HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-19 - Orange Coast PilotROME (AP) -Actnll So~ and appeared to be ln 1ood Loren be1an • 30·day pr aon ·~rita. term today for tax evHlon She told an interviewer In lhortly after retum1l\I to Italy Geneva, Swltterland, before foll~w~wo1ear abeence, boardina her plane to Rome that prilon eat . 1he wanted to return to ''lee my Miu Loren, wno ha1 mother, my country and my prodalmed her lnnocencie, waa roota.'1 met at Leonardo da Vlncl airport. by a poUce officer and taken to A court In July, 1980, found. the prbon, about a three·ho\4r her gullR'r:f falling to report flve drive eouth, 1n an unmarked car. million on her 1970 lncome OUlcera al the prison at tax return. That wu about the Caaerta, 20 mllea from Mlaa equivalent of $7 ,000 under the Loren'• hometown ol Narlea, rate of exchange at that tlme. aald ahe wu 2ut ln a cell alone As Miss Loren waa beinl I THAT LONG, NOISY LINEUP -Scores of citizens showed up with their dogs Monday at Orange County Fairgrounds when the Orange County Animal Control Departmen t ~~the airport. ahe \WO poJlceinen and Mi° lliter, WU by reporterl and MW 8C'k:ololie. ~raphera who nearly "I'm ~worried about the the 47-,.......old actnll time I will ve to epend tn jaU," to the ,round. •he told reporten at Rome airport. . She let out a ~ for. hel~ 11 She ~ ahe had filed a •b• 1tumbled. lalnclot ea c=.nen he~ her repin ber =n for a ~ardon, wlth and throUih the t Sandro ertlnl. awanntna crowd to make way for Minute• before taking the her. AUtalla t11£t to Rome, Mias After 1pendln1 4& mlnute1 Loren Mid decided to return inside the airport police atatlon, to Italy to 1olve "an unjuat she boarded a white Alfa Romeo aituation due to a little miltake unmarked car accompanied by by a tax apedalilt. Tb.la man ta ........... .,'--,.,.. spon,c>red an anti-rabies ahot cl1nic for canines at the low oost of just $3. All t.hingl considered, everybody got along just fine. now dead -mayhe re.t tn peace Award.wbuun, actral wu he1 -but now I have to ao co piUon. :L. police for llx houn at Rome'• 111 think the impact of beinj ~ 1n an lnvesUptlon ln~ Jailed will be a traumatlzlna al fted tax and currenc thlnj," she said. viola ona by the couple. Atte( queeticmJ.ni, 1he wu allowed ~ "Please, let'a not fall Into leave for France. The c~e vulaartt~" she replied when pve u~ their Italian dtlu p aaked w ther her move wu a after ontl'a Mexican dlvorc4 pubUcltln:tunt for her next from his firat wife waa not movie, L ~ertmuller'• "Tleta recognized in Italy. De Alresta." ' Mist IAren and her huaband, Recently an appeals cour• producer Carlo Ponti, have had a cleared Ponti of charges that ~ aeries of problem• with the Illicitly obtained governmen Italian law. In 1977, the Academy 1ubllldies for making films. Th.atcher raps peace off er; invasion near? BJ fte Alaocla&ff Presa P rime Minister Margaret Thatcher said today Argentina's respon1e to the lat.eat Falkland IalAnda peace proposal "doesn't look very encouraging," and British newapapen reported she haa already decided to invade the island& Mrs. Thatcher said in a British Broadcast1ng Corp. interview her government had not aeen the full text of Argentina'• response, but that "the gap looks big" between London and. Buenoa Aires positions on the disputed British colony Argentina seized 1ix weeks ago. At the United Natlons, Secretary-General Javier Perez de eueu.r aaid today he thought he wa In '<the lut boun" of ta1ka with Argentine and British He did not elaborate, but a British source at the U.N. said ArgP.ntina's response had some new elements, "including some' points of forward movement." Argentine Deputy ForeigQ Minister Enrique &is said after he presented his response to Britain's position 'I'ueaday night it was intended lo bridge differences and resolve the conflict peacefully. Earlier, British landing forces were reported closing on the South_ Atlantic islands, and Mrs. Thatcher was quoted by the London Daily Express tabloid as telling Queen Elizabeth Il that she ordered troops to invade. "Only the time of a British landing on the Falkland Wanda aeemecl in doubt," the London Times reported today. Police set watch on Heisl er~Park ~.,_.lllllf-negotiaton 1n attempta to end the dblpute. When Mrs. T~tcher's BBC (See' FAl&LAND, Page A!) Laguna Beach police will be stepping up patrols of Heialer Park in the wake of complaints from city parks crews and citizens of increased threatening conduct from transients. City officials figure more than S<J,000 in damage has been done to park structures in the past few months by an 1ncrnsing num~r of young transients who frequent the blufftop park. In a letter co the City Council, City Manager Ken Frank said " municipal service workers are intimidated ''and somewhat frightened" ~y the conduct of transients "who are inhabiting the park in larger numbers than usual." Police Chief Neil Purcell attributes the increase in Tight squeezz for drivers The penonalized lJceJlle plate on the car read "Squeuz" and that aeemed appropriate to the offlcen who arrived at the main te t Emerald Bay north of Beach Tue9day. teema the brown Fiat was bloc.king the rQadway at that en trance, forcing motorista to aqueeie around the illegally parked car. 'The owner might find himlelf In a bit of a 1queeze today. Officera had the car towed to a local garage. WORLD NATION unemployed ~outha to the nation's econorruc situation and the oncoming warmer sununer months. In the past few months transients have continually knocked over trash cana, broken sprinkling systems, pulled up plantB and broken tree limbs, ripped up the restrooms, and cannibalized wooden handrails and other items for firewood. In addition to city parks crews, several north Laguna community membe.rs have complained of being intimidated and challenged by transients. Frank has ordered an immediate 1ncre88e in patrol.a of the park, including uniformed policemen and plainclothes officers to deal with what he said is an increase in narcotics uaeage in ~e park. Chief Purcell is terming increaaed patrols of the area an "advisement program," whereby officers will attempt to restore ordek' by warning transients in hopea of ·gainin& voluntary eotnRllance. "With 80IDe transients. there's no problem." Purcell aaid. He said many of the. youths cook their evening meals at Heisler Park and keep to thenwelves. NOT MUCH FUN -Rabies shot paUent Lady isn't at all pleased while Dr. Randy CGchran administers anti-rabies shot. The people who Lady owns. Mr. and Mn. Max Anderson of Costa Mesa, comfort her. Voters nea-r -'fMl- • against restart "But increaalngly, we're having problem• w ith ,aome tr~nta tearlni the plaCe up, uaing city property for firewood By 'l1le Alsoelated P resa and p6clcing fi&hta with clti1.ena." Pennsylvania votera living rea c t or In a non-b ind ing referendum that the Nuclear Regulatory Commi8lion aaya will affect ita deciatona. "A few cltbena •Y they just near Three Mile la1and vot.ed by won't ao in the park at duak ; a 2-1 marlin ap1nat reatarting (See BEJSl.ER. Pace A!) the nuclear plant'• ~ COUNTY (See THREE, Pase A!) There's no easy· way Fad dletl aren't the way to ltay alender and h e alt hy, according to a Southern California nutrltlonln. P. Dl . • <Joun ty to assist utilities project By DAVID KUTZMANN or ... o..,,.....,. Th e county baa agreed to contribute more than $500,000 to a $2.6 million project for placing utlllty lines underground on Sunflower Avenue near the site of the proposed Orange County Performing Arts Center ln Costa M~. The proposed undergrounding project involves a two-mile atretch'-Of Sunflower, from Fairview Avenue in Costa Mesa co Flower Street in Santa Ana. The Board of Superviaon, in voting 4-0 Tuesday to contribute funds for the project, overrode the objections of county officials who believed the monies would be better spen t for similar P_':lrposes on Pacific Coast Highway. The board, with chairman Bruce NeSfande abeent, agreed . with Supervisor Tom Riley that the beautificatiOn and widening of Sunflowes: would be worth the expeme. Much of the overall funding for tbe Sunflower project, which involves the burying of phone and electrical lines. will come from a portion of customers' utility billl aet aside especially for underlJ"OW'ldlng project.a. Bued on a formula deviled by INDEX the state's Pubhc Utilities Commission, the monies are divided up among counties and cities. Orange County's contribution of the project comes from this so-Ollled underground utility copversion fund. Costa Mesa and Santa Ana also must earmark their undergrounding funds to help complete the project. County officials said the cities have as yet made no decision. Officials estimated that Santa Ana'a share of the COits would be about $1 million and Costa Mesa's would run about $450,000. The Perfonning Arts Center, which is requesting the funding to beautify the area, will contribute about $450.000. Coast 's boatink scene featured Are you a veteran of the Orange Coast boating .cene? Or a newcomer eager to learn more about it? Either way, you can find infonnation about life on and neer the water by turning to the special boating section in today's Deily Pilot. ' l r I' .41fhlch wtll ulUmawly decide on •r, rettar\. ' •t thtnk we can c~ll I\ • -.nc11t.e tQ tlec\ed offlctabl,1' •ld '9.alan ~l<l«'r, ot Tho Blparllaan Gbrnmltteo to Vote No 11We're -.riened by It." tmRobert C. Amold, prealdtnt of tlPU Nuclear Corp., which operatea the plant, uJd he wu '(fr e l u c ta n t t o d r a w fl r m "'1clua!ona from the referendum '>Ote" becauae of "the light turnout and the difficulty in "~g the complex!ty of this ffiPUe with a simple yes or no ~wer." l'lThe three counties have ~.091 voters. 1 Both Uruts l and 2 have been tt·ut since the accide.n\ and ~fiorts are under way to clea.~ up m dioactive contamination in Unit lUnit l restart has been delayed HJ., ,corroded steam genera tor ~bes and a U.S. Court of S\ppeaJs order last week that the '4Jychological Impact of the accident on nearby res1den ts • • • muat bt oof\4id9Nd ln 'dtclllon on r iart1n1 the undama1ed l'HC\or, '11rhla eenda • elev rnemaae to the aovernor and eltottd 0Ulclal1. l\'1 10 decl1lve, lt'• better than our wlldett dteamat'' ~ld Kay Plckertna of TMI Alert, in anti-nuclear sroup. The vote Tuuday wu conducted \n three countle1 around the crippled Thtff Mile Ialand plant, s:ene of the nation'• wont commercial nuclear power accident three yean ago. It concerned one unit of the Three Mlle Ialand plant near Harrisburg, Pa., which haa been shut three years. In a non-binding referendum in Dauphin, Cumoerland and Lebanon counties, voten were asked: "Do you favor restartll\R TMI Unit 1, which was not involved Jn the accident on March 28, 1979?" · With 268 of 273 precincts reporting, returns showed 39,910, or 67 percent, -voting againat restart and 19,644 iri favor. FALKLAN D I SLANDS • • • interviewer asked her opmfon of Argentina's response, she said: ''I'm afraid it doesn't look very encouraging." She repeated Britain's demand t all Argentine forces on nds withdraw before any otiations begin. She also ated Bntain's insistence that ereignty is negotiable, and anded the islands' natives ~tain local control in any interim ~vemment.. 0 •1 personally think that after terrible experience, the last g they will want to do is to e close associauons with the entines," she said. rs. Thatcher told Parliament dN Tuesday that Argenuna was ing for ume and the outcome .N. talks should be known by ursday. She said if talks ed, "no military action can be d up in any way." 'I believe that any nuUtary ~on or option cannot and must not be delayed by people who are extending negotiations," she declared. Britain 's Independent Televison News said about 50 ships with. 3,900 marines and paratroopers aboard were believed massed off the South Atlantic archipelago, ready to challenge the estimated ~.ooo Argentine troops sent to the islands since they were 1Jeized from Britain on April 2. Press Association, the domestic British news agency. said reports were circulating In London that the assault force, including the liner Canberra with 2,000 marines aboard, was within 100 miles of the Falklands. Correspondents with the British task force reported the arrival Tuesday of a container shi pload of Harrier jets to reinforce the estimated 37 vertical-takeoff jump jets in the fleet's air arm. {IEISLER PATROLS· .. -. #<)"llOre," he said. 'lie said h~ hopes to turn things c&ound voluntarily, "but if that d&sn't work. we'll have some <;.U,ations and maybe some atl-ests." ..,.'We want the park t o be ed by all segments of the unity." Purcell said. WJn his letter to the City !I I Council, FraM emphasized that plainclothes officen will not be deployed to patrol the public restroorm. The "advlwment proaram" began last weekend, With two • uniformed officers and plainclothes officers patrolling the park in the afternoons and early evenings. GOOD SKATE -Dena Kowach of Fulletton shows her winning form in a skating championship. She won the event just two months after undergoing three brain surgery operations. . Bouaeing back Skate champ bad brain surgery "My baby's come a long, long way," declared Patti K.owach, mother of aeven-year-old Dena who underwent three brain surgery operations in March and just won two prizes in a Buena Park rollerskating championship. Dena, meanwhile, bubbles with confidence. She believes that someday she'll be "the best skater in the world." lndeed, she did capture first place in figure skating in competition over the weekend, d efeating 27 other contestants in her age group. She a1ao took third in girls' singles against 22 competitors. "When they called out my name as No. 1, I told my mom, 'See, I told you rd make it','' grinned Dena, who had to undergo the surgery to insert a thin plastic tube just beneath her skin to relieve pressure on her brain. The tube is designed to can-r excess fluid from her brain to her stomach. -• ''To look at her on Sunday, you'd never know a thing was wrong with her," chimed in Dena's mother. Dena, who lives in Fullerton, competed in a rhinestone-studded black-velvet outfit. Her prius take her elmer to her dream of becoming a professional akater-_an invttational meet will be held May 29 in Santa Ana. If she wlm there. she will advance to the Western States Regional contest July 3-11 in Bakersfield. The next step would be the nationals in late August in Fort Worth, Texas. Warming trend Controversial Congress tax break nixed 'Coastal ~ J MosUy cloudy today. deanng to ~nny altwnoon woth hlgtla from 70. at the beaches to ~ Inland F.it tonight woth soma Isle low 1 Ovefnlght Iowa 57 to 62 on Thufaday except for IOllf ds through mid-morning e 74 at the beaches. 78 to 82 *'d Huntington-Newport erN J,mc>«alur• range from a !OW of • to a high of 72 ~1El1ewhere, lrom Point .Qonceptlon to the Mexican ~bbra. end out 80 miles· Small ,.,811 edYl9oly fOf" outer waters NortMast wind• 18 to 30 knots .Jllld combined -of 7 to 10 . LoceNy IOUlh to IOUthwat 1 S to 10 lmota, changing t to sout"-1 10 to 18 knol1 evening tnd Thuuday Wind 2 10 3 leet thll 11ternoon. te<"ly swell 2 to 4 feet. Partly y through Thursday .8wre lhunCMratorm watch ttlWCI f()( Ifie IOUl"""-tern LM• .... eltlendlng from rthem 1Hlno11 Into m11cl\ of war Michigan. lncludlng ,,.,,. eoutMaltern W1econlln OOl1h-l•m lndlene. or tod1y, 1hower1 wart rec11t over th• ea11ern trmount1ln region end the rthern Roc:klee 1cro11 the Mm Pllllnl Into the northlm ear L1ke1 . Sc11t1red -..rldel..eome ...,.. I01'9CMt O\W of IN &.t IQh t1mperetur11 were led from the SO. llOnO Ille PIGlflc Coeta 1o Iha 9o. delltt Sout ....... T eniperatures NATION ... Lo Albany 711 ,,., Alt>uque &e S5 Anc:hOftge 49 30 Atlante 85 80 Atlanlk: Cty ee 55 Austin 84 87 Betttmorl 82 83 Blrminghm 86 69 Bismarck 66 52 Boise 59 43 Botton 69 52 BulfalO 81 ~ Buftl~ton 74 Charla n SC 82 66 Charl1tn WV 92 52 Ctiatltte NC 83 82 Cheyenne 72 41 CtilceQo 82 81 Clncinn•ll 82 58 Clevelan<I 87 80 Clmble SC 86 61 Cdumbul 87 80 Oat-Fl Wth 79 83 Dayton 87 81 Oenvllf 75 48 On Molnft 79 57 Detroit 88 58 Duluth as 52 El Paso 9S 63 Fatrbanke 83 3S Fwgo 83 53 Flagstaff ee 11 GfMI Falla M 49 Hllrtlotd 78 4&. HeMnl 87 43 Honolulu " 73 Houston 83 ee lndnaplil 12 83 Jec:ktn Ma 88 IM Jecttenvtlt ee eo Kint City 71 IO LMVIOle 17 .. """'Aodl •• ~ 71 ll Memphll SA 60 Mllml 70 75 ~ 81 57 ~LP 71 '2 ~ ~= NewOrtMN ~ 74 6t 11 13 o.i. City 70 lie omana 7t IM ~ 80 82 101 72 c::' 17 56 a 38 Ptland,Ore eo .., Pl"Ollldll IOe .. 47 Aeno ee •1 AldWl'lolld 13 " s.tlUIM It 11 --w-s--HOM.US Oeol ol c-ce Fronts: Cotd .... W.,..,.. 9W' San Antonio 84 61 Seattle 58 45 Shr:-f.: IMI 83 Sioull 11111 74 50 St Louil 79 64 St P-Tempa 85 65 Spok-84 4-4 Syr..:u. 79 48 Topetia 76 58 TUCllOD 93 83 TulU IMI 87 Wuhlngtn ee 65 Wichita 79 S4 CAl.lf'<>MaA =Va#ey 81 58 andleld -n 5e Baril ow 84 IM 8-lmOl'\1 75 48 Big 8llr 87 39 Blylhe 98 72 Ce1ellne 88 52 CulYer City 74 57 Eureka 57 47 Fr.no 71 48 Lake Arrowtlead eo 48 LancMt• 73 56 Lano~ 71 82 ~ 71 82 82 47 llllClfll'CMI 74 57 Montetey so ... Mt. WlltOn .. ... Needell 97 .. =r.: BllCfl t7 11 n 80 Plllm~ H 68 ,__,.,,. 73 50 PllO Aotllel 78 ao .......... 74 S3 "9d 8luff 70 54 AldWood City I 73 ... Seaamento 71 ., ...,_ .. 46 8en~ 7t 52 8en~ 7• eo ==-0 . e1 82 13 ... aenta Atta 71 " ..,.,....,... • 47 OLOtlAI. Am1terd.,,, Athene 8-ngllok Beirut B'Altee Caito Car11e11 ~ 0-. Hong l<ong Jerulalem Jo'burg Lima Lllbon London Madrid Manlle Moec:ow New o.1111 Pewit No Rome Seo PaulO CANAOA Calgety Edmonton Mont,.., Ottawa ReQlnl TOtontO Vel'IC04/llll Wlllnlplg Extended weather 75 56 n 56 91 84 73 ea 12 50 JL .M 11 S2 70 56 A~~ 71 64 ~= ea 62 ea 12 17 64 ta 71 4e 3t 03 .. 17 57 1141 12 70 52 eo 11 N a n n es 11 M eo WASHING TON (AP) -The Senate Appropriations Committee haa voted to do away with a $75-a-day. tax exemption for member1 of Congre11 but leave no llmit on how much they can claim for living expenaes away from home. "Thia provide• no limit whataoeve.r," said Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wia., said before voting against the amendment offered by Sen. Mack Mattingly, R-Ga. The amendment was approved, however. 13-9. Proxmire wanted to restore a $3,000 cap which had been in ' effect before Congress voted to allow memben up to $75 a day living expenees for each day it 1a in teaion. BY JM ADLER or ... ...,,......., Danltl Nuabaum, a candidate for 11ai. tUperth~nt of public lnl1.rucUon, ii probtbly the only election hopeful who la funcUnc hl• campafan by poundlna out the rhythm in a country rock band. And when the 35-year-old Lona Beach re1ldent 11 not drumming the1e day1, he'• hammerine away at hll campalsn theme: "A f\&Jld•mental, radical, plan for ~atlzl.na the 1tate'a lc:hooll," u he de.:rlbed it. Nu1baum, a teacher who clalma to have taught in 127 schools dUl'in4f his 13-year career ln education, i1 propoalng that each school In the atate be run by a five-member council composed of parentl, teachers, student.a and staff. The council not only would own each school, but also perform ffie many functions now , haftdled by local school dlatricta throughQut the state. In addition, 1tate education monies would be distributed to · each ooundJ and apent how the council belt aaw fit, Nuabaum aaid. Teacher1, under hia proposal, would be hired and fired by the council, but would be paid aocordlna to a statewide uniform ular'y ICT\edule. ... tNe would have better achools lf they were self-governing," he said. "The troops (teachers) are depreaaed and they're strictly co Inc.'' . ~uabaum acknowledged that his plan would necessitate a massive overhaul of the state's 1ehool system and Would spell an end to local school districts as now constituted. Calling h ia platform the "Public School Improvement Campaign," Nusbaum recommends that schools be used to provide day care services, supervised by senior citizens and otner adults with student aaaistance. "The 'Public School Plan' is a model for democratic school governance which could lead to the development of independent public achoola," according to his campaign literature. Another idea that Nusbaum feels la wor thy of further consideration ta his plan to cut the number of school days in a week frOm five to three. Half the students would attend school Monday through Wednesday, the other half Thursday through Saturday. Students would attend five classes a day and classroom e nrollment would be limited to 20 students per teacher, he said. Nusbaum added that if such a proposal were adopted "student and teacher morale will increase dramatically.'' Campaigning on a shoestring budget, Nusbaum admitted that "it's clear to J"Qe it will take a m,-jor media coup to come in second." He said he has spent less than $1,000 on the campaign and ls not seeking support or endorsements from any particular group. "I'm running because I have a lot of..fdeas about the public achool aystem," Nusbaum said. "I r Deir,.......,,.._ NEW I DEAS -Daniel Nusbaum is seeking the job of state school superintendent and offers some radical solutions for school problems. got this feeling I better do this now. It's a crucial time for the public schools." A natlve of Los Angeles, Nusbaum attended the State University of New York at Buffalo. Presently. the candidate for the non -partisan office ia pursuing his studies toward a doctoral degree in education at UCLA's Graduate School of Education. Groundhog's off the hook MADISON. Wis. (AP) -The odds were in Jimmy the Groundhog's favor. The lawsuit that shadowed him after snowstorms ruined h is Groundhog Day forecast has been withdrawn. "In view of the continuous wann weather. I think it's safe to dismiss ~he suit," said Thomas Rostad, a Madison attorney. A winter-weary Rostad trudged through nearly seven inches of snow on April 5 to file a Circuit Court suit against Jimmy, accusing him of breaching his February promise of an early spring. Bear killing pr<:> t est ed EUREKA (AP) -More th&1ll 250 angry residents jammed city council chambers to demand that Eureka officials "answer for their crime .. of killing two North American black bears at the zoo last week. The council heard two hours or testimony Tuesday a fter accepting petitions signed by more than 5,000 animal lovers calling for a public hearing into the incident. ~~----~----------~~~ -----------~ FLEEING FROM FLOOD -Leroy Hawlu wades through waist-deep water in Kingfisher, Okla., as John Garrett watches from his front porch. More than 600 people were evacuated u waters awirled 6 feet deep ~--­in the 4 ,000-realdent town. Waters were receding today after the wont flooding in a quarter century. Gov. Qeorp_ Niah declared a state of emergency 1h Kingffaher. Church leaders hail Moscow's peace conference and Graham NEW YORK (AP) - ·American church leaders re- wrning from a rellgiowa peace conference in Moscow aay the meeting /roduced an evenhande appeal against nuclear arms, and waan 't Soviet-dominated u critics had ~· . several al8o critidzed We1tem news coverage of the meeting lut week and defended the Rev. Billy Graham'• participation, ·saying he made a positive contribution and that detract.on had misreprmented hlm. "He was a tremendous amb" .. +r for all people of aood will, procla1mi.ng the iood newll of Christ and hope for' peeoe in the world," said the Rev. Reinhold K.entan of the Baptist World Alliance ~ w~ "He baa been treated very unf.alrly by une W81tern people. He waa not •used."' Ria ministering ~tually wbaeWl!' ~~';~~;:,om,.~ Strong !obbylnJ b.Y the New trouble spot· seen in Caribbean BOGCYI' A, Colombia (AP) -A new tr:ouble apot could be emerging in the Caribbean aa Colombia buil<b up its military preeenoe on a group of Wanda claimed by Nicaragua. In di•P.Ute are the islands df San Anclreaa and Providencia and three small keys, Roncador, Serrana and Quiaaueno. San Andreas, the largest, ia frequented by many U.S. towUta ancf is the cl<*!St of the group to Nicaragua, just 125 miles away. The Colombian mainland is 450 miles away. Several aonic booma last month from unidentified planes Dying over the islands, 10 mt,nutea flying time from Nicara1ua, alarmed the Colombians. A recent U.S. Intelligence rePfrt claimed that Nicaragua waa building several alrfielct. alone ita Caribbean cout capabJe of handllnc supenonk Soviet MIG tighten. After Latin America broke away from Spain in 1810, Colombia included Nicaragua'• -Canbbean COMt u wen....wbat4 now Panama, Venezuela, &:.aadol' and Peru. In 1928, while the U.S . Marines occupied the rest of Nicarqua. it pve Colombla the ialancfa In exchange for the Caribbean coast In the Buc:ena-MmNell Treaty. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat. The Somo1a famlly dlctatonhip which the Marines imtalled never repudiated the treaty. But ~ Sandinista junta that took over the Nlcaraauan government after the overthrow of Anaataaio Somoza in 1979 claims that the United States forced Nicaragua to give away the lllanda. . The Nicaraguans also argue that the ialanda are within their 200-mile limit and 250 miles beyond Colombia's. Nicaragua baa made no military threat, but Colombia ii reacting to Nicaragua's military buildup and the mysteriom aonic booms aa if an invasion h imminent. It lncrewd ttl pm.on on the is1anda frcD a ff!W c:kn.en eoldien to an estimated 21000. Two ~lombUn ~ and·dther wanhip1 have belUD pat:l'Glllna the lalanda, and Ille Colombian alr force aenda Its Mira1e jet liabten. on dally recannaillaDct n:illllooi CNS the area. In tbe laat three months 9"IRl ........ boats-liled -with N~ who said they were. -1dnC politil Mylum ebowed up at San And..f..M and Prov'.denrla The Colombladt cave them fuel, food and water bu.t noi a11Jum and .. t tbml ce to Olher c..tbbem Wench • Ametlcan minlaten a1lo belped prevent any Soviet dcwntnation of the meeting, the partlclpanta said. Wtlliam P . Thompaon, chief ex e c u t i v e .of t he Un it e d Presbyterian Church, Mid the conference organized by the state-authorized Ru11l•n Orthodox Church. was "completely open" and ''uae end product wu qy.alte balanced," caDJna oo both na~ to Mlt the nuclear anm buJldup. He..ito deplored the ''neptive appralala" of Graham, aaytq they were baa.eel on error -and ''overatatementll of 'what Graham said." Graliam. • Southern Baptiat evan1eli1t, Wat criticised by several reU1tou1 leaden last week after he said he had aen no dl.nlct evidence of rel..,._ repremlon in the Soviet UNon. that church eervice1 "are allowed to go on freely,'' and thfi he had "experienced total Uberty in what I say." The Rev. Edmund W. Robb, chairman of the Institute of Rellglon and Democracy in Waahington. said last week that Graham wa• "manipulated to give legitimacy to a conference co ntrolled by the S~viet pernment. .. Gra'ham aata while on the Moscow visit be found Soviet churches to be well-attended, and be saw more religious freedom than be expected. Re9pondin& Monday lD London to the crltidlm, he aakl repcrta of the trip contained 0 appuent dlstorUOn and actual ml8quoi.a ... Laurama PhUon of the 8-llalbul Society of :rrtenda lD Pb lladelphl~1al4piedla portrayala of an z.t.. WM& split at the Conference an( critidaml of Graham'• stand were .. totally milnprMeDtative!• She said the confenmce i.U, -which included 28 Americana, wu· "on the whole incredibly balanced,'' and the reault wu 'bot a pol-* ~ eltber the U.S . or tbe 8oYlilt Unian." However, the Rev. Paul L . Bmdjlr of the Luehenn Church lD America echoed the criUdlm of -Ora ham and 1ald the ~bid. pro.8cMet bent. He aald Che 1barecl Nllatout concern for 0 world peace and nuclear dl1atmament" wa1 ••effectively frustrated by the controlled natur• of the ~."But hi laid It had. ••po1ltlve elemeAt" In. ~ chun:b -AQd In "ODIQDICll OU1rlill" at the Duel.er buildup . .. I am bewildered at r"ltf\y tbin.sa Billy Grah " " Brndjar aald. The .Rev . Avetf Poat. pr-'dent of the Uliltili Church of Christ, 1ald tie 1oi. the ,.hDp.tHllOD Of atl ... rllal reli1lou1 vltalltJ" but aJ.o 1 ttepped-up Soviet atbel•t ~ ta•!Rfti\t:'-a1~ ~, ..... l:;a=· ........ ....,..a t)' -aQd 1poftlOl't of a movt to ebanp tbi boOkkffpl:'IJ:..!1 WGD't_.M,....Gltlw bud•t lntlai t)iat t1 aot their modW. ~ s-: John Hllnl of Pwlqlvlala md that would be • ~ • trYtnl to bide an eleph•nt beb1na ·a:;telephone '°J:~ HMI Ind~ tn th• Senate and House '" a way out of ihe electl~n-year bud1et qbandary In a ltroke~f-tM-pen revtaion that would taka the t300 ~-plua IOda1 Jnaurance proaram out of the own11 budaet. That woufd reverse an overhaul that put· 8oda1 Secwity and other fedei'al tr\llt fundl into a new, unJfiecl bl.Ml1et In 1968. That WM an election year, too, and tncl\lllon of what then Wfft ftnanctally healthy ttutt funds held IOIDe pol11ical edvantagea. What would have been a deficit beceme a balanced budaet. and the ahare earmarked for IOdal proarama waa enlar1ed in comparl•on with military apendlna, #hlch at that tlm• meant the ~ War. Pnmdent Lyndon B. Johmon had set up a apeclal commilllon to study tbe budget proceu, and th•t panel recommended that what had been three separate federal budget• become one, aayina that would pnaent a more mean1111ful and comprehenav• picture of federal apendinl and ita impKt on the economy. Johnaon presented hla final bud•t that way, and Cont:'.n dkfu"i objec\: Budptl have unWed "91' aince. But Social Securtty ia a ~ 11ab0Jty now,--not an a.et. Wtte it to be ~ from the budget before CongreH, the deficit would be lowered -and Social Security would be taken off the lmmdatlt ...... ~ f« ~c:Wbl:~·- Helni and hit .w. .... that the bud1•aln l)'ltem rafHI qutltionl Of y at well • numbers. hey 11r that the lnclu1lon of Socia Security makH lt aeem a matter of dl1cretlonary apendlna to be considered by Con1re11 each )'Hr, not u llOda1 inlurance that ha matter of tons-term commitments. "Ji.a lor\I at there are numben on Social Becurity ln the budaet we apprbve, the Senate wU1 be percelYed .. trytnc to balance the bud1et on the baclu of Social Security beneflclarlet," Heins aa1d in Jll'Osatnl the cban&e· Hein% it a member of the blpartiaan c:ommllllan on Sodal ~otm that WM set up at Pa tfteepn'a behest. It fa 11uppo1ed to make recom- menda tlona to put Social Security on a sound financial fl Tu arfWMDU for a u.al~ bud1et are what they were bl 1968, politJc. notwlthataftdfnf. Spendinc la apencl1na and taMI ar• ta¥ea; putUn1 them .ii to1ethe~ provide• a comprehentt.... plir:tuN of whf\ ~rnrnllmt 11 dot"-·~~ There will have to be a SocW 8ecurlty debate, and there wjij have to be chanpl -in benefO• or In tax lncrea1e1 -t,q guarantee the future of t~ ayatem. •f• Warning labels . songht on WASHINGTON (AP) -Two heUtb poupa are suing the Food and Drug Administration, aeeldna to require that aspirin ~ea carry w•mln' labelJ llnkln1 the medication with Reyea syndrome, a childhood ct-.. that can be fatal. The American Public Health Aaaociation and Public Citiun's Health Research Group are arguing that the labels should warn parents against giving aspirin to children sufferinl from chicken pox or influenza. The suit. tiled in u .s. Dlltrict Court for the Dhtr1ct of '· . ~ '" asp1r1n . 'I" •Cl~ Columbia on Monda , dted ~ from 1tudie1 1~9wtn1 ,\ relationship between th~ lngesUon of aspUi.n dUJina a vtra1: illneaa and the development of Re es syndrome. ., ·' !\:yes syndrome ii an illnett marked by sudden onset or ~:1n~ .. ~~~~ for ~ Control reported~ cases of the dlaeue lut yeat, with 28 percent of the victinU' dyln1. Some cues are nc;>,~ rePol'tedr ~ • l..aat October, a 1pec1'1, advisory panel concluded'-~ tbe aaociat.lon between up and~ syndrome-while · fully understood -I documented aufflclently i~ ju.tify avoiding aspirin wbefi chicken pox or flu-like sym:l are~t. ~ The C.enten for 0..- found the report penuMlve ~ inued a cautionary statement auueatina that upirin not ~ u8ed for treatina chicken pox~ OU in chUdlen. · The FDA dJd not join the ~ in rm.ldh8 the statement. Befoft the FDA decides bow to~ the agency will hold a pubijf\ meettng next Monday to ~ mor~ inform• ti on on the rela~~ ~ two health group and at least one member of Coo1n have complained that the J'D bat taMn too long to rapcnd the panel'a recammendat6om. I Rep. John Dlngell. ~ the HOUie EllellD' and Committee, alttady hu wrltteo J:lealth and Human Servlcn I Secretaey Bicbard s. Schweiker : to complain about the FD~'•t , I#~ pace. 't THEN AND NOW_ William Parker'• wrecked pickup'tfUck The peak period for flu and : •• chicken pox is December to May. 1 Js shown on a ridae about 8 miles from mount St. Helens (top The Health Reaearcb Group : -photo) in May [880, shortly after the mountain eruJ>ted. c1aima that by not IUpportina ~ ~ Parker and his wife, Jean, were killed in the eru9tion. Two warning label, the FDA b~ ~ yean later, Steve Gianopouloe sits in th~ cab of Ui'e truck in \ bowed to preaaure from the i Portland .t.wr a musive restoration job. He plans to drive it maken of Mpirln. But the~ • back to the rid&e where searchers found it to show "the manufacturers have denied t mountain didn't win.'' exerting premure. ~ -======;:::;..-===-;;....;.;=..;;.;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s ffiliiililiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiliiiiiiiiiiliii!iiiliililiiiiiiiiiia., Skllled ProtentoMI •••• ( • • ervi·ce For yovt Wlllleble jeWlll'y tnd ~II M doee to you u J. c. Humomr ... Jew 1l1rt wtMwe our own craftsmen c•retutty do th• work Uftd« pereonat ...,....llOft. . i ' ) ','1'4ll.f&l£.WITI , " Di1i IMJ>m: 'nw Le. ANllll ~ 8ciUll ~ ComilalU" ll\C0099r•tlon wlth•tlM Callfonla lolld'Wuti M·===· II 9QlllOl1nl I new ~~drink bottle 1r ror th;&lilt tam., ~ IOft drink bottlll ~ be ~ \I canwnAlfttly and NdeMllllCI for Cllllh b)' d'9 ,._.i public at 13 ·~ ~ centan locattd ~t th• la A.nplee rw onn,. ~ty area. Oran,. Coun~ recyoU~ c.nten are located at Oran1• , Count)' &crap as Metal. 918 &. South St. 1n Anaheim. J\a1*10D ncRecyclin1. 3H I . Santa l'e In l'ullerton, and Santa ~· n1Rec10Una 2540 S. Main St. ln Santa Ana. For locatioaa of c•ddltlonai partlclpattn1 ceatert' tn the Loa · An~elea area, ~Gin oontlet the Solid w .... ~l Bo.rd by phm!ftl ton.free (800) 862..aNQ. d Spo)l•men n1 that In addition to reduclna landfill n!~ and avtnc --0 NC)'ded ~ IOft drink bottlel , .. twnntly bllna conwr1ed Into unMt\U'a1*:l pobwtel' \.-cl to mab ~tuba,~ ltalla and~.,.,.. PllllCk bottJee ., .,. betna recyded tnto f1berflll stuff1na n for lki jlcbta, pWowa, quilta ana lleepha bail. .. well .. beinl 1 Uled for 1vapP1na to bind lnduatriaf lhlpptna cartom and .lor 1"ttberalua boaia. Future conunerdal produe1a belftl produced A experimentally Include a lumber 1ubltltute inaulatlon and A com.ipted wall puielina. 'n Let's Dine Out's out J1 I DEAR PAT: Several yeare •to F!-turchued a charter mmembeuhlp in the Let'• Dtne Out club. . year we've recel\19d o..1 our~ and membenhlp card. but th.la )'eel' we didn't. When lJ we a~pted to ccntlet the club we found that the)' have an "'llddreu ln Santa Barbara. We eent a certlfled letter to that •WaddJoem on March 2, but haven't hid a r'9J)Clll89. c.an you find out .~rwhat happened? n R.S., Newport BMcb t '< fte luta BuMn Better Bulaeu B.._• teW A YS daal Let'• Dlae O•t weat HI ef bHlae11 la Saata Bar•ara la Ne.em.., ltlt, IMll mall II 1Ull bellll n.cet•M at ltl fermer ......... ........_ AYS ,.,_.la MaJ-ltll tlilM Let'1 DIM 0.1 1e1e.-1a G...._ Gn•e llftce .-IH ftrm ... •..,.. .. In ..... •f .......... ~tu u. ............ eMID't l=~taflad•-utua=• rattea ceea, fer Mrsata.,rlcM .............. laytar1pul.Aldlttttme ... wen me•W, Mt • were tielq ,.... ... em;\Oyea laW elf ... IM t•••_. W • recMrae, aeeerdlq .. die ay Offlee •f ~ Affaln. ge discrimination illegal DEAR PAT : My father la beina forced to retire from a job he held f,. 20 years beca.-he ii 65 yeen old. H.11 work week u cut to three days lllt year and now he'• beeo told that be will terminated in June. Bil employer la well aware ibat he may t leplly fire anyone beca.-of .., but remarb be baa made the termination of lnel'al other employeea near my father'• leave little doubt about the emplo,.f'1 lnt.entiom. Where can tum for legal advice or what aovernment agency would I tact about an .,e dbcrtmlnatlon pobllmt ' R.B.,C-.U.. YH cu ..... t lite .... ef .U.t._1111 .. ., .. .,. .. a,eri•eM la tM1 ea of law by P'••la1 LIWJ•r a.terral Senlce of Oruae 111 at au-au. y.., fadler U.. cu flle a <1 .. 'r .. I .Sadll lit •iafler •e alle1ed llJaertmtaaU.. ... tat• ~ wt" "• e u4I Hr DIYl1I•• of ale U.S. 0.,.11.eat of Lahr, U ... tlwU. An. N.W., ·~ D.C. ltlH. Tiie A1e Dlierlmlaatloa la B•JltJmeat Aet ef ttn lianliialMtl ~U. ap1a1t ............ U .. IS yean eM •Y mpl•Jen u• labor ...... wUll rUaN .. 111r1a1, ftrla1, Job eferraJ, empleJee 1tah1 aM nmlldoaa of employmeat. It • em,a.,er1 te make.._ Mt•~ If IMJ ~ hll.IOmllDIJ ~ .. lite .... trm.aee " ... Job. • . . ' . ' . IAN J'MNCDCO (AP)_ ... attorMy:• 1*Wtwo,...... un41iitr f rel IDcflCUDIDt ln conr:uoa wlth advertl1ln1 ....,. 11cM• tliil ~ ........ 4wklil •YI hll dientl belWM the pdeill ~ ' .iid ~~~E~ ~..-::Uiw:: u~eo. and 4*h am., ~ ~ w.nvtndka1*:l. .... .. II\ timll Wee thil lt .... f.liYQJow to wt the tax~~· dollar to~ anocheJ' trial I fOf' mall fraud. Brey.-aald. ''The J'eatherl beUeYe ln UM effeetiVeMl9 ot ~ devices and the court• have vindicated them," he lald. Breyer ai.o uid that fewer than 3 percent of cuatomera who bou9ht the device• uked for refund• or expre11ed d'-timction with the product, "which la a record I doubt the P01taf~ could match.'' He abo noted that the actlorl ia -e&ainat the adYertiaementl and not the devipea. rhe lnslio.tment allel(ed • a?heme to defnud eurchMen of devk9 I01d u the Mark Eden 8J.Alt DeveJoper, the Mark Eden Mark n a.i Developer with rvR. the Astro-Trimmer and the Slim-Skinf. ir..ch WU priced at $9..9~ and coat uo.8~ with ~· The U -count indictment named Margaret. al8o known u me.n Feether, 55; her h\.Wband, Jack S5; their llOll Vaughn. 33, all of Pebble Beach, and Pat T . Howe, 58, of Carmel. • Vauchn Feather'• wife, Sarah, 28, b named in four couf\t• lnvolvlng the Mark n. and Mal')' Ann StoweB, 43, of Sacramento, w111 named in two count1 connected with the first Mark f'ljen developer. Postal in1pectora Bill ~ and Gerald Raferty noted the government didn't allege anything about the ~ but that the indJctment only charges f.Ue statementi and repreaentaJiom were ma~e in magazine •P. 1olicltin1 mall orders nationwide. The scheme to market Uie Mark Eden Buat Developer be1an ln December 1984 and continued until April 1978, the indictment aid. The ~ ltatemena included repr•1~tatlon1 that people ldentlfi'd in ads had added inches to their buata,'that photograph• in the ada accurately depicted bust ~t and that the devices enlarged ~ accordlng to the ·~t. The indictment a1lo alleeed • similar 9Cheme from February 1978 to October 1979 involving aale of Mark ll device•. Ada about those devices claimed f.altely that ·~ um,, the Mark n can watch their busts grow rig)U before their eyes," the indictment aaid. Free to tlae P-'11• FOCUS ON COMMUNITY HEAL TH F1mini11 · Fitn11$ • • • • l SPONSORED BY I PACIFICA COMMUNITY HOSP IT AL "EA TING FOR LIFE" A PRESENTATION ON NUTRm<>NAL HEAL TH LECTURE·DISCUSSION WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1982 7:00 • 9:00 P.M. MOOOATOll S....HMcllto.•.O. CARMEN VUPPA CONFUENCE CENnR ... ...._ ..... .,. ............. ................ c.-.. You cen t'9fp ,our new1p~ C*'rttt oofleet 8t tlmtt 00/lV• 1 nln to fO'I by hawllle your d'9Clk or money 0tder ready eo tht _., won't have to call baclt. e.~uH thlt y~un pnon II In buttneu for h or .....,, ~lttMM be rMcty:.-' •cu*" thel.biG smlle whlah .• ~ ..... ·· .. For EY1'1 lodJ COME IN FOR A FREE VISIT $ 40 Wted'flSits 1 Mo. • Poshl'e • Crcwation • sn Hips • Frm Ttilhs • Tichten Buttocks Includes Aerobics $25 10 Classes AP 'ft••' 111 NO HUMANS• PLEASE -Doris Day, 58, aaya she'll never get married a fifth tbne. She preten the company of dogs -of which she owns 18. Her advice for a happy marriage: 1eparate bedroorm UMt bathrooma. Sweet 'Memories' for bartender "Memories." a aweet and com=ed drink whole ft\re-ent recipe may be hard to remember, bu won first prif.e ln the~tate flnall of the annual U.S. Bartenden Guild competition in Loa Anae1-. An ounce of Amaret~ dJ SaroMo. three qUU1en of an ounce of iwley'1 ~ Cree.m, half an ounce of DeKuyper Blue ew.c.o, a drop of l8:Dcll Juice and two drop• ot Frothee won U ,500 for bartender Valerlo 0 Bobby" Baa.,. of Tlp'a l"Mtaurant in Valend• Prelldeal and Mn. Requ paid the federal govemmmt and the ata.te of Californla more than $20.000 last ~in lnteim and back ~ after the Internal Revenue 8ervlce rejected claiml ior buaineu kmm Oil their 1978 and · 1979 retuma. the Wuhlngt.on Post said. The report quoted the Reuam' tax laW)'er, RoJ D. Miller of Lo• Angele1, •• aa)'ina the lomes lnvolved the couple'• ranch in Santa Barbara. Geor1e C . Bt11tu, the principal celebrant at a Mui that opened Solidarity'• fint national conpe91 ln apanak. Poland, lut October. 11Pleue God, and I will be able within the near future to praent the deiuee to Walesa in Gdan1k," Higgins aald. ''My ba&I are pecked and I am ready to go on a moment'• notice." Tax-fi&hter Bowm J8"11 wa1 reported "do&na ftne" at c.edara-Slnai Medleil Center, where he waa recoverJn1 from 1uraery to remove hll spleen. Jarvis, 79, wa1 admitted April 25 and there waa no l.nd.icaUon when he would be rel..ed. A Cl"09-complalnt aolnlt a former secretary will De filed by comedian Re•• Fess followina the dim>fwal of hia $30 million slander and libel .Wt aplnlt the woman Gu Poole-, Foxx'• attorney, aald that "probably three week• from today" a ~plaintaplnat Carel Wllllaett would "definitely, very definitely'' be filed. Ms. Wbltaett worked for Redd Foxx Productions aa a aecretary-A!Ceptionist ln 1981. She claimed ln a suit that on aeveral occuiClna Foxx called her ln~ hia office, greeted her in the nude and made 1exually explicit auggest:iom. Develoger Ollver Kallie eold his major Lake Tahoe hotel-casino aite to Nevada state and local offldala for the bargain -baaement price of $2.8 million. Kahle and the wealthy Jaffe family of Chicago. who bad the major interest in the '25-ecre site at Stateline. on Tahoe's IOUth ahore, were praised by Gov. Beb Utt for a "remarkably generoua and caring gesture'' ln agreeing to the low price. Ledl Walesa. the interned leader of Poland's suspended Solidarity labor union, bu been nanied the recipient of . List said the property bad a · · fair market value of $11.4 an honorar:_y _de~3e from Providence (R.I.) ... ENDORSED -Milka Plan inc, 57, has been endorsed by the Yugoslavian parliament as the country's first woman prime minister. The degree wu accepted for Walesa by Monsignor ( THE . . PERFEC:~ I ! • BLEllD OF MUSIC Z4HGURS 4 ADAY . " rnilUOn. Kahle and the Jaffea will get • sizable tax cred.lt because the $8.6 million difference between the value and purchue price will be considered a contribution for tax purpoees. Kiii Watnef Anlta ·Kwr lei Reed Hf Diamond Bob Thiele Pwter Pu & Mary C)W Stapleton Janis Ian Ron Goodwin Pete Jolv .hmie Haskel Eddie Rabbitt 8oCticelll Mimes and the Papas Nellor\ Riddle Nana ~ T1m Weisberg M8lon Willame Mlfln 8oQcher 0... FcgelJerg .Werner,.,.., Thi Elglee Andre Koetellnltt Qyltlll a.yte Tony HalCtt ~n1-. J 8rt.n Mey ~ 8lnltra j W om~ .fast ~o press for ERA :ratification SPRINGJ'IELD, m. (AP) - Seven women from around the country, led by excommunicated Mormon Sonia Johnaon, have begun a fut in the etate Capitol to pre11 for lllinoU ratl.ticatlon of the proposed Equal Ri1ht1 Amendment. The women vowed to forego all eolld fooda and mast liquids until June 30 -the deedllne for ERA'• ratification by at least three more etatea -or until DJ.inoia ratifies the proposal. SHOIRST UNIS IN OIANGI COUNTY "IXTIA IDGI" GAIPllLD aANIC --;; The IJ'OUP allo uked all ERA IUJ>Portert M'!I'<* the nation tc> falt eech Wedneeday until June 30 and to wear a white ribbon to lbow IUpport. Arnone the '-ten i1 Zoe -Ann Ananda, 33, of Newport Beach. '40ur purpc.e for dolAI tb1I la to have a dialogue wfth the legtalatora and the aovernor," aald Mn. Johnson, who wu e~communlcated from the Church of JHu1 Christ of Latter-day Salnta in December. . .. . . ........ THE WINNER -Scott Brown, 22, a Massachusetts law student, ha1 been chosen from a field of 7 ,000 in c.o.mopolltan'• male centerfold contest. · About 1,000 penona, ~ them mlddle·aced or elderly . tome from u far •• Idaho an Utah, attended the P'""''1~.,.. which were held with tlg eecurity. Spectaton were tearehed b metal detecton before entni.n the hearina room, and fed•r marahall were pre1ent. Wltne11e1 included Fran Monaco, who founded the f• and owned it nearly 10 y«tiar until Augu1t, and Daniel, Monaco Sr., hia father. 1 Not preaeni waa Daniel A Monaco Jr., who owned the tn lt1 final month• until it collapee Jan. 28. . Attomef Martin Brifman '8f; much of U)e new loa figur~ o $20 mill1ori can be attributed cues in which propertlea wer 10aded with loans totaling" to three time• u much u the were worth." Brifman repre:een bankruptcy trustee Melvy Cohen in the hearings. IRE YOU IUYlll l ClR'I WE COULD SAVE YOU AS r.tJCH AS 11111 ON HIGIO PRICm AUTOMOBILES A~ng Diet Breakthrough: AND CERT AINl. Y HUNDREDS OF DOLL.AAS ON MODEAA TEL Y PRICED CARS. WE WILL DO YOUR SHOPPING. CALL VIRGINIA AT (714) 14Mlll tr 141-1122 I ~.-sitteAs' unlimitec}. /,;. i'earff, OwMr!DWew Educolorl who "c~" for Claildnn · Honua • Pru · Eldmy ·toll/# ow bkrolww · liMllMd, ~ Ww.J. Nrwport &och Ano FranchUe (714) 840-8118 INTRODUCING FANTASY exclusive toys & games U50 LAGUNA A VE., LAGUNA liEACll OPEN 7 D~ YS 494-8808 (l.OC'""""'"" M-"" II~." 11 S"X"""'' 111..,...;i. f, '°" "'·'' """-No Qalble SNlftlJ HM, ft9ft uHer 1M tlp ... t ofOtttM, tummy eupport tool AVAU&a IN: Body Bge. -Pink -Perelmmon -LI• Red-Blue-Mlnt-Nude-Black*w.ory ... .......,., a.-.... f • 91 f I Oii M ...... QTY. COLOR CUT .CALORIES BUT NOT CONSUMPTION At laat, medical science haa discovered a way to loae weight without reducln9 caloric Intake. "o more strict regimentation, fad dl9t1, or gnawing tWnv-r pt1ln1I Eat • r90ular, nutritious, well·Nlanced meal• and atlll lose weight. Eleven years of sclentlf lc research A noted Biochemist directed \, twenty-five other scientists in .an eleven-year research study that discovered an incredibly effective diet aid. The scientific team noted that when laboratory animals were-fed uncooked kidney bean~. undigested starch was found In their digestive systems. Evidence suggested that some substance in the raw beans prevented the digestion of starch. After years of painstaking.research, the scientists Isolated the substance and named It Special Legume Protein Concentrate (SLPC). CalOrlc absorption blocked .. SLPC performs it's magic by prohlbltln·g the carbohydrate- dlgeatlng enzyme, alpha.amylase, from digesting carbohydrates in the digestive tract. When SLPC Is ingested prior to eating a meal containing starchy foods such as pOtaton, rR:e,-breads and pastl the SLPC Inhibits the alph• amylase from wor1<1ng. Undlgeat~ starch paa"8 through the . dlgeetlve tract and le eHmlnated- cak>rles and all . • miraculous dietary breakthrough available to the public In tablet form, STARCH-LITE: , One STARCH·l.,ITE tablet, taken at the beginning of each meal or snack, Inhibits the ingestion of 400 starch calories-the amount of . starch founa In four baked potatoes, four slices of bread, two cups of rice, or two cups of pasta. While It Is .unlikely to consume such quantities of any one food in one meal, many fruits and vegetables also contain large amounts of starch, and thus each STARCH-UTE tablet Is formulated to block the average starch content of one meal. • SlllWCh Food rota1 bloc:S c.1o, ... cailorles n ,.,,..,.,, .. o Brnd, one sllct Rice, 1 cup cooked 110 208 Macaroni, 1 cup cooked 210 Corn, 1 cup 174 Potato, 1 medium b1k1d 120 lln1na 120 The STARCH·LlTE difference 100 10 180 20 161 42 180 14 100 20 104 18 J Safe and stable weight loss One STARCH-LITE tablet taken with every meal 1esults in pound after pound of excessive weight los.s. You'll realize tosses of five to ten pounds almost immediately. But most Importantly, vour weight will come off and stay off. With the continued-use of STARCH-UTE, you'll never again .have to suffer the frustrations of dieting. A time to begin NUTRION CORPORATION \ Introduces ST ARCH-UTE to the market with a limited TWO WEEK INTRODUCTORY OFFER. Order today to take advantage of this special price and to join the thousands of otheJ customers who are now enjoying this simple, effective diet breakthrough. For credit card orders only Call Now Toll Free 800~824-7:888 .. That'I itlJI mare lhU wtiat .... 'tin'• Zhilo Zlyuw"'ot am...-. an a manlh -~ .. '318 orta.ala~. Prime Mlnil1 If Mlloolln J'nMr ol AUIUda NciltWI a Mlary of •n1.e11 a ~· Tbat .. h1ahM-than what Cana«lan Prlme ......... PserN TrUdeMa mak-. tu.790. Prtme Mlnilter ~ Thatcher ot Great Brtialn Mm1 .'10.870. 0 8o many people dJdn't want to live rM tnfomiaUcn. People ln ~. Japan, Switserla1'il and France don't Ilk• to talk about l•n- oomee. It hu a more IOda1 connotation ln thoae countries than here.'' Aho, he ~· 4: · ...... uid, b\ many TMATI::HIR forel,n countriet there la the Problem of income 1ax evuion. eo ~ about income are avoided. "Take aporta, for example," Harrop aaid. "In Europe, about two-thlrda of what an athlete eama ta under the table." Eddie Merkx, the Belgian aupentar of the Tour de France -the grand prlx of bicycle racing -eama u much al $3 m&WOli • =· liidihiN Oh; tit Ja,.,_. UJJ plays wlM> bit IOO.hameninl~hil_., nwllt-a-'tielil ~ -oi .-0,000 lalt_~. \ KU"°9 illd he .. ....-.; that Am•rlcan bu1ia•H eX«UdWI ln Jarlt muJtbidanU .,. 1-V..Uy hiaMI' paid for tMlr Joa:. than In liaro,Pt .. . Sir Devid Steel, ·c~ of Brltlah Petroleum, wu paid US2,000 In 1979. Robert 0 . Andenon, cha1rman of Atlantic Richfield Co. in the United Statel. made $1,800,000, the book ~P u1d St.tel earned 17.5 tlme8 • much u the avenae British Petroleum worker, who earned $13,280. Andenon made 71.7 ttrnes u much u the averaae petroleum worker at hie company, who Mmed $23,000, Harrop said. . In the lepl ~felllon, Harrop said lawyers aalarlea in the United Statee are the envy of the world. The averase pay for lawyers ln all countries. he uid, la 1eaa than $45,000 a year. But graduate• froll} the beat law IChoola in the United Statee can start at about $46,000. Harrop said he WU aurpNed by "the enormously larger, number of lawyers we have ln Alnerica.'' ~hildren get ho~se in divorce . OAKLAND (AP) -Two teen ...... will atay ln the family ~ while ihelr parentl take t¥1'DI llvtn1 there with them ..._,a novel divorce aettlement. Liwy and Laura L. DllVia each will 1pend a month with their 11-,_,.-old Pl and 16-yeu-old dauebter, •witcbJnc plllCft at 5 ~ OD the tint of MCh month. '!be unUIUll dutkm to two of the thonUe9t problems of divorce -who 1et1 cuatody of the cbUdren and what to do with the 1*.--took effect May 1 after being •J>proved in Alameda County Superior Court. They opted for the approach because it leta the children remain in the same h ome , neighborhood and achool and keepa both parents In cloae contact with the youngster., said Mrs. Davia ' lawyer, Alma Phillipa. Under the agreement, the divorced couple retain ownership of the houae on a tenancy-in-common baaia and won't put it -up for aale w leue -until January l~, a month aft.er the ton turns 18. Davia will make the houle and utility eaymenta and pay hi• ex-wife i100 a month durl.na her month ln the boule. She will set a $200 aupport payment on months she ta out of the houle. Superior Court Judge ~ Ballachey, who hand.Jed the cue, said the agreement reQected the parentl' desire to do what wu best for their children. ''The parenta ouaht to ,et the credit,.. he said. JCPenney Auto Center We won't steer you wrong. .. , -------- -------- TIRE SALE. Closeout 400/o off El Tigre 278's. .... lla .... IJ Tlpal1t la OUf Mel bilW Ire. l'..n-I .....,_ ... , Mdy ... , _....., .. '°_ -..2_,._ ........ ~-"-·~·" ....... ... .-....... -... --~ -· .. -~· .. ~· ~c• ~:J ................. .., ..... _ .. ... __ n.._... ................. All Items llmtted to stock on hand 50°/o · Savings AM-FM Ster.eo with Ca-tte In dash unit orig. 49.99 Now 24.99 8 only Floor Mata cocomats, rubber with carpet Insert, or rubber orig. 9.99-18.99 Now 4.99-8.99 100 only .. Car ~te~eo Speakers .. t Car Wheels 1 of a kind orig. 29.99-89.99 3 way epeakera • 2 styles 9rlg. 29.99 Now 14.99 13 pM: only , Headllght• MIOl'ted-- dual & ....-na.m.nt q.'&leo;10.98 Now 1•-4.99 35 Or1fy Now'2 10 only Floor Jack 11h ton hydraulic mini-pro jlft compact orig. 59.99 Now 29.99 0 only ,,.,,,, t, ' , •• 1 AO PRICES PRfVAll WEDNESDAY MAY 19th lhru SATURilAY MAY 71nd , Smirnoff VODKA •NOClf7SOa.. Puerto Vallarta TEQUILA • ...., ......... 750a.. Seagram's Scoresby SCOTCH 1soa.. MPIOOF YOUR CHOICE! Canadian Dew WHISKY •NOClf750a.. SABROSO '1WFU U~UEUR 1•a.. ALMADEN MOUNTAllWINE •GlllUe •••• , •• ·-·mcT••- , LILT. SAVE 13.00 GORDON'S DISTILL ID LONDOIDIY GIN IO PIOOF . 1 I I ·I , ) .. . . . q I :t I I .. ti ·I . ft . United slashes air fares ~ ANGELES (AP) -United Airlines ha1 announced it la lluhina farel from Loe Anaelea. San Die10 and Sa Francl1co to Hawaii, while increuin1 the number of daily flightl to the lllanda. To call attention to the fare decreue, United la offertn1 extremely low f.anll for a month, June 14 thfOt.&lh July 15. Then the fare• will rlae somewhat, said Joe Hopkins, corporate communicatloru man- ager at the comp- ~' 1 Chicago I uartera. ts at the new rate -which are sold with no rutriction1 -went on lale 1\aeeday, Hopkina I l&id The one-way coach I f.Te of $310 from San ae., or Loe Angeles to I Honblulu will be l119.98 from June 14-July U, then rile to •145, ~rwuid. e one-wa'y San Francllco-Honolulu coecb fare, abo $310, will drop to $178.97 for the introductory month, then Ne to $204, he aid. In addition, tlie number of daily filghtl betffeen Loa Angelea and Honolulu will inc.-.e July 1 from five to llYen, and the number of daily flights between San Francl1co and Honolulu wlll go from four to five. There ls one dally ru,ht from San Diego to I Honolulu, HopkiN said. 1 The current 1ervice I from Los Ange let to Hilo, on the i1land of Hawaii, will go from four tlmet a week to daily, Hopkin• added. Farea will be the u.me .. from LOI An,e1es to Honolulu. Writings released NEW YORK (AP) - The Jlnal volume of a three-tome En1H1b tramlatlon of the Jewish Bible from the tndhional Hebrew teJrt waa releued by the Je1fhh Publication ~-·~WriUnp.'' which con in• the book• of p .. t 1, Proverb1, Job and 0 othen. jolDI "The Torah,., publ11hed in 1981, and "The· ~ .. publllbed in HT'\er •. tbree· part trall1lation took 14 Jew'-h tcbolan more tbaa 20 yeau. The tra*1atlon committff WM IH• Mot by novelllt ..... r ~ HIBACHI .,,,,,;. CUTtl Ol.Y POLISH REMO YER ~e~~~·' 99c . fa u. .. 1nw+• 'II MOU "FRENCH" LOUNGE .......... ,..:': 8.88 •ih11·• l1IElllGI ~ GAU.ON BEVERAGE JUG •t---iLW Durable cut Iron con- struction with heavy chrome plated cast Iron grills. 11x1013~ 4.99 HIBACHI wtt11 2r CHROME LEGS this time to Bat Br.own • AD PRICES PREVAIL: WEDNE SDAY . MAY 19th TH RU SA TURDAY . MAY 22nd 35 QT. CHEST with 1 GAL. SPOUT JUG Urethane 22 .88 lnsulaltd mlt/1411 auv 2 a aan aa• c-~~:J_ \-~:-.~' ---11.UE ICE SPORTER · ~T•n -4.99 BLUE ICE ••• M.L ,__ PAal 1.39 -rarar •IOY IATTllY/IUCTllC DAiil IOY!"'Ol'1'' Dart added. "It mutt have been done In an olfhand mannllr, ,, ht Mkt. ••• 1 would have UMd the of fandtn1 word only u a coUoqulalWn and not wtth any ~t of ln~ the dlctlonuy definitlon of ti)• WOl'd." Brown Sr. ~ta re~y May 10 to that letwr, 1tatin1: I think that c:ampalpl. can be CanW ~ -~ th! Cffljl·• QI.LETT£ TRAC II · lllOllUDU 1.69 CiijJI.• JUCOS lotion Enriched LIQUID SOAP TANNING OIL or LOTION •:'''1B·t• Promotes a t1111thy dark tan of the llllndS 2 .9 9 EA. Nll AIR MATTRESS 72''. 27" 1.79 ..!lll·Z·> GRASS BEACH MAT 21". 72" 1.99 •.• • .,,._lVll 24" BAR•B•Q ~~ •IOTllSDa Portable Radio (Battery not Incl) 11.88 •on1n Plastic Cutlery .... 31.95 11LL . .._, .... , ... ::.=,.... 2iS1 rrau•nm (IU.) a i.TMUllD) 2.79 IULI U1t Charcoal s~:2.B9 "7..JIOI Al.MET HPUCEMUf1' CHAISE PAD Tufted loam mi.ct vinyl cover. 24" 11 71:. II 11.88 0 Cl9tl1 mod 11111 >ba.u J Ww '(~1 lUC .m,q rr· '"°' v- "lJ.Ub wod j • WAIHIMOTON (AP) - Cryln1 toul. Democrat• are requHUn1 equal Um• trom teleWUoft netwGrka and •taUoN that run a GOP poUUcal ad fHturln_t Jlmmy Carter and HouH S-=tr Tho mu P. O'JWU Jr. Hw. · The otf endin1 commncla.!J part of a tt.rmUllon Tv advnU1lnt_ bllt1 •nnounced ~ by. ftepUblloan otadall, blame• the rece11ion on Dlmocrata. In u, ecton who beu' •trildna reHmblancea to the former pre1ident and House 1peaker ~rttcipate ln the readint ot a 'laat wtll and teatament" bequeathina the nation'• economic problem• to Re&M.tblicam. >.. the Carter character arinl broedly from behind a l1aaa bowl of peenuta and the 0'.ReW IC'toC' P'\lfttl and chortlee, a third actor portra)'ifll a lawyer reada from the purported will: "To Ronald Reagan, we leave the real problems." . The 30-ncond commercial, intende<l to help elect more Republican• to Congre11 thi• November, ends with an a~nouncer'1 1tatement that 11Republlcan1 ate be1tnntna to ~ th1naa bettef ." F.dmunc:fSteUe, the New York actor who portrayed o·mw in an earlier ad, i1 back for the pew cme. The Carter part la played by F.d Beheler of WllCO, Texu, GOP off.ldala Mid. Deputy Whit• HoUH pre11 HcNtary Larry 8pea-" .. 1d Tuetday that PNeldent Reuan Md not '"" the ada and that lbe Whit• Houae did not approve \Mm. "Some memben ol the Wh1t.t Hcue poUbl ltaff dkl .. them ln advance, but we had no role In their development," hit Mid. Aaked wbether th• Whlte Houae felt there wu any problem with the ad1, Speakes lndScatecl lt did not. Outra1ed Democrau lmmediawty hit the warpath. O'Neill aaid the mockln1 r.ortrayal of Carter wu ~~~ the office of the ... A";d'i(ep. Tony Coehlo, D-CalU., chairman of the Democratic Con1re11lonal c.ommlttee, lhot off tel~ to TV networks and ltatlon man•an• around the country atatln1: ·~broadca1t may make your 1tation liable" to federal equal-time regillationa. ''To claim, u the Reputillcan ad does, that Ronald Reagan WU left a recession la a lie," Coehlo protested. "The truth 11 that the unfair economic po1U:fe1 of the Reagan administration brought • about th1I rec..'ellion -the wont since the Great Depnm&on. • "Airing these 1pota with full knowledge of fla1rant inaccuracies makes the cue for free reapon1e time even more compelling," Coehlo toJd the TV executives. Theres oalyoae FMCrowDs. ~ T1me SI.-el YrNI Door I (c.I SI'" ,_... 'ffNI Al•) COSTA IUA 641• 1219 ............. lt.4. MtlltON YIUO 495-0401 1"12 ~ C.,la1¥www c.-...... ,...,. "" • ...,, PllW7J If it's got handles you'll grab a sale faster in Daily Pilot classified ads. Cilll 642-5671 ' YESTERDAY'S STARS -Celebritiet, from left, Vlr,.nia Mayo, Barry Sullivan, Lizabeth Scott, Buddy Rogers, and Gene Ra nd recently partJdpated in a aalute to the Lux ,, ........... Radio Theater in Los Angeles. All of the afo;ementloned penonalities have at one time appeared on the popUlar radio show of the 1940s. PSA denies it • IS financially troubled SAN l>IEGO (AP) -Pacific Southwe1t IJ.rlinel ta dilputinl a report publ11hed in Bu1ine11 Week that deecrtbM the airline u a "company which may have trouble meeting lt1 financial oblJ&atiom. II Georp Shortley, PSA11 eenior vice president for flnance, aaSd h11 company 1bould not have been Included on Bu1lne11 Week'• lilt of vulnerable companies btcawie th• bull for analy1l1 included the alrllne'• performance during a &2-day 1trike ln 1980. The report llated &O U .S . companl .. that might be faclnc tlnaDdal probleml. The article waa baaed on a atudy compiled by Zeta Services Inc., a t<f ew Jeraey-bued con1ulttn1 firm that provide• bank1 with information on companies it conaidera in trouble. BUline9a Week said the "Zeta acore" -baaed on such things u a firm'• profit record, level of debt, Uletl, liquidity and earning 1tability -represents a company's "vulnerability t bankruptcy." "Any acore below :r.ero sugg that a company may 'have troub meeting ltl flnand.al obligation.a, the article laid. San Diego-baaed PSA wo up with a minus 2.15 Zeta ICO for the 12 mon th1 ending 1 September 1981. ATARI COMPUTER UNIT r $32.1 Million . . ' I ' I • PRO HTS . . 1 $277,000 ·~~~s (Thousands) ~ $21.3 Million 200 ·1 $122,0CXl . 100 : -, 3/80 3/81 3/82 3/80 3181 3/82 . ~ t PROFITS ASSETS in Creased increased · 3 * Slo/o* 0 *Since March 1981 Join our success,. open your Chee • g and.:saVings .. ac~o11nts tddaf. · · .----_ ...;I 30 20 .. 10 I ! t I f •• • Newport Beach A11embly- woman Marian Ber1e1on ha• Introduced a rHolutlon ln th• 'atat• Le1l1lature to amend th• atat•'• blllnaual education pro1ram to make lt conform to new federal awdellnea. Like t.he k"ecent move of the federal Department of Education, the re.olutlon doubtlell wW stir new controversy. In March, the federal' department wtthdrew 1970 1uldellnea which had required more than 500 echool dJ.ltric'8 wit.h tieavy minority populatlon1 to utabl11h full-time biUn1ual education for non-En1- ll1h-1peaking students. Tlie· lllidellnes were baaed on the 1974 'Q'.S . Supreme Court ruling that schools muat take "affirmative lteps" to help children who could not read or speak Engllah. This led to specific billnCUal education laws in several states. including California where, according to one state official. 0 It wa1 thought the federal government was requi.ring bllingual education" -that.f11 rciquirlng that claseet be conductea in the student's native language In addition to English lemona. • Now federal official• have withdrawn the guidellnee, •)'in& that schools may use "any effective approach'' lnchaclln1 10-~alled .. total lmmenlon'' In En&Jl~~· to teach the non-l!:nlllih·•~ ltudentl. Thi ltrici California law wW remain In effect unltu alnended by the Legi1lature, but 1tate 0Ulclal1 have warned that, "Legislatora would have htll to pay" from the mtnol'lty community if the bllln1ual eflucatton requirements are Diodlfied. l The Supreme Courc did not 1peclfy anythin,. more tban affirmative 1tep1 to atd the children . The-1ub1equedt IUldellnea and laWI were ibDply UIWl\ptiona of what ·waa needld. And, in many cuee, educatan and eome parentl complained that lnltruction ln the native ~ WU being continued long after t64f children ft.ad acquired a reuonable grasp of EngU1h and that the 1tudent1 wert, in effect, betn1 ,deprived of the educational advantaaea of •«endiq c:luae• conducted In EnaJilb, The revi8ed1ed9ial ,WCSelinel pennit IChool dJaU1ct8 to u.e any reasonable approach to =• atudenta' acqui1ltion of h . Thia makes aeme. And the state lawmakera would be well advi8ed to put their 1>0lltlcal fean aslde and modify the •ta• law. Disability r.ip-olls The financial situation of tJ>e Social Security program has been a hot topic in recent montql. 'The administration keeps remindina UI that the program will go~ in ,,,; due course unless somethtng ii done to rescue it. And Congrea, with an election date looming, i.a understandably reluctant to initiate any rescue measures. Meanwhile, it has been clearly establlahed that at least one 0 portion of the Social Security program -the one that hands out disability benefits -ia wasting up to $4 billion a year in erroneoua payments. That's because recipients of disability payments fail to report that their health has improved or that they have been able to return . to work. So the checks keep · rolling in. A study by the General Accounting Office claimed that about 20 percent of beneficiaries no longer are disabled. Another study set the figure at almost 28 percent. Apparently these are modest estimates. In a review of more than 400,000 cues between March 1981 and April 1982, 190,000 were found to be ineligible and dropped from the rolls. This, of course, raised a tremendous howl. Perhaps some of the terminations we~ unfair, but by no means were all unfair. The fact la ~ the d1labiity caseload ln recent yean ha'I Increased by 75 percent and ·payments, with l~flatton adjultmenta, have aoared 1iy 500 ~t. Thia la a far cry fr9m the lituation ln 1956 when diaabllity tmurance WM added to the Soda1 Security program. It WM detl,,., to pot.ect WOl'kera over 50 yean of age who, becau.e of injury or poor health, were no longer-able to earn a living and prelWDably would not be able to return to work. 1belr ::r.endenta were not eligible for But aa Con1reu, with it• inimitable generollty, embelliabed the program. it came to include workera o1 all a..&ff, dlaabuttlea that were obvt6ualy temporary, and benefits for ~ta. The Social Securtty dltabWty ... initiall t!ltabUMed, fa ~and valuatle. This II not the time to throw yet another baby out with the bathwater. But $4 billion a year.i if that estimate of error ia correct, would at least partially help the aolvency of other threatened aspecta of Social Security. And money and time spent trackina down the no longer eligible beneficlarlea 'of disability payments would be well spent. Reject reapportionment- Three measures on the June 8 ballot de181'Ve the urgent attention of Oranae County voters, many of whom will be temporarlly dbenf ranchised if the meuurea are not defeated. Propolitiona 10, 11 and 12 are referendum statutes which were qualified for the ballot by the gathering of more. than ~0,000 protelting signaturet. They permit votera to approve or reject three "redhtr1cttn1" br "reap- portionment'' l:>illa paHed by the Leglalature and alJEMd_ by the 1overnor, eatabll1nin1 new co,ngreaaional, atate Senate and lt;de ~ly dlltrtctL ' Such reapportlo••nt la ...,_uired to follow each" 10-year cenau1, in accordance with the U.S. Supreme Court'• •w.man, oae-vote" rutln~, and ~e bamdartel remain In .u.:t UllU1 1be next ceDMM unlell re~ ~ the courta or the ~ In th la lnata~ce. the ~~mandered ti•undatl•• ed throuP, the ~tun b' the Democratlo ma~rtty. cauMd enouch ot an upij>AJ' tt pr•;!~•t• the referendum mil • The state Supreme Court ref used to diaquallfy the new reapportionment for this year'• primary and general electlon1. However , reco1ntzln1 the impending referendMm vote, the high court ordered"that lf the voters reject the ~llh , the Legislature in 1983 must create new redistricting plam that are '"ementially differenl" U the b01I are not rejected th• ~rnm•ndered dl1trlct1 will until 1991. WASHINGTON -I have crltlclzed the Regan adminiatration when lt cuta needed federal pt08J'8l1W under the &\.die of "1ettin1 the gove rnment off our backa." But eometime. the ....W-tory bureaucrat• are their own wont enemies; their r.ealoua behavior telMll to ju1tlfy the Reagan concept of a Bla Brother who 1a 1tlcking bis llON f,nto eYf!l'Y dtiun'1 life. Conalder the embattled Consumer Product Safety Commlallon. It Ja a prime tar1•t of the admlnl1trat1on'1 anU~regulatory fanatlca.Y•t ihe ClCllDlnlll6an'1 National ElecUmic !Q),ary SurwWance s= (NE(SS> i,,.. ~ riOt lll1o the of thoR wbo WoUld. like to cut off federal poltcln1 of potenU.U, dangeroua producta. NIRSS PLUGS INTO 74 hoapl~ll. aaom the country, meticuloualy u.t1D8 f!!WrY U,Jury that la a.>Ciated with more than 1,00Cf froduct categories fed Jnto the sy1tem 1 data bank. The aystem •ccount1 -for about 2~0,000 lnjurle, ~ to the aafety comnll8akJn 9llCh )'e*I', and many of them are grist fot the mill of thoee who ridicule the federal ~·· 1enerally worthwhile safety Here are aome examples of the often frivolbua data collected by NEISS: -Injuries related to drinking foaintab» include JUCh p!DI .. "Ran Into . water fountain," "Dropped water cooler cm ~r whlle loading It Into truck" and • Struck noae aaaloll water fountain." " -Under candlestleiu: .. W ood C'Al1d,lestick fell off wall~ hit patient 1n heed" and ~umped CloWn on metal c~eholder, lacera.ted mlddlf t.Qt." ,18 be nimble, Jack be quick to notify UncJeSam. • -Under &ombltonea: "r.o.t balance ddtDc bike, ~ ClOl1l9r' of tombstone" and ~ten on lower leg," • -T=oDe•~ ••Swallowed a key while on phone" md ''Ran into ~ runnlna to aa.wer phone." -POJOws; •0 Jumntrur on pillow, fell, hit held on stereo,•• 1iji\it piece of 1ponge from pillow ln noetril" and "Jammed fineer md IUffered blow to beed while ln pillow ficht. •• -Blackboard•: .. Tea"°ber 'hit by b1lckboard that fell off wall," "Put fist throu1h chalkboard" and "Ran into blackboard." -Seeda: .. Sniffed a 9eed up nostril, couldn't remove," and "Patient put a seed in ear." Incredible as it may seem, these incidenta, which would usually qualify u "freak accidents" In moet newapepen -if they were even reported Jt all - are dutifully fed mto the NEISS data bank each ~ear. WHAT'S OBVIOUS, of cou~. is that this kind of information-gathering overkill provides ammuniuon to critics of the safety commission. Ridicule is one of the moat effective weapons that can be uled against a federal program, and the Idea of Big Brother conscientiously collecting information on pillow fitihta and treacherous tombstones ii enough to jeopardize the e ntire product safety program. Product Safety Commission Chairman N1mcy Steortl and Commissioner Stuart Statler are leading an effort to cut down on the number of potentially dangerous product• being reported on to the government. Even Dr. Robert Verhelen, creator of the injury -reporting system, ecknowledged that it may have gone a bit overboard. But, he told my associate Tony Capaccio, "It's better sometimes to pay for some infonnation you don't need to get information you do need." He said h e thinks basically it's "a very cost-effective system." U.S. • • • • terr1tor1es could be vulnerable Callfornlanl who may 'be wavertnc aa to where to place their aympet!llea in the Battle of the Fa1klandl ahou1d oon8'der the fact that the United Stat.a abo hu territorial pc9 1don1 aubject to .tJwe by Latin American countries. Admittedly the Falkland lalandl. in 1ize about equal"to the State of c.onnecticut'a 4,800 1quare milel but far le11 Inhabitable with only 1,200 residenta, 9eel1l nothing much to quarrel over let alone go to war. BUT THE PRINCIPLE involved, u.nJ .. defended, could well affect th' liv• of many c.lltorn.lanl. Had \he BrtUsb permitted the Arpntine lnvMlon of lta territory to go ~ it mi1ht well have encou.rapd almil.ar • actkJn ap1.mt U~ted S~ tent~ b1 1ome other Latin Amerlce c:Ui::tatonhlpe. \ And abou1d that happen the Unill!d •State• would certainly y.ae military might to defend ita t.errltoria In such an event there 11 every likelihood the eombat reedy Mart.nm l..t • Cmnp Pendleton wOukt be burled tnto t.ttae. AJ.o, unitf ol the~ National ~t which mllntalrw aome of the best vainea troops of all naUonil IU&lda. would undoubtedly be called Into natiooll lel'Vice. Foremolt amona tlaeae U .s.- ~ ~bicb mllht be vulntrable 8re Puerto Rico and the Virgin Wands . Vlrtually unknown to the world are 90lne other minor 1aland p<J •81iona in the Caribbean known aa Navassa, unlnbablted excepdns for a uptbou9e, and Quita Sueno Bank. Roncador and (: .c::. -, ... ,.~ llll IATlll ~I Serrana, al80 all uninhabited. All lie within easy reach of several Latin countries includ.iJll Qaba, Venezuela and C.Olornbla. In fact, the latter three amall 1ilandl were promlled by a 1972 treaty to be tumed CNf!t to c.olcmbia but the U.S . Senate hu yet to act upon that acreement. So it i.s the fate of the brave British who, having learned the fallacy of appea1ement at the point of Qwnberlain'• ~brella, to Oltlllle aaalD l\8Dd a1 the bulwark of the tree wodd u it h.11 IO olten been called upon in the l*t to clo. Dlat for their hero6c effOl'ta apurred on by Churchill in the 8*ttle of Srttaln durtna WW JI. the Unlad 8'atm ~ the rett o( thew~ mllht today all be~ uncle( the~ ... Going back in history 1t was the British who a1lo stood against oppression in WW I and earlier stopped Napoleon fro.m dominating the world. Even earlier, by destroying their Annada, the British saved the Americas from Spaniah dominl\ion and the inquisitions practiced by them. AS FOR THE legitimacy of Britain's claim to the Falklands it should be noted the islands were first settled by the French in 1764 and the English a year later. In 1770 the Spaniards bought out the French and drove oU the British. War between the two countries was averted when Spain agreed to return the Wanda to the British. Four years lat.er England withdrew Its naval garrison in the Interest of economy but left implanted • plaque claiming fulJ fqVft'eignty over the islands. In 1816 the newly formed independent nation of Argentina, known as the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata, claimed the Falklands, and stationed a ganiaon there in 1828. Five years later the British peacefully expelled the Argentines and have maintained· a settlement in the i&1anda ever since. Sq it can be seen that Britain'• claim to the~ not only was reoosniz.ed by Spain but preda~ by many years the •tabllatunent of Argentina u a nation. l01age of success wins the p1;.1blie's hoIDage It ii the lmqe that we pay homaae to, more than the 1ubatance. One of Pbil Silvers• earlleat 1ketche1 involved a ....... camecUan aettma a haircut tram a barber-•ho Jauf b1 uproarloua11 at evel'y word he u tera, even thou1h nochiaa fUllDJ ae-all bu been .id; Jn SMk 1' e, nobody tabs the FOol .-owly,.._ when lw •YIU. .... ~Jn IM play. But dre11 him ia Jud.lc!al ~ and when he opens bJe ...... no dJll will dare bark. • t' ..... presep.ts , John Alexander, Music Director / I in a special perf ortnance of LUDWIG VON BEETHOVEN Lynn Cole-Adcock, soprano Janet Smith, contralto Frederic de Marseille, tenor Michael Li-Paz, b~ and the Orange County Pacific Symphony qrchestra · I ~ ' #> • I I I .. REWARD -The puenta Of Dan Patz. lut 1een three yean a10 in New York on hlt way_~ f1nt lfade, uy a ~.ooo reward 11 bein1 offered for tnfonnatlon leading to hit return or confirmation that he la dead. Phone , directory on way Pacific Telephone haa begun delivery of the 1982 edition of itl Ora.nae Cout South c:l1rect.cry to more than 45 ,000 .... ~_.., .. -. - Delivery will take two weeks. The book contains information on the upcoming 714/619 area code split In November, all of San Diego and Imperial counties and portions of Rijeraide, San Bernardino and Inyo counties will be re- assigned the new 619 area code . Orange County will retain 714. The book features for I the first time two-color ads in the yellow pages aection. On the cover ia a color photo of the Ole Hanson Beach Club in San Clemente. Government agency listings, which Include city, county, state and federal ofticee, are in the front of the directory, Aleo included ta an improved customer guide containing tips on how to save money on your phone bill, and a survival gui~e with information on what to do In emergencies. Separately bound copie1 of the survival guide in English, Speniah or Chine9e may be obtained by writing Pacific Telephone at P.O. Box 77910, San Frandlco, 94107. PacTel customers who do not receive a directory by June 1 lhould cont4Ct their local bu.s1neea office or drop by their neigh borbood Bell PhoMC.enter Store. Second shuttle due soon ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF jj>ALDIN(j• SPORT SOCKS MIN'S OI LADIES' lll•D CllWS, TUllS, OYEI· THE-CALF & ANILITS ~:167 263 TO YOUI 3.29 . To cH01a Plv, I \U "'od 1n 1rbateo from \pold1nq whrn ,nu b•"Y 1 po11 ~rr '" \torr lor dt"to1h ~ .,. _ _,,_ ~ LADIES' FASHION HEAD WRAPS Stretch or tie-type with hanging beads, braids, mof'el Hurry while stoclt1 last! SPECIAL PURCHASE It! LADIES' MESH .STYLE · WEDGE SHOES Sunun., shoe with 5" H~ jutHookH ..... and .... llWeCl'le up-• per. Whi1e stacks lost I SPKW PURCHASE GIANT CERAMIC SOUP MUGS SPECIAL PURCHASE 89!. CMOIQ 5"x7" 2-WAY PHOTO FRAMES RIG. 5.99 & 6.99 2.99 YOUI CHOta G.E. SOFT -WHITE LIGHT BULBS BG. 2.99 PACIOfl 59 4 :. nd-decetated in a variety o Gold-tone filigreed metal « Long-lolting bub In 60, 75 or s&deslgna. Whllestodulost. leatherette. Whll. stodu lost. 1()0.iwaft..,....Stodtuptodayl r.w ... ut&Ut ..•.. .J.M BROOKSIDE FINE-STRUCTO WAGON . STAINLESS STEEL TASTING CHABLIS GRILL WITH Wl&lS 13-QUART. BOWL WI Piia •t. 24.ft BG. 6.99 Cop off any ocmsion with this Wdh fcwnlly-tlu odjustoble grill Large copoc:ity bowf with rolted premium white wine. 1.5 litw. and built-in utility .t.lf. SaY.I lip edge and Oinflnilh int.rior. PORCELAIN CHINA CUP AND SAUCER fin• chino hand· '' trimmed with gold. c °'91W of 3 shapes, mbt-or~ de19-. NaCIP SPECIAL PURCHASE. r.wca SPUNDOLA ACRYLIC YARN Solids Of' YOriegated 69 ano. in 100% wath-c able, mothproof and -....~llant acryk. REG. 94c SKEIN SIDI lantern style, wtth 5•• floral dirplay & vo- tive condle holder. Hlny .... ,. stoc:b laltl 5'ECIAl PUIOIASI YOUI CHOICl • CAVALCADE COMICS STOCKS 82 83 86 RICKY TIC&Y POLITIX: G~ aao. the headlines, eome days about the only giggles you can find in the news involves politics. Like the Orange County Democrats voting No on No. Yes. that's not yes. · All of this involves that controversial proposed waterway up in the Sacramento delta region known as the Peripheral Canal. Peripheral, (;;, according to my ragged dictionary, tneans •• something skirting around r-\ something else. But that's TOM MURPHIN' ~/-not what the Peripheral I ,~ ' Canal seems to be doing in -... ______ ..,.._. __ California politics these days. Instead, it's going right head-on for a collision between southern and northern California at the polls. THUS IT WAS that the Orange County Democrats wanted to take a stand on the canal issue this week. According to the news accounts, there was one county Demo leader who wanted to periphenilize the issue by skirting it and not taking a stand at all. He argued that if the Democrats got into a debate over the pros or cons of the Peripheral Canal, it would be divisive to the party. Predictably, the Democrats paid absolutely no attention to that. They've never been the kind of political outfit that would shun an internal fistfight. I mean, Democrats just love a hassle. The party has a long history of beiJlg indiacriminate on who fights whom. WHEN THE REPUBLICANS seem to be in the doldrums, sitting around dull and listless, then the Democrats are eager to fight each other. They'll go at it with political coattails flapping while Republicans look on in awed amaz.ement. . When it becomes clear that the Demos are seriously trying to punch each other out. the Republicans recover from their slumber, recognizing that this is the perfect time to charge out there and start collecting votes. Time and time again, the Gram:J Old Party has filched an election right out of some Democratic hip pocket while the victim was attempting to put out the lights of another Democrat. The Democrats never learn. BUT I DIGRESS. Back to the Peripheral Canal. which was central to the argument. Needless to say, the Democratic leader who wanted the lasue tabled was vastly ignored by his colleagues. So they voted. It was another one of thoee quaint backward things like you've seen on your own ballot IOl'Detimes. Thus if you were for the c.anal. you voted Nay. That was because the resolution on the floor was against the canal U you were against the canal, you had to vote Yes. As it was, the canal won by getting 16 No votes. There were only 13 Yes votes. IN THE SUM, there were 29 ballots cast in all and the Peripheral Canal won Democratic support on the basis of just three votes. U all of this leaves you with the notion that there are only 29 Democrats in all of Orange County, you've been rnlaJed. TheM were just members of the Orange County Democratic Central C.Ommittee. So clearly, this doesn't really mean that etVery Democrat in our region can be expected to ballot in favor of the Peripheral Canal. Why, the other three may actually vote against it. i . UJC[ prof awarded 'top f~eu,11¥ honor. Transit firing appealed A 86-)'ffl'-Old bua driver who WU acc:u-.d of havina llX with an undera1e fel!lal• paaaenpr near Hunttnctcn Belch City Pter has been fired by the Oran1e County Tran1it Oi1trlct, even thouah the crtm1na1 charaee were dropped. The driver, )\obert Mitchell Po'rter of Anaheim, bu appealed the ftrlJll, aaying he haa been cleared of the chargea. Portera work 1tatua now will be decided by a state arbitrator who will hear arguments from Local 19 of the United Transportation Union, which aupporta the driver. District offidala also will testify. Porter wu suspended from his job Jan. 12, after he was arrested by Huntington Beach police. Officera were acting on a complaint from a 14-year-old girl who claimed the driver had raped her aboard the bua while it was stopped at Huntington Beach 1 City Pier. I The charge was later reduced to unlawful sex with a minor. In March even this charge was dropped when a municipal court judge decided there was insufficient evidence to proeecute Porter. Olatrict officlala, however, said Porter has not been permitted to drive a bua ainoe h.la arrest and I was formally fired laat week after a hearing before hts supervbora. I The baa1s for the firing, district officials said, wu "violation of work rules." They declined to be more 1peciflc. Transportation union officials then appealed for state arbitration in the Porter caae, claim1n8 the di.strict did not have ~~r grounds for dismissing The hearing is expected to take place in three to six months. Both sides must abide by the dedsion of the atate arbitrator, diatrict officiala laid. Viejo driver faces trial in boy's death A Milsion Viejo man charged with vehicular manslaughter and felony drunken driving has been ordered to stand trial in Orange County Superior Court in the death of a 4-year-old Santa Ana boy last March. Defendant William Rowan, 53, who t. free on $5,000 bail, was ordered bound over to Superior Court Monda)' following preliminary bearing in Central Orange C.ounty Municipal Court. Judge Robert Thoma• scheduled arraignment ~~lnp for Rowan on May The defendant i• accused of being the ddv:er of a au: which killed young David Gunderman la1t March 20 while the young1ter was standing on a 1treet comer waiting for an ice cream truck. FloiJ.rish ·backfires Sometimes when a dish is flamed at tableside a snuff isn't enough By JOEL C. DON Of the Delly ,.... ..... An elegant dinner for two at one '6( the Orange Coa:st's finer restaurants should spark a romance and not a viait to a hoepltal burn ward. But a UC Irvine plastic surgeon warns that there's always the slimmest of chances that culinary delights auch aa crepea Suzette, cherries jubilee or steak f}ambe could light up your evening in unexpected ways. Dr. Bruce A.chauer aaid his concerns about thoee meal.a have been fueled over the years by several burn cases he treated as a result of a flaming entree, (iessert or drink that got out of hand. In a recent issue of the Journal of the American Medical Aaaociation, he reported eight restaurant-related cases involving second-and third-degree bums. A.chauer, who directs UCI'1 Bum Center, acknowledges that only a few fiery dishes and drinks end in disaster. But 80me victims 9eel'l at UCI Medical Center, which aervet as the county'• regional bum treatment fad.llty for serious caaea, h•ve suffered permanent ~nt. 'A lot of people want to have these name. shoo\ aeveral feet Into the alr.'' be Mid. ''That's not a wiry amvt thing to do.'' In one cue. a llquor bottle u.ed to prepare cherriee jubijee fell on the restaurant floor. The resulting fire 1eYerely burned the legs of a waitrell. m other 1nltances ~ drinks have accidentally spilled on a patron s upper body or lap. ''I found that ID08t of the people burned were wait.era and waitreaes," he explained. "Nobody told them how to prepare these di.abet and how to ~ fire. "The atory rve heerd over and over apln was 'Here, do thia.' They told me they really hadn't had any p-eparatlon." In the JAMA article, Achauer noted that Newport Beach -a city offering the finest in haute cuiaine -enacted strict regulations on flaming meals four years ago following several burn accidents. Restaurants muat have a special permit for flaming food and drinks, are limited to one ounce of alcohol per item and food may not be moved while flaming. The restrictions also require special spill-stop cape on liquor bottles. a wet towel located near food preparation and flames riaing no more than eight inches. Dllr,... ...... ., o.r, ~ SIZZLING SUZETTES -Andre Porro, owner of the Riviera restaurant in c.o.ta Mesa, adds the proper dash to a flaming dessert. Achauer advised other cities to follow Newport's example. Moat Orange Coast communitie1 only require permits for flaming entreea and drinks. • Fountain Valley may take the moat extreme action, with a fire department propoaal for a complete ban on flaming items. The City Council will consider the measure at a meeting Tuesday, according to fire marshal Lynne Michaelis. "There have been enough accident.a to warrant prohibiting it," she aaid. "It's grand to watch but it it also dangerous. Sometimes the flames don't always do what you want them to do." An informal survey conducted by the Daily Pilot found Orange Coast restaurants offering flaming entrees or drinks were in the minority. - Andre Porro, part owner of the Riviera restaurant at South Coast Plaza, said he would have little trouble getting along with Newport Beach's flambe regulations. The Riviera already follows most of thoee rules with the addition of a pitcher of water on each flambe serving cart, Porro noted. "We've never had any problem with the start of a fire," he said, adding that most dishes only require about a quarter-ounce of alcohol. "It doesn't take much to get it to flam be." I ,J'*1 -t . ~·· i1, ' .. ,. ' .. 1"1 '•' ~ 1 '-------------------------------------------------------:$ 'Not room for both · of us. • ' • Newport restaurateur can't stomach Florida 'competitor' By STEVE MARBLE Of the Dllr ,.. • ..., Bob Roubian, owner of the brightly painted Crab Cooker restaurant in Newport Beach, la locked in a legal tea.food 1truggle with a diner he clalma pindled his trademark two years ago. The other restaurant, alao known as the Crab C.OOker, isn't exactly on the Newport dining circuit, though. lt's-•bout 3,000 mile• down the road ln Clearwater, Fla. While Roubian admits it'• doubtful the Florida eatery 11 attractin1e too many of hil customen, he says he's prepared to go all the way to the Supreme Court to protect the restaurant name he came up with 23 years ago. "These guys are putting our name to their food," explains Roubian, "and I cah't turn my back on that." Ro ubian says he'• already blocked two other re1nauranta from u.ing-hia tudemark and doesn't have any qualms about addb)c a third to his catch. So far, thing1 have gone Roublan11 way. Lawyers for the Newport restaurateur report a . .; f >. ~ •HOROSCOPE DllAlt ANN !4ANDERS: I am a J'l·Y.tV-Okl ooll• fNbman (f.nale). My ...... u. pl!UJ &aod, but eometlmm I am 1'I)' ~ haw troulm ptttnc it all ~· My En1l11b J>aper wa1 due laU Wedne1day and I didn't have U. The ;aroi._.. (• man ln tu. early 40I) aaked me to 1tay after clua and explain why I wu c;lerellct. We went to hi• office to talk privately. I told him the truth -that I have trouble •ttlina down and aettina to work. He 1aid. "'\Pou , youna lady , are undl8ctplined." I apeed. The next thina I knew, he sra~ me turned me over Jiia knee and IPankeci me. i WU IO ahocked I lOlt Jnf voice. lie llapped my behlnd about two doZen timlll and said, uy our father should have done thia years a,o.'' I w• furtoua and threatened to report him. He aald I would only embarrul m)'leU .becauae profe11on have the ri&ht to dilcipllne students under 21, and the laws against corporal punia~ment In public OPEN BOUSE -This helicotC° aeems to be mere popular with viewers the vintage automobile at the annual Anned FOl'a!I Day Open Houae Sunday at the Marine Corps Air 1chooll do not apply to colleaee and i&idv.ntU.. la he rtaht? If not, can I charae him with -ult? -STILL SMARTING SOUTH OF THE MASON-DIXON LIM1 DEAR D•X.: Be 11 11 error •• ah eoata, a~ .. mr coualtut, J~ a ....... vlc• ,, •••••••••• ••a• fer 1tad•t •evel~meat at MllltkJ• UalvenltJ a. oeeatar, m. Roa1tea 11td, "Tiie profe11or'1 beUvlor wa1 totally lupproprlate. Be bd ao rtpt, lepl or otiendH, to ,.t '11 bad• oa tllat 1*9de1t. SM •.id uve reported 'lm to "9 llead of die departmeat or dae deu of th ldleol at oaee. WUt'• more, die YODI womaa b1ll'OUCll,U11le cllooan, to ••e th profetMr for uaa.it." P .S. MeGl.ab tile prof b1 a kllllker la Ill• tllaker. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a male who would like to know the reuon women live and die in pants, jeans, alacks. knickers. ~ ............. Station. Tustin. Other events included a 5 and 10-k iw:e, displays of aircraft and equipment and a model aircraft show. Leo: Travel possible ft~_y, May %0 ARJg (March 21-April 19): You meet people who are dynamic, dramatic, independent and creative. Cycle ia high, you'll be at right place at crucial moment. Circwnatances favor your efforts. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Study Aries message for valuable hint. Highlight initiative, new starts, glimpaes behind acenes and confidence in your own abilities. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Accent on hopes, desires, w ishes, aspirations and settlement of longstanding financial dJapute. Sagittarius, Virgo and another Gemini figure prominently. CANCER (June 21-July 22): You get what you want by attending to details. llOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMAR~ piecing together bita of information and coming up with complete story. Financial support comes from surprise source. Focus on community projects. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Open lines of communication; correspondence with thoee at a distance prove& fruitful. Spiritual values come into sharp, clear focus. Oveneu travel becomes d1stinct J)(mibilitv. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Investment plana concerning property are 1ubject to change. Paper transaction might not hold water. Someone la not telling complete story. Know it, proceed with care. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Obtain hint from Vi~o meaaage. Avoid ru1hing to judgment. Yeniiitotlim to bave their 1ay :_ Il1ten, observe and ref lne your own technlqun. t>teer clear of schemes, avoid self-deception. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Accent on production, promotion, responsibility and increued compensation. Older individual lenda benefit of experience, makes room foe you at top. Cancer, Tauru1, Capricorn natives ftaure prominently. Keep health n!IOlutiom. efA:). In other wordl, w~ in the world don't they wear lkirtl anymore? There i1 nothlna more aexy than a b4tautiful lea. Pltue, Ann, wise up thote dwnmi• and answer my queeUon. -M.C. WHO IS A LOOKER, Nql' A PLAYER DEAR LOOKER: I lte11eve U1e prlaclpal .reaao1 ao maay womea wear putt, Jeau Ud alackl la beaue ~Y are more comfortable "° lktrta. WUt'• more. ..in. call for stnn• ud •Jlou w~cll cu be a 1at1a1ce, H well 11 a1 e1pe1ae. If tllere'1 a ra1 11 a ••ocklDI •ader oae'1 11acu, DObo4y teet. . Aaotller reaaoa II freedom of movemeat. A womu ID trouen cu 1lt uy 1old way, climb a ladder or bead over witllo1t wOD4eriD1 wbt die view 11 like OD a dear day. · Th tllJrd reaMD l1 1tralpt oat of yov letter -die words "bea•tlf"al lq1." MOit wome11'1 lep are NOT beaatif1ll. bey are bowed, too 1khuly or too lleavy. Slacu are a Hperb cover-ap. nukl for a1ktq a .-attoe ~t wW make We ea1ler fer wom• wllo bve beea ader fire for ....... ffeue" for ... wt ll yean. CONFIDENTIAL to Gree4y or Stlpld ID Frear. Yoa were botL Too 'bad DO OH ever ta•lla* yoa tbt yo• cu lllear a lamb muy ttmt1, bat yoa cu take Ml ldde Ollly once. How to -and how much? Find out with Ann Landen' new booklet, "How, What, and When to Tell Your Child About Sex." For your copy aend ~O cent& along wi th a long, atamped, aell-addreaaed envelope to Ann Landen, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, DJ. 80611 . Voters t8ke a chance LA TRIVIATA: I've alway1 thought that the numbered atube you aet after voting should be good for aomethlna - a lottery. perhape -and Councilman Walt.er' Wood of Pleasanton agrees. For two bucka and the stub, you qualify to draw for a aeries of valuable gifts lined up by Walt.er ln an effort to get out the voters . . . Sportsnote: Joe Montana's contract, which has two years to run, la undergoing what they can "an adjustment." Upward, of coune. About $500,000 a aeuon sounds right to Joe ... Gameatuff: You may not have run acrou one yet, but Pac-Man, the hottest el~ game, has now spawned a spinoff, Ma. Pac-Man. an equally heavy eater that sports curlers and lipstick and is "more difficult" than the old man. Naturally. And where are the feminists? Shouldn't she be Pac-Woman? GOOD SAMARITAN of the week: The young stockbroker who makes a dozen sandwiches early each morning, and, on the way to work at 6 a.m., hands them out to the dere1icta lleeplna in Union $quare. ••you'd be amazed." "he -adds, "at bow many wuh the sandwiches down with port wine." No 1 wouldn't. FADING AWAY: A store on Sutter nr. Stockton is offering "1982 Calendara-Half Off," which 1 guess is a bargain -barely. Also a reminder that the year is moving right along. SOOD.EN THOUGHT: I'll say one positive negative thing about the Vaillancourt fountain-unlike the pyramid, it does not grow on you ... Add urban ·humor: those 24-hour automated bank tellers being called "coke machines" by the midnight cowboys who need a quick fix of ca1h for a toot from their fri e ndly neighborhood pusher. WORD GAMES: Peggy P e te rsen, attending a conference at Sacramento State, caught a school official beginning his remarks with this rare triple redundancy: "A new~ la to be initiated for the firat time th.ii fall,• and let us hope it opens with a start from the beginning ... For something even more amazing, Joel Cohen ~· HERB MEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCtecO . nominates this statement by Israeli Maj. Gen. Chaim Erez on the Sinai evacuation: "li they don't (go peacefully), we'll find a way to evacuate them in a way 10 that nothing we don't want to happen, will." Alka Joel: "la this the same as 'li they do, we'll find a way to evacuate them 10 that nothing we do want to happen. won't'?" Yes and no . . . Still, the foregoing ia npt as awkward as Poet Matthew Arnold's 0 Who prop, thou akst, in these sad days, my soul?'' The answer la Sophocles, I think. QUOTE OF THE WEE&: "Hey, help me find mr, leg, willya -_I_~ttago to work tomorrow.' Thus Dennis McQuaid, after his art1fidal limb fell off as he was skydiving at Antioch a f~ weeks ago. A crowd led by Rob McKeegan beat the bushes till they found it. POT SH01S BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT THIS IS A CODE . MESSAGE __.,., THE' CODE lS CALLEO "LANGUAGE~' ARE YOU RECEIV ING ME'? GOREN ON BRIDGE BY 0HARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF "We haha be quiet while Mommy watches today's episoap." by Brad Anderson "IGNORE hlm ... 1'11 do the ordering!" .ll'DfiE PARKER I A MILL.ION DoLL.ARS A YEAR TO L,A~H AT JoMNNY'S .JOK55 ... ACROSS · .. I , DhctlOn 50 QljM Of ,,..,, 5 ....,_ 51 "-f'rotllt" 10 Lllln ""°" 53 °"""' word 510....dl9tl ,....,. t1J•- 1S U...W. &2 Pia* !ten\: t• CMonlc:ll I • 2 W0td9 "°"' .. ~ 11 Pllrtot of e5 Mldtt mtM M<Mco t7Towtr •Ole •Omit "Air polluter!" Hank Ketchum by Harold Le Doux by Jim Davis VOCJ°Rf. GOINC'I FOR A WALK '' I MAY£ 10 CARRV VOO! I HEAR YOU'RE TAKING LESSONS IN VENTRILOQUISM GORDO '{lf(JJOW, ~z, ~ ?OTT'L£ Of-eoo%E OE'~:, A-\IL-.LlaJ~ CR-~ CE;U..e:Jf rMt:-IJ.J..Jfiblr U:PJ..ACW/ 5-lq J'l'~K ,. "INl'ERBE1' N waL.., "THE 50iOOL ~D 5/Wf:J AA'T 51t.&GE ~ 7AX ROU.8ACJ< PA55ED ~"TEK~ 1U£4'R£ GOI~ fO HAU€ 10 LJll.J OFF SEVEN ~ER.$ ! Pt t1 'lt>tJ see ov~ t..ACROS.Se GAME wrrn -rHIS KIOWAS? IS Tl-415 FAR ENOUGH? ~~ by Jeff MacNelly by Tom Bat1uk G(Ul.E' GOe&£ ... by Kevin Fagan .T ' ,; ') . rl. ~ ::> .... ;\ . ' Ir VIA POaTa 4· MUonal network alrHdJ la4ll•n1 H b1nk1 baa bHn oreated to Unk the bantu' ." ..... tao ..u.-~Uonl. Thh mean• that 1ou, a ouoomar, un UH th• cHh maohln• of any partlcl91ttn1 ~nk an_ywbare In \be United StaMa, Th&I al.lo mtana you're much more 1u1eeptlbl• to th• formt of :;:ruwr crime that have •me with the plutlc CMh l'DllCh1iW CIUdl and mUlt be on auud aaalnat th• team• .. nnwbefore. But here lt la -and thu._ you mlaht N well know about the network and bow to UM lt. If you have a 'laatlc caah maehJne card, you 11 be able to U.H It soon at hundred• (and fJ:ntually at thouunda) of ticnl all over the country. . Of ooww. banb adopted 1h1I aervlce only becauae of the competitive threat of aaaet manaaemeiit accouni. aponlOfed by brokera1e flrma. Theae accoun.:J!ive you inatant accea via a credit card to money you have lnveated ln a money fund or margin account with the U.S. housing starts fall 6.4 percent WASHINGTON (AP) - Houalng atarta fell 6.4 percent laat month, with new homea. being comtructed at the alowm rate alnce laat November, the Cmunerce Department repor1L The report Tue.day brought an abrupt end to five montha of relatively encouraging figures for the struggling ~ lndu.ltry. Commerce Department offidala reported that new atarta ra.e tor five oonaecutive months .through March. New, revised figures lhow a 0.4 percent decline in March rather than the 2.6 percent gain first estimated. Stana for li.ngle--family houaes dropped 10 percent in April, losing alnat exactly the growld they had 1a1ned in March, the report said. One po1itive note waa a 2.4 percent increaae in building permits for future conttructton, the third pin in a row and the fifth in six months. The report aaid work waa belun on new hot.a8e9 in April at a IN8Qna1Jy adjust.eel annual rate of 881,000, down 32.3 percent from the same month one year earlier. Single-family bou1ea were started at an annual rate of 564,000 in April. New permita were ilBued at an annual rate of 871,000, the report said.' Officiala said that before any adjustment, work waa actually started on about 84,200 housing unita in April. That was up from 78,800 in March. ~broker. Were B not for thll oompeUtian. St'a malt~ the naUon'a bank.I would have movtd with' luch fervor blto the compUtier--. Amona the bank.I alread1 ln the netwOl'k: Bink of A...tra ln California; Cha1e Manhattan Bank ln New York; c.otltlnlntal lllinola National Bank & Truat Co. ln Cbicuo. It 11, inctaentally, a method throuah which bank1 can circumvent the atrict banktn1 lawt that until now haw llm1ted the inltitutiona to doUti bullnem ln rw:~fi deflned poaraphk: areu, y within one state or even jurt part of one state . Since the bank• cannot fo11lbly beat the comr,tttlon rom mutual fun a and brokerage finna in tb.11 apbere, they've actually had no alternative to Join1n1 ln oUerin8 the aervice (the tlme-teateCJ principle of ''if you can't Uck 'em, join 'em"). That._ why the bankl are joining with money market funda to offer a aervice that combines the features of an int.erat-bearinar NOW .a:ou.nt at a bank with the much hlaher y1elda ot a money fund. Theae Innovative .. •weep" accounta uaually ~ that you keep a minimum &mO\IJ\t -1ay U,&00 -.in a NOW account, where it earna interest at the legally permitted rate of 5 ~ percent. At the same time, you open a mopey market fund account wt th a mutual fund qrganilatioo that worlu cla.ely with the bank to earn you maximum yielda on your depoGL Recently, money fund yfeld1 have exceeded 13 percent. What make1 the "1weep" account attracUve 11 that any amount in your NOW account over $2,500 la automatically "swept" by computera every night into the money fund. It withdrawals from your bank account bring the balance be~w the required minimum, the computer automatically takes PSA plans flight boost Pacific Southwest Airlinel will tnc:n.e ita operating acbedule in June by more than 30 daily rue~ the announcement after PSA lnc.'1 annual 1hareholdera meeting in San Diego on Tuesday, Pre1ident Paul Barkley said the airline hu been able to obtain the oecmury flight slots from the Federal Aviation Administration. None of the expanaion involvea flights from John Wayne Airport. U.S • . • maney fftln\ yow' money IDillUt account to replentah lh• NOW aocowat. . You make all depoilt1 into your bank account and •11 wtth.dnwala from that account. ~-~.PU-doee the,. ..,.. that have annow1Ced hia Hrvlc• created varloua trade name1 for lt -auch aa 0 Hlah Yleld Chacktn1," and "0vwflow0 accounta. The 1r•at a~vanta1• of the 0 tweep account la that~ dcn't haw to maintain a NOW account and a mopey market fund aeeount 1epa.rately. Tbua, you loae no time In puttina your nwdmwn abare or -ti to work at the h&lher inten.t ratel of the ~fund. 'Ille IJ'Mt drawb.ck ii that you mu1t maintain a minimum balance ln the NOW account at the bank. That, however, wu 1tandard practice tor NOW account• almoat everywhere, before the money market fund wrinkle WU added. For the banb. lntroduction of the1e aervlcea 11 imperative to ftaht the oonipetition of brokers and mutual funda -and survive. For you, lt'1 another rtak of being ripped oU if you're not fully alert and fully cautious. Home offers speakers on S&L issues Home Federal Savina• and Loan A.-odation bu announced formation ol a lpeaken bureau, deataned to keep con1umera aware of what la happening ln the •vinla and bm lndultry. The bureau will provide lpeUen free of charge for IJ'OUP meeUnp, 1pecla.l programa and other events. The pl ii to make con1umen aware of option• available to them eince deregulation of the industry. Topics range from new types of lendin(ln~trumenta to retirement Plannl.ni and careers in finance. Preeentatiom ai.o can be tailor-made to a group'• needs. For information, call Jana Reae at 667-2407. Getty executors awarded lees LOS ANGELES '(AP) Superior Court Judge Jack Swink bu approved the payment of aome $26 mil1ioo in feea to the executon of the estate of the late oU bW.lonaire J. Paul Getty. The $26 mllllon in feea ii to be diltributed between Title lnsura.noe and Truat Co., Getty's .,,. Gordon and J . Ronald, and two firms. Realtors to show 3,000 homes . oc1a11111 SW 8etldl baa been •ppolnted vice praident. general ~ tor the CoP&en Produca Division of TeQIM Amerlea. i.e. in Tustin. More tban 3,000 private home1 will be op display from Heam Castle to San Clemente during Century 21 S\mda=:Ma 23. Hal Bouley of Gold tar Reelton in Costa Mesa said "our lut Cen Sunda:r in February drew IUCh a 1apome that we decided to repeat iL" Areal p&rtlcipatini will lnclucle ~e. Los >.nae•. San ~Santa Barbara, R!Wnide, Ventura, San Lula Obispo and Kem counties. f'I •• L ~ • · Yo~rofessional ~ .. Florist R.OR6T 2~15 Red Hin,Avenue A-108 Costa Mesa Stone Mill Business Park 641--0810 Grand. Opening Doyle L Cavbt hu been namec11vtce president and aeneral manaaer for the Plotter Producta Diviaion of Callferala C•mp•ter Prod•et1, be. CalOxnp). Anaheim. Joe W. Aa1•laao ha1 been named vice ~t. public reladonl, for RQI AdvertltJq ... hbJJc ReiadOM, Newport Be.ch. Job G. Bnuaard, President of Broumard Accountancy C«poratlon, ~ Wat eJec:ted to the baud ot directora ot TIM Ftnt Amelraa Flaudal CorponUoa at the 93rd annual meeting ol lhareboldeft. Emte,,rbe Nadou.I BaU (ln orpnb'aUoo) hat elected Geeffrey L. Stack of c.oc,,na del Mar to ttl baud ol d1rectOrs. Stack la prt'Sdent of Newport Beacb-b .. ed Real• Homea, Inc., a real eatate development firm. Artmna State University hM l"eCeived a amlOd ANVlL-4000 CADICAM aoftwan ~ dabated ~Y· Dr. Patrick J. BaaraUJk prealdent of llmfadm... ... .c.aRldq MrYkei 1llc. ot Irvine. JOIN THIS LINE -Graduates from the buaineu achool at the Unlvenlty of North Carolina in Chapel Hill Indicate they know .. .... $ 111 how tough It will be finding a job when they get out into the world. I •JI ,, .t.1 . f~ ~!~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-!~ t~:~ tl'~ I&>~ Sperry, Barratt join park ~~ Computer, developing firms latest Irvine complex tenants ..... f'1~ ' , .. ~ Computer manufacturer · Sperry Univac and homebullder Barratt American, Inc., have moved into apace totalina more than 11,000 11quare feet in the Irvine Company'• neW Eucutive Park office complex at the intenection of Mail\ Street and r.facA,rt.hU( Boulevard in Irvine. The two le... are valued at about $1 mllllon, accordJ.ng to MUTUAL FUND Laura A. Rcstvold. lalea manager of the Irvine Company'• ccmmerdalllndustrial d!Yilrion. Sperry Univac. which hM two other computer-related facWUea ln the area. moved ita education center into Executive Park, Rmtwld said. A staff of 12 at the center teaches the operation, maintenance, repair and prosramming of the company'• computer l)"lteml to eustomerl_ I " ~':. Barratt American, Inc., th& American arm of the United "' Kingdom'• large1t private '"1 re.idential bu1ldina firm. .Bematt ~ Development• P'LC, employa ·~ eight at lt1 new corporate' "j I headquarten office which ' over1ee1 •ix residential aub1idiarie1 throughout California. -.. I OIC:.. 2 Allrd\t .., , Ml..,.. "" ' StH!twl ' S hMy • All"" 7 ~ I UquUloa . ..,_ 10 "'~ " Al'IJWlty 12 ,.,.,. ... 1J P ... Tr " ..... . , ' '1lilrmPf .. N«U"' 17 MlnrElle II M9f'cw " "'1c:eC 20 .... I'd , ' Alldr'IPI 22 Glmltl u PrtlOp ' 2A l.-'d 2S Alllllm DOWWI ~ Ole Pict. ... -" °" a.o ' _, °""' 2-.-l'I OfrU.. , .. -"' °" u.e 1 -l'IOffM.J 1\'J --OtftU 10\li -l \li °" n.s • -1 °" 11.1 M -11.0tf-..S ,.. --Off 11.J , .... -* °" tU ,_ __ °" ... 2\lo -"' Off ... 2\lo -"' °" ... 214 -"' °" ... "'-"'°".., ,__.,.°" u ·~--°" •.J M -Ill Ott 9.1 M -16 Ott t.1 1W. -.. °" u 2-. -"' °" L1 '"' -"' °" L1 1114 -'"' Off u I -"Off U '' .. . en UP~J!!Ul~i !l 1;~ii!il?frJ!~~ ~ "J f f H~ ~ p~" f ni~ !? s ,1 -. i =t~~ ~ ~ . I 1s1 i ~ t g ~ !l" :n> ~ 9 ~ q· ~:: t a:: -h ~. " z: z: .. 'O '< c ;z 0 Q. ?' .. 0 • ~ ~ , -• • • a 1a . , , -, .,. i .-a~,-.f,J~ 5=ziln~n e ~9.. a It~ -= a;m11:t i meccmmm:11f ~ f~~h i;S~ t r~:i~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ f f "' ' j CJ p > ":;8 !°"> ' -i Oi; K>c ., tim1iiJP i Jtniili7HiHF.o I ~ ~ ~ ~l ; ... -~· .. _,. If ~-;;:4 l ~ J } J~} en .. '< tt .. ~ 6 E c > < • -. ., ... 11.. .f 1:1111111 1!. == ·=:r . -• ... ~ -~~:: u : ~ I . ~· ~· SU#Ufrt u • _,. ·:i:9ii ; .. .D It.._.. Q.-~ ~ 'a ;. Q) t • ;-• ~ =-~ I ... ,. :s §1 • ~ ~ 1 1 a: ~s-4 s=.. , g «"' It e-o e ; ;; o • e-i; .. h ~ Hf "lilf ~ ~SH i ~ :irll1 i ~ ;•iln•• 111~ &-• !;1, :~~f :::: f; f' f ~~ ~! ~ ~ i:a t-r~ :;; I j • i "' " -1~ Ii! E8--~ ....... ~ .,.Bg as B (II ; I 1g I !J t 8 i ~ :J!• j~Cl U:~. ; ~if Q: [;Is-~ [~$ i ! ~11~ ·I ----1 "' ' E!~EI •i~ Ja:; .. ,il is;: !!?. : • _ Z.U~ : a11 ~i 1 ••• mH •. 1&1eJ • ~ • · e;Ui 1e 'U j ~--~[ (II r 0 I f ~au ~ p • • ~,,, .... -.. .... "' • -1 i . ~ I 1f· I , !fl il~ -t 1 r;i --H l ~H. Hi a ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ :=dUl3'. w!d . ~ • ~s;~ .i :< ;. --._, . n i r ;i.,. r Es: if~~ !ooo n r ~·1 -. !~[:!~h g =rn~_ d t~f~· u~;tn! ~ ~--~2.-a~~-r Ii' g. !t. Ii:"'~!_! ii~ ~ -"'h • .:Ji fl! ~ ~ -Jl G ,.,_ s-1 r. ~~i:·i~! ~ !t!a!'-:.f5lEg ]~l8'ie•;•ii:: --~. ! a.R:Sl ~ii,., s !ia! ~ i ~Q(b ! ~f·;=~11 r:~ ·~ f >l rea:~ i ~ • ~2aa.;.e-cr.;.a =:: ,.~ g ~:; : ~ fll !sa..,g~! ~ [fl!Sa:!~e.:.a~. Ho.~ .. g.q1 :rtt Q) c,.c:r ;,_ ~ JC -· - ' -l ~il=a[g-e ~1 ~~:::!:di . h fe ,!~,";-~ ~n-f 5-· ~ ~i :&o 8':r .. -'s,i! ... ! ···ffi-. ."1 5~-cc:s,. Q. _oc ~: • .,. -.,. er . , . :r~ ~~~I l ! ! Zl~ e .. il ·E?"i~ f(8 ·"e. ~ i iisz I 1 a:: ~1 o •.~[~!!:. •. .,, E -~ o .i:a ~ 0 ~.,, • e .... ~ ~ Ii' i ;-· -f; J:. S' ~ ~ £ s ~ [ 1 ;31 ;!~ · _l:lr r:~ n c;.i «§ ic• -:1 1-~•oti l!'e-!I "'I.. it li .. · • "'ct~ :1 •. ~:II ..a• .g ;ii:B ·''· ~ ... -'\_~T"I·- I~ ' rll .fl!l .,, 1·0 CIJ. ~-~ '•[!11 I ~ ' f ~ :I~ !2 1.CIJ ii •>:.i ia I , I ?O i I 12 ~ rll' ,p: ' ~ J! r--~ ~ 1 -1 .--. ~ f ·-'• l ~~~--~· T' ---~ -.~-:-~~~:'j ---- • BJ BOB TllOMAI 6 It It ......... ~---­TROUPER -Elizabeth Taylor awaits her cue backstaae in London where she played "The Little F"'oxes" in a wheelchair after spraining her ankle. Liz 'mobile' HOLLYWOOD -h mt1h\ not mak• 'b• OulnMll BOok of Reconb, bul In \h• tranattC>ry ~;.;:-~~con~ With a lirtlle ltudiO .. f""wai-.r Lana, ~=Wood Woodpttb1" Andy Panda, ChWy WWy the and a holi of other cutoon ~ ,NCtntly another contnct with UnlYel"Ml ~with whJch he at&l1ed in 1927. The ..-w dMl ~to 1887, when Lana ex~ to 1~ be IOlnl ~ at 87 . .. That•• no\ all t6at'1 happenln*,'' .. ya the 1tubby, e~tk:. La.ntz. "Wqody 11 ~ to be \n the M11cy'll Thanlmt1Mna Day parade th.II year for tbe tint time. And we're openlna an exhibit on the Unlvenal Studio Tour that will IDcluct. a lot of our memorabilia and a l~mimate documentary that we juat filmed. 11 All of our Uo.nleel are •n.d.ini producta for the e~t. We have over 100 producu, everythlna from T-lhirtl, 1hoet, dolla to pena, pencila, pada, stationery." Walter Lants ProductioM now operate• at offices ln the former Technicolor bulldlna In the heart of Hollywood. Lantz gave up cartoon-ma.kina five yeara ago. He explain•: "l quit when l diacovered I wu peyins $60,000 for a 11..x-minute short that coat $12.000 to $16,000 in the 1930a. I've alwaya financed my own plcturel and I aald, 'Hell, I'll go broke If I atay ln production.' It'a lucky I quit. Thoee cartoona w~d COit $100,000 today." : Unlvenal contlnuea to re-release 13 Lants cartoons a year to the world'• theaters, aa well as Grace la Walter's sprightly 79-year-old wife and the voice of Woody Woodpecker. The story is that when they were honeymooning ln 19~0. a ~ky woodpecker pounded on the roof of their cabin at nearby Lake Sherwood. "That's how we got the idea for Woody," uJntz Wheeled through performance recalls. ''Mel Blanc did the voice at first. Then Warner Broe. signed him to an exclusive contract. LONDON (AP) -Actress Elizabeth Taylor was p\lahed around the stage in a wheelchair Monday night in the London production of the Broadway hit ''The Little Foxes." Her spokesman said she had fallen downstairs at a friend's house lo ~badly sprained an ankle. Scenes ln which the M>-year-old actrea was to walk up and dwn stairs were cut from the performance. The stage manager wheeled Miss Tayloe around the stage ln other acenes. "Mm Taylor was adviaed to rest the ankle. She is in very great pain, but inaisted on continuing the performances," apokesman Tony Wells said. Wells said the 50-year-old actress was "wearing new shoet" when she caught her ankle and fell down a flight of s~ at a friend's house where she waa having lunch Sunday. The production, due to run at London's Victoria Palace Theater until July 3, opened March 11. Irvine Symphony to play Sunday The Irvine Symphony Orchestra will present a free concert at 2 p.m. Sunday, featuring Rossini's Overture to La Cenerentola, a work hued on the Cinderella fairy tale. The concert at Turtle Rock Community Center, 1 Swmyhill Drive in Irvine, alllO will include the contemporary Concatenation for Orchestra by Craig DeWilde and Ibert's Concerto for Flute ana Orchestra, with Marianne Whitmyer as flute sol9ist. The free concert la made possible through grants from the city, UC Irvine, Monex International, the Irvine Company and many other contributions. and Grade took over. She's been doing Woody for 32 years." You'll be •lad you camel -~!P-~~8 9th Hllarloua w .. k CITY anTER ~~ "',,.,,_I• CU•flll OllAllCl ~ ·- LUXURY THEATRES Ecenomy S..tint $2.50 til J:OO PM Unless OtMrwi• No~d s t13GUiI•tutl6l63~ 2Sss1 ~~. J s * FOR FUOI EXCrTEmEOTl V1s1tOur... * ARCADE of GAMES• ~r;·~-::; car Winne.I •,~1£ ~ i.....i~ ~~ 'DJJllJllU OF THE '"VICTOR 'Pid#U4. Piosr ARK ll!m oz , ,,, ••JO 7 120 ,,., 1ll41MIOl:207..-010110 ·- * IARQAIN MATINlll • M•••Y lltru l1turd1y All '•rfOfMMOtt before 1:00 ,M ( ............................... , ... ~.. . ..... ', .. MUIAOA WAl ll IH HDRAQ,,tAYIR'' ........... ,,..._ I AKlWOOO C l NHll W/\111 IN . ' (R) -----... YOUCOUU)ta WHAT I HIM" (N) 11" .......... , .. lAMIW'>OU c t NHll SOUltf ....... IN klo\ll At Del Amo ·Ill 614-tlll IUT AOTOll -AGNI .. "ON OCM.OIN flOND" IHI , ............. _ .A P.4A,1f1M ANAHEIM DfltVE·IN ,..._oy ti 01 ~"'0" II "VIQTO" VICTOlllA" <N> JUN Ht.l4t.l'lt0 1iitt ............... - "IP YOU COULO Ill WHAT I .. AR'', .. , '"' t.H.•41.t# ...... °CROCODtLE .. (R) ....... "FORCE: FIVE" (R) 17f•fll0 CUii ·fl 10UNO ...... --vou ...... c ... oocomr-..., ... , ... ,.--.... ,,...,, .. ,DA ..... A--oQOLXVD~T T I HRAR" -"THI ' """ IUOOY HOLLY ITORY" MAN" IPG) I "THI ll.D'HAHT (PO) Olllf·fl IOI.Ill() C•t '' ~ &11f ,....., t'•ll• BUENA PARK DlllVI IN Uncolft A,,. Wttf Of lllO" A MAH"'" LA HABRA DklVI IN "WRONG 18 RIGHT" ...... Cllll • 1111 IOllllCl-"---- "POMY'S" CNl "-119 ""' .......... (II) Cltlf .',. IOIJllO "WRONG 18 RIGHT'' """ """'"' -in.iu2• ..., .. .,.. "TUNNEL VISION" (R) -. -- "1A"°4! • ORANGE D~IVf IN $0"fO AIMI ll"WY • 110,. co ... o• 551·7022 ................... MISSION DRIVE IN . . ••••• ,' '• 11!1.tli " WARNEQ 0111vt ,.., ..... "FOMIODIN WOf'LD" (R) "DRAGON8LA YER" ,.. "TltE ELEPHANT MAN" (PQ) NARO CA LL!JDO CON wo,.... 11 .. •••1t11tOC11 ""cs NftRO CALLI! Jl!RO ft M7•Ht1 , . .,..,,,. .............. -..... ....... ....-....--··· . l IJ lOOD CAJU.ION ................. When ~ opj)Ol'Wftt II beltina home runl Md vtrtuaUy tettlna you dOwn ln order there'• only one Ullna you can do, looee and wait your tum. •<Mona dtl ..... Wah'• Sea K.lnp did that 'l'u.day and r.poMed from runa off the ~ to ~ !_~-3 ~ over the Wilting Arroyo llllh ~-~~tapulta the defendlnc CD' 2 .. A diampioN, now 20-3, Into Friday'• q\W1.et'finall at Antelope Valley. Antelope Valley, the Golden No. 2 repre9e11taUve, outax>nMI eve,M. Loos led Corona ·del Mar'• attack three of the Sea Kino' four him, bduding a sun double, but the st.ocy w• an old one for the winnera, taking advantaae of a· few mistakes to get the eqwvalent of 40 miles per gallon. i ·~ just •1 be.di up t.n.•• uJd Arroyo Coech Mk:k SUerno ... You ~ a couple of 'l'D1ltalml and lhey take advant.lp of it." Down by a 3-0 inarstn throuch 3 ~ tnn1no. the pcture w .. ~ but bria6t for the Sea View Leaaue champlonl. Arroyo had buMreCl out a JY .. of homen -a 1-doff lour-beaer '° riaht by Joe Martinez and a two-run belt b y Rich Slomlnlld ln the third lnnlng. · Only a tine atop by third bueman Jim Murphy uved potential d1auter ln the fourth 1.Ju1U>a, }tla stop and force at third killing a i--Jmded lituation. The Sea Kina•. llmlted to Looi' harmJell lingle ln the 8eCOIMl lnnlna. finally got th1net aomi 1n the tourtli with a pair of rww. Startina plt.cher Dave Rohde walked and advanced on Chril White'• infield llngle. Mike Hem plated the first marker with a MCl'Uice Oy to Wt aft.er both buerunnera 1tole a baae, then Loo. knodted tn the aecorwt run wt1h a -----hit to riaht. . The Ude WM .cu.mlna. Rohde llt the order down ln the tittli lnnlna (for the first Ume) and the Sea Ku.,..~ with two more runa -without lhe benefit of a hit. Free p11ae1 to Gordon Mo11 and Rohde preceded a wlld pitch, then White'• ucrifice fly to center ecored the tylna run. I The winning margin came momenta tater .. the sea K.tno bepn a ::I steal wfth Brent Mel6on, who w , taklna off for aecond 11 Rohde moved off third. Bu~~ it euy fOI' eo.ch Tom 1 Sea K.tnaa u relief pitcher Darren threw low to tint, the ball got away and Rohde 800l'ed easily. Looi doubled in the 1ixth and eventuall' ICONd °" • wUd pitch to pve White an metre edae ln the leWDtb. ~.who 1'8at.d AJT010 l·W c:e aoft.popa ll) the axth ln relief ol = Wll In tl'OUb)e with runnen Oft and third with one out ln dw eev.nth, but forced the cleanup hitter to sound to fint bu9rnan Dave Arial, then "&hde (now at thltd) p-abbed a hot bouncer and threw the runner out to flnilh It. ·~ three teams before. thJa WeN mote talented," aaid T!qer, alludlna to hil Sea Vlew League chalnpkma of 1~79, '80 and JU, ''but thll team'• amaz:ina. 'Ibey aren't atcmt to ~e up. We've tot IOIDe Ol'nel')' ldda on team.•• Outhit and outmuded, the Sea Klnp clkl lt apln and Trager admitted hil early anxiety. "We were aotng up there with our tal1' throuah our lep, but once aomcone aot a h.lt, they ~ reallzlnc it'• not that tough," said Trager. 'WINNER -cOrona del Mar Coach Tom Trager ta.kee hi.I Sea View League champion Sea Kings t.0 Ant.elope Valley Friday after Tuelday'a win. What weak staff? ON THE HIGH ROAD -Corona del Mar . High'• Sea Kings advanced to the CIF 2-A baseball quarterfinals with a 5-3 victory· ;I\lelday. The See~· Gordon Mom slides D* ........... .., ........ ~ under a leaping Ken Becker of Arroyo (left), while CdM'a Dave Arias leaps in an attempt to catch a high throw to first bue. Angels' Reliko flattens Brewers MILWAUKEE (AP) -Bobby Grich 11ye people can stop asking whether the Angell can win ln 1pite of their suppmedly weak pitching lfaf:f. Theyre ~ the American League West primarily becauee of it. Spot 1tarter Steve Renko pitched a three-hitter and retired the lut 20 Milwaukee batten Tueeday night u the Angell, sparked .by a two-nm homer by Grich. defeated the Brewen 4-1. It waa the fifth 1uccealve victo.ry and etahth ln 10 pme9 f« the Anaell. whme 2.79 ltaff earned run averaae lead. the league. , "STEVE RENKO is pitching the best ball of his career right now,•• aaid Grich, the Angela' 8eCOlld baleman. "So are Geoff 7.ahn. Don "--· Ken Fonch and Doug Corbett. People criticize our pltcfilng, but we've got some veteran pitchers who know what they're doi.nl-" What Renko, _4-1, did to the Brewen wasn't mysterious. He threw 93 pltchel -67 of them ltrikee. The Brewen' offeme comristed of two soft singles by Paul Molitor and a third inning homer by Marshall F.dwarda. "We didn't even come cloee," Brewer Manager Buck Rodgers said. "Renko went through ua like Grant went through Richmond. He'• .. quality pitcher, but you figure you'd aet 80IDe -runs off him.'' "Renko pitched many outstanding games for me ln Montreal in the early '70., but I've never 9f!el\ him have th1e kind of control," Angell' Manaaer Gene Mauch said. "He dottecf the inlide corner and he dotted the outside comer. "He threw one ltraight fut ball all night -the one the fella (F.dwarda) hit over the right field fence," he said. "He waa cutting it, nmnlna it and sinking it. rve never had a pt~ -ever - who handled Ben ?!fllvie and Cecil Cooper like that. "I had a lot of SUCOMI runnlna f11t ball1 and 11ider1 ln on left·handen and staytna a:r;r from rigbt.-handen.,'' Renko '1 got away with a couple of miltakes. But if you d\row where you want to most of the time, the hitters wW be a little off-t.lance and you can get away with a couple of mistakes.'' THE BREWERS tied a club record by recording five double playe. but a throwing error by Molitor, the third bueman, .et up wbat proved to be the decisive nm ln the Angell' aeoond inning . Molitor waa removed from the game after the third inning becaw.e of what Rodgen aald waa • 80re right lhoulder. Doug DeCinces reached on the error and scored on llnclea by Tim Foll and Brian DownilUl off loae r Mike Caldwell, ~-4 . Downing doubled and acored on a single by Don Baylor ln the flnt. STOPPER -Veteran Steve Renko pitched a three-hitter and his first complete game since 1980 as the Angels topped Milwaukee, 4-1. . Guerrero th.inking hoine run 'Norco endS Irvine's Cinde~ell~ year LOS ANGELES (AP) -It took the Loi Angelee Dodaen' Pedro Guerrero a little while to get going in the 1982 llMllOIL About a dor.en games. 'That's how lCJl\I it wu before he drove in hia fint nm of the Vaqs ousted from CIF play tine fieldin& playa. cme ln which he made. a epnwlina dive to hll Left 111> atop a bMe bit, only to ccsne up on both chaDcs and throw the ball away at fi.nt. The Coupn ended up ecortnc three rw.. Lat.er, ln IrYtne"'..-baJf of the fourth, the V aqu.erot finally ecored a run only to have Jay Scott ma. third b.-00 Joel Rahmatulla'1 llngle to center, resultina in an lnning-encUna out. And,• if that w.ai't mouah, lrvtne had amed four ti.mm in the boUan of the lf!Yebth to cut the deficit to 7 ·4 wheo RahmatuDa aune to the plate with the a-bided and two out. Wltb the count 2· 1 on the Wt fteldlr, Rabmatulla attempted to beck away tram a hfCb ._. t.bJ), onlJ to have tbe Wl bit tbe lat and roll bannlllllY bick tD .. IPO'IDd for tbe ftmf Ou&.: f I I I I, \ I l I I I I v. (! It !I .. .. •• r Quote of the day Biil LHkey, a San Francisco Gian ta pitcher, after beating Montreal, 7"0, in bis lint major leque start ''Thia ia my first dream come true in the hie league, and until l read about it tn the newspapers, rm not going to believe it happened." He misses no-hitter again, loses again NORFOLK, Va. -Tidewater • right-bander Rick Ownbey who came within one out of a no-hitter before losing to Syracuse 3-2 on April 24. came within two out of a no-bitter Monday n.t,ht -and lost again 4-3 to the Toledo Mud Hens. Ownbey, with Tidewater lead•na 2-0 after eight ¥mJnp. Sot one out the walk.eel. tm. stl"ajgh't batten to load the t-. in the ntnth. Ray Smith followed with Toledo's first tilt. a triple that gave the Mud Hens a 3-2 lead. Steve Ratz.er relieved Ownbey and gave up a single to Ron McNamara that 11COred Smith with the winning run. The Mud Hens got one more hit off Ratz.er. Tidewater acored one run in the ninth. Ownbey ia now 3-2. The winner W&'I Toledo starter Don Cooper who went the first eight innings to even his record at 3-3. On April 24 bwnbey entered the ninth against Syracuae with a 2-0 lead and got two out before the Chiefs acored three runs on a walk, an infield hit. a throwing error, another walk and a two-run double. 76ers go for clincher tonight BOSTON -The ai:uling Philadelphia 76ers can clinch their third berth in the National Basketball A..ociation title round in six yean toni1ht by continuing their domination of the out-of-sync Boston c.eltb. = 10 days ago, that prospect seemed extr unlikely. Boston handed the 76era their w_ont playoff io. e\ter, 121-81, on May 9. But Phlladelphia bounced beck with three straiaht victories and is a hot team going into the fifth game of the beat-of-aeven F.utem c.onterenoe final Boston, which lost playmaker Nate Archibald for the aeries with a dislocated aboulder in a 99-97 third-game W., hat been lees orpnl,.t than it w• in Clml)piling the league's beat record, 63-19. Still. the 76en know all too well that a 3-1 i.d doesn't 1"8J'U1tee another abot at the Los AnaieB I..Uen. I '24 I Baseball today On this date in baseball in 1912: With the Detroit Tigers on ttrike in protest over the American I.;eague's suspension of outfie lder Ty Cobb for punching a fan in New York, a team of pic kups, sandlotters and coaches represented the Tigers and were pummeled by the Philadelphia A's, 24-2. Losing pitcher Allan Travers, who would never pitch another game in the majors, gave up all 24 runs, on 26 hits. Today's birthdays: . Former New 'York Yankee infielder Gil ~. the 1951 American League Rookie of the Year, is 54. Baltimote slugger Dan Ford is 30. Yankee catcher Rick Cerone is 28. Cleveland pitcher F.d Whltaon is 27, San Diego pi~her Eric Show is 26. Canuck fans throw out the towels Thousands of noisy hockey fans • lined Burrand Street during the noon hour Tuesday in a towel-waving tribute to their Vancouver Canucka. The National Hockey League team, which defied all odds by reaching the Stanley Cup final, was honored by a civic parade, after they were swept by the New York falanders in four games . . . Forward Jimmy Mann of the Winnipeg Jets was fined $500 for leaving the bench and striking Pittsburgh's Paal Gardner in an NHL brawl last January . . . University of Arlz.ona Athletic Director Dave Strack has submitted his resignation, effective July 1. Strack asked to be relieved of his administrative duties so he could "assume the duties of a profe.or or physical education." . . . Terry Bradallaw ot the Pittsburgh Steelers aaya he has enjoyed a quiet off-9eUOtl, except for suffering a broken toe , when a hone stepped on his foot at his Louisiana ranch . . . Pre8Icne. champion Aloma'1 Riiier led a charp of Florida-bred h01'8e8 to victory in six of nine major stakes races acroaa to the U.S. last weekend. Televtalon, radio • TV: No events scheduled. RADlO: Baseball -Angela at Milwaukee, 5:30 p;m., KMPC (710); Chicago at IJodeen, 7:30 p.m., KABC (790). I TllURSDAY'S RADIO Bueball-Ang9Jaat Milwaukee, 11:30 a.m., KQQC (710). • ROWtWm HD>trrl -It w_..•t tDl.'dY.,tM l..s 1'aadln bi action but tl\e Ro*laacl Ht1b Raiden will have to do unW-a bet• fllClllm&M ooa.. alaftl. The Raiden caP'ta1181d on lix J'ountltn Valle)' enon to poll a 2·1 CI1' ~ iou.nd '6-A playoff deda1on avw the Baroni twn 1'u9da)' afternoon co ellm1nate \be Sunen t-.ue team from the competition. None ot the runa In the ome WU et.med al the Baroni took a brief lead lo the top of the third J.nn1na befoie &ivinl It rtaht back In the bottom half of the frame when all nana were .uect. Fountain Valley's Steve Pratt reached f1nt on an error but pinch-runner JC.elly Romine WU Estancia's Gardner tops All-Sea View Jeff Gardner, F.atanda Hlgh'a premier infielder, has been choeen by the Sea View League baseball coacbee u the Player of the Year following a sparkling campaign. The -F.aglea' shortstop batted .540 and played a large role in E1tancia'a aucceaaful season, culminated by a CIF 2-A playoffs berth. A two-time All-CIF 3 -A basketball player and the Sea View League's Player of the Year in that sport, too, Gardner leads the way for four first team picks from Fatancta. Champion Corona del Mar placed three on the first team.. including pitcher Dave Rohde, second baieman Gordon Moss and outfielder Cbria White. Irvine, which fin1ahed .econd in league, picked up two first. team berths -outfielder Jim Gaaho and pitcher Pat Simms. ...... v...r~ PlltSf ftAM it..,..,_,....... lllrtr CL C-Jelf fWd. Coeta .._ .432 Sf. 18-..... c::.rnp.,, EIUnde .417 Jt. ~ ..... CdM .807 Jr. ~ ... tw Hldlotl, fatlnda .420 Jt. Jtlf G8r'dner. Elt.lnCM .540 Sf. Of-awta WNl9. CdM .S41 •• OF-Jim McC4itle. ~ .375 Sr. OF-Jim GMtlo, IMne .314 8'. P-Pat 8lmma. IMne &-1 Sf. P-0.W Aoflde, ~ Ml Sf. Ut-...._ l.omall. El Toro 2-3 • .292 Sf. , .. COMDftAM C-Jelf Frel. unev.wlty .317 St. 18-Jay Scon. IMne .375 Sf. 28-ar.tt DurNe. e Toro .333 Sr. 38--Jedl.....,,., Sed~ .425 SJ. SS_._.~ ec.ta .._ .35e Sr. OF-1911M Smlll. hddleMdl .302 Jr. OF-Ooua MMMr, e T0to .sae Sr. OF-M*fi Bondi, IMM. .311 Sr. P-Jlm Hyde. Co«a .._ $-1 Jt. P-Mlke Tlerlfey, IMne 4-2 8' U1-Aon NugaM. Newpot1 Hartlor .473 Sr. ~ of tlle Y.r. J.ff Ger~. &lande. From Page C1 i-rompUfJ ,ltk•• oU. •• DtMaiaD ...... Ind --around &O MOre by 1t .. )tn1 .-ond, l'DOYiJ'I to third on a wOa P'td\ and hmDe CID a pMMd bill. TheMd•~·~·· WOWd hold up until tM Balaen came to bit and the aloYel ot the &ron ftekWI and tlMt tb.rowtnc uma went IOW', With one out, ~hard Hawk was safe on a catcher'• lnterterence call. Thia ~t up lMdoff bitter Andy c..tAna who forced Hawk at aecond. But before the third out could be recorded, two runs IOOted. ~obn Plazza llnsled to rtaht on a hit-and-run play, aendin1 Cafana to third. Then John Hall '1n8led to right to tie it up and Gauchos eliminated; .. GWC plays Friday Saddleback College belted a couple of home runs, Including one in the ninth to send the game Into overtime, but it wasn't enough aa the Citrus Owls held on for a 4-3, 13-innlng victory Tuesday in the Miuion Conference Shaughnessy Playoff finale at Saddleback. The victory 11enda the Owls, Northern Dtvialon champions, into the state playoffs, teheduled for May 2740 at Blair Field ln Long~ and Cerritos Colleae. Saddleback, which won the Mi.aaion Conference's Southern Division, and boasted the best conference record coming into the playoffs, received a valiant pitchina effort from 110phomore Brad Rinney, who one day earlier was named conference player of the year. Kinney went the entire 13 inntns•. scat~rlng nine Citrus hit• while hi• teammates collected 11 hits. The Gauchos' biggest hit, however, came in the bottom of the ninth with Citrus holding on to a 3-2 lead with three outs .eparating the Owls from the state playof&. Rick Irwin led off the ninth with a home run which sent the game into overtime. The Owls had gone ahead in the top of the ninth on an RBI double by Mike C8mpbell. The Ga~ atruc& first in the second when Mark Swancoat 'whacked a home run. Swancoat later add~ a triple and fin.iahed the day with a 3 -for -4 performance. Irwin was 2-for-4 with a pair of RBI and fl..rst baseman Cuey Schmidt fln.iahed the day a-tor-5. Kinney carried a 1.56 ~ run average Into the pme, and' the former Dana Hilla Hl1h standout struck out 11 while walking four Tue.day. Meanwhile, Citrus will join the elite group of community coJleae baseball teams for the state tournament. Al8o hoping to gain a berth In the tourney is Coach Fred Hoover's Golden West Colleae aquad which will face Rio Hooao in a three-game aeriea to determine the Southern Cal Conference champion and the conference'• representative in the tourney. Rio Hondo handed LA Harbor a 7-5 defeat in a one-same' playoff at Golden West Tu.day to advance t.o the conference championahip aerleL · The aeries begins Friday (2:30) at Rio Hondo with Bob Meyer (6-1, 2.42 ERA) aoing for the Rustlers. Game two will be played Saturday at noon at GWC. Should the aeriee be tied, the third game would al80 be played at GWC immediately after the first on Saturday. From Page C1 GUERRERO. who pitched as well • Welch couldn't get the win," .said Niedenfuer, 1-1. "But it wu an important win {« the club." The = had lost lhc of their Welch=-~· "I had good rhythm. I had location. 6ut the main thing, we wm." VAQS OUSTED • • • The Dodgen got their first run without managing a hit. The Cube' Randy Martz allowed the / Dodgers only four hits for six Dale Underwood. who blasted a mound chores after Tierney'• innlnga. but bit Ron Cey with a tremendous home run off loeer injury. pitch to open the .eventh. Steve Pat Sim.ma in going 2-for-'t with "It was a pretty g u tt v Garvey sacrificed, and be was one run scored and two RBI. performance," said Flint. "Her• safe when Martz' throw to tint Simms, the only pitcher at matured a lot in a year. I'm not pulled Bill Buckner off the bag. Flint's disposal with Mike sure he could have done the same After Mike Scioecia bunted the Tierney on the sidelines with a thing last year. runners to second and third, Lee broken arm, stcuck out seven, ''You know, people didn't Smith replaced Martz and on hia walked two, hit a batter and expect anything from us at the first pitch Bill RUllell got Cey surrendered 12 hits in dropping start of the year. Then we started h,orne with a aacrifice fly. his record to 8-4. the league 0-2. But it'• the nature It remained 1-0 until the Cube Flint, however, had high of theee kids to know how to rallied to tie after two were out pca18e for the right-hander who compete " .. and that's what in the ninth, and then Guen"er'O aasumed sole responsibility of the they did." won it in the bottom of the ninth. ...:....~~~~=-~~~~~~~~~~~_;_--~~------....;;;.;...;;..;._.;..;.....;..~ Greer wins Sophomore Chrlt Greer of University ffigh captured the Sea View LMiue Individual single• tennis championship lat wee'4, outdUelina El Toro't '1lm c.. in the tinala. 6-4, 6-2. Gr«rer paced hi• team to a 14~-13~ win over Foothill Tue.day ln the CIF 4A playoffa. GWC 1eeCled lint in 1tate· CdM golfers eye CIF title CHINO -Corona del Mar Hlgh'a golf team, led by Ted Norby'• 70 and a 76 from Jeff Wright on the Western Hills Golf and Country Club, Monday, nipped Foothill High by one stroke to become No. 1 of three schools from Orange County to qualify for the C IF team championships. 'fhe finals are set for Monday at Camarillo Springs Golf Course. Also qualifying, in addition to Foothill, was Dana Hills. A:rtists uSe . 'iceman ap1 •r~ach' I Lapna Beach advances ,~ --CIE volleyball fin. als fl~J.f~O ( 1Aiuna Be.ch, however, finally p ltl Nellie that \he VUdna coteh, ~·he . Jlt.Mn'• ant~ MON \han IC\ '*°* ln the fourth 'P.ffie • eetter Md a a \mlQIU& 1.tl/m!W a crualal one law any other that belt dMcrtbel1thll yeer'• Rudy-i>vonk, Ow Scuth Colit. IAilue'• ln the 1 f0ui1h pmt wblch iilult.d in tu. Laauna Beach Htih volleyball tHm, It MVP, ataried MUln& one winner aft.tr twn be tna .i:xrna1d •penalty pomt becau. woUld be-'-another, while ~b.lodcer Nell Riddell It had n q tlmeoUtll rema.lnlnc· If there'l"lucl\ a thl"I u lee water ln • toc,>k con\l"Ol around the '*· The " i+or chanaed the 1COre from 12-8 to peraon'a velnt, every member of the Artilta' ~ b1ockinl •taned to~ toaether ln 11·8 ln ~ 'avor of Leauna s.ch ar¥l RJddell 1quad Jlel•n1111 that quality. ~·third and toW1h prw. ...,..a Alben. nailed Ct !own the victory with hit eerve Never wu Laauna Beach'• c1lmne11 Plua, our puliftl ,ln th9 fil'lt. llCOnd and momenta •later. mont evtdent -or teeted -t.Mn ..,,,..,...... third l1UYM!9 wun t u c:oNlltent u the In .... _ fifth ob·-'-··-1 -"'-t.. •'-- San Cl 6 ~ fourth And fifth " ..... pme, vwu.uy -en, UlC n18ht at emente Hieh where the The Vlkinp,· IOmeWhat befuddled b · Vlklnp r MWer Md a chance aa the Artilta Art!ats we.re flldn.« Bey Leaaue champion , __ , .... Beecti' calm del'ne9nor cocnmlu.J methodk:a -11y went about their buainell of Santa Monica in the MmiflrWa of th• CU' :---::: ..... , 1 ln th ._ ...... .! ., .. _ •'--t wrappbi.g up the match. playoffs .wo ..-~ erron e ~uu.nn --uw , Dow~ in games 2 1 and with the 11ot only rattled their confidence, but The lee 1 BtQlde of Siev. Blue, Adafn Vikinaa flyina htah aa a kite, the probably coat them the matth In the Johnson, \ Letl Hanson, Chris Larson, unernotlonal Artlata 8eemed unfued by procell. ........ . Dvorak an d Riddell made it JoOt euy. what wu takinc place The flnt rniatake wu when one of the The top-·teeded Artists will try to wrap "We don't like to ah~w emotion whether Vikll\ll' atarten walked off the court tor a up thelr at ICOnd oonaecutive champlonahip we're ahead or behind," commented drink of water, retultlna In• mandatory Friday wilt tn they travel to Santa "Barbara Laguna Beach Coach Bill Ashen. "When Umeout. A ha.rm1eea act? Y•. until you to meet 1eco nd-eeeded San Marcos at 7 p.m. we don't it tends to confUle the opposition." \ It remains to be .een whether the Artiatll' u • d • d d "Iceman Approach"confu.ed the vlk.lngs. nser renra1ns un ec ~1 e but it definitely wu effec1ive as the South · Coast ~~ champions rebounded to pull out a thrUllng 1~13, 3-15, 10-15, 15-8, 15-5 INDIANAPOLIS (AP)-Bobby Umer, a victory. three-time winner and veteran of 19 "11\ey're not going to give up if they're straight races, and rookie Dale Whittington, down one or two games," 1nsiated Aahen, u trying to join his two old« brothers ln the he watched his defending CIF champions starting lineup, continued buildinQ speed post their 60th consecutive win over a Tuesday in a relatively light day of practice two-year span. for the May 30 lndianapolla 500. "We had our backs against the wall but Fewer than half the number of cara that part of our preparation is to be mentally practiced during last week's hectic aeaiona ready. We prepare for the worst ... and were on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway the best." track Tuesday, including just four that Things certainly didn't look too good for al.ready had qualified over the weekend. the Artists after they narrowly won the Unser, who left the Penske Radni Team first game. Their passing wasn't sharp and after last season and became team manager their middle blocking faltered as the for second-year Indy driver Joeele Garza, Vikings cruised to a 13-1 lead ln the second stepped into,a champ car for the fint Ume game and' a 10-2 margin in the third, this year on Monday and turned a lap at winniJ1g both easily. 192.664. ' Tuesday, l ie had Garza's March race car up to nearly 194 mph but still wouldn't aay whether l !le intends to drive in qualificationa this ~ weekend or tum the car back < >\ •er to Garza. One of th.t' · top speeds belonged to four-Ume Indy winner A. J . Foyt at 196.764 mph, well belo' "'' the quaJ!fication speed of 203.332 that pu t him on the outaide of the front row. Foyt , earning a spot in hia 2~th straight Indy rt * -a record -is driving a champ car ft ')r the first time. since he seriously i njur ·~d !;iis right arm in an accident at M le b1gan International Speedway last Ju ·J! r. , Whitti ngtot \, meanwhile. also approached UM r. o ph in a similar March racer. Pam Whlte did II all for tlM OcHn Vtew~l h women'• IOftblll tMrn • ~a lhutout and~ loM run ln a 1-0 -.nl rOund Cll' f ·A playoff decWan fN*' Wlttn; Loe AmUfol al MWd1 Park. Jllit.on•1 ~ ~eren't u fortunai.. ~ 8COl'ed three ru.na in the boUoln of the .uxt lnnin,1 a11ln1t La Quinta and appeared heeded toe • victory but fell to the vtltt.on. 7 ·3 to dtop il'Om the ptayoffa. A; gnnd l1am home run broke a S..f tie' in the seventh. , lrvtne'1 V9Querot traveled to,- Bishop Amat In 3-A; action and fell to No. 4 teedect Biahop Amat, 1-0. White had the aituatJon in control moat ot the way for Ocean View alt.hough the t)'in& run waa thrown out at the plate on a cloee play In the top of the sixth lnnlna· A ·double to the fence found the runner continuing toward third bue and h eading for home with the Seahawka ln front, 1-0. A perfect relay throw by aecond baseman Lynn Alleri to catc~er Louisa Salazar nipped the runner at the plate. White had nine strikeouts and gave up , two hits. &Uaon IJCOred three times in the second on three singles and a triple by U.. Houk ani:I the lead held up until the fatal seventh and final inning when the visitors tied the count, then won. SPORTS COLUMNIST LIGHTS: 8 mg. "tar'~ 0.7 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette, FTC Repon OEC.'81; LIGHTS Iii \AO PACK: 8 mg. "tar". 0.7 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method. I BUD TUCKER It's Boss Hog over Kareem! Rating game cuts out Lakers Nobod1 came in on die noon balloon from Saskatoon and asked me, but. . . • There waa no TV -live, al least -of an important Laker playoff game against San Antonio because CBS was too oonoemed about the ratings to sacrifice the Dukes of Hazzard ... Does it bother the eeoa of Kareem and Magjc that they are les."I popular than Boes Hogg? • In the rather ridiculous saga of the Lakers and Clippers and Ralph Sampeon. the wrong guy did the negotiating for one side ... The Clippers should have sent the San Dlego Chicken. • The recent screaming match between Dodger manager Tom Laaorda and shortstop Bill Russell was unlikely becauae of the pleasant manner of Rua.ell but it occurs to you that the only time these things happen is when a team is losing. • IF RENALDO NEHEMIAH turns out to be worth the money the San Francisco 49ers are paying a hurdler with no football experience, C93Ch BW Walsh may really be a genius. • If the proposed female sportswriters and broadcasters aseoci.ation becomes a reality, it may g~t financial support from the likes of Billy Jean King and Martina Navratilova. •The propoeed United States Football League says ita motives are very patriotic -the championship game will be held on July 4 -and, ptt1110>ahly, the ie.gue wt.hes to be buried in Arlington Cemetery. • George Steinbrenner was recently awarded an honorary degree from Grambling . . . George Steinbrenner? • When Jerry West becomes general manager of the La.ken, most of the deals will be made on the. golf oourae. • IF DON KLOSTERMAN is the !tams' former general manager and this ia becau. he fell from the favor of Madame Ram and her husband, the best guem la that the Dan P881orini debacle was one of the contributing factors. • In sweepinlc two comecutive p~yoff aeries, the Lakera dld a lot of .incredible ~ not the leut of which wu beaUnc the polnt spl'*1 in every one of the eiaht contests. • With the terrible death of Gordon Smiley on everyone'• mind, the 1982 lndlanapolia ~ will be 10me of ita excitement ... "It always 9eemll to be that way," says last year's winner Bobby Umer. •It waa long-time equipment man Noble Kawano who once laid du.dJti a Jenithy Dodcer loUc streak, ... little advendty goes a ·1onc. way.". • It would help all of ua understand U bMeba1l commillloner Bowie Kuhn would explain why ~vtn Griffith -1llnc ball playen JI different from Qw-lie Flnley •Wna ball playp:s. ,.. • Where a man bi elongs~ tar. S mg ~ . " IMIOR LIA-IJANOINU ==~ "'w-L ,. • .... .. 13 .... CNiMtt II ti .ii? It ~Olly IO 11 .111 llt 10 11 .tat e ...... 11 n . .-11t T-10 n .11S 11 ~ 11 11 ·* 13\t ...,...~ 0... H 11 .Mf ~ 131SA31 ......... 11" .lat New YOltl II It .•81 ~ 11 11 ... 1 ......_. 1• 10 .411 T~ 14 21 40C ~ ..... ~.:..~ ....... 1 I, TOtOl!tO II ......... ...._.7 a.t11t a. 9oMoll o °"'°" 11, OtfllMcl • Ctllotao 101 T-2 4 .... l I I ... """ 'l'Oltl I, ~ °"' 2 T...,....._ ...... IKleoll 2..0) •I MllwM*tt (lllaton 3-01. n TorOlllO CLMI 1·11 al Olavel-"d (9trlltr 4-1)." "111nnMo1• (Jllltdlern 2·41 et telllmora (Sttwen 1-2), n IHll .. ( ... II .. O·•) ti lotlOll (Rainey IH),11 Oakland (Ktollgtl 3-41 " Ottrolt (Petry M).11 feue (MttJaell 0.21 et ClllOeOO (Ooteon 2-4). II Ntw Yorll IJoh11 2·•1 1t Ke1111e Olly (lptlttor1t 2·2l. n ==~ • l ..... -Allenla 24 13 .141 8an Oltgo II II S2t ~ 11 11 .... .._, 11 21 "7 Clnc*Wwll 11 20 4'4 Sen ,r.noleoo 1, 21 .412 ...,.... omeeoee 23 14 .w • 20 17 .1141 11 11 1121 11 II ..471 14 11 .•24 15 21 .417 T__,.. ..... .,...,. 2. Cl*"CIO 1 Atlallla I, Moll .... 4 NNYortl 7.~' Hou9IOft 2. PlllalWpNa 1 ( 12 ""*111'1 SL Loult 2. Sen Oltgo 0 6al!F""'*002.~ 1 T ...... 0- 4'Ao • f'Ao N • Chlctgo (Rlplty t'4) at.,._.,. (Hooton 1·2), II • PllllblllQh (Roblntoll 3·0) II 8111 Fr.noleoo (Clwtt 11-0) All•nl• (Nltkro 1 ·0) ., MOlllrt•I 1~-2-2).n Ctnolnntll (Pntore 4·31 et New York [lAdw'f 2· 1). 11 Houeton (KMP!*' 1-4) •I Phllad .. Plll• (Cat1lon 4-6), n SI Louie (Mdlljar 34) Ill San Oltgo ILolet 4-o). II ~t\.Lfw'~ CN.6-;z;;:. ••auaa attrll" attrll" o-i!nQll 4 1 2 1 Moltor3b 2 0 2 O ear-fb 4 I 1 0 Monty, 3b 2 0 0 0 Otldl 111 3 1 3'-2 YOllftt • 4 0 0 0 8eylor dtl 4 0 ~ 1 Cooper 1b • 0 0 0 AsJc:llallrf 3 0 1 0 OgMtll 3 0 0 0 8enlqui rt 0 0 0 0 Sr:lmne dtl 3 0 0 0 OtC.-3b 3 1 1 O O.Tllomt c::l3 0 O O B.Clarti cl 4 0 0 0 Qalltnr 2b 3 0 0 0 Fol.• 4 0 1 0 Edwrdlrf 3' 1 1 Boone c 4 O 1 O YOtl c 2 0 0 0 CMocnc1000 Totllia 33 4 10 ' TOC91 30 1 I t .... ~ ....... c.lfor'Ul6t 1 10 000 020-4 ....... 001 000 000-1 E-Motll Of OP-Mllwautiee 5 L08-Celllornle 5 , Mltweuk•• 2. 28-0ownlnO Hl\-Edwtrdl (2). Grldl (3). $8-Molllor. C...,. •Ht11E1•80 Atnllo(W14-1) I 3 I 1 0 4 ...... Caldwtlt (L.2-41 7\lo· 10 4 3 3 2 Barnard 1"-0 0 0 0 1 f T -2: 11 A-t.222 ........ a. lllld ... 0 s..tlle 100 100 001-3 1 0 Botlon 000 000 000~0 3 1 Benn111 .. a.nd Butlln<;i: Eckersley tnd "'*'-· W-Bannlat•. ~2. l -Edtanley, 4-3. HA -ltltlla. 8odl11 (2). A -11,436. ....... -... TOICll!lo 100 000 301-5 9 2 ~ 410 000 001-• 11 0 Stieb. MllrtlJ 15) and Whitt; lulcttfle, Whll1011 (fl. lptll1111 171 and Hauey. W_.._. 1-3. L-MurrlJ, 2·2 HR -ca..tlancl, Hayti (2), Harrah (I ). A -5.116 ,,.... .. 0...-.1 ....._.. 030 030 011-• 15 0 Btltlmora 111 000 023-7 12 1 WllMlt. C..-0 14), Oro4a (I) tnd Sutara, 0. MtrllMI . ~elmer 131. Ori~), Stoddtnl 111 tnd ~. W • 2·1. L-Pal111ar. 1·2 9 -0avle (3). HR-Mlllllttolt. 8ru11111ally (I) B .. llmor•-L-'aln If), Crowi., (11. 0..,., (2). A-10,111. . ..._ ........ .... y°"' 300 012 ooo-e 10 1 ~City 000 200 000-2 10 I Ollldry • ..,.._(I) and ~ fr09l 0. ""*-Ctl tnd Wactlan. w~. •1 L-'rott, 4-3. Hf'-~ City, McAaa (7). A-2S.01S. .............. T-OtO 001 dllO-2 & a QllOIOO 000 242 20!!-10 1• 1 Mtdlcll, C-1111. Mlft"911• 111 end ~"°Ytwl~ .... W-~M. L~. I.a. ""-T-. ""'°'*" (t). A-11.m. ~~~lt,~:J rr.r"~\t P-~.fl ..... i:O. ~--:.::.:.~•c.t-c:=. 't.\: •-1•.-. . =:.. ,,!! l:=f 1' I "· ....... o ....... " (1" 111• ..... ~ ~. ~· (I). ,..,... 111 ... 0-. W-D liiiill1 1•1, L-ltM.,, l•I A II,-. I ""'*"" ....... _,! 11!!!'8 ol>t 1 I t 1 IM itfli\oltOo 000 to0 !Oll:I I 0 Oa11dt11rl1, Ttll11I" Ill and Hlootla1 l.11k•r and lra111a1. *-l.1•••~· •·•· L-Oandtllflt1 0:1• H"-"1t1b111111. "'°""*"' (11~ A-t.b c........a. • It. Louie 000 000 I 7 0 len Oleoo 000 000 0 • I 'OttOll Md T.-; CMtll, ~ {t) Md IC~. W-'°'9ofl, l-0. 1.-cuni., l•I H"-11 1.0llll. T"*9 Ii~ A-11,llO. ,., ,. , ........ ~= .. .., ... e M fl M ... ' ea: i~~s1 1· W...,,..,MM. 17 u 1 .. .SI Cooper..._.. a3 1M 11 .. Al looMe,8-tue .. 130 I 44 .IC Lann.c:Holeo $3 141 21 .... lurlclbtrD. ,_ 2t 10. • .. s 17 V~l,81111 at II 14 2t .a -1fl ..... -.. Thor111011, CltYtltlld, 10: Hlllf .... Ml1111eeo1a, 10: Roenlolla, l•ltlfllore, e: Httftll. a....nd, t; Murptiy, OMiand. I a. ................ ~. 34: Ll.llNld. , II: Oal f'M, MoR••· KtlltH c·=·TllOllll 011, M"'-*"· 2': ..,.., 111 IV \ >ell • ~at. ' ........ (10.......) "'7yt, CNcego, ~ Ollldry, New VOi ", t-1; ~ ......... 1; ..,. •• ClwlMllo d, 4-1: ................ -Qur1I, ~Cl' "· 4-1; 8Mrd, Oekltnd. 4-1: Ceudtl, a.at• ... 4-1; Dwwln. T...., .. ,, NATIOeW. &.aMIU9 • QMlll .. ...._ JTllomtltn,Pmlltlgll 31 115 " 41 .374 Mor'*'4,CHc-eo ,. 136 fl '' .Me 8tllor,New Yortl 2' 12 1 0 16 .$47 "-"-Monlr'MI S2 1, 1 II " .SS3 ~le!\ Oleoo 30 1 2 f I at .sat ... ,.,,a... . ,. 1 I:. J " .321 Lolmlltl,at.1'°'* 31 1 I: > 4 7 .»O Wiiton. .... Yortl 31 1117 l> I llO .a 11 K.Ngllt.HCIWIOn ,. 14' 2 1 .. .a 111 ~ ..... y°"' 32 121 1 1 .. ·'" ......... KlllQllltll, NtW York, 12; f 1 '°":::::.· Pm9t¥gll. 11; ~. AllMll 1. 11; , All9nta, 10; ~at. Loi*, I l ; .......... .,.,_.... ............ Murptiy, Allltma. at; Klflel:l'.a• ' ,.._ Y°"'-32; J.~~l,Jl l;l~. ~.a; .. Dltll. M:lf 1 ......... ........ (I.,...._, Fored\, ~L LOiiie, 5-0; 8U' l Oft Houeloft, ~1; Ra.~ ..... Ven.~ :1: "'*Iii,,_ Vorll, •·2: Oww. Atlenlo, 4·2; ltft1t~. ~4-2:' ...... DMt ..,...._ . ::::i:.= : ':-9 , ................ ) ~ 8-.,._ Aortcla I ~ oU!tlern ~~Ste lfttYl.NewH-longwood Co111ioe. Va. • ~ UC ,.._... Colleae 900 .. -~ACINl le PU' 'f' .,.,._ g:.::;:"' #I StMlord 15. ' llt. f • 1'6Ulnf0fd lttdt ...i of """ --1-0). . CommunltY p olege c._., .... ~.._., Clttut 000 001 0 O'. ! 000 1-II 1 Sllddlttld 010 100 r '°1 ooo o-a 11 1 Joh111on ( 13). Moline ~) tnd Eurtern. Aobertaon. Torrer , <'\ Wllll•"'* (9 ). A .. undef, Podr .... I; I lnney end tnorl 11 W-Mollne. L-K~ . 21-Smllh (Cl. Ca,,.pbelt (Cl. 18-Swenco•t CS). HR-5-1 (S~ lnlln (8). 80UTHllRM CAL c So•,••••c I JUYOfll ,. .,.....,.. ._. Alo Hando 1. LA Hartl or 5 ,...,..QI .. Odden Wetl .. Alo HOt )do (2:30) II •no.._ Alo ltofldo .. GolOen Wt a 11, noon 1-..w omn-to tolow. II -• () -W-Of -I J~ a.loll ad••nctt to ttata cor rimunlty colt~t• ~May '17-30. ... eet '°°' C-.... ... I, Alft1l/fi I Anoyo 102 000 0-3 & I Corona d9I..., 000 221 •-5 4 .2 C•rrillo. Gonut .. I .~) •nd Mco .. ri1. Rohde. Wllll9 (II Ulnd I .4 tlbon. W-Aotldl • L-CarrMIO. 2B-Looe (I~) HA-Mat11flt•I (Al. SlollWWl<l (A). Nwoe1,lr>ll 't'94 NofOO 100 311 1-7 12 : I ........ 000 000 4-4 • :;• Annettono. Ctlateln 11 1 W1c1 ~1. Simms and Klrtl. 'N-Ar,,.atrong L-Stmm a . 2B-1;or1e1 2 (HI HR-Ul~wood (N). ......... 2. Pow .. 1talll v..., 1 Founllllll V.., () 3' I 000 0-1 4 I~ ACMlatlCI r "'2 ooo •-2 4 t A ... and Pratt; ~ ...,., Md Emtwy ~f~•=T• ... A MMan I, Ncedlf I T (I ""*'9*1 ~ 2, Fount.~"' v.., 1 Simi v.., •. Cf.,. pl 3 ( 13 ""*'OS) ...,. Cotta 4, IA llQ 9Mctl Pd\' 3 I 1nr*91 I SL P ... e. eu..v,s Colton 7. ~·~ L-....ood 10 ..... 'Ille 2 Wlllllul 2. Rtdonct G 0 ~a. s.nc ,"fn. v.., 2 Ctnttot 12. ... ' ..ult otlltpo 2 Gaendlwa 2. Coo it "' 0 Santa AM4,0t rdtn ~2 Nor1tl ~" .10. Upland 5 Loera 1J, 8'wa . I ' ~5.B•Ai.-..1 filler1orl 20, , ja IQ M8r1a 2 I-A Corona cMI .... 5, Anoyo 3 Anlalopt Vt• 'Y 5, St 0........ 4 :::S-N~~4 8afltll Fa t. \ Ill .oalpt 5 ~H-3 , Meyr.lr 2 ~7.lnl ,.,.,4 Hatt 13, Cl9 ho 1 M T.....,, ~. LA Beptltt 9 (I '"'*'Oil Fllnlott 7. ... Cllra 5 Sall M"'1nt ~ f, Ver111#1t Otl 3 ...,..,, ,., ri "· BslrlON 1 Alo .._ I, AtMcl9dlro I It lfWllll08) v111araw ltdlnt.~7 ~· Ottert2 l.a.le I. • Notre °""' (,.,_.,.) 0 ......... Cllt4,Htlgll'9~2 ~ ~21.a....v..,o lf9"tWO< id 13. UnMI ~ 1 l¥o Hone 1o f'Nll t. c. f'Nll a .__ , • """"""' (°""19) I e "-' > • "*" 1. ~ c~, .....,.,. • 1, Ilg ""' ' Montell ,, ..,. ,., ~ Vlllfr awtlllan I . Aw1e1, Do1111er 11eWDle11 f,Ulf!C (1'iO) Anlef_! on TV Ch•Mef I KA8C (Ytl) Ood .. ,. e>n TV ChenMI 11 <OeMMeTV.._ Wedn•edaf Thurldey ...,,. . ~ " ..... 5 30 11.,..._.. 7.3S ~ at "::'71130 ti~ 3S ..--~·3S St. L. It 1 JS .... •.:.,11:1S St.let 1 II .. II • rl • • ...... 1~10:30 St. L. 11 1.~ .._et RMS... 4'35 Pl11ta 11 ........ 1:35 = 11 Rtd Sot, •·35 P111tn al DMI••· 7:3S Bttwt11 al -.... 1 30 lrtwt1a 11 ~ 130 l1twtfa 11 ~ I 05 ..... 11 Cll , 11:20 •l ....... 7J5 Dedan ti Cll • II.JS • 11 ....... 1 I I 4 • lite•"" et =-· I ..... 1~ 11:20 Tictfa1I~ I tOMJtr1 II Ila. 2:05 ltltf1 el ..... ]:31 ~ ti Ptf1t-.. 4'35 fCtfl ti ~·· 1:30 DMstr1 1t 111tes. HS •Rid Soi ti Ant• 1.30 Dedan 11 SI l., S.35 Red So11t Alll*. 7 "°"""al SI L., f>:~ LM ......... TUhDAn MIULU , ..... ., ........ ~ .. ---· ,_.TM(ll;IOO ..... M.s. ~ (Qtltttt) 22.to 1UO 1.10 ::.=-w::rc=;-> .. ,, ~= Also raced Ovr Ffyt119 8•1111. Proud Dukey, l'or1er>I. loot1ltt ~. 8moottl Lovitt,~~-. Mitt KM Oo. Tlfnr to 114. • UACTA (M) paid I 111.20. •COMO MCC. NO ywde. Nitro Mttl\tnol ICtltwill t.AO uo UO ~ aoy (CfMOtr> 11.00 a.to Jett Vllua (Herl) ...., Alto raced. WolahcwSU. Ima Fut Jal, Rldl Kip, R.tdlum 8ack Jack, Pt Pt LA Rua. 'nine: 11.02. n9ID UCL 350 ytrdl. Nollolrne P-tMylttJ t.20 4,00 a.AO Pr1!nt POMt IAd•) 11.20 UO Shea Got WlllQI ICfNGtrl 1.00 Alto raced· ~ Slit. Frtt T~ Mt, The Niie of flt•, Att*la Je4 T 00, RldftlllGh Ruler. NJ.Ma T Olli Tlmt: 18.15. POU1m1 ..ace 400 y.- 111 PIJ (Paulnt) t .00 4.to 3.20 Ott lriQtll Cl\ldl !Wfirdl •.OO 2.to ~ ~ Llf1I (~) 4.00 Alto racad. KlrMle. Um1t8 Jel. folow Ma Moma. .... Ou2, '"' trMdy, flGMen Up. Tlmt: 20.111 . • DACTA (7~) paid 129.20 N'Tit RAC«. 400 ywoa. ~' Polley (Crtagar)30.IO 15.20 t .20 Soou l.twts (9ard) 11 .oo 7.10 Jeewr10lll (CarOola) 3.80 Alto -U:nllt>o, CNc:ila a..t•. Mn Polley. 8pttd Ta, Marg ~ Cloud I.,.._. I Juana TUCIOI' Tim« 20.13. ...,... Mell. *:r-s ..... OtrM (Ladt~ I IO •-to UC) ~ P01oJ IPaulnt 11.00 e.oo Ht Tiffy IHtrt) 1.00 Alto raced: Sayl11 Ooodbya, Arure Lomlna, ...... ""'"° Cllldl. T1mt: 11.84. I I IXACTA (24) paid 1148.IO. Uvmmt UCL 170 ywdt. HGMal~ (lllaclc) 10.IO UO 4.00 Notllt Hi (P&r41na) a.to 3..40 Nitto Chaney(~ uo Aleo ftCtd: Mr. Collu Lark. Good ~. Mlllclng Memorlal, Goat P•t . Tltne: 41.3t. *2UACTA13-1) paid S30.00. llQHTM RACL 350 ywcn. The Fonune Hunt• rTr-.n) 11.20 7.00 4.IO Ooet.e Go ~ !Wlrdl 4,IO 3.IO {Wen:t) 4.IO aeo Ooft Lale LAie IC.-) 5..IO Aleo r•ctd : Ann• Ht , Stub B , Whaltelonalog, s.. ... Oo. Prtrtty ..... PuClllic Alfalr&. John Miio. ""-11.11. • IXACTA (W) paid 13t.IO. It lll'tCt( U I 1· 7 -~2-3--3) paicll 11,037 .IO wl1tl -winning ticl<at (till ~). 12 Pldt S•• co11solttlo11 paid 1211 40 with 22 wW)lnG tldlata (llYt ~). llMTM RM:&. 350 ywdt. Woody Aun {Wlnfl t 20 4.IO 3 IO 8ol'lll l(tllda v Oii llQll IP ... ) 11.20 12.20 811111 H time (Lacktyl 5.00 Alto,._,. My ... .--.. Skip Congo. Illa Wink.-~ Fellow friend, lJQMenino ,..~ c.-, RiocMI ai.. My Tiny ....... Timi: 18 07 It UACTA (1·2) paid l11t.IO. Al~-t.331_ Women'a eoftbllll HIQM~ O-YW1,LM ........ I Lot AmlQot 000 000 0-0 2 2 Ooten V'ltw 000 100 ·-' 2 2 WNte and 8lleDr: Ctrllon Ind ~ . 28-Tltnaret CLA). La Oulntt La CMMaJs1~ 111-1 • 2 EdtaDn 030 000 0-3 7 2 . Tac11011, lore11 (2) a nd Ftrmolt; Car&:;:,-.;. •nd Lo•eno W-8ore n L-29-Ferunoll (LOI.~ In J&-HOull (E). HR-T-(LOI C9'6-A._....._. °""-2. Alllamlw• 0 La Oulntt 7. EAlton 3 Ooten View 1. LOt Amtgot 0 ,,,_.. 4, Lompoc 2 A1g1111C1J 2. N9wtlury Parll 0 El Rlncllo va. aama Marta (ppd •• P<oml Oaht 1, I.OWi 0 El Dorado '· Nontl Torranot 0 c.w ............ La HalWa 1, MlllQn 0 ~ 4, Font-a< 12 IMlnge) Alla Loma I, Wtll'M 0 llllhof> Anwt 1, lrvlna 0 8evllMa 1, llutrOllgllt 0 It. "°""'1 II, El T0111 0 8oultl ... 11, Colton 4 W1leoll .. TlOf 0 ~ >· ~"t.!i;.. Vltat OeNalllt dal. Etlll llk•tlty. f.2. 1-3, Y trWol: No9I def Per Hjtrtqullll, t-I, M . llalMz Ttrooiy OM 'trnando Luna. ~7. t-2. 1-1; flllcNrd c-"' Raul Ralnlr•. 1·7, 7-1, 1·5, Jolt 01111tant dal. Main& "'-tt1arc11. •t '::'4.: ... Nlt1-dal "°"" .....,_, 1-f, ..... t-a; Anclrw ..,_., dal. Tony Ol•mmetve, 7°5, I · I, JoH Mtautr• dal Herold ao.omon. 4-1. 11-4. M NCAAC~S (Al Alhtnt. Ga.) ,..... UCL.A &, PtC!C*dlM 1 SMU &, OlorOll I (third plaoe) MIT (MMoftrM,La.I ,..... Tulu II, Long IMoh l1a1e 4 TNN""'9 UC IMl'9 I, ...... _,. 0 ...... Snyder IUCI) def Htlg .. 011. 1·1. 1·3. Quade (UCll def. Almtlrom, M . 7.5, 7-5; Mof'tltrSOft IUCll dal l<.mlftmaM. W . 11-7. 7-1; Neleof\ (\JCI) dal Hotvtr. a..J e-2. Ramos (UCI) dal. Koltr!Q, W , 1-3, Ptrcl• (UCI) daf. Monn, W , 11-4. F1nll tttndlllgt: 1 T u1M. 2 LOOO BMdl Ste le. a UC ''"'"'· 4 Ml11n .. 01t; & Nevtde-lu V91111. e Murr•y St1145 7 Aualln PHy, I N T1&aa Sltltl t Hort'-ltrn LOUlll-. 10 UnMnlty of San P:rtneleco. 11 lllel Sou1h Alt.barnt. Vlrgjnlt Tedi, 13. ~ltrll ~ ....,_. ~ ~""°" 1 ...... 8unstlSw CNttl def Mal~ e-2. def ~. ~. d9I KnoN. W . dal Tltbel. M S~ !NM) won M . M . e-3. 8-0, J• Mytr9 (NM) won by Oel-. ~2. 8-0, toet W , Jo Mayer• ('*41 won 7-11. e-3. by deleull. $-3. 0....... Co11k ey·Macre1 (NH) def Marrtok·D•••llt, II· I, l ·O: dat Colllnt-Kauriall, &-<>. t-1. Stenaett-8nlth , .... , _ 7.1. w . e-2. e-2 c-....... Lallawood. !ikllllvan (CdMI ~my.,d, e-o. dat L.oCler. t-11 dlf. Wlllnen, M : dal Gutlatrw, l-0: Gtrtitrl (CdMI won ~1. e.o, e-1. e.o. Praw ICdM) WOii '-2. t-2. e.o. e.o. HOUMl!a (CdM) WOfl •1. e-:i. ~2. '"° 0.-... Ewing-Aler ICdM) def. Wtrd·Sha111>tr8, l ·O, &·2: def. Oowdy·Wood. l ·O. II· . W"'*·Hoac.tttr ICdMI won e-2, e-2. t--0. tl-0. ......... ~. ...... Sutton (E) IOSI to Krlw. l ·I . loet lo 8orkto11, !l_.1. 1011 to Aetph, 4-1, del v~ r-6; Turnl (El IOM, ~.won. M. M . M . WNtcNr !El IOel, 4-1, -· M . toat, W . ~ •1. MOI08dlo (E) 1ot1. 1-1,4-4.11-7.~ Ptrll•~ (E) def I.Ml Nooguld, 1-3, 1 ·1. dal Wltlltml·Me, 11· 1. I · 1. • Ma~ (E) WOfl e-2. 1-4 won. e-2. f.2. ~ 14¥1, , ..... t1VI ........ Or-IUI tott to "-· o-e def Bllu, t.o; def Otnny, e-7, def GarbowSI. l-0 . Mtr1lnaa (Ul Iott o-e. .... o-e. WOii 1-4. Mergollt (U) Iott M . won 1-3 1ga1 W , won &-0: VenUiettl IU1 Iott 0-t. 4 . o-t. won e.2 o.w... Pe11l1011.0•y IU) dtl Jtck•o11-En,e1. 11-4, 8·4: del haker-Eltlott, 1·2. -&. Otlwr.Qalthtr (U) IOtl 1-e, W ; IOlll 0-t. ...... • &...-.IMOtl••-2 ...... ScNntz (LB) IOtl to Khanna. 3·1, dll. Smith, l-0. Oel. Ren-. e-2. def Ftr'1Mdez. 8-0; Perry (LI) won. e. I, &-1, e-2. l-0, KOlltrlda ILB) won, 8-0, toet. 5-7. won. 8·3, t.o; llNmlleld IL8) won. e.1. e-2. &-<>. t--0 D.-.. W l tlud ·lrt11dl I ll) del T11111gmo-E1hrtoo•. 1·1, e.o, d•I edgl·AOdO•'*· l ·O. •·2 . ~llotl\maf (LSI won, .... t-a. -.•1.f.2 ................ ""'· ""' '"' O.on.I CHS) dtl~. t-1. def Qarntr, f.I, del Yo1111g, 1·1, dtl Hg11ye11, f ·O, e.nwd (Hel won, M , M . U , 1-1: Gani (HI) won, ~1. W . t-1. Iott, :M; 8adllly(H8) -· M . M . t-3. loll!, .... ....... f.trnael·8trtlt IM9) dll Tolt11·Nelton, 7-11. t-t, epll1 wltll lalta.-f\Odu, 4 ... f.2, Cr""""-<:errol (H8)won, 7-5. M , lolll.11-7. 2~ Hlah echoot C.,.l"LAYOff 9 .... Mil'-••22. Torr-I Alhlmbrt 2•~. a..nnow.r 1•;, So T otrtnoe 21. LI Poly 2 Fullat10fl 24, Collon 4 Bania llarbilt• ~ .. CemtrtllO I ThouMnd Ollke "°· PNadef\t 2 HunllnQIO<I 8Mcfl 21~, lroy t •;, NewpOrl HatbO< 27. Canyon 1 Edlaon 19, Sen Gtbrlet ll Unlver91ty 14'-'• FootNtt 13~ RadllROI 20'"'· Or.,. 7'A LB Wllec>n 23, 8IYtrl)' Hiiia 5 PfllOt V•dM 15, Hwvtrd 13 &lnny Hiiia Ill, F0!.1Rttin VlllWf 10 Wettlllla 18~. De:. PuaCloa 9'A Corona del Mat 211. LAIAIWOOd 0 I-A ~ 8Mdl 21. Watren 2 Kat ... 111. Gal\( 12 OlandM 22'AI, Sin Lull Otilepo 51;, Afoura 11\i, Air~ Otande 9'-' =--~.~(~)~ LA Cenadt It~. UplanO 11•;, LA OlllnCI 21, flalnone 2 ,.._.,.Pd\' 21'-'· LP WMlon 1'" a..non1 22, Hen>el • Lot Namltot 17. San ci.m.nte 11 MIMlorl Viejo 111 Miii• Del n OowNy 111 • .._ 12 Lot Allot 19•;,. Stn Mwlno 9'"' RIQhatll 111• ... T9mP'9 (;lly 11· .. Calebaaaa 28. 8IW 0 J.A Loyola 24. ~ 4 Valencia 14, Bellflower 14 IV•lencla edVtnote Oii U-won. IOll·tt) Redondo 21. MO<llabello 7 Gladatone 19, Mon1clalr 9 Horlhlllaw 19, Chino 9 San 8-natdlno 23, Clilxtc:o 5 Burrouglla !Ridge.) 17, Apple Valley 11 ~ 11. S•vanna 12 RoyW ()all 17. cui-City 11 Indio dll. Brea-Olinda, tcort uneYall•.l>ie C<Mna 25, LA Mired• 3 CrefC>I 23'"'· Hert ''h LA Serna 21'"'· Hawthorne 1 '"' •• ~~· -· T~~--= Otnny ()neals , .. 1131 Booby Aat181 197 NO A J FO)'l 191 76' C""4 Fllhp llM 258 0-. WNrungtOll 1 IM 000 8ooby u-192 864 Howdy HollNI 1119 116 8oOOy u... -dt1WIQ • Cl\MIP car ror Iha Int lime INe ,.ar and la ill ~ Cl#u s bad<up Mtrch car He ... WOUidn't My II hi lfllendl 10 dri"9 lo quallb(lone lhla ...... end Four other drlv.,a who qutllhed tut """'end-• on lhe lracll Tueedav lnctr deeth• OlllYPI .. llACI 1fl0t-Wllllem 8oroe Md Herry Holcomb. bOtll af Spnngfleld, M- 19111-LOOll L9Cocq. Frtnoe. and Arlhof Tr.urman, WuNngton. O.C 1929-Bllt 8'>enea. Loa Angella 1933-Martl 81Hrnan. tndl111eoo111. and L•ltr Spangler, .Loe Mgalat 1135-Cl•Y w .. thetly. csnc1nn1u 1930-Floyd Robarla. Ven Nuyt 11M7-Shorty Canllon, lndlanacio411 1953-Cert Scuborough. Cl.,katon, MICll OflfYSflS .. PMCnc9 Ofl OUAUlllCATIC*I 1110-Tony KlllctNI 1811-Mltry Mettlft tHl-IMf'*' Jonts. ~ldlefl•cu•s 1931-Joe Oecdda. 8tyn W-, Pt 1132-Mlllon Jon ... Cleveland. end WlmMIO.-.~.~ 19:M-"91er l<r•. Knox .... T.vt 113$-~ HIMOll, Mcln1ttowll. Pa., _, 81\IOOy ltoibl*flald, Lot~ 1'40-0eorge ~-lndlalllPOlt 1Ma Aalptl ~. Vtn Nuya 19411--otoroe Mlalw. • M11a11apo11s 19$3-Chtl ........ ~ 19116-Mtnuel Aruto, BurbaNI 1'57-Kallh Andr-.. Colottdo ~. Colo 1951-Jeny u.-. Lono 8Mch, _,Sob Cort ..... "9dtandt. IHI-Tony llttenh•uNn 81 .. Tinley Ptn.. Ill. 1tl1-Mlh lpenoe, MeldlllhHd, England. 1172-Jlm MllloJ. Denver 1973-All ~d. Medford, Ore. 1912-0ordon lmlle)'. Gt~. T•ua •CttAMC• .. "'ACTICll 1923-~Htrrll 1931-Ctat.-O<OYtr. H-1ord Pa 1932-Hany Coa, lndlallliCl(Jll 1933-BoO Hutat, ~ 1134-Aobart H ..... Cl1lno 193!-lAO ~. Lot Mgalat 1937-ASOen Ooalko. Gerv. tna TRACK~ IN AAct 1M1-Jolwl Mtsanu, OeMlll, llld 11173-Armando '""'· 8ant.e ~ eNCTATOAa AT llACI 1909-Homtr Jollff, Fr.,..lill, Ind • and J-W•t.~ 1121-Ben Shoup, Lala,ette, llld tt31-Wltbut 8Mk tit. tndiallapolt 1937-0eorgit Watford.~. and 0110 Rhode. T o61do. Onlo 1938-E-e« 8'>enea. Terre H"1te, Ind. 1980-P:red Lind.,. tndt•111poll1. end Wiiiem Craig, Zlonsvllla, Ind T~renuctlont ~ ........ SEAnLE MANNERS -Actlvalld 0.... Henderaon, oulllelder Aaslgntd Tllad eo.ty. outfiatdlr. to Sall IMl• CMy of 1'11 Padflc eo.t LMgUe SAN FAA~~~ -Senl AJMt FOWi<•. Pff(:fltr, to Ptloenlll of Iha PaCllftc Cout Laague Cllled UC> Miki <:Ma. pitcher. trom Ptloelltx 'OOT'tAU. ........ ,..... ....... BALTIMORE COLTS -SIOMd Terry Crouc:tl. guard c ...... ,.....,.~ HAMILTOH TtOEA..CATS -Pat• Langford. ~ end. IWICI Aigelhol. MneOacll• socco Mwtlt~--....... PORTLAND TIMBERS -Signed Tarry ~ .... lotwtrd TULSA ROUGHNECKS -Trtded Joe Morrone, mldltatdtr. to Ille S•n Joa• ~-for Todd Seki-. lllidlialOer. two dr•ll ~. IWICI caall COl.laOI ARIZONA -AnllouMld Ille reelgnallon OI o. ... St•-*· •lNIMte dtreclor HOATHWEST NAZARENE -AnnounCecl lh• r .. lgn•llon ot Te11y Leyton, he•d bnlletb.it OOICh PANCAKE BREAKFAST 1:30 A.M. -12 lloon i i f I t i I I ' • • • • PLAYER OF THE YEAR Jaurela went to FM\anda HJah'• Jeff Gardner ln All-S• View League bueball selectiona by the coache• -and there's no araument ~orthcomlng from. thia direction. • But; thele are two ways to look at the blue chip awards at the end of campaigns -and there abouJd. be iwo· awards. Player of the Year and Most valuable Player. TheJ'e ii a difference. Player of the Year equates to talent, Most Valuable equates to just that, value. lmlCE And when you talk about value,· i----"8.JC _____ _ Corona del Mar'a Dave Rohde oomea l'IC'm10U9 .U.... to -'~ -'~ he '---NAm tTA~ ui.u-.., ... -...:: WU an un~ten The followlng person I• doing -:lfii•iiO;;: pttcbei with a .400 betting averap on bullr.-ea: ,. .... _... L--~··-..a THE WARMIN~TON GROUP, "''" be mMte wtth~I a Cnuu . tqu.&. C rMty, ..,,,._Of ltnpli9d, , .. Both have aelected for the 11100 Gillette A-, INIM, dint Vt .. , pGHllll'Oft, Of Ml• South '2714. NM!f ..... to Mlllfy .. ,....... aquad on the Onnae County E.O. W1rmlno1on, Jr .. 1 ..._of._ NoW °' otMt ~ game, and that'a aomet6in~~ Newpott Hiit DrM w-. aetlon ~ i.y Mid Deed bt oonsidering the le1ectionl by ~~·~ en !.~-=:.:=.a:.:: Hlah'a Myron Pinet. · E.O w .M. If lf'IY, under fie"""'~ end -'l'he Orange Coast area baa a...,,_;1.., wlthlM "*'-°"lldl~end- Fountain Valley'• Dean Roberta, eter11 °'Or County on ._, dler9ll Md....._°' ti. Mater Del'• Mike Llnd1ten, Mey 10. 1982. ,__ !~!::~.~,~~.~ Huntington Beach'• Greg Shirley, ....., ••••:r.• MIOUlttof..., aua tM,lnc:illdnJ ,... __ Mela'• JeH a-u v..-.__,1 _, ... _ -.,., 1100 r I I ._ _, • f ..... ~ _.... &.......,.-... w -CA• 19t lftd...,_fll._T,....,•h DeBenoo and Greg Cloney and Ocean -· tllM Of ·~·Ion of tllll View'1 Kfttn Stanley on the squad _ PubCI Orano• Cou1 Dally ...,._, II and that'• Jt. Noc 1t, 21, .11.-:ie 2. •• o.d! , .. ' 3091-12 lQUITY, INC. Pinell dime eight from four Garden 8 ~ OOlpotl .. On ~oo~v::g~ot~ ec.-~=· pme " at La Palma Park fn Ana.l)eim PICflllOUe ••11 •M .. ~ on June 8. NAm ITATllmff 0 J ...__ Area teams . advance 'J!lll1 vict.oliea by Brien SUDtvan, David Gerken and David Propp in ~ action. The Se. ~ doublet teams of 19/ff ~ and Ian Aler and John Wa1her and The lollowlng P9f90flt .,. doing By. . • ,.._ -~-... ,.,...,,. MANAGEMENT IE"VICES == ="' lrowldy GROUP, 5582 l.UdJOW Avenue, • a...""' CA 12708 a.din Grow. Cellfomll 92645 {71~) .... ,0 Thom u R. Humphrey, 3 4 Putlllflad OrlnG8 Ca.I Delly Plot. ~ EHi. lrvlne, C•IHornl• Mey a. 12, It. fN2 John 8 . Higman. H24 s. 209l-12 llrohdlla A\llflUI, ~. CIMof.. , nc1tnou• ..... , ~ ...--eTA.,._NT The lotlowlng pereon It doing i ~u: J.O. INOUSTRIAL SUPPLY, t A1el'l1e Nll)f._ evety0ne wllon Ile comes home ll'om wcxk t>ur1nq glh• 91\d 9nod c.llMt m~TWITH CLETE A08EAT8 '1'} 8USINE88 REPORT !BMtwS 8AAN!Y MlU£A Htrtit't booil al>Oul 1M 12111 pr8Clnc:t la lln~ go1119 to be ~ and Woto b<tflgt his ,_ pel botd lO~ (C, MOVIE • • "You Llglil Up My lit• • ( 111771 Otdl Conn, Joe Silver An ••pltlng songw"t41f tnea 10 cope with the """man In II« hf• ... n. .. •labCllNnlJ '* own !Oentlly ·PG• H CHAAl.lt, THE LONESOME~ A lum~ dlpl8 and ta1SM an~~ k••ten IP.rt 2J 1000 ces ..,._ 0 H8Ch9W& 0 ~DAVI AGAIN Rid\... Rillpl); ,OClla Md f.onZJe toctradln• •ine twci.. m M•A•S-H The yea. ttS1 -to fly by lot IM 4077th {Part 1) (!) JOl<ER·s Wll.O ID BUSINESS REPORT ~ PORTRAITS IN PASTELS lnnocen<» In Profile'' P.M. MAOAZJN£ An 1nt!llV!flW wrth Cathe- ,.,,. Baell of TV'• "The Ouk• OI Hauwd", 27 "°''pies lake part in • mat· "419' ,_al wedding Uf- emooy 11'0 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGl-iT Patl 3 of ·HOilywood's UnlOhled Murder•" look• et lr.e <1 .. 111 ot 8oO Ct- Clf THE Ml.lf'PETS Gv• I ~Moor• l0 J THE VIAY fT WAS • t9•7 World Serl••" 6rool<lyn Oodgenl w Hew YorYY811tt-(Part 1) t,, CHAAU!I CHAMPUN TAU<S WfTH., Irving Alltn And tt.b e.rstwi M5l ~ • • , Th• Road To Wer"(19391 Oooum.nlwy T lwt ,,_ Of ti» Fllldllt 0 KNXT (CBS> 0 KNBC !NIK> 0 1o.TLA11nd) O •MBC IABCI 0 IC.FMU ((8~1 mova1•1t -*°"' ttw tftd of Woftd W11 I \0 t~J -.. u.. Olilolld. J:IO. t ON THI TOWN F..wrtd· Point V9"UI In Frandl ~ TINll'a ~IUI-.~ dancing wl lynctlfonlad ganoe reolng; P~• Hatbof Ind T.u.oe. the IMnd --by M.rtoft BrlllldO; Or."'-' PN I.Jn. ltlhee, pi.uc ... geon to the a1..: kort Geotoe Von Dangel. r~ from IN royal t9mly ol Potand. 0 QI FAMI. Y FEUD 8 LAV!RNa&.....aY &COMPANY Tile glftt ~ IO 09C Chelf names and phone num- b91 • olf • men's room W81. 8 EYEC>tllt..A. Fealur9d: • ptofMe of the 1882 Pleymate of the YW; a ~ on 1ltOlellce In L09 AngelM llglllnlt ~­ uala. • M•A•e•H "TM Ufw You S.V." • (I) TIC TAC DOUCJH • MACNEl. / LBRR AEPOffT G MEDIA PA08E8 "Po4itlcal ~•" WMfllng- lon Poet oolumni. Mertl Shlelda looU .. the '9dl- nlqu. I.wed by tod.y'• poljllc:el medle lnlllera. 9 9 YOU ASKED FOR rT Feeturad: ··CNetati ,__ Mot~" Md "C:.C-- lno " (B)BOXINO National Collegia.t• "->- elation Anak'' The bea1 eolleglal• boxen In 12 weigtll a-~ for the natinal .,.,..., (Q)BAIBAU. CtiJe.go C4.il>a al Loe Angelee Dodgen tiOO 8 (I) THE INC:MDa.E HUlJ( .......... ~ by ....... WOl'*I who,_ ~ "°"' prilon. (A) •• MMC() POU> Marco .... In lo"9..., .. ~~deugll-­ .. of one of...,...,_. of !he ,...,.. fectlan wflo .. lnlef\t on -1tvowlng Kvblal Ktlen'a ~ (Part4) 8 MOYIE * • 11111111 "Patton" (Pert 2) 11910) Georve c. Soon. Kan Malden. The oolcw1ul end con1r--.. o.n.111 George S PMlon .._,_ SIOfmy mllttwy c:elt,.,.... from Euroc>e 10 Noni\ Afli.. c:e durfnO World Ww II. 8 0 T'HE GMATE8T AMENCAH HERO Ra1pti o-lnlo ~ dlmeNlon to beltle a lemale IC)lftl wtlO Ilea pee- __, 8111,,..._.. (A) 8 MOVE "Rega or The Oraoon" t!_MO) Oregon i..... G) P.M. MAGAZINE ..... ~ young "-- ~own belt: an lntenoleiw with Calllertne eadl of TV'll "The Duk• Of Haz- zard." • MOVIE •• ~ ''The a. Of Benny Hiii': (19Tt) Benny ... Jac:k Wright. Benny la toll'9d by ~ 8rttllh 0 On TV 1 Z TV H HBO C 1C:1nemaa) t 1WOR> NY ,N V ~'1 IWTBSJ I IESPHt • IShowttmel " St>ollighl • <C•bl~ H•~ Networll) ----tar IOOll .... ~· eMDA "PollOcal 99ota" W ton Poet c;oMnni8' ~IDC*•8'1M nlQYel uMd by lod .-.~-OMMti9 ''The o..m Of Don ~ dalllpe" Alef.andrO Rey recounta the •IOl'Y of the ... and, tin-of Callot- nla'• binding .... - Oenef.t 0o*'Wp9 V ... Jo. (C)MO'll! * * * ~ "The Oeln C'.utM" {Pert 1) (1979) JMIM eooum. ~ AddlaOn. BMtd on the novel by DMflilll HMvMtt. A ~ ~. '"-~19 a diamond robbery ~a_,__., .._... and • 9ltMge young woman who .,..._ lfle'I Iha Ylcllm of • family c:utM. Cl)!llZMM "a.t Of ltlr.wr9'• 8-lCI Seeeofl'' .MOYIE 11111111 * * "The i.. M9tro" (1980) Cetlleltne oar-. O.wd 0.Wdleu. Direct- ed by F,_.,. Trvltaut. Outing WOtld Ww II, the p<oprletors of a lm8ll Pane tMelre try to keep et.Ir eltabllltlmel It OC*'t dutlrlo tne German ~. 'PO' t:ao. AU. ... T'HE FAIA. y Stephanie nead9 -van- cy swge.y but Aldlle balk• when lhe doc1or 1urn1 out to be -of Glo- rle'• lonna-pllymelea. • IOtJ)9 GR.I The c:Nng98 In attlludea and ~ In rolea tor both male Md lemele Armx .,.._ • ., IWOUQIM el:lolll by the edf; ....,,, ..,. women ,Into the armed -- lllcea -.xp!Onld. . 8 WATER, WATER EVPYWHEM? A look et the varloua - of the Calllomla --aup- ply Md lhe conlr<Wen¥ aurroundlng .. pr~ P9rtpMral Canel. (J) A COUNTRY MUSIC TIWU1"E TO ICITlY WILL8 Tammy~ hoela tNI tr1bul• 10 the "~ Of Countty Muelc" IMNrlng perlormancea by Lynn ~Tom T. Hal, Hank Wlllaml Jr.. Metia Kilgore, Charly Mcl.aln, Roy Acutl end Kitty w ... henelf. Taped at ~ ...... Grand Ota ()pry H~ (%)MOVIE 1111 1111. ''The "'-" ( 1179) a.ti. ....... Alen a.tea. A dltvwi roell linger' a llte In !he ,_ .... leeda ,_ '"• ~IOdlMater.'R' 9:00 8 (I) MCMI *** ''Who'I Stop The Rein?" (1979) Nick Nofte, Tuetday Weld. A Mtllela -of dn,g ~ pur-. tlwee Nn&l-.in .._ ~ of aldden ...nh beoofn. • deeper· ... Dettle tor "'* ._. • 0 THI! FALL Gl.l't Colt Ind Howle nwl to Hawaii to J1k* up IWO bell- ~ -llNl191 L (A) -• ....VGM'flll ou.t: 1(9 Aud!Nn. • JAZZ AT THI! MMrTENANCa 8HOP "Del!ter Gordon ~ (No. 2r o.. 0onton. tenor Mll: Auyfua AMd, 1> .. a; GecHg• Cabl ... piano: ~ Oladdoen, drww.(A) (Jl)MCMI * * ** "He!wOfll" (ttTe) Fey• Ounney, Pet« Ancll.M ... ......... ,_..,., .... ,...,.. .,.. =1. NlWI • .8A ~ Hoal: 81• Mertln. a-19: ~ ""-"· I YOUASl(ED M"A"8"t\ ~--· hit ,.,,_, ~ 1*" of the wedly -· .. the40T7th. • BINNY-.L Benny ple)'9. "°'~ .. ., caught In "" AmlWtOGn and RueMn-~ • DK:KCAWTT (JI) OM LOC4TIOM "Robert l(Jeln Al Y .. " (Z)MCMI **'A "Thief" (1991) Jatnff Cun. Tllftday Weld. A profeel6onal cr<dt glvea up Illa llidependence tor ·a big eoore ttlllt he hopea .. -· hll fem6-~· Mvre. 'A" 1t:IO • (I) MOYIE ••• "Orea" (1977) ~ •d Hema. a-toti. "-m- ~A --del llltlet· man 1191poo119 end 11111 a wtlele,. Initiating a bloody bettle Mt-hlmMlf and tne wt\ele'I met.. (R) 8QJTONIOHT Hoit: Johnny Carson. au.I: Alen King. 89 MCNEW& NIOHTUNE D KWAK Kojall'a anger with an lnc:omp9tent «*ttict ettor- ney oec• 111m .,ependad ll'om Iha force. en.JDffMOH8 George _ ... big party tor .. 50th ~. but no -.... -lntet· eetad. • IANF'ON> AHO ION F1ed lnlerT'upta • .........,,, c:ooklng 8tlOW to ~ • deoAoe he .. Mlllfig. 8 NEWAEAT WITH Cl.ET! "°9ER'r8 • CAPT10NED NliC NEWS (C)MCMI 1111. "The Outlew'' ( 1943) ~~.Welter~ ton. a.y the Kid ,... In io... with • tie.rtlful --an WhO hldee him from the leW. t t!41 (J) MOYIE 1111. •\+ "The ,_ a.. _.. .. (1N1) A.Ian Aide, Carol Butnett. Three cw- plea, ... c:loee. iono-ame ....... ~pre>­ lound dlMgel In ... rMetloneNpa "'*' -Of th• marriage• dlaln· ...-.·n ,. --.MDIGHT-, 1~. IHTMTANIEHT TONIQKT Pwt 8 of .. ~~· UneaMd Murders" loob .. the dMttl of Bob ~ eO LOYEIOAT Gopflef .. In tor • lllr'9« In tM lcM.Wl09, a ·-euapectl .,... Illa .... .. tMMng en "''*· Ind a wtd-ow,..........,__ aurprlee. (A) 'PO• 1:10®~ •• ''The ~" (tNt) M..._, CllM, Andf .. .. ~ lizarr• ino. dent• and nlghlm•rff betlrl ~In·-- 10011191'1 llf• aller he .,... the io.. of • ~. '"' ..... MOY9 **'-' ''Jem .. Deen" (1979) Steptien MeHattle, MlchMI Brandon. A young men recell hie long fl1lncj.. lhlp with a 19609 rebel from the momern ~ !heir Int ~ .. 9edgllng tclOrw.. a:ao• MOY9 **'A "Lady From L.oullt-ene" (t.,.1) JofWI w~. One Muneo11, A 1.ou11W1e ...,_.. fOINflOe .-i IN ~of aWll«nown ...... ........... ......... -.... =~· . .......°',.,,. ~ (•11 tWly HMlln, ~~nw. young L.A. bechelora de¥ot9 U*r .. glee IO .. "'°" °' ... r-*'11· 'PO' 3:008 MOYIE * * "Guad&.. ~ MY" (1874) ~lary. IUrrli.d by lellle ~. ~ of natwe COl'flj)en- .. ,. for Ille lolliea of man-/A'lnd ....... , .... In thla lo<* .. how the .... of the famous World Ww II beltle 11 now a llourl•hlng eooeystem. .MOYE •• "Kii And Kii Aoein" I 1911) ~ Ryan,~ Nne Krlel. A martial arta e-.pert bett1ee the mlnlone of • power-med ader!tlet Intent on enalewlng man- kind with • ,_ mlnd<on- lrol drug. 'PO' ,_.,.Cf:) MOYIE * * "The Man With Bogart' a Fec:e" ( 1HO) Robert Saccnl. Ollvia Hu.- MY· A man dec:ldM to chenge ""' llfeslyte and a:tt )'llc:al ~ 10 ble hi• ~ Idol. 1111 IY' I oung Lady a.tter. A Harlea Mc:8tlda. lw I womM Inherits and ... hl'G9 mention d«allng • dlairy eeceplldea , oua MXUll S:ll CID MOYIE 1111 "The Aw I ,. ( 1980) CNwtton ng Susannah Yorll. ' 111ctlaeologllt'• n becomea POPIPPl?lf by ,,........11 "*" of endent EQyptllln ~ 'R' •:ta• M18110H: ~ The IMF ~ the mle- alon of finding ..... o.:erefull)' hidden ~ fortune. (Z) TH& COUNTRY OK. F1RY9 Our-.,.. Dlc:lc Van ~·end~ Howard...., In lhla ~of Cllf· ford Odet'. JIU)' ltlout the complex reletlon•hlpa betw"n an alcohollc ectof. Illa wHe and • thMl- ricel dlnlator . 'PO' MO())···~ MM)laocty.. guerd" ( ttTt) Chrle Makep,.ce, Adem 8alchwln. The ,_ kid II e Chicago lllgh achool ..... frlende .... Iha ICtlOOI outCM1 end logel .... • tt)9)' atand up to the c:N- • gang wNcfl Md .,.,,. MQl!td lt*'I boUI. 'PO' • * 1111 ''The ApPe Dump- ling Gang" (1975) 8111 Bix- by. Suun Clerk. A Qldlllllrp ·-'° taM pc P0 don of -.,.a11; able propeny for • friend, and le rather surprlaad 10 ...,,, that thr• orplww -Included In the dal . 'G' e:Of (%) 11111111 * "The Earthllno" I 1980) Wllllern Holden, Rielly Sdvoder. A wortd tra......, teechee a young Otphlll the ways of IUMval In the Australian wtlder- -. ·PO' l:OO a::>.*··~ "The Dain Curle" (Parl 1) (11178) Jama Coburn, Nan?)' Addi.on BllMd on the now! by DeetlleM Ham- mett A p<lvale ¥ .,_U. gaUng • diamond rObbefy encc>u111en a _.. of murders Md • strange young woman wllo ~the'• the *tlm Of a femll)' curae. t:IO •• t,; '"Neath Arizona S6ilae 'I 193<t) John Weyrw • Shella Terry. A QOWboy trlee lo r-e young Indian girl lrom kldnlipptn who•• after tw lnhertlJd • ....ui ...... (Z) 1111 *'h "The Wander· era" ( 1971i) IC9fl WeN, Lin- de Manz. The memt>en of a I~ 11N!Oe atreet OS.'11 In lhe Bronx dleoo¥er lhel the p<-of growing QP and talllng In '°""' -muc:fl more dlfllcUlt ~ etlOIS thlln .,;ry of the Nm- bles they've taken p8l'I "'· 'R' 10:00 ® •• '"' "Cwdtac Arrelt" I 1978) Gerry Goo- drow, Mike Chan. A ble~ matkel operation lhlll Miis d'-nbodled llNrt• for ensplanta .. dl8COYet9d an ollbeat l'tomlclde 'PO' * 1111 "Cuttw's Wey" ( 1 John ~. .,.,. " maimed VII(. end hie belt dropout. n• la)•*•"""-,_ ' .....,..., 011.N AIM ~C»tt ........ ..... ......: ....... ..... .... ,....., ... ... ...................... ••'I ........ ,.. ,, ... ....,.,.... .. ..... ~-.. ttM (J) •• ~ ""'-,_ .. ,, .. ,, "*''*'-...... .,_.....,,A..,. """ .. "..=::-~ • ~ .'tl' -··:·~ .. ~ ... , .. ,...,,..., .. ,......... NdlMI ....,., "'° ...... .. "°"' ........... ~---•aw Wtt e ••• "TorelTor• Tcital" (PW1 J) (1t70) Miro tM..._.,..,c:oa.; In Da•n ... t .. t, ...... ... IOfoee 1-'Y ...... N1tot1110-n1~ "' ....... Oft.. . ; ..... ....,...,_ (tM7) M *"9, V... -;--....... .,.. . ....,.. "' • ..._ o4 tM '"°'-I II ~~,,,..._v Ill CMy, • * ••• ''TM LMt u.tlo" (tMO) ~ -~·Oer•d~ dllu, DnNd by~ T rvftlllt. Outing Wond Yf 11 II, ttle proe>rteeon of e llNI Plflt tNelr9 try to II-.> .. ..i.tl ....... opeit OUMg ... ~ OOCl-lon. 'PO' 1:00 a::> • * ~ "The FlanclWI Plot Of Or Fu ....... .. (1N0t '"--........ lld c..... The F8I _, ---land YWd'• o.t. ~ • Smlttt ~ die , ... yew.(11<1 well .......,, -.. Nerdlea tor the lngr96- lanll. lncludlng the CfOWI\ ........ UMd to "*• .• ~ellxll'.'fl'O' t;16 <ll * * * ''The l!wW!no" (11180) WlflllM Holdfn, Rlalcy Sdvoder. A WC)lid ~·-=--a~ orptlln the WllYI ol ~ In IN Auelr ....... 'l!"'o 'PO• t:o30 CR) • * "C.bon Cop)"' l (1tlt) George S~I, ~Saint--. A ..... ~.....,.~ dlaco¥wl lllat he .. • ""°"" -who .. ~ 'f'O' a. Cl) 1111. *'h "My Body- guard" (1t7t) Chrla M•kepeace. Ad•m 8aldw4n. The -kid ... Chicago high •chool mall.a fr'lendl wlt1I ltle IChoOI OUlcut Md logetn. et tlley 11.nd up IO the ON- el ~ wtlldl had per- aecuted them both. 'PO' 2:30. *.}\''The 0.-, Horjzon" (1911) 4- St-.t • Philip Sayer. All -zoologla1 In Afri. ca llndl a refuge on !fie wlldllf• pr-of .,, 916- erly man and his grand- daught•. S:OO D * *'h "lMng Fr•" (1972) ~ Hamp9Nre, Mlgel Oewnport. nw .. ~loneube­ lnlO • tor1a of troub6e while beif'G lranlPOt\ad 10 ~~· (II) ••• "The Outtew JowoJ Walea" (11178) Clnt Eeatwood. londre Lodi& Amen~en~ when • """'-bend of Union 80dar'I dealrop .. SOuthem larm and ldla hie wife and ton. 'PO' (Z) * * "King Of The Moun!Mn" ( 1M I) Herry Harnlln, Joeepfl Bottoms. Tine young L.A. bec:t• lora devoe• lheW ~ lo the 8')0tt of drag rac:819- 'PO' 4:00 Cf:} 1111 "Sea91 Ve/W(' A group of ~.,. try lo help 1n o6d man twn a gh09I 1-Into a -- camp (I) 1111 • "The Sftoouon W•• rlora: Spac•k•t••"" (1911) Animated A ~ prirl08M ernbwtla on a mlaalon to stop the bet· betlane who ... ~ ble for killlng '* pwenta and the other IMebltartta of ,_ hon'9 planet. 4:30. * • "Underground ,._.. ( 1980) Dirk .,,.. dlc1 ........ Orttflth. Pllf1l- lng attendants wreak havoc ... _.. 8e¥erty Hiia 11oCe1, 'PG' 6:$0 (B) **'A "The M~ Stranger" ( 11182) CNfll Mekeoeece. F1'ad ~ A dllydl ..... ig M · t>oy fanclee 1n encoun with .,, Mgel of dUbbpl Of1gln In rnedlew9I Au9trta ' ' } I 1iurn fish eggs into cavlg1:-.. D8 wishes Pert OI the adtermnt of a weddloc l• t ... bradal 1howet. The ho1te11 mow. U.t the f\ln of openJ.na 11.ftl (without~ the nb6ona) Will be ,tW'd to tot· . Ambroala, the food of the 1od1, thould ll~p the biah 1plrit. 1oln1. Thia Pear-Grape Jewel Ambrolla ii a luadOul venkln of everyone'• favorite ~ -dirrrrcake. Festoooed with tlicel of peen and IUccWent p-apee. it'• lovely enou&h to p1eue the 1adiel and hearty~ to Pleue the men, lf the perty adopta the new mode of lnclud.lnl both eexes. The p-apee add hJatory aa well u beauty. Th~re were references to tar *" ln time • 4000 B.C., today'• improved ltra1m pro- vide , er varieties. Luc oua ~lavor, t!ley continue the wedding tradition of something old. PEAR-GRAPE JEWEL AMBROSIA 1 can (16. ouncee) pear halves 2 envelopea un.6avored gelatine 3 egp. 1tparated ~cup milk 3 plCJtlCeS (8 OWXlel each) cream cheeee, aoftened 1 tablespoon lemon juke 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel. l taapoon vanilla 6 tabte.poona supr· l cup IOW' cream C.OCOnut Crust (aee below) ~ cup ireen, red or blue/black grapes. halved and seeded if necewary Glaze (aee below) Grape clusten n1l1a untll emooth; alowly add cooled aelatine mixture. If neceuary, chill m1xture unUl alJahtly thkkeneCS. Beat e11 w!Ute1 untU 1of t peak1 form; 1radually beat ln 1u1ar until 1tlft peen tonn. On low speed of electric mix.er, beat ea whites and IOW' cream cheeee mixture. Fold in chope_ed pears; tum into c:run-llned pan. Re- frigerate at least 4 houn. Several houn before aerving, allce each re- aerved pear half in Court.hi; arranae pean and 1rapee on cheeaecake. Spoon ilaz.e thinly but evenly over all Refrlaerate until glaze ll firm. Run warm knlfe around edge of cheese- cake then remove sides of aprtncfonn pan. Garni1h with grape clu1ter1. Make9 16 to 20 1ervtno. Cocoaat Crut 1 ~ cup• flaked coconut. ~ cup finely chopped almonds and \4 cup butter or margarine ln 8~ or 9-lnch 1prlngform pan. Bake at 350 degrees about l~ mlnut.es or until golden; stir oocaa1onally. Preis over bottom of pan. Cool completely. . Glau Combine 2 teaspoons cornstarch and dash salt. Add water if necessary to remaining reserved pear syrup to equal ~ cup liquid; gradually lt1r into cornat.arch mixture. Cook •nd stir until thickened and clear. Stir In l teaspoon lemon juice. Cool slightly. CHAMPAGNE GRAPE PUNCH 3 <!dpe green red or blue/black grapes, halved and leeded if necessary " cup orange liqueur 3 fifths champagne, chilled In punch bowl, combine grapes and orange liqueur; let stand 30 minutes. Pour champagne over grapes and li- queur. To serve, ladle punch and a few grapea into each glass. Makes about 24 punch cup servings. · .GJFTS FOR THE BRIDE -Pears and fresh grapes flavor a springtime cheesecake for a party to honor the bride. Drain pean; reeerve 1yrup. Set ulde 3 halvee for gamiah; chop re- maining pean. Soften &elaUne in ~ cup reeerved pear syrup; ltir tn beaten eq _yolka and milk. C.ook and lt1r over botllna water in double boiler 5 to 10 minutes or unUl gelatine ia thoroughly di.olved. Cool 10 minutes. Beat cream chee.e, lemon juice and peel and va-Recipe may be doubled or tripled. Fad diets: Living off the fat of the land By MARY JANE SCARCEUO ..., .... ,.. ... lt'1 the topic of dbcuaaion at offices and club meet:lnga, over bountiful benqueta and a cup_ of black coffee: everyone'• looking for an eM'J way to loee weight. "We annually spend milllona of doll.anon diet boob, diet centers. health spa. exerdle equipment, body wrape -you name it. U it promi1e1 eome type of weight reduction, we uaually inveet in it," acoordina to Marlene Beno, Ulistant director of Lona Beach Memorial Ho1pltal'1 Food and Nutritional Care Department. She 1poke about dieting and weight reducdoo to food editors recently at a nutrition·conference in San Diego aponeored by the Dairy Council of CallfOrnia. Noting that women'• maga- zinea often promote what 1he calla a "diet of the month," ahe added, "For the pMt four and a half yean, there always ha been , at leaat one diet book on the · top-10 be1teeller ll1t. At thi1 point, there are two." Before buying a book or follo- wing a plan, readen 1hould check an author'• education and experience, the said, to look for degrees from well-known or credible colleges and aff:l.Uationl with .reputable health and medi- cal centers. "Dietl lhould not be monoto- noua, expensive or unpalatable," ahe eaicf. '.'They 1hould have a realilUc time frame with a grad- ual weiabt Muction of about one or two poundl a week. If you're loelna more and you're not in- volved tn a bighly active physical program, you're loaina mute)e imm and pjrOteln. You're not lo-llna exd-.fvely fat ... She added, "The problem iJ not beiDC overwei&ht, the prob- lem la not leamina bow to be wetcbt -the problem la leam1na a syatem to ~ that i:!f't o8 Dieters losing more than two pounds a week are shedding muscle as well as fat If not exercising regularly. '"ll'l:altlae ..... n lot 1"9wut. One \l~ ~ --the °'1*' ~·._.,.\htrto halMi-t.af.ll*f,al bride· to-'-· U 1°" or IOMIOM you anoW .. plan.n1ril • bridal 1howtr, lt'1 Important that eve1ythln, be per-fect, from th• dtoora- tlona rt1ht dowl\ to th• dellltrt. An tlepnt cM.ert like Strawberry B•nana Cream Puff can be a fa- bulous t1na1e to thll moat memorable OOCNion. The wonderful flavon of fresh ttrawberrie1 and banana are coupled In the lllht, creamy bavari-an flfllng, made eaally with unflavored platine. STRAWBERRY BANANA CREAM PUFF 2 ta fresh straw- blrrMI a tta1poo_pe ltmoa ~ 1 envtlo~ unfla· YONdleladm 0 fabl•J>OCll'l IUIU' 2..,.....,. .. ~ NpmOkr . 4 drop• .-ed food "°10rtnl (opdolW) 1 cup ( ~ pt.) Whl~ p&rii or hMvy cream 1 banana, thinly lli· ced Cream Puff Bowl (aee below) Slice enou1h straw-berries to equal 4 cupa; reserve remalnlna atrawbemes for pm.tah. In blender or foOd pro- ce11or, puree 1 ~ cu pa allced atrawberrlef. Combine wlth lemon juice; 1et uide. In medium aaucepan, mix unflavored gelatine with 3 tables , Wend~,...-­wlU. • Let~liud l •lnute. tlr over low heat until 1.taUn1 11 completely d111olved, abou\ a man~ IUr In DUNtcl ltl~ and food:~. Pour lnto ~r e bowl and qhlll, ca Ollll'9nall~, Wl· tll m x".are mound• 1ll1M11 when di'Opped tl'Oin apoon. In medlwn bowl. bMt e•a whltea un'U aott peak• form: 1radually add Nmlinlna ~ and be9t \mtil atift. FOid lnto platb» mlxtwe. In medium bowl. whip ~ cup cream; fold 1nt9 1el1Uin m1xtu.re with re-malnlna aUced atrawber-rlea and banana. Turn Into Cream Puff B<>wl; chill until firm. Garnilh, with reaerved atrawber- Umol lwo ollen pet pure~ CoullOll llOOO only 10< COfl\OllllllOll wMel°'rk Ofders Cuslomer IJ'YS ill llJl>lic.tble Sllln IU Oller e)(pires May 30. 1982 Pr1Ct1 ll\ly •My 11 11'11lC•PlllllQ ~llOll$ Covoon llOOO only 111 Sou111etn Cllrfornia wlltrt you s4t 1111 memllenlllp stll ot 1111 Kentucky' I F1tt0 Cl!leken Auoc.,bon I ---·--COUPON __ .. __ ---------------16T I I I I I I ----------------1 il:tl'[E'( OOltiti a 409 Replace111ent Bottle lflf700 lo3lo7,~ Transfer Your 409 Trigger and SAVE! I I I I I I • Caress is the body bar with a special blend of bath oil to help soften and con- dition your skin . W~shing with Caress leave$ skin ~s sofi as can be. And now, you'tt save 40f when vou buy four bars. .. Cl.amen• Kosher' Dill Pickles arc piddcd cold. lbcy'tt never ~ookcd Ukc ordJnary shelf pidc.lcs. So they stay cool, crisp and dclicously crunchy.·Look for them in the rcfrigc:r.ucd scctk>n and gee a real deal on the Claussen Olill Dill. TO ()l(Al(lt ~~ ... 11 'NOllJUr .. '"" .... wrc• ....... ol • UUllUl1 pl..-7• "-il"'ll! .,..,.odtd \UU ....t.,... .............. IWW ll"""'ll<I ,...., ttw-_... ol.,.. u111., lnt'f .......,..,. ''"""""" lloa I 18S '''"'°"· '°"'" ;r µ L<IClll •""' ,., c ""'" """ '"""' ..... '"'"'' IW!ftlr•ud c......,.. ""'"'" _.., JO, Itel . l imit one coupon per purch.1~ Switc" to dw ,..._ ol Paradile imtad. Open •jar o( crunchy, deliclOiu MaW\I 1.oe• M.cadamla N•u frorn Hawaii and you'll be In Pan4lae bdott you know it. SAVE20C On Louis RidfTurkey Hot1Dog5 or Bologna. Low In Fat. High In Protein. · Rich is Louis Rich. All-Amertcan is because Louis Rich Turkey Hot Dogs and Bologna have reat All-American taste. They're mode ~om lean, speclaJly seesoned turkey. with 33% less fat, 23% more protein, and • 29% fewer calories than pork or beef products. So enjoy great all-American goodness. Clfp the cou· "'le. pon and cash In Loulslllrh J ontheRichUfe. ~· ~ Ma..N l.Oi&. MaaodaiNa NIM CO<"p. Hao. .......... Store Coupon . SAVEIOC ON .OARNATION ! ltSTAN'i' BREAKFAST , , ...... Mmmnil-111111!' I I bat'• .why tatty 1t ka and chop1 atand u to anlelS cooldna far than 1-ner' meat., try and -food' 1W TO PRBSERVE .~ The prevention of overcookin1 i1 para- mount to keep Jean meat. poultry and IMfood truly moiat. Lean and tender Mab, bamburfer, lift!', veat cutlet• and lamb cbop1 1hould be qwck- cooked and removed trom the beat with IOIDI inner pinkn .. remain-. • ina. Chicken and tur.: key cutleta i;nuti be re- mowd from \he beat the very minute 1nDel' ptnk- nHI di1appeara. And IMfood ii done the min- ute itl tram1ucency turm ~:tty, when the ftab to flake. ere are other ways to pl"e8eS'Ye and augrnellt rnolstDell • well; COOK IT FROZEN: One way to delay the evaporation of inner Juiclneu la to cook the food from ltl frozen aiate, thereby eealinR the Nutrition hazard I 'ANAHEIM -lf we ai-, what we eat. u the aaytna 1oes. moct of U1 are in aeriou1 trouble, aald bestaellinl author and nutrition expert Jan Brody. ......... -.. [§ UMIT 2 STEA~S PEA FAMILY \ Chlqlllta ·Bananas L8. UMIT I La P£R FAMILY LOWIN SOOIUMI HIGH IN POTASMIMI ....... -.-.............. _..,..._ lmllAJS .. .. SIUI ~--·-:-1.11 liilllmi ·-~ .. •1.11 .... - _..,..._ .. mm --SRllAT liiiiimm BiiiilP -.-~.!!'P..!!'!!!,Oll-1211 ---........ .. • F•YSIUI .. •1.8 .. •1.n .. •2.n ... •z.n .. 'I.II ·-- etatn•T° .... .. -.... -.-...... """'·---....... 1---..--...... __ ............. .,_ ...._.,,._.... ____ ,, _____ __ -..Oii .. ,....,_,...... _ _....,_,..,,..... ... ___ _ ----- ..... ~-· ~· -·1• ...... P.i£iia. • -· s.~a... e .:..•1.11 ..... Mr e ' -•u1 .... llM J:ll" ~ • _ .. • tr... • . -, ... '111 ..... __." ... , ....... u c..;;;;;;;;;.. ... _._ ........ u ITATO--. """'°"~ PAPER TOWELS t«>LL --·-.. --..2'!!--smm ~ -&.11• tt ma ......... ---@) · .. ' LIMONUMa OllOllANGa ---ll'm&n GATOUDE DRiii DOZ .... .. az.• .. '2.11 .. '2.11 .. '2.11 . I I 1:111111 IOI l:llll MR. ITOX reataurant ln Anahtlm will offer' a Southern ho1pitaUty cliill at 10 a.m. on May 28. Edna Bw'k.e, ........ by Phyllla Ann Manbal1. will ahare family ae.creta for p-epuina buttermilk bilculta. Irita IOUfOe and a Smlthfield ham. Fee ii $32.50. menu1 demon1trated. Lod1in1 at t he inn include• breakfaat and evenlna wine and cbeae. Call 494 ·3004 for reptraUon and lodlina ~UBRARY and Gardena ln Corona del Mar will offer two claaaea taught by Kay Paatoriu1. On June l~ 1he will ln1truct In a French 1ummer dinner, and on June 22 the topic will be do·ahead hors d 'oeuvre• for summer. Clu8es meet at 11 ~.m., and fee ii $20 per clua. Call 673·2 261 for regl1\rat ion and information. DIOSA'I Books and Cookwar. ln Irvine will off er Dolore1 Hoffman teachinl ele1ant, eaay and ecoftomical ideM fat u1lna pork at 6:30 p.m. on May 19. Fee ii $20. Ernie Corral and Darrel Stone will teach a c lan ln preparing Mexican aeafood dilhes. Include d wUl be red snapper Vera Cruz style, ceviche and enchlladaa with crab or shrimp Quick cookery filling. Fee ii $20. LOUISVILLE, Ky. Tarla Fallgatter will___lAP) _ The microwave t e a c h. • cl a 11. i ~ven la the faateatgro· techniques of light wing retail appliance ln 11ucea, garni1hea and the "United States, re· artful preaentation of ports 1 manufacturer of nouvelle cuisine at·6:30 comumer proctucta p.m. on May 28. Menu One out of ~ five will lnclude bot chicken major appllances told to. 1alad wi tb fresh herbs day ta a microwave oven. andlmuahroomsfil 't~t h according to General a a m o n e w 1 Electric v egetable' her~ed The ~ompany au.rib· Now your CallfOrnla body can save 2sc on two cups of cannon-America's beSt·selllng yogurt. Of all leading brands, oannon Is the mllY fruit yogurt that'S lowf at and all·natural-wlth no added colortng, flavoring, or starch. start a program of exercise and eating right. Make refreshing, au-natural cannon part of It. ~nd your good looking Catlfornla bOdV Clft be a great IOOklngOannon Body. WOWI I'l l ON iW Jut tm "'' ttn bo t ~ '"° t m to' 'ta 4.tl 1 ,., \ •VO om Joq om ~~ ,.,., >tfa >O? ·ott COAST HARDWARE in Laguna Beach will offer a claa1 l n food proceuor putry at 6:30 p.m . on May 20. Susan Slack w i ll teach preparation of English pa1trie1, Austrian pineapple torte and gougere ring. Fee ii $20. butter 11uc~ and hme utea the popularity of moUlle. Fee is $20. microwave cookln1 to r-----------------------------;nt Katie Lang Slatte ry will teach preparation of dim -sum , Chinese pastries served ln teahou s e• and aa appetlz.en, at 11 a.m. on May 26 and at 6:30 p.m. on May 27. Fee ia $16. Ann Dreyer will teach preparation of summer puta salads at 10:30 a.m. on June 2. lncluded will be tortelllni salad with bi:occoli and carrots, Chineae pasta salad, seafood and linguin e salad aQd surprise S~ Slack will teach the cb&naln. American a aer ies of claaaes for family and lta ~ junior chefs (ages 13 to lifestyles 15) t o le arn through There.are more two- par.tici pation how to Income families, for ex· prepare a c omplete 8'1Ple, and more llnale· menu , rec e i v i ng hou.ehoJda. ~ certiticates and photo of r.~nd eating habit• themaelvea In action. are~. Clasaes wiU be at 10:30 The old:faabloned a.m. on May 29 and June family lit.down ...i. are ~. and fee ls $40 for the not the daily OCCW'NDl.'lel aeries.. they uaecf to be, and Tllhe Clements will m e nu1 are becoming offer a claas in cuisine more varied. • with ease at 6:30 p.m. on Now they include con- M a y 29 . '.l'~e par• ~foodaandlarae tial -part~c 1pation amount• of fresh and COW'M will mclude beef frozen foods, Pia In Coffee Lemon van ma Aprtcot Banana Blueberry Boysenberry Cherry outthAppte Peach Ptna·COlada Pineapple-Orange Red RasPbenV Strawberry Enclosed are the net weioht ltltementa from two PnrlQle's twtooack owrwraps. Plllle ttnd" my coupe1n good tor a tree twlnpact of Pringle's any navdf to NAME ------------------------~ ADDRESS -----------------!~ ---. • ....., ...... __. ... ___ , CITY __ .;....;. ________________ _ ~An DP CODE_._._. AREA CODE TELEPHONE ---------1u.~ 11--..y ...,_ 11 _...1 Place in stamped PRINOLE'I COUPON OffER erwelope llld tnlll to' lt.O. BOX P11 m !L MIO, TEXAS nRt Pnnpll'I Coupon Ofltr Ceftlfic:att .................. 110 ol IC) l'UAS( HOT£ THESE AOOITIOIW. TERMS ~-------------., 1 otllf oaod onfY 111 AR. CA NM, NV, Oii TX ot11f IXJUt June 18, 1982. 2 ~~~ ~: MECHANICAUY REl'flOOUCED AHO MUST BUY: TWtwilpaclcs Plinglt'l lltf tlavof. 3 l.ilMI OM coupon Pf' name Of-... MAil: The net weight ataltmlnta from two twinpack OWtWflPI • 'lblll ollll rig/U may noc Ill ~ Of transltrrld plus lhla rlQlltred certlfic:ltl to !tie addfess at right 5. Otter ... Julll 11. tte2 AECBYI! IY MAIL: A COllPOfl good for 1 lree Pringle's twtnpack. 6 1111-. llow M W11b lor 4IMrt tt<>S 11 Zl666 SAUE2sc~· ON 2 CUPS DANN8N YOGURT • DEALER. Redetm 9'1• co~n for a retail customer In accordance wrth the • flJ terms of thts offer We wrll reimburse you face vaJue plus 7e handhng . charge Customer must tu where rt revalls. The Oannon Company, ~ Inc .• P.O Box 1703. &fXton . Iowa sf734, Vold wllere proh1b1ted. • Lfl """"" ..... ,,,,,,,...,. "'"'""' """"'" "'""""' ~ "' dJ OFRR EXPCRU 1il30/G 999 72 I I 5044 • Introducing Weber's new Jalapeno Bread, an authentic Mexlcan-ftavored bread ... made from the fl nest com, taco seasonings, peppers and onions ... baked a special way to make each soft slice perfect for sandwiches and great with meals. 1nt ~~JI •Odf 'MY ?9 n MB ~ ) ol r' J N lotrr ) no •V 9 •iUl ,of 11111 J of tile law Km:. ... U'9 .,., ... ..... Oll1Ulm• hlll luicle one a.th Bl.ok Hawk Hlckary lrnobcl ar ~ Oluld Canned Ham. &Xplrn June JO, um. ........................... ..__ ........................................ .._,..-.. -,.-,.._ mdUaa. S•ptm Dec. u-. AJ1o-"' 1a om11 ,1882. 111 1812. for yst .. and bandlinl· LA CHOY '10 -Cent ==o:'C: Th ... otltn11'9C1ulr• tomil: Al\MOUR Golden Star Bonel• Ham. J\4t.. celw a fl refund, Send ~ requ.lrtd refund form and tile 11aattlfaedon ' uaranteed" certlftcate rom Armour'• New ....uT-.........r TllEAT ~ L-.::'Potlltoa ~Mrt> r,:,,Umet ~ ~~-or Onipe Ivy Plant ~~OllYes ~ Apf'l!MllCe ~~ .. FNIMlll · DINICllON'I Belt There II no Umlt on UM Retu.nd. Send the "*tu.I; •· •-kM Offer Receive a number of._'°" can Nd refwwl form. t>w·Ja,. SauH1e, Wll1on Beef Smoked SaUHI• or Wl11on Xtelb1u Sau· ••I•· Explr" Au1. 31, 1982. Chub au.ms, 81bd Bo-nI"'nn1e0n'• belt buckle t9qu"' tbl1 offer. k· bel from one 1peclally lopaarXnlClcWUnt.&x-~rth f3.H . Send ih• ~July 1&, lM2· ="-='~~ ~8t,'f· il,\•JA'~ook· rtqulrtd refund form UORTOtrS •1 Refund and on• label f~ any book Otter. leoeive the and any (our~ from Offer. Send ~ ::lulred can of La Cho Chow cookbook "Foolproof 1~~ caN of the fol. refund f orrn •n4 th• "Mein Noddlu. xpir•• Oriental r-.a..t .... ,•• a.......a lowlna n.nNlon'• prod· Proof·of·pW'Chue aym· "--•1 l"'•" -• Qllllll•IU uct1: "ChlU Con Carn• ,bola frcm ~ beck panel ~. " ' -·· th• required refund wtth Bean1. Hot Chill of any two Gorton'• ~IN SmoMd Sau-form, the ln1redlent Con Carne wlth Seana, ·Batter, Potato Crl1p or u1e efund. Receive a panel from any Chun Chll Con Carne-No Crunch~Filh St1cka or *1 re nd. Send •'"ere-Ki'nl product and U · Wlln...... a-• ~· cent• for po1ta1e and BNnl. ChW Mac, Tama-.-~... p&i.. ~pt. 30, q refund form and Here'• a refund form to write fo.r: Liltennlnt World Maj> Offer, P.O. Box 0819, St. Paul, Minn. ~G108. Send f« th1I fonn by June U , 1982. Thi• offer expirH July 31, 1082. EVERYDAY LOW PRICES PLUS DOUBLE . COUPOltS ~3.ti.~"m:=t~ ~~~~~., ~Sprelld ~T ...... Um~~~ ~~ m~a.ns ~o~ ... POfk & ll!leent 1ii~~s':d · ~~\¥.~ Beent ~s;tl:na =~c.roc. 8n~OnloM ~~ =no=.= T NOODLES ,-----------------------------------~ .............................................. , •I "'332 I• :1 DOUBLE COUPON 1! I 1 Pretenl lhla coupon elong wtth eny one manuf11Ctum'1 "cenu.dl" coupon I', I .net 9' double the '""'91 from VON. Not lo Include maier, "'" coupona. I' coupona grater thwl one dollir or excud the 'llllluc ol lhc Item. 11 Uma -coupon .... ~·· Coupool _ ...... ·-.... 1am1r. I 'I -.....11quo1.1o4>occowa1~..-u. I' I c_...,_"""~31•1 I ·-------------............. . r••••••-.--..-......... ._._._-... -.-, ii •112 I• lj DOUBLE COUPON 1:, II ,._. IHI coupon eloi'Q wlUI My one ~. ·centa-oll'" coupon I I _, eet dclUllk the 1M1S1fromv-.11ot to Include ttUltr. free coupona, : . 'I ~~one dolw °' ucecd the ...... °' the llan. I' I ..._. _ _,.... ... ~-.--.... _,., I II ...... ~u.-.---.. My..-.. I' I . c..-.---~a. ttl2. I ·-------------------· r-----------------------------------4 .-----------------· !I DOUBLE 1 COUPON . ·. :; 111 Pl-w INI coupan *Ill di! My one ~. "un~ coupon l'i mid fet double the uw1r9 from Von-. l'lot to lndude ttUltr. free coupon1, I coupona grWe" tt.n one dolw or uceed the ~ ot the llun. 1 II ...,._....,,...,.......,.,....c....,.._ .... -..-..... 11 'I llmlly. r:-.. u.-.-. -.. ..., ,....__ I' I Cllilpolo fMd """ ~ 21. 1192. I ~!!.!!~~!'!!'!.!'!'-'!'-'!"-~~~~~!'!~~J ·--------·------------· •I •112 I' !1 DOUBLE COUPON 1i 'I Pl'aent IHI coupOtl aloflO tllh My -nwiufacturw'1 -ctnta-dl" coupon I' I Md fet double the IMll'8I from v-. l'lot to~ m.itt. free coupons. 1 I ~ ..-. ttlM one dcillF or CJCCeed the~ ot the Item. I' • • IJirA-....,....,. R• t ,...,. -....---4 c...,_,., •, 'I .....,. ~ u.-. ....__ -.. My ,....__ I I c:.....,.-11111r~21..1.a. I ·-----------------· --------------~---------------------· BBQ SAUCE • >Ol.MCMO! I l<Xl'<E llOTI\Z-~() HICJ(al'( Ollll!HTAL-AllOlnm rv.~ PM:E JI I.MT 2 """"'--~ ~ 19) IU--259 ~~~ 649 TAll.l:lll'OCll:und~ .. } 97 8wl80ft Frted O*Mn Bottom Stuka &:;;M:tiit:"-~29 ~w~ 169 C'Fube 8te.b ca 249 ·~"~11;)11..aou~ .49 •M:U!CZ "40~ tou'IC% ""°' }29 ~"':.KJ~ .. .. 218 Pl IPC:IH Pr9doul •aw 1.aa.-.0.......,..,,~ .97 IOOU'Cl MO -Oii Lal> IC/IT )69 ~~~lA l?fl .. } 59 DcJwro&keWllllu Vona llced B..r Bolo(pMi •lot..a--Yl/tNJ114 oe..-59 Oh&or~ ....,. • ~~~~= .. 229 KU--~I .. J 97 London Blol Stelka lfOICI ..O-,,_ CMNIL.I 'lliO .89 . ==Slc.-l Sallme .99 ~~~ .. J 59 Vont Potetoea llOUIQ _ _,, 249 m~--aao .98 ~TwkcyWlnp ... 69 Stoutren ,,...,. »<XIG ..a-All'ID YMT rllO .89 ;:;;~-<JIU""°' .99 ~~let ... 59 Vona lnt'L \.......,... .49 ~~ 131 r,:.r;::i:ey-i=;r .. }59 r..r.::r&::. ca:. .88 ,,.,.,..,_,~ ... 87 8lic.d A'elh . =~~-.36 ~~..US10~ 259 ~°""89.Juke 249 a:~ "' J 29 l~.am& }91 ... 89 ....... Homo.,.. ' ~ . Vtr1 ofttn a dHMr' bu•• JJOpular In ,.. ..... Md 10'& .. It ln:lll·-... °' --all owr \hit naUoft. Ano,htr recipe will find tta way Into thou· eancl1 of home1 acro11 the country and becorne a kind of folk culture DUled from home cook io home cook. B"t 1t 11 rare that a rectpe becomet popular botti In reat.a\,lranta and hclam. Such II the cue with Carrot Cake, how- fll/Wt, It t. cu.rrently enjoying a popularity few other du11111 can ttval. You'll find lt in elepnt NlftlU• rant1. dlnera, lunch counters, trendy apotl and fut food outleta, in addition to home klt- chene. EYen thtt bakers who make packaged, maas- p rod uc ed cake1 for supermarkets are jum- ~ on the bandwagon. In one form or anoth- er, cakes made with car- rota have been familiar I to cooks fOC" many years. Oriainatlng as a heavy , I torte before the advent of baking powde r or other chemical leave- nln1, the variations of thla cake have included auch taaty additions as pineapple, orange peel, wheat germ, raisins, currants, spices, all sorta of nuts and even choco- -. late. They have been baked into sheet, layer and tube cakes, fro1ted and un- frosted. The latest evolution in I the carrot cake is in the way ii ia baked today: not in an oven, but ln a microwave. Carrot cake ia a natural for this ap- pllance; it's a moist cake with a naturally attrac- tive color. I a.kes prepared In the microwave oven differ •from oven-baked cakes in that they do not be- ' come brown on the out.el' edges. Because you frost the cake, this does not pre9mlt a problem. Many cakes rise hig- 1 her In the microwave, producing a lighter, more flaky cake. Inatead of greasing and flouring the I pana, th• bottom needa 1 •1\lipk"9 a tbN on HIGH a to 7 oondlNid tomato ~ qnl~ io bt Uned with 1 teupoosi 1round mlnutt1 or until tooth· ~ cup~ Wu.d S-1'«• I oiMAmOft p6ck inllrWd MU Olntel' 2 ... Beca..-. OW oake will 1 tea•poon around : com11 ~ t~ d.lah W cup honey oonUnue to t'OOk alw It , cloWI frequ•ntly. R1.,.at fol'. 1 cup ~ rew ii remowd trom tht ml· 1 can (lOM) ounce.) 'othn layer. l,,1t 1tan~ e. erowave, lt'• bqport.ant cond4mlld tomato aoup ~on countertop 10 Preheat oven to 3&0 to know when to take It ~ cup ahort.enlnl • mtnutH. fttmov• from te1r•H. Oenero&.a1ly out. 1 8 eat dt.hn; cool. Froet with reaH and flour two lnlert a toothp6ck rwar 1 cup~ raw )'our favorite white -inch round cake pane. the ctnter of the cake; if c:arrot .lcll\I. Maka one 8·lnch Iaret bowl of tleciric it comes out clean, the In tarae bowl of elec· lam cake. mixer, combine dry In- cake 11 l'ffCly. trlc mlxer, combine dry CARl\OT SPICE CUE lredJenta. Add IOUP and You will ad.11 eee aome lnaredlenta. Add toup, (C.naUoul) ihortentnc. Beat at mt· very molat 1pota on the ahottenlna and e111. 2 cupa cake flour dJum •peed for 2 minute. cake's surface, but theee Beat at medium •oeed 2 1 ~ cup1 packed (SOO atrokee with spoon), ·will dry out as the cake minutH (300 atrokea brown aupr llenlpina llde and bottom continues to cook outside with 1poon). acrapina 4 teaapooru baklna of bowl conatantlf. Add the microwave. aldee and bottom of bowl powder e11• and honey. Beat 2 Set the cake directly occaalonally. Stir 1n ~-1 teaspoon bakina mlnu• more, acraptn1 on ~ counter lnatead of rota. Pour into 2 waxed IOda bowl frequently; fold ln on 1 cake rack for the raper-lined 1 ~-quart l teaspoon around carrota. Pour Into pao.1. first 10 minutes of coo~ 8 -i o ch ) r o u n d allapke BUe 3& minutee or until 11.na; thi9 wW help hold microwave-safe cake l teaspoon ground done. Let oool in pana l& aome of the heat In the dlahee. P1.aae l cake d.iah cinnamon minutn; remove. Cool. cake aa It flnlahea coo-on inverted gla11 pie 1 tea1poon around 5 with your favorite kina. plate In m'.lcrowave oven. nutmeg bite iclna. Makes one Then remove the cake Mklrowave, one layer at 1 can (10~ ouncea) -Inch layer cake. from the pans to finish cooling on wire racks. When the cake ia completely cool, frost it with your favorite icing. Cream cheese frosting Ts the moat traditional top- per for Carrot Cake, but you can use any type you like, s~h as bolled fros- ting, caramel frosting or butter frosting. If all thia taJ..k of Car- rot Cake has your mouth watering, but you don't have access to a micro- wave ove n, don't de- spair. You can bake this classic in a conventional oven. Even if you've made other recipes for aimilar cakes, you'll be delighted with the ipicy &<><><hleu of this cake. The unusual kicker is the tomato soup in the recipe which gives the cake added richness and a moistness that's hard to beat. No matter which way you prefer to cook it, you'll enjoy Carrot Cake aa much aa the genera· lions of happy eaters who have preceded you. CARROT SPICE CAKE (MJcrowave) 2 ~ cups cake flour l 1A cups packed brown sugar 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon ground •1'1~ ..u .hGJ WHERE'S BUGS BUNNY? -Cream cheeee troatn, tope a mcut !Q carrot c.aka with old-fashioned charm. la fNI ~ h .ai lb al a. ~f~ :l~1~~~P~~:c~!!~ aeJq ,., ........................ oed3 . ~ tU 01 • --------·-' • 2 • :z: -:::.S:.""'e .. -~ ... -... .:::.: J .. Margarine ~.,., ~ 39' •<lleddarCheeseS::::J:.Uf.. 11" •Hansen's Apple Juice ,..=. =•1• •eom on the Cob ~ 1ur 4;: 99' • .... .. -.. -:-::t.....--=:...-::::.=---•• WM ----... ~----,,..-• -··~---""'·~·:-----• l ..,.J. .. -..-,---· -I .,IM ,...................... '(lie r.• •••••••••••••••-•1 &>.:> . . ~ • ~n• I --------·--·. ladl :::z: =-~ .. - -... -:::-.:::.: • 1 Ml ..... -.. -~~-v.::.--...... -.-.. -________ ,__ ......... L-···----.,-------. > ..,.J. .. ---·---·--I ~ ,....., ••••••••••••••••••••• oUUJ .. ...................... u, .. !W·H'Mi*H@J:il c ... •• = ..:" ,,:r..."':: .:::.::.: ... -::::=:,.:.,." I :uddl ....,. -_______ .. I " •.............. -.~ .. -------I •d• c:::::.. -- -... .::::. -- -c.=--~ ~ • .. -!~"""";:... .. -:,;:ri • ... r.:.--• ham I /,{/;!ff CENTS OH ITEMS ll "1im rUU w...'6" d.Jiw Wisk Detergent "~'rl''-* Ivory Detergent 27'rl.llN4 Ban Deodorant &~ Nu-Made Shortening =' ~·112 ~ -uoda I~ 111•. $ YJ 4:: •1• ·~: ,,,,-/).J EVERYDAY LOW ( -11,!8' PRICES ,,.,,,, • '('!> iT tUO" aad, aooa ~Lucerne Cottage Cheese mit Lucerne Buttermilk •Lucerne Sour Cream Lucerne Sour Half & Half ~89' =:.. 89' cZ:.. 89' c::. 69' qoda ~ .u 1' She dishes up dinner for 500 ea "-ten •Tutley 3 I 0 blq baa Jn., YocU "'"" uoda ~ party will be taken ca.re of right down to the last bottle of Dom Perignon or duck sa lad a l'lndienne. The details, headaches and hassles are all Miss Alcalay'a problem. The fork st.ope with her. "The catering-party planning busineaa la a very cruy businela. YOU have to-bring a lot of th1nga together and they have to come off at one particular point In time whether you're reedy or not," ahe said. "It involves dealing with a lot of people and making them do what they are auppoeed to do when they are auppoeed to _do it. rm a very ~­ nized person, and 1 m very good at bringing people together and ha- ving them do thlnp and 1ookiJli over them.'' Mi11 Alcalay haa a chef and eight servers on staff, but Aubel'glne can expand at the drop of an invitation. "I have a very flexible structure. rm a reeource petal.. They key ia to be able to find what you need when you need It, and I'm v.!rl. aood at that." ahe . Jl'For u- ample, t0me companies brtna their client• to their corporate heacf. qu.u1et"I but ane don't, ao I fiaw to do IDOft than Jui\ brln1 the food. Bomedmn lt'• f1owen and ..... and ... and. al cxiur.. .. IDUlic.,, Fllet Mignon Steak =~ Fresh Dover Sole Fiiiets Fresh Butter Fish Allets .. 14u lb '2" • '1" Head Lettuce ~ ~· 25c Celery Hearts COie Slaw or=" Grocer's Choice Fruit Rolls YtHow Chill Peppers ti: Beef Fritters O.:..r-z.. Breaded Perch FHTets C:' Cooked Shrimp· ==- lb 11" •Del Monte ,:=. 1: 95c 10 1111 me.Nabisco Premium Saltines 't: 93• .......,. ~1111 · l:llCSalad Oresslng~'I"' ': 69' ea ,,,_ Holf =~s~:H -*149 Gallon 39° m:t-Colony Wines ci.ic ClllOlit m:eR1unlte Wines·~ 2 = 15 ~ICll ~ Old Miiwaukee Beer 121l.:·1321 •winner's Cup °"'=-L: '611 -Old Smuggler Scotch ,:. ~: '1 QM •a..f •Chldten ... -· sw,.. -.... -· ....... -...... ,, ...... '1" ~· ..... ,..-.. --..0-..... _,.., Schat's Fisherman Bread ~King's Hawaiian Bread •Raisin Bread w.'::.. ~113s '~ •11• '~99· Trvlyf;M - 0 81 -""', -. ::=., \ :r~• .. 4 ~ Safeway Vitamin C 1119 ~ '1" Truly Fine Nall Polish Remover ::. 79• Safeway Cotton Swabs J;, 89- Safeway Vitamin E :ti· Aquamter ~up ·~ ~l&lll I 9Cfl ' blo :~ W5ft t9'10 18 t9b ~ halv •Ht:) ~c,t 1cnt1 ~ A '°°' CMI> ~lda '"" *"" wad ( 9dt IJ:> ,.,.. ... ti:> .,.~ ·'*> ¥19 = edt , I um. Fish eggs • to caviar THt taken Aprll 2$, 1M2. ' 82 Lucky's total: 179.18. The total at the other mark._t on the same or comparable Items: $199.00. Pat saved $19.82 at Lucky. No o.m.. or Glmmlck.S 'THt taken April 2t, '*· • We refuse to entice shoppers with costty ·promotions such as games, trips or double and tnple coupon offers. 11'.'Sfead. Lucky offers thousands d lower everyday discount prices for a lower food total. • Southern California's leading independent supermarket price survey· shows Lucky to be consistently priced lower overall than aJI other major Los Angeles area supermarkets. (Gemco membership stores el(clClded.) • Shoppers are continuing to prove our low price leadership. First they purchased their own list of items at Lucky. Then, they compared prices at another store of their choice on the same or comparable items. Their findinQS prove lower discount pnces add up to lower food totals. 'Vecior Consuni. NewlleC!Clf. 11181, 1982 aommenes ( Oocumencalion on !ill > THI t1k1n M1y 3, 1982 Tell taken Mey 3 1982 lyy CharrY. Saved •11.54 Monica & Robert Girod Saved sa.14 Lucky's total: $96.87. The total at the other market on the same or comparable Items: $108.41. Ivy saved $11 .54 at Lucky. Lucky's total: $102.99. The total at the other market on th'9 same or comparable Items: $111.13. The Glrod's saved $8.14 at Lucky. ~~ETTES ..... <M-5.85 ~~.~.~!~~~··· ..... t ... o-5.95 ~~~~!~~ .......... -. ,.u .68 W11n1n9 T~e S~rgton ""*"' Hu 01111m1ntd 11111 "'9tt11t SlllCMMt Is D.,....M 10 Yow Hellllll ~~~!~~. ~l~!o,c,. 1.93 ~'!:' ~~~.~ .... couo.m 1.86 ~ ~~~.~-'~ ...... -m 1.61 LADY LEE YOCURT 35 •IVl'¥0tl....... ...... ..... IOI a.• ~~~NCH -· ... °' ""1.05 LADY LEE BUTTER 1 81 •••• , •••••••••••••• ttOICTll • GRADE AA LARGE EGGS 75 ..-ia .................... -•<"' • ~~~.~~~~ ........ Olm 1.75 LADY LEE BISCUITS !_~~~CAN CH~E~. ~ 1.59 ~.?!.:~ ~RESSI~ ... Ol,.. 1.65 ~ c~.EA~ .~~~E.s~Ol ~ .87 ~RICAN CHEE~~.~ .85 ~~2~~~E,~-1.55 ~~AL:L ........ m .... 2.56 nmlPBV'rn CUITAl\D GELS ........ .... 1 cup milk ~cup ...... Pasta not fatiening Noodle•, 1pa1heUl, vermicelli, mankottl - they're all pa1ta, all delldoul and all have the reputation of betn1 fat- tenln• and low In food value. But puta lm't tullty on either charge, accor- ding to th' California Dietetic AHocl•tlon (CDA). Made from bard du- nun wheat, puta in U.1 myz;.d fonm ta a nutri- tlou1 member ln 1ood 1tandina of the bteadl and "'"9U poup of the fOW' foqd 8J'OUPI -mllk. meat, ve1etable1 and fruits; bl"Hcb and c:en- 1 ala. MOit puta. are from le'YeD to 10 pel"Olllt Jll'O- teiA and compare 'favo. rably to an ~eervtnc of muhed poiatOe. ~ I with milk md butter. Enriched ·putu IUCh u lfeen noOdlet made with tphlach. or nond1N IDlllde with .... will allo contribute .mu ~ta of iron and aome vlta- mlm. Calorlc•lly, 1>Htaa contain between 75 and 100 caloris per half cup, compared to about 95 caloria f« the aame a12 8erving of maahed pota- toes. "Pa1ta ha• become IUlltY by aaocl•tlon," aay11Su1an Kennedy, CDA preddent. "lt'1 the rich meat, cheese and oil-laden •ucea we com- bine with the ~ that U .. the cabie CIOUDt." Thoee of UI 1'atchin8 our wetcht need to re- duce the eervtng of auce on pasta, not eliminate thia delicious matn1tay altogether, Kennedy -~ that tlUa can be 40lie lltllfRtorlry • found ln the fact that .wn1 producers of diet fooda have developed ricb-t..una frolell s-ta dtabea that ranae from ie. than 300 to no more itban 370 calorlH per hearty ...Ytnc. -adda. "Or you can make your own uuce JJcbter in calori• by keeptn1 the meat, ct.. PCI oil to a minimum," Ken- ~~ do of a IDllri- nara Muct -the tom&-tom, omo... tomato ...,_ ce and herbe -are all relauwt, low ID~ •--:" Tbil;,nc food - .---of noodle .. at .... ,.,.old----~t~ --. utt•1 eeoaoalcal, It ................ tnl,.... I 51--11 a ua~~ ••rl•~ ot _ ........ mt USDA Choice Blade Cut Chuck st9alcs 1 \IJ lb. loaf .77 Ralphs Meat Wieners lib.pkg. 12Pack Coo.rs Beer Double Coupon ~nt this eoooon 11ono with .,,y one M111utec1urer1· .. cenll ofl" coupon 11\d oe• double th• 1ev lllQ9 when you puroheH the Item Not to Include "ret.ilef· "lrH or grocery pu•chue". coupons or p Cffd the velue 01 the Item. E11clvdn liqUOf. toblcco Ind delry itt0ducl11 Limit One Item Per M•nufacturer'• Coupon end Llmtt 4 Double Coupon• ~r Customer Coutaon Effective May 20 """Mey H. t982 DOuble Coupon ~-t this coupon llono wllh 111t one ~utectur.,.· .. cents oll" coupon and o•t double the 1ev· Inga when you pu~haM tile Item. Not to l~I~ .. reteller", "lrH'' or "grocery purchue" coupona or excffd the v.iue ol the Item E11cludH llQuor. tobacco and dairy products Limit One Item Per M•nufacturer'a Coupon •nd Limit 4 Double Coupon• per Cu1tomer Coupe>n Effectlq M•Y 20 thru M•y 28, 1982 Hamburger, Hot Dog or Sweet Heinz Re It sh lOoz.jOI .49 Sliced Oscar JC en er. Bacon llb.pkg. I!! • I ·I Seafood treat foster '°""' Freth Holld Cut ett . FRYER LEGS & THIGHS .............. LI •• 89 , f1'fth fotM f-J f'Yl!li 69 CHICKEN WING:> ...................... ll .• '""'fotW ~ ~ CHICKEN LIVERS .................... LL 1.29 . u.s.o.A.. Choice .... Round , 1 81 SWISS STEAK ....................... , .. LI.. • BBFROU• RUMPROAIT 4 INCH , , ............... --_ ASSORTED PLANtS . EA 1.29 ~•••N WiM•l .. I ..... , ............ ~ • IONl·IN .... CINT!I CUT LUUl2 U.5.0.A. Ct.eke IMf ~ 99 OMAHA ROAST ..................... LL I. u.5.0.A. Ololce..., llovnd I 97 BONELESS LONDON BROIL .. 1.1. • U.5.D.A. Ololce ltef btro lean 2 19 BONELESS BEEF STEW . . . .LI. • ~Not bcMd 2~ Fot GROUND BEEF PATTIES ......... ll. 2.19 u.s.o.A. Choice IMf ... c.n ... Uit I •9 aEEF SHANKS .......................... LI. • FRESH HALIBUI! lSTOfT .. SIASON-ALASIC~ •• 2 •• CINllRCUt STIAlll 9 a.. SWEET JUICY rntm ()Ff~ ra£m' ......... u...eo -c.. IROtlED EEl ........ . ------ltOZ ........ 2.91 ...... ................. , ... file DRIED GOURD $TRIPS ............. 81. TOFU SI. .. ._.°"'-""...., 0 h• l'\t DRIED SEAWUO ... . ............. J9 .65 PICG J - • I •REGULAR •DIET •UGHT ,-,.__ ..... ASAHI DRAFT BEER ........... I. 19 MCC 11 ..... c ... TUIYAKI SAUCE ........... : .... I. 19 0.-S.O .... c.. WATER CHESTNUTS ............... 49 0oet Not fKMCf ~fat 2 19 LEAN GROUND BEEF . . . ...... ll . • ~I lloncho RANCH SlYLE BACON .. t• l.•9 E.a ...... Mt&Hot 89 IT AllAN SAUSAGE . ... . . .. . ll . I . E.11. Porll & S.O.Onl119 I 89 BRATWURST SAUSAGE . . LB • BOlllUll PORK TENDERLOIN f.Ulfltt+"-...out!S -2 8 9 llllllf~l UllA l(AH JIOZfM .... • 3~.99 ............. __._ ... 1 I,~~~-~ ~ ,_ tt U..t Uw ----book oft •~••m•...,.tiCMm._..uw••Rea1 Mlft Daft~ lat QWche.'' lnltMd of an lndk1mlftt of ohffl)' Di••· h'• a 1troftl, hard look (brace ~) ai the l'Ml wodd of a..i Men. Acoordlnl to author 8nace hlnt.ln, a.al Men nmar drink !Wrier -Ol'\ly Jack DMJell wW do -nor do \My have any tr\ICJt wtth f.,.cy ~ traiwendtntal mtdl""°" « bl'Mth Real Man drink black coffee, watch anythi~rrl_na Jack Wabti and read O. Gordon . •• 0 Wlll" fOt' Uaht tntertaJnment. Clint l'.Mtwood hu been elecwd to the Real Man Hall of Fame. But the male author u Ul\lll, hu p-eeent.ed only halt the 1tory. It there la auch ~ u a a,a1 Man (WN he dug up by an archleolopt?) then hla counterpart muat exlat. A Reel Woman isn't quite the right handle, thou1h. A better term would be Ti-ue Lady. Where there'• a Robin Hood, there'• a Maid Marian 11mpering from the cutle wall. Rhett Butler needed Scarlett to aee red and 1narl, "J'rankly, my dear, I don't alV. a damn." For all the Real Men out there, here are IOIDe ~ of a True Lady: A True Lady alway1 carriea a purae oontalning a tta1 lace bandkerehief, calling cardl and a tiny powder compact. It'• all there, right next to the large c.an ofldace. A True Lady drinks tea only from the Distinctive Fashion Every Sunday A True Lady doean't eat marbled atealu, drink bourbon or llDOM don. She'• relld the 1tatl1tk1 on cholesterol, alcohollun and luna cancer. A True Lady would be totally incapable of ta.king the tq, heavy, amelly 1nleh barrel. to the curb for collection unleta the trNh truck hu reached the hou.e next door and no one elwin the family hu done it. Everyone know1 that a True Lady i1 a pampered, helpleaa dear who alta around the house wearing a allk nesUgee, eating bonbon1 and readinc movie mapzmea. And by golly, ahe'1 25th year Anniversary Sl 1 an lM Harbor Area ~·,.,.. I '. f AIMOS HCSiUNcl uour 441 ow.._,..-. .. .....,..IMc ... 04 Ul·n4t 1 teupoon ~ dW or W twpoon dried dill ~~n:... BnMh plelhell with ea1 white. Melt butter in akllfet over medium heat. Add zucchlni and onion and llUte until criap-tender, about 2 mlnutea. C.ool al.lahtly. Layer ll1mon. zucchini m1mu'e Md ct.. In pie lheU. Beet egp ln a bcntd. Gradually beat in half and half, reierved u1mon -Uquld and aeuoninga. Pour into 1hell and bake until aet, about 40 minutes.· C.ool .u,htly before aervt.ni. . . f I 11: ~I ;z GIFT CERTIFICATES REDEEMABLE ANYTIME llllY llNll llM _, lfJ. llAa -3100 E Coot• Hlgl\wov • ( /W) 073 0000 ..--Ti..v.eoo-Cen•••l212So lltoo<IV"(Alllol'100d)•(IW)~ 2401 • ,. -l•ITowet l'lo.lo Nortu 2.-001 lloymoncl Way (Al Elf oroOooo). ( IW) 137 3422 • ,.,....,,_~leocfl-.0 (AtGort\elOne1llOllOlillft1)e (IW)Me 1$7~ ---WWN Tu6ton(Acroo11fomlovo•oOIC>ew>ge)•(/lol )QQ/ 0000 ,,.,.,..,._11 ~""'• •ClloncnoMrooePlozo)•(7W)l40 3804 _,_ -6276 ,t.rong•on A•• (In Hor°'"°" SrloooonQ Cent•!)• (714) OU Qti&l ALIO .. lA-A LMIWOOO WUICOwoA '<()lll•o<lll•WOOO Wl$1LMI 'AIAGE ·~ ~!AMCl'.cA WOOOL.U.0.-.1S "°"114>C>Gf $ANJ()V ~VAi.i •"40 "-LIO .uc>SN<~c;() ~fAJfl&AU1l lM(.. c__..e ... 1_ ... .,_..r>e • I . l We are adding more groceries to the store 't~ make it a One Stop Shopping Market. So, why not shop where the aurroundings are beautiful, the aervice friendly and t.he products are the finest? . FREE HOME DELIVERY (150 Minimum) ~Meat Seafood LEAN FIRST OF SEASON GROUND CHUCK $} ~?. FRF.SH ALASKAN (G ....... Homl1) HALIBUT Ani• ... Fri4A1Mera ... _DELANEY'S FAMOUS CENTER CUT STEAKS $39! OVEN READY $} ~?. MEATLOAF $49! BONELESS FILLETS OVEN READY BONELESS CHICKEN BREASTS $2~?. FRESH FILLET OF PACIFIC $} 62, S1wffe4 witli Delaae1'1 RED SNAPPER H__. Apple l>ft.lq -Wine Groceries LIQUOR and WINE CELLAR RANCH FRESH LOCAL 79~ EGGS Lg. Size DELANEY'S PRIVATE LABEL $299 MELLO ROAST $21.2. Chablis or Vin Rose < 1.75 ml.) u. COFFEE Case of 6 $}80! "Morninr Fresh" Deli Produce SO.AMERICAN .4 lb.$} 00 DELANEY'S FAMOUS BANANAS HOMEMADE CREAMED 98~, .. SPINACH LG. SWEET LOCAL 49~bekt. STRAWBERRIES ·- LG. LOCAL GROWN 5/$ }_oo CUCUMBERS I ! ) ' , I I I i J ' , ~; I t I I I I • I I I !l t JON HUBBARD PR£$1DENT IRVINE RANCH FARMERS MARKETS NewSeaaon Irvine Ranch Grown GREEN BEANS .. FRESBIFRESB!FRESRI .79~1b FRF.sH STRAWBERRIES AND ASPARAGUS ARE HAND-PICKED AND DELIVERED FRESH DAILY TO ALL THREE IRVINE RANCH FARMERS MARKETS STORES! NewCrop . WHITE ROSE . POTATOES Excellent for potato salad! 4Ibs. for Sl.00 Irvine Ranch Farmers Markets Fresh Squeezed ORANGE JUICE Irvine Ranch Farmers Markets' Orange Juice is perfect anytime! That's becaUle it's squeezed fresh daily for that just.squeezed flavor and the right amount of pulp! lrvine Ranch Farmers Markets' Orange Juice has a natural sweetness that no commercial blend can match! Remember nature's richest source of vitamin C for your family! Fresh is best for health! Reg $1.69qt $1.29 qt SWEET TEXAS YELLOW ONIONS The perfect complement to barbequed 4 lbs. f~;r•' lrvlne Ranch Grown VALENCIA JUICE ORANGES 4Ibs. for Sl.00 Sl.00 New Coae•ella Rlel1 Parple EGGPLANT 39~Ib --------------------•I\~ I :rtJ ,J .. --------------BoneleU---,------ Foster Farm's •oaK aoAsT This delicious pork leg is perfect for the bar-b-que! Reg$3.69 lb $2.69 Ib CORNISH GAME BEN 20 oz. Reg $1.89 each s1.4·9 each Marinated BEEF KABOBS Tusty Teriyakl Style! Reg S3.98lb A..J~at the1"odn____ $ 3. 7 9 . lb -------------Sw_ee_t_aod_len_der ___ .,...,.._:1111•1•1 •l•~------------------ Frea~ D COCv-TAIL Fresbfn.'lbe.sbeU SNOW CRAB MEAT HALIBUTSTEAKS COOKE ~ LITTLENECKCLAMS BLUEPOINT Pertecttorsa1ac1s1 Delicious Snow White Northern Halibut! SHRIMP R..a $2.98 lb OYSTERS Reg S9.98 lb R $4 98 lb Thste great! -e R 0 $ 7 9 8 eg . Reg $5.981b $2.49 lb eg4 •each • lb $ 3. 4 9 lb $ 4. 9 8 lb 30~ / each Avala.bleat the Tu.tin and N~wport slOl"t'S only! ------------------11. a ><•ii,, ,,,~,1 . ...-.i----------------- Han.en·· . Hansen'• NATURAL COLA NEWfTEM! 12 oz. 6pack $1.99 NATURAL GRAPE iJUICE NEWfTEM! 6402. $1.99 Lazzari'• Mexican MANZANITA CHARCOAL 6. 75 lb Reg $4.59 $3.99 Bee RJtdlle'• DELUXE PITTED PRUNES 16 oz. Reg $3.99 $2.89 Bonnes Marmon MINI iJAMS AND iJELLIES l. 75 oz. Reg 49t 2 tor69~ ------------------------.... l-•J!!•l1i------------------------CBEE8E OF THE WEEK: New Contatnent New Flavon! Imported, Rlpe60" Fresh cut IRVINE RANCH FRENCH BRIE E HormelDutchor Oldfubloo Reg S5.49lb M.aA~RusK•.&;EaAJT...,S._ ___ . ME~?;JtVES Imported POLISH BOILED -BA-a Imported German EDELWEISS WALNUT CHEESE Reg$5.95 lb RegM.49 $4.49 Ib $3.98 lb SALAD bRESSINGS Whole, 1 kilo box: 12 oz. Reg Sl.69 'rbur choice... $ 2 • 4 9 lb $8.95 each . $1.19 · ' $3.98 tb l~ti iii ;ftj I i•X•> •t"I DRIED PEACHES 81 59 16 oz.. Reg $3.19 • L.4. A~!~!s~~TTE~ $1.29 Hain SAFFLOWER OIL 32oz.. Reg S2.75 PITTED PRUNES 16 oz. ReR S2.l9 Sptb SEASONIJIG 82.19 $1.39 7Se 3oz..Ret89t I' ti :ti 1Jtl1X11 •t] HULK GOODS RAW ALMONDS RegS2.49 lb $1.59 1b Lundberl SHORl' GRAIN BROWN RICE Reg SS• lb 35~1b RAW CASHEW PIECES RegS2.59lb $1.S91b ~ed,Nos.Jt VIRGINIA. PEANUTS ReaSl.99 lb $l.l81b Available at the 1llMln and Newport atora only! VITAMINS bc:bd PerT)' GINSENG/COLLAGEN WRINKLE TREATllENT 2 OL Rea $9.SO $6.85 5dllft D01JBLE DAY 12011iba. ~ SU5 $8.75 ~I . , l I. S£HICES .....,...~ Dll'"1M) EMPLOYMENT & nt'AIATION ~fllOOh fMl,Wttoft JuOW .. nlr•t• tlrtp 14 •nt"'1 " • •• MERCHANDISE 4M~ App&l•Mh A....-4aof' ::ti.'; ... -'•"•1~ Cal'lllt'JH. t:Q~pawnl (..t_1 Dop J'fHtO \.,._, •"\Jim.hwt c.,--i;.1. --C.-S· , ........ ,, Ll•ntoc~ Mat'hutittf ,\t11'Nt1J.,....... Ml.K'tll~ ~•lllrd Mww .. I"'''""""'"" OUt« ""''" •• QUIP ..... t!'::~~:~:~ 'lpor\1., r-. \l.Of"t Mf'-.&wr•f'll 8er ~·r.... ..... ,.. ~t'rto BOATS & MARINE EQUIPMENT ~-.i A.ft4"~1tU l"latttO R.f'c:r~•IM>ft \'ehte~• ~· R,.o RtlCh ,.., ... ,Uf•••• h llltb y- A"'-01.AU••• A"'°"Wettl.,d AUTOS. IMPORTED U-nitfat '"''" ...... 4 ..... A.,....Ht •WY KMW C•twt a-o. .... r n rare ,,., ·~ J.-, .. ., J-.c_., .. ,..~ .... ..-...... ...... 'fertr41r" M.ofu MU MOI 0,.1 , .... ,. 1'"'41"'4 P-bf •-ll lloilo •o>U ...... E. =... v ......... V9'•e 0-•I ' l!~fff!.(~1.~1! ....... !'.!!ff.~h.'! ....... l.'.!ff!.{'!.1!/!....... !'.~~!!!!.'.~!.'.'! ....... te!!.1!!!.11.'11 ..... ~~~'.~ ......... !!.fl ~r-.. ,.!.~~ fe!.!.'!'!!.~ ..... !.'.ff !'!!11!!.~! .. !.'A! t'M~ ,,. ... ,,. ,., ,,, . . , ..........•.....•... 8n111/ IOI ·•••••••············•• IDT ... ~· IWtet '*M. Ow· ner wll _.., N..L of· si DOWN! ......... fl.Ull IUOUCl!i TO 1122,000 ' II Tll 1" ... • • .-.t.wnK• .. •••••••• OWIW lftlliou9 4 lklfm Ul..-r .. ,-•-a .. fara, 2 ldrm1, great 00111 MaH neighbor• hood. Lowaet priced hoM• In th• ar•a II 1107,000, 16141'1. 2000 eq 11 home with tmpo1lng 2·•tory archl· --• -TU m.ftl fonnal dining llnd f81'nlly lecture w/dock rtoM• a fllD ,. ........ ·-·-"" ' EOUAL M0'1llNO 0''0.TUlllTT ~an & jetty vte~ Marine room. 4 bdrm. 3 bath. s100 aq.ft. s1.38~1000. Oceenfront. 26 3 8RT~ Coefa Meaa tnetl.ldM W«¥ amantiy lmaglnibtel rm1• Mwt NII In 30 daye, tar~ 11~• •h:~ed d1fk· Huge uecutlv• r•noh aen c..,.,.nt• PtkM of c.it now 97'·5370 Spr•w no 4 drm. 00f2 .... 1tyl• home luturtno 4 own lfllp Modetn ~ plan Hrvlce by .,. br • !amity room lorm•I h i f 1 bathe. tut ure11d111m1 lly dining on cul·d•:1ac w/ :p'~rt!~nt• hoou~~ '::it~ \ ( >I l / 111-: /( '' •, ' •••• 1 ·•,41 ••• FROM 8137•950 MESA VERDE POOL, Furn. Model Opefl lllJ 11• , .. :: ....... ,, ........ c:::::..' I t -t-' ' :, '' ' ·~ ' -I ' J 1.111111.1•• .Prime Udo Nord bayffQnt 5 bdrm, 6 ~ bath. HO• All reel •tata ,adWf11Nd :::: In thl• new1p1par la 1111 eub)ee1 to t.ne Federal Fllf :: Houalng Act of 1te8 Whldl 1lf7 m a k • • It 111 • g a I t o ::: advertl.. "1ny ,.,. preference, !Imitation or :: dleorlmlnatlon based on •• rece. colof, retlQIOn, eu or ::= n1 tlona1 orlgln, or any Lae L.R .• 2 t>o.t 111p1 auoo.ooo. 11 to f o.itv. 110,000 down. 4 BR, 2 .. YllW TIW'Mllll Avocado 11 Falrvlaw Rd. fplc'e. Auume low 2 Meat• &lltM, View of 141-JHt pyr11t1. 957.1911 ~led·J bdrm, 2bath+1arae nic. rm. beam ceilings, fumlahed. patio&. $420,000. Ulll llLI UlflllT Laaoor1 view from e bdrm. 5 bat.h, playroom, darlt rm, den, Boat slip. $1.350,000. Ocun I Night Llghte. l~~~~~~~~I WSI WT-. Quiet Ar-. Pne, ='~ .. •nacea. 112•~00. nly •a-aa11a 4 bdrm.,,, ... del Mer, ..,.. "' _, _., vacant June 15th. Alklng 10% dn. Xlnt . Hal or By bldf. Ready to move $145,000. Meke ottere . Pllt Bauer Agt. 113-7300 In to, MW ~tom l'IOl'M. Owner/Bfolcer l4M2M. 3 bf, 2 b•. 1110 eq ft. \t 4 M Piii. Ml acr e. View. tlle roof. M•H Verde 4 Br 3 Ba lnt1ntlon to make 1ny IUCh pref~. Nmltatlon :: or dlecrlmlnatlon " IAYSIH COYE S pectacular bayfronl view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 bo.t aUpa 11,900.000. with cathedral celllng1 CIUbh<MJM, pool, tennl1, home on quiet cul-d•· and arernodeted kltchen. hOllH OK. 1105,000. NC. Allume 111 T.O. at 9.5~ Htumabte, loan Open Sat I SUn. 30812 0¥.% w/ 20% dwn. Owner and an anxlou• owner. VI• Norte (M .. dowvlew Wiil carry bal•noe •t 12%. Only 8110,000. C•ll arM). 1..e76-4e4e. Price 1207.000. Prln. 919--5310 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil only. Call 751-4330 Agt. COllUIO CAYS :~ Thi• newepaper wlll not '* knowingly •ccept any ~= advertlal~ tor real •tat• Ee ~ 19 In violation of the 'Coronado lsland cuat. bayfront lot. 85' boat ~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii dock. Plana avail $425,000 w/t.enna. . \( >ll / 111:'/f .. I ,\ ~ '•.I '>t .• ' llWNIT.-0 ........... ! t1H,lllt l /IWt,llMI ... :: UMUa Advertisers = should check their 1L1FF1 ... ------.----1$36.600 down & till• OY9t ht of 1180,000. I N- CLUDES LANDI 2 etory, 3 bdrm. 2 bath home. 3 Bdf I family rm. pool. I bachelor unit. Monthly $11500, t~ll price S159, 000. Chrl111na. 551·2183 = ads dally and report SiJlile •tory end unit, expanded 3 br. 2 ba on :: errors lmmedlately. largest areenbelt, S2!W>.OOO. The DAILY PILOT Piii L8I : assumes llablllty for 3 bdnN, 2'h baths condo ne.r pool. $145,000. :: the first Incorrect ~ Insertion only. ~, .............. .. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34• Boy\•d•· D• , ..... B ol', ll•o• -Jl<'i ... ~ '°°" -.... .. ,,. .. Woo OIJll ll» . ..., U<I ·~ 4'llJ ._ - IUml llllmlll Absolutely elegant lake-!•--------------•- al d • ho m • In t rvl n •. 4 '=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-Bdrm 3 Ba, tamlly room. 1• A breathtaking view . Kitchen hH Jenn-Aire r•ng• w/blt-ln mlcro--v.. c.ramlc Ille lk>or• and morel Anxlou1 ow- ner wlll 111lat In finan- cing. Price reduced to $359,000. 751-3191 \\!-.SI.I Y \ ~YLOR CO. Hl-:AI 'l<lHS o..,:J'I ,. l't·lli UUMYllW-RllYlll Quiet, park·JUce setting. Rm for paddle 1 tennis andi)ool Great for orchard. Cul Find out about th• high de sac st. 3 bdnns faro nn. n79 500 fee aernlng real ...... ..,.. ' ~ ' • career oppc>ftunltlea wtthl 2111 IM ........ 11111 ._. THE REAL ESTATERS. lfWPllT BTll. I.I. 144-4111 llcenelng achool I••• • O.&TMll Three 2 Bdrm untta w/ garagH, yardl I dllh· we1hera. A11ume tow lnterHt loan and owner wlft help finance. Try 120, 000 dwn. 1531·1370 TR\DI TIO\,\L RE,\l T' .... . ..,,,.,. ......... ••ta.t•• LOOK EASTSIDE UNITS 3 at $1115,000 4 at $250,000 II at $315,000 10 •• s12&.ooo exce~onal "nanc:ln g OPEN HOUSE REAL TY / O.u 111•1 1111 .•..•..•••..•......••. • ... l 1 BR D•n• Point Sea· Y1eW1 Pool, epeJ T.O. 30 yr loanl S1220 mo. 1131-Mee Bulla,,_ IH«i IHI ...................•.• ., ....... ~~ 2 Bf, TownhouM. ~ fut end unit with patlo, community pool & klddy yard. low down or take over existing VA loin Full price $1015 ,500. Agent 862-1700. LISHI SPLASH! Slngi. 11ory Ranch lt)'le w/Pooe and •P•· S 135.900 No qualltylng. Low down. Bkt'Ml-0709 ' 1044 .. ........ .... . ••.•••.•.••..•....... ... ,_... ~ oodbrldge 4 Br. Oat. Balboa Penlneula. Well home. cul-de-uc, 1/c. kepi dupte11. w/two 2-BR own/Agt. wlll finance. units, 2-car gar. 1 blk from ...... ~ _.._t t •179 ooo be1ch. Good w inter/ .._...... "''" • • • eummer rentate Minimum 1-154_5_--0_7_7e ____ _ , .... ,,~ ,. completely refundable to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1chool of your choice. - ExtenllW ..... training. For Information, call 751-6191 ......... vacancy fllctOf. $389,000. 11&11• I A Dion-Marl a ll1tlng. WHArW&t lttlltel 159--9100 2 & 1tudy or 3 Br, tamlly !om ACTION ~ , ________ _ Call a Dally Piiot AO-VISOR 6'12-5818 ~ )<» Selling anything with 1 Dally Piiot Clelalfted Ad lild ia a aimple matter just call 642•56715. -1u1:. 1100 ... --------, ... ... tllll "'° tlll "'° '"' ,, .. ... RCTaylorCo 640-9900 mCUTIVE HOtel On prestigious Spyglass Hill. 4 bedroom 3 bath. Tradewinds Model. Moti vated seller will consider exchange for income property or TD's. Try lease option. Ready for immediate occupancy. Asking $495,000. RCTaylorCo 640-9900 'lWI -· um•-PIEI A t1Htfutl111 rtt1•1t111 ,,.,...., d I ,matt .._.. fer 2 Mm. ltlf 11tl1• Y1EW I S11tll .. ,,,... .... ••• ,.,,. 1W.·'1·sl4t nib. bell nff II larclf tha ...t ...... .., Us ...... .., 1\4 ''"" tllllftta _.. flmffJ '""" .... I ............ 2 .............. . ............. ~ ........... ,.,. 12,200.-ftL llMMI. Riii, Wllltl, VIEW! 111111111 ........ .,.. .. ••••••• , r1•1tl1lttl I 1114. ..... 11,s11t11 ... l1 ............. ....., ........ .... --................... "1111 .. ... =i.:r"~li:::.'~"· 111-Hll. .WATERFRONT HOMES,lfife REALTORS s-. Fknt.a. ~ ~·,,·~ 2400 W. Cout Hw1. 31~ ,..., ... """ Nnpon ~ w.o. Wl!ld 111-,,. 67,..,.. '=~=-' ~~lA-IZ~bts· ... .. .. knock• often whan you GEORGE El KINS CO use re1ull-ge1t1no Dally IJ""'IOO~­Pllot Clualtled Ad' 10 ~ ,.. reach the Orange Coael Realtor9 75-4IOOO martiet. l~~~~~~~~~~•llUf Phone 642·6&18 JMci lfll WI.I. TKI 118 •••••••••••••••••••••• , ..... ""' b ........ New In town? Clanlfl•d Call Vlnce/~t. 0..... •---.a ... can MIP you meet many ..,.... _...,., of )'OU' needl. 842-5978 -..111 For Mle ~rent Unit 21 1-~iiiiliiiiiiiiliiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiii~-1 71~53l-80lO RESIOEHTIAl RUl ESTATE SERVICES ILlm .,..,.. Beautiful backbay view on wide green belt. End W)it with large wrap pat.lo. Serene gated courtyard entry. 3 BR & kitchen eating area. Best buy on fee land in the Bluffs. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 ,,,_.., JtCM ,.,,.. ., ... Jf11111 .,~ ·~ ,. ...... ,._ •T1 ............ :~ ;i:::., I W.. JIA .. ¥.... .. . .., ,,,...,.. .,~ .... ., .. 110..-u ... ,. ,...,.... .. o..r., tt~ .,. .... ... ....... "~ .,. •'"' .... .. _ ·-.,,.. ...... "~ ,, .... a.. .,_ == :sz.. ·-... _ ·-·-on. , ... ·-·-==-... :::: ~c;.,. ®,....,. c.ta. 111 161 IOU ...•.......••...•..... DUPLEX: 3 Br. 2 Ba. eec:h. highly upgraded, 10. ot PCM. S280.000 aaaum•- bl•, conelder trade. $431.000. 1575-2500. Qwner/lkok•. ~~QATI.------ -·---i.-. ol ... .................. ... ,_,_.,.. .... I iJJ"OAK I I I I I · I rm, 2'h Ba, dining rm, former mdl home. 12% financing . Ownr /8kr UM127 Br Condo, upgr•d•d. gra9t IQC. edit•. uauma-bl• tit TO, tow down. $99,500. (7t4) 893-3151 FllTISTIC FIUIClll eke ovet high uaumable oan1. 3 bdrm, 2'h ba., arge t1mlly room w ith reptl!Q9., llbrery or offto.. ul1tandlng VIEW from mol1 --v room. Large nough back yard for • ool. lhla 11 a mu1t aee or• anythlno elM. room, form• n ng, room for R. v .'1. Only conv.r .. tlon pit at llr•· S2S5.000. 2870 San Ml· :"C.: 1 1 golf0::,-plao. • Mly appointed guel Or Newport 8Mch • 0 __., ig, kitchen. Otf•r•O with T&e.-l&Ol ., 152•1811 · only thrH yun old, terme for only: 1245,000 °' · '"~*' Ilk• MEWi s.n.r FUll PRICE! "''" Mlp finance ' M\19 MISSION REALTY buyer thouunda of 985 $o ~ ...._, I ~ dollarttll Wing ptlce of • .... , • .._una 8325,000 I• way below (114)414-1111 current replacement. co1tl PRINCIPALS • ..,..,, ...,. IHI ONl YI Call owner at ··-··""··············· 1"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (114) 842--0138. llWNIT llllUTI II 1_:_-'------ 0Wne< neect• cah, ct.n 11111 WIW llft.l YIU.IT antique type houM 2 Br. Newport Creet'• mo11 T ....... 1 ea. 50x111' lot. Large beautiful oceen view U ~t•ched garage. S 11g, Wllll you In thll 3 bdrm NMr new 4-pieX, 2 bdrm, 000. 548-9041 evH a retrMt. Decor•ted In th• 2 bath ••ch unit with wtcnd1, 831-3520 wtcdys. llnnt tut•. Walk to llr~. 8fldoMO petlo, i iiiiliiiiiiiiimlt>Mch. t.nn11' pool A•-gara~. 9~·-11t. Poa. eumable loan at low Int• cuh flow. Now S15t,600. t ' Biii Grundy, Rllr • OCUllFIMT By owner. DrHtlc price reduction tor lg• down-peyrnent. 840-1990 &fhr41Me AOUL T MOBILE HOME Ii ;., "~ PARK on the Bay. 1 i~i;~;~~; bdrm, den, 1 be $60,000; 3 Br. 2 b1 $08,500. 2 bdrm, turn , 145,000. 2 .....,. IEm1'1 bdrm $25,000. 300 E. Cat Low, low prtc.d 3 Br w/llv. Hwy Unit 113, Newport & din. area• entering ••- Beach. Bkr. 1575-33-47 eluded patio Nr bHCh, 8 & 1c hool1 , •hoppi ng Y Owner 4 Bdr. den. Cullom cabinetry. Good gUMt rm, 2 famlly rme, 5 auum. loan. Priced at a.. trplc, formal lMng & $175 000 Calf now Binnie dining. s225.ooo. sso. Dixon'• iiiu"" 75g:.9100 000 dWn. 545-8108 .... I GEORGE ELKINS CO CAMEO SHORES Cu1tom 4 Br 3 Be. pool, Je c uul, kol pond. 3 t rplc '•. $4 75 ,000. •-... _ IOtO 075-5930. -·'· _, ---------..................... . MMWll lllMMlll ... Newport 1 BR c:9ndo 3 Bdr 1~ Ba. A/C. 2 cai Furn. elegantly decor•-garage, nice wl-d•·llC. tedl Pool, 1pa & club. $98 ,000. Christina, Top eecur1ty. S 1350 mo. 1-55_1_-2_7_83 _____ _ 1531-ea&e IHI INti IOl4 larller Yitw ...................... . ............... ltwO.Tln-ltrt 3 bdrm, 2 b,, 24 hr guarded commu· apa,lcovered patio. nlty 5g9 Surfalde Ave. Beeutltully decorated. Seal Beach. 3 BR 2'h ba. Auumable loan wtth 5•;. 25' to beach. 2 trplc1, dn $239,500 F•• By fantaatlc view from rool C>wnef. 979-3923 ~~'1o':t 2~3~:~:~1~~ IEWPMT 1111 2 Bd 1'n Ba & mother· Od.1 '-1 ltgff ln-tew. Ontt $142,000. •••••••••-••••••••••• Robert Mllllri9" est.1288 1Nl1 B•n ,., ,.,, I JO' ........••............ -port e .. ch De Anze beyfront Park. Mint " ·~ cond '78 dbl wide, fir• lllAL place. brick petlo. $151 000 Alto 2 br., 2 ba .. CAIAL FlllT double wide. corner lot Five bedroome, 3 bathe. $39,000. Biii Grundy fir~ home. Redeee>-1_67_M __ 111_1_. ----- r ated. Alto Included Huntington BMcf'I double wOOden petlo and •m•ll wide, adult•, large 101 bolt docll, 2 car g•rage. small pet ok near thop- 4 bike to Ocean. '259. ping. tow rent. $215.900. 000. Firm. 714-836-8542, Term• 847-2954 Of 131·2111 1. . . Ex~a~ome. *EXCmNG* p( .. tlgloua Eutblulf lrff•at hit locallon , end uni! w/ 24J160 Kaywest Home . panoramic vu on green-light interiors . Lg llvlng belt. beauttlul neutral nlng areaa . oper1 kit to Italian Ille In entry, IMng, tam rm . 2 lg bedroom• & dining kitchen. 3 1pa· bath• Owners wlll carry clou• Bdr'1, 3 Ba, HIY bat at reuoneble Int•· w•lk to achoola & 1hop-real plngLOWEST PRICED Unal IUlt DELORES IN BLUFFS A BHullTut 24x80 GrMn- $224, 500 No broker brief Home -Open kit to f .... tow Int. rate on lrg tam rm wt wet bar -2 lg uaumeble 111 mortgage. bedroom• & bath• both Owner wlll help finance /lhowwa. All eppltancea (mull relocate). Call tor Included. $39,600 . awt. Aak for Mlk• Finn CUlllC work 673-2900. home •IU .. IAUI 769-1831 2TOll HarbOr, Ste 206-A STUL I •Ml 14t-Hll. Vertalllee. Wllll to water. 1 bf, t be. 0-10% down '67 Arl1tocret 24' traller Of trade. Call t« det.U., on th• lot Xlnt Cond. 1·996-9222 OWner/bkr Many Extru. 17000 OBO. ACCESS TO OCEAN No~ ... uel look It OY9t. ~ pei., no kid•. 816-81151. •nus mwrm um 110 to 3000 aq rt "No Frlll" Prlcal Wllllam Cote, Bkr . l14/l ... 11M !!~!.~r.!!l.~ 8 UNITS COST A MESA, need• work, great po· \9ntlal, $310K. John 64&-7lle0 AGT 111Y1 WllTD Trade for my N.B . oceentrom t\Ol'M. Owner 81~711 .. ........ AMhelm, '2.400.000 high dn. Agt 54&-5832 llW llallM lllml on alm<>9t 5 acr• In Co.ta • Meae. Mlnu1 .. to bMCh. Never a vacancy. Imm•· culate townhomH with pool; mo1tly 3 bedroom unite with patio• and ci--ragee. Large Haumeb .. loans. '5.ll00.000 r.a. WlllwfrMI ..... lulhn 111-HM : HUGE DUPLEX $175,000. Top qlty conet. Copper plmbng, hYY ehake. bullt Ilk• 2 con· doe. 3 trpca, gar. ONat . etreet. S120K 111um : flncng. 10.15%. Agt. 842-9860. Deluxe 4-plex•. Covtng- 10n1 & Corelcane, try · $40K dwn. Auume loana. prln only Agt. 549-1369 • ... 1.i., ,,,,..,, ln.n "" .....••....••...•••••• w1.- l•k• tronUHamlltalr. 4 bdrm. 3 bett., boet alp. . $875,000. o-flnan-cl~. 714-64t-3278 Agt • 0.1. c. .. ,, .•• '!~-'!!~ •.•.•• !~!: ... , ........ 14 acre• with creek.• $44,900. 8 •er ... tar~ · 04ka, $31,000. Both ... tar ftnanced, low ln*91t. AMERICAN PACIFIC. Hwy 140 1nd t 1. Marl· poN. 0.: 2ot-eee-.3121, wee: 209'-9ee-389 t ,.,, ,,,.,, ...... _ .... .. Ll'f Cllll Rogera 7204 Pac Cit. Hwy •8 "Beach & 1....;._.;._ ______ "'. Bay TTilllier Pon". N.B. Panonmlc view on Newport Bay and Paclfk Orean Prime location. OWr *800.000 of -=able finandnl Bell avallabl• lot on Rldse t l .3lle,000 (714) 780-1900 ~inners to get silver service SUver food ..-vice plec. will be awarded to .... in the home arta and~ eectlon ol thla y.u'a ~ County Fair lnste9d of cub. fair off'd.tlt l&kl The falr, dubbed the Oran1e C~unty All·Amerlcan Fair t.hJa Y9U" to reflect U11 thlme, la '411nc .UV.-bec:au. of 0 U11 oantrtbutlon ln f1llfll'Y era ot Anmican hlatory." oraan1mn akL The fair will nm July t-18. For tnfcrmaUm, call '751-J'A.IB. ...... NO WRONG -Chief Justice Warren E. Reunions set on coast *nnoue • r rra MlmaTA,_-, Tiie followtng pe,.on I• clolng ......__ THI! El PHCAOOR RESTAU- RANT, •01 £. 17111 StrHt, Co1t1 ...... CAt2t27. JAMES A. GAMiAM, UH lM1UICIW, Coltl ...... CA lmt. Thia ~ .. condlloted by .,, lndMdl*. "-A.GrWlem Tiiie ......_., -Ned wett1 IN County a.ti of ar.,. County on Aclrtl tt, 1182. ~ ...... Alumni of .evera} area Publlehed Or111ge Coul Delly groui;s whme members Plot, Mey 5, 12. 11, a. 1~ live alon1 the Orange Cout have announced plan.a for reunlona, u --------17---- followa: *llllOUI • I IM 'lbe a.. of 1952 at um aTA~ Franklin Hith School, ~ ~ per90n 1' domg Loa Angela, will ho.Id a DOl!H "'®Uel! IERYa. reunion in October in ~ '=.',.::. Acit. 60· P a 1 a d e n a . F o r ~ Lomberdo, 2531 w. information call John Ott ~ A--. Aclt. 60, Anlflelm, C4llb1lll t2I01 at 213-240-4330 or n. ._._11CCJndudedby911 Roland Vl~k at lrlcllwtcMI. 213-255-3219. Tiiie .. =:~"""the Burger says there is nothing to fear from temperaie, reuoned public criticlam of ft!UDk:n. 'n. reunion II ,, Congre11, the Sup-eet Sept. 11 at tbe Las-~------- reme Court and the Anae1ea Mamou Hotel. executive branch. ~ W. Caab.11')' BMl. ~--------------Memben of the cllllla of 1931and1933 abo are Suicides by teens • increase wdoome. For information call Fred Ho~hberg at Adams judges. arts contests lrla Mum of IAcuna Beach, known for her oriental bruah palnUnc, will be a jury member for the fine ar111 contests at tbia year'• Oranye County Fair on Ju y 9-18. Ma. Adams teaches oriental,bn&ab paintfni at Saddleback Collefe and Heritage Park n Irvtne. Crewmen *mlOUI• ..... MAm ITATDmNT Tiie fpllowlng person le doing ~­COMMUTEC. 241 Avocedo, No. 11, Colla Me ... Cellfornl• t2t27 Reger Johnl«I, 241 A~ Ho. 11, Coeta MHe, C11flornl1 12927 Thll .......... condl"*9Cf by .,, lnclMduel. R. Joflneon Tilll .......... -!ltd """ the Ccuity a.ti of Or1nge Ccuity Ofl Mey'°· 1112. ,~ Publt1hect Orange Coa1t Oany Plot. Mey 12. 19. 29, June 2, 11Q. -----------3080-f.2 reunite· ~,wr••:- Tha followtng ,,.._.. .. "*' The thlrd national llulWleel • re\Dlion-for former~ IM"IHE STEAM CLEANING, menben of the atnnft :!:'Jl1.Newport a..ctl, (lei. carrier Hanoock will ta1r.el Dofielcl L. ...... •21 t. -· plllCe J':~-211n s.n1 1 ~~~~r •. Jlleao'a ton A.lrpon f:li Newport llMcfl. CeHf.,n~ Hotel. For lnformaUon' ~ ~ 11 ~by• ---.. CODtlid Dave Relneman. .,.,_.. 1*'111'11HP· 514 Calle Ban.nda, San &..-w. lolailM-...... -c 1 em en t e 9 2 e 7 2 . Tiiie .... .,.. .. -,.... 111tt1 IN DEATHS , D.SEWHERE K-4IMI ACnnoul • ..... MAmlTAT-.n The followlng pereon 11 doing PICTITIOUI --'um aTA,_., Tiie followlng pereon 11 ctofng ~- ·- 1- 1 Reach over 86,000 of the Orange ... Coast's most affluent adults · .•.. I Advertise in the Orange Coast's most successful real estate • magazine ... Call 642-6678 to see how little it takes to reach so many. laily Pilld 1 Ne~ort Beach•Costa Mesa lriine .• Huntington Beach Fountain Valley La~a Beach COUNTRY CLUB UVINO IN NEWPORT BEACH A deluxe community on the Beck Bey. Club hou- -& IP8: 1 poote; a 1.n-n1a cowts; dcJM to bullo-neae & lhopplno. r.w. " IW. 4Mll ..............•....... PROl'El810NAl male/ f•male In 25/35 age renge & • non-amoker wwited to lfw9 a '"LIKE NEW" 2 bdrm .• 2 bath San Juan Caplatrano condo. Fireplace. pool, jacuZzl and ONl y 2 mllM to th• beach & Dena Point Harbor. S275/mo. plua ~ of ullltl••· Call O•rllard a t (7 14) 131 -2040 or (11 4 ) 4116-9751. Non-amkr. 3br condo, $200/mo. + 'A utll. S 150 dep. 984-38&4. H.B. BA YFRONT: Femal• for Blllboe laa.nd 3 81'. 2 Ba. UH/mo. + 'A utlla. Bryan 973-1'88 or 850-1324. M/F prof. 28-35, non- amkt for Npt 8ctt home. ~ In now. '360. oe.-na. 931-1298 8hf 2 bf, 2 be lpt nt SC Plaza. All amenltlH. $250 Incl. utlla. Now. 979-6817; 540-3233 at. 284. ; 1. 19, l&.\l • -~\ • • • • ..._&lonP~ ·~-. .• leedl .... ,,..... tll·1111 ~t! 'fS., . • 1.'l!!'J! ............... . nvoYI) -1 .. 1-NPAIM NI to tit Mo per io.d. Greotftt & '"' •• -,,. elt. o.I.,.... ptenter Ml• aveQ. 'r• GwrllMlllR••• J ~............ ........ WALTT7N121 del.!oOl!lyN1·1Nt a:i:: & D ....... ,.111on11sc '"'"-...... -.. Uo. ~ ...... ~, ... ~ .. • ---------1 * ~=::?.... T~ ~1 cu.tom 8rtC*...... ..., , .. _,... -· ._ Aoo• 11 II~ ,...,_ No~ IMmpoo """'-~ w• .-.-•· -.... ~IOOO ~. ~-,..,.,,, .J3!!t« .... oeooM.-ac. :.fr.:fi•••••••H••H SW!n~FMt ....... :a ............ ...,...,.HANDYMAN .,.,-.~ _,_, · _,......, --Uo.f411toa. ~714 .._.....,K--14 -. ·~ -·-1·•a -------• 1'11-... .....-="'""'.... ~ MIM!e. rtt.. ,,. eet. ""'· ,,.. eet ta ,~l'IM "'-' ---.,~ ... , ....... --.-... , ____ ....._ ............... --.·~. 1• Clll241W,Ml-24,I. oua~OM.,......,..._, ,..,-...:.:.,""...:...alp111111ng .. ..,,,.. ~~ .. :...m Den~ Qredlng We car. Crpt oe..r. .......... _._ .._ .--n .-.. -~~~.' '""""'"""" • ~d'' ~.~ •••••••••™••••••••• -· __ ., -t:::&.Co. ~~ Steam dMrl & ..,... T• tttm..itfNMll I KNOW-LIT'I on !I). Wlfl ctw your'*' .. Ot --.-1.AAo:.= UV .... T>V ----IUOQET MTUIUc'd ...... a.z·1r. Trvc* mount unit L.ftlft ~ DIEi H9 lie ~ office. ~tlnf, It Npe/CM • ...,._ 12 I.awl-Low°'*'· ""'~ OtC. .............. ? .... . ....,,,,_ wontoutt. ~111eu ... 11 __...,. ,,.......,,... ......,..0/111 plumblng.1 8locl!W'llll.llftell.lllOM& .:-c.-.~ ............. ,,.. .. ""· ... 1.1111 "LACtM..,,..."'" :::"4'e.·.-::r........... -==,~,. ~ 1• WAD I -..AnvAet Ua'--Jo.n'• ~ ~ ~ Qualfhl .,,.. ·-'* Cll ............ Wiii ~' de)'9 wt! tot -••••••••••ile .... ••••• ~~~. ~-·" SMALL JON: plunlblng, u-.. ..... -~ ......... , Aentaie, ~· '' . Uc 'erttllna lntwlor~ --. ~ C*oountHI 1111 a d "f • ••••••• •••• ••••••••• lier•, mante11, kit. 01bl· .._..._..... Plllnt t et 1,_..ntry ..-. .. HAN<ll..,. 11 •••••••••••••••••••••• yr o •· " ternoone. Cement·~ nete, r1l1ed p•n•llng, Lt......., ~ ..:.:_ ·,,.:09.ta~i Ofloet. 1217 & f7&402'7 Qualty.~ 8 • ....._ ~l~llorMn ~ &per. 541-1f4t 9¥91.. Wllle-(:ult. 'f'Oftl. Uc. doore, booltc .... , f•· LA,_. CAM e: ..... d . ~ ping, Diec. on _;,;:,r ._ .._._... *AE90BmAL* .... ~~/ c===m~:;2::. ::.6i!~· )(Int ~=-"=CM '~~ ..... The7=·.n.73'12·~ ~·wov.HO= .... vr.~acott ... T.W ~o:LE~ITllO :.i.::t.~.::r.2My ~ Repla~e New Smll~e 53&-Hee Onr/~.--. ..... 7'..12 HAR~~~ :.:a ASA PAPEAHANGIHO n~w-•••••••••••••••••••••• " • -r -·, _. • __ ,. Qulllty HcM--..q. °'**• ClreNI a.rvtoe. 1 yra local ••P· Ouar. ,,_ __ ._.. _..,,. ...... ...... MAMtE SERVICES )Ob9. ~ MMS1 a.-.u THE~ and~ m.-1 wl a ""'°"" touot\. ~. ,,.. ............ 162-4410 work. PrlcH •tart It NII/CM onfy. 142-8162 lrVIN'I belt. .... 1 My Mec:t1Mc. Paint. vwnllh. QUI c.n :"":tA~AU.iACc>UiiiC.. C°""*"'9 u.wn Melnt.. trv .... --. ~ *.1 -• wro1. Alec 1a1-1021 ·~--'-' .__ a20. 2 My '30. Teall-Nt>-w9x. 14M7M •••••••••••••••••••••• Dominic '42...a&1 ••II-. r ..._ ::::=.~=•••••••• 519-1'°2 ...... --Unique 8UITllMr Progr11m, RepaJra, new & old. 11 ________ .... ~ .............. ......,,,,_ T~ 8oeollll '*'-1.-, '-raJ XI t 1 dltl -------- --teacher taking aummer ~ eiq>. Bud 551·9082 TIDI DUMP J098 •••••••:•-;;r•••••••••• In · 2S ~ ellP· .~.-................. 1~m'lf. ~:;.:. rat:t a~ Oranoe OOlllt ~ :':..*::T'J!u:! Qff.daVc:atT1PactMUe1tn ~ TOA*IJremovecs. aw ~~~1~1 ar.1 No~7~*1••• w*..!!"!.A~s•• Secr.wta1 a.rv. Suaen. "~'-!-~a I " d .. Ille morning, acedemlc ••••••••••••'•••••••••• up, llwn Nf!OV, 701~71 ..... ----Tiii OWftime. -~ ~""'Removal '4&-1691; 176-112S. .._:"'~. ~., ca af' yman wor... actlvltl .. In tlle att•r· ELECTRICIAN-Priced ........ --------....-HAULINO-etud~t Illa STA.AVINO COU.EOE NA 'fypea. 142•1343 ..-.-----.....,...111 e7s.1es1 noon, rMdl:11treaeed. right, frM ••tlmat• o-MOWING -~ 1 t .. " L t t Uw In .utty plUI IN-" HMlllna. rge r..c ... owee r• •· ture lolllng cara f« pett STUOEHTS MOVING IJ.l•A-1. who need peope Trade your old atuff for 87~!'01~!2•g• chlldren. lalveUc 3!!,."!'*'1 ~ -·• Free ..c 142· Promot: ~!,'t!!'.•· plants. CO. Uo. T12.......ae. •••••·~::"~•••••••• lhoutd 9IW11ys c:hec:ll the new goodl u wi th 1 -.... E\llM. • ..,._ • vr__. 1'hlu* ,_ ...,.., C«1lfted ~am... tnew'9d. 141-1427 Neat Pltchel & e.tur. ~ Olrec:tOtY In tfle Cll8llfled ed. 842-5811 S4ra Idle lteme 142·5818 Cluaifled Adi 142-5978 Sell Idle ltema 1142-5878 Dally Pilot ClullfleOe. (Slno91111)131-1214 WATct4 US OAOWI h 11f. ltl-1at DAILY PILOT WES TCLIFF BLllG "I[ 11PGW Bf Al" ,,,. . ...... C ti l.C· ~lc"a•d fi 4S 610• o.t OREEN c:aat1 IOI' WHITE 11epnant1 with • Claaalfled Ad Cell 842-5811 Call ua about tlle outatandlng car.., op- portunltl" .. an lnau- rtinee Aotm. TO"lllnlng .. not Interfere wttll your P'Wt~rt. />. ... . :) •Cl •1•' •1111 LIA 1 I) •a ... ! ., ~ AT HONDA SANTA ANA llJSTER ..... ..,, ... 1M11 HlfW IMS. caw-..GtoW l•lllullel111 ... 114aNlll ,.Yi:' ~y ..... •• 1• HlfW lt¥d. = .... ... ... ., .. l.11MH .•• : ••••••• COMMHL CHEvROLfT ._... . " .. ">4b-I 200 • *"'Nin* Nd• Mto, ..,,,,ox 1160, gooes runner. l40-2ne ·ea M811bu. '*""engine. Jdnt cond. 11200. 53&-.uoc> '77 Monza, 31,000 otle-ml, auto, air, new tlrM, b•low wt1o1 ... i. prtc., 12100. 14~18 9YI c.n.tt. 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• •Willi 11UR! GlaH tope, load•dl (2021). P«tectlonl ., 111,111 .......... Oo\19/Qu.I Sta. (Hr. Jernbor• I Matot) ........ ~M! •••••••••• ~ .. ,_...D1 HI perf. Mg.I tr-. OOll. lo ml, mag•, big tlrea. Muat NII. 1225 080. 642-5292 aft. 5. ~ ........... ~ '71 DODGE ASPEN 4-0oor PIS, P/8 , A/C, P/W. V«'f low mti..g.. EJlcellent condltton. c.I S42.a819 'llPIUll exc.ii.nt cond. Ster.o, Must ... 1760. e40-6142 '7~ etiaroer SE. 1 owner. eo.ooo mll•, Sunroof, fully equipped, good cond. 12.0M. 986-0783 r~ ............. ~ ·14 Tomo. 4 ctr, new bat· tery & brM-. Sec. 1700. 645-3020 lift 5. '72 Maverick, •x~lent c:ond. 44,000 mn.. Aa-IUng 11500. 541-4125 '70 FALCON 4 DR auto, 85K ml, rune great. '595. 64$-7578 ttlilnl 2 dr, a/c.•Mlltm. pe. pt>, pwr ~ MW tlrwa I bnlk-. 82200. 845-7412 '72 Ford Pinto. Good cond l ood o•• mlleage. 119$. 831-o:Ml7 ~ '64 Ford Falcon. Auna. 1300. C&ll aft 5 .. k tor o.w. S4M741 et Ford Station Wgn, t .,._, S7t5 or ofr. Good cond. PS, PB, ,,_.. .... 131-ot4t U.. IHI •••••••••••••••••••••• 1t7t Mark v. metalllc gr•y w/grey IHth Int. ~.-.ooo ml, tn-oott 0t 7eo.o381. '74 MAR IV, Sliver Annl-wr..-y, Jdnt oond.. MUlt Hll 12410/bet ofr . ..... 1141 '70 Uncoln Melt! ... 82,000 ong. ,,,..., ..,,, rune great. Mu•t aefll 11460.6'M744 l'!!f!f!tl. •••••••• ~ 14 Mueteng I, 4 apd, Arn/Fm. good cond. •1210 or bHt ofr . ....... '71 Must. 4 llHI. aftllfm eter cua. SOK Ml, a/o, ... OOftd, 14I00/1Mt .... , .... ~ ..... mTIHll,_ '74 MvelMt II, W , oCI oond . l1IOO. Pl~ 1174114 \ i I 11 • ....................................................................... 1 -low tar-I've tried~ . . Can a low tar cigarette MERIT Clear Clioice. _provide the taste incentive In addition, extensive to switch smokers from unmarked-pack tests con- . higher tar brands? firm that MERIT delivers a i Research consistently winning combination of prov~s that MERIT can. taste and ·low tar when MERIT Taste compared against higher tar ~ Sparks Switch. leaders .. ' Nationwide survey reveals ~: The over- '. over 90% of MERIT smokers whelming majority reported_ 1 1 ,who switched.from higher ~RIT taste equal to-or ~ ~tar are gladthey iO.In Tact,:better tlian-1eaCllnihigner .943 don 't even miss their l. tar brands. · former brands. . · , ~: Confirmed: When tar levels \ " . . " Further Evidence: 9 out · were revealed, 2 out of 3 _:.,_ of 10 former higher tar · . chose the MER1r combination ;sm9kers report MERIT ari . of low ~':lf and good taste. ··easy switch, that they ·didn't .. Yea11 after year, in study ~ve up taste in switchin~, . . aft~r s®;oy, MERIT remains and that MERI'E is the · . anl:>eatett The proven taste best-tasting low tar they've t':.filt¢rnative to higher tar ver tried. k~-is ~T. • I I I 1 ~ I I t r ' 11 ~1 I I I I I I I l I F I I ' ~ ~ ~ I I I f r I ~ I 1~ ,. 2 -Boating -A Supplement to the DAIL y PILOT, Wednelday, May 19, 1982 "I •• Lake• plintlful Boaters :seeKing irnlan~-sites nave a choice ~~a~NAN No private boats are allowed and owners. Motorilled ciah are prohibi-LAKE GREGORY -is two miles Boatina enthu1la1u opting for ~ is prohi.blted. . . tecl . northeast o, Crestline. Open from inland spota·for weekend outings A li1t of takes and re.ervoln m LAU ARROWHEAD -ta nine May to October, the lake .is popular will find numerous lakes and reeer-adjacent county areas to the 10utb. miles northwest of Runnini Springs. for fishing and swimming. Boating is voirs within.a.. three--bour drlve from and eaet follows: Open all year, the popular Jake ol-restricted to rental rowboats. There the Orange co..t. .. BIG BEAR LAKE -offers ex-fen ..run,, swimming, watenkling, • is no public laWlChing. Those aiming to avoid Los ~ive boating and camping facill--and flahlng. No public launching. LAKE HEMET -is 23 miles Angeles-area traffic wW flnd many ties. The lake is located l8 miles east· Viaitotl ma}' rent boau or take a southeast of Hemet. bpen all year. sites in ~m San Dieao and Riv-of Running Spr;np in the San Ber-lake cruile. There la 8' 3S mph speed the lake features fishing. Canoes, erside Counties and the San Ber-nardino M'Owitainl. Boat. µoder 12 limit. saUboats, inflatable craft and boats nardino Mountaina. There are a1ao feet or over 26 feet are prohibited; 35 LAU CABUJLLA -is ei~ht under 10 feet or over 18 feet are some location• here in Orange l_llph speed limit. Waterskiing and miles southwest of Indio. Open all prohibited. There is a 10 mph speed County. ~all ed .N IWimininR year, the lake -aet in the Coachella limit. No swimming. Cloee-by, boaters can reach Ana-ow · 0 • Valley-offers shaded picnicaites. a LAKE HENSHAW -is located 10 -heim Lake in Anaheim, or Irvine DIXON LAKE -is a reservoir aw~ beach, and fishing. Boa-miles. northwest of Santa Ysabel in Lake east of Orange in a matter of l~ted three miles east of Eacon-ten ahoW.d beware of sudden desert San Diego County. A fishing lake, it ~u~. dido. Facilities are' open alJ year. winds. Gas motors prohibited. la open all ~ar. Canot:s· inflatable Anaheim I.,.ake, at the intenection Ftshlng ia allowed. Boating ia res-LAKE CUY AMA CA . boats and craft under 10 feet are of Oranaethorpe Avenue and Miller tricted ~ ren1all. No swimming. -n-•'-f J~·••--tn Sani1Dimne prohibited. There is a 10 mph speed Street, is open daily froni CktObet to EL CAPITAN LAltE -ii a long, ull.IEl9 IOU"' o w.MU• ego limit. No swi.mming. June No filh1nl lioen8e is reqµired narrow reservoir eight miles east of County. A fjahing lake, it ia open all LAltE HODGE$ -is a reservoir and~ swtman& '8 allowed. •· Lakeside in San l>iego County. year. Boating facilities and picnic five miles south of FAcondido. It is Boats under' tCJ feet, canoes, kay-BoaJing facilities are located at the sites are located on the west shore. open Wednesday, Saturday and aks, sailboats, and inflatable craft south end, near the dam. Boats Un-Boats wxler' 10 leet or over 18 feet., Sunday from April through October. are prohibited.. Motorboat and row-der 10 feet or OY'1' 20 feet are pro-canoes, sailboats-and rafts are pro-Fishing ii allowed. Boats under 10 boat rentals are available. bibited and there la a 10 mph speed hibited. Th!!re !s a 10 mph speed feet or CNer 20 feet are FOhibited. At Irvine Lake, reached via ).lmlt. No swi.mmlng. limit. No SWlllUJl1n8· There is a 10 mph speed limit. No Chapman Avenue and Santiago GREEN VALLl!:Y LAltE -i1 LAD ELSINORE -is 30 miles swimming. . _ Canyon Road, tacilttiea are open seven miles northeut of Running touth of Riverside. A large lake es-~JENNINGS -is 20 miles Tuesday through Sunday all year. Springs. It ia open from May to Oc-peclally po)>ular for fishing and northeast of San Diego. A small fi-~ Lake. is a fishing lake, while ..... -The lake offen pjcnldc:1ng and watetskiing, it i1 op~n all year. shing lake, it ia open Friday through Irvine Lake Park offers a playgrou--a •wlmming beach. Launching of There is a 35 mph speed limit. Sunday from November through nd and childJ:en's fiahing pond. private boats is llinited to property Swilpming is allowed. (See lalud Boatiag pqe I) A V:IRAGI SAILOR • • • ,o'• The Newport Sailing Club & Academy Ofi Sail Over the past 16 years we have taught almost one thousand students safe sailing and seamartship. . . . ~nd we .know how to make sailing fun! • ~rter flttt of ~8 uilbo&e$~ 19' to •r. • Club Cruises Monthly to off shore island.s • Mefnbn Activities ac Lcctu.rc Sctits ......... -~-.......................... ._._...d.._... ...... ~;...::.o.;;;.............. . ~+: ~-~-~ ............___... ... ;'· Boating -A Suppliemeht to the DAILY PILOT, Wedneed8Y, MtlY 19, 1912 - 3 ... ; T E_Nt;~W --- ----...... J ~ I . Hll~,BIE .· 33 ~ Fast! ... Exciting! ... Ultra-Light! 9 HOBIE 33 SPECIFICATIONS . L.0.A. ............................ # 1111./11 .............. , .... 111,q.11. L.W.L. ................... ······· #.S JS61Gfml -., ~ --I' = ................ -·"· -............................. .., .. ----=-----Drl/t(Kee/lJotrn) ······~~·-···$¥" ,,~·············· . = Hf --... -----•-!"'If ····· .. ··············• ~ ............. .....,-.-.. ~· --~1--....... , .............. 1.... . .w.;i»m., w Arm. /Mittled ,,, . .... .. . .. . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . ••4 llobe Ai,, -- I i t. t I --r----- • 4 -Boating -A Supplement to the DAIL y PILOT, Wednaday, May 19, 1982 Even the adventure of travel on She ai.o reoommendl marldna the the open .. doesn't ti. the boater contents on the top of can foods wtth frun pUey duty. a felt marker bet°" leavinl, in cue But by prepertnc foods ahetld of labels come off in the damp a1r. time and tupplementtna the menu Becau.e •torac,e •J>Ke ls llinlted, with freshly cau1ht llah, those needed utenalla should be lpendinc a lot of Ume on the ocean multi-functional, aucb aa nesting can -rectuce rook1q drud&erY: bowll « two separate J>C*. l.ed • a Barbara Campbell, prelldent ot an double boiler. - industrial development and Preparlna and freezing di1hea investment company, bu been fly ahead of time la a handy way to fi1hln1 in the waters off New provide travelers with an eaay, Zealand, shell 1atherin1 on the nutritious mMl. White Sunday Ialanda off Auatralla, Below la Campbell'• favorite and fi1hin1 for Mahl Mahi ln tbe recipe: - Florida JeeYa. . CIOPPINO SUPREMO She'• familiar wiUi marine cuillne. be ''Cook:lni on a boat ls much like The sauce for this dlab can cooklnfi at home," said. Mrs. made up aheed of time and atored in the boat'• refri&entor. Fiah liated in Campbel, of Barlen Enterpriffs, the recipe can be aubtltuted for fiah ~OOat,lleS her boat for both busine9S cauet on the trip. Id~ y,._. ........ ftUete . "In Uct, 90IM of the larger sport a~ ,.... ...,. ...w ... deud flahin1 boata, Un my own, come 1 e., ...-.. cxmplete With a ltOYe, refrigerator, I._. ........ ~ several deep freezes and even a : :::! ~~ microwave," ahe uld. t elev• ..,.; er-.. But even lf tbe boater'• cook.ina '4 e., ...-.. ed ... facilltiea include only a small atoYe I NJ ._,.. on a aailboat. some of the cooking ~ tn II 111 lleidl M C ~ ..... Ill ..,... Up~• ra. amp bell off era are ~ e., ..,...,, ~ hel1 1 eu (I ,.....11...,..) .... r.. be encourqes nautical chefs to 1 C1111 ...... ~ carry a good supply of aplcea to ult convert otherwise dull meals into ,...er aometbln1 special. Wine la abo a ~••ter 11111• eHk .. •hll•• aa• . necemty in Mn. c.mpheil'• pllery, 1 ~ ,._.. eiM .-. ..w COOK.ING ON BOARD -Barbara Campbell often finds that taking a "both for c:ooldna and d.rinki.na." ahe a eu C7 ~> ..-.. c1amt vacation on board her boat Bandido does not relieve her of gaUey duty · u_ ··-'•'-• .,,..1fe (See Cook pqe I) but the tips ahe offers could remove moet of the drudgery. ----~==~"~·=-~-=-====':.._:=====---=:z-~~~~,....--~~~-L_:--~~---:r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_;_~~~~~ --'· -.......... ~ - Al's Garage and Sea Bags Heavy duty Canvas Bags m shapes and sues to f1I any OCCA!'..i•.,. Seams are double stitched to provide a , hlet1me of durablkl'f All Sea Bags are water repellent and feature a shoulder strap tor easy carrying 41 ...... C..·~fsb Ifl....., 1.11111 NWEI ••IEIS 0. 11111111 .. Oli' Diel • PUii • Wed POlll I SM. llOmME CIFWWW llTTEllS IF llUFlllll ... -. ........... w .. ! SBIP·SBAPB LOOKS -NauUcal fuhiom are eacu1Diiec web bel1a, jaunty la1Jor ca119 and duffle caml.artable, i1PQ111 and l9ldy for llCtion. Coordinate beP· Tb.II 1111ua'1 fMhlon are aood-looldna fll>Olaah middy bloule9 and crtap aallor panta with clultc · to inake my aaOor wmt to jump lb1p. . -\ l ,. 714--675-9007-0.1 114-960-1725-E•e. 40'Coaeo..4 S.F. "71, glau. D.a.. Radar. New 7" lr.w. pa. A/P, F•tlto. ADF, New 8iaial. o. w.c. 75~ ...... .89,900 33• Oaria S.F. O.W.C. 69K 36 l1buader DSL. '73, A/P, VHF, Fatho, Shwr, 1>odcer, low bn. e'lflr/ option. Avon. 5 a.... o.w.c. 75~ ....... 69.900 36' Colu•b'la, 69, O.Y.C. 36K 35• 0...trmaa Trwl. 36' CAc. '79, O.Y.C. 39K 69~ 33' La Pu. Trw~ ~ 45• Roberts, O.W.C. 43K 99K ~Bertram S.F. Dal. 50' Ketlederg,O.W.C 99K l34K Come See Oar In-Water Boat Show 1 Daya a Week BOAT CLEllllll&, SPECIAL 30% OFF ReK!Jlat: Spring Clea_ning Rate ~.-llthru6-1"'2) Inland b,oatlng ... . -(eoauned fnm pqe t) June. Canoe., aallboata and inflata- ble craft are probiblt.ed. There la a 10 mph apeed limii. No IWlmmlna. LA~E MORENA -i.a 13 miles eouth of Pine Valley in San Diego Coun~t~eservolr, lt b open all year. la allowed. Boats under 10 feet or over 20 feet are prohibited. 'lbere W a 10 mph speed limiL LAD IOLUIAR -la 13 miJa north at Sm Dleao. A llDAll ~ lab, it b open Saturday Um>uili 'l'ueella,. ..from November tJuouah mid-October. Boats \Wier' 10 feet or OYf6 20 feet .,.. ~-10 mph ..-,cl Jlmit. No ........... LAKE PB&lll8 -Ii l '1 mtlea ~ of Biwnkle a ma-mlde Borrowing boats ' Sailors ·cut costs . Sailina doesn't have to be an ex- pemtve undertaking. In fact, many Oranae Cout l"elidentl aall regularly at a modest OOBt. Ho•? They are aallinc tomeone eJ.e•a boet, either in aallinC clames « tbrou&h a lllilinC club or boat rental arnneement 'lbe clubs give novices and veter- an aallora an opportunity to u1e boata of varying aiz.e8 for varying time perlocla -without the time and expense UIOCiated with boat own- enhlp. The sailing cluaea and rental concema provide ~ interested in ..Uing an experience on smaller aallboall. Safety and 1eaman1hlp are at.re9led ln cl.ama offered through the clubs and aaoclatiori. of the Univenlty of Callfom.la at ITvine, Oran1e Coast Colle1e, Coutllne Colamunity Colleae, Golden We1t CoUece. and tbe Newpcrt Beech and Lacuna Beach city recreation de- putmenll. The clube ~uire members and non-memben ua1ng boats in their fleeta to either comp&ete the club'• ..wn, coune or be certlftcated after betna cbecbd out on tbe waw. Inltlal fees range from $150 to $345, but aome of the srou .. offer imtruction • put of tbe Initial fee pllCk.ap, wblle otlim offer It sep- arately. 'lbe number ot houri of in- struction varies .. Monthly ch.-vary -and aome are credited toward ..wncUme. Fleets ranee in me bun boat. ot 17 to 'J:1 feet up to 38 to 48 feet. 'lbe oldest boats in eech fleet are uaaally no mace than three ,_n old. It la a aood Idea to~ aD boat. in a fleet before deddlna to join a club or Ul(ldation. Boata are equipped with safety gear and routinely maintained. The range of 1.natrumentatlon and addi- tional s-r-varlee -another lactor' to be comidered. Emphula on toelal activities in eech club varlee aJ.>, with some in- cluding more 1et-to1ether1 than others. - Five of the aix clubs and a.ocia- tions in Orange County are located in Newport Beach. The sixth la in Dana Point. For further lnlonnation. they may be reached at the follo- wing locatiooa: •Aventura Salling Asaoclation, 35102 Del Oblapo St., Dana Point, 493-9493. , •Calypso Salllng Anociation, 2727 Pacific Coast Highway, New- port Beach. 645-7100. •Lido Salllng Club, 3300 Via Lido, Newport Beach. 87~-0827. •Newport 8aflina Club, 3432 Via Oporto, Suite 204, ~eWJ>Ort Bnch, 6'15-7100. •Pacific Sa1llna Center, S333 Pa- cific Coaat Hlgnway, Newport Beach, Me-7755: •Windward Salling. 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 5A. Newport Beach, 615-9060. An introduction to tailing, UlinC 14-foot and 30-foot sailboats, la available on the Orange Coaat throu8h llx dlfferent -aenctea: •At UCI, clauea are offered lo two-week bloclu d\dlna the awn- mer, and aomet1mel Cl\ weeMnda or late aftemoom. There are 10 aea- liona. eech one-and-cne-balf houn, ........ a.,...-., ' ~I i i I ) . CHARTERS, MEMBERSHIPS, LESSONS Sailboats 27-48 Feet A Division of Windward Sailing, Inc. 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 5A, Newpart Beach, CA 675-9060 ( -· 1 · \ t I k-~ I I t • I UclO 14'1 an \INCi la "9Ci":!:S c' 111, and .......... .. tor the ............... iidYacecl . du II Por furtller lnfonaatlon, call IN-l880 . • •Golden West Colle9 of.fen be-glnnlna and fntennecJiate aaillnl c1.uM9 and a 1eamanahtp cl&.-du-rinJ the 1ebool year in 18:-Week 1!009. • F-total $10 for the ..nm, c!M- w and $6 for the -rmrwhlp c1w. Seven Lido 14'1 and a 30-foot SbieJdl are u.d in the ci-.. Call 892.-1'711 for further' information. '•At Coastline Community Col-Jeae, a variety of aaWna c1-are held, with the pl to tabor the clall ICbedule to the ltUdenta. ,. .. "'!1 from $10 to $20 ~­dlna on thit Jencth ol the di& For lur1her lnformadcn, call 983-0811. •The Newpcrt 8-cb a.:r-t1on Diep.rtment conducta llUIDelqal .... JJna ciu.e. on a contlnutnc bu18 th.raulbout the year. Mojt ~ are oomprt.ed of 10 'boura ol on-water lmtructJon. • A betlnnint;.=:,bot claa coven buiaa, while md Catamaran ~ require the Sabot m. -•. prenquillte. The five-week Sabot clul coeta $22. The other two -three and five weeb. n.pecUvely -cost ... For further infonbation. call the ciepartment at 040-22'11. · •In L.«una Beech. c1-are alto - ..... _,.., .... INSTRUCl'ION -Susan Aver/ and atudent Donald Taylor prepare foraallin1 leaaon at Windward Sailing Club. SEAWATER OESALINATOR • Self Contained •Fall-Safe •Under 100 lbs. Complete unit Starting as low •• 81799°0 Now you c1n hive• contln'ulng supply ol drinking w1ter with 1 Stand.rd Communlcallons HRO Fresl'I W11er System. Tl'lls un1Que reverse osmosls aystem will rec111m 1ny SH water. Units prOduc Ing from 100 to 1800 gallons of water In 2• hours. Also 1valleble from Ventege M1rlne, a new Hll cont1ined 12 vofl d.c H RO engine drfven system under 80 lbs. On tl'le high se11. Inland w1terw1y1 ... or at tl'le dock, Vantage Marine hH a fully te1ted HAO Fresh Water System suit1ble lor your requirements. Pie••• write or call for a FREE HAO catalog VANTAO• MARIN• Salee, lntt•llatlon a Full S.rvtce '•eto,, Allfhorlzed Dl1t1lb11to1 • 1733 Monrovle Ave. Unit M Cost• Me11. CA 92627 I~ (714)s31.51e5 Bo8tlng -A Supplement to the DAILY PILOT, Wedneeday, May 19, 1982 -9 NOW at Schock Boats Full Sales ani Service Serutces; Hauloute to 36 feet Marine Hardware Bottom & Topelde Reflnlehlng Marine Engine Service Sallmaklng and Repair Canvaeaod ~u•hlon Work FlberglaH Repalrl Electric Boat Rentp ~L ~. I ·. ,_ . -= -~. , , , • Dealer• f or: I NewYork36 Santana Udol4 Sabota Boston Whaler Avon Inflatables \ ·Super Cat EYlnrude Outboards Electric Packet ,, " . .. !:i_ "!'" -.__ ' I i i I l i • 4 1 ~ I t ' ! i r- t I ' 1---- 1 I I I I 10 -Boating -A Sup~t to the DAILY PILOT, Wednesday, May 19, 1982 HOUSE @IP~ Newport home stirs memories of years of salllng, .swimming Hopkins family members have long felt close to the water and boats, and it's no wonder. For many years, they lived in a villa in Newport Beach that provi- ded them with the Newport Bay as a front yard. Ttie 6,000-1quare-foot bayfront estate was built during the late 1920's by the late C. Harold Hopkins, an architectW'al engineer who served as a planning commias1oner for the City of Newport Beach. Located on Peninsula Point, the three-story Spanish Mediterranean home includes a fourth floor obeer- v a ti on tower and commands a 360-degree view of the coast and bay. The home holds fond memories for Jean L. Hopkins and John R. Hopkins. who as ~rs climbed on its reinforced frame during con- struction and went boating and swimming from its pier. Now the family is aelling the villa, with its 60 feet on Newport Bay. The asking price for the home, which features uncommon construction de- tails and a list of amenitie1, is $2.65 million. The foundation includea steel reinfOl"Ced conc:re~ plllnp. full me 2" by 4" boards and extra fi.reblocka used in framing, and space between floors. The walls are eight inches thick. The houae has bra.a and copper plumbing, hand adzed expo.ed beams. five fUle boxea and two main electrical lines, with aoJid conduit lines in the original portion of the home. The home features a formal livi.J:ag room, separate formal dining room, entertainment center with lanai, courtyard with tiled fountain and tiled foot bath, and two kitchens. . There ia a walk-in freer.er, an el-• evator, a ship's locker with mainte- nance pit, an intercom, and an avi- ary. The villa's Spanish Meditemmean architecture is highlighted by use of tile, arches, and a fireplace with detail used in the home of the Spa- nish painter El Greco. M~ Hopkins recalled many years spent outdoors at the home, playing, swinun1ng and sailing. "I learned to sail off this pier," she said, noting that it was supported by the mast of a schooner. And, she enjoyed spending time on tfle home's balconies, which overlook the bay. "There's nothing nicer than t~e early morning -4:30 to 5 a.m. -m the spring or summer," said Miss HQPkins. "You hear the sounds on the wa~ ter, or take a walk on tfaf'beach. The orientation of Balboa is the water. That's the whole reaaon why you're here." The ~ G listed by Waterfront Homes, Inc. of Newport Beach. Ca- role Frankel and Anne Freeman are the listing .,enta (phone 631-1400). • I """° .., Gllry ...... COURTYARD -The iound of water from the fountain in the courtyard at the Hopkins home adds to the cooling effect of the entryway. The Spanish Mediterranean architecture is highlighted by the uae of tile and arches. . ~ If your dreams of sailing away -escaping to the serenity of the sea or exploring offshore islands only a horizon away but a paradise apart from our mainland . pace -have been scuttled by nightmarish boat prices coupled with interest rates beyond your wildest dreams, don't abandon your dream! There~ a low cost sailing alternative that circumnavigates the high cost of boat ownership and puts you on board your dreamboat for a lifetime of sail- ing pleasure and adventure. It's called "Calypso" sailing and it'-s a sailors dream come true .. FREE sailing lessons with purchase of Sailing Ass0ciation membership at · regular price of $195. OR, if you' re already an ex~rienced sailor, FREE certification sail plus a 25% DISCOUNT on the me".'bership fee. DON'T CALL OFF YOUR D~-' •• CALL (71') 845-7100 2727 West Coast Highway_ • Adjacent to the Rusty Pelican Special ends June ht ... Stop dreaming of sailing and start sailing your dreams I ' h le q c Bw '!!YE TRIPOLI Gr' ... _ ...... An o~. aovemtna the c:onvenioQ of moblle ~ parka to other uae1 ln Huntlnaton Beech took • ldant 1tep toward final approval Tue.day when the plannln( commi11ion sent Sta Uliltanoe eo1ta the park owner more than one-third the raw value qf the park land. The owner will be Uable oc amounta only up to one-third the land'• value -lf ""-t amount la not auUlclent to pay full tenent aulatance,', the available funds ,, J will be pro-rated am.ons th tenah\I. -btabliahment of a mobl14 home patk ovdlay zone ~ to one ettabUahed earlier y,ar In Newport Beach. Th overlay ione would be p (Sff PAl\K, Pa~e AZ) l ___ S __ a ___ v._in_s_s_se_e_n~, 1 West CoUnty citie~ • w¢igh fire ~ergerl There la a 60-60 chance that four Weet Orange c.ouniy dties will merge their lire de~ta to save COS1a, Huntington Beach Fire Ch1d Ray Picard uid today. The cities. -Fountain Valley, Westminster, Seal Beach and Newspapers report Huntington Beach -.-have been dlscuaalng various merger propoeals for about two months. Officials say their hands are being forced by revenue reductions including the Thatcher decides CALL HER MOM -Gidget, a 7-year-old kittens know. The dog moved into the closet spaniel-poodle, is the only mother these five with the felines after their mother died. to invade islands Gidget becomes mom Dog nurtures orphan kittens BY ROBERT BAUER , Of .... 0.-,,.. ..... The maternal instinct of Gidget apparently bu no bounds. The 7-year~ld cocker spaniel-poodle has taken over as the mother of five baby kittens. Their mother died lut week from complications U80Cia~ with the births. Jackie Gronbach of Huntington Beach says Gidget not only is cleaning and caring for the babies, she's actually nursing them, too. "I've never seen an~ like this. Our family is really proud of her.' Mrs. Gronbach said Gidget moved into the closet with the kittens as soon as Milty, the moths cat. died. Tax evasion sentence 111 looked In on · the babie9 and there Gidget was. She'• been with them ever since. '"They (Miffy and Gidget) were cloee friends. Maybe aometh.lng told her to do thla for her friend." Just in cue the new babies are lacking in nutrition. Mrs. Gronbach feeds them a few eye droppers of milk and baby formula four times a day. An animal doctor said today that dogs take over as surrogate mothers for other animals occasionally. "But nobody knows why they do it," he said. He added that a condition of f.abe pregnancy makes milk available. Italians jail Sophia Loren By Tiie Auodatel Presa Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said today Araentlna'• respome to the latelt l'alk1and 1llandl peace propcm1 "doelll't look very encouraatn1," and British newsy-ye"' reported ahe hM alreldy decided to Invade the lt.1anda. . Mn. Thatcher said 1n • British Jlror.a wth'I O:wp. tnwrvtew her pernment Md not llll!Jl the.full text of Ar&entina'a ~~. but that "the gap loob big" between London and Buenos Aires pomtiona on the dilputed Britlab colony Argentln.a seized six ~ ~ United Nations, Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar said today he thought he waa in "the last hours" of talks with Argentine and British neaotiaton in attempts to end the dispute. He did not elaborate, but a British 90W"Oe at the U.N. said Argentina's resp01'9e had 101De new elements, "including some pomta ot forward movement." Argentine Deputy Foreign Minister Enrique Roe said after he presented his response to Britain's position Tueeday night it wea intended to bridge differences and resolve the conflict peacefully. ROME (AP) -Actress Sophia Loren began a 30-day prison term today for tax evasion shortly after returning to Italy following a two-year absence, prilon officlala said. A court in July, 1980, found. her guilty of failing to report five million lire on her 1970 income tax return. That waa about the equivalent of $7,000 under the rate of exchange at that time. "rm very worried about the Earlier, British landing fOl'CeS tJ.me I will have to spend in jail." were reported closing on the she told reporters at Rome South Atlantic lalands, and Mrs. airport Thatcher was quoted by the She .recalled she Mel filed a Londoo Daily Exprem tabloid as petition for a pardon with teW.na Qµeen Elizabeth II that Mias Loren, wh·o has proclaimed htt innocence, was met at Leonardo da Vinci airport by a police officer and taken to the priaon, about a three-hour drive south, in an urunarked car. Officers at the prison at Caserta, 20 miles from Miss Loren's hometown of Na]jles, said she waa put in a oell alone and appeared to be ln good spirits. She · told an int,rviewer in Geneva, Switzerl•nd, before boarding her plane to Rome that she wanted to return to ''tee my mother, my country and my roota." WORLD As Miss Loren waa being eacorted through the airport, she was surrounded by repOrt.era and photographers who nearly knocked the 47-year-old actress to the ground. She 1et out a cry for help as she stumbled. Plat.oclo.lh.ea ~beli>ed her regain her and shoved through the swanning crowd to make way for her. After spending 4~ mlnutea inside 1.he airport police station, she boarded a white Alfa Romeo unmarked car accompanied by two policemen and her sister, Marla Scicolone. Pay Beales -vary widely Getting eJecteCI prellident' of the United Si.tea meant an annual salary of $200,000. Gettlna =ted prtme mlni9Cer ol China meena a yeuly pa of P,828.~M. I NATION President Sandro PerUnl. she ordered troope to invade. Minutes before taking the "Only the time of a British Alltalla flight to Rome, Mias Land1na on the Falkland Is1anda Loren said ahe decided to r:eturn aeemecl in doubt," the London to Italy to solve "an unjust 1lJDe9 reported today. situation due to a little mistake When Mn. Thatcher's BBC by a tax specialist. Thia 9MlJl la int.erllewer asked her opinion of now dead-may he re.Un peace • Arlen~'• respm11e. she said: -but now I have to 80 to pri8on. "'I'm afraid it doesn't look very "I think the Impact of being ~-" jailed will be a traumatizing thina ... the said. "Please, let'• not fall into vulgarity," she replied when asked whether her move wu a publicity stunt for her next movie, Una Wertmuller'a '"nl!ta De Agresta." COUNTY She repeated Britain's demand that all Argentlne forces on islands withdraw· before any neaotiationa be1ln. She alao Npeated Brit.ain't J.nliltence that .overeipty l1 ne1otJ1ble, and demanded the laland.1' natives retain local control in any Interim government. "I penon.ally thmk that after this terrible experience, the last thini they will want to do is to have cloee aasoci.ations with the Ar Unea." she said. C . Thatcher told Parliament on Tue9day that Argentina was atal.ling foe time and the outcome of O.N': talb abould be known by Thursday. She said if talks failed, "no military action can be held up in any way." "I believe that any military action or option cannot and m~ not be delayed by people who are extending negotiations," she declared. Valley seeks bus shelter 'overseer' The Fountain Valley City Council will permit bus shelters at local stops but has not decided who should reap the financial benefits of shelter advertising. The coundl voted unanimously Tue9day night to seek bids from all service C'lu b s and organizations interested in administering the bus shelter project under city guidelines. The council failed to approve two earlier motions that would have earmarked bua shelter revenue for the Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce or for the city's own coffers. Tht d e bate came at the conclusion of a public hearing on the chamber's plan to overaee the construction, maintenance and advertialng associated with 20 local bu.a shelters. The chamber, in tum, would have a contract with American Bus Shelter Co. of Santa Ana. The company would build the ahelten and aecu.re advertising, while the chamber and the city would retain the rights to (See BU~ Pqe A!) ' INDEX elimination of state motor vehicle in lieu taxes. Savings in the form of consolidation into one department are estimated at $1.25 million to the four cities. Local home rule ls a key IMue In the proposed merger. "There need to b e assurances of substantial efficiency increases as well as cost savings to mak' approval worthwhile.'' Picard saJd. "But I see a 50-50 chance of success.'' Picard said the most likely of the consolidation plans would see Huntington Beach take over the services of the other three cities and contract out to them for fire protection. He said Hunungton Beach has the largest department -seven stations and 150 firefighters -as well...as repair facilities and administrative capability to o~rate the system. The three other cities combined have about the same number of employees and seven stations. Picard said not one station would be closed or one fireman laid off by the consolidation. The plan would see a decrease of 11 firemen due to retirement and other fom\S of attrition. he Mid. Seal Beach • officials also are exploring the possibility of a takeover by the Orange County Fire Department. Fountain Valley Fire Chief Dick Jorgensen said today that consolidation discussions have shown that the city is operating about as efficiently as it can. He said the main concern is top quality fire protection. "We've been cut back and cut back in th e area of fire prevention and I'm not sure that we can solve all our problems," he satd. The fo ur cities presently comprise N e t 6 with joint training operations, common communications system and an agreement for automatic aid in which the nearest agency goes to the 8Cene of a fire regardless which city it is in. The term Net 6 is taken from a geographical area for a radio frequency. C~ast's boating scene featured Are you a veteran of the Orange Coast boating scene? Or a newcomer eager to learn more about it? Either way, you cart find infonnation. about life on and near the water by turning to the spedaJ boating section In today's Daily Pilot. . over the tx11Una .tonJna of parka thou1h chat p.-ov111on could \hat .,. not altMdy loned for rt1uU In lOIMI tor them. mobile home UM, foroinl ownen With ~ ~ ,._,, • comt bttor• th• city ror ~· the ~~ IOCiiM : .. t ~al of any c:haJ'\11 In the many moblle home own1u ~ we. I wQuld ~ unable to ttloC:ate In a..-A requlrement that owners thla area if thelr parka were mbmlt a rtport detalllna the converted. In many parka, that l*>pact of any propo1ed could mean that a majority conversion on the dlap\aced would qu1llfy tor aaatatance "91dent.t of the Pllfk. The report under the provtllon fordnl the lhDuld lndude an ou\llne of the owner to buy thett C09Chel. . tr'* of coach• ln the par"-the But the catch la that the owner mJkeup of exiatlna tenant would ~ liable for ~ymenta W.U..holda lncludlna data on the equal to a maximu_m of OM-third tehanta' age and lncorne~ and a the value of hla land. That may 'report on the avallablllty of not be enouah to recoup the replacement spaces within 100 lossea of the coach ownen ln rliles of the park~ their oost. some pa'rka. 1<About 30 mobile h<>me owners C.ornmisaioner Tim Paone, who \rilo sat throuah the meeting proposed the limited liability •plaudec:J, passage of the rule, aaid he did 10 because dDdinance, which had been ur,der without it owners of eome parka dilculaion f9" montha. Sevt!ral mJght flnd themaelves liable for commented as they left the City tenant asalatance coats greater <louncll Chambers that approval than the ·value of,. their land a1 the or di n a n c e b y the under the ordinance. <*Dmission was the first step Such a possibility would make i.aivard the protection they had any ordinance pasted by the dty been eeeking. ~tible to legal cballenae. he nNoneofthemseemedbotheted said. Commisa(on members ~ the provision limiting the agreed, backing the liabillty funit liability of park owners, even by a 6-1 vote. Cl! BUS SHELTER FUNDS .. e a8Prove the shelter locations and t~ content of the ads. rll.Jnder the thamber proposal, th~ city would receive $1,000 yfarly ln taxes and licenses for 20 s~lters. The chamber's revenue Wbuld be about $8,400 annually fl'.om 20 shelters, chamber president Frank Bryant told the Cdt&ncil. rue said the chamber would use kt ~ • tl\ese funds in tt1 "8hop in F'ountain Vailey Campaign," which he claimed would help increaae aa1ec tax l!evenue for the city. But Councilwoman Barbara Bro.wn said she feared the arrangement with the chamber might be an illegal gift of public funds. ~ury se~uestered ~ penalty phase bAn Orange County Superior cburt jury -sequestered for the n~ht Tuesday -·continued d iberations today on whether c hvicted police killer Gordoh ~ Mink should die in the gas cHilmber at San Quentin prison. 81 The jury was sent to a Santa Ana area hotel after its first day oh deliberations Tuesday after tbe for e man o f the panel repotted he r eceived a threatening phone call •t home lat& week. '11uror Elliott Clark, who wu rJmOved trorn the p;mel Mondaf by Orange County Superior C8lD"t .ludJte Kenneth E. Lae, " a t:oastal nSfNll craft advteory In elf9cl a,,er outer watera from Point C6noeptlon to S.n Nicola lllend flt northweat wind• 18 10 30 knoll end c:omblne<I H• and ..... 7 10 11 feet through I~ tMd deerealna tonloht. Not .. ~ IOUth of~ Nfcolal lalend tltllt 5 10 7 loot -Wlnda.10 to 18 knot• ettamoon and -Ing. .,.._, to nor1flwell IW9ll 2 to 4 ffjllt Moatly elHrlng. Pertly dOu<ty on the aouth c:out tonight. .S. summary e lhvodef"SIONnl epawned nedoea In w .. t THH •nd "-t K-todmy, and hall lerge .. l>Mebelle felt In pert• Texu. he lhunderatorma dumped vy r•ln •nd aom• hall on ..._ Rain WU alao llMvy In ell of Kan•••. wealarn l•lloma and lhe Tex•• said he reCeived the phone call Thuraday night. F,af]jer that day, th~had convicted t4ink of f murder for the shoot.inf d4a of Garden Grove police officer Donald Reed two years aeo. Other jurors were not infonned of the death threat. Courthouse obeervers believe the Mink jury is the first to be sequestered in Orange County in ~e past three years or lonpr. Prosecutor Bryan Brown asked the jury Tuesday to recommend that Mink die ln l}le gat chamber for wbat he de9cribed aa the t!XewtJon-atyle alaying of officer Reed, 27. 96 13 .48 84 44 59 37 01 68 55 87 71 Sl 81 74 56 78 •9 .02 82 70 92 80 73 13 84 72 43 12 57 82 58 17 65 as &4 87 81 .05 78 Cle 1.75 87 82 .oe 1s n 711 13 .27 " 511 .111 as SS .03 95 SS 83 53 .04 Cle 37 Cle 42 .18 78 le .02 87 42 .28 116 75 .02 13 70 82 81 .02 88 84 .OS M 59 71 12 S7 &4 13 13 .oe 78 10 .01 87 82 .35 8-4 &4 711 74 .03 81 sa .oe 71 51 78 13 .111 17 15 74 10 et " 11 58 T9 81 .05 7S 58 .llO : I! '°' JO 17 •• 09 :: ..... .03 .. 16 .. :M 17 ... .21 14 10 .. 46 .. 14 74 .. ,. 81 . .. St8teM9tte Spok-S)'l'*:IUM Topeka Tueaon TUIN WillhlnOtn Wlchlte ~ ........... .,, ..... "...., SPEED~RS BEWARE -When Michael grows up he may want to be a patrolman. But Monsoor, 14 months, of Huntington Beach first he has to figure how to pedal a Big Wheel. Coast youths compete for cash awards Five Orange Coast high 1ehool atudenta are among 36 students competing for four $2,000 awards today in the finals of Bank of America's Achievement Awards Competition. The competition w taking place at the South Coast Plaza Hotel. 4 The local students are Barry Abrahams of Fountain Valley High School, competing in the vocational arts category; Allen Menton of Corona del Mar High School, competing in the fine arts category; Anjel Ayrer of Edison Ht.ah School ln Huntington • Beach, cofnpetl.ng ln th. liberal arts category and studehta Fzic Hanaon of Irvine High School and Susan Viaeer of Huntington Beach High School. both in the sclen<'e and mathematics category. The program is designed to honor o\lltalaf)dlhg high echool senlora whose 1eh0larship, senae of civic reaponalbillty and leadership disp\ay promise of future success and aervlc;e to ~crety. accoralng to bank officials. 11 63 84 .0 711 511 78 68 113 .J8 M M M 17 7t 13 .02 Palm Springe PMadena San Bernwestno CANADA weather SI 37 13 4.1 73 51 n ... 13 50 71 51 51 .... eo 47 80UT .. l"N CAl.l,OflNIA COASTAi. ANO MOUNTAIN •AMAS -,_ Md ......, _,. ......... ~-::=r-· ...... .., _..... .. .. ;:-:-:::,: :'It'° .... .: lnilM'~.:-. ~ .. ........ '911ft ....... TS. L.-4' to II. • Voters near TMI • against restart By Tiie Alaoclaced Pl'e11 Pennsylvania voter• living near ~ Mile Ialand voted by a 2-1 margin against restarting the nuclear plant's undamage<l reactor In a non-binding referendum that the Nuclear Regulatory Commlasion says will affect lta decisions. which will ultimately decide on any restart. "I think we can call it a mandate to elected offici.ala," said Susan Reider. of The Bipartisan Committee to Vote No. "We're heartened by it." . Robert C. Amol~, president of GPV Nuclear Co,rp .. Which operates the plant, said he was "reluctant to draw firm conclusions from the referendwn vote" because of "the light turnout~ and the difficulty in addressing the complexity of this iaaue with a simple yes or no answer." The three counties have 222,09J voten. Both Unita l and 2 have-been shut tince th• accident and efforta are under way to clean up radioactive contamination ln Unit 2. Unit 1 restart has been delayed . by corroded steam generator tubes and a U .S . Court of Appeala order last week .that the paychological impact of the accident on nearby residents must be considered in a decision on restarting the undamaged reactol'. "Thia sends a clear message to the governor and elected officials. It's so decisive. it's better than our wildest dreams,'' said Kay .Pickering of TMI Alert. an anti-nuclear group. The vote Tuesday was conducted in three counties around the crippled Three Mile Island plant, acene of the nafk>n's wont commercial nuclear power accident three years ago. It concerned one unit of the Three Mile Island plant near Harrisburg, Pa., which has been shut three years. Bandit hits Seal Beach savings firm Police are searching for a man with a chipped front tooth, who wore a blue and white baleball cap while robbing a Seal Beach savings and loan Tuesday . , aftemoo~ • • Seal Beaclrpolice Uid the man fled with an undetermined amount of cash ~om World Savings and Loan, 12315 Seal Beach Blvd. He passed a note to a teller saying he had a gun. according to police. The robber was described as a Caucasian in his early 20s, about 6 feet tall, 150 pounds, with reddish blond medium-length hai r and a light -colored mu s tache . H e a lso wore blue-tinted metal -rimmed iiunglasses, police said. Huntington High 'Pepsters' named Huntington Beach High School haa named its new "Pepaten•• for the 1982·83 IChool year. Sonf leadera are Claris Baril ~.J Moalca Kolby, La•rel MHter. llarl Miller, S.auae Sliter and Det111•• Woods. The 1mal1 f)a1 team Includes Kerri AaderHa, &rla Pr•••tt•, Ria•••• Miiier, hi•• Polle, ~ . ' PeDkort and S•aette WWlamaoa. The varalty~yell 1.r-oup la ColeeD BHla,_Holly BHter, Reaee Lee, &Im Moberly, Beat•er Sclaamaelaer and ltaru Yee. The junior varal\y yell squad Includes Slaayaa Alleom, Mla•y Aadera•a, Taady AJ'•ltn1_., Laara Gorlaamand~T~ BY JOEL C. DON ... ............... Hll lnfonnal talk wu 10 toc.w on w-, bUt Marine CorSJI Set· $teve ~y thowed Utde -lf any -aliJll of hlJ 14~-montb. ca~tlvlty u an Iranian ~· 1Depre11lon~ wa alway• there/' he told a srou of UC Irvine aoclal ecololY tudenta Tue.day. ''It WU a of lfllY· Sometimes It would darker; tometimea It would tiet llahter." Though aome of hla ~l fellow American captivea auffered emotional damage and other problems following their releaae to a hero'• welcome, Kirtley credit• hla rigorou1 Marine tra1nlna for his apparent lack of psychoIOjical acara. In \he day-to-day handlina of atre91, the 23-year..old KJ.riley, who now serves as a drill lnatructor in San Diego, 1ald "more or less you just sort of take It." And there was aome glvlnl of strea on the part of the N.tagea. Following the Iranian student seizure of the American Embuay in Tehran on Nov. 4, U>79t the Marine s aid he and others verbally jousted or tried to confuse or poke fun at their captors. They could unnerve the students by asking seemingly ridiculous or bizarre questions such as "Is the Shah (of Iran) bac k? Jias the Ayatollah (Khomeini) been shot yet?" But much of the 444 daft of captivity were spent in lheer boredom, the former embusy guard said. The hostages read 6ooks. played chess, exerciled in their cramped embassy quart.en and endured Iranian propaganda. Kirtley and hjs roommat~s cheered when they were given literature detailing alleged mistreatment and physical abuae of Iranian students in the United States. The intent had been to show America's wrongs. Following the failed U.S . rescue attempt in April, 1980, Kirtley and o thers were dispersed throushout the country. While being taken to another city, he suffered minor injuries when the car he was riding In rolled over. But he is quick to find comedy durin& his ordeal. such u when a fan belt broke on his way out of l'ehran. "These were Iranian students," he mule(I, "They pu' their best ftleChahical engineers on the job and about 10 hours later, we got going." · · It wasn't until September of 1980 that KirtJey found out about the failed rescue attempt. A child actibbled a message about the incident on a letter to him. , A few months before their Jan. 20. 1981. release, the hostages constantly w ere told their captivity was nearly over, he said. But they realiz.ed these were false promises and the w aiting game led to more frustration. Finally. an Iranian official a pproached the hostages to prepare them for freedom. The official tried for one last time to demoralize the Americans. Valley trustees cancel meeting The Fountain Valley School Distric t 's board of trustees meeting scheduled to take place Thursday has been canceled be- cause a quorum will not be available. The mee ting baa been rescheduled for Thutlday, May 27, at the district headquarters, 17210 Oak St. I J TM Alleda*M P nt1 B&lRUT, Lebanon -Iraq c1-tmed ioday U..t a "llahtnlni .it1tk" by lta forcee had pushed lranian troopl ln\o retreat, ttveralfll the rnonwnumi ln their \9-month-old war. An lraql communique broadcu\ by Radlo ~hdad Mid IruUan \loops were "hammered CM4&" CARACAS, Venezuela -OP~ luder-1 •Y oil prices will hold 11eady for the rest of 1982, but they ~ sharply on how much oil eech of the 13 natlon1 should keep off the market to keep pric8 up. "We are gob'\g to keep the price !4ve1 the same for the rest o( the year; we -=-e commihed '° th.at,'' aald Venezuela'• oil rninilter ._,Humberto -Calderon Berti, u the ()qianlzation of retroleum Exportina . Countrift prepared tor • Nml·annu.at "*""' Th"'"'4ay tn Quito, Ecuador. Wilh coruiervatlon and receuton curtalllng demand ln the lnduatrtalJzed nation.; a leur-natlon oommittee decided ~Y in a ,.u:ng al a c.r.ca. hotel to recouunend that the canel .ack to the production celling of 17.& mtllion barftla a day that ii helping to dry up the in~mational oll ,.Jlut. "·BegirJ survives no-confidence vote JERUSAI..EM -Prime Minister Menachem Begin narrowly surviv~d a parliamentary no-confidence motion and defeated a major oppotilion attempt to bring down his government. The vote was 58 to 57, with three abetentiona. Begin has defeated six no-confidence motions in the 11 months alnce be was e1ect.ed to a eecond term of office last Jt.Lne. A no-confidence motion pre11ented by Labor on March 23 in protest qainst the government's tough West Bank policies alao ended In a tie. Begin wanted to resign, but his C..blnet overruled hlm. Shuttle rolled from hangar ' . CAPE CANAVERAL -The space shuttle Colum~ia was towed 300 yards from its hangar .. toda)" to an assembly rendezvous with ill rocketa •and fuel tank in preparation for its final test flight thta summer. The 100-ton spacecraft emerged from ita hangar and was swiftly towed on its I.anding gear into the cavernous Vehicle A.uembly Building where the mating operation will take place. The rollout was more than 13 how:a late, a result f?f 'm19calcuJations by pund crews oo the time needed to prepare the space plane for towing, said a Kennedy Space Center official. - Senate panel baCks housing bill WASHINGTON -A $6 billion, five-year mortgage subsidy program desilfled to help ~ flound~ring housing indu.Wy would allow low-and moderate-income families to buy aome 400,000 new homes this year, according to its author. The measure was approved Tuesday by the Senate Appropriations Committee as part of a mallive au.~ental approprja\i~ bUl tp ~p the ~t running tor the nst of ft.:aI 1982. l..Mt week. the Hou.e approved legialatloo to provide $1 bllllon over the next alx montM to lower mortaaae Interest rates for t.bouaands of fam.Wes. The Senate version. although authorizing $5 billion over five yean, provides $1 billion for the fiscal year ending Oct. 1. Church head says Moon persecuted NEW YORK -The Rev. Sun Myung Moon's conviction for conspiracy to evade income taxes is a 20th century equ1vaJent of the peraecution of Jesus Christ, says the president of the American branch of Moon's Unification Church. · "As with all of the world's great religious leeders, he has ~n met with hatred, bigotry and m.laundentandlng," Dr. Mose Dunt said after the verdict Tuesday. A U.S. DI.strict Court jury deliberated four days after a six-week trial before returning the guihy verdict against the 62-year-old Korean evangelist. The Unification Church leader could receive up to 14 years in pmon when he is sentenced July 14. .. Slain officers laid to rest RIVERSIDE -They came 3,000 strong to bury Officer Dennis c. Doty and remember his partner. Philip N. Trust, jamming the Harvest Christian Fellowship Chapel with a crush of navy, ta.n and green police uniforms.· A strip of black tape marked every badge among the 2,000 officers mourning their m<.trdered comrades. Trust, 36, and Doty, 36, died early last Thunday. Jackaon ~ben DudeJa Jr., 44, the convicted robber they wett attempting to bring In for sentencing, has pleaded innocent to their murders. ._Money order L fir1n in receivership OOWNEY -National Money Order Co. was placed in receivership after the-state Department of Corporations di9covered a $1.3 million ~ in lta trust accoun ta. CICl'poratiom oommilaioner, uld officiala don't yet know boW much customen mJ&ht loee. "' "National d oes not maintain the records necessary to determine what makes up the shortage," the department said 1n a Superior Court civil brief. Failure to keep such reoordl vlolats Callfomla's Flnandal Code. The IOUth suburban L09 Ang«!les company mue. an average $9 million in mooey orden a month, but Steven Gourley. chief deputy , CIHe"'9dedW ......... 114.'Mt.M71 AH olMf depel1mentl 142~321 MA•N OfflCE t •wett a.,11 •• c-.-... CA. Mell...,._: .. 1'61, C ... MeM, CA.tMM c...,, .... ,. Or ... e-tt ~ ~. ... _ ........ ...,.....,.. .-.ne1--. ... ............ ...,.... ,...,. ... ,..,_.. ......... .-Cle! ........... ~-· Watergate figure associa te pastor BURLINGAME -The coniregatlon of t h e First Presbyterian' C h urch of Burllnpme hal overwbelmlngly approved onetime Watergate conspirator Jeb Stuart Magruder , as an a.odate paator. After thf! 321-24 vote T'-• , M agruder tha n ked the don, ........ ttl "lplrii :t':raiandlnc" and led a clolli'8 prayer. He will btOl hla dutJft la~ .._ summer tt 6-WI to the ~ la approved by the San F raact.co ~bytery next month. GOOD SKATE -Dena Kowach of Fullerton shows Iler winning form ln a skating championship. She won the event ~two mont& af1er undergoing three brain surgery operations. Bouncing baek Skate champ ha d brain surgery "My baby's come a long, long way.'' declared Patti Kowach,, mother of seven-year-old Dena who underwent three brain surgery operations in March and just won two prizes in a Buena Park rollerskating championship. Dena, mean while, bubbles with confidence. She believes that someday she'll be "the best skater jn the world." Indeed, she did capture first place in figure skating in competition over the weekend, defeating 27 other contestants in her age group. She also took third in girls' singles against 22 competitors. "Wh~n they called out my name as No. 1,. I told my mom. 'See, I told you I'd make it'," grinned Def\8, who had to un<Sergo tl}e ayrgery to ~rt a thin plutic tube ~t beneath her skin to relieve pressure on her brain. The tube ii designed to carry exceea fluid from her brain to her stomach. "To look at her on Sunday, you'd never know a thing was wrong with her," chimed in Dena's mother. Dena, who lives in Fullerton, competed ln a rhi.ne9tone-stUdded black-velvet outfit. Her prizet take her cl01er to her dream of becoming a prof aaional ..._ter -an invitational meet will be held ?.fay 29 in Santa Ana. U she wins there, ~he will adv~ to the Western States Regional contest JWy 3-11 in &Kenfield. The next step would be the nationals in late August ift Fort Worth, Texas. ' Congress may lose break WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senile Appropriations Commi~ has voted to do away with a $75-a-da)' tax exemption for members of Congress but leave no limit on how much they can claim for living expenses away from home. "This provides no limit wha~r." said Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wis., said b~fore voting against the amendment offered by Sen. Mack Mattingly, R-Ga. The amendment was approved, however. 13-9. Proxmire wanted to restore a $3.000 cap which had been i.n effect before Congress voted to allow members up to $75 a day living expenses for each day it is in ~ion . It was reporte d that the $75-a-day exemption could result in a savings of $19,000 for a me mber. However", Sen. ~ake Garn, R -Utah. disputed that figure, saying th~ provision saved hlm $3,822 in taxes last year. "It's hardly ,worth it," he said. " By JEJ'P A.OLEA • .t{ I Of............... Mil Daniel Nuabawn. a Ciiidlda .. ~ for ttate IUperlnt.ender\t Of pubMp tnatruct1on, la ~bly 1he ~I elecUon hopetul who la fund1nl hi• .campafan by poundlnc out• th• rhythm In a country rodll bend. • • And when the 1&-year-olcti Loni Beach reataent ii not drummln1 theae day1, b•''fi hammertna away at hJI cwnpeicn• theme: "A fundamental, r~t plan for democ:ratizlna the tta'8'11 . lchoola," U he clm:rified it. I Nuabaum, a teacher wbe claim• to have tauaht in lftt achools d\U'U\I hill 13-year care« in education, la propoein• t~ each achool in the 1tate be nm ~ I five-member council CQmpmM • of perenta, teachers, studentl and> staff. • ) The council not only would• own each achoo), but also• perform ~ many functionl now1 handled by local achool ~. throuahout the atate. A In addition, state education monies would be dil\ributed S4JJ each coundJ and spent how thaf council beat uw flt, Nuabaum said. a Teachers, under his propoal,J would be hired and fired by ~ .. council. but would be pai~1 according to a statewide unifoqn salary acnedule, .,,; "We would have better school§ l if they were aelf-goveming," h4il .. said. "The troops (teachen) ~ depressed and they're 1trict1~ 1 coping." v1 Nusbaum acknowledged t~t .. his plan would nece11itate "fl massive overhaul of \he state a school system and would 1peli end to local school diliricta now constituted. ~ Calling his platform the "Public School Improvement. ~.!cf.n,'' Nuabauny that IChools be wie<ll to provide day care services. supervised by tenior citiz.ena and other adults with student ) assistance. "The 'Public Scholl Plan' ls i " mpdel for democraOc achoq1, } FYernanat which ~ Jeed tq , the development of ~~ public ICboola, ,, aocordinc to h1a 1 campaign literature. Another idea that Nuabaum/\ , fe~ls ls worthy of lurtherlo consideration la hU plan to cutl • the number of 8ChooJ days in • • week from five to three: .J 1 • • Half the students WOUJO attendr.I 1~hool Mond.ay t hJ'o u gh Wednesda~, the o&bet half,, Thursday through Saturday., Students would attend fivtt classes a day and clauroom enrollment would be limited 20 students per teacher, he said. Nusbaum added that if auch a proposal were adopted "atude and teacher morale will ~ dramatically .•• Campaigning on aJShoestring budget, Nusbaum admitted that "it's clear to me it wm take a major media cou p to come i1' second.'' He said he has spent lem than $1 ,000 on the campaign and is not seeking auppoci or endorsements from any particular group. "rm runninl becauae I have a. lot of ideas about the public school system," Nusbaum said. ''t' got this feeling I better do thb. now. It's a crucial time for the' public 9Chools." ., Gem 'Talk Skllled Profeaalon~I •••• ByJ.C. HUMPH/llES C•ftifild G•molORitt, A GS. • ·-ervtce ' For your valuable JeW1kY and watchee'la a dOM to you •• .J. c. Humprhrln Jeweler• where our own crtftam.n carefully do tf\e work under personal ~. I I t r'IU£.'2.".Um " 1'Ml>DS: The Lal ~l'I IOUli liriollU 'Co•m":t~r~b.~~l~~~ =1=~11ma. ~ IOft dftak ~cu be rileycJed ' conWldeDU)r IDd red•n•d for ~ by tbe ..-rat public at 11 I ' ~ ~ ctntell locai.d ~t thia WI Anplel t anc1 Ql'Mlt ~ty ....... Orl!ll• County ne_ycl&N centtn are located at Oran1• ~l1. ScnD • Mew. e1e s. South at. 1n Anabelm. ~ ct RecycUna, l20 I . Santa Fe tn J'ullarton, alld Santa Ana o RecYClln, IHO 8 . Main St. tn Santa Ana. For location.t of additional parUctpattna cenwre tn the Loe Anaeln area, ocaumll'I can oantlel the 8oUd WllN ~l Board by pbon!ns toll-free (800) H2-0MO. n Spokeemen NY that ln addltlon to reducln1 landflll 1t1openUom and •vtnc enerirY ~ plMtlc IOft drink bottlee • , are currently bet.nC oanvertia Into wwatwiai.d polyeeter \med to mab bathtui.. ahOwer etaDa and undel:lround plpa PSMUc bot1lel alio are belna ~ mto fiberfill IWffina 11 for aid jlcketa. pillow.. qullta ana lletP!'I\& Mp. • well .. belnl 1~ uMCl for 1trapli&na to blnd lnduatrtaf 9hlpplna cartont and for flberaJua boab. Future commerdal products belna produced "' ex~emally Include a lumber aubelhute lnaulatlon and A ~i.d wall p.nelinc, ;:Let's Dine Out's out ·DEAR PAT: Several years aao we pW'Chued a charter •L membenblp in the Let'• Dine Out club. !'.Id\~ we've received 0 our P9Ck1ce and membership card, but tbll YeaJ' we didn'i. When we a1tempted to mntact the club .we fdund that they have an 1 addrea ln Santa Barbara. We aent a certified letter to that 1 llddrem on March 2, but haven't had a nspome. Can you find out • what happened? a.s .. N Beech < TM Saata Barbara Better Bulaen Buea• ::t.rvs daat Let•a Dlae O•t weat Ht of ltHbe11 la Saata Barltara la NPemMr 1 .... bet maU II •till ltelq reeetf .. at la former ~ ........_ A Y8 reperted la Ma11Hl ca.at Let's DIM 09t Ill O...._ Oren Office wMa tile ftrm clY aot nniv-_lta ~-...of owaenMp, ~tu Un (tl'Oblem1 ud eotllh't :...... lafladn·Nllnie4 operattoa coaie tor barpla·prlce4 .............................. , ..... put. At 111at Um• ..... were mallel, Mt M _.. were tiebtc ,,.. ... emploJeet ere laW off ... tile ewmner W • reeouse, aecordlq to &M tJ Offlee of CGuamer Affaln. Be discrimination illegal DEAR PAT : My father ll being forced to retire fron1a job he held for 20 yean becauae hell 6~ )'891"1 old. Hil work week cut to tbnle days 1ut year and now be'• been told that he will terminated tn June. Hit employer ll well aware that he may 1 not Jeplly fire anyone becauae of ap, but rematb he baa made and the tcmlnation of ~ other taDloYees ~ my father'• • leave~ doubt about the employW'e lntentiona. Where can l tum for le1al advice or wha\ aovemment aiency would I pint.ct about an • dm:rtmlnatim poblim? R.B .. ea.ta Mme YM eu ,.._.a Site ..... el.__,. a,eriellced la WI area of law by plloalaa LaWJor aeforril Senlee of Oraa1e Couty at 111-1111. You fa1'er a1ao eu fUe a t_,..'M wtlMa lit da~• alter t•e allef.ld •taerlmlaattea w tel• ,1aeo wttll t•e e aad Bou D Tl1loa of tile U.S. De,art•••t of Labor, Ut aad Coutitatl• An. N.W., • .........._ D.C.11111. Tile Ase Dl1erlml•at1 .. -1a Bm,101meat Act of 1H'7 ~ta dliertmlaaU. apialt Wftilall H .. II Jean eld bJ em,loyen ... laMr Dln1 wttll nan to '1rlq, flrlas, Joi» referral, emplOJH 1taht ud eoa41tlon ef empleymeat. It allew• empleyen to mate bea IWe ap rem1ctlou If dley are .....Uly MCellU')' to die performaee of die Job. _._. ' Free to tlae P•bUe FOCUS ON COMMUNITY HEAL TH F1111i1i11. Fitl••• • I I • · For Ev•rr 804'1 SPONSORED BY PACIFICA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL "EA TING FOR LIFE" A PRESENT A TlON ON NUTRfTlONAL HEAL TH LECTURE·DISCUSSION WEDNESDAY. MAY 26, 1982 7:00 • 9:00 P.M. MOOEJIATOtl 5-dra HMch. II 0 CARMEN YUPPA CONFERENCE CEHn.R .... ~ ..... I" ............... ............... ~ COME IN FOR A FREE VISIT $ 40 UlhlM.YISits 1 Mo. • Post .. e • Circulation • Slin Hips • Firm Thishs • Tipten Buttocks lnckldes • FRHAEmlCS. Daal .. 1.ifw• ....,.w~:: Aerobics s25 10 -Classes Moro 1ur1ery loom• for av•lanche eurvlvor Aua c.rM. The 22-year-old aid lift operator at Alpine Mtadowt recelvec$ aever.ly fl'Oltbltten fHt wh•n she 1W'vived tlv- days burled in the anow aftll' a March 31 avalanche at the . ..-ort. .. »• ,., ... NO HUMANS, PLEASE -Doria Day, Ml, uya I.he'll never get married a fifth time. She prefen the company of dogs -of which abe owm 18. Her advice for a happy marriage: aeparate bedroama and bath.rooms. Sweet 'Memories' for bartender "Memorlea," a 1weet and compllca~_ed drink whoae flve-iqree11ent redpe ~ be hard to remember, hu won fini prize in the atate flnala of the annual U.S. Bartenden Gulld competltlon ln Lo• Anaelee· An ounce of Amaretto dl Saronno, ~quarters of an ounce of Bailey'• Irfah Quin, half an ounce of DeKuyper Blue eunc.o, a drop of lemon Juice and two drop• ot Frotbee won $2.~00 for bartender Valerio "BobbJ" Batqe of 'np'• restaurant in Valenda. PretWeec and Mn. Reapa paid the federal aovemment and the atate of California more than $20,000 lat )'Mt tn intenllt uMI beck taxM after the llltema1 Revenue Se.Moe rejected cl.alma for buainea ~ on their 1978 and 1979 returns, the w~ Post aaki. The report quoted the Rear.• tax lawyer, ROJ D. MU~r of Lo• An1elH, 11 aaylq the 1'mea involved the couple'• ranch ln Santa Barbara. Lee* Wale.a. the interned leader of Poland'• a.pended Solidarity labor union, hu been nanied the recipient of an honorai:y degree from Providence (RJ.) College. The de1ree wu accepted for Walesa by Monaignor Oeor1e C. Hl11la1, the prindJ* celebrant at a Mui that opened SoUda.rity'• lint national ~ in Gdanak, Poland, lut October. "Pleue God, and I will be able within the near future to preeent the dqree to Walela in Gdanak," lll11ln111ld, "My hap are J*ked and I am ready to 10 on a moment'• notice." ENDORSED -Milka Plan inc, 57, has been endorsed by the Yugoslavian parliament as the country's fint woman prime mini.st.er. THE PERFECT BLEND . -. "OF MUSIC ~ . 24HOURS ADAY She alreedy bu lolt all her toell and part of her rtaht foot. Her docton at Tahoe l'orett Hoap1tal Mid more dunaaed Ullue w11l need to be removed from her rlaht foot before w can be fJttea with an arUfida1 foot. Tax-fighter Reward Jan1t wu reported "dotng fine" at ~inai M~ Center, where he waa recoverina from surgery to remove hi• •pleen. Jarvl1, 79, was admitted April 25 and there wu no indication when be would be releued. A croa-complaJnt ao1nst a former eecretary will fie filed by comedian Redd P'o•• following the d1m:n1mal of hil $30 million alander and libel suit apimt the woman '• attorney I ably three oday" a Carol efinltely, filed. Ma. Whltaett worked for Redd Foxx Productions u a Kaetary-receptionist in 1981. She claimed in I llU.it that on aeveral occaaiona Foxx called her into hil office, greeted her in the nude and made aexually explJdt auggestionl. Developer Oliver ltallle 90ld his major Lake Tahoe hotel-casino 1ite to Nevada state and local offlciala for the bargain-basement price of $2.8 million. Kahle and the wealthy Jaffe family of Chicaao. who had the major interest in the 2~-acre lite at Sta1eline, on Tahoe'• aoutb 1bore, were praiaed by Gov. Bob U.t for a "remarkably generous and caring gesture'' in agreeing to the low price. . List said the property had a fair market value of $11.4 million. Kahle and the Jaffes will get a alzable tax credit because the $8.6 million difference between the value and purchaae price will be considered a contribution for tax purpoaes. Kai Warner Anita Karr Lee Reed Neil Diamond Bob 1Ne6e Peter Paul & Mary Cyril Stapktton JMislan Ron Goodwtn Pete Joly .Jrnmie Haskefl Eddie Rabbitt Botticlli Mama and the Papas Nellof\ Riddle Nana M9utkourt Tim Weisberg Muon WMtiaml Martin Bottcher o.i Fogefberg Wemer Muhr The &glee Andre Kostellnett Cty9tlll Gayle Tony Hatch Aog9r Wiina Brt.n ..., ""* SNlra II~ Ht! ,. ~ llCI' C .. w C"t " ~,qr~ ~ .i: .• 1: ~ r ~ ~~ dl", ·: .. _.. ... ~ :c:mac-' •. ,. t' ... . I t ~ '-it:ll ii :: ~ "~·" ~~ 1'. 'J ~5 If j~ ~ ;~:: i',: ·i; tt=ff ·~ '... • t .:.:·~ ,,. fl' t -1 't I .• ,. tjt w ', '~ ~ ,~Jf, i:i I u 1 -. ... i.-i Ml~I tD 1,;t ?L_' (.; ~=-' ... 7 .. lf: t? 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NACoal ... 22 12 ,.._ • loll NoAPlll 1.10 1 to 31..._ '°' NEurO n2.I• t 61 It\!> 'I> -.1U1 UI 11275 IO'le. .. HCelSv «I 12 -v. HlndPS 1 !O 10 22t 11.... .. • NoSIPww 2.S• • " 2711. 10i NSPww ofl.IO .• rlOO 6l'N ..... NorTI O l '1 5'l1 0.... . ::::;rn111 .. 1] ,._ .... Nws:tr I:: m,: ~;~ ~ NwtBco ,,... s 101 JOlll• "' NwltEI! I.AO • 11 16%-"' NwEn pft.13 . . 127 II -14 NwllnO ._«I 4 470 .S -~ NwtP IJlf l.!O . . 10 It • 14 NwtP pf 2.16 . 3 I~. . . NwMU 1.20 6 7 '*'-,_. NwSIW ... 14 U 017'\olo-'.It --2 6 Ila M .... + '-~m IAI 7 •1 211 + \>Ii "°"° " ... 4 ,. .,_ ~ Nucor st 10 15 .sv.-._ -0-0 -0H Ind 14 10 xA'lJ 22'-+ .... OMl"P t.D I 1) ~ 10i OcclP9t t.!O 4 4'1 ll)l.lo •• ,, 0«1 p ptt. " .. • 31'--.... OcclP IJlf1to • 2 64\lo-~ OcclP pft.!O S I~• "" OtclP IJlf2. IJ l .,..,.,_ 4' 0c.< f P jlf2..JO • • IS 16..,.,_ .... ooeco s 1 • nt 21 v •• "' Ood9rl 1.a s 10t 14V.-~ OfiloEd 1.16 • 3)1 13~. .... 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Jlllo-\It P-EC 2.311 S .. .,....__ "" P111<ft I I.a 1 19 ~ .... P.,dyn 24 ... ~ .... P1t911$ 1.M> 6 2 15"" ..... Par!IOrt -" s M 1Plr-\lo PlfHan ._ .. I Q 1~ ..... PenPn .52 U 41 11,,_+ ~ ~:~tt' \ ,: ·:: 1=: ~ PJylN s Al I 6 IS .... . P9YCsll 11.al U • 211'1! .... . .PMbdy. • 16 11 tO 6Yu .,. Pffvy " I.JO 10 M _.... "" """°" ,era. s 13 ' -"' PltllCll ' • 217 ~ " ""'°' ,.S.17 .. • ,. .. .. "9nnQ> .161> n tir •VJ+ 111 ,..,._.., t ·-~· ~ PaPL t.» 6 "' 1,__ Yo ... PL pl4.AO .. di » ... .. PePL pf 4.JO .. &170 11 ... .. PePL prt.AO .. llCID » ... .. PePL $r1,7S . • 2f ~ " PePL Pf I :. llO Sf ....... . PePl. prt.70 .. JIO S7 ........ . Pwlwlt 2.211 • 9 ,,.. .... . ....,_ pf !AO .. IS 16 -loll ....... 1111 2.211 10 "5 ..... "' 1'9o9~ n I S 161 tV.-loll Pllpt!C.O I 611 10 110 J1~ + "- PwllEl .!O 1l m ,.,_. -Pmllen UJt . 7SI I~ "-,...., .. ' 1.40 10 1• ~ .... PMrln .JO 1 tJJ IMll ..... ""'Rs US. . 9 W.-.... Pfl•• , ... 17 IJl!t .w-"' ..,.,pO .fO .a MO ~ 14 Pfllbrl) ,.. • ,,. ,. --.- '9111•EI 2 6 a 1-"" ~IE11U.• .. Mu ......... !l'lllll!llf43D •. dll0. -'"' ~II! d4.AO .. 020 .-_ .. .. I! pf US .... ~ ... .. 'I !!!"·,, .. ••• '°' .... . a:1E1;;f::.:ll ~l1111 IM UO 7 it ~1111 ltt ~ : '11 =~.~ ,....., ... ,,, ' .. JO tJ • " ""''"" uo • '" Jti,.. \41 •• • :NO ,,,._ .. .... 11 ,._ ... ,~ 1 "' .-... rt.a; 'm ~·~ ._,,_ M If f--t!IYI I.ti> 1 22t . "" ,..,. • ., t.,, i: 41 -.... = , .. ,. >fl ,.. .... ...:: .• n if ;.=.t: f;i lJ~itT~ =~~" ' ::::·:: ,_.. • I II"+ 14 ~ .; --:: . .... . -i: u ..:.·- lf ... ~ . . "' ... ~ 'J "" l ·J~ F:~ : 'j ~--= .. . "' ..... ,,,..~ ....... r"-I :L1 ,~·~ k19\ Ntl Wit~ N•I U;i ~:, ci.vtc,! l!~ r i ~\:f~lc~ ~.. \\• "' 1.,1 " t ij + "' _ll :: t :'.:~ l~ Jlf I I~ tO J! .... : :I .. , " ... ~ 11 "ff ~ ... . '! 1:K 1·1 ~:~ f~ ., ~i 4 if!~.: ~'1", tit ~"'~.~ ~f=: YO t~n! '~le:~ 0 UO 1 4 ._ -11t II . . ~. '"° I_ pt. 16 . -I tr.iwi • ar.t • 14 10 .-t t::• ~ T.._,.. .41) 1 tlli.I+ '-• • .i6 • \Md .. T-pit.It .. 11 • • ... • • 4olS ' 111-~ '·~ 1 • l ~ "' -,__ -Yt t.to J ~ 1'111111 14 2' t 1\io. .. • TH II U0 S 2l 4 .... '°11m• ti~ -T•• T 1,_, • t• ™'• "-UO . , ~ 11~1 TH Ml t » .., ., . -. llf • . iO\rf+ Iii Tei .OS JI Hl I~ ... IJlf 1.lJ ,,_._ \\ hfll 2 C11 t l I 1..,._ "' flf 16& .. JA'll + v. J~ M j 411 *'° -= I 40 1 17 I t 119 •• II J flt l111 11~ .... tit"'-1'I 9UP I~ • Tuf Ill • 2'-.... ~ .. ltl }411..... Te•lrGn 110' • '° ~· "' ·-1• I• t2 " ....... -, .... pf uo . • v. ltMl(O M 17 a7 1111. .. ~ Tiii'. n t I I \ot + ~ ::"°' .60 G 16 fit• Iii Tll~I 1.10 II 11' >I~ ._ ,.:vr,:c'I I Hiit I,_.• .... Ttlll'llel l IJ II » jC) "' ..ti'fi". '·: ; = ~~·~ = . .., ~ :~ m: • .,. Rd••t 1Jf111J • 12 U -~ Thrtny .IO 1 100 ll'h 'I• RllR.. I.vie 2 ''--"' TIC.to I.al s I .. 8«"£q . U 4~+ .... llclwtt 'IO 6 9 U , 'II RHmll JO 11 'ICll ll • IO Tlotrln • • 9 '" l't«• . IS S • \It YlfMI 1 I IJ 1'0 D\oo "' .-.evl8 J S2 6 41 "'7_,,• '-Tl"'9M l lO 1tot .,._,, ''• .-~11 lOlt 2 + V+ Timi\" iL«I 7 12 SZllo ''• Reiche .. • J 11~ • "" T005np I 12 • t4 ~ t '• R•pAlr • m >14.. . TOllhm s.e 1 12 """ >leOCo to S 17 17\'a-" TOIECll• 2.ll> 6 t«I llflt • v. R.PF'n5 1.JIO t • :ll -~ Tolltcl ptUt • IS"-+ '-Rts>HV 1.10 S ill 1' . . Tol£d plf'J.tt • • I I~ 10i RHV rAl. IJ S 11 • ,,. TorO(.o 6 6 ~~ la 1 1' It~ ..... TOKO S "2 t•lo> "' RepTe• 1 . .-• 9 :n-.. ~ T-1• " 1 .. I~ h RlllCOI .:rz S a 11"'-v. ToyRU s It 211 «»-"' ltevto • 16 12 )I l7h + ~ Tracor • .:rz II >' n•1> I.. === '"' J ~ ~ TWCp m1 2CM't. Rul\em to a "".. ~c"".., z ~ ,n;· ·-R .. nro 1 OI 4S 010'1" '" TWC 11f l.'IO 24 n '+ v. Aeyntn 2111 I" -· . TWC pf U6 11 ""-• '"' Reytn Ill• 10 J •1~ ~ Tr41ftin\ 1.«1 6 U3 20 . R•yMU 2.., • !O 20!lt. .... Tr•nlllC 2 12 s IS\Oo-\lo R~hVcll 1.. I 21 22'1io.... Trent«> I IO .• )OS l2"--'\<. R~,., I.to • JO 37"'• •;, TrMC pl UI 11 40 . R ' pf IO 2'9 21 T •8'1Kn .021 21 0 41,.._. ''• R l•A s .IO 11 )I --•111 TrGP pf 1!0 I , ..... ROl>Jllw 1.40 10 l 111/o-Ot TtnloOll !O 4"', ll'o RoblMI suo 6 170 p •• ,, TARttv si If ...... v. ROblM ... t 116 11\lio + I'll Trevlrs J.11 S 113 fJV. ll'o RochG l.740 S 17!' """ • ...,. Trlc.on J.17• !O 1~ ,... Rochll 2.CW 7 11 ~... TdSotn 62 ~ .... Rock'#l 1 S6 t UI llV... .. Trko .16 lS ""' '"Int ... I as .. 1 SS -~ Trlnty 50 40 ""•. (., RoftmH 1.IO 9 , .. u -~ TucsliP l 92 m ll* .... Rolli,. • .61 • in U'M-" TwlnO. 1 10 1 " •. RolmQ> It I02 -.. "" Tv<oL s 10 It 12..... . Rorer .• II " 1"'9-.... Tyl•• .to 7 llJ ISt'• "· ttow.,. .Cll • m 1114 • ....,. Tym.,,,. 20 &JI ~ . Rowen ptJ.4' • . 2 >tv.-.,, -u-u -RC Coa 1 Ool 4 II II.,,_ 'llo UAL 11* 1 l\!o RoylO l.Ut • no 25* '°' UGI 2.0ol S 26 ~· "-Rubrm 1.24 13 S C2'_.. '" VGI pl 7 IS . rllO "", •111 Ru1Too I • ' 1614 .... VMC 60 6 s • RyenH' 1 lO n IA VNCR.. ll .. 6V. '. RyOerS 1 Clll> I 1' ~' ·~ UNR I 6S l'h, •111 -~· -USFO l-60 a '" 03 SCA .toe 10 HJ IJ-~ UC.~ J I Ill .. ,,_. t'llo SCM 2 7 n ~+ .... Unc¥b J «I S 1 .. 41't. •n SFN 1.Cll 1 10 19 -In UnCorrr .20 12 ll9 17'1> + '"' SPSTec .n J -01n.-\lo VnlonC 2tl " -"' Sabine «> 11 U J711o. VnEI« 1.52 6 2Sl """ 5'oc!Bs l J2 14 22A ,..._, •i. Unlt pf • «> . t!OOO 12&• .; SIOOS< • s~ "' UnEI pfM • ,. 26'4 SIOOS wt 20 1~16.. • UnEI pf 2.12 3 to'll t " Salewy 2 .0 1 6C JO -V+ UEI pfH I 0 S7 1 SeoaQi .S. I 6 ~ V> UOllCal I I 174 350,,, .,_ SCJoLP l.)I s 4 "'"'' .,. VnPec 1.IO 10 1261 JI"-.... SPaul 1.ll> . _,. t -ll'o Vnlroyl 4 4106 1\9 SIR90P 2.:i. 6 41 ~ Un<yl pf 2" 1120 ~·' '•• Sal ant «> s 4 '"' • ,_. UnllO n 4 2l3 9i. ,,, SDleG\ l 12 S * I-• V. Un8mO Cl M 13 llVt .... SJU8'18 .... II U1 •1<.-.,. U8r0 llf 1.211 1 l.\lo SJUetlR 14.fk . n 1~ .,. VCbTV n " ,. 191 ,..,.. ..... s....o." .64 16 1>t 4lloit• ,.. vnEnrv 2.12 • 202 ~ ~ SAnllRI l.6' I 7 IS. + '°' Ulll11m 2.92 S 20 22'1o + '" SFelnd ' I , .. 1 IS.,.,._ .... Ulllu pf :u1 . • u.... . . SQ!-I 20 t S 1'\io + 1-Ulllu pl 2.lO tlOO IS + •t. S...IRE .20P 13 l'IJ. . . . Ulllu IJlf • 2 2''n+ ~ SavEtP I.a I 35 11'-· • Unlllnd lb II 20 •1..., . Sevin .. .. S',,._ \'\ Unl11nn l1 I 126 21'-+ '-5tnrPlo 1 .. 10 !01 ~. 'M UJerBll 1 n • 11 t1'+-\It Scnlllr 07• .. M •--~ u 111MM . 73 611. .... SChlmt> • 96 10 1011 -*-Ya UPkMll 12 4 2h + I'll 5'1Atl 12 16 Jiii 1.-...... USFoS S.~ I It</• •• Scoe ~ M 11 If 23"" + v. USAlr .12 • 463 1411a, v. kOI Ulcl 4 » -.. . .. .IJSGVI» 2 .«I 8 •IS.! JO + .,, lkOIFel 1.a 7 JO JMI,-" us-.. " l.O 13"' .,. !kottP I S 193 14'4-'-USlncl .76 . . 12' 10'Ao .... 5cOl1Yt .n 9 l 1"4..... USU. ,(II) II IS 1•V.--~ SUtvlll 1.52 • . 211 1511>-.... us ltty .... J lJ .......... . 5HCt pf I.. .. IS ._.,, .. , VS$h0 ' I.lit 6 11 1114• 14 SNCl IJlf 2. IO .. t 1,...... . USSC"4 2 2 '1%2 24 -1<o s.ee-.a S .. -. lft UST«* UO 10 21 •s-. .. .. SNfst IM S D DIA+ .... t.MTKll 2.40 S ltl «I .... . 5uvm la S ,. ~ "" Uld\ IJlf l.11 • 1• SO'.i.-14 SHli<A II 23 7 -14 UT ell pf l.56 . 1l ""' • .... 5H(Alr AO 12 11 ~+ ~ lMITet I 6' I M I~ SNrleG S2 11 229 lftll+ IOi Unll•d s JS 16 100 JO'M + V. SUr• 1.3' t t7IJ I~ I'll Unlver M 6 2J 1911. + "" SecPk 2.40 S 111 M + ~ UnlvFd .96 1 ll> ""'' 'lo Sed<o " s m ~ ,,., Unl..ffl 1.64 1 •7 :i.v. ..., SalQL.I .to • 4 ll . . . . Upiolln J.2' 9 m _, ,,.. s~eo. .... • 1l 12Yo-... USLIFE ... s ~ "°"' ..... 9\alll• I S )I 171/o... VSLF ot12S I ~ V. SIWA'ln , IOj t J ~... .. VSlleFcl I IJ 1'-SMllO l.10 1 .. ....__ II) UlaPL 2.llt 113 19•.,,. SlotllT I .... 7 S ~ ~ UIPL pf J.a 11 2111. + \'t SlotlGlo .!O 6 m 1111>-,_. UIPL pf UO 23 2?* + to SNIG pfl.lS . 11 n . . . . UIPL pf 2.0ol . 13 ISV.. . SNIG pfl Cl n ISV.-"' -Y-Y -Shrwln l I Jft7 23'1> + .,. VF Co 2 .«I 6 l6 -, 'IJ Slww ... •.«> .. l200 74.,.._,.... ......... ,Jl s 27' ~. -t;:,• ':~ ~ :: :~ ::: ~::.et~ l. ~ ~ ·~ ,:';; •. ~ 2 t3 101 4' + ~ Ver'o n 12 s '1 10 "" SlrnPre .ll> 7 71 ""' + .... VeriMI S2 1S J3 35~. + ~ Sl"ll>PI S6 16 lit ~· '"' Veto 40 7 J.S ''°', '"' Slnoer Kie 37 203 11-.. '4 V..a 20 IS M 14'"' .... Slt1Qr pl l. SO .. II 27"-Ya V...00 U ..... + \la Skyti,. ... lf 1' I~ .... Vest.Se 1,219 . I '°"' + '"' Smll'M .1Jj . I 9 .•. Vlkorn 1S IS !SI 22,,... V. Smllt\ln ... s 174 llVH .... VaEPww I !O 11147 I) .... SmkB 2.12 12 2213 6'•i.-~ V•EP pf S , r20 J.1\1>-y, Smucllr I «> I 64 .,,._, V•EP l)lfl.72 110 57 + 'n 5"ep()n M 11 111 23 ~ V•EP pf9 IS tlOO M , 11+ Sonat t l 10 6 lll 17"' V. V•EP pfl.90 S ~ SonyC., I• 1l lt70 I~ . . VAEP pfl 20 t.l50 49 .,. Saoli,. t . .a. • 1 ,_, Yo vor.-41 is-I<. Source 2.60 11 n~ "" vutctnt ~ 10 1 1s'I!> "" StcCo pf140 J 1~ '4 -w-w - SoAtlFn 2 I~ WICOR 2 1• 4 • lt '"' 5CrEG I.ft 1 93 IT'i. W4K"°" I 24 6 ll U V. ~ ~ l !O I 43 ..,.... + .,. Wkkhl __ 11 1 •~, \'\ Soelllll I 6 !O "°"'· . . . W<llnoc I• 0 11" •i. SoelPS I D t IS I~+ Vt WIMart l6 19 .. ...,,. t V> SCalEO l.14 • S71 11-.... . WlMrt pf .. • )1"4 V. tr'~ ~~ ; ·~ ~ .. ·~ :::r,;; ~I;, .• 1: ~~~. ~'. SHETel 4.!6 • I• 6'0.-.,. W•ICS¥ M 10 23 JI~+ .... SouPec uo ' in 31-y, wa1um 1 . 16 11v. .• SouRv 4.14 7 15 17 -1\0i WalU l)lfl.to . , ,_ ,,. Solty pl 2.to I n -.... Wern« I.to • UI J2'4 -SoUi<o u• 1 IS 11t-~ wrncm 1 u 2073 sn.-"' Solltlnd 1 " a 61 ..,.__ v. wa,..,..L i..«1 u •12 2A~ v. SoRcy Cll V J.w 20Vt-'-WalhGS V• t • • • .... =...""" 059 l 173 ~ .... WsllHet 1.Cll • " ti'!)-~ SwAlr ~ ;i, it ~ 37"*···~ =:', i.: 1l: :t .. ~ S..8.11\ ' I.JO 6 .. u -•;, Welkin .. 14 M ~ loll SWl'l&a 111 • s 1:sv...... wayGoa .209 s • RI.-...,. SwtFore .ISj 35 13 ~ .... WayG pfl.to 4 16V> ... SwtGa I 1' t II ..,.._. .... W....U .G!Sj ll 21 .j + "" SwEnr " .!2 II ll> lt71e • .... •1 w.t1bO 12 U 1'1< .... SwtPS I !O I 714 1M + .,. -~ 1 14 lO 2 ..,..._ ._ SHrtn -60 7 IS 1W.-'"' WellsF ... , 4 "' n .... S.-CIP Ill 11 ~ ..... w.tFM 2.ID t J tW. 5;erry l.'2 s JtO~.,. WtflO¥ n .21 10 121 1~'it. S.WlnQll I.a 6 20 11 • Ya WIPIP s IM • 3S 2'1to .... SQuwO JM 1 IGI UV.. "' W\ICtT QI... 12 ~ Sq\111111 1.16u1• JS'-+ "' wnAirL • IJI ,....·;·~ SteRIW .Cit 1 Ito 1l + 114 WAlr pf J • 4' f'llt-"-St.iey .ID S 1' 1.-... . . . WCHA s .2• S 344 12\Aii-,_. tlMot t .!4 I » 211 + Ito WPecl S I 61 ........ 5'0!10 2.AO • 1" a.ti-~ v. W\Jhlon 1.40 t 34' 3311.-14 StOlnCI t.a 6 • .,_.,, ... WUn dPfl.11 4S 7~ \\ SoeoOOI> 2.to s 571 '1'4. It. W\ITI 12.~ .. s 17\'a ..... 5111'ec:CI> .JO ,. • .-.. "' Wt"11 ,.. s m• isl'.-1111 St.-. ... 6 11 1™ .. W..llrC 1.20 • .. !~ ..... sc.iWk .16 t IOI I~ \6 W.yettw I.JO It toi ~+ Yo WMSe Ulla .. M 9 + ... W.yr IJlf2.a .. 2S Jl -fll SCeutCll t... 1 Yt n • .. .. Wtrtr Pf~'° .. I -42fll. • . $ I e • 0 0 . I t Ill WIMll" I.a 7 ta ,,_ \It 1 • 'lilt ..... Slerchl .1' WtlelF °' 1 .. to JI"• \lo I a 1 0 "' + 141 WlltlLE US . 11io SJ + 1 StrlBQ> .n • S ,_ \.\ WlwtPl1 s ii 17 • Ya s.ar11>v 1.e11 11 ... n-~ -'"" 1.to • m v-.-Stewv 1.211 . IS I~• loll Wt>llC I.SO I '" 27 + " $tWWt S 1.6' 10 9 24 -Y, Wllltt• I.to 6 to l!l + "" StdtVC 1 ... t l7 2W>-llo Wleblcll 16 Jl Siio • ., •• ~c llf 1 . 12JO • .. • .. w111tem uo • ..s 19"' + "' stonews 1 ~ ~ .J ~! : :ll~":!t J ~ 1~+·~ StCllPS.. I... 4 21 Jt\lt-"" WlnOll J.16 9 It """--"' StorTec 9 au M -loll Wlnlllll JI ,.... ...._ "" ~ ~ 16 IOO ~-It. Wl•Ell" 2.91 6 It 11\o'f ... .. Strldltlt t J f . .. . . WIKPI.. I . 16 6 41 11-. .... . ~11111 .S .. ... .. WIKPS t.9' 1 •t ~ 4' Mfi'fG t• 4 2S a -.... Witco I.ID $ M 21._, ~ f.llr .~ , , W ,._,.... WOIVW s A 7 11 ID. ... .. 1911 fl 1 , '° ~"' wen. .s:s •• JO , ...... "' A • ,. .tl"'-tYt ~"' ·• 11 at m-.. i,i. tin . , M M-14 _...., 1.a t ~ 1"' + V. 4 • ,,_. Iii WfldN . . 2 N ..... ., 1 """-' Wfklfy ,.... • JO ~. " 1M 1 f1$ ._,. ~ WUflW • • J 4 • • ,. ~ 11 ti ti: .._ w.!.U. ·IOI . • a. ~ .._ .....vis .... 10 t -. wy1y n~ .,.." •q 1'i .11 Iii W\'""6 AO j 7U1' -Yt .... ' 12"+ "' -v-z- s ll 'i J ~:~ fixr:1,. 1~ i ~~~·; .• n '" "' .o ' i4 • " -,_, -, .. ,. JO ft 111 ... llCO ta I .. 19'11..... r.tf'9 t .i4 t .,.. '" 1 11 .. Jt , .. ZUrftl" UO 4 ts -.. .... , NEW YORK (AP) -Two ~r banb Niel t.Oday thoy would make p>d more than $160 m11Uon in· lntereet pa~entt Uiat a ll'nall aovemme. nt MCWiUee concern uyt it ii u.nable to make to other llnAndal flrma. Financial marketa appeared calm followlnf Tuesday's dildoaUJ"e by ChUe Manhattan Bank, tM nation'• third-largest oommerdal bank. that ~ Government Soci.uitlea Inc. wu unable to make a payment that was due Monday. , Chase offlctal1 aald Tuetday that Drysdale'• failure to make the interest paymentl might prompt aome broker~ge housee to 1ue Chue, which Mid it acted aa an intermediary in a loan of IOCWitJe. from about 30 brokerQ.ge houaea to Drytdale, a dealer in government notes and bonds. SDG&E hikes stock dividend The board of directors of San Diego Gas & Electric increased the company's quarterly common stock dividend from 42 cents per share to 46.6. The dividend ia payable to shareholders of record June 20. This increase raisee the annual dividend rate from $1.68 to $1.82 per share. Pacesetter reports net income American Pacesetter of Newport Beach reported net income of $53,000, or 2 cents per common share, on revenues of $15,482,000 for the three months ended March 31. This contraats with net income of $619,000, or 25 cents per share, on revenues of $18,055.000, for the like period last year. Mesa firm reports net loss Biflyx of Costa Mesa. reported a net loss of $197,897 on increased revenues of $3.070,014 for the three months ended March 31. This compares with a net loss of $27,491 on revenues of $2.288,232 for the year-earlier quarter. For the nine months ended March 31, Biflyx had a net l~ of ~218.623 on revenues of $10.263,181. BJflyx 1s an electronics, video and energy company. Printronix earnings increase Printronix Inc. of Irvine, manufacturer of minicomputer line printers. reported increased earnings for the fiscal year ended March 26 . .Earnings were $5.147,000. or $1.34 per share. on sales of $64,855,000. · This compares with earnings of $4,639,000. or $1.24, on sales of $52,428,000 for the previous year. For the quarter, Printronix earned $1,580,000, or 41 cents, on sales of $19,406,000 compared with $1,348,000, or 35-tents, on sales of $14,719,000 for the quarter last year. AirCal announces 'Party Plan' Ai.rCa1 announced a fare for group travel between Southern California and the San Franclaco Bay area. The fare, called the "Wholesale Party Plan," calls for progressively deeper discounts beginning at full fare for the first passenger in the group to the 10th passenger who flies for free. Ai.rCal's plan is offered for travel between every city pair served on the airline's 15-city, five-state route network beginning May 24 through Sept. 15. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORK CAP) Final Dow---· tor T~. Mrt 11. STOCKS AMERICAN LEADERS JO Ind <t:°:11 :r .. ~ =-~ 20 Trn MS.a. >46.JO a04 •. .._US IS Ult lll.l'O I \.f.11 112 to nu.-0.73 6S s1-mo :DC.81 S2t.24 m.-u1 lnd•ll •.a100 Tr en . .. • .. .. . 2,All, 100 Ullls ..... .......... ... 1.-...ao 6S Sii• . . . .. . • l.OJtAOO WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORll; CAP> May 11 NEW VOAK IAPI ~y It Tueedey ,.,..,, :;:=: ~· ~1 --.. UncMngllllt :nt DI T~MI-740 ,.. -"""" 1J w ,....,_ • 17 METALS -C.,.., 1-..0 c.lta •a pound, U.8. clwtlMtlone. ~ 26-21 _,.. • poilnd. -a. 8& Olftla • pound, --.cl. -Tiii M.54154 Miilea W.-oompoelt&tb. Al•"• lllP re-n C*11t • P°'llld, H. v ......, 1310.00 per ..... _;',.ltlo-'307.00 troy oz .. NY SILVER "J l'J 1i •• ..., •" ., 'I .. II .: '·' ,'l " I ' •i ·. ... un..-.. TROUPER -Elizabeth Taylor awaits her cue backstage in London where she played "The Little Foxes" in a wheelchair after spraining her ankle. Liz 'mobile' Wheeled through per{ ormance LONOON (AP) -Actress Elizabeth Taylor was pushed around the stage in a wheelchair Monday night in the London production of the Broadway hit "The Little Foxes." Her spokesman said she had fallen downstain at a friend's house and badly sprained an ankle. Scene. in which the 50-year-old actress was to walk up and dwn stairs were c ut from the performance. The stage manager wheeled Miss Taylor around the stage in other scenes. ''M.isa Taylor was advised to rest the ankle. She is in very great pain, but insisted on continuing the performances," spokesman Tony Wells said. Wells said the 50-year-old act.rea wu "wearing new shoes" when she caught her ankle and fell down a flight of stairs at a friend's houae where she was having lunch Sunday. The produc tion, due to run at London's Victoria Palace Theater until July 3, opened March 11. Irvine Sy01phony to play Sunday The Irvine Symphony Orchestra will present a free concert at 2 p.m. Sunday, featuring Rossini's Overture to La Cenerentola, a work hued on the Cinderella fairy tale. The concert at Turtle Rock C.olnmunity Center, 1 Sunnyhill Drive in Irvine, also will include the ~ntemporary Concatenation for Orchestra by Craig DeWilde and Ibert's Conce rto for Flute and Orchestra, with Marianne Whitrnyer as flute soloist. The free concert is made f ossible through grants from the c ity, UC rvine, Monex International, the Irvine Company and many other contributions. 'lJ' OOdJ"' still • going strong ~ •z v• TllOMAI 0 ......... HOLLYWOOD -U ml1ht not make the Outnne11 9ook ot ftecordl. but tn th• tran.atiory moYie world, a 80·yMr oontract with • llnP ltUdJO ta nothlnl ... than ·pMnomlnal. Walter Lanta. father o=Wood Woodpecker! Andy Panda. Ch.Wy WWy the and a~ OI other oanoon •tan. ncently another contract wtth Unlvenal Plctww. wtth which he •tarted ln 1e21. The new deal extend.I t.o 1987, when Lantz expeotia t.o .un be I04na •tronc at 87. 11That'1 not all 1tliat'• happentna," 1ay1 the etu~y. eM!PUo. Lant&. "Woody ta IOf.ni to be in the Macy'• 'fbanklClvt.na Day parade thil year for the flrat time. And we're openinl an exhibit on the Universal Stud.to Tour that will fnclude • lot of our memorabWa and • 1~-rninute documentary that we juat filmed. "All of our Ucenaeee are eending producta for the exhibit. We have over 100 producte, everyth.lna from T-1hlrt.1, 1hoe11 dolls to pens, pencils, pads, stationery." Walter Lantz Productloru now operates at offices ln the former Technicolor buildlng ln the heart of Hollywood. Lantz gave Uf au100n-rnakina five years ago. He explains: 'I quit when l diacovered I wu paying $50,000 for a llix-minute short that oost $12,000 to f 1~.000 in the 1930s. I've always fiJwlced my own pictures and I said, 'Hell, I'll go broke it I atay in production.' It's lucky I quit. Thoee cartQOn1 would coet $100,000 today." Univertal continues to re-release 13 Lantz cartoons a year to the world'• theaters, as well as Grace ls Walter's sprightly 79-year-old wife and the voice of Woody Woodpecker. The ll1ory ia that when they were honeymooning in 19~0. a pesky woodpecker pounded on the roof of their cabin at nearby Lake Sherwood. "That'• how we got the idea for Woody," Lantz recalls. "Mel Blanc did the voice at first. Then Warner Broe. algned him to an exclusive contract, and Grade took over. She's been doing Woody for 32 years." You'll be glad you camel [Bl J~ 1--~~8 CITY CEnTER f] JN fHl •-f" Cl ltrifUtf O<IAHGl QO 11111 LUXURY THEATRES Economy S.1tine S2.50 til 3:00 flM Unless Ot!Mrwisa llfotld S 113t.t@4•1ull6J6s~ 2sss/~~.) S * FOR FUnl EXCfTEmEnTI V1s1tOur... * MfOOlD lC-AAlltCGCol\ ~TH£~11!1 1 Z100 Z:40 l :ZO 1:00 .. 10:)0 r Winner• • IUl.'I AN~ , .. ,.n C...~l• TJJJJPIRJ OF THE -YICTOR 1/idMl.4 Piosr ARK [l!m ltMJ:OOl:207140 t0l10 a:JI 1 :49 4 :JO 7:20 1:411 iiil(411,@ti2)M~ 9282/~"'::.;:-) in'* I You1 be ;act ~ ~on<~~ ~'~f,~ 1 :00I:11 1 O:JO Olcf, :00 {f'G) m 6 659 8770/~~ * 0DRAQ'~'~ Vl9'" , ........... , .... - NII Ml\IO!t AllO l~MI""-•• "CHAAIOTt Ofl NI" !POI ,,,. , ......... , .. LAKEWOOD C l NH~ WAl lC IN "WRONG II RIGHT" (R) ,_, __ ... _ lAKIWOOO C fNUll SOUTH WAIM ... Al Del A/no 111 ....... , "VICTOR YICTOfllA" '"°' " ............... .. 11WRONG II RIGHT" (R) ,. ................ . "I' YOU COULD HI WHAT I HIAR'' 1,01 1t•tH,4 ......... ll"M 'ec1111y •• C:tndlewooo 211/H1·tll0 0 PARTN ,_....__ ...DIATHTRAP" (PG) -.-.--., .. ,...._ "'"-.,, .. -. , ... - NIT PICTillll AICI ICllll -AY wCHAAIOTI Of' PNW" ll'O)I-. -... -tHI IMPORTANT NOTICE! CMILDRI• UttOU 12 flUI! ...... .......... M.1:tt•W..lllL.lllM!,tt:tt aM-1'1 -• fOUll A111 CM lllOIO I 'IOUll ...... .. Je .. CAA MDIO Wiii ll'#l'Ot ACCBllll\' GrD1 _,..Mt PallTMU l•AU Qa.fl..,,... .. •Mt Mlle A"'4At•llM ANAHEIM DRIVl·IN 81JI "4A l'AIJr BUENA PARK ORIVI IN l111eolfl Aff Wetl ol IMn 121-.070 - ~· '•i A ~ AW• LINCOLN DillVt tu hflColfl A•e W•" ol lllOn "CROCODILE" (R) """' "FORCE: FIVE" (R) "WRONG 18 RIGHT" 1"1119 "TUNNELVlllON" (R) "GOIN' ALL THE WAY" (R) "* 121-4070 "FORBIDDEN WORLD" (R - I •t A '' !ttlllf-1!!'1 m. .~;:N" (9-) '°"a....,_, .. ......,..,,. CIO > ..,,. NOtlllllAN" (N) N2•Ul1 Cllll ·,. 10U110 1111. ~e:::.~..:., I ----' 191·3693 ) "CAOC~ (ft) I ..,.~ .... (R) "FOflCI: l'IVI" (R) "PRIYATe LlllON8" (R) Cllll • " IOUllO Cllll ·" SOU1C1 ... YOU COULD Ml ''POMY'SMIN_l __ WHAT I NIM" CPel "ut l'Ull "THI 8UDOY HOUY w~ IN IMO«I" (Ill aTOllY"CPe> CIM ·l'l IOUllO ',. •-4Af"L.• 0 WAONG II RIGHT" ' LA HABRA ORIVl IN "IM """'• -1;;:1;.2• ....... ...,. "TUNNEL Vl810N" (R) "'"N(~t ORANGE DRIVE-IN ,,.. ... ,, ... , .. MISSION DRIVE IN . . . .. ' ' . , . ' ~ " .. WARNEQ OlllV t IN WO-A•e We d ol .. OCft flwo '47·Hf1 "DRAGONILA YER" ...... .. THE ELEPHANT MAN" (PO) NARO CA LLEJEAO CON NRRO CAUe JERO ff ~ I ,,_AP.,..._ OOLUMBU8, Ohio -John W. • Gelbna&h. cM&nnan Of tM bo9rd of th• Plttaburab Pirate•,· uy1 h•'• ihodced by the ''very unfortunate" comment1 of a ICOUt who Mid lhe Nation.al ~ t>uet.ll club ahOWd make tradee to put more whue·Players on Ill ros1er. Howle Rule, the Pltat.i!I' chief ICOUt I.Pd the man who dilcOvered Hall of Farner Roberto CletMnte, said Pittlbutl.h fana won't come ®t lf there are 10o many blaCka on a team. · "W•'re aoln8 tO have 10 trade for 10me whii..," H.aU laid from Portland in a telephone interview wllh The As.1odated Pre11. "rd say you have to have about (C\:11' whites ltar'Ung." Galbreath, a Colwnt>U1 busineaman, said ~y that he couldn't believe that Haak woUJd make the statements •ttrlbuted to him, and laid they did not reflect b1I vieW1 or thoee of his 10n, Dan, the Pirates' president. · "That'a not the attitude of myself or my 10n or the ball club," he told a WBNS-TV interviewer who showed him a 1tory reporttna Haak'• remarka. "I usu.re you of that. ln f~ the question I don't think has come up ln our minds here between Dan and myaelf, and I'm just as disappolnted as lhe devil that Howie, being lhe fine acout he'1 been over the years. would make a statement like that.'1 • "It's absolutely .nothing io do with my feelinf, at all. That doesn't enter my mind at any time. t never has." Galbreath said he was so shocked by lhe remarks that he wasn't prepared to make any comment on what might be done about lhem. He sa.fd that his son will be out of the country until Saturday. • Eleven of lhe 25 players on PittsbUlllb's major leque roster are white. Quote of the day Biil Laakey, a San Francisco Giants pitcher, after beating Montreal, J-0, in his tint major l~gue start: "This is my first dream come true in the blg league, and until I read about it in the news~pers, I'm not going to believe it happened.'' He misses no-hitter again, loses again NOIU'OLK, Va. -Tidewater • right-hander RJck Ownbey who came within one out of a no-bit1er before losing to Syracuse 3-2 on April 24, came within two out of a no-hitter Monday n.ijht -and loet again 4-3 to the Toledo Mud Hens. Ownbey, with Tidewater leading 2-0 after eight inn1np. got one out dlerl walked tl\n!e straight batters to load the t... ln the ninth. Ray Smith followed with Toledo's first bit, a triple that gave the Mud Hena a 3-2 lead. Steve Ratz.er relieved Ownbey and gave up a single to Ron McNamara that aoored Smith with the winning run. The Mud Hens got one more hit off Rall.er. Tidewater eco~ one run in the ninth. Ownbey is now 3-2. The winner was Toledo starter Don Cooper who went the first eight innings to even his record at 3-3. On April 24 Ownbey entered the ninth against Syracuse with a 2-0 lead and got two out before the Chiefs scored three runs on a walk. an infield hit, a throwing error, another walk and a two-run double. 76ers go for clincher tonight BOSTON -The s izzling m Philadelphia 76ers can clinch their 'third berth in the National Basketball Aseociation title round ln six yea.rs tonight' by ex>ntlnuing their domi.natJon of the out.of-sync &.ton Celtics. Only 10 days ago, that prospect seemed extremely unlikely. Boston handed the 76era their \,\'Ol'St playoff le. ever, 121-81, on May 9. But Philadelphia bounced back with three 11raigbt victories and is a hot team golng into the fifth game of the best,.of-seven Eastern Conference final. Boston, which 101t playmaker Nate A~cblbald for the series with a dialocated shoulder In a 99-97 third-game ~has been le. organbed than it waa in compW.na the league'• be.St record, 63-19. Still. the 76er'9 know all too well that a 3-1 lead doem't guarantee another abot at the Loe AnaeJes Laken. MICROCOr.1rUTERS FOR SMALL BUSIES tEARN BEIOltE YOU BUY Ashby's 12th Inning hit paces Astros Alan Asbby '1 two -out , • 12th -Inning s ingle score d eh-runner Scott Loucks from third • to give the Houston Aatroe a 2-1 victory over Philadelphia Tueeday night. The victory went to reliever Dave Smltb, who pitched two innings in relief of starter Joe Nletro . . . ln other National Leaiue pmea. Guy RaJalclt hit a three-run homer, the finrt of •~ hl8 major leaaue ~r ln a · "" four-run fifth inning, as the New York Meta acored a 7-4 victory over Cincinnati ... Bob Foraeb pitc h e d a five-hitter and singled home a run, and Gene Tenace blasted a home run a s St. Louis bla nke d S a n D ie g~ 2-0 . F orsch, 5-0. drove ln the Cardihals' aecond run with a UteY · two-out single in the seventh after Tenace had walloped hit homer leading off the winner . . . Rookie BW La11ley pitched a four-hitter and catcher Bob Brenly belted three hits as San Francisro ended a four-game Iosing streak with a 2-1 victory over Pittsburgh , .. Bob Horner and Clarie CbambUH hit succemive home runs in the fiflh inning to power Atlanta to a 6-4 win over Montreal. Baseball today On this date in baseball in 1912: With the Detroit Tigers on strike in prot est over the Ame r ican League'• suspension of outfielder Ty Cobb for punching a fan in New York, a team of pic kups, s andlo tters and coac he1 repr'elel'lted the Tigers and were pummeled by the Philadelphia A 's. 24-2. Losing pitcher Allan Travers, who would never pitch another game in the majors; gave up all 24 runs. on 26 hits. Today's birthdays: Fonner· New York Yankee infielder GU McDougald, the 1951' American League Rookie of the Year. is 54. Baltimore slugger Dan Ford is 30. Yankee catche r Rick Cerone is 28. Cleveland pitcher F.d Whitson is 27. San Diego pitcher F..ric Show is 26. Canuck fans throw out tbe towels Thousands' of noisy hockey fans • lined Burrand Street during the noon hour T uesday in a towel-waving tribute to their Vancouver Canucka. The National Hockey League team, which defied all odds by reaching the Stanley Cup final, was honored by a civic parade, after they were 1Wept by lhe New York Islanders in four games . . . Forward Jimmy Mun of the Winnipeg Jet.a was fined $500 for leaving the bench and striking Pittsburgh's P1aJ Garclller in an NHL brawl last January . . . University of A.riz.ona Athletic Director Dive Strack ha1 submitted his resignation, effective July 1. Strack asked to be relieved of his administrative duties so he could "assume the duties of a profeasor of physical education." . . . Terry Bradellaw of the Pittsburgh Steelers says he hu enjoyed a quiet off-aeuon, except for aufferin.g a broken toe when a horse stepped on hia foot at his Louisiana ranch . . . Preakneea champion Aloma'• R.ter led a charge of Florida-Wed ho1'9e9 to victory in six of nine major 1takes races acrwa to the U.S. last weekmd. ·Television, radio TV: No eventl ICheduled. RADIO: Bueball -~at Milwaukee, 5:30 p.m., KMPC (710); Cba,o at Dodgen, 7:30 p.rn., KABC ~· RSDAY'S RADIO 8ueba1J -Ana9la at Mitwaukee, 11:30 a.m .. KBQC (710). ROWLAND HEIGHTS -It wun't nac\1~ the R4ld Raldel'l ln 1ctlon but th• Rowland Hf1h Raldel'I wW have 10 do until a better facllm11e oomea ~· Th• Ral~ captta.1119d on tlJr Foun&al~y erron 10 post a 2·1 CIF round 4·A playoff declaion over the BaroN here ~ afternoon to eUmtnate the Sun.et Leque team from the • competition. None of the ruN tn the aame WIS earned U the Barona took, a brief lead ln lhe top of lhe lhli'd t.nNng before livtna It rtaht beck ln the bottom balf of the frame when all runa were ICOl'ed. Fountain Valley'• Steve Pratt reached flrlt on an error but plnch-runner Kelly Romine wu promptly 1p1c:ked• off. Ken DIM&rco then ~ arid came around to ecott by 1tHlln1 leCOnd, movtna 10 third on a wild p11Ch Md bxne on a p...t td. The a.ct appeand • thouah it would hold up until the Raiden came to bat and lhe llovet of the a.ton fleldel'I and t.M thrOWinl atma went eour. With one out, Richard Hawk wa1 1afe on a catcher'• interference call. nu. brouaht up leadoff batter Andy Cafana who forced Hawk at terond. But before the third out could be recorded. two run1 ICOred. John Piazza sJ.naled to riaht on a hit-and-run play. 1endina Cafana to third. Then John Hall alngled to right to Ue lt up and ~~10thlid. The Raiden aue~.P~ed a double tteal and When Kall W• c:aupt ln • n&n..dowft betwem tint and llCCll'id, .......... -UMt plate. A wtld throW home aaw h1rri the opponunlty 10 __.. wlth what !)roved to be th.-j winn1na run. Fountain Valley enCSed lta eeuon wllh a l&-9 record w~ Rowland conUnues on wllh a 12·10·2 mark. The Baroni' Brian It.yen matched Rowland'• Dan Murphy o.n the pit~blna mound, each alvinc up four hlt1. Murphy hlld IO 1trlkeout1 and IHued two walk• io four whiff• and no walk• for Ayer•. Ayers concluded the ~ with a ~ record. Estancia's Gardner tops All-Sea View Gauchos eliminated; GWC plays Friday · Jeff Gardner, F.atancla H1gh'1 premier infielder. has been chosen by the Sea View League bueball coaches u the Player of the Year following a sparkling campaign. The Eagles' shortstop batted .MO and played a large role ln E1tancla 'a 1ucceslful sea1on . culminated by a CIF 2-A playoff1 berth. A two-time All-CIF 3 -A baaketball player and' the Sea View League's Player of the Year in that sport, too, Gardner leads the way for four first team picks from F..tancia. Champion Corona del Mar placed three on the tint team, including pitcher Dave Rohde, second baseman Gordon Mou and outfielder Chm White. Irvine, which finished second in ~. picked up two tint team l>erthf -outfieldtt Jim Guho and pitcher Pat Slmml. M-... VleW ........ ....-TTUM .._,...,_,...., _.CL C-Jfllf FfeAd, Cotta~ .432 Sr. 18-Mlle ~. &e.nC69 M1 Jf. 28-0clfdon ...... CdM .807 Jf. sa ....... t-Nldloll, &tendll .420 "'· -Jeff Ber~. &t*1dl .540 Sr. Of-Clw1I Whitt. CdM .341 It. Of'-Jlrn MoCehm. &Uinc:le .375 8r OF-Jim a.no, ntne .814 8r P-~ 8lmme, !MN ~ 1 Sr, P-0.W ~ CdM U It. Ut-Mike Lomel, B Toro 2-3, .292 8r •CONDTUM C-Jefl Frei, ~ .317 SI. 18--Jlly Soatt. IMfte .375 Sr. 29-et.tt OulNI.. e Toro .333 Sr ~ MedlM. ~ .425 Sr. 88-Slfte ~ eo.ta Meee .358 Sr. OF-llaM SmlUI, Seddlebec* .302 Jf. OF-~"*· El Toro .SIMI St. OF-M Bondi. lrvtne .311 8r P-*tl , COia.... S.1 Jf P-Mlle • tMne 4-2 Sr Vt-Aon Nugent, l'tewPOtt Hllf'bor .473 Sr ,,..,.., of the Yer. Jett Gerdner, &tendL From Page C1 Saddltback College b:lted a 'couple of home runa, including one in the ninth to .end the game into overtime, but it wasn't enough u ~ Citrus Owl.a held on for a 4-3, 13-lnning victory Tuesda y in the Mission Conference Shaughnessy Playoff finale at Saddleback. The victory 9elld.a the Owl.a, Northern Division champions, into lhe atate playoffs, scheduled foe May 27 -30 at Blair Field ln Lone Beech and Cerritos College. Saddleback, which won the Mt..lon Conference'• Southern Division, and boasted the best. conference record coming lnto the playoffs, received a valiAnt pitching effort from 10phomore Brad Kinney, who one day etrlier was named conference player of the year. Kinney went the entire 13 lnnin11, scattering nine Cltrua hits while hh teammate• collected 11 hitl. The Gaucho•' biggest hit, however, came in the bottom of the ninth with CitrUI hold!!lg oo to a 3-2 lead with three outs aeparaUng the Owls from the state playoffs. Rick Irwin led off the ninth with a home run which 1ent the game into overtime. The Owla had gone ahead in the top of the ninth on an RBI double by Mlke Uunpbell. The Gauchos struck tint ln the second when M..-k Swancoat whacked a home run. Swanooet later added a triple and finished the day w i th a 3 -for-4 performance. Irwin was 2-for-4 with a pair of RBI and first bueman Cuey VAQS OUSTED • • • Dale Underwood, wbo blasted a mound chores after Tiemey'a tremendous home run off 109er injury. Pat Simms in going 2-for-4 wtlh " 1t was a pretty g u tt l one run aoored and two RBI. performance," said Flint. "Hes Simms, the only pitcher at matured a lot in a year. rm not Flint's dis posa l with Mike sure he could have done the same Tierney on the sidelines with a thinR last year. broken arm. struck out seven , "You know, people didn't walked two, bit a batter and expect anything from us at the surrendered 12 hit.a in dropping start of the year. Then we started hla record to 8-4. the league 0-2. But it's the nature Flint, however, had hi~h of these kids to know how to prai.ae for the right-hander who cunpete " . . and that'• what Schmidt f1ni.ahed the day 3-for-6. Kinney carried a 1.56 earned run average into the game, anil' the former Dana Hilb Hi1b 1tandout 1truck out 11 while walking four Tuelday. Meanwhile, Citrus will join the elite group of community collep bueball teams for the atate tournament. Allo hoping to gain a berth ln the tourney ls Coach Fred Hoover's Golden West Colleae aquad which will face IUo Hondo tn a three·game 1erle1 to determine the Southern Cal Conference champion and the conference'• representative in the tourney. !Up Hondo handed LA Harbor a 7 -5 defeat in a one-game playoff at Golden West 'I\reday to advance to the conference championship serie9. The teries begim Friday (2:30) at Rio Hondo with Rob Meyer (6-1, 2.42 ERA) gotn1 for the I Ru1tlers. Game two wlll be I played Saturday at noon at GWC. Should the series be tied. the third game would abo be r played at GWC immediately after the firat on Saturday. From Page C1 GUERRERO. who pitched as well as Welch couldn't get the win," said Niedenfuer, 1-1. "But it w• an important win for the club." The Dodgen had lost six of their preVIOWI seven pmes. Welch agJ'eed, sa)'lns. "I had good rhytJt.m, I had good location. but the main thing, we won.'' 'The Dodgen got theJ.r first run without managing a hit. The Cube' Randy Martz allowed the Dodgen only four bits foe six inninp. but hit Ron C.ey with a pitch to open the 9eYenth. Steve Garvey sacrificed, and he wa safe when Martz' throw to first pulled Bill Buckner off the bag. Alter Mike Scloecia bunted the runners to second and third, Lee Smith laced Martz and on his first p~ BUI Rusaell got C.ey home with a sacrifice fly. It remained 1-0 until the CUba. rallied to tie aft.er two were out in the ninth, and then Guerrero won it in the bottom of the ninth. assumed sole responsibility of the they did." ...=__:__~~~=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Greer wins Sophomore Chris Greer of Univenlty High captured the Sea View Ldiue individual 1ingle1 ,... tennl1 champiomhip last week, outduellna El Toro'• nm ea. in 1he finals, 6-4, 6-2. Greer paced hi~ teem to a 14~·13~ win over Foothill Tueeday in the CIF 4A playof&. · , ... ~ . . . . ... . ..... ... . llY aoGBll CAllLION or .. ....,,... ... When your opponent II beltlna home Nnl and virtually •tt.lnc you dawn In order there'• only one thine you can do, hapa Joa. and w-1_t_~ tum. COrona del Mar H1Jh'i Sea Kin&I dkl that Tuemay and naponded fram runa off the .-:ie to nicord a &.a ~ over the vWUnc Arfoyo Hilb ~....ta. 'l1WJ verdict catapults thtl defendinl 2-A bueball cfwnplonl, now 20-3, · to Friday'• quartertinala at Antelope alley. Antelope Valley, the Golden LeMue's No. 2 repraentative, outaoored St~ Genevieve, 5-4. Scott Loos led Cttana del Mar'a attack with three of the Sea Klno' four hita, including a aun double, but the atory WM an old one for the wlnnera, taking advantage of a few mistakes to get the equivalent of 40 mllea per gallon. 'llJ'hey jult Dlay hetdl up ball,'' Mid Arroyo c.o.ch Nick Sai.mo. ••You make a couple of miltaJu9 and they tab advantqe of lt.'' Down by • 3-0 maratn throuah 3 ~ lnn1no, the pk:ture WM anythlna but bri1lit for the Sea View Lea1ue champlona. Arroyo had blnaed out a p· .. of homen -a 1-doff 1~~1' U> riaht by Joe Martinez and a two-nm belt 1>y Rich Slomlmki in the third innlnC· Only a fine stop by third buelnan Jim Murphy ~ved potential diluter In the fourth innin&. h1a atop and force at third ldl1ing a t--lmded afW.Uon. The Sea Kin11, limited to Looi' harmlem afnale In the leCOnd lnnlna, finally got things gdnC In the fourtl\ with a pair of nma. Startina pitcher Dave Rohde walked and advanced on Chris Whlte11 lntield llinaJe. Mike Hell plated the fl.rat marker with • llCrifice fiy to left .tter both buerunnen atole a bue, then Looe knocked ln the aecond tun with • bMI hit to rtaht. The Ude WU tumina. Rohde aet the order down In the f1ftli lnninl (for the ftnt time) and the See~~ wlth two more runa -wf\hout the benefit ol • hit. l'ree paaae1 to Gordon Mo11 and Rohde pr~ded a wild pltch, then Wh.lte'• MCrifke ny to center .:iored the tying nm. The ~ marlin came momenta later .. the see K1Do bepn a decoy ltea1 with Brent Me16on. who walked, taking off for MCOnd u Rohde moved off third. But~made it eay for Co.ch Tom 1 Sea Klnet u relief pitcher Darren threW low to fl.rat, the ball got away and Rohde acored euily. Looa doubled in the alxth and 'eventually aoond on a wild pitch to &lve White an extra edae In the aeventh. White, who redred Arroyo 1·2'-8 en loft pope In the afxth in rellef of = wu ln trouble with nmnen on and third with one out ln the aevtnth, but forced the dellnup hitter to around to fint blleman Dave Arial, then ltohde (~ at third) p-abbed a hot bouncer and threw the rwmet out to f:lnJah IL ''The three teuna before th1a were more talented,'' aald Trager, alludlna to h1a &. View Le8aue champJona of 1~79, '80 and '81, "but thia team'• amazing. They aren't aolnt to give up. We've &at aome ornery k.ida on W.. team.'' Outhit and outmulcled, the Sea K.1np did it apln and Trager admitted his early anxiety. "We were going up there with our tails th.rough our legs. but once someone got a hit, they began realizing It's not that tough," aaid Trager. WINNER -cOrona del Mar Coach Tom Trager takes his Sea View League champion Sea Kings to Antelope Valley Friday after Tuesday's win. What weak staff?' .,.., ........... ..,, ...... ~ under a leaping Ken Becker of Arroyo (left), while CdM's Dave Arias leapt in an attempt to catch a hil(h throw to first base. Angels' H.eliko flattens Brewers Mn.WAUKEE (AP) -Bobby Grich says people~ stop asking whether the Anpla can win in spite of their suppmedly weak pitching ataff. They're leading the American League West primarily becau.e of lt. Spot starter Steve Renko pitched a three-hitter and retired the last 20 Milwaukee batters Tuesday ni&ht u the Angela, sparked by a two-run homer by Grich, defeated the Brewers 4-1 . It was the fifth sue<:easive victory and eighth in 10 games foe the Angela, whoee 2.79 ataf1 earned run average leads the league. "STEVE RENKO la pitching the best ball of h1a career right now," said Grich, the Angela' second bueman. ''So are Geoff Zahn, Don~. Ken Fonch and Doug Corbett. People criticize our pitching, but we've got some veteran pitchers who know what they're doing." What Renko, 4-1, did to the Brewen wasn't mysterious. He threw 93 pitches -67 of them strikes. The Brewen' offen.e consisted of two soft aingles by Paul Molitor and a third Inning homer by Manhall Edwarda. "We didn't even come cloee," Brewer Manager Buck Rodgers said. "Renko went through us like Grant went through Richmond. He's a quality pitcher, but you figure you'd get 90me runs off him." "Renko pitched man y outstanding games for me ln Montreal in the early '70s, but rve never aeen him have thia kind of control," Angels' Manager Gene Mauch said. "He dotted the inside corner and he dotted the outside corner. "He threw one straight fast ball all night -the one the fella (F.dwarda) hit over the right field fence," he said. "He was cutting It, running it and sinking it. I've never had a pitcher -ever - who handled Ben Oglivie and Cecil Cooper like that." "I had a lot of S\JCICell8 running fast balls and sliders In on left-handers and staying •::J: from right-handers," :Renko · . "I got away with a couple of mistakes. But if you throw where you want to most of the time, the hitters will be a little off-balance and you can get away with a couple of mistakes." THE BREWERS tied a club record by recording five double plays, but a throwing error by Molitor, the third baseman. set up what proved to be the decisive run in the Angela' second inning. Molitor was removed from the game.after the third inning because of what Rodgers said was a sore right shoulder. ~ DeCinces reached on the error and scored on sirlgles by Tim Foll and Brian Downing off loser Mike Caldwell, 2-4. Downing doubled and aoored on a single by Don Baylor in the first. STOPPER -Veteran Steve Renko pitched a three-hitter and his first complete game since 1980 as the Angels topped Milwaukee, 4-1. .Guerrero thinking home run· ends Irvine's Cinderella year LOS ANGELE.5 (AP) -It took the Los Angeles Dodgen' Pedro Guerrero a little while to get going In the 1982 eeuon. About a d<nen games. That's how long it was before he drove in his first nm of the aeuon. aqs .ousted· from CIF play ·BY JORN SEV ANO ... I»* ....... When you reach the playoffa, ea.ch Bob Flint polnta out, you • ..._..c311&!t atfonl to make a mistake bec&u.e more often than not it Ill prove to be costly. Flint'• point 11 well taken, espeda1ly by his own Irvine HJah bw>bell team after the Vaqueros' Cinderella atory came to a cruhlng fuUah Tueeday .. the. • Cougan of Norco handed the host team a 7-4 1etback in the second round of the CIF 2-A tomnamenl. The Cougar• (16•10), cbamplona of the Sun Belt League, ambtned good pltchina. tbnel)' hittinl and aolid defeme to build a 7..0 Bid before bavtnc to bold on at the end • the Vaqueros 1ta1ed a dramatic c:aDebeck. • I ~ lrlell~tn ~ ~~ ~ befm'9 tbe ..... 9'art.d f;idlUrprtHd evtiUone bJ abblnC eecond, one of .... •here ~ v~ .-..d tn a po1&uw u.uaD1 bad a · neptlve Since April 21, though, when he had h is first RBI, the 25-year-old Guerrero has turned' it around. Hia dramatic homer to lead off the bottom of the ninth inning Tuesday night, providing the struallnc ~ with a 2-1 victory over the Chicago Cube. was hia ninth borne nm of the .euon. h1a 23rd nm batted in and, In the 24 pmea aince that fint RBI he11 lµtting at a .3" clip. 'il WU trylna to hit a home nm." he admitted, "and that'• the fourth time rve walked to the plate knowing I WU '°""' to hit one." , The manaaer-, Tom t..orda. lnatructed Guerrero to get Oil bmle when be appeared In the bottam of the ninth and ICIOft tied, 1-1. ••But I w.m•t thinJdna about a .ue or a double," Ouerrero ..a. .. , ... th.lnldna about • bomenm.'• • V' . . " . 1 llA.MMl LIAOlll ITMIMNQI --~ W L ..... • 11 .... IS 11 •• 7 lo\ IO 11 .171 I\.\ ao " .u. • 11 Q .• '"' 10 aa .t11 ta ~ 11 11 .• 13~ ...,_DMllOll ~ 12 11 ... ., ....... tt 11 •• ...... ,, .. In New YOltl tt 11 •61 ~ fl 1t .4'1 llllltrnote t4 10 411 Toronto 14 at .•OO .,...,...__ ....... 4 ........ 1 ~a.T-101 ......... ~., ...... a.~o Delrdl 11. oe.llncl • a... 10. T-I N9w 'l'oflil t, 1CM1M Clly a 4 .... ' • ·~ .,..,.. ..... ..._...1(1C1oo!t 2..:0) et Mliwllllltw (Slolon ~or~lo (LMI 2·2) al Clewlond (8W1ler 4-1).11 .,.lnneoota (Rldfefl'• 1·4 1 11 l 11Umore (8-.rta.2)." ... Ille ( ... Ille G-4) 11 Botton (Ralney 2·11. n O&lllond (K9QllOh S·•I 11 Detroit (Pllry Ml.n 1"-(Mollacll 0.21 II Chicago (Dolton 2-'I. n New York (John 2·41 ot Ken111 City (Splttorll 2·2). " , ==~ W L ._, • Adonto 24 ti .Ml eon DlloO 11 1e .621 ....,. 11 11 ..... HowlOr\ 17 21 .447 Qnc:llnnetl ,. 20 ..... 8M FfancllOO It 21 ~ IA8T'IM~ 2S 14 .122 20 17 641 ,. 17 .521 ,. 11 .471 14 ,, .424 15 21 .417 .,...,.. ..... ~.2..:041 J N11W Yotll 7, Clnclrwwtt 4 HoullOfl 2, PU at¢* 1 112 ~I 81.. Lolll& 2. Ion DlloO 0 Sen l'rMdloo 2. Plttellr9h , 4 ... • N 1'4 • T__,.10-. Clllcaoo (AlpMy i-0) ot DM9lf'I (Hooton 1-2). n PllUbur9h (Roblnton 1·01 11 Si n Fr9"ClllOO (an CM)) Atla nte (Nlakro 1 -0) 01 Mont•••' (Gu9cUOfl 2·2). n Clnclnne tl (1'11tore 4·1) ot New York ~:z.t).n Houtlon (Knepper 1·41 el (llhltadeli>l\la (Clrllon 4-5). n 8l ~ (MOulat Wl el Slti DllOO (Lolar 4-()). n AMLEAGUI 4, ..... 1 c --·~ • r ... .. , ... [)owning If 4 1 2 1 Moll« 3b 2 0 2 0 ear ... Jb 4 1 1 o Money, 3b 2 o o o Ortell 2b 3 1 2 2 Yount 11 4 0 0 0 8eytor dh 4 0 1 1 COOS* lb .. 0 0 0 AeJcll8ft rf 3 O 1 0 Olll'M N 3 0 0 0 8eNquz rf 0 0 0 0 Smnww dll :s 0 0 0 0.0-3b 3 1 1 O O.ThomacU 0 0 O 8.Cletk cf 4 o O o Gontnr 2b 3 0 0 0 Fol. 11 4 O 1 O Edwfda rf 3 1 1 1 8oont c 4 0 1 0 Yott t: 2 0 0 0 CMoore c I 0 0 0 Tot• 33 • 10 4 Tot91 30 I 3 1 ._. ., IMlillp ColfClrnla 110 000 1>21>-4 ....... 001 000 000-1 E-Molllor OP-Miiwaukee 5 . • L08-C11llornle s. Mllweukte 2 28-0ownlng HA-Edwl<Oe (21, Or1dl (3) SB-Molt« ~ •HRPUM> Alftka(W,4-11 ll 3 1 1 0 4 ...... C8ldMI (L,2~, 7'A 10 • 3 3 2 ...... d ·~ 0 0 0 0 1 T-2:11 A-9,222. ......,.a.,_. .... Salt1e 100 100 001-3 1 0 Botton ~000 000-0 3 1 Bonnl1llr ind Bulling; Ecker11ey and ~. W-8-lliter, ~2. L-Eelcerllly, 4-3. Hf! -8Mttte. Bocll1I (2) A -18,434. ...._,_.,.., . T«onto 100 000 ~1-5 t 2 ~ 410 ooo 001-e " o Sllet>, Muney (5) and Whitt: Sulcllfle, Whllaon (71, Sp1tl11er (7) end HHMy. W-~1 1-3 .. L-Mw1'8'. 2·2 HR -~. "oyea (2). Horrlh (81 A -5.1185. TWINl,OfWM7 ~ 030 030 011-• 15 0 Balllmore t 11 000 023--1 12 1 WllalN, c..-. (41. o..te (9) Md l!lllWo: 0. M1tll11oz, Palmer (3). ll11~, Sloddllrd 11) end OemC1N¥ W • 2·1. L-Pllmer. 1\2. ll-Oevlt (Jl. HA-Mlnn11011, 8 run 1n1lly (3 . 8al1tmore-L.-.teln (7). Crowi.y (1). ~(21. A-10,0M. y ....... ...,.. .... YOlll 300 012 ooo-t t0 1 ~ CllY 000 200 000-2 10 1 Guidry, '1uW (8) Md~ "'°"' °' '**9on (I) Ind WdWI W~. ~1. L-FroM, 4-3 HA-~ Qty, Mc"-(7). A-U,076. ................. T-010 001 000-2 I 3 QllollDO 000 242 20Jc-10 14 1 Mac1lc:h, c-(I), Mlfet>eN& (7) and ~: ~ lfldfllit .... W-~. M . l_....., 2-4. HllJ-T-. ~ta). A-11 ..... ~ ",;r 1Jzl".7,o_ • 7 1 ~ 402 030 20a-\1 1f I Norrie, MOl.OUfllllll (II. IMarCI (7) and New!llon: Merri•. souc:i... (7), .... (11, Ull derwood Ill 011d P arrl1 h . W-Underwood, 2·1. l-Be&rel. 4-1. Hf!-~ .......... (2). ...... (11. lu rrou gh1 J21. Goodwin (1). Oolroll-Hern on 3 (7), l'otrlth (I). A-23.11'1. NAnotw.LUQW o.,,.,. .. c-. 1 C*IOMO Loe...-aa .. ,.... . ..... - 10\0 ..... 4010 1010 ~4010 4011 ,..,.,0000 ....,,,. • 0 1 0 ...,.., 4 0 0 0 ....,. • o t g ""-"-" a t t ' =: : A ~ o e..-• 1 o • ~ • 0 00 t"'";': u:: ...... 4011 .._....0\1 i::: .....-.. '° •••• t ••• •••• .... , if.'I •.. , ..... r:·:a~ 2 = :;~ ----~·--• -Morta. LOI.-C• ..... 1, '-" ~,,._ ....... _,_ ....... ~·~·-..... ....,, ...... --;;. ..... .. !!!!.... ... ,.,. -.... 0. t al:', t't" 1 t t , t o .. NltfOt• .. ,, • t •••• , ................ . --.•T.;..,-.A• ........ ~. ~ SM a~ 1 :' 2!· ~ .~~ [t:f,"c:i•::i llull-.ell W::IJI 'Cl llrf, l•O ~llllltlilMll, l •l l I -ar•er (I ) • .... :::..• """" t"I. ~ ti). ~ ... ,B i:=f ,, I ~•i..D':.°11111111 (1f Ind Atll•y: I lo1'9 (0~ ,.,,.,. 11) lfld Dial. l•ltll, , ••• 1.-., • .,, •••. A-It, ... ......... --oot~~, .• ,. .. ,,..... 000 ;oo to.:i • 0 O•Mti.tl•, Tallulva Ill •net Nloo111: L111111 1net lr•nlty. W-1.Hllty, •·•· L-0 1ndelerl11 0·1, .. ,._,ltllllu1911, '"°'""°" ~ ,:.;.•t?e.... ~=-= = ==:: ~ encl Tenlll* ~ lllOM *Md Kll'MdY W-'Ol'Mfl, M . l-Curtll. "2 Hiii-it, loull, T..-($~ A-1UIO Top10 c::.:..:ir ... •..:.=:> ..... " ..... 1tM11. Tor..-II 11 11 la .423 ~~ .. fl ll0 .417 .._,, .. ~ N llO 10 10 .Ml ~ . ..,..... ti 100 " 11 .aeo ~Mrwt. 11 u 1 ..... . Coooer,MlllMullet "' , .. 11 ... ~ 8ocl#M, ... 1Ut .. llO .... w leflotl,Q\lotOO 1$ 1'1 at 41 .UI ~T-" 104 t 36 .$17 Y... .Im M M 14 2t .NO ...... -... Thornton, Clt v•ltnd, 10; Hrlltll, MtnnMOIO, 10; "°9111Gke. aaltlmote~ t ; Homll, a...llM, •: Mllrptly, o.ktMcl ... .......... .,.0,.11. KonHI City, 11; Thornton, Ctewlond. 3'; Lullnekl, OhlooQo, It; ()alMe. Mllweukw. H ; .....,, ..... 111 HtMll, ~"' ...... ( ........ ) ~. CNce10. 64; Quldr/, New YOlll, 8-1, ~ ......... ,. ..,..,, ~. 4·1. ...... -..... 4-11 CN-. ~ Qly. 4-1; kltd. OMlMd. 4-1; Clid, e.1111. 4-1; Dltwtn, T--. 4-1. NATIOULl.8A-G M" N N. JTholllpen,Pltl8bgll at 1 11 H 4a .S7 4 Morelollcl,CHceoo .. 111 1t 47 .Ml lllolOf.NllW YOlll 24 72 10 II .147 W-.WOnltell n 1S2 11 44 .m ~IM DlloO IO Ito 2t • .a26 Chlen•e.Dcl .. I at 1'7 2S 44 .UI Lo8mldl.9t.l~ M 147 1$ 41 .'20 Wllllon, .... Yotll M 117 25 ICI .111 Knlgllt.Holil10ft 38 14' 21 ... Ill Stwno. .... Yorti )2 121 17 al .)14 ............. Kingma n. New York, U : Thon::;::;· PllUOUrgh.. 11; ~. Aaonto, t 1; , Allellto. 10; Hlndl1Clk. St. L.Ollll.. t: ..._.. ~ ................ Murphy. jllonta. M, Klngmon. N9w Yori!, 32: J . ~. Pltt80utgll, 30; ~. Clllcaoo. 2t; 8. Diez, PNladllphlo. 29. ~(10.......) l'orldl, &t. Loule. M: Sutton. ~. 8-t, Aa. Jar-. New Yori!, 5-2; (11\.teo, Mew YOfk, 4·2: Gertlef, Atlanta. 4·2: 8ereftyt. Clnolnnetl. 4-1: ...... ~ w. ~:=z=~· , ............ .......,, Dolt• s..i. ,,., Aot1do aouu..m 8ouUlwwt MilOourl ..... ,,., New .._ Longwood COlllga. Va. 11a. UC ~ (llA=~~I Sionlord 111, ~.:., ~ 1c&tanford lwdl i-t of ttvw --. 1-4). ~~~ Cftru9 000 00 I 002 000 1-4 t 1 SaddlMMIC* 010 100 001 000 0-3 11 ' Aolle rtton. Totr11 (I). Wllllemt (t). Joflneon I 13). Molin• ( 13) and E11t10n, Aleundet, Podreell, Kinney and lrMn W-Mollna. L-Klnney. 28-Smllh (C). Com9llell (C!i 3 8 -lwancoel (I) .... • ... _, (•~ ltwln (8). IOUTN .. IM CAL CON'l"IMCI ~.:.. Alo Ho!* 'T, I.A ...,.,., • ~ W• "':':!: = (2:30) •• ..... o- Alo HOftdo It Golden Wwt. "°°" (_,., gerne lo lolow, N -.YI -: ll'tlfVlll' OI tl'lt ~ _,_ advancea lo alale communlty coll~• ·~·.May 27-30 Hlah edlool c.--. ..... ~, Arroyo 102 ooo 0-3 e 1 Corona dlll Mw 000 221 •-5 4 2 Carrillo, GonHIH (51 and McGe11y. Rollde, Whit& (81 Md Mllbon. W-Aohdl L-Cwrlllo. 28-Loot (C). HA-Martiniz (A~ Slomioelll (A). NlfM7,lrw.4 Notoo 100 ,,, 1-7 12 3 .,...,.. 000 000 4-4 • 2 Atmstrono. ~ (7) and unor.ooo Si mm• and Klrel W-Armalrong L -Slmm 1 . 28 -C0tllz 2 IHl HA-Undlrwood (N). ........ l,~Y...,1 Fountain v.n.y 001 ooo 0-1 • e Rowlend 002 000 •-2 4 1 A.,_. and Pratt; ~ Md Etn«lry c•~ TUUDAh .. IUL.Ta ... MllllMn .. "'-* 1 t• .,,,.., Aowlond 2, FounlOln v..., 1 Simi v..., 4. Cf'tlllP 3 ( 13 lnl*lg&j Miro Cotti. 4, Lona 8Mcl> POiy 3 ( ltlnlnQI) st Pu e. 8uor\I ~ Cotton 7, Loyote 8 L.oll...ood '°· SeMtl 2 W.nll 2. AedOndo 0 •• .,..... 3, s.nt• Me v..., 2 Cerr1t0t 12. Sen Lull OOllpO 2 Ol&ndoro 2, CoW\I 0 Sonia AM 4, G.o.n Glow 2 North tAMnldll 10, Upland e Loere 15.: Bt91 Cnontr :>, EJ Modono 1 l'ul9non 20, SaNo .-io 2 •• Corona dll M# &. Atrcye 3 Al'IMiope v..., ~. St. ~ • Whllttlf 10. CaPt 4 Hotwllll 7 lndlo 0 Senta Fe f, 'l'Uc:ailpe 5 a.-ty ..... s. ~ ... 2 Norco 7, lrWle .. Hort 13, CHno 1 Tueaday '''d•r leturd•r • a ~•t•twt.S:30 c .. ~,~ ~ et ·~ 11:30 It .,....,,. :35 ..... ~ .. .,, St. l. It ... 7:35 ._..1~111s $t l, 11 I 7 II .. • • rt • • I e---··~10.30 $tLet IOS .... II a.I Soa. •·n "'•'" •t .... J.35 -....cM S..U5 lm•et ~ 1:3$ Pwetea It ...... 1'3S 8rtwm II -..... 1 30 Sttwtr• II ~· 1.30 DMcwul Cu , II 3S 11'""1 II=" l.O!I ~ .. 11eu 120 • 11 .... 1 2 a • I r..,. 11 ~· 1:30 •Red Soi al Alie*. 7 30 Rtd Sol 11 Alll•. 7 hclltn II ltn, 4:3S Dodltrt 1t SI L .. S 35 .clNc•• 11 St l. S 3S lmren•I~ 1 Teet• •IM .. I lic«a 11 ..... 7:al ........ at c~ . 11:20 .._.,. al 111tes, Z:OS DMltn ~ Plf•tta. 4:3S Loe~ 1'MIDAn MIULTI ('4111Clf~~-------) ,..., MiC.!li 400 1tfdt. Meidl P-(CllrtMI> 22 IO 12.10 UO ~Ool.tlltToo~I UO 7.00 MoOntMt Windy ) l .<40 Aleo rociedi Our ,. ytng l 1tnl, Proud Dulley, Portent, aco.u.e ~. lmoo4ll LOUIN, In.-P-. Miii Kita Oo, Time: 2014 • UACTA CM> paid t 111.20 •COMO RAC&. 360 yotda. Nitro MMl\onol ~l t . ..O uo 3.40 8edulnOI lloy ( 1.00 uo Jett Value (Hitt) .-. A.loo raoed. w~ lml Feat Jet, Aict'I KJo, Aocllum 8adl Jedi. Pe Ila I.a Rue. 'rime 1102 ~ uca. aao ywdl. HOllollfle p-(~) uo 4.00 uo Prime p-(Adolf) 6.20 uo 8111& Oo1 w1no1 <Creooerl a.oo Aleo raoed: ~ Sllll, l'rw TOiie Ml, The Alng of Fire, ArbeU Jet Too, ~ Allllr, lwlrl T onl Time: 1115. ,OUll'TN 9'AC8 400 ywdl. II Pey (P..,_) 1.00 44.eo 32..IO ow Briglll CNdc (W•d) 00 90 "9111 Love L#1l (c.wo.r> • 4.00 Aleo raoed! Klmolo, Umlll Jel., Follow Ml "-· 81111 Ouz. Fair 8rendy, Tlglllen Up. Time: 2o.&1 a UACTA (7-4) plld Ut.20. "'"" RACL 400 ywd& Mldniallt Polley (Cfaoger)30 IO 1& 20 e..20 Scott l-4w (Bord) 17 00 1.tO Jetwrtglll (Cerdoz.o) 3.80 Aleo 10C*t: Umllbo. CIMoke Gtw1•t. Win Polley, Speed Te, Merg McConnell, Cloud 8trMller. I Juena Tudor Tlml: 20.153. 9IXTN MC& 340~Cla S WWC 0-(Lack e 80 4 IO l.20 a.... Polley 111...,.,,. 11.00 e:oo HI TlflV (Hor1) 3.00 Aleo raced: 8eyln Goodbye , Ature lcmilnl, MIM Nitto Chlcl!. Time: 17.IM. t 1 IJIACTA (2-1) plld 11.-IO. MVPfT'H MC&. 170 ywdl tW.lnot~ (9llclc) 10 .a 4.80 4.00 No06a HI (P..,_) 3 to l .40 Nitro Cllor1ey ~I uo Aleo raced· Mr. CollH Lark, Good ~. Making Mernorlll. Goer Plllt. Time: •e.39. IZ IXACTA (3-1) plld $30.00 PQtfTN RAC&. alO yetdl The Fortuna Hun1lr IT,_.) 11 20 7 00 418 Gotte Oo E.-y (Werd) 4.IO 3. <W•dl 4 eo ,_., ()of\ I.all Loll (Creager) 5.90 Al10 race d : Anna HI. tlull 8 . What1aloetaf09, s.. J-Go. Pretty 81111, PulllC Alfolrl, John Miio. ,.,_ 17 et. a DACTA (3-t) peld W 80 • P1CX 11X t1·7-5-2-3-3loeld 111,031 eo with -winning ltc:ll91 (abl tlorlee) 12 Pldl Sia con10le1ton peld 1218 •o wllll 22 winning tlolleu (11\oe ~I ..,,... RACL 350 ywda, WooOy Aun (Wwd) t 20 4 llO 3.IO Some KJnda VoltllQI (POUiin&) 11 20 12.20 SNtt H Timi (Lackeyl !I 00 Aleo ,__, My Bat ACln*1ll, 81clp Congo. Ala WI!*. Alla Fellow Friend LlaMenfno ~· EMY lloc:k91 Six, My TI,;y ~. Time: 11.ot. a UACTA (1·21 plld 1179.IO. Attendance -1,334. ~ . . " " WOftteft .. eoftbell HMltt 9CffOOl. 0-v...1.~.-...· Loa Atnlooa 000 000 0-0 2 2 Oomll View 000 100 •-1 2 2 Wlllte enc1 Seloz.v: Certeon _, s~. 28-Tllnlrlll (LAI LO Oulnla LI °'*"'9 ~1""::'r ~-1 I 2 Edllon 030 000 0-J 7 2 . T1cu on. Boren (2) tnd l'ermoll; Cerpenler 1nd LOllll O W-Boten. L-Qlrpenler. 28-Fermolf (lO~ ~ (E). 38-Houll (II. Hl\-Tec:Mon (LO~ ~ .. A.._.."-"d Cyopr9ll 2, Allalflbr• 0 LI Quinto 7, Edleon 3 Oceerl View 1. lot AllllgOI 0 Arcedll 4, Lompoc 2 Alghlltl 2, HN\)Ury PW1< 0 e Rondlo ..... a.me Marfll (ppd .. prornl GlllW 1, Loerl 0 El Oorldo 4, Horth Torranoa O ~N---~ I.a .... 1 ~ 0 CtlOft9y 4, Fam-a 112 lnnlnOt> Alt.I '--I , Wllinllt 0 MIOP Amil 1, ntt. 0 a-1, 9unOUQM 0 8t. JoltOfl I. 11 Toro o loull1 Hill 11. ~ 4 WlllOn t , Troy 0 tbllMO...., \C:r..L....... VltM 0.::. dllf. ~y •... 2. 14. Y annldl Noah det. ,., Hjer1QUlll.. ... 1. M : ..,_ TatOOl'J dllf. ,.Mndb l~. 1-7, ._,2, 1.a1 Aletlerd 0-dllf. Reul Remlra, 8·7, 7•1, 7·8: JOH Da miani def. Helnl n.-1t1arcn. I-I, ~"..i lit Heat-def. FIOrln 1191 -Ml. 5-7, -· W ; ~ .._.. dtl Tony Olommaln, 7·1, 1·11 JOH HtQuorM dll Horotd 8o6orn«i, .t-e, M , 8-0 MCAAC~t (Al A\Nnl, Ga.I ,...... UCLA 5, P9CIC>lfdlntl 1 8MU 5. Georgia 1 (ltWd plecel ..r ( .. .....,.. ...... , ,...... TulN 5, Long fl::' ,:::e 4 UC 1rvtM I. _,.1111ot. 0 ....... Snyder (UCI) d&I Helg•eon. e. t, 1-3; Ouo61 (UCI) def Alme11orn, :s.-4. 7-1, 7-6, ~ (UCI) dll KeunmaM. 1-3. 5-7, 7-6, Helwcf't (UCll def Hoeger, 8-4, 1-2. ~ (UCI) dll KOlorlc. 6-3. 1-3, Perc:Hi< (UCI) dll. Mom, 8-3, M . Final etlfldlng1 I. TulN, 2. Long 8Nc:h S1e1e; 3. UC Irvine, 4. Mlnn11011, & Mev1da·lH \19011, 8. Mu111y Sllll, 7 Autlln Peay, t H. Teau S111e. ti Hort'-lem Louiaianl: 10 Unl...,.&lty ot San Ftaneloco, 11 (liel South Alabama, Virginie Tedi, 13 Hort-tern L..-e .......J:e...~C.,-1 ....... Sunlhlne (HHI dll Mlttr.w.. 1-2: Ott CooltW. 1-2; dll Knohl, 6-3, dll Tiet*, 8-0, Svendeen (MH) -8-4. 8-0, 6-3, 8-0, Jo Myer1 (NH) won by dllault, 1-2. 8-0. io.t M . Jo Meyww (HH) #on 1·&, 8-3 I>)' dllault 8-3 0..... Con key -M1c:r e1 (NH ) del Merrlck-01velll, 8· 1, 8 -0: del Collln1-Kuotl0n, e-o. ... 1; 8tanMll-Snlth (HH) -7·5, W . 1-2 .... 2. c-....... Uill••Nd. Sulllvan (CdMI ~lmywd, 8-0, d.t ~ \-1; dClf Whitten. ... 2. def OutllNu. 8-0; ~ (CdM) won 6-1, 8-0. 8-1, 8-0, p~ (OdM) worl '-2. 6-2. 8-0. 8-0. HOUMllt (Cd ) won e-1, e-3~ e-o. Ewtno-Allr (CdMI def. Wer0-SMnber8. e-o. 8-2: def. Oo_wdy-Wood. e-o. 8· • Wllhlf_......., (CclMl -1-2, 1-2, e-o 8-0 ................... ........ Sutton (El Iott to Kri.r. 1-8, roal lo Borklon, 3-8, 1 .. 1 10 Rolph, 4-e. def Vandlnbwgh, 7-5. Turr• (E) loal • .t-e. won. H 8-3, 6-0: WN1dllr (El toll. ..e. won. M . IOll, M , wor1, 8-1; Moloectlo (E) toll. 1-4 . ..e. 5-7. won. 7-5 0.-... PWll«-S-(E) ~ LA9-Nuglald .... 3. e -1. de t. w11111m1-M1. e -1. 8-1 • MallOl-OconNll (E) won. 1-2. 8-4. won, 1-2. 1-2 ~,.~,, .... ti~ ........ Gr-IVI toll lo P-1. M , dll 9111. 8-0: dll Denny. 6-7, de! OatbowMJ, 8-0. Mortlnol (U) loal o,8. M , o-e, won M . Mwgolll (Ul loll M. won 1-3. IOsl W . won 8-0. Venllll ..... (VI IOll o-e. 4-1. 0-8, won e-2 0.-... P1ulton-01y (U) def. Jeckeon·Enget. e-4, e-•: del. h1k11-Elllott, 8-2. 7-5. Olt--Galtller (U) IOtl 14, M ; 1!>111 0.-8 M . ................ _2 ....... ScNntz (LBI lo9I IO Khanna. 3-e, dll SrNlh. l-0. dll Aeit1 .... 1-2. dll Fernondtll, l-0. Perry (lBI won, l-1. l-1. 1-2. l-0. Kollendll (LB) won. l-0, loet. 5-7, won, ~. l-0. Brumtltld (Ul) won, l-1, 1-2. 6--0, l-0 .,...... Wllllrd ·Br a udl (L I ) d a t T•••emo·flhrt1111, I· I. •-o. del ldge-Rodger•, •-o. l ·t . Copolllenco-.._ (LI) won, M , ... 2. -.1-1,1-2 ..................... 11\.\, Trer 1'-..... OabNI (He) .... CtiMll, ~1. dll. Oomer. 1·1, def Young, t -1, dtf Houten, t -0; Ba(N'td (Hll WWI, 8-0, 8-0, 8-0. 1-1. Ganz (te) WWI. 8-i, ._,,, •1. loal, M , a..,(He) won. M. 8-0. W , !Oat, 4-t. DalMM Ea1ne••·•••ll• (Ht) det. Tolon-NellOll, 7.5, 1-1, epltl with Solaa·AOdu. 4-I, ._.2: Cromner-e.troll (H8)-. 7-1. M , Iott, 5-7, 2 ... Hlah .chool ctrPUYOff8 .... Mlr .... tl 22, T«renc. 8 Alllmbtl 28Yt, ~ 11h So. Torrll>Q9 28, LB POiy 2 Ful"'1on 2•. Cotton 4 , Sonia Barbara 2i,, C-Hto I fllOUMl\d ~ ""· p-., 2 Huntington 8Mctl 2tl't. T1oy e• ... Hewpor1 Herbor 27. CW1yOt1 1 Ediion 18, San o.brttl II Uolvetlity 141'1, FoolNll 13'" Redlendl 20'"'· Orange, .... LB Wu.on 23, 8lovlrty Hilla 5 Piiot VerdM 15. H~atd 13 Sunny Hiii& 18, Fountain Valley 10 Wlltllke 18\'i, Doe PUlblot 9'"' Corona dll Mer 28. LOklWOOd o S-A Lagunl BMd'I M , W0tr111 2 Klllllt 18. Olhr 12 Ollndall 221;, San Lule Oblapo 5'~ Aoour• 18'"'· Arroyo Grande •~ P""1 5'>rln0t 21, El Dorado 7 Wlllnul 22, Nortll (R!ver110CI) e LI Cano01 1tl~. Upland 8"'> I.a Oulnll 21, Ramone 2 ' Rl-..de POiy 28'"'• lP Wllaon 1 '~ Clotemortl 22. Hlmll 8 l.OI Alamlloe 17 Sen Clernen1e I I MINion Viejo 1e, Maw o. 12 ~16,HOOYW12 I.DI All09 I 11 Yt. Sen MarlnO t 'A Rlgh.ill 18'"'· remjM t;11y ti'"' Cala~ 29, Blair O 2·A LOJll)la 24, ~ ' Valencl1 14. Ballllowe1 14 1v11encl1 advlnOll on gemM won, 109·9') Aadonoo 21, MonllblOo 7 Gladstone 1 ti. Montclair ti Hortllvlew I II. Ctllno 8 Sen Bwnwdtno 23, Calealco & BurrougN (Aldga.I 17, Apple Veney 1 I ~t8,Sa-12 Aovll Oelc I 7, eui-Cl1y I I lncflo del 8rN-Ollndl, tcere unaveil- CoW\9 2&. I.a Mlrlda 3 Crlll)I 23'"· Hirt 4'A lo 8«,1'111 :te'A, HltWll'IOml 1'"' •• ~~· -· ---.- T':.~C~ Denny OnGalW 118 ~ 8oDby ~ 187.NO A J Foyt lle.7114 0... F-., 114.258 Dell WNlllnglon 114.000 Bo«IOy Un-112 11114 Howdy~ 181l 115 Bobby Un-wea driving I ChMIP Cllf fOf thl nra1 time 11111 Y9W and 1a In JOMlll 0aru' I l>acllup Mat Ch CM He Ifill wouldn 'I ..,. 11 fll 1n1enc11 to dllve tn ~uon• ,,,.. weekend Fou1 Ollle< drlver1 wflo qu1111..Mut ...... end-eon Ille traClc TulOCllY Indy dliathe DMYdt• ..... ~ 1llOl-Willl0m Borge ind Hwry Holcomb. bolll of Sprtnglllld, M-lll 11l-LOull LaCocq, France. end Arlhur Thurman. WNhlllOton. O C 1929-8111 Spence, LOI Angelee 1133-M&rl! Biiiman. lnofeneooll• and L .... Spengllr. Lot~ 1935-Cley W.-tl'Mlr1y. ClnOMall 1931-Floyd Robena, Van Huya 1147-Shorty Centlon. lndllnej>olil 18~3-Carl Scarborough, Clark1ton . Mich 1..._.. VllCllUMdl It., ''-'O , ... _,. O'CoMOf, Nor1'I v-. Md 1"4-~ lacN, OWolt. ll'd 0.... MICOonold, fl Monte 1173-Bwede la'Mfa, IMto Ana. CHWIM .. fltlACTICI Oil OUAU'10ATI0Ne 1110-T Mt KlnCOld 1111-~..,.,,,,. 1126-Hsbett ...,_, ~ 1931-Joe Ceoc:ICle. ~ Mawr, Pa. 19U-Mlllon Jon". Clewetend, ancr w ..... '*-· A&ldulloll. , .. 1934-Peler Kr •• KnolMfla. Tenn. 1935-Jotwiy Hannon. Morrletown. Pa., and Stubby BtllbDltlleld. l.OI Mfillee 19~ 811119y. lndlanllpoh UM8-"81ph Hec>burn, Von Huyl 1Mt-a-ge MIUlclr, lndlonoCIOla. lt153-CMI ....... Otendlll. 1955-M-* Ayule>, BurbOlllL 1157-1(111h Mdr-. Coloraoo SPfin91. Coto. 11111-Jerl)' Un-. Long Bwctl, end Bob Cortner, Aedlencla 11111 -Tony Be111nh1uMn 81 , Tinley Pwk. II 1118-Mlke Spence. Maide nhead, Englend Ill 72-Jlm Malloy °"""" 1113--M Polard, Medtord, Ore. 1982-0ordon Smiley, Otapevtna. Teut •CHAMICI •RAC. 1to9-Clallda K*lum. lndllnopOlt 1111 -S P Oic:llaon 191tl-R 8and4nl, Lot ~. Md M MolllrWlld ,,,.,_ 1930-Pei.A Mar-~ 1133-0 L Gordon, lollyl(ll. Ind •CHAMICt .. ""-'CllCI 11123-1.awaon Heui. 1831-ClatenC41 Grover, Haverford. Pe 11132-Harl)' Coa, lndlanaoolla llla3-8ol> Hural. lnd<anapolia 1934-Robert Hlhn, Chino 1~5-Leo Whit ... Loa Mfillee 1137-Albart Oc*llo. Gery. Ind TRACK l'ERIONMn .. RAC .. 1981-John MIMrlu. l>enoMI, Ind. 1973-Armando T•en. Santa Monica. 8"CTATORI AT U CI lllOl-Homer Jofilf. l'tlnltln, Ind • end J-WM1, lndllnlpoli1 1128-80t1 Sfloup, L.alayetle. Ind 11131-WllllUr .... Ill, lndllnapolla 1937-0eorge Warford lndillnepolll, Ind Ol lo Rnocle, T Oledo. OhlO 1931-E...,.111 Spence, Terre~. Ind 1980-Fied Llnd11, lndlan1po111. and Wiiiiam Craig. Zlonavllle. Ind T~~ A-'-'~ SEATTLE MARIMl!RS -Ac11Y111d OIV9 Hend111on, oulfleld11. AHlgned Tllad Bolley, ~. lo San l.Mte City of ltM Pacific Coet1 1..-oue SAH FRA~G= -Sen! Alan Fowtkll, lli1d*. lo PhoenlJC of l"9 Pedlc Coast League Clll9d up Mike Ov1a. P'ICher. from Ptloenla ,.OOT'UU. ......_. POCltt:*I ~ BALTIMORE COLTS -Slgned re1ry Crouoll, guerd c-... , ..... Llllpe HAMILT~ TIOER-CATS -Slgt..cl Peter Longf°"'· ......... ""'· end Didi Algelllof, ~er. aocc.-.11 Nllftll ~ --i....,... ~TL.AHO TIM8EAS -~ Terry OonOl!an. torwwd TULSA ROVOHNECKS -Trlded Joe Mo11one, mldllelder. lo 1111 Sen Joie ~es for Todd Saldana. mldllelder, two dr alt dlOlcee. and CMh COl.1..1.CM ARIZONA -Announced Int re&IQNUon ot 0.... Strac:ll, ethlltlc: dlracl« NC>f'THWEST NAZARENE -Announced Ille retlgnatlon of Terry L1y1011. heed bulclll>lil coach PANCAKE BREAKFAST 1:30 l.M. -12 lloon I I appr9ach' MN JOU-~ w.t aaa"1111•No.111M11ct.._ ,a. Uit Callfwn&a o6•p La~a Beach advances lo ClF volleyball linU ! WOIDlll'I ealtMl1 •t J'rlda.y at llaiol\ ;~ W• WW meet tM No. *-V:: NonMm CaUtGmaa. ~-• ln. ftM rOW!l .... at noan hidey. Plen.'il Co119tt; h N 2 team In Southern ola)'I n. Ania, the teun &cm the nonh, at the amtdme. If 'he 1\uulera of Coach )rnckey Dlvll win over San~ ~ ~Y will return at 3 o'clock the other pme winner. A will pit. them apinli the loeer at 2. The double-lou elimination event will be concluded Saturday With pmea ICheduled at 10, noon and 2 o'c:lock. The Utle pme wW be played at 2. • CdM golfers ·eye CIF title CHINO -Corona del Mar Hlgh'1 golf team, led by Ted Norby'• 75 and a 76 from Jeff Wright on the Western Hilla Golf and Country Club, Monday, oipped Foothill High by one stroke to become No. 1 of three achools from Orange County to qualify for the CIF team championshipe. L'='.e".r.1 u .._...,ant~. man than aa1 oUier, \bat belt deemibel thll year'• L11\lna Beach Hiah volleyball team, It T u!:.f::Ch a UUna u ice wai.r In a penon'• vetna. every rnemb.r ot the Al'Ulta' equad P\1•11111 that quality. Never wu Lacuna Beach'• calmnffl more evident -or t.eted -than ~Y nllht at San Clemente Hlah when the A.r'tlN w.,.. fadna S..v LeUue ch.inP1on Santa Monica In the Mmiflnill ot the tu' pl.ayotfl. Down ln 1amea, 2-1, and with the Vlktna• tlylna hi&h aa a kite, the unemotional Artiltl teemed unfued by What WU taJdna place. "We don't like to 1how emotion whether we're ahead or behind," commented Laguna Beach c.o.ch Bill Aahen. "When we don't it tenda to confu.e the opposition." It remalna to be eeen whether the Artista' "Iceman Approech"confwled the Vlkino. but lt definitely waa effective u the Sou1h Coast League champlona rebounded to pull out a thril.Ung 15-13, 3-15, 10-15, 15-8, 15-5 victory. "'They're not gotna to give up l.f they're down one or two games," 1nai.sted Ashen, aa he watched hia defendlng CIF champions poat their 60th conaecutlve win over a two-year span. "We had our backs against the wall but 1:part of our preparation la to be mentally ready. We prepare for the worst ... and the best." Things certainly didn't look too good for the Art.lats after they narrowly won the first game. 'Their pusing wasn't sharp and their middle blocking faltered aa the Vikinp cruised to a 13-1 lead in the aecond game and" a 10-2 margin in the third, • ~ ~l howevw. ftNlly .,i ... act ~ ine fourth ...... --R tM South OoM& J.Aliue'• M~, a Mttfna one wlnner after another, while mkld»-blocker Nell Riddell took control around UMt net. 'l()ur blodd.na itarted ~ OOIDe tGpther in the third and toUrth aam1111i0 ...-Aahen. ''Plu.. OW' P""na lri the nr.s.. ~ and third ~ wun't 11 CONlatmt aa the fourth and fltth." The Vlld.njp. .amewhat befuddled by Laiuna BMcfi'• calm dtmeanor, comrnJtted two c:ruda1 etr'Ol'I ln the fourth pme that not only rattled their confidence, but probably coat them the match ln the procell. The flnt ll\iltake wu when ooe of the v~· 1tarters walked oU the 6&rt for • drink of water, reettltfnl ln a mandatory timeouL A hannle9I ect? Yea. until YoU 1-1111 that u,. WdM CNCb. ~~.he Md a UnMout lift; -.JJed a enadU cm i.111 ln the foufth ~ Which 1911 ... In hll twn beiM... d. pmuty .,., ... .. lt had no Theouta ~ 'n. error cMnpd the ICON from lM to lM tn favor of i...,una BMch and Rklde11 nailed down the Vtctory with h1I lll'Ye moment111aw. In the tilth pine, obvto\Mly lhaken. the VOW. never bad a chance u the ArUlta methOdlcally went about thcdr bull.Mm of wrapptna up the match. The ke Bruade of Stew Blue, Adam John1on, Lell Han1on1 Chrt1 Laraon, Dvorak and Riddell mllde it look ..,. The top..eed«i Ardlta will try to wrap up their aecond oorwecuUve cbalnplonahlp Friday when they travel to Santa~ to meet leCOnd-eeeded San Marcm at 7 p.m. Unser .-einains undecided INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -Bobby UOlef, a three-time winner and veteran of 19 straight racea, and rookie Dale Whittinp>n, trying to Join his two older brothen in the starting lineup, continued build1na speed Tueaday in a relatively light day of practice for the May 30 lndlanapoU. 50(). Fewer than half the number of cars that practiced during 1aat week'• hectic -1ona were on the lnClianapolla Motor Speedway track Tuesday, including Just four that already had qualified over the weekend. Unaer, who left the Penake Racina Team after last seuon and became team manager for eecond-year Indy driver J09ele Gana, stepped into a champ car for the tint time this )'ear on Monday and turned a lap at 192.664. Tue.day, he b.d Gana'• March nee car up to nearly 194 mph but atill wouldn't uy whether he intend1 to drive in quaUflcationa thia coming weekend oc tum the car back over to Garza. One of the top 1peed1 belonged to four-time Indy winner A. J . Foyt at 196.764 mph, well below the qualifJcatlon IDeed of 203.332 that put him on the outside of the bont row. Foyt. earning a ·apoi in hil 25th 1traight Indy race -a record -la driving a champ car for the flnt time lince he 1eriou1ly injured hu right arm in an accident at Michl1an International Speedway lut July. , WhltUnaton, meanwhile, aho approached 19' mph in a similar March racer . Pam White did It d ..... Ocean Vlew~b womea'1 IOftMU..... '1.1·~ I llhutou& ... 1;ar-. ._._.nm ln a 1-0 ........ rciulld ar 4-A playoef ...._, tN9I YWUnc Loi ~·-~Pwtl. ........ •• Chii911• ~'t • fortunate. Sdllcilt ICONd three rww in the boaOln of. the -..orwt lnnJnj l1alnat La Quinta and appeared hmded fot a vtct.ory bUt fell to the vlalton; 7.3 to drop from the playofta. A ll'and llam home run brOke a 3-f de-In the aeventb. I.rvtne'• v~ irave)ed to IMahop Amat In 3-A llCtlorl and fell to No. 4 leedeci 8iahop Almt, 1-0. White had the 1ituatlon in control moat of the way for ' Ocean View althouah the tying run wu thrown out at the plate on a ~ play in the top ol the atxth inn1na. A double to the fence found the runner continuJ.ni toward third bme and heading for home with the Seahawb in front. 1;0. A perfect relay t'brow by eeoond bueman Lynn Alteri to catcher Louisa Salazar nipped the runner at the plate. White had nine 1trikeout1 and gave up twFJ1ta! m>red three times in the eecond on three singles and a triple by Lila Houk anCl the lead held up unUl the fatal eeventh and final inning when the vi1itora tied the count, then won. The finals are aet for Monday at Camarillo Spring• Golf Course. Also qualifying, in addition to Foothill, was Dana Hills. winning both easily. . -----------------------=---------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER It's Boss Hog over Kareem! Rating game cuts out Lakers Nobod;r came in on the noon balloon fro~ Saskatoon and asked me, buL . . • There was no TV -live, at least -of an important Laker playoff game against San Antonio becauae CBS was too concerned about the ratings to aacrifiCP. the Dukes of Haaard . . . Does it bother the ff09 of Kareem and Magic that they are less popular than Bosa Hogg? • In the rather ridiculous saga of the Lakers and Clippers and Ralph Sampeon. the wrong guy did t,he negotiating for one side . . . The Clippers should have sent the San Diego Chicken. • The recent screaming match. between Dodger manager Tom 1..-ac:>rda and shortstop Bill Russell was unlikely because of the pleasant manner of RW111ell but it occurs to you that the only time these things happen is when a team is losing. --• IF RENALDO NEHEMIAH turns out to be worth the money the San Franciaco 49ers are paying a hurdler with no football experience, coach Bill Walsh may really be a genius. • U the proposed female sportswriters and broadcasters association becomes a reality, it may J~l financial support from ~e likes of Billy Jean King and Martina Navratil6va. •'The propoeed United States Football League says Ila motives are very patriotic -the champonahip game will be held on July 4 -and, presumably, the league wishes to be buried in Arlington Cemetery. . • George Steinbrenner was recently awarded an honorary degree from Grambling ... George Steinbrenner? • When Jerry West becomes general manager of the Lakers, moat of the deals will be made on the. golf COW"le. • IF DON ltLOSTERMAN i1 the llama• former general rnan.,er and thla ia becauae he fell from the favor of Madame Ram and her husbu>d, the best gue11 la that the Dan Pastorini debacle was one of the contributing factors. • In sweeping two oomecutive playoff series, the Lakera dicf a lot of .incredible thin&S. not the leut of which waa beating the point apread in every one of the eight contests. • Wi~ the terrible death of Gordon Smiley on everyone's mind, the 1982 lndianapoU. 500 will be 90IDe of ita excitement ... "It al~ .eema to be that way," says 1aat year'• winner Bobby Umer. •It was long-time equipment man Noble Kawano who once laid during a i.en,thy Dodaet' bing streak, "a little advenlty .-a Jonab;:~·n • It would help all of U1 \mdentand if ==th=~~==t~ Ow-lie Finley le1lina t.11 plaYJft. ... • J M•"°'-Oll fOMCCO COClllHM' LIGHTS: 8 mg. "tar". 0.7 mg. nicotme av. per cigarene. FTC ~epon DEC. '81: LIGHTS HARD PACK: 8 mg. "tat. 0.7 mg. mcoune av. per cigarette by FTC method. Where a man belongs. A.~'l'f'Mt c .. Poo1 ~ •• , H<IO<'ft .....,. r .. na Pff~b· Sor1 .. 0 uM• Tn-.11• SERYICES ,., .. M"t: OltH1•) CM"-OYMEMT & PREPARATION IW9'ooh lft\lrWIMW\ Joo "'•"-•~•· ll•lp v. ••• .., "'. ~ MERtHANOISE ..... _. A,,,.,.,.. .. ,, A.-t_..,. tti.':: ... ,~,..,, <"•INr•t 6 f..qtiHpnwM Yu °""' ~'-'"" ...,....,. c;.,._ ..... ,_ 1-.t>oMC001h Jntiry l;\o"*' ......... ,, -. . .,..., .. ~ WK«ll•"""-' 1t1. •,.."9 Nw.ttal l9"tt1rti1tnf'f\h t.M'ftf'f° "''" & •.qw1Jt , ... P1atW"11t 6 Or1•n'> ~1ncY1ttunn ........ (,...,, 'iiort RHhur•nt 9., ~'f.._ Hin~ .. ,.,.. BOATS & llHllME EQUIPMENT IOOI 111111 ... 1911 ·-... ::: ....... ,, ........ 14llt All real "tat• adv9ttlffd ::: In thla naw1pep•t It , .. tub}act to the FICl«al Fair :: Houllng Ac1 of 1"8 wtllctt '"" m • II • 1 I t 111 t o a I t o ::. a d v a rt I 11 ' ' a n y 1ot1 preference. llmlt1tlon or ::: dl1crlmln1tlon b111CI on •• r.a.. color. rtllolon. Mil or •': natlonal orlgTn. or any 11 Intention to make any IUcil preftranot, KmllAltlon ::: or dl9crlmlnatlon." P11111aa11•1 Prbe Weat Bay baytront. Slls-(or 2 boat.a. rTmodeled 3 bdnn, 3 bath •uoo.ooo. . Ot-ean & jetty view.~ room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, s100 1q.ft. ••.38~.ooo. Oceentront. fterpodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + 1arae rec. nn. beam oeilingl. furnished, pall<>1. $420,000. Lllll llU llYFlllT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm, den, Boat ahp $1.350,000. 1lYs•E con Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat 1U1>9 $1,900,000. CHOUll CAYS :!': Thi• n1w1paptr wlll nol 1iw knowlngly 1cc1pt eny ~:: ac:IVlrtlslng lor rMI ts!Alta IU wtllch IS In ~!Ion of Iha Coronado Island CUil. ba"'-t lot. 85' boat =law ~<Uv .. 1100 I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii dock. Planl avail. $425,000 w /1enns. rM alffl- single story end unit, expanded 3 br, 2 be on largest ~nbelt. $250,000. !:: EllllS: Advertisers ~ should check their =:: ads dally and report : errors lmmedlately. The DAILY PILOT PUI L8I = assumes liability for 3 bdnns, 2~ baths condo near pool. $145.000. := the first Incorrect = Insertion only. ~1-............ .. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34 1 8oy\•dP D• "' •J B t>l~ t>lol Jli<CI Jltll illOU XOJ ....... tClilll ""' lllO l»l ~ OUJ WI> ...., mo •l>W •100 t&N - IUITIG IUllT1lll Ab10Mety elegant lake-l•---------------- 11 d • home In Irv In•. 4 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Bdrm 3 Ba, ltmlly room. 1• A brtathl1klno view. Kitchen hH Jenn-Air• range w/blt-ln micro- -VI, ceramic Ille floonl and morel An11lou1 ow- ner wlll 111111 In finan- cing. Price reduced to $359,000. 751-3191 ~'!-:~I.I. y ' 1\.YLOR CO. IU:Al.TOI\~ »1111, l!I Iii 1111111 ... -... , ... '.IOOll Quiet, park-like setting. Rm for paddle ;::~ l tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul : Find out about the high de sac st. 3 bdrm.!, fam nn. $379,500 fee. llOI Mmlng rMl .. tate llleal 2111 •~ ._ .. 1ua.. •--...1 11m car-opponunltles with -..,..__ no - THE REAL ESTATERS. IEWNIJ OUltl, I.I. M4-4111 Licensing 1chool ltH complttelyratundetlleto .. ----------------1chool of your choice. 1----------------- )lot Exttl\IN9 ..... training. ~ For lnform1tlon, call Ull 751-e191 FOf ~~~Ad .... IWITJ Call 1 knock• often when you Look;® for a career in sales? See tOdi.iy' s Help Wanted ads, cldssijication 7100. !'.!!!!.('.1.!.'.1! ....... ~~~ff!.(~~{• ••••.•• 1.~!!!.!'!.!t.'! ....... ~ .. ~!!!.'!!.!~.'! •...•.. !'.!!!!:( .. ~!.'.'.' ....••• ~.~!~!f ••... ~!~~¥. ......... !!.!. ¥!.-.~~~t ........ !.o.fl f!!!l.f-H ...... !!A1 fe!.!.'!!!.t .... !.!f !'!!Pffl.~! .. !!.f! t.wnlll IDT ... ...~ ~22.000 •lit 11~ ... ...~'-t!tt ...... !.P. O,...t ..__. ~ OW-5% DOWN! ~ anxlOUI ' lclrm WUIMT 1 .. ner Wiii OONld9' ALI. of· 2000 aq It home with 1mpo11no 2·•tory archl-l&Ymlt UU TU m.111 f•r1. 1 ldrm11 orHt 1111111 PUI IOfl'MI dining Jnd 1am11y teotur• w/doclc r101111 & FllD F• •iaI•U Oo1ta M•H ne ghbor· VII I•-rmt Muit Mii In 30dart large trff 1hadtd d901c. Huo• •xtcutlve ranch " hood. LOWHI prlo•d .,.....,._ Call.now 07e-5370 · Sprawllno 4 bdrm. floor •tyl• home fHturlng 4 San Cl.m9nt• pride of home In ttl• ar•a at ..a & 3 BR Townhomel plan H rvlotd by 2 Y. br 1, family room. fOf'mal owntrtNp. Modern IP9-a101.ooo. 7514191. Coe.ta MIN bath•. fHIUrH family dining on CUl·d•Uc w/ nl1h 1tyl1 four unit lndudea ~ tmtnlty room, formal d i ning, room for R. v .. ,, Only apartment houH with kMglnablel converutlon pit 1t fir•· •23• ooo 2870 s Ml OCMn, hlb & golf coune FROM a137,950 piece 6 fully appointed • "• · an • YleW, c1oM to ev91Yttllno, Furn. Model 01*\ Ml!SA VER De POOL. kltch•n. Offered with ou•I Dr, Newport BHch. only thr .. Y .. ,. old, C::'·• ''. --t-' I I\)\ 1\ 1t I~ 1 f 1 I --~ -11 to 5 Delly. t 10,000 down, 4 I At 2 term1 lor only: 1245.000 759-1501 or 752-7373. thowa Ilk• lllEWI Sell« .... 11••••u Avocado at Falrvfew Rd. Ip I c ••• A •• um. I 0 w FUU PRICEI Wiii help finance ' NW 2 Maa1• &.tltle. View of 141-2111 pymta. H 7•1977 MISSION REALTY buyer thouunC11 of Ocean 6 Night LIOhta.I~~~~~~~~ LUil IPl'llll N5 So. Cit Hwy. Laguna ddtaralll Seling pr1c9 of Olllet Area. Partt1, °'*' ' bdrm M•H dtl Mar, (l14)41WU1 cl3u2r5r•'onotor111pwla'cY1bm•,lownt •p•c••· a1211.ooo. Only ...... UUF. .. h .... I 10'Mt Cln. )(Int Fin. Hal or By bldr. R .. Cly to move vacant June "1 · ""'"no co• t I PRINCIPAL 8 Pat eauw Agt. 873-7300 In to. naw cullom home. 1145.ooo. Mak• 011'"· ·~ti IH1j IHI ONLYI Call owner at 3 t>r. 2 ba. 1110 1q 1t."" OWntrtBrot<er 1M5-e2ee ... iiw··,..··n···:.~~·· 111•> 1M2-0138. 4 II .... Ml 1cre. View. Tiit roof. Mtu Varda' Br 3 Ba -•• w•• -OWntr Mid• cun. c1ean -..... , IPft.l Y&UIY with cathedral nlllng1 ClubtlouM. pool, tennlt, home on quiet cul·CI•· antique type houM. 2 er. Newport CrHt'• mo1t T .... ......__ anelaremodllecllllt.chln. hor111 OK. 1105,000. w . Allume 111 T.D. II 1 Ba. 60lllt7' lot. Large beiutlful ocun view U - 11.5% a11umabla loan Open Sat & Sun. 30812 ·9V•%w/ 2CW.e1wn. Owner Cleteohtd garage. 11711• •-II• you In thll 3 bdrm Near new •..pi.11, 2 bdrm, and an 1n111ou1 owner. Via Norte (MHdowvlew wlll ca<ry balanc. at 12%. ooo. 548•50, 1 tVH & relrNt Decorated In the 2 b1th 11ch unit with Dnlbl110,000 Call arM) 1-e18.,.1Me. Price 1207,000 Prln Wkndt,e31-3520wttdy9 llnut tut e. Wilk 10 flrtplect,tndotadpatlo, 1179-70 only. Call 751-4330 Agt. bMctl, tenni. a pool ,..._ gar•g•. llt'•-11t. Po• lllWPtlT ..U I/SW.,........ tumablt 1oan at low Int• cuhflow Nowl1511,500. Pltll lllMDI 3 8clr&lamllyrm,pool,& -....on rttt =~~~;.undy , Rltr • .1 .. ILMI bachelor unit. M onthly By owner. Dr11tlc price . lf >I l / 1l/~· ,, Ii ;,, "" jjJ .l, I ... r,. 9 I ft.~. '4 I , ,_ $1800, full price I 1158, reduction for lge down· ---------1135,500 CloWn a take over ooo. Chrlatlna, 557-2763 payment. 840-7990 1al of 1180,000. IN- CLUDES LANDI 2 11ory, 3 bdrm. 2 .,.th home. 0.1 . TllPUI Three 2 Bdrm unlll w/ gar1011. yard• & d l1h- w11htrt. A11um1 low lnttrt•I loan and owner wtll http floanca. Try $20, 000 CIWn. e31·7370 Tft\DITIO\,\L RL\l l ' .... . ..,,,.,, ltllttn •111-1•• LOOK EASTSIDE UNITS 3 at 1175,000 4 ., $250.000 e at $375.ooo 10 ., $725,000 exc~tlonal tln1nclno : OPEN HOUSE REALT Y / o... '"•' 1n1 •...•.••••••...•....•. ..... , 1 BR Dana Point Sta· vleWI Pool, ape! T.O. 30 yr loanl $1 220 m o . 831-e&ee . .. ,,.,, .. IHd IHI ...................•.. $2111 ... ~1. 28'.T~.~ lul end unit with patlo, community pool a lllddy yard. Low down or take over u l1tlng VA loan. Full price 1108,500. Agent. 8e2-1700. PUSHI SPLASHI Single 1tory Ranch •IYll w/pooA •nCI •P•· 1135.1100. No quallfylng. Low Clown . Bkr 9'8-0709 • 1044 .......... IPL.I ••••••••••••••••••••• ... ,_, oodbrlelg• 4 Br DI!. Balboa Panlnaula. Well home. cul-de-He. 1tc kept dupltx wltwo 2-BR Own/Agt. wlll 11n1nc1 unit., 2~ gar. 1 blk from ...... ~ .... , t s 17" ooo btaoh Good w inter/ .....,... m ... • •· · aumrner renlAlll. Minimum 1-IM_s.o_n_e ____ _ v~ tac1or. 1389.000. llAltSll A Dion-Marla ll1tlng. WHAri41e &tltn 59-11100 2 & 1tudy or 3 Br. lamlly lfftrUMI ADULT MOBILE HOME PARK on the Bay . 1 :~~~~~~~;~ bdrm. den. 1 ba $80,000; 3 Br, 2 bt 188.500 2 bdrm. furn .. 1•5.000 2 lllWftlT HlllTI bdnn 125.000. 300 E C1t Low. low priced 3 Br w/IN. Hwy Unit t 13, Newport & Clln. arH1 entering M· Beech. Bier 876-33'7 eluded plllo. Nr beach, '""""'--· Bd & 1chool1, 1hopplng. "T v ... ,.., · 4 r, den, Cuttom c1blnetry. Good guttl rm. 2 lamlly rma, 5 111um loan PrlctCI at Ba, trplc. formal llvlng & S175 000 Call now Binnie dining. 1225,000, 150, Dlx~·111111,.,. 75i111oo 000 CIWn. 5-45-8108 ..... CAMEO SHORES Cu1tom' Br. 3 Ba. pool, jac uzzi, kol pond, 3 GEORGE ELKINS CO 1rp1c ·1. 1475 .ooo ,. •--IOIO 675-5930 .. ----------..................... . llllWll SllllMSllllt Newport 1 BR condo. 3 Bdr 1v. Ba, AJC, 2 C81 Furn. 111g1nt1y decor•-garage, nice cul-d•·H C tedl Pool. apa & club Sll6.000. Chrl1tln1. T09 MCUrlty $1350 mo. 557-2793 631~ !----------------IHJ IHti IOl4 ....., ""' .........•............ ................ ... Ottm ...... 3 bdrm, 2 b 1 , 24 hr guarded commu- tp t ,/covered p1110. nlty 81111 Surleldt Ave B11utlfully dtcorattCI. Seal Beach 3 BR 2•.;, .,., ~ble loan with 6% 25' to btach 2 trplc1, Cln. 1239,500 Fee By fan111tlc view from roof ""'"---"7" ""23 t 0 P I P I S' 8 5 , 0 0 0 v ....... • ...,.., P.P/OWC. 213/592-2169 IEWPlllT ll1S •nau DHl1m lllTE 110 to 3000 aq It "No Frill" Prices Wllllam Cote, ~r. 114/lM-1• !!~!. '!!!r.!!l.!!!! 8 UNITS COST A MESA. need• work, great po- t.-itlal, l310K. John &.46-7lle0 AGT lllT1 W&ITD Tr1e1a for my N .B . OOMnfront hOma. ~ 873-e579 II ........ Anaheim, 12.'4>0.000 high dn. Ag1 548-6832 HWD-.am lllml :WO --Selling anything with a Dally Pilot UH r11ull-g1ttlng Dally u...il()U~.L.oils: Dally Pilot Ctusllled Ad AD-VISOR Pllol Clu1ltl td Adi to ..... ~ 1s 1 simple matter . 642-5679 reach 1he Oran09 CoHt ~~Realt~~~~7~MOOO~~~ GE ORGE ELKINS CO rm. 2'A Ba. d ining rm, former mdl home. 12% financing. Ownr/Bkr 558--6127 2 Bel 1 '~ Ba & mother-Oli•t IHI 111111 ln-l•w Only $1•2.000. •••••••••••••••••••••• Robert Mllllktn e31·12M ••ll• ... n on almott 5 acrtt In Coeta Meu. Mlnutff to baaoh. Never a vacancy. lmma- cul1t1 townhome1 with pool: moatly 3 bedroom unite wtth patio• and oa· raga1. Luge Hlumablt loenl. 15,800,000 .... .-Ju_s1_ca11 __ s.._2-_S6_7_e_. -~--------mllrll~~ 842-5978 :: c.,l1lr1• ..... 1011 ·-m) ... "''u wm ---... --.,. tllt tllD • 913'1 .... ••• ••Ill .. ,. ""' - RCTaylorCo 640-9900 EXECUTIVE HOtl: On prestigious Spyglass I-till. 4 bedroom 3 bath. Tradewinds Model. Motivated seller will consider exchange for income property or TD's. Try lease option. Ready for immediate occupancy. Asking $495,000. RCTaylorCo 640-9900 '1WI -· 11m111-N1 l .......... ,......., "'''"' .... . ,mlh,_..hr2Mlfl.ltllll11• ... NW .. ...... ..,., ........... ,.,,. ....... , •• w ....... belt ......... ., ... Ml1 M ... llN1 lies 4 M*Mmy ll4 Nttas, ••hie -....., ,....., ,... 2 .. ,. ......... 2 .......... ...., .. hl11 t1111u te ~11Ufltl hJtr. SJ,no.-m. 111 ....... Ulll, WIU'll, YIEWI hHllHI l1tltlt1 wltlt H•llllttlf ,..,,,, .. a...._......_ .......... ,, ......... flew ........ .,,..., ... ...., ...., ............ "' ............ ... =I;~~"' H1-14et. WATERFRONT HOMES.INC. REALTORS s.. R..ot.i. "' ..... ~ M.w\otlh41~ 2400 W. Cout H_,. llS M..... 11Nt Newport hell 8llbot hlend 831-1400 '1Mttt ':::' $(C\\.4!ll-~~z-s· = ~ .. CU.YL--•---""-"' "' .. ,_.....,..._. .... ,... .................. ''"OAl I I I I I I ~OVEN I· 1 1 1 r -I MORPQ I' I r I I _ t trl.l Tiii 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• New In town? Clu1lfltd Tm Mil PY9T b....,,. ..... can help )'CM.I ,,_. many Cll Vlnc:e!Agent. ................ ol your netda. 842-5678 .... lll For ..._ Of rent. Unit 21 ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~-1 71""631-80lO c,, .. , ,,J llv IOU RESIOENTlAl REAL ESTATE SERVICES ILlfR S2Q- BeautifuJ backbay view on wide green belt. End unit with large wrap patio. Serene gated courtyard entry. 3 BR & kitchen eating area. Best buy on fee land in the Bluffs. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 •...............•..... DUPLEX: 3 Br. 2 Ba. each, hlghly upgraded. 10. of PCH. $280,000 ua41rna- b It. conaleltr trade . $437 ,000. 875-2500. Ownet/Brolter. Br Condo. upgraded, great toe. acllta • .-im• bla 111 TD, low Clown. 199.500. (71•) 8113-3151 FllTISTIC FllWIClll alla over high auumable 01n1 3 bdrm. 2 'n b• .. arge l1mlly room with raplaot, Nbfaty °' omoa. ut1t1ndlng VIEW from moet r1efY room. Large nough back yard for • 001 Thi• II • mull ... 0<e enythlno ...._ ,,,w. ''°' ·······•·············· Newport Beach De Anu b1ylront Perk Mint conCI '78 Clbl Wldt, fir• ----llUL-----1 place. brick patio. Set 000. Alto 2 br .. 2 bt .. UIAL '*1 double wlelt, corner lot Five bedroom., 3 bathe, $39,000. Biii Grundy fireplace home. Redeco-...._61_s-e_1_e_1_. ----- rated. Al10 Included Huntington Beech, double wooden patio •nd am111 wlCI•. adulll. 11ro• lot boat dock. 2 cat gtftlgt. tmall pet'* nMr ahop- 4 bllll to Oc11n. 12811. ping, low rent. 126,900 ~J,1~,7114-~5-42, Term1. 847-2954. Wllerfnet.._ ......... ..,., .. HUGE DUPLEX S 175,000. Top qlty OOMt. Copper plmbng, hv)' thakt, bUllt 11111 2 COO• Cloe 3 trpk:a. gar. Greet 1treet. I 120K 111um flncng. 10 8%. Agt. 842-&e68. Deluxe 4-pltllff, Coving· ton• & Cor1lc1n1, try S•OK Clwn. Auum• loan1. prln only Agt. 5-49-138& • ... ,,,., Dnm, ....,, 14" ......•.......•...•.•. Wl&IMWIUI L111t lront/Hamlltalr. ' bdrm, 3 blithe, boat .tip. 1875,000. Owner nnan- clng. 714-846-3279 AQt ""' • C.Uty ... ~r.m ...... !~tt ... , ........ 1' aorta with creek,• $44,llOO. 9 acr••· large oek1. $31,000. Both..._ ..,. llnatlcad. low In--. AMERICAN PACIFIC . Hwy.1'0 and 11. Marl· pose, 0.: 209-llee-3 t21, -: 209-988-3891 i I ,.'l!tt!t ••• !,••······· °""'-~ ,.~~ot ~ ..... . IH A9'IM U1 ... 1 ~~ ......... . Wll a.bWlt a c19y1 wtt. '°' 2 yr ofda. Afternoon1, Elcper. 641-7248 ..... . .. ,., ........ ; ,.,., •••••••••••••••••••••• MARN SER\llCES Mee:Nnlo. PMlt, wrnllft. TMk.f\11>-Wu. 64~117M 111111111111 St.lim clMtl enga, bllOel a «**1. Meet! a -.ctti- c a1 handyman work. 17~11151 Trade your old atulf for new goodl•• with • Claaalfled ed. 642-6178 WESTCLIFF BLDG "'fM,1''Bf A(•• "'" ...... Call Mr How.ird 645 6101 •11•••....,. '......-0 *-' IOO aq.fl tumlltled, 2 room ..itt. tM0.17....00 I ( l ) ) BNTID ( (---<O>---) ) Newspqper GOfrierS f~r routes Get GREEN c.11 IOI' WHITE ~ti wtth • Claaffled NJ Call &42~H18 in Huntinp Beach, FOuntain ¥cllley & N~rt Blach f I I l I J , I ' ' .. t ' I Reach over 86,000 of the Orange .;Coast's most affluent adults ... I Advertise in the Orange Coast's most successful · real estate • maga.zm.e ... Call 642-6678 . to see how little it takes to reach so :many. Daily Pilat.' Newport Beach•Costa Mesa Irvine • Huntinqton Beach Fountain Valley Laguna Beach • • lllYIU 2br,2 ba ~ 2 br, 2~ ba I ISO 3 br, 2 ba 3 bl', 2 ba I HOO fUrn 3 br, ~ ba llOO-llOO ' 4 br, 2 lie •1200 4 bf, 2Y. ba 8IOO-tal s bl'~ •121 Lia ... La Alty 131 MOO br, 11' ba. Nr Hoaq hoepttal. IHO/mo. w/ ' .,age. Ph. lob! eve 11·0111, Oay1 l»-1111 ... ,.,, .. o.n Ull •••••••••••••••••••••• PROFESSIONAL mile/ f1m111 In 251311 •o• r1ng1 & a non-1mok1r wented to lfwe 1 "UKE NEW" 2 bdrm .. 2 beth Sen Juen C1pl1tr1no condo. Ftrepl1c., pool, jeOUZD end OHi. y 2 mllll to th• beach & Dana POlnt Harbor. 1275/mo. plu• 'A of uttltlH. Cell Gerhard at (71 4 1 131-2040 or (7 14) 4164751. Non-1mkr. 3br condo, &200/mo. +'A utll. 1150 dip. 994 3154. H.8 . BAYFRONT: F•m•I• for Belbol lelend 3 Br. 2 Be. 13115/mo. + '-' utllt. Bryan 1173 -131111 or 1150-1324. llA .~, tj1 ; l. ,g •:r I ·~t ... \. b' t ~ .~IJi . t>tJ ~ •m b .12 !U,t! .,r '\" \~~ :~.Jf ; \;( Mir ............... BY ITEVS MITCHELL ( Oflliiliilr .......... There wlll be a flreworka dlaplay in La1uM Beach thla FpUrth of July. But Laauna Beach City Counl'I inemben, ln approving an uDend.ltW. of nearly 93.000 for tl\e oraanlHd die play, warned d\11 Will be the first and Jut time the dty will participate. 'n1e actkm came Tue.day night when oowv;i1 member1 dllculled an alternative to the dbcharp of firework• by citizen• -a practice that waa banned followina 1-t July's celebrations. Council made ~en the dlJCharge of 10-called aafe and aane firework.I illeaal ln the city. But. not wandng the nauonal holiday to flz:zle out in the Art Colony, the dty IOl.llht mee,n.s of providlns arl or1aniied pyrotechnics display on t he Fourth. They now fisure $6,000 should do It, and Tuesday they appropriated $2,971 from the d ty'a general fund reserve for the first show. That action came after City Manager Ken Frank found several business and civic organizations willing to contribute toward a professional display at Main Beach Park. SPARKLERS PLENTY -This Fourth of July public fireworks display with almoet $3,000, will be the last time the city will help finance a warned City C.Ouncil members. Last yHr, PQlkle and firemen were run ~ n!tponding to fires, injuries and Illegal fireworkl on I..aawui'• beaches, backyards and fields, city offldala uid. As a result, the then-City Groups who say they think they will be able to contribute include the Exchange Club, Veter a ns of ForelJ{n ' Takes Glendale post Sanchis to de_part Lagu~a's schOQIS · LSA VING -Laguna School Superintendent Robert Sanchis will leave the district in July to take a similar post in Glendale. By STEVE MITCHELL °'"'-DellJ ........ L.aguna Beach achool Superintendent Robert Sanchia has been appointed Superintendent of the Glendale Unified School Dlatrict, beginning July 1. Sanchis' aelection was a.nnounoed Tueeday at a meetjng of the Glendale echool board to take the $60,000 per year job in that city. 'Ihe appointment had been expected. both ln i..,una and Glendale. "rm extremely excited about the opportunity of belna a part of the Glendale IChool system." Dr. Sanchia aaid today. "I have mixed fee1.i.Jl811, obvioualy, about leaving Laauna Beach." he said of the much smaller Laeuna school district where he wu ea.ming $45,000 annually. ''Working in this district, with the community and faculty. hu been a rewarding experience for the put eight years. "I feel the Laguna district is an outstanding one, due to the fact it haa an excellent atildent body, skilled teaching staff and support staff, and a community that cares Cove reloeatlons about the quality of the inat.nlctional program. ''I wUh thia IChool di8trict the beat of luck in the future," SanclUa said. Sanchls will ~ joinina the much larger achool d1atrict, eight miles from downtown Loa An1eles, wHh a stude11t populaUon of 19,000. Tbe Glendale d1atrict hM , three hlch 8Choola. five junior bJab 8Cbooll and 19 elementary~. He Jeeves the fAl\ma ~ with a hJgh .:hoot. Junior hich and JWo efementary achoola. and myriad financial pro~le.ma resultlna from atate leplAtlon, co~rt deciaiona regarding education, decllnln1 atudent enrollment and inflation. SandUa said the Lacuna achool board wlll diacua optiom for hiring a new superintendent at lta Thunday night meeting. The board could irornediately appoint a superintendent, name an loterim administrator, or begin seeking applicanta for the post. .,.., ..... ,..... EX-HOSTAGE SPEAD -U .S. Marine Corps s.zt. Steve Kirtley recounted his captivity in Iran Tuesday for lJC Irvine 1tudenta. Ex-:-Iran hostage • _speaks in Irvine By JOEL C. DON or111eo.-,,... .... Coast panel's hands tied Hia infonnal talk WU to focus on stre91. but Marine Corps Sgt. SWve Kirtley showed ttttle -if l any -lip of h1a 14 ~-month captivity u an Iranian hotta.ge. seizure of the American Embassy in Tehran on Nov. 4. 1979, the Marine said he and others verbally jousJ.ed or tried to confuse or poke fun at their captors. By ,JEFF ADLER °'"'-.,.., Not ...,, When the California Coastal Commisalon reconsiders the aafeguard the aging cottage• whenever they are vacated, Ms. Fuchs said. state'• development plan for Also, the report suggests the Crystal Cove State Park. its staff commission review any plan by will report that the commission is the state to demoliah structures, not empowered to involve itself she added. in relocating the cove's cottage Commissioners requested the resldenta. staff report at their April 22 The 12-member panel, meeting meeting in Los Angeles upon Thursda in Santa Barbara, will learning the stale bad moved to be told ~t it lacks the authority evict part-time residents of 23 to modify the legislatively Crystal Cove cottages. mandaied relocation effort or to During the meeting, several prescribe •dded relocation commissioners exprewd outrace requirernes\ta under the Coastal over the state evictions and Act. explained Elizabeth Fuchs, a tabled action on what bad been cOnuni..son staff analyst. 'conlidered routine approval of But the ataff repor\ doea. the' state'• public worb plan for recommend that the comm.il8ioo ~eloplna the park.' require the state Parka and "I think on that part of the Recreation Department to Janie the state needs to have a develop a main~ ~ to more humane policy," aaid WORLD Commissioner John Plynn following the oommi811on'a April action. And Commissioner George Shipp 111 commented that the ev1ctiona appeared to hhn to be a miatake. Since that stormy aeaaion, however, ~e ata~ bu begun developing specific plam for using the 45 co~-~t dot the seaside bluffs at ~ C.Ove. "Depr euion waa always there," he told a group of UC Irvine social ecology students Tue9day. "It waa a shade of gray. Sometimes it would pt darker, .ometlmes it would get U1hter." Though 90l'De of h1a 51 fellow American captives auffered emotional damage and other problems 'followina their release to a hero'• welcome, Kirtley credfta hfs rigorous Marine A 1 • o , a 1 e g i a 1 a t i ~ e traln1n& for h.la apparent lack of 1ubcommlttee bu ~ffecuvely ps)'Chological acara. pmtpantd an1 evictiom until it In the day-to-day handling of ~. -. p1an tor the cott.aps • ~ the 23-year-old 'Kirtler· aomeume next year. who now •erves ••• dri l 1berefore the oommilllOn ta in.tructor in San D~o, aald expected t~ adol>t tKe public "~or leis you Just of take worka plan. tncorpor•linl thb ft. latest Nff report. d\iring the Al14. lbe.re was some $.of ~-Jona 11iurlda ..... · tire. on the pert of the es. (See CRYSTAL, ~. AJ). Followinlc the Iranian ent COUNTY They could unne rve the students by asking seemingly ridiculous or bizarre questions such as "ls the Shah (of Iran) b ack? Has the A·yatollah (Khomeini) been shot yet?" But much of the 444 days of captivity were soent in sheer boredom, the former embaisy guar<l said. The hostages read 6ooks; played chess, exerci.led in their crampe<I embassy quarters and endured Iran1an propaganda. Klrtl'y and ~ls roommates cheered when they were given literature detailing alleged mistreatment and physical abuse of lranlan students in the United Stat.es. The intent had been to show America's wrongs. Following the failed U .S . reecue att.empt in April, 1980, Kirtley and others were (See HOSTAGE. Pa1e Al) INDEX Won/ American Le1lon, the Art-A-Fair, Ro\al'y, SoroptJmll(. Bank of America. and Lacuna Fed~ral Savinp. In addition, other or,anhatiri are in the proce9 o checkini with their memberships to .ee iJ they want to pert.icipate. Thoee groups· include the Festival ,of Aria. Coast Hardware, Kiwanilf., Lions, First Interstate Bank, Security Pacific. Coast Savinp and World Savings. Pledges of $2.600 have been made ao far by local group19. and there ii the potential for another $1 , 700 from uncommitted organizations, city officials said. In making their move to approve the use of city funds, the council said any amount raised above $6,000 -mcludmg the city's aha~ -will be returned to the city's budget. Heisler patrols increased Laguna Beach police will be stepping up patrols of Heislet Park in tbe wake or complaints from city parks crews and citizens or increased threatening conduct from transients. City officials figure more than $6,000 In damage has been done to park structures in the past few months by an increasing nW\'lber of young transients who frequent the blufftop park. In a letter to the City Council, City Manager Ken Frank said municipal service workers are i ntimidated ''and some what frighiened" by the conduct of · transients "who are inhabiting the park m larger numbers than usual." Police ChieC Neil Purcell attributes the increase in unemployed youths to the nation's economic situation and the oncoming warmer summer months. In the past fe w months transients have continually knocked over trash cans, broken sprinkling systems, pulled up plants and broken tree limbs, ripped up the restrooms. and cannibalized wooden handrails and other items for firewood. In addition to city parks crews • several north Laguna community members have complained of being intimidated and challenged by transients. Frank h as ordere d an imm~iate increase in patrols of the park, including uniformed police me n a nd plain clothes officers to deal wilh what he said is an increase in narcotics use.age in the park. (See HEISLER, Pale At) Tight squeezz for drivers The-personalir.ed license plate on the car read "Squeezz" and that aeemed appropriate to the officers who arrived at the main gate at Emerald Bay north of Laguna Beach Tuesday. It ~ the brown Fiat was blocking the roadway at that entrance, forcing motorlsts to squeeie around the Illegally parked car. . The owner might find h1mlelf in a bit of a squeeze today. 0Uioel'9 had the car towed to a local garage. an I II he llld. a-~·~ irOwiil vOluntanly, ~ ·-u eso.D't .-k. we'll .. hiw -. cttatlon1 and maybe aom• arreeta." ••we want 'h• park to bt ·enjoyed by all tepwtntl of the community,'' P\&rc.'ell Mid. In hla letter to the City Coundl, Frank ~ that plalnclothea ofticen Will not be deployed to patrol the public reetrooma. The "advlaement pre>1ram'' began laat weekend, with two uniformed offlcere and plainclothes otflcen patrolltna the park in the afternoona ana early evenings. '(t' llOSTAGE SPEAKS ... dlifperaed throughout the cqunu-y. While being ·taken to a.tiler city, he suffered minor ~-when the car he was ridinl in rolled over. illut htril qWck to find comedy d~ his ordeal, such as when a frwJ belt broke on hia way out of TMu-an. ''These were Iranian students," h~,muaed. ''They put their best ~hanlcal engineers on the job .._. about 10 hours later, we got 8*8·" 1 Ii t the failed rescue attempt. ~ wa.m't unUl September of 1 0 that Kirtley found out A lld scribbled a message about th incident on a letter to him. 1A few months before their J~. 2.0 , 1981, release, the hMuges con~tantly were told thltir captivity was nearly over, 8f he said. But they realized tneee were falae promises 1and the waitlna game led to more frusttaUon. Finally, an Iranian official approached the hoatagea to prepare them tor freedom. The official tried for one Jut time to demoralli:e the Americana. • . "I need a volunteer," Kirtley recalled him aaylng. ..We are rel~ you tJUa evening and you are a cancUdate." "I would just riot beUeYe that after 14 ~ mont.ba 1t w• ~ to an end" ll'i ... t-. .aid , ............ I • I One last requirement was an Iranian interview where hew• asked if he was mistreated or tortured by his captoca. "I made sure it (the interview) wasn't bad enough 80 I wouldn't go home and when I went boow t wouldn't go to jail." he uJ.d. CRYSTAL COVE . . . :~he cottage community, a d9Jgnatcd historical site, became ~ of Crystal Cove State Park 1g;, 1979 when the Irvine C9J'lp,a.ny sold a large parcel of land to the state for ~i.6 mnubn; The 2,791~ park la lit\ated on both sides of PacWc eo.t Highway between Corona del Mar and Lquna Beach. .~ar killing protested WREKA (AP) -More thani American b1ack bears a} the r.oo 210 anJuy residents jammed city lasi~~ICll llt:dlU ~~UUU\AHU4 oc*ncifcfuunQers to demand that Eureka officials "answer for teatimony Tueaday after ~ir crime" of killing two North accepting petitions aigned by ,. Gfls tax hike dead _Q."?' ASHIT'JGTON (AP) -~idals say a propc:iul for a 5~nt-per-fall0'1 i.ncrt!a11e in the lf'Oline tax is dead until at Jeasi next fall President ~gan or\. ~y rejected the rneuure. more than 5,000 animal loven calling for a public heMtnl into the incident. The ~ron wtll resume next week ln a i...,., meeting place. "We want the people responsible tor ti.e killina of the ~ to answer for their crime +-that'a what It Ii. a crlme,'' aid Chuck Pieper. -' Saddleback projects face elimin'ation A total of $34 million In· cpnatl'uctlon proJecta prol>()ted f« the Miaelos:J~and Irvine campus of c.one. face cutbacks or ·po11lble elimination unie. ·the ecmomy iJn~'was the e1aence of di8cusaion Tue9day nlaht by the Saddleback Community College Dlatrict Board Of ~. The prot1ability of tloldlng back on building new clamooma could mean overloaded clalle9 in ~t~~~ inltructon to teach more ~and requ1le an e,xtenstve J>rocram of early mom1"1, evening and Saturday clueies. The board dlacUJaed the po11ibility o( delaying conatruction of a leOOIXf cluater of claaaroom buildinga, valµed at approximately $8 million, at the Jryine caiqpua,. Current "'10llmeht' theft ii 6,000. • trh•N are pnnentlyt u,000·1 atuden&a at the-. Miaalotl Viejo ca~pua where a clabroom buiJdl."I v.tued at '8.6 million baa yet to be built. A..,d board members fear conatl'Uetlon of that project may face inore delay. Iranian oiJ out? LOS ANGE~ES <AP) County 11.apetviaora wa1)t President !\Hf'11 to proHJbit • im~ of JranWi oO Uhtil '1he U.S. re-establishes diploma1tc relations with that nation. Warming trend Blrminghm IMI 113 .... Biamllrdt &4 44 8olM 50 37 .01 SO.ton so 55 Coastal 8'ownsvtle 117 71 Bufflllo 111 81 8uf11n9ton 74 5e l1Smell etetl ~ In efftet c.,. 711 "' .02 ~ter wat9fa from POlnt ai.tstn SC 112 70 Ion to sen ~ 1t1enc1 Cherlltn WV t2 eo .n thwMt wind• 18 to 30 Ctler1M NC 113 &4 ltnota end combined Ml end ~ 72 43 ii 7 to 11 tMI thrOUOfl todey ~ti 112 117 112 118 ~~Not-~ 87 fJ6 en llMrld bit to 7 toot -. Wlnda 10 to Clmbla SC 15 &4 J&:tnot• allemoon end ~. Columbut 117 81 .05 to nonhWMt IW9ll 2 to 4 Del-Ft Wiii 70 118 1.75 1A1. Mo1t1y cl .. rlng. P.,tly Oeylon 117 62 .o& doud)' on ttle IOUttl COM! tonlgftt. a.-75 72 Dee~ 79 83 .27 Detroit " 59 .10 DuluUI 86 56 .03 EIP-.:> 05 56 8t .. ...,. ., N • 02 .. .. Fwgo 113 53 .04 • tllundenlonn. IPllWf*I f'llglteff M S7 ==· tM °'° n 6t n•d09t In WMI , .... I/Id O,_ Falla &e •2 .18 79 50 Sen "'"**'° 75 112 '-1 l<lnNI todey. end 1191 Henl«d f8 311 .02 ~ 78 H CMADA ge N 1>1Mb1111 fell In perta Helena 87 42 .211 Tucaon 13 118 ..... Honolulu IMI 75 .02 , ... .. lie ti• lllundtrtlorm• dump•d Houston-83 70 ~ ee 91" YY r1ln 1nd aom• 11•11 on lndnec>lla 112 81 ,02 7t 8S Rein -llao llMyY In J9dlan MS .. tM .05 c:ll of Kan1aa, weat•rn '**"' ..... Ill 51 l1hom1 1nd th• T•••• ~City 71 12 t.Vegm 17 .. h•r lhunder1torm1 were Uttte Rodi 13 83 .oe ~ ........ L~ 71 eo .01 r da 1nd the c:entrel end Lubbodt 17 12 .35 Appllledllena. ::r-&4 64 ,,.,.....onne..,. over 711 74 .03 etn NM1t'**8 end Ille Mllwalk• 91 51 .D8 I The &Mt) COMt Nr ~ Ohio Velftiflf, ~ Mpie-St.P 71 51 51 M9'11Q911'1tnl Dl•\l'lct had t • ,_ lllun6etlCOflN ... .....,,... ~ ti .11 41 klllowli'I • qiMlty Pledlclb• Montena end Ula ,... of ttla New OrlNna M for~ RodlJea. W• of IN NawYcn 74 llO 51 '°' ..... .,... end a.. the ~.11 Noffolk 11 86 47 In IM Sen G*""Pot11011a .. ... No. Platte " tie °'° ........ PolutMt 8'8ndlrd .... of m"r11vr•• .,ound Ill• Ollll City 711 111 .05 eo ua end~ Alv1r1ld•·l•n ~ todly rW'IQ9d frOl'll 35 Omehl 71 51 .IO 50 ~~ .... ton, Maine, to •2 In Ol1IWldo 17 G eo MIL =:':' 1ft I ... ,. 112 .... =-r. ., . 52 •IO ;.~ • 41 . ewi, ............. lllgh·e,:.•••ure ey11em Pttencf, Ore 12 4 Provtdlnce .. .. .o3 °" ~ "'°'*' QM t:"" 15 .. ClllOrnlt ,.., .... Ind .. ,.. r clay• once tllo•• ... UQ 71 41 ~"""' Sen -"'lon6o .. 70 .. ....... ..... ,.._ .. ... "":r.1 .... "'~--1• .. 7t ., 8t P·T.,_. 15 .. OoY. S.mad o. Brtwa Jr. will •DMk on hJI cand1dacy for the U .S. Senate In a fund·raillna party in Lacuna Beach Saturday. "An Afternoon with Governor Brown," h co-bolted by Dr. Edward ... Bartiara 'h91t at 643 Allview Ternce from 2 to 4 .p.m. • Adoptchat, a parent support an>uP for adulta who have adopted children or are contemJ>1-tlna adoptlona, 'IWill have a dilc:uami~ at 8 o'cloc:k • Tax aaaiatance tor aen1or citizen• wUl be avallable bealnnJna Thursday at the Senior Citizens Community Center, 384 Legion Street, Lal(Wl8 Beach. Free counseling in homeowners' and renters' tax, as well aa in poa\pon~.~ent of proper.ty Dr. Dulelle CUvy.COOper, an authority on France and the Middle Ages, will pretent a allde leciure Friday at 8 p .m . in Congre1ational Church, 340 $t. Ann's Drive, Laguna Seach. Or. Chavy-Cooper la a =lilt in the network of . lea\IX around eua.one. Alone wit!i food and drink, contributors will have the opportunl~ apeek with the pemor t hla camDetan. ~arkln1 wtll be A donation of flOO l• auaaeated. For lnformatlori call Sllella Catlett at 968-1403. · toniah t ln La1una Beich. lnfotmJtlon la available by telephonlna 771-3175 after 6 p.m. or 771-7486 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ta.xet, wW be provided on the fint and third Thunda~ of each 'month ~ Aug. 19. Interested· tenion ahould brina proof of age, property tax bW, inoome records and other relevant material to the center. For more information call 497-2441. whlch once aheltered tne AlbigeNellll heretics, a eect that ~ to power in the Middle Ai•· The lecture is spoNOred by the Alliance Francaise and acbnilaion la $3 for adulll and $1 for a atudenta under the age of 25. Sophia Loren ·gets Italian jail term RQME (Af>) -Actress Sophia Lortn beg•n a 30-day S>rl~n t~rm today for tax evasion ahort:lY after retum1ng to Italy followtng a t~1ear abeence, prilon officials Mil• Loren, wh·o has proclaimed her innocence, was met at Leonardo da Vinci ~rt by a police officer and taken to the · ptllon, about a thfee.hour drive IOUth, in an unmarked car. Offlqer' at tbe 1 prlapn 9t. Cased-. 10 milet from Mia.- Loren'• hometown of Naples, said ahe wu put in a cell alone and appeared to be in 1ood sptrill. She told an Interviewer in Geneva, Switzerland, before boarding her plane to Rome that she wanted to return to .. aee my mother, my country and my rooll." A court in July, 1980, found her guilty of falling to report five Village Laguna hears city chief . ~ Beech Qty Manager Ken Frank will diacuaa tne operations of city goy:ernment tonight In a talk before the Vlllage Laguna ,organization, beglnnlng at 8 p.nl Ilia speech. entitled "Potholes in Pandile -'The Bualnaa of-RunnJ.nc t...guna." will be held at the home of Jackle Skjold, 477 Holly St. All Lagunana are invited to attend. million Ure on her 1970 ·tncome tu Hturn. That was about the equivalent of f?,000 under the rate of ~ •ti that time. Aa Mill Loren waa being escorted thfOUlh the airport, ahe was aurrounded by reporten and photogt'apher• who nearly knocked the 47-year-old actresa to the around. She let out a cry for help as she siumbl,cl, Plainclothes ~~ ... ~= swarming crowd to make way for her. After apendlnl 45 minutes inside the airport police station. she boarded a lfhife Alfa ~ unmarked car ~ed '"by two J>Olicemen and her sister, Maria Sdcolone. ''I'm very ~ed about the time I will have to spend in jail," she told reporters at Rome airport. She recalled she had filed a petition for a pardon with President Sandro Pertinl. Mlnutea before taking the Alitalla tli1ht to Rome, Mias Loren Mid ahe decided to retUm to Italy to solve "an unjust situation due to a little mistake by a tax apeM.el•at. This man la now deed -may he rest in peace -but now I have to go to prt.on. 0 1 think the lmpect of being jailed wlll be a tr_aumatislng thhyc," she said. Ralkland BJ Tiie Alla eta ... Prii9I '" Prime Minister Mar1aret 'n\atcher said toaay Al'lilMIM"t reaponae to the latM ralkland Ialanda peace propouJ "~'t look very encoura1fn1, '' and BrhJ.1h newapapen ~ ahe hu already decided to lnvade the lalanda. Mn. Thatchtt -.kl ln a Britiah 8roadcaattna Corp. inWYlew her aovenunent had not.-. the fWl text of ArpntJ.na'• ~· bUt that "the pp lookl bia'' between London and But:noa Aire• positiona on the dlaputed Brtdlh colony Ar1entina •elted •ix week:a ago. At the Unlled Na lion•, Seaetary-General Jatrler Perez de CUellar said today he thoucht he WU in "the· lalt houn" of talka with Argentine and Britllh ne,otlatora in attempta to end the diapute. He dld not elaborate, but a British IOW'Cle at the U.N. aaid ArgenUna'a responae had aome new elementa, "lncludini aome points of forward movement." Argen\ane Depaty Foreign Miniater Enriquf> Ros said after he presented his responae to Britain's position Tuesday night it was intended to bridge differences and resolve the oonfllct peacefully. Earlier, British landin8 forces were reported closing on the South Atlantic Islands, and Mrs. Thatcher was quoted by the London Dally Express tablold aa telling Queen Elizabeth II that ahe ordered troops to invade. Voters nix nu~e plant "' . restarting By Tlte Alaoclated Preu Pennaylvanla voters living near Three Mile Ialand voted by a 2·1 margin against restarting the nuclear plant's ~ea reactor in a non-binding referendum that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission saya will affect ill decisions. which will ultimately decide on any restart. ''I think we can call it a • mandate to elected offidals," laid SUlan 11.ei4er, of The Bipartilan Committee to Vote No. "We're heartened by it." Robert <.:. Arnold, president of GPU Nuclear Corp., which operates the plant, said he was "reluctant to draw firm oonclusiona from the referendum vote" because of "the light turnout •nd the difficulty in addresmlg the complexity of this issue with a simple yes or no answer." The three counties have 2~2.091 voters. Coast's boating scene fea,ured Are you a ve\eran of the Orange Coast boating acene? Or a newcomer eager to learn more about it? Either way, you can flnd information about life on and near the water by turning to the !!~boating section in today'• J.JaJJy Pilot. I I: I Ir l'llBDBIUCK ICROEMBHL or ... .,..,,..._ A 10-called perimeter rule barrin1 ~I Unea from flylnl non-atop t de1tlnatlon1 more than ~ ee from John Wayne Airport la under leaal chalJenae . Hopefuls try out seats By GLENN SOO'M' or.._....,,...ltaft They got their chance Tuesday to find out what it's really like to be members of the Irvine Qty CoUncu. . Five candidates seeking eledion (re-election for one) on the June 8 ballot had their first collective experience in the OOUDci1 chambers, where they sat in the mustard-colored swivel chairs behind the black-topped panel desk. Just as if it were a regular council meeting, the candi<lat.es debated local issues while a remote-control led cable television camera hanging like a dentist's drill from Jhe celling panned the five hopeful faces. It wasn't a council meetirtg, of course. It waa one of the question-and-answer ~ona so common in the weeks before an election. nu. one was sponsored by the Irvine Village Forum, a non-political group created as a IOUDding board for homeowner asaociations. On this night, the low-budget production had the dubious honor of oompetina for viewen agaln1t the richly produced '''Marco Polo" on national TV. Quutiona concerning small busine9el on Culver Drive don't necessarily stand up to the splendor of Kublai Khan's empire, but political candidates (See IRVINE, Paae Al) Housing plan for retarded wins round Most of the obstacles have been removed from a Santa Ana group attempting to find three homes in Irvine for mentally retarded children. The Sutton Foundation, which supports programs for the developmentally diPbled, has been allowed by federal officials to purchue existing homes foe n9furbiahing, according to Terry Zellhart, deputy director for housins( at the Los Angeles office · of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Under a previous agreement, the foundation had been required to build new homes with its $515,000 in HUD loans. The group has searched vainly for home sites for almoet two years. "I feel very good and very pleued,'' said $utton Foundation director Derek Loft, ,following news of the HUD variance permitting the remodeling of existin8 homes. "It'• been a long fight and it looks like we 're being .rewarckd." he said, addin~ that prospects are "excellent ' for buying homes in the vilJaps of Woodbridge and Northwood. WORLD NATION tn U.S. Df•trlct CoW't tn LOii Anael•. The leia) chaJlen.-Wll made Tuelday In court docwnlntl fu.d by attorney• 11epreHntln1 Dien~r·bMld Frontlei' A1rllne9, one of ftve commerdal ad'rlera now •rvinl Onnl9 C.OW.ty. I 'IM law.wt Al .:heduled far an Au,. 8 hMz'inc before diatrtOt COW1 Juda T.iTy Hatter Jr. J'U.lnc ol the lawa&lt th1I week c:olncidel with Fruitier inlU.dnl Hrvlc• to and from Orant• County with new and ~ McDonnell Dou8J11 DC-8 8P jtellnen. Super 80 1ervice be1ln1 Thuraclay. Frontier C\U'NftUy openi. two round trip fU1hta dally between Oran1e OOunty and D•nver with an tntennidlai. •top In t.. Vepa. Frcntler ii eootmdlna that lt ~ flY. Super SO. non-atop to Denver 833 statute mllet away without any 1ncteMe In noile levela experienced by John Wa~ Airport .,.. Nlidenta. • It's the Hf9• notae (on takeoff) whether we are flr,l.nM to Laa Ve1a1, or Denver, ' Sob Schulman, Frontier'• publlc Shuns pea~e prospects He uJd the lntennedlate in Laa Vqu la cauatna a "mMf inconvenience" tor puaen1e~ said "the bulk" of ~ departing Orang~ County a~ lSee AIRUNE, P1ie AZ) l 1 r:fhatcher prepare . Falklands·· Deir ......... , EX-HOSTAGE SPEAKS -U.S. Marine Corpe Sat. Steve Kirtley recounted his captivity in Ir.an Tuesday for 'OC Irvine students. By JOBL C. DON or .. o.-,,......, • in His i.nfonnal talk Wal to focua on stress. but Marine Corps Sgt. Steve Kirtley showed little -lf any -signs of his 14~-month caf.tivlty as an Iranian hostage. 'Depression was always there," he told a group of UC Irvine social ecology students Tuesday. "It was a shade of gray. Sometimes it would get darker, sometimes it would get lighter." Though some of his 51 fellow American captives suffered emotional damage and other problems following their releate to a hero's welcome, Kirtley credits his rigorous Marine training for his apparent lack of psychological scars. ln the day-to-day handling of streea, the 23-year-old Kirtley, who now serves as a drill instructor in San Diego, said "more or less you just sort of take it." boob. played cheel, exermed in their cramped embMsy ~ and endUred Iranian pl"9PIPnda' Ktttley and his roommates cheered when they were liven literature detailing alleged mistreatment and physical abu9e of Iranian students lo the United States. The intent had been to ' show America'• wronp. Following the failed U .S. re1CUe at1empt in April, 1980, Kirtley and others were disperied throughout the country. While being taken to another dty, he suffered minor injuries when the car he was riding in rolled over. But he is quick to find comedy during his ordeal, such as when a fan belt broke on his way out of Tehran. ·~ were Iranian students,'' he muted. "They put tbe1r beet mechanical engineers on the job and about 10 hours later, we got going." By TIM .bHClated Preti Prime Minister Mar1aret Thatcher said today Araentina'• respome to the latett Falkland Ia1anda ~ propoeal "doesn't look very encouragin1." and Bri~ 'newspapers repoct.ed ahe haa already decided to Invade the ialAnda. Mn. Thatcher said in a British Broedcaating Corp. interview her government had not eeen the full text of Argentina's ~~· but that "the gap looks btg'' between London and Buenos Aires positions on the disputed British colony Ar1entina seized sl~ weeks qo. At the United Na lions, Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar said today he thought he was ln "the last hours" of talb with Argentine and BrttWl negotiatorJ in attempts to end the dispute. He did not elaborate, but a Britiah aouroe at the U.N. Mid Arpndna'• re9poqle had ..,.. new e-.,ta, "incl~ .ome polntl of torwud mowmerit.'' Ar1entine Depu\y Forel1n Minilter Enriqu. Roe aid ~ he presented his response "1o Britain'• position Tueeday night it wu intended to brid1e differen«s and resolve the oonf1lct peacefully. F.arDer. Britiab 1andJnc forus were reported closing on the South Atlantic islaDdS, and Mn. Thakher was quoted by the London Daily Expreaa tabloid aa telllna Queen Eliubeth II that she ordered troops to Invade. "Only the time of a British Jandin8 on the Falkland Ia1ands aeeroecJ in doubt,'' the ~ nm. reported today. · When Mrs. Tlatcher's B interviewer asked her opini of Arge~Una'a reapon.e, said: "I'm afraid it doesn't k very encourag:tn,a, '' She repeated Bri that all Ar1entin orcea on islands wltbdra before any negotlatlona be ·n . She also repeated Britain'• that sovereignty is gotiable, and demanded the slanda' natives retain local control in any Interim government. "I penonally think that after this terrible experience, the last thing they will want to do is to have cloee asaociations with the Argentines,'' she said. Mrs. Thatcher told Parliament on Tueaday that Argentina was staUJ.ng for tiJM and the outcome of U.N. tallca should be kno~ by Thursday. She said if talks failed, "no military action can be held up in any way." "I t?elleve that any military action or option cannot and must not be delayed by people who are ex-tending negotiations," she declared. Britain's Inde p e ndent Televiaon News said about 50 ships with 3,900 marines and paratroopers aboard were believed massed off the South Atlantic archipelago, ready ~ • challenge the estimated 9,00q Arge ntine troops sent to; t . islands since they were sei from Britain on April 2. . 1! Sophia Loren gets Italian jail term I: I ROME (AP) -A.ctre11 Sophia Loren be&JD a 30-day prison term today for tax evasion ahoc1ly after returning to Italy followtna a two-year absence, pNon ofbciala said. Miss Loren, who has • procJaimed her innocence, was met a\ Leonardo da Vinci airport by a police officeS' and taken to the pri9on, about 1 three-hour drive eouth. in an unn:w-lced car. Officers at the prison at Caserta, 20 mll~s from Mi11 Loren's hometown ,of Naplet, said she was put in a cell alone and appeared to be In good spirits. She told an Interviewer ln Geneva, Switzerland, before boarding her plane to Rome that she wanted to return to "see my mother, my country and my roots." . A court in July, 1980, found her guilty of failing to report five million Ure on her 1970 income tax return. That was about the • equivalent of $7,000 under the rate of exchange at that time. As Miu Loren was being escorted through the airport, she was surrounded by reporters and JAILED -Actress Sophia Loren has drawn 30 days in ~ an Italian jail on a charge of f tax evasion. photographers who nearly knocked the 47-year-old actreaa to the ground. And there was some llvina of stress on the part of the n~es. Following the Iran1an student leizure of the American &nbusy in Tehran on Nov. 4, 1979, the Marine said be and.....others verbally jousted or Tried to confuse or poke fun at theii: ~ptors. It wasn't until September of 1980 that Kirtley found out about the failed re.cue attemp A child 8Crlbbkd a meeuce about the incident on a letter to him. 'Bigfoot' She let out a cry for help as she s tumbled. Plainclothes policemen belped her regain her balance ana shoved through the swanning crowd to make way for her. They could unnerve the students by asking aeeminaly ridiculous or bizarre questions such as "la the Shah (of Iran) back? Hu the Ayatollah (Kbometnl) ~ ahot ye&r' But much of the 444 days of captivity we~e ae>ent ln ,heer boredom, the former embUI)' guard aald. The hoNga tead A few month• before their • Jan. 20, 1981, releue, the hostages constantly were told their captivity w• nearly QVer, he laid. )'Ut they reaJhed thele were falae proml1ea and the waiting game led to mor~ fruatratlon. , Finally, an Iranian official approached the hoata1ea to pnpue them for freedom. ~ offiCial tried f<>r one last time to dernorallJit the Americana. (See HOSTAGE. Pqe A%) COUNTY Despite a ~ported sighting Tuelday afternoon of ".a thing that looked like Bigfoot" running ·along an Irvine culvef1, Irvine police are dllcounting the theory that the Buena Park Bigfoot may have migrated lnto their city. The report wai made anonymously a\ 5 :48 p .m . Tue.day, after the caller spotted a "long-haired, beard~ thln1 that looked like Bi&fOOl" tn the culvert near West Yale Loop and Culver Drive. Police arrived a short time later but found no evidence of a vagrant or a Bigfoot In the ara. Some Bigfoot enthwdaata have speculated that the Buena Park Bigfoot, reportedly spotted May 10 in a drainage ditch in Buena. Park, 11\ay have moved aouth into the more affluent Irvine. Police listed the call as a vagrancy report. INDEX After spending 45 minutes inside the airport police mtioo. she boarded a white Alfa Rcimeo unmarked car accompanied by two policemen and her alater. Marla Sc:icolone. "I'm Nery worried about the time I will ~ve to spend ln )ail.'' she told reporters at Rome. airport. ' ·She recalled she had flied a petition for a pardon with President Sandro Pertini. Atined for Denver. not Las 1egas. • 3J'he stop 1n Las Vegas, ~ulman said, is disrupting vel plans of about 76,000 ns annually and is costing e airline $2. l million in added 'Denver is Frontier's baae of its ·rations. Industry officials say n-would be to Fron tie r's 'antage to get passengers to nver as quickly as posaible so t they could make connections flights to other points in tier's route network. !:Reacting today to the lawsuit, oilnty Supervisor Thomas Riley he was not convinced that ise levels on takeoffs to Las egas and takeoffs to Denver: ~ be thtJ same. He pain~ t that Frontier \VOUld be ().. . reqwred to carry more fuel to fly to Denver. That JYould mean more wetght and require more takeoff power, thus generating more noise, Riley said. And he said lifting of the perl(Jleter rule could damage efforta by the county to keep control of the W. of John Wayne Airport. "Wbere would It stop?," Riley asked rhetorically, sugaeatlng that other airlines might want to fly to Hawaii or intemat.ional destinations. Riley said Frontier'• move should be "vlgoroualy" reaUted. Mark Peterson, a spokesman for Newport Beach-hued AlrCal, said the carrier doesn't anticl_pe~ joinin,g with Frontier in the lepl ~on. OST AGE SPEAKS . • • I'll need a volu,nteer," Kirtley all~ him saying. "We are easiiw you lh~ evening and are a eandltiate." HI would jus\ not beUeve tbal ter 141h months It was coming lan end,'' Kirtley said. One last requirement was an Iranian interview when be wu asked U })e WSf mistreeted or tortured by h1a capton. "I made sure it (the interview) wasn't bade~ 90 l wouldn't go home and when I went home l wouldn't go to jail;' he said. ~.!WteJ=P, .. :.i When the~ (:Hl&d Comml11lon rtcon1tclen bf 1tate•1 development -plan for Cnttal ~ Stat.e Pmii. l• itmff will report that the COIDl'DlmllGn JI not empoweNd to lnvol~ ttlillf in reloc:atlna the cove'• cou.P, relldenta. 'nMt 12-member pMel, sneedna Thunday in Santa Bubar•, wUl be told that lt 1acka the authonty to modify the le1l1laUvely mandated relocaUon effort or to preacrtbe added ulocatton requlrementa under the CoMtal ~ eJ<Plalned Elb:abeth J'uchl, a ~on at.aft analytt, But the 1taff report doH recommend that the commlmlon tequlre the 1tate Park• and Recreatton Department to develop a maintenance plan to aafeauard the a1tn1 cottaan whenever they are vacated, Ma. Fuchs said. Al.lo, the report aua-ta the cornrn1-lon review any plan by the state to demoliab 1truc:turea. ahe added. •"'-Com.mlllionett reqUelted WIC staff report at thelr April 22 ~ting in Loa Angeles upon learning the state bad moved to evic~-time residenta of 23 C Cove cottages. urtna the meetina. several oommiaslonen expr e• e d outrage over the state evictlona and tabled action' on what had been considered routine approval of the state'• public w«ka plan for developln& the park. Eye surgery equipment burglarized Offidals at American Medical Optics Manufacturing in Irvine toid police Tueeday a burglar stole $90,000 worth of equipment used in eye surgeries. The thief a~ntly entered the plant at 1492 E. ~ve. Monday night and w . off with the specialized ta valued at $6,000 each, tald police Lt. Bob Lennert. Other minor damage was reported in the plant. The thief may have trouble getting rid of the equipment, however, bee.al.lie Lennert Mid the firm ii the 10le auppller of the 11peciallz.ed product. Investigators found no sign of forced entry, he added. Warming trend BlrmlnQnm M 03 .46 ....... -m:1 Bisnwctl 64 ... BoiM st 37 01 eo.tOfl 89 55 Brownl'tlle 87 71 Buftelo 81 81 Bot11ng1on 74 68 l ,sme11 cr8fl ecMSClfy 1n eflec1 Ca.per 78 41 .02 ver outer weler1 from Point CNttm8C 82 70 tlon lo San Nlcolu tlland Ch8tlltn WV 92 80 .73 ar nor1hwe11 winds 111 lo 30 Chathte NC 83 64 II end combined H• end ~ 72 43 7 10 11 1ee1 through lodey 01lcego 12 57 ~tonight Not .. Clnc:lnne11 82 58 CleYelend 87 85 ndy an Nlcolu 181fllld Clm~SC as 84 5 to 7 toot -· Winds 10 to Columbue 87 81 .05 knoll 1111wnoon Ind -*'9· Oel-f't Wtll 79 ee 1.75 10 nonttw.t swe11 2 to 4 Oey\on 117 82 .oe ttt. Mo111y ctHrlng. Putty Oenwr 75 72 on tne IOUth cout lonlgllt. 0. Moin. 79 83 .27 c: Oetroh 119 59 .19 Duluth 86 55 .oa El Puo 95 " 8t 811eMerte ., as .OJ Pllim Springe 98 ee Fargo 83 ~ 04 "Sever• lhundemorms ~ Regstelt ee 37 ~ 84 4() Peeedena 73 58 nedoe• In WHt Teiia• and 0!99t ..... ee 42 18 s~ 79 69 Sin Bemerdlno 75 52 KM1M1 todey, end hall Hlf"lf~d 78 38 .02 TOQelea 78 ff CANADA wge u t>INballl fell In pst• lielln• ll1 42 -21 T11q9n M ae Cllgaty .M 31 ..... -Honolulu M 75 .02 'futA .. le he lhvnderetorm1 dumped Houlton 83 10 Wlllhlngtn .. .., EdmOntOn • 41 vy rein and .om• hall on lndnaph 82 81 .02 WlcHt9 79 03 MonttMI 13 11 cALffliM Ot1awe 11 • ut!L Ralt\ WU allO '-vy In Jecken MS M 84 .06 Regina ~ 6CJ ell of Kan1a1. w••tern JICkenvlle M 59 a..elllld 11 '3 11 11 lahome end lh• T•JC•I Kane City 71 82 BlyCM .. Toromo v~ M 44 La Vegu 17 84 ea.a 61 .t3 Wlnnlp90 eo ,, Uf11e Roetl 83 83 .oe ,,..., 18 51 Loullvllle 78 eo .01 ~ 13 45 'Smog Wt>boc:k . 17 ea .35 ~.:a:-T1 le MempllM 84 84 ea Miami 71 74 . ()3 MonWrey le The 8outtl Colet NI Ou.ii'>' MDwauk• 81 ae .08 == 87 ~IP 11 51 11 61 Management Ol•trlet lled the H..twlle 79 13 It ,_Aoblel ll 41 ~ .., qullty piidk41one .... Ofteanl 87 as Red 8lufl 1t 58 '°'u:=n New Yorti 74 eo Redwood City 13 51 "" fOf ~ P90f)le Horlollt 11 ., ~ 11 47 ltt ~ a.n Qebflll.P~ .,.. No. Plat'9 81 5f r, 40 wtc!I • Pollutant 8taftdetd Inda Of Ollle City 79 ., .05 Sen Dlevo eo 121 and 111 flll<tenlda-aan OIMha 78 51 .80 San Francteco .. 50 ~.150. Ottando 17 13 ......... • 50 ~tntt.IM ~ IO a ......... • 0.....-.NI t2; Matto Md ............ .,, ....... 101 70 Modi• • 52 Hemat-El~IOfe, IO: "'~ =n. ,,, ...... ,,.... ,,, • .. UIWI 14 _,..... ...... Ptllnd.~ ea '3 ~ ... PrCNldtnoe ... 84 .OJ ..... ,, ::::!"' 16 86 lliflOP •M c.elllna a.ti Lake n ... . 21 laU AnOilMld 8MAntonto ... 10 I.One .... ...... M 41 ...,_. weather =:1:: .. . =---74 84 =~ .... 7t ... IDUTl4U'N OALIJOlllNIA ..... OMlrto OOAITAL AHD MOUNTAIN ~_,.., ............ ---.. -·==· ----.... :i:1 --. ....... :'Jr ~ 1••--· le• ..,..,.,-:=. ..... lAMe "' .. ... .... ......... 71, LAlll'I .... \ ·Voters ' ,, ... ,, ... BIG EVENT NEAR -PrincetB Diana, who ,expecu her first child next month, la IWTOUDded by bobbies anCl reportera aa the tours the New Albany c.ommunlty Center 1n IOUtheast ~ndon· . Reserves sought for lrviD.e police The ~ Police Depu1ment la aeekln1 1even new reserve officer• to bring lta volunteer complement to 30 augmenting the felUlar force of 80 officer'I. A 5 p.m. Friday-deadline hu been llet on applicatiollll for the reeerve positions which require 16 hou.n volunteer du.ty e.ch month. · "We're 1ookinl primarily for the pel"IOl'l who it establlahed." said Lt. Gene Norden. 0 and is gainfully employed with a career in 90l'De field other than law enforcement but would Uke to enlarge on his experience by becoming involved in the police department." Both male and female Irvine rHident1 are en~ura1ed to apply, Norden aid, notiftg the department had three female reterVeS but two recently were hired .. regulan. The reterve orpnbation has three levels, he explained. One require. that the teeerve ride only u a leCOnd man with a regular officer, the next allows him to work with another re9erve ...,d the third a1lowl him to work alone. Almolt all Irvine reserves are in the middle category, the lieutenant a.kl. "Re.erves can mue citations. make arresta and do everythina a regular officer does," -Norden 1ald. "'You can't tell the difference between the regu1ara and re.erve1. The unifo11D1 are Identical and the only difference is the badge number." Of 80 regular oUicera on the Irvine polloe force, he said, 15 began u re.erves. The volunteers get 340 hours of tra1n1ng at the police academy plus another 340 hours of on-the-job training, Norden laid. Members of the volunteer force are unpaid except when they work special events overtime or fill in for resuJar officera who are on sick leave or vacation. Pay rate for reserves rattge1 from $5.68 to $9.46 hourly. "Raelve ~ augment the police department'• regular_ force," Norden ufd. "When we have some kind of .. pecial operation where we need additional re1ourcea, we'll freqnelty call on raerves to come out and .mt. "On a routine basis," he laid. "they give two-man cars which means we don't have to take another car out of service to provide followup." Prospective reaerves can apply at Irvine City Hall, 17200 Jamboree &.d., P.O. Box 19575, Irvine 92713-9575 or call 754-3600 for additional lnfonnation. Fire forces • I evacuation Orange County gove~ent's Hall of AdminlstraU.on in Santa Ana WU evacuated this morning after an apparent electrical fire in an elevator equipment room. County superviaon, th.elr ttaff members, employees of several county agencle1 and news reporters whoae offices are located in the five-.story structure left the building shortly after the 10:30 a.m . alarm. They were permitted to return to the building about 30 minutes later. The elevators were temporarily abut down. TMI By TH Auedaa.4 Preu P•nn1ylvanla vot.rt ll"ln1 near ThtM Mile Ialand voted by • 2 .. 1 marctn .,.ir.t ntiartioe the nuclear plant'• u.ndamlaed reactor In a non-blndln1 referendum that the Nuclear Regut.tory Commi.mon •YI will affect ita decillona. which will ulUmately cledde on 1nr, restart. 'I think we can call it • mandate to elected offidall,'' taid Susan ~der, of The Blpartllan Committee to Vote No. "We1'e heartened by It." Robert C. Arnold, president of GPU Nuclear Corp., which ' o~rates the plant, said be wu • reluctant t o draw firm conclusions from the ~fenmdum vote" because of "the Ji1ht turnout and the difficulty in addressing the oomplexity of t!\il issue with a simple yes or no answer." The three counties have 222,091 voten. In a non-binding referendum In Dauphin, Cumberland and Lebanon counties, voters were asked: "Do you favor ~ TMI Unit l , which was not involved in the accident on Man:h 28. 1979?" With 268 of 273 precincts reporting, returns showed 39,910, or 67 pe rcent, voting against restart and 19,6441 in favor. Coast youths compete for cash awards . Five Orange Coast high school studenta are among 36 students competing for four $2,000 awards today in the finals of Bank of America's ~hievement Awards Competition. The competition is taking place at the South Coast Plaza &tel. The local students are Barry Abrahams of Fountain Valley High School, competing in the vocational arts category; Allen Menton of Corona del Mar High School, competing in the fine art.a category; Anjel Ayret of Editon High School in Huntington Beach, competing in the UbenJ arts category and students Eric HaNon of Irvine High School and Susan Vl.uer of Huntington Beach High School, both in the science and mathematics category. The Prosram is designed to honor outatanding high school seniors whoee llCholarship. eeme of civic responsibility and leadership display promise of future success and service to society, according to bank officials. Iranian oil out? LOS ANGELES (AP) County s upervi1ors want President Reagan to prohibit imports of Iranian oil until the U.S . re-establishes diplomatic relations with that nation. Saddleback Irvine sets class in skin diving The Irvtne Cout Sea OtW'1 club wlll offer a daylong Introduction to 1klo diving Saturday . The cla11, opert to 1ood rNimmen more than 12 yean old, will belin at the Heritage Park pool at 9 am. and move to Lacuna s.d\ at noon. Coit 11 ••o and lncludff equlpmeat; •aatrucUon, tranaportadaD llld ....... For lnfonnatlon, call 51-8638. Irvine Fine Art1 Center offen free open studio time to aiudenta u well aa clUIM In ceramics, drawinfl, palnttnc. jewelry, lapidary and photDiJ"aphy. The center, a wing of the city Community Services ~nt, hu clUllH for th.roqh edvlnded teudeA• or lntOrmatklll, call 552·1078. NeWport to curb .:arcades? By STt;VE MARBLE "' .. .,..,,... . ..., In response to fears that Newport Beach is fast becoming a wonderland of video games, city officials are pushing a law that w'ould clamp down on where the machines can be plugged in. 'I'he propoeed law would block video arcades from being cloeer than 300 feel to 1ehools and ban the under -18 crowd from entering video parlors during school hours. In what could be one of the toughest video laws along the Orange Coast, Newport city planners suggest that any establishment with more than one machine be deemed an arcade. Bars and restaurants would be excluded. The law, to be reviewed by city planning commissioners Thunday evening, would force all business owners who now have more than one video game to come back to the city for a use permit. . . The video game craze haa forced many Orange County ciUea to respond with new and tougher laws, Some residenta contend the quarter-eating machines are t«:;mpiing video enthusialta to tum to crime to • support P>elr habit. , · Huntington Beach approved a law that bans video centers bun beibg cl09er than a half-mile to I I I I I r , ecboolt and a half-mile to each other. Officials there say the number of arcade operators interested in coming into town hu slowed to a trickle. In Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley and Laguna Beach, city offi c ials have resisted establishing such criteria but force arcade operators to come to. the city for a conditional use' pennit. In most of the 'cities, an arcade is defined as an establishment with four or more rnachlnes. It is estimated, corwervaUvely some insist, that there are rou1hly 250 video games in Newport, tucked away in bars, laW\dromats, quick-stop markets, clothing stores and movie theaters. Balboa resident Georgia Mahoney, a PTA president, c1aim1 the Balboa Peninsula is slowly being transformed into (See VIDEO, Paie A%) -Co_ast 's boating scene leatured Are you a .veteran of the Orange Cout boatini scene? Or a newcomer eager to learn more . abQut It? Either way, you can find information about life on and near the water by turning to the special boating aectton in today's natty Pilot. WORLD . Denver 883 1tatuta m1lel away wtthout any mm.e In ~ level1 experiemed by John Wa~ Airport area resldentt. • It'• the same noise (on takeoff) whether we are f1Y1na to Laa Ve1a1, or Denver," Sob Schulman, Frontler'r public Shuns 'peace p.rospeets Thatcher prepare~ - • Falklands invasion .,.., ......... By fte AllOdaW Preti Prime Mlnl1ter Mar1aret That.chef' uid today ArftnUna'• re.pon.e to the latest talkland Ia1anda pelM)9 propoea1 .. doesn't look very encouraging," and BriUab news~ reported she hu already to lnvade the island9. Mn. 'lbat.cher uki In a British BroebsUng Corp. interview her government had not see11 the full telrt of Argentina'a ~~· but that ''the pp looks bil"' between London aiid Buenos Aires positions Oil the disputed British colony Argentina telzed 1lx weekl-ao. EX-HOSTAGE SPEAKS -U.S. Marine C.Orpa Sgt. Steve Kirtley recounted Jlis captivity in Iran Tuesday for UC Irvine students. At the United Nations, Secretary-General Javier Pen;z de Cuellar u1d ~y he thought he was In "the last boun" of talks with Argmtlne and British negotlaton In attempta to end the dispute. He did not elaborate, but a Ex-Ivan -h~tage British 80Utce at the U.N. uid Areenttna.'' ~pome had some new elementa. ''incl•.._, nne point. of forward mawmmt." • • speaks in Irvine Ar1entlne DeP-uty J'orel1n MinlMr &uiqufo Roa .aid after be presented hia~ea n.1e to Britain'• politlioll night it wu intended to ridge By JOEL C. DON "' .. ~ ........ His ihfonnal talk was to focua on atreaa, but Marine Corps Sgt. Steve Kirtley showed little -if any -signs of his 141A-month captivity aa an Iranian hostage. "Depre11ion was always there," he told a group of UC Irvine social ecology students Tuesday. "It was a shade of gray. Sometimes it would get darker, sometimes it would get lighter.'' Though some of h1a 51 fellow Ame rican captives suffered emotional damage and other problems following their release to a hero's welcome, Kirtley credits his rigorous Marine training foe his apparent lack of pt~logical scan. books, played che9, exercilled In differences and resolve the their cramped embuly quarten conflict peacefully· and endured Iranian propllCllnda. F.arlier, Britllh tanainc forces Kirtley and his roommates were reported cloalna on the cheered when they were given South Atlantic lalanda, and Mn. literature detalllnc alleged Thatcher wu quoted by the mistreatment and pb-'-1 abule London Daily Exix'e9 tabloid u ~--u telling Queen Elh.abeth u that of Iranian studenta in the nlted she ordered troops to Invade. States. The in1ent had been to show .America's wrong1. "Only the time of a British Following the failed U.S . landing on the F.ikland ls1ands reecue attempt in April. 1980, aeemed in doubt," the London Kirtley and others were Times reported today. dispersed throughout the When Mn. Thatcher's BBC country. While being taken to interviewer asked her opinion of another city, he suffered minor Argentina'• reapon&e, she said: injuries when the car he waa · "I'm afraid it doesn't look very riding in rolled over. encouraging." • But he la quick to find comedy She repeated Britain'• demand during h1a ordeel. such as when a that all Argentine fqrcea on fan belt broke on his way out of i1lands withdraw before any Tehran. negotiations begin. She al10 ''Tbe.e were Iranian studentl," he D\l.18ed. '"I)ley put their best repeat.ed Britain'• inliltence that' sovereignty i1 negotiable, and demlnded the islands' natives retain local control in any interim ~mment. "I pel'90nally think that after this terrible experience, the last thing they will want to do is to have close asaociations with the Argentines," she said. Mrs. That.cher told Parliament on ~Y that Argentina wu atalllng for time and the outcome of U.N. talks should be known by Thursday. She said if talk• failed, "no military action can be held up in any way." "I believe that any military action or option cannot and must not be delayed by people who are extending negotiadon1," she declared. Sophia ·Loren gets Italian jail term i ' ' I . i : i ROME (AP) -Actress Sophia Loren began a 30-day prison term today for tax evasion shortly after returning to Italy =~':i'J:ear absence, t.fiaa ~oren, wt\o haa proclaimed her innocence, WU met at Leonardo da Vinet airport by a police officer and taken to the pri8on, about a ~-hour drive 80Uth, in an unmarked car. Officers at the prison "t Ca1erta, 20 mile• from Min Loren'• hometown of Naplea, uki ~ WU put in a cell alone and appeared to be Jn good spirita. She told an tnterviewer in Geneva, Switzerland. before board1ns her plane to Rome that ahe wanted to return to "aee my mother, my country and my roota." A court In July, 1980, found her guilty of failing to report five mllllon Ure on ber 1970 income tax return. That was about \he equivalent of $7,000 under the rate of exchange at that time. As Miss Loren was being eecorted through the airport, she was surrounded by reporters and photographers who nearly knocked the 47-year-old actl'el8 to the ground. ' JAILED -Actress Sophi~ Loren has drawn 30 days 1n an Italian jail on a charge of tax evasion. She let out a c:ry for help as she stumbled. Plainclothes Policemen helped her regain hei balance and shoved through the swanning crowd to make way fot her. In the day-tO-day .handling of stress. the 23-year-old Kirtley, who no..t serves as a drill instructor in San Diego, said ''more or less you just sort of take it." And there was some giving of stre1a on the part of the hostages. mechanical engineers on the job Gh t ~~ 10 houn tater. we got OS S run It wam't until September of 1980 that Kirtley found out about the failed racue attempt. A child scribbled a meeaaae about the incident on a letter lo hbn. Narmco plant? Following the Iranian student seizure of the American Embuly in Tehran on Nov. t , 1979, the Marine said he and other.J verbally jousted or tried to confuse or poke fun at their captors. They could unnerve the students by asking seemingly ridiculous or bizarre queattona eucb aa "la the Shah (of Iran) back? liu the Ayatollah (Khomeini) been shot yet?'' But much of the 444 days of captivity w~re 1~nt ln sheer boredom, the former embauy guard said. The hoataaea read A few montba before their Jan. 20, 1981, releue, the hoata1ea constantly were told their captivity w• nearly over, he aid. But they real.bed theee were false promises ilnd the walling game led to more frulti'ation. Finally, an Iranian official approa.ched Uie hoatage1 to pffpare them fOI' freedom. 1be official tried for one lut time to demor'allr.e the Amerlcana. (See IJOSTAGE, Pqe A.I) COUNTY Neighbors living near Nannoo Materials Inc. in c.o.ta Meta are complaining about late-night noiae from the plant, deaplte a.trances from officiala that all production hat ceued. Joan Lynch who llvea near the facility at 600 Victoria St. u1d that she'• been awakened recently by a "loud hummln1" that atarU after mklotiht. Her beUeft were echoed by another nei1hbor , Bertha Banaert, who laid, "They're ~ full-blut. I can heir lt. It's jult like they qever abut down." George Winn, a spokemnan for the plutica plant said that all production equipment waa moved to a new Anaheim facility April 3. All that remalnl at the Costa Msa facility la an administrative office that cJoeea at 4:30 p.m. and lour raearchen who leave at midnight, said Winn. ''There ta no equipment here that we could operate If we wanted to/' laid Winn. '"lbe best that I can fi1ure out is that the noise 11 coming from a CIOmPft90C' on an air cxmdltionl.na INDEX unit. But it doesn't make that mueh nol9e.'' Allan Danzi& manager of the South Cout Air Quality District said a repraentative from his office answering a complaint visited the J_>lant Monday to check on pomible production that could create unhealthful emissions and found no equipment on the premtw. Over the years the plaatlca plant bu been the tar1et of numerou1 complaint• from nearby retldentl who contend that emilaionl from the plant have caused variou1 health problems. () ~:I need a volunteer," Kirtley rwall~ him saying. ""!'e are· releumg you this evening and V9f.1 are a candidate." . • 0 ;.,'I would just not believe that aJMr 14~ months it was coming to an end," Kirtley said. .11 One 1allt requirement waa an Iranian interview where he wu ukeCl if he WU mlatreat.ed OI' tortured by his captors. ''I made au.re it (the interview) wun't bad enough 10 I wouldn't go home and when I went borne I wouldn't go to jail,'' he said. County to assist ~J. {l.tilities project I for the Sunflower project, which involves the burying of phone and electrical lines, will come from a ~rtion of cuatomera' utility bills aet aside espedally for undergrounding project.a. ~~~~=r~:;reed to co tribu~ more than ,500,000 to a 6 million project for pl.acing ut ty lines underground on S~flower A venue near the site ol~he propelled Orange County P Jonning Arts Center in Costa M . e propoeed undergrounding p~ject involves a two-mile at etch of Sunflower, from F ·ew Avenue in Costa Mesa Board of Supervisors, in to~er Street in Santa Ana. vo 4-0 Tuesday to conlribuUl f ds foe the project. overrode th objections of county officials w believed the monies would b~_better spent for similar pi poses on Pacific Coast H way. t'he board, with chJ!irman1 Bruce N~e abeent, agreed wilt! Supervisor Tom RU~ that ~ beautification and widening of 1 Sunflower would be worth the--expense. Much of the overall funding Based. on a formula deviled by the state's Public Utllhiea Commission, the .monies are divided up among oounUes and cities. Orange County's contribution of the pro)etct comes from this so-called underground utility convemon fund. Costa Mesa and Santa Ana also must earmark their undergrounding fund:t to help complete the project. County officials said the cities have • yet made no decision. Officials estimated that Santa Ana's share o( the OOlt8 would be about $1 million and Costa Mesa 's would run about S450.000. · The Performing Arts Center. which is requesting the funding to beautify the area, will contribute about $450.000. Dllp ........... .., u.,.,.. apomored an anti-rabies 1hot clinic fot canines at the low coet of just $3. All thinp conaldered, everybody got along just fine. THAT LONG, NOISY LINEUP -Soor.. ot dtizena ahowed up with their dop Monday at ~ County hqrounda when~eOun1e~un~An.!m~•-l_C_o_n_t_ro_l_~~-p_u_t_m_e_n_t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- WAITING -V ema Bettis. of Costa Mesa con;Uorts her little chihuahua, Cissy,, while waiting in line. From Page A 1' Police ni:M links to solicitors Police in Newport Beach and Coata Mesa, reapondinl to complaints, say they have no involvement with an on1otn1 aoUcUation push to raile money for the Municipal Motorcycle OUicen of c.automJa. Reliden1a ln both citia, police say, cla1:m telephone 10licfton are tellin1 them that police ln Newport and Costa Meu are membera of the 1tat'ewlde- ~~aay neither city la a member. Police added. thouah. that the organization, which reponad.ly has a memberlbip of ~.bOO, ii a le1ttlmate 1roup with many laraer citiee such u Loi An8e1el and San Frandloo 81 memben. A spokesman from Anaulo ' Morril and Aaoclatea, the lirm oonducting the 10llciting for the motorcycle organization, aaya the money ia ,olng toward an Aua. 7 variety ahow at the Dlmeyland Hotel. The variety ahow la desiped to ~ money for the motOrcycle group. VIDEO GAMES ... "one big fun ume'' beca'* of the machinea. She maintaim the proposed law isn't tough enough. "U our achoola we surrounded by arcades it creates a diversion for students." she aaya. "By the time kids get to school their lunch money has been spent or they take off from clUt to go play their favorite machine." on By STEVE MARBLE 'Otho.Ir ....... A child molester has been on the prowl in Corona del Mar. THE MAN, probably in his 20s with light brown or blond hair, grabbed one homeward-bound 6-year-old boy after school last week on Carnation Avenue. The youngster was sexually attacked after being ~ between a pair of houses. Hardly had the youngster been freed when the molester grabbed two other grade school boys. One was 6, the other 7. He led them between the same house, expmed himself and then fled. POLICE THINK the molester lives in Corona del Mar or at least is pretty familiar with the community. They say he could strike again. Rumors about the attacks had spread through the neighborhood before police put out warnin&'. Corona del Mar is that kind of place. Officials at Harbor View Elementary llllAMLI school put out notice of the attack in the form of a one-page letter to parents. It left the precise nature of the attacks unclear. mAT'S WHERE the rumor mill took over. Parenta called parent&. Some called the newspaper. Within a day, the collective imagination of Corona del Mar was in full gear. As it turned out, the rumors weren't far off the mark. Warming trend Mn. ~ey suggests video arcades not be closer than a half-mile to schools and not elater than a mile to each-other. Others, including the Newport city attorney, suggest arcades not be cloeer than 300 feet to homes. Such a rule, city planners respond, would re.ult in banning video games at the Balboa Fun Zone, a lonastanc:lina amuaement center that ha-a stocked everyth.lna from video games to pinball machines to backroom slot machines over the years. The two episodes were bad. The kids swvived physically, but it's hard to know what sort of mental scars might linger. In contrast, the rumors that swept the town earlier this month following two drug overdoee episodes at Corona de) Mar High School were more fantasy than fact. Blrmlnghm Bllmafdl 8olM J· Boston ~oastal Btownal/Me 8ulf.io Bu<llngton Small c:tlfl acMeory in eti.ct ~ ~ter w11er1 from Point Ctlat1etn SC Ion to 8111 Nicolu flllnd cn.rt.ln WV fdr nc>rthwHt wind• t8 to 30 Chetlllt NC 11eot1 1nd combined N• and Cheyenne Nell 7 to 11 twt through todey Chicago and dec:teulng t= Not u Cincinnati ~d "'*1dY IOUth of San N u ltland Cltnbla SC ~ to 7 1001 -. W\ndl 10 to COlumbul not• aftlmOOll end -*'G· to northwett lwell 2 to 4 Dal-Fl Wth '•'· Mo1t1y c111rlng. Partly Dayton OenY« ~on the IOUth c:ou1 tonighl O.MOI,_ Detroit IJ.S. 3ummary Oululh El PMO Fargo • lhundtnlon~~"'"'*' Flegllsft 1doH In wHt Te H 1nd Great Fiiia KanAI todl!Y. and hall Hart1otd gt -butb9111 .... In part• ~I -· Honolulu he 1hunder1torm1 dumped Hou11on "Y r1ln and 1ome hill on lndneplis .. Rlln -ll90 hMvy In Jtcktn MS ch ot 1<1n111, we111rn JIClllfNlle l1hom1 ind the Ttx11 Kanl City ... LU V1Q81 ar thunderltormt wart Ut11e Aodt IClttertd -"' .., u LOUllYtllt r di and th• centr11 1nd Lubbock ~ Mernpfllt thundtrttotml .... -Mllml ltm Nebfatlca and the Mllwtlnt• Ohio Vlll9y. S00-1 Mpl .. 81.P • few ttlundWl10tm1 _.. ,....,,..,.. Mont-and the ,.., of ltlt NewC>rteent Rocklta. Wetl of the ~ lel llld ,,.,., the N~1. It ""'· No Platte empereturtl aro\lnd the Olda City Mliy today l'lllgtd fl'om 35 Omaha oulton, Milne, to S2 In on.ndo Ml. ........... Ptloenlll ::r. f\1911-preuure 1yttem Pttend, Ore Pr~ Off ttlt =-~ QM =" n~faltllClleand r d1y1 onc1 tl'to1e Saft Lake :::n--IMn llf'IAntonlo IM Netk>n ...,.. hMoe =~ .. Lellll St ... r.,,... M 83 4t 64 44 59 37 .01 ee 55 87 71 81 81 74 58 1e. 49 .02 82 70 t2 60 .13 83 64 72 43 82 57 82 58 87 e5 15 &4 87 11 .05 7t ee 1.n 17 62 .oe 75 72 79 63 :n 89 59 .19 e5 56 .03 96 55 83 53 .04 ee S7 M 42 . II 7e 3e 02 17 42 28 ee 75 02 13 70 12 ., .02 53 .02 40 511 58 58 ee 17 83 88 IM 05 ee 58 83 71 82 17 64 83 A oe 43 51 71 eo .01 45 17 e2 M 58 ... 64 n 74 03 II 58 .05 7t. 51 711 83 It 17 S6 51 41 6t 74 eo 11 S6 51 47 at ee 40 79 ., .06 71 58 .IO 17 u ,r, • 10 ~: .08 to llO llO 62 82 .. 14 64 .03 . :: : z 1: .21 51 '4 .oe • .. 74 ... 71 ., • .. ........... cm Pllm Springl 9e \e Puadtftl 13 58 8*' 8tmardlno 75 62 CANADA Calpy &I 81 Edmonton 83 41 MonltMI 13 51 Ot\#1111 13 •t Regina 13 llO Tcwonto 71 5\ v~ &I ... W1nnlptO to 41 'Smog The 8outh Cot9t Air Oulllty Manag1ment Dlltrlct llad Ill• followtnO ., QUeMY PNdlCtionl tor~ ~f\A fof ....,.,.. people In Ult a.;, Oebt'IM-l'ornona -wf1h a PolutMt Standlrd "*-Of 1 n and In Alvenlde-aen Bemerdlno, 180. ===lnhlen 0...--.NI • lfMI ..... -.11· Hemet•lllfftO,., 50; tftd _., .......... Coast youths compete for cash awards Five Orange Coast high school students are among _ 36 atuden1a competing far four '2,000 awards today in the finals of Bank of America's Achievement Awards C.ornpetition. The-OOfnpetition ia Wdna place at the South Coast Plaza llotel. The local ftuden1a are Barry Abraham.a of Fountain Valley High School, competing in the vocational arts catqory; Allen Menton of Orona del Mar Htgb Schpol, oompetina ln the fine arts catepy; Anjel Ayrer of Ed1mo High School ln Hunttn~ Beach. competing ln the U arta c:ateaor')' anG atudenta Eric Hanson of imn. Hlah School and Suun Vtmer of lfWl~ BMch HJch School. both ln the ,1clenc• and mathematic• cateaor')'. T&e ................. to : honor outaw.dlril· ~ acbool ---wbaiie~-­of civic rHponalbUlty and leadenhlp dllpl•1 promise of .futl.lte '"~ and Mmee to 1oclety, accordtn1 to bank o(fidall. SOME HIGH school students called the paper. They said two students had died from drug overdoes. One said heroin was to blame. Others called to say a full-scale drug bust had just gone down at the high school. Cocaine was mentioned. Still another student reported one of the boys had died right in the middle of class from heart failure. ..-. None ot It was true. The boys didn't die. The overdoses were linked to V aliurn and alcohol. Too much of both. Police pointed out that the stuff probably came from medicine chests and liquor cabinet.a, not dope peddlers or Mafia mobsters. WHAT ALL of this means, I suspect, is that Corona del Mar, for all Its wealth and charm and occasional snootiness, isn't all that different from Buena Park, Costa Mesa or Stanton. Bad things happen sometimes and rumors always follow. And Corona del Mar has a great rumor mill. It's a place where suiddes have been transformed into murders, where stray German shepherds become timber wolves and two unglamorous on. get turned into French Connection n. But there's a lighter aide too, like the on-again off-againc nanor that Brooke Shields has enrolled . at Corona del Mar High School. High school officials, with a touch1of aadnell perhaps. keep denying the rumor. SOMETIMES A well-olled rumor mill can cause anxiety and panic. But it also shows pe<>ple care about each other and their community. There's nothing wrona With tha~ . ~ ·Newport to 'curb arcades? By STl!!VE MARBLE °'"" D9ltJ .......... In response to fears that Newport Beach Is faat becoming a wonderland of video games; city officials are pushing a law that would clamp down on where the machines can be plugged in. The proposed law would block video arcades from being closer than 300 feet to schools and ban the under-18 c r owd from entering video parlors during achool hours. In what could be one of the touahest video laws along the Orange Coast, Newport city planners s uggest that any establishment with more than one machine be deemed an arcade. Bars and restaurants would be excluded. · The law, to be reviewed by city planning commissioners Thut'lday evening, would force all business owners who now have more Ulan one video game to CXll'De back to the city for a use permit. The video game craze has forced many Orange County cities to respond wtth new and tougher laws. Some residents contend the quarter-eatiog machines are tempting video enthusiasts to tum to crime to sUPPort their habit. Huntington Beach approved a law that bans video centers from being closer than a half-mile to .chools and a ha11-mile to each other. Official. there say the number of al'Cade operators interested in coming into to\vn has slowed to a trickle. In Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley and Lacuna Beach, city officials hlve r esisted establishing such criteria but force arcade operators to come to the city for a conditional use permit. In most of the cities, an arcade is defined aa an establishment with four or more machines. It is estimated, conse.rvatively some insist, that there ate roughly 260 video games in Newport, tucked away in bars, laundromats, qukk-stop marketS, clothing stores and movie theaters. Balboa resident Georgia Mahoney, a PTA president, claims the Balboa Peninsula is slowly being transformed into (See VIDEO, Pa,te A!) Coast 's boating scene I eat ured A.re you a veteran of the Orange Coast boating 'leene? Or a newcomer ~ to learn more about it? · Either way, you can find information about life on and near the ~at.er by turnln& to the aped.al boating eecdon ln today's Oaily Pilo&. . 0., .......... EX-HOSTAGE SP~AKS .-: U.S. Marine C.0rp8 Sgt. S~e Kirtley recounted hts captivity in Iran Tuesday for UC Irvine students. E x-Iran hostage speaks in Irvine By JOEL C. DON o('tfle .,.., Not ..... His informal talk was to focus on stress. bu\ Marine C.ol])8 Sgt. Steve Kirtley showed little -if any -signs of his 14\.'J-month captivity as an Iranian hostage. ''Depression was always there," he told a group of UC Irvine social ecology students Tuesday. "It was a shade of gray. Sometimes j t would get darker, sometimes it would get light.er." Though some of his 51 fellow American captives suffered emotional damage and other problems following their rel~ase to a hero's welcome, Kirtley credits his rigorous Marine training for his apparent lack of psychological scars. In the day-to-day }ijlndling of atrell, the 23-year-or'd Kirtley, who now' serves a1 a drill instructor in San Diego, said "more or less you just sort of take .._., . And there waa some giving of stress on the part of the hostages. Following the Iranian student seizure of the American Embassy in Tehran on Nov. 4, 1971J. the Marine said h e and others verbally jouued. or tried to confuse or polte fun at their captors. They could unner\'e tbe students b)" asking seemingly ridiculoua or blzpre questions such ~ "Is the Shah (of Iran) back? Has the Ayato1lah (Kh9meini) been shot yetr• But much of the 444 daY1 of captivity were sl)ent ln sheer boredom, the former embals)' auard said. The h<>1~&'es read books, played chesa, exercised in their cramped embusy quarters and endured 1ranlan propaganda. Kirtley and hls roommates cheered when they were given literature detailing alleged mistreatment and physical abuse of Iranian students in the United States. The intent had been to ahow America's wrongs .. Following the failed U.S . reteUe attempt in April, 1980, Kirtley and o the rs were dispersed throughout the country. While being taken to another city, he suffered minor injuries when the car he was riding in rolled over. But he is quick to find comedy du.ring his ordeal. such as when a fan belt broke on his way out of Tehran. "Theee were Iranian students." he mused. ..They put their best mtdwllcal engineers on the job and about 10 hours later, we got going." It wasn't until September of 1980 that Kirtley found out about the failed reecue attempt. A child acribbled a me.age about the incident on a letter to him. A. few. months before their Jan. 20, 1981, release, the hostaaes .cons\antly were told their captivity was nearly over, he aaid. But they realized theee were false promises and the waiting .game led to more frultm.ion. Finally. an Iranian official iapproached the hoatages to prepare them for freedom. The offJclal tried fOI' one 1ut time to demorallze the A.mericant. (See HOSTAGE, Pqe A!) COUNTY 8Q jetllnere. Super 80 Mrvlce be1lo1 Thuraday. Frontier c:wnmtly operatee two round Uip f ll1M• dally ·.betwHn Oranie County and Denver wtth •n IAtermediate atop ln LM Veps. l'rontler la t'OftWndlnc \hat it can fly Super 80I ~·stop to Denver 883 statute milet away without any lncreue-in ootJe levels experienced by John Wa~ Airport area l'ftldentt.. • It'• the same nolae (on takeoff) whether we are flr."'!g to Las Vegaa, or Denver,' Bob Schulman, Frontier'• public relations dlrector, said today. " He aaJd the intermediate stop i:: in Lu Vqu Is caua1J'\I a ·~ Inconvenience" for pauenaen, said ''the bulk" of ~ departlnl Oranae County are <See AIRLINE, Pa«ie A!) Sh~ins p eace prospects Thatcher prepares, ·Falklands invasion By Tile AllOdaled Presa Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher aaid today .Atgentina's reaporwe to the latest F~ Islands peace propoal •• 't look very encouraging, d British newspapers reported she has already decided to lnvad,e the islandt. Mtt. Thatcher said in a Brjtish Broadcuting Corp. interview her government had not aeen the full text of Argentina•• res~, but that "the gap looks big • between London and Buenos Aires positions on the disputed British colony Argentina seized slx weekl ago. At tile United .,Nations, Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar said today he thought he was in "the last hours" of talks with Argentine and British negotiaton in attempta to end the dispute. He did not elaborate, but a British 10urce at the U.N. said Argentina's respoo19 had aome new elements, "Ududing 101ne potnta of f.or'wa.rd mowment. ~ Argentine Deputy Foreign Minister EnriQuf-lb said a.her he presented" his re1pon1e to Britain'• position 'l\aeaday night it waa intended to bridge differences and resolve the conlUct peacefully. _ F.arlier, British landing forces were reported closing on the South Atlantic islands, and Mrs. Thatcher was quoted by the London Daily Express tabloid as telling Queen Eli.z.abeth n that she ordered troope to invade. ''Only the time of a British landing on the Falkland 111.anids seemed in doubt," the London Times reported today. When Mn. Thatcher's BBC intttviewer asked her opinion of Argentina's response, she said: "I'm afraid it doesn't look very encouraging." She repeated Britain's dem.alsd that all Argentine forces on island• withdraw before any negotiations begin. She also repeated Britain's insistence that sovereignty is nuotiable, and demanded the islands' natives retain local control in any interim government. "I per90nally think that after this terrible experience, the last thing they will want to do is to have close associations with the Argentines," sh e said. Mrs. Thatcher told Parliament on Tuesday that ¥gent.in.a was stalling for time and the outcome of U.N . talks should be known by Thursday. She said if talks failed, "no military action can be held up in any way." "I believe that any military action or option cannot and cnust not be delayed by people who are extending negotiations," she declared. ~ophia Loren gets I tali an jail term ROME (AP) -Actress Sophia Loren began a 30-day prison term today for tax evasion shortly after retumlng to Italy following a two-year absence, prtaon officials said. Mis• Loren , wtio has proclaimed her l.nnooence, was met at Leonardo da Vinci airport by a poUoe officer and taken to the prUon. about a lhree-hour drive IOUth, in an unmarked car. Officers at the prison at Caserta, 20 miles from Mis• Loren's hometown of Naples, said ahe was put in a cell alone and appeared to be in good spirlts. She told an interviewer in Geneva, Switzerland, before boarding her plane to Rome that she wanted to return to "see my mother , my country and m y roots." A court in July, 1980, found her guilty of failing to report five million lire on her 1970 income tax return. That was about the equivalent of $7 ,000 under the rate of exchange at that time. As Miss I.,.oren waa being escorted through the airport, she was surrounded by reporters and photographers who nearly knocked the 47-year-old actn!ss to the ground. JAILED -Actress Sophia Loren has drawn 30 days in an Italian jail on a charge' of tax evasion. She let out a cry for help as s he stumbled . Plainclothes I:~" helped her regain her and shoved through the swanning crowd to make way for her. Ghosts run Narmco plant? . Neighbors living near Na.rmco Materials Inc. in Cort.a Mesa are complaining about late-night noise from the plant, despite assurances from officials that all production has ceased. Joan Lynch who lives near the fadllty at 600 Victoria St. said that 1he's been awakened recently by a "loud humming" that starta after midnight. Her beliefs were echoed by another neighbor, Bertha Banaert, · who said, "They're soma full-blast. I can hear it. lt'1 Just IUce they never-shut down." G«>rge Winn, a spokesman for the plastics plant said that all production equipment was moved to a new Anaheim facility April 3. All that remains at the C.OSta Mesa facility ls an administrative office that cl09l!S at 4:30 p.rn. and four researchen who leave at midnight, said Winn. "Tbere is no equipment here that we could operate if we wanted to," said Winn. ''The best that I can figure OUf. la that fhe no iae ls CQming ff<>Ql a oompn!90r OD an alt condiUoning INDEX unit. But it doesn't make that much noise." Allan Danzig, manager of the South Coast Air Quality Dil1rict said a representative from hit office answering a complaint visited the plant Monday to check on possible production that could cr ea te unhealthful emiss ions and found no equipment on the prem.iles. Over the years the pluUcs plant has been the target o( numerous complaints from nearby residents who contend that emissions from the plant have caused varlou1 health problems. ,. 'I 1 d"\ln~ for Dinvtr, not LU :v ..... Tht atop ln L11 Ve•u, Schulman 1ald1 l• dl1rupUn1 tl plane or about 78,000 na annually and la c:oa\ina lrllM f2.l million ln, add.a . nver 11 Fronll_er'I bue of It.I 1 ratlona. lnduaU'Y otflctala ~Y rr would be to Frontier I ' ant.118 '° pt p111enaera to ver a1 quickly u pollilble '° t they could ~ke. con.nectJona ~ ~hta t.o other polnt.1 ln l!j>ntier 1 route network. 1'1 Reacting today t.o the lawsuit., c:ounty Superviaor Thomas !tUey ji!id he was not convinced that ft&lae levels on takeoffa to Las .-.egas and t.akeoffa t.o Oc:nver -M>Uld be the same. He poh1ted ~t th~t Frontier would b\? "Where would lt atop?,'' ROey 11ked rhetorically, 1ug"tlnc that other airlines mlaht want to ny to Hawail or lntematton,1 destlnatlona. Htley aaid Frontier'• move should be ·~rouaty" res111ed. Mark Petenon, a 1pok.-nan for Newport Beach-bued AirCal, aald the carrier doean't anticipate joining with Frontier ln the legal action. j .(JOST AGE SPEAKS • . . ~'I need a volunteer," Kirtley One last requirement wu an r~cane4 him saying. "We are Iranian interview where he waa mea.sing you this evening and asked if he was mistreated or ~~are a candidllte." toriured by hla capt.on. • "I made sure it (the interview) 04-1 would just not believe that wasn't bad en6ugh IO I wouldn't 14~ months it was coming go home and when I went home I an end," Kirtley said. wouldn't go to jail," he said: ·'' r:ounty to assist ~tilities project B.v DAVID KVTZMANN °""" ~ Not ..... ~1The 1county has agreed to c&ttribute more than $500,000 to alt2.6 million projeCt for placing utility lines underground on &Willower Avenue near the site , Jt~ proposed Orange County onning Arts Center in Costa ~ proposed undergroundlng ~'ect involves a two-mile s etch of Sunflower, from · w Avenue in Costa Mesa t.o Flower Street in Santa Ana. · ~ Board of Supervisors, in ~ 4..0 Tuesday to contribute t for the project, overrode t objections of county officials believed the monies would 'be better spent .for similar p1rposes on Pacific Coast ry~hway. ltl'he board, with chairman Bruoe Nestande absent. agreed v.tt.h Supervisor Tom Riley that 11* beautification and widening o! , SUnflower would be worth th• expe~. · ~h of the overall funding for the Sunflower project. which involves the burying of phone and electrical lines, will ClllDe from a portion of customers' utility bills aet asi4e especially for unde~ projecta. Baaed on a formula devt.ed by the state'• Public Utilitlea Commission, the monies are divided up among counties and cities. Orange Counlly'• contribution of the project oomes f~ Jthis .Jkall~ undef'ground ~ Ut¥19' ~yeRfon. fun<!, Costa Mesa and Santa Ana also m uJ~ f., e a r m a r k t h e l r · undergrounding funds to help complete the project. County officials said the citiea have u yet. made no decision. Offida1s estimated that Santa Ana's share of the costs would be about $1 million and Coata Mesa '• would run about S450.000. . Tht! Performing Arts Center, which i.s requesting the funding to beautify the area, will contribute about $450.000. .,W~G -Verna Bettis of Costa M'58 comforts her little chihuahua, Cissy, while waiting in line. From Page A1 Police niX links to . t solicitors Police 1n Newport Beach and Costa Meaa, reapondlng lo complaints, 1ay they have no tnvolveroent with an on1oln1 aolidtatlon pUah to rat.e money for the Municipal Moiorcycle Officen of Califom1a, Relldenta in both ddfl, poik:e say, claim telephone aolicUol'lf era telltn1 them that p~Uce in Newport and Coata Mesa are' members of the 1t~tewide oraaniJatkJn. Officers uy neither city " a member. PoUcie .sded, tboqb, that the or1an1zation, which reportadly bu a membenblp of 1.~. la a le1itlmate 1roup with many 1araer ddea Mach • Los Anplel and San FranciaX> .. membera. A apokeaman from An1uto Morris and Auodatea, the. firm conductinf the aollciting for the motorcycle organization. aays the money ll 1<>1ng toward an Au,. 7 variety 1how at the Dlaneyland Hotel. The variety show la delilned to earn money for the motorcycle lfOUP· VIDEO GAMES ... "one bti tun zone" becaute of the machines. She maintains the proposed law lm't tough.enoua}l. · "U our achools are surrounded by arcades it creatd a divenion for students," abe says. "By the t.ime kidr get to school their lunch money has been spent or they take off from claaa to IO play their favorite machine." Warming trend "Mn. Mahoney auggesti video arcades not be closer than a half-mile to schools and not cloeer than a mile to each other. Others, including the Newport city attorney, suggest areadea not be cloeer than 300 feet to twmes. Such a rule, city planners respond, would result in banning video games at the Balboa F\an Zone, a longstan4ing amusement center that has stocked everything from video games to pinball machines to backroom alot rnachlnes over the years. Bltmlnghm Bllmafek 9oiM ' Boe ton BrOWMVtle Coastal Buffalo II Butllngton Sm111 etaft edvl9ory In effect c..,,... ~ter watera from Point Char19tn 8C Ion 10 San Nlcolu llland Clwlstn WV ~nortllwHt wind• 18 to 30 ~NC 1 and combined ••• and ~ 7 to 11 .._ through tocley C1ncinnatl end decfMllng ton~ No1 .. Cle¥9land J/!ttdY -.r1h of San lalend Ctmbla SC r. 6 to 7 foot -. Wlndl 10 to Columbue knot• attetnoon end eYenlng. Del·Ft W1h tat to nontiwMt ewell 2 to 4 Oayt0t1 ~ Mo1lly CIHrlng. P11tly 0.-on the IOUth COUI tonlgh1 Dee~ OeirOlt Dututll El PlllO Ferge> S.-• lhundaf•torma ~ Aegataff nadoea In wHt r .. 11 and or .. 1 Fall• Kanau today, and hWI Hartford lerge .. "'9belll lel In '*'' HeMna Ta•. Honolulu Th• thunderatorma dumped HOUiton avr rein and 1om• hall on lndnepfil .... "911\ -ai.o hMVY In Jac:llan MS uch of K1n111, weatern Jadlanvffe klahoma and the Te1111 Kena Ctty La Vega thar thunderetorma were little Rodi .Ut19Nd .. ,., Mat .. ~ rid• end Iha central and L.ubboctl Appallic:hlena. Memphla *'1UnC*S10r!N -· ~ Mleml tern HetwMka end the MlnYk• Olllo Vlllay. Stlowets Mpla-St.P e ,_ tllilnderltorm• ..,. NUIWtle Montena end IN r•t of .. .... ~ Aodllea Weet of tN NewYOftl lea and -the Nort'-t. It Norfolk fair. No. P!Mte emperaturea around the Okie ettr ..,iy todey ,._ "°"' S5 Ol'lllhe ulton, Maine, to 82 In Orlendo ML Er. ' I PIMcJ. Ore "~ =~ W lAllt len~ ...... ""== =--~ lt"°T .... ae 83 48 &4 44 511 37 .01 so 55 87 71 81 81 74 58 78 411 .02 82 70 82 80 73 83 &4 72 43 82 57 82 58 ' 87 85 85 &4 87 81 .06 19 ae 1.76 87 12 .oe 75 72 78 83 .27 811 511 .111 88 65 .03 85 SS 83 53 .04 M 37 81 42 .18 78 38 .02 87 42 .28 ee 76 .02 13 70 12 81 .o2 .. &4 .06 ae 68 78 82 87 84 83 83 .oe 11 eo .01 87 82 .aa ... 84 79 74 .03 11 61 .oa 71 61 7t 83 .it at ee 14 eo 11 16 81 6t 711 81 .08 78 61 .ao 17 A IO U .. , 10 t7 t0 .OI .. .. a 4S ... 64 .03 16 • 141 34 T1 ... .21 14 10 61 41 .oe .. . 74 14 7t 11 .. .. IWlt .... Im Palm Springe 11 ee Peaed9na 73 58 San Bemerdlno 11 62 CANADA CllgMy 68 S7 Edmomon 83 41 Montrell 73 51 Ottawa 73 48 =.:, 83 IO 71 2l v~ 58 Winnipeg eo .. , weal.her IOUTHl"N CAL"O"NIA COAITAL AND MOUNTAIN AMAi_,.,..,...,.. ... _ .. ,..-tr ...... · ............. = .. .. ;1~:'1' .. :: ~ ==== 1'.&...-... ~. Coast youths compete for · cash awards · Five Orange Cout high achool atudepta are among . 36 atudenta competing for four '2,000 a..nrda today ln the flnaJa of Banlt of America'• Achievement Awards c.ompetitlon. 'The competition II taklna place at the South Cout Plaza HOtel. The 1ocal ltUdenta are Barry Abrahama of Fountain Valley High School, competing ln the vocational arta cateaorr. Allen Menton of Corona del Mar High School. oompetll\l ln the fine artl catepy; Anjel Ayrer of F4ilon Hl1h School In HunUnc:i Beech, competlnc in the ll arta cateaorY and students Enc HaMOn Of Irvine m.h Scbool and Suaan Vt.er of Jluntmaton Beech High School. both in the science and mathemaUea catepy. ,..'ftle ...... .. ........... to bOnoi' ouc.undlne~blih 19Ctio0l ......... ~­of clvlc reepontiblllty and le.cterahlp dJapla7 proaWJ9 of luture aueceea aacl •s'Yice io 1oclety, aecordina to bank Ol:fjda .. ..., .... "'911!., .... ,.,,. 1~ *'1 and-rabies thot clinic for canines at the low cost of jult '3· ]JI thfngl consldered, everybody got along just fine. on BY STEVE MARBLE .Of..._.,.., ......... • A child molester has been on the prow 1 in Corona del Mar. THE MAN~robably in his 20s with light brown or blond hair, gra1 one. homeward-bound 6-year-old boy after 8Chool 1Mt week on Carnation Avenue. 1b.e youngster was sexually attacked aft.er being carried between a pair of houses. Hardly had the youngster been freed when the molester erabbed two other grade school boys. One was 6, the other 7. He led them between the same house, exposed himself and then fled. POLICE THINK the molest.er lives in Corona del Mar or at least is pretty familiar, with the community. They say he could strike again. Rumors about the attacks had splead through the neighborhood before police put out warnings. Corona del Mar is tJlat kind of place. Officials at Harbor View Elementary 11MMU school put out notice of the attack in the form of a one-page,. letter to parents. It left the precise nature of the attacks unclear. THAT'S WHERE the rumor mill took over. Parents called parent.a. Some called the newspaper. Within a day, the collective imagination of Corona del Mar was in full gear. . AB it turned out, the rumors weren't far oU the mark. The two episodes were bad. The kids survived physically, but it's hard to know what sort of mental scars might linger. In contrast, the rumors that swept the town earlier this month follo\Ving two drug overdose episodes at Corona del Mar High School were more fantasy than fact. SOME IDGB school stu~nts called the paper. They said two students had died from drug overdoes. One said heroin was to blame. Others called to say a full-scale drug bust had just gone down al the high school. Cocaine was mentioned. Still another student reported one of the boys had died right in the middle of class from heart failure. None of It was true. The boys didn't die. The overdoeee were linked to V aliwn and alcohol. Too much of both. Police poqited out that the stuff probably came from medicine chests and liquor cabinets, not dope peddlen or Mafia mobsters. WHAT ALL of this means, I suspect, is that Corona del Mar, for all its wealth and charm and occasional snootiness, isn't all that clifferent from Buena Park, c.osta Mesa or Stanton. Bad thtngs happen sometimes and rumors always follow. And Corona del Mar has a great rumor mill. It's a place where suicides have been transformed into murders, where stray Germaii lhepherda become timber wolves and two unglamorous on. get tµrned Into French Connection n . But there's a light.er side too, like the on-apin off-again rumor that . Brooke Shield.a baa enrolled . at Corona del Mar High School. High 9Chool officiall, ~th a touch of sa<lnep perhaps, keep denying the rumor. SOfdf;TIMES A well-oiled rumor mill can cause anxiety and panic. But it al9o shows people care about ~ other and their community. There's nothing wrong with that. NEW YORK (AP) -Two mtjor bm\b .ad today they would make aood men Uwn t1eo milUon 1n· Interest payment. tfiat • llMll ~t -=uritiee concern •YI lt 18 unable to make to othel' fiMnd.et finne. Fin .. nclal markets appeared Qlm tollowma Tue.day'• dlacbure by Chw ManMttan Senk. the nation'• third-1.arpst oomnWdal bAnk, that Drywda)e Government SecUritiel IniC. WM . uftable to make a payment that WU due ~y. Chue offictai. Nld Tueaday that Dryadale'a failure to make the lnt.erest &*ymentl mtgbt prompt 8S>rDl9 brokerap hoU8el to aae Chue, which Mid it acted u an lntenned.lary In a ban of leCUritiee from about 30 brokerage houlN!I to Drywda)e, a dealer in government notea and bonds. AirCal announces 'Party Plan' AirCaJ ~a tare for lfOUP travel between Southern CalUomla and the San FrancUco Bay area. The fare, called the ''Wholelale Party Plan,'' calll for pJ'Olfftllvely deeper dillcounta be&innlnl at full fare for the tint ~ in the p-oUp to ihe 10th ,,_nger who rue. for free. AirCal'a plan la offen'Jd for travel between every dty pair eerved on the airline'• 15-dty, five--sta1e route network begfnn1ni May 24 throuah Sept. 15. Pacesetter reports net income American P.oe.etter of Newport BMch feported net income of ~3,000, or 2 omta per common Iha.re. on revenuee of $15,482,000 for the three moot.ha mded March 31. ; Thia contrasta with net income of $619,000, or 25 cents per share, on ~nues of $18,055,000, for the like period last year. Mesa firm reports net loss Blflyx of Coat• Meaa reported a net loH of $197,897 on l.ncre11ed revenues of $3,070,014 for the three mootha ended ~ 31. Thia compares with a net loa of $27,491 on revenues of $2,288,232 for the year~ller r · For the nine montha ended March 31, 1yx bad a net lom of $218.623 on revenues of $10,263,181. Blflyx ia an electronlca, video and energy company. Prin.,troni~ earnings increase Printronlx Inc. of Irvine, manufacturer of minicomputer line prlntera. reported Increased eaminp for the filca1 year ended March 26. F..arnlnp weft ~.147,000, OI' $1.34 per abare, OD sales of $&U55,000. Thia compares with earnina• of $4,639,000, or $1.24, on Alea of $52,428.000 for the pl'eVioul year. Far the qua.rt.er, Prtntronlx eemed $1,580,000, or 41 centa, on sales of $19,406,000 compared wUh $1,348,000, or 35 cents, on u1el of $14,719,000 for tbe quarter last year. STOCKS IN THE SPORIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS .-W YOM W I -.-_ -,._..,,.,. .,...... "' ... "'*" - - -\'Clftl ...... t-'*"" -"~ ... iONll!I .. -- UPS AND DOWNS SILVO .. .I .. I ' ' ,.. ......... TROUPER -Elizabeth Taylor awaits her cue baclutaae in LondQn where she played 0 The Little F""oxes" in a wheelchair after spraining her ankle. · Liz 'mobile' Wheeled through performance LONDON (AP) -Actress Eliubeth Taylo.r waa pushed around the stage in a wheelchair Monday rught in the London production of the Broadway bit "'The Little Foxes." Her spokesman qJd she had fallen downstairs at a friend'• houae Gd badly aprained an ankle. Scenea in which the 5(}..year-ol~ actress was to walk up and dwn stairs were cut from the performance. The stage manager wheeled Mias Taylor around the stage in other acenes. "Mill Taylor was adviaed to rest the ankle. She la in very great pain. but inaiated on continuing the performances," spokesman Tony Wells said. Wells said the 50-year-old ~ wu '-Wearing new ahoea" when ahe caught her ankle and fell down a flight of stain at a friend's house where she wu havinl lunch Sunday. The production, due to run.at Lqndon'a Victoria Palace Theater until July 3, opened M.areh u. Irvine Symphony to play Sunday The Irvine Symphony Orchestra will preeent a me concert at 2 p.m. Sunday, featuring Ro.ini'a Overture to La Cenerentola, a work baaed on the Cinderella fairy ta.le. Tbe concert at Turtle Rocle <Ammunity Center, l Sunnyhlll Drive in Irvine, also will lnclude the contemporary Concatenation for Orchestra by Craig DeWilde and lbert's Concerto for Flute and Orchestra. with Marianne Whitmyer as flute 90loist. The free concert is made possible through 1rant1 from the city, UC Irvine, Monex International, \he Irvine Company and many other contributions.\;.--. . PL!!! .?!Ir I 1 ~LLYWOOD -h l1ht not make tbe O\_.•• 8oOk of ~ bul In th• ti'uudt.ory .. ~. 80-y.r•\nd wi\b ·~ .. ............ tbiln =,,. .... ~......,~WW1iM MdaMl&of Walflr Lang. olrWOod,...,, cMhli' ..... Man, .... CIClfttl'eC!t wtdi Unlv.n.1 PlcUini. ~&ti wbicllTltanid In ltt7. 'nM• DIW ........... to 1811, WMft Wntl expettl '° ld11 be ..... ~ ., "· f.. .. That'• not al11t6at'1 Wi)!nlnc," .. Y• the stubby, ~·LAnta.-:::"WOoay ll to1D1 to be.JD the Mlicy'11'lblnlallMni D!a)' jlende t1UI )'Ml' for tba tint time. $W1 we're~ an exhibit on the Un.tvenal Swetio Tour that Mll Include a 10t of our mesnonbUla and• l&·minui. doc:uinentary that we jult fllmed. "All of our UceDMel art llftd1ni prod..._ for the exhibit. We have over JOO producia, everythlna from T -lht111, 1hoea, dom to .,.na, pencila, pads. 1tationery." Wahe{' Lanta Productlona now operatea at officet ln the former Techn.lcolof buUdlna In the heart of Hollywood. Lintz aaw Uf. cartoon·maJdna tlve yeara aao. He explain•: 'I quit when l dilC(>vered I wu paytna $&0,000 for a lix-minute abort that cost tl2,ocJo t.o tla,ooo in the 19SO.. I've always ~inanced my Own pictww and I aaid, 'Hell, ru eo broke if t stay in prod~.· 1t'1tucky1 quit. Thoee cartoons would cqst. $100,000 today." Universal contln"" to re-releaae 13 Lantz cartoona a year to the world'• theat.erl, u well u Gr-.ce la Walter'• 1prtaht1y 79-year-old wife and the voice of Woody Woodpecker. The story ii that when they were honeymooning In 1960, a pesky woodpecker pounded on the roof of their cabtn •t nearby Lake Sherwood. "That'• how we aot the idea fat Woody," Lantz recalla. "Mel Blanc did the voice at flr1t. Then Warner Bro1. signed b1m to an exclusive contract, and Grade took over. She'• been dom, Woody for 32 years." Jtaep aa..,. oat lair tha hoo'emt awvle aboat powina apenr madel You'll be '1•d you camel ~~ -•~lk.8 Ith Hllarloua Week I .. IH( l:'IY t lllfllf OllAltQl Uf 11111 LUXUIY THEATRES Economy S.tl,. SUO til 3:M PM Ullltst OllMfwi• lete• s 11ar,13,1.1 • .t161~ 2Sss1~~ J s * FOR FOOi EXCITEmEfll.I V1S1tOur... ~ Wi100Ml!JlK;mliQ&!iiii• M .wob )()IWAAUH{(,(,(" (Jlttlt'T'Hl ~ • t 2:00 J :40 Sr20 1:00 6 tO:JO ---. .. I A Ml~Al)J\ "''"" .,... uw.,_rftr ..... "' ... , ... _ .. ~ ... ~' ~ ANAHEIM OlltVHN T t HSAll" -..,.._ ' MIDDY HOLL v •TORY" I (PQ) ClllMl IOUllO . !" •• 4,. ....... BUENA PARK [Jlll>'I IN .. • • lo .. "CROCODILI" (R) .... "FORCE: FIVE" (R) "WRONG 18 RIGHT" ..... "t'OMY'S" .,., -"W .. lfllOICF Ct11 Cllll." IOUllO "WRONG II RIGHT" LA HABRA !Jill'fl IN ..... ---1;;..M2'_.,. "TUNNEL YlllON" (R) ----.. -~, . ORANGE DRIVE IM ......... i .. , .. MISSION DRIVE IN . . . . ,. WARNER (J~IVI I ~ Wo-A .. Wetl Ol leoell """ N7· ltl WOAAGONSLAYER" ..... "THI ILEPHANT MAN" (PG)