnn. announced the acqulaltion of Braucht Really, Fullerton In March, Irvine Financial completed the pur- chue of S & S Realton and Investment.I, a real est.atf flnn with offices in Placentia and Yorba Linda. New company formed WUllarn A. Terry. former president of Lear Sie- gler'• data product.I dlvilton, announced the fonnation of Epic Computer Products Inc., a Fountain Valley desianer~nwlufacturer-dlatributor of small computer 1yatema., periphera.la and 90ftware Epic Computer Producu resulted from the merger of MQI Computer Product.a, a aeven-year-old national computer peripherals diatrlbutor, and Epic Computer Corp .. a one-year-old manufacturer of rrucrocomputer 1yatema and aoftware. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES WHAT STOCKS DID HfW Y()liot fAl'I Mott II ..._ IVE8PA ... ";, Adv.-.<.., .,, Ool<11"9CI ~ .., one~ _, .. , .... ·-,.,. ,. Nttw ..._.. oJ " ....... -. " , . ~"·' ..... $. IJICJ 1o1 W YOffot '"'"'' ,.,,.., " . "' . " . "' . "' .... TOE OAY ......... .t.o•<lt'l(.0 '*'' 1 0.CllN'CI ttl vnc~ ~ "' , ... , ,_. "' _..._.. ., ,, ...... -" , UPS AND DOWNS METALS NfW YOltK IA~I ffw tal_.,. tltl "-' h ...... YOtll "O<ll l •<IWV! .U..h """ _,..,., .,.., "-.... 90!lt I.ti> lllt MCMI - -ttw mott -°" Pl't<..,. tll <._ ,...,_ OI -• '°' ,_, ... *'"'-.. ,, ...... ...,._ u .... fftll ........ -j;f<( ..... (,.... .... -.. tf.,_. ..._ "" "''"~ ( ....... l>'lfA Wl4! fUM<Sw11-,ro("j9 -I.Ml Che "« I Mof"'l(,,. 0'• • ''-VP It 4 Copper 1t 11 cen11 • pound. US OMllnallOnl to 1..-.d 26-27 ~la I pound ZIM ~5 '9011 •pound. dell...,80 Thi le 695' Me11l1 W .... CC>n\C>Olllle Allfml-78-77 C*tlt I oound. HY 11119'cwy '3 75 00 ~ ,,.... ~ S30t 00 Ooy Ol , H Y L ) I n t , ' , • • " I ' • •• ' I ·' • • ll ) A • f • , 4 IJ ) • " • .. • ll 0 • ., • ll c • .. 1 c; H " q 0 • ., ' A ' II z ·o II D J • "' J ttell ,,_ ,._. • ''• VP 101 SILVER , KH\OllCP ""' • '"' VP 10, l....Ofl't A 4 ,.._,,., '111 • ft VP IO 1 v ; Fi.,. ;.do 1> • I•• UP U II t Y•r<• n ~ • h ~ U Handy I Hlll'llln 19 flll& par lrO'f 14 ' lfl~nt ""-• ,.,.. U. U . ounc;e n I llli~ ,,_, 12"'' t UP ·~ • OI...,. 1111 ... • ,... Vt> Ii ' ii=::· ~ ! :~ ~ :t GOLD QUOTATIONS ~ 1l =I 10111 1 • ''-Vt> '·· f~y JI 1• WUlilll•• Oii "' • -. uo '·J London: morning Oxlng 13t0 00, up " :! Pr.:;,,: ::•4 : ::: :: :1 SI 00 n ~ ~2 '10f 11 , '"" v. , L-"tl: allet'n~ 11.1ng 1332 211 up , "" ~ • Ill Up , u 21 .. I ffVyM oo.:l • "' V. 1 4 f'.n.i PM 0.. off '3 M a ...... lMI Gile Ptt ,,l!Mf\lttl WI "· up $0 t 7 It t a ~ Int 4E \o. i 10 I l~ Lala flllWIQ dellyed n l ..ito , *' J"1 Ui Han•r I Har1111n: Only dilly quo11 n VMll Tr "' t '132 2~. up 13 U '' • V-to !~ :: 1~.,-4; only dally quote W2.i6. ! i!I::? .. n t\oJ ~ UC> 13" 21 .o 1 .. ,. J._. 411. OH !-, ... ~~di only datl'f quote laoncated ~ ~if~ ~ :~=I ~ UM~~;·, -: ~ Arw..,a.t• ,._ " ...___,,_ .. --........ oq =•ll ·~ .. 1 ~--,,...~--.Q NIU I Vt ~ •I _..., ___ ....... ,.. ...... "1 I. .._r "'" , .. •. ., ~ '"'.it11811 ,,._ " -· It -t' I 'lf!.I ,1 1: !" =:i:::. ~-=.:= •..,... ti MIMYM C 1f i-1111 OH •1 ..-,. ...,. w .. 1_ • , .. ..,_ ..... ..... c ......... ....... o.i-.. ,..,, •fl , .......... " -..................... -...... . ~-... ~-......... ,.. ..... _ ............... --.~ .. ,... -,.. ... ··---··· -~ ............. ~-. ._.. .. ..... ~., ............ _....,. ... ~ .. " ........ ··------............................. .::-: ... ·..:.:..-......... ···--~ --............. ... ---~ ...... ... .. , ,.., .. ~ ................ ,, INU P4!1 ... l h-tr ......... lillllt ....,...,....... ____ ,... I ' ., , I • rowing trash output oseS,,county problem Day in and day out, Orana• ty produce1 about 9,000 tona 18 inllllon poundl -of rubbtah at ultimately end up ln four unty aovernment-owned land· ·Now, accordtnl to a 6ack· round paper prepared by a nt WNte management 1tudy -.. -•ttee, a 0 n.abbllh crilil" may ln the off m,. Following are a few of the e1 the committee flnd1 trou- -The Coyote Canyon land- 111, located on Irvine Company nd ln Irvine, la operating on a th-to-month leue "and could clmed 1hould a new leue not be full[ negotiated." About 60 rcent o the county's rubbish w goea to Coyote Canyon. -For five years, the county aa been working to open a re- lacement for Coyote Canyon at e Canyon, located east of the arine Corpe Air Statlon, El Toro. . . . Neighborhood resis~ ia ui.ng to that Ii te." -The landfill in Santiago yon could be filled ln two to hree yeara. "A replacement for that alw hie not been planned." -Lona-term plan• for ex- panaton of th• Olinda landflll tn the north t'OW\ty reaton have been 1caled-down amta clttzen com- plalnta. If Bee c.anyon ll opened, Ollnda would lut another et1ht yean. The landfill aqueew and what the county 1hould do to allevtate lt la under study by Engln~rlng Sclencea, Inc., a conaulting firm hired by the county. The study hu not been com- pleted. But, according to the background paper, work to date ha1 shown that landfllls 1tlll would be required even if novel aalvage and ao-called ret0urce re- covery programa were initiated. Whatever the final outcome of the study, the paper makes one thing rather clear: The days of no-charge dumping at county landtilla are faat comlnJE to an end. Neither new landfill aTtes nor re- source recovery technology come cheap. But regardleaa of coat, it would appear the county i.a going to need more of both if thi.a latest crisis i.a to be reckoned with. ugar news not sweet President Reagan has issued usiltance program, cornerstone of n order that will save the gov-the adminlstration'a foreign policy nunent $400 million. ln the area. Reagan said he would It sounds great. But it's n ot teek extta financial aid to affected e good news it appears to be on na tiona, which export large he surface, because American amounta of sugar to the U.S., on naumen will be stuck with a $3 top of the $350 million he has al- illton bill as a result. Our Con-ready proposed. reaa apparently believea Jt {1 a Agriculture Department offi- 1.re nece-1ty to protect domestic cials also hope higher U.S. prices gar producers from the terrible will pump more money to the su- naequences of competition, and gar exporters. agan's order means sugar prices The effect of the quota on the ! headed upward. Caribbean la an open question, but The president imposed a there is no mystery about the i.m- . hly restrictive quota on impor-pact on American consumers 1ugar, becauae prospecta for a · rge world crop have driven • Like the 1candalou1 dairy rlce1 down to 9 cents a· pound. support program, the sugar ~ve- ithout an import quota, a sugar away is a perfect example of Con- rice-aupport program enacted last gre. giving the federal store away ear would obllgate the federal to pleue special interest groups. ovenunent to buy and store huge Faced with a bad choice of unta of do~ sugar lf pricea either spending tax money to buy id not reach the support level of 1ugar or re1trlctlng import.a, the 6.75 cents a pound. president evidently believed an The quota's purpose-la to re-additional HOO million in federal trlct 1ugar supplies and drive spending would be unacceptable rices to around 20 cents a pound. with the deficit reachJng record of theAlea.rly 500 million tons heights. f 1ugar Americans uaed last year There is a third choice which aa foreign-grown. From now would spare both the Treasury ntil June 30, only 220,000 tons and the consumer: Repeal or be imported. The quota will be draatically reduce the subsidy djulted quarterly. program and let the sugar growers Critics estimate the move will compete ln the free market. They oat con1umer1 $3 billion at the don't need handouts, the govem- tail level. ment doesn't need the added ex- The quota could also have an pense and the public doesn't need mpact on the Caribbean Basin the higher prices. V program logic baffles We can hardly wait untll next all when CBS brlnga UI 1uch in- llectual and brilliantly planned elevlalon 1how1 as "Square ep.'' "Malna M.alone,., "Gloria," 'The Good Witch of Laurel Can- on" and "Bring 'Em Back Alive." Each aounda like a production hat has been fully reeeatthed and plemented with talented 1tan, ood wrttera and excellent dlrec- n. Why, one or two of them lght even last three or four eeka. And there will be the added benefit of not having to watch "Lou~ Gr,nt." Ttrit 1how waa extremely lucky to lMt five tea80nl. With UM! excepUon of l'.d >.... ner and five or 1bc other perfor- men on the thaw, who turned in aood acttna jobs? And can you believe those IClipea? Why, they were real-life ancf 8CX:\U'aW and t.hat'1 not aood te'8YWan. On top of that, the wrltln1 • was such that you could under- stand the plot. Who wants to tum on a program like that? The fact that the 1how was an award-winning one should have no bearing. .A. Jamea H. Roeenfield, vke president of CBS Broadcast Group put it: "I think there's a definite move towards llghter, more fan- tasy, and more comedy type, eacapilt entertainment." He felt, " 'Lou Grant' became a very heavy 1-ue ahow -and I think the pUbUc had had it." ROHnJ.teld said the deciaion was bated aolely on ratlnp, and hll cred.Jbillty ia enhanced bv the fact that ''Cqney & Lacey,r' the replacement, nad even lower ra- tlnga. He deniea that pollttca and Ed Alner'• blah vl1lbllity on union· lam, El Salvador and other topiaJ of late had an)'1htna to do wttJi it. And how '10Uld anyone doubt Jamea H. Roeenf leld, vice pr•I· dent of CBS 8roedc:Mt Group? Oplntom l)lptffMd 1"'1f\f s~• •DoVt •r• thoM of the O•llY Piiot. Other vltwt ••· PrtHed on tnl• ~ .,. those ot thetr authon and er11st•. Rudtr (Ommtnt is In~••· ed. Addr•H 'The D•ily Piiot, P.O. 8oJI IS.0, Cost• MeM, CA '92•2•. Phon. (714) 64~·4321. \ Hunger strike for freedom W ASHINOTON -MOllt Sovteta who want to leave their homeland belooa to the opprelled lide of communiat IOdety. But I can now report the cue of • wo- man from the Soviet upper Cl'Ult who la eo desperate to emigrate that ahe began a hunger strike this week ln hopel of for- rlnR the Kremlin to let her go. The woman'• neme la Tetyen• Y enhov Lozanaky. She la 29 yean old and the dauahter of one of the 20 top generals ln the Red Army. Her father, Iven Yenhov, 11 chief of 1taff of the Soviet Unlon'• dvU defenM prosram. TATYANA IS A gray-eyed, dark- haired beauty who WM re19ed ln the lap of bourpola luxury that ii evallable to f1mllle1 of the Soviet hlerercby. The aenerel end hl1 wife live Jn a larae. luxurious aper1ment ln Moecow and own two dachu, one ln the Moecow suburbe end the other in the Black Sea re10rt are•. Yenhov has a chauffeured llmowl1ne et hJa beck and call, and hJa wtfe allo haa a car available -a true mark of dl1- c.1nction ln the communiat ariatocrecy. In 1hort, U ever a Soviet dti.zen 1hould be content with her aituation, it would be• pampered 1eneral'1 daughter like Ta- tyana Yeral\ov. But when she wu 18, Tatyana made a 1erloua m11take: She fell ln love with Edward Lozanaky, a Jewt.h phylidat. They married and had a child. >.. the yeen puled, Lor.anaky became lncreuingly dllilluaioned with the res- trictive Soviet l)'ltem. Then he wu fired for d'8cull1na Andret Sakharov, the di.a~ lident pbylidat, ln ie. than the offidally required cenm of holtility. He wu out of wock for two yan. Lcnanaky'1 lnfluenUal father-in-law volunteered to help in 1ettJn1 en exit _____ Q JICI 11111111 ~ via. But the pneral pemwied Loian- lky that he mU1t first divorce Tatyana. It w11 only a technicality, the general pl"Omi.ed, • peper divorce that would be rectified when he tent hJa daughter and grandchlld out later. Gulled by Yenhov'1 .. urances, Lo- zanaky left Ruala and came to the Un- ited States, only to find that the general had lied to him. Yenhov had no intent- ion of lettina Tatyana and the child leave the Soviet Union. He uad hi.I political clout, not to aet Tatyana permilaion to leave Ruala, but to keep her there. That w11 in late 19'16. Since then, Tatyana h., tried d~rat.ely to leave the Soviet Union and the father of he!' child. She app for an emigrant vlaa on her own, end w11 promptly kJcked out of the 11'9duate prosram at the Zellnaki Inatitute of Orpnic Chem1- 1try. From W11hin1ton, where he now llvea, Lounaky did what he could to gel hJa femily out. He even wrote an ap~al to Soviet President Leonid BrMhnev, to no avail. TATYANA'S DESPAIR t. clear In a letter 1he managed to 1mugle out to friend• In thl1 country. My a11ociate Lucette Lagnado hu .een the letter. "On May 10, I wlll begin my flnel hunter strike, which will oontinue until my daU&}lter and I receive ~nru..ton to emlsrate," she wrote. Ker father "refu.ea to 1ign the pepen rele.,lng me from any material obll1a- Uont toward hJa retittment," ahe wrote. Thia ll a reference to one of the official reuont Soviet authoritiea have liven for not letlinl Tatyana emipte: She muat 1tick around to take care of her fat.her in case hi• pension Isn't large enough to 1Upport him in hi.I old age. Th.at, of coune, ll • bucket of wann bor.cht. In the flr1t place, the Soviet conttltutlon obllgatn the 1tate tO take care of the elderly. And even without this guarantee, a three-star general'• pension would need no 1upplement from an unemployed chemiat. "l begin my hunger lltrike becaWlt' I have no other choice," Tatyana wrote. "I want only to reunite my family -a buic human nght." (Th1:s week tn Washington Lounsky remarried Tatyan11 by proxy with Rep. Jack Kemp as best man and Sen. Boben J. Dole as witness.) Court no help on reapportionment The Supreme Court'• rejection of the appeal by Republican leaden to over- turn the reapportionment plan for con- gremmonaJ districta may not have 1etLled the luue but It makes clear California voters can expect little help from the (ederaJ court.I In getting a ralr 1hake ln representation. The emphuis to that conclU1lon wu given the same day by a federal court panel In Waahlngton which ruled the redlltrictlna plen for the 1tate Senate wu not in violation o ( the federal Voting Rlahta Act eve n though It leevea two dlltricta unrepre.ented for two years. THE COURT ACTIONS were attempta to brine before the tribunals the outra- geou• gerrymanderlna of the congres- sional end lel!•latlve dl.ttrictll achieved by the Democratic dominated Legt,la- ture and approved by a Democrft-iov- ernor. Other actiona broupt ln Loe Angele9 and San Joae chaJlenilnl the leplity of leevlna two Ref ubUcan dl.Jltricta unre-pr~ented untl 1985 ere yet to heve JUdae. .. ,ane<t to the cue1. The irony of the latest court ruUnca II that It w11 the Warren Court'• "one-man, one voi." mandate the Be- pub1Jcan1 were ukina the cow1a to up- hold. But the collective acttona of the courta would 1eem to ,mcttcete the courta will be reluctant to Interfere w ith the Legislature'• restructuring o ( datr1cta, regardless o( how outrageous the boun- darie. may be, 10 long u they give 10me semblance o( equally distributing the population. A further Irony of the Warren ecf1ct, Intended to provide equal representa - tion. is that the "orie-man, one-vote'' llll llTlll ' ' theory 11 a myth. Simply d ividing the total population Into equal d lltricts stompe on community of interest and lgnore1 the natural emnomic dlvlllona of the 1tate. Furthermore, by denying the exlat.lna pollllcal, geographic and netural boundarle1 of the 1tate, it permlta the horre ndou1 gerrymandering accom- plished by the current Le1lsl1ture wh~reb dlltricta have t:>Hn carved out es to fevor ethnic groups whU«! ot er dr1trlct bounderle1 heve been drawn to benefit 1pedflc! pef"990S, and .U to aid the Democratic Peny. Even without t~ blatant vlolat1on1 of the Conetttutlon the adherence to population a1 a ba1l1 for reapportion· m e nt would fall to achieve the "one·man. one-vol£• goal " For, as Sec- retary of St.ate March F'ong Eu'11 report on the voters within the vanoua dtstricta shows, the numbeni of regilt.ered votens between the variow. dtBtrict.s is far from equal CONGRESSIONAL d11tricta range in size from 320,000 voters down to 127,000. Assembly districts vary from 200,000 down to 44,000 while the Senate disUicU spread from :Wl,000 down to 117,000. The reason for theae dl.spantie1 resta in the fact that equal populationl do not produce equal numbers of registered voters. Some d1strict1 have far more underage children than others. And many urban d istrict.I are heavily popu- lo ted by ahens. Since neither have vo- ting rights their Inclusion In reappor- tionment dlstor1a the Warren decision. If the di.strict boundarie1 were bued upoo registered voters an entirely different result would be produced from that ar- nved at by the Leglalature. Whtie the boundaries drewn by the Legislature may yet be overturned by the referendums on the June ballot. it seems clear from the Legl1l1ture'1 ef- 'forts 1lnce 1966, when the Warren rullna wu tint put lnto effect, that future ~ districting ahould be performed by ICJme agency other than the Leglalature If the voten are to get fair repreeentatlon. Pursuing a goal differs from seeking 'more' No matter what you write, no matter how clearly or fully or condlely, it $21' be m11interprct.ed. Several reedera, for lntwnce, have taken excep,tion to • r&- cent column of mine, 'Enou1h la Enou1h," In whleh I 1u11eaa!it ~ Ood-1lven Umltatlon1. And, by end l1r1•. th•te::frateful for whatever ,Sfta have ven them, rather than rnentful of ot en who 1tarted with more. l lt la only when we begin to accept ourselvee that wo c1n be1ln to exc.H owtelvee. h la only when we compete aplnet ounelvee that we brtna °'i' tbe beet In ourHIVff; com~tln1 •l•lnet othtn•10o ot\era br1np out the won& In ou.ntlva And lt II only whlD ....... ii tnOUlh In the ........ ot ~-" thet ... find out who w. ....Uy are, and wbal'" can rM1Jy do, tn the re.tm ol pk. 'I -1 ..... ..::u • ,...,2111• I MAWMM.e CW.1"9¥ "~"°'*"I .. ''"*'· Dr. TlltickNllla ,..,..(f'tQ 1••"80Mn GeaNIW MOMIWI ...... --·**•" . ._ 8od)oguerd" ,,,,,, Clwta ... ..._. Adem ~The -lllcl .. • Chicago tllefl tlCMol l'llM .. friendl wltll the IOhool OU1ceel Md tooel'* !My lland up to ... cr\111 glf'8 wtlldl Md perMGUted tMm bOlll ·..a• ... ALL .. THS 'A*Y -~TWITH Q.9ft "°' .,. I ....... ~ ...... ..,....,.......,. 1., ....... ...... • tw.v o.va AM* I ::,,.,,.--• ....... " ....... tutM tile 4017th IMC> pen pal• !Of foul1tl I .... Nell In the ...... . ......... Wll.D ••••WOf'T ~ .. ll'MT&I ··aun-SNdow" Cl> ...... t.WIAZJNI A ptoflle of pop lif9W ()ti. vie Newton-John, • dlYoroe -In ~ Iha c:Nldfen wwe oMlf' cueto- ~ ol the hOUH. Q INTMT ""*'91HT TONIGHT The -iduelon of .... on the..,_ of IN elllR 8Tl9..,...,.. ~: Jotll'I 0.-. 00 ON VACATION WfTH lllCGV "'°'*IMO ...... AIWMted. JllNfty ~ trtM to ptOCIWe .... - TV tflOW but ""* .. trec:ll dOWft vac:etlOnlng •••Mick~ ........ ~ lid Md Ptueo. CD) Tt9 WAY IT WM "1147 W0tld • ., ..... 8'oofl¥1 Dodfer9 VL .... Yon Yemnll-(P.,, 1) CZ)MOYll • •• ''lledlboerd Jun. .... (1"6) '*"" ford, A1wM F<MClle. A d I dlr lhd ~...,.......,..to 19lof• «der In • ~ ualnlng ac:hoot -•'• '-'"• ........ _and ...,..,_,._taken rooc 7:19. t ON Tt9 TOMI ,.....,,. •• vi.It to ,..,..,_ ldl'• ol ,..,. aad fot • '°°* .. .. """"* In -··Md ....... unOer• ~ .,, lntaMew wtOI Y'D""t edutl9 wN> ,._ MO¥ed b-* In wltt\ INlr ....... 1 9,M&YlleUO lAVPNI & tHIN.IV &O!Ot#/lltt ~~INt tlle M •• ~ II moxtng rotltlety wi1h tom- • IYIONL..A. FMtwed· • rapo<t on .. ~ .,,..,.,, .. ; • tapon on ··1aet tllbe" bebl99; • report on W9lgfn kle9 and dieting .... A•t•H Hft'llaya glvea up joll• ... a-...~10 1:9 clf ~AC DOUCIM ··~/LlttfP ~ ....... ~ ··~" Vlctot 8ofgt ~ .. OWfl ...... IMloor In .,, bp4oretion of CHNJNn LISTINCS UNP AI R REQUEST -Diana (Lynn R«tpave) rejects M unta1r a requen to pve a ma,k.e.up exam to a failing atudent on •'Teacbert Only'' tonight at 9:80 on KNBC (4). Iha Impact of ianouaoe on culture. Q 0 YOU All<ID '°" rr F'9tured; "Georgia Gold· llalda.. and "Belly Buell· ~~ • • ~ ''The Halat" (111711 CllatlM ~. Virne Ual A Fftr>Ch hOOdlum ltlM 10 follow In Ille loot•ieo. of N1 Amarlc;arl oano-t• hero, JoM DIM· lfp 'R' al>U .. \U .... Yori& Yen•-at Call- tcwnte Angall l:OO . Cl) THI INCMDl9la HUU( Dllvld -~ for en anti· dOt• lot a powerlUI llac:ler· la wNch hal c:ontam1nated .,_,, G QIMALNOPLI faelutad lllklnl-c:tad b0•«9; Canadian l'IOCll9Y playeta ""° .,. Pf leal•. Chi9I Cr tzy HorM llCUlpt- ed In a mountain (R) • MOYll * • • ,_. "Hlg11 81eir1e" 11141) Ida luolnO. Hum- P'V*'I' Boga-1 A O.,._ on IN run-. a~ tul girl In 1M mountalnl • 0 THS CMllATUT '!JABl~HMO ""' lnltfN11one9y lewed ...... plOll to • .., dMdty-gaa •• a - pro1 .. 1 concert wt.era Tony and Anonoa'1 band ;r1.;;.tno (Al •••\f "The ~Uc !ngllahwoman ( t1175J Olenda JllCllaor'I Mldlml Ca6na A .. 11.,·1 .,.,._ clone -conlltrned 'Aflet1 ........... IO\w llPPM'• •• 1"* hOl'M wlthOul en lnvt- tMlon. ......... ~ A ptolla of pop lit'O*' 0.- v I e Newton-John, a dlllotoa -In wHctl Ille c:hlldr .. -· ~ cueto-dt of the houM • MTT\.UTA14 QAlACT1CA The Qelac:llc:e 1ac:H ~ t.om • c:r-of ~ "'*"'*'O.lhe moel ~ WMPOfl In hltl1o- 'l:.1'9r11) . ..,.,,.~ "~" Vlc:lor Botge °'*• .. °""' 199ciat IMHftOf In en exploretlcwl of the Imped ol I~ on euftute.Q • CAUfOMIA ~ "'The V...,.' L0tne o,_ t9lrlewa Ille gtOW!h of C~ lotnla egtteulllH• In the SalltlMV...., CB>lilOYtl • * ''MeMn And Howard" ( 1M0) Paul LeMat. JMOn f'oberdt. An OlhetwlM unltnown gu 11at1on af1endanf dalml IO lie the rightM heir to Hofwerd Hugha1· llllllon dolle1 ... , ... ". (l)ICZAMI "Yoga F« HMlth" .MOYll • *'-' ""-'-St1wt" 'Eleanor:' • reviews era: KOC& 100) 1:10, KCSt (18) t :OO -0~'• Chall•nc•: Race to the Sky." llr Edmund Hillary'• 1877 expedlUon fl'Cm the a.n.. delta to lta IOW'Ce In the JlimUayM la documented. IC.NXT (2) 9:00 -11Eleanor, nm Lady of \b9 World." The Ute of Eleanor Roe.Veit .,. thl death ot .... huaband, Piwident rnnk1lft Rooeewlt, la chroolded. Review below. ' KN.,C (4~0 -"Teacherl Only." Prinalpal r orden Diana to efve a maJte.:up t.t. Photo at left • KA.BC (7) 10:00 -11It11 Not EUy Bein' Me." Valerie Perrine, Aretha Fs:ankUn and BW Murray jo&n Rodney Dangerfield ln hit flnt prime time 1peclal. Review below. ....... Oft MY«el CMltlaWt wflO INdcad end ,~ '*" .... Illa ~ tafeettcl """" • l.OYI. A.....cAN ITY\.I "love Md t11e Sweat SI•· lean" A biganllll with thtee ...,.. ,._ • ..,,.. Judge. "'--Alld The 8111 lodge" Den end i..-11 fO on their hona)'moon. • .,_ICA:THI llCONO 09IMf( .MCMI • • ... "°"1 Of leMon" (1175) Cliff Rot>artaOn, v-flladgtave. Old ptobleme ,_,_ whell '°'"* loYeta rnMI again .. "" ofl-Maton MUlde reeOtt. U:m ~MOYW • • "Otaduatlon 0.y" ( 11111 Ch1111opha1 0-ge, l .J PNk.,, A mad,.,..,, le IMll to mutd« ell IN ttadl 1tat1 of a high tcNIOI end no one -to know wtM> II II tl:IO 8 8 LA ft NIGHT WfTH O.YIO Lnl'IMIAH O~ta. lllm bull Ken MU<· rey; c:ot'lledtan Rlch••d lewll, format Malla hit men 8uMy Olbeon end hill ~*"'*°· Repweta MU· iota. ·=-•• *'-'"Tile Eddy Oul:hln llOtY" ( 115e) Tyrone Pow- ., • Kim Noolak ,.. .... Eddy Duc:hln flghll to make It IO Ille top of Na pt~ ·=-AHO OMANIZATIONI (D)MOYW *ti "The HMfM" ( 19110) Trilfl VenOeotlwe, JoMc>/I Cooen. A ldlOCll te.c:lhat' • vecat)On .. """ Into • nlglltm.• ~ • emall- ,_ lewY*'• ltlee 10 "'*' her to .. llriM of lnMnlty t•• fllCMI • • • "The UghC Tha1 feled" (1139) AorWd Col- ,_., W.... ""*'°" A .,..,,.. wlttl falllng tight ......,.,.. 10 tlnleh hie ~ onty lo-hit! model deettoy It. .MCMI •••• ''The ..... Wllo Shoe Uberty Valence" l1N2) J-81-att, John Wayne. A mM t1Me to t;JIOtY llWtlM he wrOtnfh acceptl Iha c:tedll for gunning down a noCOtloul oun.. (Z)MOVll • • "Rude Boy" (19801 Atty Gange. The muelc: of The Ci.ti 11 ,_lured tn • look .. tN em1.ii pun11 -1:10• MOYll • • "The Prealdtnl'• Plane .. MIMtng" ( 1171) Buddy EllHn. Petet ~ The lllc:e l)feaidenl ''*-~ 'Aflet1 All FOfoe Ona ~· wfttl the .,,.....,,. Oft bO«d. t:tl~= • ... "Pldt-up Sutnmeor" ( 1H 1) Mic:f\MI Zetnldier. Cet1 Marolll. A rowdy Qtoup of )'Ollng toughl and high tchool kldl vie for Ille pinball cNllnjlb'llNp •1 • local arc.de 'A' 1 ........ .MOYll * * * "Mod«n Ron\llnc.a'' (1111) Albert llOOkt, ~ Hatrold. A film editor ttlel ,..,...adly to win tlac:k the hHt1 of Ille wom1111 he IOvee. 'A' 1:M Cl() MOVlll •• • "Caveman" (tHt) RlflQo ltatr. Dannie Quaid Tiit down191\ rnernllet of• barely human PJtllitlOflO tribe begin• 10 dlawvw U1•t llfeln.1 end not llfawn wllf be the key 10 hll peo. pla'a .,,.....,.. 'PO' 1MI ..wa t:OO MOVll * * Y, "Whl1Ulng In Olxle" (11421 Rad Sllelton, Ann RuthatfOtd A tlldlo detec:• 1111e goee down South on hit! llOl '*V"'OOll end d• cover• 11ranoe avant• ~ting. (t)MOVll "Family Man" Ed """'*· ~ Jeclleon. Only .,.. he'IMg .,, ..... .,.. • man ,..... hie llfl6ollt reep i 1'e'lt1i111 to CICNta. 2:11>. MCWll • •• "TM Aad Tent" ( 1171) ,...., find\, 8-1 Connery A 1121 lllgh1 10 ,,..,... .. downed, and, ... c:ueta attempt to reac:fl Ille llrended er-. JM. NIWt .-i MOVll y-* • ,_., "Cynata" ( t1321 ROt\ald Cotman. Kay F ren- Cla A 8'1tlah llafttller UIM tilt wue·1 at>Mnee u • lime IO tllile up with a gllrf from the WOtlllng c.... . (()MOW * "llioOcl eam..·· (1N0) Telly S.11valH , Eddie Alberl A l>Ordef' patrolmen ''* 10 tiring lendownen whO traffic: 1t1 llleg .. ....,,_ 10 11'9~ OMOYIE • ..... ''Deadly a-· ( tllt t) Sam 0.00ft'I. OICll Butllua. A women 1eturna to Mr hometown to In-· ugateher llelaf"a~ ouadM\h ·A' ~10 CR) MIOYll •••"The~ tlon 01 Emlty" ( 1914) J•m•• Gerner, Jull• Alldrewa RomllNla gtOWI .,.._ • 8tttJlfl -....,, °""' and • --olc: otll-'* M9IQt\lld to PfcMde Ille "'P9"lew9 wt\h Ille lullwlae Of hotna I:,. Cl) MOVlll • * • 'loolllng Fat Mr Goodtlw'' ( 11177) oi- KMton. T~ Weld A 1oclally repranad 1choo11e1c:her •••k• ••dt-t II~ l~llng llnglat .,.,. and klf'lng ,,., • loul men Into on.night 11end• 'A' uoe MOV1l * • • "Wlllatling In The Dar1t" (11411 Aad 81tatton. Ann Ru111erlord A weird cull captUIH • tedlo detac:11ve 1:41CC)MOW • "Tiie Fifth FloOf" ( 1180) Bo Hopll lnl. Olenne Hull. An -youngWCWNWl le lnc:Mc«ated In • bizarre rnan1al h099ital ....,,.,. vlo- '-ICa end dtug •llU• .,. fhf> O"IW of Iha da)I. 'R' 4:30. W1't/l.M TO THI eonou M THI MA '1'ha Merl ,..,, .. JOHN DARLING 'Dangerfield' funny T11ICC)••1'olllr ...... " ( ft1'tl Lind• llelt, Jim ltey. A tldl and llllan*I ~ ••udtn• Ml• out 10 VIM a ,_..,, .... ..,. danoe OOfWf ...,.,. ,........ i.---.·..o· 7;80 CJ) * • * * "The lllN Oldt" (1940) w.c. Flelda. Una ,.,.. .. , A 111111 lned• •1tntly folll • rob«Mwy and le twetcMd Iha IOb of '** gyerd, lotdng '*" 10 tao.areal~ • .. (j) • * ''Tiie ... Holl'' ( 1171) Mulmlllen Sollal . Row1 FOtll.,, 'fvaua ......... Tile Ct-of e llllwle4lc ~ ... cov9f1 anothe r v•H•I l*Ohed Oft Iha adft of e formation wNoll pullt t/IY- thlng naert>y Into a tlant VOid Wflat• time Md..,_ o.... to eall1 ''°' •••• y, "My Body· gwerd" ( 1171) Chrl1 M•k•p•ec•. Ad em 8aldwtn The NW kid al e Chlcego high ac:hool "*'• fri.nd9 With Ille ICllOOI cMc:M1 end logelh- « INy eland up to the Otu· .. gang wtllell llacl pet• MC1Uttc1''*"1101h ·po· t:a0 00 * • "Savage H.,.....t" (1HO) Tom lkettltt, MlcNlle PNtU4J9. An Alrl· -cltoughl dtlvea Wiid anllMN Into j)OC)Ulated .,_,'PO' t:OO (,C) •• * .. ~ .. (I ... ) Nal.ile Wood. Ian 8annan. A neglaCted wlle dado. to diegutell herMll end •ob her hultlend'• bank (%) * • • "The ldolmell· .... (1lllO) Atty .,,.,.~. Toval'I fe6d"1Ufl A rnMI' pu69tlw,...,,., -.,..,. lout playe 10 c:atlPUfl t.-o tMfM99"1 Into pop 81ng· ~ 911tdom •P(J' t:ao• ••"T•• .. Tarror" ( 1135) "°"" Weyne. Gabby Hey9. A cowboy ridden with gull! OY« Ille dMlll of hie baet ftland dec:toel to bacofne a peaoelUI ptOll· pec:IOf 10100 (Jj) • • • "Toudled ly ~· (1NO) o.ootllfl Raf. 1111, OWla '--A nurlll>g trelMa .,._ to bring • llandleapped girl out "' • deep daprenlon lly ancoutegit'O ..., to COf,.. eoond with ,,., Idol, (Me Praeley. 'PG' CI J *** "Julle''(1tse1 OOtll Day. L~ Joutden. A woman ..._ her MC> ond IMNrld ....,, IN ~heltJledlWfWwt hueband In order 10 ,,.,,., ..... • * * • -t :·Feth« OI TN Bride" (1850) SpatlC* Tracy, £llub9lh Teytor. A 19'har ~leflCltl .. of ... joye and llMdac:flee lrwolWd wllll Ille ,,...,. .. Ilona ICW Ille daugllter'I 11*1cs::: ~ Rtgh!. Jec:il" ( 1tNIO) Ian Carml- c:hMI, p..., .....,. In ltytng 10 do a good IOb lor .. unde In a lac:tcwy. • w•ll·mHnlng llumblet •ctwally upHI• tna CtOOlted ac:herna hi. unda '-90 CM.ttvM!y planned (%) * • * "The Laoperd" (1H31 Burt 1..a11c: .. 1.,. Claudia C.,dlnllle. 0.,1- llaldl'a 1MO tnvallon of 8lc:Jly raall19 In Ille demo- tion of Ille et1111ocre11 In Ille aodel Older 11::1D. * .... "H- Straat" (1111g1 IWrllon F0td. lMlay-Anne Down. An American plot ,... In lo¥t with • mented &lglllfl nutaa durtfll Woftd W• M, than Mlllafkl on • dartng ~lor-Mr~ l>and lrom enemy IOf-•PQ· tl:GO• •• ··~1nlaf. tlfftof •'. ( 11•1) "°bert y~ --, .... ,.. ............. ........... -...:-: .......... ..... I •.... .,..,,.. .......... L..-............. ................ .... • •• ,. .. ,._0-. ... ~'-::::.'= lotOll ............... . ,......ic.... ... ...... .. ..., ...... .... QD14·....,..,-'- ............ 0'eel9.A ....,, ................ . .,., ........ ~···I ..... lfl ......... :.i ......., .... ~ .... , W ...... llJl ... l'IUI, "•n•ur'd"-....-,0' Cl>••·---&ll'tll" ,,.,,.......,~. _,..,'°' ~ Tiwea peo- ple Mein • .,.anti*' r--lnOt...,.,..W. l•o• 111•1 c~ntlnOH ""~ ... __ ... _. .. mtt1111 of IN '10.. 'R' '*' ~ •• ''TN Men Wltll 8oil•t'1 'ace" I 1tl0) Aobat1 leccH, ()!Me Hw- My A man deCldee to ~,. !Htttytt and pfly9icel ~.,_ to ,_.,.. 11111 llCfaen Idol 'PO' 1::1D •••• ''The ldc*Nlll· ., •• (1NO) Atty ...... ~. Tovllh ,.....,. A ,...,._ pulatlw INLNg9r -v•· IOua plOya to catapult two 1 taen·agat9 Into pop 11119- lng llerdMI 'PO' 1;41(Z)••••"Tha ... Olc:tl'' ( 19401 w.c. Field•. Una M«k•. A man lnad- Wttently folll • tobtlety and la -dad IN JOO of l>anll guard, lorCing Nm to ·-a ,.., llONtl.tp 2:00 fl) ••• ·-n.~ a.tllOn Ot Elttll(' ('""I J am•• O*'"*'· Julla AndT-AomattCa gtOWI .,.._ . .,....,, -..... ow and • non-lletolc ofll.. '* Malgt'9d 10 prOYide ""' eupet10t1 Mth IN luaurilil of home 1:00 fJ * *'A "legend OI Tile loel" I 11571 Jofln Wayne, Soc>t"e Lor... T--end•-~lhe Saha<• l0t • 1091 dty con· 1atn1no •large Ir_,,• (t0 * * "Take Thie Joel And 8hOve It" ( 1911) Aot>- .,, .... Batb«• HarlMy A yol#\0 c:«poJele -I live """ 11110 teelalanct when lie returns to hie hometown 10 r...tfellm a I c:ompeny t>r-.y. 'PG' Cl) * * * '"' "Tiie kNI Sueon1" (118'1 Alall Aki•. Cetol Burnafl Tiv• c:ouplaa. .., doM, long· time lrlenda, axperienoa l)fo4ound Changee In INlr ••tlonlflipl 'Aflet1 -"' th• marrl•g•• dl1ln- t9at• ·PG' 4:IO (I ) ••._."The Looney. l~. Looney .. ._. ny Movie" ( 1911) """'1al· ad VcMcel by Mel Ilene. "'-Forwy ,.._ mMerlll .. blended with old Ill ..... conpilallOn of CIMalc F rlU FreMnQ "Looney T-" IHtUtlng Bug1. Dally Oudl. POtlly Pig. Y~ Sam. T_.,. Ple and OCll- ar1 from Iha c:ar1oon _ .... ·o· 1:00 (C) • .. Roller 8oogla .. ( 19711) Linda 8lalr. Jlftt 8t ey A tldl and talent.a lflU9lc atuOent .... out to Win • roler.-.tlng --00111MI belora ~ her IM:llM. 'PG' 9 • * ~ "Nigl'1lwlng" ( 1179) Nici! Mancuao. Oa\lld w-The.,.,... lion of .~ "-1 region le terronnd by hundtadl of ...wnc>ir• ball~ Invade the ., .. In -_.,.,. 'Aflet1 "'911t I• 'PG' ( Z) •• * "Minnie """ Moekowll!'. ( t9721 Gene Rowfanoe. ~ C-I Ml. A mMmetc:lled coupe llruggle to tamaln togatl\-• • ~le It.it meriy dlf. ..,.,_ uo 00 •• ''The Appia OWTlc>- llng Geno Alctee AO*lfl'' (1079) Tim Conwey. Don Knotll A pelt of ..Cem out1-try lo .,.. !tie 1111e11 and ,,.,.,_ ·o· .. by Arms~rong & Batluk . .Cf I. I . ONTBNTBD ChrlltJn• Jor1•nMn, ft, 1ay11he haa no cfioubt that her aex =~e wu the rtaht l'RBSNO(AP)- Chrlatine Jcqemen aaya bl' hlahly publlclied ••x-chan1e operation ':'three dec:adea aao cave '* the ldendty ahe nee--~ to flqd "haf plneaa leod aontmtment. !Ma. Joraenaen, now !', aakl ln a ~•J>eech to 'Ftesno State Univenity f'Jldenta that ahe de- F.tbea people who have d auch operation• iranagender" rather diln tramleXUal. •14Sexuallty la who you eleep with, but gender la Who you are," ahe ex- ·~·La1una Beach • r.fdent said ahe hM no ;~ubt that chan1in1 • m Geor1e Jor1en.aen : "· to Chriatine Jor1en- wu the ri&ht thine •• her. J :"I've found a areal ·~tal of happlneaa and 'tdntentment," ahe aald. j!1finally flndlnf who I ·Mil and where belonc 1n the acheme of thln.p '"61....d .. . .,___... . ingle parents to meet "Single Parenting," a two-part lecture aeries deai1ned to help each p&rtidpent develop akWa .. a aingJe part!nt, will be offered at Orange c.c.t C.Ollege in c.o.ta Mesa. The aeries meeta on two Fridays. May 14 and 21, from 7:30-9:30 p.m. in occ·. Science Lecture Hall One. Fee for the teries la $4, and reptra- tlon will be conducted at the door. Llcenaed marria1e, lamlly and child ~ ,for Mary Bruggeman will be the lecturer. She Ja worklng in private bnctice and in a private lat.a Mae .chool For information call 6~5880. Laguna site of ad awards The Oran1e County Advertialn, Federation ad awards preeentatiom ... m be held May 19 at the La1una Fettlval of the Arta, HO La•una ~~n Road, Laauna• Entry vlewln1 will be1ln at 6:30 p.m. and the pneentatiorw at 8. Ribbon cut 7" DECORATED IRONSTONE BOWLS "LA PARISIENNE" POL YSILK FLOWERS io·s2• EA. FOi =~G·299c U. FOR HandpalnMd. D~ ... A wide oaonment by MorkOYlh. r:-71 L~ (d.]= "NEWPORT" 16-0Z. 1" TO 9'' COLORFUL STRAW TRIVns HOODED PULLOVER MEN'S SWEATSHIRT GLASS TUMBL~RS f.1 88 YOUI 4188 CHOla FOR :r:::~7aa ltOOlllD swun.r Wlllll fOI --.. STOCKS LAST! IMl. llftlMI 1'1-... .J NI II• MEN'S& YOUTH SPORT SHOEt SAU 688 nta PAii NOY)' COfWOa balbtbalf style. ... UtUl' 9ITS .. : .4.11 ,,. ~condyino glont sh.e. Stock up now I DECORARD STONEWARE MUGS •G.1.2' 88C YOUI CHOI a FM hot°' cold be¥eroges. °'*" kJtdwn bright ........ LADY WILSHIRE ICNEI 01 ANICl.E HI'S =-.... 299c U.N. Mii NOY)' Of Gray. Si HS S..M-l-Xl. Perfect "8ping c:omfon. Plump pille>w1 in 3 lires. Ill. UtlA. , .... t."IA. JI~~~~ ......... .2roe 11.11 11Msaa ..... .2roe 13.11 OVER-THE-CALF KNIT TUBE SOCKS .,.6.., 4aa & 6.99 'AIOf ',.,. "Stoy-up" comfort top sport socks. 'MAGIC COVER' SHELF PAPER :Urn 1•. 4-TD. HU GLA TABLE· TOP IRONING BOARD 4• ........ ... , .. _ .. .. .... .. . ' ........ . •t ....... ~ ..... _.,_ LANACANE SKIN cu• MED.P-.TION ·=1- WIONllDAY, MAY 12, 1H2 CAVALCADE COMICS 8~0AT8 TBk COURTHOUSE CRAZIES: Lota of people artt •uinl th• daya. It'• apparently becoming 10 common that now tome inland citiet ln Orange County are com- . plaining that people 1ue • ~ them too much. Tll llR-111 ~1 lt waa r~!ltlY repor-r• ... ,_ ted that one Clti.7.en filed a ----"""\ _ _..._...,...,..,_ claim against the city of Bree for a wheel realignment on his car becauae he hit a pothole. • Some wags might 1uggest if you are inclined to drive throuah Brea, you could expect to hit a pothole. In Yorba Linda, meanwhile, one citizen got a city pennit for a live band at bis Fourth of July Party. Then he illegally advert.Ufed his party with all the beer you could drink for f if t.een bucka. So the city jerked hia band pennit. THE IRATE CITIZEN 1ued the city and lo and be- hold, actually won a court injunction that allowed the party to go on u advertiled. The city' later won its cue but by then, the Fourth of July waa over. Placentia hu a problem in that sometimes the city'1 aewen back up. And then the municipality gets sued lor wrecking toileta. In tne northern part of ~ena Park, one resident sued the city becaUle hil houae suffered a tilting foundation. He claimed it wu the fault of the city street that was built 20 yean earlier. These interesting claims from our central county neighbon don't even include all the routine slips-and-falls over cracka in the lidewalks and similar legal action. WHEN ONE CITIZEN sues another, be it frivolous or otherwiae, you can usually figure on the parties settling for Portrait of• .laMU/t that }uat /OUNJ • pi.. r.o hapP6J some sum or another out of court. That's because the minute you hire a lawyer, the rrieter starts running. In the caie of legal actions against our cities, It's the ·taxpayers' meter that start.a ticking off the dollan. Our inland neighbors may think times are tough in aettina novel lawauitl laid on them but they should try operatina a city along our ooutllne. Here, we have all kinda of wonderful attractive nui- sances that can cauae a citizen to hurt himself and then seek balm by laying a claim against the coastal city. THUS THE BEACH viaitor can sue because he stepped on a p6ece of broken gl.ul on the beach. Or he tripped over a pile of 1eaweed that waa. waahed up by Mother Nature and Jcnored by beach cleanup O'eW9. In one cue of recollection, a vt.ldng citizen leaped off one of Newport's brid1ea near a 1lgn that warned "No Swimminl or Diving'' and abruptly broke his neck. He IUed the city for inadequate warning becau.e the , lign wun't lettered in hit native lanpage. In yet another CMe, a beach villt.or WM going to pl'O- oelS a money claim aplmt the beach m~ty becaU9e the WM treated too rouahly by the life who racued her from certain death In heavy IW'f. he'd been warned three Umet to stay out of the water. EVERY TIME ONE of theee cla1ma ia filed against the clty, frivolous or otherwt.e, the bureaucratic papermUl pinda into action. And the_~payen' meter starta running. When lt oome. to the Kinky Cla1ml Court, you can bet our1coutal citiel would be willing to trade their kJ.nka f« thme of our inland neighbon . . . On your IDark, get set, hoe Apparently the flnt step toward dredli'11 Upper Newport Bay ia to bring in more dirt. The fW will provide a roed bue for the heavier equipment, such u the back hoe above, which will awlna into act.ion next week. The danaer sign op the machinery indicates the power and speed needed to remove 700,000 cubic yards of lilt that la cJoain8 the bay and atifllna the wildlife praerve. A hauler ICOOtl alone the road built in the San Diego Creek channel under the Jamboree Road brtdae, heading into the back bay. Below, the load ia dumped for the bulldoler to spread. Next week the proce11 will be re- vened and lilt from the bay will be carried to the Irvine ComJ*ly-owned dispoul site acrom the creek. A watel' truck sprays down thla area to 10lidify the bue. A bike path eroaet1 the temporary road 10 David Mart.inei directa traffic, keeping the 30-ton haulers away from the 200-pound blcycle-and-rtden. The bay, long the dumptna ground for an ything that floated down the muddy San Diego Creek, is being dredged for the first time in more than 10 years. The $3.7 million, slx- month cleanup ia funded mostly by the state. Orange County, the City of Newport Beach and the Irvine Com- pany are paying $83,000 each. Meet the newest Angels, oq.,. COrbetl and Rob Wllto,... See page BS. \ I rl'J .,,; ( 'J"' I 1rt1 1-\cf l'lllJ •ni. l ~'- •l 'i IJe '-t.ic fl •~ ,, . • t.r!..• 1:,. . ., .. c.q t\ I H .,. . ... 1! -.: I •' ' ·' , t ·' .. ... ... . '• .. ,, •HERB OA!N •HOROSCOPE Helping others best ·:way to overcome ·gri~f ' } , DEAR AHN LANDERS: May I aay a word to all the nice people who came to my hUlbNMi11 f\anlral and Mid kind dµnfl IUCh aa. ••Plllill U.p In touch. We don't want to 1-yau. too." And -11U then ii anythina W9 -do. don't hllltate to call. ti Would you believe that when I ran lnto one ol ._ P'aclaul women In the lhopp&na cm• ~y lhe Mid. "The reMOI\ we hawiil't Ca1W ii b;;we we cal\1t bear to 1ee you without John. You were such a won- dmul oouple. The llCht of you aJcne mak.ee \mmd." U U.. fonner frlenda who still have thelr maw knew what lt '8 like to be sud- denly left out of everythtna, they would behave differently. ·There are days when I have hid my phone checked to tee if it ii IUll WOl'ldn&· n teelDI incredible not to gel a llJlCleeall. Thank you for letting me unload, Ann. -VERY MUCH A SOLO IN WEST· CKIS'tER llOIOICOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA Capricorn cycle high 'navMaJ, May U ARIES (March 21-April 19): Sudden 1ur1e of popularity could result in promo- tion, travel opponunity. Superior oommuni- catllll needs. exp1 ewa confidence and could of fer ral8e in pay. TAURUS (April 20-May·20): What had been mi ob.vde becomes a lteppingstone to procrea Perceive potential, take long-range view and re-evaluate goala. Ref use to be intimidated by individual who maintians truculent stance. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Emotional involvement ii major part of tcenario. Deal with f~ prepare for cbanpa and open linee of communication with loved one. Fi- nancial .:urity could be bane of contention. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Diplomacy is neceaary lf goala are to be achieved. Permit others to state their views. maintain low proti)e, be a ahttwd ot.erver. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): F~ of un- certalnty will be replaced by confidmce .. you dewlap routine. Terms will be claltfied. you'll see throuah individual who makee grandlme claiml. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Put expe- rience comea into play, enablet you t.o make right moYe at cnadal monwnt. Member of oppmlt.e 1ex la lnteme, could make demands that are not reasonable. UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Tranlaction ii complete, even if you are not awue of it. Finiahlnl toucha can be applied, sale ii made and you can plan for future move. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): New ven- ture will prow exdtina, rewardlna. Shake off doJdruml. Lunar erriphMil an abort tri139t de.Hap with clc.e netahbon and relatives. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Be aware of meaninaful ootnc;ctencw. Attention to synchromelty le.di to profit. Be alert,~ attention to flnt lmpremion8. lnw.ttive in- tellect will pl'OVe a N11able gWde. CAPRICORN (J)ec. 22-Jan. ~9): Penona who made promllee in PMt may now be in polldon to fulfill them. Cycle continua high and you'll be at ri&bt place at right time. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Look behind ICeDel, ltrive f« tnfor= which had been marked c.'IOftfidential. ~ put toi•ther puzzle piece1, be aware of subtle nuancet. PIBCE8 ltet>. 19-March 20): Gain indi- cated throu1h written word. You're able now to e~preu eelf~n . raphic, creative manner. Romance la lhted. wishel are fulfilled and career vancement could be feetured. DEAR WBITCHBITER: 0-'i wait for '°"' ..... to rtaa. 0.1 ....... --... a Mmt .... a. a. worW. fte ... , WAJ to OYINt .. 1r••• •• ,, .,., tlalakla1 AMII JOVHU ui .. Mm ...... for ,..,., wllo anwoneeffeuar ... Lttk ••er Vtlu&Mr lenleet la "' plaoa1 '9ok. Call*'• lal•atloa Arm1. Ille America.a a .. cn.1, clalldna'1 laotplta11, llom11 for lite qM ..• NM to ~ bUad. fte Utt 11 ndleU. Get pa.1. My tall IC* round and round when I am pleued -wtuch II almolt all the time, be· cau. they are very aood to me. I am deft· nitely ~t and rwnt the tm.=,tlon. I live In Richmond Va., and am thia letter myeelf. -(Pawprtnt appeared ln ink.) SANDY · . DEAR SANDY: ftuk1 for tbe dJtclaJ· mer. Sorn I cu't reprod8Ce tlae pawprtat. 11'1 .......... I I DEAR READERI: I bew If I tlaJei la WI J8' ..._: 1woeN1ee .,_,..,_ Welf. today I ved a letter fnm a dOj. Here Ula: DEAR ANN LANDERS: I know a 16-yeer-old kid with a eertoua drug problem. He hM lllked me to help him overcome his dependence. I have worked with drug- abueers and know 1omething about the subject. DEAR ANN: I am a aolden retriever and my rwne ii Sandy. A man wrote that he wu worried about hll 8Qklen retriever being gay becaUle hJ.I tail went round and rouna inltead of up and down, like molt doo. Tho people I live with are wonClerful. There la no mother in the home and the father worka ni&hll. The boy hu asked me not to tell h i1 dad, and I don't know if I should or not. He has told h1I dad he doesn't mind beinc alone n.lshtl, but he tella me he CARNIVAL IN MINIATURE -Leland Feamster m created hil own °small world" of miniatw·e carnival games and ndes. The resi- dent of Alderaon, W. Va., says his unusual pastime 1tarted u a hobby when he retired ............ aeven years ago. tiut, he says, he became ob- aemed and has aince spent several thousands of dollan and hours CONtructing more than 150 mechanical clockwork creations. ----------------------------------------------------~~ ~ --·- GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Eut-Wett vulnerable. North deal1. NO&TB • AK842 ~ .. O KU •AU Wl~T EAST •QJ1t1 •V.W ~8 7U ~Jlt4 O 74 O JlOIH +Qu +1onu SOUTH •HU I ~AKCU O AQt •KJ The blddlni: Neri.II Eelt S... Weet 1 • P ... 4NT r ... 5 c;:;i r ... tNT r ... Pue P ... 0 pen Ing lead: Two of ~. We have been taken to uuk for 1ugge1Ung that rub- ber bridge and duplicate are rieally two enlirely dllferent g amea. To fortify our eonten· t.ion, conalder how you would play thla hand at thoM two form• of tbe same. There ll nothlnc to the a.uet.lon. Art.er North open1 t.he bidding, South'• hand la worth going to 1lam, and lt'1 •Imply a matter of whether you play in 1pade1 or no trump. South chose the lat· t.er. in cue one of hi.a minor 1ult tenace1 needed protec· tlon from the opening lead. At chplieate bridge, the firat quution you uk yourself is whether you are In a good contract.. Obvlou1ly. the anawer it yea. Next, are the other paira 1itUng In your direction likely to get. to 1lam? Again, the an1wer ia Y•· Therefore, you mu1t make at leut the aame number or tricb that they do. The 1lam la aafe If 1pade1 break either 2-2 or 3-1. The onJy problem it a U diatribu· lion. Thia la fu lea1 likely than a 2-2 dlvlaion. If you take a aafety play to protect against a 4-0 1pllt, you will lose to all thole paira who ca1bed the ace·king of apadtt and fouod a 2·2 dlvlllon. So you lead to the apade kins at trick two and go down when Ea1L ahowa out. At rubber bridge, or even IMP team-of.four play, the overt.rick la relatively unlm· port.ant.. You 1tand to loM ao much if 1pacle1 break ''°·and to gain IO little If YOU nnd an even 1pade 1pUt., that. it would be fooli1h nol lo guard againal an unlucky dialribu· lion. At tr ick two, therefore, you lead a low spade from hand and, if Weat plays low. you fine11e the eight. Your forealght pays off when Eut •hows out. You lose only one 1pade trick, but you make your 1lam and pocket a fair amount of change in the pro· cea1. (If Weat plays an honor on the firat 1pade lead, you win and play a low 1pade to the nine. Now you can fineaae for Weat'1 remaining honor.) R•bber brld1e el•bt ............ diee.lllltl'y .. die ........ llrWse ..,.at. De dte7 bew -•daa 1•• 4ea 't1 C•arlH Gore•'• "'••r·Deal lr141e" wlll &Melt ,... tlao t&.ragpa &M tMdea ....... lut·J*04 ac-u.. ... e tlaat pre"'°4 die ewe,_. ....... rUllar1. Pw a,,,,., ud a aewa,..., .... aua t. "G ...... r .. Doal, •• care of tll1l1 .. .,.,.,.,, P.O. loa 25t, Nww9M, N.J. 01148. Mako .._ ,.,.w. te Now• ,.,.... •• b , .g_Allll __ _ ii IC8l'ed to death and keeps beaina me to stay with him for a few houri. Pleue live me IOl'De auldance, Ann. - WANT TO llELP IN ITl<ACA DEAR W.T.B.: YCMI doa't meadee JMr •::t If yo• are a female, wlaat tlle ta• I• la ed oa -DOr ~o I bow aayWaa ..... yomr competnee to ltelp Mm. My advice 11 to 1et dte .. l late a ,.... 1ram r•D by profe11loaaJ1. (Loek la tlle 1 ptaoae book Hier .. meatal llealdl" or ....... abase." Also call die emer1eacy roema til some local laotpltal1.) Do not la.form lal1 fatber, IHll mr1e HIM to do 10 •• IOOD a1 lae cu report prop'ft•. HERB MEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANC1SCO Meter maids track scent AT LAST, proof that our intrepid Meter Maids can smell fresh paint a mile away! Last week, a city crew began paintina the hitherto virginal curb& at Levi's Plaza -a couple of yellows he11e, a blue there, a lot of red at the comers -finishing the job at noon. Within 45 minutes, two Meter Maida were on the ecene, happily tagging can that had been parked l= only a couple of hours earlier. How y can the dty get? . . . On the other band, can with ski racks on the roof shouldn't get away with parking in handicap r.ones. That ii asking for it ... Atty. Flee Bailey may have t>Nten the rap, mAking this town look bu1h in the procea, but Sheriff Mike Hennemey inliltl the new "toueh" drunk-driving law ii really working: 173 violaton ln county jail during the first three months of '82, oompm"ed with 72 a year ago, and several in the jug foe' llx month tenn1. WE NOW BA VE two local angles in the financial me11 created by John Oe Lorean and hil built-in-Ireland 1porucar that flop- ped. Not only does he owe millions to Bank of America, he ii raising a bit of 8Cl'1ltcb by leasing 1,000 De Loreans to Budget Rent-a- Car -owned by Transamerica . . . John may be okay but he looks like a guy who spends a little too much time with his hair stylist . . . · About that silver Pontiac stuck on the steps leading into the Oakland Muteum one fine day recently; the driver, a tourist, thought it wu the entrance to an under- ground garage (10rry about that, Architect Kevin Roche). "DEMOCRATS HA VE more fun." Thus spake Gov. Jay Rockefeller of W. Virginia at a recent superfatted Demo wingding bmt.ed in the F'mont'• Venetian Room by the re- doubtable Walter Shorenstein. Rockefeller, who hu the unwrinkled viaage of a man with no financial problem1, wu born and reared a GOPer till be ran into Averell "Honest Ave" Harriman, another ldoll who switched partiea, and found out where the laughs reeuy are. Harriman. 90, a blt deaf, a little blind, aro.e to confirm all this, addh:'I that "1 never took things too 1erlou1ly, maybe that'• why you all like me" (applau.) ... Actually, only Averell. who ftnt Wit.eel S.F. in 1905 and hu eeen "a few c~" supplied a llaht t.ouch. Sen. Robert Byrd, the Demo Majority Leader, put a majority of hilt listeners to sleep well before bedtime. FOOTNOTE: The Fairmont. tr)'lnC toJ. hard to be plthelegant, served a sorbet .. palate-delner'' after the ftm COU:,1,C:: 1• and endi.:lJ:lu. a= of ZOundl! The ii aa to came, lf at an. after a heavy main c:our. and befme the ulld « cb 1111 • • • I Jeimed that iD s.cr.. mento. wb9re we Md lllCft tun tbm 0.. ocrata « anybody. 1n. cl.al IWUftl by~· La.llli Vultton. the ~and Piltl tua•I• maker, 1"11 opn a store •t 117 Suta.r. I ' • Broadway's best NIW YOIK (AP) -At •· ..-.. • .-...a.·1 '':The L&f1 and Adwn"""" •I N&ohola1 Nlck· leby•• and two Antrican mual· cala, "NIM" and ''~la," dominate thla 1ea1on'• '1l'ony Aw ..... NftlnaU.W. And two .... flam U'9 Mme Camlly -~Plummer and h1I dauah• ~ -.,.. believed to • th; tint father- =h tu d"'o nominated for wa,.1 top honor, the Tony, ln .,.. Mme ..on. The 1811-82 nocnlna~ w ,.. annol.lftC'ed Monday bf)' 1 . panel picked by the L .. 1u• of New York Thtaten 1ncr Producer•. Ten mUllcaJa md 23 pla)'I WeN ,Ulibl• fot consideration, with \he lhow "NIM'' juat rnaldnc the d..cWne. lt opeMd Sunday, the tut day of •u,lbWty. black pop ....,., Sol the moet nomlMUOnl ol" Mf, rDUilka&, lS - on• more than • Nine," whJcih WU hued Oft J'ederleo rtllln1'1 1urrt1l rum about a dl1turbed . dinc1or "1"1t.'' The Ro)'al 8hak•PMN Com· pany production of "Nlohoi.1 • Nlckl•b)', 11 which played a 12-wHk, UOO-•·M•t wn and WM favored IO JiMd ln dlJ'"nom,1. naUOnl fOf' I play, NClfwd Mehl -the moet for any play. More than eoo thNc.r prof11- 1ionall and purnali.I~ will vote tor aro.dway'1 belt, the reeult to be announced June e dwina the S6th annual Tony award• ihow belftl televiled by CBS. The nomlnatln1 panel had to make four cho&cet 1n e1eh of 19 cate1orlee. ln one cHe, In thf' cac.eaory of 1upport1na ICVftl ln a mualcal, the panel 11ve the nod to three of the 21 women ln ''Nlne." There wu one mild eurprile, David Alan on.r, who made hi.I Broadway debut •• Jackie Ro- blNOh In .. Th• J'tn&," • •hqrt· lived, crltkally routed mualcal about the late ballplayer, wa1 nominated a1 a 1upporUn1 play•r. not 1 1-d. A i..,ue apok.eunal\ ..Sd thil w11 becaUM hit wun't bOlad 11 the ahow'a 1tar. 1'« that matWr, he Mid, no one wu. Oner'• con· tender1 ln tht cate1ory of 1up· portrn1 actor In 1 mu1lc1l are Obba Babatunde and Cltavant Derrklu of "DreamO'la'' and BUl Hulton "Jc.9h ancf the~ Technicol« Oreamooet.'' The lut two 1how1 were no· mlnated aa beat mualcal, alon1 whh "Nine" and "Pump Boya ind Dinette•," •country mualc revue. Orw.t91 COllt DAILY PILOT /Wedneeday, Mey 11, 111)1 - ·--~}LU~~(IDtT THtAffitiinC)W••• ln11e•v .,,.,,.. U IO ut J 00 PM U11tm 01h1t1w1"' N11l•d ••teJ4.x.ne11116s~ '255'/ ·-.:.,~. J r~~J s1tH8 ,!WI 111 ....,....,.~a fm'i\oa.:1Go"71~'n' a'ly m 99ing all the way HIGH SCHOOL TE.A8ER6 IRI 'hcToa-v:= 'li.SONAL 8CST UU IJm STRIPES oo THE GROOVE TUBE IRI ~m~~ BO B IRI _ .. NOW Pl.AVINO .............. ~ ...................... , --·""~ 111 ..... ~ ,_._,,,..w. ...IMA 'WA llA ~-e.~ • ., tH Ult W-It) tUI NA llM& ..... --~-fd ........... 1111 ....... ,,. CW1WtwtttlUt k-O•otU ... , ....... ~ ,.,.IC •l•CMlf 111-fft MtJ 0i...,n1 r~J i.-iMca•t• ••11 ~••Miff...,. ..., ...... , •• llP\AU , __ • .,., ... ,. •• , ........ '*' ... """ ..... ,,, ,,,. .. ·---··-- Plummer w11 nominated In She best actor, play, c:a\ejOry for 1'ta flamboyant _Iaao ln '40thello," while h1I dau,nter wu nomtna- ted twice, u be9t actrete In "A Tute of Honey" and beat 1up- porttn1 actreH In "A1nea of God'' "Dreemclrll." the new Mlduael .._nneu mualcal about 1 trio of They are Karen A.ken U.W.,, Monte vecci and Anlta Morrla, with Laurie Bechman of "JOICph and th~ Amailn1 Tec hnicolor Dreamcoat" the fourth conten- der. Best-play nomln.aUona went to "Nie how Nk:k.leby". "Ctlmel of the Heart,'' Beth Henley'• Pulltzer-winnln1 comedy; ''The Dre11er" by Britain'• Ronald Harwood, and "Matter Harold •~-------------;;;.;.;.-.i'1.l.i~"--~• . . and the Boya" by South Sophia to play • prostitute ATHENS (AP) -Ita- lian actttll Sophia Loren will Ital' in a film to be ahot ln Greece thla fall, the Athena dally Mes- atmvrinJ reported. Ma. Loren will play the title role in "Madame Horterwe," a movie about • prostitute famoua for keeptn1 company with the French, Brltlah apd Ruaian admlrala while th eir 1hlp1 protected Crete at the tum of the century. Me911.mvrinl aai~ Peter Uatinov wlll play the RuHian admlral and James Muon h.ia Briti.lh counterpart. The ltallan-Amer1can product.ton will be dJ.rec. ted by Nlkoa Koundou- roa, one of Greece'• beat-known dlrectora whose controveralal work "1922" wu entered for thil year'• film festi- val at Cannes. Africa'• Athol Yup.rd. Mmioff's 0115 Rancho Las Patmos Raorf {-· ~- ).". ,{\ ( ~,, .J~· '~, ~.!· !,-.'·" __ ....... _,.... ..... oHera everything in casual country ctub elegance • 27 -.... I I I ~ hOles ol championship golf '9 • 2~ 1enn1a courts (8 ltghted) ~ • 2 sw1mm1ng and hydrotherapy PoOl• • 348 deluite sleeping rJ. rooms • nestled 1n be1u1tful I Rancho Mirage, Caltl (In the Palm Spnnga area) al baae ol lhe magnificent Santa Rosa Mountains Come see 10< vourae" wttv we've become "The Gem ol the Desert" ~M,.motls. T RANCHO LAS PALMA~ Rl· .. sotrr- 41000 8oO Hope O""e Rencho t.llfllQll C.llfomta 9?2 f O (714) 661·2127 01 f()ll ftM llOCJt 2'8~90 a very s~c1a1 t>ouuque tor children spec1aU11ng 1n tash1o ns tor thf! youngf!r m~mbers ol thf! lam1tyl You'll be&ladyoucamel . ·1-l'l--:: ~- • FLORENCE EISCMAN • BCTll TERRUL • FISCHEL • ABSORBA • PElll BAlfAlJ • HllMAN UROS • PETITE GAM INE •SYLVIA WHITE DISTINCTIVE e .... ev GIFTS WESTPORT SQUARE J69 E t7tn SI • Cow1M!'\d •642·4 71 4 ·---- • 8ARQAIN MATtNala * Mond1y tflru l1turd1y All li'ltrlotmancta before 1:00 PM (l ... ,... (llfl .. lltlltl I M HIHeytl 1/4. t.11w.t.t /f. ...... I Ml1odo ot lo .. c•o"' LA MIRADA WAik IN •••·2400 "VICTOR VICTORIA",~, .. \r "'C.fUo'lt 4#0 5cat1-i11r "C"AlllOTI "' ,.,_, •. "41 .,,,. , ....... . "PO•HCY'I'' 1•1 t} .. I • t. • .. IM .. J'\ ................ ,. ..... LAKEWOOD CENTER WAIN IN 10m •-.o ~ .. It()" llt) -----··- ... YOUCOULO 111 '"4A T I HSU" (PO) 1111, ...... t:te, ,._ lAl<IWOOO CINJlll SOUHf ..,,.,. IH _,....,.. __ "'°" ~ POMO"', .. , .... ....... _ ' ' ,,,. 1• ....... .. "URQHI A lilU9IC WAR" 1111 ............ _ "" YOU COULD HI WHAT I HIU" '~' tlJGl .t\4 ... *\ ..... \it . lot11lly ot COl\010•004 211/H1·tll0 -.OUY'l "t•I ... , ...... - "PA,.TNE"I" •~• I I • I I ~ '1(1 ' "I\ t 0\ It le f • ., l'ICf~ -lelllt~Af "CHANOTI OP '""" '"''"'..., ...... --Sovlfl Cootl Mnroy ot ltooctwoy 414-1114 lltf l'ICl\lllt 00 , ... Ud "CHAfHOTI OF FIAR" IOG1 MOtf , .. , ••• \At 1'Vlf I tl t • ,. t te "~AftTNeftl" '"' ~·At , .... .. , •• \.U.. , ......... . .. tlftftl ,. "' s.. 11\ .... Sin '4 ... IM,ORfANf NO JICI' CMllORIN UNDER 12 UUI' ........... _ .... ln fri , .... s.t ,S..,,...,,., .. Clllf ~ '°""° • fOUll •• ~ ~ IS Y0\111 &l'IMI) •• t1C1 Ml Cloll IWlfl wn• -llCCUllJlll IOS/f'OI _....Ml llQl1lllU. ••llU Diil.fi ---........ 4."4-ttl1f...- ANAHEIM ORIVI IN l1jl t1 A ._ •Uti BUENA PARK 0111vt '" .,_ .. " ....... l ., (1'0" '21·4070 ~-----" ....... -. .... LINCOLN OlltVf IN ltt'KGI" ,.,. Well Ol C~ott 121·4070 - I , i"• A f'• fOUNJAIH VALLEY OlllVI tH .... 0.. .. '""' •• .._,, ..... (l•) H2•2'11 ,., .... "• .. HI WAY 3q ,,11" 11 "PC>f'INOOCM W()tltL.D" 1•1 ..... -.. YONO IVIL" 1•1 -~AllAOIN" t•l -"CA"IM* COf'Y" IN t .__ATI IAllC>tcl" ••t .. v. -f'AllTNIJlt" t•r Clfll II IOllllO ....,. ..... SI d • .... Nft °'°" ··-· ttl·l69J .... lllCf\,1111 °' ... """' "CHANOTa °' , ...... ,,.., "-11• ..a•••••--.r ... 'WYO.:-IVIL•11t """'"""" .... ---cV::ilcT~~:-::::i----t-------.;....;~_!!_SOUMO __ ~-­ ""POMrl• '"' "Wt ""' ... llllK*l" 1111 CHW fl IOllflO . . ' ... LJ. Hfdili A I~ ... , ____ .._ ............... ,, an .... a ---- OU ANGf ''" I •• ,... r~•ILt' Cl•Ct:I 111 wish wmmer would wait until school's over." ~.\R~ADl:Kt: by Brad Anderson "Brother Marmaduke has just proposed a sun roof for our clubhouse!" "You can't tlam a door In MY facet" BUT IT'S A SOC.IALLV ACCE.PTA~E. E>CC.05£ TO 5NAC.K •"l'NK ,. "INKt:R•E.t N ~·5 1Ht ~ OOIN& I cxx:TOR ~ THE FAT LADY FROM THE CIRCUS ANO (l\. t'\f' If v.lA'4 ~ 11{1"0 114£ '"°COl.AfE ... by Gus Amola mr TOO! I . . .. . . • • ... !i j '· • I• .'..1 I ...., ............ .,LAe ...... GOING UP -Earvin "Magic'' Johnaon goes up for a shot u San Antonio'• Dave Conine auemp111ablock1\.le9day night at the Forµm. Russell's blunder has Laso rd a furious PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Philadelphia Phillie. manager Pat Corrales apent moat of b is poat-game newa conference, Tue9day ~admiring the Loi ~~alea could afford to be generoua in praising the opposi- tion. Hit club had just beaten the Dodgers for the second atraight night. apln by 9-8. "They're tough, a heck of a club.'' aaid Corrales. ''They don't lit beck and let you beat them. 'll'8y ke.ep oomlng at you. b9ttle all the way." Then be took a breather and added, "My club i• the same way." It wu that kind of a li(al"Oe. 'MW! PhiHiea led 3-0 after one. The Dodgen tied it 3-3 in the aecond and went ahead 5-3 in the third. Then, here came the Phillie. with four in the fifth and two more in the sixth to go ahead 9-5. '1l'8 Dodgen picked up one in the seventh and two more in the eighth, falling short by a run of tying the game. Loa Angeles manager Tonuny Luorda was furious, e.pecially with 1hort8top Bill Rumell. They had a closed-door con- frontation aft.er the game that could have been heard clear acrosa the Delaware River In Camden, N.J . What happened waa that in the RWrlth, the Dodpn bad the hues loaded and two out. Ken Landreaux struck out, but Phil- bea catchtt Bo Diaz let the ball aet away, and Landreaux beat the thtoW to flnt. Ru..ell, obvioully ~ed by the weird play, didn t run, and flnally wu forced at the plate wh• flrst bueman Pete Roee threw the ball home to Dias en.- ding what could have been a pme wlnn1nl inning. LHorda waa beard to aak, "What were you thinking about., BillyT' Ru11ell replied, "I do n 't know," Laaorda said, "I'm 101n1 to have to fine you, Billy." iw.eu replied. "rll never pay it." There wu aome co~ lan- luace \.-d .. 1...-rda ..... it would co•t Ru11ell $UO, and R--11 shouted, ''I'm not Pftl to pay it. You're not aolq to lhow me up." The anary Laaorda barked, ''You1l never play for me aoln." When the~~ fMor. • mid R.-11 lhoukl haw nm home. He ... the con&ontaticft ''wM betw_, )Um md L'' ·WW a--11 In fad be fined? "'J'hat't none of your bulllMm, 11 L.orda mon.ct. ~11 ref\md to ~ the YStJel baUJe. lkm mt It WM a "18ftle pa.y. I "l'vt never ... n lt before" '· Nld the veteran of 21 major ............ . ..Al I.Int I clldn'\ know what to Clo with th• ball. I knew he ~=~reawc) beat It to Unt. I lllr.e a ..... but I dlda"l .._.what I Wll--.." ,t"' ""Wll • ftlrd ~. Ill whlda 01 m.who._.liiilde., -error la \he IMt llx ~ twoln~ ............ . .... ftw~--Dlrnlir. °'lfP CoMt DAILY PtLOTIWedneldly, Mey 11, 1"2 U Spurs llulled by La~ers I Hel!Jisphere crowds could aid San Antonio .. j !J..'UT.!fBBN INOLSWOOD -Somehow, San A.nlOnJo Spun Coech Stan Albeck maaa1ed to malntaln a llDlle la~ Tuilday nlcht, tven atw the Loe A.nit• WMn hlld taken • 2..0 *cl ln their '-t-of. eewn NBA W-.tem C.onftnnee ~p..n.. "!fey, we're tht ba1t line bu.ml. and with OW' c:rowda, the Lakers are aoinc to ··~rlence IOl'Dtt.hlq they've never experi- enced befon," Albedl ukl. 'The San Antonio Cl09Ch fllU-red the home town crowd at the San Antonio Heml1phere wlll be worth 10 pomw to tm teun when the --rt!llWtMJI J'nday nflht. A1 1t turned out, those 10 poinll would have been juat enouch for the Spun to even the ierlea Tuelday niaht. Instead. the Lakera, with Norm Nixon and Jamaal Wllllff each 1COrln1 22 polnw, .,..allied out aJ 10-101 vic- tory before a Mllo t crowd of 17 506 at \he Forum. l'We know they'N ~ to be reedy down there, I I nOted Laker ruard Michael Cooper, who re- turned from • nasty fall late ln the third quarter to 1park the Laker victory over the final 12 minutes. Still, Cooper l like the reat of the Laan. fee11 that if they're on their 1ame -which meana fMt break after fllt break -no crowd ii aotnc to detaln thern ln their quesi for an NBA champl- ONhip. 'llJbey mil they're ~ to try to run With UI, but J. don t think · anybody can run with u.. You know, a lot of people think of ua 11 a ti.Delle c!Ub. but we can go out there and bump t..ct.. too," Cooper added. Th•t wa1 the caM with 2:SS remalnlna In the third quarter when Oeorae Gervin collided with Cooper undernHth the buket aft« ICOC'tna a bucket that put the Spun up, '12-71. Cooper wound up flat on the (Joor and wu eventually helped away to the locker room. But he r e turned at the start of the fourth quarter to con\lnue h i• bara11ment of Gervin and, pro- vide eome needed ICOrlns with both Kareem Abdul.Jabber and Magic J ohnaon re1t1n1 on the bench. Gervin'• buket.. and a aubae- quent free throw followln1 a technical foul on an angry Laker Coach Pat Riley provided the lut lead the Spun would own. Gervin, who had 34 polng ln Sunday'• 1011 at the Forum, again got off to a alow 1tart Tuesday nil{ht. On Sunday, he mana1td to 1core Juat tllhl pomtl In the flnt half. Tuetlday nl1ht, the 6-8 ,uard , out ot EMwm Mich.lpn had hit on just l-of-8 lhota from the field I and had Juat three r.oint• at r lntermi11lon. He fin abed the f niaht wfth just 18 polntl. ' ' 'You can thank Cooper'• de-i fenae for it. But Coooet thanked Wilkes, and Wllkea uld a thank-you wu in order for for- ward Kurt Rambla. In thor't, the Lakera 1pent their after-same celebration paU.lJ'\I MCh other on the bllc:k for their defen11e. "Ice had hi• problema aaain tonl1ht," noted Riley. u1 think .he'• only been shoodna 38 per- cent agaln1t us in the laat six games. I think we're just dome a good job of denytna h1m the ball. "Everytime Georae looked like he was getU111 Into a threa~ (See LAKERS, Pase Bt) A.cquisitions cheer Mauch Angels get Corbett, Will ong By JOHN SEV ANO or .. o..,,......,. A. expected, Manager Gene Mauch wasn't in a particularly good mood u be walked lnto hit dre11ing room office TuHday ~~ Angela bad ju1t 101t a tough 3-2 decision to the New York Yankees at Anaheim Sta- dium. depriving hil club of climb- ing Into aole ~on of f1rat place In the American i..e.,u.'1 We9tem Dlvtaion. And, to make matt.era wone, the player he bad sent in to plnch-nan (or Reggie Jaduon in. the ninth lnn1ng -Joee Moreno -mi11ed three ateal ·~an•. When Moreno finally realized what he waa auppcmd to do - and took off -be Wal thrown out by the Y ankee9 catcher Bar- ry Foote. The play ended the inning and the 1ame and left pinch-bitter Rod Carew a1andlna at the plate. "I don't want to talk about that damn aame." muttered Mauch. "It would make you lick." With that In mind, the topic of c onveraatlon wu quickly changed by the media. Mauch Kerned to change bil mood, too -to • dearee -when he waa· aaked to comment on the AnpW most recent acquilttiom. For tix.e of you who haven't heard yet, the Al\jela announ- ced ahortly after the 1tart of Tuesday's aame that they had t.raded younpten Tom Brunam- ky, an outfielder, and Mike Walters, a pitcher, to the Mlnne- aota Twhw for relief 1peclati.t· Douc c.orbeu and utility infield- er Rob Wllfong. "Surptlled? I aure wu," aald Mauch of the trade. "We're trym, to win and It (.the pde. ) certainly ma. our -.n better.'' The excban~e between the two clube wMD t exactly a .ud· den one, althouah it may have been aurprlafnl. The two Ilda had~ auch a move• far back •• December. "It waa a much blae:r dee! when we tint talked a60ut it.," .Id Mauch. 'nte deal fell throuah. thouah. and ta1ka weren't rekfudled untlt about three weelm ICQ, when the Twtnl' acquWticft of Bon Davia from the "'New York Yankees made Corbett~. ''I would •Y ~ mm talk- lnc aimo.t dally the Jut three weeu," Mauch admitted. 0 We made a belier deal than I t.hauatit wecould..U!' RUSTLERS' IYY CAPTURES TITLE Mlw lvy •• Ocl .... w..c.oa. ... fl Ht zzwn. &eel a two-niund total of 140 Monday to tall• ..... ... balaw latlbe laudMirn Califonaia community collep __ ................ em- The Twina called the Angels late Tue.day afternoon and the deal w• oonsummated approxi- mately 6 p.m. "Our future la today. not tomorrow," commented Angela General M.anaaer' Buzzie Bavul. "We felt we needed eome relief help 10 we went out and got the be9t one we could pt." • The arrival of Corbett and WUfon& appears to lfve Mauch eome fledblllty ln the bullpen and the" bench. Corbett, a 29-year-old right· hander, bu recorded 40 aavea durtnc the IMt two lleMON. He baa an 0-2 record with a 5.32 earned nm averaae In 10 pmes- thl.a -...on. Thia year'• figures are 80meWbat decetvina, thou&h. in that Corbett 11 a alnkerball aped•Hll\ and they uaaaily don't - fare too well on •ynthetic aur- facs, which ii what the Twins play on t.he9e day. in thej.r new. domed 9tadiwn. ·•rm very excited about going to a great ball club and. a great organiution." Corbett was quo- ted u aaytng aft.er he received the new1 . "Gene M a uch (formerly the manager of the Twins) treated me like a king and ru J!laY like a king for hlm. Calvin (Griffith, the 'twins ow- ner) .. getting the lhort end of the atidt thia time." Wilfq, who can play second Sl.Y BOOK -Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (33) shoots over the bue. third bue and maybe even • (See ANGELS, Pace Bl) outatl'etched hand of San Antonio'• Dave Corzine. Will Sugar Ray qllit ring? Continuing to light would be idiocy on Bash Boule¥ard SPORTS OOL.lANST BUD TUCKER ' i. i , . t . f I t 1 . : I . Cleveland to.,. hattl• In longe1t 'game VM BayH 1tn1Jecl home "'•• II ...... with &be 9hled NII ln th• &op ot th• 14th ~nln1 Tueectey' maht u Cleveland downed S..ttle, 6-~. In the lon1••t 11mt ever played ln the KJ"ldame ln ela.-d \lrne, The COft .... \ook tour hoW'i and 20 m!nutee \0 &>ll.Y ••• l'.IMwhen 1n &!Mt American LHcut. Hal McRae drove ln flve rul\I with 1 hom.r and 1 '11\Ml•, WUHe WU1oa knocked In four and Yraai wane aooed a ttv.-run doubl4t to 1-d Kanau Clly to a 17-3, raln°1p1Mhitd romp ovor MtlwaukM •.• Slx conaecutlve 1Jn1IH with two oU\a In the tbcth lnnln1, lneludfn1 Raa•y 111~11 tint m•Jor i..au4i RB1. broke a f""4 tJe and..MiMllOta went on To defett Bo.ton, 10-6 . . . Wayae Nor6a1ta belted a two-run homer and Barry Boaaell 1troked three doublee and ICOred tht-ee runa ti.> propel Toronto to a 9-4 victory over the Chlct.ro White Sox, 1nafpln1 a 1even-1ame wlnnln1 streak . . . Scot McOre1or and Tim Sloddanl c:omblned on a three-hitter and BalUmore llJ'\IP- ped a three-aame IOllna 11.r ak by ~at.lnJC the munake.prone 0.kJa.nd A'a, 7-1 . Co ta Mesa upaeti Baroni 11umble Vataha an owner in new grid lea~e From AP dl1pa•c-H A new ptO lootball le.,ue, 1port· • ln1 1tron1 ownenhlp ana lookln1 •II~ hard at cable televlaion, will make Ill dtbutnext1J>rinl. · Among the pro1pectlve owners I• former Rancho AJamlt.m · H.Ulh and Golden West Col· • football 1te.r Ra.nay Vataha who later played at Si.ntord Unlvenhy, for the New Enaland Patrioll and Green Bay Packera In ~ NatJonaJ Football !Aa,ue. · Vataha t1 co-owner of the Ne w England frenchlM and LI president of LMV Inc:. ol Wal- tham, Mass., a company which owns and ma- nage1 recreational facilities In the Northeast. "We're providing that 'other 1ea1on' for profession.al football," aaid David Dixon, founder of the United State• Football Lugue (USFL) and owner of the Ch.icago franchile. The 12-team leaaue will have a 20-game reaular teuon from March through June. The playoffs wlU culminate In a championship game \0 be held lhe night of July 4. The league will have teama In Botton (New EnsJ.and), Chlcaao. Denver, Detroit, Loll Al\aelee, New York, Philadelphia, San Diego, San Fran- cilCO, Waahlngton, Tampa, Fla .. and Birming- ham, Ala. Quote of the day BUI Flee•, co.ch o.f the Boston Cel\D, on the difference between officiating at the college level and In the NBA: "Even our wont ones are better than their best. Our py1 are handling the rush-hour traffic, and the college fJY'I can't even handle the Sunday drtvera.' Davia powers Cubs over Atlanta Jody Davia slugged a pair of II home run1 and drove in three run1 1'ueslay to power the Chicago Cubs co their fourth 1tralaht victory, a 6-4 dedalon over Atlanta. Davia hh a 10lo homer in the lifth to pull the C\Jt. Into a 2-2 tJe and cap- ped a four.run llxth with his third homer of the teMOn . • . Ellcwhere In lhe National League, Dave ll1D1man drove in four runs with a double and hi• 12th homer and rookie Claarlle P11co pitched a four hJtter for hll first major league ahutout u the New York Meta beat San Diego, 6-0 ... PllU Gara,r hit a two-r11n homer in Houston'• three-run le<.'Ond Inning and the AJs. trot went on to defeat Pittsburgh, 4-2 ... Geerae BelMlnclt lf:naled, homered. ICOred two runa and drove in two to lead St. Louil to a ~-1 OWtr andMati ... Jack Clan. who tied \he proe. with a fllth·innina homer, doubled home the pahud run In a three-nm 11.zth and San Frandlco weathered a nintb-lnnin& threat to defeat Montreal, 5-4 ... The Atlanta Braves opdonl'd relief pitcher Jose A.lnNI to Nchmond and PW'Chued the contract of Richmond aoulh- paw "kn O.yley. Ml.JC NOTICl Baseball today . On thla date In bueb&ll ln 1970: Chicago Cub veteran Ernie Banks slammed the 500lh home run of h1I major league c.reer -a line 1bot Into the left field bleachen off Pat Jarvf.I -u the Cut. defNted \he All.ant.a Brave. 4-3 at Wrfaley Field. On thia date In 1966: Lou Brock'• RBI atngle In the 12th lnn1ng brouaht home lhe winnJ.nl run u the St. Loul1 Cardinali defeated the Atlanta Braves 4.3 ln the tint pme ever 91ayed at St. Lout1' Buech Memorial Stadlum. At· lanta's Felipe Alou had two homera In a losing CIWM!. Today's blrthday1: Hall of Fame catcher YC>li Berra la 57. Baltimore catcher Joe Nolan LI 31. Detroit lnfielder Lou Whitaker bl 2~. Islanders take 2-0 lead over Canucks UNIONDALE, N. Y. -Bryan Iii Trottter tcored the New York lalan-' den' third powerplay goal of the game at 7: 18 of the third period Tuesday night, leading the two-lime defending National Hockey League champions to a 6-4 victory over the Vancouver Cam.ack. and a 2--0 lead In the Stanley Cup final. · TrotUer'1 goal broke a 4-4 tie and came al ter Tomas Jonuon had sent a shot off the end board.I. The puck caromed directly to Trottier co the left of Canucka goalie Richard Brodeur. With Brodeur flat on the ke, Trottier depo- ait.ed a 15-foot writt shot lnto the net. Phll,les' Trillo wins Clemente award Manay Trillo, the second base· • man or lhe Philadelphia PhiUies, was presented the Roberto Clemente Award for contributlon1 to baseball on and off lhe field and for emlllaling the late Pitllburgh Pirates outfielder ... Tennll 1tara lvu Leadl and Galllermo Vilas will meet June 13 In a $125,000 ctuiUenge match ~Ing billed by lhe promot.en as the ''Wimbledon of the West," in Reno. TelevlsJon. radio TV: No evenll acheduled. RADIO: Bueball -Dodger1 at Philadel- phia, 4:30 p.m.1.~ABC (790); New York at An-eela. 7:30 p.m .. l\.MPC (710). NlJC NOTICt ':::.-=~· 'tCTITIOUt 9UtlNlat '~~~H . 'IC~~ ..... ""' fotlpWll\I pereon I• doing .... tTATl.lllllllfT fllO IOllowlng pertom •r• dolno HAllll l'TATW•MT ~-Tho tollowino p•11on I• ootng bu..,_•· Th• lollowtng P•r.an 11 doing THI MOalLI 8CAHH DOC· 1>U1iMM H POEL8TAA FINANCIAL, tOt t butln.u •• T°"4100t W .... boe llvd., New· MUSIC CATEAEAS. 60• 17111 Brloto Orin . 8ull• 201, Coal• SUNG & HO'S CHINESE DELI. port leedl. e... t2te3 StrMI. Huot"'OIOf\ 8"ch. Celttomle M,M, CA 92$27 27000 Crown van.y P•~wey. ~ 8w JllAOll f412 Oonacy 11 92t.ce OAAY l POELSTfllA, 924 W tlOn Vi.)O. CA 9260t ..,,._AM, Ci. dlOI ' l11ry J-CoonrOd. eo.. 1711> 881!>09 Blvd . Ball>Oe, CA 92M1 YU WAR YAO SUNG. 15001 Tiiie ~ .. ~by 111 StrMt. Hunflnglon BMch, C .. ilOfnlt BRIAN W ANDERSON, 1433 8y1KuM S trMt W"tmlnllit<, CA lndMdult. 92641 Superior A11•nuo, 1371. N-por1 92t83 1ue JeoG11 Tiiis ~ 19 c:on<SUC141d by en 8eoeh. CA 92t63 Tt>it t>ull,_ la oonouct.0 by In TNI ~ ... llled W1t11 U. lndl111du411 Thlla ~ .. ~.cl by I lnGlllldu•I COUftty Qer1I Oft Of9n09 County on L.mry Coonfoel gener., p.wtnerlhlp Yu W11 Yeo~ Mey I, tN2. Thlt ttal-1 WM flied With 1119 Brien W. And«aon TNa 1111.,'ll«ll wet llled wtlh 1"9 •-County Cltfk ol Otono-County on Thia llJl1_.t .,.. llleO woh 11\e County Ci.tll of Oteng. Counly on ~ c:..,. C0Mt Oell'f l'l-A9f• ft, 1N1 County C*1t of 0t_,. County on AprM 29, 1912 lot llley I, 12. 11. 2t. 1912 ,117'111 May 3. 1982 '1•rc 20a.a ""°""*' Of1191 (A)eat OllllY Pi. ,,_. Publl•h•d Or1ng• Co••t O•tl y ----------IOI AptM 21. 28. Mey 5, 12, 1982 P11btl1h•d Orang• OoHt Diiiy Pllo1. Mey 5, 12 19, 2t, 1982. P\8.IC NOTICE t749-l2 Piiot. Mey a, n t9 26 1912 208M2 'ICTIT10UI 9'1 ... 11 _. ... ITATIMaNT '°"7 .. 2 T l>9 lollowlng penont er• dOlllQ ~.. ·--,,....IC'"'rmou,...,..~.,....llU~ ... ,..... =-.~.--· RCTITIOUI eu ..... FLOWERS BY JANICE. 7&42 N._ ITATl..wT ..__ ITA~MT ~. Goto.ti Grov.. CA 92708 The lotlow1n9 P•••on 11 doing Tho folfowlng penona at• dofng JANICL GAL LIER MILLE R. l>ullneM.. ~ M 1eou Hy•clnlh Ortv•. F"ountlln J 0 INOUSTAIAl SUPPLY. MICHAEL l AWRENCe ' VllllWy. CA 92708 2120 1e11> StrMI. R·212, .._.,or, COMPANY t719t Sliy Patil Clte19. Thlt bu9tneea 11 eondUClod by an 8Mch CA 92663 •8. ~,,..CA t27 t• lnOMd'* JUDllH DIANE MAKOUSKY, ENGLISH CLASSIC. l TO . I Jenice 0 M..., 2120 11111 Strfft. R·212, N9wport Celltomla eot'potlllon, 110 ~ Thlt etat_,t we• 111«1 with I,,.. a..dl. CA 92ee3 Cent•r Orl11e , •200, N•woort County C*1I Of Ofange County on Thia t>ullnfft 1e eonouctod by 11n 8-oh, CA 92e60 Metdl 30, ttU ~ Thlt ~,..It conovctecl by. ,,..., I Judy Mialcoutkr, COfPOrlllon Plll>lilMO Of9n09 Coelt Delly PilOt H111 tl81~1 wtt fi6eO with 11\e Enollltl ClaMic, l id AprM 21. 21. May 6, 12. tH :! Counly Cl«ll Of On1n09 County on R ~ OWOl\I 1790-12 /May•. IH2 . PrMl<leM ----------! ,.._ Thie tlaW'llent WH tiled with Ille "*.IC NOTICE Publl•h•d 0 11ng• CoHt Oelly CO\lflty C'-11 Of Ofl/109 County on ------~~ .... ------.... ~-'!" .. ~-Piiot, Mey a. 12. tf. 21. ltl2. May 3. tM2 r,...t,.IVV• --'°71-e2 ,1mo7 NAMI l'TATl•NT P111>t11h•d 011ng• Coaat Delly Tiii loUowlng per ton I• doing ---.,---,,,.lllnTlrr-----P~. Mey 5, 12. 19. 26. 1912 ~ H : ,.._ ""'~ 2022·12 AOTUBAND SHOWEREN· ---------- P\8.JC NOTtet ,.ICTTTK>Ua llU .... I NAMelTATl-..n Th• following ~·•on It doing bu.in.e •.• CLAYTON WOODS IM~AT8. 19115 Cnurctl 8trMI. Coit• M .... Callomla t2e27 Cll )'IOn w Wo•O•, 19115 Ct>u1ch Strffl, Coat• MHI. Cell· tOfnto 92e21 Tlllt bUt1n.t .. GOnO\IGl.O by en lndhllduat Cl1tyon WOod1 Thll 1t1toment WU It*! with tht County ca.ni Of Ot"•noe County °" Aptll 18. t982 ,., ... Put>NIMd Otano-Coelt OlllV Pl· 101, Aprll 2 1 21, May 5, 12. t9d2. 1713-12 · MUC NOTICE CLOIUAES, 5075 WaJflflf AvenU9. I~ COURT OP TI9 ~ NOTte• 91111• B. Hunllllgto n Buch. CA ITATI OP CAUPOlllNIA "°" ·-,,,. MftTIM' 81ddt9bllOll Community College 92649. r.-COUNTY OP Ott.AMOI .._ ""'~ Dlttrlcl hw•by t~ nottc. the! It AOeEAT OE.AN MICHAEL JR , Na A·t1ltl7 PICTTnOUe 9UtlNIH hal Ned IOf I m•jor c:llenoe In ltt 11261 Waikiki l•n•. Huntington __ TO IHOW CAUM ~·~ f9d«el Con1rnvnlcatlon1 Commie• e.ec:n, CA t2t4t .....,." tlon .,..uon fOf an 'M Tr.,..._ Tiiie ~ 11 cooduct.0 .... ;°" CNANCM 0# NAm The lollowlng per1on I• doing tor 10 ..,..,0 Newpof1 httch Call· ¥1 en In tM mettet of tllO IC)C)lleellon Of bu*-... I nle t ...._ "-•t«I Ille r'-Oft ltldMduel~ o.ri MldlM Jf MANA" lOUROU WA.UOtf. lot IELIOAHT HANO. 39711 llrcll .:.0 ~;r--on .,.,.. fllli "-Mmlnl -hied wltn the CflanOi Of Name It••. 81-. A. H9wpof1 lllMdl, CA llon 11i. /I l~,r"tTtf.?A~!i County Cter1l of Otanot COunty on fllt appttc•tlon ot MARIA d• 9~ ( Merell ti. 1u2. Ill• following ~ tt tM2 LOUf'Ola WASSON IOf CflenOI of JEANETTE lUCllL 80Rll. Clltngff hove been Pf'GPOMCI. f • ,.,._ IUllM, h1111r19 been lli.G tn COutl. 11 fllane. IMtlt. CA t27t• Cttingeof~lrCll!ftlt 1 MHt l'\IOlllMCI OT~ Cout Dally Piiot. 1nd II 191>Hrtng ftOtl'I Hld. at>Pll• Thie~'-conduci.d by An to HI MHi 2. C~ In j)OWef ~21 It....,. 12 IM:f ctlof'.,llltl MAllllA de LOUAOU ~. °"'""'"Onl..,,..Nftwt1...., • • • • tl't2-tJ WAllOH h .. 11'-d .,, ~euon LUCll lklf.. to d11•I ten Wiii •mpllflefl. I . __________ 1propottno 1118 1 her "'"'• bl Thie~..,~"°"" Ille Cll•Jtte In nvmbef of dlrffllonel ....c 9DnC( ctl•noed to MAAtA d• l.OUf'OSI County Qettl of Ofeng. County°" 111l•nt1M from'°"' to two. COM· ~AO A4>t11 t. 1112 merit• 111 IUPPOft °'or 111 a~•on Top-rated and defendlftl cir volleyball champion L11un1 Beach rolled in the leCODd rilu.nd of the eUm1naUonl Tuelday eve. nlna, and 10 did two other Or· -nae C.out .,. telml -Marina and J:atancla. Coat. Meaa and Founui.ln Valley were ellmlna'-<I from th playoff• alter JolU\i. t'h w11 the 1reate1t came we've ever played," la how Ma· rln.a Coach Tlm Reed put lt. "We ju1t 1tarted flghtlna for every ball, the kid• ju.at would not let It eet. away from them." L..oyola Jumped to a 2-0 lead and aft.rr Marina touaht beck to VOLLEYBALL send It lnco a fUlh game, Loyola had the hoet Vlk.inp down by a 13-9 margin. "The defenee took charge at that point," said Reed u Marina finally prevailed, 8· 15, 10-15, 15-6, 15-4, 15-13. Marina, now 17-2, waa led by Brian Koontz (20 blocka) and Andy .KlU11mann (16 blodu and 6 killl), alona with the balanced talent of Chrla .F'Llher, Mark Cox, Bill Lennertz, Terry Meunier, Steve Miller and 1ophomore Mike Crowley. It took E1toncla's Ea1le1 a while to get In the groove, but once they did, behind the play of o utside hitter Bill Sieker and middle blocker Matt Carrico, things got eaay again1t vl1ltlng North Torrance. "I think the problem WH a 10-day layoff." Hid Estancia Coach Mike Pomeroy. "We were terrible, 1tru1gling. But we played out oJ the 1lump." The 7-15, 15-10, lS-5, 15-7 Kelchner leads UCI to victory LONG BEACH -Darren Kelchner t.rlpled and ICOred on a wild pitch ln the seventh Inning a1 UC Irvin e po1ted a ~·4 Southern California Baaeball Association victory over hos t Long Beach State Tuesday af· t.emoon at Blair Fie ld. The victory brlng1 UCI 's SCSA record to 11 -14 and the overall mark to 28-26-1. Start.er Cas Som.a who receip- ted for the victory, walked the flnt batter In the ninth lnnlna and wu relieved by Gary &aha who got the next three ba~n to save the win. Carlo1 Rivera tripled In the second Inning to 9COtt a run • UCI aeot three marker1 acr08I lhe plate. Nil.IC NOTICE flllCnnGUe.,.... How. tNtefofl. H • hef9by Ofde-,. I .. 0 c ,_,o ,, to .. IPllPCMIDfl mer .. Ned""" ..... .,..~ rtcl ellf dltectld, fhll •II petlOn• ul> l•h•v reno• OHi • y die ,...,. Corlwnunlcetkw!e ~ i----MU--IC--.,-n·a---TN ........ pattone.,. dOinO 1ntet-.c1 InMid mall•10 ....,_ "*>t, Mey I, t2, 19, at, tN2, ,,.._.,,, Pvl*INd In Qr9n09 COMll ....,_ M: Mbe tNI GCMHt In ~!Niii ~ 20tt ... O•lly f'llo1, 0Me1 of flvtlllce1Jon: 1-liiiiiimii;i'ii;iiil&i""-C.. LA coeTA MIXICAH ,000 on Ille 211d • .,. of June. 1H2, II M4IY •• 1, "· "'· , .. ''· 1M2. I NMIOUI MIT~; ft>l l.A COITA, 4ttt 10 JO o'clOCll •"' or Hid dty 10 ..UC MOJIC( toll-IZ werHC;. ""'" to~. Hun1111,1on ::-~of~...::''::': flllCnnout WM W Mme( --r. .... ·y UI ALONZO a'I , ....-. ..._ lfA~ tl11t 081.::J.. ltrHI, Qerd•n -"le tvnhlr onMted tt11u OOf1Y Oft TM ........... '*'°"' we d04nO Qtow CA &Ille Order 10 lllow C11.1• be P\I• ~ • ·~ W 'Al.OfaO 111'1 **'Ill tfle DAILY PILOT, e iWW' ZUMA COHITPIUOTOM.t. ...0., ~ ltr• Oatden Of0w CA ...,., of glf!efal ClrOUlelion, PfW.-tHI Wfllltl•r, Unit , ••• 0011• .... ' • ed In Hllf ceunl~, el 19111 ono• ......, ~ tali1. ' Hell wHll for four 111ecH1l11e 1111"• Co11tlrwo1ote, • Oat- v'-&ory upe lat1nd1'1 overell rtiatd &o 17·2 &o •t up a~- terfinall pine wi&h Mira te l'riday. Alhen. "Rudy bad tome of th~ ha.rdelt hha he hM had a1J yur lonc.v The victory put1 unbeaten La1un1 Beach at home Friday agaln11 Mattna. The Uptt of the ntaht WU It Cotta Mn• where the hl1hlY· reprd«I MU1tangt, 11Nded No. 4, I01l In five 1ame1 to Santa Mo- nica, which battled beck from an 0-2 1tart, tak.lna the third game, 17-15, thm rolTina behJnd new- found momentum. Poor IUVina ln lhe fourth 1et proved fatal f« Fountain Valley u Loa Alto•, the Whltmo nt Leafue champion, rolled to,> l~-1 , 16-1, 6·15, 15-13 victory It Fount.aJn Valley. K~n Harter (24 kiU.., 17 blocks) and John Ko1t)" (22 kll11, 18 blocks) sparkled for Fountain Valley ln a losing effort, ending the Barona' eeuon at 10-6. From Page 85 ANGELS TUMBLE. • • a little at first. la a lHetime .268 hitter who wu batting .160 in 25 pme. with ~ TwiN lhia year. "Rob Wilfong 11 a heckuva ~layer," compllmenied Mauch. ·u I know Uioee two IUY'I tbetll get here u quick u they can. · Mauch didn't say which two playen would be moved oU the roster to make room for the ar- rival of Corbett and Wilfong to- day, but speculation had pitcher Stan Bahnsen (0-1, 4.66 ERA) getting his releue and either Mick Kelleher, recently acquired from Detroit, being cut loole, too, or Moreno being shipped back to the minors . Moreno certainly didn't he lp his cause any by mi11i ng the steal 1ign in the ~nlh. · "It JUSl might be the deal that will win the American League West for the Angela," analyzed Ne w York third baseman Roy Smalley, who 1\at1ed lhe teaaon with lhe Twins before rnoviflR to the Yankees u part of the Ron O.Vll deal. "'!bat t.rade ii rea Uy going to help the Anael club. With Corbett and (Don) Aase, they should have one of the best bullpens in the game." The Angels, who had their thr<..oe-i;tame w!nnlng streak snap- ped, didn't nud to go to ttie bullpen Tuead.ay as Ken For"8Ch went the dl1t.ance and was the hard-luck loser The Yankee9, who aren't qU.ite as menacing at the plate a1 in rccPnt years, chipped away at Fonich by 8COnng single runs in tbe third, fifth and eaghth in- nm~. * AMOfi. NOTll fll9 Y11nk-'OUldn IM 10 11.,1 tnt senon •no now thtt th4')' &<• they ~I~ to kfffl ''*' ~· l!Mllhy Two mot• Btont Bombeft i.11 ,,,. Oll"'4I T ....O•y • "'" !>9MJm11n .ioti" •r'*'rr ... '°''*' 10 1ri. aklelinM •lltr collidlno with Tim '°" In lh• 11111 1nn1ng. "nd CllCh•t lltlck C•t•n• wtlk.0 ofl the 114110 lflllf COMpillln<ng 04 • IM>f• h.00 •llet llJOOl!l{j lleylOt OUI II 11141 plate in 1110 hflh M•~ry • inju•y wa. d~nollOCI •• • • bfu•Md b1Q tell toe " He 11 on • CS.y-to-day I>•*'• Thf -on Cerone •H "'°'" •• 1141 tult.,41d I Chlpp9(1 lr11e1ur• of th41 ltfl thutnb •n<l wlll bft toll to the c;lut> lrom l ·ttHl -"• That 1 the lntrd 1>1ayet the V.nk~ h•ve tost 1n te1a lh•n • week •• ou1l1111oer Jertr Mumptwer bfoll• "'' 11an<1 cS•VlnQ 10< • lly ball Ht S.•11141 Ind pilCMf Doyle Alo~ btOlle • knuckle 0<1 hi& •IQht hln<I "' ti.. -aty 111.. .,_,"9 ti 1n •"04lf IQOlnll I °"90ul I wlll A t>toet ,,_ c..,..o me Unk- to mitt ball.no ptllCllQI T....oay AN lhO An-11••• h•t •-cep1 101 lht oull••ldert ano C14M'O"at4ld M IOf (8•ylo<) With 37 "13 on 1Klenclancl9 T.....ooy 1"9 AnQCl4t -· -Ille l\tlt·mllllOr• mlllll on UM -'-' ci.io on the Club·• 1>1at0fy Tl\9 Yank"~ Mike Mof. tM (2· 11 Wiii 09POM A"90I II«-12·-'1 n ton.g111 • --lonOle Sprtng·1:1me Is Superb Boating Speci al Supplement Coming Wednesday, May 19 Tlmety and topk:ef hfnte p from lnlend bo.tlng epota to adbo.t rMtete. ptua nauttom fllhk>ne, wtnduflng and more. __,,. ' For home~. Cllt &42-4321 ,. °'.,_ OoMt DAIL y ptLOT /Wedrtetday, Mav 1a, *' Bue Gaucllos opE!~~ Slia~ghness~y playoffs ., ............... .. , .. l~ .,.... ..,11 .. ""*" 211 3 o o o °"'*'9• a o o o Ot111eycf 4 I 1 0 fOll • 4 0 I 0 GM!tllert 3 0 1 0 Orlell21:> 4 1 1 0 Meft>ty lb 0 0 0 0 leylot ... .. 0 1 t C-.. lb I 0 I I "9..lc*"' rt I 0 I 0 wwi.ld • .. 0 0 0 J_Monft pt 0 0 0 0 Muroerdll 4 0 1 0 DICNllb I I I I 1rne11ey "' :a 2 a o l.1"f" e1 a o o o C.OM C 1 0 1 0 It JClllllrl 1b 2 0 0 0 '004• c 2 0 0 0 Cw• pt! 0 0 0 0 Oelll• 3012 lloonec 2000 TOUll ao I t I TOUlt 21 2 5 2 ..... York ..... lilJ -:r 010 OI0-3 Celllornt. 000 110 000-2 • 1-Mll'*"M, Deni, ... J--Dft-New Yott! 1, C.CW• 1 u»-.... ,. ... I. C1lllot11l1 a. 21-1,..•ll•y t , GrlOll • O...Hf' ~ ... ~ .,,_.,, .... tr-on. ... ,... .... •to flllgNtll cw .2·1) 1 • 2 2 • • ~) 2 10001 ~ C\.,a>J) t t t I 2 I T-2-lt A-37.413 ,'fr" ..... .... 0 .... 11 t4 t7 • 11 .. ,. • ,. •• 1 .... a-210•.JtJ 1• 11 M : a MO ,:.:.:.;~ ft1 .. • 1 • ..,. ,., ........ .... ., au.Mt t1t1117 •Mt; ttt•n•tt.t ,., .... 41 4 r t I ·* 11010.-0 JI000.000 1M11• •a t11 .-."':-: ...... ... .... 11 ..... 1.a 11 .. " • .., '·'' r:,:1 ~:::: ~:':~ 1111 .. r :: :t a a:= ::r. .;~,. ~:: ~" . . . _., ...... ~, .•.. , ooo 1ao 10)-1 " o Oek*'4I 000 010 000-1 • • M'O••QOf, ltOdCllfd , •• e nCI Nota11! "*'910tCI. lllnne't Il l. •• MeUughlin tt>-NeWmM W-tkOfegot, 4•1. L-LqlOfd, 2·& A-10.760 MAnoMAI. LUOU. ,.._e.01=: LOIMeOSLll ~ • f 11-. • r 11-. au. 2b 4 o 1 1 o.nw. ct 4 2 o o LMOtea. d 4 1 2 t "°'9, 1b I 3 3 1 T ...... .tlfl I 0 0 0 lolw'llillt lb 4 I I 2 lllcat, If 4 1 a 1 Men,_, If t I ) 2 Ouer••· 11 .. 0 0 0 lfvtetar, p 0 0 0 0 ~. lb • t 1 Q •• oi.a 0 4 ' 2 i C.,, :fb 5 I ~ 0 0 0.¥11, r1 4 1 I 1 ldoede. o 2 2 0 0 Vulllldl. 11 0 0 0 0 Mondy, p11 1 O I 2 Tnlo, 2b • O 1 O YMge<, c 0 0 0 0 °""""' 114 0 I 2 ~ ..... N 3 I 2 I Krullo., p t 0 0 0 Johnlln pll I 0 0 0 AH91Wn, p 2 0 0 0 ~ N 0 0 0 0 FWrn«, p 1 0 0 0 AluM. p 0 1 0 0 l.yle. p 0 0 0 0 AP-o 1000 Oioee• 0000 Ona pll 1 0 I 1 9 Hoi.t. p 0 0 0 0 Jo Mrl1, OllO 0 0 0 lot... 3e I 13 I TOI• 17 I 12 t .... .,, ..... ~ ~ 036 * 120-1 ~ )00 °"2 oo.-• e Su 2. w.r. A. P-. DI' -Loe ~ 1, PM ....... 1. 1.09 -1.0t An-ge l .. 13. Phll1delplll1 1 21 -8 0191, Lendreeua. "°"· a.,.,.,. 31 8cMlld1 88 "°99 2. .... o.-2. ldvnldl • -,.._ SF -8c:llmldt, LAndr-.._ ....._ . " .... "--IL.4·21 4 I 8 e t 2 AP..,. 2 33110 S Howe 2 00002 l'U flJMoo Klullow 3~ I 5 5 3 0 Nl-n (W, I.()) 2 I 0 0 3 2 ,.,,.,., 3 • 3 3 • • Lyle 'It 0 0 0 0 0 BruMlll S, I V. 0 0 0 0 I WP -~ow2 T -304 A -21,A>I C......1. ..... 1 cw-000 001 000-1 12 1 SI LOUii 100 130 OOa-6 I 1 1010, Shirley Clll, Lelbttndl (11 and Tte· "'"°· """'· a.w m end Porler. w~ •. 3·2 L-SolO. 2·3 1-ltlt Ill H"-91 Lowla. HenOrtdl Cll A-1U'I QMIMI, ..... a... ,,-*Cl 000 011 001-5 10 0 MonltNI 001 001 011-4 II 0 Hamm ...... 8wY (8). 8dllu.der (l l Mln- IOll Cit end Mey. ltnderlOll, It. lmitfl Il l. aor..-ct> enct CetW w~. t4 L-Senoer.on. ).3 9-MllllOll (II H"9- MonlrlM. "'°"""" ( 11 a... ftendacO. CIW1I m A lf.2tf c-.a.•-• Allenll 010 100 020-4 13 1 OlllCl90 001 014 00. _. 1 0 ........... Mc~ Cl l. c.,.. (I}. ...... -m. "'.,.., 111 llld '-otie. a.. dlc1 Cl); lirCI. Smltll (fl. .._,,,.,._, Ill end Devit . W-l ltd, 2·4 L-Melll.,, 2·3 Hl'e-Allenll. ~ (4) CHGieo. 0..... 2 IJI A-11,171 ....... ,, ...... Stn '*00 000 000 000-0 4 1 ..... Yor\ IOO °'° 001-I 1 0 "'~P. o.L.-Cll end T Kennedy, Puleo end SIH1n1 W-Pvleo, •·2 L- ~r:;· 2--6 H"-.... Yori!,~ (12) A-.t~ ..,.... a Pl!ttbutgll ~ 100 001-2 • 1 ttoullOft 031 000 00.-• • 0 T Orlflln, Moelleu CS). kurry (71 Ind HI· '°"9. ,_,.,,, ......... ti~ l ........ (t) end ~ hby W-ltylf'I. 3-S L-r Orlllln, (.3 t-L 8mlll\ 1&1 H"-Houllon, Garn•• 1•1 A 11"3 , ... ........ ~= .-CM e M • M ,_, ltDMll. TClf'Ofllto lt II 14 ft .411 ~ IOMl24W7 ~=-ICI 24 .. Ill .111 21 104,. • ..,. !':::::.t.a.i:::.• II II 11 M .IN 2t 114 " 40 .. , TllotMofl~ 21 17 11 N .Ml ...... ,_ ll 100 ta • .llO Y .......... 20UltJ.t41 ~....._._ 21 71 11 • .Na ........ TI!clr'moll, OlwlMCI, 10; ................ --. "· ...-, .., •• , ... II Hlmlll. ao---.. '1; OtlfMe.... • ... 1; ........ ......,,, Northern OlvUdon, whU. Qt.Na, No. 1 ln the North, holw 8ou\hw•&em, MCOnd·plece Un!lher ln the South. Game Ud\e II 2:80.p.m. for .ii,.,._. OCC Coech Mike Ma1ne remal"' unct.dded about hi.I •WW for 'nnniday'1 con-. 1bt ~ likely cho&cle an ac. Jtck .. lnholtl (9·2), hard· dvowllur rtiJnhander Ron Roobr (S.1) or tormet c.orona a.a ltar HiCh etandout Ken Sancoro (2-0). 8°'1'1 for them 11 the playoffl oprn. Mayne for one, remalnl cauUoul. ~ 11We're not c.akln1 M ·Ian Antonio UahUy. 'n\ey're playtna the bllt ot the llllOI\ riaht now," MayM ,oUlll out. '4They t..ven't played up to thoir abU1ty aoJmt UI thAI y.z (<Xe tw9pt tho th"" pme. Will' the M.oundiia). 'n. law of aver-ace •Y tlwy're due to put up a fDO'i performanr.-. aaatnat ua.'' Mt. San An10nlo wW more chan likely oounter with Mike Sal\Uaao, who w11 &4 ~ralJ th!a IP· aon, DOIMlll.Nr a 4:00 ERA. WhUe the Piratea lffm to have evtrythtn1 Mavne allo ..... t.he law of awnc .. ~to catch up with b1I ~·· 10·"*""' w Min« ~·· ''We've ~ liolt a ~ ptMt .wt lhM TOOAnM.l..n ................... Tracy Avtll11 Hf .. ur Neaefeen, 1·2, M; l<ltlllr •din., .._ ~. ~ 1, ~1. , ... leu•tl111 Mae r 1 tournemeflt (Ill_...., .... 0..., llV) .............. ,. ....... ........ 114lflMNe ...... ("'9flllln4J, b)'e, Gt- l(llft (NdgewoDd, H.J,~ ~ Nlul'U lockJpe HI lltbllt fllompeon (Ooffn. .... ~1. ~1: en.-'°"' (lndiln•t -~v:::;o:r...::). M M ~ ""*'*' "' Mildlel, l(y ), bye, Mleflele Torr .. (HOfll\lleld, Ill ). bye, l(ey Tfllle (lrwtnt. Tex l.s.. def Kllh•yn Be•n•• (WIMl-hlern. H ~ ). l -4, ~3. Mltlenne WetU l•ehrtlllld) def Oele Olblnd {a' ....... Me I. .. 2. ~I . ... ···~ lAlgfl Nw. f.lclNdOe CMadlna). ~ .... 119rly '°"" (Lullboc;ll, TH ). bye • .i.nny Klltdl c~ 0111o1 ...... JeM1ca o... , .... ID ). 1-1, M , Heethlt !ttlM I Neek, H Y ). def T'8Cy leOer -.Alll ).6-3 fl.I . : 1trcak hu to end llOOn, too," he addl. • .. -.... . -~·,..,.-~""' 7~ ( .. ._. L .. :ti8r"' 0 ..... ) too IHdl.y ,.,.,. -l· Mlt•IOll Vl•Jo lll'••OO. HIGlllftl n. Colon, McCh1tll•rl. I 37 IO, 2 letlla a.wa. 1 :19 tr, S lw-1111. 1 40.37, 4 El Toto, 1 •I 07, I fdllOll, 1.4123,' NNpOl'1Hetbof,1 41 32, Olflert• 12 FQUnlaln Vllley, 1·••.0:Z. '200 lrff 1. Lou; (Mlt1lon VlejO). I 40 13, 2 P099 CEI Toto , I 41 02, 3 W•t (MIHIOtl vi.fol I • I l 4 MllU r:AIOt "••On ). 1 '1 ... 5 H01111a1111. (MIHIOn Vi.j011 1:4*,tO: I. Ve\lllet'I (J'l"feCHlel, 1 ••. 11, Olllen 10 Woolfolk (H••POtl H"t>OtL 1 4& I I 2001M -I Predo (MIH IOll v11101. I 93 43, 2 H1rrl1on CN••PO•I Herbor). 1 H a1. i Moll1td (Co1on1 d91 M1tl. I 61 °'; • HICll ..... (MltliOn Vletol. 1 61 .... 6 ~noldl (Founltln VelleyJ, 1.M at, e Kull1Yitel1 (MIMlon VlejO), I N ... Oltletl 10 Gren! CNewpor1 Herbot). 2 00 N 60 lrM -1 1.M9111 I~•-Vllley), 21 N , 2.111c1r>9 (Ellandel. n OI, 3 Plc:lletl !Coll• Me .. ). 22.10 .• MHH•l mllh ~~~·s...6· ~ (Lii Wlleonl. 11.1111. .. Toro). a .n: °""'9: I. II'-(~ H.N; I Motro.r;oror1a HI Mat). 11.47, 10 T110mp1on l "POii Httaor). tl.IO. 11 Mellll••• ( 011on). u•. 100 fir -1. VHHllO (MIUlon Vie jo). U .11: J ......... (~ Httbor). 62 21, I , (llet ..... ("9wpon Httbof), P"tonl ~ U .11: a. AOtld ~ Oalitl U .7t; ·a. Llfl4i1etd• C'on11n1). U t7 0..-I . W..--(Newpotl H"1>0f). 63 &O 1M .,_ -1. M4WU (II'..,_ V1WdM). 41 30 • I. Mt ••• , ........... 47,1'; •. Mo- IMIOn vi.io>. •t.11, • AoNn.. VletOI. 41.ta,. Mc;CIOucl IL8 ~ .. l--.(~t-V~ 47 "· Olll•n • fllomp1on CN••PO•I :::~.:I 10, 10 MottO'lt (Coron• del 600 ''" -1, l.Ouden (Mlttlon Vlefol. U2 H: 2 p~ tEI Toro). • 33 12; a WMI (Mlleloft VlllOI. • M.25, 4 Hlclo"-CMIMlon Vlefo). • 3, H . ' Oelloll CC1p11111no Velley). 4 3t 01, I W11grn1n·Adollo C m1tlH01. • 42 &O, Olh••• 7 Cerlton ve11ily), • 43.37. t Suthkoll (Cotti M). 4At'U: 12 Aloh Clrflnel. 4 '7.0 100 bec:ll 1 Prado (Ml1tlon v1e10>. 52 6t, 2 Cre1g 1~•1. ~3 40, 3 Bllllcil tHewpotl Herl>ofl 53 Y 1 • Mec:Lec:klen 11000llll. N.M: t. ~ ~ VleloL ~· 10, ' VnHllO (MIHIOn Viejo), u U'. Olh«t 10 8111t1ley (Hewpofl H1tbot), 112 et. 100 ~I -1 Smith lldleonl. 511 ... 2 Clltll (Slnlll llfblt•I. 61 91, 3 IWIUV!ldl (Mlt~ Vlefol. II to, • 81'111h Ct!dlM>ft) &f 12, a WM (F_,., V...,.I I 00 05. e MCIClllM~ ,......,. v•>. 1 00 511, OCMrr MOllMd (Colone def MM). I 01 65, 12 Ho- MWI (FOUnill/I VelleV), 1. 02 • 7 400 ,, .. ...., -l MINICn v• cw ..... ~.~.!(;ill.Midi» a 10 u. 2 ~Her1Mll.313t1,3 eo.-........ 1 " H , 4 ""'"'d•. :a.11 ., • & u11on. a 17 71. e !l Tcwo, 3 11 40. Olhllfr 10 b- llnCIL 3:1140 -~ 200 "'fdllf teler -1 MIU IOll VllJO czotn, v. 1ar11er. Mor•'. Woodllatdl. 1 50 H , 2 C•Pl•l•tno ••=I 51 to, i P'00111411, 1 6" l},1 4 Cot-MW, 1:66 65, t . .v-. 1t .. M : I . ,., 1:N.ta; °',_. .•. let-61, 1 117 ... '°° ... -1 WOOCINecl (MIMlon YlejO). I 41 03 2 W11t1 CC.0.-VelllJy). 1 IO 0 t, ' c--c-.....on ~ .. 1 60 95 ......... to~htmll>r•I. 1·u 11. a l••nd•wle (M VlelO~ UU7, e Fllcbltt llMne). 1·64 61. Olfl4'ft Lonq (Hewporl Ha•bO•l. I &4 M, 12 • .....,_. CIMM~ 1H2) 2001M 1 V .. ,.,., (M1u1on Vfefol. 2 07 321 2 lutch 1C1011111no Vetl..,I. 2 Ot 41, 3 Orcull IC1p111r1no Vt lley , 2 Otl U • 4 V..0-IJ (!~I 2• 10.12, 6 Piiie CMlellon VlelOI. 2 10 IC '1. ltown 1v1tt1 Perk). 2 11 12 Olh••• ~·wood 1••-1 211u &O lrff I Orey tArcaCllal. 24 $1 2 6vllte (ltVHWll 1• e 1. 3 81td tC0<on1 ... Met! 24 51, • Sylve tPeclllcl, 2• tit, 5 Wetgton (Sonon 1. 2$ 02. 6 Ce1k1 IRolling Hlll•I 25 40 100 lty -I A,.,.n 1C1p111reno Vellly) 117 43 2 M019' 1M1u 1on v .. 101 57 •• 3 0 -lne< (MlttiOtl VlllOJ 51 H 6 l urctl (CepOllrMO Valllyt 51 H S Gillnpte (l!I tOfO). 511 U , 8 Cowmltl tFullllrlont. 69 t• 100 lrM -I WOOdhHcl (Ml""°" VtejO). 61.01; 2. llfd CCOO'ona ... Mw>. 12.n: I . Grer (Ate.dill 53 43, 4 MNurll (FOOINI) 04 O• S Pelle CMtu ton Vlefot 54 10, i lyt111 CPaclllCI r.4 4' $00 ''" 1 wen tC•e"''•no v 111111 . • 52 18 2 CoNtl (Mlltlon lllOl. 4 53 N , 3 f 81rk1r (MllllOf'I Vletol. • ~I 18 4 Ate· ketll (MIHIOft VlllOI. • !>I 30. 6 8ruchM< CMIU IOn VlltO) 4 58 32 I Petereon IAlhamb••I. • 67 2-1. 01her1 I Long (Hewpotl ""bot) 9-o1 ,, tOO bac:ll -1 Amen tClc>illl•-Vtlly), H .Ot: 2. %0(" jMIMton Viejo). tt.10: •• lrow11 (VIII•1'1ri.11 H .11J •. Ou t111er (MIHIOll v11i.1 1:u1.H , ........ (lall Mercoe). 1:CJ1.h : t. loOP {Captetreno ~~ 1:03.14; 01111fe: a. 1111111 (IMM, 1 :oi It: 10. .... (&tenole). t:OS. 17. 100 bteHI -1 01cu11 (C•p11lr1"0 VlllleyJ, 1oe02, 2 POOie IC-'•llOO Vllley). 1 oa.U, a Clat• (Foun111n VileYI. 1 oe U , • k'1n••• IM1'8 Cotl•l 1 01 II, 6 V Slit).., (MtNiQn VietOI. t 07 29. I Dell•• (AtceClla). 1 07 .... Oi..... • ,.,,.u (tmnll. 1 01.11. 10 "''"' (Mlfl"ll. I Ot 09. 12 MotW000 (Irvine). 1 09 • t 400 ,, .. ''''r I Min ion Vl•IO (l tende•I• Ptt • f l••ll••. Cohen) ) H U ; 2 foothtll, I 41 H 3 Irvine a 41 W. 4 Clpltlrllflo Vtlley, I 43 t4 5 IMll llertlera, I 44 et, 0 lullfle. 3 0 H °''*'' llt-'t, ,,..,,.,, ... ...,.... IT...,CIUll,IW.I ==-.. ~ NY llllrlfftt I, Y-.-4 ClllaflOttt ....... 2~ ' ~·-­HY illMdert II Vl/IOOUWf .....,..ca.. HY ......... It Yw1eowet Diablos in finals By ROGER CAJlLSON or .... .,..,,...,..,. !!AST LOS A.NOEL.ES -The CIF •·A awlo> fJnal• .are bJlle:d for 7 o'clOck Friday eve'nlng .::.. - that la If the awlrllng controver- 1lea haven't developed Into a whirlpool at the Eut Lo• An· eetes Colleae pool. Mlulon -Viejo High'• Dlablos go for their ellh\h atralght team title and are favored to do jwt that despite loelng two of tfieir diat.anoe et.an (FUJ Colon of Peru and Roser Madruga of Brazil) beca1.11e of penalties levied by the ClF for pcaperwork infractlont. The CIF I• allowing the two foretgn atan, however, to switch to relay evmtl, allowing Mluion Viejo IOmt comolation. Newport Harbor, howe ver. SWIMMING II will be without two-Ume breast- stroke champion John Moffet in his epedalty and ln the 200 lndl· vldu.al medley because a knee Injury failed to reepond qukk enouch to treetment. Moffet wW be In the Sailon' medley relay only, because the CIF refuted the Sailors' request to switch him to two relays be· cau.e of the injury. and that has Sallon Coach Tom Milich stea· ~he ClF works In very my1tertous waye." aaid Milich "Mt.Jon Viejo broke the rules. but the penaltiee are w aived (Mlldnlp and Colon twitching to the relaya), but not for u.e when we have an injured athlete." Amon& Tueedat• prellms wu • 58.88 by Mu.on I Stuart Smith. (f!nt in the brealt). and Edl.aon: c.o.ch Andrew Ward eays a lfm.; Uar effort wW be enough to give: his 11enior the Utle. . Ahto, the Sailors' Tom Harri· aon and J on Ballack stood out. Harrilon WU second In the 200 lndo (1 :55.56) and 100 fly (52.37), while Ballack went 52.39 in the fly and 53.71 ln the back. thlrd in each event. Other toll.d efforta: C.Orona del Mar'• Scott Mollard (1:5.03 indo). F..t.ancia'1 Jim Balding (22.05 in the 50), Co.ta Mesa's Troy Pic- kett (22.10 In the 50), Marina's Troy Par10na (52.39 in the fly) and breut effort.a of 59.82 and 1:00.05 by Edl10n'• Tim Smith and Fountain Valley's Mark Wan. Women's division highlights Included C.Orona del Mar'• Mi- chele Blrd (24.69 and 52.79 ln the free 1prlnt1), Irvine's Brandi Suttle (24.81 50) and Fountain Valley'• Amy Clark (1:06.65 in the brealt). Corona del Mar Coach Jeff Stlte. •ya a.rd hu a 1hot at the ~o. "Providlns 1he concentrates on her arm epeed and good turns." Golden West is bombed I by Rio Hondo I TRANS GUAIO 4tf GAUGE {111us~) f//ia ~ t•• a leatl eff , .. , ... ,......,I te 2S horsepews _. MW ·-....--::;; •c11a Swlil ILICl•IC FAii OMWlllELS NP Mnl MIA~ IAlcnoN llA.'~•&llAIY,_" mlMIAm AlSO C -llMS & PICl·.S ·~···-~-L".!~~ ............. .,..,,...,..,,.. .... -19'!1c:27'! - llPLACI Dlln All PILTll NOWI P1eval : PAINT SPRAYER :· .. A PIOfUNOUl TOUCH :. 09I AU TO.CJl..WS s.tf-ponred unit tproys most liquldt and paintl.198 ISINtMOMI, SM0P Ol IAUll MCI SI Sl jl 71 SI 61 SI IO ... . . :I ' • , • -DC ... coaNILL • "°'MOE TuNLESS nus WITH SUPD SPORT $0U1\IU3. WM11'1t.mm ; G/T BELTED 60 2 99 : tlG WIDE TUlflESS TllfS WITH .. m:;,: S-35wm99 I ' ,.., POL Y'lm• COllOIOOYP\llS + t r•AO PUlS r•UGUJS SID PllQ Ue U C .... f70-14 U2.99 Ull f70.14 $44.99 ., .. , 070-14 $46.99 $2 62 070-U "''·" ., ... ~ -::>u~> f UCMfl l • I '"''POlftmJI COIO IOOY P\llS + 2 , • ., ,..., ....c;uss SID f60.14 f60. u 060-14 GOO-IS l60-14 l60-U ~n •to tac .... "'·" U .67 SO.ff n.n 52.ff n.a.. 52.ff '291 St.H Ult LAl .t9 $3 43 NOTUDl-IN RIQUIRID NIU& l\lll--fJIClll IAll / . . OUT Of' THI KITCHIN eLIM QOU .. MIT IUPIAMAAKIT IHOPPEA an / f.n"'1a1Nne • lf'OUP can call for • menu 11 compUcac.d M a VictortM ~u.i, ,. COIUy .. the weddlnc ot a lhetk and 11 full of ~ 11 the local candy tt«e. Or, I& can be deUdoUI, IUl'l\ptuow nutrtuaw and lnnpenlive -wtth no MCrillc. in O.vor. The lllCN\ la ln •i.ct.tnc S*'tY foodl ln the market that are low ln COit, tu,h ln value arwt flavor. Turuy parte, avaUable frfth or froieo, are • natural for a buffet. The bnlllt av.,-..-from thNe ~ a balL to ax POUndl. and when roeNd ..wt lllV9d hot cw cold, ii lmDOlinl on the &utfet tab&I. Turkey •~•kl carved from the breut lend them.elvM to many dilhel. 'nwty an a .,_, lwm to keep on hand for preparina one or two llttVinp. Rice playw an important role ln any buffet. Lone ,,..in, medium p-aln, thort cratn. parboUed, brown, pre-cooked -rice ii matkec.d to .Wt everyone'• taste. A buffet Ain't complete without• Mlad and tlw u. of rice In a Mlad, thouah It may be new to you, eate1 Mlad preparation conalderably. Cold rice and dtrua u1ada make won- derful toteble dishes. With these food1, you can entertain from alx to 1lxty with menut that pleue the buda&"t u well u the palate. TVR&EY BREAST WITH PDTO SAVCE J turkey brealt (up to 6 bounds) thawed Melted butter or marprtne Pesto •uce ( .. below) Place turkey breut, lkin tide up on rack In 1hallow routlna pen. Brush wtth melted butter. Cover with foil tent and roMl In 325 dell'ee oven for 20 to 22 mlnu&es per pound or untll meat ther· mome1er' regil1erl 170 to 176 ctecrees. Remove foll tent for lMt 30 minutes of rout.Ina. bMtlna oocuionally wtth pen .tuic9. (U turkey breMt wu not completely thawed add 30 to 40 minutes -6d!Uonal rolldna tlme.) Allow meat to nst 16 to 20 minutes before carvtna. Serve hot or cold with Petito Sauce. To th.aw: LMve tutby breut fu plMtk bq. Thaw 2 to 3 dayw In refrt1erator. For fast.er thawinl, leave turkey breaet In bq and oowr wtth cold water; allow one half hour per pound of turkey; ctwiae water frequently. Yield: 8 to 10 aeninp. PESTO SAUCE 2 cup1 tl(lhtly pecked penley leavee ~ cup olTve or ve1etable oU ' 'h cup grated Pa.rmeun cheetle i clovet garlic 4 taeapooN dried bMU 1-vet 1 tablespoon capen (optional) 1A teMpoon Mlt '" teMpOOn Found black pepper Combine 1n,redlent.1 In contalner of electric blender or fQOd peocemor. proce91 30 eeoond8 or untU anooth. Yield: l cup uuce. BA~ED TURKEY STEAD 6 t.utkey eteeb (about 5 ou.nc. -.ch) 2 wblelpoon1 butter or marprtne, melted ~cup fine dry bread crumbe l t.eMpoon ..Jt ~ t.eMpoon poultry ...onlnc. divided '"' teMpoon ~ bi.ck pepper, divided 1 ia.poon pmprika Get Into • }•m and keep cool • • • C9 ( ... 'leflet' PAGE Cl) TASTY ARRAY -'The host.ell can be• relaxed M her pate with a dcMhead buffet dJnner. Ambassador job By MARY JANE SCARCELLO ~,...,eM...., Con1ratulaUon1. Americana, you're io.tna the youna. rawboned, barbuian lmap and 11ei.. tUnc down to proper behavior. In other worda, you've ltopped throw1na tea into the Bolton harbor and begun to drink ft. "Tea ii the fifth most popular bev.,. In America," aocordln1 to the Honorable Aubrey Franklin. offldal tea ambe....tor to the former colonln. "Your country 11 •urpQleCS only by Great Britain In annual tea Import.I, and one 1tudy lhow• you'll.,._ U1 by the year 1990." ~ amh*=acfor, complete wtth p6th helmet and te~ kettle, wu holdln1 court In the wild, unch.ttted refPor» of the hou.ewan!9 department at Robbwon'• In Newport Beach. Ile WM there to lnauuet the Jocat. on the flnet point.I of prepuinc and eervtna tea, but he wanted to pt one thlna ltral,tit at the outaet. "We've for.Sven you for the local dJIMter In Boston all thoH yeare a,o," he H id In the Queen'I belt EnglJlh, "but t WM A btt nauchty of Y°'4 to dump all that predoul cal'IO Into cold wet.er. Be1lde1. tea In thoae day1 coat $~0 a ~.·· By contlMt, tea today co.it about 2 cent.I a cup, aocordina to Franklin. which c:ontnRI wtth coffee at 6 cent.I• cµp. - Part of the CQSt dJfferenbe occun beau.-a pound of tea make• 200 cup11 but the Hme amount ot coffee beana II aooci ror only 40 ot 60 cupe. awnc coffee pricel In recent yeen combaned with lncreued interttt ln health and aourmet toode have brouf!!:: Htlmated 12 million Alnericanl to the . J'rank11n M)'I It WMn't eM)', thoueh· "When I WM appotnt.d to UU. 1)(116tion by the T.-Council of~ USA In lt1f, I really oonidV.S It an impc-'ble mill6on. I thoucht tM only pllat to •ll ... ln th.II CIOUntl')' WM to hcJe.. pUali1I and old led-.'' la tac&, It'• &be wnder·H 1en.eratlon now cllmb&n1 on&o the tea &roli.r, and one ttudy 11iow1 tha& one·thlrd of Amerlcane twitched frcm.,,.. W ... betWMft 1• end lllO . ..... na6clinl.,,... IN plr II d to note a ..,, of t.e• bat· jult one .,.,n, eompertd to wtdl aw .-o1.i,.._ .-cup. • for ........ and .,... Mw &he ..-n& of_,...._, bUt the dlfference __. the~• .1rol., .. perpoUnd Aadlhl6dMft'I .~ ... ~of ...... ...," E ... -·· of• .... ,, ... --•••ls:JL i.;,r • ~• nu=tn.w . ....... .,... ....... ,~~ .............. ... .... ~ ....... ......,." •AmH A ~--IMlillntha ,.. ...... ~ 111 ~-........ -~ .. ..... ~ i\jfQ'"-to.,. .. Y ... ~tD ·'•••driat'1ball ....... , •• litilM; ....... ~" ~-·--· .... . . 1 . :~ wt.-:-• .. ,., ............ . ................... tl;lllil I lmll9d; I suits him to a tea j I i I I I I Distinctive Fashion Every Sunday s GIFT CERTIFICATES REDEEMABLE ANYTM ""'" ,,.,, ... • I . • I r ~~ DUI I •sh~ 111 a om IOft bu«er l trr~ vanilla l to l ptftta tVaWberTMI l cup heavy cream whipped with pow· cMncS .upr and vanwa to &Mte Q:imb&ne u.. balcu!t max. ...,. .... milk. bUHtr and vanWa ln a mUcel' bowl. Mt; on low few l mlnuta to blend, then mix on m.dtum for I minute., ICl'apfnc bowl. Pour Into INUed and floured 8·lndl round cake pan and mu at 360 ::; r ... for 10 to 80 mlnut.., or until center bKk with U,ht .,,_ure. eenwhlle, clean and remove 1tem1 from the 1trawbeniel. Set ulde 9 attrecUve beniet and al.Ice the 19\ lnto • bowl. Add ..... to .. (and a da1h of 1trawberry liqueur or cream lheft'Y if you wlah). Whip the cremn. When the cake layer hlll baUd and eooled, carefully 1lice It ln half horizontally. Put the bottom half on a 1ervln1 late and 1pread the 11lced berrlet and their juice over rt. Spread about halt the whipped creem tNer the berriee and put the top halrot the cab1ayer OYer t.haL SpMld the top with the rema1ninC whipped cream and arranae the whole berriee on top, with one ln the center and the remalnin1 8 evenly 1paced near the outer ed1e. Refn1e.rate untU rady to allce and .erve. Mabe about 8 llel'Vinp. \, I i ) BUY •so WORTH OF GROCERIES OR MORE AND WE'LL DELIVER THEM FREE Meat I D~ FAJIOIJS ACED STEAKS .. ARE ON SALE! PORTERHOOSE '4'' W• tS.49 T-IONl'S '4'' W•IS.49 / '4'' TOP SDU.OINS w .. tS.98 Fil.ET MIGNON $5 98 Wut7.98 . NEW YORK a.rrs '5 98 ..... 7.98 (no .. a. IO Malert. We l'ftene 1he righl IO Ualt UIC*Jll lo ndi eutomer.) . . ------------------------1 Seafood FRESH FROUN LOCAL SWORDFISH FROM THE 15UND8 ot' HAW All FRESH FROZEN FILETS OF WAHOO $3 98 I 1 •4~; !) (C.-1 0. 'TIM ~-> FR.ESH FILET Of PETROLE SOLE FIRST OF THE SEASON-FRESH $3' 5 9 DUNGENESS CRAB lb. (We will llMIY ~--a4 end tllem fw -H ire d1arp) Bake£).:_ DIRECT FROM " DELANEY'S NEW BAKERY Fresh Baked E•ery Monlaa Hd DeJinred Direcl to tbe M.rllet Freelt fAeh Monla1. ' , ,~ Wine Imported a Domettie WINES Vafaee •p to 17.98 each WHILE THEY LAST DO-NUTS, SWEET ROLLS 2s ~ • FALL TYPES •· , FRESH BAKED t..:} 91 CROISSANT ROLLS ,q. ot 4 ee. (Al ...... Uq.. ,.... S..te TH ) CUSTOM MADE SANDWICH~ (WJdt 4J1 n. Trim I tf') HAM·nJRKBY-IOAST BDF "Morninr Freah" Produce FIRST OF THE SEASON =~~:" 5 ....... •100 , ~FIESH •OCCOLI LdG& IWUT NORTHERN STllAWBERRIJ.S 6 73-5520 3 .... •100 .59:.. f t • savings ,.,.. ,..., ....... , ..... The lnip of the IClllon II th,t eound of •vlna for million• of Americana w~ have turned coupon cllpplna into bit bu1l- nH1. There are booka which Utll you how to a•t th• rnoat from cou-cna, clube whole mem- ,.. trade ooupona with the enthualum of r,::~~~wapplna Storea lure 1hopper1 with procnMlel of mundl equal to double 0t even trlple the face value of coupona. Manufacturert combine coupon offere with refund• which boost lhe value of aome promoUona \.o several doll.an. ·----....... & The A.C. Niel.Jen Co., which keepa track of marke\lna trend• In a wide variety of areu In addition to te levl1lon, reportJt that manufactu- rers dt.tributed 90.6 bil- lion coupone In 1980, up 12 percent from 1979. HOLEY WAR -Mllllonl of American.I clip coupo"-to .ave at the grocery checkatand each week. More than 900 manu. coupon1," ahe 1ay1. "If facturert' coupon1 were you would buy the pro- d I 1 trl bu ted for every duct anyway, UM a cou- U.S. hou9ehold. And that pon, by all means. But doe1n't count the cou-don't UIC on.e ~t becau- ponl 1-ued by ret.ailef9. ae lt'1 ofle~.' Only about 4 percent Ma. Swanaon a1ao aays of the manufacturers' that coupon1 rarely save coupon• are redeemed r.ou much o n ataple11 . but the redemplloN add · 'You t.'OU.ld never feed a up. 1n 1979 alone for ex-family on couponed ample the value of the ltema only." 1he 1ay1. 'redee~ed coupons wH "Saale foods a uch 81 about $160 million. fruit, vegetable•, mllk The U.S. Department and meat, for example, of Agriculture e1llmates are rarely couponed.' that lour families an five The co1 t of cheating u1e coupoN. Until rec-can be high. Industry ently, the people who IOUJ"OCS say aa ~ny u 20 u.eed coupons moet were percent to 30 pert..-ent of the ones who needed all eoupons are miare- them leut -middle and deemed; the coat of the upper-Income conau-fraud la added to your men. There are 1jgn1, supermarket bill. powever, that coupon Here are some 1tep1 use 11 1preading on ull you can take to save: levela. A atudy by Nielsen 1howed, for example, that 69 percent of faml- U. wtth 1ncomet of Sl0,- 000 or laa u.eed cou pona In 1960, up from 51 per- cent In 1975. The 1tudy allo 1howed that 57 per- cent of non-whl~ hou- teholda and 69 percent of Kitpanicl u.ed couporu, a finding whkh Nlellen aald wa1 "contrary to traditional perceptioN." To get the moet from coupona, It ll import.ant to we them properly Joeephine Swanson. a consumer educator from Cornell Unlveralty, po- lntJt out that you don't save money if you wie a coupon for a product you don't need. "Ultimate ly, consu- mers end up paying lor the coat of olferlng -Check newspaper and magazine advertlse- menta and 1tore lhelves for refund offera whlch can be combined with coupons. lf you teen an ad for a refund and your 1tore doe1n't have the forma, uk ttM man.ager to get IOme. -Organize your cou- pons, separating them according to category and date of expiration. You don't need a fancy fil ing 1y1t e m ; a fe w e nvelopes w ill do. Go through the file periodj- cally to weed out unuaed or expirt:<f coupon.a. · -Plan your 1hopping around coupon1. Suppose you see a coupon offe- ring 20 cenu off on pa- per towela -this week only I Ji'amlllarize younieJf 1 F1minin1 Fitness • • • • For Every BodJ COME IN FOR A FREE VISIT $ 40 Unlimited resits 1 Mo. • Posture • Circulation • Slim Hips • Firm Thlfhs • Tichten Buttocks Includes • FIH AEIOllCS o ......... .... w.e..w...- Aerobics s25 10 Classes with regular price• 110 you know whether an advertlMd "baraaln" la really a aood deal. u you vtslt a parUcular ltote to take advantage of a cou- pon offer, make sure you d on 't wind up paylnf hlaher-tha n-norma prk:el for other lteml. .I I Oranot Oout DAIL"( PILOT IWfldMtdly, Mly 12, 1812 • • • Buff et with ease a whole plml•nlOll, cut ln half 6 1llct!e 8wlM chella (•bout ' C>W"Mm) 1 can (10 M ou.no.) cunden1ed cream of muahroom aoup 1 tablHpoon pre- pared mUIWd , ~ cup sherry ~cup water 2 tablo1poon1 1n1pped pwaley 3 to 4 cupe hot ec>o· ked rice Brush turkey 1tetk1 on all aJdes with butt.er. Co&t with bread crumbe ml"ed wlth tall. 'h t.ea- 1poon poultry aeuonlna, ~ "'a1poon pepper and paprika. Place In butte- red, lhallow baklnl pin. Bake at 375 de8J'MI for 30 mlnutn. Place a pi- miento half on each Wt· key tteak . Top wlth cheeH. Bake ~ minute• tonier or until cheete melt.I. MeanwhUe com· blne 1oup, mu1tard, sherry, water, ~ t•a· apoon poultry RUOnlna. and 11' teaapoon pepper In 1mall aaucepah. Heat and 1t1r until bolllna. Add paraley. Serve tur- key 1teak1 on beds of fluffy rice and top with sauce. Yield: 6 1ervln1J1. ORANGE-RICE SALAD ORIENTALE a CUPI cooked rice, cooled I can (8 ouncH) 1,1\ cup cold wet.et wawr chelt.nu\I, dralMd 1 cup bolllnc water and a1Jced 111\ CUpt IUllt a onnpt, divided 2 'h cupe ()rana• Jul· l tabletpoon vtnep.r "-'O ~cup veaotable oU 2 tea1poon1 anted a t.abletpooN cataup oranae pMI 2 tabl•1poon1 1oy 2 ~ cu pt h ra v y uuce er am, divided 2 tablHpoon1 min· 6 oran101, peel d cod onion and 1lk.'ed I t.abl•poon 1ugar 1 pint freah 1traw- lt\ teupoon ground berrle1, w11hed, hull.,d (llnaer and 111~ 3 to 4 drop• hot In larae bowl combine pepper •uce '" i d Id 4 o unc h e1 fresh ge ... tnc an t'O wawr. inow peu (pod peu) . Let •land 1 minute for Combine rice and wa-sclotinu to 1often. Add ter cheatnut1. Squeue boillnai waler, itlr until juice from half of one of gelatine 11 comple te ly the oran"ea. Combine dluolved. Add iuaar ond • 1Ur until dillolved Add ju.Ice, vtnegar, oU, cataup, a Jule d " t d 1e1y aauce, onion, augar, oran.e :e an .,ro e alfller and pepper ll\.ICe. peel. Chill until m1xturt> Pour aver rice and water la con1l1tency of unbeu ten egg white•. Whip 2 c:he1tnuts; toH to com-cups heavy crl'am until blne. Peel and thinly illce remaining orange• 1tlff: fold into gelatine mixture Spoon half tht• Pour botllna wat.er over orange and atrawtx-rry IJ'lOW peu and let it.and I 1Hce1 Into a 1tralgh t - mlnute; drain , dry and ilded, 2 ~-quart gla11 chW. Spoon half of rice aerving bowl. Arrange mixture into 1ervlng fruit around aide of bowl bowl. Cover with a layer to resemble buttcrfllc•s of half of the anow peas b y p 1 ad n g r 0 u n d t• d and oranae .uce.. Spoon d t rem'alnint inow peaa and e g ea o oranae Ala·(·11 together Spoon half tht• oranae I lees ln a deco-gelatine mlxtun• Into rattve design on top. bowl. Spoon remaining Yield: 6 1ervlnp. fruit over gelatine, rcs- ORANGE erving a few orange and BUTrERFLY CREAM 1trawberry 11llcc1 ror 2 envelope. unfla-sarniah Top with rt! vored gelatine maining gelatine mix ----------------- ture. Cover. Chm until firm. Befort Hrvln1, whip remalnln& '-' cup heavy c:rtam. Oarnl1h de11etl with whlpJ>•d cram ednd rtMt"Ytd «· an1e and 1tra~·berry 11Jcet, If dNlred. Yield: 8 \0 10 ..-rvjnp. What ii means for your ad to be "classifwd" repeat appearances The market fOf' what.ever you advertlM chanlff ccmtlnu.lly When you r1peeL your ad, you reach new 1hopper1, ucca· 11lonal 1hoppet1 •nd Lhoae who 11hop every day. DailyPlllt claHtflff ad9 642-M71 J "Fresh brewed'' for first~cup freshness. New Taster 's Choice· l<Xm F~Oried c.otree is even better. • ON NEW TASTP.R'S CHOlCI!• 100'4 PReeze-OIUl!D COPPEE. RP.CULAk OR ORP.BN l..ABEl. DECAf Pl!INATBD, ANY 17.fi JAR f!XCE!PT I ·OZ • T·BONE STEAKS TABLE ~0-LOl't CUT CUJB ~rr2 4·ROU. PACKAGE ASSORTED COLORS HBALTBl'VL - J'ruita and veaetablm are low in Hlt but hlah Jn flavor and nutrition. AU. ITDll MD f'IUCr.s YAKJrlm o" MOrtDAY MAY JO. 1981. TA~ Kl"IG 8££,. Porterhouse Ste.aka TARLE KINO LEAM TV'IOUI Beef Cube Steaks LB.21a 2.87 3.19 2.58 2.99 LB. 2 48 2.57 .87 2.61 2.99 IOOtl'U '~-l'llOZVI Vons Pea ~1. Pl(Q.~ WA~. l'llOl. Veal Parmigiana TAHll KIN08U.'-CH(.ICK 2 8 160Ura;1ltKY1'\l\OC~ Boneless FamAy Steak LB. .1 2.ot 1.tt a.n a.n CottaQe Cheae l ASl..E KJ'IO 80NULSS llUI' LB.199 Chuck Beef Roast , TVSONPllUIU'IVT 6) LB .• 87 Comish a.me Henl 'iAlAO,. A\IOlll'rt EA .• 29 Romaine Lduc:e O(UCA Tt: ,.LA liO'I LB .• 49 ltallan Squash I~~ 1.H I .tt 2.St 2.49 Jerleymald,ft\llk 1.27 1.23 1 .50 I At MOUta. LOW ,.AT Jerseymald Mllk .39 ... , .49 SOOAA l'llU COlA-64'1V 12.0Z. CM ·" Diet Rite .69 .79 .69 ·" .47 .49 .51 .63 .48 139 1.79 1.59 1.79 1.89 .90 ]93 .95 ol 29 129 .90 .89 .93 .94 1.93 2.04 1.97 1.95 .95 1.02 .97 .96 2 • ..e 2.59 1.59 2.59 2.4t 2.59 1.59 2.59 16-0L Pl<Ci -CHUS£FOOO Borden's Ind. Slices YONS-RfO Pl<O Miid Cheddar 8-0Z Pl<O -l'llOZ!N Banquet Chicken Pies IOOUMClJAA-HOl 000 Heinz Relish 209 L8 234 .35 .59 14.()(JM(Z80TT\L-RfOOVJI 79 Outs' & Pitt's BBQ Sauce • !>-0£ Pll.O Andes Creme D'Menthe }19 .55 4.()(JNCf CAM Ortega Diced Chlll ~ ~ I ~ ~ 2.46 2.45 1.99 2.65 2.49 2.69 2.75 2.74 .36 ·" .45 .49 .58 .77 .75 .77 . 78 1.0I .19 1.0I 1.19 1.29 1.25 1.23 .58 .59 .63 .64 .33 .33 .25 ll<XIMCLUOOt.M-,.ON\V CNU 119 .Jt Qllette St..ve Cream ~, 1.79 2.25 1.79 1.87 SAi.AO ,. AllOltff! EA .19 Crisp Cucumbers J 82 1.97 1.15 1.19 1.99 16-0Z CTl'I Lawrya Season Salt 11 ()(Kf, U OCJl.AR 1.39 1.5t 1.19 1.lt Old Spice Smooth Sheve IOLI BAO-US l"IO I ~0129 Russets Potatou )KQCM' 'AiOWlf! .25 .at .29 .27 Alka Seltzer Box AOO~ rur ro ,.,.v ~ 1 LB .• 25 Brown Onions IOUMCt lllOCJV.11 .It .59 . ·" .79 Style Hair Spniy WiQ.! JI.XV Le.A9 Cantaloupe T-OUMCt TUN-.W.00 (l'fCU. 4AI 5.31 5.lt Head & Shoulders '°'°", )LITfllt 80TTLt 3" Gallo Chabfla Blanc I OO<Jl'!Ct 90TTLl 4At 5.)t ''" Jergena Lodon .HITU 80l'l'L! 3" Gallo Rhine Wine ·~· 100 WATT ICWT WHITI o.tt '·" Q.!.l.Jaht ... 7~WT~ IOTTL! s• J&88cotch ~'°""'.&M:IC 4,15 4,29 ,,,. J.tt Blc Pen9 790~UUTU 10m.L 399 Klmch8tka Vodka tOCJMC&'9(0.-~ a.>a J.'5 2AI a.41 Swift Brown re Serve 12 OOl'<l CNll. 6-PAClt 232 Coors Beer ~.,AUl.1-toi. l'K0.-'1'0~ ... ·" 1.ol ... FrtedCllme I J.()Ul'ICl CM-l'ltOZ!M .89 Snow Ctop FIYe AllYe 3-IK. .85 '·'°z. 175 1.89 2.59 2.25 1.79 )19 1.17 2.19 I.ff 1 ~,.,. 121 .tt 1.at 1.49 1.39 197 2.at 2.54 2.11 2.99 138 1.41 2.21 2.19 1.75 2" 3.19 , .... 3.29 3.29 .27 . at .SS .JI .,, 1" t.21 1.21 1.35 1.11 12 ~ CNl-CH<Jtflt UOlfT WAID Chicken d the Su Tuna 125«1MC! CM-CHUNK UOKT WATVI Star Kist Tuna T-OUMC!CM Hormel Spam l9-0UMC! CAN Folger'• Flaked Coffee l>OOMCl-,..,,,,T!lt 9L2MO Max. Houee Drtp Coffee >-LI CAM-UO.OltlNO Vuban Coffee 01'112«tl<l CAl'IS c&ec• 16001'<1 CN>l·Dll. ~ Cut Qreen Bans ]69 1.67 1.11 l.H 1.19 } 59 1.67 1.19 1.9S I.et .93 .99 1.03 1.03 1.03 6'7 6.11 6 .37 l.Jt 6.1'1 2 24 ~.~o • • 2.25 2.at a.21 767 7.80 1.29 7.H 7.t7 149 ... , 1.41 1.71 .. , • .49 ,., .n "" .12 1 ?()(JN(I CM-OOLoer. C.ltfNo\ Del Monte Com .50 .so llZ MR. CLEAN ALL I' A8RIC LJQUID ORV BU!ACH CL!AN!R »OZ. 1 .43 »OZ. I 1.95 4&0Z. -=1• ..... -=-... --~ .. i • Think big to save m ·oney on small ineals f oed onion or p.rllc, ::/. 1ano or batU lO t•= Cover ind elmmer .. IJ IAllA•A QlllONI an &M OM1 &hat .,.,lt Here•1 l!Whal Debbie It'• lunday and Deb· llllOlt tram llow ravUnt. ·dOs bl• hH a ro1u ln the (Quick coollln1 1tHk1 The frHhly cooked oven. Tha& wouldn't be ind chop1 are u1ually l"Olll\ II her Sunday niaht '° unUIUal ..,.pl Dlbbte well m1rbled wllh fat ....i. l• 1ln1le. And 1he'1 no\ and COil more per pOund AJw d&nner, the ""' exs-:unc company. tn calorlH H well H II IUald Into linale-nMel Th D bbl ' ~.) ..wtp and indfvidual.ly •way • •• I· 8o .ven lf vnup famUl =ped In freeur ~It, c:oOkin1 btt one. .,v-.... _ ,_...._,__. __ _, a w•k 1av. tnet _ ii emall, or non-4xilten , v .. n ...,....v - her1 and \ho utffhy or nowhere nearby, . (She may .._.rv• company'• roaatln1 a famlly-1l1e aome of the meat •• · main courn can 1Ull eandwlc:h flllin81 tor her 1t•1 allo a way to uve make aen11 lt you have weekday brown ba1 cMh and c:alorl., becau-a frteUJr and IOme lma· luncMI.) u the lea nu, leu-alnatlve ldeaa for u11n1 After Hveral 1uc h expen1lvt cull of meat the planned-oven. Sunday meal.I, her free- lllllllllO aer hat a variety of .0We·Mrvtn1 peckl1• of chue ... nt precooked ..... and pou.ltry. f.ech W'8kda)' ewrUl\I 1fter dinner, the ttana- fen one pack•I• from the freeier to the refrl- 1e ra tor tor \he next e~11meel. Tamocrow nl.aht when •h• comes home from work, the prec ooked 1 .... "'-: IJQWd evapara"-i .ur ln OlmNTALITIB-nY Julienne 1lked •tripe of meat or poultry wlll be def roeted and ready io combine with other In· 11'edJent1 In a qulcld)'· prep1red after-work main cour.. Some nlahu 1he may almply alice the meat and reheat It in a toU-covered plepan In the oven, but meet of the t1me ahe w1l1 dice It lnto creative com· blnatJonl: -Spray• non .. tkk akJ.l. lean cooked beef, pork, let or elec:tr1c trypen with chJdcen or turkey 1t the oookl".'l •J»r1y. Combine lut m1nu-.; cook and 1Ur thinly 1llced 1weet un\11 hMi.d ~. oaJoM, mu.hJ'ooma, di· IPAOHSTTI AND Cid red or IJ'89D peppen, MEAT SAUCE -While cll.laonally 11ked celery, •~U.I OOOkl In botUn1 II'"" bMlw or ""Yother ulted wit.er IOCOl'dlna to favorite crunchy fr.,h packaae clirecttona, com- ve1etable1 In the 1klllet blne diced cooked lean with IOlne canned ctuck-roa1t beef with an en or beef broth and a 8-ounce can of m11hed 1pl.aah of eoy l&UCI. Cook undrained tomatoes and and 1tlr over moderate a hall-cup tomato Juice flame until moet of the ln a saucepan. Add min· 12-00NCE CAN FROZEN DETERGErlT ~~K: 49-0<.JNCE BOX (INCLUDES . t 5 OFF) SOFTENER LIMIT 2 (PurchaM! over llmlt-reg. price 2.0 I ) VONS CONTINUES TO LOWER PRICES I~ OtlMCf CAN -OOlOf N WHOl.1' .39 Nlbleta Kemel Com II Otlt'ICI CAN V""' Cl>J'!P .79 Pork & Beans IO Ot f'ICI CAI". llO'.Alf 11 "' .78 Refried Beans JI Ol INC'I (' 4N .64 Ubby Sauerkraut l ('l(lf'I( I vtll'lil .20 Tomato 81uce IHlCIN('l l A"' Ol I ~,_,II .61 Fruit Cocktall <46()(K£ ( 4N .65 HI C Orape Drtnk J/O<lf'ICI J>M 111'\l ""ll .65 Oatorade 480Ul'tCr 16 Pl\Cl\I Ol!Ar!QI .89 Prult1tand Dr1nk 111001'<[ 0011 1" Kellogg'• Com Flakta 700Ul'!CI 179 Poat Ralaln Bran ll\OUN<f .91 Quaker Qukk Oat• 4•0UN<t '""' 173 Vona Shortening ~lllMO .83 Vona Flour I P()OroO Cf.H .49 Powdered Sugar l)~flOTTLE ]14 Log Cabin Syrup ~ ~ ~ ~ .38 .47 .39 .81 .85 .n .78 .79 .93 .64 .68 .73 .20 .21 .22 .62 .68 .H .15 .77 .71 .65 . 7l ... .aa .91 1.05 1.18 I. 15 1.25 1.81 1.82 l.9J .93 .91 .94 1.73 l.'9 1.69 .83 .85 .99 ..48 ·'° .52 1.13 1.25 1.23 I .42 .85 .90 .68 .22 .68 .77 .71 ... 1.25 1.79 .91 l.lt .89 ..49 1.14 I REG.OR KING SI ALLPOPOLARBRANDSCARTOM I 00 MM OR 120 MM SIZE CTN. 5.99 "DAY MAY JO . lHl. ~ ~ I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ 6il Otlr'ICI IV.(, YF 11 (1W 119 110U!'t(I ("'"' 138 Jollytlme Popcom 1.73 1.99 1.79 1.19 Dow Bathroom Cleaner 1.36 1.42 1.45 1.42 l&<Xll'lef -""""v.r~ .69 ll OUl't( I \Al". 1 e1 Kraft Marshmallow• .... .87 .89 .88 Drano Drain Opener 1.95 1.91 1.93 1.91 4 10Ul'ltl <ii llHI II .23 4 ifl'll I l't\(, "....i PtlK I •• .67 Oerber Apple Juice .23 .24 .25 .23 Bathroom Ttaaue .72 .81 .19 .79 11( 0111'11 I AllCof l>N'l>V.1111 323 8 0 / \I"' C11CAll ll 2'' Luv1 Dleper1 3.21 J.23 3.S2 J.St Krlft Parmean 2.31 2.15 2.Jt 2.JI lhClll"'<' ... 1 ..... 111'11 119 J•.i n 1w. 269 H~Ho Crackera 1.22 1.19 I. It 1.21 Johnny Cat Utter 2.77 2.79 2.11 2.59 h ')(111...C I 11111 ldl'Jl lll'IAlllll .34 lllOUN I I "'"' tlf lc<.itl v .85 9 Uvea Cat Food .12 AO .Jt ..40 Chocolete Syrup .85 .at .92 .ll 400ltNC I llllJC 1'111111>4 11 142 I < "" f Ol'I Ill (All.All 5'' Vona Detergent IA) 1..41 I.ti 1..41 Camell Cigarette• 6.15 6 .55 6.19 6.55 !>!>OUN:£ .49 I CA#l~ 5" Zeat S.th a.r .41 .52 At Al .-..rtboro 100'• 1.25 6.15 6.21 6.a5 1,0CINC"I 811 LIQll"l 111 NOllT1it:lll'l-4NOl l l\~SllJ 1oe Ivory Detergent 1 • .11 2.04 2.09 1.77 Bathroom T111ue 1.25 1.:11 1.19 1.15 <tOOCINCI 150 1101 C l\H .28 CloroK Dry Bleach 1.52 t.58 1.65 1.58 Campbell• V-8 Juice .29 .JO .JI .29 lU>UN< I .39 I<)/ llCJI( .45 Vons Uquld Bleach .38 .39 .JI .42 Juyu Pruitt .48 .49 .49 .49 l6COt~l 10-00H<:f. PM:KAOE-FNOZCM .47 Cllng Free Sheets 189 2.01 2.ot 2.09 2.09 Vona Cut Com .48 .53 .63 .53 16 OU!'IC C C r N PIJl"\P .47 .41 .SJ ,6J .52 RALPHS GRAND TOTAL 169.31 4K. HIQHER THAN Vort8 ' mlnut••· Uncover dd elmmtr unUI 11uc= \hick. ror chick• \urUy ceodaton, IU tut• cooked po~h•fH Serve over ho\ dr••; ~· . RANOETOP PIL -Combine Inn coo"-lo diced mHt or poulWtw with haU-cup lnU••M rice, half-cup canrlti4b beef OI' chick.en brothWh or 2 ribl minced celerjd•I or 4 wblelpoont fresh= frozen peu, a few tHlft onion 1llcM, a pinch curry powder (to t.a.afA6. C.OVer and ehnmer 2 -• nutee. Remove from .._., and wait 6 minutes ... fore lef'Vina. =t MEAL·llZE CHIC EN OR TURUY CH DER -Combln11J•4C ' cup canned chlck••f broth, half-cup thltA,tf 1llced truh or troiil\ carroca, l or 2 ribs thinleN 1llced celery. 2 bay l..,t ve1, a pinch of nutrnt19- a n d a n u n d r a I n e .,,. 2-ounce can mu1hr<>Oillllla pieces. Cover and 1i~' 20 minutes. Add dlcedll cooked poultry and tMM.ltt through. Stir In a lltthtYJ low-fa\ mlJk, if deslred4"1 for extra dairy nutrtUGftlo Here are the leanrit:ia lea1t fattening c hoict'W1 fo r roasting (ca lo~ counts from U.S. 0.ffl partment of Aaricultuee a Handbook No. A): "11 BEEF -Bonele11cfJ fat-trammed top rounctd rout: 612 calo ries p4r po und (1eparable le .. b choice). a d LAMB -BoneJe..,v fat-trimmed leg: 950 caik'l orl e1 p er p o u~dUI (aeperabl"' lean, choiceJJ VEAL -Bonelellf Ii round: 631 calories .,..11 pound (thin cla81). bn• PORK -Fresh h.aNI q 667 calorie• per pouMil) (separable lean, thOll cW.). 'I'# CHICKEN -Buy only whole young broiler frye,.., not routing hena, and trim fring e falrr.JI Chicke n (meat only) la 382 calortea per pound~ TURKEY -Choose small YOW'\8 hen turkeys (meat only) 480 calori6imlq per pound. Losing battle ···rl? b<!rl U fighting weiaht &aln in youth I.a a battle, mWWfl die ase tunu the •tn41fo'/ sle lnto a war. 11 "It'• unfair, but ~ to avoid weight saln ai4J 1hed unwanted pou!M6A In middle ase beconaNleJo sreat chore for mQIJ5f eeopte," uy1 Elliabe._Jt Cwtll, boa.rd member •~ the California Nura.,lf Amoct.aUon. Jf I ttt Curll• e1tlmatea thMI• between the ase1 of •b and ~~ the body's rnef&'-t) boll1m 1low1 dow~ fewer calories are to bum for enera. ••And to thil a l1owir Ufestyle and a reduction In phyalcal acUvlty ara you've created a lltua~ that lnvlta weight Pfk, blem1 for moat of u~ the .. ya. t" However, Curtil 11 ,. the:;.rospect of 11Jn t we t ii no cawie to 1pa r about movina t middle age. "People Juat have to• aware that u they ~ older, Uleir bodlea ,, ly need fewer caloriel function ," 1h~ea . "With advance p you can avoid the p(t.f that oootrtbute to W P'!i·" Curt11 recommen ' thatpenoM I middle A1e cut beck/ the amount of food .. t -parUcularly f ood1 and ht1h·calo de11ert1 -Dut at mllntaln • well· ~ lncludbw foodl Uw four tooa ~ mllk meat. ve,.talt ind irulta, breacla •911 ........ ''Main~--.. :rn.s-:= ~ tocMi babt1 ID Such a rro1ram be keep o f unwa t ........... lor oardto-v..V.W- -• W.U." ... ._,.~ la addltlo•. H ~t .. ....,. a;;~' 1:t.=:r;-. t • .... -.. .. : ' COME CELEBRATE WITH US AT ALL THREE STORES ----------------------~•1:1M:•a:<•m•1•11~~•~-------------------------- FRESH! FRESH! FRESH! FRESH STRAWBERRIES AND ASPARAGUS ARE HAND-PICKED AND DELIVERED FRESH DAILY TO ALL TIIREE IRVINE RANCH FA RM ERS MARKETS STORES! First of the Season Irvine Ranch Grown VALENCIA JUICE ORANGES A rich source of the all-important Vitamin C. these sweet oranges are great juiced for breakfast, sliced into a salad or dessert. or for just plain snacking! Fresh /y Picked, Best-of-Spring LOCAL GROWN BROCCOLI 39(! lb ASPARAGUS Irvine Ranch soil is the richest ... just right for growing this tender, green asparagus. And since Irvine Ranch is just down the road, you can be sure this asparagus is as fresh as can be! All sizes are grown lo full maturity for color and flavor that is sure to please! BUY NCNI AT THIS SUPER PRICE ... SOON TifEY•lJ.. BE GONE! ALL SIZES 98(! lb Sun \\brld's Finest SWEETCORN At last! Delicious Coachella \alley corn has come to Irvine Ranch Farmers Markets. This first-of-season corn is fresh , sweet, and tender ... perfect for cooking and the bar-b-q! 4 for Sl.00 l#Jshington States Finest GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES Crisp and Juicy! 49(! lb locally Grown BUTTON MUSHROOMS These all-purpose mushrooms are fresh and delicious. Perfect with a tender cut of Irvine Ranch Farmers Markets steak! 98(! lb Local, First-Picked LONG GREEN CUCUMBERS 29~ each 4 lbs. for Sl.00 ------------------------------1•1?1111·---------------------------- How 'bout a picnic with a loved o ne ... and somethin' blsty from Irvine Ranch Farmers Marketa own dell? Hormel THURINGER Sliced to Order! Reg. $3.49 lb S2.98 lb El Molina MILLERS BRAN Good for You! 32 oz. Reg. 85( 11e Health \alley STONED WHEAT CRACKERS • Salted or Unsalted ... lllke your elckt 6Vi oz. Reg. 89• 11e Sun \\brld PITTED DATES A healthy enack at a ~ prlcel 10 oz. Reg. &1.79 •t.18 UNSWEETENED PINEAPPLE Naturally Dellc:lcMf 16 oz. Reg S3. 79 •1.88 CHEESE OF THE WEEK! LAPPI CREESE Brought all the way from Finland! This tasty cheese is great for cooking or tucked into a sandwich! H<·~· $~.98 lb. Sl.98 lb Marie's SALAD DRESSINGS Bleu or Ranch. 16 oz. Sl.49 Straight from San Francisco ... GALLO COTTO SALAMI It's taste says it all! ReM. $2.98 lb. S2.29 lb NOVA LOX Lascco Smoked Salmon Reg. $13.95 lb Sll.95 lb Charlie's Pride RARE ROAST BEEF Reg. SS.39 lb S4.49 lb WHIPPED FRESH CREAM CHEESE Nothin' like fresh cream cheese on a fresh bagel! Reg. S3.l9 lb S2.49 lb Avallablt' at thfo Tu1tln and N .. wport •l<>n"il only! -----1 : fi1 :i ?f 1 I f11X11 •t1·----- Irvine Ranch Fannen Marketa Homemade 100')(, Natural SPROUTED WHEAT BREAD 24 oz. Loaf Sl.39 Irvine Ranch Farmers Marketa Homemade FRESH CRESCENT ROLLS Perfect steaming hot topi>ed off with a pat of fresh butter! Package of 4. SI. 79 -------1: 11111:Kt11X1J1i;1-.---- RAW CASHEW PIECES Reg. S2.59 lb ~l.59 lb NATURAL PISTACHIOS GreatJUlt the way they are! Reg. 15.69 1b 84.29 lb THOMPSON SEEDLESS RAISINS A little bit of the 8'111 le locked Into each one of the9e deUdoua ralalnaf Reg. 11.69 lb 81.29 lb RAW ALMONDS Reg. S2.491b SJ.SB lb . ·, •' Orenge CoMt DAILY PILOT /Wedneedey, Mey 1a, 1112 I \\e want to say ''Thanks!" to all the folks that have made our first anniversary so special, so we're lowering prices at all three of our stores! You'll find plenty to celebrate about! -------------------1\~ 11+1 IOOl•i------~ GENUINE CHATEA U BRIAND ! U.S.D.A . CHOICE WHOLE FILET MIGNON f.ach tender cut weighs approximately two pounds. Reg. S6.98 lb $4.69 lb FREEZER MEAT ••• REDUCED PRICE! SIDE OF BEEF .Ii;, ll<lllll<lt ilVl'rflj4(' Wl'll(ht. ~·11 ( UI. wr.111 1111d l11ht•I lllftlt' Fl<~.I .' 81.45 lb HINDQUARTER OF BEEF l'JIJ jlCHllld\ ,1\f'r,1141• Wt'IMhl ( 1•111111( w r.tlJPHll( .111111.11,.•11111( I HI ~' 81. 75 lb lJlsty PRIME RIB BONES Marinated and perfect for the barbequc! Re~. Sl.69 lh $1.19 lb Our Own Oven Ready MEATLOAF Tende r TURKEY BREAST ReR.Sl.981b $1.49 lb '1 to 6 pounds averaf.(c. these tender turkey breasts art-sure to please! Ref.(. Sl.89 lb $1.49 lb STUFFED BELL PEPPERS Unique and delicious! Reg. Sl.98 lb $1. 79 lb 8 5 .00 OFF ANY 50 LB. PAK 8 10.00 OFF ANY 100 LB. PAK 10" OFF ANY 10 LB. STEAK PAK . . L1 ?t1 i•X•> •1 t· Our fresh seafood selection ls one of the fines~ in the County! FRESH SEAFOOD KABOBS Deliciously Different! Reg. $4 . 98 lb S3.98 lb Abalone Style CALAMARI STEAKS Mmmmm ... ReR. s:t 98 lb S2.98 lb • FRESH PACIFIC RED SNAPPER Terrific with a side of brown rice! Reg. $2.49 lb Sl.49 lb FRESH CATFISH STUFFED SOLE M1111lt·n·y or Flon·ntirw '>lylt· X 111 ;jV1·r;1~1 · w1·1~lil A 'treat! Reg. $2.~)H lb Sl.98 lb 82.89 each __________________ , Q ; {I Xtj ti ,,1 ~,, .. ______ Av-•l-IJib-k•-"ll-ht>-lu-•tl-na-11d_~ .. _"'""-'r1_•_lort'_•_on-I)'! ___ _ SPECIA L FIRST ANNIVERSA R Y PRICES! LARGE EGGS Reg. 88• dozen 79~ doze n JUMBO BROWN 20 count iocount Sl.67 Sl.75 EXTRA LARGE JUMBO 91~ dozen 97C doi.en Alta Dena COTTAGE CHEESE Raw or Pu teurized. Good 1tufft 16 oz. Reg $1.05 89~ Alta Dena Catering ICE CREAM RJch, creamy, and tutyt All flavors! 1h gallon. Re~. S2.49 lb 82.19 Martinelli's SPARKLING CIDER Refreshing! 25.6 oz. Reg. ~1.57 :J for S3.99 Crusty Bread LONG FRENCH BREAD 16 oz. Reg. Sl.29 99~ --------·'·'Ii 11\~ 1 l~G1·------- EVENING PRIMROSE Oll!CAPS ~~=· 813.45 KYOLIC GARLIC CAPS 100 Capsules. Reg. 18.50 85.98 .. Wlwre Tratlillon u Country F r•1ltneN. ( I r • Or1191 CoMt DAILY PILOThvedneeday. May 11, 1112 l&,.MilTIN 1LOANS Box UO'I Rookvtlle eluded. Thia offer ex· CHJCJ' 80YARDIJ: LlPTO N Lou. a · hu.bend and wife C.ntr9, N:.~?•· Rec1 -p&rtt Dec. 81. 1983. OfPunch Up Your Pina Noodltt Ofter. Receive a and tf nlveraal Product Code aymbol• trom N•· tu re Valley Granola Bara, Granola Clu1le1n and L11ht & Crunchy u follow1. For alx 2&-cent coupon•, nnd the form and one UPC tymbol from each product. For 1hc t)O-cent. coupons, aend the form and two UPC 1ymbol1 from each pro- d ucl. For alx 75-cent coupon•, aend the form a11d three UPC aymbola from each product. Ex- pires July l~. 1982. ~ ftnd happan. to-etve fl'M ... -na o • fer. R«'olve a coupon box of New Lipton 1edier In th• auper· ,12 .. xPQIUN roll of Ulm. Theao often require worth up to t l for a Lot1·a·Noodlt1 Cup-•· muut alllllf Send one rtont name fonna; Ch IHa Chip• boxe1). CJ:Ll:STI Mint Foot· packa11 or a pound of Soup. Send \M f*lWred lom• reader• uy, panel from Lipton Re· Expltte June 30, 1982. ball Offer. Receive a any of the toUowtna pt&• refund form and dW en· "Nol" But othen have clpt &t Soup Mlx, 00 BRACH'S Chcolatea 8-lnch foam football. u top~: mUlhr'Ooml. Ure front penel from one wri•wn s&owlna lettere cent• tor pott•s• and Offer. Rewive a plCklp CADBUJ\Y'S "Thkk" Stnd the rtqulred re· tomatoH, onlon1, red box of Lipton Lot•·•· of \belr ex,.n.nce.. handllnJ and your fllm of Brach'• Chocolatt1. Rebac. Offer. Receive a fund form and two Un.l· peppel"t, 1reen pe=, NoodlH Cup-a-Soup. Barbara Vitello of wrapped in• ptaln piece Send the required re· S2 refund. Send the rt• venal Prod11ct Code· oU~, hot dop, c , E>Cptree June 30, 1982. Oaone Park, N . Y ., of paper on which you fund form and the front quired refund form and purchue •ala from tar· bacon . Send the requir· wrlt11: "My huaband have printed your name, fanela from an~ two the complete wrappen ae (more Uup\ 19·<>Ut"K'O) ed refund form and the NATURE VALLEY, enjoy• food 1hoppln1. addreH and ZIP code. 2-out"K'O Brach'• Choco-lncludln1 ne t -welaht Celeste Plzu•. There it bottom flap with the General Mll11. Receive Since I do too, we thop There ii no llmlt on the late1 ba11 (or 10-ounce 1tatement1 from any no limit on the number Universal Product Code 1lx 25 -cent coupon•. alx topther. He aete an op-number of t.1met you can Chel1ea Chlpt) or from three 1.H-ounce Cad-of tlmH you can take aymbol from any Chef 50-cent coupon• or alx portunlty to help mo take advantaae of thl1 any two Brach'• Choco-bury "Thick" ban. Ex-advantaae of thl1 offer. Boyard• Plu.a Mlx. Ex-75-cent coupon•. Sen<t plan our meal• and he offer. Mlnox film 11 ex-latea wlndow boxee (or plrea June 30, 1982. Explree Jan. 31, 1983. plrea July 1, 1982. the required refund form beUevesthatfoodahop-r--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'-~-=-~~~~~~~~~..:-~~~...;__~~~..:-~~=---.;__~~~~- ph\f mak.el him. better COfllUl\Vr. "He la now aware of how price• can chanae from one week to the next. He haa abo gotten Into the habit of giving me a total before w e reach the chec k o ut counter. He is very helpful, and I'm glad he e1cort1 me down the aialel." "I have been 1hopplng with my huaband for 35 yean." aaya Loia Colt.on of Adrian, Mich. "I make out the grocery list for the neceteities. lf there Is any money left over, he buye 10me of the food I contlder luxuries, like apedal cheaes. Pushing that 1hopplng cart toge- ther hu helped ua pull to1ethe r these many yee.rt.'' Amanda from Phila- delphia iln't married yet. but ahe learning how It feeb to walk down the al1le. "My boyfriend is often Invited over to my house for dinner," she uya. "One evening when I had to do the ahopplng, he came along. Was I ever aurprhed to aee him checking labels, compa- l"Uon shopping and loo- king for coupons and re- fund forms on packages. •UAll IOIN UI FO• Fllll COnll A CAKI ON IAT., MAY II AT I •.M. lll F RIB CUT UMIT4 U.S.O A.. Choke'"'· Chuck Cut 0 -BONE ROAST LI 1.69 LB . lulli or Pott ... ,Oo .. Not bteed 22~ fot 2 19 LEAN GROUND BEEF tB e U S 0 A Choice 8"1 7-BONE CHUCK ROAST u S.0 .A. Ololce IMf. Bonelet6 ltolled, Cho.di Cut Eo•te<n "''-" Ven~t. fre•h. Smoll Su• I 59 SHOULDER CLOD ROAST LI 2 .•9 PORK SPARERIBS t i • fl Ron<ho fl Ron<ho Porli & S.oton•nQ Eatro leon Molk Fed GROUND VEAL ROUND Slo<ed f0t W-hnttrel lotn & Round Cut l8 2 .89 "I take the responsibi- lity for oouponlng In my family, but I hadn't told him that becaUle I didn't think it WU a good topic for conversation on dates. Now we are clip· ping and r e funding "1ether." U S 0 A Chooc:• 8"f, Rob Cut BONELESS BRAISING RIBS 1.29 l B 2 .89 RANCH STYLE BACON l8 BRATWURST lB 1.69 LB 1.98 BONELESS MILK FED VEAL Lii 5.99 'On numerous occa- 1ioru my husband has found mlatakes In the prlcea that are rung up on the regllter," says Helen Howald of Sun- nyvale, Calif. "I am so busy putting food on the counter that I don't have much time to watch and check the prioee." One reaeon that Do- lores Benitez of the Bronx. N.Y., appreciates her hu1band'1 company in the 1upermarket Is that he la tall enough to reach the Item• on the top shelves. "I make out two ehop- 1.ng lleta," eays Marcella ~uble o.f Colorado Sprlng1, Colo. "On my hu1band'1 I put Items like canned goodl, clea- n Ing item1 and paper producta. On my list go the meat and produce lteme that I preftt to .e- lect my.elf. "We u.ually reach the checkout counter at about the aame time, and th.la world out beautiful- ly l1nce we finish twice .. fatt." "My hu1band and I ahop together and il'1 ·i great!" aay1 Judy Buhs of Peeklkill, N.Y. "We pick ou\ what we each like, and It gives ua one more thine to ahare with each other. "I thould mention that It WU he who Introduced me to u1ing coupon•. I thou8ttt lt was a wut.e of tlrne. But we now aave anywhere from $2 to $20 on each thopp(ng trip." a..IP'N'PILE llD'UNDS So•••• Saacll Food1, (g:y) Clip out thi1 file and keep lt with' almllar caah .. off coupon• - bevet81• refund offert with beveraae coupona, for example. Start col-i.ctanc the needed pl'OOfa of purchue wh'1e loP· ldna ,. the noa1red re-tuna fonnl at the IUpel'· market, ln newapapen and ma1a1lnH, and when tradtn1 with fn.ndl. Offen ma1 not be ft9l1able ln all ...... of the country. Allow 10 •ff• to receive each ,...... The tollowuw refund on.. .. WOl1fi tie.en. Thie .... k'• refund of· ,_. 1-w a tDlaJ value ol ~-· _ •••••I T•h eff er ........ , ......... ... · LIP!Oll me rnm Pn urd .. Offer, P.O. fl Rone~. Woter Added CENTER CUT HAM SLICES fl Rontho, Hot & SwH t ITALIAN SAUSAGE ... l 8 U S 0 A Choice a..f. "-'Y, Eac.ellent for Solie or 1.1..i; BEEF RIB BONES 1a 1.89 Coolied Froren. O.fro•ted A•Q Wt l "> lb• WHOLE PACIFIC LOBSTER l 8 4.99 FRESH 79 ...... Fro1911/o.fro•ted, Cllflter Cul IWO•DRIH lftAKI ti •• 99 hoien/0.frotled MAHI MAHI .... ... LI 2. 19 iilii siYlnoch. cut a.on, 4 5 YIGUABUI • 14 5· 15 5-01 A.ttt. "Coke ll'eoli" SARA LEE PUDDIN CAKE ? lh f,,.~,k f,,., (,,n~1 .. Cv•• ORE-I DA POT A TOES Stovffen 12 1'-01 With Vermo<ello LEAN CUISINE CHICKEN I 2·cn Notvrol & R911ulor TREE TOP APPLE JUICE 1.69 1.21 1.99 .as It... G •M•AAI ~ _ ... Mea•;HA•Ut•I CRis11001HPAs11 \§l6c 2.5-01. Stldi. R.Qulor or UnKtnted MITCHUM DEODORANT '-oa. OILOF OLAY 2 .19 3 .81 7 01 R111ulor or h tro Body FINESSE CONDITIONER 05-01 VISINE EYE DROPS ••• 9 1.33 Pocofoc: Foll.ti f911H ... INA•••• LB 1.89 Fro1911/o.frotted, Coolied COCKTAIL IH .. M• LB 3 .99 LYJl!ISM~ 6-o1 . .lked .Muen•t.,. Mouortello or llllAn llOlllllllY .IACll GI 1 11 1.19 l-o1. for,,.., ~ Lh•erwvrtt Of BRAUNSCHWIEGER CHUBS . . . ... ..9 8·01 ,.,,,.,Ico n 0t Swlu BORDEN LITE LINE SLICES ........ 1.39 12·01. Shofor Ko.her FRANKS OR KNOCKWURST 16-oi HuQ._ BLEU CHEESE DRESSING . • NH NU COt.OI DtVIDll CAIDS WITH P'UICHASI Oft DICK 2 • Mii CIOSS lllllllNCI INOIX IOOICLIT WITH P'UllOtASI Oft Diet( J •NH fl\ASTIC ALI IOX WITH P\llCHASI Oft DICK 1 , .. COIUtUTI MTAIU .. _919".AY 1.99 · l .•9 Bonttleu Molk fed Ploon & B•eoded CUBED VEAL CUTLETS ll 4 .99 BONILlll ILICID MILK AD VIAL Lot°J:~'ii~~:fur 5 99 La. e OM SAlfs , • 9 O~IC NOW 12 OICICS.IN All AN O ClllN(j "'fW [AllN(; Ul'UtrNCf DICKNO.S ON IALI NOW _,,CHECK OUT THE EXTRA SAVINGS ON ••• KRAFT MIRACLE ______ WHIP --··-.; ~ .... ',.., ..... -,..,.., 32-0Z. ... .. ,_ , ..... ., ,...., _. .... .......... ,.,, w ....... .:... Oil, ... , .. _.. ---·.-.. ..... .,..._...,.._......,. ,.,.._,....,, _ ..... .. _, .... ..... ..._ ... ......... ,....,.... ..... I.OW CALORll ·KRAFI DRESSING ' __ ........ ......... _, ...................... ............ c....., • --··--... ...... .... c.1.1 ....... ................. I-OZ. ASST. MAC&CHIEll KRAFT INNER 7.25-0Z. •• .. o;""9 0oMt DAILY PILOT/Wedneedey, Mey 1a1 1N2 • a Jam lummer, wl&h all lte and Ntallil all tM natu-m.tkf!t thO jllnl "1et up'' ripo r11pberriel .,... .up-. .U,. by nl a.tuty and flavor of are A1lo lmD011Ant tncre-1 plnt (•bout) fully &oo quiokly. 8u&, there trul&. dlent1. Follow the rec-ripo atraw~rriel .,. ~ to oapt&&N a Wt It oan bt mlde In lm&ll lptt exactly, ln both the YI cup (about) fully ol ll betehel, NqU1rw no •pt· amountl and prociec:hu"H. ripe bluebeniel One Wll)' II by maklnl di.I equipment or •'<N'aa• Retrtaerate th• jam 'A cup lemon JuJc. Jam, that capturH the oontalner, and It 1t1y1 for MVtral weekl with-l p.cka,. (2 ounoee) ·VW'I r rw o1 ...,.... 1ummtr-frHh e v en out freedn1 lf you wlah, jam and Jelly pcict1n fruit. while winter wlndt are or treer.e It until rweded. 1 cup H1ht eom •Y· The Vick II lft a cUdc blowtnl. Tht'n •toe'• the jlm In Vie rup ~IMC.hod wtth In· Nearly all 1ummer refrtaerator and enjoy 1 4'A cupm supr finite advanta1n over trulta are tultable for pleuant return to 1um· Thorouahly cruah th• kind of ~ Grand· No-Cook Jam•, ot thty mer Heh Umc you .uncap rupberrtn, l JJayer at • ma todlld owr, ha\IUw to can be a mixture of trutta tho Jam p0t. tJmc, unul ju1c:e belln1 to cook and cook and aiJm •• tn the reclptt 1lvtn NO.COOK R.UPBERRY· flow. Mt' u"' l ~ cupm. IDd INl. here. STRAWBERRY Remove 1tem1 from No-C-ook Jim II Ml)' to Pectin, which 1lon1 BLUl!!BERRY JAM 1trawberrla: fully crush -----..,-·----~----;...;..;....;..;...;..._.;..;__ _ __;...:...;.;;..;........;;..;.;...;;._.;._....;_~-=--~..:.-;;..;...;;_ __ ma1ce __ •_needa ___ n;no_cooldnc _ __::...._w_l_t_h _t_h_•_l_•_m_o_n_:_ju_1_c• __ __:1 pint (about) fully one layer at • t.lme, to let juice flow freely. Mea- ~er., ...... :r:.:: ..................... LI .•. 19 1m111 lllTCHUP 32.0l . IOTTll 1.19 ....... ~ HUGHES a.ANG! JUICE .......... I.ff ~.T,_....,-...,,,... .. GIAPEf ltUIT JUICE ........................ • ,, ........... v... J... II ICC>Of'V tCI CltlM\ CUn ........... • ,, .... ,.,.. . ~--:Hiii A•••V .. QY •••CIA I . . CHIQUITA BANANAI c Lii. UMIT 6 Lii. ~-;;~-:1(1 .................. · •. ,. •~111.P" ~u,i~~'.:.'.~~:.~ ...... . C..MecMle, I..._... 12.-1 11 .......... SWEET l lCULOUI ............ ·'' ... ,. ... CAL'ICO $OfT OllNKS .... 1.' I ,_.. ... .._, ..... "" 59•..,.,. W•-#ec, M f-. 1 .... NOOOL.H .......................... 61 .._ SAit Di NH .......................... 61 MOTlllll'I COOlllll ='2~£ I 15 •CHOC.CHIP • • WMHUT 'UOOt WHIATTHINIO• TllllCUIT ra!i~Jrr.i 2 9 '"°'· ,WHIAT THI • 22 .... )el .. .... •. O...,teftt ~OfN Clt!MOAA .................. I.I• ICING SIZ! TIDE ......................... 3.•t 10...~V.,..._. 7••· HEINZ GRAVY ............................... • 71 PILLSIURY WHEAT NUTS .......... l.•t ~---s.n11 A•YllllA•Y 7.0Z. GlllHA ALIACOll IN WATll UMIT4 , ..... ....,.,v.,...... MAR UC HAN LUNCH ....................... . , ..... ~. 1• GLOH A· 11,AGHITTI ................ • , ...... 'w. y ..... Cllllt NATURAL ITYLI NACHH ............. II TmA ·.09 IHl.C."911 IMO DR HSING ............................ • 19 .o..1.1ett1e I ff "NI IOL DlllN,ICT ANT .......... • ...... 1Ml"4et 40e Off JOY LIQUID DITIRGINT ........... I.II f . ..... "'• FnlH 89 MUIH••••• .fA . •OYAL C•OWN O• DllT RITI COLA I.SS 12-01 Coftt, .... , Diet, 6-'ock Voriellet SHASTA BEVERAGES. S "' lot lllCI I Off SHIELD DEODORANT SOAP '11 111 Ind 10 Off "NAL TOUCH IOP:TENER 1.19 ••• '·'' . ....... ........ .... . ... !!.l.!!!'.!.~..!!!f!!!.~,..!.~~·.!...... I C....••1 •1n1wMdo...-.. .-..e1 .... -,....-.. -~ t l._.,e4 ...... ~"' ..... v ............... ........, • ..,._ ......_.."'_ tNll,,... , 11 ... t':t::1 ..... ~ ... 3. 79 .......... -.............................. ......_ ... _ .. __ __ 1.7J.Llf,,..L.w • " ,,...., • " VODKA OI GI~...................... • H>LONAll SOAVE .............. ,. •• - ........... ~, c.......,,,_._.,~_,,...,... ...... _ __,.... ()My •• ...._...,.,....,_.,,,oo .. 1eot.-11oe ~ • ........._.,_ .... ......,. ....... ,, I U.-......... ....,,......,.~ f ........ ._.~.,. • .a._ 10 Off., ........ -.., ........ ''" 1•&1ce•e• WSWWW mt ACC91• RIDUCID PRICll.IHROUGHOUI IHI ITORE! __ ,,, ...... CAI FOOD 6.5-0LAUT. CAllllAROll MIGHTYl DOG· DOG ·IOOD •.S-OL MST. I 0 01. FROllN GRBllGIAllT VIGDABLll e NIUTI CC*l IN IUTTP IAUCI e CllAM ITYLI NllllTI COIN eMIDt""' NAI IN IUTTll ... UCI e CUT LIA' ll'tNACH IN IUTTU ... UCI 1ure l 'A c upa. Rtnae blueberrln; fully cruah berries, one layer at a time. to let Julee flow freely. Measure Iii cup. In large bowl or uuce- pan at.Ir to.ether fruit and lemon juice. Slowly 11ift ln jam and ~Uy pec- tin, 1tlrrlng vigorously. Set ulde 30 mlnutea, stirring occasionally Add com 1yrup, stirring well. Gradually 1llr In 1ugar. To hasten augar dlaaol- vlng, jam mixture may be hea~ very 11tehtly, but do not heal to more than 100 degree• (lukewarm) Ladle Into clean 11'J or I-pint froot.er containers l eaving 1t'J -inch headapace (no paraffin needed). Cover I with tight llds. Jam to be 1 I C'uten w1th1n a week or two may be stored In re frigerator . Store re- maining containers in freei.er and tranafer to re fngf'ralor a1 needed. I Make11 8 ( 'h -pint) con- tamera. NO.COOK RASPBERRY STRAWBERRY KIWI JAM I pint (about) fully 1 rape rnsplx.-rries I pin! (about) fully ' ripe !itruwberries 2 medium (about) 1 full y npe kiwi 14 c'Up lemon juice l pat:kage (2 ounces) .)BJll and jelly pectin ' I cup hght corn sy-1 rup 4 •;, t.ups sugar Thoro ughly c ru1h rw.pberm .. '11, l layer at a 1 tune, unul juice begins to : flow. Measure l 1h cupe. He m ove stems from strawberries.; fuU y cruah · I one layer at a time, to let Juice flow freely. Mea-~ sure 1 'h cups. Stem and ; peel kiwi SUce and (ully crush kiwi. Measure ~ ; cup In large bowl o r saucepan stir together fruit and lemon JU•ce Slo wly 11ft In jam and j<.-lly pectin, stirring vi- gorously . Set aside 30 1 minutes. stirring occa· , s1on.ally Add com 1yrup, stirring well Gradually stir m sugar. To hu~n 1 sugar disso lving, jam ; mixture may be healed very slightly, but do not ht!a l to more than l 00 1 d e grees (lukewarm). Ladle into c lean 'I\ or , 1 ·pint f reeur contalnen 1 le aving 1A -inch head- s pace (no paraffin ' needed) Cover with 1 light Ilda. Jam to be ea-' t.en within a week or two may be stored In refrig- erator. Store remaining containers In freezer and tranafcr to refrigerator aa needed. Mak ea 8 ! (1h-plnl) containers . NO.(X)OK RABPBERR Y CHERRY JAM I 1 pint (about) fully : ripe raapbenies , l pound (about) fuJ. ly rip<> 1weet red cherrle. I 1A rup lemon juke 1 I package (2 ouncea) 1 JWn and jelly pes:t.ln I cup light com ay-1 -.. • Elegant feast just for two &nMNlnl"I 1MtN1 to lll'ply lar• partlet, yet reeny tlmH only one ~ su-t ll tnvolwd. J'or chat occ .. lon you IDitY 1lve even more at· tinUon to the menu than with larpr aroup1. A 1peclal meal con- notet t0methlna expen- 1lve, but that'• not al- l , way1 the caae, particu- larly when you c:omblne a ,owmet Item (1uch u Ghlcken Uver1) with an economJcal one, like rice. CHJCUNUVBU IUPR&MI CMlenwave MetW) In • lhallow l ~.quart mlcroproof di•~.: cook butter on nlOH (maximum power) l to l \Ii mlnutea or until melted. Add liven and onlon1. Cover and cook on HJOH 3 to 4 minutes, or until brown, 1tlrrtn1 every minute. Drain. Combine broth, 1herry, 1 tableepoon corn1tarch, and 1eaaonln11. Add to liven; cook on HIGH 3 to 4 minutes, or until uuce 11 clear and thickened, I 1 I In thl1 recipe for "Chicken Liver• Supttme," a few srapea lllllUlB and a 1plaah of 1herry add eleaance to the Oav- or and ap~. Ric:e provldea Ju1t the rlaht touch of economy. Or, you can create a special meal by working i n r everae: feature a more aim pie en tree (poultry, for example ) and then drne it up with a fancy rice. Tanzanian Coconut Rice, for example, doe1 juat that, a1nce It includes ral1ln1, coconut and a touch of curry. Both recipes featured here are in 2-aervlng amounts, 10 there'• no waste. CHICKEN LIVERS SUPREME 8 ounce. chicken 11- ~ cut in hall \4 c up c hopped on.ion 2 tablespoona butter or margarine Y.i cup chicken broth 3 tablespoona sherry 1 ~ tea1p oo n1 mmata.rch ~ , teaapoon aaJ t 1/16 t eas p oon ground black pepper 20 red grapes. hal- ved and aeeded (about Y.i cup) 1 tablespoon 1rupped ctUve1 1 cup h ot cooke d rice In a medium 1kllle t cook liven and onJon Ul butter over medium- high heat until brown. 5 t.o JO minutes. Combine troth,1heny,oorn.tarch, and seaaonln11. Add to liven; cook over medium beat, l\irring frequently, until aauce 11 clear and thickened. SUr in grapes and ch lvea; cook until heated through. Serve aver beds of fluffy rice. Makes 2 aervin~. 1tlrrln1 every minute. Add grapea and chivea; cook on HIGH 'A mi- nute, or until healed throufh. Serve over beds of flu fy rice. TANZANIAN COCONUT RICE 'A cup uncooked rice 1A cup water 3 tablespoons coco- nut milk 1 tablespoon ralsin.s 1 teaspoon butter or margarine V. teaapoon aaJt V. teupoon curry powder 1 tableapoon coco- nut, touted 1 tablespoon thinly sliced green onion top1 Combine r ice, water, coconut milk, rai1in1, butter, and eeuonin&I in a small .. ucepan. Bring to a boll. Stlr once or twice. Reduce heat, co- ver, and almmer 15 to 20 minutes, or until rice ia tender and liquid is ab- sorbed, 1tlrrlng after 10 minutes. Stlr ln coconut and onion. GamiJh with additional toasted coco- nut, if desired. Makes 2 serving». TANZANIAN COCONUT RICE I Microwave Method) Combine rice, water, coconut milk, rai1ln1, butter, and lfMOnlnp in a I -quart mlcroproof diah. Cook on HIGH (maximum power) 3 to 4 minutes, or until bolll.nc. 1tlrrln1 every minute. Cover and cook at 50 percent power 9 to 10 minute., or until rice ii tender and liquid ii ab- sorbed, 1tlrrlng after 4 minutes. Allow to stand 5 mlnutn. Stir In coco- nut and onion. Garnish with additional touted coconut, 1f desired. Vita1nin pills hit LOS ANGELFS (AP) -Many coruumera are wasting money o n vi- tamin piJla that won't help their health and rould actually be harm- ful In aome cues. aay1 a respected nutrltlonllt at the University of Sou- thern California's School of Medicine. "Moat people are get- tina their daily require- ment from their diet just by maklnl certain they are genln& a food M'lec- tlon of food•. ' 1ald Dr. Wayne Bidl8Ck, uaodate profeuor of pharmaco- logy and nut.rftlon. blames opportuni1t1 In the health food Industry for what he calls "vitamin mythology." "What'• happening i• that Industry la promo- ting the fallacy that vt- tamms provide optimum health on their own," he aaid . "The 1lang phrase they're uaing i1, 'If a lluJe bit of a vttamln la good for you. then mace ii even better.• They've promoted megavltamlna and there'• no evidence that they help What there 11 11 a big profit marj(ln." "Of coune, If they I Bidlack aa!d the moet narrow down the aelec-popular vitamin of a ll, t Ion by I o I n g on a Vitamin C, does nothing weight-reducing diet or to ward off colds or other ded de they don't like lllne9lel. vegetables, they may not set everything they "There la no evidence need, bul in general, an at all In all of the major averaae diet. provides all studies to 1how that VI- they need," he uid. "If tamln C can prevent 1 they are concerned, they cold. The only evidence can ao iD any 1tore and I auuesu that there may buy an ordinary multivt-1 be a 1U1ht effect on the tamln and that will lentth of time a cold provld~ them with all perslata. But It'• hard to the vtt.mnlnl they need." , r ea 11 y me 11 u re th at anyway ," he tald. 8'dlack, who ii chair-"There'• no dltferenc:e man ot tM commlttee on between VlWnin Cend a nutrldonaJ fraud of the placebo. U people think G r eaier Loi An1•lH h will help th•m. ll Nu irlUonal Coun cil, wtu:• .. DYNAMIC DUO -Chicken liven can be a sp9dal meal for two with rice and a splalh of 1herry. ---- eak Rib-Steak • ~11M ~81" • 98' ~ .. *169 ~~.*199 = -~-.. -~ ... Fresh True Cod Fillets Breaded Sole Fillets CC• Breaded Flshstlcks Hot House Cucumbers Fresh Ciiantro :re Freth Jlcama 111 12" • •2u Raw Shrimp ":'a'.::' Cooked Shrimp ~= Safeway Corn ktveWlth Mtolte4 ....... ..... --· • 69t Peanuts In Shell ,. tz:.. 9wlicll 10' Assorted tact~ ::, • 3gc '~House f>tanll -- ,._, 55• Indoor • •7tt • '4" ,._ ........ ,,... LoWw ..... ,.. him· ....., arid .... helDld cut 1rocery tiUl• fHt lft08lht MCOrdJq to aft MloGtaWd Pr .. Mark· 1tbuk1t 1urv1y which ...... shat tht CCllt °' • .... of ttema from the ilU~ droDDed by II.molt l percent lri April. The AP found thai al· rno1t one•thlrd of th• ttenw 1urveyed C!Olt 1 .. at the It.art of May than they did a month Mrlier: one·foutth of the ltem1 COit more. The AP 1urvey c:oven 14 commonly purchased food and non-food ltema, Mlected at random. All liemt were priced at one eupermarket in each of 13 chlH on March l . 1973 and have been r•- prked on or about the 1tart of each 1ucceedtna month. The latea t 1urve y ow er lhow9d \hat tM mat"-~ bHket bUI dec rH1td durtna Aprll at the cMekUlt 1to1e ln etcht of the dta.l 1UrV9Yed, with an averai• drop of 2.4 peret_nt. TM blU tncrea· Md ln ftw dU... up an avera1• of 1.7 percent. On an overall biult, the averaa• chan1e In the marketbatket bJU lall month WH a drop of M&hMentl\J of 1 pel"Cfln\. '1J'he April 8Ctlon at the 8f0Ctry tlore1 WH al- rnc»t exactly the oppoalte of whit happened du- rlni the previous month. In March , the market- buket bill wu up al the checkllat store In nine dUel and down tn four. for an overall lncreue of n.lne-tentht of 1 percent. Comparlne prices to- day with those a t the at.art of the year, the AP found that the market- baaket bil1 r oae at the checkllll 1tor• In nine cttlH and decreued tn four, for an ovuall ln- creae of l.2~towr the four-month S*'lod· The latHt 1ur.vey ahowed that the priol of. a dozen t1111 droDDed at the ch eckli1t 1ior• Jn ni ne c ltlea laat month and roee In only one. The price wu unchan1ed in thre cities. EH• pricea have been dropplna for several month•. reflec- ting a normal, aeat0nal Increase In production. Meat prices, In con- trut, have been lncrea- .in,. because of reduced 1upplies ot livestock co- mf na to market. Pork chops followed the pal• tem during April, rislnc at the checkll•t 1tore Jn eeven citiet, declining ln five cl t1ea and 1howln1 no chan e ln one d~ nnJ:iMi"iEiiili -!""L .._ --. -... I ::::-:.s:-: ;:....-:::.:=-.::.=:::.-::-... -:.: ............ .-....., ........................................ . ......... ...... --.. _,... ......... '--""""'...,... ,. .. .....-. L .......... lttf .......................... c...........; • a..c......, ... ...-1 ...... ..-............. ~, •••••••••••••••••••••• rtt'll"······~·· .. ••··•·• i111.l.l'' :11_1.1114·J: Ii 1--------· -· • :::-:.s:-:~ -::.=-.::=::..-:=:.::.: • ........ ::. ~:... ....,_ -:.,,..~ 'C' .......... ::.:= • c::.. ,, .......... -....... .:::c: C:..::-• . -'-' -_ ... _._'-•••••••••••••••••••••• ........................ I I • • • • ........... ..._...,. ... _,_.........._ ....... • == e=.::-: ;:..~ .:::=:::..-:..--:..-:.: • ... ___ ..... __ "r.:' ___ ._. • c::.. ":i'.r..;;-.. -: :::::::: .... .:::c: t.:.:: -• .. o-.c....-, ................................ c.---•••••••••••••••••••••• ........................ • • • • • • • • . .. .... -.. ......................... ._._._.... --. . • :::: ~ ~ ;:.:,~ =..::::..-:.::..-:.: • ................... .,l'lllf .......... .._ .................... • =-:..~.~.~-'= =. =.-:-.::c: c:..::... • .. a..'-"'• .......,. ._.. .. ._...,.a ........ c...-.... ••••••••••••••••••• X.Purina Dog ChOW 13L::" 50~112" me.Meat Pies ~-=-3t..:, 1100 2C-~Cheese.:i=r~ "'1" • Del Moote .. ~:: 't: 49' ~·Lucerne Yogurt mi Lucerne Cottage Cheese 2t Choco late Milk t:;'; ~Lucerne Buttermilk ~ '1'' ~89' """°" •2~~ ~ 89' t!-i Safeway American Cheese ~~ '1°' tsiocean Spray c.::·~ t:. '1" •<Xlsco Shortening 3C:,. '2 '' 17S 11111 l *4" ll• 2J.!. '700 l'r.=~~==i Hi-Drl Towels ~ ~4 · 0 ~ _. TISMI U Sq . ;~u 7•' '~·i!'!' ,...-o-"""" ••• ~ Wheat Bread ..,, w,..,,,, !!'{ 7-Grain ~ad '*l::'' 3;. Orowheat Brano fa ~.,,.... 79' 79' '1'3 ~~E:==:i ,,-/J~J ··crNn ou· f -1f .t!1' ITIM'\ Giiiette Foamy t';.0i: •t: .,,. Safeway Vitamin C tOO Ionic •2" ... " 100 Safeway Piastre Strips .. ... :.o 11" Sterile Cotton Balls 1114-v :a. 79- Safeway Dental Floss Petroleum Jelly ".=." • ~ lat1&n1 •rpeal 'o 1 \Mlpooft ~ mar•"'"•; mix well. mlllhlulkiwt ~'•" o all a1e11 ~ ieupoon Mlt Add to dry lnvedltnta; 3 cupe Ralaln Ora· .. ..,........,llllQl1. when they are ~ teaapoon baklna 1Ur until alf flour 11 nola eomb&AM with favorhe IOda mol1ten~[.!~ pa~r· W o up to a 1 t • d foock l ~ c u p 1 R a l 1 l n Untd or mUffln wheat fHtn Here 11 1 orlap and Granola pan M ull. lprtnkl• Id lar1• 11uoepan1 , crunch ftatatn Granola l eu wfOa additional lt1l1ln melt butW inCI Minh· 1 which la dtlldOUI ••\en .. cup milk Oranole. Bake at 400 maUow~tUrrtna eoa· alone or wl\h mUk. ~ cup (1 medium) de1ret1, 20 to 2& ml· 1tanUy.-"Btmove from UNd tn other rtelpea mMhed, ripe banana nute1. Serve Jmmtdta-heat. Add Ralaln Granola auch 11 ~ Granola W cup mar1arine, tely. and wheat 1erm; tou t.$uftlna or ft1l1ln Ora-melled Maku 12 medium untU evenry coated. no1a Bin. Jt addl texture Mix flour, brown IU· muftlna. PIW into p1111d 11 by r , . • '[ RAlllN 'fRBATI -Ra1tin arUda ii tut)JI alone or UMd 1n othefl reclpee, IUCb u mul fin• or bu eooldee. · .,, II plua a aood 10urce ot fl. 1ar, baklna powder, dn-IUJllN 7-lnch pen. C\at lnto bAr'I 1 ber, vilemln1 and min-namon, ult and bakln1 GRANOLA BAM whUe warm. c.ool, atore r enla. 1oda to1ether. Stir In 3 tableapoon. butter in l1r'Ulht oont&lner. " Tr op I ca 1 0 ran o la Ra.laln Granola. Combine or maraartne Makil 14 ban (l "" by i.I MutflN UM bulc lnire-ee:!l!l·~m~llk~·~b~a~n~an~a~an~d:._ _ _:1~~~ cc~uu~P1Dt!_!!:m~ln~la~t~u~re~3~~~-~lnchee~~)~.----~~=:::::!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:=====~~~=~=====L------_J:.'· dlenta, but the reault1 ,-1 are spectacular with a I " mild &anana flavor. 'They are sood any time of day. 1 Ralaln Granola Bara are a quick ener1Y treat which 11 turnln1 up in lunch boxe. everywhere. Since they are eaay to carry and pack a quick ener1y pick ~p. many bkycle and hildnC buffa are addln1 lt to their snack plleka. Ralaln Granola l1 an excellent inaredlent for many of your favorite IMdll. RAlllN GRANOLA 4 cup1·rolled oata 2 cus-eeedleea rai· aina 'l cup OM..s ooconui ,, ~ mp tOlated .Uw- red ...... ~cup dry roaated peenutl ~ cup t o asted wheataerm ~cup butter ~cup honey 1 teaapoon cinnamon 1 teupoon vanilla extnct Spread oats In two lOx l~inch bUinC pana. Tout at 350 delrees, 20 ' minutes, stlrrln1 onceA Combine with ral1ln1, coconut, almond1, pea- nu• and wbeet prm. In 4-quart saucepan, heat butter and honey until bollln1. Remove from heat; 1tlr In cinnamon and vanilla. Add ralaln mlX'ture; toll t o coat evenly. SPl'8d in two 10 by US-inch baking pans. Return to oven. bake l~ to 20 mlnutea or until golden, 1tlrrlna occaaio- naU1. Cool. Store in alr- ttibt container. TROPICAL GRANOLA MUJl'FINI l ~ cupe flour V. cup firmly peck- ed brown aupt 1 tablespoon baldna powder Tarts for brunch per lb. .II Ralph.I Natural Grain or oneyRuff Bread l'h lb. loa1 .67 4-Sttct Imperial Margarine ~ lib.pkg . Western Fresh Iceberg Lettuce each Frozen.From Florida KAINWRAP =orange Juice 12oz.can .78 I, 111 : I ·: .. r • 1 iA .. . l t nn I Annlveraary S.alel • IRVINI! • TUSTIN • COST~ Ml!SA/NEWPORT STORES • Sniell tlle . freshness. savor . . . the .. taste. I a good lile. Since 1971 Irvine Ranch Farmera Market contlnu• our pledge to provide you with the freaheat and finest quality and the largeet aeleotlon of frulta, nute, vegetables, mMtt, fl&h, chMlee, poultry, deft and dairy product• at a fair price. We alncerely "THANK YOU" for making thl1 year another banner year at your nearby Irvine Ranch Farmeta Market! Your continued patronage Is greatly appreciated. Jon Hubbard, PreekSent lrvtne Ranch Farmer• Market Dried Fruit a Nut lpectacul•r ... Due to popular demand, Irvine Ranch Farmer• Marketa are working harder than ever to bring you the flneet quaUty dried fruit and nut Mlectlon In our histOfy, at pnc. that are tr~ apectacylarl • , , I ( ,, .t ) • r. If (! I~ u· ~ I ~ l " 'I . Susan MacDonald Saved s1&.42 Lucky'• total: $128.88. The tbtal at the other market of her chotce on the .. me or comparable 1tem1: $145.28. She aaved $18.42 at LOC:ky. Luc-Mlll•*ltetltly been the 1owest priced aupermarket in the greater .... ._ ... according to QM Vector Conaumer Newsletter, 90~g~ltf0mla'1 leedlng Independent supermarket price aurvey. :~4p..-nberahip ~ atorea.). ~'.continuing commitment to remain the low price leader, we're .MllllJll~• ~ shoppers to compare our pricea with other 'taJ,., .. ~etl. Upon purchasing their own list of Items at Lucky. shoppers M"*"*3 prices on the same or comparable items at the supermarket of -~.-..o1ce. The results of their comparisons are ahown above With ~ , s like these. you owe It to yourself to compare. ~mentation on file.) HU.Sf •I SAUSAGE 2 48 -·---------·" , •... ·" . ~:.S!~~.~.~~.2 2.29 ~!,."'!..~~~ ....... 11 2.09 ~.~~ ........... 3.48 Dianne DeGeer 1 Saved s14;52 Lucky'1 lolal. $89.14. T1'e tolll at ~e other market of he/ choice on 1he 1ame or comparable ltem1 S103116 She .. ved $14 52 at Luc . COTTAGE CHEESE ~111-0..0 •• LADY LEE YOGURT .._,,,. ...... LIGHT TOUCH - Chocolate combtnee with fresh berr:lee for a happy endln1 to a •Prina meal. Mary Andrews Saved s .14 Lucky'1 total $72 66 Thp total at the other market ol her choice on tho same or comparabl<' 1toms $80 80 She saved $8 14 at Luck "°' ., •• 75 BAYER ASPIRIN ANACIN TABLETS ~7 LEE ICE CRE!~,_.. ,,.. 1.33 ~!,~~~~~.E ••or c .. 1.4 7. ~.!.;~~oVwt~<;!!A~lE~ar w.9$ IAN PIANOllCO CaKfon6a la tM ._ 1ttrlbut1 U1at to th• Hid, Ula& ol llaUOftl1 over there havt no comparable yet," Hid CAP) It 1 1 t la• t... 1rowlD1.o;h!IUe8Uonol premium port, madt tontrol over U.. 1plrlt1 Qu1d1 whole wlntl, HM alter·cll1atr drink of Por\I ~lit th1aat1on•uouwnen. wlth Ponu111t Huaao th•>' utt" btea&&H th• r1cac1ln1·, han wo• 1111.••t 1111t11m1n eaahflAI la\M "In almoet au oa1tt, 1rapes,l1holdlns1teady. 1overnment 1uppll11 numerow awardl. "llr cba~uildtbe1moll1 8an0abri11Ville1Udla pt0ple bt• t.o drink a "cklln 111d Mmand for th1m,ht11id. port,forexamplellmadt of two dollar ol1ar1. t b t I p r 1 w I l • I wlne that Ml 1qar In lt hi• wlnH hH 1rown But l''ttkUn and Quady I r om 1Infaad1 I a U1lortua1t1ly for tb• Cuca....-w&M ,.... and btlin t.o move away •lowly but 1ttad6ly over both Mlltatt to compare CalUornla 1ra1>41. You ladu1try, lt'a aho before ttie tun of tM from It to tb• drier theyean. their win•• with can detect u.e alatMdel P r • I t r r t d b y CH&urr -poulbly Ullq t >' J» • •, " 1 a Id Jo• Callfornla actually baa Portu11l'1. "Wt aren't " .. I don't thiok wt've rrla1lt·b11rd1d, a Portu1111 1rapt Stillman, a wlMm11ter 1om1 advanta111 over necuurlly tryln1 to 1ot quite UM balance, omato·tyed wln0t mlananaed the trouuou, forPaulMueon. Portu1al In maklna lmlt1te them," P'lcklln the tlneiH, of th• fumbl1n1torbutll. Ad1m11lld. WhUt mo1t port. ul•• deuert wlri... Flcklln 11ld. Portuauese port.I," ht "A &otot people lll1ve a W Ith t ht • nd of are 1lumpln1. Stlllman 11ld. "The producer. • ' Tb e )' 1 r e n ' t added. "But I think ne11Uve lmateof port. 1~~.-~~--~~..._-.-;1"":'~~~--'"'!"'."---:--~~~~~~~~~~~.....;......;;..~~~~~~~~.:..._~~~~--~~:__~~~~~ They UUnk of It 11 a wlno win•," aald Andrew Quady, one of aeveral port IDQen tryln1 to Imp'°" the qu1Ut1 and lm•t• ot the CaUfornl1 procfuet. In Brttlln and l'ranee the robust. fortified Portu1ue11 win• l1 a· pr11tl1e Item . ConDOlaNUrt will pay PG, ., or more for ftne vlnta,. porta which have mellowed fOf' ao ye1n or tonier. · WtU·to-do Brltlth wine loven hf ve 1 Cutt.om of l1yln1 down port at the birth ot I IOft, "UIUally 140 1aUon1 worth" to alve to the boy when he ruchet 21 -perhapa enou1h aged port to l11l a llfeUme, Quady Hid. "There's nothin1 elff In the way of a red de11ert wine that can compare with a port," said Leon .~dam1, authorof "Wlnes o( Am.,rlt •." "Porta ue 1n undera.,.~rticl1ted thtna ln the Ut11t•<i Statn." Partoithe reaton m1y be the qualllf of mu ch cheap Callfornla port. ''Tbe wiael often latte flabby to me," Ouady 11ld. ·~yJutttutellke they're -sweet and they don't have any ... tana to off Mt the IWeetneN.'' But David Flcklln, J . W. II~, QuNy and a amall aroup of other C1llfornla port maker1 1re trnnc to emulate the quality -11 not the style -of the cre1t Portucueae porg. Many are tumlnl to :1',Pot U•!lele crape var•etJet -a pith pioo.ee~ed In 1,.1 by Ficklin Vineyard• of M1der1, which oblalned rill vines ot tln\a madera, ti n at1 cao, alvarelh10 and tourlca from the University ol Californla It Daria. Like therry, port it a r·obust. ceneraJly tweet vtine fortified wltb hrandy or other 1plrtt.a. 'fhe high su11r ind alcohol content of the wine live It a lon1 life. Most portconnolsaeurs- t he dr1wln1 -room variety, at leut -prefer their port.a mellowed by two or three decides ot 11ln1. "If they are drunk too youn1. they tend to be too harsh. The tannin graba you In the mouth . . . but the fruit Is nice1" Qu1dy Hid. But be adoed th1t a loocl vtnt11e port c1n be enjoyed with only five to lOyeanofa1e. llOllporfure blended, mlxln1 the mellow, older wine• with the fruitier, more tannlc or puckery new vinu1es to cre1te a balance~ con1illent product. ·rnat II the aort of port made by Ficklin, who aays that tracn of hi• oldest wines remain in hl•newestbottUnp. But Quady and other1 are explortn1 vlnt11e port. -wh.lcb contain 1rape1 ol only one year, treat, 1oodorb1d. "Ports are 1mon1 the earllett wines produced In C1llfornl1," said Ad1ma, who speculated that they may have been produced 1n the l930I by Jean Louil Viana, who Introduced the tint French cr1pe v 1rleUtt to Red meat output drape -~ .. a• Ill,, ILl•OU:UT C..SlUI IA 11.11· lllPl.Olli Mil IUIS1UI ~,-.... ,Oii 11.11 llf lfms N«IA MU cmsu ......... ....... ea~ ·~-§"I •1 21 mlfl:woufti':&i. LI e -- La •1.21 Le 12AI CiitaiWt .... OICMMAYWlfYNW'nll •1.11 .. ,, tt«M • ,.Hi .. •1.u ....,.._,rua "' .. ia.IUUI .. La 12JI iiiiiAT , . ~ 12.11 iiiiiiiilllST .. La 11.71 ..... .~11• La 12.ll Le 12.11 '912.11 SllUCIEIS CUPE ILLY Ma ITATa. MOI. , • Pruit Cocktail ......... t.oz 59• TOMATO IAOCI Kel'na ............................... ,a.oz37• um.a fl'flll!Ull OCIAH '1IH Cat l'ood ........... \ ...... »U ••0.49 DOQ'°°° e Al•mo ........................... 11>-1.• •3,97 ~TIO l.MIHOftY OfTE"°lHT Fndl 8tart ............ ~, ... 79 ~ CAKE MIX tU.OZ WMn WCI b II ... ¥111 ~ lfHIM OMA"' CM~ lfMAMOll,......~ WISllOll DRESSlllG .oz COACHELLA DESERT RUBVS ' "-'-- ~'""""--...... am.u--~111 ... =-=r Dieffenbachia U.l .N0.1 NIWCl'OP WHITI ROSE "'°' ...... ----·· uell' .. u 11.21 .. u 11.71 oer Steak DIMNl9I BRAWIY TOWELS t4'0l1. MIO'lTID C«OM MtDWtffTI llORTllRI TISSll +M>U. PURINA •F• •l8 ILEACH tullTIT\lf£ Clormc2 ,AMIC IOFTlNl,. LI e1.oz'2eOI ~[ .......... . e&-0z 1:1el9 Fol'mula 409.. . .w.oz ••.99 IHIU. No Pe•t Strips ... uoz '2el9 KM" MAMA,.INI OUAATIM Parka~ .. .. . .. . .. . .. 1.oz ltr ICOTT I tre ats ICJdl lo\4t ••. But,, •• a wht mother who mabl ""' that tM mU 1ht 1lvt1 her chlldrtn h .. mor 1oln1 for h than 8ood flavor. litre are two 'nteret· unc v n.lona that t111Uy qualUy 11 betttr·than- av r11 S*'tY trull fOf' kJdl. Peanut Butter Chip Carrot Cu~j(M are d • lectable, mol1t llnle cakes that happily off er 1ome of the thln11 1uch u carrota, ral1lna, null -that ln \tum pro- vide nutr1enll needed by arowlna children The cupcake. ahlo fea· ture peanut butt.er chlpe -another nutritio n booster, for the ch.lpe are made from r~ peanull and so contribute pro· teln, riboflavin and nia· cln. Peanut Butter Chip Party Cones are dettined for a ahort but h.appy life at any children'• party. They look just like lee cream conea, but they're full of surprilH. There's cake, not Ice cream, In· side those cont.'S. The cak e baller's spoo ned into flat · bottomed Ice cream oones and baked, then the rounded top9 are covered with frocting and deco· rated with chips and chocolate 1pnnkles. Cake·in-a·cone 11 et1· pecially fun for littlt- kida to eat , because it crackles wtth everv bite PEANUT BUTTER CHIP PART\' CONES l Yi c u pa p eanut butter chlpe l cup milk 1,4 <'up butter o r margarine 2 egg. l teaspoon vanilla I cup sugar I cup unsifted all- purpoee flour 3 teaspoon• baking powder ~ teaapoon aalt 18 waffle-type Ice cream cone cupa with flat bottoms l container ( 16.5 ounces) ready·t.d-1pread • SURPRISE INSIDE -Cake batter baked lnllde lee cream cones ta frosted to look Uke the real thlng. creamy vunalla fr08tlng Yi cup peanut but· ter <·hips Chcx.-olat.e sprinkles Combine peanut but- ter chlpg, milk and but- ter or margarine m me- dium IWUl'tc'pan, stir con- stanUy over medium-low heal unul mehed and smooth. Remove Crom heu t, set aside to cool slightly. Beat eggs and vanilla an Jarge m ixer bowl for l minute; gra- dually add sugar Com- ter chips and chocolate sprinkles u desired. PEANUT BUTTER CHIP CARROT CUPCAKES (About ZO cupcakes) l 'fl c up11 un11rted all·purpose flour 1.4 <·up granulated sugar Yi t-U p packed hghl brown augar l 1.4 teaspoons ba kJng soda mon 2 teaspoons clnnu- Yi t.ea.a poon ..a It 3 eggs ~ (:Up vegetable 011 l 11l teUllpoonll Vl.lnJI· dient1. Star In carrot, ~anut butter chlp11 and raialns or walnuta. Fill paper·lined 2 1A·anch muffin uns ~ full with batu•r . Bake at :l50-degrees for 25 t.o 30 m1nute11 or until cake testt•r comes out clean. Cool, frost with Butter· crtam Fro11ting (recipe follows). Decorate with p<'anut huller ch1p1 81 d<..osar<.'<i B U TTERCREAM FROSTING 1/3 t•up softened but- ter or margarine 2 1A cups confectlo· nera' sugar 2 cups grat<.'<i carrot la 1 11'.1 c ups peanut butter chips b I n e flour , baking powder and salt; add al- ternately with peanut butter chip mixture to e1u~·sugur mixture; beat la 3 minut.H. Fill k~ cream cone cups YI to ~ full with batter, plat.'(' cone. 2 inches apart on cookie s heet. B~k e at 350 de· gree1 for 30 to 35 m1 · nutett or Wllil cake tester corn ea out cJean , cool. Frost with ready· lO· sprvad fro.ting; decorat.e with '12 cup peanut but- 1 'Ill teaspoons vanll· 3 tableapoons milk •n c up r a 111 ns or chopped walnuta Combine flour, I UJW"I, baking soda, cinnamon and aah an larje mixer bowl Beat egga, oil and vanlJla 1n small bowl, blend into dry lngre · Cream butter or mar· garme and 1 c.-up of the <'Onfcctionera' augar. Add vanilla and milk, beat well. Gradually add re· ma1nlng confeclionera' sugar. heat to spreading <:ons1st.ency Catering your wedding reception WILLIAMS.SONOMA in South Coast Ptaz.a will offer a demon1trat1on how to cater you r own wedding recepUon by Showly·Wrlghuon of Newport Beach . It will begin at 7 p.m .. adm111- s1on is free and lht.' pub- lk: IJt invited. F ASSERO'S Interns· tional Cookware tn Co· rona del Mar will pret· ent a class 1n summer entree aalad1 at 11 a.m. on May 18. Fef' Is •20. and lnformatton 11 aviu· table at 673-2343 Dl 06A'S Booka .and Cookware In Irvine wall offer a w ork 1hop in techniques with puff pa- strlea at 6:30 this eve- n ing. Tarla Fallgatter will show how to make eclalra, cream pufh, a c hocolate mou11e puff ring and cheese appeti- zers. Fee la SlO. Judy He rmann will inatruct In makina aau- aagea with International flavorinp at. 6:30 p.m. on May 13. Fee la $20. l:Olllllli WITH Cllll Pat Cook wall teach USP o f the microwave and food processor in a da&'i al noon on May I:}. Homemodt· mayonnaU1e, dips, hot t'Olf' slaw, apri· cot 11quart-s, carrot cake and a caue rolt.' will be 1nclucfod Ff'<! 1s •:w Turla Fullgattcr will hold a crepes workshop at 6:30 p.m on May 18 Included will be appeli· zcr , main course and def!S(?rt crepes. Fee is •10. Dolores Hoffman will teach a class in elegant, easy and c-co n om1cal ways with port at 6:30 pm on May 19 Fee Is uo Ernie Corral and Dar- re 1 Stone will teach a class In Mexican sea· food at 6:30 p.m. on May 20. Dishes w1JI include red snapper baked Vera- cruz style, ceviche and enchiladas s tuffed with crab or shrimp. Fee is $20. Ca ll the s t ore at 651-0280 for informallon and class rectatrat.lon. proceiiaor pastry at tS:30 p.m. on May 20 Tclacht•r Susan Slack wall 1ncludt> English pastraca, Au <itrlan pineapple torte and a Gougere ring ft'<.· IS .20. Katie LHnK S latte r y will offer a class In Chi· nese dlm·sum at J I a.m. on May 26 and 6:30 p.m. on May 27 The appell- zers are steamed, baked, braased o r deepfrled Class fee> IS $15 Ann Dreyer will teach a c lau 1n p r e paring summer pasta aalade at 10:30 a m on June-2 Ff.'(' ii $20 SHERMAN LI - MR. STOX restaurant In Anah(-im will offer a clrui.'> an Southern cooking at 10 a .m on May 26. Edru.a Burke wall u111truct wi th aulatonce fro m Phyllis Ann Marshall. Fet.• 111 $32.50. William Oeicenro, ow- nPr of La Cuisine res· tuurants m Dana Point and Newport Beach wiU bring Chef Byron Gem- mf'l to teach a clau eha- ri ng California cooking Be<'rNa. Fee 1.8 $40. Call the restaurant a t 634-2994 for class enroll- ment and more lnfonna· Lion. COSTA MESA Orlngl CoMt DAILY PILOT/Wldnted~. May 1a. 1112 • History recordeil iii recipes , PHfLA t>ILPHIA revolutlon1, tht rJM of Loilalm.'' LiUn for "1'ht rannlt tarm1r'1 ''The (AP) -C.QokbOoka MON th• mJddl• claH, th• a111't Way to I Loni Botton Cooktn1·8chool than a thou1and yeare dii~ol Uwiftd..W Llft '' r!aar only 1ood Cook Book.'' The much· old prove that health .,,, the hlltory of WO• food prov I du 1ood revlHd cookbook h11 fad• and 1ood food art men11 rflh• au lhow up health. now aold more than 2.8 no modern Invention. lll &ht tookbooke,'' h• Hh wu tht flut million~. And Ukt thole of toda1. Mid. known publl1htd view The ofdtlt known cook.I of old 1abond CMH' Thi fcirk w11 tint~ on nutrftlon. Ahhou1h cookbook -only t~o thelt 1tova1 with reel~ Nttd In 1 l&oe ViMUln rudimentary, It IM*d the ~ IW'Viv• -ii a ~h mMnt to \kki. tM fancy book by lhrtqlomeo detrimtnw tff«'I of coo century Latin manu-and lht palat.e. 8c:apP that cold lhec.'IQOk· much ult and 1upr, et· ec:rlpt t.elllna the a«rtll "Elaborate and lnven-ln1 MCrtta of Po~ Ptua pecWJy '" breed. · of the Roman chef A91· live reel pH appear in V, "WIU\ln 36 yon the Coolu of old never clua, who IJwd about 150 every a11:• aald Walter wholt clvUiaed w .. Jern aave exact meuurement yHra after Chrl1t. Ont Johnson, 111oclat1 di· world waa 11Una with rn cookboolu, mentJontna (l()py la at lht ,Roeenbach, rector of the Roeenbech forlu," uid John.on. ln&rtdlent1 only 11 a on loan from the Ne w Muaeum. which 11 tx• The Scappl book alao pinch of thia ora handful York Academy of Medi· hlbltlna 36 rare cook -w11 tht tlrat to dlvJdt of that, and pa11ln1 on drw, and the other la at book• datlna from the mcai. Into couraea. exact det.alla only to ap· Ui. Vatican. 9th throuah 20th cenlu· Enjland'1 Toblu Ven· prenllcol. The Ro1tnbach Mu· rl•. . ner wrote In hi• 1620 Te11poon1, table-aeum hat publlahed 2~ of ' ·Th" a row th o I cookboo), fancifully tit· 1poon• and cupful• ap-the mo1t unuauaJ red~ natlonallam, the effect of led ''Vla Reeta ad Vltam pcared first In 1896. In from Ill exhibll. KAI.KAN.-·•••• Recommenclecl • , ONE bytopbreeden : '° helJ."i:: I ~t:::'t::=·-:.~· ·1 ·:.-~ -::: top bt d I§ Chu~-. •..., ., •. ,.. ·· · -~ · · ~-..... , ...... I_.,..._...,,,. ..... ..,.,,.• • • D ""'' ••• ... -'"" , . --•• ltealthy.' I •.. ,, ... .. . . . " ... I • I ~"' ~~bytopbrffden I ::_,~~~ L. -•AfllJll,~ W..l .... 'IA wH'ENrotjiUvfMI 14-0Z. LARGE SIZE: KAL KAN DOG FOOD1 -. -,. . . I . ~ .· ... I ! XI' I f '', Jtlt-H n 1~82 23100-lOSbSl I I I ...... .1 Tarla Fallgatt.er will offer an Auat.rian dinner at 6:30 p.m. on May 14. Menu wlll Include an onion tart, veal 1tufhtd w ith ham and cheeae, homemade noodlet and a LlnttrtorU. Fee la $20. Food handling COAST HARDWARE In Laguna Beach will present IA clasa In food BRARY and Garden1 in Coron.a del Mar wall oC· fer Kay Pa1torlu1 tea- ching a clau ln preparing a French dinner for summe r with the food proceuor. It will be at 11 a .m. on June 10, and the menu will Include poa- ched aalmon, tomatoea with herb atllfflng and French chocolate whls· key cake with chocolate glue . Fee 11 .UO. Ca ll 673-2261 for reglllratJon and Information. Bak•l'J Thriftshop 2024 'l1c1ntia 00111 ·1111 • WtCfm.A • tips M 1he wum w•ther approK.,_, many cookt l ' wondw about the ufety of food handllna to pre· venc ~ powth and food .-.on1n1. T•fnlp; thi home and prden ~ lnfOt• ma&ion "rvlce of the Univnay ol California C40Pitra&lve &xt.eMion, can prmd• ch• filct1, CUI Tl44090 lftd .. fOf' m ... 8' •u•b•r 462 , rood1 Left u Room ~•SI ..... • Gr.and Jury eyes itself . . Lon6,er. term, pay raise recommended wM" prosruna with emp&oyen and promotional campal1n1 at padua .. eehooll. - The Oran1• County Orencl Jury hie aurfted the IDOd.llbt Oft ttlelf and oqncluded lhafiauch ahould be don• to improve tea effeodveMM u • SoY•rnment wa~ In a O·~I• re90rt i11ued ~~ Olu.d for l&Udy of iali11_.,_..._ impW!wt&adGn of a ~ '° r.cndt Nlll••tadwl ol et>mac m!Dorik i.platlve authority pennltsm. the panel to hUe ltl own lejal counMl end a P•J ....... C.Uty ot &he .. YMI' .... u the. inoominc ~ry t .. a. • ~yN.r s.rm 11 too lhOrt, wdoo lhould be taken to J)cltrmJt a ~er term, tht jUry llild. ~ to &he ntpOr1. many juron felt Yaluabl9 dlht WM kilt Ctwinc &he ftnt thNe monthl of tta wm. ••Many Piil and ptti1tnt felt1that when they had to mu. rMl ~the of the Minn WM " the :ii.. tury concluded chat lqii- ladve ~~ lhould be -..jht to permlt ' 1 mon pracdcal pro-" C9chare tor (retalnln,) indepen- dent counael ln ran And apedal CIMI • • . '' LeaaJ IUpport II now provtded by tlie countr. Dlltrict Attomey'• and Cowwel 1 of.IJca Amona other recommend•· Uona, the panel H id jurora ahould be 11ven a U -per-day ralle from the $26 now received . ·:n·· namk ltylJna and eleetl'onic controla, be smaller and Uahter than today'• autoe. and be minUI all the frilll and extru, fuel economy • ~:-~~v:d ln......,';t~-~t mmnbln ol the,......,. .... el; IS'and Juran ti' odMI' ooun• county aupervllon; county ad- rn&ni.tntiv, and ..... penOnntl, and tluff ne*1 reporwn who NpCll't laid. 0 f t WM the of aom• juro.-. that an • 1hte•n· month term may be more effec- tive for future panela." Jurou are now paid for a maximum of three daya work per week. The jury recommended P9Y for a maximum of four daya It $30 per day. IN THE FVTURET -The Super Gnat. a Ford Mot.or Co. conce§car, LI a tw04Mt commuter auto which wet 1,500 poundl and would be powered by a l1ndef' eftllne. Amerlaan conaumer can ln 1 will have more aerody-experta •Y· I OfN9I COUftC)' ~t,. In itl r9COmJIMtndatiooa, tb• jury~ that the~· 1wom July 1 ..... th~ pOCU· '!be jut)' Mid that • atandlni commJu .. ahould be formed to work with IUpericr CCKaft offidale for "dMlnlnl and tmplemenUna a 1y1tematlc plan to promote reprHentatlon amon-ethnic mlnorlCIH on th• Grand Jury. And lt called for continued ef- forta to brine )'OUJ'\911' members to the Jury throu1b "releaMd And It laid the jury'a m.lJeece " relmbunement rate of 20 centl per mile ahould be chan1ed to match that pald other county employees. 'Tha\ rate ii about 29 centa per mile Author 'no prophet of doom' Several reasons predicted I or· demise of man CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - S.t-eelliq author Charles 8er- Utz dilm1-the notion that he ii a prophet of doom. "You do not have to be• prophet to eee what 11 bappenina to mankind," ntd Berlitz, who Uve1 ln Fort Lauderdale, Fla., ln U\ interview here with The ;..,.. IOdated Prem. The &8-year-old arand~ of M.D. Berlitz, the foUnder of the Berlitz ~ i:hoolt, WM ln Venez~'.:&romote h,_ new book. .. y 1989." He allo pLuw to IOOn continue h1a llfeloq tearch for the "lost city" of Atlantll whb a dtvtn1 ~~n off the cout of the Berlitz dtel eevenl majoc' ,.. ..,. foe hia prediction of the de- mlee of man befont the tum of the century. Accordln1 to 1etentt1t1, an alioment of the planetl in July 1999 may fon::e a 8iaftt Mtero6d to c:ruh tnto ...u., laid e.u~ ··u lhll ha tbe m1n1mum impect ..;~ equivUnt. to a 200-mUJJorMneptoo bl.Mt. wbk:b would triger mulive volcanlc :r/tiona and earthqu.ab9.'' he "Even Nostndamu. wrote of a creat kin• o{ terror that wm come out the lks. to mlite the eerth, ln um year. J'or me, th.la" further proof of the Hterotd theory," continued BetUtz, refer-ri"I to Uw letbo('ltntW'y P'rmch a1troJ01•r and prophet who 11 Interpreted by aome to have predicted, amonc other eventl, World War n. Nuclear 'proliferation could alao lead the world to dlluter either throu&h war or accident, aa1d the writer wboee pnvtoue cncUtl lnclude, "The Sermu~ ~·" ''1be Mylteey of At.-lantll and 11Myatertea of J'or- aotten Worldl." .. By UH there wlll be 44 countri• capable of producln1 2,000 atomic bomt. a day. And that la pndudlnc lllOl1ed t.en'O- rilt orpnbadom," be eald . uwe are ln areat denier of blowtnc the world up by war or by cb.aDce. We tUll do not even know what to do with nuclear w.-.. "Men i• polaonin1 hi• own planet. H• i• dHtroyln1 the ocmm. -end ,....._ hi9 own UflllJlood UDIMI we pt our-1WI _... oaldrol. we Will 100n kill all Ute, a..v1n1 only mice, rate wl ..... wiw." Dl•pl•nned lndUltrtalbatJon. and OY~~pulatioD leadlfta to 11earce food rnources are other fact.on that he predJctl could lMd to an ln1urmountable world crWI. Yet, ct..p&te hia ~sp, Ber- litz feell d'villuUon hal not lost all chance of avert.Ina Armqed- don. ••1 am not • prophet of doom and I am not liMd1nC a Cl"UMde. 1 know that there .,.. rnWJona of people like me who ahare the 1a1ne fean. We could, for exam- ple, UM our nUdear experUee to ahoot the pot lltercMd back out Into 1pac• 1t tt 1hould •tart a pluna-on Mrth. "We are nmntna out of time. But It II never too late to chanae ~ ,, he added. Berlitz, meanwhile, l• contl-nw.n, hla qu.t foe the lost dty of Atlantia. An avid diver, be will aoon atart an underwater expedlUcn to uncover what he beflevea t1 a 400·foot-hJch pyramid 300 feet beneath th4t aurface of the At- lantic, off the cout of the Ba- hama Berlitz and a IJ'OUP of dJvtn,- enthualut frlencb alt0 hope to lnv..Upte eome concentric tea walll ln the tame area, which he thlnb could be the rema1nl of an amphitheater. Only one Post in Washington Reslaurant will change name lo avoid lawsuit with paper MADISON, Wl1. (AP) -A But he Mid that, ln the'put lbc by Judge J ohn C. Shabaz, the l'fttaurant that called it.elf The yean, The New York nines had restaurant wu given lb< montha Washington Poet Ltd. hu ureed gone to court to prevent bu.el -to atop ualna tfae name or any · to change lta name, avertTna a new. ln nortda and V•11•stana variation of it and to alter it.a trial that had bem acheduled in a from 1.11ina lta name. WMhinaton Poet moUf. trademark d i1pute with the Wlll.Lam9on Mid the "181ue ln a Mullina aaid the name likely new1paper of the aame name. tndemark CMe II whether people would be adju1tea=-1omewhat The WMhington Post newapa-are likely to be confused on poulblr to The Poat at WHh- per filed 1uil in U.S. Oittrict whether there II a connection." lncton 8quare. The Wuhlngton Cour\ 1eeklng to protect lt• Jerome Mullina, owner of the Square offtc.e complex Is acrou trademark by having the reatau-reataurant. contended that no the 1treet from the e1tabl11h· rant opera ton atop ualng the oonnecUon h9d been meant when ment. name, "and now they've aBeed he decided on the name. "We ju.It didn't have the flre- to do that," uid Brady Wlillam-The re1taurant beaan u1in1 power" to continue with the le- IOn, a Madi.on lawyer repreaen-the name ~ yean aao and pl battle and decided t.o "do the Ung the new1peper. alto adopted a WlllhlnCton Post amiable t~::f." .and change the He uld It wu the fint time newspeper moUf for ita k>lio and name, he . the new1paper had been invol-menu. "Once we bowed our head1, ved ln auch a trademark dl.pute. Under the eett.lement ~ they were nice auya." he added. ~~1:une 1e!TMA HI .. Nuclear power Bunney ·------~--------~~ ...cmm Ship moved 't'!!,,'OUI ..... PICTinOUI ..,._.. SAN DIEGO (AP) -ITA~ ...._STA~ The d t t d TN fOllOWlnt C*'tont are dol9 The lollow1no pereon 11 doing ea royer en er assumes UC/ post .,.,...,... 11: °'*'*' .. , USS Prairie, due to be- 011couNT FU"NITU"E ANO nu WAAMINOTON GROUP, oome the nation'• olde.t ll!OS, tHt H.,bor llvd , Collt 17100 Olllelle Avenue, ltvlne, CA military ahip in conti-Meu. Cllllfornlil 12127 t 27 t4 Dedln Inc.,• Cellfornl• c:otpo-1 o W1rmlng1on. Jr . 1t1t nuou1 1ervice, w i ll r1t1on, •Ht Hert>or llvd .. Coll• H9wport Hlllt Drive w .. 1. N9wpor1 chanpe it• home port Dr. Wllllam E. Bu.nney ....... ~omit t2t27 INctl. CA t2MO A from San n.i ....... hu been named protea.-C:::,,=:-It conducted by a ~ 11 c:onduc:tad by an UI· 61__., to 90I' and cha1nnan of the Dedlrl lnC. EO. w.,m1ng1on • .J• _Lona ___ Beac __ h_. ____ _ department of ... ychia-Alice Oleet1, Thtt 11ettrnen1 wae ,,._, "''" 111e rtaJC MJTJC( U r-Prtl6denl Counly Ci.II of Oraoge County on 1----------t rf. at the C Irvine Thlt atec"'*'' ... flled wtth 111e Mey 10. tt82 'teTmou• ., ..... Couep of Medldne. County Clerk of Orange County on ,_ NAm ITA~ B unney waa at the Mey 10. 1M2. ......., ._...a Me1tt:11• Tiie tollowlng pereon I• doing ,_,. ........ Alt!Mw.,.. •I~ ~ u National lnatltute• of Publl•hed Ot1ng• CoH I Oally .............. cA-..-1 THE NEWPORT INNOVATORS, Health before arriving at Ploe. M!ly 12, It, 2•. Juna 2. 1M2. ,.,.._, '240 p"" Newport, lull• 303 CI 2()96.82 Pu1>t1111ad Ortnge CoH I Dally HewQofl BHch, CA 112MO U · Piiot, Mity 12, 19. 21, June 2, lff2 BARBARA J WILEV, 4240 Park HI• re1earch focu1e1 rtaJC MJTIC( 3091·82 Nawl)orl. 8 ull• 303. Ntwporl ·~ .... _ I w Beach. CA t2MO on man"'-pre11 ve -.... "91.JC MJTJC( r1111 1>u11net1 11 con0uelad by an neu, achh.ophrenla and 'tcnnOUe .,...., lndMduel childhood mental Wnem ...._ aTATUmJfT . Bart>ar• J WIWI n. ·---UCI ....._ · The lollowlng ~non 11 001ng 'tCTITIOU9 .,...., Tiiie ''"-*'I ... Med Mii\ Illa DUIU-Y came to ,_... ~... ..... t'TAT'llmln Counly Cltt1' of Orange County on cau1e of the campu•' PAUL Of"A"O TA LENT Tile foflowlng .,.,._,,.,.doing Al><• a. 11182 internationally recopl-~&:!~~ t~·~~•.a Drive, 11u-:~R.PAOIFIC. 1801 Dow Publlel\ad Ot1nge co:.~Y zed department ln pey-ftuth Englllod. 2118 "'" a1r .. 1, Sulla 145. ~por1 Beech. Pll<>i. ""'" 21. Mev 5, t2, it. 1te2 chob&o'""" Vltlt Drive, Newporl 9HCI\, CA c.Mfornla t2teO 1895-82 B .....,, · f N l2teO HarbOf.Pecfflc: EQU!tlta. Inc • 1 unney, o ewport Thie bullnatl It ~ad by a Ca Mlorn11 (;()(POfatlon, 1eo1 Dove rtaJC NOTICE Beach, ha1 received a ....., .... ....,. atrM t. Sulla t45. Newpo11 &.ac;fl ,-·• ....... ,, be f d I ...... Auctl Enaland Celtfornie 112te0 -" • --num r o awar 1, n-Thlt It~ _fled" w11t1 '"' 1,. bUtlntM 11 c:orldUClad by 1 NA• HA~ cludlnl the McAlpln Coun7i o.ti of Orangt County on eotporellon. Tha lollowlng penon 11 001ng Ment.al Heahh Auocia-"""' 5· '982 Httbof·Pecttlc 00~L9:oE wooos. 11102 tion retearch achieve-Publl•h•d Ortno• coal.~ ~j ~, C-Owan Street. IMM. CA t2714 mrnt award. the Taylor Plol, Mey 12, 11. 2t, June 2. tff2 PJ-'deni . GERALD F OOEOEH, 17702 Manor Hoepit.alJ:ychJ-3077-82 Thie •~• -flied """" Ula Cowan. SttMI, llW!a, CA 1121" U 8 •-11> ~ County Clerti of e>ranoe Coun1y on Tl'll• ~ 11 conouc..o by an atric award and . . ..--""'9K May 10. tM2 lndMduel Public Health Service ,,_, Gattld F Ootderl d Publl•ll•d O••r;t• Cotti 0•1~ Thi• •1•1-1 ... ,..., wltrl Ula di1t1n1ui1he 1ervlce Pilot M .... 12 11 June 2 ite County c1«11 of Ofenge eouncy on -......1-t ' _, ' ' ' ' ' A ~ it 1982 n:J&'UAI, 309042 .r...cM a DAU Meet set on art, literature .,._"' ..,,.~ AtterMP at Law ,._ ""'9K 4W .... A1111w ...... l'.O. Rea 2'11 ~Raacll.CA9*a ,1S"'7 PulJllllMd Orange CODI Delly Pltot. A$)<ll 2t. 21, May 5. t2. UMl2 1794.a2 646-1'431 . . &ANDa. our 111eratur• , • .,, •ti• c zcs1..1A (CONNI&> pa ...... phJet 0 ~~ered .,. "Cl f =~l•I• ttory of 01,1r KANDEL • .--ct away on ii6. JJ ~ LJ~ pro c.9 ... .,..,........ May 10, 1812 ln Newport .,., ~!f<ii.8::o~ H~'1: How Mfe ti nuclw power? Are there le19 rilky honored ~ Han1 .beph P'«•d•d altemaUv..t la nuclear power a better buy than ~ :::=:, her ln death. SM Is IWYiwd ~~~Primer: 1-..es for QU..W," Alan Wile, aulstant &27 Matn St :r Co.':~~: = 1 pubUcadon releued by the Leaaue of Women &:f~ ~·~e :; HIJnl~~~.!-ach D-t .... Qold of -~-2 Voten, attemM• to anlWer theee and OlMr fttl-. d ~ __, .-·--tr-,__ Me lctne, haa been ...cnnoue .,.. .. ...._ ITATIJlllNY srandchlldren and f ,,.ai.-donl. awarded an American irandchiJdren. 8ervk:m wm 1be publication ldentifiel pMt and pre11ent U.S. Cancer Sode•y junior 6e held on W.sn.ctay, May poUclet on nuclear power illues, outlinet fut.ure faculty clinical fel· 12, 1982 at 3:00PM at Harbor policy optionl and .,ppllea detailed and unb6Med lowahl Tht follo•lng pareon 11 doing •1-----------bultft9M ... '•C..C: ••w .__,l&A&.,MI Celftl l.y MOf IUtMV Chapel-<:tem1tory 3600 P~1flc 11...,, Ortve NewpGrt BHCh 6'-"2'700 Lawn Chapel with burial at anal~ of aU major nuclear power con~. p. the Fcnst Lawn c.emewry, lt la available alon~wlth two o&her LWV 00~~~ f:~~h:: Norfolk, Vtr1lnla on Mon· ~"-•c.c-t.•--on n......... .,_from the LWV of day, May 17, 1982. 8tw hM ..__,,.. - --· the u1e of la1ert and been ln the srea Mil» Oeto-L -.---6-J chemk:a1t to u.i mncer. ber of ltll from Vitlinla. ~order, call WV PublJcaUont ~ ean He baa tnewd &O pa-~ under Uw dirWdon acw.. at 601-6127. Uenla at Uw ua M8Clkal °' lt.Mtlor'·t.wn-Mount oa.. enter. Tbe GP91'imen· ~=-'°'o.c..,.. DEATHS· ELSEWHERE ~~":::..:':~-: ------ . LUIS ::TO OAB-df\ll ri then &UumlM· __ --..--..........,.-.. __ CIA. A ,• 21, •,...... LA8 nGAS, "9¥. {AP) 81'. LOUla (AP) OllH ::: their Qunon wtdl a of Hunu.,.._ .... h, Ca. -DeVH ••••••· fl, 1 ,,..,. Gr9'ui, ee, a Jua r . P ... .ct awa1 oo ~ former' u.a. a~. died ......,, .w ~. 111 the ••· Mr. a.. ii lund9 In • fill rn Ian 1~ ~ Onhllia .,..1n ~ h.il~ Mr. Md..,., loee, ~WI ~a. Hea&on New Yofk wtth Count•· Lull Olrda. Ir. ot Hundne· helped to ia41ct the late .,, AD-8w &Md. &on •ach, Ca., lilter and Howard H...,._.., •'«k bt'otlwtr·l•·la~ LaMa and _ .. puladon...... CAP& &LIZABETH, WUMem C. Of DIM Nat. ...._ (AP) -.... n.. Ca., aodMr ...., S. •· •••tH, 61, • tMtnb.r of ...._ 0.. of H......_ the Arm)' Selene• 8oard 8-:tt, Ca ........ o(the Cate aettled and Vice prHldent and ao11r1 wlll be held Shi• 1::-o•ral mana11r of th• ~~ M M11'M 11...... IAN DmaO (AP) -DI&-..,_ clM- Lawn -il••ortal C~e!; levlon lM., ~nt of lion ol MlntDOn& Corp., Mw of 1be ._.., 1en DI'-•••• C.tt-dlillt ...... , • .. M IMW • Wet Fitif, IHIOUI C~e Contact -• ~ u; ._, • lO:OOAll • W.11 Int.'. tMii...... AUUQUDQ~._' &a~l:..8!!!.'C .. MH1' I pa-1 ID• ~ ---==-~ -• ~-;;..; ,,_ r:J•••• .. With ..... ~ ... una • .; lMI .... M ...._ .._ l1aue:ft:~$iin-. to fl...,,.....__,....., lllili&0919 ......,,_, II ~-·•· .._. M•tsr ,~ ::-,1 SS ........... Olllw ....... f f lilW-.&e:= A•'!..;.z, CH&I lle11, Ca ....... ,.,.~1.-.111 =llliDI •&UM ..aJ.rY ••-1. ,.,.._..._.a-.; ....... , • ._•mo.--·. ALLAN ft091N LANOSCAPI / '!--------------MAINT CO,. 41 Oldord, !Mrlt, C.. lfOrnlil 82 711 Afftfl I ~. 48 O•IOfd, If· HCllllOUI WH . • i .,.,... "!l!IP9 ... "1DIW ..... Tll• r.il::1~1 ••t•tn 11 •olnt :;e• ;:;r.;,:9~.,..,. .. ftlllt ,._ ._.,._. .,. dolftt ~-.. ~-,.,J'~l: ~~ . .!,1~~ ·llT '®\. OA"I. IH~ WltifOl\.LYH AHO AllOCIA• llMO' • ,_.. _,_ =&.::l':••M IMef\, TR~:~ E°'MI. Hwfllint- 1 •• '°" . • ... 1. ••~ \.111e. "10 I "lohry ....._ ut~.... ~ lllotll Jt .. Mii ·~=::;en OMenfftfl'\, leeotl, Cell· ~ °''"?~Ul\I~ teecn, IMllAMll ~ ~ 11 ...... ~ M ===""'" ....... M&I "* ..=;., ~ ... ...., ttMI ~ NcMtd ,.... ~ '"'' ............. . ~ OWll1 ..... Of °'Wlt9 Couftly on Tllie 11..._,I WM Med .. IM lNI ~"~*I by 1111 Mev 10, ..., ~ Ci11t11 Of Of.,. COWftlY °" INIM•u.1. 1 . ,~ ~· •. ,... w. Jowioe ..... 'u"~!lhed1 Or1n11 00111 Deity ,_. tNe .._..,,.,, _... -• flt Pllol, ... -1 • 11, ... .11.iM ~.... ,ubllthtcl Or1n1• OOHI Dally County Cltrtl of Dfal\ee Coun1y on 141 Piiot, ~II II. MIY 1. ti, 11, iNI ~ IO, INI. ~------------------1 ..... 1. ,.,.. PWlJC ..,_ r l'ulltlllltG Ota111e COHI 01lly "8IJC 11)11C( Piiot, APrtl ti, ~ ~. II, 111 Jtll •--p;ffilijjili'iJiiiilir-1 tltMI I NOtmOUI ll'Hill NAiii ITA~ "8IJC ll)TICf Tht lollowtng p111on 11 dolnt Th• tollowlnt ptteon 11 dolno 1--===:-::-'!!-!~~~- bullMll 11· ~ea: lllC""°"' .. ID•• IN,0 .. llC. nn1 ... ,.., Rd CUSTOM AOVlRTl81NO LTD.. ..... ITA~ luill o. ~ ....... CA tlt17 SIC) w. WlltOn. 1101, Cotl• Mell. ''" IOllO\lflno peflOll I• clolnQ ,.._ CMltll, ,..561 C.. CA tH27 ._.,,... M: ~...... \.1, 0... ,.._CA MA,_IO ALOAN A, 310 W. Wll· (Al O()AIT INOUITRIH, (I) -T._.•.· ................. le toni.1101, Cotla ....... CA tte27. COUNTRY RIVIR IAIH. IC) ..... ~'.:.~ condueled by en TIMI ._.,_ le~ by 111 COAIT A"TllTI MANACMMINJ1 ~......_. lncllvlclull. IOI COAIT lttft'OftMANCI, Hn P, MIMI Chlel.le MlflO Aldan• Dlllotl ~venue. Cot•• ...... c-. Thie Ml~f W .. lllld wllh Ille 'fhlt ttal~I WM lllld wtlh lhl !Otnla 12f2t, ~ty Cilftl1...,2ol Dfange County on County Clttk Of Otll\OI County on 01vlcl A, Oaltey, HU OMOll ....... "· .... . Mty 3. IM2 . Avenue, 00111 MIU, 01lllofnl1 '"1'114 '1mll eme. Publlthod Of1n1• COHI Oa.lly Publlthtd Or1n11• COHI DlllV Thie buelMM" conctucMd by an Piiot. Mty 12, 1t. H • .NM 2, 1M2 Pilot, Mey &, 12, It, 2t. 1992. lf'ldMclull. 30t2·t2 2032 .. 2 Olvld A. Diiier -----------Thll ltalemenl wll Ned wltl'l lhl rmuc ll)TIC( rmuc ll)TIC( County c..11 of Or-.e County on ______ .....;....;;..;. ___ I·-------------Aclfll ... 1M2. flCTITIOUI .,._., ,__,. rtCTinOUI IUIMll MAm ITATUllWT Publl1hld Oren.at Co111 Deity NMll ITATUmNT Thi lollowlno p1r1on 11 doing Pllo4, Aptt 21, 21, May 6. 12, 1tlf Tht lollowlng pereon 11 doing· bullr'9el II: 11 ... 2 ~ 11. · THE MOBILE SCREEN DOC· COMMUTEC. 241 Avoeedo. TOR, 2006 W. lllbOI Blvd., New-i----MlJ--IC-..,.-....-r---- No I I , Co••• MIH, Calllornlt "°" e.edl. CA 92~. ""'""" 112927 s UE JAOO I.. I, •• 12 Oonacy. ft'9CiCiinnmc.aM:-411iiiii:iiii'iii"-- Roter Johnaon. 2• I Avocedo, 111, 8-nll Ant, CA 82109 ...... ITATalllWT No. 11, Colla MeH. Ctutornla Thll t>u"'-le conducted by tn Thi,......._...,,, na1.one .,1 d......," 82927 lndlvidull. ---""' ...---· ... Thil ~ .. conducled by'" ~ JIQVll zu··~c: ONSTRUCT-a , ..... lndlvldutll Thll 1111-1 WM llltd with the '"'" "'" ' ...,.. A. Johneon County CW1I ol Orenoe County on ""'. Unll f .3, Coetl Mlle. CA Thll ltlltmenl wae llltcl with thl Mey 3. 1N2 ~URl..EY V JACKIOH, 1•173 County CW1I of Orange County on • ,,_ .. .. o .... , d c .. Mey 10, 1ff2 Pub(l1ll1d Orano• CoHI Dally ••vury rive, LI '"' ,. •· " ,,_,, Pllo4, Mey 6. 12. 111, 2'. tH2. JOHN a SKONIENO 15311 PuDll•h•d 0fengt Co111 D•Uy 2092-82 Cedlf'WOOd AVlfll>t Mldwmy City Piiot, May 12, II, 21 • .Nnt 2, 1182 P\aJC M)TiC(' A 82t6& ' ' 305().82 Thie ~ .. oondYC1ld Dy e -----------'1CTfTIOUI .,..... gerwll ~ntrehlCL "8.IC NOTICE MAa. ITA,.....NT 8uttly v Jack.Ion -----· ------Tht IOllowlno PlflOO 11 doing l>IMI~ Thll tllttment -fllld wltfl the ,_ ... County Cltfk of Orenoe County on l'tCTITIOUI llU ... 11 BROWNl!E SPAS, 1Hl51 8tn· Apftl 19. 1112 · NMll ITAftMINT dtreon, Huolln91on B11ch, CA P Ptn'ltl Tiie lollowlng Plf10n1 •r• dolno 82Me. ublllhed Orange Cout Olil!Y-Pllot. t>ullnlll u : MARK lEHR IROWNlEE, 19961 AprM 21, 21, Mey 15, 12, 1912. MARIN E STEAM Cl..f.ANINO. 8tndlr9on, Huntington a.actl. CA 11•1-12 •21 E Bey, Newpof I a.ecn. Cell· 92e41. fOfnll 92A1 Thie~ II con<IUCllO Dy an Ooneld L Rilau, 4'21 E. Bay, lndMdull NewpOft lllcfl. CelifOfnll 82M 1 ...,. l BtOW<lllt LH W 8olltnblrgtr. •21 E Th1111111menl wu Iii.cl with tlle C:..W.._ If._ c.-, 81y. Newport B11ch, C1lllornl1 County Cltf1I of Orange County on l'Mll 'IJ..,_~f""''"' 82M1 Mey 3, 1N2 If.. ...... Thie ~ ii conduc1ed by I ,,_ ........ ~ D.C generll pwtnerlhip Publlth9d Orenge Co111 Dell WHEREAS NllSl~OfY·~ I.ti W Solllr'obtrglt Piiot, Mey 15. 12. tt, 29. 1"2 1111 bMfl prMenl9d to fhl Comp- Tllll lllllmlnl Wll filed wtth ..... 2016-12 ,,...., ol lhl Cvfrtney that PACI- County C.11 of Orengt County Ofl "8.JC NOTICE FIC NA TIONAI.. BANK !Ocalld In AprM 27. 1992 N-90'• 8Mch. 11111 of CallfOf· ,.,.,.. nl1. hu ~plied wllh tll provl- Publllhtd Orengt Co11t Delly ACTinOUI _,...... 110n1 of lhl llltutet of tht Un1t«1 Piiot. APfll 28. Mey 15. 12, 19, 1982 NAm llA'RMINT 811111 requlf9d 10 bt complied 1164-12 Tht lollowlng pertoo 11 doing wllh blfOfl bllno 1ullloflZlcl to -----------~ u commenc;• the bu11ne11 of b•n· Pml.IC NOTICE BRISTOi.. FOOT CLINIC. 2101 king ... Nlllon•I 81nklno ----.,._;,_..;......;..;. ___ I Brlllol, S1nle An•. Celilornla Aaeodlllon. l'tC~.,._.. t27CM NOW, THEREFORE. I hereby ....... IT'"--Miiion J1coD1on. O P M • cet1lfy that 1,,. ~ --.. ,..._.., 221•g Blylhor11..-. El Toro. CA aatton 11 1........._. to ---Th• lollowlno ptflon 11 doing 92930 ., ·--cono-iot .,.,.._-. TllM bullnnt 11 th• bue1n111 ol benlilno .. 1 THE EL PUCADOR RE8TAU-lndlvldull conducted Dy 111 NIUONI a.MlnG A-'tdon. RANT, •01 E 17th ISlr .. t, Co•I• Miiton JICOOIOO 0 p M IN ~STIMOfiY ::;te::,o:,. ;.•· MIN. CA 92927 Thll 1111-1 •II llled with tne tN1 ~ "-'/ tN2 JAMES A GRAHAM, 33111 County Cletll of Orenoe County on Complfolllr of lht CUfTWy l..lrllll'U', Colee MIN, CA 8292t. Apftl 27, 1ff2 etwt. Number 111M Thll ~ II conducted by tn ,.1.,_ Publl1hld Orenot Coaat Deify Individual, Pvblllhld 0"'9' CO.I OlilY Pl· , Mltdl 2• SI Apr;! 7 1•. 21. Thll 1t!:,~·::.-: with the IOI. AprM 21. Mey 15. 12, 19.11:te2 •• Mey&, 12, '1g, 0 1882 1a24-.e2 County Cltnl of Orenoe County on APfM 29, 1812. ,..... P\aJC ll)TIC( PmlJC M)TIC( Publl1hed Or1no1 Co11t Delly ___ ..;.;;..;;;;.;;...;,;.;;,.;,;~---________ .;... ___ I PllOI, Mey 6, 12, 18, 2t, 1812 2094-82 ACTITM>Ue MIWll NAlmSTA~ "8JC M)TIC( The loltowlno per1on 11 doing -----------~-,tCTITIOUI BUllNall (1) NORM'S PIZZA (21 PIZZA ...._ ITA,...NT JUNCTION, 3325 Tempe Drive, Tiie lollowlng peraon 11 doing HuntlnQton &ndl. Celll0fn11 82&48 t>u.--... Ronlld £,dwwd 8t-llrd, 3325 CLAUDI NA WAY A8SOCIA Tempe Otivl. Huntington 811ch. TES. 8 Rlmr~. Irvine. Ctlif0tnl1 CeilfOfnll 8260 927115 Tllll ~ 19 conouetld by en Jolln It. Al11rom, I Rlmrock. lndlvldull. trvlnl. Celilornll 927115. RonlHI E Steward Th11 t>ullMN 19 condllcted by 1 TI* 1111-Mnl WM lllld wtltl !tit Umllld parntrlf\IP County Clltt< of Or111111 County on Jolln Aletrom. Mey 10. 1082 Gtnlfll Plf11W '1-7• This ll•llmlM -f1lld With ,,,. Publl•h•d Or1ng1 CoHI Delly County C1tr11 of Orange ~yon Pllo4, Mey 12, 1g, 28, June 2. 1912. ~M 7, 1992 3030-82 ...... , ........ '-rtaJCllOTIC( ,.,., ... ~ ...... '111 Y• K-. .... -ACTITIOUI .,.._.. .......... ---.c .. -NAmlTA'R•NT Publl1h1d Ot1no• Co11t Dally Tht followlng per1on 11 doing PllOI, April 21. Mey &, 12, 11. 1ff2. Du*-11. 1805-82. IHTERHATIONAl PUBLISH· ---.. ---"'-..,..------1 Ef\8, 0331 CloudhtV911 Ot'lve, Hun-,._ nu1-. tlnglon 8MGh, CA 02941. ---:~=~--.,._..;.;.. ___ , Or H1rv1y E. Howard. g331 l'ICTITIOUI Mll•ll Cloudllavtn Orlvt, Hunttnoton NMll ITATWmllff 8aecf1 CA 82949 The follow4no I*~ lf"I dolno Tllit' ~ le conducted Dy an l>u"'-Ill: lndMduel 0 l N ITATIONfR8 ANO Dr HIWVIYE Howtrd PRINTERS, N33 W1tn« Av1n111. TllM 111..-t w11 N9d With lhl Huntington IMch, CA 12941. County Clttll of 0r-r--. LEWIS A PfUUIMAN. 9477 ~ 10. 1912 -...-_,,, on Or-A--. Huntlng10n 8-ft, p~ CA ~~E R. PRll..LIMAN, 1•17 Publllhld Or1n91 Coaat Diiiy 0roue1 AV9llUI. Huntlnflon IMcll Plot. Mer 12. 19, 2t, ..1ur11 2. 1112 CA 9*1 ' 3064-82 Thi• buelneH i1 conducttcl by ft9IJC NOTIC( lndMclullt (Huee>lnd l Wife). L9Wll A. Pfllllmln rtCTITtOUI Wll Thlt llMemlnt -flltd with the NAMa ITATlmNT County Cllt1I of Ottng1 County on Thi IOlloWlng PlflOnl lft doing Aprll 29, 1M2. ~ 11; , .... Publlelled Or1n11• Co11t O.lly Clfcle, Huntington 811ch, CA Piiot, M"Y 5, 12. 111, 2t, 1M2. 129411. 2093-12 JIU C WENDT. 1H7t Bell ___________ 1circl•. Huntington ltecl\, CA HMI. "°81N I.. ,RUA, ... 1 hlc*ll l'ICTmout.,..... ClfClt , Hunt1n91on lt1cl\, CA ..,... ITATWmlff 9214:iASTEH AHOEMOff l<llZMA-~~ ~ .,. do6rlt Ht(), 17011 loutll ,adftc, 8ullllt ~fDOll1ed AMENCAN VllUAUlll. IOI 8eadt, CA 907•2. hfOnl• A~. Coton• del Mar. Tlllt .,_...._II OOftdUCtld by. CA ~I. , 91'*111 l)lrfneflltlp, Jl,,IRY .I. ICHUITIR, IOI Thie '=-:Jiii O. W*ldt fll9d wlttl 9lgolWI Avenue. CorOM Ml Mar. Coun7c, .... OrWll ,.. _ _... tt11 CA titat. "' 11tge ...,._,., on CAM'-'-· TRAVll, 10t 9eoo-~ • 1112. ' nle A,,_, COfOM Ml Mar. CA ,llOlllMd OfMOI OoltC Oll,y-= n:· ...,_ 11 ooi • cud by 1 Aprt 21. u , Mer•. 12. 1112. ' ............... 11....a -~ "'* .................... -----~~ ~ °""' .. er.. 0.., Oii ~t1. ttM. ....,,. ,.,........, Of-.. CoMt Deity "°'· ..... -~. ti. tt. ttlf ........ CLASSIFIED 'INDEX , .... ,...Cll 142-5171 Jl'ID .. uu !!! ~ ! ..., = . . ..... smm '"""·-·> llftJMll a ,., .. -·-'""-· """·-.... .......u ..._ 5 = ... ... a -= .. ,,. IW •• &al = •• .. •• -•• --... ---,. --AmS,MITO .. a-.i -""•'-• -A• = =:""·' -c.,.. =~ -~ .. ,.,.,. =~ = ~= Ult K., .... liluo ,,. =-= _ ....... , .. :g. = °'"' -, ..... == -..... -..... .., .. R.-tt EE.. -~ -v ..... ... ... , ~ .. .. ---- Ull ------- '=~=' M:~lA-4~~s· .....,..,cu,-.- ·~-:.~ ..... ._._.....,.._. EIHUKI I I' I I I r ~_u_L_u_A .... s-1 1, . r1r1_1 ----= --- Or .. OOMt DAILY fttLOT IW.,.._wt, Mey 11, 1N2 • Furniture i• bought and sold . every day with a classification )8050 ad .. NllllllU 11111 Pr!. W•t S.y beyfront. Slipe far 2 botca. r~ a bdrm, a belh 11.200,000. • c:>c.n & jetty v1ew7.Miiiiw room. 4 bdnn, 3 beth, 3700 eq.rt. fl,386.000. Oceanfront. ~ l.91 llU •••• Prll'M Udo Nmt bayfront ~ bdrm, ~YI beth. i.,. L.R., 2 bottt .i1pe auoo.ooo. Rtmodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + 1ar1e rec. nn. btam ~ll.IJ\p, fuml.lhed. patJoe. $420.000 • Ll9I llU IAYflllT Laaoon view from 6 bdrm, ~ bath, playroom. da.r"K rm, den, bt 1llp $1 .3!IO,OOO. UYS9l COYE ....... 4 Br, 2~ Ba. View home overlooklne Pavuton, Catalina and nJ\e U'4!1. We have an Independent appraiul for '320,000. Try $20,000 down until you Mll )'OW' home. Owner will help finance. 2111 ......... .... -.,-.,.-n-11m1, u. ...... ,, Spec1aCUlar beyfront view 2 br, 2 ba up: 2 br. ~= 2 ba dn. 2 bola\ 111119 $1,900.000. IN J:r'lJPl't •Ill it: ... "" ... .. °"'""'CAYS Coronado la1and CUit bayf ront lot. 8~' boMt dock. Plana avail. _.2~.000 w/terma. la&IM. NOUllHG O,,OllfUNITY Thia 4 ldnn oondo NI K IMt Beemed Clllnge, wtdl 1dd1d 1kyUgllt1, UPOfl· ded kltdltn, A/C w1ttt tu- mldlllef, good flnllltOlft9. '2•9.500 . ....... ,, ........ :: ILIFFI .... AH 'HI •tat• lldvertlMd .-3 bdrm 2 beth end unit $2Ml 000 on 1arae1t In Ihle newepapar le Untque Homea llo = ---~lt ' ' • tubi-ct to the Plder81 Fair i;Reelt;:°':'=· =·=7MOOO;:~ -.. --·· . HOUllng Act of 1908 wNc;tl I ..,. ,.. •-m1k11 It lll•o•• to : ._ 1dvlftl.. "any I& T91.D 3 bdnnt .• 2 ~ ba\hl condo oar pool. Sl4~.000. Pftllfance, llmllallon or Thra• 2 ldfm unll• w/ ---"" l'IU l'IU flll "'" --ml ~ "" -flll 111• -l'l&t .... '1• l'lfl ... --Ill» "" = -.,. -'"' '"' ----9U .,, = -----------= = -- BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR I·· ... 'I. • ' . • • ,) , ,, fJ I ti 11N-IDllNl-QI ,... ., ........... bl ............ tf 1 ft1t t1l1t. H, LHITIH, ,1111 UI 11191. '"= .,. ....... ........... :-:.~ .... ...: ~ :,-=.: ............. , .... ,, '" "' .. , ... ,,,., ............... , .. , ... .,,. .......... ,,., ... WATERFRONT HOMES.INC HI Al ESl A Tl !.... • 11n1 .... "'-"' ~ .. 74.W.W (.._.,H..., ~t 8'a;h ., ..... START HERE In thia very affordable and 1pa- cioul 3 bed.room condo near South Coast Plaz.a. $98,500 of a11Umable financing. A.1king let• than ap- praiaal. Only $119,500. RCTaylorCo 640-9900 MSIOENTIAl ..eAL t:SfAfE S£RVIC£S ---.,, .... Remarkable value, location, quality & tern"W! 3 BR + Fam Rm. All profe11ionally decorated . ThouMnda ol $ ln quality carpeU, tiles, ahutlen & detfper papen . Owner ln1l1ted on beat. Tak.e tldvantap! IN NDIPORTC•Nnll 644-9060 , dltc:flmlnlllon b1Nd on g111g11, ylfdt & cll•ll· rece. cotot. fetlQlon, ... "' w1eh1fl. Auume tow 111tlon11 Oflgln, or any 1n1erae1 loan encl own., 1n11nllo11 to m•k• any _. help nn.noa Try S20 ::c"~-:n.~tlon 000 dWn. 631-7310 ' m111a AdvertJeere ehould check their TR.\Df TIO\,\I RL\11' ad• deity and report errort Immediately. ~ taJ.a.J 1#1 Th DAILY PILOT ••••••••~•••••••• • n11m uaumM llablllty for one yr n-c:aim-open-the flrtt Incorrect 90111 '" to t>eti.ve. a lntertlon onty. Br. $5116,000. OOOd fl· mn H•rTill 8Hullfulty landecapecl and maintained • Bdtm hom•. Ofe11 co'"•' loc:allon w/111lt1lng RV nanc;lng. Ownef/Atl C. Spllltf 13 I· '2H 811f· C009 ICC*I. Owner ,,. ...... wlfln1neln9. Full price Ila.. 11•2 500 111-3191 1..uu.la '"' c::.' I I -t-" ' I ' I'' ~ • • t ................•. , ... IUIY .. 11 R -One '~"' two c:8f'I ..... Flnd out about lhe 111 v... t unltt In Ole eernlng ,... eat.lie.':::: he1r1 of 1 • Pen1n1ul1 c;ar.., opportuntdea wtth Point. °'991 iocetlon .,.., THE REAL HTATERS. bMChea, tennll Md boe- Llc:antlng ICflOOI , ... ting. On• of • kind OP· ~~to pottunlty. 133t,OOO. 1ohool o you' choice. 142-1111 Ex~ ... trlllnlna. Fo' lnform1Uon, call 751 .. 1111 _ ..... , A PETE BARR En . REALTY Lrg .. ldrm t .. l8mly home w/huo1 bonua l~~~!!~~~~~ fOOm I balh lormlng l~•-'• .......... Owner .. .,,.,,_,, ... aa8IM wlttt flnendna. Ftl/I lf#j llJI ~f IC • I 141 ,f>OO . •••&;w;e.;;;.••• c::. ',t I' -t-" I •I I /I 't ~ J t • 1 TRADE ........ ,..., , ..... .... ., ..... ... c::::. ' ' -t-"·• f • I .............. For Mle·OI' rant. Unit 21 71•·&31-8010 ~ar.nab ·Irvine ""'... 1114 •••••••••••••••••••••• , .,_, ... '*-Oft..,.. 10x111' J unll lot. 4M ... -HM\lltOn, Do ftOt...,,. with oalNdrat cetll 1enant1. t ut,ooo. I BATYB jt , I r I I . Hou•lno ooe•• -°"' 01 . . _ . . ! llghl. My wllt WMted I home ---------tM Wllel, IOI lloodtCI lht Md a NrMdlllld kftclNfl. l4t..e041 .... & Wknda. •·•• aa11un1bl• loan· 831-3820 wkdytl. Md an M•lou• own.. ... Onlr e 110.000. Call -I A IM EN A J-· I I' I' I I J • ~ :-.. <Mt~ ..:-.: .__."'--l"'--1 ............... ~ ............ """t:. .. ·;:,-..... • j::u.r:-;;c,.r r 1 r r r r r 1 •#tr"°' I I I I I I I I I ICRW...uft ~....,. llt C111r•11lrR- ACQU IS lTJOll .... Outltandl ... 8.-doua CualOm BWlt Home. Fonver 'View ~Out On Sand ac Wh& .. Water Wav". Trul1 Beauttfull)' ConNucted Home Wlth ~ B1rm1d ~" i......oa-WJndowt l'or More View. bne Of Lacuna NlP9l'• nneit Homes. Ow· ner Will Help With ~ Priced A~ •t,450,000. A HJll-TrlvWon Ur- UJll. it 17Na10 ... \ f . 11 I II/' ti 2 "· ' ... + ' •. 1 .... 12x101' 1112 lo1. Do not dlalurb tenant•. 112' f:.a:1,.•· etu.ooo. , .. ,..,., 13t4120-- . • 1 I I .· • ~ ... .. \ I . 111 1l F If ' • ' I '',II'•' ............. 11111 TITIL ... lt,039 pet month 2 HUGI~ .ult•. 2'.-t betN, lfpkll, yw•. 2 CM 0-flOM, ... y QUAlltyfng. OrH I t11 H Ylnga. Beat buy In C oate M•••· w.-deye c.-850-9771, ~· 12~ 83t·S405, .._..~ •ul1•1I• ""' IHI ..............•......• **~Mt. TO BEACH Sup« 2 lklr t~11h0m•, au. oer•o•. petto. 2 poola, tennta, Jae , & ao much more. terrific If. nanclng at only 12'A%. Only t HUOO. l \\bodh r1dgc Rultlj I tlta ~!~;~?,~ ..,_ MARVELOUS lOCATlOH """ Ilk• IMnG In a '*"· HCIPI you liev• • d•Y end nlotu 110111 vtew. 2 bdmle, 2~ be. ~ 1 In Turtle Aoo1' Olen Town· llomea. One of Ille ........ ............ 3 bdrm , 2 b•, epe,/cover•d patio 81auu1u11y decorated ANUl'IMlbll loen wtth ~ DOU.AR DAY DOUGH ~AVIRI ltll ~ "°"'°""'..n11dld lttfnl lot Clih. If tt dciilft't Ill we'M run 11enc>thlr3 deye FAE!. OM Item S*' Id, mutt be prloed. Sorry, no rMt •tat• or oommerdaJ Ide. Calf today far tull dellll1 . ...... , ......... , Wcatn , 1 ........ _.,, I j llPllT ' """ PtrVtlnte, 2-4 ...0 flt full/time If~· .... type eo.eo wpm. 3 """' IVtlleblt, hm·4plft, 4pm-12 mldnl ~ 12am.a1m. 111. I 'IUh. 1110 open. Min tell• home ~ S2001wk. Cell ~ Mre Quinn. t0111"1·4Pfl'I, 845·9080. Afltf Tu"·• 540-5553. Appl. "ut a rell&ble good ... 1ary to 1t1r1. Nioe atrno. ec>h«•· '°' lnteNttiw eel All1on 549·227 t , 8AM·5PM. ....... ...., .... T..,&eeicn 11tt We're '"king to bulld a lebor pool 01 quellll•d ;irapNc art• peraonntl fOf :>n-call work In th• pt• oreu 1rae. At 1 .. 11 one t..,..• uperltnce In ~ Mttlng, put• up, camera oparetlon or OltttfMl!lnO ia nec:aaeary. Y04.I must bt 1vall1bl1 to work on a sublUtuie or ~n b9lla. Salary ~· on expe-rience. Contact Pereon· 1\11, ... l DlAUR IN U.S.A. ~ f~ .••••••••• U.ff ...... ~ ........ --... . U1·JMI ..... JOa Y a ~· '90 OL Wegon, M\/tm, rr NHTMA , w!ndOw defoglwtper. 01.ll T5t ~.·::~acid cond .. ... , !'1.!!-! •••••••••• !.~!f lot U llW MHUI '17 Toyota Corona lllct new. Alt, t/wlnd. defOG, • 111 un•n .... of "'-model. tow ,....... Ot c..-.ce lft ..,.,.,, Cellfomi.I ... UI __, -•••• 2tOO Herbor -.id. COSTAMUA • doof. new bfu• & t.w•. 11 82t IUlllfY 4 dr, pet· JS500. Call DOUG Turin ---,.,-.-.. -.. ----lec;t c;ond\ Mu1t ull. (work) 873-1434 141-1111 19300 Oft• OV9f ...... 642-4910 afl ePM ' 401( tnlltl, uctlltnt 55Ht4e ~ cond Tfllct t¥¥« peym't, , 78 Corollt Diii, 50,000 ml, S... tax only. MM18t 79 Maz.da . S model, auto. AC, llkt new, '2. PIP air, •Int c:ondlnew p.lnt, 750. '45-llO<M 1=-,-------am/lm CHM~e. $e900. '71 Cldtlllc ~ Delltlt 752·90H. rt1 .. .J. 1111 DeEleganoe, loaded. ••••••rr.••••••••••••• L•••• return. 17,000 . .,,,,., • 1140 •n t11 1 _... undtr wtlot•••• bOOk . •••••;•••••••• ••••••• Air, 1unrool, 10~1111. DOM LEASIHO -~ ....... I look• and rune gr111. 642-tt44 ......... PIP 13500. 543-0520, '78 2 or black Eldoredo tt I~ 528-5t51 47,000 low mllH. vtty ..,.. .• •t f.a. f17i "*P. Pvt pty. '4000 01 Comptrt Hout• 'fl Im· ••••••• !r.!•••••••••• bit. 714/84t-3401 alt Pof'tl Direct ..... ~ 90 '7t "CAUfOANIA BUG" llprn. mot. ttntlble= *mlY llU. * c,-.-.. -.. ----,,-,-, 211 Of 7t4; RC 8 Sliver, 4 tpd .. AM/FM •••••••••••••••••••••• II 213 Of 7141837· cuaatte. lnttnor & Ext• 1111 ._.. Hav.n't you walt9d ng riot In IUPtf-dupat con 350 Vt, t own.,, good enough to own a r-dltk>fl. (no old contrlCW oondlUon. St.HO. cedH Benz? Don't et toueuma.Nob.ckpmc. 54Mt00 tNtoPPQf1un1ipe1e due . A1k for Ro11 IM)CIU 842-4400, 558°1009 lt&.-l.J ,,,, by ..• ect now! • haW. ,.,__._., lant11t1c 1alect1on tf Proto LIM. •••••••••••••••••••••• modell & COIOfl avall4-80 Rabbit, O!tMt, clttn. al • f"'1t ble loaded Ind eunrt, 28K ml, Wt have • OOOd Nltc· -IUllll PP U."6. ~29 lion of HfW & USED •1111 •n "' ....., et.wOMt.11 t 301 Quall Strwt NEWPORT BEACH All optlone. air, el.Meo, •••eeaa eunfoof, roof ride, bent( -.--than ""· 13200 -.7-0_M_l'_Otdtl ___ 290_8_l_con--.1 ~--6"_-0_1_4_t __ -I COfCMfll CHfVROlfT ... ,. I\ • r •,• r vertlble & hardtop, AM/ ''2 vw Bug, oooct cond, FM radio, new tlrH , J2300/ba1t offer .-~=-~--~==-$U,900. PP 832-3045 \42-4510 btwn 7 & 2. '71 CAMAl'O S4~ I 200 ..,.. 'll vw Ft1tb1ck. Rune *mlf ml* •z • Hiii Qllat. St300 OFR. 8111y yet ol1Nyt Auto. Turbo dltMI, Aittc rad. \ dey 87543t5 wit cyl. to olw you gr .. t 8 vi ~ 0 :::: mll11ga. tfucktt 11111. rown n . 4~ tank. 10rr vw. elr cond. Roof AM/FM!~• a mot.C 37,000K 8, . reek, lltr•O CHHlle. (63eWU0). Jult nMd , .. 873-73M wrl clean. SZ-450 oeo llabl• party to make •z a JM11 ____ M_2_-e_H3 ____ 1 amall monthly prnte. No Turbo dltMI. Aitac rid ·eo fl:IAROCO, 25K ml. old conttacta to --· Brown vlnyt. 40 gal tank. A/C, AM/FM CHI. pwr. No bKk pmtl dua. Alk 37 OOOI< t 2a 000. bootter equellur, • lor Ro11 142-4400, • S73-i3M. 1pkr•. C1tm. whit. Im· 556-tOOI Proto LIM. mac. ffllce OYer .... '212. --;i •• MiijiS;;ni- 2, m ... Hl-0550 or sna 079-7~ Mr 0.\lellp0f1 .. 1M2 Loaded, gllaea topt. tt.c s. 4740f72t7 . • , 111,Allt ........... Dow9/0uell Sta. NEWPORT 8EACH IH•ll 10 Nova. ve. 307, auto. 17 mpg, c:lt9n, 11K, pt. nu Ur"1 mttr cyl/ crpt, $ 1400 080 P I P 54e-3343 lllTlllTll llACI I f lllTAll llllll t.if' d ,I I ) '. ' • ' I • OHAN<.t 1 (Jll t..llY < /\lllCJlt N IA 7'> CINJ S Hunting ton High district 54 teachers . facing I8yof f s , . THEY'RE ANGRY -Jan Vlnlkow (foreground, left) and Maraha Cook (rt&ht) are sick and tired of vandals def acing their Hun- tington Beach neighborhood. The1r neighbors 0..,,.... • ...,,..... are angry, too. They found this wall in tholr Hunlln&ton CreBt neighborhood ddu<:<:d luKt Friday -the iwme day It had boen repalnu.-d. 'HB fire • captain succumbs MlchaeJ Hennc>uey, • Hun- llnl(lon Beach fir• capu.ln and former city hfcauard. waa found dt•Ad TLk'tldoy bnldt' th'' pool at a local othlclk club. He apperrntly IUC.."CUmbed to a heart attack durtng an off-duty workout at the Pacific Sanda Cabana Cluh, F1rt-Captain RogPr tto.mc•r said f Ito wu 42. Cupt. HennCJMC.'y, a native of Long 81>ach , joltwd th«-Hun llngton Beoc:h 1'1ro Ot>partm<•nt In 1962 a fwr working 81 a city llf('guard for 11x y<>afl HP waa promoted to captain an 1967 In recent yearll ht.• hu bf't•n a11lgncd to the Mognolla F ir<> Suation near EdlJlon High tichool Capt Ht>nne...·y 111 1urvivcd by hi• wtfe Pauh•ttt', and by hi• chJldrcn, KrU1ll'n, Kurcn, Kc•lth al1d Mlt:hcllc. / Residents battling Huntington vandals Br ROBERT IAKKER or .. .._,H.tltMf Reafdent1 In the block-wall community of Hunllnawn Beach are fichtlns a batth· with youlh-r ul marauders. They uy aulQ an\i'nna. have been ripped off ot can, houn windows 1ma1hed and lan<bca- ptng uprootc>d It'• tx'<'n &oing on for yeu11, according tu the rt.._,_ den ta. A park, m. .. llc.'<.I m th<' lrlk:t of $200,000 homt. ... hlllll be<>n hit rt•· ~ll-dly. Crud e and vul~or 1 prny · palnt.c'<.I lilif\11 deffM.'t' ~ny wall• An incident Friday nliiht broke the pat1t>ncl' of the rt.'11ldl•nt1 They'r\! ~wing to fight bock. Thl• lalt .. t incident had 1t.11 bt' ginning• an Morch whl·n re11 dc•nta, hc>ad<'d by Marwhu Cook <and Jan Vm1kow, df't'ldt'<.I their 15-ycar~oJd trac.·t m'<'<.11-d fre11hl' nlng up. the brand ""w paint Job. "lt ju•t made me alck.'' 1ht! aaKi. "And very angry." Tlw girt. were arrettcod by po- lll-e who had lx.~n l'alll>d by un othl'r w1tnt'M OC'tc'(•tlvt• Oury Mcz.a iwld to- day that the two au.pec:ta, about ti.7 yeana of Di('. art> Aubj{>c1 to tht> lll v'• rer.l1tutlon program "lf lhcrc urt• no pnor1 (1.r~1ta' und th<• purcnL'f are w11lang. then 110methlng would lx• worktld out lo pay bock thl• (,'f»l.'I of rc.odomg lht· wall," ht• .aid M<'W 1111d lhe· 11lt.c.•rn.1uve· 11 to have th<' girl• 111a nd tr111I In Ju vc•nlle <.·ourt Mni Cook und olh<·r rt111d••nl.8 ure uui111ti11" on n'lllltullon und th•·y dun't wanl lO wait "Wt•' II Luk•• <•vny at lion nK· t•liaary W1• will go to t he • dty <..'(1unc.11 ur tho 11owll dnlm11 1.:ourt Wt"ll 1ubpocna polkt• rt-<:ord11 1f m'<od he." aht• auld "Wt· won't ll•l ll dll' .. Reduced revenue claimed Hunllnaton Beach Union Hltih &hool tru.t.en took official at·- llon Tuesday to lay off 54 leu- cht•r1 at the end of th£· school yl•ar, June 17. Tht1 rL-ducllon In for<.-c follow• hcarlniJ In April oofore a •Wit• udmlnl•lratlve Low Judsc durlna whkh t.e8':hera protatcd the> ac- tion. School offlcilil1 said de.dining 1tudent population, rcoducllon1 In n ·vcnuc and proaram• and a tightening of the bud&et nc.°''f!llll - tated their action. Teucher offk.iat. <.'Onk .. t.c.>d lhl• layoff11 bcfort• hearing offlc:..r W.P Byrnes. They said the di11 trlct ovenit.ot.c-d financial dcflt:1u. and underwt.ot.c.'<t rt.'llOUrC.<tc ... Thi· layoff•. expected lo 11avt• about $1.5 m111lon In wachcr au larl<'• and bcncht1 nt•xt yeur. apear l.o have hit hardCllt in lht• aocial 11dcnce area. Ther<> will be 20 fower sodul IK'lence teitChC'rl and (I bou l l 00 ft•wt•r <.•I.au offcrlnwi. Adm1n11Hrat1on tU>Urce1 1111d. however. that no 1lu<k-nlM will bl> d••prlvt.od of study in that field P:levc•n or 12 physical ••ducu- tlon hutructol'll al.a will be w1d off Offk11.1hl aald there would bt· no t'Ulback.t in rompeuuve aporlil or In required phy11Cal education progra1ms. Phy1lcal c>ducatlon cla.cs are rc>qulr'-d for ninth and 10th lfll• d1•1'1, but not tor llth and l2th t(radNw ThQlt• bt•ing hlld uff an.-: Gory Aldrjdge, Ann Carr, Guy C.:Hrrot:zo, Suun Church, Me rl1inne Clarke, Anthony Ot-al, T om DeKrall, Polly £1bort, Moun..-en Engelhard. L inda F.rd- nwn, Barbie }'reeman, LlwrM'ICe Greer. Herman Harvill , Alex lle ndcraon , Terry Hoffman, Randall Hupp. Al•o, Janet Jones, Ra ndall K&.rc:ht'r, Borbora Louie, Dcnn111 Ma1ud1.1 , B Su<• McGlnnl1. Jo- k •ph Ml-Guckin, Chnatlnc Men do7.a, Roy Maller, Wiiiiam Mon• hou1l', Linda Munion, Norm Nakan11hi, Pam,la Orgill. Ronuld Porter. Sherry Rae Allo, Pt'flny Rankin, Suzanne ltoady-Rou. Morrie Rowan. 1-:1 l<•n Sa •nz, Shelley Samson , F CN:ll<> Sandeen, Rod Stuart, Mary Thompson , M ichael Thornton, Mary Weaver. Gary Whf'aton, Bobblll Wllllam11, Paul (See LA YOPPS, Patt Al) * * * BUENA PARK BIGFOOTS'! lfc.•av(•n s no , 1t'11 JUKl 8111 Bixby <:uddllng up lo u t•ouplt· o f H:mnu Bartwrn haarl<>i; who'll tx• 1n u r<>brnlldc·a.-;l CflS i.p••<:wl Ju1w I ' Bue.na Bigfoot? Big, sm elly 'm<>n ler' seen By JEFF PARKER O(ttw o ... , ~ lleff M<>n#t.t-r wutt•ht·l'll an• pl.;.mr\ltll( anothc-r vll(il tontaihl ut th1· f<:)( t'''utlvt• Purk Ap1.1rl rnt·ntH In Bu~na Park whc·n • u uc•.ii.l 11f hell1•h proport1on1 wait 1 t·~<n tcdly 1pott.toel Munduy n1Hhl And by lht· dt•1fcript111 11i. ul "Su.t.•n1t Purk B1gfoo1," th•· n1u11 at.n won't bt· hnrd to r 4oe•oj(rna• Ile •land• bl.otWt"t'll M'Vt•n und t'ight fc.'t•t wll, growl.it "like· ~ 1(11 ralla" iand "1m c l111 wunw 1han rotwn hol'llL' nuinurf'." -Th('H(• dt'h<·rlptivt• w11rd'j <'turn from UP"rlnwnt m:tnlJK•·r I .orrat nt• Mlallanl'lh, who !ilUld 11h1• hl'urd thl' beul growling f 111m ,, tli;11 n~l' d1t.d1 OVitr lhl' W lllJ,lil'JC jU.'\l arwr II 1> m Monduy "My hu11lJ1mc.J <ind I hud JU 'tl com t• b 11 ,. k f rom d 11111t· r .11 Alfy'K," 11h1• 11ald .. A111I 11111 111 ow tcnunt11 run up tu h111111w ,, fli.11hl1ght to f ind ii mo11'fl1·1 Whl..'n I nm to the• fpm 1 . I wuld 11mell ttw thtnjl Jui.l uwlul " Pol H't• w1•r4' MJ 111rn1111t·d hu l took un houa l.41 I l'Npcind hc-t aujjf• they ft·11n•d thf•y w1•11· l)t·lllJ.( lu re..'<.! hu<:k 111!.41 th1• urt•:i hy 1 hi· ,.:.U1 ~Ille (;,111g Whit Ii I llj'lyi. 111111" w1 11J.( hci11li ... "' p.11ri1I 1·un1, M1K- md I 1 Kllld ''l'huc 111 '"' li'"nk," 11tw c.·111H1 • nw .. 1 'Tht 11 •'11 1111 WiJY lo lukc· j l(n>W I hk1· I 111 .11 cl or :1 '11111·11 like, I '9111·ll1·d 'I u1 " 1-. ii ~u11-( ,,,.,ui.1,.11 h•,.icJ 1'11111 I' Wf•f(• I l11ud1'CI Wtlh n 1ll M11111l11v nt~ht ,J(l1•1 1h1· all1·g1·1'f 101<h 11 nu The 11111111111·1 w.J .. .ille·u•·cll i .,. .. 11 ll v 1 w11 wllni"1t('ll Tiit y "''"' 11.1111111pl1 d to 1•n1t·r 1h1 111111 pl•)( 1111·11 1111 lll'jl .1w.1y .11111 "'" .1pJ1t.•11H•cl 11.11 k 11110 I he• .Jr .1111.1J.(1 d1I• Ii I .. 11 µ,. l11111J111111 ... "1J h11u1 1h1• 1/1 u l I Wll li.1111 I'' 11< 1111 tl111J.( It> M1 M1 ...... 111 111 w1 ·11 l11u 11J ,lfflUltd 1111 dill h W1 1·1ould 111 UI ll Ill tiff• d ,11 k," '"' .1111 "All 11t1• 1·r wk1•t1> .ind lr og WI fl' q11 11·I whd1· II ~'"""''" .. Teen th ieves video addicts? l'OU< >NA IAI') Two youth!i The family 11 planning u prl- vat.e funeral, followed hy r rPmll uon and burial ol ll('a Tht' family has 1ugae1tt>d mt>moru1I dona tiONI to the T1c:henor OrthopPd1c· Clinic for Childn•n , I 660 Tc•r mlno Ave .. Long Beach. Plana for a fir" department memorial acrvlt't' s.rc pending They 11kcd tho city to pumt the out.er walla around the tract that belong to the city, but '>lfl- dall u1d ttwy had no money tor the work So the two wom<!n, and othcl'll, began a collection drlv" In the HunUnston Crest community. They uJd they oolkac:Wd $2,200 from 89 percent of the rea1denlil In the 180·home dcvt<lopmt'nt and H•l&ned thl' painting and other llpruc:c·up work w a ct>n tract.or. ~alley foil owing suit .1p11.111'11tly "uddt1 tc·d" 111 v1d1•0 J.(·•llll'l-1 .1pp•.,•r llJ bt· lwhmd u 1 u11h o f bu1 gl11r11·oo; Ill lt'<t>nl munth11. .1u ll1111 ll11'11 s.1y J>11l lcc· 1111· sc• r r h 1ng fo1 a 17 v1•.u o ld untl u lW yc·t.tr u hl, l111if1 rr111n N11r~-0. who allt•"1-<lly but glilr 11c•tl f1 v1• h11m1•11 1n th•• ('t)l'tJna and N 11 t ('O 1trl!U , Sut Jume•i. 8tf'1•lc· 11( the· Corn1H.t Po ht·t• Dc•11.11 lmc•11t 1Wld Tut'ldity According lo HOll'Yler, Captain H•nnc11ey wa1 active 1n thf' Unk> League prourum •potUOrt-d by the Fireman'• AMoc11.1Uon und participated In th MOOUMI Fire- men'• Olympk..'1, wlnnlnAt M.Yeral medal tor swimming R eaga11 lo app ear WASHINOTON (AP) Prtll- ldent &apn will hold a naUon- ally br<>Mical new• conterencr at 6 p m. PJ:Yl' Thul"ld.ay In the Eul Room of the White HouaP. It Willi announced today WORLD The painting of an ouwr wall at Colchester Lant.', jult 110Uthcaat of ttw Oerfleld-&ach Boulevard lntcrtW"Ctlon was complclL'd Fri· day. Friday nlsht when Mra. Cook and her hu.bond returnc..od home from dlnN'r, she uld 1h found two gJri. near tho wall with a con of •pray paint In their hBnda .. Graffiti had been polnu.-d over Author views: world future · Bn~aellina author Charlel Berllti 11 pcllltmlltic about the, world'• future but 1tlll •Y• doomlday an be awrwd. Pap Of. NATION Jfii1hem replaae1 Hx on T V C1ung budget c:onc<'rn11, dc•dl- nlng enrollment and th<• clolurt> of two 1ehool1, fi'ount.oin Vall<'y School District tru11tc't>t haw cll- mlnatt>d l ~ full and part time non-\i'at:hlng po1ltlon1 and hove reduced dairy houra for olht>ra. Bob Sampica, f)l!0t0nncl dlrcc· tor for th«' district, known Im· known lmmedla&ely how niany employeea wlll be affectf'd by theae cutbeck• becuuae those with .enlorlty have th.-right to "bump" newer t'mployf'PI for '-ertaln po1ltlon1. COUNTY Ht• uld lhe ck»uru of Wardlow and Buahard achooi. at the end of the ''Urrcnt term haa fon.'('<f the <'limlrutllon of Jobe for two h<'ad c:uatodlana, two part-time <.'11•1 k typl1t1, two purt-llme library •J>N:tallaw and two part-lime food w>rv~ work.era. • Oth«'r dl1trlct part-tame posi- tion• being eliminated Include one 1-0nlor clerk·lypl•t. one In· 1truct1onal aide for the handi- capped. two therapy aides, and two bus drivers. One full-lime communlcauon1 lpt.<'lall•t 111 helng cut bec:UUlll! of Up per Bay cleanup besin1 Clean1i1p work be1ln1 on Upper Newport Bay with th lmportlnj of more di . Pase Bl. Am erica becom es cJv/IJzed T•a Ltn't jUlt for UtU. Old ladlel anymor_e aocor- din1 to a Ver/; Brlt!lh &ea amMwwfor. ~ ci . _ STATE tht> mnclulilon of fundin~ for lht protiram Podng r<>duc.·l·d hour 11 1u •· 1n struc.·tionul aidc•11 for the• h11nd1 c1.1 ppl•d, l111tru<'lionul l;l1dt•11 1n 11pc..~1ul t'<lucatlon, u multi rrn-<Jan tc>c hni<'ll.l n und d..rk IYJ""'" thrOUJ(hout the dtstrtt·t At lu,.11;.; . .;111of{gy Samplcu 1111ld tht• c.·ulh11c.•k11 will tak<' clfc<:t Jurw 18 I It• "old t'lll· ployc1•1 who lo1c lhc•lr join <11 lilC(-cpt demotions wlll n ·mutn on a r<'·(•mployment lul ro r :rn month• to allow tht>m u 1.·h11n1'C' Bl uny opcnlngt ltwt u1 t ur ATJIJ<:NS (Al') Trutfk In Alhc•nN wu11 ('Ut by hall and in· du•tnal output hy 1m4' third Bil uuv1•rnnwn1 t nu rHNK'Y nwu urt't w1·n1 rntu 1•1 (cac I Tu1'Miuy Lo cft.·- c 11·11~· llW 1117t• 11f 11 dNUll• ht'llWll 1 loud 11( "lllllH INDEX At Your Service L.M. Boyd 8'.*ne. IUrbCMn CallfomJa C.vakade Ci-tfl«t Comics Cromword .0.th Nodciti r.d!IOlial lna.rtatnment A4 AIO A8-0 82 QI 04·8 84 84 04 AIO 83 f.ood HONJK'O Ann L.end rt Movt Mutu.J Fundl Natlot)al N•w• Sporu Or.81,jfncrohn Stock Marketa Televtllon ThMten WHlher Workl New• SPORTS · LAYOFFS ANNOUNCED •.• I I Wllll1m1, T•rrl Voun1. N11 I Aauaje, Paul Oarl1nd, Mara_anat Htirron, Noht<ml Hohaman, Sul· I an L et, Jaime Mendosa, Hlou ' tf&hlem, Danh Pham, Khue Tran and Ruth H•ll. • Th current enrollment of 17.· 811 1tudenta la oxpcx:tt'<I to fall by •bqul 7~0 to 800 1tudtin\1 next 1 ar. • Alll1tan\ Superintendent Ho- ard Roop 1afd today that tea- "' belna lald off In June wlll have the lln1t r1atlt of be&nc hlNd next yeer u tutildtuce ceect..n. tUle 1ell:Mn. Ht Indicated that they can work virtually full dme 'u 1ub· 1thut1 teacher• at next Y••r'• aalary rate. ' Roop 11ld he 1110 expect• • number of the teachers r.ceivtna layoff oo\lce1 to be rehired In September bceauN of aurltlon and becau• of numben of tea- chen expecwd to take leavet of ablenco. lying snake erpent on plane caught anake that escaped trom a talrw.-r and had the run of the r10 area aboerd a RepubHc rllne1 jelllner was safely re- ed Thunday night after the landed at John Wayne AJ- omb threat uts flights SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - ~n flights were diverted from Franclaco International Air- -the nation'i. fifth bualest after a bomb threat forced 263 ngera to evacuate a North- est Orient Airliner on a remote. windswept runway. .,The bomb threat waa d1sco- v,ered Tuesday. scrawled In lip- ~ acroaa a mirror In a lavatory lS' the 747 arriving from Hono- Jtilu. It read, "I have a bomb on board." · Alrporl officials halted air traffic at 7 p.m .. two minutes before the plane touched down on runway 19L ne.er San Fran- cilCO Bay. No bomb was found. Storms ravage 't exas, Oklahoma Bl, Tbe A11oclated Pre11 .,. Violent thundenitonns hurling t~ozens of tornadoes tore Into 'e'ommunit1e1 acrou Texas and Oklahoma during the night and i'arly today. smashing homeii and buildings and unleashing flash itJoom in some areas. '1 Al least six people were killed. Scores were Injured A single- engine planc crashed in a field during a thunderstorm early to- day near Idalou, Texas. killing four people. 1 'l'he non-polsonoua, 1lx-foot- long Loul1lan1 rat anake waa found under a board In the pretturized forward cargo area of the plane by the man to whom the reptile was deatlned -Gary Bagnall of California Zoological Supply. Santa Ana. ·•r had to crawl lnalde the cargo area and Uf t a few boards before I found him. He was ice cold ao he wasn't moving •round very muc h ," Bagnall aaid today. Snakes are cold-blooded crea- tures. he explained. The snake was among 150 that were being shipped from Mem- pht. for 1ub8equent aale by Cali- fornia Zoologjcal, a wholesaler of reptiles ana amphibians. said Bagnall. 24, of Tuatin. "It was pretty funny. There was quite a crowd atandlng around while I was looking for him." Bagnall said. Walt Hellman, a apokesman for Minneapolla-baaed airline. said lhe snake was discovered loose In Salt Lake City, where the flight had..Jtopped before arriving In Orange County. Hellman said cargo handlers there didn't want to de laY. lhe flight by s ummon ing anlmal t'Ontrol pereonnel to round up the snake . So they shut the cargo hold doors and eent the plane on it. way. Tht.>n they sent word to Re- public'• <.wgo facility in Orange County telling peraonnel there what to expect. That's when Bagnall got the call to come to the a1rpot'\. 8qnal1 said RepubUc off~ urged him to conduct a full In- ventory or the ahlpment to make sure no other snakes were mu.- Ing. and perhaps. lurking ellK'- where in the aircraft. Bagnall said the shipmen\ wu complete. IWLLnlN LONDON f AP) -Two Ar• IHtlat w1rpl1att were tltol •••• off 1111 ralkl1d l1l1ad1 tMa)' w._ 1111~ 1&&.lftld a Brl· tlllt 9'6' llL dM lloJ•I Navy &atk fwce, Ole DtflDH Mlal1try rt· ,. ...... By Tiie AHOClaltd Pre .. Brltl1h Forelan Secretary Francl1 .Pym 11fd today that "NC>l'ne procrna'' hAd been made In talka at the United NaUona to 1ottle the FaJkland lalanda crillt but that "many dlfflcuh prob· ll'fnl remaln." He spoke alt.er a Cabinet mee- tln& In London but did not elab- orate. At th e United Nat ion s. Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar said h e wat "very glad" to hear of Pym'• remarka. "l want everybody to be opti- mlatlc. But as far aa l am con- cern('d 1 am very cau\loua. 1 lhlnk we have to work at leaat for a couple of daya," he uld. Asked when the two aides would be ready to 1hlfl from In- direct negotiations to direct talks on the future of the Falkland1, he aald: "We might end our ex- erclae br the end of the week - 1 hope.' Argentina made propoial• at U.N. headquart.en Tuesday, and Britain'• repreeentaUve said they were "very Interesting'' but would take .. ,. few more days" for uaessment. Meanwhile, no new mllltary acUon was reported In the South Atlantic Britain claimed lta bat- tle fleet hu a stranglehold on the lslanda 2~0 miles eaat of the hr- gen tine coast and Isolated the, estimated 9,000 troops occupying them. An Argentine naval source aald the Brltlah claim was "ridiculous." Arter a fifth day of talks Tueaday a t the United Nations, diplomat.I re ported llOtne progress toward an agreement to call a cease-fire and r esume negotia- tions on the future of the diapu- ted islandJ. But the possiblllty of a Brith1h assault 011 the Falklands still loomed. Rites set Sunday for Mr. Townsend Memorial Rrvkel for William Cameron Towruend, founder of WycUffe Bible Translators lnc. of Hunt.ington Beach. will be held Sunday at 3 p.m. In the Church or the Open Door in Los Angeles. Mr Townsend was a member or the church . He had lived In North Carolina for several years. He died April 23. ~\' Warming trend it • I f111 tllrOUGll today but tomt IOw doudlMM llte IOnlOM-::a 66 10 72. Ovetnlghe low9 &4 to 1Som1 low clouOlnH1 ~~ mlcknornlng fllunclAly, f1lr High• TllU!ld•~ 61 lo 74 Hunllr191on-Hewport "" tem- pieretur• 'l'tf' lfom 1 tow Of u '° • lllOh of ~. lfom Point~ hioti lo tllt MtlllcMI bofdef end ..,. tO mlee: Hom -...,. of · 12 10 22 knoll wllll combined 11 ol 4 to 1 feet over outer Wt1er1 LOCtlly llgllt Vlrleble nclt l\lglll 1nd mMnlng llOure Ing well to nortllwetl In lltetnoone w~....., Of to 3 leet. Mody dMt tOdey 1 orn1oot1 1ouc11ed Oown In OIHallome e!\d T .... II t llunder •IOfll\I PIOOuced ::r:• WM1h« In tltttrn Ntbra• 1 Kan111 Wl&«n Olltllhoma, Ind l\Of'IMtn end wttltfn TtMat LerQt ""' ''" Twtd•r tn nonh ceotrll Tt•H Snow cont1nu1d tod1y In Ill• r•Oo<0do ""°'""'·A "" 111ower1 llngtrtd Oller Htv1d1 Artzona 1nd IOUl~I Callforf\11 Othtrwtte 11 Wll ftlr 1110 mllO 1"11 of Ille Aoclclel Slttet -· lgeMrelly ci.ar lrom lht c~lfal l;n" ... tern Ck/If CoMI IO l"9 IO- er Ortll Uktt end 10...lllern ...._ Enollfld Tiit 10reca11 calteCI lof Mme*· " In tM 40t oo.oet' Cototldo Wr.:l:t" rted~to 10. end ffOlll 1"9 II• I 0V9f lllt IO...lll9'n Pleln• ral end IOUtflern MIMlllllCIPI .,..,,. •nd Ille acwtllern OrHt .. to lllt tower Allenlle C0Mt tn'C*IJU(et In IM tot Incl IOI ···•* ......... TemperehH" .,~ Ille 1t•• Ion Ntty ~--"°"' 3 t In ........ 10 '" ''°"'"~· .,. .. 1011 ucept '°' night ano morning 1ow ctouo1 alonQ the coast II ,.,. 1101&1110 1nower1 on 1ou111e1n Sierra Slow w11rm1ng Hend Temperatures NA~ HI Lo ~ Albitn'f H 43 Alb\IQve 77 49 Am .. tllo 79 St 42 AllleYMll SJ 47 Alltnll 87 60 AllltltC Cir 91 S2 Awtln 82 7t 17 Baltlmor• 79 ~ ~ 47 JS 03 ~ as SS S1tmarc;k S4 41 8ooH 63 40 eo.1on S6 « 8rowntv11e u 78 8'111111<> 12 511 8urt1ngl0fl !>7 41 C..C* 48 37 II Ctlll'l•ln SC 84 &4 Clllflfln m. SA 48 ~wv· 82 SS Chlltltt. NC 44 39 01 " se .oe ~=~·" 82 52 ci....111nct 83 se Ctml>tl SC 87 46 Columbut 84 so Oll·FI Wiii 81 69 H 01vton 84 56 Oen-I St At 22 Ott MOllWll 80 85 03 Oetro;t 83 SS °"""" 67 46 02 El PHO 8.4 IO Flfgo 64 47 01 "tO•llfl 51 34 OIMlfeltt 57 H """°'" 7J 40 ~ t2 32 HOfMIMU .. 71 Hout1on IO 73 t4 tndl\eplft .. 67 JK*lrl Ml 16 611 JllCtl~ .. 60 ~Ctty 70 eo " &.. .. '\! .. 7t 55 1.lttle ll'octl 15 65 I.~ .. 51 lllb4>oca 11 17 85 ~ 14 .. .....,.. 71 74 .Mllnuli .. .. 51 JO Mt*·SI P 10 64 NMfl¥llle .. 64 NNOtlewlt ·u It New Y«ll. 73 &2 "'•~W•-~ ..ou us °"" "' c-" ,ronta Cola .,. Wl/ffl _,. Occluded .,.. N0tlolli. 69 ~ Red...ood Oty 67 so No Plallt S2 47 IS &Kt l lTl .. 110 77 47 Qkt1 Cny 12 57 I 00 8alinu 6t 47 Omllh.I 7S &9 04 San OieOO ee 60 Ortenoo 15 61 San FrancllCO ST 49 Phfl10pllt1 11 S3 s 1n11 a..,1 72 411 Phoenlll 82 se 03 S1nt1 ..... ,. &A PttltblHf!' 78 52 Stockton 18 pti=· • 62 42 lh«INI •• Pt encl. Ora 17 41 Uk tall 16 Pr~ ., 43 BllllOW 811 50 A1&e1gn 80 47 Big Star 48 23 ,t1 Aef'IO 82 36 Sltnop S9 38 Seit Lake se 35 Long Stacll 70 53 San Anlon+o 77 70 88 MonrOVtl -4 45 a..utt se 47 Ml Wtleon 43 3 t "'':-1.:t ... 611 Ntwoort Btlci'I 13 && llOu• .... 81 60 44 OnllrlO 83 41J SrLOUlt 118 85 Pltlm 8pm101 77 66 St P·TlmP• 83 56 P11M10en1 87 48 81 81• ... ., .. 10 39 20 8tn 8«NWOlno 83 52 890llene 70 •II S111 0 1t>rttl N •• •Y'~ 71 4& 811'1 Joet .. 48 T~a 74 57 2 72 Santa AM .. 63 fUGIQfl 7t ,, &Ml• Clui 7t •7 TVIU 86 ~JO' Tenot Vdty 27 WlltNnQtn 17 66 CANADA Wiellttt 12 60 t 57 Cllgwy .. CALIP~ fdtnof\lorl 72 41 Ball....., 75 It MolltrNI 13 .. lllytlle 71 0111wa •1 Eur•• 11 •1 fretn0 74 llO LtlllcM4• .. IO <n Extended ,,r: ~ .. Q IO " Monter.., !It weather NMdlft 71 Otlli.tlel .. la PMO~ 75 ... IOUT .. ll'IN CALlfO,.HIA Red IMf IO IO COfilTAL MfO MOUNTAIN Ml Al HIOllt •nd morltlflg COlllal 10W tloudt 8"d .,.,.._.. 111~11 CI011cllnett. Ot'*WIM 1941 WI II ll~llt In COllll .. Ind v:ir, .,... I to 71 Md lcMt a to . HIOflt In Ille IMill'llllM N • II, l owt '° ...... ............ .,,ca.,~ COVERING UP -What it 10 rare as a night in May at Anaheim Stadium? Thia WN a pretty rare sight Tue.day night aa a 30-minute rabutonn br0"4&ht out the ground cre w with the infield cover as the players headed for the dugout. When action returned, the New York Yankees beat the Angell 3·2 (.ee Sports, Page .85 ). · Co.untian .jailed in $100,000 fraud By DAVID KlJTZMANN (){'&M Dlllly Not lbff Eugene Conrad, at one lime Orange County'• premier politi- cal moneyman. was bound for at.ate prUlon today after a parole board ordered him jailed for six months on charges that he bilked an Anaheim physician out o f $100.000 or more. Conrad's parole was revoked Tuesday after a full-day hearing bef~e two members of the Board of Prison Terms ln Santa Ana'• Orange County Courthouse. The hearing was ordered clo- s<.'d after a reporter attempted to gain admittance to the procee- dlngia. Conrad, 47. had been uretted by state Department of Correc- tions offk:en on March 30 at hll Anaheim residence. He wu on parole from 1 197~ Superior Court conviction of U.wnc a bad check and auto theft. Subsequent to that caae. the or.etlme polltlcal financier al.a wu convicted on federal loan fraud charges and an unrelated contpil'acy charge relaUng to an Orange County fund-laundering case. Conrad served time In federal priaon from June 1978 to August 1981. Before his legal trouble• be- gan. Conrad was Orange Count- y's leading polltlcol donor In 1976. It waa alleged at Tue1day'1 ................. TO PRISON -Eugene Cor.- rad'a parole has been revoked after his conviction on charge1 of bilking an Anaheim doctor. parole hearing that Conrad en- gaged In a scheme to defraud Anaheim phy1lclan Lurre nce Krain out of more than $100,000 from Jut 1ul'JU1)er untll the time of his arrest last Man:h. • remains It. PHIL INEIDERMAN °" ................. A meetlna acheduled to r801ve a dl1pute belween Coeat Com- munhy C.OU.p Olatrict Chancel- lor Norman ~Walton a nd four Or~ae CoMt Colltl• profe.on who wrot a letter crltloliln1 tolevlalon coureet didn't take pl.ce Tueedoy. Sut the partlet Involve dla- agrec on why the meeting didn't occur. A dl1trlct apoke1man 1ald • ,,. W1te0n WM awaltJna \he arrival of the profemon at 4 p.m Tut.•- day. but that they failed to ap-J)Hr. The lnatruciors. however. say they were told by the dlatrlc\ Monday that the meetln• waa canceled. . Wtlat the pa rties do agree upon la that Wataon on April 20 summoned Oranae Coul profes- aora Riobard Yerby. Michael Flrinegan. Norman Lumian and JOIClph Tomehak to his office to dl1cu11 a letter the four had written and dlalributed to about 30 s tate ·and prlvaJe colleges throughout Callfurnla . The letter queatloncd the ·~Milty of television couraet of· (ered by the Coast District and clalmed they aren't equivalent to cluaroom coul'lelf. Both sldt:'fl 11gree that Wataon aald the d t.trict was ronsidering lepl action against t~ four pro- f eaort and th.at he asked them to retum for another meeting May 11. The teac:hera and the d11trlct alJIO agree that tht• rac'Uhy mem- bena sent the chaJ'l(.-ellor a lelter April 28 saying they bPheved it would be legally tnadv1sable to MlWnd the May l l meeung 1f the cham·ellor only Intended to dla- C\.119 poesible court action. The letter Jaid the profca.10rs would be open to disc:uss1on or other matters. Professor Yerby said he and his colleague• were awaiting a reply from Wat.son to thbl letter. When none was ra'<'lved. he aaid he called tht• chancellor's office Monday artcrnoon and waa told by Wallon·s secretary thul the chancellor believed the profes- sors had canceled the mee tina by ll('nding their leu..cr. Yerby said he then tnfo rmed hia colleaguc1 that the m<.'t'ting WU off. But d11trict spokesman Richard Simon de~ that any such t-ail was received from Yerby He conflrml-d that Wai.on had not replied to the instructors' letter Indians depicted Lecturer Paul Apodaca will prc.ent a program on the Indian NU of Wes t Orange Counly lo- n1ghl ut 7:30 at the lower lcveJ of Huntington Beac h City Hall. 2000 Main St. The free program Is sponKored by thl' Amigos de Bolaa Chica. Laguna girl, 17, facing murder rap By STEVE MITCHELL or ... ..,,......., A 17-year-old Laauna Beach High School afrl fecee charaes of murder following an apparent murder-aulclde attempt near a Leaton Street church Tuesday mornlOI(. V alJey· council reviews budget The 8: 10 a.m. Incident at the corner of Lealon and Throuah a tree ti left James Anthoncle~en-dall, 21, of Fmerald Bay, . Laura Lee Feill, 17, of 476 Lealon St., apparently 1hot her- •ell In the ch eat after flrln1 a round from a stolen .22 caliber revolver at. her boyfriend, t.tally woundln& him. Mllt Feist, a tral\ff•r student at the hUOl eehool, w11 u.c.d In fair conclltlon •t UCI Medical Center ltUI momtnc. A pollce spokesman aald the tmpeftdlna brukup of th• cou· ple11 relatlonthlp apparently prompt.t \he lhoodne· . Kendall,• 1978 ~raduai. of J..acuna 8Mch ~ School, JJ4Jf• poNdly told the &Hn·.,.0 IU• spect the reladonlhJp w11 owr, the~llkl-•'They were clOM frilnda for eewrai ,_,., Ind n ..,.,.,..uy ODUld not ......... ., wtili ~ e•. ~ him wilh lllOlhll' jirl," \he police~ llkl . He .. id the coucem left Ken· ... ........ , •lbout 7:tl 1.m. and dro•t to Mt11 J'el1t'1 ,,.,., .... , on Le1lon lawt. Shi hid wrtttm • "WIU·tne" ~1:~..._.., ..... bl1ci11-41 lill;ID to hlf nM> ................... , ,·-x...11~1_~ hi• ptcln•c &rucli oi Tlirou1b ltrett w lit •It• weal la &o .._dal11fSl'llllllL,... ...... . . The Fountain Valley City Council hal Kheduled anoth- er bud1et review HHion, open to the public, durlnc which the council will 1tudr. anticll)9\ed 1982-83 expend • tW"el of about $10.8 million. BuUdlna safety, plannlnc 1and publfc work• expendt- turet were considered Mon· ck.y. RecneUon fundl will be reviewed next Mqnday •t e p.m. ln tM council dwnbsl • Medicere inlW'ance wtU be d'8cumed at a meedMC next Wednesday In Huntln1ton Beach of th• Better Brea· then' Cub. • Speaken fre• <>Men Vlew Hllh School in Hunt· ""'°" .... took top honon recently In the Oun1• Coun11~•ch L1a1u1 ~-· The wlnafta were ltewe ea---. ... ..-. .... at Chy Hall. 10200 Slater Ave. Police and fire department budgeta were evaluated May 3. Accordlna to City Manager Howud 8..,...., tne propo- sed bud1et lncludff a spen- dlna lncreue of leu than 1 percent OV« the 1981-82 doc- ument. It contains no provi- tionl f« employ .. M1ary In· Cftltll, he ukl, • pita! tnewance and voluntary medical lnlurance. • The m"tlnt Is echeduled from 3 to 5 p.m . at the Car- men Yuppa Conference C..nter, 11818 Delaware St. The Jnfftln1 l• f rff ~ the public • WAaHJNO'IOM -~ about the CNU· bled houllftl kid~, \he Rowe hM approved a MD that woUJd ~ •1 btltloll owr the n9'Ct llX •01\\hl co lowet MOrta* lntete1t rates eo thou· ..,. ot ,.,..,._ ciould-allard to buy howlfl. '"l'tUI blU wtU ~ thouMndl ot Amer1ean fatnlU• wath ...,., ~. IOl'Mthlna that th• pernrnent Ml &lmoM lOIFtten how to do ln re- e.nt month•," MW Kep. remand J. St Oennaln, D-R.I. The emerwenoy bdl, apprcwtd °" a M9·G& vow 1\lllillar. pn>poe:11 u.et the ~t 'Ptnd ti bUlton 9U'aUlh th• rwmalndet of Lhe fllcal year that endt ln October. Th• meaeure now '°" to the hni hid\ ll a.INedy conllderina llmUar iep. latloft. ~ Decision 'appalls' drug firm -ALBANY. N.Y. -ElJ UUy and Co. aaya lt ii "appUMd'~ at a rullftl by New 'lork'1 hlahat rowt that the ~l coml,)9ny m'-19' P8Y a hall- ,.,Wlon doti.n th ctam.lres to a woman whale mo- ther took tl\e ~ onr ~ prqnancy. In a UMnimcM f"llUhl 1\ieeday, the Court of ~ dedded ll)e company muat s-Y ~.000 to • M~ woman, Jaye» B6chler, enn thoueh it .WM not de1ennlned that Lilly manufactured the dNC· The rourt upheld • 1979 declalon by a state 8u'""'9 Court jury that Ma. Bkhler lhou1d recelve cmn.,....don fOI' cancer which developed ln 1971 .......... --~'nwt jury deddtd that Lilly and at.her major D mlnufacturen had not lld U.tely ~ \he dnac ore puttJna it on the rn!tet. ··Lincoln voters ~nix gay riglits • ~ LINCOLN, Neb. -Voten have re~t.ed by a f ·l margift a "py t'llhta amendment' to ext.end loral anU-diacrimlnaUon lawt to ~xuala In \M 'fJnt referendum of tw kind ln the natJon. The m1M\lllt, whkh WM de(uted TUllday by • 37,249 to 10,419 votes, had 10U&ht to add "aexual orientation" to the list of clat11flcatlon1, tuch u r.ce, med and sender, protected by local ordinance ttbm dilcrtmlnat.lon ln employment. houalna and ~ Mlt'ClnmOdadof\1. ·Blaze leaves 300 homeless • I FALL RlVER. Mau. -A fire that started whUe a workman wu eoldtttl\I metal to praerve a landmark atone church rava1ed the towerln& "1UCtW't' and 34 ~arby buildlnCa. leaving at &eat 300 people hamelem. .wrnrnrrrn JlluMae from the Tue.day afternoon fl.re that COftlW9ed It-78-year-old Notre Dame de Lourdes Cbu.rdl ln thJa .ouiht!et.em Maauchuaetta city of about 92,000 waa estimated at Sl3 million, but no Rrloul Injuries were reported. -Pope begins Portugal tour LISBON, Portugal -Pope J ohn Paul ll ani· ved ln th=nantly Roman Catholic country eoday on a our-day ~ to thank the Virein Mary for hit bfi fn an-"'-~ atiempt In &om. one yeer .,o. Ttw PolJlh-bom ponUff, bl white ...-d and •ullca1>1 stepped oft the jelllner and 11:-.d the eoil, the aame ,esture he haa made on each of hil JO ·previous tnpm abroad alnce becomlna pope in Octo-ber lt71. Tena of thouaanda of people, some carrying flao and flowers, Uned the pope's 11 -mile motor-cad. route. ·Religious r.epression 'nil' MOSCOW -&Yanaellat Billy Graham said ">day he hat 9"l'l no dlnic1 e'Yidenot of reJ.i8joua ttpr1•lon In the Soviet UnAqn aJ!d laid the concepl er tel\ckM» lnedonl w• a relative ooe. "It would ..eni to me that In the churches I ... v11tt.d (In the Soviet Un ion) -and there are ~ of them -1ervk:ea are allowed to go on freely." the 63-year-old Baptist told a news confe- rence at the doee of the second plenary 1n1lon of the Conf~ of Reliiious Workers for Saving the Sacred Gift of Life from Nuclear Catastrophe. Election: Ot union • ID doubt SACRAMENTO -The mllitant United Pro- femon of Callfomla led the runoff election for the nM.lori'a lar,..i academic barpnln1 unit by a ICant lt we. out of more than 13,000 cmt. Tt. UPC polled 6.473 votes, compered with the 6,4&4 by the MOtt OOMervatJvt Congrese of Faculty ~tloN. The w\ioN want to repreeent tt!echers In the lt-asnpus Callfoml.a Si.te University, which aer-8'1l ~ ballota were challencied dwinC COW\· Una TUflday, leevtn1 the flttal result In doubt. There WeN allo lfl \/'Old ~loU. , ws 319,000 ltudenll. . Ga.tes stands J,y his remark , . recoYer ••quic kly from carotid chok e holda - whkh render luspk'U u~ by cuttina off blood to the brain -because their carotid arteries may funcUon differently than those of "normal ~.·· The dty'• five-member Board of Police Com- m\.aon.n planned to consider the remarks and po9lble dl-.:tplb\ary ection aplnat Oat.ea at a mee-d"I today. .c1a111neid aovettl•lftt 7,.,..., ... ,. All other de1Mttmal\U 141-4221 MAI~ OF,ICE ,."'"'"'""~ (--4•~ , .. M.tll .-,,." IMll IW '"''• -"'° ( ,. ffl1' ,.,.,,..,... .., o.-, .................... ::.£:..,., No ................. ....,,........ ............ ,,, 114 ... ,,,.,._, ,,.,,.,,, ,,,.,, --..... ..,,. ... ...__,. ~t'9l ... tN~•·•.....,rO'*'l'fll'' # I ~ -,,...,, ,.,.,,..,. 1 .. ttil>f (Mlll'IJ,;.VI C•lftf'lf11 •• ., ................. itt .. -........... ,~"-"'• n• "'·••• y.. ..... .,..,... JI I f I DEVASTATING BLAZE -Firemen watch helplessly aIJ huge spire on historic Notre Dame de Lourdes church in Fall River, Mass. plunge& to earth as fire destroys the sanctuary. Ble.7.e ·~ . .,.,...... star ted in the church . which waa being reno'i vated. Fire spread to nearby structures. left 1P; families home less. Damage is estimated at $1~ million. •r Grgas gains Seal Beach council 'post Seal Beach votera have elected Victor S. Grgaa, a 3 1-year-old govemhlent bualneu consultant to a four-year term on the City Council. Grgaa n!Cclved 6f7 votes while hia opponent, Jama G Funk, got 405 votes Tuetlday. Funk, 36. a community devel- opment director for the city of Huntington Park. had received more vote• than Orgaa In the March 30 primary electJon. The run-off waa held because neither got a mapnty. El~tlon offlclalJ put the voter turnout at 30.4 percent ln T ues- day's vote that included down- town Seal Beach and In Surfside ln district I . Joyce Risner and OHcur Brow- neJI won election outright last M•r<.'h when they captured the majority of vote1 In their das- trlcta. Bogart eulogized LOS ANGELES (l\P) Sev- eral major recording st.an wha.e careers were enhanced by pro- ducer Neil Bogart sang hla fa - vorite 10n8 at hla funeral. About 1.000 people. Including Bob Oy· Ian and Burt Bacharach. atten- ded the funeral Tu~ay for the 39-year-o ld Bogart who died Saturda~ or cancer. /Jy J <'. HUMJ>llH/1-:,i; r,,,11f1rd (irm11lti111111. A <i.'i WE'RE SEnLED IN at o., ••W Mme Ex-cop to be tried :.: ''· on felony perjury ., A former Anaheim police offi- cer haa been ordered to stand tnal In Orange County Superior Court on a felony perjury count ln connection with his actlvltJea on a special crime -Caghtlng task force. However, two other former officers facmg charges of u1ing exceulve force while belongmg to the same task force weren't bound over for trial Tue1day following a closed door prehml- nary hearing In Weal O ra nge County Municipal Court Judge Judith Ryan ruled that defendant Peter Wann should face trial in Super1or Court only on the single perjury oount. He had been previously charged with eight felony counts of using excessive force and m11llreatang prisoners. Judge Ryan redu<."cd four as- sault counl8 again11t Wann from felonies to misdemeanors. Thc:>te c harges will not be tried In Superior Court. Wann was ordered to appear for arraignment on May 24. Hta two codefendan&a had all charges against them dismissed The judge ruled there was In· sufficient evidence to hold for· mer offkera John C. Everley, 32, and John Jansen. 43, for trial an Superior Court. The three fonner offsc.-ers had been fared from the Anaheif' police force In Febr uary folll - wlng an lntemal Investigation. tt A month later. the Orange County Grand Jury anda ct~d them on <.'harges of <.'Onsplracy Ji? obstruct justice, false 1mprisof'J mcnt and assault under the <.'OIC?-S of authority 0 1 Deputy District Attorney TQ,ita Goethals inch«•t.ed he would ap-· peal Judge Ryan'• decls10'1J- ! I Pro golfer Lopez-Meltoill ' asks divorce J HOUSTON (AP) -Golfer • Nam·y Lopez-Melton, a leading mom·y -winner on the Ladies Profos11onal Golf Assoclati n tour. has filed for divora> fr ,1, her husband of three years HouHton 1portscaster Tim Met ton. t Melton <.'Onflrmcd that has waf had filed davo~ papt-rs. ''I did not want th~ davof'<."C\' he addC'd ''I love Nancy ~ now th• the day I married her," he said "Because of that, I will alway care about her and what happe h .. Corum ' s Masterpiece Collection l'lne Gold lngotl, Wetghjng &, 10, Or160..1WMI. Etectronto O...U Cash discou:rits per~itted •1 PAT aoaowm .............. DEAR PATt I am oeelldtrlll1 offtrtq a •lteeHI It Hiii OHttmtn of m)' 1m1ll .......... Art &MN U1 law1 rtplatlq WI er eH a ltHl1t11 Hhltll1ll lt1 ow1 proet· .. ,., M.G., Cotta Meta Startlna a "dl1COunt tor cuh" pr= doel not requlre the approval ot any t · aaencY, accorcUna to the Federal Trade Com· mlalon. However, you mutt dltcloee clearly and con1plouou1ly to all cuttomen (not juat credit card ho~ra) that you ofter a dilcount for cuh. You can do th1a by poetln1 a lllJl at each location where purcha1ea are made 1ayln1: "We Give Dlaeount1 for Caah," OJ\ .,.-nelhlna almllar. . FTC add1 that the dltcount may be aa Iarae 11 you wtah and you have the option of oftln.n« cuh dllCOUnta only on certain t)'l>e9 of product• or 1ervlce1, or only at certain 1tore1 In a chain. Althou1h the Truth In Lend.Inc Act permit.a you to offer a dllcount fot CMti, It forb6da you to put a IW'd\arp on ~ made by credit card cuatomen. u you post only the credit card price by each It.em and then deduct the d.ilcowit when a cuh Mle la l'.IMlde, you are offertni a d.llcount for . U you polt both a c::red1t card price and -the lower CMh price by each Item. you are allo offerinC a dllcount for cuh. But l1 you only polt the dilcou.nted cuh price and then charge your credit card cuatomen the hiaher amoWlt, you are addlna a 1urchar1e and that la apinat the law. If you have que1tion1, contact Justin Dinl:feldet' or Larry Demille-Wagman at the Federal Trade Commiuion, Sixth and Penn- 1ylvanla Ave., Washington, D.C. 20580, or / phone (202) 724-1139. Dog shots clinic set DEAR PAT: Yomr do1--owu.lng readen will be llad ao bow wt Ualted H•maaltu· lau of l>raa1e Coanty will a1alD 1pon1or a low-cot& vacclDatlon ell.Die Jue 5 at Manly Pan, 7fft Norma Drive (aear Golden Wett St. u4 War11er) lD Hutlqtoa Beacla from 1t a.m. IO Z p.m. T'ae cost wlJJ be $1 for rabies aad U eacb for distemper and parvovlru vaccl.Datlona. Pa)'meat m11t be ID caab aad pets 19toald be leasbed. For Information aboat low-cOlt ca& vacclaa&loH or 1pa)'la1 aad DHterla1, )'Oar readers ma)' call a United UCI psychologist wins f ellowsbip Med.6cal psycholopt Deane Shapiro Jr .. direc- tor o1 outpatient J19Ych.Larty at the UC Irvtne Med- ical Center, la one of 50 American profeulonala choeen for a W.K. Kellog Foundation National Fellowah1p. Or. Shapiro, of Lquna Beach, will study how bu.tinems In the Unitecf Sta tel and Japan cope with executive 1tre11. He alao will compare the effecti- Vene91 of West.em and Eastern ltrell management techniques. Kelloaa fellow• are a.elected on the baala of credential.a, akllla, interest.a, demomtrated leader- 1hlp potential and recommendations from inltltu- tlona. Each receives a three-year grant of up to $30.000. Shaolro, 34, Joined UCI in 1980 after 9el'Ving at Stanford Unlvenlty. He allo hu served u dean of academic affalra at the Pacific Graduate School of psycbOJosy. He receptll pu_bllahed a book titled "Meditation: Self ResWation Strategy and Alttted Stat.et of Cona::i.oulnela" \ .,,_,., lilly}l.lllJ 11. 1912 lelllw.-'w: ut VISA' • lilt I . ..._-c.ta MIN ..... , .... Ht•Hllarlaa Hltalffr fre• It AJIA· le ' .... It 111-llH, lll·ltU .......... IUI. a....o,_., lJnJWd Hwnanltarianl. II oft.rlna a durable, llcb\·Wtiaht formka pet ldenUffca. tlon ta1 at It.a coet of f2, The '811 come In small, medium or lara• 1l1e1 In red, blue, yellow, black or whit.. The lmlll tac ii .W- table for a cat or very lmA11 q . The Ulll can be orcs..s by~• <GMh an1y> '° unk*t Hwnanltu1ena of or.,... C4Kanty, P.O. Box 477, Garden Grove t~2. lncludlt the pet'• name, owner'• name and addr ... clty and etaw plwi ~o wlepbone nu.mben -youn and • friend'• or rtladw'a. nw ma,so Word. 0 rewar4/' allo can be Included. • ,.,...-' . Use child restraint• DEAR Rl:AD&RS: Th.ii la Chlld P.-.n· pr Safety Week. Stud* indicate that tJaftic ~ta are the major le.Wen ol ~ accordlna to the Mational Automobile Club, which Adda that thl8 tr..-cty could nearly be eliminated by the uae of reatralnt devlcn, usually conlllUng of a 1turdy eeet attached to the car by anchorina belta. Even ama1l babM!e can be tom from a parent'• anna in low 1peed crashea. The reatralnl device hold• them lec:urely and dlatrlbutel the force of the a'Uh evenly. The club report.a that an el&ht-year atudy In the atate of Wuhln1ton 1bowed that 90 percent of the deaths and 70 percent of inju- rie. to children under age 5 who were Invol- ved in automobile accide nt.a could be pre· vented by a u.fety restraint l)'Jtem. The California Child PUMn1er Safety Committee 1urveyed chikt.ttn ~ ln &4 countlea during 1981 and found that only 13.2 percent of children under •I• 5 were protected by the almple devlce. AcrOM the naUon on an average day, three children un- der age 5 die and 160 are injured becaw.e they were riding In a vehicle without child re- straint.a. • Got • problem1 Then wrlr. co P•t Horo-'9 j wlu. J>at wJIJ cut red tape, 11ertln1 th• ill •nawers and acUon you netHJ CO·llOlve Jn- «1ultie9 Jn IO~nr and bu.1nea M.1.1 your que•tlon1 to Par Horowlez, At Your &rvlCft, Or~ Cout Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1'80, Cole. meu. CA. 92626. At ~ny /euen u poaible wJJI be •M- wered, but phoned lnqulrles or ktt.en not lnc1"'1Jn6 rhe reader'• ful) name, add,.._ and bu.Jne. boun' phone nl.UDbe1-cannot be ~. MAY PHOJO SPECTACULAR h COLOR REPRINTS 2 25$ bi .... ~ ........ -It~-I """"" -~ ()1111 • -:::r=. "'° 11111• )119112 Returning to Bob Burn& Pablon Island RONNIE BRO at tbeplano • Direct from bl• U.S. tour • Limited engagement begl'P& May 4tb • Appearing lUesday tbru Saturday nl.bts 3 7 Pablon Island 714-644-2030 ABC ·wins first sweeps· Seville recall ordered 'Dynasty' soaper gaining viewers WASHINGTON {AP) -Oenera1 Mot.on Corp . hu bffn ordel'fd to ,.. call 60,000 1978 ('.actntacw to correct an a1r pollutbl em1ll1one problem llml- lar to one which a..... 1n the 1970 and 1977 mod· .... The Environmental Protection Aaency aald that the recall affect• Cadillac Seville• with 5.7-llter fuel-lnJecttd paollne en.pn.. lt Mid aefect1 In the eJChAUlt ,.. rectrculation fyNml are nllUlttna in ~ve n1troten oxf.de emt.morw. The EPA, which two years aao required GM to fix a llm1lar l)l'Oblem on 1978 and 1t'7 Sev· w-. Mid that the recir- culation ·~ on the 1978 Cad! have be· come c1011•d w Ith carbon-like aepo.tia. Under the order, GM hM 45 daya to submit a plan to remedy the problem or requeet a hearlna. 1.08 AHGILIS <AP> -'n'f f.Mt. ~ alallUck moYle "C.ddyaNlck" on CBI llnllhtd at the ~ of the NWMn ntiftlt, but All!C cmld the fitR week ol U'9 May eweepe; ABC'• fut·raprtme.Umt aoap open ••DynMty" .omid In thit ntino oompdid y the A.C. N .. llln Co. 'n'9 ahow endMt Its ewnnt....., after a IQytWy that won't be ,..,iwc1 unW fall. ABC wM t1r1t tn the May sw;r: week endJM May t wtth 15.7. ftniahed. fW1 point behind wtth 14.7 and NBC wu third with 13.8. The Schools OK 4-day week DAYS CBJZK, Ore. (AP) -In a coai-cuttJna move. the Daya Creek School Board haa voted to so to fou.r-da)i echool week.I in the fall. The ~ -.reed to -the state Depu1ment of b:lucation foe a waiver of rulu requlrln1 dlatrlcta to have achool at leaat 1'75 daya within a 12-month period. The board plans to lenathen the achool day by one hour. School would be held Monet.ya through Thundaya Wltil Thankac!vtni. After that, achool wlll be held Tuesday• throu1h Fri- daya. networkl •Y &hat ....._ lD an __.. ... pril»-~ ...., .. 11.1...-. °' the nation'• ~ With TV wn _. ned to ABC . An NBC rerun, 11TV'1 C.uor .. 8looper1t'' flnilhed third, and com· olMifta the 1op fjve ahowl ... ABC't r'Too Om. for c.c.nfort'' and ltlJ'hrw't Compu1y." Such~ CB8 tront-runmn M ··eo manuw• IUld "DU119'' are.,_ l'ft\WI and cl.Id"°' .Uthe Top 10. ••8() Mlnu•'' WM lb 11th pl.act and ''DallM'' w• In 26th. ~the Top 10 lhow9: "C " ~ Mowtt. 1 r Of II.I or U iiilllloil 11ou1:.=!. CU: .. ~~ 22.7 « 11. 1 ""'°"· MC: ''TV• o..ored--'"'· •••• or ., .• Mllllo"· NIC: "Too CIOM '°' COf'llfort," 10.1 Of ti.• """'Oft· AIO; "TMM'I c-r." 1t.1 °' ''·' MMMoft AIC: .. , ... , ot ~·;rft.I Of 1U mllon, Hee; .. H.f1 IO twt;• 11.t Of 11.1 ,,.._, AIC· .................. C"J. 11.1 01 tt.0 ml90ll, CM: • ..,_.. "9,..... IWah, ""'1,.11.t OI 11.0 ~. AIC: "lettle of h N9tWOtt1 lt#t," 1U ot 14.I llllmOft, AIC. ...,. .... ,... 10.,.... ··eo ..,_.., .. cet; ''TN , .. cau,;• AIC; ''TN Dull.-of Hll:wd'' I">. C81; "TN Low loet." AIC; .. ...., ~." NIC; "TMC!fl«• ~;· HtlC: "Dlff'rent IUokel/' N9C: "Olnwnt 1 lt'~_i'...NIC: "Megnun!, ~J .. " CM: ..... . .,... ........ _.. ... .,. ... IW'l lowlllll-r .... INlwl: "Ck*ll #td IN l<IOI.'' AllC· "Ctlloago tloty.'' NIC; "''''* Murphy," NaC; "Crime In Am1rfc1," AIC; .. JotlltK>oll, .. Nee. 'Health' cola eyed PEKING (AP) -China has deve- loped it.1 own ''cola," a health dnnk made from peony root• that could tum into an International best-seller, the People'• Daily reported. ~-NUTRITION~ ~SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA 557-6161 VITAMINS LINDBERG YIRlm PACI II 30 Day SUpply reg. 18.96 90 Day Supply reg. 48.96 RICH LIFE •EUTEI DIC 26 MO. 100 Tabe LINDBERG m11111 E • LL 60 Cape THOMPSON DRllllC IRDI 90 Taba LINDBERG m111111 26000 1.U. 100 Cape 13.96 38.9& • 1.95 3.95 1.35 2.15 GROCERIES KING TUNA uaT IUT Tiii 8'A ()%.Can .19 GOOD STUFF WIEIT •Ell 24 oz. Loaf .99 HEALTH VALLEY PUllT ••••• Salted Cr.my 18 oz. 1.87 LINDBERG FllOTOSE 18 oz. 1.9& LINDBERG SllFLIWU IEUI Raw·Unllfted 18 oz. 1.39 1.11 LOWER LEVEL CAROUSEL MALL BULK PRODUCTS na 11 nm " 1111• ,.. IRDWI RICE<mlT> .45 .. RAW ALIDIDS 1.9& .. l IRlll IRllDU .99 .. CIRM CDITEI RllSllS 1. 7 6 -~ COUPON l CllEWllLE vn1111 c I llY llE ID llE FIH I lee. ,..... 1.11--111 let ~ Twt letttet Fer Tiiie PrlM I 100•.c-.... I ... .,._ I het'tla.1•T......_ I I U..1 .............. 1/11/D I -------------------' LUNCH COUNTER ., ••• SllDWICH PUllT IUTIER ·slllE 11 tL 2.25 1.25 HEAL TH & BEAUTY AIDS MILL CREEK EUSTII SKIN ELASTICITY TREATMENT CREME 3.4 oz. Reg. 8.50 MILL CREEK HENNA • llllllPl8 18 oz . . • ~18oz. . -.. ALTA-DENA RAW MILD &.9& f' r~ 0 D lJ Cf=- #1 CALIFORNIA .. _"" ·•!'!!I.JI•• ,_ - Silver E&gles seliing higli Monex International, 1-'1'0., of Newport Beach, precloue metal• leverac• dealer, reporc.e 11Jes of ltt coln·llkt suv~r Jr.al• tow mo~ than 300,000. Company offlclall aald th!l txceedec:I their trJdlnc eetlmatet. The one-troy ounce, coln~llke lnaot of 999 fine allver 11 produced for lnveetment purpoeet, and Moncx said lt will mint Silver £.gleti In the United Stain to mff1 tl'le demand They are bouiht In unit• or ~00 colna. Architects announced At a around breakJng, Beacon Bay Ent.erprl1<'1, Inc. of Newport Beach, announced that the lnt.erm.1 tJonal archlt«tural tlrm or A.carelli Nlcoleo Ma«lo- ch lo al')d Parl10 of Rome. Italy 11 designing 111 22,000-aquare·foot re9earch and development bulrding in the Irvine Ea.at lndU1trial c.omplex. Clock Conatructlon Company of Irvine tw been awarded the conatruction contract, the lender ii City National Bank, Newport Beach, and the leaalng agent ls A.lhwUJ Burke Financing arranged POINT 4 Oat.a Corporation of lrvmf.' haa comple- ted a aecond round oC equity flnanclog with its original investon. Participating in the Investment are Oak Invest- ment Partners (We1tport. Conn ). J .11. Wh1tnc:y & Co. (New York); Morgenthaler Venture Partn~rs (Cleveland); and Hambrecht & Qul1t CSan FrancUK'O) Drilling firm building Construction ii under way an the Irvine lndustnal Complex-East on the headquarters of Continental Drilllnl{, U .S Clock Conalr\.lctJon Company, lrvme 1.1 the gene- ral contractor It wu dealgned by A reh1tt.«.·tural Team Three, Santa Ana. and wall be owned by KAPAAR. Inc .. a real estate developm<.'nt flnn Five projects financed Mechanics National Bank hu announced the fi· nanctns of five construction project.a, totaUng $3.690.- 000, including Genoa Cov~. a 16-unll condominium project In Co.ta Mesa Cor $1 million. SDG&E hikes shares Shareholders oC preferred and preference swck of San Diego Gu & Electric have authorized an u'K'rease from 5 million share. to 10 million of the <:ompany's preference 1tock (cumulative) Service to Alaska due Aluka Alrllnet will besln aervlce between Long Beach. the Pact fie Northweet and Alaska on Sept. 7. Initial aervtce wlll include three Cllghc.e per day to Seattle. one nonstop and two one-stop flights via Portland. The airline entered Southern C.llfornia tn 1980 with 11e~ to Palm Sprinp. In 1981 Aluka began tervice t.o the Burbank-Glendale-Puadena Airport and to Ontario. PacTel gets financing Pacific Telephone has 11su ed $250 million of Intermediate-term promluory notes to commercial bank.a. Plana for this financing were announce-<! an March. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS NEW VOHK IAPt ~ ,,.., ~ J,,,_ -lor ,_., fMy It no"'' JO Incl ,., ''" I\ VII H \t~ ........ '""" Vlth " ~" WHAT STOCKS DID NEW V()lllo. tAPi MAt II ""'"'-· Or<ll""' Unc~ f o4"4 ·--...... -- to JI !,IJA~ ,,,, 10\ .,., llt4 0 ,, NEW \'Of!K IAl'l -l' ti fVE60AV ., "' n1 "" 11 ti METALS Coppet 71·8 1 c11111e 11 1111111111 v <J 0e111n111011\ lb Leed 26 '1 '9"11 o pov11CI Zinc 3S c~•• • l>OOtld 01111-fl\.I Tin 16 7 l•fl Me11la W""~ '1>1n1H1.i1e AkHftlMlm 7& 11 t""'' e pc,und N Y Mete.,,, S37S 00 IH'f 1111~ "•tlftu"' l30t 00 HOy <ft N Y SILVER i.-ev Hanor I H11ma11 I f 116 per tro~ outQ GOLD QUOTATIONS .... Yetlll ~11\dy 6 H111Mn, WUO SYMIOlS ' " J l'I " • a v ' A • " It .. • ., II II '1 'J .) " • " J ' ' • l .. ;) • 0 " ·' ., 0 •O • " ·T " v a ,z •o At I) ::f tO M •II .. r - I I I I I I I · I rowing trash output county problem Day ln and day out, Oran1• ty · producee about 9,000 toN 18 indllon pou.nda -of nabbilh hat ultimately end up In four nty 1overnment·owned land- llll. Now, accordln1 to a back- round paper prepared by a t wute manqement •tudy tonlmllttee, a ''nabbilh crliia'' may in the offm,. Jollowln& are a few of the un the committee find• trou-u.n,: -The Coyote Canyon land- Ul, located on Irvine Company nd ln Irvine, i• operatln1 on a th-to-month leue "and could cl.o.ed should a new leue not be fulll negotiated." About 60 rcent o the county'• rubbl1h goes to Coyote Canyon. -For five yean, the county aa been working to open a re- lacement for Coyote Canyon at Canyon, located east of the Corpe Air Station, El Toro. . Neighborhood resistance is uin to that site." -~e landflll in San\lago yon could be filled in two to hree yean. "A replacement for that tlte hu not been plaMed.11 -Loni-term pJan1 for ex- pan.alon of tbe Olinda landf Ill In the north county l'elion have been acaled-down amlcf clUzen com- plaintl. U Bee <Anyon ii opened. Olinda would laat another el1ht yean. The landfill aqueeie and what the county ahould do to alleviate it ia under atudy by En1lneerln1 Sclencea, Inc., a conaultln1 firm hired by the county. The atudy hu not been com- pleted. But, according to the background paper, work to date has ahown that landfllla 1tlll would be r-equired even if novel salvage and IO-C&lled ret0u.roe re- covery prosrama were initiated. Whatever the final outcome of the study, the paper make9 one thing rather clear: The days of no-charge dumping at county landfills are fast coming to an end. Neither new landfill sites nor re- source recovery technology come cheap . But regardle11 of cost, it would appear the county ii going to need more of both lf thla lat.est cri.sia la to be reckoned with. ugar news not sweet President Reagan has issued UliJtance program, cornerstone of n order that will save the gov-the adminiltration's foreign policy nunent $400 million. in the area. Reagan said he would It sounds great. But it's not aeek extra financial aid to affected aood news it appean to be on nations, which export large he surface, because American amounts of sugar to the U.S., on pm11U111C'n will be stuck with a $3 top of the $350 million he has al- illion bill u a result. Our Con-ready propoeed. re11 apparently believes it is a Agriculture Department offi- necetllty to protect domestic dall aflo hope higher U.S. prices gar producers from the terrible will pump more money to the au- naequencea of competition, and gar exporters. an'• order means sugar prices The effect of the quota on the eaded upward. Caribbean b The president Imposed a . is an open question, ut y reaUictive quota on impor-there is no myatery about the im- a&gar beic&Ule proepecta for a pliCt on American conawnen. arge w~rld crop have driven • Like the scandalous dairy rices down t-0 9 centa a pound. support program, the sugar give- thout an import quota a aupr away La a perfect ex.ample of Con-Dl"tlj~upport pr<>IJ'IJ1\ ~ IMt ~living the federal store away ear would obligate the federal to pleue sped.al interest gn>UJJ8. emment to buy and at.ore huge Faced with a bad choice of 111111.11"""'1" of domestic sugar if prices either spending tax money to buy not reach the support level of sugar or restricting imports, the 6.75 centl a pound. president evidently believed an The quota's purpose La to re-additional $400 million in federal trlct 1ugar aupplJes and drive spending would be unacceptable to around 20 oentl a pound. with the deficit reaching record of the nearly ~ million tona heights. f augar Amer1can.t Uled last year There is a third choice which as foreign-grown. From now would spare both the Treasury ntll June 30, only 220,000 tons and the con sumer: Repeal or be imported. The quota will be drastically reduce the subsidy juated quarterly. program and let the sugar growen Critics estimate the move will c.omP.'_te in the free market. They o•t con•umera $3 billion at the don t need handoui., the govem- tail level. ment doesn't need the added ex- The quota could alto have an peme and the public doesn't need mpact..on the Caribbean Basin the higher prices. TV prograni logic baffles . We can hardly wait until next aD when CBS brings ua such in- llectual and brilliantly planned elevi1ion s hows a• •'Square ep," "Ma.Ina Malone," "Gloria," 'The Good Witch of Laurel Can- on,. and "Bring 'Em Beck Alive." kb IOUnds lib a production t ha been fully re.earched and plemented with talented stan, ood writers and excellent dlrec- Why, one or two of them igbt even last three or four weeka. · And there will be the added benefit of not having to watch "Lou Grant" That show was extremely lucky to 1Mt five teMOna. With the exception of Ed>..- ner and five or 1lx other perfor- mers on the ahow, who turned In pd llCtina jot.? And can you belleve tho1e ICdpta? Why, they w.re real-Ute and llL'ICW'ate and that'• not aood telievWon. On top of that, the writlnc • was such that you could under- stand the plot. Who wani. to tum on a program like that? The fact that the show was an award-winning one should have no bearing. A.a James H . Roeenfield, vice president of CBS Broadcast Group put it: "I think there's a definite move towards ll1hter, more fan- tasy, and more comedy type, e1a1plst entertainment." He felt. " 'Lou Grant' became a very heavy il9ue show -and I think the public had had it." Ro.enfleld aald the declaion was bued solely on ratl~ and h1a cred.tbility la enhanced the fact that "Caane & Lacey, • the replacement, 1ia7 even lower ra- tings. He denJa that politics and Ed Amer'• high vt.ibllity on union- ilm, El SalvMlor and other topb of late h.a anytblna to do wit.S It. And how could anyone doubt James H. Roeenfield, vice preal- dent of CBS ero.dcat Group? OplnklM ~prHMd 1n·tn. space abO'lt are thole of the Dally Piiot. ~htr vi.wt••·. prttMd on tnlt PotV• are tl'IOW ot their •ut"<>rs •nd artists. At.otr comment It lnvK· td. Addf'"J ·The Delly PllOC, P.O. 8o11 1560, Cost• Mew, CA -tt•2•. Pf\oM' (114) •'2·4321. Hunger strike for fre.edorit I WASHINGTON -Most Sovieu who want to leave theJr homeland beJona to the opprelled lide of communilt IOC'.l9ty. But I can now report tlw cue of a wo- man from the Soviet upper crust who ii 80 desperate to em14P'ate that lhe beon • hunger ltrike thta week In hopes ol for- cing the Kremlin to let her IO· The woman'• neme ls Tetyana Yerahov Lmanaky. She is 29 yean old and the dauahter of one of the 20 top aenen)l In the Red Army. Her father, fvan Yer1hov, 11 chief of staff of the Soviet Union'• dvil defen1e procram. TATYANA IS A gray-eyed, derk- haired beauty who w• ra1Md In the lep of bouraec>U luxury that ii available to famiUH of the Soviet hJerarchy. The general and hl• wife live ln a lar1e, luxurioul apartment In M09COW and own two dachu, one In the M<*DW suburbl and the other in the Black Sea resort area. Yenhov hu a chauffeured llmouline at hJI beck and call, and hJI wife al8o hu a car available -a true mark of di1- t1nction 1n the communilt ariltocncy. In abort, lf ever a Soviet dtir.en ahould be content with her situation. It would be a pampered 1eneral'1 dauahter like Ta- tyana Yenhov. But when she wu 18, Tatyana lDlde a aeriou. miltake: She fell in love with !'.dward Lozantky, a JewLlh phyairut. ~y rnanied and had a child. A.a the y..n puled, Lozanlky became lncreuiJ18ly cUaillulioned with the res- trictlve Soviet l)'ltem. Then he wu fired f« ~ Andrei Sakharov, the dil- lldent pby8dst. 1n m than the officially required terml of boltility. He wu out of work for two yean. Lcnanaky's lnfluenUal father-In-law volunteered to help in 1ettln1 an exit G -JIC_l _ll_llm_l _:4f/4 vtaa. But the cenera1 persuaded Lcn.an- aky that he l1li.t first divorce Tatyana. It ;::.:!{a technicality, the general a peper divorce that would be rectified when he eent hJI daughter and .,andch1Jd out leter. Gulled by Y erahov's .. urancee, Lo- S&nlky left RUllla and came to the Un- ited States, only to find that the general had lied to him. Yersbov had no intent- ion of lettina Tatyana and the child te.ve the Soviet Uruon. He u8ed hla political clout, not to pt Tatyana permlalion to leave Ru.la, but to keep her th.ere. That WH In late 1976. Since then, Tatyana hu tried ~es rately to leave the Soviet Unkln and the father of her child. She app for an emiarant vl1a on her own, and wu promptly ldck.ed out of the lfllduate program at the ZelinUd lnltitute of Orpnjc Cheml- ltry. From WHhln1ton, where he now llvea, Lozanaky dld what he could to 1et hla family out. He even wrote an appeal to Soviet Pretident Leonid Brezhnev, to no avail. TATYANA'S DESPAIR LI clear In a letter ahe managed lo 1muule out to friend• in thla country. My auociate Lucette Lagnado hu teen the letter. "On May 10, I will be1in my final hunger 11rlke, whlch will continue until my daughter and l receive pennilsion to emijEJ'ate," ahe wrote. lfer father "refute1 to aign the pepen releutng me from any material obllga- tioN toward hla retirement," lhe wrote. Thil is a refettnee to one of the official reuon1 Soviet authocitie1 have liven for not lettlna Tatyana emigrate: She mutt 1tick around to take care of her father 1n cate hu pentlon Isn't large enough to support him 1n his old age. Tilat, of ooune, is a bucket of warm boracht. In the flrat place, the Soviet con1tltutlon obUgatH the 1tate to take care of the elderly. And eyen without this guarantee, a three-star general'• pension would need no supplement from an unemployed chemllt. "I begin my hunger •trike becatae I have no other cholce," Tatyana wrote. "I want only to reunite my family -a buic human right." (Tha week in Washingt.on Loz.an.Jcy remarried Tatyana by proxy with Rep. Jack &mp as best man and Sen. Robert J. Doi~ a1 w itneJIS.) Court no help on reapportionment The Supreme Court's rejection of the appeal by Republican leaders to over- turn the reapportionment plan for con- gt'e91ional diatricta may not have settled the luue but It makea clear California vote rs can expect little help from the federal court.a in getting a fair shake In repreaentation. The emphasis to that conclusion wu given the aame day by a federal court panel In Waahlngton which ruled the redLltrtctin8 plan for the state Senate wu not In vlolation of the federal Votlna Righi. Act even though it leavn two dlalrictl unrepn!llented for two years. THE COURT AcnONS were attetnpta to bring before the tribuna.11 the outra- geoua gerrymandering of the congres- lionaJ and lepjlative dUUict.I achieved by the Democratic dominated Leailla- ture and approved by a Democrat gov- ernor. Other action.a brouaht in Lo. Anpie. and San Joee ~ the leplity of leaving two Republican dlstrlcta unre- pre1en ted until 1986 are yet to have judges uatgned to the CMea. ~ Irony of. the letest court r:ulinCJ 11 that It wu the Warren Court'• "one-man, one vote" mandate the Re- publicanl were ..adnc the OOW'1I to up- hold. But the colleetlve actions of the courta would teem to indicate the courta will be reluctant to Interfere with the Legislature'• reatructuring of dlslrlcta, re-gardlem of how outrageoua the boun- daries may be, 80 long as they give iiome semblance of equally distributing the populat.lon. A further irony of the Warren edict, Intended to provide equal reprewnta- tion. Is that the "one-man, one-vote" llll 111111 2 ' ' theory LI a myth. Simply dividing the total population Into equal districts atompa on community of interest and lenor-the natural a-onomic divisions of the state. Furthermore, by den}'ln8 the exlltlni poliUcal. geographlc and natural boundarln of the state, It pe~lta the horrendou1 gerrymandering accom- plished by the curre nt Legialature wC~J. diltrictl have been carved out et to favor ethnic groups whUe ot er dr1trlct boundarle• have been drawn to benefit specific pel"IOOI, and all to aid the Dllnocratic Party. Even Without thne ble\ant vlolationt of tht Con•tltution the adherence to population u a bail.a for reapportlon- men t would fail t o achieve the "one-man, one-vote goal." For, as Sec- retary of State March Fong Eu's report on the voters within the various diatricta shows. the numbers of regiltered votera between the various districts is far from equal. CONGRESSIONAL distracta range in size from 320,000 voters down to 127,000. Asaembly district.a vary from 200,000 down to 44.000 while the Senate diltric11 spread from 341 ,000 down to 117 ,000. The reason for theie disparities resia in the fact that equal population1 do not produce equal numbers of registered voters. Some dlstr1ct1 have far more underage children than othera. And many urban distrlcta are heavily popu- lated by aliens. Since neither have vo- ting righta t heir lnclualon In reappor- tionment diatorta the Warren dedaion. U the district boundaries were bued upon registered voters an entirely different result would be produced from that ar- rived at by the Legislature. While the boundaries drawn by the Legl1lature may yet be overturned by the referendums on the June ba.J.b. it seems clear from the Legl1lature'1 ef. forta lince 1966, when the Warren rulJnc wu flrlt put Into effect, that future ~ dlatricth\8 1hould be performed by IOl1» agency other than the Legislature lf tM voters are to gel fair repretentation. Pursuing a goal differs from seeking 'more' No matter what you write, no matter how clearly cw fully or ~ lt can be misinterpreted. Several rs, for lnatance, have .&abn exceP.tlon to a re-· cent column of mfne, 'Eno"/h h Jlnouch," In which l au11ea~1 IBID -If'>. God-1iven limltatlons. And, by aDd lar1e, tbete::Cateful for whatever ' auu haw tb9D, ratbll' tbla resentful of ot era who started wttla more. It 11 only when we be1ln to ace.pt ourselves that we can be1ln to e*'9ed OW"lelvee. It ii only when we oon..- .,.U.t owwlva that we brine out tlw bnt In ourselves; COGlpettn1 a11ln1& oUMn too ohm briftll out the wont la ounelwa. And It la only wMn moup II / enouch in tM ......, al .... ..,. tblt,.. rind out who -. NaJq an. and 1'tiat we can ....Uy do, ln the rMlm ol ~ Vataha· an owner in new grid league From AP dl1pe&clln A new pro footbtil leq_ue, 1port-EIJ Ina 1tron1 ownerahlp and looklna c • hard at cable tel vlaion, will make ltl debut next 1pci.na. · Amoni the. proapecUve ownen 11 former Rancho AlamltOll Hl&h and Golden Weet Col-Jeae footbtil at.al' &nay Vataha who laier played at Stanford University, for the New Enaland Patriotl and Green Bay Packen In the NaUonal Footbell Leque. Vataha 11 co-owner of the New Enaland fra.nchiM and i. preeldent of LMV lnc. of. Wal- tham, Mau., a company which vwn1 und ma- nages recreallonal facUJuet ln the Northeut. "We're providing th•t 'other 1eHon' for profeuionaJ football," said David Dixon. founder of the United Statet Football League (USPL) and owner of the Chicaao franchiM. The 12-team leaaue wlll have a 20-eame resular eeuon from March through June. The playoff• will culmlnate In a champloruhlp game to be held the night of July 4. The league will have t.eama in Bollton (New England), Chicago, Denver, Detroh, Los Anaelet, New York. Philadelphia, San Diego, San Fran- claco, Wa1hlngton. Tampa, Fla., and Birming- ham. Ala. . Cleveland tupe IMttl• In longHt game V •• H•1H ••~ltd hOme Al•• ....... wh.h CM ,_,.aheld NII &ft &he top of &he 14\h lnnln1 Tu.day nl1h& M Cleveland dowMd Beaule, &·~. tn the lon1t1t 1ame evfr played In the KJnadQrne ln .Wa-d Ur'ne. The conwat IOOk four hoWI wWI 20 mlnu• ~ play . . • DNwhere tn Uw Amertcan Leeiue, Hal McRae drove in five rUAI wlth a homer and a lln&lt, WllUe Wll1H knocked In four and l"rH\ W•n• aacaec:s a three-run double to lead IC.aNu Ct&y to a 17-3, raln-1pl11htd romp over MllwauU. . . . She conHCutlve 1ln1le1 whh two ouu ln the ahOh lnnln1Linoludfn1 RHdy 1111111 flrat m1J<* lnaue n81. bn>ke a 4.4 tie ·~ Minn..ata went on to defeet Solton, 10·8 . . . WayH NordMCH belted 1 two-run homer and Barry BHHll 1troked thl'M doublet and ICOted three runt to propel Toronto to a g.4 victory over the Ctuc.,o White Sox, 1napp~n1 a aeven-aame wlnntn1 1tttak • . . Scon McGreaor and Tlm Stoddard combined on • three-hlUer and BaltJrnore anap- ped • t.htcMt-aamo lo.tna 1treak by ~tlnR the ml.stake-prone O.kland A's, 7-1 ' Baseball today . On thJa date ln bMeball ln 1Q70: Cblca10 Cub vetenn Ernie Banke a1unmed the ~ home run of h1a cnaJor lea1ue career -a line 1hot Into the left field bleachen off Pat Jarvi.a -u the ~be defeated the At.la.nta Bravea 4-3 at Wrtaley Field. On thll date tn 1966: Lou Brock'• RBI atncle In the 12th lnnlna brouaht home the wlnninl run aa the St. Loui1 CJrdinal1 defeated the Atlanta Braves 4J3 ln the first p.rne ever played at St. Louis' Butch Memorial Stadium. At· lanta'1 Felipe Alou had two homert in a to.tn1 cauae. · Today'1 btrthday1: Hall of Fame catcher YOll Berra la 57. Baltimore cakher Joe Nolan ll 31. Detroit lnftelder Lou Whitaker la 25. Co ta Me a up et; Barons 1tumble I Top·rat.ed and def endlna Ctr volleyb1ll ohampion La1una Blach rou.d ln tht aemnd rOund of the tllmlnaUon1 T\aefld.ay *Ye· nin1, and 10 did two other Or· ana• Cou& ant• LNml Marina and J!;atancla. Coat a MeH ind Fountain Valley wore eliminated from the playof fl af&er loltq. "It was the 1reate1t 1ame we've ever j>layed," la how MA· rlna Co.ch Tim Reed put It. "Wt ju.et 1tari.d fi1ht1n1 for every ball, the kid• juat would not t t it 1et away from \hem.;• Loyola Jumped to a 2-0 lead aJ\9 after Marfua fou,ht beck to VOLLEYBALL lend It into a llfth pine. Loyola had the hmt VlkinCla down by a 13.9 marlin. "The defenM took char,111 at that point, •• aald Reed u Mari.NI finally prevailed, 8-16, 10-U5 , 16..6, 115-4, 16-13. Marin.a, now 17·2, WU )ed by Brian Koontz (20 blocks) and A':flJ. Klu.nann (16 blockl and 6 ), aJoq with the balanced talent of Chrla J'tlher, Mark Cox, Bill Lennertz, Terry Meunier, Steve Mlller and 1ophomore Mike Crowley. victory upa Bat1ncla'1 overall record to 11·2 to •t up a~· terflnall pme with Mlra te J'riday. kudy Uvorak'• 1ptkln1 led I..a1una Beach to 1 U-8, 1D·4, ID~ romp at t.Jiraleai.. ''TM bloc:kerw were completely frozen ,'' Nld J\Jot11t1' Coach Bill Alben. 0 Rudy had 10me of the harcMlt hJta he hat had all year lone·" Tts• victory puts unbeaten La1una Beach at home Friday a.-lnat Marina. 'nM9 upet of the ntlhl waa at Co1ta Meaa where the hiahly· rep.rded Muat.anp, teeded No. 4, Iott.In five pmes to Santa Mo· nka, which bettled back from an 0-2 l1art. tak1na the third pnv, l?-IS, then ro1Iln1 behind new- found momentum. Poor lel'Vinc in the Cou.rth 1et proved fatal for Fountain Valley H Loa Altos, the Whltmo nt Leafue champion. rolled to a 16-1 , 15-!t 6-16, 15·13 victory at Fountain valley. Ken HArter (24 kills, 17 bloc~) and J o hn Koaty (22 klll1, 18 block•) 1parkled for Fountain Valley ln a to.Ing effort, ending the Barona' aeuon at 10.-6. From Page 85 area, we'd Mhd fn another 1"1 on him,1' Nlit)i addild, Unfortwtawl1, wMti the La- kera dld 'hat, Gervin •lth•r pallMd off to Mike Mltch.tU. (I pme.hllft 14 '°'1't1) « "'c Dive COrdne whO came off \M benth to ~ a po1n1a and haU.I cSOwn a tMm·htah 13 rebc>widl. 1'he LaMn wut.ed mu. UJTiii ln ahowin• they had no inc.en. Uool of leevlu · 1nai.wood with the 'HrJet notched It 1·1. They UtenJly 1prtnted out to an 18·~ 1dv1nte1e behind seven polnt4 from ~Ile Johnaon and ahc trorrt Wllkee. : Undaunted, the Spurs patlenl-t ly whittled away al tfw maratn; until finally takinc • 54.53 lud with 8:09 left ln thr third quar-! tcr. I * f L.AIClll NOTllr The Utter• •re no'f !Within -o-of tying tin NGA record 10( mo•• conHCllllV• Pl•yoll VICIOtl•• Tll•lf tw .. p OI tlle Pllo.nl• 8unt. C®Plff wllll "'CIOO .. It\ OtMte I end' """II len A/1\0nlo. 1);111 11\eM wllll!n one of tQWlifto 8 mat1I OW• ned by low .. ciwt Iii, tt1•·76 OOl6M 8ta1a W8UIOft lt7t.74 M\IWllAl• luc*t. 1970·71 lluck• •nO lll•mt .. ¥ .. when 111•1 tecom· plltM<t IN IMl 111 11187.et DwpHe llt "'' 11111. t1>0111 111t dllllcullle• di pl•y1no~ n011y l llfl Mlonto, ...,_ ,.,._, IOt one. I ,,... l>ftttllft II Ill tn IM IP\l'J now "kt• It' I IOUQll pl~ lo Mv In, bul jlhty 111119 10 wl'! two e>en* dOWn. tfW9 )'Mt o o-t twn. w~ 11111 '"v• 1 lot 01 tHpect lor ••n AntomO• 11100011 n.Mtvt gulll'd • ...._ ...,..._ hH t)ftn wo1k~ OtJI wll" ttlt 1.1111«•. but hC 11111 hH not 111()91¥t<I 11 ooc10t't clMtenca 10 play Jordan w11 1n1urad ~ttc:ll )0 t011nd !;ion Ooaoo file Sou11 lhol • llouen~ dou• u ptrotn1 from lllt fret tllrow "9 T119al1ay n1gh1 Thtv 1nn1 Oflly N petGel'I Ir ""' 111,. Sun<11y l • • l Quote of the day Blll Fltcll, OOICh of the Boston C.eltlca. on the difference between offlclattns at the colleae level and in the NBA: "Even our wont ones are betier than th~ best. Our 1uy1 are handlln1 the ru1h-hour traffic, and the college ffU>" can't even handle the Sunday drivers. Islanders take 2-0 lead over Canucka UNIONDALE, N. Y. -Bryan ~ It took 1!!1tancla'1 Ea1le1 a while to 1et in the sroove. but once they dld, behind the play of outside hitter Bill Sieker and middle blocker Matt Carrico, thinp sot ea•y a1aln1t vlllting North Torrance. ANGELS TUMBLE e e I i Davis powers Cubs over Atlanta Jody Davia 1lugged a pair of • home run1 and drove In three run1 Tue.day to power the ChJca410 Cuba to their fourth straight victory, a 6-4 declalon over Atlanta. Devil hit a 10lo homer in the fifth to pull the Cube 1nto a 2-2 Ue and cap- ped a four-run 1hcth with hi.I third homer of the eeuon . . . Ellewhere In the NaUonal Leagtie, Dave Kt111mu drove In four run.a with a double and his 12th homer and rookie Cllarlle P•lco pikhed a four hitter for ht. tlrst major le.,ue 1hutout u the New York Meta beat San Diego. 6-0 ... Pltll Guaer hit a two-run homer In Hou.ton'• three-run RC<>nd lnnini and the >..- tro1 went on to defeat Plthbursh, 4 -2 . . . Georce Bndrid linCJed, homered. 8COnd two runa and drove ln two to leecl St. Lou.is to a 5· l over Clnclnnad ... Jack cwt. who U.S the pme wt th • fifth-1.nnlna homer. doubled home the ao-aheed run ln a thiw.nm Eth and s.n Frandlco weathered a ninth-lnninl threat to defeat Montreal, ~-4 ... The Atlanta Brav .. op\loned relief pitcher Jose AJvarn to Richmond and purchued the contract of Rk:hmond aouth· paw Kn Dayley. Trottier ICOred the New York lllan-\ der s' third powerph1y goal o f the · game at 7: 18 of the third period Tueeday night, leading the two-Ume rlefending National Hockey League c hampions to a 6-4 victory over the Vancouver Canuckl and a 2..() lead in the Stanley Cup final. TrotUer'1 goal broke a 4-4 ue and came after Toma• Jon11on had 1ent a 1hot off the end board.. The puck caromed dlre<.'lly to Trottier to the left of Canuckl goalie Richard Brodeur. With Brodeur flat on the I~. Trottier depo- lit.ed a 15-foot wrist 1hot into the net. Phll,lea' Trillo wins Clemente award Maaay Trillo, the 1econd ba1e-• man of the PhllAdelphla Phillle1, wu preaented the Roberto Cle mente Award for contrlbutlon1 to baseball on and off the field and for emulating the late Plttlburgh Pirat.et1 outfielder ... Tennt. 1tan1 lvu LelMlJ and G•lllermo Vll11 will ~t June 13 In a $125,000 chaUenge makh belng billed br, the promoien u the "Wimbledon of the West,· tn Reno. Television, radio TV: No eventl 1eheduled. RADIO: Baseball -Dodgen at Philadel- phia, 4 :30 p.m~.~~ (790); New York at An- get., 7:30 p.m., ~ (710) "I think the problem waa a 10-day layoff,' 1aid E1tancla c.oach Mike Pomeroy. "We were terrible, struggling. But we played out of the 1lwnp." The 7-15, 15-10, 16-5, l ~-7 Kelchner leads UCI to victory LONG BEACH -Darren Kelchner tripled and IOOred on a wild pikh In the eeventh lnning u UC Irvine po1ted a ~-4 Southern California Ba1eball Auoclation victory over hoat Long Beac h State Tueaday af · t.emoon at Blair Field. · The victory b rl na• UCI '• SCBA record lo 1 l -1.C and the overall mark to 28-26-1. Star\er Cu Soma who receip- ted for the victory, walked the fir•t batter In the ninth Inning and wu ~ueved by Gary Brati. who got the JM"Xt three batters to save the wln Carlo• Rivera tripled In the 1eCOnd lnntna to 1COre a run u UCI sent three marken acrou the plate. a little at first, ls a lifetime 268 hitter who waa batting 160 In 2~ games with the Twins th.ll year. "Rob W ilfong 11 1 hec kuva elayer," complimented Mauch . 'If I know the»e two;r thetU get here u quick u . can. · Mauch didn't say w lch two playen would be moved off the ra.ter to make room for the ar- rival of Corbett and Wilfong to- day, but 1peculallon had plkhea' Stan Bahnsen (0-1, 4.66 ERA) getting hl1 releJ1e and either Mick Kelleher. recently acquired from Detroit, betng cut Jome, too. or Moreno belng 1hipped beck to the minors. More no certainly didn't help hi1 ca uae any b y mi11ln1 the Ilea! 11lgn In the nJnth. "It jutt mJght be the deal that will wln the Ame rican League West for the Anaeta," analyzed New York third ba1eman Roy Smalley, who ltart.ed the aeaaon with the Twtnt before movtnf( to the Yankee. u part of the Ron Davia deal. ''That trade i. reaU v going to help the Angel club. With Corbett and (Don) Aase. they 1hould have one of the belt bull jn the pme. '' T~ngela, who had their three-J(ame wlnninR ltreak anap-• ped. didn't need to 10 to the! bullpen Tuetday u Ken Foncht we nt the dlatance and was the: hard-luck loeer. • The Yankees. who aren't quite! as menacing a t the plate p1 in : recent yeara, chipped a way al l Forsch by L"Orlng single runa in • the third, fifth and eighth in-: nlngs • * • • ANGii. NOTll Tl .. vani.-c;outOn I hit• to 11111 Ille Mtton •nO now thet they 11• they: Cati t _., to kffp ,.,., p11yer1 lle•Mlly Two• more 8roo. Oornbett left the g-T.-01y! H llrtl buem111 Joh" MeylNfry w•t IOtc:41d 1 to 11141 tld611nel •lier COIMdong wttn TIM, .. In• th• llrtt 1nn1ng. 11110 c•tcher tUoll Cierone; w•l-ed Oii ,,.., liel<l •lier compllinll\Q of • IOfO I hand 111e1 lllQOtng .. ,ior out et Ille pt••• 1n • Ille 111111 Mey1>e11y t tnjury wit di~ al•! btUIMd big tell toe He •• 00 • d•Y·IO-dly b1111 Tiie ,_. on <.Afone ..... W'OfM u he• euHerecs 1 Chioo.d l11etutt of the left thumb' I end wlH be !Mt to the club tram 3·to-6 weet11 • 'Tn111 Ille lhtrd play., Ille 'iltlll-ha\141 Iott l 1n 1e11 then 1 week•• oull••ld•r Jerrr ~ Mw""""'ey brob lltt n .. ld dM"O IOI • Hy ~II : 111 S..11,. lfld pllc.hel OoJt1 Ate1andet bro ... I 1 knuer..ie on not 1ogni ""'° on 111e ._ c:ity t .n.. """'"'"9 11 .,, lll04I' eoein.1 1 ~1 • well A t:lf,.I tnow.. ceuM!CI 11141 Yltlil-10 mtH b"t•no ptKhC• Tu.Idly All Ill• An· gelt tltl e1cept 101 lht Oull1tl<J11rt 1nd ~tied hlll., tBaylofl With 11.4 13 '" tlltndMCe TuetOay Ille Anoti'-" -lhe h811·mllhon mn on 1toe -1-1 dtl• '" the club• h111ory r11e Yan•-Miil• Mw· ·-1:> ,, ""'" oppoM Afteel ,..,_ ,, .... , '" ~ IOl'llQlll I _._. ltnale ~ MUC NOTU NIUC NOTICE NM.IC NOTICE MOC NOT1C( Spring-time Is uperb ftCTITIOUe .,..... • ....,,..,., afil'seLrolNA flCTmOUI tu..... NAm ITAff•NT flC~.~=· ':~'.t':r'' NOTICE OF Dt:ATH or Tll• lottowl"ll peraon 11 dolno NAMI ITATaMINT Tiie IOllowtno pettOnt 11• dotno T N1 11 1 d 1 r11e ro11ow1no ,,.,eon1 •r• doi"" ENA M. YOUNG AND OF ~ea The lollowlng ptr1on 11 doing ~ M he o ow ng pereon II o ng ,...... ..., 18 TH1 wo11L1 sci.u .. Doc-l>VllnM•.. POELSTRA '1NANCIAl . '011 bu~cra Ho·s c H1NesE DELI. bv9•~:~cEo R•si<.MANAGe ;:j~_.NTi~t~~~:'.i4 YOUI ctos1.1Y ISLAND T~. 2ooe w. lelboe two .. H.w· MUSIC CATERERS. 904 17111 9rlo10 Drive, 8ull• 20 I . Co•t• 27000 C•-n Veney P81'1CWty, Mii· MENT TECHNIOUU. 2'410 Modi· • - pOtt 8-dl CL t2tt3 Strtet Hunt11101on e..cn. Catlfornt• M .... c: 112827 HST RA 924 w .ton v .. Jo. CA 92691. lngbltd Pl•c•. El T~ Ct lllorn1e To all hetn, benefldarie9, Dally Crulsu lrom Sin l'tdro and lo119 luch lue Jiooll, 1412 Donecy "· 921MB GA Y l PO ' vu WAR YAO SUNG. 1soo1 9:.>630 creditors and contln°ent --:tllll•L'•PKlous 700·pa111n-. trlplt·dtcktd VIUllt 8efM AN. ca_ t2IOI L.,ry J-CoonrOd, 604 17th 8llbo1 Blvd .. 8alt>oe, CA 9:1661 8 -::. .-· Thie~ .. oonduct.o by tn StrMI. Huntington 8"c:t1. Ctlllornle BRIAN w ANDERSON, 1433 SyllCuM Sfreet . WHttnlnlttr, CA Strt•n p l(alln, 24410 Moc:k· creditor• of Ena M. Youns ......-.. .-..,.,. l'l•Mni•llon1. lnlormallon· ~ 92646 Superior A'ilnue, •37f. Newpo11 92683 lngbord Pl•ce. El Toro, C1lllorn11 and per1on1 who may be 21'·n5-ttt1.&;).1'2·4521 .;._ ~ Tlltt bu-• I• --.. ·~t ........ .,, e.acn. CA 921f3. rn111>ut1-11 conducted by en 97830 h ,_ .. 1 h L:::::=~~--~7~14~-5~2~7-~?~11~1J!~Ti~Ol~l~""°="'~!!!!!!-d -..._. ""'"'-..., vr .~ .. II OUl1w E Vi n Stw-e. 2302 ot erwllle lnteres.cu n t e Thie 1tatement -111.o "'"" the tnolvtduel Thi• bullMM te ccnd1Jc1ed by I 1no1.ovu , , County a.ti of Orenoe County on Letry Coonrod Cltf*el part,,.,ehll> Yu W81 Yeo Sung Btrcll Lene MllllOn V,.jo. Clllfol n11 wlU and/or estate: M9Y ll 11112 Tiii• ett...-n.nt w11 flltO wllll 1ne Bfltn w ""°"'°" T1111 •i;••-• w1t 1~1h '"' 9269~lk• l<•dd•tr. 20412 Regi n A petition ha.1 been fllhed ' ,_ Coetnty Clerk o1 °'er County on Tiiie et11emen1 ... "*' Wllh 111e COUn1e l4lf1I 01 °'lln04I nty °" cucie. Huntington ee.ctl, catllorl'IN by John P. Moncur In t e ~ Orenot Coett ~Pl-Apnl 19 1982 County C6erll of o..,. County on Aprtl 1982 ,,-.. 9"6'· s u .... rlor Court of Or•"·• 10t u-6 12 1t 2t 1M2 f"19tl Mey :S 1982 _, • " ,.-·-. ..._., . . . . 20t2.f2 PUOllthlcl Ot COMt [)ally~ • ,,..... Publl•h•d Ottno• ~OHi D••ly Wllllern MOl'ltmer. 1700 ~ County requesting that John IOI AP'~ 21 18":r.y &. 12. 1N2 Publlthed Or•nge Co1t1 Delly Piiot MIY ~. 12 19. 28 1982 At"J• Dtlve. L1gun• e .. rh. C•ll· p Moncur be appointed al rueuc NOTICC 1149.e2 Pllol. Mty 6· 12· 19 28 1"~111-12 20IS-92 lorT...:. 9~ It conouct.O ~y • ~.-.anal repreMntatlve to flCTITtOUI au..-11 generltl pennertlllp admlniat.er the estale of Ena NA.Ml ITATIU .. NT "8JC NOllCl MOC M)l1C( l'UBUC NOTICE OMtty E v.,,. 81yto• M Youn1 (under the Inde· Ttie •Ollowlncl P«IOfl• 11• dolno . Tlllt eta~t •11 flied with I.ht pendent Admlnl1&.ratlon of bullMM •• 'ICTITIOUI .,_.. f'IC'TI'TIOUI __,..... flCTITIOUI 941 ... 11 ~ty .. Clertll...,2of Ofanoe County on F..tata Act). 'The rwtJUon II FLOWERS 8Y JANICE 760 NAm tTATDmJfT NAm tTATl•NT NA• STATUlllNT ,,...., fir "" r- Acac:la, Gatden GrOY't CA 92708 Tiie lollowlng peraon 11 dolno Tlie lolloWlllQ PtflOlll lll't dolno Tiie follotf1ng perton 11 Oolng Pdlhed Ofanet CoMt Dally Pl-lt'l for hM.rU\i In Dept. No. 3 JAN ICL GALLIER MILLER bull-II ~ -b\itinfN ••• IOI ApfN 21. 28. May 6 12. IN:Z at 700 Civic Center Drive 18064 H'J.1c;1n1h D11ve, Fountlln JO tNOU8TRIAL SUll'PlY. MICHAEL LAWREN CE & Cl.A'fTON WOODS 1..-POl'ITI, t797.e2 West, In the City of 8anU: Valley. c 12708 2120 16111 Str"1. A·212. ~ COMPANV, 17191 Sky Pwt. Cffde 1966 Cflu•Gll 81rMI. COlll M.... Ana, C.llfornla on June 2, Tllo1 bull-i. condUGltd by II' Belldl CA 92M3 •II. IMM. CA 1271' C...lornle 92927 f'U8lJC N0TIC£ lndlVIOUal JUDITH DIANE MAKOUIKY, ENGLISH Cl.ASSIC. l TO .. (;l•yton w Wood•. ttl\6 1982 at 9:30 a.m. J•nice G Miii« '120 16th 811Mt. R-212, Newpot1 Ce1110tnle oorPOt•llon, 110 NewPOtl c11u1c11 Streer Co111 Meu, Call ..._. IF YOU OBJECT to the Tlllt tllr-11 WH toled Wllll the 9eac;t1 CA 1121f3 Center Drive • 200, Hewp o11 tornte 92627 ITAftMl".!..~~l!_IC>ONMIJfT ....,.ntln• of the ..-ltJon, you County Clerk of Ott~ Counry on T1111' bull,_ It CClnOllC!ed by tn 8eec:tl. CA 92MO TIVI bvtltieN te con4UCl.0 f)y ell ....,. v-....,. _.. -... """w Mlll'Ctl 30, tM2 lndMduel Tll• bvtlMH " eondllCled by I lndtvldual flCTITtOUI eu ..... NAllll lhould either appear at &he ''"* Judy Mlkaullly oorpore11on Ctetvon WOod• Tiit 1011ow1n9 pefton• 111v1 hHrlna and 1tate your ob· Pul>lltneo Oftngt COHI D1fly Piiot Ttlll ... ,_. WM flMld Wltll ltle ~911 C•UllC. Lid Ttllt ... ,_, ... flied """'" lM l bandOMO Ille llM of llle flelltlOllt jeetlona or tile written Ob· A.pfll 21. 21. M•Y 6. 12, IH~7llO 82 ~~!~~IC of 0r.,. County on :,..:;ma ~~'le~2 of Orlngt County Of\ ~":, n,e;: = ~:=.:'. jectloiu with th• ~Ult be· ,,_ fl\l11talerMnt wM flled wttll Ille f1814"$J CA 92927 fore the hearlna. Your ap-P\8.IC NOTIC( Pubt1111ad Orenge Co111 O•llY County Clefk of 01enoe County on PublltheO Or•noe ~t Dally Pl ,,... lletlllOU• bUtlneH name , •. pearanc. may be in peraon fiETmout .,....... PllOt, Mey 6, 12. 19, 2t. 198:Ji11-e2 Mly a. 1012, ,.,_, tot, Aptll 21. u . M•v II. 12. ,1::::.., :;'r.'2l~1ibolle Wtl ,lied 111 COIMll) or by 1our attorney. HAMllTATSIHNT Publl1lled Orano• Co111 Dilly JAMl!8 w l'IAV . tU Tll• If YOU ARI: A CREDI· Tiit following ptrton II doing "8.IC *>TICE Piiot, Me,o 6. 12, "· 26, 1M2 "8JC NOTICE lt4111e1• Clrole, Co111 M•H. CA TOR or a oonUn,.nt Cft!dJtor ~T·~~ AND SHOWER EN· 2022·82 112e2~ICHAl!L 0. RAY, t47 ll'lule·I of th• deceH•d . you must CLOSURU . 6015 W11ner Avenli4t. .. l'U9UC NO'nCI rtno. Colla MeM, CA t:ztU llJ• your claim with the Bull• a. Hun11no1on eue11. CA .~~l::"O-:. ',Ofl .... .,. NOTICE SMdleb'°" Communitrc OOl!eoe R08ERT I. IMtlH. 2004 Yaottt court or prHent It to the t26'9 THC COUNTY Of1 OflAMOe ,._ Ot11r1et hereby"'"" not ce tllat" v1g~en1 NewpOtt leactl. CA t:zeto nal reprnentatJve ..... ROBERT ()(AN MICHAEL JA . .... A-t11Wf flCTmout IUIMll 1111 flied '°' I majOf ell~ In Ill AA.PHAll "' OLMllHllD peno -18261 W•llcllll lt ne. H11"11n91on OflDIR TO IHOW CM#M NAm ITA,......, Federal Comrt111nleattollt ITllf-TAUST. 2707 Win CfHI Orin , potnt.ed by tM COW'l wtthln ~·CA 926't ed .... fOA CMANOI tw NAMI Tiie 10110..,lng pereon 11 doing :",:::::':'~::. .:.~~.'C'!~ Coront dtl Mlf CA tlQt four rnontha from the da&e of ,,_ bu~ "conduct v• "' 1n ttle met,., o1111e ~tton of ~ •· l0tnM1 10 " loclted on 111e root of Wt!U>OH WA~. * hi! flnt INuance oJ lettera aa lndMdtMIAot.t o..n MICNlll JI MARIA dt LOUROf.S WAalON. IOt ILEOAHT HANO, ,976 llrcll HolO HOtQjl .. Aeowdlna aop11oe. 17th SltMI. eo.te ....... CA t2t21 provided ln 8ec:Uon '700 of CNnol of H*N l tt .... ~tA, N9wpor1 a..otl, CA tlon Ille 1lll'fTlf0111fA, dll-4 f~~WM~byl tM Probate Code of c.Llfor. ~~ "c':::r~~~: r11e epp11oeuon or MARIA dt t2MO M1rc11 11. 1u2. 111e 10110..,11111 ""* ~"f •-. I•. Tht Um• for fl Uni Aprll fll ltli LOUAOl.I WAllON IOI Cl\flllOI Of JIAH!TTf LUCILll 101'111. cllangM llave beef\ propONd' f Oeltttll ,~ •-•-wW ..--"""--= • fM'79 neme. M'ilno ~ lllH HI COvtl. ,, """"' !Mne, CA t27'4 CMl'9ll °' lreqwnc:y from II. I MHz -·-... _ .. p~ Of"'09 CoM1 Diiiy ftllot end It •PP41tflnO from Hid •PPll· Tiiie ~ .. oonduc:ted ~"' 10 •t:• MHz 2. Cfl•nee I"'°"' =iTllle ".L.*":'c:::.. ~~ ': four mond» from 1ht • a 2 IMf • celonJll•I MARIA de LOUAOll lndMcklef OVl"'1t ffom..,.. *' "9tt.,.,,...., ._.. -....... _ .. , .... ~ ~~ abow AClrll •1• 21· MIY . I • WAllOH II .. '"" an.-c>PllCltlCln LUCI lotll to du•I 1111 .... empllll•tt. a. Apr •• IHZ .... ............ . '7t2·IZ propoelng tllet lltt nt1ne be ffllt ....,_,,wee lll9d wttll IM Cll•ne• In number of Cllrecllontt ,_ YOU MA &XAMJN& ---.-... -fll-mTIC(-----cllll!OH to MAl'llA de l.OUAOCI County Cler1t o4 Ofenot County on entllftflH from lour to lwo. Com• ~if'~ tao::" t~ "°" file kept by the QOUn. U --~~,.~-~~===--O~ AP'I I. tH2 ,_ INtltt tn ~of Olf In~ Aclfll ' '~, ' ' 171tol2 are ln--.d In the .. Ho'#, lll«tfof•. " .. '*"'1y Ofde-_, to ... ~loft IN)' be lllM ...... ...a.. '" lfld d1tec19d, 1111t 111 "''°"' '""ll•Md Or•no• Cotti D•llr ttw ,_,.,., CommunicalJoM Coma 1 10" may .... • ,...... TN fOllOwtllt l*tON 111• d*9 tnw-.cs in Mid !NM• 10 .,.., Piiot, w., 1. 12. 1t. H , tH2. ~ PuOtltlled 111 0r.,.. COllt 11J1a ttn th• court &o receive ...__ • bero" tNt '°"'t In o..>ttttMM ll 20l1"" Delly ll'ttot, D• ... qt hbl ... lloll. ftOtiot of the htYtft. C•)J.AcoeTA MOICAN 'ooo oo" ll'"-o ~n1d d11•Y of J11, .... ,d1td12. •,• -flt --M9Y I, 7, 11. t4, ti, f1. ttta. ':... ITA,_. of estate_ .. and of M.ltMmAHT· (b) LA C09TA. .. 11 1 . o c oc 1.m. o 11 1Y o ,._ .w1-. 10M-ta I I _.1 •• __ ._ ... Wtrllat, U11li 102, H11"lln9ton 9'IOW cewe wlly tMKll eppllc•llon M The fO~.'"'"I poreo" II •o Ill ..,. ........ , acciounla - ....... CA. '°' ~ of ,,.,.,.. lflOtM not be ~.~ w NOTICl ~fliTUMTIU Ufft.IM!T'IO ....u.d In lectlan · .,.,.,.Y Lii AL0,,20 '". "::'~oro.ect1Nl•~of TM,....,,. ,..ION .,.dolnO inr .-..,... ~ 114,....: 1300 of tlwt CaUfomla Pro- '"'' oa:;;z •• ., .. t, Otrd•n tlll• Orw to •how OeuN "PU•.,...,....•: "°"noue ..,_.. Port ...... CA........., .. Code. Gt.-, CA . 0 0 ,,,., *'*'!ft tfW OAll.Y ~~· ~ ZUMA CONITMJCTOM IHC., llAMI tfA,_..,. OIHHla D. ~il'rAOM, t10t ...... aoe-. ..... ,, a~ Wo!~ "t.rm CA 1Pf1P« of gonttel cr1t print· 11H Wfllttl•r, U"lt f.t , 00t11 fllt folJoiwlno C>9fl0fl 11 doing Hlft»Of VlfW °""'91 Oorffltt ... W., A911191~ M Law ~~ ' ' 04111 .. ltfOOVflly,atlOH 01100 ...... C........fMI?, ~at: tllll, j ..... -~ ~-ALOllZO tolt ... ,., •••• '" "•• "'"'"" ••~• •••fl••m ... • Oii· ,, a COAOKIO ""''· ow•••o• •..::::.••. aao •• -Hlcllot~ ettfft •~"'~Alla CA ..-. ,new to tN ~of Mid._.. Horlllf, ..,.., ~' ••0.,T-· t1t7 t llVd., CO.II MeM, Mo1111cM1110 Orlvw. IN, OA Ill -"101 I I ""'' . """ f ••• C•t•a ...... .,,,,. CelforN 1 HOii. ..... UA -· . JOVCI ALONZO Hit.. 0...: ¥'11 a , ,... ....,, . Olaftl lllh Wlfl~. ·~ I.AMY 1.-'-AY°"· .... a-. ....... "" Hlfltff1 IJrMt 1a..ia Alla CA l'ONM..tl H f'MHNI,. Tllll ...,._ If oontu-•• -• ,.W!Of1111ta Orwe, &.~a leMfl, Ul'llbta ,_.., CM1, la11 ""'· OA -...... _ ......... ,,..__ ,._,.. ti?i?.' . . ~..... ..,. ... , c.or111a ... 1 .. ,... .. •• _ vnt .... _. I ,..,. ~ • °" • n,. ~ • ~ Z.... Occ• u•,.,..... THI...,._ It....._ ... -.. Tllll ~ ..::.••••• -• IJlll1Y PllM, ..., 11. lit 111 .... ,.,........ A .. ~!! --rt.~·i:--"• . ~DewltWIWl=IMt ---:i-.:o.......... • .... -= =:-..,-:::,: .. ii£:~1 1tt T1111 a.ti c:.. .... o.:-: TNt ::::•cC; ~ N TNI =.,~ ... a:: • =--°'*"' ltil= . ... ,.... =:-r.. .... , =nr.... Ollll~-..... "' °' ~'-=. ~ ....... °' ..... C..etDellr ,.....= .. °',....°""& ..... ~Or.-.Oelllti:r? ....... °'.... • .... .... ..:·.!!!!~ g,•.r• -..... ""' •. -.. ti, "i...!.~ "· ......... ti. .... ''· ... 1111¥ •• ,.. • ............. ti. .. .......... . --• .,.. ,_ ' ,, t Boating Speclal Supplement Comlr:-g Wednesday, May 19 Tlmety and toplcal hlnta from Inland boating epota to ..Ut>Qet rental•, plul nautk* fuNOM, -fnd_..ng and more. . I r OrlnOI Ooeet DAILY PILOT/Wednelday, Mty 12, tH2 .. I Spurs lulled by lakers Heniisphere cro.wds coul~ aid San Antonio S ~.J.TftlN Jamaal WllkM each 1eortn1 22 polntt, pulled OUt I 110·101 Vic• tory before a aellou\ crowd of J 7 006 at \hi Forum. That WH the CAN with 2:33 remalnln1 tn the third quarter when Oeora• Gervin colUded wUh Cooper undernHth tht buMt afwr ICOrina a buc~t that managed to 1core Just et1ht point. In the flrat half. Dlllr,... ....... " '-...,_ GOING UP -Earvin "Magtc" John.eon goes up for a shot u San Antonio'• Dave Corzine attempta a block Tuelday night at the Forum. Russell's blunder has Laso rd a furious PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Phlladelphla Phllllet manaser Pat Corrales spent moat of his post-game news conference Tueeday nlS)lt admiring the Los Angeles Dodgen. Corralea could afford to be generous In prai.lng the opposl· tion. Hla club had jult beaten the Dodgen for the HCOnd straight nlf.hl, again by 9-8. 'They'r~J! a heck of• club," said . "They don't alt back and let you beat them. _ They keep oomlng at you, battle aU the way." Then he took a breather and added, "My club la the 1ame way." It wu that k1nd of a ~. The Phillies led 3-0 after one. The Dodgen tied It l-3 ln the teCOnd and went ahead ~-3 in the third. Then, here came the Phillies with four In the fifth and two more In the sixth to go ahead 9-~. TM Dodgers picked up one In the seventh and two more ln the eighth. falllnS ahort by a run of tying the pme. Los Angeles manaaer Tommy Luorda wu fur1oua, especially with ahortltop Blll RUllell. They had a closed-door con- frontation afier the 1ame that could have been heard clear acroH the Delaware River In Camden, N.J. What happened w11 that In the eeventh. the Dodpn h.cl the bun loaded and two out. Ken Landreaux IU'Uck out, but PhJl-u. catcher Bo !>'-¥ let the ball 1et awaf, and Landreaux beat the throW to flnt. RUIMll, obviously euuled by the weird play, dldn t run, and f lnally wu forced at the plate when flrat bueman Pete lloae threw the ball home to Diaz en- d I n1 what could ha.ve been a same wtnnina 1nntn1. Laaorda WH heard to ask, "What were you thlnklna about, Bllly?" Ruuell replied, "I don't know.'' Laaorda said, 0 l'm ~otna to have to tine you, Billy.' Rullell replied, "I'll never pey It.'' There wu IOme colorful lan- auap uMld .. LMorda LnlUt.td lt would coat RU•Nll •100, and Ru.ell ahouted, '1'm not .-a to pay lt. You're not 101nc to lhow me up.'' Th, an1ry Luorde barked, "\'ou1J newrlolay («me aotn.'' When the ~ apwd. W.0.--• ..w a.-.p ahould haw Nn home. ~.ad the oonfrornadon ''wli bltw.n hbn and l." WW BuMtll In fad be ftntd1 '"nwt'• .... ot your bullfteM. .. 1.-onla moned. au-u refUlld to ... w verbeJ mw.. ftOll llid lt W81 a....,. play. .. I've never •n I\ befort,'' Id 'he vewran of 21 major llllD'W. • A& ftnt l i:ldn'l lmOw what to clo wUh 'h• b•m l knew ht L12:':'HUK) bfft It to fin\. l •• --. .... I 6m'& wtMillw•~·" ................ Wah ....... 11111 ... ., ............. .--..., .. -...; ......... ~ ... -....... ., Dllnllf. • INOLSWOOP-8o1Mhow, San Antonio Spurt Coech St.an Albeck rNnalid to maintain a tml1-late Tuftday ntaht. even attar the Loe Aneit• Wken had taken I 2..() lied ln theV beat.of· teYeD NBA W..wrn c.onterenoe ctwnDklnthJp •NI. "Key, we're the baae line buml, and with our crowdt, the Lakera are ioln( to experience aometh!na tJiey've never expert. meed before,'' Albeck uJd. 11'e San Antonio cmch flcu!ed the home town Cl"O'Nd at the &n Antonio Hemisphere will be worth 10 polntt to hit s.m when the aeries l'-.uMI Frida'} .u,ht. Aa It turned out, thoH 10 point.a would have been just enou1h for the Spun to ewn the leri• Tu.day nlaht. tn.te.d, the Lakera, wl th Norm Nixon and ''We know thay'N aatnl to be ...-dy down theN.'' noted LakAtr auard Micheal Cooper, who r•- turned from a n.uty fall Jau. tn the third quarter to 1park the Laker victory over the final 12 minu .... Still, Cooper1 like the rat of the Labrl, f .. 11 that If they're on their 1•m• -which means tut break aft.er fut break -no crowd la 10f..nc to detain them in t.belr queet tor an NBA ch.ampi· ~· '"Ibey aid they're Soi~ to try to run with UI, but I don t think anybody can run wlth ua. You know •• • lot pf peopi. think of us u a flne.e dub, but we can so out d)el'e and bump heM!a, too.'' Coo~r added. put the Spun up, "lf2·71. • Cooper wound up flat on the floor and wu eventually helped away to the lac.leer room. But he returned at t~e •tart of the fourth quarter to coMlnue his haraumont of Oervtn and pro- vide tom n eded 1COrlna with both Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Maatc John1on rotting on the bench. Oervln'• ba1ket, and a auble- q uen t tree throw followln1 a technJcal foul on an AnlJ"Y Laur Co.ch Pat Riley provided the laat Jud the Spun would own. Gervin, who had 34 points in Sunday's ton at the Forum, •aaln got off to a slow start Tuesday nl~ht. On Sunday, he Tunday nlc~~ the 6-8 au.ard out ot r.M~m M lchlpn hid hJt on just l~f·8 shots from the f&.ld and had Ju1t throe polnta at lnterml11lon. He flnl1hed the nlsht with juat 18 potnta. You can thank Cooper'• de· fenae tor it. But Cooper thanked Wilkes, and WllkJ• uld a thank-you w11 In order for for- ward Kurt Rambla. In short, the Lakera tptmt their af t.er-1ame celebration ~ttlna each other on the back for thetr defeNO. "Ice had hi• problems a1aln tonlsht," noted Riley. "I think he'• only ~n lihootJns 38 per- cent against ua In the l11t alx games. l think we're'ju.at dolnc a Sood job of denying him the bell. "Everytlme George looked like he wu getting Into • threatentna (See LAXERS, Pase Bf) Acquisitions cheer Mauch . Angels get Corbett, Will ong BY JOHN SEV ANO ortti.o..,,... ..... Aa expected, Managu Gene Mauch wun't In a particularly good mood u he walked Into hia dreaalna room office Tuesday night. Hl1 Angela had juat lost a toush 3-2 declalon to the New York Yankees at Anaheim Sta-diwn, deprtvlna hla club of cllmb- ln1 into sole pot1teUlon of first place in the American Leecue'• Western Dtvialon. And. to make m.Uen worse, the player he had tent In to plnch-run for Rease Jack.ton ln. the ninth lnnlne -Jme Moreno -mined three s teal •Ian•. When Moreno finally reallied what he wu auppoeed to do - and took off --he WU thrown out by the Yankees catcher Bar- ry Foote. The play ended the Inning and the game·and left pinch-hitter Rod Carew •tandlna at the plate. "I don't want to talk about that damn same," muttered Mauch. "It would make you-~." With that in nilncf. the topic of converutlo n wu quickly chan1ed by the media. Mauch aeemOd to chana• hla mood, too -to a de1ree -when he wu uked to comment on the Angela' molt recent acquUrlUont. For ~ of you who haven't heard yet, the Angela announ· ced shortly after the start of Tuesday's same that they had traded you.npttta Tom Brwww- k y. an-outfielder, and Mike Walters, a pitcher, to the Minne-aou Twlna for relief 1pedallat Doua Corbett and ut.Wty infield- er Rob Wllfonc. "Surprlaed! T 1ure wu," aald Mauch of the trade. "We're lrYi"I to wtn and It (the trade) oertafnly makee our teem belle!'.'' The exchan~e between the two clubt wun t euctly a aud· den one, althou1h It may have been 1urprl1tn1. The two 1lde1 had d1lculled such a move u far back H December. "It wa1 a much blger deal when we first talked about It," uid Mauch. The dft1 fell throuah, thou&h and talka weren't rekindled until about three weeks aao, when the Twtrw' acqt.Uaition Of Ron 0.vta from the New York Yankees made Corbett expendable. ''I would aay we've been talk· tna almoet dally the lut \hrM wMka," Mauch admitted. "We rude a better deeJ than I thouaht we could mab.'' The Twin.a called the Anaela late Tueaday afternoon and the deal wu conaummat.ed approxi- mately 6 p.m. "Our future la today, not tomorrow," commented Anaela General Manager BuZ2ie Bevui. "We felt we needed aome relief help 110 we went out and got the bmt one we could aet.'' The arrival of Corbett and Wilfonc appean to stve Mauch some flexlblllty In the bullpen and the bmch. Corbett, a 29-year-old rlsht· hander. hu recorded 40 aavea during the tut two aea1on1. He has an 0-2 record with a ~.32 prned run averaae ln 10 pines thla aeuon. Thia year'• flaurea are aomewhat ciecelvtna. thou&h, In that Corbett la a alnkerball lpedallst and they uaually don't fare too well on synthetic 1ur· taoe.. which la what the Twlna play on the9e dayt in their new domed stadium. ''I'm very excited about gotna to a great bell club and a great organization," Corbett wu quo- ted aa aaylns after he received the news . "Gene Ma u c h (formerly the manager of the Twin•) treated me like o king and I'll ~lay like a klna for him. Calvtn (Griffith, the 'twins ow· net) ii aeuina the short end of the atlck thla time.'' WUtona. who can play tec0nd beae. thlrd bue and maybe even (lee ANGELB, Pace 8') SKY HOOK -Kareem Abdul·Jabbar (33) 1hoott over the outatretched hand of San Antonio'• Dave Corzine. Will Sugar Ray quit ring? Continuing to fight woqld be idiocy on Bash Boulevard Thoae who love the pmc despite lw tamJ.ahed lmas• aometlmea refer io boxlna as the 1weet adenoe. At that, It hu had lta momenta and Its men who have put forth efforta to keep the sport'• vtalta to the cutter only temporary. Their struggle la aplnat thoae who would remember only put dla~ IJ'808. It will lel'Ve no purpote here to recount the und111'\ifled acts. 11\at men have entered the water in boxtnC tru.nka and cement overcoats are matt.en of fact and the deta11I do not make for entertaJninl ~ million hero at the moment la to aua-t the Jcm of 8"'111' Ray Leonard wtu be u terrible u It ii untimely. Supr Ray came out of the Olympic movement and 8"med to maintain the proper de- pee of clJcnlty. Leonard wW q\dle Ulcely depU1 In the ume manner. Certainly, there la no reuon to suspect ot.henriM. NSITllSa 11 THBU ANY rellllOf\ to 1U11*t be mleht continue In thlt auan-. J'or 8upr Ray to taki the blows of other fllh..,. to the hMd at thlt ..... ot hll ttrol1 WouCh _lit• would be kliOCY even ~ to tbe ._. than brilliant mtacr. which ~-Bllh Boul9Ywd. Ila JOU know, they operated on Suaar Ray lAonard fot' a couple of boun in BelUmore lut ""and. It w• •1• 1ur,...,, th• moat d•Uca&e AarPeal an OI ._ all. lt •• ct.iribed • rweua.-chlol th9 .....,. of the "91terw_..t ~bamP'on'• Ill\ 1C. which ........... enoujh. Wlr, i& ............... iftoUlh thal ... dootan. ....,...... the operadan annOunced Im· 1B911111111;, .............. norwonto....,,. .... WWWl@ll ............. ...w. I& ..... too :ts':J:" ..... Moul ........... .,. -,.,....._.. ........................ ... *1 Wlllilli ............................... ' .. 11wau111--•·· .... ~ .... ...,.-,1 ......... , t I ., ..... ., ....................................... ........... SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER h would be a matter of locatlnt a lCllica1 re.· aon. Certainly, the man haa nothina to prove to the authoritJ• of thla same. He hu beaten able oppo- nentt and dodged none and hu Henerally conducted hlmaelf u "a bu1y champion. Thia la a term of respect In the f~ht pme. Su11ar Ray 1 J:.TJ:. I• such that he don not need the money. hit pune money, he hat heel\ actJve In encbwmentt and oonvnrtrdal work. and hlt Income hlll been hefty. 8uar Ray appean to be the llOrt who would atalh hTa benluoU wilely for the 8ood of h1nwelt and hlt family. He oer1alnly doel not ...... to be a ftUY who wouJd equandlr the dub on bocm md bl'09da and Nin. and lnllde ttraiahta. • IUOAA MY ALIC> ISDtl ln&ellipnt. C.- Wnly punchll haw nol IC!fMlbled hit bnln and .. doet DOI hMI' Wiephonee which aN not rt.,an. and be doll not Up hll hat to Juke boMI. TMNfCC9, ...... Rly .n1f nol Mid any..._ wtth......,. to tu. luture plilnt. ~lo Dundee wdrtil wtth Leonard. Aijllo Dundee wW c.11 supr·au to 11ve tMl.a ,_two pad.,.. and ...... .....,.,. Anto the~ Leonard'• 11advt10r" la a man named MU&e 'l'NliMr. ~.r~ fin& ... cw ............. ~-WM&hal~IJ Cl lfah&·wt&h ~ alWcl ..... I On1 --.. ,.., ........ Oia"&~-......... -.. 1· ..... .. ....-....: ...... _ .... lift.,. .. . __ .,,.~ .... ------_ ..... _. . lit.Wat 1r1111-.-... M11 .. 'r ............... • \ • t I ! ' I I j I t I ' ' • f ' r I I I I I ~ Nnnout IUIMll MOtm&Ji ..... MAlll ITAT...-f NAM1 ITA,_..,. fWllC 9l)l1C( Tiit lollowlng pertofl It doing Tiie tollowlng penon It doing 1--~~~~~~~~-~ •: IM*l9M.. Nnnout IUll•H INPOMlX, 2712 I Le Pu .. d. cutTOM AOVIRTISJNO L'TO , NMll ITATlmJIT 8ulte C. L~ HlQUfl, OA t2t'l'1 3IO w. WMon, 1101, Cotl~ M.... Tll• lo1tow1n11 perton It doing Pet• CllMllt. '4H 1 Ca-CA t2127. ~ II! tltM ,.._ L7, 0... flolnt, CA MARIO ALDANA, 3IO W Wll· (A COAIT INDU8TAIH, (I ) tltlt, eon 1101, C.e Mela, CA t2ta7 COU T"Y RIVIR •AtH, (C) Tllilt ~ 11GOndue1ed by111 Thie~ 11~by111 COAIT AATISTS MANAOIMENT, lndMdl*. lndMdl.lei. 01 COAIT PEAFORMANCI. 3226 P NiOll c i-11. Merlo AldtN ot• A-. Cott• ......_ Cell· TNI ttalefNM 'Wfl Ned wltn IM Thie lleMrnlnl wte 111ec1 wftll tM lornle neat. County Clertl of Oftl'Ot County on eouniy Cleft! Of OflnOI County on 01111d A Diiiey, 3121 0 1llota AprM ~3. 1t U May 3, 1tt2. • Avenue. Cotl• Me11, C1111ornla P1.,... P1-t 2t2t. Publlth•d Oreng• Coaet Dally Publl•h•d Or1no• Co111 Delly Thie butlrleM It cooctuctad by 111 Piiot. Mey 12, It, ti. Jl#W 2, lte2 Piiot, Mey 6, 12, It, 2t, 1M2. lfldMdual. 30t2.S2 2032·12 OeYkS A Deller Tiiie 1111.,,...,,. wu Mad wttn 1M PWUC M>nCl eouniy a.t11 of °'""' eounty on 1-----------~ lt. ltt2 -----------l'tCTmOUI IU ... 11 P117ttl PtCTmoua lllU••H ..... ITAft•NT Publl•h•d Oreng• Co111 01lly NA* ITATl•NT The lollowlng pereon 11 doing Piiot, AofM 21, 21, Mly 6, 12, 1te2 The lollowlnO p1reon 11 doing ~ II: 1736-12 bu.ir-~ THE MOBILE SCREEN DOC· COMMUTEC. 241 Avocedo, TOA. 2005 w Balboa Blvd ...... ------.. ---MO-MllY--IC(---- No 11, Coll• M•H . Celilornl1 PD'19Meh,CA112ee3 ~ ""' 112t27 SUE JAGOLI, 1412 Don1cy. PtCTITIOUI ........ Ao09f Johnton, 241 AYOCado. 'I, SWiii Ana. CA t280e NAMI ITATIMUfT No 11, Colla M111. Cllllornt• Thie bu..,_ II ~9d by"' The IOflowlng pettonl .,. dOll>g 112827 lndMdual. llnMI u · Thlt blltlMlt It conducted by an Sue JllQOff ZUMA CONSTRUCTORS. 1136 indlvld\Mll Thie tlat-1 w .. Hied With the Whittler, Untt F-3. Cotta ..... CA R. Johnlon C0Ynty CWll of Orange County on 12t27 T.W. 1tat-1 w .. lll9d with Ille Mey 3, 1"2. ,._._ I URl.EY V. JACl<IOH. 14973 , County Clertl of Orenga County on O C -0 II 1llbuty Drive, L1 MlrlOI , CA Mey 10 ttt2 Publl•ll•d reng• OHi • y ' ,1tl0n PMot. Mey 5, 12. 19', 21, ltl2 JOHN S. SKOHSENG, 15311 Publlthed Orenge CoHI 01lly 2082-&2 Cedlrwood Avenue, Mldw1y City. Piiot. Mey 12, 19, 21, Jl#W 2. IH 2. •-"° llltlllC( CA 111856. 3050-12 ,.UUU\o "" 1llll b\.1--It conduc1ed by a PtCTmOUa IUIMll general pertn.-'tNp. P1B.JC M)JIC( NAm aTATIMINT 8ur1ty v. Jdlon -----------Thi IOllowlng ~ II doing ~ Thll ttal'"*" WM lllad wtttl thl -... County a.tll ol Orarige County on PICTmOUa IUtMNIH BROWNLEE SPAS. IHSI Sen-Apttl Ill, IH2 N.._ aTATnlllNT de,.on, Hunllnglon Buell, CA Publlthed Orenge Coul ol,y~ Tiie following per.one ere doing 112841. • II 2 2 M • ' bualnest H : MARK LEHR BROWNLEE. 111851 .. pr I, I , l'f "• 12, IM2. MARINE STEAM CLEANING, Sand«ton. Hunllnglon Beaell, CA 1747.S2 42 I E Bly. Newport Beacll, Cl ll· 112841. tornta 92881 Tiiie ~ II conoucrteo by "' Donald l Aleelu. 421 E. e.v. lndMdull. Newpott Beoldl. Cllltornll 926e 1 M111t L BtownlM LH W Sollenblrgff, 421 E Tlllt 111temen1 WM llleel with tile CMIPlr.._ of t11e Cunwy 8 1y. Newporl BHch. Calllornle County Clettl of Oreng1 County on -r,.....,, ~ t2ee I May 3, 1912. ,1_ of tM OnMed ...... Tiiie buelnftt la coneluc19d by I -WMMftt\Ofl. D.C. generll Pfl'ln.-'lhlp Publl•h•d Or1no• CoH I Dall WHEREAS 11tllf1C1ory ~ L .. w Sol*\l*ger Pllol, ~y 5, 12. Ill. 28, 11112. n .. .,..n preMnled to Ille Comp. Thie etat-1 .., .. tiled With the • 2016-82 trOllet ot Ille Cwrency th•I PACl- Counly Cl«ti of Orenge County on rtaJC M)llC( FIC NATIONAL BANK loclled In "Of• 27. 11182 Pffwport hactl. S1111 o1 Cllflor. P·1111tl nta, h~H c:omP41ed w1111 Ill provl- Publlthad Or1ng1 COHI Diiiy Ptennoul llUSMU liolll of the 1tatut .. ol the Unllad Pltol, AprH 28. Mey 5, 12, 19, 1tt2 N.U. aTATl•NT SlllH required to be oomplle4 1N<t-82 Tiie tollowino perton I• doing wllh before being euthorli.ed I~ -----------bu*-u · eommen~ Ille bu1lne11 of b•n· J\aJC M)TIC( BRISTOL FOOT CLINIC, 2101 lllng n I N1tlon1I 81nlltng -----------S B!~OI, S•nll An1. C1lllornl1 Alloc:Ntlon. _,. 927o;4 NOW, THEREFORE. I llereby PtCTmout .,_.. Miiion J I CObton. 0 p ..... Olftlfy ~Ille lbov9-nernad - N.u. ITA,.......,. 22141 ~· ~. EJ Toro. CA Qldlon .. IUlllOfblld 10 -Tlla 1011ow1no pereon I• doing ~. lh• but lneu ot b•nlllng .. 1 l>Y..,_ M; Thie bulirMl8 II conducted by 1t1 N1tlonlll 8anlllnQ Aalocll tlon. THE EL PESCADOR RESTAU. lncllvldual. IN T!SflMOlilV WH!R!OF .ti· RANT. •01 E. 17th StrM1. Coetl Miion Jecobaon. D.P.M. ""I t1Qn1tur1 Ind Mii 01 of· ,,._, CA 112827 T,_ .....,_,. .. fllad wltf\ the !He 2tih ct.)' of Janulry, 1912. J AMES A ORA HAM, UH Coutity ca.11 of ~ COUnty on Comptrolw of tt1e Cwrency LM'Upur, Cotti MeM. CA t212t. Apt! 27, IM2.. ~ ....,,bit 17 1M Thll ~II conduc:ted br • ,._.,_.. Pv~ Ofange Cout Deity lnOlvldual. PuCllllflaO 0.. COM! o.tty Pt-• M•cfl 24, 31, Apt! 7, 14, 21. J-A Graham lot, Aptll 21, May 5, 12, It, IM 2. • MIY I. 12. 19. lttj 132-442 Thll llll_..I Wll llled wtttl lhl 1tol·82 Coun1y Cllrll of Ofenge County on ApfM 29. 1tt2. ,,..... PWUC M)TIC( Publl•h•d Or1n11• Coal! D•ll'f Plloe, Mey 5, 12. It. 28. 1"2 20l4.a2 '1C'TITIOUI .,_.. NOTte• OF TllUl'TU"I tALa ...._ ITAT'lmMT T.I. No. 2211 .,_"" ~ Th• loll owing per ton I• doing On June 2. ltl2 •I 11 :00 1.rn .• ,._ ""',_ butlnell... STAN·SHAW CORPORATION, 1 --Pte-nnoua---...... ---.-.--(II NORM'S PIZZA 121 PIZZA Calllornl• 1:9rpor1llon .. My ap. ...._ ITATUmNT JUNCTION, 3325 Tempe Drive, potntad True)" under end !)INIUltll The tonowlng penon It doing Huntington Belctl. c.Hlornt1 92&49 to DHCI ol Tru11. Juna 11, 11111, bu""9ll ... Aonlld Ectw11d St-wd, 3326 recorded J\llrt I, 11111. u lnat Ho CLAUDINA WAY ASSOCIA Tempe Drive, Huntington Baacll. 244, In booto. 14123 page 165, ol Clllfomlll 112&49 • Olflc:lal Aec:ords In Ille olflee of Ille TES. I Rlmrocll, Irvine, C111forn11 Thll ~ 11 c:.ondud9d by en County Recorclt,. of Or1ng1 12715 lndMdual Counly, Siii• Of C•lllC>r"nll, oecu-JOlln K Alttrom. I Atmrocll. ., __ , ... E s•-d led ~ HOME BUILDERS SERVICE lflllne. Cllltomle 112715 ..._,.... ...,_., Tllll bu"-It eonduC19d by 1 Tiiie ... t.nlnt -tied w1tt1 Iha COR ORATION, I Dell )W8rt cor· llmll9d parnertNp. County C1«11 ol Orange County on por1llon, Will SELL AT PUBLIC JOM Al9trom, Mey 10, 1912. AUCTION 10 HIGHEST 810DER Oen«ll Pll1ner ,....,,4 FOR CASH OR AS SET FORTH IH Thlt 1111-1 ... fllld with Ille Put>ll•ll•d Oreng• Co111 Deily SECTION 21124 F OF THE CIVIL PIO! Mey 12 It 211 June 2 11112 CODE. 11 the lront 1n1r1nce ol County Cllt1t ol 0r8nQt COYnty on • ' ' ' Sl•n·Shew Corpor1t1on. 2315 E AprM 1, 11182. . 303G.a2 17111 SI . S1nte Anl, Celllornle ..._.., '-""'-"·,,_ P1B.JC M)JIC( 112111. 111 rlghl. tllla and lntarHI DOf... -----------conveyed to end now held by II A "°'· C.,.. under H id DHd ol Trull In the 4790 V• IC.-, No.* l'tCTTT'IOU9 ..,_,, properly 1llu1te<1 tn 11ld County ......,.,. ...-, C&.... NMm ITA~ end Slall deluibad u: Publlthed Orang• Co11t 01lly Tll1 tollowlng pereon I• doing l»9T "A" Piiot, Apttl 28 .... ., 6. 12, ',~~. ~E'A"NATIONAL PUBLISH· PARCEL 1· LOI 2 1 of Tree• No tote ... per mllC) r-ded In l>ooll -----------•EAS, 11331 Cloudhaven Orlw, Hun· 3117, P•llH 24 lo 21 lnclutlve ol "8JC M)TIC( llngton 8-:tl, CA t 284f. ~ MIPI, In the office o1 -----------• Or. Htrvey E. Howtrd, 11331 thl County Recorder of Mid county fllCTIT10U9 .__., Cloudll•v•n Drive. Hunllnglo n l!Jlcepll"" unto 111e Qrentor hf· ...... tTAT'lmWT Beldl. CA 112Me ... Tiit lolfowlng Pl'M>nl are Ootng Thie ~ II conduc:1ed by .,, t9'n ..it Oii, OM and Ollllf llydrocar· ~ al: lndMdull.. bon IUbetlflOM In end und9r llkl O a H STATIONERS AND Or. H--• .._d land, but with no right lo UN the -·-· "'-.._.. turf..-or ~-., .. ot Mid PRINTERS. "33 Wa¥nef Avenue. Thll tt....-nent ... fllad...,, !fie la'ld lo Ille depttl ol 500 feel - HuntlnQ10ll 8each, CA t2t47 County ~ of OrfllOt CGunty on -eel trorn Mid 111rf- L'°WIS A. PRILLIMAN , 11477 Mey 10. 11112. ~"'O unto Ille Grenlor lier• G<ouM A-. Huntington 8-n. ,._,. lfl _,,, over Mid laid tor the CA 112847. Publl1hed Orange CoHI Otlly purpoeee M1 IOl'lh In NCtlon 11 of I' JOYCE R. PRILLIMAN . 9477 "°'·Mey 12, It, a..,_ 2, 1182 th• u cond ra•lllt ment I nd GrOUM A-. Hunllngtori e..cn, 3054-f2 amenelfnenl ot the Su-i.rnen1:z CA t2847. ,.... Tiii• bu1lne11 11 conctuclect by P\llJC M)TIC( Deefa¥111on or Covf!'lentt. Cond • ~ , .... _..._.. & WIN). Ilona end Afftrlc11ont rec:Otded In ' l.:;..7~ Ptennout ...... ~ m21. pegee 1123 .. uq of Thie llllemlnl ..... fllad wttn"" um ITATIMl#f Offtc:lel Raeotds of Mid county. County Clerk of Oranoe County on The totlowlng pereon1 are dotng PARCEL z· EaMmtnte over the 29 bUllnaM u • l9lld deeGtlbed In Ind for the pur· Aprll • 1982· PMIMJ HORSE SENSE, 11571 Sell l)OMI ... for1h In Section 11 of ttle Publllfled Or1no• co .. 1 o1uy Clrcle , Huntington l eech, CA S.COnd Ant1temf!'lt end Amend· Piiot M-5 1" It ... 1982. 92149. ment of ~lllY OlcWlltlol'I ' _, ' '"· ' ...,, 2()83..12 Jill C. WENDT. 11571 Si ll of Cownante, CondttlOM IOd Aat- Clrcle , Huntington Bu ch, CA trlc11on• recorded In bootl f2427, -----------9*11. PlllH 1123 et NCI of Ofllclal ..... "8JC M)TIC( A081N L. FAUR ... I~ corda of Orenoe County. c.tfornll FJCTinOU9 .,._.1 Circle. Huntlnglon •••ch, CA The ttrH t addren end olher NA* 8TAT'ftmNT 92849. common ~. II Ifft, Of Iha T .. _ 1_......... ,.......,. KIRSTEN ANOEASON KUZMA· all property d .. crlbed •bove It ~.-::.... .....,...ng pereon• are """""' NIC, 1707t South ,aclllc. SunM1 purpOrted to 1>e: "na VII Ct9fl, .......,_ II: lletd\, CA to742. laiwne Ntouel, Calttornle ..,.£RICAN VISUALISTS, IOt Tiiie ~ .. ~ by • f 111 und•rtlgn1d Tru•IH di .. ~· Avenue, Cot0111 "-'Mar, ..,_., l*fl•INp. 1111111 any llablllty tor any lneot· CA t262t, .. C ~ l'«IMlf Of tN ttrMt eddfMI end JEFFERY J, SCHUSTER. tot Tllll ....-1 ... lied Mtll tflt Mt common dMlgMtlCHt. ff Ill)', e.oon11 Avenue. COf'OM d9t Mar, coumy CWll Of°'""' County on """"· CA mC .. ~S0,1.1. TRAVIS tot~~ 20, 1tl2. l t lO ~tie wlll be made, but wi• ,., • • . ,.,... hOU1 ~Of Wlrflftfy, bPf .. ~~venue. Corona def Mlf, A PUOlllllM OratlOI COMt ~ ~. lrnplled, raoetdlnO lltlt, poeeet. n•• 1tu11nett 11 ~ 11y 1 Apt! 21, n . ,_a. 12. 1~?tM2 : :...-;.""'.:d-:::;.. ~~ Q9Nl'll ,,_.,,..._, Tl\lllllal end of._ t"*I er..-by • ......, ftlUC llmC( Mid OeM Of Truet, lo pey IN ,._ 1 nlll .... ,,..,, -flled -" ._ mal1tl1tt ptl1101p1I tum• of tlle r l ~~~ °'Mf' ~ °" .=.Ai:= f"cw =~~ -=~=.~~::,d _.c::,~ • .. .,_ .. .-.. ......... CO!_...nt U. .. lllOllllOUI , .. 1 lllerMn fttnl ~.::.:. ,...,.,........, .,._,.. -· DeltY K 11 St ..... 11 • ~ '9'""""" • • \~ . .,_. n . ...,-.. 12, 1t~ Tfl• follew1111 ••rtont II••• ...., tlOMC•I Plue coat9 Md 11111 , . • 1 .. we f1f "---.. .,.. of'"·'°" 01 """ ~ t .-JC llna MM~ INC .. =·,re tor---.°"" Of t1. ,. .. WllH"ef, U1tlt , •• , Cott• T"9 Mi.-..,Y undllr -'d 0.. ii ' NhlJDU9 LI I IN Mw. ~ -1. of True! f*e4o(ore ~ 111C1 t ,.... ITA,_ ....._ ~ .......... _ .....__.., ~· dellver•d to 111• under•ltn•d • I Tllo roll• ..... HfNfl It ... , _.._ _..... -., «ttta1t o.Mr•lon of-~ flld t bu•l,._.t,Si ...!;. CAlltf'UU 0....., Oft Jinu9r I , 11111. . 0.eftd fot lato. '"II a wtl1te11 AllOCM':,71.':' _,. ,_,. = OONITMmOM, INC NOtloe Of o.teutt IM ""'""' .. :::=,'· ..... c.19or· C•llf, =: ::=·~·:: =..::.1:7:. ~-:: a... ............ , ....... teMNtd ... -oe.My L ..... CUNle .................. ,,......._ __ , ..... a----~· ...... ~--. ~ ..... Tiiie ..._ 11 ..... , bJ • ~CO.• 111 a IN. a1t ''"'et. lndtl1.. ~--.... AM.0Aft711 Oii rm & ..-(7141 ..,...,, '""'==, ......... -__ ..... " ... ,,._, =r. -. ........ -f:..-\: -." °'Wiii 0....,. ., ,.. "' ...... ...... Pm9 _..::.•: ... ............. °' .... a....m ........... Or-.. 0.... B ~·--°' ... 0.... ....., ..... _. • ._._,L ....... 11,•.lllrt,ft. ............ -. 1t ,., .... • SIMES ....... ~ DNYMOO& PllPWl* 11<-•-u.. ,,.. .. _. .... ,.,_ ... , MOCu.sE .. JUI -,. ,. -... - Orlft09 OoMt DAILY PfLOT/WedMldtty, May 11, 1NI HI P •• Furniture is bought and sold every day With a classification i8050 cid .• = E = -- Nllllll&A 11111 PriM Weot •1 bayfronl. 8UJll tor 2 boata, ~led a bclm\. s bath a1.200.ooo. . ~ & jtU~ M.ariM room. 4 bdnn. 3 bath, 3700 1q.f\. $1,386,000. OceanfronL UllllLllllll Prime Lido Nord bayfronl. 6 bdnn, ~ ~ bath. Lee L.R .• 2 boet ells-Sl .~.000. Remodeled 3 bdnn. 2 belh + tarae rec. rm beMl cel.li.nCI. rumiahed. pedOI. $420,000 Lm& llU IAYRllT t.aoon vtew from 6 bdnn, & beth, playroom, dar"'k rm. Mn, Boet ellp. $1.3~.ooo. . UYlllE CIVE Sped.KUlar beyfl'Ont vtew 2 br. 2 be up: 2 br. tlllt 2 be dn. 2 boel ll.lps $1.900.000. ii OllllAIO CHS :: C«onado Wand CUit. bayfront lot. s~· boat = dock. P'l&N av.U. _.",000 w/~nns. MUI ftlW Int• 4 Br, 2~ Ba. Vlew home overJookina Pavilion, Catalina and nhe Utet. We have an independent a ppral.al tor $320,000. Try $20,000 down un til you aell your home. Owner will help flnanoe. . l1111M'9 ........ ~ ·----, lllTD. u. M6-4t11 IN~S · Thl1 4 Bdrm c:onOo hM It 1111 8Mmed ~. With added 1kyll9ht1, upgra- lOUM. HOUSING 6ed kltc:Mtt. AIC wtttl hu-0,,0llfUlflTV mkJlflor, good flnenciftO. P '81t rr't ...._ t 2•11.&00. •11 KlfFI ... All real ...... tdvertltod :C 3 bdrm 2 .. _. .. end uni •2.,.000 ,__ In thlt new1p1per I• Llll!il(...lJI' f1(J,..l'S IMt ' ... '" t. ""'· on ... 1est 1Ub)oc1 to the l'oclefll Fair l~iiRMltiiiiO<i•:· il7i~iiiii:i -srembell. Houelng Act of 1 Ml wtllch = ,,._ Liii m a k e I It 111e0 I I t 0 -,.._ l dV.,11 •• '' 1 ny U. 1'M.D -3 bdrml, 2 'h bat.ha condo near pool. $14~.000. pralef'onee, llmlletlon Of Three 2 Bdrm unlll w/ "" -"" "" flu w ---,,,, --fl» ml rra rr• flCI ..,.. fl• '"' fl• "" '"' fllt ''" "" = -"" '"' mi ----IMS en --.., -----------•1 --... ... Bl LL CR UNDY, REALTOR l ~ f ·!· ,;• ,, "~ 8 O/') f-1''>1 1100,llO IDIOTIH-¥11 1Mlt•1tlMt ...................... .. 1 fl11 HIH. YI, LHITlll, ,1111 &II m•. , ... ...,, .,.. ' ,.,,, .... ,. .... ............ ...., ...... ,...,,..., w-............ httt + ,..., ...... ............. ., .... , .......... tltt ,, .................. , .. , ... .,. ......... 111·1• WATERFRONT HOMES.INC ACAL lSTATE s..i.. """'"'' "'"""''' ,.........., ... START HERE dltc:rlmlnatlon b1Nd on ger•o••· yerde a dl•h· r~. c:dor. rallglon, aox Of wulle re. Auume low nallonal orlgln, or 1ny lnterHI loan and owMr lntontlon lo mall• 1ny will help finance. Try '20. euctl pref91'~. llrnltatlon ooo dwn. 831·7370 Of dllcrlmlnat.lon ... llMUt Advertisers should check their TRADtTIO\,\L RL \LT\ ads dally and report "' errors lmmedlatefy. ~!!~ ... } .... The DAIL V PILOT II .... USUrne8 ll&blllty for Ona yr n•w c1tm•OPOft• the first Incorrect go111 '" 10 bollov•. a ln ... -lon only Br. 15115,000. Good 11. _.' • n1nclng. Ownor/Agt C. --------•I Splller 831·1288 l ilt · mT lllllTlll B11ullf\llly land•caped end malntatnod 4 Bdrm home . Great co rn •r locatlon wl exl1tlng RV Coop RVM~ ~.ow.. ... ...ist •-'======---- w/tlnanc1ng. l'ull pric. ..,.._ • S142 500 7111-3191 ,_..,. 1111 ... , .............•••.. IUIY,_1111& --------OM lamlly Of two CM UN Find out abou1 tho high lheM 2 llll'Clle units In the ~ rMI ottat• ..... hurt o l tFie Penln1ula career e>pportuntUee wtttt Point. Gr•I tocaUon neet THE REAL EST A TEAS. l>MctlM, tennll and ~­Llcen1lng i chool l•H ting. One ol a kind op · c:omp69tefY refundablt to partunfty. 13311,000. 1ehool ol your choleo. M2-12M E.xteinllW ..._ tralninQ. For Information, call 751..ettt c:::.' t • ....,..,. ~:.,, , ••• ,, • 'jl J PETE -.muwaY TAR GA'ZEK"~ In thi1 very a ffordable and apa - doua 3 bedroom condo near South C.OUt PW.a. $98,500 of ..umable financing. Asking leas than ap- pra.laal. Only $119.500. ' BARRETI .. REALTY ltg 4 Bdrm 2 .. lemly horn• w /huge bonuel'!!~~~~~~~~ room & bath formlna 1~-1' MJ*'N QR OW.. wll -llt,_ a;..:.=.::.:.:.:---• CLA T' L "°'-1.\ )( ,_°""'_,~ H ...,. ... _..,,,, .... -. ...,. 1 ........ _ .... __.,, ......... _dlo'll .. ...-"',...,.~-~ ,,...,.. ,,. •tt•t ,,..... ........ . ..... .......... Ill'• Uo.--t ........ .. ......... .. . ..._ ..... .,. tu.. ... • .... , Dot-' 11 ,,.. ., ""'41' ==---: ;:---: :::T ....... ...... .. .... ..... .... , ........ •If-"''• ,, .... .,.... .,...... ,,,., , ............ , .......... .............................. ... •\41111 ,,.,..., tro.. .,,... nc--.. ~...... ......... " ..... ,.. ...., ,., .. ~::;.:.:.;:c:....i ... ·-·-,,,., ••C... ., .... n .. .._ ., ... • ........., •ua. ••• .. ,. ..~ ..... ..... •Ot ...... JX.!:!...<.C==I ;;::I :=.... n ==--......... ...... . .. =~ :=i. ==-~o-1 @~ ()::!... r::~~, S<C\\.~lA-a£~s· ------..,CUYLf'Ol.IM ·~= .. ~-'!:: ............... _....,.._. I' I I I I~ EHLU K I I l,_ __ u _L,_u __ A .... s..-1 : . 1 1 I r I . i I aA rv a I! I I r I I Hou•lng OOlta .,. out ol . . _ . _ ! 1lghl. My •tie Wlllltad I l\orfte --------. Mir Iha Wltlf, IOI ltooOecl Iha I A 1 ME H A 1-· .--1---r .,,l'l"""'T""'I "'T'l-1 • ~,::: ~ ~ .... --"·-'-· __.. _________ '°" ...... ,,_ ..., .... , ........ • i::7\.S':"wsu I' r r 14 r r F r I ! ~~':-' '61 I I I I I I I I I ICfl'IM..ITI AMftf9 In c ........... .. ..,. AC'NISITlOH RCTaylorCo 640-9900 _..... Nll,111 Remarkable value, location, quality & terrrw! 3 BR + Fam Rm. All, .. P\Ofeuionally decorated. 1'bOwli8dra of • in quality carpets. tiles, 1hutt.en & designer papen. Owner lnai1ted on beat . Take advantaae! IN NPPORTC•NRR 644-9060 .... Outatandtna 8ptl('loua Cua~m Built Horne. FonM!r View Lookinc Out On Sand & White w,t.er Waves. Truly 8Nu&Aha1.ly Conltr\leted Home With m.h JWuned c.wn,t & La.r9e GIMI Wfndows J'or ?,tore View. bne Of Lacuna Nlpel'a Fln•t Hornet. Ow· ner WUl a.tp With rtnandJl8. l>riced At •1.uo,000. A Hill·Triviilon Lll· Uni-®' __... wftt'I flnlinano. FIA ,..,. Jiii ~r rce 114&.000. •••••••••••••••••••••• 761-3111 .............. c:::.' 01 I I ....,..,. . '•• ,, '• •' ~ '. TRADE ....... nit, ,_ ... .. ., ..... ... 5 ............... FOi' Nte Of' rent. Unit 21 714-531-8010 ..... . l.Mger ~one~ lot on ~ etr .... IPOtteal 3 BR, 3 BA Ind ucting eape. ,.,. ouee• IUlto. 1 tovety petloa. Seller mey ~ fl.. illll'llllllfllllllllll ... _lilllllfllll .. n11)CO 2nd T.O. May b• Wilf mHD ~~.~·=: Well m1lntal1t•d 3 Bdr land. Geo to• Grupe hoUIO on large lot. ~. ' ecoMe. ,.,,,.,,. oomll' cation with future com· merclll SM*ntle&. OW.. wlll Hll•t wlllna1tcl1to. Full p rice S1U,600. 761-3111 c:::.' j • . ....,..,. , '•I p ' , I I , c.u ..... 1114 •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Ir. 1 ea."°"" on llloe 60"175' 3 unit lot. 4S. • • ... -Hamilton. 00 not dltturt> with oat'*fral collln11• tenant•. 1121,000. and a r~ llltohen. 541-SCM 1 1'WI & .tlnde. t.I~ HIUmable loan !:Jt-3120 wtcd)la. and ett a1t1elou1 ownor. --1-1-----;.._ __ _ ~~ 10,000. Cell .. \ f >I I I 11 F II • •, I 1•1 '• 2 Bf. 1 Be.+ 1 Ir. ' ... 72" 106' A2 lot. 00 not dlllutb tenant•. 1128 Otange. S12t.OOO • 6'1-5CM 1 ..,.. ' ..... 131-3620-- .... llOOO--. ....... +o.,,_ ...... Ii:'· MeftlNr pelJllll•• IOO,,llllftotlt•. ... , ....... l J . t , .J .• .. , . " \ f >I l /ti F If t ,. ..... ' ,~, •• .............. 11111 TITIL llWI 11.03' '*' mon111 2 HUOll tnMler Miit ... 2"' betllt, lrplee, Y8fdt, 2 CM garaoM. Hty quallfyln9. GrH~I IU H Vfng1 B•tl buy In Co tta Mttt. WM41deyt c.il 160-9771. weekend• 12·5 931·3'05, 9Vtlt Me.te>t3 15000 down, total prle• 1106,000. 3 br, 2 be, 19 yd -~"""· 642·9712 IPU ... UT/ .. 38r, 21a. 1115 000. If. 000 dwn, ... 5 mo. ee1 Aott 91 11.-1.7044 .,.,,.,,,. ,,,,,. IHI ..•••.•..•............ **Yz Ml.TO BEACH Super 2 ldr townholM. atl ""'"'· patio. 2 poolt , t.nnlt. Jae; , & 10 much more. l'trrlflc fl · nenclng at only 12Ve%, Only 1114.900 ~wttutdtc Rultia :i5 I :JOllll 1mflatt111H I'\•• ,,...., ' I rm ---· --- au.ema -·-'"""" lJIM tuH• If' ~loo ....... or .. Mlaf, ,_..,...,...., ................ & ........ ()Ill ""' ... ,.., a..; ~cl: ,~I! A jiflfUlllA:ll ,,..,,,.,. ......... ,, ,., ., .. , - 1 N'*t ·a"P=.amn;r;; ="'ll':.~... iiirhMiiflW-=iii't;l ..... • :,,,,,.,,, ••• •M•;:.t::, •u•w W l.UDPI IJ6o WOOd ~~ ''•" = ...... f"""" ....... Good .. r.=r :::: =:"11:. 111 /Ii Of... ..... =ro:~:::.:o. ___ .,.....,..._ ___ , 117.1441 11M1M ·••t.••••••••tMff 1..-.... \Uta ""·t•••••••••••• tneenede-.:--~~to~'i""l'9""'"!"bfl-."'!"I'-. --1 IH ,_ ~ J~llUI If Jr••u. ,_... ... .... ... .. :::-. J9';1 e Ooallatltl with mero ~ ... .,... .. ... m.. . !f.!HUU -~------1 ei"ft"ii••·········l' .. ~ '*' e110 .• _7111 ~---. ,.__ Olfl·J•,.... . tto. ..toO/llft Ml-HH 1w0~!~~TICl0 A M.. 1.~ '1' Ja9u1r XJ~ •::i:f. __ _..11_._~ ___ 1.,,.-----~"-0!o----~---_.....__""" 1~,, ~ .......... ,, w ... , T .. ~n••~• .!-m•:n1;";".m...... red, 1 owner, 1 , .._,,, t/4 lllt M'-Zif ,AlllN1T ---· ....,,..,. _.. 1"" '1JI Uf.1001080 171-Hl1 111 DUlH IN U.S.A. ~ "'91---·-.. -... ·-.. _. •• .,.# 1111 ..ri- • '-'OMO tlMOAU &..-~ INllle. IN., ..... m· -....: MIO °' b9'I °" The prloe °' "*"" .. ..... ••• •••••••••••••• . • 7 '2 0 led. n I Qood -11_...._. .... ~ ... ~ .. It.. eN*. Mtlow. Lt bofW, t41t ,. .. -• .,,_.. .-r, *Y ~ Ml-Hll Yettlled by Yet11o1e... ~ ..... ~1 ........ ,12..,. --... ..,.. ....,. eto. IN-to11 .... V9M •-· rtct to a !MM, 11eo. .__ ... t ..... ~-....,.., --"'""or b I• LI v. In. Non .... __ ~ ,...._... ..... Hunyl,.... ... .,..... Wt>oe1 Meftt al H... ~ '.:.'....'.:':= • •toner Ml.oet1 --------6motiw• j!44·1211. _..._, -.-. -1 ... IMOf'lno. ltl 000 ,_,.,..... lµlt. 11' pupey. !·~•1 • .,. Mt• ...,_<XX.ti ~~11::' . IAIV MolUCOAN (2tll .,1.2202. •'st w dote not I MY• • .J. 11• .no:. ................ . T,... ...., *· 1 too. NG W-4111 ..._ ,_. .. -It Hand feet, ~ •ffeotlo-tlth et. otloeblt , ...... ~. • •• ::r •••••••••••••• "";T '11 IAAI Turbo. 4 dr. I ull time Mon & TU.t de)'e: Ms-ttJS ewe. Ohr llMU. ,.,. •OO ntte, I mot, l tt•t . Ir.,,., I .. , flnMOe bl1oll, all UlrH. 112. J•••••••I. 111g .. 1 T .. ure .. ,,I 1-.. ~.17 .. 111' ... ., ...... '71 !tlceon n , dtlUU"" ofltt,_ .... tor.., pot. IOO. Cell Mf.13t0 915,;M'o~oi~· ,_: '••Own~WepleotWMU ..,. ._ &allOMtwtDenaPting, 1u11of'r'oonctoi~ t1CoupedeVlll,40.000 ec>rd min tOt 20 )'CM pet ~~H tmriftf1............ COCKATll!t try~. ltlr c.tllfkletlOM °' d'* .... ,. 1111 mlle1. He1ve110 IHte1 8to Ptnnyuver 1eeo •· tloft,nooegM._.. .... MITAJ..LATHllnoludlng lulph.,crMted.lmo• 114..,.1-2287 ~'91YP'..,.,•· ~ Tr:o:-'.':······••••••••• U:prto ••• · ttt111l1 Av• CM AKC COOKlll' M f'Uf' motor & atlaoflmentt . '*'· Mnd "':'i ..... lion cherget IM\leu LUI• 8.,...~LAiMll\g 1_..;. .. ..; 2 ..;.6..; 71 ;...·---- ,,.....,---Bull, thOtt, f Wiit Old, 1760, 131""* 147 with'!-'-~. I~ 0UWWtee ~by 8'1•2040 4eµ ... 1 ....... ... ua•n 11ne1 12601010 81---~ f f!lpe."" -IN edllertteer 1a••U•• lft llUll ("t'"""31-1611 WOOO LATHI • NIW ,_ l 1MO/ofttt. 111)..()tM -111 --•-..... ... • ..._ i~~~::1~·C:,~;:".;U: • .,,.. kl ·~, ... ,.. A~iic;.;;·pj~ ,jOC,i~i Udo,. w111t tralttt bllfN'/ 2IM>2 Marguerite Pllwy m ua • .._ ·-ot iaw 9=,::"m.... 1vpe 80-80 wpm. 3 llllft• ,,., ,, ,,. MMf N!W fAILI IAW 7W' olr. lnQll•h IH1 tlOO. li150. Lit<• new. tlMtln 11111 Mlltlon V~JO JOI YOUI ~ '80 OL Wl(IOtl. am/Im,,, 0-Ced*lcl"' IOl.lttlern •val la bl• hm·4pm, ••••••••••u•••••w: bltde ..... 61tt (21316113647 ••••••••••••••••••••r. (Avery Exlt 6rf 1·61 HUT1114104. wlndoW defog/wtC* OIJl Cellfornlel ... ue tocNyf 4 pm 12 midni ght, 2h~~~:~;~:::,~~~= '4s.~1,..3tt ltorv &ClarllContole lebotlo< .... :complett. -."&"el Ol*!lundaye ,,.IT& wn11.HtrH5c1dcond .... . l2•m lllm 811 ' Sun trtlned 644·1l1t •ft m#flh1NU -Plano w/benell. Xlnt Qoocl eondltlOn 12:00 Sht'f rtPICM: ok*uc>t 6 & '*' •.. ... MtOO. 97M 11.,.. I II •= c::nl2~~ I~ 4pm AMWAY•;;.oooo.;;•ct;;. 0 0 n d .1 f' f' II U , 146-6720 alt S PM ~~r .. ~ I; i t 1111 2e00i!bo, 9'vcs. Out iu ._.. •-vered to your home. M3-3N ... , •11 A30Q3~ ll'nc. fACllTYI ••~•~••••••••••••••• ~::.ao~on·A:~:,m-r~:~: 8 ~H2'1ean 4 Cynthie ..... M l-12111; ,,,, ••• .,_,,,, ..!~:.."" -·· •I lllf11ng IOtlilllJSt.CbU IHIHOJJJj ·~~~·r~~,:;.o;;~~: COSTA ~IA ~.-o.&s&3 APl)t ____ _.;.___ eYe M1-3211 ·····--·•·•·••rn..... -·· -'" MY Sl,tHt ooor, 11e'# braMe a"'" 141-1111 _...;..;... ___ 111811 "" ~ ...... I ... ...................... CREVIER .• , 82' luxury 4 or. f)9r-13600 Call Do, Turin '11 .... ""IT ••••••'1f!••••••••••••• loft dl'lntl mtCNne. 8... 7,.'11,.7 .. ! Nl!WPOAT Afehel M•· feet c;ono Mutt Ull ( w or 11 I 8 7 3 . • 3 • • & .......... """" Kl~ IHHf"•••1"""" -. leotlont , new Chall,~ . ,.,.., .. nn.. 2...,. ........ .,. lO .. .. . 0 I II t ••• r., .. .,.., .,____ N • ""' ...-n""'.,,. •• .,. ,...,.. ....,. ..,.1 ............. ., M .,__... 1,.1.,.... $9300 onau owr IMM '42·4110 aft &PM ' K ml ••· uce t n l1ry lo llatl Hice almo-TRA "RM mettr ... NI • ......, . ..,.. 1 • ._..., · ft WJ._ •• · _,__., ~ r-----5&1·11•1 COnd T•• OWt pevm'L ·~• for Int""'-Gell ,..,.,., UMO, worth 1630, Detlonet Walloel* a •' . .,, .~ •-t .._....... II ~· ....., 1e COfOllt Df11.~.ooo ml, Salee tall onty. 541-8111 A II. 0 n 5 u . 22 7 1. U C HO d•I. Never ,abl'lOt "·'° & up 6~ ·'~ _,, __,..., 8elet·~L .. tlng ·79 MllZd• RX7, I model, auto. AC, 11116 new, u . PIP 8AM W M uud queen u . worlh 12o.o71t · •••••• •••••• ••••••0 811c>t l¥ail d•Y. wlc or We •P•elallze In luro I air . .111n1 corns, MW pelnt, 760. M&-80« --------UH, eHh onl , 1211 1t 71 212 Co tor mo. 6't-065f pMll Oallvery amllm eHMlt• .. 900 79 CaclllDc Coupe orMe d•I Utua lly ~om•. Sliver ' eryll•I oand.C•· TV1 . .(MW1. AMI for Jim II'~ .. ,... 7112.eo81 rt1.... 1111 Deflegenee, loaded. Y1tlfttl 76'-7360 bra centerpiece, c;o11 te2-6613.176·27"4 wml ...................... L•H• return 17.000 •• , ... ,... 1460. hll • U5. HAUTlfUL 25" RCA Bly:~:Jo lkr 1•· lllYlll .... 1nt #11tHH .... 11H '11 Jal'"' unaer Wh04Hlle bOOk. r .... , ,.......... * *' BUY** 120-013' Cok)r TV ..... 2.,, Wfnty, Atll 114.e.a'..2287 1111 T-llr4 . 111-1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• Air, eunroof. low mllH DOM LEAllHO ~~~~ ~~·0~1~' :u:r.~~.: Oood uMd 'urnl1ur• a 1~ "-:i, e:.-.., .. 11~ Z:·:=T71t ..,,,, l,.M I lflOO. 4t2-4tot dll'f9, =:·A:: ::~ C.:. ~~~11ia~~i r~~;_ira•:J: 11 2 or ~~~111~d0tado :ii•Ph•C ., .. perfQMtl for ~I wll Ml -• U. l eer'• 17" color TV e 111 evening 4"·2411 CloMd Sundey h I... 526-59111 47.000 low mllH, very "' call wo111 1n th• Prt· 0t :ttlf. VM.T. lJl.IJH '"°''*'·Cote MIO, ~ ...................... f n.tl "'"' 1111 & · ..,...... .... , Yili1t1•... 1n lhtlp. Pvt l~ MOOG °' ~~=~! :~:,,~~'r:S: ... ... 111-•n 11 ,. ,.... ...... .. mo11>tt • ..._,"6 2~~~ ~-.. ju-.:·cura·PRiCi&.. ,, =po.~::=:~:; ·.79·.~cA~~~~Ni;·&ua~:-~ ',., 4 ·3•o• '" IUIJlng. pol• up. CMntra -·-rniiiiiiftiM-..... -. l1A. lAnltll Port 19"' colored -1977 Xlnt cond. UP TO 11000 -~ ....... rlm ... Olal ...... ..... 1111 Jr>11r11t1011 0• rc••tm•llln" I"',_,. ·-1-·--TV. Work• good. Mull ra:600 otr 133·73f1 JE&P CJ'• lt786 .. ..,.. -· .,.. ..... -·..... C..ut• " , _ .,.1 .,133 •-••• Ml 1 100. 167~ ..... -a--•-2t3 ot 714, M RCE0£6 Sliver, 4 tpd . AM/FM•••••••••••••••••••••• I nllC4HMllWY OU tnYtl.,. ..... .,, .... ...... --· It 21:J or 7141137·2333 caee.11• Int.not' f .• 1tl1 ·~ 1ve1labl• 10 work on • INTl!IWWI MK. X NEW KLH Sf'fAKEMI 14' a ft 65HP r,.~ •t411P I I I I IL 1111 lot In 4 _. 1u1>~111urt or call·tn bMla. Newl80ful-.u.. H••J""u•'" .... n 11*,.·, Prole11lonally Cu11om ~ Vlkle 1625. r.Ou· ...__ 1 0·111«9.•. • ... r ""'",. 2524 Hltt>CW Blvd Havet1't vou wtltto tong r 'UC*' uper ~-360 VI , towner. QOOd '>•lary ae""'nO• on ••"""-BUiit .. .._ ..._.... ... ,.. 12..,. 7.,. ,_.,.., -• "' lft enough to own a Mer-Oiiton (no o4d contracu cotldltlon. 11,960 . ...-,..... 100. 750-32 ...,,., •-Yr -Old to ""· ...,...,.... 11200 &48-5114 eo.i. Mete a·•-.. ~ .. ·--L.-....... eedtt eenz7 Oon"t 111 10 UtUrM No b6CK pmt• &49-41100 "'"'.,, C.ol\lac:I Pereon· 22·2110 wllh AeOfleld 649·6023 646-7770 ..._.....,y,._ -"' hi 11 oue. Atk for Rote --------1111 PeGllll Cl'ede!IU, 8NMtt. 3•-b 8COJ)9. 0011 1 1. lt" c;OIOt TV, worll• 160 N. 8..ch 9l'ld I • 09porlun y pua you 842-UOO, 656-1001 ,. .. -•• ~ ,,,, Ort;• O.ttt about 5'. Atklng 1128. 100 e.c. t700 "'"'· J«f GfMI, 1160 ftUIMtllll•• 1980 J"" CJ7, I c;yl, • La Habra bV. K1 nowt We htve • P M ., ..... Hl'I M3-'°90 842·1870, SN 04to 78().1179 ..... "'............... tpd, 20MPO. tott 109, 111-llll ltnttetle ••l•ctlon ot roto LI •••••••••••••••••••••• tai Ptw 23 .. Cok)r eon.-TV #11#1•# llin fl held ooor1. seeoo 111m mod .. • a color• avatt•· to Rabbll. °'""'· Clean, Ill a Fam r JO Bey SI L.lvtng room pecan ctM Mto+c 111111<1 Ootd Mem· ...................... 8'4--0443 11&111 '6RU'I bM1 loeded Incl tunr1, 211< ml. We have e gooO H leoo- Co11a Mete Clflf1, wlllflvM ... 11. At-be rthlp. mutl 1tll · =,=.·eri~1~•· PUCl'I Sc>on. mag type 1--------.,__ MM 11.11111 PP u ."6 64().9621 11on ot NfW a USED An Lqu111 opetx Ernp!y! II""' 1121. te3-4090 nwket v.iue lt260. w• -----------Wheelt, runt & look• •,., .. , ff•A __., 11-111 C"'--~·1 ----""' .... tor 11100 Cell= coN•oL.I! •T'"'REO 111n1. a.coo. 1eo.1ae1. :~ ... '! .............. ':':,. '11 YW t~'"--,,.,..,,,_ .. Couch I L01199Mt, "'new .. __ _.,.....:. ••1-2 D·""' ~ .!'....!_. 1100 '69 RlllCNfo, In 11or--. Q 1301 Ouell 8tr -l/er11c.le 0 """'110f, Olll·A· I d ... kl .,,.,.,. ..,,,,,_ .. _. --.,,. """".....,.,._, ... .._... t nMO 1"11e ..,.... N"'WP"""T 8.,,,.. .... C·H All opUont, 1lr, ttereo, ""'" II nt con ,... ng ....,.,. .. .. 1 1•tt ..._. UM, I 1900 Of be91 off« 1< vn """ oof OOf ~a. ..._. R11J• S•Od .. bacll Ve/Mly fll3..'°90 Elec1ropecllo a.cs. 8tand ..., • ~ wol'll, 1160. Judith e 7M192 llM• tunr • r r-..... t. .,.. 18 w1111n1 driving new. never uMd at all Atlfl unit wtth gerne. Both 873-5teete73~7 11 l«VIC4t then new 13200 r11c.010 Starllnf I• hr ,.... .. I.... Pdf794. Trtdtor .... lor uemt Ilk• new 1 150 '78 F260 v. ton ' X 4 44, ..., ·Leulng ·10 M«ceoea 2908L eon· "'-0141 COHHEU CHfVROLET -"'.">' tt • , .... , ~ 0"' 830 8 1 1 bt-n lt3". 7....,..,., .. 1 ••16,"'a.""""' ••'""706 WHIZZER 1UO'trMto-ooom1.•A11otictru I IY'tV(ARVf.O I ~" . -" .. .,.., • .., _.,.,. _.,.... redValuelt.100.M-Att•A96""'.6,.. 1'1.../1 -" vertlbl•4hlf0top,AMl'72VW8ug,goodeond, 10 llAM _____ Weter'Md, delU• °'*"· 2 Cok)rTV'• ... 61121. king 1700, Cell " ..., ..., l()J.S R7!(l .. llt\fW FM radio, new tlru, 1 2300/but offer.1..;;;;;=======- WAtT£A/WAITRESS 9 large drewer•. hMter BltCll. Wtlll• por1abl• ..,,, '11Mia1 1173'.t728 Oetoerllel ·ee lnl'I Traw-............ , ...... • 114.900 pp 832·3046 8'2·4510 blwn 7 & 2 '71 CAMAAO ~41> I 200 wllh cat for wicket ba.a-P•lct 1700, Hk 1400 UO. Vacuum 120. All L.I I IAt,JIMt Concl, et.,eo. ·•-· u " ... • ev.-'H VW Fatlblck Runt *mf lllJ. * ••• tun'h urvlee "°"""2. Jdnt,"6-11124 ... "';1:'.f!!! ..........• ,...,.i.,/ ::2.~::.,T:ndt 1981320IBMW E.xcelten• •ZMIMll QrHI l13000FA 8111yy .. cta11yt Auto. ~,ti ~,:i,~e;ly M.:;.;F::. Unll,nl ,.... ~~ MOWIA20'' II J!!_ ~~ ......... ~!! ... ~!-e. ...... !.t. ,79 Ollaun l(fnn C.b 4 0000. 11.000 mt AM-FW TurbO OleMI. Aztte reo dey 876-2315 ~~e~e'.otu::u.:.~ .... .,. J>flltolltbl•. •n•r· .... ..__i'ee-9711-· 18' FL.AT 80TTOM '78 HONDA. 760..#, fklper "*'° 40 ooo" mll•e ~:~~~:1f!n1~~~rl~~'o:~1 I Brown vlnt. ·~ tank 1977 vw. air eono. Roof AM/FM/c:atMtte' inorel Uttllt ?70 0141 at lOem WAlllllll tll& w/TRAIL.EA. 12.25, Spc>rt, bl!, 4 In 1 Kertcer l/wy Gt.en. AU, tin.II wt 81 37.000K97:}~~·368 rv!,!k:..!~!r•1°24'!,1~'.1).•· (e38WUO). Juet need re-f,,, •WI 'Approx I eoro 2 f1 toge M2·2t2' evtwtmO• hOr Chrome, l ,000 Of1Q linltheo lnt«lor 14760 Atklng 114· oo or 1~ ~, ,._, ""vvv llebl• party to mall• lam 126 You'*' mllM Mini QOnd Mutt ee3-6534 over P•vm•ntt of 131~ MIZ II ,..... ____ 1_42_-8_8_6_3 ___ 1 em•H mont~ly pmtt No W&mllH/WUTD e.tt pne.e GU9fetl~ 78().()902...., 6 ..,,, ""-,,,,_,. ... 11660/bett ofr 1--------mo Call b.tor• ~pm r i...i -OIO conttac1t l0 IMYIN r,1'6(1 WllOft, rlO llpl Call 11786 !Ginger. 1 blll ._!....,__ ..... &47· 18'6 ... CheVf PU. "· ton. VICKI 525-1143 BUrbO d ~ "'~ red ·~o,gc!~~~~o. 26K ml, No bed! prnl• due At* II 71-17'30 lor tppt w •• I 0 t H., b 0 r . llrmll!On9 Soltrlum no-~ ----------1 ,_ lllefnatOffregulllOI " I I town Yin IO g lank • <:ell. pwr f R 8 4 2 4 '0 0 -"""'----838-7239 . WIX flc>orlng, 11"11" x e'4" .•••••••••••••••••••••• YAMAHA AO 1215 twin .,,,,.. 11, 37 OOOK 28 000 bOOtl•r equellz•r. 4 or o•• . • l/tvvhr•uH worker LOO• Cuthloned. Ille blue ENJOY YOUR BOAT new eond low mffes, IO 4 brkt VI eng, run1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ' e73.i3et tpkrt Ctlm. whll Im· 566-tOOt Proto LIM Jnno;i ,,.,, mature awt II'· Sot• Ind Club cNllr 1100; atone pattern 140 Let ue 00 the wort(! mph/75 mpg. MOO •Int Incl un~wl1tcwe, 1990 450SEL, White wtlh mec; Tall•o....r lee 1212, ••HUI o"""u•I• Nilling to IMtn bunlt bed wlloern mett 14().3408 V11nlth, l)tllnc, ca.n, r• 1561·3302 ICet>oX & IG 2, mo t eee-0660 or & alup1 ptrtOl'll rH· 146. chlld't c;llu t of fi.9'" £.11p Newport ll7Mlbet otr 646-21•2 b41Ck ... Iller Int 17.000 979.7300 Mr Oevenpc>rt .. 1M2 p• .. Mib1bly '"' Worll pef· or-.• 110: dl'yet 1100, 4 WMelt 1'1l5 wlr• tpo· elnten~ &41-e61 1 '11 .... TH ,,., 1111 I r,14!::1·.~:;: 132 000 • '87 B .. 11 •. 1111• nu l.Oeded, ~!Opt, etc tormoo in HI Npt Bch coll•• table 130; eel 11.0 11H 4600 mflet Wllh 3t mo :••••••••••••••••••••• -thruo ut Mutt ••• 8« 474017217. torn Suppl!« of ftbrlC to condo II: metel J ape· &48-0130 ..,,,, llulat warr Liiie rww 12460 71 CheV. wow van Str. '76 450 8li: L.oeded tow 12 oo 97 597 · •Y 111,AMI mfr of p1oouete uNd In n•M adJuet dHll HO; Pair 8Ud1"9 OlaM Ooort L.J .... I IOH Oft., MUST Slii. C/~L-13K ml Jdnt cotld. mllug1. S2000 u~Otr 4 · 4 •1 ....... ., .. /hl"hllng b.cllPIClll"lng. ' twin bed 1'0; 25 "' cot· ·····w· 125 IWl-0130 ••• "';1:"'.rtt••·········· ...... 20 12ow. 546-2A2t Bluebook 876-0092 . 7. v w c 0 n v. rt I b I• "--I"'" ........ .. ~. wur Secure future 0t.O TV l t211; _.llf'IMOftle ·er Evlnrude 111 HP --------1--------ChltnptQne Edition oNy ..,.,.. v.-.. .. "'" gh1 '*'°" A111ng of tlereo S.U; 2 end teb1ee MET AL BUM PEA for 1300IOBO HONDA CT70 Trilli '76 Dodge Ven, good '78 300 SD Otl 1 ovtner. 15 ml l{ored 11nc:e'new NEWPORT &EACH '"'•r• end generel Wt· l20. 5't-to63 AINl1trudl126. 876--4784 8tree1 0000 c:ono cono. U•150 Of beet Of· Ilk• new. mutt Hit thlt 5117·63tt Ua.-. •hhWMI Outlet full time 5't-0130 1200 • ., 5'M332 _... 121.600 firm Clll --------1--------•l•Y• 11•1, t1r Wk Excell. OA.QllA/CHE&T F 1 P AM 2 t ....... llr. IMl3-5272 Tucker 6'5-2213 btwn '11 U11ff '70 Nova, VI, 307, au10. '-'''""'"Y pal .. "'--'ltt Solld dark wood , 2·3 or H• an Of 1, '72 f · .. nr· ...... 18HP. >Cini --------•A•IH Wul# llH '11 2 .. 0Z 10 am' 7 pm --• 17 mog. a.an, tlK, Pf, ,. " .,..,..., llWr 110 ta1 1311 QOOO '* 111i1182 l60 or '" -·11 MINI 60 Trill Very •••••••••••••••••··~· " • b••lll cond · _,,_,_. nu ur .. 1 metr evtl erpl, P •1 1ncr•a111 btNd on 1· · • · bet ofr 37'-IOai cond. MOO ,.,. cotld. 1225 WI --r Loaded Mag• 6 epd '11 360 8LC 8llwr blUe. Every .111ra, ~ ,_ I 1 4 o o o e o p / p "•rf•,rmanet Call KIHG ·l&Zf MATT"N.Sa .......o376 ,,.. 963-5272 .. -:..:-::'., se.eoo 873-2120 blue lutller. aunrool, M._.643 &46-3343 t-45 10#)6 7 30·4PM 'aox PAINO. 175, En)Oy HMdllctlft7 OIB 9.8 JA""•ton, r~-1 --· lmmM:Ol•t• 6&9·6001 ·-------- WO". --u... Uetd 4 moe. Ni.tlUt ~~~too!!:.~!! owm.ut.'i55onrm~(21 .. 3) 'll ._..1111&. Anythlna conlldereo. tt78 Dataun 1210. Xtnt 'ti IM... 1977 ~ Monu. 3t,OOC nwv ,_,_,.,, ,__ ..,.. Engine nMOt worll. 1t7Tltlru ltlO r.ond 33,000 ml, amlfm '88 2808, mutt Hll. rec-Runi gooo. 5'l-1'll7 orio mllet. Auto. llf, new r •P tJ EXXON"S . OYX C•l•rv 1 rHn uptlol LA C.thy, 8'6 209 ew. 831·2202, 161 w. 11th 1200 '44-0375 •t•r•o CHI 13600 01 ondllloned, bHI 01111 or ... Al whDI ..... prtoe ,4 oroerproetHlng& Qhllfe. 711 ... Xlmcono. Bl ~ t>eettM-4473 I Oye 77 t -220.evu '77VW8U8 12.2008'5-tOllllftl pMne• IMne furn mtr H2·6202 ..,.., • .,.._ .... 1111. Lewco 20 amp Battery ·71 Ywnahl YZAOO De-640-4835 ~ Edlllon '·811 EH 540 aeo.. Recttnu, L~z Boy . .111n1 '3l-06T1 720-17N Ch•rrr for boat. e•m· Pllfldibte. Good cono. 2110 IL 11182 Me c o 4 ooo Sunr · amlfm, 4 ep0 *"' PllTY* "' ) '' ___...-I 1 ..-.a_ ........ l2" p • r I 17•t o8 0 l=ut 1876 Of bet1 Off« 1-6 llPd 0000 COnd 14300 r • "· r. 145001080. 8'2-eot2 Hde tulo, ap~.11 1160, •f# •• 11 ....,..., .. .......... "' ... 7 1 K ... 5 ..,.75 11700 or be•t ofle1 11, ~ ... ~ ................. 101. Brown/gold tweed. 831-0011 710-;7N e4e-'005. .... -08 4 _ , ____ .... _·""----1142-0631. eve '4b-9142 '78 VAN-Lendmarll, 4 good rUl'll'W!f. 2 A•liHll IOOf 1160 firm. 64e-t060 Hobie 11. M4lln & Jib. XJnt 1974 SUZUKI TM126 I 1tt Or /lfWtfU 11111·at3000 I I d I ml captain chra, lc•bo.11. '11 ........ ....................... wood bookcaM, e theff. Od•••Y TV game wt 14 eond. All white l.460. F111. rune good. MUST • -.. c--. •••••••·· .. ·•••••....... 1u11 ttke 11n~w~22.~oo: =~ ~~n~bc~~::it· ale, pe. P'J. 1111 wN. pwr A.ti ............. 176,Cuttomgl••• 'i:·12:fPM.9P t1M60t 8ELLl260080 2126 Hwl>Of81v<S P/P770-e212 se.aooorbe9t 860•1713 wndw16 tock1.very P111··:· r'l1~1 ' Sun wrougfl1 Iron cof1• letl-20-17 . M. 1eei EvtNUdt 4'A ~·,,.. e4e-37U COSTA MESA eltan, ..ti mllnl. 1 -· ,,, y II I •nMY· '•· COii 1400, NII 116. u.lllr ..... 11•r UNO. wt•~·. o•• 1810 KAWASAKI 250 171-21H DELOREAN •a 1141 ::.·· 1140 • 11200 -3 3 o 2 '* 12960 5't-740I , • l • 0 u n • 8 •• ch ••• -..... ~ ...._.,, ••• .. u~ ~. runt • ••• • •• •• •••• ••••• ••• • -· 4 ---..,.... ..,._ · _., 8li. 40 Xln1 l80 can, 1825. Ce t Dou'/. ,_.., .,..,.... (1000&71 . 1te2 Corvllr M It .. o,. 111v ... 3 or-. deek. 1211. t 76:707' Turin: work 873· l 43 . ttrong MUST lell '300. WE PAY 124 Ill ITTllTlll n vw tYnroof van, pro· '200 RO(.tengul•r drop4Mf t.t>· 9'0-6621• ,.,.,., .. , .... ~,.,_If... home M2-'t10 tit 1. ""'"" -M -t...ionaity aone. cuetom e.tt 2e74 1 l l50. 1 Mii ......, "' ~.... ...,..... 1kytlghl, peln1, wheel • • · ~ iHe SOFA; I v•llow floral Eltc 220 volt ..,,, •-. '7t HOHOA Ill 175 Run• TOP WI•• TONNEAU COVER weMt & tntr T1gti1type2 1MI ••• ~T otl&le.48-pr1nt.180J 1260/0eo. U1·2t78 • ·1 ,_ Gf .. C '400 ~ ••..,a ••• Flt1 MO't , '71·'1' ennlne Malle off.,I ...._ OAK 42 RNO TABLE · tr3-21'4 •••••••••••••••••••••• Celf t73-2t12 , .... aaa• ._, -' " .,.. NeeOI nothing, rune Smls WI" rent, IMM or T.O.P. _. 301 W. Wlln« ~ uMd, S76 eperele! 931-8003. QfMI, 1700 e"4t·103t r lawtoot pedeltal w 12'' e..utHut oek deek and ht S on your 20·28' H.8. po-'78 HONDA 750 AUi UIHI Ml-HM Marl• 831-77'7 Ill meg .78 vw Convertltlte. btaak t88l $''00 857~ ctw. Hew IHO, NCt1ftoe w • r b 0 a I . Ir y • n CleM "*" aound, -ftln&I/---on bl•ck, 13,000 mti.i. 77 Malibu CIHtlc, ewvl HOC>Wr cebln«. po1c.M1n sno. ••1 uee 173-1311 or aso.1n•. lllng Mtotoeo. 2.'fO Hllbor IMI. l'UI 1111 ·15 MO.,_ 109 & tun.a. &e. Dutt OO¥W. 1mmec. buc:k .... 111 "°'"''.,.,., t>en<.h lop, 1200. .__.. r.n tloral tot. & U-.. Utue1 Ptnniar want.ect: 21' ~ M3..ot1t COSTA MUA ••••··~Neeo•;h.;•••••• runt well, 12100 OBO. P.P. 17860. 790-3t76 deen. l3200, 5&MN1 857~3tl8't·2161 ~· • Oftl1 , .. mot TIDb'/8 •• ,.,..,,,, ""*"'-1ac11 hprtu Ct bin ... Vameha 860 ~., MM• 17601080 Dave Hl.C248..,.. '71 au~r BHll• Conv ... "'' Wtl'<1•or eptndl• chalrt, *· l'OO. 141•M 8AIEMEHT CrulMr. 12200 Gown+ ff. 4,460 ml. Liii• ,__ Mt-1••7 6'6-6141 19tO MQA Re tr. Eng 2e,ooo mf, xlnt cond 0 •<>"••0 • .......... .. HI of 4 1100 MC .......... ..___. ::re: HoutlrlQ OOttt .,. out of I' 11 mo. lndd• H.H. tllj). lupet °'9en, ., .. .., llkt -c:omp rebullt, Aunt gr..t. .. u n • • r I. 1 10 0 0 . 71 CHAftOl!A, bfUe. orig . . -.. -·· agtlt. My .... ..,,.., • Daye Ht-0600, '"" • b•~l18001~t (lfr. '73 860 Spyd•r Conv•fl. Spoke WhHlt 13000 8.2 • .u. ". 97• ........ t2K !"'·Air. pwr. r99 gae.. 867 0638/8-48-2161 ....... CUI.... . ..__ ___ ·-.-1 667.f327 ..... "' WI"' l..ook ""' I .,.,17 ~-.-. Witt• Cit llfWp 11600 . ...._.. .-.. tt2 .,...... ,..,.,,.,_ ....... -... ....,, • I p, runt gr .. · PIP e3e·636t .... 7, .. 211 ' ' . A llHtfl 1111 -" _....,. ..,,v, f90odld IN IAIEMl!HT. II.Ill IMI 12000/btt ofr. &46.0063 "72 VW Conv . IK mt on "" • .'11. •••••••••••••••••• Oueen-etze Morgen WllTll ·79 KZt60 Ftrtng & ..._ #U 11ff rebulll •no. Nu lltu, •-7-7_D_O_O_O_l!_A_l_P_E_H_ HARBOR ~ weterbecl wl tllr' irner. 111...u...... 26'. 35'. T .. '11/W lotn a.git 11200. Or beet Of· • 11•1 ... ,, 1111 ...................... Whit, brellH . CIHn' 4·DOOI' Pl l . Pll , AIC. APPLIANCE SERVICE I \26. ~ ~ "' "' ,., P'UI etlfl. an. cones. P.f'. fer. 5'f.7IOO •••••••••••••••••••••• '13 MOB RESTORED d. p. n d . b I e . • '!;_•111~~'.~~ gue13077 fJllYle, . 173-36 1 •••• e.••••••••••••••• 113-HIOt UI o1e ltd'I ,,__ 10 .... WE'RE ~11100n, ump1n,t1neo1 n,.'?:r'owlmr•• !3x!OO,f2_80. £'.'~~fC>f ~™~ .... ~·-.,.9.30· 4 pe Met.~ ruat ve-~ t•..+fP 'ront tine Partne r wan led 24 11 ·11 VZtOO, mt CO/Id. "'" • • "'" • "' " ..... up._....., Ctll 842.ettt Helrrg 1226, W•th•r. lour. Ilk• ne~ COii Uller 1 100. ut.2011. BEA"AY IUHDANCE" 15811. 17 .. 19'2 uphol . rblt •n1:1n•' '70 Bua nu ptlnt Mak Dryer Oltllwuti«l125 1noo. 1a c; hoo. e.t .. 21&1 Nl11tpl6600.Can1t-11111 ~4()0..4.rune DEALIN' muc;hmot•.Me. 211 ti.aofT,;.,,AMl;M,r:e #I MM ~&-~I 7~... AA&.PH'I ITAMPI n•net. Deye tlt.0600, Jllnt, 2nd t/l#fW, 0-J lfff & loollt good. 12300. ;;•;;~n.ro.°4·;.:~t~ I llY ~ WrO\IQlht Iron din.tte Mt, Need no. 103, rwwd da'/I. Ewe MT-N21 l700/b91 otr. Qt-1'77 :-r.;•••••••••••••••••• _HO..etN ________ 1 P/IJ.. AIC tlwto •o.vuu 1.8• 967·8133 tlMW blade oct-oon top, t M-7718 Mt. t1 Cellfomlln 215'. TB, Fl. Y•mehl 600 Enduro . -llrll ' l.afDIATE ·7~!!:' :!h::.f.~· ·71 panel truck, uml Ml ... 1 otter. 751-1141 • hi-back c Julre •• _., __ , Anx1ou1, Irv 11',000, eereful!Yttorad mint Top doll•rt for lpor11 DELIVERY ()N 484_.~71 converalon. UtOO or ~I REfRIGEAATOR 13110IOIO. t3Hl1t ........ &4f.-4006. oond f11tl (T141 C•fl. 8u91, Campera, bMI off9r. t40-t1H 1'1.tllMla .,..,, Uke 1141'#, frott "•· 2 elf ,,,.,,.,_,, "" ua.3377 . 814'1, Audi'• ~ ••HI 1141 ••••••••••••••••••••• $16~ lt3--t080 p ... ~ ~ tOfe. •uno••••oouuuu H ft....... AMI few UIC MOR • .'.1A................. '11.... 14 MerllC IV 8IMr Attttflv. LIGhl l>lue, 9000 cond. YllrMN t Wint '°"*" 260 CrUMdef crulM 16 ·73 KAWA 100 lnduro M Ma-MOST XJnt oond l'900 or beet mdl. hefry cond., lo•· lady i<tnmort rortebla lf50 obo 7~·17U guitar petf cond. ta8. knoll et I QPH U Ch Street tQUIPl*I runt -11121 Oflflf. M.:.214-4 ded, W60, "6-lMI :1,~h~:p•h•:in~.O/f~~~ • ---•4HW.c.t1...,YN.a: VH,,21Mplhl0Under•, QOOd.11'1f/bo,dayt ........ ••1 Ill 860·1>920 sa::•rro:. ~Top YAM~A ClAWT 2.4 AO¥ef '"'and 2 HP N1.o31t, ev/wtlndt 11711~11\td. MODELS ... II 1111,. ...... qudty, Overttutftd P"· l300 Cell ..1Y011f1 mtr. Meny mor• 1trH , MO-a53 HUNTIHOTOH leACti Come In and drive 1111 H ,000 ml, t lr, am7'm Wh•~,:.e"C::-iow • ..,..... t1wMt1t?MOi1 ;~out. •1 ... 100. ,,. ....., ""I Ml·-SAVE ~:m=! ~:.~;.~ca_•_ .. _?_,4_~_7:""_._&02_· _2 __ 842·83'1 tn-U70 .... Lii f'AUL 23' ..,,.,. loeoCrt .. ,,,,_~ ,,.. WAITlll ... Wfly pe9ple •fe ·-w .... P•ttlqlu:n11ure, *, bu: a~modll --eC. L• .. ·11, 1wtn 11• M«o i.i;:;W;r· ;-n L•t•;moo1 Toyo1u. tw1 .... w1t1na to!tis eu"~~'lM,M~bu111 i--------,...-- c.co11en1 oondltlon. lturoy rr~:.::.. '"'•~o · Oll't, tune'""·~ llpe I Mir loeded • VoMll. ,_._I VIM AT eftO. ~ IHIO, ..... • •••••uul'.";lT 1100 1eo.ot02 en 6 ~ l!Nlt• A..,. 1n1 T..... control• w. flydt. 11tM· • ...a...1e · Cell w todeyl 141 Dow ...._27tt 1110 ~ XJM ....._ IUlfllUTll l1ll bUy 1 '1# .. fAt.4Mt, ' =-•=.::60. llrlt :,~·fl~~~-=t ,,~1,_ ,, • .,/ tJ1f ........ 0 ~T:;H '11 N llMI :U.::J' Ht otter. as1.oee2 ..,..., ~ a.. 111.1011 ~·· '40 ..-. • .. r.m;t. ........ r.... H ND A 112-4-~ IOOd OO!'d "" nl'ift•r.r.9•••••1'e.':T cep .. **· tttr, ~ _. "fl fflwi tl ... oom· " bf ... lllOO. 11.:..1111 llYU 11 ti 12 'AMILY. lfVlnt o.m-.. ,.,..,,,,, f tree. 912.J~' Otlf AIM-pMtef'; .... d. M\ttf· ~ .,_ •1t.ot12 llMlltY ~ ldtooM. .. ,,,. 11 MM "'Ad"•· e.2 ... aoo. wwe • .,., .,..._, SANTA ir.ITI"tt ......... 1:.n r~ .nt w·-1111 and Aliltui1'·10,.1 to •• OOW'ftffi .. ,~;;;n a. rn. ilMltlllt ,_..,, ur..IER :'Zif,·~·~··' -ltrt9'n'' Get ........ r a. ..... r-. Ollll •• ..,, • ...., WhlMr rat"·-· ~ "1'I' """" .,_. i-.;.;--.-....~---...... 10-c= ....._ 111.1 Mey ,,..., IAM. nnltft, w/I r11tt uaa....1. 11,._ ........ ,6 ,, .. ""p ·I DWM 91 _ -P•ll•/-II ..... A...M ~tM\Ofe o .. ~. fOOd t•1 ~.Celt. :=•.1., "*· *~ • ..,... ,,,,.",;,,; . • ~ -· ANA 1•:.: ~. ...._.. condlllO'I, lt60. ....,..., • r••-taN IMOO. Nw7it ' ==-~~C.... •I = c:'I ~L.~ a.deft Grow 7t0-tl7t t• UU btoutlvt meflotenv ,., '*'·...,. .. ""'· Mw ot otl Mt.-. ,. ...... • ......... , L11dn1 o.i A•frtger•1« ..... .,.,,, ..... 11 u..... . d•, "tft oOfWI. eo11 utr a ... t•1001oeo. 11 ... ,.., Comller.o.UIO Yt• l .. Ull AUIO oefroe~ l•M••· MOYMft "-"'....,.. 1100.1..~•TJ UOO/btt. 1Ut171 .,.,, I U I th •ft tt , ,_..,~7f0 Hofldt ..... ,..,. 1-------If,.,., lilfl _, 'IO ~ K4 Tl.WM 6 tto 0170 C..1_, I'). , drtl prw. TV,.WlltlTll't, IJCXO'f· ....., ... ~Jun rlr MM ~~ Q. 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By STEVE MITCHELL Of tM 0.-, NM It.ff A 17-year-old Laguna Beach High School girl faces charg~ of murde r follow ing a n apparent murder-suicide atte mpt near a Legion Street church Tuesday morning. The 8: 10 a.m . t,ncid ent a t the corner of Legion and Through streets left James Anthony Ken- dall, 21 , of Emerald Bay, dead. Laura L ee F eist . 17, of 475 Legion St .. apparently shot her- se lf in the chest afte r firing a r ound from a stole n .22 caliber revolver at her boyfriend, fat.ally wounding him. Miss Feast, a transfer student at the high school. was listed m fair con d1 t1o n at UCI Medical Center th15 morning. A police spokesma n said the impending breakup or th e cou- ple's rela tionship appare nt ly prompted the shooung. Kendall, a 1978 gradua te of Laguna Beach High School, pur- portedly told the teen-aged s u - spect the relationship w as over. the spokesman said. "They were close friends for several years, and she apparently could not see herself with anyone else, or him with another girl," the police spokesman said. He said the couple le ft Ken - dall's Emerald Bay home at about MURDER VICTIM -J ames Antho n y K enda ll, 21, of Em- e ra ld Bay, w as fatally wo un- ded Tuesd ay in an incid e nt p o lice s aid a ppear s to be a murder-s u icide atte mpt. A I 7 -year-old girl, wo unded in the shooting, is being charged w ith K e ndall's murde r. 7:4 5 a .m. and drov e to M iss F eist's a pa rtment o n Legio n Street. Suit could block off shore oil leases A s uit filed by the s tate o f California against the federal governme nt over offshor e oil drill in~ could prevent tral"l.s off Newp~rt Beat·h a n d Laguna Beach from bt·ing leased next month U.S. Interior St'<:rct.ary J amc'S Wa tt h as proposed puttmg 11 offs hore trac.·ts near Newport and Laguna on the markC't June 11 . Bomb threat routs flights S AN FRANCISCO (AP) - Ten flight.'! were d iver ted from San Francasco International Air- port -the nation's fifth busiest -after a bomb threat forced 263 passengers to evacuate a North· west Orient Airliner on a remote. windswept runway. The bomb th reat was d isco- vered Tuesday, scrawled In lip- stick across a mir ror m a lavatory of the 747 arriving from Hono- lulu. It read, "I have a bomb on board." A irpo rt officia ls hal ted ai r traffic a t 7 p.m ., two minutes be fore the plane touched down on runway 19L near San Fran- cisco Bay No bomb was found. WORLD The suit , filed Tuesday m Los Angeles by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. and the state Coastal Com- mission, specifically t·hallengci; Watt's au tho rity to least' 22 South e rn Califor n ia offshon• trac·l<>. T he four traC'ts off Newport and Laguna arc thrt-e and a half miles oHshore Both c1t1cs. crit1 - cal of the proposed lease sale>. have hinte d they may join th1.• suit. Newport Beach City Attorney M ichael Mille r said the C ity Council has given him permission to JO&n the suit if he believes It would be in the city's OC.St inter- est. He said he will decade w1thm 10 days. The suit specifically oomplams that leasing some of th e trat.·ts would contradict the Commas saon's coast.al plan . lt also said Wa tt violated the federal Outer Continental S helf Lands Act by faili ng to follow the governor 's recommendations tha t certa in trac ts b e d e lett•d from the June lease sale. Wa tt, the suit charged. consid- ered only the value o( oil and gas and not the e nvironment. The suit is similar to one last year which h a lted sales o f 29 t racts o ff San Luis Obi s po County. Author views world future Best-selling author Charles Berlitz 11 pe11lmiat.ic about the world's future but still says doomlday can be averted. Page 04. NATION Mayhem replaces sex on TV Television has turned from 1ex to a record dosage o1 murder and mayhem, charges a citlzerw' watchdog c:oalltlon. Pace A6. 'Eleanor' on tubetonisht .. Eleanor, Flnt Lady of the World," appeartn1 tontlht on televWon, II a pleMant movie but .. hiat.ory 1t'1 ltl'k:dy eoft atuff. P-.e All. I I She had written a "will-type" letter previously, indicating her belonglnga should go to her mo- ther, the oHlcer said. Kendall pur portedly parked his p ickup truc k on Through S t reet w hile sh e went in to change clothes for school. police said. Miss Feist the n apparently broke into the a pa rtment of a friend, where she retrieved the small handgun, and walked back out to the truck. She purportedly clim bed back Into the/aasenge r side o f the truck an closed the door, then fired at Kendall without wa r- ning The pair struggle<! out of the truck , and a witness said Miss Fetst pointed the weapon and fi- red as she stood over the body of her boyfriend . A passerby ra n to the couple and took the gun away. ~mg it on the grass several yards away. Police said a nurse who was in the area immediately began ad- mirust.ering first aid to Miss Feist until fire and police offlcaals ar - rived at the scene. Kendall died at the scene, de- spite efforts to save him and Miss Feist w as rus he d to M ission Community Hospital's trauma center and later transported to UCI Medical Cent.er. Flying snake captured on Republic jet A snake that escaped rrom a t'Ont.aaner and had the run of the cargo area aboard a Republic Airlines Jt•tlincr was safely re- trieved Thursday night after the plane la nded at John Wayne Al- port The· non -poisonous, s1x -foot- long Luu1s lana rat Kna k e was fou nd u nd<'r u board in th e pr~'IUrtU'd forward c:argo area of the pl<.tnt• by the man to whom tht• r<•pllll' was destmeod -Gary Bagnall of Cal1forn1a Zoological S upply. Sant.a Ana. "l had to crawl msade the ~argo area and lift a ft'w boards before I round ham He was ice cold so he• wasn 't moving around very muc-h ," B<tg n a ll said today. Snakes arc· cold-blooded crea- tures, he explained The snake was among 150 that were being shipped from Mem- phLS for su bsequen t sale by Cali- fornia Zoologtcal, a wholesaler of reptiles and amph1b1ans. said Bagnall, 24, of Tustin "lt was pretty fun ny. The re was q u ite a crowd st a ndin g around while I was looking for him," Bagnall said. Wa lt He llma n, a spokesm an for Minneapo lis-based airline, said the snake was discovered loose in Salt L a ke City, whe re t he fligh t h ad stopped before arriv ing In Orange County. <See SNAKE , Page AZ ) COUNTY Dell' Piiot Photo by Gery AmbfoH POSTER KID -Justin Gates, 10, of South Laguna, won a Festival of Arts-s ponsored post.er contest to com memora t<.• th e 50th annive rsary of the festival. Laguna hoy • WIDS poster contest Justin Gates says he wants to be an astronaut when he grow s up, but a glance at his w inning poster for the Fes- tival of Arts o f Laguna Beach hints h e m ight do well as an artist. The 10-year-old T op of the Wo rld Eleme ntary School fourth ~rader won the P<>St.er con test celebratinS! the 50th year o f the Festiva l of Arts a nd the P a geant of the Masters. His multi-c.'Olo r entry. s howing a smiling a rtist. garbed in beret a nd a rt smock and w ie lding a p a intbr u s h and pa lette. was selected from among 100 entries su bm ittl'<i by s tudents at all four Laguna Beac h schools. J ustin wins $100, a<i does the e lem e ntary school, and his artw ork will be reprinted in poster form and on flie rs to be distributed to chambers o f comme rce through out t he• county . The Festival of Arts o f Lag una is a c·tually celebra ting its 50th anniversary over the next three years. explained Festival spokeswoman Sally Reeve. "This summe r is the 50th anniversar y of t he grounds (art) exhibit," s he said. Ne xt summer will be the golde n anniversar y for thl' original "Spirit of the M asters" pageant, the first time live models were used to re-create art. And the summe r o f 1984 will be t he 50th year of thl' formation of the Festival of Arts of Laguna Beach Associ- a tion and the Pageant of the Masters. Driver dies behind wheel An elderly Laguna Niguel man died from <..'Oronary failure while driving his car near the Mission Viejo Mall Tuesday afternoon. Do n W. Smith, 71, was pro- no unced dead at Mi111ion Com~ munity Hospital after collapsing behind the wheel of hls car and running into three parked Vl•h1 cles on Puerto Real. According to the California Highway Patrol. S mith died as the result of a heart a ttack. No one ,else was injured tn thl• inci- dent. INDEX Upper Bay cleanup begins At Your Service A4 L.M. Boyd A IO Cleanup work begins on Upper Newport Bay with the Importing of more dirt. Page Bl. Bualne.s Herb Caen c.alifomla Cavalcade Clualtled Comics A8-9 B2 A' B2 04-8 84 ex capes By Th e Au oclated Pre11 ; Two Argt•nlln<· warpla n ejl w1•r1• shot down off the· Falklan~ Islands Wl'dnc·1;day w hl•n the )' a ltat·kt•d a British ship 1n thf Royal N:tvy task forl'l•, thC' [)v- ft>n.w Ministry rl'porl.<'CI . A third Argtmltn<' planl' esca- p l' d 1 n t h t-<: I J b h 1 n s 1 d c t h t! WO-mtl<· war 1.0nc Britain decla- n·d around 1h1.• d1bputt.'d South AtlJrH1t· t·hutn, a sookC'Sman said . British Foreign Sccrt•tary F1 ant·1s P ym bald today th a t ":.t1mt· proKrt'l>-'> .. had OC't'n mad~ 1n wlk!> <1t 1tw Umwd Nations to · M•lllt• the• Falkl;,ind li.lanili. 1.·r~ hut that "many dtrfu:u lt protJ:- h ·111b n•niain" • lit• 'P"k" artn a C~btnt•t me0.- llnl( tn London but did not l'lat;. o r:ih• ' A t th t• Un Lt t' d Nat 1 o n s, St'("rt•tJrv-General J&v1er Pl'rek dt• Cul'liar said he• wa' "VE'rj glad" to hc•ar of Pym's n ·marks. "I want t•vt'fybody to be opti~ m1s t11. Rut as f(lr as I :im t on · c·1.·rn«d I Jm vc•rv eaut w ub. I thtnk wt· haw· lo· work at lc·ast for u t•ouµl1.· uf duy-.." h<' said ~ Askt·d wht·n tht· t wo s ide would I><' rl'ady to shift fmm i'!(• <ltrc-<.·t 11q,:11ll<it1onb lo d1re<:t talfi) on tlw futun· uf the Falklandl1 ht· ,;rnl. .. Wl· m11>(ht t•nd our e~ l'rt'1M· hy tht· t·nd of lhl' w~k .:.0: I hoix· .. ~ Arl(t•nun.1 made proposals 4_l U N ht·adquart<•rs Tuesday, ar@ Hrtt.mn's n.·prt·t1cmt.at1ve said th~ "c·rt• "v1•r y 1ntt•resting" b would t.1kt• ''.J f1.·w mor<• day fur .L\.<;(,.,nw n l Bnt.ain < la1ml-d it.<. battlt-fl~ ha.., a i.trangkhold on the 1slan<!J :!511 n11l1~ t'Jbt of lhl• Argenune ttJJ.,t and 1solalt:d th<' t:stimated !1.0011 tro•JJr.l Ul.'l'upying them. An Ar~c·nllnt• naval sour<.'<.' said the Br1t1 ... h d.11m wa. ..... nd1culous " Afttr a fdth day o f ta lk& Tu1•.,d;i y .11 th1· Un1tt·~ Nation~, d1plumaL., 11·port.1'<.l bOmt· progr<:'M to ward an agrl'ement to call a 1.·1.,1:,t• (1n· and n•suml· negot1a- t1•111b on tht• fulun· ,,f th<' dispu- h·d 1::.l11nds But tht· poss1b1hty o( J Hnttsh a~..,.1u ll on thl' Fal kl andt btlll loomc'<I .. Pr1mt· M1 n1s tcr M a rgar~ Th;,it.1.·h<·r told the House oC C11mmon. ... that ··the fo«t we a~ 111•g1111at1ng dol'S not cle>st• off any mtl1wry •1pt1on.., <it all " British :.oun·c·s pn•d1<·ted t~ ("fltl('lil point tn the t.a1ks l"OUld ~ n•a<'h<'<I by Thursday But Bnttsb m1n 1stc•rs hav1· dl•n1ed sp<>cula.- lltm that th<· government has set a dc·adbnl' for agn>c.·mc•nt in the wlks at U N hl·adquartt.•rs. Ont.• dN1dlm1 • of a sor t was set, howl•ver Cardinal Ba~11 Hume, tht• Homan Catholtt.· archbis hop or Wt>S tmtnsll·r . unnounc-ed that Pope John Paul II's v1s1t to Brit· ain starting May 28 w ould be canceled unless "military hoeti- lH1t-s . t'C'asc:• or I>.• on tht-way t.o commg to an l'nd by the mid· dlr of nt.·Xt w1..-c:k." The• v1s1t would be thc first In history by a pOJX' to Britain. Food Cl-12, Dl-3 HorolCOpe B2 Ann Landers B2 Movies 83 Mutual F\.lnda AS Nat.Jona! News A3 Sports 85-7 Dr. Steincrohn m America becomes civiliz~d Cl"OllWord 84 Stock Marketa A9 Tea ian't just for little old ladies anymore, accor- dln1 to a very British tea am~or. Paae Cl. STATE Voters ~peel· ll11le help CalltoriWl voten can ex~ little help from the federal courta ln aetUna. falt ahalal at Npl'-ntaUon. Writ.el t'OlurriiUlt J:arl •Wawn. P• AlO. Death Not.lcet 04 Editorial AlO J'.n~t B3 SPORTS Televtalon All Thea ten 83 Weether A2 World Newt A3 t ·-I .· ~ 0..., ..... "'°'° ........ MIWlell ENE OF CRASH -Laguna Beach firemen pour sand on IP lied oil following motorcycle crash on South Coast High· WAY Tuesday night. The cyclist, Royal Thomas Sheldon died ~y at Mission Community Hoepital. · ' ··~~. , Laguna cyclist killed L.acurua 8-:h .motoccycle rid· or Royal ThomH Shtfdon ~t.d ot lnjurlet ln Million Com· munlty Hospital ~ after a cat purportedly turned In front of him on Sou&h Co11t Hl1hway Tullday nJitJt.. Sh ldon. :n, ot ~7 l l t.a1una Canyon Ro1d.'w11·trtattd by parainedJct at the f.'OmeJ' of the hl1hw1y and Bluebird Canyon Roiad tonowlna the 10 p.m. crMh. Poll~ arrcat d Hush Patrick Crala, 44, of 139 Mo11 St. on drunken drtvtnc che.rp9 after hit southbound 1porll car colllded with the northbound cycu.t. Crala wH betn1 held In Or· anae C.Ounty, Jail with ball tel at ~.000. Police aald Sheldon wu trav- e 11 ns 1outh on the hlshway when Craig af parently turned left In front o him at Bluebird. He wu not wearinJ{ M helmet. Six felled by caustic postal pack A post office at 1075 N. Tustin Ave. In Orange waa partially evacuated today after 11>< em- ployeet were overcome by nau- sea and dlulne11 apparently caused by an unknown substance In a lm811 packase. Police and fire 0Ulc1al1 1a1d two people were admitted to Chapman General H0tpit.al for treetrnent and four others were treated and r e leued. Their namet were not given. As of late this morning, the three-Inch-by-seven Inch pac- kage believed to contain the caustic substance wu sitting In a postal cart on a loading dock at the rear of the building. A specially trained private team of hazardous waste han-dlen was expected to remove the box lat.er In the momJng. A fire department spokesman said the box contained no war- ning labels. ~rms ravage Texas, Oklahom~ The first two employees to re- port feeling sick were overcome at 3:47 thll morning. 'ne A11oclated Presa llooda In 90me areas. iolent thunderstorma hurling ddl.cns of tornadoes tore in to oommunltlC's acro111 Texas and Oklahoma during the night and early today. smashing home& and buildings and unleashing flash Al least six people were kllled. Score• were Injured. A slngle- cngln<' plane crashed In a field during a thunderstorm early to- day nt•ar ldalo~, Texas, killing four pt.'<>ple. Three more people reported feeling dizzy and nau1eated al 6:4~ a .m. The sixth victim fell Ill at 8:4~ a.m. Part o f the Postal Service building waa evacuated and the rear of the bulldlng 1ealed off. ~\' I 'GotUtal " air tllrougll !Oday but eoina ~Ill• tonight ...... te 72 °*"*'' IOwt 15-4 10 la. • lo-cloudlnett ·~= inornlng fhuredey, ot •I Hlgh1 Tllured1y 88 lo 74. ~tlngton-Nawport ., .. 1em- 1tut• renoe from • IOw of 63 hlgfl Of 96 ............ from PQlnl eonc.p. I to Iha MHloan border and IO mllN. Horttlwwt wlndt of to 22 llnoll with combined ... of 4 to 7 fea1 over outer walere. Locally 110111 verlabl• Wlfld1 night 1nd morning houre b Ing "81 10 n0f'111WHI In nOOM Wllterty ...... of 2 a teet Mo.Uy dew today. orn•oou 1ouclled down In C..lflOllna Ind T 8JH U lhunOer• m1 P'OOIJCed eever• wetthar 111arn Nebr••k•, KentH. " Okl•hom• Ind "°'",.,n .,.._.,n r .... 'Qll 11811 fell T ""48)' Ill llOttll ,., T••H now cont111ued tod•y In the loredo moun1at111 A few ere uno-t•d 0••1 Halfed• llnd toulheatl Cllfllofl'lllt. rwtH, ii WH fair Ind mild of Ille Roelclet 8ki.t -· rally ere., l1om the ~tel eMtern GIM CoNI IO "'8 lo- OrHI LlkH 111d 1oulhern England •oreceet Ctllled for ~· M ill Iha 40t oww eobldo WyornlnQ wltl) rHdlr!ill Into 70. and IOt from Ille "louftl. I ovat fht eoulhern Pl•ln1. el and eou1nern Mlteleli~t y, I nd Illa IOUll!trn OrHI 10 !tie IOwer Aftel!IJC Coelt. 81\lfH In tile '°9 Ind t0t •Kl*ll~ .......... Pftllur" 1round 1111 Ill• -~ •Oder r..,..,o ll'Ofn a' Ill ,,..v , 10 10 In ll'ownol!M, Warming trend 1a11 <t•c.e(ll '°' ntQhl •no mO<NnQ IQw 'loud\ AIOl>g ltUl t.OUI A few itolafitcJ thowerJ 1n 1ou1hern 9,.,,. Slaw w•11m1ng tritnd Temperatures Alb8ny All>Uque Amnt1Nn ,..,...,, ... A11an1n Atlante C1y Auttm 8all1m0<e 8dllOQI Btrtrnngllm 81sma1ci. 804~ NATION Botton BfOWfll\1118 Bulla to 8ut11~1on Catpe1 Chatltlfl SC C11a1lt1n m· CheNtn WV1 CNrttl• NC ChleaOO Clnc;kln•H' Cleveland Clmb41 SC Columt>u• OaHt Wlh 01y1on 0en •• , HI LA f'cp 63 43 11 48 79 SI 42 83 41 e1 eo GI S2 82 71 17 711 54 47 35 03 IS SS !S4 47 63 40 5e 44 .. 71 72 st S7 4 1 48 37 " 84 64 84 48 82 Sii u 311 01 H 61 OI 82 52 83 58 87 48 M 50 81 99 88 84 58 61 41 22 eo e!I 03 0.. Mo•ne• OelrOOI Ovlutll · 93 S5 f l PHO Fargo FIAQll•lf OtNI F11t1 Htr11ord Hllltna H~ Hoution lndn..,... Jtc'tn M JKkllWll4t KM1e City l..1114.'egat Ltllte R«ll L OUlt'lllle L11bl>Oc:ll Memphll Ml.lllN Mhtlluk• Mott-&1" "'eef!Yllle ""°''""' N9w YOfk 57 48 02 84 60 64 47 0 I 8 I 3-4 67 31 7~ 40 82 32' .. ,, IO 73 14 ... 67 H Ill ,. eo 75 eo 68 11 55 •• 85 .. " 87 57 85 14 68 71 74 .. 61 30 70 04 n ~ 118 •• 1a 62 , ~ "'•-Sottvoce '()U V 5 Oto! OI ~U 69 63 52 47 16 82 57 1 00 76 511 04 15 11 77 113 12 58 03 78 52 61 4i 87 48 61 43 IO 47 62 36 llO J!I n 10 88 M 47 8o4 611 61 50 44 ee 611 13 58 70 39 20 70 41 71 46 74 '67 2 72 79 51 .. 84 3011 11 115 n eo 157 CA&..,OMIA 8aMr•lltkl 75 11 Blythe 71 ~-I 117 47 Redwood Cny 8ect•men10 S1Nn1t San Otego So1n l'rtnCllCO 811118 8al'bM• San11 Mlltl• StOGkton r11ermat Utlleh B11111ow 8lg 8Ht Bllhe>p LOOO 8eech Monrovl• Mt Wffol'I Newl>Of1 8eech OnlatlO Pelm Sprtngt P1Nd4tn1 SIM'! Bern8'dlfl0 '"' Oebftel SIM'IJOM Bani• An• Senti CNI TllN>e V..., 67 !IO 71 47 61 47 ee eo 67 41 72 41 04 -78 81 76 " 50 41 23 11 5t 38 70 63 -4 45 43 31 63 5& 83 48 11 68 87 48 63 62 61 '8 Ill 4& .. &3 71 47 27 CMAOA Calgery !dmonton MonlrHI 011ew1 • 06 71 48 13 44 '7 """° 7 4 50 Line.... 04 50 E d d ~ ~ ~ 02 xten e Mofltetl"/ et ....... 71 Ollllenc! 04 H ,MO "°4>111 75 41 IWd llllfl IO IO weather IOUH41"H CA"''°"HIA COAITAL AHO M()UHTAIH MllAI -Hltlll I nd lftOflllnt CO.Itel low c!Ovcl1 9fld v•l•ble lllgh c1oudlntt1. 01111rwltle 111r will! lllCltt• In coMttl and ,,.u.y ., ... a 10 7t IN iow. 48 to M. t4jgtlt In IM mounfalnl et 10 M. I.OWi 30 10 41 SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL -Fourth &r•· den at Top of the World Elementary School in Laguna Beach drelled ln 16th Century &arb, tasted 16th Century food and quoted Shake· speare durin1 recent festival at the hllltop ....,,.... .. en.,..... tchool. Danctna around the Maypole are (from left) Ty Trent, Serene Kielty, Jennifer Bren- nalo (kneeling), Michael Kuhl and Tiffany Van $rotter. Investment cliief pleads not guilty Golden Eagle Investment Co. president Ralph W . McDonald has pleaded Innocent to 35 felony count.I In a multi-million dollar fraud cue In South Oranse County Municipal Court. Sentencing of ex-UCI student set Patrick Arthur Dixon Jr .. an honor stude nt who briefly at- tended UC Irvine's College of Medicine, pleaded no conteet Tuesday i n Imperial County Superior Court t.o chareee that he pracuoed mechdne Illegally. Dixon entered the plea In El Centro t.o charges of pre9Criblng medicine without a llceme and grand theft for .a:eptlng a $65, 000 salary as a paychlatrilt In a county-run outpatient clinic. Co-defendant. David BeUrey Blgtna, 44 .. ~ Clemente, plea- ded guilty &o two of 19 counta lncludlna COM,tracy and IM!Jline lllegal borfdf. 'The actJon ~me thll momlna before Judp Ba.tr Barnette ln a courtrooru ·i.mmed with peo- ple who heel lnvest«t In the El Toro-bued lnveetment firm. The two men are fadna fraud charges followlnl a sheriff'• de- putment ratd on the company offices In February In which $825.000 In caah w11 IM!h.ed, along with aeveraJ weapona and com- pany records. The pair are 1uspec ted of swlndllna more than 1,000 in- vestors out of their aavinp aft.er purportedly offering lnve1tor1 proml1aory notes euaranteetng returna on CMh lnvestmlf\ta of between l()' 4ftd 20 percent per month. AuthoriUl!ll contend th4ty have found no e~nce any of the money Wiii ever invested. Court eyes Brown hid for judges SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Gov Edmund Brown Jr 's efforts to appoint 18 new appeals murt juatkea -blocked by a judge's ruhng agamst the financing or a law library m Orange County - will be heard by the California Supreme Court. The high court agreed TuP!iday to consider Brown'11 request for an alternative writ, but it orde- red no date for a hearing. The Leai.lature approved a $3 million bill to l're&te 18 new ap· peals c:ourt justices around Cali- fornia with the creation or a new appellate district in San Jose and or small jurisdictions tn Sant~ Ano and Santa Barbara. But on Feb. 26, Sacramento Superior Court Judge Charles Fogerty struck that whole bud· get bill down because or one u - pect he said was unconslJlULional: a plan to appeal to private donon to finance a law library for jua- llces in the Sant.a Ana d1vas11>n. Superior Court Judge Harold Chaille tel a aent.endng date for Dixon on June 14. From P!j! A,I, . Dlxon, 40, wu arrested ¥.arch 10 on suspidon of lmpetlOflAtlng a psychiatrist during the prece- ding seven months, using the name of a former college room - mate, Dr. Howard Smith. Dixon already had earned a doctorate In education and psy- chology from the Unlveralty of Michigan when he began clueea at UCI. However. whe n he dropped out of UCI's College of Medicine in the fall of 1977, he had atten- ded claa.'lel for only a few mon- ths. Imperial County Health De- partment oHlclala told the A.o- clat.ed Presa only two of 'Dixon'• 287 former patient.I had threate· ned to sue the county, Teen thieves video addicts? OORONA (AP) -Two youtht apparently "addicted" to video games appear to be behind a rash or bur1larle1 ln recent month•, authorftlea say. Police are searchlns tor a 17 -year-old and a l9·year-old. both from Norco, who allegedly buralarlzed five homet In the Corona and Norco area, Sat. James Steele of the Corona Po. lice Department Wd Tunday. Athens smoggy ATHENS (l\P) -Tufflc In Atheru wu cut by half and ln- duttrlal output by one-third u pemrnent emerpnty MeM&ret 'went Into effect Tuetday to de- creue the U. of • der..e brown cloud of lmOI SNAKE CAPTURED . • • Hellman MSd cargo handlers there dldn·~ •ant to delay the flight by 1ummonln1 animal control penonnel ID round up the snake. So ette1 •hut the car10 hold dOOR and 9ent the plane on Its way. Then they a~n\ word to lte- publlc'1 CatlO tad lty ln Orante County ieWn, personnel there A co41tpwter ump for y~ '-tween t aftd 16 years of •I• wlll debut in Laauna leida thl• ewnn>er, wtth ti. tmPh-ia oa eompu· ter eduoaUoa. • well • (un. SpontOred tty the Bln•ry Tree, a oo~uter learnSn1 center, the mpe wlH Mlt youa•t•ra or one or two weeb. StudtMI wlll h•vt more than tW ~n of cA.fly f"'· ma1 Cllll!ll*• trwtruatMii ~ day. pl• N~al houn of • Movtn •f the Falkl•nd 1a1andl wm ... thowa Thul"l- day at the Hotel La1unai sponeored by • local {rave crullech• Th• flbw were taktn by Lapnea ~ .. ..._who tourtd tM area 1boerd tlM what to expect. J hat'• wht'n Bagnall got the call to <:omc to the airport. Bainall said Republic offk1ala urged him lo ~onduct a full in- ventory of the shipment to make sure no other snakl'S were· mlss- lne. and perhaps, lurking <•lsc>· where an the aircraft Bagnall &aid th<' shiprm>nt was m mplt·t.e etect!ve computer time. .Other actlvltlH Include shoreline hlltory, foull hun- tlne. a1tronomy, H well a1 ocean.-orlented recreational punulta on Llfi\ula'• be.~hes. Boardlnl campen wtU 1\ar. at the Vacation Vlllace Mote, and meala wlll be provided. Cost for full-t.lme boarders 11 f400 per week, and $175 per week for day camp par- tld~ntl. For more lnforma- Uon, call camp director Ste- phen DeWitt at 497-5714. Lindblad Explorer crul1e lh.ip. The procram. 1ponaored by !lolle F\t.lmtr Travela c..w.e Buff.I, Inch.Klee footaae oC the South GeorD w.n4 The publk " invited to the ?:IO p.m. lhowtJll and there it no .tmlllkJn ~. I ' I I J .. ,t. b I~ ii .. ...._... . IUlllCUll \.JI I INI ',, u'\, t,1/\ 't 1.' 1·11 .' OH ANC.f COUN I Y <.A l If OHNIA ~!>C l N t S Dogged gro.up pushes shelter plans By GLENN SCOTT O(tM Deltr ,... ..... Members of Irvine's 1.nlmal welfare aroup preued City Council membera Tueaday to move ahead with plan11 lo build a new animal sheller on Sand ~nyon Road. Nancy Lee Crantton, 1poktt1· woman for PAW1 (Promotion of Animal WcU.&ln&). offered the council 1u11eatlon1 tor cutt1n1 $668.179 from a f3 million con- struction eo1t for tho 1hehu. She aald the co1t1, a cc:om- µllaht-d by de le tins a a pay· Falklands war heats up neuterlna clinic, furniture and other equlfment and re · e1tlmatln1 IOI tettlna and drai- nage eotU, could be letially re· moved from the bid already ac· cepted for the work. lf the dty poatponl'I action and requires a aet.'Ond round of bid.I. 1he uid: "We have no 'uarant.ee new bid.a will be lower. • To make their point, PAW1 members pulled out a detl1ner duffel bai full of more than 2,000 leuera and couporu and heaped them In a plle In front of the coundl. (Later. they atufted the ml11lve1 back Into the La(t und left them for perplexed city worken lo file.) The coupon• were clipped from recent PA W1 udvertl11e- ment1 uklns resldentl to aupporl their drive to puah forward with tt)e new •helter. Ma. Crrm1ton noWd that the current 1helter lo Laguna Canyon 11 leased from owner. who arc trylng to 11ell t.ht property The PAW1 pUlh wu int.ended to counteract r('(.'Ommendatlont from city admln~trators to poat' (See ANIMAL, Page AU British shoot dow-n tw-o planes: ------~ ------Third 10 jobs on line • Irvine 1n Ahout 10 lrv1nc· city cmpluy<'<'H Ifft: umfor <·onR1dc:ra llon for luy offs this summer as city ofrtnals plot ways to b<ilanc.·t· tht·ir IY8Z-IJ:l budget Earl1<·r th111 sprang. officials l"I> t1ma tt·d Jl> many as :rn lo Z5 workt•ri. rn1gh1 be· ldtd oH bt· cau.~· of drops in n•vt•nut· from rt-duc.'t'd <.'Onstrucuon acuv1ty and anl1c1patcd c·utbal·ks in s tall· n.· 1 m bu rM.'mt•n IJI ·craft escapes By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 Britain aaid it shot down two Argentine warplanea that at· tacked a ship in the British ar· mada around the Falkland ls· lands today. There was no Im· m~diate comment from Argen· tin.a. The Br1u1h said a third Ar- gentine plane escaped in the claah inside the 200-mlle war zone Britain declared around the Falkland.I. The British Defenae Minl1try tn London reported no da.mase to the umdentifled wanhip or any British casualties. Tht-nt•ws of the rev1sc•d t·s t1 matt• of l<iyoffs was distributed rcn•ntly 1n a memo from C11y Manag<"r W1ll1am Woollt'll Jr . who said hc"s trying lo kN·p t'mployc'<•t. and otht•r mten•stt-d people informed of <:hangt'a tu the new budgN No t•1t y work<.·rs evl'r havt• been laid off m Jrvmt- B UENA P ARK BIGFOOTS? -Heavens no. it's just Bill Bixby cuddling up lo a couple of Hanna -Barbera hairies who'll be in a rebroadcast CBS ,special June l . Ddenae Ministry spokesman Ian McDonald said the Argentine A-4 Skyhawk fighter-bombers were ahot down by fire from the wanhlp. He did not aay whether thui wu from anti-aircraft fire or mmile.. ll wa1 the firat air attack on the Brltiah fleet since May 4 when a mluile Crom an Argen- tine fight.er-bomber wrecked the 1 "We• know tht•rc an· gmng to be some• <:hanget>," he 1w1d . "WC''rc trying to get people Into thl' (information) loop as soon as Buena Bigfoot? , destroyer Sheffield Inside the war zone. The British aald 20 aailon were kll'ed In that strike. we can Only planners or t-nginecrs LO lht• <.-ommunaty dl'vt•lopmt'nt de• partmc•nt or ini.pt·t·tors 1n lhc• pubht· worki. d<·partmt'nt Jr<' 11 kely to he• laid oH . said Paul Brndy Jr , ahM1>t<inl C1ty manag N Tho11<· la yoffs might ht· nt•t· c•11!1ary, h<· said, benws<· thl'rt' isn't t•noufith work for th<·m 1,.. cau8'· of lht• drop In constru<'t11111 Big, smelly 'monster' seen Britain claima lu battle fleet ha.a a atranglehold on the island.I 250 miles eaat ot the Argentine coast and haa iaolated the esti- mated 9,000 troops occupying them. But an Argentine ·naval soun:e aald the British claim was "ridiculous " ThoM' workers also would I.Jc.· tons1<.lt·r<.od for placement 1( ottwr opcnmw1 <.·omt• up m other poi;1 t1oru for which they qualify. said Brady Then. 1( <.·onstruct1on m <.·rl'ases, the rc•locall'd workt·rh could bt· shifted ba<.·k to tht•tr mi ua I Kpolll Brady and Woollt·tl agreed that they are trying not to lay ott any mon• pc_•oplt' than ne<_'efl.'lary. ln oth<.•r belt-lightt-ning mea· 11ur<·s. lhc• top eight admin111tra tors, including WoollMl and Brady. have voluntet-red not to act-ept any salary increaJ!('S in the · new ftSCal vcar At the same time, no funda have t:x>en plac'Cd m1tially in the budget for annual wage adJUSl· men lll to keep <.'tty jobs on a competitive scale with similar jobs elsewhere W0<1lll'tt said all these slcpti <in· preliminary measures tn prt>pa ring his budgl'l proposal thal will got tn tht• frvine City Council June· 8 WORLD Bv JEFF PARKER O(the Dally Pllol llelf Mons tn wcil<:he1 s an• planntng onothl'f vigil tcm1ght at tht· ~x 1·t·ut1v1• Pcirk ApartrrH·nli. in Aut·na Park wh<.·rt• <i bt·ai.l of lwll1sh proport1011t. ww1 n ·pur- lc•c.lly spotted Mond<iy ntf(hl And by the dl.'s<.·rtpl1un1'1 or "Bu1·na Park Bigfoot," lht• mon i.l<.'r won't Ix· hard to rt't'Of(ntlA.' ll<.· !>Uinds lx·lW<..'t·n 1K·vt•n ,md 1·1ght fet'l tall. growbi "hkc.• a go- rt Ila" <ind "smells wuri.t· than rcill.1.'n horse manure " Tht'M.' descnpl1vt• words t·amc• from <ipartment manag<·r Lurra1 - m• Mt!>S<!nclh . who K«ild 11ht• h<.•ard tht• bl'ai;t growling from a dr:u- Teen thieves video addicts? CORONA <AP) Two youths apparently "addicted" tu video games appear to be tx•hmd a rash o f burglarie1 In rct·enl months. authorities say. P olice are sear<.'hlng for a 17-year -old and a 19-ye:ar-o ld, hoth from Nor<.'O. who allegedly burglarized f1vl' homcR 1n th~ Corona and No r<.'o ar(·O. Sgt. Jamc11 Steele of th<· Corona Po- lwe Department 8'Ud Tuctldoy Author views world future Best-selling author Charles Berlitz ii peulml.ttic about the world'• future but 1UU aay1 doomlday can . . . NATION Mayhem replaces sex on TV Televilion hat turned from 1ex to a record c1ota1e of murder and mayhem, chargea a dtlrena' watchdos coe.lltJon. Page A6. 'Eleanor' on tube tonisht .,Eleanor, Flnt Lady of the World," •PPt•rlnc tonJcbt on televtllon. aa a pleaunt movie but aa hiltbry il'• ltridlY: .Oft nulf. P• All. 11agc d1u:h near tht• wmplt-x JUSt after 9 pm Monday "My hu,.band and I had JUsl <·ume:.-b<i t'k (rum d1nnt·r a t Alfy's," s h1· s:.i1d "And ont· of our t1•nanli. ran up to borrow <1 rl<i i.hl1 ght to find u monlitt.•r Whim I ran Lo tlw f1•1w<', I <:ould sme:•ll th1· thing Jwll ;,wful " Pol1<·1· wcn• .. ummoncd but took an hour to 1 t"lpcmd bt.><:aUSf..' they ft•arC'd they wt.•n• being lu· red bm:k mto thf' un•a by the East S1dP Gang. wh1t·h 1•nJoys thro- wing boltlt'fi al patrol <.·ars. Mas- san<·l h said "This 111 no pnmk ," s ht.· <.'Onti- nul.od. "Thl'rt''s no way to fake a growl like I heard, or a smell Ilk<> [ 11mclled Th 111 I I! a quiet neighborhood." PolK't' w<.•n· flood1-d with callil Monday night aftN the alleged sighting ThC' monst<'r wai. al lcgedly seen by two w1tn<..'SS<.'8 They said ll attempted to cnll.*r the com· plex, then turnl'd away and dis- appeared bock into the drainage dilt:h. Largl' footprtnt11, "about the HIW of two hands" aC't'Ord ing to Mn. M1 sHa nclli. wen• found around the• ditch. "We tould ht.•ur II in the dark," she Kaid. "All lhl· 1.·rit·kcts and frogs were q u11.•t while 1l growled " COUNTY (See FALKLANDS, Page A%) Irvine plans • committee for the arts An arts committee in Irvine will be formed to help the city <.'OOrdmaw cultural act.ivltles and advi.e Orange County group& on arts Lssues. The Irvine Coordinating Com- m 1 ttee for the Art• would be madtt up of reprcsentativea Crom various cultural group& aa well aa schools, libraries and aru agen- c ies, according to Community Services Director Deanna Man- ning The committee, for example. will screen artists wlahing to di11play their work11 o n cit y property. she said. The groulJ a!Jio can help unify lrvintt'a poai- tlon on arts l1111ues when infor- mation l11'l'eque1ted by the Or - ange County Arta Alliance. Upp er Bay cleanup begins Cleanup work beglna on Upper Newport Bay wlth the Importing of more dirt. Page Bl. America becomes civilized Tea lan't just for little old ladlea anymore, accor- ding to a very British tea ambe•1dor. Pap Cl. STATE ' Voten expect little help. Callfomla voten can ~ Uide help tram the faderal COW1a ln teidna a falf thaU at re;w•tntatlan, wrtt.91 oolumnllt i-.11 Wat.n. Pap AlO. ·~-If~ AT THE READY Soldier of the Wt·lsh Guards pract1<.-et with anti-tank wc•apon at P1c.1rbnght Barral·ks TuC'sday in England as __g~ards pn•pare to d''PC:lrt for Falklandi-. war zoner 6 council hope[ uls to meet in forums The six candldalt-s for two Ir vine City Council HN1ts 1n th<.• June 8 clec•twn an• to mN•t 1n public forums al ?;:JO tonil(ht and Tue&day. Tonight's mc<'llng at th<' St• n1or Center, 3 Sandburg Way, Irvine, will be hosted by th<' National Women's Poht1cal Cau cus, League of Womc•n V<>t<•rs and American Asso<.•iation of University Women. St·hool D1htr1t·t Tru11tc.•c John Nakaoka. moving company ex•· uuvt• William Pozzi, former lr· vine I hstc1r1c<1l Soc.'ll'ty Prt'Stdl?J'lt Barbara W1l·n<•r, English ProfN· 1mr Edword Dornan and senior <'1t11,e,•n at t1v1sl Mar11rw Keiser. f "reeze call nixed GROTON. Conn. (AP) Tbe Tuesday's meeting. to bC' &m'Cl on cable channel :J, will he.• host.d by Irvine Village Forum whofll' membera rcprc1wnt l'ity homc>· owners' a11Sociat1ons home> or lht• shipyard buildln1 the.• new Trtd<•nt balhstac misalJe-. firing submartn<.>s has refWlt!d to act on a rC'llOlutlon l'alhng for a frt"VU' on the dt.>ployment of n\l· dear wt>apons MCJre than 20 Connecltcut town11 hove adopted nuclear freeze rC'soluuons. Council candldaU•h sC'ck ing four-year terms tndudc incum bent Larry Agran, Irvin<..• Un1 lwd INDEX At Your Service A4 Food L.M. Boyd AlO Horoecope ~ A8·9 Ann Landen Herb Caen 82 Movia CA!Jfomla A6 Mutual Fund.a C.valaide B2 National Newt Clallif led 04-8 Spori. c.omJcl 84 Dr.St.etncrohn Oro.word 84 Stock Marketa Death Notkm 04 Televltk>n J:dltortal AlO ThHtetl lnWWnment 83 Weethfr World Newt SPORTS Laken now bold 2-0 lead Cl-12, 01·3 82 82 B3 Aa A3 &-7 82 A9 All 83 A2 A3 Continued •torle• ALKLANDS WAR ... Mher of p,... Allocta· , iht domn\lc BriUwh new .. ~ .• Mid \he tn,at.1 AJacri\y .. _. &he 1hlp ln the eouthem oaohH of th• ralkland , tt.. flvt·mlle·wkle ch•n· twun th• two r1lkl1nd I and thallenled ,,, "I want everybody 1.c> be opll· ml1U(). But H far 11 1 am con· c rned I 1 '9\ very cautlou1. I think w ~ve &o work at leaat for a cuuple ol ru.ya," he • d. A•k•d whon tho two 1ldH would bo ,..ady tO 1hltt from In· dl~t M80ll1Uona \0 dll'f!Ct wJka on the f\.uur• of th• Falkland•, hto uld: ·•we mlaht end our ox· ere.it«! br th encf of the week · I hope>.' • • &he 1hip trftd to eecape, rl11t.e opened fire with lt1 6 auna, Archer llJd. Brilllh 11id It wu unU· were any tutvivora. re relnforcemtnll for the Aracrfilna made J>ropoeal1 at u.~. ht·adqual'1IJ"I Tuelday, •nd Britain'• r preMhtatJve •Id they w c r{'I "very Int r 1Un1" but would t.akct "• few more d1y1" for UMC!tllM<fnt. 8rltAln clllmed Ha bMul fleet hu • 1trong) hold on the t.land.t 260 mile.. f'Ut of the! Ar1entlne L'OWlt ond llolatod tho mllmat.ed 9.000 t.roopt OC'(:upylna them. An Aracntln navol llOW'Ce uld the Britllh claim wu "ridLculoua." SAOA ENDED -Artl1t Chrla Mai.on seems le11 than overjoyed at the fate of hla bronze bu reU•f of the late John Wayne. The memorial ..., .............. sculpture S. destined for an office ln Newport Beech City Hill untl1' the dty decides what to do wlth lt. force tailed from BritaJn . The 3,000 ttoos» of the ~th try 8rl11de went aboard equl1ltloned luxury Uner en Elhabeth 2 . Tht' 00-ton llncr'1 1wlmmlng and h r bow were covered two helicopter pad• to ac· modat.e Su Kina chopper• carry 22 fully-armed troops. :Jt11h Foref1n Secretary After a Clfth day of talk• Tu1..day at the Unlwct N1&Uona, dlploma\a rcporWd IOmct proirt'll toward an •8rHment to call 1 cea1m-f ire and re1um neaolla- Uona on the future of the dltpu- k'<.I laland1. But the pcmlbillt)' of u 8ritilh U1Ault on the falklanda •till loomed. Wayne 'saga~ ends in city hall office 11 Pym uld earlier today 1'10me proare11" had been In i.Jkt al the United Na· ti to tettle the Falkland I•· ~ crial.a but that "many dltfl· cuJ leml remain." apoke after a Cab&net mee- London but did not .,1',ib- th• United N1Uon1 , tary-Oeneral Jav&er Pernz d Cuellar uid he w11 ''very a~ to hHt of Pvm'• remark.a. Prime Mlnl1ter Mar11r•t Thatcher told the Hou• of Commona that "the faot wet are negotlatlna does not cloee otf any military bptJona al all." Brltl•h sources predicted the critical Potnt ln the talkl a>uld be reached by Thunday. But BrtU.h mlni1tcn have denied spocul•· lion that the aowmment hu Mt a dcadllM for agreement In the talk.a at 0 .N. ht"adquarten. ~NIMAL SHELTER . . . .906' 1helter d>n1tructlon until !Ater thlt Nmmet, when ~et projection• are better clarlfled. CouncU membera decided April U «>continue with the project while perin1 coell by 10 percent. But meet1n11 amon1 council and 1talf memben to adjuat the project -alon1 wJth 1imilar cutblckl for an adjacent corpo· radon yard -have neverthelell ~";d cont\f'UC\k>n. . -~ city admlnl1trator1 tllll ar•n t recommendln1 1wlf t IC· tlOJ'. City Adminietrator Paul 8qidy J r. Mid today a new 1taff re~ wlll be luued eoon advl-llnl. .lhe coundl to aeek new bldl on ft ecaJed down project. Brady aald modl(lcatlon1 to lnJU!al COl'\ltruction plana, auch u In ;ilns and coollns 1y1tem1. roo or the number of cage., woul be f.roperly and more in· expensive y handled throusH • new b,d, A counterpolnl 1.c> PAW•' J>Old· tion raa provided at the meeting bv council-watcher tterbert Hench. Th• '7%-year-old fonner Internal Revenue Service em· ployee raJled apmat pet ownen1 who, he laid, operate with an ,,.. retpon1lble "open door pollcy." He aald untended anJmal wute endana.eern the dty water IUpply. "lf they're eo dedkated for an animal 1helt.er, why don't they pick Up their do8'1 ···'!" 81 Mkcd. In a related matter, a worker at the ex11unc wit.er uJd Tu.day that 26 clop, l~ call and lix rat>. btta were liven away I.Mt week durinc a free adopUon J>l'OIJ'U" oommemora\inc Be Kind to Anl- mall Week. Fifteen of those anlmalt, ln- cludln1 I 1 dop, were adopted Saturday, durlna open houll' ft"1tlvltlea, 1ald Tereaa Davia, 1helter t«hnidan. "We've never had that many animal• adopted on one 1inglt' da-y," 1he aald, explalnln& the normal rate for clop la one per day. • By STEVE MARBLE Of'ttle D.U1 ltHot tteff Thi• John Wuyne mcmorilAI kUlpture sagu c1&me to an end thlt week in Nl'wport Beach. 1t had anything but a movie 11eript (lnalo. The bronZA! bu relief of New- port'• roo.t fulTM.'d citizen. which hu bttn <.'Olluctlng dwit In artist Chrl1 Mullion'• Corona del Mar garogo. will be moved to the city hall offl<.-c of Ron Whltll'y. The movt" i1 t>Xpec:led to gen- erate little fanfare. Whatley. the City'• perk.a, bl·u- chea and re<:rt•ullon diroctor, uid he'll hang onto thl' 6 -foot -long brtwork until the <.'ity council docadt.1 what to do with it Thf' c·oun<.·11 already ha1 banned the bronze piece from ever being dl•pl.ayoo In tht• dty hull lobby. th•• only pl66Ce Large c nouJeh to accommodate the ~·ulpturl' and a few viewers. Wh1th.•y, whc111u..nd.1 to bet.'Ome c:urator of thl' smallest mwieum 1t.round with the bu relief 1lttlng in h 111 offlc:t', said he's 1ure the artwork w1ll l•ventually be dl1- played 10mewhl're. The plec..oe of art, l'Otl\mluloned two yeor11 ago and fln11hl.od early thl1 yl'or, dcp1cll u scent' from the Waynl• movie• "Stagt.'O>Oeh "· The 111.ory bt•tund the m~morl· ul, a1 wild 01 1ome of the: lul~ actor'• rpovlc 8t'rlpll, cc:nt.eroo on the question of who would p11y off art&»t MatMon Thl• qut'fftlon c:ame up aft.er the memorial d oubled In 1lzc and pr1<.1'. AftN monltui of bac.·kcnng, the <.'OUrl(:ll thlB Wf'ck agret'd LO wnt.e ~-:~::-~.-.:-~-~-.~-.!-1-~-!.-~«n-.c.-~-Ot-:-.~-ee-sr-n-~~-c::J-anow_cm_: ... - llOl•lwel 111<1wa•• '" aoulhern e 8dnTOSday _,,Jaffy I Showefe '"'"'" oaatal ;..,., tllrouth tod•V l>ul t0me ... ~ ..... tOrllgrlt ....... .. to 71 0-..nlOflt IOM 64 IO M t~Mt low cloudl11He :::2: 1Nd-4ft0t'*'8 TllUrOy. lit(. Hlf h• Thuredey II to 74 Hu1111neton·Hewport ., .. t•m· pwacw• renge ffom • tow of t3 t~•Hoflofll, •· ff om 1t01n1 Conotc>-MeJlicM bOfder end ,..... Hol 111•• wltlOe of tt41t 22 k1101t with combined HH of • to 7 Itel over out•r WI re LOHlly tight ..,.,IOlt 111011t •11d mor111ne lloure "f _...t 10 nortll-t 111 llOOflt W•tMty ..... of .... ~deer lodey • ltlmmary SOetr• Sl<lw wttm"'ij tteod ..... T Ptnperfltures Albtlly Albuqv. Am91~1o At114tvolle .. .,.,,,. Alltnl1 l;ly Au111n 8ell11tl()I• 8111"'01 Blrmlnghm Blamowc.k eoi .. &o.11>f1 .. _Yllt 8ullak> 8'Plltlflf)f1 HAftON c • ..,., C1W111-ln ac Cflltltln "'. ~WV• CNttt ... NC HI L4 f'c, ea o 17 •8 19 fll .. , n 47 87 80 111 1n 87 71 17 I" 64 47 J6 03 66 bf> .,.. 47 63 40 ')6 44 at 11 n ff ,,, 41 41 37 11 ..... ... ... 17 " 44 38 07 H M OI u 62 13 M 17 ... 84 00 II ff II .. " HO< loHI et 63 Ho ,...... 67 .., ,,, Ol&19 Cfly 17 &7 I 00 OrNn• 76 58 04 Ortendo I & 61 Phlllldpnta 77 6:\ Pl\Otflb 12 Ill 03 P11ttl>ur0h 71 6' PttMd ~ 02 A;;> PtlWld, Ot• 17 4t ,, OVIOtf>Ce • 1 43 ~~ IO 47 .._.., 11 se ,.,, Ltiti• Of 36 Re<lwood C.ny 819(.1-tO SaliflH 8 1111 Dl"lj() Gen FtMt.•~<I Sent• Ua1bar• 8"11• M11111 s·~•on ThefmM Uluan 811rtlOW Big S.•• B1tl\op L Oll(j Bea<.h 07 !>() 71 47 61 <17 ee 80 ~7 48 I? <tll 84 78 It ,. 641 48 l:IO 10 00 :13 I! 3e 1)3 w f lnal chapwr in the 1Bg.a In the form of a check for $10,000. The $34,000 piece of art now belonp to tho d ty. Artl1t Mat1on. who HJd he wool bankrur.t while working on the memorla , eald he'• ilad the whole thln1'• over. "It'• about time," he com- mented. "Thi.I whole thing prac- tlallly ruined me." Mataon old he con1lden the bH relief hi• beat creation. He said Wayne wu hla Ufelon1 ~ro. "You wait and see," he pre- dlc:tc.od, "aomeday It wiU be worth moru than • 1 mllllon. It'• a one of u kJnd.'' Laguna girl, 17, facing murder rap By STEVE MITCHEU of-. Dlllr .... --A 17 ·)'Hr·old Laguna Beach High School girl facea char1e1 of murder foHowlna an apparent murder-1ulcide attempt near • Legion Street church Tueaday morning. The 8: 10 a.m. incident at the corner of Lesion and Throu1h 1treet.1 left Jam9 Anthony Ken· dJlll, 21 . of Emerald Bay. dead. Laura L ee Fe11t, 17, of 4 ·1~ Legion St., apparently 1hot her- 1elf in the cheat after firing a round from a 1tolen .22 caliber revolver at her boyfrit'nd, fatally woundln& him. Miu Fel1t, a tranafer 1tudent at the high achool. wu lilted in fair condition at UCI Medical Cen~r thil momtns. A police 1pokeaman aaid the Impending breakup of the cou- ple'• relatlon1hlp apparently prompted tbe 1hooti~. Kendall, I 1978 araduate o f Lagun.a Beach High School. pur· portedly told the teen-aged 1u - 1pect the relatlon1hlp w1&1 over, lh.e 1pokesman aald. "They were dOIC! frlend1 for aeveral yean, and 1he apperently c.'Ould not aee henelf with anyone eltfo, or him with another atrl,'' the police 1pokemnan &aid. He Hid the couple left Ken- dall'• EmeraJd Bay home aat about 7 :46 a .m . and drove to Miu Fel1t'1 apartment on Lei~on Street. She had written a "wlll-type" letter prevlou1ly, lndlcat1n1 her belonalnp 1hould 10 to her mo· th.er, ihe offlcer uid. Kendall purportedly parked hl1 pickup truck on Throuah Street whllo ah e went In to change clothea for achool, polJce· aald. N<>-eontest plea made by Dixon Patrick Arthur Dixon Jr .• an honor Jtudent who briefly at- tended UC Irvine'• Collea• of Medicine. pleaded no conte1t Tue1day In lmp•rlal County Superior Court to chargL'I that he practlced m«tldne llleplly. Dixon f'ntered the plea In El Centro to cher1e. of prNCriblna medicine without a llcenee and grand theh for acc:cpuns a $6~. 000 aalary u • paychlatrlat in a county-run OUJpat.lent clinic. Superior Court Judie Harold Chaille 1t.1t a ttntendng date for Dixon on June 14. Dixon, 40, wu arrested Mareh 10 on 1uap6don of lmpenonaUng o p1ychlatri•t during the prece- d Ing ••ven .month1. u1lng the name f>f a former collu1e room· mate, Dr. Howard Smlth. Dixon already had earned a doctorate In education and pay- choloay from tho University of MlchJpn when he began eta.. .. at UCI. However, when he dropped out of UC1'1 Coll<'8C-of Medldne In the fall of 1977, he had atwn- ded claucs for only a ff'w mun- tht UCI student wins $1,000 scholarship Irvine resident Julie Lofton, a 1tudent at UC Irvine, haa been awarded a tl,000 acholarahlp by Irvine Chapter of American .8ua1nela Women '1 ,..._ IOdatlon (ABWA). Ma. Lofton plaru to be a phy- 11lclan , said ABWA 1poke1man Burbara Zediker, ond will enroll this fall at Osteopathic College> of the P..ac1flc, Rlvenide The .cholarahlp preaenl.Jltlon was made Tueaday durlnj ABWA'1 luncheon In the Sadd· leback Inn, Tuatin. !"our •600 acholarahlp1 al10 wf!re awarded Reclplenu are Lucia Dube of Santa Ana and Kristen Yoat of San Juan Capi- strano. both Orange Cout Col- lege 1tudenll; Linnea Hannipn of Ml11lon Viejo, a Seddleback College 1tudenl, and Nan cy Nielson of !I Toro, a UCI 1tu- dent. Canyon park lee weighed lrvlne dty offldall are worried thl\ th• new ru1Uc park In Sommer Canyon may be too coetly to UM tor 1m11l, prlvata IJ'OUI»· The City Council delayed ac· lion Tue1day on 1 rea•rvauon and tee policy that would have awarded a temporary contract to Park Avenue Caterlns throu,h June, 1983. The firm, ba .. d n Orana•. hat provided •rvk.• to the park for 10 )'tare and ma· naaed the area for th• lrvln• Comp•n)' for thci put three yHt'I. The park. purch11ud by the city In 'February under aa 1tate bond luue. l1 available on • rft- ervation bull to community ·~ commercial or private 1roups. The flrat and only f!Vent he ld 1lnce the city took ovf!r the park. located off BonJ t.a Canyon R* . waa Wt month'• chill cookotf. Former plannina commit•lon member Fraank Hurd, a candidate for the Irvine Ranch Water Dl1· trlct board, aa!d he called the ca- terer to check on propok'd •JX'Ctal fee ratea for prlva~ and com - mercial "roup1. He told council members Park A venue Hid It would require a $1 ,000 facility uae fee. A different fee raw mt.a been propo1ed for non -profit, clty-1pon1ored and community SfOUpl. Hurd aald the $1 ,000 ft.>e, abovt> any aervices prov1dt!d by the ca- terer. would pruhlblt 11TU1ll, prl· va~ groupa from ualng the site. Under the propoeed contract. Parle Avenue Cat l'rlng haa agreed to provldt" re1tr oom1. tra1h 1t"rvke. security, water. rooking and refrigeration ~ulp­ ment, alte mainu-n.ance and other 1ervlce1 at no co1t to the city Various community group• would be charged according to type of group and number of people. City offlclall emphulwd ttuit no aet Ult' fef! hu been e1ta- bli1hed for private and commer- cial group1. Hurd IUIJge1t.od that thl' city might cancel It• proposed c.·on - tract w l th Park Avenue and supply the neceuery servK't'S and equipment Flying snake captured on Republic jet A snuke that o•c:apNJ I mm u C'Ontoinf'r nnd had the run u( lht.' cargo arl'a aboard a Rl•publlc: Alrlinc.•1 }<'tllntr waa .afcly rc- trwvt.od Thursday night aht·r the phmt• landed at John Wuync.· Al· port. The non -pou1onou11, lil>C foot long Luu11iana rut 1mukc.• we. f ound under a b oa rd 1n the pn'!Ulur1zcd forward L-argo an•a of the plane by the man to whom tht> reptile wu det1llnt>d Gory Bagnall of Callforn1<i Zaolug1cal Supply, Santa Ana "[ hud to crawl lru1lde thl' ~urgo area and lift a fc>w boards bt•lore I found him. He was Ice m id ao he wa1n 't moving around very much," Bagnall litlld today Snakes url' cold-blooded crea- turc,'tl, he explalntod. Thi• 1nake waa among 150 that were belnlJ sh1ppc.od from Mem- phis for 1ublequent sale by Calf. fomla Zooloslcel, a wholeaal<'r of reptile• and amphibians, Hid Bei)lall. 24, of Twnln =:.11 CWvtllllld Clmbl• SC Cotumtiut Otl·FI Wlh Oe'fl«t Oenv., Dee Moine. Def roll O\Jlultl £1 Pno ,.,00 FlllQtl•ll QfMff'lllt H9tlf:Otd ~ ~ H1111tt0f'I 1"41191)411 JK11111 Ml Jl(tetllVll• 1<9tlt Clfy ~lfegu Utlll NOdl l.Oliltlllll9 Lu«>t>Oek Memptlie 6 1 .. , 7' to es en 13 " 57 " 0' ... 80 &4 •1 01 &I ,. 17 ,. 13 40 12 n IWI An'°'1k> 11 10 ee ~ oe •1 lnr-.pot I .... 68 llOll~ ,.... 61 ''° .. I t LOUlt H M It p fMll)t 83 blJ •• It• ,,..,.. 10 39 20 IC*MI 70 •19 l)'facute 7 I 4!1 '°'*'' 74 01 ' n M<ltlltJYI• Ml W~ton N-potl Beech 011 .. •l-O Plllm 6prtrio• PHtdenl 8tn 84lrn11d1no ,.,, 0.bf ltl 8111 J ON San11 An.• l enlt C•ut Ttlloe V•Ht'f 4 43 83 63 77 117 113 .. .. .. 71 411 )I 1)1) 411 ~8 40 !):! •e 45 ., Ml11 Fel1t then apparently broke lntu the apartment of 1 friend, where 1he retrieved tho email handsun, and walked back out to the truck. She purpoNdly climbed back Into tht pa111n1•r aide of the truck and clOMd tM door, then fired at Kendall without war· classes in Irvine ummer offered Ml• Mf!iflUlt .. ~, ~ =~ 16 71 to 13 1• ... 67 .. ff .. eo ,. '° .. ,., 66 It H .. ff 11 ,.., t& ..... 71 ,. M It '° 70 ... .. ... H :t u 2 Tuceon 7t 61 tutM M O• 3 06 W•lhlnGln 77 M w~1• 12 eo 1 67 -~-.i~~MIOMIA -·-.,. .. ~ 71 &w•• 67 47 Celgeiy tdlnonlon Molllt•91 Ontw1 CANADA 47 27 -'""° 14 80 L-...• .. 00 01 Extended ~ :~\ ~~ M -...... 71 0-lend .. " ~-=-:~ weather IOVTHll'IH OALl'O"NIA COAITAL ANO MOVNTAIH ARllAI Nlfhf •nd 1T10rnlf1Q COUl•I tow cloud-llld Ylfl•Mi lllth CIOUdlnete Ot,,.,•lte fair 1¥1111 htGhl In COlllll Md Y•lfeY ., ... tl IO 7t end IOwt 41 lo M. Higflt Ill Ille moontlllll• N to M l.owt 3010 ... Tid81 YOOAY ''"" l!WI U.4 p in. 1,,0 a.c.ncr low u' , "' t ,., .. Nell '*"'"· . "' .. ,., .. IOW f:Ol1m 01 ....,.,..... .. ,,,,. '' ....... • .. ,,,. 1.0 flltl ....... ., •• , •• , "'·· , .... Tfll#Mlp ...... "' .....,.,...~ .... , ...... .... ,,..... ...... ,,. "11t. peJr •U-UUt.d out of &he truck, and 1 wrin .. , eald Miu feltt potnttd tht w•pon Ind ti· rtd M It.. 1tood aver ihe body of her boyfriend. A pa11trby r•n to the couple and t.Ook the I"" away, tclMnl lt on &he.,_ aweral ylrde away. PoUce IMd 1 nune who WM ln the area lmmedtately be~ ad· minJ1tMin1 fir• akt to Mfll Felll unul ftN And police of fAdall ar· rived al tht ane. Kendall cW It the aceM, •· IDtt.t efforta to MW him and MJll fell\ WH ru1h•d &o Ml,.lon Community H0tpltal'1 trauma center and later tranapol1ed io UCI M.ucal Center. I Re•••n 10 •P~•r WASHIN010N (AP) -,... . r-::::.-=.:.= I pa IVl'~rllUlw r. ...., of.,.., ............ ,,... .......... .., .. With c.._. r1n1ln1 from rou.r *'""'to wallpepll'tnc offtr9d lft lrYtnt WI IWNMI', anyone wlao ml1ht for1et where he put hil .... kri ot .,..,., ,.... ..., cart enroll tn • me1nory lnaprovement w~ The tla11e1, offered thlOUO .. ...,,. OcA..-y 8ervfn1 Department, are open • d&J ..-...nt1 f« W• ltlon ,.., nnctnc from f 10 lot .... two , ..... ..u,.... MC .. to f 116 for f IWIOI· ' :::Jl~1ft•ar·Wttk hll)\ -·~=· The tmory work• op, July 19 and 2ts, coeta 12 l.60 per person while the el1ht· Wffk outdoor roller 1kaunc COUl'M, divided Into adult and chlldren '• 1tctlon1, cou1 •18.00 and blclnl June 23. Othtr cl_... off ertd ln· cbade yop·WJ nl0¥tmenl. tl1rnnllClm ...-, lntl'OdUC· lion to ldlna. ~ believe dan ce ehu for• and O·yter-0~ ~ pitar and l"9ldU'I ~' f« llCOftd ~ tb ...... tntonnadoft on au e1-II available &hroqh the Com· mwM~1. lr*'9 ~' by ClaWftl 764.-e. ~ I House Dill hacked Measure to provide WASHlNOTON Conc.•nwd 1b0ut tho UOY· bled houatna lnduatry, lht> Houte hu approved 1 bill that would provide t l billion ovtr the neJ<t tJx month• to lower mortaaa lntere•t rate• ao thou· •ndtl of famUlea oould afford to buy houaes. "Thia bill will provide lhouund1 of American famlUet with decent houalna. 10mtthln1 that the aovcrnmont hu alrn<llll foraotten how to do In re- cent month•.'' .. Id Jtep. Ft1rn1nd J. St Oerma;n, D·R.I. 'Illo eme,..ncy blll, •pproved on a a.&-65 vote Tueeday, propoeee t.hat th aovernment •pend fl billion throuah tht remainder of tho flteal year that endt ln October. The mc11urt now aoe1 to the Sena ... which it all'ftdy coruld rtna 1lmllar wall· latlon, Decision "appalls' drug firm • ALBANY. N.Y -Eli Lilly and Co. aaya lt ls "appalled" at a rullns by New York'• hlghL'tt t.'OUrt that the pharmoc't'utlcal company must pay a half- mlllion dollan m damages to a woman wh<>1e mo- ther took the drug DES during pregnancy. In a unanimous rulins Tueeday. the Court of Appeala decided the company must pay $600,000 to a MinneaDta woman, Joy'--e Bichler, even though it waa not determ1n~ that Lilly manufactur~ the drug. The court upheld a 1979 dt.>clalon by a state Supreme Court jury that M.. Bichler ahould receive compcl'\ll8tlon for canecr whkh developed in 1971 when she was 17. That jury decided that LWY. and other major DES manufacturera hod not adequately tested the drua before puuina It on the market. Attorney General tax queried WASHINGTON -Attorney General William French Smith went outalde hi• blind trust to Invest $33,000 In an oil and gaa drilling tax shelter which made him eligible for $YY.OOO in federal Income tax deductiona, a apokesman said today. The Wuhington Poet reported today that the venture wu claim1nll 1981 tax deductiona of twice the amount pennltted by current lntemaJ Revenue Service rullnaa. Justice Department spokesman Tom DeCalr said that Sm1th invested $16.~ In the venture on Nov. 27, 1981. and another 116,600 on March 30. 1982. Reagan hosts Brazilian chief WASHINGTON -Brazilian President Joao Fijuelredo. welcomed at the White House against a backdrop of fighting in the South Atlantic, told President Reagan todar, Braz.ti I.a striviOJt to "build bridges between states ' no matter how difficult a WOOffi[OO tuk that may prove. "The purpoae of Brazilian diplomacy it to strengthen the llnka of confidence amonf the countries of thia continent 10 that the aplrit o con- ciliation and peace may prosper," Fi~ aa.ld. Pope begins Portugal tour LISBON. Portugal (AP) . Portugal gave an exuberant wekomc t.oday to Pope John Paul ll as he began a four-day pilgrimage to pey homage to Our Lady of Fatima and "thank God for liavl ng my Portur.iese soil , calling at "the land of the Virgin Mary, ' and said in Portuguese: "l aalute you Portugal ... land of martyrs, aamts and heroic aervanta of Chrllt." His white robes rustling In the wind under overcaat skies, John Paul told Preeident Antonio Ramalho Eanes and 15.000 flag-waving children life.'' ' Arriving from Rome. where he survived an assassinauon attempt wt May 13. the pontiff kissed Religious repression "nil' MOSCOW -Evaneehat Billy Graham sa[d. today he hall ~n no direct evidence of religious repreMion an the Soviet Un10n and said the concept of religious fre<odom was a rclatlvc one. ' 'vlslt~d (ln the Soviet Union) -and there are thousands of them -11ervku are allowed to go on freely," the 63-year-old Baptist told a new• confe- renc:e at the clOIW! of the second plenary session of the Conferen<X' of Religious Worken for Saving the Sacred Gift of Life from Nuclear Catastrophe. "It would seem to me that in the churches I ~UillU~ Union vote ballots challenged SACRAMENTO -It will be at least three weeka before a decision on challeneed ballota that will determine the out.come of the nation's largeet academic uruon election al the 19-aunpua California State University. When ballot• from a runoff election were counted Tuetday. the Un1ted Profeaors of Callfor- nia, AFL-CIO. led the Congress of Faculty Auoci- ations, 6.473 votet to 6,464 -a difference of 19. But 608 vote• were challenged: 297 by the university. 198 by the UPC. two by the CFA and 11 by the Public Employment Relations Board, which aupervi.ed the election. Gates staµds by his· remark LOS ANOELES -Polke OUd Daryl Gates say1 he's sorry If he offf'ndcd anyone-by IUJUteeting that black• may be more prone to death from chokehold1 than "normal people," but he siands by ht. remarks. recover aa quickly from carotid chokeholds - which render sµspecta uncoru1Clous by cutUng off blood to the brain -because their carotid artefiee may funcUon differently than those of "normal people.'' The city'• five-member Board of Police Com- ml11lonet1 planned to consider the remark• and pmaible dllclpllnary action against Gatet at a mee- ting today. A number of dvll righta leaden and at least two city councilmen have urged Gates' dlamlasal because of hll 1tat.ed ''hunch" that blacks might not ORANG£. l.OA ~.I Daily Pilat Key SChultt V•' ,.,,...~·· .. ,., , ...... ,,. ................ . I <>tr• Murpt\1111• , ..... M1lu1 H11rvev ,,.., .. tot ... .,,.,...,.., Ken Cioddnrd fHt•t•• 4 ft$M tt .. A•v "411eLtan .,.,...""'"" Cla1t1l1ed advefllllng 7'4 642-S6711 Alf olher department• 642·4321 M•tN OFFICE 1.)t W•\J "'"' '\t C ""'"'Mt "'• t A MAU ittt..11"'".._ t4'>• fWJ 4. .,...!It M t 1irMt I " '1'/•J#. 1 .,..,,,,.q,,.. 1•1 O•M'Cil' c .. ,, Pt,,.,.,,,.,,"' C••••nt flfn n.-•' ,,,,. .. ' ,,,, ... ,,,. .. ,..,, ,. ... ,,..,.,., n1 .. t•• or .a .,,.,,,o•tt...-f't ,_. , .. ,n fl•• ""' '""0f'Mtutfd .,,,....,.,,. ,,,... .... , "',,,.,., ....... ' f'IDp:tlOtil flJtllf,.., '9 •,.,,,,'I• f•• t.v t~•i4t .. 1 I ~l.it ¥1 ,, t Mtf0t-ft.t1t • If.,., t tf ,.-,, -.If•' tH1t.,..,. f.it' t .tr f ~• t "" I \ "·..,,tfttt ftw-u ; ut \t 'VI UWMt0 .. " t,.. .,,~ • '""'""' fJrHt¥" ti•kif ""'"' wntt" 1\ ,.,., "'""" '"' ,...... ........ • l'litlh~ .. .,, ,,... °' ...... CIM•I Po"1ttwnq CIMtt,.....f lw>CMfMf' HMi-.,, '"''""--.... ""-~ ..... ~ ,., '°"'" .,,,.. ... N• •fl'l•f fl,.M ll 11 ... lollfllM h~M" ,_.,WIY.00-f h wtfw I ~"lit tir1fof" \l'M•t~ I '~'' A \tf'HI.,, tf'!~ •thhOft flit ~;~"'ft \,tho ftA•"-riAC'f ~A"" '""° '"'"' , .. .,, , • ...., "'"'' "'""'" " lltt w-"' ""' ,..,.,., I' 0 tin• IWI I"'''° AA<«• I """ 1111~ •11>/f> VOL 75, NO. 132 . ' Broker indicted in record fraud SAN BERNARDINO -State and county off ldalJ filed charges aplnat mortgage broker Wa~ Burton and MVen bualneta U10- cta te1 on 182 telony counts in what thoy call the lar1e1t r-eal estate brokera1e fraud ln Call- fomJa hlltory. Burton'• Unlverul Finance Corp. already la ln ta'etvenhtp. The charaet flied Tuelday allele Burton and hll partnen Commft· led a.rand theft, for1ery, l«Uri· tle1 vlol•tlont and tax fraud lhn>ua~ UnJv«Ml and C..lifomla llqultr. Home Loen compeny. · We're Ll•t.,,lng ••• 1 Whal do you tlh •bout the Dall~ Pilon What don't you llkt? Call lM n'-lmb9r below •nd your mttHI• will bo reeordtd, tranaulbed and deltvtrtd to the approprtatt editor. n. eanw 2'•hour auwertaa Nnle. may M UHd lo NC'Ol'd let• t.rs to tM tdttor on in, ..,..;,ltaUbox eontrtbutors mutt IMlude ll,•lr ,...., ud ..._.,._. • ..._ for fmflnUon. Jllo ritnlllloft nll1, ........ Tell ,.. whit 't on your mlnd. ., . Orange Oout OAILV PILOT/Wldnetday, May 12, 1112 DEVASTATING BLAZE -Firemen walch helplessly as huge spire on his toric Notre Dame d e Lourdes church In Fall River, Mass. plunges to earth as fire destroys the sanctuary. Blaze A"Wlr~ started in the church , which was being rerfb-#.. vatcd. Fire spread to nearby structures, left t# · familic.'8 homeless. Damage 1s estimated at $'31 : million. n 11 I •t'··: Grgas gains Seal Beach council post Ex-cop to be tried ~D·! t·· •• 'l I 14 "I 1.' J on felony perjury 111 J~ I bct•n f1rc•d from the Anahetfrl •!• poltet• force in February fol~ wmg an internal lnv<'8Ugauon."~"" Seal Beach vow rs havc elecwd A formt:r Anaheim pohc.-e orr.. Victor s Grgas, 8 3 J -year-old cer has been ordered to s tand government bu111ness COflllultant trial in Orange County Superior f Court on a felony perjury count to a our-year term on the City In c.'Onnet:tlon with his acuv1ties ~~~received 647 voletl while on a special crame-faghting task foree his opponent, James G. Funk. got However. two other former 405 votes TuC!ld.ay. officers facing charges of using Funk. 36, a community devel-cxt'eulvt-force while belonging ~ment d1reetor for the city of to the same task force weren't untington Park, had received bound over for trial Tuesday more votes than Grgae in the followina a dosed door prehma-March 30 primary election. The e A month latn, the Oran~" County Grand Jury 1nd1t.·t.Ptr1h them on charge'!\ of <.'Onsp1racyt~·1' obstruct justice. falato 1mpr1so#!'; ... mc•nt und assault under the t-ol~··'· or authority I<.: Dt•puty District Attorney T~·r• Lloc·thal!i indicated h<.> would :1fi. ,.,, pt•al Judgt· Ryan's dec1s1onlt .. · ,,, ,,,,, run-orr was hl'ld bt:ot1IUSl' ncather nary hearing an West Orange got a maprity. County Munidpal Court. v• ,, Election officials put thl· voter Judge Judith Ryan rult>d that , f Pro golfer turnout at 30.4 pert.'Cnt In TU(."11· defcnd&int Peter:tWann should Lopez-Melton_,,,._,_' day·11 volt• that induded down-face trial an Supenor Court only town &>al B<·ach and In Surfside· on the sangl<' pt•rjury l'Ount. H<' J an district I. had bcC'n previously C'ha rgl·d asks divorce Joy<.'t' Rism•r und CM:ar Brow with eight ft.lony counts of using ne ll won 1..•IN·tlon outrl~ht hu1t exn·ssiv<· for<·<· and mi streating HOUSTON (AP) Goll March whtm they captured the prisoners. Num·y Lopc•z-Mc•lton. a lt.•ad majority of votes an thclr dis-Judge Ryan rl'duced four as-munc•y-w1nn..r on ~hc Lad s trict.s. sault counts against Wann from P rof<·sswnul Golf Associatl felonic.-s to m1sdem<>anon1. Tht'S(.• tour. has fal<>d fnr divul'C(' fr Bogart eulogized l'harges w ill not bt.• tr1Pd In hN husband or three yeah . Superior Court. Houston sportS<:aster Tam M~l- LOS ANGELES (AP) Scv-Wann was ordered to appt.'l:lr t.ol). ,,., eral major r(>(.'Ordlng stars wh08e for arraignment on May 24. Melton t."Onftnn<'d that his wiJf careers werc enhanced by pro-Has two codefendant.s had all had fik-'d divorce papers. · ,. ducer Nt.•al Bogart sang his fa-t'hargl's against them dismissed "I did not want the divorce,'~ vont.c song at hls funeral. About The Judge ruled there was 1n-hl' added ,,.,. 1.000 people. including Bob Dy-suffldent cvidenc.•e to hold for-"I love Nancy more now t~, Ian and Burt Bacharach, atten-mer officers John C. Everley. 32. the day I marned her," he said. ded the funeral TuC!lday for the and John Jansen. 43, for trial an "8c<.•au11e of that. I will alway,i. 39-year -o ld Bogart who died Superior Court. care about her and what happetla' Saturday of cam:er. Ttw three former officers had to her." '"" r!riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilir.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil .. <t Gem Talk /lv.J(' /ll!MN/HJ/o:s ('rrit(ll'd <:1•m11/111(1fli. A ( ;,'\ WE'RE SETl'LED IN at our aew llome Corum 's Masterpiece Collection Fine Gold lngott, Weighing 5, 10, °' 15 or.,..,,,.. Eteotronlc Ouar1z t200otd Piece. Electronic QuMJAnd w ... .........,. ~ .. ·-... I Orlf109 Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedneed~, M'Y 11, ,.., Cash discounts p ermitte d 8~ PAT HOROWITZ o.-.w,,..,..,. DEAR PAT1 I am coa•lderlDJ offerta1 • .tllcHal lo cHla cualomen or ruy 1mall lt•1laet1. Are tlaere aoy law1 re1ulat111 tlal1 ., CH I b11t1t11 e1CabU1la lh OWD proce· ... ,., M.G., Co1ta Me11 StarUna a "dlx'Ount tor cash" pro1ram dote not requtre the approval or any f('der•l qency, KICOl'dJna \0 the Fedvrul Tradf! Com· ml•lon. However, you mtat dl11e:lotc clearly and conaplcuoualy t.o all cu1tomcrs (not just credit card holders) that you oHt>r a dllcount for cash. You can do thlal by pc.unai ll 1Jgn at each location wher purchaau ru made- 1ayln1: "We Give Dli1count1 for Ca.h ," 011 eomethlna 1lmllar FTC add1 that the dltcount may be Ill larae u you wt.ah and you tuiv" the opUon of offert~ cuh dlacounta onl)' on certain typee of product• or tervlcea, or only at certain 1torea In a chain. Although the Truth In Lend1na Act pennita you t.o offer a dlaoount for cuh, It forblda you to put a 1urcharge on purc.halet made by credit card cuatomera. ll you poet ~y the credit card price by each Item and theft deduct the cH.cou.nt when a cuh lale la made, you are offering a dilloount for . If you po1t both a credit card price and the lower caah price by each Item, you are alto offerin& a <illcount foe cuh. But if you only poll the d18oounted caah price and then charge your credit card cuatomera the higher amount. you are addJ.na a 1urcharge and that la again.at the law. If vou have queatlon1, contact Ju11lin Dlnafelder or Larry DemJlle-Wagman at the Federal Trade Commiaslon, Sixth and Penn· aylvanla Ave., Washington, D C 20580, or phone (202) 724-1139. Dog sh ots clinic set DEAR PAT: Your do1-owolng readers will be glad &o know tbat llaJted Humultar· lan1 of Oran1e County wlll again 1ponsor a low-cost vaccloatloo clinic June 5 at Murdy Park, 70t0 Norma Drive (near Golden West St. u d Waner) lo Huntlqloo Beacb from 10 a.m . to % p.m. Tbe coat will be $3 for rabies and U eacb for dlatemper and parvovlru1 vacc1natloo1. Payment mu1t be lo caab and r:t1 slloold be leaabed. For loformallon about w-cost cat vaccloalloo1 or spaying and oeaterlag, your readera may call a United Ul7 p sychologist wins f ellolfship Med.lca.l PIYChol~t Deane Shaplro Jr , dlrec· tor of outpatient PIYChiarty at the UC lrv1.ne Med· lcal Center, i1 one of ~O American profeulonala chOMn for a W.K. Kelloa Foundauon National Fellowahip. Dr. Shapiro, of Lquna Beach, will atudy how bualnelMll In the United Stat.es and Japan cope with execuUve 1trel9. He al.lo will compare the effect!· venaa of Western and Eutem 1treu management techniquea. Kellogg fellows are 1elected on the basts of credentiall, akUla, lntereata, demonstrated leader· 1hJp potential and recommendation.a from ln.st1tu· tlona. Each receives a three-year grant o ( up \0 $30.000. Sha lro, 34, jolned UCl In 1980 after aerving at Univenlty. He al.lo hat aerved aa dean of affaln at the Pacific Graduate School of piycholoiY. H e recent}~ pu_bllahed a book ti tl ed "Meditation: Self RegUJ.aUon Strategy and Altered Sta tee of Coradou.lnel9." , ", ..... ,.!~ .....,....,. 'WHI.., 'e 11(;;,,,. ~ B,,.clal ..., 12-May 11, 19'2 ..... ..., ... : '·" I ... 1111 lllOlt bttllbM of Jiff ''""' w1111 en 011ns•·red bodJ t111.iuoud ••Ill three ~tee• ..._ 1117 ,_ we "lll't 1ed. I 1111 .. lttflll elld ICUYt S.. 111t at .. T1.,icawWtt1111e11 u lt 11n01 lilt ntlllt "Clown Lttdl'' I« o111J l.M. HomaaUarlaa volHIHr from It a.m. &o ' p.m. a& IH·llU, Ht.ltll w IM-4tlt . H.M. OeNftONVo Uni~ HumanJtarlana • la offenna • durable. llaht-wetsht formlc:a pot ldentlfica- llon taa at lta co1t of $2. Th• tap come In 1mall, medium or lar1e alin In red, blue, yollow, black or whlw. Tho em.all ~aul­ tablo for a cat or very arnalJ q . The can be ordered by -~ •2 (CMh only) to niied HumanUarian1 of Oi'anao County, P.O. Box 477, Garden Grove 92042. Include the pot'• name, owner'• name and addr.,., city and 1tate plut two telephone numbes;p -:--you,.. and a friend'• OI' relaUve'1. '1be macsc word, "reward," a1lo can be lnduded. Use child restraints DEAR RE.ADJ!:RS: Th.la la Child PUlen· ger Salety Week. Studlol lndicate that traffic accidenta are the major killers of y~ten, according \0 the National Automobile Club, which adda that thla traaedY could nearly be eliminated by the use of re1tralnt devlce1, usually oon.1l1Una of a 1turdy .eat attached \0 the car by anchoring belt.I. Even mnall bablm can be \Om from a parent's anna in low 1peed crashe1 . The re1tralnt device holds them securely and dlatribut.es the force of the cruh evenly. The club reports that an eight-year 1tudy In the at.ate of Wa1htnaton 1howed that 90 percent of the deathl and 70 percent of lnju· rles lo children under age 5 who were invol- ved In automobile accldeni. could be pre- vented by a safety restraint l}'ltem. The Californ ia Child Pauenaer Safety Committee •urveyed children pa11enRers in $4 countlea durlna 1981 and found that only 13.2 percent of children under aae ~ were protected by the simple device. Acron the nation on an average day, three children un- der age ~ die and 160 are Injured becaUle they were riding In a vehicle without child re· 11tralnta. • Gut u problt!m~ wrltt! to Pat Horo-.. 1 w1tz P•t will cut r«l "'~· getelng the ill .,uwt•f'I •nd ll<'rlon you ne«J Co .olve In· equJCJt!S In government •nd bum,,,.. M.n your quc111ion1 to Pat Horowitz, At Your Servlc:e, Orunp Cout Dully Pilot. PO Box 1'80, O.c. meM, CA 92626 A. many lecten u poalble will be .,... Wt•rrd, but phoned mqulrle6 or letUIT9 not Jndudl111J the readPr'• full namt>, addre11a and bu1/nH11 houn' phone number cannor be oonllidered. MAY PHOY.O SPECTACULAR •• COLOR REPRINTS 2 25$ Ret11rnfng t o Bob Burns Fat1blon Island RONNI E BROW, at tbeplano • Direct from bis U.S. tuur -... • limited engagement beglm May 4tb • AppearlnR n1esday tbru Saturday nlgbts 3 7 Fasblon lsla11d 714-644·2030 Thru Mey 22, 1982 Fish & Chicken Dinner Only •239 Ciet two g~at tuta In e>Ur Fish ti Chicken Dinner. E8ch dinner het 1 crlapy fl1h flllet end two tender whltemat Chicken Plenka,• M1Wd with freth cole alaw and gotct.n fryn. ... HAMORM.VD. COSTA•8A Jult ... Of =~:.. Seville recall ordered ABC wins firs t s weeps 'Dynast y' soap er gainin g vie wers WASHINGTON (AP) -General Motors Corp. hu been ordered to re- call &0,000 1978 c..dUllCI \0 correct an a1r poUu\.l.on emlulon.t problem simi- lar to one whJch aroae in tho 1976 and 1977 mod· 4'11. The Environmental Protection Aaency aald that the recall affect• Cadlllac Sevltlea whh 6. 7 -ll ter fuel -Injected auollne enaln•. lt aald defect• In the exhaust pa red.rcu1aUon ayatema an! reeulUna in eXCNlive nJll'Olen oxfde emi811ona. The EPA, which two yeara aao required G M \0 fix a atmllar problem on 1976 and 19'7 Sev- Ulea, aald that the recir- culation 1y1tema on the 1978 Cadllt.c. have be· c ome c to11ed w i th carbon-Uk.e depo.tta. Under the order, GM hu 4~ day1 to aubmit a plan t o remedy the problem or requeat a hearlna. 1.08 ANOEU'.8 (AP} -Tho fas~ PflCiecl ala Uc:k movie ''Cacldy1hack" on CBS r.'ntehod at the top of the NlelMn raU.. but ABC c1a1med tho flm week of the May IW•pl. ABC'• tut-rllln~me-tlme ~P opera "[)ynalty" pu ..cond in the ratino compiled by tho A.C. Nlellen Co. 'n. lhow ended Ill current aeuon after a myatery that won't be reeolved until fall. A.BC wu flnt in tho May Swee~ week endJ.na May 9 wtth 16.7. CBS flnilhed. fUll potnt behind wtth 14.7 and NBC waa third with 13.3. The t Schools OK 4-day week DAYS CREEK. Ore. (AP) -ln a coat-cutting move, the Daya Creek School Board haa voted to g o to four-day tchool weeks in the fall. 1ile t>o.rd aareed to uk the 1tate Department of b:iucation for a waiver of rule• requiring dl1trkt1 to have 1chool at leaat 115 day1 within a 12-month period. The board plans to lengthen the achool day by one hour. School would be held Monday• through Thul'ldays until Thankagivlng. After that, achoo! will be held Tueadays through Fri· daya. networks M)' that fMltnl in ea OWi'• ap prtme-Umo mlnu&e 16.1 pwoent ot the nation'• hoMel wtth TV were tu- ned to ABC. An NBC rerun, "TV't Ceo.t0red Bloopon," flnlthod third, and corn· ni.~:: top five ahowt wore A.BC'1 "'roo for Comfort" and ·~• c.ompany ." Such peNnnlal CBS frona..NMerl u ''60 mlnu•'' and ''Dallu'' are lnto reruna and did not make tho Top 10. "60 Mtnu•" w• in 11th place and "0.UU" WU in 26th. Here are the Top 10 lhow1: "Ct4d~," lundey = Moolte, • r•tlne of 23 2 Of fl 6 l!lllllotl 11o1.1M e. CH. "51:· ," 22 7 Of 1e I mmGft, AK: 0•TV·1 C.-ed ( .. ).It. or H .t ll'lllllon. NIO, "Too CIOH or Oolftlort," 20.1 or 11.4 mlllton, A•C: "Tllrff't Compen~:· 19.1 or t6.f mllllOfl, A9C: ''''°'' of UN,' 19 t Of 114 mlllon, HeC: "Hett IO Herl," 11.t Of 11 1 mlllon, AK. "M-A.a.+f' ~. 1U Of 11.0 mi.on. C81: "l!Wde tt1e Thltd ~."PW\ I. IU Of t6.0 mlrilon, AeC. "111111 of the~ llwe," tl.S or 14.t mlllOft. AIO. "-• .,. '"-neXJ 10 lhOWe: "to Mln!MI," cat: "The l'lll Guy," ABC; "The D!At• of Huzard" l"I. cea. "The ~ 1oe1," AeC, .. ,.... Peope." Nee. "TMQl\efe Only," N9C; "Olff'rent 9ttotl•," ..O: "Gimme e 81Nll,'' NBC. "Megnum. P.1 :· Cla: .... Sir ... eiu. ... Nee H«e ere the five IOWMl-fellld .r-: "Qoldle end the Kldl ," ABC. "Chlcego 8t0fy,'' HBC, "'II~ Murphy," ,,.IC, "Crim• In Amerlce," AIC: .. Jo61M>ooll.'' "8C 'Health' cola eyed Pl':KI NG !AP) Ch ma hllli dcve- lo pt'<.l 1l.ll own "mla," 3 health drank madt: from p(•ony routs th11 l t:ould turn into an 1ntcrnal1onal lx-st-8<.'ller, the Peopll''s D1uly rl'purt.ed. ~· NU T RITI O N~ :soUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA 557-6161 VITAMINS LI NDBERG vusm PACI II 30 Day Suppfy reg. 18.95 90 Dey SUppty reg. •6.96 RICH LIFE CftUTED ZllC 25 MQ. 100 Tab9 LINDBERG m11111 E • LI. 50 Cape THOMPSON ORUllC IROI 90 Tabl LINDBERG mm111 25000 l.U. 100 Caps 13.95 38.95 ' 1.95 3.95 1.35 2.15 GROCERIES KING TUNA LlllT IUT TUil 8'tio oz. Can GOOD STUFF WHUT BREU 2• oz. Loaf HEAL TH VALLEY PUllT IUTTER Salted Creamy 16 oz. LINDBERG FRUCTOSE 18 oz. LINDBERG SllFLIYfER SEEIS Raw-UnaaJted 16 oz. CELESTIAL SEASONING TEI ...... Zill• • .. •• ,, Tiiie 24 llQI PRODUCE .79 • 99 1.67 1.95 1.39 1.19 .11 .. LOWER LEVEL CAROUSEL MALL BULK PRODUCTS l¥D 71 nus Tl GllllE Fl• BROWI RICEca.T) .45 .. RAW ILIOIDS ~ 1.95 .. 7 &Riii IRllOU .99 •. CAROB COlfED RllSllS 1. 75 · COUPON I CHEWABLE YITllll c I IUY OIE IET OIE FllEE ! 111. ,riot 2.11-YH ltt j Twt lettl11 Ftr Dis Prlet I 100 •-&• wfftt 1 ....... H4 I Aotrtl1. 100 T11tltts. I l Ulll 1 ,., .............. l /U /U I -------------------' LUNCH COUNTER TUIA SllDWICH PUIUT BUTIER SHllE 1111 • 2.25 1.25 HEAL TH & BEAUTY AIDS MILL CREEK EUSTll SKIN ELASTICITY TREATMENT CREME 3 .4 oz. Reg. 8.50 Mill CRl:EK HENNA • IUllPGO 18 oz. • oo•m1111 18 oz. DELI ALTA-DENA RAW MILD OIEllll OIEESE 18oz. P-*909 5.9& 2.10 2.1& L:ARGE AA FEmUEMI 0o&. ALTA DENA II LOWl'AT NAJA ... _., • OI. IAI • PA1ca1 ..,.cnn TillU MAY a .. · 111111 ClllT CllTl 1111 110111 VJll ·rn l•h• r.11\1 1. l'•IL OH ANGE COUN I Y C AllrOHNIA 25 CENl S 24 Newport -Mesa teachers lose johs 1 By JODI CADENHEAD O(IMDlllr ,.._. 1t1H Tru•t.ect In the Newpurt Mt• Unified School Olltrlct apprt1vt'<.t thti final tar.off of 24 t.eacher'I In tho diatrkt rut.'ldoy, whllP at tho omu time aavlni aiymnaath-11. MUiling and o d1>vdopmcmtal kin dergarte n claas formurly 1lat('d for 1•1lmln11llon. The board'• action cam fullo· wtna heorln11 before an admln · lttratlve luw Juda April 27. who revlcwud tht> namca of 88 tea· c h ert before coming to a final decltlon. K ovin Wheele r. dlttr kt uul•· tant superintend •nt for f)("rt0n· net. aald the salortes iind txmerlta corm.>d by thl' 24 teachel'li tolllls Falklands war heats up about •no.ooo Wheeoler added that ulwut 12 tHChf'r• who1MJ name• w ert> on the lh1t wc>rt-1uvud by the IHl· minute rctll(nullo'\ of tcachen plannins to rttlru In Juntl. "A htw peo ple came In thl1 afwrnoon uylng If It m('un• tfl· vtna 10mebody'• job, here'• my n1lgntetlon," Mid Wh("{>ler The rt'tiiJUtllon of one of thaN• 1t•1tc:ht>r11 not only 1p4o1rt'd Chrl1- tlnct Relnemann'• job u a dcve· lo pment-al klndcra•rtcn W•cht!r &it Klllybrooke l1lcmcni.ry 1ehool an C.:O.ta Met1a. but aal.IO uvc:d the progrum About J~ pare nta whOR• ~hll· dren urc enrollt..>d In the kinder garlcn clau, that h elp• place l 0hlldrc n at their developmental ll•vcl. i.lll<'ndC'd tht• ffi('(!tlng In 11upport of th" pruainam L H 1''l'rgu1con, 1.1 prlnd pul ut Klllybrookl', auld t tw t(U1t1rontw of M1 Kt•1nt•mann'11 Joh will 1·11 ublt> the program to 1·1111t111u1· next yeur Gymnu11l1<·11 und 11u1l1111(, onn· 1•11rmark4-d for chmtnuuun, will lw ufft•n·d n1•x l Yl"Jr 1111w .. full time wuch1n~ po.s1t111N1 wuukl 1111l bt• 1.1Ht'C'lt-d. 16ld Wh•-t•h:r Thi• nurrw1 of thP 24 t..uac:hc6t (U('lllf{ l11 y11(( an Jun(• Wl'ft•n't rf• lt•.tMc'<.I TrU11t1-t•11 ul110 upprov<.-d it"nJlrQI lo yo fr not1t·t·11 to ~!36 d1.1Hlfiup 1·mploy1•t•11 (111111 u·u<·her•) fac:inJ layofr in Jurw l>111trkt offkl&t,t 1'11111 lhc·y 1•><pC<t'l only itbout 35 Cf? 40 11( thoM• ..i<'tually will tX! lat~ oft • • British shoot down two plane~ Suit could block off shore oil leases A s u 1 t f al t•d h y l hf' -. ta l 1· 11 I C1:1l1forn1l:I aga1ni.t th1· r1·d1•r:.il gov<:rnm1·nt ov1·r offo,hore 011 drilling c.:ould prcv1·nt lr<.1cts cirr Newport lkal·h iJnd Lagunu Bc&ch f rom bt•ing lt•asl'd nt•Xl month US l11t1·nor &'(n•t.ary Jamt~ Watt trn i. pmpoi.t.•d putting 11 1Jffshun· tru<'l.b nl'ar Nc•WJXJrl and L<iguna cm th<· nuirk,•t June 11 The suit, f1k'<l Tuei.day in Lc.ltl Ang<'ll'S by Gov Edmund Brown Jr l:lnd tht· ~talc• Coastal Com m1s111on , 1>µc.·t·1f1cally t'h<t lleng1:11 Wa tt's authority lCJ least' i2 Southt-rn Cl:l l1 rorn1a oCfshore trocts Th"' four trl:lc.l!i orf Nt•wport and Lagurui are thr<.'<' and a half miles off11hore. Both c1lu.11. crltl· l'<tl Of the> propOlll'CJ lt•a11e 1181<.'. hav<' hintc·d th•·y muy J"'" the• SUit Newport fi<·;i(·h Ccty Att.<irn<•y M1 <·hue·I M1l11·r i1a1d tht· ('lly Counol h.ii. g1w·n tum pc.·rm111. .. 111n to .1mn th1.· suit 1 ( hl• bt'l1t·Vt"li ll would Ix· in th<· l'lly's be-st inter· 1-st. Ht· >!Uld ht· Will dt't'ld(• Within 10 days Th<' 11ull SJX'<'I r u:all y t'Omplaans l hcst lt·asing itornc• o r the trat·U. would t·ontrad1c.·t th1· Comm111 s lon'i; c·cJilllta l plan. It also iut1d Wutt vwlatcd tht• r1 ·deral Out.er Cunum·ntal Sht•U Landi. Act by fu1l1ng lo follow thl• g1wt·rnor's rt'l:Omffi<'ndall1JfUj that <:t'rla 1n trat·t s be dt'lc•tNJ from thc· June ll'W14: sale. Wutt, tht· sull <:harged. l'Orund t·n-d only the valut• of oil and gas and not tht-environment The 11uat 1s 1lm1lar to one last year whic h halted u les of 29 tracu o ff San Luis Obispo County H o wever, the Reagan Admtnllllraticm ha~ appeaJl"CI th.at l 'UIK' Petltl9ns verified Banning Ranch plan may go to public The Newport Beuc h City Council has been put on n ollcl' that 1t must decide by June 28 whet her to dump the multi· m11lwn-doll&r Banning Ram·h developm('nt project or put 1t to a citywide vot.e Opponents or the West New· port project, the city clerk ven - f ied Tuesday, gathe red 5,4 ~4 , valid signatures in a month-long drive to 1euttle the plan The group. known a.a the West Ne wport Leg1alat1ve Alliance, turned In 6.~63 names It needed 4,320 to qualify for a referendum. This marka the 1eCOnd time an leas than a year that cr1ucs of a major Newport d evelopme nt have for~ the council t.o make a choice between killing a project or calling a n elecuon The other project wu the lrvane Company'• Newport Cent.er expansion plan, a propoted development that fi. nally wu dumped by the cound l The 7~-acrc Banning Ranch plan, to include houalng and of- f ice and industrial buildings. 11 located Inland of Wf'st Coa.i H ighway on a on etim e s heep ranch now dot~ with 011 welll WORLD Developer William Banning said he 111 still unsure whethn the project as approved hy the l'OUl\C.'11 makes fanancial seruw to hlB fum He rP1terat.ed that the c'Ounc1l substantially changed his proje('t from what he had asked for. Banning aaid he wall make a de - cision soon on whether to with- draw the project Whtie a maJOrity of the City C.Ound l has aignalt'd 1t want&, to put tht• Banning project to an election tctt, the coundl member who represent• Weit Newport isn't so 1ure. 'Tm ju1t turned off by the whole• th inf," said Councilwo- man Ruthe y n Plummer ''J'm not sure why the o pposition wasted our time and energy as- king us for a compromise when at didn't reaJly· want a compromuie at au "I'm alto a lillle tired of being accused o r not lu1tening or not followin1e the demo<.Talic proceu We d id l11ten and we did com- prom11e. If anything, I'm con- cerned that we overloaded the developer w ith conditions." (See BANNING, P11e A?> Author views world future Bett-se)JJng author Charles BttUu I.I peulml.alic about the world'• future but at.ill uy1 doomlday can be averted. Page 04. NATION Mayhem replaces sex on TV TeJevt.ton hAI turned from 10X to a record doea&e of murder and mayhem, charge1 a dtfunl' watchdoa ooelltJon. Page AB. 'Eleanor' on lube lonisht "Eleanor, rtnt ~Y of the World," appHrln1 conf&ht on televtllon. ll a plMlarit inoWt but• hilt.or)' lt'1 ltrictly 90ft ttuff. Pap All. 1 ARTIST HONORED -Henry Segentrom and sculptor bamu ·Noguchi (center) ac.'Cept proc- lamation from Costa Mesa Mayor Arle ne Schafer. declaring it Noguchi Week in the city. D...., f'Mof l'twt10 lty ~etrlcll 0'0-nett ,The honor was given Tuesday during the opening of Noguchi's "California Scenario" ICUlpture garden in South C.oast Plaza Town Cen t.er. Video course dispute still unresolved ·Sculptor Noguchi honored in Mesa A m("(:t111g Sl'h<.'<.lul1-d tu rto;iolv1.· l:I di11pul<• bt.'lWe1•n CCJUst Com- munity Collcgl' Uu1tm·t Chan<.•<:1 - lor Norm.:.in W.1tsun and four < >ranw· Cc.ltli!lt Collt•l(t· pn1f ('t>li'Jn• wh11 wrot1• u IC'tter 1·rttu·121ng t1·l1·v111111n c·ourst•11 didn't tak1.· plan• Tut"!l(Ja y Rut th(• purt11•s 111 volvt· d11>- agn-.· on why the• nu'f'ttn~ didn't f,t('t'Ur A d1'!lr1t·t 11pokt·11 man 11:Jld Waw1n w<1s awa111ng the 11rr1v11I ur lh1· prof<.'SIJONI ut ·J pm Tut-s- day, hut thul th1•y fodt•d to ap pear The anstruc..·toni. howevt•r , 11&y lht·y wen· told by tht• d111trict Monday that the• m1•1•t1n~ was l'an<:t•lt>d. Wha t tht• parll<'li do agrt•t• upon rs that Wi1t.'4lJn un April 20 11ummoned Orang<' Coa!lt profos suri1 Ric hard Ynby, M1<•h11el Fannl'gan, Norman Lumion and J01K•ph Tomehak to his otrl<.'C' to d1sc uu a lctt£'r the four had wr1ttcm and d111tr1huted to about 30 tllatc a nd pr1vatP coll1•ge1 throul(hout Call fomla The· lctt1•r qu••s tlun«'d the quality of telt•vl11ion cour8'·s of (See DISP UTE, Page AZ) COUNTY By JODI CADENHEAD 0(11M OellJ ~llol llotl Th .. suh.w<:t was lsamu Nogu- t·hr In a ran· publl<.· appl•a ranc<·. th1· r<~·nowned ICUl ptor <tgrced lo purllt·1patt· 111 1:1 traditional Japa rl("K' teli l'l'rt-mony ~hPrlng an a four day celebration opton1ng hia •CaJHorn1a Scenario'' at South Cuwat Plat.a'• Town Cenu:•r "How could I get out of It?" 4u1ppcd the 77 -year -old artl11t "I t 's my rP11ponaib1llty to tht' garden I don 't want 1t to g o nt·gl('('tt.'<J .. U ucJ c r a c loud y s k y th at thrcatc•ned r ain, the 1.6 acre !K"Ulpture garde n <.'Omm1111oned by the Segerstrom family, wa1 unveiled 1n Costa Meaa to the guc11t.<i of the Japane.e American Cultural and Community CentRr Aul the •Har o r the s h ow TuC'today was not t he tranquil gordcn dep1c-ung varloua Califor- 11iu lt<.'Cnea, but the man who had <'rl·ated It. The c urio us and the awed l'am<· to see-the artl1t who has spent more than half a century producing work• Art New1 has <·all•·d "Unrivaled 1n quantity and may a lao be unsurp&lllM.'d in a<.'l'omphshmcnt by any living Upper Bay cleanup begins Cleanup work begin• on Upper N e wport Bay with the Importing of more dirt. Page Bl. America becomes civilized Tea lm't just for little old ladiea anymore, KWr· ding to a very Brlt!Ah t.ea ambauador. Pqe Cl. STATE 20th t·tmtury !it'Ulplor " Noguchi has a rl'putat111n '1f twlng mercurial nnd cir 1v1·n. in tt:nse and t1·mpl•rnmr·11tal But Tut'!Sday <'Vt·ning th1 · d1m111ut1v1· artist ww; al111olutt•ly t·h;irm111g ui. he thrc•udt-<l his way throul(h llw c·rowd, 11m1llng wh1lt• '1J<n1nfi( au tographll and po,ln~ for fl:Jsh 11'\Stam<tli<• p1<'tUrf'8 Askt'<.l during an anu•rvu·w 11.u.t year If hlS (Umt• C'Vl'r fi(Ot Ill thl' way tJf h111 work, ht• suid, "If I took 1t rw rlou11 ly , 1l 1·1·rtu1nl y would" T uc'ftday c·v<•nang the• artist w111l he was very pleased with the 11Culptun · gardc.•n rnot('(f 11k<• u desert m1rnge bc•lwt•t•n twin 15-story otfk'C' bu1lcJlnl(ti The rock HCUlpturt'li he Ill now compl<'t1n~ for th1· .Jupan1•1w American Cultural l:lnd Cnmmu nlly Ct>ntn tn Los Angel('!J will be has lil'l'Ond prOJC'l'l m hu1 nat1v1• !It.ale. G rand opening fo11t1v1t1e11 for "California S<.·<mar ao" will <.•ont1 nul' through Friday night Th<• ~ulpturc garden along Anton Boulevard between the Amn1 con City Bank and O rc.-at WN1t - cm Savlnp w ill be opton tu ttw public dally from 7 a m to 10 p.m beginning Saturday. INDEX At Your Service A4 L .M. Boyd AlO Bustne91 A8·9 tt.rb CMn 82 California M Cav~ 82 Clalllfled 0.·8 Q)mka B4 Ctoewoni B4 Death Nodces °' Edltortal AlO Entertal.Nnent 83 SPORTS , Third craft escapes By The A11oclated Pre11 Br1Uian saad ll shot down twq Aq~1·nt1m· wari;lanea that cit• t&c·k1•d a 11h1p cn the British ar. mada :.ir11und tht· Jo'ulkland I»· land~ tuday Tht•rc: was no 1m· mcdiatt· lomnwnt from Argen- t1nu Thi• Rr1t1i1h said a third Ar· gc•nlln<.· µlane c11capt-d an lhe <'l&sh 111111df' thl' 200-mtle war z.om· Br1t.u1n dl'(·Jarl"CI around the Fulkland.11 Thi· Rrtttsh Defonsc: Min111try in London n•purl..t.'d no damage ~ tht· un1dcnt.Cled warship or an)' BntaMh cWJualt1e11 Dt·fense Ministry tipokesman Ian Md)onald said tht' Argenu,... A-4 Skyhawk faghter-bombert were shot down by fire from the warship Ht-did not aay whether thts wa.o, from anti-aircraft hre « m1s111h1 It waH the first acr attack oa lh•· Br1t1s h flt:l'l s1nc·e M ay f whc•n 11 rn1ssalf' from an Argen - tant> r1ghtn-bombf>r wrecked th~ destroytor Sht-ff1f'ld 1n11dt-tht: war ront· Tht: Drlllsh said 20 sa1lont wt·r~ ktllt"C.J in that !>trtkf• Brtt111n da1ms 111 hall! .. flt·et hag o strnnglehold on the 111landa i5tJ m1l<-s c.o;.uH uf the Argt.:ntine f'Ol:ISl <tnd ha11 isolated th<' estt· rn:.tNl 11.000 truopa occupyanc tht-m But an Argentine naval -.oun't· said tht· Hr111sh daim WMI "ruJwulou:. " Br1t1i.h corrl"lpondl.'nts wtth th<' l&sk force an the Falkhmda rep<Jrll'd M·n1or orru:ers said af\ Argcnun .. ship attact<ed Tuetda)' sent a rln•ball ant.o the sky when 1t bl1•w up, and thl' 11ze o( the explosion indicated 1t was a ta~ k<'r Pewr Archer of Press AMoc:U.. t1on , the domc.·11t1c Brlt11h n ev( 1 agenl'y, said the frigate Alacrlt)t, spotted the ship an the southern approach es o f the Falkland Sound, the five -m lle·wide chan· nel b<•tween the two Falkland 111landa. and ch;allenged 1l. When the ship Lrted to e9CI~, the frigate opened fare with ltt 4 ~-inch J(Una, Archer said Othe r British said It waa unll· kely there were any 11urvivo111. Mo re reinforceme nt• for th• BrttlAh force sailed from Britain today. The 3.000 troope of the 5th Infa ntry Brigade went aboard the r"'qu111uoned luxury liner Qu ee n El iza beth 2 Food Cl -12, 01·3 Hol'OICOpe 82 Ann Land•,.. 82 Movie. 83 Mutual Fund.I A8 ... NaUonal Newt A3 SporU B&-7 Dr. St.lncrohn 82 Stock Marketa .u Televltlon All Theatera & Weat>wr A2 Workt New1 A.I Voters expect Jiule help California voten can expect little help from Uw federal COW11 ln pttb\I a fair 1hake at repl'tll.fttatian, Lalcen now hold 2-0 lead writ.a ~Uinrilat•kl Wat.en. P• A.10. The Lak.erl 10 to San AnUJOio wtlh a 2-0 a.- after bee~ the Spun at the J'orum. P• 80. COntlnued •tori•• ISP UTE LINGERS . • • ~fessor Y crby 1ald he :uHI colleague• were awallln& u ly from WatMon to this l~tlt'I' Wnun nunt' wu rt-<.'tllv~. he aia1u ht• collt'C.! th thane llor'1 offlet• Mone.lay i.Uernoon ·~ wu told by Wat1on'1 • crntary that thu chunt•t,llor ~·lh~vcd thti profe1· •ort h1td camcull'd the met-tlnti by 1Wnd1na lholr lcttt-r. Yurby utd he then Informed hi• collcaau1.11 th1o1l thtt mcetlni WU off, f\ut tJl5trk't 1pokt.'tlman Richard Strnon th•nlt-d th11t any 1uch call wa• rt•t•t•lvud from Yerby. He cunflrnwd thot Wilt.on had not repllt'<.I w tht• 1n1trucwrw' 1-.ttter but Iii.lid tht• vhunct'llor 1Ull flX· J)f'Ctt.'C..I lhl' rn.-<•tlnai to take ploc-e Tuc'tlday "Ile ww1 hoping w rt-OJX.'n thl' communication procl-U," Simon !l.ltld Ml'unwhal", lht> da~putc ovt-r tht· ll'll·<·ourSt·i. 1s l'ontlnulng on otht•r fronlll AN NING RANCH • • • )1r1. Plummer said she al110 1 11 upset by threat.II she might be the target of a r~all try b4!- u.e of her vote in favor of thl' ins Project. hat was just an attempt to Jdate me and it 1howed a lot nvnatur1ty on the part of thl' p," 1he said. "l wu elected to · to both 1lde1, not just bow 1pedal Interest l"OUP·" _.,1...aww Greeley, s..der of the , eaid her group tavora an "l hope it's a dignll1t'd l'am palgn. The i11o11ues are clear cut," said Mn Grt.~ley "1 truat therl' won 't be any name -calling, mud-slanging or dirty tacl1ca. "We're juat a group of real· denta followans the Democratlc process," she added. "We're ju.It tr yang to make a point." She said her aroup'• point 11 that the city 1hould follow It• general plan She said the Ban- ning Ranch propoul repretenta a radical shift a way from the een- eral plan. lying snake $.erpent on plane caug ht A anl(ke that escaped r rom a ~talner and had the run of tht.' ciar10 area aboard a Republil' Mrflnet jetliner was safely re - ~ 11'u~y nJght after the lilaNt Landed at John Wayne AJ · P,'11,e non-pot.on~ 1hc-foot· ~ l:oulafana r&t h .ake wns d 'under a b_,rd tn the ···-lilftllllld forward tf"9 area or by the "'-CO whom Npttle wu destined -Gary nal\. of Callfom .. fA>olDgical ly. Santa An.a. ''I had to crawl inside the cargo ~ and Jirt a ff'w boerdl before 1 (ound him. H« waa !Cl" cold 80 })~ waan't moving around very "lµc h ," Bagnall said today S~kea are c:o ld-bloodl•d c rea- turH, ht· explainoo The snake WfUi among 150 that were bems 1h1pped from Mem- phla for aubt;('quent sale by Cull- fomia Zoo~I. a wholesalt'r of reptile• ana amph1b1an1, said Ba~ll, 24. of Tual.in. 1t waa prt'ny 1unny. 1 ncre waa quite a crowd standing around while I was looking for ham," Bagnall said. Walt tlellman, a s pokeaman tor Mlnneapolla-baaed airline, said the anake was d1&<·overcd looM.< 1n Salt Lake City, where· the flight had stopped bcfon• arriving in Orange County. Hellman said cargo handlt-rs there didn't want to dt-lay tht> flight by summoning animal ('Ontrol persc:mncl to round up th1· snakt' So tht•y a.hut the cargo hold doors and llt'nt the plane on Its way Th"n they sent word to Rt• pubh<:'s cargo flk:illly 1n Orang<' "ounty telling pt>rsonnel there what to exp<'l't. Tnat'11 wht•n Bagn111l got the call to <.·omc 111 the airport Girl, 17, slay ing su s p ect By STEVE MITCHELL ~IM...,"9tltllff A 17·year·old Laaun1 s.tach Hlsh School 1trl tac. chAraes of murd r followlnt an appar nt murder-1ulclde ·t lleimpt near a Letlon Street church Tut11day mom Ina. The 8: 10 a.m. Incident at the curncr of t.calon and Throuih 1treeta left Ja~ Anthony Ken· dall, 21 , of E.mctr&Jd Bay, dead. Laura Lee Felat. 17 . of 47~ Leaton St., apparently 1hot her- tell In the cheat after Clrlns a round from a atolen .22 caliber revolver at her boyfriend, fatally wounding him Miu Fea5t, a transfer 1tudent at t.he high 11ehool. waa 111&£-d an fair condition at UCI Medical Cenwr this morning A police spoke1man 11&ld the lmptmding breakup of the cou- ple '• relation1hip apparently prompted the ahootina. Kendall, a 1978 1raduate or Laguna Beach Hlah School, pur- portt!dly told the teen-aged su- spect the rl'latlonsh1p was over, the 1pok(.1man aaad "They were close friends for a.everaJ years, and she apparently could not see herself with anyone else, or him with another ifrl," the police apoketman said. He aald the couple leh Ken- dall'• ~rald Bay home at about 7:45 a.m . and drove to M iu Fel1t'1 apartment on Le~;on Street. She had written a ''wall-type" letter prevloualy, Indicating her belongings should 10 t.o her mo- ther, the officer said. Kendall purportedly parked h11 pic kup truck on Through Street while ahe went in to change clothoe for achoo!. polke· said Wate r rate b o ost seen Monthly water ratl'li and se- wer UIK' fl~ an Newport Beach may 1n<:rcCili(' thllll summt•r Monthly wut«r ratt·11 would lncreruic.• from 54 to 6:1 l'l•ntll peor 100 cubal· feet. Utility offlC'ials for the city aald the lncreue la needeo to rnvn recent row htkt'fl by th!! M(•tr11pol1tan W&tt•r Dis trac t , whll·h supplws lhl' city Monthly bC'Wt-r wie fot.'tl would go rrom •~.40 to i2.60 The m - cn ·a1w is hE'ang 11ought lo cov~r tht• t'<Jtll of !K.'WC·r Hnc repa1ns In thl' paHt two y1•af'll, ~·Wl·r rrwaru; at M·ven loctttwns huve ruptun'<.1 or faaltc.d Th(' counl'il will voll' on the propmwd 1nuc.>01w11 May i4 Warming trend IAJf ••<Al(ll IOI "'OM eno "'°'""'O 1<.,. c;k..xl\ al<><IQ me c.oa.1 A 1ew .. 01 .. 111<1 •tto .. .,a '" 'outnern S11ittd Slow wetm1n11 lren<J T Pn tp er a l u r es 'tlf,"' rtltough today but ·~ ~ .... tonight. ::t-NATION M to 72 o-nlgM lows IM to "' Lo "c-" ... low CIOU41n•H :::: Al1Ulfl1 " 43 ......-nltlt Tuldey. AlbuqlHI 11 46 fejr. Hltll• Thuteday ti to 74, Ama1~1r, 79 51 4] ~lt\tlon·H-pott ar•1 I.ii'!· "~··"· llJ 47 ..,,. r~ lfom a low of H Allan I• 111 w *"'°' Allan1r Uy 61 ~:> f , lta:'J.. ftoM Point~ At;•IK• 81 7 t t7 .. tlle .lllcall tl«dltr end 811tlmri<e 79 ~ 10 M "*-: Hon!WI wtrldl Of 81111flill 47 35 03 80 to H llnot• w1111 comlrlllff Bl1mu'(Jhttt M 55 ,.., • .;y..., ''-•ff\e' S.t 1<.• ._ •• ot 4 to 1 '•" over oui..r 8'6mlfGk ~4 47 ' •.OU J \ 0eo< '" C.._,,,.,...,t.e ••t•r• Loctl~ tight varltltl• BOOM 63 4() Front• V.,IO .-. W11m .W O<.c.tud~ ~ Stal"-"'"' 1 •• ....O• nlf'lt an "'ornlnt llouf• 80SIC>ll ~ 44 "t .... lo no<l"--1 lfl Brown•""" ea 78 N0tl0!~ 69 !>3 Hi>dwOOCJ C:.tly 67 '>O "°°"'· w~ ...... of BullelO 12 ~9 No PIAll" I);> 47 ·~ f>llf.tWMl!rllO 71 47 , ... Motfly c6aef locNy &1hng1on ">7 41 Qt.la <.•tv 112 (,! I I)() t;e.tina• 61 41 CHP<t• 48 37 II On11111• 16 611 04 ~an 0."QO 66 l)O Charlat11 St 84 M O<••ndo 86 Ill S•n r t OrlCIKIJ 67 •9 • 1uimmary Chetltln m' 84 41 Phlle<lph•• 17 ,3 S•nla B111>er" n 49 ~nWYe 87 6~ Ptloefll• 82 ~ 03 Slllllll M1W l11 64 ornaooH toucheO oown In Cheltlt• MC 44 30 01 Ptlltburill 78 5;> S1oc;~1r.11 711 and T •••• .. llU!dtlr c~ 19 M oe Puano • 67 42 Tnormu1 81 ms l)fOd""" MYflf• -Ill« ()tnc1nn•1t 17 52 Pllllf'd Ore 87 48 U~tah 78 Ht•'" Htbrt•"' l<•nue. c ..... 111.no 83 ~ PrlWIOenG• 81 43 8at610W 60 bO n Ol<lelloma end notll'-n (;ltl'lb•I 6C 87 4fl Rllleql 90 47 810 8411• 48 23 II .eet•n T•H• Columbu• 14 50 Aeno 8;> 38 e .. 11op 69 311 09 IUlil ,_ T utildey In .-ti! OIOI Ft Wiii Ill 69 84 811t U•k• rt6 36 l ong 9.,.,11 70 !13 •T .... O•ytoo 84 ~8 Sen Antonio 17 10 118 Mont1>•11a 4 4~ flow eonunutd l<>day In Ill• ()etlv41t fl t 41 12 8ffttte ~ 4/ Mt WtlM>n 43 l 1 tr .io rnounlalnt A ltw Oet Mr,.,,_. 80 65 03 snr-:1.:' 114 69 Nt'w(IOrl S.•r.h 61 '>5 • 11..,_,eo °"'' HeYIMle. Oelrl)ol 83 55 Stoua ellt 61 '>() 44 OnlHfHl 63 48 an4 eoutlleMI CellloMle °""'"' 67 •8 O? SI l OUtt 1111 fl~ fl11lm '>P•"lll' 11 68 • 11 ..... ,, •nd ""'d El P111W 84 80 SIP Tampa 113 66 PU•ildtllld 67 46 .'" ~-Sic ... ..,, Feryo 64 47 01 S1 Sht Mtfl• 10 10 10 flmo Bern111d1nc1 63 ~ .. flU! ltef" "" E"' FlilQlllll ~I 34 5po11.,,. 70 49 $11n Oebr141f 68 46 n<kM .. •• • • GrHI Fllli. 57 3'I SytteuM 7 I 46 '\11n )OM 88 40 •t Lt*H and to lh•rn HW1f0td 73 4() Tootlot 74 '>7 2 n Sent• Ant 61 &3 ~· 82 32 lueeon 711 51 Same <..rur 71 47 Monolulv I& 76 Tulu 86 II• l OS hhll* VDll4ty ,7 Houtton IO 73 14 WHhlrlQlfl 11 56 llldnaOlf• 84 57 Wte:hll• 12 60 I &7 CANADA JAGken MS 85 69 <..etgary 66 JllC;k .,. .... .. 80 CAl.WC>f'NIA EOmMllM 72 41 l<ent City 76 60 ~ 8•1o:tflflll40 16 8t M0ttt1••I 63 44 lft f9G•• 71 55 Olytr.. 78 Ot1ew• •1 l.ltlte Rock 86 6& lur.it1 67 47 LO\lllY~ .. 16 66 ,,_ 74 50 Lvl>l>Oci' 87 57 ll'l L ll\Calftt 64 50 01 Extended Men\plllt 14 ee ~~ 64 53 M-71 1• 90 53 Mllwauk .. .. &I 30 Monlt119)' M weather Ml)le·l l P 70 &4 NeedtM 78 HMllYIMe H &4 Oaltlllld 04 62 SOUTH(,_N C All,OAHIA New Of'-19 .. 11 flNO lllOl>iM 11 41 ,.._ Yatll 73 12 "eel..,,,., IO 60 C OAllt AL ANO MOUHTA/H ARIAS NIOht •'1d morn1110 co .. tet low cJoud1 '1\d werl11M •Hoh c1ovo1n1rn, O•n•rwlH fair lllf llPllT wtlh 111~111 an co••••• end vtl~ eru• 6 to 71 end IOwe 46 10 Ht(lh• tn lhe MOunlatna 5f to .. Lowe 30 10 46, :r.-.... ...... Tide1 TOOAY ..... , .... Nlt-i*W .., ~IOw 2 2-4 pm 30 , .. fl ... ....-17 Ulpm 21 14" ··-11 fNUMOAY ,jt .. high iJ 02 • "' .. , .. " ..... 17 ,.,.t low I Of• m 03 , .. " -=-17 ~ fltOI\ ~~7 PM J.t , .. " .. IOW 123 pm U '"" ,..,....,., " NII IOflY II 7,0 p lfl,, , .... TIMM~ at I A t 111 .,... ,,...1:9111ta01 •"'. •• TI!Mt_, It IO a m l • ~ 6 SAGA ENDED -Artist Chris Matson 1eerns I~ than overjoyed at the fate of his bronze bas relief of the fate J~hn W!_Y_.!.'e. The memorial .,..,,... ........... aculpture is destined for an offic~ an Newport Beach City Hall until the city decides what t.o do with It. Innocent ple a g i ven 'in fraud Golden Eagle lnvetitment Co. pre11deni Ralph W. McDonald ha.• plPaded innocent lD 3~ felony counts In a multi-million dollar fraud case In South Orange County Municipal Court. Co-defendant David Belfrey Blgghu, 44 , San Clemcmt.e, plea- ded guilty to two or HJ counta 1nc:ludlng conspiracy and wlllng allepj bondti 'fht· action came thla morning ~fore Judge Bllur Barnette in a courtroon1 Jammed with peo- ple who had invested In the El Toro~t.>aaed investment firm. The two men are facing fraud charges following a 1henff'11 de- pa rtml'n t raid on the comp~ny offices In F e bruary an which $82~.000 In ca.ah was 11eiz.ed, along with iwveral weapons and com - pany rec:.'Ord&. Tht.> pair are 8Ulpected or swindling m o re than 1,000 In - vestors out of lhelr savinga after purportedly u Uerlng lnveatora promissory notes guaranteeing return11 on cash anvestmt>nts o{ bt-t Wt'cn 10 and W pcn·ent per month AuthorilJes t'Ont.end they have found no evidence any of the money was ever invested CdM school h e aring set A C1tizen1 Advisory Commit- tee wall <.-onduct a public hcaDing May 17 to conaldcr new u...... for (;oron& del Ma r Elementary School TrwiU!es In the Newport M~ UnlfiE'd School District voted Tueaday to authorize the hea- nnp at 7:30 p.m an the achool'a aud1tonum at 610 Carnation, Co- rona del Mar The board's action comes ont• week aft.er they agreed to drop a dlaputed contract with the Uni- versity of Southern Cal1forn1a t.o operate a satellite bu.lneu cam - pWl at the achool Pair sought in holdups Costa Mesa police arl' 1eor- l'h1ng for two gunme n an con- tw<:Uon with M'parate robbera.,s that occurred Monday. Tht• U-Tote-M Market at 227 1 Fa1rv1t•w Road was hdd up at 1.40 p m. by a gunman who ned with $100. • The le(!Ond robbery took plD(.,-e at the ~f Bar. 820 W. 19lh St., about 10:30 p.m . The gunman an that robbery got away with $200, police said. Reagan to appear WASHINGTON (AP) Pre9- ldent ~ag.an wlU hotd a nation- aUy broadcut oow1 oonference at ~ p.m. PDT Thunday In the Eaat Room of th~ Whltct Houae. it wu announced today. Wayne 'saga ' ends city hall of lice • ln By STEVE MARBLE or 111e o.uy l'11o1 11a11 . The John W tAyne ml'moraal sculpture 1aga caml' to an end thl.a Wt-'t!k In Newport &och It had anything but a movie 1erapt fmale. Tht• bronze bail rl'hcf of New- port's mo11t famt.>d cauu-n. wh1c:h has bet-n coll ecting dust In artist Chris Mataon '11 COrona dl'I Mar guragt>, will be movt.>d to the city hall office of Ron Whitley The move 11 expected to gen- t•raw llttlt' fanfare . Whitley, the City's parkB. bea- ches and recreation director, said he'll hang ont.o the 6-foot-long 1utwork until the city council d(.-c1dc.oi1 what to do with ll. Tht> co uncil a lready ha• banned the bronu piece from ever ~Ing displayed In the dty hall lobby, the only pla<:t' large t•nough to accommodatl' the 1K.-ulpture and a few vwweni. Whitley, who standa to bt."<:om<.· curator of the 1mallest mu11eum around with the bas relief slllmg 1n h11 office, 1a1d he's sure the artwork will t•v<•ntually lu dais pl;,yt..'d i.c1mc.>wht·n·. Th<.> pa<'i.'{' or art. <.·omm1i..-.1unt-d J wo yt·<ir11 .Jf(o and hnu.h1't.I 1•.irl y th1i. yt·ur, dc•pwti; J IK'<"lll' from lht• Waynt' movu· "Stn~4.'(·ua~h ." Th<> story bt-htnd th<' mNnun - al a11 wild <ti> !>Ollll' u l th<' l<Jlt· ;_w:Wr'1> n10Vlt' llt'rlf>L'C, ct-11tA.•11·d un tht' qut~Uon of who w11uld pay uH arlull M-.lJIOn Tht• 4ut'!>llon C'unw uµ aft1 •r th1· nwmuraal duuhll·d tn '1Lt ' :and pm<t.• Aft-t•r mnnth11 11f htl·k(•rtng. tht• m unt:al this Wl'<'k agn'<'ll v, wnw u fanul l'hapter an the· 11aga tn tht• form or a <:hl-c:k fur $111.000 Tht• $34 ,000 Pl'-'<-'V of urt now tx•l<Jngs w the l'tty Art111t MalHon. who !>aid he went bunkrupl whalt• working on the mNnorlal. 11<11d hc.•'s gl•Jd the whole· thing'11 ovt·r "lt'11 ub1Jul ttme," ht• tom mt•nt.ed '"Thu. wholi.-thtnJ( prac.·- ucally ruan<..>d nw " Matson said h1· ,·1m111d1·n, th•· ba11 rPlll'f has b•·~t crt·~1l1un Ht• i.a1d Waynt· wa!S ha~ laft·long hc.·ro 'Hello, Dolly' set at CdM High Three pre.entatlona of the mua1cal "Hello, DoUy" wall be swgl'd May 20, 21 and 22 m Newport Beach by drama studenta from Corona del Mar High School. The 8 p.m. show• will be presented at the Newport Harbor High School Audlto- •Corona del Mar High School senior Larr y Jacob• has captured third place In the annual Pacific Scientific scholarship award. He will receive up to $4,000 toward hil colleee education Jacobi, who pl·ma to attend •A low~t rabtes clink la 1cheduled Tuesday at the Orange County Fairground• in Calta Mesa. The Orange County Animal •The author of "The Gospel Accordina to Peanut1," the bett-aelllng non-fiction book of 1965, will 1peak May 18 at Orange Coaat College. Author Robert Slaor&, who al.a wrote "The Parables of P eanut1," will 1tve •one- hour prnen\atlon beelnni!'I raum, 1:100 lrvant' Avc:>nut· Tackt'ts -.re $4 and c an la· purcha.~'<1 at lhl· Corona d1·l Mar campus The ahuw will ft'aturc• slu· de nlJl Dana McCallum, Scott Morrow1 Reg Rosen, Su11n Appel, Larry O'Connor ltnd Helen Lemmon. For mon· an- formataon. call 760-3:l50 UCLA, has amb1t1oru to lx• o member of the J 988 U S Olympic water polo team He won the scholarship In the nationwide competition basc>d on academic achievements und leadership quahtaes Control Department as 11pon soring the Chnac from 7 to 8.30 p.m. in the Mam Parking Lot. Coat 11 $3. For more In- formation call 6JA-7092 at noon in Room 110 ot the campua counaellng and ad- m1.1S1ona bulldlnp Short, whoee appearance la apon11orcd by lhc collegr's campua miniatry, la 1eheduled to preaent a 1l1d• profram bued on hit beet-ae ling work. Adml11lon la free and open to the public. Beast of Buena Park? Huge, smelly 'monster' sighted by residents By JEPP p AllXER • naae Q.\4'.h nMt the complex ji.alt I 1m1 It e d . :f h I• I 1 • q u I et °'"'° o..r,......, af~1 g p.m. Monday. neI1hborhood. Mon.ter watch rs a.re plannlna "My hu1band and l had juat Police were flooded wlth alll another vlall tonlaht at the Ex-come back from dinner at Monday night. after the allc1ed ecuttve Park Apartment• In Alfy'•.'' the eaJd. ••And one of OW' li&hllna. Suon• Park wher~ a beaat of tenanu ran ur, to borrow • .,-he monat.er wu alleaedly helll1h proporUona wa1 repor-f1Hhll1h& to f nd a mon1t1r. aMn by two wt\N9e9. They aaid tedly &potted Monday nJ,._t, ~ 1 ...., to \he fence, I could It attemp~ to enter th• com· And b_y the de•crlpllon1 of ... u the thine· JUI\ awful." p&ex. then turned away and d• .,Bumul Parle IMcfoot," \he mon-Police were 1ummoned but appear-.d back ln&o the drahlap at.er won't be hal'd to f«'Oll'\Wt. took an hour tp r.pond becaUll dlfch. Kt auanda be•ween eeven and they feared Uwy w..-. betna Ju. Larae foot prtnia, "about lhe etlht feet tall, ,rowll "UM a 80-red blck into &he .,._ bf ihe "l:Mt 1111 of two handl" l!Ol'Otdlnl IO rlTla" and 111mella worM than Sid• Oaftl, whlcb enjOyl thro~ Mu. Mlaaanelli, wer found rotten hone rNnW..'' Wini a.die at. patrol ~ .... around theldd~: I In .... _ dark,, ,,_ ~pUw wOi'dl mnw ..,,.Ut lli6cl. "W• ""' ._. t V19 • from apennwnt fMNIW L«ral· •'Thll Iii no~" n oaftd· 1h• aald. "All the i:ricke\I and .,. M&.aneW, whoaaid ah9 h.-rd nued . ...,,_...now., llD fAll8 a f roaa ~•r• Clulet whll• '' ~ beMt .,.owuna from a !lrat-powl uu 1. ~ ot • .nau Wra .,.ow.-W r o • I ' ., .. 111111 CUii llWl'llll IUCI I Hiil ITll:U WI l,,JI ·I•/\• tM\1 1.· 1111.· 014 ANGf C OUNT V. C AL IFOJlNIA 25 CENTS . 24 Newport -Mesa teachers lose johsj ByJOOICAOENllEAO O(llM O.aty ,. .. , lteH 'l'rUlk't-11 In ttiu Nt•wporl Me• Unified &hool D11trlc:t pprowd ttw tlni.I lar,orr of 24 1.t"1aehen tn lh(• dl1trlct l'ul"ltday, whall' at tht• 1amt-tlmu wovlng aiymnua1t1c11. l!Mllmg and o dt'vOluJ>lf\t•ntul km dergartf'n dull.I rorin..rly 11lutt•d ror ellm111ullcm Tho boord'1 Mellon l'ame foll'>- wina hC!lrln.i• btttorv on admln· latrallvc law judgu April 27. who reviewed the namt•• of 88 le • chcrs befort' comlnat to a final dldtuon Kl'vin Whet>ler. dlatrlc:t oNI•· tunt aiuptorlnlendent for J>('rton· nt•I. ao1<l the salarlet1 and bt-rM"flt. c•arrwd hy thl· 24 u-achera tou.11 Falklands war heats up about •nu.ooo Whec-h:r &uJd~d that ahuut 12 teacher• wt'\ulM.• name1 w rt• on tht• llll wc•rt• 1111vt•d by tht la1t· minute rti111ainullun of tt•achcr1 plunnlns to r.-uu• In Jun<' "A lt•W pt'ople camt• In thl1 aftt-rnoon auymg if it n'lt't&11• 1m· vtnR 1omt•bfJdy'1 job, tw1 t•'• niy rl'lllf(rutllon," tlllld Wht't•lc.>r Th<' rWtJllfnallon of one of th()ll(• tt•Ol'ht•rt not only 1pared Chrl11 tint> Rcincm.ann'• job u a dove· lopmenlal kindergarten l.t'tfK'hcr 11t Killybrooke clemenu.ry a ·hool In C.:O.t.a Mt.'1161, but Moo .aved \ht· program About 3~ µurcntai whu.e t·hll drnn ¥re cnrullcJ In the kinder· garten cla11, that help• pluce dHldren a t their developme nt.al ll•Vt>I , ullt•ndcd tht· 1nt•t't11•K 1n support of tht• pruMrum Le• f'l•rMU1111n, u prinl·tpal ul K1ll ybrookl', 1m11f tht· f(U..r1.111tt·t· o f M• Rt.•1m•mur111'" 11h will t•11 ublt.' thl' prognun to< unt1nut• next )'l'llr. Gymnua1\1u. ond H1.ul111j(, IJll('l' t•urmark1·d for d1111111ut111n, will bc offl·n·i.J m ·xt yt•111 ic1111·1· full lime wm·han~ IJCJ!'illl•lllli would 11111 I ,,.. ,lffl-t·u.J. iuml Wht-t•ler 'l'h•· nunw11 of the• 24 l.t'tl:ll'hc>ft f.w111u lay•1ff 111 Jurh· wt·n•n't rt· h·a"'"I Truhl<'C-S ulbO LllJprovc'CJ 11o1tndi111 luvofl 11011t·1·11 to 3~W da111H1ed 1·rr1pl11y1·e'll ( nnn watherte) faclrw l11 y11rt 111 ,Jurw Dullrwt ufflclab 'l<JUJ tlwy 1•><J>t<( t only ubout 3~ ti> 4() l)f tlUN' ;wtut11ly Will l>t' lalij 1111 British shoot do-wn t-wo plane~ Newport, La Suit could block off shore oil leases A SUit fdt·d by tht• slule· 11( Caltforn1a uga1ni.l lh1· rl'Ul'I :ii guvL•rnnll'nl <1v1·r ufhhon· 1111 drilling wuld µn•vt•nt trat'll> off Nt·wpurt Rl'al'h ,rnd Laguno.1 Bt•<H·h from lwing lt·u:-c•d 1wxt month US lntt•rtor S.'<.rt'l.•.1rv Jornt'b Wtitt hJi. proµ111wd putting 11 offshon· trat.·ts nPar Ne•wport a11d Li.lguna on lht' nwr kc•t Junl· 11 Tht· i.u1t, f11t-d Tu,"t(Juy in L;,., Ange·lt"'ll hy Gov Edmund Brown Jr and tht• istatt.· Coai.tal Com m1sis1on , 1tpt.•c·1f1u.1ll y 1 h1.1ll1·ngt·s Walt 'i. authori t y Lo lt·<1st· 22 South1·rn C<t llfurn1a off:shon· trac:Ls Tht: f1JUr tral'lb CJI f Nl'wporl <.tnd L<tguna art.• thn-t• and u half miles ofrshorc Both c1Uet1, crlti· l'Ul o f th(• pri,post'd lt•ase salt>, haVl' htnlt·d lht·y muy Join thc- sull Nt•wport Bl·<At·h ('lly AlLorrwy M 1 t. h al' I M 111 l· r 1w 1 d t ht· C 1 l y Count'll ha't l(IVt•n h11n pt-rm1!!.'>1011 lo Jlllll lhl• 1tUll If ht: hcdlCVl'b ll would tx• in lht• 1·1ty'i. lx-i.t rntt·r - 1-st Ile· i.:ud ht• will dt:'l'1dt: within 10 dayi. Ttw :.ull !ipt_•(:l fll·<.tll y t.'CJIT1pla11'Ul that l1•ai.ing so111t• uf lhc· tru1·ti. would 1·onlrad1ct thl· Cummtl' !>11m'i. t'C>astal plun It <.di.o s<11d Wall vwlatt•d tht• fl-dc ·rnl Outer umllrll'ntal ~hclf Landi. Ac. l by foiling lo follow lht' g11v1·1 nor':. rt,,'<1mmt'ndataons th&i t n·rt<t 1 n tral'lli bl· dt·lt·kd from lh1• Jurw lt'Wlol' Knit· Wall, the.-i.u1t t.•hurgt-d, l'Oruud - nc-d only the· value· of <111 und g<L't and not thl' t>nv1ronrrl('nt ThC' liUll l!i 1um1lar to onto laat year whu:h haltt-d sales of 29 tract1 o ff San Lu111 Obllipo County Howev<>r, the Reagan Admrn1strauon has appealed ttuit (;as<_• Petitions .-erllle_d Banning Ranch plan may go to public The N ewport Bcal'h C ity Council has been put on nol1t·c· that 1t must de<:ldt' by June 2H whetht-r lo dump tht' mult1 - million-dullar Banning R1&m·h developmt'nt pruje<·t or put it to a c1tyw1dt-voU:. Opponent.a or the West New- port pru.)t'<'t, the city derk ven- f ied Tuesday. gathered 5,454 valid s1gnaturf:!tl in a month-long drive to 1K:uttle the plan The group, known aa the Wt'St Newp6rt Leg1alat1ve Alliance, turned m 6.~63 namd. It nf'eded 4,320 to qualify for a referendum This marks the lt'COnd tune m less than a year that critics of a major Newport develo pment have forced the courx:1l to make a choice betw~n k11Jrng a pro)K't or calhng an ele<:t1on The othl'r pro.)E.'Ct was the Irvine C.ompany'a Newport Cenwr exparu11on plan, a proposed development that fl nally was dumped by the council The 75-acre Banning Ranch plan, to mclude hou11ng and of f1ce and mdu1tr1al bulfdmja. 11 located inland of Weit Coast Highway on a onetime ahecp ranch now dotted with 011 wt-lls WORLD Devt·loper William Banning ~aid hl' 111 still un1ure whetht-r the project a1 approvl'd by thc t.•vunc1l makes fmanC'1al Wnll(' to his f1m1 Hf' reiterated that the l'<>Un,·tl subfit.ant1ally <:hangt'd his prO.)(.'<'l from what he had asked for Banning said he will make a de- cision soon o n whe ther to with- draw the project_ While a maymty of the Cny Council has Slgnaled ll wants w put the Banning project to an election test. the council member who rl'preaenta West Newport isn't 11<.1 sure "I'm JUSt turned off by the whole thing," said Councilw o- man Ruthelyn Plummer "I'm not sure why the o pposition wasted our ume and energy as- kmg ~ for a compromise when 1t didn't really want a comprom11e at all. "l'm al.lo a little tired of Ix-mg accused of not luuening or not followtng the democrauc proet>U We did l11ten and we did com· proml1e lf anything, l'm con- cerned that we overloaded the developer with conditions." (See BANNING, Paae A%) Author views world luture Best-telling author Charles Berlitz ia pealm1at1c about Ile world'• future but 1tlll uy1 doomsday can be averted. Page 04. NATION Hinckley darts f rdm court WASHINGTON (AP) -Presidential attacker John W. Hinckley Jr., whole own wotdl Ued hll CTlme to an oblealon wlt.h 9Ctrnl Jodie Foet.er, bolted from the courtroom t.hil aftemoon u he and a federal Jury heard her teltif y on vtdeot.a~ that J'I don't have any relatlonthlp with John Hlnckky." 'Eleanor' on tube tonJsht "Eleanor, Ftrat Lady of the World,'' appear1n1 tonfaht on television, t. • p..._,,t ~ but 11 hlatory it'• ltrlctly 10ft 1tuff. Pap All. ARTIST HONORED Henry Segerstrom and sculptor lsamu Noguchi (cent.er) accept proc- lamation from Costa Mesa Mayor Arlene Schafer, d<-<:larmg tt Noguchi Wec.-k in the dty. Oet11 f'llol Photo 1J1 l'elrlclt O'DonMll The honor was given Tuesday during thf' openlng of Noguchi's "California Scenario" sculpture gard<>n in South Coast Plaza Town Center. Video course dispute still unresol ved Sculptor Noguchi honored in Mesa A nwt.•llng i.du'tJuh·d u1 n~1lvc· 1J d1 :,pult• lwtw1•c·n Coust Corn· mun1ty C<1ll1•gc· Di..,trwl Chu1K.·l'1 lor N11rmdn W&1ti.u11 and four Orunl(t' Coa.i.t l'ollt·l(t• JJI ofl-:..'IOrs wh11 wri1t•· J 11 tl<•r trt l1u1111g lt'lt•v1s1011 l"•1ur :w s didn't 1;.,k1· pl;J<'t• Tw~lu v But tht· p<1rl11·~ 111v11lv1· d111 al(r1·e on why the· rn1_·1•llng didn't !Jl'('Ur A d1slrt<'l 11 µ11k•·sm ;1n s aid WuL'IOn wa ... IJWIJlllng Lh1• arrivul of the· proft1'.'tlln• ut 4 I' ni Tueii day, but th<.il lh<•y futl1 •d lo ap- pt•ur The_• tnstruNor~. how<•vc•r, Si.I)' tht·y w<•ri· told liy tlw d1 str1<·t Munday th<.it llH' int.•l•llnJ{ wai. t' it rK'f' I ed Whal tht• part1C•11 do agrc•t• upon is that W<itson on April 20 :.ummum-d Orungl· Coust pmfl'21 11or11 HtC'hard Yc·rby, Mu:hael f<'innC'gan, Norman Lurnwn and J1J11<.•ph Tomt:hak ln h111 offlw to dlK('US11 a ll'tt<'r the· four had wrltwn and distnbuwd to nbout 30 ll late and prtvatt• c-oll1·gea throughout Cahforn1a. Tlw l<•l ter que11t111n1•d t ht' quuhty uf lt•lt•v111wn <:11u11ws of (See DISPUTE, Pag~ At) COUNTY By JODI CADENHEAD 0(1he Oell1 Pllol lleH Tht• 11ubJ''('t wus faamu Nogu- t·h1 In 1t rare· publll· a ppcarant·c·. lht• renownt'iJ 11Culpt.or ugret-d U> p:ir11c·1pt.tlt• 111 a trad1t111nu l Jap;1 n••s.o· tt•a l'(•rt·mony w;hc·ring in a four-day t't•lt'brnt1on optmtng h111 "Cull(urnla Scenarw" at South Co • .t.'tl Pla1.a's Town Ccnt<·r "How could I get out of It?" quipped thf• 77-yc•ar-o ld arllsl "It's my rl'spons1b1l1ty to tht' garden I don't want It to go nt.·gl1'<:t1-'<l " UndC'r a cloudy 11ky thul thrC'att•nNI min, the 1.6 acre• 11t•ulptun• gurdcn commissioned by th(• Sl'f(t•rstrom family, wai. unveiled In Costa M(•su tu tht• ~Ul"!lt8 "' the Japanes<' Amt'ncan Cultural and Community Ccnll'r. But the• star of lhC' s h ow Tut"!.day WJH nut the tranquil w.irden dcp1t•t1ng various Cahfor 1110 sc:enf'ti, but the man who had l' rPQ t.ed I t The t•urious und the awed rame to see the artl1t who has spent mon• than haJf a century 1>roduclng work11 Art News has 1·all<'d "Unrivaled 1n quantity and may alao be unaurpas8('d an a('(:omplillhmenl by any living Upper Bay cleanup begins Cleanup work begin• on Upper Ne wport Bay with the importing of morc> dlrt. Page Bl. A m erica become civilized 2Ulh l't'ntury S('ulpl11r " Nogul·h1 hw1 a n ·putu1111n 11f lwinl( mNl·urial und driv1·n. 1n tl'n!lt' and tc•m pc•r .1nwntol Hut Tu<'SC.lay l'Vf'lllOI( the· d11mnul1 V• art1i.t wal\ ahs11lutc•ly c h;J1111mg J' h1· lhrc·ac.lt•d ht.\ way thmugh th1· l'rowd, ~m1hnK whtll' ~•gninl( au tographi. Jnd p•1..,1ng (111 tl.1i.h mstamat1t· ptl"tun ... A'lk1-d during dn 1111t·rv11·w lu. ... l yl'nr 1( his (<1m1• c•vt•r got 111 tht· way or his w11rk. h1· saul, .. Jr I look 1t 1wr111usly , 11 n·rtu111lv would " · Tut'8<1uy l'Vl'nllll( tlw arlli.l i.a1d h e was vc•ry plt·ast•d w1lh tht· !i<·utpturi· g11rdt·n ruott·d llkt· a dc:>11erl m1rag1· h1•tw1•c•n twin 15-story utru.:e bu1ldtnt(1> Tht• rcx·k Sl'UlplUrc'!t ht· 1i. now complt'lt n~ for th" J11pa 111·111· Amt•rkan Cultural und Commu nlly u·nll•r m U1' Angclt'!I Wiii be h1is ~"'·ond pro)l'('t 111 his n.Jl1 v1· 11U.te. Grand openinl( fc·i.llvll1t•K fol' "California Scenarto" will 1·1mt1 nue through Frntoy night Th(• itt·ulpture garden :.ill>ng A11lon Boult•v1.rd betwt•t•n lhl• J\nwn - <:an City Bank t.tnd Greut Wt>st crn Savings will bt• opttn to tht• public dally from 7 am to 10 p.m heginning Saturday INDEX At Your Service A4 L .M. Boyd AlO Bu.atneu A8·9 Herb Caen 82 CalJfomta A6 Cavalcade 82 Cw.tfled 04-8 ComJai B4 Cro.word B4 Third craft escapes By Tbe Auoclated P re11 Britain said 1t 11h1Jl down two Aq~t·ntin e warplanes that a l · t<1ek1·d a i;h1 p in I he· Bn ush ar· rrwd:J around th•· Falkland 11· land1> today Tht·rt· was no 1m. mt·d1ult• e·omn11·nt frr1m Argen. 1111a Tht· Br1111>h 'J1d d third Ar. l(l•n11n1· plane· <·scapt·J 1n the dash inside· the-200-mih· war vmt-Brttatn d1~l..1rc'<.l around the 1-'alklandi. Tht· Br111i.h lx·f1·ni.e· M1n1stry 1n Lomfon rq,>orll-d no damugt: to the· un1dcnufit>d war1.h1p or any Bnt1i.h c.·asualtU."b Ot'fonl>C M1n1 i.try i.pokcsman Ian Md)unald lWitd the Argenltne A-4 Skyhawk f1ghter -bom~rs wen: shot down by fire from the warship He did not say whether th1i. Wdl\ from anti aircraft fire or Ill 18:. I lL'lt It wai. the first uir attack on thl' Br111sh flt•c•t s1nt't' May 4 when a mt&sill· from an Argen· une {1ghwr-bomher wreckt'd the d1·i.lruyl·r Sh~ff1t.·ld 1ns1dc the Tiu· Bnush i.a1d 20 !181lurs wt-re k1llc:d tn that :.trike• Brtlatn da1mi. 1l1> battlt• flt•et h<.1:. il i;tranglc·hold on the 1shmds :l~(} malt-s l'ai.t of th<• Argenune 1·•1a:.t und ha:. isolated thl' t-sl1- m11tt·d 9 ,1100 troop!> O('t·upying :h1·n1 But u11 Arg1·nttnC' naval 1>0urc 1• l>l.tld the· Hnt1'th da1m wu .. rid IC'U lou:. " Rr1t11>h corrt·i.pondcnti. with th1· ta:.k font· in tht-Falkland• n ·pc1rt1•d wnwr offtl'l'rs said an Argl·nltnt• &htp dlUJ(•kt'd Tuesday !Will u flrt'ball mto the sky wher. It bit w up. and the· size or the 1·xplos111n md1t·atNJ 1t was a tan· k1•r Pt:k'r Arl h~r of Prl'ss Asiioc1a- lwn, the doml'sltl' British new agent·y. said the frigate Alacrity i.pottt-d the ship 1n the southern approa1·hes o f thl' Falkland Sound, th<• f1vt>-m1lc-w1de chan · nt·I bc·twc:cn the two Falkland ii.lands, and ('halh·nged 1t When the ship tried to et1eape, the frigat.-op•>ned fire> wnh It.a 4 ~-ln<'h guru.. ArC'her said Other British said il was unll- kt•ly there were a,1y survlvon More rl•tnforcements for the British force sailed from Britain toduy The 3.000 troops of the ~th Infantry Brigade w t'nt aboard the rt·qu1&1tloned luxury liner (.lu et'n Elizabeth 2 Food C t-12. 01·3 Horoecope 8 2 Ann Landera 82 Movies 83 Mutual Funds A8 National News A3 Sporta 90.7 Dr. Stelncrohn B2 Stock Markell Ai Tea 11n't just for little old ladlea anymore, accor- ding ~ a very Brltlah tea ambaaudor. Pa1e Cl. Death NoUoes 04 Televi.Qon All STATE Voters expect little help CallfomJa vot.en cm expect Uttle help from the federal "°'"11 tn •tUJ'll •fair lhakAI at rep .. ntatJon, wrltea oolumnJ.t Earl Waten. Pap AlO. Editorial AlO Theall" rt B3 Entenainlnent 83 Weather A2 World Nl'WI A3 SPORTS Lahn now hold 2-0 lead The J...akerw 10 to San Antonio with • 2-0 llMd after bHtina the Spun •t the rorwn. Paae B&. I 1~-------- 101 PUTE LINGERS ... I turull by lhl• ( 'oulil D11lrkl uml Wlwn n111u• wu rt~'t•IVt'<J, hu ~Ill diilmt'<I lht•y u1t·11'1 1-quavult•nl L11 ht• l'Mllt•d tlw d 11uw1•llor'1 ulfll't• I t. hu11u·uoin 1·ourm.. MundLly uftb• oocm unll WWI told Hoth 1ild1•• uwrt,11 thal Wut11•m by Wul1on'11 lf't'rt'lM)' thol Lht• 11MtJ ttw 11111\rkl w11" l'OnalcforlnK d111m•t•llor lwllt-V t•d 1tw prnft11 I lt•Mlll !wtltm .!l(Ul11111 th11 four pm liilrli hi;d t•u1H"1•lml lht· mt•t.'llt16' fo111lor1 amt! thut tw t1J1k1.J lhl'm to hy M•nrJ1n1 lhl'lr h•tt.t.•1 n.1turn fut u1111tlwr m1~·llnl( Moy Yt•rby 11n1c1 h t• tlwn lnformud 11 ht• cc1lh•uguflt that Uw tlll't>lltli( 1'h t· tl•Ul'hNl'I uml tlw d111t111·t WUll oH b10 uun't• that tlw f1u·ulty 11wm But dlKtrkl 11pok11t1mun lUc·hurd ni ••nl lhl' t•hurwt·llur u lt•W•a S111111n d(•nl1'1.i thut 11ny lfUl'h c11ll ral 28 ll!liylng lht.•y bt•ht•Vl.J ll wa11 , 1•n •1vt•d from Yt•rhy He• ou!J lit• h•tit1lly 1nudv 111ubh• tu 1·unflrnwd thul Waumn hud not UN1d th1• Moy 11 m•'t'llll~ if tlw rl'plu'll to thl• 11u.t1 ut·um1' l1•tt...r unn·llor unly 111t1•ndt.•d l<> d111 but :mid tht· t.·hum·c•llor 1Jllll l'X f.1<1t1..'11th• mu rt ;wtaon 1.x,·h-<I 1 hi· ml't.'llllt( lo t.1kt• plo<.<t• tw h·l t1•r 1111111 tlll' p111(1•SHUI i. fUt'l'l(lay ult! lw opi•u to d t11t.·ur;r;111n ,,r "!11· was h11p1ng lo 11-.1pt•n tht• t•11111111u11w;it1on !Jr<" l'SH," Simon hllll I l'r lllH ll I' l°M 'rut l''I"''" Y 1·rh y ... 111d h1· .11111 n11l1•aK\ll'l'i wprc· uWlllllllK ·• ,.,ly f111111 W1t l'lllrl lO lhlll ll'llt•I M1•a11wha11· th1· d1i.puh · 11vt·1 lh1· lt•l1•111U1M•t. It. ('llllllllUlll~~ 1111 111 llt'l fa 1 ltl L" ANNING RANCH • • • ~ 'M 111 Plummt-r 11uld s hl· u l!iCI wru. up~·l by thrt>ut:. sht· m1Khl l>t• till' IJrgcl of u ri•cull try bt• :E. uf h1·r vow 1n favor of th1· nning l'roJl'l.'t .•:·Thul w:11t JU11t an allt'mpl lo ~l1m1duu-m<> und IL showl-<l a lot ror 1rnmaturily un th1• part CJ( ttw l(l"OUJ>," bht• 1>a1d "I Wai& elt'(·lc'(I lo ·~·n to both .. 1d1•s, not JWl bow ~ti li~1ul inlt•rt"llt group " •• ~ J .... uu1s..• Grt-t•lt•y, lt"ader of thf' ~1c.int'l·. s111d ht•r gr11up luvuni :m ~f'('taon "I hope 11 '11 u d1gn1ftt·d t•um- puagn Tht· IHJSUl'l'I art-dt·ar t·ut," 1W1J Mn; Grt·l'lt·y "I truat thcfl' won't lH.· uny 1H1rn1.· tal11ng, mud 11lmg1ng or dirty t.aelK1' ·'Wt•'rc• JU!il u group of rc11- cl1·nlli fol111w1ng the Democratic proc•t'?lH," !CIW added. "W1•'re jwn lrytnK lo nwke a point " Shl· 11u1d her group'11 pCllnt 111 that th .. l'lly 11hould follow 1t1 g1•nerul pl:rn She aaad the Ban- ning Run('h prop<.>tWI represent£ a rud1t·ul ahifl uway from the Ren- l'ral plan. Flying snake Serpent <>n plane caught /\ ... 11.1k1 th.al •·'>tJpt•<l t111rn 11 l 'Olll<Jllll'I .111d hud lht• I Ull or I h1· n 1q(o .u 1•.1 a ho.a rd t1 Ht·swbl11 /\1rlan1•\ Jl'll1n1•1 w:1i. :.uft•ly 11· lfll'Vl'(I Tlt111...cl.1y 111.l(hl 1:J(t.t·1 1111· plurk li>11dt-cl al J11hn Way rw Aa pllrl Tiii' 110 11 prnson oui., s1 x foot lot\lo( L11u1 Hta11a ri:Jl ~n uk1· w.1 11 (11u 11d u11d1·1 a b o ard 1n tlH pt~sur11.1•1I foa ward t·urgo 1Jrt•11 11( tht' plant· by tl11· mun t.o wh11111 th<' n ·ptalt• w1J.., dt-sltn•-d C1Jry ew~n<ill 11( C alt rorna;,i /',l)Oll1j(lt'oal ~upply, Sant;1 A11a "I had lo u:.iwl 111!>1111· tlll' l'ar.1(11 ;vua and lift ;, l1 •w l>emrdi. hH11r1· I (11und 111111 I It· waH wt• n1ld "'' ~ wu!tn'1 m11v11tlo( .irouncl v1·ry m,i.u.h ." H;1.l(rt.dl Haad l11d .. y S r111k1·s .in· l'll!d lilo11rl1 ·d l'fl•a luri ..... h1· • iq1l.1tr11'<.I Tlw <111ak1• wu!! <i twmg l f10 that w1·n I~ t11J( 'h1p1">4·d from M1·111 phlN (or HUl>'ll-.1111·1)1 -.i1l1• IJy ( '.1la fornau Zuol111(1t·ul. a whr1lt•MJ1ln of 11•pt1h·!i and t1mph1hrnns, ic.11d Bngnull, :l4, of TUHt111 "It w:ag pn·~1y tunny 1 n1•r1· w :Jt. 11u1lt· u t•rowd ... t.Jndanu around whlle I wu,; l1,lj1k1t1K for him," &gn.tll 11.1ud Wall Ht·llman . u ... p11kl·1m11H1 (11r M1nn1•upolu1 h ;1..,1·d .i1rl1111· -..11d th•· :.nake w." d1..,111v 1•11·d l•1111w an S11 ll Lak1· C11 y, w lll'tt• th"' rt1uh1 hdd .. top1wc.J lll'lu1 ,. arriving in Uranl(•' County lh·llrmm .. aul t;1rg11 laa11dl"1" tlu·11· t111l11't w..in t to 1lo•lay 1111· fl 1 K h t h y "u rr1 m" n 1r1 .I( .i 11 1111 a I 1•111t111l 111·1"W1111wl lo round Ufl llu hllJkt· So th1·y ..,hut I h•· 1 ,1rg11 h11ld d111ir~ an.I "'·nt I"" plun1· on .... wuv Tht•n llwy "'''"' w 11rd lo H1 · p11hl11 '' ( Jf)(ll rau laly Ill 01 .111)(1· ''111111l y lt•ll111g 1w1,unnr·l tlw 11· wlt ~d l11 t'XIH'l'I Thut 'i. wtw11 u .•• ~11 •. d I gut I h1· l.J II lll I llfn(• lrl lh1· :1111111rl Girl, 17, slaying suspect By STEVE MITCHELL 0( Ille 0..., llltlet tlalf A l7·yN1r-old La.iuno &a<'h HI.Ch School i\rl flK'ft t•hargmi of murdl'r following Mn uppurenl murcfor-1ulcld~ att1•mpt nur a Legion Stre~I <.'hurch Tul'•duy mornlnJ( The 8 10 a.m tnc·ld nt •t lhc cornt.1r of Lesion and Throulllh al\rt"t'la lt•fl Jamt'll Anthony Kt•n dull. 21 , o r l'nlerald Bay. rlf'fld .Lauru Lt>t.' J.'t·l•t, 17, o f 47!'1 Lt'alon St . apparently ahot ht•• adf In thl• cht'1il ahl'r flrlnR u round from o •lolt'n 22 ('ullbt•1' revolwr at ht•r hoyfrll·nd, fatally wou111lln1< him M l~ Jo\•1'11, 1.1 tronsfer 11tudt•nt (II lh•· high !l(•hool, WUll h11lt'(J II) f:ur nin<l1tion at UCI Ml·du·ul C.:cllln th11' mornanj( A p11ll11· i.pc1kc11mu11 11t11d lht• 1miwnd111.c bn·ukup 11f tht· 1:ou plt-'s r1·l.111on1h1p uppaff•ntl y promptt·d tht· 11hooling. Kt·ndull, a 11H8 tintduutl• o f Laguna fk•ad1 High School, pur 1">4Jr t•·dly t11ld thl' lt·1·n ·1itl(t•d 11u "f*l'I lh1 ri ·l.1t111nsh1 p wa11 ovt•r, ttw 11pok1·sr11un 1'!1ld "Tht·y Wl't t· clotu.· frat·nds for l('Vt:rul yt•ar11, and she oppurcntly could nm II('<' henwll with onyone cl.Ile, ur him with another girl," the poh(·t> 11pokl'ltman 1ald JJ c said tht' couple left Ke n dall'a Emc1 aid Bay home at about 7 :4 ~ o m and drov"' to M '""' f'el1t'1 upartnH·nl on L1•'1 .0fl Sttc.~t. She had w11ttcn u "wall-typt.o" Jetter pn•v1ou1ly, lnd1c:aung her belonginl(\ 11hould go to her mo thcr, th<' uHtt<t·r !lrud. . Kt•ndall purportedly parhd h11> pa(·kup truc k on Through Strt•1•t whalt• 11 he w ent In In ch:..11.,w dotht.'11 lor school, 1>0111•1 .. i;a1d Water rate boost seen Monthl y w.1 t1•r rnll·H ur11l 'It· w1·r 11..,.. I•,.,. 111 N1·wp11r1 li.·;11 h 111.1y 1111 r1 ,11'4 th111 Hlllfllfll'I M1111lhly w.1lc·1 r.1lt•i. would 111111-.,iM· fn1111 '1·1 111 11:1 '"'lllJ. 1,lj·r 1011 1·ub11 lt'l'l Uttl1ty 11ffk1ul"' for lh1• t.•1ty l>Uld th1• lnC:fl'U*' Ill nt.otodt.'O lo 111v1·1 f11,•11t 1.111· l11k1.., by 1111' M• 1111 11•1l1t.111 W .1ll·r ))"'' 11 1 wl11t h '"l'IJlll''> Liii' 11ly M•1111hl v .... ·w1•1 uKC· ,,.,.,. w11uld U" f 111111 $~ HI to $:.! fiO Tht• tr1 I t'"'"''' 1o; l11•tnj.( lltlUl(hl lo ( llVl'I lh•· "'"'t 111 "'''W•·r 11111• r1•p11tn• 111 llw .,.._,, tw11 v1 .1r'I, -.c•w1·1 m.11111> .1t ..... v1•11 11.c·atlllllN h.1v1• 111pturt·d Ill r.11lnl Thi• 1 011111 t I w 111 v11t1· on l llt· pr 1'1''''"" 111111·11 "''' M :i y :l 1 ~\~ Warming trend Fair tl\1ougl'I 101:1a y but t ome IOlll c;iouOIO ... late tOfllghl Hlghe fl$ to 12 0v .. 111gtn tow. 64 10 S8 •om• low clou1:1111ua through ITlld·ll'IOf11lf10 Thutaoey oth«WIM /•II Hight Ttlu,.oay flll 10 14 Huntington N•wpo11 are• tem- "41'alur" ra11ge from • tow ot 53 t9 a high Of 65 ' flMWtl«e. !tom Paint Conc.p 110n 10 the Me•1ce11 bo•0•1 eoo 9'1• eo "'"" Northw .. 1 w1no1 o4 '1 10 n h11oh w1111 combtneo •••t ol 4 to 7 taet ov., outer welera loc ally llgl'll va1tabte w~oa ntgttt ano mo,,\lng houte b Omt11g .... lo llOllhWHt '" I afteff1C.OO• W"l"1y awellt o4 ' ,, 3 1 .. 1 Moatty clMr IOOay (~ .. ~. "u n1111<1 ry ~SJf n•fJ4J·~ t tJul ft ... '1 tffJWfl lh (') tthOOtu Gr1«J IH1A• a,_ lfnHHI~• "4 m• ri1c.HtuuuJ tt.1tvfttw wttHth~1 1r •••'""' tfttbt., ~ .. ti"-tn••• w ,.,,,. ( >io.lafuAh• wrnt '"'"h"u1 "' w"'"''' r •"" .,~ 1'11111 fell lu•Ml•y "' r1o<th lflt , •••• uow c.nntinuod ''->'IHt Hl the t1111tcJ11 ft'll)•,,it111u• /. lew ...... , .. hn11•1ttd ltwtH t'4Av UJH ,,,,.j, ~ntt a.uuth11t1o1,1 ,,,.fltftttltH " ftlW!M If iNAt '"'' •111J m1ltJ t ,,, 1t1• "'~ "•e• -. ...... .., """'''~ i)•r•lli , '""' tron1 tr. .. '"""•' 41tl\lt4"' fJulf C'.,cuU•I l•1 the lu t '-''""' L aktu "'"' •Outn•,,• ( n(lhm() M ''''"' .otl < <flktO 1•>1 l"""Pltr • 1111 '" ""' 40t ov"' Cnl<>t.Oo Wy1,nung with •••d"WJ~ 11110 Wt end 80• to1m 1t. .. •.ou111 t <1•e1 1111'1 tl)1Jlh1!,,I f>lltUlt rat e11d t<ivll!4f11 M11t1 .. 11111• ley 1t.WJ lhe toutn•rn O•tal .. Ill lhf! tower AlltllllK" COHI o.t•lvrea in m• ~· 1100 GO• I M•l)«.llltl -~· empe11lu••• t round tnt na .u11y Inc.lay 1enQtld lr<.tn 3 t"' , N•• l<J 110 In 8 1own1v11te •• - '"., •. ,, •·o• ''•t •·•'Jht ,.,,,t """''''"'' f•i lt 1 t·l'••I 1• 1• tf lt1r '4111'tt A Ir""" •,111 ... 1J '"'"''~'·· Jll ~''""'' ,, 1,U•H11 '1fll'IN N UH!lflfJ l1t•t1tJ Tt'ltl /Jl'T<l I llTf'>t ,.lh1H11 ~""'''"' A1ti 111il11 ,,., •••. .,,,1 .. All.t••l k Ali,,,, '·'1 Au,t111 Uai1t1tnou tidlfh') f-1,,,. • .,,,,ltrj u1 .. fflntftr h t.t'\fltfl titf11/iffl\Jlh huffiilH h 11fllhtll ., ,.,.,,,, .. , lfATIOlf ~"'"''f•''' .,, Ct1ttttflr• ,,.. Gflllfleln WV t C11erttte NG ChlG-00 c,,.._ ,,,,..,,. (.lt u1 .. tn11fl (Jln1IUH !,t. {. .... ,rr.t"'' lJ•• I 1 11111 ();i/lt#fl f).UlllMf (.>t., M 111t•""" ,,...,,,,,, 01Jh,lf1. f l l11t ")f1 I •U(#' I l••j•l•ll 0•••1 I1111• .... ,.,,,,,, Hel4fl• H<111()1ul11 H<IUAIOn tntJU•lllt• )&I"'" ~·· Jl(~~'·•ll• KAil• <..iv I H ¥lt(IH l1ltllt RQ< ~ l•~o1.ine lulJl•'"-' M•n•fll•• M1111111 ""''"'""~ ... MIJ!t 'SI I' Ntahville N-()r1 .. 111 N.w Vo<~ HI LO PGp 1,11 .. , , , ~,, ,., ,,, I). 41 h/ "' ;, ' 'ti ~I 7 t ,., '14 ti 41 t'• II I ~·. . ... .,., ~I ... .,, I, 44 Hll 711 IJ •11t ',I ~I 411 ,, M IJ4 ~.. 411 II/ 44 1111 II~ .. :, .,,., ~' 4h 114 '>CJ It Ill bit "11 M '111 '•I 4 1 'I 1111 ,,., Ill "' •,•, '1/ 411 II) "" "" •,4 41 11 t ., I 14 ~1 Ill 13 40 62 12 M 1'I 110 7'l 84 .,, 11!1 '>U 1!8 ltO f6 60 611 71 '\'> 1111 6& N 'if) 11 ,,, ,,~ &4 1)6 711 74 .. 6 1 10 ~ H '\~ H 111 ,, 'J2 lO The FOfKHl FOf 7p m EST A1111 0 Sno.Q .. ,. I• ... l•t( M.1, I, ')how.,."""'71 Fluffl••r,;:;i o H.1 ~ Trmpe•atulf"> ~ l:..:J •0 10 .0 '••"'". ,.,,.,, .... ,,., •'. *•O•• \ ~·~· '''(''"""''• ,,,, fjl •lh ,, .. ,j., ,,, (JmttfhJ ,,,, .. ,.,,,, l'ht;t'fl1h1.1 f'ftt"'9#tll '''"''"""" r111 •• 11•J M"' t•11a11tl Ou• r,,,,.,,onttc ., l~ul111yh ll&rl(J 'iall I fl~I< San Anu;,n10 '·"'•'"" ~nl••"I""' 'ito4.I' • 1tll't ",I I t1W\ ',I I• l tmr··• •,t '111'1 M 1Ut• '>JJH .... ftt! '>v1ac.u_. flJI .. ~• ll'J ~ t .... 4/ ,. llJ '.f I ()1'1 /', 'J'J CM 8'1 LI 11 '•I 111 '111 O'I 111 .,, ,,.. .. .. tiT 411 bl 4'1 11<1 H hi Jl1 •-,f; •• , ,, /() ill! ~6 4/ 114 1.•1 ti' .,,, ,, ... Ith ,,., 81 •• IO l\I ~II 10 4'1 fft•1iAiV-1d ( ,,, , •• ,.,., •• ,111 ,,,,,. .. ., .. , '''"''" 'uut I •••f•(i'W '' ... ,,., 1 l\ftff•Oflf •,.111t M1•"•' '11•-' .. ''"' lltfft II IJ ... 1,tt1 h.u ,,,,., ll••t ''"4• .,, ·'"''' t ''"ti Uout h 'Aornuv1u ,,,., W1l"uh t4, ...,..,,,.,. U••.u '• lt11l1H111 ~, ,,,, I 'fH•U"" f t\.t•ll •• I 'uH1 h•tth•HJ1Hq •,,.,.'''''"''ti / 1 .. ., • ,, • ·' /4 ';f I// , 11111• An" '" .,. •,,.111 •• (."" ao &4 1 0•1 1 ,, ,,.. v .. ttev "' •,IJ ,, "' I I 41 hl1 II() •,1 4U l'l 4lt .. ~ Ill Ill /11 11'1 110 ..,. JI '>'r th Ill '•I 4 .... , 41 II ht ',') h I 411 11 •,11 I)/ ... •.1.f ,,, l;/I <lb 68 4'i 04 !IJ 7 t 47 "J7 rui 11t1n lulH Wo1thmlJlfl 'Nl(.h11 .. 17 ., .. 81 hi) l .,, CANADA (,flltjlll v CALlrO ..... A r •I'"'"'""' Ba~ .,,.1,..111 7 '> ~I Blythfl 711 f'urflf<• I) 7 4 7 r,.,.,.n /4 '><I M 1tt1lfM•I 0 1111,.u l.Ml(.Hte< f)4 w f," I d d llH AnQOll• /IA 'fl 0? CJX en . e M•ty1vllt4 80 '\l MQlll .. .,-be ~... 711 Oehtano 84 02 w1~ather ,.. • .., AoblM ,,, 411 Red 61>111 to 00 1 1 SURf RIPIRT ~l)lJ rttrl'IN CA ! IFOANIA C'.OA IHAl ANO M OUNTAIN All~A S Nlglll 1nd mor11h1g ,IOUIAI low Cloud• Ind vlrl11b .. h•Q•• tloudmit .. Othe1w1•• tatt w1tn high• In COHiii l lld valtty .. ,., .. fl!. 111 10 1no lnwa 4& 10 H lllgha tn th• mOUt1ta1n1 &8 10 118 lnw1 IO to ttS ·, Tidea TOOAY ""' lllQh 2 2.C p m :S O l«olld 1-Ul p"' 2 e T*""IOAY flrtt lllOh 1202 •m .Cf r1r11 tow eoe '"' os e.cono 111g11 .c 01 , ,,. s 1 Otcond ~ U3 pm, 10 lun •lit• 1001y 11 7 0 p m , ,, ... 111\#tdoy .. , ,, • "' MOOf'I ritet lt?Oer el '' 01 • m , IOll lllllrldt¥ M fi 1 "'' SAGA ENDED -Artist Chrt1 Mut11<>n seems lt·lsS than ovcrjoy('(J at the Catt> of his bronze baa rt•lle! of the late John Wayne The memorial o.lly ,.... • ..,, ....... sculpturl' 111 <k~ttnt'<i tor an oHw • In Newport Beach City Hall until thl• dty dN·ldt.'11 what to do with it Innocent plea given 'in fraud C:oldton &.git· lnvt•Hl1n1•11t Co. prc·111d«nt Hulph W McDunuld }11111 plt·udc.'(J annoc.·t·nl to 3~ fc·lony <'ounoi in a rnult1-mllllon dollar frJud t'fJlll' 111 South Orungt' Cou11ty Mu1m·1pul Court C<1·dt•ft·1id:111t David Bcltrcy H1gu1ru.. 44, San Ch.•mt·nt.c. plc•u· d1·d l(Ullty lo two o( l\J eounl11 am lurling l111111paracy und i.4:llang atl1·w11 bondi. 'l'hc· 11r l11111 t·.irrlt' th111 morning IM•fon · J udK•· Hluu Barni·\1.1· in Cl courtruon1 Jamml'd with pt·o· pit· who hod &nV('!llt'(J an tht· ~I TtJro hu1't-d anV1'lltnu.•11l f1m1 The· two nwn an• (m:ang fraud l hurgt.,. fllllow tnK 11 HtwnH'N dt" partnwnt 1 aHI 1>n tlw l'ompuny ofru·t•i. 111 F1·bruury 1n wh1t•h $112~.ooo 1u t·a,;h W I.Iii !14•11,1.-d, along with M'v 1•1 al wc·uponw uncl <'om p.1ny l'l'l'UI cl!> Tht.· pair art• 11u11pt•t.·ll•d or 'lwandltnU 1110H· thun 1.000 an v c"!l11r11 out of llll'tr iwving.11 .• ft.t•r purp11rt1·d ly o ff 1•1111.c rnvt•11turs prom''"'" v 111111•11 KtH1r.1nh't•ang t 1'1111 n-. •111 l'aic h 111v1·11l m<•nlt1 11( l)('tw1·1·11 HI .111d 20 pc.·n t•nt p1·1 n11111\h Au,h11r111t"" (t1t1t.i·nd lht•y hJVt' l<)Ulld 1111 t•v1d1·n1•1• 1tn y Of lht• 1111>111•v w:1~ 1•v1·r 111v1'14l•-<J CdM school h earing set /\ C auwnli Advisor y Conm111 U't' wtll t'OnduN 11 puhlat hl•<tnng M:1y 17 to (.'(1ru.1dt.•r nt•w WWII for ( '11r11 no d c· I M IJ r EI 1· m 1• n l iJ r y S< houl Tru1tl.c«"ti in tlu• Nc•WIJ'•rl Mt"l>I• U 111 fwd St.·htJ11l Dtlilru:l vutl'll Tut·Kduy lo JUthoraz1• tht• hl'll· ru\g~ ut 7 :IO pm in lhf' M:hoo1'11 uudat.onum a t I) I 0 urn11t1011, Co 1111111 d1·l Mur Tht• bourd's a1·twn <:omt·i. urw w1-.·k 11hn th<.•y agn ... '(J to l.lrop :.i cl111pull'd <:tm truct with thf: Uni vcrs1ty of Soulht•rn Calafornm to 11pt•rnu• a satt'lht1• busant"llll t:um· pub at the lk'hool Pair sought in holdups ( '11..,10 Mt"l:I p11l 1< t• un • H1·:1r C'l11111< for two f.(unm1•n an 1·11n 111·1·t11m with w1•p1:tral<· rohb.·1·1c.•11 t hal •K'f'Urrt-d Munday Th•· U Tot<• M Murkf'l 11t 'l.:.!7 1 Fa11 v 11·w Hoad WH ht· Id up ul I 40 p rn hy a gunmun who flc'<J Wllh $10() T~w M.~'Ufld rohbC'r y took plut:t' 111 th1• Kt·t·f &r. fi:lO W l!Jlh St .. .ihout 10::\0 pm Tht· l(Unnum 1n that 1 obl)(·ry gCJt 11w11y with $200, polw1• said /l1•11g1111 lo u11111·ur WA::il!INGTON (AP) Prt..'tl 1dt·nt lk·ugan wall hold a nollon ully broadcru1t new1 c:onft•renct· al 5 p.m PIYr Thul'lldJiy In thtt F •.. 1u1t Room of lhl' White Hou.'141', It Wall 11nnr1um'<-'<1 t.ixlay Wayne 'saga' ends city hall office • Jn By STt:VE MARBLE or 111. 0.11, P1101 11.n Tht· .John Wuyn1· 011•11111rial Kl'Ulpturt• Na.ca <"Hnt• Lo 1111 t•rul thlH Wt'f•k an Nt·wport lit·11d1 It had a11ytl1111g hut u movw lll'l lpt f 1111111· Ttw 1111111?.A· hru~ n ·lwf 11( N1•w p11rt'11 1110111 funu.-d 1·tt1w11. wla11 h h1u1 ht<t•n t·vllt ... ·tlng du!ll 111 artli;l ( 'hriw Mutw11'11 Corona d1·I Mur j(uraut·, wall be• m11v1-.l 10 tlw 1·1ty twit 11ff11·1· 11( Holl Wh1tl1 ·y Tlw m11vt.• IN 1•lCp1'<·t1·d to K''ll t•rall· httl1· ftJnfaa" Whtllt•y, tl11· City'" µark. ... ht.·a 1·h1'M ;ind rt't'& 1·allun dirt'l'll1r, s:.iad 111''11 hong 0 11111 lh1· Ii -foot -long •• 1 twork u11t1l th1· t•1t y niumal dt'l•lfli~ wh11t to d11 With II Thi· 111un1•al alr1•111J y ha" b11 r11wd t 111· brun z1· p1t•1·1• ( rorn t•v1•1' h1·111K dtspluyt-<l an llw 1·1ty h.ill lulihy. th(• only ptrat1· lar g1• t•nouuh to iH·1:ommod11h· tlll' "'·ulptun• and a few vww1·rM Whnl1•y, who swnd1t to b1.,·111m· t·urutor of lht' smalh"llt mww•unt .tr11u111I with th1· l>:JX n •lwf Hilling 111 hlH o f(11·t·, ltatd ht•'!l SUit' lh1• .JI IW•ll k will l'Vl·rllu.tlly ,,.. d11t pli1yl'd liCJmt•Wht•rt· T l II' p111 (' "' ·" I I fJlll!llli.. ... 111111·11 J Wll y1·;1fl\ .1j.(t1 ,11111 (1111'1111'11 1•,11 ly thlH y 1·:11 . d1•pll'h a N1·1·111 Ir 11ru tlw Wavrll' movu· "St11~, ... ~'·" h · Ttll' ... 111ry 111•1111111 1h .. rr11·m11n .11. ,J'1 wild a" ..i11111· 111 I h" 1:11<· ,J('ltlt ·, lllllVll' :II I lfll ', I l·lll(•r1·d IJll th•• q111•ict11111 111 who would JlltY .,rr .1rt1'll MJL-.c111 Thi' (jlll-Sllllll l',11111' UJ• ;1111·1 I h·· Ill• 11111rwl d 11uli h•d 111 "'"' .111d prtn· A(ti·r morHt. .... •11 liu·kt•rtflH. alw lflUIU al Iha ... Wt'\•k .1g1t•t'tl lll "I 1u· .1 (1 11.11 I hoph'I Ill 1111' l<.IK•' Ill tlw rorm 11( a dwt.k fr11 $111 ooo Thi· $:11.()()(l ptt-<·1 IJ( ,JI I llllW li1 11111"1' 111 1111' t•at y Ar u ... 1 M .i t i.1111 "t.11 ,,1111 111 wr·11t 11.rnkrupl wl11lt· w111 ktng •111 1111· m«rnonal. :.:1111 lw\ Kl:1d th1 whul .. tl1111j.("• 11v1·r .. ll 'i. aboul 111111.," 111· 111n1 n11·nt1-d "Th1.., wlw li tlt111Jot pr J\ twally r utrwd mt•" M .1 IM1ll i.aa d h•· '""'"1d1·r' 1h1· Ii,!\ 11•111·( h1 ... 111·..,l l t 1•.1111111 111 :..11tl W;1yru· w,,., l11.., ltf1 l1111g lw1 11 'Hello, Dolly' set at CdM High Thrt'<' prt11t!nlbt1or1.11 or tht· mUJlll'IJI "ll<•llo. Dully" will he.· icUtg<-d Mi.y 20, 'J. I and 2:l 111 Nl.'wport B1•at·h by drnmu ictuc.Jt·nl.11 from Comna dc•I Mur If agh School. Tht• 8 pm 11 how11 w ill h•· pn•11t·nt1•d ut the Nc•wp1Jrt llurhor H igh Sc.•hool Audato· •Cor o na de! Mar High School B<'nwr Larry Jacobi hus L'Uptured third plnct' 1n tht• 11nnuul P1u:1flc Sc.:lenuru: ll('holurahap awurd Ht• wlll n ·t·c•1vc up to $4,000 loward hi& m llcg<' c-ducat1on. Jacobi. who phM t.o alll'nd •A Jow-<.Ut rabiH clinic la &l'h<'duled Tueaday a t th1· Orangl' County FairgrouncJ11 In Coata Mt'M The Oranli(e County Animal •The a uthor of "The Ga1pel AC'cordlna to Pt>anut11," tht' best-11elllng non-fiction bt111k of 11}6:'.>. will speak Muy 18 al Orung<' Coru1t Collcg1• Author Robert Short, who ulllO wrote "The Parablet1 of Peanut1." will &Ive a one· hour preaenutlon be1lnntn1 r1u111 , 11110 fr v1111· /\v 1·11u .. T 1t kt•I' .11 t· $4 a11d 1 a11 lw pun·h .lM'll at tlll' (. '1111111.1 .i .. 1 Mar 1•11mpw. Thi· Hhuw wall f1•alu11· "tu dc·111J. ))ooa M<'<.:stllum, Sc·ou Morrow, Rt'~ Rogen, Susan Appt'I, Larry O'Connor and llelen Lemmon. 1<'01 rnon· 111 formutmn, c·111l 7tl0 J:i~10 UCLA. has url1blt1mu. lo l.1t• 11 mt!mlwr of th1· 191lfl US ()lympac wau•r polo tc•um I 11· won lht> 11t·hol<iric h1p 1n tht· rrnt111nw1dl' <'<>mpt•lllaon hu.'11'11 on ;,c·udt·m 1c a1:h 1evt•m1·111 H und l<•udcn1h1p quult tll'N Control Ot.·partrn1•nt 111 llJ>l>n 11orlnl( lht• Chnu· rrom 7 lo li:30 pm 1n tht> Muin Parking Lot CIY.St 111 $3 For mort• In· formuuon mil 6~\A-7001 ut nuon In Room 110 111 tnc• <•ampua «ounw<•llng and ud mlMIOM bu1lding11 Short, whoae uppearan<.'t' !H 11 pon11ort>d h y th<> l·ollt•g1· 11 campus mlnlatry, 111 achedulf'd to preacnl a 11l1de prof:ram bul'd o n hia be1l-11e Jin" work Admluion 11 fret-and opc-n lo th~ public' Beast of Buena Park? Huge, smelly 'monster' sighted by residents BY JEFF PARKER of1t11D1111Yf'tllttt1a1t Monster watA:htirt •"" pla.nnlna onothcr vigil t.onl&ht at the Ex· t'c·ullve Park AparLmenu I n But'na Pork where a bcaat of hclllah proportion• wa• repor· 14.ic:Uy IJ>O\k'd Monday nlaht. And by the dHcrlptlon1 of "8utma Park JMafoot." the mon- ak'r won't be hard to r«Of(nlze. Ke aundJ betwten wven and etaht feet uu, ,,.owll 11lllur • 10· rlJla" and "1m1lla worH than rotll'n hone manu,..." Tbele d..ml)t!ve wordl came from •Plll1(nenl fMnlP" Lorral· ne Mi..ntlll, who M6d the hMtd the beMt IJ'OWllfta frc:Jft I $1ral• Mic Q.'~h rwer \ht complex jult aftc 1 G p.m, Monday. "My hutband and I had Juat co me bac k from dinner at Alfy'•." ehe •Id. ''And one of our tt'nant• ran up to borrow a flaahllJht to ffnd • monuer. Whtn r ran to the fence I could amell th thln1. Juat awiul." Pollco were aummoned but iook an hour Lo reapond beclUM lhey f u \hey weN btfn& lu· red bltek ' the .,. by ,,.. .. , 8ld• 01n1, which en)o11 thro- wina bot'1ill 11 P1Lrol cars, Mt. MfWlU Mid. ''Thia la no ~k," -. conll· nu.cl. ''There'• no way to fw 1 srowt Uke I hMrd, or a anwU lUw • I amellod . Thi• la• qulot n~lghborhood." Pol~ w ro floodrd with calla Monday n ight after the alleaed ••ahttna. 'The mon1t r WH alle1edly n by two wltnetM.• They aaJd lt attempted to f'ntor tbe com- pieJC.1 th n turnt'd away and dll· appearc:>d beck fn\O th dralnap ditch. Larae Cootprln", "about the liw of two handl'' tlCt'Otdtna 16 Mu. Ml111ne11l, were found around th• df~h. "We could hear l\ in the dark." 1h1 Hid 11 All th c:rlck•" and fru11 wtrt q_ulet whU• H amwled." • 1 [f]filU~OO~ House bill backed Measure to provide $1 billion assistance WASHINOTON Conoornoo 11bout thl• trou- bled houatna Industry, thf• Houtc hu •pproved a bill that would provide tl billion ovt1r tho next aix month• lO lower mo rl&•i lntureat raateti "° thou .. ncta ot f•'11'\illt'I could •Hord to buy hOUlk.'tl. "1'hla bUJ will provldu thoU1MndJ of American famlUn with decent hou1tn1. tomethlna that th• flovern~nt hu alrrni.l for)(ottt•n how to do In re· cunt month»," hid Kep, .~urnand J. St Ovrmuin, D-R 1. The t"tlWfl~l'K'Y blll, upprovt"d un a 34~·SS vow Tut'tday, propu11W that the aovt"rnmt•nt ll)('nd ti bllllon.throuch tho nmualndc r of thl• fl•·•I yt>ar that tnd1 In October. The m e111uru now gocm to tht• Senaw, which 11 aall'Mdy (-Ol\liderlng afmllar lea1,.. la lion. Decision 'appalls' drug firm ALBANY. N.Y Eh Lilly and Co. '""Ytt It h1 "appalled" at a rulln' by NL•W York's hlght-.l L·ourt that th~ pharmace>uL1cal c.'Olllpany must pay a half m11Uon dollara In damagl'I to j wolll{ln whose mo· ther took the drug DES during pr1•tlnan('y ln a unan1moUJI ruling Tuc...duy, thf' Court of ApJ>t"al» dec:·1dt'CI th<' l'Ompany mua.t pay $~00,000 to a Minn<.'90ta womun, Joyl'<' 81t•hler. t'Vl•n thoul(h 1l wm1 not df'tc>rmlrwd thi.t Lilly manufactured th<' drug. The C'OUrt upht"ld a 1979 d(>ei11lon by o state• Supreme Court jury that Ms. Bichler should rec.-elvf.' rumperu10tion for cancer which dt"velor>ed In 1971 when ahto waa 17. That jury dl'Cided that LIUy and othe r mapr D~ manUfa(•tUl't'nl had not ad~uutely lt"ll~-d the drug before putting it on the marke t Attorney General tax queried WASHINGTON -Attorney General William f'rench Smith went outside hill blind ll"Wll to 10vt:t1t $33,000 In an oil and gwi drilling tax sht•lwr wh1C'h made hlm eligible for $99,000 in fc.oderal tn<.•omc tax deductions, a spokesman said today The WuhmjlOn Poat reporu..od todlfy that the venture waa clalmlmr 1981 tax deductions of twice the amount pt!nnitted by current Internal Revenue Serva<.-e ruhnga Ju1tice Department 1pokesman Tom DeCair aid that SmHh Invested $16.~00 10 the venture on Nov. 27, 1981. and another $16.~00 on March 30, 1982 Reagan host's Brazilian chief WASHINGTON -Brazilian Pre11dt·nt Joao Figueiredo. welcomed at the White HoWM.' agu1~t a backdrop of f1ght1ng 1n the South Atlanltl", told PrHtdent Reagan today Brazil 1111 striving lO "build bridges between ital.ell" no matter how d1H1cult a WOOW[OO tuk that may prove. "The purpose of Brazilian d1 pl<'maty 1s tu strengthen thl' llnk1 of confiden ce among the countries of th1s C'ontlnent so that thc spirit o( con- c·1hation and J>t!ac:.'e may pre>1per," Flf(uelredo said. Pope begins Portugal tour LISBON, Purtul(al (AP) P1,rtul(al guvt· an Portugut'll<' soil, t·.ilhng at "the land of thc Virgin Mary," and Katd an Portugu<'flf• <'XUbcrant Wt•k•1Jmt• W<Jay lll POPl' John Paul 11 ..is he began a four day pall(r1mag«> lo pay honuigl' to Our Ludy of Fallma and "thank God for ~Vtnl( my life" "[ salutt• you P ortugal land of murtyn, i.ain!Ji and hcru1t· !K'rvanl.li of C hrull " . ll1 s whit<· robt"s rustling 1n th<' wind undt•r ovl·rl·a11t skit·•. John Paul told Pn'fl1dent Antonio Ramal ho Eancs and 15,000 flag· waving c hildren Arriving from Rome-. where he survived an as&allfllrutllon attempt lrull May l:J, thl• pontiff klSM"d Religious repression 'nil' MOSCOW Evangt•last Bally Graham said v18l tl'd (in the· Sovwt Union) and thcre ar<• thow.ands of tht'm -11Crv1t·c-s an• allowc-d to gu un frt'(>ly," th<· fi:J . yt'ar-old &pll11t told a news t'Onft·· rcm.-i· at lhl• cl1J!I(• of lht' !l<'<'<>nd ph•nary 8l'81il0fl o f the C.mforcnl't.' of Reh~1ou11 Worknx for Savmg th• S:wn-d Gift of L1fc from Nul'lt•<ir Catastrophe• t.oday ht• hwi "l('4·n no dlrt'(:t cv1denc.'t' u f rl'l1g1uw. rcpretS1on an th1· Sov1Pt Union and ~·d th<· c·ont'1•pl of rt·hg1ous frt-4.-<lom wai1 n n•lattw• one· "It would M'<'m to m1 · ttwt an thl' t hurdu'!I I Union vote ballots challenged SACRAMENTO It will be at least threl' ma, AFL-CIO. led the Conereu of Faculty Aasoci· atlons, 6,473 votes to 6.4~ -a difference of 19. weekJ befort" a dec1S1on on challe nged ballol.A that will determme the outt"Ome of the nauon'1 largt'tlt academic union election at the 19-<"ampWI Callfomra State Uruvennty When ballo ts f rom a runo ff election were counted Tuetday, the United Profeuor1 of Caltfor- But 508 votea were c halle nged: 297 by the university, 198 by the UPC, two by the Cf'.A and 1 I by the Public F.mployment Relations Board, which supervised the election \ LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Pollce Commis· 1ion voted unanimously to<by to ban for sJx months lh• ~ of chokeholch In 1ubdulng crimf' 1uspcc1a unle11 deadly force ia beln1 Wied agauut a n officer TIM! vote, tentative until public comment could be rec..'t"ived al a day-long ht"ann1. wu taken 1hortly after Police Chief Daryl Gat.M apolog1ud for his choke of word1, but not for hia thoughi.. In 11ug· iesttna that blacks may be more prone Lo death from chokeholch th.an "normal people." The commlu1on planned to consider diaclplm· ary action against Gates. More than 4~0 people crowded Into a down· town hearing room where the chief aald. "I have no apolOfD' for what I wu thlnklng," the chlef sajd "But I do want to apologiu for the way 1 said It. 1 apolQlize not only to the black community but to the entire commuruty." ()14ANl>f I •IA.., I Daily Pilot """""~ p 11 •• 1 .. y 'tll li.t>f I ftl f ,.;j .,-, I •I 1fl llily ';c !lull/ "'*'' .......... t 1 11 I , ... f•• f 4 1 ..... , d•f ' M11..,. trn1vey ............... , ....... , ...... l<f'11 GIKlditrl1 ,,., ... , ,,,, .. ,,., f A .. MIKLean . , .... , ..... Cherlfl t oo• Mttf•~1o111 f ff·t•• .......... _,, .......... 94 t:1an1l•l'd .1d11erll'>1nq 714 647 ~678 All o thPr cJop!Hlmt'nls 64:1 4J71 MAIN OHICE ¥ "' '""'" •• H11• tW1 r ,,. 1., M t ,. • A '/"+/' '"••••Hlf'll t•1 th,tt"ff t ,.._, t I• rOto f1llttf f ,,., .. _,..,,. l\fh tu • h 1 u tll11•h tftflf• • 'hlfltt~I ,.,.,.,.,, 1)1 Aft _,,.,I r •t1rnt "",,.,,. '""• h• '''"""''''..,, "'''""""' ,., .... , •• ,.... • ". t '"'"'"'''' """'"', •.,.; t fhl •I 1 t• f ·~ t t• t 11 I t • ¥• 1 ' Al1fu tf\t.• •11111 I t t ,_, 1fo r111fo1 I• I "• .u tu 1 ,. f •ltf'llAl,,lt lyllt! I 'ltl "O•of H lt lfH JI""'' I,.,. f fl1tl'f fltf,.f !illotf" tlth.ttt I' l (Jifh I om rt lli.t ,... • f•t,-. I wbh ht 11 lty the f,.ttl't(f/" '"'-''' t•wt1it1•1'1t•"4,f , .... ,~,, 1tfl)111•.-f• .. f'M...,, .,. f•UPHf\""1 ~y tfH(JU(lft f t 1'1,..,. ft.H r tA•• -.... ... Nr .... ,. ,.,.,.,,, Ut.nlm 'JfO•l fh ,., h , """',.'" \" ....... It t uO • tflllf\tt ht 141 h ""1H• I t1ottl Ii. l"'IW-'"'~llMI t ,,.,,,..,, ff4#i'1 f\t ff ,,..t •'If •• t'Wt \111WJ•Y fft. I·'·"' •P '' l~aJlt ,.,,.,,I .,,f •I I._,, w .. ,, h"'' ,,,...,., 1°11 lh u t M ,.,.,. ... 4/1• .t t ""' ,,-., ,•l•l'i VOL. 75, NO. 132 Broker indicted in record fraud SAN BERNARDINO -State and county officials filed charges a~lrat mortgage broker Wayne Burton and .even bu•lneu auo- cl a tea on 182 felony counts In what they call 'the large1t real e1tate brokerage fraud In Cali- fornia history. Burto n'• Unive rsal Finance Corp. all'Hdy la ln recelver1hlp. The charscs tiled Tuc.'9day allege Burton and ht. pertnel'I rommlt- t.ed v•nd theft, for1ery. accurl- tlea vlolallon1 an tax fraud throu1h Untverul and California l'.qultJf!I Home Loan company. We're Listening ••• Wha.t do you like about the Dally PUot., What don't you llkt., Call thtt number bt'low ind your meau1t will bt recorded. tran1crlbed and dollvered to lM appropriate •cUtor. The 11mt ~·hour 1n1weriftl Mrvlce ma,. bt Uted '° rtcord let· tus to Uw editor on any lOpfc. Mallbo. contr1butore "'u•l Include their namt and telephone number for verification No clrtul1Uon Hiii. pfUH Tell ua what '1 on yoor mind. • I' Or1ng1 Cout DAILY PILOT/Wednttday, May 12, 1982 • • ' 1,~I - DEVASTATING BLAZE f'1n•m t·n w:Jtch ht•lph:ssly as huge spin· on h ist.om· Notre Dame dt• Lourdc.-s churC'h in }<'all Rivt•r, Mass. plunl{N> to <·arth as f1rf' dc.-strovs the.· san ctuary Ble:tzc:· AP Witt ..... slllrtt·d in the c.·hurl'h, which w~ being reno- V:Jtc:d f'trl' sprl'ad to m•&Jrby s truc:lur<.-s, left 70 fam1lll's homcl<>SS. Damag<· 1s l'St1matt.'d at $1:.t m11l1on. Grgas gains Seal Beach council post &·al S.•ach voll'rs hav1· l'lt-t'lt'<I VH·t"r S Grga11, a :11 .y1·1.ir old l{OV(•rnnwnl hUNln('Sll l'OOllUILanl to a four yt·;ir lt'rm o n th<· City Couoc1J Grgas roc-e!vl'd 647 volt"' wh1lt• his uppom•nt, Jr.um-s G F'u11k . got 405 vott-i. 'l'Ul~ay Funk. :J6 . a tvmmunlly dcv1·I · "/'ment dirt"<:tor (or the• nty of I ununuton J>urk. h;HJ f<'l'l'IVt•d mort• vott·s th.Jn Grga11 in th1· Mar<'h :m pramury ell-c.'tlun. Thi· run-off W;L'l ht•ld IM'<';JUJI(• 11t•1th1•r J.:Ol a 111ay1rlly Elt'\·taun olfwwl11 JJUt the• votA.>r turnout Jt :m 4 pc:rt·1·nt In Tuo:.- day "• voll• that tndudl·d down Lown St·al Bt·at.·h and an Surfs1dt• m di11trwt I Joyc•1· H1sn1•r 1md (JM·ar Rr1Jw nc·ll w1in t•h·1·tro11 outr 1J<hl l;1'>t Manh wh1•n tht·y 1.::.ptun·d tht• ffiUj•Jrtly u f V1Jt1·s JI) th1•1r dt'l trkl:i llogart eulogized U>S ANGELI':') (AP) • &·v c•rul ma1Jr rl't'ordmg stnn. whO!U• 1·arp1•r11 W«'r<· <.•nham·c•d by pro· du.·1·r Nt•al Bogurt ~a ng has fu- voralt• !>lmg <tl h111 funnul About 1,000 p<-ople, lnl'ludang Bob Dy Ian and Burl Bacharach, etlf'n- dt><l tht· runnal Tut~ay for thl· :UJ .yt•ar-old Bogart who died Saturday of <:anl'<'r. Gem Talk lh·Jf' Jll'Ml'J/HJf,.'i ('1•rt1/1rd f11•m11/u>11111. A f ;s WE'RE SE'M'LED IN at our new bome Mov ln1 la usually a fairly t'motlonal experience. Once thl" excitement of the move dle1 down, one muat face lhe ruUty of 11ett1ng t'verythlnl put pro~rly Into place at the new location, and o f bc-c:o mtn1 eomfortablt" and settled. Wtt're •till prt1tty exc:ltAtd. althou1h It hu been•a week since we moved Into our ntw ator• 1t 1809 News>O!'} Blvd., jut\ a few doon down tn. •ll'Mt from our formtr locauon But, even with all the tncdt.crment, we have men.,.t to 1•t everythln1 In lt1 proper · J!!::' and we t•l very much at altndy. w • .,. ltUJ • bit awed b)' the exva apece end the bMuty of our new~ We hope you will l\op by ind 1hare IOI'(\• of th• Hclt•m9nt wtth UI. After all, It ii ,.._our fJ1tnda and~ •be haw m•d• thU ltnjJOrtaac IDOY• pollible b .. w. • ••• -'°" to our MW,_, ...S .... ,... wtu vW& ............. 'i'l lft .... n•lthlto&' ................ , - w.•r. Jui& a -........ of our old OllllM Milia •11••• Ex-cop to be tried on felony perjury A fut nwr Anah1•1rn poht·•· ""1 1·Pr ha-. hc·<•n •Jrtlt•rt·d to i.tand trn1I Ill Orangt.> County S upc•nor Court on a (d1Jny pt•qury 1'0unl an t.·1mn1 ~·t1on w ith h111 al'lav1t1l-s on 1t SfX'l'tal <'rime-faghtanl( task fort·c• llowt•Vt·r, two olht.·r fornH·r off 1cc:r'i f al'lllg chart,(<'ll or wong t'xn·SHIVt· furn• while· hdongmg to th'• .,,11111• ta11 k furn· Wt·rc•n't hound 11v1•1 for t rial Tu1·sday rull11w1nK •• I ,,, ... 4•d dout p1t·l1m1 nary h1·11rtnl( an Wl·i.t 01.111gt• County Mun1t 1pal C1Jurt Juui.(t· Judith Hyan rult•d that clt•fl'111l.in t P1·t1•r Wann i.huuld f.1ti.' lnJI an SupNIUr Court only un tlw i.angh· JX'I JUry tuunt 11<' had h1•1•n prt·vioui.ly dtargl'd with l'll(ht ft·lo11y ('OUOL'> 11( Uhlnl( l11"1·n far t•d front th1· A11t.1ht·1m pul11·t· f11r<·f· an Ft•l>ru;iry follv~. wan~ :.n antl·rnal anvt-st1gat111n. ·. A mon th l;i ll'r. t hl· Oran"-'~ County (;r:1nd Jury 111d1111:~ tht·m on d1;;argt-i. o r l'\Jruiptral y lu obstl'Ul"l JUl>llt"l'. f ahw 1mpr1i.on · mt·11t and "'-..,...ult uruJ..r th1· l·ulot of authority l>i·puty l>1strwl A1tonwv Tum ( ;Ot·thah. and1catt'<J ht· would ap· 1wul Jud~1 · H ya11 's dt·t·1i-1on Pro golfer Lopez-Melton asks divorce 1·x1·1·-. .. 1v1· f11n·1· and m1s111 .. 1ting HOUSTON (Al') Cul ff>' pnsorwn. Nam·y L11pc·:t.-Ml'lt11n. a lt·.1d1hg Jutlgt• Hyan n·dun·d four as n111111·v war11H·r 1m 1h1· L.1d1<•i. ...uult t•ount.-. 31(1111lSI W:.inn from )'111f1·~ .. 11H1:JI c;ulf Ai. .. u1·1ataon fl'lon11 ... tu m1"l1•m1-<mor'> Thi~· tour, lt..t.-. f1l1-<I fur drvoni• fro11> c hargc•11 wall not lu· tr11•d Jn hl'r hu!.band 1,f thrl·t· y•·<tr&, Supt•rlur Court lloui.11111 i.port1>t'<t?>t1 •r Tam Mr·I Wunn wa:. ord1·rt·d lo :1ppt•ar ton for arrn1gnnwnt on May l4 Mt•lt.cm <'unfrrnwd th;it h" wife Jiu. two t·uddt•ndants had all had f1l1'<.i d1vorlr-pupc-rs t harl(<-8 against tht·m d11<m1!..'K'd "I dad no t want tht• d1v11rc'C." Thi· JUdl(t' rul1•d tht·n· was an -h1· add<·d 11u ffk1t.•nt <'Vldf•n1·t· tu hold for "I ltwt• Nant·y mort· nuw th.an mt·r offat.-i.•rs J ohn C Evnl•·y. :i2. th<· day I marrll'd h<•r," h1· ~rd. : and John JanS<·n. 4:i, for trial tn "&'<.·au~<· of thul. I will alway1 : Supt-r1ur Court. rnn: about hl'r and what happt·r~ ; Thi· three.• formt·r o!fil't:rs had • to her ''_ : Corum' s Masterpiece Collection Fine Gold lngota. We1gl'ling 15, 10, Or 15 Gremmee Elec:tronlc Quartz S20Gofd Pi.c.. Etectronlo 0"8rtrAnd Wat., Rnfttant .. J. e..JJ_,,Jw, J..,./-,., I @ MrMB(A ~M£At0AN QFM soc1m 1809 NCWPOAT 8LVO •• COSTA M IA llnOt '"' .. I I I I • • I ' • I i . i ,.~, Cash discounts permitted I)'. PAT HOl\OWITZ Of .. Meo, .......... OBAR PATl I am eoa1kl•rlaJ offerla11 •1tceHt to eaalli cHtom•ra or my •mall M1a...e. An titer• uy lawt H&alatlaa "'' or eaa a bHl1t11 11t1bl11lll &t1 owa proce· ..... , M.O., Co1'8 Meta St.arUn1 a "dlacount for cash" program doel not require the approval of any federal .,.ncy, a.ccording to the Federal Trade Com· ml•lon. However, you muat di1eloae clearly and conaplcuouaJy to all cuatomcn (not ju1t credit card holden) that you offor a di.count for caah. You can do thia by J>OIUni a •il?l at each locatlon where purchases are made aaylng: "We Give Discounts for Ca1h," 011 10methJng almllar. FTC add1 that the diacount may be aa larae u you wish and you have the option of offe""" cuh dl8oounts only on certain types of producta or aervlcea, or only at certain 1torea ln a chain. Although the Truth in lAnd1nf Act permita you to otter a di.count f« c:aah, lt forblda you to put a surcharge on pu.rchues made by cred.lt card cuatomen. U you poet only the credit card price by each Item and then deduct the d.lacount when a cuh ule lt INlde, you are offering a dilcount for . U you post both a credit card price and the lower cub price by each item, you are a.I.lo offerlni a cU.count tor cuh. But lf you only post the di.counted c.aah price and then charge your credit card cuatomen the higher amount, you are adding a sun:harge and th.at ta against the law. If you have questions, contal·t Justin Dlnifelder or Larry Demille-Wagman at the Federal Trade CommlAsion, Sixth and Penn· 1ylvanla Ave., Washington, D.C 20580, or phone (202) 724-1139. Dog sh ots clinic set DEAR PAT: Your do1-ownlng readers will be &lad to know t bat U-Dlted Humaaltar· lu1 of lliu 1e Coun ty wW •&•In 1ponaor a low-coat vacclnatlon cllaic J u e ~ at Manly Part, 7900 Norma Drive (near Golden West St. ud Waner) Jn Hantln1toa Beacb from 10 a.m. to i p.m. Tiiie cost wUl be U for rable1 aad U eacb for dl1temper and parvovlru1 vacclnadou. Payment maat be ln caab u d pell tMll• be leaabed. For information about low-co1t cat vaccla1tloa1 or apaylag a ad anterlag, your read ers may call a United UCI psychologist wins fellowship Medk:al psychol.oPt Deane Shapiro Jr .. direc· tor of outpatient psychiarty at the UC Irvine Med- ical Center, la one of ~O American profeulonalt choeen for a W.K. Kelloga Foundation National Fellowship. Dr. Shapiro, of lAguna Be.ch, will ttudy how bullneme9 in the United St.ates and Japan cope with executive 1trftl. He alao will compare the effecti· venesa of Western and Eutem ttn!tl management techn1ques. Kellogg fellows are selected on the basis of credentiall, sk.ila, lnterettl, demonatrated leader- ahlp potential and reoommend.ationa from irutJtu· tlona. Each receive. a three-year grant of up to $30.000. Shapiro, 34, joined UCI in 1980 after serving at Stanford Univenll)'. He aho has served as dean of acedemk atfain at the Pacific Graduate School of peych<>logy. He recently publiahed a book titled "Meditation: Seli Reaulation Strategy and Altered Sta ta of Conldoumell." Spec,. I ..., 12-MIJ l&, 1912 -...,..-.: U9 I • ... lllCllt lleMiful of "" PMS witll Ml OflllCHtd bod7 1111.i111111~ •1111 lllru llleck .... "" ftnl .. "1111 red I 111 ..... nd Ktlft. S.. 1111 It a.-tr_.....,., • .,. u lt oder th 1111111 "Clown llldl" for _, UI. VISA" • llllW.W..C.U._. -C-!WW & ... H•uuaal&arlaa vohaateer fr•m U 1.m. &o ' p.m. at IH·Ull, Ht-IHI w ltf.411f. H.M., o ...... ONV• United HwnanJt.artarw a1eo II oUert.na a durable, ll1ht·wel1bl fonnka pet ldtndffca. lion t.a1 at lta coal of $2. The tac• come tn amall, medium or larae 11111 in red, blue, yellow. black or whlt.e. The ama1J ._, ls 1Ui· table for a cat or very ema1l q . 'n.. ~ can be ordered by •nd.ll\a *2 (C:Mh only) to Unit.d HumantWiana of oran. County, P.O. Box 477, Garden Grove 928U. Incl\l~ the pet '• name, owner'• name and addreu, clty and st.ace plua two telephone numbers -)'OW"I and a friend'• or Nlat1ve'1. TM mack word, "reward," a1lo can be Included. Use child r estraints DEAR READERS: Thi.I lt Child Pu.en· aer Safety Week. Stucliel lndlcate that traffJc acctdent.I are the major ldllen of younasien. accordlns to the National AutomobUe Club, which adda that thta traged)' could nearly be eliminated by the uae of restraint devices, usually conaiating of a sturdy seat attached to the car by anchoring belt.I. Even amall bable. can be tom from a parent'• arma in low 1peed craahes. The restraint device hold• them securely and diatributa the force of the cruh evenly. The club report.a that an eigh~year study in the state of Wuhlngton showed that 90 percent of the deaths and 70 percent of Inju- ries to children under age 5 who were Invol- ved in automobile accidenta could be pre- vented by a safety restraint ayatem. The California Child Pauenger Safety Committee surveyed chlld.ttn Plllilenaera ln 64 countlea during 1981 and found that only 13.2 percent of children under age 6 were protttted by the simple device. Acrou the nation on an average day, three children un- der age 5 die and 160 are injured becaUle they were riding in a vehicle without child re· strain ts. • Got a problem? Then wrl~ to Pat Horo-• j w/rz. P•t will cut red ta~. 6ettln1J rhe ill amwel"I and .ctlon you need to aolve ln- equitles in l/OVttmrMnt and bt.Wness. M&IJ your qu<'•lions to Pat Horowitz. At Your St.'rvlce, Orange Coast Daily Pi/01. P.O. Box lMJO, Costa mesa, CA 92828 A6 many lf'ttel"I u poalble will be •M· wered, but phoned inquiries or Jet~ not includlf'l6 Lhe reader'• full n&mf!', addrea and bcu/neu houl"I' phone number cannot be co~. MAY PHOTO SPECTACULAR 11 COLOR REPRINTS 2 25$ by z~ Oloen ""'" 11t '°' 1 """"" :::' ltom '"' ..,,,. "'9'1Nt Olle< : • ... ~ OOoO ""'" ~119111 ----- Returni ng to Bob Burns Fmblon /•land RONNIE BROW, a t the piano • Direct from bu U.S. tou r •Limited engagement begins May 4tb • Appearing Tuuday tbru Saturday nights 3 7 Fashion Island 714-644-2030 1btu May 22, 1982 Fish & Chicken Dinner Only. •2.39 Oet two greet taltet In oUf Fllh £, Chicken Dinner. Each dinner hu • crtapy fllh nnet end two tender wh.ltemeat Chicken Planks.• Mrved wtth f rah cote 1law end gokitn frya. • .. HAMOR &VD. con:::au ..,. or ........ : AOroetPtiM ;------~ -----_______ __.,. ___ ---- ABC wilis first sweeps Seville recall ordered 'Dynasty' soaper gaining viewers WASHINO'l'ON (AP) -General Moton Corp. bu been ordered to re- call M>,000 1978 (Adlllacw to cocrea an air polluUon emt.Jona problem •lml· lat to one which arc.e ln the 197& ind 1977 mod· .... The Environmental Protection A1ency wd that the recall affects Cadillac Sevlllea with ~.7-llter fuel-in jected auollne eniine1. l t Mid defecu In the exh aust ... redrcu.latM>n t)'lteml are reauJUna ln e>C.Oe911ve nlt.rosen oxide em.l-.ionl. The EPA , which two yean aao required GM to fix • .tm1lar problem on 197& and 19?7 Sev- Ulea, Mid that the redr· culatlon 1y1tem.s on the 1978 Cadillacs have be- come clo&1ed w Ith carbon-like deposltl. Under the order, GM h.aa 4~ daya to submit a plan to remedy the p r oblem or request a hearlna. L08 ANGJ:Ll'B (AP) -The fut-Paced alapaUck movte 11Caddy1hack" on CBS Unl1hed at th e top of the NlelMn ntlnp, but ABC crla1med t!M fint W•k of the May IWtepl. ABC• fut-ria~prime-um. eoep opera ''l>ynalty'' .oorwS ln the r1tlno oom~ y t.M A.C. Nlelaen Co. 11Wt lhow ended lta current teuon after a mystery that won't be .-olved until fall. ABC wu flnl in the May Sweepa week endlna May 9 with 10.7. CBS flnilhed. tWl potnt behind with 14.7 and NBC wa1 third with 13.3. The Schools OK 4-day week DAYS CREEK. Ore. (AP) -ln a coat-cutttna move, the Daya Creek School Board hu voted to go to four-day tchool week. ln the fall. TIM board ~ to uk the at.ate Department of !'.ducation for a waiver of r ules requiring dl1trkt1 to have achool at leaat 1'15 daya within a 12-month period. The board plans to lengthen the .chool day by one hour. School would be held Mondaya through Thursday. until 11lank.tsivtng. Aft.er that. 1ehool will be held Tuesdays through Fri· day.. I networka uy that muna ln u a...-. .,. prtmt..t.lint minute l~.'7 percent ol the naUOft'• homel with TV were tu· Old to ABC. An NBC rerun, "TV's C.ntofed Bloopen," Unl.thtd third, and com.-Dletlna the top fJve lhowl wen ABC'1 1'Too Ome for C.omtort" and '"nuw't Compuiy." Such perennial CBS front-runnen u "M mlnutee'' and "Dallal" u. lnto renw and did not make the Top 10. "60 Mlnui.t" wu In 11th place and "Dlllal" WU ln 25th. Here are the Top 10 show.: "~ " htlOeY Hltlht McMe, • r•Uno of 212; ft I~~. CH, "O)'wty," 22 7 «ti t m91on, A.IC; "TV•~"°'°""' l">. 2 t.1 or H .I "'llllon, NIC; "Too Cto .. tor Comfort." 20.1 or 11.4 mtlllon, AIO: "Thrff'• Company," ti.I Of 11.1 mllltOf'I, AIC; "'901• of Ute,' tt.3 ot 16.4 mlllon, Nee; "HMt \0 tw1," ti.I ot 15.1 mlltlon, A8C. "M·A..~111).. ti.I ot tl.O ~. cet; "lnel6t lfle TIWd , ' Pett I, tlA ot 15.0 mttllOn. AK. "lettle ot the ~ State.'' 11,, ot t4 f ~. AK. . .1 •• .,. tt1e r.xt 10 lflOw9. "to ..,_,..., .. caa: "The , .. Olly,'' A8C; "'The o. .. of Hulatef" (R). cas: ''The i.-eo.1:· AeC: "AMI ~ ... ..ec. "TNCMf9 Only,'' Nee, ··Oifrrent Stro .... • .. Nee, "OlmrM • lr.U," NIC. "Megnum, p ..... CU ; .... S1teet1111.te1 •• Hee. .... .,, lhe llw lowwt<f•ted lhowt! "Ooldte Ind Ille Klde," AIC; "Cllloego Story," ,.llC; "'etllet Murphy," NBC, "Crime In America." AllC; "Jotlebootc," Nee 'Health' cola eyed PEKING (Al') China hai. devc· lope<.! its own "(.'Ola," a health drmk made from pc•ony roots that could turn inlO an International lx."llHIC'llcr, the Pt'Opk•'s Daily reported. . ~-NUTRITION~ 'SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA 557-6161 VITAMINS LINDBERG v111sm PICI II 30 Day Supply reg. 16.95 90 Day Supply reg. 4'8.95 RICH LIFE CIEUTEI ZllC 25 MG. 100 Tab1 LINDBERG mllll E.u. 50 Cape THOMPSON ORUllC IRll 90 Tabs LINDBERG m11111 25000 1.U. 100 Caps 13.95 38.96 1.95 3.95 1.35 2.15 GROCERIES KING TUNA LlllT IUT TUil 8~ oz. Cao GOOD STUFF WIUT BREAD 24 oz. Loaf HEAl TH VALLEY PUllT IUTIER Salted Creamy 18 OL LINDBERG FRUCTOSE 18 oz. LINDBERG su•LOWER SEEDS Raw-Unutted 18 oz. CELESTIAL SEASONING TU .. ··-· .... .,, n. 24Baige PRODUCE #1 CALIFORNIA 1111 ... , .... .19 • 99 ·1.11 1.95 1.39 1.19 .11 .. LOWER LEVEL CAROUSEL MALL BULK PRODUCTS nu ll nus n 1111• ,.. BROWI RICE(lmf) .45 .. RAW ILIOIDS 1.95 .. 1 &Riii liRllOU .99 .. CAROi COATED RllSllS 1. 75 · COUPON l CHEWllLE YITAllll C I BUY OIE GET OIE FllEE L I 1111. ,r1 .. 2.11-IH ht 1 Twt httl11 Ftr Tllis Prl11 I 100 •.C· wttll 111111,s •ti I ' Aotrtla. 100 TaMets. I : Ulllt I ,., ...... ~ l /H/12 I -------------------' LUNCH COUNTER TUil SllDWICH PUIUT BUTIER . SHIKE 1111 • 2.25 1.25 HEAL TH & BEAUTY AIDS MILL CREEK EUSTll SKIN ELASTICITY TREATMENT CREME 3.4 oz. Reg. 8.50 MILL CREEK HENNA • SUIPOO 1a oz. • COllmOIER 1e oz. DELI ALTA-DENA RAW MILD OIEllll CIEESE 1eoz. PMkage LARGE AA FUTILE EllS 00z. 5.95 2.10 2.11 ALT-A DENA II LOWl'AT NAJA I • .. ~, #1 HAWAIIAN .... , .. ' . ' IGI. • IN I •llCll IPPICTlft Ti ... MAY a. ... I ,, • Orlnge Oo11t OAIL v PILOT /Wednltday, May 12. 1tf2 N ~· Dow Jones Final OFF .10 CLOSING 865. 76 Monl!x Internatiooal, L'J'U , uf Nt wporl Beach, precious metala leverage dealer, report.1 11ale11 of Its t'Oln·like Sliver F.agle t.otal more than 300,000 Company offida.J.a aaid thia ext'C...-ded th~1r trading e11limat.ea. The one-troy ounce , coin -like ingot of 999 ftnl' silver us produ<..'t.id for lnvestmt•nt purpot1t.1, and Mont•x iwld It will mint Silver Eaglet in thl' Unit.ltd 8Wl.l'1i w meet the demand. They are bought in unitlf of !'>00 t'<iina. Architects announced At a ground break ltlg. Beacon Bay Entcrprnwh, Jn<.'. of Newport Beach, announced that the intcrm. t1onal architectural flnn o ( Aicarelh N1eolao Ma<.'l'IO· chio and f>ariso o f Rome, ltaly iii d t.'Mtgn1ng ll• 22,000-aquare ·foot reeearch and devt•lopmt•nt bu1ld1ng In the Lrvine F.aat Industrial Complt>x Clock Con.iitructlon Company of ltvuu.• has bt-.·n awarded the c:onstruction contract, tht' lender is City National Bank, Newport Beach, and the leasing agt'nt is AJlhwlll Burke Financing arranged POINT 4 Oat.a Corporation of lrvull' ha.t. <:ompl1• ted a 11('(.'0nd round o( equity finuncmg with iL!I ongirwl Investors Partktpallng in the mvestml'nt are Oak lnvt:st ment Partnt-rs (Wettport, <.:onn ); J.H Whitney & Co (New York); Morgenthalt'r Vt.'n ture P11 rlners (Qeveland), and Hambrecht & Quuil (San Fram·1S(·o) Drilling firm building Construction ts under way In the Irvine JnduMtnal Complex-East on the headquarters of Cont1nt.'11tal DrUHna. U.S. Clock Construction Company, lrvmt· u; tht> g1c>ne· ral contractor. It was designed by Arch1t.c'<.'tural Team Three, Santa Ana, and wiU be ownt'<.I by KAPAAR. Inc., a real estate development firm. f 'ive projects finance d Mechanics National Bank has annoum·t-<J thl· ft . nancing of five <.'Onatruction prop:t.w, totahng $:i,(j90, 000, Including Genoa Cove, a 16-unlt condominium pro,iect ln Costa Mesa for $1 m!lhon SDG&E hikes shares Shareholdera of preferred and preCerence stock of San Diego Gas & Electric have aulhorired an 1ncreWk.' from 5 million shares t.o 10 million of th(• C'ompany's preference atock (rumulative) . • STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT ... n M ArH\ E • .._,.,, \ <onw •~rw T •n(1y CNtii,. fv.rr, , ... 44 lj ., .. f ,,,,. ..... )4 "°"Y C "'" n., • ._.,, ,.,., ltWal'\I J ,. ( • .,.,. M<,011 A.l~fl lllM ~··•~UOil .. ,. . . 19 , .. ••' • .. ,. .. fl•. .... .. }• .. ,, .. ,,, . .... ,. '• "" """ .. ,. ... " .. . ,.. ... )0... ' '. UPS AND DOWNS VII'\ L<•" ,. • .'"V. , .. , UP UJ VP 170 VP 111 1QI, I'• ,~ I I f ,... • 4'. '"'· f I t l '. ,... '4t I l' ' • •• j1 • I "'-· t \-1 ,, .. f '• I.I' ' f 14"· t '• I'' • .,, II•• 1 I l a... t I ,. . . .. .,, ... 11> I VO IQI UP IOO VP ti Up '' VI> 10 VP •• VP U VP U Up •i VP U Ull U VII IJ VP '1 Ull H VII H Up t • OOWNt I•" 111,. ,, .. GOLD COINS •' . ... ... • tOt. 17\,. ~"' • '° "' .... n•~, '°'• •'-' ,. J)l<o ,. .. C., I ~Pc'tt I 11, (;f ttO :: oi: :1 ~ ~ 'l '• Off It '• ()ff .... .. Olt u ,~jOft H f\to , ' .. , ' • , u ••• so ,~. . ' 1(,....,,.,,4, t troy or , 1348.7&, Off ... ., .. M1,1e Ifft, t tro-; Ol .. 13•t.71. off ,...,,, ........... ,..., 1.a1r~oa.,M11.11, of! ... .,., AHtrt .. tM ., ...... ttoi troy 01 .• t.»UO, oft le.ff, AMERICAN LEADERS ... W YOft• 1AP1 ~ .... "OU'• ~ '• .,...,, • ~ OI '"'* f~ mo•I trl •• Aff"••n# ~· • ~ ~ h .,011\g ,.,. •• ,,ti\ ••• , .......... .... 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I I rowing trash output county problem Day ln and day out, Oranae unty produces about 9,000 tona 18 mWion pounda -of rubbilh at ultimately end up in four unty aovernment-owned land· Now, accordins to a back· round paper prepared by a unty wute management study c:lommittee, a "rubblah crlds" may ~ ln the offing. tu Following are a few of the ues the committee finds trou- ling: -The Coyote Canyon land-fill, located on Irvine Company tand ln Irvine, is operating on a ibonth-to-month lease "and could be closed should a new lease not be f. cceuf ullr negotiated." About 80 rcent o the county's rubbish w goes to Coyote Canyon. -For five years. the county as been working to open a re- placement for Coyote Canyon at Bee Canyon. located east of the ¥arlne Corpe Air Station, El Toro. , . . . Neighborhood resistance i5 rcreaaing to that site ... -The landfill in Santiago ~yon could be filled in two to wree years "A replacement for that alte baa not been planned." -Long-term plans for ex- pansion of the Ollnda landflll in the north county reaton have been scaled-down amlcf citizen com- plaint.a. U Bee c.anyon la opened, Olinda would last another e~ght yean. The landfill squeeze and what the county should do to alleviate it ls under study by Engineering Sciences, Inc., a consulting firm hired by the county. The study haa not been com- pleted. But, according to the . background paper, work to date has shown that landfills still would be required even lf novel salvage and so-called reeource re- covery programs were initiated. Whatever the final outcome of the study, the paper makes one thing rather clear: The days of no-charge dumping at county landfills are fast coming to an end. Neither new landfill sites nor re- source recovery technology come cheap. But regardlesa of cost, it would appear the county is going to need more of both if this latest crisia is to be reckoned with. Sugar news not s weet 1 President Reagan has issued ttn order that will save the gov- ernment $400 million. It sounds great. But it's not the good news it appears to be on the surface, because American consumers will be stuck with a $3 ~illlon bill as a result. Our Con- areas apparently believes It ls a dire n~ity to protect domestic sugar producers from the terrible consequences of competition, and :Reagan's order means sugar prices are headed upward. The president imposed a })ighly restrictive quota on impor- tied sugar. because prospects for a l,arge world crop have driven · prices down to 9 cents a pound. Without an import quota, a sugar ;nee-support program enacted la.It ;ear would obligate the federal covemment to buy and st.ore huge amounts of domestic sugar if prices cJld not reach the support level of 16.75 cents a pound. The quota's purpose is to re- strict sugar supplies and drive prices to around 20 cents a pound. Half of the nearly 500 million tons of sugar Americans used last year was foreign-grown. From now µntil June 30, only 220,000 tons ¢an be imported. The quota will be tdjusted quarterly. Critics estimate the move will tost consumers $3 billion at the fet.ail level. The quota 'Could also have an impact on the Caribbean Basin I assistance program, cornerstone of the administration's foreign policy in the area. Reagan said he would seek extra financial aid to affected nations, which export large amounts of sugar to the U .S .• on top of the $350 mlJllon he has al- ready proposed. Agriculture Department offi- cials also hope higher U.S. prices will pump more money to the su- gar exporters. The effect of the quota on the Caribbean i5 an open question. but there is no mystery about the im- pact on American consumers. Like the scandalous dairy support program, the sugar give- away is a perfect example of Con- gress giving the federal st.ore away to please special Interest groups. ~aced with a bad choice of either spending tax money to buy sugar or restricting Imports. the pre8'dent evidently believed an additional $400 million in federal spending would be unacceptable with the deficit reaching record heigh ta. There is a third choice which would spare both the Treasury and the consumer: Repeal or drastically reduce the subsidy program and let the sugar growers compete in the free market. They don 't need handout.a. the govern- ment doesn't need the added ex- pense and the public doesn't need the higher prices. rr v prograni logic baffles . : We can hardly wait until next fall when CBS brings us such in-~llectual and bri. lliantly planned eleviaion shows as "Square ega." "Mama Malone," "Gloria," :'The Good Witch of Laurel Can- ~on" and "Bring 'Em Back Alive." . F.ach sounds like a production that has been fully researched and fmplemented with tale nted stars, good writers and excellent dlrec- Jion. 1 Why. one or two of them bight even las t three o r four weeu. And there will be the added benefit of not having to watch "Lou Grant." That show was extremely lucky to last five aeaaons. With the exception of Ed A&- ner and five or six other perfor- mers on the show, who turned ln good acting Jobe? And can you believe t h ose ICrlpta? Why. they were ttal-llfe and accurate and that'• not good televiaion. On top of that , the writing • was such that you could under- stand the plot. Who wants to tum on a program like that? The fact that the show was an award-winning one should have no bearing. A& James H. Rosenfield, vice president of CBS Broadcast Group put it: "I think there's a definite move towards lighter, more fan- tasy, and more com edy type. escapist entertainment.'' He felt, " 'Lou Grant' became a very heavy itsue show -and I think the public had had it." Rosenfield said the decision was based solely on ratings, and hla credibility la enhanced by the fact that "Cagne & Lacey," the replacement, haJ' even lower ra- tlngl. He denies that politka and Ed Atner'1 hiah vtsiblllty on union-• ism, El Salvador and other topics of late had anything to do with It. And how could anyone doubt James H. RoeenfleJd, vice preai- dent of CBS Broadcast Group? Opinions e•preised In t"e space ebovt •rt thow of tht D•llv Piiot. Other vi.ws tll· pressed oo tni\ pa9e are thos.e 01 tht'•r •utho" and art1\IS Roe~r comment '' 1nv1t td Addre't\ The Daily Pilot, po. 8011 ISf>Q, Co\ta ~w. C A 92626. Phone 1714 ) 641·4321. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat . Thom11 P. Haley Pub II Sher Ttlomat A. MU,.,..lnt Editor ••r••Kretltlclt Edllorlel P ... l dltor .L -'-' ;s,, - Hunger strike for freedom WASHINGTON -Mmt Soviet.a who want to leave their homeland belong to the oppreued aide of communist IOciety. But I can now report the cue of a wo- man from the Soviet upper cn.uit who ii 10 desperate to emigrate that ahe bepn a hunger strike this week ln hope9 of for- cing the Kttmlln to let her go. The woman'• name la Tatyana Yenhov Lozanaky. She ii 29 yean old and the daughter of one of the 20 top general.a ln the Red Army. Her father, Ivan Yershov, la chief of staff of the Soviet Union'• civil deferae program. TATYANA IS A gray-eyed, dark- halred beauty who was rabed ln the lap of bourgeoil luxury that la available to families of the Soviet hierarchy. The aeneral and hta wife live In a large, luxurl~ apartment ln Moecow and own two dachas, one ln the Moecow suburbs and the other ln the Black Se• retort area. Yerahov has a chauffwred limoualne at hil beck and call, and hia wUe alto has a car avalJable -a true mark of dla- Unction ln the communist aristocracy. In short, If ever a Soviet dU.zen should be content with her situation, It would be a pampered general's dauahter like Ta- tyana Yerahov. But when she was 18, Tatyana made a aertoua mistake: She fell In love with F.dward Loianaky. a Jewlsh phyalctat. They married and had a child. Al the yean pueed, Lozanaky became lncreulngly dlsillualoned with the res- trictive Soviet system. Then he waa flred lor diJJcuaBlng Andrei Sakharov, the dl8· aident phyaldtl, ln le11 than the officially required terms of holtilJty. He was out of work for two yean. Loianaky'a lnfluential father-In-law volunteered to help In 1ettlng an exit __ G. JACI 1111111!::: ~ visa. But the general penuaded Loz.an· sky that he muat flnt divorce Tatyana It waa only a technicality, the general promiled, a paper divorce that would be rectified when he sent his daughter and grandchild out later. Gulled by Yel'lhov'a aaaurancea, Lo- z.anaky left Ruaaia and came to the Un- ited States, only to find that the general had lied to him. Yerahov had no lntent- lon of JetUng Tatyana and the child leave the Sovt~ Union. He used his poUticaJ clout, not to get Tatyana permission to leave Ruaala, but to keep her there. That waa In late 1976. Since then , Tatyana hu tried desperately to leave the Soviet Union and join the father of her child. She applied for an errugrant vlaa on her own, and was promptly kicked out of the graduate program at the Zellnak.i lnatitute of Organic Cheml· atry. From Waahlngton. where he now lives, Loz.ansky did what he could to get his family out. He even wrote an appeal to SovJet President Leonid Breihnev. to no avail. TATYANA'S DESPAIR 11 clear in a letter she managed to 1muggle out to frie nds in thia country My associate Lucette Lagnado has aeen the letter. "On May 10, I will begin my final hunger strike, which wiU continue until my daughter and I receive permiaaion to emigrate," she wrote. Her father ''refuses to sign the papers relell3ing me from any material obllga- tlona toward his retirement," she wrote. Thia ill a reference to one of the official reaaons Soviet authorities have given for not letting Tatyana emigrate: She must stick around to take care of her father in caae his pension isn't large enough to support him ln ha old age. That, of course, ls a bucket of warm borscht. In the first place, the Soviet constitution obligates the state to take care of the elderly And even without this guarantee, a three-star general's penJion would need no supplement from an unemployed chemlat. "I begin my hunger strike because I have no other choioe," Tatyana wrote. "I want only to reunite my family -a basic human right" (This week in Washington LoT.allSky remarru.od Taryanu by proxy with Rep. Jack K emp as bt.-61 man and Sen. Robert J Do/C' as witm-s.o;.) Court no help on reapportionment The Supreme Court's rep:tlon of the a ppeal by Re publican leaders to over- turn the reapportionment plan for con- grt'SS1onal diatricta may not have aetlled the issue but 1t makea d ear Cahforn1a voters can expect little help from the federal l'Ourta in getting a fair shake m representation. Thc> emphasis to that <.unclualon was given the aame day by a federal court panPI In Washington which ruled the redistricting plan for the at.ate Senate wa.11 nut m violation of the federal Voting Rights Act even though lt leaves two d1StrklB unrepresented for two years. THE COURT ACTIONS were attempta to bring before the tr1bunat.. the outra· geoua gerrymandering of the congrea- alonal and legislative diatricta achieved by the Democratic dominated Legisla- ture and approved by a Democrat gov- ernor Other actions brought in Loe Angeles and San Joee cbaJ.len8ina the lepllty of leaving two Kefublican di1trlcta unre- prese nted untl 1985 are yet to have judges assigned to the cues. The Irony of the latest court ruUnp ls that at was the Warre n Court's "one -man, one vote" mandate the Re- publicans were asking the oourta to up- hold. But the collective actions of the courta would seem to indicate the courta w ill b<> relucta nt to interfe re with the Legislature's restructuring of distra cts. regardless of how outrageous the boun- daries may h<'. HO long as they give some semblance of equally distributing the population. A further irony of the Warren l'd1ct. intended to provide equal rt•prt·s<'nlt1· lion . as that the "one-man, one-vote" llRl WITIRS theory la a myth. Simply dividing th(• total population Into equal distnc ts stomps on community of Interest and Ignores the natural economic divisions of the state. Furthermore, by denying th<' existing political, geographic and natural boundaries of the state, It permits th<' ho rrendous gerrymandering accom- plished by the current L egislature whereby dlstnclll have been carved out especially to favor ethnic groups while other district boundaries have been drawn to benMlt apedflc persons. and all to aid the Omnoc:ratic Party. Even without the:te blatant violations of the Con1tltutlon the adherence to population aa a basis for reapportion- ment would fail t o achieve lh l' "onl· man. 1m<·-voll• ~o<tl " For , as Sec- r<·tary of S~tt· Mar<'h Fong Eu's report on the vott•r.-within th<• vanous dJStriMs shows. the numb<>N or n •g1swrl"<i vou·rs lx·tw<'<'n thl· v;.iraou!. d1.,lnl'L'l as far from l'qUal CONG RESSIONAL d1s tr1 l'L\ rang<' an slw ( rom :!W,000 vutt•rs dowQ to 127,000. Asst•mhly d1:-.trn:ts vary from 200,000 down to 44,000 while the Senate di.strict.II !.prt'ad frum 341,000 duwn to 117 .000 Thl· reason for tht'S(• d1'lpar1l1es rests m the fact that equal populations do not prodU('C' <.·qua l numbc·rs nf registe red vot<·rs Somt• d1 stral ts have far m ore undl•rage child ren than others. And muny urban d1stn<.·Ls arl' heavily popu- lal<·d by aliens Sine<.• nc>ithcr have VO· ting rights their inclusion an reappor- tionment distorts the Warren dl>cision. If lht• dis trict boundaries Wl'rl' based upon rl'g1stcred votl•rs an <.•nt1r1:l y d ifferent rPsull would ~ produnod frum that ar- rived at by the Lt-g1slaturc• Whale the boundarat·s drawn by the Lt-g1slature may yl't bt• overturned by the referendums un tht• June ballot, It sl'cms cll'ar Crom the Legislature's ef- forts s1n<'t' 1966. when the Warren ruling was first put mto eff<.oct, that future re- districting should tK> pc•rformed by some agt•ney other than the Lcg111lature if the volt•rs arc to get folr r<'prt>tentation. Pursuing a goal differs from seek ing 'more' No matter what you write, no matter how clearly or fully or roncUlely, It can be misinterpreted. Several readers, for Instance, havt taken exception to a re- ccn t column of min e, ''Enou/h ts Enou1h," in which l au11ea~t IYlllY llllfl ~ people aenerally ahould be more satu- fled with what they are and what they have. Typical of the objectlona ls • letter from Mlaml, uylnc In perl: "Had C.01- wnbua, or MeaeUan. or Pa1t.eur, or l:dl· aon, or Oallleo, or Madame Cu.rte ••• t hou1ht aa you do that 1enou1h ls tnou,h,' we wou ld atlll be llvln1 tn cev.. But Wa la not trw, nor • tt what 1 llld. nw explann .tie...--~ ren of both out.er and lnMr ~ - were wdally ltoaJ-dlncMd= Oftm c.b9y W~ 11 and comlorta tn order'°••~ &JM hol1m of......, .......... n. .... , .. ,..,... •-WNeh Includes moet of ua -are dluatiafied with themwlve1 not becauae they ~k farther horizon.I but becau.ae they limply want more -more fame, more money. more beauty, morestftnl'h, more wft, or more power. l ndffd, lt ls only when you are aatla- fled with younell, when you are confi- dent of lour ablUU., that ydu can forget younel ln the quest for a goal beyond your own petty rleeda. E:xploren and Inventors are not nee· etUrily noble and •lf-aec:rlf~ crea- turee -creed played a 1arp part In the chronlclm of Mrly dilQoYety -but the ultlmete aoal u .. outside themHlvea. and beyond the rMN modve of llCQUill- don.. r.dilun worked 18 how's • day long after he wu J>&I' 'h• need for either IPOIWY ar t.rnt. "lnO\llh ta ellOUlh" I• • yMrsonal m.txlm, "°' • rule for echlwement. In the realm of ach ievement, nothln1 la ewr .....,. ~ tht vtollnilt e1n alwaya play tht ~ ...... a littl. better, the _.. CM Mn11 Imp~ hill time, l'Wft"' ..... ol........ • ,,., .... .., ll¥tM '° lhl lbmt ol tbeu ca,.lllllU. (whlch are alway• ~ ........ dlllill tbeJ ... ,, and not bJ wtlllillil· lblJ ww •••• ..,, ar ~ .....,-....,.. dllaDn..W wt&h ....... God-given limitations. And, by and larae. they are grate ful for whatever gift.I have been atven them. rather than resentful of o thers who 1tarted with more. Ii la only when we begin to accept oursclve11 lhat we can begin to exceed oun1elvett. It ill only whc>n we compete against ourtelva that we bring out the beat In ounelves; com~tlng against others too of~n brtnp out the wont ln ounelves. And lt ii only when enouah ta enouah In the reelm of ''wantl" that w. find out who we really a.re, and what we can really do, In the realm of lotlla. lllllY• Hlttory show• t.Mt il la eM)' to relu ......,.. but dillicult to ........ tMm. . LO&D