HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-22 - Orange Coast PilotBookie su~pects I. indiCted II I &Y .. ~S sceommn. J'ive per1on1 have been lndk:ted by the Orana-County Grand JUI')' foe allepd operation of a $12 million per year bookJnelrinc rtna that involved more than &00 beUora and , .bJ,dJvidual waaer1 exceedlna P,,ooo. nu-of the five were • boc:Ud Friday. • . Acccrd1na to Oranae County · • Sheriff'• Oepartment offidala. the Ml operated In 80phisdcated faebion, to the point ol ncord1na t.eJepbone calla 10 there coula never be a queation of the amouma~ At an afternoon pre11 oooferenoe, ~· Lt. Wyatt I IUit -'cl the opel'atol'I of the .Ueaed rtna :C.ted beta on hcne l'8C8 at lbrouaJiout the nation and lpOl'tinc' ewnta lncludina profeaaional and ~ football, buketball and Jo••'Nll I Three of the five named In the tnaictment retw'Jled Thunday by the annd jury awrendered to a\lthortUea at mid-day Friday. TJ)ey were booked Into 0ranae · c.owity Jail and later relea.ed on their eeparate ~ to appear in ClOW1. An indktment ii a formal m._. !Mde .,.amt a penan. It } ;::;.::.,':~ eatabU1b aunt or lncllcteee were Identified u John~ Slesfried.~59, of San Pedro; Harry ~ 60, of Anabel~, and Botemarl~ I PaJenno. .e, of 1nclewood. Two o&blr' pe&IONI, whme .namea were not relealed, were named in arrelt wartanta. All are ~wed of con'lplracy to commit t.ookmaktng. ~tan •Y tbe alleged· boolanaldn« rinc operated In 30 (See BOO~. Pa&•.\!) Anaheim :building ~tted A ~moving fire auttat the interior of an Ana~eim flrm J'rtday evening, cau1ina an e.dmai.d $150,000 damep. 'lbe blue broke out about 5:35 p.m. at Normar lndustriel when a rain u.ed In the manufacture of'.. carboo-lm~ted foam owirhellted and ICIUted. The aole employee present .,hen the fire occurred , identified a1 Ray Marahall, ••J..S without injury. n.m. lai.r enaulf ed the roof and con.tent• of the 1lnale 1tory OUIM!r•te block Ndldtq at 875 S. 8-St. Arnold Norril, the firm'• oWner, aaid he Wll retumlna from a benk When he laW the ftllt: "I .c.rted CCllDlft8 down the stiiet ~t 80 mOel per hour. It locJDd lib my place. lt w-." Narril aaid products from bll tJt• are ue•d fn 1clentific rMM.rell and manuftcture of ellidacnc oompme•a UNION JACK RAISED -Three British Royal Marine commandoe ralle the Union Jack on a bridgehead establiahed by the Britllh f.ol'8 on F.at Falkland Jal.and. The location is believed to be in the vidnity of Pert San eario.. on the northwelt part of the Jaland. Photo WU reJeued by the Britfah Defeme Ministry. Qty of1idala Friday received propoaal• for the mammoth Sa .... -kic* ..... u--project. to be built on the 1araat chunk of undeveloped land Jelt In Costa Meaa. Senior city planner Perry Valantine said deYeloperl for Royale Development Co. preaented plans for 1.3 rniWon aquare feet of commercial hiah-rl8e to be built on 50 acres near South Coat Plaza Town Center. The flnt phue of the South CoMt Metro Center along the San Dleao Freeway, Anton Avenue and Avenue of the Arta calla for two 11-ct«y bulldlnp, one 14-atory_ building and paridna for 2,252 cars. The aecond phMe tncludea two . 10-atory bulldin11 and one 14-atory bullding with aeveral parklna ltrUcturel for 1,868 cara. OfficlaJa of the Torrance-hued Curd-Enaland firm, told ctty offidala that they plan to bel1n OCJllltrucdcJn tn Maicb 1983. The project ·wm come before the plannlnc cmvn•Won June 14. Valantine aaid that plan1 approved two years eco foe the project were no lonaer valid becau.e of a time llmitation. Plam for the entire 165-llCl'e pe.rcel bounded by the San Diego )'reeway, Main Street and Sunflowft ortatnallY called for 1.3 million 1quare feet of commercial development and 1,000 acndomlniWlll. Valmtllae Mid tbt dewJoper balcYnot ,_ IUbmltted pl.Im fot the resident1al ~pment and that the on,snai p..opoaaJ only called for three-~ four.-tory office bu!Jdlnp. 01 don't e~ there will be any problem,' said V-1.antine, in reaard to the bulldm, hdaht. City offlclala aalcf that economic conaideratlona have hampered the development of the mammoth residential and commercial area. Interest rate drop halts NEW YORK (AP) -A brief but aharp decl1ne in ahoft..term lntereat rate1 ha1 ended following ttleue of a Federal Baerve Board report that the nation'• baalc money aupply lpW1ed $2.3 billion higher In the aecond week of Max. ln-.t rats on three-month U.S. Tre8lury bW1, which had plunged about three-QUarten of a peroenta,&e pomt earlier In the week, ~ atiout l~hundredtha of a percentace pmpt after the Fed'• ~ waa rele11ed late Friday. The Fed aaid the money 1Upply meuure known 11 Mt rose to a aeuonJlly adjuated $452.6 bWJon In the w.ek ended May 12 fnm a revt.d $450.2 billion a week earlier. Ml lndudel cub 1n drculaUon and \ depo1U1 in checldns-type ICOOUD11 In finanda1 lmUtutklm. -mlllll lllllY Nllll IJl~AN•.I l IJlJNl't 1 ,\1lllJllNIA /C, ClNfS A~kentin~s cl~im 2 ships sunk Bt't\e AllOdatM Preti Brltl1h marine• and paratroopera .1tormed the Falkland Ialanda Friday dUl'ini a fierce alr..-t.ttle and laundied a lrOUDd offenllve to regain the wfnd-1wept South Atlantic ialanda aebed by Arpntina on April 2. Brl,aln announced that lta usault forcee had estab.llahed "• brm brldcehMd" .. Arpntine ain.Taft 9n18'ed Britllh jeta and wanhlpe, damaging five frtptea. Brltl1h caaualtlea ln the ftahtlng were three dead, two mluina ind 27 wounded, the Defeme Mln1ltry aald. An Araentlne communique l&led late Friday c:lalmed eiabt Brttlah frtlatea were hit, with four llllferlng dama&ea "of great maanJtude" and two "probably bavlna aunk ." It aaid "approximately 70 percent" of the Britiah force9 lnvolved In the land1no were put "out of action'' and Araentlne unlta were contlnuln8 to 1ttack the lnvaden. The Brltllh Defeme Ministry gave few deta1la, but aovemment aourcea in London u ld 2,500 commando• had 1ecured a landing r.one at Port San Carlos on the northwestern side of Eut Falkland bland and 40 milea weat of the capital of Stanley. They aaid. the Jnltlal dawn -uita w..-e carried out by 1,000 troopera on four beachea and they were reinforced durtna the day. Equipment sent aahore included ll&ht t•nk1 and mti-aira'aft weepona. Defeme Secretary John Non CIOOfirmed ArtenUne reporta of 1ucce .. ful attacka on Brltl1h wanhlpa. aaylna "five have been dameeed, two aerioualy." The mtnlltry uid one of Brl tain '• carrler-bued Harrier jeta wu mlllina, and claimed Harrten and rnl11llea 1bot down 17 ArpnUne MJ.raae, Skyhawk and Pucara warplanea. It aaJd three Araentlne helicoptera were destroyed Oil the ground. "Seven weefu after the Ar1entlne aureulon, Britlah forcea are tonight firmly eatabl.t.hed back on the Falkland Ialanda." Nott said In a brief statement reporting the btggest battle action 10 far in the Wldeclared' war. He Mid Invasion troope of the Royal Marines and Parachute Reglment ''are now aabore In 1utiltantlal numbers" and the landing• were unopposed by ground forces. But he said that In addldon to the damaged British ahipe and the milling Harrier. the Britiah attackera lost "two of our 1mall helicoptera" and 21 men perilhed when a ~ plunad Into the ttonny AdanUc durfn1 pre-invaaion troop tranlf en. An Araentine communJuque l11ued at 2 :50 p .m . PDT aclplowJedaed the io. of thiw Araentine warplanes and aald three hellcopten ...... ~ It made no mention of casualtiea and aald .. operatiom In the area continue." An earlier communique declared that Araentlne troopa were "In control of the lituadon.." Nott Kid both 8'dea tuffaed casualties and aome Araent!M pNonen b8d been taken. An eatimated 4,500 Brit11h troope abioud the war fleet face about 9,000 Afsentlne IOldien dua in on the lalanda. Another 3,000 Brttlah troope are aboard the requialtioned luxury liner Queen Elizabeth 2. which hll not yet !"MChed. the combat mone. British COl'l'e9pC>l1det Michael Nlcholaon of lnd=ent Televilion Newa w• one of the Invasion-support ~. He wrote that ~"In the thouaandl" wen~ and at one landing lite be could -the men aupp>rted by light &Mb estabUlh a t>e.cbheed foUowtng a (See FALUANDS, Pqe .U) FALKLAND ISLANDS ATLANTIC OCEAN POINT OP ASSAULT -Arrow 1howa who alto brought with them liaht tank1 and' approximate location of Brttfah brldeehetd on anti-aircraft equipment. Argen1ina claimed to Eut Falkland Ialand. lnittal uaaultl were have hit eight Brttish frigate. ln Falkland carried out by about 1,000 British troopers. &Kmd and eaki two "probably sunk.''. Irvine police arrest gunIDan Irvine police Friday arrested • 28-year-old tranalent on 1uaplcion of kidnapptna and -Wt with a deadly weapon. The man waa taken into C\lltody at an offke..type trailer near the Laguna Hilla -Gun Club, 9601 Irvine Center Drive, acL'JOl'd1nc to Irvine police Lt. BOb Lennert. He will be held foe 72 houri for obaervatlon at an On.nae County mental health warcf' before belna formally ~heaaid. No ant Wiii Injured. Lennert l&ld the man fired one rOund fram a rlfJe into a field befon police arrived. He alao held an elderly 8'!D club aecurity auard at aunpoU\t before IUm!Ddertnc to Dolkle. Lennert uJd Sl)U'kletta water delivery man Richard K. Nay of Rlv.mde encountered the tnan crouched in the trailer with a rUJe. Nay adviled the man to c:a1l tbt pollce. The AllplC't made a bl1e{ c:a1l to a dilplatcher'. then dropped tbe nctlwr to fire a. INDEX ahot out the open trailer doer. Durina that period , Nay mana1ed to alve police the location ~ the lelepbane. When~ dub IKUtlty ottlcer William D. Hill went to lnveattaate the aunfire, the aunman called b1m a "lipy'' anc1 held the man at pnpolnt, police aald. . ' More than ---lrYtm .. 1r0l uol'8 ree~ co the ecene. The man llllT-.....S to potice before SWAT team memben arrlvwd. r i .. J t 1 naval bombardmlnt.: Hl1 dl1patc~. 1ub~t to omaonhlPt p~_no lea but Mid ., tM\ ~ potnt Mt.I' • clwter ot white tt.oM bWldln8 ''U'Oopl found 31 l'alklandtn In their own kind of makttbUt ahelwr, lndudina 14 cmlldnn BOOKIE OPERATION • • • communtu.ii in Oranae and Los Anae1-countiel. Th• alle1ed actlvltlea, lnvestl1aton aald, have been under acrutlny 1lnce mid-December. Sut.equently, undercover offlcera from die 1herlff'1 department and Anaheim Pollce Department Infiltrated the orpnization. On April 23, more than eo oWcen from law enforcement agencies In Orange and Loa Anae1a COWltles 1erved 8e8l'Ch warrants at several locations,. lncludlnc Mm. ot tM allteed' conaplraton and offices med lor the all•e•d bookmaldn1 actlvttiel. Metlculou1ly kept led1era1 CMlette tapea, telepbonet, and boolanaktna paraphernalia were diaplayecf to . reporters and phot.ocraphen Friday. Alked why the a1Jeaed betll were taped, tnveatlf!ator Tim Simon comm.ented, 'That'• .o you can't call up and •Yt 'Hey, I didn't lay $1,000 on Pretty Bof They can aay, 'OI:, yes you did. " Trauma system gets ' ' 8YJODIC•MNDAD ............ I a.tty:PbUIMe, &1, of Cotta w ... thoupt notbtaa of th• arthiitle medlcatlon·flaat 1be po;.cl In her IDO\ltb before -far .... 8bt Md~ the ru• l••t year, WJtbtn' minut. ber tnUr• bOd)t wu covwed With btM . In the time It took to Clrlve bllCk balQI her eye w IW01lln abut. Bre&ibini bWme dtfflc:ult. s• had c:alled Sav.dn Dnaa 8111n ila Newport B1iM:b ..-1* to .. wbetbw lo •t befon taldna the anti-Inflammatory 4n&1. She dialed apin. Guy Phil11pe, 27, th9 pberiuc:lst wwend. hfore 1h• could ••Y a few word.I, a.er throat cloaed. Her voice waa reduced io a bare whilper. PhWlpe, 1aid tliat he knew a1molt !mrnetliately that abe WU tn anap.hylacUc 1hock, a rare allerak rnctfon that can occur when a medlcatlon 11 taken a a.x:ad~. The plwmldst ttayed on the phone talkln1 to Ma. Pbllbff, while an aaaiatant alerted paramedk:a. :· .. _,,.,.,..,--. • HBman sentenced in stab assault .. praise 1n report An emer1ency health care network instituted in Orange County two years ago ta making the llle-or-death difference for person• 1eriou1ly injured in automobile accidents and other inddents involving major trauma to the body, a atudy has concluded. In releasing the report Friday, offlclala of Orange County government, Orange County Medical Association and the Hosp Ital Council of Sou them California said the results show that the trauma care system has worked as planned. Under the system, five hospitals in the county are dellgnated as receiving points for trauma victims. Each of the hoapltala ia specially equipped and staffed to provide sophlaticated emergency treatment. including surgery, to pemma who have been aerioualy injured in accidents or criminal acta. 'lbe five hospitals are the UC Irvine Medical Center, ~; Fountain Valley Community Ho.apital, Fountain Valley; Miaion Community Hospital, MilBloh Viejo; Western Medical Center. Santa Ana. and Anaheim Memorial Ho8pital, Anaheim. The study focused on emerpncy ca.re provided during 1980 and 1981 to 100 viciims of automobile accidents and compared the results with care provided a similar number of accident victims during 1977 and 1978, before the trauma system waa created. 'lbe study found that fewer per1on1 deemed "potentially salvageable" after receiving aerioUI trauma died. That WM a result reearchers had hoped to find. The study a1ao showed that thoee who do die are older and more lerioualy injured and ::J the rate of patientll dy1nc aertous injury ha dropped in comparilon to other lflOll'apbic areas. It also concluded that the number of 10-called ayatem errora in the treatment of trauma victlm1 at the scene of the occurrence and when arriving at the emergency romns hal been reduced. In general. the study found that trauma victims are getting better and more tlmely treatment both in the field and in the trawna center emel"seDCY rooma. For example, it uid the availability of aeneral IU.fllcal cxmsuliation re. from 81 percent to 98 percent. ''We are a paoeeetter in th1a area," commented county Superviaor Harriett Wieder after the results were reJeued at an afternoon pre. conference. "We put a system together and made it work," aaid Dr. John Weit, a physician who co-authored a study that in part led to implementation of the trauma system. In that study, Weat and Dr. Don Truncky compared trauma deaths in Orange County and San Frand9cq and suggested IW'vival ratea from trauma could be improved lf a trawna care system WU created. A 2o:year-old Huntln1ton Beach man wa~ JlVen a suspended one-year jall 1entence Frtaay for hia participation ln the June 1980 attack on a chauffeur who nearly died from atab wounda. Orange County Superior Court Judge Leonard McBride, in suapending an Orange County Jail tenn, placed defendant Bod Glenn Sherard on formal probation for three years. Sherard had pleaded guilty to uaault with a deadly weapon. A companion waa sent to 1tate prilon for a1x yean on the same charge. The chauffeur wa1 ltabbed on a Newport Beach 1tree\ after being attacked by three young men, one of whom had apparently thrown a beer bottle at hil paaalnc limoualne. The ind.dent occurred alona. the 300 bJoc:k of Walnut Street. At the time, the chauffeur WAI drivina five high ICbool JEl,rla to a round of parties following p-aduatlon ceremonies. The chauffeur, Daniel Hanna, 26, uid he was beaten, .wmped and chased by the aaaallanta before he waa knifed tn the 'chest. He nearly died from hia wound&. The er1llants were portrayed by ~ .. beiJ18 devoteea ol the punk rock movement Defenae attorney Ronald Krebel' aa1d Friday that Sherard hu lince dropped int.erest in the punk rock lifestyle. Partial 1clearing good .. , quellty todey '°' .. .,.... A Polutll)t 8c.ndlird ll1dex of 92 le preclQed 9or IN RMrllde 81n Bernardino area and the San eT""'*""" Ne A11an11t*1 Coastal ~~=::OW::S-e.u· --Clwtte ~ .. ha¥I • P8I of Light verlabte wind• through 68. A PSI c( 42 18 ~ tot .. tofllahtb:OIPl-1to~ao111er r•olon1, lncludlnQ' to fl knoll eftamoon. Waet to ft'IWopolltan Loi ~ Inland 1outhwHt ..... 2 to s ffft. Orange co~'"ty· coutal ·-· Con1lderable low cloudlne11 II I 9 h • n d Io w d • 1•rt1, tfWOuGlh '°"""'" HarMC-Elllnore, 8-"*'o and Ilg leat l.ake. ·:~ •1t Wt Wra .._. w. a dpe In JD)' ihrolt." Mid M.. Philiiiit, HJ WOuJd MY9I' baw hid u.. wa to caU UMt ~ mJlelf." BM WM VUlllDOl"ted to Cilt.a Neaa Memorlaf ~otpl&&l anct liven a ~ that tmmediately, ---.,. inWnl. It • I j"•t oall•d th• ri•llt.-nu;Dblir.'' llkl Mt. Phllbee. 111fe •'WCI my life." BecauH her phy1lolan had PIWCl'ibed the dri.la i. ,.er and It bad wcll'ked well. the ~t noth1nl of taldQI It a&aln IW •. Anaphyluil occun In one out of every 10.000 patterita and ii rwt eommonly UIOdated with antlblotka, IUCh u ~ llid DlrYe Bbap&ro • and coordinator of oranae eoun~·· poilol'l control center. Ita 1ymptcm1 include blva and welta that can •;>read throu1b tbe re1plratory system and cau.e death l1 medk»l attention la not ~;shock 1yndrome oc:cura when a dna1 la taken a eecond time or mare and the antfbocll- preaent from the first doaa1e c,u.. an advene reaction, Mid Shapiro. TfMn la no way to predict if a patient wUl experience an anaphylac1ic ahock. althouah lt ii moat common in people with allerp..be~ .,.., ......... .., ........ .....; RlQBT NlJMBER -Betty Philbee thanks pharmacist Garyi Phlllli:-... I called the right number. He saved my life." She waa the victim of a rare allergic reaction. &EllERIL ELECTRIC 17" DIAGONAL COLOR TV WITH ReMOTE CONTROL •H_,_ . ...,.~ . ...,_,_ .-..-~ ONLY 169991 .......... ,... .... 1111• • ... 'Z'Y.I ·~Rimi .~..,..,. ONLY '42995 .. GE DISHWASH OITA 110 •40 PLUI ••• PAYNO IALll "TAX GE•GSCUa. CILll TY . '.. ,. ,. ·! :· I· . . i I ' i· •• :· Walli.ce to re-enter politics MONTOOMJ:RY, Ala. -J"ormMo Gov. O.C.... W.U.C., who declaNd bilmelf throuah wtth pollta four y.n -.o. II ~ today hill "*"dldecy for an unprecende.nted fourth term • aovmm-. Elvin Stanton, a wan.ce aide, aaid eeven1 hundred people are expected to at1end Wallp'• JU~tortal announcement at hie state campe.fp ~ He 11 expected to announce • a Demoicrat. W.U.0. WM crippled by a would-be ....-0'1 bullet • he campalped for the premklency In 19'12. He aouabt that office four Umel, -in 19M, f 968, 1972 and 19'16. Court rules on f et11s rights FRANKFORT, Ky. -A at.ate appea]a court. restoring a murder lndk:tment, ruled Friday that a jury should decide whether a fetul I.I A J>elW'll. A three-Judie penel of the Kentucky C.owt of Appeal• aaid it waa time to depart from an outmoded, 1936 ruling whk:h a lower court U8eCl u the hula for dJmnlming the cue. Tii!JOOillUOO . • r. • • 11w OOW't OYertumecf the dilm1ma1 f)f a murder I indk:1ment aotnst Robert Lee How. on cl\areel of ldll1na hJa Wife'• unborn child when he ~y beat 6er up and drove hJI fiat Into her abdmwn. Wayne County Omatt Judp Leonard Wlllon had ruled that a fetus • not entitled to full qll\ltitutional protection . Falklands weather terrible W ASlilNG'ION -The battllna Britlah and Araenttnes must endure aome of the world'• wont Weather since fierce atonm march one after another a.:ro. the F~ Ialanda this time of year, a U.S. W~ther expert said Friday. . Over the entire year, only an averap of 60 clear daya are ~ on the ialanda, 1,500 milee JlOrlh of the Anta.rctk: Ctrcle. Jacob Robimon. a meteoro!Olift for the Center for F.nvironmental Allemment Services, aaid the Falkland Ia1anda lie within a "cyclogenetic" area, an oceanic antch where stonna develop. Roblnaon, an expert ln South American weather, Mid molt major South Atlantic stonna are born near the lalanda off the OOMt of AntarcUca. Sophia rooming with • inmates CASERTA, l_!al)'_ -Priaon authorities transferred actre. SOphia Loren from her private ~ cell Friday to one abe mwt lhare with two Other lnmaie., the prt.ao dlndor aid. Pri8on 80W'OeS aaid Mia Lonn'• cellmaa are a oanvicted thief and dprette llJJUl&ler. The Acwlemy Award-winning actrel9 began 8el'Y1ng a 3Cklay aentence Wedneeday for tax evMkn. LWana de Cristofaro, d1rect.ot of the women's pri8on in thll town 20 mDe. north of Nap]a. pve no reaon foe movtna Mila Loren. Pr18oo IOW'C9 aald It 19 normal for lnma• to spend their firat few nlahta alone in the 15-fooHqu.are private cell to help them adjust to prbon life. 9PEC holds ·production ceiling · Qurro, Ecuador -OP~ oU ministen-dedded •"Theft II AfP't!elnent on every t..ue," aid Marc J'riday to retain their production celling "until S. Nam Nguema of Gabon. "The price will atay the ~er notice" and to leave prlc:es unchanged, the same, and the ceiling will ttay the same until Cartel'• lleCl'etary general said. further notice." 1Jops crack down on gangs ; LOS ANGELES -A two-dty sweep of png = and their bomea ln the wake of four naa1ted Fridat1: In the arr9t of 17 yOUtha, tie bad of the COW1 a anU-pna unit ..rt. . -Deputy Dlstrlct ttomey Jim ~ Mid the 1 t llUaJ)eCted Pill leeden taken Into cwtody were bOokecl on a variety ol ma,.. fnJm mwder to ~t with ~ deadly weapon to J'i'll 11 nlon of · : contraband. '-nu.a la the larpst operation the (anti-&ana) Safe Streeta Unit haa ever been lnvolwd tn, ~l think it will play a ~ role in reducinC violence between the two p.ne1." ~ laid. The PD&'I whme memben w .. tarJeted in the ralda were the Larao and the Setentas IJ'OUPlt b8led In Lynwood and Compton. ~ethodist bishop off the hook ! LOS ANGELES -A United Methodist ain. fi0mm1ttee said Friday there were no pounds for 1be aeven mJ.nJ.aten and lay people d'-='••d ~Uonl against a Denver b6shop that he violated the charp9 · .,.m.t Bishop Melvtn Wheatley. 67, Church law and d.lmanina~= doc:trtna 'lbunday nf8ht and most of Friday befont reJec:Unl ~u.e he contended that ty II not a all of the acc:\mtfioN. Wotld Air.Ways lOMes/ heavy ~•Or-. c.. ,.,.. t? a c.i.-.. ----'%dw•• ................ ·== .... ..,.,.. ..., .. ·-, t .. ....., ,..,,, .. ~-. 0.-, .... ,....., ..... "....., MOVING DAY -With police eecort. memben Statlof\. The Historical Society 1aved the of the Fountain Valley Hiatorlcal Society building, a·remnant from Talbert VUJaae day., IUpervile movina of the Talbert Real Estate for placement ln what will become a dty Office, believed to have been built in the 1920., historical park. , to a vacant lot behind Fountain Valley Police :Sam's time running out · SJC couple's son f ~ees deportation July 5 By STEVE MlTCBELL o< ... DlllJ ........ 'nme II rapidly_ Nnnina out for Liberian-born Samuel -Willett, the 26.year-<>ld adopted aon of Ruth and David Willett, of San Juan Capbtrano. The f.amily haa been told Sam will be deported to bil native land July 5, the result of a decades-old proviaion of the Federal Immiaration and Naturaltzatlon Act, which reards Sam, who the Willetta beileved wu 16 at the time of fila adoption, u too old to be oom:ldend an adopted child. That, in effect, makea blm ineliaible fdr_permanent reaidency in the United Stata, where he currently MDa1na m a student Yila. Samuel wu adopted by the ww.a. men than 10 yean aco when they worked for the PeeOe Corp. In Libert.a, After -..en yeen tofether ln Liberia and Kenya, then a two-year eeparation, \be family wu reunited more than a year a10 when Sam obtained a one-,.arvta Dw1q,hil atay In San Juan Caplltrano Sam took buaineu claaes at Saddleback Colleae, worked at a fut food rwtaurant, and, several month• aao, waa named an honorary citben by the City Council. But the family, throuah the efforta of U.S . Rep. Robert Dedham, ft-Newport Beach, haa attempted to have a new he&rt.na before the Subcommittee on Immiaratlon, Refuaeea and Intemadonll Law. ........ ,... TIME SHORT -Samuel Willett. 26, facel deportation to IJberia despite his adoption at 16 by a San Juan Capistrano coup~. In the lateat development, Badham haa aent a letter to Rep. Peter W. Rodino Jr., D.-N.J ., chairman of the Judlciarl Committee W'linB that Bedbam • ~.~ng Sam Willett be , or that a new bill be con1idered, allowing him to remain in the United Stat.ea. This time around, Badham LI suggeat.fni recent developmenta that might call for r econ- sideration of the matter. Not the leaat of Badham'a concerna is the poulbility· that Sam might be returned to a country where his ufety would be jeope.rdiz.ed. Liberia" ruled by the martial law regime of a man who aeiz.ed power from the former ptt81dent in a 1980 coup. Sam waa uaiated by a former minister of that earlier regime, and that miniater waa executed by flrina aquad when the new leader took over, accordtna to Badham. And, alven the polltl~&l altuatlon, Badham aaid , the economy of Liberia la auch that there LI a pomibWty "the Willetta will have to see someone they love and oonlider an lnlelual part o f th ei r family llve i n destitution." On top of that, the anxiety caused by the aubcommittee'a refuaal to hear Sam'a caae baa cauaed Ruth Wlllett to suffer ~.ealth, a ccording to Mesan top drum major Joel Barnes, a student a t F...tanda High School. has been named Calltomia State Grand Champion during the recent American Drum Ma j or C.Ompetition in Anaheim. The 16-year-old sophomore, who plays fl.rst trumpet in the achool's Eagle ~ Band. took firat place Saturday. ~we Save You Mol'e Mallin Titatf.l(Af ua 42" Tll* w/4 CheltS •n• 41" Tll* w/4 Chllrt lt4 'odC'*-250 ,. ••••IUee r••-••••1 e Gtt~lde tffort to ..... IDON faoUltlH ancl pro1ram1 for h\crea1ln1 numtaen of ~ About 4,&00 children nHc! dl.Ud cue .,.....,. btcaUll tbMr ,.,. .. .,.. wortdna. but., ... fadlidlia tn lrvtne .,. Ucmilllcl to handle a maximum l.10& youn_1•ttn •1•d U or 1•11, ~ to .... committee. BecauH more mothen are jolnlna the workforce and anoth•r 1,100 apartment unltl ar~ expected to be built In \he next two yean, the nwnber of chUd.ren neecltnt aupervillon II expected to rim to &,800 by 1994, c:ornm1tt.ee memben Mid. ...., .......... .,, .., ........ OLDEST AND YOUNGEST -Saddleback Community College coeds Dorothy Cooksey, 74, and·Julie Gang, 17, Were the oldest and youngest graduates at the Mission Viejo campus this week. Mrs. Cooksey was graduated with a 3.8 grade point average, and Miss Gang maintained a straight-A average. Nearly 1,000 students were graduated from the two-ye.ar college, which includes a campus in Irvine. Laguna faces loss in state funds As lf Laguna Beach budget officials didn't have enough to worry about, it appears the state Legislature is considering reducing even further the amount the dty would receive ln certain state funda. ' City Manager Ken Frank originally estimated reduction in state money to Laguna Beach in the amount of $14.11 per pel'BOn. But what'• being dilcusaed in Sacramento la a possible reduction of about $23 per pel'BOn ln next year's budget. That means the dty could loee as much aa $471,000 in state funds, compared to Frank'• earlier estimate of $2M,135. And for a amall city with a propoeed budget of $7. 79 million, that deficit could make a difference in how the city operates. Added to the city'• financial woes are two lnitiatlvea on the June ballot that would decreue state revenues to the dty. In addition, the city expects l~ in property tax revenues, due to the lack of home aalea in Laguna Beach. And investment earnings will probably decline because of expected drops in interest rates. Added to lhe.e problems are com amociated with a long-range multi-milllon dollar storm drain J>l'Oll'8Dl. which means additional decreues in investment money, and dt?. fttnda must ai.o be spent on captal projecta Iona neglected in Lacuna Beach. Now dot's nice Irvine Ebells mark fireplugs markers. which are placed a few feet from the center divider line of a street on the side of the fire hydrant. "It 1peed1 up our time and allows ua to concentrate on driving," he Mid. For information, call Eileen DeCair at 562-6037 or Mrs. Kleinhanl at 559--6482. Services set for victim of accident Mrrall89.DDC11111 ... an what he~• to the ohll*tn wbO aren•t·1etttn1 Ucen1tl ........................ ...,... mn't lolfiar'CI It or becMM u...a..-..c .. "We dila1t · ,0 Mid Mary aim~.~ of the 10-pertoD 0011u11ltt ... .,We believe we have a 1oubltanUal number of ehUdHn wbo are 1ttendln1 tO t.hem.Mlv" after .:hoot." I Th• committee ltNIMd ln lta &0-r.1• repol't that cblld care can t tile percetv.d anv loaftt 11 a .. pc>OI' woman'• --~· 'nwt report aaya: "I.a the COit of llvtnc In• community such aa Irvine lncreuea dramatlcally, more and more middle cla11 women who mt1ht have atayed home at leait unW their children wete of 9Cbool • wW enter the workforce. MotJ\en with babies conaUtute one of the faateat lf'OW1na aepenta of the labor force." The report la the tint put of a two-phue attack on the problem, Mra. Hadley said. A second report 11 anticipated to 1uggeat ways of bu1ldln1 community support for p~grama to supply more aupervlllon. Some potential solutiona, ahe explained, are to aeek federal community development block grantl to fund new centers, to add establiahed drop-in pt08r8Jnl at dty parka, to create a system for easing steps to start in-home cen tera and to encourage developers to design community clubhouses with cb1ld care in mind. Without blaming anyone, she noted that D"De clubhouaea have $-foot-deep awtmmina pools just atepa outalde their aoors. And while some children may hang out at parka after achool, there is no formal proaram requirlng parent notWcation slips in case of emer1endes. Members note ln their report that the lack of supervillon haa side-eUecta including dlatractiona and abaenteeilm amona workina pattnta and JX*ible reluctance ol new homebuyers to move into the community. They aa,y : "Just aa tod.ay's Irvine residenta were attracted to a well-planned community with an abundance of beautiful phy1lcal amenities, 10 future residents may well be moat attncted by practical necealties like child care, which make it imp<mible for them to afford to live in Irvine." The council ia not scheduled Tuesday to make any deciaiona on the laaue but staff members will recommend discussing posaible city aasiatance during budget d.bculliona this summer, said Assistant Manager Paul Brady Jr. Child Care Committee members are Mayor David Silla, Barbara Disbrow, David Kidd, Betsy Mathia, Beverly Ritch, Lee Sicoll, Dianne Burroughs, Barbara Shaw, Ken Lazette and Mn. Hadley. Coast unit OKs Crystal Cove plan The California Coastal Commjaalon moved plans for Crystal Cove State Park one 11ep ahead 'lbunday by unanimoualy approving the state'• development program for the 2,791-acre park. With a minimum of oomment -and without t}le flreworkl that characterized the commluion'• lut cllecu.uion of Cryatal Cove -the 11 commiaionen pretent adopted both the atate'a public works plan and a staff report concernlJll the 45 cottages which dot the aeukle blu.Ua. . u ... -... WHEELER DEALER -State Sen. Diane Watson, D-Los Angeles, 11 wheeled to her desk in the Senate with a bandaged left foot. Miss Watson said she injured ligaments in her leg when she twisted the ankle in a hll. Knievel's son just as 'Evel' Robbie Knf.evel. the 20-year-<>ld aon of motorcycle daredevil Evel Kalevel, is following in hia father '• footater•· but with a few thrills o hi.a own. "I do what I c all a no -handed jump," the younger Knievel said In an interview .. "It is a technique I perfected this past summer after about 2,000 practice jumps.u Robbie was in Edmonton, Alberta to help promote the Great Canadian Climb motorcycle hill races in Red Deer on Sunday. He will attempt a no-hands jump over 18 cara during the competition. The three Lettermea performed at the Blue Max nightclub near Chicago aa scheduled, despite being slightly inj'41'ed when their rented limousine wu rammed from behind near O'Hare In terna tionaJ J\irport, a club spokesman said. The singing group, formed 21 years ago and known for such hita as "Going Out of My Head" and "Put i"our Head on My Shoulder," performed at the club just hours after the accident. They were en route to the airport to catch a flight to Milwaukee to sing the SCwptor a .. ,, MHrt'• "1'eelhjlnc J'fcure0 WU .o&d for fl.2 rriWJoft at a Sothtlbj Parke Bernet auction in H.w~ ietUnc a Nciarit b a u~ aru.t and f« a jMol of liculpt\&nt. The 7~1neh lq elmwood IC\&lpture, completed In 1"8. •11 ~ for by an unldendtied l:nllllb dealer, ~rdi!'I '° ~~y,...apoketwoman ••tr• Ku,.. ohe llJd the ~ record for any Uvin1 artiat Wll f7&,000, Ml ln 19'7f fOI' a • work by BrucssJ. She Clid not 11y who put the ICUlpture up for ule. After more than 10.yeart • an executive at American Airlines, Doaald J. Lloyd-Joaea said it wu the challenge of finally takiJl8 the controls that lured him t~ pilot Air Florida. Lloyd-Jones, 50 , wu named president and chief operating officer of the Miami-based carrier, whoee early aucceaaes have been dulled recently by financial difficulties. Rep. Pa•I N. "Pete" M~CIOlkey took out a $100,000 mortgage on his Menlo Park home to buy TV commetdal time because polls abow him edging cloeer to the pair of Republican front-runnena as the June 8 primary nears, his campaign manager said. "We can feel lt (increasing support) coming on"' since McCloskey'a Southern California TV blitz began April 27, election strategist Roa Smith said. McCloekey sr.nt $262,000 on commercia a during his 20-month campaign and wants to invest another $122,000 statewide before the primary. Smith said. Plummer·s warehouse program gives you the best price break on Polardeslgn's wonderful white lacquer tumiture! Now is the time to shop and co~pare! White Lac:QI*' Deslc from Flnland I } = .. .. DellyPlotlWf ....... SHADES OF YESTERYEAR -In a1 throwback to the 1940s and 19508, Angelo's of Anaheim started food service with rollerskating carhops Friday. Robyn Schaefer of Huntington Beach tried out on her wheels for Tony Strammiello. She got the job. I .. ltaljans suffering f rorn poor i01age? NEW YORK (AP) -Italian-Americana are often por~ar.ed on televl1lon aa gang1ter1 or ''lovable jerb'' who u. t*1 ~. releU'Chen from Columbia and George Wuh1Jl8ton universities say. The year-long project evaluated 263 prime-time epi8odm from 1980-81 that identified 96 Italian-American characters by their surnames or other reference to ethnic origin. It aaid six out of aeven characten were lhown in non-profemional, non-managerial jobe. Five out of six characters were men. the 1tudy 1howed; one out of six was a criminal; and a "majori~ made obvious ~tical errors. could not compre~ standard &lgl1lh words or phraael, or Uled ~ F.ngliah. '-ibe 'deae, dem and dole' IChool of broken Englilh wu a recurring motif, as was the uae of 'ain't' and double negatfves." The 1tudy, paid for by the Commiuion for Socfal Justice, the anti-defamation arm of the Sona of Italy, wu conducted by Dr. Linda Lichter, a Columbia sociologl1t, and Dr. Robert Lichter, a George Washlnaton political ldentilt. New York 1..t. Gov. Mario Cuomo, one of the Italian-American officials appearing at a· news conference, aaid the 1tudy'a sponsors do not advocate boycottl or censorship, "even at the risk of suffering bad taste from time to time,'' but hope the networu will .ee a need for change. "We do not claim there ls a comf,lete ablenoe of positive ethnic Pl'OlfUDDling on TV, • u.ld Matthew Nina, chairman of the Comml11lon for Social JUltice. " 'Rooia,' 'Holocaust' and 'Manx> Polo' are examples of what can be done by the networks on a positive level. We •uonalY believe more r,-ttive portrayal.I of ItaJian.Amerbns are needed. ' Cuomo aid It la ICCleptable to portray Italians as negative characten 1ometimes, but po1ltlve chandera allo abouJd be lhown. &rell. The dlltrlcC contendt ~ta tan Will hav• no ~ enviroftmlntal im . Sc:hepl Bowel PNlldtnt l Norton uJd lhe beUev• Ul• ,heart o~ the dJ1pute la th• par•nta' delire for more cammUDlcadcft wfth d1ltrtct offldall on majOt d.cialont t.L&Cb u echool cloeura and recqanlutionl. 'She Mid dlltric:t tnllieel hope to bnprove the methodl of communk:atlnl wteh pcenta concemm, district dectldonl. . CdM school site future cloUdy ..... John Hlwklnl ii the kind of customer l'Mlton in Orange County dreem about thele' days. Monday, he received a call from a friend about a choice piece of property. Monday nlaht. he wu ln Corona del Mar looklq at lt. The a:!r was n,ht, aid Hawklnl. The location aeemed i . . -' Joe Stewart, !elder of a neighborhood IJ'OUP that filed a lawaul\ to block establishment ot the unlvenity'1 uteWte campua. u.ld he would like to tee an educational fadllty move ln. ''Thll type of operation (doll mu.ewn) does not flt the nelghborhood," Aid Stewart. ''From our 1tandpolnt lt hu to ~ aomethin1 educational. A c:ommien.ial activity hrfnca more traffic." ._,... ........... PROMOTION DAY -Former Orange County Superior Court Judge John K. Trotter Jr. ii eVU"Obed by his wife Katherine· at investiture et\remony where he was sworn in u the nP.west member of the 4th District Court of Appeal. Trotter will serve in San Bernardino, loc:ation of the court's division two branch. But the netahbon turned out to be holtile. And now his plan to relocate the Bulah HlwkiN Doll ~~mf~~~M~~toC.o~~~,;;r;;;~r~~~~--~----~-----~------&ementary SChool ls down the draln. Hawklna wu one of aeveral bullneMmen whb talked Monday with tn.&steee of the Newport-M .. Uol.fied School Dlatriot about future uaee of Corona de1 Mar Elementary. 'Ibe achoo} WU cloeed Jut year beeaUle of decllnlng enrollment. Tru1tees, who backed away from a leaae agreement with USC after resident• in the neighborhood complained, will l.laten to a citizen committee'• recommendations Tue.day. Other 1uggeationa discussed at thil week's meeting included a awnmer recreational program, a cultural center and a private school. Hawkins said he came from the meeting convinced neighbors would not be pleaaed with his plan to open a muaeum and a small restaurant on the premlsea. "We would be so hemmed in. There would be a coristant battle every time we turned around," said Hawkinl. ''This type of group would like nothing to hap~n. They would like someone to pay for open s '" ON THE WATERFRONT IN NEWPORT BEACH ... , 19-25, 1982 Met,ms sdrlMnlldlrt: 2.99 I a111 lro111 lilt A111uon. reasonably peaceful llld lond •>I sw1mm1na in schools ol two I)( tlwet ol 111y brotllen llld aister-s.. See Int II Aq11bc T rOOQls whet e I 111 on 5* und« Ille 1111116 "Silver Dolar.. IOI only 2. 99 VISA' • mo "· "*••c.ta 111eu 549-1391• Hark. Wet Super Boardwalk &Siclewalk -Sale · SHELF-cLEANING a .EAN SWEEP OF' QUALITY UNJQOE ITEMS Relaxed browsing and shopping ... sipping and supping ... don't miss this sale among sails event of great savings and enjoyable shopping at the Lido Marina Village Super Boardwalk ~nd Sidewalk Saler D D COME CELEBRATE WITH US! Extraordinary Values on Color TVs, Stereos, VCRs, and More!!! I .I • MODEL lt85040 • CONTEMPORARY •25" diagonal color TV •Computer Color 330 . •Random access Touch-Tuning •Infrared Remote Control .. • 105 Channel Capablllty · · ·. ' I 'I •Two 4'' Speakers · VALUE I PRICElf 1739~0 ---------·-· .I I ANut tuo.ooo tn tncom• ~-b~ D6Ctdnion Pacific Cable111tem1 of Huntln= .... ~Jlctild to be di ~ toUr W• OnaCe County ddll. rJ'h• moni)' -baHd on I ...,_, ol tM lcaJ IUblcrii>d.on ,ltH -ii 1chedul•d to be appartlon.ed ln Jaauary, accordln1 to John Bateman, eue\ltlw dinct« of tM Public c.bl9 TUIYWon Authority. Tbit authority iii mlde up of a repneentative from MCh of th• tour cltle1 In the 1y1tem -Huntlnaton Beach, Fountain Valley, WHtmln1ter and Stanton. . Authority members are charaed with overaeeln1 con1tructlon of the ayatem that 'bean operations in the aumme1' -!fl980. ···Huntington Beach, with allabtly more than 13,0QO '"becriben, ii slated to receive OS,880; Fountain Valley, ,440; Weatminater, $32,400, Stanton, $14,760. In addition to 3 percent of tevenuH 1olng to the citlea, ~ 2 percent -or $120,000 -la eennarked for the television authority for cable admin11tratlon operation• and tmprovementa. Belklee having a direcror and a secretary. the Public Cable Television Authority has office apace in Westminster. It al8o peya its four memben $50 per monthly meetfna. Other expenaea come in the lorm of conventions, insurance and the purcbaae of communicatlona equipment and cameraa. ~-", ...... .,. ~ .,..., ............... SENIOR CITIZEN QUEEN -Ruth Jackson, a 101-year-old resident of Flagship Convalescent Hoepital in Newport Beech shows off headgear she won at Orange County Activify Directors ABIOC'iation picnic where she waa proclaimed queen. Mrs. Jackacm is a native of Indiana, a former school teacher and says she loves peppennlnt candy. · The Newest Economy Car From Jopon ·ISUZU ._..ca asoo.1001 ~ ~u-.. •. ALL PICKUPS IN STOCK 1 Or a lot of ca1h? Thtn call claaalntd. Thoff tt'llnga tlklng up apece In your · home, Item• you haven't uMd Ill egn, may be Ju•t wti.t aomeon• elaeneedt. So give u1 a call ... It'• .. ,Y to uM ctualfltd to get your hand• on aomecuh. ·=~ wa.5611 1;000 OFF ANY NEW DATSUN 210 IN STOCK Eltampl• 1112 Dalllan 210 Hotch.badt wttb cnatomatlc tnmsm••lon. Ser. 1219241. Factory ~ .-cdl Jl'b lsM.at.00. You pay only 15.12'.00. •rLUS OUWlllSTALUDOPT!OtlS If ANY •ou TUJl'ao.nmooa no• &'I nmnonlDllf• s400 SENTRA ~1 000 280 ZX "1tlfll Tll'H I• T~ll llUU\I f1~•H"I ' IJIO IU THAN 1 Tfll Hr""' f lH•l'I . . ... ... ~· '" .. ..... . ., --....... BIIJ,.YBAWL -Thinga haven't been going pro1re11ively soured. Here, umpire BUI too well for the Oakland A's theee dayi ana Kunkel gives him the heave-ho in a recent Manager Billy Martin'• mood baa game. Riddell sparks Ariists to ti-le BY ROGER CARLSON or .. ...,,...._ SANTA BARBARA-'n-e peek came two weeb aao. llCCOtdJng to lA8una Beech High volleyball star Neil Rkldell, but what was ftlll lett w-• more than enouch to d1spoee of Sen Marcoe HJab'• Royall Friday night .. the llrtista rallied for a four-eet triumph. 1be verdict. before 1.800 at Santa Barban City Collete. c COllCb 1111 Ashen'• Artista bllCk-to-Clll' C!l'OWnl and it Wal Laguna Beech's fourth auch conquest since um~. ''Let lt be known who the best hitter ln CIF la," said Alben. "If they don't know, they weren't here." Aahen was alludtn& to the play of Riddell. wboee stingen helped tum the tide in the critical third game .. the Artists accnd • 12-15, lM, 15-13, 15-8 ..-vice ace. The eiqualber required only victory. 18 mbwta "'11v! third pme w. definitely the 'lbat l9l lt up for the c:rudal third set turning point," .. 1d Ashen. 0 Netl'a and It w. a clodlaht fn:m the start, lideouta wen eo critlca But It cmne t..,una Beech up-S-I. Mand 9-7 be(on clown to hltttng. You can't "°I> him San Marom c:au&bt ~ Antnl at 11, 12 one--On-one, not two-oo-ooe!' and 13. The openina pme ,,,. all Laguna Steve Blue's block put Lacuna up Beach -for the flnt seven polnta 1"-13• U.. an emir Pft b ArUlta the behind Rud~ Dvorak'• --r.... but a vk:t.oly cm BhWa .rve. OlllQpleUna the _,. ·~ 32-minute ..-. audden ru of poor pa11in1, poor "We kind ol. let it pt away," aid San aerviDI and pool" hltthur~ with the Marcos Coach M i ke Beresford. all-around play of San IW' Eric •ln-'-D the .... ,__. Diehl, turned lt around. The BoyaJa Ued ~ ~p ~ ';: lfuut it at 11 and went m to a 15-12 decWon. cruy. We could have done It In the thin! Again the Art1sta took the lnltlative In game, but we didn't. 'Ibey played well" the aecond pme, jumping to a 6-3 lead, The Royala were unbeaten in 17 watching lt melt to~. then maldng it matcbea entertnc the flnaJa. stick behind Lelf Hamon'• kill, Hanton'• The Artiata' momentum gained in the block , Dvorak'• spike and Riddell'• third 1et. sparked an 8-1 awae ln the ~~~~~~~~~-=-- fourth pme and once they put down a Royals' rally at 9-7, they put it all toted*'. finally. A.dam~·· kill off IUddell'• ave ~ lt 10..7, Chris t..non'• block and Riddell'• tap upped lt to 13-7 and lt w• aea1ed. San M.arcm put up a touch act f« a while, but finally Wilted with .Johman and R1ddell taPD6na the RoyaJa out to end the two-hodr oiatch. So lt ends -Laguna Beach makes it 61 in a row, two undefeated u11om and a second atralght CIF crown. Riddell, Dvorak, Larson, Hanson, Johmon. Blue and othen ah.are in the apoOa that are the Artists. Sparkllna ln defeat waa Diehl, but there were too many Laguna Beach (See LAGUNA, Pa1e 8!) CdM rallies its way into CIF semifinals Altobelli's arm, bat .. , atrandlna Chris White at third · aher be doubled ~ the lame lnnlng. White started on the mound · for the See K1np but didn't make it past the first three batten of the -...ind fnnlnc. The C.dM teem .... traWns. 4-1 when Petenon came to tbe rmcue with ·• nmnen at tint and third and no outa In the second. He '°' the next thrM bett.en without turtber acortna and retired ~t In a rvw belan a ~call on a ,raund ball .w. nalecl a bit. At that, be ..o.d alcDa noothly unUl U. ..wnth when the Antelopm mnd twice to ... • valiant Jllxth lnnlna ==~~~ When Pet.non walked the ie.lot1 .... in the baaam half ( ... ~ ....... , . CLOllNG IN.-Golden Wea Collep bueball coach Fred HooYer la within one pme of takJna bl1 Ruatler1 to the atate community colliae tournamentafterl'riday1l-O win. l-0 I I I I • DETROIT (AP) -Bobby Qricb fiC\nd be miaht Dl'YW -Detrott lhocUiop Alan Tr••w•-U canmit two erron ln a "ncle lnninl .,.tn. IO he ctidn't ..... the oppor1Unlty to~talbe for the Anaela Friday l Grlcli and Bob ne each lluaed two-nm homen to Jmd the AnpJa to a 9· 7 victGry OYW Detroit, endlna the Tlaera' wtnnmc streek at ei&ht ....-.. "I can k id around about Trammell, because be'• an infielder ;.mt like me and t. undentanda." Grich aid. "In all On TV today channel 6 at 11 hooelty, the ball I bit out II just a routine fly ball ln almolt any other park but tbll one, with that abort fence out there ln ·rtcht field." Grich belted a 1-0 pttch from Detrott start.er Pat Underwood. 2-2, into the lower rtabt.-6eld aeeta with Rod Carew aLo.'d ln the third inning. It was hit fourth homer of the year. BRIAN DOWNING started the tnni n1 for the An1ela by reaching fint on a rare low throw from Tnmmell, a Gold Glover the put two years. Downtna was forced at leCIDDd on a fielderla ddce grounder bit to Richie Hebner at lint by Carew, but Carew wound up at~ on the play when Trammell threw wide of Hebner trybla for double play. "The ball ..ily jumps out ol 1hla atadiUJil." Grieb aUcL '11'1 almc9t a bitten' IJUWlile i..." Boone'• abot. hit tint ol .... 8MIOO, came In the fourth 8fW Tim Foll alnaled. The Ancell aJao eot two In the first lnnlna when Don Baylor doubled home Brian Down.Ing and Carew, md they added three e:.=.u;..: ~~ ~ ~~.:::;,,.. :; Baylor and Fred Lynn. After Lynn stole second, Foll'• ... drove ln Baylor and Lynn. LARRY BBRNDON, who continued bla bot bitUnc wUb three bits ln four tripe. .ued on Lou Whitaker'• ainale ln ~ Detroit 8eCODCI, and ~ Cabell a1ngJed home Alan Trammel ln the Tlaen third. A double by John Woc:kenfum drove ln Richie Heb~er and He rndon in the fourth, and Trammell scored on Ca.bell'• grounder ln the seventh. Trammell drove ln a nm ln the eiahth with an Infield ""8Se, and Mike Ivie homered ln the l>eaut ninth. The two ~ pt toptber apln thJa aftemoon with Ancel Moreno (2-5) fadna Jack Morris (5-3) ln the matinee. Celtics' defense .does it , , ~ .. \ '· .· .· Whatever hap~ned to pape~ Clrives ?· . I Pnm,g·=~ p _ Plana by • II 1Ub\irban ,Llttle Lea1ue baaeball orpn.laaticn to \lie a male 1iripper for fund raJatna have been ruled out of order by offidala of the league'• lnt.eri\atiOnal I hNciqWU1.ef'I. Same memben of the Ladies AWdlJary of the Cound1 Rock·Newtown Little I.Mcue had tcheduJed a "Ladiee' Nlaht Out Evenlna .. with Swuhlne, a popular Pnlladelphla·area male I ltrfpper. ' B\,\t lea1ue oftlciala ln Wllllamapo~t lnfonned the group that they could not IMlCept the money bec:aute lt would be an lna~te way to rai8e the funda. • Joeepb Loach, eastern reliona1 dArect.or of the lJttfe League, 1ent a letter to the Bucka C-ounty Jelcue'• pnlident. Robert J. 8sytmnden of Holland. advising him of the dectsion. · Saymendera said he and James Scott, the county lelgue administrator, approved the plan 1n April when it wu propoeed by aipdllary president Delores Horohov of Northampton Towmhip. He said Wllliamaport oftidals gave tacit approval of the plan. But after at least two cloi.en telephone calla to Wllllamaport from the Newtown area, Szymendera said, the Little I.ague ruled .,_m.t Sunabine. Quote of the day a.I a.I Rodrtpel, uked what tu. c=-ddie bad told him 6efore Rodriguei aank a crucial putt 1n a recent tournament; "He told me just to keep the ball low." . Leonard suffers bad break In win Deu11 Leourd pitched aeven. • lnnLn&9 befon btteJd."8 h1a pltchlng band, and former c.o.ta Mesa High and Oranae Cout College product DH Q•leeaberry fini1hed up the four-hit abut.out u the Kan.tu Qty Royall blanked the Texu Rangen, 3.o Friday night. Leonard, 5-3, retired 19 of the 21 batten he faced but left the game with a broken hand after ablorbing a amuh off the bat of Texas' B•ddy Bell . . . Bobby Marcer'1 three-run pinch homer aparked a lix·run sixth ~· and 01car Gamble ri a two--nm ahot 1n the 8eOODd inn1na aa New Y CC'k trounced Mlnneaota, 12-1 . . . Mike l'laaa1aa combined with two rel1even on a aeven·bit abut.out and LIOMllD Joa Lowwteta homered to plliCe Baltimore to a 3-0 victory over Toronto . . . Home runa by Jim RJee. owtpt Evans ,and Carl YutnemHJ highlighted• IS.hit attack that boosted Boston to an 8·7 iriumph over Oakland, Joaer of four straJsht . . . Robbi Y oat aing)ed in the go-ahead run, and Ted Slmmou, hitJem in hia previoua 21 at-beta, lined a two--run double in a f.hree..run Milwaukee sixth innJ.n1 as the Brewen stopped Seattle, 4-1 ... BW Alm•'• tie-breaking double In the eeventh inning gave Chicago a 3-1 victory over Cleveland i.Q a game cut abort by heavy rain. Nelson leads by one In Atlanta Larry Neltoa, caWna it "kind of !I an up-and·down day," turned in a ~under-par 67 to take a one..oot lead at 133 over Scott Doell after the '" aecond round of the Atlanta Golf aa..tc ~y. ~~the 1981 PGA champion, broke the GeadJOCIC with Hoch by llnkinQ a 7 .foot birdie pun on No. 7, his 16th hole ol the day ... South African s.n, IJttle lhot a 4-under·pu-68 for the openln1-:.day lead in the Ll'GA tournament 1n New RocheDe, N.Y. . Baseball today .. On thlt date in bMeball tn.1977: The Boat.on Red Sox and the Milwaukee ' Brewera combined tor a major leaaue reoord·tyina 11 home runa ln a 14-10 Red Sox vlct.ory at Fenway Park. · On lhil date 1n 1963: For the l8CDbd time in his career, New York Yankee 1lu1ger Mickey Mantle homered off the d.llt.ent rtabt field fecede at Yankee Stadium. Mantle'• b1ut oft X.- . Qty'1 Bill F'lleber lifted the Yanb to an 8-7 victory '1Yf8 the A'a. Today'1 binbday: New York Yankeel pitcher Tommy JQhn ll38. ~ FrtMtman aurvtvet raih of upeeta ~ Second eeeded Marcel Freemu ~ of UCLA. an earlier winner ln Uu:ee nta over UC Irvine'• Jim Sa:r4er, entera today'1 llfll!)lflnaJ8 • the only .. IW'vivor UDOa1 the ~t top -9a ih the NCAA linalee tenn1I cbampionah.ip toumatnct at the Unfventty of Georgia. Freeman, playtna with a rotator-cuff 1houlder injury' will meet 12th eeeded Bred Gllbert of Pepperdlne. Seeded players ou1ted included No. 6 aeed Glean Mlclllhta of Pepperdlne, No. 7 Mike DePalmer of Tennellee, No~ 8 RudJ Nboa of C.alllomia, No. 3 David Pate of Texu Chttsdan. No. 4 Scott Dam of Stanford, and No. 5 Rebble Veater of UCLA· . . . KatMeea Cunmblp of Colonido ui-et to~ Vicki NellOll of Rolllna, 6-4, 6-7, 6-2 durinl a quarterfinal match of the NCAA Women'• t.ennil c:bampjomhipe at Salt i..ke Oty . . . Eliot Telttcier of the U_llfted Statea Cl"Ulbed fellow countryman PMle Dlbbl to racb the aemWnall of the I~ Open 1n Rome. la Steinbrenner ready to Join NHL? New York Yankee• owner II Geers• Stelabreuer would. neither confinl\ nor deny Friday that he la in\4:1'ested in buying the financially troubled Colorado Bockiea of the National Hockey League. Yankee apokelman In llue u.id Steinbrenner wu familiar with publlahed reportl he ii trytna to l>W'Chue the Roddea, but Kaze aaid the 'Y aniee owner 1peclfically instructed hi. aidea not to diacuia the NHL lltuatioo . . . Baltimore Colts llnebricker Mike Wood.a auffered a gunshot wound to the adnal cord durina a rob6ery attempt at hh father'• Clevelandliome Friday, police and ho1pltal offidall uid. Wooda, ,27, WU listed in guarded condition, accord1ng to a ~oman at Mount S1na1 Hospital . . . ReMr1 Bredltead, d.1rec;tor of financee for the Miami DolDhlm the put three years. WM named athleUc dfniaor at l/>uWma State Untvenlty . • . Jlmm~n hM been top anded fot next week'• Open tennis tournament . . . Mlb Stnc-.. who led the New Orleans Sainta in l'l.llhlnl in 1975, wu lndJcted Friday on aeven OOW\W of lellJ.ng and compl.rtna to sell cocaine, U.S. Attorney Jou Vol1 announced. Strachan pied lnnocent at an arraignment and wu freed on bond . Rustlers split jJair From Page 81 LAGUNA Ocean View advances to CIF semis, 7-0 paued ball, 1lqle and a wild pltcM into a tbinMnninc nm to hand GWC an open1n1·round lo& The Ru1tler1 bounced beck behind the three-hit pltchln& of nna Kyler to aeon a 1-0 triumph over De Anr.a. GWC'• wlnntn1 run came acrom 1n the tint lnnina 1n the SOFI'BALL .. • • • Uni edges Ed~son; f1dM, 'A.r~ists r.0111 Sailon oUlt (;)lien; quarterf in.al1 next Ualwnl~· KIO tennia ooeCh a..,..-. .• iia'•1'1i 11th YMt .. the "'°jlnl' ooich, but tM edmUa Ill of, dial~ didn't play a part lD h ;, .. m•1 narrow 16M·ll~ ~ owr ~ Lb the ~ round of CU'. 4-A Jl)ayoffm Friday. -Sbel took a chance and lnwtild bl8 No. 1 linalel player, Q\rii Greer, 1n the doubl• ecUCln wtih fMrnm.IS. l'.rtc Oliver, and ::::~r won three of four ul reelly dJdn't know what WU adna to ha~, .. Sil@J 9dmltted afterward. •But that wu the tUmine pdlnt." Other Oranae Coaat area wiMer'I Fdday w~ Corona del Mar, N~Ytport Harbor and Laauna Be•ch. The Sailora' vicfo.ry eliminated Huntintton &.ch ftorn the •-A playQf&. l!ve,.Y player for Univeratty picked up at leMt one point M the TroJarui advanced to the .arterflnU on Tue9day against Be.ch Wu.on. ke Martinez and Dan Mafaolll eech won three of their four matches. while Edi1on'1 Myles Mau.a turned 1n another ~~~-1~ bl'ftze onr We1tlake was accompll1hed wfthout the let"'lices of three of the S.. Kl:no' top playen: Greg Hayward, John Washer and Davld Gerken. Hayward and WMher are prepaling for today'• Cir lndlviduaf double• ~Uoi\ at Santa Ana Blah· Briml Sullivan ~ not Jolt a .... tpinlt hla fdur _op~tl while i.mmace Jeff ~ alto pl•Ye4 near-flawlea tennll ln tht match at Wettlak.e. The S.. Kina. now 23-1, wW play P'aloe Verdee 1\aetday at an aa Yttt unnamed ate. N9wport Harbor improved tw overall record to 18...f with a 19-9 TENNIS win over co.:;unaet Leag\,le champkln HW>tineton Beach. The SaiJon got COl'¥iatent play tram James and John My~ with Jamee winning all four of h» match& In ~ the Sallort' Jlm Maa. and~ Conkey downed the Oilef9' Jetf Barnard and Andy Andrews, 8-2, 6·2. Huntington Beach'• John Gabriel won three of his four matches. Newport HarbOI' will travel to Santa Barbara Tueaday for quarterfinal action. The Don.a rolled to a 20-8 win over Thouaand OU.. Laguna Be'ac;h bad liitle dlfftculty In defeating ho1t Katella, 23 '1i-4 ~. Junior Rick Leach .wept h1a four opponen1a. ~ ln ltralght aet1. Ullser to ski·p Indy 500 • • INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -emotions aevenl timea dUJini a Defending champion Bobby ha1tlly aaaembled new1 Unaer aaid Friday he wW akip conference at the IndianapoU. th1a year's Indianapolis 500 to Motor Speedway the day before fulfill an obligation he now th e f i n a 1 wee ken d o f wiahet he hadn't made to be qualifications for the May 30 team tnan.a8e!' for driver Joaele race. G~~ the toughest thina rve "'There ia a lot of sadness 1n done ln 33 years of radng'• aaid Bobby Unser. I've waited tpo UMer, the fir1t Indy •er 1n long," he aaid. "~t'a not fair to a 24 yean to mt. the next year's car owner at this poln~ .to wait race any longer for my decwon. I'm u;.,, whoee 19 Indy atarta just ~t going to run (here) thia are aecond only to 25-year year. veteran A. J. Foyt. aaid be had Speculation had run high all joined the Garza team ln month that Unaer would jump d.talliua!onment over the furor into one of eeveral backup can followtng his third Indy vlct.ory a available to him to make a year qo. qualifying attempt after the The 48-year-old Unser 23-year-old Garza wu safely in appeared to choke back hl1 the race. • °'"'.th.,.., CdM Md--• 1n ~ 1~. w~ c.-to.· .. NllN8 and threw a •triy alcoftd billt on a MCl't&t It to "' the l9ld runner. nw bilW new out to Scott~ left and the final hJti.r to third to end the pme a& thiw hour mark. I rollowlN Mc.' belt ln thif fin& lnnlria. .... .. KJ!ijs~ were limited IQ two ecatterid tirqb• U\e next four f allhQuah Antelope pltchtr .... atft walked num.roua biltt&iri (he had 7 (n fiv.plw ~)7·~ In the ahcth. apJ:renily • lucky frame for the re they have toored the run or tied the pa ln frame 1n each of the IMt out.inga, Dave Arlia opened with a walk. Petenon and Moet walked to lot.d the .t.e. with one out Rohd.t doubi.c! to rlcht field to ~t two l'Wll acrcm ~ White aU'2Jed to rtah& fer the final two that put the Sea K1D8I in front lOf' the eecond time In the pme. • 11\11 &et the ttap foe M~ Rohde and White to complete the herok:l in the final frame. Corona del Mar committed. four errors, making three of Ula lix Antelope runa unearned. Bu~ 1n the end, it made ~ difference: Duke Snider, a Brookl)'n Dodpr centerflelder of no mean ability once said, "U you dotl't make an error once 1n awh.lle, you're not trying all the time.· Golden Gloves are ~ but you al.o have to try for the bud. cha.noes and you are boUnd make an etiu' once In awhile." No one can ay ..the Sea Kings weren't trying In each 1nltance; an 8110f was committed and even though one or two could have COit tpem the game, they refuse<l to let down ~ came back wif.h· brillianl pla~1 1oon after cunm.itting the mllcues. 'The victory advancea Corona del Mar to the semifinals Tuesday against Norwalk, a ~o victor over Whittier Friday. Norwalk will be the home team by virtue of having had only one previous home game to two for the Sea Kino. "Kurt (Peterson) pitched aa well as he has all year until be got tired In the aeventh inning and lost his concentration. Mentally he wasn't ready for that inning and I had to take him out In the e{ghth," Trager said. The Sea Kinga were out-hit by the Antelopes, 13~. J>ut their hita w e re mo r e tiQ\e i y . , "Driving well ls the best revenge." LONE RUN -Golden West's Doug Irvine alldes under the tag of Rio Hondo catcher Ron Jimenez with the only run of the game Friday as the Rustlers P>k a 1-0 lead in their best-of-three aeries with the Roadrunnera. . .,.., ......... ..,a......, Irvine scored on a ling1e by John Altobelli. Teams continue series at Golden West today. This game won't he ·a 'turkey Rustlers, Pirates may play football on Thanksgiving They stand on opposite aides pf the football field and have guided their respective teama to one of the fier'Clest community college rivalries in Orange <:.ounty. But for the pest two years, Orange eo.t College Coach Dick Tucker and Golden West College Coach Ray Shackleford have seen attendance dwindle foe their football teams' confrontation each November. It should be noted that both Tucker and Shackleford aren't always thinking about football. ln the spring, for inltanoe, both coach theif college's golf team and it is not WlCOl1'UDOil for the coaches t.o hit the lin.ka and play a round with their dutten. It was during one such round a while beck that Tucker and Shackleford were diac ursinJ their annual Vict ory Bell confrontauon -which now carries the heavier burden of fla~ a part in the (Jnal outcome o the-South Coast Conference standings. (GWC was moved in t.o the South Coast Conference for football last year). This year, the Victory Bell battle la acheduled t.o take place on Saturday night, No v . 27 . That'• two daya after 'Thanksgiving. That'• in the middle of what la usually a long weekend, reeerved for viait. t.o relativee. And that, of coune, l'De8DI eYeJ\ lm8ller crowds. So, rather than see the 1982 venion of the GWCOCX: claah tum into a turkey of a ball pme, Tucker and Shackleford have been ~the Idea of playing the pme on morning. "lt'a the end o the le.MOO and you only have one pme to eo. You'd like to aet th1a pme <N« with whether you're having a bid yeer or not." explains SNckWCll'd. wtx.e Rustlers nedecl a late touchdown to oo.n the Duca 18-14 lalt year. "But, the main benefit is, you don't have to pracUoe on Tbanbglvtna and then brlna the team back for another day of practkle on Friday," Sbackleford adds. ''A Thankacivtng day pme u.eed to be a tradition ln the oounty with Santa Ana and Fullerton," recaU. Tucker, one of the wtnnJng•t community co~ football coechea in the nation and a atbJeUc dinctor. "'Ibey'~ play lt in the monUnc· haw rM1 COMMUNrtY COLLEGES CURT SEEDEN big c:ro~ and then everybody would go home and eat," Tucker adds. "I don't know what the crowd would be like for th.la game, but I think it would be better than a on Saturday night at the end of a three-day weekend." When the Pirates-R~era cl.uh got oU the eround in 1966, a crowd of 9,700 showed up. Since that pme, more than 115,000 fans have watched the two tealnl play. However, since 1978, crowas have dwindled, from 7 ,000 in '78, t.o 6,200 in '79, to 5,200 in '80 and just 3,500 last year. Should Coast and Golden West be vying for the South Coast Conference champlomhipcome Nov. f7, the importance of the game will only dress it up that much roore if the~ ahowdown cornea off. ''I don't know if we can draw the bli c:rowdl in the fim few years," Tucker no1es, ''and the fint year might be a little bit different. But penonally, I think lt'a a great idea." Adda Shackleford: "I don't know u rd 1l.ke t.o play • early M 10. Maybe noon or 11:30. The ar-ia adI1 wet that early. But I do feel It will be before 11:30." Shacklelord uy. the only negative be can think of about playing the pme on Thunday ta that Jt W1lf allOw for a abort practice week. "Still. there'• even a pcllitive thine about that in that' there Isn't much more t.o learn at the atage of the aeaaon," add• Shackleford. who al8o bu his share of vict.oria. Thil year'a contest la G~~· whk:b means it ia up to and GWC Athletic Dlrectar Gene Farrell to give the go.ahead. On the subject of LeBard Stadium on the OCC campua, where the Pirate• and Rustlers play their home gamea: Shackleford aay. it'a time for a new football turf to be installed. He recalla his team'• victorY last year over the Bual when the field conditions were anythi.ng but ideal. "lt WM a 1'De91. I just think the dlatrict ahould put in a better turf. It look• beautiful when the ~ atarta, but lt just doesn't last. .. &veral Oranae Cout area high IChool teams al.o u. the OCC field. lt ,_,.. a virtual mud puddle last ·year when F.dllon Hieb and Servtte met in the ftnt round of the CIF Blg Five football playoffa. · FV·, Edison players selected Sunaet Lea1ue powera l!diaon and J'ountain V&llEhllh echoola were each ~ two OD the South lq\lld for the Slat brine All-1tar Game at P,.._., Bail Bowl amaQ1 the 28-man l'Olter. Competln1 under South Coach Ron Smelmr of s.vtte d be ~·· Dave Geroux and Rick DIBenwdo, along with Fountain Valley'1 Matt Stewnl and Rod Emery. Allo in the pme reprwnUna the South are l'ootblll nmntna bet* Mark Templeton and Servtte defemive beck Steve Jlahon and Mater Del offenatve auard Brian Loplmr, at. ""'1 Me poun• Geroux. a 210.poUnd ham.ck, .. h.ded far ltanllM Unlvenlty, while DlBemardo, a 218-pou.nd Unebecbr, la bound for Nove Dame. SteYent, alone with San ~ 8ecUoD Player of the Year Jim Plum, i• at quart.erbeck for the South. while = will be a nmninC beck. Stewm la tor UCLA and Emery i• ticketed for N9Yllda-Lu Vepa. r..cb member of the South bout. All-Loa ~or All..cD' bonqrl. · Plum completed fM of 723 pu1e9 for 6,913 yard• and 70 touchdown• ln a three-year career, while Stevea1' two MHOll NCOrd lndud11 281 oompleUonl out of &ea ,..... for 4,472 Judi and 28 TDI. From Page 81 GWC •.. perfect one bopper t.o catcher Cb.ria Schulz. Altobelli waan't the only player provtdlna defeme, either, aa the entire Rustler infield waa u,ht. Outside of an emir by ahcrtstop Roberto VUlarreal ln the ninth innin1, the GWC infield .acounted foe 14 of lUo Hondo's 27 outs. The recipient of all thia defenae was Meyer, who went the diatance iri improving hia record to 9-2. Meyer, who struck out six and walked three , uaed an overpowering faatbell and a hard slider to get through the early i.nninp before laboring ln the aeventh, e ighth and ninth frame9. Meyer loaded the bue9 in the seventh befOl'e he induced Larry Peluffo into an inning-ending ground ball t.o aeoond hue. In the eighth, with a runner at aecood and two out, he got Mecate, Rio Hondo's No. 3 hitter, t.o hJt a check..wtng ground ball beck t.o the box. Fl.nally, in the ninth. he 19t a pop fiy t.o third and a IJ'OUDd ball to leOODd, Jeavtnc IUo Hondo'• last chance Nndtnc at aeoond to end the pme. The Rwtlen (~ overall and the Southern CaJ Conference·~ ~half champion) can wrap up the aeries agalnat the Roadrunner• (23-14 and the second-half champs) at home today beclnnlna at noon. A Rio Hondo victory would ~tate a rubber match immediately following the tint pme .. Scott Marah, whh an 8-0 record. la ICheduled t.o start for the RustJen. "The l'fbo)e week in pncUce we've been up for thla." laid AltobeIU, ~ t.o the een.. "We talked about th1I pme all WC!ek.." -Indeed, with the defenpe and J)(tchina GWC dllplayed Friday, It doean't look aood for the Roadnannera. In order to win it all, Rio Hondo needa to win twice today, and it mwt accomDlllb ltl taak in a ballpar& the Roednmnen haven't won ln In four yten. l:UGl:NI:, Ore. (AP) WHblll,tc;; Sta~bbecl j 20-pomt .,.... • ftnt eta of~tklftuebe~ 101 ~ Cl'idl and fteld, cham~tpa I But UCLA't well-balancedl aquad 1tayed Within 1trlll1na cllNnce and the Bru1n1 cr...-••llll"u.a~ • fleet of ~ tor today4t • final day ot ~den. DefendinC Chanlplon Ariaona State, ~ by many to wtn ao1n thJa year. '"' In U'OUble aft.er two teriow l8tbe$I J'riday. t Defendln1 lon1 ium1,. cham1*>n LaMoilte Kine ot ASU withdrew from that event due to a atra1nect lea mUICle. He UC> WM unable to compete in the· 200-meter trtall. ARIZONA STATE llhot• put ace Gary Wllllky fouled on all _TR_A_C_'K __ ]fll! three throwa .nil did not econ. I The SWl Devi1sl Ron Brown. a ' pre-meet favorhe, a110 waa I troubled by in! and f.al1ed to .. qualify ln the 00. . • Wuhington tate Cc.ch John , Chaplin aaid UCLA could nm , away with the team UtJe today beca1.11e of the Bruim' depdi. "To have any chance at all. we : had t.o have a comiderable lead -, 40 or 50 points -af1er today," • Cha lin said. Waahington State'• foreign-dominated aquad led the pack with 77 pointa, while UCLA • rrw\8ged 57. Host Oregon WM third with 30. Ariz.ona State WU far down the list with only 9 potntl. UCLA Coach Jim Buah admitted his tam WM in a aood position and bad benefitted lrcm Ariwna Stato'a m.lsfortums. '1 LIKE where we are," B&.-b t ' t I said, "We could acore a lot ol. • t point. tomorrow." Waahinaton : Ir State and UCLA e9Ch won tliree • of the 9e'Ven final eventl held . Friday. : wsu freshman Richard Tuwei : of Kenya pulled away from I UCLA'• Dave Daniela over the I final 100 meters "° WlJl the I 3,000-meter ateeplecb.ue tn 8 ~ minute•. 31.7 1econd1. The 1 20-year-old Tuwei plans to nm , the 5,000 met.en Satw'CIQ. The C-oupn acored 1'1 poUltl I ln the hammer, with WSU'a Tore • Guatafaon, from Sweden, 1 w1nn1ng with a heave of 215-feet l 4-lnchea. wsu·. Laslo Babita, : from British Columbja, took the l javelin with a meet record effort ~ of 267-1. Dokie Wllliama picked up UCLA'• initial flnt place by c winningtbe)onajwnpat25-9. ; The l3naim aJaO captured the · pole vault, with Anthony Curran : clearing 18-2 12, and the : 10,000-meter run, which wu : won by Steve Ortiz in 28:22.93. j Oregon'• Dean Crowler wan , the shot put at 67-~ 34 and was : fourth ln the hammer. HB football • s1gnups set ' . • Signupe for the Hunttnaton Beach Juttior All-Amerfcan fQotba11 pl'Olr'alD will take pm ThUl"lday ntcht when the DUuP'• annual Sparta Niaht IClcbf£ la held at the Ocean View Blah School amnutum from 8:30-9 p.m. • All youth.I t:H yean of ace may 1110 up, In addition to cheerleeden.. The llpup fw • $16 and a pmoent n.llt 91)1.U1tw'l1 ' , . tt.e player . f Some membeu of the Loa Anaelll Baim are~ 1o be • ln a11mdance, Ilona wtth Bdilon • H1ah coech Bill 'llOdrman. wbo : wdl deliver a ~..,..ch. Free T 1hlru wlll be · di1trtbuted to pla7en and c:Meri.dln. Por more biformaUon ~ •' 1-'l\lnlCaD (M&-J8'72) m Bab Norma (847-01'19>. 1 I ~ • • -==~ W L .... It ta ,...,_ 20 17 .&41 I 1t 21 A7t N 1t 11 A71 N 17 23 ...... 11 22 A21 "' .............. ....... M11 ... -NW Yor11 11 11 ..-l\i n•1 5 t ta 19 1t .IOO I ........:. 17 1t A71 I a....., 17 22 .al N ........_ ,. 11 .411 • ........... .. ..... .. o.lillll8 I MclnfNll 2. ClnciwlllJI 0 Mlnlil 7, "h $ \ tt • ~l.NWYor111 _,Dlleof ......... I ~l.81nfl'WICliloo4 , ........... It. L.oull (..._ N) • .,...... ,,._, 0-1)." "lg ' 'J ... ('Cnaow...,. Mlnla (Wiik ~ (fUoter 1..0) It 1&11 frMGieoo (llD:c .... 2-f) - ........ (a. ..... 1M)•~ ISoloM>.n .... YOltl ~ 1-1) M Hou9loo (~ ~ ~ 1-0). Ill\ °'980 (8d .... twM).n MmNCAll WMM• c.t-::t:"' t, ,_...ri.o,, •r lllM •rlllM OcMM1ar41to ~rt 1010 C.-fb 1110ce.llb IOtl Grtllalb 1 1 12 o.-id 1000 """'*"' rt 4 1 0 0 ,. • I 1 1 1 Cl.ti rt 0 0 0 0 Hlelfts 1b I 1 2 0 ...... 1112 Hlrndanl4110 LWMd I 1 2 1 Wod!Mlc a 0 1 I Dl!CllalblOOO WNtmr21140 11 Fell• 4 1 I 2 T ....... • 4 t S 1 eoone c 2 1 1 2 T«M9 17 t 12 t Totm 40 7 11 1 c.llar'* .... ~ -:r 230 000-1 0..... 011 200 111-7 I -foll, TrelfttMI 2. Of'-Oetrolt 2. L~ 7, o.oll 7. a-..-. Tr_...., WoctlMfu•. H"-Qrlctl (4). 8-(1). M9(1,. ~ ._...... ~ -M•••eo Fondl (W.44) ..... 4 4 1 0 ~,_\a.el ,.. I I I 0 I UMINd (1..2-2) 4 I I I 1 I ~=-,. I I I 1 Z ~20020 ... 1 10010 W~-Und4Hwood. ~•-wcotienrv ... T-t:a A-af .711. Oltlllet.-•• ....... 011 010 GOO-I 10 1 TcnMo 000 000 000-0 1 1 ......,., ....... fl'! Md ::i Gott, ... L. JactllOft (7) Md " M . L..-God. 0-1. 1-T. Mer HR-8ett1111ore. LL ...... , 41). 2,111 • .......... , a.a.lld "° 101 010-7 11 1 ..... 10I 210 ._. 11 2 · ~ ~~ llld......,. Tcir-. aw...., 1•1. a.. (7) encs ~. W-~. t..O. L-lMllf~•. M . a-o..r. "" Olldlrld. c. ~ (4). ~.,. m. ew.. (1). Y,.•n•11 (7). ,_ ..,. ~"':I" :0....0 4 0 ~ Olly 110 000 01Jl-a I 0 ,...., ....,, ca........_ 411..., ••• " LMfwd.-a. ...... , en..., W-. W-LMl•d. &.a. L-T-. 14. tQ? ..,,, ''°" ~1.212. y ........... , ....... IOO OtO OllO-1 I I ,_v.ti • a Ot.a-11 11 O\ ..................... (1) ... LAulMs; "-INy, lt1011IOll (ti, ... wi.y (I) 9114 ........ W-A Mir. t..a. ~ W. ~ Yor11, QelMllt (It. ....,_ (2). .....,_ (1). A-II, tOa. _.., ....... , ..... 001 -OC»-1 4 0 ........ 000 -OOll-4 • 0 ~ Md •vt1t119. ,.,.,,.~"'·· ..... m_,.._.... a.1. ~.M.~~A-11~ ........... , New Yortl 001 000 000-1 1 0 ........ 011 111 OOll-1 10 1 ..:;,:'°"• L~ (t), Ofoeoo (7) lflCS ....... LllOorie (I) ... """'*'· W-lutton, 1·1. L-M. loott, S·I. A-IUA T•• C....•• ....... Ul•CM~ • Mt • ....... T°""*t 12 .. 11 ~ a..e-1 • 140 II ....... CteiilllltMd a et I E.Murnr. .......... 100 14 l'9clSorwi. Q.io.o II 1U M fl Wlll?ll 4Jla n. 1illM. ao • • Cooper, .. ... It 146 D LL ............ ti 10 1t Y..._...._. 11 to1 M .......,T_ 11 110 10 ........ .. .... ... 417 ... 400 11 .171 • .aeo .. .Ml Tllornton, Ctowota••. tt; Hrt.ell, ........... 10; "°9111oM, .........,., t; ......_~t:LJ ............. t: ........,, OIMIM. .. ........... tiloRM, KM~, 11; Tll~nlon, ~. M ; I, CNcaoe, H: ~· AlleMI. -..... 11oe1 .... 27; ~ tC I ... tJ: OltJ. re-Qtr, *"' o:'..!a'. lf ~,.-. 1-11 Tudor, ...... 4-1; ............. •1; Gur-. re-Cllr. 4-1; ..... Ollfdlrld. 4-1; Qenor, TOl'Oflto, M; Z.... ....... .._ ..... OlloJeD. 6-2; '· ........ ...... a.a. • .. t.f' c ~'ft' as=-.,. .... " .... , ...... o.,_ ....... , .... ~t17 ~,,.. ... ~t01 ....... 11t, ... Meollll -......,. ta. ... AIMlllll 1n tL.-~ ........ 4.(1) ..... , ?-..... m. ,.. s lPtJ: 11 :;:::::: :'n~J" l'if', \Ue1it:llW .. ..... ,w.,.s .... ....,. .... ...._ .. n· S lpf II 11 ...... tlld ~ ,.. 0 .. .:./.: t ... 0 •• .-•::-• -. . . -· B ,_...,,, n1U11 p Ol;?J l,GOO ., ... =·-· -t. ....._. TINlll ~ t:l1.7 . ~ ..... -1 . .._ °'1111 (UCLA). u -1. Dollle~~IM. "" - 1. ~ Qinwl IW.. ... -1. Dlell ~ ~ 11-": a. "°"" ..... iuetAl. n -1.t..Mo'Mlli~~ al1· 1 (llmt ,._.,,, HT -1.T-OlllMlllOll(W~ ...... ltM. ~ , . " . NAil. .....,.~ WL8'AA•"9 I 2 23 11 22 81 1 a 11 12 1s 56 S 4t812t 1 1 t It t 16 ........ ~ Fol1 I a fl oetf 1 S 22 11 20 80 T-=-~ 4 I 13 11 12 31 s 5 14 17 ,. 12 TutM 3 6 14 11 14 S2 ...... ~ 8en 0.00 5 s 1• 10 12 40 EdmcnlCn 6 I 12 11 t SI v--• 6 12 18 tO S2 8enJcee 4 4 10 11 • 30 Poru.nd 4 S IS t t 21 a.nae 2 • 11 11 • It Six pclnla .,. ~ lor 8 rsoul'lliO" OI ~ ..tctory. FCfoM pclnla lor e lflootout "4ctOly. One OCflU8 Pl*'C lor _., ooel _., ~ • nwa-of ttww per~ No -.. Pl*'C • -.did lor _... or lhootOlll90*-,,..,.. ..... No,...~ ,....,.._.. T~•Qllcago T ..... M.lldtNnlllle,n 8en 0.00 • Momreel. n TMIPI loy M Sen Joes. n Fort.....:..:=-~= Eagles' Tift picks SoCal STAR·R1NO SPECIAL PRICU FOR YOUR ' YICITIOI PLUSIRE Tremendous Savings .---~ ·- , , I . ,I JIM'S ~ • r> THE LIGHTING CATALOG by Harbor Lites IJH H-nJ ln/o1 TV~c~!?O ''"Doll! Sanvs 1ur-IOllJIJ • Lighting llxtUl'N • um,,. . Um,.,,... WEDONJS • PflOMS FORMM.S Why wait for 50$ Off Sales when you can get low-low Builder-Decorator Prices every day of the year at Harbor Lites' LIGHTING CATALOG and SHOWROOM combined. SEMI FOAMAl.S ~"'44'5¥4 ,, ... a.11. PALM BEACH • L()fl() WEST AFTER SIX Don't pay for massive showroom overheads! If you need a lamp, fixture, or lamp shade, CALL US! We'll prove we mean what we say without your having to leave home. Call 645-7301 9-6 every day. Ask for Paul or Pal TUXEDOS FOR MEN & WOMEN Wedding ConsUtanls 25 Years Experience .. • Utll 1805 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Open every day U (714) &6-7301 (Acroaa From Cal's Camera) WE'VE MOVED Come visit us We have completed OW' big move - finally -just a few doon north. But you will find the same friendly tpcea, and the ume expert attention to all details of the jewelry bullne11. Our peniona1 eervice to you wW not IUffer by our growth. In fact, . we expect to be able to serve you even better than before. We still have our own .. watd.>mam and our own jeweler on the · :prenda We started cur Nwtne11 in 1946 and our steady growth baa been balled upon lel'Vke. 'nie way our friends in th1a area have responded to our service had made it ~ble for WI to grow. Please stop in IOOll aM lee UI and share our pride in our new home. After all. it la folks like you that made it pcmible . J. ~.JJumpf.,."16 J-w.fer6 . MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCiETY @~ HQ NEWPORT BLVD .• COSTA MESA .. u "' Slr\oe 11M6 l"i !ON! 548--3401 I)' ITBVB TIUPOU °' .. ..., ....... Th• hiltory of CaUfomla ~ t.M hfstoty ot lta fr9h w1ier ret0urcti1 an lnle~ble. lt'a the C\ll'll of 1 atate where IO tn'-'Ch ~nt hu taken place IO far from water supp~ T1\e bittl• over who aet1 wa"r Md where lt will come from have been nt.Uneroua and UIWllly -crlmonloua. lt ~ that the people who'll be aett1nt the water usually are all for the plan of the ~r. ~ thoee frcm the 'Te• the water will <.'Orne from are 10lidly opJ)Oled. Th.lnp are no different th1a time, II\ the final weeks before the June 8 referendum on construction of the Pertfheral c.nat and other water facllltlea. All o the acrimony, acare campaJps and ~gional divialona are preaent. The referendum will appear as Propoeitlon 9 on the ballot. • The canal is designed to take water lrom the ~, C. ~to River, juat north ot the rtver'a \_,. delta, and carry It 43 miles to the pump- \ m, station ~t lifta water Into the 1!.. 444-mile callfomla Aqueduct for \~•..,,; a trip to Southern California. •Fresno ". '~ \\ Vario•• state officials arpe 1: , ti I I I for ud agala1t Proposition t. Tllelr views are reprinted from a special l11ae of the bl-montllly pabllcation ' • of Western Water Edacation Foandatlon, Sacramento. Arguments for Prop. 9 By SEN. ALFRED E. ALQUIST The 1980 State Waler Act -Peripheral Canal package must be approved. For more than 2 mUlion Bay Area residents, it is es.<Jential to guarantee good quality water, to balance the job-.economy equation that also depends on decent water. and to provide environmental '1 saveguards for the Della. The consensus was hammered out. It is the last of its kind that we'll aee foe years to come. Right now, quality problems plague the Bay Area P>mJnunities that depend on water that must come through the Delta. The Santa Clara Valley Water District has for several year5 had to use increasing amounts of chemicals to treat the water it must import. Those in Contra Costa County whose water comes from the Contra Costa Canal intake at Rock Slough lived with health warnings for 120 days last year. Industry m the Antioch-Pittsburg area has labored for years under lhe crippling costs of poor water. By providing decent water that hasn't been degraded by sail and Delta drainage, the State Water Act -Peripheral CanAl package solves the water quality problems Sen. Alfred Alquist. a Democrat, ha s represen red the San Jose area since 1966. He is chairman of the Senate Finan ce Comm ittee and is a m ember of the Gov- ernmental Organization Committee, and Energy and Public Utilities Committee. those Bay Area communitieti and lndustriea now face. The package provides vital environmental protections. The Peripheral Canal, with it.& timely release of fresh water ln the Delta, will safeguard that habitat. A. Daniel Chapin, vjce chainnan of the Delta Advillory Committee, aaid, "The Peripheral Canal ia not an engineer's choice, it is an environmentalist's choice." This comprehensive water package ls the result of tough political give and take, Consequently, special interests in the Delta and elsewhere who think there will be any other water ch oice coming aoon are kidding themselves. This is no time for local or parochial penpectives of water management. The 1980 State Water Act must be passed now. Earle SW.. an •tt.omey and former mayor of Burbank, la ch•irm•n of the Metropolitan Water /)Jatrict board of directors. . Pollltert hav• found hlatory repeallnf It· telf a1 tbty i1Ult YMWI on \ht f5.4 bll Ion DIOkale statewide. Tht \at.ett polll ehow a heavy ,j '·I oppo1hlon \o the. project In Northern CaWon\ia, iM ioW'cle or the water. while the SI Southern California wotera who wUl receive lt art ewTentJ~ ln favor of the pro~t by about a 3-2° lftaflln. 13ecaule there are more voters ln the eouth, the 1tatewlde percentage oppoled la about 4~·36, wtth w remainder undecided. Oetpite the obvioua divisions, the to~ on both tides of the campaign are taking nothing for granted. Both aides have marshaled war cheat.a of about $2 milllon, fed heavily by apeclal interest.a, to wage a media war. What emerges from the rhetoric is a debate centered on thtte major l11ues: the need for the canal and the reservoirs. pipelines and conservation projects that are part of the package, the ~nvi.roJ'Ul\t?nW impact, and wheth~r it's worth the investment. There i.a aharp disagreement in all three areas. ON THE QUESTION of need, op~ment.a of Proposition 9 havP turned to an examination of the way water ls used, priced and le'gislated in the state. They say thal water is squandered ~JI over the state and o n farms especially. that conservaUon would more than fill Southern California's waler neects and that state policies governing water use encourage mef~cient use. They also blame the water industry for meUiclent management of water resources and what they consider a misplaced, almost religious conviction that constant expanmon of the state water system is essen tial. Proposition 9 backers say there simply ls not enou~ water coming through the state system especially with the pendlng loee of aome of lhe supply from the Colorado River, to meet Southern California's needs in a drought or in the future. when population will have increased. A acenarlo of dry fauceta, rich farmland turned to dual, and losl jobs is painted by the backen1. Environmental questions center on what the canal will do to the sensitive Sacramento River Delta and the effectiveness of protections for Northern Califomia1s wild rivers lhat will take Opposing • v1ew-s By SEN. JOHN GARAMENDI Proposition 9, the massive expansion of the State Water Project, is unnecessary and is Irrational in terms of economics, energy, effidency, and the environment. The water needs of Southern c.alifomia can be met. The Metropolitan Water District has overestimated the growth of Southern California u well as the demand for water. Published calculations by the Slate Department of Water Reaources (DWR) clearly proYe that the water necessary to meet demands In the ye.ar 2000 la 370,000 acre-feel less than the proponent.a of Proposition 9 claim. Therefore, the projected drought year water shortage can be met by l~f.rting additional water into the Southern 'fomia area during wet yeara and storing it for use in the dry years. California has sufficient water rights on the Colorado River and in Northern California to do this during average and wet years. The DWR estimates that $11.3 billion will be spent on the project.a authorir.ed by Proposition· 9 over the next 18 years. An additional $12 biUion is estimated to be spent after the year 2000 in order tb meet the commitment• made by Proposition 9. The Peripheral Canal alone is now estimated to cost $1.3 billion. Thia massive outlay of our scarce public capital is unneceasary. Alternatives exiat that are far cheaper aJ\d can meet the needs of Southern California. The State Water Project if the largest energy coruumer ln California. If the facilities authorized by Proposition 9 are constructed, its electricity consumption will just about double, and the cost of electricity will rise tenfold becauae more expensive aources of power will be used in the future. The Delta, largest estuary on the West Coast of the Western Hemisphere, should not be left to chance of future political tides. etfect ll Ptopoeltlon 9 91 aPP!VVed. c..nal supporters ay the canal will dell ·cleaner water to So\Athorn CaUfQ,..la bypaptna the Delta. with it.a prob.._ -ancultural pollution and aalt water ~ through San Francilco Bay. They alao dl1m the ca.nal will tolve fCIW' major environmental problems in the Delta, an of them related to the operation that now dra• water directly from it for export IOUth. Opponent.a aay the clalma of el'\vironmen protection for the Delta throuah the canal a probably false, and that aafeguarda for t northern rivers aren't worth the paper they' written on. The wild river protections are worthl • they sly. becauae the)' can be repealed by majority vote of the electorate. If a majority ~ the electorate favors water development b supporting the Peripheral Canal, what's to s voters from repealing the river protections ( favor of future water development, they ask. THOUGH THE TWO sides once dlaagr • over the cost of the packege, both now ae. willing to accept the $5.4 bWiM-figure put out b the pro-canal state Department of Wate Resow-ces. . The question now 1s whefher it's worth i Canaf backers say that the waler usera wh will pay for it will chip in about $11 per fami) per year for the canal by the year 2000. A sma price to pay for what they consider a guaran of Southern California's economic future. Opponents say that, since the water Wt' n~ed. the whole proposal is a conspiracy create larger water surpluses than exist n The beneficiaries, they say, will be the hug agribusinesses that buy surplus water from lh system at bargrun prices The multi-billion dollar ex~nditure a will put heavy pressure on the state's alreadt battered financial resources, they say. 1 For voters, the besl strategy m making $ decision probably will be to learn as much as ~ can about the issue, which by any standard Is on of the most important facing the state, bef voting. Tbe arguments below. all of them b prominent fi(futes in the controversy. are a g'1 Start. I I I Sen . John Gara mendi is a Democra representing an are from Lake Tahoe t parts of the Delta, Joaquin Valley an Sacrament.o. He is th Senate Majorie Leader and sits orl various committees. -, Timochy Brick is Southern California coordinator of Californians for a Fair Water Policy. He also is a member of the Utility Advisory Commission of the City of Pasadena. 1 I· By TIMOTHY F. BRICl There are three reasons why Southern Californians should oppOee the State Water Bill: - We don't need it. We can't afford it. We won't set the water anyway. There is sufficient water for growth in Southern C..Uforn1a ll the Metropolitan Wat.:r District would start looking out for their customers aa mucb as they do Kern County agrlbualnesa. Tax~yers are Urea of 1Ubsldlzing c6eap "1urplu1 ' water for Kern County a1rlbu1lne11 conalomerates, thU9 dlatortlng • ~ble planJlinl. We'" Propot>tlon 9 u a acheme to 1hlp Northerft Ca.Utoml.a water to Central Cdforma r • Uncle Len had a dllf:ky week ~ .~~. envelope. full of nice He lan't feeling down, but he t:ertainly hu a few waterproof 'feathers fioatina around. ....U riaht, all rteht, Uncle Len will q\lit quackine duck jokes and get down to businesa. Actually, he's always admired ducks, swans and geese for the way they swim. Up on top they look c.aJ.m and serene u they float around on the water, but underneath the ir feet are paddlinJt away like crazy. Uncle L e n 's s tyle of swlmrnlng. on the other hand, has been compared to a windmill, an out-of-control propeller or a demented buzz saw. He hopes his friends pay more attention in swimming classes ;than Uncle Len did. With such a big ocean nearby, it's Important to be a good swimmer. Just ask any duck. As us ual , it was a tough ',decision this week, but first place end $~ go to Huy Vinh, 14, of 1Huntington Be a c h for a --- FIRST PLACE: Huy Vinh of Huntington Beach beautifully detailed picture of a ------------------------~ ld water bird. I / Second place and $2 go to \ \ I / _ Jason Cairns, 13, of Huntington ~ Beach for his drawing of a pair of \ _. •swans at sunset. Congratulations .._ · --- to both artists. •-L. -<=..-:_ -- Honorable mentions go to Johnny Chiarenza, 12, Greg ·Deras, 12, and Jeremy Calms, 8, of Huntington Beach, and Julie Watson, 11, Terry Simms, 11, Todd Simms, 8, and Cynthia Sisley, 13, of Costa Mesa. A special thanks to Rochelle Harris, 5, of Huntington Beach who got so excited about drawing ducks that she went on to include ts, chiakens and cats. Uncle n and his friends enjoyed your 1U"\WOrk very much. And, as usual, Uncle Len 'received great work from his friends in Room 13 at Wilson 'School in Costa Mesa. Thanb to 'Kenny Wendel, Jay Arruda, Craig Bruyn, Richard Barba, Jason Beve rly, John, Laura Adame, Teresa Lopez, Hector Partida , Rachel Morse, Amiee Fukomoto, Joel Lozano, Laurita Rodriguez, Sean Dunham, Julie Way, Tanya Morris, Pattie Jo Alverson, Heather Grosdidier. Monica Plazada, Daniela Picardi. Bobby Dabalos a nd Gabriela Avila. Uncle Len's friends at Bushard Middle School in Huntington Beac h did th ei r u s ual 6utatanding work, too. Thanks to Elaine Sunu, Ste phe n Ch en , Sh,anowa Scott, Cindy Stout, Jose Cardenas, June Bachman, Chlnh Nguyen, Manothonli( ~ -__... --- ---- - / ' - SECOND PLACE: Jason Cairns of Huntington Beach Luangsisongkham, Manokham Luangsisongltham, Danny Lee and Dennis Lee. Next weekend will be a long one because of the Memorial Day holiday, and Uncle Len plans to go on a picnic with some friends to the park. He'd like all the great artists out there to draw their ideas of goodies to take along in a picnic basket or draw a picnic scene in general. Remember to include name, address and age. Draw with black lnk on white paper cut 4 inches square and mail entries to Uncle Len, Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Be sure to mail early so they arrive by Wednesday. And for goodness sake, don't tell anyone about the picnic, because we don't want the ants to find out. . . : Baby ape on limited display MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) -The other apes are as eager a s the human visitors to get a look at the Memphis Zoo's newborn gorilla, but officlals say he won't be on display for awhile. Carlos, the baby'• father . oteupies a cage next door to the mother and haa been standing on his head, t.ryi.J'll to see under the door Into her living quarters, said zoo Director Charles Wilson. "The primates are as eltdted as the humans," Wilson said. "Junior is the most animated," he said, referring to a giant orangutan. Junior's cage facf'a the one occupied by.Beta, a 22-year-old lowland gorilla who gave blrth to the 4-pound, 12-ounce baby male Sunday. , The newborn was taken from his mother Monday because he wasn't feeding properly. He wu placed in an Incubator and is belng fed by zoo workers. The baby appeara to be growing stronger and seems healthy, wu.on said. "He 's great ," said Bob Maguire, the zoo's primate keeper ... He's eating regularly." While ln the Incubator, the baby wlll be on limited public display, Mquire said. ~ta 1s on loan from Chicago's Brooklield Zoo, while CarlOI, 12, was bought two years -ao from the Albert.a, Canada, Game Farm. . A zookeeper who reported to work about 6:30 a .m . Sunday found Beta clutchln1 the baby. From that point on, officials watched the pair. Offlclall decided Monday to take the mby t.rom Beta becau.e he wee.k fJ'Ch lack said: Beta .... • U1 a ~ulllzer before. the beby w• taken ftan her. Maauire aaid Beta did not reject the baby but waa· ptiY*aJJ.y tmable to ftW'M him. COLUMBUS, Ollk> (AP) -On):. of BnaBrommchlr'•:taam ._ that ........ Mada Tim ... ~:· BICllnbecber ahOWd. • • He boww:.d into education Ua • "'1llwd ball, ricocMU.nc off a auwr ti\ ~~ and a ldnl 1n the mlUtary. Now -ahtr only •l•..!Y••ra•ln the olamoom -he's the nation'• 1982 '{'NCtie" of the Year. . Brornblct.r, 33, tMchel at UM 000-~PU Jones Jun ior Ht1h Scbolol ln Ueper A~~n, a c;:olwnbua aabUrb. Tha lwalcy ,._fOQt~ -a mW~~ in v~ ->-~ ~ ioota to er.ate a 11leam t& °" elM" atniolphere. But hl1 1'\udenta are completely •\ eue and aeem to reprd him more 11 a chum than an authoritarian figure. "KJda at thil •I• are pretty perceptive," he said. "You can't really fake then) out. They read it pretty qukkly If YO!-''~ t.r)'tna to put on an act." <.:oJodul matNimaUcl poewn dot the walla of Brombecher'a clau.room. And when the R1.1blk'1 Cube came on the market, he IOlved the punle and brouRht lt in .. a tee.chine tool Brornbacher, Ohio's 1982 ce.cber ot the y,ear, wu choeen 11 the country'• top educator from more than l million teachers ln the annual awards Pl'Olf&1ll, sponlOn!d by the F.ncy_clopeclla Britannk:a C.O., the Council of Ch.let State School Of tlcen and Good Houaekeepla_, mqaz;ine. "School was always a aood experience for me," Brombacher said. "t enjo,Yed helpina other kids learn. I always enjoyed helpi.nl tutor pe<>ple." However, Brombacher said his aptitude for math coupled wtth the demand in the late 1960. for adence graduat.ea led to his decision to .Wdy phyaics Jnd math at Heidelberg C.Ollep in Tiffin, Ohio. After graduating in 1970, he was drafted and went to Vietnam for 11 months, serving aa a military polleeman, drug coumelor and Vietnamese language spedaliat. He received a muten degree in physics from Ohio State University ln 1975 and won intemlh.lpa at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in T8'U'·r e and Illinois' Argonne National Laboratory. Nuclear fusion and solar ponds were part of hia ~. he said, but he dlsliked workina in a little room by himaelf. "I'm a people penon," he ..at. So he picked up his t.eachina certification at Otterbein College and was hired by the Upper Arlington school ~ro in 1976. "Every day there's probably t0mething a little different that makes you feel good. feel excited," said Brombacher, who sporta a bushy mustache and unruly brown hair that tenda to tumble into his eyes. "It could be a child who struggled for a long time and finally comes up and-says, 'Gee, I understand how that worka.' Or it could be the child who was never Involved . . . and all of a sudden starts partidpa ting." Brombacher sa~ he's required to cover certain concepts and materiala at the junior high level but that "the kids have some ideas about what they think is important and how they work beat in a classroom.'' He aid class 1oals are out.lined, with Input from everyone. "In that way they're a little more motivated because it means something to them penonally," Brombllcher aakl. "They have a little bit of ownenbip in deddtna what we're PD& to cover in the cl.ala. And they're a lot ie. llkely to tune out and C!lm clla:lpline srobJmw. "The whole polnt is we're trying to make kids feel good about thermelvea, to IOl1 of find out what their role is and bow they eee thenwelves fitting Into aodety." Brombecher akl. THE QUIZ world scope (tO polm1 tor HC:tl quetMon anew_. cOffeCtly) 1 Whlle nqotl1tlons over the Falkland Islands continued, Britain pledged to attack any warship or pl1ne found more thin .. l .. n1utlcal mlles from the Ar1entlne coast. •·'\2 b·100 c-200 l President ltug1n proposed 1 pl.i by which the U.S. and the ~lets woYkf cut their arsenal of matetlc nudur warheads .. l .. •·completely. b-by one-half. c-by one.third. ~ ............. TEACHER OF '8Z -Bruce Brombacher, 33, ; an eighth grade teacher in a Columbus, Ohio, : s uburb, was chosen as the country's top : educator of the year. · ~ Profits poppi n g for · classmates BELFAST. Maine (AP) -An experiment in free enterprise by fifth-graders at Ea.t Belfast School produced one problem: how to slake the thirat created by their fast-selling bags-of C.Olonel's Kernels popcorn. With a pro f essional appr o a c h to problem-solving nurtured by frequent corporate-style board meet i ngs , the yo ung ent.cepreneurs decided to divennfy into Kool·Aid, teacher Louie SoJebello Jr. said. The idea took shape early thlJ year. Meeting as 28 sharehold~rs. counting Solebello and a teacher's aide, the claS3 broke up into committees to manage advertising, cooking and packaging, selling and purchasing and organization. ~ • . . , After leasing several com poppers, testing the target market inside the school and buying raw materials, the students began to make Colonel's Kernels. Kicking off their sales campaign at a ' special achoo! movie, the students aold 190 25-cent ' hap the first day, saturating a market of about lSO ~ studenta. Profits were four to five centa on each bag. · 1 Sales expanded to two other district scboola, t ' and the class took out radio and newspaper ads. . Cups of Kool-Aid netted more profit before the • project wound down, showing net earnings of $150 .. ~ "For a while we were mal<Jng and packaging : popcorn three days a week," Solebello recalled. "It t waa an all-day affair." : Answers appear (upslde down) below quiz • ' ' t 1 I i • A • ' , ' ~ f ' • l I . . ' J followint the unanimous rejection of hb budaet by the Senate ludset Committee, Pmk:lent lte1pn ch.llenaed Democrats to acttpt 1 new, compromlM budget. TRUE Olt FALSE: The new bucfaet lndudes no reduc- tions In Soc:l1I Sec:utlty. (10 po1n19 "rou.....,. w. quw11on con.c:ttrl • . ! 4 President Reapn said that he (CHOOSE ONE: does, does noc) support a con.iltu:tlonal 1mendment to allow for volur1t.ry prayer In publlc schools. s The nation's unemployment rate rose 109.4% In. April, pf1eln1 th• number of Jobleu · Americans 1t more than .. 1 .. ry\llllC>f\. · •·5 b-10 c-25 newsname r (to ~ If rou aft *"'"' NI "'"" 1n 1!f ...... > t ..,, Zhao Zhlyan9, lhe premier of my ~nt'1. But I am not che mott powerful polltJcal flture In the tovernment. I manqed to k-.> "'Y polkJon •lthcMAth eleftn of thf""n wk-. premm wet'9 etlmlnat..t. Whal It the name Of my countryl Vice Prbldent George Bush traveled to the People's Republic of Chlna to meet with Chin~ le•ders In hopes of Improving U.S.· Sino relatlom. The communist Chinese 1overnment volted opposition to U,S. plans to sell S60 mill Ion In mllit•ry equipment to .• l . ., home of the N1tlon11lst Chinese government. paoplewatd1/spor tHgllf (2 po+fttt t.f etctl que111oft llftaw.tM COfT9CH1) • ' ., ,,.... .... .... ... .. --.,., ..... , NJI ul• !tlO. one 011!f.tornl111 \arp1t llF I rJrAal~lftblWold-...... ...... ... ...... '° ciall lt ......... --~it .. .. • ..... "" • dil ... t ...... ot ..-cl." ~ ~ wbo ••••IH Du'! NurlffJ at TlaHmal, "H~rlW'/ .U.hau.." ~N~ ....,_.Treehnnat ......., ·~ "°" IDOi& ot tbe pUrw that .... many~" tn tbe 8outhw.t It Ain't .-®'ck and ._y ,.. It._ a6out ·eewn ,..n to~ a Dabft to a ~· °': fMt or morw, mlt.ldftl It tall ~ to tie tram '** to • landlcaped abopptnl ... or tubcU on. •-ro be able to make a ~y. YoU have to wait lot HVen lHrt,'' LUIO,_Hld fn a telephone lntervleW. ''Du.rtnl that tin», ~ haw to in18te. fertilbt, keep prunlnc. Pr\&n1n&,ll the name of the pmt to aet not only ~·i,u, etrength ln tbe ~~ •' Roadrunner'• mana1er, Jeff Loeveneuth, hopes to cut the time from plantlna to harve9t in half or "at 1eut by a \hlrd" by ulina drip lrriptJon. The previou1 method of furrow, or flood. irrieatlon wu "probably our biueat problem" because water and ferttllser leached out of the firm'• sandy IOil quickly, he aid. "We've remedied that by convertifti to drip irrieatlon," Loeveneuth aald. "It provides more uniform lf'OW\h, foroe1 the root 1yatem downward, and we can calibrate the amount 1 of fertil121er we want per tree . Furrow or flood WH very inconmnent .•• In addition, drip irrigation saves on electricity which ii expensive in Roadrunner's area served by San Dieao Gas and Electric. "Energy costa are outrageous," Loevenguth aaid. Both nuraerlea primarily grow a slender variety of palm called Washington robulta, a hardy native of northwest Mexico. . · "We found out through the experience of tryina ~tal varieties that It la the hardie.t, the beat to be transplanted, the moat uuful for omameotal purpo1e5." Lugo aaid. "Robusta hu the leelt problems for .everal reuons: it doesn't beet fruit; it only may bnf seeds whJch are not edible; and it doesn't attract any rodents." Dunlap Nunery 1fOW9 robuata l>al.ma and aome fauer but alower-arowinl Wuh.lniton .filiferu on 100 acres which Lugo aaya has good IOil for pa1ml New Oregon town has Indian naIDe PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -A worn-out former sheep ranch being converted into a modern intensive farm and meditation center will get a C:. on the map of Oregon with a name out of The town of Rajneeshpuram, in the middle of a 100-aquare-mile conunune in central Oregon. waa authorized by followers of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. They expect 5,000 viaiton for a meditation festival in July, and as many u 2,000 residents by 1990. BIRTBDA Y BOYS -The Earle quadruplets, eons of Mr. and Mn. Charle• Earle of Canton, Mass., celebrate their flrat birthday nonchalantly. From left, Norman, Daniel, David and Michael are ACCOUNT FOR EXPENSES You can help your newspaper earner collect at times conve- nient to you by having your cnec« or money order ready so the earner won t have to call back. Because this young person is 1n business for himself or herself. please be ready - and w11tch that big smile which says '"Thank you · ..... •ITA-llTI •a.r• 50 •'YM -100 .. 9"lly $5.SO -Olvw ,.0 .... 7200, c.... Me. Businessmen 1922 A Tradition for IO Yeara 1982 Serving Nlfhtty Tll 1 A.M. R111rvattone ......, .......... 145-7077 OVER 12.HOT • COLD ENTREEB Daily Pilat If you are doing business under a Fictitious Burness !Vame you are required by law f Business and Pro/esBWru Code. Sec. 17900 to 17930 J to f 1le a Fictitious Buainess Name Statement and have it published for four consecutive weeks. WE at the DAILY PILOT can help with both. Call the LEGAL DEPARTMENT at 642·4321 Ext 332 for further information. 112 lllPORTED • DOllEBnc WINES Flneet of VMI, Select.ct 8eef, FrMh l18'ood a Pou1trJ I . PaidAd••rtis•:ent Effortless Exercise: The Story Behind Electronic E.xercise ·As Seen on Channel 7 Using the muscle stimulator, combined with Bio-Health Center's favorite diet, Brad Aspin went from a size 38 pant to size 30 ln Just 21t'.t weeks. Hla mother Norma saw simltar results (size 12 to sise 8) in the· same 18 day period. These are Just two of the many succeuful & happy Blo·Health Center customers. That's why people are nocldng to Bio-Health Center on 17th Street in Costa Meu aod becomine regular participants of electronic exercise witb amazing reaulta. • The principle behind this phenomenon is straight·forward. In a so-called "voluntary" contraction, that ii to say during everyday movement. the brain send• a 1lgnal alon1 a nerve to the "motor joint" of a muscle. This alinat. slmUar to a weak electric current, is a measaae to the muscles to contract. In electro ·muscular stimulation at Bio-Health Center. electrodes in the form of conductive rubber pada are placed on the 1urface of the skin over the motor points of 16 major muscle groups. When a very weak electronic current ii applied throuah the pad.a, the 1l1nal flnds lta way t.broulh the akin to tbeae motor point. -.cl cau1t1 the muscles to contrld, just u if k bad received a 1tanal from the bi'aie. • Durln1 the contraction of tbeH mwcl•, the muscles are ~dually expindbi1 eo«p and doln1 tbe work. Patr~DI ~ Blo·HeaJth often CGlb..,_ tW tbe exerdle fMls ~lll·m nially WOl'ta U.. ,en&IN 1DUICll: Koet NJ ,ou Mft to W, I& to appreciate tt. Docton ••1 ·~ ~s minute• ot •ll••l•UOli ta equivalent to • to 1;80 11-. and/orl .. r .... Duptte •••~li•I ~ur mu•cS. ID0-1 ... H SW M,,_. mlnut.e, ,... ,... JIG .... ,f.J~---1aa't .._ 11 : -•n :~ p~~-ror ~ nm few da1'. f!'C aW6d r.:.~ri .... h~ e-°' the ~ lhcM.akl ., ... put Oft ... tlowlml t:._fON •ppr~ th• e,•v··-~· • ~ l'J UM U.S. aervsc., -i:s~ Wwldn't to mar the Ot the ~ 1 Trom time to time I bave been pa. 1d with plam to beautify my mailbox ot ccnmal ti under twouflaee pelnt towud the end of the month when the due bU1I 'fluUer ln from impatient ,.:reditQn. A fiiw monthl beck.. when the lntemal Revenue tormt were drlfflna in, 1 contemplated = :r'ttJe°"nidL;:!1~ and leavtna the carrier a tde note: "Broke Lake Braniff." But DOW 1 "think maybe 111 'naint my mailbox 11lver with llt-\le copper polka dota in EDINBURGH, &otland (AP) -Par ule: A =patlon of a modest refund remote, uninhabited Scottish laland. . The 8'Wlls ownen of the la1and are llldna the I One time there, when llamp Reinote · Scottish island for sale equivalent of $1'",000 tor the 2,700 acne 1n the prices were becoming unclued, I OUter Hebridee off the northwest CI08lt of Lewta, ~ entertained the Idea of palntfna one of Scotland'• 1ara-t illanda. my mailbox black and mlderinc "lt'a unique for anyone wanttnc to:cw•r, · on little broru.e handle9, like a from it all, to nave the key to their own ' coffin, In mournina for the Aid Guy Galbraith, of real estate agentl villa, three-cent atamp, which I which la handllna the tale of Scarp Ia1and fOl' the suppme data me to the en or ownera, an unfdentlfied Swl11 land-owning Poatma1ter General Jamee ~rl:~Y· ."There's one houae, currentlr, Farley. Or waa It Benjamin ted, a few sheep and plenty of beauty,' Franklin? Galbraith aaid. Anyhow, hardly a mail«' II The tlny laland la known mainly • the site for now alive who rememben the an ill-fated experiment ln 1934 to project mall by penny postcard. rocket to the more populated il1and of Han1a a "The purpose of Mailbox quarter of a mlle~w . When the ICbeme was Improvement Week," accord1na tated. the rocbt and mOft of. the letten to IOl1le junk mail d.iat:ributeCI were damaaed-The w.1 never repeated. ~ rural rou• by the Po.t OftlOe. OJI to call attenUdft to tl'4t need for provld!:.f,,::ll receptaclel which are to protect the mall from the weather and are neat .tn appearance, conveniently located and ufe to u.e. Neat, attractive mallboxet make a aifnJflcant contribution to the appearance of the countryllde and the streets 1n suburban are.." A f rlend ln Den~, Col. reporte that a IChoo1 chum of hen, llvtna along e rural Star Route wnere the mall ta diatributed by a contnct aurier, fincll the mail deliverer la part of the beeutWcation problem. The carri•r, in bit anxiety to go nvlhly about hla appointed rOundl, keeps amuh1na into the mall receptacle, which' la bureeuc:ratae for mailbox. Her father, a country doctor conk: er n e d with rural beauUficiaUon, bu come up with a demolition deterrent. From the remrwltl of an old atafnlem ateel examination table, he u.embled an armored, cruhproof mailbox. wbM:h when struck will make certain modifications not nec .... rlly beautiful tn the ~-wtinl vehicle. ' Unfortunately the doctor'• &cD• of recurring mail box pois; md bit ln8enJou8 cure are at odda whh the beautification renecftel preecribed by lhe post office aesthetes. "Reports have been received," the postal flyer not.es, "that aome ~ m.11 box 1Uppor11 .,. eo mlill&w that they are damaa~~I" ~he wtua. md caumnc ~ to ~p_le whO 11Cddentall1 IVtkt thlrn. Thi ~ oi ~ IDl"1 potta, concrete po1t1, and mlacellaneoua ttema of farm equipment, •~b .. mllk cam fllled with ~. ~ be avolded. The JdMl aapport ., an ..embly which lf "1uck will bend or fall awa1 from the atrtkina vehicle. . . ' 1n tl\e outer l'ftlChe. of the Connecticut commuter belt, where I live, the main detenenta to mailbox beauUfication are potnty-heeded teen~ vandals of 25-watt mentality who 10 about beadna on mailboxa with b11eball bau and aet their ~t ldcb out of the bend and faTI away type 1upport1 ao favored by the POltal Service. I don't know what they teach the urch1na 1n civtal clllla the9e daya but atudenta rallytna foe nuclear c:lJlarmament don't reach me u long aa my mailbox loob like It was ca"'ibt resuppl)'in& the Falkland Wanda. To fend off mailbox muggers, I Intend to beautify mine with garlanda of pol.Ion oak, venua flytrape and deadly niahtahade. Perhaps dul'ling M~ilbox Improveme nt Week I shall attempt a collage effect by attachina a wicker waaie backet to receive junk mall, leaving the 80rtlng to the carrier. Maybe 1 can rta up a funnel to convey campaign literature, supermarket aalea promotion and letters from my congressman directly to the lnd.nerator. By the way, it'• a,ainst the pcwtal code any w~k of. the year to atuff the mailboxea with &S110rted W'lltamped flyers and handouts. You arc cordially invited to a Premiere Viewing of John A. Krcliian .o.o.s. . m11r •tnt •nrlb 11f a lltctnrtan lnll •nusr -~ * Lab On Premises * X-Rays, Diagnosis, Cleaning for S25 Medi-Cal and Insurance Accepted • Senior Citizens Discount CREDIT-MASTERCARD-VISA · 2706 Harbor Blvd., ·Costa Mesa 556-8013 .. ' . c..ve. ::~ Anne Murray Raymond UFevre Fleetwood Mac Cleblld Alt Glrb1kel ' -- lmle Bentley Conuactor, Archt<«t, Efc. 0 .). Bentley Ekctrical Su b-C.onrractor to Benefit the Festival of Leaming and Performing Monday, May 24, 1982 at the home of Mrs. D. James Bentley reservations limited Please call ~43-0~3 or 673· 1643 11:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Bufftt '.~ .. ~--~~ t;:c ... Musicale ~ .Ha11mark in fine casual furniture Cantina; ..• .. l ~N IN~CAl..aMA""51T ..... '' 9'T\m TaLMlll --- ~ GLADIATOR KING ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! ........ 19111 ... 41CIOll .. , 1111 ---~ •uUtUJt ... ._~cama , ............. . 11 .... ~SI 06SS ........... lwl.-t7ttl5t .... , ...... ......... ",.., BARBARIC -Arnold Schwarzenegger brings comic hero .. Conan, the .Bar- barian" to movie ecreen. ~ . -....·--·ft .. ,......,. ,._."-"-"" : . .. ....,-:1\i ,· AllAMEIM DIUft·IN UA CINEMA HO,_. ACCUllO Anaheim 879·9850 Westminster 193 0546 roATl41UNCIAOlldl(T R -· "l:,.ll":U'="' UA CINlMA lDWAIUli IADOlWCK lDWlftDI MEil WesttTWnster 893 0548 fJ Toro 581 UIO Cosll MeSI 846 502S IOO 'A-ACCOTIO ro-Tiffi 1-llffNT Wlrtl'ICR1~~y BEST PICTURE Bf.ST 0RJ01"1L SCORf · VANGfLIS Bt.ST ORIOi~ SCRffNPLAY COLINwt~D BCST COSTUMf Mt.l.INA CANONfRO THf GRF AH ST ROCK & ROll COMEDY ADVENTURl NOWIN r.tn[DCU'Y llTEAEOl ~9tete:cteo THEAtAes 0 A flnal pursuit sequence as breathtaking as the big chase in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark'." -rlayboy Magazine "It deserves to become the ff rst hit of the summer season:· -Time Magazine .. •. , "'--...__.. "CHAIUOTI OP ..... !N I ................... LAKIWOOO Ct:Nrtll SOUTH ...... IN ·~-~­............ ''WRONG 18 W"1111 .......... ....-.. I .,..,..,..,.., __ - • t •• • • ~ ' BU! "tA Pl!.RK ulml 1~ -ntl ROAD WAMIC>W',. -"aMAMrlMA~tllf - .. ·' ... LINC OLN !Jiit \ I ·~ - ,.,,,.' FOllNlf\IN VAi l( r I Ji; I II F , .. ·-- ., PUf Y~!R·. •• , 111111,... NIW YORK -Aa 1 rule, flC10l' Rod Stetpr doee not atve tnt•rvl•wa. A• tar u he•1 concerned, hi• work 1pe1ka for lt.lltlf. "Dotna Interview• ta Uk• 1udlttonln1.'' he aay1. "B:y th• tow1h one, I atart boplna I'll set the job.'' ·,BUt lately moet of Steurer'• fllm1, by hi• own 1dml11lon, t haven't been worth apeaklna about. "The Chceen," he •YI· ii an ex~ption . .. After a heart bypau operatklft about a1x years aao. 1 did some pictures I ordinarily wouldn't do,'' he aaid. "But 1 had to f,rove 1 wu still alive. ' When you have to survlve, you're forced to be lees aelec:tive. You'll eat moldy bread. With 'The Chosen,' I'm eatina better bread." Hued on the best-selling novel 1. by Chaim Potok, "The Choeen" tells of the power struggle between a Hasldlc group and other Jews aeeking statehood for Israel. Steiger plays a Hasldlc Rabbi, Reb Saunder• -a man with a fearsome reputation. "Although the film ls about different forms of Judaism," 'Steiger sUd, "it's also about • father communicating with his son. "I play a father who tries to embody his son with compassion by pretending he has no compalli.on. It's a tricky thing to do, but it works." For Steiger, doing the "tricky thingl., are his primary motives .as an actor. "The most important thing for n artist is chal1enge,'' he says. . CHALLENGED -Rod Steiger views "The Chosen .. as one of his best acting jobs in years. "Challenge leads to adventure, adventure to excitement, and that sometimes leads to achievement. which atves you a .eme of satisfaction. "I ai.o have a irreat respect for fear," he added. 'YtFor me fear of. failure I.a a grat souree of enerey for cnetinc. lt's being ao afraid of not being able to do a job, so you do your best." At 57, Steiger, who won an A c ademy Award for his perfonnance in ''In the Heat of the Night," says he's doing, if not his best, then a lot better. There ia still one aspect of life that gives him a little trouble. "I hate getting old," he admiued. "I know it's childish, inerican Ballet School ids for $15 million • hoped to raise $5.2 millton for endowment of faculty and leadership chairs,» million for a dormitory for approximately ~O dance students, $3 million for ICholanhips and $1 millioo for operatinc reeerve. You '11 be &lad you camet -~~tt..~8 10th HILARIOUS WEEK -' ........... ..... -· ... ·•21~ CITY CEnTER ("~ 1'1 IH( Cit\' CiHTll( OllAHOt • &30 t?S' but I'm •nvtoua of younfer people and ''up1dly bl10 •d aaa1n1taae. "l'm a romantic and I like tbe ladl11," Stelatr aaJd with a amlle. "l lla to ao out and tlaw a IOOCt tlm•. I don't want to Ht That dill pear," ACt ttx yean aao. It almolt did dtaappear. Stelaer found himlelf ~ble to pt QUt of bed one morntna. Followln1 docton' orders, ho entered a hoepltal for a checkup. which led to the b~ operadon ln ordet to prevent an trnpendJna heart attack. ''I wa1 abusing myaeU," Steiger said. "I wu areedy and a ilt.itton and believed I wouldn't Clie. Eventually, the 1tress ot my bu1lne11, two divorce•~ being separated from my daughter, all plled up. After the operation, I went lnto a depression and then lnto therapy. "The thing that cured my depression was helping other people,'' he aaid. "&part of my therapy I had to counael patients three days a week. It got me out of being too eelf-indulgent." Throughout his film and stJlie career,. S-teiger made a name for himaelf playing what he called "the loner who had some strengih," -a characteristic often applied to his mixed up· c'hlldhood growing up in Newark, N.J. Alcohol kind of ble w my family apart," he said. ''I was taken in by families around the neighborhood. At 16 I ran away to join the Navy. But first I had to find my mother and have her sign papers saying I was 17 . "We almost had a physical struggle over that," he recalled. "I threatened to break her arm if she didn't sign the papers." SteiJer spends most of his time in Cabfomia, where he owns a beach house in Malibu. He'd like to direct some of his own films. "I've written a couple of scripts," he said. "I've been writing a while and time la ntnnin&' out. I've got a book of poems too. "I've been talk.ind about theee tlUna:s for too long,;rhe aaid. "lt'a time to put up or ahut up." • Ill" 11YllllBf11E111 "FEB.• DE OF 111 YOR!" -o.nt $111111. NIC·TV. T~Y S140W B l A KE lD WA R D S' llU ... ,...~ COtTAMUA lOWatalll• 540 7'U UT- EfWN S....... 581 5180 -SlldolMll °' ...... 1311770 WUT..aTPI UA lllll 8UOS41 "FIGH'IWIG •ACK" r I I I. i I a .. o CBJLLBll -Mal'y Murphy and Vincent Price In ac:ene from the 3-D movie, ·~ M.cl Mtt'1ian" to be telecut at 8 toruaht on KH(9) and repeated Sunde~ ~t 4 p.m. 3-D a'•ve. are available at putk:lpatina 7-EleVen Food Storee. m1c11111e pretucfloe to ..,.... l!'tf country. (A) 8MllMU , "'9lonel oo..-oa of ()M. llnd A'• el eo.tOfl Aid Soll:~,.... .... ...,,...,.,.. CID~ ••'It "81lam't Loi" 11e11r D11111ct '°"· Jamel ..._. A noY9ll9I ~ to hla boyhood home to put .,, end '° trOUtlled --butlnd•ttllt• ..... myatery lllYOUdl hie town. 'PO' • .ION MITCHIU. .. CONC8'T Populu a Ingar I ~ Joni MMdllll IPPMrl with Iha Pit Matheny ~ and The P--...on. .. the a.n .. Bartler• Col,w,ty Bowe. CZ>UOYll * * "L~ Couplea" (1NO)~ ........ ,,,.,._ Collum. A awned ~and. pelt ol young .... ~ 111"'*'8 In. 81'NOf~IMIPllne ~. rOMMtto ,._., 11:11B MISAU. PNtedelf>Na PNllae at Alllnta 8r8-U:t01 i :::..AR IWCleTAHD 1 -.o. M.DwaT MAaec Off OIL ~MmlG -MIBiHCUN-: KNXT (2) 8:00 -"Smoke." PU1 1 of a Walt D6mey ~about a boy who hu CllfflCWty acceptlJ\I hta 1tepfather. • KTLA (0) 8:00 -. "Bittle of the Bulp." Henry tonda. Robert Ryan ln film about American troop• 1temmtn1 a maa1ive German ottenatve. KHJ (9) 8 :00 -••The Mad Magic- ian. Vincent Price nan ln 3-D horror movt.. A mapian'• identity la wumed by hia murderer. See photo, left. land, Nall ...... Harry Chpln, L.o tav-' The 'Ollt Tope, Or Hool!. • eooc. MAOI .. ... .,ti( l ~"H lAWMNCll WILK "!Ilg ... OellOe Time" <C>MOYll ••141 "llllv Jedi" (1971) Tom LaugNln, Dalor" Tayto,. An M-GteM .... half.breed ClfWlmelb• ... C*IM ol • hedom adlOOI for ""*"VI °" 1n Ari-zona lndlen raaervatlOn. ®MOYll * * "Sallaoe H.,_." ( 1HO) Tom lkerritt. Mktllll Prlllllpe. An Afl1. can droutM c1ttw. _., .,,ima1a Into pooulatacl •-··PO· CD>MOYll ** "ThaW.._....._ .. (tt7't) Animation and he lelton. Jam. ~. A -~ Youno ~ Hvaa MvaraJ 'pla)'ful OCMll er.«~ "°"' the IWlfh of ~ 9'19- miae. Cl) WN:/KY WON.D Ofl JONATHAN WINTl!M OuaM; Oeorga KeMed)'. 9:11(%)~ ···~"Mv~" ( 1979) Chtla Makepaece, Adam Blldwln, The ,_ kid at • CHoaoo high actlOOI "*'*' fnende -wtttl the adlOOI OU\call and toOMNr ~ at.MCI up '° the Clual QlflO ~ Md '*-*' "*" boeh. 'PG' ... I :=;. OflTHEWIJ> ONCIUPONA ~ Boomtown ~MllfllOHT-·~ ttM. MOW! ~ • •t,t ''TM Kllllng Alfl!Ka" I lt7 t) 8ur"~Vnol<I• ~ Hldl.-t A pOlioe dtt~ In • Sout~n Clllfelimlil community ,,.. hit hend9. luM ""'*' he lnvw11ga1411\ a murdef .MO'M * * "0..tll Hunt" (1N1' CMt1ee Br~. Lee MM· Wt In Ille t930e, a ~ Ile and • lront1tt crinllnel wao-•n Old betti. u c:Mli· zellon eocroac:hee on t~ Canadian WildarnMe. 'R' CZ>~ • : . u .......... . PREPARATION - pe1pite hara of a ~ancell8tlort, work •tUJ 1oe9 on in Lortdon iJ\ prepara tion tor the pope'• visit later this lb on t h . H ere, a t Southwark Qlthedi'al, a 1ieel canopy ii beln1 ~~ted to ho\.Ule some 1 Qf the spectators at h1a I 1 '9isil. ' • t . I ,.. .. . . ' ~pecial services, sales slated . , TWO SPECIAL SERVICES are planned by Temple Isaiah of Newport Beach at 2401 Irvine ~ve. Shavuot-, a Jewish holiday commemorating the re-velation of the Law on Mourit Sinai and the ~lebration of the wheat festival in. ancient limes. w1U be observed at 7:30 p.m. Thul"lday and a Yb.kor memorial service will be held at 9:30 a.m. Friday. FURNITURE, clothing, boolJ,s, an4 pUmts will Qe featured sale Items today from 9 a.til. to 3 p.m. at t}'le Geneva Presbyterian Churchi Laguna Hills. . A YARD S.AtE will be conduc;ted ~ay from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the St. Elizabeth Ann Se10n Hall. 9 fiill~te, Turtle Rock, lrvine. JOINING the South Coast Commuruty Church · Jt.a u Is David A. Stoop. Ph.D., whose duties will • CHUICl lllTll include ettabl.iahina a Biblical 1tudil'!I program and a P'Ytholotical center. WOMEN of the Community Pte1by terian C h u r c h , L a g u 1\,1 B e a c h • w I 11 h a v e a mother-daughter-ton brunch at 10 a.m. today. The Rev. Dr. Jack Heinsohn. a former clown who now is a minister in Hollywood , will present "Grease Paint, Nose Putty a.nd False Faces.'' A SERIES of six work.shops on us1hg prayer as an e ffective tool in a_ttaining goals wUl begin Tuesda:t at the First Church of Religious Science of Newport Beach, 1011 Camelback St. "The)' beckon me to come through ," she said. "SorM •~ cloeed, 1ome partly open, and you wond er what'• beyond . h pu lls you to it, beyond telf. Just " In life you're drawn beyond today and comorrow.'' She regards her pictures as a kiqd ol "small ministry to get people \0 aee, to spell out visually the creation, how man ii intermingled wlth it and has a resporulblllty for It. "Yet now we seem 10 close to destroying lt. The earth 11 G od's, incredibly beautiful, his gilt to us. We're the caretakera. We're renting here and we haven't been doing our job v1ry well." If ydu feel OS rhough you live o long wov frOtT\ whor wos once '/O'oJ( ,home If you hq-..e 0 feeling of rOOfl~.wed like you ro WO!Vlip Wirh US Lutheran Church of the Master 2900 Pacific View 011ve Corona del Mar. 92625 Sond.JY School;-9:15 a.m Worship Service--10:30 am. e Turnyour • anusables into e usable e •cash. can e Daity Pilot e classified 642-5678. . ~.:----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--:-~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~-:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-. • • . I ' Orange Coasi RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY ·~========================::;r.:==========~===============:;~~~~--:-~--,';::::============::;T,~.,...-~~~~~~~======~ ~ ~ .:-.. I . .. f Freedom of Worship An , '"You've tried the reSt. NOW try the BEST!" ' R-..Dr._.C.J.c~ ... Judy Gate .... ,_.... ca.4111a~--.. .-wn...w Qi...,~ .... .. . s..-, s.'l'ke ....... CMirca. .... '"'*"' ....,.,..,.._. lt:JI ..... "ARE YOU ttA;lf·SOUlEO?,. ht CUCH of .IEUGIOUS SCDCE Of tnPCltT BEACH ...... CliWdl ..... Cllllrdl ......... Sdinct CELEBRATION OF l.IFE .SERVICE 10:00 A.M. Chllct C.,e ''COMMUNICATE TO RB.ATE" 1011 Cemelbeck, Newport Beech I (off JembOf .. ftoed) Vocafl1t • MM!e E~ IS1 ... .. # 1 Church of Sr.Mstthew by the Sea (TredtOon*I ~ 'Hot. Y COMMUNION · Each Svnday -9:00 AM I ' (8"°" ol Cot/mJll P,.Y!f · '1~) MERTZ HALL of Community Oongrt1g9tional Church 811 Heliotrope, Co10na 11•1 Mar . . n. -.. . .._.. .... ....,_ ni.22t1 .. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE , CHURCHES !ll!A~$ ~ T .. f ~fHfll CHulit:H THE FIAI TCHUllCH -1~~T SClflolT•5' 1'1 IOSTON MASdACHUSlHI "SOUL and BODY" Svndcry, Moy 23, 1912 ; c .......... -...... c ..... of Cllrftt, Sc ...... HM ..... Y ... Dr,.C .. teMtM C ...... IW.,~-IO:OOA.M. ........... Htf,...._Y~Dr. 9 AMA-.lt ft.M. ..._, ..... s.t. WM. 7-~SO P.M. -9-9tJO ft..M. '" .... -Ant a-d of clliriit. Sdall•t ..... s..,...... ... '" .•••. ~ 4HI ti .......... , ... , C'-dl I ~Sc-.. -I 0:00 AM. CHll.0 CME ~O 'IT $UIC>A1 MllYICI ......... .._ • .:.... Arst C""'° of Clllrht, Sc ...... Hi a ()19.t. ,...,. _, • .._.. Ci.cti & ,_,.,Sc-.. -I 0:00 A.M. .....,.__JH,..st. L .... .._. -""'Ca.da flf Qrfst, Sc..... ' 6Jl ..... Dr4•• C._.&~~-I O:OOA.M. ...... .__214 ........... M•wport a..ct. -Pint Chlnlt of Clwtat, Sc ........ UOl .,_LWe. .._,.,. lffc• C ..... & ~ Sc11M' -9:00 .. tt:lO A.M.' • ....,1 .... n11~u. ' ......... w.-9 .t.:.t11 •• 1, .... , __ 7_,,,,.., c-c... ........ , __ ,»,,)(),. .. '"''~l- ... .,... t..a -S.C8'1d Cllllrd of Cllrist, Sc ....... JtOOPeclfllcVllwDr .. Q_ .. Mw C~&~kllNt -IO:OOA.M. ...... •--noo .. ,Ma. c.-Hwy .. c• WIO. IVW6 TISTIMOMY t lllTM••s - 8 '.M. AU CHUICHIS AN"'• C~ on_IO ,,.....I ... Cf•1.-cl\ __ ..._., .... ..,..... oll ... ,__,.,,...... Cllld c-,,_.,...,AT ~&:i. 111¥9CIS ' 'r-~~~~~~~~~ ....... ~~-..:.1--...::....-- ' WESTMIHSTIR lUTHEIAN auat . IJUl .,._Aff. IMht .. S-~ Prwy. J Whf I 1f11 .... , -WOUHll' smYICIS -t:JO & I O:tO A:.k PASTOI JOILA.S~M PttOMlftW2 .. A C9Al Wfl.CM FIOlt TII UNlltl CllllCN Of CMllST '0111111• CMmtAT.a .. 140 St ... .... ... ,) ., ... a...-..... 4tW061 . · JOMH M. •IYMOUtl M.U•AllT ANN lllYMOLDS ......... • 10.t.!M.-S-..,W....., Ct.rdl ktlMI I ........., HARIOR CMJmAM CHURCH 1011e.-.. a.w1 240 I '"'-fl S.-IMllMI .... 1711 Attend 'lbe Church of • Your Choice ST. MAB PIESIYmtlAH CHUICR .......,, Dr. I ., .. ,,.., Mew,.+ leecll ..... w--........, ..... ,...,w .... , .... Ltttle ....... ~ ~ ..... ,....,. Ol11rch Sdt~ & •ul11h Clcto-.. -9:00 •·"'· "'9nhip S.vlc.e -I 0:00 o m. .. .ee.ASIM'kff ,_ltf.:C .. 644-IJ41 . FlllflllOHfh l .. llllll'·l:tlllfiOtllll L hu rd1 UU taOAD ST .. tie•WPOirT II.ACM 642·21~0 · $wd.y SerYlce -I 0:30 A.M. \\THE KINGDOM OF GOD'' Part II ,ASTOi tOMY cuno Huntington Se.ch MSTUMltlD MITHOOIST $llCH 2721 1711'1 SI 538-3537 w....,,,_,,._t: 11:11 ..... ,.........,C.,.M_.,,.,. C"9rcll k...._t:OO.:.. Thi~ Sunday Worship In ST. AMMtlW'S NISIYTBIAM CHURCH 600 St Andrews Road • Newport Beach • 631·2880 Dr ...... A • ...,.._, Jr~ ,Mfw W.,thip ~ -7:30.1:45 ond 10:15 A.M . "How To Overcom• O.preuion" Or. Jotwl A. Hutfmen, Jr. ""4:h&nt • Ploe.RAM$ 7130 e.m. -lnforttt l fwv t<lndofeon•n1 Child C.. 1:45 o.m. -Infants Thru Adult Clo.- 10.15 o.m. -lftfonn Jlw11 6th 0.ode & Ad11h Clcntft AIC It ... I 645-UU · Cwso•fty Presbyterlmt Ct.-c-• 415,..... ...... &...-. .... 494-1111 Rev Arthur J Tank8fSley Rev Craig W1lhams Chr11t111n Education Hour INX>-10.00 AM Worship-10 15 AM lllUll•lllY C-"'I ""°VIOCD AT ALL MlllVICl:I , PllSIYTEllAH CHURCH OF TH& COVEM~T 2HO ,_.._ U, Co• ...... ~57-U40 Terry McCanne Director of Youth M1n1stnes Howard 1<1lhon. Director ot Adult M1ntstnes Don Maddox. Director of Slngles M1mstries S...., W---t:JO I 10:00 A.M. Cllllrd!Sc-...-~tlrllA ... t 10:00 A.M. """-'Yc.9 ........ -t :JO & 10:00 A.M . Y ...... -7:00tt.M • CHURCH OF CHlllST 217 w. Wlheii. c... ....... '41-ll91 We re A Going Glowing Growing Church SUMDA Y SllY1CtS lllLI STUDY t A.M. WOISHIP 10 A.M •. & lo P.M • 10 A.M.. -"The Doctrine of Sin" 6 P.M.. -"Community in Matt hew" ft_.n...i,...._ -D ... C •• T~......, m MA.lloa ~ TIMPLI ~ S.......s.r.tcft ,,..,...... ... .... , .... t . a en p pp ,..., s.rnc. ,,,.. . ....., ef........ 7:J~ ,,,,., Ra_bb1 Bernard.., King Jamboree & Eastblufl Or Music· A11e Shl~ter Newpon Beach. Caltf . Educator: N1oey Levin ,. llufu; •• ... 644-71tJ .""""°""'- I fOIJ'USAf '71 CHRYSLER LEBARON A 0..-luw14POICZIOI .Just . ABBIJ'ED 1CABLOADS • •• D'BE Here's How You Can UH Our Famous Dimes-A-line t Brint IMM or INtll tftem ~ COffect calfl to D&My ..... 330 W. Ber It., eo.te ...... CA.tfl2.9 • Eecll lleM _.. lie Pftc.d •'"'no lt9M o"' ao. ac,., llne -St .oo """"-· • Mo ltwMtodl. ~ CH plellU • No c:on-rde4 llde •!towed H8¥e ~you went to ... ? Clealfleid edt It Wll. 842-5171. O~r farrious DIMES-~·LINE New In town? Cla11llled can help you meet many of ~ Meda. .. 2-6171 SECRETARY · General Office In Must be accurate typut & have knowledge of-*~· Ctll W I • ,_. llllWWW 540-5554 DIMESJA-LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p .m. ON FRIDAY. FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS, 642·5f78, ext. 319. I \\Why ore you burying that hole?" ~:\RM ADI: KE by Brad Anderson l i "Sure you carried him to his bed when he was a puppy ... but now he's spoiled rotten." Jt:DGE PARKER "Ytp, they're hla own." DENNIS THE ltlEN6"CE Hank Ketchum ~~ ~·n ~ i ! I f by Harold Le Doux TMEY PON"f MAKE TREE.5 LIKE THE~ U5EPTO .. .. , • L_@_~~i ' NANCl' GORDO tr6 WT E1JOUGH 'TUAT FITS!!/XM OF THE~~ JMP8VLet>, /tKMJ TUE:"'llJ<E peccp.~1/Je ~~ A~ FODOEJi!/ ~ Ft:NKl' •IN9'~R8t:~N I ' I ! .. I'M~~,~··· . by Ernie Bushm1ller 'WILL YOU SPANK HIM, TOO? <XX> Kt-JOOJ 1HA'f I'D Ha.P l.X)() IF t c.ooLD ... by GusAmola by Tom Bahuk 1111 Pl!:NBDT8Y . J'LOBBNCI! BROWN ~ • .-taway an May Ut, 1982. A n!ll6dmt 9f Newport Beach, Ca. LoYtftl mocher of Arthur c. nbert~y. Purllta P . rster, Mary Smith and P. LaMonggne, Oe> l •U r V l Ve d by 1 3 •undchlldren and 9 '_rea t -1randchl ldren. ~ Servtc. will be eld at the J'lrat United. e thodlat Church ot on 'I\aday, May ~. 1982 at 4:00 PM. Roe 1*llli Mortuary, Wbl ttler Qalifomla. : STUllMil ! BLANCH.I AUDREY ~ pe-1 away on May 20, 1982 ln Placentia, Survived by her beloved nd Bernard and .... of LoWa J . and bo&b al New Jer.y. nide eervtcet wU1 be !1eld on Sunday, May 23, 1'82 at l :SOPM at Mount Olive Memorial Park, Calta wlth Rabbi Geor1e ina•r officiatln1. undes-tbe dnction ' Harbor Lawn.:Mount Ye Mortuary M0-6GM. HCIHIOUeMJH•M U.ITA..-T The foflowtnt p«IOfl le dolttO ~-. ... J, I AHOCIATH, 2117t G'"" Cove Clrote, HunllngtOft 8-:tl. Calklrftll ..... flllollerd .IH•~oocolo, 21m~c... ...... ~ TNl~llOOMI l*•~en IAdMdlMI. NIMN....._ PIClmOU9 ••••• . ..._..,A,_., TM fotlowtnt "'"" 11 dolnt ~-• LITTLE LOYEI, tOI H ... na Cltola, Coate MaH, Celltornle .... Meraeret a ... Jeclceon, tot ....... area. c-. .... ~. ...... nm~ 11 oondllded ~ .. ~ MlrVlfWl ... '**-' TNI 11111,..11 -tied-"' .. COWl'Y Clll1I °' OrWlge eowmy on ...,... 1192. . ·--Publlt'8d Or1lllOI COll1 Deir pt. lot, -1, •• 15, 22. 11G 1-.a CITY Of' MYINI C~ONt!A PulbllNd Or1lllOI Coett Cely pt. NOTICE INvmNQ mot lot, Mey 1, I , 16, 22, 1182 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 18U-82 -*' blOt Wiii ti. teoel\led by the ----------City Ctenl of the City ol !Mne, Cal-rtaJC *>TIC( tto<nt• '°' lumiehlng Ill plent, lllbot -----------1 -----------Mnl~•. metertale, loot•. equip· men1, llUPC>ffM, lfanepoftatlon, ull· lllia lil'ld Ill Othe< heme and lltdll-llel nec.eary th«efOt, .. P<cMded In the contrac1 documente. f0t the cooatructlon of Harverd Avenue to- gethe< with llPPUf'tenancM th«eto. In 1trle1 acc:ordanc. with the epecl- .... W"W '11 v1oat1011..,, w. 11pe ~ It deMOMtr• I, Mlf cont.i IJt .,,...,,_ ~!. toided. """'*' 17, -""""' tr1' ..... uuv dleoount Jutt 111 , tv 111t1nn1, 111ow1r. ooo. Ollln, .... ~own '11 IWMIOI 1t lotCMd Int. Mint cond: On 'II loW llrl, xJnt oOncs. 112: Ctiev f'U wr it TIJ'99{· 500. _ m11ter 3110 eng. ~ 80lll + tttr, llint =~· lleC).6245 OI 13' lnllltab6e, new 1450 a. ti T. Ptcet Up, wr70 dl1oout1t J111t 11300. Trevel QuHn. 1ow. AYOlfl Delnol too. 12200 ~ 9CHOCt< BOATS ~__;.-· ....;.......;...;.;...._ __ .,.,. 1~~~~~~~~~~.~.!{ff ULllllTI llDO 14'1, I to 01100 .. "°"" "" lndUded .,.,_, \11'9 It 11 IOO. lant1""1 tO'•• I no•1 Wiii. Thinking of • new home U. Ml • I S. !'f~~.!!fr.~ .. lor spmg? S. lhed":J: Lie. 301111. RemocMI, REPAIR l INSTALL. ltltlnga In today'• ad d • n • • ca b I n • t • . o.raga ch. Hlrdwara. !'lad coUTlne. &42-5871 8411511 ' o.tgri/PM!t teCM1M '79 8laur ~ 400 VI. 30K ml. "'1 cond, Clo, e/o, t10,100. 6*1147~ '12 Toyota 4X4 loflG bed pk*up, oMt SK ml, mutt .. 11 UI00/080. 641.osa1 D.!t!t •••••••••• ~ 1m~~ Super " Ton Pickup. Like ~EWI HH ONLY H ,000 mllH end I• LOADll> With 9Ptlone . ..... Ollll 71CM>144. WlllY USED CAA8 l TRUCKS CC*E IN OR CAU. F<>A ........... ~ 11211 BEACH IL.VD. HUNTINOTON BEACH .. , .. .,, ... 1111 Top DQlj Paid DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell yqur no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commerclaJ ads. Call "today for full detaJla. lltra ... t1M) ,,..,,,,,_ ......... ~ ........ . BUDGET AATES/Uo'd Low min. Sml )oOe Ott Fr•• IN. 641-7681 '"-' •••••••••••••••••••••• MoWe &cnen Doctor Alpelr/r.-.. ewtom . ...... t:sf-eaoo "" meg M081LE SERVICE ~NeWICfeent NB/CM only. 642-9582 -.WW ..... •••••••••••••••••••••• For Ad A~OOrl Cal a Daly Plot AD-VISOR 642-5678 •1 DEiUR iN u.s:a. ~ (>olll~l'l>--0""81 ~ ""'°' I"-''"° ..... • .,10Sf0 SUNDAYS #!'!!1.!~ ...... 1'!! ~ ... '!!1. ~!!! •••••• !~.~ .. ~1·------·1 I I I. I . i" NABER"i CADILLAC CLEARANCE SALE! 1911 CADILLAC FUllWOOD aaOUGHAM "ASRC»OCW' CPI. (1CRR592) $15,995 1912 OLDS CU\'J.ASS SUPUMI aaOUGHAM (10VH885) s9395 1981 CADILLAC RllTWOOD ' AoueHAM (1CGX359) $15,995 J971 CADILLAC fLllTWOOD aaOUOH•M D'IUGANCI (51SU88) '7995' 1979 CHIVROU'r coavnn .. T·TOP (412308) '10,995 .... ""'\1 . • ,, 'f•) f. ~' ' ' I .. 1 ,, - 1 Pen1lon fund• are a major ~ IOW'Ce of new rDOJ1C• .. for the 1 .... ~'to kalBelllton. . Qiancea in the federal tax law mab It pollllble far~ fUDdl to . be tlMllted In balDe ~ ~ '!be ~ 1iJt the .... ~ MW in.._ In reel lltat.e lns•t1oent lit thu pentlon f undt can now be Invested tax-free ln Rel eatate. Prwtomly, the fuoda .......... , cofporate rate• on .their ~&.aced Ml estate Income. ~dltional chancel in thelawt limftinl real ..i.te lnv..tmenc. of per-.i fundl may be an the borimn., aoaa.thlltB...._._,. In a recen) Interim reJ>C)rt, the ~ec=~~'U,."f"' ...::U..8:'~ .curret Ian md ~ wbkh limit the boualnc fnv•tmenta .t pellllon f\mdl. lmunnce com.,... an4 odM!r maJm' ~of polmtW .. ~ captta1 cu be~. Of particular concern to tb• comml11lon waa tbe Smployee Be•llWlt J.ncaaat lalitl.yi~-~ 19'11 wblda Jlinltid:cm •a.DIV Of ~ ~--~ .... biiiM81 • ~uai..,......,....-. ... Th.' commlaalo• waat• t o•• retrUlatbw chanaed• I By 1985, It ii estimated that the value of public and private ...-.. fund --.ui top $1.S. trdlkm. u mcmey for hoiDe mor~~= from tradttlonal aourcee re both _,...w and awm,.r:r"'° fundl llfq cpd+Jy bear-. ;; ..-Ce • totrn. Syncttcea.ct ,,,,.,.,... KennMb a Hamey mDt tbe nii'd powth of dty ... ltate pemion fUJld activity in home mortppe one of the "belt kept mulUt>illlon-doUar teerett in Nal lltat.e today." '* · Public pemlall halda In at 1"lt 20 •<•tH have ther •t•.PP_•d up ~ ........ In~ CIUrlnC the pl8t ,...r. accordinc to Hamey. OI' haw helped create ~"'*' new Yeblde1 t1' auht b,,u11n1" com&ructian and --within ltate ....... -301 LA JOLLA, NIWPOIT HllGHTS ' "' Over 3000 eq. ft.· cmtom Cape Cod on three levels room, 2 uaed brlCk fireplaces, 3 decks, and is MOST for gracious living and entertaining. Thia one j'em' beautifUlly decprated. Offered at $450,000. old home has 4 Bdrms, family fOOm. fomial dining RIAL IHAIP DUPLIX v just a few doors to the beach~ Two plus 2 bedrooma including new carpeting and drapes. A nice patio aeparates the double garage and both units. Super location. Neer shops and market Alki.ng $~,000 with owner financing the balance. ' I I .. R!llDINTIAL INCOME PROPERTY .. IN NEWPORT BUCH Located Just a half a bk>ck to the beech, th6I duoleX t\U 2 two bedroom units. Wtth 20-25% down, owner wtf carry tor ftve years. $235,000calOnieHlnchltret144-?D 811.LeR WILL CARRY WITH 20-21% DOWN Th1s Newport 8Mct1 duplex on ..... land Is' juat a few 1tep1 to the beech. Ltw In one, rent the other. Flexible...._ offer• good low lnterett ffnanclng 1226.000 Cell David Hlrachler ••. 144-?m ILIGANT EASTBLUFF HOME Mature trffl and luth landac'aplng enhance this already magnificent home with privacy, warmth and a 3 bedroom floorplan. Seller relocating, wUl be flexlble. $259,000. Call .,....., ........... at 144-JOIO ;otl COW OVERLOOKING BALBOA ISLAND Thi• elegant Bayfront condo ·with 2 bedrooms, den and 2'A bath• feature• an addltlonal fireplace, vaulted celllnga, · hardwood ftoort, wet bar, pool, private beactt-end 1taln.d glut. $825,000. cal .... ,. ANNIVEMARY llTATel NIM MM• WAYNI ML..,ORT · T* rambtlng ~ home le Idell for ftrlt time buy9ra or lnveetora. Needl a little TLC but well 4worth ttt Large lot 11 tONI for garden• or poot Be creettve on the financing. 11-.000. c• ,,.,._. Henc1rte at 144-10a THE SHORICU'PS IN CORONA OIL MAR Large ueumable Flrat p1u1 ...., wffl carry a •ee 9econd on thll chlnNna home wtth gourmet kitchen. twdWood {toort. a large patk>, farNly room, wet bar and wtne cooler. In addition, thll 3 bedroom, 3 bath home with den enjoyl ..-of a prlVate beech. seso.ooo ca1 .,.,_,......,. .. at..._,_ CORONA DEL MAR PLUI A V.W Thia outatandlng profe111on~~ty decorated home hat aoectacuW ocean, 88y Md night llgftt *-· Located In 1ntr'8 Terna with poot, complete alllrm eyatem, cuetom BBQ Md ute, thll 3 bedroom relkMnoe Ofter• 91 thle I*" llNMble and Miier financing. $185,000 CaH Dorotllr •••P ... at .... ,. MOTIVATED SELLER LOOKING FOR OFFERSI Thia commerclal property on the oceanalde of the Hwy. In Corona del Mar hat two unlta with rarklng In rear. Terms . avaUable. $750,000 Cal Jim leftere a 144-7020 GREAT VIEW OF MOUNTAINS AND BIQ CANYON Here'• a warm family home with lots or thought. Located In the Harbor View homes ar•, thle "Portoflno model hu 4 bedrooms. • two flreplacea, den, family room, extended bonus room, akyllght. full security ayatem, dual Jet Jacuzzi, mirrored wardrobes and much, much morel $428,500 Call Stephanie lumeatM4-1020 GREAT NEWPORT OCE.M YIQI DUPLEX Make thl• Income prOperty your MW eummer home wtth Ideal rental untta. With 20% down', owner wll 011ffY at 1 i-4 If you deltre unit• could eMlty become a maid'• quarter• or guest houae. Juat 1te1>9 to the beach wtth 2 fireplaces. patio and double garage, poulbitltlee are almoat endteaa. $475,000 Call ...................... 1020 GREAT PRICE AND TERMS IN HARBOR RIDGE Panoramic views of the ocean, city lahts and mountaJns greatly enhance this "Devonshire" model wlth 4 bedrooms, 3~ baths, two flreplacea, two large decks, an atrium and excellent ueumable low lnterett financing. $895,000. Call Ed E8CMO or ..................... 1020 HARBOR RIDQe CRIST WITH UPGRADES Try a loW down on thlt 3 bedroom, 2~ bath corner lot home · With pleaant views, ~ ...._ financing and ameoltlea plus. $475,000 Ctllt Id l9CllftO or Judy .lord9n at M4-1020 PM8TIWOUS HAMOR RIDGE Thie apedOU9 kacurY ~ loaded wttl\ upgradea hal oek har~ ftoorl, la beeutttul marble entry, plush carpeting, s.ge deCk CWWIOaldnO the lake, 2 flrepl8cM pg 4 bedrooms, flmltY room, 3"' b9the Md vtMI QlllON. ssetS.ooo. cal .... 11a . GR•D: OPENING I Buy the ~MW today 'and you've got a BMW,. Buy a condominium home Ill Heather .Ridge today a~ ydU maybe able to have your cake and eat it too. Heather Ridge is deslgneo to-make home ownership, with all its accompany- ing financiat benefits. aces l!l 11 Ible to thole who are ready to buy a hOm8 fort.~ first time. And when you start tumtng your rent checks into growing ~ aU kindS of good things start happening. Financial and otherwise. The dynamic , modern design of Heather Ridge lends itS8lf to Bie active liffstyle ot ambitious ~e on the~ up. there are even tennts courts and a swimming pool with a ~ to help keep you in ~,. The COZY. one-bedroom • A .1) ' . . -I t \ . . " .cRIAM P""* Move rlaht in to UUa lpldoua .f Br 2 Ba bwaty. Almolt new carpets, flooring & drapa + caey brick fireplace. $12,000 down buys it, 10 hurry! Aaldnc $119,000. 9032 Admm. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •ZftO IN11-T• Beeutifully decorated one story patio home w1'h double PRCe in mint condition. Best of all, with $45.000 ck1wn our ~ wW carry the balance at ZERO INTEREST roR nvE ygARS. In 5 yean, you OWN THB PROPERTY FREE & CLltAR. 983-5671. 9032 Adams, Hunu.n,tan Beech. 658-7035. . •$20,000~ Spadous family home with mutaa Qtbednl oeW.np and bript and airy country kitchen. With .f Jarae bn, 2 be'• and a family room, it'• a berptn •t $154,900. 9032 ~ lluntlnetm Beech. 556-7035. ~-·· dOMMICllh From the remodeled kitcbm with ~ windows to the warm woods washed 1n light from the oJltom lky~t, thla home ii a ho- meymoonen' delight! Luse pool a apecl.al boaua. Aak.lna $12,,000. · 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntlnlton s.ch. W-7035. ••ICYCl:I TO Tiii WOI• Cosy custom home near tbe oc:mn with IOUina cathedral ~run.. ~tile floorinc in kitchen mil~ plua 5 ~ .. and. romantic bay view window. Sed•eded patio/oowtyud •low mainte- nance yard.'Aaldn1 $171,500. 9032 Adams, llunttnaton Beach. 556-7035. 'I 412,500 DOW... No qualifying for thil IUper f.amily home! In the BEST ectm dtltrict.. Over 2,000 tq. ft. of lM.nc specie with a Jarae pool for tlw. bat 1U1NDer da)'I. Asking $160,000. "3-5671. 903i Adama, Huntinfton Beach. 556-7035. ... ~ HAaaot YllW NOMI Totally 1e1-.,.1·W by~ Feeturinl 1'rencb doon, wooden ' abutten. plank fJoon. Ulled brick & pool & spa. FEE land w/ GREAT TEBMS.'1 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beech. 759-1501OI'752-'l373. . - ~ 413,000. J'abaloua townhome in much desired SPRINGS area. Popular "B" plan. Call f« c:INi1al!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beech. 769-1501 OI' 752--5353. •12.9" INTUllT• HMIOI YllW NOMI . lmmK'Ulate MONACO model feetw'tnl 2tr/..,, frplc & spa!! Low lntmel& ~ a\'ailable. $241,500. nz. mo San MfCuel Dr., Newport~6&1-« 702-7373. .. - · dtO MONTHLY PAYMINTh For lix momba an brand new townhame In Calta..._ ~ 2... • mmt.er ~ enrbed ear..-& private coun,vd. Only $114,9SO. mo San MiaUe1 Dr., Newport Beach. 7'8-1501or752-7373 . •10~"~ When you tMeows-exi1t1n1 bt T J>. DODU1ar BIRCH model With fplc. cenanl •·&the Jara-t.ckywd tii WCX>DBRIDGE GLl:N. Only $1~. 2810 Sm MJauel Dr .. Newpdrt Bwh. 7$9-1001OI'70-6363. dA~• -• a Br ~ on tee i.nc1 i.turtn.r hardwood 0oon & ••nr root wttb 111' -rmeble II& 'J'.D. Priced 1or ~te Ul!I 3870 Sm MJcue) ne.l&Ol or ?U-'1373. ...... 1211,111 Open Sunday 1-5, 25 Canyon letand Dr. -off Ford Rd. Split level wtth great gott courae vtew. Pool, ~ Tennis. Good aeeum. loan & owner wlll help finance. Owner leaving atate. See & compare. • 111111 1111,111 5 Bdrm, 7 bath home with aft the amenities. Indoor/outdoor pool with alldlng glasa roof. Sauna, steam room, s jacums. Play & game room. Screening room. Gourmet kitchen. 8500 eq. ft. ....... 1211• Bank Repo, bring your paint bruah and aave SS$. 5 Bdrrna., comer lot. Get a new loan wtth a low down at a low Interest rate. Great famlty hOme. ...... 11 .... Attention bullc*9. COme Md eee this triplex and great potential Coeta MM& golf coW. view. c.J for more lnformatJon. UfA LlllDJ ,_ 1111 ... Two ltory 3 Bdrm Pleza condo wtth flrepl9ce, Dining ...... Large patio, Obi o-aige. Walk to· ltK>pa and echoots. Near Poot. SM and com-.,... 1.81 PM.Ill Dellghtfufly appointed 2 Bdrm, 2% bathe bay- front condo. 24 hour aecurlty. Sauna, poof, 11.1b parking, cloM to shopping. The moet pr .. u- glous high-rise condo bulldtng In Newport. Owner may exch~. .,..._. .. JI ... ~ 2 ldnyt, ~ blthl.. with eet.-wn bay view. l~rge private atrium. t.tanY cuatom tea-tur•. 8eCUftty and tao.I ~ OWn« wtM ooneldlr tnlde ................ Sprtnga, ,Lu Plilmll or CahyOn wa .. ...... . ..... New FFWM:h ~ 4 Bdrm + den. French door8 -.cl to • manning bride petlo. Stlllned glw / llfOC)d + 2 ftreptacee. Thie le a true Lido c:twmer at thle fabuk>ut price. ···-lalT ., ..... Vacation =year round. fennla.-2 courta, ape pool, nlklnO dlltlnClt-to oceen. 2 Bdrmt + offtc9 +retreat. Mo-.. In condition. GrMt IUndeck. -· ..., ..... .,.. Abaolutety atepa to eand. Duplex toeated In moat Mciuded part of beach area. 3 Bdrm . each untt. Vi9w from upper. Excellent flnandng. .....,. llllT -1211,111 Plan .. • 3 + t9b'Mt end unk. New cspet one of a kind. Cuatomlzed throughout. Poot, tennle, walk to beach. 2 car garage. No outalde malnten~. IDTI-. 11 .... Attentton lfweetora -Juat hated thla triplex th8t .. deflnttety for you. TheM untta .,. .. tn demand tnd are alwa19 r•ted. Cloae to pMt. lhopplng and IChooll. cal todaylll - IDTI •It MIJ'lm 11t1,lll Come Md ... this ch1Wmin9 home. Great to: cation, with beama. brick ;s;..ct 3 Bdrm! 2 baths. Move In condition. c:Nldrer't ana peta to pley In huge yard wttlt acc111 t smc• m .. 111111 -- Tot•• t:>•nachel Cpuntry kitchen, oak ca~ta. 1kytrghta, brick flrepMlcei, pool, View, 4 Bdrrna, eeneatJonal. $659,000.· ···•--1Dli• . Charming 3 Bdrm home on corner " loCatlon wttti formal dlntna room, apecloua family room & petlo. Worftlhop In gareoe. A Ul1tng of the Von Geldeml. $389,500. . ..) ,., ..•. ,,. Thia 4 BR COndo hal ft al-beam ceUlngl with added lkytlghta, upgraded kttoben; cennt a1r conditioning wtth humtdttler. great t~atlon, good financing and In move-In. condttlon. $249,500. / •••••• •&1111 You· cton't haw9 to be rtch to enjoy the ~ t8nnla or PoOI nor to:!: the ~ Md My decor, but be ~ Mit .,.,,..... thla IOler lllllted 2 Bdrm + Den home with attractive financing and oM/ 1112,500. OPEi H•SES ___ , .... 2 M 4 Melody Ln, lMne, $144,000. Sat. ... BA+ 878 8andcatle, CdM, 1325,000. 8at/8un. 4 BR, 2706 Ughthouee, CdM, $485,000. F. Sat/Sun. 3-BR+.-t. 3216 Ooeen, CdM, $820,000. Sat/Sun. ' c~ 2104 VIit& a..recto, NB, $249,500. 3+1, 123 Grand Cenal, Bal 18', $650,000. Sun. 3 BR, 420 OeSola Terrace, Cd~, $329,000. Sat/Sun. 3 BR. 304 Goldenrod, CdM, $539,000. Sun . 4 BA, 2221 Port Cerwlck, NB, $338,000 aun: 2 BR. 1575 Via Cllprt, l.Alguna, $130,000 sat. • 4 BR, 2012 Port Ramegate, NB, $319,900 Sat/SW\. • e BR. 510 so. Bayfront. 11,095,000 SUn. Bellll 4 BR, 2221 Francllco, NB, 1295,000 Sat. 3 BR, 5 Bea~ Bay, NB, 11,250,000 SUn. .. •t•mu1a Thia MCIUdecl 2 BR 1 BA Cqndo, on the ocean llde of Cou1 Hwy, II perfect for the eecond t\alf of your lffe. One atory wtth a fA:ceful view of the hlll•. A ll1tlng of Uyn Rousaelot. $130,000 • ....... - Seabreeze and MClullon In thll Q'Wded gate community:' 3 Bdr, apa, beautiful pat101, 1harp & clean. A11umable financing. A llatlng of Donna Schroeder. $385,000. ·····-Dramatic Portoffno Modet with MdoMd entry. SH thl1 charmer with Mexican pavera, 1kytlght & French doora.-tt wtU knock your locU offl Well decOrated & owner wtU help ftnancl. A llttng ef Natalie Fogarty. 1339,000. . •t•WllYIDEn ·This functional 4 Bdrm famlly home lends lt.Mtf to entertaining, the yard with pool & ape tMM\ hM RV parking. A htlng of the Von GelcWM. $385,000. ' NEWPORT BEACH C -'J NDOMJ.'\J1U·~s BEA CH COMMUNITIES ·····.. •••• ... 111 .... Fee Monaco In greet prtvate locatton. A1eume the 11t TO and owner wlM carry the b918nce wtth 10% down et 12% lntereet. You CM't bMt the prtce end termal · ........ ...,..... REALISTIC PRICE. FEE WATE'RFRONT. Property -" ftoet 65 ft. bollt & large &oen. > Bulldera' own home. '3 BR. fomMil dining rm, family rm & l8Cklded docklide_ patto. 11•• •r• 'SI 1111,.. Beautlfulty priced S BR. 2 bath home on quiet Nftpoft Beectl strMt. Wei rnelntalned wtth nice floorplan llnd ..,...., i.ae trw tn private yard. Owner wtll cooperate wlth ftnandng. ~R: home wtth unmatched~~= COUrM. 3 ftreplacee, mr conditioned, beamed ceHlngt, elegant 8ddreu for ectJve family. lll1llJRI 1111,111 Greet potentlal & price In dellrable conwnunlty of Eutbluff. LUlk 3 BR. FemAy Rm wlflreplace & aunny patio. Convenient to shopping & IChoola. Owner ftnandng aveHable. llHHIT . 1111,111 Elegant & gradoul delcttbea Ulla apadoua 4 BR wtth Famffy Rm owrtooklng apertcpng poof & apa. ~ ... ,.d glue entry, remodetld tile ~. Ma.me 1at & owner wit o.ry large 2nd. Reduced Prtce. .... ..U'-., .... New llltl~Two hon* on one J-. lot. Charming Cod ltyle wlll twoe trW:lo9ed patio. Good nanclng & an excen.nt tocatton. lnveatora opportunity. 2 for the prioe of 1. .. 111~ a-.... Spectacufar OCEAN-CATALINA VIEW In ~· lmpo,ettlel ProfelalOnally decoreted 3 B Condo With v.ulted 4*ffngs, ftreplace, dede1, community poof, ape & tenntt -au•s11 ...- Soph11t1cat1on & a 1emnc floor plan wtth 2 Mater SUttee combine to provkSe an-elegant entert-'riing .,.. & a view patio. Securtty commun1ty wtth pool & apa. Fumllhed. • 111111 .. ,.,.. Juat 118ted Mclain condo on gott· cour. with Cetallna •• 2/car oar-ae. 2 bedrooma & formal dtntng room. Priced for quick Nie. Large uaarnabte foan & owrw w1n cany 2nd. Best buy In Big Cenyoo. ...... .,..,.. Brighten your dayl Gr•t·opportunlty to buy a 4 BR home for a fabulous price & owner ftnanctng. e.utlfulty cared for wtth sunny petJo ,,.... poola, echoola & lhopa. "••-1111,111 Oy1*nlc 0ynuty model 2 BR highly upgraded. Shutter•. off-white carpetlnQ, akyllghta. Underatat.d elegance. Owner wt11 help finance. Sale/IMle option/or ltraJght i..e. • 1111111 .. ,.,.. Long awldted Auguata model. 3 BR, wood flooring & earthtone decor. FabulO.lf• goff coane view. Private tocatJon. OTHER AREAS L..U-1111,111 Jwt ~ 3 BO & 1 BO wtth ganigee. 1 unM II .. only 2 yeara otd. Both unite have yarda. Excellent tocatlon & good financing . Outatandtng property for your lnveeton. 2 for price of 1 . "IESlll .. ~ 2 8ff I.~ clOM to buchM. 8-n lkyllghta and atM.mer• and Iota of die make holM cMrmtng. Large ••unable loan, r.e 18nd. 11n11• 1.,... TI* horwe Ma • ftW tor IMng with 4 BR. ferve tan\lly room overlootc~ng the bay. AU the amentttea of a guafd..Oated community. Good t.,,...,.......,.., ...... . 11-..11 3 BR I. •Bofu Rm on Balboa llland ~ a panorainlc WM of the Turning Baain. NllW carpets, ~ <*llnga, two patloe to enjoy ' the boetlng .... ...... .. ..... Duplex • &9VIOcMri View. Large 3 BA owner unit plUI 2 BR Penthoule on ~ Dr. Surrounded by ctty owned green belt. 2 ~ okt 1..-ge wuinabfe to.n. A choice proper1y at an 9XOlllent pt1ce -1696,000 ........ .. ..... Tradltlonal custom home. VIEWS the canyqn & the white water of Little Corona. Highly ad~ floor plan for a large or .,.... family. • Exceffent flnanctng. Juat reduced! IMW•W . 1•1,1• One of a kind. 3 BR & Loft, high beam celllnga In each room. French doora & wlndowl. CUltOm )act.mf. Unique cobbleetone floor, dining Rm. Charm, charm, a.m, & ~ allUm8ble toen. ....... llMIJIM Magnificent Dutch Colonial reeldence on the bay. 5 BR. llbrary, formal dlf*)g room, with ' extenaNe UM of poUehed woodl & tll-. Wll ceptJvate the molt dltcrtmlnatJng. Pier & alp for 10· boet. - .-Tl ma NIIMI Neitled In W1mbledon Vlllllge. greet executtv9 3 or <t bedroom. Pin flooring, lhUtWI. tM'GI maater aulte, air conditioned. beautJtuRy landecaiped, IOtt of brick, ..,.. aaebo. Large ... -.mabl• loan & owner wlfl carry 2nd. • AeCluoed To Sea. • ~ J j I 4 ... llllD WllWlllT Custom 4 BR residence wtth apectacul• white water & canyon view . ._:_1deel for entertaining-spacious !tvlhg egea wtth atrium & library. Gourmet kitchen I~ ~ cabtnets. Skytff... Center c0urtyard w/poof a tpa. $2,225,000. Lyrine Valentine 644-8200(.A11) ~ •1111. llLlll ... Enter stall stately doors ·to a ~lar pool w/marble & tall cok1rnna. Look thto&.lah the home to the bay a· ocean bayonet 5 BR, den study, lg lot. $1,900,000 Barbara Aune 642-8235 (A 12) 12 Im IPI. lllfLD ... •llM E. Ill W lllllL 2 BR, 1~ Bath, most w/flreptace., 2 car gsagee or carports, laundry facUltles, community pool nearby. On tM 81Uffa overlooking nature park & preeerve. £xc:ellent ftnancl11Q. $1,800,000 lealehold. Jan Young 642-8235 (A 13) - · .__,..-s1m111 ~Bayfront-Prtme location w/122' on water -4 BR, 4 BA, pier & s11p: Npw $1,500,000 & seller wlll help finance. Submit! Martha Macnab 642-8235 (A 13) . ..... ....., Custom two-story .home w/plef and sllp w/fplc -3 addhlonal BR - • tam rm -wet bar -motor COUd & 3 car garage. Excellent financing. Owner will assist. $1,475.~ Lynne Valent'ne 644-8200(A14) Sflnlf&MUIW One of the most magnlflcent Promontory Bayfront homes Oil the market. Totally customized throughout. Includes approx. 3700 eq. ft. 4 BR, wine cellar, prlv~te spa, uuna, total aecurlty, elegantly appointed & designed. OOcks to 8CC4>mmodate 3 boats. Reallstlcally priced at $1,395,000 Incl. land. Suzanne ~huter 642-8235 (A15) .... -11111M8l" • Liii iii.i 21h years new. Exquisite ctetaiilngf 110t to beach w/a little bay view. 3 BR, 2~ BA, tam.rm, 3 frplCa. S685,000 w/ 1299.000 auum. B of A 1st. Dona Chlchelter 642-8236. (A 18) ........ , Entertain In an atmoaphere of 8'egance In this dramatic ,...,dence. Deelgned around a atalned gluaJatrlum w/handeome mirrored bar & the petfect floor for dlndng. Formal din rm Vlewl luahly land8Caped ~den w/pool, spa and nterfd. 4 BR & den a tun eecurtty system. $875"'000 Including land Cathy Sd'lw1lckert 642-8235 (A 17) .......... One atety 3 BR Borcte.ux end unit on lg lot. Spacloua Avlng-dJ_~ln.g rooms, garden kitchen opening to covered patio & l)MUttt'Ully land9caped yard. Owner wffl finance. $475,000 Lynne Valentine 644-8200 (A 18) ..., m\11 • .. , 11111 • ..... -Ill Seller extremely anxious to Mii ttllt freshly painted 3 BR, 3 BA, (or guest quarterl) and charming 2 Ba front home. Vaulted celffnga - flreplaces ·Good auumabte eo.n. and owner wlll carry. $295,000 Holly Markes 644-8200 (A22). •. ,.. ..... Outstanding residence located on main turning baaln. High beam oelllnga, 4 ftreplaces, library, 8 BRa. Beautifully decorat.d In ltght oolara and plantation shutters. Dock tor 2 large boats. Seller wlll finance. Asking $1,800,000 LH. Cathy Schw~ert. 642-8235 1 llZI llTTIM r In Corona Highlands on a quiet st. w/accesa to private beaches. 2 BR, brick fplc, hardwood ftoora, lg deck, charmlng yards & mini ocean view .. Space for adding on or remodeling. $285,000 Belle Chale Lee 844-6200 (A25) . •I• If YDlllYUI Darting New England Styte Condo w/bay windows & window seats. 2 BR, + den, 2% baths, fplc, wood decking. Attached 9ar9. End unit w/vtew of city fights. $265,000 Lola Egan 6«-6200 (A28) .............. Moves you Int Vaulted cetllngs In master suite. Charming kltChen w/lg. bUtcher block counter top, greenhouse window over1ooka garden court. $256,900 Barbara Calll~an 642-8235 (A27) 'lll1l.llMI ........ - Montecito mod91 featuring 3 BR, tam rm w/ln\erlor Garden Court, formal din rm, 2 fplc, & many upgrades. Great location on cut-de-sac w/fantastlc view of mountains. Community pool & tennis. $265,000 Sharon Smtttt-644-8200 (A28) I llllL WIW 11•1 Bright & My Trtna In prime location In the Bluffs -3 BO, 21h BA. greet back b4IY a nlQht Hoht vtew-owrw wlll ..-t w/ftnancfng. 428 Vista Parldit. $249,500 LH. Tom AIHnaon or Terry Hanes 642-8235 (A29) ... ..... ,_,,. On wide greenbelt M~ specloua 0 Y" Plan on greenbelt 3 BR, 2 BA, 2 patloe. Many extr81, lmmacutate. $229,000 t.H •. Dick ~ &42-8236 (A30) • _.,,... 1mi1 lmmec:utate -In Newport 8wt'I with RV & boat accee1 plua rm for pOol & IP8-3 BR, 2 BA or 2 plus den, lg IMng rm of fam rm. 2 Fplce, quaet location, one ltory. Owner wMI finance. Great owner ftnancjng. · S229,000. a.. Arnold 844-7200 (A31) .... mT'•lllTP on kMly gr91nbett. One ltety 3 BR condo. Sunny locatlon, newty carpeted, painted, ..,, papered. Exe dint ftnanclnQ. ~ for young or mlrtno coupee. $228,000 JM Young 842-uM (A32) .. ----------- llllm •lllf -.. ., I L Truly the "Creme de la cnae .. of watedrwt llvtnc. over 8500 IQ ft of the finest quality comtnaC'don avUlable. Located oo the main channel with its own white aandy belich. amenities include a pool, spa, eeven bedrooma and a. view from all l"OOlm. $6. 7& MlJllon. . IUlll Ill I• .... IAll ... EL The finest waterfront home with the best T.ocattoti in Newport Beach. Over 5,000 1QUAN feet and a per for a 100 foot yacht. Unusually large bayfront lawn. The pdoe la $5 million and the owner will finance a notable amount. ' UIU llll 1111'• ·IA• IUML Breathtaking views of the main channel from every important room in the home. Over 76 feet on the water, 6,500 equare feet of 1heer ele- gance. The p~ la $3.6 million. 111• w ""'" •••••wau YllW This Country French estate offers one of the finest bay and ocean views ever. Over 5,300 ~ feet of the finest craftsmanahip. The price is $2.3 million. opeii Sunday r-5, 3 San Sebu6in. ....... ..,. -.. Lllml Brand new English Tudor With ~ view. Unbellevable home wtth aver 7500 aq ft. of luxurious living, Pool. spa. euebo· $2.65 millim L.91 Ill.I WIYllflml lll11M Simply the finest waterfroat on Lido on the mark.et today. Pier and .Up plua oveni.zed lot and $1.4 million in 8l8W1lable finandng. '!be price ia $2.25 mlllku ~ Sat/Sun. 1-5 at 219 Via Udo Soud. LW Ill.I PIP •IRE Five bedrooml, all emuite, and rtaht on the water with your own p6el' and llip for multiple boat&. Owner wm finAl)Ce over $1 m.Ullon. Call for appointment. The pdoe ii $1.85 million. .......... •11111U••• Truly the t.st family home with 6 Jarae bed.rooml including a eepuate 2 bedroom suite with 111 own living room. On the 9th fairway with private pool The price ii $1.8 million. • 111111 ....... • 111.., ••• Thil award-winning heme, on the 7th f.airwa, ii country club livfn& at ita finest. O\'er 4,000 square feet with dramatic architecture aJ\d LARGE rooms. Tbe price Iii $1.7& mlWon with owner flna.ndnc. . • ta1111..,• •umw mw · AdJoininl lia own private 2.26 tae .-rk, thil 8 bedroom manllm ii Vlalll and ready to move tn. Owr $,500 .quare feet with a VERY private pool. The price .. $1.596 mOllon. ... llllD 1111 .. ,. Ml 1.1 Jllll Out of the fliCbt jJ9tb. this custom home offers 1ftl8Dlfant opportu- nities. Sepuate l\leSt home md private pool and spa. Owner will fi-. nance entire loan. 'n. price II '91&,000. , • •1••-•m111 Super view of the 0CMn, bay and dtj u,b1a. ..... jlcual. formal llvtng I rm with_biD_ ~ ~ ~' full bathl, family room. .auity system. '30,000 In IandlcapinC. fB!M),000. ..•• -,,. ~· Over 'Ii acre on fee land. BeauUful ocean and city liabta view. Swimminl pool. Beamed ceilings, French doon and windows plu. hardwood floors. Larile gourmet kitchen with Muter Craft cabineta. 4 bedroomt, 2~ bet.ha. Ori comer lot. $750,000 with tenna."Open Sunday 1-5. 1132 Ebbtide. • UIYll llW•I• llTllJll YllW Exquisite in ~ detail, th.ii 3 bedroom, 3,000 IQ\W'e feet home offers multiple w.e of skylights and enormous privacy. Highly uPifaded. Tbe price ls $675,000. . .. 11111111 .. 1• • Ill ....... This "new to the market" home la vacant and ready to move in. $430,000 of low interest Ullll'Dable financi.n8. Three bedrooms. three baths, three car garage. Priced to tell at 1829,500. L.91 -Y-I• W/1111 .... 111 Wltll Luxuriant New Y otk Style on me bay ln 1he heart of Newport Beech.. Rk:bly appointed 2 bediooais, c1en, a batb9 with walnut plank 0oon, . beYe1ed mlrron, tbuttered wlndowl, boat .Up. $549,fW>O. 833 Lido Park Dr. F2, Open SUIMlay 2~. - • ............ Lllml Simply fabuku aoJl coune contempanry with pool and 1p9. Ultra modem and ultra Jldvate four bedn>olm. study, f.ami1y room. gourmet ldtcben. $1.75 mlDkn . llllM --• .. UlnDI ~~]z.!:onderf\11 location on private street. Older home with ~---t bey, ·ocmn and jetty v1ew1. Owner wm finance. $1.25 --~•n .... _ WALK TO U.CJ. f:nlm CO&Y charm of very-private three bedroom. 2 bath oottaae .with warm. friendly brick flres>*e, lofty ceOtnp in livine-diDlna areu, windowed to colorful prden patios. Larae. -.eeeNe Joa. 2nd available. $187,500. 5041 Pwso de Vep. Open Saturday • Sunday 12-5, , .. ---~-11f .. 11111 The iowest priced home ln Newport 0.. Two bedroCJma.. two betM, formal dinJq room, wet bat, step down uvm, room. All Ulla for only $165,000 . sat• I , IYERY CONVENIENCE .IA&M•CRHK Ia YOUR akq with 2 bedrooaw, 2 batba, and llvine room that Ml an ou1Randinl view of the mountainl. Owner la very motivated to sell and will aaatat In finandng $159,SOO. Sensational 3 bedroom·end unit located on a mapWcent ,reenhe!t Profemonally deco.rated with many u~ All th.ii and outltandiQa finandng ii .available for $427,000. .r NEWPORT BEACH Dl81QNl!D FOR tMNG Thia CUltcm bUllt home W• ~ for the dllcliminatinc who want the aood life. · a bedrooms p1~ 2 bedroom sum quarters or rental unit. Sauna, jacuzzi, and. waterfront location with your own per and .Up. Many other quality featuree .. $789,000. FOR DISTINCT'lft TASTES h thla dramatic 4 bedroom Lautremont plan home that ii located in the private and excluaive communttr of Har&orftfdp;- Prlvate courtyard, apec:tacular view, profe-k>Mlly decorated and land.::aped. You mwt ~ tJDa one! 989(),000. 'ROOM TO SPARE In this ·lar&e N~ Be.ch family home with ma1nlflcent view. Four large bedrooma plus 3 full batha and cuatom ~ family room. Larae )ow interest -unable loul. $299,950. STEPS TO IAJM> Prime Newport Be.lch property. Guarded community with rea.Uon kocm, pool and apa. Wah .. umable fint, try low down, owner will anl1t in flnancin1. ONLY! $108,000. SUBMIT ALL OFFERI ~ liwa out of the area mwt,e~ thil 2 bedroom beach hideaway. IArp muter IUite cooled by ca9D ...... l'Aj)y pool, lpL Own.-will calTJ· Only $122,000. l!DCUTIYE HOlll On ~ apy.s.. Hill. ,._., ..,._.,,OOl""'m 3 • betli Tr.tewtDdi llodeL Motivated .. ner wm ... ...., am-. tcr tncome .. opel'tJ' or TD'•· Try leaH opllon. Ready for ln!IJWdiate ~· Alkinc $ff5,000. ATI'ENTION BUILDERS Prime location, half way between ferry and famed lhoppina area1. Fee land. owner will IU~te~ caJ.l for detaOa. $325,000. WHAT A COMBINATIONll Lovely mountain and city Ulhts views, 3 bedrooma, 2 batha, formal clinm, room, dramatic wet bar, separate family room. All thta and a low, low price in prestl8'oua Spy1laa1. Add 1ood flnanctn1 and a motivated seller -a terrific buy at $495,0001 IRVINE , TENNIS YOUR GAME? Wallt to your private racquet club. Walla of g1w,. view of SaddWwk *Pl from pool. ll11hly motivated .eller 'will help ln the ~er will comider iew option fOI' yearwt mlnimum down. Only $149,000. VIEW THE HILL&.. Fran thil 2 bedroom, 2 ~ bath two ear new home In Turtle Rock Rid1e. Hi1hly up1raded with plankwood floors. plantation ahutten, levalon, decorator wallpapers and Pll.M carpetina. Hieb open ce1Un11 and atrium. Good financing available. $320,000. . SANTAANA DECORATOR'S DELIGHT Speno... 2 story townhome that Ml been totally uNftded ~t, 3 bedrooma, fireplace and • located in a wry de9l.rable 8eCdon MU South co.t Plaza. $98,000 of -.unable 1omw. A*lna only $119,500. LAGUNA NIGUEL GRACIOUS LMNQ In tbla juat listed beautifully appointed home in ............ El Nfpel C.OU.Oty Club area. 4 bedrolXm. family room with wet bar and fireplllCe, decont.OI' walloowrinp and French doon throuthout, wood plank flooring complimented by plush earthtaoe carpet. All thil and outltanding finandng can J>e yours for only $335,000. INCOME PROPERTY . •DEWDUNIT8 Tbele cme ,.r new unlta are located ;.t one mile from the beach in Bwittntton Beach. They are built to Condo 1peclficationa for potential convenion. Great financtn1at11~ owner will also carry. Call for set-up and information todajt .. I" I ·l 29 Hiacar-, (Trtlrk Hin) Irv 873-l'181 '"5.000 SUn 1·5 *1901 a.tat-. (1rv Terr) CdM 81$.1781 S7'85,000 Fee 8un 1-5 13~ llland Or, ENg Cyn, NB 840-INO '335,000 Sat/Sun 1.5 ' *1087 Glelt Cir, Coste Meea '840-9900 1229.000 . Sat 1·5 --.,,...µ_:_.__~-'._~b,~~,.,.~~'-~.,..._~~~ -· -.!.. 1t01-Trodwwliida;-Slyc:f'est, NB 844-9080 1325,000 Sun 1-5 K••P t_hls h•ndy directory wUll rott tllls Wffllend H you 10 hoUH-hUnt~. All tM loc•tlofts llSIM a.tew •re Mtc:rtlted In ......... det•ll .. ....,.. In toay•s DAIL y PILOT C .. •tfled .... P•tnM advertising open ...... for Niie ... ,.... ... TIM D•llY Piiot INY list such Information In tlM .. columns uiclt SaturUy •Rd SllftMy. HOUSES FOR SALE ' . 1 IR ...... FAii -• DIDI 10 ......,., ~ . 840-9900 $149,HO Sat 1·5 2..ooll . 44 ~. Woodbt1dge, ~ 548-1188 $139,800 8unday 1-5 20082 Orchid St, 8.A. Helght9 548-1188 $128,900 8unday 1-5 **833 Udo Plf'k Or (F2). ~ Bch 790-1900 $485,000 8unday 2•5 I 7925 a.a ..... Huntlligtoft Bch 9e3-1787 $179,900 Slit 1 ..... #3 LllgO Sud, trvtne ' • 840-9900 $158,000 s.t 2-5; 8un 1-e 221 Via tthllca. Udo Ille, N8 . 873-7300 $349,500 Sat 1-5; Sun 3-8 221 Via Ithaca. Udo 181e, NB 873-7300 $349,500 Sat 1-5; Sun 3-e 41' ~ Corona del ._. 544-90e0 $203,000 s.t 2-6; Sun 1-5 **225 Grand can.&. Balboe lllmnd, NB 873-eeOO $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 117 Mlll1ne Ave .• Balboa llland, NB 873-elOO $27~ 8atl8un 1-5 2011 P~CollaMeM CMl-9488 t 1•.500 Delly 1-5 p.m. I • ...... PAii -• DIN *18 Cwt Drtve, ...... Creek, CdM 640-151511-721-6151 8atl8un 11 ..... 8Q1 Gwy Pl, ~ Hgts. NB 845-8269 '215,000 Sunday 1·5- * *42 Balboa CcMa., (~) NB 842-5200 $550,000 Sun 1-5 1074 V•lelo. So Cet PMza, CM 846-7434 $129,900 Sat/Sun 12 ..... 212 Via Ebol1. Udo ..... NB 873-7300 Sun 1-5 1911 Court St, Bel Pen!n, NB 873-7300 J 10101 Cltf. HunUnaton BMctt 983-e11'1 $158,too 418 De Sola Terrtiee. CdM Sun 1-5 844..e200 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 .... Senate, Colla Mela 548-2313 $128,000 Sat 1 ..... 2853 Vleta Omeda, The Bk.rffs, NB 844-9080 $285,000 FM Sun 2-6 427 Woodland Place, Newport 8eect) 6*-1181 $179,000 Sunday 1-5 _ 5041 PaMO de V9, lurtlerodc, Irv 790-1900 $187,IOO Sat/Sun 12-5 1820 Tahuna. lrYlne Teft'eoe, CdM . ~ '285.000 Sat 1-5 *4832 RIV9r Ave, Newport a.act\ e1s-1n1 s112,ooo ~ Sunday 1-5 878 P1_..,, MeM del Mar, CM 758-1501 $138,000 a.t!Sun 1-5 .1 • ..... PAii .. • DIN 2040 Mcinrcwta, Coeta ..... 54CM1AI '81,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2345 11th St, (Nwpt Hgts) NB 845-0303 1240,000 Sat 1-4 **120 So. Bayfront, Balboa 1-.nd 844-90e0 $095,000 8un 1-5 • 1218 Key Weet, HV Hiiis, CdM 844-4810 $37&,500 Fee Sun 1-E 2118 Felipe, (The Bluffs) NB &44-i4910 $270,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1643 Serenllde Terr, Irv Terr, CdM 844-9080 '335,000 Sat 1-5 19 Whltwaw, Corona del Mar 844-9080 $379,500 Sun 1-5 1515 Cumbers.nd, {Westdfff) NB 540-1151 $240,000 SatlSUh 12-4 1438 Serenade Terr, Corona del M• 875-551~ $349,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 118 Via Quito, Udo Ille, NB 873-7300 -~~1~Meea 911 C"1f Dr, Clttlhawn, NB . . Sat/Sun 1-e 844-90e0 $475,000 Sat 1-6 **1038 Polat'la, 0oYer Shor-. NB 844 8080 ~1875,000 F9e 8un 1-5 1721 Kw. Rd, Cltrhawn, NB 759-15l>1 '875,000 8at 1·5 1511 K1nCi8 Aoed, Newport Httghta, NB 873-ffOO 1699,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1205 Alabama. NB -~2-7404 Open Sat 12-5 2421 Sonya, Newport Beech 875-1711 . $255,000 Sunday 1-4 ' • 8R we: FAii Ml • oat a GUeST • 280~~-=-· Npt ~8un 1-5 ........ LOP.T 214 Amethylt, .....,. ltlMd ~8080 '417.500 Sit 2-5 4 •MOOM 222 Corlil, 8llboa lllMd 875-a21 1648,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1 Aldergrove, Woodbrtdge, lrW'9 25 Mait1111n, .-Tn ~. CdM 840-8582 Sun 1~ . 507 Avoc:Mo, Corona del M• 552-oeee> t1N,000 Set/Sun 1-5 "'°** 10 ·a..a* CCM9, OcMil, ,. M2..e235 1125,000 8atl8un 12-5 213 erta. Corona del Mir 844 4Q80 ta75,000 SUn 1-5 4521 TNmOnt, Cemeo Shor-. CdM 844 toeO 1415,000 ~Sun 1-6 315 lrtf. Corona ....... · 1461010 '311.GOO 8023 Countty Club (MeM V•de) CM 845-9181 1315,000 Sat 12 ..... #5 Toulon. tWbor ~ Npt Bch 840-7M6 Sat/Sun 1-6 844-1017 Sat/Suri 12-5 546-2'18 $425,000 Sun 12 ...... . 1'80 ~ Pl, Coeta ..... 54&-231• ' l1at,to0 Sun 1 ..... 'lfll Via Mentalite, Udo ..... NB 873-7300 "'6,000 21132 Lockhaven, Hunt aMct. ..... "4-2047 $174,900 Sundey 1-6 *29242 K ..... Ln, L.liguM _.. 646.9181 ... 000 ~ Sat/8'1n 1-6 • · * 11-13 Port Menlelah Or, HrtM'Vu, N8 &4C).HH '4A.OOO Sat/Sun 1~ *1020 ~ Wsy, (~ V"I Hll) N8 831· 12te taM.900 8MJ8un 1-6 • *1412 8anttaao Or, (OW Shr) N8 8S1·12te 1375,000 FM Opn Delly 1-5 ' 1425 Wetaon, (Hllllk:rest) CM 751-3191 $128,000 8atJ8un 12-5 7 Arbor Glen,.f#_dtwa'J ttvtne e-• 1~ ~ 84Mn8 .11e.ooo . Q9& -~ 2IO Goldenrod, eo.or. dll ...., ln.a494 $498,000 SaVSun 1·5 222 Vim Koron, (Udo •> NB M2·5a00 8un 1-6 1815 Port Tlftln, (Hrbt VU Hme) NB 79()..9333 '339,500 a.. 1-S 28 Aue Grand Duclll. (Bag Cyn) NB 842-6200 '725,000 Sat 1·5 *4828 ~Rd, CmMO ~. <:dM 175-6830 1475,000 8at/8un 1-5 427 • 19th Pl, (!-side) CM ~910 $229,000 F9e 8at/Sun 1-5 1251 Sutftlne '!"_~,· HV Hiii, ~ 844-4910 '211.000 Set/Sun 1-6 *2409 TUlttt'f, (88ck BllY) CM M&-0303 '280,ooo r-vaun 1-a'· 223 Via Quito, Udo IM, N8 144 IOeO $610,000 SMJ.-5 1830 Port Abbey Pl, HY H<>f'M9, NB ...._9080 $350,000 Sat 1-S 133 Via Undlne, Udo ..... NB ..... 9080 8at 1-5 'Ii 17 Muir BMott Cir, SMfw, CdM 144 8080 8e&/8un 1·5 131 Via Undlne, Udo ..... N8 873-7300 $539,750 $un 1-6 *1715 a.&atera Terr, Irv Terr, CdM 844-9080 $498,000 Sun 1-5 8 Rue VIWI, Bia Cyn, NB ~ $705,000 Sun 1-5 I *1840 Tn1dewln .. a.,ic.•. N8 144 eoeo 1316.ooo &un 2-a 11 a...ry .... Illa Cyn, NB 144 .toe() $1,385.,000 . ~ 8un 1"6 **741 Via Udo Nord, Udo lale, NB . 144«*> t1,IM,OOO 8un 1-5 ~ ec.nm.-. Wlrnbledon. CM ""'7414 '217,IOO 8aa/8un 1M 8un 1-5 Sat 1-5 ' .. **eG7 ~ ~ .... port 8Mct'I 831-1400 $1,200',000 Sat/Sun 1-5 #4 ~ Harbor A6dg9. NB 831·1.tOO '2.200.C}QO Sat/Sun 1-5 1441 ~ Or, Do"9t $heir-. NB 548-5647 *420,000 8M/8un 1·5 2000 Port~ Pl, HVH, Na 8754373 '322.000 8w\ 1 .... :30 18971 Anttooh, TJ,#111roctl, Irvine 541-6032 $185,000 Sun 12-3 333 Poppy Ave, Corona det Mlt ' 7~2 $491,500 8un -t-6 *1472 Galaxy Dr, Dowr Shene, NB 842-2910 t739,CJ90 F9e Sat/Sun 1-S 1 IEDROOM • **708 Via Lido Nord, Udo ..... NB . 875-1181 $1,500,000 Sun 1-6 **18392 SuncMlncer, Huntington Hrbt 847-5975 $849,000 Sun 1-5 ••219 Via Udo Soud, Udo -N8 7eG-1900 '2.26 ~ smtlw\ 1-6 **824 w. Bay, BlllbOe Penln, N8 831-1400 $1 ,"'5,000 8et/8un 1-6 1•.-PAllMI• DM · 1308 Sar~J,HVtta> CdM 844-42t8 ,000 .. t-6 ., * 1808 Galuy·Or; (Ovr Sift) N8 831·1•; tMt,000,.. Sun 1.;.f * 1211 Clff Or, CNlllDt ...., N8 842·5200 $48,ooo Sun 1-6 1321 Outrtaaer. Carone dll Mer 844-820CJ-$450,000 FM 8at1$un 1·5 14941 R8ncho Or, o. ........ Irv 971M370 $181,900 Set 12-3/Sun 1-6 #5 Pomt Loma, 8PYaltll Hll, CdM au 5403 se1~.ooo Sun t-6 . 440 Mendoza Terr, Corone H~ . .....7211 $495,000 Sat 1-5 , I Ill ...... PAM•• DB * 1848 Newport Hllll Or e.t 142-8235 $495,000 Olllty 1-5 938 Via Udo Soud, Udo ltle; NB 844-90e0 $888,000 8un 1-6 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SAU . a.usun 1-6 a.t 12 .... , .. 411 ~ Corana del Mar 81s-u11 ssa.ooo Sat/Sun 1-5 2445 vtlta Nobllu, Blutfa, NB 875-2373 $275,000 F9e Sun 1-5 2559-F Elden, Cotta Meae 875-1771 "'952.000 8unday 1-6 • 11 &rtownto. Newpott 0rNt. NB 831·1.tOO $195,500 Sat 1~ . \. 419DMOM 2478 Rue de CanMI -N9wport 8Mch 842--8235 $129.IOO Sat 1-5 - TOWNHOU8e8 FOR SALE .• 9IMOOll Falr.W# & Avocedo Ad, Colla Meea 648-2239 $137,950 Delly 11 to 5 700 w. Vk:toria, #A2, Cotta Meaa 546-2313 $110,000 Sun 1_. 700 w. Vtctona. #82, eo.t. Meaa 5*-2313 S108,000 Sun 1_. a •INIOOll .. * 157 Yotktown. Colta Meta 84&-8391 $89,500 Sat 1~ Feln1ew &·AYOOlldo Ad, Cotta"- 648-2239 1154,llO Olly 11-5 873 Vlllge Creek, Cotta Meta 54&-2313 S129,000 8un 1_. •• MOOll,... ... •18458 ~ ln, Hwd Vllwpotnt No, H8 &47-t507 $17$,500 Set/Sun 12~ MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1•,._PAllMl•DD 300 E. COMt Hwy No. 113, Nwpt lktl 875-3347 seo.ooo Sat/Sun 1 .... 2 mlDROOll 300 E. Cout Hwy No 270, Nwpt 8ch 875-3347 *"'·000 Sat/Sun 1 .... .. ,..., ___ .,... 14851 Jelfrwy Ad ,,., IMne 551-2380 $40,000 SM/Sun 1-6 ... '•r fl • .. 11.lt.'WFl•I Delightful MW Eeat9k:Se 4 Bedroom home with lkytlghta. bright goum'9t kitchen, Ft..:h docn, luxurioua ~ M.lfte, 3 car gwege, Woe prtyate ywd s*JS new greet terms, Ml Ul.18 759-1221 ........ a.m ___ _ QulfftY oew 3 Bedroom In Newport Beech. All amenltle• plue profeHlonally •tdtctlped ywd. Compere to anything In Newportl 1179,000 with excellent ~ -... ,.. 759-1221 ........ ...... A eweet little MOMY IMker. Call ml'f ..... 758-1221 or 831-5883. PIRIMW11m-3 BR. 21.ii BA. DBL Gar. &llrge patio, near :.~c...~T.;ri17W.1~ 1. 1111•--- 2 Br, 2 Ba. Lota of land custom bufft retreat-, $180,000 ca11 Ill llllltl, 759-1221 • tml -1111• MK LMI Owner lllllsted excellent ftnMclngJ OWir 'A the apta. are eoon dUe renflnc:n11•I Preeentty 9.9XGroa Excllent lnv.tment bar9aln. Hur!Y· call Bob Licata, . Broker-Owner 7~1221 zns1lmwm.a Fantatic Mrbor & bey we from this 3 Bdr tam rm, nu crpta & . pal!'.!..&...lrg pool. $340,000. LH. -·-._, '769-1221 . ......... Fab. Ocean & coaetllne w, 3 br. 3 b.a. ,form. d.r., f.r., etudy, I~. pool & cour- tyard, prt. bc:he. $895,000. Fee. -• .. .... 759-1221 UllA 111.111111 Breathtaking bay vu 2 boat docks, rm for 4 boats up to 7 4 ft. 8 bra, 6 ba., game rm., form. d.r., 1ep. Quest wlnQ, pool, Seller carry 1st TD or trade Ind. or off. bldg. $2, 100,000. -., ..... 759-1221 llElinln -IHl•lln Convert ex. tge duplex to your prt. res. & llve on the finest beach on the coast. $170,000 1et at 11%. 2nd or $250,000 at 12%, StMI at $650,000, -..... I .... 11110 Heme yo41 terme on thle lrg 4 BR. 4 BA. Pool Home, W/OOW/lt view+ Sep. lnlaw qtra.1315,000 L.H. with excel. terme. - • .... 759-1221 • 1.Mrau11a 2 bd. 2 ba. The flneet w avail. In Newport. Sec. Bldg., pool, boat dock w/notlce. 1525,000. -..... 759-1221 NU.-....... 4 Br. 5 Ba. f.r. F1ntatic U'I nn., beau master lte. w/marble f.p.locean & city Vu. Huge master ba. W/lmf>Orted ue.. One of the lrgst Iota w/rm tor pool and lrg. piay area. Very, very motivated Miier. Bring any offer. Loweet price cu atom at 11,111,eee., &i,so5;1ee., ~,101,1ee .• $1,200,000. wtll tra + GRT. 1at avafl. ca1t••--U.,759-1221 I . 711111-. 5 br, 4 ba. ~ rm. form. dr, highly up- grllded, ltaUan mwble In l.r., d.r., kit f.r., 1tuc:ty & f.r. hM ~ PMelng & ehuttera. Fab vu 2 lge. patio dec:ka. A mu9t to ... at $895,000. -....... 758-1221 ..... 111111 Nwne your terme on thla lrg 4 BR, 4 BA. Pool Home, W/OOMn view+ Sep. lnlaw qtre. $315,000 LH. with excel. tMne. - ......... 759-1221 ...... + ..... Fairway home Mela Verde $100,000 un- der nwttet 3 Br., 3 Ba., top cond. '30,000 ON + Takeover t275,000. • w llftl .... 759-1221 ..,llTllllTW 2 br. 2'A ba loft highly upgr9ded Ollk tire., beaut. paper•. ocean vu. ni.ooo 1•t 12%. Priced at •119,000. ~ ........ I .... WITllPml LUii 2 br, 3i>a, f.r., MC. bldg. Underground park. Approx. 2600 eq. ft. PoH. boat dock/fMtastlc w . $1800 mo. • • 11111 U.759-1221 111111 •• Wll 4 br. 3 ba form. d.r. f.r., etucty, bMutlfWfy. dee. lge deck•., fab. w. Prl. grd.J:.!:• poo1 & tennte: S2900 mo. Submft an . ........ 75g.1221 ..... LUii 4 br. 3 ba. f.r., d.r. dty & ocean w . Grd ,;: pool & tern.. $1700 per mo.• er ... 759-1221 . . . I • I I .... • I ••••••• AcMrtller9 lhould check their ad• daf ly and report errors Immediately. The DAILY PILOT a11ume1 llablllty fot the flrat Incorrect lnMrtk>n only. - ~ .... A ftA[' * Prbe West ~yfrcnt. SU .. ~for 2 boata, remodeled a a bath •1,200,000. . STAIRWAY t • I I ec.n. jttty views.~. bdrm.~ bath. 3700 lq.ft. f l.JU,000. Ocean.front. GRACIOUS LIVING -.FOREVER VIW- ....... Prime Udo NOrd ~t. & bdrm, 5~ bath. Lee L.R., 2 boat .u .. tl,500,000. Two Muter SUltee, eoftd oak cupboard•. lkyMght• Iwmodeled 3 bdrm, I bath + t.,. rec. rm. beam ceil1np, fwnlmed, s-tioa. '42'),000. I.ml ......... . i...oon view from e bdrm, & bath. p1ayroam, daik rm. den, Boat .Up. $1~.000. 10%%. UYmEllft FINANCING BUILDER Will PAY POINTS Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 t.t .Ups $1,900,000 . .... CAYS FROM $125,800 10% DOWN "<Aronado Ia1and cust. bayfront lot. 85' *' dock. Plane avail. $4~.ooo w/tenm. CALL HAL OR PAT 673-7300 751-9905 Cftl SAT. 2-5, Slll 2-5 P.M.. , 2277 PACftC 'AVE., C.M. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR End Of Wilson ..wPORT lllACH SUPERB VIEW HOME -Newpbrt lfcta. 4 bn. tam. rm., pool+ finandnc! -~.ooo l!!Ll!X;ANT pool home -CLI1THA VEN 3bn II lanai. AU custom teatures - '349,000 Newer BACK BAY ESTATES -W acre 4 bl', 2b9, tam.rm. With POOL -$450,000 EXCLUSIVE Ne;r; Hefahtl baJ'&ain! 2br, 2be, tam.rm. at -$189,500 Call now for Appointment. )JAE ROOOBBS 631-12te } -! '-I '' \ 1· .... ) ' • ' •• ? ':: .. ~ ,... •&A VERDE BEST BUY Spadoua 4 bl'., SECLUDED SPA in private 1etUng. Excell. new finandn8 available. $218,500. JACKIE HANbLEMAN ' 631-1266 OCEAN YU STEAL Lovely lrg. 4 bd. prof. deoont.ed with pool. 1pa, city and ocean vlew1. A R!AL BARGAIN AT ONLY ~.500! Won't lMt. Call directly to PA TRICK TENORE 631-1266 OI' 760-8702 today! HARBOR RIDQR Sharp Jq. 2 bd condo w/vttew. Reduced to $399,9901 WW SBLL OR LIASE OPT. 'W/10'5 DN. Olll DIRllCT eo PATRICK or FRED TENORE 831-12188 or 780-8702 CONDO 8TEAL81 Now la the time to aet tbele At BELOW MARKET PRICES w/lOS DN! 3 Bd. 2 Bath $1.320 mo. -$110,000 2 Bel 2 Bath $119,800 Irvine 2 8<l. 2 Bath •1~.000 Newport 2 Bd. 2~ Bath t16&,000 TurtJerock 4Bd. 2'°'Bath t2H,to0 2,000' Newport Hllrbor IUda-t Condo for only tm,900-Newport. U you want a deal on • condo -we.. will fit you into one of theee TODA YI Call Dl- RllCT for Detalla PATRICK OR FRED TENORE 831-1266 or 760-8702 NOW. I llD.llTABI OPINTODAY Spadoua 4800 ~· ft. of e1eonce with pool. 1pa + view. PALACE PERFECT THRU-OUT. Fee land plua TERMS. Call direct to PATRICK TEMORE 631·1266 or 78().8702 ....... ,. 80' on ttie water, 44' dock, ~ a.f. llvtnc ..,._. 4 Bdr, family nu, formal dlnin8. billiard room. Superbly decorateCJ. ~ttul courtyard. $1,700,000. . ..... Extra latft! A·t cornet" ~. a.-.. ftr)9nOll 9211,000 { ............ •• 1111 *' 1•* R&f Mt-X of Cos~2 Me~ --- ,..llU..., -ee.t buy an point. Charming thrff bedroo cottage, steps to beacbet, bay parka. This property la move-in rady with W1believable potential ..• '325,00Q Wll1JUff .... -·-· Fantudc Wesicllff area buy. '1"hNe bedroom, two bath family POOL home in moat prntlgtoua location. Seller will consider lea.e/option $24.9,000 llYflllf -MaanUicent four bedroom, three bath totally CUltom1Rd Bayfroni home. Over 63' on the wa&er with doda to accamroodate three boats. You OWD the land. Ouutandln1 term• available. Y°'4 muat pre"'iew thta most exquillte bbme to .wnlllriil!ftf!9' the ulUmate of life at the ed8e OI. the water and Incomparable pl'll IDCe ......................... fl,186.000 ....,._, .•• Ex~llent Financing Avallable. Laroe Aaaumable Loan @ 11'11 & Owner Wltl Conllder 2nd. Beeuttfutty Upgraded Carmelita W/3 8ft + Cozy Oen. Lage • Patio On LovelY Oreent>etf Near Pool. Vacant. $229,500. Sally Shlpley'a Uettng. OP.EN SAT 1-6. MT..unl -custom-Mt 8300 Sq. Ft. Home. Maltnet9 Point, San Clemente. 0otaeoua OcMn View, City Ughta. EntertaJn-.• Delight. Numerous A~ltlea, Too Many To Mention. Muat SM"To Appreciate. $950,000. Ownen Wttl Accept An R-1 View Lot For Trade, Or Down Payment Marta 8erc:cWltz' LJatJng. IMWH mA .WllMllllWI,_ Panoramic V1ew -Great Waterfront Location .. RedwoOd Aoet + 50' E>Oc*. M9w Custom Home wmwe Bedre>Om9. Kitchen With '11-Window. Alt The Modem Amenltlea. 8ridl BBQ In 0Uta1andtng Patio NM. Even Tiied Oaragea. Gteat Offering. $1,295,000. A 06on-Marla u.ttng. , ........ , ' Dramatic Remodeled Home. % Acre. 4 BR. Pool, Spa. Great Location. Keep 3 Horeet, $289,000. A OabottShfpley Llettng. -•111111-YR Walk Thru Garden Courtyard To Towering Door Leading To Marble Entry. Winding Slalrcue & Spactous LR. Lrg D.R. Oen W/FP. Huge MBR & BA, Plus 3 Add'I BRa. Big Lot W/Paddle Tennis Court. Mountain, Ocean Vlewa. Reduoed To *826,000. Bob Thoma's uattng. lllT lllTA ma Archltect'1 Home. Private &try Courtyard W/Spa. Areplacel In LR., F.R. Open Ar Plan Ideal For Entertaining. Spactout MBR Suite. $237,500. Binnte Dfxon'a Uttlng. •ana•J11111••1•·••-• .. ,,., Low, Low Priced 3 BR W/l.Mng & Dining NM9 Entering Secluded Patio. Nr lteach, Schoola, Shopping. ewtom Cabinetry. Good Mlum. Loen. Priced At S 175,000. Call Now. 8'nnle Dixon'• UstJng. I ..... , IHFF EXcttlng OCMn "-HCinl • Superb Contempcn1y Styttng .. 3 BRa -8 BA + Oen. High Blamed c..-.'9* · In Den & D.R. & L..Ft lun Oecka. Spa Off ~ MBR. BBQ. One Of The a.et Pricld Homee In Emer8ld Bay. MM.000. ~ Debolt'• Listing. ••n-•t Megnlfloent '11-Home In N9Wl)ort Bellch.'• Gate Gu.-ded Harbor .... Wll Be Under Conatructlon Soon. One Of Theifhiet In TM Nee. The ~ Is Eng1lltt Tudor. The ~Ne In OUt ~ YCIU Are Welcome To tn1pect. $2,000,000. Su1an TIMlon't Utttng. .. • • • I i 1 I 1 I I I - > l l ·1 I I - J l ............ No. that·• not the down payment-tba~I the b.111 pD f« ddl ..-.p 2 bdrm. _.)Ill a lborl W.-fl'OID, W8*1iff PIM&. QMJb h &or location •ltb private encloMd patio. Nicely maintained' development With be 1ut1ful 1wlmmtna pool. Owner "'111 • ftnanoe, . WIFIR --Spec:tacular MtUna with wav.,_ br..adna cm the lodal and bmcb below. A lovely 4 bdrm home, Ute and alJ'y with Iota of 11.aM ,to captJ&re tbe view and Juab landecapfna: Formal clin1nc ma. t.may rm.. profrmmal worbhop and eY'eD. wine cellar. '2,900,000. LO'IS•~ ·-----a.Y Bleccola timne. •Br & larae f.mdly room with brkS flreplace. country kitchen. qutet NIMtmdal u-. auJdrm can walk to nearby .-cboob. Owner will help flnanoe. $229,000 fee. . at·• IL, a ,. UTI• 1-1 __ al.I __ ,_ Quiet. p.rk-Wre .umc. Rm foe J*ldJe teMla and poal ar-r I« orcbwcl Cul cle -st. 3 bdnm, fam rm. $370,600' fee. 1111 m mr, U&· .. • 1~ ..... 11111 •• Sell fi.nt? or Buy tint'? That II alwa,. the question. Why not botb ln one ~ W4' can otter you an a.mumal opparbmity to ........ )!JUI' ~t home. pM:l for or • 11 the down ,.,ment an an ou~.!111 C.yoo bame OD ttie IOlf ~1 not call US now~ &K--4110. ...... ...... Seller will trade th•lr 1paclou1 4 Bdrm., vll'llr w/pool bame tar 46-60' Batteru or Bertram boat. Home la valued et t&t&,OOQ w/aHum. Jonc:.term io.n °' sm.ooo. .... -Tbt )ll1De al dm ~ Npt. Bch. home ha• J;at &ea dramatically reduced to .500. ~ 4 Bdrm. 2 \16 ba. on extreme y 11. parcel. Netpborhood la very exclusive • quiet. 8eDer will ttnu.c. . lllllY-.... • Bd.rm. rn Ba. cnm,. reetctence m private 1ated commullity w/pool, jacuu:I le tenni1 crtl. Dwellln1 contain& 2 woodburnln1 frplc1., vaulted eel~•· frml. din. rm. Located on a et cul-cle-Ac. Avl. June 18th. $1 per mrmtb. I ~ . ------- ~•: . '' ~ J ·, ..... ~ ' .. :. ') lL. A L l CAMEO SHOAE8 C4.-eom 4 Ir. I ... poet, Jeouul, kol pond, 8 trplc'a. 8471,000. 87~. Na+•+fl 8LU8: 1 BA ln-tft apt. W/kH. & LR. w/rplo. AU 2700 a.f. cuatot11 bit on lge tot. BUI poet & pdo ... Sap dog l'UIMXUd be ga.rden apot. Circle drM W/Ollf It. i*o, Only 11315,000. AG&-..,..,.. A PETE BARR En REALTY .. _ ----...... "" J'anor•mlc view on Newpo1t Bar and Pacific Ocean. l'rl6ae ....... °"" '900,000 °' ......... ~ . is.tt avall'ble lot on .... ·~-· {1'M) 7'0-1IOO &r • ..... ,._ a ldrm, ~ l!attl. fur-....... d . I MMllouJilta. POOi, ttinnle, t750 mo. Avall. now. Aot, en-noo. §1. . ' ... 1- 1 I I '· I I I ' I l ·- I -> ••• ,., 11.Jwaid.4 ..... lhWnJdfl ............................................ ~-.. 8 fMf.J!IL~-.:!ff .~~ •WO'I"&,.-,... no.stM .,..~ --o-tltS; • -• ~~·.=:.l'.u~. 111 &.ml -2 llt. T_twMOUM wtttt Rent In Coeta M .... , DOOC. H.a ~. NEW.IT gated to ~-~lnJ-Wtt Townttome VILLAGE -*· COMMUNITY. 1 a a er. ~ eu..1100 !r ~ =·~ WOft't l..u Stir,~ hydro-tue.1 In mHtV peto, ~p«l&O.asJ• 1u1te. ctlnln~room1.1_oc-AE.HT' _______ 1 wood ..... tlrllJ*Ole. ... utlM M ... d9' Mer micro-wave OWN, pn.. !!.~a BA 2 ea. ;:r~=!!~~~rovf. ~.~':.::: ~ ....... ,:__~ .... wkndl. - lllland 1 mtnut. to 8 C VIEW 'ROM EVERV AM. P111a or o .C.Alrpo;t: 2 BA.~ M. rnlorO, ~. Juet ea1t of New&:;! ,.,. HOO. 533-4100. Blvd •• 90. of &el\ _11_._1_1•_1 _____ , Ff'W'/. SWtlna et MOO ti HA, 2S., wtt1 to el\Opl, month. ea1-S.st..1.. 2473 ... 818 1-5. snow/ ~oe Ave . .-..,01te ~Oet Loren Ln. PWIH llW .eci home E. 8lde oomet hM, 38r: dtlt .-. *lllONOW7 .... !!0014 11•. •Ingle oar. I• yd. _oc-MNT ___ TAL.a ___ _._ ___ 1 Kldl/Ret OK. fttO ... -*llMI. t100llC. ~ 4 Bdrm 2 ea fart\llY now. tu4'791 hotM. c:M1t ... Awl. a.a of., ...... ..._ 111111edlauf). ManY'..,.. wtth aptfiDll, w a •· 2 n1*1. 171-4112 .,_ le. OOftdO'. MOW~ WI-~ 1tW "8 ~ eon. <:all '42·2000, ~.Mi. NOW '275 ,_..,_.-... ______ , ~Ai.a 7804l14 Br. 1\4 .... dbl ....... ________ , No pees. lllO/mo. ....... 5tlt4IO TOWNHOUee. ~tie. nr I Br. N IL °"" .... w . Prflt too. Al.,. Ina. Avalt. lftM'Md. Kida oti. 20# .... ....,~ ~ ner. HIO. Ava II 811 . E.lmlde COndo 1 br den, John Ma11tta11. Agt. 2 tie. PfMiel Nllo.·oor. 8314242 mtyJoof. tno. T~Y °"'ft~ t•B ... ~ 2br w/ .. , HUMY UIO 4 M ~ 8' torN clnlnl. • C>C-flENTAU 710411• ...-.; ""' a oar ~ '2 er . ..,.,....... ... f¥all 7/1 ...... r~ d. pett, drape1. 771 w. HH Jftcl. prdener. Wlleon. No pett. ..,, 8446, lla4221 · SIH(mo.111 ....... 2 at. erlClad a-...._ oar-.., .._, 1111 pet•, drap••· 111 W. •••••••:::: .......... . Wll•on.· No peu. 2 bt, 2 be,,,., 1111 ~ 1525/mo. 111........ ,.. (No ...... "'°' *Clean 2 br ....... off 1"iiiiiii""'iil ... iii&Ml7iiiliiiiiiil ..,... swtto. Quiet. '450. 11 Utll1 Incl. no pete. 831-7220 48r, 28• + lg ,.dct-on, ftWt e-1. Mllia Dlt .... ""· a ._ req. "°° mo. 7M-0147 Ot ••• ·-.,. e:tOPM. .~ .. bluff. OOMft & Mtr. w . a be, deteolled •lo -............ ~. .... -... te71, ... 119' MM. cw--eok, no ...,.., .....,,.. -..._ .;;;.._ " ,_ 1111 .,.... ~ •1..a.o i-Hlttl--DOll__,.,~~~,..,.-.. ~.":'.,-. t':."'I • '' •·c.,,.... ........ ...................... LAKl!I: , Id"" .,~ ... ......, ... •nlOlmo. Y90Mt • rMlt1/.., Ifft. & 'Im..... Avail now. ,ool,J:!: ''"°" ... optloft aveJt. mediate poa .. Hlon. 2 bf, a be, elrnoet MW t•nnlt & leun ry. M4-1177. H10 Ian Mla_fff Or., oonclo. Comml.l«y poof, llM-8080 Na w port •ea o 9'. epe& _,._,,... 1 ow s bf, s N. a 1t1 twntwn. 111 • 'llM 71t-1•1•111-7111. gara1:z.w111 coitald., ~ ~-. nw.. WtM. 1114 '°" =-rrr·-::1::-.1110: m·t~~': ...... ,. WI 21Mlt-1801 ... 26 -Orange County RMI Estate/An Advertlll SV~t ~the DAIL,Y PILOT/Saturda¥, ~ay !2, 1982. ;.,,,._,, : ,,.,....,, ~,, ...... !!1!tlL ,,. ·-·-·· .... •&--~-,_._,_ ....... __ ~-Ml6-,_._, ._.__l .. .&.-:.1 , "-'--'-~ •-6. . ...... :;i::';::s.... • ••••••• ....... ... ..... ....... .... ....... ....., ........ ... Hll ... ,..,.,, Hll ............. .,...,....... ., .. llmJI... -I •••••••••••••••• .. •••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ~·!!.!.!!.!··············~ ...................... ··.-···············..::·· . film! ,.,,... roonvn11e Wtted llWPlll 11m w...er..e -.. l!.-Jll .., mf ....,,.. ..,,._, ~ 1111 K~ ~.::;:. llllllUH to 111ar• 3 bdrm 2lA ~ •"n.tn K.v <>Mee".. ,6oo •q 0 Jafll"°'" :z:;;"••••••••••••••••• .... 1141 ••• -....-.,::::::,....... ..1 .. ~·Movlet 1o•nl'lou1e, Baoltbay •"lltenc:fl;' Oftloe 176 · and~ AV911 """'9. tar, 1k nr C.-.._ ...................... NO FEEi Apt. I Condo ~. 1917 NwDt f UIDI Nwpt llch. PfOf l'9IP wo-•Semtnar/Mtg Aoo~• Fully 11nptovad. Taite Pit, P"t patio & catpcwt. 21R Iba condo. Retrlg, ren\11111. VIie .....__ Bl. COlllll .._ M-lt37 <*Mt a ._,_. ..-v:y men only. 78CM545 ~. ~ eMt1no ...... Pvt ~50 mo. AValt June 1. teM/mO. Pod, jac, ten. 875-4112 Brok•. All dlen1'-..-_...; •Sa«IQrlel 8eMcea. Pty. ~ 640-070I nla....._1829 PARK NEWPORT PU• llTa ~··••-.. 't,'·r::':C,5:.!o=:! Celtotlnto752..e408. i-------- a210. , br dplJt I quiet. 2 Br. 2 Ba. frplc, patio, APARTMENTS w, "o't r,•ntele cnow, •vTall. Ctedlte· ColmOpolttan I• i . u 5 0 a. u ti I•. I !!~!!!!!!.~ff S... court fOr nQn lmC)-enclld oar• laUndf'Y 1 • Up, O Or V' Qood Morning Amer1ca, 875-S218 exec up an I .-a -- ltaf •lprev. rental ref. tac No pet• $.415 "'° PhonH In room. 2274 The Tomonow Sttow. · --·-1164 W. 17111 ~ 71; o.ww.: M2-41SZ. COUNTAY CLUB LIVING N9Wpoft llfvd, CM. * ~ ott• to all new Stwe renJ epecloUI S Br. "A NEW CONCUr' Shop 8pece 4'4-4714 MESAVEAOE2bf 1ba. A~TBEACH ~74-46 dlentlwtloneedepkiot. houH lnH.9 .nrF.V.3 FUllMMca/CUltOm 800-1300tqft.5042 gar. Included. Wkcty1. 1,':'a~~."::;.~~ tnt~::;;'C:,~ , .... ._,.,, 4111 •lfllT M1·1• r.:'9m~:-:':1,~i omoa1o.a..-., Wam.,Hwlllk:h. pie. eel: 7M-4229 Htat Qr. ~745. •I _, 1 Poe*; I tan-•••••••••':r."•••••••••• room1. S275/mo. Catt Nr. O.C. ~ •ts.='3~1257 ._ __ a..1-•w nit oourta: dote to bUI'-llYWJ BAYPAONT: F...,. for M4 88N. 7M-111 -~I .... CLOSE TO BEACH: Un-ne. I~ 4 Wrm 4 bath tandy Ba&b09 ~ 3 Br 2 a.. 11• It I.I. Aetml ltore at 2l60 AVOfl ••••••••.:.:::;••••••• Iqua Bachelor, ltova I 1>aaoh: pier a' float. 1386/mo. + ~ utlla. M/F '° ahr'2 br, 1 be..~ 400 ft. ;t,.; Sl, 1840aq.flotullc:er -rtfrlge, utll• paid. lJnfumllhed ttucMoe. 1 & uooo tor Au,uet. Biii Bryan 171· UH or blk to~. '250 + ._. A/C llCIMt ..-. ..... apeoet garege. 141-am. 2 bdrm. 2 be, 111r•g•, $4a&/mo. 531-7911. 2 br. apartment. town-Gnincty ,_. t M181 850-13a4. utile. 87S-lllO .... .M8!.. _ .... ,.. O"M •m•ll yard. sno mo. houMI • I • • ,.._.,,, Wiit \Ill> 2nd"' lnllde of-...... 111-2177, •tt e AV911. June 15. 2 Br. 1 Ba. l&4041000 •,,_,old Ol.-toM dMdtd M 21-35 to* quiet pooCJ Gueathouae, rMN ttwouo-R9llOflOmlCI 875-1700 tlce•"""' w, lndf'*'o. p M. 'a 7 -1. 2 5 I 2 adUltl, 1 ctllld oll. = hotna. 1~ blkl to ....., j9c home. SC Pisa, non ~· c ·~· ,b:::, C.M. office •p•c• ,.5· ~· aao liq ft., Mir 21~1 ~ 8glt4Jr.m~;:oo •Several 11udlo1 I 1 In Newport. Up1talrt 2 iml!r. 1200 to 11150. fr 'tieaciii. w.Q714 I bath, atoragt avall: ~ $t315 mo .. no ... • • ••-e_·1 ,_· · bdm't • ...,....,. tumletled Br. 2 Ba. tlMp• a or 7 &41·31523, 4~2142 om l2l50/mo. 648-UU teq. 752-1830 ,.. ,,... ._,,.no · fl I Bottom l.W1lt ..... 4 or 7 i.1 HUNTIHOTON BEACH ,. .... ..-' ........................ with n• del gner turnl· AMr tto with )ac:Ulll Pr\ NEWPOA'J.. TWHH8E .. to * 4-. MEETING ROOM tor rent, 42":,2:.~c=:;.~~.: ~ ........... :!ff ~o~~~ 714tdf11.a. · ~-~·~ma::=: ba. Pool~· 1 2 u":ftl. • •11'1 ~,!.~::,.~.:'or:'~~ NO Plltl. AWi 9/t. s725• Larve MW 1 Br. oondo fof aumrner rnontfll.. 9m1r1y Newpon 9..atl ~.,._to nttlel. 640-7411 tennl•. lndry, NCUrlly. 375 11q fl. S2t6 pr mo. people. Avallat>lllty be- Mt tpM, aae.M72 ...... wr U.C.L mkPfo-turnllhed modett open ooewt, MM 3 Br. 2 BL Walk to tlCh. 1290 + 'A IM-0122 atna In June, ~ _ _;__..;. _____ , wave. t rplo. wuher I d.llly. s 415 o I••• k .,.oana POlnt Vl9W "°""' utk llO-15S1 late wt. Exec a ult•• full ,._.... furnished For lnfO calf • ... .,...._ dryer arH SHO/mo 2 31111 1705 · utar t>rl own ba ' _._ ... Ma. Coe J51-818t ' --.-Jo an n a tll 6-18 3 3 · On~ Ad et 1 -· s 3 o o +. · Attractive tam 1tudtnt tutn/unturn .. QtMt!Y r• •---~·------a.-6 Jl4I 1131-1720. ' SM~ Hiii.Ad Bal Illa 2 Br. •IHpl e. 4111-298t/831-1257 w.ntl.nk:ll f*ICe In eic.cll duced. No .... 754-0274 IEfll. INll ••:;;:;:•••••••••• .. •• • S2f50IWlell......, I June tor llte ...... prOf m9e 41111 • THE WHlfFLET1'EE W~ OrangetrM Condo l500. &M-1900 _, · ROOMMAT~ WANTED. age 27-37 In' N.B. Call .1"111 Excellent toe on Pac eorm. Aptl. Oym, &pa. 1 br plu• Iott. Tennie, .._.,dee. __ 1 ..... _.In 875-2t10 Fem .. non-1moker tor 12&-0229, iv NWM a ph Ground ftOOf, complete CoHt H•r· Newport Sluna. SJOOI, tMnla, eec. poolt, 1tream, no o-ta. .....,, .....,, --· O~ front. Carl1bad, CM 2 bt, 1~ ba twnNe. with decorator turftl• Bch. Idea tpac:e for 146-011t ~1141• A•. llf/12. kltch. Encl patio. gar. beaut 41r, 38&. quiet, min. to~ tuo '*" fem to atlr N.B. Condo, anlf191, off main lobbY, bu1lnH1 •anting high DetLa _........... xtr ._ $6$5no~142-2134 axclu11va trH. Jun._ ._. ""-SNler 7D-tl2t fUlfY tumllhed, 18r tuly Board Room. Audie>~ PUbllC vt.lblty. 1,000 to __., a -'--.... .... <Met. 2 ldr 1 Ba. gwaoe .My Aug. (714) 431 4W dayt, 142-11 .. w. f\.wn.. S2eO + ~ 1111. Don 1ua1 room t.m. i:wtine NB 3 , 0 0 0 • q t t . ~br, lbe, bltnt, ::K":":':' ............... ~o :Jool Nol&,••t• 1• D W14f, 01&...IU4815 • 1oca11on.752-52te. 714-645-7100 , t~ ,._. ~. No. End ltudlo, Mt kit. 1~ • • • • RmmeM to lhf 3 BR hae II\ ...=;~::.::...:..:;,:;..::.::.:::.;· __ ,~-------~no Pfl*. aoomo.. bite• from beach. 1350. • 1 tH t5Ctl Npt UOo llilY front IUIUrY 4 er. IMne. 2 WW1lt cria. Pod. .,_.. I« '-' U llT IWY /UYl'llT C.ll...MI ..... 4'4-341S: 4'4-7&54 Hgla. l42'-7S40 5 k flon-= alp,...... l250 mo. paa utl. Male ... ~rsm·c•w• .. u 12H & 1371 lnoldnt ...... 4411 \4 ... ...._, 2 br, 2 aw LIFF HAVEN 2 bdnn, 1 ~. lkolt• ~ pref'O. Evt !167-4831 Slngl• garage for •to-utll. '42-1200. • .................... . Qlt, .Wd.pdO, al poof.,...,.._. "'' l>t. patJo, dl1tlwuhtr, ~;~;4 Montl'I Y Female to 11\are 3 er. 2 r-oa, 116/mo.173-76" .,. • .. _. rl_ghta & reo area• .••• ...--.••••••••••••••• g1r, S518.141-7131 · Ba. beactl front.,._ with In~ bldg Oft Cout 1111/mo. 21~ne. Nllwpcwt ,....__ 1 Br. 1 On the wa•. 4 br, s be 2 Junior exec. male•. tllll# a.Ill Hll Hwy, Soult! l.agUrla. ._ 28t 1"'8&, 1376 + 1171 Ba. with Nam a.lllnge, ft"" I a turn. hOUH on Balboa 1310. 541-4141 ...................... prox. 500 ~fl Ellicalant dap get pd nr BHcl'I frptc. ta'9Qe. '540/mo. Spaoloue 2 W 2 be l9IMd. 1 "'040l9 2 F lhr "°""In TUJU• 1817 Weelc:M. NA Want private parking behind Blvd I MecFadden. :ct. Ms:zooN 4'1191 • condo. a11 ern':n'1t1•• Avall. Juna-Sept. WHt rock, '2150 Incl. utfl1. financial tn1t. 7000a.r. bldg. 1525 mo. Tumet cpet.no.-..mtlt4 U96.146<-2Ulwtlndt: Nftpolt.W .. totMnla 7M-tOCMOtll7·216S U1~oor. Agent Meoc..494-11n 2 er. 2 IW llgM I airy 2 Br. 1~ Ba. Townfle>UM (211»1.67H Wltctya/ & OOMn ... 4308. Want Prof. woman ~ ,. Lllll PflVittt pdo, -*O ..:. 1tyle. Adult1 rraf .. no -. a...,.~ 1 llr IUIO#Y tow lulC. •In N.8. •I 620 ICI· n. 81.00 per lq. 300 1q tt. Foot traffic, ,.... '6Ulmo. Ue!k • 4 o 1m 0 · tulte, kitchen, ·~block ..,,,.1375, '4441113 ~·l,.~.~h .. N.B. Dntwn Lag 484 e;• Olia M8 t1t01 Br' w/toft, I~ 9111chen, beach, ahOol>lng, $160 Met. lady .. lhf 2 IJt apt. 2308 aq. n. offtoe/ _, .. On !hi~ 2 .,, PoOI. 1 Br. Kite~ ... patio. pvt patio, 2 ba, gar. Frl·Mon. •SH weakly. '250/mo 1 utL Lv mag. ~.~t~~ ...... ~~ hou•• combination In 1auna, apa. HOO/mo. ~~-'=' Sl60 '"9-MCM324. 414o6410 or 4M-f7t7. t1t-63t0 l&L _... "-new bid/.. 1088 1q. ft. 71~1864 Ev.. 213/4e4-0471 . 2 l:ldml, tloat '9P .. ,... Lii ~DE. MM Relp/ F IO "1r 3 Br 2 Ba 8WlllJ Wlltl114am/1::--1_8kr. offtcel 1 12 aq. ft...,. 2 Br. W/g.r.r. •• tov. & nit, no peilla. .. 715 28r, ltla, M boh. June-houae C M Frpt~ No Elegant Exec 1uhe1 In -l'louM. 201t. daat'anca 11'1 1 BEl>f'"""" .. ,........_. • .....,. 873-812'7 ~ ._. _........ 7 ... 1248 • · · ... t , •aretl°"'9. 2 1t0ty of-d • h w ti r , a loony. ~ _.,., • ....,... ...... -., siet• or !tide. h761)M P'• ~ toe. Incl M-flcea haV9 .-cuttw of-S510lmo. 531-1t7t ~~TC ... a-str ttff ..... "..... ... AwM • ......._ KillJt cr•tat al, rec»ptlonl•t. fie.a With a seory .... 2Br•ntw/poof iaund"' 4pm acr 1 f N t•••••••~•••••••r."~ 2bctrm blOO'liiocn 54 t-oaat or Pam ~ea&more. N....--a-.. ·t1on1,vtew1trorn2of• -• ., • o • rom P tudlo apt OOMf\ View ' 0 · ••-..,.... from '431 mo. an.. """~' ....._.... ti XI t w t rm, no pet&. Nr t.c . Holp. ec~!-°" co u r u . utl-Nrd. 'a11 mo. iif ocH_n a_ net bay. nly . • call ofca 11es mo. THE Office 1ultH • Dover CH. n aet• de t•oo. 171-2252 and IM&-4IN Encino In ..,, a.... 11111. ~ RM. nclfMmk.r, 2 w. 2be HEADOUAAn..a oou.-DrM. 214 to eeo ~fl Cotta M..a loo. 1 or 2 531 Ml2. 2 Bf 2ba, condo, pool, <-JM ... ,_,,. C) 0" ~. n I". u I.' tr.'· Mttr. bdrm wlb.. PANIES: A profWIOM Cell agt. t56-l30I). = ...... A5lft. groea. 2Br.f4Mhno.NMltyct. frplc.Weatctlff.M60. ,__ aunn ..... 1 ... tffO.t121"*-llpei,la Aa940.a1~t-O~.;.,..&et*y, envlronmant. (714) , .... 11ce::c:r:~ corated. Oar•1•· Mlirtl0t'**87&-1n1 -·fed Y~---~--~ ..,,.., __ ,.., 16~1 ~&53eto4-L" .__.._ 1..._ ........ .._ ~=·.::1;,r"• 140tW .... Aw. "-1>"*''8 .... ,_«. ......... 131-~fcr ---a a I .... -· " -., OCEAHf...aHT=M> apt to aht. NWpl act.. Flrat claill ·Ml wwtca warehouM, 1100 ICI rt, -II beach. •aoo. tzy, ....._ ._, .AJLY& Kave furn. Ju"• 1. DEC. omo.., ~ SSIO. c-1. 44IO ...... 1 mt bctl, lillytta..,.._ e~ ~ .... ·-·-Wto t'MICIOwaili 142_... •II amen1t1H. From ton. C.M. 831·1211, ~ """11N.. bltna, DIW ..,,.,... Ir, 2 ba OOfM90 lo. 01t jpl! t7a..oo M ,.,,.. ton~ a SZ2Shn0. 844-rt•. 145-71'4 wtt Pd. V.W.. ~ .... II# =in.~-;::: •rr.•Jl wl~r tal. ~ N .Pa,..,w-·-~ D~NsorrEewport 820 aq. fl on COMt Hw)<. • • ........ •••••••••••• I I WllWftl• --. "' ...... '.....-: .. ---••iililiillll!l••••••I l'J p ' • 1#1 I , • ••• t OI w. Manltlff. Jo'-n •vel Ken.n""'bunkport? .. -.... -···-·--O•••••ro••. Wllftda 81 .a .... ...olful •••htr Plao• I 'II II I .... , ~ 8Mcfl 211'. i ... Isn't that the horse that won ~!:.';. ~7~.,.: 1~ --.. apt. Tennta. poot. au The Triple Crown In '72? , .... C•lt Alberta ., .... ,....-.;,..,..~ Me-1r71. 1• • • t2U/mo .......... m . ~~ .... ._._ A-,_... '" .• , •.!!: ,_ W/WeN l'AaftMtM 1-:.t;-..iiUIJIDfiilfllimatiU•~' , ' ...... -· -· ~ _.. ...... dll.lghter,. to ''°"' 1 ~to 3 roomt. I you,. not tur• Who (ot ~at) ........ •.:=:,:•:.:..":!~ lllflWMt, ~7171. * .... Of -7Tc..1111 K~ _., dOn't , ... bad _you're urn prtv ·~·· ..... ---!.,.... frOM a1.11 a aq. ft. No not alone. Kennet>unkpott It one of 1• Aetrlg. tall. 1m Timi thf 21H• fBA, &>OOI, Jae ...... r~_,, Adj. Ntr• dlttlnctlllely dlft«ent ~t floorplan1 at 97a,.7544 North"'*-S Ddrrn .ith 80. CoHt Pfau area ~ Inn. 172 Qupont. s..wlnd VIiiage In Huntington 8nch. lake view. Urge Ure. S230 \i Udl. i4t-aoft AM. ~ a.wind v~ ,. a rnult or totally l*Oe. eof'lllP• rurn. DaltY BAvnftllT: penonailud profilalonal planntng. The kind end--~ lrftUIU of attenttoft ~ dMene. A pettec1 ~ of M tt ntltur9 and lllllng -Metled In a lor•t WIUl betlblll'IQ bfoOlts ~ quiet ponda, cooled by natural 0099I" ~..,.. Add to thM tennla cout'9, ....... 19 pool ..... and. COtMI ... ~ neer ~,and -~and VoU'V9 got.~~ ~ ~ c:111nom.. (twn KennabunkPCl'1f) OM Md hfO baidroom OM and twO bMh ..-trNO'-frOm 1515.00 ACTCOlEAITTHlWIUHUT OlHEC OCC"LA[lCTTMT Y C G I I T E A l U C C A C,K T L £ A LOIOFROCOl£lAGfCOTL UKlN UCVAL0£1DTD~AA lGYEST££1GHAl"klAl~ Tl£YT klALALT££lTUl TCTIR£01MTOJ•oaA£CT £ H E J U E J Y S S t f A I R V R C P L A I ll C I 0 Y l J G Y H F 0 T E A U ANYEROMlflVElACITYO VOTVH01£MAU1TMLAVlll I t CY UC CM LE c·A C 0 l EC TA DEXACTACFAKTtlFAY£T U R II I S 5 £ M T C A l E l U 0 Y It S One or the wa.ya homes ue being bought -.rtd IOld toc1&y 18 with AWM (A~ua'8ble. Baa ·~> An ARM (Ac1Juatable Ba'8 Mortga&e) 18 a loan on whloh the 1ntel'Mt rate 11 adjusted at vartou t1.me& over tte term. The mOl'tga«ie 18 tied to an index. The tnteNS\ rate of the loan 18 adjusted upon the bue of the lndex which reneoa the ohancee 1n the tndioes ewer the l1tt of the ~. A number of &nd.ioee &J'e currently UHd by landC'8 ottering ARKa. The 1ndJoN oould be \he TNUUl'7 bW or aecw1t7 nie., oost-ot· tun<Sa n&e or \he hder&l Bmne Loan Bank Board (P'HLBB) Korec-c1 Oontract Bate. i1w UITlll -Spactou1 s Bdrm 21A bath 8eabluff epllt lev9I oondo. wtth private epa. fOmll dlNng, ... hMt end morel Aaumable · lolrl Md owner may c.ry lwge eecondl Gtiet tenM, great location, cal nowt Only 1175,000. 848-7171 \ Ulll ... -e ahort block• to one of the .,.., beet ~ 3 ~ Bdrma, huge patio wtth bulltln BBQ. Ideal for year round entertaining. Exe911ent opportunity. Call for detaltl, 847-ec>10 ftUID Jllllftlll -Under market for faet ..... 5 Bdrm, 2 ltory, formal IMnG. cnctcltng ftreplace, countN kitchen. lJu'c fl!ri'llY. room + m:.=r.~rn .. e~ Qnly ·-IT ... -l)nt'/ $127,900 In Coeta Mela. Charming garden home 11 aurrounded by wood• and 1tream1. Encloaed patio. 3 car l~~Sparkllng pool. Flex1ble terma. Call HAii UITLI -4' Bdrm custom bultt homer St.pa to ooaenr 3100 aq.tt. ot 1uxury1 Ma.ma loen1 Priced to 1811 at $287,6001 Call 96M787 • man -A.um. '88.200 io.n. 13.9%. no quattfyfng. S1ot9 per·mo. Spaclou1 llvlng, COWttry kltctwn, lii'ge pdo. Fruit treee + RV acce11, a1klng 1118,000. Call for detall1, 963-7811 • 1WI • I LIT -cOeta ~ upgt'9ded home ptu1 ne*er rear unftl A11ume flrat and· moUYated ...., wtl flnence at tow rate. Only S185,000 -od nowt 848-7171 ~l'I mr • -Lowly 8uc:cofa ranch home. 8-ldfuly decontted with a IPtoe • kJtchen lftd MW wood oiiblri•, crDllna ftl ..... Huge matter IUlte Wtttl Wlllk-tn .'cloeeta.: TM back yard la an entertainer• detlght: With IPlfldlng poof, petlo Md QM BBQ. Great tor 1UnWMr en~ NA U.'tor l12UOO. eel for appt. to.... .. 2313.