HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-13 - Orange Coast Pilot811111 CUil YOUR HDMITIWN DAllY PAPIR 1 lllJHSI >AY . MAY U IV8t' ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS 'Thank God I wasn't there' No one injured in ·crash By ROBERT BARKER Of tM DllllJ Hot llAtfl "Tha nk God1il wasn't in t h e hoU&e. I haven't oeen out m more tha n a month but I wasn't there today" H ele n J o hnso n , 63, o f Huntington Beach , an invalid with a Jung disorder, ha d reason to count her blesain~ While s h e w as k eeping a n appointment at a Social Security o ff ice We dnesd ay, a s m a ll airplane crashed int.o her mobile home at the Sea Breeze Mobile Home Park, 5200 Heil Ave. "I've lived here (1mmed1ately adjacent to Meadowlark Airport) since 1975 and I've never been w o r ried . But I might s ta r t wor rying now ," Mrs. Johnson said. "I've told people God was on my side Maybe they'll believe me now." Her son, Charhe, who al.so Lives a t the mobile h ome, sa id the living room was smashed up a bit and the telev1s1on set was knocked over "If I h a d n't been out with Charlie I wouJd have been m that room croch e ting or w a tching TV," Mrs. J ohnson said. "Doggone it , I hope the TV wasn't ruined It was my main thmg" CLOSE C ALL -C e ss na 172 makes a n unsc h edule d la nding a t H e le n J o h n son 's DellJ l'ltol f'tlotCM bf QMy Ambr- m o b i J e h om e . P il o t said stee r in g controls malfunctioned on his final approach. The crash occurred at 2:40 p.m Wed nesday when pilot Wa lter W . Loh m eyer , 66 , o f 16 982 Bolero Lane, Huntington Beach. was returning home from Carson City, Nev, wnh hlB wife Lillian. 6-4 . Lohmeyer told officials that the s t ee r i ng co ntr o l s ma.1functioned on his ~na 172 as he was on the final approach to the runway at Meadowlark Airport at Warner Avenue west of Bol.sa Chica Road. Mike Curb roasted by 20-30 Club Investors testify in OC fraud case (See PLANE, Page At ) By STEV.t: MARBLE Of Ille De1tJ ll'ttoi ltaff Gubernatorial candidate Mike Curb just didn't get much respect tn Newpor t Beach Thursday fr o m t h e la ugh-a-m i nu te membership of the 20-30 C.1ub. First ther e was the table of club members who kept chanting "Duke. Duke , Duke" -a less-than-su btle re fe rence to Curb's chief competitor, George Deuk.mejian. T he n the r e was th e old 45 single recorded by the Mike Curb C o n g r e ga t ion t hat someon e handed him after explaining 1t had been purchased at a record st.ore for 25 cents. On t o p o f al l that , t h e 200-stro ng audience f irmly a greed to f i n e R e publican candidate Curb $5 for being late. Curb, the st iste's lieutenant gove rnor and a former record compan y e xecutive, took it in stride. He ignored the chant. paid (See CURB, Page A%) WORLD By JERRY HERTENSTEIN 01 Ille Dallf Piiot Staff Mor<' investors or what has lx'<'n called the larg~t fraud case in Orange County h1::.tory wC're to be call(•d to t hl' witness stand today at the prchm1nry hearing of H.alph W. McDonald. T heir testimony IS being heard dl'Sp1te at tempts by McDonald's attorney, Pa ul Mast. to close the hC'anng to the public Mt·Donald , 41, or San Juan Capistra n o, fact•s 33 ch a rges includ ing grand theft and tax evasion stemming from his arrt'Sl dunng a raid on hts Golden Eagle lnv<'stmenl offll'C' fl'b. 10 in El Toro Mc Do nald 1s a l leged by authorities to have bilked ovt•r 1,000 investor s out o f the ir money by running what has been called a "Po nzi sch e me" -a sl·h eme in which mon ey from new investors 1s used to repay earlier investors. M cDo n a l d h as pleaded mncx.-ent to all charges. Ambassador )Jeld hostage GUATEMALA CITY (AP) -About 20 leftists held the Brazilian ambassador and six others hostages today in the Brazilia n embassy he r e a fte r the Guatemalan govemmeqt rejected their demands. NATION New name I or Newark? Columnlet Hugh Mulligan 1uggesta the city of Newark, N.J ., could sharpe n its {mage 'merely by changin& ita name. Page B8. Reagan holdB cont erence WASHINGTON (AP) -Plwident Reagan will hold' a t.eleviled new• conference tonight at ~ ln the White HOUM F.aat Room (~la 2, 4 and 7). ' - He showt.-d ltule l'motwn as he· -.at throu~h the first day of hl·armg Th ursday in the• South Orange County MuninpaJ Court c ha m bt-r~ o f Judgl' Bla i r Barnetll'. A st.anding-room-only crow d of investors a:-w ell as cm plo y(•ei; o ( Gold c•n Ea glc attended the ~•on The• he;iring began with a s urpris<· move w h en David Belfrey B1gg1 ns. 44, pleaded gu11 ty to two o f 35 c h a r ges against him. Biggiris, who laves in San Clemente, is v1te preside nt o f Goldc'n Eagle Hl• pleaded guilty to <:on.-.p1racy and C\Clle of regi.sterl'<.1 !W.."-unties. Tom Buc·k. deputy district attorney, mud during a morning recess. that he expects Biggins to testify aga1n.'it McDonald Barnette orde re d Biggins to bppear in S uperior Court May 26 for sentencing. The add1t10naJ 33 charge?S wi II be dismissed, Buck said (Sff GOLD EN, Pqe A%) COUNTY CRASH SITE -M a p s ho w s M ead ow lark Airport, arrow s indicate flight path and star, S<.-ene of c rash. Airport changes eyed Orange County supervisors are sttll open to proposals to tu rn over eme rgency and security operations at John Wayne Air port to private firms. Page Bl. Newport S&L in the pink Newpor t Balboa Savings and Loan Asaociatlon buclul a national trend by reporting record earnings. Page C8. STATE Fire lcills 5 people RICHMOND, Calif. (AP) -Five people died and 16 othen were injured ln a predawn fire today that enaulfed an apartment building and an adjacent ho1.&1e, offldall aaid. "THANK GOD" H e le n J ohn son, a n invalid , is a lmost a lways a t h er Hunt ing ton Beach mobile· home. S he wasn't there Wedn esday when plan e <:rashed ant.o h<.'r coach. Tickets honore d Braniff Airlines files bankruptcy FORT WORTH. Texas (AP) - Off1c1als of Braruff Lntemal1onal airlines, which lost $160 nullion last year. 1n1t1 ated bankruptcy proceedinp today at the home of a federal bankruptcy judge J udge J o hn Flo w ers said Bran iff c h airman H oward Putn a m a n d two atto rne ys appeared at his house JUsl beforl' rrudnight to file the papers under Chapter 11 of the federal ban kruptcy Jaw The filing protects the airline from creditors and gtves 1t the right to conunue opera ling "They can continue operating, whe the r they w ill o r not 1s som et hing 1 don't k now ," Flowers srud. The Braniff failure IS the first by a mapr domestic airline Sll'K.'t' the industr y e m e rged in the 19308 from the barnstorming era. Earlier this year, Laker Airways. a British carrier. went bankrupt The filing came as thousan ds of 8raruff passengers scrambled for standby sea ts on other flights follow ing the airline's suspension of service Wednesday In 1980, based on passenger tra ffic, Braniff w as the No. B domestic airline. It served 12.2 million pas3engers that year and had a f lee t o f 9 6 a i r c r a ft . How ever . an u n de t e r mine d numbe r of those a ircraft have since been sold. Flo w e r s said the B ra niff INDEX At Your Service A4 Erma Bombeck 82 L .M. Boyd AlO 8 uaineu C7-9 California A5 C..valcade B2 Cluslfied Dl,D3-6 Com.lea ClO Cnaword ClO Death NoUces 0 2 Editorial AlO Enttttainment 85 SPORTS officials got him out of bed. "They got here JUSt a Lillie bit before m1dn1ght and said they w a n t e d t o f 1 ll• r 1 g h t a f t e r midnight," hi' ~1d Flowers. who admitted the filing was "an unusual sll'p." said h<' gavP Braniff 30 days to file th<· nC'<.'t•s.'>e1ry papers describing IL'> fmam·1e1l 'iltuat1on Ordinarily, bu:. 1 n cs~, . ., w h 1 c h f 1 le f o r lrnnkruptey und<>r Chapter 11 huvP 10 d..iys to file such inform.a lion The f1 ltng t:ame as thousands t)f Braniff passengers scrambled for standby S<'ats on other flights following th(• airline's suspension or servit't' Wednesday. The a1rl1ne urged people holding Braniff reservations to make othl'r arrangements The company's 8,500 e mployees, down from 11.500 before Layoffs began last summer, were told not to report to work today without spec1f1c 1nstrutt1ons ''I just ran't believe thtS," said Jim Skyles, one of the passengers ordered off flight 494 before it left Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Ai rport f or H ous t o n o n Wednesday "It's ternble. And I fc'e l sor ry for the people, the ~m ployees One o f the s tewa rdesses was cr ying. It's a shame." Other carrier s pre pared to honor Bra niff tickets under a !See BRANIFF, Page A%) Hy Gardner 82 Horoacope 82 Ann Landers B2 Movies 85 Mutual Funda C8 Public NoUoes C3,D2 Sports C l -6 Stock Marketa C9 Televiaion 84 Theat.era 85 Weather A2 World News A3 Marina spikers hot Marlna Ht1h of Huntington Beac h has had a turnabout ln lta volleyball Pf'OIJ'am and the key reuon la coech Tim Reed. Cl. • .. CURB APPEARANCE . • • lhe fine and uld of ht1 old record, "l1Yct be n &rr,lna lo &el rld of th for yc.na. • Th•n he sot 11t<rtou.1. •·~~· defended hlt propc:u.I that f rt"' bt p1attd on utlllly rat.et for r.J.l•tlna cu1tomera, a plan that ,. ... drawn 1harp crltlcl1m from state enoray offlcialt. Curb, who blamed Oovernor ~l'own for hl1her utility rate1, •~plained that he favort a P_.opoaltlon 13-atyle celling on t1te1 with exl1t1ng cuatomera lb1tlnfl a lower rate than new ~rs. •'He u.id he doesn't believe the ~Udam that auch a move would tJow the new home conatrucUon ll~1lne11. He 1tre11ed lt'a the cbYemor'• job to do something a&ut the uUlity rata. "We're talk.Ing about survival h~e," he commented after the r~· "Sure It'• controvel"'lial t aome people just aren't able b 'afford lt (higher rates) anvmnre." '· f---- Curb alao suggested there 1.8 a 04i\ed to restructure the Public Vill.IUes Commission. , ."We h ave an absolute ly dlHatroua conflict," ht' aald "The PUc; omploycc1 arnn't 1mart enough to 10 onc-on-ouo with tht uUI1Uc. and the Ener(I)' Commt11lon ha1 thwarted one> new project atic,r another." He branded Brown'• apprt>Kh to 1olvlng t he 1tale'1 energy needa u "everythlna from wood ch ip• to aolar atimoa to Tom Hayden concepta." Curb reiterated hla oppotltion to Proposition 9, the Peripheral Canal b1U. He aaid the/roject la too expensive and woul lncreue water bUla at leut five times. lif aa.ld supporters of the bUl are u1lng the 1986 Colorado River cutoff u a "Kare tactic." He eald Californ ia currently doean't u.se Its full allotm nt of Colorado ruver water. He estimated the canal would end up COiling $19.3 bUlJon and take up to nine yea.ra to complete. "The bill ia filled with Jerry Brown language," he added. He alao took a quick ahot at one likely Democrat gubernatorial candidate, Tom Bra~y. "Tom Bradley may be a nicer guy than Brown," he said, "but his vlewa are simllar " the fts • on rise 1'wu liu1 .chult>a involvlni the "*' uf kt'Y" poe111l>ly taktin from 1 t•ill l•Hlll tc lock box • wen: rt•purlt·d t o l rvl n c poll~·.­ Wcdnt'Hdu y brinailng to l~ the numhl·r of auch burglarlt'I In the city durlrlK the pUt thft* week.e. "lAUtt yt·ur ut thla Ume, we hAd u ru11h of lc>ek box burglarle1," aald Irvine Police Sgt. Richard Bowrnun. ''und we caught that t(Uy. It M'i'lllB llkti they (lcx·k box IJurKltt r") <.'u rn<.· o ut In the lil)rlO)( " 'I' h t• t w o b u r iii I u r l e s Wt•d1w11d.1y, om• In Woodbridge and urH• an Un1v1•nuty Park, 11wul\ll'd lhc thdt of .)t'Wt!lry. he :mad In ho th caae11, as with the utlwr I :~. ther~ wwt no ev1denc.-e uf Cuned e ntry All the homes Wt•rt• 1:qu1ppt·rl with real estate lot·k box1·i. :11u.I w er e listed for i.Gll· Thl· l11i.1, at the Woodbridge home w .... c•uk ulated by owner M<An.hu <. ·,,ok ut $2,050 whale loss at th1 • University Park home waa put at $1 ,1150 by its owner. Joni <.;nll ,.,..,...,... ARRESTED -An unidentified man w earing a religious garment is es.corted away from the Fatima Sh r i ne by Portuguese pohce after he tried to attack visiting Pope J ohn Paul ll Wednesday evening. 10 jobs on line Irvine • In A~t 10 lrvlnl' city cmployen are Und •r ronalderuUon for lay- oft. thla aummer 1.11 c:hy oflldala plot wuyt to .,~ilunc:c th.:lr 1982 83 budget. EMrlh.•r th11 sprlna. otfidal.11 ~­ t 1 ma t~d H m'*"Y 81 20 t o 21> workor1 mlaiht be laid off be-cauae of dropi1 In revenue from redu<.'t'd t·onalrU(•lion activity and antlclpatf'd C'Uthacka In 1tate relmbunk'mt•nl.ll The new11 of the revised eall- mott· of layoH11 waa distributed recently an a mt>mo from City Manager William Woollen Jr., who .aid he's trylni to keep employeee and other interested people informed of changes Lo the nl'w budget No city wo rkers eve r have been laid off tn lrvane "We know there are gomg to be aome changes," he aaid "We're trymg to get people into the (lnfonnallon) loop aa soon as we can." GOLDEN EAGLE • • • A S uperior Court Judge would have t o approvt• s u c h a n arrangement o r Biggins could still stand trial dependi ng on results of a probation report. Barnette warned Biggins that even 1r given probauon. he may monty on what they bdleved to be a promis e that th e ir invl>slmcnt would pay a return of from JO to 20 percent per month British destroyer hit Only plunnera or engineers in the <i>lllmuruty development de- partment or inspectors In the publk works department are li- k('l y to be laid off , said Paul Brody Jr .. ll88istant City manag- t:r Those layoffs might be nec- essary, he said, because there isn't enough work for them be- cause of the drop in construction. ThoS(> workers al5o would be <.'Oll!lidcrt>d for placement if other openings come up in other posi- tlons for which they qualify, aaid Brady Thl'n. 1f construction in- creases, the relocated workers could bt• s h1ftt'd back to their LnJ ual spots The flrst witness called, Ralph Chandler, told how hl· liquidated tus business. Mission Fence Co , LO invest $92,656 on Feb 18, one of three anvestments he said he made. Third Argentine plane 'seen to crash' ~e LO repay m vl-:.tors who lost P._ney. Buck, who stud th<.• pr06eC\.IUon ls att.emptmg LO show grand theft and tax evas io n as well as repreeentation or t-orporallon codes were committed, calling !.ff>ur people to thl' w1lnes3 stand 1'J"hursday afternoon F.ach of the four t.old how they became a<.-quamt.t:d with Golden Eagle salesman and Invested Mast. earlier in the day. had attempted to have evadenl·e seized during the raid 1uppretsed. arguing affidavits for search warrants were obtained 11legally . He also attempted to have the hearing c losed claiming ne ws st.ones would prevent McDonald Cr om getti n g a fa i r trial . tpLANE CRASHES • • • The plane clipped the edge of one m o bile h o me and cartwheeled into the Johnson Wldence that's separated from ~northeast tap of the airport by ~ 6-foot cinderblock waU. ~rs. Lohmeyer waa treated for rations and bruised ribs at Huntington Inter commun1ty Hospital and her hu1band was ~;cammed and released. No one else was injured DAmage to the first mobile home ~ by the plane wa.s mirumaJ ~-''We had a perfect trip from Carson City untJI we were on the final approach," Lohmeyer saJd "My controls malfunctioned and I couldn't control the airplane It wasn't a stall." Federal A v 1at1 o n Administratio n and National Transportatio n Safe ty Board officials were s till investigating t00ay Meadowlark AJrport ha. been the target of residents who aaJd they were worried abo ut the safety of the airport. Di ck and Art Nerio. ai rport owners and operators, have ~n talking about closing the airport and converting the property lo otner uses such as a mobile home park. L O N DO N (AP ) -Two Arg~nll nc S k y ha" k fighters were 11hot down, a third fighter crashed und a British warship WU!\ d .t rn d g l•d s lightly 1n Wedn('sd a y's battle off the Falkland Islands. the British Dt:fonse Mm1Btry reported today. Wc·dnl·sday. the ministry said tw o o f thr e e Argentine S kyhawks were shot down by British Seu Wolf missiles when thc·y attacked a British warship a b o ut :rn miles west o f the dtspult'd L'llands But m inistry spokesman Ian Mt·Donuld said today a third Sk y ha wk was "seen to crash" dunng tht' engagement in the C1vc-wl•t:k da.s pul(>. McDom1ld said there were no Br1ttsh <.<ASuallles and the Royal Navy Utsk force waa continuing its pal.rob m the South Atlantic to kct•p Arge ntine planes from n~upplymg forces on the islands. lie ~a id a British warshi p ~U!tl<itnt'd "comparatively minor d J m11 g1• · whi c h was being rt•pttm-d I le would not elaborate. T h t' l ate st British a nnounl't'rtll'nt came hours after Lo ndu11 Brn.,i.Jcasllng Corp .. an all n 1·w ~ r adro station in the Bntt'>h < a p1tal. reported two ~\' ~·\• Fair weather ahead ,• Wlnda t:1 10 n kn(I" "''h MJbl of 4 10 8 lflt!I lhrnvgll IMHQhl W"I 10 llOVlhwf!at w1noa 10 IU Ill 1tnot1 •lte rnoon We•I 10 16utllwe11 awe lt I to 'J ''"" M!Mlly tunny by an .. noon U.S. s1tn1 nutry Violent 11\untJertttl rma drench9CJ Ill• toulf'\eln ll•lf ol the Pl.in• W.OMff<l•y on ,.,. noet1 01 dozen • ot 1w1•'"" '""'lore lhrough 11\9 f e{llO" wh1I• rtlln alto 1e1c1ted lrom tilt 0•~0111 into Coloredo Fl••" lloooino wu 1ap1>r1 ed but te()Oflt ol lornru111n~ llQpped l••• Wedne•d •y Al '""'' Hven bee1111 w••• blamed on 1111 11orm1 tllroughout '"" Pl11n1 'lu..Oey and Wed11ndlly , P.,11 or ~1re1 0111•11om1 nMI f~ up to 8 lflel\M 01 rain and fl()l)d warn1ng1 '"'"' 1n 11ll11CI ror ,,.,,., coun11e1 Ken111 and ToMH tl•o repnrrf!d heavy r•1n I or l od •y 1n1 Na11on•I We1t1H11 S er v•r.o r o recaat •riowe11 •nd lhuntJ,.•lfl>""' lrnm Jilt 1oul114ltn ROGk1M 111rwgll "'" Plnlria, lhfl "'4tu101pp1 V•ll"y end 111e we111rn '""' "' 11111 01eat ' ·~ ... , 4'(110!1 Sce11er1d 1hnw1u1 ""'"'" e•pec;1ef1 '" "'4111n" wllf'I • l•rn•h 9IMW11er11 In Nj!w £ flQlftntl M Ol lfy t unny l klet war'I f orec a11 lo• 11l101wh•u. on '"' Afl1nt1c Co111 '"" U11r>e• 01110 v1119y, ""°from'"" P•t•llC CoH I 111111 thtougll tr•• Not1ll•rn r-i-af\d o, .. , 8uUI emperature~ •ATIOM Au&t•n Bcol11mo•fl IJ11mingnm fl!$m~rck 00IM Roat0f1 Bulhtlo Burl•noron Clle•llll' $(, Chwt1tn. WV• Challlle NC. C"'9yeon11 Cll"9QO C1~mnah c1 .. ve•and Clmb1e SC. Columbu• Oat flWlh O•ffon o.nv .. Off MO<~ 0.HOtt Oululll E• Pnao F111tb1n~1 rergo ftag11a11 Oreal Falla Harllord Hef(!na Honotulu Houaton lndn•pllt Jeck.an JllCltartVlle K1n1 City l H V9011 I 1111• AOGk ll)Ulhllle Mem~1a "'411m1 "'41tw1ultM "'4p1a-St P NaallVlll<t N-OrlttAril N..-YO<lt N«IOlk Okla City Omaha on-oo Plllll<lphll' Pno.nl~ Plllaburgh Piiand Ma P11UCI, O.a P1~ Reno Atchmond Salt Lake Sen Ant0<110 8"111t 8hrevepot1 8iOUJI ~1111. It LOult St P • T lltftC)a Soott-!!ly111GUM TOC*I• Tvcaon lul .. W alllllOgln WIGhlle 81 QI 86 '>'> Ge 56 12 64 Ill 811 65 4'> 81 s•, 82 88 88 16 87 44 I& Ill 48 13 48 '>9 43 65 72 (>1 85 17 86 1111 86 70 71 83 87 "" 16 53 61 86 85 60 8'> 67 1'J 72 82 81 114 81 66 87 70 811 81 8' eo Il l 68 llS 83 °" 68 7 1 n 99 90 oe 7l H lt11Jr •.r l.J { 55 .... H 40 44 ~I.I 4 1 Ml 48 SS Jll '>II '>2 56 46 !.() 62 SI! .tl .-......,...-w•·44ft"""' 6~ NO AA u • ,,..,,, Re•nmm Snowc:J S~r•• FlurrleaE:!) 55 Front~ t 111<1 ...-. W.111m WW 48 ,,., k,,,,.,, ...... 6() 35 47 32 311 40 32 74 72 57 !>II 55 eo 55 65 '.6 M H 48 '14 '>4 61 52 53 !17 511 511 53 57 S2 42 ,, 43 32 so 36 70 47 89 60 85 66 48 45 67 &O 6-t C.All,OflNIA Appl" Valley BR~ e<tl'4tltJ B111t1nw S..utn<>'lt 010 e ... , 81tllop Olyihe Culvllr Clly Eurt'tl:tl Fre1n•1 l 1n<0H tftl ' LOflQ S.•url1 t M Al•QOllll• Ml\ry•v1llf! M t')nft)vh1 Mr11'1"f)"lln MOflf<ll(1ty Ml W1IVll1 N-C11M N..-pnrl ll«IO< h Oakl•nd Ont•ri<> Pe.aderu• P ... Roblft• Fl.a Blufl RedwOOCI C11v S llGr •M4lfll n Salina.I San !Mfn•ulmn Sen 0t-oo S•n Fr ancl!KO San JOM Sllnla Ana Senta 8arbata Santa Cru1 San11 M1111a Santa Montee SIO(.klllf\ Tehoe Valley T"4fmet fl)(fllf\09 Yuru 56 AG8pul0o 00 8•1b8dot HI 1'I 111 "~ ro '•" :1 n ,,, I'll 111 ,. l)J ,, 8'1 ~ .. Ht 113 88 .,, 41 ·" I~ •,•, "' 44 41 •fl •II ',() 41) 47 " "" 49 'JO ON mud• ll•JOUlll ( '''"t.AO ,rti••f)Ott I ol1n1l1IOjllf" (,,,,,,,(llf)Vptt lt••an11 "'"<i~ton Mo11hHJO Bl y Mn111tl1u• "°4""<1" M1• • ILi) City Mrtnfnrtlty NllUllU t,,w hJftn. J.J R 1"<l"'10111p1 111 .. 1d11d V"ractUJ CANAD.A c 1tlll•"Y f tftt1qnton Mrn1tt~f•I tJ11•tWft llfWJUlll ''·' mto V11nrou~0< Winn1r>oo Extended 17 6G 70 42 88 78 82 63 92 51 86 73 79 72 90 73 86 n 73 68 102 73 79 ~3 84 72 8'1 83 88 73 88 10 92 72 90 75 HI lo !>II 40 a5 48 63 44 88 47 62 45, 71 41 eo 48 67 40 :~ weather '>:.> Saturd•y -Mond•y· LIQ"' and 4e mr1rnrng <OOHtal low cl0ud1 end 'I() v1111abl9 lllQh CIOudl~ c ... ,_ 48 ,,, IOCAI d•IUI• •t>oul Sund•y 30 11111111 and 11r1r, Monday and ~3 w om1no windy n tlle moun1t1nt 'IO Mflnd•v Oth«'wl .. '''' Wl11l high e,, 1 .. moer1tutH from upper 801 n••.r Iha COH I to 101 In "" V1lley1. Lowa 41 10 N . Hloi. 111 1.o th• moun111ne 58 ro N ~a IOWI 1:J 10 10 45 All ,, ... e 1111141 coot« 77 MMd-y Tidea TOOAY 8eGoNI lllfjfl 4:07 p.m. I. I llRf RIPIRT .... ~ 10 10 10 " ( .... ... ' I I a .... .... z 2 2 , . .... Dir aw IW aw w haond 1aw t :n p.m. 1.0 "9DAY 'l<tl lllOft I~ Lift, U ,.,ti low t: •O 1.n1. 0,4 ~...... l:Mp.m. U hoofld loW l:al p.lft. u lun N•• toctay at 7:41 p.m .. ...... ,,. .. 1:12 •.m. • ~ "'-todl9r .. ·~· IUll., .. ,.,. .. •O:f1 &A Argentine Skyhawks were downed and a Brl liBh destroyer tor p edoed In fighting Wednesday. "One ot Britain's wanhlpi1 in the South Atlantic , a type 22 frigate, la believed to have been hit but not badly damaged by a torpedo during the Incident yea t erday In which two Argentine jeta were shot down," the rad.lo aald. Britain ls known LO have two From Page A I BRANIFF. • • default protection plan aimed at guaranteeing standby 1eats. Eaatern Airlines moved to take over some of Braniff's foreign routa and the Civil Aeronauucs Board 1ehedu.led a meeting today Flying 1tandby means there are no retlel"VaUons. A passenger shows up at the aJrport and flies as spatt I.a avallable. Braniff. burdened with a $732 million debt, began to suffer after competition from deregulation rn 1978 and s o aring fue l costs combined LO erode profll-'. Losses totaled $336.4 m11llon the past three years, including $160 I million ln 1981 and $41.4 million m the Clnt three months of thlB year. The airline, once noted for 1ts brightly pamt.ed planes, has laid o ff 3,000 employees since last summer. Employees also agreed ln 1980 to a 10 percent, 11x-month pay cut. Braniff's 39 major creditors - 26 bank.e. 11 insurance companies and two aircraft suppllera - agr eed thia year to defer all payment• on the airline'• $591 million long-tenn debt untA Oct. I Braniff Vice President Sam Coats announced the auapenaion of all foreign and domestic rughta after a dlrectora meeting that convened at I :05 p .m PDT Wednesday type 22 frigates, the Broadsword and Brilliant. in Its Falklands task force. Earlier, the British defense mlnlatry reported one of 1ta Sea King helicopters ditched In the sea, but said Ill four crewmen were rescued. The ministry said there waa no evidence Argentine forces 1hot the aircraft down. Argentina's account said two British frigates shelled Stanley, the Falklands ca pital , Wednesday. Argentine planes attacked the frigates three hours later. causing "considerable damage LO them," and Argentine shore personnel shot down the helicopter. "As a result of these actions, two Argentine airplant11 were downed," the communiqde said. Neither the British n or the Argentines aald anyting about the Skyhawk pilots. and it waa asawned they were lost. Brady and Woolll'tt agreed that they are trying not to lay oft any more people than fW!<.'essary ln other belt-tightening mea- sures, the top eight administra- tors, including W oollett and Brady. have volunteered not to accept any salary increases in the new hscal vear. At the same time, no funds have bet-n pla<.'ed initially in the l.ludgct for annual wage adjust- ments to keep city jobs on a competitive st·ale with s1m1lar jobs clsewhert>. Woolleu said all thl'Se steps aJ'e preliminary meuures an prcp.1- ring has budget proposal that wall got to the lrvant> Cu y Council June 8 Popular student Boy, 10, gi11es away $5,000 in cash LAFRANCE, S .C. (AP) -A 10-ye ar-old boy became the most popular student at a n e leme ntary school when he handed out $5,000 in cash that he found in an envelope a t his home, officials said. The incident began when the yo ungster. whose name was not r e leased, began passing out $5 0 and $100 bills to classmates a t the Lafrance Elementary School. aa:ording to Lt. David Crenshaw, a spok esman for the Anderson County ~heriff's Department. The giveaway cam e to a halt when a teacher -who realized that several youngsteni h ad suddenly become rich - telephoned the sheriff's department. "It appears that the boy's grandfathe r cam e to visit," Crenshaw sajd. "This w eeke nd. the boy apparently took an envelope full of cash from the grandfather, and Tuesday, he started giving it away." Depu ties r ecovered about $3 ,500 of the money a nd returned it t o the owne r , who was a lso n ot identif ied. C renshaw said. "There were no charges filed," he added, "but there will probably be a 10-year-o ld boy taking hlS meals on the mantel for l while." NEVER BUY A PRECIOUS GEM ON GOOD LOOKS ALONE • l)uttt• •""' -f"' • 1.al •4' .,., .... ,...,..._ •ui1 •111 "'°" tfN lt•N • "''''"I ,,,,." ' .. "'"'··· .,, '"'' ·~"''"•••••""'~ •\i~ ....... ll1t1nit•ttt1"""''"" ,1•"10hlih ... , .. 11 .... tt•.h '"'', .11, u •• , .... o.h •• o. ''"'" ,,.,,..,..., .................. "' .,. h (J9"W' 1U M"I l.'1: ti' h• ~I \tttJ ~ h-\t ''"''""'"'~''•'""'fin._'_,..,. .. , ,1 • ._..i.1, M tkitt" .1Jlmr.H•• Ji•1••nu._. lhl\ "1W'\ ,., "."'.,.. ""' fn.n fW'vn .... "1 h.hr J 1h.t1•'"".'"'" th~ "un\ l't'ft"-"-" ..... ,.W"' '" '•lr ~.,,. I J v 4 • • • ~ l '1 I I \ - AFTE RMATH OF TWISTER -First-grade teacher Cathy S chmit, foreground, g oes through the rubble of her classroom after a tornado ripped through the western Minnesota town of Tintah. Dozens of other twisters tore through "Tornado Alley" Wednesday leaving uw.,.,.... more than $200 million in damage at Altus Air Force Base and crushing homes and businesses in scat tered communities from West Texas to Nebraska. At least seven deaths were blamed on the storms and scores were reported injured. Ainerican officials expect renewed violence in Poland WASHlNGTON (AP) -U S off1c1als believe there 1.1 vtrtually no chance that Poland's military government can stem Poland's steady slide into chaos sf it holds to 1ta cu.rnmt strategy Brezhnev in the fall. Officials here believe the So- viet Union gave the orders to suppress t he most recent demon- stratlona, Igniting violenc.-e which might otherwise not have oc- curred. Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/lhurtday, May 13, 1082 s Al Evangelist under fire Graham seeking own d e tente with S o vie ts MOSCOW (AP) -BlUy Gra- ham la .eek.in& h.l.s own detente with the Soviet government, avoiding criticism ot It In the hope that the Kremlin will let him return and preach a lot more. The 63-year-old Baptist evan- geliat who uled to attack athelaUc commun.lam told The A.Modated Preu in an Interview that 11.nL'e hla arrival In MC*.10w lut Friday, he hu gotten an lnalght Into the problems and concerns of Soviet officials. "I'm very grateful that they've given me the invlU.tlon to come here and preach the Goepel," he wd ''The government has been very friendly to me. I've had the op portunity to see a number of top officials, and have had frank diacussiona with them. I've gotten a ne w Insight, at least. Into some of their problems and some of their concerns. And this helps me in my understanding." Since his arrival, Graham hall also been dogged by questions from Western reporters about his commltment t.o human rights. Why, he waa asked, didn't hh1 sermon In Moerow's only Baptist church Sunday Include any crltl· cism of Soviet violations of hu- man rights? Why didn't he com- ment on the arrest during the service of a woman who raised a banner protesting rehg1ous per- secuuon in the Sovtet Uruon? Why. he was also asked, didn't he greet 300 Christian believers who a.uembled at the church but couldn't get lna1de b«auae they didn't have tickets. Police barri- ers kept them 200 yards from the church. and while Graham prea- c hed inside they sang hymns out.aide. He was a lso aske d why he dldn't go IOOn after h11 arnval t.o NEWS ·aNAlYSIS see the six Siberian Pf'ntecostal lata who have been living 1n the U .S . Embany for four years claiming they are victJn\!I of re1J - g1oua persecution "In u host country llkt! this," Graham said durin~ the inter- view Tuesday , "Its been my pracuce through the years never to take political sides and get in volvud In their local problt'm!l because then st means my o wn mm1stry 1s hnutA..-d " Ile 11a1d ht· "mac.Jc rt•presenta tion11" about tht· Penlt.-<;ostahsu. to Soviet off1t:ials and ral.M'd tht- quesllon of human nghts durmg his spt•<.ACh Tuesday to the mter- nalwnal rnnfcrttnce aguinst nu dear war that ht' t·amc to Mu sc:ow to attend His 11 -pagtt, s1ngl('·Spac1·<.l sp<.•(.'<:h contained ont> paragraph urging ''all govnnmenti. tor<· 1pec·t the rights of rellaiou1 bellevt'ra " And ht' visited the Pl•ntt'nn1toll11l• tor 7':) mlnutee Tut."liday night und prayrd with them U S off1 t·1ul11 In Waahlngtun n ·purtt·dly opposed Graham't tr1v tx-c:ausc they feared his pre. i;tc•m«· would give tht' anti-nuclear conference add1twnal exposure and cred1b ll1ty The United Statl'S has been allacked regu- larly al the mt."(•tmg. as everyone knew 1n advance that It would be. But Graham 11a1d he me t with Presidt-nl Reagan, and "the pn·sldt·nt nevt•r obj<'«tt•d to mt pc•n.or\WJy .. Tht· l'Vangt·hst saw the confe. n·m·e as an opportunity to take his minL.'ltry llJ Moscow He said he "would llh to come ba<.'k and preach 1n muny platl•s through- out lhl• (.'OUntry, If I°m snvited and all thing~ work out " Gr.Jhan1 '>CJ1d h~ W>S<J<.·1al4.'S a,.. work1n,K on arrangements for him to v1s1t Eai.t GNmany and Cu'\ h<~lovak1a latt•r thlS year. It w<>f'ries offlcialll here, who see the crisis in P oland as a festering wound complicatsng U.S -Sovtet relations and fraying U.S. ues to 1t.1 NATO allies. "Something has got to give; the econom y is in terrible shape," said one State Department Polish expert. He said the Poliah leader. Gen. Wojcie<:h Jaruzellki, la im- m obilized in his policy optlona because he is "caught betwun MOllCOw and hia own people." Waiting for cond1t1ona to im- prove In Poland before talking with the Soviets became an un- tenable poelllon for the adrnmls- trallon in the face of demands In th11 country and in Europe that the two superpowers d o some- thing to restrarn the nuclear anna race But noting during t he first w~k m May in at least 13 Pollah cities has underscored the se- riousness of the situation in Po- land. "Things are really ugly the re." one official told a r epor- ter. 'Priorities' urged for nuke evacu~tions In the meantime, the Reagan administration ha.a cut aside ita previous position of not underta- king new negotiationa with the Soviets while the Polish crisis remains unresolved. President Reagan has propoled beginning strategic arms reduc- tion talks with the Soviets this su mmer an d has signaled h is willingness to meet at the summit with Soviet leader Leonid U S . o ff1 c1als say t h e gov- ernment admitted to 1,372 new arrests, including 271 in Warsaw, during the latest disturbances. and 72 injured policemen. 10 of whom required hoepltallzat.Jon. There already were weU over 3,000 In custody. the State De- partment estima t.ed. U S off1c1a ls. who did not want to be 1dentif1 ed. told a re- por ter in a recent brief ing that they cxf)e('t more violence, espe- cially as warm weather returns to Poland Peripheral Canal support weakening SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - S upport for the controversial 43-mile Peripheral Canal that would ship more Northern Cali- fomia water to the touth state la w eakeni ng In the south as north ern opposition grows. the CalJfomia PoU reported. Opposition m the north at.ands al nearly 8-1, the poll8ter repor- ted. The decline m Southern Cali- fornia s upport, where vote r s make up about 60 percent of the state's electorate, has turned sta- tewide balance against the canal for the first time. In March southern voter s fa v or ed the project by more than 4-1. The current poU measured support at alJghtly better than 2-1. Pol.l.ster Mervin Field found In a survey of 733 registered voters earlier thi.a month th.at opponents to the project are leading propo- nents 45 percent to 35 percent. If the t~end continued, It could mea n the defeat of the canal referendum. PropoelUon 9, on the June 8 primary ballot. The shift In opinion among Southern California voters comes in Ught of a multi-million-dollar advertising campaign against Proposition 9 . The campaign portrays the project as too ex- pensive while proponents say Southern California nttda more water to survive. The P eripheral Canal w ould cross the Sacramento-San Joa- quin Delta from Hood to Tracy. east of San Franda::o. OHAN(,£ < t1A'.I Daily Pilat I t11m1.1'. Jl ll.1lf'y I t •• t •It I t•l f ,_ ''°'* tllftt•• Kay ',1.t1ult1 ./•' , ... ,.(.,_,,, I tt • Ml~ •• '",. "'"r Uy•"' 1111 .,t "A• ••h••~1 f l'•t\H , ... ,,I Aay M11c;l f!1111 , ,.,,.,.,.. .... Charles I o<M ....... "..._,.. .. ,,,, . ., .. ~la•,•hed adve•ll••ng 714164:1 !>678 All other depar1mf'nts 642·43:11 MAIN OFFICE I)') W .. \I 04it¥ \I I tr••• ll;il '-' ( • MA•f •ddu•\\ H•1• I W t t tf\l.it M t•\4 I A ¥7•14. ( UU•f•Qf\1 t•I l)•M\o\I' f ,1o•'til f.•ut>tt\fttf~ (nin-cMttW .,.o ,,.,, ... ''""'.,-1ltu\I'"'•'-'"' "'"'">•••I "•Ml•• n• .td w•tl•\#IT!H\f' ""'"''" ,,,.,., 1)4' t•pf''MtlH""l't w•Otovt '~' 1.tl 0t·•m1•.-. ... ,~ ol • '-"'"''O"' o•~• "9t f1fl't1 ; I t 1~• f.1q. fWt•'1 •t t ,.....,,. M"''"' ( Altfl'tff'll"1 •11r1' ••• .,..,. ·"''"' ,.,,,,,.. •• 11, ,,.,,,,, l• '"''"'"''"'• "• ,...-, .• ,, """ ,, .... "'ow. f,._ 'UM\Q"' I 1 ... \t l11t1fy t•1lt;f ""''" •"1fr\ I\ 1 f)f'f1 t11fi.·fl tn• N .... ,.,. '·' ,, uonh,,. .. 11 ,,. tf'I• <>tt1tf\Oll> I l\4t't f'1.r)h\ftt~ t '""'""'""' .... P•••I• •'1i00ft\ Ar• ru;nt"""" ~"'°"• o"~ 1 ,.,.,.r lf>t '°''• -.w...-,,. .. *"'°"' • ....,,_ U'°"'lfA4(~ U•Mh I ount4twt ".tiff'¥ fh,1M I ""'".llM U•llM h 'loltwth' ,.,.\I A ''"Q~ '"~I •·'1tftef\ •' "'~''hrt1 \.tltt•rl"Y' -tfWf \vlWt•t" t f\t1 n• ''" •0~1 l"''""l'lil'll) t••ttnt ,, ,., f iii) W•\I h•Y \lt.,.t •• 0 Utu t VJ> I '~'" M"'" t ithfmnt4' •1•1• VOL 71, NO. 111 LOS ANGELES (AP) -A federal plan to help IOme o! UU. area's 18.5 m11l1on residents sur- v 1 ve a nuclear attac k should concentrate on saving young: healthy, e d\.lcated people ano consider aecondanly "the old, the infirm , the unskilled, the unessential," according to a reti- red Army major. Robert L. Kingsbury, now di- rector of Los Angeles County's Department of Military and Vet- erans Affairs. is among several county officials who recently submitted comments on a 1977 federal study of Cru11s RelocatJon Planning. Kmgsbury, a 23-year military careenst, termed his suggestJona a "Noah's Ark" theory . They Wl're considerably more opti- m1st1c about the study and Its auumpuon that nuclear war 1s sur vivable than comments by other county leaders. The d irector of the Depart- ment of Social Services, Eddy S. Tanaka. said crisis relocation la "tollllly Impractical for the Loe Angeles area." ''ln view of the maalve prob- lems involved in moving milliona of confused and frightened peo- ple, it la doubtful whether local government in this or any other jurisdiction could provid e ade- quate traffic controlt, communi- cations. supplies and other ser- vices nece11ary to Implement such a plan " Tanaka said. County Supervisor Ke nneth Hahn solicited officials' com - menta on the study, which la ba- aed on the supposition that city dwellers could be evacuated to rural a reas north and aoutheut of the Loe Angeles basin. K ingsbury and County Engi- neer Stephen J . Koonce both ac- cepted the premise that such a planned exodua wu ix-Ible and worth pl.annJ.ni. "We believe that the report repretenta vaUd plann..lJl8 for the evacuation of major population cent.era In California," Koonce wrote. "We further feel that It la u.eeful to have contingency plans, even thoua h they are lmperfect." K.lnpbury, whoee depertment haa no role in county civil de- fen1e, aa.ld, "PnortU8 for people muat be eat.bllahed with thOM holding hlghe1t priority being evacuated to the crtala relocation area flnt.'' ..., ,..,. .... .,., .......... ~ We''e Listening ••• ~''"'*'II .OVOO--'°"' -OV 0 >O P m t .. 1 ltotbt I 0"' --«>C>'l'•lft>e-.. Wht1I do you like ubout the Dally PUot'' What don't you like" Cull lhf' number b<llow and your mtau.it will be recorded, tr1n1crlbed and dellvt•red to the a"proprlatt tdltor Thf' same" 2.4 hour an1werin1 aervlce may be used to record let teu to the f'dltor on any topic Mallbo• contrlbuton must lncludt their namt• und telephone numbfr for vtrlllcatlon No clrculatlon calls. plt-1Jllt> T1>ll ~ what's on your mind 642-6088 -'l ''Aa unpalatable u It may be, It it la my or Inion that the pre- select.Ion o priority evacuees ac- cording to their value to the so- ciety that would 1urvive the n u- clear strike Is absolutely e19mt1aJ," he said. without spec- ifying how one's value rrught be pit-determined. . "High prionty evacuees would include the young and fhys1caUy fit, skilled speclalista o all scien - ces, trades , occupations and a well-balanced labor force," K.J.npbury said. "On the low end of priorities would be the elderly, the infirm, the unskill ed, the uneuentlal. and those whosl· presence in the relocation area would serve only to p,lace a bur- den on the survivors.· He conceded hU theory "may appear crue l," but sn11sted the "over-nding concern must be to continue ll(e and national survi- val following the nuclear strike " A band of dlafnonds that says you'd marry her all over again. A"Wlfeptloff READY TO MOVE A c1v1han dcx:kwork1..·r looks at Land Rovers parked nose to tail on the quayside at Southampton, England. prior to tx-ing loaded aboard the Qu(-en Elizabeth 2. The luxury !mer, being converted in to a troop transport. is expected t-0 depart for the Falkland Islands thts week The Diamond Anniversary Ring a ,..,._ ...._ .... ,.,. hech • ..._ .. i ...-··~ .. ,,....., ,.,._....,.. ... I ~ o ? a c ., f ,! #SU A I Orange Coaat DAILY PILOTIThurad1y, Mey 13, UUl2 DEAR PAT: My 1hter told me 1&'1 ~''"' &o It.cl laoaey to 1 1m1ll baby. Slae .wa t kaow wllay bit 11ld liltr pedlatrlclu Iliad .... llatr tlilla. I 1~t1ld tlillak lt would be beUer &e '" MHY for 1 1wteteaer titan 1u11r. Cao yn .. n me willy boney llD't recommended? L.E ., ('01&1 Mesa Recent fh1dlnfl• ahow th11t horwy may contain 1pcmie of botulbun bacwrlu, an d that th .. 1porM may be dangt•roUJI to lnfonta un· dur •J<t< I You nwy lx• 111tl•rt11ltod 111 11rdt•r111~ u rww booklet by the Department of Ht-11lth and Human Service. callf'd "Infant Cart• " It an- 1wert many que1Uon1 for new parnnta and alve1 tip• on different approaches to baby care. To get a copy, aend $2.2~ t.u Coru1umt'r Informauon Center, Department I 19K, Pueb· lo, Colo 81009 Renter i11suranc(• f"<·t.e.; DEAR PAT: I didn't rullzl' until altt'r tile rec H t Anaheim fire tha t peoplt> who rent a part ments don't have lnaurant·t' <·overage for penonal belonglng11 unde r fbt· landlord's lnaurance polky. What kind or in11ur a O('C policy 1bould a renter Rl't'! J.i''., ~01ta Meaa A 11t.anda1d L1•11a111 polwy e·ovt·r:-i furn1tun•, clothtn~ and r11e1:-1l utlwr pc·r:.c111al l1<•le1t1Klll~l'I or their IKtuul !'ash value· lit llw t1111e• of ltn;..,, ac-cording to w .. 111t·r11 ln11ur1111l'l' lnf111 mut1em Serv1t't'. But vuluulih'l'I !lue•h <1S fur11, J<'Wf'lry and s1lvt-r nwy huvt· lin11h·d t1iv1•ru1.w und•·r a atandurd pt1hl y. and mny nt't"fl prulA't'Lacin un UFFELL'S U'HOLSTERY ........ ~ .. ld'-"• lt22 HAJll O• ILVO STA MIU -S41-1 IU THE SPRING TRIO Seersucker Sport Coclt, ray tropical slacks,. and White bucks Tailored in the 'f 'r' I all iday' s / . \ atural / 1 ' shoulder style/ ' hat's always ight. HOUSE OF TAILORl...-G AL TERA TION~ FO R M~N & WOMEN '.iU LOl)J Pl ALA JIU a: J l o wM Lru·I b y Co''""··• 1 ln'ine Ave., Newpor1 ~ .. ch, C•llf. (714) 645-0792 Grand Opening SALE Rugs -Kilims • GEOMETRIC DESIGNS • NATURAL VEG ET ABLE DYING • 100•1. WOOL •ALL BY HAND KilimS--Averace. Size 4'x5' s 1 oooo AND lJ> Ru&S--Averace Size 4'x7 ' s45ooo AND lJ> GEA OR SMALLER SIZES AVAILABLE . AL90 ORIGINAL COPPER PIECES. CARPETS 'N COPPER J "AU ll HAii>" ···-···· 1110 .. C..t Hwy., L.111111 Buch '"" °" -lz:io .. 7:tl eh·1 u llJM't'l41I t111dll11111 lo tht· pollt•y or unde1 u IM'J>ltrlltt• poh1·y WllS t'Xplul11w thut Ow lyp1c·ul nmlur'• puhc·y J;ruvldt'll C'ovc•rnti•• on µt•J111111tul prop·rty, 1111 lo t w 11111uu11l 11t•lt't'lt'(f hy tlw pnlkyholdt•r Ten ~rc.,n t of that limit will bti the cove· rugt• for ucJclltlu11" u 11d 11ltt•rullon" tu tlll' dw1·1lln~ unit, t111d :LO 11t•1t·t•11t of ti"' unu,unt of till' J.it..rtionul prnpt•J ty lm11 l IH thl' t·uv1•1'lll(t' for udd1t1t1n1JI hvmu 1•xpt•11M>H A "t.Bm.lu1 d tNuull pol11·y ul8t1 puy11 r11r uny lnc·n•u1t•d llvmg t•)( pc·n1w11 (h•>tt·I u11d n •11t11uront co11t•) whl•n 11 r1111d1·m•1· t•1.in't Ix· ot~·upu_'tl tx"l'HUJK· of tiumugl' CllU'l(:d hy 11 numlin of pn1h1 'l'ht· INurun<'t' c·ornpan y w ill n ·1mbu.-,..: th•• f"'llt·yholdt.•r, up to the· llr1111JC 'llllll•cl 111 lh•· po ky. for tht· d1( f1 •11•1u·1· ht•lWC't•n llll'IU· l 'XJ)l'llMl'M arnl tht• "' 11u1t•cl '11 normal l1v 111H 1•xpe•111wx whllt• the· huilcl111u 111 llt'1tlK 11•p111rc'tl or "'j1lat'l'tl WIJS 11l1or1ijly 11>t·u111111e•ric :; tlwt pultly lw lcl1•1" kc•e•p u l,.,t uf .tll hou111•huhJ fu1111 "1lit11J.(11 u111l JX'l'1u11.1l hdullijlllijh frn Ul'i(• Ill tlll' 1•v1•11t 111 J l•N> Th111 111v1·11t111 y 11hciuld 111ducl1• fur 111tu1 , •• awl 111•1)'11 111·1 M111.1I lidun~111w-and tlll'll prwc· .... 111d cl.11.1 .., 11( pur• lir1M: ll'11 olJtO J W"-"' 1111·11 111 kc·•·p 11' 1·1pl ... 111d pli11111uruph.s of "''')'" pc·n.t111al h1 ·l1111J.(tnJ.(' w111i •• t11py of llw invc-111111 y 111 .1 "aft Jilae t• .1w;1y from he1n1t• • ( :111 " 11111/1/1 ·111' /"111•11 "1111• 111 /1111 1/11111 • , Wiii /1.11 will l 'UI "'" lol/11', J(l'lllllH t/11· /Jll\Wl'I \ .111tl '" 1111/1 Ylll/ 111•1'1/ 111 MJIVI• Ill 'Collar City' choke d TROY, N.Y. (AP) -ln 1'110, f11cwtlet her• produced 100 mil· lion eolian and culf1 •_year, urning the nickname "Collar City" for tht! lndu1lrlal commu· nlty. But the market collap1ed for detach•ble co llara a h or World Wur 1, forcln1i1 muny companlea out of bu1lntl11 . And Troy miy now lo1e Ila moniker tor aood wllh the annuurH"t'nlf'nt that Cluett, P eabody & Co will clOIK' It• laat Arrow 1hlrtmakana Opt'· ration here within 1lx w~lu The m ove will put 200 t"m· ployee11 out of work Company \lff1crnl11 1u1d tht•y are trylnj to fl nd truns frra or 1ubtlll tu w Jobs for tht-workers, m oll of them women Although 400 udm1n111trut1vc workera will 11t.ay on thl' payroll here, manufal·turtng Opl'ratlon1 will be 1hlftcd to otht•r plunt11, m<»lly ln the South "We 1lill look at Troy us our home," audd Cochranto Supplt-c, v1t•e pres Iden t of corpora tf' a f- fulrs. "The plant will continue• to iwrvc a11 our nutlonul compul1•r headquurter 11, main udmlnlHtru Uvl' officc.'8 and lt'!it lubc1rut.tJrk'll." • ·~1111111•\ Ill H•l\'1·1111111•111 ·""' /111~/llt'HN Mlfll yuur 11ui•Ji l w1111 1t1 /'111 l/111uw 1t1, At Ymir St•/"Vlt't'. <J1.U1J(1• Coa.\I I ),11h I 11/111, / '() llt1\ l.'11111, """'~ TJll','UI, ('A 11:.!li'..!/1 A' """' \ /1•111•1' "' ''""1/1/1• will llt' u1111 w 1 11(/, lwt p/111m~I 11111u111•·' 111 ll'ft1•1"'> 11111 11w/ud11111 tile• 11•11tl1•1 \ full 11.11111• ,11/c/11•\\ .1111/ /111\1111·.~·' /111u r11' p/t11t11• /ll//J//lf•/ 1'11/1/1111 /w• I llll\U/1 •r,_J After the po11l-w11r (·hangt• in clothing 1tyleti, Arrow found 11al- v a tion with the 11ofl, attached t'OUar on 11.11Darl 1h1rt. From 19:l4 to 1970, when ll 11toppcd produc· lion of the line, Arrow 11old 7~ nulhon Dara A~Wlt ....... SOLEMN Entcrt~ant-r Mllrv 1n Hamlt!K.'h ;.md Cyndy Gar· vcy were among mourncns at C ulvcr City furll'ral l'lt.'rYll't."'8 for Neil Bogart, composc-r and rN·ord produ('l'r, who du·d o f cancer. Wh<.·11 you opt·n a nt"w 9 1 Day Mont"y M;1rkt't At·nmnt al Hank of Amt'rka, wt"1 1 j(ivt· you a $.lO <:a"h bonu~. lli)(h Hatt· for Ju~t 1)1 l>ay-.! llw eJ l l>.I\ \111lll'\ \1.1r"vl \l~1111111 j,a g1t·.11 II\"\\ 111\l""lllll"lll '1111 de>ll I h a\t" lo l it· up \e 1111 111C 111c~ lo r le 111g p t ric 1tl.., to gl'I high 1111111t·, 111arkt·1111l{Tt'"' ,\ l11gh ratl· i.., ~0111·.., "lit 11 \c1t1111H·..,1 .11111111111t1111 q f -..-c;1111 lor c111h 'JI d,l\., .11 .t tlllll ' \11llt' <."lld ol Iii<.· lnlll \11111lt111d'"111 he :1111 0111.1111 .tlh n ·111\l·-.1nl '•11 11 ''I.tit 1 lh •II'< 111r .. uj411 ""' I l'l>I 1 \0111111 'u ldh.a...._,1.u11l•1"•''' uw:l 1111111 '' ltc trlJr;H 111\t ''t •I II lllK rut ....... 1i .... HUftl\lt111HUpl•1t •nk lullu..11 It • f, ' 111 t K!fl,.111 •O IH• tl11h1t' lfk t • 1tn11i1n1ntlu•~ •ti 111fc ,. '' ••ttl'11 "'* ol(t t•tUU,.. ~ \, 1r IJh '' '41htt •I lu 1 h.11t~1 hut'' lf\t ,t .tt llfl\• 111 It ........ Ullif IHll~ '"' •lu ., ""._,lit~ llf\t llJllH ut lor ~011 .111lu: r.lll' 111din11111 \11111 lll:tlllnl\ dal e< >nc111111.1\ \\ 11l1d1.I\\ \IHll 111111lt'\ 11 ~c 1t1 prdn· J J.998% AnnuaJ RAttt" ll.7.~l% Annual Ykld ~ · Bank e1f ,\111t·nt .1\ r.1 1c c 111 1111.., .Ht 1111111 1.., 1hc high<.'"1 lht· l.1\\ .tllrn\., ti'> 111 P·" .\11d rl·111c111lx-r. B.1111-. c 11 ,\111n1l .1 gl\ l"' 'c 111 .1 "2' 1 hotll1'. tciu1 Safr1y and <.onvt·nknn·. < )n I\ Bani... ul All ll' flt .1 t .111 ul It· r 'ot1 ll 1c '>,tfl'(\ .llld (. 011\l'llH.'llll' nl ( .1111111"111 ,h l.1rgt· .. 1ti11.111<.1.tl 111-.11111111111 111 l.tt I 111\"lt"'' \111111.tl \ u 1,1, .. h '"""•I• •tt 11 uh '''"'I" •t1tul1tt•• • '' u1t. '' '* \\htUdt("'"''·'"'lttthh,f1t111uu111tli1 1111umfh" ''' n ~lh't ulful 1-.11.tlh fut 1 uh \\ltlulr I\\ ti ' '•.fl l1n1 ·IU1l tll ,, .... 1\ ul ,,,,, \\tllt I "'"lf lllllllllllfll iii t" ''II h11I .II f ltt\\ t I t It• pre 1h:1hh .1 H.1111..c1l ,\111l'rn .1 hr.111l ll t1Ltrh\ riglil IHI\\ '-c1 \\li,11 ,ll'l" \1111 \\,tlltllg1111' <>pu1 .11> I I ),l\ \l t e 111111 .11 lt111I.. ol \nu rt<.1 I• id.I\ Al'o ~<.'\\: ~1 : Yt·ar l nvt·,11t1t·n1,. l .~.Hc;ex; Annual lta t<.·1 1·1.Hc;•x, An nual Yid<.1.11 H.1111.. o l .\llrt'I H .1.tl-.c 1e1llt"r-..111c\\ lllH ""I 11 lt'tll I II.II ll'h \ llll lcil 1-. up 1111.., l11gh r.tlt 1111' ~I I \l",lf' \\ 1111 ,1 '2111)1) Jl)JlllJlltJIJI dcpo,11 II '""' 'i 1 • ''"irl llgh' 1dd l'h1' lrnc-.1111n11 \,I,,"" .1l>rn 11 11' BANK OF AMERICA ~-----------------1 You'll be in the money. , I 91-Day Money Market Account. 1111, 14llllM111 ... )(e IC 1d for ·' '.!II I J'h IM'""' ""''" \llCI I 111x 11 ,111 I I 1.11 \111rx \ \l,crl.111 A1111C111t .11 l\Jlll. ol Alllt fl' .1 I< llUJM 111, .11...,, .11 .111.ihlt-.11 ll.1111. ol Ault rlt .1 hr .11l1 IK'' I I '·""" \1lcln '' I .... M IJI ..,.., llflll • I '''''""IC. eh111~ l•1llllh11 I I I I lllllllh cinh ll\;1ll.1hk wlit·1111p11lhl)( .1 •JI l>.1\ ,,, Hll'\ \l,11"\t•r Au •IUlll ( >nh Clllt" hunu .. rx·r !"'"""ti ur .k't 011111 llc1111" olh r ~111r<l rhrrn1)(11)1111<· 11 11JH.l •JI l>J) Mcarlt') M,irl.t·t < 17tf(lwt1•s .irt· ul.,.111\111l.1hlt· I Ii '"t'H·r. < 1•1tl/1ct1ft"< '.lrt· 11t11 111110111.lllt .1lh n•lnH'"t«I .imhlo fllll lndudc .1 \lll hom1' '"'~110 111l11lr1111111 tk0JlCl'lll 'lul~111n11.11 rwn.ih) fur, ... ,,) "lthtlr-.m.il BANKOF AM ERI CA m I I I I I I I I I I I ,.,._ ·-··•·• .. "'-··· OCP--4 ! ------------------' • • -· • J ~ I 0 JI j )I w 'i I I I l ~ - - of booze, pills Comedian Sld CH1ar. one of TV'• early atan. My• preta· aww of lJve prolfammlnl le!d to 1 20-yea.r ordeal with booze and pill.a. At a newa conference to oromote hia autobioaraphy, r.Where Have l Been'?'" to be publ11hed in October, Caesar aaid he oft.en contidered 1ui- dde. "I came to the point four years aao when l ta.id to my· self, 'Do you wanna lJve or do you wanna die'?" 'said the ~9-year-old entertainer. Caeaar, who earned $1 million a year an the early years of television, said the atttsa of doing a weekly show wu a factor ln his alcoholism. Actor Werner Klemperer, who portraled the bumbling prisoner o war camp com - mandant Co. Wilhelm Klink in the telcvu1on series "Hogan's Heroes," 106t credit cards and his passport to a thief, in Houston. TOP VOTE -Newark Mayor Kenneth Gibson finished first in the city's mayoral primary, but faces a runoff June 15 against the city council president, Earl Harris. Both candidate,; arc under ln dictmt.•n t on fraud chl:trge11. Comedian Richard Pryor was releaaed from a hoepital In Baton Rouge, La. after a week of reat from his busy shooting schedule on a movie being made here, a hospital spokesman said. A spokesman said Pryor had been treated for respiratory ailments. Grt1ory Peck, Cllarl&H Ht1tH and LtHar• Bera•· ltll wUl bt amon1 th• cele- brl \lH ln 1H1nd1nc1 next year when the Rottr L. Ste• VHI Center for U\tt Ptrfor- ml na Art• II unvell•d at Wlnlton·Salem, N .C. Th~ center, rebuilt from the old C&rolJna Theater at • COil ot f9.8 million, wtll open durln& a two-day extrav•· aanu of mu1ic, dance and dr-.na. The center 11 dealaned to 11erve u a training iJ'OUnd for the North Carolina School of the Aria u well aa a showcue for national talent -and It. name reflects that dual pur- poae, said Samuel Stone, the school'• director of develop- ment. The New World Festival of the Art• In Miami says It won't pre11ent a new play It comml11loned Crom Tenne1- 1ee Wllll1m1, but the play- wright says he's not upset. WUUams, a re111den t of Key We11~1 Fla., called the declalon "reaustic." 1''e.lival officials announced that they reje<·ted the com- missioned work, "Now, the Cats with Jeweled L law11 ," for another Williams play, "A House Not Meant to St.and," making its premiere run at Chicago's Goodman Theater. Robinson's SULTANA SET FOR SAND AND SEA. PREVIEW 1983: MEET MIRIAM RUZOW, PRESIDENT OF GOTTEX. Join us Friday. May 14 tn Newport.See world·famous Gotte.x ·s newest. most dramatic design s, modeled 1nlormally from 2 00·4 00 pm with a mini lasn1on show at 1 00 pm Tne mood is elegant. co1orlu1 . as warm as desert sands Cover pieces and sw1msu1ts emphasizing the soft , the uncommon Glowing prints, br111tant golds, v1V1d and versatile outfits enough tor all a sultan's sultanas Here from New York. especially for us. Ms Ruzow will be present to assist you personally with your selections To entice you our v·neck plunge 8 to t 4. $78. The most magnificent caftan One size. $250. Soph1st1cated 1odhpurs One size. $250. All. 1n sand Robinson's Swim Shop. 23 To order, call toll-free 1·800·345-8501 , Orange Coa1t DAIL V PILOT /Thuraday, May 13, 1982 . Roblnsm'S COME HELP US CELEBRATE OUR NEW NEWPORT AT A SPECIAL CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH IN THE RESTAURANT, SATURDAY, MAY 15, 11 A.M. There'll be lopd, music . informal modeling too. to help us show off our beautiful Newport store for reservations please call 1111· Executive Secretary 1n the Store Manager 's Olf1ce, ( 714) 644 ?800 e.xt 601 Per person. $7. IHOP MOHDAV·fflllDAY 1M. "OllNION'S NIWPOllff 'AIHION llLAND • (71._ ...._2800 9'011NION'8 WDTMtNITIR MALL • (714) Ill tlt1 --~ .. " •, ltt I i:-• .. , .. ,.] I l I I ! 11: I I I I I I I •I I I I I: I I I I I I I ! " C.omp Aetoll 42. 99 "-9 Pl1<e 31.99 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, M1y ''· 1882 Standard lt.nda• P8lnt Company HIDE-Ail GUARANTEED ONE·COAT SAVE ~~ OFF OUR EVERYDAY lOW PRICE 5 FOOT ALUMINUM STEPLADDER INTERIOR WALL PAINT INTER-TONE LATEX ld•al 'or rnte11 or wrloce1 'vch O• plo,ter wollbOOl<J. brick or metol Applier; .a•ll\I with b111\h or roller un<J need' no th1M1r19 l)r1e' 1n c.me hc,ur rmtJ c I eon\ 11r1 with M>Op & wot er A1101loble 111 whil • c111h,1 ~omp Aetoll 5. 99 Gallon • 1 • HIDE-All® FLAT LATEX A scrvbboble ftot point thot con be vsed oo Of'ft/ ln<ellOI woll surloce IUCh os ploste1, wollboord <oncrece or b<lck It Is 9voronteed to cover 1n one coot Otte\ to the tovch tn one hovr ond cl eons vp wtth \OOP & woter White otf·whtte ood P3 <OIOI\. Comp Retail 9 • 9 5 Gallon RUST GUARD ® Comp A.tOll 5.99 I Ovort 13 OZ. SPRAY .. Comp Aeto11 3.19 Con StVl'dy olvmlnvm lodder hos ~ feet for non-skid sotety DRIVEWAY COATING A.OOA tNAMll CONCRETE & PATIO Each COWUTt MU<110H OF 5 GAUON-BlACK ASPHAl T Comp Aeto1I 10.99 C.omp 'f "9tall 15.95 WOOD • maSION l.ADIMAS RVAILRIL• ~NT•RMATIC SPRAY OUTAT 01recc-dn11e mOC'or o~rotes d1ophrom compressor I? 9vn1 S ft oir hose sprov govqe No PS4 14 Comp Aetotl 123. 95 .,/. Each ...., .... ~ lr-=~veJI FlAT WALL PAINT Ul TAA-TEC LATEX ULTRA-TEI . An lntenOf'/ezte~or point that will lent o tvll 4 Y90"I Eosy oppll<oClon ond cleans up wltn toOP & wotet White olf-wNte ond a to1cn Comp A.toil 7. 9 5 Latex Rat Paint INTERIOR I EXTERIOR ~llTY GUARANTEED ONE COAT VINYL-ACRYLIC Gallon ULTRA-TEC SEMI-GLOSS 5 !! lkiUQranteed ~ II _[__to lmt~vears._ FlAT WALL PAINT VINYl-ACRYUC LATEX A 100.-reshtonr eatetlor /lnlet!Of polrt thot lasts a ye0ts Of more Gvor()l\(.ed ()(le coot cover099 Soop & water clean~ White otf-whlfe ond 39 colofs Comp A.too 14. 99 EXTEftlOR 1NT£RIOf' Gallon VINYL ACRYLIC ~ ......... , ... 1."91! ~ SEMI-GLOSS f?! 11 OUNCE MAJOR® r SNAY ENAtMl ~~!~r \·· .... .. I~ ... . Ones QVl<kly to o htQh 91011 hroh White block ond .5 colon Comp Aet041 1. 29 Ea. VA A NISH ff.1 lfl,, AU PURPOSE Comp A.tot I 10.95 Gallon MAINTENANCt PAINT 5 GALLON TUI SUtoble IOf oll types of rough eltet1or molOfWy Soop ond WOlet cleol'I up a.199 Comp AetOll 25.00 Tub YOUR CHOICE =To 9.49 PAINT PROJEa HELPERS ,. I 10" IUNT SAND NOMOfl SANDNNA <omp 17< lo. SANDINO llOCIC Ouort to. , • Dll'OSHU urra 1 /I f91NT SNCKU CM.0VU Comp I S< lo f ' x 11' Mm< D"°' Q01M eo~ 19< to. I s• T1'IM AOUAA Md HAHDIA Comp IS< lo. Ml¥.oN 11 oz . CM!UINO Co~ 1.09 to. Comp 1.JI f "Mm<NN a AOlUA MT e.omp 1.0 I lA. MTCHINO MSTM e.omp t.14 4• PCM.VUTM NINI MUSH e.omp 4.49 ... s.. ... ... I I , I I I I HOUMHOLD MNITOWIU 40, 60, 71a100 WITT UGHT IUl.81 HOUMHOlD llOOM I ' 1 6' MS1IC "'°'-LO WINDOW C&.ONtl MCMCNO.llX llG 'O'llONCNS I . Comp A.toll 1.75 WINDOll IUND by fMTIONM. ~ "9tGH .6.IO ----- ow lOUI Met ,,... ......... Tulldlfl, Mlfl M, 1 .. Orano-Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Thurld•y, M•y 13, 1982 I YEARS EXPERIENC:E AT . . SERVICE• QUALITY• SAV.1.N-GS ·~ P8'nt Compen)' SUPER cora-111 GUARANTEED ONE-COAT SOUD COLOR WOOD STAIN, SEMI· TRANSPARENT WOOD STAIN or GUARANTEED 1-COAT HOUSEPAINT Comp. AetOll To 15. 99 YOUR CHOICE tC£/ HOUSE & TRIM PAINT HIDE-All® EXTERIOR LATEX Formulated for lasting beol.tv and dl.roblllty ldeol for trim. wood siding and stucco Not '°' ~ or de<ks =' 9. 99 Gallon HOUSE & TRIM PAINT MASTER DECORATOR LATEX Use on trim, wood or stucco !Wffoces ~ lies eoslly with bruch 0< roller. Requires no ttllnnlng and cteons up wlltl soap & wot er -Ir \. REDWOOD STAIN WOODCOAT FINISH long-loltlng rlnlsh fOf fences. lhlngles ond 1 rough wood extenors Redwood color for doli4er woods Soop & woter clean-up ~' 5. 98 Gallon REDWOOD LATEX STAIN TAU-WEAR EXTERIOR For use on oil exterior wood It covers with a tovgh plastic lllm ttlot prote<ts 0901nst 500. fodlng and wotel ~ 5.79 [J~ HIDE-AL @ Gallon Gallon Gallon EVERY ITEM SOLD CARRIES STANDARD BRANDS' UNCONDITIONAL . . MNUFACTURER'S UST PRICE 1WE ON THESE CUSTOM ORDER ITEMS: 80VEN WOOD IUNDS MCOIATOR SHAMS & MINI· SUNDS; VERTICAL WINDOW IUNDS jM\PlE: 23" x 42" MINI BLINDS ~r's Ust 53.90 ffukv low Prk• 31.34 ... Prk• . . 16. 95 . ---=::--J 3' x 6' OVAL 8UNDS ASSORTED PRE-PASTED Selected group of easy·to·lnstall woll· coverings. ROOM-LOT BUNDLES Selected groups of 4 6 ond 8 shlngle rolls In lots VINYL COATED 'DO-IT' florols, mtnt-pnnts. stripes. trodltlonals & more WAllTEX or REED VINYLS Comp fletou 4.99 Valves Ta Dec0<otlve. l /4" plostlc ovol blinds In white. ovocodo. gold/yellow or wood· Decorator wollcovertngs from norne monu- focturers. Selected close-oot potterns. 15. 99 Sgl. Roll Mf'Y DAY lOW OFF PRICES Sgl. Roll Sgt. Roll --· 91oln Far 1ntert0</ertertor use. PHOTO MURALS '6" DECORATOR UINDOW SHADES opoy IAAndou.l lhc> "come In ossort · 1 colors. ~· ftetoll 7. 99 Each Comp Aeto11 6.50 Ae9 Pnce 4.99 4' x 6' c~ 8.00 6' x 6' c~ 1).00 I' x 6' c~ 11.00 10' X 6' c~ 19.SO ........ Vlftyl hde .... 1.49 ... •'4 1,.--•• Eoch 5.Hto. 9.Hto. 11.Hto. 14.H to. WALL MURALS 8y Home Dec0t. fvf1 size 12'8" r 9' W. hove these In fontosy ond outdoors scenes. Hang one of our hondsome photo rrv· ols 1n office or den f0< on outdoors accent 25" I 38" 38" x 50" or 45" x 65" Eoch Each I OAK GALLERY FRAME IOfAb fOA: PAINTS ·PHOTOS OAA .... ICS OAAWIHQS -· . --... -. . 8" X 10" Comp 7.00 CANE LAMPS .. ; ' OAK FRAME W/GlASSAND SACKING A beol..tlfut. solld ooll frame c~ete with gloss ond bocking At this speclol pnce l,IOU can frame pnnts beoutlfvlly and sove 5n X 7n Comp Aetall Each 5.00 . 2!.' 11 " X 14" Comp 1.00 3T! 1UUP DESK LAMP Fluted Aote~ne gloss globe with ontl· Qve t>ross hnlltl bose Yoo ho.,,. seen these 1n tti. e~nslve stores. now see our prlcel Comp Aetotl 21.99 Decorot!W cone ~ thot will mot ch O<'KJ ~Of. Avolloble In woll'IUt ond noturol rlnlshes Complete with herd- WO<e. SWAG Comp 36.95 Aeg. 14.95 TABlE =i46.00 ~! 39.95 • Each 0-.N Of*¥ MC*CMW '1M.1 M10M' I AM. TO t 'M. · MrUMNW I A.M. TO 6:JO 'M. · SUHOM t A.M. TO 1:• , ... Anah9im la Habra Mission Viejo Orangca Santa Ana 1416 ~Main Comet ol Uncoln • UndMy (1 -.... .... o11rut...,,.) Hunllnaton 81ach "°°~--. (Near ...... W.11) (OtMr of Whlld9r a Idaho (I .... ._ el lie$-Hodeftdo) (11J) 691 -5106 11565 Morquorit. .Pkwy. <• .... "' "-uy) (714) 495-1 JIJ 16IO~Tutdn (letwMft Toft A ....... ) ( 1 llodt So.-., ........, ) ( 714 )SJJ..1507 (714) 141·3616 (114) "1-001 (714) ~St7 r -------- I , Aa Or9n09 COMt DAIL y PILOT /Thutlday, May 1~. 1t•2 ' All's fare • ID battle of c1•1111 • • air carriers buline. by fallinc t.o mat.ch the compe- tJtJon. .Safety stressed OPPOSED -Tht cho&ce of U.S. Ambaa· 11dor Jeane Klrkpa- lrlck u apeaker at th St. AnHlm Collea• commencement hu been oriUclzed by tea· c hera at the New Hamplhlre achool. NSW YORK (AP) -ChUdren ao- Nl1IOl'nld to a tu ride t.o IW'N'ner camp m•Y. find themaelve1 tht1 yHr on an a1nilant trip Lrwteed ... ail.lnl alrll.nem try t.o Clnam up bullnem with <lflcount fare. tor yoUJl&lt4trt. pay and when to fty. Pan American World Airwayt calla Ill Keepins u_p with ever-chanadna ,..,... promotion "1'rH Kida," 1lvln1 away ta "lm~lble. It really t.," acltnOwled- tJcketa to children accompanied by adulta aed Delta Alr Linet 1pokeeman Wllllam on eome rout.tie to v11eation 1pot1. Berry. "Pint-abe farel" are Eut.em Airlind' 'Ibe troubled major carrlel"I reported ottertna. Braniff lntcnational cal1' It ' net lOllla of more than t&OO million foe "School'• Out" ...i. before It au.pended' the tint three month• of 1982. Only ~~:s:,'=h•r carriers. ru1hlf\I to USAir, amona the major ,airlinel. repor- Braniff announc.d tea UCk•t ofter ln naUonwlde new1paper advertltementa, offerlna &O percent dl11COunta tor chll· dren between 2 and 11 IQl."Ompan.led by an adwt, and a 2& s>e'n:.'ent dWcount tor YOW\C people between 8 and 21, ecorted or not, anywhere Braniff Oew. American AirUnea lmmediately l&id It w9uld match the dlecounta on route• where It competed with Bn.nitf. Pan Am aaid lta promotion would ap- ply on lta north-south route• between New York, Wuhlnaton and Florida, and ln the Loe Angele9:}(onolulu market. WASHINOTON (AP) -The CoMumer Prod· uct Safety Commllllon haa refuaed to 1r1nt a rtiqL*t by the T0t0 Co. of Mlnneapol11 that It po9tpone untll aft.er JW\e 30, the effecUve dat4t for power mower ufety 1tandardl. ln a unanlmou1 vote, comml11lonera cl\ed an estimate by Ill 1taff that such a delAy could result In between 13,000 and 29,000 lnjurles from mo- wer bladea the next 13 yean. match the competltton, didn't even bo-ted a net profit for the quarter, $1 0.8 ther to come up wlth catchy jingles or million. alopna The alrll.nel attribute the lc.es to the The ~r fare wan ai.o may lead rece..lon that hu cut lnto air travel and to confualon for travel aaenta and pu-to decreaaed revenue from dlacount On the Eut Cout rune, Pan Am un- dercuta Eutern and Delta. which had been promoting a round-trip youth fare of $49, 1luhed from a 1tandard round· aenaen U')'tnC to fl1W"9 out how much to fare1. J)ut none of them want to loae ~------------------------~------------_,,_ ________________________________ --,.-:::11_ tri th fare I z26=2=. === • With The University Diet, you am late an av.,,..ge of 20 pounds per month -every month -until you reach your giMd. , Clinically Proven. The UniVt'raily Diet is a prott·an·'ipann~. modifa'C! fast that's u•sted and prov"n if\ major hospitals such us Harvurd and UCLA. Pn.'SCription suppl<·menls supply your "' bcxly's nutritional m't.'Cls whill· unwanted fat is bumt'CI off. A Complete Program. Unlike tlthcr progntms. The University Diet includC'S u pre-udmission physical. preliminary ketogenic diet . fasting procedure. prescription suppl('m<'nt..'1. regular lab tests, EKW•, referoinf{. behavioral coum~ .. ·linJ,t and rr'l1tintt-nancc. Medically Safe. You're under constant supc•n·1s1on oJ physicians and \Wight-loss ..,pt'("t\ti~Lc; lil protect your health. Simple and Effective. You make no decisions about foc,J - only the• commitm<>nt to follow our prow..im and SUC(.'(W. Exclusive ~g and Maintenance. You 'are re-introc:h:wed "° food in a gradual 4·swp process and tau~ how t.o keep weight. q!f. Incl~ CoUaseling. Belutvior modificetion and nutrilionaJ i..ruidanee lJ'e offered to oU patients by experts. · If you need to IORe 20 poundH or mon•. call our phone counselo rs for an appoint· mentor information. 'llwy'n• former patient.s. They understand. You1J fi nd we cost less due to o ur siw and exix-ricncC'. Your insurnnre may cover it. And after you complete The University Diet. {ref' m un.-;r/inJ.( is available for t he rest of your life! Call l-R00 -4:12-8876, TuU Free. 8 AM to \J PM 7 Jays a wt'('k. Physic111n mquiri"" wdrnme. MasterCard and Visa Accep ted 1lIE UNIVERSTIY Doo:M WHEN YOU'RE READY TO LOSE WEIGHT. lfJl*YHltdfl .-I 't\11 ... 1f, IU \1111• \ .. t M\,\1,t \ll'I ''' I. 13.84% 1\nnu;il Y1rld 1qJ~% 3 Months, $1.~ l )'~. $500 16.14% Annual Y1rld 1525% Annual Ratt 21h ~.$500 ' Our mon~y· mark~t thrift a:rttficates pay higher interest rates than Federal law allows on compar:able plans at banks and savings and loan assooations. Inter~ is compounded quarterl~. Ea(ly withdrawals earn 63 annual interest...theres no forfeiture of up to three months' interest or loss of principal. High interest is only part of our story. We will give you $10 cdl wh~you purchase a thrift certifi· cate for $500 or more. This offer is for a limited time only with one cah bonus pew: household. Internal transfer of funds i9 not included. Available to California residents only. Rates offered on aax>unts opened through Monday. • y1,111 IMN' °"'"'""""al lltt ••• "'''· Ra"_, rll•'V' 11 -~I CnDIT COMMERCIAL CREDIT PLAN, INC . Amn•rt., 6509. Bft1oldtUtW Sc. 928(M, 774-674(), C-. ~ 370 F.-17th St. 92627, 645-8700,,, Hw•'-'-8-dl.16075 Golden~ St. 92&47 Mt·7771. MW. Vi$, 2439S Alida Pattnitay 92e76L ?10.26.51, s.aa AM. l22' FMt 17th Stn« 9270 l, D4 7 ·5871 ORIG. $14.00 NOW $9.85 ONE TERRIFIC T-SHIRT SALE! With this special price, you can top anything with a Tee! Choose from a selection of poly ./cotton T-shirts. A variety of styles avai l· able in an assortment of solid co· I ors. Sizes S,M, L. Newport Beach Fashion Island 644-4411 at Mr. Elliot's: South Coast Plaza 557-6080 -------- Have You Ever Wondered= Who beat ydur local high school team last night when you were out of town? • What Is the reason everyone wanted to know which way the freeway was routed? • When that little house next door will be affordable to someone who's not an oll sheik? • Where you can find out how to keep your souffles from falMng? • Why the prime rate hes no fear of ~tying? Quit wondering. We're here to tell you th• who, wttat, when, where and why. Every day. subscribe to the Dally Piiot for only $4.75 a month. lailJPilat 642·4321 -. . . . . . . . . .. DIVORCED? -Self· proclaimed bllllonalre Donald Lal1ure, 1hown wllh mutderem Su1an Atkin• durln1 their weddln1 lul September, uy1 he hu divorced the Man- ion clan member and la plannln1 to take wife num~r 37. Lai- sure aaya the divorce papen were algned by Fidel Castro. Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Thurld1y, May 13, 1882 "' Viking vessel sets sail for Norway KNIFE RIVER, Minn. (AP) -A VI· k1Jli ahlp wl\h a linjle lquate .. ii WU headlna ll'ro11 Lake Supcrlur toward the All.antic and eventually to Norway, punulnj the dream of a m&n who buJlt lh• v-1 but died before ll eel aa.11. The H}emkomal, a 76·foot replica of a Vl.k.lna ve.el. 1et aail Tuetday from the Knife River Marina after a two-day wait cauaed by rain and high winda. About 1 ~O people cheered u the Hjemkom1t'1 crew raised the sail and 1teered the wooden 1hlp In a straight courae to the calm waters of the lake. Marina employees fired a two-gun aa- lute. Two of the 12-member crew -Tom A1p and Denni• Morken -remained behJnd in Knlfe River to pt.her 1ear and clean up after the departure. They will join the H}emkomat. a Norwe&tan wOtd meanina homecomlna. aher lt cr09H1 Lake Superior at Sault Ste. Mane, Mich. The crew hu been It.china to ao atnce the offldal launch of the HJem.komat l.Mt Thunday ln Duluth. They bad to return to Knit• River for more auppUe., then faced lhe delaya due to the weather. From Sault Ste: Marie, the Hjem· komat will travel down lhe St. Mary'• River and acroa Lake Huron en route to Detroit. Then It wUJ aaU acrou Lake Erie to the New York St.ate Barae Canal and down the Hud1on River to New York City. After a 1topover ln New York, the vftlel will mm the AtlanUc Oonan for S.r1en, Norway. Some 1Cltntl1t1 H)' Vtkln11 vl1lted Mlnnet0t.a aa early aa 1382. but othen aay the evidence, a atone with lrucrlp· lionl. LI a 19th century hoax. Durina \he approximately 4,000-mJle voyaae. the crew wUl keep in contact with a network of amateur radio opera- ton. lt the 1hip fail.I to call the operators accordina to a 1ehedu.le they've 1et, the operaton will cont.act the COMt Guard. The voyaae wu the dream of the late Robert Alp of Hawley, Minn. Alp. who wu of Norwegian de.cent, built the 1hlp, but died In f980 ot leukemia before belna able to attempt the journey. The crew lncluda tour of hi.a children. -=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= ~ ----- _JI I r::_- Curtis Mathes 19 Inch Diagonal Moou c.m Color Table Model Curtis Mathes 25 Inch Diagonal Remote Control Color Console Modern, compact styling in this deluxe table model fits with any decor. Side grips let you move easily from one room to another. Now at a savings! Curtis Mathes 8 Inch Diagonal Color Portable . Take It Anywhere! Camping, Boating, Picnics or Driving. Curtis Mathes Video Color Camera/ Video Cassette Recorder Be Your Own Producerl Learn how easy and exciting Video can be to capture those summer vacations, family occaisions and special events of your lifel With purchase of Curtis Mathes Video Cassette Recorder Model G205 12" Black and White Furniture crafted styling makes this set a handsome addition to any home. Available in Mediterranean, Early American and Country English to please the most discriminating. Curtis Mathes Audio System Curtis Mathes Audio is always a sound investment and this powerful system is as good looking as the sound it produces. Compact and contemporary for any lifestyle. A RHI V•luel LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILABLE / TV PICTURES ARE SIMULATED Sorry No Financing On This Model The Longest Warranty Available With each new Curtis Mathes television, video recorder or stereo system, you get our famous 4-year exclusive limited w1rr1nty that covers all electronic parts including picture tube. It's the Ion~ war- ranty in the business. And though you may never need It, It s nice to know it's there. Ask to see a complete copy of this warranty. WE CARRY OUR OWN CONTRACTS/ OPEN 7 DAYS Mon-Fri. 10-8 Sat. 10·6 Sun. 12-5 The Most Expensive Television Set In America. And Worth It. Curtis Mathes HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 8921 Adams Ave. at Magnolla, Huntington Beach 962-3384 --~ ------- All s Orange Co111 OAILV PILOT/Thuradey. M1y 13, 1982 Child care proposal fits a current need A s mon• motht•r11 1•ntt·r t ht• work turc-c, un mcrt•nsm~ly ''ntu·al dt•l·hdun for pun•nl!I is wht•rc• lo plncl' yuung1ttl•rs durlnt( work1nl.( h o ur11. F ur purc·nts nt·w tu lht· Ort1nt{t' Cuus t. tht· hurcfrsl µ•ul may l>c C1nd1ng any n·puwbll· and affordoble chtld l'arc t't!ntt.·r with VtlCOJ\Ci<.~. lluwl'vt!r, an l rvine-base<l or ganilulwn 1s taking stc·p~ to E'S tabllsh a m·w network of an hom" ct•nters that may u!h·r hnlh tht• intimacy and warmth of u honw while rt•tam1ng thci quality a nd accountability t·xpet·tt·d from .1 professionally run cl.'nt1.·r This concept using a n estab· h shed umbrella group. p1onec·rt!d 1n this t·ase by the non -profit Child's W o rld Childn•n's Ct•nkr. has apph<:atturu> that s hould range• outside Irvine. It 1s a system that <.·ould be us1·d 1n any Ornngc• County c:ommunity or whl!n•vc•r m o re c hild care• st•rvH't'~ arc• in demand In homt• child c·nrc· s t•rvtt·e·" ere nol nc•w . For t•xamplc•, 71 Jitate-ltc:<•nst!d homt·~ in Irvine· al· rt.'ady ufft•r day can• to as many .1:-. sax chtldn·n l'ach. But mo~t uf t hese h oml'S art• opt•rntl·d 111de· f.~:mll'ntly hy p,trt•nt~ or urandpar ('fib who don't lwrlt'fll Crom out side· n·suu11·1•:-. U nclt•t th1• ( 'hald's World pro posul. 1•n1pl11yt•e•s :1t lht· n·nlt•r lo t·.1tc·d ut Un1ve·r:-.1 1v M l0 lhod1st (.'hurl'h would <'tmdul·l tnunin)( p1 ograms. hold monthly work· sh ops, handl<• bpokkN.'fJlng und i1lt&ndaru1:u.' a fct· schf'Cluh.· Tlw non pr·of 1l ori.:<1n1zatton would <'n surt' th~1t l'hildr l'n an• propt•rly t'flr<'<i for ;ultl s up<.•rvist-<I. 'flll:-... t·rv1l't' ts all th<' mor<• rwc •dt«I to<iay lx'<:aust· sla te• budge t t•uL-. haw• 11•dur<•d Hw number of so1.·1al sl·rv1t'l' workt.·r~ paid to makt• ~pol l'ht·1·ks 111 t•Ht>ct, thl' loc·al organw1t1on would bt· assum- ing that duty Tht• gu1dum·c· ul the• Urllbn•llu grnup n118hl ulso 1~nc·ourngc• mon· rnnllH'I''< (and Catht•rs) lo try tht·1r h.11ld al d11ld l'arc>. For them. It w11uld offt•r a sN·ond incoml· without llw 1n·nhh •ms of leaving hrnrn• 111 llll'll' own c·htldn·n '1'111:-. t·orwt•pt hus much to of ft·r· 111111 I ' tfU<.1l 1f1t•cl child C'llf(• ~·rvu•t·~. r1·a~mabll· l'C>"L-; and c>m · ployn11·11t P"l<'nll<al It s h ould ht• l'XplorNI by otht•1 1·-;tahlishc•d groups as th1• n<'••<I (cJ1 s ud\ cur<' l'OlltlllUt•-. l<1 !->Urg<• School lllorale-builder The Laguna Beac:h Edul·ut1on F oundation ts a fl edgling group with a lot of e n ergy W1tnc-ss the foundat1un·~ f1n;t gift to th<.> Laguna Bc·ac:h Unafwd School DistriN last week of $100,. 000. No t bad for a group that only b<.>gan 1L'i active fund-raising d forts a l1ttk• over a y<'ar ag1> H o w did thc·y do 1t? They h e ld tht• "World '-. Grclitest RaHlc," ri:l1smg mon· than $70.000 They s h owc.'Ci a sud ing moVH'. Tht>y s ponsure·d ;1 10-kilonwtn run. 1n which 1.500 pa rtic 1patt'<l . Anet th<.>y soltc:it(•d funds from parents a nd merch<.ints in town. a s w e ll as d1gg1ng into thc•1r own checking lK'{'OUnts. Thl' e:tmount ra1M·d 111 th1•1r fu,t go round 1~ 1mpr<•ss1ve. But p1lll·d ag.!1nst a varit·ly of l'lllllOrtll(.' f;H'l O I S that h av<· drnpp1·d t llt' m1ct• w1·~ilth y sc·hool d1s trwl to a d1slf'll t -.truKgling for -.;urv1val. th1· dnlOUlll 1:-nol that larg<· For 1ns t..Anl'l'. tlw d1strtc·t an - tt·nds to put tlw $100,1100 founda · tum 1-(ll t toward S<.11am·s rwxt yt·<ir Th:11 <111 ly arn11u11ts to a 2 rH•r<'t•nt 1n1·rt•:i...i• fur t•Very l'IO· pluyt•1 • w1llt1n the• di...trwt But 1·v1·r\. l11t ht•lps, and the• s upport t•nlhu~1:1~l1<"ill y given b y louncintwn rm·mhe•r s hHA hel1wd huild th1· dc·plt·tl'd muuill• of t1•:1<'ht·1' a11d ~ hool 1·mploy1-."< And th.it "'a lat t1ir not to !'>«• 1gnon•d Kindergarten plan • un1que H u n t 1 n g t u n ~ 1 ·<.I l' h C 1 t y (t•le mt·ntc.i r y) Sl'h ool District l rus tet•s ha vt· a pprov<'d a plli>t program for a ll-day kmdcrg;irtt·n Thl' program will s lart th1i. Scptemtwr with o n<· das.'> l'al'h al Kt•lllt·r :ind Mufff'lt Sl'hoob l l wall s lrt•lt'h c1ut tht· '><'hool day lnr kindcrgartnt·rs from l!W rn11iut1·s to 240 or 270 minute'!'. a eh1y Tht.' pilot progr:im wall <illow kac h crs and < hllclr1•11 to sp<·nd m ore l1m«' togt·lhtor on a k'SS hur ricd basis. It a 1-.o f 1gu rt·'-lc1 g1 v1· tht• young µupll s :i < h,1111"1• to g<•l :i ht•<Jd s tart "'' lc.,1rning to n·ad. Thc· full d:1 v k1nrlt·rgarh•11 prt1gr'1m '" nut 111 Ust• 1n any 11( Urcingc· l'uuntv's pulll11 ""·houls Su tht· pilot pr11gr.1rn in I l unt ington l~·ac h I!'> 1111port.1nt 1111C· that wall Ix· w<.ilt h1·d c lo~·lv by 11ttw1 S(·houl sv-.tc·ms in ltll' c·otmtv .mcl an 11th1•r ,;art.'> o l the· 'Wit· Chaltlrr·n, par 1·n t•., lt·d< h1•r:- <H1d adm1r11strattJr.., owt.· 1l th1·1r IM·sl t•f fon. Op1n1on .. f•.t1prt·•,o,1•d on ltll' '>IJd((' dbOV•· "'" ll'lf>'>• ljf lhl' u.111v µ,10 1 (Jlnf'r Vll'W'> l'I pre<;'>ed on In•'> pag1· .1n thO'>t· ol thl:'11 11utllor ..• no .irl '"'' Ht'<tt.lt•1 , omnwnl 1• 1nv1I ed Add'!">" The .,a1ly Pilot. P 0 Hox l~bU, C.o·,t,1 M• .,l CA 91bJI, Phon<· 111.11 641 -4321 L.M. Boyd I Test trick Schol:1r\ at l'olgut<· UntVC'I )<II v g:1ve a ll·ngthy m <•lh ll~l \o 'illld1·nt~ II.di of them 'kit in 1•h<tll"l. It.ill l.1 y •111 be•cb. Tt-sts of the· )otud1·nt.' 111 l1t·1i' t·arru out 10mewhal bf·l11·r What d11 \•1U 111,11..1' O( I hal" Q Wh at do tht· rr€·111·h won.h ''Mardl Gras" actually m1•11n? A Fat Tuc'S<lay f: I e v e n p e r c e n t 11 r I h e I J ~ population now 1s ovt•r ;i~1· f.4 In 50 years, 18 J>t'rrcnt 'Niil lw 11vt•r fA Q . Where do Big Horn sheep KIVe· b irth to their young? A . On mountain ledgC'1i so narrow there'• barely enough room for thl• offspring to huddle undt>r the mother They aurvlve where predntors. don't dare to go. Q. Wasn 'I 1t Tallulah Bankhead who iuud, "I've made an as11 of myselC so many times I 1>flen wondt·r VI am emt•">" • /\. No Norman Maller said that. Tallulah 11ald. "I'm as pure alJ the d riven slu11h " New York C11 y·~ W11rl1 I Tra<fr Center rises un1i ra11 ... U ll'>Ut 14 inch(·~ ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ....... ~ ... ,, ........ , •• , ., ·~"hi u •• ' ",~··WW AMlf'\\ I Of••,OOftMN .. I ~ fk• 1tee C.•U• ~ C• .,,. a ti.I\ \11tl 11 lilt ~ 1l.11h too .1 p1110"111 .111•1\ t '"' 1111 hi·, (ir'o1 t11 tlw "e· .. t .111d I 111'11 111 I h1· •·a .. 1 I .and 11t11·., <1otho1t S.11nl• .. 1111r111g '" lil.111wd 1111 all1 ·1 J(IC '" l1111 Mt•<l1l <1l I l'\ 1111!.. !!how one·<""'' wht•rt·111 .,,1111111~ qul\'ttod, n ·markably, .. ru·r tlw ... n11r<·r st•ippe>d 1·aung toma It l('"> T1 ul" .11hl11 cl1·,t1 •HI'> !>'"'Jilt• .11 • f.11rl\ 1.111 ·Ill" tlll'\. t1 ·111I t11 ))( ll\1111 ,1\o\k\,,11d 11!.1111·1tlw1 nJ,lht h.1nd• 1 .. 111 ldl h.i11cl11 .. I\ rntll1"m.1ke• 1~ st111I 10 ht• Rt its 11<-Nt when 11 .. hlood t••inµ1•1 uturt> 1s tt:i <11· grt'l's F Zt•bulon 1'1kt'. £o r whom l'tkt>'!. Pruk w11 ... narn1•d. rtt'Vt•r cl1mhed 1t Jn p1•r:wnal1ty tl'tll:i 1·1mdu<·tt•cl on phy!'l1l'1am1, the• pt'lliall'lt'lllllS £or !i()m(• rc·a·""'° ll('Ored qullA• low on humJllty So It wn11 rc•port1•d 1n J nat1onnl maga11n~· How cio yuu O('COUnt ror this? Why would tho1w 11pt•<·iullstirt seem lacking In lhl:c p11rt1cular trait? Ask your bahy doct .. or Mor.-En.chsh words sturt with "S" than any otht>r ll'llcr Next come11 C Then, "f• .. Thomas P. Haley Publish r Thomas A. Murphln• Edttor Barbara Kreiblch Editorial Pnge Editor • OH, MY Goo"'ESS. YES IGH)-- HAVE To ABANt:-ON SYNTHETIC °'~ RES"EARCH , rA1<E Hl.IG£ rM WRITE·OPF) UNnL THE NEXT S'~ORi~6f, Ere S-IGH) ON£ WONDE• . _,.. WHO WIU PAY lt)R 11 All I Repealing the 20th century WASHINGTON for Ronald Rea- gan. nothing may sut'<·ced like fa ilure The t'Ollap&e a nd c haos of he1 C.'C.'Onom1c polk1e•11 t:o uld be leading lO lhe rl'ahui tion of his m08t cht'rished political goal. ,·rippling the federal government R<"agun Iii governing now not as the pohtrl'ian who ran CaUfomia bul rus lhe 1deologu(' who has s pe nt his late lire trying t o inspire p eople to turn on Washington. H is rl'al goal -and the goal of th(' most dedicated and energetic of h1b followers -1s to leave Washing· ton in two and a half years or six and a half years wilh as much as possible o f the powl·r and r each of thal C.'ity redu<.'Cd and Wrt'C.'kcd. THE 1982 BATTLE o f the budget -a tawdry and depressing poliucal affair on the surface -could bt• h 1Bton c. This is what would happen 1f Reagan, a fter :.ubmllting (an Ft.•bruary) the high- dt'f1cll budget that he· is n ow deploring, wt•rt> somehow able t.o t'Ontinue wmrung what !K.'<'m to be small skirmishes based on l'Ontradictory pnnc1ples: I) Fl>deral revenues -dependent on income taxes -would decline (as a proportion o f gross natio nal produc t) be<.·au84.' of the already-voted 1982 and 1983 rc-dUl'llOru; of JO !Jf'r<:ent Ami thc·n they would dt'dlnl' (rclatlVl·ly) ag.11n whc-n "indc><ing" bN:a m e eff1:c·t1vt' in I !)85 11nd ff'wer und fl·wer tuxpay1:r s would l)l' movl-d ir\lo higher hrat'kl't .... by wage· inflation 2) t"edc ral ddt•n1>1· sp<"n<l111K would rontmue w "'"' sha,ply m~· RICHARD RllVIS 1 i • s harply than the 7 percl•nl tnnt·a:.t•s Reagan propost•d during his HIHO t·;.m paign -hecau1w thl' proJf'<.'ls th<· ad · rrumstration hllB 1:1Ch1..oduled t.o bC'gm now wall <.'OSt more and more In sut'l'l°'Cding years. J) A baJanced fedc·ral budget man dal.l'<i by the cons t.atut1onal amc·ndmenl th<• president no w s upports would rl' du<.'l' ovl'rall spending to tht• lt•Vl·I of tht• inevitably rl'dut'<'<.I revenue<; 4) So. C'ach year thc•re would bt• lt~'i a nd h •i.h mom·y ava1h1blt• for dom<'st1<· i.pcndang hnkl"d Lo nauonal poli(•y S<J<:1al S.-"<:uraly, he•<ilth and ~-dllt'lltlllll programs, rl'gulatory <iction, l'IV ll law e•11f111e·e·11wnt <1nd ttw 'tnnli(lnli( or .. ,..1rc .. 1y 111 L-." would .tll IM· slowly 1·hoke'<I off ThJI 1' tht• 11le .1 That l:i ttll' tde•a that Hurluld H1•alo{.111 .111d th1· mu't 1·11111trntu-d "' /\11 11'1 ll'illl l'Oll'l'I V<JllVl'S h avt• b1 ·t•11 j)H'.I( h1rig !'>1111'1' th• ft'(ll'I al goVl'rllltWnt h1·g.1n ,1l'l1v1·lv cJ, f111111g .111d 1•n fun·1ng "f,1irn1 '" in .1rt .. 1)o ir1lt'll1-c.·tu.1I .ind gt."O i.tr:iµhic ;,J. ;11 r.,....,, 1tw 1·uu111ry TllE I Df•:A IS ''' 11·1>«:111 mut·h uf lhl' :.!0th 1·1·nlu1 y, p;11 tw11l,1rly ttw p::irl'I that .d 11·11 ...i11·1;il w1·1f.111· c·1val rrj(hts and v.1gu1·r t or111 ·pl!'oo like· e orL .. umc·rism. 1·nv1 r 1m1111•11t.t1 .... 111 .11111 ;111"11un1.Jh1hty lt•·a g.111 1·a11 Lid, 1111 tilt' pol1t11 JI l1·v1·I of .. 1i,·11•Jll~ .. 111d .'>Ut'l t•1•d , p1 obably twyond ha' f1>11dt"lt dr1".111L'<, 1111 1h1· polilll'al l<.>v<"I • or e hallglllg \ht W,1y J\lllt'l ll'all)o l1Vl' and 1ot11v1·rn thc·m.'>'•IVt"> I doubt wht·thc·r ht• think-. he will be· JUdgt-d 011 <1r n·ally 1·ur t'!> that mw It ,ilM 1Ut 1•l1'l 111111 n •tur11s in I Hli:.! or !!JIM 1'hos1· rt·~ulh 111 1·onli(r•·:-.i.11Jn.d 1•11·1.· IHll\h a11d th1· rwx1 prc ,,1d1 ·nt1.1I t·h,:uon d1·1x nJ on tht• 11111111-.l1at1· 1-c on11m1l 1m f>lt< l of th1' dl'>J>Ult'll hudKe·t '!'he· re-suits ltr .. 1g<tn 1~ wcir k111g tow.11 cl art· not 11n m1·d1;,t1· ur 1·)(< l'l'o!Vt.'ly l't 11num11 llt• ··rnrld fall a . ., pr•">1d1·1ll .111d i.Ut'\'t't'll ;is an 1de"11l11gUl' Profit can't justify coastal damage To the Editor: I felt c-ompelled t.o wnte this lt•lter in responst' lO an attitude which seems to be alarmingly prevale nt in this area. More spec1fically, I am re fcrnng lO the logic expn-ssed May 2 1n this c-olumn by a W A . Berl<> on the LSSue of offl!hore MAILBOX drilling in Newport Ek·ach Mr B<:rls :<ugg1.·~tl•d that the· c.·1t1zens of Newport &·ac·h consid er lht• "financial benefit<>" l'<>mpan·d to "possible environm t·nt;il dam<1g1·" I <1m vwh·ntly n•pulS<'<i by th<.• nolton put forth by tht'l:i(' <·alluusly mdiffrrcnt ind1v1duals. such as Mr &>rls, who insist upon pillaging our env1ronml'nt for profit M r fk-rls was quit<' clever IA> UM• lhc- word "possiblt"' in has statl'ment Env1- ro n mt• n ta I damagC' is n o t a distant "poss1b1hty" when affiliated with o ff· shon · drilling. 1t 1s an mcontrovC'rttblc fact OF COURSE, thNe are those who ohstinatc·ly rf'fusc· tu acknowledge this fact, usually pointing lD bias-ridden, in- dustry spon...cin-d cnvtronmental impact studll'S tu confirm their "rational" v1l'wpoants For th()S(· who possess more obJc·t·t1ve and n on -profit attitudC's, the t•nv1ronmc:ntal impact studies conducted by the UCSB and UC-Berkeley contain m ter\SC'ly distressing conclusions on the subj<.'Ct uf oHshorC' dnlhng and manne tX'Ology There 111 no just1f1cat1on for e n viron· mental rap&nl'. and 11 seems absurd thal some· individuals seek to t•xc·u!K' the ne- glect of our majestic coastline for pro- jet·ted rcvenues and an "energy cnsis." Unfortunately. however, in order to levcl the most devastating argument ngaiMl the prost.itution of our coaat, one must reduce himi.elf to think in mone- tary tt.•rm.s. The t.axpayeni of California have just put forth $32 miUlon for the C rystal Cove State Park and are not too t>nthuruastlc about seeing ita systematic dc-structlon by industrial greed. JASON LYNN R e f use wage insults To the Editor: We read today about the glut of doc- tors, lawyers ... and the unemployl'd. The glut of un~mployed hu brought wage and salary often way down. Ap- plicanta highly akJUed and experienced are being ofCered what they earned 15 ycan ago, not jult by 111'\&ll •tn.l8allng flrrnB who are having dlfflcultlet, ma- king low \lil.a((et undet1tandable, but by atlll suCCCMful b~lnf"Mel who have not Quotes "One ot the worst 1lgnal1 we could 1end to financial markctl would bt> an outright retreat from the fundamontall or the Protr•m." Prttldeat Rea1u. alflrmlng he 1&ands beh.lnd hia l'wnomlre r«'OV ry program. ' lc1wt•re•d I he·1 r priU'!'> on pr uduL·ts a n d M'fVll'\'~ Tht.· glut of de)(·t.or... aJ'ld l.1wyns ha!> nut brought m c'Cl1c·al and le>(.11 l'harg<'s down ONI': ANSWER to tht· wage· and ~1 - ary prohlt•m 1:. for lhosi.• who e&rt· sull not dl-spt·r<itt• lA1 say n1> to msultmg offrn.. l'Sl.lt'<-'lally wht.·n lh1·y kntJW thc·1r c·apa b1l1t1t~ arr· tops Oddly. t.•mployc•r... havt• 11ot lt•amf-d that hiring the· m<-<l1utn• 1i; t.·0~1lly , anJ t11r111g lh1· 1m·pt t•Vl'll nm11• t'tt:itly u,"1(11rtunatc·ly, !hf·rt· Jr<: m.1ny who <·annul afford tn snv no to ,1 J)l1or o rfc·r Wht·n .1 .111h ad ~yi. "~l;iry 1 •1mm1•n)ou ra\1· with ability ," whH·h . 11f t'1JUrs1· ml'all!'> th1· y1b g1M~ t11 thl· low•'lit lmkh·r. tht·y mus t IH' th1• low hidd1·r. th1•y'n· bt•h1nd In n·11t, hdb r11r Ot'l'C'!>!\:11 y l'X pt>n."4." ('l<. H .l/\l'KSON TELEPHONE YOUR' LETTER TO THE EDITOR See instructions below Con sider beach loss To tlw Editor 0111· of th1· lt•ast puhltl'IZ('<l but 1111.-.t dJm.1l(ing a!»JX'C.'l\ of lht.· Orange· l'our11 v dC'vc·lopmc·nt plan for Bolsa Ch1l·a l)o the· loss of a s1gn1f1 l'ant portion ur Bol)oa l'hwu SUllt• &•;Kh that is rn.mdate•d by this plan Bulldowr:i w ill n •111ov1• more· thun 180.000 squart• f1'C'I of th1 .. popular tx•ath l;1v1•n llw fat·t lhal over I ~11.0110 pe'C1- plc go to tlw hl•;n ·h1·s in I lunt1ngt11n Ji(•at•h , l'Vt•n an April. 1t 1s sht·c·r folly to 'i:Sl'r&fl('f' this lwac·h Our chfldrt•n who lovt• th<· bt•:l('h for 1L'I surf. sun. and s;111d, will n1Jl <ippr~:1all' our I.akin~ this IM.,1d1 from thc·m Con·vl'r JAN IJ. VANOERSL<XYr MD Let others sacrifir(' To tht• Editor: I couldn't heheve m y ears as I llst.en1.'t.1 to Sen. P<'te Domenid. Republican from N<'w Mt!><lco. setting forth his budget b alonl'ing propo11ol. Surely. I sn1d to my!Wlf, thi!I senator spt_'aks with forkNl tongue in cheek. He allowed as ho w the eldl'rly surely wouldn't mind foregoins the 11t:hC'duJed 7 5 percent rllle In Social Securny if they knew everybody <'lse was sacrificing equally. Get that. follow sacrlfit•t•rs "Everybody sacriflcinf( «>qunlly." H ow easily the word11 ('am~ from n man whoee colleagues had recently vo- ted thc.:n.Rlvee 1uch a tax break for ttw mere fact of doing bualnefllll In WMhlng • l.t'ltt'" /rum rt•lldf'rS url" ulf•lt·1mw 1'ht' right 111 111ndrn~·· /l'llf'n lu /ti sport' 111 r/rmm/Jlf' lr/w•I " ti''"" 1•d /.1•11rr, 11/ J(Jtl word11 or lt>~a wt// hf> ywt>n prt>/rr1-nr,. All lrllt'r11 mini mchJdf' "gnaturC' und rr1011too urldrru hut nbmt~ may he u.lllhhf'ld on '" 11111•.•t r/ •Ml/tc '""'' rro~on 11 opporn11 ''""''" u.•11 Ml tw puhllslu•d l.f'llrr1 ma11,,, ltlrplafJl'U'd to IM2 MM Nomf' and phont> numl>tr ot thr rontnbutor """' tw glt't'71 tor vfrlf ICdllOft purf)()IH t•111 I> C ;,, lo vrr 111;illy r1•m11v1 · .tit of tlll'lll Ir om the· Lill. 11111' 1 w.11lt'll 1111 lhc· 'iUJ.U.(t· ... t11111 1h.1t th1·v lllll(hl 1t•M'11\d th.it l;1t1·'t 1n'>ldl t11 Ill!' 11•!->t ul IJ~ t.;1xpay1·1-s .1:. a "';1v uf ... 11 .. w111g th;ol t llt'y loo"'''"' grnng 111 111.1k1 · ,1t I'""\ .1 t11k1·11 ..... u11tiu· It d11l 1111t 1 "''"' I WA ITf:n 1111 ..... uw.:•·,l11111 111.11 ..,1111•· 111 I h1· l;11 g1 1 ' p111 k k11r1·1 pr "J" h '>Jlllll'>flrf·d It\ 1111·111lwr ... 11f I h.ot .oUgU'>I bod\• f111 1h1·11 v.1111111' ... 1.t11 ·' 1111 lud111g .1 Vt·I \' '·"I?'' 11111 1111d1·1 11 .... wj.!I'> 11f S1·11 1.)111111 1111 1 1111~:h1 ,,.. 1111 '"" k II d1d lltt\ I 111111 /\II I 111 .11d \\,,.. 1111 .... 11111 uld 1111 d rh• 111111 , wltu It 11 ;111'.,l .. 11 •., l o 11·, 11k.1\ for y11u but d1111 I .t'>K 1111 I" b1 p.11 t 11f ll \\.'111'11 \\ill 11 111... l11gltl1111d1 I ' 'Ill th1· hill go I 1111 J•l1 lt1I• 1li.1I I \t l \IHHI\' 111 1 h1cl1·' th1 111 ' II 11.11.1111111µ. 1111· tiudg1 t do I"'""" 111111111 ).1\\ r11.1k• ,., g1\ lllJ.l up 11111• t l•Pl"'I 1·11gr.1\ 1·d IM•l ll.11t 11f tho "''" 11f lhe · l:ot1 · N.1111 \ I l.1111<,, v11u 1.111 I.iv '1" 111 (1v1• II w1Jl llt'\'1•1 h1· hal.11111·d Si, 111UI h 1111 ..,..11 .,;w1ti11 '" St·11 l>11rn1·1111 1 M/\HY .JANI-: WOOIJ /.'reeze r~solution To th1• Edrt111 The•n• w 111 111· :i I" op11 ... 1 ti on •in I ht• N11ve mlll'r h:oll111 1n C'.oldorru.1 wh1dl 1.11li. 1111 1111 li S .ind U SS H t11 1mm1• cl1i1t1·lv h;ilt prnclu( t111n . t1·,tin~ :ind dt·· pl11ynw11t 111 11111 lt·ar W4'ilf.M1t1i.. :.1.o'l a first )llc'p tow.11 d prc•v1•11\1ng 11\H l1•ar war Thi~ ('11ne·1·pt ha.'! llC'<'rnn1· known ns thf• F1 "e•11• W(• have· lw1·11m1· lnl n·a ... 1ngly l'OIH e•11wd c1hout 1111• w11rldw1<fr prohf<• rat11111 11{ 11udt•,1r w1·ap11n:. und havt' ht'l'll, until now, u11ahh• l.11 find a way uf tran~l.111n~ our t·11n1·1•rn 1nt11 at•twn It :.t·cmt."Cl to us that, given Orange Coun · ty''I !>17.l' and llR trad1t1on o f poltl1caJ lon•n·rvat1sm. a poltt1l'al at·t1un group which was loc·ally -based m1"hl not be> found We· arc• happy to n•port I hut W (' d1s- t·ovt•rc•d a n organization ht•n• working toward!! passage of tht· Frt't'W rt't!Olution thl!I November WC' want t.o urgt• other Orange County residents who want to beoome active 1n this effort lO cont.act the Orangt' County chapten. of Californians for a Bilateral Nuclear Weapons F~. The North County offie<> !11 Ir\ Anaheim at 956-9600: thl' South County office is In Corona del Mar at 720-0595. RICHARD MOLDAWSKY. M.D. ELLEN SEVERONI, R.N. GLOOMY GUS Anyone.• for rt'nanung John Wayne Alr· port t o Oungr County A i rpo rt? Wuuldn'\ It be In oU our b< .. t lnter'l"llt to publk1w Onango County r11thf'r than the lot('I, grcu\ John W&ynf'? 00.H . .... -. " .............. -... .. . ... Orang• Coqt DAILY PILOT /Ttlurlday, May 13, •1982 ~· · __________ ...,. __________ __ How to tell a 'real man' from a quiche·-eater Re.tole.. aU )'OU American men who are afck ol havm, Alan Alda heJd up u )'OW' role model, racqu.tball held up u your apot\.I model, and quiche held up u ye>ur food model. You have a now hero. Jil1 name 11 Bruc.t Jl'•lrttctln, ho 11 an author, and hi• credo le limple and pur..: "Real men don't eat qul(:btJ " Felnteln hH tel out to ddln" om:t> l!ialn to a nation that ha. tumt'how for9otton It -what rHI men art! and what real men do. The flrat aalvo of hla Real Men Mantf e.to appean In the May laue of P1-yboy, It will bl• followed by a book and a movl.- I COULD WRITE an naay outllnlni the aodal foroea behind Felnteln and thc- redeflnJUon of real man. But reMJ men don't write e¥8Y'· and real men don't read e.aya. lnatead, for your plC!aaure, I will give you a laqlpling of Felntein'1 philoeophy: Real inen do not have "meaningful dtalogues." RH! men do not find things "su~r " Real men do not wear anything with mo,.. than four IJpptin. Real mtn do not wt1ar bikini under wear. Real men do not have vanity llt-.•r!JM< pJa'419. Roal mt1n do not wutt•h "Tiit' Dll'k <Aveu Show " The Meal Man l"tlm l''t .. llvul "Patt.on," "Cltli<'n Kunl'," "lhiln& Bull," Ill CRIHH "Spartacu.," "Ta>CJ Orivt.'r," "&n Hur," "The W arrtora " Real men'• favorltt• line from a movie. "I 1tlck my neck out for n obodf' Humphrey Bogart, In "Caaablancu. ' Real men'• llt'COnd-favorlte line from a movie: "I love the emell of ruapalm In tht.> morning" -Robert Duvall, In "Apocalypec: Now " Real m en '1 theme song: the "Anvil Chorus." DINE THS four thlnt• yuu won't ftud In the N>al men'• 1.10Cke1t1 lip balm, brf'lath freaih nt•r, 111.>1·ra urkf'Oi, and rf'l'lpt'tl for quiche A rt.'ul man would be! 110 airline pilot, u qu1tht' l•Ult•r would l.>t' u truwl uticnt A rt•ul mun would l.w IH.>t'rt•l.4lry of De torUM.-. a qu1dw·t•au.•r would bt· K'l'rt.'wry or Urban o. .. wtopmttnt A rt.'Ml man would bt· prc11dt.'nt or I .ot•khetod, at qulcht··cattt•r would tX' pn· 1ddcnt of tht· f'ord Found11uo11 A rtial man would be an appliance 11lt1man, • qukht1·eatttr would be a CONwner tdvoca~. A real man would be ht'uvywelght t·hamplon of the world; a qu1<"he-eatt.'r would bt· ~·rctary-general of the Unat.tod Nation• THE REAL MAN'S ~lev1111on utopw "Dragnet," ''Kojak ," ''Manni><,'' "Gun1moke," "Star Trt•k," ''M l11lon Impo1111ible," "Adum· 12," "l':mer.renc·y ," "S.W.A T .," "Hawaii Jo'1ve-O," r.ABC'11 NFL. Monday Night Football," the "'Tonlaht" 1huw with Burt Reynolds aa gues t ho1t, "The Mod Squad," "The R1flt-mun," "Highway Patrol," "The Unloul'hablf'11," "Columbo," "&nanu," "V ~a••·" "N11kt>d Cit ," "Combat," "t\lawhld~ ... "Rol'kf't ~u1u.I," "You'll Nflve r O.-t Rl(•h ," ''Tho P'ujltlve," "Muvt•rkk," "tl11vt" C..:un, Will ·rr¥vt•I " Tht-quldw 1·11wr'1 tclt'vlillo11 utuplu "Thl• Okk Ctivt•H Show," "Donny urid Marie," "Family Feud." "Ma1t•rµlt•''"' Thl'uter," "The Mlk«.: Douglas Show," "Thf· Tony Orlando &and 011wn Rambow Hour," "'rhl• BatbMra W11h.c·111 Sptt(.•iu l," "Little.• Uou!ll' on tht.-Prulrlt-" Th .. rt·11l man'• dJet. llt.'&k, h1.ur1bur¥t.>r, du ... ·iwburat•r, baoon ch~burgt'r, pbw burger. th1ll buraer. Big Mac, Whu1>1>t>r, Kentucky Frlt'd Chkkl'n, ham 1tnd SWIMM on ryl', spaghetti, mut·aroni and t·het...w, fn•nl'h frat's, hom" frlc11 , hu11hbrown11 , potato l0h1p1, pretzf'lii, beer, lmportl'd bl't·r, 1m~rtt-d dark beer, Gatorude, J ack Oamel'1, H111g Dlnp, Devtl Dogs. Cht~z Whiz, Twinkle•. M&llumnr11, Orco1, Ruskln·Robblru Pralinl'a 'n Crt'arn, corn on the cob, orunfc IOda Robert Duva I 11 rl'ltl man , Ch1·vy Chue I.I quictte-eaU!r Curt Gowdy la a real mun, Sonny Bono Is a Ull'ht:·l'a~r Elv 11 Prealt1y WH • rt'OI ml.in , Paul McCw''\lll")' t. • qult·ht' t'Ml(!r Jfk It NkholllOn 11 • rt•tal m~m . Hobc.·rt Hedford I.I a quk:ht' u1tt...r GR £AT MOMENTS In 11 RPal·M1rn Hi1toq. 10~6. the CrWMldt.1 btigln, 1484, l.A'ON rdo lnvt·nt.a tht.' wnk, 1618, Thirty Yearu' War be1ln1, 1762, Ural p<>ker iame, 1866, Jack Daniel'• Introduced, 1933, 1 •rohlb1Uon rt-~al..-d, June 6, 1~4. 156,00< 1 re-al m4.m 1ktrrn 1''ninch beach<. .. &at Norm11ndy, 11148, invuntlon o f th<· chain 1liw, 1955, "The Honeymoom•ra'' airs, 19tll, Roger Maria hit• 61 homt· runa, 1962, t int pop-lop bclo4:r can, l~. the Pc.•ntlat GTO !11 1nlroducrd; 1967. Super Howl I, 1974, Ali be&IJI F'or .. 11Uln In Zaire, I 97Q, l.A.-e Marvin wuu pa.llmony cue brt1ught by M1<.·helle Triola Quld1t.'·t'att-rs In thf' mu1uc mdu11try Burt B:1chara<.·h , Bob Dyhrn, K1 ·nny Loggln11, Air Supply. Real men In th£' music lndulltry th\' Bea<.·h Boys You ~:et the 1dl'a Your own con tnbu tJOns w 111 be w .. lcomed Qu1<.·hf'·l•au.•r' need nut a I .~ PUBLIC NOTICE! •••.oo .... .., v" OAK HNISH IJUUbll WALi UNll $1".00 MATTRE:~SlS ........ •;, 0,, RECLINERS ........ $149-199 JCPenney MAJOR ••• All lamp• "'' ture\ Muto'~ FURNITURE MANUFACTURER BUNK BEDS CHESIBEOS tlt.00 ottd At<euo11 .. l't1ced hJ go ho1 to liquidate Giant Inventory and ho\ choHn Orange Covnty1 HOOKS HOMI RJINISHINO INC. lo be their outlet .. LARG E SELECTION OF FABRICS & PATTE RNS AVAILABLE V elveh•Herculons •Nylons •Prints •Sol id Coloo1 •UA~LI· ONLY 2 PC. SOFA .. & LOVESEAT •39900 Retail E:ltewhere $12~3 00 ONt Wlflo. ONl y I 2 PC. SOFJrl.OVESEA T Country Engli•h Traditional And Contomporary '39900 to '899°0 •EXAMPLE• Nc>1h1ng Higher 2 PC. CAMEL BACK SOFA & LOVE SEAT Retails S 14'87 00 '499°0 Decoreton Welcome Loyeweya Me1ter Cher .. · Vlao Dellvery Avellaltle HOUHi Mon •• W .... lt .t Thura.-lrl, tt-1 t..t. 1t-s '""· n .s BROOKS HOME FURllSHll&S lllC. 1 SS6! Broolc hurat We1tmlnater f714) 531-5450 Coiner llfooithutlt £ Mc'oddero GIB rl'AR-FITS TIE INVESTMENT TO YOU. 3 months to 10 years. SIOO to SI00,000. j If.RMS MINIMUM ANNUAL RAil AHr~IJ/q 111111 1111r 1111 (11\fl BALANCf ... [11 IAI --. 3-MONTHS $7,500 IU48% 13.0101%i ,., ''• t •• ! ' ·1 ., "I If· If I. ., I·, IA (91 01y1) . .......... ---- 6-MONTHS $10,000 12.843% 13.448~ •'• r''• ' • r1' 'l•t • l . ,, .. .. ,, 1, '" (1 82 Oaytl ' I JO.MONTHS I $500 13.890% I IS.073% I ,,.,.,, •''· 1,1 fj '"'' 11 u•I f , I' It ,,, ' ' (2Y1 Yurs) Io I I 42-MONTHS .. ~.. II I t-Ii I ... e, ~ • 1 $500 14.100% 15.365% •J I' It ••• , • ' , ' TO 10 YRS. tfl I . '"''It , •I • 11' I' l I' •• ,. I 1f,.111 9.8U% 10.370% I ' ; 111 !It I ,. "~·· i ·~,,. t ' I , ,, 12-MONTHS $500 ' \ . I t,.n It Ut I•' ,,, •1'•· t .. 1 ..... •.i-• I .... ,, II I• I ... ' I . I 11.000% 15.790~ "1tr I <11t t tt, I 11 tlu t I/ •1 II MOffTHS TO 5 m ,, .. ,..ieoo f, , ', .... ,, .. " "'' ,, I '' .tr ' ~'Alt 1' 1fjl • II MOffTHI TO 10 YllS Vlll\llJll '* SI 00 .. ,.11,t1h1 Pit• •• .... ~ f1 t 11.-.,,,, ·r~ ,,,,, ,,, ltl•V •• ,_.. .... , t\\wi.t•\ ·~·' pWV•O•' ,,.. .......... ,, '"""''' .... Um•,,,,,,,, ..... ""'' tl•I• '"' ' irf ,.,, I ••MA • ., ,,,. •a1 ... ··•~dt•••' h ,,.. u1M1ui, HfMnh lt\4ilt\ ,,. '1h\h "lh .. i~1flfU ...,.,11, Every doJ lar u.e to $100,000 is Fe derally insured . Whatever your saving's goals, short-term or Jong, ,ibraltM can help you put togL•lhL•r a savings/investme nt program that will produce sub~tantial, K!!.il@.ni.l?l'~ rl'sult ... And It's safe. Let us show yo u how ea y it is to earn a si1.cJble rt•turn on yo ur nt01w y. We 1181p yaa man•11 your mmaey, yaur tam, yaur future. ::~~'!...~~~~~ HUNTINCTON BEAOf: 1'11 HWltington Ctr, /(714) 999 .. 9666 LACUNA HILLS: UUO El Toro Rd. I (714) 951-8454 RJLLF.RTON: 2M W. 0ranetthorp. Ave. /(71') 871-6101 NEWPORT IEAOt: 2?00 W. COMt Hwy./ (714) 631-2611 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO: 3187'7 Otl Obispo St. I ( 714) 493-SOU SANTA ANA: 3925 S. Bristol St. /(714) 9?9-7S80 14 Santa Ana Fashion Squan I ( 714) 834..()'717 Garden Shop Sale May 14th, May 15th 1& May 16th Friday -Saturday ·-Sunday African "' :4". . 4" ....... Violets 4" •... reg 1.99 Now 1.39 Beddi ng , ::~ Plants "',,;;,z . ~ . Spring Color ~~,.~~~""·, reg. 99' ->· .. -~~~ Now 77e ,-_:~~ · 10" Ficus Ben)amlna reg. 24.99 Now 16.99 Fl1owerlng Landscape Plants • . ... , 1 F.D Now 8 .. 49 reg. 12.99 Hydrangea 5 g•llon Shade plant .. Agapanthus 2 g•llona ~ " .. ~,,'1' .. ' Sun plant reg. 7.99 Now 5.49 Star Jasmine 2 g•llona partial shade reg. 3.49 Now 2.49 22" JCPenney Kettle BBQ reg . 59.99 Now49e99 El Patio Gas BBO's reg. 219 99 Now 189.99 reg. 299.99 Now 239e99 liiWl FASHION ISlAND erJ NEWPORT CENTER ()t c.-r. I ,OU Cl ll CPllfOt 'tir •-· ...... (-:--- ............... ----~--------~-----------~---~~-------------~-~ -Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, May 13, 1982 :--.------------·--------------------------------------------------------~----~-------- l~search Results Conclusive: • 'Enriched Flavor.~ MERIT topples leading higher tar · brands in tests comparing taste and tar combined. One low tar c igarette con t in 1 !<.!.\ to challenge higher tar s moking - and win. Latest researc h off crs the most conclusive evidence yet confirrr1- ing MERIT ~1s the /Jro 1ucn taste alternative to higher tar sn1ok i n g . MERIT Beats Tougl1est Competitors. In impartial tests where brand identity was concealed , ti lC 0 1l'eru1hehning n1ajority of smokers reported MERIT taste equal to -- or better than -leading higher tar brands. Moreover, when tar levels were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT combination of low tar and good taste. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined ! That Cigarette Smoking ls Dangerous to Your Health . ' t • ·~------------- .. -.. ----- MERIT Tukes Thste Honors. In the second part of this exten sive study, former higher tar smokers confirm that MERIT taste is a major factor in completing their successfu l switch from higher tar hrands. Confinned: 9 out of 10 former higher tar smokers report MERIT is an easy sivitch, that they didn 't ~ivc up taste in switching, and that MERIT is the hes t-tas ting lou 1 tar the y '11e et1er tried . Year after year, in study after study, MERIT remains unbeaten. The proven taste alternative to higher tar smoking -is MERIT. 0 l'hlllP M11rrl• '"' l~ll Kings: 7 mg "tar'.' 0.5 mg nicoune -lOO's Reg : 10 mg "1a1:· 0.7 mg nicotinG -100's Men: 9 mg "tar:' 0.7 mg nicotine av pe1 ciga1ette, FTC Repo11 Oec:e1 _,,, MERIT Ki~&lOO's , ,,, . - • - THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1982 CAVALCADE TELEVISION 82 84 Newarl, N.J., ihould change its name. See Hugh Mulligan, Page 86. THI C• llD THI COUNTY • misses TAKING BACK SEATS: It's getting tiresome the way our coastline is getting so little attention in novel news these days, compared to our inland neighbors. The last gimmick that has upstaged the coastline is Buena Park Bigfoot, the monster that certain Buena Park residents claim to have ~discovered stomping around in a drainage ditch ~ and growling like some TOM MURPHINl.Lt', ~;~:seb~:v~:. from a TH lg APPARITION was described by the alleged witnesses as looming seven to eight feet tall and wafting .forth simply ghastly odors. As of this wntmg, Buena Park Bigfoot is stilJ at large, if you'll pardon the expression. Here's a candidate, if we can jusr get him to perform ar LagwJa So how come Buena Park gets all the interesting attractions? They've already got K.nott's Berry Farm. What more do they need? We haven't had a good scare like this since a couple of years back when this hairy beast waded ashore about midnight not far from Huntington Beach city pier and broke up a beach party by two couples who thought they'd found seclusion. Turned out it was nothing more than a Rams lineman doing late Scuba diving who came ashore covered with seaw~. But at least it was a good yam to entertain the populace for a couple of days. YOU CAN'T REMEMBER the last time we had a decent sea monster story around here. Failing memory suggests it was created by a slightly tipsy visitor who wandered out on the pier at Aliso Beach in South Laguna. That one ended up being a whale who drifted off course from San Pedro because the poor fellow was suffering acid indigestion. Our sea monsters almost always turn out to be whales. Once it was an old Volk_swage n _bod):'.> disca~ded by an unloving owner off the cliffs, and it failed to sink. Usually if you can keep a sea monster story going for a couple of days, it gives beer bar patrons something for conversation. Sometimes the news writers get time to compare a local sea monster to the Loch Ness beastie in Scotland, known affectionately as Nessie. That juices up the yarn a bit. FOUNTAIN VALLEY ISN'T directly upon the ocean front but that community has al.so let us down sorely in recent times for its lack of flying saucers. In past years, Fountain Valley could be counted on for at least three sightings per year and once, two landings within a week. Alas, since Fountain Valley's city government has passed all those anti-noise laws and zoning restrictions, nary a flying saucer has visited the place. The space people can apparently tell when they're not wanted. SO THERE WE ARE. No churning beasts of the deep. Not a single ocean behemoth wading ashore at midnight. Not even a decent flickering green light, hovering over Fountain Valley. We've got to go clear to a Buena Park drainage ditch to have any fun at all SoCal Gas donates to OC arts center The Southern California Gu •Company haa contributed $100.- 000 to the future $59 million Or- ange County Performing Aria Center ln <Asta Mea. The pa oompany'a gift brings to more than $21 mllllon the tow.I Want freezer taken away? An effort to prevent child deaths by taking the doon off um.-d refriaeraton and freer.en will take plece locally th.la week- end. The Orange County O\apter of the Refrigeration Servtoe Enai- nMn Society will •~uor t6e .. Take Off the Door' campeJcn. RS:ZS memben wOl p6ck up all WlUlld retrlontcn and frenen Satwd.ay ana &mday '° prewnt children from Dla:vbw in u.m. Jf you would flki an old re- friaeracor or f .... Hr removed ' can 750-8448. KMp trylna 1l .,_.. .. DO ..... I'(. contributions raised for the con- struction and endowment of a main 3,000-seat theater and a l ,000-1eat theater to be built ln South Coe.st Plaza Town Center. "After seeing the exciting ar- chitectural plan.a for the Center and talking with leaden of the project, I am confident thla world-clua facility will greatly . enrich Orange County's lifestyle," said Robert M. Mcin- tyre, prttldent of the gu com- pany. Mcintyre added that the gift wu mlde on behall of the com- pany lhareholden and doee not affect consumer ratea or reve- nues. )n ~ the ptt, Henry Seaentrom, cnalrm•n of the cent.er'• trustees, Mid, "The gas company'• atft la lf'tatly appr- ciatect' and wtll help enaure the ~ of thll loe\s-awaJced ma- jor perfonnfnc arta complex." Oroundbreekl.nc ta icbeduled um fall. ON THE HILL -Members of the Saddleback Area Historical Society, in costumes they'll wear while guiding tours Satur- day, walk between El Toro's original schoolhouse (built in 1889) (left) and St. George's Episcopal Mission (1891), two of the structures moved to Heritage Hill to become part of a specialized county park at Lake Forest Drive and Serrano Private airport DeltJ Not "'9eo ~Gery ~ Road, El Toro. Dedication ceremonies and grand opening are scheduled for 10 a .m . Saturday. The day's events will include tours of these buildings and Serrano Adobe (1856) as well as front porch chats at the Harvey Bennett farm house (1909). The public iS invited. •• services eyed Contracting for emergency, security needs studied By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL-of ... DellJ ,..... ..... After wrangling with the issue over a two-day period, the Or- ange County Board of Supervi- sors has kept alive proposals to tum over emergency and securi- ty operations at John Wayne Airport to priva t.e {inns. No decision has been made yet on whether to hire private finns to take over duties now perfor· med by the Orange County Fire Department and the Orange County Sheriff's Department. The purpose of the current in- quiry is to determine if private firms could perform adequate servtces at a lower cost. officiala of ao-<:alled reque8ta for proposals that would outline the criteria under which contract.on would bid for the services. The commission asked that it be per- mitted to review those requests before they are approved by supervisors. Commissioner Gregory Hinch, of Newport Beach, an appointee of Supervisor Thomas Riley, cast the dissenting vote. · He said he was particularly concerned about possible private operation of the craah/fi.re/re9C'Ue facility. He said he was not con- vinced that a private contractor could provide services as effecti- vely as the county Fire Depart- ment. Hirsch said the commission needed more information on emergency s~rvice operators, such as who they are, where they have been hired and how they have performed. He unsuccess- fully proposed that further coo- sideration of private takeover of the crash/fire/rescue operation be deferred until such informa- tion was provided. Airport Manager Murry Cable said there was no question that existing service provided at the airport by the fl.re and sheriffs' departments was "excellent." AA for private takeover of the operations, Cable said, "I don't know if it's good or bad, but it's worth looking at. All we're saying as let's put together an RFP (request for proposal) and see if it's better." Private contracting for crash/ fire/rescue, security and tie- down operations was first sug- gested by the county Adminis- trative Office following an audit of management practices at the airport. The audit was requested by Cable. According to that report, the emergency services at the airport exceeds the need. The fire de- partment is charging the airport about $1 million during the cur- rent fiscal year for operation of the crash/fl.re/rescue facility. It is estimated that figure will climb to $1.2 million in the fiscal year .beginning July 1. The fire depanment provides a nine-member. 24 -hour crash/ fire/rescue crew at a specially eqwpped facility on the west side of the airport. The sheriff's de- partment provides security ser- vices from office space in the airport terminal. As part of its action, the board also directed that proposals be solicited for private operation of airport property now rented for parking private aircraft. NB man hopes '60-60' run will encourage physical fitness The board first considered the subject of private takeover of the crash/fire/rescue, security and tie-down operaticns at a meeting Tuesday. I But it decided to postpone any action until the county Airport Commission could make recom- mendations. The commission met Tuesday night. In a 4 to 1 vote, comm.isai.oners endoned preparation by county Make Turin, a man who has learned never to give up, will celebrate his 60th birthday Fri- day by running 60 miles through Orange County. It won't be a non -stop job, however. Turin, founder and di- rector of a health organization in Tustin, will pauae long enough at senior centers and city halla in a dozen cities to address admirers eager to share hia encouragement to gel ln shape. "I feel that people are not working at their full capacity. both mentally and physically. and that is why I am running 60 miles on my 60th birthday -lo show we can accomplish much more than we think we can." he said. Turin had to learn the lesson the hard way. At age 47, he weighed 255 pounds, carrying it on a 5-foot-4 frame. Leas than a , year lat.er, he qad ki9t 120 pound!. WRONG TURN STR.AlGBTENED -County bulldozer 1trat1hten1 wrona turn made recently by AlllO Creek ln South L••una. ~·"!Y IUl'f ahoved IUMl into the creek mouth. bJocldnC It and fordna the creek to meender' ........... ..,"-...... nonh, parallel to the bMch_. County CNWI &re ~ the creek mouth and lt won't be loo& until tt'• beck where tt ahouJd be, loml Ufejiuai'dl akl. . . I He still weighs 135 pounds. Turin's 60-mile birthday party will begin at 6:30 a.m . from the Orange County Fairgrounds in C.OSta Mesa. He plans to complete the run at midnight at Park Ne wport in Newport Beach. where he lives. Following as the estimated schedule for his stops in various cities: Costa Mesa, 6:35 a.m .; Newport Beach, 7:45 a.m.; Hun- tington Beach, 9:25 a.m.; Foun- tain Valley, 10:35 a.m.; West- mins ter, 12:30 p.m .; Garden Grove, 1:40 p.m.; Anaheim, 3:05 p.m .: Fullerton. 4 p.m.; Orange. 6:40 p.m.; Santa Ana. 7:50 p.m.; Tustin, 9:50 p.m .; Irvine, 10:40 p.m A stro ng advocate of good health, fitness and proper nutri- tion, Turin is author of the book. "Celery Is Fattening.'' Turin said Wednesday he'a never run 60 mlle1 In a aln1le day, but he'• beerl woridnc up to ll. He r.-i 53 miles three weeb aao. he aald, and he put ln a full workout Jut weekend. He ran the 25-mile Leatherneck Mara- thon at the Mui.net' El Toro Bue I Saturday and then ran four houn~ . I Doe. he wonder whether he ' can complete the full eo mile91 Said Turin: "No question at I all." Woman missing Fullerton police aay they are becom1na lncrwin&lY COODll Did about the weUare of a woman 'ffho dilappeued from a DW°lb'I home three day. .., • S~. Bemle McDermott u!d Betli Bennett. 78, walbd away trom the Villa Mtllard Qu•at Home about 8:30 p.m. Monday and hll DOC t.m ...... r- -... -........... . .. .. Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT IThur1C11y, May 13, 198:l •ANN LANDERS - •ERMA BOMB ECK •HOROSCOPE Daughter's continued weight loss dangerous OE.AH ANN LANDEHS. Our dau4thter, aac 27, Wiili ht>avy aJI hl'r lift!. Wh n 1 •Y "h eovy.'' I mean 1hf' Wl•&ght.-d 4!00 pound• when she wu• 16 (Nltn I• ~-3.) About 18 monthl itgo Kht.' went on u strict dlet (under doctor'• ¥Upcrvlislon) und got down to l 2~ poun<U, which wu ht-r goo.I She looked Uke a different pcniOn, lt!lt w ondcrf ul, and her entirtt a ttitudl' toward life changed. Her fa . lhl'r and l prornlisc d to buy her a new wardrobe 1f 1he 1ucceeded in her weight-LOii effort and were thrilled to make good the prom18e. LCA.'it September Nan ~gan to la.e more w~aght By Decemher she was down to 107 poun~. whac:h we thought WI.lb too thin. Her dothes hung on hc·r and she rdused to have them altered because she wanted to loise more She said she still Celt fat. Nan maint- ained that weight and l couldn't figure out how she did 1t becaUS(' 1 hucl 84.."t.'n hl·r go on frequent (lind crazy) bing1:1>, devouring cv eryttung in the h ouse. I learnt.'d he r iie<:ret i.evt•ral day" ago, HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Libra: Focus on new start Friday, May 14 ARIES (Marth 21 April HI). Plarus. po· lt<:1(:!> under go transformatwn Unui;ual re l<1 t1ongh1p will gt-ton a morl' solid b ast> Moon position hJghl1ghts rom:1nce, f rivohty, ~uod nt:ww t'oncern1ng bui.1nt>ss vt·nlur e TA URUS (April 20-Muy 20): Dialogue opt.>ns w 1th su pt:rlor, ont.' in position of au - thority Cain ind1c.:at.ed by t-xpressmg view~ 111 un1qut• niannt'r . Gt:min1, Virgo, Sagitta- rt us persons play importa nt ro lt:s. GEMI NI (Ma y :l I Junt-W) Money wml!li Crom unw,ual wurce Lunar empha.sJ..S on distance, travel, sp1r1tual re8Qurces. Nu- nwncal ernphaslS on home, family, beaut1f1 - ta tlon o f '>Urround1ngs CANCER (Jun•· 4!1 -July 22): What see med obvll)U1> is «Ktually o~·ured Fcx:us on subtle nuanc~. h1ddt'n costs, commitment tu a relat10nsh1p Pisces, Virgo and ano ther Canc.:er play 1rnport1.1nt roles Get lt'rms in ordt'r, ask qu~t11ms C.Ylfll't'ming <.Tt'dt-ntwl.b. LEO (July :!3 -Aug 2~0 Don't rush de· <.·~ions, despite caJolm~ Crum ont· whOM.· aurn 1s cm e of authunty, pOl>lllVt'flt-Si. S(•t your own pcu:e Lt•gal sna~ 1i. tt·mporary, you ul- l1rnatel y hold w1nn1ng hand VIRGO (Aug :l:i St'pt 22). Supt>ri or t..akc"t! not<: of your .-Hurts you makt• solid 1mpn•s1>1w1 t·v1·n though pro~r~si, appears slow Lu11ar 1·mphas1s un 1·mployment, h(·:Jllh, pt•ts, pt'oplt• who rt·ly upon your Judgment Burden ts duf• to be removed LIBRA (Sept 2:! (kt 4!2 ) You s trike pay dirt Spt-cu lallvt· Vl'n lure su<:c:eeds. Ji'ocwi on nt>w start.II , fresh approach , orig 1- naJity and ways of finding outlets for crea- • live energ1ei. Member of oppos1tt: sex 1s interested and show b 1t. Ktt'p eyt.-on Leo. SCORPIO (0et. 23-Nov :i!l): Individual who taught you in pa.st w1JJ return to scene Emphasis on home, S<'<.·urity, long-range transactions and quality material. Cancer, Capricorn , Aquarius rwrwns figure prom1- nE-ntly SAGITTARIUS <Nov 22-Urt 21): Em- phasiJI on movement, trips, visits, meuages, reslletia r elatives whu chaJJengt.-merely for sake of somethmg to do Social acuvaty ac- celerates, you receive invatauon whkh might involve travel CAPRICORN Cl.>e<: 22-Jan 19) Puzz.le pieces falJ Into place, funding could become available. Empha1us on payments, collec- tlon.s, tncome pot.t-nllal and ab1hty to locate needed mate rial. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-F«>b. 18): You'll be a t right place at proper moment. You make favorable impreuion by expreM1ng viewa ln direct, sincere manner. Gemma , Virgo, Sa· gmariua natives play key roles. Wear bright colon, make personal appearances . PISCES (Feb. 19-Mard'l 20): Family mem~r confides secret. Key la to be diplo- ma Uc, discreet and remember not to ca•t flf1t atone. You'll have ecceu to confidendaJ material, you ge t bacutage view and .lnm awry behind atory. POT SHOD py ASHLEIGH BRILLI ANT MANV PAR£N r.5 P~RF"ORM A VALUABLE F'UNCTION J SIMPt.Y BV GIVINQ I TH«I" G .. 1&.0AEN JI SOMICTHINCi TO t ~BE'&.. AcaAIN ST, ~~ !• and wn worried lick thut aht-might be har- mlni htraelf. Aft~r thoae bh:arrt> e ating apr l ht! &<>el into the bl.lhroom and forcet1 hertelf to throw up. 1 heard h t!r do thll thret' t1me1 J11t week when 1he 1tay~d with u11 while her apartment wu being rumod~led Can you tell me If thi.a la dangcroua? 1 have nevt'r hl'ard o f auch a thlnte. but it dc>Mn't eeem normaJ t.o me. I haw not told Nan I know An.lwer ln your column, plcWM! l n~ Information and don't know whcm.•, • el1H.· l o g o . -WORRIED IN WHITE PLAJNS. DEAR MOTHER: Your dau1bter'1 Jnl· tllal problem 1tarted wltb the lllne11 called anorexia oervoH (Hlf-1tarvatlon). Nuw sbe hH "1raduated" to tbe 1lckne11 called bu· llmla. <Bini.Ina and pdrglna.> Both 1lcknea1ea are p1ycbolo1tcal In origin, very difficult to cure aad extremely dangerous. Theae are almou exclu1lvely fem ale lllnea1e1, allbough 1ome male• have been known to bave tbem. GOLD FEVER? -Warren Swtt, an in.struct.or of fmv1ronmt'nt.al geology a t Wf'natc'hel' Valk•y College, Wash .. glVes some pointers t.c> 11tudent Barh Hoglund on th<: proper way to pan for I am 1orry to 11y tbe craze to be thln, thin, tbla baa a Jot to do wltb both aoorula aervoaa and bulimia. Tbe dleten become eupbortc at tbe wel&bt 1011 Hd 10 haywire. Tbey caa't 1top. Tbey 1umetlmea envl1lon tbemaelve1 11 1tUJ fat even tbouch they look bollow-clteeked ud coaaumptlve to otbera. Bulimia baa reached epidemic propor· tloa1 la tht1 country -particularly amooa bl&b aellool ud colle1e 1trl1. Oa campuaea tbey bave "barf buddlea' -two gtrlfrleads wbo 1or1e them1elvt1 with food and then 10 together to tbe bathroom and vomit. Tht cooaequences of thl1 monurou procedure can be extremely aerlous -even fatal. Tbt body Jo1e1 many Hltntlal nutri- ent• (potaualum, for one), and tbe person becomes 1u1ceptlble to all 1ort1 of pby1lcal problem1. The dama1e done to the 1tomacb 11 lnde1crlbable. It can wreck the repro· ductlve or1aa1 and cauae llfe-tbrutenlng gaatro·Ulteatlnal dl1ordtr1. The only known cure for anorexia ner- vo11 and bdllmla 11 couo.elln-. Often ll ,., ........... golt.l The class o uung to the W.-nau·hl>e R1vtr tuml'<i up very little gold , but the studt-nts dtd learn about 1u geologY4'tnd how little p1e<_-es uf It ean wand up m the rivt.-r tx-d GOREN ON BRIDGE H ( ( ttAnL f ., H (.nm N Af HJ CJMAH f ,t IAf ill "'•11 I h "''"' h '"""'''a Iii• ,,.,, h '''""' "l!Oft'ftl • J lO CS 4 HO K 93 + K U7 Wt:~·1 t:AHT •V •Q 7J:t AK~J 72 10116 AUll •I J 7tl2 + I04 +J 3 SOlJ'flt •AK H5 5 J 105 +A !I H65t I ht' h1dcl111K. houtb Weet North .... , I • 4 l'H• l'Ht 4 • l'aH 1'111 Paa• 011t'nl01C lf'11d· K 1ng 11( • Hridl(I' t>Xpt1rt• art.' not hy nat ur .. ph1lanthropi11l11 at lbt' t11hle Thus, if one of them presenta you Wll h the gift O( a t rirk, examine it carefully 1t could hf' tainted! Sitting South wu one of th.. world'• great playera, ltt'orge Rapee of Nww York. A It h•IUl(ll hf' did 11111 h11ltJ 11111• h 111 I Ill' """' )' ,,, htl(h , .srd11. lw 1J11l l1.i11c• 1l1\lr1hu t 11111111 valUt'll, 1111 ht• rf'IU~f'll l•> 11 I Wnt huy llw ha111f Wllh "" ,,, .. ,.111 pt Al("tn~l f•rnr \fl.id,.,, W1·'l l••d l ht' k 1111( ul ht'.irh a nt.l 1·unt111ut'd with lh•: Ju•·k. ruff 1•d hy 1Jt·rl11r .. r Wt-lit 'a l""•'lf•Jil 111ad1• 1l l1k .. ly that 111 lt•ll!ll ont' oft ht· hlark 'ult~ would bro•ak h11rlly Whl'n rlf'I hirt'r It'd lht' are or ~ri•dt>~ i.nd Wt-sl proliur,.d th .. n1nt•, 11 4 I trump d111trihulwn heramt' lthly It wu temptlnl( tu t-nl..r dummy with a C"luh II• tak•· the trump r1nu1w, hut lhipt't' re1ilt1,ed that, l'Vt•n If t h1· rrneue won, lht' 1·ontrart would bf. deft-atf'd, for tht"re wouM be nr1 way lo draw t hf' fourth trump and 1 h1·n run l'luhs So Kapef' d .. 1·1dt-d that hi~ bell shot wu lo KIVl' ~:u1 l hf opportunity lo 1(11 wronl( llt1 rontrnued with lhl' t!ll(hl 11( apadf's from hand! ~:ut rould not nm•l grab tung lhe quern, and conlract w,1, 'ul•· I It f'101ro·r rullt·d th•· lwo1rl rf'l llrll With hi'> kllll(, • '""' d 1•1 dummy wllh ii h11(h dub lo 1l1.1w I h" rt•111111n 1111( I rurnpi. wll h 1 lw J1wk 1 .. 11. o111cl nuv. •I ••• l.;ft'r hiul 1101 hinl( lo•fl hut 1(111111 1·luh1t, ru11ktr11( f1v1< 111ld1 'I h1· 1·11111 rltl'I w.,111.J hu Vt' fa111'11 11 Ei11tl hurl rt•fu1tt'rl lo I akt' h1i. •1u1•1•n of 1tf1dl1t·\ E,1~1 111mply ruff,., lht· third duh anti rt·t urn-. 11 h .. 11r1 If d1·darn Miii h11ltl~ lht' k1111e ,,r 'f.llttit''" hl' 1 .i nn11l a ffur<l l•1 rulr th1ll 1rirk, ""the· ll1•ft·11d1•rs t'lltrnlually 1·1111·ricl' With l WO ht'llrl l rll k3, I ho 81't' uf 1l11u11011dli and 11 1 luli r ufl 1l11wn one How do yow choou the beat opealaa lead? <'harlee Goren hH th• ao•wer. t'or a copy of "WhtaJac Opula1 l.oada," Had 11 .85 to "Gorea·l.eada," eare of tbl• aewapaper, P.O. 801 259, Norwood, N.J . 07648, Make chMka ,.yablo IA Now•· paporbeol&a. Why Anne Meara quit • series Q: l beard that wben Aue Meara w1, a1ked wlly 1be will not be back aext aea1on •• Veroalca on "Arcble Banker'• Place," 1lle tald It waa for faaally re1toa1. What did 11le mean by tllatT -Tlaelma C., St. Loul1. A : After thrH yeare on the pop'Ular 1eriet, the very talented ectreu wu gottin& weary of havinc to commute t.o New York e ve ry week to 1pend time with her hu11band/partner, Jerry Stiller. And to be with their two children. Anne I.I aa nice a pel"IOn u •he la a talented performer, and we hope it won't be Iona before 1he'1 back on your TV 1creen In another aeries - maybe even her own. Q: It It tr•• t-at ,.11111 1rtat Jack Nicklaus f etl• ~11 pm• 1 10 lo11er 11 1ood 11 H oace wa1? AIMI IUS lt'1 time for ltlm to rettr• at 1 pro? -1\1~ M., Deaver. A: No. "I feel In many waya my aolf game -my ablllty io pl1y, my abtlliy to think -lJ far better now than It ever wu," • uya the Golden Bear. "But the'l I keep 11- PllSOIAllTY Q.&A. BY MARILYN ANO HY GARONER k.!n& my.elf, why am 1 not winning to the e>ctent that I wu before? I LhJnk it'• very atmplr a fact that I've played aolf tor a long time.' 1hruged NtcldaU1. "l've done well for a lona time lt'1 very difficult to continue to build myeelf to that level. And at aje 42 It'• even more difficult. Ev"' thouah l 1Ull think th•t lime jwhen he'• no lqer competitive) la not ther'il y t." Send your qu~1tJon1 to Hy Oardnor, "Glad You All«Kl That," In care of tho Dally P1Jor, P.O. Box 19610, lrvlne, 0.Jlf. 93714. M•rllyn •nd Hy O•rdnttr wl/J •n1w11r ., TMnY qu..t.Jone 11 &hey can In their column, but the volutM of m•ll mak,.. perwon•I ,.,,_ pll• lmpo.lble. "' q ANN UNDEIS take. moatb1 or years of lnteD1lve therapy -wltb a 1kllled and knuwlt>dgeable expert. Aoyont Interested lo learnln& more about thl1 subject 1hould write to tbe National Aun. of Anorexia Ntrvo11 and Auoclated Dl1order1, Box 271 , Hl&bla nd Park, Ill. 60035. Send a l11rge, self· addreued, •tamped e nvelopt> (3 7 c enu postage). I )I) you ft<t•l a wx WIJl'<l, .>4"1 r (.'()flli(.'/VUb luw·ly? Wt•lwme cu th1· c:Jub There'b hdp for y"u m Ann Lnnders' uook/et, "Tht· Kt·y to PvpuforJty," Sc.·ncl .'HJ <.'t'fllb with your rt· 4ut•,.,t il/lll n /o11J<, ... um111<.•d, :u·Jf-addri•.o;,,c:ci c•nw'lupt· lo Ann Lnmlt·r"S, J>O Box I JY!J5, ( 0hlCdJ/tJ, II/ fj()(; J J f IMA BOMBECK AT WIT S ENO Bumpers tell mood change It bump(•r sut·k1 ·1 l> an· any 111ct1C':al1on of lht-mood uf this tounlr y, I thtnk w1· t'an expc.-c:l i:I rt'volutwn bdort-m·xt w~k(•nd Aumpt·rs uset.l to tw rt::-.t·rv<:d fur mt:s SUKl'b promoting t·ausc•s. st·xulil tnnUt•nt.loi. und c.·utt-little· onc•-lim·ri. to rrn.1k(• you .. maJt- J w.t from rl•t.Jdtng tht'm al u i.top h~ht. you gut some 1d<!a uf tht-J>t:rt11m driving th· c.:ar "TAKF. A CEL LO PLA YEH TO LUNCH " "HAVE YOU H UGGED YOUH MISTHESS TODA Y '1" "HONK IF YUU BELIEVE IN SEX " "COWBOYS If A VE MORE FUN " JUST WITHIN TUE PAST y ... .ir or llo!J lht•y've begun to turn 4u1h• ugly and i:Jn ta~onist1c· We· Sl•Mn tu hav1· lost pallt·1H't· with one anuthl·r "GOD BLESS AMERICA' h<.1i. ~1v.-r1 w<Jy to "LOVE IT OH LEAVE IT'" ''S AVE T H E WJIALES '' u11d "PHOTEST NUCLEAR PUWEH " now c.·omt'b oul "NUKE T HE WlfALf':S ' "SUH<.i ICAL NUHSf:S UU JT BWf TEH" ts rnunt<!rt·d by "NAVY C HIEFS HAVE FUN T<XY" Evt·n 1t·ltgwui. i.t1l'k1·p, 'IA·t·m -.h.u '' .ind uny1 c•ld1n g "HONK IF YOU LOVE JESUS" hJ:. Op}Xint-nts who rl'lc.allalt' "HLOW IT ou·r YOUR EAR." "I FOUN D IT" h;.1s" 11Hintt·1 pun, "I N Jt:V ER LOST IT'" "GOD LOVES YOU" u. uut and "tiOU Ji'QHGIVES YOU AND I'M TH YING" 1s tn I saw one the ottwr t.l<Jy from a driver who obv1oui.ly took t•xc.·cptwn to tht' Amt>r · 1<.·un flag with tht-"I AM A NATIVE AMEHICAN" sllckl•r lit u1mf• ba<.'k w tth ''l'M NOT A NATIVE" and hnd a German sue kt·r on 1t "B UY AMERICAN." which admo- ru11h<'<f buyt•rs who l>uught f11rt'lgn products, gavt· birth to a st1<:ker I saw tht• other duy on a Toyota which sa1t.l , "I AM DHIVING A JAPANE...<.;E CADILLAC" RIGHT NOW, THE UNREST and the surliness un· confined lo little sttckt'ra on bumpen. and in rt'Ur windows, but I don't know how long the Amc-ru·un p..-ople can t•onlrul their anger Wht•n un· they going to mm you Crom the reur'1 My uumper hus aJw,iys hl't-n arch- eonsNvatt v<· No s tundi. 1111 anythtng No t·ult•Hlc•s No spirit ual mt•11sage Just your l>Wtk naked bumper The oth<'r day 1 pasted on one o f those la ttll' sml lPR that said, "HAVE A GOOD DA Y." At the trarnc light, a guy leaned o ut and shouted, "Fay for you to say!" See what I mean? .,,,,,, Bv PHIL INTERLAN DI or Lagun~ B~ach -- ....... ._.. ___ ..,._ I t ~ l ~ I ------ Orange Coaal DAIL V PILOT /Thuradey, Mey 13, 1882 F GURE DRAW ER -8 111 Clardy of Costa Mesa will •erve a. juror tor t he Fine Art" Competll1on at the Onmge County Fair, July 9-18. Clardy 11 on art instructor a t Orange Cout College, where he t<:aches flgur ... drawin~. AirCal ordered to reimburse FRESNO (AP) -Air California ha. ~n or dered to pay a Fresno rrwn $150 for refwslng 11ea1Ji to thr~ mt'mbera of hUi family afi.er tht' a1rhnt-agra..od to &ccept tickets from lht· defunct Golden Gate Airllnte Donald Wll\CheU, h~ son and daugh~r-in-lliw needed a connector flight from San Francisco to J<'rt'ino on Labor Day Wt'Ckt'nd on their return from Reno Air California tlt'w the Winc:hell~ north but refused to accept thl' uckel.llt on tht· final lt:g south The ruling by Fre11no Mun1c·1p&I O>url Judge John Gallagher rovt-red sutll>Uluw travt-1 experu>e11 to l''resno and court <'(Jtil.11 PacTe l a ccu sed of d eception SAN FRANCISCO (Al'J A consumer grouv hru, accused PadflC' Telt-phone Co of wing dect!p- llvl' bu.s1ness pracuc-es m trying to persuade eustn men to buy expen1>1ve company ~lephonei, ralht'r than cheaper modela ava11Jible t:IJiewherc Charles McAvoy, Poc1f1c: Telephollt''• Bay Arl'a gent-rat manager, arud there has been no "'deception wh.at&oever" and noted that the company no longer has a monopoly on telephones. Consumer Acuon, a non-profit con.turner ad- vocacy group, leveled the charge after a aurvey of 40 area telephone offices. J udith .Bell, 1pokelwoman for the group, aaad all compan y representative• liurveyed advued 1hopplng at Phone Center siores. Once there, she said, ctat.omen were 1hown d~1gn.er phones ranging in price from $89 to $429 Computer s approve d SAN fRANCISCO (AP) The San Fr~"IJl('O Board of SupervlblJnt hw. approved spending $6 3 m1lhun for two <·omputt•ni to !!pl"t-d the dl8pat.c:hing of pollcct c~ md hdp 1<l1•nl1fy_!inj~ranb _ lrOn mining to be curtailed DULUTH, Minn. (AP) A ""''ftS!on ln thr ateol lndu1try 11 prompllnti1 the layoff• of 9,600 wwk.en and &he cemporary 1h u l.down1 of .UC of th~ el1ht Iron m lnlna companl•• In M lnnc1ot• thl1 1prlf\I and 1wnmer Eldon K.lJ"Kh, dlatrict dlrocwr for the United St.eelworken of Amerlc41, w hich reprM41nla mint amd plant employeea, Nld that thia ycia.r wu •h1&- pln1 up M tht wont In mctmory tor member1. In 1980, Klrach eatlm•ted, layoffl •nd 1hut downa alfecwd • many u 20 percent of tht1 1Uoel· workcr1. He uid thia yur't fltJUrt' could re.ch 76 percent At lttHl 7,760 people on tht! Iron Raina• in nurth~m MlnnlHow will ~ af(tl(•k"CJ wh.,n tho 1lx U.Wnltc: l'Ompanlet halt productJon for betw~n two wt.'f'ka aind four month.I An addition&! l ,8M peoplt! were laid 1Jff bt!fore the lat.est 1hutdowna were 1m- nounced. Of th.-IOI.al number of employ~ lltld off, 111 duatry aouN't.'S ntlmat.e th.a. more than 2,000 wUI rt•ma.in on Indefinite layoff uft.er operiatlona r•wne, with little hope of re lumlng to work ht!tore lQ84. Unemployment for the rt-gion wu 12.3 percent before the production halt• were announc..-ed. Tac:onlte, used In the production of steel, 11 pn>l~ from low-acrude iron orl' into cht-rry-.tw pelletM of 65 percent or higher iron <.'Ontent The shutdown., 1£yofts and n.'<Juced houra will ('UU!le lal'Onlte production lhu yeur to faU well bt-· low two-third.I of cap&dly "T o tal d~m•nd 11 lowt-r now than any year 111nce the ~urly '601 and lute ·~011," H id Alfred frunce, dlrrctor o f the Lake Superior lndu1trl1tl Burl'au. » conaortJum of mining l'Omp&rut.1 '"Producuon i. llkely to bt: al it.Ii lowe.t 1tnce the 1ilr1ke in '77," when the m1n1nJit induatry wu 1t.aUt:d tor nearly four month&." Taconite output In M1nnc.110t.a, which produces more than 60 percent of the nation's domestic ore, t.owled 30 million ton.1 in 1977 ln 1980, 1t wu 43 ma I hon tons France at the bei{lnrung of thla year pro,)t.'Ctt:d 45 rruU1on tons for U).82 , out of a total capacity of 1)4 5 million toru. However, produc:llon for the yeur will faJJ below 40 million tons, baJit.'d on reducUOl'\li announc..-d by the rrurung l'Ompanwfi. The: cutback In t.lie<>nit.e producuon 111 hurting bwoness throughout the region, said Jerrold Peter i.on, director of the Bwsineu and El.'Onomu: Research Bureau at the Uruverally of M1nnt.10ta-Duluth. "Peoplt' w ho've been laid off are picking up and leavtng," Pt'tenK>n ll8Jd .,.,. ••• '"'llllt "~'-''' ., ft~-'""" II .. ~11.-. ~te.i-J f f>ll Al•af <OtTA •tA 641-1219 ... __._., MlttlON YIUO 4'15-04()1 -.n~C.,...•·­,._ ..... ,...,, .. A•erto ,.. "'Y·I • • • • • • Turn your unusables into usable cash. Call Daily Pilot classified 642-5678. c--..................................... ~ copper p111eo bollom CATALINA ~~ Ne wport t o 9:00 A. · Avalon through June 1 14 •1 •• di• 7 .99 ~STA ND ~3.59 BAMBOO COOKINQ CHOPSTICKS From Japan 1011t • to 13• long .69 Set of 3 pairs WHITE PORCELAIN DEMITASSE CUP & SAUC!R From China Dehcalely dtillghllul cup tor uprHllO 2 11 •• 1811 69 3 Ol • THE PERFECT .BLEND OF MUSIC 24HOURS ADAY I KDCM 1aa.1 FMSIERED CLEA" OLAH P"HUWl JA"I From France Wide moulh Iara for perlecl preHrvea or canny can111e11 With wired anap ll<ll and rubber ring a 1 llZEI 4 •1. • 10 11 • 1111 'Ii liter 11. Litttr 1 Liter 111, Liter 2 Lller J L11er 1.89 1.99 2.19 2.59 2.89 3.89 ®)1~)0 £XTAA RUBBER AIN<..S 1.69 Pkg ol 10 llngr. 1 Liter :: 1 0!17 Ota or 33 82 01 HANDWOVEN COTlON PLACE MATS WITH FRINQE rrom India Completely w11hable 1n assorted paslel colors w1lh bolrJer 111r1pe5 and hinge ..... ~ ....... ~-... -:-: ......... . ·-·········· ........................... NATURAL SEASHELL PENDANTS WITH 2AK QOLD From T11wan Gold p111ing accente natural llnee to make the11e "1uper natural' 1cce11or1e& •t. • to 2 'I• • long on 24' gold colored chain STAINLESS STEEL KITCHEN HELPERS From Korea 20% off! Super Group of Dressy Sandals reg. 21.99 to 29.99 17.60 to 23.90 • Spring & s ummer lop ae llersl • Choiceal Low. mid, hi heels • White, bone, glo11v btackl Brown and n11u111 flat bac bac braid Is woven with burl on 1 aturdy lllCk l~l~i rattan frame ~~~ 23· to 21 · tall 12'11. )I 17• 12.44 16' JI 20· 18.56 18" )I 23" 24.H NATURAL COCO MIDRIB PLANTER BASKETS From The Phlllpp1nea Beaulllully crafted for plants or c1111way1 15 llZll 10' I<> 14' <:IMP 10· to 15• dla .44 Appro• 4 111 • JI 6" BAMBOO WASTE BASKET From China Tightly woven two lone bamboO mak8fl a handsome wa111e •;:c;;s;:;i:-.-... baakel or plantar each F'""* Powoel Aly COfWltff Johnny Gtbbl Kenny Rankin Ceravelll Johnny Pearaon Nk:.o Gomez Anne Murray Raymond LeFevre Fleet'#Ood Mac Clebanoff Art G arlunkol Frank Chacklfleld Harald Winkler David Rote T c>rM T ennllle James Laal Ferrante & Teicher Henry Mancini Andy Wutiams Burt Bacharacn Kmgslon Trio Biiiy Vaughn Barbra Streisand Don Tweedy l.Jlur1ndo Almeida Stu Phillips Gordon Lightfoot Hugo Montenegro Laurie Bower Percy Faith Olivia New1on·John Sound 80 Floyd Cramer Bnan May P:.111 Davis WOVEN STRIPED COTT OH KAFTAN From ln111a All lhe rainbow colors plus an embro1r- <:1ered <:1e1111 13.99 EARTHENWARE "FRUIT" PLATES From Japan Dellghllully molded p1a1t1s 101 salao ~HJe <:11sh1~~..-M-<""" or hull CO<.klill Strawberry Orange, Grape or Lime 6' Wide COLORFUL MATCHSl'ICK BAMBOO SCROLLS From Chin& Prelty d1111yns on natural oambOO IXPANDINQ Ill HAHDOA,.VI O IHllHAM WOOD PL.ANT HATU,.AL WOOD ~~~~~~~ •• 2°'9 off1 AM bite end btlttotdt In tebftc 0t ,,,.. 2M. °"' 3 .,,.. Of mont pentyhOM Of lheer k~·· •I , • ...,,... ~HO.~' lllACH 7ff .... IOUTH COAST "-AIA '$4.ffH Hand.ome cttalre and 1tool h•Y• atenclted molded ply ..... I PINOLI OR AOUNO IACK CHAIR 29.99 I TOOL 21· 1•11 29.H ITANDI From lndl• For a f111orlt• plant or pr• tarred palml 9• di• 2e• tall 13.55 12· di• 30• ''" 21.55 1e• dla. 21 •• 31• tall .gg R•CTL Y A R 8 l'ROM SOU'l!H COAST PLAZA IUIMTlY WUT OP HllTOl AT 11tl 1'*'1.0Wll (TMI HtlTOL DIT OW ... PMIWAY) NA •·--~ ... ,..._ .... _ ,,Mlftl ... ,_. IL.AT "NCI O" T"ILLll From h lwan Ver ea Ille, 1dju1tabtt accordl1n con1truct lon for window t1ea1 menl, g1rden or room divider 1• 1l1t width •.• ~· 5.18 1()'. ,. 8.18 OPEN 7 DAYS A WIEK ... Tl fll. 11 A.M.-1 P.M. UT. 11 A.M • ..,e P.M. ""' 11 --· , ••• .. • . ( .... .. ... a ... (I) (•) (?) ,_..,.NT MAGAN ,_ .. COtwlMNCI --1··NIW8 OMAMJl'I AHCMLI WHfTI IHAOOW •nt1~ I HAWM l'M-0 OYMIAIY ''Meeti oi-w·· 0.-t• ...._ Cendoll. EO• AO•m• (~CJ • UNOllMTAHDIHO HUMAN MHAVK>f' iiEf'P.n,1 • • • • "RHUftKllOn (IHO) EIMln But•trn Sem ~o An .. • n .. , 1e1.i euto KCl<lent, • women lindt tllel .i.. h" lhe •t>lh IV 10 Mel Olhetl bvl I• 11*' MG4Jt.0 1>9CauM of her ·~ to creim • 0Mf'l4 11111uene4 ·po· .... AUIHTHl,AMILY • NIWIMA T WITH CLITI "°9PTI ID MJINEM MPOft'T 9 8AANF( .. IU.P 1:001°'S: =:;YU~ A9CNIWt l(OJAA • M"A"l"H HllWll~ fall• "110 enemy Ilene!• ...,... dr1.,no to ~ I JOt<PI WllO ......... N.POffT ~IW'TllH PAITUI TN 8ee Capt..,, (l)P.M.~ T,,. -ch lor • loch ,...._,ype montt .. 1n l •• • Ctwlmplein, N Y an Met Ironic peln.tl~lfng O.~ di llNTPTAINMVfT TOHIGHT The tlrtt ol • t...O· 1>¥1 report on m.,. Ml•P or-• •tat• 18 THI MUPPnl Gu.I Linde Levin <C>MOYW *** "P~ (IGea) Netel• w~. i.,, Ben,_. A ~lected w•f• dee~ to Ot~u-"9<Mll •nd rob ,.., hueo.n<I • benk 'OJWOYll * * 'Cen• Annie And Lii lie ·"~" (111111 8uf1 Lanc:Mt« JONI Seveo- ,_ IOuOf' OUll-• piGll up • '*'of._ •• girt• W'CI ta• them 91onQ on their eov.ntU1• PO • nt1 QOl.DIH MH ~ TILIVl9ION Mat1y Rod 8 ltoQ"' W'll Nency Matot>et\d •let in a t16!1 ptoduCllOn Of P.Ody Ch9)'91elly'• t*'ec>ley 8DOUI • llOmely l)Uleher whO '•"• .., k>Ye with • pl• Qitl <ZJ t.tOYl9 * • * "The IOolm ... er c 1eeo1 Rey 8hetkey T oven Feld.null A menll)Uletrv• me neo•• u••• va rrnu• ~ lo cetepult two ,_. aioer• Into c>0e> .. ngfno .... oom ·po• 1:IO 8 I ON TH« TOWN Featured Muefeno Rendt • leQel l>fothef out.io.t 01 Reno, NevMI• whet• to tnoC> to .... b'O bvG~• tl'le MW "Hoot.,, Ckib l0t~dMlc*1 1119'/tltll/4.Y'llJO LAVMNI&~ ·~Nf'( 8Nney wine e c;ontMI thef etltlllM '* 10 • hOney moon .,..end et• Cl&My h04M .IYIONLA. Feetured bellln<I ltte -lllmlng of eon.,. ,,. Sert>erterl" • l>follte of C.ol OoO• .• Mleet!N\ of poclli&w ~Cl•• lrOfll 1cweion '°""''- • M•A•t •H 8 J bl-1°' • ....ad•no .,.,.._ MtY Wll P>Out Peg .. 0 -a o 0 HOSTS PAG&ANT -Joan Van Ark, who atars on "Knots Landing," teams with Bob Barker to h ost "The 1982 M 18111 USA Pageant," at 9 tonight o n KNXT (2). (;lier'" 11'81'•• .. lo• troot tine KllOll I (J) TIC TAC OOtJOH ~l l UHRVI ~T QI!) NEWI 110! YOU AIKl.D FOR IT I ••lu••d Oaronv f till CJ•• Wetet 8 kla e110 Pai• jjltoQIC Ker•I• I~) M CE F~ THE PENNAHT l "41 Roo~ 190 Holl• El•• •y romp~'"' 11nrJ lom MtCarver Ilk• en 1fl••fJ• k><* ., wt\•I II m••ll• le> tHt • rc>ok,. .00 D ()J MAGNUM, p I A be•ut•lul 0111 •nub• Meo num end ~ aft"' 1•1(1 Ol<la IRJ O ~FAME A young t)ul ,,, •l•ttt atu o.nt .,,...,., 1n N•• Yor" L11y 10 •tt.r•O ., • ., H.gn "><.l\OOI tu' lh• P.,,lu•m•nu '"" tRI 8 MOVtl! * • Au•ull <.Jn '''er"'' t 13 ( IV76/ Au•l•n •,.,, .. ,.., Oa1wtn Juttr10 ~rJhr ~M!'f• aoo COflv~l' t'"''~ fr,, r •• tr, 1>1 ....... 11 a t ... ,, •oe 11.,.11 hum Uty1ng M"1J• to 1i1 po1ic. •••tlOn 0 l{Oi NO SOAP, RADIO a MOV11 • • ... Th• \/•l•Lhl PM"°"' ( 197?) C11ur1111 Btonaon Lmo Vttolut• A no1oriou1 un<Swwrulc1 ••u "'" rtec.•O•• t<.1 •e•'''' belO•a 8 Senete "'••tl'(l•I • 1~comm111 .. ID P.M MAOAZIHE A tour c.I the m•nv "''' <.ulh.o•e• on ltAI A~ <tn •l•«..lr<HllC. P•H• tJ •llHfJ dth·~ Cl) 8AT'TLE8TAA GALACTICA f h• hot t)IOt)(J•.fJ t •>Ht ,.,.no., ,,, 1t1141 tJ•ll._.,., Pega.aya lttel IC') t.()t-tVltto<.-• Adem• tn •"•'·• In• c:.pon. fP.,I I) fD LAST CHANCE Q.AAAO( Htad s..,. UMll' A '"AU notOC <1'mput_, fr11 ~ C..amato tLoe up •n<J ,.,.,,.. ooatret.. now tr, tHI • bettery fill) 8Nf.N< PAEVtlW8 AOQt' F bet I •••<' Oano1 &tt>. l<)Qlo et ll)e ,,..,l(jlll(j Mllfl'l""'ll'l<'I 1.0111ey•I t1f hhtnf~ .. l l•eJll'f Wlltl M.ttf1ft• ff(Jm Ma~ 1t1g l nvt11 ~'1'U>n•I l)MI •ntl Vlf. "" \/rt:Hr••• H,MOVll 'I> 'it•el (1{18()1 l 11• Ma/Oft Jllflrnf., 0 N•ill A beautiful •t>m•'• •• aa111t ed f1y • tovgt1 ft>nt11vc.1uy, trn .-n•n tu tunning th• (.l#lllJllly ,, .. ,,.,,.., ... 11 ... tttff t•th., I W"aPtet<>u• *4•11-f•I a-m PO s MOVll • 8 TettOf ftltln ( 19801 Aerl JolH1.on Jam .. 1- C.urt1• A UMH>u<t lr•t"'"' ty 1 ,.._ v .. a, ' maaq..,., ~ petty turnt 1ntn • "'Qhtmere ...._, • lllndl!: llY8 0--1 11a111 >Mkng 1)fl IN perly·oo• .. R 8MOVll e * • FOUi Pf•y ( 11178) Oot<lle He•n Cn••y Cn... A hbtet•en eolllll lhe .,d of •n lfl<IPI "°"' e Oe te t.ttv• afte r •t•• fHM.{Hn.t• IMvc..tv.O 1n • b1t•HW ,., ... o f f0t"09'• an<I ktc1n•vl1lf111 •tt•m11t• t SO 0 f'IOJ M()AI( & MtNOV Mntk Mm•lf an(J M•••th ,,._ f '''"•'f.)(t h., t<4lmk et .,. A111t1uM t•I raof"I 1'1 .. rt ~) Cl) All IN THF ,AMIL\' r <Jnh ''"U•' h•u o wri vn vaH1 1 h ¥011 wh•H •h• •SJCJh•• f()t • tlttfl .. lt)tH\ Ntll! tJ•M'>V•t• U1•t• efe very d1fttttttnl 1u•u\ hu m eri •t•U ... r;rnttn m S NEAK PREVl«WS Hl)Q<O• l O.tt •nd 0 ""'" ~ ...... ~ •• '"" c.l•••'O•"il Hotry..ooo vot11ey11 •JI tto1"uMuuahtt wtlh .C.tH••• h on• Mak'"V l uve fi11t1~nn•f lt ... t Hiid VH tor Vte.u,11• 6i) v.lf CHAHCI QAAAOE fhad 'Jv•r• '''•.Yhletta 1-ut an a111i1umtHtl ptt1littt•n aud e.-etu•••• d1tf.,•nt n1•lio•• .;nd m•ldt9t• ut 111•• 8 a& 0 8tNO llEA8T SINO 9 00 f) • THE 11112 MllS USA PAGEANT 1 h~ s ht ;u1ttua1 &0•tif1f• ''' Uua "v""' wtll he lettft ••I ,,,,m HUii ( .tm..,.,Ohhfi ( tH\ ,., llt ···"·-· M••• JtUIH V•n Ar ti> and (J1;t.1 ljetkftf aJO ~U.tt.11 D ~ OIFF"RENl ITAOKU /liffl'.,dd ""'-''"'"'• th•t aorm• girl• will •O''''''' ••lfJ• n.-auM n t to• 1f1u,t ''"'' IJ'ft ') 0 110) 8ARNfY Mill.ER f ht'f 1~1~ flt~ th' f fJtJllf)UtQ 6' l\(tfd .. M l hanwiry enfJ t11• trutU •rM ft,tiJ ft~j h .. ,,,. ~(J tJ•y• tr. n1t,v'4 tSJ#tt '' , Cl) MUW OAl,.,.IN t_.u•.nh "•tt•tJ f,,tJn"•'Y 1•••1 Ot.tflf A'«Jteiw T'1l11 •• Hn1to U t,( a.tin Cl) 8ATTLE8TAR OALACftCA Su•' "U"'.J.0 tty t.,ylt>n• _.Oen•• •fttv' ••""' t'~n• tott " ¥f1lh th• t hmt'l'tand ., ''' trwt ~"'(J••u• ''" • .. ~,pt~ atl.,... r..n th .. , .,_..,,., fr'••t :11 ft) HUME.AO UNO IW>IQKllTI • f ihly M ..... , 1h• *'"''" " 0' .. '*"' f '"'" pet11<H 111 H•<tt ~on ,,t r I' I •nv •• 1>toh~ C» MAITV.P1ECt THEATRE t '>"Vfl fn A (,,,,.., c 11m•tfll M<lf'I••*'' l • Ouc-It• J•«tn• I 1tttl111 b•""ma • N•mt--Nmd 'flmAntA •Ith I • t.k1t d• l>Mu•4!1 ... lfl IP••I I)•) C,MOVtf • • • 01e r vii f1Vl&1 l•H •••'tS f ttttm• Jt,arn11 1.1.,tt,_t A '-u1111t" antt , .. ,,. 1yino ''If'~ , t)nc-.... 1. u ... u t...,..,.tn • 1t•P tJ(>(;• "' I 1 •vutwdly l11 urote tJ ,,.,.. .. k 0 "°"If • • l o W"tno c.ouril•• c llllWlt ~lu•••t MIU I am• J•me• t :r,t,,,,n A m •H1tlM't V,yple •nil 8 Ii••' ttf ~00"0 .,,!Q .. t twllOI P•tlnetl on • (l•m• of llfMlyle ... fOpfl"O ano ,umanltc:. , • .., ... ,.0. PO 2 totOVlfi • • • t ftHlt JrNt ';•• M1111 f lf/8 I) Alt n Ahl• t.•utf '*'"'"'" hu• f'1u "~... •JI clu... IOOQ flttwt CHANNEL LISTINGS f11anll• ••IJtf''"""" 11•0 l1>1md c.h•flO'" on '"''" •"4•'""'""'0• wrien (M>• ol llt• ma rrl•Q•• '11 ••" ~"'" l)(j' •.iO u CHI QIMMI A IRf.AI< 9 l(NX I 1(8~1 8 l(N 8( (N6{) 8 KTLA (Ind I .l(A8C. tAllC I G l<rMfi f(0 '>1 l>KHI TV ftrKl 1 G tt{Sl IARC I • KfTV lln<I I • KC.OP rv line.I I e KC( f IPllSI e KOCL cPBSt 0 ()n IV 1 I I\/ " I 1110 ( ,, ''" '"'••t 11/llf 11•1 N"' tr rW fB'd , f' ''''" j ' fV\'1Wl1th,.., • .,f~Jlllljhl II I • '' 1thh Nr•w \ N ... twtH.,I JulMI u~ 0¥9' n<>I "•• •no • 1t•f• ''" the P•<>o1 O"'" <>1.1t 1<11 • welk •nil 1etv•n1 ltt)t1• • l11f•• wlllt me men nl llet t11•em• In tr1w tRI D <lOJ TAXI F , .. ,,. O"t' •1< ~ ol I '""" • 1nMJfl• 1t1•lltt1 ••rl lfllm • •""'4>f•. o•<><•ll ~"" OflfO Ill• !wt ''*'OU' tlllli•ICl'lel fired (All) a:I I.If' AHO COMIHQ t111lde frec;k' Mercu• ltnd• • tu•• lire wey to 0 • 0 lfttae l8All n~ In OIGef 111 l~ e ")Qll><l.,U. I) \HO 0 QI HIU lnlUT k.UO Tll• budy ul .._ni.o • o....-i fef-•• •!Oien .,.., Joy~• • eg..,,, .,,..,.. ol i... f111111 1n t""Vlml11el tu• ltiw a.••. ID NIWI !leo1to fO'fH M~ '°"" Atohe1d h•• t11.111nen problem• e110 AuOrey tell .. • )Ull H hou-- .. at flte me""' wht .. tit• huller ,., .... ,. trum • bro ken enllle CHlMOVll * • 8h•U• Hervall ' I 19110) Tom 8 k•t1111 MK.llefle Pmtllv• All Ahl t.an Ore)uQht 1hrv.. w•hl a11llT1al1 lntu po11ul•l•1l er .. , VO' (t)llV.MI U..t Of 0•1•"• 1 l>e<.u••d S...On ewovia • II 1<111 Ano 1<111 Aoarn C IH 1) Je.,_ "yen A11ne Nne 1<111t1 A me•llel •rt• e•!Mlfl battlee the m•n•O<•• nf • pow., med Kr.tlh•t mt.,,f Of\ e.t"ttM•vtl\i) n••n kWlO w11n • ,....,. mut-0 c.uu t1Clf d•UQ PG 10 ao Cl) NfWS • UPPOMPEN m MONFfMAKl!N HtNi!"Q ~ent O• Eluy 'C MOVIE f •m1ly ( nfoH wr "" •m•J JOMflft C,fHl•1t• Jo-..i,ih •'•M.I A yrn;r~ m•n "••• tf1 g•t t1tH!U1fJ In H~tt (H•flil t>vl h••n' "~ IHAOllli ,., ()VII I hit M.l ... T1• rill I< $1 WACKY WORL.O OF JOMA THAN WINTl!R8 Ou.•t Jufl" O•v1n1rn' t 1ooGD01•11101 ofl NEWS 8 SATURDAY NIGHT l~ri•t f lhlJll C.1101('1 I'"""' l ..o<• Fl<Kt!IOOtl 0 YOU A&l<EO FOR IT Cl) M•A0 S 0 H After "''..,. f1tt1t ''' ne •• c.ont1nu<>u• fhlly H•wt- wy• • t,_hevlUt tHM..um•• ...... ,~ • ., ., ... ,. .,,., .. 1 Cl) 8ENHY Hll l A• f10•l 111 t.f•n•w t ,, .. , fuh"'t fi.ourly '''o'' tun ,,,., UJtu. "' levuf ,. ''"'" f f (>flttt•t•1tl EJ:) OICKCAV£n m THE UIWMAKER8 ( c..1t•~J1t111tJnr1t• t mtJa Wortruutt1et ttflt) ( .,_.,. h qt1•1rla ,,,.,. ''•ut o.,-. .. h1' "" u11 to ltift m1uuh• •um m a r I "' t_.1,11gttt•1•r~"•I "'""''''·~ 10 1MOVIE I • • fl•• I 11 •I Ot1•dly fi111 I 10801 f reuk '••n•h•, f •y• Oun .. way A ~,.,., •n New Ymk (,1ty ()OllCll flf<llO(.llv• '""OM wll• ll aulferong lrom • ..,,,W• 111 n••• lr'Mt1 tu t.alUt 1t Orulal tul~ ""'ut111ng M'u 1hat hm ff S M0Vlf • • '""" .,,., "' Jh.1•• I tfl191 Me1rrn1lrar1 <,'·'""' f tr1h•tl f 01attu Yv•H• M 1mteu 1 lt"4!t ,,.,,., n t • ft;lutUUM' •CJ•' W i•fJ fJ1• I lfW"tU a AU (Jtf1e1 v•t ••I &>9f'-t\41d Ofl 0Me 11(.)ij .. Uf .. l(JfffH•ltUfl Whl<,h (_,.Jiit. IU1'1 th•t'(I , .... ,,,, 1ntr1 • U'",.' •'"'" •™"""" 11m• •t•tJ •Viti,.. Z W0Vtf • • • rn"' t •'*P"'" ltVIJIJ fi,,,, l t "tOI"• C.laudoa C.•1d1nai. (i.,, h •tdi • 1fU1'J mv•.a1t'4'• t1f •1tt.1t1 , •• .,11 .. '" "·" ,,..m., 114.,-, ,,, , ..... , ... ,,,,.,.,\ 1n• Mit ,.I 'Jt0"1 11 30 D , , OUINCY Wht .. MUVlftg r)N " fWY CJu1nry QV*4lt1tm• th• .. tthtJ It f <1f fltV~O•ttU It lttMt11,.U l(J • fm•"l•I O ~TONIOHT tio•' J111tn111 <.1tt•''" <........ I"" o.. i.1110 .. Ht1V• fJ (!OJ A&C NEWS NIOHTUHE 0 KOJAI( A 1utV91 ,,,,., to c-.t .. ar h•, f•H..., "' • ,.,.,,,,.., fro1 whlfll he we• tr41med ID THI JUl"lMOHa lion.. er1<1 Jenny n•v• • l>•lly O"' (Part ?1 Cl) 8AHFOAO .AHO SON t M <;..,11h1td• aufl a tet•vt '"tf' fl91WlrQtt. f()f "'"'"0 • -··· •D<tut ,,_, f£I NEWIMA T WfTH Ct..nf~,_TS m CAPTIONED A8C MEWi H MOVlf • * le•11 In .. JOI> Aric1 ''"''"" U f l'Jfl\ If n1,twft •••r• fiath•1• H••·tt•y A y041ng 4'1,,L)Olata tt.111.,-:ut111• runt Into •-tt•nc.e when he relurna to llll hOlllt town 10 1ev11at11e • COMO•· "11\f-y 'PC'I' 11:10 <Cl MOVll •a•• I'm All RIQht J~" ( llHIO) l•n c.arml t.ihMI P•ter &.lier• Ill trytng to II'> • oooa ion Int hit un<.t• In • fe<.fory, • w•tt m••11•no t>vmblt • •Gtue fty VPl•ll fh• CtOOked M.heme hra un<:141 nee MJ c.aralullv l}lan.-1 .. ---Ml>NtGKT- lt-00 8 IMTIMAINMUO TOHIOHT l he llttl of • '"'° pert 0 0 TUBE TOPPERS KNXT 12) 8:00 "Mu1num, P I " A twuullfu l .ctrl 1mub11 Mu.cnum und got•• nf u•r I ll.u<1n11 KNOC' (4) H.00 "fl'amt!." A young out· of-11t.aw ictutfont urrlvw In Nttw York to utlC'nd thl• lllgh Sthool for the Pedor- mlng Art.If KNXT (2) 9:00 "Thl• 19H:t Miu USA Pugeant " Joan Vun Ark, Dob &rker h 06t c·t•rcmorill'l'I from tht• Convention Cente r 111 B1lox1 , M1H:f &-t.· photo. ll•lt. KNHC (4) 10.00 "H ill Stn•t-t Blue11." Tht' hocly of H1 •nko'11 dc•<.'t·u1u.•d fatht.-r tK stol<•n. 1~1 ()II mel• MJ•I> llfl'O'• ,,.,. D OQ, VIOA.I Vt"'"il wutrte n re<.ently tea.a.-<I hotn l>'l~.wt •1• t"" "'1 '" ,,., ... u r ail 111111 "' pltft 11t • tit•t Iii matt ............ lhl Cl) MOVIE • • • M t11 M 1r1111e• (11141) <J•t1ot• lJ•••<>rt W1o1 ,., "•dO••h A '•n11ty hvu1u H1 f nUi8MJ '1tJt1HU Iha f ,., ,,,.,, •MJ.U• ahu(lgitt• "' 'f'l•l'1U11n • "''''"•' tt'I' ,.,.,. Cl) LOVE. AMERICAN 8TYlE I,,.,,,. Antt f hft <>un~ t tMI 1ona l><tti. it•• roerJPY 1111111 "'"Y m*l4t ~ U•JH1 t 111i1t; Anll f ht1 f'hy•..-. •I H<1111 irUf Aft-ijtt• .. vhy•lu•I "" .... , ''•"• tt w1lhoul tum ._,.uw1u~ " fm EXPLORINO LAHOUAGE 0 Ul<ELV STORIES r tt .. w tJtt-ut lv<l•f • hut ,,.., yt>t.tnu wtth•t• du..- ''''' •"" ,, .. ,.. .,. u••h ,..,,.., fll(>tttr\.,.t II• U1t1tl tilt'f't Vl-fhi•J llU1tJ ttf11n•11tl~ ~ fh .. fth t1 )() 0 ~ L.A'TE NIGHT WITH 0 AV10 l£T1'E.AMAN <Juttlla l-t1Uy C.att•• I N"1 fhJU'tlll JIU .. t-i#f Iii ... w k9y(11jltJ• tjf ''"' ., ... ''•" It.CO ·~·f"• 8 COOPl£8 0 W()VIE I • • • l Wlj•rtd llf ..... I trtl t 111'>11 John W•yn" ~o'1•ue t Clf•O T "'r; Mitt' •ud • women .MAH.h tt•w 8ahart IOt • ''"' u ty I.("' tam•ng • l•ru .. tr.unHt• Cl) NfW8 "'40 fJ tf 1 MCMll~N I WIFE Mt.M1ltan 1JtM.•Jvttt• "'•' h i\ '1•tttf • luutt• '' lfr~tA,,,f1Jif1 U1 It '''"''• f \lfl'l ... 11 ..... fJ•1 t:t•6 5 MO\/IE • • 11... """ 1111/"1 ( i.tt ... "•nttfl(lt••• tt•-, ~Ail 1aoo A 11111 ., •• ,, l•v•• u1 ,,., .. "••• wtll\ f~t f'h'tfnfJflft\ .,t 11 tr1vtt W"ht1 1l1••'1C>Ct••""1 H 1'00 8 MOVIE • • , I lo1t ()1110 Anljtol I tfl I'>) I ••dllf ~err r, M..,&e OhetlH• Wh••• '""'' k1ve tntal• m alt h t1tl tti w81 Qna r.f I hNn •• llf.,1'!..., eod o•• .... •.11) ft,r ,, • .,, II) MOVIE •. lh• ( UIM f)f fil\I t uul f 1\fl"Jt 'N11tu•r1 ~.11f'Y\(;n..,1 kr1t~t t l~mu .. A ""'' 11• ......... ''"'"' M sn1 .. t1 C.a.lthlftuA hJWft m ft gt1fJ nt •n11•ty •11'1 I••' 0 MOVIE • • l Uvftf• Ault l !Mt"' I tl1f(ll (jt;IC11<1 t•ewn '"•" t utlr, tu10 1r11n1 Wf11le ''"" ol"•U u1 11•1~ .,, Am.atrif ah U••I ITl ..... h IU1tl f11Jla Ui ,,,., ... w1tr1 ,. tn•o11WJ ,,..,.,It H 110 0 MOVIE • • II , A 11 • .,, I 11/11.0 t fumm1 .,,,.,. •,111rt'1~ u,.,)ltft A lun•IM" • tw11tod '1h1t "' h•tt•r , .. ,,.. lh, ... •h•t~t '" en t)t•'" t it.,,., With • fOfJf••t•• fJ..,ttf1Utt w·hao 1"41 mot1lhH turue t>fi 10 N(WS H MOVIE • • 0.••h Hunt f 11111 ti tt.a11e1 Rt0<1M>n l .. Mar vtn In ""' 10'.lll• I t,I011n ,.._ aHd • h bt\het t umm•I weo-•" ti6tt t1altMI •• t.1v1ll ,.,,,.,, ~,,.,., h•• nn trnt c,.na1J1•n •••"-'n••• ,. 1ao O ~NfWI 1 46 C MOVIE •• lh• Man Wrfti 111111•11 I • r ar.e I 1980) Moi-1 btK.Cltl r}f1v1e Hva M'f A men dtclOe• to t.llef'ljtl IHI llfellyt. .,l<I '"'Y"' et •1>V4i•••fl<A to tMi.efnh•• h11 M.taen tOot Z MOVIE • • C> ...... ,.. ( 111801 ,,.,. •Jhc.fl••I VltK.•HI r h• , .. ,. t••ld•na A tO\Jf• u~oua yourtg rn1n t•k•• • ''''"' ttat•lJ -o•m•t '"• , .... "'••• '".,... ... ,, "' ,,..., 11ol•ut MlttMtt U•"U t1urot 111ng fllfl '°"UhtHllhUOd P<. 2 '° S1MOVlf •'I> fl 0 f ';j I ( 10701 <-tuawn t<•u•r I it• l ondt)(\ A 11orm1ty ••l"C-f (looc;t<I .. tn ftHtn h•H own <,lut1 ot r,o lt(j • wf\(J COt><;en It .. e Qfl a••llly•ng ...... ,.ad (;Of ~rena R 2 ao Cl> M<>Vll • '"t fwt•ted 8 re tn I 1111~1 Pat Catdl JOhn N•l•n<I A tormented ,_.. 8Qt' I• <It-by IO<&<M outlide Ne c;ontrOI to c.om mH lterule<I Kii of Mu• ~ 2 408 8 NEW8 2 46 Cl) WOVll •a* Behold A l>•le IH1•M 1 •11e•1 G•eoo•y r • ., • Antl\ul1y Ournn J. JIJ v••• r.ouo t,.,_, • '1p•mah k'y•h1t •t.O • l<M;•I CJf•ht" • n1ef •nrte wtth tru, ,,,. • .,,of one r.;t 1h&n1 2 80 H W"H A Tooc.t OF BURLUOUE 'lid Ga•••r •mcl lmf~fl C.11< • l>f'llmm b•OllY panta • 11m<1tl~ a11<l •••ii•t•~• t~1t111•• •lr.lflQ w1U1 p•rfor ,,. •• ,..t _,, ''' t1ur•o•Qt.1• flUtMfla u1 • •IUiW t1es;.witl at th~ '•l•t I hfJ•tu• 111 f lmt M u h.g•n 3008 MOVlf • ••, fftft f~HI AtitJ Jhe llH .. ~ I t\i ,,, f ,.,, ... Mwu h ( "'t t.tHt•t A wu1 ... ,., '1 ti..... -.n•. !nfff • •l•>'tV tlep• ..... "' (.}MOVIE • • • flHt ltSolma-..-t I 1'•IS0j -~· '•h•t".,. I OVAr\ t t4,,,._,,,,n A m•n1outat1,,. mar••O•' v••• ..,e 11r1ut 1>1111• ''' r ttapull tw• ,_,, 9V"' • "''" POCI '""O•hQ ••••«11,m PC. 3 It fJ .,OVlf • • ") (,.fJOYIC.11 f OU' t 1!10 tJ IHtt1 (•a11•t• •,tuMtt N h1tm•n A t ''""'' t , • .,. 11m't• .it t•mr)'..-1 c,,a1r1t.,, t,11'"'~ fha ti t ••r IJflM>ri lfftm 3 30 l MOV~ • • • , ff\.• 'o"t '>•• '""' f t{l81t Alan Aro• c •• ,,,. Uw1tett lrune <.t>4J i>tfla Mfl 1.IOM tong time h 1Anda IUfUHM'tUf ft ptn ft.ttJnd • h•no•• 1n th•H ,., •• ,.,,n•h•l'I• wn.., on" 'II tht1t "'"''1•u•• 111 11n 1ay111t"• f'O :t 40 'C CINfMAX SHORT FEATURE. 380 'H MOVlf • • 'S•••oe •••"""f' f 1111101 lnm S~•"'" Mot helle Pti1f11pe An Alrt ~•11 dfOuQlll dlllfM Wlfc1 •nl"tale 11'\IO popul•ted ••••• PO •OO S MOVIE • • ,.,,,,. fteln t tllll<l) 0.... JnnnUlt'I JtMle l M Cuflll A c.nlleQ• 11•1•,... ty • Nww Year • maw~'HH •'1• IJ•' ty 1t11n• mto 4 fllOntm••• -• ••nd1<.. II .. Q11HI ... , .. 1<1t11tl(j (Jff '"* v••ty 111-• A JOHN DARLING l 51'tLL CAN'T l.JNOERSTANP WK'< J AN ~TEO 10 ~!J< OFF OU~ REl.)('TtONSHIP/ t ·tl!C)MCMI ••• "~··1 1 ... 1 Net• Woed, 11111 leMefl A neglMl.ed .... ~ to~,,.,....,..," ... ~· . ...,.. t .JO. YOYAOITOTMI IOTTOM OI' TH9 llA 'f1'8C1 .. 11ite f 'rldat,.• Da111 ,,., Mot,•.-• -MOAt•'0- 1:ooa I• II* "Tiie lMI Meito" ( 1860) CetlWIM Oeneuve, 0.8'd l:MC*· <lieu Oltect.O by Fren<:UI• t1u1teut OuttngWortd Wet II, Ille propr'-!Olt o4 • tmall Patle thMl1e try lo ~-c> fhelt .. 1.bllllhlnent ll!>*fi llutlllQ the Germen or~upet1t11• ·po· 6;1() CZI *.. Ille ldQIMek· et C t980) Hey 011.,lley, T CIYM f lllOehuh A menl pula llv• ntllrlaQ« .-¥81 tou• "'°Y• fO ceteputt '""° •-• eo-• 1n10 ooe> llng-1"9 tfetelom PO' &.40 c l l * * * , ... ,..,_teen u etlOf'I Ot Emlly" 11"41 J emat O ttne r Jufl• And•-• Rofflenoe gro.e t)alw-1 e f\1111111 .,., Wld VON ••IO e non i...OIC ofll c;e< e M'Qned I 0 IJ'OVl<l<I hi• •u!Mt'k>f• With the tu•ur ... Olhame 6,ae>IHJ • • "' lhe My•t.,tout 'lt••no••" c t98'1 Chrr• Mekepo.ece, f1ect Gwym\41 A !l•ytl••emlng MIMOU<I IK>y lafl<...,t en enc;ou111 .. With ... , 11'(1*1 ol dublOUI 011<1111 irl r...Oi.vel Au•trle 7·00 IC! "Uea And The Single V•••nl' M••• r ar1ell, Su .. n St J...-~ c;ou!M !Ind out the real•Clft of lf•lllfiQ o... wl'l«I ,.,..... fry to m""Y ••rd the!• Ctlll d ... , otocll ""' wey 1301Zi • •",· 111Mlf"n08t1 Jamee t.aan Tuetd•y w•o A IJ'OIMtlOnal crOOk Qlv .. up htl 11\0epenOence "" • 1>fQ l(.Qf • that he f-Wiii -..Ole 1111 l8ffif ty • futu1t1 II 8 ()() $ * 8 Mul•fHfherl f 1\178) MQ<y C.elhOun Don l(nott• A mvte •••t" lttt 8tlv ... tulM With ht• wtl'f .,......, • "OOl<ecl OOld µrc-.i-ll>t PO 0 • • •1n<11t101ounO A"" 119801 ()l,.. e.r... tJttt Mela/I"' 011lf1th Pen '"Cl •ll•llda11t1 wreek h•vtK. al o •wank 8evetty 111111 t,nt'tf P(i 800lC1 ••, Krtt O•S.Klli.tl ( 10801 Jlfnet Ryen Cnet k>ll• Mocheflll A lormer Ntu• command .. , wno toet "'' 1mpotl1111t k•••f• metoh "' ""' J11v•n-durtno the wllr ..... , to ev1111Q4 llfl d•IHI by ent1111no 1"41 tup kunu lu f101tter1 h Om 1t•ourod Ille w&ld 1n e ,,,.,. ,,.,.,..,., ii<, 8 ao Cl) • * fled A•- rl • 110 • 1 tll381 J1.011n WAyr'tfJ, R•y (,()ttlgarr lf"' I 11reo M11tQUllMll ... t OOI 10 n11b • oeno nr c.ttle ..,_ ... ll()ef •llllO alOf10 the n..in .. .. 8 40 f z • • .... You Can I C"8et An H~t Man I 19301 w c, flefd• COQet &..< ge<1 A youno women ""'' '" 1ru111y • -•mty mAn 1)9( ..,...., .,,. tflmk1 he< fainer ,. Po'>' 10 00 S 1 • • • Aa11111,,. c.oun ty ( 10!171 fluelletll reywx Montoumuy Ctrft Ou•MIQ 1'141 C.rlftl WIJ e ~ll•eting Soutlieln !*le It delW 111orow<1 co nave the Me.II OI I-c.hOtG41 ltQNOlttu t)f '"" c.onoec:t~ G•• • r1>eV l l'1" 1106.11 £ t11e1>em r •Y10t. lhc.fllutJ Aurlllrl At PH · ~· ot • <Jef•y<td "'°''' .iw•ll l1tke•off In ""' VIP lounge of • lN•Ooo elr p&I llW!<I 1111 .. become 'u11ou11y 1ntortwmecl 11:00IC l * • Cattle Annie And t 11118 Brrtc.llft" ( t911 I I Burt t ancut11t Jahn Sevege I WO fO<JOh outl•wo pic:ll up a perr ol teen IQe 01111 end t•l<• ,,_,., elOllQ on Ille!• •<lvantu••• PO IHl * •. F1()M Hell I 0 VIC fory f 111791 Georoe HemM· •on Oeoooe Pepuet<I Fow l11end1 l•OM dtlle•enl 1.ountt-mutt ...... Patil 111 1939 to llgnt for ttwlit 1nd1v1dual c.ountrte• In W0tkl W91 It PC. Z I • * • Ille C.t1hling I 19801 Wllll•m HOiden, A1c-1<y S~hr(l<I., A w«kl 11 ............. ..... OfpNll tflol ........ ~ tn IN "'*lllM....,. ,... 'flO' tut •••• "9'oofOflTM MHft" ( tt41) ~t "'"'""'"'· .., . .,. ... 0--. A~ II ··--lfMG~·­and,_,..., ........ ,,.,..,..°' P'8Ullrw'' ( 1'47) ....., ...,.. '°"· JoM Ll#ld n. .. "" tlltftl .,. ... P'eeli ~ le ., .... HOl'll .... ...,.,... ~to-~ In lhe ,ollee ....... ........ louth .. WOINll'' ( lff.al lwt I.Mio CHllH, Virginia Mayo. w,. o.N'O ~tot.*" --Of Cltler09f, • ....,.,. offleet ,.._ to .,.., • plee • " .... "llona ,Of llrHlllH I' ( tt7t) JM Rubee, Jim HaneNw T- young brother•, *" Old ~lfl .. end • dog pur.-• <l•-n • beol1M ... I« al on en Old 1111111 -but ~ I let\Ge .,...,,., twW -'lllllillO .Oventur .. 91onQ trw --r ·o· l~M IZJ . .... fhe ~.,, .. C tH I) l•ute n Becall, J-Oetnw A l>OP'Mr lrlrn ...... ~lml2*1 by • P.)'C'IOUC .onww 'R' 1 oo <CJ • •·~ 811ty Jedi · (t•111 lom l euohlln, OeiorM Taylor All 8ll• or_.. Ber84 bllll-l>fMd cJletnplOnt the c.u.. of • lr..csom kN>of l0t ~ w•yt on .,., Arlwne tndlen ·-••llOn CHJ **•;,'A Forc.e Of One 119791 Chuelc Nome, Jltlintl., 0 Nefl4 A MMI• ol the m11111111 ,.,,. ernb41tllt 00 • t~lll•t.O MetCh IOI the 1111\eta of hie lldoe>lecl eort 'PO' t:30 •••e•;, 'fheFOUI 8 euon1 ( tH I) Aftn Aid• C1110f 8utMlf ftv• (.Wpfea, eH c.IOM, IOne>- 1 rrne friend• •-S-'-- profound c;hallQM In lhelf 1.i.11ontl11pe ""'*' one of cn e ma rrl•O•• dtatn. t~et" PO ,.,., ( (J * * Mulel .. 1"-'t" (I 9 7111 Ror>, Calhoun, Don Knottt A mute relata hie ldv.,.,lutM wtlll Ne wlly OW1let • Cl OOlled OOld I>' oeoector PO 12 **'It Tt>eWendef- .,, ( 19791 Ken Wflltl. lJn. ti• Ment lhe member• of • tough t9eo. _.,_ Gl"9 111 the Broru ~ th.et f he ptOOMeM of growing UP end f alllnQ In k>Ye .,. mucn mew• dlllra.11 •JIP9fl- -,,,.,, eny of tl'le rurn- blee ,,...., ••• , ....... p8f'I In 'R a:00 D * * .... 'Wey, Wey Out" (11>&45) JeHy l -a. Connie S teven• A meek Htroneut •• P<~le<I Into IC>- wrtn e preHy lernMle con>- 1>8'"°'1 fo ooer••• • .._ .... fl>et at•tlOn IC.1 •• "fuel< [~C· 111(1 (19781 Freel Keller. J1>eeph Mec0Ulte A young 0"' ,,_. .,, lmlnOft., lemlfy known .. Ille T udi• 0 !Hl **'" S-eLOt" l 19191 Oa\lld Soul J- MeMin A noveil1l1 , .. .,,.,... to ,... bOyt\ood hOf'M 10 out Gt\ etld 10 '' OUbled --t>UI flnOe lhet • ....,,.,., mytlery ehfoudl 1>11town PG 3 30 9 * • * Fout Ptey I 111781 OOIOle Hewn C'-'f Ch... A Mbtarlen Wlllal• I lie eKI ol en lf>eOI poliC.a d•lllCll•• •It•• Ille ~ lnvafV«I .., • bu.el•• --of mur<l«e end ktdneppfng elt~t 4 00 ll J * • The 8nogun W91· 11ot0 Spec ••••••••" ( tllll t) An•metecl A 'C>ecle l>flnoeu eml)erke on • mlHlon fo •too Ille bet· b•tt•n• who ere r"9(>f1el l)la IO< k1Htno her petWIH and tl>e otn.t 1ohebftame or,.., -oe<ent• 4·ao f Zl • • "l he Roec:t ru Wet"( 19331 OocumenlM')' 6-00 'CJ ..... 'Kiii Or a. Kiiied" I 1N01 J.,,._ Ryen, CNt· IOtt• M~ A torrn• NAii comrnW'CI«. -10e1 arr ""90f1 ent 11 et ele me1C111 to lt>e Jep-dunng IN wet -•lo • ....,.'* Oef .. t by enliltlng IN loCI kuflO lu hOllte,.. trom .,f!Ut\d ,,,. work! tn • tour· n-1 PO a 30 D • • Mwco POIO .H A young~-of Mateo POio -• out to find I he mleelng heH of e leg- endaty medalllorl • by Armstrong & Batluk Escapism captures fall network programming It FRED ROTHENBERG ,,, ............. Nl:W YORK -Orowtna con.wrvau.m didn't me.n Americana wanted to watch cos-chue rob· Blockbuster set L06 ANOll:Lr.8 (AP) -'"The Wlndl! of War," a 18-hou.r mlni....W bued on Hennen Wouk'• eplc novel ot the eventa leldJnc to World War ll, will be telecut over a NVen-day period next February. ABC..sd. ~Mitchum. Polly Blflll'J, AlJ MecQraw, Jan-Mlchul Vincent, lohn HouHman, Ptwr °"'"" Ind DavJd Duke .... In the --prodUCllCI and dlrtn.4 bf Dan Cuol1. Wouk wrote the ~"-Na own nowL Ale-........ would bl tei..t blclMJ.na cm luftda7, f9b .. e, 1•. It will bl ehown on the ....... ~L T\=~~edr...tay, Thunday Ind rrtdi!J. Wttb"" .,.._on Sunday, M. 11. ,. J . . -... ,,. ...... ~ . ben f>V ry nlaht on celevtalon. So, \.hat ltWOn lear- ned, the networkl' fa1J ecMdw .. wUJ lean huvtly on oomedy and toCUon·tdventure. By nt"arly any~. tM 1981·82 ecuon wu • faJJure. Moet oow 1how1 were cancclf'd and the networtc. loet I mflllon vtewen. Additionally, no new provam wu eucoe11tuJ enouah to be copied. In f.ct, the only enwrt.alnmt nt vt h1clc flatte· red by lmltadona next tau wW be "R.Uden of the LOlt Ark," a btc box-office edventunt movie. What happtMdf " 'Macnwn' wu the moet eucce.fw •how tn the prWSoua MMOn, and we thoueht pee>.Ple wanted more of It," 11y1 Harvey Shepard, CBS' chief prosrammer. So wbat the network.a offtred w•re law..nd· order lhowl wttb old lt&n UM Jamte A.""De9, Ro- bert Stack and M1kt Connon. ''The ,avemrntnt w• more CONerVat1ve, and we thouaht the_ publtc waa tn the mood for It," Sheperd adde. ''ObYioully jt WM a miatab.'1 Munwn. played by sitn·up boy Tom Seu.ck, ll • prtvaWlnvllUptor who dol9\'t ~.un.11 IOO 1er10ualy. But what the programmers learned wu \hat It tht pubUc. prlma.rily woroon, llkee Selleck. It didn't mean aucflencH would appreciate tired beefcake llko Amees. Stack and Connors. So now tht network• are tr}'ln1 1omt thln1 new. For fall, ABC, NBC and CBS hive opted for ~pe rether than capture wlth 10 new comedlet and eev•ral U,ht·hl-anad dramatic eerlee, t.hrM of which ruemblt "Raiden'' -ABC'• 1'8rau Monke '!.i" NBC'• "Kn11:1t Rider" and CBS' "Brina 'bn Beck Alive." "Nobody aays CPAa (cenltled publk a.ccoun· tanta) are In, eo nut ff!V• let'• have more CPA.a." •P Bud O~~nt ot CBS l'.nt.ertalnmenl ''One year, I I became I bt8 hJt, and • trend wu •tablilhtd. So we had 'l)ynuty.' 11'lamlnao Rold' and IOfM ot.hen. It'• the-'h.lta that rMlly •· tabUah t)w tntndl." Then wt1l be 1 tnnd·mabr of eoru from thia ...air:t'• TV fare. By both aicJcal end raUnp meuuremenu, HBC'• 11Hil18u.t Bluet" became. bona fJde hit ln tu MCOnd year. Next .,uon. NBC will' offer St. ICl.lew here' • re&UatJc hoepttal drum t.twlt 198m.b&ee .. Hill Su.t" ln lta enaembJe CMt and expeded etyle and Nll.llm. What tlevai. "Hill Street" 6a clewr wnttnc and full-bodied characten, who oow humanity, flawt and feellno. Th4t audJence W. ane, hai. ot.Mre, but can't De Indifferent to any. "Hill Street," which hu lta final ortatna.l ..,&· aode of the ....,,. ~11 the nuult of a rare TV deel. Then NBC . t rr.d 8t1vmm.n •v- producere St.eve Bochoo and Michael Kodl a tr. hand t.o develop thatr pracram. " 'HW Street Bluee' II 11 p>d 11 It II '*-- we built It from the tnlMlrl out. and NBC ._.t meddle with u1," 1ay1 Boebco. "Th• networb would be better off tellln.I creedve people to do ~Y whet \.My want to Clo." ot&MW.~NBC--tobemo­Ylnl the mos\ In ~t dlncUoft. Onnt ,,...., .... new NBC ch&LrrnM. w11 heed of MTM ........._ wbln It helped cnate "KW 8cn.t a.." • ._ ·~ IOml ol Hollywood'• top wit•• .. ..::.· . ,. ............. -.... f \ Orange Cout O~IL Y PILOT r hurtday, Mey 13, 1182 .. B ENEF IT J o h n Ra i tt will perfo rm wllh thl' Irvine Muter C h o ra l e S u nday at 6:30 p.m. m the South Coast P laza Hotel 1n Costa Mesa. The event is a fund-raJ.Ser for the Orange County Medi· cal Association a l $125 per c:oupl e, w ith d e· tails at 835-5662 Big hand has name pro blem LOS ANGELES CAP) -Jazz mu111uans To - shiko Aklyosh1 and Le w Tabadun have nt'vt-r had any trouble· getting no mlnated for a Grnmmy Award. It's the.! winning that's proved elusive f o r th eir a<:cl&imed Aklyosh1-Taba(•kin Big 8aruf ''They caJl'l pronounl't' o ur name,'' Taback 1n says. "When they reach the point whl'rl' they can pronounce our n ame. then we'U get tt "In c la111>1<:al mustl· that's not a problem," he saya. S axophun 1st. f I u t1 st T aba c k1 n a n d Miss A k iyo1h1, the-p1an111 1 who pe na mr11;t o f the band's compos1t1ons and d oe s all the a rra nge- ment&, have had plenty of practke in the art of losing graciously 1n tht> annual awurds of the National Academy of Record i ng Arts a n d Saencea. They've dunt> it for si x consecuuve years This y ear their late::sl L P , "Tanuk1's Night Out," had the d1St1ncuon of lo- sing in two dlffnent ca tegones R .......... , ... ~~. '"f"""...! 11.=::. .. Fellini movie spawns fascinating musical By JAY 8HARBUT1' A#Or-Orillle NEW YORK To •um up "Nine," tht1 new aro.dway muaie&l bued on Jt'ederlco Jl'ttlllnl'• film, "8 W ' and openina on the lut day of •14rlbWty for Tony aw•rd conaldNetlon thl• MMDn: It'• f1u1dru.Uni, It •l Uml't b.tfudd· Una -• powerfully the•\rical, warm, tunny, daring, unique and richly ~><· lured co1Ha1on of fantuy and reality In the Italian manner Starring JtlAul Julia and a c.a.at of 21 women and four Uttlt• boy1, It bowed S unday h 's • .afe bet thla 1urreal 10rt-<>f·llll·Opt'rM will provoke hot de· bate, hlg._ prattle and cau1 tlc com · mentary. I think It'• u winner, on~ 1uperbly directed by Tommy Tune, w ith a complex. 1tmbltlou1 book by Arthur Kopit and a lush , romantJc IOOre by M1tury Yeaton whose l yr ic•. alu, 10metimee lap11e lnt.o cllchet. And It 0 Hu1 a knockou t perfor· manc.oe by Julia, who play• a famoua ltaltan film d irector (acing mid-life, love · life and career cr111e1 11multa· nt·oualy as hi" nears 40 w ith three flops in a row He neNh u l11t badly, bu t haa no 1dl•a for h tH nl!Xt fllm H is nagging producer Liliane Montevecchi de- ma nd s a !IC'rtpt To super vise h im, !)ht•'i. h1rc-d u fi lm critic·. S te phanae ( 00L"1111I~. wh11 hat~ h1:> work Ke'• a1lo ln deep trouble with \he thrH main wome n In ht1 life , hla lon1·1uff•rln1 wlt• (Ker•n Akers), hla bully, tlame·haired ml1tre11 (AnJta Mon11) and h.l.a tavortw you.na 1Ctrt9 (Shelly Burch). T~ h.l.a wife, he fleet to • •Pl to aort th1nP out But he prov• unable to •parai. fantaty from ree.llty, evtn loel around lh,e bend while d1nlcUnC and 1t.arrina In a blurre, lut<hance film about the life and lovw of Cua· nova. One can ao around the bend rec- OWlting the many twilta and tum.a In hla life, deplct~d In a aerlea of Hd, funny and bawdy visnettet that &Ude beckwarda, forward.a and aJdewaya ln time. But It a.lJ awlrt. around the women In hl1 life, 1tartln1 wl\h h la lovtna mother, then the atern nuna whoae warnings a bout aex led to h la 1uc- ce11 f u l , n ever -e ndlna . elwey1- rvmantlc Quest of It. And my, wha t flne perfo rmances fro m the k ey w o men, aa ve M iu Burch , who'a a httle wooden. Ml11 Morris 11topa the show with her alinky, rambunctloualy sexy "A Call from the Va llcan." Ml11 Monte vecch l elao knocks 'em dead with he r "Foiles Bergeres" turn reca lJlng her tint meeting with th e director , then a tyke, when ahe waa a dancer. -----n Fran k <:ardonc 11 .. 1t. 1'111111• \ lluui1i. f;f\uttl• I Ju ulrMf • l•Mlf fl_.1 luf •1'11111( ...... ••HtlhU t \u11l.thlr IU ... ,.,. • ·" I\ I\ JI\ ' II IH tf1_, •U'• h IO •'"t Ill ., 111 .,. t 10 11 t 111 ~ ~~"'iq S HO ES--- R ··~~· NOW PLAYING COWAllDI IOUfM l OWAllDI IDWAADI HDDUAAU COAST JILAZA MllllCMI WllJO fl 10<0 ~8 1 5180 NOW PLAYING TOWll Cl•Tl.ll CllllMH MAU CllMMA ua ctn CIWIU I 1 I• Mew I~ I 41 U lf1\\o0ft Vot,O 49~ 6710 0rll'Qt 634 1911 ...... Olll•t ,. "'.,,__. I lr J~ •am-..r1&1• Wu \l'J )JJ!t IDW&MI Cl .. MA COlll u,•t•""•w'flt ,.,., IOWAROl IA-lUC-... u.,, ...... ""' " ., •• o• ... '"'"'°' ·-·-•"'" ""' ';•.'.·i IOWUOS 1-1&11 U lltr ..... .... MIU 1011 flfA MA.ti t llt MA ... ~-,., •If• t J/fJ ... ., Jt Dtllft ,. CllltOOlll PAClllC IOllll CMlf W•\I'"" '" ·~· I~~ I ,...,_...bu r• '°''•• ·~·t~I' IOUiltfl t•tatUt _.tt .... lDWUIH IOllll COAi I Pl AJA , ,.,, .. '*' "~' ••• lowttctllflC1•Mal •'-'-"' •1 •'•• .. _, • ..,. ................... , ___ _ "' ·1 ' .. I UDIUM Ofllfl-111 ua CIQMA lDIWAAOI WOOHlllDGf I) ""I' bl11 lll/0 Wt\lnw>\ltt 893 0~46 lr."'41 ~~I 06~~ Will.& 'Hit TWiii lDWAIU>I HMHITAlll H lUY ... _ .... _ .. 1!>.olo<;• b1'1 Ullhto IOUlllMI VMy 839 1~00 ••·-- _. .. ., 50J! .. RN c.Al.lf'()ANIA 11811 ...... • &t.L. ~ 1"QUlil --- THIEF WARRIGR GLADIATOR KING I I ;>9'111~ -- 11tE~ IHI ll lAIJllTllS--. .UlrMl A PllSSMM-.:.. mo SCllYllWlllm M S ENI. m .... 111£ INllMIM" SMIWI. OllAI 1£1 IMO DY llrfl IMO WlllMI •fll -IW VII SYOOW~ .. i»ifKl~-llMR STiil mi PllflMS b" llifllif• COO( -llM R PllSSMM sul'tnnS11MS -wfMUJ ll LA1DT11S iiitM R .___.. ......... • LUI UIT THfATllS m 99ing all the way HIOH ICHOOL HAIERI IRI STRIPES rm THE 0"00Vf TU8l IRI ~m~ 108. IRI • aARQAIN MATINRRI • Mondey ttlru llturdey All PetfotmancH befote &:00 PM ((xcapt l pect11 ln9191me11ta end Holld•Y•l ....... I t• I •te lvlll 6-0 "-"ti~• 'f ·CHAl'llOTI M '"'I""''" •>)I •• ,,. •• '9111 "P<>f'KY'I " '"' '' >u 1 le • M • 'M • n •• t\ .,_..,_W to AJlll LAKEWOOD CENTER WAllC IN "M>MI KIND 04' HIM" Ill) -... --.-.... lAKfWOOD C fNlfR SOUJH W&•• ... N 0. /tffto 111 6M-tH1 • ., AC'TOll --"ON OOU»IN ~ 1N1 .. ... ___ _ t lt1 .11Nlt ''VICTO" VICTORIA" ''"' , • ., Jto\ , .... """ "URGHI A MU8tC WAR" 1•1 ··-ue..-- "I' YOU COULD Ill WHAT I HIAlll" ••t01 ,, Ill J >'\ ..... , ..... " Joc11•'Y or C:o"4towooo 21J/H1·tHO '"l'Olltc'l"l '"1•1 ,, .. •• •H ,_._. ... "PAATNIAI" ,., 11.0 I f fW •\\ 'tM ti I .. MU "CtUM UIO I CM IW\.At '"CHAlllOTI Of' flflf"' tN tt>a >• ut •• tt • SO . COAST WALK IN So111t1 Cou e Mhroy Gl llOOdwoy 414-1514 ... , "'Clvaf Of fHt U •• "C'HA"10TI Of f l"f " '~"' MO• '"I '"° •• ,.,,~ lh ... , .. '"' "PARTNEAI " '"' M iJ .. ta1 , I'\ 't0 ;,tf .. 1, .. IOll •tit-~ I M ltQO .. In 1 )t -W . 11\ .. 11.m II W lllU'OIH AIH NO flCl1 CMllDfllN UNOUI 17 f1Ul1 ...-.. ... ·-........ '" 1•. "'. s. . ......,. ... CN l'l lGM•fOJllUICAAMOClll-~· "' llO All tM1 _, Wl!k OlllOo ACCUMlll• IO(lllOll -IMIG .. IOlll*1 t• llU °"'""' ...._ D .. Ml 11A01C1 .t.ti~t-41 •M ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ''•••OY f l Ol l•"'-Oft It 17t·tHO ----. '"f'tlllVATa Lll l<*I" 1•1 ~AIOCll11r 1J111 CltlC " WlllNO 1111 ... ,. ... ,,,. BUENA PARK OlllVl IN Ul\Cotft A.we W•tl Of CMtt 121•.070 ,, '"' ~ .. .,., LINCOLN DRIVE IN l "'<.OM A•• We tl of '"°" 121·4070 I I l ,,.,., .. , !t•t'M•tl!::·- , ... ~o I~ 01 .,_....,.,(lo I ft2·2'81 •"f'()ttelOOl:N WC>f'L0" 1•1 -.... YONO I V .. " 1•1 C•IOl rl'°""° I • .....,Uf .. NIN.IA" 1•1 - I. "CAT NMl.a" 1•1 l . •ANDY WAAMOL'I ,,..,.. ... ,. .... ,., C110t •1 \Ollltil "f'AllADtM" 1•1 -"CAM<* CCWY" ,,.., •QOIW AU TMI WAY" 1•1 -"HIGH latOOl ,. ....... ,., ••JltWVATI llllONI " 1•1 "'" ••JIAlrfNIAI'" 1•1 Cltlf tl- ........ _~7_ .. ,_~~_3_.~_·3_°'_, - ..,OMIDOIN WOM.O" Clll -...sYCNm I WWL •Ill) C• Pl 10UOtc> ... YOUCOUUl lU WNATl .. M""91 -"THI euDOY HCM.4 't ITa.Y" 1N1 c... It IOllllO ' ''A I" ,I LA HABWA ''"'¥1 ,,. ---~--·---17Mlt2 1.••4 O~AHGE (ll/IVI IN •• ,"" .... °'""-"CHAllltOTI Of ,.." 1NI -M Alll1'HUW' '"' CM fl IOUIO ---•P()MY'l "l ... I -.. ..,.. 1119"°"r 1•1 CHlf II IOUIO ...---~· "CtWllOfl °' ........ -............ l 1 . ) .. . , .. i 1 ~ • .. o; .. ... ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. ~I c-.. ~ . ' .... .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Thured1y, M•Y 13. 1982 Newark, NJ lives with a bad name Singles honor roll adds celehritie f 8AL1'1MOIUt (AP) "Slf\Mltit1 l11u•rn.Uorual".,,. hu lnduvted l 0 unmurled t't!l.,brltlt•11, lrwludlnft Canada'• prtmcr mlnater and Cnllfornl~'• gowrnor, lnto It.a "Stn41lee Ha.IJ of Famu." Prime Mlnl11ter Plerr-., ~lllou Trudt•au end CAllfornia Qov. Edmund Q . Srown Jr Wt!fU IMUC• f/ HUOR A. MUWQAN ted alofli wlth Nt!w York Mayor Jl'AwanJ I Kol·h, .,._.°""111'' •••• Ntiw York Yankt'H o utfh1ldn J>uvt· W1nf1t<ld, NJ:W ARK. N ,J -Thouahw l"llinC up with the ainuttr Diana Rom, ace.or Tona Sc:llt-t·k, und nc.-1 work lndl.lltrial snoc aver the PululU Skyway: th4I tUne • h.u come, tn f.ct ta Lona overdue, tor Newark, N.J . COITil:IJ>Ondent &rb&ra Walt.t!ra. to c"·--It.a name. The aroup alao honor l'd Ilulumur,. Muyor ·-•· Donald Sc:luwfttr · Newark hu alwayt enjoyed or been depr.-ed A naUy w149 hdd to t'Olnd dl' with ttw lJlrthiluy by a poof' prem and low, fow •If~. lar1i9ly ~----..------' c>f Jame. Bu(·h•r11tn, thl' nutlrm'• only hudwlur becau. of It.a name. Slttina off all by ti.elf there UIANA ROSS pn .. 'llldt-nt aero. the New Jeney rn8dow1 or what's left of them from the New York akyllne, Newark hu be· oome a bed word, almoat u bed amona provincW New York.ert, who have thla thina about the Hol· land Tunnel and the Oeorae Wuhfugton Bridae, u New Jeney. There 11 a ahort ltory by John McNulty, who of OOW'M Wrote tor the New York.er, that beglnl very deprecatlnaly with one New Yorker on a Manhat- tan bantoOl uking another, "Pal, wu you ever ln Newark?" It 8089 downhill from there Newark la a turn off, a nept.lve buu word Newark could end all th1' and 1et a new l~ue on municipal lmage-1ua:eu by giving lt.telf a new name. Eaale Rock, perh.apa, after that big rock on the outaklrt1 of town or maybe Kellervllle , for Charley Kina K.ong Keller who boomed & bli bat for the Newark Bea.rs m the days of my youth when l lived in Newark, which 1 don't talk about much anymore on account of the town having thla hang dog moniker. Lot.a of pl.ac8 are changing their n.amet these d.aya to get a new outlook on Lale. The flrat thlna the Araentines did when they occupled the Falkland lalanda waa to change the rwne to the original Spanish tag of Waa Malvinaa. HUGH MULLIGAN MULLIGAN STEW They twice changed the name of the capatal, S tan· ley, ending up with Puerto Argentina, which must have c.aUled 10me confusion down at the peel offace to the 1,000 or IO citlz.ena of the town but made no dJfference to the 900,000 sheep, The Engllah Inhabitant• will have a little irouble at flrat lrulertJng thoee hidden h'a lnto the tanguaae lhat the really refined Spe.niah speakera affect. The capital 1hould come out "Poo·alr·ho HarHenHlno," or something Like that. Just the other day Zimbabwe, whtch Wied to be called Rhodesia, changed the name of lta capital from Sallabury to Harare, retiring another British statesman from the map of Alnca and giving the folk.I at Hammond and Rand McNalJy a reaaon for coming up with a revised atlas In lime for tht Chrlatmaa trade. Not all the new namee grab you nght away. Saigon to me will alwaya loom larger tn liter· ature than Ho Cttl Minh City bec.au..e of Graham Greene, Somerset MauJh&m and Jean Larteguy, the fine French noveliat. Be· ~ sades, Ho Chi Minh wasn't the fellow's real name anyhow, Jlllll one of hla many revolutionary peeudonyma, whkh LS no way to go about ren.anung a d ty r --u1 l~~;/ ~ I I UCLA to honor OCC's Luskin f Bcornard J Lwiklr\, whu wUJ UIUJNJ th4l prwl d •rv·y of Ora.11".. Cout Cc>llep ln Cotu M... on July l , hu received thl' H cond annual Dia· Un&ul1h1id L.,ad~rahlp Award from the UCLA Doctoral AJumnJ AMocwtfon. The award 11 presented to a 1raduate of U<.;l,A'a Gradual~ Sch ool of Education who haa rTWdt-"nua_pr t-dU(•aUonal oontribuUona " l.u1kfn will bi! honor.rd al a May 26 dinner t11•tt<d by UCl.A (;ham't.'Uor Charles Young. lot Logbook -D ·1 p·1at Cundld cummentone• II I exclu61wly tn l~ spred it on the house Ondden Spred House Paint goes on easily, dries quickly Durable 118t finish Rea1ets bll111ers peeling mildew Reg 17 99 f 1nt11tic1H1 1pr11d1bl1 E 11terior sprea 1818• Gloss House & Tr im paint from Glidden Goes on with ease Wtde range of colors n eg 19 99 d·CON 1 I (I / J 1 J • . x ... ,,A ,p.w'll> v I -.. . ii~. '. /·'" 'i ... -.. ~I#• --~ .,,., ,., ... .-:-'CO ....... # ., ~ ,, . ..--,.. .~:.;·· ... , ..... If n ickname• count, you might u well rename New York the Blg Apple, wttlch la trendy and pretentio us and a trifle smug maklng all the rest of the 111lld1w •••J • p1rf1otlJ 'promo' door birth oontrol for ff 111 re11t1tlo rotarr _.. callt'fl S mall Apple• or perhwps even Snail Potat.oea (but welcome nonetheleu), becauae why keer on givlng au thaa publlcJty to a forgotten Duke o York? New Jeney, too, haa paid enough obelaance to our lmpertaJ put. Maputo, the bag apple of Moz.ambaque, la ea.aaer to spell than Lorenz.o Marques, whoever he wu, but somehow 1t doesn't have a romant.l.c ring to It, the way faraway places should. I have no quatTel with c~ the name of the Beipn Congo to Zaire, but wny did they have to rename the famous river and render bb9olete Vachel Ll.nd.uy'a fine poem, which no one ever calla on me to recite anymore at parties? Al.lo changing St.anleyville to K.l.aa.ngani jult cut.a Spencer Tracy out of the African picture. X 14 Mildew & ate1n 1emo.,,er 5 1-1••Y lllffllV m 11oew 11no d1a<.ou1age 1t lrom r•lurning 16 111 Rag 3 39 1'' llallt 1p 101r llf1 •.• I waft M ill l1n1sto al.Jmtnurn :.<:r11er 0001 JO '.l:i llt10 ]fl W•t'lil I Reg 'J.2 4(1 1611 " RIMS 'WHILE THEY IASr' DAILY SPECIALS~ • 1'*Mt ONLV: Copper lk>ftom Tt1lcettl•. Reg. I.ff ........................ 4.81 • nu. ONLVs • IAT. ONLY: • IUN. ONLY: •MON. ONLY: aow ... ic. ••11.c1 ... ,. e.n ............................... e .41 Mnblrd Lawn lpflnkl•rt II MMO; Pf.121; IL 120 "•I· 14.ttto 11.41 .... 50°4 Off ctoM-out on unflnl•h•d ,urnlWr• (except 1tool1) .................................. 50% off 1 Wooden Handle lar-a..oue lkewer• f peck "•SI· 1." .................................................... 1.29 1'1t1 (~I ,.f It", ,, ~· ,, rJ f(Jf,tf I fl I NI r t I f ., •.• ,. fJ c "'I ',. tJO ~·J•""'' ., It' 11 I I 'It 1 q1 • ,,. fl 12911 STANLEY It m11aur11 up I S r i Lanka may be more content with lt1 national tmaae than when It appeared on mapa u Ceylon, but ft'a ju.i not my cup of tea. I ju.It can't eeoe m yaelf going lnto the food hall at Harrod'• or Fortnum and Maaon's or Macy'• and uklng for a pound of Srt Lank.a. Sylvania's 3·way light bulb6 30/701100 & !>01100/lf>O W81l • TWI. ONLV: !w.,e..ty 'Truckert' laftt~ Light Reg. I.ff ............. 5.88 1Jlwolt1y 'I'•• I l•tPt1 nlt'<t bW" ~lily:> 11g1d u r to I l'<JW•rt llliltl II fJ11ll r.l•IJ lll'l '4:?!) We d on't need a C harleston, S .C .. and a Charleston, W.Va. I would uk the latter to conaider calllnc it.ell aometh.ing el.ae , becauae the former has a Restoration air about It more IJl keeplJli with the aaca of twlnl1nl old Charles n. Sprln3liefd...t Mau., a nd Springfield, Ill. are twice ae many ~prlngfleld1 aa we need, to Hy nothlna of the one In Vermont and another in M1-x.ui and who knowa where el.ae? I would give the nod to Il· llnol1 here. becau.e of It.a Lin- coln anoclatlon a and let the others ute their lmaglnallona a little. I don't recall ever eeetna a apring or a fleld m Sprtnctleld, Ma.-., 10 lhat name can't have all that many emotional ..ocia- ttorui there. If the clty fathen UlllMUI are wlWna, thU column would 1ladly provide a forum for reeelvlna ne w name nominaUonl. Perhapa the prize ooWd be a week tn ~ln&fleld, and let' a pleue not have .. ny jokes r that Une. -4ml.nt &ton ftouae for the or1alnallty of It.a name, and Truth at Conleq~. N.M .. If lt'1 ltlll called that. S.va.n.nah, Oeorpa, hM a nice rtnc to lt, and 10 cto. Poot'!~: ~· but what keepl peopJAt loyal to MOICOW, &aan01 You hive to be a IOOd 1peUer to Uve tn Puua- nahut., Haw•U and !lacoadochn, Tena, whlch inUlt ~ f*)lfve mail eent to Natchitochea. IA., IO maybe a name 1wiech la In order here or t)wn, ld c.onn., where J Uve, tUlJ hM • OCKl· pie of Md • few fiitldl left, but dw name IOIMhow 't ~ m1. It eound too q,uch 11 lf It )'8d .,..--=by the ..i ................. .. d'rt .... him~-In the ReYolulonlrY Wt1, IO J IUppolt it'• jLwt M well dw dty t.atblrl AiD't Ill too cam.ct away wtth srad· tu&tt ... In ta.. dayt w1wn the Redooata were b161111 ........ ..... "Bu& IOtMOM really ouaht to do 10methln1 ....... r ... 99~ Slll(llt Hibachi dlKablt. llghtwetght, lot 880'1 ~·· bMctl. bacilywd, eto. Aeo e •9 4,, • WID. ONLY: JobH Outdoor rert1U1ter aplkH ~ ,, 1 tb. __ 10 oa ...... 1.41 •..•••.....•.....•••••.....•................. 2.21 ..... 't11f1f11' •01111d 111111101 Famous Weber Ketue cooker a Our11ble porcelain llri11t1 won I rull Blee.~ unly 22···· 8111 #71006 62'' Colors, $10 edd1t1onnl. "'"'' fer ·~0111' 'Booltt" canvaa bttCh Cllair IOI bttCh 0t ~ dtGk Fotd1ng 1lum1nom l11me 10'' HulJ t ') 41J 9•• ' . ' .. to 1tay In hot water 30-gellon weler llHter wtlh energy H Vlng tem1>4t11ture anut·Oll BHI gl•H· lined tenk llne1 1n tne tnctuatry 118'' SANTA ANA ., .... o .•• ,.., '··· Diiiy Piiat THURSDAY. MAY 13, 1982 BUSINESS C7 COMICS C10 l.asuns Hesch Hlsh rehires falconer lo <:oach ba11lce1ball. Sef» Story. Page CJ. Coast area losing a friend Marina's Tiin Reed has given volleyball prograin a big lift Volleyball on the high llehool level along the Orange Cout area haa rt.-ached a level which haa 11eldom been aeen ln ClF circlet, with the poesible exct'pUon of tennla and water polo. . Friday's qua rterf1n a l1 f l ndll the playoffs domina ted by Orange Coast area teams -led by d e fe nding C lF champion Laguna Beach. Oth e r • uill In the hunt inc lude Eetancla and Marina. h 's the last item ('d like t o draw your at te ntion to - Marina's Vikings. Once a doormat, the Vikings' program was steadily upgraded by Coach Tim Reed, this year's Sunset League C-06Ch of the Year With Laguna Beach next, well, maybe the Vikings' string has r un ou t, but whether 1t has or not, Reed and h18 crew CM feel pretty good about what they've aa..'Ompli.sht.>d. T his is the Marina's t'OOCh 18.!lt s hot he h as accepte d a n in vitation from PREP SPORTS -.,.--.--- ROGER CARLSON G eorge M ason Un lver 111ty (n ea r Was hing ton, D.C) to assist t he men 's team. "I ju st se nt o ut some le tte r s, inquiring," says Ret.'<i, a classic walk-on coach. Reed, a 29-ycar-o ld bat·h elo r, was coachmg with four teams this past school year, helping with the football team and coaching boys and girls basketball. in addition to his volleyball duties Askt.-d how hl• ma naged fi nancially, Reed responded: "Very carefully" A former Golde n West College and Long Beach S tate student, Reed never competed, but when the Vik.mp bef(an a volleyball progriµn. he thought and aa.td. "Sure, I can do that." And h e certa inly did . His S unset Lea g ue c h ampio n • p rod u ce d UCLA-bound Andy K.lu..mann , among others But it's Reed's det.erm.iruitJon to booet the.• entire sport that really 1Jlicks. For every lnch of copy written on high tchool volleybaU the past !hree years, Reed can claim credl t for hall of It. (t was Reed who caUed faithfully with the Orange County Top 10, Reed who calle d with the All-S unset L eague teams, Reed who called with infomation on the All-s ta r game sites, Reed wh o called w ath the all-star teams, Reed who called with correct 1tandingJ. Reed who tracd to get otht•r coaches to call their N(,'()f(.'S. Seldom . IC l'Ver, h as a n y c:oach , anywhere, done more for hLS particular s po rt, for his own a thletes~n<!_!_?~ otherii, thun Reed, and what Gt'orgc Muon UruvenJlty ga.uu, this nrt-u JOM.'8 Gt!org e M ason was third an the F.aiiwm regionals thUI past lilC'ason behmd NC AA r unner-up Pl'n n State und Rutgers (Newark) An easy derision to lc:avt.> tht:' haJ(h school lt'vel without a !ull-u me Job? "Yes and no," says Reed. "I halt· to leave voUcyball here, but you can 11uc·k ar ound hagh school coaching forever because thl're's always someont• you t·an work with" Volleyball recognll1on won't b(' the sam e w ithout Reed, that"i. prl"lty l'Vtdent , and that's too bad. If t•vc:ry sport considered "manor" had one Tarn Ht'•·d there wouldn't bt: very many manor sports • • • LOOKING BAC K Pred1t·t1ons for the S unset a nd S<•a Vacw Lea~1u· bast>bull r Ul:t'!I Wert• COrrel'l r:d n.ion (See CARLSON, Page C3) L E AVIN G -Mari n a vuUcybalJ mat·h Tim Reed has a<.-ccptcd an 1nv1tat1on for a pus1 t1on i:I t Gt•orgt· Mason University Reggie unable to ruf fie Goose IN THERE -Angel base-runner Don Baylor slides safely into second base as Yankee shortstop Bucky Dent is unable to h a ndle throw from t hird basema n Roy S malley Phillies find a hole, and sweep Dodgers 29 runs has Lasorda mumbling PHILADELPHIA (AP) -Ron Reed said t he major difference between starting and relieving is stamina. R eed s h owed stamina We dnesday night as he went seven strong snnjngs in his first st.art in five years Reed gavt' up JUSt six hats and two r uns to beat the Dodgers, 11-3. The Phillies !ICOred 29 runs an the 1weep of Los Angeles, which had Dodgers manager Tommy Lasorda mumbling in h is post game meal. "Twe n ty nine r uns an three game . . 111 tough to take Ev eryth ing t hey hit found a hole," said Lasorda The last time Reed started was Oct. l , 1977,when hepatched three inn1ng11 in a 6-5 loss to Montreal. After that he and tus fastball were sen t to lhe bullpen. Lasorda won't fine Russell PHILADELPHIA (AP) Shortltop BUI Ru.ell wu In the Dodcen 1tarti.ng line up again.at the Phlladel phi a Phillie& Wednmday fli&.ht, h1a clo.ed-<loor confrontation wlth Manqer Tom 1..Mlrda apparently forgotten. LMorda Mid before the game that he had not fined Rua.ell, u he had thrutened after the Infielder failed to run on a confu1ln1 ~~e 1eventh ~ ot the , 9-8 ao. to the PbillJel •Y ntiht. "No. I have not flnecfhim. !:d I em not 10tn1 to fine him." LMordl M he It.Cod outldde the bettlne mce. watch.lna bia teem ln pnpine hJtttna pl'9C'ticl. Phillies manager Pat Corrales d('(;aded recently that he wanted a five-man rotation, and since the farm system was bare of starters, he turned to Reed. Reed said he's been doin g t'ndurance training siJ'lC(! leamlllg hc would be a st.art.er "I ran spnnts as a reliever, but you have to build your stamina as a start.er ao you can go longer," he explained. "But you still have to get out major league hitters." The 39-year-old Reed not only pitch e d w e ll, but made an outstanding fielding play and drove in two runs with a aacrlflce ny and single. He got ple nty of offensive help from Pele Rose, w ho go t four hit.'1, drove m two and scored two. George Vukovich contributed a paar of hits and t~ RBl to a suddenly reaurrected P hillies' attack. The team I.a hJtUng over .280 since it returned home se v e n games ago, boosting the club average from .229 to .245. The Phillies, who 1we pt the three-game aerie• from the Dodge rs, now h a ve w on 9 of their 1.ut 10. and reached .~ for the first lime thia lea!IOn. The only dluppo lntment Wl!dneaday night was the end of Bob Denn1er'1 perfect 1trlns of 18 11eala. He waa thrown out by Mlke Sdoecia ln the lf!COl\d. Dernier did •tftl a bue in the fourth and scored on a Ro.t• •lnale. The Philllt!9 took a 2·0 lead ln the flnt. when lOMr Bob Welch (4-2) walked the bue1 loaded. Vukovich lln&led home a palr. Aft.er \he Doctcera aot one in t.heU' l8COnd on a ucri&e ny, the Philliell ldded two in the bottom of t h e inntna. Ivan DeJHu1 trlpled and •cored on Reed'• aacrtfke Oy. t Gossage preserves 6-5 win ,,.., ~,,......, .... ~ Wednesday n ight at Anaheim S tadium. Smalley w as charged with an error. but Yankees won, 6-5. By CURT SEEDEN Of" the Dell, Pltot Steff "Th e r e h a s never an lhl' ha s t or y o f the game bt•en a p1 tcht•r as good as w1• makt• Gossage th in k hl· 1s," Angt•l Manager Gene Mauc·h lamt'nttod Wront"Sd.ay night. Hl' was referri n g to H1 c h "Goose" Gossage w ho h:.id JUi.t worked out of a pulsating JUm 111 the eigh th inning befon• rt·tmng the s1de in the ninth to pr<."S'.'rvl' t h e Ne w York Ya nkN •s' 6 -5 victory over the Angels bt:forc 4 1.859 fans at Anahc•1m Stadium I n a season marred by yet another managerial c:hangc. more• t irades from o wne r George Steinbrenner and most rt.'<.'.cntly several tnJuries to key personnel. o n P c o g 1 n t h e Y a n k t· <· mechanism continues to work fla wlessly. It 1s Gossage w ho Parn1•d has seventh save as the Yankees took two out of three from the Angds But h e ha d to s u rvive ;i one on -one confrontation with ex-teammate Reggie Jackson sn the bottom of the eigh th annang after the Angels had sh<'ed a 6 :i Yankee l.'<ige to 6-5. HAPPY llOMBcOMING -Ancel ;.luep ReaM Jtiebon ta ~ at home plate by Bo66y· Grich after Jackaon'• ffnt-lnnlna homer Wedneaday nlaht. The Yankee catcher ta Barry l'oOt.e: C~..ag1, brought hi..., reµutataon to thl' muund Jal·kson had a fir<;t-anning two run homer on his sadc· And tht· two thoroughly 1•nJoyt•d <·v1·ry "''< ond of their duc•l WL-<lm~ay rnght "fh•"s 1•1 tlwr going to hll the blt't•p 18 mtl1-s or rrn ~otng to get htm out,"" C ;V'>-~•g•• said after the game· A. .... 1t turm"I out, Cos.'lage got a p1tl'h in on Jat·kson w ho Rn>undtod sharply to first to end th1· Angt·I rnlly ··rm pumpt-d up ll(''s pumped u p I t · s '' n ,. "f t ht· t• I c1ss1 c <:o nfro nliil1on .... ·· Goi.sage n >nltnut>d "Somt·thing·s got to glVP •• A d d e d J j l" k s o n · · I t • s a c:hallt·ng1· c1ga1n. .... t him The SOB p1t.t·ht-s so qu1l'k You"vt· got to be rt•ady To hit Jga1ru.t :. guy hke him, you hav<· to bt: mt•ntally prr•parC'd " · • 11 t" c; t h t' b c· i. t H c.· ' s t h e toughc-st." ncJl.t:d sc.-<.·ond baseman Bobby Gneh. obviously daffenng from h1i. manag<·r·, opinion of the hard-throw111g right-hander. .. Hc•'i. lht• mo!>l ft·1irl'<i and most r l's p e c t e d p 1 t <.her 1 n th e Amcrac:an L'4.•agut• '"To make ronliJ< I off of him u a victory To g1·t a h11 off ham ts 1 moral v1dA1ry." Grwh addt'CI . STILL, <;OSSAGE 1·arn<' mto the boll ganu-with an 0 2 record and a 3 79 l'Jrnl·d run average. He nl'arly turm·d from goose to goat an tht· t'aghth, h owever , wht•n s horhtup Buck y De nt dropped a th row on what would havl' l:x.-c.·11 an in111ng-endsng force play on a groundrr by R od Carew Thal gave the Angels new life in the pl'rs on o f G ric h who s mashed a hard grounder that Dent c.-ouldn't handle. Originally, the play was ruled an t>rror, but later 1t was chang1•d to an RBI double. allowing Bnan Downing to score the Angels" fifth run. That set the stage for Jackson who offered his own narrauve oo the confront.auon of the game. "The first pit.ch I had a good cu t, the second hc threw right by me: the third he crowded me ." The Ange l loss, meanwhile, leaves th<' top of the AL West a litt le less crowded The Angela f el l a full game be hind lcague-lt'adang Chicago, a 9-2 victor ovt•r th<' Toronto Blue Jays. In add1t1 on, the 10111 marked t he Angels' first series Jou at home in 1982. T he Yankees u9ed a four-run !i fth mnmg to chue starter Angel Moreno (2-~). BUTCH HOBSON provided an RBI single, catcher Barry Foote added an RBI double and Dave Colllna' two-run alngle wu the capper. The Yankees, laboring 7~ games behind d ivialon-leadlng Boston coming Into the aame, displayed a few more smllea than uaual ln the Viall.ors' locker room alter the game. ''This game conslat.a of IO many things," analyzed Gouage. "lt'a Uke a car. ll runs wlth a lot of part.a." In the Yankffl' caae, the car ju.it received a tu.ne u.p prior to the game with the •ddhlon of Butch Wynesar and pllcbu Roger Erlckao n , who were obtained In a trade wHh the Mln.neeota Twtna. On th e other hand. the Y an.k have only been l'\.lDl\ini (See ANGELS, Pace Cl) .. I I i ~ Otano-Cout DAIL v PILOT IThureday, May 13, 1982 ........... ________________ --ii• .. .... Kingdome has a way ' 1 of upsetting peop~e Prom AP dl1p•&clilff t , 81£.A TI'Li!: Thi! Suattht K.Jnedonw duaout ti• wall• u1• c.·ullN·llng m11jor-lo•guu • ,,, knucklu print.II •I. Tho J11ttH1t <.•ontrlbutor waa , Cl•veland l ndlttn rlaht-h11ndttr John 1. Dtnny. who 1pralmtd tht1 thumb ot hla plt.chlng hand •lightly whon ht! punched thtt w11ll In •. frustraUun T~y nigh t lie utd •ftcrward ht-w11.11 Uf>l'et w ith not ••• eettJnj. d :Won In t.ht pme a&MlNt the &-.llw Marhlllrt, whl.ch the Indian. e-wntu.ully won ~-4 1n 14 Inning• Ile WH removt.-d ltl the ninth inning with &·atlle leading 4-2. X-ray• t.aken at Provldt.>~'e Ha.µltal 1howl'd no fracture Wld Marin.er team doctor Dr Larry Pedcgaru. dwgJ\OIM.'d the ln.)ury wi a alight •pratn Quote of the day Joflla Jola11on, former Seattle forward, commenllng on award Gua Wllll.ama of the SuperSonks: '1Ae'1 ttie only auy I know who'1 got aeven can and 1till need.I a ride everywhere." AIJDY DVORAK NEIL RIDDELL Sixer• avenge 40-polnt defeat Aa4rt• TtHJ ltOttd 0 poln'-m . and eaw .. u ...... pumped lo 10 uf hi• HHon ht1h 2i In the fourt h quartt1r H th• Phlled•lphla 7Gere twt.1n.,d tholr N•llonal u1ketball Auocletlon 11t1r1N et ono pnw apt with a 121 -113 vic\ory ovur thcr Dol\lm c..:ciftk .. We'<JOC!llday ruaiht 'n"1 triumph wu •n l11c:rt'dll1ltt turnaround for tho 76t1n , who loat """"' 11111· HuruJay by 40 point.I, 12 J ti l 1'ht1 th I rel 6JIHlH' of tht-bttll Of lf!Ven •vrlt'• wlll bt· Sutu11l•y ttfl.,rnoon In l'hllia<l lphlM. Th .. l&Alll.., WM Uud 20 time. and th11r1• w•rct 24 lu•J c:hu111(l1•, lndudlnM 16 lead c·h11111(t .. amd 11 lJrJ lt1 ttw third period. Neither ~um 1'1tl hy moru thuu t wu µolnl from the 11: 18 1nark uf th., thll d yuu11.t•1 until th~ 7&ni .oor«f •Ix rnll•e-cullvt,; polt1t11 fo1 u 10~-IOO ltuid with ~.40 1..,rt Giant trio shuts down Expo• 8111 LHkey lOmlJ1n1•d with two • rt'lll'Vt•n on un l!lght h1ttn und thu Sun 1''r1tnch1e•o G l11nt• c·u1>1l1tllu-d on thn•l' Montrtiul t'rrc>n fur u pair of unearned runa In the lturd Inning t.o dc:fe&t the Expo1, J 2 Wc.'<11w1itiuy 1111<lit Lwtkt!y, 2 2, wha.e two vlc:torl<:• h uvt· 1·111m u11aln•t M ontrt::al. w orkNl th1· flrat llYi 111njnf11 bt::!ore O en S<>b•tzeder u11d Gre1 Mint on ollowed . Keo Smltb t·rudc.t-d u p1rn h 1.tnele lliOCrlng Larry Wbl1enton with th•· t11• 111 ••uklng run and Dale Marpby drove• In Lhtt"t' rU11J1, two of them with a ninth Inning h11mn, lifting Atluntu to a 6-3 vu:wry ovt•r tht• <.:hlc•uf<o < 'uh11 The victory ended u four gam(' C.:h1n •6'0 w111n1ng alreak . Rain JX.llllporwd W1'<im .. 11Khiy nt~ht'• ~ bt-tw~n San T>it'l(U and lht• New. York Ml'lM with the Met.II h·adlng in the· fifth 111111r1~. :i I The gatrlt' wwi rt'!M:ht'<iull'd '"' p 11rt 11( u 1 w1 rlll(ht doulll.,·header Ufl July ii ANDY KLUSSMANN Artists' Dvorak named County player of year Baseball today On th.II daw lra buebaU ln 19DU: St.. Louie Cardinali tlnt bueman SW\ Muat.al co1.i.ct.ed the S,OOOth hit of hil ma~ l_!••u• cerHr -• plnch -hh double off ~'·Moe Drabowaky at w~ Field. On lh.ll daw In lUDD: New York Yanke .. 1luaaer Mickel Mantle belted thrH homere (two lef • handed, one rtaht-handed) u the Yanlu ct.t•t.ed the O.t.roH Topn D-2 e t Yankee Stadium. lt WM the only three·hcmer prne ln fttantle'• canter. • Today'a blrthday: Ana•la outti.lder Juan O.nlqua 11 32. Molltor'e three homere not enough H•I M c Rae itnd Ore1 Pry or • drovei In t~ rurua uplec.-e Wt'dn8Ci•y nl&ht. off...,t.Ung three 110lo h.oroo,.. by Mllwauk.,e'1 Peul Mo ll&or and leadlnai th" l<J,naM City Royal.I to • (1.7 vl.ctory over the Bre wers amd 11 1w~p of their three-pma aerlt'I Oaa Qalaeabe rry, who rellt:vrd Royela 1tarl.t'r DeuJ1 LeoDard wllh one on &nd one out. in the .-venth and aot a double pl.My on hla first pit.ch, urned h l1 ninth eave J im Rice drove In three ruru1 wllh 11 J:M*lr of homers and Detual1 Eck,,nley •truck out 11 bat~ra In el~ht Inning• a• Bo•ton beat Mlnn .. 1uta, •·I Keat Hrbek exwndt!d hiJI hHtlnai atreak to 22 ga.meia, five 1hort of the maJOr-leugue r~'Ord fur a rookie. with 11 fourth-Inning homer . Gre1 Lnlaakl and 8111 Almo9 drove In thret-run1 apiece aa Chit:Jlgo humbled Toronto, 9 2 . . . Du Meyer and Cliff Jolla1oa 1mack.ed two-run alngles In the t•lghth Inning to give Oakland a <.'Ome·from-behlnd 5-4 win over Baltimore . . Joe Cllarboau u oollt!<:k.'<.I three tut.I and drov1.1 In three runa to power <.:lcvelJmd pl.Ult ScatUc, 8-5 . FREE ~r11nt lnternll F11me Pad. Gui:•,., lhf' we1ghl ul lhP. k1dllf't1 r1JCk Oru> Jll'f •,lllf4' lfl f!V!!fll fll d Ill' ftWJI' 111M hf' ti '11t!Nlfl(/ flll' [MO 1•, !Iii' '.lfl.tll '>I/fl MEET THE REPS. Rudy Dvorak of defending C IF champt<Jn and ttJp-r11ted Laguna ~ach High In tht-<.'\.lrrent volleyball eUm1natlo n1 , hu been c h oaen aa ()range C.0Unty'1 Pt.yer of the Vear by the Involved cooche. View League behind depth loaded J!Mt.anct.a and the MUBt.&ngJJ i.rf.' 11t't.'<fod No 3 ln the playoH1. " not.ch t>t-hlnd Eltancia. I u11tl wl'1Qt11 1 4 perwn nylr>n 11:111 111!11 r .un lly 111-'J 1111., ou Sale S189.88 Nortll face 111form1non by l1Ctory ,.,. I er "''" w111 '"' 111 Or JlllJ•· .in<l I ulll'r10n •,111H". 1111 ~.111111!.iy M.ty I 'i to .1•1""'"' Coenen ila a 6-0 iwnlor aettt-r, while .ill VIJIJI QUIJ~llCJll'I KELTY TIOGA II Brown denl" algnlng with Knlok1 ff•ba. lrtn Mid Wedn.day he '. hat not 8'1J'8d a conu....t to beClome ' the no•l coeoh ot tho New York Knlc:kl, dHplte t1rJler rtport• h• wouJd be aPOO(n-.d th.ta w•k "f have had talka wtth (KnJcu bcm) S.U1 WerbU11 about workJnc for tho Knklu, but I em only <>OCf of tho. bolna conaldored," tho former Atlanto Hitwk• coat'h ••Id . . . L•1un1 Beach Hlah product Rick · • Leeclil wu l'llmlnat.ed from • wnnl1 tournttment In Mllen, lt.aJy, 6-J. 6-4 by Frll.f'Q'I O•y F ora•& . . . DH& CoUIH llnd Htary Bibby, two fomwtr NBA pluJcr1, wt•rci hlr.,d Wt•dnu1 i.y 01 •11l1Unt buktt\t)lllJ <.~hbtl Ml Arizona Sww Unlvurally . Mike Weaver rnwit i.ppcu In Ncw Je,rwy on FrldMy to provt1 \I.I MOWN µhyalc:li.n• th11t lht1 Injury th.at fore:.~ puetpuru-nwnt of hi• World Bo•lna Aaeoclatlun he>avy wt'll1ht tltl .. dt•f .. n.,. •ialn1t Raady Cobb la lt•flitlm.&w Wt>1tvt.-r indl.cated ht' thought lhl' trip wu nt!tJdlt•u, 1uylnM that phy1k11m11 In thu Loi Anaeh ... lll't::ll already have dlMiJlOK'<i o <.-ervical apll\(.' 1pru1n, lncludlni lh.c! mUJK:!g• <.'Ontrolllng ht• nt'<.'k and lt<fl 1ttoulder . . Frieda F rame cloud with • ru1h to capture the: Mi. Todd St.11ktJt1 by it hAlf·IA.-fli1h over Cblack 0 Luck before-a crowd o f 20.~6 at Hollywood Park Fric.'<ia Frum<', r1dd1:m by Eddie Delalaoa11aye, covered 6 1h furl.ones In I.I!). J /!) and pai.J $7 ij(I, $:i HO 1md $2 60 Tht-vu:tory waa worth i:n.:mo Televlslon, radio TV: No event.I 11Chedu1Pd RAD IO: Ba.eball Dodgen 1H New York, 4:JO p.m .. KABC (790). Cl1•vdand ut Angell, 7:30 p.m .. KMPC (710). O/!<;KJnl'd for the ritl'~'.utl' Mf'r and tm .. kp.it krr who w,.111•, t lrr)hl t><iot with lldllON p1oltl1• I ,.,.luff", tnf' JJAll'nft'll PM<, I 11'>y H1kf'1 1 ontourr·a \lilt' kl-•J si19 'J'J Sale $56.88 Dvorak , a eenJor sett.er, haa been the calalyat which hu kept the Artl~ll• µnt>eat.en with No I 1tatua 1lnce the fll.art of the camp&Jgn Laguna Bea<.·h won the O range County and Inglewood Invitation.al 1 li.amplonahlpe and la favored to cap- VOLLEYBA l .. L Arnold, at 6-5, dom1nau.od tht-net at middle blocker K.Ju.umann led Marina lf.) the Sun aet League ch.amplonahlp lllld tht' fl 4 1tandout I.I headt:d for UCLA a 11 .11 J l [J) NORTH FACE BIGFOOT l'olMgu.ird bc1q A proven perlC11ml'r lhrrmgh looy 11:rm u'>P lhP. '"'' I 111111 f IOI llif' '>1'111111<, ti.i<.~fldl ~Pl M1111111wr1 1t•111rw1.1turt' l.HllJt' '1'' fjl 111111Jt·I Built 101 rugged ba<.kfliic1t111g .md numn13111Pering DurablP nylon PM~ Clrv1dP.d lop .an<l bOllom w11h lrve p11tlo'."'" feature~ Ille Kelly Mc1·».•I W.11'.I <1u'.pl'n»1rin t;y•,rem ~ la lleCX>nd straight CIF Utle. The lat.I qualified for tlw qu.a.rt.erlln.a.la day with Tut-tiday'1 eeoond round \1.C't.ory Allo earntnl( u flnt berth on the ~11en·m&n aquud from Laguna Beach t. ,NeU Rldddl, ri 11t:nlor middle block· ec. Roundln~ out tht-flrat te am are C<>eta Meaa 1 Mark Arnold and Paul Coenen, Mar1na.'1 Andy KJuMmann, 1j.an Clefll('nlR'1 J ohn Eddo and Dena [tJJla' Scott Swartzt.>tiugh Eddo and Sw1utibaugh w~rt' th1- central figures for Sttn Clt•ment.t· and Dan.a HUI.a, each a power In It.Ii own right, each qualifying for tht> C IF playoffs behind South Cout l.A!ague ch.amplon LagU.na· Beach. Arnold and ~nt>n led Coeta Meu to a 1econd plact> berth In the Sea Second team honors go to Lagun.u Beach'• Leif Henion, Corona dt>I Mar'• Mike J ohnston. Elt.anda'1 Doug Pinck ney, Fountain Valley '• K e n Herter end J o hn K o1ty end Le Quinta'• Junior Utu. MAR~ ARNOLD PAVL COENEN Twins' swapping ·~ausing bit.terness MINN l!APO LlB, M i nn . (AP) -T h e ~ TwtN made tMtr ~ major trade ln • many daya Wectn.day and f.anned ""911tment f)>at had 1urfaced amon1 eome m emben of the '-""· • 'J'be NftW York Y ankea and Twine completed •a IJve-playeT t1'9de, with the Twin. ..-.d1na wt.Inn aat.chti But.ch Wyrwpr and p~ &8er ~ l9. the Yanu.. for lhortatop Larry Milbourne and (Wo minor a.au. pU.chen. • The pltd iera, le ft-hander P ete J'tl.on and '#l~han&tr John P.oella. .,.. from the rmter of.. die YenkeH' lnternadonel Leaau• c lub a t 1eolumbw. OhJo. ·.,. Th• tr1de lnorHHd th• furor amon• the e l Twlna w hklh bepn T\alllday wh.tft the Milt top reliwer Dou1 Corbett and llCOnd Rob Wilfonc to the Anetll f« two minor ~t trade cat.Med NU.Ver Bon Davt. to •JI Twtnl owner Calvtn Oriftlth lhould be tnded Md ht edde&t tht tndt WM ''IWP'dfty." Of the trade r~·~· DoW. oold ·Ilion ............... ,,,, Laguna Beach host& Marina Top-Heded L eaun• BHch Hlah w lll h o1t &m.t 1.-.ue champ6on Marina rrfday nt1ht (7 o'clock) in quarterfinal actbi of the Cir vol.ley- ball pleyof fa. Tl'• A rt~~~·, ~ho ...... s-t M.1n.JimCe ln ~t 1eta 10 win thetr flrtt m•tc h o f the playoffs, wUl ,,_. • vai kJnC 1quad Iha\ w11 ex-I iencted to five Htt b y ~~r qua;terftn1l cont.e1t1 wUt find San Cleme n t• i raveUn1 to met\ 8 1nt1 Monfca, wh ic h upH\ N o .· 1...-.ded COila Meea In '\he aecond round; Lot Alto• at No. 2·ranked I an Maroot; and N o . l ·r1nktd r..-.ncl• II a t1 Senta a.t.ra. ' " 11o11 ~11111Jf1 Sale $89.88 NORTH FACE CAT'S MEOW I ryhl m:1gl1I <.IJJlllJJl,I 1111~1! '>l:<l'-.Ofl (JOIM<Judrd ~1eeou1u bag Onr ut 11111 111w,1 p11p1il.ir lor 1he ba<..kP<tt~l!r M1111mum tempe1i1lurt rany~ 70" !11 lllCJClPI H110 i 99 ~ Sale $79.88 THERM·A·REST '>"II 1nll.i11111J 111•.u1.i11ng mattrl''>) lt1t-W111lr! ., Bt:\I 'ilPPpmg P.irl tor 8.1c1<p.tcj(er<,, 151'1 Oll<l',) Wt I 111 lo 'l11t 19 X 47 X 1'11 11~0 u 1 oo Sale $29.88 OtlEER d8212 SOFTIAll ( Ille Num1>e1 One lti(Jut M>nh.111 Reo $6 9b $6 .50 ~ MIZUNO MT1000 IOFTIAU OLOVE Ou.i11ry North Ame11<.an leather BOO W11tct1 Aulographe<l model l'll!Q $.4905 $35.95 .......... ~ ............. 0.Sl(lned tor bet1er 1111c11on and long wear on 11•r11Jd HIKE LADY ALLCOURT Bullt for a woman's loot Cace1ten1 for 111 arouno wear cou11 surlaces Aeo s31 ~ Sale $26.88 Hto 120 5 Sile $17.18 HW> RACKETIAU IHOH Comfortable stre1ch rts1stant mtlh 100 a durable canvas uPC>tt Aeo '34 ~ 1111 $24.18 TlNNtl lffhNOHfG UECIAL ''GRAPHITE/SYNTHETIC'' STRING Gr111 tor any IYPf of 11cktt Ato 11100 1111 SI.II f.v.011.ttilr• ()r.wrJI' .101! I ullt•'1•111 t1fllf 1u·•1 s11•i 1.10 Sale $89 .88 t<EL TY BRISTLECONE I H)hl Nl'lljhf Git .. il "" IJl'flt•1,1I II.II ~IMI ~llHJ 1 edlur~·, 11111' lllJl',11)1' (llH ~•·I'. 01vldl'll !lip ;ir11l 11111111111 111111 tl11• Kelty Mrl·.~1! Su~11e11.,11111 ',y·,trm A 1<11l.1l1IP (Jr An!JI' illltl f ull1•rtn11 '''''V H~,, \111" r.11i Sale $73.88 ENSOLITE SLEEPING PADS t 1ornw,.10111 <Josed cell toa111 '"'" ?1 x '>4 x 11~ (seconds) 11ru v oo Sale $4.88 PMS SCOUT Mttrlr· 111 f11·n11.1r11 1.1.t' •,11 1ru•11111111 wf'llJl1t 1111111 •fl".•'J'"''I llil '"''·• h1•11vy h1.11!'. .11111 11·r<.1111 A11.11t.1flh• 111 01.11111•· ,11111 I 11ll••fl•11111r1ly 1~~·1 1111 ·~1 Sale $99.88 MOUNTAIN HOUSE FOOD lhl' (Jllufflll'I !ldr ~1111r ~1l11j l111>11 1'JH I fM<.kd!J1lllJ Or 11nrw ,J111l I 111!1•1tu11 "illl!P'i only 409/o ott list Price. CONNELLY FLEX 250 COMBO PAIRS Tri Tunnel bo1tom 4~ oegree !>ever plu'h neoprene p.t<l<llnO G1e11 lor thf' t>l'g1nne1 anc1 IJ•r>M alike Heo 111!> oo Sale $69.88 KENN EX PRINCE "PRO" "ILACK ACE" Increased h11tmo G11phlle area with a 31h surroun<11no a umes taroe1 unique loam SWfff spot core Rto 1120 00 Reg ltU 00 "ftUl Vl,.IZU•" l1Qh1Wet(lhl lOOIMi G1aphtle Rackefball Racu1 Reo 1120 00 "perflC1 1111 114.11 1111 1111.11 Site 171.11 •MANY OTHER IPECIALI THROUGHOUT THE ITOREI. AU ITEMS LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND 1'SWPOIT l!ACH hehlon leland .,.,w,,n Buffum• 6 8ro1dw1y 6U·2121 1802 £ K•••llA I bloc i. w. of Nrwport .. wy. 6.l l -1180 , J CBlllTOS l.o• Cu rtto1 C•nl«r h•twun Nord1trom 6 ~.,. • 2131124·1'25 PULLllTOll 2s2o E Chapm•n l bloch w. ol ~ 1 Fwy. 110·4111 ' r ' i "' Falconer returns to Artists Laguna Beach ba ketboll coach facing a rebuilding job By ROQlll C.UUON or .. OellJ,.. ..... <.hit hloonor bu rouarNd to L1.1una &ach Hlah ba1ketbal1 -tak.lna ue whore he abruptly let\ off ln December whon ho IWI~ aher two iiames bealWMt of buatnc111 commitmentm. ''We had aomu xccll nt '*1ldldatet," aaya Lquna &.ch Prlndpal Rohen HU1fu .... "bUt he j\.ull came out on top, ag"1n." "I made a m l1 t1ke," 1aya Falconer. "l m~ ll (<.'Oachln1 al Laguna St-ach) #nd I let lhe kidt down. But I would have I01t my job If 1 hadn't." Jo'alconer 11 a w a lk-on coach and although he ls still with the same flnn, hi. job reeponaibWliee have changed In that he is no longer required to travel. b11. happy acene. None or th Artlllt.t' ~a.ma w~re abl~ to SX-l moni than two vlctuMH In lra1uo pla}' and Heh, the freahmen, .ophomore1, junior varalt~ .-nd varally, fi.nJ.ahed lut In the &.>ulh Cout Lequc. "I have two 10phomore atarten back (Nick T"P.PN and Scott Fortune)," aay1 Falconer. "and we'rt1 buildlna from the ifOund up." ''But It's no t an lm ponlbh: altwauon. w~·re go1n.i to have l.O develop in the nt'Xl C&ve to alx month• aa you would normally do ln two w three years. We're going to work for this year." Fakoner say1 he expecta to use as many u 11lx sophomores und thn.>e juniors on the varsity "The parenl!I and kida really helped me out," saya Falconer I'm lucky to be back and I'm making a real commitment to them." Wh en Fal co n e r l e ft I n December, asalstant Jerome Karp replaced him on an interim basis. BACK AT HELM -Craig Falconer has been hire d, again, to coach the Laguna Beach High basketbaU team. "We're gomg to be going from 6:30 a.m. the rest of the year and we'll be going four nights a week in summer league," he l'ays. "I don't think we can run, we may go with a 1-4 offense with Teppc'r a t point guard My front lme may go 6-4, 6-5, 6-5, but It's young Falcone r coach ed o n e full season -the 1980-8 1 camprugn -prior to his d eparture last season . During the year he guided lhe Artists to a 17-7 overall record and into the CIF playoHs. Fakonl'r's staff will constst of Conner Estancia Hjgh player Jim Madden with the juruor varsity, a nd Mick ey Gilbert with the freshman Fak'Oner isn't returrung to one "Defens1 vl'I y we· re ~osng to try lO play man We gave up on It early last year. but they rrught as wcU learn the fundam<'ntalB." K-oooa2 H~ lllUNIC•AL COUltT NOTIC;a CW TI1UaT1a'I IAU el01 "-lloree et.rd. LOM No 000 117 Newpo<1 leech, CA 9alO TS. No 72037-8 PLAINTIFF GARY JASPER & NEWPORT PACIFIC FUNDING, ASSOCIATES MASONRY, I Call-INC 11 duly eppoinled TruetM un- l<l'nl1 oorp0t1110n der Iha lollOWlng dMoflbed deeo o4 DEFENDANT. RICK HUSTON. 1n~ 1ruel WILL SEU AT PUBLIC AUC- OlvlOuelly end dba SOUTHWEST TION TO THE HIGHEST BIOOER DEVELOPMENT, end SIO CROS· F~ CASH ("9')'9ble et time of .. SLEY end DOES I XXV, lnc1u11ve In lawful money ol tit• United IUftlltltOHI SlalM ) ell •lghl, lllle end lnterMt c-Nu111bet 5°'11 oon.....,..o to end now held by It un- NOTICll You llau "911 aued. der alld OMd or Trut t 1n the pro-n.a -1 "'11 deoWe ._... you oertv Mrelnlft• dMc;rlbed wllholll '°"' ~"t lleetd 1111 .. " Truetor CHRISTOPHER LE>.CH ri: ~=:~ ct.y .. "8.cl AOUFI' ll1d PATRICIA A. ROUFF. II you with 10 ~ the edYloe of, rtuaband ll1d wife 11 J04n1 tenant.I an 111orney In tltlt m atter. you 8eneflclalY: £r1Ci 0 . .-on. M .O. lh<>uld oo 90 prome>tly M> lhal your lne Prolll Sharing Pl1n " 10 en ..nuen <•IPonM 11 l'hY m•'I' be ti-undivided 37 5 percent, Eric 0 led on time · ' Nel1on M.0 inc O.llne<I Benefit ADVllOI uetect Ila atdo dM!ett• Pl1n H l o en undivided 40 825 dad•. II trlbu1111j>uede dNldlr petoent: J. Warren Colline. • tingle oontr• Ud. aM M1dttM6e • -man N to ,,, undtv!Oed 9,376 per-~11• Ud. rHpoftd• dentro de SO oent. Joeepn O. C'-Y and Wand• .... Lee le lftfortMCloft qua ...... E. ~. ~ end wife M )04nl SI Ull•d dHel 1011c1111 el con-t•nan11 u to 1n unOIV1ded 3. 125 M io Oe un abogedo en "" eaunco. P9''*"· Mlrlem Kahn, "' UM'l&frted oet>erl• heetrlo lmmedlatamenle. woman 11 10 1n undivided 8 26 0• etle m enere au ree.,uetl• percent. Augu11Reiten.•1tngle eacr111, 11 hay alguna pue<le aer men N to an undMded 3 125 per- reglatrlda a 11ernpo cent, .. 111-111 In common 1 TO THE OEFENOANT A CIYll Aec;orde<I Oclo~r 16, 11180 u c;omptalnt llH beet1 111•0 by lhe Intl< No 2509S In bOOk 137112 Peoe p1e1"1111 agatntt vou 11 you with to 845 of Ofllc'8I ReGord• In Ille oflloe a.lend Ihle ta..,..,11 you mu11 ""lh•n of Ille Fleco<der of Orenge County. 10 d•Yt Allllf lhlt,tummona' .. Mr· H id deed Of lrU~I dHCrlbH lhe ved on you, Ille with thla courl • 1~P'T°'*1'1" ••• wrllten rnponse to Ille complaint ....,. ""' reel ~ ..... u per "'11P un .... you do llO, you< deltull will rec:0<de<I In Booll. 19, Page 211 111- be enlered on appllcallon of lh• clutlve Of Mleeell•rltOU• M•P9. H p1a1n1111 and lhll coun mey enl~ 1 per <ecordt In the office of th• ~I ege1r111 you for the <e1191 ~~-~ =ty CA demMldod tn 1r.e comolelnt wttlCtt --. ·--· • Nit.IC NOTICE l'ICTIT!OU8 IUSINHI NAME STATEMENT 1 The lollowtng oeraon la doing Dut~t u fol CHA Rl 0 I fE $ SIT fERS MO 01 lbt CHARLOHE CODER $ BABl'Sll TING AGENCY 420 11211d s1r.,.,1 N<1wl)Ort Bonc h C,of1forn1n 97t.1>J Cher Iott• Coder. 420 62nO Street Newoo<I BHch. Ce1tlom1• 92&33 Ttua buslness II conOuC190 by •'1 lndlv•du111 Ch.,IOIUI Codllf Tn1• ttet-t wu flleO wnll lhe Counly Cletk of Orange C-Ounty on Apt1I 28 1082 ,111251 Publl•ll•d Cr•no• Cont Dally PllOI AO<ll 20. Mey 8 13. 20. 1982 1927-82 rtalC NOTICE MOTICa INVfT1NO IMOI Nolle• 11 hereby given tl"t the Bowd Of TNSie. of Ille Huntington B1uo1t Clly School Oletrlct ot Oranoe County, Celffornla. wlll r~ ~ IMled bid• up 10 2-CXl p.m. on tit• t9tlt dey of May 1982, •I tit• omc. ot aald School 0111r1c1. k>ce- tecl et 73S.1•11t Street, Huntlnglon 8eec;lt, c.lttom4a, ., tll'ltlch time Mid bid• wlll be publicly opened ano reed IOf. ICHOOL a OP'PQ ~· All l>ICIA .,.. to be In eocorelenoe wttlt C011dlllon1, lnatruct1on1. end ~\lone. wNch .,. now on 1119 In the ofllcle of the PUtctlMlno Agent o f H id School Ola1r1c1, 7:5"5· f•th Str .. t, Huntington a..cti, Calllor· ..... e~ NI.IC NOTICE 'teTmoua1u1M11 NAME IT ATIMfNT T II• lollowlng oe•tK>flt ar• doing butll.-t .. COMMAND PERFORMANCE. 2070 But1neaa Cerllllf Drive, .s2CO. Irvine. CA 927 IS TOPPY'S BY STEINER LTD tGarden Grovel 2070 Butlneu Center Drive l<Y1ne CA !1271S Thll butlf\lltt II conducted by • (;Of pOt ., IOn Toppy·a by S1e1ner Lid tGuoen Grovel \/ICIOt St Surle. Pt .. ldenl fhlt .,,,_, wet lllod wllh ,,,. County Clerk of Orll'9'1 County on May 4, 1982 ,,IMl1 PublltheO 0,.nge CoHI Delly P1101. Mey 6 13 20 27 1982 2041-82 NlllC NOTICE Nlt2t6S FICTITIOUS IUSl~•S NAME aTATl.MlNT The lollowtng person• are OOtn' ous1nea1., THE \llLLAGE 719 ~rowncrott Roao Lagune Beec;h CA 921151 CAROLYN M fERR't' 7 IS 8rowncrolt Road Leguna Beacn CA 9211S I STEPHEN K TEARY , 7 1$ erownc101t Roao Laguna Beoch :A 928S1 KHA OOLAH E$HlEHAROI 5403 Wilthtre Blvd Loe AnQelH :A 90036 Thia bullneaa 11 condUC1ed by • Jttnltlel oerlner1hlp Kli•d<>leh E11ue11ardl llllt tllletnenl wH flied wllh lhe County Clerk 01 Oranoe Coun1y on --------·----= Orange Coat DAILY PILOT /Thurld1y, M1y 13. 1982 ca . From Page C1 From Page C1 ANGELS • • • CARLSON' COLUMN • • • on about threM cyllndora thank.a to numeroua lnJw1m t.hla year. "Wo'vo been havln1 a lot of lnjuriee, and perh.ap1 everybody knowa we h.ave to bNt down and overcome them," aald Collini "We haven't been playlna good baa ball, but we aeemed mor e -UNMIVe toni&ht and lt.arted IO play betlc!r." Mauch Ult.id four rl'llevl•fll after Moreno deparl d In th.: fourth inning. with b<>th Andy HaJAler and Don Aaao workln.c near flawleta.ly. The Angela wiU havt-another pitcher In their mldata IOOn when Doug Corbett joins them along with Rob Wi Tf ong, obtained Tuc1day I n a trade w ith Minnt!'IOt.a. The Angela are expected to make an announcement today on who they will remove from thl• ... ter. * ANOIL NOTfl: Ytnl<H c•lcller "lcli Cer-. whO tullered a Gilio lrac1ure ot Ille left tltumb TuH dey nl9hl wltll• leg9lng out DOft layklf 11 home pllle. hU been plaoed on Ille 'I ·day dlH bled 11a1 Meenwhlle, p11ct111f "Ioli "9'1M"-I, 1lrHdy tervlng ume on lh• 21 d•y Ila• wlll1 a 1ore •lght ehovlo111. wH moved to the 60-d1y 1111 WM• membert of the Ml11nH 01e Twlnt venred their enger over rec;e,,I lredH wllk:ll htv• H nl pitcher Dou1 Clll'belt end tnlltlO" "•b Wlllo119 10 the An{l8fa, and 041lcher lulch Wrnee-t •M plleher "oo•• frlclleo11 lo lh• Yenken. V.nll.M M•~ Gene MlchMle dlOn'I ...,,, loo UPMI "We hOle 10 g1vt1 up a player Ilka (urry) Meft>ovrn. end the 1wo you(IQ guya (ll'el• l'HM>n, .lotln 11'-'le), bul we got some g ooo P•oote In Ertok1on end Wyne11••, MlchHI aatd before lhe game and Corona del Mar turned tht trick. 'fht' 1urprl1w w'u Ir v1nl• (11WUnd In lht' St-a VIL•w Leagut') The VuQucru11 were tubbt.•d !or 1tventh (aecond fro m the bottom). Well-wishers greet Leonard B A LT 1 M 0 H ['; ( A J• ) Wt:l lw H1 hc ra c·ont1nu~·d to lt•lt•pho nP w urld Wl·ll1•rwt'1ght <'hump1on Sugar Hay l .t-<>nard on Wed n~sday us h(· r1·t·upe1 atc•d from aurgery t.o 8l•Vt• the• vts10n m hlB left eye. Among tht' e&llers was lwlx·rw Duran, a recent oppom·nt De borah Digges, a apokes- woman at Johna Hopkins, aaid Duran had contacted the public relations office at the hoapital But Digges aaJd ah~ could not say whether the two f lghlers actually had spoken to each other or what they may have said. Duran beat Leon ard for thl· worl d we lterwei gh t c ham - pionahlp In Montreal on June 20,' 1980 , but Leonard came back to defeat the Panamarua.n on Nov 25 o f lhe same year in New Orleans. rtalC NOTICE NlllC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE THERE'S ONLY une thlJW wrong wllh thl! s~. v ••• L..c1tgue tradln& pla<-M w tth U\• South Cout Lf.oguC!, go1.n1 to tiUI CW l~ntrnl Confcrcma~ football µlayoffK And th•t'• the p light of the South ('01.u1t Leagut', which la now 111 tht' Southern Conft'l"t'nc; Bo\h lt•l\gues bclon" In lht (\·ntnal Conference • • • t'U EC KJNG AROUND L.u~una lldls High finally found u rephi<.~·nwnt for Cbac' Gallo, hiring lcmg-tlmc MlaalOI\ Vw11 High M"11MUint Ed Adams tO guide the Hawks' football progrrun GalJo is llbld to be hooking up u~ 1tn aulstant at Capistrano Vall(.>)' Ediaon High hWJ c•lc·vau:d Brian Gloabea to thC' v;1~1ty footb<•ll staff • Coroaa d~I Mar Hl&b'a first practk t' for its <•lunrnl football game with Nt•wport Harbor 11 May 25 Suout Lugue trac• and fl~ld lc:ft a lot to be dnired with tht· ab!><•nce o f 0.1 team champ1onsh1p ::tt stake at their finals Bill Cuoerty of Saddlebdt·k Collt•ge as offering a 4uartt'rback and rece1ve1'1' camp for hoys al!(c Ii-I :i at Orange C.oaat Colh•l(e Thi· t wo day c·amp it Jun1· 5 ti with tuition $50 More rnformattun c·un ~· obi;11r1t:d by col hnl( fi4 ;!-6:J3(i P\lll.JC NOTICE l'ICTmOUI eUllHIH NAMI IT A TIMINT I------------FICTITIOUS BUllNflS FICTITIOUS .UIMll The tollowlng oerton It doing bU~ ... STEINER OF LONDON. 2070 Bu1tne1a C~ter Olive, Suite 240. lrvlne. CA 9271S TOPPY'S BY STEINER, L TO (Af1ahelm). • Cellorn1a CO<por111on 2070 Builnett Cerller Drive lrvtne, CA 9271!> Thlt Dullneh " conOUC1ed by • corPOt•llon Toppy't by Slelnet t.1d. (Anaheim I V1C1or St Surle. Pteeldenl Thll tlelemtnl wu tiled wtlh Ille County Ci..tc of Or•J199 County on Mey•, 1982 1'1.-0 Publlahed Orengo Co•ll Delly Pilot, Ml)' 6 13, 20 27 1982 20•2·82 l'ICTmou• IUllHEH NAME STATEMENT NAME STATHl .. fT NAMl STATlMINT r1111 lolfow1ng peraons ore doing Tile l ollowlng peraon II OOlllf The following peraona 111 001ng '"'"'"l!O at buam.-\ d buelneat.. A A G rLECIAIC INC 1952 r1R£ ~AFE TY EOUCATORt. AMERICAN BACKPAC><tNO l>eflcen Place Cosia Men C.A lb06 Pnrulerou Co111 Men. CA ANO SURVIVA L RESOURCES 'l2626 92626 6905 0 110 Clrcle, Sulle J Bueno GILBE RT SC.HO[NBAUM 19S7 EDWAOO WAL TEA LEWll, Parlo:, Calll0tnl1 90821 """c;an Ptoc.~ C.r,i.lfl Me~.; C.A tt>Ob Po11oe1o•a. Costa Me11. CA Pt1lr1Ck l ee TarjlUH 26611 1UfJ26 92626 Alten .. o. MllltlOn Viejo. C11hlorr11a AOA 0 SCHOENBAUM 19~<' Tlw1 bU\lrl .. st 1• tonducled by an 92691 Pe11c;an Pllc8 c;o11a Ml.'511 CA 1n01v1du111 Sc;oll Nelton Loll.ken 260~2 \126:>6 Fdwttrd W Lew1a Rem111 Court. Et Toto. C•lilorn1& Hu• lluwiot& rs conllu<.te<l Dy a Tnis 1t;i1omen1 waa llled wllh Ille 02630 tflflJOtBl!C>n Cow11y Ckl<~ ot O<anot County Ofl Denni• Jean Heel II 13S43 A&G £LEC l~f(, INI Mey 4. 1982 Btoach Sl•to"I CHrr1lo• (. u1tlorr1on G111>er1 Scr1oenli.iun 1'1~ 9010 t Preso04ltll PuDlt'h"ll Or •no• COUI 0 1r1r Tiii• bu11nesa 1a conouc:ted by e This 11111emtint wu hied w11h th11 11'11<>1 May 6 •? 20 'n 1982 general pG1tnereh1p C.ounly Clor~ ot Orang/! (,0un1y 011 20112-I' Pa111ek Lee Ten·len A11t1I 21 198~ PU8l1C MnJICE Thia s1e1emen1 wet 111!1<) w11n me F11111: m1 County Clll(k of Or1noe Counly Ofl Pubtt'h"d O•anoe C.ocUI Datl) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Aprll 27 1082 f'1101 Ao111 ;>9 May b I J 20 1982 NAME STATEMUIT F1M1t7 l924 82 r ~e tr 11owonQ pe•ione are OOlng PuDlllhod Orange Coes1 On1ly 1111~"'"~' a~ PllOI. Aprll 29 Mey e. 13 20, 1982 PUBLIC MnJICE v I l l A M I M 0 s A A p AR T ---FIC-TITIOU---.-au-... --E-.-.--l93 7 8? ml M f N 1 s )6 "1 Wes, Ba II Road NAiii ITATl.MENT An•h<!•m CA 92804 The follcrwtng ~raorit 11e doing NlllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUllNESS A A M f'ROPERTtES IS461 t>ualnesa.. NAME STATEMENT l,t1.,m1tAI Ldrtt' Hunt1ng1on Beaoti Mil.IC NOTICE CREATIVE NEW LIFE MINI c pp.19293 I Th .. ffJlll'lwtno per!on1 81" outng C A ·~~fi44 STRIES. OBA CHILDREN'S VILLA IMPORTANT NOTICE t.us•r1t1~t <i\ 11.,, bu~'""n 1' conoucied Dy 1 1797 s MC>nl'OY\I Coe•• Mes• CA IF 'fOUR PROPER I y 1$ IN f ORE G & I( DEVEi OPMEN1 llOto s ·1l'r•l'fl1t oa11r0e•Sh•U 92627 CLOSURE 8ECAUS£ YOIJ ARC Et Camt11u Real San C.l emt:ntw Atan 01tt'Q•" CREATIVE NEW LIFE MINI· BfHINO IN YOUR PAYMENT" tr Calllorma 92671 c-.et.er~I Pao1,,.,r $TRIES, a Calllornl1 c;orporat1on. MAY 8£ SOLO WIT HOU I A N Y l<Mt A Kn.,p&oll 161 W All!l lh" >l&lt:ment wu llleO w1lh Ille 1797 S MOtVOVle, Coete MeM. CA (,OURT A(, llON. ,mo you may tiav~ ~andro San C.1emen1e C1i1fornt~ 1 1,nunty Ch"~ 01 0111110• <..oun1y on 92627 '"" 1.-qat rogr11 10 btthQ your a~c.•ru111 9:>672 Acir•I 27 tY82 Tiii• bu"'-8 19 conclUC1ed by • •ft Ot>OO ~liuultno hr o•ymg all of Wot11om Guer.,na I JO) <.1 te 1'1•trt corporallon your 00,1 Out1 Oilymenll PhJ) 1,.,, foltsdO S•n Ctrm11nt~ '~altl111ma Puol•tnf'd O••ng11 Co111 Dally C.utlW Hew Liie Mlnl11.-Miited c;0,11 and e.p!'ntn wolhon !12672 Ptlfll Apfll 2fi May 6 13 20. 1982 Ot Donald P. Terno. 111ree monlhs 1rom tho d"'" "'" Tnus l)uatneu 1~ conoucl!IO Dy 11 193l·l3 Preeldent NOllt.e 01 Oel"ull wA• recrirrlf'O general p11r1ne•""P Thlt a111-1 ...... tlleCI w1111 '"' 1 ht& amounl ., S4' nCJ 8" a~ 01 """' """' A "•>ttfJM!ll County Cler1t o4 Oranot Cou<'lty on 14 l982 eno ..,.111<>(.,,.fl!w urHol ,,.,,,t fhos ""lt•menl ... as lil.it1 .. ,in th(' could reeull In garnlartme,,1 01 ~(If t wt eddt wegea, 11kl1"19 of money or pr~y a• r -°'common or other reftel requested In the deelgnellon 11 11tow11 ebove, no comptelnt wen11111)' le Ql'ten u to 111 compte. 0111 l-°' oonect,_I .. TEO: ~~~!r!:.1c1et11 The 1>e1ieAc::Wy I.Mer Mid 09lld No blOder IM'f wtthdr-,,.. bid for • ~100 of lorty·llft (•6) d•yt alter the d •tt Ml tor Ille 09911lng lh«eof. Trte Board of Trueteu of th• Hunttnglon ~ City SotlOOI 01- •lt1Ct ,_.._ the rlgtlt 10 r•JCI tit'/ 0< a11 blO•. end not ~tty ee- c•ot Ille loweet bid, and to welve any lnlomt.ill)' Of lfregulllflty In any bid reoelYed. Mey •. 11182 eccounl 1>eeom~ lV"""' You ,.,,1, C.ou,,ly (lei~ 01 Or iliQt' Cou"'' vn NOTICI INVITINO lllDI ft1747• F1--not have 111 ,.,. 1he enl"" urt1,n11d Aprot 17 1982 j Nouce It hereby given tll•t 111• Publl•heo Orange Cont Otll) Publlthed o ,.nge CoHI Dally oonlon 0 1 yuor account nv•in 1'1N19' eo.ro of Truat-of Ille Huntington PtlOI Apttl 29 Mey 6, 13, 20, l982 Pllol, Mey 8, 13, 20, 27. 1982 though lull paym11nt wu~ Ot>ma11dr.rl p.,1'"11• .. 1 ')o"'"I" '·' ·• 1 O"''Y Beech Clly Scltool Ol1tr1c1 o l 1~ 1·82 2036-82 l.lul you mu.111 oar "'" amO<Jnl ~1 .. 1f<d r•1101 Allttl 19 May fl 11 20 1981 Otanoe County. CellfOfnla, wlll rec. April 18 1982 By Kim E Grent Oeouty Of TNlt. by ,_of • bfe9Ctl OI COOCUY, COUMAM a HOWAM> default tn IM ot>llget1on1 MCUred II' o eoa 1-thereby, heretofore executed end ~ A11a, CA U7'1 delivered to th• underelg,,•d a (714) llll·Mr4 written Oeciareuon of Oeleuh eno Demand lor Sale, anc:t wl'1tten no1~ Publlt hed Orenge COH1 Deily of breech enes of ~ to eaUM P11<>1, May 8. 13. 20. 27 1982 Ill• undlll'•loned 10 .. u ••Id pro· 3007·82 party 10 M lllfY M id Obllgallona, ll1d ----.---IC-..,..-T11'-r ___ ,,.., .. ,, ... IM underalQned cauMd fWK. nu I n,c Mid f\OllOe of brMC:t\ and of elec110n ------------to be Aecorded Oc1obef 23. 11111" ,, No 3 1330 In bOOk 14267 pege NOTICE OF DEATH OF 1•34, ot aa1c:t ome1e1 Recordt ENA M. YOUNG AND OF Said ••I• wlll be m1de. but wl- PETITION TO ADMINIS· ~~=d~.:':ri.Z·=: TER ESTATE NO. A-113014 . °' eiWnt>renc., 10 P9Y 111e To all heirs, benefictanes, emalnlng prlnclpet t um of lh• c redi t ors and contingent 0111(•> Hcured by 1e10 Deed 01 • rutt. with lntereet M In Mid nole creditor s o f E na M Y oung orovtoeci. 1dv1nee1. 11 en)'. under and p e rso n a who may be th• term1 of H id DHd 01 Trutl, o therwise interested in the • ctwgee and ~-Of '"' wilJ and/or est.ale: rust;:., an:. °i:::1.1rueu C:Alllled by /\ petitio n has been filed Seid ..-wlM be held on Ftld1y, by John P . M on cur 1n the Mey 21. 1N2 at 2·00 p.m , al •llt S · c r o A-..nue ent<anoe. lo Ille uper1or o urt o range tvtc Center Bulldlng, 300 EHi County reque.tmg I.hat John "-P-" Avenue. ,,, 111e City of P . M oncur be appointed aa CA personal representative w At tlfM of Ill• 1nlt1•• pubtlGe- ""-_ of 1Ne notlot. the total emount adm.lni.lter the estate of .,,..... tlle un~d b1lence of Ille obll· M. Y oung (unde r the lnde-ellon eecure<I by Ille •bove d •· pendent Admin1Atration o f bed Oeed of !Nit and eetlmeted FAtaces Act). The petition 1.11 ~~'t 3•:~·0•~:,:~~~~~! .et for hearing In Dept. N o. 3 enlng bid, you m•y call (7141 at 700 Civic Cen ter D rive, 7-0tOI. Wett. in .the C ity o f S anta. 0819 ~~r;ACIFIC Ana, Cahfomta on June 2, l'UNOINO, INC. 1982 at 9:30 a .m . 11 Mid TNll.ee, lF YOU OBJECT to the By T.D. 8eMoe Comc>en'I'. granting of the peution, you ::'J Andr1doe ahou.ld either 1ppear at the ~t BeoretAr, ' hearing and state y o ur ob -OM City BMI. W•t. jectlont o r me wrllte n ob -Oranve. CA 92688 7t•t13M281 jections w lth the court be-PvOltehtd Orenge Coeet Delly pt.. fore the hearing Y o ur ap- . Mey 6. 13, 20, 11112 pearance may be in person 2011-12 or by your altomey. IF YOU ARE A CREDI-NlllC NOTICC ..... :::: ::::, Cfty .COtMf9C-'J ... ileftd ~:---' Pul>IMlhed Orange CoNt Detty Pl- IOI. Mey 8, 13, 1942 2031-8' NIUC NOTICE IUHRIOlll COU"T Of THE ITATI. Of CALlf'OfllNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE NO. A· 113220 O"Of" TO IHOW CAUlf (CCP hcllon 1217) IN THE MATTE" 01' THl AP· ll't.ICA T10fll Of ALP"ED ~DflOZA FOR CHANGE OF NAME. WHEREAS ALFRED PEDROZA, ~1111on" hH llled a petition wilh· lhfl Cltr~ o f lht& Court lo• All or, de< ch11ng1ng 011111oner' 1 name from ALFRED PEDROZA 10 ALFR· EO COLE IT IS SO OROEAEO 1r.11 ell 09( rona lnlere•ll'ld tn lhe above· enutle<I matter •ooear wlore lhll Court al 10 30 on June 9. 1982 In lhe GOUOIC>Om OI Oepw1ment No 3. at 700 CMc; Cen1er Drive, Sanla Ana. Celll0tnla. and tltow ceuM, II any. wtly lhe petition for Chenot of name lhould nol be 9r1111led IT IS FURTHER OROEREO 111a1 a C09Y of lhlt Otder to lhow c:eu .. be publlelted In the Delly PllOI. a ,_. epeper of general clrculallOn prlf11· ed In Orenge County, C"t101n1e, once • week for lour auc;c;enlv• weekl P<lor lo the dale HI tor rteerlng on tlte oetlllon OATEO April 27, 1982 Bruc:e W Sumner Judg• of the Super10t Court Oll"ALD W. •WHOUSI 11001 u ,. .. "oed· No. -"""'°"' Vi.to, CA ... , (7'4} '61<4311 PublltheO Or1nq• Coaal Delly Pllo1 ,_prll 29. May 8, 13, 20, 111112 •!123·82 TOR or a con~ent creditor l'ICTITIOUI llUIMll h d .,._ITAnlllENT of t e ecease , you mut t The following pereoni 1,. do•no rtaJC NOTICE f lie your c I a Im w I th the bufl,.... .. : --1'1CTTTIOU----,-11U-,---,-,-- court or preaent il to the INTER COUNTY PROTECTION, ..... ITATI..,,,. pel"IOnal repretentaliv" ap-5 tA2 Werner Ave,,ue. Sullt '14• The following per'°"' are dOlng ....i .. ted b the court lhln Hutltlng1on a..oti. CA 02649 butlneM M _. Y WI LAWRENCE Oii BERT BALL SURFSIDE OAY SERVICES, four montha from tM date Of 70&7 THk Wey, Renoho Cuce-•OO Merrtmec. 115. Coe1e Mell, Urat luuance of letters •• ~· C,_ 91730. CA !12826. provided In Section 700 of AMES OAVIO BALL, 850 N MYATA O'BRIEN, 400 Merri· .... _ ...__._._ ,......,,.._ t r-.UJ Mounllln, •l9. Upland, CA 9l78e mac. II lO. Coete MMe, CA !12826 .,..,. ,.-....,......, ~ 0 ...... or•. Thie ~ le conducted by e Tltlt o.. ~ .... - nla. The lime for fllln1 .. per1,,.,.1Np buelneet •• ....,.,,,_ieci by.,, ........... ~ a.M lndl\'ldual, cl.tWne will not expire prior .ltll'M .,., .. .., ,_. 'Myr1.a 0 '8rlerl tA f th.I f the date Thie 1111-t W .. flied with Ille fNt llllt-t WU filed with 1"9 I·""' our mon rorn ty Cler'lc of Orerige County on ,.._ ...... ,..__ .. _, ,... eou 1 bf the hearina noticed above. AC>rN 27, t982 ..,.,....,, .__,. "' ..,..,. n Y on YOU MA~ l'!XAMIN! ~1.a. Mey 4· IM2 ,,_ &he (l)e kept by the ClOW't U Publltlted Qrenge COH t 011~ Publltlled Orenge CoHI Delly I .____....,,.. I .... _ ' Piiot. Aprll 29, Mey 8, 13, 20, 191 p•._. ••-'" 13 :zo 27 tN2 you IU'C nten:11-.. n w1c: eis-111At-e2 ''"" ... _, "· • · • • NlllC NOTICE l'ICTmous IUllNfH NAME ST A T!MENT The lollow1no persona '" ooong bu•1neaa at M EDICAL RESEARCH FUN· OINO ASSOCIATES 4920 Cemput Ortvl!I Newporl Beach Callfornte 92660 1nvet10" Anelytit Inc a Ne- v101 coroo111ton 18 Velley view frVtne Calllorma 927 IS Thll butinets t• r.ondur.leO Oy 11 C<ltl)()(Aloon tnve•tort An1Jy11a Inc ChlffeS A Palley Prea1oen1 ln11 ••elemt1n1 wu llled wtth Ille Count) Cieri\ 01 Or1111ge County on Aprtl 27 1982 1'1•1• PubhaheO Orenge Con• Delly Piiot. Apt1I 211 Mly 6 13. 20. 1!182 1862-82 NlllC NOTICE l'1Cm1ous eu11NE11 NAME tTATl.MfHT Tiie tollowlng oerton It doing but1nesa u , M I t\ A DEStGNIOEVEL OF<M! ti I ?SQ N"WIJUll Cen1er bttve P n 9,., '392 Newoot1 Sf'aC.11 l,.thlornin 9~bf .. I . MIChael Topllkll 2237-B Rut· Qet•. Coile Meu , Calllorn1e 92827 Thia bUtmeH la c;on<IUC1ed by en lnClv\Oual MIClhMI T 09111<11 Thlt 1t"emen1 wu Oled with lhe County Ci..k ot Orange County on #.ptll 27, 1982 F1•1eo PuDll•lt•d Orang• CoHI Dally Pllol. AprH 211. Mey e. 13. 20. 1982 1880·12 Ml.JC N0T1C( 'ICT1TIOUB llU .... 11 NAME ITATlllllNT Tiie lollowt11g pe<ao11 It doing l>U"'-11 IA ) B C C , !Bl BRION CON· STRUCTION COMPANY. 228411 Vlt SentlllOO, Mlt1lon Vlelo, Celllornle 92601 Mlt;hHI E Brion, 22648 Via Senllaoo. Ml•tlOn vieto. Ce1tl0tnl1 928111 n111 t>wtlfteM It oonducrtecl by an lndMclull. MIChMI E 8flon flllt t11t_,I WH flied 9tlh the County ewti of Orange County on May 5. 1082 f1.m Publlehed Orenge COl81 Dally Pllol, Mey 8, t3, 20. 27, 1982 20tt-92 MOC NOTICE tale, you may llle a requmt 2037-12 with the court to receive "8JC NOTICE "8JC NOTICE l'lCnnout auu.a1 1ptdal noUce of the lnven-"°"moU9 IUllMIU Tiie ,~IT~~. dOlnCI tory of .. tate UMY and of PICTmOUI .,.... MMlll ITAW bu...,... ... °'• petitiona. llCOOUnt. and ..... ITAT'lmWT Th• lollowlng pereon It dOlng LIDO ~INSULA BOAT STO. reporta deecrlbed In 8ec:tion Tiie 1011ow1no pereon 11 ao111g DuelneM ... RAOE, 100 llilpyerd w1v. Newport 00 n..... ~ 11: 0. HUNT, PlfllllOHHEL HA· lelcll, Cellloml4i t2tt3 12 ('f the Callfomi. r rv-LYNNS EHTIAPAISH, HOO VICl!I, H51 Otltta ,elma Orlv•.1 W1L90 IHOUITAlll, 100 UOO bate Code. lcllnger, Ho. to 1, HunllftS1t011 IM!tlnflO" e..ai OetllfottM '*' Parll Of!W, ~ 1eec;11, Calf. L M6 O..•ur, lleeofl, CA '*7 Ceroty11 H. Hvnt. Met Ctltte '°!nla t2t8t Am •• 1.a. IC.-. L. ~.NGO tolnoat. Ho. '•Im• OtlY•.J. Hu1111neto" •• .,,... , .... ~ • ~ by • ••.a • , ... --'°-:JF• lleeofl, CA l2M7. Celllomlt t2M7 OOf'POl'Mlon. --.. --II conduOt!ld by en Tiiie ~ II oondUcted by U1 Wllbo ~ ..... ll l ~ ,.,.,_ lndlYlduill. H, ,..,_ A ..... 0... ~CA lta'7 -..... .... ~ .. ~ ..-. _ ........ ~ H-~ __ _ _..., Vloa,.,....,.. . T -a. ... -.. ,,_ _.., ,_ _,..,.... ,,_ .,._ ._....., ,._ ·-•all Mil -fled"'"" 1M tlqs rn r• • ·-• COunty an of ~ Count, °" County an °' 0r.,,.. eounty on ~ Clf ar-. OOld1 en PublJahtd Ora.n1• Coatt M°9y •. 1N2. Apt1I tr. 1Hl. , 1tet. .tW1r PUac. May l2. ll. 19. PubtleMct Or•nt• coa:.-:=: '"bt61Md er-. c..!'1': vbll"*' Or•~ c .. :.1: )9'S. "9lot...., I, 1a, 20, 11. ttll Not. ""11121. M9y a, 1). ao. ..._ ""111 te,...., .. 11. IO, 1M2,. D2..a2 20IMa 1~ ....... aoove Aller "'""' mofllh\ hntlt ,,... 193S 82 414"' Melecl bide up to 2 00 p.m on "8lJC NOTICE dale 01 •aCOtdat•on f)I lht" llor.u lh• 19th 01y ol Mey 1982. •I the P'te:T1TIOUS IUalNfll ment (wh1cn <Jal .. ol re,orrl.tloun otllce ol aald School 011tr1Ct, loo.- NAME STATl!MfNT .10~111& heroon) unll"\ II•" nfllt!lft PUBLIC NOTICE led t i 73S-14111 Streel. Huntlng1on bu~:::.!~l:wlng Peftont •1• doing ~~,;;1~~~~~·~~::1 h'f:~·,,r::;~":;:~ NOTICE OF TAU8TEE'8 SAlE =~1?i'~~or;~~I~~.~~=:: MARKATREX n28 1 Cemtnllo leqel rtQllt to \lop,,,... l•ttec.IO'>ut" l>y L-n No. 0011-01aJ:SS reeo fOt Etc:obedo Laguna Hill• CA 926S3 onytng ltte en11re an•l)IJnl dl!nt.1 .. 0 ... 11 T s No 7~ ICHOOl. a <>n'ICI ·~· MELVIN A WHETSTINE 222811 lly ft>V• cr.,dolO• lo l1nd out !ht> CENIRAl l.APITAL CORPORA All bldt 11' to be In ecx:oroenct Cemtnllo Eecobedo Leguna Hilla . .,mount vo•i mu~• 1.111r o• t(t d"""O" r tON u duly 11oootn1t1d I •u$fflll with Cono111on1. ln11ruct1on1. 1nel CA 92653 101 oayml!nl I<• s1011 "'" lor ecro"'"" under the tollowtno Oe5<.,.lle<I Oaod Soectt1Getlon1. wllleh .,, now on,.. PHYLLIS R WHETSTINE or ti your prape•ty t\ •rt '"'"'·l'''V'I< Ol l ru~I WI! I Sflt AT PU01 IC lnlheoflloeollhePu<cttulngAoenl 2229 I CemiMo Etcobedo. Laguna tor M~ Ollle< rea~nro • nnluct r .. r AUCTION 10 fHE tll(tHESl UIO of H IO School OltltlCI. 7:JS. f4111 '1llla CA 92653 mr>t!> & M,.t1,hllnt•. ll•t' C,nm'-' '"' OfR r QR (..A!>lt rpeydb~ 111 11"'8 OI SHMI '1unllngton 8Mch. CellfOf· T htt l>ulllnest 11 conducled by • of Long Beach r Cr f BfJ l f Ol r M sale "' t11wtu1 monl.'y ul 1he Un11ell nta. 9~8 llmileO perlnerahip REESE' IRA '1-45 4 I 9. ond Pttul Statt>'I 1111 11gh1. 1111,, Hnd tnte1es1 No btooer may wll1tOr1w hit bid Mel"'n R Wheltllne Ftschtlf Frucnhom tlu wrs 1 E llN convf"y•Hl 10 eno nu .. held Uy 11 tor a period of foriy-llve (a6) dayt Phylll• R Whelsttn~ l OAN !>fRlllCf '> 11101 w 1 Otym unOe• ~•td o .. ed o• Tru'I '" "'" a11e1 1111 da" H t for the OP4lflf"9 Thil lletem.,,I WeJ II~ wlln lhe U•C Blv!l L<" AnqN .. ~ I A l()(lf,4 ptCrpl.'•ly ""'"onatlet Oil~ t•l>P<I I hereof Counly Clerk of 01tnge County on 1:>1)1620 0111 All" '''""'r''"'" TRUSIQR fREOI A\lfv d llngle l The Bolld ol Trut l eea o f the Apt1I 27 1982 Ot>PI mun Hunt111g1on Beach City ScllOol Ot- . ,-1•1• 11 you 1111ve 1111y a""''"'"'' you 8ENEF1C.tllRY er N 1 AA1 rr o I ttrlCt r.-• the rlghl to re)eCt 1111y PuDlllhed Orange Coatl Oally thou to c:o .. 1ac I .J 1.,wy••• Qr "'" (RA L S A 111 NG S AN O L 0 AN or I ii bldt . 1no not neceeHrlly - PilOI Aorll 29 May 6 13• 20, 1982 governmf""I <1Qent.y "'"tr.h ntf'Y lulYt! ASSOC a <.0rp0ra1ton cepl Ille lowell bid eno 10 wllve onsur~ your tolln Al"membf"< l'OU Rec:ordfl<I Oeceml>f!t 19 1980 8~ any 1n1ormlllty °' lrregul.,lty In _, ----------1938•82 MAY L0$( LEGAL R1C-.H l 5 IF YOU on51t No 28713 on ho<* 11880 oege bid received NlllC NOTICE DO NOT TAKE PROMPT ACTION 910 ol Oll!Clfllf Reco•O• In lh(! ottic;e """"""°"._...City Tne tolfow1ng copy ot Notoco of lhe RecorcJer 01 O•nnge Coullty kltool 1>6elrlct lhe 011g1n111 ot wt11cri wa, 1.1.,0 101 said deed ot It usl dt'ICrtb"' 1114'1 of Ofente CouftfJ FICTITIOUI eUllNlll 1ecord on 4 22-8:> 1n 1he ot11c;p ol loOow1ng properly 9otl e..MI NAME ITATl•NT lhe reco•Of'r of Orange Counly LOI 3 In BIOCll 2 ot Tttcl No 21 ...,,.~ ~ The IOllOWtng persona are Oolng Ca1tlorn11 •• senl 10 Y'"' inasmuch Boulevatd Addition 10 Newport ......,1 buttl'Mlff H 01 an e.amine11on ril lhll 1111e 10 so1u Hetghts 1n lhe Clly o• Cosla Mesa Publlthed Oranoe Coe11 Oe'1""' PACIFIC FINE ART. 2ll00 E .. t 1ru1t properly 1how~ ynu may """e County of Orange. S111e ot CelllOt· IOI , Mey 6. 13. 1982 Coal! Highway. No 46, Coron• d .. an 1nterea1 1n rho l•u'1e" • 1111e nil.'' oor m110 recorded in l>Ool< II 2031-0 Mar. Cehl0tnla 92825 oroceod•ngs oaot 26 ot m1toe1111neooa m•o• 1n JamH Cer1er Tutwll" 2600 NOTICE OF OEl'A.Ul T lhe ottloe ol the c;ounly rflCord" of EHi Cont Htghwey. No •II Co Nolte.II tt hf"•"bY g1van 111oi1 l f)' •llld coun1y rona del Mer. Cellloml• 9262!> Angeles f11te and T '"'' Oee<l Com 32 14 C111y S1ree1 Newoort Beac:n I Mlcllul L1wrenc;e Brennon. pony 1t duly e1Jpo1n1ed r1ual8'J un Callfornl11 2600 Ea11 CoHI Hlghwly, Coron• der 1 ~ .,, Trull doled Apt1I tO ·cu • a11ee1 110d•t1H or 1.ommon del Mil. Calll0tnl1 9282!> 1980 l'~Kuled t>y PareOIM Inv'"' dotg,,111on 11 •hown above no Tiiie butlnMA I• c:ondueted by • ment inc 1 Celtfornia (;Otp0r111ton w&tfen1y " given H to tta comple llmllecl par1n•alllp n Trut101 10 sec;ur" cerl&tri ot>ll 1enen or 1.0trec1nn11 J C"1er Tutwii.. g1111ont tn t111vor of Formci•& & Mei Tiie !MlnellCtery under tald Deed Thlt t111em.n1 wu llled With lhe ehanu Trusl Company 01 Long ol Trual. by re11eon of• breac;h 01 ounty Cleric of Or•no• County on Be.cit TEE FBO LEO~F M REESE deh1ult In lhe obllgellon1 tecured II 27 11182 IRA 45 • 1·9 n to an und1vtded lhe•eby heretofore e•ec;uled I nd l't111• 51 S48''• tn1e1es1 "no Paul Fr•cller delivered 10 lhe unde111gneo " Publ11heO Orange CoHI 011~ Fruchbom •• to an unOtvodl!d wrllten Oe<;lar111on of O.f11ull enO tlo1. Aptll ?9. Mey 8, 13, 20. 198 48 45 4•1, 1n1eres1 ALL A S TE Oem•nd IOI Sa ... eno .... 111en not1c;e _________ ..,Ji .. 3..,2._,·8 .. 2:-1 NAN TS IN COMMON H benellc11 ol braf'Ch •nd Of tllecllon to cau .. P'UBUC NOTICE ry rec1>1dlld • '1·80 •• 1nt1rumttnt lhe undertlgned lo aell u10 pro ------------i "o 21068 1n boo• 13581 o•ge petty 10 .,.ualy .. Id obllgallOna. end '1CTIT10UI ......... 19111 OI OlllCIAI Record• II\ ,,.. Of lhetHll•• Ille unOeta1gned U Uled NA.Ml! ITATl•NT lie• of th" Recorder ol Ornng11 utd 11011c;e of bru cll eno or elec The lollowlng oereont ere OOlng Coun1y Cnlllornt• detGrlb111g ltntl llOn to be Aeoorded o.c.r.>oer 24, bu'"-8 .. !herein aa Loi 104 ol •ract S611, 1n IH1 u tnatr No. 3 t889 tn book CHAMPAGNE TASTE, 1713 I~ C11y of Orange It allown on o 1038 pege 00&. of H id Olflct1I Oellu Pl.ta. Cotti M-. CA 92628. m1W rec()(de<I In bOOI< 388. page 27 Aeoorde WILLIAM F L WEBSTER, 17 H' 10 31 lnclullve of Mtt ctll11neoua Said u le wtll IHI mlOe. but wt Oehu Pl~. Coale Mete, CA 92628. Mept. ar1d •"'*"O•O by 1 certll1C:•1e lhoul C0\19f\Atll or warranty, fllpreN DONNA JEAN WEBSTER, 1713 ol coHecllon recorded Apttl 14 01 lmplled, regarding lllle, POS .. I Oahu Pl-. CO.II Mete, CA 9291t. 1!176 In Book 1I704 p age 1730 1ton, or ~umbrenc.t. lu P"T lhe Thia bu"'-le ooncluctecl by 1 o mcial Record•. 1n lhe office 01 lhe rem11n1ng prtnc1011 tum o rne Nml1td pannwetljp County Recorder of 11td Counly nole(t) H CIHllO by H id Offd 01 Wlllarn F L W8Cll1., 1nclud1ng note f()( the prlnc:•pal 11ut11 Truel . With 1nte<"I •• In Yid oote Thie 1tettmenl wu IMecl Wf111 ,,,. 01 ,...8,!>00 00 M id obtiga11on1 th111 provided adv1ncea. II eny, under County Clertl of Orenge County on 11 brHch of. 1no def1ull In. th" the 1trm1 01 11110 OHO ol Truu , Mey •• l!IS2 obllQAllOnl '°' Whl(;h lu¢1l Ooed ol f-. Clt111)8t Md l!llpet'IHt OI .... '1~ ;T1ut1 la u curlly hU accrued In Tru1tee 1no ot lhe lrutta creeled Dy Publl•ll• Orenge CoHI Otllr lltel peymenl ,,_ 1101 ~mid• ol Mid Deed of Trual Piiot Mey 13 20 27 1982 THE INSTALLMENT OF INTEREST Slid Nie wtll be lllld on Fndey. ' ' ' ' 20t642 WHICH BECAME OUF FEBRUARY Mey 28, t912 at 2 00 p m a1 th• ------------15. 1982 PLU8 LATE CHARGE, ANO Cttapmen Avenue entrer1C. 10 the "8lJC NOTJC( A l l 8U8 SEOUl!Nl INtTALL Civic Ce,,1er Building. 300 Eol ------------I MENTS OF INTEREST PLUS I.ATE Cllapmen Avenue, In lhe City OI CHAAOE ANO DELINQUENCY Orange. CA ITATUllNT 0' WITHDRAWAL OUE ON PRIOR ENCUMBRANCES. At Ille time 01 Ille lntllal pu~k;e• "'°"" '" ANY lhel by , .. eon lhereolf>!:, Uon of tltlt nollee. Ille tOlll MIOUftl ll'Nn"NIJl8W °""A TWO Pf-I beMfkllary ''"<* llUOtl of Ille vnpald t>alanoe 01 trte obll· UNDIR 01 Tru11 llU depotlled wllll H id g11ton H curtd by Ill• ebove d•· PiCTITIOUt .......... llAm td\llv lllJP()lllttd TtutlM. wc:h o..d ~bed deed of trull Md Mllm .. ed Tiie lollowlng peteot1 llH wllll• 'Of tN111 anc:t 1111 doeument• ~-eo•t•. exper1Ma. end ldvancff 11 drnn 11 a generll pat1net from IM clnv obllg•llona MCurlld thllfeby. 11'3.087 52 partnertlllp operating under tlte end Ille vnd.,atgr1ed doea ltereby ....!P 1te11rmln• '"• opening bid llollt lou• bu11neu name 01 dectere ell 1um1 M cureci tl'Mlfeby ,..,.. ~ 111111 11111 ~ OAANOI OOA8T RJNOIHQ at 1t1 lmmedletely dut and p1y1ble and Date As>fll 21. 1N 2. I 18th 8treet, Cotti MeN, Call• cloee herM>y lleC110 C8UM Ille \rua1 C!.NTAAl CAPITAL totN ntl1 •J>rOC>trtr to be eold 10 Nll•IY th• COftfl'OAA TIOH TM~~ 1W11t1 ,.._ OblgatlOnt MOUred m.eoy. ay T 0 H"VICI CO M· for ltl9 perlnenfllp .-lllld lOS ANOlLU Tnll! ANO ,NI'<, ...... i t 1N1 In h County T~UIT M!O COMPANY. tClftll Or--. Al.I NO. ,,?Ont .. Trvtt• ly Chtlt f ... ful • '"" lilaiM end Add'"' of tll• ly· ~o Tnlfl A1111et11111 Seorewy Wll'tdl.... INe~NCf COMPANY, UU C11111110 Oe1 Alo ,,Mii KrM MoOOneld. au, Aoent 1MM1. tttl .,,__ Aplrtwlerll 11, ~ H ... I. Cox. 9u1te ~ , ~tam Mii. a.cr.lery hn 0..00. CA H tOI flfft K. ltloDoMtd OATto ACW11', 1N2. (1141 ~- '"ttlleflM OrtiHe Co.t ~ PulMllllN O.•no• Caa•t 0.111 "'""•tiff Ot•"t• C.U1 O•llr • Atw1 B • ..., ... ts. to 1Mf f'I04, AQtl ... Mey t . ti. 20, tM2 , Mer I. 1), IO. 1M2 ' -, .... , '°4142 f "'IUC MOTtl NA·MMO Dfll'A"TM(Nl Of TltANlll'ORT A TlON NOTICE TO COHTIIACTOfla Se•led proposal• wlll be ,~ II lhe Oepertmenl 01 Tt1n1l)Ofta- 11on. 120 Soulh Spring SlrH~ Room IOOO. Loe Angelet. CaHlon(lll 90012. unm 2 oclock om on ~ ~ 1982 " <Olhlcfl lime,,,.,. wW publlc;ty opened and reed In RocMtt 11 aald 1001 .... for conllrUC11on .._ S11te hlgh*•Y 1n t cco<d•nce Witt Ille ac>eclllcellont lhetelOt. 10 .... •oec111 reference II med•. " 19fo Iowa O"nge County ,,, Newpor1 Buoh Coate Meu. Senti AIM, Tu111n , Orange ano Aneltelm, M vtrtoua •ocallont J1om Finley A,,.. 11ue to Roule 91 107-0re-56- 0Of 11 81. ov.,llH d and roedl!Oe ttgn P•nel• to be MOctllled Did• are required for the entire ...ork dHCrlbed herein, P1en1. eoec1nc.11on1. end P'OCIO- "' torm1 for bidding Ihle Pfopst c1n only t>e obtelned et Ille ~ partmonl ot Tttn~•llon, Pt- end Bid Oocumentt. fllloom 39 Tr1n1por1111on Bulldlng, 1 t20 N Slreel. P 0 Box 1409, Sect~ C e lllornl a 95807 (pltof\t 91~3325). Ind may be -.. ,,,. a~ ol1ICe end ., ,,,. omo. of Ille Ol11rklt Olr11C1ort of TrM!tl portallon at Lo• Anoe•u. &•*' F"rtl>Ciloo, end the dltllrtct In wtlldl 1"8 --le 91t\Mted Tiie I UCC.tlul btdd« 1111.all f\i,.. nltll • payment l>oftd and a l*fttr• manoebond. , Pureuent to Sec110n 17=of l•bof Code. ltle gener'll rete of wegee In IN OOllnty In Ill• work la 10 be don• hu t:ieM de1«mlM<I by Ille Olr.olOf of 1f1e ~ment of lnduetrtel lteletieMi Th•H wa9e fltH •PP•lf In ttt• o.c>ar1IMl'lt ol Tr~::= bllcllllOn entitled Clenw9 W•oe A•t••· dated Merell, t · l'utut• eflectlw wllQe rat•~ ,,..,. been ermlMd Md on tll• w~ Oepartment• l~•trlel "-latlona .,. ...... ,.. OU! not prtnted In .. ~ OEll'AATMIN'I' CW . TAA~ATION d.r °'MY~ I ~o.._, ....... , Co• DlllA "*"•~ Or•nte C•ut Ollillflt • w.y •• ti, 1M2 1•11 ... 1 .. ' , ) :. Orange Coul DAIL y PILOT IThurlday, M~· 13, 1982 Area athletes compete • In By HOWARD L. KANDY oftt1e o.tr Ne4 It ... h'• do-or-die Umt' for track and tlctld athletet u thoy face th• flrtt round of p r ~ 11 m I n • r I t• 1 I t' ad I n " to t h" C l F Hmllht'rn St•e·tlun nnd then the 1tatt• dtulflJJIUNhlpi Alhlt·~ In tlw 4·A dlv!Allon wllJ 1tage 1w t•lont1at1•d prcllm ln ttry mt•et at El Modooa High (74 runulf\H 1•veni. plwi ~u tleld event•) bcalnnl11g Mt :t o'dol·k )i'riduy afternoon and runnlnt( to t'Om·lumon . 'l'ht• wumc.-n'11 triple• jump 11 11t•t for a i 11'doe·k Mlnrt wtth the hncl runr1111g t•vent 11l :1 wht•fl 1111 othe:r f1t•l\I 1•vt•nt11 "t'I umh•r wuy. Nlrw &thlett•fl fron1 1.·u1.·h t'Vt'llt will quallfy for th.., CIF champlon1hlp1 at Q.rr1l09 Coll ae. week from !Hturday Sunaot Lcaauo ethlctea arc Involved ln the 4 A dlvlalon IUld 11eVctral 1hc>uld do qtuu• wt•ll for tht'~lvc .. thlia wt1t•k In tht• mun'• •J>rlnt11, Oct•Mn Vl1•w'1 fu•x Brown t'OUld win hit 100 h1..-at but may bt• pr<.wud 1n thct 220. wht!~ hc waa M lltlaW flrwU.t ln 1981. Mark Gut11t, et.o of OcHn View, fcU In hll lHiltle w ith ltod Emery of Fountain V1i1Ucy ln the 440 flnala but If hl!I hunutrlng pull hWI healed, tw c•oullt quullfy for the fln1i1l1. Hl11 be9'l llf 49.0 whilt' Jo:Owry hJ In another ht>at um.I hill! u 4\1.'1 murk, 1R'l'011J betlt In hl11 ht!ut K ylt· Morton of West mlni.ter ho11 an oul.llldt· dluti<.'t-l>f qualifying off hlB mark CIF prelims Friday of 1:38 I In lhe 860 N !d M<»her of Founta.ln Vulluy hu a 4:21.3 t•ffort tn dw mil run, lhll ltlOOnd bt'tt In thl' 4-A dlvlllon and topa In hia h t. He 1hould qualify for the flnal. 8nh Erkk1<>n of Fountain Valll'y tcnt.ched after aalnlna a p!JK.-.s In lhu prcllml lut w~k lo l'unc.~ntraw on th. two-mil" Todd Johnwn of HunUnaton &.ach <.'ould qualify In hl1 hf'll o f th" mil" with ll 4 · :l4. 2 .. r furt, liM.o(vnd bt-tt In t.la rlMc't'. F.r11·kaon h cu1 r un 9.23.8 In th .. twu 1111lt'. third lx...it 111 4-A irnd 8"<.'(JOd l>eet In hl11 h out 1oce. Gu11 Quinones of Hunlanl(ton &•uch ha. a 9:2fl.7 l•ffort and should qualify for the final8. Jn the• fit•ld cwnt.8, lt1c·ha.rd Brim of Huntington Bea.c·h ~a 22.0 effort ln the lona Jump wtlt•~ tht• hnt mark la 23· 1 O uuld • c hencH c>f quallfyln1 co \0 Lore-nu> Oemeyt•rt of Edl•on In tht' hJih jump (fl ·6) and Tom Pitir'll()ll of Fountaln VaJJey ( 13-0) In the polr v11ult ln tht• womt..n'1 competh..lon, Foun\atn VaJJcy'• Sh1tron Hatfield c.'OU.ld make the .era.de to tht' CJF llnala In ell four evente aht· II qu.allflf'd In. Sh hu the top lOf\i jump t'ftort of I ff 10 whurc the three Suf\ll•t Lt•&gu.• ~rforrrwrw are the best 1n the field. Radwllt• Sny<for of l"ount.aln Volley hat 18· l 1h but dtcln't m.kc It even thou&h htir mark b fourth bett In the 4·A divl8fun. llatflc·ld wall abo gu an ttw hltlh jump and both hunlh: rut't'll Sh~ hllB u 4~.2 tor thf• 330 low11 1.md 14 4 for tht-100 Iowa. RUNNING DENNIS BROSTERHOUS Book deals with women NO DEALER SALES I AD STARTS THURS. _ Marathoner offers hints "Tht·rt•'s /J tn•n1 .. ndous amount of information for w1,nwn <Jml /J ltJl of mylh.s about runrung that sh1Juld Ix• dt-an-d up." FOLDllG Ame STAIRWAY 42aa Lot1 eater than a •hokey 1teplodder. Stcrltway 111'9 ... comH a1Hrnbled. lu•t hoolr II up. flt• 251/i'' x 54" opening. SMOOTH GALVANIZED BOX NAILS 47J. Shoot. you can't •••n buy o pound ol lunch meat tor that much ... and that'• no baloney. from 11/1' 11\03~". SIR MIX CONCRETE MIX I ~L!~ fu1t add wa1er. 1itr and pour. Good tor any little job• aJound tbe place. # 1 REDWOOD LATH 4 f'T. 15 t lfT. 21 t .8fT. 29• Lath and the world latha with you. cry and you cry alone. FENCIHG 6 f'T . 9116 x 4 DOG EARED TIGHT KNOT CEDAR 6 f'T . I X 6 ROUGH REDWOOD 6 f'T . l x 6 RIDGE & VALLEY R£DWOOD _ 117 6 fT. I X 8 000 EARED ROUGH REDWOOD 127 QUAKER PINEBROOK SHEDS • &Yi' x 5' 10' x 6' 10' x 9' 13788 14788 Mode of hot dJpped (th at a ny'1hlng like londue?)galvanlaed 1tHI frame component•. triple ribbed 1teel panel1 and mld·wall brae••· Sise• a re nominal to reflect out1ld• eave dlmen1lon1. Ea1y tooHeinble. KELLER GARDEN WllfDOWS ONE SHELF 34 :y," )( 34 1/i'' 9888 ~N;..~~~~2 .. 1 I 7 88 ;.w~.s:~1~ .. I 2 7 88 Cl••• you a lot of window 1pace without ta.Iring up room 1pace. Bloch out 70% of 1un· 1 heat and glare. and mo•lng ••nt TWO SHELF I 3 7•• ~ :Yt" x 461/J'' 11 lully weather1trlpJ>9d . DE DOUGLAS FIR ENTRY DOORS LoH to watch lhoH llttle crltter1. hardly look blggtor than a bumble bee. Both door1 are 3'0" x 6'8" x I :Y,". HUMMINGBIRD LEADED GLASS 13997 INSERT •N2101 TWIN HUMMINGBIRD LEADED GLASS 2 9• INSERT 7 7 #H20« GUARDIAll ORLEANS SECURITY SCREEN DOOR 14777 32" OR 31" Good dlecowag•DMnt for the bad guy1. Made of Ma...y duty 1tMI tubing with pre· bung tram• and hecr\'Y duty lock box. locka not Included. COLUMBIA BOMEGUARD D SECURITY SCREEI DOOR 9777 Fresh atr, a acde fMli.Dg, no fll ..... what more Could fOU want? IDclude• deodbolt cmd all bard wan. ID gold a. tail.er OedtoM tlDt.i.... to''. 32" or ,. ... 4 I 8 ¥•" HARDWOOD . . ~ PLYWOOD . ¥) . l MAHOGANY 2 7 77 ; DAKUA 2977 .... Whack together 1om• 1well cabinet• or lumlture tor the houH but forget u1ln' thl1 1tull lor the 1and bow In the backyard . BIRCH ASH OAK 33'7 35'7 37'' . ·' TEXTURE Tl -11 Va" sm11G 11~~ Better to llx up the houH and make your ln•••hne nt worth more than to 1ell It when the cnarket'110lt. For lndoor1 or out, groo•ed 4" on center. 4 I 8 PLYWOOD Ve" CD PLYWOOD SHEATHING 7aa w· SANDED 1 0 •• SHOP PLYWOOD If tbl1wo12-ply ln1tead ol 4 x 8. you'd probably flnd Mr. Whipple 1tandlng In the 1tore1ayltlg .. pleoM don't aquHse th• 1heathlng". 4 x 8 PARTICLE BOARD :Ye" 2•' l/s" 4'' Llb to ... tlM au.m.ber 5'' o1 peopl• it tolrH to put Ye" tltla ahaff together. Mut tcab lawadred• of 6'' llttt. •lftt to gh .. all ,,., ... thOM pa.c.. of wood. 'l'hut'11 tht• basis for "Hunn111g FrN>," a book by Joan Ullyot wr1tlA:n for wonwn runrwrs and their fru·nd!> Sht· ft·lt (•ompt•lll·d to c lear up some m1S<.·um·l·pllons that havt• artSl'll latt>ly about the ll•11i;il1· runm·r "Tht·n · an· :.i lot o f mythi.." -.he says. "One dtll'l..ur s:ml lh<tl 1f you run, your brt·asts wall sag; ;inuth••f 11.l.ud you'll t,.'t'Ome anf(·rllh· None of that ls trU<'" Ullyut lwrwH t!> ;i mt.'<11l·al doctor. marathoner and molhl'r uf two But, d ci.p1tl• her book, s h e claim.<, not to bt• fJn&lll'al about her running "I'm out tht·n· dOrJUt f1vf' m1ll'S a day when I'm not trwnang but l'vl· mu ... ">t-d some• days too Lots of JH•oplt• hav1·n't m1sst·d a duy 1n JO years," s he Wfl\.t~ THE BOOK D E ALS hc·avlly o n her (•XJX:ncrn.'t~ of tryanK to lose Wl·1ght with exerca.se programs and dal·tang bt•fon· sh(• turned to running. "My hus band was u u1t amusl'd, because in Hl?O (whf'n titw sl:irlt<d runn1n"'). women didn't run," Ullyol said Times t·h;ing1· Evt·ntua lly Ullyot cind her husbuncJ wc·n· d1v11rt'l-d and 1t u. daamc.>d that the r<.tlt· of d1von·1· arnong muralhom•ri. is about 3 111 unw~ that o f tlw gt·ncral population ''Tht·n•'s a whole• g«·nnation o f woml'n with tht· f1'f•lmg tht•y rnn'l run." she said "I spent sevl'n hour.. a Wf'f•k thinkm"' about running You learn abuul your own nt'f'fJs I didn't thank my husband liiuld .,....l1i.fy my lll't'<h. ur lht• nt.'t-ds of the fanuJy anymore•" Sht• ha.' a 11urnl~:r of llptl for mf•n and women Jhkt• tu m<ikt• Jl>KKll•~ more• t•nJUy<t bll' "INVEST IN e1 pair of good running shoes . Sp•nd al lt·<&."t $40. whtC'h may •;ound lake a lot. but that'i. thl· only t.-qu1pmenl you'n · gmng lo net..>d At first. you should avmd hill'> and t:hoc)!o(' a flat, scenic rout.e "And. you h.ivt• l.Q t'n}Oy 1l You don't want ll lo hurt tx'l·au.-w you won't do 1t" Ullyot suggt•i.ts taking a muph• of aspmn a h011f hour befon· running lo take• away tht.o small al'ht'S And, sh<· al!>JO ~ys 1t c·an lx· a good idea to run at a p<K'<' al wh1l'h you t'<in talk. It alo;o ('an be· a b1~ ht'lp, !>hl· adds, to run with lrn·ncb A "R UN TO 1'r1Jv1dt· Nutr1t11m St·rv1c:t• for the £ld1·1 ly and lilt' Children" wall be· ht•ld this S;itunlay al Mw.on Purk an Irvan<· Five a n d lOk races wall be held with priz.ea ;Jward1-d anc:ludan~ round tnrx> to San Frant'lS('O and Las Vt·gu.s RPg1stratwn with u $5 latt· fc-..: can be made al tht' run fro m ti :JO am unlll 8 al Mason Park. Arrangt•mr·nu. for the run will be• coordmated by the Nc•wpurt &•al·h Runnf'rs As~allon Further 1nformallon may lx• rc'('(•1vcod by c:alhng 966-0556 or 8:l5 f!O 11 * * * * * * Running K~ule Selurdey. Mey IS IOlt Grunion lhon: BeQ•n• el 11 5 end tO• runa Al M 111,n 1 m 81 t t.e C.ebrtlto Merine Pai• 111 """" A•Q•atr111on Mu111um l1:?0 S1ep11en Whtie o .. 1wt'6n 6 30 und II• m C.01111 Se Om11 'ien Pt!dro Ff/#' dty of 1ht PIU, s ~ IAI .. fflf! f O• """"" ll Cll •• SIO .... ,, ltlorl S5 wlfhOul tnloimalo<Jn c.on1at t !lt.6 O'i',6 or Aw111H given tn 11tn d1v11lon 113S 8011 Con11c1 I:? 1'.11 831·0062 lonrlM Aun: !>I< run IM!Qin• 11 II • m !Ok 111 8 30 II Sonr111 Cll11•l111n Sc.11001 ~'.l9 f111 Ctttn~u• Ave Cov1111 r Ill! 11 $8 wtlh ''"" and S3 wtll\OVI C.ourse It alnQle loop with ~ti·~ , Of lut1he1 tnlorm&llt)n ~onlacl (~ l J) 31 l OS!S8 Arm ed Foroea Day 10k; ijeoona u1 8 A m benlnd 1 prt •n« Civic Center Flit COU•M , .. la I 10 wtth ahlrt Cornact 1'll9n Stlall 81 (2131 3"! ~3 10 Call 642-5678 Put a t•w word1 to work for ou lunct.y, ... , ,. C e nog 1 Htgll lcllool 9ool ll fl ' Ml "Un Begtnl 8 I m II (I C.811\lno f11Qh 1n Woodl1no Hiiia For n101t1 1nlorm111on, concect '" 13) '1•6·8 l&O l •nU A nlt1 Lii• l prl nt Cl111lc Sia ind 1011 lllun: !I II hlQlnl •• I! A m . !Ok 81 8 30 II Senti Anll• Race rrack In Artll(lt8. :?8!> W11a1 Hunllnglon Driv e CourMJ 11 Nat and ~IC with hlll 11 1tw1 eno FM 11 S 10 Con1ec1 (2 13) 446·013 l or (2131 U S 8364 TEACHER & COACHES What Are Y cu Chances of Eamilc $~28,600 A Year? We ar• en btt«n !>Med FortuM &00 COtporetion IHklng qu•llfl•d tHOh•t•looeoh .. with 1elH •ptllude or pr•vlou1 H I .. eJ&perlenoe. We ere lnt«•ted In M!Mlful, --moMe people -"° ere uneetl"*I With ttlelf pr...,.t lltwtlon. You muet MY9 • ~ poMrltlel, • llnoeN ~ to ..,... people, tbllty to ... wtttl IOCI Cl IUtul men Md ~. end 119 .,,..,.,.., fQf In....,. '"**"· W• er• wtlllng to lnvett evbatentlalty In the r1fht peot* -"° ;.,i::'L.-• w . MflnaOelMl1t Md WnlnO . .,. unllmltld ........ on 'lfl4kl ....,,. llld •· ................. C... ... IHIW, .... It ...... c..e ........... ..., 1111 7:Jl , ..... ,..., .... ul .. ..... 714) 644-4242 (714) 133-2750 -" ...,._ -" ' • • t Yacht clubs plan regattas ly ALMON LOCI.ABBY ................ Thr .. yacht clube in Oran1• County have echedw.d rep\tal f« the com1na weekend and one other wW obeerve ooen1n8 day ceremoni•. Newport Karboi Yacnt Club wW •taae a ont· dni1n re1atta for kffl boata radn1 outalde the harbor on S.turday; South. Shore Yacht Club will provide competition for women ullon with the Bo.well Mtmorlal Re1au.a In Sabota on Sunday, and Capl1trano Bay Yacht Club will 1taae a repttA for ju.niol"I &turday. Dana J'otnt Yacht Club wUJ oblerve lta 1982 Openln1 Day with fla1-ral1ln1 ceremonlea and other fantare Sunday. Loe Anaelu Yacht Club hu 1pllt lta Macho Re1attA f« mnall boeta Lnto two pAtU th.la year. Pa.rt l, Saturday and Sunday hu be-en dealgn.ated aa a qualifier for the ~-0-~ Clue world cham~hlp Top competJton from all over the Pacific t are expected for the event. * * * fCM.lttWft oa111otn1a Yacnuno ~!loll OIMndw: .................... Lo• An51 .. Yacht Club -Madie> "eaa leluresay, lunclay Alamlloa ••Y Yacht Club - Mafl't Dey la.Dote) latutd41y. c.bf'llo IMcll Yacllt Club -lllllp "ocll .. _ (Cat>nflo "'1NI S.two.y; ~· a.n.. Sal· &.wdey. kuntlngron Harbour Yaohl Club -9olM 0Hce Swlet (PHAF) ~"-1'•-w-·. IWbOr r-. '411urday. ............. .., King Hatbor Yachl Club - Spting ~ Regatta, 8atur- 114iY California Yaohl Ctul> -Al· t•rnoon O•tlght (PHAF. MOACI llaturd1y, Anao1p1 ltland rao• (O\lenon ll«lea No 3, IOA) llelur • day, lklndey 5outn to.et Cotlnthlen Yac:illl Clul> -~n regatta. 8at- urd41y. ~ * * * MIHIO~l~Oht Club - Sloop ~tta. Saturday, Oat boat ttgelta. dUnday 8outhwNt.,n Yacht Club - H&H'lllOM TrOphy r-(IOfl) 811· Utd•y: "OHrllo Whltll., (PMAFI 811urd41y Oc••n•ld• YIGlll Club -119'lti0 Olnglly a. .... 111 ~I SuNley Ian Diego erui-Meociltlon -lnYltatloNI prtdlotld IOg raoe Sunday 8•n 01900 N•vy 8alttng Ctuo Ar"'•d forc11 Dey R•g111a. &>ncley M9ttfl Md lftleftd Venture Yacht Ctul> -Blue Wat• lleflll (PHR'I 811urdty. An1capt Y1c111 Club -All Fleelt Dey, 81turday Santa Barl>ar• Yeent Out> -Wlleon s.,, .. No 2 (PMRF. IOA) Sllutdey, !klnday WHllallt Yeoht Club -Cy· done tnllllltJonel Regatta. lkinday Board sailors vie in Long Beach LONG BEACH -More than 150 board &allors from throughout the 1outhwe11t are expected to compete In the Western Regional Kronenbourg champlonahlpa which will be held off the Clare- mont ramp on Ocean Boulevard Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Western Region regatta wul qualify board aa.Uon for the national series in open claa board.a which culminate with the Kronenbourg National Championahlpe next fall. Unlike other aalllng eventa, the Western Re- gion board aaillng champlonahipe will offer apecta- tor participation. There la no charge for spectaton. Competition begin• at noon Friday, 11 a.m. Saturday and noon Sunday. CdM seed e d N o.2 in t e nnis playoffs A• expected , Miraleate and Corona del Mar high 1ehoola are the top two eeeda, respectively, ln the upcomlng CIF tennia championahipe which be- gin Tue.day. Mlraleste, the defending 4-A champion, will hoet Torrance, while Corona dcl Mar, laat year's n.umer-up. will face Lakewood at home Other area tchoola In 4-A tlnit round com~tl­ tlon Include: Fullerton at Huntington Beach; Can- yon at Newport Harbor; San Gabriel at Ediaon, Unlveralty at Foothill, and Fountain Valley at Sunny Hills. In the 3-A, Laguna Beach haa been seeded No. 1. The Artists, champions of the South Coast League, will host Warren in their first round en- counter. Sn yd er , Myers selected UC llvine'1 Jim Snyder and Marla Myers have been ll'l«te<i to participate ln the upcoming 1lngles portion of the NCAA tenn.la dwnplonahlpe. Marla Myers, a Junior, will play In the wo- men'• dMalon to be held at Provo, Utah, starting next Thunday. Snyder, a tophomore, will go to Athena, Ga. to compete ln the men'• cUvtalon. Snyder, a product of F..ta.ncta HJ.ah, will compete ln the NCAA tourney next Thunday. Two Big Events In One Giant New & Used Trailerable BOAT SHOW The largest selecllon of new and used 1·06, 11porlflahera, Jet drives, aallboats, Inflatable& and dinghies ever offerod for aelo in ono location by manufacturers. dealers and private parllea. Deal direct with the seller and 88vA big dollars' May 15·18 Orange County Fairground• L.oc1t1on. Free ptrklng off Arllngton Drive 1t O.C P1lrground1 In Coet• Meu Admlulon 12 for adult•, cl'\lldrtn under 12, tree Hourt: 8:30 to 3:00 ..... I l II .. / NO DEALER SALES AD ST ARTS THURS. . ~ ~" I .. KWIKSET SECURITY D Ooubl• cylinder d.odlock with Irey In knob lockeet. Buy now and recelvm a S5.00 rebote lrom Kwlkaet. IEL AIR COMBO · Poll1hed Bron flnl1h 24~m3 CR.UlU COMBO Antique BroH flnl1h 25'~9~~ TROJAN BOARD Hardwood •trip ponullng lor the floor or wall. ComH In 20 aq. ft. pole•. (B•war• ol Trojan1 bearing glfta.) ASI 177 SQ. f"T OU 197 son McCLUSKEY MAN O'WAR ,. ULTRA SPAR !./. . MARINE VARNISH Sovea your out1lde wood lrom the weather. Clear glou or aatln llnl1hH. 2 17 3"' 5n 15" 13 oz SPRAY PT QT CAL '" ,,,..,, t •. • Orange COut DAILY PILOT /Thuredey, Mey 13, 1982 scans KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS SEED IU. 277 lU.677 Here· a aom• blu~rou 1e9d that glvea you an emerald green lown. ICould aomeone pleaH explain that to me7l • , • AMFAC PERRY'S! • 6 PLANT : POT PAK I thlnlc that I aholl never ... anything a1 lovely 01 tlowera. W• got Petunla1. lmpotl•D1 and aHorted Marlgold1. Including flnt Lady. 19 PAK COLORITE 80 n . DURO-TRED (J)_ RADIAL J J GARDER ROSE ~ 9•!.o Tough atull, won't crack and get brittle like the f'911Ularol' one a. 'lo .. diameter. "BIG DATE CONTEST WINNERS" 1 HAWAIIAN VACATION WINNER -1 Here It 11 the announcement you've been waiting Paul Tabaldan. Torrance - tor.WehovechoHnthewinneraot our"Wina PALM SPRINGS WEEKEND WINNERS Big Dote" conleat. The Ii rat prize waa a week 1n Hawaii and ••cond prl1ea were eleven Palm Spring weekend a. We won't menllon the do to wlnnera 'cauH we think !hoy 1hould oat their dotea In peace. MURRAY BIKES MEN'S 26" BALBOA CRUISER 89!~2X42 CloH black b1lce wtth coo1ter bra Ice bloclc hroa with whitewall• ond gold lln11h rim•. MEN'S 26" I 0-SPEED BAJA 124~2~472 Satelhto chrome from•. aun gold ram1. knobby llrH. and quklc change thumb ahlltora. WHITE ITALIAN DESIGNER CHAIR 1388 Evarythlng lade1lgner th11 ~nd dHlgn•r that, next thing you know th•y'll hav• de1lgner garboge dlapo1al1. right. Marty?' -~-... ............. . ...... ,. ---~ ... ~ ~1 c.:,· ·~~' I d-CON FLEA STOP 99c IOZ. Kiili pr•·odult fleo1 and kHp• them from coming bock and laying more 99ga lahould have uMd thl• atufl. Kathe.I Llmlt•d quontltlva. FREON Amallng what o 1hot of thla con do for the ol' olr conditioning 1yatem. 94c 140Z. llTERDYllMICS AIR COIDITIDIER RECllRGE m 4 22 #AC4 Janet Gantt, Rlverald• Michael Toppen. Huntinton Beach RoHmarl• ~on. El Mont• Thoma• McCarty. Yorba Lindo Lucille Grouahey. Rancho Pol•• Verdea. Connie Gundelach. Santo Ana Aide Inman. Downey Nancy Rub1n1teln. El Torro AHne Low•. Caraoi:a BeHI• Klinnert. South Got• Sin• Harding. S.ol B•ach McGRAW-EDISON Y2" DRILL PRESS 5 5 5 ~T8742 16 full 1/a" chuck capacity. variable apeed control. 360 degree head rotation ond depth adjuatment to 2•1,". • -1 . ~r~1k . .J • • DORO SUPER GLUE 49c SUP.I 3 CRAMS ... -" i Cot a hard hat with o board ottochod. put a drop on It ond He how long you con hang from o beam. EVEREADY ENERGIZER BATTERIES ' ' AA OR AAA PAK OF TWO ' ' I ' 9 VOLT SINGLE PAK I J I 09 PAK Lo1t1 a h9Ck of a lot longer than th• regular ol' carbon botterlH. (Might lceep you from cur1lng the floahllght). DRAIM TAI.NEB 3 9 ~.9LltrH Tum thl1 on It• aid• und•r the car when you change th• oil and th• whole m•11 drain.a In thl1 thing. ~S) PEllZOO. MOTOR OIL :::: lcrTH you buch wt..n you chang• •rli ll-Hlf L your own and b .. 1d .. you lrnow ,r'"l'~'~ 1 youdldagoodJob.rtght? .· 30WT. tOW/40 WT. aa• OT. 99•QT. BLACK & DECKER DUAL HEIGHT WORKMATE · 29" 6 7~!4»1 27" 46~ BIBI PROIE QUIET SWITCH 1•7 Quiet I flip tho awltch on the phone ond you'll only ... a light floah bul no bella. (8• careful little Scooz doean't tum It on.) • MICROWAVE CART WITH TAMBOUR DOOR 397,!1 Sylvan Oolc flnlah that la 1toln and heal realatant. Save• ya counter 1poc•. Eaay to auemble. CAL TERM SOLDERLESS TERMINAL QUICK KIT 2•!&02~ Beef up your •l.ctrtcal connectlon1. Kit ha11S pl-.. with tb• moat populcn connector1 ond Econocrlmp tool ENERGY SI YER WI TER BEATERS 30GAL.11 aaa 40 GAL. 13818 SOOAJ.. 1aa• GAS ONLY 52 QAL. iaa• ELECTJUC ONLY Fin y.ar wananty and you can g•t •Uher gn ot el.ctrtc lllOd•I•. (EBP ... txtra ltf'ODI P•nplratlont) r I .. OfMQe Oout DAIL. y PILOT /Thurlday, May 11. 1912 ............ ______________________ ~ ~---------.:-~~~---~--~-£::-.-c-.----------~--------~----------~~~~~-------, ~· o ~ 'Y . . ... . .. lllAIOR LIAGUI 8TAMMNOI ~.J:-• L ..... .. It 10 .. . to II tol IT 13 Ml 11 II 644 ,. " 441 11 1) U 4 1 11 "' ....... ~ u 10 ... 17 12 Ml 1t I ) tU 14 II .., 13 " .... t) l7 ~ II It )7t ••* t ,. ....... .... vn •~• o.klMd •• • 4 Ct*-oo t. TOtOfttO 2 o.tloll 11 T-. PllCL rMI ~atv • ....... , I 2'4 a .... 10'4 10'4 ,, ... .... .... 7'4 • .... ~ ........ . r........-.--.. ~ (a.tllet 4-1) 11 ....... (~O a.11 ... ln....ote (f ll-0·0 Of Pee.lie 0.11 el OellOll (~ ).2) TOtor!IO (ltlMb 2-31 at T-(W.llec* 0.21 ,.,.. ••IC.,... 2·21 et CNcaeo t~ '1o..on (~ 3-0) 11 K~ <:tty (froet ,.2) N-York (Qulory 4·11 11 0 1klano (I UncM1 wooo t ·II llltlmore (0 Martinez 2.)) •I SH iii• (a..tua ().3) ":::::' :::.:- • I. ,.. -21 10 t77 ,. 13 1162 " " 600 10 17 4et 14 " 43' 13 17 433 ........ ~ It. LcU1 20 12 9211 .... YOttl 19 10 &18 Pfll•d..... 16 111 600 ..,,,.... 1) II 46' PftUlllurgll 12 I 9 4'9 Cl*-00 12 It 3'7 .... ..,... ...... PPtl .. lllOlllpl--fl"llelA 11, ~) Atlanta I, CfliOIOO 3 Sen frandlOO 3. MomtMI 2 1M Diego at ....,_ Yorio, oc>0 , rllltl Only __ __, 4 s·~ '"' ,.,. , ... 3'4 4 5 • 7\9 ,..._..ca-. De4l1era (Hooto n 1·11 at Ha• York ,,.._..2~ . &an 0Mvo (Monlelulco l_.I 1t MOntrMI (~2·21 S an Fr1nol100 (fowlk•t 3 11 •I PNlllOllpNe (Aul"-' ~.,, Clnotnnatl (leren,1 4· 11 11 Pl111ouron fc.no.wte 0.1) SI. Loutt (I Foreoh 4·0) al Atlante '' ,..rol..()) CNc900 (Rlpleoy Q.O) 11 HOWlon (J Mtellro a-21 AMl!NCAN LEAOUf Y .nil-S. Ano-I• 2 ... YOM CALlfOMltA •• 11-. Ml •h bl Rel\OIOI\ 2b 3 ' 1 0 OowninQ " ~ ' 1 0 Colltn1 Cl !> 0 2 2 Cai-lb ' 0 0 0 Wlfthelcl If 2 1 t • Guell 71) 3 7 1 • !Mll)otll ti) 2 0 0 0 A. J<h n rl , I I ' Ottftey cf 2 0 1 0 8•ytOo 0" 'I 0 ' ' P-rf I 1 0 0 lynn cl 4 8 8 I) o .... 1>1e rt 2 o o o OCt"O >1> 6 o ~ 30 3 ' ' 0 ~()to .. J 0 0 0 H"°90n di\ 2 I 2 I 8<;on4 ( I I I 0 ...._dfl2 001 Foot• c 4 I I I Oent u 3000 IOl ... t )I 9 9 9 total• I~ " r 4 Iker•"' .......... -YO<k 100 4 10 000 () ce1110tnia 200 o 10 o~o !> E W1nll•ld Smeller. Oant OP New York 1 Celltornla 2 l 08 Mt• York ~ C11tlou11a I I 28 Rllf\doll)fl F c><>ta Qr1<;:. ? l'IR Ra J e cto.1on !4 ) S R1ndolpll S( 2w.n.10 8'-W'""91d ........ • "1111111•90 A-i.r, !W1:1· 11 3 I ? 0 ) I oou.oe ts.Tl •·~ 1 n n o 1 · it':o IU ~I 3'-' e ~ 6 2 0 s~1 •, t n n t Witt I ~ I t 1 ... .-? 0 0 0 0 A-I 0 0 0 0 Witt pitc;INod to 1 tian .. '" HI• ltn PB Foote T 2 42 A 4 1,8~9 ~=-.... .... Ill " "" -...... Qnd\ IO .. IO 2 It 333 ....,. 40 • 13 0 a 321 l'lo ......_ 24 2 1 0 , .212 eer.. t i .. 2' 0 7 211 ~ " 2 • 0 0 21• IJO 16 ,. • 24 211 OowNIO 12' .. 34 7 ,. 210 L ..... 106 12 2t 0 7 2t7 ---103 a 2t 0 10 m ""~ t7 16 ,. • 13 ,., o.or-117 13 27 4 14 231 f Oll 106 • n 0 10 210 l.Mt1I ~· ' • u I 18/ ~ 46 • 7 0 2 IM ~ a I 0 0 0 ~ J.~ a a 0 0 0 000 ~ • H NIO .... ""' ~ '"' 11 • • ().() 1 °' z.m 67 44 II lO 6-1 I 74 ""*o H \4 22 a 12 •• 19' A-. N 20 14 20 a-2 u e IOloft aA'4 u 14 1• 1.0 2 ff 8MICNI 1-.. .. 7 10 2.0 1.20 ,or'ldl N 44 ta 16 24 U-4 Win IO IO It 14 2.(1 3IO Mor-17 41 " 14 2·6 46~ ..,,,_ ... 1a • 6 ().f 4941 Totallt ,,~ 17• "' 143 ao-11 2 81 ....... °"-'" 4 84111ttnor• 002 200 000 -4 1 I 0.talld 000 0 10 <M• 5 $ I '1enegt111. Palmer (7~ard t•I T Marilr!W~·l end MOIM , (7) N«rll ~ (4 a MG~ (6 . Owc:Nnlco 171. ••.,d (t ) end HHth W -e .. rd. 4 0 1.-ttodd.,d. ().I HR-SlltlmO<e Rlj)llM l'I A-le.Ht ..,... .. ~, ....... 101 °'° Ill 7 ~2 J "-City 011 )03 Ola t 11 t Lerdl • ......,d "~ lleton (t). H-(t) end Moore, l •on•rd, 011tH nt1erry (f) e nd WlltllM W-i.-d, 3-3 l l 9'Cfl )., •-OulHnllerry (t i HR Mll•e110 1. Moelor I (4), l!Owerd9 (I) A 17.7M "941 ... 4.TwtMt ao.on 000 100 012 4 13 0 ....,,,_.. 000 100 000-' 0 0 lelle,.le y. CIH r (t i •nd Qeomen Wllltenu, fl On 11 ft) end l11ter1 W-loureley, •-a l A Oev11, 1.2 1 -CIH r (t). Hlll-l o11on, lll1oe 2 (I) .....,_.., Hrbek (t i A 11.2M . Jt> I I,. t I 2 2 I I 2 I I I I w, -A .. .... •. CwtM I AtlAllle 10() 10 I 007 Cl e ' ClllUOO 00, 100 000 ' 0 l Well. Bedt-•n Ill) H1eoo.•r (II) Oerbe< ti! end U•ne!11,1 M••ll 114'"'"' IOI Campbell (II) end 0 .. 11 W Wolk 4 ? l M•tll ) ) 3 Oeroe• 171 liA At11n11 M11rp:.y Ill) (.l\1c1go U11•h•m 14 ) A 11 31n Olent1 >. f apoe 2 5.,, r ••nc11Kn 00' 000 100 1 4 • MOOllHI I')()() ()(JI 0 IQ 7 ft I Lut.ey S1.n•tteO•• \ 7) M1111t1t1 1111 .. 111 M•y ROQ4!ft '•ymo" 181 HH•4'011 191 eno (.art•• w t u kay ~ 1 1 Hoo••• 4 i S NllllOO 16) HR Mt,,.l11al Cao lat I It A '' 0 Ill Tott 10 , ............. _, A..U.CANLVI~ Q.UllH'9t. 24 H e '2 378 23 !Ml 11 32 .372 22 ee 13 24 :ie9 23 14 "' 31 ,.. 23 ea ta as * 21 79 " ,, * 12 !Ml 20 31 3ao 22 ,, 18 29 36' 22 96 1 30 303 29 100 12 35 360 ............. •tr"911. ""'1neeote. •. ~ .......... r: Hettll\, c-. •. fl\ornton, Clewlancl, •• Ogllo;te ............ a..tv. ~. • --. ........ McRae. Ke n••• Ctty, 14. T11ornton. Ct•ve teno, 23, Hrt>ak, MtnnH Oll, 23, YutllMltl, llolton. 20: ()gilMe. MllWlllll! ... 20. °""· 1(-Olly.~ ...... (.~) Hoy1, C~eoo. 5·0. f.oke<eley, loeton. 4•1, ~ UpM. 4-t TudOt, loat4t't, 3-1, ...,. •• QllwMnd,. '· lleudet, OecrOll.).. I. ............ •t: eum.. CNc;eoo. 3-1, Q Jecklon l<a.naH Clly, 3·1, frott, Ken.._. City, 3. 1, J Jon••· 0 1 kt1 nd. 3 · 1. r 8"'We11t, S..tlle, ).I. C...O•. 8Mttte, 3·1 l+lATl<*AL LVIOUS QA8111Hl'et. J Thompeon,Pftla. 2t 91 21 3t 392 MM9111nd. CtllCilOO 30 114 19 43 377 ~. Mjltltreef 2& 100 1 I 31 340 ~ 30 115 20 39 331 LM*-'••••a 29 ee 20 32 337 wooo.. ~ 21 119 e 23 ~ a.iior. Hew YOlll '' 110 e 20 m ~. CIM 10 t 13 14 37 327 0.-. 81 L~ 27 &e & It .12 I Au JOnM, 8en Diego 2 5 I 00 24 32 )20 ._ ....... Kingman. Hew 'l'ork. 12, J Tllompoon, Pttt..,_,,Qlll, 10: Horner. Atlellta. t . ~. Atlanta. 9, Moteland, Chloego. I, I Ola.i. ~ •• Henclr1ck. 81 louia, I ............... K~ ,.._ YOfll, 30, Myrphy, Allenla, 30. J Thomc>eotl. PINtlurQlll. :rt. MooW+M Chlcaeo. 21. T Kannedy, S.... Oleoo 73 ......... ,.ci-w-.1 fO<aefl, St Louie. 4~ Lolel &an OitOO 4-0, &ilton. Houaton. ~I Al .iot... HllW York, 4. I, 6""111. CtnQnoall. •·I "-· C>Mew .. 4-1; Gaf1* Allanll ).. I Coll~• tCOfH USrtf 7 (,a.I Siii• fvUetlO" 1.; ' ,., .. 2 Arlll)rui 'ill .. l C..tJJ St•t• J ufkJlottr;11 4 W~hHa ~t•I• rtttn<J ~'•lt-. t, C)l!tehome $1111• I N•huMI• 8 ·~·-•1· 9 f t(>IWj3 ~,.,~ tr, N«w Or'"•"• HkJh eettool Clf' WILT> Co\1110 OAM•t J•A MumoY1e e NOfthvlflW ') 2•A ()'""'' 11111• 15, Cantw..V ti) l • S..~• G Sct1o11 1 o-.. • 8""°"' ? .,. . ~' ,, .. ,, !)) II 4\l " •a 14 47 " '" t '1 "11 l'l I 41 14 l • M1tall• 4 Avtatl<>fi i lft onnll'(lll l·A r.1.0110'!<1 l 8411 G•f~' 1 t9 '"'''"O"' 8mall kl>oolo ~••no • lltC'.tO< 11.,lcr/ t.1u O l.••e 22 Oai. MHI l '-'••to~ UIUre .. &ell ~crio-­..,_ .,....~-­·~.._.,, L ... .,, 11 l en Altlonlo (II --,1 ~ ... ,., ll1111 Anlon10 al ~. (11 -y) IAtfl• OOWIMNCI . ......., ...... 1•1111aci.ti>N• 1)1. &oeton 1 t3 ,..,,.. 111111 I II ...,,,., •• 0.-. ""'"'""''~ ~on ll ~ ~ . ...,,. Pl~pNa It lotl(ltl ,,....,, ... ,It lotion at 1'!111~1 (II _,,, ...,,..,ta PllHaQalOlll• It '°4ll011 (ii ,_....,YI O...man °'*' (•I "-'llwL:.:4 o.r-rl ..._, ...... Jimmy ConnO' 1 d•I Hen<• Lac:o111a, e,. I I e r 1101 I e1t1cller 4'•1 H1rotd 8olomoo II 1 8 0 J01e Hl()u.,a1 de l P•dtO M•l>olledo 0 ' t 1 l>tt .. McN1,,1a11 def CAllOI "-"mevr 11·3 ~", 0 J 8elaM Tetoay del Vlt Pinn.. 8 I II 1 t I Eddie 01b01 oJel Ata1end•<1 Oan11Dal. 7 ~ 7 e. Gena '-'•r•• oJ•t •'•val S•orll T ~.,.fl •·• I .,,,6fl(jo lune <let Matt Ooyte II 1 7-0 Men'• tournament (•I Mllefl, ~11 s.ooM "WIWI 9fnOIH Uuy I <11gel (f11nc;e) d •I Ille• l••cn fl A9VO• S.a<.tol II I II 4 Qren<I Prla tournam.nt (et ,._. 1191yl.. l acond 111-.d llnel )IJH l u11 Ci<+HI. OM Gllttll J;40.ett011 6 1 f) 7 llllH r ........ 1, .. O•I Paut Tor••. 6-2. 1 ~. f iurnluc • Utt1•ld1tu 0•1 A'9•HU'l0t0 OatUket " t 6 4 '>••QIO c. ... 1 tl•I C.taudlO PIWll tll • I\ 0 I ti ;1 Por1t Porlll del e .. naro ~~;: •• ~ \ g ~ l"n~M~7~:0°.1~T~ ~~~ I 1 ij11t •"'·'' t...•n• l<>OUI. 1 ti. 4 ti. ti 3 lwlH Open (tt l \111MO. lwkier1end) rtnl flovnd llf>GIH l Ill" h wrt I IOy<I c:Jflt I..,.. Att•v• 11-4, ll 2 And••• ,_ • .,, oet e.moa fiufiue. &·4 I ~ Ouk '1M lM cjef Virginie Wiide II ' I 6. Merc•ll• MH -•• 0 •1 JO•nna Rune:: ti • 2·11. 6·3 Helen• 8ukove O•I Jut,. ""'''"ilton 9 2 T·~ Bottnle OAOuMll 001 Jen1)lllf Mulld<M II 4 4·11 6-3 lvenn• Ma<j"'°' Ot-O.t Uev.,ty MOUid 3 ·11 7 ,9 ti J !\•thy t1orvett1 <lei l\1m Sando. 6-2, 6-3 ',..U'' Allft.flt f"e.>MP..,•fl d•f P•ut• '4mlfh ft 1 11 4 WOfld tournam•nl (et l otlfO) fnt AWftd 004IMH fltta11 leech•• Merk Edmond1on de! J()NI Aull WI I wvo-n1 f ukut 8-2 I 4 Wom.n'• tournam.nt l•t Toarol ..-..~ "-11tty JOrdtn•LH lll All•n Oat And••• I-S.tty Neoet.-i 6 3 6 7 7 S Hklh Khoof H A YllW Ll'AOU€ TOUANAMIEl+IT (et lrYIM High) 0...., ................ l.11u 1 \Uf11vet1ily) d et J1m11 Myer• tNawpott Me11>011 II 1 I 0 o .. ~." (CdMI cwt w.111,, tElJ 7 ti, II 4, 11 2. B•own•blflll! (CdM) Oat Moll•Oll IE I) 6-4. 9--0 C.... (Ell oat l'hem 111 II l . 6 2 kmlllnel 91ft9IH C.1n1 (UI Oet Otrh'1 IC.c1M) 1·1T Cl<'\ ,, ... (f 11 ()e l Orown•D••I)., ICOM) 6 4 4 ti fl.4 O'lllfl.tflftel 0...blee M11w11d Wt•lle• t C OM I Oat lnal'lnm1 fl•VQ ll 1 II I G I MtG•e .. COflU y !NH:"'' Cluong P:.am 1s1 G ' e t [)t y P•ultOn IUI Gel Pr()j)fJ Hoeletllt CCc:tM) 11 4 ·: II II 4 Ewing At11 1CoM1 Oel llHIWll '•II""' IE) II~. ti ' a.Mlf\MI 0...1Me1 ""''""'0 W et"e• IC.O M I det M.C.••• Conkey INH) • 4, ti 0 f •lno·Ale< IC.OM: Oel 0.r Plule<Jtt IU) ~ 3 1 9 TW..::r. ~AWi •A 1u..er• ..... 1 IOU-el Mtf .... 11, ~al Al· r..mo.a. Long 8eedl Polit 11 8oulh Torten-~ Cotton II LA Hebre. e-90 el Ser>te &etbate. P...oetle 11 ~ OM•. Ful- lerton •• H11,.t1no1on •••ell, Canyon at ~Harbor (~ ....... , SM O.bflel 11 Edleon, v-an., et 'OOI· 11111, Ortnge 11 Recllandt . 8everty Hiiie el laf\9 !hKll Wlleon, HetV81d et Pe6oe Vet• Ott, 'OVflteJn Valley at S11nny Hiiie, Oo1 PutOiot 11 w .. 11 ..... Llk..OOO •1 Catone d9 Mw a.A (U,.., ..... 11) War1en el Legune 8-:tl; Ollht et Ket .... SM l<* Ot>1ec>o at Olencllle. Alrayo Otende el Aoou1a , Demien o' Et Oo11M10 at Petm Springe. Wlllnul at J W Horth, Upi.nd et lAt cMAda. Cor-0< Ramone el L• Oulnte l"-..... 111 WM-. It Rlvetllcle Poly,~ 11 Clet• mont, AMloho "*'MOii or lien Ci.nente et Loe Altmllo•. M•tet Del " Miiiion Vle)o, ~ el 0owneoy; ..,, MeflnO el Loi Moe: f~ City at AIQNnl: 9lelt at ~ ... cu..-...... , ~ 11 Loyol+e, OnlMIO or v-- " Bellflower. Moote«>ello at fledOfldo: It f ranci. °' M :.IOot v-., al Kecip91, Yueel-~ II Centtel, OiaOM-el Montc:Mlr; An.. or Norttwt+tw el Cl*>o. ClleJlloo •I SM Bet NlldWlo ci..e-er.-..1 ~ Veney el a urroug1t1 (R~:-J; ~ .. a..-. c.-City Or 11 Royal OM. Senta f a et 8ollurY. er. et Indio Lt Mltadl et Covina. Ct""' II Herl. Hr#Ulorne •I LA ller"9 l·A (Ufpet ....... ) "-'* or l>-.e ~ " Cerplnter\a, c.:e or Le Belle et 9rentwood; Mono Bey st COM! Unlor\, OM Pet11 Ill 8Mte Yna ("-..... ) T •hacllepl et Cll•mln•d•. Brethren or lludlle)I al Aini Of !tie Wor1d. Bllnore et Sen Jllcinto, llloomlnglon oo ~ el INllhocl. .. ,,..,t"" Maoai•ne toumam.nl '"' .... ,-ite ,,, .... c-... MYI ~ o.,. .....,... ··----°'""'°" !ll•Phanta Rall• (H1g1111 .. 01 <l•C Heide OltfMl I011nd ~0tk1. No), 6 1. e o. O•-K1m (Hldgotwey. N J ) dotl Kend•• HHly II ••wO()cf "') a.o. II o. Nlurka SoduP• IM11m11 det t<r1t S:otla• I Apple \/alley MIMI. " ' II 0 Shewn ~0'11 ll~llnapol:.) ""' ••alll l'owtll c •-Pl. Art7 ), I) 0 ... ? l ... -.""6af Of'rleloft Ca1olyn Ku.,,men '" Mitchell. t<y I de! C,ht11l1t WOOO (0rov'411ftd, MeN ~-' !, 6-I M~ Tor•• (NOrtllfll+IG. Ill I ...... atfly C0tllln (Wtclllte , K•), e-1. •·f, K•~ (!MnQ, f n )def DeOb'-~IC Ne b I. t ·O. 9 ·0, M.,le nna Wetd•I !8Mwlfle6ct) def 0... 0.0-(116r11•ttftenl, Ne ), t•2.W 1•---DITWefl l +l'Qll Anne EIOrtOOa IAlladaNll Ol4 Cindy Onan !Nampa ldel"to). 8 O. t •O. Beverlv Oowu II uDbOCk fe• ) de! .-., -.,..,.. IL011tt•tll1. Ky ) &·O 9 0 Je nny Klltcll ICQl'llmbu• Ohio! def Krtl ll a.a 114111 I.Ml• CltYI. e..2. e..1, '*"* l ttue (Or• ..... H Y d« Treqy ._.., (T.,,._, "'11.), 6-1, .. , NAIL~ .....,~u .,,. I • 17 10 ;1 to • a 1• 11 11 •• a a • 1 1 n 1 • • 14 • 14 ........,..,..... '"" LM:dltrdlle t I ft Ill flflllllley ' 4 ,. " f"911 I I tt 11 . ...... ,... ' I " 11 ........... IM~ I 1 ti I t.1-• • 10 ! .,,___ •• to t ~ •• 1 • ,...,_. .... -=--=~=-" ~:.:-~~~ ...... ~-- 11 " 11 .. ti M .... 'I I 1 a • • ..JI.~,. =.;-:l:t':Z::::-.......... , l rUCllt•t J4't (OI...., I I IO I to I to H~H"'09/t-•I 14 00 •00 Tlllnll 11x l•oOk•I t 40 Al.a rlGed l'e!IGy luo Tou11 Moon OMll. Moolah1 l11u11ty lhrewO N llltch f~lat 0..-1M ftma • IXAC TA ta 31 (lllO tr 7 40 ... ::t.°=.~YIM!~1 v,t\o ,, '° , fl() •• •O 11 eo • eoo A1Uta ChlOe (Harl) 0 20 4 40 a"'* Twl\ld (Aoa1r1 t .20 Atoo reoecl RelltlllOU• 091, lu.nt1ttm1. vu:.on R.,.,bleo, loflomt Up .191. Myrtle Im IMvln. Top Them !11y, CMlllere Clllek time tt 11 TIMD M CI . 3&0 yetd• a.II Oey ICardo.ial 9 20 6 20 J llO Poo e... M:. ('foni.11 • eo 4 eo NO C~ 11 AN (Pllul!MJ 2 80 Aleo 11eao vat Lou A lttll• l-lli• ll•b 11.u True~. Miu , .. , CNc Time 11 ee ,O\Ml'H llACI . J&O Y"cl' Ct>lckl llMl~t (HWll 9 80 I 20 3 80 Et Plc;ho (C11dou l 4 IO 3 00 a.. !rouble Autl (8a1d) ) eo Alt o teG•d Venture fol-• P11oeo•• Plunder f1dy1 Bui Sllot Centermen f+wtlllld Fu: Kllemen ~ Oototn Mow time ttOt 12 lllACTA lil·ll pe:o l41 40 '.-nt llACI.. 970 yerd1 8WIU 8et1kat (8tOOllt ) I ?0 4 40 3 80 Guided Wiii\ (Cllevat) • 20 2 90 Ouomonrt Stwllere (C11t1 ... ) J II() Alto 11<.ec:t Clltck Ber Metmare 811 Jet l.h•r(lt' 8~1 LI" lll!IAlll FllH. l llOO time 407t 81JfTH llACI 400 y111101 I 1n0e c;herm IW11td) 111 70 G ;io 3 00 MIH F1arrt1~ 8u11nr t1011i.11 6 00 ? llO l eo•1 811>)1 (C ... dore> 2 20 At10 ••c•d Miu I ov• l erk llnn•ld• Ro1.k1I AIUIH '-llHy Ill Per ltllll (•II '•"""-n.-11me 70 44 U IXACTA (8 71 paid t n 00 HVfNTM llACI. 400 yerd1 JuotllnOld LO .. (Clldo,.) ' 80 I 40 'I 40 Buenllt Ballot fl ,....,,,1 4 80 ll NI I nvaly ~O\i Anne IC•Ml)tt) 4 Cl() Alto rececl Jullff L•Or L•wv•• C111e110 J,,.,.,klll lltll)'t l(IMft feM on ()own ''""' ~" 12 IXACTA t3 71 P•.O t tl •0 fl()HTH llACf Jt>O yard1 Mr Gold-(Clll •all n 80 e •O II eo N111..., Tee I lllOm••I 4 eo 3 60 Olltruc• !H"1) ~ 00 Alto ••ct<I S~yliO ClltC'.,, Cll••ott 8•1 I"'• I Well<, 5Qvw• C~I rime 17 H '2 IEUCTo\ 111710..0 a:09 80 '2 l'tCll 8'Jf (3 fl e 6 !I Ill Paid a 1 '117 40 """" 2S oMnlng 1~•11 (live l\Of-) a2 P1'1o. 81a con1olatton PllO an1 00 wllll 304 wlfWllO '"_ .. , (IOUf tlOt-1 ...TH flACI . 3~ yard1 Got HI• Shere (M1tGollel4I 18 40 8 llO 4 90 Loom Son !Cheve11 4 00 3 00 Oolt la f"'"" (l OO!o.•) 4 fl() Aleo r....O Oeme ClletQll Oret 11 l 1k1 10 Go SptH ll 1 Rocktt Go H1g:. l ymn '""' 1801 12 fUCTA !8·71 peld a44 00 Attend•,_ 8.299 Hotlywood Partt "°"'iOAY'I 1118VL Tt (14th of 19-c!ay lhorOUOhllt.cl -'Intl '"'tT lllACI . t''I mt ... Artto.no fMcC1rronl 4 ;>O 1 ~O 2 llO '"" Lon1er (o.ta110uH•ve> ~ eo 4 'o Star C•r-tli1>'11m1 11 eo Al10 •eced L••• ro*•• Holl lo Alb<tll ornvtOenllel Em~.,, Ming AIC.0.1111 C•ttle er.-, Old J.Oe. ~ EMf , IMe ' er0"1 HCOMO lllACI . 9 tut:onot Hl(l9y ftOQ (OtllNyl 13 20 II llO J llO 01yme>1c: RlnQ 1s•-1 e oo l '° Joe r.1on11111e 1P1nuy) 2 40 AIM> raced Heng Men fHte•n 810 No °'11u A~. llentow, llaCik ........ ~ And Co<>q-My Mely•I .ionnny't DellQI\( T""' 1 10 3/S '2 DAILY OOUk.I (I I) -0 l4' 80 TMMO llACL & lutlonQ• MIM La Conc;l\e IOtl>lyt 3 llO 7 llO ' 4() [)oneolte (Oliv111•) 3 40 7 40 My ""vlCNM (MCCatron1 1 40 Alt o t•t •O P r1ncen l .,l•h 0 1•• PtomelA Oueen Jou•• 5111 C11e 11 M ebellel• 11°"9 Hme I tO ti U.ACT A (', " p..O ~II 00 'Ol.MTH flACI . 8 tvrlonQ1 A(IKa1• AJA HIQlll1 (Algn) 2'1' 00 'I 00 9 llO Mandi!" Intent tM<£111ronl 4 80 4 80 '1peC1acut111 e....t (Oh., .. I 14 00 At10 riced Girt li•ll••, C.11mpte1no1 Mtk• Spotl Bold WHtllt•. C1111no Peta Nev al O•Clllon Reb ' Oull•w I otiuyl (\ £l•Mll. Gpt•tt ot Wlnttlf Time 110.._ ""'" llAQl. • l\lr10t\gl Jet11ftg ,...... 42 20 9 M II IOl'I fella Fib (Mc:CJrori) 3 00 7 llO Y6Q+tb0nd Bono (Vetenz...ia) T 00 Ai.a r9'ed ft'roeperou1 Spectec.uiar 8ee f ap1011ve Twill Gt1amp1gne 810 01110111 Ouwd t""' I 09 I/& II UACtA 1: 11 plltCI '28• 00 81XTH llACI 0... """ ln1IA11t (McHtrg.MI) 18 20 8 40 ••oruon , °''"" 1C.11WM011 r eo S1111k1 1s1-l Al•o , 1c •d Ooto (.ounly !>•no9'>6f• 0111 June Oro" Time I 311 MVfNTH llACI t '-mHM on turl Phlibpic. CSl\Oem&kwl 1'> llO 1 llO -· 8H t (Ptnc*V) 4 80 N11 IOlllf1t l AllO •e<;•d An H•U About Him """"""'° P11u a La r.lont llU1at ''"" 2 18 II IX.ACTA (6 31p..O S133 e.D U "C ll l lX I I ) 3 2 7 9 1 p 11d 11113 997 60 wllll one wtnntng llc;kel (ala ho•H•I *' Pith Sta ~on10Jet1on P•IO t? 484 9 0 with '2 wlt'tt1tng llGkett llivt ttott"I llQHTH flACI . ll"t luflO/ll)t Friedt freme (Olll11y) 7 to 3 90 2 llO ClluC~ O Luck fSllnemell•) 3 llO ' 40 J~ flme Macl'ltne tMcC1rron1 2 •O AIM> 11ct d C1nrton Boy. Brtgllt t •dr Go1 Si>e«t flml '1& 116 NINTH llACI . t ti 18 rnti.t P•IO< Apptovel (H•nMnl 18 ti() • 70 , '° Pta I Pt"-Al (CH l.,,..,a) 1 80 & 00 NIQ<I< 1 Villlly tLi()lllM) 8 60 Alt o f lGed fr•llttt n. C•ptetn Orient llmbetN>Otl, Cl1rt-lll. Tu-Knight , ..... 1 •3" • IXACTA (I ·91 IHlld I '" 00 Allen<!.._ 10.6f6 ...,..~~ ( n•;;&r,W.: t) ----...... 11111•MJ • .. ea.ooe . .a f"'-Y tOt 7' II l,U4,la1 c ~ 4f1 100 '° .... ,. °'*'' tt• 11 ea a.ne.111 C«darO •1t 1f' IO 1,108,111 v.....-.............. m .._..., 121 •1 ao 1......,.. MC I .... m 11 n t.t1U11 ,.. MO 11 II t.atUff 0.,, .. , tit 17 1,4tl,7'4 ~ ...... ::::=-·· • ,.. ao L. ..,.,..,. ,.., ., ...... 110 • ., ,.,.,.... Ill 4oa =-... 401 r. ,..... ~ .. ............ ., c_.,......, ...... .. ._ COlllll.,._. MAU (II c;..,.. c.-c-lrJ C..I , .. C#f)'Ofl C-try CiuclJ , _ ••encllllle ' l lddle«>eok 714. ' '•IOmar, 771l J Cllt'llt, 7t4, 4 S•n ,.,, n«dlno, fto, I COilaoe Of the 0-t, 1H I "'-"tide. ICM, 1 Ian °"Oo CC. tl4 l •ddlel>to-ooor1110 fd lf"P•r. 11·73-144, TQl!y Cuot!Mal rt 72. tU Todd Turner, 1'·16 -Ill, Aon eewtll '"'" -I"; Jeff Payne. 19 7t tO' M•d•ll•I end Player ol YH • H••Plt llecldtebacll) IOVT ...... CALIP. CHAll!PtC* ..... (" c.-... .. CMJ"' C:O, f'eMI ljlf'lfttl) ham eoorH I 810ale beo:.., 78'.; \11n1ure , 790; 3 Patomer. 19 t, 4 l alo.•ro field, TH, 6 Fullatt0t1, 7fHi, II l A MIMton, 903. 1 ""''' An•. 806 •• Cy!>'HI, ll07, II Hencoc:., llOI . 10 Ml<> Hondo. e•e M•d•llll Mlk• l•r (GOiden WUI) 10·10 140 S1 00l1 ll •c k 1rort 1 Ea Harp., 77 74 1& I, Rorl S.Wtlll 84· 1!1 Ill() ,,90 M111 1. t 1 11 tt>e, Todo l u•n., 71 80 lat .>.tt Payne 711 11 16~ lour C~. 79·97 HI 1 WednHday •t Indy , ..... tl-tt>tOflM0•1 ll••kl Cou•n RIC;~ MHtt Mallo And11rtll l>Ot1 WNtllfll)tun 8111 Wh1111t.gion 8nbby llehal Oeott llralJhaf11 A J ~OYI Oat don JOflncO<lt. Rove< Raoe< TIM __.,, trout pteftta 70ll i 70~ 8 2016 701 ~ )01 4 t(l{I . 111\11 1~1 a t{I/ 0 tllO 4 LAM...._.. -Alrayo 8eco er.-. Ille TuJune• Creetl, l ouq.,.t C111yon Ct1ek c.lailo Laka, CMtalc Lagoon. CtyNI LaU . ""-Dartt • .Jedleon l.Me, l'ud0fn9tlona LIU, ~ Liii•. kn Qllbtlel Rlwl' ff.Ml Md ltor1I\ fOtlwl 111rv•111110C -h en• Lake. fullermlll Or•. ~ lAke. l tr-'>errf Cr- UN -·W -Atroflf1W l..eb, 819 ...., U:M. <:--.er•.°'-v..., Liiie. OreootY lAM. ~Cr ... l 'f1tl er.-(Mldclie -Hor1tl fOl'U). 8Alt OlaQO -0oetw Pond ftWT\MA -Mttllt,le Cr.-. "ru Lake fl•YH Ctffk. ROM Yllley L•kH. Senta Paule Creek. S npe Creek (Upper enO ~ Ven!Uf• Rlwl' (Nor1ti fortl) INYO -Beker Creel!. Big Pine CrMll, 9WIOP Cfeej( (~. Mlcklle. 8oulh end in. teh fi). Oeorpa ci.-. aooo-. er.-. 1,,. Oepeft<MllOI Creek. Lone PIM Creek, Olk er.-,_ fortl). o.-.. ""-19 ~ Oownetreem to Ste••rl l •n•I. Pleuant v..., ~. SheptlerOt Cr•. 8ymrMe Cr•. hDOOff CrHk, Tln•mellt Ctffli. Tutu. er.- MONO -ertOgepOl1 AeMtVOir. euc:.'Y'9 er•. eonw:t ci..-. CorMot Llk•. °'"'' Lall•. ar-er•. G'lll Lake. Hlllon er•. ,,,_Like,~ Vining Ct.-. Llltle W ... Alwr, Lundy Lake, Mammoth er.-. Mc0ee CrMk, Owen• R1-(8enlon Croeak\o end lllO Sprtno•I. Revette Crff-. Aobfnaon er.-. Rodi Ct.-(Pwedlee CMIP to Tom'• Pi-), Aull\ Creek, 8henw\n Cr.-. 8llV9f l ike. h•ln LakH l rtogeport (Vpper •nd L_,, Vl<glnta Cr'Mll (~, W,._ "'- (Ctwla flat c.mpgrOIMMI 10 IOWl'I Q4 Wtl//I.., l M-"tt Meadowt CA"'90'ound to 8on0te .,.., ~ . ' . ~ WOl+ftefl'•Mftbel MCAA .. ~I ,,,.., . ......,, (U..-.-..u+f) Allanltc AeclfOn-Bowlng Or-(2t-t4-ll 11 C.. 81111 l'u11et10tt (52-4·21. W•t-Cel (31-U · I ) a l Artzone Ste le (30· U ). MIO•Ht -Ml11ourl (40·13) at NebrH:.1 (3'· 151, South-South Carolin• (25· 71 at CtelQllllon (37·11 ~ ,~.._. .. , Hot1,.,..11-Adalp111 12•-11) 11 Wettlfn Mlol'lifen 130-e): Noru--Paclftc (31·121 et,,_ State 131·91, M!OWMl-Cat POiy Pomon• (:U· 10·3) et O kle lloma Sta l • (~I I): C-tt .. _..W)'Ol'nlng (;)().201 ve. UCLA 1~1.1.21 at Meytllt Petk, Lail..ooo ............ , .... C9'0U~P,.._..I ,,,..,,,~) ....,_ el lAlfUM a.di, Sen Clamenl• •1 Sant• MOllloa; l~• 11 Sen Maroot . &tlnolll •t 8af>ll .. WedMedeY'• treneactlof't• IA:MaAU A-'c., l.aei"' NEW YORK YANKEES -ltadeO L•"Y Miibourn•. tnllald••. •nd l'ele Fiiion end Jo:.n Pec,.lla, pllC"•" to Illa MtnnH OI• Tw1111 for autoll Wyne11ar. ae10111<. end Roger lrlah on. p11olter. Pieced fllOIL. c.r-. OleCNr. on 111+12141V dlM+bleO 1e1 Puroheeed tM contract of Ju•n faptno, oetCINf. "'°"'~of ... ~1"'1Wttonall L...-. MafllMIL .... HOUaT°" A.f"'°8 -""'°"" M ~. n111 ~. on Ille I&~ ~I .. cltMtMd 1111 l'lecalecl Joi Ptilmen. lnllelder, lrom T-ol Ille PKlftO CO..t l eegue '00T..U. ........,,......Laeew ATLANTA FALCONS -8tQned VOl'I .................. Melll; Oewtd T--.. runn:n o tieck. end O••• Leontcti """'**• CINCINNATI t CNQALI -t1g11e0 K1tl Yll-,...,,..0, tldole Cl.IVll.NfO a111owN• -tl9l*I Oet1 Melvtlle , punter , lOult t ullerd, guard, Cu9en 1 a yrd e nd ROii McCall, •Ide ,.,.....,., Jofwt MoearrOI. oortWbtcill. lftd Joe Jentttne. tlQllll er'4 OM.cl.M OOWtOYt -8loMd Rod Hiii, cornerbeck. lo • eerie• o l Ol'l•·Y•., comrac1a. HIW IHOLAHO PA TllllOT8 llon•d llloMrt WMllWI, rUMlnQ IMIOll NIW YOflK JIU -llAn•CI Owevna Cnlt..,.._, Nllfllftll tleall. Wl/v9t ...,.., WllJlll. llMtlMl!w: l'rld 9oc9t. ktoll•. Joe ltooll, _,, •• Pllfl Helton. lltfll tlld; and --~, ........ WAIHINQ ON fllOIKIHI 11on•d Ow9YM OlolllflY. 11(11\1 end; """" beM, wide reoetvei: M1-• Htullf:, pu111tt; "le~ JonH, 01111d', ''''°' Kiltie, 011•r4: T1111 H0tm1n. 1•11: lef!n .. 9tftltlt, 0"9ntl¥e , ... llld == ........... ~~-~~Teny ~M, .. tlUt, ~All~ OI Ille .,_.~ COUMI AAU..'OHA ""''' -...,.... 0.. 0..... erul H•11ry 111111, H1l111111 t.ae"\etll•ll -=-L.Wrt lfATI -.V..•• .. ~if•w-. .... .-.. ...... ,...,, ""°' • ...,., ..., I ~ ..... Greer finals • ID with Cass Unlvenlty 1o~more Chrl1 C reer and Tim of El Toro earned brr th1 In tod ay'• Sea V il!w League t e nnh flnala Wednc1day by winning their qua rte rf in al a nd eemlflna l rTMA\ch()I at lrvtne Kiah. Ort.-er advan<.~ with a 6-l 1 6-0 triumph over J a mtt1 Myere o f Nt:wport Har bor and a 7-6, 6·3 dcel1lon over Corona dtil Mar'• Dave Ct>rken. Meanwhile, C.. reached the champlonahlp mat.ch by down1nft' Scott Brownaberger In the semlt, 6-4. 4-6. 6-4 . Casa came from 1-4 down In the hrst aet to win the next five TENNIS gam es. while Brownsberger suffered a shoulder inJUry early In the match but continued. In doubles play, a pair o f Coro na del Ma r Hig h teams advanced lO squart.' o f( for t he league crown Gn•g H ayward and J o h n Washer, recen tly teamed, are patn•d against teammates Jeff Ewing and Ian Aler. Hayward is the on ly senior 1n the J(ro up. while Washn a nd E wing are juniors and Aler iH a sophomore. The finalists all advance to the CIF andividw.I championships. l n the Seventeen Magazin e tournament being held at Mission V1c1o's Marguerite Recreation C<-nt.er this wt'<'k for outstanding womt·n players 18-and-under. all of lhl' top St'edl-d players in each o f the three age brack e t s advanl'«.•d t o t o da y's quart.er( IJlO Is In the 18-and-under d1v1s1on, top-seeded Leigh Anne Eldredge of AJt.adena defea ted Cindy Doan o f Idaho, 6 -0. 6 -0 and No. 2 secdt.>d B eve rly Bo wes o f Lubbock, Tex. al.8o posted a 6-0, 6-0 decl81on over Janey Str1tuse of Louisv1Lll'. Ky Caroly n Kuhlman o f Fort Mitchell , Ky .. the top seed in the 16-and-undcr division, won over C hristie Wood of Grovela nd. Mass .. 6-1, 6-1 and No. 2 Michelle To r n.·11 of No rthfie ld , 111 ., def eatt•d K ath y Corbin o f Wichita, Kansas .. 6-1. 6-0. Stephanie Rc he of Highla nd, Cali f , the No. I s eed i n th e 14 -a nd-undcr d1v1s1on, defeated Heide GJcrsct of Grand Forks. N .D .. 6-1, 0-0 and No 2 seed Gr&Cl' Kam of Ridge way. N.J . dt.<feated K1:ndra H ea ly o f K.J.nsas. 6-0. 6-0 Area women selected to All-stars Fountain Valley and Mission Viejo high achools w1U have two players on the South roster for th e O ra nge County wom en 's basketball all-star team w hen Coach J o hn Hattrup's squad faces the North AJl-stani at Or - ange Coast College June 19. Deanna Davia, the most valua· ble player in the Sunaet League who averaged 14 .5 pointa and 10 rebounds a game along with Lisa Gin s burg. were selected from Fountain Valle y . Davis is a 6-0 forward while Ginsburg is a 5-8 performer and first t eam All· Sunset League player. She ave- rag ed 12.0 p oin ts and 10 re- boumh a game with four asmta. Robin Holmes of El Toro and the Orange County pl.ayer of the year who averaged 31.0 polnta a game, is a lso on the squad. Hol- m es w as the MVP o f t he Sea View League and wae • f lrat team All-CIF 3-A .election. O ther• on the squad include LIM Benton (Caplltrano Valley); Tracy Blum a nd Jane Herre (Minion Viejo ); Kerr i Carr (Huntington Beach); Ann Dean (Foo thill); Tina De n He ye r (Edison); Liu Gre enbers (Cor ona d el Mar); and J o an Howland (Eet.anda). Cindy Rohrij, who helped lead M.ilaion Viejo to the 2-1 champi- onahip. la not available for the 1quad and Stacy Meyer of La Quinta quit the tam after betJli .elected. Memorial game set for Van Hom Ful1er1on Co~ ii holtlna at Steve Van Hom ldemorial 6u- ketball pme J\me 4 at 7:30 p.m. The aam• wlll fHtur• two m1Md tMml from the P\a1Jenon men'• and women'• ba.1utball .quadl. Van ~bMkeCbell at f.atanda ' Coll• and Cal Po y San Lu1.a Ob&lpo. Ha dMd March 11 whln be -.. dmtally fell ot1 • cUtt whDil ~ c:ationlnl wtth b1lndl In ac.mco. Priem fot \he ewn• ... ta tar 1tdul• and 11 for lltUdall• with lDI and cbildnn \lndw 11. AU ~wmL,,, .......... hmd In V• llai'n'a...., SWw-'t falbs, .. v.--. GOllChld .. -., J\IDinaa Qi&. •• MAIL.AO .a C IUlllEll Jamta T. 88r&oa of Newport Beach will be- come vice ptftident-Far ltut for McDoutU Dou· ala• Corp. and =:ent of McDoueU Dou1la1 Japu. LJml&ecl, ln Tokyo, 4'ffecUve JuJy 1. Bergeson slates business forum A panel of CK.··•.morniata and bualne. lHden hu '*n Invited by A.IMmbtywoman Mllrian Btr1tt0n, ft.Newport Beach, to partlclpat., In • "Bu1lneu Leaderahlp Forum" In cooperation with local Chambe,.. of Co~rce on Friday. "The forum will dl.lcuM the economic outlook for California durlna the reel of 1982 and Mlcbwl the •t.ato probhnn1 of cuUifll proarama or raJ.atna Ulxt-. u well u other 1-uce. Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /Thumday, May 13, 1882 Burton ll dJtti<.10r--00.mmcirc1&l markt:tlna al thti corporation'• Dougw Al.n:raft ComPllllY dlvlaion In Loni Beach. Hybnt.c•.1ao. of San Diego hat appointed the marke*" oornmunicationa a,ency V. Monte1rude 6 Co., laC., lntae, u lta agency of record. Hybtl· tech ll a biomedical technology company. Hr.1adlna the panel will btt WIUJAm C. tt.mm, lcttt.latlvu ilNAly1t, •~\e of CalJtomia; T~ Olblon, vlec prealdf'nt and .enlor realon•l oconoml1t, C(Q(;k~r Nutional Bank; Dr. Larry Kimbell, dlrecwr, UC LA 8u1ine11 Foreca1t1n1 Project; Harrie tte Witmer, a director of the Industrial Lea1ue of Orange County and rrealdent of Deepwater C h emical Company o Irvine, and Peter Ocha, prealdent, Ji'leldatone Company ot Newport Beach and former rrc1lde nt o f the Building tnduatry A.alloclatlon o Orange County. . OPEN FOR BUSINESS -Sunflower Corporate Center, an •• t.~ million corporate headquarter• and hieh technology development, ha.Io ned at 1650 Suntlower Ave. ln Costa Mesa. The bulldlng contains 115,000 square feet of office space, and la tailored for labor~int.ense induatrie-. The forum, 8Cheduled from 3 until ~ p.m. in the Ji'orum-301 Building of Saddleback Community ------- College, North Campus, In Irvine. la open to F f b d • d J lnteretit.ed people In the bualneu community. rontier orms SU si 1ary, eve opment unit Benaard Haldane A11oclates, a national career counaellna and management firm. has opened a branch office located at 1450 E. Seventeenth Street, Suite 230, Sant.a Ana. Doualaa Brandon la branch manager. Chambere ol Commerce parllclpatlng include Newport Harbor, Capl.atrano Beach, San Clemente, Frontier Holding• Inc .. the Saddleback Area, Irvine, Corona del Mar, Laguna newll eet.ablished parent compa- development unit. Frontier Servk.u C.O., a wholJy owned subsidiary of Frontier Holdings Inc ., w ill e ngage in contract servi<:es to other airlines, ut!Hzing employee and technical resources of Frontier Airlines. Niguel, Laguna Beach and Dana Point. In addition, ny o Frontier Alrllnet, has an- the Industrial League of Orange County 111 noun<..'ed formation of an opera- FronUer la one of about half a dozen airlin(•s operating out o f John Wayne_ Alrport. CommerceBuk annoWx.'ed the appolnunent of Robert S. Maalac of El Toro as senior vice president/director of operaUona for the Newport Beach headquarters office. He has been aaaociated with Pacific City Bank ln Huntington Beach. 11upportlng the t-verit --~g subsidi!"Y and a corpoi:_ate Able Compater hu named Jean RataJciak of Huntington Beach central regional &ties manager. She forme rly was with Oigital Equipment C.Orporatlon. Alpha buys subsidiary 'nomat L. TborkeltoD, CLU, Santa Ana, has authored "IRA: Boon or Boondoggle?" publlahed by R&R Newkirk of Indianapolis. Alpha Microsystems of Irvine and Its largest distributor, Alpha Mi - croay•tema U.K . Ltd .. announced an agreement for Alpha Micro to ac- quire from AMUK Its wholly o wned subsid- iary, Alpha Mlc ro1y1- tema Europe. More lines facing fate of Braniff? The transaction is va- lued at $900,000. Alpha Mlcroeystems is a manufacturer of com - puter systems and Alpha Microsystems U.K . ia lo- c ated i n the United Kingdom with offices In Europe. By Tbe Auoclated Pre11 Braniff Internatlonal's dec1s1011 to suspend fligh~ Is the most dramatic result of the slump among U.S . airlines, but the Industry has other major carriers on ita endangered list. Airlines are reeling from soaring fuel costa, cut-throet competition from low-cost upitarta, and alumr.lng revenue as the recession discourages trave . The Industry as a whole I.a expected to post a $1 billion lo8I for the 12 month.a ending in June. In addition, Alpha Mi- cro will alJo be acquiring the U .K. dealer network together with certain aa- selll including software. Airlines are wallowing In a "bloodbath," says Trana World Airlines President C.E. Meyer Jr., who recently told employees that the airline loet money In 1981 for the third straight year. ''We're In bad trouble.'' he said. Ban sought MARTINEZ (AP) - The Contra C.O.ta C-ounty Board of Superviaors has called for a ban on trucka carrying haz..a.rdoua cargo through the Caldecott Tunnel, where seven people died In a fiery craah. So far this year, only USAlr of the major airline.a showed a net profit In the first quarter - $10.8 million. Independent auditors have recently queaUcned the ability of C.OnUnental. Weat.em, Republic and World airlines to survive. Edison hike protested Riverside council pushes petitions RIVERSIDE (AP) -City Council members who were besieged by peti- tions in January from angry utility cuat.omers will push their own peti- tioru this weekend to protest a pro- poeed 28 percent Increase In wholesAtle electnclty prices. C.Oundl members will be at selected apot.a around the city -mainly shop- ping centers and grocery stores - urstng citizens to sign petlUona again.st the wTeaae sought by Southern Cal- ifornia Edison, as well as against fed- eral rules that allow the jump ln•rates t.o take effect before being justifled. Some petitions will be circulated door t.o door, offlciala said. The e ffort ls part of a multl- pronged attack by the council and the Riverside Public Utilities Board to eeek a delay In the lncreaae In rat.es and eventually to change the federal rate-rnak.lng proce11. A five-month delay, city officials have said, could save utility customers $5 m1lhon In higher electric bW.. Edison officials maintain that the increaaea, being aought to cover hig- her o perating coats and to pa y for addition.a to the San Onofre nuclear generating station, are not ex.ceuive and are easily justifiable. Other maneuvers planned by the city include a voluntary blackout In the city from 8 to 9 p.m. Monday In symbolic protest against the Increase, a demorutraUon at Edlaon headquar- ters in Roaemead on May 25, and delegations of city officials and con- greaaional representatives lobbying for the delay In WashillJlon. Riverside haa been joined In the effort by the cities of Banning, Colton, Azusa and Anaheim, which are con- templating similar activitlee, according to Utilities Board member Herb Bar- nett. 5HOltHT LINH IN O•ANGI COUNTY "IXTIA IDOi" GA•PllLD IANK ---= ~: R. Ph. , You haw often. heerd people .. y that all • pl\annlldSl Ml to know when dllpensinc a pr-.crlpelon la how to count out the already prepared capeuln or tableta. Thi• 1tt not true. Pharmad•u are tau1ht much more while aue11dln1 • coll•1• of phamw:y. A~ mU1t know the Iv{ of compoundtnc and how ,to 1tor• medlc ln•• to pnMrv• potency. Ka mwit know th• ufe do•••• of thouMndl °' drucl. He mwt know thetr ecUoN, ~ Md precaution• while tallln1 them, and how to combine them uf•I)' with other ~ And, he mwt '* thlil ll-.owl•dl• to check the ...., °' wery sn-fpdon .,.....,..._, YOUR DOC'l'OR CAN I PHONE US when you need 1 medicine. Pkll up your prucrlptlon It abof Pint nearby, or we wll deliver promptly wllbout utra chara•. A ire at m1ny people en\ru1t ua with thlr pr11crlpllon1 . May we cOfnpound and dlapenM yourar Coostruction . ~I h1a· ava1 aUICi at . ·. ,Heritage Bank.. • Rr.tlldmf&al · commercial Bul~lngs: . Takeoua comma.mean. required along with lc8H& eor.:t ·JdfJohMOn 80ulb 01Ji11Ae COUNy/ln-tnr 7NIMl...o!IO Great American Federal's 91-Day Wonder Get T-Bill Interest higher than a bank with a $2500 eposit I f you 'vc been looki ng for an account that 's ea~y to open, offers high guaranteed yield, and has the tl ex ihility of a short term , this is it. You can open a 91 -Day Money Market Investment PLUS Account with as little Annual Effective Yield· • I 3.009%perannum Annual Rate· • I 2.248%perannum '• Tl~111 All annual rale Incl •I~ I() Chtf9t al fetWWl l Ret• le IUbject 10 change (j/ 17/82. as ~2500. (Typicall y. the minimum for thi "l type of account is $7500.) • You ge t the full 13-wcck T-Bill rate in cffct:t the c.l ay you open your account. anu it's guarnntccd for th e entire term of the account. (Bank s will offer you .25 'lr f<,,.s interest for their 91 -Day account.) Your money in thi s accounr is full y insu red , up to 'b HX>.OOO . hy the Federal Suvings and Loan lnsuran<.:c Corporation . And, you can open your an:ount at any of th e 100 offkcs of the A~sociation throughout the State or hy ca lling The Financial Line . Call The Financial, Line (714) 231-4023 Call l>l rect or Collect 8 11 .m. tlll 9 p.m . Calll for further Information, or visit a nearby omce and open your account, todaey. Great American Federal SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION The Strength 1o Soar ... A Century of Success ... Safe Since 1885 ~ ....... ...,,_ • ...._ .... ~-NltC...•'1MMI .. a..................... ..... .. ._.UM ... l..-.... IUC-....... .....,. ...,.,, ..... ·~........... ..._C.-• llmc.llt'-'-__, • Aldlav~ itll'IMloftt NiqUilt 11790011111111119111, *' --k'lllly lllv111n • ~ ll11e of rNdlt tO >'"" r.-i uptll the 1u:o1inl wNh JllM ll100 - J ! 1 1 J J ! v ' •' ,, .. ca Oranet Coul DAil. Y PllOT fThwld•y, M91 13, 1912 Newport Balboa S&L earnings soar N•wporl Balboa R1vln11 and l..oan AnoclaUon h11 r•_ported rtc:ord n•t 1arnln11, w&al ....... and new.loan volume for the t1*:al year, ICCOl'dtnc '° Fredl1o J. ron&er, -.odlt!on ~nt. Both router •~d Dorothy Doan, chairman of \he ~.MW lht ~Uon'I ~ M COW\ .... to curr•nt nailon1l lnduury lttndl. For Uw yur ended March 31, Newport Balboa S.vlnp procet1· 11d more than t'O million In new·home lo1n1, up 80 percent from the pr«>vluu• y..a~r. l''orawr Mid tor aanothcir r"''rd rc-r ln ....... revtnuea, loan fee lncume and proflta, hw Mid By March 31 , a.1Mta had rea· chad more than t:t2 m1Ulon, up &2 porc:onl, while annual revo· nuu 1oar•d 70 ptrc:u nt to U m11Uon (more tRln tl million ln loan f tt Income -up 104 perotn\). Small business conferences set A 1or111 of free conferf'ncH Wiil bo &lven lo 1m11tl bualncH •ntr•proneun. m1naaer1 and owner1 Then c:onfNcm·u are co 1pontorod by tht' ~rvlc .. <.:orpe of Rctllrcd Ext"c.·utlv~• <S<:OHJI:) and the U.S. Smull Ru1lnn1 Ad mlniatratJon. Theae t'Onforurwt.11 will b1• ht11d cm 1'u«.'tlday1 from 2 u1 4 J1 tn In tho )'ldcllty Jl'edt•rMI Bulldtna, i700 N Main 8trt-el, 1ulti' 400, '"nfert·nctt room, Sanl.M Ana Tht' Junt-k'ht'dulo la· •nd former vice prHldent of <>p.ir1dlona, Sluh•r Ste•k Howwt. Junt 22 , "kecord K pln1 11nd Co•t Control• for • Sm•ll BualMM," led by John SJ*ldlnC of Laauna HUii. tKX>R! counte lur and former bu.tin .. cuntul· t11nt for lhe Department of Re· hu hill tll tlon. Junn 2", "~rd Kc..~pln1! A M•p O f und fur Your Bwiln .... !" led by Garry Hollur of U.auna Hilla, SCORE WUnlet• tor and former pr,.tldent, First Slltw Bank of Lhchflvld, Minn J,.or lnfonnaUon, caU 836-2709. ''Providlni home own_urthlp lhrouah mortaage lending can 1l l ll be a vHy profllable bualnC!M," P'ontA>r uld "Our an- duatry wu creal.t.'d to .... l puo- ple In achl.-vln., tht! Amcrlcun dr .. am uwnlnti your own home." "8cJ1t of all, after-tu profit.I n.111 39 pel"Ol'nl to an u.>elatJon reicord of S277 ,000 or • t .&3 per 1hare." For1t.er uJd "Our it.rat.· gy la clt'ur don'l abandon our natural tnllrktit. Thurc:i i1 1tlll profit to he mad.-In funding thc· American dniain." Ntiwport Balboa Savlnga wau op•mcd tor bu1lnH1 In May of 1979. walh ht'ttdquartera in W• .. t.cllft Plaz.1&, Newport &ach wi yt·ur tht· aMO('i•tlon 01x.-ntod It.a k'<.'Ond brunch in Corono dt>I M1ar. und by Mun:h 31 thtt n1·w offh •ti tu.ct acnerutJ.-d ii lj million an llt'W hual nf"till POSITIVE VIEW fredrlc J. Forster, pn .. ldent, and Doro· thy Doan, chaimutn of the board, report tl'(.'ord ~amlngK for Newport Balboa Savlngt and Loun. Jun.-J, "How M1&n y llal• Ooe1 A Srru11l 8u11lnt1H Ownur Wur? Merc:handl1tn1 . Sale• Promotlon1. Adv..rtl•lntJ, und Rt.or .. Mun11((t•r Jo'unt l10111." ll'd by Reynold Karr o f N{'wport Bcac•h , S<.:ORE c·o un1e lor und formn Vlct' prclldt•n l &nd lrN 1 1urcr. of » nullon11I dtopurtnwnl 11.A>rt-c:h•ln Fund• for th., rt«l''Jrd home loiln volumu wutt 1uppllt:d by $10 million In ntlw dt-potlt.1, $3!) mllllon In lo an talf!'a and $J:J mtlllon from ttrranglng rundtnjl tllrt·<.·tly from othC"r 1 .. nd1·r11, Furt~r iwld The <:ommlttrwnt UJ humt: lcn dang by tht: luc:ully tJWOt:d BIJNli l'lutlon waa lurgt:ly rt:1pon11blt.> In Md ch lion to f''onlt:r. lht: 1.11 110t·11iuon '• boo rd 11f d1n'l l.AJt11 an dud~11 Mn Doan, Jotwph <.:a.m .-r a, Jo1wph ~ful11t, Jarnn l''rla hie, Gordon Gruy. Sheldon Me- d&ll. Anc..lrcll Pt.>rlilez. Wllllum Hang, and Su:r.annc Turner ITT Cannon signs pact A $YU,HSJ:J mntract has been awarded to ITT Cannon of 10~~0 Talb~rl Avenue, Fountoln Valley, by the Dcfcm1e Elt'<.'lronl.<.11 Supply C.-nter at Dayton, Ohio. Tht> f 1rm ll.1 contn .. cu'<i "' acupply OF.SC with l'lt"<:trlcuJ l'CHlllt'<.'lor plUKH Thl' n•nk·r huy11 and gupplit.-H t!lt.><·tronic <·omponcnt.I to lht· Arrrwd f'ort.'t."H und dvH ugt.mdt.'tl of tht' ~\'<it>ral Govern- rnt.•11l DESC Iii u field octJvlty of lhl' Defense Logh1lk'H Agency ht:udquurt.crt.'<.1 ut Cameron Station, Alexandria, Va. SEACOAST ...... -·--uRm SY,..-y· .. -· ... Jun .. ti, "l'ult'nt1. Trudt• nuarkJI, 1md H~gl11trollon," lt.-d by ll1trry Kellnur of Lugunu 1111111, SCORE counat.<lor und form.-r 1pecl1tl aaalgnme•nl• uffkn for Hoc.'k well ln tetru.i llm\al Junt! I ~. "Ht-atuurarlt Mllll.aiell14ent," lt.od by Sam EU!ll'1 of Ml11ion V11•j<J, S<.'OHE rnun lltlltJr and formt:"r owm•r of o f1>0d flervice equipment c•ompony. and c .. orgc Runck or 8an Juun Caplatrano, SCOH!'! c·ounaclo1 Exchang_e the Trust Deed You Took to Sell Your House •••• for a Safe, Insured Savings Account. 642-3490 •21 ,..,. Looeetr o.....i ..... OpeHted •2A Hr. A.A.U.L. c .... ,., lt.tloft 24U Newport Btvd. Cotti Mtu c. 92'27 SAN Jo'HANCISCO (A l') S11hit) Pt•trolt•Utli Co Ii; n1ov111~ llll top 7fl .. xt·<·ut1v1·11 from Su11 Frnn<'llot('<> VJ I fou11t.o11 tt1111 full lo k1·•·p 1·lmwr ll11k" I•> tit•· wl tn clwctry APPOINTED F'orml'r Se<·· rt·tury of Edu<'ulwn Shirl.ey M Jlufatcdler h1t.11 h<•t·n l'lt'<' t.t·d to lht• board of dtrt<'t.orti of I lc ·wlt•lt Pac:kurd 01 Republic's Trust Deed Exchange Treasury-Mate Account can get you safely out of the unfamiliar mortgage loan business. And put y•ilJ 111111" t11qti y1..,f<Jl11q. 111-.w1•d 11•1 11111111t· Y11u '1111•·• t 1111· 1nl1•fl"1I ond wt• do 1111• ww1y111q 1111 y1111 lrupllll' todt1y t1l>o11t • 1111••111 rl"< •11Jfll lotlt•\ <111 •1tJI IJUlt /1.t 'ot .,I I• ,11/1 l1l1otl fir-.1 or 'JN ond tru-.t dt•t•d lot11b *!''''' For complete Information. call or vlalt your nurcst Republic Fedtrctl Savings office. V11ur uvlng• tnaur"d ltJ • 100.000 IU·~ REPUBLIC FEDERAL SAVINGS FSLIC 11111111 ,, Al IADfNA Ill i1 /'JI I/hi ANAli(IM f / M 11J'Jl1 fl)'J(1 ARCAl.>IA Ill Ji 44~ }t1'1'J B<JRBMK Ill !1 11Al td(){) CLARfJl\ONT 1 / 14 1 1,11 j<J l'J CLARl--"\ONT Ht:IGHTS 17141 lil I 1J', II HACIENDA tillGltTS 111 !1 'JliH 111117 LAGUNA NIQUf:l 1/141 4'1'1 l/h'~I I OS ANGll.fS 111!1 11"4 1'1C>4 "~ .. 1 '' • Al IAIJt NA • I• ... PAJl'I Sl'HINGS I I 141 I) l / /<1• PA~ SPRINGS 1 / 14 1 11'1 '1'J'J I PASADENA ll I l 1 /'1 J Mf, l PASADENA I l I J 1 /1Jl1 I >WJ l PICO RIVERA flf i1 'W 1 lit.II SANTA A,..A I 114 I 1141 '1lmJ THO<JSAND OAKS IUl>'n •1'JI 1'J/4 WESTMIN6TC R ( 114 J 11'M ') J4 / WOODLAND Hll 18 111 l1 SM J~') I Tokaa Bank will not only take good care of your money, we 'll make 1t grow and grow• Our lnd1v1dual Retirement Accounts OPEN A (IRAs) are currently won't be any paying 16% • interest. TAX-SHELTERED monthly maintenance guaranteed for the TOKAI I RA foes lor the 18 month next 18 months · • term of your certificate And since IRA accounts ACCOUNT AT 16°/o' That s a very good are tax-sheltered, NOW AND HERE'S WHAJ doal indeed. the earned Interest is But there's still tax·deferred. That's YOU'LL RECEIVE. more. We will also about as good an give you cuddly bears Insured Investment as • Current IRA rate 16°/o •. They'll watch over you you'll find. • FREE personal and let you know that Our NOW checking checkin~ account that evorything's all right account lets you 5 0, , t Just as everything'& all write checks and puts pays ' " 10 ,n erest. right when your money your money to work • FREE Bears. is growing and earning earning Interest. at Tokai Bank. Many bank• charg~ maintenance tees Call or drop tn at the Tokal for NOW accounts. But when you open office nearest you And go homo with an IRA account for $500 or more, there new friends, and new financial security. •1'MUel llmf)le lnfef"t • •8u1>tren11e1P41nalty10< H rly wllhd11wa1 AatH lk.lbjeG1 U> ch•• Thie ofter 11 good wMe M.IPPllH latt (.cfl ~tot 1n1vr9<J up to SI00,000 MMnber FOtC • IDKAIBANK ~ ,. OFCAUFORNIA NEWPORT BEACH OFFIC( 3300 WHt Cout Highway• (714) 846·7121 HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE 1eooe Bte>c*hurlt 6trMt • (114) M3-6e61 Othtr otflct1 convtnltnrty loctttd In Hermot• BHch, Pl•'I' d., R•y, Inglewood, P•••d•n•. AJhtmbrt, TM'lplt City, Loi Ant/II•• 1nd S•n Fftncltco. DYER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS ... w ,.,,. .. tAt>1 l 0•1 ... t\~ tH. '"'" l '" \' • 1·' I "•n•t "' :~.~ :;,; 1 ::~::~ I • • .. , .... \IJNJ ...:;::.•"""" f OIUC.•\ \ n .• ttu,n•<A t0' • I I • •'•f"IM , lh /,:·.UPS AND DOWNS --•nu ,,..,. 'Jiu.( IH w . ..i '" ... """ k1411tt0'-• t~l1V I I'• U • ... t"•' ,. .. .. .o -· oH .. , Oy f 1tll\IV ti IJ t••~JI "''-"'• ..,. .. , ... ""'• ~ ,,, .. ,, II• ,, .. , ... "...,.,, ft °' (tnwhl 1 $ I I\ #•ff•\itTf II•. I\ •••tt•llun If, 16'' ltMt I.-' II I&. I WM ,.,,~ 001101 CO'\""° Jt/t 1•· I ,.,.,o ...... Mi.tl•N.94 ~:: ~ I : :::i::.· .. ., ,,..,. '"'* ,.....,. metk..p '°' ... I• • l•'-,, J1tl, ••• . ... ,.,, ..... ~ ,. .. ,.. NI W ., ..... ,,..,, ' ,. kJlklwt"'f uw .... , .. ~(}il'ttl"fW'tl ,,~, ,,. II'• I/\• ·~''"' •)•. ,, . t•u .. 1tn \I Yr ••• uu1t• .,, .... ~-· , .... ,,.,., , .. ,_, 1\\ton fbf -,.,,,, ~" . .... I• .-e i\'\4 pf I. I )0 t'H;•~•· • ' " . ,. .. r.1,mA )I'• /I • MllT•\ ..nr1 ,..,,_.,, -..,._ .,,.. .., ....... ..... -~~:~:'\ \' 4 )'I K•lv•t I) 1• ,._, ~"'' 111. " f •"••'4 .. ,. t• .• If• "'"" •ld -ow ,,,..., ... _ .... Afl '"" " II' I u"' "'• -.,,...,.. \ t• t• • ._,,,,t,.1,M I\ • I\"" ...• ., .. ,, •• u '"'" ..... vi • ,.,V' ·--.,, ........... ,.,,.,.,.,. ""• ... lleytM • •1 ,, .. t<oly'w • A ' • If• ' I t•1 •'ll~Y" '''· ,, f ICH•tt t<1 .... ''>'· hw -"'"""'-" ' •... "''-' • . 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'"'• "•"'''' It .. /911• N•• fWQh\ •• ,, fWf ''" v j ''" II CI••• 11 )!'~ '~~1:~:;~'"'' """ 10• .. c-;v•H .... .. .....w ....... ti ,,, ,~,,, I\ I• ,,., ,, 'tow< p ~··II •"'",].., I II r.,.el .,..,., IJUI 'U ',. • tf"Of • '"'' II ,..., IO II MUTUAL FUND ' .-- -----~----.-.----=-- NYSE (:()MPOSl1'E rrRAN t:TIONS 0\IOUtlO..• INU 1101 t•&Ot \ 0• tNI NIW YO•• MIOWl\I ""("IC l'lw 10\ION Dt 1801 f UID tt!l(l .. NAtl HO(• I ll(MANOU ANO •tHl•llO •• '"' ""''0 &OIO 111\tlNI t .... .... ~ ... ( ce Monex l nterrational, LTD., of Newport Beach, preclou1 metal• leveraae dealer, reports Nles of lta coln-Uke Silver ir..11e total mor., lhan '°°,000. Company offldaJa laid th.II exceeded their trading ~timatea. The one-troy ounce, coin-like ln1~t of 999 flnr ailver 11 produced for lnveetrnent purpc:iee9, and Monex laid It wlU mint Silver Eaglet l.n the United Staie. to meet the demand. They are bought In unlta of ~00 coln1. Architects announced At a ground breaking, Beacon Bay Enterprises, Inc. of Newport Beach, announced that the lnt.ema· tional architectural flnn of A.lca.relll Nl.oolao Maccio- chto and Pariao o f Rome, Italy la designing Jta 22,000-aquare-foot re.earch and development build.mg in the lrvtne lndustrtal Complex-Ea.tt. Clock C.On.etruction Company of Irvine haa been awarded the conatructlon contract, the lender ltl City National Bank, Newport Beach, and the leaatng agent is ABhwiU Burke. Financing arranged POINT 4 Data Corporation of Irvine has comple- ted a second round of equity financing with its original investors. Participating in the tnvestment are Oak Invest- ment Partners (Westport, Conn); J.H. Whitney & Co. (New York); Morgenthaler Venture Partners (Cleveland); and Hambrecht & Quist (San FrancU1CO). Drilling firm building Construction la under way in the lrvtne lndUBtnal Complex-East on the headquarters of Continental Drilli~. u .s. Clock Const.ruction ~mpany, lrvlne lB the gene- ral contract.or. It was det1.1gned by Architectural Team Three, Santa Ana, and will be owned by KAPAAR. lnc , a real estate development hrm Five projects financed Mechanics National Bank hu announced the fl· nancing of five construction projects. totaling $3,690,· 000, including Genoa C.Ove, a 16-unit condominium project Jn C.O.ta Mesa for $1 million. SDG&E hikes shares Shareholders of preferred and preferenc.-e stock of San Diego Gas & Electric have authoriz.ed an increase from 5 million sh.ares to 10 million of the company's preference stock (cumulative). STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS ptlCtt ec.tJw ·-.,, .... .. .... • \It v. ' ... ''• NEW VORIC 1API TN loll-ng '"' """""' ow -V-S..• E•<,.... \to<'• -_ • ..,... '"-' ..... 90"" .. !"-...,., ---mo\I -°" PHC...t al <~ •-rdl .. , o1 ....,._ lor Wld "O -"II'" 1r-nq I»-$1 .,.. Inc.I ---..... --........ '"".,.. Gitt_....._. Df1....,. the or.,,IOv\ <~ J!'OC<I ..-d W9d""8~ a P'IU I (,HC~ 14:,... ,°:'., Upf>c11J J 1 (;d<kll llf8 I .. "' VO IO 1 l Crv~ .., )"' • • • Up IO S .... 1 -... 7... • ~ :: : t ! ~~~~ClCl ~' • • ''> VO IOO I UnP-,,_,, l '• VO t I I J<t<C-P <Pf IS• • • 1 Up I \ ,: ~":.11 I~:~ I ~ ~: =~ II S..1111~ 100\ • \ro VO II 11 <ill,,llFlr. l"' • t;. VP I• 1J lmp(.pAm I'> ''> VO I I 1• HSPw • 10pt 11 • ' Vo • • I) Aeooillnll 1 '"' VO 6 I 1• O•Ne<ll'ld I•'> I VP •) 17 Ao01tN4 ' i.11o , 1v. Up • ) II Tt111n 1 ~ 10'-• iv. Vo • • 1• flrll F-IO• • 4't Uo •l OOWNI Namt Wl•I OIO l'tt 1 ClllMll• pf 71~• '1IO Oii IJ t ~ s:=er~ 1J~ .~ g: :~~ t ~':!': :zv. :~ g: ~! • API. Cl> •'"' "-()ti 11 1 F.,11\ Mlq /'"' "' Olt I I • c:;.n.i.. Q 10"• .. Oft • ) • At-.itnt I) I Olt •> 10 ~t. MMn '"° .. Oii •> II KOi Cl> n f '" Olt i. 11 A19IK• II"> ''"' Oft ) I I) 0.Y1PL f!4l lO ) Olt ) I I•,~ 11" "' Oii )7 IS Nl T Corp 1' 1"-Oii SI " !.tclll.Ven C ~ 1"' Off U 11 ,.,._. .... .... Oft S4 II Gii-11111 n 1\<. Off S• 1' o.n.tco IN: •vt .,. Off S J 10 I(.,;~ I 'Ppf IW, ... Ori )J --~~"-~~~~~~ GOLD COINS NEW 'l'°"I( (~Pl -Pnoee let. T-· d•y of gcMd COIM. ~ed wlttl Mot\• U('• price "'lleef""· 1 1roy or • U•t 75, off ... 75 . ...,.. IHI, 1 troy 01 .. IS..t. 71, of! ... 711 • .......... ,... 1.2 troym., .. , .. 711, Off 16.75 A11ttrl•1t ,.. •r•WA. Hoa troy 01 .. Wt.60, off I Ut. l0t"E'W_,V0A~P:1 Fin.t 0.... J.,,.... - STOOU JD Ind JO ''" It VII U Si> fndu\ """ Vfil\ •) St• WHAT STOCKS DID HEW VOl!IC IAPI Moo, I> Wh AI AMt ~ 0 0 W<l<lneMIO .. , JIU &JI IQ )/ • "FW Y(Jflk tAPI MooY 11 NJv•tv. lid 0.tllnocl Un<Nl"Ot'O fot•I IWA"\ ....,. .. n1(11n\ ...... IOW\ METALS w\#~tn .. "J•v "' ,... 1•• 111 11 1 We<>n•'41y -~I .. , llJ ,,, 11 II Copper 78 91 cenu • pound U S det11n•tton• lb l .. d 26 '11 c.en 11 a PQUnd Zinc 35 C4'f!IS e POvn<I detlYllfed Tin $6 7146 M•l•I• Weei.. compoatle Aklmlnufft 16· 11 Cflflll e pour>d N Y Mefcwy $375 00 '* nasa l'lattftwn $309 00 lrOy Ol N V SILVER Hendy 6 Herme<1 Sfl 695 o•r lroy OUflC4I GOLD QUOTATIONS •1 The A_.,.t.cl Pr"• 5-1.0 WOtld gokl P'°'" W"<I London: morning hatng $333 !10. u11 SI 25 New 'l'oftl: Hendy & Harman $331 50 SYMBOLS ... -, ... _ ... .-ct. .......... . -......... -., ............ _ ,.._..._....,....,_ ___ _ 0ninge COllt DAILY PILOT /Thurlday, May 13, 1912 THE t'..\MILl' CIRCl'M BIGGt:oaGt.: ' ' ~ by Virgil Partch (VIP) PEANl:TI NO. I DON'T KHOt4I ~ERE 't'ES, I ~AAP TM.AT s~e lfOtJ CAN FINO JOAH OF AAC MAY MAvE ANOlt.EXIA ~ SHOt: _______ ...., • by Char lea M Schulz I D008T, MOWEVE~ TM.AT YOO'LL CONVINCE ME~ TO EAT A D006HNUT I by Jeff MacNelly "I only wore this shirt once. Do I hofto put it in the hamper?" "Doc tor, !t'a about this pounding In my t1r1." '9 \R'9 \Dl"K•: by Brad Anderson .Q~~~ ( •'\ -.......r I ;J "You won't believe this, but I was dragged si x miles 1n the marathon race and won third place!'" J l ' Dfa: P .\RM t:R 5 t] JUST WHAT 15 A &OLDF1 5H ?J ACROSS 52 Triu~ utl!I 54 WHktn I Q.nlmenl SS BrealMIPI 5 lthmMI a 59 Opinion• mot'* 63 Fruit dronlle 10 'I - -64 F1ah man ptoducera 14 Tow11d e& Cuddle "*'., 67 Quibble 15 Mike IOYOUt 68 Oi9f1 HI On 1191oe 69 1<111 Mt 17 Swlt!\9 il't Ftorld• 70 Seng• HI 19Pr~ll 71 A"- 20 &tiny , 2t 0tm DOWN 23 0itlg - 25 E•tr1 1 SCOll1th 2t Clt>llltl• negattvet 30 TeMll 2 ThO• -,,... Edllon ,. Quit 3 Oelu at Wood ton'tle 4 Twfft a7 flC!My 5 Oltl'• nernt • N wlll f Wint • 1M11 7 Tr ... '2Aa ........ lfl ,,.,........, .... tfWctloll ., --tO .. Mlfl ........ ""· '' ,.,,,,, t.-...... t2~ = 11'91t 811 41-I .. ..... ·---.. ..... II~~ ( ( I\ GOLDFISH I'S AN AOO/\TI L )) £XPRE.5510N m: 131 AUIY /\NO 1 (,RACE fHAT Pr{OVll)f ~ ) " ITS 0 05£Rv£Rc:> w 1rn ( MANY HOUR5 Of ) BLISSFUi M£DITAT ION_) .._/'J 5-t!I WfONHOAY'I PUlll.E 80l YEO 24 Smalt wood 26l• -. Mlltn0 27 Wood 21 "1'¥9 -_, .. 2tM.., J t loupcon 32~ ~ ,.,..... ,...,.,. --....,.,. ....... . , ....... 44 Tllrual 47 Clanfy 2wordl 49 Alien flight SI Aec:et S3 Liberty 55 Muggy M~IOn 5 7 O.ment 51 Ole .• friend to 1492-., UIMMntt• '2, .. ,... MIOT• , ... ... NoW,NOW·· '/OU KNOW IHE~E'S ONLY ONE WOMA~ INMY LIFE1 EMMA '":I. 1 2 3 4 14 Hank Ketchum ' ·.1 l L '\.\:\('l GORDO ..._ by Ernie B ushm1ller TR.JI!: .:'fb.JER.11\JE:>.:, \tU::>T 8E: ""'-'IC.'1..,lf...7::£1.' by Gus Arriola by Tom Bat1uk ••t ':\IK l ' "l:\IKt:RBt;i\ '\ -FAMOUS COM PO~iERS - Chapter Ten Claude Barlow Claude Barlow had an incredible ear for t he piano . His right ear. it was said, could reach over an octave or more ! by Kevin Fagan OR.SMOCK by George Lemont 50, CHleF, HO W 'c> .:X: 00 \ O N MY eXAMS FOR A sec oNc> YeAR RESS1c>eNCY? 111 ~ -: SIGH :-WE: L..L-, :X: DO H O PE: IHA"f U N IFORM YOU'RE: WE:ARIN G IS ON L...Y RE:N1"E:P FOR •ETTlaOa rea •oa11 Ht #)'A~,~~,Ol-' Sf'Ofrr~ H1;~0 ' I Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, May 13, 1982 'ex tends it s deep appreciation to the Corporate Bene fa ctors, .. 'pon sors and Dono1rs for their participation in thi s full y sul>s<'ribe<l maj or armual bene fit. Le GRan~ Casino 0Rien-cal Fan-easy CORPORATE SPONSORS AND BENEFACTORS • Fluor Corpora tion Mr. and Mrs . John Martin hea Anonyruous Mr . and Mrs. Ernest A Hryaut. Ill "The Estate of Beaver Porter" CommerceBa11k PaC'ifi (' Mutual Life Insurance Co1 npany The Newporter, A RE ORT Hotel Rob\ Old Fashi oned lee Cream, Inc. Jame~ B. PiC'k Donald Haskell O('cidental Researr h Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cuggcnh eim Anonymous Dresse n-Barnes ~urveillanre Cameras 'Ewing, Creath & Brown Securitie s, In Peat, Marwick, Mitchel1 & Co . Prir<' Waterhouse & Co. Ra ygal Dc~ign Assoc ia te~:., Inc. Standard-Pacific Corporation Mr . and Mrs. E. Keith Owen Ms. Patricia Fred11·icks Av co Financial Ser vices IJcacon Bay Enterprises Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hes ter Deloitte Haskins + Sell s Annonymous Andrade/Mc Kee Designs, In c. Coldw ell Ba nk e r Ernst ~ Whinney Latham & Wa tkins Assoc ia ted Concrete Products, I 11c. 'heppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton David teinmetz Mr. a nd Mrs . Ri c hard Ste ele Orange County Home and Garden Marriott Hotel Canvas Specialti es General Automobile Leasing Co . Orange Coast Publishing Company GRAND PRIZES -DONORS Roy Carver Rolls Royce -BMW I 1982 Rolls Royce Silver Spirit, Orie Year Lease Jean Claude Murat -Treasure T ours Inte rnational, Pari s Holid ay in Pari s, One W f' k for Two-Air Travel Continental W a terwa ys, Ltd ., London I Barge Trip on th e Tha mes, On e Week for T wo -Air Travel Ochos Cascadas -Mr . a nd Mrs. Edwards Giddings I Holiday in Puert a Vallarta, On e Week for T wo ---Air Travel Mr. and Mr.'. Albert A. A<larns John Wayne Tenni s Club Membership i\1r Fan·-. I )011att·d hy a Frit·11d of tllt' \tu~cum ADDITIONAL PRIZES One Rocchair -Rocco Co. • Three days, two nights, two shows at l1rno11 Plaza lfoh'I 111 La~ \ q~<J " Ca~u111 dr Pari~ Portraiture -John L. 81oom • Half <'a!-lc "Sw<'t>l Naw y" C allaway \ 11wvanh GIIT CERTIFICATES Amen Wardy -Brooks Brothers -La Cuisine -Rothchild's Win~ & Cheese A Day at Aida Crey's -Antonello's -Apropos -Atkinson's -Men's & Boys' Clothing -Basin Marint' lnr. B.D. Howes & Son Jewelers -Blackman Ltd . Bouzy Rouge -Cafe ' Lido -C'eil s1 Bon Dillman's on the Peninsula ·....: flora Hills -Fritzankotters -Gimone's -Glendale Federal Savings Great Things Greinke Petroleum C 1rporation Heather's Affairs -Hemingway's -It 's Magic · liar! Weiland -Jacques Furs -Kitchen Things La Strada -Le Biarritz -Liao Nautilus Love Balloons -Luxe Limo & Livery ServiC'e -Magic Isle · Patsy Cain Jerry Malone -Relax & Float Richard Ouellette St. (v,,s Annex Showley.Wrightson fine Food Catering -Steve Simons Tennis Factory -Steve's Detailing -Slavirk·s Jf'wefers The Ha pp y Cooker -·r he Ritz Tustin News Vielano . Importers -Village Inn Mn. Alben A. Adam• Mr. George l. Argyrot Mr. Harry C. Rubb Mre. AIYin S. Co1 Mr. Ben C. Deane Mr•. Ronald R. Foell Mn . Wah• 0. K. Cib.on, Jr. Mr. Murray A. Crlbln Mr•. John Hurnd.11 Mra. Richard S. Jonaa BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mra. Erneal A. Rry1n1, Ill. Prestdl'nl Mr. John E. Dwan, II. Vice Prwden1 Mr. Ray H. John.eon, Vice Preatdenl Mr. Robert B. McLain, Vice Prea1dl'nl Mr. George R. Richtrr. Jr .. Vire Prl'••df'nl Mre. Harvey Somen, ~cretary Mr. T Phillipa Morgan. Treaaurer Mr. J. Thomu Van OalflM.'n, AMt. Trcaturn Mr. Peter C. Kreml'r Mra. Lurill" Kuehn Mr. William C. Latier Mrt. Hal Lehman Mr, IAIOfl Lyon Mr. Courtland Paul Mr. Jamee B. Pick Mn. R.andaU Preeley Mra. frank A. Rhodel. Jr. Mr. Harry S. Rinker For more U1formarion. uD 759·ll2~ Mr. John Marun Shea 1. Mr. Joel Slutsky ~ Honorable Shella Pearl SonenahiM Mr Ronald R. Speen Mrt. Richard Stoele Mr. O•vid Steinmell Mr. Herbett Sutton Mr . David S. T•p.,-n. Jr. Mra. Owlet Ulman Mr1. Richard Wi~ ' I • A Publio Service Spon.on.b.lp ol the Orange Cout Daily Pilot (;I ' I • • ' { j Of'ange Oout DAIL y PILOTIThurtday. May 13, 1982 ·-~ •• IN ORANGE COUNTY RICH and DICK WILSON SAY: AND WI WANT TO STAY THAT WAY! • raae 'WE'LL llYE YOU FREE 2 YR. CAR CARE TAKE YOUR PICK! ONLY '79 I PLYMOUTH HORIZON 4 dr.. 4 ~di• .•• , Ollld.UI. '79 CHEVY '80 MERCURY MONZA CAPRI AS 2 Or . euto tren1 • elr eono . • eyt . pwr. otr , Sunroof, elr cond .. pwt. ·-Uc;, 27rnl -• """° • q4 •• llPd Uc;.131SAY '81 MERCUR" '81 FORD CAPRI Al FUTUAA 1 • Or., cwet. Int., I oyf .. Auto.,,,.,, .... ~· ... eu10 .. ~, -·(lie. I I 1041 -"'·' .... ..... (UO." ~~1010. I" Lio. '79 '79 DATSUN · CHRYSLER FASTBACK LE BARON CPE. A 0... ~ (11QIClOI AM1"M, I epcl. (900Y0ll . l1a1ll11 1111 l•rlllla1111 ' 3 DAYS/2 NIGHTS FOR TWO . . : 4 RENO, NEVADA . • ·-~ -~·--. -SUNDOWNER ·~·-.. -if3 'l(.•'I . ___ ..,.. ... ,,............. ,...,, ,,_..., . __ , _ _..... .......... . ,_.....,..._....,,_""' .. -·. ,, ___ ,,.,. _ .... , ..... .. ..._ ....... .- ·~-'·----··---""' ,_,_ .. ,_.,I TRY .THIS RY! AllD THAT'S A SURE THllll! WILSON FORD LIST ....... $12,599 Stk. # 1503 Ser. # 153961 DISCOUNT ....... $2,086 NOW 1981 FAIRMONT ~tk. 11 806 Ser. # 178456 2 YR. CIR CARE 1982 ESCORT 2 DR. Stk. # 1527 Ser. # 182137 Stk. # 1465 Ser. # 11 2826 '81 FORD MUSTANG • di .. 4 ·ri~··· .-.. =to~ 11 .;;,1.0t 4 '79 FORD AANCHEAO AlllO. lrenl., l lr conO.. 811tlon W19on Cl1 ""'''"'· VI, pwr ''"" H IMll•, 4 t pcl .. 13,61• Uc 1wnea -• 1tnoo '80 MAmA '75 SCOUT 121 INTER- ~· •1110. ,,.ft •. , ••• NATIONAL UO. IOAWlll YI, 111to., Ill•, AMIPMll "'" 4JIA IOlllMI FAIRMONT Ohle, VI, •or , 11•r•o. =o.~=0- .'78 DATSUN PICKUP :O:'·t:~~~':I·· .,, '78 TOYOTA PICK UP 4 q4 , 4 ~. AM ...-0. • _,., 11i.u1m1 '79 HONDA cvcc 4 ~ .. 4 .... dr .. -. (II WV9C) Diiiy Piiat Thurlday, May 13, 1982 Looking for a career in sa les? See today's Help Want ed ads, classification 7100. CLASSIFIED INDEX ~~!!!.~'!.~! •.•.••• ~tm.~!\{• •..•... C.•111/ I 001 •• .,11 I lfl ......................••.•..•••............. llVE lat • ..... , ..... u '-~!!1!.{'.~!f.'.' •••.••. ~~!!f!.{~~,!.~~ ....•. 1 ~~~!!!.!~1• l~'-~······ ~ ... ~~~{ ......... !.~~ ~~~~~~ ......... !.~~ ~! ... ~~~~ ......... }.~, PllllllU -II !'.~~!!! .{'.'. !.~~·. ...... IJ.-.~!!!.~'.'. !.•.'! ••••••• a..,,,, IOOZ lmN 1044 . .......•••...........•••.•••...•........... TllTUUOl IUI PUf UT111 '!.'.~!!!.{'.'.,,.'! ••••••• '1!1!!.~1!!~."! ..... !'!!Pl!!.~! .. !.'.!! ",~":' I JOI 19't ""' •••••••••••••••••••••• II"!!! AIU Dbl ~~od , 3 Tt .... YlllM,Cll 642-5678 lltUUS f81 SAU a-.1 ..._ .. ,_ ...... f':t'NM.M• r'""'"'"" .,.,~ l w-..Nl tilt# , ..... ". lloM .... .. ri Tw• t.-t•JA\•I~, ..... f .... "".'" ,, ... .. ..... ~. t'W•ttr. l .. a-.IMI\ 1 ........ "".•"'' .... , ..... \ .... ~·r.:!~ .... :tl ~J"•"t •tinttefl\f \it~• Aflll• '-r•I hif•tfli '--4h I •••"• ."'"" .. ''" ............. ,,,.._ .,, mt mm "' t•tl• 'ut \•I• .\,..n,...."'"• ,.., '•'" ..... , .. '"'""""", """~"""·'··, """" ··""'''"''''" ., ... ft .... ft#Hlei ""'""''' l .O.n .. n1.om '1•lo l~t•t•\ I tui '•'" 1-.. ~'"'-\4·o•4 1 ... .,.._. 111,.-11. 1...,~\H·•j .. ,,...,h l.111h I lit '•lif" '4(1f>tl• ""' ,,,, .... Mt1VMlh ...... ,. "" .,. ! :;"J: I ~Ml:t~~~ ii '""'-'"·--.. ,. ... llC.-wfw ••• "" '•' ..... ••• 1 ......... ~·"•' "4•tl t tuh Aen1HI UNlllS '"""''' .... "' .... •• ..,,,.I \.,• N-0. ltifN.f I wlf ,f I "' I """"'!l'l·lh·'#" t~1 r f r1tr,dl)4'Hfl111ft1\ I I'll '"-""'"''"' h,,,. h,11••,.hlN, ~ ................... ·~···· ........... ,., ,~,, 11 .,111 \pc t .. j, .. ! • "'"~ 9'rfllJfJ t. .. •f 1 ...... " .. I .... f fl " ... '!Ill;~·"·'' .. ,, .1 ..... 11 •• ti ~-~··"' ltfllftil•I I "•It 1 1,.,.,, ... , ,,,, ..... . "'""'·-........ , 1,...\1 I . M•t-4 •1 ...... ,, l\•n.t•I "'•"'""', ~."' ......... 1 !USIN(SS, INV(Sl M(Nl, flNANC! t-j,l\01IP\ l1J1~oi/4P kw''"'" • ,, ... I l!'h#\lllt ..... ,,"'""' I,,.,,,.. ""• ••i ~.,...,.. 1,. "',,.., ~. I'd" '91.rt1•t• f I ANNOUNC(M(N IS, HISOtlllS & lOST & fOUNO 4ihO•owl "'"""" ...... " .. .... _ .. ' . ....... ....... ; .......... ....... f ..... .•. , . sm1m !MrtOYM(NI & PRCPUAflON "'"' h1 II ,d I , ....... . If••• ... ,.... \I 4 .. M!ICHANOIS! "·~ , ~." •• ,, ... ' t ' .. , ... ••-I I ..... ,. II .... vt 1 • 1•1 ,,.,,, ···'""' .._. -, ... 'ill "'""' ... " ... """. 1,. . . '"'" ••• ' ' j .... f'f't• • tN'H 4 'Ht•I ... ,,. "ti• , ,,,. '41'1f,,,,,.,,. "l·tl• "• .... ,. ''•' ~·~ ! k•4 1 lltt >14•1•• BOATS & MARIN( (QUIPM!Nl ,.,... .. .,., •' ....... ..,,,, . hi+•! \4 ,1 fl• t I"'~ ... ! ..... .,,. .... , f'to•h tUM I r 111o1 ""'•1 ,. ...... ,."' ....... . ..... , ¥•1 ' • tv .. i. '-' ...... TUNSPORT l llON ........ " •l"rlo"f •'' ... ~ . ""· .. ",,.,,,. .... ,,.. .. "~''''" ..... ,,. .... ". 'ifuitof UtM 'i•lr lhM ,, •. , .. " """ ,,.,..,,\' .... , •...c..o4""t ••• ,, AUTOM081Ll •'""'"' \MHIW'' I ·•U•' t "'.-V'''''•ft ...... ,,. ~~• ~;'/A ,,._.. -·"· Awl., I• •u"' '""" .... ,, .... ! AUTOS, llllPill 'lO ,.,,, ... ~ , .. k ·If•. \Ao \., ••• ,, lfr•I• "'"" .... ·-.... u.u...-... ,,., ... , , ..... . ,., ... , ,.,.,,,,.., ,_.,,""',."'"''" .... -.... ~., ... ""'''" """'' .. , . ..... . .,., ., ....... P•~"A f'<lfl(._., ll•fto ll lliiih .,.,,. ..... ~ ... fill To10t• r.-... , .... ~··· •'4 .. UTtS. M£W f .. """-' MITIS. IS£1 Swim enyllm• In lovely 113t-12ee eolu heated p ool 3 ~~~;;;~;~ 6drm w. 81, remocMled 5i kitchen In on• 01 Co111 *Ufn.T* Me11'1 b .. t ett••· Ow· ••• , .... ner very lle11lble Full -_. :: p r ice 1146 .000 UMU :: 761-3191 Prlv1te beach. Ill• & ,., cl\4tefy coml0f11ble home 1G< 3 lerge t>e<troom• & den, 2 :: belht, flreplect 1nd much 1..,. morel Wiii trede downl ::: Find out 1boul the high INCLUDES THE LANDI ,.. Htnlng rMI .. late ulee Owne<·Agent e13.g1117 or 1"111 c.r-~un111 .. With e15.1oeo. S61g,0001 '':°' THE REAL ESTA TEAS :.'! Llcenelng 1choot leH '"" completely refundable to ••••••••-,..., echool ol your criolce a • lllTI IW ''"' Extenllve Mlel training -& ,·: For lnlormetlon, c ell 2200 IQ It bulldlng, IYll•· "" 751.e1g1 bl• for building contrec- 1 tor, upholetery, furniture ,.., SELECT •WPOllT fep1lrt, plumblng con- ., Surround yourH ll wllh tractor. etc 2050 Cherie !: mllllon S hom ... Newly St . 1174,600 " I remOdeled 3 Bdrm lamlly 42-1211 :r,~~ room. mubl• lloort. ,., 11one trplc Fant11llc ,., term• Elegent Herbor , ·~ ltl•nd Rd locatlon Thi• m s.lect Propetl)' It ptle«I :: rlghl at $1150 .0 00 .;~~;;;;;~: •.• ., 75j.31g1 ... ... ,, 111111 ;:~, I IN HARB6R VIEW j HILLS 'tiliiiliil ... •1111111••-• Re1e11 wltll 1 panoramic ,,., IEWPtlT llllU view or the OCMl'I, canyon ·;; PRICE llltCUI and rolllng hlll•. Thi• home "' Slit IHI 11 priced tor 1n extremely "' • lut "le 4 Bdrm, 2 beth .,, INCLUDES LANDI 2 story, A titting of Dottle Valen· ..: 13 bdrm. 2 b1th home tine $326,000 ~: lal~:::. ,,.,. I ..... lf.11 I •.• ~t \ , " •lll-lHI• ~~R~Ml~t~or~e~6~7~6.eooc>~~-~ :; 1 .............. -1- :;~ lmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitl~.'~.'!!~~!. ••• !.'!M ,., UYFUIT . -YUA .. '"' MYU llllU Calm 3 Br 3 Ba & otflc:e :~: 60 IHI on lh• bay with Meny. many epeciat , ... • • 1p rl11ate pier 1no 11011 turet Include gourmet :~: Large proleulon1lly d•· kllchen, M11r Br w/epe cortl•d riome 4 bdrm ror 2 Priced 10 ••II with tamlly rm . lorm•I di· 1545,000 201 Coral n1ng rm . worksllop Ind Opn 1-6 Frl·S•t-Sun C1ll breaktut rm Terrific now . Chuck Splller home tor entertelnlng 631-1268 ... Specious b•)110e tenaoe ... A t111c11vely prlceo et ru $985.000 L.H RVM* A.11'-17141 6 73·4400 111 JI Ul-2UI HARBOR c.,..,,, •• ... ~. 1011 Pntl' WHl Bay bayfronl SUpa for 2 boaw. rt!modl!ltod 3 hclrm. 3 balh I 1.200.000. 0t"ean & .)vtty Vll'W1 M arani• room. 4 IY.inn. :J bath, :J700 sq fl $1 ,385,000 Ol-c•un(ront UH ISLE 110111 Pnnw L1du No1d 1Jayfro11t 5 hdrm, ~,,, l1Jth Lgc L R , 2 boilt i.hp11 $1,500,000 hl•moddt~ 3 bdnn, '/. l>ath + larl(t· rt~· n11 !J...am l'\'thllKll. rumu.he<l. pitlHM 1420,000 Lllll llLE IAYFIOIT L11gonn vww from lj bdrm, ~ bMth, ph1yroom, dark nu. dPn. !Jo.it '1ltp S 1 ,:t~o.uoo BAYSIDE con S).l('t:wt·ulur l11tyrnml v ... w 2 hr, 'J. 1 ... up.'/. hr, 'J. l>ll dn i U.11tl ~ltpll $1,900,000 COROllADO CAYS Coronado blund l'Ull l11;yfrunt lot ti:>' dock Plan.'I uvt.111 S-1:.!~.UCIO w/t.:m111 ILUFFS 00110 Single 111.ory end unit, expanded 3 br, 2 ba on Jargnt l(Tt'enbt!lt, $250.000 PIJll 1.110 :1 bdrm. ... 'J.\.l'J balh)> l~rndo m•ur pool $145,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 8oy\1d., Otovf.' N B t>7') blbl anEmo• lllLIEllSI Prl•• •••••rt lat Har IHC lts111ttal. lttt llHI •11ltl111lt CH4t H itt. hetr will t11l111 fleHce. lrlu ~Y ad 4H't 41ttlr~ 1421 ... ,.,,.,. Lare• ID1UO ft. let. UH,000. \\A If RI l<ONT HOMI "· 1'1 ICll\I 1"'11111 I• t1 I f ~, ... . • ~ i-f \A I ._, 11,. "1., ... /\ .. ..... ,. ' f,. ' , k. .... 1\-• "* Ul·1400 '7Mt00 W !·.SI."' Y \ TAYLOR CO HEA l.TOHS ·.i 111 , I~ 1 ll Ill OUYH OIHTIY ._. •11 hMMCt ftf ..._ Pn11wtr Magnificent location o'looklng 8th green of golf course Majestic Colonlill cuat.om l>y owner/builder. 5 bdrms, lge formal <hn rm, fam rm, billiard rm, refrigerated wine rm, & 6 ~ ba. Marble, finest wood paneling, all' cond .. i many rust.om fea· tures $2, 150,000 including land May St!ll fum15hed Owner will help finanL-e 2111 ... J....... •Ill• Rta4 HWHIT 011111, I .I. 144-4110 -I c.,,, #tu IOZ4 .••..•.•..•...••...... A n...-.. 4 ldfm .. ,._ 11ory on en Ideal low tralllo etraet. In model home condition. Prof• .. tlonal landeca,,.. handy man'• g•r•g•. 2 trplOe. community pool, epe •nd tennte. On'Jlv 5 yra Old. Trtn1lerre owner wlll help lln1nc. An 111Glllng new ollerlng compellU· 'lflky Prkied •I $315.000 .... f44.ll11 r._ ldrm, wet bar, ample Huge e11ecutlva renoh· oulelde 11orege. frplc , 11yre home IHturlng 4 E•«*I . .,.rk wl e$ubhouM br a, lamlly room. formal a pool. Owner wlll ..... , dining on cul·O•·HC w/ 14.2.600 7~1-$191 room tor R \I '• Only '236,000. 2e10 San Mf· u.i Dr, N I IMch. . ·... ·. ~ c:::. < ,t I • I I ...,.., P541 H , ..... ',, f I ~!!!/.~ .'!!.!!!!.!.'!! .. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii llYll YIWll ~alkfilBLee .... ...... LllN1 Why go OUI of State? Le\191eged Callfornle ln- vaat~nt wllll H C.ellenl uptAde potential 11,, .... IRYllE .... lnlllll lnveetmenl• from $3600 'ROVES lt\dull comptu, 2 bdrm, Monthly ln•tallmenta 2'n bath, pQOI, clubh<>uM, trom 1150 3 bdrm. 3 be RONWood double glfege Welk to 19 ecr .. and "" Model. Former Modal thopt & mlfket. l14g, Bob Ceualln ee2.11e2 riom• Prol decorated I Sorry Principe!• only . upgredu throughout Fam rm end tormal din .. • r 1 I ,If rm Belcony off MBR ••• •.e. ••• !!r.!!! ••••••• 1u11 to menuon • ,_ of WWII .... H 11-4........ the utrH PREMIUM l 1 Bdrm, fuml~ • 111 I T I T I L, 1ocat1on. 1111g.ooo 16000 60o;. Int ~~~~~~~~~ S 10.000 • 100% Int • • • S,.03!'.!~,h 'I D.. :: B1lanc;e 28 yre $64,000 ......... """' ~ 'l1I.: umLtff oe111 • t 1 , % c .1, • • 12 HUGE melter eult ... 2'1\ /i. ;for End unll 4Br 2'1\ ba. 21 7141975-0927 IEW VIEW TtWIHMH belht, frplc1, yarde, 2 cer l-i{I)' car gar 1 180,000, tat fl MORRO BEACH tor 2 MHter Sultet vi-01 ge11gee. H•Y qualltylng. TO S t3!1,000. try 7•A on ronl/ '°' Nie 1500 l<I n Ocean & Night llgMa Gr H t 1u HVlng1 BHI 1 Ml860() Pr Inc on I y Bk r rnobtl• riome, No L•· Quiet Area P1rke, open b u y In Co I t • M • • • 7 t 4 I 9 8 4 • 4 8 4 5 o r gun11 Ocean vtewlbeecn •PllCfll s l25,000 Only Weekd1y1 c111 860-977e, I 980-1126 evet 3 BR upgraded w/750 weekend• 12-5 631·3.406. k 1eo 2890 I 10% dn Xlnt Fin Hll or ...... 114g..&093 lf513 CAM""Dl·IRVIME ..... , v1.. tq 11 dee • - Pat Bauer_Ag_t_ll7_3-_73_~ l.....CarMI •• C•••1ttl1J --------$5000 down, total price TllTWIOI YllTA 3 bdrm . 2 b 1. lt1Ntl• llOO WE $105.000 3 br, 2 ba, IQ UUT VIEW spa.1covered pet to ••••• ~;·"·••••••••••• llYllE TUUOE I yd w11rnhM 842·9772 3 bdrm , 2·~ bl. lg• BHulllully decorated aml Yawl LIOATill 1_1 1_.1 ••t/Sll entertelnment center, 2 A.-n1ble loan With 5"1. T Swtef t 1 1 r1; -• -(rple•. community pool & dn $239,500 Fee By 81 I" wonder u opportun ty 3Br 2Be, S 115,000 Sii, ten nit S25,000 below Owner 979-3923 N .. r n-4·plell, 2 bdrm, ion lhll prime front row OOCl dwn, 5g55 mo 661 mrk t Ow ner/agt -------2 b1th each unit wllll Senullonal bay, ocean & ROM 51 548.7044 760_31148 YICTlllAI llrec>I-enoloMd pello, nlgM llght view• But WUIOl g1rage gh-lat Pot I pontble owner I flt mt C1ll a ..... 11.l'X. 1........ L h • I 041 c;aeh llow Now S 159,SOO 11gen1 tor dettlla 5-11 BR, on tllll 4 bedroom, 2•n .~/.~'!~ ..•. ~~••••••••• NE-14sooh 1q ft Fautl1entk: e 111 Grun o y. RI tr . 5 BA, pool. Ottered Ill ' bath home In Meta Ver· FORECLOSURE SALE ngltll ome antaallc 675-6161 sg16,000 George Grupe d• Lovely ceremlc tile. Under lendllf''t COit So Newporl Harbor vtew•i---p;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiii~L-1144~200 almost n ew ca rpel . L t 160 lrom 3 fl oor• Compl Z/!: Macnab-lmne DUPLEX 3 Br. 2 Ba. eecti. , hlghly upgr•d•d. 10 ol PCH S2e<>,OOO .. eume- ble. conelder trade $437.000 . 1175-2500 Owner/Broker •gun• pv •11•1• trimm ed tn rich meho- 1 muter bedroom 1ult• deg oc .. n vv Security gany, genuine i nllque TM• home 11 In perfect 1565,000 855-2013 mi ntela & atelned glut condition lnllde end out BLUE RIBBON make Ihle home• delight Seller wllllng lo help by SPECIAL tor Iha i ntlque bulll giving .. cellent llnen-3 bdrm. 2 1ev91 lloo< plan Drive bl 802 King• cino Price S te6,500 I •• •L32 Call TARBELL. 979-2390 In wood & glu• Oceen Ro•O .,.. ·00> view bHmed ce111ng1, --1-EW--1-0-cm--11--• PllOll llMT riuo• etone lrptc. Loe•- '' •1"... tad hlgll abov. Laguna·• 1 Riviera co11tllne 1195,I 2 Bdrm 2',,. b• condol 000 near 0 c College 3 MISSION REALTY llWPllT OHHR Af• l11tr1 h drt1gt1rl• 11httH\f r\ 1 Wu 'J.>4'4 t • 1n N• wpurt Ct"nt1 r On•·" 2111111 ... II •nd "'" ,, "~~' .. , " v .. ,~ f.,v11r •t.I• ,_.,,.~I W1I .. ... . .u ... b~·o;;;.· .. ~ 4 11 NIL .. , PllOI IEllCU \ lh'' '''" ,,1 C..... ........... I TRADE with cathed11I celllng• I 111 ~. IOUI YI years Old Owner wtll help 4114-0731 finance lh•M l "" Rrok,., lll-1ll1 .... .,. lfttl1urlr11••l rn11111 ·,. 714 5318010 1 I ..,.,._ For Nie or rent Uni! 21 I ano 11 rem0<1e460 kilchen I Ull I /_.. ;;;;;~~~;;;;;;~~~~~~-~ij-rif,J~~ 9 5% anumab • oan lfPPNTI_..,,, .,., I "'-.. lO'•• end en an11lou1 owner _.' • _,.., ,,, ,.., -'" lMtlt Nt? Only s110.000 Cell 4 Borm• -1nclud 1n g 2 I .... 1llft.D •••• CAME0°SH.OAEs··· '"' l•itl .., 979-5370 muter tu11 ... 3·~ b•. lge Three 2 Bdrm unite w / Cullom 4 Br 3 Ba pool, ..., I 11-•-.... tamlty rm, 2 lrplee. ru•tlc • •J a -wood ~ celllngt -all In · gerege1, yard• & dlth· jacun l. kof fond. 3 8 walk to pnval• beach • 1w••h•" A•aume low trpl c 'e. 1 4 S,OOO loca •• on The perfect ta- 1nterett loen and owner 111~5g30 mlly home In the perfect •• 1""" help finance Try 120, Owner/HVH BHut 3br, I 673-8585 tamlly neighborhood II I -.Y REDUCED TO 1122,000 Owner an11lout. 4 Bdrm, 2000 eq II home with formal <Sining end 11m11y rm• Mutt tell In 30 days Cell now 97g.s310 • 000 dWn 631·7370 2ba Lg lol, vu 12115,000, NOW ONLY ~g5,000 wttll 780-1390, 1145~332 ONLY 125,000 option 2 BO , ,,,. Bl & mo1rier-15 ye11 plu1 cuh llow ln·l•w Only 'I 53,000 N-cenler IJICel IOU· Robet1 M1Nlkflf'l113t-1268 lion. tteo.t aocepteO or .. ... . ... ... •.. '" ::.1 .... .,.. .. , "' ... , ... •/411 .., .., . ... .. .. .. ... •1~ .,. ... "'' .. I .. ···1 ... , .. ... ,, I ... .... , .... . ' ' . '. . "' -"" ., .. "" , .... •I• •it TRADI T 10:\AL REALTY S1tl,MI IWIUGI 2 bdrm cottage So or Hwy. great potent11l Befnlle Ellen-1. rttr 1175-n73 Of 720--0740 IUC,tf>I HllAI RIAi rsrArf <,1111/tU<, I.MIU IUOI S1,2IO,ol0 Privatt• estate on V. acres tucked into matur(' garden & trees with panoramic views! 3 BR + Maid's . Recently remode led H a rdwood fl oors. b<>amed cetlangs. and O ld World C harm Noth ing 11k1• it anywhl•re tn arl•a UYHllH 11,IH,OOI Front row center for the best water-front show In town! The large courtyard patio & bay-view deck invite entertaining. A guarded gate entry. Fee land & financing are pluaes. IPH FllllY 10-2 2412 UYllllE lllVI IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 ... .. 1. ~:; ·::~::.~' sec R~ ~ -IJ, t~s· ""' ~':l o •--,o-. ..... ,. o' ~ "" '°"' .,.l'O,,,.bi.d WO'th be 11tl ..,_ to •or~ '°"' "~ ..o-6• '"' ... '"' 1~-"~"-R~E._N_S ...... -4 . I' I I I' I I 5HT 0 l I ~ I I I 1: 1 "11 5.. I IC RI O If El' I ! t 1140.0 tile cotl ot WT\81 II . . 2 tall•• 10 kffp up • nloe 11wn. II -wcMd t:le C'1••1>1r to -· II §\ h, ...... (.;....;,..}•.,.;c ... (;.;....;,j,..."-1.--1\ 0 ~~ :-...:":~·,-::: -... __. __ ... _ ------.......... ''°"' .... ,... ........ -----... .. • Ul;~·~!~;t1 tlniu I I I I I I I SQAM.l!TS AMw1t1 ill ClnlMc•'* SlOO ,.. PElllSIU POllT--IY IUCll lellclttt•~•lr 100 ff. tre• ~ .. oi., 2 h4rH•t, 111atlt H4 4tc~. b11•a'9t fiHHlq. Prlce4 fer l••dl•t• sate tf un,100. WA l l R• HO"ll HO"-tl "· '"t ICI 1\1 I'' A II \! 1(1 I I •' HARBOR RIDGE Dramatic home with spectacular view. 4 bedrooms, family room and fonnal dining room. Professionally decorated and lancbcaped. Private courtyard. Motivated seller has it priced below market value at only $729,500. RCTaylorCo 64Q .C)900 nl.llim llPW Balboa Peninaula • We1J Kept Duplex With Two 2-Bedroom Unita, 2-Car Garage -One Block From Beach · Good Winter, Summer Rentals • Minimum Vacancy Fact.or. '389,000. /\ Dton·Marla LJatina. 11ULl-ln lrvtne'a Woodbrldp Area • 3 Yr1 Youna . 10~• Financ1n.c ·On Cul- d•S.C • Fenced Rear Yard • Owner very Anx:loua • Only ft 3~.ooo. Su.an TrMaton'a U.UJ\a. 751-11• uc..,. ...... .... ,..~ . . ... -... mon.y -per1ecl flMncing Price. term•. low down. Custom 2 Bd, vu, w11lll to beaeh $2911,000 011rell Pe1h , ag t Re /M111 TO'a F/P $3 3 mll 144-1211 mm .\'{>Ill ll~"Jf R( Al ft & l'•wl '!;ft;.41t ,.,~ I 759-122, I !-!I.~~.!'.'!!! .... !.~!~ I ~!~.~~~~!~'! .•.. !.~!~ 8% FINANCING S•ll•r lo c11ry lge TO, l(W, CH" llOW F/P $9115 000 C .. 1oz~ · ---lltlit lale l•o~ Be1cri Retre•t 1n Sen .!!!!.:!~ .......•.. "! Be8118flH By owner, hom1 on 1 Clemen1e redwood and Agent ~•-115 t3 j ltu• 10401 .ere EqUMtrl1n 160 d• J glut 3 bdrm, 2 'h bl latfli4t a-2 Ltt • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 gree vt-on top ol hfll Studio. game rm Walk to l•t,.I Ill 1 ZM AttMffM llff4tnl * * IL MI T Q 1344,000 5% down or beach Loll ol privacy •••••••••• .r..!t ..... . n , w ill lee w /opllon OpenSun 1-5 PM 221 W 8UNITSCOSTAMESA, Newly decorated 2 ~<Sim 831-1088 or 831 -3074 Gevl o ll 1339,000 need• work. grHI po- home on 80at25 lot I BEACH I Term• UngoPeulYOdllf I lentlal S3lOK JoM ~~g2 o~o b.u~~dur:!r~I~ T•~ Super 2 Bdr townhome, Z.h 111nt 1115 ~ge.4050 Mll-76&0 AOT 14°1• Aeklng $1 37,500 all garage, patio, 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• li•ll ,t.1 JOIO FORECLOSURE Sele. For en t ppolnlment to poola, tenn11. Jee, & IOI p••i .. "'E 1·•••••••••••••••••••·· 1 58% under mkt v1lue -· cell 5-40-1 t5 t much more Terrific fl. t "" ,.....,.., Bradford Pl. owner an· Min bid $20,000 Prime = nenclng •I only 12't.'l. I ESTATll xlou1, •Br 1 '~B•. 011. aree Sp1clou1 2 elory -urur,rr.t OntySt14.900 4111• 2,"' u. ~l~~~r:;.~~:i 543-8381.Bkr ====~=~=~=,!=~=·=~~;··;:1 BE~~~J~AN 1 •t tH'iVo Agt 1157-2CMO lllEllT al.&D W •• u . Id HAS EVERYTHING 111/ IHt• JOlf 113t-12e8 3 Br 1 B• l'IOUH on 11rge \H..,ur 9c cut..oe-eec •treet •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~~~~~~~ 5011175' 3 unit 101 4311 Rultn sun & Sall II Club ... Ott. n.r.tlt = H1mllton Do not 0111urb ., I 20 min 10 24 hr guarded commu-g UNITS tenante $129.000 55 1 :IOIHI Newpo<1 Cente< nlty egg SurltlOe Ave. HUNTINGTON BCH 548·60418V8"&wknda. "!Ollltr•ttf''"''"'·"''"~ 12IOOOOwlthlt60000 S..IBMch.3BR2'hbl. tO yeera new All28r. e31 -3520 wkdY• at •12% nxed ,.111·, 25' 10 bHch 2 trplc•. ~5&.~Rl-9LEX IWIU 111111 DESPERATE OWNERI 5 fully amor1lled lantHllc view from root HUNTINGTON BEACH CASI Borm, bH Ch giant, In No polnll or quellfytng top •P• 1485 •000 All 2Br. haevy •hake 2 Br t 81. + 1 Br 1 Ba. 1>9tt 1r .. le<>,000 below 770-o347 P.P/OWC. 21315g2•21119 roote 14 yea rt new 7211105' A2 tot Do not market Muel Hll now Owner/Ag:nt I 1118.000 wtth 20% dwn dll!Urb t•n•rtll 1528 Submit your term• Bkr Ofj., IHI,,,,,. o w e Bkr 636..0123 ~:6~~~~ ..,,~ ~9~~~. M8-01oe II---' IH1A IOll #;ijj;·.;;;;········ *PllM* 113 1 3520 Wk.._ SPUSH SPLASHI •• ·.-;r.;;•••••••••••••• •11 •-•1 JJ-Hun11ngton Beech 8 • v1•· Speclecular ranch •lyl• Pltll llMOTllll II .. ,, -Unllt , 7 yr• Old. 3Br, • •Br 2'h 81. Condo By with pool end IPtl s13.&. C1n11 front• er f ee N~;~~;ta;;;h·o;·A~;; & .. 2er. 1369,000 20% Owner. M1ny Xlfl• goo Low d o wn No lend. Termt 12gg,ooo. beytronl Puk Mint own. OWC Prln only 1106,000 In 111umeble Ouellflyl"lg Bkr Mr Clerk. 845-3370 111 cond '7e dbl wide, fir• Bkr 536--0123 llnenclng Aekltlg 1132, 84S..0709 llPM. place, brick patio, $111. ,__....,...,""' 500 IM&-0790. o.ane 01rdel'I Home, 3 bf UW,. ... .-000 Alto 2 br , 2 be.. ..,,_, __ , -w .. IT-plua 1911 '215.000. Sul>-11' -•• double wld•l corner lot ·~ lnter .. t In E Side Tfl· "" -•• m It on term t Ag t Owner Medi oaah, Ci.et\ 139,000. 8 II Grundy plex, $20,000 ctwn. OWC TIW•l•U e76-11142 antlQ~ typ9 houM. 2 er, 111&.~181. 2nd. e31 -3e•e •fl 4PM. FIYe,...,, 3 bdrm. 3 bath <>9«1 Sat/Sun 10-2 ~8:c.=1~1:;e 1or.t: ~fr.'. HuntlnG'Ofl 8Mctl, Oouble _O_MI __ .,_. _____ _ condoa. Plueh cerpete, 20G~2 "8mone Ln. H.B. wide edulh l1rge 101 -...... d1pe, •l•lned glHI, pvt 000. 648· 04 8VH' ' • -·· -·-yerd•. 2 eat garaoe. 80% lmH JH4 wkndt, 1131·3520 wtidy9. ~ .. ~ ok, 1nMta2e~ T,. d • to, m Y .t_~ • loan at 12'~%. owne< wlll ••••••••• • • •••••••••• • ~ ng, low ren . ' . oc .. nttonl home . ..,...,,... ~,, 2nd or try equity Woodbridge 4 Br Del. erma. .. 7.2964. _e.:..7...;WS...:..;..7.:..e ____ _ =Im wtlh no hOme, cuf-d•·H C, •IC. .... p .. I •• E .. E w p 0 AT ....,. Own/ Agl. wlll flnence. " ... " mon.y John Eliot, ly owner. DrH llc price *EXCITING* BEACH. 10~ down, Agl, 831-4321 ~daya; Be6oW mfkt et ltrg,ooo. reduction for lg• down· 4.1rl·ple11ff a t ouple11. 1173.3999 or 831 -4509 1146-07711 peymenl. llA()..7tt0 lrelllllf M Corona def Mar I lal ...,..end•. ,,,.,,.,, A 24a90 f<~t Home • P.n. ~ *"' mw. WTM WOOOBRl>GE ADULT MOllLE HOME LIOhl lnt.nore • Lg llvtn~ : =-~4 ~ I, 2 or 15000 oown. s er. 2 ea. PA"I< on th• Bay . 1 !fining .,..·°'*' Ir.It to · · · • '*'· pool + 1actte10r lAllrrDnllT bdrm. den t be MO 000• tam rm • 2 lg bedrooma I ....... ,. .__ Unit, Month(y paym•nl ntrl\Ulll S Ir, 2 be tH 500. t bathe. OWnere wtll oarry ~ -"t 1 11100. 'ull price t 15t. ~, 3 OOO 777 bdrm, turn. a.6,ooo. 2 bat. at rHtonabl• Int•• ,_, IM ooo 557·2713. 1 bdrm 125.odo. 300 l . C.t ,_,, ·••••••••••••••••••••• ~'! H'""' Unit 111, Nnport ..._. .. MOnt-.y ~tty Olubal UlftM THA .. ..i<JHT. ln.,..tor .:.:-... lkr. e75-1347 A ... utiflli a4d0 Qr..n-3 bt, I be, .,.,.; Pllln. w111 ...... ln-..t In IWIC~ -· btter Hotne. Ooer't .. It ..., Ul)Clr1lded. So. mountain l5000 ctown. 9 er. 2 8e rlout lakefrOf\I hOfM fOf 1y o.n.r. 4 ldf, den, a tam rm wi w-. blf: tit vliw, Mr pool. Auum. ~n~M::,; = ~.::. ":':' .:.-:; I'..*~:~'=-=·: b9ctroome I bath• botli b~'~~ :~~" 91800. l'ull price t 15t, 11119 °"th• w9'ert10ftt at •int:°'Htl,OOO. no. w/ahowera. NA _..,.. iiiiililiiiiiiiiiiiiii 000 55'7·27•· one·h•ll the "let • .,.. 000 ...._ .. M10I lftdudecl, at,aoo'.' - - .... ... ..... 010111 2 •• , .... 2\t ... ' • ... -· 8 bdrm s r,. fem rm den with fef1T1el dlnl110. -~-Jll IMTll _. -ULa Can ltll 10 front Cloor I oer, larO. Jl•tto. Tennie brHkl .. 1 noik· lnfO:' ~· =:::0~ 27oe ;;;,:.1 toe-A :!'i'!'.~,:8d!~~-~·2~ ~' '°" ~~:=~~=i: ::r., ~n~.~= I ~-r~u.= 'S..01 .::: .... llr..... hou••· hll price HH. 111r~~~P· Aot. John, Wllat a W.,~1 WOrld -~---.. Mt-NOO I bClrm, I .h ''"'rm, IOO. luy \tor •..,.. U ._,,. of I~, rlglll •1 ~-!!!'!!!.-'!!!.,.!!'"!!!!!!!!~ gtr, 1wr1i ~.Tennie bl• term11 Cati ~YHN 'f(Nf ~ = pool,~ ltii~OQO. '~ H 0 A ~.I. 0.", ., t. You dOn'I need • gun to Dally lot , ••• ,t;d Cl• .. lll•d Adi .,. "" dn 12~ i4Uii1 &8t·1.UU or 17'-IM1 "draw f .. t .. wtlen you Ada To plec• your ad, an•.., to • euo .... •M Oah your ihopplng H • .,.. 111/....., pleoe an ad In th4t Dally call t41·H11 at1d l•t • 09fllO'Ot yani Mia! It'• a ~ ~.=:,~:.Dally _ !J 'f !tlR , ~I~~ Adel <W now ~ .... ..., Ad·Vleor ,_ =way to telt mOf• \ \ '· ' ,. t I' I !. .. . .. ,, . .. ,. .. . , , , ;. r .· :· :· ~ . .. ·. :: . ·: .. :· ~ ~: .. '. :: . • • . . • !~ .. ' • Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /Thureday, May 13, 1982 AP Wlt•photo LUCKY WINNER -Marie Pomplun, a 23-year-old Los Angeles housewife, won $250,000 after dropping $150 into th<' Pot-0 -Gold slot machine at Las Vegas' Flamingo Hilton. ------------- GM offers to fix auto leaks DETROIT (AP) Own.era of 1.31) million front-wheel drtve Clrl Will be &lve n ftH help If their auto• 1tart lciaklna tran1- mlulon fluid, Gcnorol M oton Corp .. •y•. GM u ld the CUI Involved are &11 1980 and IOtne 1981 Chevrolet Citation , Pontlac Phoenix, O ld - amobUe Omeaa a nd Buick Sky- lark modell. U auiomaUc tra.narnilliona run low on fluid, \hoy wW beain to Ihm. from gear to gear, GM aaid. And drivers of cart with manual tran.amiulona low on fluid wilJ noUce gear nolae, the automaker aaid. Robert Rosa, public lnformu· lion 1pec1allst at the National Highway Traffic Safety Admin· latration in Waahlngton, aaid the: announce~nt wu a recall. But Raymond Peck, NHTSA adminiatrator, and GM insisted It wu not "We don't have the authority to effectuate a recall." Peck laid. GM sald the action amounts to "a tree fix and a customer satis· faction program -not a recall," because no safety problems are involved. Only a small percentage of the 1.36 million can that could de- velop the p roblems likely ever will, said James G. Vorhes, GM vice president of consumer rela· uons. Giant Utah city rejected Lake Va ll ey would have dwarfed 'alt Lake City SALT LAKE C ITY (AP) - Salt Lake County residents re- jected by more than a 2-1 margm a proposal to incorporate a large s uburban area into a new dty tha t would displace Sa lt Lake Cny WI Ut.ah's largest With all of 72 districts repor- ting, the vote was 26,836 against c reating Lake Valley City and 11,548 in favor The turnout waa 35 percent of the registered vo- ters County Elections Clerk Kay Llewellyn estimated between 45,000 and 68,000 of the 113,000 registered voters would vote on wht:ther to form Lake Valley City. which would have 229,000 1nhab1tants across 200 square miles. Salt Lake City, which also is m Salt Lake County and is the st.ate capital, has 169,000 resldents. Proponents said Lake Valley City was designed to prevent further annexation of valuable C..'Omtnerdal property. Through annex a lions, c1 ttes gradually have e r od e d the county's tax base, plucking shopping centers, industrial de- velopments and other valuable properties from county tax rolls ~ :i result, non-city residents have paid higher property taxes for essential services such as po· llce, fire and garbage collection. But County Commissi on C hairman Mike Stewart said many voters feel the new city merely would add a costly and unnecessary level o f bureau- cracy. "There seems to be a lot of sentiment out there agairuit an- other level of government," he said Promoters estimated the start- up <:ost of the city at $1.7 million, whlle opponents put it at $5 mil- hon to $18 rrullaon 'The Birds' attack Lovesick robins peck Indiana home windows INDIANAPOLIS IAP) Al· f ri·d l li tcht:ol'k ·., mov11· "Tht- B1rds" didn't both1·r Mary Elhoa until th1• roh1m. i.t.arlt•d pt>t'ktng at th<· window\ of h(•r two-story ho mt· "Now I dr1•;n11 about that movie," sht• said Tu(•sday ''It's li11.{·h<.1X'k rid1~ as<a1n " Mrs Ell1ott, fi7, a nd hc•r hus baud. J W1ll1:m1 "Il11l" i-:t1111tt. ?:!, arc stumpl•d by tht' utt1t<·ks on th<>1r wtndr1w'i by tht· pesky ro bans lt''i not that the· l!:lllotts don't like birds T hey kc:cp on hand two birdbaths, two bird fecdl'rs and 25 pound'i of sunflower S(.'l"CI "I love• the birds, but this ts for lhe birds," Mr<i £11iott said Al first, Mrs Ell1ott thought the dive-bombing robins were drunk from dipping Into neigh· bor hood berry tr~ But the lo- cal Audubon Society prt•Md•·nt says tht•y're JUSt lovesick Th« fu-st robin st.arwd IJ''l·kmg at a downstHurs front window 1.t mon t h a go, and two uthc.·rs showed up Monday al the.• rt-ar of the brick house the El11utl.'t hav(• owned 24 years Th<> birds <'rash into th(· windows, thl'n flutkr in front of them, pec:kmg and rla· wing They'll back away to ttw nc·arest tree limb for a brl'atht•r, watch awhile, and return "Breakfast, lunch and dinner are their favo rite times," Mni El IJOtt said "The banging ts lA'r nble They leave dirty tracks all over the wlndows " Donna L. McCarty. president of the Indianapolis chapt.N of the National Audubon Society. noted that it's bird mating season and said. "They see th<'1r rl'fl<-t:twns in the window and a!lsumc it's another mah: lht-y rnu:-;t fl'nd oft t.o protect thl'1r territory " Sinn• her problt'm attracted hx:al pubht·aty, M rs Elliott said, Nht• has n.-cc•1ved dozens of tele- phom-d suggt>Sti1>ns from people with s1m1lar bird problems. Mr11 Elliott said one women "told m e to ttt• b1tlloon 11 on the windows Anoth1.•r Indy said lo put rub,? c r s n .J kl' s o n th e windows Cindy Porteous o { the India- napo lis Humane $ociety had another suuestJoo . "Ha ng o n the• windo w s p1<.·- lur<.'S or cutouts o f a nimals the h1rds would not wa nt to fly dose to .. Mr'l Ell1 utt said she plans to "take strips of paper and make kmd of a hula skirt out of it and hang 1t ovl'r the windows" Workers switching DEATHS -. ELSEWHERE College BERKELEY (AP> Caty workers in Ber keley are switching from the Socia.I Security syatem to a city-run retirement fund, effective next January. PtHCI NOTMHS SMrTHS' MOITUAIT 6?7 Matn S 1 ll11nt1ngion Beac h !>36 b'>39 DlllH I~ STOCKHOLM. S wede n (AP) Peter Wel11, 65. 11 Gcrm1rn-bo rn playwright, BAROS ' died Monday of u heart at· tack Weiss, an a ward· wlnnlni dramatl1t, won In· lcrn11tionul n'<'ognltlon for "Marat-Sndc-." n 1004 ploy- w1thtn·ll play paper honored 'fDITHI RICIRD ..,. HOAO•....-..L ~A&. ..,.1t Mr. end Mrt. lllo~rt Cont1nt, ~ "-di. llti Mr. and .... ~lnOfllNnl, HUftllnQlon leech, girt Mr 111\d Mrt. Donald DuHedey, ~~-~•ven l<ob11ll, eo.ta MIN boy Mr. 1nci Mr•. Alchtrd 1'1blan. Huntington 8MOO, glt'I Mr and Mrt. Robe rl Burton , Sa/lie AM HflO'lte, boy .,.,. ti Mr Ind Mre. on.tltl M .. lt\tOll. Hunlloglon leach gtt1 Mr. a nd Mtt. thomH Honr. CO< ona dll Mii, girt ...,.. 11 Mt end Mrt MIONll O'Gotman, Corona cMI Mii, (llrt Mr •nd Mre Ooneld Oendt. eo.1a M41M. glt1 Mr and Mrt l(.lttl HllUey, HIHI· 11ng1on leach. girt ... ,. Mr ind Mr• G11ooty Clltm· b«•. eo.11 ,,._, glrl Mr end Mra St•v•n LO•hr. HUl\llnglon 9-fl, girt Mr •lld Mt• Rlcnerd Mora n 1rw,. girl .,...,. Mr end Mr• Merli L .. 1iov1r, Hunlloglon 8Mc:tl, boy M1 end Mt1 John 81lv111on. 'ICTmOUI _,_ .. ,.,... aun•NT '"• ro11ow1ng 0111on 11 e101no bwlnlll N IOUfH 8HOM INOUSlfillAl T OOl CO , 3303 Her l>Ot INvcl • '°'· Cotll "4Ma. Celt1orn11 12129 Tnom11 John o.111or1•, 1&&& M••• Verd•, M·I . Co••• Meu, CelOomla 920~• Thlt buttl,_ II c:o<\duc:ted by en llldM<luel TllOmu JOhn Oelatotr• Thia ttet-1 wu tllld with tlltl COllnly Ca..li. OI Ot•l'\09 County on M•y 4. T901 ,, .... Publl•h•d Oreno• C o11t O•lly PllOI, Mey 6, 13, 20, 27, 11182 2036-8:11 MllC NOTICE flCTITIOUI IUllHllS NAMI ITATl!MIHT T11e ro11owlng 11•r eon la 0011111 bu••neH H OENU II 300~ Fiiimore Wey c.o .. a MHa C•lll0tn11 9211211 A Ann• Hovanc•. 300!> Fiii ttlOr• Wtty Co••• M•H C•Ulornl• 112818 lhll bUtir,. .. 1, concsuc:t.o by an ln<IMdual A Anne Hovanc• Tn11 11a11ment wH 111.0 "'llh thl Couu1y Ci.rk of Or•no-Counly on Apfll 27 1982 ,1 .. t'tl f'ullh'""u On.11•(1•' C.01ut Delly P1hil Aµ"I l'J Mwy b 13 :?O 1982 18 .. 9 82 Pl8l.IC NOTICE Irvin., l>Oy 1------------- Mr •rid Mt• O•vld 8chlllm1n, Oene Po4nl. glrl Mr 1nd M11 Jemw Allor, Hun· t1no1on BeeQh, bOy Mt e nd Mra Kenneth Aulz . Coll• MMA, boy Mr artd Mre Jamu Mlrlln, Hunllngton &M<:h, girt Mr end Mre Oevld Gercle. Coel1 MMA, t!tt 20 Mr I nd Mte Hal-Young Chang, Irvine. l>Oy Mr end Mrt MICheel Mull•n . Colla M .... girl Mt and Mn Oen111' Cempb11ll 11v1n1 DO'f Apflt 2t Mr and M11 Sl•V•n Palmer. Cotl• Mela, boy Mr end Mra Sl•v•n Gia nnini Hunt1no1on e..cn. l>Oy .. 12 Mr Ind MA Manfred Sctlutler. HunllnQton &Mdl, Olt1 Mr end Mra. Mii\ Olton. eo.11 M-.l>Oy Mr end Mii Gr•gory Gulick, Coell M-. t>oy Mr end Mre Oonlld Julien Ir- VIM. girt Mr and Mrl Andr...., Ar.-o. tr. VIM, l>Oy Mt and Mii Sllphen Cran•. CO.le M-. Olfl Mr •NI Mra ROdOffo O.WV.Oo, Fountain Valley. t>oy Apftl D Mr end Mra. J am•• Oe vl11. CoeleMeN,gtrt M• •n<I M,. Relph Moto•n, 1r. VIM . l>Oy Aprll IA Mr and Mr• Rob•rl SH bOrn, COfon• dll Mar. l>Oy Mr and Mrt Alton Smith, Hun· 111\gton 8Mcfl, olrt Mr and Mta Gery Galell lrvlM, girt Mr and Mre. J09 Coll Hunting• ton a..cn. girt Mr end Mr1 Terrenoe Sherman Huntington 84ec:tl. l>Oy Mr Ind Mtl ThOmU Rodberg. lrvlM girt Mr e nd Mr• 01nl1I C ueldy, Hunllng\On e::::·:n Mr Ind Mra Denni• WOOd, Co- 1on1 di! Mer girt Mr a nd Mtt Roblft Curll• Ir VIM boy Mr a nd Mr• Sl•v•n Walk•r Coll• Meea. l>Oy M1 a nd Mr• John Re nne r Hunllng1on 8Mcll gHI .,.,. ii Mr end Mrt Wllll&m Ot_,, It vine. '>Oy Mr end Mra Peul Thor••n. FICTITIOUI IUl!ftlH NAME STAUMIENT The lollowlno pereon 11 doing Dual,_ u · OMNI I RAOE. (8) All AME:Rl- C A N nOAO SHOW. 1751 Eu1 Gerty Avenue, Santa A1111, CA 92105 JOMllh Sld"41y Burrow•. 1811f!13 Mt O..m1t111 ClrClu, founlaln \/alley. C•111orn1e 11"708 Thi• busl•-• te coroductld by an lndlVl<lull Jo1e9h S Burrow• Thia 11a1emon1 .... tiled wtth lh<t County Ctork of Ot•"9' County on Mey 4 1982 f1-8 Publlth•d Orang" Cout Delly l'llol Mey 6 13 20 :n 1982 <043.112 Nil.IC NOTICE FICTrTIOUI eUllHl'll HA.Ml! ITATEMfNT I ne lollowlng per eon II dQlllg bUllMle .. RON KASULl<A'S C'lA.ROENING SERVICE. 5712 t4.,0ld Pi8C41. hun· llnglon Beecti C1J110<nlt 111647 Roneld LM Kuotlla. 5714' HI· rold Pl•t• Huntington Beach CA 11,f!l.47 "''' butineH •• coooucttKJ by an lndlvlduet Rooald LM Kaeullla Hua 1t•t•ment wH ,llCld wltn tn. County Clerk of OlllflQ• Coun1y an Mey 4, 1982 F1Ut&S Publlehed O•enoe Coast Oaoly PllOI. Mey 6, T3, 20. 27. T982 2039-82 P\R..IC NOTICE flCTITIOUS IU81NEll NAMI! ITATEMENT The lollow111g perso11a ere OO•llQ b•J\1111t&1 •• KllOOR t77F R1ve<alde Ortve NflWl)Or t 811&<.h CA 92663 JUf KI LL EEN :&'09 4 151 511etl N!'WporT S.acn CA 92663 RONALD C. OOROONI 209 • • hi 5trfoll Nf'WIJQrf 61fll(.h CA 'l}b63 I"" t1Ua1r~u " <.fJrtOUGleO bt a 0"""'"1 partnttrsll•I• Ron CN••tt I mt ttalement "'"' 111e<1 with the C:outtly c1 .. 11o. ot Or11noe County on Mlty 11 11182 f1"217 Publ1tn110 Or&nge Co•al Daily P11111 M•f 13 ;>() 21 June 3. T982 3060-82 eo.1. M41M. l>Oy I Mr Ano Mrt J r( E1199, lrvlM , P\R..JC NOTICE l>Oy -----------~ Mr and Mrt Phtfflp ...mt. Bal· FICTtTIOUS llUllNIUS boe, girt NAMI! I TATEMENT April 27 l h" tollow1ng p.,1on 11 001ng Mr end Mre John Ba.neu, Ir· huam•H H Vine. girt COMM ERCIAL GRAPHICS Mr and Mrt Fr9d wooo. Bell>OI CO 1700 Newport Ctttl11 Ssnle lalend, 1>0y A•11 CA 112705 Mr Ind Mra CUt111 ~tz. II· OA\110 w rUBMAN 853 N VIM . l>Oy Glaue!. Orono•. CA 9?667 Mr and Mr• G•orgt Brat••I, Hue bu11nesa II condu<:ttKJ by an lrvtne. gltl 1n01v1du11 LONG HACH lftMOAIAL HOIPfT AL ,._,,. Mt •nd Mr• J am•• Btrnard t1untlngton a..cri. girl IANCLE*Nn ot!NIUlAL ttOSl'O' ~ Aprll 22 Mr end Mr• Lloyd Remaey South uoun• BMch. boy Apf1I a. Mr Ind Mrt Clllfi.t He•men. C091a MMA. boy KOOOlt FlCTmous au ... aa NAME IT A TUHH'T Tha tollow1no perton •• doing .. ,,. .... LANCASTER ENTERPRISES I 'i2 Y•llowalone Oriv•. Coit• Me"I. CA 92626 SIEllEN P lANCASTCR.31~2 Y•Oowalone Drive. COit• M ... , CA '1626 Tlll• bu1lnM1 11 conducT.0 t)y an lndlvl(ll1•I $111Ven P Lanc1ttflt Thll tl•l-1 wn lllfd wllh the ounty Clerk of Ortn;t Coon1y on Ol!vo<I W I ubmen T tlla ~111111m1nt WAI lllod with 1h• COUnly Cler~ OI O•&l'\00 Cout11y on M•v TT 11182 F1"2tl Puo11an•d Orenge Con1 O•lly PtlOI M•y T3 20. 27. June 3 1ge2 305fl-8:&' NII.IC NOTICE ITATl*NT OF WfTHOf'AWAL '"OM PAATNEASHIP OHAATING UH0£A ,ICTITIOUI •v•n• NAME The following P•rton h•• wtthorewn 11 • ~·• ptr1ner lrom 1"9 P8'1rw<ltlip ope<ellng una.r 1ne llCtltlOU• butln•u n•m• OI JMH Etecuonlce a l 915 T•• Ju1n1 . ~IMofl.CA Th• llctlllou• bu1ln111 name atellm•nt for tne p111tner1n1p wee flied on 9-2:?·81 1n lh• County ot Or•noe Full N•tn• I nd AddlH I ot th• Peraon WlthOr•wlng J1mH M Horn1c11 P 0 Boa 8346, Fountain Vall•y. CA 112701!1 J11mea M Hornecll ft71'tl Publl1h11! Orenge COHI 0 1lly Pllol "'41y 13, 20. 27. June 3, 11162 2124·82 ay 5 1ge2 ,,.'° Put>llah•d Or•ng• Coett Oelly , PllOI. Mey 13, 20. 21. JuM 3, 11182. 2120-82 Pl8l.IC NOTICE ,ICT'tTIOUl llOllNIH NA• STATIMINT MOTlCI .. YITIMO aioa fhl County 8anlt•llon Olltrlete Of Or1no1 County, C alllo rnl• 1111111 r•'11v1 ... 1111 bid• until Thur• , May U 1'61 I t 00 a n1 81<11 nlutl b • reC•lv•d •I lh• OleTrltlt Admln11trallw• otllcee by the 0••• 81\d time h«llnebCMI Ml IOflh al which llffle th•Y wlll b• publlcly ope<\90 llllO ••Mllnld 11 the oltlGI or 1n. Ol•hlCll. 1084' PM•• Av.,IU9 f 011nt11n \lell•Y Cellfvrnl•, loo t1w1 f~SCAPl MAINl!NANCC 8 P!CIFICA TION NO M-003 Old• mu11 be 11tbmlt1•d on th• torrn •UOPll•d lly th• Ol•lllCll In eccordart~ll with all prn11111af11 ot the tjliN)lllCllll)rt• Speo1llc:1t1one. bid blat1k1 and lurth., lnlorm•llOn may bl obllt•n.O 11 lh• 1bov1 •ddron ltleptoon• 640-21110 ur 981 '14 1 t /e/ J W•yr ... 8y1Yfft .. S.c;•fll••v Oou•<I• ot C>lrec.ton County Son11a11on OlllllCT9 Not I ~ J '• II 7 and t t ol Or ""II" CCJUrtly C.•111111111• l'11bll•lu1d 01 an1,10 Co•al CJ ally Pilot Mtty l'I 11 1~82 11011·11<' •·M1t NOTICE 0, 9\llK "'ANIFEA aueJECT TO llCTION ttOI OF THE CALl,OAHIA COMMEACIAL COOf NOl ICf IS HER£ BY G111rr~ T 0 H1E C..REOllORS Of SIMI \/Al If 1 LUMBER CO INC 11 Ctt lllhrrtltt COfpot8110n rr~ntrttror 11181 A bUlo tranal11 11 o!Joul 111 be m10d" l>y Tran1le101 wr•OlMI hutt1111U l thlloo tt 2000 hlXI S1111 .. 1 "' trill C..1ty ol S1m1 llt1ll"Y· (,nur•ty t/I lltt11lu•• Sl•ht ot C.u111111 '"" ""cl 111 of w1H1&fl otnor t>utinub 11nn·e~ itrod hd<l•..,• Ht u11!0 within 1t1re11 yettr1 la~t 1Jltl1, 1(1 fMt tt• o<t(1Wfl 10 fr&11•IU16'1 are S1m1 1111111y l umb11r 10 rtff TERRY INVES l MfNT COMIJANV 11 Calllorn1a Parh•e11n1p t ran1h1te" wnoee bullneu &drlreH 11 18$!> T Oxnard S1reo1 I •r1en11 Col1torn111 913!16, 1n ini. C.11y ul I 111anu County 01 Lu• A11u"1"' S lalf! o f C1t1ro11uo 111 lh11 1011owcng <lea<..tt Did per'IOnnl l!•operty of lr•nale IOI 111 wll All ~Iii<~ 1n 111101 lt•Tur11 O(lUIPJTltml ...... good will OI • ,II, ••m ttftotil thJlld1no nt•l .. n•t• bu.ti neu known "' •,tMI VAi LE:Y lUM BER COMl>ANY o t1J8t1r1c.allv t0en111100 ono 1r.c:aled "' ~000 l ttDO S1ree1 "' ine C..oty <ii Sim• \/alley County ot lll!fthJt" St•le <it C.ahlor nra anti lfu11 tit,. lor11gu11111 11ul• trantf9f will '"' 1 on~utnmate<S Ort h f aller hJ!IWHy fl•ll r ... , tiny OI Ju"" T98i th1uu1111 F •c •o• No 108·409~ .,, ""' "\CIO• depoll men1 01 m• E.rt<•"u Olflce ot Secu rlty Pe<;1tt( NllltOMI Ben• bl 1ll T30 \lenlur11 Riv<! 1n 11tt1 C.otv ul £ rt<t11<> County nl I"' A119 .. 1ea S 1a1..-nl C•lllOfnu1 Cla1mt or C.•OClilQrl OI T rar1'1t!fl)f m1y be 111e<1 w•tlt ~ecurtly Pec1l1<. National Ban• 111 the add111n '"' forth nOove 1 h<l laM dlle ror l1l1ng cr~1tors claim~ 1\ I riday tn11 :>8th O&y Of May tfJ8? Cl111nt '""" !>ti oeemed t1m,.1y hllltl only 11 ac1u1tlly t6C81ved tJy thu 03GtQw O.,pnrtrnttnt tHtfo1 A C.IQ"'" 111 bu11nu&1J ''" OH' 111love ''"orot1~d d ut•• lr)r •11tng c;la1m1 OAT£() M11y I 1':182 THF IF ARV INVr c, rMfNI 0 ~ICTITIOUI IUIMU NAM1 IT ATSWNT Thi fOflOwlnO plnOOI ttl 004"9 butif-•· I A CR,MI! 1912 Oeia>y Ortv9 New~)< I lk"4h CA 11:11100 <llN(Tl{ IAAION 1100 IHl<ktlllrl l trll NewlJO'I ~.CA ll:t&eO YVONN[ SMfN 1911 0 1l1ay DflY•, N9wporl BHcll, CA 9He0 f Illa l>uall'*-1 la c.on<IUG19d by A, 11 ...... 1 t>••llNlt-"11> Vv<>tlf141 Ot...i o ....... Jlt1tt""' r flit 91 at a<l\lllt ••• lllCld wll h ttll C:.CJUnty Cllrll of Or•nQ<t County vn Mii) TI 1118, ,,.1 .. Publlan111d Urtng• C,ou1 Oa1ly Piiot May T3 :.>O. l7 June 3 1962 2123 8:1 P\ft.IC NOTICE t "" 11111uw1110 pe11on 11 001ng llu'""''' "' C.. 0 M Of$1GNS 321 4 Mll<•IAllU ' Oii• Meu CA 92626 MICtlAf l W MUllEN 32 t • MtJnl•tt• C..oatll M.,.e CA 9:1f!l:l6 lt111 h11111 lf>U " Conduc;lld t>y I ll NJ(jM(IUMI M1< htt .. W Muli.t'I !nit -11•-1 w•• hlflC with In• Cltullly c1.,,k or Or1t1tqe Cuunty on M"y 11 1<1111 f1"211 v1,r.11~t,..-ci t '' ""U• r ... oa11 D•••y P1lt1t M@1 1 t <'II 17 JUtMI 3 1118, )0~4-82 PU8LIC NOTICE NA-MMO DE,ARTMENT 0' TAANaPOAT A· TION NOllCl TO CONTAAC TORS 'Jt•ijl.,tJ Jirr)l'0~61• Wiii btl 1-Y..cJ al 11111 Otop.,rTntent of I r11n1porla "'"' ilO '>'Jutn S pring Str1et. lluotrl 10<>u 1 oa Anqolet Calilom1a ~12, un111 2 o'clodl p.m. on Mey ~7 l!J8? .. 1 wl11c.h llme lhey wtll be putllictf r•1•1•n"'1 ond read In Room 2 11 said •ll•l•M~ lor constru1..11on on &t111r nrgtowoy lfl a"ordlnt• w•lh 1n.i •1..,.,il1L111tc.11• 1ne1•f0f 10 wN<;n "lJttt u•I tttlmuru" '' mede. aa fol- low\ Orono,. C•Nnty '"Co1ta MeH al (Jfll Mtll A <olllufl 107 -Or8·55·3 SI emDa11i.m .,nt 10 De placud en<I m11Gell«i<nN,.,, dramltQI tac1tt11M 10 oe 1n•1"11"u 810• •'• r9<1u1r.o IOf tn• .,,llr• wo1t-: 0 .. M flt;~ t\.4'1totn Pl11011 "'-''-"" tft<.Ufl0f1\ .,.nd ptOOO ..,1 to'"" f,,, 1J•dcl1n11 lht'l pro1ec;t t Mn unly t.•1 •11 l•1neo at 1ne De- 11•1 In•""' o l l'""'"ort .. 110<1 P1en1 ,tnll l:l•t1 ''''' •llnenla Roonl 311 rr,n\f1Q•tnt••"' Buildmg I 1"0 N S1tN't P 11 O<i• 1499 Se<:•amento ( " I I o • •• • " 'I ~ 8 0 7 I p non fJ 'J tb 44'> l ll'>J ilnO may be _., at 11'4 •l>O•e oll tC" 8rt<l "' lhe oll~ ul th!' 01,trt<.I 011e<.lura ol frans- portol•ei• &t lot Angel•• San I' c1nr,1"' tJ ''"" t~ d•llrtt1 .n wflicn 1"9 WO<k le tlluet.O t ritt tut! enlul b•ddt'r thall fur nt~li 11 tir.yllo<tf•I !Juno and a ~t<ir m•rtt.t'! f;ou~ I lttt IJttPHttrnenl of Tranaport& '"'" IM1t1<1Jy not1IHt• all b•<lders that 1t will Hrtu rnatl"ety 1n1urtt that in any < ontrnc I untered "''" pur want to th1• ndvttr11MHl''Utnl m1nOflty bvs.1 nu"""'"'"'"""' will tie t1tford8d lull 0'1J,Hlf1Uf\lfy 1tJ kYtJmtt lHO• '" 'e1' 0 ponw ''' 1'0111 mv~1nt1011 Hnd will not bt-d1-.:r 1un1rrnt•HJ l4ijtt111at on th~ grt'lvnrJIJ; r;t 1ar., totor Qr n•t1on111 011g1n 1h tJ.1'•'td"'at1on fOf' an 1t•8'd • C.nhf1,rt11e Portnc"""IJ Pu1au~111 ''' 'ioc1100 t77J ot ""' By 1 AH/ANA I UM1:1£ Ii 1 uh<H ( '"'" llitt ~ral l'.>t•oilHlll r.,.m.-utf ,._,.,," .. , Uy 1 f'rr y Mullin l>111t0Clnnl f1m1\t .. tM l>ubltsned O• ,nge C..t>•tl 01111~ Pilot Mdy TJ Hl81 t•ttt o f w .. o••\ in the county m whK.h lhe wor• '' ''' b" <Jon .. ,,,, llef'n dftterm•nt'O !Jy "'" 011~10• ol 1ne Oei:>Artn""'' ul lrtOuelrull Ret81K>n• f he• .. WMijfll 1 ~•tt• 111pptuu '" tn11i Oepartm.., I ~I lrenaPO'l•t•on pu bhC.8"'"' .. 11111i..., G..-.e-at Prev11~1ng ? 1" 81 Wa9f' !<,,. .. , 0'1190 Merell t982 -------------1 Futur" "'"ft'/"''"'"' 'fll'AQ~ r(lite\ wh1c.n P\&IC NOTICE h•ff t,,..,.,. l->*"t1 .. 1ermine<i and ar@: -------------on r11,. w lh the Oep•rtmenl ol lntJu••111tl u,.1.,t1on• are refetenc.ed K-00111 IMlt Ml P<tnt9d In Mid publlettJon NOTICE TO CAEOITORS OF OEPARIM£NT or BULK TAANSfEA ANO OF HlA N<;PORr AT ION INTEN'TION TO TAAHS,EA llt!l><il) 1..1t1ec.t0< AL C 0 H 0 Lt C B EV E A A 0 E '''"I''< t llfo•l'l"'1m .. nt LICENSE(S ) '""' Con,,ru<:l•'>n (S.Ce. l101-tt07 U.C.C. •nd 0 11160 Apt11 76 1982 24073 et Mq ••Pl Pubh•hed IJt '"'II" C..O••I O•••v NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 10 lh<t PlloT May l'l 10 1<187 Cre0<to11 OI JUOITH MORTON Ak lll 20•9·82 JUDY MORTON BURLINGHAM and ROBERr A DUAllNGHAM Socttl Securny N11r110.trt ~~· 74 ~178 and !>37.42 46.17 lranslerora •nd LI· Mt.IC NOTICE AM8 ... 1 cenMt<t, who"" lluSlnfJU ll<ldrtttll .. Notice or Tru11 .. •• s.i. ~394 Walnut Unrl I. 111 IM Cnv or GTO No . Me7 ltvrne County ol 011tt•W" Su11e ur A• 141"4 f ekrl Calilo•nra 9271• lhftt 4 bulk tr<1ns· 'o•Jr.IWI •,I l!ANK ol C..J l""""tt let. la lll>Oul 10 Oct m•d• 10 STEii( r.urpw ''""I lntmedy SANTIAGO VARGO MI CHfl If VARGO and llANI< ,,~ 1t11ly .tppo1nt<'d Ttu\IC'to NOEL \/ARGO dDI' Tr11ntter1111 11nrt11< "'" r .. uowmq cJPKril>f'd Oeed and 1nt11nd1d Tr11n1hH11t1A wnot• o l l<•J~T w11 t '•Cl I A I PUBLIC. bu linen &dd•en •• 'IMP£ RI Al A•JC 1 l()N 10 1 tt[ HIGHEST BIO HOLOINGS T 1 Princeton on th• Coty r1r n , on (..A',lt ,,, n 'M'I IO<th "' of lrvrll' County of O•ttnoe Sta111 ol '·•~ tH•" l'l1•h ''' thf' C•v•I C..OO• all Celll0<nta 11271• ttfjltl hilt• 11•11 mtl'o .. kt 1.CJnvl'yod tn Tn• IOC8110n tn (.a1tlorn1a OI tne in•I "'tw t't•l<I hy •I WKI_, l"td Ofled chi•! ••Kullv11 olllc• 01 pronc;tp•I 111 r ••1~1 "' '"" t>t<lllf"ty ,,..,.,., .. ,11,., 1>u11ne u o lltc:e ol Th• intended tl"t<.111...0 1ran1tf!10ftll ··~ tRuSTOH MOHAMAO IEKRI an All 01h11r bu11neu nam11& •nd """*"lt'O miin •ddrHHS uaeo ov tn11 in1•nded BENEFICI ARY S AN TIAGO tran1ll<O<S w11tH11 lhrf!t! yeal! IHI !'-'NII A C.1iltf'on1 .. C0<PO<et1on PHI 10 lar as known to lhe 1nlt1<1 fie< l)r<IM1 Julr ·1 1979 '" 1nalr 09d trtn1reree5 orf' Hme No U79 "' ""''" t'l'l T4 P&Qi! t318 rne prop11ny •• oe1cr1beO rn ot 0 th<••' n.oe:u<d• "' tne ot11<e 01 o•n•rel H All atoO In 11•0• "' ll'IM "'" """" ol Or•ng• Counly tu•"· 9<1u1pm""I •t1<l 1.11>od woll ul a ""IJ """I ,,r ''"" Oto~O•l>M trwi to cer111n res1auran1 llttam•u known llowlng P•OP41fly lot 75 of Trec1 No .. CAPE coo F'ISH co Ind lot• 1844 ... th(' C•ly ,,, N-por• eeecn led •• 5394 Walnut Un11 C 1n 1ne """'ttv "'Orange State of Calrto•· City ot Irvine Couflly o f Orenge n111 •" per m~p recorded on 8oolt Slete ol Ce11lornoa. an<l H•n•l•r llWI J 14 P•gou ~7 to 111 1nc1u11ve ol 101tow1ng aicon~ic t>eve•eg• llCenM M11e11lle•>e"u' Map~ on ,,,. ou~ ol (or llcensesl ON SALE BEER A lflft ( ciunly lhcorder ot U ld WINE Number 4 t 70980 flOw 19 f.11011ly 1u1a Ill P•flmlHI IOG•l•d •• !1394 MAY Bf Al so KNOWN AS 'JI Welnut. 1)1111 C. Irvine, lo• 1nt1 M'lnt11c1tn fl11v11 (,oron11 dfll Mar prem11 .. lo<0ot1d et $394 W11lnu1. (,11l1lo•n11 Unit C In the C•tv ol Irvine. Counly Ill " ""'"' "dllre11 o• common 01 0 11nge S t•I• ot Celllom1• ""~'U'"''"'" ,. \IH>w11 aoov• no I h&I tile emounl 01 purth••• w11rr11111y 11 01v11n A\ lo 111 c:omp11· Pf'ICI o• cona1a1ra11on 1n connecllon 1enH• or co.,etlnenl with ll•d lran1fer or &Aid llcenM (or H1<• bcinehc1nry under Hid ~ 11censa•1 and Hid bu111rnH. 1nc•u 111 f111a1 hy 111oaon <ii n t>rea<:h or Olng 1n• ea11m11&<1 Inventory 11 th• ""''"II 1n °'" uti11ga11on1 secured 1um of S19 300 00 wn1cn con11111 lh11tl'Oy "'""'0 ''"" 1t•fl,uled •nd Of'"-fOllOwtng dllllYf'llld IO lhll 11ntJ •H,lgnad. O..Crlptloft Amount ,., .. .,.,, Oeclaretlon ot 0.leult end C•ltl I ·O· ~•no hH Sol<t end wrlll.n Mtlte '4CIRC Vllw MIMOalAL ,Aal CerT'tl!tPry Mortuary Chapel-Crematory ~ Pac1f1c V11tw Drove Newp4Jn Beach 644·1700 MIKE A. BAROS, born In C:Olorado, • lcmatJme resident of Huntington Beach, CA. Paaaed away on May 11 . 1982 at the age of 81 yean. In 1977 MiU & Julia moved to a small farm in Terra Bella, CA. He la IU.nlived by hi• w ife Julia & their 6 children, Vlr,W. Sttellch of Bakenfleld, CA, Dorothy Mejia of ~lano, CA, Pete &1'09 of Midvale, Utah, Mae MarUn of Irvine, CA. Bar· bara Dow of Huntln1ton Beacb. CA. & John &roll of Red Blult, CA. Funeral eer- vlon will be Mid OD~)', May 14, 1982 at 9:00 AM in WflJ1mlnater MemortAI Park. v111tat1on Thundar, May 13, 1982, Noon to 9:00 PM. MF.XIC.:O CITY (AP) AHtreberta Reu erla, YO, lul wife o f the Mexlran rt"Vululion.ary Pancho VtlJa, died Monday Coas t R eport , the student newsp aper at Orange Coast College in Costa M esa, took the m os t i ndividual fir st -place prizes in state wide competition sponsored by ~h e J ournalism Association i---Ml--IC_NO_Tl_C_E __ _ of Community Colleges. Tll • lollowlng pereon I• doing l>UlllMH U SOLARTRON ENJIN!ERING, 609'"' Jl.tlt'llnl AYlllUI, Cotone dll Mw. ce1110tn1a tatu Prom111ory not.. $ ' 300 00 01 b<111<.1t 111111 ot e1«11on lo cauae Ultllng Encumor-176,000 00 1n1 und1re1gne<l to , .. , Hid prop. N<CO.Mla MOITU411H Laguna Beach 494 941~ Laguna Hills 768 0933 San Juan Capistrano 49!> 1776 HAaloa UWN-MT. Ol.1¥1 Mortuary • Cemete C reml'l lory t82S 01&1er Ave CollR M'1'\I S40 S~~· ,_CIMOTMMt llUMOA.DWAY MOaTUAIT 110 Bto.dw11y CottaMna 847 91 !'JO r • VANIAN ALBERT JOHN VA- NJAN1 reefdtnt of Hwit1i:te· ton S.Ch. Pa.ed away t.f.&y l l, 1982. Survived by lovf.na wlfe Roxie, M>n •John ana Mary V1ntan of Newport Jleech. IOn Dudel and Carol 1nl1n of Newport Buch, brother CbarJn V anlan of unt1n1ton Beach and 7 randchlldren. He WH a ember of the Chrlatlan • ..,.._.._ MlodaU. of Or- County ... •icm will be on l'rlday at ll'M. Pa, V'9w~ln...--nt 8dnc VW. ~Park. llCltle View ~ Dt· rtdOn. fH..2700. 91 lawmen killed WASHINGTON (AP) Ninety-one law n ... forcement. officers were kUled ln tho line ot duty In 1981, the lowe.1t total In the 11 year• tht ata- tistic h88 been kept, the FBI Mid. Uafna preliminary fl- guret, FBI Dlrector Wil- liam H . Wmt.r •Id th~ 1981 f lgure repremented a drop of 13 from the 1980 total of 104. First-place winners were uudents Erneat Coleman of Wt!11minater for news phc.tography, Greg C urry o f Santa AnA for LlluatratJons and the OCC sta ff for headlines. The paper flnlahe d fifth overall In gene ral e xcelle n ce amon1 the 1tate'1 "larae achool" tabloldl. Coata M eaan Brad Howe wu the only CONl area atudent to win an award, a fourth tn the photo e.ay cateaory. Donald Jaco&1, OCC aaaoclate profe1tor of co mmun1catlon1, fa advla er to the new1peper. Population declines NEW YO~AP) -The nation'1 Jareest dty hM. Jewi&h Uon ol. l.l millJon, Of (5..1 per- cent. accordln~~•Y by lhe recterallon of I J.ww. PhJJan ., • l'tCTTTIOUS llUSMH HAim ITATtMINT The lollowtno pe,.on 11 Oolng .. ,_ ... SUNDANCE 8TAMP8, IHO •tuy, He-#pof1 8-11. Cattfornl1 2eeo M C Horning, Jr , IUO 0•· u y, Newport 8 11cll. C1lllornl1 2eeo Thl1 bullnlla 11 conduc:led by en ndlvtdu•I M C HO<ntl\g. Jt Tiiie 1111-1 wu !lied wlll) I~ IY Cltttl or 0r-. Counfy on 1127, 1182 ,,.,.. Publlth•d Ortng• OOHI 0_1Uy llOI, AprM H , May 8. I), 20, 1"2. 1933·12 Merl! Oardlner Oordon. 508'AI J umlne AtlWIUI. Cofon1 d.i M1r. CelltOfnlll 92825 Thie .....,_ le c:on6uct.ci b; en tlldM<luel Merk 0 OOl'OOl'I Tiiie tla'-11 -flleO with Ille CounlY Cltttl of Otanoe County on Aptff 27, Hll2 ,,_, P11blleh10 Oreno• co .. t Oel~ Piiot, Aptll 2t. May 6, t3, 20, lff 11t3·12 NOflCI CW aAU OI A YIHn VA1.U9D AT MOM TMAN -HOllC• It ri.t•bY glvttl pur•uant to MCtk>nl 600. IOf. &01 5. &02111\d 503 ol th• Harbor a Navtqallon Code of thl 8ltt• of Caltforr\la the 'ICT1110Ua IUIMH ~ ..... au,_., IUNDOWH MAIUNI INO. will Tt11 tollowino p1r1on I• doing Hit 1t Cllbllo 111•Uon,•1t tt711 • IMOI\ t'tf., Hllftllngton hloll. Mii T'I AUTO AUTOMTION, Olllfemla tlMI at 1 :OO a.~. Oft 21., W• Wwner A¥nll. laftta tfl• Utfl dey Of ... ., ttlt, tlle. Thll ti nN !>Mn 90rlld bit-I I lly 10 IMlllaly Hid obllg•llOnt . Ind Mid 1ic.i-111>0 1nt.,,d9d lranal•· lhlfHltlf th• under11gnld ~ulold , .... rllq\Mld by S.e 24074 of'"-••Id n011CI Of brHCh and Of •IK· B111ln111 end Prot1111on1 Cod• 11on to b• Reco1d•d F•btuery 3 lhll the con1ld11•t1on tor lh• t912 H 1ntlr NO ll'J-039790 ol tr•nel•r ol ••10 l>uttn• .. end NICI Ottoe•et Aecotdt lrenel• of MIO liCe<IM It to be PllCI 811d N ie wttl bl m110. bl.It Wll,,._ only •ll•r H id tr•n•fe• hit bffn OUI covenant Of w8'ranty. HP'- awoved by thl 09Pertm«\t ol Al 0t 1mc>h9d r90•1dlng 1111•. poe.., coilollC a.v.1191 Control ' liOr'I °' ....cumn•ane .. 10 pey tn. T"-1 • .. i.. 1r1n1ler I nd H"O~ r•m11n1"g princlp•I tum ol lit• m111t ol II'•• eloreu ld 1100 '" not91•1 H cu••d by H id O••d 01 tredl. ft•turM, equipMeflt end good TtUlt, wltll lnl« .. l N In Mid nole wlll of H id bueln•n wlll b• c:on prO•ld9d, adv1nc11. II 1ny. undlf eumm111<1, end 1119 tont lderellon th• terme ol H id 0Hd ot Trutl, , .... OI' ·~ """" ,.,. aonaldef. ·-Cfl .. Olf end ··~ of ,.,. l llOn for tfl• tt•n•I., end •HIQn-TN•I .. end of ,,,. '"""'" Ct .. i.d ment of lhl ~Id ll09ntl IOI' II· by Nld OMd of Trvel s.ics ........ c•nHI) 11 to b• peld on °' alt•r .._ held on Fr1<11y. June 4. t982. ti the 16th day ol June, 1H2. et the It 00 • m . at lhl front entr8llOI to H Crow dtp11tm111t ol BURROW .OUAAOIAN TRUST OEEO S!A HCAOW CO • at 2070 H Tuttln VICES. 1&00 e .. 1 Meyftit A--. Avenue, In 11\t City ol 81n11 Ant. Orange. Cell!Of"I' County ot Orange, 81111 of Celllor· Th• 10111 •m011nt ol the u11p11d 11, provided thet tltl O.partment 11111n~ of th• obllg1t1on MCured 1 Alconolle B••ereo• C011tro1 llH t>y eetd prof>I"( to b• t0ld. too•· l)proved H id 1r1n1ter of 111<1 II· thlf with Int"" • lat• C!h11Q99. end OlnM. Mllmlled ClOlll. l&Pl/*ll, end ad• 0.tld Apr" 30, 1M2 •lnciH , H ol the date 1111101, It Judllh Morton 9ul'tlnof111m 1124, reo 12 •It• Judy MOftOn Burllno· OAT(O Mty •• 192 8UNWHT 8ANK, CA 12704. f 11111M11f ....,.,..,, to wit TilomM DMtl Hum. 233 louttt 1t t Unlfllt•. Hull No. au7, Robert II 9u111ngt1em ""'91. No ~tt, ANNl!n, CA C'wtOl. Tren11-. and~ • Celltoml• oorpor II ton. 1°"'*1y IANT'IAOO llANIC .. Mid Tn.tlM , l •IO •ale la for the purPoH ot ,...,. Vergo TIW tMltlW II~ Dr In ~ -.. tN undettlQMd for N<* VtrQO "°'* lft .. emout11 Of uoeo.oo MIONlll Varoo TMlnll O. Hur9I toeether wttfl OOete 01 eo-tlllnQ T,...._._ m......,,.,,. .. Med wt1t1 • _, ..,.,_. ot..... ••ow UCtMtW 1y an ot o,.,.. OOut1ty °" DMed 11111 111•1 ., °' ...., "" .. ,_.. • ....., 4, 1tu .-i A •~ -., c•uMll 11111 ,,.., 100Ml1Mt .... .,_. '"ltHfflect Orano• COHI Deity ,ublllhed Oran .. Coaet o.lly l'111tt1111.CS Ofant• CoHt Da ll, . ...., t. 1a. 20. 21. 1tu. "°'· .... ta, 1eea • .,.., 11. 1MJ ~ .,.., • 211•-·~ IY OUAROIAH TRUST DUD 9UMCH, • OOfPOl'"•tlofl 1900 Ealt Mar: A--3'1~r1C::.~o 1 av Vlmty l.AWll. AM!ltenl e.a.twy ll11Dll•ll•C1 01111 .. COH I Dally Piiot M~,13. 20.11. ttu ~ .. .......... ,.. ..... MC>i'°\f :t:.\ft ULi ''°mle-~ .. t D lllllVICI OOM,ANY .. tA;t llAlll tfATamn' •PPOlnt•d Trutl .. ,,,,.,., lh ,.,. IOllOwlnQ ~· .,. dokl9 IOllowlnt dHOtllled 0~ ti tr111I "'*'-M Will HI.I. Al jlUI LIO AUCTION lOt ftANOHO'• 0 , tlOI I TO THI HIOHHT 11001" fO" MG'.odtn 911111 Me. CA t270f CAIH IP•~•ltl• I I tlmt OI .... In llMAill l OUlMmN. ,~ w lawful ~ ol '"-UMecl '!:!.:J a.,,., lt1..C. '"'" An•. CA t270. ... fiOhl. lttle lllld Int ..... oon OlllA LOftll. tu t .. t to end now ,., .. 0 by U wnOet H id Camile, l.,ila An. CA 12701 Deed ol Ttwtl In 1111 prop111~ QUADALU'i '· QUlMAN, ll«lillef1 .. deeotlbed 1133 W OetrV ltrMt, 811111 Ana, ' .. u. T 0.. IU a 0 u" c e. A HJCM Ol\/l"llf .. O, INC Tn11 tx.t11n ..... oonauc1.o DY • IUJlllllOIAlllY WILLIAM 0 119Mfll pel1NftNp. 'LtlltWOOO Jiii Ind MILOOY P lemMI [ Outman Fll!ITWOoo, hwtDW1d end Wiie u Outt<11lupe F. Quzmll't Gommunlly 1>'09tll'IY Delta L~l Reco<ci.d June 119, 1N1 u lnllr Thia 1tt1-t w•la llht<I wnn 1111 Nv 406U 1n book 14 t 11, 11101 aunty Cletll OI Of••"lO• CO\lnty on 11oe 01 Ottkllet Aec!Ofdt 1t1 tlle onic. &HH te 11>12 , ot tl>e A«i0tdlt or Ot1t1g1 Oounty, tl1MI Hid d•td of 1ru11 detorlbet the Publl•h•d Orang• Co111 D••r IOllOwing Pt°'*1Y l'llot. M•y 13, 20. 27, JurMI 3, 188 LOI IA OI lr.c;1 No JM4, In me 2121·8' C11y or Newport BHall, County or Oreng., Siii• ol CelllOfni.. u '* 1------------rna,>~ In tloott lt4.~27 .. _.,. llllnJIC( 10SI!no1Uet119,Mlecl11 -MApt,f'L----r~.;.;;..;;.."'-""'..;...----1n 1ne ol110t1 of fl'ltl eounty recoroer ...,. or told county 'ICTITlOUI •U•IHIU EXCEPT THEREFAOlll t ll Oii, OH NAMS aTATWlllllNT "''"-• end otW llydroc.tbof\e. I lie rollowtng pertona ••• doing ~O'IO t d41C>ln Of 1MJU tee! wllll()ut 11 ... M It Ille right ol 1urlace tntry ta LONGWOOD ASSOCIATES, •-Ved In lnelr-11 OI record 188 E t7tll S1reet, Coett MeM. CA YOU AAE IN 0£FAUl T UNDER A 2827 DEED OF TRUST DATED May 5, JAMEi W, RAY, ti Bt--'1. 1Nt UNLE88 YOU TAKE ACTIOH Irvine. CA 9'714 TO PROTECI YWH l'HUPERTY ll MICHAEL O RAY 408 Hu11 MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE OrlYe. Corona del Mat CA 92825 IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION Thia OUalMO.I 11 conducted by a 0 F T HE NA TUR E 0 F THE -•l p1tl0tlflhl0 PROCEEDll~O AOAINS T YOU YOU MIChMI 0 Ray SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Tritt 1111-1 wu lt1ed with Ille ·43 Monteclto Drive, Corona del Coun1y Cletk 01 Orange County on Mat, CA Mayo. t9112 "(II • 11ree1 •Odr ... or common ,, .... d111tgn111on It 1nown ebove, no Puollahed Orange Cou1 Dally werrat1ty 11 giv e n a• t o 111 Piiot, Mey 13, 20, 27, Juoe 3, 1M2. complelll<' ... 01 oorrectnetal " 21 19-82 The t>enellclary under IAld Deed 01 Tru11, by re1aon ot a breach or 1------------ delaull In Ille obllgat1on1 ••cured Ml.IC NOTICE lh•roby, herofolo1e eucufed end!------------delivered lo the underllgned • w111111r• C>Klar111on ot Default and Oem1nd tor Sele and wr111en nooce ot broach ind ol election 10 ceuee 1n1 u"tder1lgned 10 aell said Ptooe<ly 10 IAlialy Mid Ot>liglliont , and thorealter tne undersigned COUMO ••Id MOllCt or btHCll and Of electlon to be Recorded Febru11y 2, 1982, 11 1na11 No 82-039437 Said sale will be made. bul .. 11ho u1 co vont nl 01 warr1n1y eap1e111 or 1mplte<1 reg11d1ng 1111e poaae111on or encumorancea, 10 pey lhe remaining pr1nc1pal aum 01 the notll(•I MKurecl by Mid Deed ol Trull with lnltlftlll as In aald noie provlde<l advencH 11 eny under 1rie 101m1 o r ee1d Deed ot Trull roes c11wge1 and expen-ot lhe Trusiee and Ol Ille lfulll cr .. fecl by aaid Deed ot T rusi Said Ult! wtll be FICTITIOIJI aUatNfH NAME ITATEMENT 111., 1011ow111g person •a do•no bu11n .. sa c:ts ' Bill S ORY WALL 33402 Sea Br~lll 0flv6 Oona Pott11 Ca111om1• 9:i'619 W1lh1<m Rober! I ruo.,.,v 33402 <;.,,, B11on1 011v" Dina Pnin1 (,111 10'"'" 1n5i9 1 n.~ l>VWH!U •• COl\Ouctll<I Dy ~n 1nd1V1dual Wilham fl I rudeau I 111"' 't111emtlfll was filed wtll'! 1111 (,ounty (.;lt-r~ OI Oran11e Cov111y on Au<ll , 1!182 f11111$ Publlaned Orange Cou1 Dally P1k>I Apt•I 29 May 6 t3 20, 1982 1928-8~ held on Tl'luttday, June tO 1982 al 1----.. ---1-C-lllln_f_l_C[ __ _ 2:30 p.m et the Cheipmen AYenue rUU&. nu enlrance l o lhe Civic Ce n1111 l------------ FICTITIOIJ8 •Ua.Ne88 ~ °' avaAiiLlri Ol.....,Al~ ,.11•t11.1nt to leollon I 10"101 01 the lnl•lllll ...__ COde. ttOllOtl It IW90Y vt-11111 the llMUal I epol'1 tor the o•••"d" yeer 1111 01 'el10llllO Mt11tlncl11M •oundell<HI • prlv1ft lowndellon, 11 ewelle bl• at Ille foundation·, prtnolpel oftlM IOf ln199Cllon dutlnQ r.gultt b\1-'""8 llourt lrom 10«1° • m 10 4 00 p m br anr GAiiun Wl\O reciwet•• H wi1111n 110 d1y1 •lier tlle d1le ol lhlt OUbliCOtlOn Tiii IOWnCllllOtl't p1lrw;lp1I Office ,, IOClled II 101& Oretwlll• Oflve. lffwP«1 llMcn, Celllornlt Tnt prtnclpal m1n1oer of lhe 1ouno11ton It Hatty T M11t1ndlle, Truet•. 1.11111' MIHott a Cllarlu -·~11.t(ehr m WlleMnt 9tulev11rd Loe A ....... CA I0011 Pubillhed Ot•no• COH I Delly Piiot, Mey 13, 1982 2 104·82 NOTICI IMVITIMO M>I NOllCt " hereby given lllat the Boerd ot Educa tion ol 111• lrvtne un111.o SclloOI Dietrlct ol Otano• County, C1llfornl1, WIN rtotlW MO· led 8ld1 up 10 2 00 P M Ol lhe 27th day of Mey, 1912, el wlltdl llMO Mid bid• will be publicly optned end rHd for REFUSE Dl8P08AL Bid condttione end lf\tlr\ICllont end Bid fOfmt mey be obllllned al the office ot Flacel Suppoll SerYICH, 294 I Alloo Avenue, Irvine, CllllOtn11 T,.,. Otelncl ,_..,.. ll'ltl flglll 10 1ejec:t any 01 all BIO• or lo waive eny '"• oui.tn1e1 0t lnlormatio .. In eny Blda or in the Bidding ltvlne United SGhool Ola Irle! A Stenley Corey AuthOllLed AQllll Publlahed Orang• CoHI Dally Pllol, Mey t3. 20. 1982 3089 82 Ml.IC NOTICE flCTITIOUa 9UllN«H NAAH ITAT!MINT T ne tollowlng pe11on1 et• dOlng bUaltlflH II RESIDENTIAL DESIGN CENT· ER. 23466 Vallerta Drive Leount Niguel CtlllOlnll 92877 JOMPl'I W Sptungl, 23485 Vol· le11a Ot1ve l eguna Nlguet, Cal1lor· n11 92617 Judith O Sprung! 23465 Vil· Iona Ot1ve Laguna Niguel, Celllor· ma 92677 Thia bullnetl 1a Con<IUCled by en tnc!IVtdull JOMP/I W Sprung! Tl'lll tlaltnltlfll •Ill llled wlll'I Ille County Clerll 01 Oranoe COunty on Apt•! 27 t982 ,, .. t .. Publleried Orenge Co111 Dally Pt101 Ap<il 29 May e t3 20. t982 t938--82 Bu11d1no 300 £111 Cl'lapme n Avenue. 1n lhe Ctty ert OrlrlQtl, CA Al the 11me o f tne 1n111 a1 puoucauon ol 11'111 nollce. Ille totel 1moun1 01 lhe unp11d balance ot lhe obl•g•l•on aecured by th• abovt de1c11bed deed ol trutl a no e111ma1ed coals, eapenaee. and edvancu 11 S585.756 '4 To determine 1rie opening btd. you may call (7 t4) 937--09118 NAME STA T£MENT FUil.iC NOT1CE The IOllOW•"g peraon II doing------------ DATED Mey 7, 1982 I 0 SERVICE COMPAN Y u sold Trusiee. By Pa1nc11 A Ran<h•ll Asal1t11n1 Secrete1y One Clly Blvd WHt Orange. CA 92668 7 141835-8288 Publtlhed Or1V1ge Coaa1 D111y P1IOI Mey 13 21, 28 1982 2107-82 buaineu H THE GLASS BALLOON, 1774 New Hampth11e Drive, Costl! M .... CA 92626 Cyntn1e Irene Flenger 177' New Hampsn1re Drive. Co11a Men c-. 926211 l h11 ou11neH 11 conducted by •" lndlvtdu•I Cyn1n1a I Renget Thia 11111emen1 was Ille<! wtth Ille Cou111y Cletk ot Orenoe C<>unry on Aptll t6 1982 f117W Puo111ned Orenge Coasl Dally PllOI May 13 20, 27 June 3 t982 3096--82 NOTICI M DIHOLUTION "' l'A"TNt"aHll' ANO COMTINOANCI M •UllNfH Notice ft given purtuant 10 Sec- tion 15035 Sor Ille Corpora11ona Code thftl 1ne P1r1ne11htp com· poaed or M11g11 N Howerd end F'lora Wetan•b• neretolort doing bu11neu under lhe firm name of Howa1d B0011tr.eep1no. II 807 I Sii· fer Avenue, Sulle l•H1, Hun11ng1on Beech, Calllornle, 1a d1a&olved H of Apt1I 30. 1982. bv muluel conM<lt flora W11an11>e relldlng 11 5575 Murr Ot•,... Buen• P11k. C1&fff01n•e. llH wUlldrewn from and llu ceeMd to be uaoc:1e1ecs In fhe Cliry\"O oo of fl>e bvtlnete Mergl• N Howard, re11dlng •f 187117 CepenH Strfff Founteln Valley California. will l'lerealler NOTICE or DEATH OF FICTITIOOI IWS*EH carry on the bu-• la anl•lled lo NAME ITATl.MENT •0 ol fl>e •Mela ot tl>e bu-and CALV Y N W. GLEN · Tiie lollow1ng peraon II doing naa aaaum.O and will pay all out DENNING, a ka CALV IN 1>v111~1 aa s1anc:t1ng 11eo11111e9 01 tr.e bu,,,,.._. G L E N D E N N I N G ' a II a B 0 1 A N IC A L 0 E S I G ~ S ,...,etof0<• An<I helMl1er incutre<I CALVYN GLE.N~ENNING UNllMITEO 519 Ma1gue r1 .e Oeteo Mey 10 1982 ' Corona del Mar CA 92625 MARGIE N HOWARD aka CALUYN G ENDEN· LAUREL ANN NAnRESS 519 FLORA WATANABE NING AND OF PETITION Merguerlle, Coron• del Mar, CA Publlalled Or ange Coaat Dally TO ADMINlSTER ESTATE V262S P~OI, M•y 13, 1982 NO A·IUH7 Thll b\l:MnMS 1s condUCle<I by •n ~ . ..,. The IOlltwln1perton11 f eint "'*'-• C W IAITO, IUI DMuVllle DIM ~ llldl. CA taMt CHA .. LH WA""'N IAITO. HU O..u,,..._ 011w. Huntington lllMdl. CA '2Mt. TNI ~ le oondu0'90 by 111 lndMdw.lil Ofllrill w. lello Thie lta'91Nnl -tied Wllfl the COU!ltv CW1I Of °'""' COU!ltv Of\ May''·..... ,, ... Pwbll1lled Otange CoH I Oally PllOI, Mey 13, 20 n , J\ll'le 3. 1H2 *~·U .... NOTICI 0' A~ATION '°" CHANCa. ... O..,_,_....,. OI' ALCOHOUc .. VHAQIUCINN '0 Whom It Mey c:o.-n. LINDA L . end ROaflllT W llllOCKWAY .,. 1pplylng to 1110 ~ment of AiCohollc ~IOI ConllOI IOt "42" ~ IAl.l IUA & WINI (l'UI PREM.I to ... llooflOlc ~1""9 11 t4M lcllnQer, Unl1 A, Huntington 9-:h, CA '2647. Publlll'leo Orengo Co11t Delly Plk>I Mty 13, t982 210642 Nil.IC NOTICE 'ICTITIOIJI 8UalNIEH NAm ITATW•NT The lollow1no peraon1 •re doing bUllOHI II ADMINllTlllATl\/E SEA\/ICES INC .~ Baker S1ree1. Cotto Meaa CA 92628 Heller I In t a California c o1por111on. 10 t4 Ctnnonaur Cittle Colle Meer .. CA 92826 Th•• bua1neu 11 conducted t>y • c.OrporAllOll Heller I. Inc Fta11k J l~elle< Th11 1t11omont wu flied wllh the County Clerk ot O•lllQ• Cour11y on May 11 1!182 ,, .. 1'2 Publllhed Orenge Cout Dally Piiot May 13, 20 27. June 3. 1982 2t22·112 irtennoua aue.11 NAME ITATIMENT The IOllow1ng perM>na ete doing bua•nes• u PAVROLLEA S ALES. 1989 'Soulh Rllchey Slreol Stnra Ane CA 92705 Jamee Mu11 e y Ce n1 I 16 011mona Avenue Newport O.acn, CA 9266;> Dem el George Venn, 114 Emereld Avenue Newparl Beach. CA 92662 Tr11a bua1neaa 11 conducled Dy a oer-el pertnerWllp Jamee M Cant Thtt 1111emen1 waa hied wolh 1r.., County Clerk or O.•no• County on Mly 11, 1982 f1111M Publfahed Orano• Coast Dally P1101. Mny 13 20, 27, Ju,,., 3. 162 3057-82 Ml.IC NOT1CE FICTITIOU8 aUllNEH ...... I TAT .... NT The lollow•no persona ire doing OUtlMU la CO AST A UTO RENTAL SERVICE INC dba THRIFTY RENT A C AR 3S 10 lrv1ue Avenue Newport Beach. CA 112880 Coa11 Auto Ren111 Service Inc a Ct11t01n11 c.orpore1t0n 3S 10 lnnne AYenue Newport Beecn CA 92660 T l\ta bu&l""H II CondUC1ed Oy I COf PQf AltOn Co1tl Auto Ren1tl Setv!Ge Inc Mok• N8V81, Pr91 Thia 11atemen1 wu lllfod won lhe County Cie<k ol O<ange County 00 Mey 11 1982 f'1111M Publltned Orange Co111 Dally Pllo1 May 13 20 27, June 3, 1912 3077-82 PHUC llTl:l T o all hei~, bf'neflc1ar1e!i, lllOi.tdu•t L•uret Ann Nanrns cred1tor11 and contingent Tn11 st••-• wu Ille<! w1111111e cre d1to r:o1 o r CALVYN W County Clerk ot Ofanoe County on G L EN D E N N I N G , a k a May t 1 198 F1lt'220 CALVIN GLENDENNING, Puo11ined orenge Coaat Oa11y aka CA L V Y N P1101, May 13, 20. 21, Ju"4l J. 1982 G L E N D E N N I N G . a k a 3063-82 CALUYN GLENDENNING1-~~~~~~~~-1 PUBLIC HEARINGS and persons who may be Ml.IC NOTICE othcrw1M-Interested tn th•· FICTITIOUI •U•M•• will and/or t'Slate NAMf STATtMINT A J)f'tttion has bf_.t.n rtled rne lollowtng PtlflonS are dOlng b y P H Y L L I S A N N E butl.,.M 11 GLENDENNIN G in the E R I 110 Newport Cen1er Co r ORANGE Drive. • 160, Newpon Beach, CA Superior urt o 2660 County requesting that R WYATT HYORA. 31941 via p H Y L L I S A N N E M>. Tret>uco Canyon CA 92878 G L E N D EN N I N G be Li a~:~,~~:.:~~~~ ~1:~1~::=.. appo inte d aa penonal A 92e75 representative tu admuuster TlllS t>uainna •• con<1ue1ee1 by a the estate of CALVYN W ener11 Plflnetlhlp GLENDENNING. IRVINE. TNt ,:.~:1::.0~~ wtlll tile CA . (under the Independent ounty cwi. ol O••"QO County oo Adm1n1strat1on of Estates l>fH 21 1982 At:l) The pet.illon 11 tel for "1•1M heanng in Dept No. 3 at 700 Publlthtd Ore ngo Cou1 Delly C ivic Cente r Ortv•• W est . PllOI AprM 211. Mey 8. t3, 2~9~~~22 Santa Ana, C A 9270 I o n June 9, 1982 at 9.30 am IF YOU OBJECT to thf' granung of the pet.Ilion, you should eithe r appear at the hearing and a tatt' your objections o r file written objections with the court before the hearing Your appearance may be In pel'W>n or by your attorney. JF YOU ARE A C REDl'T'OR o r a t'Ontingent creditor o r th e deccued, you mUJlt me your claim w ith the court or pre1ent It to t h e perso nal repre1entatlve appo inted by the court within four months from lh<" date of f irst luuan c e o f Jettera u provided in Secuon 700 of the Probate Code of Callrorn la The lime for fUmg claims wlU oot explre prio r to four month• from the date of the heartn1 notJced above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by lhf' court. Ir you a re lntereated In t h e Mlate, you may file • ttquat wit h the court to recei ve 1 p eclal n oti ce o f the Inven tor y of eatate auet1 and of the peUUonl, accounta ind reportl deecrlbed In Section 1200.6 ol the CaUfomla Probete <:.ode. PllOCTOR 6 PROCTOR -lly: MARLAN PROCTOR Att#Hy at Law ant w. v1m.11111"•· 11• ....... CA t lHI (UI) 14M•41 M .. H lt Publl1h.cl Oran1e Cout ~ PUoc. ..., lit 14, 20.1 2111-121 will be held at CORONA on MAR El.EMENTARY SCHOOl. 610 C1m1tion Av..,. CORONA on MAR "' MAY 17, 1912, .. TIE m n. NtPOSE ROOM, AT 7:30 P.M. FOR THE CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO RECEIVE PUBLIC RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING POSSIBLE AL TERNA TE USES. Oranoe Coat DAILY PILOT/Thuraday, May 13, 1912 DI ,,_ '-' r.~,, l'.!m.fH~!I!.~ .. ~!!!.¥~ •. ~'!ll!P!I.~ ~=~ ........................ ~ •~ C..I ,,_.. 1114 l.nlll. 1144 ~ ,,_.. mf •••••••••••• •••• • ••• • ""' "C...ty •••• ~.n:::........... ······················ :::""r..;:m ••••••••••• ~,, ...... • .. ~ llU 1&11 UY 11U • .. m ... ;;i;; ••••••••• -:: .. :.-:.~~........... I It I .. Townhoule by ~ A&.I. UTIUTIU ,AID W. 11 llfAll'fl ... ,....... b1bb~ln brook, frplo, Brend lift o~ndo a loe tHl/mo. I •r, 1 11. 14 1orH with orHll. d/w dbl Qlf, many ll\ltt 11.111•, 2~ ba. pool, o om"'ar• before "OU -,_,,--.patio., 1'4,100. e eorH, larg• 1ttrel. No 'pet1, ..001mo. Jeo & t1nnt1. USO. Nnt. Cwtom dellOf'I '-· ~ o.t OK. oek1,"1.ooo,1o1t1•· , ..... , •• & .. 0 ,M 7 ..... lll,9"4 tUNl:'°«ll,990,00Y'rd TSLMgrnt '42·tl03 :-M~"=Mto;A"g~~: 64M4". DHR"ELD d!Br,p121:,; a-aoe, Mrd ~-::" ••• "'a.c ....... 8.A. ... ...,, 140 and 11. Marl· -· Yllll den . 1uper n, u olu1h 1n 1oep ng. o cwpon, pool,..,.. .,78. "-• -cot. AC. trp10. dbl oa· oett p k 1•1.u122 poaa. 0.: 208-N6-Jt2l. 4 8drm 2 8• temllr. rege, lg lot, redwood 1 If: f\Wn. lrom .. 80 •t 0 • " • or ~= 20t-"6-311t llOIM. O\Ht ., ... Avll. deok1, nr pool1 parka, 2 Br. furn. from tNO _64_1_·_t..o __ . -----•--• ll~lf lmrn.cll1tety. Men~.,,._ no ptt1. Av1ll lmmed. 3e6 w. Wlleon, 642·tt71 l&OCMIH/mo. 2 If. 1 k ..., nlll•. 876-411121 A H28 mo. 7U·74H, • 1,__,,__ t 1tory. 11119, drapt1, b 11ta,... 1111 8t1t B11t1ld1 too1tlon, '3~3e&e U -.•-11 petlo, frplO, dtw. beemed. ••••••:?':'A••••••••••• roomy 1 Br/Waler paid.I W ....... ~.... ...,. celllnOI· oeraoe. l.ltdl. '41( equity In Kona. All. gar•i.•· Adulte, no llWt~ ...................... Tll Mgml 642·1903 .. 1w1U condo for l••M 3 .....,_ 2•L J.---U.' ... _... ., pe11. 14J . 931.0764 ""'"'" ,. • --I r-..1 on 3 b r h o m •. 8 o guden, oomm. ~ol , 8pentlh l!ltal• LMngt *2 Br t b• MH• Vtlf'de or 1 n_a • Co. • r • • 3 Bt 1 ea, 11109 y11d, r• fall•. ttnnl1 prM ... Beautiful perll·llll• 111,. upptr. New decor No (213>431-6132 dee. 1883 Conllntntal. 1975 ptr mo. HI U rounding,. Ttrrto•d pell. Oar. 105/mo Tr.O. tor Bia 8-c.bln 1750/mo. 66t-ll001. 8 7Mt50 poof. Sunken gH bbq, _83).t __ t_74 ___ ~- taro• C1n1l lront N••· IDTl&.I IPltkllng fount1ln1. ... ... ans port B .. oh . Mr. Clar II SUM)' 2 Br. 2 81. JCJnl loc t br. t bll N60 8p1clou1 room• a.pa. Adult ltvlng. 1 at .. 011· 646-3370 aft 6. nt SC~ Open t>Mtn. 2 br. 2 bl MOO rele dining .,..._ Well.-i Po'1 = & laundry Ho T .. AO"' Cl "t rel COllt t kylltH , lrplc, lg deck .. br 2,, .. _ •'"""Ma.. clOMtl, tM>me like kllctt· ..-. .. • 6 M1 w 19th " " " OVll' IUlh 111\dlCp, pc>ol/ ' ' '" .,.. ...,_.. """ en & Clblntll Wilk lO ...--· . , . ci..r. c11e1om 3 br vi-3 br, 2 btl 1150 SI. 6-4t-(Mt2. nome on 2 ec . lloru epa, dbl ger/opener, QM 3 br. 2'.t be MOO Hunllng1on Centtr. •"25M & water pd. Avell. now lt600 IUt 1 ldfm.tum. 8606 WIY At~O .. 1 750/mo t7t·3378 3 br, 2 bl n 2 Bdrm-11nl11rn lrom 2 Bt ttet ~A ..... 11t llr. no ptt1. 2 per1on1 1425. Sle rre Mgmt. 1141· 1324 Velut IOf llOmt or unite. 4 br, 2•,; t>a 11350 Org Cty. bHoh ., ... wlldy1, 78t-1114 1vt1/ 4 br. 2," ba MOO-tl25 IN& Ownr eo&-4~3 _Wtl_nd_•______ L• A.ltOf Rtty 133-8600 u1:fi::~~1 3 BR 2 BA lrplc, renge, 2 B••utlful 2 bdrm, 2 t>etll w .. telde 2 Ir t Ba. <*'· Cit 1•rag• No 0•11 houH In WoodbrldO•· LA OUINTA HERMOSA tral heeling, g•r•g•. ···'"' ••••..•.•............. 177 /mo. ltl + 14110 Gar--. t lfont 1 aldt 1tove. cerpet1, d11pe1. Mc; 648-8423, 642..o836 -..-c I & Ul2t t Pl/1lllde Ln, 1 t>lk No pell, c:Nldren ...... •••tn Ta,.JtA" yard•. OH lo poo w. of BMch. 3 1>1111 8 of beda. 1450 + H curlty •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 BA. & OEN. t«:ludtd & rte fee. Kld1/pet1 Ok. Edinger. dtpoilt. 541·5442 or w ,,,,. '14' pr1v1t•, huge y111d, g11 & 1750 mo. 552-97941tt. e Ul-1441 no..6829. •• ~~............... .,.,.,., paid, ring•. No WOODBRIDGE 2BI, ctoM 1----------1 ----------- Attractive 1 Br COlllOt. pell, Cerporl. 1610/mo to perk. pool and ec hl. IHN ..... ,1fl 2 BR, t •,t bl townhouM. Avell to July 15th. lf75 t e t + 1 350 1ec . Fncd yrd 11125 fm o . ••'•"••••••••••••••••• lmm1c, quiet, no pell. w II, u t 11 pd 3 b 1111 64e.6423, 642..o835. 551•2564 Furn. L1gun1 e .. ch IU· Bllcony, petlo, Dlf, lrpl, t>MChflown. 494..0077 E/eldt 3 Br. 1 Be. encled ...:.:~:.:..:. ______ 1tury 1tudlo, apa. lalelllt• S&25 mo. Avllll ~ 11t. • ... .L .,,, J" '"It' yard NO ,_ ·-· .. ,,·~· TV, Nun•. m•kl tlt'lllCt. _9_7_9-_Hl_58 ___ """"".~~ If~ •• • • • p ....... -·· ·-phonH . Ill 5/Wttll. So. Co111 PllZI 2 BR ' .. -.el'tte.............. ETS. 15 9 Reo'-1\dl I .•• ,................... 499-2227 lf.45/mo. 64&~ Chumlng bt1ch front !----------b•. lg• p1t10. lull HO. BIG CANYON EXECUTIVE home, ~ICUlll vtew. Studio, •Ilk 10 b .. oh. Kkll Ot<. '665 Ind QM I HOME. Vltw. pr1v1cy. 3 Br 2 Ba. Montlctllo brick courtyerd entry. 4 lllytlght1, p'tl1 tnlry, nice w1ter. No tee. Agt. 11curlty. Ouellty furnl· Townhou19. No P•1•· Br. 31,t e..1aroe 11v1no rm 11 mo lent, June 20to 1_11_5_1_..0_22_2 _____ _ e hlnl' 12500/mo . 11195/mo. Sierra Mgmt. & 1 ............... oom o c 20 1 350 m o .. .,, ~ 11 Co 641-1324 din no rm,.,._.,, . • 2 Br 2 Bl. petlo, c:arpott. ~ k>t• of etorege. For leMI 955-11111 no pell 1450/mo. Av1ll 2 Br tnolecl gar•oe. Cit• only. Cell Peggy P1tt.lton STUDIO COTIAOE 8'1c* 5117 ~75 Well dee. 2Br Np1 Creel e;•t•. drape• 773 W. lot eppt 71411156-2473 1 1 Id pet 0 , gea WI tr Pl STUNNING IUge 1 br condo CloM to 1men1. II• on No P tt •. wtufyt 8-5. Slngle •dlll. 1350 lit t I.. • p ., 11., v It"' S&25/mo 1131-4819. and IH I plu• I too dtp gerden epl. Pool. 710 W. $l200/mo. ll3l-0450 EtSldt 3 br, 2 t>a, lam rm 3Br l 'it be. 2 car QI'. IOI No Leg t blk to BHch _18_1t_h_S_tr_ee1 _____ _ Lrg 4 Bdrm, lemlly rm w/lrplc. lenoe<I yd, git· lol. OcMnlcanyon vtewl. 494-2874 2 BR ''"Be. fplc. O/W, c u1tompoolhome1n1 dentr. c pu & d r pe. 1875/mo,9 74·04 14 0'1----------pvtpetlO&ger Nopete. country .. 11 In o 1900/mo, tel a lut + 957-11577 • ..,...,, ... d 1111 M25 mo. 643-54711 2 77 ....:...:__.;__ ______ •• -..................... ---------1 2000/mo leHe. In-$400 Avell now No Legun.1. 3 BR 2 Ba, 1 BR. VerHlllH condo, WTl9I ciud" w11er. gerden« & Rob In Hoo O L • n •. eleg1n1 thruoull Oct•n pool. Jecuul. g ym, bit· 1 1 Po ol atrvrct 8111 55&-1737 view, near beech. pvt 1bdrm 1tove , re r g ---------Hardt, llUl'll. 24 N MC Nice $400 mo Inducting 1131-7370 3 Bdr 2 Be, nu crpt, no petlo. Ml)Of appllc I ml· G11de n view 11595. utHl11et 14~10CI pelt. n ice yard 1700. croweve. 1 1500 mo. "Or 754 ·4114, 8•2·9057. 142-9772 wtH 1111, $30,000 down." Kett 2 bdrm. 2 ba, M-. Verdt, Ag1. 494-C874 -~-------tlrtplace, dl1nw11he1. HUI lllTIU $1550. Av1ll1bl• now 1300 week up Age nt 1115.e 110 731-8346 1 er. uptlllrt, pool, gll paid . Rtl 'I r eq . oc.tnlront wt<ly 2 & 3 br. $335/mo 147 Flower St. comp. rurn'd. Oar Avl. 145·8181. now. 640~784 -3-B-,-.-2-B.:J-.--.-r-<I-. -fr_p_l-c;, x;;~ Imo Bfol<tr Spacbll Slud•o• one end fWO beClrOOm .,.,, ments FU,.NISHEO and UNfU.-NISHED Oallw<>Od 11so offers • All Ulllltltil Peid • 1"'7 I fsk Oooupency • SI Million In ~'°" And Much More' For a month or a hie 11me Models at-i_~•)fv 9alyl to 6om No Q8 s. Oekwood Garden Apertmentt Newpoft Beech/No. 880 IMne {•I 161n) (714) S.U.1104 Newpof1 Beach/So .. '100 16th St toav.r af tellt) (7'4)14U113 *2 br nr S.C . Plz. $.A Pool. •P•· 11545·11100 Carport 752-15822 or 841·1450. Newly decorlted Inc. -carpel, nr S.C. Plua. 1 Bdrm unit & • 2 Bdrm unit Encl1d gar1ge1. ptlvete 1undtck1. 817 I Jennlfet ~. C.M. AYALIN! 1415/mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba. pool. laundry rm. new cerpet, up~ unit Thie one wont 11811 TSl Mgmt. 2 BR, p'tl1 petlo, -pelnt & epte, VKIW'l1 end IYllf. now. 14 75 mo. cart Larry or Pam, ~ 1158 ~z•.111. Clll ~4549 1 Br. refrlg. tlove, carpete, dtepte . 1 375/m o . 14a.-OG41 ttt 1:30PM, 2 bf. 1 ',t bl. Cl 10 Joenn St. Adull1 pref. Smell dog oil $4 715 1148·6430. Spec. 2 ety, 2 BR. 1°" ba, pool. Cll pof1, p'tl1 pe tlo. $4715 mo. Chlldrtn OK, no ptll. 84 5-30 t 7 : 213--376-8107 Newtr 2 br, wlgarege, f new paint. No pelt. 1445/mo. 845-5577 ' --·-.. --...-..~---------~· IM Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOTITI1ureday. May 13, t982 ~ & ttMll'I c*tl COIOf t»rlghtenere, whl orpll • 10 Min blHoh Hiii!. INJdln. nne 116, 1¥9 room 11.eo. oouot\ 1 10. ohr H Ou1r a llm. pel Odot Crpt repeit. 10 yre .. p. Oo work myull fWa. 01.0101 ~~ •••••••••••• ~~f •••••••••••• tllCT"ICIAN-Prloed Tllll rlgh\, ftH H llm•I• on TOl>C*l/r9m0Yeel CIMn ,., oe "' 1t11e11 tot>t Lie SMHI 17~111 up, lewn renew 101.a'10 LIC'O ILICTAICIAN Ouel WOfll-Aeu rel• Fr• Mt, 831-6072 Torn TOP QUALITY !LICTAICAI. WOAK .-... ,.... 531-0061 f.!LIICTAICIA N: Lio . :U310t·C· 10, Small loba. Malnt & repelra IM1·&203 MOWING Cl~N UPS Hllllltng · Landeceplng ,, .... 1 142·'907 CLE.ANU .. I · HAULI NG 8prlnk••· a.n.,., Malntt11enoe. 140-72'7 MOWING l10.l 1&.t20 Haul/0Umpl11g 115/120 Merk I 754•9904/1160·0090 ~~~!'!!~1. ......... r!!~~~ ............. ~.~,.':frtlrf. Tl!f ••••......•.•••••• , =~~8Job• ~~,~~~ i~:i'h~:~r,':_~ ~T1i R•~~!~m·i 0y~:~~~ ~:'.Tr~~:;o!f All~W:~. Call Mll(I 141-1301 eat• lot~ !\le' pela low r alH. l'r•• H I. A•I• l'llltr. h u ler & "-ft JoM ~11 HAUllNO & DUMP 5-'I ieoi 670·71et IWMt> ule. l7M1l4 **All Tl&.I** JOH Aall fOt Randy, {!!.!1!1. ~I --P-Al-N-TE_R_N_!_E_D8--IM/la• O\iellty "°'11. tO Y'9 •· 141·8421 ••••• •••• •••••••••• WOAl<l 30 "'' •xp. lnl/ •••••• ,............... pet a.woe U1-647t -I R•~ .,.....3.· see ! filler Acouallo c.lllnge l.•bOt/Malerlal Aooflno PAO' SERdV~ I lh, '''· c . \•oroH Davtt Painting 847·5IM All typee. fO Yf• pP. Hault'l' yar -"VI> from f'elph'11. t3 ·11108 fie, guet Latty eAZ-8233 Ovlck .c73i.en06./1r .... I. •--~--~·f. Top Qua111y.10 price . AOOFl'IAIPAC>OflNO " • -' r.rompl. b ' lnl sr,:· • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • H R a Com 'I ~· guar of Chemleel AULINO and IOOtl mo· nU •-•TU a II. M • m r• tT NOW ,, .. •I. I I d 1 11111r ck -·-HI 714·739-0708 v ng I u en "' u · Sod, 1prlnkler a ahrub 011111 Pal11tlng 847·111M r.~'!.~ ............. . MO par load Ottdlnt & planter mla evell. 'rM def. loce#y 651-lllM '!.'.~~~ •..•.••.••.•. DO IT NOWI ........... YOIM 0. Pltol k\'lca DWeot0ty Aec>t...,,wttw ...... Let ........ Concrete: Aemov• Old. LOOlllng IOf 1 home bllll· Aaplaoe New. Smllg• def? Plaua a.II Randall IObt ~·· 646-H 12 I! P rHI•>'. Jr or fired CAI/I Calf AHID/COMM'l/INO ... , .... 20 vr•. Oo my own work • • • • •' ;-; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lewie 970·lllO ln11allallon. Our work QUALIT'f' PAINTING AEPAIA8 120 to 1 110 B1 IHIH•I•• only look• e11.pene1ve 10 Yf• M<Vl"j.O.C. FrM '" Celt inytlrne • • •• ~................... Check our prlOel befOf• .... eonable. 9·&e14 WALT 770.2120 Moal aubjecte, 1<·14 Dey~t10Wll Mr Morgen, MM111 ... , ... ,., .... 112 Lie 27804 1 Al 646.11120 Carpenlty • Maeonry Aooflng . Plumbing Went • REAll Y CL!AN I YoU buy Call Mark et Blllhop a Son Pallltlng HOUSE? Call Qlngham U.,11'1 ...... .... 30 yr1 e>1p .. BMoh arN '-~!!! ............. . Wtt•on P ark Vi ew •••••••••••••••••••••• Homa a , Inc El Toro Child Catt In my home, nr 68 l·t7llO ltlh & Pl•Hnlle, Co•I• r~~-.1.!'!lr ••••••••. FOAMICA COUNTl!AS Te>pt/Cablnet• retaotd Drywall · Stuooo • Tiit ~odel J.B. 648-9990 HOME IMPROVEMENT Olrl Fr .. Ml 640·6123 1 lie: 204018 8411·1611' Fr• •t 6412·17111 ROBIN"S CLEANING : #. I Sarvtc. • a lhofaughl~ •11•rr. 1 ~ p~ ctean llOUM. 040..oe 1 eflicitwoAK0·a~~i.·;.;,• 1uf'ov~~1 'Y)61.11103 Huber Rooflng•lll typee, N9w·fte0Ytr·~· Lie u 11802 048·9734 ~~~!~~~'~"········· OrlWMya. ,.eritlng Lot Aepelfe. SMlooetlng 818 ~ 831.,.1tllLIC AllSTATE PAVINO S.-O.ting·Str10lno Aepelte CoiMI /f\eefd Lie 017~2 64M11t Dan Hallbefg Or14111G & PaYlng Co. ~Coml Uc 397804 842· t 720 ~'~'··········· lie. molhtf wlll 01re for Yo\# pr....chk Lo yrd a Od mMll. 140-6313 Chlld Clft H rlllCe, CO· rona del Mar. 3 to e yr old. Vlc:llle 759· 1083 Want babyllnlng, 1:30 10 AOdltlona. ramodtlf11g . deQ!a, new COlll1tUGU()ll Servin' l e guna 8Ch 07·3 14 RUlllllC prlcM ~)!'!~!~~~/. •••••• Cabinet• & Carpentry Small )obi & Aepa111 Fr• MllmllM 845·2003 f.·.'I'!'.~!~~ ••••••.•.•.• CUSTOM SPA DECKS P1tloa, gazaboa LIC'd John 0t Riek 11711-3218 FIU Tll O&llOTU Rm add"n1, remod Pe 1101, ltflC411, dec:kt, Clbl· n111. kll. e311-11873 4.30 or 111 . 11. Coit•--------- _Meea. ___ 5-4_11_·4_8_8_e ___ f.•.'I'!'.'. !!ff!!! ....... . •--I .. _, I , / No Sleam/No Sh•mpoo -I, _,. IU•Ut Sleln 81>«111111. fHI ltmn Ory FrM Ml. 8311·1582 •..•.••.••.......•.... MARINE SERVICES Wa Car• Crpl C1Mner1 Med\anle. Palllt. vatnleh Slaam clean & uphOI• Teal1-tvt>-wax. 140·117641 Tructc mounl unit Thinking or I new hom11 Work guu &.45-371e lor aprlng? See Ille many Crpl• ln111ll/rapalred 111111\QI In loday'1 CIUll Flood dlllTllQe St .. m fled column1 842·5678 ctng 554·6610, 973·1566 Real Estate the Complete Orange Coast Market Page M ... 142·M18 ----CHllHllTI c,.,,., ···········'·········· REMOOEl/AOD-ONS and C11penlry LIC'd 25 yur1 lrwtn 5'41·27111 Fina llnlelled carpentry. remodeling 1pec1111a1 lie 4111587 Rend•ll 720-t280 COMM'l /RESIO Rtmod·Add'n .. Reoel11 Vary ,... Uc 390250 Jeck H Bennett, Jr Gan Colllr 662·11 t42 l BOllded & lnturtd f.-.~1!!!. !'~~~~¥.~I. Bara, m1nlal1. kit cebl r1tl1, 11tud p1ne1111g , ooor•. bookc1111, tt· mod & add·Ont Xln1 1 11111 Lie B348276 636·2366 !'.'1'!!~!! •••••••••••.•• ORVWALL TAPING All texturM & 11eou111e Free ••· Kevin 875·9088 DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC I R•p•l11, new & old 11 y11 exp. Bua 552-115112 rr .... 1. 642·0307 ,,..,,,.,; ''''•" ,,,,, ..............•....... WALIMY CM1tlne & Ed M8·7826 ~-~'.~!!f ••••••..•.•. TlllUUllUI Lewn·ltM-thrub 11111&11 Tr .. lrlm·removal L•wn care·ROIOtlMlng Fr• MllmllM 041·8005 K&O l 111oac1pa Malnt R"ld/Comm CIMnoi>p Lt H1ullng 5'48·2489 Oatdanlng Wanted Mowing, edging, reklng. 1waeplng Fr•• ••II· mate• 845 ·4372 or e46·5737 --------LAWN CARE Commtrellld Nwpl/CM x1n1, ra41eble w0tll Onrlopf, Berry e'45·7412 fHE GRASSHOPPER Complete Lawn M1tn1 Oomlnle 6-42~51 c111u1hi1<1 Aas e42 5678 AEPAIR·PLUMBINO Healing, ca1pentry • .i.e. Ille Fr .. Ml No !Ob 100 1m1N 6'46·2111 General M11n1e11anoa Rec>atr• & Decorating Ouallly • Ray 840-6144 El<PERT HANDYMAN Carpen1ry • Roofing Plumbtng. etc 842-6013 I KNOW-LET'S OET EO- OIEI H• can fill anything! 4114 611511 l&UIL.111 Newpon, Coate ~. CLEANING SERVICE: lrvlnl. Aila 97&-3175 Ra11onabla relH, Ir•• c;u11om Brl<:k, Stone, MllmtlM Block. Concrela. Sluc:co 720-0742 Rtll Fr• Ml 549·11411~ HOUl«IHnlng. honHt & ~Olble 11e2.2e110 HOUSECLEANING RNIOllAbie-O~>dable hnya "3·2401 CUSTOM BRICKWORK SMALL/LAROE JOBS Npl/CM Rela 845·6512 ~!!!~f .............. . ·ABC MOVING· Qulek, Cerelut SlrVlc. fr .. MllMllel 652-04 t0 EXP HOUSECLEANER SMALL JOBS p•lntlng, Relleble, rete Free "' plumb, etec, carpentry Call 24 "" 956·,418 * &--1 •Ylll* R .. • Fr .. Ml 54M437 lop quality Si>«:lal cert I Wiil cl11n your hou1e or In nandllng 26 yr• exp • .,,."'4 flHll ofllce Elec., painting, It Compollllve RtlM "°H-'Rowoo()i:l.oof.s" y•um1>•no 5'4•9005 No ov.,11me no. 1353 B .. utllully cleaned Joan·1 Cl111n1ng MNIGe STARVING COLLEGE and wued 832-4881 Hou.et, Apt1 . Renl1l1 <;IUOENTS MOVING I OttlcH 540·1287 co lie T124·436 a .. 11 .. ••••••<"•••••••••••••• • HSKPR, rall•hlG, hard lnaured 841·8427 HAULING student hu workln" girl A1111l Moo, WATCH US GROWi lge lrUCk. LowHI reta Wtt(J, •I 1r1'1, Set Oey 'l•/•t/ Promp1 Cell 769-197e Sn>·l 30 Sp1n1111 1pkg •••••• ~/. ••••••••••••• Thank you, John wllnlerpreltlf 831-~96 FIH PllmH HAULINO·GRAOINO PERFECTIONIST HOUSE by Hlcherd Sinor Lie demollllon. <oleen.up I CLEANING Avereoe h.. 280844 13 Yf• ol h•PPI' Concrela & 11 .. removal $ 3 0 I do w Ind o w 1 IO<.el c.ut1om.<1 Oulek MN 642· 711311 646-2644 Thank you, 831·4410 r~r..1!.·~ ...••........ ,artlllng l11tarlor HANOl~/ROLL Quality Lie/In• Strip. ping Dtac Oii paper VIN·Nc Sc4t1 646·11326 ASA PAPERHANGING 7 vr• local ••P Ou1r work Prtct1 1ter1 et U /rOll Alec 761-7027 WallptP41'lng • Pal/\llng R1a1com·1 fkendln•ll1at1 qual Hllmar 646·7876 r!~!!!!f~ .. ~~ ...••.. Neal petc;hoe ' tl MIUrM F'" fft. HJ· 14H I PLASlER PA TCHINO R1111uccc.>e lnt/a11t 30 yr• N111 Paul 645·2077 r!~!!~!~1. ........... . U EU 14 ... llH •llllT I UY• Reed the <:lnarlled edt lor 1ne t>e11 oeela 1n apurt ment renlal11 8"'2 51178 BUOOET AATES/llcl'd Low m111 8ml jobe 01( Fr• Ml Int 84t·7081 If tH•• ....................•. Mobile SCrte11 OoctOf ~r/replec;e Cullom RMI 831-8300 Ive~ 1Ht11vul ""'"' ....•••..••....•..•... •FINEST IN o.c.• ROll"I Wlnd'Wf WMhlncl A.a AMI 130-77f1 manln & hlnte ~(new) l111141 MIN Mullet NI on a Tulle! 110110 c em• a 645·08e7 ProotrMdlng •P•Oar ano rttd 111 Iha * •7 d•y•. week *. Oa11v PllOI Cluelll•d ~r!!~!.'!!! .•......••.. * Sprlnklet Repair* RM /comm Commercial l andtcape Servlc.a 1151·6388 NCllOn ebout Miii Mui· lel't Tufftl Ind l>Ovghl II lor S9 95 You can Hit your tullel 1nd loll ot Other 1n11lg1 through Dally Pllol Ct111111eo AOt Coll 64:?·5878 f •J/1t1 Meire l11mlll1t11 are getting • ••••••••••••••• ••• ••• the ''"''Ping bug" thtt ALL Al TERA TIONS Vlllll II you have • cam· & Cu1tom LMll14'f WMr 11er lhol'1 not geltlng 10076 Adil/Tit 982-e538 used, Hll II llOW With • Ct11111hed All -----1111 •••• ••••• ••••• •••. ••••• Have aome1n1no you ••nt OllT• •••. IO .. ,.? Cta111fled ad• do FREE EST 840-2082 11 -11 6•2 M178 ,,.,.,, ,, ""' 4300 Ollltt ,,.,., 4400 ?!!!~~.~!~!~!.. .. !.~~ lno"'•••I I 50JS ~!!.~.!.'.~'!~ .... !.~~l '!.~'l.."r!!'.~~~ .... !.~~~ '!.~'1.."r!.".'.'.~ .... !.~~~ ~'.'I..'!~~~ .... !.~!! .....•...••..•...•.... c0M··2~·,;~~·345~·b;.-; HWNRT IAYFlllT •••• '.fr.!!~~.!r ........ fOUNO Sml DllCk ooo. wnmu Clerk· Typl•I Sma ll Co HAIRSTYLIST OMked fOt ROOllATE 11oreo• •v111 S250/mo FalllHll(; vtewl 500 eq 11 Opporiuntty 10 1nvHI In Pooote m111 Woodbridge I My home, June 1 Rtt• ""1111 Oood ~~· PEarm bu1y B•lbo• leland H • 548 ·3~4S. 4114 3803 lurnlahld 2 room aulle to<.a1 pu1>1ith1ng c.omp1n11 erH 559-03115 f ield• c M 831·1986 Mual type 4 .. W M ntry IOll e7~13 Fl.DERS · wllh new 1ra11el book 10 level poellloo WIN cooel· 1017 w .. icllll NB W11111 S950 e75·9400 dlllrlbvtlon Cati dOUble J ound Partkfft. B1lbo1 ... def 1111nee A1k IOf AM UllW&ll 1&1.11 ------~--...-----------"! Oldetl & lergeet •o•ncy l1n1nc.tal ln11 7000• f Newer t>IOg, oowntown yOuf money wllh 111~ 111 642·11383 Full llm• Exp prel'd 1 All cll1n11 ecreena<I wllh 1 • 1 11OO1 Ag• n 1 HB. 3 olflct1 now evall $ 2 o o o o p hon• 873·3554 BACK STREET Crown Hardware. 3 107 A,.,t.1•1• A,.tl•t•ll pnoto1 & r91etencet 54 I 5032 1 •I TOc eq It 491 , 424 & 673·3348. leeve me11age lflDI CllUOT1ll ... E Cout Hwy. CdM ... '!~!~!~!!~!!.. ••• • •• ... '!'!!~!~!!~!!........ Credlla Coamopolll•n !>20 IQ 11 s t oo per 1q 235 aq ft 893· 1351 on m&<;n1n11 II not in Loll 5111 lame le Bump :: =~ :.'n~t ~:~~1~~'e!~~:~~11\~"•0 ltlTIUll o~ ~Ol'nt~A~:'ICI. 11 397!1 Buen N B Pri .. Se Lac //JI, 1 L 5025 on •"0 of noH Pte11e 1mt>1tlon eno cepebtll· Ml11 5 y .. r, lllptrlenee Apply Mon ttvv Fn. 2 10 IHll•flN J11,,..tl l.•ti 3111 *' • ... om°''11 ow,, Agenl 54 t 5032 OFFICE s pac'E tor le•· •• !'!!! .. ! .. ~ ........... ~<1n11.,1 Oorul 54e .57SO !lee Hourly & commt11ton L p 1 c f ,' ••• -;...-;•••••••••••••••• .c, On to a newc ent1 ,.. , ..,pm •t•O •• • • l11ti 4' B 2 s•"OI wno need 1 pl•ce .e, 500·2000 iq II. ptr· 2nd TO •·compel ••Ill Wk or 551·4763 tl1tlf e Newport B11ch and Le Cell Judy, 1155·14111 800·0 N•wport Cen11t, •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 r/dan. ba. v.-mo IEWPllT 141 1111 llU OEITll king , TURN·l<EY ASB0· 1 $20.000·$ 100,0~0 lully Lo11 !1112 F Gotden Rel HetH • a1orea Ster11ng Or NB fHE WHIFFLETREE 1·2·3 4234 Hll erl• Way (NI • CIATES 499-2283 amortl Olhel 2no 110 Sl PVl>l>Y. Adam• & M1gno·' ,.,. SS 50 hr & up plUI CHmlOTlll ---------Bdrm. Apt1 Oym, Spa, Hoag Hoepl 644· 1944 0t I IEWNlT _ --million P11n oniv Br&nt. 111 1~ 8 A 1 w •rd ln<oent1ve1 10 expr'd go. A1ph11t p111111g Hiima· llSTllS/llST Saulla. pool, tannl1. ate 631·0437 RMMTE w1ntaO to 1hr 'J E1eg1n1 E•8' tullu In execuplan 963·2611 egt IOt ' T gell.,1 Full •nd p/llme lor E1t1b Orenga Co Call 873-7730 IOf appl. 840.00111 ----br. 2 b• condo •~un i prea11g1ou1 loc Incl H · HWIEY llY111S , 0 1e: LOO•~'~' d)", 962•611 8 Bu1lneu minded . we P1v1110 co Hekl11g ••· ---------12 Br 1 Be s 57S/yaarly. Ben Fem 10 lhr w/ cretartel, receptlonl1t. weleome you . IO come perl111cad lndlv for II· llTI&. :>eluxe poolelde, 11111 lat· carpet•. drepee, open uma Evet 960· 1223 telephone an1 & more ··A NEW CONCEPT.. I .... ,., W.••I~ 5030IFouna yellow f Lab, 1eih )Qin u• llmallng •nd H IH 01 0 • 2 b r · 2 b • · b It n '· beeme Optn Hou1e Sel 01c• trom $'43e mo On Full Mr11lce/0111om ,., 1. .,. s c You may aend re1um11 paving COlllflCll Sal111Y ~~~;·, llOt"~.:t'!~'s~~ ~t:;~5~~~2W 81100" M/F to'"' 4 !"condo in c1111 orce s 1e5 mo THE olflce 7 dltlk spac;e ~AN.Teo"'iio(i.000 °1~01 :3t ~~~~ e~2".3o36 M or apply 1n paraon to I lfld/01 commlul0111 plu1 ""'""' ,.... """'"" Nwpl 8lulti .23b + ulllt HfAOOUAATERS COM· Nr 0 C Airport TO on cutlOm Bal lale Back Sireet execullva beolfll1. 3 Yfl min axpr 5~3e2 ... Clt•••I• 3111 720-0572 IHenryi PANtES A proleulon11 7511-81178 nome Value $600 000 + f'uuno Mele Snellle vie o lllcn 855 ··e 'S t. req Cell 548·2251 t>twn Benquel Manager n••· 010 for luxury Lagune Beach Holel Co111ec1 Jan Flood et 4117·•477 EO.E •1.m11e~.2br.2Cat •••··················· FINO&SHARE o n11ironm11nt (7 141 6759797 VICIOflenrPaClllC,CM Tu•lln92630 T•lephon• 7arn &2pm10t1w1 gar, oov'd pello, Ill pool Studio apl, OCHll view. In Nwpl/CdM erea Prol 6'.>1·0681 1lftt It.{ C.I. 642 8686 calle ere I .. no no.. COOi< & PREP ·COOI< Hotel Nlghl Aud1101, •II· rlghll & rec .,,., utll lnd'd S375 mo 332 lady 28·35 yre. 1111111111 400 •q II o lie• epace flNDEAS/INVESTORS FOUlld Fem ·~o ml• perle11c• 111 NCR 4200, •.0,75/mo 2 t3/1125--'4798 Enclllo In San Clemente Anth .. •t•atlc. non•mkr A/C, grell parking. g1ea1 $10000-S1 00 000 + IOr I A II B I IH 1111 nlledtd, Imme<! Oj)«llng lull time poeltlon •t Allio -•• c " ~ 0 'ldl loc.11 re11oen1111 TO • IJ k/len ea co 11 • · 111111n coo«lng l)feferrecl c k 1 S L 1 BR. beth' gatege, 77112 , ... the ... gr Apl I K11ny 957.1112 (8·!1 A~~.;~ICI 875-8700 M&JC 60"!. l to v Aelurn boll l•l•nd 87S 500!> ~~~~j8~11 754-11660 ()( Apply In petlOll 107 2111 I c~:·4119~~21101or =a, ~ $365. 111. lut Adult. atuolo w/llove. re-wkdyl) I 3 ·4 100111 prime Cell hm 613 4011 I Pl NB e75-3333 & dep 642-4431 frig Ulll pd S250/mo MIF prof 28·35 non· OCEANFRONT OFFICE Oenn1aon & AllOC -BASIC SECRETARIAL & HouHboy to work lnalda 2Br. ' ' ... Ba, 1376 + 0 .,1L '510 move Ill 49&-8452 111T1kr IO< Npl Bell home tncl recepl $350/mo 673-7311 11t1l ••/1 5350 BOOKKEEPING SKILLS COOKS & Hotl-Exp & In y11d MUi i h•va n ... .. Move In nO'W S3!.0 Ol• Hunt Bell 842·5100 •••• A.GOR.APHOaic··.. needed 9 .3 Mon.Fii ptuf'd bUt nol nee l'utl good ret• 4911-1972 dap, 011.,rid· nr BHch i..t• A..• JUO ne 631·1266 #1tlf•flf, Ttall HE:lP LINE 1714) 5411-875'1 or p/llme S.iltY depell.-..u.llPll !!~~!,~:Fl~::.-2'a;·2·5•;·r~;~h~~~~· Snr Jbr ouplu B11tuo11 :;:"...:::::;:=... IHiHll Jt•l•l 44SO Df.t41 5035 531.7734 BEAUTICIAN • 3 heir ti•· ding on •llPlf 842 . 8811 Famlly tooktng for lull . . over 18. no Pll• s soo' Penn nr H SI Ut/IUI ...;·-. • ••••••••••••••••••••• WtOOWHAs "iui;!(c).; QUALITY MASSAGE 11on1 for rent. xlnl loc COS TUME PARTS lor ttmeltvelnorouthllllkPf ·~~::~~ 'i:;;~~01 ~~ ;,11P1:11N S~~·';~~~~ ~250 +u111 673 170t 111 : :;::. .... _, Ill WH RE Loan•. IOI< Up No ProfMllOllal SWldl•h 17111 SI CM 11-45-11100 =5~3'10~:;.0i:08!: Some you111 chlld care pall t24 20111 S I 2131377•2519 ./,,.. .. ..,.,.. I 750 IQ II Sulllble fOf C redit Check No Pen aiyle, VIP traalmenl aum 751·3247 Mull be lnlarelted In llQ.4-8217 F-;-~0 thlli! ,..1111 I •-_,.. 11or1g1 M•tllal AfU •llY Oennieon Anoe. 10 IPM 548·2617 wm,111 iD• li gourmet health rood SludlO b1ll1oom tltc 673 73 t ..... •11&1 cooktng end have ow11 ume. houH In Orarioe S500 per mo • I Prttttciettt't.... Pt/tlrM CdM 875·2193 11anl9()(t11IOll No hee"Y 11011 amokei s220 mo F 1 962 5,.40 --• r .. 11 Llfl' da & V1'ck1''5 Looking to • 10 our cl••nlng , non 1moke r 997-8075 Evn °' on ° · ,....._.. 11111 luhlon 011en110 Coupl" w•nled lo a.Niil reti raq 673-111112 NB 2 Br NO p•I• or Wiier bed•. S385 A,.tl•t•I• fan.J1AH 11G0-8123 an &PM ,, Dmr• 3""' On the beech 2 Bf' pool, •••••••••••••••••••••• uuna, •P• UOOt mo 7t4/948-115-4 E.,,.. su-YLUIE 2 Room olllce & gerege I buy d ll COunled frutl Pllfl ... w PfOlauk>nlll in axpa11al<>ll & mgmt IOf M:: .~t f~~I ~~c~ B,~·lc~ I NHI Balboa B1y Club, ~:::!~ ~~,:~~~t,~,~~~. lSCIRTl/IUCUI •S.Vefal ANl1t11111 :;.:;i.,r:,~to.!·e~811.!;11m1. FGS ~~:uo~~o In ••. beem clg1, ger, view 1-- -NB S2 85 Prolactadl ... re Ot ban'-1un1,...,, Fait OUTCALL 24 HRS •t Sh1mpoo Olr1 -.., ,.- * .llllE ., ...... u * 646·784 t ~ " -.. _, • I Mat11aJr111 new•I dec>I '°' peraon lo 1tep1 to bell 1mm•d nv 1 c11onl Contect John 819-0201 •t MAU«JM HIT&L quota & lollowup on••· 675·8330. eve 873-0928 I From I room 10 3 room• Ul•U OUYll She&. Bk1 955.3454 • 1 Makeup Artl•I llCIPTilltST nortle Auto 1all11g or '"'•• 3144 ..••••........•••.•..• Large new 1 Br COlldO IOI' 111M. "'" U c I micro· w111a. l rplc. w11her/ dryer eraa. $650/mo New 1&2 bdrm luxurv •Pl• 1n 14 plane I Bdrm from S615. 2 bdrm lcom $570, Townhouae lrom $840 +pool•. 11nn11. w11ert1!11 punoal Ou Shr inarp hae. F VM From $I l6 •IQ 11 No Shop Space 494·4764 I •1 Fac111111 POllllon 1v1ll1ble '°' Ot· ood-illng ••P prtf91. 2!>-35 $285 Incl ulll1 I le11ae required AOI Al•· 600 -;q-11 olllc o or bu• I haoa•t••••I•/ P' o I e Ill on al M 'n 3e Rl<:hllrd Ouelet11 Salon ganlzed, Hll mollv1l•d rad. S11ary comman1u-M In t o I w Y N I c ~ porlet Inn 2172 Oupon1 S B I I / Hilk• ruponelbltt II· N-pon Cenll!f Or.NB pereon with ax par Et rate w/urar Cell Ron. 964 2768 Call AM 833 3223 tone'a tllrow lrom •Y 1 ltll•• I tr11c.llve young Woman II) ------l A 5 1 n1e. 5411-8909 Balboa Pen S550 mo ,_I• r ~ 1nero w11ertron1 eatete, Bloc k maeon , eitp lor Oto r.. airy open Jo1 11n1 1155 ·18 33, ~8720 Fe;-&hr-OITTU cond o •50 iq ti lurr1 olllce 975.5774 -• • #t••• pool bo•1, elc In AJI company In El T0to area 830·1130 ln1u11nce Offlc;e In CdM, C spac• $.400/mo --• • • • •• • • • • • •• • •• • • •• • • n "' p•t'1·tlm4t lor cooking & heeling Npl 111'\ \#/molha< and 641·0763 c,_,,tl•I A•····-··••I• S/00 chanue IOI 1ome llghl M u• I D. ., .. p w I General Ollie•. Leguna paid From S•n Otego 01ugh1er Amentlles ••••••·····•••••••••••• llouellkeeplng, occ1110. loundallon r.etelnlng Hiiie foe Non emoker Call e 76·M 44 Frwy or Ive Noflh on $300 incl utll, e42·4891 B'YfRQ T lt•l•ll 4415 Neeo McOon11lll S1amp1.1 nal t>aDy11111ng Salery well• 1151·•5111 Ty~lng & communic.11011 .MllTlllAl ll!r.!1 l.•li 3111' BHcl110 McFadoen to Ava1l immeo. rum rm In n N ·····inoi"ii"iie;··· 702 709. 715 50/501 poH lbte Cell ll40·177e IOOllEEPER •kll• required Call Oreg Otpe t1dabl• huabelld & ;:o·FEEi°A°p"i°"&·c~·n·d~ (s7~: ... 9~~~98V lll •oe 1wnh111,lullh111prlv, Pr1meo111c.ee13.t003 tt>11183~•llll7 r I 5 .. 50 P/T,2 .. r11na .. ,3.•dy• 1t766·601 1.2·5PM. wll•t••mlorgrowlng 11 "' poot/lndry F v nr ,.05 --1n newer blog on Coeel t••• .. ,. ,..., .. MOii-Fri 1 t e7a •<>12 Bt.... • .. .._ _, ..,, ~T ,. •• , """ -..-.. FLY .... FaElll pt ...,.,,. ... u .... v. ••P O•naral olllc• H••ll" Top P•Y E•p•rlt11c • renlall. V"I• R«lllll ----F-$2"'" mo' ~ •L u111 ICdM dl1 auHe. AIC, fl/Tl~ H-. "'-·'lh L-•na A"'-1 SCRAM LETS •••••••••••••••••••••• ___.. •• t .. ma n anance comp111y. ___ ..-._., ___ .,.._• __ .... , YllNV' Pr81 me1ure mate 11fler plcg, ulll pd 2855 E et proi 600 eq " E.<eellelll • ,._ In calh balene. lheetl, & phonH. bookkee ping', Pfaf 831-0723 an 10em veru lllH t br condo, F~;~·;,i~·,~·;~d·b;t; 7PM 963•11114 Hwy 675-8900_____ prlvale parking behtnor ANSWERS Wa 11111• PAii Am' lor I b11lc bookkeeping Ap· 15 00 hr Certlllad Ap· · $600. CIOH to bH Ch ~rig 1285 Co•I• Meu 250 ,, lutla leeM " p •• I.. g 0 0 d . 111 ply In p111on, Mon.Fri pllanc. 842--0240 1111. ~ .,,. Full MOUtlfY 5-46-3374 &4S-OI08 Wanled strelghl male. 1175mo Ullt lnCld 779 300 1q 11 Foot trefflc, Ana-. HOit! 5/31182 $150 e3t-0130 2·4PM Rauban·1 New-, Full/time Eaperlellce over 30. to th• 1upar w 191n SI 1151.8921 I Ontwn LIQ 4114-6888 F0tce . Cornm011 port 251 Peclllc Co111 IUll&l lffl•I raq HHvy phonH , 10, PARK NEWPORT Small lur11 room w/bath Laguna 8ch coooo SAOO --CE E r •-/ H-NB APARTMENTS ~~/: 556-'137 1>'91 CallOeve fll4)833•3830 ronadel Mat U50/mo ...................... l 1doeothe co11 ofwn11 .................... OMl ... l .. IMW Coeta.,....huopenlng c a111q 551·8114 SC Plaza F mo let & 1u1 + 'I\ utll Prime olllc• epac•. Co· l•iHltl•I •••l•l4SOOI M N -I •(!••I ---'-''-------1111ur111ce age11cy In catdtotogy firm. R.f•an- aye (7 14l 4117 -3UO e75·llf>lO NB 3975Blrch 5800aq 11t1ke1 1okeoep up1nlce J1)1WHIH 1015 Q C lor tnetgellCl)e(IOllto (Donna) c~~J:~g~~~~~~ N,~:~o;~he~:i~i :.~~k _.iwi.ooa 0 111ca 1pece 1v1ll1bl•. ~~~ ~~~~so~4A zone :~w~E~~~~tt>ecl!Mpef v~~-~~;;;~;,:~iO .~~:r·J~b1~f i!P~:. ~~~:!• ~'i:~~·~0:~~ ...:..-.-Dll&L---aem---- A dalux• cornmun11y 011 20·30 S250 tll&IHt Femto1hr1p•c1ou1 85c10 SI OOperlootln --- -llkt odo Job•evH & ttr Experlellcadwllh llbllalldw11Ung10 1Mr11 Npt8cfl8oma ooleoe& the a.ca Bey Club hov· 645-8763 Newport S nor .. Mm• C1nne1y Vlll•o• Burr PRIME DfflCE ull A,, .. , 53001 ~-:,i~·n ~~r;,,0•0n· 1~~·~ ~~~r~"~~~ "r~~4~· Some 1111uranc• UP•· l'MOtcal bkgtd pr.t Mu9t M & tpe. 7 poote. 6 tan. ---w/male. own rm Avell While Rltr. 675-4630 W••thou•• epac• wllh •••••••••••••••••••••• 1172.11525 evai, Ilk lor 10 30.4 4114.7630 rlenca d u tr•d Paid type 70wpm 759-1833 nle couru; cioM lo bull M•I• pral Poot, Jee. Ian-immed 831-79112 -Ollie• In CdM-:-2ncitiOr'; c arp1111. drp1. & wel Bttt comp•ny benalll• l'or ,,... & ahopplng ~.~'~a-~~~ 10 Reap F 23-35 to •h11• walk up Oceen view, bar1 700 10 3200 aq II WANT ACTION? a PP I c e 11 Q •or O • Heve aomet111ng lo Hll? w/llmt turn 4 er Nwpt cpt•. drp• & p1nell11g M .. a lndu1lrl•I pttk, 71 t FOUND ADS MANAGER Of OlrtclOf of Cll.Sllled Ada 642-S670 5411·8.909 CIHlllled Id• do II welt U11fufnllhed 11uolol, I & Genl. non.1mkr, Illa kll· Heigh!• home 1265/mo 420 aq n 675.64'44 w 17111 St. Pacllle BIUff Auearc h & Oe11elop· 2 br 1p1rtme111e, IOwn· Chell prMlegee. Reltren· e31 15'411 e76-023e lndu1lrlal Perk, 1636 ARE FREE menl, prefer Samlcon. hOuMoe OM S.8·75611 C.M · °' OllTA IUI Whllller Ave 842·«83 & ductor Elac1ron1c1 Op. $5"40·$1000 F11m, r1on 1mkr. 10 1hr 3 1 • 2 room 0 ... ___ lrom 842·7804 llc1 fleld Hold Ph.O In Rm In IQ 38A hOU .. c M BA 2 8 ... __ ~... .. ........ p .. • .,.,...rnron1 1p1 1205 Ulll lncludtd Cal·. ..y11c1 & Ma1er1111 • Several tlUdlOI & 1 near OCC & beech Kite W/2 Jr. eMeC melet l3 tO Roalooomlel 870·e700 I t 00 IQ fl 2 Of Cl w/ 5clen(AI (714) e46· 1526 bdrm. Ulllte ,,. fufnllhed prtv S280mo U8-27t8 548-4 l48 cpl1, F&R dfl, 0/H dr. wllh lln• dHlgnM lurnl· Btllll #tit/I 4100 268 eq.n Oo11tlf, N-pOrl top cond Frwy c loae IU-1171 tura 6 IOOIMOflel. Move ••••••'••••••••••••••• VW mechenlc. 28 eeek• Beech Cholct pallo S365 1000 1q II $325 In today or rHttllt for 1 ... ,11 __ , tll houH/ept to'"' w/ loc111011, $308 mo O/H dr, lollal & b11ln, IUtM'* monlha. Smllrlly ---·-•l•ble perlOll 642·«44 83t · t09• 11orege Iott. 675·11251 LOST 4/27, 11ml blk loog lurnlahad mod•I• open Wkly •entalt now avail Fem 25-35 10 lhr 2 br, 2 heir rem cal, Foothlll1, dally S I06 & up Color TV ba condo lfvlnt Pool.I IEWPllT IUOI lt•t•I• WHIH 4100 l•g Niguel Rew11d Phonee In room 2274 fee 1295,mo Incl utll• •"'Turn 1<' 0111ce·· '390 F~~~;;·;ni·;;~ia~~·,j •95 3579 ev1 On JambOt .. Rd. et San Joequln Hlllt Rd Newpof1~1...f5M S52·0504 •II Opm or •'"Brencto' Office '75 IH<oher would Ilk• 10 LOii _O_o_l_d_b_r_a_c_et_e_l _n_ear Wkno •'l•mlntr/MtO Room• t1 ouu1111rtnt during Jolly Ro~•• Sen Val S..4· 1900 , ... ,, ... ,.,, 4100 Neiwty dee. 28t. 1ba, .. , "' ······uYiiiii······ kltchno. Encl P.a."?· lger 4 l>drm. 4 btlh, H iidy 1636 pet9 -2 2 ~ btacll, pier a flott 2 IA, 2 Be, ci-t. lp4c..1. pe-SIOOO for Augual 8 111 llo. blk to beach. •e25 QrUlldy. Ritt. e75-6181 mo. t.40-3797 ~ bdrm fur11 condo. CM l arge 3 l!lr. 2 l!la. frplc, Avall 8/ 1 t lhru 8121 lam. ''"·deck, dbl o•· 1680 mo 5"41·5419 r:·1:tMr1. 17601"'°· 12BR 2ba . tUr11. otd CdM. 1 · rrom t 1000 monthll, ... fUaf May 16· Sap I D I a a I r 2 b • • g • r • ')(75ie-:M;12ii•;i3o:H:Y-.~;;:ii;' NGO/mo. 421 I. 8afboac-__ -AONT kltlUfY 28t II Yd . I 7 3 • 2 7 et , No. Leguna. Jae, trplc, e10-•1t1. wtily/rno. 49'4·1725 llOUrly M 10 eh• 2 br. t 01 duplllc • 1 yP1 n g , m 1 111 n g •. 1ummar monlh1, •• • R-ard 8 3-3834 w/y1rd. oll1lttet prkg, phonM change b1by111t1ng, xtnl REWARD lor relurn ol C.M. 1242 60 + ulll1 CaU for 11110 702·6"06 ref'I 1175•1247 ap1yad famel• ell. IOllg &46·3273 (bue'-IW mtG) Aentll••M/optlon 111 OC ramlly tooklng lor a 4 S.. 11111 , blk /brwn/wh 1, Stir hH on Bel boa l•I•. Alrf)Oft, '4800 aq 11 bldg droom hOuM lo houM ell need• medlcello11 lo1t furn rm Non·amkr pref 4 200 eq fl AC olc. or renl by June tO We .,.,,, Verd• C M Cont•cl Val e73.4239 200AMP 3 ph11a. OU•· Wiii tradl ~.,, ""t for 548·3401 dye, 0411-1108 -· 641·1t50 d)'I rant..a ta11a111 1.000 aq MfVlcAt •uc u painting, -· fl ""aocl~ 8elow mkl gardt11lng 111d fixing up LIVE AT THE BEACH F• 8y • 602 the piec e . allo word loat mla btffd dog na• mare lo •hare 8al. l•l•1'iiiownariiiiiiiiiiv-i4iiiiiiiiii proceu1110 II 11 .. dtd med ··POOH" H .. laot houu. 1286 Incl ulll 1• tt7..ff79 Aew11d 982-H23 1176-01'42 Ul&U..... 1---------IF~nd. Pomeranian mla, Shf 2 br, 2 bl apt 11r 8C Plau. All amanltl•• 1250 Incl utll• Now. 979-61197, 540.3233 •••. 208. IOt rent. 18X20. t126 l••l•tu/lnnl/ brn fem, Shepf'Mtrd mill, .., ...... 14 Mr n----b lk 6 tan male ; Ct lrn ••• •• -. Terr11r fem: Au11rall111 -•' •••••••••••••••••••••• Shephtfd Tri male; l ab ~~~~!!~~!!! lttJNn Ml• b1k: & wtll ltn'I Nft· lxeo. retreat, 1 bdrm 111 l•I• 2 Ir e1 .. p1 e . Reap M prof. age 21 11 oondO. -..na, gym, OOOI 1280/WMlll May a June, M11tl11g houM °' •Pl In llnmeO. oond. MOOfmo. 875·2910 COM to lhf with M Of I'. 142 ..... /'31•fl tO i-... ldo--8av--ffff-oron-t _lu_x_Uty_4_8'_.' non•mkr. clean ' d•· Hloe I Ir.• 11. Condo, 6 e.. home: Sllp. tennlt, _pendable ___ • _e1_)..e<> __ 10 __ 1 .....,..,.. tt-n.alt. "" pof1 ea.ch Anlmtl 8hel· • ....., 111111 ... ~;:r;;f•un••• tet. 8A4·38M with UH of reception, 8~~~~ Found young Afghan dOQ oonf, roorn. 1c11ch, ptiona, Y • • ....,... w/rtd collet. vrc Hllll>Of eecretarlat • WOfd pro· A1!80AT • YOll!MITE lflopplng Center, CM poot. JMUUI, allactled btilchM. Ir<*., 00099· &:.':9•· 1726/mo . rellon . Monthly . flt, 876.&014. Welll to bMOtl, NewP-01t 1-0C!A--N'-f'_OH_T_: -,-,-2"'--. lr.oru. I Ir. I la. HOO 10 '1000 wuk. ....... I/MO. lnold Utll•. 17....00 OWll ,,..._..,,, WlltlrttOM HorMI,"""' It.-lo !Naotl. I I r. 2 '"'"-L.w. ~ffl ••. • ,,.., ............ ~911······::;::;;:.:or. •• Avttt now. IHI/Mo, PCIAN,,.ONT Z & 4 Ir. _,, 1f. ~ AWi. MW. W~ llW\I -=.::· • .... .,.,,... ...,.,,., m-nn ....... ~ .. em•n: ~ :-v-.. twn •• ..... t. Oii fU llO 1111 .. - Refined, fl11enolally , ... ponalbl,. 110+ non•mo· king lady to lhr H.I . apt w/u me . P rko . pool. 1226 mo. a ,_. ut.., Need own bdfm f\lrn. M2·12M ceMlng. Mtlll & mMNge AAEA· Aee'*lranl, c.mp M8·1770 aerv. avell. aeparately II grounda. rentelt. HH, -,-0-u_n_d_·_S_c_h_o_o_l•_d_G_er d u lred. Ca ll: Judy, 0 0 . 0 o od term t . atiep w/allght Co4t1e mill. 714-7to-0100 139-7163 Brn ,.;, .... '"""Ht ... ,., ..,. ft. ...... tara l'ound: black o.Jloo IOllg.. 1 .. 0. ofo. pvt bllll 6 .... IU hair ut In 11ut11. very View, reception ., .. , :t lHU 1vall1ble Ju"e ~ 7&f.OMO a.. I# ... , fl.'4 ~c~ B': ~::!i~~ 18th. Ce1 Dk* Cote l'ouno bl1ok a white I :::'~•••••••••••••• ~ · · 714-Ml-1112 week old Kitten. Vlo. Qat.,e, M\I NI, &..lu"a -• -•• Jenllorl.al/~ Cd M 8 lat• I• t o ti . .. eoft.: bllt to main ••-av , oroae 171,000 ~. M0-162t. blldt · •14 *'4 HilWpof1 hnlfllMile ~ '~ pt1oe '40,000 Inell. 2 ,ound: Lo• male lfl•· ~ ..... tor ,.... ,., ~I '90lf'ltfY ramode-vent, equlpmtnt a •II pflerd w/Cf\Oktf. LOV99 00 ~lr9or1. 1140 mo. l.tcs, •Int looeUon, par· acota . Tar1n1 111111. oera. CM. 141·1710, (714) lfl.111' ~ ldftt. Metil 11....ol. 4n·7"4. 4t2...... "6-11t1 ' .... &•11/IEOllTllY l::Acellent opportunity lor high powered Individual wllll top •kllte Typing llOWpm, S/H 80Wprn Mu.I be •O(llHl\le, Mii 1larlar 1nd able 10 eHuma rtl • pon•lblllly Co1101nlal Newport l!IHch comm« ctel b·otiarage otnc.. Conlec1 Peggy 833-2000 An1werlno Hrvlce ltl•· pho11e oparator. Hptr only No olhera need apply 8AM·4PM Mon· Fri 382 3rd 81, Sit C. u.guna Beach Appllr.a110111 being I C· cepltd tor llrel quallty tutnlture dellll9f'Y drtVtf. Own lran1por11 t1on, lale9h0n• a a.Int drMllQ rtCOtd I tnUll C t0 Mon·Frl 1'30·9AM only 848-741&. AUTOMOTIVE .,,.,. .... 9• ~t :Y!. A lloen- u . l'ull time: '40 flour wuk Monday 1t1ru 'rl· dey. OedllleO ~ preferred. Oett COflrad O..fOr ....... ~AWl:a~ ". II HI•.'"""' I ..i.r \11.._I \<1(1 •ltl)I t t ___ a_C: __ : __ J> _ __,) ) WANTED ( (,.._....,<05 ___ ) ) Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Bea(h, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach •·Good Earnlntp • Suptr Trips • Grtat Prim CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT ........ 842-021 • ' ~.!~'!!. .... !.{ff MIT NIT·'* -• TIWll ................. Work In o\tr fun, raaual, profll maklna u ffll't• oa a 11 lt-phune 111H promotion clork for 1tw ura'1 flnt11t ncw1pMpttr Only n•qulrt1ni«111t 11 a Mood tehtphonci vok'Cl anJ t'fllhualwirn! l...ocill C.O.i. Meu Offk f'. ... .., ......... ,,..,, ,, .. , ..... , .. , .•. .... r4ayl tit •.•. -1111 •••. $84 00 fur tlrat Wtif'k, lhen ahrut' 111 parln,•n1hlp'rc profit.I 0111 •fttr .... , ••• 142·11ll tat. IU NURSES AIDES [.q> In Oerl1tlc: nur 11ng a m111t Only O•dlcattd. lovlng pereona need •P ply hp alt l hllt Xln1 Ina provram C att 1142-8044 LHllllc ftt htr• ...... , T11e Periny11vtr la I C· ctpllng applloellon1 for T ... phon• Sollcltora, Pl llrne Hit Tuet lhfU Prt, I AM· 12 Noon Apply In Ortnge Coot OAIL't' PILOT/Thur1day. M1y 13, 1982 DI ~~'1..irrv;;: .. 1.~~ ~.. ... ~~;·~:a ~1e.~! ... l!ft "~~ .. : ,,,. , ...... :~-:. "" ~ .. ~,.!!'~ ...... p t / .A Of ••••• :::~ ••••• ~ 1 It Via Orvltto, H.I . • .......... 11M. ••·~"•••••• •••••••• ··~••••••••••••••l'e"';';l ••••••~••••••••••••••• '1f1!••••••••••••1!.(l ~,\=:-~ ... ltt of werorobe OOOtl Ut-7'A A-1:ol1l 110· lfM AWi llrll1 Wllll..,., '°"' ·:..,·~·,,t.6HP Otwv· 1• ,..,. IWJe eo-eo wpm 1 """' :e:.~~/llY new UI -.. -.-----........ 1111 ...... ttem1 1111• new. 8110 11200 ' Mf.8'14 HIOO 411·"'01 Oeya, 11111tut1 hm-4pm, '"'" "'' Liii• iww 8200 IHI. t4M7oe .,.,,.ng 4M-1471 1r.a:~·:hm~.:~:~:~~:~ c-:::.;;:,., "" .,.~~ ~;:;.2~ glW ltt-11M, ........ a:::.•:;;,;,*' TV Pot· F!~P..!'.~~ ....... ·::!rM~l:~.~~o~~~l llOM<t pay laoGIM Call ••• ";1';';< •••••••••••••• top OOllM tl blt , 1476 ...... ..... M3-40tO c .. ,.,,, ,.,, l tlOO 142...eto Mra Quinn t0am ·4pm 36MM l<OWA CAM AA H " antl~ue round Oak Stre 40 Xlnl ta0 Sear1 oolltole 1te1eo· •-•I IJll '411 Plymouth 2 dr 'P•. • ' ' With rtMh Me I t 97•7079 -G46·10v0 Alter Tu•• • 667 13e"' d1op tee t111te. 1 I ... radio oom lnetton, •Int •••••••••••••••••••••• new motor •Int cond 6"0-&&&3. Appt • ~ OunoMI Phyfe 11tite & t OUP ,.,Y COOi<~ oond 176. MQ.M71 6~1~,!i C~~•r 1111· ~1nd1100 u 2.21u evi lJ11llQtm1 Unlimited ~I 4-1 IOfl Ohrt wt 3 IH VH , "80 IE It C, 2 2 0 II 011 • J8L .,,....,,, bfltld MW. 842·4770 '"' I a I :-.·"·················· Conn Trombone, :•o. 12001080. 131·2t78 ~ .... , .... ,..,... ...... for f llML I "'-' 1111 fu I • pert·t me •11.per Pit Butt PupplH with Pl· upright veouum. H ,, '!" 10-, o ,,. / I ~ J/L... 1111.11 .,.,. 1n1r•1 P•rtOn1.nonlgh11.Cett .-..11eo. 842"'810 HACllNOA DINNER-,,., ••. . ,,.,.,, .. •"' ............................ . 04f.6318 ,....... 13,_7,... WA.Al. 40 po eetttng, 831..$847 •••••••••••••••••••••• Jl!IP CUTS PRICES ---'--'"-"---,ormel dining rm, It Pe· Puoh Sport, mag type UP TO 11000 ¥~_ ...... _ L•b purebred male, 8 mo , 0111, tabJe wla IMvet. 8 rid u 'ranotecli n. ... I lfula wMele, rut11 & looil1 Kint JEl!P CJ'1 te78& •-~f-PHI 1hot1, mellow Lg l>c>Md. c hre, buffet . 8700. 280· l-04'7 11 1 "400. 780-lSSt .... MIST -120 903·&001 Weterl>ecl. qn 11, 8 mot. ..... llllt fb ... ~!f!'!~! ......... M094MI, rune, need• 11111• AMO/..., Tt•• .......... Germari Shorthair Pointer. ~1o t~ko~~~/tlnen1. Wood ind ireu with Ill I IOJO work , 1100 Judith 21124 Harbor SNd we·re 1Hklng to bulld a puppy, mate, 2,,., moa ---------ember c11tmney1 and •• ~~••••••••••••••• 873·89"1673-4037 coeta ..-... lebur POOi OI QUt lllled OIO, 1100 Rod 632-4781 ,,,, .. 6.JI "'' flame bulbl. Comrlete. 18' 'I.AT IOnOM WHIZZEA 1940'1 rHIO· 5411·8023 840.•1170 or•plllo en• pereonMI for O•ve. 1163-9133 1119' ••••"'••••••••••••• •• '30 c.ah . ...._He ev w/1'AA1l.IA. 1226, red. V1lue 1t,100 A•· l HO Jeep CJ7, 8 c:yt, 4 on·c•ll work In Ill• pre-Pet Owner• w ptact VICUUm 120. L.-n Chelf, 642·2t23 ev/wtlnd1 king 1700 Cell 1173-0720 epd, 20MPO. t oll top prHI 1111 At leHI one • IWIP lllT 9ed1prHd, Iron, 18 IH .. _, h d d 1•"00 11 CREVIER ytlf'• eKpetlenee In type. your pet white you VllCle• H Ch . All WOOd flCln ,,, ,_,.,.....,. ••t-/H/ -~~·O•~~r·. ""' rm . Miii"" peal• up c:ll'lll!a tlon. no CIQM M4·11228 liV9'1J Sundey, 1111'1·3pm. ~.,. ._.. .. ..... .... • --Or•ng• Cont College. 1h1Mng unit oo• 1800 llm# NII ,,_,,,, 1110 flMtt 1111 ..... operauon or ptetematclng AKC COCKER M PUP flelrvlew & Arlington. mall•~. 7~M. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• '76 W~ Full powtt. II n«l .. l&fY You mutt be llull, 1hot1, 8 wka old, Olll Mell Adml11lon l!NJOY YOUA IOAT '71 HONDA. 750-f , Super 24.000 mtlee tleOO obo .. Inlet ....., ev1lleble to work on a $ 25o1 o e o r•• 10 buyere. Seller Aelrtg«etor, good cono. L .. ue dO tht worttl ~ blk 4 In 1 Kerker Chtl• 1107-11148 s.iee-~Leulng eub1t11u1e Of ceH-l11 bMI• (2t3)43 t-1&71 ReMl'vetlOnlllnfo Mrnot1,... ooudl. VerNlll. r*nt, oe.n.,.. hdr chro~•. 8.000 orig we 1pec1ellie In Euro· Salaf\' dle>end• on expe----------846-()111. petre. hp Newport mll•• Mini c:o11d Mull Tt•dl 1111 PHii OeltYefY rtence Contact Peraon· &56-NIO Large Swimming Pool, Melntenenoe IMMM1 ue 11 HO/but olr ~;;•R;~-;·,~·;i:X... Wllll OllTMI I,,.. •3• lttet !!~.!!J!~ ...... ~~! 72 FAMILY. lrvlne Com-eppro• 4' high" 12' IHll llMlu M7·l846 u oo or b .. t olfer SUYIOl •U 1m Plltf 2 Kitten • need good muntty Nllf-V Sdloofe. ~,,OOod oond taO. ~1 I 11.,. YAMAHA AD 126 twin 876-81112 Ul-1111 homH 7 weeka, bOK 211d Annu1t "Born lo ....,....,,9 ,.... -,..,, «>rid tow mllM 80 oe 3~~ •• ~~!..~t tralneo 544·3 t 68 111 B1rgeln" Ger•"• Sate. •••• •""""••••••••••• 11 • • 11°00 1711 F2SO .,,, ton 4 )( 4 44• I 2 W 111 .,.,.. ..._ • S.WarefrlQ.w«>ndltl<>-'87 Evtnrude 16 HP m6 .. Ph .. ~ mpg • ooomt Lotiof xtrN Att S1n11Ana Odd IOba Grocery 1hop· pereon 1880 Pt1cent11 ping, etc 1 to 2 hr1 per C M ""' c M 84S 2367 I --.-.... --- IFF1CI llLP c T & [•Tl Multiple o~n1ng1 M•I• HEA " . & female, h0mem1ker1 & Find out how to t>ecOme llu<llllll OK Full 1118'1/ l Some partlllm11 1vall No •xr•rl•n1.• n•c•11ery.' wtl train .-,ppl)" et 0252 O•tden Grove Blvd Sul· I le •6, 0 0 11111 4040 P111 time meld for wee .. k11no1 Smell mu111 1n Coron• del Mnr $4 25 pe1 tlr lo 1111r1 1.1/:l 4'J20 Pert time MOll•Utl / anHHIH RICH I THll ............. ., l11hllllta dlgH llon ol c•I I o r te ric h 1 t er che•1 (poteloea, plu1. b•11ed & 1p1gt1e111) Qround floor u lea op· porlunlly For 1nlo cell 963-553!> or "96 4744 SAUi E1"' bl(I money working P•rt limo by tho Beach CALL W W Wlk.O• 114 -960-844 t SelH •nEq"•'O""'tyEm""-4pm Set , May 16, SAM ner.6000 .. TU,llttentNt, •"""/080 .,1.,.....,, ... ,. ..... .,.. Cfoaec:t Sundl " ....... sz r& •• ·-lnTU 1•aa1 Pln-.. av-. ca111. 8 ..,.,., ... ................... ' • ---9""""' ~ ~· ..... 11&0. 6'1·7212 •ft . 87M764 ,11 -••• lll ----Homee w..-Oeeperetet ea lnl'I Trev. Q . Vehlcle Operllor. Dlaf·A· 8 wit M 54M2t9 en 4 1---------"1-.Jlaa ... I OIB t 11 Johneon, r9Clent 4000 mllt1 with 38 mo tAll, Kini cond, 1tereo. nioe. S8ddlebtok Valley FREE Tiki Hut, UH l or YUi WI OVll'heul, l660 firm (213) werr l ike new $2450 I 9 6 0 I B S T 0 FR ' u ee 111 w/xtnt drllllng Bllh HouH or Storege M u 1 t u II •II II em 1 • Wulf4 1111 831 ·2202. 858 W 18th 011 • r . Mu 5 T s El L . I 642·2823 av/Wknd• rtJcord Starting S• hr Shed 71 4-904-81174 MOVINQ1t 1tem1 tnctud• '~i~.M;;;~,Z.;p·;;o,;t:~ 81 848-4829 '7" Dataun -Ktng C1b .• I 0 E 830-8111 btwn motorcycle (760 Honda "' .. lo tt•M IO C TV HI tlller 1100. 1141-2011. Lewc:o 20 amp Ballery "ONO• CT70 Trett/ •P••d. -40,00 mll .. " 1•1•ll•11 10 hopper). • dr pr-. • ... 2a•• I " " T I b•-.,...,. ..., Charf•r 01 boat, cam· s1r .. 1. Good cond •200 Very cleen Air. 1~1 w/ W•1TEA/WAITAES8 •••••••••••••••••••••• v g•m•. exerc .. ,,..,. • • 7 .. , 0 B 0 • wt1t."cir for wicker bll l(INO INNEFISPAINQ EX· cit. 1twlng m achine. RALPH'S STAMPS per 006 ' " · 963-5272 ftnl1htd Interior 14760 k •1 1 u n c h 11r vic 1 TRA FIRM m1111 .. 1 NI, 1nt1qu ... gte11ware, Neec:t no 703. rewerd. 848-4 · ·~a MINI .. ,. Trell 11.,.,,.,. 903~534 Q never uNd. worth 1630, ~uni, 10011, 1nd other 835-7776 ext. 17 Hobie 18 Mein & Jib XJnt ' ~ _.,""' -.,-,-C-.._,.,--P-U-~-,--1'41W-!I :io.1 30 pm. Mon-Fri u c 1248 dtl Nt11e1 ou--"-'d 11-1. '""c. ---------d ~II hi 1'••0 cond 1225. • ..... , . • on. S150·1175 wkly Mu11 bl -"" _,, •• Nent tn•Kpen1lve DOO con " w le ..... • 903·6272 eltern1torl regul1tor & 1101. peraon1bl1. 1n11. UHd queen II, wo rth Sele SAT/SUN MAY 16th HOUSE for m.o lg dog. 87&-~600 brka va eng, run• •1111 o•tk: 1179_0747 at lO•m 13911, c11h onty. 1218 & teth et 2688 S•nt• 84&-ee02 '" 4 11182 Elllnrude 4,,. hr.· ne-11174 SUZUKI TM126 F111. Incl cmpr wl atove, ,, •• 101 •PPl ~:41_7~~u llll)" home, An• Ave. CM 11., uHd, w/3 g•. gH rune tood. MUST SELL I box 4 lg bid. lt796/btl IOI loLflEI llW S1le1·Servio.·Lfftlng 850 N Btactl Blvd L• Hebre 122-HH ---...---HAllE otn'TY'S IUUT N1llonal IHdtJr Ill tel• p11one markeunv '• Mii king 2 queJlllll<l lndlv lor dlverallled wurll on be n.11 01 mejor c.11.,it c.orp Appllc1n11 mu11 ti• re llabte lntetllgeul, meturtJ & "1011vete<J II you t~u• Illy piNIMI call Mr Ci1ry 54!>-S7711 Wln.••s;wanu ------Spring HouHcteentng ~ANJ!~.J:! o~nger can. U26. Celt Doug 1260 BO 949-3744 ofr 548 2142 J 11..-**I BUY** Sale 3041 Donnybrook ou · ton• Turin work 873-1434. 1970 KAWASAKI 260. 'S4 Chev 3-qtr ton lllkt GOUd weoee. no lip• Cell Ln, CM Sat/Sun 9-6 ble lle3·26~ homl 842.,.910 ah. 7 New lllOCkt. runt llrong bed Xlnt mech ,ond ftnten 111. lrt., 67:l· 1730 1°' appt Oood uHd Furniture & Furniture. bite ... clothe•. #•tlt1J ..... ...... MU 8 T S • 11 S 3 O O $1850/0 BO 8411-343 t WOH PltOUltll Appllancea-OA I wlll NII etc. Sat t0.2, Sun 11· t t. I 1113 8411·3744 --& Parl·tlmtJ e1111rnblor min 30 hr wk Wiii train In quire 1145 4111111 blwn 8 llAM C ell u 1 1bou1 the CIUltllndlng CUOIJr o(l porlunlll1J1 •• 111 1111u· r41r11.•AOfl"I Tr111n1no w111 no1 1nterlore with (our preNnl omp10ym901 r ap d EXXON'S • QYlC or SELL for You 245 Klnot Pt. N.B. ,,,..,.I (FULL) fOf 24 to 28' NII· '711 HONDA XL 175 Auna 'll ftf'4 0..,W • 0 d c 1 • •&-• 1-...1 v·~:=.·h·.••8••.:r•l•n•g••8/••1•n•la•h• bOll 1126 At1 6 grHI ••oo Second owner Aun1 •• r er pro Hi ng.. .,_. _,,. MULTIFAMILY SALE ~.. "'' 4114-2113 -I ~ 1 1411 .. ..... 1-•n r mt 1•1-1111 1••ff21 guller. pert con •as Call 1173.-2912 °0 ~• gr eet ., P•"'nei ••• • urn r • •r Antlqu" & cotl~t1ble1, • ••• 7•79 C.111 EH 540-8894 ~ 4417 W CO..I Hwy NB JHll •-1 l040 ·7• HONDA 750 .,...,. " I .n "u..._1 lg 1elect1on 2408 Holly l ~ ••• , ., ,.81 T • x • II .. ,. ..... Lene, Npl Hit SAT t-S. YAMAHA CLARINET ••••• •••••••••••••••• Cle1n mech eound ••. t.. oyoll.. .. •• 1.1.t.•.•.~ • .'!.'.......... l ea -115T_·ll t33 SUN 9.4 1300 Call Judith, Witt rent, lffH .or T .O.P II In . $ 8 5 0 I 0 B 0 S 1!>00 and l•ke O/Pyml i---------on your 20·25 N B po· 64;.&,78 63e·51137 51 ... ·SeM<le·L .. alng IUY'tARVER I( ll ~~ 'J'i( l ·111\1\\ .... .._....., " •""' 9e3·45 lll A•liHll 1005 I N-IUll·llle mettr ... Mt, B 1-11 1173-59"1873-4037 w •' b o e 1 B r Y • n ------------------ --------· '111le1-H11dwer• run time ••••'••••••••••••••••• 100 N•w queen tile .•• ~'!!.'•••••••••••••"':!'! 1964 LES PAUL 873-1388 Of llr.G-1324 '81 Yamaha 85-0 epectal II. Sacrifice 89 ClwVy 'h ton pui1t1on retell hllrdw1rtl bti• ..... -......... $100 750-~32 w•rrr•• ••.at• TVmodel ettcJiultar. ---------, 4,4 60 ml Like new pkup Xtnt cond Cutt 'I#' ~ A 4 • PAIT TI•l II 9pm E xp1ndlng youth coun...Clng llrm ha1 Opt· n1r1g1 IOI '1·5 ~hllO OUI going m11ur11 p•OIJI• to mollv111 em1.11uou8 10 13 yr 01 01 (.11 11 2 'i1Jm 1142·432 I , flXI 343 .-.ak !Of Andre• Pll PAIT TllH Experienced preftJrr•Hf llmllt O on·th8·l<>h 11111 n1ng 24 houra WtJekly Fie.Ible hou11 Some $111· urd1ye Call 114'·417 1 Ao.em.,v lor •r>PI 11r .... C.11t tall) Pi11t 330 Well Bay 51 Co111 Met& An Equ1I Oegty Emgr P11m11 J6 Mlehle !>reel/Tien 1 t,<>IOf }·"> ~rt llAP Wit ling 10 run 1m1ller pretMK !)~ fl rtld ti> In l tQ Hllll Ou Niii f t.f:n >Klerlee ~ H•ll t>eo•flfl C.•11 Ii~ 1 lJ')()() P111m11 <...11merel1Jl1l•11u<Jm •• 111111n1 Mnn ('ll>M "' rtpprn.t. lll>M) T Uet l:.!f.11111 10 eppru.t. 81JM1 frl (!; 'Sf'M1 'hi t9 '>PM) Wiii work vnrucal <.om merclel cemtJ1' llrtow '''dUI! ()f r•M T 11rr11 r'lftt hnlplul f 1c.1tll lr1r r:nl ll'IQe "Ud!lnlt Wiit\ flJl ll llJd C.11106& Apply 111 person t660 Plnt,1tnlt1t Ave .C M HClPTIOlllT F 111h1on l•l•nd amell 01 11ce I •l•phonet 6 llf,lhl t~ng r U" working co<1 a111ona f H11ll11n1 uluy & betWMll• 114 4 9 114 Keot,tf H itt I ~at Ito Tral ... NewPofl S.ech Lew 11rm lull time C111 9 5 7S2-2522 11 ... ,vseo, ll'tmpt>r•ry l>'Jllllflll 11~ 1mmedllllll/ 1" Ae111u r1111 0.11(1n ~1rm IOf ap pro1 0 I<> 8 w9111<1 HW11 8 AM lfl ~ PM PIMtll ca" Chllfyl at Oren~ t ounty Aetllur11nt .,9rvlr.t1 280 t Oe1m111r 51 <i t nt• Ane 714-841-S732 Rt11•ur1n1 Ullll *DUGOUT* "' -·~· ---·----•250 • """' .. Partner wen1ed. 26' S«tp. Su,,_ ........ n, trHled Ilk• whit 307 eng, 3 1pd 11ore no Sunday• or Pr•vete party Sii & Sun Pecen credenza, BuNtt, w/llendllSO 840.8777 • .... 9VY .. J1cll EKpreu Cebl n ......... _ Good mpg $1800 •v11n lng1 Sell Sieve l)nly 9·6 17711 Qtenney 1boul 5· Aaklng I 125 1-----,-----111• T-..... Crutaer $2200 down.. •• .~·..t>1 ... •11100/blt olr 54S-6893, 548·818e H w Wrtghl Co 128 r e L ag un 1 Bea c h 963•4090 9yroldrtgd AppyGe4d • --1113mo lncldtH.H.81tp .. .....,..... __ _ fll)(;.hfltt~ C. M 494 1119' --WNl/Eng 11000 or 1>Mt Guitar w/cue 1150 Slnt D•t.• 869•0600, Evu •78 KU50 Faring & Bet" ·711 Dat1un Pickup Long Living room peean cane otter. 831°7166. Nf1oUI beglnn« • ,.327 Bagi •1200 Or ........ 1 01• bed, ahall. air 1hock1. 'iALfc; Rect1ngui.t dropieel Ill> chfl w/vel\let Miii Al----------876-7079 5., ·• • .,.... ·~ s t~" -·•t .... .. .. "11-~ IOI• f-. ••9.7900 $3000. 611t ·t0311 Ill t911 I 320! BMW Eac..!lent cono. 18.000 ml AM-FM ceue111, 1unroof, air conditioning. loadtd ,\1k•ng 114.800 or take over peymen11 of S374 mo Cell before 5 pm VICKI 528-1 t43 S • l K E & "' "" .. _ · i.1ng St25 1163-4090 ,.••H•• -• ., P1rtner wented 2 4 11 --"""" • 857·06301849-2858 ---•••••••••••••••••••••• Guitar. Ellf)lione, IQOUltlc. SE·A·Y SUNO .. "'CEA lit I I d d II -"""~"-------Buels , Couch & lov ... at. nr new Frenoleoan China, equ1/ $180 or bee1 Offer " " "" · 0 • • 1'1 nee 1 10 11 '8 t BMW 3201 5 ••d I OAK 42 ' ANO TABLE •Int cond Alklng $300 tllv•. r complete Mrvlee 4.,,,. ,...,,7 NB 1llp 16000. C1n fl. '78 YZ100, xlnl cond. fl•I ff7G ap ' Cl•wfoot ___._lat w 12" 3 •""" . *700 080 .... ......, n•nce. Daye 861·0600, 16116. 979-1942 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1unrool, i lr c:ond, ittoy START HERE ..,...,..... 98 ·'"""" fOf 6 Pertec1. • . ·79 Dodge c:u1tomlzed wheeta. 1m/fm BMW le1I, S300 8S7-08311 540-0942. Oll/n l•tallan I d•IJ9· Evee 667•9327 t976 Honde 400-4. rune ven. ever" poulbl• op· 1ttroo GllHll• Extr• lh L .. I Tl I Plffe ler I ltffll •••f I 28 SF TS FB 1 " 3'" F d 11 01,.,nueea metH001Merc11>net,porceta111 ,135 no.o739 c ,nonbellBedbyBur-L.J-••I ._ Cellfornan .. Kint , 2nd owntr tlon.Aeducedto l10, aharp .• 14. "'"'re 1.1rcul1111on dept current o.incn top. $200 ltngton Ilk• riew lllell ••• -:1:'~-............. Analou1, try 114,000. $700/b•I 011 631 ·1377 600 848-71188 640-6732 'Y hat polltlonl opon In I 857 -0636/a49-211511 I Walllfbe<l. delu•• o~. lloatatlon. Coll S1200, 1;,~ •• h ... , ::o-. r~:.b~p· .:t 84e-400tl. Y•m•h• 500 Enduro . ·11 Chev Wdw 111n Str, c,,~, 111• ulea A• • lleld ropre· g large dr1were he•t•r. • ..... ...,, ••• .,..,..., 21 ft f-'----f 11 t d 1 t ., aentillve you'll earn Wlndaor 1plndle ch1lr1. P d 1700 k 1400 -.vvv. ""'~""" chelra. l yr old. ••king --cere u l •o re , m n CIC, 03K mt Kini cond. •• ••••••••••••••••••• Morly w10e & ~out "'e~i~l3~34':~211s11 5:ri.01142 , .. , Jrnl" 1110 StOd Coat 1800, Hll 250 CNNdef, enilN 16 cond . t 19S (7 14 1 12600, 5'111-2429 -·7b3r;~r1 ,.r~~',' ~gc,;;:" comm 1111o n1 11r 1 ---------••••••-"••••••••••••••• l300/b1I 848-1945 11(1011 et 8 OPH 84Ch 673.-3377 75 Dodge Ven, good $tll00/Bll olr 1140•1143 4 f!PM For 1nfurnu111on A Ji 101' Unllr W101U L1dl11' 14K yellow gold TYPEWAITEA, EXXON VHF. 2 depth IOUndefl, •73 KAWA 100 Enduro cond $3450 or bHI Of· _ ------ <.All 714 1167 7381 ext .!//..! ... ~~!........... FlllnlU Aot111 dtlll wetch HI OYX 2+ Et«trontc Prt. 2.4 Rover rett and 2 HP StrHI equipped, runt fer s.&0-6332 110 Cec>fl 11 V8. AIC. 1m1 14'04 HAABOA AREA w•lflllll Glll· wt 8 .. 17h_21.~~emond1, $1195 d I II J, h mtr Many more 11tr11. good lt75/bo dey1 --tm c111 LO 11111 xlnt pp NCE SERVICE • " ...... c . 0 • • 0 n xlnt thl110UI I 14,600 OS 1·0311 111/wknd• A•I•• W••IH ISH S3250 5411·11242 SALES pe11 on w1n11d A LIA u-1 845-7000 708-9062 ••0.113 .. 3 . • ••••••••••••••••••••• --Sund ll l F11h1on1 l a We NII recon<J • guar I -hqul1lte ·~ 111 wedding "" " WI HO YIM DlllH f1ZO gun. B'h ,111111 •1 11pp11encee 549.3077 B•ll ptlcet guaranteed Nt~ll~a"-dl·--... 1 Interior Ou lgn Studio 23. Seecf.,, ~tr• II J // ~ " .. 785 E I ~ _,, ,_ .,,...,.... furniture. 6K8 work & Lele •77, ......._ l7 •i-.c flll ..... , I I .... ftU iRa•t •••••••••••••••••••••• 497-4714 Aefrlg $225 W11h•r, l l ding er ' I !> It AW Muet Mii Aedvc:ed 2 t ,_, _..... - Dryer. Dlahw1ther 1 12~ weal Of He rbor 10 1 1800 780-09911 •torage teble, t ·wet-0 18'1, tuna tower, duel ••tlll•1•1• lllO Anynwng conlld4lfed SALES P/Tlme N MO-S8-4ll 8311·7'311 . ~bin. Ille rack J600 controla w hydr llM· •••••:I'•~•••• ••••••••• 1977 thru 1980 Local •ork 1n Newport. DRESSER/CHEST Buut 114 kt cubic Zlr· for ell 64-0-6490 Iv meo ring. \/HF, depth eoun-RE.NT 28 t1 motOf home COlll 1111.u $50 per hf I an IPPUAHU cont•. t4<;1 gold ......odlng ~ der. " lollel, b•ll tank. Sipe a. IUlly klMMd 048-57 81 OICar SollO dark wood. 2·3 HI Velue 1250, rid to Int. 84~ 80111 I L" 957.9133 d""'•· 1_10 83t-13tll 1125 Hurryt 7eo.-0999 UHd 220 Kcellent outr1goer1. 140 gal f'* • l&US «>rid Call Lee 1176 t t211 up· oelV w . meny ••· 1978 Aollelono mint. 20· AEFRIOEAA TOA KINO-SIZE MA TlAESS OOLD BRACELETS • 1111 122,900 Cell Ant· (Ford), 00 Mldleltna, k>e· "Pherl<>menl l L1~e new. froet tree 2 dr & BOX SPRING. $75, Hit & Hera COit $726 et Saturdey only Book1, wer Ad 648, 842-4300. decl $13.500 842-25115 O ppt 'y bolh 1111 /F $165 893-9060 UNd4moe 11311319 Chrlt1mu. Ftrat i400 trundle bed, copper 24 hfa. ••trrllory t>eaCll 1.•11,.. 11c. --11 "3"t o n I h ---------1'78 Eldorado. lmmac 21, 714_.99 235t l l l d)' Kenmore portable Ctler)" ireen uphol LA Ilk .. both 675-7834 em1."' "' rH w e '81·15' eo.ton Wheler di h h h I 7.. )(I A_... ()f H 8 000 ml, ICller penel, ale. --1 wat er. c opp ng ct111ra. ., M nt ""'"" 1111 · 86 hp Suzuki & 3'i't hp. _..,.. & Sf 11 «r AMSTRESSES wanled l blli l op .•lnt $1'5 ll02-6202 ev" ll1t'1••n IBllllT 11 odelC b•'ttenk.eov«,llken.w, ~12,LnA"""'":x.7!701>1 McKlbbln Sellm•••re 8~·9920 •••••••••'•••••••••••• ypewr er m · .. • ~ ...., ., (. 1111 979.1493 A1Glln11, L1ty Boy, xtnl MET AL LATHE lnctudlfl9 Xlnt «>rid $300 IOllOO 638.()799 U.I Ulll cond wlh4Hller & lllbra· motor & 1111chmen11 673-0472 -111-.-t>oe-t-.-ce-b_l_n_4_6-hp_m_tr-.1 T11//1n1 f11n/ 1110 SlCllETHY Fl ti• 11u1111111 11> merk111ng Olrll(IOr N9Wf)Ofl Bo11ch lmmed opening for th4' roghl pe,.or1 C11ll 1•11 lllJl)I 7S2·06'>t I $750 831 •398 ...................... . r .cellent condition tor Brown i old lwHO · • htMttn hit trlr & utru 11600/0BO t6 fl T11vet triller com- ' '00 760-0902 •tt 6 I Sl!>O firm 6 11•9050 WOOD LATHE · NEW end chair. wood greln fl. 831-2878 ptetely equlp'd Sllver- llEFllHilUTll 1111 Wood boo~• ... 8 •hell, $46 • 1131-4398 nlah 1200 or beat offer Flying Bridge enctoaure were, dt1he1. pota •"d 859_0662 I $7!1 Cuatom glsu NEW r.-.BLE SAW 7.,., .. 1131-3388 oft 1 211· Sklpjeck. Kint pen•. but1ne he111r wrought Iron coffOfl llb· t>lsde 1-B-M_E_tect--~---1er--W-lde-cond $150 667-4758 Lero-refrlg ind lrMzer, llYU 1111 I•. co11 $400. Hll $76, $46 831_4398 ca rl8Qe plce type Good porl·•·pottle, 2 butene llOllETHY 8511·06112 1 aaaorted olc Ch•lra, 136 · w~rkln'g cond 0 1 160 IHl1, IHI tank• 1900 Of with~- 1t1v4'ftmflf11 1>11"klng 11rm ei. 3 drawl' deak. '25 ll/1t1ll1•#H IOIO Cull 84&-2862 ~ C'"11l11 IOIO er28'0 10fp 1 .. 1m1 '•r11soot cs..011 1 1 1 WlllU 1111 840-6621 •••••••• •••••••••••••• • in Nwpt Bch looking tor 11~11 0682 I --.---.-.MWAY PRODUCTS dell-1. IOll SAtl."8().\T°Rioe·iru;t Me11 or call 1142·9263. ~'°:nao:.~:~~,\Y~~,1~1: sor~·1:0 yellow floral v•r•d l o your home .!!!.................. vereel Llf• Church Fun-873-1352 I l"•rt-llmH approK 0 h" a E Helrlgor1tor 21cu pr n 873 2 144 Cynthie Bl•k• 041-1215, Fem•I• Cockettet with drelaer Ta• deduc1 18,~ ARISTOCRAT Ilk-; dally 873 09~• lluto d9fro11. 1mrn1c ·-----eve .... 1.321e ceoe. I y.ar Old, '60 876-7896 n-. nol left contained ~~05170 6 " 2 . 0 D t 1 Bleulllul o1k d~ and Siii Soft drink mechtne. 5 ... 842·9066 -•£•11 •.J/ ~• I t 550 offer 55•·9 t 18 llCllETlllY chr New 1890, ucrlllee tect1on1, new ch•ni•r PAMOT --• ,.,_ S2~" 848.3•M ·····'················ A I ·-~,, .,,,, ~Omflon e who do•Hn l Kenmore w11her , e l lH I ;JV, 135-0 Call 1·"6-6e1 Afflcan grey, very young MOTIVATED OWNER • • -m / r. mind WOfl<lng f()f I "ling •I $37 50 209' W•"eee Beeullful orn llOfal aofa & Oeelgner Wallpeper a & teme, I 180. Cat 34. Sall-a-wey eon<I I Att11Htln 1400 AelM1 wltt\ovl ut.tn11 11 Ave 548·701 I toveaell. only few moa Fab<ic.. •') ~ & II"' 847·6863 HetterN 876-87t1 •••••••••••••••••••••• yov ,,, worth 11 3 glrl of ---....... • •oo • •• • ••• .., _. ' LITE BODY WORK & lice l:i1per or l fll/IH I Admir1I SIS Aefrlg Ill ell ""' ... • .....,.._ 720--0739 BABY MOl.UCCAN LUDERS Clualc wood 25' pelnllup 10 &o°I• ol1 your 642 92'17 x In I c 0 n d $ 2 ~ S Sol• & lov .... t. ctlefY & Sliver a cryitel cendll•· Hind led, very attec1IO· 111tbo11 Good •h•P• body a11op .. 1. 636-1832 646 7G09____ ott Whit• cut ve!Wt $460, br• centerpiece . coil nete, 3 mot, 11249 Newport 1ttp. C11h or iii-:===:-iiii ~ urlly Jllnl cond 902-&202 I 4 ti o 8 •11 I 1 3 6 847-6863 trade '3000, 675-8168 ~!!1!}!! ...•••..• !.~~~ ou .. n ·tlie M organ 720--0739 COCKATIEL LIDO 14142411 wltnr .. ·"~ PATROL 0..t• ......... NIQhll Qnty, 7PM lo SAM Mual be 2!1 Of over with gd driving r9'0rd Pre- mium p1y 101 t1c1nHd 1ppCIG1nl Many t>eneftla , .. .,. ....... City ltellfffr 1034 7 LOI Al1mllo. Bl Lot Al8ml101 714 1127-,0:10 G1rr1 bike 28' B1ttoon witerbed wl htr & llner. -1-.-.... -..... ---:"if---.. Sulpher crHtld, 8 mo1 Excel eond. l 28&0/b1t. .,.,.._. 111 .. co11te< brka 150. 1125 With pine deeiOf* •~ old, hand i.med. $4•1 Celt 870-47lll TONNEAU COVER 8117 97&6 ___ __ rrame, se&O 873-3541 .,.. ...... I "··~--84-7-_638_3___ Fiia MG'a, '71·'81 1-•tff ·-FHl 11 fun 38' MaeOregor N-uMd, 176 Rtue Beech Crul-Wrought Iron dinette Mt, •-LOllEblA08 Cet1meren. 122.000 Marla 831-7797 rv mttg uk~57:3~~so ~·:r.~~.~0::-11-,.--,....--...... ---.. -PMGt1=1mpeJr ~:.~2oe.mu 1 1 .. 111 - Boy• SH rl 24" 10 apd, xlnl <.ond, only rldderl 2 wk•, 18b or bHt offer 7'i4-0500. 67&· 7144 $3501080. 83t·l319 ..,.....,.. 1111, -----------------1Bflnd ,_ b<n Jeep lop, 1 tiun I a-,., llH EnHneda 20' lg bn, tttr, & twdWat• Stlll boxed Penn1ytvanle HOUM IOfa. lJM It ••••••••••-:-;1 ••••••••• mere lngehft. tKtru 8M11-nt1 CJ7mdt 1116 Light blue, good cond, INTER.ARMS MK. x Antique piano 1700/bell $4900/bet 114g.2429 494·1912 St50 obo 752•1783 ' Prolt11lon11ty Cu1tom olr En~ll•h IHI 1600 14' Force 6 Mltt>oet, xlnl N-u-c-.-, -,,-.-r.-o-w-/D_o_l_b_y_& Liit• n.w. ell wood 8 ~ Bulll Alfie. HHvy Barrel 1146111 c:ond 1800 or bHt otr AM/FM auto Rev 11&0 country dining room Mt, 22·250 with Aedfleld Story & Clerk Conaote 648-3llOI, Grephlc Eq. UO. Kenny .~:.-...W~K'ft'7~1 •I IA (H ..... C..ty 2026 Hert>or Blvd COSTA MESA 171-2111 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOii UIEI CUI IWIMIUM PHTllO/llllll 24110 •~erbor BIVd COSTA MESA 14MHI 141-Hll WE llY OUUOllll mtalOIS C~MRL CHEYIOUT .~'JI lldrl•1r 1111 'I I , "l \ \1 L'. I S46-IJ ltUllYll Top dot11r1 for Sporu Cert, Buga, C1mpera, 1114'1, Audl'a 77 211oz: boauf cond lOBdfld Mlg1 5 tpd le.600 873-2 t211 ----1976 D111un B210 Xlnl cond 33.000 ml, em/Im 11111eo can S3500 or be9t 984·4"73 211ZI IL "; Ip<! Good COnd '8300 945.5075 '87 DA TSUN ru"1 gr"81. 4 I IP IOOkl 11000 25mpo S87 S bttt o lfer 554-91 tll 1~~~~~~ ........ !.~~! IEW OELOREAN I •060b71 124,IH .. , SllTAW 301 w Werner 141-7411 Alk IOf U/C ~ flll 1111 "" llAllll •••••••••••••••••••••• YILllWAlll ·ea 11&0 F111 187 11 8Mch 81Yd. 1750/0BO HUNTINGTON BEACH e.e-se•a 14Z·2tM '73 1160 Spyder Con11ert ---------1 Loolll 1herp. runt grHI. N1thlkl 10 lpeed Olympic ll•m" AllCltng Bike, ,_ scee11or1". mint cond. N-24 hr cottee •llop -' SE.A\llCE Sl•llon Atlln· t91dom uMd coet 1450 ber opening Jun• t I dente P/llme, S 12 hour H crlllce 1260 or rHI0- wN 11800. aMltng MOO 3K·9K Scope. Coil 11. Plano w /bench. Xtnt e46-883e 860-0126 100 Sao. 1100 Firm. Jeff c 0 n d . p , p I 8 9 & , 811tbo11 Merit 2D N Bet ---------842· 1070, 806.().460 "3·3887 tale mooring. 116,000. cn.vy HHd1 W amD! 120001b11 01r 845-0963 L•I• model Toyote1, VOlvOI. Ptell~ & Vll'le Cell UI tOCS1yl '71 '1.t..,., Aed with gold"frlm, l•n Interior 26K m1 )(Int cond. Ah 8 ..... O-OS04 LOH Ill Fiil Tll lllT .... •a.Ha .......... 1 ..... .. ....,. ............ ............. .............. •httt .. tn ............. COMPETITIVE WAGES Al.L SHIJ' T9 OPEN Apply In l*tOll t-4pm, Ull&IA .. 13311. Ketelll An•helm !AUi tOf Don Mettonl Equal Oppty f m~ Reeteur•nt '".,.., .... Apply betwMn 3 1nd 5 PM . eoo-o Newpo rt C«llet Dffle, NI AeilaH ..... 119M. .. P"1 to IUll time, wlll lteln In bflUI bu1 prefer GOn· elcMrlble ~ tn ,....., clothlno HIH Cotta ....... 141-112, 840·61111 1ak tor Cltrk nabte ottet. 764-&4114. 3-lng machine oper11or o p , qu•llly minded Benefll• Pleoe retM 842·ll052 Tl1UHll IPIUTll With 1blllty to take tele- r.hone ()(def• oooa ... ary Fot 1n111vl1w cell A ll1 on !1 48 -2211 8AM·5PM Ttal,_ ShOw HorN 811· bl• LIYt In Non· 8motllfl 244·2218 Schwinn CtulHr. 11tn1 cond, Tinge IOfkl I 130 or b ea t offer Gery 762~4 t3 '•'"'•' •11tlal1 m• ..................•••. UllllUTU Good MMc:tlon 18-114 FrM deffWry tp«!llll 2'116 lJIQUnll Cenyon RO, UIQutll &di. 414-4784 .. 11.1n. TURl AlllJ Redwood bl decking, EJCperleftoed hw 1,... 4·20' tonci: lllo redWOOd MCI. With followlng. Top f~Cng, Call Jim OI' Ken a 1lar1 714.97 4 ·60 78 _envt __ 1me_._,_,_ ... _,._._,_. -- Evenlngt or .,..411de. Pair entrence doore Trwtl .,.,., :~•tly new 130 f'ull 11m1 Mon a Tuu. n1ght1. Thure & Fri, 11.a,, .. i.1t IOll t..-6PM. Oooct dt"M"9 r• i. •• A•••••••••••••••• cord, min. aoe 20. AodY Penny11ver 1eeo Pl•· 04H111• Ave CM .......,,. .... (2 13) 831·2202. 858 w 17&. Set Sofa and iov. ... , Top Magic lll1nd OOIO Mtfn· Intl•• .... ,.,,,,,, 18th 81 848-4338 quatt:i,. Over1tutted ptl• berlhlp, mull 1111 • •••••""'••••••••••••••• EAC£DES ....... ·-t ...... m1rllet velul 11260. Wiii ':t" •~ •••••• '76 Ertc:ton 23, c:telu•• lr1f '82 M """' -_, NII I I 1100 Cati Doug ......_ & 1111 oeer w/Oena Pkng, RAOfA TOR l60 193-3770 ~men~ 861 -2000 .. . 720-0739 Ir y I a 4 5 0 I II r 842-0631, 845-9142 Petlo Furniture, old but Et.otro~lo &ed. Bt1nd J-"•• ,_, 1114 7t4-o4&-22t7 • vw whMlt ol1 '81 .Httl ~from epertment new, never uHd I I 111 .• r.:.-::w.............. 17 ft l'J*nll 176 or belt Qfr. 848-5317 11· 111 :ir:110 Pdl7M Tr9deor ... fot Atm. mod. l70 20,J:•· with tt1tltr, Ilk• new. lfl 6 P'"· eectt ti chtlf• Ndl. 1576 5'1•2429 pump. Llkt new. ew lte&otofter. t7o-ot03 ---'------ l>Vf I Ot 111846-3361 ' C:UI. Ct kit I 170 ••lfl lft 6.lf 2 Matching Lampe the 2 COior TV'• 1115 & ll2t. 84o-eot7 Udo 14 with traller 11760. •••••••••••••••••••••• pair U6 B1and new I.It ek & white portallll Munerl Slit 80011, alnt Like new. IMPOATANT NOTa 846-i293 ~~· .. ~!01~112Z' 120. All c:ond. ~ 10. eo.t 1260 (2t316M-H47 TO Al.40EM ANO ""'" ....-" "· ... taO MO-M76 AOV!lllTIS!AS 2 End Tlblet NO for both · Sabot for ..... ~. The price of t11m1 •d· Brand,,._ 64._..293. LM WIWS -•-~•-Good condition UOO YWllMd by ~le dee• 30 Hetlurn lllloOM 'r, _, t.4t-6720 aft 3 PM In tht YINCle cleMl- Aoom dllllder with gt111 Delt\IW«I + Oll'd. Perteet .,., ,..._ "" ..,., 1httf HI. lrend new. tor.,..., OCOM6or\ 0t9et .. ~7 .. ;:;;;........ ...,., IU,, ::. ~ = 14M29G t1or7 .. bJ!d1•e1a I gr1du1l... 1 :J.~1 f. ~ ~' ..,., "7i ptlcebl• 1a11 ... ttcenM . OUl:EN-Stza RD -· tt2-6Hs 176-17"4 ••••:.=;:.· ..... •• ••••••• \renaftr feet, llnanc• Like new, w/dl• wood a roic 1 oord 2 fl loO• ' ....,..., cfWget ..... tot'* ~ l\dbrd, 11211 1010. "l/e YouhtUI l!AUTtfUL U " lllCA lllpl9¥elldlly,wtl0tmo. 1111ton oontrot device 873-6413 ·7eo.ot02 .,. s C060t TV ... 2 yr wmty. M-oee1 ~lf101tton• or d••lef 11.a, .. , i.11 ... , Arm1~oterfum no. 81~· =·:=T7H II' ...... I ~1~0n"~~:~~!/~'rft~:~ 1l'•i"Au••••••H•9•'9l Wll 1'6" • 1'4" a.y ~f ott l.Aoe ... OlherwtM lpeclfled by ou1t11oneci, me blue le1r'• 11" oo~Tv. 1 Allklno MOO •r ' !fie_, rtlil« ~'a:c:1t11rn . 140, ;;,:C.C:::.1...; •e 7t4 .... f.12t7 ~. PD bf!pfl/ 4 Wheef• 14•1 Wire IC)O-~TV. I ponor111':0~""0Clt0Nd· M"lt /!1...1.. ,. .. Md lt':4utao ... ~:.;~ • .,... .. UP TO 21tt.1110 mo. ···~·:.a;~···':T UT/ .. 1-1 TYNT , .. , ' nlltabte, OOod ... lary to lterl N~ lllTIO· IP!«•· ,Of lnteMlw cell AlllOn 50·2271. IAM..WM. """ , • ., p1oed P" Dept/ 111vNf A' SILE ..... " ....... ........ ,. .. '"'""'• ,,, ......... ...,., .............. ..... 2111 IAITl w av. ,.., lltdlnt~Qltte Dooft HIW l(Uf INAKIMI MWCM ~ ~ ,...._: .... a 4·aew· 121. MM!tlO ~~~~.'!!I~ oouptt. 4 10 ohooH ____ .,~ H•wport 10' lllp. 11lnt from I (0011311 • MIT AL I UM Pl" f Or loOl"°!?t --"Y . ..,_.. AJOll)i fllrtOet " Wft111 Wok en. tr• OOklf TV, """ pet'Y ., ... TUI. ., ...... 1Me-0110 ~. 11IO· 1to-111t .. II, 1,,.11 '°'NI• PIN'IAM 2 fOf 1, H " Odot OOMOel TV Ill, ;S IOod • 1111111. MO ot ~ .................. !.:~~~··•••• l'•IODOAI ROBI NS Irvine M AeenoY ..-1 an~ peraon wtltt HCetltftt typing, tr•m· "'" a prootlno •11111• lelllno enythlflO with • t71-1000. OeMy PllOt Cleu"'-d AO 1---------Ont1lt11 -liietm; ootr;, lijTi;i;;4-ICllT;;;;;;;i,--1 NI0/090. 111•1111 •• ,,___... i...;;.;OOHIOl.;..;...~-Ll~ITIM~~O~ Tir•". ~:fi. ·r.~t ~-=-ro1n, 1Ao1" .,.,_ ......... ttoo .HO etr. tn·111 •t.otlfl t 11 • etmp[e metier ll!LL Idle lllm• with • .... Oii Mt·61'71 Deir Ptloc CWelfted AO. b 1111 .•.••...............• WE'RE DEAL IN' lllDIATE DELIVERY ON MOST MODELS SAVE AT HONDA SANTA ANA ,_l~Opei\AI o.zo~A~ 11 till. .... Cl( Mlln> 540-7430 \ ' .. I H ultlul ·n"'HO'i\d. AO· oord, I •IHI, AO, Out d 1tert0.MWG.~1eg r.:..:=uo.o to u1•0 '11 AoOOfO LX. l'M 0111, IO•ded. 1unroo11 NII or NIUtM ...... l:.tU mo "od l lt·Ht I d 1y1, ~tM-.. '71 Aooord, Aulo, 1/0, lllTl/lm, reg 1111, UHO. 641·•7•1 '71 Honde Clllto, 4 1po, •Ir. I owner. •Int oond '3000. 17M362 - /~~! .......... !.~~ '78 J1guer )(JS. 1porty red. t OWMr. •Int cond. 12t.600/080 87S03&6 t '87 420 8 1d1n Oood GOlld Mutt Miii 12900 "' beet oft1t W~9 t '73 2 + 2, 11Hquo6111, wlfl wheel•. ten 1Mt119' Int•· rlor. 111 orig 24,000 m1111 1 12.60 0 64&--4793 '71 )(JS 2+2 epe, 2·<lr, 311K ml, Ill!• nu 17500 firm 6&9·7140 ... 1131 •.••••••.•..........•. Orange CoHt OAIL Y PILOT /Thurlday, May 13, 1982 ~.-.'!.'.!~mt~ •...... ~.~'!!.l!'!tttt ........ .•'!!.!Mlffl ....... ~ ... ....,,.!,~~ ...... ~.'.'!!.l!'!m!tt .•..•.. ~.''.~ ..... ~~!t .........• ~ ... ~'.'1.9!!!. •••••••••• ~.'.' ... ' .. ~!!~ .......... . ~!o',1:0~~"'\.t:u:ri !futm."'-1~1.U! '1tlt1'!. ......... !.~ff fl.~'l .......... !.~~I Y!.'~!!!~l!!. ..... !.~!~1 r.'1~.'!!~r.!. ..... I.~!! f.~IJ!~t ......... !.~H f!'!!!.{•.' ........ !!.ff M~!!!~ .......... !!.1~ tt3000f t.-.OWt ..... ·~·":~:~.:~ ... 0~., urttTER .... ~llMlno 1 • ·o ... 11. 111 .. nu 1111 nr"' 111Y1MAn11 111 n ,.m r!c:!•:,n~~ =· h1 It.. Dye 71t·h H , UH llllJ'1 ....... lhruo ul Mu ll UI lu111f AM/fM t1bullt 0&11.LA01 We 11•111 I OOOd ttl•e e4ld 10 N000 Ml tM• MO-tnl .. IMJ.. .... U 400 41f·t617 ""O ~Ible l tt!IO We 1pec;lallta In leuat llon o l N[W I UH D !f.•tfff ... I.'" t H7 MllO•OH. 4 door. IH,' HelbOf llYO ta,...... .~... &411 :17&8 '"' lhl bueln•H l.llKU t.n.vroi.ttl 74 M11i. IV 311Y« Atl!WV •• •••••••• •••• I l 700 or bllt olfet OatOen Otow OO OlWIOOI' 81'1'1/IM,,, 'II IH 1111 11119 I profMllOllal mOI Cherry ,ond loa ... = kt-ol31 ...... Ml·tl4t ................ LtHlll window defoglllril* Of• I Run• llOOO ~· t4•7, ntt:~!':l oon<l l.Mst ltlttttH Oed, 13200. 146 t ... & ...4 .• , '°°°· •Int c.ond. lo""· l 14 111-1111 Whit , •• ., ... gd oond 11 vw 8UI ff2 IOJ4 All 4 tf ... 1112 .,,,.,. '"' ft 1 ... IUl l 1111.e new I U 1100 toeOO. 17&·4&00 t.hempa(lf .. CdltlC>tl 111• 014'N1tt ••••••°'•••u••u••••• ~ .. , Jt/fll 770·1H7' ' 'IO POfaeh9 124 fUfbo l Sunroot am/Im, 4 ep<i f1/., • ... I• It ... ! '10 Marqult S ta Wg n _,...,. 1 --'tO Poreoh• ta• l otll r1r1l1 1111 '4&001060 1142 eou •••••••••••••••••••••• m11.11111h.1lly eound, Compere HOuH 0 Im '73 Ml 400 Sil 10101d Telle onr IH ••1••••••••••••••••••• 11 1 Ytht haler N\)W""H~ A M/f M e lr I 1000 pottl Olreot ..... Ind~ )Cini ooncs Mon.ftrl 111 & I .,. .......... ,. 7t4/lll&.t808 71 ToyOll Co1un1 Ilk• 71 I/AN L111om11k.. 11 ,, ..... ··--t.f •. • ·10 C.AMAAO 140 40tll Of 100 04118 mot Mtlllble pymt1 ..,..., 04._2434 , ... _.. ,_ Alf, 1/w+fld cHlfog. 4 cap111n "htt, lc.ebu•. ..._ -., --*MIST llU.* 1 13 Of 71 4, Ml!~EOU '71 TA.ROA, •lnl, MUIT ooor. ,_ brak11' tlr11 1tnk, 1unrl, b1nohtHI ( ';\ ) I I ,, ' ... ,,.. "" 11 713 0t 7t4/637-2333 ·ee 700. AM /FM, new 8 Ellll O rig o wnr 13600 Cell Doug Turin ooM 1o btld Citrn pnl IAW, IUVtOl • ' ' • tlany Y•I c.l111yl Auto •••••••'•••••••••••••• ttHI redl111.16 mpg, 140·4266 t w o rkl 873 · 1434, N .eoo orb"t H O 171131 A•I Wllll 1•0 111 • .,,1~ .. 1 w/0 1.yl 1u 111ve yw g•Hf 11HO Mu•••1111 lctn1 c.Ofld ~1•11•n't you willed long t t "llOO '"7"03"0 .. " I '\ II• ·• • m11110• lfuc1t.a11111•, &11100 01 b1•t 01111 enough to own• Mer •In • • v ..... • · '11 ,.....1114 142 4lltO 111 ePM 111 .. v 40 & ... oo xa3o2 OVFRlfA8 oruvrnv '' · ·· AMllMl<.atMl1•6 mo1 011 ao fl:l•fl lll dU lena? Don't •• , ., 1141 R.O, xlnt Oond, 161118 Ot re Coioll• DIA, 00.000 ml. dye I I XPHHS (IJ36WU01 JUll r111(1 •• ttlle oe>c>OttUllll}I P•M YW •••••••••••••••••••••• make of11t &4&-0I06 auto, AC, 11111 new. U . ·n vw 1un1001 v1n. pro 01 C.uupe dtt VIiie, 40,000 ll e blo pa r l y 10 make 19 'J <1001 4 c;yt c.opper by .to! nowl We ll1ve • ---16-0 046·8044 l111lonally done, ou11om URL.I Ill 111110 Have IO HI 111 1mell mortlhfy pmh No I 1m/lm •1•110, 'J new 11r1tat1IO 1111c11on 01 ATTllTill '1 3 114 Portohe Xlnt ikyfl uht. pelr•t. wheel YllYI •11111ac1 11111 S flfl"> olow11111c.11 1ci 111u0,. 1111 • 'IT.100 tt••I•• model• I eoiore 1v1111-• ..... oond. Low m ll11g1 '"•••• 1111 -.II• & 1ntr Tight ty111 21 ~48 2~18 N<• tii t k iiml• 11111 At1< I IHOO oao Mu11 Hiii ble rONNEAU COi/ER 111400"' bell oHat Call ...... r.•••••••••••••• engine. Mike ollarl Ot · tll60 Harbor Ulvd ftJr llo •tt 94 :,o 440 0 < 111 41iil 4t~V M IUllll 1'111 MO'•. ·11 .·11 e3t·H22 •n Tll I "4 IC*ll•l 13t-0003 COSTA Mr &A Tiii WllST ll">fl ioo8 P101v WA ot AUr 1QllO Mutt•no. e .. ..._ ... Air, tunrool, low mll11. 141·111114t·l41l IELEOTIOI l ~•• ~ uMCI. 170 ·.,.. C, comp! r .. 1orec:t, nu lOOlt.t end rune grHI ·79 vw ConY1tllbl9. ble<;k •OHYml c.yl o e>lu• mpg . 11.110 1301 <>u.ll 81r•t Matla 63t-7707 Ill TllQ e ngine, allllOOIOBO P /P 13600 ll4l·06 ~0. on bl1Gk, 13,000 mll11. ol l•I• mOd ... low mil•• tr 111• Af(, redlo A•du NEWPORT 8E.ACH -213·447 ll2&e 626 aoo t Bra. Outl cover lmmac A1111 U•H 11• C1dllle1.1 Ill 601.lllllJll HW 1112 • 4"l to ,. 8~ 760-0998 ........ '7& MO. ,,... lop' IUMCI, '70 Por1ch1 '611 sc •• -----pp 17160 780 ·3075 ·····"····· ·······1·1·0·:, C11lll()llllll f>4"I Ut 100111 lOlldl<l gl•N '''P• Oii. 21 .. " AJIC J UIERI r,.. 47401n11 1tH ....... '70_M_er_c:edee ___ 2_80_8_l_con __ • run• well, U 00 0 80 tuma 11•11 1418 I• Pl• 1 78 8up11 811111 CClnv •••••••••••••••••••••• tllt.Y 111,4111 N-1111• .noc:ke. pelflt, verllbl•' herOtop, AM I O.ve 85t·0246 IYI mo "'buy 082·474& v.11 .. ,,,.. 1110 28,000 ml, xlnt cond 70 I. fl•bfl 4 di C'.11•11 ClDILUC 1n111101 20 mpg run• f M redlo, new t1re1. 11110 MOA A11r E ng 'It IU TUU-1 ';it·~cA.llFOANi,\08uo~·· Aun t per I a 7000 101dad below 1Jlua 1Jk .,600 H,,011, Blvo ltWUI °""Mt 0, .. 1 S:tVfle> tee Q244 114,000 pp 132-3046 c:omprlbulll AuntgrNI Mint cond Many 1.111ru •Ulf llU.• 142-0077 173.03611 13~:>0 848 UQ1 C.OSl A Ml:bA DovetOu•il f;t1 lllfJ"> Mut1e1111 CllUI' l'llM Spoke wllHlt 13000 Mutt ... 1111,000 Sliver, 4 •PO . AMlfM 72 vw Conv SK ml on l•ltk 1110 6 .. 0-1880 N'"w:,~~l~IAC.tl l :i'flOO or b111 01111 •II II IMU PIP 113e-535e 173-2211 213.451 11101 ca1Hll1 1n1ertor a Exie rebu111 e ng Nu 11r11 •••••••••••••••••••••• .. ll4;. 0):!1 111• 146 Ot42 TurbO 0 ...... A.Ille red .,, 11ff riot In IUplt duper con whit, bfllt.11 i;lo n a ... lltrtutr U•ltd 'lt IHlnt 10 •~ov• V8 107 AUllJ Brown lllnyt 40 oal lank •••••••••••••••••••••• IJ'"T.....,.· dlllon (18VY03&J Nied d • P • n d • b I• l ll•d•d w/0111rat g1 .. 1 11 '"P<I 1.19111 11111 r,_ 01'1•1)1/1 llSS 3l000K 128000 '63 MOB AE8 TOAEO ,.,..... ..---11lla ble perty 10 m1~k1 S3to01080 01 l~';.~~IOf ,,.110 $~ 10010 00 40K '"r"k"' e .. (.•11•1111 nu 111,.11 m•tr t/111,1111 ;;·0j~;«:~;;"( .. ',~~;;;•; · ' *3800. mint ~ond , w111 I 011 t r ully equipped em111 monlhl" pmtt 4X4 PICkup 5•1·u.,uv .. 44 o 140 1.ono " • ov., paym $ 1 4 o o (J & q f' 1,.. 173·7368 ~ ' u • 1 1 ')4" M1Mt &0•1 lu, 111 •11•• Xlnt A whit. nu p1ln1. chrome. A11ume ... "or buy Old con111e11 10 11tum1 70 Bug, nu pelnl bllkH, ' '" •• 1•1 un Y " 0 0 tl411 n •'J 11"111 $?fl'IO 64~ 1684 1111 0 1 3 2 ,0 0 0 upllol .rblt1n,ln1& 848·3718 Nobac;k pmttdue Aa6I lleadlfner AM/FM run1 11iillCt>ov Mor111 :JllllOO l'lfl 714-&3t·7831___ much mot• 648-21t 101 Ro te 114 2 4400, 6 loolt.a good $?300 011u rn11 .. , Aulo 1111 ,._ /1 '>1tville •1,,1 «mcJ 1 117 Bol Au,'""' U•H I ,76 400 8El Lolded, tow lllt •it A !>51· 1008 Proto l/M Ge<>-1188& llra1 Al Wflolaeele 11ctc,e <Jwner J l .800 (luC>d 1rtllflAI MIOO "•'• 1151 0 n../ 1141 • -----l~.200 114~ 60tll •fl O l:IO 1113 fj4•, 111411 mll11g1, &200 under :~•••••••••••••••••• aie•I eondlllon mull 110 R1bbll, Ol11el. ct111n. r 1 pen el t rue It ••ml . ..........••.....•.•. 11 1•111111 new '"'1111. many '"'w j•411fU UCIO<l lr•n•P '·"' \111>0 ~40 /tj2 t BlueboOk I T!i-0082 '70 Opel or. pet11CI COM ... $1,000 for •PPI Clll 101dec:t lnGI 1Unrf. 21K ml, I c.onvtr ••on. a2100 or r llJ t.1d11lllt Loup. ~Ill• 79 :iOo -80-0-;i-t-ow-~ Cl ... y& tna1p S tll6-0 530·26H 8 6 Mon Fri PP &6.11116 640·1152Q l>HI oHer 1140·1739 llfll l11111r" • ln1t1n<l Ilk• new. mutt .. 1111111 4114-4376 8411 4241 SS l .,.,.,. rt•lu•n SI OIJO week l 2l.600 firm Call 'll WW l11Mr '11 OAIPU IUI Uri<lttr whol•m1ltt 1ic><1k tO am & 7 pm •••"'••••••••••••••••• ••••••••'••••••••••••• aunroof, roof r~k . .,."" Olf•r 1146 :>t44 fl4:i' IU 44 •m '"'"* 14rl• 8uto 11pp10• l 1'10 u11ml runnur 1140 ;> 1 llJ 'll llalllt• Clanlo P.~A! .•......... !.~~~ 11 ( HARl,1 I~ flhJll llflU fll 1'11111, Xlnl c.ond AMI lllt< ml Air pwr IY\j~o• I M c "'' Muat t i• Wlln b 1.ht ~11111(1 \ 1 100 \IOOOlh11 '''' ~'l6 7'J78 •,•,I J'181! lucker 648 2213 btwn '•••HI 11fl 11/11 l1rt1 1151 All option•. •11• •1••110., x1n1 r.ond, •3900 01 bell ri<JM t fAfllP~C, ------11121 1"'" lllW $3200 11111111•1111111111111111• '81 310 SLC. Sliver blue. •1 DlAllR fN US A 1144-0141 74 Super 8M11•. •11.a111 T8 'J dt l1lnt..~ l ld•1•od11 blue 111ther, 1un1ool, IRE MERE! fl<llllM MW at 1101.very 4/ IJ()O low mllu, '"'~ ua us r-1 1mmac;ul111 6511·600 t (& l ' A 0\ 'Ef> '19 vw l"ulb•ck Au"• 1 g 0 0 d c 0 n Cl I 0 m j fthll'11 l'vl pl~ IA()()() 01 1111,, f/11 plJ, ltlf Wt.I jlWI wnllw• A lo1;k1 v•ry l.flllll Wttll '11111111 1 IJW '"" \;lfi'lO '1411 / 4011 I I II (I (I<, ( A ~·I' ( N 4 0 0111 f'lh f'l li A/(._ f'/W \/f)ry lllW millUIQO I II 114111111 l.UlldllllJll •01 TOUI - -Come In end drive 1111 AJ'\V • \ I or .. t Sl300 OFA '32601btl olr 113/ 11114 t111 I 14/ll 411 J 4011111t NUT MAIO.A • I --------• leading di.Mii Av1llabl1 IX J .S f'Y"'t...r"'1: dey 076·23 16 ell llPM/wl<ndi 1111,,. ror 1mmedl1t1 dellveryl 'iL. -l'L.11'-. ~ n•"' I For Ad Actio' n 8 11 why people,,. • .,,.. •• '....... ... '78 v w Con1111llbl• lilt WW c... •• c •• ,,. 9'11 -.. 1wttcllll\Q lo Peugeoll "'' •• .. .. .... Cti•mpegne fdlllon. Ollly 21 000 mi. 111 emlim •••••••••••••••••••••• f9" •·• C II WCI ...._Tl t•O\UJ )VNl)AJ\ Hi ml Slor.a tlll<A n-<. ....... $1600 1tl 1 CtMlrt •ACJUn't a a _._.. . '>~7-~38~ 1 t4 /')8 50;1;/ l'1U VII I t1Wllll UUIJ<f 111' eMl.l 11 USU 1101 ~111~ 848 Dolle StrMt $11) 1110 , 1,11c111111n $ 1 ~·10 Get (~HErN '""" 101 Wt11TE tttopt10111a wrlh I C,1eu1toed Ad C111 642 54578 Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH ••• • • • • ••••••• •••••••• •11 u11n •11 ww •·~~" .,411 "1oo 712 •• lo 0 1 S AA B Turbo 4Sc:t2r ctftllTIIU yellow \O'•d c.llncJ N'lw II ,1 ,, AD.VISOR • b lack •II e11l r11 t ( Ilk ,., 1 ••t ,.. Ill <.11nu ••• c.ru1.,.. 500 Cell 111·138-0 V8<'/ •Ill 1 0 -bll1'~ '/l..,.i II '1 J,,.., I•'• pib •mllm 111tu•o 73 Peug1ol 604 derk 644 4641 l'.I llug r."""'"' Mini , _., M•IMlllC , wr.1111 642.5678 g 1a1n. 5 t pd n11d1 "C 1 1 "t"' ~i •mllm t•••. 111 1 towner \3 400 worlt l t601l ~61 11697 .~ ll 1dl11 oluma 11t1th" 111<1 NtlJf 1ou '""' 11 • "... .. PM O••ly f'llot Cl••••hl<I All I IJM1ly 1'1101 Chou1l.Wi. mc;re '8700 4114 4004 !J!/7 7U 1•1 l!lfl:i' (,OI Vlllr H It \20/J '>411 'Jiii• 1111 CltH•ll• lhl(! IJ I llCJ trl 111\j I IJlla U'"ll, \100 E141l IOJ9 11 Mullhu l.l•Ull •w'll l1U~ 0 •f '> ftll l)fJWlll '14'1 y 1.1 ... n '1200 'i~ll II'> Jll I'/ '-"-~ lmc-•I• r.u•t•..n• 111Md1 w <1rk loal ult C.•U 833 2';8'J MATCH THE NUMBERS OH THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • • ATLAS CHIYSLB-ft.YMOUTH NIW,OIT DATSUN IOI LOHG,Rf ,ONTIAC I.NII 114~ '•ll HI ,,,, flf O 'llJ4 l'l'i J T•I f •»•I I I (I 4 dr 111•, f' h lo II •I•""' 40 OCJO "" ., ... ,, r,u.,, 1·.1 8:14 t /4 lt1tlfll1 4 (Jr IUJN tJ•t '"'Y t\ IJI a•"' <,1 t.. \ tOOO b4!> '.lO:i'O 111 ) 11'1 f1111111o•lllo Wllllfl, n- 11111• IU>N mll11g1 \900 IJUIJ (,Ill I' 9"J 7 1688 II I ll•nl l111deu rool 111 pw1 "''· 1>4 (J(j() otlij m1 Br n ''" l1rn /In t r.ond ··•!. 1118~ fr,, I' It -.t 1Jr.1w 111 th~ tl••tl J lln ly l'1lul t '••"•'J•ht•tl Ao f,4~ • fJ/8 COSTA MESA DATSUH 2929 H•rbor Blvd Coal• Mew Tel S46·1934 3 blocks eouth o l Sa n 0111go F r111way off H.,bor Blvd Complete Dody aho p S•IH Se rvice Pana Setv1ce Dept open Monday lhru Fr1d1y 7 30 AM to 5 JO P M .nd 8 AM to 5 P M on S11urd1y 888 Dove Street Newport Beech Tel 833-1300 Al 1111 1r11r1gle ot Jemt>or" Miw:Artllur & Br1\tol t>ettlnd Vtc1011e S1111on SelM ser111c.e. L .. llng & Pen t W• make gre11 dee111 t !1100 ll1t.1• ll lil1'1 W11'tllllu1•.11•1 ttil W.U 1"1'.1 <111lO<J" Co11111y -. r1l'11 -.1 • .,,,, 1,,,.,,...,1 "''"''·'' tc•ottou.,1 1111 .., .. 1 .. , c.,,,,,,t-P111I~ :lfl.<1'i It 111,,,, lllv•I < w 111 Mf''>d Int '>40 1,4111 •,,,,,,.no q,.,,,,J,~ (I Jiiiy ,,,, tli Y"•" .. I M11 .. h11 40~ HACH IMPOl'TS Ma Dove StrHI. Newport a .. ch Ttl 752 0900 Call ul . ••. ,. lh• •P•G11l1111 for All• RorTMtO, Peug•Pt. 6Hll & M•Mrall THIODOllE ROllHS '°'D Modern HI••. Hl'ol•C•. Plftl, body. p.1nl & .,,. d•pt• Compe1111ve retea on leaN & daily r•n .. 11 2080 Herbor Blvd . Coei. MeH 642 0010"' 540-6211 • NAHIS CA.DtLUC 2600 Haruor Olvu Co1t1 MltM T111 !.409t00 0 11noe County • LtrQ&al C1d1ll11C. dealar Salft& Servir.e LeH ing • DAVID J. PHILLIPS IUICt<..roHTl.AC·M.AID.A '3a101 • SArv1co • L1J86tng ?4888 Al1c111 P11rkw11v 837 2400 SAIL CHEVROLET IJ()(1 '>nulh <.011~1 ll111t•w11y l lf11irlll llllM II "Clle•y't '°' H el . for yo.'" SAi t 5 11ouns Mori 1" •) / '>111 "'J '••m 10 4 494 t t3t ')46 9967 • SANTA AHA DATSUN ;mo1 11111 '.trnol ',11n1u A1111 f111 VII /ttlt 'fwir ()11u11)11I fJ111J1• .111111 0111\1111 !lf111l111 SUNSET FORD, INC. (HOmll of W1llu1 lhll Wti1tllll '14 ... (J c,.111111r1 c,,,IYll Hlvll W~1m111"1"' r 111 f)')lj 401(J DGM ll!ASIMG, IHC. /IOW t'lll!',t C11\111 Mll"11ili<I :> t'l4<1 Yr111111111 lo• ll \UIJlll"l JI f)(,M l o1.1\11111 • JOHHSOH & SOH UHCOU4 MBCURY 2626,ti•rt>Or 8tvd Cotta M.u Tet 540-6630 67 YH tt d lt1endfy l•m1fy H r111c. Ofenge County 1 ofde1t Ltn coin-Mercury dHlerah1p CHICK IVHSON PORSCHi-AUDJ-YW 41 5 E COHI Hwy Newporl BAKh 673 0900 lh11 only 0t•ler11h1p on Ora nue Couuly Wllh ltiese th111 g ree1 makn unel•r one roof' 0 MIRACLI MAZDA W1 v1 movad' Our new 1ocat1011 '" 14;.t~ t1111tor Stretl Co'lta MeH Tel !145 3334 &1<11111y & v1•11 our IHAnd n - lh<>Wroom ind see w hy wt ,,. the • t M11d1 dealer in Southefn C11tlorn11 SnlH S1rv1w l'1rts end Ll!IM•n~ 0 CONMRL C .. VROlfT 2828 Harbor filvrl Cotti M.-wa Ove1 :?<> y•tre Mrlllng Ofa nge Courtly' 'ia111 1"1"no Mlf'ltC. Ca ll &46 t200 9'»C•ll '"'"line !>46 9400 body 1h0p line 75'4 0400 SOUTH COAST DOOGI 2888 H•rbor Bllld Co1t1 M"8 Tel 540--0330 RV MNIC. 1P9C11ll111 c u11om ven conver11on1 NIWrOIT IMPOITS 3100 W C oHt Highway, Newport Buc h hi &42·~400/&•0 t 764 Th• rerrtt1 Heedquartere. • ALAN MAG NOH P'ONTIAC.-SUl.UU 2~ H1rbor Bl11d Colle ~ Tel b49'4300 SelH 89rv1ce, ltH1ng Mr Oooowrenc n • OIANOI COUNTY VOLVO 10120 Qerden Grove Ol11d , Oerd1<1 Oro11e Tel. 630-111110 Cxclu•lvefy v o1110 lo cover 111 your Volvo requtr4tf'Mntl Nw•UMd•S•le••u...lno•Part••Servtc.•Body Shop Frwway CIOM In the heir! 01 Orenge County 11 Q1rden Grove Blvd. & 8tootlhur1t • ANAHEIM MAZDA ··cw, o.c ....... 0.-. .... frff lerrke Lo.. c ..... 6()1 8 An11h••m Bl11d . An&hetn• 9~ f&<>O Ju11 no1111 o f S111ta An1 ~rwy o" An1he1m tth1c1 Cell ua 111111 Wt ARE 14ARO TO ,tND--ilUT WORni ll 1 A SADDUIACIC IMW/IUIAltU W 28402 Marguerite Plt.wy Av-v Pkwy •irn Wt offer what no btnlt. or lu H 1 omp1t"Y een I £11pjirt1y 1t#h1d. moet modern <1er111c11 & r>11t1 rletpt , 2 One ot lh41 Soullllaitd • mc)llt 1111per11n<.1 d .ale. & lliulng 1tlfl, 3 t 11mina11on ol the mtddltmen by telling°'"" direct 931 ·~ MIMIOn vi.o 49!49411 0 ROY CARVH IOU.S IOYC .. IMW t&-40 Jaml)l)IH Road, Nlwl)Otl Beech &40-6444 S•IM , Service P1rt1 And Le111ng fD DICK MILLll PIAT/LANCIA "Probably lh• lowfft J)fkltd nn11 In Southern (,11l1torn111' (l0Qalo<1 t milt nQfth of 8ovtll C<>&•t Pta11 ,,..r Main St end Warrtet Ave In 6ar1t11 Ana I 1:>0 W Werner 6ant11 Ane b6T 21:12 e 1 .. .!!'!:.:=::a!~~'"'* FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, OR TO BE PLACED ON THIS ~~=!.'°;£"=. AD , CONTACT YOUR DAILY PILOT REP. 642·5678 l. .. °"~•,.=·;;•;*':.: ..... ;;·; ... ;.·~11;th~&~1;1th~~-eoeta1;;;.1111. ..... ----------_-----~ -----~ r, ' ~ ..... UAllll:UIT 1111111111 llACI I f lllTlll I Alli I Of4AN(~f c OUN r Y CA L lfOANIA 'J', CENTS Hunting ton wo1nan reflects: 'Thank God .J wasn't in house' "T HANK GOD" Ht•lt·n Johnson, a n in valid, is almost always a t ht·r H unllngton B<:al'h mobil<· homt" Sh~ wasn't thE.'rc Wt•drws<lay whtm µlam• c:rashl-d into ht·r t•oach. M{;;;dowlark plans 'still in limbo' O•lly ~t 8t•fl Ptloto CR ITIC H untington Bca<:h pl:mnc·r T<1m L1vf'ng<.1od says Meadowlark Airpurt sh o uld ~ cl00t.-O for g<.>Cx:J Officer s die in Riversid e R JVf:HSIDE IAP) Two poll('c• •.1ff1c<'rs were shot and kilh'<I tixlay and the killer Wrui at largt'. Pollet· Chwf Victor Jont>s said JonPs su1d lhl.' 11hootmg1 t()(1k place on W o lf<: Street In La Sierra, a re111<l1·nlial arc·a 1n southwMJt R1vn"11dt> WORLD A I o n g t 1 m t:' M t• d d u w h1 r k Airport lTl lit' said t<xti. y owners and operators of tht-Huntington Bc:at:h fanhty arrn't moving fast enough to clObe It .!own "Some day thl'rc'i. KOing to bt• a d180St.er and somt'imt·\ gmng u1 ht: k1Ul"d "I thmk lht-y have t.o SP4'-<l tht• prut·~ up," said Tom Livengood. a former mt-mber of tht· Meadowlark Airport Comm1tlt>l' a n d n o w a m t• m b t• r o f t h e Huntington B1•;H·h Planning Comm1ss11m L1vt-ngoo d :.aid hf' dot·11 n 't expPe l th;.it th1· furor that n·ac-hl-d a JX>ak m th1· mid 1970s w ii I r es u rf a c <· 1 n I t g h t " f Wednesday's crash "txoeau~ th(' pf'ople have JUSt g1vt•n up ttw fight aft.er 15 years" Dan Keegan. co-chairman f'1f the airport comrrutU'i> that works tu improve lh<' safely al th1• airpo rt said he hopPs Wednesday's non-fatal t-rash 1.sn't hlown out of perspectlvl' Keegan, a pilot wnh a plane based at Mettdo wlark, sttid the foc1hty "15 as safe as most " Airport owneric. and opnators D1tk and Art Nerio m uldn't be n·ac:ht'Cl for comm<:nt today The 65-acre parcel. located between Heil and Warner Avenltes and G raham a nd Bo!Jta Chica streets. was rrwned by the City Council two yean1 ago for a mobile home park . At that time, the Nerios said they would i.:lose the airport in order to makl• room for th<· n<>w dC'velopment. Ambassador .held hostage GUATEMALA CITY (AP) -About 20 le ftists held the Brazilia n ambasaad o r and six otherR host.ages today an the B razi lian e m b assy h e r e a fte r the Ouatemalan government rejected their demands NATION New name for Ne wark? Columnist Hugh Mulligan suggests the city of Ne w ark, N.J ., could sharpen Its Image merely by changing ltlt name. Page 86. Reagan holds conference WASHINGTON (AP) -President Reagan wilJ hold a televi.aed new1 conference toniaht at 5 In the White HOUie FAat Room (channe l.a 2, 4 and 7). •, Aircraft crashes residence By RO BERT BARKER Of Ille O•ltf Pttol lgff "Thank God J wasn't 111 the h"Wlt' r hiwen'l bc.'t!n out in more than a month but I wasn't there 1.oduy " I I l' I 1· n J o h n s o n . ti :i , o f H untington Beuch, an invalid wnh a lung disorder. had rcll80n to t·oun t her bk-ssmgs. Whitt• she was keeping an appwntnwnt al a Socwl S.oeunly o f C H ' l' W l'<I n e 1 d u y . a s m a I I u1rplunc• c·rash<.'<.I int.o her mobtl<' homl· at thl· St'l.1 Breeu.-Mobile llunu-Park. 5200 Heil Ave "f've hvt·d hl·re (1mmed1utely ddja<·tmt to MeadowlDrk Airport) smce 1975 and I've .1ever been worr1<'d But I might s tart worrying n11w," Mrs J o hnson i.auJ "I've t.old pt.•opll· God was on my :.1dl' Maybt· lhl'y'll belil'Vt.· me now" I IL·r !tOn, Charlw, who albo lives ut the mubtlt• home, said the living room was 11ma'lhcd up a bit a n d t h l' l t· l l' v JS 1 o n s <: l w as knot'kt-d owr "If l h1tdn 't been out wtth Churlw I would h<avt• bt't'n an that ri>om erot:hl.'l1ng or watching TV," Mn. Johnson 1uud "Uogg"nt.· 1l. I h"pe the TV wi.1m't ru1rwd It was my m1.11n thlnl( .. Thi· t'rash 1x.'CurrH.I at 2:40 p.m W1•dn1•sday whc·n pilot Waller W Lohmeyer, 66. o f 1 698~ Bolero Lane, Huntington Beach, was r<'lurning home from Can;on City, Nev , with hlS wife L1l11an, 64 Lo hmeyer told off1c1als that t h t• s t t.• l' r 1 n g c o n t r o 1 s rnalf unc·uon<.-d on his U.~na 172 ai. h<' w~ on the final approa(·h tu tht· runway at Meadowlark J\1r port dl Waml'r Avenue w~t uf BoL~ Chl(·a Road C L OSE CALL C't·s!-tna I 7 '1. mak c·s an un~da·dult·d l;.ind1n1< ;.t lh •l1 ·n Johnson's D•lly Pllol Plloloe by GM} Ambt- m oh tJ t • h1.1mt· Pilot -.;.\d stN·rin~ contr ols malfunct1onl'<I on h1i, (10.11 approal·h Thi· plane d1ppt'Cl the f'dge of 11 n 1· m o h 1 I 1• h o m l' a n d (~t PLANE, Pagt AZ> S treetlig ht assessm e nts postpo n e d 1 I t- HES£ RV~ . ' .... Tht> F11 unt<J1n V<Jll<'y City Cou n c ll h ai. df'('I dt·d <J j(a 1 n11 t pluAAmg propt•rty owrll'n. with a nt·w iJ lOot•i.i.mt•nl fur str1•t·t llghlmj( during thl' cominj( y1·ur Coum·d mL·mbers said they'll wall unlit mo re IJ~ht 1s sht-d on s tat1• funding Th<'y'll also 1·rn1s 1d1·r plJt 1ng an odv1't1iry q u "s t 1 o n "o n t t· r n 1 n g th 1· CtSSC.,._.,ment l>t·fon· voti ·r. City MJnagl'r ll oward Stephens said lhc C'OUn<:1l's May 4 pos tponemt·nt on th(' street lighting d1 s tr1c·t probably kllh ttny chann• o f 1mpos1nl( an ass<'ssmenl durmg tht• ftb(al yt·ar beginning July I CR ASH SITE -M ap sh ows MC'odowlark Airport. arrows indit·at(' flight path and star. S('«n(· of <:rash. In a re<:ent mPmo, S tt•phens wurned that tht> s tale may w ithhold add1t1onal motor v I:' h 1 d P fl• c• s, rt·<; u l t 1 n g 1 n a further 11Jss of $:372,891 to Fountain Valley That cuthack would bring the• ('ity's total rl'dut·tton in swu.• funds to murt• than $I I ~ rm Ilion, Stt:pht>ru iw1d COUNTY A irport changes eyed Orange County su pervisors arC' stil I open to pro posals to turn over emergency a nd securily operallona at J ohn Wayne Airport to pr ivate firms. P age Bl. Newport S&L in the p ink New port Ba lboa Savings a nd Loan Association bucks a national trend by reporting record f'aming&. Page C8. STATE Fire kills 5 people RICHMOND, Calif. (AP) -F ive people died and I 16 othen1 were injured in a prcdawn fir today that e ngulfed an apartme nt bulldlng a nd an adjacent hout1e, offictala aald. I Tiekets hnnort•d Braniff Airlines files bankruptcy FURT WOHTH, T1·xw; IAJ>) Off1t·1al.s of Braniff lntNnat111nHI <11rhrn-s, wh1t•h 11Jsl $100 m11l1on last yc•ar, irullal<'d hankruptc·y pn.ic.·t'Cdmgs today at tht• hom1· ,,f <• ft-dl•ral bankruptcy Judge· J u d g <' John f" II> w 1· r 11 i. J 1 d Rran1ff <'ha1rmon Howard Putnam and two att11rn1·ys appt"an..J al hi.'> hou.w JUst hc.f1111· midnight t.o file the papers u11d1·r C h a p le r I I o f t h e f I:' d <' r a I bankruptc y law The ftl1nl( prolt'<'t.<. the airline· f rum t•rl'd1 tors and gives 1t the right to 1·onllnu1· oJX•raung "They can c-ontinut· opc:rattnj(, w h t· l h e r l h e y w 1 11 or n o t 1 s something I d o n 't know ," Flowers said. Tht• Braniff fa1lun· 11> thl' first by a major domest1t• a1rhm· sine·(• the industry eml'rgcd 1n the· t9:JOs from the barn.storming <:ru Earlk•r this year. Laker Airways, 11 British carrier. went bunkruµl The• filing came us t housands of Braniff passengers scrambll'<l INDEX At Your Servlt-e A 4 Erma Bombeck 82 flJI '>t.:1ndhy -..·;1L't ;in tJthn fllghL'> f1,1l11w1n~ th•· .11rllrlf'\ lt USP4·ns11Jn 11( '>(•rv1c1· Wt-<lnt·sday In I YHO . bas1·d o n passenger traffw. Brnn1ff walt the No 8 do11wi. t ll ;11rl1 nl.' It st•r vcd 12 2 rn11l111n µa .... .,..nl(ns that year and ha cl .1 f I c-1· t of 9 6 air c· r a f t II o wt v 1·r , ;;i n u ndt·tc•rm1 ned numlJt•r of thoi.t• airc raft have ~111< l' bc~n sold Flowns said the Branif f off111als $(<>t him out of bed "Th1•y l(Ot h<•n· JUSl a little bat lwfon · m1dn11(ht and said they w ;, n l .. d t o f 1 I L· r 1 g h l a f t e r m1dn11<ht ,'' ht• !>ltld Fl11w<'rs, who admitted the f1hnK wa:. "an unusual st.ep," &a1d h1· l(ltVl' Braniff 30 days to file th•· n<·l·essary papers describing 1t..s ftnam·1al slluat1on Ordinarily, h u 111 n <• 11 s l' 11 w h 1 c h f 1 I e f o r bankruptcy under C ha pter 11 hav<' 1 0 days to f ile s u c h inf orm1t lion (Se~ BRANIFF. Pa•t AZ ) Hy Gardner 8 2 Ho roecope 8 2 L M Boyd A IO Ann Landers 8 2 Business C7-9 Movies .~ CaJlfomla A5 Mutual Funds C8 Cavalcad e 82 Public NoUces CJ.02 Cluslfled 0 1,03-6 Sport.a C l-6 Cornlea C lO Stock Markl'bl C9 Croes word CJO Televllllon 84 Death Noticea 02 Thcat.en ~ t.ditorial AlO Wealher A2 En tertaJ.nmen l 85 World News A3 SPORTS Marina spikcrs hot Marina Hlah of Hu ntlraaton Beach haa had a t urnabout 1n lta voUeyball program and the key reuon ll coach Tim Reed. Cl. < \ HI" Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT!Thurld1y, May 13, 1912 --------~' ~----- ,,, Continued stories '<L.41....-0..., ........... ,,.... UIJ"l"ERS James Roosevelt -of! Newport Beach takes issue lwtth the way his mother was 'J)C)M.rayed on TV drama. 11 if I 4.t. ~lean or' I tiot true t;o life? :Among those watching Wedneeday's televised "Eleanor, B'lrst Lady of the World'' was her eldest aon, James Roosevelt. Hls r'"ollecuon of events differs raarkedly from tht-telev1slon movie. '1,For one thing , aald the 14'-year-old Ne wpo rt Beach ff 1.hine11man and f o rmer congreuman, his mother actively ~palgned for him. 1 "Ih the movie she 1.9 portrayed ..-tailing for Europe instead of t*k:ing up her son's call for help 1!1 his campaign for Congrea. ' "In fact at one point In the ireverly-Faarfax part o f the ~trict, mother was commanding '~ch attention I was afraid that people w ould f orget I was running," he joked. 1'Roosevelt1erved 12 years in the Howe of Representatives. A cc ustomed t " years of £Jctlonallzed accounts o f h is parents' lives. Roosevelt said he looked at it a.a "poetic Ut'ense." '·.A. far as the scene In which Anna, Mrs. Rooeevelt's daughter, angrily attacks her for ignoring h.er c hildren and perhaps her grandchildren, Rooseveh said that never happened "The show indicated she was f•r more lnte rt•st<·d in world "'fairs than her fom1ly,'' said Roosevelt. "I think she gave an unusual amount of time to her grandchildren and gave • lot of tune to her own ch1ldrt.-n " tfe added thut there was no resentment on hL'i part and that he never knew of any by Anna PLANE CRASHES • • • cartwheeled Into lht! John1on re1ld.-nce that'• ,.,puated from the northeut up of the airport by a 6-foot clnderblock wall. Mr1. Luhmey~r wu tttalfod for lacerallona and bruleed rib• al Huntington Intercommunlly Hoapltal and her hu1band waa examined and releued. No one •In wu Injured Damege to tht' flrat mobile hornu hit by the plane wu mlnJmal. "We had a perfect trip from Canion City until we were on the final approach," Lohmeyer aaid. "My control.I malfuncUoned and l rouldn't l'Ontrol the alrpl&n 1t wuan't • 1taU." Ft>deral Aviation Admlnl1tullon and National Tran•r.ortatlon Safety Board offlcla • w"rt' 1tlll lnveatlgatlna ioday. Meedowlark Airport hM beon tM taraet of reetden11 who Mid they were worried about the aoft-ty of the airport. Dkk and Art Nerio, airport ownerw and operatora, have been talkJna about clmlna the airport and converting the property \0 other UICI 1uch u a mobile home park. BRANIFF FILES • • • The airline urge d veop le holding Braniff reaervatlona to make other arrangements. The company's 8,500 employees, down from 11,500 before U.yoffa began laat summer, were told not to report to work today without specific instructJona. "I juat can't believe thla,'' &aid Jun Skyles, one of the passengers ordered off fllght 494 before 1t left Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Ai rport f o r H o uston o n Wednl'Sday. ''It's ternble. And I feel sorry for the people, the e mployees O n e o f the s tewardesses was cr ying. It's a shame." O \Jle r carrier• vrepared to honor Braniff ticket• under a default protection plan aimed at guaranteeing standby aeats. Eas~rn Airline• mov~ to take over some of Braniff'• foreign routes and the Civil Aeronaulial Board scheduled a meeting today. Flying standby meana there are no reservations. A paseenger shows up at the airport and rues ws space Is avaJlable. Braniff, burdened with a $732 million dt•bt, began to suffer after compclltlon from deregulation In 1978 and soaring fuel costs c.'Ombined to erode profit.a. Programs slated at Bolsa Chica The summer schedule wlll begin May 28 at the Bolaa Chica State Beach in Hun- tington Beach. The beach wlU open at 6:30 a m. and cl06e at mldnight Included m the hst of ac:t1- v1ties is a series of evening • Thi· 198:l Cl.ii.s.ilhon 1:. under way al Hunllngton und Bolso:. Ch1t·a Stall' Bt•a('h('?I m llunungton &·a<·h Thi· Glass at h1in 1s h1·ld .mnually Lo dc•.ir I ht· bc·.K·ht-s uf ~las.'!. Pl•()plt· who 1·nl1·r lht· programs to be held at the campfire cent.er at the main Lifeguard tower . The pro~rama, acheduled at 9 p.m. on Fridays and Satur- days, will stress various beach related toplCB ThP day use fee 15 $3 per car Cl:.i~:.Jth1111 1ur11 111 Lhc glass al dc-s1gnuttod loc:auons Pnze5 tire· <1w:.irrl1.J .it the tmd of the (;JUS'iatt111n lo thost• p1<:k1ng up llw m•r.l Klass J"unl111 u1forrru.i11on can be 11ln.111wd liy l·a llmg 848-1566 m '1:111 :1wi'1 Fair weather ahead 1 (ow cloud• turning 10 tunny 11ternoon1 today and rrldey ~ todey 86 to 73 0Y91'nlgnt 64 to 6e Hlgt>• Frldey 04 to Fair we1ther lo•eceat 1or .....-enc1 Elte whe r • lrom Point 'conception to the Mntc1 n bord•t e nd out 80 mil•• North-I wind• 12 to 22 knoll ,:;: OU1er Weter• wtth .... 4 to 8 :~~~-:.~~ 11outllwe11 10 10 18 knol• 11111 ,...,enlng wllh -•I 10 touthWfft •1well1 ot I 10 2 '"' N19111 end 'mo1ntn11 low cloud• tutnlng to tunny 1hernoon1 lf .S .. +cu 111 m "ry torn1dn .. , •O••wr1~t1 h'I • , 0 I "' I n g b • n ., ' ,, I h .... , y thUndertlOflT'I 1n11JttJd ~t lt>HI :>!l people tn T .... &nil llnodw8tl)<I tn W IChlte r •II• '"" Pflllple t lrenOed on ~"" hfl1t•ll• 1rnd ,,_ Watet ren et d~p "' ''"" l"flt In tome lltMte et Wt<.htl• F •111 1Au11lo1111ae uHd Im•" •nlJ forge lruckt to evecuot" n11mJ,.,11, ol lre11dentt ltom 1111011 .. 11 or lllOOd th•••tllf'od hom111 S•v••• thunde•1t1Hm1 ala•> ptoduc•CI he1I h111h w1110' antJ h<l•llY rein 1n ()kl•homtt llt<lly H l•howttrt enl1" law lhunderahowert • rinttnved over wHtern NehfH~• Scalleted 1hower• tao aver Ille Ml1al1t1ppt v1111y 111 C.oloredo 1now lelt 1n tile mo1mt11n1 11nd eett•rn 1001111111 A '""' 1a1n thOwet• -· •epottl!d aiono •~ Mlcr·Allenttc Coe11 11nd 0 1a1 were Cleer ovt r rne South•ett end _, or 1111 ~kHll TIMI Neoonel Wuthe• Sttt•IC• lot•c:H I lhunderflormt I "'"' ct nttel T•ae1 1n10 •••'"" OlllallOma 91\0 -tllfn A1~anH1 end LOUltl.,.. Temperalut•• a tound int NllOn e«ly tod"'I renged lrom 31 In COiorado 8prlng1, Colo and I~. Ntv , to IO In Mc.Allen r .... htJflt V;\t u1t)I .. WlflfJ,. ftHHtJht ¥"tf;(j • rHh•y m•1"""«il h•q r11runu Nt1 .. 1 •,r~•JIHw~~t ot HJ tt, th \i!uo f\ with wH1dml1 .. well• runn1n(J 1 tu., ,.,., 1hH1U(I th~ 1111'-'H''''J" WuHj.\ 1hrtt.111J h•• '"" thwe"t ••' 11 tCt '' ~,ltd I\ NIU\ .. 10 () liJ11I !.lf'li\ f;t) "'''"' f.Jffthorti dnd oul from "'" '1(>0llt 11.1 ~"" Clemeut" talttflel Tt'ntperatures Alblny AlWQue t=: AU1n1a 1'11anlc Cty Auttln 811tlmof1 Blllk\gl 81tmlr19nm 81emarc~ 8oiM Botton BfownMle Bvllalo twr11r191on Ce"'9< Chart11n SC Chat'llltn WV Clllflllt NC Cheyenne ClllCaOO C1nc1nne11 CleYt11nd Clmble SC COlvmt>u• Oal·Ft Wth Oeylon 0...Wf O..Mf'll,_ Oe1roo Oulvttl El Peeo ,.,"° '•'•" a, .. ,, ... Hen t0to ~ Honotulu Houlnon I~ J-*tnMS JM;lltnvtle ~-Ctty L• veo-e uttle Aoc!tl l~ NATIC»f "' Lo f'q> 82 44 83 37 82 le 95 52 87 82 58 s. oe 91 Ill ee 8e 55 86 se 8e 7'l 84 52 78 811 95 46 81 S6 82 ea 18 78 S7 « 78 91 48 73 Sii 43 86 72 87 85 77 81 47 511 48 13 311 48 78 51 4S 41 87 51 59 36 81 61 64 611 03 52 62 81 3112 eo 38 t 18 83 10 65 ee « 58 53 48 oe 42 01 47 4 1 75 01 ae 81 ae 91 ae s1 10 85 01 77 55 82 87 17 57 lub~ Memphlt Mleml Mllwauk" Mpl1 81 P NaalWln. New on..ri • Ntw Ya<lt NOr!Ollt No Plalte Oki• City Omaha Ortendo Phlleclphlt Pl'lotlnlx Pllttburgh Pllend, Me Pueno. Ote Pr O'<llden<:e Aai.tgh Reno Sall Lelle &.II AAIMIO S..llle S2 51 H 82 79 73 °" 47 8 1 60 8e 67 16 71 eo 53 40 H eo 6t 51 47 10 eo 1 68 12 eo H 80 92 57 14 81 81 94 88 82 48 8e 4S 87 411 97 57 70 3& 81 311 114 12 03 eo CALll'OflNIA Btke• '""'d I" Ill lllytf)e Ml &.irett1 50 411 Frewio 90 '>I lil/ICA.i"' 74 '>'1 l 01 Anget4!t 70 )Cl Metytvtll4 I I Mon let It'( 5S NMOl<tl 83 0 AkleM 58 61 P.,.o Aot>tee 78 4() ~ 'T.3 1-2 2 2 I 1 1-2 1.2 t·2 ,_, .. lw•ll n ... 1 mu11 Hl'tJwfi<>d Crty •,11r1ttm1tntrJ '>11lin"' ,..,..,, 01ugo '0111 r H\nC.1.M:O '1Hl1tft n1trhlt8 ',lJHt'* Mfl'tl '1tr-c ti.•'>'• !l•t>tmwl u:·uttl 9,.,, ..... B111 a""' U1~t1np l 01111 Bnacn M01\fOVlft Mt wnaon "'"Wl>'>r t 811t1Gh rlnlMlll P1llm ",p11ng1 l1111'Jlld80I Sen Bern11tdlno Sen JOM C.,u11tu Ane Sjmta Cu.u '''''••Vall~ 81 S5 63 ~ 75 ., 83 ., 69 61 !>!> 5() 65 411 85 711 90 711 82 48 • !>4 26 86 35 89 52 75 47 58 32 61 ')5 7t H 84 ~~ :~ 86 eo , , r,2 oe ee s2 82 30 Ext ended weather SOUTHERN CALl,ORNl,A COAST.AL ANO MOUNTAIN ARE Al -Night end morning C:OHlel low cloud• ettd Yati.t>te hiOh ~. ow-of looll dr11111 e1>ou1 8undey night lftO .. fly Mondey end beoomlne windy In the mountalne Moftdey. Olh e r wlu lal t wltfl 111911 temperaturH lrom uppet tOe nur Ill• COU I to 70• In '"• veli.ye, Lowe 46 lo 61. HleN In the mountelnl If to N and 1owt 30 lo 48. All ., ... a ltttte ooollt Monday. Tidea TOOAY 8ecoM l'tlclfl 4:01 p.m. I. I 84lootld low t:tl p.111. 3.0 ,..,., ""' l'tlclfl 11:12 a.m. •·• ,.,... low 1:10 IUft. 0,1 leoonct """ :· ,.,,.. u ' 8eoond IOiW :A IM'· u lun Ht• tod1y et 1:1t ''"'" , .... ,,.. It 1~12 Lift, • Moon n.. IOIM\I .. 11:01 Lift • ..... ''1da¥ It 10:fl I.fl\. ' BURNED OUT -T his was all that was left today of the recycling cent.er, run by studen~ o..., ........... PIMtee at Golden Weal College, after a tire o r "suspicious origin." Third S k y h awk crash es Argentines torpedo British destroyer LONDON (AP) -Two Arge ntine S k y hawk fighter s wen~ shot down, a third fighter crashed and a British warship wa11 damaged 1;llghtly 1n Wednesda y's battle o fr the Falkland Islands, the British Defe nse Mlrust.ry reported today Wednesday. the ministry aa1d tw o o f three Arg en tine S kyhawks were shot d own by British Sea Wolf missiles when they attacked a Bntish wanhlp about 30 miles w est o f the disputed UJlands. But ministry spokesman Ian McDonald said toda y a third Sky hawk was "seen to crash" during the engagement In the five-week diJapute McDonald said there were no British casualtit'll and the Rcyal Navy task force was continuing it.a patrol.a m the South AtJanuc to keep Argentine planes from resupplying fof'(."('9 on the islands H e said a British warship sustained "comparatively minor damage " whic h w as being repatred. He would not elaborate Th e lat est Br1t1 sh announcement came hours after London liroadc11bl1ng Corp . an AirCal honors Braniff fares Newport Beach -baaed A1rCal Is among major ai r ca rr1t'rt1 h o n o ring tick e t s held by passengers o n no w -defunt·t Braniff Int.emat1onal Airways Mark Peterson, AirCal d1re<.·t.or of communications, aa1d Braniff w hi c h ceased op e ratio n s Wednesday. carried pa1Be ngcrs on a Las Vegas-Reno rout.e also flown by A.u-Cal Any peraon holding Braniff tickets can ny on AlrCaJ on that route without additional chargt> by calling A1rCal and making reservations, Peterson said Peterson said Braniff tickets also would be honored on the sam e bas11 for so m e r o utes involving Monterey and other Northern California destinat1on11 all-news rad io station in the Brltilh capital, r e ported two the radio aald. Britain ia known to have two Argentine Skyhawks w e re downed and a British destroyer torpedoe d 1n f1gh t1ng Wedneeday. "One of Britain's warah1ps in the South Atlantic, a type 22 frigate, ia believed to have been hit but not badly damaged by a to rpedo during the Incident yesterday in which tw o Ar2entine )eta were shot down," type 22 frigates, the Broadsword and Brilliant, in its Falklands task force. Earlier. th e Bri t1sh def ensl' m111iBtry repor ted one of 1ts Sea King helicopters ditt'hed in the St.'a, but said Its four crewmen were rescued. The ministry said there WWI no evidence Argtmllnl' forces shot lhe aircraft down Service set for s tricken fire captain Huntington Beach firehght.crs will conduct a memoru•I S(>rv1ce Saturday for veteran fire captain Mike Hennessy. wh o dlt.'d Tuesday of an appare nt heart attac·k The service wiU begin at 9 um a l S t Bonaventure Ca th(Jlic Church , 16400 Springdale St , Huntington Beach M onsignor J o hn S ammo n. chaplain for the Orange Counly Firt-man's A ssociation, will officiate. The service will be open to Lhc public. Captain Hennessey, who had JOmed the Huntington Beach Fire Department in 1962 afte r working as a city lifeguard, was found dead beside the pool at a locaJ athletic club He wa.a 42 His family w ill conduc t a private funeral service Monday under the superv1s1o n of the Neptune Society Recycling center torched? By PHIL SNEIOE RMAN Of IM Oellr f'llot lleff The s tudPnts who run the IW<:ychng Omt.er at Golden West College collt.'ctmg discarded gla.-;s, papPr, cans and mot.of oil for reprocessing -now have a large p1ect' o( wooden refuse on their h ands the Recycli ng C.enter bu1ldlllg Itself Tht· I 2-by -20 foot structure bumt'Ci at 11 JO pm Monday m wha t l'ampus secu rity coord1na1or Wall1am Burke dt·sc:nbt-d .... , a "f1rP of susp1<.·1ous origin" Ht· said th" lh't·ycllng Center had ht,•n u t:Jrgt.•l of vandab m the past, hut said today the <·au~ tJ f tht· blaz<· 1s i.til l under mvt'?lllgatwn M t.• a n w h 1 I t· , t h e s t u d c· n t operat.urs of the center arc.: trying to kt't·p n-t·yd.1ng as usual, desp1u· tht-I~ uf thc·1r -;toragf' buildin~ A sign out front a nnounces "We're• sttll herl' dlld nt-ed y1>ur d()na1111n.' mon• than ever'" Lloyd Hamilton. the college's dir<.'Ctor or business services . ..aid the Huntington Beach campu,· 1nsuronn· poll('y for such fl r<·5 tarrici. a $5.000 deduct1blP prects<•ly thf• v.ilu1· 11( the ('harrc-d bu1ld1r1$( Cami Bui kt· Font<" director o( i.tud1•nl d1•Vl·lopment, said the Ke c y <' l 1 n g C <· n t" r s t a ff w 111 organize· fund-n11sers a nd sec>k donations from lhl· community lo n•build as ..,,.m a.' possible "Tht• HN·y<'l1ng Cente r has ht't•n 1wy1ng 1t1. own way," sht· said. "But 11 would take an awful long t1m1· to g1·ncrale en ough mon(·y ftJr a rww building " Tht• 1·t•11ll•r was founded without a building three years .igCJ Th(• structure· was built one yl'ar latt>r with funds from the Ass~·1&tt!d Studt-nts of Golden WC'i.I Collt.>g(' and t·ommun1ty donat1oru. Mi. Burkt.•·Fonle said the c<·nt<·r l'o1n 1·ont1nue to operate without thl• building, but that the structure 1:. needed tor safety and St'lUrll)' NEVER BUY A PRECIOlJS GEM ON G()00 LCX)KS ALONE ,,..,t(\,. .... , ..... ,.1 .. , '*'-> .n. ..... ,. • ...... '""' ' N llU II I hi• ''IC""'"" • .., ... "' ,,,ufl .. ,.,,,, ....... ,"' k •tit,,..,., fa.,••• t111.,... tftt·1 t Ut •11'f"tf1U41M ht if••,._. ff1•1tlttrt•ll\th•f\U,M.J,,lflht •utlJ ',,. "'* 1-.f"\ to.•U' wrtn" 1 "' .___._ - ~rnrnrrrn Pope blesses attacker Man lunges at pontiff with sharp bayonet By n e A•tN&a.., Pree• LISBON, Portup.1 -The man In prtett'• rob8 who tried to kJll Pope John Paul U lunaed at the pofllJff wlth an 18-lnch bayonet with a tharpened 12.6-lnch blade, police uid today. Tho pope bll!t!Md both the bayonet and the atu.cker aft.er the epUlode a\ the ShrlM of Fatima, polke eourcee a.aid. Police Mid the ...tlant ldenllfled h~lf u a prleat and a dlaclple of tradlllon1U1t Archblahop Marcel lAf*bvre, leader of a fundament.allilt aroup oppoaed to Roman Catho lic Church reform• irnpoeed by the Vall~ 11 confeNnce. Police lnapector Daniel Polonia ldenlJfled the auallant u Ju.an Fernandez Krohn. 33, a native of Madrid who had been living near Parta. I Screaming Poles stage protest I WARSAW, Poland -Thou11nd1 of Poles law ended without violence. 1ereamln1 "Free Lech Walna" and "SolldarHy" Police wearin-' helmet• and carrying 1hJeld1 jammed W araaw'1 bi&IHt lntenectlon for 20 banded together into 20-man 1quadl near the atreeta minute. today before ~1n1 d lapened by not police. and sidewalks. They did not u1e baton1. People The protett marklna the fifth month of martial quickly acattered, shouting "Gestapo" at the police. Grahani decltnes to air So viet talks PARIS -The Rev . .BiUy Graham aaid today he may phone PrNident Reagan to di8cwia privately certain aspect• of the evangeh1t's controversial six-day viaJt to Moecow. Graham 1aid he had no Immediate plans to contact American officia ls In Paris. where he arrived from the Soviet capital, but added: Graham said h e held numerous private meelln11 while he was In the Soviet Union but declined to di.cu.a thoeie meeung1 in detail. "No one asked ~ to transmit any message," he said. "I was not asked to be a courier of any klnd." Los Angeles bans chokeholds LOS ANUU.lli -Chokeholds blamed for 15 deaths since 1975 have been banned in most cases by the Police CommlMion. which al.lo Launched an inquiry into the po~ chief's remark that blacks may ~ more likely to die from the holds than "normal people." The commiasion voted Wednesday to prohibit the chokeholds, sometimes used to subdue suspectB. tor six months except in situauons requiring use of deadly fort.'t'. The moratorium appl!es to bar-arm chokt:holds. whlc.·h c ut off air to the lungs. and the carotid chokehold. which cuts off the brain's arteriaJ blOOO supply Critics say chokeholds have led to 15 deaths s1nc.-e 1975 and that 12 of the v1ctuns were black Radioactive leak costs firm license LOS ANGELES -The state has revoked the IJcenae of a Downey testing U.b aft.er a highly lethal radioactive element was lost for aeveral h oun1 in a container not dearly marked, authoritiet aay. The locked container of Iridium 192, Wied to X ·ray industrial pipes and welds, was recovered by authorities a few hours after 1t fell off the baC'k bumper o f a Weldex Cor p. truck , acc·ord ing to Downey police A company X-ray technkian had put 1t there for a move to an Orange County construction site. 'Criminal activities' cited at Chino LOS ANGELES -State Sen. Dan .Boatwright says "there are criminal activities" occurring at the Callfom~ Institution for Men at Chino where four admml1trators have been removed from their jobs in recent montha. Loe Angeles Times, S&Jd Wednetlday he may take s w o rn testimo n y and grant immunity f rom proeecution at upcoming hearinp into the acandal at the prl11<>n stemming from the granting of apecial favorw to one inmate. Boatwright, D-Concord, In an 1nwrv1ew 1n tht· House panel moves on budget WASHINGTON -Hou se Dem1n rats l'rt· placing themselves at odds with President Reagan as they m ove tow ard approval of a 1983 budget outline that trlma d eflclts by raialng $147 billion in new taxes over three yean and reducing defense apendjng. The House Budget Comrruttc.~>. t'Ontrolled by a Democratic maJOnty, halted d~Jab<!rat1ons on the spending plan early today aft.er meetmg vtrtuaUy non-stop for 15 hours. The meetmg was called off unlll lat.er today when 10me snags developed over U.><: h meal m u eti Hinckley stalks out of courtroom WASHINGTON -J o hn W . Hinckley Jr hardly atlrred while his father went on the w itnes.s 1tand, but 1prang to life and 1talked out of the courtroom during videotaped teatlmony of actrc'1§11 Jodie Foster recounting ho w she re jected his advancn Jurors at Hinckley'a trial were to hear Miss Foster again today, although not vt.. t.elevialon set.a as they did Wednesday . lnat.ead, t he y'll be haten lng to two recorded telephone caLIJ with H inckley. [n one, the actress reacts, "Oh no, not you again." Seven feared dead in Plane crash JUDSONIA, Ark . -An A i r F orce C -130 tran1port plane carrying 1even crew membera exploded ln flight and crashed In a blinding fireball, and authoritl• reported no 1lgna of survivors. Sat. Deb C.:?Oper, a public affairs officer at Little Rock Air Fl roe Bue. said early today that the likelihood of aurvlvors was remote. White County Deputy Coroner Ray Johnwn said bodies had been found In the wreckage. The Air Force said It wouldn't rele&M tne crew members' namet until It knew if they were alive or dead and notified their relatiVl'I l)HAN(,l 1,l IA'· I Daily Pilat '"""''" p 11.,1 .. y I rt t 1 t .. i I t ._.r I ... •I*.,. I'"• t t 1<.1y ~,1.11ul1t V"4 I j'ff' ........ 1f" fh••· fht ., ••• ,,. ,, ..... I om Murµll•llf' • !ti,, Mtk,. 1t111vey '"··· t " ·' twt .......... . t ., .. ,,f'I ,, .. 1<11n C.c.>dda•O .... """'' .,,.,.,... ... Ray M~l 1111" I ••ffr l ... f c:1111rtn<1 l on"' u ....... , ... ,, .. .,,, .. ~,, ... , II~ Oil"'-- --..,, \ )() p"' '"" ........ 1 .... -........ u..o ... ,, ... _ .. ~ .,.. ~":~" r. :'::: ..... t~ -"""'-... be _., i::1an1fl,.d adveth&•ng 714 64' S678 All other dep21r1ml'nls 64' 43'1 MAIN OFFICE l ~w .. ,th••'·' ,,., ... ~., • M ,411 •f1i't''"' "''• l\Mf t ,,. f41 M t'"' t \ f(/A.U ' ut•t t '""' .... , ,,, ""'' .. ' ,.,,, f •• ,t; •• , ... ,lQ t • ..,. ... ., Hn ,. ... , 'lneu 1tl11'lrrif-•f•nt"I' .. 1t11t111,.t n'""'"'' 01 •d ••rfi\1Pnont tw '"''" "l•y ~ ,.,..,,,,d9# lllllf •ttfVJut ,,,.., 111tl fl''"•• .,,,..,,f' 'lO'f'tQh f uw rw r •""'t(tftl't f f,1 II'* t..tlft ll•toll ;11 lint t 11/0 .. I 1'1111Jrn .. ; Iii'\ 144 .. ,, .,,,.,.. ''''''"u I"••"'" 1 \4 l\•1w1rolhtlo tt J IU •ot \I ' I .. .ttltU o I h• ,, tn'• I,,, ... l#i't•'~ t•i1,.1 ••ftl .,,,., ... ,I Oftl h1t• .. tf ,,,, ••• "" ''''" • ,,..,,~ •• '~" lh lf'W (Jf•f'ttti"' , ,, ..... ''•""'''h•n.IJ ... ,,.,, .. ,h \ifl!fl•t '" .. fl•••IW''ll .,~ f1utlt1\f\t" ~Y tluf"r\l'(/f' f """'• hu t '"'• ..._.'-' N~•.,••• • ..-... ; .. u..,.,.,"'.,."""' ""'"'"' • '"J#''".,. v"""'• ''11"'' ..... """'"'"'h "'1t1ttt ,,,...,, -,,..,. ... ,.qtM.11 •'1th.,. """"••f'Vlt '4f11tftA' tnlt \uiW'IAf'\ ltw O• •"• 10 .. •••"'' '""'' 1 '"' '' 1 w1 *'"\f h•v ,.,....,, ._, O ku• IW\ t , ..... , ~ 41 ' ,..1.1 ,,.,,. •1•,. VOL 71, NO. 13a ... Bike rs' wives sue Playboy for libe l SAN FRANCISCO -A $24 million federal court libel suit h.u been filed ag•lnat Playboy Mapzine by tour wives of Hella A naelt M otorcycle Club membera, alleging a July 1981 article exposed the wom~n to · contempt and rtdlcule. The 1ult Wedneaday claimed the article Injured th e ir reputationa and cauaed them to "suffer 1hame, humiliation. dl11rac e , Intuited h o n o r , mortlflcatJon, mental anxJety and lndl1natlon." We're Listening ••• Whut do you likl' about the Dally Piiot" What don't you lake" C:.11 the• numtwr twlow 11nd your m.au1e will be recordl'd . tran11c•nbed and dt•hv<'rtd to lht' appropriate editor Tht• H me 24 hour an1wf'r1n1 ttrvlct may ~ u.ed to record ll't ttr11 to thfo rdllor on wny topic Mailbox contributor• must lncludt lht>ir name und t<'l1>phone num~r ror verification No cl rrulatlon <'1111". plNlltr Tt>ll u" whal 'i; on your mind 642•6086 Orange Coa•t DAIL V PILOT /Thurld1y. May 13, 1882 H/F HI, THERE -Nester Mello o f Mi ssion Viejo see m i; oblivio us to large fri e nd looking down on him as h l' strolls alon g reading ha s newspaper. Statue_is in fro nt of a Santa Ana auto ba tte ry store. Curb absorbs Newport jibes . tells stands By STEVt; MARBLE O( tM Dellr "*' lt.n Gubernatorial Cjlndldate Mike Curb ju1t didn't set much retpect In Nt'wport Beach Thur1day fr o m th e l augh -a -minute membenihlp of the 20-30 C..1ub Flr1t there was the table o f club members who kept <:hanllng "Duke, Duke , Duke" -a leaa-t han-aubtle re fe re n ce to Curb'• chief t.'Ompeutor, ~rge Oeukmejian. Then the r e w aa the o ld 45 tingle recorded by the.> Mike Curb Congregation that som eon e handed him after explaining it had been purchased at a re<'Ord atore for 25 cents. On t o p o f all that . th~ 200 -s tro ng audience firmly agreed to fine R e publican candidate Curb $5 for being late. Curb, the state's lieute nant govern or and a forme r record company executive, took at m 11tnde He ignored the chant, ~1d the fin e and said of hu old rct·ord, "I've been .trying to get rid of these for years." Then he got ~nous. lie defended htS proposal that 11 lld'be pl*-'(.'d on utility ratet ~xlatlng cu1tomen. " plan t haa drawn 1hatp crltlclam f 111.at.e e n<.•rgy offlclalt. Curb, who bl&mt!d Gove?r9* Brown for higher utility ra~ explained that ht> favo rs~ Propo1lt1on 13-s tyle ceiling Oil) rates with ~x111ling cu1tomert gtttllng a low er rate than nt:-,v customerli ' He &aid he doesn't belit>ve the criticism that such u move wou&d 1dow the new home constructiop business He st reued it's the governor'11 job to do something about the utility ratc1 . . ''We're talking about surviVSJ her<•," he c:ommented afte r the luncheon "Surf' it's controversial but some pt-ople JU!lt aren't able to a ff ord It (h1gh<.>r ra tt(l a nymore" Curb also suggc11ted there is a n eed to rebtru<.·turt• th1· Puqlf Uuhtw!t Comm1i.s1on Investors testify "W e ha v t• un dl>soluteJy d 1~.11ilrous t·onCI 11'1 ," hl• sa1<f1 "The P UC t>mpluy1•f's aren't smart l'nough w go one -on -ot\& with th<' uul1t1('8 und the Energy. Commission has thwarted one new project afu.·r another" •· He brandc'<i Bruwn's approach lo solving th<· !>ta lc's e neri)' needs as "evc•rything from w~ c hips to solar grzmos to Tom Hayden c-onc'ep l.b" OC fraud case • Ill By JERRY llf<:RTENSTEIN 0 1 lhe Oally Piiot 81att Mon· m v1·"to1 s of w h ut hui. lJ<oj•n <.allc.""<I tht• lar ~··st ( rjud t·a~· in Oranj.(1• ( 'ou11t y lushu y wc·n· tu lw <'Ulll'd to th1 wllnt.;!IH st.ind today al tlu· prl'11mmry h1·jnnf( of ffalph W Md.>on;ild Th1•11 1A•st11uony 1s lx•ing h<.·ard dt.'!lptl<• alt1'111pls by Md)onald's uttorn1•y, P:.iul M..c.t. to dost.• th<.· tw:1nnli( to tht• puhlat• Mc·Oon.ild, 41, oJ S-.n Juan Capl!ttrano, fa<.·t•s 33 c:ha r~t·s 1nduding gra11d the ft a nd tu x l'Vas1on st1·rnrnmg from his arn~t during J r:11d on hui Golden F..aglt- l n v1·11t m1·n 1 o rf1 C'P Feb 10 m F:I Toro M d>orllild 1s a l lt•g1·d by ~•uthonlws t1J how· h tlk<.·d ov1·r 1.000 1nv1·qnro; out 11 f tht·1r monl·y by rurininj( wh<1t hw; heen t·all<'d u "Pon11 'l< heme·.. u -.cht•mt· in wh1d1 monl'y from nf.'w rnv1·11t111 K 1s u1wd to n•pay t•arllf.'r invc"'t11r1 M <. f) 11 n :t I d h a ., p I <' o d 1• d mnoc~·nt to ;tll d1.1rj(1..., 111· ,how•-. I It 11 II· t•rnuuon r111 he• sat t hrouj(h th1· fir.,t tfo y of hc·artnl( Thur,day If) th1· South Omni(•· County Mun1<.·1pal Court 1· h :1 rn h 1· r' o ( .I u d g c· A I a 1 r A;irrwlll' A -.1;11uling·r<)(>m -only I I owd 1tf Ill Vt''''"' J~ wdl HI• 1·m pl11v1•1•s 11( (~old1·n 1-:.tl(I•· alt1·11dt•d tl11 ~">,Inn Tht• hl'ar 111 ~: lwg.1n with a <1 urprt •<1• moVI' wh1·n J>av1d B1·I I 11•y H11-:g111,, 44, pl1·adt•d lot u ii I y I fl I w, I I) ( '.( ~ I h a r g l's ag;imo;t 111111 B1Kgms. who lrv1-s in San Clc•n11•11h', .., VI(" pn .. utll'nt 11( (:old Pn i':,1gl« 1l1• plt';,1tl1•d j(uilty tu 111nsµir Jt'Y and sail• o f rq(l,U•rt'<i 'l('<Ufltl<"> Tom Buc k , tfrput y dis t rict Llttorn«y, S<11d during a mon11ng rt"t't~'· that he t•Xp<.>t'IS fl1~1ru; lo U'!tt1fy against McDonald Barnellt• ord{"rl'd R1gg111-c t u app<.•ar in Superior Court M.1y it.i for st•ntenc:ing Tiil' add1t1m1Jl :J:j 1 harg1-s wall 1>1• d bm1 ... ~.cJ. But·k said A Superior Court JUdj.((' Wlluld h a v ., t o a p pr u v t• s u 1· h .i n arrangt•mt•nt or B1gg111 s l'•>Uld s t ill !!land trial d1·pt·nd1ng 1111 n ·sulls of a prohataon r1·p11rt Bar n1·ttt• w:.rnc·d Dlj.tl(ln' that t'Vl·n 1f g1v<•n prohctt1on. ht· m<iy h;,iV(' lO rt•puy 1nVt'bl.Or.. who l111>l monc·y Ruck . who ~.ud th1 • p11r..t'<·ution tl> atwmpt1ng to show grnnd tht..'ft •• n d la x (•ViJ SICJO j ), w 1· I I [l l'o mtsrl.'presentat1on of c·orporat1on c·od<·~ were 1.·ummllll.'d , Nilling four i:x•ople to tht' wllnc"M swnd Thursday 11ftemoon Ea<'h of the> four told how thc•y ht'(·arn1 • Ul'QUaml.4.-d with Golden Eagle salesman and invested munc·y on what tht-y ~·lwvt-d t.o h c· o p r o m 1 s c· t h It l t h l' 1 r mvf'8lrnt'nt would pay 11 return of (rum 10 to 20 pt•rrent pn month The first w1tnc'S8 c:allc-d, futlph Chundlc·r. told ho w ht· hqu1datc-d hi-; bus1m'SS, Mission Fc·nl'<' Co , to invl'St $Y:l,fi!'1fi on Ft•b 18. onl• 11( I hrt'l' 1nv<-stmt·nL-. lw smd ht• made· Mast, t•;irlit·r in the· day. hod 11llt·motl'd to hav1· l'Vldl•nt·l· se17A?'d dunng the raid suppressed, drguing a ff1 d11v1ts fur i.t•an·h warran L-. W<'rt' obt<un<.-d illt•gally I It· alS<> attempt.t-d Lo have thP ht•aring C'101wd d a11nang news !>l.tmes would pn·vt•nt Md)onald r r (J m R (' t t I n g (t r a I r t r I a I Curb re1t1.·rat1.-d hlll opposition to Proposition 9. the Peripheral Canal bill. ~fr SC11d the project ~ !OO expens1vl· and would increal!e' water bills at least five limes. . Hl' said supportns of the bill a re u sing the· 1985 Color ado H1 ver <.·u to ff as a ":.<.·are tactic." lit· i.a 1d Californ1a ('U rrently doc.•!tn·1 u"'· 111> full Jll11tm1·nt ol Colorado R1 v..r wawr lit-l'Sllmall"Cl the• cane.I would end up c·ostmg $19 :J b11l1on and take up to mne yeani to complete "Thl' b1 II 1s f ti led w 1th Jerry Brown languag1•," he added He also Look a quick shot at one likely 1>1·n111t·r at li(ulwrn<iton a l candidate, Tum Bradlt"y "T om Bradll'y may bf> a mcer guy than Brown ," he said. "bul his views are s1m1lar " Three n a bbe d in the ft of stamps, coins Cos ta M c·sa in ves llga t ors arrest.1.-d a C-Oloredo man and tw<i Juv e n 1 I (• s W l' d n l's day in' connection with the-theft of a $600 stamp t'Olll'<·t1on and variour l'Olns, pola('t' said Frc-derick Ado I ph Wrobel. 21 , a transient who has lx'l•n living out of has ear and two juvenil~ age>& 16 and 17, were.• arrestA...>d ~l susp1c1on of res1dent1aJ burglary! and p<>b5Css1on of sl1Jll'n goods. ~ Poltce said tht• t rio <tllegedl.Yt burglarized a ho me in the 25001 block of Elden Avl' May 9 whilel t h c r e s 1 d c n t w a s a w a y o n! vacation ; . -1 1fow to tclf ~ ~ you ~her. ... a r a[[ ~s The Diamond Anniversary . Ring • Abondofdtamond~"'D A,.~ ~~.~1 that soys ~ .r Jc;weJ ~ you d marry her · n ,....._ llttand ....,~, .. ec .. • .... tcMO all over again • ...-•"°"' .. "*""' ,.,..., .. ..me. Don't give babies honey 'Coll ar City' ch oked DEAR PAT: My 1hter told me 11 '1 du~eroH to feed llODey to a email baby. Siie 4'8 t bow wby bit 11ld lier pedla&rlclu !lad &ol4 lier tlll1. I 1~0.ld tlll1k It would be better &o 1te lloeey for a 1weetcaer tban ausar. Cu yo1 tell me wby boney 110'& recommeoded? L.~ .• Co1&a Me11 Recent tlndlnM• 1how that hont!y may contain apo~ of botullJun b&ctNia, and ttu.t theM 1por8 may be dangeroua to Infant.a un- der ugt• 1 You nu.ay IM• 1ntc1l'lit4'<.l In orc.Jnang u nc.•w booklet by the> Department of Health and Human Services called "Infant Cue." h an- 1wer1 many queatlona for new parent.a and 11ve1 tip• on different appru&chea lO baby care. To get a copy. 11end •2 2~ to C.:Oruurut"r lnlonnatJon Cent.er , Department J 19K, Pueb- lo, Colo. 81009 Renter insurance Fa cts DEAR PAT: I didn't rHllt.l' until after tbe recent Anabelm fire tbat peopll' wbo rut apartmentl don't bavl' lo1ur11oce l'Ovuat c for per1onal belooglog1 uoder tbe laodlorcf'1 lnaurance p olky. Wbal kind of ln1Urancc policy tbould a rt'nter l(t'l? J.F., Costa Meaa A Murntlurd 1A·1111nt p1,l1t·y l'IJVt·~ furn1tun·. clothing und m~t othl'f pt·n.imnl hc•l<,ngin~ or thdr at·tual l'U.'lh vulut· ut th1· t1nw 11f loss, ac.'t.'ording lo W("llt•·rn lr111uram·1• lnformutlon Servkt! Hut vulu11blt·11 'iU( h II'( fur11, rwt'lry and 111lvl•r may hav1· ltnlllt'(I 1·11v1•rnf<1· umfor a standard pohl·y. and 1ru1y n1·1'<I p111lt~·111111 w1 ' 171"* •~inc Ave ., N~port le.ch, C1llf. (714) Ms.o792 + ' , • It , Grand Opening SALE i Rugs -Kilims •GEOMETRIC DESIGNS • NATURAL VEGETABLE DYING • 100°/o WOOL •ALL BY HANO KilimS-Averace. Size 4115' $ 1 oooo AND UP Rucs-Averace Size 4'17' s45ooo AND UP GER OR SMALLER SIZES AVAILABLE . ALOO ORIGINAL COPPER PIECES. t CARPETS 'N COPPER "AU IY tWlr' 414-1114 Ir d'·r u Npt'( iul 11tlll1t11111 to ttw polll·y ur und1•r .. IM'poralt• jJUllt·y WllS t1xph11n11 thut tht" lypk•I r1•nt..r'11 polky providl .. ('OVt•ruilt' on 1••l'lk.ln1d propc<rty, up lo llw tHTwunt »c.•lt'('lt'<.l by the-polkyholdor. 1't<n pt!rccnl o f that limit will bu lhti cove· """t' ror ud,t111on11 und ultt·ratlon11 to the cJw1•1ll11u unit. 11nd W 1K·n·N1t 11f t.hl' umounl of th•· JJt'rHCmul 1m>rJt>rty hm1t 111 ttw l'OVcras~ for uddtllonul llv1t1u t•xpt•rw'tf A 1wnc.Jurd wrwnl policy allkJ puy• for tmy lrwn·utK•d llvlni t•x - pt•n11t111 (hutt•l und r1•11hauru1t ('<>tlll) when u rt,.ldl'nl"-' mn't lw OCX'Uplt-d lwcuUM• <Jf damag1· l'OUM'<.l by u number of pcrlt.. T tw lMur1mc:•• t•ompuny will rc1mburM the polkyholdt-r, up to th1· hm1ts 11Wk•d In the polky, for lht• di( fn1•rwe lx-tween \ht't-0 l•xJWnM.'11 und the In 1nu1•d '11 normtil llvlnR t•xpen11ea whilt.• \hto build111tt 111 h•·l ng rl'puin-d or n·phw.'l'<.l. WflS 11tr1111gJy rt'<'Offimf'nd11 thut pohl'Y hold1•111 kt•1•p u l111t o f all hou1who ld furn1 .. 11111u,. .. a11d J'4'l'?llJ1wl hclonginl(.ll fur u11t.· in thl' ••Vt•11t 11f 11 lrJ!iH Thu1 mvtor1tory 11h11uld tndudf' furn1tu11· ..ind 11U1J0r pcr11unal bt:lunfmg. und 1ht•11 prwc'll und dol.(11 of purchWiC• t.'11 ut.o u w11wl l1h-u to k1'<·r> rt'<.'l'IPta und pholograph• uf rna.ior pc·r,..onal h1·l11nwng11 with u f.•opy of tht• 1r1vl'11tory 111 a 11:Jf1· pl11<-c• 11way from home .. • < ;,,, "'''""'''"'" ·n,,.,, w11t•· 10 J'i,1 limo • j Will /'111 WI// l'UI 11•tf Ill/II', 1(1•111111/ l/11• .o/INWl'/I> Utlll m ·tw11 Yllll ,,,.,.,, Ill ."1t1/v1· Ill T ltOY, N. Y. (AP) -In 11110, foctoMs her" produced 100 mil- lion eolian und cuf fl •~oar , toarnlni thu nlckn11mcs ''CollMr City" for tht1 lndualrlal cornrnu nl\y. But the murket coll11p1ed for dt:tllchubh_. collura aftf'r WorliJ Wur I, forctnai muny companlea out of hualneaa. And Troy may now 101e It• moniker fo r g ood with the announct·mt'nt lhut Cluutt, Pe1abody & t:o will duet• It.a l&11t Arrow 1hlrtm&1klr1g <>~· rauon hen· wllhln tlx Wt't.'lui Th•· movt· will put 200 t•m ployce11 out of work Compun y offlcu1l1 1uud they are tryln8 to find tranaft:ra or 11ubtt1tute J0b11 for the workl'ra, m oat o f thc•m women Although 400 udm1n111trutlv1• workt•rt1 w11J 11t.Jly on tht· puyroll htort', manufac:tur1r1g 1Jpt•rat11uu1 will bt· 1h1rtetl to oth.-r plunt11. 1TI011lly ln the South "We 11till look ut Troy WI our homt'," 11uld Coc:hrune Supph·1·, Vil'<• pre111den l or torµora t1• IJ f Caira "The plunt will contlnut· t.o 11erve as our r11ttional c:ompulN' ht-ud4uart.t•r11, main iadmlnl11tr1.1 live offll'CIJ l.llld ll'!ll laboraturlt'!I" ill 1~1111111•\ 111 l(l1V1·1111111·111 .1111/ IWN1t11·1<~ M u1J your <1u1•111J1111.~ tu /1111 Jim 11w111, I\ I Y1111r Sl'l'VU'l•, <Jru111(1• C'liw.t J),11/y l 'i/111, JJ O H1111. I !'>tilJ, "'""u' m1'lllJ, <'A !J:Jtli!tl 1\11 "'"''Y l1·111·r• UM 1""~1/1/1• will U•' u1111~ Wt•ft~I. /111/ ,,,,,,,,,.., '"'/Ul/11'' ,,, /1•1t1·n //IJI /111'/ud111g cl11· rP111/t·r'~ full 11111111 .11/t/11•11' .inti /111~1m·11.~ h1J11r11' fi/111111· 11u111IJ1•1 1·111111111h«1011'1tf1·1,./ After the prn1t wur l'hnnge 1r1 clothing 11tylt"ll, Arrow found iutl vation with tht· 11oft, ottuch1·d mllar on Its D&rt 11htrt From I ll~4 to 1970, wht·n It 11toppt"Cl produ<' lion of the llflt'. Arrr1w 111>ld 7~ m11lttm Darl.'I A~ WltepfMIW SOLEMN Entnt<Jinc.·r Mc.irvin Hamlu~:h and Cyndy Gar· vey wen· 11m<mg mournt:-1"8 at Culvt•r C'tty funnal St·rYIC'l'N for Neil Bogart. <'<inipu!>t:'r <1nd rt•<·11rd pr<1du<·1·r . wh<i dwd rif cancer \\lu.-n you opl·n a nc:w 1)1 Day Mo n ey .\1:trkc.·1 An:ounl at Hank of Arnt.'rka, wt.·'11 Ki vc you a $l0 t.·a,h honu~. llij.Ch l<a h · for Ju,1 ')I l>ay'! 111< 'JI I >.1\ \10111·\ \1.11 "cl .\u 1111111 1-. .1 gn-.11 Ill'\\ 111\l·..,1111l·111 'rn1d1111'1 It.I\ l ' In 111· 11p\11111111011l'\ lnrlCJ11gpl·1111d..,tc1gc1 l11gh 1111 llH \ 111.1r"t'I lllll'fl''i( ,\ ll1glt f;I((' l'i ~Oltl''i \\ h1·11\IHI10\l''il ,I llltlllllllllll ol ---~()() l11r 11111\ 'JI d.1\-. .II .1 llllH' \I lht l 'lld 111 llH· ll'llll \<111111111<1'"111 he· .111111111.111< .dh n ·111H·..,1nl •11 l1n t.01 •flt 1 1n1 1lu1nt1ith\lu I )'JM' \1u111•I' • ltll u .... il••1t1k I"''"''' .1u•l111t1 t• '11he111~,. 111" to.1111 11 .u••~ r.1h .1f '.u. 1111uh111h 1~., 11111111 h •flt litll \• 1r ..... I 1111 .... 1 ........ p•··•ult1h 1lu I ..... , .. jUIHhll>t••I Ulh,. ... , ........ "'9 ·" t •• ,.,.,, '\4 \1 HI tit t,'4.tftti;•llt••lt.tllY.f f1ult h\ltl.1111101111 ••• '•Htllt ''I" ttlUJ.t f•H tlu h tftl •1f tlu 111\111\llllt 111 IOI \ 1111 .II 11 It' 1.11 l' 111 < 111 < I 1111 \ 11111 111,lllllll\ <I.tic· ()I' \1111 Ill.I\ \\lll1d1.1\\ \11111 111111ll '\ ii \111 1 p1dv1 I I .99H'X1 Annua l Hatt:' I .l.7.U'x. Annual Yidt.I: · IS.111" 11l ,\11h·11t.1.., r.11t· 1111 1111 .... 11<1111111 ,., llJl' IJigllt·..,1 till' I.I\\ .dl11\\.., II'-l u p.1\ .\11d r1 ·11w111h c1 1\.1111-111.\111t11t .1gt\l''\1111 .1 ".!II hoi 111' I nu' .,afc:ly a nd< .ml\·c.·nic:11<. t.·. ( )111\ B.1111.. , ,, Allll'l ll .I l .111 11111 I \ 1111 I lit ..,,tkl\ .llld l llll\l llH'llt 1·111 ( .1l1f111111.1-. 1.rrgc ,1 I 111.1111 1.d 111..,11111111111 I 11 LH 1 1I1t r c .., \11101ii'11 Id 1'-I 1 '""'•I ••II 11111 t • ltlf ""'llltil111• 1f illh t1 I ~' l•t " • " • w f\ll II It I lllft I .... , It Ill 1111 ... ',.. It t I ...... ft II • I ti '•1hl.t1H11lp111ill l111e11I \1thtl11\\1I \ \I II ffllt •ltu1 ltl f...,, I\ t1l 1l1ft ,, 1tft I t M 1 lflffllflflfl tl1 , ...... I till 11 I 111\\ I I ' ti• p111h.rl1h .1 IS.111h 11I \1111111 .1h1.11 1tl111l'.1 rll\ rtgl II 1111\\ ~I \\ li.11 ,11 l \ 1111 \\ ·" 111lg1111 I (>pl 11.1 1) I I ),I\ \1I1111111 .II H.1111.. ( 11 \11H 111 .1 t11d,1\ Al'o '\c.•\\: ~·! Yc:ar f11,·c·,1111c·n1 ... 1 .~.8c;•x, Annual Halt.· I 1.Hc;·x. Annual Yidd . IS.1111-111\111e111.1.rl,•111lkr-..1111·" ""' 't II It Ill 111.11 11·1-. \I Ill 11 )( I.. I lfl 1111 ... I 11g'11.tH f111 )I• \t ',ll 'i \\ llh .I '.!llflfl 111111111111111 d< p11 ... 11 II '""r ~1 • h-.11 I ltglt' wld flltt' Im t '11111 111 \..,!., "' .1h11111 11 1 BANK OF AM ERI CA ~-----------------1 You'll be in the money. I 91-Day Money Market Account. ll11•1•1111,.1111•1(111"l l11r J 'L•1c.1•hl1111111'"'hl11 \1111 I ope 11.1 •JI 1),1\ ~1"111 \ \l,1rl.1Il\c1 HIUll .11 U.1111. u l i\mc·111 ,1 (( ""P°'" .11 .... J\ .11l.1hlc ·" f\.111!. "' '""rte .1 hr Jt1d11' I I ,,lflll \1hlfl'" I ... ,, ,,11 °'t'I Wll\ • I ,,, . , .. ,,II.'"'"~ ... ,, ...... I I I I 1101111" 1111\ ·" .11l.1hlc-"hc·n 1 ~'lt·nt111p ''I I >.11 \le •tW\ \l,tr!.c·t \H • 111111 < >nh • llll' h1111u' pt•r p11.·,....1n 11r .111 • K1111 I" 11111' 0 111 ·r )(11111.I I hr11111(11 l1111t II I W4..I 1)1 1>.1\ '>111111·1 \lolf'l.1·1 < ,., fl{/1t1l1•Llft' 111"' "" .1ilo1hlt 1111\\ 1'\l'f < 1"f'flf/11111•\ ,,, 1· 11111 .111111111.1111 o11l1 n•lm 1· .. 11•d .11111 ch 1 11111 1111 luc le-.1 \ lll hc 11111' , .. ~110 ml11tn111111 dqto~11 .... 1,..1.11111111 r" "·'"' lt1r' .rrl) \\ ltl11Jr,1\\ .11 BANKOFAMERICA m &.;."".;;;;.;,~·--- - - - - - ---- - -~P·4 f • • • ,\le HF Orange Coat! DAILY PILOT/Thuraday. M•v 13, 1882 Plan opponents must present solid facts Snow l''ounUaln Vallt•y Sd\Oul t>istric:t l>llrt•nts h11v t· hpp<•ulc·d tht• d1s tr1c:\'s n•organiwtlon pltm. dmm ing sc·h0<JI off 1cutls did not follow st a tt• and <.!tstrll't gu1dPltnt•s n · gardln..: tht· t•nv1ronm<.•nt.HI 1mpat't this plan rnuy huvc: 0 11 lht· t·u rn munlly Tht• r<.·orgunliutlun plan. ap- provt"<.l In Fl'bruory, calls for th<• t•o nversion of St'V<'ra l slles into mldd le sc:h oob., f o r grn<.ks six through <.'lf.-'ht ( Dastm·t sc:h ools nrf' n ow arrangNI on a k1ndf•rl(11rwn through t·aghth t(radc· bc.is1s ) Tht· protrstin~ purt•nts suy the d1s tr1('t hui. nol propc-rly rt• VICWL-<l tht• lnt'rt•ast•d truH1c, mnsc.· and air pollulwn that may bt· c:rcutt•d by lht· r<.'Or..:11nawt1ur1 Das trH'l of I 1<·1als h<1vt· si11d !hl'y bL'11t•vt• tht· n·org11111zalum plun will huvt· no sagnafit'ant t•fft'<.'l 'm the envaronmt•nt. Tht· board of trus t<.•t·s hu!> asked its uttornt·y to hl'lp dclermlm• wh<.·thL•r all le· J(ttl rt•qu1rum<.·nt.11 wcrt• f olluw1•d. tr t tw dis trict did foil to mm- pl y w ith e rw1ronm(•ntal 1mpul'l rul1 ·:.. th<• tru.~te<>s und tht· adman 1str.llton Rhould t a kt• whutt·vt•r ~t«·ps arr appropriat<.· to t·orrcn su t•h erroni. But 1t should bc nornd thut m a n y of tht• panmlM be hind thb appeal arc tht· Mame pt.•oplc· who havt> <.'Ons1sltmlly op~o.d tht' dlS· tm·t's nuddlt• IK:hool plan If thCSt' part•ntR h ttvc• found ~tJrtW leg1t1m.1tt• mastuke>s in thP d1~trn·t 's ac:tions. th<'y should bt• nimmfc>ncic•d. But 1{ thc•y are a t · tt·mpting to lwnd tht· law simply .1~ a mt•uns of forc:mJ( the• d uitm:l Lo rN·onsidt'r its dt•t·1sion on middle •;c:h o<>ls. J.hen they an: enKag<.·d an a d1 srupt1vt· effort that as diverting <1ttt·ntion from mor<.· important. sd1<>11I ISSUl'S Kindergarten plan • unique , ti u n t 1 n J( t o n B <.' t1 e· h L' 1 t y :(t•lt•mt·nlary) St:hoo l Da~tri<'t trustt·t·s havt· :.ipprov1•d a pilot progrurn for all day kmd1·rg.fflt•n Tht· program wall s l•Ht this Sc•pt<.·mtx·r w1 th onC' l'lass ('Jt. h al K ettlt.-r and Mofrt·tl Sl houl!. l t wall stn ·tc:h out the· !t<.'hcxJI day fur k indt·rgartnl'r'> f rorn urn manu lt·s to 240 ur ~70 mmull'l'I a day Tht· pilot progrnm wiil allow t t<ac:ht•n, and l'hildrt·n 10 -;p e nd more um1· lt>J.Cl·tht·r on J h·'>s hur- r1t'CI bas1:-. It abo f1~ures t o glvt• the young pupils i.I c hant'(• to gc·l a h•·ad start o n leurning tu read. Tht> lull -day kandcrgarltn program is not in use an any of Ornngt· County's public schools. So tht.• pilot program in Huntington S.·al'h is import.an\ unt• that wall Ix· wau:ht-d dosdy by o ther s<:hool syslf•m." in th<.· <.'Uun ty 4sncl in othn parL-. of thl• st.alt' Chddr C'n, p<Jrt•nts. l1•<1e·ht•rs a nd <tdmin 1stn1 tor~ ow1• 1l tht•1r t WS t t'f fu rt Valley's fountain overdue A n·1H u:-.1•nt:1t1v1 · of Fuunt:11n V:ill<•y':-. :.!~'>th lurthdJy l'l1mm1ll,.1· l :1s t wc·t•k .1~k1•cl for th'· City ('uunc·tl 's u p inwn <1n butld tn~ a clly fountlJtn in n-t·ol(nall<m of th1· t ommunaty's name· One· 1mmc·d1atc• rt•spons(' might IH· Why didn't s omt•onc· thank of th1i. '>Oom•r'' Th<· an!->WN 1~ !ha t SUl h a fountain in fal'l was proJ><.N·d in l~?:J 74, .ind $:s.ooo an d on<1t11m' w <" tollt·t'tt'd l<1 ht·lp t>uald 1t But tht· M ideast ml t'rtsts rt·· suJted in rl'Slrat.·lllms on lht· u M· o f el<.'<.'trac1ty f11r "ll<'h dt"t'ornt1vt· de· vices, <ind irHe·r 1·..,t trl ttw prnJt't't w<1ned (Tht· $!10 ,000 pm·1· t<1g also may h ovt· lwt·n a fa<'lor ) Tlw 1·1tv'-. '.l!llh h1l'thd :iy t·c·r tarnl y st·t·ms <in appmpn u tt· lam<.· t o n·v1vt· som1· 1nl(·rt'st 1n t his pl'O.Jl'<.'l C'omm1ttt·1· nwmbt.·rs have -....ul lh(·y w;1nt to build th1!-! fo un- 1;1111 without using ;my l'aty funds (In view of the (1ty's pn'SC'nt 11gh1 fananl'L's , s u l·h an a llol·<.ition c.:oulJn't b1.· 1u.-.t1f1l'CI anyway) As <i n ·sult, th<· c·ommall<•(• w1l1 l1t• set·king volunlt't•r h<·lp and ('OrporatL· don<.il1uns en order to build tht· fountcian , whic h ts l'X pt•«t<·d to lx· dc-s1gn<'<I for manam:JI 01wratanj.! ..ind m:J11H1•nanl·(· l'X JX'nst~. Th c: t· o u n c· 1 I ha!> g 1v 1• n preliminary approval lo thl• fuun- tain t·onc:t>pt, but wal>(!ly n •taanc·d thl' right to rt-vww th<' final d'·s1gn a nd locataon o f tht' monum1.•nt Fido getting cheaper It'-; ;Jlmoi.l 1n111oss1bll' to mm r.ri!hl'IHJ. hut lht· t'Ost 11( buying .. t•enm· for your doJ< 1s goan..: down an lluntangt1m &·•1<.h Com<' .July I , a l '.l -month II l'(•n...e that w s t $I l :,o last yPar wal I cost $10 L 1ct-ns('s for spayc:d or neu tcred dngs wtll fall from $6 l5 to $5 Pt•l ownc•rs will sav1• mon<•y end th<· C"1ty wall, too The· n·d u < lion!> an· ta•anj( b rought about by a t·hang<' m th<' wuy lin·ns t· n ·v t·n ucs an• ht•anj( t•o l lc.."t:tl'd . Until now, 1h1· t·1ty hHs l>l'f•n collL'Cttng rnon1·y for IH:t·ns.·s :ind turning 1t ovt·1 lo Ornn gf• County • wh1d1 has b<<i•fl 1x·rform in~ ;1111ma l t'on trol Sl'f'Vll'l'S But the t:ost of the t·11Lrnty s1•rv1t·c has t'Xl't.'C(Jt•d the amount th<· l'lty has c:o llt>c:lC'd and l'lty taxpayers had to subs1d1zt• tht.· opl'rat1on by <.ibout $40.000 this y<"<1r Undl·r a n arrt1ngl·m<·nl ap · provt·d rrc·,·ntly . t h e l'OUnty will assume· th<· cnttrl' opt•rat10n as 1t docs for 17 C>thcr c.·1t1cs Tht•rt• will hf' n o S<·par <tll" charg<o:. 1>lhl·r th~n t h" t·ol ll 't:twn of I 1n•n....:• n•v(•n uc•s Th<' lowl'r c:osLo; a nd s1mpltc:1ly of thl· op<.'rallon makt• one wonder why all this wasn't don<> in the past. Ma yb<.• tht• t :.111 ha s heM'I wagging the dol( Ol.l1n1on\ 1·1q1r1·""·•·11 111 ltl" "P·H" .1h<1v1· .1r1· lhO\e of the O.t1ly F'tl ot Olnf'r v1t->N \ t·M Prl''>'>l:'d ur1 ll1t '> l.ldl.ll ,.,,. llH>'>• 1JI ""'" t1ult1•>1' .ind ar1•'>1'> J:j1.,11J,., ~ommPnl ,.., 1nv11 'd Add"""' 1n1 ;1,111 y l'tl<Jt. I> CJ Bo )( 1 ~60, co-.1.1 M P..,d , (/I. ?'1b1b Ption•• (1 14 > 641 4321 L.M. Boyd I Test trick Schnlan1 .H Colgate: U111vN111ty gavl' • ll·ngthy math tC'11t to -;tut.l••nlli Half ~f them sat in ,·hairs. hair lny on beds T1'l>t.' o f th\• studt•nt.i; In bc.od l'ame out 1onwwh11t ht•tt1•r What do you· makt· or thot? Q. Wasn't 1t Talluh1h lfankht>ad who an1d, "l 'vl' mud1· an ass of fl'.IY&elr so m11ny tlmf>s I o ften wondt•r •r I am one·•" A. No. Normlln Malle r 1uud that T1tlluloh suld , "I'm 11w pure a11 the driven !\lush " , New York ('11y'!4 Wor ld Trudl' Center rhu-K uru1 fall11 ahoul 14 lnth1•s ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot ••• ,,,..., • .,., ' .. , of tn. , •• , .. , •• ~"' ... , \t,. (e\t• '9W~ AtMl'l'I\,_ ,_.,,_,ponMN• .. IM• IW t 9'1• .... I A •1>1• . - a llH\ /\net 11 till!\ !l ul l . loo, u1111ro111matcly two lne·hl:'s first to the wt•sl :md t hC'n to tht· CU!\t I.and t ldl's do thul In perao naltty t4•11t.1 conducted on phys1c1ans, the pt'd111tricmns for some r1'atton 11COred qu11.t· low on humill.ty So It was reportl•d in ~· nai1o n11I magazine. How do )"Ju 11cl'ount for thl1? Why would those· 11prt'lllllst11 meem lacking In thl1 pi1rtln.1lt1r trait? Aak your baby doctor. More Enallah word!! 11tart with ·•S" than any other letter. Next come11 C Then, ··P." Thomas P. Haley Publisher Thomas A. Murpfllne Editor Barbara Krelbich Editorial Paoe Editor Repealing the 20th century WASHINGTON -For Ronald R(•SI· gun, nothing may 8UC'tet•d Ilk<' fo1lurl•. Th(• mllhf)l'e and l'haos of hill et't'lnom1c pohm•11 l'OUld be leading to the rl'aliUt. tum of his most c:herished pohtic.'al g11al ('rippling the federal govt•nunent. H(.•&gun is governing now not as the pohtil'ian who ran Callfornia but as the 1dcologul' who has 1,1pent h111 late l1ft- try ing t o inspire people to turn on Washingto n . His real goal -a nd the goal or the ITICMll dedicated and energl'l.1c· of his followers -is to leavt' Wru.hing- ton m two and a half years or st>< and a half yl'al"ll with as much as posiublt• of tht• powt:r and reach of that city reduc.'t.-d and wrl'l:k(-d. TllE 1982 BA'M'LE of th(· budget <t tawdry and depressing political affair on the• surfare -could bt: hist.one This 111 what would happl•n ir Reagan , artt'r s ubm1tl1ng (in Ft'bruary) the high d1.·f1c·1t budget that he 1s now deploring, were somehow able to rontmue wmnmg what S4.-em l£l be small sk1rm1shc11 ~ on l'tJOlradit:tory pnnc1plC'S: l ) FL'<ieral revenuC!I -dcpend<'nt on tncome ta Xt'S -wo uld dt'cl1nP la11 a proponw n of gross nationa l product) 1'1-<·auKt· of th« alrN1dy -vott'Ci 1982 and 19UJ rt·ducttons o r 10 pc:rt•t:nl And lht·n tht'y would dedine (rdutivt·ly) ag,ain whN1 "indexing" bl'l·am<.· efr1·t'l1vt· 1n I !IUfi and fewer und f1 ·wt·r lnxpay1•rs would be movt-d mlo lu~ht•r hrackl'l.'I hy wugP 1nfluuon 2) Jo't<derul dl'fl•nst• s pt•11d1ng would mnunuc to""" •ha.ply m~,<~rt· . . RICHARD Rlf VIS 1 i ~ sharJJIY than the 7 percl•nt tncH•:Jst•-. Rt.·agan propo8c•t.I during has 1980 t·am pu1gn bN·aui.t· the• projec ts th<' ud mm1strat1on has -;('hcdul<·d lo bc-gtn now will l'Ot\l more and more tn M:tt•ct.•t:dmg yl·an; :l) A balam'C'd federal budget rlktn dall'<.l by the C'Onst1lutional amf>ndml·n1 the pn..-s1dc·nl now supports would re· dut'f' ovnall !!pending lo thl' ll'V«I of lh1· 1rwv11.<1hly n'<lun'Cl n•venu~. '1) So, l':tc:h yt·ar lht.•n• would b1• ll·~-. and lt·K~ munl'y avad1tblt• fm clon11·~l1t· spc•ruJing link1-d to natwnal polll'y Soc.'ial St-<'Urtly. hc·alth and l'Clut<ill•m prol(ram~. rl·gulatory acll/111 , t·1vll la w c-nfllr('Mrll•nl ancl llll' slr111J<ing or "s;1foty nf'l_, .. would .all lx• slowly chokt'Cl oft. Th.11 1!. lht· 1d1 .. 1 Thal ·,~ thl• 1dt•a that H.011ald ll~·a~a11 .111d llll' 11111 ... t 1·on1mitk.'<l uf A11w111·.111 1·•111M·1 v.1uv .. ., hav•· bc(·n pl'l'lll0l11ng ">11\l'I' lht• r1•d1 ·1 af ~1/Vt•mrmmt b1•j.t .. 111 Jc·11v1·ly d1·f1111ng .ind 1>nfordng "fall IH""'"" in .1nw. 1ntdlt-<:tuul t.1nd f!Cl'<> gn1ph11·JI. <i('r'"" th•· '11ur1lry TllE IDEA IS 111 n·r,w-.il much of tht- ;!Oth 1t·1llurv p.1rt1111l.1rl v th•· parts that ;offt·t 1 '111 1.d w1·IL111-. 11vtl ri~hl!> and v;igui·r 1 on1 •·pt' like· 1·on,11nll'r1Nrn, l'llVI ronnlt'nl;il..,111 .11111 .11 1 ou11t;1hil1ty Rt·a g;111 C.'Jn f.1tl, 1111 Liu· p11l1111·al lt•vt•I of 1•lt't'l1onJ>, ,ind 'un-.'('<1 prol1<1lJly bt•ytmd his lonJt-:o.l J11 •anL'>, 1111 th1• p11l1t1t·<tl l<'Vt'I 111 d1.1ng111J< lht• w.1 y Ame n~·ans hv1· .ind ~ove•r 11 1lw111M·lv1.,., I d11uht wh1•llwr he lhtn"lc. h1· will ht• JUdgt-d on <1r n ·ally 1·;11 t.., thut 111ud1 .• 1,.1ul dt't'llon rt·Lums 1 n I !Hii or I !llH Tho.,e· rc·,ults in t'l/fl).trt''>'>IOnal t•lt•(·- lltlll'> ;111d lht· n1·xl prc..,teh·ntial t·h"-'l1on d1·1,.•r1tl •lfl \he· 1mm1·d1:at1· 1'<•onom1c 1m - p.1l'l of 1111, d1..,putc·d hudgl'I Thi· rrsult..s Hl'agan 1s workinf.( toward <•re· nol 1m - m1·d 1.1 l1· or 1·xl'l•nuv1·ly 1·111norn1<· He 1·11uld f;atf ;1:-. pn·,1d1·nt a·nd ~ul'Cl>t'Cl as an 11J1~,111gu1· Profit can't justify coastal damage T•> the Editor. I felt compelled to write thlJ'I lctl.l•r 1n rt"iponsC' to an atutudc which seem,, tu be alarmingly prevalent in t his area More spe<:ihcally. I am referring t.o th1• log1,· <'xprC!!St'd May 2 m this mlumn by a W A Berls on t..he lSSUe uf o ffshore MAILBOX drilling tn Newport B1•at·h Mr Bt>rb suggest.I'd 1hal the .:1l1wn~ of N1•wport B<·ach mns1dt•r the "f1nanc·1al tx-m.f1ts" n1mpan:~ tu "poss1bl1· 1·nv1ror1ml•ntnl damaw· I u111 v1oh•ntly r~pul:icod by tht· notion pul for•th by thl'S(' t·allowily tnd1ffl·n·nl md1v1dual~. suc·h as Mr Lk•rl.8. who tns111t upon pillaging our ••nv1ronmt•nt for profit Mr Bc.·rl-1 was quite dl'Vl'r to USC' lhl' word "p<&1bl<•" tn h11; stat.t•menl ~nv1 ronmvn tal damage 1s n ol a d is tant "poi.s1bll1ty" when aff1ha1t•d with off• short• drilling, 1l 111 an 1m·emtrovPrllhl1• fat·t OF COUR SE, there cin• those who <1blltmatt•ly refuse lo acknowledge this fac:l, usually pointing to b1as-ndden. 1n dustry spon.'iOred Pnv1ronmental impact studtt•s lo con firm their "rational" v1t·wpotnts. For th•l!lt.' who possess more ob1<•c t1v<' and non-profit attitudes. the cnv1ronml'nt.al impact stud1€'8 conducted by the UCSB and UC-Berkf'ley contain lnwnsely distressing ronclusaoru on the subJC"t.'t of offshore dnlllng and rrumnl' ecology ThNc 1s no 1us llf1catwh for e nviron mf'nt.al rapine. and it !k'<'ms nbtlurd thut soml· individuals Meek to c•xc.·u!K' lht· nt'· glt·c.·t or our majestic coastline for pro- .)t't'tc-d n •v1•nuc.-s and an "ent'rgy crisis " Unfortunate ly. however , in o rdt'r "'' h.•vt•I the most devasta ting argument uga1rutt the proetitutaon of our coaal, one must reduce hunaelf to think in mone- tary term.'! The taxpayers of Callfornia have JU5l put forth $32 mJlllon for the Crystal Cove Sta~ Park a nd are not too enthuslulic about 11tting ltAJ 1yatematlc dMStructlon by industrial greed. JASON LYNN I Refuse wage insults To the Editor: We read t.odny about the glut of doc- ton. lawytin . . and the unemployed. The glut of unemployed hat brou&ht wage and aalary offers way down. Ap- plicant.a highly skilled and experienced are being offered what they earned 1~ yean ago. not juat by arNll atrupling firm1 who arc havlna dltflcultlea, ma- king low wagn underatanct.bl~. but by 1tlU autt't'ISfUl bualn...et who haw not Quotes "One of the worst 1lgnal1 we could send to financial marketa would be an outrtaht retreat rn.xn tht1 fundamental.a of the program.'' -Preal4e.t Rupa, afflnnlna htt 1tandt bthlnd hi.I emnomk: reccwery program. l11w1·rt'll lh(•tr prt<.I'\ o n produ.:t11 and ';I ·rVI('('\ Thi· l(IUl of doc·tor. a nd lawyNb hJl> not hrouJlhl nu·d1 c·ul a nd ll'~ul <:harg1·~ tiown ONE ANSWF.R ~o 1h1· wagl' .. md ~ii ar y prolil1·ni 1., fur tht)M' who an· i.1111 rllll d1-spt•ratt• lo ~•)' 1111 Lu m:1ulting uffl·rs, 1•SJX'l'lally wl11•11 tllt'y know their c·apa- bll1u1.,., a11• tops Oddly, t•mployl•rs have• not h•am1-d lh:1l l11r111~ lh1· 1n1'<11ex·11• 1s 1~"'1ly .. ind h111n~ tlw uwpl 1•vC'n 1111111· m-.tlv Unf11rtunatl'ly th1·n· art· many who 1.•1.1nn11t .afford to 1'..•V no to .1 "'"'' 0H1•r Wh1·n .1 JOI> ad iw y-. ":-.;tlary t•11mm,.r1i:.u n1tc· with ahtl1ty." wh1rh. o f 111ur\1· nll'iJllS thl' y1b S(IH.., to th•· low1-i;1 b1dd1·r. tlll'y must Ill' tht· low b1ddt·r. lhc·y'r1· lwhind 111 n·nl , l11lli. for n1·n·ss<1ry t•x 1,W'llM-:0., I'll' 1t J ACKSON TELEPHONE YOUR LETTER TO THE EDITOR See instructions below Consider beach los Tu th1• ft:.Cl11.m Orw or 1h1• IVi..,I pubhl'r:wd hut n11"1 d.11n.1g1nl{ iL'>flt'l'L" of 1h1• Or,mgt· Cou11t v t.l1•vl'lopnH•lil pl:1u for Bolsa l'h1l'a 1s 1h1· lu~i. uf a "IJ<lllftt·anl portio n 11( H11ba Ch11·u SUalt• H.•adi lhal 1~ rt1andat1-<I hy th111 pion Aulldowr 11 will 1,1•n111v1· mm 01· th1m lttU,000 ~U11rt• h>t•l of ll11~ popul;u lx·ac:h (i1v<'n t lw f1w l th .. t uwr 150,000 pt•o pie· i;<o l(J thc· lw 11t•ht·s in llunl1nl{to 11 lkac·h. 1•wn 111 Aprtl. It Ill !'lhe•t!f folly lo '<Ht'flfl<'l' th1 ., l><·1ll'h Our <·hildn·n who lovt' tlw b<·u<•h f•ir its surf. 11un, and !lllnd. wilt n111 upprt'('11tt1• our takin~ this l:1':ad1 rrom tht•ffi fort•Vt'I .IAN I> VANDERSUXYI' MD Let others sacrifict· To th(• Editor. I couldn't believe my ears as I list.enc•d to Sen. Pete Domen1t·1, Republican from New Mexico, setting forth his budget bolancang proposal Sur ely, I stud to myli<'lf, this senato r 11pc.•uk11 with fork,'(! tongut' In ch<'C.'k lie allowed WI how the elderly sur(•ly wouldn't mind foregoing the schedul1'(I 7.~ pr~nt rile In Social Security if th.-y knl'w t•verybody el11c waa sacrificing equally Get that, fe llo w i1arrlf1c·t>r11 "Everybody llt<:rl!icing equally." How ea1lly tho worda cam.-from 1.1 man whoae l'OlleaguC8 had recently vo- tA:.od thomselvl'S i1uch o tax break for thl· mer~ foct of doing bualne111t In Washing- • /,t'llt'n frnm Tf•nll1•r11 11r1• 1Jlf'lc11ml' ih1• right 111 l'orvl1•n111· lt'ltl'f.~ 111 /rt !IJ)l'U'f' ur 11/111111111/1• /rfl..t '·' rt•i1•rr•t•d l.t'ltl'n 11/ 'Jlill 11•11rd.• nr /r1n u'lll ht• g1t1n1 prl'/t'"'"" All lf'llrr• n11nl int'lud" 1111no1urt orw.I mo1h~g t1ddrr1111 but numl'a maJI /)f' Wllhh#ld mi " 'tur111 1/ 1ufl1nl'nl' r.-oaun 11 opparrnl PotfrJI Lt'lll Ml /)f' publl.thl'd l,l'lltra mOJI fl# tl'lrphonl'd lo 1142 60M ~·amf' Cllld phmtr numbfor o/ lht cunlnhulor mu11 t>4' gn•ftn /or u~r1/lcOIWrl purpn•t• l11n IJ (' ,,, 111 v111u.illy 1t·mov1· .di 11r 1lwm fn1m lht· t;ix roll-. I w;11\1'(l f11r 1111 -.ugge-:-.l1011 that th1·y rn1J,thl fl'M ind thal l..il l•'>I 1n.,ull tu tilt' rt'\I of 11'> taxp.1\l'I'> .I!. ,1 v.,1\' of 'how111g th.11 lh1·v too wt 11· J.:OlllK to rr1.1k1· .11 11·.1~1 :1 tllkl'll .... 11111111 It d11l 11111 1111111• I WAITl':I> 1111 ,, .. ugg1 ... 111111 th.11 '"nw 11 1 th1• l.11 i-:i·1 "p •11 k h.1 r 11·I" l""J''' h '>flllll"'"'" l1v 1m·mh1•f\ ,,f I h . .t •• u~u't ll'1d v 1111 th• 11 v.1n111i.. ,,, .. ,.,, 1111 lud1ng a v1•1 v l.ng1· 1in1· 1111d1 ·r 1h1· .11•g1" of S1 ·11 l).11.111·11111 n11gh1 IM ·' 111 ll;1e k It did not '111111' All I h1·.011l "°.;' 1111· -..11111· o ld 1111·d r h1·lt11 H . IA-h1t h II .1110,l;tt1 •\ 111 11')'> 11k.1v tw VIII I h11 I d1111' I :l'>k 1111' ll> he' p.111 11f 1 l Wh1 ·11 v.111 I h11~1· "lt1~:tat1111d1•1,· 1111 tl11• lt1ll g1·I tlw p11 lu11 · 1h .11 1•v11 vl>•xl y 111 1111111 ·:-. tlw111" 11 11.al.1111111,~ 1111• l>udgt•l d1·111·1111., 1111 '"" l.1w111.ik1 •1., l-(1\'111g up orw lllflf)l 'I C'llgl.1 \'l'd 1>'1111.111 ttl llll' "II\ Uf 1h1• latt• N:111• v I l.111k' vuu 1 .1n I.i v ~IX to l1v1 11 will 111•v 1 1 1,.. h.'1l111111'll s.·, mU< h 1111 st•ll .... II I ii 11 '" St II l>111111'flll'I MAHY JANt-: W(X)l) Freeze resolution To lht• ~lilw Tln•r t• will ill' ,1 fll "l'"'1tio11 on thl' Nov1•nil11•1 b.1ll11t 111 <.'.d1ror r11.1 wh11·h 1·alb 1111 ltll' U S .111d U SSH to 11nnw- d1a1t·ly halt product1un. tl'sllng und dt·· 1>loy1111•nt uf nudt•ur Wl-..1po111> . ..a.s & fi rst !lll•p t11word prt•vc·nlang nul.'IC'ar war. This t'•>rWl·pl has b<'<.'Oml' known a.-. the FrN·11· W1· h.1v" lwt•om<' 1nl'r<·asangly mnt·t-rnc·d ahout thl· worldwid<.• prolifc- ra twn of nul'lear W<'ltpons and have tx'<·n. until n ow , unablt• to find a wuy o f translatin~ our com·crn into acllon . It ~l'mcd to us that, glvl•n Orange Coun- ty's !llZt.' and its trad1t1on of po lit1cal c·nnst•rvat1s m. a pol1t1cal action group which w11s lon1lly based m1J<hl not be found We art• happy ln n·port that we d1s- rnv<•rt•d an o rgonlzallon here working towards pa.'l..'Wgc> of the f'rcew resolution th111 November We want to urge other Orangf' County re11lde-nta who want to become active In this <'ff on to contact the Orange County chapters or Califom.lana for a Bilateral Nuclear Weapons Freew. Th<.' North County office la In Anaheim s t 956-9fJOO: the S<_,uth County offkc ill in Corona de l Mar at 720-0595 RICHARD MOLDAWS KY, MD. ELLEN SEVERONI, R.N. ClDOIY Cll Anyone for rcmamtna J ohn Wayn~ Air· port to Orona e County Airport? Wouldn't It bf-In all our best Interest to r.ubUci~ Orana County rather than the ate-, gr at John Wayne? 0.0 .H. • .._, 0. ~· M• ........... '1 ............ .. ......... , ,....,_ '""" ........... -......... ... ......... ...-, ..... 0...,~ • \ DIVORCED? Self· proclaimed bUUonalr. Donald Lal1uro , lhown with murdo,... Su11n Atkin• durtn1 their woddlna la1t Soptember. aay1 he ha dlvon.'t.'d thtt Mlln- aon clan mumber and 11 plannln& to take wlfe number 37. Lal- 1ure aay1 the divorce papel'I Wert" aJgned by Fidel Caatro. • • Curtis Mathes 19 Inch Diagonal Color Table Model Modern, compact styling in this deluxe table model fits with any decor. Side grips let you move easily from one room to another. Now at a savings! Curtis Mathes 8 Inch Diagonal Color Portable Take It Anywhere! Camping, Boating, Picnics or Driving. --------~---------~ Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Thurlday, May 13. 1982 "' Viking vessel sets sail for Norway K.NlFJ: RIVER. Minn. (AP) -A VI· k1nl lhip with a lin&lf lqUAl'e Mil WU headln1 acroaa L.ako Superior toward lh• At.1.an\Jc and ~vontually t.o Norway, punutna the; drum of• man who built tho ve.el but dlC'd before It Nt Mil Th• Hjemkomal, a 76·fOO\ r plk:AI of • VlkJn1 ve11el, 1et lll1J Tue.day from lhtt Knife River Marina after a two-day w•lt cawied by rain and hlah wlnda. About l ~O people c heered u the Hjemkom1t'1 crew ralaed the 1all and 1teered the wooden ahlp In a 1trat1ht c:ouree to the calm WMtera of the lake. Marina employees fired a two.gun ••· lute. Two of the 12-member crew -Tom Aap and Denni• Morken -remained behind ln KnJfe RJver t.o aether Jear and clean up aft.er the depvtw-. They will joln the H)llmkomat, a Norweii&n word meanln1 homecomlnf, after l t cro1H1 Lake Superior at Saw Sw. M"1ie, Mich. Th. crew hu been lt.chl"I to 10 a1noe the ottlclal launch of the Hjemkom1t lut Thwwt.y ln Duhlth. They nad to return \0 KnJfe RJver for more 1uppl1et1, then faced the delay• due \0 the weather. From Sault St., Marie, the Hjem· kom1t will travel down the St. Mary'• River and &el'OM Lake Huron en route to Detroit. Then I\ will tall acrou Lake Erie \0 the New York State Barie CAnal and down the Hudaon River to New York City. After a 1t.opover In New York, the veael will crom the Atlantic Ocean for S.rien. Norway. Some aclentl1t1 aay Vlktna• vlal ted Mlnnnota u early u 1362, but othert aay the evidence, a at.one with lnacrlp· tlona, II a 19th century hoex Durlna the approximately 4,000·mlle voy11e. the crew will keep In contact with a network ot amateur radio opera· '°"· 1f the ahlp falb to ca.lJ the opera\01'9 tw.'C.'Ordi"I \0 a acheduJe they've 1et, the operat.on wlU cont.act the Cout Guard. The voyaie wu the dream of the late Robert A.Ip of Hawley, Minn. A.Ip, who wu of Norwegian de!tleent, built the ahlp, but died In f9HO o f leukemia before being able \0 attempt the journey. The crew lncludee four of hla children. J t LT -- •;O(iDI CiU6• Curtis Mathes 25 Inch Diagonal Remote Control Color Console Furniture crafted styling makes this set a handsome add ition to any home. Available Curtis Mathes Video Color Camera/ Video Cassette Recorder in Mediterranean, Early American and Country English to please the most discriminating. Be Your Own Producer! Learn how easy and exciting Video can be to capture those summer vacations, family occa1sions and special events of your lifel With purchase of Curtis Mathes Video Cassette Recorder M odttl G205 12" Black and Whit~ Curtis Mathes Audio System Curtis Mathes Audio is always a sound investment and this powerful system is as good looking as the sound it produces. Compact and contemporary for any lifestyle. A Real Valuel LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILABLE/ TV PICTURES ARE SIMULATED Sorry No Financing On This Model The Longest Warranty Available With each new Curtis Mathes television, video recorder or stereo system, you get our fa mo us 4-year exclusive limit~ warranty that covers all electronic parts including picture t ube. It's the lon~est w1r- ranty in the business. And though you may never need it, It s nlct to know it's there. Ask to see a complete copy of t his warr1nty. WE CARRY OUR OWN CONTRACTS/ OPEN 7 DAYS Mon-f'rt. 10-8 Sat. 10-6 Sun. 12-5 The Most Expensive Television Set In America. And Worth It. Curtis Mathes HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 8921 Adams Ave. at Magnolla, Huntington Beach 962-3384 r --,- NYSE (~OMPOSITE 'rRAN 'At:1']0NS ~uor. flU•O INClUO• 'llAOt.• ON , ... NIW •O•• MIOWI" ,.""'' , •• •OHON 01. no1 r ANO l!NC:O"'"' II \TO(• ti A( HAMOI \ANO 111 l"Oll U 0 I V f Ml NA\0 ANO IN,ftl .. f HF Cl mortgage rate l'ro(.'k<'r &u1k hWi low.-red IUI honu-n10rtga.g(• raw to 1fj J.'4:rct·nl from 16 ~ pc~r\.'t'nt dfectlve May 13. '1 lw rutt· rnvers five-year f1 xed-rutc· mortgagL· lrnirlH for 11ingh• fum1ly homet1 with monthly paymt>ntll nnwrtli<-d ov••r :io Yl'UJ'11 Stock off er plan11ed Pnntronix I n<: of Irvine· unnounced It plt.111H to offn UJ}prmomutt·ly :rno.ooo shares of lt11 common Htol'k to the· publil· 1n a pubHc offering. 1n ;1ddit1on, certain shareholders may include_. a J.K11'twr1 of their s hares Jn the offering. The offering will b<· 1m1dt• only by mearui of pr08pectw to be Cilt-<l wnh th1· St.'<'Uf'lllt"H & Jt:xchang<> Comm1&1110n ()((ice park completed The $9 million Laguna Hilla Offke Park featunng offke condominiums has been complel.ed. Davis Development and Elliott Corporation. both of Newport Beach, are joint venture partners in tht.4 developmenl of the one-story office buildings, locatt.-d on La Cadena Drive. near the San Diego Freeway Lee and Strock Architects of Newport Beach d..-- s1gned the buildings. County firm gets pact Gt•neral Automation In<'. of Anahc·1m announci-d th1• firm ha~ bec·n awiJrdcd an 1n1t1al t·cin tral'l by Atomic· Enl·ruy of Canada Ltd. Thl' c·ontra<.:t indudcs onl' GA 16/4!40 und tWIJ GA lti/220 corn pu tl'rs tu pr ov1dl' J re· a<: tor !lh u tdo w n devc·loprncnt system for AECL The· potential valUl' CJf tht· initial award a n d f uturC' prOl'UrC'mc·nts tould t.>X(•c·cd one-half million dollars, a('(:Ording to Gc•nt:n1I Aut11mauon Firm shows profit Standard Logic Inc. o f Santa Ana announced a t its annual meeting that prelirrunary results for the quar- ter ended April 30 indicate a tentative profit of ap- proximately $100,000, or 2 1/2 cents per share. on sales of about $2.1 million. Last year's second quarter showed a 1068 of $417. - 763 on sales of $1 .484,195. S tandard Logic Manufactures various pro<luc.•15 and systems aimed at the electronics, computer and manufacturing industries, and produces a point-of-sal..- t.ernunal system for the hospitality industry. Entry system announced T e lC'fil e Computer Produc ts, Inc. of l rv1nl' announced plans for summer deliveries of its own entry level syste m (ELS), which is s u pported hy a Telefile T -81 central processinl{ unit <CPUI. Securities seminar set Nl'Wf.>l>ft S.~·unt1t.-s Corp w1 U pr~nt a seminar on "Sc'<:urity Inv1..>Stmf'nt.s in Orange County" at 7 pm Muy 26 ut its offil'<", 3151 Airway Avl', Suite H I Cost.a Mt.-s& For information. call 957-1081 Varco sets annual mee ting. Varco Internaciona l, Jn<.· .• of Ora nge-. which designs, manufactures and sells equipment for th£- petroleum industry, will hold its shareholders meeting Wednesda y at 10 a .m . a t the Varco Oil Tools confere nce room, 800 N. Eckhoff S t .. OranRe. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES HEW YOAKIAPI ~1rw1l Dow J°"°' 41..q, NI W V()Rt' t AF') !...(tlfo!" Wt~tl 'H 1~.fl ~ ,,... fF\M'9 Of ft'w>' .,,,....,,., fr'U\t Mfi.,,. N*• YOt1!. Slor.. f: •rn.,.-•\.~ ~~l~':!~IJy ·~.;;:'~thM4~1 • '°" E ••on ) 1 044. YX> l"f._, •·· 0.01"1"'! "3.100 17" I .. Sln•Q"I"'~ 110,100 1••,. {on'u l\1'w /Mt 100 It~• • •1, ~::"'l .... ,. m:: ~ . :: IJv~• Pl)w .17.IOO '"" 'I• o;..,r\AC.-.0 16\,/00 JO"-t w FordNaot )6j,.OO 14111 • tii.. n!"J '°'" m::: ~;~ le.Mo In< Sll,lOO 11-. -· lOS.100 , ... Nl 1-..1 <'l'l, 100 11 .,.. "• .,, .. AMERICAN LEADERS GOLD COINS NEW YOfllK (Ajl>I -f>no.t latt TUM- day of 90ld oolM, ~ with Moll• 01y't pt1oe, 1Cr1199f'IM1 ' troy 01 .. IMl.75, oft 14.71. ••l't• tt1f, t troit oa,. H4t, 11, off .. ..., .. ~ ...... t.2 troYOS ..... tl.15, A1t•lr1M ,.. 11•••· , 1102 troy oa., NS U O. Off IUt. tor -· ,.,..v 11 \TOCJCS JO '"" 10 ',,, I) Utt ., .... ln<Ju\ ,,.., U IH\ "' .... WHAT STOCKS DID NEW Y()MI( IAPI Moor 17 Ao~•tltf'd 0.rtl""" u,,..,,...., T ot a I I """" "tf"W "lqih\ N~• •OW'\ ""~on .. W4'f' "" ,.., •71 l'IOO \I ~ -.Ew YOAM IAl'I ,.,,.V 11 -.Ov•O..«f 0o>< II""(! Un<M•'O"d ,,,,.,,~ ,..w htQI'\\ H~w 10'#\ METALS Wtt<S11.-MMy , .. ""' 71• ,,, ., 1 ,,. ... an. '" m ,,. ,, " Copp•r 78"-e 1 oent1 a pound. u s d"t1nat1on1. I.Md 26-2 7 '*"" a pOUllG Zinc 36 cen11 • pound. dellvet.O Tin le 6890 ~all W .... compo1Ha lb AkH'nlnwn 78-17 oenta a pouno, N Y Mefcwy '370 00 I* ftHk l'letlftl.ll'll 1390 00 lfoY Ot ., N Y SILVER Hsn<ly & Human, S6 685 pe1 l•ov ov~ GOLD QUOTATIONS 9' TM A-'I ... ,.,_ Selacf .o WOf1d 0010 l)t10elt today L..i4left1 rr1ornlng 1l11lng 0 )1 711, up I0.21. ~! afternoon n111ng; 1332 26 New Yattlt Handy I HlffNlll: '331.00 NEW VO..~) -Spot nOf't,.,rOYI matel"""' . SYMBOLS ' t ••• i Ofenge Collt DAILY PtLOTl'nMtdty, Mey 11, 1tl2 TllE t';\MILl' CIRCl'I BIG GEORGE by V1rg 1I Partch (VIP) PE~Nl'TI by Charlea M Schulz -------- .. ' $ f"' I) "I only wore this shirt once. Do I hofto put it in the hamper?" "Doctor, !t'1 about this pounding In my eara." ll \ R 'I \ D l' K •: Q·~~ '1'.1 ~ 5·~ 't by Brad Anderson I I Hank Ketchum .. . }-~ t \ . .,• ~ .;.~~·. ~~ '.1 ~--); > ---...._, -J -. ,,.-;___ .:, "You won't believe this. but I was dragged six miles 1n the marathon race and won third place!" a: ~~ .;~? / ....... ~.. )-J . • A filA COLLAR~ YJU MUST & £XPECT/N1 A ! PRETIY 61G Fi.EA I " Jl D(;•~ P \RKt:R ACROSS S2 Tllundet uM S.-Wt1ken 1 Ointment SS 8rt1k·upa 5 ltMIMl'a S9 Opini()nt ll\011* 63 Fruit dri~• 10 "I --&.-F1an m1r1 Pfod\IC4ltl 1' Towtrd &e Cuddlt "*"' 17 Oulbblt IS Mallt jOyOUI N D191t 11 On t~IOt 19 "l<llt Mt 11 Swetnp in Fl0fld1 70 Bq1 In , It Promptl 71 AllM • 20 9tlny '21 Gem DOWN ;u Olno -l 25 blrt 1 Scollllh H C11>111tt1 ~111¥91 ; 30 T ennlt 2 Tllot - t .,..,. EdltOn ; 34 Quit 3 o.nc. 'H Wood eorr• 4 T.tta • 31 , ltOillfy 5 Oitl' I NIM ,:::: ;=... 42M-*'",lll '""'"'* --........ '&a..... '° ........... ........ ,"..,_ ....... ••Llf" = .,,,,,. .. ,, ,._...,. __ ..... •Y-.'W ........ ( A GOLDFISH IS AN AQUATIC {) £XPP,£55ION oi: BEAUTY ANP GRAGE THAT PROVIDf 5 t ITS OB5£RV£R? WITH MANY HOURS 01- BU55FUL MEDITATION_;) SToP THAT ~ H.AVEN1T YOU ~VE~SEENA PRETTYG/f?L BEFO~E ~ wtDNHOAY'I PUm.E IOl VEO :u :i :i ::1 :mils llrJ r;ic :1!.J:J.Jl O::J~[J !J[J!JU :113.:JJ iJ:!J'.J::J(!J[J(Jl:JlJ :JJ.J J~J:J r1mJCi.J[) :J~O J.J :.Jill'.JrJIJCJrJ :J~Jllilil :!l'.J:.J!JIJ 3.JlJJJ J:.J:.l;!J!JUDL:JU O.JJ .:J'JJD:J (J0l1 :.JJ::J!l1~"·-t::l 'JrJIJUU J:.JJJJ ~~l'JrJUU :JitJO:JJJ :J:1;J::JC:J 1Ull" J :J~JJ l:IC:llJ :.JllJ'.JJU'.J:J:.J lJt.lllCl!:l ~:.UJ !l'..JJ'..J lJUIJU!:l ::J.J.Jil .J.Ji:IJ 1'LILIU!J 24 Sm1N)'OOCI 21L1 -. Mll-"O 27 WOOd 21 ''1'w --I .. 2tW.., ,,~ J2 Cftemlcll ~ .,,.... .. .,... __ .......... ..... 41 ..... .. Ttwutt •1 CWlfy 2word• 49 Allen welglll 51 Aacet "Llbtrty $$Muggy M~ 17o.ment ..Olt'•Meftd ., .... 11 Undlft .,. ., ... ,... •tOT• Ur, Now, Now--You KNOW rHf~E1S ONLY ONE WoMAN INMY L1Ff1 EMM,A -:I. 1 2 3 4 by Jim Davis by Ferd & Tom Johnson NO, I oo.fr KHOW ~ERE Yes I HEARD TM.Ai SHE VOll CAN FINO JOAN OF Al.!. MAY HAVE AMORE XIA ... , ' ! NANCY··· WHERE 15 YOUR CANARY? '~ ' GORDO OCY.J'T l!>E .~_1...:11 A ::f>M.. "'8., l-IE':!J .::>l=FEli:JA.A_ .... 'it )l I Ji..C' 1/1110£ TIE~ FVf< v.:V~ JW~f 1\.-.r I . I'M GIVING HIM A TREAT OUTSIDE I l .. I 00081; MOWEVER. TM.AT YOV'LL COHVINCE MEi TO EAT A ~HOT ! by Gus Arriola by Tom Bat1uk t'l'~K l ' "1:\'Kt:RHt:.\' -FAMOUS COM PO~;EH'" · Chapter Ten Claude Barlow Claude Barlow had an incredible ear for the piano. H Ls nght ear. it was said, could reach over an octave or more ! l I fip' TAP1 , ?'¥~:·. DRi\BBLt: DR.SMOCk SO, CHI E:F, HOW'P I DO O N MY f!XAMS FOR A seCONP Ye.AR RE!Slc:>eNCY? fOR •ETTER oa rea •o a111! Ht ~)'AH,9™~, 0\-' SPOITT. H1,1EO . by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont ·,'S IGH:-wet....t...., I"° HOPE! IHA,.. UN I F=ORM YOU' Rf: we.AR ING IS ON~Y RE:Ni"eP ... l I ... ~!7!~°!1 '°'a totn•J.. ad 111.Y ..,., ... ~ DO IT HOWi ........... V 04M Olly Piiot llf'llloe Olr.c10tY Alp'-tettw Ml ... lt, at. llJ ...... , ,.,...., ___ ......... ?' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, May 13, 1~2 Rff!~~ ............• '='~~~'············ Shampoo t etaam alMn HllCTRICIAH-Prlo•d 1101 Color brightener•, wht ilght, tree .. 11m111 on Tot)C)90/remowd ~ crpte • 10 min bl11ch ~oe3~ ~~• up, lawn renov 1&1.s..10 DUMP JOH & Sn)ell MOvlng Jobe Cell MIKI: 848 130 t ~~!1!!!~1. •...•.••• L••Y• '(OUI WOrtl•• b•· hlno. Prof haealttar wttt ~JI for your hM l pell 6'41 211&2 H .. , llv/dln. rma ti&, I Yg H~UllNO & DUMP room 11 &0, oouch 110. LIC"O ELECTRICIAN MOWING -CLEAN UPS JOBS AMI tor Raf\OY ),..1,. .... 11 ''• •t &0 .. 0511 ahr 10 Ouar ellm pet Que.I WOftl.f\eu. rtl• Heull:f ~ng &.tt e421 ••••• ';'1' •••• t"•••••••••• ir1N1 H~ odor Cl"pt lepeir I& yu Fl ..... ~1-5012 Tom ,.,,.. .. 842-9901 -Raymond Jewelry, let E. IMPROVfMolHT& up Do worli myH lf CUANUPS . HAUUNQ PROF SERVICE. I 11th. I 10. C M (ac:1ou A.ckflllonf . FWnOdtli'lO Rel• 531-0101 ELETOPCTRQICU~LunW,...,,." Sptlnliler• Oeneflll HIWllng . yard dMnup from Relph'•I 031-0 105 • I "' """" Maintenance 846·7287 Oulok 4 clean f11 .. "t ' Al I C..1•llCMnfl1 RMI rllM . 631·606& 673-0!M8 1,u,,.,-'•t. '"Y"~ ....... , .............. ELECTRICIA N · LI MOWINO l lQ4IH20 ....... ;(: ......... .. ,.._.,...,.~111....iar::. Cemenl·MMOnry·lltock · c Haul/Dumping s1111120 HAULING end 1oc11 mo Fill QTillltu ---··~ Watte-Ouet l#Ol'k LIO 233108·C·IO.Small M•rk vlng1tudentwltht1uck Sod.aprlnkler&thlub Lie. fS4Mt 2 710-8804 Flea/oom Rob 6•7·2883 ~:~a~:ln t & repetre 764·09G411151S-0095 Lewi• 870-&l80 1n1t111111on Our wo1k c t R Old • I l only took• exp1n1tve ..... t..t ........ Ro•nPcr.·c·. Ne•wmosv~/I~~ RESID/COMM'LllND ... ,~. ..~,~-~~!'.~I........ Cheek CM pilCM l>«Or• Loolll&or a home bull· 20 "'8 Do my own.......... •••••'000••••••••••••• E b Call M k I ...__., p .... RandaH jObl. Repal11. Mb 88 I Lia "21'""•1 &o ........ 8""126 C•fl*lll)' Muonry Wan I • REALL y CL AN I you II'/ ., • ! Prntey, Jr or Fred CAJ1' Cltf "" · "'""' flle Glrl f1M N I 848·6123 ~~().45 16 • 84.,_-16$~ .... ,...., ~ "' --AOOft"" p1 .. ,.. ... ng HOUSE? Call Gingham I I l-1'1 ......... 1 W tl aon P erk View •••••••••••••••••••••• f11-11a l TU1 Orywa1t -8tuoco-'6.lll.alf Hom••· tnc [I Toro Child Cate In my home, nr ••••••• ;,.............. Remodel J.8 64& 0990 R081N'S CLEANING • .. r.::................ 681·1780 10th & Ptacenll•. CO•I• FORMICA COUNTERS HOME IMPROVEMENT S«VICe . a thoroughly ••• ~~!1 ••.....•••••.. ~ Patlllng Loi --------MIM 842·&016 FTrMopeN/Cl.•blnet1,:~2~7 REPAIA·PLUM81NO dM/\ hOuM 6'0--0e&7 BRICKWORK Small jObl ~ 8el'oolllng. Addltlon1, remodeltng, ...., ~.,, etec N9wport, Coate M .... 8&& Alphlt 631-41Mllo O.Cke. ,_ conetructlon C..ltlflln 1#•1111 H .. tlng, c.rpentry. · 1&1111111 IMne Alfa 878·3176 Servin: Laguna 8ch •••••••••••'•••••••••• f•••lll•1/ Ille l'rM •t. No Job too CLEANING SERVICE. ALL8TAT'E PAVING 07-3 84 RHll1ttc; REMOOEL/ADD-ONS ltiJa" Qu,, IMall 846-2011 Rtlloneble retea, tree SeeloOatlng.Strtplng ptloM, and Carpentry. Llc'd. •••••••••••••••• •••••• Qenerel MeJ11tenance Nllm•t•. RepeW9 Comm./Aeatd. 26 yeara. lrwtn 548-27111 ...OU •LY Rep&1r1 & Deco<atlng 720--07'42 Lie t307M2 84M181 f~a.~!.J!~M~I. ...... rtn• flnlahed carpentry, Chrtetlne & Ed 840-7825 Ouelhy. * Rey 840.81« Oen Hlllb«g Griding Cebl~e & Carpentry remodellng 1pecl11t1t. Lf.,j __ ,_ EXPERT HANDYMAN HouaeclHntng, hon"t & dependable. & Paving Co. Rll/Coml Smelt /Oba f. R191lra Lie. 419587. Randell _,._, Cat,_..try . Roo~ Lie "t7~ 842-1720 FrM "' metN 845-2003 720-1260 ••••••••• •••••••••••• ,..~. ,, Tll MID MUI Ptumblng, etc. 842 13 982-2090 ~~'11!1. •••••.•••. Lio. mother wllt care tor "°"" Pf'•echlr. Lg yrd & gd,,...... 8415-5313 Chlld Care 11rvlc1. Co· rona O•I Mar. 3 to 6 yr <Md. Vlcttle 759--1083 f.~~!~~ ........... . CUSTOM SPA DECKS PlllOI. QUeboe LIC'd Jonn or Rid! 979--3218 FID Tll OdPblU Rm 1dd'n1. r•mod P•· llOtl, tenoea, d4lcil 1, cab I· net•. lllt 030·9873 Want beb)'Wltttno. 8:30 to •:30 or aft 6. Co11a1------- _M..-__ . 54_a..._88_0 ___ 1 f!.'1!.'. !!!ti!! ....... . ... .._1 . / No Steam/No Shampoo Ii, ,.. •l•••~1 St1ln Specl1ll11 Fut .. tftf'I dry. FrM .. 1 839-1582 ...................... MARINE SERVICES ~. Paint, varnleh. TMlo:-rub-wu. 8415-9760 Thinking of a new home IOf aprlng? See the many llttlngs In today"s claui- tled cotumna 842-5678 We Care Crpt Cleaner• StMm clean & uphol1 Truck mO\.lnt unit WOtk guer 845-37 18 Crpta lnatall/repelred Flood demege Steam clng.554-8510. 1173-8560 COMM'L/RESIO Lewo-tr .... llhnib ln1t1ll I KNOW-LET'S OET EO- Romod-Add'ne-RepeJre Tr• trlm-removll DIEi He can nx anY1hlngl Very IMa LIC 390250 L•wn c:ere-Ro1ot1tltng 494._e9159 Geo Conti. 552-11142 SMALL JOBS pelnttng, Bonded & lneYred 1(40 Lendacape Melnt plumb. etec:. carpentry HOUSECLEANING ReMonab~•ble Tanya 1163-240 I EXP MOUSECLEANER Rettebte, rete FrH Ht Cell 24 hra. 955-2418 Jeck H a.nt1e11. Jr t free Nllmal• ~8..eo85 --------- RMIO/Comm Clean-up R... FrM Ml 6'46-8•37 •t.•.•.t.•. •••lf;•HtJ••• ....• 1.kJ •• •.f. Lt Haullng. 548-24811 Wiii cl .. n your houee or BulwNtl flHll office Elec . pelntlng, It Bera. mantel•. kit cabl-Oardentng Wanted ••••••••• • ••••• • ••• ••• plum bing 5'48-9005 nets. raleed psnellng. I Mowtng, edging, raking, HARDWOOD FLOORS I ---ooora. bookcuu. re eweaplng . Free 1111 Beautltutty cleaned Joan's Cleenlng Ml'Vloe mod & add-on1 Kint mate• 645-4372 or and waxed 832-4881 HOUl4tl, API•. Aent1l1, let• Lie. B3'48276 645-6737 Otflcea !l•O-t 287 ll II -------536-2366 LAWN CARE •• ~~ ... A•••••••••••••• HSKPR, reliable, hard D JJ Comm/reeld Nwpt/CM HAULING-lludent hu worlr.ln~ girl Avall Mon, ..11!'!~ ••••••• •••. •••.. Xtnt, rell1ble WOfk lg• truck Lowest rate I Wed. rl •'1'1. Sat day DRYWALL TAPINO Onrlopt. Barry 845-7•12 Prompt Call 759-1976 $25-130 Spenlah lpkg All ltJCtur .. 6 .COUlllc THE QRASSHOPPER Thank yO\.I, John wllnlllfprelM 83t-759CI Fr" NI Kevin 875-9088 Complete Lawn Malnt HAULINO-ORAOING PERFECTIONIST HOUSE· DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Oomlnle 842-~51 demolltlon. CIHn-up CLEANING AV9'1Qe n .. Repelra. new & otd 1 t Conc:ratt & tr" removeJ S 3 O I do w t n do w • yu exp Bud 552-9587 C.tass111e<1 Aos ~2-5678 Quick MN e.42·7638 846-26.U Cullom 8'tctl, Stone. Block, Concrete. Stucoo R.tt F"rM Nt 5411-11402 CUSTOM BRICKWORK SMALL/LAROE JOBS I Npt/CM Ret1. 8415-8512 !'!!!!~'···············! -ABC MOVINO· Oulcil. C11eful s.mc. Fr• eetlmat•. 552--04 tO •&-1 llmll* Top QualltY Soecl•I cere In h111ndllng 2S yre exp Competitive R•IN No overtime 730-1353 STARVINO COLLEOE STUDENTS MOVINO CO Lie T 124--438 lnaured 84 1 ·8•27 WATCH US QROWI r~!~!!~~ ............ . FllE PAfmH by Rlchatd Sinor lie 2806« 13 yu Of happy local cu1tom1H1 Thank yOIJ. 631 -« 10 .......... ,. .. 1cs1tndu1/Comm'I Low ratea Fr•• eat 678-7188 PAINTER NE£0S WORl(t 30 yra IJIP, Intl Extet Aoouetle oeltlngl 01V11 Painting M 1-0188 Top Qu1111r· 10 price. prompt EK & Int Spec- 111111. RM & Comm'I l'r .. HI 714• 7311--0708 QUALITY PAINTtNO 10 yr• NtVlng o.c RMaonebla. 848-5884 Bllhop & Son Plllntlng JO yra exp . 8eecn lfM. FrM NI 602-1718 In~!~ (IXOYE) 7151-0103 I, ,U, I .!~ .. ~ ............ . F 1r1hlng tntetlof HANOl=/ROLL Quellty. Llc/ln1. Strip- ping. Diec on piper Vf11-NC Scott 8415-03215 lltll ,...,,,.,., •-.' n ·"· ·''· ••••......••• • • • .• • •••••• :;:i~ .-::c:: ••• QUALITY oomm/rM, 12 TILE INITAl.&iO yn up. Aepel1/remod. All Kinde. Gl.wen'-d Aeta Fiiter, hHttr t Reta. JoM M0-9217 'W9IP ..ae. 87M1M **All TILi* * ~~~~ ...•••.•.•.•.. Lal>Ot/Metertel Rooftng AM typee. 10 yra ep, 11c. gue1 wry 842.fm ROOF FIREPAOOFINO Mfg. QIN. Of chemlcal. DO IT NOW Fr• M l Olvll Plllntlng M1•0Ul8 REPAIRS 126 to 1185 FrM .. , Call anY1lme, WALT n0-2126 ~~~~~!':9.t ........ . BUDGET RA TES/Llc00 LOW min 8ml job• OK FrM NI In• 841·7681 S.1H•I ....•.•..•.....•.•.••. Mobtte screen 0oc101 AepeJrtreplec.. Cuatom. Reu. 83 i ,.e300 Ive meg Quality wof1I I 0 Yf"I I ll• Pl' Geotge a31-~1t ~'r.9~'! .........•..... 180 per load. Oredlng l pt1n1er mix 111111 FrM del locally &15 7. 1 ISN '!.-.!'!!~~ ••••••••••••. Moel IUbjlatl, K·t• Oey-.-.IM.llM'llf I to-..i Mr M0toen. 8415-5176 !!~~-~!~~'-.... "i..t the~ In" CIM Sunehlne Window a..t\lng, Lid M448&3 20% Mot\thly D*ount * RESIOENTIAl. * Avg 1 aty '30: Avg 2 •IY 1-45 Chlla 9157-4388 ...... nM4 lrvlne'e bell. Buie: 1 ety 120, 2 •IY '30. 15511-1302 ASR PAPERHANOINO l«ntul1I i.mttl ·~INEST IN o.c . 7 yra tocel exp Qu1r •••••••••••••••••••••• Ron 1 =i:>w ~:::!.;t;f1 work Price• 1t1rt et • I RMld $8/roll Alec 7151-7027 MARTIN 6 HINZ£ lottMI MoH Muttet aat on a Well~I • Pllntlng I ' Word Pr-.tng Tullet along came a R .. /com'I ~lnell1en 6•5-0867 Prootr..otno spider ano reed •n the qual Hiimer 15-48-7675 * *1deyt1 ......... * Dally Pilot Cteuotted secuon about Miu Mul-ll1Jl1r/l1ulr S•"•k/111 let 'l Tulfet and bought 11 ••••••••••.,... .. •••••••• .r.:.................. for S9 95 vou can aelf Neel petcilee & texturee •Sprlnkl« Repair• your tulfet and 1011 ot FrM ut. 111-1411 i RN /comm Comme<cllll o ther th1ng1 through Landacape ~ Dally P1101 C1au1fled PLASTER PATCHING I 951-&388 Ads Call 6'42-5678 Reetuccot Int/ext 30 1 yr• NMI Paul 5'45-2977 T1i/111 More tarnllles are getting ••••••••• ••••••••••••• the c 1mptno "bug·· this 1J .. j J•• ALL AL TERA TIONS yeor 11 yoo have a cam- ••••••••'••••••••••••• & Cuetom Leather W•r per that s not getting U EU 141-1121 10078 Adame 962~538 used sell 11 now with a •llUT I IAY• •. 1 Ctaasllled Ad ,, , --------AoDd the ctass1fted ads lor tne best deals 1n apart· ment rentals 642-$678 •• • • • • •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • .,fave aometrung yO\> wan I CISTH O•M. 10 sell? Ctassifoeo ad1 do FREE EST 640-2<le2 ti well 6'42-!>678 Real Estate S'L -,.300 -:-,.,.00 Off • I I 4~ lnfll•HI Lill-I ,, .. , 5300 .... Htlf. W1nttd 7100 Ht/'/, W1nttd 7 J 00 •• ,. w .. 1.4 1100 ... ,.,, I• .,,, .. IOll1t1 ••• ,,, .... • •• !~~ .. !~.f .......... I 0 t ., SOJS •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••.......••..•.•.•.•.••..••••••••••• ,. •••••••••••••••••• the Complete Orange Coast Market Page ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 1••1 ••• t'. IAIYIITTU Clerk· Typ111 Small Co HAIRSTYLIST dnl Id I C M 2 offi<;N 34!>' bllh HWPIRT HYFRllT ••• ;.'l;t'; •••••• •••••••• FOUND S"11 black dog. P r 0< Roo•HIAT£ 1to1age ava1i $25.0tmo' Fl!ntasllc vi-I !>OO sq 11 I Opportunity to tnvo1t In POOdte mhi WOO<lbrtdge My home. June 1 Ret1. ~t~~tgt~ ~~·~~ E:i~ busy B11~03 Island 11- "'"' 5'48-33'45, 40'4-3803. furnished 2 room suite local publl•hlng company area !>59-0305 E/alde C M 631-1965 level patlltlon Wiii GOntll-ton 873-• 1 fllDERS 1617 WettcllH, NB Want S950 675°-9'400 ~i'~t~l~~~o~ra~:ln b~~~b~ Found Parakeet Balboa s.... d8f 1r1lnee Aak tor Ann UUWW UL.El Oldest & largest agency 1111anc1a1 Ins( 70001 I Newo1 bldg downtown your money with rt&k tat BACK STREET 842-9383 Full llme Exp pret'd ----------.-----------,All cllenta screeneo with I SI 11001 Agent I HB 3 olflC8I now 8 .,1111 $70.000 Phon e 673 3554 CIWC11H Ill Crown Hardware, 3107 A,.tl•1•l1 photos & ret1Hen<:&s !>4 I -5032 at 70t "" 11 '49 t '424 & 673-33'48 leave mesaa,,. lflll• E Cout Hwy, CdM -. ..-needs IAHNr peraona ca-Parl/llme. lor exclllng ---------U.JU11ldH C14tdlt1 Coamopollten ~20 sq rt $1 00 per eq 235 aq tt 893-1351 on machine 11 not In Lost 518 lemllo Bump ahtera with management Newport BHch office HITUIU •••••••••••••••••••••• GOO<l Ma<nlng Ametlel 11 397"-Birch NB p bl I d blll ••1 c. S " "1at St. Lie /It I L SOZ5 on end of nou leasa am I on an capa • .., n ., yM11 expertenc;e Apply Mon thru Fri, 2 to l••tl•JIN 11~1 "'d 3119 * ThenT:7°'~~ ~1 Agent !>41-5032 OFFICE SPACE tor 188_ •• !~!!..! .. ~~••••••• contact Ooryl 5'46·5750 lift Hourly & comm1u1on 5 pm Paradt .. Cele IHtA 314" •••• ••••••••••• •••••• w~ ~ ~ ~= c 9 81 500•2000 sq It. per-2nd TO a-compel 11181 ~ 0< 55 t-4763 alt8f 6 Newporl BHch and L1 Cell Judy, 955· 1•91 600-0 Newport C•nt•r. •••••••••••••••••••••• 7B1/den, 2 ba 1850/mo jllWNIT 141 1111 llU CE.ITU Ir.Ing. TURN-KEY ASSO· $20 000 $100,0~0 fully LOSI !>/l2 F Goloen Ret Habra storea Sterling I ctlm1CT111 Or NB fHE WHIFFLETREE t-2-3 423 4 Hite r te Wey (Nr • EWNIT I CIATES 499 2263 amortt Other 2nd a 10 SI puppy Adema & Magno-rel• S5 !>Ohr & up plua ---------Bdrm Aptl Oym, Spa, Hoeg H05'>) 6•4 19'44 Of I --· mllllon Prin only Brent 1111 H 8 A e w 8 rd lnconllvea to expr·d go-Aaphall p1vlng eattma-llSTEU/11111 ::~,~· tennta. etc 631--0437 R~~J~:~~,~~ot.O ~~~.2 ~::~,~;,~~:~~c'~~~~·.!i~ execuplon I 96~~t-i:Yusa¥1 .. s 754 '~7r~e Oyl, 962-8978 r~!~~· .. ~u~~:~.,~111:ee I ~o~vl~~t~~ ~~=~I~~~~-CaH 873-7730 tor •PP' 2 Br 1 Ba s575iyearty, Bch Fem to sh r w/ c1etarlal. receptlonlat, __ -..1 ~ u _ welcome you · ao come pertenced lndlv tor 81· ltTEl. :>eluxe poolald•, xtra l•r-carpet•. drapu, open same Evee 96-0-t223 lelephone ana & mo1e "A NEW CONCEPT" llf•••t. Wa•IH 5030 Found yellow r Lab. 18th join ue. I tlmatlng end 11111 01 Banquet Manager nea- g • 2 b r. 2 b a, b I t n •. beams Open HO\.lae Sat Ole• 1rom $'436 mo On-Full &ervlcelcu11om ••••• ••• ••••••••••••• i' A s 8 n 1 a An a c M You may aend raaumea I pevlng contract• Sat.ry ded 101 lu11ury Laguna dewhr, l'h mllea bHch. 3-6PM. 1118 W Balb011. MIF to shr 4 bl condo In call oles $16!> mo THE ottlc:e 7 deek 5')ace WANTED S;>00,000 lstl 63t-ll64 6'42-3038 or apply In person to and/orcommlutonaplua Beach Hotel Contact Adult•. no pell. S500mo. 2131885·2542 Nwpt Blutfa, $235 + utlll HEADQUARTERS COM· Nr o c Airport TO on cuilom Bal 1111 Back Street axecullve benellla 3 yn min expr Jen Flood 11 '497·4'477 53$-8382 •--C''••••lt 311~ 720-0577(Henryi PANIES A prote11lon11I 759-8976 hOme Value $600.000 +Found Male Shellie vtc olftcea 655 "B " St , req Call 5'46-2251 btwn EOE _. 1' "' FINO&su•RE ~nv ironm ant 171 4 ) 67'-9797 V•c.tortan1P11ct11c CM Tuattn92680 TeleC>h<>ne 7em&2pml0f appt. ---------v. mlle belch, 2 br. 2 car ••••••••• •••• •••• • •••• "" 8..,.. IUID t 1lftl St C M _, -642-8688 II .. .. Hotel Night Auditor' ex-ger, GOY'd pello, all pool Studio •Pl. OCHn view. In Nwpt/CdM area P1ol "'"""" •• • • FINDERS/INVESTORS c•. are a no no COOK & PREP COOK pertence In NCR •200. r I g h u & r • c •re a• utll lnCl'd $375 mo 332 l1dy 28-35 yn 1tralght •OO IQ 11 office space s 10 OOO·$ IOO ooo • 101 Found Fem tlhec>NWct mix Ill llAll needed tmmad opening full time po.i11on at AHao $875/mo 21311125--4796. Encino In Sen Clomenl• 1 enthu1ta1tlc nonem~r A/C greet parking. great 10~81 relldentlsl TO 1 bll</len Rod c:olla1 Bal Night shill 754_9880 or Italian cool<lng prete,-recJ Creek Inn, So Laguna 1 BR, beth & Qlf9gl. n112 ( ... IM Mgr Apt C) Kathy 957-t 112 18·5 ~~~~~~mice 675-6700 Max 60% l to I/ Return boa t1land 67!1 $00!> 523-7866 Apply In pefton 107 2111 Cell 499-2271 lor 'WI Newman. $305, lat, lu1 Adult. atudlo wtttovw, r&-ndya) 3-4 above prtme Call hm 673-•017 Pt NB 875-3333 Hou11boy to work tn1lde & Olp. 842-4431 trig Ulll Pd 1250/mo M l f prof 28-35 non-OCEANFRONT OFFICE Dennison & Auoc 1 J 5350 BASIC SECRETARIAL & 1COOKS& Hoel-E.itp & tn yerd M uat have 2B ,'LB 1375 + 131 .. $510 move In 498-8'452 amkr la< Npt Bch nome Incl recepl $350/mo 673-7311 • .'."!~~ .... ••••••••••••• BOOKKEEPING SKILL'S p<ef'd but not nee Full good r4'fi 499_1972 r, ,. •· " Move In now $350 Ota-Hunt Bch 842-5100 AOORAPHOBtC needed, 11-3. Mon-F I Ot p/llme Salary dep41t1· --------- dep, gu pd, nr Beech IHll Ml 3U0 na 631-1266 #11lfllll, frwsf HELP LINE (71'4) 5'49·8751 di 6'42 8381 HllUllPD Blvd & Mac Fadden• •••••••••••••••••••••• . ' ~ ... c--n..--1 11035 536-7734 -ng on ixper • quiet, no peta. 8113-'489'4 2 Br 2 Ba Townhouse, Shr 3tlr duplex Balboa c-_..,, l•il•lll li•td 4450 .,._, ~ _____ __BEAUTICIAN · 3 hair Ila· COSTUME PARTS lor Famlly tooklng tor full over t6, no pe11 l!>OO Penn n1 H s1 a111u1 ~~-, •••••••••••••••••••••• ""[)ow···g-;;;i""ro." OUALITY MASSAGE Ilona for rent. iclnt toe I young outgoing ~ople Ume llve tn or ovt haklr.pr 'h block to beach I Br · t 9 t 9 N Shorry • 20 $250 +\Jiii 673-1701 all 1 / •.1>1 ._ ...,.,_, Ill WS( ~E Loe~~ IOK ~~ N~, ProleaaJonll Sw&dlan l7th St CM. 845-9100 under 5'3". Flex hra Call ~ou~~ ~~~~h1;:i.:1:1;~'~n gar1ge. S-425/mo No open sat 1o·1 2 5 ./ ..... _.,.. t.750 IQ It. Sullabll l0t Credit Check No Pen-style, VIP treetmen1 ir•m 751 -3247 P •U I 2 4 20th SI . 213/377-2519 / .._ ..,,.,. storage. Merttat Art• •tty Oennl1on A1aoc t0-8PM 548-2817 ""' CltifUIW -gourm•I health food 894 8287 Female to ah ere w ith a cooking end have own • S1ud10. bellroom. etc 673-7311 ~ lalH 2 Br. N~•t• or \oWeter-A,,, I I )H same. hou11 In Orange. 1500 per mo ___ _ l' d & y· k'' • ••••.-Pt/time COM 675-2193 treneportatlon No heevy non smoker. 1220 mo -11W1SI U1 a IC I s Looking to add 10 our cleantng, non amoker. bedl. 5 IJl1•l1 •tw I 997-8075 EvM For lnlo 962·~•0 """ 111tr tuhlon oriented Couplel wanted to aulet ref• teq 673-0192 NB ll00-8123 •ti 6PM ., u.1.,. JIOO 7 Room Ollie• & gerage I buy dtac;ounled Trull NfTI •••ELI p<Ofeulonalt In •itPAnllon & mgmt tor ---------On the bMct1 2 Br pool, •••••••••••••••••••••• Male pro1 to lhr 3 BR 2 N .. , Balboa B&y Club. Deeds atretght notes ESCllTS/IAIOllS •s.vetal AM1etent1 lnt'I mktg aerv Ptllma. INSURANCE H une, apa 1800/mo Ba 1p1 full kltc;h. !pie I NB 128!> Protecledl 2nd• or 3•dl 1n forec;lo· •1 Shampoo Olr1 w1ll tr1Jn 848-6995 FGS hH opening In re-Tt•t9•8-t85'4 Evee SUWllD belm clga gar vtew 846•7a..1 sure or 1J11nlr.ruptcy Faat OUTCALL 24 HRS •1 ManlCurlat newal dec>t for pet'IOfl to steps to bch tmmed *IWU OFFlCU* I actton• Contact John 669 0207 .1 MHseuM IEITAL quote & rollowup on r•-YILUIE 675 8330 eve 673 OG28 From t oom to 3 rooma UHIA CAIH• Sh Bl\ 11$~ 34c;4 • HCl.PTltllST newal• Auto rating or r ea. , • t Makeup Ar11tt lniH 314• New 1&2 bdrm luxury Shr ahup hae F V M From St 16 e IQ fl NO Shop Space 494-4784 ----•I Faclalltt Poaltlon available tor or-undef'Wrltlng •11p pr4'fer-••••••..•............. apll In 14 plane 1 Bdrm · te11e ruqulred Adi Air· 1 Aa .. utt•Hll/ Pro leaalonal M an 36 Rfc:hard Ouelette Salon gantzed, self motivated 1 red Selary cornmeneu-Lerge new 1 Br condo l0t from $515. 2 bdrm from 25-3!> 128!> Incl utll1 I POrtllf Inn 2t72 Oup0nt 600 so It office or bus seeks reaponatblct 111 Newport Center DI. N B ~arson with ex per El I rate w/exper C111 Ron-...... near U.C.I micro-S!>70, Townhouse from M t n to I w Y NI ck I Call AM 833.3223 s1one·1 throw from Bay ,,,,, .. ,,; t'ftettve young Woman 10 010 Aree Salary open 1 nte, !>'49-8909 wave , trptc, waaherl $6•0 + pools lennl5, 964-2768 B11lbo11 Pan S550 mo Loll',, .. , 9hare wa1er1ton1 e8ta1e. Block maeon. exp tor 830-t 130 I 1nauranc1 Offfce In CdM. dryer •r•a. 1650/mo. 14!>0 sq It l urn office 67!> 5774 company In El TOfO erea w11et11111. pondal Gas Fem shr ocn vu c;ondo wace $.-400/mo .•.••...••.........•.. pout boat. 111c In ex General Ollie• Laguna pan·tlme Jo anne 955-1833 . tor cooking & heating Npt Crest w/mother and A.t .. utt•1•l1 SIOO c;hange tor some llghl M U at be exp w / 536-8720. Plld From Sen Otego daughter Amenltlea 841-0763 Co-11tial ....•.......•..••••.•• nousekeeplng occ11to· loundltlon retaining Hiits loc Non' smoker Cell 875-5-4« Frwy drive North on 1300 Incl utll, 6•2·'489 t BAYFRONT l1•l1l1 441S' Need McDon110 Stamps nat baby1111rng Selary wells 951-'4591 Typing & communlc:atton .ull'THW. ~~.~!! .. !.~!! Beech 10 McFadden to --•••••••••••••••••••••• 702 709 715 50/50 pos111ble Cell 8'40-1776 sir.Illa required C.11 Oreg Dependable hu1b1nd & Seewl nd VI iiage Av11t tmmed, furn rm In IFFIC( II UIP epltt 835-7775 Ht 17 ------IOOllUPEll at 768-801 I 2-5PM. wife teem tor growing NO FEEi Apt. & Condo (71-4)893-5198 twnhse, lull hie prlv Prime Office 673-1003 tn n11wer bldg on Coast ---,,,,,, S4SO PI T. 2 hra In AM. 3-4 dya Mon-Fri pool/lndry, F I/ ~r 405 CdMOi'x suite. AIC. ample SCRAM·LETS ........•...........•. pr week Mull have exp metntenance company. 1en\811 Vitti Rentall. Hwy South Laguna Ap-FLY FOi FRHll Gener et offic e Heavy Top lJ'Y Expertenca 875-'4912 Broket. ..... 4000 fwy 1250 mo ~ ... utll pkg ullt pd 28!>5 E C11 I prox 500 sq ft Excellent In C4lh bal1nc,e 1hee11. & phones. bookkeeping. pref 1-0723 Ill 10em. ..•.........•....•.... Prel mature m ete 11ter Hwof 875-6900 prlvlla parking behlnor ANSWERS We have Pen Am 2 fOf 1 bHIC bookkeeping Ap-S!> 00 hr Certified Ap· Veraalllea 1 br condo. Furn prtv room end bllh 7PM. 963-811'4 pe1se1 . g ood '1111 ply In person. Mon-Fri. MO. FltlT tmOl 1550. CloH to bnch Retrlg 1286 Cost• M•M 250 ,, 11.1118 ...... plla1\C41 842-0240 Full MCOrlty. 548-347• Wanted 1tr1lg ht male., $ t75mo Utll lnctd. 779 300 1q fl Foot traffic, Anawef • Holat !>13 1/82 St50 631-0130 2-'4PM Reuben's New-Full/time Experience 8•5·0108 over 30, to shr super w 19th St 851-8928 ontwn Lao 494-5688 Force • Common ---port 2!> t P1clflc Cont lllWl IFFllE raq Heavy phon ... tor PARK NEWPORT Small turn room w/bath Laguna Bch condo, 1-400 1.,.,,,,., ,,.,.,4goo CEMENT f'!t!!l?'!!~f •• • ••• • •• • Hwy, NB. Insurance agency In cerdlology ttrm. Aeleten· APARTMENTS prtv. Nr SC Plaza. F pref mo. 111 & laat + •,; utll Prime office apace. Co-I eddad the coat ol what Co111 M ... haa opening c ea req 558-6884 1!>5/n 558· t 737 Call Dave (7 t-4) 833-3630 I rona del Mar $850/mo. .....•.•..........•••. It tekea to keep up a nice J.1'1 w,.tH 101S Clilll4n• 1.,.m.., tor energetic peraon to (Donne) dyl p 14) 497-3890 675-9510 N.B 3975 Blreh 5800 IQ. lawn II woold be Ch4'1per .........•.........••• Olrl1' Club ol L•guna, hlndte variety of office COUNTRY CLUB LIVING Newport Beech, t blk It or leu MIA tone Yoong married men WO\.lld 1v111 June 17 Self atar· MOtW. IOTIY IN NEWPORT 8£ACH from bch Quiet rup eves/wtlnd1 Otllce 1 ace evalleble, Aganl 5• 1-5032 to CEMENT 11 lllr.e Odd jObP 8Vll & ler Experienced with dullH Mull be re1p0n- F e m to 8 h r 1 p 1 c I o u • 85c to ft 00 P4tf toot In ---alble end Wltllng to leern Npt Bch Some coli.ge & A deluxe community on 20-30 S250 tat & IHI ~ OfF1CE I nenda Can do a verlety children 25'~ hra a week Som• 1n1urance upl· madleel 1>6<grd Pf'el. Muat the~ Bay Club hou-845-8763 Newport Shor•• home Cannery VIiiega. Burt Lnt I F1ui 5300 ot handyman Jobe Mon ·Thur• t t -4, Fri rtence dealr1d. Paid type 75wpm 759-1833 M t. ~: 7 poole; 8 ten· Male pr4'1 Pool. )1c. ten-wl male, own rm Avall White Rllr. 675-'4630 Werehou11 epece with •••••••••• •••••••••••• 972-9525 evee. ••k for 10 30--4 4114-7 83-0 company benefit• For nla cour11; cioM to bull-nla Lt coo«lng St~ to lmmed 831·7992 Office In CdM. 2nd atory cerpeu. drpa. & wet Biii WANT ACTION? • pp! c •ll G e orgi Have something to sell? NM & lhe>pplng. ~. N.B 548-'42 Resp F 23·35 to •here walk-up Ocean view, bare 700 lo 3200 aq.11 FOUND ADS MANAOEA or Olrec1or Of c11ss1led Ads 6-42-5678 549-8909 Classified Ids do 11 welt w/aame tum • Br Nwpt c pta. drpa & panellng Meta ttlduetrlal perk, 711 Reuerch & Develop-Untum1en.cs 11uo1oe. 1 & Oenl, non-amkr, Illa kit-Hetghta home 1285/mo •20 aq fl 675-54« W 17th St. Ptclllc Bluff 2 br. ep1rtment1, town-Chen Pflvl~ Refeten· tnduatrl•I Park. 1635 ARE FREE ment, pr1t•r Semtcon- houeN OM 548-75 C M 63 t-ts.411 or 87!>--0234 CllTA MW Whittler Ave 6-42-4•63 & ductor Etectronlca Op- '540-11000 Fem. non amkr, to ahr 3 6'42-760<4 tics field Hold Ph O In Rm In lg 3BR houM C M 1 & 2 room omc.. lrom Phy11ca & M11terl el1 ~·~-= BR 2 Ba beechfront 1pl S205 Utll. lncloo.d ---CaU: •Severe I 1tudto1 & t ,,.., OCC & bMcll. l(ttc. w/2 Jr exec malel $310 1100 •q ft 2 otca. wt Science (71'4) 845-1526 <O prtv. S260mo 848-2718 Relllonomlca 675-e700 cpta, F&R drt, O/H dr, ( ) bdrm. untie ere turnllhed 5'48-4148 142-Hll ( ) lop cond Frwy CIOll with fin• dHlgner turn!-268 IQ fl Dovllf, Newport ~!.'I..'!~!.'.'!. .... !.~~ lllf• & ~. MOYI •• ,,,, •• ,,,, 4100 VW mech1ntc. 28 aeek• Beach Choice patio $3815 1000 •q It 1325 WANTED --l"JI ······'··············· 811 houeelapt to ahr wt tocetlon, $308 mo OIH dr, tollel & buln, 9~1t:-. tn today or r111rva for IUWI lllTll. -eummar monthe. Smenl)' ateble peraon. 842-'4'4'44 631-109• 1t0ftge loll 875-e251. LOST 4127, tml blk tong A•ll/IECHTAIY ~ turnl1hed model• open Wkly rentet1 now IVlll Fem 25-36 10 lhr 2 br. 2 4IOO hair fem cat Foothills. E•cetlent opportunity tor I 105 & up Color TV IEWNIT IUCI l1•t1J1 WutH L;/. Ntiuet Reward t ... 1-~ CS.II)'. Phone• In room 277'4 ba condo trvlne Poot. I •' Turn Key Offlc:e·· $390 ••••••••••••• • •••• • ••• c .357 eva high powered lndlvlduel J -Newpor1 Btvd CM Jee 1795/mo Incl ulll• •· Br anc:h' Offloe $75 Former O C rutdentl __ ---With top lkllll Typing ~ ~--~~ On Jamb«• Rd. at !>52 -0!>0• aft 9pm or teacher would Ilk• to Loat Gold brecelet n .. r 8()wpm. SIH 8()wpm Muat .... .. 846-7U5 •Semlner/Mtg Roome iT: Sen Joequln Hiiie Rd. wl(nd houeu tt/rent during Jolly Ro~er Sen Val be aggre1lv1. tell 11111er ( ) t 644-1900 1 ... ,, l1•lal1 4ZOO hourty. aummer month•. ex-R-1rd 8 3-343'4 1nd •ble to 1uum1 rt•· ( (0) ) ~~ -......•.....•.•....••. M to 1hr 2 br, t be duplex •Typing, m1t11ng 1 , Chl"91 bebyeltllng, x.lnt ponslblllty Congenlel ' I .t N9wty OllC. 28r, 1ba, M l In UYFlllT wlyard. of11tree1 prkg, phonea ••I'• 675-12'47. AEWARO tor return of Newport BHch comm•r kttch. Encl patio, \:r. C M 12•2 50 + utll•. C•ll IOI' Info 752-M()e apeyed femele cet. long clal broketlQe offtc. ~ l . 4 bdrm, • beth, H ndy 846-3273 (bUll-lva mag) F amity loolllng tor a 4 a. hllr, blklbrwn /wht, ti ~ 1635 no Pitt &42-21 beach, pi er & float. Aent/1111e~t1on nr OC Contee~ . 2 8R, 2 811, gar. 1r_c,1:i· HOOO for .Au9u11. Biii Shr hH on 811">01 1111, Airport, 4 IQ ft bldg d1oom houM to houM llt need• medtcellon Loat 833-01 rent by June 10 We Me 11 Verd 11 , C M Newspaper}·~ 1 tlo, blli IO H C . 25 Orundy, Rllr, 8 5-0161. turn rm. Non·amkr prat '4 200 IQ II A C ol c . wllt tred• ~art rent for 548-3'40 I dyt, 5•6-1108 mo. 840-3787 "' bdrm turn condo, CM. Contact vat 673·8238 200AMP 3 phH'ooSUI· wv1oe llJC u painting, -An•w•rlng .. rvlc• lele· l ~, Lero• 3 Br. 2 B1. frplc. Anti 0/ 10 thru 8121. eve.. 841-1150 d)'I, rentaed tenant I, aq oerd•nlng and flxlno up phone Operator, exper. tam. rm. deok, dbl g•· '550 mo. Mt-54111 LIVE AT THE BEACH Fe-h Financing. Below mkt. th• plea•. 1110 word Lott mix breed dog na-only No other• need '-' -...... r:· ::.--· •750/mo. mile to •here Bat lat• By owner M&-4602 procan lng It needed. med "POOH" Hu t1g1 applx. 8AM-•PM Mon-Carriers ·for routes - 7 1 . j28R 2b1. (urn, old CdM; hou ... 1285 Incl utlt 1197,.ee7g Reward 902-8523 Fri. 02 3rd St. Ste C, from 11000 monlhll' 075-91•2. llWJ. """ Found· Pomerenlen ml•. Legune e..cti IUll YUILY Mey 15-Sep t . Sl'lf 2 br, 2 be apt nr 6C lor rant. 18X20, •128 IHlan1/l•n1t/ brn fem; Shepherd mix, Appttc11ton1 being ec -Dix 38r 2ba . gar, 759--12'3 .., ···~ lllr b lk & ten mete, Celrn in Huntington Beach, Plan All ernenttln ,,.,.. c•pl•CS tor llrat quettty MOO/mo, 421 E. BelbOe ~"'·~~ONT~ 281' 1 250 Incl. u11t1 Now Terrier tam. Au1tretl1n l\lrnltur• dellwry d~ 81vd . 8Tt·278t, No. Laguna. Jae, rplc, 141-ll ....•................. Sh~hard Trt mei.. l.eb 979--6897; 04()..3233 •• , 1 • .i .... Own tr1n1porlatlon, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach 17&-t1t7 wtllylmo. •M-1725 288. M111 bite & wflt lam. New· t~&iclntd~ Eu o. r•trHt. 1 bdrm IB•t 1111 2 Br. 1tH p1 8. IUmfa .•. ~!l ••. l!!f f:.1 8eect1 Mime! Shel-r e oord I muet. C e R .. p. M ~IOI age 28 la 844·3&50 oonoo ...... =~· '260,...-Mey & June. Meklng OUM or •Pl In llWPllT8TD ... ~ ..... Mon.Fr1. 8:30-9AM onty. ll'nrneO. oond. mo. 878-2910 wllh UH ot r•oeptton, Foun<S young A~ dOO 6'6-7'4415. CdM to "" with M or F, By ownr. to&· 230 apc>t '42~/631-7119 ·~-Bay front tu•ut"Y 4 St. nonemkr. clean & d•· conr. room, kltotl, phone, wired ~. H•rbOf AUTOMOTIVE Nloe a lk. a le, Condo. 15 le. home: Sllp, tannle, ~· t1:H070 e.cratartat & word pro· RESORT • YOSEMITE 8hopflng Center. CM. ITlllmll pool, 1ecuu17 1tteohad o.llng, Mell a metMOt AREA: Aeltaurant, oamf. ~1 715 baectlM. Brolcer o~ Reflneo, lln1ncl11ty , ... •11111. ~,\:: I 215 /mo. r etto11 . Month y . N rv. evall. aeperttell If ground•. r•nt1t1. 122 • Found Schootad Oar eonelbl• 110+ nonemo. d H lred. Cell: Ju y , oo Qoocs term•. 8hf9 w/111:1t Colle mill • 1715-1()14. Ing lady to lhf HI. 191 714-780-0100 13t.7163 8m mete. ....... .... .... , Good EarnillCJS Welk to l>Mc", Hewf!Ort ..,_,.~ROHT: 3 l 28R, w/nm•. Pr~, pool. Mutt h9w 0-.. A 11oen-• CALL ll'tor ... 1 ar. 1 le. HOO to 11000 wHll. '228 mo. & "' lie Heed ... ,., ... ft. -----Found. black calico lonO· ... ,ull tlm•: •O hour CIRCULATION • 140/mo. lnold utile. 87~ own bdNn lufn. M 2· 1296 Exec. ofc, pvt b ath • ...... l'tatr cat In Blutte, very WMk Mondt'( lhru l'rl· • Super Trips DEPARTMENT Ctwtt tJIM.tl11. Wa.rft'Ont Homeol, ""'" vi ... r.c~tlon .,.., 2 L•ta• 1vallabl1 Jun• friendly 759--0080 day Cedllllc ~ lt9P1 to bffoh. I Ir. i r.~~!!!~e.!f '='!~.~-~!!~ft tgie WOf1I m11 l beftl, At· t8th, Cell Olde Cott Found b taoll a whit• 8 ~·rr~. Cell Conrad Great Prizes ........ 1r1ct1v1 C.M. tndu11ttal for dttelll It • 11. ftpkl • ..,cad i•uo. ~ 714-641-'112 weak old Kitten. Vlo. ~~~ AHll now. 110 /mo. OCIAH,fllONT 2 & .. ar. Gereoe. ""' ::l'· t..aun1 JAnllorilt~;t CdM Stale 8e1cll. ,....,. Alt. 111-ll07 Avelt. now. W.-kly ow le.ol'tte'.:. bl to main llMIU ~· erot1 •n.ooo . 940-11529. lttft\lr t "'· & -•"'PIO. M!'IWMt. 111-7111. .,...,,. .... ~ Nftop«t l'enlnNI otfloe CW* '40,000 tnol. I !found· LJ:• mat• 811•· 842-4321 w.-. .... "'°""'°· lncltn w... Vlk tum, • OoUble ... for rtflt "' ltMIOe'**':tr~ v1n1, '\ulpment I 111 pherd w ohoUr. LOV.I /100l1.1th• IV..1t t.40-f0tl, M0·1114 Of "" .... OC A lrP9rt. t t 40 mo. I.cl, x\nt loca~· •oou . er me 1vett. care. CM. ue-neo. I ,..,,,, ,,,,, .. JO "tl~l ....... ,. Ollll 714 .... CMIMI (71•) IM-tlfl t\1111. king....,. 81 . •t2·l'tt.t, 412""8S.t 648-189t ~' ' - ·-.... ·---- MUC MOhC( WOnot W f'NllTU'I IA&.I •-1 Y.a., Ma. ,_,... •IOTITMMll IUeMU t 0 OllllViCI OOM,ANY 11 OUfo/ MAMI ITATININT 111111.11nt1d ftu•ll• under 111 lllt IOllOwlflQ p.rton1 tt• douig lulluwt11' delOJIOed dMd OI llUtl bulil-.. Will I ll Af 'VlllC AU0f10N LOI l'ANCHO I 0 1'01 f 10 THI HIOHllT 1100111 I 011 M<.f~ 111111 Ml, CA H106 CAIH U1tyaolt •• ""'• ol H it In •IMAfl r ou,Mi.tN. I~) w lot"'ful 1iwn.y.01 lht Unlled lt1IHI 0 111y 81tttl. 1 11111 An1. CA tUC>f llll11ghl llllttfldlntw .. tGOn~ OlllA lO,.[l tJ81 .. 1 to end now ll•ICI by II unde• .. 111 Lamlle San11 Anlli.. CA 1210 I DH<l ol T1u11 In'"• 11•01>e11y OUADALU'•' OUZMAH . n.elnen .. 4-1lb90 113) W Ol fl\f llfMI 81nl1 An1, fRUlfOlll Af IOURCra AtV~ Ul\ltif\81FI 0. IN(, lltlt butlt\9 .. It ~utlllutlllO by • llt 11 rlCI A fly W ll l IA M 0 genwal pttVWlfllp. I l Cl 1 WOOD Jiii 11\d Mfl ODY P l1mN1 ( Ou1m1n HlCfWOOO, llu1bend 1no Wile•• Oulldllupe I Ou1men c:ommuolty Pfoe>etly o.11• l 09fJ Rtl(.Ofded JUN :16, 111111 H ln1lr lhl• 1te1-11 w•1 llled with lllt No 406&3 Ill boo~ '4 I" P•O• Ct>ullly CltHlo OI Or•Hfl" ~Quilty ()11 1108 OI Olllc.111 ~di In Ille OlllG• Aurll Ill 1118:1 or tt>t Rtco<cs.. of Or•ftil• C.ounly '117M2 Hid dHd OI ltutl dH C1lh•• 1111 l'ut>l"ll•d Or1nu• LtJUI Dally following prop.ny l'llot M•v 13 20 77 June 3 19112 lot 114 ol tr1C1 NO /144. tn 111e 2111 82 City ol Newport fl11c11. CtJunly 01 Otan{I• 8111e ol C1lllOfnll u 1141' l------------- ""P raoorded In boC11t '"'· f)IOll 27 l"\BJC NOTICE to 31 lftdultve, ~ Mtie>1, f-----;_.;.....;..;; __ _ Ill lne Ol11C41 01 Ille COUflly te(.Ofc>et I(.,. ol Hid c.ounty 'l(flllOUI eua,...11 EXCEPT THERHHOlll 111 Oii go NAMI ITAlHotaNT mlntf'al1 and other hydroc;erbon1. I"" 1o11ow1ng perton• .,. dorng l>elOw • deptn ot :>\JO lttl #lfllOUt 11u•m• .. u '"""Ohl ol 1u1l1 c1 entry •• LONOWOOO A880CIAT(I, ·-ved •n lnlltUMMlll OI recOfd 188 F 17111 SltMI Coe•• M ... (;A YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDf'R A ~ft'1 DEED OF TRUSf DATE D Mey ~ JAMES W RAY, 11 81-... 1H1 UNLUI YOU TAKI ACTION rvone (,A 9211• TO PROTECI 'M.>UH l'HUl'l:R1V II Ml(,HAH D RAf 4011 H•1•I MAY 8£ SOLD l(T A PU8llC SAi ( Of••• c;.o.on1 def Mal CA <no?~ II' YOU NEED AN EXPlANA TION l1o11 butu-• 11 1.o<ulu<.led by e 0 F I H £ NA I UR£ 0 F f Hr tlfo•rll CJ•rlo..,.,11p PROCEEDINCI A0 AIN8f YOU YOU M~eel 0 «ey aHOUlO CONTACT A l.AWY£A tnrt 11etttnen1 wit hie() W1tll th• •'l Mn1111<.1t11 011•• C.cron1 d•• <..wnty (,lor~ 01 Or•nve C.oumy on Mir CA Mey 11 1911? (II • '"'"" •dd•H• or COrnf'rl(Jll det1gn•t1on 11 t hown 111ov• 11•1 wlttl nty 11 Qlvon •• 10 111 c.omDlet..,, ... or (.Otl40C:l11t1t1l 1'1 ..... l'utotrolttttl Or•ngtt (,011,1 Oe1ty Pllo1, Mey 13, 20, 27. June 3. 1982 21 IU-82 T1>11 bo;r .. 111.•••y Ulldet •••d °"<l OI 1 rutl hy •l•IM)f• ol • '"""" f)( <1erau11 111 lhe obt1g1111ont 1ocur•d l----D-llD-l -IC_NO_T_IC_E ___ _ lhoreby he•etolore O•l<.ul•ll nord 1 ____ r_uu _______ _ delivered 10 the und1r11y"'tcl • wrlllen o .. c:11r1tll<Jn of Oelevll anti 0.mend lor Sate tod wrollen ntJll~ 01 b<e1<.h en<l ct lllecl•on 10 ceu!MI 111e u.,d••••on•d to ••II t11 1d prope<ty lo Hlllly •••d obhy11t!Jf10 and t11u111l111 1ne un<l•• 11u11tocl Cilu..0 Hiii llOIK.• Of llf•l<.11 •nrl ul ete<.11-0fl I<> be rlfl(.orded f111Jrutry ~ 19112 •• 1001< NtJ 87 O'.IO•:ll Saoll aele ... o11 be mid• but wi•thoul tuv•o•n1 CH wtttt •hty e•pre~• or omplled reg11d1t1g 1111• poueu1on or 11ncum1>r1t11.•• 10 P•Y '"' r1rnem1ng proflCj(l1I ~m 1,1 FICTITIOUI •UllNlll NAME IT A TIE MENT ,,It! h1U11w111u CJt•f\(1'• ii!. tJtJlflU t1u•11 ••~~.1t ·J~ IJll l '> lJl<Y WAI l s 14U/ &.Ii. hnr'ltl fltt't'•' CJtui.t f"11utl <,ultfO,flllll •un:.1•1 N1llmn ltr11.,...11 ft·1tlHuv IJ401' •,"4 l:t1tqht (>uv., (l1tti.t i.11,1nt t~dh "'""'' 't'/f,'/11 ff•l"'t ,,,_,._.,,,.~'It I t 1utJ1tt..h,.O hy J_I, u1tl~ 1ul101I N1t111i1n h 1,uth 01 ltM:t nol~sf aec.ured IJ; ••1d 0.-.0 f.Jf ' .,._,,, / c,, ,.,.. .. 1 f '' •rn; ... (..,.,.,,.,, ,,.1 fruat w1lh 1ntftf'etl 11 1n ~eta flVI• A1,,., f ''•hi provided advancea 11 1ny und"r 1ne •••ma (Jf U ld Deed or I •u•I lees 1.n1r~ Ind ••!)er•-ur '"" fruit.., •nd ol '"' lru111 cre11.ct Uy s.ar<J o-d ol l •u•I S•od ••'" w1111,. ,,..... llut>lltned O• lf•O• Lvttl 01111 P1lt1I Aprol Lil M1; fl 13 20 19112 1~2b II~ l1t1lc1 '"' rhurld1y June 10 1'18? "' 1-------------2 30 p m 11 tht Clltpman A....nue P\8.IC NOTICE entr•,.ce lo 11>1 Civic c.,,,,.,, l-------------Eluolt1011Q 'lOO Ea1t C hapm~" Av11t1u11 1n lllfl C•I/ <11 01er"941 CA Al'"" 11me 01 the 1r1111111 t>Ubh'-al•m• ol lh•t notK.o II•• 1<>111 11'\0utot of "'* unpa111 ll•ta111.a or 111111 Ol>llQ&f lOfl HUHl!O fly,,,. •buv& oe1cro1111d deed o r 1ru" u1d utomated coll• e;pen"'' OtotJ ad111in1,111 11 $~8~ 156 ~· T•1 del•'"'"'" H•tt tJp•ntog Did ytJU rnn1 call 17 1•i 9)7 Of16f> ()Air 0 M1ty l 11182 I () 5£HV1Cf (.QM PAN f ... ~aid l ru&1-., FICTITIOUS 8UllN811 NAMI ITATE•Nt 11,., lnllow"'g ue• aon '' <lorog l>uWIOl>l •• fHF GLAS~ BAI I IJON 11 l• N..-w Hon•e>•h11n CJt1v" (.';''" Mff.8, (.A (i/f)~fl l.(t1ll11~ lrttflto Heny•H t 114 '~""""" Httm(Jr.tu,,, Utt~~ ( •1'\14 Mff&• 1,A 'llt?b T t11\ tJU•Uwtlt II\ 'vnOul.tfMJ t1y H,. HH1•YHJtml 1,ynttu• I """(Jet rru~ !Jh•lttmttt•t °"'"' M~d With 1h~ ( ·''""'f <.,•~(~ ,,, OtAU\Q"" (.,fl'U'll'f '-"' Aj.1111 16 1982 IJf 1'&111(.18 A Hand@ll ,4\'1"ta'1t '>et.tulAfy 011e City Otvd w ... 1 fJ111119e CA !ll'llflll I Ul8J~ 871111 l'1Jl11ithed 1Jr1J1Qfl (.o~tl P1lt.1t Ma1 1'l 'I 2& 1982 f117$)& f'•.ihlt\t•ttd 0"1110~ C,tJe11tt Oe11~ 0••1/ ~olo,f M•y l'J 10 i? JuMI 'l 19112 '.!0011 II? 1101 It~ P\8.IC NOTICE NOTICE OF DEATH OF Fi<:rrnooo llOllNEH NAME ITATUllllNT c AL v y N w. GLEN . "'" l(Jllf) .. 1ng "'"''"" ·~ doorog DENNING, 1k1 CALVI N "''""tot• u G LEN 0 EN N ING , aka fJ O ' A 111r.A1 lJ E '> 1 r, N s CALVYN GLEN()ENNING IJl41 IM I rr (J '> 19 M•r(lut111:t1 .. CAL UYN GLE • (·'"'"'" ""' Mar (.A °'16~'. ••• NDEN· I AIJHE.I AtlN NA' I kl.,., ., Ill NING AND OF PETITION "41•guet1t•. Coron1 d•• Mer. CA TO ADMINISTER EST ATE 111112•; NO. A·l 13Jt7. Ir••• tJ<,,.,,,. .. '' a1u11uo.1..o t>t "" To 1111 hr·1n1. t•·n1·(1< 1tir11~. mdivod"•' l 1ttH~f Atm t48fftf'l't\ 1 r1·cl1t11rlo und 1 r1nl1nf( .. nt ""' ~.,1,.,.,.,.11 ... , l1ltld w1tto the l rt·cl1t11r~ t1f CALVYN W ,,,IV,,,, 1 !fir> r,1 fJr•''O" '-'"''''1 u" (j LEN l> fo: N NIN c;' oJ k .. Me1 11 11111 ""'220 f'uhh•h•HJ Orttriu .. ' ''""' Oally 1'1lr1I M1ty l'J ~I) ;t} )1•"" 'I l!lll2 llJl\'l II? ('ALVIN c;u ;NJ>fo:NNINC aka CALVYN c; L 1-; N D E N N I N Ci <1 k ,, C:ALIJYN c;Lfo;Nl)l<;NNIN<; -----------1 i.nd p•·r~•rn~ who rnu y Ii•• MllC NOTICE •Jttwrw11w 1nt.-rl"11tc·d 1t1 lt11· I------;..__;__.:.;:_ __ _ will .Jnltltir •'111.itW "CTITIOVI eUllNt:ll HAW ITATIMINT A P''llllon hi.11 tH·•·n (il1•d II•• lf)tff)Wlf•O P••tllnt Ifft doing b y P II Y L L I S A N N 1': bv"'""" •• GLl!:NIJ~NNING 1n th" ER I 1IONewpQrtCt1nlttr su .... ·rior Court o f OR/\NC :Jo: o .... , II t'IO N11w(Jor1 tlHCh (,A ,-•nMI'> C:ounly n·qu1· .. llnf( lhlt l H WfAll IHOllA '.J19•• 1111 l' ti Y LL I S A N N F. >'Ill lrel>U<.'' f.•n~on (,A 9211111 c;LY.NDENNINC: h t· <•A8f')RA TOTH )lll11PaMO appui ntt-d as pi!r•on .. I L• Elran1a !lert Jua11 C..•111""'"0 A 'n81~ rPpr•v·nt.at111t• UJ itdrnir11.1tt'I '"'• .,... .. ,.., .. ,. Gt>n4'•x;ted by 1 tht' ,.11tatl' of CALVYN W el oer1nertt1tp GLENOl!:NNJNG . JHVJNK 1~ "''•" "''"" CA (unt:l.-r th .. ludt·~·nd1"11l '"" •1•1-1 .... hied ..,,,, •he Adm1n11tr&t11m "' Jo:at&t"" ~;::,;19/1'·::.,01 Orfll>Qe County C>t1 Act) The peuuo n 1.1 IM't for 1'1•1" ht-anng in ).ll•pt Nc1 :1111 7110 Puotothfld Orange C.out 0 111y Ctvl( Centi•r f)riv.-Wi·t1I, Prlot April ?fl Mey 8 11 20 19112 Santa Ana. CA U2711 I 11n l939 82 Jun,. U. 19H2 111!1'3011 rn 1------------11'' YOU C>RH:C'T tu 1hf·1 ___ Pt&. __ IC_NO_T_IC_E ___ 1 --.. ..OllH W A~M.AlllUT1 WAMIUM.~T l'ura111ftl to ltollon I 104(Cll of lht lnlelt\11 ""--Code OUl9'e It llattl>y etven tflll IM.,_, 1tp0tt tot 1111 c111 nd1t 1••• 1tt 1 01 '•u<iMd M1111nc1 ... 'ovne1111on a pflv•I• lound1llon. 11 •~•ll1bl• el In. IOUf'I01llQn'1 prlnelpal olllCe IOf 1nt9t01'°'1 Clutlng regular bu•ll,.,.. h0ut1 llom 10 00 1 m 10 4 00 p"' b'f' lllY ClllJ.lfl who reQUMlt 11 willlln 110 d•y• •II•• lh• d••• 01 thl1 l>UbllcallOn Tnt rovnd•llOf>'• ptlnc;tpel ollic.t •• ICX.lltd II 10 I & 011nvlHe !)(Ive, ,..-vc>rl leac.tl, C1Mlo11111 fh• p1lno1p11 m1nayu of 111• tounoallon 11 H1rry l Marllnd111, ''""" Llllloli M1"011 & Ch1tl .. l letllMft '· • ...., 1f11 WlleNre ..Wvetd Loe AnotM, CA IOOt1 Publl11led Orange Co .. I 0 1lly PllOI Mey 13, 1982 2 fO~ 82 rta.IC M>T1a'. NOTtCI INVITING IC>I NOii<.• 1, htrtby given 11111 lllt 601rd or l!duc:1t1on of 1111 Irvine un1111d 8c:noo1 Otett101 01 Otano• County, C111tl0<n11, w\11 r~w - led Bkll up 10 2 00 P M of Ille 27111 d•v 01 M•y. 1012. et wt11en llmt MIO t>ldt wtll bt publlcly opened i nd tH d 101 RE,USE Dl8P08AL Bid condlllOM• Ind 1n11ruc:Oon1 ll'td Bid form• mey bt OOtw..d •t 11>41 olfic. ol Fiac:al 8uppor1 BetYICH , 29• 1 Allon Avenue lrYlnt Cal1lorn11 file Ot1tr1GI r--... the r90111 10 rejec.I lflr. ()( Ill 81cJI Of 10 WllVe llny Irle gu 1tllltl II' tnlf)fm•lll'" In eny l\lcJa °' tn 1,,. Bidding 1tv1n1 Un•t1d :School 011 lrtGt A St•nl4ty Co.ey AulllOtlltd A~ll Pu1>1t1hed O••nQ• Coe1t 0111y Pilot. M•y 13, 20, 10112 30611 82 POOl.IC NOTICE "CTrTIOUt e UllMIH NA ... ITATl•NT 11111 1011ow1ttg ~"on1 ••• do•ng IJUtlflHI H RESIOEN llAL DE610N C.ENT ER ;.>3•8S V11111t1 Drive l111un1 N1g.,.i CllllOtnll !>?1177 JOMPll W Spw11(ll 23•6~ 1181 ... ,,. Or••• teoun• Niguel <..11110f r11• U?611 lud1t11 0 S11•ung1 n•8~ Vet ler II 0<11141 l IQUfll ... oOVel C.1Jtl0< ma 91&17 Ill•• 1>uaiiw1u " c.onauc.1 .. 1 by •n 11ld1v11luel J<>MPft w $p1vngt I llrt 1181-1 ..... hlfd With lllf C.ounty e;,., .. ot Ot11\Qe <.Aiunty on Apnl U 198'} ,IU1t4 Rul>htlled Or•nge COHI D11l1 P11<>1 April '}~ Mey II 1 j 20. 18112 11136 92 P\8.JC NOTICE NOTICE Of DtHOlUTtON Of l'AlllTNellllHll' ANO CONTINUANCE Of' IUllNIH NOll(;e " given pu1tu•nl lfJ Sii(. t1tJ11 150'.J'.J ~or Ille Co1por1t1r,,11 Cllr:l• 1na1 1n& P~"""''n111 v1m po~ed or Morg1v N Howard •1tcl flore Wet•n•t>• heretoloofl Ot11ng tJua1ne11 und•r It•• fom uatnft ''' lltJW1rd 6()1)~11~""'0 al 801 I ~I" '"' Aver•u'I Su1l11 IA5 ~lurtf!rl\jlOn &\lM:.n C.a1tlc.1tn1• ,. 111ua1veo "' .,1 A1Jril lO 10112 ov rnutu!LI to<•••ml f IO<• Wet1tnao. realdot~ el '1~/'; Mvtt °'''"' E1.-1a P••k (,e111orn11 """"'"<Ir•"''' lrt>m and hHG41•Mo'J 1r, IHI a.tMX•lled 111 ""' C6tr yll\Q C>ft tJI Ille.....,..,_ Mttt\jl" N Hnwer<l 1tn1d1n11 •' 18 7l"1 Ce pent" ~!reel r •1unte1n Valley G1 hlr1rnoa ... 11 n1reelter r.ero I on 1114 boJ-t 1t ""1111"<! 111 111 Ill 1"9 •IM" or me °""~' '""1 n.,, "'"umt10 ttn4' ••II P•V 111 "''' tlbndong heO•lll .. t OI Ille IJtJt•ne" -tttofr1re MoO hNHlttt tneufled IJelftd Mey 10 IOll;t MAACllf 14 HOWMifl (I OUA WA I ANAl:IC l'vlllithfld "' ""0• en .... u .. ty P1lt1t M•y IJ llJ112 "1'111:> I •..ooon NOTICI 0' Al'PUCATIOH 'Of! CHANOl IH OWHlllllHll' Of' ALCOMOUC elvl,.AQI UCINN T 11 Whom II May OOftetrne LINOA L 1nel l'IOlllllT W BROCKWAY .,. applylnJI to 111• Department of AICollollo .._age Conttol lor "42" OH SAL.a llf.lA & WINE (PUB. PMM I to ... tt6ooflOllO ~llOM II 14N IOinOet, Unit A. Huntlr>glon ~.CA t2t47 llvblt•h•d Ur •no• <.ou t Oa lly P~ot Mly tJ tQl2 21ot-12 P'\8.IC NOTIC( 'ICTITIOYI IYIMH NAMI OTATl•lff lh1 1011ow1ng P9f•on• ert do•ng IJ1Jt1ne1t n ADMINISTRATIVE 81!111\llCES INC:. U66 81k1r 'ihMI Coate Mnl C:.A lnt1;,>6 11ttllttr I tr11, a Celllorrtt• c.11rur1tol•<111 1014 C1n11on1u1 C.ir<.lo l.otl• Metr. CA 92628 Hiii l1VtllleH II C.01'1du<lled by I GOIUlllUftOfl Hollo. t Inc f rtrnk J lttllt< I ho-Al1tlttme<1I WH Iii.Cl with lht Ct~m•y (,If.Irk nl Orengo County 0'1 Mlty I l 1011~ '1111t2 f'""'"tl"d O••noe Co1e1 D•tly Polu• M•y IJ 20 27 June 3, 1982 21:12-12 flt&.IC NOTICE 'ICTITIOUI .utMN NAMI ITATEMINT I"• r111tuw1no p.rw11e Ire domg l1u"o•a• ••• l'Afl40llER SALES 191111 ·,,,,.,It H11r hit/ filtffl Sente Ana {A lf;>IO', J~"'"" Mu1t•1 C:1n1 11e CJ1lfh1>ttd Av•"•"' Newport S.•<;11 (.A •1:tllf1~ (J,.111 .. 1 t,.,,,,ge V•rtn , l A f "''""''' A.,1t1uo Newport Ele1th 1,A 'Ji'(,111 ll•IS l>U•orlMI It (.(1(10U'-ltld l)y • ~II pvtnerlhlp him"• M Ltml llllt .... ,.,m .. 111 WU ltlttd With I,.. L'>Vtol; 1,1,,,~ ,,, O•eoge County on M•y 11 l'lll.? l'1•1M f'""'"""" Or11noe Co"'' O•lly P1101 Mioy 11 20 2) June 3. 18;> 1051·92 Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI 8Ul+NEl9 NA• eTA'BMUfT ""' •ot1•1•mo P•• '""5 •• • durt•O t>u,,,,.,,, 1111 <: f> A '• I A I/ I 0 REN 1 Al '11 llVtc.t fill, rttJ11 I HRIJ"l Y REN f A <.All '.J~ 10 lrv1ue Avenu• N••Pt,tl flee<.ll <..A 9?660 C<Ji,.1 Aull> fi11111a1 Serv>e:t! I~ "<. .. 1o111trn11 L11t1><1<1tlt0n 3~ 10 Irvine A""''"" NM"'IJ'lfl Beto<.h CA 92660 ltor• I"'""•" •• ronductf>d by • ,,,,,,,.,,. .. ,,,, l.fll\I AulO R11n t1I Mr~" 14••111 Prff ,, .. , ''•'"'"~~·· -·· hted •f1tl the l ,,.,nty 1 ,.,..~ "' <Jrenge C.ounty on M•1 I I l'Jlll' , ... ," l'uhli•lr"'' <)r11ng• <..01tt Detty l'rlnt M,.y l"J /() '/7 June ) 1911? 3071 II:> PUii.iC *Intl PUBLIC HEARINGS will be held at CORONA on MAR El.ODTARY SCHOOL 610 Carnation Avlfllt CORONA on MAR <* MAY 17, 1912, IN Ttl Ill.Tl· MPOSE ROOM, AT 7:30 ,,ll Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Thutlday, May 13, 1882 DI ~.l!J!l!.'1!1 ..... °"' "e ... ,, ... ~ ...... !~ff ... , ....... 1• aor•• with oreek. 144,toO. t ecrM, laro• ••· anooo. 1ott1 .... laf tlnenold low IMataet. AMl"'ICAH PAC"IC, Hwy 140 and 11. Marl· poea. Oa: 20f. .... t121. WM: 20t-fM..3M1 .. , ,,,,,. ••• ~f~.c! ••••• :!!! !Jlctl. "4K equity In t<ona, Hawaii oondo for IHM on I br hom•, lo Orang• Co area (211)'~2 TreOe lot Ila ..., 09bln large Canal fron1 New· port IHOh . Mr Cle rk .. 6-1170 aft I. f RADE Ce ntra l Cou t cleet, cvetom J br vi.. home on 2 a o. horee pt)ty. Ataacedero l221M V..U. for hOtM Of utlltt. Oro C ly. btacll eree Qwnf.~3 !'.!m.VHHt~ .. l.'!lfff.frhfe.~ •• HN!!Hr!l.!Hl!.¥!!4 ~~ c ..... ,,... "'' ,,.,,.. ,,~ e.,,, ..... tftf •••• ::r.~ •.••••• .... -.................. ·~•.-:t .............. :: .•.... r:-rrr •••••• r:.~. ~~ llil&a 1alf Ull UY _ _ 1111 • •• m.-r.mll······r.e •• llt.lh. T-W-.by ,_,_ ALL UTIUTIU 'AID -. .... lllf1 bebblln9 brook, trplo, lr1no uew condo I~ 1476/mo. 2 Ir, I ea. di•. pool, dbl ~INlllY matt N\11, l'Ai ~m· I No -t ~o • t e nnlt 10 Oom~efore you -•.MW WDM, pe11oe. II rlt. ,.....,e, mo. • • • 99" TA.:. I••••· I et t ••c. 7-4t11, aft 4 ,.,_., ~,.... oetpoN. C.t Ot<. 046-8428 ""8: ...... NO. wt'rd ftl Joitgmt 642·1903 ____ • _____ 10HAflllO ·Hr, He. getacte aurrounctad wfth llU nlll deft, .,,,., o1Mn1 ptueh plu•h land•cap1no No •11>r. "' l .C. Plaa. a.A. 4 Bdrm 2 8a tamlly opt, AC, frplo, obi ga• pete. ~f'::· ~JT..2':75. home au... ar• Avail. rage, lg lot. r•dwood 1 Ir. tutn. lrom ... 80 • o . • or imrneGtetely Many -d.cke, nr pool•/ p erlle, 2 If, turn from iMO _e._1_·1_490 __ . ----- nltlel 176 .. 912 BICA no pet1. Avail mmed. 3ft w. Wlleot'I, 842·1871 l600-l&21/mo. 2 ., I h. 1126 mo. 7112·701, BHt EHtlld• loca tlon, 831-aeot •••ll.,,M 1 •tori· •h•f.· drep ... roomy 1 8r/walef paid 1 -.--.-,.~--._......---..... '1 ::.:0-~:0:· bealMd. Alt garage. Adult•. no tit -...................... TIL u-1 f42·180a pet1 ... SI. ISl.0764 1Jb6rm.2'A .J~ 1.1.'I flmlT ..,. .. garden, comm. pool, 3 Ir. I Be. *"' yerd.,.. fak•.1 1ennl• prMl•o•• "*""'&tall LMftOI dte ltH Conflnental. 19711 per mo. ltt·'7'3 8Hutltul park-Ilk• 1ur· 1760/mo. 116t.I001. 17MllO roundlno• Terraced lllHU &!My 2 If. 2 k Xlnt loC I t>r. 1 be '660 "' IC ~ Open t>eem, 2 t>r. 2 be t100 1kyl1tH . trplc, lg deck 2 t>r, 2'A be = OYef luetl lendtop, "°°'' 3 t>r. 2 be .-. dbl OM/Of**, gea 3 ... 21 ...... & waler pd. Avall. nO'# "'• ".,. 1760/mo 971.3319 3 bf, 2 be 1 1600 tum wkdy1. 761-1 114 ev .. 1 4 bf, 2~ be 11SIO wttndl 4 t>r. 21A be N00-M21 LA Aaleor Atty 133-leOO pool Sunken OH bbq. eparkllng fountain• Spaclou• room• S.pa• ra11 dining.,.. Wllll-6n oloMl.a, home I•• kltoh· en & ca binet•. Walk lo HuntlftOton Cenier 1 90nft.fUrn, l60I 2 8drm•unlurn from Nt4 •2 8r 1 ba MHI Vlfde upper New decor. No pelt Oar. l4H/mo. 8n.tt74 lllllUlll'n Adult llvlnl , 1 8r , cer• ~. pool leundtY No ~ l3te .,, w 19th. Bt 646-0492. 2 er. 11t1 M~ Ave, 111 fir. no pe11 2 pereofte 1421 lle rra Mgmt . 841-1324 3 BA 2 BA. trplc:, range, 2 BH utllul 2 bdrm, 2 bath 1 .. 1,/1 car 1 •r•g•. No pelt houH In Woodbrld10•• •••••••••••••••••••••• I 7 7 /mo. 111 + 1410 Garage, IOI front 1 ll6e 6HIH ,.,.,~ MC. 848-6423, 842.()836 yardl". CfoH to pOOI & •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 8"'. & OEN. MCluded & rte fee l<ldt lptt• ok w.... ..... JI 4' ptlva te. hUQt yard. gea a 1760 mo. 662-1794 111. I NO petl UtMltlea FrMI LA QUINTA HERMOSA 19211 Plll'kllde Ln, I b1k w of 8Mc:lt, 3 blk• 8. of Edinger W•111de 2 8r 1 8a cert· tral heating, gara ge, 1tove, carpet•, dtapea. NO pett, cNldttn. Wll«· bad • 14110 .. H CUrlty depo11t 10-11442 or 770.1829. ••'•"•••••••••••••••• w•t•r p•ld, renge. Ho 141-IUt Attra ctive 1 8r cottage. pell. Carport. HIO/mo W0008RIDGE 2Br, oloM AvalltoJuty15th.IH6 111 +1310 1tc. topark.pootandM:hl.w ....... ,t 11fl 2BA.11A batownhovM. wk .utllpd.3blk• 848-6423,842..oe3 6. Fncdyrd.1 821/mo ••'•"••••••••••••••••• lmme c,qulat,no pet1 beech/town. 494.0077 561·26&.4 Furn. Laguna e .. e h lu· Balcony. patio, gar, trpl. ---------E./el<M 3 81 1 Ba. encild JtUfY atudlo. lf>I, Sat.ill!• 1626 mo AYall June 111 •---' ..... 1111 ger . la rge ya rd NO w ..... llfl TV, NUna, maid~. _9_7_9·_18_6_8 ___ _ ·••-;c;;; .... ,......... PETS 1679 Aedtend• Pt , ... , phone• 1 I l l/wetk So. Coa1t Plaza 2 B" I • . ' •• ,.. •• ••••• ••• ••••••• ien.2221 " BIO CANYOH EXECUTIVE 1646/mo. Me.eeec> C ll1rmlng bHCll front 1----------t>•. lgt patio. full uc HOME View ,rlva cy 3 Br 2 ea Monllce llo l\Ome, ~llCUlar view, Studio, walk to bH cll, Kid• OK. 16e6 lnci gu a H cur11y. aui11ty 1urn1: Townllouu No pet• brick courtyard entty 4 lkyllgllt1, pvt entry, nice water No ••• Agt 1 hIng 1 • I 2 6 o o 1m0 IHI/mo Sierra Mgmt. Br 3'A Ba. large ffvtng rm I mo leHt. June 20 to 917-0222 640-46!1 co 84 HS24 I 'dining rm, bMC:t'l room, D • c 2 O I 3 6 O m o 2 --8'-2-8-1-. -..... -110-.-~-·r----. lot• of atorage. FOf ..... 96&.1819 .. -... ,...... 2 er 9'\Cltd garaoe. car· only. Calf Peggy Pattteon 1----------no pe11 1460/mo Avall Wtll dee 28r Npl Crell pell, dll P H 773 w for app1 714/961·2473 STUDIO COnAOE 8r1<* 511)' 648-8876 condo. CloM to amenl· w 11 10,, N 0 P• • • wtcdy'l 8-1 patio. OH w11e1 pa id S f UNNING I I I) II ••. partial view 1521/mo 831-48'9 s ingle ad1t1 1360 111 oen 1 P:;,.g;10 w' l t200/mo 831-04&0 EJ••~ 3 2 38' l'A ba .. °"" ,._ ...... and IHI plu• 1100 dtp 08'11111 Str8!.. .....,. br, be, twn rm • • -• ..,. No Lag I blk 10 8eecll .., Ltg 4 Bdrm, la mlly rm w/lrple. ftnctd yd. gar· lot OoMn/oenyon *-494-2874 2_B_R_l_'n_B_a_l _l __ O_/_W_ cu1tom pool llomt In a dtntr . cpu a drp1 1875/mo. 114·0•14 or I ' Pc, · country 1e111ng u oo1mo,111ai .. 1+ 9&7-1577 ,.,.._,,..,,, j111 G'2rr!:~54~~peta 12000/mo laa1t In. 1400 Avall now 277 No Laguna, 3 BR 2 9a, •• -;;r.;;••••••••••••• c:ludtt -ter, gatcSener & Ao b In Hood Lan• elegant tllruoutl Ocea n 1 BR, Ve11a lllt1 condo. UITllN Po o I • •' v le t 8 k r 66&-1737 YI••. near bee ch, pvt pool, l•cuul, gym. bll· 1 bdrm 1tove. r•lrlg 831-7370 3 B ""''° M·""~' ml· kardl. MUN 2• hr MC Nice $400 mo lnelucllnn Bdr 2 a. nu crpt, no .. -..,..... Garden Yltw 1 695 .. ., ... ,., tlal•nll1~ ~~~81~•;• yard 1700 ~~=·&.ooo~~ 754.4 1 t 4, 6•2·9067, utMto .. 64rH>108 •••••••••••••••••••••• "Gt 494....e74 ~te 2 bdrm, 2 ba, M ... Vtrde. .. ,... PUA OPT w/11111 lfg 3 RAii IUTILI tlrtplace, dl1llw11lltr lt•l•HU ,,,, bt. troplc:el rtlO 1496 Ava ll1ble now 1300 '550 731·8346 •••••••••••••••••••••• QC-RENTAL 760-3314 ~!.'!~.!¥!!! .... !.~!¥ week up Ag e nt Cllarmlng/Sparkllng 2 MESA VERDE 38r, tam HOME FOR RENT 176-8170 I Br up1tal11, pool, gH p1ld . Rtl 't raq 1336/mo 147 Fiow.t St 8411-8161 1tory, 4 bdrm, 2 ba/ ta· rm . nice . I 7 7 6 , 3 Bdrm 1175. Fenced 1---------- mlly rm on Penlrt Polnl. 49•·2330, 494-8694 Bibi yard ' garage. Kid• & Ooeentronl wtlty 2 & 3 bt, I blk from Beech and SECLU""'D ...... .. ... 2000 cornp lurn'd Gar A111 Bey. YNlly ..... 11.eoo ..,.. ~ euc pool pet• welcome......... · now. 840-4714 mo 175-0071 llomt , d~! gar, NO W Agent, no IM. , 3 Br 2 81 yard, trplc. ... so garege INO/mo Br<*er •BR 2BA hOUH on th• QC-RENTALS 760-~1" 111111• VIM1 jU1 _e_&1_--aeoo ------Balboa Penn. 11000 mo. •••••••••"•":"/ •••••••••• 87 *CIH n 2 br dupl•• olt HOME FOR RENT •2 Dr nr SC Plz S A YNlly. ~ 11g«1t. •lrMt p<kg Oulet MT&. 3 Bdrm.. H76. '•need Pool. •P• 1 645·1600 c.r~ ltl 1141 IUJ u1111 Incl no P•I• yard a gat1ga Kid• & Carport 752·6822 or •••••••••••••••••••••• 13t-722099·6 M-1' petl welcome. 645-2000. 141·1490 Spyglu• 4 8r family Agent, no,.. --------- room. 2 fr pie OCH n/ HUMY tamlly ~ 3t>r Nlwty oec:oreted Inc new ~~ 1 19601~ ~,:'; fJ::14 !'!!r.!!.~e.-H.!! ~~·u~~1s6c1 ~1:;r~ I QC-AENTAUS unit Encltd garagt1, LO 1 BR Avall 811, gar, WIO. 1torage 1695 7191A Mar lg old 640-4266. 3 bt, 2 ba, eJI amenltlft 1-&t>r'• 1200 to 12000 prlva tt 1undtc"'• 817 Hr SC Plaza 1791., 760-3314 open7-<Wrt I Jennlftl'Ulne C M 845·9181 (Ann or L•· .. ~ ...... 3 •• -....... ~ •luOIO• ont 0or111 H'#Pt ....,.... ... on ......... If AIL ltWl ce greenbelt . 1llarp ancllWOoeotoomlOltl Remooled 2br on Mat· 11126. 844-6319 mtn" FU"NllHEO 1 4 U i mo 2 Br 1 Ba Spectaeuler oceen & city ..... ~ pool. laundry rm. new llg11t1 view lrom e very ""8, bbq. kid• .....,., Wll -8'ld UNFU"NllHEO carp«, upper unit Tiii• room L.Mge & ~ OC-A£NTAL8 760-331" ..,.,_ Ot1'.w00d also oiler\ one wont IUtl 2 Br m a ny amenlllu • Bt, 28a + lg a dd·on, • Wll , All UtllltiM Plld TSL Mgmt 11200/mo Cal Anthony evtlll 1-t Meat Del Mar. •Br. Canal front Fae d ay•l42·11717,evHA Rtif &latreq l800mo l and . M r . Clark ·~ 28A,pvtpetlo.newpalnt wtlndt 831-t430 759~147 or 848-4289 alt 645-3370 At1 I . Occupancy 6 cpt1, vecanl and •Yell •----------'11 ...... '-ln 1 now $476mo Cell Larry COZY 2 er lrplc. new 8.30f'M M-F H' llAT a. "'--'~ or Pem. M0·11S8 cpt1, 1m patio So ol Nwpt Hgt•. 3 br, 2 ba , Large 38r 2'MSe 2 •IOfY Hwy 1721. 873-1734 lrplc, yard, garage. No condO Frplc:, bit.In kltdl, And Muell Mo1t1 lathWt 2 Ir. 1 la. 1Br. lre>lc, dthw1llr, ge· pet. 1896 842-6722 ~· 875-7080, ua IOI' For 1 month or a l1IP Call 648-46"9 raga 1810 mo 812 Ja-3 BA 2ba. lrplc, dbl gar,!--•-'--------lllNl M<>0elsOfV"'1.~·1lv I Br. refrtg, 1tow. c:atpetl, amtna. open 2·• d•llV tncd yrd. lgedrlvewa)'. BACK BAY Condo, adlt. 9llmtueom l'OP911 dr1pt1 1376 /mo &-42-8367 on Map I e n r 1 9 t 11 . OrlenteCI, 3 br or~ & den, 646-03" 1 ah 1 30PM C<IM IY'old.3 Br 2.,,.ee. 1 700/mo tit 6 lt1t. 2 ba. b1tn1. trlge, W/D, 2br, 1'Aba.810JoannS1. '950/mo. 6•8-lllil. 831·2372 trpl, alt new <leeor .. poota Otkwood Adult• prel Small dog 2 Br 1.,,, ea 1710/mo 2 Br y•rd, no peta. ohlld & pallo 1810 mo 111, Garden ApMtmentl oil $476 848·6"36. Work 976-0393. AH Oil, w .. 11ldt *5110/mo latt & MC. 842·1t56 • •~ .. ,...,.. Spac 2 11y. 2 BR. 1'A ba . 1eo.2eee 841~783 Big Canyon COndoa 2 a 3 Newpol't _,..,,_ pool, carport, pvt p1110 "-1 • •-~ 3 BA 1',.b• vacant F/P er .. llAI gOfl eoutM vt9w, &801,, ~v,,,•Nl1 1475 mo Clllldrtn OK, .,.. • .., •-.. · · • tumlahld or unflJfn """" ..., '" 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• dblgar 1 7110/mo a gt 1 1 11 11...,...200· (7u )'"""-I"""' noptll v 4 6·301 ; "COttagot" •IYM 2bf Ma.1118 t nn •• U Cllf y. ~ _......... 213-375-8107 wt~ • ..,.tlo, NOW 1360 ..... •·'-I ~••• ...... S44-74a4 81tr. ...,,_ a...~i•--.--.,._ r... .__. ._,_,.,gy Nt wtr 2 br. w/garagt, OC-AENTALI 750-33t4 •••••••••••••••••••••• N-oc.ea.ntront 3 Br fa· 1100 18111$1 I n ew p a int No pell II -If 2 bdrm. 1 'A ba Condo mlly rm. 2 trpk . yearly 10ov11 ti 1e1111 • M45/mo 845-667? .,. I_,, nw Flreplcroe, wuhtr, dry9°. 12500/mo e.tMne (714) 642-e113 .... --&I e .,_, 152& 181·3~9 Harbor vi.w Home 3 8r 2 .._,_ Aent In Coet• M•H'• I/ •,,., 1e,. Be. famlly rm. ll l60/mo 2 Bdr 1~ Be 1525 NEWEST gated 20 11 •-28dr 1 hl600 Town .. 0m• VILL AQf •••••••••••••••••••••• Purch••• option avall B .. 11 , " .. n TW t&IYM 84U9n Otn •vt o•r•o•• COMMUHITY 2 & 3 8r t----------------1 petlot Ca11Jlml31·7370 2' ... 8&. 1IOC)..tl00 aq ft 2 br, 2 ba, almoll new Newport Htlght1 large 3 m..._. 9tMTE 942-1503 -t•l821month+le25 11 00/moonytarty from .557·2841 of pure twwry owaoee. condo Community pool. Br 3 Ba. meny amenl· ........... ,., Flrapl~ pool, pvt patio hydro-tube In mHtar ape & lennll court•. I 1;a1 ti• I I l60/mo. Cell An· Bayfront lo--.curlty a dlhwlher. x lg 1&2 Br. •ulte, dlnln\,room•, garage Wiii con1lder lllony d•Y• 842•1767, bldg One Bdrm condo. gar<le~ll on E/1ld• wooo 11um1ng ~. ,.... -a •nae 83 t-8430 bull FOR THE CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE m~ro·w•ve oven•. pr1. MCUrlty depotlt Large 2 er 1 Ba 1410 gri.nllng u ( th1· fl4•t1t111n , you 1hould t'llhn i.ppt·1Jr 111 th1• ht• u ri n I( 11 n d •I IA l 1• y '' u r t>IJJl'l'UIHlll Ill fll1• WrtllC'O UOJl'l'llon11 with thl' n1url before lht• ht•urlng Your app.!ar11rw.-may bl1n !><'"*'" TO RECEIVE PUBLIC RECOMMENDATIONS v ate p a t101 •1 llt-1711, NM411 L~~~~~r~ ~t~~!~t'0~ a.lllPll!'.!.'!' 797 w w111on 842.......3 REGARDING POSSIBLE ALTERNATE USES. yard•.9•rd•n•r prov . HIJ.,1,. mt. trorn bMCtl tmo -• or "11·Ml3. 1(..00121 c:rm!:~C:::~ ...... ··~· c a I I b., e. 9 p M ___ ._l_M __ n_a __ Lmll, ~ ........ NOTICE Of' IALI -· <l•'lfl '"•8 2"""' I °' llll Al PR~lllTY 191and. 7 "*'ut• to S.C •••••••••••••••••••••• '" • """ Studio wl II ca rport & or t.>y y<1ur att.orney IF' YOU ARE A c1u:1Jrro1< <Jr a <'Ontmgent 1n-d1 U1r fJf thl' dc.o('t'&lit'd, you mu.at fllr· your <:la.Im wllh ttu> l·ourt ur p rf'll'nl 11 to the penunal repre•••ntatlve appointed by the court w1thrn four months from thf' date of flnt l11u11nre o f letwrs u J)'OVtded In S«:tJon 700 o f th<' Probe~ <:ode of Califo rnia The t1ml" for fllmg clalma wlll not uplre prior lo four month• from thl' date or lh l' ht>arlnt r10lk'f'd abovf' YOU MAY EXAMINE t~ flLP kept by t~ court Ir you ar,. 1nt~r,.1tNt In the NUii(>, you rNY file a req009t with thP rourt to receive epeclal n o t ice o f th e lnvf'ntory of eetate aau!tl and of t1w p!'tl!Jorw, llCIDOUnW •nd re port• dn1crlbed in St'ctlon 1200 .~ of th•· CaUlom.la Probate C<lde PROCTOR ' PROCTOR -By: MAR.LAN PROCTOR Al..,...y at Law IHI W. Vlea.ry Blv•. I....._. CA tlH• (IU) hMUI Ut·ttit Publl1hed Orenf• Coe.at Daily PUot. May l • 14, 20, 1912 I 2111-12 c.11 ua-H11. lllvt ..... ., •• .. Ir,., AT HllVATf I Al.I NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED Plaza or o C.Alrport QC-AENTAUI lewM ... lw A,.,,...,. p1t10 Pool & Spa . No No. A·1l1tH Ju et aHI of Newport 1-lbt'• 1200 to 12000 tlalanhW pet• 1396 6.49-2447 ''c11111,~.ur-•°' Court ocl •to• St••• SCHOOL DISTRICT BIVF,,! 'a~eo. of S.11n•~a 760-3314 op«'I 7-daya ~~~~~ =~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bdrm, 1 ba. fenoed )'d, ol 1111 nrn1e for 11>11 ·ounty tJI • .. ,. ....,., HOME FOR AENT 11060 A V P..__. .......... I 1•00 Orange 1n lhe M1t191 ()I 11wt ftl•ll month. HI· •H..1. 2473 3 Bdrm. 1871. Fenc ed 21,_..2~3o1 · _._ ,_ :..~ .. ~~~l~3.t'411&'mo. o l O RV lll££ Wll llAMS. Ora ngeAve .. ~o•t• yard&garage.l<ldl& 1MAU Jll OtGH...O ,.~ 0r.,.._ e-~,.... ~ ...... welcome 646-2000 lluffe 38f 21A be, pvt toe, •••••••••••••••••••••• 1e26. 38r 2ba, children N ull~• •• h•re l'ly i'••n 11111 IMr ta," , .. , · ,...... · · ...., view 11360/ Im 4BA. 21:.,t· early. ''pie, .... no~ 1•• "C" E .._., Agent. no tee, -, · mo. • ........... I"". ,. .......... to ._, • ..., · vno•t'(lnt<J w111 tflfl •• "••II ul1. m a d o cc up an c y "'' w.-, ... .,..... 2 1 t t N 11 • h · · b a y & ocean lrkr 1 · ow av• · 111 the 1gt1e11 enel bt11t t11ddet, "'-------------------------• 3 8r 2 8a. trplc, dbl O•· 876-2478 17• •tl" 848-HM Of 646-IHS •vt11ec:1 lo r.onl1rm111on of u•d • JJn.,,.1 ii rage, fenced ~lrd l<ld1l .,.... • !~~\°'M~:i:; C:1 ~~=-~~c~5~1 rr f lLU g::,: ::1'.f~&lmo Aft ''=po~C~o:n::~ C..., I# 11., ft.LA Plllll Murrey Pllllt At1orn1y •I l lw means fur ----------refrlg , W I O , ltOO ••••••••••••• "":'r........ IPTI. 14 120 Buch Blvd Suite t03. Pierpoint Condo: 28r 831-0480 2 90. den, POOl7 ._. a 2 9 8 w .. 1m1n111t C A 92683 (714 1 11Ab a Pool, 1e nnl1 . t>HOfl. lt0701mo. Der 1 r ••ulltully ae• 5!>08 County fA Or!IOQll St11e IJll»JT ad ll&Olmo. Cell &41·26" NEWPORT CM.IT 3 llf. 2 rell. OWftr/Agt, "9/M leMee~. Quiet corn. of Clll1l0<n11 an tile tl(>llt, tttle and I lfVWN lltOfY, end unit.~ 769-1221 plell, enc oeragM, c.f· int••••• 01 ••td d•c:••••d 11 th• be 1 bdrm, ooeen vt.w. lat, 110 o.or .. OOMI' vw. ~·· drapea, pool, pe. ltme Of ONtll .,,d 1111 the r!Qht mie I (0 IMt I/Id.!':· Aol .. 26 pool. epe, teMlta, _. to C.., .... Ill ttoe, lel..ndry lac. and inter"',,,,.'"*"'•'• or UICI 1 ...,..3f0c) beeoh. 1 1260 I••••· •••••••••••••••••••••• IOMY NO PETS ~:.~-,:,:.,:~~~~~~ 'F-~ • DOING ~/,.,.,.,;,f';,,.,J n 2b6rm.1',.tNloondo.tpo. 144-7414.ttu. 111..!!.!~11!1 • fr.:''400/mo&up.UOOaec. ........ ,._ .... ~.. ~-t.I ·~ trldga. pool a nd jao . -..._mo. . 11 · 111111 °' 1n .o<llllOn 10 that of Mid ft JI ~ ,... C 11 1 lr~l•.t. --le. TOMJta11te, 11 ~ 1 to ,omona Ave. O.C.U«l ,, ,,.. ,...,. QI dttlll, tn ',.JI 1'.. BUSINESS i.'.~.b~~··· , lit ••• n.E!r•,;;·~··::.t:.:••• tne. baloony, ~rm. _84_2_._t0_1_6. _____ _ end l~.111 ,.,. Ct<l81n , ... ptoptrly .... ... ... ~ --~ "'" .-n I co .,_,. r .. I NI 11tu1t•d In City ot Mldw1y City, , ..,. .. ..,. ..,.. 7 .... 7'33 J ldrm. MIO. '•ftCM ~ pa "ng. o ! .. tMde 1 It, 13totino, County o l Oren~•· 8 1111 ol / "'JI -if : UN DER A •u"'__,_ Y•~d l garage. Kid• & TIL Mgmt 841•1eos ~~;.;:. MO-llN. CllltfOfnl•. p11r1icut11~ 6-'tbed M ,•_"f1 "4' fl ..... -pets.-ome. Mf.IOOO. -·• '~i9'~'"'~ •or Ti.ct &66 •• A a;; FICTITIOUS ... ~ .....• e.ff Aflnt. no•· .,... 1 bdf'rll. 1 ::-.=· ~ Map r-dtd 1n 8oolc 27. Paoe •• ~ -:. -.: -,,., NA ME? Oceeltffont eoft4o, t br, ,. .~ .... '°"71 ~ 1 "llllfl' r.:~·,!.9.°u=J ' ~ ... Mita M•p• . mott commonly r: t~ ba, deft. frplo, wet • -"'· -• -..... --·-.._ known .. 14721 Newland, Mldw.y __, bar, 1peotaoular view. otllld OK , ftO pete. •--.. t;:I la d i: ~ t Ir. 11>41111-lna. O•· •y. c111110tn11 e?H& ~~.....!!!_.:.:..... 111001mo. HH Ira· Mf.2000. Aflnt, no•· --11 .!!...."', =adult•. no pela. Term1 ol •••• caah In 11wlul -J tfl OMdaft ......,. ...... ~11. lt'Y ot tht un11tc1 St11 .. on NII. v • 11 • 0 " • •" "-••WW Cowri .,tir111n1. HMt "'°' _...,.. pert cun _, blllllnQe ~ All new bu•lnHM• u1lng a flctttlou1 (113)461.qef !I•'*"> r.twm..._, Ollld. No,..._ ,_, 1r. -. '*· .,... .,, .. by notl H OUrtd by Mortgag• 01 ftlml, fftUlf by laW be re~ltered wftft Wat.rtront I br, li.t be, .. u.uunM.o• H ledlleor ~ dd, 11111 teo. dep, Trutt o-i on the property eo IOld h ,.._. ,..1_ k T I PILOT 1p.otaoutar view. Jao, ~· .-.t tfMt "' 1 Ir. Ttlllt • Nftt 1 It. Wt ,.,, I* cent of tm0unl bid to l>t t • _,.,my -r . h• A Ly ,,,... ttm.lo4'1, 71' ... , 10 ,.H, '"'· ''f."'· a Ir. 114 ... -utll. •1ao..,.-. ldeciio111<.a with 1>1<1 provldn the form• and nttng Mt'vfoH -..i. UOOOI•. , .. ,, o.. *· No ..-. n ato v.,._.MMU.t Mo.._...• dlfl9. 1.at 111 bt ~.:::!0,':91~• W:;!,'7:1'::: for OUf CU9tomefe. If rou 8re ... rtlng a lern94able. Joa•U1en a UI 11111. nl•I I01 I . 1ltfl It. lpeoe 0, 11101 11 any um• •lier th• 11r11 new buelfte•• oaM ttte DAIL y PILOT tor '!1~1__, f!! "'! ........ ~· ..... 1 L 1• O.M. ..,,..,.. ~ion 11treot Md "'°'• ~ Information •nd form• ......_ _.... 1 '*"'• 1 .. .., .,..... .-lfl•rP 1 •" 2 ••1..1•• .... ~,.':..'::I .• •••••••••••mil .. , petlo, lilt •• 01t llOO/IM. I Ir. I ... up. "'°""'II ...... .,,.. u/WJ Oettcl thlt IOlll Oev of~ IN2. Ir, I le. ._ NoM1 111 , I e 1 a . I I 71 Mo. ,_ 1p4,, .-.. ....... pr ...... Yetde. Ulo =~=-:-.. a_.a _.321 IXT • .,.. Nor9IUllll1 t *'Y• ......,_ ltMO!W/,.Ct., l•llN'Y MO. CM '40-1111, Mii f. ........... o...... ~ -.,,. ~& :ri· '""'· ... ,,... ,,... w.. '°' ~ •,.,,. r •Mm•MHOMT'U ~ c:=:· .a ..... ~Ta ..... Ml·t• • ., .. ' 'I.~ .... '?: ~·:;;., ''::: !llMIL.. ,.._,a.,...,., .. n. .. ..... ~rii ' ,, ___ .,._ ,.;:, 9'Jt.!flll ~---..... llTGree II W rtuOA-H°"9PCM .._:.,~= f1J1rs1 .. ~ T.,..-.,"1l.t.,,t ·a a"'.., ~r ; • .,.. • M rM. eJto, ,......, =.n ·, ...., _. • '9. ..... ,.,.._ -,.,, • .., .... '"'' & • a.m "'.... ... .......... -,~~.::;~~.~~~,~;~~::L. ______________________ .:, ________________ _.i-. .............. lli::;;:..!:::'"9="=· .... ="""=='=·==·="'::::.·L:: .... ::!:~::::'~ ... :::::::::::::L::;:::::·~·· .. "'·~ .. • .... ~~ .. ·.,J·~~==:::=t::ts=..:::~==~=tst.=~ .. llllllCUIT lACUIA IUCl /mll ClllT TIHJllS lJAY . MA Y 1:.J. 1 ~18~ ORANGE COUNTY . CALIF'>RNIA 'J'> CENTS Huntington woman reflects: 'Thank God I wasn't in house' Festival mulling • expansion By JEFF PARKER oftM Oeltf Hot It.ft Saying that e1tht.'r a move or expansio n 111 "1ncv1table,'' Laguna Beach Fl•suval of Arts official!I have ordl'n-<l a study to <·ons1der developing 12 acres of property ad.)Llct.'nl to the curn•nt Ceslival site. Tw o consultants WT Elvlns of HCI. Inc. or Laguna Nigud and Arthur Schilln of th1· Granud a Group 1n Irvl nl' a 1 r e a d y h a v 1· s t u r l l' d t h t· four-month study Paul Griem, gtml'ral manager of the futlval. says prov1 d1ng parking for staff and volunl.t't•n., parking for v 1s1tori. and the general congl'st1on of Laguna Canyon Road at festival lime each yt!ur are tht· mu1n probl<·ms to be explored "What 1t bo11B down to 1s we're• strangled here," he said "We simply need more space When you 're as successful as the festival has tx--en and st.ay In the same place for 40 yean, you're bound to out.grow It " The 12 acre& now being studied arc t'Ontiguous with the six acres the f PSlival now lUll"tl, and extend northwetit from the currc•nt silt'. AJI 18 acres are part of the grant made by the lrvlnl' Company to the City o f Laguna Bl'ach to fOflter the l'Ullural cvtmt The study t'Omctl on t.hr ht-elB of talk that th~ festival might move to the Sycamore Hilla area farther ea.'ll off Laguna Canyon Road The n ew study was undertaken t o asaess the polenlaal o f expandi ng the current 111te "before seriously conaidermg" moving lhe locauon farther out Into the can yon , a fest.1vaJ spokeswoman i.a1d A cl·o rd1ng to G ri em, an expansion would also includ(' renovation of current 11t.agc and dressing room fac1lltics and ' might include a parking lot on city property d1n-ctly acrOM from the <:urrenl site "Whal£Vl'r W<· dt'<'idl' to do, it's going tu b(· three to five years down the line," he tl8td "W<' may be looking for ci phued move. w 1 t h c 11 r t a 1 n 1 m pro v e mt· n ts scht:.dult:d on a yt•arly basis " Off ice rs die in Riverside RIVERSIDE CAP) Two po lice offkf'ra wer<> s hot and kilJed today and the killer was at large, Police Chief Vactor Jones a~ud. Jones aa1d the shootings took place on Wolfe Street In La Sierra, a residential :..rea 1n southwest R1vt•n11de Furth('r d<>la1Js wc•re not 1mmed1ately available. POLITICAL PRELUDE -Stud1·nt body t•lc·l'lwns this month have all the hoopla o( June· primaries Juniors Ann f'arner, (x .. bbw 1':rhngn a nd Tm·ui I lurpcr danglt'<..I from a ra iling us thl'y compare-<! 1·1.1nd1d1JU.·~ dunn~ a noon rally <tt Laguna &•;Jc·h I l1gh S<.'huol Eliu1hc.•lh Kuypt•r und Brooke Robml'!On past.t_-d thc•sr pn•fc•n•nc:1-s on SWt'aU•rs, ch1..'<•ks and b<.illoons whilf• Bng1tU• Y<'m IH Kun.•n 1'.A•t•'11 <:ampuign go t.o hc·r hN1d Whitney Whitt• and .John Ci..irJ>t!Olcr an· vying for th1 · pn·sidctKy wh1t'h w ill I)(: dl'<.'ld<•d m Fm.lay\ voting. Aircraft crashes residence By ROBERT BARKER , 01 the O .. ly ll'tlot Ii.ff I "Thank God I wasn't in the huui;e I hnvcm'l been o ut In more than a month but I waan't there t•iduy" , l l t'lt•n J o hn son , 63, oJ Hunungton Beac·h. an lnvahd with a lung disorder, had rea1<>n t.o l'<JUnl ht•r blf.'88mgs. Wh1lt· s h t' was kee ping an uppmntment at a Social Security o ffi c e• W <'d nesda y, a 11ma ll aarplunt.· lTUHhed into her mobile homt• ut the· S.:a Breeze Mobile Home Park, 54!00 Heil Ave. "I'vt' hvc·d hl're (Immediately <Hf .iac·c·n t to Meadow lark Airport) lilnl'l' 1975 and I've never been worried But I might st.art worrying now," Mn. J ohnson su1d "l'v<' told people God was on my side Maybe they'll beheve me now " Her son, Charh~. who al.so hvet ut the m o bile home. said the Jiving room was llmallhed up a bst and the telev111on set was kncx:·kt-d ovc>r "If I hadn't bt•en ou t with Charlie I would have been m that room t·roc:ht>l1ng o r watching TV," Mn. J ohnson !I.aid "Do~gonc_• 1 t, I ho pe the TV (See PLANE, Page AZ) Bankruptcy initiated by Braniff f'ORT WORTH, Texas CAP) - OH1dals of Braniff lnt.emalJona.J a irlines. which lost $160 millJon last year, 1n1tlated bankruptcy pr<X't'c.'dlngs today at the home of a federal bankruptcy JUdge Judge John Flowers said Bran.re c hairman H o ward Putnam and two attorneys appeared at hi.I hoUM jult before midnight to tile the papers unde.r C hapter 11 o f the f ederal bankruptcy law The f llina prol(.'<.'t.11 the wrllnc from credit.on und gives ll the right to continue opt•ratlng · "They can oonlinue opetatln&; whl•thu they will~· aot II soml'th i ng l don't Jteew," Flow£•rs said. The• Braniff failure i. tht lint by a mapr domeetic airline Ii.nee the Industry emu1ed In the 1930s from the bamatonnin41 era. F.arher thlB year, Laker Airways, a BnUsh camer, went bankrupt. Airline aem or vice president Sam Coata said 1t wo uld be at leaat six weeks before Braniff could resume flight.a. llarv<·y's r eopens AirCal will honor tickets by passengers from Braniff In a statement, Braniff said lhe move waa "the most prudent meana available to !reserve lhe company's auet.I an resources to stem the deterio ratlna caah position of the company and permit management to attempt to reorganize the company under the protection of the bankruptcy l'OUrl " STATELINfo~. Nev (AJJ) N<:arly n m11nth1 a fter bc·1n~ Hhat.tc•rPd by un cxtortwn:~t'11 bomb, Harvi•y'11 Rc.'80rt J lou·I ut Luk P Ttiho1· rcop1·n H t.11doy WORLD Newport Beach-baK'<i AlrCal Is amo ng majo r air c arrier s h o n ori ng t i<.·ket s h el d h y passengera on n ow -dc·func·t Braniff [nt.ernataonal Airways. Ambassador )Jeld hostage GUATEMALA ClTY (AP) -About 20 left1stA held the Brazilian arnbaaaador and 11ix others hostages today In the Brazillan embassy h e r e after the Ouat.cmalan government rejected thelr demanch. NATION New name for Newark? Columniat Hugh Mulligan 1uggest1 the city of Newark, N.J ., could sharpen lta image merely by changing it• name. Page 86. Reagan holds· conference W ASHINOTON (AP) -Pretident Reapn will hold a televt.ed new• conference ton1•ht at ~ ln ihe White HOUM EUt Room (channell 2, 4 and 7). Mark Pc•teMJOn·, A1rCal d1r('('IJ>r of c.•ommunlcaUons, imld Braniff w h I <.' h <.' e a 1 c d o p t• r a l 1 o n s Wc•dnl'Kday, carri<'d pnssc_•ngers on 11 Lwt Vcga.s-Reno rouu• COUNTY Any person holdin~ Braniff uck«l.li t•ar1 fl y ''" A1rCal on that ruull• without 1H.Jd1tlonal t·harJ(1• by 1 ailing A1rC'al nnd m11k1n~ Airport changes eyed Orange County supe rvisor s a rt' s llll op<'n to proposals to tur n over emergency a nd Mecuri t y operations at John Wayne Airport to private (1rmtt Page Bl. Newport S&L in the pink Newport Balboa Savings and Loan Association buckB a national trend by reporting record <'arnlnga. Page C8. STATE Fire kills 5 people RICHMOND. Calif. (AP) -Five people died nd 16 othcn were injured ln a predewn fire today th.at engulfed an apartment building ond an adjacent hOU1e, offlda.lJ aald . I ( rres<•rvauons, Peterson said. Pf>lenion said Braniff llckctK ul110 would be ho nored on the 1rnml' bu11is f o r 11ome r ou t1•11 involving Montf'rcy INDEX At Your Service A4 Erma Bambeck 8 2 L.M Boyd AIO BW1inea C7-9 Callfomia A6 C.valc.ade 82 Clalliflcd Dl,03-6 Cornlea ClO Crouword CIO Death NoUcee D2 Editorial AlO En terta.lnmen t 86 SPORTS Hy Gardner Horoecope Ann l..andera Movies Mutual Funda Public Notia!e Sporu Stock MarketAI Televtaion Theat.era Weather World N1w1 Basketball coach returns • B2 82 82 85 C8 C3,D2 Cl·8 C9 84 86 A2 A 3 Craig Falconer, who quit u Laguna Beach Hlah'• buketball ooach Jut December, h.u hla old job hick. Page C3. -----·' . ' ' ... .. . - L Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/T1'Urtday, May 13, I 8:1 ~\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\.• Continued stories PLANE CRASHES • • • • W&ln'l rUlnl'd It Wll• Illy lllltln tt\~" The ('rWlh oet'Urrt<l at 2.40 pm Wednt11day when pilo t Wallor W . 1..ohmuyu. 66, o f 11HHi 2 Bolero l..anti, llununaiton 8t·m·h. wu returninM homt· from Cunion 'City, Nev., whh hi• wt(,. Llllum, '84. L oh meyer told o tfll'lalH thot th e s t eering con tr o l 11 malfunctioned on hlli C('UnU In aa he wu on the final approach to the ru nway at Meadowlark Airport at Warner Avenue wesl of Bolaa Chica Rood The plane clJpped the edge of one mobile home and t·11r1wht•t'lt•tJ Into ltw Johrnwn rt••ldt•nct• lhut'11 lit'µanilt·d from tht• norlht<Wit tip of ttw utrport by a 6-fool c1nc.it!rblock WMll Mrs. Lohmt>yer wa11 treatA'CI for lacerations a nd brui11ed rlhM ul H untington Intercomn1untty Hospital and her h usband wu11 cxamined und released No one e lst' wus 1n jurt>d. Damagt' IO the first mobile home hll by lhl• plane WWl min imal "We had a perfect trip from Carson City until we were on th1· final a pproach," Lohmeyer said. "My con trolt malfunctioned and I l'OUldn't control the airplane. 1t wasn't a stall " .,,, Bookmark design • winners W in n l' r s o I t h l' r C' n· n t bookmark dl-sagn <·ontl'St h<·ld at the Orangl' County Publi(' L ibrary an Laguna Bc•ac:h h ave been annoum•t.'Cl listed grade category, w an ner was Corbin Hamll ot Thurslon S<:hool British warship damaged LONDON <AP ) Two Argt·ntant· Skyhowk f1ght1•rs Wl'rt• 11h11t clown, 11 thlrtt ftghtN crusht·d u11d u Ar1t11h warship wa s dun111g1·d 'l 11o<htlv 1n W ednt••duy'11h,1tllt·11(( tht• Fal k luod l11l1rnds, th1· fl11t111h {)(>ft•o11e M1rn111ry n •JM1rt<-<l today Wcdnt•1>duv. lht· 11111u11t1 y s.11d t W CJ o r t h r ,. t' A r g I• n t I II I' Skyhowk-. w .. , ,. shot down hy British St•J Wolf m11>1>1h•s wht·n lhl'y tJtUlt kt.-d •• Tln tu;h w.in.t11p uboul :rn mll1·s weist o f 1h1· d1spuu-d l'>lund' But m1n1..,try spok1·sma11 l.ir1 Mc: Donald said ioday a third Skyhawk was "s1·1•r1 to l'r<.ts h " during lht• 1•ng • .1gc•1111•11l an lhc fave-wt't'k da-.pul~ McDonald S<.11d lhl·rt: Wl•rc· nu Brlush casualtac~ and lhe Hoval Navy l<.t~k ron·1· wa .. l'CJOlinuing its palrnb in llll' Soulh Atlant1<: w kt't·p Aq~<·nlant' µlane~ frnm r •suppl yang forws on thl' 1sla11ds Hl• i.aad J British warship sui.tam <•d "<.rnnpdrntavc·ly min11r damage'' wh1< h wa1> tw1ng rc~ured II<· wou Id nol t'labora le r h l' I <I t I' " t B r I l I .. h announ<•t;m1•n1 1·aml• houri. afkr Lo11do 11 U1 11,11 !1 ..... 1111K (.'orµ, an all·n l'WS r ;1d10 Sl<.1t111n In !lit· Briush t:ap1tal rt·purt<·d awo lht• radio said Bratban 1s known llJ ha111· l\l.o Argt•nllnl· Skyhawk~ w1•1 t• downed Jnd ,1 British d<·sl111\'1 1 l o r p <· d '' t· d 1 n f 1 g h t 1 11 K Wc't.l nt'Sday F arsl plat'l' winner an th<· kjndergartcn lhrough sc~'Ond g r ade category 11. M aya Leedom o; Sl Calhcranc's School In t he grades lhn•c· thro ugh four category, the winner wru; J enny Grant of El Morro &·hool, an the faflh and sixth grad<' d1v1s1on tht• wanner was J eff Shelton of Top of the World School and 1n lht• Sf.'V t•nth and <>1ghlh Second plal'e wann('f"M wen· Kevin Kerclu, Ciao Tbomu Zarlc k l, D ina Kinsey Jnd J osh Shields; and third plal't' w1nn£·rs included Sa r a h Morris, J ennifer P asuge, Missy Rush, Tom Tkach , Eric Snyde r , S ara b Be t c he lde r and Malcolm P on. CLOSE C ALL -Cessna 172 makes a n u11s1 ·h1 clull'd la nding at H e len Johnson's Detty PMot Pf'lolott by Ow y Aml>roM mobdt• homl'. Pilot said s teer ing control!. malfunctioned on his final approach. "Om • of .Ant,on'l> warship-. 1n lh<· South AtlantH . a tyµ•· :.!2 fa 1gat.c. is bt'lll'v•-<J to havt.• lx"t·n hit but nut badlv damagl'CI b\ ;1 t1JqH·d•• during the· 1nud£·nt y (' s l l• rd J } I ll W h IC h I W fl Ar1otcnt1m· ll'L'> wt·n· shol do"' n ·· typt• 22 fn~att..,, th<· Broads"''"d <.tnd BrallaJ11l . in its Folklan<h I.ask f Ort'(• Wanning f ourth pl<.t<.'l' awards w e r e M a rk Berry man, E rin Agren, E rin McCoy, J ennifer P assage and Tara Mabry. •,ails to reappear Buena Park 'monster' gone Anti-crime • ThC' Laguna N1gu<'I Laon.'i Club will hold a <;Wap m('(•t and flc·a m: rht May 23 an p arking lol C o f th1· Ziggurat building. La Paz and Aliso Crc'C'k Ho:1d in Lai.:una Nigul'I Ft>a tured will lx• antaquc•s, arts and crafts, garagl' s:alc· mC"n·hand1se and nt-'w 1t£•mi. • A st•manar for nU™'' on "Dl'al1ng wllh S pinal Curd lnJUnf.'S" 11. !>f•l for Thursday. May 'l.7 in lht· South Coast Medical u•ntc·r All asp<'l lS or -.pan.ii tord anJury from tr1·atmt·nl to psyc·holo~ll JI nN·ds of the· family will Ix• cl1..cus.<,<'CJ by Spaci.•s now are b4•tng n·nll'd to those who wai.h lo 't·ll 1tc•ms at $IO ix·r pt-rson Tht· publ1t· 1s anv1 t1 ·d h• hrowse begannm~ at !J J m through 3 pm Adm1i.!-111n 11. $1 Tht)S(' wishing <.1dd1t111nill an for ma lion ('il n t'on t.1t'l Carole Zevln at Mun;1n·h Bank, 4Y5-3~WO. Or. James J ennison of UCI Mc·cl1cal CPn t c·r . C h r i s Benvuuti, R.N . of the· Lem~ Br<u:h VA H ospital, and R osemary Phubl. Course ff'r· 1.s $:~o ancl 1ndudc•s lunt'h f'or mon· 1nformauon mil 499· I :H I, 1•xt 271H By J E t-'F PARKE R 01 Ille Delly PllOI l talf Bu1•na !'ark 81gfool fa1ll·d to s ho w 11 p (or a n (' n co r e W1·dn1 .... d.1~ nighl II t• <1 r s h e e I u d c d dl't1·t·t1•111 d«spatc som e 50 rw11o(hb111 -. ,, "b1gfoot dNective" and ,, TV rwws t<·am lurking on rooftops 111 lht• dpartments where 1l was .1lli i<t•dly seen lwo nights !M furt A d 1 ... 1 p µ o 1 n t e d F r a n k M1-..,Jn1111, rnana ger of the ~:x1•t u t 1 \ •· Park A pa rtmen ts wlil rt· .,, \ .. r.11 p1•oplC' claimed tht·v .,,.."' .111 l'tght·foot tall. hairy, 1111•! -.mi I 1ng beast run fro m a drJmJlo(t dllt h Monday. said that in 'JJ'h of 1 ht• v1g1l , the monster clad nut r• 111rfl 'Oh ,,. 1h Wt' looked. but no Fair weather a head 1.ow olOudt lutnlng 10 evnny ~llernoone lod•Y end F'rld•Y Hlglle IOde'l ~ to 73 C>Yefnlglll 1owe 5' tO 18. Hlgl\t Friday 6-4 to 41. Felr ... 1her lorecu t lor WMUnd El tewhe rt , l rom Point Conception to th• M u lcen b order end out eo mil•• HoOtt•HI wind• 12 lo 22 knoll O¥W ciUt• .,.,.,, w1t11 -• 4 10 e t..c lfwough tonight Locelly llghl ~ Wlndl t>ecomlng -• to 1outh•H I 10 to 1e knoll 11111 ...,.,..1ng With •HI 10 10\Jlhw•ll 1well• or I 10 2 le•I Nlghl end morning low cloud• turning 10 tunnY •f1•noon• U.S. Sltllllllftr_'t' I ornado"' 'l••wn'IO Uy roaming b~""' nl """•t lhunde1alorm1 1n1url'O JI h•A~I ?'I people 1n I 8'89 M•d Orlt)flwl\t"', ill W tChila Fllllt ti>tl IJl'OPI" tlranded on c.111~ hnme' u1d tr ... Water ran ea dt1<•1• a• IMI towil In tome tlretll 111 W1rh1la F 1\11~ Aulllorit•ti. u'"<l rx,.,., un<l 1••1111 ttuckl to i.v11tun1~ hun<lrfHH QI rtttldPnfl ft t)m llt1(Jd.-cJ '" llood-lh,.tal'!nf'<l hr;rr"'~ St!""''" lhunct..,r\tllrmtt ~•'"'' produced hBll lto(lh wtntJ• .lr><l ,,..,,., rain in OH~h""'u lfJday '" ,ho wer, ;)r1d H '""" t hund11•thowe1' r 11n11nued ov111 Wffl11<n Neb•U~B Scalle•e<l •how"" ren over 1"4! MIHtHIPP• Valley In Color1do enow tell tn lhf' mriunl etnt and tetlern IOOlhtll~ A l.,w 18111 11\oWe<t were tfll)Orl"d alt>ng Iha Mld-Atlan11c Co•ti anti lk ••• *"fl clear over '"" Sou1hea11 end -ti of I he Rl)(k •Ill T,,. N1Uonal WHther Serv11a to1tc111 lhunderl!orm• trOIT' central le••• Into e111e1r Olclahomt end -•tetn Ark11n.,1 end Loui.tan1 Temperature• eround lhf n1llon -ry todey r1no-<1 lrom 37 In Colortdo Spring• Coto end EJy, M.v . 10 ao 1n McAHen TuH California Clelr aklee and h!Qhl 1n the 701 °' above thould prev111 ecrott m o 11 ol Soulhern Calll ornta through Frldey ••CflP I lor momlng cloud• along tile OOltl. '"' fl:1llon11 W11111er Service Mid. High• Frldey are PftlWllCled from 72 In Lot Ange!M 10 • m111'1rrwm 11 II l> .. ChH , belWffn 56 t~ t4 In 11141 mountain•, lrom 75 to N 1n 1~ fliOll cMMr1 11nd bet_, .. 10 94 In -HNtlt Dutt ttorm• OOlll(J hit llOflhtrn dettt ll l o n t Qhl w l lll .... '°"'._... wtrld• ~11ng 10 to"""' toet .. ffOftl Po4nt ~Ion to N M9!llCall bOf Mt CM elll*lt r l!Qnt ""' 1..-t11t· ""mtt\ ton•'Jfll ;tnct ~, 10nv rn111 "'"'J bec.o m1r1q w••'I VJi,fhw•·'' d1 10 •o lb•'"''' wlfh iN~t..-rly "'w('ll\ tunning i If> S t,.•~t tj..1nt1q tt1« •ttern<xm W1m.J-. '\hC>-tll..S tJtt '"'' thwttSI 31 .... to ]'/ ~"'''' Nllh 4 1(1 6 fur11 SIJIS 1,0 m•'"'' f)tf'itl'J"• 11nO uul fr om th., P'""' 10 Sttr> c,1 .. menlP Island Tenipe ratures NATION Albany Alt>uq.,. Amar1110 ~ Allent1 A1ten1c Cly Aull In Balllmote 8t1t1ng1 Btrmlnghm 811me1ck 8olM Botton Browntvllot BuNalo Burtlnglon CHI* Cnarle1n SC Cllerltln WV C1>1r1lle HC C~ne Chk:ego C•nclnn111 Clevfliand Clmbta SC Columbut Oel·FI Wlh Oa'(lon Denver O..Mo1nu O.trott OUlvlh El Paeo F1tgo Flagelatl 0<M1 Fallt Har110<d Helen• Hono!UIU Hou11on lndNtpli• Jeellat\ MS JK!lan'W!le Kana City L .. VtQM l lt11e Rodi L °"'8Yllle HI lo 'cp e2 u e3 37 82 3e 85 S2 81 82 !>! 54 oe el 91 ea ae SS ae s8 ea 72 84 !>2 78 89 85 45 81 as 82 88 88 16 117 44 78 81 48 73 69 43 es 12 er es 77 81 47 59 411 13 39 48 ,. 51 48 . ' 87 St 58 35 81 51 54 59 03 52 52 81 3 112 80 38 ' " e3 10 55 ~ u 58 53 48 oe 42 01 47 4 1 75 01 ae e1 ee e1 M 57 70 1\5 01 T7 55 e2 87 ,7 ti7 -~ --.. ... ... .. . The Forec11t For 7p m f , ,,.., I M..,y 1 4 •H.r '1 Temperaluri-~ ... ·. ""' Lubb()(;)c Mefnptl•• Mleml MllweUkM Mp4s·St P NHhYllle New Ori.en• New York N0<1olk No Pllllt Okie Ct1y Oma he Ortendo PNlldphle Pl>oenlx Pllltburgh Pt11nd. Me Ptta11d. Ore Providence Aeletgh Rttno Sall l ike San Anlonlo SNllle 70 10 82 51 es e2 11 n 84 41 81 110 86 .,, 71 85 80 as S8 10 72 1'S 82 81 84 112 ee 87 87 10 e1 114 80 51 40 80 51 41 80 I'll, 80 60 '>1 14 ,,, 58 46 •e 46 !>7 'l6 ill n 0 1 CALIFORNIA 8A~ .. r\l1ettl Ill 1, I B•yme 811 (uttka '•fl All Fr.an<> IJO '•' l8'KHltr 74 .,, lot AnQf'••• 10 '·' Ma1y,v11i. 111 Mont•• "V '>II N41edle• 113 Oakland '18 ~I P110 AolJlft 18 4•, poor til LOW •·10. 11'1 Swell EST R11nO ''""" ~llJlf itf A <((j (..tf( ,, ,, t .... ,, t If( •• , 1 Ut1t111,t • •• ,,, M 11•1,1 ,, • 1111 ,. "''"ti •' l ti I( 'W lt1 I fh•11r 11 I 11 I I 'I H••;tt f1 t/,111 1 h'IO ~J.1 Ntl~nn ,,, 11.l•fJrt f h•11f ti I 1 Jt•11 1 '1 ,,, Aetnara1no ' I A1t1t I J \ f Ill/ •• v •ll~v Snow CJ 81 SS 63 so ,., 47 t, t 4 7 b'l bl l)li YJ "'• 48 l;'i f\I QO 7'l fl~ 48 "" "" r,6 35 119 52 ,~. ,, '•II 37 ..,, ~,, / l 44 114 n ., 72 44 e6 50 " 52 06 66 !>2 62 30 l~'.~1,•nded Keather C,OUf tiEAN CALIFORNIA < OAS T AL ANO MO UN T AIH A Rf AS -Night end morning t 011111 low cloud• and v1rl1ble hlOI• CIOudl-Cl\tlnc. of IOcal drillle al>oul Sund1y night ano "•rly Mond1y end becomin g WIMV In the mountain• Mond•)' O lh a l wlle l •lr with h i gh 1"mpe,.1ur11 rrom upper 801 neer Ill• cont to Z.O• In th• v11lley1 Lowe 45 lo 0 . Hight In "'* mouMt ln• 68 10 ee end towt '.)0 IQ 40 All ..... I lllUe cOOlef Mrmday '/'i<i.es TOOAY '141<.ond high 4:01 p m J 1 41KOM 1oW l :H pm. J.O "'IOAY ''"' fliOll 12;62 • m 4.3 FIHI tow t' 10 I .I'll 0 4 S.oonct 111gt1 u e p.m u tlecONf tow 8:13 p.m 1.2 lun •••• rodey 11 7:41 p .m .• rt-frldey II 0·62 1-11'1 Moon 11-!Odey et 12.01 I M,, Ntt l'rldey at 10:11 a.m. ' I u <.' k , ' ' h l' s a 1 d · ' W c· h a d flashlights and wr: laid down 11n the roofs so he wouldn't S<.·<· us. but nothing happ<·nl--d "We're not qu1tt1ng, tho ugh W t''ll ket'P 1t up until .we fmd him." It was JUSt after 9 o'dock M o nd ay night wh en tw o residents of the Executive· Park complex reportt'dly saw the beast C'l1 mb1ng along the· ditch Massanelh and has w1ft'. Lorra ine, h a d J u s t p u 11 <' d 1 n t o t h l' 1 r dnveway after dmang al AJfy'i., when the "te rrified" resadenl'I said they'd seen a monster m the ditc h. "l dadn'l bchevt' thl·m al f1 rsl," Missane1J1 said "But l grablx'<.l a flas hlight and ran toward lhe drainage datt·h Hundre d fee l a way. and the smell almosl knocked me over Wursl smell m the world. "The police caml• it look them about 25 to 40 minutes and said 1t was il dug If dogs smelled like that, nobody would ever have one for a pt!l." But wh a t h<:toof·ned n ext Sus pe<'I bookt•d S ANTA MONI '/\(AP) Sl.'<'ret Servll'C' agt•nts nabhc·d n man sc veral blm·ks rrom tht· h o m e of Presid e nt R eaga n 's daughler afl.C'r ht· allt•gt'<.lly trn'<l to burglarize Patti Davis' house She wasn't the re a t tht• tarn<• Manuel Sanchez, 27. was bcJlJk<od fo r 1nves t1gation of burgl ary aftc•r the incident about 4 '15 pm Wl'<lnesday con verted M 1ssanell1 into a bl'liever "I heard this growl from lht' dark Like something bt·twccn Gudi.1lla and a gorilla It sent chills through my system," lw noted He also says he saw footpnnL'i left by lhe repugnant intrude r "Th ey were about 12 to 16 1nt·hes long," h e said "And no way l'an you tell me they were madl· by a dog Looks like a Bigfoot to me " A !>JX'Clal Bigfoot detective onl' Tom Muula of Special For..e lnvesugauon -jomt'd tht· SE!<irch last n 1ghl bul could n()t be n·ach<'CI for comment today "I lhmk the investigator will be• back t.omghl," M1Manel11 saJd "Heck. he's in charge of 81gfo<Jt for all of Southern Cal1fom1a " workshop set for Lagunans A l'ummu1111y an11 1 r IPll' w11r k ... tw p w ii I bt cund Ile lt·d Satu rday ;,l LJguna B<·ach Cit' Hall for n<•aghborhood group., Th l' f Ol' us u ( th l' day -1o11 ~ wor le.hoµ will bt· on organmng gd1n1ng lol·al -.upporl fur and rJ•::.1ng rund ... for proj.(ram<o '>Ul h ~ Neighborhood Watl·h O ff1 c1ai.. from lht' (·ount" ., Cnman.il JUl>U<'f' Planning uffi.u· as Wl'll as ot hl'r cnme prl'vcnl1on ('Xpt.•rt!>, will part1t·1palc in the workshop wh11 h runs rrnrn !:f am to5pm r o r 1nforrnal1•1n call T 1rn M 111 er d l th t• L J lo( u.n a Be i:I c-h Pola('l· D«p..rtnwnt <ti -1!:17.;n11 c·x 1.t:ns1on 2HO Stash trash Big cleanup in Laguna If you 've got a lot of bulky trash th:it th1· r"f11s1· collector normally won't touch with a stt('k, put tht·rn out 1111 the curb next wcck. S pring C leanup Week rn Laguna R<·.Jc·h run .. MontJJy through Friday, with trash collt'<:tors p ll'ktng up 1lt•ms sue h as o ld water heate r s, mattn•ss sprtn ~i.. a nd c·vc•n Ln·t· trimmings. T he trimmings must bt• bun d lt•d 111 four-foul le ngths. It's a n oppo r tunity to dump 1ha1 ol<.J rnul'h, l'aqw1. s tove and refrigerator. J ust put the stuff out on your r egular packup day NEVER BUY A PRECIC)lJS (iEM ON GOOD LOOKS AL()NE INttotrrn1t """' ul .,., \J.n .,,.,.,,._ •10 ~ \ 1f·1 rn11t' .,,,.,, I I I• I.,.. I q I . ,,,. lfl• •• "loof n •' f. I 11t l• I M -·~ I ... , l•t I II /fll I• 1n1.• "''"" 1f11 .. , ,,, 11•it•1.J w • 1 ... -•fp tnlNrr.1111 lf'",."'''"~'l thr I .. "' I I al ft h •• ,, ''"' 4 .. t .. ,. tt• t~•..tt._I lfa I • tft , I >ii tlhltf I o11.,. .. ,,,. Hu•'"" •ll•11•_..,,,h.11•n•1 1h1t 't'" ,,1 "''"',.."'11 \.. .. , mn •Iii"\• r •&.m1 f1,,f\' 'th+1•t '1•t•t" 1111• th•'" l''I" I .... U1•M'lli tu1•M ......... tltof( ' I ' ------·---- ~·· l Orange Oo••t DAIL v PllOTIT"uraday, Mly 1B. 1082 Chance to speak on South Laguna annex (; 1 vtin t ht• shoppl ng <'t•n \t'r, humt•it trntl buslnt•s1w1t 111 South Lagunu. um! its µruxlmlty to Ln gunu fk>uth , ttw rhunn·R on• that "nnt•xut1on into ttw dty would prove· to tw Ill lt•l.ist n111q;inally i.>rof1t.11hlt· to t•1ty c·c>ffc•f'fl There• is, howl'vt•r. a s1gni£1- c·:mt QUl."fit10n or whether or not a majority of South Laguna resi- dents suppo rt unnexatJOn or a mapnty o( l'UITl'nt l'lty rt-sidt•nts Latiturw Bt·at·h C ity Counc·1I mcmbc.·" twvt• lx .. gun tu undNt.oke a 14!ngthv. <·umplt·x prun·s-c of an- alyzing the• btmt·f1t.'l "' d1 .1wh:wks of annt•,..ing all u1 .1 prn tum of South Laguna As a pr••lud<• to nny LuC'nl AgcnC'y Fnrmut111n <.:omm1ss10n approval uf annf•xallon. tht• n ty ha~ scv<•ral tasks l<> c·omplt:t<' Thi' most tliff1C'ult will Ix· to rwrsuudt• S(•Vt•l'al largt• iantfUWlll'l'S in South Laguna to support prc- annexalion <JWTt'mt·nts wherC'by the city would ~uarantl't' l'Urrent e't>Unty wnin~ on lht· pan·c•l!. will rl'main undrnngt·d f 111' at lc·ast three yt•ars ln addition, ttw l'tlV will pn·- part! a list of pros t111d 1•nns as Car as tht' fananc1al p1c·turc· 1s con - cerned were South Lagund to lw· come a part o( t.he t·1ty To dc.tlt', support for nnnl'x- allon app(•ars lo I><' c"<1m1ng from South Logunan.s who hv(• m tht· Treas ure· Is land Mob1 IP Homl• Park, who fh1r <•v1c·t1on to makl· way for a pn>post·d t1m<· i.han· project at that s1tt·. ThP unfortunat<· part of the· c1rcum-.tanC't• 1s that the Trt•asun.· IRia nd p<>ople un· turnmg to nty- hooP b<'<·uust· l'ounly govt·rnmcn t ha.'1 faill•d. in tht•1r VH.'W, lo Ix-re- 11ponsivt· to their c 1rcumstan ('es. It may bt· sone othl'r South Laguna netahborhood next, seek· ing government help from tht' fur rt•at·ht·s o f th<• County S.-at in Santu Ana. Thf'n anoth e r n eigh bnl'hood. Then a noth t>r. Tht• plain hll't 11t that ttodally. <"Ultura lly. t..'<-'Onom1cuUy and prob- ably in many other J)l.'nonttl wuys, Latcuna Beach 1and South Laguna art' sml(lt> e"Ommunltfos and should have• bct•n into rporated as s uc h long ago. Laguna Bea{·h dty officials In tht· past have been moot cautious <•bout (•xpans1on through annex- auo11. f\•11nng in part an udci1t1onal burd1·n on <·1ty M•rv1n•s and f1 - nCJm•es Wh1l<' there 1s -.<Jme measure of mt>nt to this approut•h , history, c-urn•nt and pasl, suggl'li~ that a mon• aggressive uppn><.1t·h lo in- <"ludinl( natural lt·rritory Wllhin Lag u n a ' s s p h l' n· of 1 fl ( 1 u enc e might have been the rrlUrl· prudent C'oUrSl' in thC' end L«&guna dad nut annt•X to the upcoast. Now t h e city will have the impaction o f a gi;ent, sprawling s ldlt> park on its boundary, That might have been handled diffcr- t•ntly in l'ltyhood Laguna Beach did no t annex clowrwoast, eithe r Now the mam moth Aliso-Vie JO dcvt•lopmPnt will havt• a !>1gnif1cant impact in honw!.. traff1t· c.ind con~vst1on from that region. The que>stion of Luguna home rule..· l'<iuld Wl'll l:x· a l'Cnlral 1ssut• in th1· futuri· of tht· southl'rn Or- angt• Coast Thl• c 1t1wnry will b<' afforded two opportunillt.~ to spt•ak to the South Laguna anm•xt111on issue whC'n the L<.tguna &•<J('h Pl<1nnmg Commission meets May 26 a na during a C ity Council h (•aring June 15 . School Inorale-builder Th<· Luguna Beach F.dul'at10n f'o undalH>n IS a fledgling KfOUp with a lot uf f'nNgy. W1tn£'s...., the foundation'" fu-,.t gift to th€' Luguna J:X.ach Unifit-d School District last we'<'k of $100,- 000. Not had for a group that only b<·gan its c1e·t1v« fund-rn1smg e f- forts <i htth· ovf'r .1 y<·ar ago How did tht·y do 11·1 Th c· y h <· I d t h " " W o r I d ' " Greatc•st Hafflt"" r :uo.;ing more tha n $70,000 Tht·y showc:d a :.ud - Ing movie· Tht·y o.;po n son·d a 10-kilum<'tt·r run. tn wh1l·h I ,500 part1c1 pu t<'(.l And tlwy •,olw1 tt·d ( und' I 1 om pan.•n t.'i and rm·n h;mt" 111 town. as wt•ll as d1gg1ng 1nt11 1h1·1r own e·hl><:km~ <ll'<.'OUn L'\ Tht· umount f <ll'\1·d 1n lht•1r f 1rst go-round 11> 1mpress1vc. But p1lt<!d a gains t a var1My of t•t·on om1t· (actor s that havt• dropped tht· 1mct•·wl•althy sc·hool d1Mru:t t.u u du.trn:t struggling for survival, the amount 1s nul that large For instanc.·t•. tht' d istrict in- t<.'nds to put tht· $100.000 founda- uon gift toward S<J lar1t'S nc·xt yC'ar Th:1 l only amounts t o a i p('n·t•nt incrcast• (ur t·vt·ry l'rn µloy(•t· w1 thin the distnl'l But every bit h elps. a nd th1• support f•nthus1astically g1v<•n hy Coundat1on mf'mtwr-; has hc•lpNl hulld th1• dt•plt·lt·d mornlt• of tf':1dwrs :tnd s.<'hcx1I 1•mplc1y(•f•s. Arni that is .1 f.J<'t.or not W ht· 1g1111rc. '(I ;Dis tinguished leadership Robnt A Lombardi, c h1d execultw• off1C'n ttnd chanc.-cUor of the Saddleback Community CoJ- h:ge 01'\tract through haU 11.s his- tory, h<tngs up h is hat Friday. The· 49 -ycar-o ld district chanl'cllor as leaving for a pos1t1on In private industry aft<'r guiding the two-collt·gc-d istrict through \he past sevc•n yt'ars. Unde r has lc.•ad<>rs h1p. thC' community collPgc district has realized dynamk growth .ind pro- gram expansion. Some examples: Enrollment al Saddleback since Lombardi was hired has m ore than q uadrupl<'d to almoRt 30,000 studl'nts The number o f cla.'\.'!(.'S o Herl'd has lnt r eased during the same • pernxJ from 500 to more than i.- 500 Compll't1on of several pro.)l'l·ts at th1• M1~1on Vwp l'ampus has included a four-building physical Pducatmn t.'()mpll'x, an art t-enll..'r, add1t1nnal roads. parking lots, tf'nnis courts. <.m Olympic' sw1m - m 1ng pool and laghtc·d athlet1t· f wlcJ ln add1t.ion. Lombardi was instrumental in planning for the first -phast• e·onstruct1on of the north e·a mpus m Irvine w h ich n ow serves 5.000 studen ts. M ost recently. Lombardi playc·d a key roh· in encouraging a maJur hospital t·orporation to 1dt·nt1fy the north campus as the bt'St s ite for a n<'w ho~p1 tal in Ir- vine His lcad(•rsh1p will tx• m1s.q(,,"CJ . Op1n100'.> exore'>'>"d 1n lh1· C.PdC (' c:lbove cHt lho'.>e of lhe Daily Piiot Olner view'> e• pre-..sed on lh•'> Pl>Ql• arc lho~1· of lhe1r author'> and cHll'.il\ Re.tder comment'' 1nv11 td Actdr~\~ Tl'lt• Dillly Piiot, P 0 Box I~. Costa M e..a, CA 91676 Phom• I 1141 ··~ 021 L.M. Boyd I Test trick Scholars ot Colgat.<• Univt•n11ty g:iw a le ngthy math tell to atudl'nb Half of them aat In t·halrs. half lay on beda. Teeta of the 1tucl('nl3 In bed came out 10mowhat betlC'r What do you make of thal? New York <.:1 ty '1 World Trade CcntAtr rlae1 und fallJ •bout 14 Inch~ ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat 9'1th\,,.. •wr-. O.r ,., •~ '''' •' Ut W•\I ••• M . C~• •w AOGI"\ l •Hf\.,..,.CI•"'• te ... ',.. c .. 1 .... '. ,,.,. a day i\nd ll t1lti; daily too, approximutel> two llH'ht•s r1r1t lo th<' west and then to tht· cu11t I.and t ldeA do that Q. Aren't tornadoes unique to Utt United Stat.cs'1 A Almott. It's n ld 98 percent o( them occur here. Th~mH P. Haley Publisher Thomas A. Murphlnt Editor · Barbara Krtlblch Ed ltorl•I Page Editor OH. MY Goot»IESS. YES tGH)-- WAVE 70 ~N~N SYNTHETIC OI~ RfS'EAr«H I TAKE HllGE rM WRITE-OFFS UN17L 'THE NEXT SH0RiA6E Ere l S-IGH) ONf WONl>ERf I • r W~O WIU PAY -...~J ....._ 'Jt)R 1r ALL . Repealing the 20th century WASHINGTON -for Honnld Reu- gan. nothing may sUtTl'e<i hkt> fallurf' The t'()llapse and chaos of his t"COnomk policies could be leading to the· n ·ahu.t· tion o r his most cheri&hed pol1t1cal goal. t·ripphng the federal government. Rt'agan is governing now not ns the pohtJc1an who ran California but rui the Ideologue who has spc•nt his late life trying to in spire people to turn on Washington. His real go1tl and the goal of the most ded1c~t.<.>d and energc•Ut• of h1<1 follow<'rs -1s t.u leave Washing- ton 1n two and a half years or six ,ind a hetlf yt·Jrs with ru. mul'h aN pos.<11blc of the· powt·r and reach of thal nty rc.odUl't'<l and wrc<"ked. THE 1982 BATTLE of the• budget-J tawdry and deprt.-ssmg pohucal affair on the surfat.-e could be hu.tom· ThUI IB what would happen 1f Rt•agan. after 11ubm1tt1ng (in February) the h1gh - dl•flt·1t budget that he UI now deplonng, were somehow able to t.'Ontmue winrung what seem t.o be small skinnishes based on t'()ntradict.ory principles: 1) FederaJ reve nues -dependent on income taxes -would deC'line (as a proportion of gross national produc t) be<:au~· of the already-voted 1982 and l9U3 n~lut·tions of 10 pNl'<'nl And th<'n thc-y W<Juld decline• (rt·lat1v1·ly) again when "indl'xing" ben1me ~ffc·c11v1· 1n 1 !IH!'i and (t'wer and ft.-wcr taxpayt•rll Wllltld bt· moved ink> higher brackl'l.'1 by wagt· mfla11or1. 2) J<'edt•ral d t•Cens<· spending would conl>nue to ""' •harply ml§• RICHIRD 111111 1 ; • '.'!harply than the 7 perct-nt 1nc·n .. 1i.t•s Ht:dgan proposed during his 1980 cJm pa1gn hccaust> t hl" pro JCC'ts t tw .1d mm1strat1on h~ 'i<:twduh-d t.o bc·~m now will tost more and more: in SUl'\'f'f'(ftnl( Yl'<:lrS :l) A bulant't."°(j federal budgl't man dal<.-d by lhe l'()nst1lutional amendment the pres1dl•nt 11ow supports would r<·- dut't' ov<'rall spending to tht• l1•v1·I of th1· int•v1t.ably rc>duCl'Cl revenut•s 4) So. each year there would lx· It•:.." and lt·ss mom•y availablt' Co1 donwsut· sptondmg hnkt>d t.u national pollt·y Six·1al Security, hc·alth and t-duealllm pru~rams , n •i,:u lutury action, e1v ll lt1w t•11forn•n11 •11t aml lilt' stringing of "safl·ly r11 •L"" w11uld Jll bt• slowly t·hoke'(f oCf Thal ,., lht• 1dt•J That 11> ttw idea that Ho11.dd H•·.1..:.111 .md the· m•l'lt t•omm ittcd ol /\111(·1 lt'<JI\ <'C111~1·rv;it1vt·o; have bf'en fJf\o,lt'hmK ... 1n('1· lht· ft "<.h•l'a l lo(overnmenl lwga n Jt't 1 vi'! v dd 1 n in~ ;rnd ('n fureang "f:t1rn1 ·1>-." in <•rt "<•:-. in11'll1-c·t1wl and g<'O- gr.1pl11tal. ,,, rt>-..' 1h1· 1 otrntr v THf: IDEA IS 111 11·1M·a l much of tht' 20th 1'f•nlury 1»11 twul.11 ty tht· part.<J th.:tt ;iff1·1·1 M111al w1•tr.11 t• 1·1v1I rights and VJ~Ul'I l'llllll'flL' l1kt• lOll ... Uml'rlSm. f'OVl - r 11111nt•nl.1l1:.m .1ml .1n 11untah1hty Rc•a- ~.111 1.111 1.111 Ill\ tlw pol1tll'oJI lt!V(•) or l'lt-ct1or1.-. J11d ... ut't't't'<l . prolMbly beyond hr-. lo11cJ1·-.l drl'JllC>, f>ll thl· r.111lltll'iil level ol dlJllJ(mg th1· v. JY ArnNlt'<Jl'lb live apd ~uv1•111 tlH•Ot.'-t·IV(''.'I I doubt whNhn 'he th111k. ... ht· will w JUdg1-d on or n·ally 1 Jfl" th.ii mut h iib(IUt l'k•:t1011 n •turns 111 I !lij~ or I HIH Tho"' n•'u I ts 111 c·11ngn·i.s1una I e lec· uon-. .incl lhl• n1·xt pr 1.,.1Lll'nt1al dl-<:l1on d1 ·pn1d •in th1 · 1mrn1·d1.1l1· t't·onom1t· 1m- 1x1t I 11( lh1s d1spuU'fl hudgl'l Tht· n>sults H4'i1g<1n 1' workml( towarcl an• not 1m- m1•d1atc• or 1·xd•Js1v1·ly 1·1·onom1l· He <'otJlcl fail ;1.-. 11110:-1d1 nl c:1nd sut'l.'t'lod .ts an 1d1'f1loJ.:Ut· Profit can't justify coastal damage To the Edit.or: I Celt compelled t.o write thlll letter in response lo an atutude wtuch seems t.o b<' alarmingly prevalent in this ar ea More specifically. I am refemng t.o the logic expressed May 2 in Ltus t'Olumn by u W. A Bcrls on the LSSue of offshorl' MAILBOX dr1lltng 1n Newport Beach Mr Ekrls suggested that th<' c1tizcru of Newport B<•a,:h consider the "financial bendlL<1" t·ompar<•d to "possible c nv1 ronml•ntal damagt·" I am v1oh·ntly rcpuL'Wd by thl• notwn put forth by lhl'Se callously ind1fft•r<•nt md1v1duals. such as Mr Bcorls, who insist upon pillaging our l.'nv1runmt•nt for profit Mr &•rl" was qu11.C' devl!r lo WI(• th<· word "poss1blt'" m h is slatcmt:nl Envi- ron me n ta I damage 1s not a d1stan1 "poss1b1hty" wht•n aff1ltatf'd with off- i.h orl' drtllmg, 1t 1s an mt·ontrovt>rllbl<· fal'l. OF COURSE , there• arc thost• who obstinately rC'fuse to acknowledge this fact, usually pointing to bu~s-rlddcn, in- dustry sponsored environmental Impact !!lud1es to confirm thl'1r "rational" vwwpoints For those who posM'88 more ob)C't'l1vt· and non-profit attitudes, the l'nv1ronmental impact studies e'Ondut•ted by the UCSB and UC-Berkeley cont.am intensely d istressing conclusions on the sub)l"l:l o( offshore drllllng and marine ecology. There is no justification fo r environ- mental rapine, and it set>ms absurd that some individuals seek to excuse thf' n<'· glect o f our majestic coastline for pro- jected revenues and an "energy crlsia." Unfortunately, however. in order lo level the most devastating argume nt against the prostitution of our l'088t, om.• must reduce himself to think In mo n<'- tary term.Ill. The taxpayers of Califomla have just put forth $32 million for the Crystal Cove State Park and arc not too enthusiastic about seeing 1\11 ay11wmat1c destruction by industrial greed. JASON LYNN R ef use wage insults To the Edit.or: We read today about the glut of doc- t.on. lawyers . . . and the unemployed. The glut of unemployed haa brought waat-and salary offen way down. Ap- pllcanla highly akilled and experienced arc being offert'CI whal they earned 1 ~ years ago, not jual by amall •tn.iallnl flnna who arc having dlffkulllea, ma- king low wagea understandable, but by it.ill ~ful buslnelitet who have nol lowerlld thet,r prlce1 on product. and •rvM:ie.. The glut. of doc10nl and lawyen hal not brought medical and legal chargtt down. ONE ANSWER to the w11e and uJ. ary problem I.I for lhoee who are ltill not deeper•~ to eay no to truiuJlin1 offe,., npeclally when they know their cape· hlhllt>s art' 1..upt. Oddly, t'mployers havt• not ll·aml>d that hir111g the mr-dttx:re Ill <"<Milly. and hmng tht· inept l'Vcn mon· costly Unfortunutely, tht·re an· many who cJnnot afford to ~y no to a puor offor Wtwn J Job ad . ...ayi. "salary <"<>mmc•ni.u rutt: with uhll1ty," wh1t·h . o ( course' mc>an1; the Jiit> g1:1'-s ltJ th1· lowe1>t h1ddt·r. tht•y must bi· 1111· low b1ddn. tht•y'rt• lwh1nd 1n n ·nt. bill-. for neC'esi.ary cx f>4•n"-s· C'l<' H JAl'K!:>ON TELEPHONE YOUR LETTER TO THE EDITOR See instructions below end Brown ho111c To th1· ~;,i1t•11 Wt· n1·ed Cnv Brown in Congrr-s,.; likl• w<· nt't"Ci a rut m the freeway Rrown as a M·n.tti>r would do as much good as h1!> mclt·1 on -ramp lighting system wh1l'h tu.-:. up traffil' t.u freeway entrances and w • .c.tcs ga." for no gcxxi reason. When thl'rt' 1s space t.o go th<' hght is red. when there 1s no space to go the hl(ht 1s gret•n All the while trafCH I!> pilt-cl up with mot.ors running. {;ov Brnw n and Lady Gianturc<i do lht•11 best to kt•t•p the public off th(' frt•t•ways, but 1nHte11d of improving frel•way systt•m:. they think up otht>r tncks t.o annoy the drivers. That 1s when Gov Brown is not think- ing up whkh lt'Sbian or homosexual he will appoint nl'Xt He a lways mak<'S !!Ure th08t> black sheep will foll ow him. He s hould be rC'CaJled as governor and 8(.•nt horn•' with Carter ALFRED G C LINTON t et others sacrifice Tn the· l!:d1t.or. ( mulctn't behcvt· my ears as I listt•nt'<.1 tu S(:n Pt•l.J• Oomen1cl, Rcpubhl·a.n from Nf'w Mt'xko. setting forth h111 budg1•l balandn(( propoanl. Surely, l said to my~lf. th1lll senator speak.a with Corkt-d tongut' in <'heck. He allowed a.'I how the elderly sun>ly wouldn 't mind foregoing tht' schl"'(juJc-d 7.5 peru>nt rtae 1n Social Secunty 1f they knew t>verybody else WAI 11acnflcing equally . Get that. fellow u c rlficer s "Ev<'rybody aocr1£lcing equally " How easily the words came Crom a man whoec collt•agues had recently vo~ tt'Cf themaelvcs 11uih a tax brl'ak for the mtre fact or doing businet1a In Washing- ton, D.C. a1 to virtually remov<' all o ( • f.1•t1,,11 /mm rl'C1dn1 ore u~lc11mr Thi• riuht 111 •''""'""·•" lrl1tm1 t11 flt ~pl)<'' or r/rmino11• ltllf•I rv rl'Rrri•ed l.•'lll'r.v 11/ :wtl u•ort'b or ll'SS u'111 fl{' QWl'n J>f'f'ftrl'Tlrt' All ll'tltr11 rrwst in<"lrldr .•111noturr ond ma1llo11 11ddr'" but l'IOmt.-mow h4' ulllhh'ld on ,, qu,.111 1/ 11u//1c1rnt' rta.-iin u opparf'nl f'r>f'I r11 wt// not fw J)\lbll1htd lAlltrr mo.v M tfPltphtmrrl 111 ft42 tiOM Namr and p/IOflf' numtirr r1f thf' m ntnhutor mu.at ~ j11l'f'11 /or 11rr1/1Car1on purpos" llil'lll lf•llll th•· t.1>< r.111, I w.•ll<'tl (or tht· '>ll.l.tJ.W'-t111n th;11 lhl'v n111otht rt'" ind 1hal 1.111·~1 111"111 111 lh1· r<..,t IJf u' t.1xr.i.1v1·r-. '" ,, way 111 'Ito"' ing thnt tlwv t110 w1·11 go1n~ 111 rn.1k1· .11 l1•a ... 1 ,J tok•·n "'' rifu • 11 d11I n111 1111111' I WAITF.O fm .1 "'.1.t1ot1"111m th.11 .,.mw 11( lh1• t ... rg1 r 'pork 1>.1trl'I " J>IOJt 't'l~ 'P''""111·d bv m1·nilll'1 " •ti that <tugu:.t hoclv 1111 lhc 11 v;111ou' 'IC:tlto:-111dud111g J vt•r v lar g1• 11111 u11dt •1 th1 .it·~·~ of Sc•11 l>onwn1n. 1111~ht IM• {'Ut l.1<t1·k It J1d nut ('tll 111' A I I I h10,11 d ""'"" 1 lw -.anw 11ld t1r1·d r lwt•111t . v.. h11 It 11 .111-.l.1l•" ti• 1t'-. 11k.iv for you l•lll don 1 ··~k 11w ''' Ii<· Ji.•1 I .. r 11 Wh• n will th11"· "li1ghh1n1kr,· "" 1h1· 11111 j.!• I tlw 111111111 · th.it 1·v1·ryt.ody 1n • h1d1·' thl'n1" lf h • .!;111( llllo( 1h1• hurl~f'l d1 ·1,11·11dl'! •JI\ Olli L1wrn.ik1·" g1v1 11g up om• 1111•1wr l't1gr.1v1·d p111 tr ;111 111 lh1• son 11( 1tw l.111· N.1rn v I l.1nk,, you c;in tav six to f1v1· 11 v. ill 111·v1 ·1 IH· h~l.1111•1-cl sf1 mud1 f11r v •H ..._,, nf111 S1·n llomt·mn MAHY .IANF. wcxm //rccze re olut ion To thC' Editor Th<:r<• will lw .1 propos1t1on on tht- Novt•mb1·r hallot in California wh1<'h calli. for lht• US and USS K lo 1mnw- d1atl'ly httlt prcx.Jut·tu>n, testing and de- plnynwnt of nudt·ar wt:apons. ~ a f11-i.t 1>l1·p tow;1rd µn·vc·nting nudL·ar war. Th1!1 l'tlll<'i•pt has bt·<·om1• known as the fo'rt·P11• Wt• h;1vt• tx•com(' increasingly com·erncd alM>UI the worldwide prolife- ration of nul'lt•ar weap<>ns and have bl-en. until 11ow, unable• t.o find a way of translating OUr ('Onl't•rn into action ft seemed to us that, given Orange Coun- ty's size and 1t11 trod1t1on of po litical con11t>rva t1sm, a pollt1l·al action group wh1l·h was loNilly bast•d migh t not be round. Wf' arf' happy to rt•port t hat we d111- c·ovf'r<•d an organization here working towards passage' of th<.' fo'rt'('~ re90lulion thl8 November We want to urge other Orang<' County residents who want to bcoonw at-Uve m this t'Cfort t.o cont.act the Orange County chapters of Californians for a Balatcral Nuclear Weapons Freeze. The North County office la m Anaheim 11t 956-9600; the South County o ffice is tn Corona del Mar at 720-0595. RIC HARD MO LDAWSK Y. M.O. ELLEN SEVERONl. R.N. GlDDMY Gii ,., Anyone for renaming John Wayne Al,.. port to Orange County Airpo r\? Wouldn't ll be-In aJI our best interut '°', publlcir.e Orange Count~ rath.-r than the late. ire&\ John Woyne. D.D.K. 01-y ... C-·· Mt-·-Illy~-·­-UMfllJ ,......t \• ........ UM_...._ ..... ,_ ... ...... t•..,,, o... o.lty ,.. • DIVOl\CEDT Self· proclaimed bllllonalre Do nald Lal1ure, •hown with murdereee Suaan Atkin• durln1 thetr weddln1 laat September, aay1 he hu dlvort.'ed the Man- 111on clan m.,mb.,r and t1 planning t o take w ife number 37. Lal· 11ure aaya the divorce papen were 1lgned by Fidel Cutro. Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT 13hurlday, May 13. 1882 ~· Viking vessel sets sail for Norway K.NlR RIVER. MlM. (AP) -A Vl-ktnc lhJp with a .tnale IQWU'e uil WU headtn1 acroe1 Lake Superior toward the All.ant.le and eventually to Norway, punulna t.M dream of 1 man who built the v-l but died before It 1et eaJl. The Hjemkomat, a 78-foot replica of a Vlkin.1 v ... 1. Ill aatl Tuelday from the KnitelUver Marin.a after a two-day waJt cauaed by rain and htah wind.I. Abo ut 160 people c heered ae the Hjemkormt'1 crew ratted the aall and 1teered the wooden 1hip In a 1tral1ht coune \p the calm waten of the lake. Marin• employee• fired a two-aun u - lute. Two of the 12-member crew -Tom A1p i nd Denni• Morken,-remained -- behind ln Knife River to 11ther aear Uld clean up after the depart~. They will joln the Hjmlkomet, 1 NorweMtan word me1nln1 homecomlnf· alter lt cro ... 1 !Ake Superior at Saul Ste. Marte, Mich. The crew hu been ltchl.ni to 10 lince the otfldal launch of the Hiitmkomet 1-t ThW'lday ln Duluth. They nad to retun1 to Knife River tor more 1uppUes, then flCld the delaye due to the weather. From Sault Ste. Marie, the Hjem- komat wW travel down the St. Mary'• River and~ Lake Huron en route to Detroit. Then it wlU ..U aero. Lake Erie to the New York State Barie Canal and down the Hud1on River to New York City. Alter a atopover ln New York, the veeeel wW cro11 the AtlanUc Otean for Beraen. Norway. Some 1dentl1t1 1ay Vlkln11 vlalted Mlnnnota u early u 1362, but othera aay the evidence, a 1tone with lnecrlp- Uona, ii a 19th century hou. Dur1n1 the approximately 4,000-mJJe voyaae, the crew will keep In contact with a network of ama~ radio opera- ton. lt the •hip rau. to all the operaton accordlnl to a 1ehedule they've eel, the oporaton wlU contact the C.out Guard. The voyage waa the dream of the late Robert Alp of Hawley, MlM. Alp, who wu of Norweatan detieent, buUt the ahlp, but died In f980 of le ukemia b efore being able to attempt the journey. The crew Includes four of hi.I chUdren. ""°°'I G ~} 6• Curtis Mathes 19 Inch Diagonal ... oofl Gm Color Table Model Curtis Mathes 25 Inch Diagonal Remote Control Color Console Furniture crafted styling makes this set a handsome add ition to any home. Available Modern, compact styling in this deluxe table model fits with any decor. Side grips let you move easily from one room to another. Now at a savlngsl Curtis Mathes 8 Inch Diagonal Color Portable Take It Anywhere! Camping, Boating, Picnics or Driving. MOOH C.7~U Curtis Mathes Video Color Camera/ Video Cassette Recorder Be Your Own Producer! Learn how easy and exciting Video can be to capture those summer vacations, family occaisions and special events of your lifel With purchase of Curtis Mathes Video Cassette Recorder Mod~I G205 12" Black and Whit~ in Mediterranean, Early American and Country English to please the most discriminating. Curtis Mathes Audio System Curtis Mathes Audio is always a sound investment and this powerful system is as good looking as the sound it produces. Compact and contemporary for any lifestyle. A Real Valuel LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILABLE/TV PICTURES ARE SIMULATED Sorry No Financing On This Mod~I The Longest Warranty Available With each new Curtis Mathes television, video recorder or stereo system, you get our famous 4-year exclusive limited warranty that covers all electronic parts including picture tube. It's the lon9est war- ranty in the business. And though you may never nffd it, It s nice to know it's there. Ask to see a complete copy of this w1rr1nty. WE CARRY OUR OWN CONTRACTS/ OPEN 7 DAYS Mon-frt. 10-8 Sat. 10-6 Sun. 12-5 The Most Expensive Television Set In America. And Worth It. Curtis Mathes HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 8921 Adams Ave. at Magnolla, Huntington Beach 962-3384 ....... 111111 ClllT 11111111m11 I I I\, I \, ••• 'I tt\N t I . '· ' /\1 ii P ··N l l\ 11_J CE NTS Irvine candidates split on corridor · By SANDI E J OY Of Ille D .. ly "Mot II•" Irvine City (.'nun(•tl ('undidalt'S huvt' lined up lwo for und two a~alrun building " freeway alonJ( th<' San Joa4u1n Hill ~ Transportation Corridor A fifth 1.·Ctnd1date ha8 suggt•11lt•d tht· proposed frt.•e way bto built H o toll road Larry Agran . the only int.·umbent in th1· rat·e for two ~· o u n d I 1 e u u I 11 t h c..· J u n e 8 t•IN·tlon , uld the proposed frt•l'wuy "would devastate the 111outhl'rn porttun of our l'lty ('nv1ronment.ally bringing lA.·ru o f thousands of new vt.•hiclt.•• to roads ad,a<.-ent to tht.• fn-cwuy " Edward Dornan, an English professor making hl11 first bid for publk office, said, "That freeway will bring a blanket of smog Wt• lll't."<J to develop rapid transit t.•ont:t.•pu. Wt do not nt•ed to dt.•velop more freeway" " Barbara Wiener, o l'Ommunlty m:t1vut who fonnerly ht•uded the lrvlnl' Hntoncal Society. warned, "If wt.• do not build the $an Jouyu1n H1llJI Jo'n.>t•way, there w1U bl-40,00Q c-ars on Culver Drive. Car11 congea l ing ou r neighborhoods are more dungerous th1m l'Onuuning them on tht• frt.'t'wuy •· J o hn Ni.kaoka , un Irvine Unlfltod S<'hool Ol1trkt tru1tee who'• rNklna a bid w 1wlt.ch to the <.'Ouncll. aald, "1'oday'1 need i• to get the cars off our atreeta . We'd better pu1h for the San Joaquin Hilla Corridor " He al.so noted o propoH:d ma11 traan1lt system "would serve only 10 ~rt.'t!nl of our need1." W1llium Pozzi. a Libertarian who hl•ad1 his own moving t.'<>mpany, aaJd he'd llkt' w 8t'f! tne propoeed San Joaquin Hilla and 1''oothill fret•way11 owned and operated by privaw Individual.I. "lf we had the San Joaquin Hiiia Freeway," he added, "It would speed our travel " T he candldatee' remarkM were made at a public f orum Wednesda y nigh t in Irvine's Senior Cent.er attendt."<J by about 300 pen10n.s, mostly women Off~cers serving_ warrant Forum 1pon1or1 wt•n• tho National Women'11 Pollllcul Caucua. Leagul' of Womc•n Vott>f'I and Amerkan AMocl.Bllon of Unavenuty Women In add1uon to Agran, Dornan, Pou1, Nakaoka and Ma Wtt.-ner, city council t·and1date1 include Mur,or1e Kt•tser. who didn't alt.end the Wednc'9Ciay gathering. Fr(' t' w a y s h 11 v c· n · t a o I v t' d (See IRVINE, P1.ce A2) 2 Riverside cops slain; pair sought RIVERSIDE (AP) -Two police officers wc.>n• shot and k11lc.od at a home here today when thc·y tried t.o ll('rvc• a warrant, and u manhunt wai; under way for two ~uspectJi, poll'·" sr.ud. Lt Mik e Figueroa said the officers worked for the Riverside Police Department's felony warrant scrv1l'l' and wen• trying to serve a warrant al about 8:30 a .m . at a hom<· on Wolfr t,rlz~elle rapped Police unit backs Sills' candidacy By GLENN SCOTT ()(the Deity l"tloi It.ft A pol1t1ca lly -act1ve law cnforeement group ha11 endorsed Irvine Mayor David Sills in his c·hallc·nge aga1n11t int·umbcnt A."-"Cmblyman Nolan f'nz.z.eUe in the June 8 prunary elections Spokesmen for the Orange County and statewide chapters of the Police Officers Research A&'IOCialion of Callfomla said at a presa conferenc·e Wedn esday in Santa Ana they'll back Sills' bid for the Republican nomination 1n the 69th Di.strict "no" on the btll Frizzelle, mf'anwhtle, 1s t•ontendmg lhctl in Sacramento an ab8tention has the same effect as a no vole, since passctge 1s d('ptmdent on re<.-e1v1ng suff1t·1cnt votes in favor of a bill The b1U In quesuon was pasM.od on a two-thirdB vote, with ')5 in favor, 16 against it and nine abstentions. PORAC opposed the bill r'r1zzelle said he would have voted "no" on the ball but he had to leave the Assembly floor to fly to Orange County for a rund-ral.sing event Strl.-cl 1n La Sierra. J rt.-i.1denttaJ M'(.'Uc>n A woman m·1ghbur who heard :;hoti; i.hortly aftc·r the officers u r r 1 v e d c a I I c· d t h t: po I 1 c e dt.·partment. and off1t.•ers who arrivc:d at the sct.·n<.-found a f>ljtrol n u· uut.s1dc· and the bodies of the• l wo men 1ru.11.Jt- Paramc•d1cs prnnoum·cd both oCC ll't'rb dead U t l ht· st'Cllt', police said The· ~ltforn1a Highway Patrol a n d l h e R 1 v c· rs 1 d e P o 11 cc· Dl•partm<:nt said pul1ct' dogi;, a hd1l·opter and trained officers with h1gh-powN<.'d riflc·i. wen· assisting in the sean:h for two urudentJf1c"<J men One was dcsc:ribc"<J as about 28 with a two-inch Afro ha1n·ut, unshaven with two sc:rat.<.·hes on the• nl(ht side of has fac't.' He was wc•ar1ng a blul' and green ch1"t:kt.od shtrl and driving a tan four -dour st-dan. possibly a Chc•vrolet Mont<.' Carlo. police said The• i.econd s uspec t waa d('ft('rabed as age 25. with a short Afro haircut, mustache and a brown shirt. He was said to be driving a 1964 Chl•vrolet Chevelle with V1rgin1a hc·ense plat.es CLOSE CALL Cessna 172 makes an unM.'hl·dulc·d landing at llt.•lt.•n Johnson's D911J Piiot ""°'" by O•ry Atnbt- m ob ii e homt.· Pt lol said stc<:ring controls malfunctioned on hii; final approach. They claimed Fnu.elle lied to th"m during a r~ent interview about his votmg rt'C'Ord on a biU, AB 1253. deleting" $180 million state payment to the Public Employee Retlrt•mc>nt System (l'ERS) A record of th<· proceedings show, that Frlz:t£'lle abstained frum voting, 1a1d assoc1at1on -.t-l'<md Vice Preside· n t Duane Cracklc, who work8 for the Orange Poltt·e O..•partmt•nt But Cral·kle said Fr1izt>lle told PORAC leaders ht• had voted Tht> law enforcement group, though , found a big difference between the votes. Spokesman Mike Schllskey said they thought Frizz.elle has ml11re prt•sent.ed his position ''Dave Sills will not lie lo uur police, a11 Nolan Frizu-lle did." s~ud Schhskey "(Sills) would not be afraid to repn>s<•nt us on bills like AB 1253, wht•rl' wt• nt•C'd 11omeone to stand up and n'SOundin~l y vol!• no" lnvesllgato rs wer<' seeking a warrant lo sean:h the atlll' of the home where thr shooting took pla<.'«1, and officers S<·aled off the neighborhood It was not known what the warrant the dPad offic'l'rs wert-SC'rving mvolvt..od The names o f the two dead offal<.'ni wert' wtthht·ld p<'ndmg notlfll'allon of rc•lallvc.~ , Plane slams into home Bankruptcy initiated Occupant away; no one injured in crash .. By ROBERT BARKER Of llle Delly l>llot It." my side Maybe th,.y'll believe me now." malfunct1oned on h1~ Cessna I 72 ..... he-was on the final approach to lht• runway at Mt.·adowlark Airport at Warnt'r Avl·nuf' west of Bolsa Chica Road Vote mailing rerun due by Braniff "Thank Gud I wai.ri 't in the houst" I havl·n't bt't•n uut 1n more than a month hut I wasn't there today .. Helen John'ion , 63 , of Huntington Bc•ach , an invalid with a lung d1sordl'r. had reason t.o count hf'r blt'l.Slnl(S While 11hf• wa11 k<•t·ping an appointment <it a Six·1al Se<:ur1ty o ff1cl• Wl'dnt>scJay . a small airplane crash<-d int.o her mobile home at the &•a Breeze Mobile Home Park. 5200 Heil Ave "I've lived here (immediately ad.)IK•enl tn Meadowlark AJrpon) Bince 1975 and I've never been worried But I might start w<Jrryinli( ntJw," Mrs. Johnson !Ulld "I've· told f>Nlple God was CJn WORLD Ht>r son, Charlw, who also l1Vl1l ttl the mobile home. said the living room was smashed up a bit and the telc·v1s1 o n set wa'I knocked over "If l hadn't been out with Charhe I would have het:n 1n that room crocheting or watchinli( TV." Mrs. Johni.cm said "Uoggon<' 1l, I hopf• the· TV wasn't ruinc.d. It wa11 my main thlng." The cruh occurred at 2:40 pm Wednesday whf'n pilot Walter W Lohmeyer, 66, of 16982 Bolero Lane, Hunllngton Beach, WWI returning homl· from Canion City. Nc·v .. with his wife Lillian. ts4 LohmeyN told otrk1als that the· slcer1nR eo ntrols Ambassador .held hostage GUATEMALA CITY (AP) -About 20 lefti.st8 held the Brazilian ambassador and six others hostages today In the Brazilian embaHy h ere after the Cuatemalan government rejected their demands. NATION New name I or Newark? Columnist Hugh Mu))lgan t ugae•t• the city of Newark, N.J ., could 1harpen IU fma1e merely by changing lta name. Page B6. Reagan 110/ds conference WASHINOTON (A,P) -PretJdent ~agan wlll hold a ~leviled new1 conference t.onlaht at & in the WhJtlJ H~ Eut Boom (Channell 2, t and 7). I 1 The plane d1pp<'Ci the t'<fge of one· mobile home and l·artwheelcd into the Johnson n 1s1dcn<:C that's separated from thc> northc-asl tip of the airport by u R fool t.•tnderblock wall Mrs, Lohmeyer was treated for la<:c ralion11 and bruised ribs at Huntington lnter<:ommun1ty Hospital and her husband was t•xumrntod and rele~ No one else was injured Damage to the final mobile home h1l by lhc p!Ane was minimal. "Wt' had a perfect trip fro m Cun;on City until we were on the final approach," Lohmt>ycr sa1d COUNTY ThP 16,000 voters In Irvine who rc<.·e1ved sample ballots In thto mail this we-ek for the Junl' 8 elc'<.'t1on wilJ get a M'COnd maihng nPxt week That second envelope from the Orange County Regl1trar o r Voters Office will include only tht• 4ualification statements of candidates running for the Irvine CHy Council About 1,000 of those statements were omitted from various packets during the first mailing, explained Registrar Al Olson. To iMure all votens get the material, tht.> statements will be mn1le<.l to all 16,000 voters at an add1t1onal cost of about $2.000, he ~ud Airport changes eyed Orange County supervisors are still o pen to proposals to turn over emergency and security operations at John Wayne Airport to private flrma. Page Bl. Newport S&L in the pink Newport Balboa Saving1 and Loan A&loclatlon bucks a national trend by reporting rttord eamJnp. Pase C8. STATE Fire kills 5 people' RICHMOND, Calif. (AP) -Five people dJed and 16 othel'I were injured in a predawn fire today that e naulf ed an apartment bulldtna and an adjacent hOUle, officials Mid. Qindldates in Irvine paid $4-00 each to have their qualif1cat1ons 11lAtements Drinted Olson said today h<• isn't sure yet why th<.' 1.000 s tatements wcrl' omitted But he· said he 11 u s pt• c t e d a r o u I u p w h e n worker11 began using a second l'nV<'lopc-stuffinR mal'h1nt• to f1n1 sh 1n11t•rting the• sf'veral t·ncl°"url'S in the Irvine· mailing. The city council statements apparently were left out of the aerond machine, he a.aid. About 40,000 sample ballot8 are being malled to Irvine voters this wc.'<.'k. The scpuratc• amiling of ca ndidate· quali f ication 11tak'rnt•nts will involve• only th<' 16.000 people who haw rt'l'f.'IVL><l th<'lr sample ballvt pat·kf't.'i INDEX At Your Setvice A4 Erma Bombed< 82 L.M. Boyd AlO Bualne. C7-9 California A6 Cavabde 82 ClAlllfled Dl,03-6 Com.let ClO en.word ClO 0.1th Not.lcet 02 Editorial AlO Enten.Jnment ~ I S PORTS FORT WORTH, Tc·xas (AP) OH1rn1ls of Braniff lnwmattonal airlines, which lost $160 million last year. initiated bankruptcy proct.>ed1ngs today at th£' home of a fc'<feral bankruptcy judge Judge John Flowers said Braniff c-halrman H oward Putnam and two attorneys appeared at his holW' JUSt before midnight to me the papers under Chapt er 11 o f> the federal bankruptc-y law The filing protects the airline from creditors and gives 1t the right to continue Opt"ratmg. "They can '-ontJnue operallng; whether they will or n o t is ~ometh1 ng I d o n 't know," Flowers sa1d <See BRANIFF, Paae AZ> Hy Gardner 82 Horoecope 8 2 Ann Landen 82 Movtea 85 Mutual F\mda C8 Public NoUC:et C3,02 Sportt C1·6 Stock Marketa C9 Televtllon B4 Thea\ert & Weather A2 World News A3 Marina spikers hot Marina Hiah of HunUn•ton Beach haa had a turnabout ln ltl volle)'ball proaram and the key reuon 11 C'OICh Ttm Reed. Cl. Buena's fRVIN E CANDIDATES • • • Bigfoot vanishes tranapurtMllcm probll•ma, Duman Hid, 10 emph111la dwu Id bt' u11 dovelop11111 mwi. 1rarult 111odt•1 of travel. "lf we try tu gu to old aolutlorui of freew11y11," Fw 11dded, ''we'll 1 dettroy our c•nvironm1.1nt." ' • ' Aaron ulao said mau traMlt 111 ''the way \0 go. "We oul{hl to ill'l' on with It ua qukkly uw wfl nm," 'tte explulnod "Wt· httVl' to t(t'l *rloua about rupl\! trw\SH." Ma. Wlt'ner Matd 11he 11upportx 1Nal transit "In thl• long wrm." .but. "To get to ony 111.atlon. you have to get in your 1·ar W1• ,h a v e l o b e g 1 n t o m a k e o u r 1xoadways " Na ka oka said he opposes thl• proposed soulhl·rn ;,ltgnmt•nt o r "'{he Foothill Frf't'way while· Mi. ,,Wiener said. "Wl· hdV(• to m<&ke aun~ tl'rnl rmid 111 plurt>cl 011 lht• olht•r 1111.it· 11! ltw rldit' " Dorn ttn and Agri.n uppo1wd devclupnwnt of Quall Hill nt<xt to U r11vt-ralty Drive and th ... Sa11 Olt•fCO 1''rt.~way wh1lt· Mli. Wlt•nt•r lndil'atcd she suppor t 11 llfl devt•lopmcnt and Pozzi 11ud th" landownen should bc.i allow<.'<! lo do whatt.'Vt•r they want Nakuoka w311r1 't pn•1uml tur m0111 of the forurn slrwc ht· wux utl.t.'ndint( it S4'hool bounl m~·Untc On tht' m:allt•f o! growth 111 I rv1nl', Dot11an f!Uld hc'fl for "r1•1t)l(J11ablt' growth," Ms. W il'nt-r s:atd :.he supp o rtb "i.t'ns1bll· growth," Pozzi s111d he fuvors "growth act'Ordang lo the mll!lter plan" lind Agran 1K11d hl· dOl-sn' l w,mt lo S<'t.' growth ill a rut.t• thol ll•nd~ to outstrip thl' city's obtltty to <.'Ope Wllh II By JEFF PARKER Of I lle 0.Nr "llol l leff Bu~n• l'"rk Bigfoot falled lo 11 1t ow up fo r an l'n co r e Wtotint•1'41Uy 1116(hl Jl l' 11 r 11 h t-t• I u d t• d d l'l l' (' l 1 ti II du !i p I l (• • 0 OH' !) 0 Ol'IHhbw!i, (l "blgfoot dt:lCCllVl'" un<l a TV m•wa team lurking on rooftop!! of the atpartme nta whet'f' it wu11 ullegt>dly IK.'E'n two nights 1,.,,roru · A d1 1u1µpolnted Frank M 1u1rnc·IJ1 , munager of the Ex1•cut1v1• Park Apartments wh1•r1· 'i1'vt-ral pt-ople claimed tht•y sow on eight-foot t&Jl. hairy, fr>ul-snwlllng beast run from a dra1nlltll' d11.<·h Monday. said that in sµ1ll• 11r lht• v1g1I. the monster dad not n·turn :JJRANIFl1~ BANKRUPT • • • "Oh y1·1.1h. we lookE'd, hut no I u <· k ' ' h t· s a 1 d · ' W e h a d flu~hlt~ht." ond wt· laid down on tlw 1 oc1f-. 11<> he wuuldn't M>e us, hul 1111Lhinl( happened . T h e Braruff failure 1a the• r1r.11 by a mapr domesuc airline slnt•t• '·the 1ndus 1r y em<'rgt•d tn tht' 1'930s from thl· b&rn. ... tormmg cm Earlier this yl'ar, Lakt•r A1rwayi.. 1a Briush l'ar rier . wt•nt bankrupt. 1 Airline senior vice president .Sam Coats s aid 1t would be a t Jeast six w e,.ks b1•for1• Brun1ff .c:puld rt.'!IUmt• flights wanted lo llll' rl"'ht after m1dmS(hl." he-said 1"1o wers, who adm1Llt•d thP filing w as "an unusu<&I stt-p.'' 1WJ1d ht· gavl' BranifC 30 days to f1l<· the n<."'C:cssary pap<.·rs dcscrlbtn~ its fi nancial situation. Ordinarily, bus 1n essl'S wh1c·h file (<J r bankruptcy undt'r C:hapt<.'r 11 h ave I 0 d a y s l u f 1 I t• i; u 1· h in forma lion. "Wt•' 11• not quitting. though Wt• II k1 ·1·p 1t up until 'we find 111111 .. • In a statemt:nt. Brandt said tht• move was "thl' most prudent · tneans available to prt'St'rv<' the .company's llSS('ts and resou~ to .iem th1: dt.•lerio rat1ng <:a1>h .position of tht• n1m pany a nd perm1t man•gemen1 to atwmpt to oeorganize the company undl'r Lhe protection ur lht· b&nkruptc:y l"Ollrl " The filing camt.' as thousands of Braniff pasSt.'ngcn. St.'rambled f.or standby scats on othe r flagh!..> following the airline's su spension of servK-e Wednesday • In 1980. based on passc·nger Lra!f1c, Bran1Cf was the No Ii domestic air line It served Ii 2 m1U1on passcng<•rs that year and 'had a Cl eel of 96 a1 r t'ra ft H owevrr, an undetermined number of those aircraft have since been sold Flowers said the Brani ff officials got him out of bed. "They got ht>r<' just a little bit befor e m1dn1ght a nd said they The a1rllnt• urged peo pll' holding Braniff restorvat1ons to make olhl·r arrangemt•nls The l'Ompany's 8.500 t·m plc1yN!1> . d own from 11,500 bdort• IJyoff~ lx·gan last summN. w<•r<· told not to repo rt to work tod.Jy wtthout l>pt.~·1 f ll" 1nstrUt'llCIO.\ "I JW>l c.an 't ht'lwVl' this." "'"d Jim Skyles, Ont' of tht' pa~seng1·r. o rdered off flight 4!14 bt-fnre 11 Ith Dallas-Fort Worth Regional A1rpo1l for H ous t on on Wednl!Sday "It's tl•m b l<.· And I ft"el i.or ry for the peoplt·, thf-' e m p I o y <· e s 0 n e o r t h l' s wwardcssc·i. wai. crying It'!> J shamt-" Olht.'1 carrie r s prepatt•d to honor Braniff tickets unde r a default protection plan aimed at guaranteeing stand by seats Eastern Airlines movt'd l<> takt· over some o f Braniff's foreign routes and the Civil Aeron.aultc.'S Board .cheduled a rn~ting today It w,p, Just a ftt-r 9 o'dot·k Mund .1 y 111~ht wht<n twu rt•sufont.. or the Exl~Ullve P ark t•omph•x r<'portedly saw the beast cl 1mb111g t.dong the ditch . Mi,'i<J1wllt und his wife, Lorraine, h <• ti J u "' p u I I t' d 1 n t o l h e i r drtvl'wuy after dining al AHy's, wht·11 tht· "tcrrir1t-d" residents -wad 1l11·y'd iwt·n a monster m lhc dlldt "I d11l11'1 believe them at first," M1-..,Jnl'll1 >t11d "But I grabbed a r1.1,hl11(ht and ran toward thf: dr.Jtr),Jj(1 dtH·h Hundred feel u w dy, .111 d thl· smell almost knr.K kt-cl nu· tJVt.•r Worst smell m tht· world "Tht· ~wlict.' came -il took thl'm about i5 to 40 mmut.es - und said 11 was a dog If dogs snll'lh-<I hk1· that, nobody would 1•Vl·r h.1v1· 1me for a pel" But whJl haooened next t·on v,.rti·d M1ssan ell1 into a b<.'lu·vn "I lu·ard this growl from the dJrk I .1k1· somt.>thing between (iod1illa ;ind a gorilla It sent 1:h11ls lhri1ugh my system," he nou.-d H1• <ibo ">ays he saw footprints lc•h by thl· rl'pugnant intruder. AirCal honors Braniff fares "Tht·y wer e about 12 l o 16 1n<:h1·s long ," he said. "And no way can you tell me they were md1fo by }J dog L ooks like a Bigfoot to me " Newport Beach-based Au<.:al as ~rp o ng maJ o r air ca rriers "onoring tic kets h e l d by passengers <Jn now defunc t Bramff Intemat1onal Airways Mark P eterson, A1rCal director o f communacat1ons, said Braniff wh i c h cea sed o p e rati o ns Wednesday. carrn.'d passengt-rs on a Las Vegos-Rt•no route Any person h olding Braniff tickets can Oy on AlrCal on that ro ute without add1t1onal charge by calling A 1rCal and making reservations. Peterson ~1ci Peterso n said Braniff t1t·k1·1~ also w ould be h onorc·d on th1• 'la m e ba s i s f or somt.' route•-. involvme M o ntrrev and o thc·r N<Jrlhern C...lifom1a des1inat1on., A 'f)t'( 1al Bigfoot detective - um: Tom Muula of Special Fo,......e lnw ... t1~at1(Jn -jolned the 9eMl'Ch l~1i.t ntRht but could not be n ·.w he'll fur romment today. Low clouoa 1urn1ng 10 aunny allernoona toO•y ano f1lday +flgh• IOO•Y && to 73 OvernliJht 1f>wa 54 10 58 Hlglll Fr1oay 64 10 ell Fair wea1he1 lo1ecut IOI --eno E lt•whe •• lrom Po1n 1 Conception to th• Mei1ean ooroe1 an d out 60 m ilt• NOrlhwHI w1ndl 12 10 '2 ~nota outer weter• with _. 4 to 6 lee! thtOUQh tonlgllt Locelly lto/11 verleble '#Inda t>ecomlt>Q -I 10 eouthw•at 10 to 16 knot• 11111 ftenlng wuh wHt to 1outhwe11 1wella of 1 to 2 IHt Night 1nd morning tow cloud• turning to MHiny alt .. noon• LJ •• 'i. !Hlllllll (tr\· . . To' nt1dO~'\ t.(1ttwn .. rl Oy roam 1 n g ti 1 n •I' u t ''"a v y 111unOer1101m~ 1n1vr .. 1J "' l"ft\I Iii people '" r .. , ... ,uitJ ,,,,,,c,w1th•r"I tn W 1<,htlft roll\'"'' O•">OI" 1trand~tj 1n c • .,, h'''"""" 1111d fleet Wal!!f ran 11 cJ~JI "~ "'" teet '" aom" \Heel\ 111 W•t '"'" r 1111• Autr.ori11e• u&ell 1J<1~•~ .rnd tArlJ" truck • ICI l<Vftl.URI~ tn1f11:11M1' l')f rf!t1df'rtl' fr om ,,,,,,t1 i-tj l>r llOO<l lhrtRlf!fllld t111n,.•N SRv~re lhuf"HJttt .. ltHm"t 111'\ll produt:ttd hdll t11qt1 INlfl(j\ IUH1 heavy t•1n 1n o.,,,.,.1,u1,t tr.rJ11v .. , ShOWl'Ht An<1 ,. •-.w thundettnow•'' r r,utmu"90 over weatern N~IHd~11 Sc;a11"'"' ... ,,_,., • '"II over the M1111u1ppt V•ll"Y 111 t.otorado enow fall 1n 111" mfll111111na 1nd eastern loo1h1ll\ A l•w 111 1n llh<lw<I•• -· re(l<)lll•tl "'""O "'' Mtd At11nllG COA\I ""(j t kl!!I were ctee1 o•er Hit Sl)uth~a11 MO-I Ol IM AOl~- TM N•Oool l Weelhfll Serv1Gf lorect"I thunder elor m1 tr orr cent••I ft ••• 1n10 •••terr OtdlhOml a1Wl wM lern Ar~1nu1 Ind LOU1111na Tempere1u rt• eround tn< nallon H tly 1o01y ••noerl 1r11r11 '.l7 In Colorado Spnng1 Coto 1no Ely. Nev , to 10 In McAllen t•••• Califoniia Cltar IMMK and h1gh1 '" 1n11 70t Of ebo•• enoutd prevail t cron motl of Ooutnern C11tlorn11 lhrough Fr1dey .. c1ot 101 morn109 ~t lk>flG tl'WI co-11, ~ Nallonel w .. 111er l trvlce HIQtlt ''ld•y ••• p1edk:tld from 72 In LOt An(ltl .. 10 A mHlmum 17 at btKhet. bttwttn ~6 and .. 111 1111 mounlllln•. from 7$ 10 16 In IN h19h dMerl and bet~ • IO t4 In low ~II °'* ''°'"" ~ nu llOfthern d t ••r l• tontgllt w l lh .,,._._.,,__wind• OVt•lnO 10 IO mlfl ._..,.. ltom POWll ~uon .. ttw Mefle*I botdtl can expect "I think th e investigator will 1,.. l)Jt k t••nigh\," Mi.au.nelli said. "Ht'( k. h•·., in t'harge of Bigfoot fr1r ;111 ur Southern California." Fair weather ahead hf~hl it•t'l•ft•I,_. ~H•fh H1U11)tlt ltltJ t tttlHV n-111 1 '''''U l;t•f IHlld! l N...,,, "'lhuU1wt•*-' ,., 1fJ ''' H. i.ttr1t w1H1 ••• ,,.,,,, .,wf•ll .. fUflfHH~' r "' ' ,.,,,, ''''''fllJ U1•1 11ltMt1f1U'1 Vlit•'f ... 'fltJUIO f1ft t1fHlftWf•• I .1t ,;' H } lo,,, I\ ~dt1 ~ h> ., f11f I '\f'•ll, t,fj mil••\ •1ft'\hfltt• tttUJ "''' lffJm ttw 111ttr1t to Suti (il••"1ur1tt• l~tftnd T P111pP r<tl11re .'t Albany Alt>uque Amer1110 Aah9Yllle Allanll AtlenlG Cly Aut tlr'I Bemmore 811111\Qt Blrml"ijtvn Bltmetck BOIN Botton B1own11111e Bul1alo 8UfWt>Qton C•9'* Charlttn SC Charlatn WV Cllel1Ue NC C~ne Ch IC ago Clnc1nnall Cleveland Ctmbla SC C<>lumbua Oal-Ft Wtn Oey!oo 09nv9f 0.. MolnM Oetrott Duluth El PNO ,.,~ Flegml1 Greetfallt Ha.rllOtd HlHn• Konotulu Hove IS"' ltldnepllt Jecll.111 MS JecillllWlle Kent City LttV~ l.Htlt Aoctl LOVl~llt NATION .. Lo .. qi 62 44 63 37 62 36 8b S2 87 62 M 5' oe 81 91 6 1 68 47 86 59 55 48 11 && 39 5fl 48 815 76 72 51 64 48 52 41 79 1'7 89 51 85 56 45 36 81 81 51 85 54 62 59 03 615 !>2 88 ~2 76 61 J 92 67 60 u 36 t 16 76 63 10 61 56 58 411 44 se 13 53 59 .a oe 43 M 42 01 72 47 67 41 85 75 01 71 66 61 8e 81 86 67 70 65 0 1 77 65 82 67 87 67 LubbOCtl Mtn'\ph11 M11rn1 MllWau~M Mplt SIP NHhvt!le New Orteena New YOtk NQ('l()lk No Pl11te O~I• City Omaha Orlando Phlladph11 Phoenix P11t1burgh Piiand Me Pllend Ore ProVl<lence R.t .. Qh Reno Sell l ike Sell Antonto S.ttte 82 St 85 62 78 73 6, 41 61 60 98 51 85 1 I 60 53 40 85 80 511 61 47 10 60 I ~8 72 80 65 80 92 57 14 Ill 61 114 ~e 62 48 86 48 1\7 46 117 ~, 70 '}fl Ill )g a. 7J Ill 60 CALWO"NIA B11lo.•~, .. ,, .... ,, "~ h I ltlylh.. llfl Eur,.We ~9 411 Freeno M •,1 I _.,.(.;.t,f•r I • ••) Lii\ Ar>Q"1ea 10 't<. Mery1¥1ll(> 91 Mr...nl1111•y '>6 NH<Sie• 8'1 0 Ak1Antl ~6 '1 I PHO Rotllff 16 4~ .... .... poor•lllW poor-talr fa# fair poor poor poor poor poor poof POOf &I LOW • 10 • m lw•ll •••• I HltJtf ft111NtJl'Jl) (,1t-y a 11mrtnft , ,l,,.,. • •' 1m•rJ 1 ,,, .,,.,lf•"'-'• ' 1,1.1 t U•th•rM , ,, t t M+1•ta I._ .. to-. ''·MHtHI ,, 1.1h lt.tt ,1q11t 11·'1 ll""' f• IH1r1 I '''' Amuft Mt1f1IMVM f.)1 W1ll\r;ti tf1 ,..,, 1t1 f-h~M h 'o• 111, ' , .... ,,,,1'10\ I I Hhmu •,,.,, 8-fnerdlf\O •,,.,, Jote lflf I ( tul 1 ' • Vnllev 81 55 63 !'>() , .. 41 II) 41 119 61 ~.. ',() 11'> 48 II'> 111 90 l'l 8~ 48 ~4 ?6 M 35 &!) ~2 7!> 47 !ill I] h/ '1't II 4~ fl• H !~ 611 50 71 !>2 06 &6 52 112 30 £.~t ended weather 'IOUTHEAN CA LIF OANIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AAEA8 -Hight end morning coHlll tow cloud• and 111rl1bl• hlOh cloudlMM Ohanoll of 1ooe1 am11e 1bou1 lunoay night ano ... 1y Monoay end becoming windy lfl the mountalne Mond11Y. Othe r wl u lllr wllh hi gh ternperalurH from upper 801 OH i lht COUI to 70• In Ille valley• Lowe 411 to H . Hight In the mounttlnt U to 61 and IOwl 30 10 411 All..,. ... a Htllt cOOlet Mond1y Tidea TOOAY s.oono high 4:07 om. ) 1 8econd low l :U p m S.O ,..,.y '"'' Non 12.12 a.m. 4 a ~lflt IOw t i10 Lll'I. 0.4 Second lllgfl UI p II\. U seooncs 1ow 1:sa p.m. u 11111 •et• today at 7:41 p .m., II ... ,rldty at 1..82 1-"'· Moon tte. today at 12 Ot I l\'I., •II 'rldey et tOi t t a.m.. Disaster topic Daft' Net 11.eff "'4tte DIFFERS -James Roosevelt of Ne wport Beach takes issue with the way his mother was portrayed on TV drama 'Eleanor' not true to life? Among those watc hing Wednesday's televised "Eleanor. First Lady of the World" was her eldest son , J am es R008evelt. Hui recollection of event8 differs markedly from the te levision movie. F o r one thing. 11a 1d t hE> 7 4 -yea r -old N ewport Beal'h b u sinessman and {ormcr t.-ongr~man, has mother actively campa1gnoo !or h im of Irvine A dlliatter 11rcp61rcdnt>111 11t·mlnar for bu11ln"•t1 and In du•try will be held Thuniday, Muy 20, In Irvine. The .emlnar will be run by the On.nge County Red CrOlll In t'OOperatlon with the f'Juor Corp. and the city of lrvlnc• It will bf-gin at 7:30 a.m und Ix scheduled to run thrl't' houn. at the Registry tiowl • An inaugural Park PaM.'O C.Ommunlty Art S how will ht· presented in Northwood from 10 a .m . to 4 pm Saturday, May 15. The show at the Park Paseo Community Recreauon U:nt- er, 25 C h ristamon West, 111 free and open to the publlt· • Suiy Glh1trap, an ltv11w ll1gh School studl·nt who h ..... appt.•ared on St•v1•ral 1t·lt·v1s1un programs. has bt·1·n nanh·d JYll2 Chairman of ttw 1<:.a:it1·r S.•al11 Youth Guild M iss Gilstrap. who h11 1> heen wheelchair-bound !lm tt: a spine injury al age 11 , has n ever t h e less d1 sungu1shed herself w ith her rt.'hab1llta· uon e fforts, and 1s an ac:t-om - plillhed i.enrus player • seID1nar Thi· p u1 poiw uf th<· n·m1 nar, Ht.'\I Crt.11\h off1<.·1ulti IWy. 1s u1 dl!i('U~ Nt<'I>" bu11mt'1l.'l 1111d lndustrv ''llll lllkt· n ow to as llUrt· fa1<t II• trVl't '/ 111 l'<IM' 11( an N1rthqu.1k1• St·minar I>' 1t t· 1s $I 0 JH'I' JJl'l'lllm .met 1t indudt"H hreitk (asl Ht•..,1·1 v.111111111 or 111ort.• 111fonrw111m 1 au ht· 111'<·ured hv l·011l1111{ tllt' H1'<J Crrn., ofhc<· at tt:i!> :,:ittl 1•xl 'L7'1 Ft•aturt'<.l al tht 11how will bt-works by 11.x:aJ JTllsts Terri Rae, Kathy S larky, Mar ilyn J aaperso, Keo Esteves, Lau- rie Brewer, Heverly Scblos- 1tr and utlwri. Soml· of thl' ~•rtwork w ill lw on i.all· .iu·ording lo M ... R.ll' fut. ha1rr111111, stw will m<1kc· pt.'rl>Onul ap1x•a rant·t.-s al many yc1ulh KU1kl fund raising und s 1H·1al 1·v1.·nti.. s ut·h a s th1· &is ll'r St•ul softball marathon skat1• a thu n HnJ d tincl' mar at hon .. Wt• r t•t•I Suty IS an l'Xl't'I lt•lll 111lt· 1110<.lt-I not only for ttll' d11>t1blN I but for young 1x·oplt• 111 ~t·nl•ral." i.a1d Tom H anley , you th guild prt•1>1- d1·n1 In the movu .. s he as portrayed as sailing for Europe instead of taking up ht.·r son·~ caU for help in h is campaign for Congress Third Sky hawk era!tih,.s ----- "In fact at o ne point an the Beverl y-Fairfax part of the d1st.rict, mother was commanding such attention I was afraid that peop le w o uld forget J was running," he joked. Argentines torpedo Roosevelt served 12 years an the House o! Representatives British destroyer A ccu s t o m ed t o yea r s of fict ionalized a ccounts o f his parents' lives, Roosevelt said he looked at it as "poctk license." As far as the scene In which Anna, Mn. Roosevelt's daughter. angrily ;lttack s he r for ignoring her children a nd pe rhaps her grandchildren. Roosevelt said that never happened "The show indicated she was far m o re i nte r ested an w o rld affairs than h e r famil y," said Rooeevelt. "I thank sh e gave an u n usual amoUJlt of lime to her grandchildren a nd gave a lot of lime to her own duldren." He added that there was no resentment on hUJ part and that he never knew of any by Anna "I treated at (the movie) more as a story and was grateful that the people who played in 11 did 1t with suc h sympathy," 11a1d Roo&evelt Brown, Legi lature seek budget freeze S ACRAMENTO (AP) (;•,y Edmund Brown Jr and lhl· leg1s lal1Vl' lt•adt-rs of buth parlll'S art-now nilling for a "btparllS&n fN.-t"W" on ~pt.·nding in th<· hSt:al 1982 -83 budget Brow n a lt.() tcJld rqrnrtt·r'I Wt•dn<·stlay th-.1 1r th<· vutNs upprovc· the· 1n1taut1vl1s o n lh t· Junt• 8 ballot to aboltll h the 1nhc·ritancc· tax and to index i n comes for tax purpost.'s, "Cal1f o rn1 a n !> might f at'e a general tax incr c>ast" this year or next " L 0 N D 0 N ( A P ) -T w ,, A rgentine Skyhawk fighters were shot down, a third fighter crash ed and a Brit ish wa1shlp w;is damaged s lightly 1n Lock boxes again blamed for thefts Two burglaries invo lving lht' use of keys passably taken from rl•JI l·sta t e lock box<·' wt·rt· r l' p o r led to Ir v 1n1· p o I 1t l' W<·dn<'sday bringing tu I ~ the· numbN of such burgl&rn" in tlw c1ly during the JM.St thrc-.· w1-.·k' "Last yeur at lh1i. llm<'. w<· h1.1<.J :i rai.h uf lock box burgJ.1rn:s," ~:11d lrvanf' P o ll<'<· Sgt H1<·hard Bowman , "and w1· (•aught thut guy It seems ltkl· tht·y (101.k hox burg I a r s ) ('om ,. o u l 1 n th <' ,pnng " Th C' l w o h 11 r K I a r 1 ••' W1·dne>sday, on•· in Woodbridu1· and o ne 1n Un1vt•rs1ty l'ark. involved the thdt of y•wl'lry, Ill' 11a1d In both tast•s, a1> with lht• other 13, there was no t•v11l1•m·1· o f fort'l·d ('ntry All lht• ho11ws wt•rc• cqu1ppe<I With n •al l's\0111• lot.·k boxes and WL'I t• l1~1t·d fo1 ..ale The-loss at the Woodbridge• homt.' was calculated by o wnt>r Marsha Cook at $2,050 whill' loss at the University Park home w311 put at $1,050 by tls ownt·r, Joni C ;oH Wl'dncsday'i> ba ttl e"" th• Falkland Island:., the Britis h DE-fonsc• Mmti.try rl'porl('<.l llJ<fo y W<·dnc•scfay, th<· mm1i.try <,a1d t w u <J f t h r t' <· A r g ,. n l 1 n t.· Skyhowki. Wt·rt· i.hut Jown b y Britis h S t.•tt W olf m1ssilt-s wh1·n tht•y &lluck1·d ,1 Anl1sh war-.h1p abOUl 311 OllJt·., W t·~l Of I h 1· d1spuu.'Cl IJ)l<1n1h But m1n1stry 'P'>k esman Jan McDonald '!aid l11d<1y a third Skyhawk Wa!> "wc·n to na,h" durin~ thl' t.•ngagt·n11·nt ut tht· five-week d1.'>puU· McDonald -.atd there• wt·r 1 no British ta.i.uallll"> and tht· Rov.tl Navy ta1>k Con·c· w as t·onlinu111~ its palroli> in th1· South Allant1t lo kt•l'p Arg1·nt1nt· planes frum rt-supplyinj.( f11rt·1·-. on tht· 1slamh If <· i. a t d a Hr 1 l 1 ' h w a r' h t p sui.l.dtn1·d 't11ntpari.1llVl'ly rm111Jr damdgt·' wh11·h w as b1·1ng rt·pa1n'<.l Ht• would no~ t·labot•Jlt T h t• I a I 1 ' I B r 1 I 1 ' h a nnount't'lllt'lll t·;11111· houri. ul lt r Lcmd1111 l fr11.11l1 ..... 1111!{ Corp .. in a 11 n <· w' rad 111 i. ta 111111 111 1 h •· Brtlli>h < ;1p1t.il . rc·por t1·d lwo .hi· n ulio :.;1111 Hnlain 1~ k1111w11 t11 twv1· IW•1 • A rgt•n t I tH· Sky hawk!> w1· r,. down1-d and J Rnt1sh d('Slroy1·r lorpcel11ed Ill f1ght111g Wt-dnN>day "On1· of Rntatn'<i warsh1p1> in th1· Sout h Atl<Jnt1<'. a Lyp•· ii fr1gau.·. 1' belit>vc-d to havt• 111-1•11 h it hut nut IMdly dltmagrd hy a 1nrp1:-clo during lhl! 1nl·tdt•nl yes t t.'rday 1n whi c h two Argenllnf' ll'L' wt•rt• :.ho t d own," type 2"1 fngat<'I>, tht• Broadsword and Brill1unl, an its F'<&lklamh task r orw NEVER BUY A PRECIOUS c;EM ()N GOOD LOOKS ALONE • ltufk•-uur ...... • t•f •h 4li \ J'u•IAtt .. ,n ... 11, , .... • ,. tllfl u d .. • "'' 1nl ljjl • • ............... ,, •Ill 11•11 u' f H ,,. ... I•• f ''"" llit• J Ot 1,• 1hMHn I f •··-,, ........ ,,11 o ••• ~ ..... 1 .. ,,, ... •·•"I' 11•.w I"''' ... , ,,,,_ '"" ,,pm .. ,,,. ........ , •. ,.. .... ..,,,...,,,,.."' .. I ... ,._ tu o.,fJ.111 1•11 i.t .. 1 .. 1 .... ,,,, ...... 1 .... ,. ,., ... ,.,, ... 1J11M_r1; Iii lk" t" 111 m11 .,,, •• tt• • 1111 1h""'"f"'''''~1 .. ,. .. ~ "'"'"'' ....... ._ •• , tu~t 11tuu.1 to"J\•tflf1hU1un I tt•••u "''"'k'-MttiOJ "ttllti4NI,. ~1 .AVICK'~ ............. Al'IL.,,,, th1 I 111•- • • • ' I 0 m:. Ale Orange Co11t DAILY PILOTIThu'9day, May 13, 11>82 Child care proposal fits a current need As rnc.H't• molht.>rs t.'flt('r the> work furl'l'. an mcreasangly l'rtllcal decision fur pnrt·ntN 111 wh<•rc to place youngst<'rs durln~ working hours . l''nr purt..·nts 1H•w to tht· Orangt• Const , tht• hal'O(•st part may tx· f1nd1n~ any 1 (•put.able and affordable -child <:are t~nlt..'1' with VO{'llncics. However. an trvine·ba~ or- ganization 1s taking s teps to es- tablish a new nt·twork of m -home cen ters that rnay offer both t he intimacy and warmth of a home while r('tainrng the quality anc..I ac..·coun tab1lity cxpt•('l<'d from a pro fessiona lly run t·entcr. This concept using an cstab· l1shed umbrt!lla group, p ioneered in thi s t'ase h y th<' non profit Child's World Childn'n's Ct•nler. J\as applll'atmns lhett should rangl' outside l rv&nt.' lt is a systC'm that could bl• ust.·d 1n any Orange County community u r whcr,•vt.•r more child l'<ll t• scrvit'l'S UI'{' 1n demand In-h um<• c hild <:a rt' st•rv1ct's a re n o t n ew For cxamplC', 7 I state-licensed homes in Irvine al- ready offer day t'arC' to as many as six childrPn l.'ach But mos t o f t hese humc·~ an· opt>rat{•d indl'- pendently by parenL'i or gnm<lpar rnts who don't beneCit from out- s1dl• l'l'SOUrl't.'S. Undf'r the Child's World pro- pos..il. t•mployt-es at tht• t't.'nkr lo t'alt•d 1t UnlvNsity Mt:thodist Churt·h would conduct training programs, hold monthly work- shops, handle bookkeeping and st::1ndard1ze n fee schedule. The non-proCit orgamU!tion would en- ~ure that c..·hlldren a re properly care<ffor and s upervised. This scrvit•e 1s a ll the mor~ n<'N.h-<l today lx'<:ause slate budget cuts havt.• wduced th<.• number o f social service workers paid t o makt· spot cht.·cks. In effect, tlw local organizatwn would be assum- tng that duty. Tht.• guidance of tht.• umbrella group might also cncouragt· more m1JthC'rs (and fathers) to try their hand at child c:ar <'. For them. it wou ld offer a second income without tht' problems of leaving honw or their own c hildren. This concept has much to of - fl•r more qualified l'hild care M.>rv1ces. reasonable costs and em- ploymt•nt potential. It should be t.'X plored by o ther established groups as the need for sut'h cun· c.·ontinut•s to s urge. Urban look grows A 17-story Marriott H oll-I is under construdion at Von Kar- m a n Ave nut· just south of the San Diego Freeway in Irvine Irvin<' Company off&c1als, mcanwh1l<'. say they o nly net.>d an investing part- n e r before building a 550-room $65 million Hilton Hotel at Mam Street and Jambor<.-e Road. Businesses i11 Costa Mt·sa , Newport Beac:h and lrvinf' an· credited with inc reasing lht· d e mand for the additional h 1gh- q uality hou~ls. An lrv1n(' Company spokes- man explained recently that stu - dies tht.> firm has undertak<.•n re- veal that even these two new ho· tels w o n't satisf y the growing de- mand for the hotels. Other hotels have tx•t•n suggest<..-d for Newport Center. Irvine Center and loca- twn~ near John Wayne A irport. although th e re has b een no movcmt•nt rt~-ently to build them ThC'se large and expl•n s ive ho tt:b carry the promise of r ela- tively easy-to -rais<.· revenue for city coffers. In Lrvin<'. c..·1ty officials a nticipate the two howls will pro- duce about $400.000 per year - money already earmarked to go toward financing a new animal shclt.cr a nd corporation yard. Th<' h1gh -r1st' hotels also bnng w ith thC'm an mc..·vitable al- teration to O range County's once- s uburban skylin e They arc yt.·t another rt•mmder of the gradual chang<.· turning the IRrritory along the San Diego FreC'way from a tranquil. rural grassland into an urbc.in ccntl'r fles t route for Irvine Two alternative roull's have been suggested for a mass transit system proposed t hrough Orange County Th(· line fo llow111g the San 01c..•go Cre>l'k <:h<rnnl'I w<iuld seem prC'forable for I rvme During rt'CC'rll public..· prl'St'n- t ations o f th<· latE•St a lagnmc•nts suggested for the transit systl•m , officials s~ud on C' rouk would ex· tend from South Coast Plaui c:1long Main Strc.."Ct bctfure following the c reek channel to the sitt.• of a futun t ram-and-bus station north of the Golden TnanglC'. The other proposed route w o uld run a longside the Santa Ana Fre eway from downtown Santa Ana directly to the same train statio n . Pla nners for th<• Orange County Transit Distract stn'SS that both routes are tentative>, but ad- mit that one o r the other most likely would be chosen if and when the Irvine spur is added to their proposed transit systC'm The route following the creek channel wou Id better serve the • C'1ty because 1t would run through th<• c..·<>nter of the community. A new civil' cent<'r 1s l·xpected to Ol' lc.l(.'ated near tht• <'rc"t.·k . .Jnd at.'t't'SS lo It 1s important. Murc·ovc•r, the d1n•ct <.'onn('l' llC>n with Sc1uth Coa."t Plaza and jnolhN line lt>ading to the Irvine 1 ndus trial Compl<.•x -Wt•s t and J ohn Wayne Airport would seem mon· s1gmflt'ant lO Irvine n >s1dents than a connection to Santa Ana Granted. the straight shot up thl' free way might aid-commuters ht·ac.ling for Los Angeles. but an improvC'd system of Amtrak com muter trains already is b<.'inJi! de- veloped to handle that n<..'<'<l The freeway route could tu.-n o ut to b<' less e xpensive' and f•as1er to l'Ont&nU<' &n \O thl• Saddlcbac k Valley, su the l'rcck channel line m1gh1 be st·ratchcd early in tht• decision-making process. But giv- e n their c ho ice, Irvine resid e nts sho uld ask for the route running through the center of their city. It would do the m more ~ood Qp1n1on<, Px"r1•<i'>t•d in th•· "1.J.lt •· .1oove ,,,. tho'>e of thto Daily P1101 Otner v11'W'i l'X ore'>sed on 1n1'> p,1q1· art·"'°'' 01 tni-1r aulnor'> <1nO drl•'>t\ Rl'ndt•r lommcnt ,., 1nvt1 ed Addrc·'>'> Thr ~att y Ptlot, P 0 Box 1s110, Co'>ln Mt<'>d CA '/lb1b Pnone ( /141 641 4321 L.M. Boyd I Test trick ' Scholars at Colgatt• Universny gave a lengthy math test to students. Half of them sat in chairs. half lay on bt>ds Tesl'J of the s tudents in ~ co m(' out somewhat bt•tt.N Whal do y<1u makt- or that? Q. Are n't tornadoes unique lo the lJniled States' A. Almost ll 's said 98 percent or them occur here In personality tests conduL·ted on ph)'tlldans. the pediatricians for some reuon IK.'Ored quite low on humlllty So It w as reported 1n A national OR ANGE COAST Daily Pilat "'* .. ,_... •tttf CMt Of ,,_,.., .. ,Al IJO #•'t ••• M (.ei\t• MltW AOOf"'' t.,,_.\(Jtln0-1\o, ttt ht t MG C o•t• """w t " "7•tt magazine. How do you account for this? Why would those specialisl11 seem lacking In this pankular trait? A.<1k your baby dcx.'lor lnl11guing, If tnH', 1!1 tht• da1m of <;<:wntrsUI now that all mammals t.akl' about the same numher of breaths during their nonna l IUe spans. Nt'w York Cit~"' World Trade C\'ntcr rhil'lS ;.inti falls about 14 ln<'hes a d uy And it t tits clatl y , too , approximately two inche:. f1r!'it to the west and then lo lht• c·ast Land tides do that T homas P. Haley Pub Ir she,. Thomas A. Murphln• Editor · Barbara Krelblch Edltortal Paoe E<:11tor . Repealing the 20th century WASHINGTON -For Honald Rea- gan, nothing may suc·t•t.•ed like fo1lurt• Tht• t'Ollapse and c..·haus of his N.'<>nom1c polktes could be ll'ading to the rl.'allui lion of hlll most cherished polilll·al golll <'rippling the federal government Reagan 1s governing now not us the polit1d<JI\ who ran Califom1a but as the ideologue who has spC'nt his late life trying to inspire people to turn on Washington. Has real goal -and tht• Koal of thl' must dedicated arid ene rgetic uf his followers 1s to leave Washing. Lon in two and a hdlf years or six dlld a half yc.•;irs with as mud1 as possible or th(• powt•r and reach or that c·Hy n'CIUL'l'<'j and wrt>t kt"d. THE 1982 BATTLE of the budget -a 1.awdry and dcprt•ssmg political affair on thC' surfa<-e l''>uld be historic ThLS is what would happen If Reagan, after submitting (1n February) the high def1C'll budget that he 1s now deploring, were somehow able to contmue winning what set.•m lo tx> small skirmishes based on t'Ontradictory principlt.'S: l) Federal revenues -dependent on income taxes -would decline (as a proportion of gross natto naJ product) ht-cause or the already-voted 1982 and 1983 n•ductrons of 10 pcrcl'nt And tht·n 1h1•y w uulcl dt.>dmc lrf'latrvl'lyl ~•!{<t in when "111dt•xang" bc..·c..·arnc t ffL·<·t1v<· an 19H5 J nrl ( t'Wer and ( Pwer Lax payl·r~ woulct be movt'<i into higher brackl•L' l>y wag(· tnflatwn 2) Federal dl'fe nse ~pending wuuld <'Ontinuo to nse s hacply m~ RICHARD RllVIS 1 ; -. ~harply than the 7 percent incrc.•:i!>l'!> Heagan proposed during his 1Y80 t·am pa1go -k-<•cause lhf' prOJ<'<'tS lht• Jd m1n1strat1on has ~:h1.i<.lul~ to began nuw will l'OSt mort' and more 111 SUl'Ct."t·<hng yean. 3) A balanc.-ed fcd<•ral budgl'l man- dall-d by the constituuonal amendment lh« president now supports would re- dUl'<' overall :.pt.•nd1ng to tht• l<•vcl of the· 1nt·v1tably rcduc.'('(f rt.•venuc..~ 4) So, ea<:h year there would be It..~ and lc•ss mont•Y uvatlable for dom1·:.l1l' spending llnk..d to n<ll1onal policy Sol'lal &'Cur1ty. ht.·allh and c..-duc;Hrun program :., r<•gulatory action. C'ivtl law t•nforl·c·m1·nt and thl· s1r111ging of •·safety rlt'l~" v.ould ,jll Ix· sluwly choklod off. Thtol '' th1• 1th·~1 Thal 1~ the idea that H•mald lt1••11-{an .ind lhl• mt:1st t·on11nlltc..'Cl 11f Am1·1 wan nmi;t'rvallVl'S haVl' bt·(•n 1..1n•<i< hing slrll'<' the· Ct-th·ral gova·rnnwnt bt·g;m .1l·t1vdv rlc•frn1ng ,ind t·nfun'tnf( "ft11rrn·~, .. in an·...i.,, tntdlc'(.lual and gc'O lo!n.1ph1rnl. ;;tross 1h1• country THE IDEA IS to n ·J)(·:rl 111uc·h uf th1 20th t"t.·nwry. µ;.r rtat·ularly lht-JXlrls thal <If t1·t·t '''< 1al wt•lfun" l'1vtl ra~hls and vagut•I I l}nt't·pl' llkl· ('()rl,Ul11l'I 1:.m. l'nVI run11w111 .• 1t~m :ind <H 111untJl>1 l1t v Rt·a· !<(all lJn rail, •Ill I ht· µul1l1t·al );•V('( of t·ll'l.'llOnl>. and ~Ut'(•·<'fl prolMbl v lx•yond h1<> fondc..-:;t dn ... m:.. m1 tht µi>ltlltal h:v1·l of thanging lhl· w<ty Anll'ral'an:-. live etnd ~ovt·rn tht•rn.-..·lvt-s I doubt whc:ther he• thinks hi' wall be Judgl-d on or really l·ar<." lh<1t much about ,.l<'I. uon n ·turns 111 l!:IR::! or I Y84 Thust• rt•sults an t:ungrMs1onal c·lc<:· lions and th<' nc_.xl prt'SldtmlJ,al de<'LH>n dc·p<'nd on th<' 1mmt•d1alc• t.'<:onomit· 1m puc..•t of tht~ d1s putl'd budget. Thi• n -sults Reagan " working tuwc.1rd an• no t 1m- med1all· or 1•x1:l 1J::.1vl·lv Pl'onom1(· lie t·ould fail as pn."td<'nl <Ind :.Ul'\."t.'l-d a<; .sn 1d1'0logu1· Profit can't justify coastal damage To the Editor. I felt rompeUed t.o wnt.e this letter m r<.>sponse to an attitude• which seems lo b<' alarmingly prevale nt in this area More spec1hcally. I am referring to the logic expressed May 2 m thts column by a W. A Berls on the 1.SSUe of offshore MAILBOX drilling an Newport &-ach . Mr Serb suggested that the citiwns of Newport Bc.•ach consider the "fmanc.·1al bcmchts" ('Ompared to "possiblf' l•nv1ronm!.'ntal damage" I am violently n•puUit'<i by lhl• notmn put forth by these callously 1m.l1fft'rent ind1v1duals. such as Mr Bcrls. who 1ns1st upon pillaging our e nvaronmc·nt for prof rt. Mr &-rls was qurk• dc•ver LO US<· th£' word "possible" m hrs :.talement Envl ronmental damage ts no t a d is tant "possibility" when affiliated with ofr shor<.' drilling. 1l as an mconlrovertablc fact. OF COURSE, lhere are those who obslmat<'ly rduS<' to acknowledge this (act. usu<11ly poanung to bias-ndden. in- dustry spunsorc'<i environmental impact :.ludres to ('Onfirm their "rational" viewpoints. F'or those who poss<'SS more objl'CllVt' and non -profit attitudes. the environmentaJ impact studies conducWd by the UCSB and UC-Berkeley mot.am intensely distressing conclusions on the subject of offshore dnlling and marine ecology. There 1s no just1ftcauon for environ- mental rapine. and 1l se<.'ms absurd that some individuals seek to excuse the n e- glect of our majestic coastline for pro- J('Cted revenues and an "energy cr1s1s." Unfortunately, however. in order to levl'I the most devastating argument against the prostitution of our coast. one must reduce hunself to think in mone- tary terms. The taxpayers of California have just put forth $32 million for the Crystal Cove State Park and are not too enthusiastic about seeing its systemati<' destruction by lnduJJt.rial greed. .-i JASON LYNN Irvin e ch anged rules To the Editor: The Da1Ly Pilot re<-ently published an unsigned letter which proclaimed that the Irvine Company has "subsidized" ill leasehold ers for the past 25 years and has stood steadfastly by its ''end of the contract without complaint." Thi11 mis· leading interpretat ion glosses over a central issue in the 1eaaeho ld crlsl1 When the rrvtne Company chaflled 1\3 method of a ppralsing leuehold property In 1977, it ch•nged ill contractual rel•· tlon!!hlp with. the leaseholders and In dotna so prt! lplt.alcd t he current crtaia. A-. acknow1cdied by lhe former prct· ldt"T\l of the lrvine C-ompany, Mr. Ray Winson . thl' Irvine Company, prior lO changing h a nd• t n 1977, appraised leHeho1d property ao •• to 1hare any Increase In the value o f th 4! pro~rly <'qua11y betw<•f'tn the Irvine Company and the leuebolder (eumpW. ln 1970, a hom1· ve1luc'Ci .11 $100.000 h<rd an Irvine Comp:my land quoit 11f sr,o,otm 10 yt·ars latt•r, thP \•nt1ri· µrnpt'rty had .1pµrt'('l.1 tc:d s:rno .ooo. rl' ... ul11ng an all lrvtnl' Comp;rny l;Jrtd quo lt' nf $:!011,00U (1 1· $:10,000 pJu, $1511.(HJO) Jnd a f.HO.)('Ul·d y•·arly rPnt.tl 11 r $12,000, ba,t.•d <in ti pt'l'('t•rrl of $200.000) It w.i., thr:. "rJ1r -,h.1r1·" ·'1Jf.Jr.11c.dl :.v-.tt·m whtt h t~t.1blt,hed 1h1 d:.av to daY l.Ontr:.it·tuul n ·lat1u11 ... h1p b..iw1'l·ri th• Ir- vin•· Co111P'1nv am.I llw h·a--.•h11ldt•r,, ,ind whr< h lrt .. 1t..cl 1tw fJvorJblt• l.'1l V1ron- rnc•r1t fur 11·.1-.c•hold J>l llpt·r t y Ill whit h "Ht••rlt11r-. and pr 1>f<·,s111nal 1nv1•,tm1•nt 1•oun .... lur' .t11k1• .idv1~·d 1tw11 t ll!'nl .... tu bu\ tlw lf'a'-.t hold hornt• ·· UNFORTUNATELY."" tw11 1h1· lrv11w Companv changed hands 1n 1977 1Ls nt•v. l<'adt•J"'. 11bv1ou:.ly m:Jdt.· J hus1m-s..-. d1«·1i;1on t11 11wn·••''' itw VJll11· of tl11•1r land hold1n..::. hv rt.•t·:rpturan~ all tht· doll.1r c•rpn'l:l.1llnn whrt•h had hn 111t•rly hl'l'n d1 ·lt•gatl'<I LO th1 l cas<'holt.lt·r~ It wa' t has dt'l'ISliin whrl·h madl· It sh:amlJI~ o f th1• kal>1·h ulcl c.·on lrat•t and whr<'h JJrttdu11·d tht· c,ubwq0t•nt esculallt>n 1n l rv 1n 1· Co111pany land qu11t1·s as the t•ompany rush1•d to k1•1•p up with infla lion .rnd to rf'capiurt.• the dollars thc·y hHd prf'v111usly 'harrd ({'X<1mplt• thl· Ir vine· Comp<:tny now uakl.'" all lh1• J uliar Jpprc'1:1at1un $!10.000 plu'> s:I00.000 pr11 duu-s an 1rv1n1· Comµ.my l,111d 4uoh· or $:J50.000 and ii pro.)<'t·tt·d y<•..irly rt•nt.11 n f $21.000) I would suggesl that th<' lrvm1• Com pany's handling of tht· ll·a,c·hold l'On tracts has ht-en far Crom constant. and. tn fa<·t, 11 was thP orr~ln&I "fair shar<•" "'P- pnusal tt-~·hmqut.• wh1<·h trappc..od so many bri~ht p<>oplc into buying lt.·a~C'hold propt•rty. and tht• subsc•qut>nt. puhltclv unannnun t'<I. change in 11ppra1sal 11'<'h · mgut.• wh1~ h has lf'ft "" many "holrltnR the• h:rg ." ANDHEW 0 . STEINREHG. MD Let o thers sacrifice To the &ti tor: l couldn't beheve my cars as I listened to S<-n. Pete Domcnid. Rt>publican from New Mexico, setting forth his budget balanc·ing proposal Surely, t said to my5"1f. this senator s pt>aks with fo rked tongut• m t•heck. He• allowed as how thC' cldt.•rly surely wouldn't mind foregomg the ~hcduled 7.5 percent rise ln Social Sccunt; IC they knew everybody else wa1 11acrifiC'ing equally. Get that, fellow sacr1fit'crs "Everybody Aaerificmg equally." How easlly the words camf' from a man whOS" C'olleagues had rcct•ntly vo- l~ the1n11elves sut·h n tax break for the mere fact of doing btL11ness m Washing- ton, D.C. 111 to virtuolly remove all of • t.1'1t1•n from rt'odrr!I m1• u~knml' 'rht rll)hl lri 11111d1•11\I' lr•llers to (11 ~pnc,. ur l'hm11111t1· /rlw•I 1s r1·~1·ra·1•d t.e111•rJ 11/ .10<1 u•ord' or If·~~ IJ'lll l'H< ylvl'n prrj1•rl'n<'t Ml lttltr!I muJI mrludr .t1ynot11rf ond mo1hr;g addr.-u bul namr!I mc.11 bf' u'tlM~kl on rt q111•.<tl 1/ .•u/f1 r 1f'nl' ri•aann l!I apporl'nl l'ortru '"" ool ~ pubhihed Ulll'rt moj/ be trlrphmit>d 111 IU2 fi()/M Nomt• and ph11t1f' numhn nf thr 1•1intnh11fnr m1111 ht gll'l"n /or &1f'rt/l~ot1()fl purpo1H llll'ITl from 1tw t.1x rolb I w.1111'\J f111 lh•· 'ugg1 ... uon that tht·y 1111gh1 11·'l 111d lhat l.1ll•'t 1n,111l 10 the· h ''t 11( llS l.1XJ>t1V t·n. ·" ,1 \.\JV of :.howtng th.it tht·v 11111 Y.1·n · grnng l<l m.1k1· .11 lf'a't ,, wk1·11 "wnf111 · II dad 1101 l•1m1· I WAITED f11r" suggt•,t111n 1h:a1 i.rnttl' ,.f t h1 l.1: g1·r pork b,ar J l•I'' pr<•Jt'l t' "P"n'"' t d h' nwrnlwt'> 11( that .1ugu-.1 liody tor th1·1r varl()u~ :.l<itPS. tm ludrng .i Vl·rv lar g1 11111' und1·1 tlw .IC'gt' or S<·n l)l1m1 •f11( I. 1n1ghl ht• lUI b.Jlk II dad 1t11t I (»ITU' 1\11 I li1·~1 r d w .• , Lill '·•ITI" old 11rt·d f h1•lt11 II \.\ h11 h lr .11\:.l,1t•.._ l111l'.., 1Jk,1V ror \1tU hut d111i't ·"k 1111 t11 111 p.11 I .. r 11 Wtwrl \.\ tll lho" 'h1ght11ndc r' ••n llw htll g1•t th;. 11111u11· that t'\l'I 'hody tn 1 lud1•-. 1h1·m'' It h..al.1n1 mg t h< hucig1•t d1·111•111.J.. 1111 0111 l.1v.111.1k1·~ g" 111~ up mu· (~1ppt•1 ('11gr.1\t d J>t 1rtr;11l or tht• '"11 ,,, 1111• la11· N.1111, I I.i nk-.. \1111 1'.111 l.J\ "" 111 frv1• It will 111 ·v1•1 l>t h,1l.11111·d So llllH h I 111 --.•It '-'< rt! 11 • &•n l)on1nlll'I MAHV .JAN~: WOOD Fr eezr re o lut ion To the Editor Therl' will lw a propos1t1on on the NovembN b:1llot in Calt fornra wh1c..·h l'.Jlls for th1• U S and U S S R to 1mmt•· d1ately hall producti on. testing .md dt•- plnym1•nt of nuclc·ar Wl'<lpons. as a fir-st st<•p toward pn·venung nucll•ar war. This conccpt has lx-com<' known as the Freeze WC' havC' bN·ome rncrt.>asmgly ('oncernt-d about the worldw1d<• prohfe- rallon of nudear weapons and have been. until now. unable lo hnd a way of lranslat1ng our t.•o ncern into action h se-emed lo us that. given Orange Coun- ty's size and its trad1t1on of political conservatism. a political action group whrt·h was locally-basc•d might not be found W1· url' happy to report that we dLS- covt'rcd an organizatwn here working towards passage of the Freeae resoluuon this November. We want to urge other Orange County residents who want to become active in this effort lO contact the Orange County chapters of Californians for a Bilateral Nuclear Weapons Freeze. , The North County office i.s in Anaheim nt 956-9AOO; the South County office is in C~ronu del Mar at 720-0595. RICHARD MOLDAWS KY. M.D. ELLEN SEVERO N1. R N. lilDDIY GUI Anyone for l"('naming John Wayne lur- po r t to On1 n ge County Airport'! Wouldn't il be In all our beat ln~retl to publicize Oran, C.ounty rather lMn the late, great J ohn Wayn~? D.D.H. OIMl!ly Giit ,_,,., ffe '-'-r., _, ...-• -M(ft,.'"' ,....., .... •lewt .... --· .... ..-.. _..,..le._...., Ool\, 0.llY .,..._ ---------- DIVOl\Cl:DT -SeU· proclaimed bllllonalre Donald Lal1ure. •hown wllh murdere11 Suaan Atklna durtn1 their weddln1 lut S"ptember, aay• he hu dJvorced the Man· ion clan member and la plannlna to take wife number 37. Lal- aure aay1 the divorce papen were aigned by Fidel Caatro. ------------~-~-------~-----------------------_..,.._._... ..... ____ 11111111111111 __ Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/Ttiurlday, May 13, 1882 .41 Viking vessel sets sail for Norway KNtJ'~ RIVER, MlM. (A.P) -A VI· kJ.na lhip with I elnlle IQUU. MJ.1 WU headln1 acrot11 Lake Superior toward the AtlanUc and eventu.ally to Norway, punuinc the drNm of a man who built the v-1 but died before lt aet aall. The Hjtmkomat, a 70-foot replica of • Vlk.in.I vt11el, •t aaU 1\leeday from th• Knife ""River Marina after a tw~day wall ca\&lld by rain and hlah wlnda. About UO people cheered u the Hjemkom1t'1 crew ralaed the aall and ateered the wooden ahlp In a atralaht coune to the calm watera of tho lake. Marlna employee• flred a two-gun ••· lute. Two of the 12-member crew -Tom Atp and Dennla Morken -remained ...;...._ __ _ behind ln Knife Rtver to aather aear and will crom the Atlantic ~an for Beraen, clean up after the departure. They will Norway. joln the Kjemkomlt, a Norweadan word Some 1clentl1t1 aay Vlk1na1 vl1lted meanln1 homecomlnf, after lt crouea MlnneeotA u early u 1362, but othcra Lake Superior at S.uJ Ste. Marte, Mich. aay the evidence, a atone with ln11Crlp- The crew hu been It.chine to 10 unce tJona, la a 19th century hoax. the otfidal launch of the K1emkomat lalt Durtna the approximately 4,000-mlle Thunday In Duluth. They nad to return voyace. the crew wlll keep In contact to Knife River for more 1upplles. then wlth a network of amateur radio opera· t.ced the delaya due to the weather. ton. If the lhlp faila to call the operat.on From Sault Ste. Marie, the Hjem-accordini to a acheduJe they've aet, the komat will travel down the St. Mary'• operaton wlll cont.act the Cout Guard. River and acroM Lake K~ to The voyage wu the dream of the late Detroit. Robert Alp of Hawley, Minn. Alp, who Then It will Mil acrou ke Erie to thr wu of Norwegian deecent, built the 1hlp, New York StAte Barge Can.al and down but died In f980 of leukemia before the Hudaon River to New York Chy. 'belng able to attempt the journey. The Alter a atopover ln New York, the ve.el crew lnclude1 four of h1a children. ---- Curtis Mathes 19 Inch Diagonal ... ooh Gm Color Table Model Curtis Mathes 25 Inch Diagonal Remote Control Color Console Furniture crafted styling makes this set a handsome addition to any home. Available Modern, compact styling in this deluxe table model fits with any decor. Side grips let you move easily from one room to another. Now at a savings! Curtis Mathes 8 Inch Diagonal Color Portable Take It Anywhere! Camping, Boating, Picnics or Driving. Curtis Mathes Video Color Camera/ Video Cassette Recorder Be Your Own Producerl Learn how easy and exciting Video can be to capture those summer vacations, family occaisions and special events of your lifel With purchase of Curtis Mathes Video Cassette Recorder 12" Black and White in Mediterranean, Early American and Country English to please the most discriminating. Curtis Mathes Audio System Curtis Mathes Audio is always a sound investment and this powerful system is as good looking as the sound it produces. Compact and contemporary for any lifestyle. A Real Valuel LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILABLE/ TV PICTURES ARE SIMULA TED Sorry No Financing On This Model The Longest Warranty Available With each new Curtis Mathes television, video recorder or stereo system, you get our famous 4.year exclusive limited warranty that covers all electronic parts including picture tube. It's the lon9est war- ranty in the business. And though you may never need It, It s nice to know it's there. Ask to see a complete copy of this warranty. WE CARRY OUR OWN CONTRACTS/ OPEN 7 DAYS Mon-Frt. 10-8 s.t. 10-6 S&.#1. 12-5 The Most Expensive Television Set In America. And Worth It. Curtis Mathes HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 8921 Adams Ave. at Magnolla, Huntington Beach 962-3384 ----------- Cllll 1111 110111 r>fl ANC.l UHJ N I y C Al II OHNIA 's CEN r s Officers ~erv~ng warrant 2 Riverside cops slain; pair sought RIVERSIDE (AP) -Two pollae offlcen wen 1hot and kJ.lled at a home here today when they tried tD 1erve a warrant, and 1 manhunt wa1 under way for two tuapecta, polJce Mid. Lt. M ike Ftsueroa said the oftlcer1 worked for the Rlveral4e Police Department'• Braniff files for bankruptcy GETTING READY -Leanne Sauerhammer, 17, a student at Cost.a Mesa High School, gives Wally a final brwhiflS( for the Future Farmers of ~ern:a _:Spring Fling" ju~mg Saturday 0-. .... ,._... .,, ..... ,.,,.. from 9 a.m. to 3 p .m . at Westminster High School. Student11 from both schools will be participating in the cvl!nt that includes games and refrt>tihment.11 Ji'ORT WORTH, Tex.as (AP) - Official.a of Braniff International airlines, which loet $160 mllllon IHt year, Initiated bankruptcy pr~ today at t.he home of a federal bankruptcy judge. Judge John Flowers aa1d Braniff c hairman H oward Putnam and two attorneys appeared at hi.I hoiae jullt before mldnJght l.O fi le the papena under C hapter 1 1 of the federal b1tnkruptcy law. The filing protect.I the a1rllM from creditors and gives It the right t.o conunuc: operatmg. No one Injured Bed tax proposal splits NB Plane crashes into Huntington home "They can continue oper11ung; whether they will or not 11 something l don•t know," f"lowet"l l&id The BranHf failure 1.8 t.he f1n1t by a major domestic afrlme al~ the 1ndu1try emerged in the 1930s from the barnatormmg era Earlier th11 year, Laker Alrway1, a Bntiah carrter. went bankrupt By STEVE MARBLE O(!fte 0.-, hot ..... It hasn't yet 1parked great poltUcaJ debate, but a June ballot measure to mc:reue the hot.el and motel bed tax in Newport Bach hH brought toaether 1ome interesting bedfellow& By ROBERT BARKER OftMO.-, .......... "Thank God I w111n't 1n the houae I haven't been out an morf' than a month but l wasn't t.here today." Helen Johnson . 63 , o f Huntington Beach, an invalid with a lung d1.10rder. had reaaon to rount her bleaing.. Wh ile she was keeping an appointment at a Social S«-urlty office Wednuday , a small airplane craaht'd lnt.o her mobile home al the Se1t Breeu: Mobile Home Park. 6200 HeU Ave "I've Javed here (lmmedlat.ely adjacent to Meadowlark Atroort\ since 197~ and t·v~ n~ver been worried But I might start worrylne now," Mrs Johnson said. "I've told people God wu on (Set PLANE, P11e AZ) Airline senior vice president Sam Co•U Hid It would be at lea1t 1lx weeks before Braniff could resume flight.I On one aide are membera of SPON CStop Polluting Our Newport) 1tnd the: lrv1nc Comp1my SPON and the firm usually are found on oppoallf aides of mattet"I mumc1pal. Th11 time, they have jotned the fray 1n favor of the bed tax hike On the other side are motel and hotel owners and managers, campaigning for~ aecond ume 1n leu than a year agatnal t.he bed tax mcreaae. That tax quesuon will appear ill Measurf:' 8 on the June 8 ballot Cable TV viewed for Mesa by 1984 In a 1t.at.ement, BranJH said t.he move wa8 ''the moat prudt:'nt meana available to pre1M!rve the t'Ompa.n y'1 auetM and resources to stem the dt'terlora ting cuh po11lton of tht> company and penrul management to attempt to reorganize the company under the protection of the bankruptcy court'' The flllng came u thousands of Braniff pamengera Krambled for 1t.andby 1eata on other lllghtli following the airline'• 1uspen.s1on of !lt'rvice Wednesday An 1dt-n ucal ballot measure to 1n cr ea1e the city's tr<Jns1ent occupancy tax from 6 111 8 pert·f>nt was narrowly defeated last November. A tax mcreue needs a two-thll'd vote to 1UL'Ceed (See BED TAX, Page A%) Bandits hit restaurant Two armed men e1C&ped with $6,000 In ca.sh early today aft.er charging into Newport Beach'• Le Biarr1tz reat<Jurant and forcins all the employt'eS t.o gt>t on the floor Police said the su11men, who had their faces lllal9ked, entered the reat1turant at 414 Old Newport Blvd. just before 10 am Each wa1 armed with a small handaun. pouce l&id. No Injuries were reported 1n t he ep11ode. The restaurant wa1n't open for bualne•s at the time WORLD By JODI CADENHEAD or .... o_.,,......., Co1ta Mesa, one of tht.o last c1lle1 m Orangl' County without cable television. could hav1• a cable c.-ommurucauons sy1t.em by 1984, according to a consultant hired br the city Ron Dyas. a former Cal State Fullerton profeuor , told ci ty t'OunCJI memben the city could be ready to begtn ~pung b1da by next 1pnng. "I beUeve you are m a belt.er poellion today than a lot of other cilia that ruahed in," aa1d Dyaa. Oyu &aid the city could be able to olfe r residenta aa many u 108 channels that would lndud«' such feature& as enll'rtalnment, home sec urity, communi c atwn~ between ho1pltal1 and d octor's offlce1 and •hopping by t.elevtaion. City managt!f Fred Soraabal cautioned city council members aaa1nat aa:epting blda from cable c.-ompt.nlee offenng large 1WN of money for a franchise. "We want to see the but t.<.>chnical 1y1t.em," aald Soraabal "When they 1tart ualking about Ambassador )Jeld hostage GUATEMALA CITY (AP) -About 20 JeflLlta held the Brazllian ambuudor and lix others hosu.ge1 today tn the Brazilian emba11y here after the (luatemalan government rejected their demanda. NATION New name I or Newark? Colurnntat Hugh Mulll1an 1uge1t1 the city of Newark, N .J., could 1harpen lt• fma1e mere ly by changina tt• name. Pare M . Reagan hold• conference W ASHINO'fON (AP) -P~nt Rnaan wlll hold a \e~ newt contennce toniaht at 1 in the White HOUie EMt Room (dwuwll 2, <and 7). • .. $5 and $10 m1lhon, we don't need 1t Maybe t.h('y should pul 1l tn lhf' system " Dyas s~ud thut It could coet u cable t'Ompany $12 to $17 m1lhon to install tht' communications system and that Cost.a Mesa could expect to earn about $100,000 annually from su ch a system after five ye&r11 C1t1es that a cce pt lerg<: 1:1dvances g('nerally forfeit their nght t.o any other profit., Dyas warned. In addition to chOOIJlng a cable firm. the counc[ &ho can dedde 1f 1 t wants t.o: Pursue a joint veture ownership with a company. lmpo1e a "gag" rule , restrlctina frahchlaer'• accea t.o City coundJ rpembet"I. -Offer a 62 or 108-channel system. Install cab l e llne1 unde rground or u1e existi ng utility hookups that aro above ground. Appoint a ci tizens ' committee to help evaluate prnpoul.8. COUNTY In 1980, baaed on pasaenge r traffic. Braniff wa11 the No K domestic airline * * * AirCal honors Braniff fares Newport Beach-baled A.JrCal ._ among m&Jor air ca rri ('rB honoring tickets h e ld by pauengeu on no w -defunct BranJff lnt.emauonaJ AJrwaya. Mark Pet.et"IOn, AirCal dlre<.1.0r of communications, aaJd Branlrr which c:ea1ed opera tions Wednesday, carried pauengers on a Las Vegas-Reno route. Any person holding Braniff ticketa can fly on AJrC&J on tti.t ro ute without additional charge by calling AlrCal and makln~ reservations, l'et.ef'IOfl u.ld. Peteraon said Braniff ticket• allo would be honored on the aame ba1is f or some routes Involving Monterey and othe r Northern California dettination" Airport changes eyed Orange County 1upervt1on are atilt open to propo1al1 to turn over e meraency and aecurlty operatlona at John Wayne Airport to private ftrma. Page Bl. Newport S&L in the pink Newport Balboa Savina• and Loan Auoclatlon buck.a a national trend by report.lna record eaminga. Page C8. STATE Tire IUJJ1 5 people RICHMOND, ~. (AP) -Flve people died and 16 otben Wtte injured ln a ottdawn fire today that en1ulfed an apartment buCldln1 and an adjacent boUle, offidall Uid. felony wnrnmt llE!rvtce and wt•r .. trying w 11erve a warrant al obout 8 :30 a.m at a home on Wulft! Street In La Sierra, a recldttntlal 11eetion. A woman neifhbor who heard ahots shortly a ter the officers arrived callt'd the pollc1.• Oeltf flttot a-." P't!oto DIFFERS -Jamt>ti Rc)()!;eV(•lt of Newport Beach t.akt-i. 1s..<1ut· with the way hig motht•r wu.-. portrayt.'<i on TV urnma 'Eleanor' not true to life? Among those wat <·h1111( Wednetlday'11 tele-vi.t>d "Eleannr, ~"'!nit Lady of the World" wa.11 ht•r eld~t 110n, James Roosevelt H18 recolle<:tton o r evf'nts d1ffl'r& markedly from the telcv1111on movie F o r o n e t h 1 n g , s a 1 d l h t· 74 -year -old Newport Bl'&H h b u s 1 n t: s 1 m a n o n d r or m t• r congreuman. ha mothPr al'llvf'ly campalgned for him ln thf' movw sht• 1s portruy1-d us sailing for Europ•· 1nslt'1td "' taking up her son'11 t·all for ht>lp tn h1.a campaign for Congres.\ "In racl at one point In th1· Beverly Fairfax part o f thf• dilltnct, mother wa.~ c'Ommandtng such atlt'ntion J was afr1ud that people w ou ld forget l wui. running." he JOked Roosevelt served 12 yean in the Hou~ of IU-pret1entat1ves Acc ustomed t o years of f1 cllonal11.ed accounts o f h1 11 parents' lives, Roolt'velt said ht: looked at It as "pc1t-t1c· hcefl.lit' " A1 far 811 the a<:ene an which Anna, Mna Rooeevelt's daughter, angnly attacka her for ignoring her children and perhaps hN grandchildren, Roosevelt su1d tti.t n~er happenc--d "The 1how ind1ca~ she WH far more lntere1t€'d In world affalra than her family," uld Roolevell. "l think 1he gave an unu1ual amount of time to l'll'r grandchlldren and gave a lot of time to her own children." INDEX At Your Service A4 l'.nna Bombeck 82 1...M. Boyd AIO Bua1M9I C'7-9 California A~ C.vakade 82 CJ....tfled Dl.D3-e c.omka ClO Cromword ClO 0..t.h NoUce. D2 l:dJtorial AlO D\tenabun~nt & SPORTS dtop1.rtment, and oftlct-r1 who arrived at tht• 1ct:tH' found e patrol car outaidt• and th~ bod1e1 of tht> two men lnalde. Par11ml'dics pronounc£-d both offll'l.'N dead at the &eene, police said Tht• CaJifom1a H1ghwuy 1'1ttrol and lht-Rlvtersldt: Police Dep&rtment aald police dog1, • httllt•optl.'r and trained officers with h1gh -powert'd rifles were 111111111ting in the acarch for l wo unadl'nllf1l'd ffi('n · One wu de!IC'nbt.-d &.11 about 28 wllh & two-lnt·h Afro haircut, unsh<Jvt:n wllh tw<J 1K·rnt.<'het on tht· n~ht side of hlB foc-e He was wt-aring a bluf.' and green <:h~kf'd 11h1rt 1md dr1v1ng a tan four door sl'dun . po11111bly a Chevrolet Montt: Carlo, pohct' said T h t: u• t· 11 n d s u " p e c: t w 1u dt1K'nbt--d •'-'' age 2~. with a short Afro h111n:ut, mu1tal·he and a brown 11hirt H1· wus s1:11d lo be driving .i IY!i4 Chevrolet Chl'vt·lll' with V1rg1nla llct-n11e plAllt"!i lnvt:ist1gator11 Nt:rt: lll't-k1ng a warrant l.O i.ean·h lht' alU<: of the honw whert• lht: shooting t.ook pk.1t't', 1md off 1ct.-ni M-alt'd off lhe n(•Jghborhood It was not known wh11t the: w11rriint tht.-dt'ad r)ffll"t'nl wc:rl' !K'rvtng involved Th•· nam.-s of th<: two dC'ad r,f111.:..r11 we rt-w1thht.-ld ~·nding nollhrntwn "' rt•lauvt"'S Youth sought in CdM sex molestation Cor(Jna dt'l Mar part>nts 11re IX'ang aaked by puh'-e l.O be on the lookout f1>r a young light-haired man bt·h1•v('d to huve mrJ lt>sled three· ~rudt-sc·huol boyli th111 Wet'k The man. d111er1bt-d as slender, an hlli 20ll 11nd pt)lj.<!Jbly sporting a i.m<J ll mustal·he , u·xually ul lBt·k1·d onl• fj year-old boy Tut"Sduy afternoon after c:arry1ne him hc.•tween two holJ.W"!I in lhl' 600 l>k1t·k of Carnatwn Av<,nue Offit·t•n> said the ma.n, a short llrrit• latN, took two boys, Rand 7, bt•twt·t:n the i.amt· hou&eli and 1·xptM-d l'urn.wlf Jn l'at'h Int 1d1·nt p1,11n· 11111d , lh•· man lwl(trn l>y oskrng the young1il.t•l 1' du C'l'l11ms t.o a nt·&rby 11tr<·•·l Off1et•rs s.i1d lht·y havt' reason t.o tx•lwv1· the man !Jv<.1 tn lhto-area Pol1c t• 11a1d the man was wt·11rmf( an •Jld pair of blue jeans w 1 l h a h o h · 1 n u n t.-I e g . b I u e Jog g 111 g 11 ho(• i. " n d a ye 11 ow t-sh1rt 0 ff 1 c I Ii I:. rit Harbor V 1 e w Elementar'( School and llarbor Day Schoo hnve alerted parent.a. Police• ask that parentli urge their children to walk home from sc·hool 1n groups and t o &void stranJ<el"li funding frozen? W /\Sl II NG'J'ON (AP) Tht: llou1w h11s adoptnj a rt•imlut1on l' u I I 1 n i o n I h l' R e u g a n admm111trat11m to withhold U.S. funding for t.h1· UnitA.'<i Nallona IC lsrul'l 111 burred fr o m porl1dptillnl( 111 th1· U N Gt•rieraJ Alw·mhly or HP4~·1uliwd agencies. Hy Gardner 82 Horoecope 82 Ann Landena 82 Movtet & Mutuel Funda ca Public Notk:el C3,D2 Sport.I Cl-6 Stock Market.I a Televi.lion B4 Thea ten & Weather A2 World New1 A3 BEVERLY HILLS (AP) -San Dteao CUppen owner Donald Sterllna U)'I Ow Loe Ana•let Lakera havt offered te mllllon for San Dt110'1 No. 1 bMk.etbUl draft Chol.ct to obtain Vlrllnla Ol!nter Ralph Sam and may off• more . ' P LANE CRASHES e • e • my aide Maybe they'll believe me now." Het IM>n, Charlie, whO a.llo lives at the mobile home, aald the Uvtna room wu 1muhed up a bit ~nd the tolevillon ut wu 11~ked over. "• "If t hadn't been out with ''Charlie I would have been In that room crochetlna or watching ''TV," Mn. Johnaon l&Jd. •'" "Doggone lt, I hope the TV ;wun't ruined. It was my main ·~hing." • The craah occurred at 2:40 p.m. 'Wedneaday when pilot Walter ··~Lohmeyer, 66, of 16982 1, ero Lane, Huntington Beach, 11 aa returning home from Canon :' ~y, Nev., with hia wife Lillian, '4 Lohmeyer told officials that the steering controls .maltunctioned on hla Cessna 172 1 u he was on the final approach :~he runway at Meadowlark , · rt at Warner Avenue west of laa Chica Road. , The plane clipped the edge of ,one mobile h ome and cartwheeled into the Johnson residence that's separated from \he northeut Up ot \he airport by a S·foot ctnderblock wall. M,.., Lorun.yer wu treated for laceratlona and bruised ribs at Huntington lntercommunlty Hospital and her hu1band wa1 examined and releaad. No one elu wu Injured . Damage to the flnt mobile horne hit by the plane wu minimal. "We had a perfect trip from Canon City until we were on the flnal approach," Lohmeyer said. ''My controll malfunctioned and I couldn't control the airplane. 1t wasn't a slall." Federal Aviation Administration and National Tran1porta~ion Safety Board officials were still investigating today. Meadowlark Airport haa been the target of residents who said they were worried about thf' safety of the airport. Vick and Ari Nerio, airport owners and operators, have been talkJng about closing the airport and converting the property to otner uses such as a mobile home park. 1BED TAX ISSUE . • • •. , Newport City Co u n cl 1 members agreed to try again because of the closeness of the election and their theory that ,failure was due to the lack of any lllCtive campaign in support of the tax hike. George Spragms, leader of the 'Yes on B Comm.itt.ee, claims \he measure is designed to make "fowiats" pay a fair share to help maintain the quality of life in Newport. "Each day ," h e explains, "~0,000 to 100,000 people visit pur city, drive on our streets, sunbathe on our beaches and plcnic In our parks. They should pay their share.'' •.Motel owner Victor ijumbellow says this sort of logic La. nonsense. He says the tourists who visit the beaches aren't the same people who stay in the hot.els and motels. "If they get 100,000 people bere on the w eekend and we have only 1,000 hotel or motel rooms in town -well, you figure it out," Rumbellow suggests. Opponents say a tax hike will Jt.lt Newport out of line with it91ghboring c1t1es hke Costa Mesa and lrvme, where the bed tax is 6 percent Supporters argue that N.?wport 11 a tour11t town and should charge 8 percent Like l...aguna Beach and San Diego. Rum bellow , owner of the Channel Inn, says a tax hike could send hia guests up to Costa Mesa. City officials in Newport, who now collect about $1.9 million a n nually in bed tax, say they would be willing to channel money from the lncreaae to street and beach projeci.. Tom Baker, a Marriott Hotel director and president of the city's Convention and Visitors Bureau , says he doesn't understand the motivation (or the tax hike. He points out the city now has a budget surplus o! nearly $13 million. "Today's current business climate just doesn't afford us the luxury of increasmg taxes," says Baker . "If the city was in financial trouble and this was designed to help them out of 1t, the measure might be worthy of discU&'lion." He also complains that none of the city's bed tax flows back to the visitor's bureau as it does in some other towns such as Anaheim and Palm Springs. Spragins responds that those cities are trying to promote tourism while Newport isn't "And I don't buy the argument that an increase of 2 percent, which means only a dollar or two, is going to scare away hotel guests," he says. "I senously doubt it would make the difference between someone staying in Newport or staymg m Costa Mesa." CLOSE CALL -Cessna 172 makes an unst:h l·uuled landing at Helen Johnson's Delly Piiot f'tlotoe by Clef) AmbfOM mobile home. Pilot said steering contro ls malfunctioned on his final approach. Video games carte d away b y burglars Nc•wpw t B<·ach police turned u µ :1 v .1 r 1 a t i v n o f t h e P a c Man 11·,ub to-a -ltft•-of-cnme tht"<.Jr y Thursday. lnstl·;HI of youthful electronic ~.1 mc• ''11thus1asts stealing to. .. upport llH·1r quarter-a -game h;.ih1 t, I"'"< t' ~.ud someone broke 1nlo"' N1 ·wport pizza s hop. unplu~1 ·d thrl'C of the machines :md wh1..,kc.:d them away mto the pn· daw11 darkncss O fftc1·1 s ..aid the video bandits ""'••'>h t•d down a r e<.ir door to Zmo·~ P111....i, 3112 Newport Blvd., 1 nd th• 11 U!>Cd a hand earl to wht.-t·I out tht-machines Tht• mt-.. ... mg v1d<.-o games, a Pac M a n , .i S u p e r co b r a a n d a St.irs.(dtc m • worth $2,900 each. Rams to tee off for diabetes . Los Angele1 Rams coach Ray Malavasl and a gather- ing of sports stars will kick off the annual Hcntage Bank Celebrity Golf Tournament at the Irvine Coast Country Club m Newport Beach Monday JOined by Ram players Jack Youngblood, Cul Ekero, Pat Ha d e n , Larry Brooks and Noland Cromwell. Former players Merila Olsen, Dick Ba11 and Roman Gabriel are expe<:"ted as are Don Drysdale and Rams owne r Geor gia Frontlere. warship damaged LONDON (AP) -Two Araentine Skyhawk fl1hteu were ehot down, • lhlrd Jlahter crashed and • 8rltl1h wauhip wu dama"cd 1dlghtly ln Wedne1day 1 battle off the Falkland Islond1. the Brltl1h Defenae Mlni•try reported today. Wedneldoy, the ministry said two of three Argentine Skyhawks were shot down by Brltl•h Sea Wolf mlulles when they attacked a BnU.h wanhlp about 30 miles west of the dilput.ed lalanda. But mlni1try spokesman Ian McDonald said today a third Skyhawk waa "seen to crash" during the engagement m the 11ve-week dtspute. McDonald said there were no Britlah casualties and the Royal Navy task force Wall continuing its patrols in the South Atlantic to keep Argentine planes from resupplying forces on the islands. He said a British warship auat.alned "comparatively mmor damage" which was being repaired. He would not elaborate. The lates t Britis h announcement came hours after London Broadcasung Corp., an all-news radio station in t he Brhlsh capital, reported two Argentine Skyhawks w e re downed and a British destroyer torpedo e d in fighting Wednesday. "One of Bntain's warships in the South Atlantic, a type 22 fngate, is believed to have ht-en hit but not badly damaged by a torpe d o during the inc ident yesterda y in whic h two Argentme iets were shot down." Bot.am 1s known to have two type 22 fnga~. the Broadsword and Brilliant, 1n its Falklands task force Buena Park's 'Bigfoot' , disappe ars By JEFF PARKER Of tM OeHr Piiot Steff Buena Park Bigfoot farled to show up f o r an enco re Wednesday night He o r s he -el ud e d detec tio n d esp ite some 50 neighbors. a "b1gfoot det.e<:t1ve" and a TV news team lurlong on rooftops of the apartments where 1t wa.s allegedly seen two rughts before Fair weather ahead The golf tournament bene- fits the American Diabetes Association. Malavasi is exJX'('ted to be For in form a ti on or tick· ets, call 556-6070 A d1 s appo 1nted Frank Mri.san e llt , manage r of the Execu uve Park Apartments where several people claimed they saw an eight-foot tall, hairy. foul-smelling beast run from a drainage ditch Monday. said that m spite of th(' vigil. the monster did not rNum. "Oh yeah, Wl· looked, but no lu c k ," he· sa id "We had flashlights and we laid down <JO the roofs so he· wouldn't see us, but nothing happened. 'low cloud• turning lo 1unny 1flernoon1 today end Friday \Odey ee to 73. O-nlght IM to 63 Hlglle Friday &4 to Fair weelher forecHI 101 ... encl El11wh•••. f rom Point Conception to th• Mulcen border end out eo m ll•• Nof1~1 Wind• 12 to 22 knoll <fl9I ou1er wate11 With -4 10 e fMI ttwough tonight Locally llgnl ~ ~ beCOll'llng -1 to eouthwH t 10 lo te lt.n.011 thl• evening wllh wMt lo .ou1hwHt 1well1 ot t 10 2 IMt Night end morning low ctoud• 1urn1ng 10 , 9UN'IY llftemoon• 'U.S. sun1nu1ry , T ornado •• spawned by t1 01m1ng bind• o r heavy 1hundeu1orm1 1n1u1ed 11 ie.tl 29 l people 1n TuH and floodweiers In W1e11111 Falla lf1f1 p aopl e j atrended In C8rt. 11ome1 and tr-' Wale< ran 11 deep H five feet : In tOme '''"" II WICMll Fall• r AuthOrlllea uHd t>o81S end l11ge ; truclt.1 10 evecu11e hunorad• ol 11 e11de nu from rtoodad o r 1 flood·th<Htened home• i Severe thunde"tormt •l•O I produced 11111 high winds end heevy 11Jn In OklehomA 1o<11y u 111'1 ow1r1 e nd 8 few l 111under111owe11 con11nued ove< -1ern Nabretlt.• 8elllered lhower• 11141 O\'er the MIHIHIPPI V1t1ey In Coloredo, 1now fell In th• mount1ln1 end ee11e1n too1hlll1 A law rein tnowerl -•reported •tono 1"8 Mld·Allenllc CoHI and lk••• -re cl••• over the SoutheHI end -1 Cl! lhe ROCJttel The NlllOnel Weelher &.rvlce foreCHI 111unde111orm1 from central Te••• Into •••tern Olll1h0m1 81\CS -tern A11lln ... end L.oul9llM Tempereturtl eround 1ht netlOn ~ todey renged from 37 lfl Colorado Spring•. ColO . end fl¥, Ntol .. to eo In McAllen. r .... l;Jilif O'!'ia OINt ..... end high• In the 70t or 1bove •llould prevlll I CIOH mo11 ot Southern Ct llfornl• tllrough Frld•y e11c tPI 101 ll'ICWnlflO ClOud• •IOng ,,,. eotitl, Ill• Netlonel Weather l ervlot Mid. HlgM ,rldey .,. p.-edlel..S f1om 71 In Lot Ange!N to a l'l'IUimUm 11 et t>teCMI, bet-H •no 8' In IN lllOUftlelnt, from 11 to .. In the NO'! dtMtt end betWMfl .. 10 ... In IOW dtlettt. °"" """"8 could 1'111 ~ d•••tt• IOnlOlll with ~ ....,. ouatlnl 10 .. """' . ....... ltOfll ~Col~ te "!......., Mtdlt -noect ltQnt variable wtn<ls 1on1gnt an<l f r1day morning oecomrno well &oulhw4"1 al 10 to 16 kno" w•ll'I .. ~le<'ly swells runn1n<;1 I to 3 feet Clunno "'" 1111\ernoon Winds viould ~ norinwest 81 12 to 22 k"olS ,.,,,, •· to 6-foot aeas 60 m11e1 oflshore en<l out from '"" Point ro San Cklmenle 111and T emperatures • • Coastline College will o ffer an all -day workshop Saturday on how to attain and maintain one's ideal weight. The session will take place from 9 a m. to 4 p.m. at the Marriott Hotel, Newport Beach • Lucile Paterson is to be installed as president of the Women's Civic League of Newport Beach at a luncheon Tuesday. Margo Skilling wlll be in- I Supervising the workshop will be educational psycholo- gist Bobbe L. Sommer. The $20 fee includes lunch. Reg- istration details can be obtai- ned by calling the college, 963-0811 , ext. 256 stalled as vtce president whi.Je Ida Williams will be sworn in as treasurer. The annual reorganization luncheon wlll be held at Calabash Landmg m Costa Mesa. "We're not quilling. though. WC''IJ keep tt up until ·we find him." It was JUSt a fte r 9 o'clock Mond <iy night when two residents of the Executive Park l'Omplex reportedly saw the beast cl1mb1ng along th e ditc h M1ssanelh and his wife, Lorraine, had JU~t pulled into th e ir dnveway aft.er duun~ at Alfy's, when the "terrified ' res idents said they'd seen a monster m the ditch NEVER BUY A PRECIOUS GEM ON GOOD LOOKS ALONE • Ovrtineour ll(W"t.111 "''di\ ~.,. \ 11 .. ,11 '"'\hr ntiN "t'U'\.I l~Jf'-11 m1~ tl111t l.Uf"t1lp""OO.r\ hi ,,. ..... ,,,,.,, llC.r'911\ ,,,. ... ..,.,,,.,hr ',.,..,,. '" .,. .. 11n u '""'"''"' ""'"' \tJllH .M\'.ft\.Mt4ltlt<t11trt"' ""'H\INI •'-'t""' 1 •~ '" .JI '"'M" J. t "' 111 ma"" th;\ "Pf"'C: lal "" M 1'* 'I' llU "'" fK"Tf CJU1 h.ri"'~"~"'"*"""'"'t"""Uo\ I'"'.,"'" ... ,,_.,,,..,.........,.,. ., lfW • mtW (Wf'\ ""'""""' ... ,,..,.. """'*•"' ""'' ... i;o, • .., _,, S LAVICK' ,.,.. .......,_, """• 'It I ...... llf'lll•i ..... t ......... . MAY17-22 •• ' ·~llJll!li'9 ___ .. __ ..,. ____ 11!9'_ ..... ,.11"9"" .... -----------·---~_...""!"""-------------------------- AI• C Oren~ Collt OAJLY PILOTIThurtday. Mey 13, 1912 t Now public can view unique Mesa art work Thl' Wl•t•klnng l'l'll'brullon ht-raldinR tht-op~nln.c of ltrnmu Noguc.:hi'l'I !Wulpturn gur<frn rn Coata Ml'sa'ai Town C'l·nt l'r Is drttwinH lo u clOS(•, Two Los Angele;; groups a nd lht· Orunlo(l' County Arts Alhon<-e und Pl'rformtng Arts Ccnll'r joined in the festivit1c..>s markt..>d by banqueta and culturaJ shows. &glunlng Saturday the gar- den lol'uted a long Anton Boul - vard ~tween the American Caty Ban k and Great Western Suvang~ w ill be open to lht• puuhC'. Daily hours arc from 7 a.m . to 10 p.m . "California ~:kenario" as 1l lS calle d , is d esigned to represent various t>nviro nmental l'lcmcnts ' that rxast an the st.al«· Visitors walkl9g Into tht• l 6-u<.·re garde n 11rt.> grl'ct.Cd first by ''Thl' Spirit of the Lima Bean" obviou sly In honor of the <'rop Costa Mcem's 5(.'gerstrom family h as bl'cn usso<:lat t•d with for 110 many ycan;. The· family, of courR. t·omm111sio n <'d "Ca liforni a SccnllrlO " Mut h will be said and written about the garden created by the rnan Timr Magazine has called • ' t h <' pr l' em i n c n t Am~ r I ca n S<·u lptor." Somr doubtless will be un- impressed . Others will be drawn to the garden and wlll (ind m.any momt.'nls or trunquiUty there. O ur rl.'C.:ommendataon: Go see al and JUd~l' for yourself. :Urban look grows A 17-story Mar riott llotc>I 1s under construction at Von K a r - 111an Avenue just south of tht• San .Diego Free w ay in Irvine . lrvim· 'Company officials, meanwhtll', S<IY they only need an tnVl.'Stmg part - ner before building a 550-room ~65 milhon Hilton H otel ~1t Main 'Street jtnd J ambort't: .koad Bus inesses an Costa M esa. N ewport Beach and I rvine arc cred i ted with 1nnt•us1ng the d e mand for tht· addition~! high- quality hotel-.. An lrvant· Company spokPs- man t•xplaaned n-cently that stu- du.~ tht: firm h as undl.!rtaken r t-- vval that t'V('n these two nt·w ho- t.ell; won't satisfy the growing d<>· mand for the hol('ls. Oth(•r hotPls h a...c tx.-t.•n suggested for N<'wport Centc>r, Irvine C(•nler and lot·a- t1ons n<'ar J o hn Wayne Airport. althou g h thcrt-has been no movement r~ntly to build them. These large a nd expensive hotl'ls carry the promise of rela- t1vt!ly easy-to-raise re ve nue for city <.'Offers. ln lrvme, city officials ant1t·1pate the two hotels will pro- tlut·<· about $400,000 per year - money already earmarked to go toward f1nanl'ing a ne w animal shd ter and corporation yard. The high -rise h o te ls a lso lm ng with them an inevitable al- Lcralloo lo Orange County's ont'l.'· suburban skyline They are yet another n·mindc·r of the gradual change• turning lht· territory along th<· S<tn Dwgu fo'rN·way from a tranquil. rural grnssla nd into an urban <.'Cntcr Child care to fit need At. murt• mothers c•ntc r tht· w ork fon..·t'. a n increasingly l'nl1cal dl•C1sion fur parents 1s whcrt• to plaC't' youngstNi. during working h our:. For parpnts new to the ()range: Coast, the hardest part m ay be> finding any n•putable and affordable <:hild t·urt· <.'t'nll'r \\lith vaeancit>s. Howl'ver, an lrvine -haS(-d or- ganiza tion is taking s lc•ps to t•s- t<Jblish a new network of in -home tl'nters that m<Ay offN both th(• lntimacy and warmth of a home whi le rl'taining lhc• quality ;rnd 11n :o untabll1ty c•xpc·<·tc•d from a prufcsswnally run <'c·ntc•r This l'Oncept using an t•stab- l1s hed umbrella group, p1ont•<'red In this cast· by th•· non profit Child's World Childn·n·~ Ct•ntl'r, has apphc:1twns that s hould rang(• outside· Irvin<• It as a systt•m that could bl' us<'d 111 any Ora n ge· County c:ommun1ty or wh1•rc•vc·r m ore C'hllcl c·arc· s t•rv1ct•s arc• in demand In-home c·hdd c·<.trt' 'lervu·"i. ere n ot nc•w . F'or exampl e. 71 state-lkcnscd homes in Irv ine al- ready offt·r day care to as many as s ix c h ildren each . But most of t h c>se ho mes are operatt-d inde- • pendently by parents or grandpar- e nts who don't benefit from out- side resou rces. Under the Child's World pro - posal. l'mployt·c.·s a t tht' center lo- t•u tetl al Un1vt•rs1ty Metho dis t C hureh would conduct training programs, hold monthly work- sh ops, handll· bookk<'t-ping and standardize a hot' sch c·dule. The• n on -profit o rganiwhon would e n- sure that c hildn·n are properly t·ared for and SUJ)f'rvt~ This sC'rv1cc· 1s all thf' more• needc-d today bt.>cauSt> state budgt!t cUL'> have redut'cd the number of social service w ork e rs p a id to make• :.pot ('ht•t'ks ln t'ffoct, the local organization would l::w russum 1ng that duty. The· g u1danc.·1· of tht• umbrell~ group might abo c.·nmurage m ore mothers (and fatht•rs) to try their hand at child curt'. Fur them, tt would offc•r a second income.• without tht· problems o f leaving homf• or thl'lr own c hildre n . This concept h as muc h to of- fc•r more quali£1ed child care sC'rv1<.'l'S, reasonable costs and em- ployment potl'nt1al. lt sh ould be <'Xplon•d h y othl'r t'sta blis h ed groups as the n eed for such care c'Ontinut~ to surge. Op1n1oth t•i1pre'>seC1 tn the '>Pitt•· r1bove ttrr lhow of trw Daily Pilot Otner view '> 1·x pre'>seCI on lh•'> paqe arr lho..,.. of lhf'tr author'> <Jnd drll'>I'> RPddrr comment,., 1nv1t rel ACIClre .... Th•· L>a•I'(. Pllol p 0 Box I~. C.O'>ld M t:\d, CA '11b2b Phone ( 1141 641 4311 L.M. Boyd I Test trick S<:holars at Colgatl' Un1Vl'rs1ty guvt' a lc•ngthy moth \«'!ii to ,111d1•11ts I Jail Of Lhcm i.<•t In c•ha1r11. half la y on ll<•ds Tt"llS o f th1· <1lud1·ntx 111 tw-cl 1·.11nt• out tomC'what b<·ttt•r Wh;i1 do you make• of thut? · Nl•w York ('11 ~ ·., World Trud<' ('c•nter rtM'" and foll11 •• hout 14 1nchc'I 11 duy l\ncl 11 lllt11 du 1ly , t oo . uvvroxlm attoly two inchc~ rmct to lhf' W\'l\l und then lo the cast Land tldN d 11 that Intrigu ing. if true. is thl' cl•lm of 11CienU1t11 now that all rTWmmnllf take ,.bo ut the 11ame number nf brc>ntha durtne their normal hft> spi11'\11 Q. Aren't tornadoes unique to the nlted States" A. Almost 1t'11 uld 98 percent of lhtm occur hPre. Jn pert10nallty tetia condu<·tf'd on p h)'lidaN, the pedlal.riciiuu for tonW ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat "-'~ •w•r Nf el I,., , .. , <II UI W•u I•• \I . c.tl• ll'tw 4-.. , tett••--N• ~ .. , IMO C..01• ... t;A '1•1'1 rt>ason S<:orc-<l qu1u• lnw 11n humility. So 1t w1111 rt·port1•d 1n a nallunal magazine .. llow do you al'counl for th 1~'? Why wnl1ld thCl'w s pt'c1alist:c !!{>em lat•kin~ m th1x parllt·ular trait'? Nik your bahy duc·tor Q Wasn't 1t T1i11lul11h Bankhead who said. "l'vt· m~1dc· on ass of mys elf 110 m;my llme11 I often wonder lf I .am one"" A. No Norm11n Mailer said that Talluluh 1rnld. "I'm 1.i1 pure 1'11 the driven 11luHh." The women who tirl' pr8cti<'ing at 1orn<>ys at h1w 5'\,000 of them in thl!\ country outnum ber t he youngstt>rs lnjure'1 on tricycles by five to ont I llkt> an occasional nonsenk ratio, don't you., Q How many books have ~en written about Elvis Preslt>y since hla death In 1'77? A. 37 paperbaadla l2 hardcovtra. Thomas P. Haley Pub llJhe,.. .../ Thomas A. Mu"*lnt E ditor · 8arlNlra krtlbich Ed lton•l Page Editor Repealing the 20th century WASHINGTON -For Ronald Rea- gan, nothing may su<."t'eed like failure. The collapse and chaoe of his economl<' policies could be leading to the realiza- tion of h is most cherished pohtkal goal. crippling the federal government. ltcagan ls governing now not as the politician who ran California but as the ideologue who has spent his late life trying to Inspir e people to turn on Washington. His real goal -and the goal of the most dedicated and energetic o f his (ollowcra -is to leave Washing- t..on in two and a half years or 1ix and a half year11 with as much as poealble of the powe r and reach o f that city redU<'t.'d and wrecked. THE 198% BA'M'LE of the budfet -a tawdry and depressing political a fair on the surfat-e -could be historic. Thla ia what would happen 1f Reagan, after s ubmitting (in F ebruary ) t he h1gh- dehc1t budget that he Is now deploring, wen.> somehow able to continue winning what seem to be smaJI alunnaahes based on l'Ontradictory principles: 1) Federal revenun -dependent on income taxes -would decline (as a proportion of gross na tional produc t ) b<-cau!K' of the already-voted 1982 and 1983 n.'ducllollll of 10 percent And th1·n they w o uld dt'Cline (relattvdy) agam when "indexing" be<·amc e ffocllvl• m 198~ and fcwt•r and fc.·wN t uxpayt•r11 would bc1 movl'd into hil(hcr bral'kNs by wagt· anflat1on. 2) Federal df'fC'nst• !!pt.•nd1ng would oontmue to'"" •h•rply "'ft'~ RICHARD RHVfS 1 i • !lharply than the 7 percent increasei. Reaga n propollt.'d during hui 1980 cam paign -because• thf' proje<.'ls th<• ad- ministration has scheduled to begin now will t'ORl more and more in sut't.'ft-d ing years. 3) A balanced federal budget man dated by the consUtuuonaJ amendmt•nt thf' presJdent now supports -would n • du(-e ovf'rall sp<>ndmg to the l1·vl'I of I ht• inevitably rc>du<.'Cd revenues. 4) So. each year there would be.· lt.'l'l.'1 and less money available for d oml'Slll' spending linked to national polky. Social &-cur1ty. health and ..ducat1on programs, n •gulato ry ac·tion, l'iv1I law 1·nlcirc·c·rtlt'nt unu tlw stnnginl( of "s:tfe ty ni·L-<" would .111 lx· ~lowly dwkt-<l oH. That 1i. till' 1dc·u That 1s the tdl'l.I that Hw1:1ld lk.1g.1n 1md th1 · rno!!t l'omm1llt.>d u( A111Pt1l'~•n 1·on-.c·rvat1vc•i. haVl' bc·«.>n p1'1"1l·h111g i.1n1'l · tht• f1-dl'ral guvPrnmt•nl bt•gJn t1l'l1vc·ly dC'f1n1n~ at1d r·nforc·ing "fu1rnc·!>,1." m an·ai., 1nt1•llt'\'tu:JI and gt-o- graph1n1I. JtTos.-< tlw n1u1Hr y THE IDEA IS tu tt'JJt':tl niu<·h uf the: Wth n·ntury, J>.ll llt'ul.1rl y lh(· ~rts thal aH1·t·t Mll't0l w1•lfJr1·. < 1vil righls and vai.:ui·r l'IJnn•pL' l1k1· 11111,um1•n:.m, c•nva ronrnl'nt:Jltim1 :.ind .111011ntah1l1ty He·a· i(all t·an fall. 11n I hi' p1il1l1l'al l;•v1•I of l'lt>t·t1oni., and s u<'('t'<'<l. prohahly lx•yond his fundt-st dre;;ims. 1111 the• 1x1l1t1n1I ltovel of d 1unJ(ing thl' way Amt•r 1l'~ns livt' a nd ~ov1•rn lh1·mS4•lvt-s I duubt whl'lhc·r he thinks ht! will be JUdl(t'<i on vr rt>ally t·an-i. that mud1 aboul l'lt't.'11011 n·turrui 111 I Ytli or l 91i4 Thost· n·su lti. 1 n l'OllJ.:n•:.i.iona I <' IC'c- ttorui and ttw rwxl J'ft"'i1dc•nl1al l'IPCUon d1·1)(·ml 11n thc· 111111\\'<hutt· t'<.•on11m1t· 1m- pal't 11( lh1s d1:cpUU-<I hudget 'rh(• rt'Sults Heagan I'> working tow~1rd an• 11111 1m· rrlt'd1alt• or t'Xl0l•1i.1v1·ly t•tonon11I' Hf' c·ould foil as prc·:-.tdl'nt <md sut't.'(>t.-<l <tl> JO 1d1'<1logu1· Profit can't justify coastal damage To the Editor: I felt compelled to wnte thlS letter In '""ponae to an atutude whkh seema to bl' alarmingly prevalent in this area. More specifically. 1 am referring to the logic expretlSed May 2 in thill column by u W A. Berls on the issue of offshoN' MAILBOX drilling in Ne wport Beach. Mr Berls suggcslC'd that the c1t1wns of Nl'wport BcQ£·h consider the "finan{'lal bc:-nl'fats" t·ompan•d to "possiblC' t'nv1ronm<'nlal damage." I am v10l~ntly rcpulllt'd by the notion put forth by these rallously indifferent 1nd1v1duals. 11ut·h as Mr. &>rl8, who 1ns1st upon plllQging our f'nv1ronmcnl for profil Mr Berls was quite clt•ver to u.sc.> tht• word "possible" 1n hts statement Envi- ronmental damage Is not a distant "poss1b1llty" when affiliated with off- shorl' drilling; it is an incontrovertible fo<'l OF COUR SE. there are those who obstinately rc ful<' to acknowledge this fot·t. usually pointing to bw~ridden, in- dustry sponsored environmental lmpact stud ies to confirm the ir "rational" viewpoints. For thOfK.• who possess more objt'Ct1ve and non-profit allitudes. the t•nv1ronmental impact studies conducted by the UCSB and UC-Berkeley contain intensely d istrC911ing conclU11oru on the sub}l'('t of offshore drilling and marine ecology Tht>re is no juslificat1on for e nviron - mental rapine, and It !W'ems absurd that 1'omc· individuals seek to excuse the ne- gl<'ct of our majestic coastline for pro jc'<·t.l-d revenues and an "energy crilils " Unfortunately, however, 1n order to lt•vel the mos l devastating argument against the prostitution of our rout. one must reduce himaelf to think In mone- tary terms. The taxpayers of California have ju.It put forth $32 million for the. Crystal Cove St.ate Park and are not too enthusiastic about eeelna lta 1y.tematlc de9trucUon by Industrial greed. JASON LYNN R e f use wage insults To the Editor: Wf' read today about \hf' 1lut of doc· ton, lawyers . . and the u.nemployed. The 1Iut of unemployed hu brouaht waae and talary offen way down. Ap- pl!Qnta hl1hly alc.U.led and experienced are beln1 offered what they "-"'ed 16 yean -so. not Jwt by arn.ll atnacaUna firm• who are havlna dlf flc:ulU•. ma- klnl low waas undemandable, but by 1tJlr NCCe19ful ~ who M W not lowered their prlcft on p roduct• and .w... The 1Jut of docton and lawy.ra hu not brouaht medical and le1al char1• down. ONE ANSWER to the w ... and MJ. ary problem la f« UM>lt who AN 11.W not tlciiJptrate to uy no to IMUltlna off n . •l*'lally when th•y know lhelr cape· b1ht1es ar<' lo!Jl'. Oddly, employers havf• nol Jeam t-d that hmng the mc>d1ocn• 1s <.'OSlly, and hmng the inept c.•ven morC' (.'()8\)y Unfortunately, thne are many who cannot 11ffurd to S<JY no to a poor offor. When o ,1oh ad says "salary commeruiu rate with ab1l1ty," which. o f cour se: means tht• Joh gcx-s to lhc· lowct11 b1ddc·r, thf'y must b£• the low bidd<•r. th1·y'r1· behind Ill rl·nt. hllb for nt·c l''>Sary t·x p<'nses. <'lt.' R JACKSON T ELEPHONE YOUR LETTER TO THE EDITOR See instructions below Send Brown home To th(.• Edit.or W1• nt>cod Gov Brown in Congn-s.'I like• we m'<.'<l a rut In the frc.'<'way Brown as a senat.ur would do as much good as his mckr on -ramp lighting system wh1c·h ties up traffa· to fr<-cway entranc't>s a nd wasl<'s gas for no good reason. When there lS 11pece to go the· light Is red, when lh<'n· I" no s pacC' to go the> light 1s grc·cn. All the wh1k• traff1t 1s piled up with motors running Gov Brown and Lady C1anturrn do tht•1r best to kl'l'P lhc public off tht· freeways. but instead of 11nprov 1n~ freeway i.ystc•ms they think up o thl'r tricka to onnov tht' drivers That is when Gov. Brown 1s OIJl thmk- mg up which lc.>Sb1an or homo~wxual he• will appoint m•xt Hf' always makl'S 11ure those black s hC(.•p will follow him Ht• should be recallc•d a..'! govt:rnor and Sf•nt home with Cart.er. ALFRED G . CLINTON L e t others sacrific(• T,, the Edll.or: I couldn't belwv~ my ('Qr!\ as I Hat<•nt.'<I to S41n. Pete Do1'1l<'n1d, Republican from New Mf'x1co. scUlng forth his bud(Wt bala n cing proposol. S u rely, l 11ald to my!k•lf. this 1enat0r i.pcakl wlth forkPd tongue in chl-ck. Hf' l\llowcd u11 how the ddt•rly 1eurc ly wouldn't mind fort•going tht• *·hcdulro 7.1'1 percent rue In Social S«urity If they knew ever ybody else waa sacrificing equally. Got that, fellow ucrlflcen "Eve rybody MC!iftcing l'qU.Olly." How casily thf' words came from a man whoec colleagues had recently vo· ted them1dvl'I auch a tax break for th\' men! fact of doing buaint.._ Ln Waahlng ton. D.C. aa to virtually rf'movc All ()( • t.vtttrtt trnm 'I'°""'·' un• u!f/C'omr Th,, righl 1r1 cm11ft'f1 Sf' lrtlertt to frt .tpnc'f or t/lm1Mll' hhl•I /Y rl'lll'rt•c·d l.ttlf'r11 ol 3110 wMdl or '""' """ tw flll>l'n prtftr"'"" All /l'tltrs mu1r 1ndudr atgnoturt and mtuhoo oddrru t1ul l'lllmH mOJf ~ Wtthlwlcl on rt qul'11t ti 11u/frrw111' rtoann " oppo,,111 PMlrJI 1t.•ll 111>t he' publ1•h~ lACln• moit ~ trlt'phrwd lo W W>M Nt.11nl' and phont num~r 11/ tht' C'nnfrtbulor mu•t ~ (llL'l'I fnr urrl/lcOJIOfl pu'fl(ll"• th1 ·1n rr11m 1h1· 1;1). 111lb I Wllltl'(I f111 lh1· llU~t ... 111111 th;1t th1·y n11gltt ri·:-.1·1r1d th.it l.1tt·'>I 111,ull to tht• rt"l>l of us t;1xpay1•r ... ,1, J \\l•Y 1>f showing thul th1 v 100 w1•11• ~wng to mak1· ,11 h•asl ,1 tokc•n !><1l'l d w• 11 d1d ""' 1•11n11· I WAITED 1111 ",,1gw ... 111in th.11 1'411t1t• 11l tlw lar g1•1 ' f>lll k h;11 ri·I " fll OJl'I ts 'Jw11:-.1irt•J l1v rrwmlwr' 111 lh;tt .1ugui.t body fw tlwir v.1r1111" ,t.11t.._, 1m lud111g J v1•1 v la1 g1· 11111· 1111d1·1 1111· .11 •g1' 111 S.·n Dwnt.>11111 might 111· 1 ul h.wk It dul nol 1 orn1· All I h1·.11d "'"" 11!1 • ,.111w old 11rt·d flk\tll 11 Whit h If ,fll'>l,1tl"> t1 1 1\', nk.1\' r11r y11u hut don't a'>k r111• t11 tw p.111 111 11 Wh1·11 will lh11si "h1~~ltl 111Hl1·r,' 1111 lh1· hill g .. 1 lllf' Jlll'IUl f' •It.it l'Vt'I vhrnly Ill 1 l11d1·s 1lw111'' If lt.tl.11H 1ng 1tw h11dg1·1 d1 ·pM1ds 1111 11111 l.1w111.ik1·1' g1v111g up orw 11111111·1 1•11i.t1o1vc•d po1l1.11I 11( 1111' ""m 11( th1· l;1t1• Nam\ ll.111k' \fill 1.111 I.iv i.1x tu (IV{' II Wtll Ill , .. , 111· h,1).11111-cl s.·, mu1·h for 't'lf '-H 11l111 S.·n Domrn1t·1 MA llY JAN ~: W<X>D F'rerze resolution To thl· 1'~l1tor Tht•n• will lit· a propos1t1on un thl' Nuvemlwr hallol in C:c:tl1forn1a wh11·h c·:ill' fur th1• U S und U SS R tu 1mm1'- diatc·ly h:ill p11>CIUl't1on. tc'!!tmg and de- ployn11·nt 11f nul h .. ir w1·a1xins, as a first slt'p luward pn·vc·nl111~ nuclt•ar war This mlll't'pl hM tw'l'<nnt• known as lhc Fn•c•2c• W1· havt• bt•comf' incrl'asmgly t'unn•rnl><l abc>Ut thc· worldwide prohf<'- rauon of nucl<'ar weup•rns and have bl-c.>n, until now, unabll· lo hnd a way of trans lating our com·crn into sctio n . It St.-emed to us that. given Orange Coun- ty's site and its tradition of political cons«.>rva11sm. a political at•tion group wh1t'h was lcx:ally hasl·d might nut be found. W<' are happy to I l'p<>rt that we dJs- covNed an orga nizut1on her<' working towards passage of the> l''n>eu• rl"lOl uuon thls November. We want to urge other Orange County res1dl•nts who want to become active in thi1 effort to c.'Ontact the Orange Coun ty chapters of Californians for o "Bilateral NUC'lcar Weapolll Free?A!. The North County office ls In Anaheim nt 9~6-9600; the South County office Is In Corona del Mar at 720-0~95. RICKARD MOLDAWSKY. M.O. ELLEN SEVERONl. R.N. ClDDIY CUI Anyone for rt'namlng John Wayne Air- port to Oran1e County Airport! Wouldn't It be In all our bc.'tt lntel'ftt to publJdr.e Oranae County ratht.'r than the late, IJHl John Wa~? 0 .0.K. DIVORCEDt -S.lf • proclalmed bllllonalre Donald L1l1ure, lhown wlth murde .... Suaan Atkln• durlna thelr weddln1 lut September, 1ay1 he hu divorced the Man- aon clan member and la pl1nnln1 to take wlfe number 37. Lal· 1ure .. Y• the divorce papen were maned by Fidel C..tro. Curtis Mathes 19 Inch Diagonal MOOH Gm Color Table Model Modern, compact styling in this deluxe table model fits w ith any decor. Side grips, let you move easily from one room to another. Now at a savlngsl Curtis Mathes 8 Inch Diagonal Color Portable Take It Anywhere! Camping, Boating, Picnics or Driving. LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILABLE/ TV PICTURES ARE SIMULA TEO Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Thurlday, May 13. 1982 ~· Viking. vessel sets sail for Norway K.NIJ'J: RIVER, MIM. (AP) -A Vl- k.lnc ahlp with a ~ ~uant aa1J WU headlna acroaa Lake Superior toward the Atlantic and eventually to Norw•y, J>W'IWl\C the dre&m of• man who built the ve11tl but died before It .et 1a.ll. The Hjemkom1t, a 76-foot replica of a Vlk.I.NI v-1. Mt Mii Tuelday from the K.nifel\tver-Marin.a after a two-day wait caUMd by rain and hlih wtnda. About 1~0 people chHred H the Hjemkom1t'1 crew ral.ed the Hll and 1teered the wooden 1hlp In a 1tral1ht course to the calm waten of the lake. Marina employee• fired a two-sun aa- lute. Two of the 12-member crew -Tom Asp and Denni• Morken -remained MOOh G7~JS behind ln Knife R!ver to aather iHl' and clun up after the deputure. They wtll join the Hjemkomlt, • Norw•alan word meanlna homecomlnf, after lt croue1 Lake Superior at Saul Ste. Marie, Mich. Tht crew hu been ltchtna to ao •Ince the official launch of the HJemkomat lut Thunday ln Duluth. They 'had to return to Knife RJver for mon 1uppU•. then faced the delaya due to the weather. From Sault Ste. Marie, the Hjem- komat will I.ravel down the St. Mary'• River and acrom Lake Huron en route to Detroit. Then It will aaU acrou Lake Erie to the New York St.ate Barge Canal and down the Hud1on River to New York City. After a 1topover ln New York, the vaeel wtU cram the AtlanUc Ocean for Sersen, Norway. Some 1elentl1t1 Hy Vlklna• vlalted MlnnHOU u early u 1362, but oth~ra ••Y the evidence, • atone with lnecrlp- Uona, LI a 19th century hoax. Durtna the approximately 4,000-mJle voyase, the crew will keep In contact with a network of amateur rad!:> opera- ton. lt the 1hlp fail• to call the operaton accord.lna to a tchedule they've IN!l, the operaton will contact the Cout Guard. The voyase wu the dream of the late Robert Alp of Hawley, Minn. Alp, who wu of Norwegian deacent, built the 1hlp, but died In f980 of leukemia before bel.na able to attempt the journey. The crew lncludes four .of h1I children. -=-------------------------------------------- Curtis Mathes 25 Inch Diagonal Remote Control Color Console Furniture crafted styling makes this set a handsome addition to any home. Available Curtis Mathes Video Color Camera/ Video Cassette Recorder in Mediterranean, Early American and Country English to please the most discriminating. Be Your Own Producer! Learn how easy and exciting Video can be to capture those summer vacations, family occaisions and special events of your lifel W rth purchase of Curtis Mathes Video Cassette Recorder Model G20S 12" Black and White Sorry No Financing On This Model Curtis Mathes Audio System Curtis Mathes Audio is always a sound investment and this powerful system is as good looking as the sound it produces. Compact and contemporary for any lifestyle. A Reel Veluel The Longest Warra~ty Available With each new Curtis Mathes television, video recorder or stereo system, you get our famous 4-year exclusive llmlttd w1rr1nty th1t covers all electronic parts including picture tube. It's the lon9es1 w1r- ranty in the business. And though you may never need It, it s nice to know it's there. Ask to see a complete copy of this warranty. WE CARRY OUR OWN CONTRACTS/ OPEN 7 DAYS Mon-frt. 10-8 sat. 10-6 Swt. 12-5 The Most Expensive Television Set In America. And Worth It. Curtis Mathes HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 8921 Adams Ave. at Magnolla, Huntington Beach 962-3384 IUICICUll lllPIRI IUCH I Hill mc11 OHA N Gl C:OlJN I Y C AL If OR NIA 25 CENTS Officers servil}g warrant 2 Riverside cops slain; pair sought RIVERSIDE (A P) -T w o potlce olflcera w e r e 1h ot an d killed at a home here today when they tried to serve a warrant, and a manhunt wu under way for two auapecta, police 11ald Lt. Mike Figueroa said the of ficers worked for the R1 ver11lae Police Department's Braniff files for bankruptcy GETTING READY Leanne Sauerhammer. 17, a student at Costa Mesa High School, gives Wally a final brushinR for the Future Farmers of Amenca .. Spring Fling" Judging Saturday 0.., ,... ""°"° bf Lee .. .,_ from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Westminster High School. Students from both schools will be part1c:1pat1ng in the event that includes games and refreshments FORT WORTH. Texas (AP) - Officta.ls of Braniff International airlines, which loet $160 million last year, initiated bankruptcy proceedmga today at the home of a federaJ bankruptcy ]Udge Judge John Flowers said Brani ff c ha1rmun Ho ward Putnam a nd two attorn eys appeared at his house JUSt before midnight to file thl' papers under Chapter 11 of the f ederal bankruptcy law The filing protects the 1urhne from crc-d1tors and gives 1l the nght to t'Onllnue operating. No ~ne injured Bed tax proposal splits NB Plane crashes into Huntington home "They can rontmue operating, whether they will or not as something I don 't know," Flowers said. The Braniff failure is the first by a major domestic airline since the industry emerged In t h e 1930s from the barnst.ormlng era Earlier thiA year, Laker Airways, a Briti5h carrier. went bankrupt -Airline senior vice pre111dent Sam Coats said tt would be at Just six weeks before Braniff could resume f!Jghts By STEVE MARBLE Of, ... Delly fllltlot I t.ff It hasn't yet sparked great political debate, but a June baUot measure to increase the hotel and motel bed tax in Newport .Beach has b r oug ht together some anterestmg bedfellows. By ROB ERT BARKER Of IM Deffy l"llot I llff "Thank God I wasn't in the house. I haven't been out m mort! than a month but I wasn't there today " Hel en J o hns on , 63 , of Huntington Beach, an anvaltd with a lung dts0rder. had reaaon to c.'Ount her blessrngs Whtie she was keeping an apporntment at a Social Security o ff ice Wednesday , a small airplane crashed into her mobile home at the Sea Breeze Mobile Home Park, 5200 Heil Ave. "I've lived here (immediately adjacent to Meadowlark AiroorO since 1975 and I've never been worried But I m i ght start worrying now," Mrs. Johnson -;rud "l'v<> told people God was on (See PLANE, Page AZ) On one 11de are members of SPON (Slop Pollutrng Our Newpo rt) and the Irv ine Company SPON and the firm u11ually are found on o pfosate sides of matters muntcapa This lame. they have JOrncd the fray 1n favor of the bed lax hike On the other side are motel and hotel owners and managers, campaigning for the serond time In less than a year against the bed tax increase That tax question will appear as Measure Bon tht-June 8 ballot. Cable TV viewed for Mesa by 1984 In a statement, Braniff wd tht.o move was "the moat prudent means available to/retierve the company's aaselB an resources to stem the deter1orat1ng c ash pos1t1o n of the compan y and penrut management to attempt to reorganrz.e the company under the protection of the bankruptcy court.'' T he filing came as thousands of Braruff passengers scrambled for standby seats on other fltghtii following the airUne's suspension of service Wednesday An identical b&llot measure to increase the city's transient oc:cupcmcy lax from 6 to 8 percent was narrowly defcuted last November. A tax increase net'ds a two-third vote to sue.~. (See BED TAX, Page A2) Bandits hit restaurant Two armed men escaped with $6,000 in C3llh early today after charging rnto Newport Beach's Le 81arrrt1. rest;,urant and fomng all the employl"t>S to get on the floor Poltce said the gunmen, who had their faces masked, entered the r estau r a nt at 414 O l d Newport Blvd. JU&t before 10 a.m Each wos armed with a small handgun, police 11ald. No Injuries were reported in the episodl1 • The restaurant wasn't open for bu1ln es11 at the time WORLD By JODI CAD EN HEAD Of th• O.fty ~Mot '"" Cos ta Mesa, o ne of thl' lus t crlrl'S rn Orange County without cable telev1s10n. could have a cable communtcataonB syRtem by 1984, according to a consultant hared bl the city. Ron Dya.11. a former Cal St.ate Fullerton professor. told city coullC11 members thc <.'tty could be ready to begm acct•ptrng bids by next spnng. "I believe you are rn a better position today than a lot of other c1t1n that rushed in." sa1d Dyas Dyas said the c1ty could be able t.o offer residents as many as 108 channels that would mclude such features 85 entertainment, home security. co mmunrca taons between hosp itals and doctor 's office11 a n d shopping by televiaion. Caty manager Fred Sorsabal cautioned city council members against accepting b1ch from cable c.'Ompanles offering large sums of money for a franchise. "We want to see the best t«hnical system," said Sorsabal "When they start talking about Ambassador )Jeld h-0s1age GUATEMALA CITY (AP) -About 20 lefti.su held the Brazlllan ambassador and six others hostages tod ay ln the Brazilian embassy h e r e afte r the Ouatemalan government rejected their demanda. NATION New name for Newark? Columnist Hugh Mulligan 1ugge1t1 the city of Newark, N.J ,, could 1h~rpen lts Image merely by changing ita name. Page B6. R eagan holds conlerence WASHINGTON (AP) -President Reagan wiU hold a-~·~ MWa conference tonilht at & ln the WhJte Hou.If Eut Room (channela 2, 4 and 7). $5 and $10 million, we don't n<.~ 1t Maybe they should put it in the· sysll'm " Dya.'I said that 1t could cost 11 table company $12 to $17 million to install the communications sy'Jtem and that Costa Mt.'98 could c>xpect to Parn about $1 00,000 annually from such a system afU.•r fi ve years C1t1es that a cc l'pt large advances generally forfert their right to any other profits. Dyas warned In addition to choosing a cable flnn. the rounci. also can decide if 1t wanui to Pursue a JOtnt veture ownership wrth a company Impose a "gag " rule. restricting franchiser's access to ci ty council memben1. -Offe r a 52 or 108-channel system. Install cable line11 undt>rground or use existing utility hookups that are above ground. Appoint a citiz.e ns ' C'o rnm1ttee to h t>lp evaluate proposals COUNTY In 1980, based on passenger traffic Braniff was the No 8 domestic airline * * * AirCal honors Braniff fares Newport Beach-baaed A.irCal lS among maJor air ca rr1cr11 h o n o rin g tickets held by passengers on n o w -defunct Braniff IntematJonal Airways. Mark Petel"90n, AirCal dll'ect.or of communtcat1on11, said Braniff which cea11ed ope ration s Wednesday, carried passengers on a Las Vegas-Reno route. Any penon holding Braniff tkketa can fly on A1rCaJ on that route w ithout additional charge by cal ling AlrCal and makin~ reservations, Peten10n aaJd. Peterson sold Braniff tickets also would be honored on the some basis for some routes involv ing Monterey and other Northern California destlnatiomi Airport changes eyed Orange Cou nty s upervisors are still open to proposals to turn over emergency and secur l ty operations at John Wayne Airport to private tlrma. Page Bl. Newport S&L in the pink Newport Balboa Savina• and Loan Auociatlon buck.I a national trend by reporting record eam!np. Page CS. STATE Fire kills 5 people· RICHMOND, Calif. (AP) -Flve people died and 16 othtt1 were injured ln a predawn fire today that en1ulfed ar.1 apartment building and an adjacent hot.tie, off ldall uld. felony warrant servare and Wl·re try1ng t.o serve a warrant at about 8.30 a .m at a home o n Wo lfe Street In La Sierra, a resadenttaJ section. A woman neighbor who heard 11hots shortly alter the o fficers arrived called the p o li ce Deity ~llot It.ff ll'twtto DIFFERS -James Roosevelt of Newport Beach takes issue with the way his mother was portrayed on TV drairut 'Eleanor' not true to life? Among those wat<:h1ng Wednesday's televised "'Eleanor, First Lady of the World'" was ht-r eldest son, James Roosevelt ffo, rccollect1on of events d1ff1·rs markedly from the telev1s1on movie. For o ne thing , sa id thf' 74 -year-old Newport Beach businessman a n d f ormer rongressman, his mothl·r r.i<.·t1v1·ly campaigned for him In the movie· sht' 1s portrny1-d as sailing for Europe rnstf'ad of taking up her son's c.·all for hl'lp rn his campaign for Congrc'SS "In fact at one point 1n the Beverly-Fairfax part of the distnct, mother was commandrng such attention I was afraid that people w ould forget I was runrung." he .JOked Roosevelt served 12 years in the House of Repre-sentauvcs A ccustomed to years o f fictionalized accounts o f his parenta' lives, Roosevelt said he looked at 1t as "poetic license " As far as the scene m which Anna, Mrs. Roosevelt's daughter. angrily attacks her for ignoring her children and perhaps hrr grandchildren, Roosevelt said that never happened "The 11how indicated she wus far mor e interested in world a ffairs than h e r family," su1d Roosevelt. "I think she gave an u nusual amount of time to her grandchildren and gave a lot of time to her own children " INDEX At Your Service A4 Erma Bambeck 82 L .M. Boyd A !O Bu.ainea C7-9 Caillomia A~ Cavalcade 8 2 eta.ified Dl.D3-6 Comica ClO ere.word ClO Oea\h Noticeta D2 Editorial AlO F.ntertalnment B~ SPORTS dc·parlml'nt, and o fficers who arrived a l the 11ct•ne found a putrol car out11ide and the bodies uf the two men 1ns1de Paramedics pronoum-ed both offlc·t-rs dead al the sc:ene, police SdJd Th(• CaJ1forn1a Highway Patrol and th(• H1vcr s 1de Police Dt•pdftmc·nt said police dogs. a hl•IH·optt•r and trained officers with high v<>wered rifles were <1M11s ting in the search for two untd<'nt1f1ed men Om· was dem:nlx-d as about 28 with a two-1m·h Afro hairc ut. uru>havl'n with two scratches on thl• r1~ht s1dl· of his face. He was wearinj( a blue and green l"hl'<.·k1-d shirt and driving a tan four t.l oor s t·d&n , possibly a C.:ht•vr oll'l Monte Carlo. police Kaid T h t· H· <.· o n d s u i.. p e <.· l w a s dl11<:nlx-d a'> age Z5, with a short Afr<J haircut. mui.tache and a br<Jwn '>hlrl Hl' was said to be drrv1n g a 19fi4 Chevr o let Chc·v<.·lle with V1rgtn1a licen11e plau-s lnvl''llj(ators .wen• sc•ektng a warrant t.o St><trch the atlJc of the homt> wht-rc· the shooting took pl<t<.<t•, and offll't-rs St•alc-d off the m ·1Khborhood It was not known what tht• warr&nt the dead offo:t•rs Wl'rt' •.ervrng rnvolved. Tht• names or the t WO dead offtt'l'rs W{'((' withheld pendmg nr1t1f1<.·at1(Jn of rt•lauw-s Youth sought in CdM sex molestation CrJruna df·I Mar parents a re tx·rng ask(-d by polt<'t> l<> be on the '""kr1ut for a young l1ght-ha1red rnnn twl11•vt:d t<J hC1ve mo lested lh r1·1· grad1· sc hool boys this w1-.·k Thl· man. d<.">C'nlx-d as slender. in hr!> 20s and po!>s1bly &portrng a "mall mustachl'. ~e xually a ttatkNI 1m1· 6-year -old boy Tut'M.lay aftt•rnoon after carrying him bNwt-t•n two houses rn the t>OO blix·k of Camatron Avenue OH11'f•rs !\aid the man, a short t1m1 • lJtn, took two boys, 6 and 7. bl'tWl'Pn tht· same houses and ,.,cpcr..4-d h1m.-..•lf In t•;H"h inndt·nt, po lice said. tht· rnan h1·gan by <t s king the youngi.t1•r.. d1rc'C:llon!> to a nearby !>trl'f't Offu·prs said they have n·uson to lx•lit•vt• the man lrves m the· arPa P o I 1 c t' s a 1 d t ht• m a n w a s wearing an (Jld patr of blue jeans with a h o le 1n o ne leg . blue 1ogg1 ng .,hoc·s and a yellow l 11h1rt Ofr1<.1d ls o f Harbor View Eh:mc·ntary School and Harbor Day School have alerted parents. PCJ ltce ask that parents urge thl'tr ch1ldrc·n to walk home from '!t·hool in groups and to avoid strnni;cl'n. Funding f rozt4 n? WAS lllNGTON <AP) The I luww has aduptt•cl :1 r1•solut1on l' a I I 1 n I< o n t h t' H c· a g a n adm1n1stra11on to withhold U .S. fundrnl( for th<' U111u:'(j Nations if I ., r a t• I i s b a r r t• d f r o m pm w·11.1utu1~ in th1· U N G<>neral A<l .... •mhly ur !>pt>t·1nlrwd agencies. Hy Gardner B2 Horoerope 82 Ann Landers B2 Movies 85 Mutual Funda C8 Public NotJces C3,D'l Sporta Cl·6 St.ock Marketa cg Televt.ion 84 ThHterl 85 Weather A2 World Newa A3 BEVERLY HILLS (AP) -San Diego Clippers owner Donald Sterllna aayt the Loi Anaele1 Lakerw haM offere d t6 mtlllon for San Diego's No. l baketball draft choice to obtain Vtrglnla center Ralph Sam and may offer more. c - OIN Orange Co .. t OAILV PILOT/Thurtday, May 13, 1982 ----------------------------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------------.-------British PLANE CRASHES • • • • my aid• Maybci th«'y'll bcillov• nw now '' Her IOfl, Charlie. who &1llo llv• at the m obll11 home, uld the Uvtna room wu amuhl'd up a bit ""d the televl1lon ut wu knocked over. · "If I hadn't boen o ut with · Charlie I would havtt ~n In that room croch,tlna or wat,·hlng 'TV," Mn. JohNOn auJd "Douone h, l hope the TV ')V••n't ruined h waa my main 'Jh.ln .• ~ cruh occurrt!d at 2.40 p.m . 'W edneaday when pilot Walter W. L ohm eyer. 66. o ( 16982 ~lero Lane, Huntington Beach, ' wu returning home from Canon ''Ctty. Nev . with hia ware LiU1an. 64 . Lohmeyer told 0U1clals that the steering co ntrols :QlAl(unctJoned on h111 Cessna 172 , Iii he waa on the final approach ·to the runway at Meadowlark .'Ain>ori at Warner Avenue west of &1.sa Chica Road The plane clJpped the edge of Qne m obile h o me and cartwheeled into the• Johnson residence that's separated from the norlheut up 01 the airport by a G-foot clnderblock wall. Mnt. Lohmeyer wu trt!ated for lacer1ltlon• and brulaed r ibs at Huntlnaton Inte rcommunlty H oapltaf and h er huaband waa examined and releut!d. N o one elu wa• Injured . OamMse t.o the lint mobile horne hit by the plant' w141 minim.al. "W t: h•d » perff'ct trip from Canon City until we were on the flnal approach," Lohmeyer aaJd "My controls !™llfurwlloned and I couldn't control the &Jrpumt. ll wasn't a stall." F'edcral Aviatio n Administration and National Tranaportallon Safety Board officials were aull inve stigating today Meadowlark Airport haa been the target of residenl8 who said they were worried about the safety of the airport U1ck and Art Nerio, airport owners and operators, have been talking about closing the airport and converting the propt'rty to otner uses such as a mobile home park 'BED TAX ISSUE • • • . Newp o rt City Coun t'il members agreed to try again because of the closeness o( the tlection and their theor y that Wlure was due to the Lack of any active campa.1gn in support of the t.a.x hike could send his guest.II up t.o Costa Mesa. warship damaged LONDON (AP) -Two Arienllne Skyhawk fl'htera wtre ahol down, ta third lghter craahed und • 8rltl1h wauhlp w a a d a m u f l"<I 11 11 g h l I y I n WcdnHdity • butle off the Fialklond h lond1, the British Oetcn11e Ministry reported today. WednetKfoy. the ministry 11ald tw o of three Araenllnc Skyhawka w e re shot down by British Sea Wolf ml111lea when they attacked a Brill.ah wanhip about 30 m ah-a west o f the diaputt.'<1 1.1landJJ But mani1try 1poke1man Ian Mc Oonuld uad to day a third Skyhawk w a"' "seen to crHh" during the t-ngagement an the five-week dispute McDonald said tht-re were no Bnttsh c:.aawalues and the RoyaJ Navy t.ask force wa• continuing lta patrol!. an the South AtlantJc lo keef. Arge ntine planes Crom resupp yang forces on the U1lands. He said o British w a r ship aust.alned ''comparatively minor damage" whi ch was being repairt'<I He would not elaborate. The lat es t Br1t1 s h announcement come houn aft.er London Broatkasting Co rp .. an all-m•ws radio station in lhe Brllls h capital , repo rted two Argentine Sky hawks w e:re downed and a Britlah destroyer torpedo e d 1n f1ght1ng Wednesday George Spragms. leader of the Yes on B C.ommllt<.~. claims the measure 1s de11gned to make '"1oorista" pay a !au share t.o help maintain the quality of life an 'Newport. City officaal.s In Newport, who no w collect about $1.9 million annually in bed tax, say they would be willing to channel money from the increase t.o street ;md beach projecta. Tom Baker, a Marriott Hotel director and president o f the city's C onve ntion and V1s1tor s Bur e au . s ays he d o esn 't understand the motivation for the tax hike He points out thl' city now has a budget surplw of nearly $13 milllon CLOSE CA LL C(·ssna 11i makes a n unst twdu l1 '<I la nding at H<·l••n J o hn:-.on 's 0.11, Pilot Photoe by Gary Amb<OM mo bile homt• Pilot said steering conlro b malfunct1oned o n has finaJ approach . "One of Britain's w ars hips in tht• Sou th Allantlt', a l y p t· 22 fnKau., •~ lit•lu.•vc.J lo have been hll hul nut li<Jdly d amaged by a t oq w do d uring t h e 1n l01dt-11t yt-!>t <.'r di.ly 1n wh 1th twu Argl'nllnc· )(•I.I> wnt-'>hut down." Bn tmn '' known to have lwo typt· 22 fn~llh~ th<.' Broetd!>word CJnd Brill1i.ln t , in It!> Falk lands t.a:.k fore 1· "Eac h da y," h e e xplains. "20,000 to l 00,000 people v1s1t our c ity, drive o n our streets. sunbathe on our beac h es and picruc m our park.II They should ~y their share " M otel o wn e r Vi c t o r Rumbellow says this sort of logic; la nonsense. He says the t.oun.sts who visit the bt-acht'S aren't the same people who s tay 1n the botels and motels "If they get I 0 0,000 people bere on the weeke nd and we have only 1.000 hote l o r mo tel rooms th town weU, you figure it out," RumbelJow suggesu Opponents say a tax hike waU IJ"'t Newpo rt out of lane w ith rielghbonng cllle s like Cos ta Mesa and Irvine. where the bed tax is 6 pel"Ct'nt Supporters argue that Newport 1s a to urist town and should charge 8 percent like Laguna Beach and San Diego R umbello w , owner of the Chan nel Inn, s &y& a tax hike "Today's current busancsft dunat.e just doesn't afford us the luxury of mcreasmg taxes," says Baker "If the c ity was 1n f1nanc1al trouble and this was designed to help them out of ll, the measure might be worthy of d1scuss1on." He al'i<J t:omplains that nunc of the n ty's bed tax flo ws back kl the visitor's bureau as 1t does In so m e o ther t o wns s u c h a i. Anaheim and Palm S prings Spragins responds that thost- c 1 ties a re try ing t o pro m o le· t.ourtBm while NC'wport l8n't "And l d on 't buy the argumcnt that an incr ease of 2 percent, whic h me ans o nl y a d o lla r o r two, is going to 5eare away hotel guests," h e says "I seriou i.ly doubt i t w o uld mak e th e d1ffe r c n l'e bf'tween som eone staying m Newport or stay ing in Costa Mesa " Vidt"<) games carted away by burglars Nt·v.p•it I B1·ad 1 po l1l·1• tu rm·d u p .• v.11 1.t1 111n 1.r t ht· P ac M.1n 11 ,,d ... t11 ,, lift· 11f -1·rirnt• 1lw111 y Tl1111 "'J,1y lns lt•.1d 11f y11u th ful 1·l1·ctronw j.!.J rl11 · 1·111 t.11i-1.1sL' s tl'a l1ng l o. '>U p port I 111 1r q uarlt·r a -gamt• h.Jl11t p11l111 -.;ut.l !.111111'0111· brokt• 11t111 ,, N1·w po r I p 1zz:1 s h o p , 111111lllj.(J.:• d tlir 1·1· of tlll' maehtm'!i .1r1d wl11 .k1 d llwrn .1way an to lh1• 1111 d.1\.\ 11 d.11 km·~' (>Hu' 1 .... 11d tl11• v1dt-;> h<1nd1L'> '"''"h' d down .1 rt•Jr door lo /.11111 ·• 1'111 1 ·ii I:! N1•wport Rl vd . .111d 1111 11 llSI d ol hJllcJ ( .Jrt ti! v.111 1 l 11111t l11 •111,H hllH'l> Tl11· 1111 .·.111J( v11f1'(1 gmm">. J PJt' M ,, 11 ,, '-i u I• 1· r < o h r CJ <t n d a S 1.11 J.:••11', .111· w11rth $2.HOO t·ach Fair weat her ahead tow c1oud1 tu1n1ng to 1unnv alter noon• 1od1y and F rld1y >ltltll today &e 10 73 OYetnlQlll loW'I a.. to &8 HIOt11 Friday ~ to 88 Fair weatller torecu t lor --end e1 1ewlltr• tro m Poin t Conc apllon 10 I ll• M•••can border and out 80 m11 e1 NOtitlwell Wind• 12 to 22 knoll """' outer -1er1 w1111 MU 4 to 8 t..c ttw~ tonlglll Locally llgrlt vatlable wtndt b«Omif'O _, to 1outhwu1 10 to 18 kno t• 11111 rtenlng With ....... 10 I OUlll-11 ewett1 ol 1 to 2 IHI Night end morning low cloud• 1urn1ng 10 eunny aftetnoon• U.S. summary Tor"ecl o•• tp•w n 1d by ,roaming band• o l ht11vt • thundeft10<ma 1n1u•Pd et 1eat1 29 'people in T u aa end llnodw11a1• 11n Wtchlla r allt lell people 11rand11d in cert home• and :., ... • Wal., r•n H <lfl4fll •• llv• IMt '1n eome '""'' el w11,1111a Fella : ,t.utllorltte1 used bo111 aruJ 1arg11 'truck I 10 ev1cunle nvnd,.d• <>I :relldenll rrom lloode •I or llood·lhrHtenfJ<l 110~• ' Severe 1hund11r11orm1 itltll produced 11a1t h•gh ·Nlr•lh •ncl 11e1vy '''" 1n 0~1Ahom1 tQclay •• ,allo w••• •nil • '""' 1 lhunderehowe" ~ontlnued O•flr • -te<n Nebratkl : Scell .. 11<! lflOWflU 14111 '1¥fl< the I MIHIHlppl Valley In (,olo1ado. 1 1now ttll In 11111 rnounta.lna and fUlern foolllllll A few rein ~· -• repo<t41d •lonQ the Mtd ·Allan11c Co111 and o ••• were cl••• ov•• th• Soulllt•ll Md -1 of ,,,. Roe:~ ... The HallOnel WH1h4W Sfl<vtc;e 1ort cu1 111undere101 m1 lrom caf\11al Tai11 int o ea11err (MilahOf't\a 11M """tatn A1kan1aa llld loultl•n• Temparetvra• around th• ~tlOn -IY loday ranoe<S l•om 37 "' COiorado 8pr1ng1. Colo It'd Ely, Nev , 10 90 In MeAlletl, T e..a1 ~_alif OJ?lia C1Nr llllM and lllQhl In the 70t or 11>ovt 1hould prtv111 •C•Oll moet ot 8ou1h•rn Callforn ll tllrough ,,Idly •H •PI IOI momlnQ cloudt llOnO IM GOUI, lht Hallonal wu111ar ltrvloe Mid H!gllt Friday 411'a pted~ frOl\'I 7t In Loe ~ to • me•lmum 71 al l>H Chff, O.twMl'I at and ... In thl rnounttlflf. ltOl'fl 71! to .. "' '"' lllQtl cl-' ltld belwelll .. '° ... Wilow ..... DI.wt MOl'l'M eoi.lld llH nOtlMrf\ lflllfll 10t1lghl with --~ wllldl pllng lo t0.:.. from POlnf CoftOIC>tlon to Ill Muleefl botdw CM I~ 11yfl' ""'"'"'" wind"' 1orn9t11 •• nd f' •Ji•r mn''''olJ t>.,c.om1nr' N~"' ..,1,v1h""""' •' to ,,, lb ., not" ~101 w•,tU'''Y &w,,ua tunning t to ~ ,~, tSuflnQ 1h., ttfhHfi(JIJf"I wuu,,. •h<Nltl tm nc1nhw•o•t 1•1 17 tr, 'J'J "or11~ wi th .. H1 fJ ffH)t , .. ,., 60 rn1l1JI nthho'f! and r.wt htH'' thf' p1~n1 10 S11n (,tf!tnenl• lal'nd T P11tperaturPs NATION HI LAI Pq> Albany 82 .... All>UQUe 83 37 Amer Mio 82 36 ~ 85 $2 Atlanta 87 82 Atlante Cty 68 5' oe Au111n 111 8altlmoH 91 81 81111:1,! ee 47 81rm ngl'lm ee 69 81-etl $$ 48 13 8olM 6e 39 Botton 68 43 Brownlvlle 6e 18 8v11alo 72 61 Burlington 64 48 Cuper 62 41 Cllat11tn SC 78 87 Charl1tn WV 89 61 Cherllte NC 8& $8 Clleyenne 46 36 111 Cllleago 111 51 Cincinnati 8& 54 Ci.veland 112 S9 03 Clmbt1 SC ee 62 Columl>IJI 88 52 Oal-fl Wiii 78 81 3 92 Oaylon 87 80 Denver 44 38 118 0.. Moin.t 78 83 10 Detroit Ill 66 6e O\Jluth 411 ... 611 ~ Paao 73 63 lfgG ff 411 oe P'legatafl 43 Of•t, ... 16 42 01 HartfOtd 72 47 ~ 87 41 HonolulU 86 75 01 Houa1on n I~ H 81 .Jedlan MS .. II Jedlanvlle .. 157 1(-City 70 86 01 LaaV9'1M 17 88 Utde Aom 12 87 ~ 87 157 Tht ForecHt For 7p m t", '1 11 M .1y 14 •H• t• Tamper.ih1•"'· 70 ••• ,I. •• &.&. Lubt>odl 82 61 M«nc>N• 85 82 Miami 711 73 MtlwaukM 114 41 Mpla-St P 81 80 NUllYllle ee 57 New Or'IMn• 86 71 New York 80 (,3 40 Norfolk 86 80 No Ptalte 511 6t ., Olll• Cny 10 oo t oe Omaha 12 80 Orlando 86 80 Phlladr.I• 82 ~1 14 Phoen • 81 Ill Plttat>v<e:i 84 68 Ptland, e 82 411 Piiand. Ore 118 411 P10Ytdenoe 87 411 Rai.tQh 87 IH Reno 10 38 Sell L .... 81 311 San AnlonlO .. 72 o::i S..llle eo CALWDAHIA 811k41n1Mtl'1 II? f..1 61)'111• ~ Eure!<• ~9 48 l'rew\O 80 •11 Lanu tte< 14 ~'.. lo4 AllQelee 10 !>fl M1ry1v1ll<t 81 Monle<ey 58 NHOIM 8, OaklaM 68 .. , PH O AoblM 711 4".I SURf REPORT :~ ..... . .,. ..... &..-.... Temtt Humlnf'on .,,,. .3 poor..fllf H =:::;:, J«ty 1-2 poor.fllf 6e 2 ,.,. ot 40ttl ., """'°" 2 , .. , H 22nd 11. H9wpOl'I ' pOOt tit 9lltlOllWllCIOI ' pOOt 68 llloc*pll~ 1·2 poor 68 M poOf &I =: .. M poor aa .... ~,.., 1-2 poor H f~ 1·2 poOf tit TOMO""OW'I TIDH1 Hlgll 6,H p.m LOW t :10 1.m 1••11 ~w.. ' ,. EST AainO SnowQ ... ,.I lil1fl 81 f h11t1rttl'JfJ (,11y ffl 1 I t lrrltlfllfl ,., t,.,iu l'l f,J ' .. t11 lt•••Of1 tlfj '-..•• , 1,(10( '" ,, .... f'• I'll 1 H1a•ll••rd 6'.t • Htl' M,.,,. w • rt!,..!lll1;r1 '" rt11•fffl 11 llO 11 1ttfl 79 u.u,f11w 87 hHJ Ht1tu ~' Hi .t1t1t1 6'> I H••q lhHlf h 611 t-,Ai •lltlJ'lt" 15 "'' 1/1111\1111 'Ill "' -Nl•l •• t H•wr '' ()/ t )111 HHI It 1•,111 I ''""U' 841 "· uh•ta.1 ~& •,,.,. Ue<nerdlno ""''JON 85 . ,,., 1 I ~rt• 7 I 01 .. , tu ( "" 6e ' ' ~ v .. 11w 82 l','x tPnded wl•ather ,. •• SS ()0 41 41 "' '>(J •11 411 ;>6 3!> !i7 47 Jl '>-• 44 H 44 50 67 52 30 OfJ l;0UTH£RN CALIFORNIA COAS TAL ANO M OUNTAIN AREAS -Night and morning r<>u••I low cloud• end varlablt 111g11 Ctov<I'-Cf\anef Of IOc* d1lul• aboul Sunday night and u 11~ '4onday end b•com1n9 wind'( In IM mountalnl Mondey Ot!la1wlle le l r wi th hig h •empertturH from upper t01 near the 00111 to 701 In th• v•ll•Y• Lowe 415 to &e. Hight In ,,.,. mountalnl H to N end towt 30 10 4& A" ., ... a llttle ooollr Monday 7~i</R.11 TODAY SticAl"<I hlQh 4•07 p.m 3. 1 ~Otld tow e H p m a.o ,., . ., Flrll 111(111 12:62 • m 4.:J '"'' 10w I: 10 a.m. 0 4 9eoorld lllofl u • p.m. u 8-14' tow U:J pm U sun HI• toctay 11 f :O p .m • ti ... ,,ldlly 11 S:H a.m. MOOfl nee. todeY at 12.01 a.m .. Mtl ''*Y ti 1()'f 1 '""' Rams to tee off for diabetes Los Angl'le11 R<tms coac h Ray Malavaal and a gather - ing of sports i.lari. will k 11:k o ff the annual Heritage Bank U.lebnty G olf Tournament al the Irvine Coast Country Club in Newport &•ach Monday The golf tournament bene- fi ts the American 01abt'lt:'S Assoctat1on Malava-11 lS r.•Xpt'l·ttod to bf• • Coastllm· Culleg<.' will o ffe r an all day w orks h u p S aturday o n ho w to all&1n a n d ma 1 n ta 1 n o n c·' s 1d1: & I weight. The session will t.akc place from 9 a "' ti> 4 p.m at the Marriott Hotel, Ne w port Beach • Lucllt> Pal<'ri.on is to bt• installed as prt•s1denl of thl.' Wo men 's C ivic L eagut> of Newport Beach at a luncheon Tuesday Margo Skilling will be 1n .101ned by Ram players Jac k Youngblood, Carl Ekern, Pat Haden, Larry Brooks and Noland Cromwell. Former players Mulln Ols en, Dick Bau and Roman Gabriel an• t'XJX'<:tcd as are Don Drysdale a nd Rams owne r Georgia Frootlere. For information •Jr t1t•k 1·1S, call 5'56-6070. S up<.'rv1smg tht' workshop wall b<• t'<iucalional psyl'holo l(lSt Bobbe L. Sommer . The $20 fee inc ludes lunch ffog- 1stra ti on details can b<• obt.a1 . n1·d b y calling the colh .. gt>, !ni:J-01:111 , ext. 256 st.CJJlt-d a<i VK'e president while Ida WlJllama will be sworn m a s treasurer The annual reorganization luncheon will be held al Calabash Landing in Cost.a Mesa. Buena Park's 'Bigfoot' disappears By J EFF PARKER 01 the Delly Piiot lten Bu1·na Park Bigfoot failed to s h o w u p f u r a n r• n c o r l' Wt'Clnr '!l(lay night I I t• o r 1t h l' -l' I u cJ c• d dPtc·c l H>n dt•i.p llt-som1· 50 nt•1gh bur ... a "big f 001 det('('ll Vt-" <tnd a TV nt·w1> t.t-<tm lurking un rooftop!> uf th<' JpartmcnL'> where 1t wa.' Jllt•l(t-<lly l!{'t'n two night:. tx·fon· A d1.,d pp o1ntc·d Fran k M 1 i. i. a n 1 • 11 t • ma na g e r o f l h t• F.xt•l·ut1vr· P ark ApartmPnt' wht·rt· M'Vt•ra l Jlt'Oplc> da1mE>d t hey saw an 1•1ght-foot tall. hairy, fr1ul -smc·lhng br«1st run from a draanag1· d11.< h Mrmday, ..aid that in spilt· of thL v1g1I . th1· mon.'>tN did not rl'turn "Oh y1·a h, wt· lookt·d. hut n11 l ut·k ,;, h1· .. a id ''W (• ha d fJa..,hlighL'l and wt• l;11d down 1m lhP roofs so ht• wouldn't M'<· U'>. but nothing happt•nl-<l "W1·'rf! nQt quilling. though Wc•'ll k1 ·t·p 1l up u ntil ·w~ (and him " It was Ju~ t a ( t l' r !I o' c Io t· k Mon d a y n i g h t whl'n tw o n •s1df'nts o f thf· Exc'<'u t1ve P urk t'Omplt•x re portc-d ly saw the beast c l1m h 1ng alvng th e d1lt h Missam·lh and h15 wife. Lorrame, had JU St p ull e d into th"ir driveway aftc>r dmm~ at Alfy's, when th<• ·'t<>rnf1ed · residents said thc.•y'd S(.'C•n a mo06t.er in the ditch NEVER BUY A PREC IOUS GEM ON c;OC)O LOOKS ALONE ' • ' ----- ~·· N Otange CoHI DAILY PILOT/Thurldey, Mly 13, 1H2 Fun Zone proposal needs care{ ul study Tht• Uul hoa Fun Zone la. u plt~·t· of Jll.>'\t..ilfltu ll ti< 1 umJow11, lfC1m1•llml'lc d1ny und II fur lTY frf>rn what tl wui; m 1t.-. ht•yctuy . Tht· hlut·k lonj( un atlt· •wv t•rul l111w" h11-. hN·n 1·y1·tl hy ch · Vf'lopt·r11 wltn w11nh·d lo l1.,1r 1t down iltld rt·pltt<.'t• 1t with c·on domlnlun111 or offi<.'<.'8 Now th1•rc'1i uno ttH•r plun Thts cirw. proposc.td by Cl<1rrmont- bust'{J .JBS l.k•vt·lopirwnt <.·ullH for tht• Je'un Zont· to ht· rq1l:1l't'<l with a thrt>t• s tory Capt· C'od stylt-d 11tructu1 ,. u l -.hop "I . cd f1c·1·~ anti rt"tltaur:m li. Tht· cll'vt·loprn1·11t I 1rm .• 1w.111· of thc· fu11 i'.or11 ·'-. long JIHl t•olor ful h1st01 y, h:1~ :1~n'<·<l t11 pn ... 1·1 v1• tht• F1·1 r" wlw••I, <'fir 11u~1·I ;111d kt·t·p a s111all 1·lt·1·lrc1rn< g;mw a1 t•a<Jt• Ttw pl.111 .il~o < .1lb 1111 ,,,. un <.krgr1111n<l t.,.. o lc·vC'I p.JI k 111g lot lo ut:c:om11111cl.1t<· of I 1t t· w11r kt·1 :-., shoppPr s .ind ri•!>ta111 ant ~tH'I ~ Parkinlo{ would I><· l,y val..r ~l'f'Vl<'t• On t~u· -.urf.1< <~ th•· pl:111 look~ good Mu .. t H.1lhw1 n~iclc •11t~ "''<'Ill m agrt•••11\l'nl th;1l ltw ;11C'.1 1wc•cb a fact-lilt Mt1'l s•'t·m g1 ·111·1.illv :.up pl)l ll Vt• u( tht• J 8S pl All Hu\ thl'n· un• lloOtnt· problt•ms Orw l!I trnff1<· AM h x:ul l't'9'idt•ntK 111 t• kt.•t•nly 1:1wurt>, tht• 11trt• .. ts 11rnund what n"w IH thf• Jo'un Zom· :ir1• n11rl'ow uml frN1uc•ntly C'loJ<- iitNl A llm• of n u'R w.utang to ~l·l on tht• Bull>ou lshtnd ~\·rr y frc- qu1•n tl y lHH'kll up mon• than u hlot.•k Some rt'llltdenui wondl•r, WJ w~ do, how mot.o1 uit.'< will g<.•t \.o the pl:inrwcJ Hlructurc. We uhm won· d1•r wh1·0wr valt-t parking servicP 1s 11pprnpr1t1tt• Would pc·r·~ns who rn1ght want to drop "' on on P of th<' pla11r\1'<l f1:1st ·f1"xl 11~t.1unmi... 111· m t1·11•st1•cl an valt•t 1~rkmg'! ('1111e·t•11111lso hm, lx_<(•n voked 1111 •·>wav111um wm k that must ~ d11111 · bdur« th<' un<.frrgruund KU 1 ;agt• 1s hut It. Aside from thl· con - ~1-.,t ic in 11nd no1St· thlb four-month p111J1•c·t will pro<.Jun., at a lso in · v11lv 1·~ the· ris k u f ~l1ppagt• o( rw;1 rby building ... tis ~round watn .... rt·nJl)V1•d Tli1•.,1· t u rH't•rni. s hould hl· deo;1lt with hc ·(orf' the· pr<>J<•<.'t ad- va1w1·-. ·urban look g rows A 17 :-.lury Marriott Jlo tt•I 1s uncJt·r t·on~trut:t111n at Von Kar man Avt•nw• JU!>l ~>uth of th1· S<Jn lJ1cgo Jo'n·t·w.1 y 1n 11 v1111 · lrv1m· Company ofl 1<'1als, m1o;111wl111t., -.;1y thl'Y only ru·t•<.l an 111v1-:-.lln~ port n1·r b1 •f1ir1· hutltl111j.! a 5:>0 ro11111 $65 million liilt1m J Iott•) :..t Ma111 Stn·<.'l :incl J.imbor1-c• Ho:ul Hu -.1nl·i.i.es 111 Ccislt1 M1·-.u. N1 •wpc1rt 81·;.Kh ~ind l rv1n1• art· 4·red1t1·d wi t h 1rH·rc•:is1111o( th1• dl·mand (11r th,. 1tcld1t1orwl l11J.{h •1uality hntl'l~ An lrv1111• Cwnpuny ~µok1 ·i. man t·xpl.11rwd re·< t·nlly lhal i.lu dl<'s th1· (1r111 ti .• , untfort;_,kpn 11·· Vl'ttl l hll l I 'Vt 'II tlif•M• t WIJ Jlt'W ho t•·ls won't ..,;.1t1:ify tht· grow1n~ dl· 1-n11ntl for t ht· huU·ls Otht·r hot.t·l'I h :1vc· t>f 'l ·11 -.uj.{~<~k-<l f 01 Nt•wport Cf'nl<·r Ir v1 111• C <·nt1·1 and lo<·i.J lH111:0. rH'<ll .John Wayrll' Airport. ;tlthough tht•rt· Ila.'( ll1•1•n 11 0 r1111Vt•m1 ·11l n-<·1•11tly t.AJ hu1ld thC'm Th1•.,1 • lbrJ<<· and e·xµ1•ns1v<' h(Jll'I'> 1 ;a11 y tht· prom1M· o f r.·1:1 llVt-ly t•a"y t() flllS(' rt'Vl'rllJ(• for ctty ('(lff1 ·t':-I In Irvin<'. l'tty oHu.:i..uls 1rnt1<·11><•l1· th<' two holl'ltt will pro due 1• ;1buul $400,00U p1·r y4•ar monc·y dlrt'ltdy l'armarkc•d to go towtJrd finan('IOJ.( a n1•w animal -;h..tt .. r and c·orpt>rat1on yard . Ttw h1J(h -r1-..· hutl'IH al!w hrang with them a11 11wv1tabl~ al - tt·rat11111 to Oran~1· County's on<.•t• -.uhur h;in 'k vluw 'l'h<'y art' yl't an<1tl11·1 rt•11111Hl1•1 of thC' J(radual chanf{<' tu1 n111g th <· tC'rrtt.ory alun..c tht.> S<J n Ow.cu 1"n· .. w~1 y from a trdm1uil . rur.11 gr.1~icl.1nd into un urban ('t•nt1 r Child care to fit n eed A-. rn1,ri· 11111tlu·1 " 1•1\l1·r ttll' work f<1rc-.., .111 11w11-;1~in~ly c·nL1<;1I (.11 ·cb111n 1111 J1<1 11·r1t:-. " wht·n· lo J.>lat<• y11ungs t•·r:-; dur Ills.{ workmlo{ houri. F111 p;11·e·11 I!> 111·w ltJ l hl' Oranuf· <·,,,,..,t tl11 · h.1rd1·-.t P'" 1 may he · f111d1nlo( .111v 11·put;1hl1· <.1nc.J .1ff1ird;1hl1· c llild ' .. ,... c .. 1111•1 With Val ;J111 1t·s Jl11w1·v1•r :111 l rv11w h a-..·d 111 g<in1z:1t111n '' tak111S{ '4 t1·p.., tn 1 s t.abltsh ;, n1·w 111•tw111 k 111 111 honll' ('t•ntt·rs that may 11f f1 r h11lh 1111• int1m<1l'Y aru.J w:irrnlh 111 <.1 h11111(' whill-r1·t;1111111~ th•· qu.Jlity ;111d fH'('OUrtlalnl1ty t •XpN t<·d (J'orrl a prof1-s.'-!011ally 1 ut1 1·1·ntt·1 Thr!> e·1Jnn·pt usin~ af\ ('fU.1b ltflhed urnl->n·llu J(rnup, p1om·•·rNl In th1~ c·aM· by the· Jl<JO ·p1ofil C..:hild'1> W1>rld C h1h.ln·11·,. Ct•nt<:r , hns uppl1t·:aunn.'I thut Kh11ulc1 rnng1· <1Ut.'11d1· Ir v1nr It 1ic a i.ystc-m that t·oulcJ bt· u s(•d 1n any ()r.inJ<<.• County C"ummun1ty or wh1•r<'V<'r mon· d1dtl t·:1rl' sl•r VH't''4 an• in d••rnund In h1>m1· d1lld 1·ari· sc·1 vw•·i- fl re n ot n c·w For 1•xarnplt·, 71 1tate·lit•1•n<i('<l homt·~ in lrv1n1• ;,I r~ady 1>H1·r dtiy r·rin• to ai. m<.1ray <ti! llX c:hlldrl·n l'a~·h But nH>K t or th<'IH' h111t11·" .ire• c1p1·1 ;111·d 1n<lt.• • pn1d•·ntly hy 1.ian·nt.-. (Jr wandpar •·nts who don't bt·rwfll fr11rn nut -.11f1 · rt~1Url't"!f Undf•r tht· ('hilt!':, World µr<> posal, 1·mployt·t·.., at th1• t·1•nt.t•r 111 c·;i t1·<i .1t lJn1v1·r..,1ty Ml'lhodi~t t 'hu1 < h would c 11ruiu1 I tr:1ln10J( p111_Kr.1n1-.. hold m11111hly w11rk -.hops . h;intll1· b11okk1•1•ptng and ~.l :1nd.Jrd111· a f1·1· .. d11•dult•. 'l'ht• 11111\ profit 111 i.:•1111141t11111 would •·n -.u1 t ' th • .tt <:hlld1 t·11 :11 t• propt·rly c ,111-cl l11r <JJld "U J)(•r V1S4-<l Thi" '>1·rv1n· lli .111 th1• m111t• 11 .. Mlt·d today l)(1·au1"· .. taw hudgc·t ('IJL'\ hav1· n..Juc1«l tlw nurnh<'r of ..,1u·1al •wrv1e'C• work1·1 '4 ptud to n1.1k<· 'l'°l < h1·e·k" In l•ff1·<.·t . th•· lo<'fJI "' g~rnmt1on would 0<· IJ!>sum - ing that duty Tht· ~u1dt.tm·<· of th1 • umhrt'llH J(roup m1~ht :d~o c·nc·ou1 :tl(t· more• moth•·" (arid f:ith..rl') to try th<·ir· hand .it <:htld 1.:tir•• fo'OI them, 1t would of11·r ;1 :-.1·e·1inc1 1n<.'o m1• w1thc1u1 th1· µr11bl1 ·rns of INtVtnlo( homl' '" ttw11 own t•h1ldr1 •n. This n>rw1·µt has muc·h to o (. (1•1 mort· quallfu'Cl r hild <'<trt· S«•rvtt.'t1'. n·ason11bl1· t'nk\.3 a nd t•m· ploynwnt pot1·11t1a l It should bt• c•x plon·<I by ot twr i ·~ta bllsht•tl gmups us the• n•·•·d for 1ut:h can· uinttnUt1' to NUrg« Op1n1on'i 1•1p11···'' 1J ffl ltu '"" 1 .11)<w1• ,,,.. 111•1',•• tJI 1111• [),J1ly f'ol Qt ()lnt•r vo••w\ ,., prt·'i\f•d r,n 1111• Jl•llJ• ''" 01'1.1· ''' lto••tr •tvlh•Jr •• ind .1rt 1•,1 0, ~ht•1•., lOnam .. nl l'> 1nv1I tc.l Ad<Jrt"•' lh•· 0,11ty P1l•1t P 0 llo.t t ~b!) Co\111 M•-.11 CA 'nb76 Phon'• 1114 1 64~ 4311 L.M. Boyd I T est tr.ick Scholara ot C:ol~fll/• Un1vn1oty g.wt• a ll'ngthy muth lt'ltl tJ1 111ud1•ni... Half of them iwt In c-hi1lrH. holf lay on lx>dH T(•llta of ttw 1<tud1·nt1' in lw-.1 t'flOW out 1om<!Wh1tl lll'llt•I Wh11t du vou 111.1k1• of thut" Q . Aren't tornado<111 11n11•11'• to the tJnlt.ed StateH'! A. AlmMt It'• irnld 9ff percent or them occur here· In pe~n11llly t~•la <'onriuctf'd on ph~na. the• pc>dlatrld~nia for lM>m4' O RANGE COAST Daily Pilat rl'a11on IK'llr\'CI quit.• luw on humlhly. S1, 11 wi.11 ri•poru•d In a nhtlonal nrng11z1111• How do you ot·c·ount for this'' Why would thoit<' 1p<'clal111t• M'f'm 1 .. ,·km" In thh1 pMtk ular trult' Nik your l,fihy dodor Q, Wa1tn't It Talluluh D1nkhud who 11Uld, "I've mud{' an a111 of m y11clf 114) muny tlme11 I <iften wondtir 1r I um onP'" A No. Norman Matllrr uid that Tallulah Hid, ''I'm a11 purt1 H the drivt."n .. tuah " Thomas P. Hatev Publl\her Thoma1 A. Murphln• Editor B•rbar• Krelblch Edltorntl Page Editor • ~~~~N~~~~l~~:i.!u~~llt•:•?~.~-"'"'~"~"~'~'~"~'?.:y ~an , nothing may !IUC'<.'t>t'd like fallurt! th<·y would d t·,·l1n1· t1Pl.111 v .. ly) ,1~u111 ru·l.l." would Jll 111· .,111wly c·h11k1'<'111H Tht· c11llup1K· and C.'hlt•JH or hu1 ('('Onomk wh1•11 "111d PXlnj(' ht't'lllllt' ,., '•'l I IVC' In Tti .• t I'> '"' ....... That ll> 1111' 1d1 ... thul poht.·1t>11 c·ould tx· h•uding l.t> tlw rt•ullZJJ IHH~> 1111d fl•wt•r 1111d lt•Wl'J' tuxvay1·r" H1111.1ld H1 ··~:.111 ,,,,cf 11 ... 11111111 n1n11nitt,'<l t1on of hu; mOllt chl'rU!h1..>d politlc·:JI uoul: wuuld tlC• mov'"J 1111.0 ll1.ih1·r ltr.wk1·1 ... by 111 A1111 •11• ,,,. 1111,,,., v.1t1v1•" Ii.iv,. h1·<•n c:r1ppltng tht' federal govt•mmt'nt Wlll(t• 111fh1tlon p11,j,111111-( \1111 •· 1h1· f1·d1•1.il g11v1·111111t•n1 Rt•af(un l1 govcrmng now l'\41t li.!J the :l) ~'t«J1 ·ritl d1 •(1•11"' 8JH1ncJ111~ would 1,..g,111 .ic 11v1·lv cl• l111111g .111d 1·11f11rc 111j( pollttt'IJn who ran California but '-" the c·onunu<· to r1K1· 1111.11 ply mud1 1111111• "IJll II•.._,," 111 ..r1·.a., 111t••ll11 tu.al ,111d w11 1dt-olugu1· who h 1111 llpt·rll h11 l&tt· ltfe ~ 1(1,1pli1• .• 1. ,,, rt"-" Iii• , 11u11ll v Waithington H is r~al goal and tht· ~ · -:--Tiii': IUl':A IS 111 11·1~"" 111111 Ii of 1h1 trying lo ln11plrt· pt•oplc to turn on J w1s1I of tht· mofll ch-dlca~ and energl'lll' ...;. : :tOth 11 ·11t1J1 v. 1,,., 1w11l.11 Iv tl11 · p.11 •~ that or h111 followers Ill to l<'aV(.• Washing RICHARD RlfVfS ' r 11ff1·1 t .. 111 1.tl W•·lf.111 I 1vil rtHht .... 111d ton in lWll etnd fl h .. :tlf yeani l)r lllX and a 4111 J • \.,11.(lll•I 'CHIC' Jll l1k1 '1111-.111111 I l'.111 I ll VI hair Y"a" with a.., mu<'h as p«>Mlhh· uf ,. 111111111·111 • .i ..,,.. .111d .111 1111111.1l11li1v Ht·., th1· pow1·r und rl'&eh 11r that c1 1y 11-<Jun-d 11 h;,rply than till' 7 pt•rtt'nl 11wr1·as1·~ g.111 • .111 l.111 1111 tlw 111111111.d 11 v• I 11f and Wrt'l·k1'<i Hf'i11i(an propo!l(-d during his HIHO t·am 111.., 111111 .... 111d -.111111'11, 1•••1h.1tilv 1,.·y111 1d pa1gn ll1•1·uw ... lh1· pr11j1•Cl8 1h1• :1d 111" l11nJ,..,1 dn .. 1t1 h 1111 1h1 l"'li11i'.1I l•·Vl•I TllF. 198% BATTLE of th1 · liuc.Jf1:l u wwdry and dt·prf'S.~mg pullt1c:al D CaJr on lht· •Urfol't: 1·ould he· hullork Thi.!! 1.1 whul would happt·n If Ht•agan, after 11uhm1 t1ing (ir1 Ff'hruary) th<! h1~h dd1t·1l budget that tw 1J1 now dt•plorinR. wE-rf• 11omt.'how ablt• to mnlinuc winning whJl M-.·m to bf> small sktnntShl.'I ~ un ronlrndtc.'tOry pnncrpl<.1. I) F('<kral revenueii dt·pendenl on 1n,·omc 1ax~1 w ould dt'cline (as a propurll<ln or gro111 nal1onal produc t ) t,."('au1w u ( the a lrc·ady-voted 198:.! and minU;trauon h,llJ "lo1'<iul1-cl lo hf ·g111 11ow of 1 li.111g111g 1h1 w.o v t\111.-r 11·;i111, liv•· .ind will C'(JHt mon• .and mon· 1n i.un1-c'(l111g w1v1•111 1111111.,.·lv•"' I doulil ""lwll1• 1 t.1· yt•arw thmk!> h• will lw· JUdg<1l 1111 ''' 11·ally J) A liahtn<.-c.'CI f<'<ic·ral budg1 l man 1 :11•., th.it 1utu Ii .11111111 , "" 11••11 ri·lw '" dull-cl hy the• t•on•tllul1unal anwndmcmt in I !Ill:' ''' nm 1 the· prl"l!1dcnt now Kupport.s would rl· Tl111.,1· '"~ult.. 111 '•1111<1 •·-..,11111.al 1·la·1 dut.'t• <1Vt'rall lfP'•ndrng lo tlw lt·ve·l 11f lhe· 111111-. .11ul tl11· 111·xl p11...,1d .. 1111.al 1·l11·t11111 rnt.Ylt.ubly n·duc·•'<l n•vt•11Ut'll rlqwnd 1111 1111 11111rlt'd1.Jl• ,.., 11111111111 1m 4) StJ, l'*'h y1•ar lllt'rt• would Ix· 11~ 1i.11 1 11f tl11 -. 1li.,111111·d liud~a ·l 'l'ha· n"lult.~ and I« I mon1·y .1v.11IJblt• f11r d11ma·1il11 H•··•K·'" " wur k111~ 111v. .art! ,,, 1· n111 1111 bJ>(•tl<ltng hnkt'(I lo n.1t11mftl pol11 y 1111·rl1.t11· Ill I XI l'l'>IV l'I V (•( l1llflrllll' lit• Stllf·1al S.'t·ur11y, h1•.1lth smd ,..,1111.1111111 , 1111ld f.111 ;,, p11•.,1d• ril .111d \lit'• •'1·d .1:. Jn pr0Kram11, n•gul.1l11ry ac·llfm, 11vll law 1d1·ol11guo· Profit can't justify coastal damage To th1• EdtllJr I (1•h comp·llt...J w writ{' thta lctl.l•r m ~po1uw• lO on 11U1ludc whkh 8('('fTIJI Ill lw alarmingly prf'vah•nt in th11 11rC';1 Mori· Mpl'(.'lfkoll y. I am r<.>f<.'rnng t.o th1· logic· l!Xprt'Ml-d May Z 1n thUJ <.'Olumn by a W /\ S..rls on the 188Ut' or o ffshon· MAILBOX dnllinJ( 1n Nt·wport Bt-ach Mr R.•rl" MUJU(t'llll'll tha.t tht· t'lll7t'08 or Nt•wporl Bt·ac. h 1ons1d1·r ttw "f1rutrw1a l l11•nl'htb" c·omparf'll ''' "pos111hlt• t·nv1 r onm1•ntal ti arru. w · .. I ulll v111lt•nlly rf'pUl!k'<J by lht· nol111n put f11r th l>y tht"M' rnll<1UJJly ind1frt-n·nt 1rul1v11lu.,111. '-lK'h aJl Mr B<•rlJC, who 1ru11.t1t up1111 p11l:tj(1ng our t•11v1ronmc•nt f11r µrof1l Mr B..rh, wa11 4ul lt• l lt·vn lo Ultl' th1• worc.J "p11111ubh"' u1 h11 11\.t1h•nwnt ~nv1- ron m1• 11 tu I damaj(l' '" not a cJl s tnnt "prn181litl1ty" wht•n uff1)1U lt'<J With OH ~hort• <lnlhnli(. 1l l:j an 1nn111trovt•rt1bl1· f ;a<·t OY COURSE, thcre· art> thoat• who 11l>t1l&naltoly r..Cuw t.o ucknowkdgc thlM fuC'l, U'iustlly pointing t.o bia'l·rld<fon, In dUJ1lry 11pim."'1u-d t·nv1ronmental 1mpll(·t stuc111·s lll 1·onfirm lht•lr "ral lonal" vwwpo1111Jc For lhoet• who pom4'tM more ob)4'(.'\iv1• und non profit attltudt•11, the f'nvaronnwnt.al lmJ>IM·l •lUdtt."a <.·ondut.·t.ed by th<' UCSB and UC Berkeley <.·cmtaln lnt.Nlscly distrt'mlng t<t1ncluaiona on the 1ub)l~t ut offshore drtlUng and marine ecology There• 111 no JU11lif1t·nt1on for pnv11on ment.ul rAplnt'. and ll lll"t'ms a~urd thut HOm" ind1v1cJwdJ1 IWt'k to rx<'UM' ttw n(• glel't or our mn)etitk t·oustltne fur pru jc-(·t.t-d rt•Vt'nues and an "(•nl'rgy cruil1 .. Unfortunotdy. howt•Vf'f. In ordt•r to lf'v1·I tht• m11111 dt>va11tating argum ent al(u1n11l th1• pr1111Utuuun or our l'(.lllllt, one.• mw1l rt•dun· himtWlf to think in mone- wry l.(•rrns. Th\• taxpayt·l'I of Cllllfornh1 hov1' just put forth $3Z mllllon for th<! Cry.ital CoVl' St.aw Park 1mrl a.re not too t•nthu.10.tic uboul llH'lng It• •Y1temat1c dt>t1truct.lon by lndU1trlal an«I. JASON LYNN lrvi11 e changed rules To tht• )'~It.or; The 1.>ally Pilot r«'t'ntly publlahed an un•lgncd letter which proclaimed that thl' frvlnc.• Company hu "1ublldiZAMI" lta leHc.•holdurt for the p11t 2~ year• and hu 1tood 1~adfully by lta "end of the contract without compl1tlnt." Thi. mi•· ludtna lnt<'rpretatlon Qlt>Hf'I over a cen tral IHue In the leHtthold crlalt. WNm the lrvtM Company chanced lta nwthod of apprat.tna lc..,hold pr0perty In l977, It ch an1fld lta contr1etual rel•· llon1hlp with the leaaehoiden and In dotna ao pn..'Ctplta\td \he current crtai.t. A.. .cknowledged by the former p,.... ldent of the lrvhWt Comptny, Mr. Ray Watton. th• Irvine Company, prior to chanalna hand • In J 977, appraised leaaehold property IO u to 1harc any lncreaae In the-value of the pro.,.rty .-qually botwe n the lrvln Company and lhe leMehokter (example: '" 1870, a I h1111w • v.1lu1"I .11 S 1110.000 )wd .111 Irvin•· ( '11mp.11l y I.ind q111111• 111 $~10 .000. I (I v1·ar,. l.11.t•1 tlll' ••nlira· 111011< 1 ty hud .app11 -.·1.1 11·d $:rno.111111 . "'"ult1n~ 111 ..r1 frv1n1· ('11111p,111 y f.111rf 'tllfltl' uf $:.!1)11,lt(lfl (I I ' $.>IJ,0011 phi-. $I ~10 ,IJIHJ J .ind :a 1111111·1 t1·d Vl'.Jrly 't·nt;tl "' $1 '..!.(llJll, h·"''C 1111 Ii p1•1w11t 111 $:WO 111111) Jl WJ'> lhl~ f Ill ~hJll.' •IJIJll.11 ... tl ~Yl>l"lll wt111 h t">t.11111.,lll'tl th• d.1y lo d.1y 1 ;,nt1 .wtu.11 , ,.1a11111\..,l11p t,.·tw1 .. ·r1 11!1• I 1 vuw ( 'omp;1ny .111d tlw l1·.i-..·h11ld1•1.,, ;111d wh11 .. , I 1•1t11·d I ti•· f.1v1,1.ol1l1· f'llVll 1111 111a •11t fur l1•;a" h11ld JH•11wr1y 111 whtt 11 'H1 .alt111-. .111d p1 •1 f1 ·,-.11111.ol 111v1 "'"' 111 111u11,..·l11r • .1l1k1 ,11lv1'>4·d 1111 11 r Ii• 11h '" liu v 1111 11 .1'>4 liold h111 n1 · " llNFORTl•NATJ·;i.v. wtlt'111ti• l1 v1111· Com1.wny t h.tnl(t'cl h11ncJ'I 111 I lr77. 1li. nt·w l1·11d1•1., 11hv1111hlv 1n:1d1 ,, tiu .. 111•"-" dt·• 11<1011 111 "" ,,.,,,,. th•· valua 11 ( 1li1 11 l.111d h11ld1llj('> l1v rt I aplUI Ill~ .di Iha· d11llar .1pprt~ lltlli/11 wl11d1 hmJ f11rnwr ly l1t•1•11 da ·lc·K·•lt·d lo th•· l1•asl'l1<1ldc·rN i't w,,, 1h1~ dc.,·1-.11m whlt'h rt1ml1• 11 -.h11mhlt-N 11f tlw l1 o;a~1·holcJ ('Ont rat·t J11<I wh1d1 produ1 •cl tlw -.11h"·q1u•11t 1•"4..1lal1t1n 111 11 v1111• ('1,n1p.1 11y l.111tl 4u11t1 ·' "" 1~11· 1·11111p.1ny rui.twd 111 k1•1•p up with infl,1 l111t1 and tu rt•1·111Hu11· llit· dullu1" th1·y ht1d pr<•v111ui.ly 11li;m -.t (lox1rn1pll · th1· Ir v1111· C11mp11ny 1111w t;1 k1-. .all th1· tl11ll;11 app1a't'l&llOll $~111,0110 plw, $:400.000 pro due,~ un Irvin•· ( '11111p.m y l.111d quoit 111 $:tr10.ooo and ii J>lllJl'l'la'fl y1·urly rt·11t;ol of $:l I ,000). I would i.Ul.(J(1•~1 tliul th1· Irvin•· l '11111 puny'11 h11ndl111j( ol lh1· l<'u-.1·hold 1·011 lrQC'IJI hus l)C'l'n rm fr•1r111•emi.t11111. a nd ltl fat l. ll w;1i. lh1· 111 ll(lm1I "f,11r 11111111"' .1p pr111..ul 111·hniq1w wh11 h lrapp1-.t ""' 111.111y hrij(ht p1·opl1• 111 lo liuy1n1< l1 .. 1!f1 hold pr11p«1t y, 1rnd llit• .. u1>1wqu1·r11, puhlldy un..in11011ru·•'<I, 1 h11n1<1· in 11pp1·;11:-.;1I lt'I. h ntKUI' whwh Im" l•·h so many "l111ld1nl>( th1. l>llj( .. ANl>ln:w () ST~:tNBEHc:. MI> /Je t others sacrific'· To the Y.dil(>r· I <.·oul<.ln't lwlwvt• my 1•11~ 1uc I lt11ll'n1-.I to Sen Pt•tc Dom<:nl<i . flc•puhllam from New Me xico, 1f'ttmg furth h la budiN balanc:lnfl proposal S urf'ly. I 1101<.I lo my11etr. thi• 1Wn1.1tor llJ~.'llkfl with forkt-d t.ongU(' In rhl'<'k JI•· ttllowed as how tlw c•lcJt .. rly inm •ly wouldn't m ind forcg1J1na th<> ••ht1luh'<l 7.~ per'Cf'nt rlJle In Sodal Security If they knew C'Vt>rybody cl•t" waa 11t~rtrlc•lng N}Ultll)'. 9et that, ft>llow 111u·rlf1t.·l•rs "Evnyt>ody 118C'rifldt11( c-qua ll y" How <.>aslly th•• word1 c·unw from 11 m.tn wha.e coll<'agUt'f had rc-.•1•ntly vo· tc.'d tht:m.elvew auch fl tax brt•11k for lht• me,.. ftct of doing bualne1a In Wruihl na- ton, 0 .C. H ttl vrrtuoJly rC'rnOV<' olJ Of • l.rll,,11 /r<Jm ri•Nl1•fl 11rr 11lf'lnmll' 1'hfl' flUht In 1•11111l1·n~I' /ell,,~ r11 /rl •Jl'll< f' 111 elrrn1111111• l1twl I\ '"'"" 1•d IA•U1•r11 11f .lllU 11'ord~ or ,,.. u'l/I tH' lllllt'n µrt'/l'rt'fU.'t' All ''""~ mu~• 11'(·/udl' "Unoturr and mmliou addr11111 hut namt• ma11 ,,, u1tlhh11d Oft "' q11t•I If 1ulf1nl'nt' rt1111111n ,. apparf•nt l'ol'I r111.1'lll "'~' tH' vut>l11htd 1.,,,,,.,. ma11 bf trlrphonrd In 1142 hOMI Nomr nnd phonr num/lflt nf lht f'11tll rlhul<>r mu~I ,_,,.II"''" /or vcm/11 otfOfl f'U'1)()1" lht•fll 1111111 llo1· 1.1)< 11111 I v..11t•"l 1111 1111 -.ugi•• -.111111 1h,1t 1111 , 1111~·111 I 1''>1 11111 11i.o1 1.111 -.1 Ill 1111 '" 1111 ,. -.1111 .,., l.•lo.l•••\•·r., ,,., .1 v.,1 \ 111 •,loov.111~ that 1111 \ ''"' "' r• ~·11111g 1 .. 111.1k ... .r l1•;a,t .1 l•1k•·n ..... rd111 It did 111111111111 I WAITEJ> I·•• .1 ,11~:w .. 11 .. 11 1lo.11 "'•11w "' , ,,. l.11 J.!• I ""' k 11.1 11 1 I , .... , .. ,., 'P"'l'>11rt ·d 11\ 1111 11il11·1' .,1 t h.II .1 11~·u -.t '""Iv 1111 tl1111 \.0111111-. ,1.111.., 11u lud111~: ,, V1·1 V l.11 i~1 11111 ll111f1 •f tl11• ,11 ~!I" 111 "•'fl I )111111·1111 I 1111~:111 '" I IJI l1.1C k 11 did 11111 t ',,. .. 1\ll I Ii• .11<1 "'·" 1111 -..11111 11ld 111 1 r1 I tu lt tl II v. f111 lo II .111 I.do I" 11 '11k"\ 1111 ""II li111 ,j,.11 I 1-.k 1111 11 1 II' p.11 I .,f II Wl11 ·11 will 1t.11-.• hwhl1111rl• r· "" th1· hill WI Iii• p1111111 llo.11 1 \1•1 "'""!\ 111 1 lud1 ' lli• 111 ' 11 11.11.11111111• 11 ... l111d1:1·t cft l.ol'ltcl'> "II Olllf l.1 \ 111.1k1 I • )11\ Ill~ lffl 11111' fl tJllll I 1 llJ'f.1 \111 l"•l lf ,111 111 1111 ·.Jiil •1f 1h1 l.11t· N .1111 \ I l.111k ... \1111 • .111 l.1 -.. .,.,.. 111 (1v1 11 will 11• \•I t .. l1.1l.11111•d S11 111111 h f111 "I'll ...... I ii 111· S1 ll f>•1111a llCf I MAHY .l/\NI•: WOOJ) F r (•t•zt· rt•,..;o /ul ion To the· 1':.d1101 'rh1·n· will h•· .. Jll'UJ1C1i.1 1111n on th1• N11v1 ·11illl'1 li.ill111 111 Cal1f11rn1.1 wh11 h c .1lli. (111 I lw ll S .and I ) :-, S H to 11111111· d1.Jll'ly hall 1Jr1>1f\111111r1 t•· ... 11ng ;111cl d1• pl11y111t•11t fff 11111 11 .. ar Wt •IJl'll\'>, .a, .1 f 11'1 :.11'11 low.1rd prt v1·111111j.( 11u1 11·,11 war Tt11s n1nt,·pl ha11 l1t'<,11n1• kn11wn 1111 th1• F1·p1 •11· W1· h11v1• l1t't·cm1a· in<•n •11s1 11j(ly t'Wll't•l rll'd alwn1t I ht• w•irldw1ri1• prold1• r .1twn of n1wl1•111 wt .. 1poni. und havt.• 111-c•n. unul now, urwblC! ll1 find a way of tr a11slul1n1< 11111 1·•irwPrn 1nt11 a<·t1 on It !'>N·rrwd lo u:. ll1111, j(IVt·n Orani;(t' Coun t y'11 11111• and 1t~ lrad11111n ,,r JH1l1 l1n il con•wrv;1t1!Cn1. J polttit·ul :tl'lllll\ ~roup wh11 h W<tlo loc .div t,;,.,,·d rn1j(ht 1Hil lw round We• .irt• happy l11 rc·porl thul Wt• d11< t'•IV•·r<'d an t>1j(1.tn111t1111n 11 .. 11• workinj( tow11rdx J11&11."'tt(C ''' lht· Frt<t'7A.' rt-M>lut1on lh111 N11v1•ml1t•r. W1· w1111t t.u urgt• olht•r Onmj(1• County rt·111d1•nt~ who want lO bc'C.'1>nw t1t.·Uvc> tn th111 1•ffurt lO ronla<.·t the Oranl(t• C.ounty chupt.t•nt of Caltrom1111u for 11 ~!lateral Nud ••l•r Weoporu f 'f'l'(•U•. T he• North County oflkl' Is In Annh1.:lm al »Ml-9600. \ht· liouth County nffi<'<' "'in ('11rorui d<'I Mur 11t 720·059!> HICllAfU> MOLDAWS K Y, M 0 . F.LLF.N SEVY.RONI. R.N. ClDDIY SUI Anyone for l"f'n•mlng John Wayne• Air· port t o Oranac County Airport? Wouldn't It be In all c1ur bf>st lnWN"Rt lO publlctw Ora.ns County rath<-r than the law, areot Jnhn Wayne? 00.H. o1_, °"' ·-•• ... ,.....,,_ ttJ ...-n •• ..... ff<ttt•t•r ,_...., II• .... , .. tto. ,.. • ....,.. MM ,_ .... ........ .._,ow.. o ... , "... • DIVORCllDT -Self· proclalmed bUUonaint Donald Lal1ure, lhown with murdere11 SuNn Atkin• durln1 thtir weddtna lut September, uy1 he hu dlvort'ed the Man· •on clan member and 11 plannln1 to take wife number 37. Lal-aure 1ay1 the divorce papen were aigned by Ftdel C..tro. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, May 13, 1882 .4• Viking vessel sets sail for Norway KNIJ'& IUVER, MIM. (AP) -A VI· behind ln Knife River io 1alher aear and kiJll ah.Ip wtlh 1 ~ equate aail wu clean up after lhe depe.riw... They wtll headln1 acroea Lake Superior toward join the Hjemkomat, • Norwe1lan word tht Atlantic and eventually io Norway. mHnln1 homecomlnf, 1tter lt cru.aea punuine the dream of a man who buJlt Lake Superior Ill S..ul S~. Marte, Mich. the v-1 but died before It Mt ...U. The crew hu been lt.chltlM io go a1nce The Hjemkomat, 1 78.foot replica ot a lhe offl.clal launch of the HJemkomat wt Vl.k11141 w.el, •t 1aU Tuetday from the Thunday ln Duluth. They had to return Knife "l\iver Marina aft.er a two-day wait io Knife River for more auppUe., then cau.Md by rain and hlah wl.nda. faced the delaya due io the weather. About 100 people cheered H the From Sault Ste. Marie, the Hjem· Hjemkom1t'1 crew ralaed the 1111 and komat wW travel down the St. Mary'• ateered the wooden ahlp In a 1tral1ht River and aero. Lake Huron en route to courte to the calm water1 of the lake . Detroit. Marina employee• fired a two-gun aa· Then It wW aail acrOM Lake Erie to the lute. New York State Barge Canal and down Two ot the 12-member crew -Tom the Hudaon Rlver to New York City ~p and O.nnl1 Morken -remained After a atopover in New York, the vea.el --~------------------------------ wW crom tho AUantJc Ocean for 8erpn, Norway. Some aclentlata 11y Vlklna• vtalted Mlnneaot.a u early 11 1362, but othen uy the evldenct, a atone with ln1erlp- Uona, ta a 19th century hoAx. ~na the approdmately 4,000-rnlle voya1•. the crew will kNp In contact with a network of amateur radlo opera- ton. If the ahJp faJla io call the operaton aocordtna to a .chedule they·v~ tel, the operaton will contAct the Coaat Guard. The voya,e wu the dream of the i.te Robert A.p of Hawley, Minn. A.p, who wu of Norwel[ian deecent. built the ahlp, but dled In f980 of leukemia before beLna able to attempt the journey. The crew lncludes four of h.11 children. Curtis Mathes 19 Inch Diagonal M00(l Gm Color Table Model Curtis Mathes 25 Inch Diagonal Remote Control Color Console Furniture crafted styling makes this set a handsome addition to any home. Ava ilable Modern, compact styling rn this deluxe table model fits w ith any decor. Side grips let you move easily from one room to another. Now at a savings! Curtis Mathes 8 Inch Diagonal Color Portable Take It Anywhere! Camping, Boating, Picnics or Driving. "'00fl G1~)S Curtis Mathes Video Color Camera/ Video Cassette Recorder Be Your Own Producer! Learn how easy and exciting Video can be to capture those summer vacations, family occa isions and special events of your lifel With purchase of Curtis Mathes Video Cassette Recorder 12" Black and Whit~ in Mediterranean, Early American and Country Eng lish to please the most discriminat ing . Curtis Mathes Audio System Curtis Mathes Audio is always a sound investment and this powerful system is as good looking as the sound it produces. Compact and contemporary for any lifestyle. A Re•I V•luel LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILABLE/ TV PICTURES ARE SIMULATED Sorry No Financing On This Mod!'I The Longest Warranty Available With each new Curtis Mathes television, video recorder or stereo system, you get our fa mo us 4-year exclusive limited warranty that covers all electronic parts including picture tube. It's the lon9est war· ranty in the business. And though you may never need it, It s nice to know it's there. Ask to see a complete copy of this warranty. WE CARRY OUR OWN CONTRACTS/ OPEN 7 DAYS Mon-rrl. I 0-8 SA. 10-6 Sun. 12-5 The Most Expensive Television Set In America. And Worth It. Curtis Mathes HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 8921 Adams Ave. at Magnolla, Huntington Beach 962-3384 ' r -------------......... - _________ .._ ______________ o_,_•,.no._•_c_o_u_•_o_A_1_L v...,P~LOT/Thureday. M•y-t3•, •'8•8•2----·N----C•I• NYSE (~OMPOSITE TRANSACTION • \IUOUflO .. , ... ,~UDI , ..... 0 .. , ....... , .......... ., ra(tr t( r1w, eotrow Olf I Otf .... (1 .. (llOfAff U O(ll ••< ....................... , .................... , ' Dow Jones Final OFF 6.65 CL08'NQ 859.11 G==~-..... v. Crocker cuts mortgage rate Crcx·kc•r Hank hu lowt'rt't! Ila horrw mortg1tgi' rat~ to lfi Jk'N'(•nt from lfJ 11'1 pt•H'(•nl c•ffc'<·t1v1• Moy l 3 1 ht' ruk· l'OVf'rll (Iv(• Y"''r flJtt.•c..l -rutc· mort.rag._. lwna for 11lnl(lc• fom1ly homc'f; w1tli 11M111lhly f)<fymt•nlll omoruu.-a uvn :~o y1·u111 Stock off er planned 1-'rlntrunlx Im· of Jrv1nt.-announn•d It plun1< to off1•1 upprmcmwtc·ly :rno .ooo 11h&rt·K uf tlH 1·cmur111n !itA..oc:k to ltw puhhc· 1n u pubht.• 11ff<•r111g In addluori. n·rtutn 11h11ri·h<Jldc·r11 m&y trwludc• a portu>n of ttw1r 11hurc11 1n thc· 11ff1·nnj( Tht• offc.1 l11j( will tx· mJtc..lc· only hy mt'lrnK of !JrOfljX'('lU!I to I)(• f1l1-<J with the• 8("<:untlt11 I'll Jt:xchanj(c· Comm1111111m Office park comple te d The $9 million Laguna HJU.1 Office PlU'k fcuturlraj( off~ oondomlnium11 hu been complt-ted. Davia Developmen t and Elliott Corporation, both of New port Beach, are Joint vtonturf' pa.rtnen in lht· develop~nt of the one-story offlet• bulldinga, localA-d cm La Cadena Drive, near the Sa.n Diego Fr~way Lee and Strock Archlt«ta of Nt>wport S..1M:h dt· al"ned the bualdmga County firm gets pac t (;t<ru-ral Au!Dmatum Inc· t1f An ... ht•lln unnourwc-<l tlw f 1rrn hitH bPrn awardt·d 11n 1nll11tl ninlrat·t hy J\t.1111111" En<'q(y of Canada Ltd Tht' l'On trac:l mdudt.'8 om• C ;A Jfj/4?40 ..ind two (;A lfSl:l:W l'ompUll'rli lo provHfr 11 n·11t. lor 11hutdown dt<vf'loprntml 11y1etnn for Al'X:L The· pot(·nlu1l valut• of thc· ttlll11:1l award :ind futurc· prcK·un·uwnl11 n1uld 1•X<.'t'f-d onc•-haH million clullani. m1·ord1ng VI Gt•rwr 111 J\uwrrutlaon Firm shows profit Standard Logic Inc. of Sant.a Ana llllnoun<.'t.-d at ats annual mc..>etlng that pre liminary result.a for th1· qu11_r t.er ended April 30 lndicaw a ten tative profit uf ap proximately $1 00,000, or 2 1/a cent.a per share, on 11ales of about $2.1 million. Lut yl'ar's second quarter ahowed a IOM of $4 17.- 763 on sales of $1 ,48-4,19~. Standard Logic Manufacturt'I var1uus produc·t.11 and sy1t.em.a aimed a t the eh.:octroniet1. computer and manufactunng llldunnes, and produces a point-of aah· termlna.J system for the hoapit.allty tnduatry Entry system announced Teldlle Computt-r PruductK . Inc <>f lrv1n1· announced plan8 for liUmmt•r dt·l1vc·rlt·11 of 1t io t1wn e n try level 1yatem (EL S>. which 111 supportf'd h y 11 Te~file T-81 cientral proceMlnR urut (CPUI. Securities seminar se t N1•w port &'(·urlllt11 Corp will pr1'ff(•nt a 11t•m1rwr un "Security lnV<'llltn(•lll.11 In Oranl(l' O>unty" ut 7 rm M11y 26 at 11JJ off1l·c·. :u~J Alrwuy A w ·, Suitt· If I. C'osta M<"!W f'11r tnf<1rrtu1 t1cm, rnll 9!'>7 IOH J Var co sets annual m eeting Van :o lntc·r n a (lo nul, Inc , of Orang(" WhH·h dt•111gns, m anufactures a n d 11<'llli <·qu1pment for tt1t• f)C•lroll•um industry, w ill hold 1l8 shan•holdl'f'I mt-.·t1ng W cdnt'sday a t 10 um a t the Van·o 0 11 Tot>ls <.i.mfereocc• r oom. 80() N Ec..k hoff St • Oron~t: STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS -.. I ··~ wt() 1 Al'IW<I" w! J 4#'11 Airlift . ~· ,,,,. ,~, I Cl\IMIW fl 1 ,,,.._. ..... _. . ,. .... ,.,.. •• ".-Ml•l ti;---. "S .. _" :~I':' " laloltl ' :t .. .. It -• ""' l,t".-. ~,,, ''" ... .. ,._ ·~ '"' --.. ~ ""' . .... -• 1 .... '"'. -..... -..... .. " . "" ,..... ' ,..., ........ 1114 ..... , .... "' .......... r ; :"' COLD COINS ll,...,, .... ' ltoy .... ,, ..... oft '°C... ..... I troy 01., N<et.11, oft •o!!:....._ ......... ~ ........ , •• .......... ~ ~,f,""'-.NOi troy OI , METALS N(W YOlllK (AP) -Spot nonl•HOUI !Mt .. pt10cM lodey c......, 11~·• 1 C.nl• • l)OVnd. U S CIMllMllOl\e L.-. 21·27 rAnl•. pound ZN 3& oent• • pound, d9111/9t.CS Tift M NIO ~w .... ~··•o Alu"'lo-7t-71 C*'lt 8 pound, N Y ...,_, 1370 00 ,_ flNll """"-13to 00 troy Ol , N Y SILVER Hendy & H•rtnen t i 116 P•• ••oy ounc:. GOLD QUOTATIONS " "" • fl 11'11•' "'-.... ., ~ told ptloee loeuy ~1 lftOfnlnf fl•lftf NI 1 ,., up '°"· ........... """'°°" llldfle: talUI. ... ..... , ~' Hlf'MM: .,.., 00 SYMBOLS ' I I Orenot Oollt DAILY lltlOT """"-• ..._ 11. 1tU THE f,\MILl' Cl•Cl'I .. by V1rg ll Partch (VIP) PUNIJTI f"I) NO, I OOHT ICHOW ~ERE '(!5 I MEAAP THAT SME ~ CM FINO JOAH Cf AAC. MAY MAVE ANOREXIA . G'A~L..SV OF 1l-le __.--t7f:Sffff PeNOIJl\(eff f HERe! IS 111'RLIE 'IOU ~ROVE 10,000 COWS IO KANSAS? HHOt: --------by Charltt M Schulz 1 OOV9T, MOWeVER. THAT YOO'LL CCWllMCE MER TO EAT A 0006MNVT ! "I only wore th is shirt once. Do I hofto pvt it in the hamper?" "Doctor, !t't about this pounding In my t1r1." '9 \R'I \Dl'Kt: by Brad Anderson .Ll·~~ ~ . \ ~,.r<-- I I J "You won't belteve this. but I was dragged six mites in the marathon race and won third place!" Jl DGt: P \RKt:R • G \R•·1•:1.D llOO'\ ll l LI.I'\" (p.i ACROSS 1 Olntm~t 51111m ... • mo1ner 10, _ - S2 Thundet unit 54 Weaken 55 Break up1 59 OP1n1<>n1 63 r ru•t d11nk1 64 f'tth men produc:«• 14 Tow1td 66 Cuddle .,,..,. 67 Ov•bble IS Mlkt IOYOUt 68 Olgtl 16 On llC>lot 69 ''Kitt Me 17 Sw1mp 111 ,lotldl 70 Btn0t In It Promp11 71 AlliM 20 8'tny . 2t0em OOWH 23Dlfio -n Ea111 1 SGoman 2f ~.. fW19AllV.- 30 T tnn11 2 TllOt - .,......, (Otton , M Quit 3 Oenc.e JI Wood totrlll • Twllt 31' ICllty ' Q#f . Nlll'lt at N wltfl I Wing •"'*' 7frelpMI •2 Al wrlnen. 1tt I 'Ir" .._, ,...... ·~ ...... 10 .. --. .. ~ ,,,,, t t '"""' 0.-......... ttui,. -tJ"l .. 111 I .,....._ . .,... ··~·-....... ( A GOLl7f'l 5H 15 AN AQUATIC ) £XPRE.55ION Of-0fAUf'r' ANO l GP.AC.£ THAT PROVIO( CO t fT5 OB5fR.VE.R':> WIT~ MANY HOUR5 Of- 6 Ll5Sf"OL MEDITATION_;) . , : ' ..-I 1 f ,.., 1'• f ...... ff• STof> T~.AT ! ~V!:N1TYOU EV~~ SEEN A PRETTY GIRL BEFopE'? WIONHOAY'I PUmllOlVEO :Jl'.J:J:J J!JiJS iJrJCJrJ :l::JJ::Jl D~~IJ tJlJrJU :l:J~::U "!J:J:Jl!JtJCJClLI :DJ ~~:J:I rmtJc:JCJ :J;JllJ.J :Jlli!JIJIJUCJ ~~JO:lil :.J!JUrJLI ~JlJ.JJ J:J~l!JtJLIDCUJ ll:JJ !l~:.JO :..t r:JDIJ ~U::J!IJ~:l:Jl:l U!JUULI J:JJ~U :!J~l!IUUU J1UIJ.l.JJ !J~IJ::JC1 1Ull1.U J~J~ ~C:lll JrJ .l~JO:J.JJ lJ~lllJl!l 3::JJ.J .iJ.J:J JUULJl:J :JJJ.J .:u.:.J 11m.1uc 2• Smell woocl '4 Ttwutt 28ll -. •7 ~lfy MWio 2word• 27 Wood 49 Mlln "'9'11 21 "l'w -I 1 "** -I" 53 Ul*Ty 2t ....... "~ at~ 61~ J2~ 17Qnw!C ~ .. Olt'lfrlend .,,.... ., . .,. •• .,,.. - -., UMln.,.. ......,,. 12, ... ,... ...... •IDT._ .,....... '"'· -.../'--/' >,-- NoW,NOW·· Yoo KNOW I HERE'S ONLY ONE WOMAN INMY LtFE, f.MMA ':I. Hank Ketchum by Ferd & Tom Johnson .. I \ l 'f Ii tt I ~.\:\(., GORDO .._ .. NANCY···WHERE 15 YOUR CANARY ? __ J---1 r-7 I'M GIVING HIM A TREAT OUTSIDE by Ernie Bushm1ller Tfl.UE .:J'VJER.INE-:,<;; l IU:;,T l!o£: A.lUC T<..11' 73l''.' by Gus Arriola by Tom Bat1uk t'l '\K ,. "l'\Kt:RBt:i\ '\ -Ic'AMOUS C()MP(CER!; Chapter Tcm r' 1. 1.ude Barlow Claude Barlow had 'an incredible ear for t.he piano. HJ$ r 1ght ear, it was said, could reach over an octave or more ! ,,pl (Apl I ~ ~~ ·< N DRABBLt: DR.SMOCK . SO, CHIE:F1 HOW'P X. 00 O N MY E:XAMS FOR A S E:CONP YE:AR ReS1PE:NCY? IAP 11AP 1 IAP 1 ' .;. .) I ' ~p fAPI by Kevin Fagan ~5 1'~1-S ME.AN I ~tf 1 &£.I A 1'1P '. by George Lemont -,'S IGH:-Wf:t.,L.. :! PO H O PE: 1"HA-r UNIFORM YOU'RE: WE:AR ING IS ONt.,Y ReN1"E:P .. .•