HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-23 - Orange Coast PilotWELCOME SIGHT -A Falkland Ia1ands family presents a mug of tea to a Bri~ paratrooper, shortly after a small settlement was brought under British rule again. after Youth critical alter tumble . of.f Dana cliff 1! · ,. A 16-year\old TuaUA 1outh rt Wlf reported ~ cri-1 a.idltian • -~ Sa~y with Mid and 1njuriea auffered when be f~ powr a cliff ln Dana Pdnt. County SberUf'a Deiiu1ment · officials said Mark Giese apparently wa1 the victim of an aa:ident while dlpPnc weeds at bla 8'8ftdparenW home at 24* llnia au. Awnue. 'nw youtb fell down a 40--foot ~ offida)j t8id; Friday's invasion. The British claim to have 5,000 troops on F.ast Falkland Island, and are working to preas•re the nearly 10,000 Argentine troopa dug in near Stanley. . Sheriff'• deputies took tbe th to Mlaafon Community tat alter the 3 .m. lnddmt, a he remalne/ there' late SatW'day. sma -nm 11 the Royal Navy frigate Ardent, sunk by Argentine warplanes dwina Fri~y's Falkland Island invasion. The British Senate candidates cross p~ths B1ftl.A•u• ... Prw o,eptte tb• lot1 of a MCond wanhlp and 20 of 1'8 Allon, Brt1ain Vowed Saturday to rqa1n the Falkland lllanda and aafd it Md ~.ooo men Mhore 1n a l8CW'e beachbead. Ar1entlna claimed only 400 Brhfah commando• landed Friday and aald they were "belnl cleaned up." The Britiah Defeme MJniatry aald Saturday even,lna lt had no reports of any Argentine attacka on the beachhead and claimed two of ita carrier-hued Harrier jeta "on routine patrol...attacked and uverely dama1ed 'an AraenUne patrol boat" in Chciileul Sound, about 26 milea aouth of Stanley, the capital of the Falklandl. Argentlne Preaident Gen. Leopoldo Gahlerl admitted Saturday the Brltlah have eecured a beachhead. An Ar1entlne communique laaued after the Britiah announcement aaid Argentine gunnera ahot down another Harrier u the fighter-bomber attacked Port Darwin, about 50 milee aouth'jNest of Stanley. 'lbat would be the fourth Karrler downed in two days. acxi>rdinc to the Argentinea, who claimed I on Coast Goldwater, Brown appear at fund-raisers in Newport, Laguna • By STEVE TRIPOLI or .. ...., ......... The acenes Saturday were aa different aa the Laguna Beach biDtop home and the waterfront realdence in Newport Beach where they took place. About the only aimilarlty Wal that the two were fund-ralaen for candidates hoping to be the next U .S . senator from Callf omia. Republican Barry Goldwater Jr., now a oongremnan. arrived at the late actor John Wayne'• former r.eaidence in the gated Bayahore9 community With the family member who had preceded him in the political arena -U .S . Sen. Barry Goldwat.er Sr. of AriJona. Democrat Jerry Brown, now the ,ovemor of California, wu not accompanied to Laguna by the family memb•.r who preceded him -former Gov. Edm\IDd G. "Pat" Brown. Brown mingled with IUpporterl and the media in an infcinnal atmolpbere, mwwerina questiom and poling for pictures on request. Raleigh Hills head quits - c· -11 'T·r· ,_. ' ~ ' .• - '~ a number of government agencies lnvnt11atlnJ ch~aes that patlen1a were neglected and moved from fadlity to fadlity to avoid llmita on Medicare paFJ)mta. The parent company, called Ad¥mDld llMltb-Systam Inc., la operated bJ the .ener1y CDPCI' ............. . Goldwater aide Joyce Cumming• told reporter• ~be congreaaman would anawer queationa at a "preas availability." They were inatructed to await him in a apedally-destanated. press room eeparated from the reception by allding p. doon. ''The prem la not invited to the party,'' ahe said pointedly. At the "preaa availablUty," Goldwater told reporters he would "continue to .repre9ellt my philoaophy" if elected to the Senate. Asked to elaborate, he uld he would be a apokesman for-more efficient government reduced taxea, atrona national defenae and c.allfornia't interests. Goldwater dlaagreed with opp0nenta for the Republican aenatorlal nomination who claim he haa avoided a debate with them, •Y'inl be hat a....-ed 1n the aune ... with 11iem mare thin 20 tbnli to~ ..... "A debate to IM la any pablic forum where th• candlClatet f.olether','' be ukl ~water aald he will focua hia campat&n on Brown If they both are nominated. Pollatera currently believe Brown will euily outdJfance h1I Democratic opponent.a for the nomination, but that Goldwater la in a touch three-way battle. Goldwater accueed Brown of coQlplltna a "weak record" aa governor And of ~vmell in matters auch u Jut year'a med fly crilla. Brown aaki 1n Laauna that he would fiaht tbe Beagan admlniatratlon'a economic and environmental poJJda lf elected and would urae expanded inveatment in technolo1y, the environment and human ret0urce1 programa auch u job training. He alnaled out Interior Secretary Jamea Watt fot "llCU.n8 lib the tat of BUllf.a, who IOld Alaaka to help hia budaet, ln (lee PUND-~ f'aie AJ) they deltroyed three durina the Britiah invasion Friday. Britain h¥ 11Cknowled1ed one Harrier waa mlHing and two reconnabaanc:e helicopters were downed 1n Friday'• ..ault. Brltiah Defenae Miniatry official.a said "poor" weather on the Arpntlne ~reduced ·the threat of any ma r air strike "for the time betne.' The Brltiah Defenae Mlniatry aaid, "There have been no reporta of any Argentine actlon again.at the taak force or disembarked BritJah forces" and the lull was being used ''te continue our coNOlidatio.n of the position." In Buenos Aires, the U .S . Embaaay stepped up evacuation of non-emential penonnel. At the · United Nationa, the Securit Co\tncil 8djoumed an em.tt'llei~ meeting bn the FalklAildl untJl th1a momtna af1er belrillllt requeata that it han Secretary-General Javter P de Cuellar a mandate to revl hia two-week-old penOn.i to mediate the diapute. Peru'a official newa aaen Andi na •a.id. Argentina ha accepted a peace plan ro by Peruvian President .. ,.. ... r~ Belaunde Terry, but th Argentine ambasaador in Pe aa.ld Brttiah conditions eet on plan amounted to a rejectlon. The sinking of the frlgat Ardent by Argentine jeta wa announced by Britlah l>efen (Sff FALKLANDS, Pqe .U) North-west Airlines crippled by strike MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -A strike by about 3,600 mechanics and baggage handlers forced Northwest Airltnes to cut ita domestic service by two-thlrda and prompted thouaanda of traveler• to aeek other accommod.at.iona Saturday at the 36 airj>orta affected. Northwest Vice President Brent BaakfJeld said the alrl.ple waa able to maintain all international service and hoped to rHtore domeatlc aervice to normal IOQO. ~ al{line •rves 71 citlH in 29 atate•, aeven Jl)~citiee and iiaht dtlea ln the t. The strike br Local 143 of the lnternationa 'Aaaociatlon of MadUnllts began a.t 11;01 p.m., Friday after barcainin1 at Northwest headquartera here broke down C7V8'r job aecurity arid Tonew n:tfl!f;tlona were acbeduled. • laid. The flrat picketa were at the airline headquartera and .OOn after, picketa appeared o\ltalde the airport here. It waa uncleat whether other Northwest unions would honor picket lines. Buk:field said other employees were wdrk.tng. Ario Bertach, Reneta1 chalrman of the Bfotherfiood of Railway and Airline Clerks board, aa~· some members of hia union w honoring the machlnista' pie~ lines. He aaid the local ln Detroit was "out 100 percent" and "quitot a few" were honoring picke~ lines at Minneapolis-St. PauJ lnte'mational Airport. ! Bertsch 's board servicea 15 locala in the Northwest aytt.em. i The Muter Executive c.a.wd of the Airline Pilota Amociaaotl WU meeting Saturday to ~ whether to honor picket l.lnes. ~ Republic~ allo ti·=~ M.inneapolia.'.aid Friday it add aervlce to accommodate-' travelera between the Twin.' Cities and Milwaukee, Detroit~ New York and Boston if a atrike' occurred. Some air travelen here wf~ Notthwett raervatiom waited ini long Jinea o,ily to find tbeirl f11ahta hlld been canc»lect, ()d)eft wJioae reaervationa were'· coilfinned aft.er the ~ bepn aald they were bumped from fllahta because Northwest bad awftche4 to smaller p)anes. · Guy Cook, prealdent of the Northwest IAM local, said the airline wanted to transfer work now performed by the union's higher-paid employees to lower-paid workers and to establish part-time work. ' 4.... -.... ... · . · -· _._,__,,,_ .., r "' fllll' I f ' • Mlnlater John No\t, who told r1porttr1 In London about 30 men wtrt wounded tn Friday'• Ardent attack ln addition to the to loet crewmen. Ke said another 8rithh warahlp had an un~ploded bomb In lta enalne room that wu later defUled, and that three other 1hlp1 1uttered minor damage. The Ardent was the 1ttond ltlah wanhip sunk since the cfi1l1 erupted AprU l with the .Ar1entlne 1eizure of the falkland1 from Britain. The deltroyer Sheffield and 20 of ha men went down after a mluile lred br an Argentine .lllhter-bomber blasted the ship M°ay 4. /uat befere the Britilh launched their uiault Friday, a heliCQpter fen-ying Brittah troopt ditched in the icy ocean, leaving Jl dead. Britain reported two 1ttOre servicemen killed, three pWising and 27 wounded in the r.atklands assault itself. f About 400 Argentines have ~ bffn killed durlnc the confll.ct, ncludln1 3.21 from tht BrlU1h 11lnlt1n• of the General BeJarano, the Arltn\lne cruiler. The rldih Mid tha\ g:f'ie tho new lOllet they we,. on the l.alandl to 1tay with• landlna force of ~.ooo men, tncludina marines, J>tratrOQ_pel'I, arUllery, enalheera, medtc1 and other aupport per1onntl. Thl1 w11 twice the number of troop• uhore given prevtoualy. At a befenae Mlnl1try·new1 conference in 1.-ondon, Marine Lt. Col. Tim DonkJ.n indicated a beachhead of about 10 1quare mllea had been eatabll1hed at Port San Carlos, about 50 milea west of the capital of Stanley. He ••Id the total operation "involves a total of over 2&,000 men In ships at 1ea and aomet.hing over 100 ahJpt ..• At a range of 8,000 mile. from the U .K . base." He aatd thta Includes all elements of the talk force and its maritime 1upply line strung out across the Atlantic. UND-RAISERS ... • ~ our coastline for offshore 9Q <i!:Tlllng." ""Environmental values Wlderlle economic values. but rUflt now we have an effort to ~t blot out the lessons of the pl,at decade," Brown said . ~ere's a mindless opposition to b\l.elligent regulations and a lack of emphasis on long-term gain." Brown also said that, If elected, he would urge the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates, which he said are at "an ubreaaonably high level." In a swipe at incumbent Republican S.I. Hayakawa. who has been accused of falling asleep on the Senate Ooor, Brown said "I will not fall asleep in the Senate. I do not believe you should listen to the people who broght you Hayakawa (and the current crop of Republican candidates) -it'• the aame people, the same ~f .and the same anachronistic th1n.k.lnC·" Brown aupJ>Orterl w~ ~ed to donate UOO each at the fund-raiser. They were treated to hors d'oeuvres, soda and beer and a videotape on health care at the home of Dr. Edward and Barbara Taub. Goldwater backera were divided into iwo groups, members of the private "Goldwater Aaaociate1" who donated $2~0 each and others who donated $12~ each. Official quits muni court South Orange County Municipal Court Commissioner Martin J . Heneghan has announced he is resigning in July. Appointed to the post in 1979, Heneghan has presided over small claims court and traffic court. Also. he has served as judge pro tempore when the municipal court load was unusually heavy. He said he will be entering the prlvate practice of law in Laguna Hills. "It was time for a change and the opportunity to make more money." Heneghan said of his decision to resign. "It reached a point where it wasn't enjoyable an yinore." A resident.of South Laaun.a, Heneghan is a New York City native who has served aa an Orange County deputy Jiistrict attorney and an assistant d1strict attorney in New York City. Attorneys interested In the position being vacated are asked to contact Judge Richard D. Hamilton, South Orange County Municipal Court, 30143 Crown Valley Parkway. Laguna Niguel. before June 8. MOORE HONORED -Retirina Orance Cout College President Dr. Robert Moore clut.cfiet gifta gtven to him by the OCC community Friday a! a concert tn hll honor. He was al!o told that the OCC Auditorium, site of the IN LAGUNA -Gov. Brown dlatl wtih Pam ZaneJll. one of his recent appointees to the Orange County Fair Board during party in Laguna Beach Saturday on behalf o( his U.S. Senate campaign. lie mingled with guests and media at home of Dr. and Mrs. Edward 'l'aub. · Warm days Updating sought Deir Hot ..... ~ ceremony, had been renamed the Robert B. Moore Performing Arts Theater in hlt honor. The tree, a redwood, ls to be planted at his new Oregon home. 'British pla~ harassment of Argentines LONDON (AP) -Squads of British saboteurs are expected to haraa and demoraliz.e Argentine forces on the Falkland Islands, blowing up ammunition dumps and creating havoc behind the lines, Defense Ministry sources sa.id Saturday. They also said the 5.000 British troops ashore on Ea.st Falkland, one of the two main islands, will not make a frontal assault on the capital of Stanley, where an estimated 4,500 Argentine troops hnve dug in. About half of the l,800 pro-British Falkland islanders live in Stanley, with the others scattered among small, sheep-raising settlements. The British now will move fotward from the missile-protected bridgehead. seeking to isolate outlyin1 Argentine positions, the sources said. The British also plan persistent oornrn&J"\do raids, air strikes and naval bombardments ln a "war of attrition" to force the estimated 9,000 Argentine soldiers off the islands that were seized from Britain Aonl 2. "We plan to cause a good deal of mayhem around the place," one senior British intelligence sburce said. "There will be a lot Qf aggressive patrolling, harassment and intelllgence gathering." Military analysts say the next two o r three days will be crucial for the British force that landed Friday at San Carlos, 50 miles west of Stanley. "We have no doubt the next few days will be difficul'"-" said Adm. Sir Terence Lewin, chief of Britain's Defense Ministry staff. "But having established our troops ashore, our confiden"ce remains high." The British are outnumbered by the Argentines on East and W &st Fa 1k1 and , but the Argentines are dispersed, With 2.000 men on West Falkland now cut off from their main force, the British say. British units. including Scorpion light tanks, are believed nearing Port Darwin sou~h of San Carlos, to isolate it from the main Stanley force. Other British tanks reportedly were moving west along the northern coast. A senior intelligence source said the British may launch another landing in force elsewhere on East Falkland to intensify pressure on the Stanley gani.9on. . Laguna seeks voter aid ·to purge rolls This would likely come once Argentine forces have been weakened by raids spearheaded by the anny'a Special A.ir Service and the marines' Special Boat Squadron. skilled in sabotage and the assassination of enemy commanders. Califon1ia Extended NlllONI WHtflef ~ weather ~AA u s Otp1 of COlll'TlttCt Southetn c.iilOl"nla 'Wiii be lalr Fronts: Cold .,. Warm .,. tlv~ Mondly eJICIPt night Ind Tu1tdlY· Thurtd1y: Fltlr but ,._rn ng low cloud• In co11t11 -.... ~end Mitty tnOmlng Metlone, but with Mitty~ low cloude the COMC. Hlgtll Honolulu ee 73 ,.... wwmer In coee1al end 1n ~ .... w11 renge from ro HoUltOn 82 IT T couney 1oci.y r2 to 74 11 the beectll9 to 84 to 94 lndNlpll 79 13 .. t:C:. 1M:' 82 lnWld. t1Wlf lnllnd vd9ya. t..-58 IO 14. J.un 11 .. Mounteln retOrt hlglla 88 to 78. ...,,.... 17 80 :rt'IY h6gha 74 et ~. IO LOM 52 to 68 Kini acy 14 51 ~ lnlend. Lo-. tonight 51 to LelVegM .. 82 e( 1'emperatures Utle Aoca eo .. tnlend vllleyl can ~ hlghe ~ 82 82 ~· ui:,::r 70• todey end Mem9flll 12 .. ~ eround80. =. .. 83 n " dlNrtt Wiii haW hlgfll NATIOH 48 44 ~OOtod•l"'M~°'Y· Alblny 70 40 Mp9.St.P 70 52 • to es. outh•rn d9ffrt Albuq\JI 82 53 HUtMllt 17 83 te to 104. lowl In SO.. Ancttorege 57 3t Newor... to et ny d1y1 end l1lr night• Atltlmt ae .. N9WVor11 80 53 t.Aondey In Northern end Atllntc Oy 57 55 Nottoll 82 17 trll Cellfomle exc.pt for fog AuetJn 88 .. Ol\19 acy 78 83 d low cloud• 1long cont. Beltlmqr• 113 82 OIMM eo 41 trend lklng north COMt. Blrmlnghm .. M Ortlndo .. • trend lnllnd. Bllnwdl 68 4T =::::-58 50 71 54 8olM .. 70 ea.ton 82 51 ~~ . n 11 luftllo 80 ... 541 37 ButftnOton .. 37 ll'tllind, °"' 70 eo ~~ 85 :1 Pl'O....-ioe .. ... ... ...., .., 46 CNrtnlHC • .. 15 fldW'nolld IO er ~ ' Tl " ...... IO 47 ~~u 16 83 ..,, Antonio .. .. ,, 11 a..ttll . , ... m 75 .. ~ .. f7 .. ea 13 51 Columbul 1t to 9'LNI = 11 Oll-'1 Wiit Tl to 71 to , lll'·T-.e 70 = ,, ., 1t ........ .. ... 0.. ..... 5t N =:.:.-.. II o.trolt u II T11910ft .. .. °'*"" . ... 40 T\1111 I 12 17 ll l'llO .. : w••4"' .. .. ....,..,.. .. 40 Wlc:Ma n It ,.,.. 71 ~ ... 70 II 11 47 H""°'d .. 47 ......,. 1• .. 8-llnonl 8IO Beer ~ ~· Fl'9ln0 l.MOM* lOnO 8-ltl Lot Angllel Montll>ello MonWty Mt: WlllOn NMd ... ~BMcfl on1111o Plllm~ Puedtnll P_,AOOIM Aed....,.. AedWood Df'I SectlfnlfttO ...,_ Sen Bemerdlno Sin~ ..,, DllOO llnF~ lln Jelle Sem4AM ...,....,. . llnteMel'tl ..,, .. Mofllol .... T--V-T1'MNI TonMOt La1unan1 who received sample ballot• In the mall in recent days are asked to do the city a favor. Check to make sure the name on the sam~le ballot bekm&I to eomeone llvi.ng at the addrell indicated. If the name on the other side of the cellophane envelope ia pot a current resident of the address, City Clerk Verna Rollin1er would like you to do one of two t.hingl: -Either retwn the envelope to the mail carrier with a notation the penon does not reside there; -Or call the city clerk (497-3311) and tell bet (be pel"IOn hae moved, died or sold the tftidence. The reuon? Laguna Beach, through the Orange County Registrar of Voters. is attempting to purge the voter Hat to more accurately reflect the number of registered voters in town. During the City Council election last month, many poll watchers noted names of people on the voter list who no longer live In Laguna Beach. The cily, and the Registrar of Voters, have no way of cul~ the rolls without help from L residents. So check the aample ballots arriving at your residence, and report lnaccuradea to the city. That's the only way the clty has tQ purge the l1sL "We don't want to get into a. classic military maneuver with a lot of troops marching on Stanley," the intelligeoc-e source said ... We have a very large number of helicopters and we- can move lot of men very quickly." Defense Secretary John Nott said London's strategy is to keep cuuaJtlet "to an 1lbaolute mlnilnwn. '' Four-man Special Air Service teams and Speclat Boat Service "frog" units have been operating undercover on the lalanda for weeks, Brililh 10u.rces reported. The Britiah do not expect any major counterattack against the 10-aquare-mUe brldJehead by Argentine armor, analyata say. , ... w~ MUlvd •nntu bellev" hl• lit•'• 1eeompll1hment &1 the 1\1ndln5v1Uon ht•• been llGCal'diid eWry •J>"Ch ht hal deU~r.d n th• paat &O ye&rJ. Wtih hund.reda upon hundNda of 1peeohH to hit credit, the 81·year-old La1una N&1uel retident wu named 110rator of the Half C.ntW')'" lut year by ToMtmuter-11 lntemaUorial. Amona others considered for tht honor were Wtnaton Churchill and Franklin Rooeevelt. But it waa Bennett, the roan whOH oratorical akilla are compared to ~ of Wllllam Jenninp Bryan. Who WU uked to ~t the banor. Bennett'• lon1 earHr 11 an orator, which he deflnll 11 one who •= publlcly without "°"" ~ nJcht ln BUtte, Mont.. bllCk ln 181&. An employee ol a aublldiary ot St.andard 011 Company, Bennett w11 a1ked a qufftlon about one ot the flnn'• Produc:ta. So remark.able wu hil anawer, Bennett 11&d, that hta bou immediately put him on the tOlld anawerlnl queltionl about all the ~j)lny'I produc:ta. Yeara later, the by-then 1ccompli1hed apeaker 1hared podjwna llC1'C9 the country with Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and/ lectured on aaleamanahip and human behavior. · B"eaidea hit gift for 1ab, San On of re may ~est siren system Monday Th.e huge 1y1tem of airens meant to notify the public of an accident at the San Onofre nuclear power p1-nt may or may not be telted ua1n Monday. Southern C8llf omia Edi1on c.o .. which operates the plant. has scheduled the tell tor between 1 and 3 p.m. to check $1.3 million in lmprovemen\I to thtt 1yatem made lince it WU f.int teated in January. Edhon officiala aay they mailed postcard• to the 23,000 homes and bua1neeeea ln reach of the sirens, and they have alao promiled to advertlae the teat on televiaion and radio to notlf y residents. But local and county officWa say they don't want the tests to take place unlea a poll they are oonductin& thla weekend reveala that most people are aware of the test and what it means. It was fun, but .. • Reporter 'victimized' By JODI CADENHEAD °' ... .,..,.,... ..... It was fun and it was acary. And I'm glad it's over. Not that being rescued from the fifth floor of a smoke-filled building and cut out of a lialf-demolished car doesn't have its exciting side. COST A MESA Fire Department's annual fire show Saturday before a crowd of 150 gave me first-hand experience of what firemen and victims really go through. It isn't easy. First, I was taken to the fifth floor of a concrete demonstration building and given an oxygen mask. The tank was ao heavy I could barely stand up. BY THE TIME the dense smoke from the smoke bombs reached the top floor it waa impo11ible to see anything. Firefighters on the ground drenched us with water. Crouching in the comer, [looked like a ecared, drowned rat wrapped in a heavy yellow coat. ll firefiahter Keith Fugimoto hadn't been reassuring me I might have been tempted to leave via the window before rescuers arrived. IT'S EASY to aee how people panic in a real fire. I was supposed to grab hold of firefighter Russell Parker, who was dangling out the window on the rope . lif e-llne. What had looked so simple on the ground, suddenly turned to panic five floors above. The trip down wa1 quick. Luckily I couldn't see a thing through the smoke. Paramedics administered oxygen. It was welcomed. IN THE NEXT act I was reecued from a wrecked car. The roof wa1 cut away. And rd tell you about that. But I bad a silver blanket thrown over me for protection and I couldn't see a thing. That's one of the ahortoomings of being part of the action instead of on the sidelines reporting. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 23, 1882 BenMU'a cuwr Lncludel ltinte u both th• prHldent and vtce pmldent of lar1e compa.ntea; a proftll1onal h•vywe&1ht boxer who won 2T f~htl; a World War I pc:-.terboy: the man aelected 11 the "Perfect Phystcal n,ure'' in 1Gl7, and an author with three book• and ee pamphlet• to hl• credit. In fact, after revtewina hi• career, Bennett commented, "I'll write one more book, called 'Recollection1' and then I'll be throUlh· I'll devote all my dme to 1pealdna.·· Even at 87, Bennett ia a viawoua man who woru out at a nearby a:ymn.uiwn every day and 1peaka whenever he ia uked. Hl1 voice firm, clear and ateady, Bennett explained that he can apeak on any aubject. "The, aecret of public 1peaking ia to develop an amount of knowledge so that you're confident people will want to hear what you have to say. "I could talk on any subject, within the area of general knowledge, be it aviation , religion or evolution," Bennett eald. He added he never writes h1a apeechee down, althouah he used to, because "no man ii a great speaker who uses notes." Bennett aaid hia ave.rage speech lasts anywhere trom an hour to an hour-and-a-half. He fiaura to have delivered more than 1,000 speeches, 26 a year for the next ~ yeara. ''When I stand up to give a •P••ch, and I 'm not betn1 •1otl1tlcal, I hav• no idea whether I'm 1otna to be 1ood or bed. 1 live them the bett I can becaUle they came to hear me," he remarked. A1ked whether he practlcea 1•1turn to 10 alOQI with hla ,peechee, Bennett repll~ that they come naturally 11 an outward expreaaion of inner feellnp. ''The thouchtl 1enerate the action• neceuary," he explained. Of the award, Bennett eald he never rally e~ to receive ao areat an honor. rn fact , he ,aomewhat aheepiahly admitted that when called upon to deliver an ad<Ue. at the ~th annual convention of Toutmaater'a, "it waa the ilrat time In my lifetime that I waa ever nervoua before apeakina." Comment1n1 on hla favorite orators, Bennett eald the greatest apeakera he hu ever heard are Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, a Jewiah leader from Cleveland, and Sen. William Borah, a Republican from Idaho. A1 for President Reagan, Bennett told the story of what happened when the two once shared a platform ln the early 1970.. "He got a atandlng ovation when introduced and applaUle after he spoke. I aot polite applause when introduced and a standing ovation after I spoke." Speaking of polit1ca, Bennett added, "I think I would have been a good aenator." .,.., .......... "'*° SAVED AT LAST -Reporter Jodi Cadenhead is carried from demonstration fire by Costa Mesa firefighters following her great escape. She found out Saturday what being a fire victim is all about. ' tJ Delly Plk>I Photo bJ "lcl\Md Koef'ler CONTEMPLATIVE -Millard Bennett isn't always ma~· speeches, but the 87-year-old yiguna Niguel resident h l made his share over the past 50 years. Just ask Toastmaste 'J.~ International, which voted him "Orator of the Half Cent 1~ --~ Sills Assembly bid ·~:~ (J .. hacked by sheriff . '~ California Alliance for Surviv;U1.,. Sheriff Brad Gates is backing Irvine Mayor David Silla over Aalemblyma.n Nolan Friz.z.elle m the heated race for the Republican nomination in the 69th Aseetnbly District. Gates and Sills have the same campaign management firm , Nelaon-Padberg Consulting,· lrvlne. * * * ASSEMBLY SPEAKER Leo McCarthy will be in Fountain Valley today for a champagne brunch on behalf of his campaign for the Democratic nomination for lieutenant governor. The party is at the home of Sharon Schroeder, 17662 Los AlamQS. Among the Democratic stalwarts on the host committee for the $50 per person event are Paul Carpenter, Ruth Finley and Chet Wray. Alao, Vivian Hall, Bob Hap.son. Roland Mora, Richard J. O'Neill. Judy Rosener, Wilma and l..ee Steveos.. Mike Stockstill and Dan Young. * * * DAVID LUMIAN, president of the anti-nuke Southern If'~ • will be the speaker when t_.k~ Laguna Beach Democratic Cfob1 gathers tonight. • The club's $5 wine an.,d~ cheese reception get.s under way, at 6 p m. at the Unitarian Cenak1 429 Cypress Dnve .J: 1 * * * .:1~1 .., . GORE VIDAL, a candidate tJ1t? the Democratic nomination tbP the U S. Senate. wlll speak at noon Monday m the auditoriuth' at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa -, Hi s appearance 1s being I sponsored by the campus chapter ' nf the Alliance for Surv1va1'j Adm1SS1on 1s free-~ * * * TH£ REPUBLICAN A~­ ociates of Orange County wl11 hear a d~bate on the Penpherll Canal at their meeting Tuesday The Proposition 9 propone"ril will be Howard Hawkins. fo~ chairman of the Metropolitan Water Distric t. John Sterlif'\k, general counsel for the J.<:;,~ Boswell Co .. will offer lt1' opposmg point of view. ;~ The meeung starts at 5:30 p:ro_. in the W in e Cellar at the Saddleback lnn in Santa Ana. County Qar gets poor response By DAVID ~tJTZMANN 0( ... .,.., ........ The Orange County Bar A81odaUon will not c:Umibute an evaluation of candidates nmn1nl for judgelh1ps on JWle 8 becau.e of poor re1pon1e to questionnairel aent out to nearly 3,000 attomeya. ~ Andnia, president of the county orianfz.ation, aaid only 40 respoi18e9 wen received. The bar .->daUon baa put out the evaluation of judicial candidates for the paat aevetal yeara. In it, the candidates are rated by bar amodation memben on 1uch matten aa jud1ement, experience, health, demeanor and profealonal ability. Andrei eald the poor responae to the questionnaire• probably wu the result of both a lack of lntereat ln the superior and municipal Court races and the fact that the queatlonnairea were contained in t,be aasoclation'a monthly d!aest. He aaid ma,:~orneya may llrnply have finding the aurvey in their dicst. In a related election development, Andree eald the bar aaodation'a Board of Directort voted U-2 to recommend - oppolldon to Proposition 8 on the June ballot. The initiative would call for aweeplna ~ in California'• crimlna1 jultio9 l)'ltem. oriented primarily toward victiml' riahtl And away trOm the riahta of the 8"CWed. Andrea aald the Initiative would drutlcally chan1e re1ulatlon1 aoverning •ucb thinaa a• '"tftutlon, evidence, ball, aentenclnl and ment•l c:leftftll9. L~~N t la ll'Ha 1 ~tar no' fondly &ft Qnnle County cUde9. Supeiiar Court Leonard Oolda"'1l went t • votetl tn th•' lliemlJ\Mly eomfor&abl• role of aubematOriai •ppotn'" IMk.lna public coriflrmatlon. He lOlt. And •o did three other lnicwnbent Judael ln an almolt unpncedented uphe.val of the IUperior court bench, one that tUll eenda j6tten throuah Santa AN.'1 juc:Udal oomrnunity. Ltke other lncumbenta that ,_, Goldlteln .emed to be the ~ of voter bllcklaah a&ainlt tM •tabllahed powers. "A number of th1np lmp.cted that election," the Newport Beech jwilt · aald. "I wu one of the lmplletees... • • Goldateln doean' t Ii ke dlacucatng the 1978 election. Clearly, he prefers to focus attention on hia lat.est campaign efforta aa well as his record in office. 11rm runn1ni a face to win, .. the Newport Beach resident said BACK AGAIN -Superior Court Judie Leonard Goldstein, focuses on hia record. ln a recent interview. "In 1978, I relied on U>o large an extent on the value of ll'Y incumbency." He ia being opposed on June 8 by Anaheim City Attorney William Hopldna, an old foe from an aborted 1980 race (or a North Orange County Municipal Court judgeship. NBO IDay pick up • canceled 'Taxi' ' LOS AN<f.EI..ES (AP) -NBC la neaotiatina to buy "Taxi, ' an Emmy award-winnin~yiedy aiel cane-Jed by ABC, and a network o . · aaya the ahow mlJCht go on the air on NBC by late fall "t wtah I could say we bad it, but there are still ane obftlcles to overcome," Brandon Tartikoff, pnllldent of NBC Entertainment, aa.id Saturday. "I am confident that we can work theee out." ; Tarttkott Mid NBC began negoUatlona with the 1how'1 producer , Paramount Televlalon, on Wectne.da after receiving "a mandate for quality ' at the annual meeting of affiliates Tueaday. "We haw l't!tlChed an agreement with Paramount u to the coeta of the 1how." he aald. "The only problem with cbb)a the deal haa to do with the terma of employment of certain act.on." Paramount had been in negotiations wt.th Home Box Office, the major pay television network. for the lhow. NBC had not 90Ulht "Taxi" before the affiliate meeting. Tartikoff said NBC would not juggle lta fall chedule to fit ln the ocmedy aeries. "ll we do pick lt up it will be for mid-seuon or for the aecond ~·· heaaid. Nelt~r Hopkt.na, nor anyone the for that muter, h challenatna Ooldat.etn'• abWdee UI judp. Tt\• frandfatherly looktn1 Jurlu 1 1lmo1t uniformly admired by many of hll ~ N one of Orani• County 1 moet knowledaeable and fair-minded ~~hy woWd he be the only one of 17 Incumbent au.,.rtor court jwiata to be challenaed in the June 8 primary? Fapedaliy when there arp at lMli seven other Judaee who, like Goldltet.n. were recent appoint.eel of Gov. Edmund G . BrOwn Jr.? 'The anawer, tbouah Ooldltein doesn't like to talk about lt, bu much to do with the l'elUlta of that atartlinJz 1~8 election. He wu unseated by the late Oretta Ferri Seara, a former deputy district attorney. Goldstein waa appointed to the Orange County Superior Court in 1977 by Gov. Brown. Following his unexpected losa to Sean, the governor placed him on the North Orange County Munidpal Court bench in Fullerton. It was in that role that Mn:! s... Price • JtJI Ml ...... ., ••• ICIUIWA•MM .... M'fW_,. 5t IC 217~7 ...... TllMS-MY,_0- (c:.llh«e ....... y,.,. ArMI COITA-641-1289 ,,,......,_.lh4. Ml90M VIUO 495-0401 ntnC...,..' ,. ·--.... __,.._,.....,., Help Prevent llrth Detecta- 'IM Nallon'w Number One ChldHeall1 Problem. ALC MAKES! 833-0555 ~ForRay, WSl SrtCIAUST at HOWARD Cheyroltt eonwfl'O-"Ollll a. -HEv.f10AT...eEACH -'- See You At Tiffanys Private Club Newport Beach Special Membership S.ale 675-6090 after 2 P.M. 3388 Via Lido 1.38 DryAo99ted ~In 1-lh."Jel T aate-tAlmelting pea-l'Ua lor ps1laa, ~ • « ;..t.., ----Ing. Routed wfthoUt aiidad ol Of allOlf 'Nllwl Goldatetn prepared to face Hopklnl tn June 1980. But he never 1ot the chane9. Brown 1hort·clrcutted the race by putttr\t Ooldawln back on the Nperiot ooun bench tn March 1980, thne montha befe>re the t1'Ction. Thia cauaed the municipal court rac. to be canceled. And becau.. OoldNtn WU appobited 1e> elm. to the June eJecticin date, he WM not requi.Nd to tac. the 1voten that year. A apokHman for Brown'• off le• Hld. the 1overnor nHDD0tntild Oo1dlteln becaUM be 1;eueved he waa hl.ihly qu.alWed and beJonaed at the hJaher COW1 Jewl, Thou1h Anaheim'• Hopklna haa ne\rer tabn l8aue with the govemor'a .. E .. ment, he does crltlclze Brown '1 actions aa a "alap ln the face" of voters, who previously rejected Goldatein. Otherwlle, he did, he ia only pursuing Goldstein to fulfill hi.I career goal of being a superior court Judie and as a "matt.er of continuing what I started ln 1980." Goldstein aald he ta far more $99 ACAt":.~ 8/W Portable TV too.,. Solld Stat• provide• Hcellent ~. TtwMWl/f aperdon MIS on /IC, houae current. DC power COfd (lnclud· ed). °' optional DC bel'*Y peck. REPEAT FOE -Anaheim City Attorney William Hopkins aims for professional aoa1. actively involved in hla laieat campaign and is not taking his incumbency for granted, u he did ln 1978. He has raised a larger campaign fund th.is time around -more than $50,000 to fuel'hia election drive -and he has tttalMd the Mrvic:m of a poUUcal conlUltant. . Hooldna, on the other hand, Mid he ll rataLna and apend!na very little Oil Wha1 he 4-cribel 11 a low-key carnpalcn effort. He uJd he haa lpent about t2,000 10 far. Specific judicial laauet have been ablent from the campa'8n. Both Goldatein and Hopkfna have atrelled that they would be talr and lmpartial arbiters of the law. Hopkins, who joined the Anaheim dty attorney'• staff in 1968, aa.id that n.i.n.nin4J for a superior court judgeship waa a "profeaalonal goal and career objective" he haa had for IOfDe time. He said hia c.andJdacy haa been endoned by newly elected state Sen. John Seymour, R-Anahelm; Anaheim Mayor Ben Bay and GOP congreaaman William Dannemeyer of Fullerton. Goldstein, a former state deputy attorney general and administrative law judge, said he has received support from the (See JUDGESHIP, Pa1e A5) 32-oz.. AMlAmon ~ Lemon.Mee F,_,, net\111 1111\oor Hrdv to .... ,, oook'1Q. beol9r11gea. IO eocent toodl 'f\oa 3.42 14 om.tt. n.: •. Amar .... Micro•11001t1• ~ tt...rci ow1ridgaa Tlwlfl Alo d14 WHl!N "cama 1'0 MlFFLERS -~"""' ~UNOIWIO -A .. I I I I I ... ., .. "',,,,. .......... ~ .... ~· #~·~· (I • i ' ' I 1.38 ·' t ~ 'i --·. ,.. .... ·---·~ • - Oranoe Clout DAIL~ PILOT 18Und1Y. May 13, 1H2 Al ·~ . . . ,JUDGESHIP ••. 1 ~'1 liiiii AuameYI Niiodatklri, tM C>ranp =~ AtWnen ottice and ,n&M pouce Technology aids late motlie~hGoCI 1 The lnNmbtnt Jw1it allo ea1d thac fellow '•ul*'tor oourt Jud ... 1have 1tood t>.hlnd him. '"1'heir euppan Ml bMn dlleP and pneroua." h• 'Mid. I lf t)jcMd, GoJdltAtln Would lll'Y9 a f\IU llX·)'eU' term on the bench. Sul*iot Cow1 Judael Hrn 11 about $03,280 • year. !Wlotlnc for • auperlot COUtt l ~p ii COW\tywtde. The . other superior c:oun ~ r.ce on t tht June ~t II for retlnd Judp WlWam S. , Lee'a eeac. Fout candidatel are contend.J.ns. The 10 Incumbent jud1es who weren't 1c~ won't be lla1ed on the primary ballot. 'Court ldmtnlatrator Alan Slater -..id they are !~red to be automatically re--elected. • • • • • aig interview set )ten JI the lineup for the major news interview ahowa on televtlicn today. A&c~ .. Thia Week, wl\h David Brinkley" - Francia L. Pym. Britlah foretp letfttar)r, and John F. 1Ahman Jr., U.S.~ of the Navy. CBS, 11Face the NaUon" -Secretary of State Alexande,r M . &Ur Jr. NBC, .. Meet die Pre.a" -Sen. John G. Tower, R-Texaa, chairman of the Armed Services Committee. 1.94 \ 12.88 IY JOEL C, DON °' ............. • Motherhood 11 back ln vo9ue. Women, •pec.talll _\hole from the World Wat II baby boom, are f~ cwwn to ltu1 their own farnlliel. But ap u well u other factcn may J.9d to problem preananci• or even b&rth defecta In tome women, warn1 a UC Irvine physkUn. ~·Everybody ha1 a potential for problems but there are certain people who have a hf1her rl1k," aald Dr. Ro1er Freeman·, profe11or-ln-realdence of obatetrict and R:fl~1~fJ:t~~c1 ~lder women have more of a rilk but with modem technoJoty the rflk can be laraely rnan.aed and prepancy outcome 1n older women =u~.~ ~e ~~ 1ood DR. ROGER FREEMAN ~reeman, along with medical writer Suaan Peacar, haa outlined potential problems of motherhood In a new book for lay read en titled ''Safe tiellvery. Prot.ectine Your Baby Durinc Hlgh Risk Pregnancy" (Facts on File). 12.88 ~~157·177 1.22 FrHman aald much of th• critlcal-eare t9eh!'oloty for hllh·rl•k pt•1nanclu haa been dMIOpeCI Within tlie 1-t 10 to 10 yean. Ace II one amonc many other facton ~t may tiau.e a problem~· 0th« potential J1lka µdude wom.n .uttertn, from heart, kidney or Jlv•r dlMue, thyroid eland dieord•n. cancer' ~·~a malfoi'med uterus, or Rh blood fldQC' lncapatl ty, l'rteman Mid. l>ocion &llo are ooncemed about patient. who )iave a hJltory of ml8carrtaol, premature blrtht, ,tUlborn blrtlH and a family hlatory of aenetic ttllorden. In NOlftt y.n, he lldded, environmental and chemical toxlnl have been added to the U.t and women are now beina warned about the danprl of ctcarette maoldnc, alCaho1 ~ptlon. exceaaive radiation therapy and dru11 a1 well H being llliowly malnouNMd or owiwetcht. Doeton, however, have armed thenwelves with electronic equipment and a variety of techruques to help pnwnt problem pnpandtll. AmnJocenteels aJlowl for the pamiNtkJn of the aenetic makeup of the fen.. Ult.ruound la Wied to photosraph the fetu1 in the womb. In addition to other fetal-monitortna ectulpment, llOme pby1iciana are u1in1 controversial fetal 1urgery technlquea to correct abnotmalities prior to btrth. "I think what a iot of people don't realiJe Is until 12 years qo the fetWI wasn't even a patient becauae we didn't have a way to diagnose the fetua," heeman noted. ,, ll ,,..,,. AOYlllflHO • lillllCHANOllt l'Ol.ICY u-... ,......,... ............. ..._ .... ............ ~ .............. " . ., .....,,..... ....... ...,. ........... ..... '"'-••.,__., ............ -... -.. ... .. ... .,. _ , ........... ._. ......v ...... _.,~ ...... "' ·-......... _ .. ................... ...... ......... -... ~ ....................... -............. .,, ...... -.. _.... .... ~lotil'""~·· Save! 1.27 ~ 6.90 Durable Jogging Shoes Nylon/1uede running shaft '°' chtldren Blue & grey w/padded col- larl 1.99 20E.,._.Rala 2.99 ME ... _.1111 3.59 . •hJi-..... 5.99 Your alOk:ie T eny OWt Towelll Each Bed 2.37 F~' , Megia ... PllQ.dl-Ollal>- ... of 3-... COi· ton/~ 4 44PU1ow• ~'--" '*"'°'""'---· • ..COIO ... Rady lo uae OOorte9I, 1tetile Won't burn Pr4"*1d lot all planta ·0ty~ T~ "'*'-"I 't7 2bn.11!.......,..,_ ,....,.. ............ __ ""' flln.:!O~ ..... .. ' ' A• a women 1et1 older, a1e related rl1kt tncreue dramatJWly, he Nfd. The Incidence of Down11 l)'l'iid.rolM or aewre mental mardati9n hl9 been lhoWft to QnlfleanCly_ rile wf ih •· The lowtlt sUk level for the ~~II on Down'• 1ynclnne dUJd for every 1,9=, Freeman noted. At .,. SO l& ii one in 883 At ap 3& one 1n 383 bU1hl are Down'• and at there'• one for every 100 blrtha. A woman at ... 4.9 hu ooe chance in 12 of havtna a monaolokt baby. Freeman conatden preanandea ln women more than 30 yeara old hi1h ri1k and may call for amnlocentelll to check for Down'• syndrome, ''Am.niocentata 11 aomethin9 I u1ually don't recommend he laid. "I try and atve the pa~t the mun~ becau. it (the teat) carries a rilk of one 1n 400 of laCnl a presnancy. I generally start advilln8 of the riak•t ap 35." Freeman acknowlectaed that 10me physidanl ''get wrapped up In the technoloay ." depenonall.zlng the birth pt"Ot91. But oon1umer demands in the lut decade have brought more fatherw into laboc and delivery ara1 u well u the Caesarean aection room. ''With all thl.a technology there'• been a marked improvement with pregnancy outcome," he said. "l thank it'• largely due to our improved ability to . manaae pregnancy. "Consumer preaure hu worked out well. I think you can give the best of both worlds: fetal monitoring electronics and the pretence of the father." Cell 642-5178. Put • f•Jlt word• to work for ou . HOOSE OF T l\IL ORl~G l\l 'f~'l\TION\ iOP M~ r~ I, WOMf N ... .. . l , ..... l•. •,,' FINE JEWELRY AUCTION IN ORANGE COUNTY THIS SUNDAY AT 1 P.M. A collec;tion of Jewelry From Buffum's Department Stores Former Fine Jewelry Lease Holder Liquidation To Satisfy Creditors. NO IUYE"'I P"EMIUM WILL IE CHA"QED JEWELRY & DIAMON@S A wlectlon ol OYtr JOO Diamond, EmlraW, Sappltin, Ruby, Opal, Part rm,., ~ nedd..at, unlnp end wetcha. llNl'ECTION: THtllUM>AY. MAY 23nll • 10:00 e.m. untJI 1 :00 Pf'l'-IAU TIME • AUCTION: THIS SUNDAY AT 1 P.M . SADDLEBACK INN 1860 E. 1et Street Senta Ana, CA Direction•: Eaat 1•t St. •t Sant• Ana Frwy. little John Gangel-Auctioneer HOW YOU CAN MAKE $1,000,000,. REMODELING HOMES IN YOUR SPARE TIME - ~~ ).J vud ~h­.~, l" lO\OI arnq ., ma aT Voth ~w ~Mq l:>1riw I :lt '.1 :Jch illillA .·r belt'Je ct" •• ~ ... )) 'Oi:I &1-.. c 4 -.... --- I f , II I Ii •• 1, I t : Old fishin' holes may ~tage comeback There'• tom•thlna ·•PPMl•na about the thouaht Of ·art~ into the Santa Ana Mo"ntatn1 on a warm and '"nny day, walklna down to the bank of a 1mall ltream and droPptna a filh1nl line ln the water. · The Oranae County Flab and Oame Commlliian la hop&nc tome reallty can be attached to ~hat ~thouaht. Tlle commlulon fl rec- ommen~ing that the county apend $18,600 for the rehahWtatlon of 11 '1fl1h dama'' aJona three county stn!ems. "When spring water flows are sufficient, theae man-made ftahlng holes would be stocked with trout supplied by the atate Department of Flab and Game. Yean qo, before ttonns and deterioration ruined many of them. there were ~ um dams in Sllvwado, Holy Jim and Trabuco ~n• and alona San Juan For the put RVeral years, the U.S. Foreat Service, the agency rHponalble for the Cleveland National For.t W.S. In which the 1tream1 are located, hu frowned on f i1hlng for a wide variet.y of rea1on1 -·vandall1m, conflict1 between flahennen and 1wtmmen • and UabiUty law1ult11temm.tn1 from lnjwi-. The puah to rehabilitate the damt came about a year aao. A county 1tudy found that to renovate all dama would cmt more than $141,000. So, offidala beaan looking at the idea of repairing just a few dam1. Hence, the recommended project to fix up three dams in Silverado Canyon, four dams ln Trabuco Canyon and four dams alona San Juan Creek. The plan ls supported by the Fof'est Service. It has i11ued a speclal uae permit for the project. County superviaon will be Uked to follow suit on Tueeday. The board should endorae the Fish and Game Commission's plan. In these days of ever-increasing urbanization, a little bit of the country life couldn't hurt. Untangling tax law Over the yeara, the U .S. The most bulc chanae would . inco·me tax 1y1tem ha1 been be the end of pro1reaivity, the showered with many adjectivet -rationale that tax levies should be most of them negative and l'DOlt of hued on a=!r to pay and that them de9el'Ved. preserving · stability requires Taxpayers lmow all too well some rediatribution of income. the many ablurd consequences of Many feel low-income groups this overly Iona, overly complex would bear a disproportionate and overly ateep tax code. The share of the tax burden, since th~y countlem preferences, exclusion., need most or all of their income credits, exemptions, deductions for life's necessities. and other bewildering exceptions One method of alleviating this have resulted in mass confusion problem under a flat tax echeme every April, in various c1•nes of would be exempting the first taxfiayers subsidizing othen, in $10,000 or $15,000 of income from mi lionaires escaping taxes tax. altogether and in workers of equal Another profound change income paying wildly varying tax would be that the tax system bills. would no longer be a vehicle for Increasingly, many effecting 1ocial or economic 1 Americans, di1eouraged by steep changa. For example, mortgage • rates and emboldened by the tu int.erst ia deductible to encourage breaks Congre11 continually home ownenhip, the "American grants to special interest eroupe, Dream." C.OOtributiom to charities are avoiding taxea through a are deductible to help 1upport variety of illegal dodges. · worthwhile inatttutiona inch u What should be a system churches or bospitala. under which cltizena fulfill their When asked about the flat tax tax obligations with a minimum of idea, President Reagan brought up hardship has become a such examples as potential cat-and-mou.e game that punishes hard work and productive problems with the proposal. He suggested a "happy medium" in investment and rewards equandering of re90Ul'Cle8 in shelter which a few exclusions, auch u schemes of dubious value. medical bills for catastrophic: · As a result, many public illnesses, would remain in the tax officiala are proposing a "Oat tax" code. plan that wOuld sweep away the The Treasury ii preparing a confounding maze that paaes for a .ytudy of the flat tax, and no doubt tax c~d~ and replace it with a other wrinkles will emerge. simple percentap ~ to be paid. Whether it's the beet way to ·by peraon1 and COf porationa achieve true tax reform remains to reprdlem of tncome and without be eeen. But tax reform must be a any deductlon1. Rates ranatng high federal priority. from l~ to 2~ peroent have~ .in the Jong nm. a. tax lystem propcieed. _ perceived to be intqultable and Such an idea should be burdenaome weakens our aocial serioualy 1tudled u a means of compact. If cltisena believe that flnally achievina comprehensive re venue r a 11 e d for the and lMUna tax reform. o011maonweelth ii railed Unfairly, But tI.., nml&.atkma of IUCh that could mean 1rowth of an a pnd ttroke would be numerous .. every-man-for -h l mee If'• and far·reachln11 and would philosophy. That would harm require detailed examination thoee everlutlng ef:fonl to ·~orm a before a flat tax aystem c:ou1d be more perfect union and promote adopted. the general welfare." • ·Relief proposal~ valid and function -without being subjected to a brand-new asansment and much higher property taxes. Propmition lS wu deapecl to protect penom who ~ to remain in their home1 from ever-eacalattn1 property taxes. The 1ame prlvlle1e should be granted thOM who fre foreecl to move out bemwe of. pe.mment action. Thia ii not 0 timperinc with Pro~altlon 13" aa 1ome have charged. It la offerjna th• ume protection to property oy.onera w~rilven the chalCt, would have lt&jed put. It la ~-tly unfair to ftioe cltnml to 8"9 up thelr = ty, thmEb :t fheni to an UorW _. ty at a new location. ~don 3 merita a YJl:S YOl.9. JOi~~.\oN D IL? pr or , 1uir JSN'r EMY·· MS~S GOT TUE Mf6~ G~OUND. Youth's sales effort wilted To the F.ditor: A. I wu driving home, I uw 10me-th.lni that a.naerecf aie; a feellna an in- jmttce wu t&k.in1 place dJaaulaed .. )Jltioe In a black and white patrol car, equipped with a flalb.lni red licht. one policeman ln the car, another atandlng MAILBOX next to a Youns man of about 15 years with a forlorn and weary, ~ M.d. Next to the young man were bouqueta of flowen. I had f1aabea of burglaries, rapea, dn&I dealing, and many more harmtul crtme.. yet Huntington Beach'• ftne9t in a felony car wu dtina a boy on a mildemeanor who was trylna io eun a little extra money I J>Ol'llibly to IUppcrt hla family - wbo knows? Making a U-tum ancl Pulllna up be- hind the patrol car, I aot out and ap- pl'OllChed the officer Who Wa writina the dtatlon in ·the car and ISked if I could have a word with him. He politelv am- wered, '<ye., one moment pleue,"' and continued writint. Shortly, be uked "What can I do f« you!" I inqu1red why this boy Wiii betnc-dted. Whereupon be raponded that it WU agaimt dty onil- nance to 1ell flowers on atreet comen and that City Council had many com- plaint.a and they were crackinc down. "With all the crime png on." I uked, "we're using the taxpayer dollar and taking the time to dte a boy who'• 1el-Unc flowen?" He responded that it wu hla Job to do it, yet it certainly took time. He conveyed he had spent an hour on thla incident. MY QUESTION IS, ''Who ii complai- ning about young people lellina flowers on street comen?" 'l1ie way f .ee It ii that we haw everyone benefiting from him adltng flowers. He'1 benefitina by having a job that arm an honelt buck. The people who buy are benefiting by not having to make a sped.al trip to the florist to f>uy flowers for eomeone •pe- dal Mmt of an. the dty ii benefiUnc in that we've Ft an enter'plUi.na teen-aaer who isn't cte.th~cfrup or ripping off the Gardner's Column netahbothood. but openly and honeaily working. When you take awaY. )'OUng people 1elllnc flowers. you're taking away aun- ah.ine from peoplft lives. JACKI KING Donors deprived To the Editor: Th.ii 11 in response to your editorial on cornea donatlon1. My family's experience hu been very diacouraglng in that we are all donon but the two OCCMkJnl we would have liked to donate, we recetved no cooperation. My brother died in an accident and when he .waa atiD at the hospital. we asked that they remove hie corneas. They lied and l8id they had already ltarted to embalm him. We know this to be untrue,• an IUtops)' was necewary and w• not performed until the next day. When m.y father died of myocardial lnf.arcUon, a police officer took his wallet off the dremer to find b.ia driver'• licenae to get lnfonnation foe hie report. Even thouch the Uoeme was clearly marked as an orpn donor, the office!' never turned the liceNe over to confirm it with the family OI' evell DOti&d the mortuary who WU removing bis body. My mother wrote to the chief of police and hil reply wu that it was an invasion of priVllCY to look at a permn's licen9e unlems he died in the oommiali<>n of a c:rtme. The bottom line is that the idea is terrific aQd we have all been donors foe yean and have carried cards to that effect. However, a law needs to be pa11ed that all police, fire and emer1ency room i:;::;mnel are re- quired to look foe a card or look on a permn'1 Uceme to eee if they are donon. The laslc behind this is that most family memben, in a time of crisis, are not thtnld.na clearly, but would be very responsive il IOmeOne in authority uked If the deceaed wu an organ donor. • Lei14rttT..,,__,,., ... ,<-. Tlle•i!IMl•c-let· len le 111 _.or t llml ... w liMI ll r.....-. l..elt#l ef - -•• er lfts Wtll lllf •-~••enu. All ...,.n ......t lft. ,_ •itN'utt,,,,,, _ ... ,. ....._ ..... _.,,... ~ .. •1t11Nld M r-...nl ii tMlfk '-1 rfflOft Is.....-. ,._.,, wlll nol De IMMlllwd 1..enws ,.,.., lie I~ lo Ml.._ Herne -...,.. -of Ille CG<l,l•ilNllH....,.. _,. 91v., tor verlll<•ll., ....,_ 'Educationomics' To the Editor: What we need here in th.la country · not "Re aganomlcs" but ''Educa' tionomics." _ ~ An overhaul of the managemen theQrY as taught and practiced is a · need. Lest you think I ·am speaking with ~ • mouthful of sour grapes, I am retired. .1 Many y e ars ago I did a stint olJ. teaching the youth of my area. • Seeing on television and hearing 01 radio the many tales of plant after pl.an closing in this country, l feel · a need to: speak out. The workers who find themselve« turned out to -what? - cannot b«. blamed in every case. Poor management and just plain ,,eect has brought us down below most othet' wide awake countries in many finished product.a and production. It seem• our college• teach bow to manage by saying: 1. One doesn't need to know how tu do a job -just make the worken tum a • profit. 2. Knowli!e of the caliber of workers is not their . In my es tion: 1. Leaders should instill competence- and loyalty to the overall effort. , 2. Worken need to 1ee that what eacti: i.a doing ii very impe>rWlt to the fin1abed: product. Incompetelee is a hindrance. ~ 3. Work~ need to ee a pl ahead - not just company profics. ~ Manaaen. in my opinion. ahou.Jd know" when aneane wtder them is doing what ta needed or ii a drawback to the whole perfonnance. Yes, the whole educational 1ystem- needs an in-depth overbaul.J.n«. · It is not just a money prof>lem. The. question is, are we getting our money's · worth? Wid.e~~pen reputation short-lived BJ ROBUT GARDNER . i ·f Cffif:i.+ ULTIA DIY ULTRA BAN SOI.ID AJm..POSPIUNT ~~139 Unscented 2u. • u. 4 14i9f.i+· Cf.DI M:llftlC PITUIE F•s · The fashionable Mlrame-up1 r. r . '-'=~~7_,,. c~~:;;l.99 a •i§!g.1- CASTROL GTX llOTOI Oil 11140 WT:• ~:l.09a - ln cuh. He Mid MWer J)i'evi~y had been unlUQCetlf w ln t.ry1na to .. u the J>!'Opel't)'. Accordina to Miller'• le11l 1et10n. GU. flliled to tell him that he lni.nded 1IO •ll the land and keep au~ beyond thoee owed ln-1-1 fete. The wwr· WU eold by GUet in .tune 1081. The attorney Mld the propetty waa told tor ,1300,000-9lut, far more than Miller had been uldni, becauae two companlea IUddenfy became interested 1n it. Gllea eald he would have pref.-red it u Miller had IOld tM 1-nd lnatead. ''I don't feel I owe him anythlna." he aatd. Miller'• law1utt, filed by Newport Beach attorney Ronald Harrinatof\, tun.her alJeted that GU•' firm performed tnadequa,te leaal work on the aopeal and ultimately .. aband~f· the cue. Gllet and App uld that the uked to be removed, but only after Miller had obtained a contJ.nuanse on h1a own from the appeals~ baaed on what thev all~ to be "fabe lnfonMUon.T• The rnotJoft to be replaced WU It ftM ~ and later gral)ted. Method• tor admtnteterlnl oommunJcy ..&t.donl will be d1lc\med at a one..clay .mnu- S.t\lrday, June 12 at Deerfield Qiriiinunti, Bank 1n I.rvtM. . TM event t. 1po1.x-.d by the Cotta Mna-bued Community A11ocl•tlon1 In1tltute. The Hmlnar tH -t 1 & tor CAI meplben and t2& for othen - lncludee C09t of lunch. The affair bellnt at 9:30 a.m. and t. 1ebedulecf to end at .. p.m. Reglatratlon form• can be obtained at the inat!tute•1 Office at 1'718 Ora.nae Avenue, Sulte C, c.o.ta Meta sl'2e27, or by ca1llna 831-3092. 4 itil1• JERGENS LOTIOH..atD) SOAP Jf with Oispeow US'T.fl....al 1UOL.99c a Prepares your beard for a closer shave. •i§*'·· KODAK l!h4000 CAMERA OUTFIT Eleetronlcs so advanced, you can have true-to-life pictures just by pressing one button ... the camera does the world _49.95 ~OL 1.97 Keeps hearty lunches coot with Btu~ ice, an Ice substitute. PUITIC MF.a (r'1 lt"1 IV) 112111 s..~~ 9.99 ~ -1.00 :: 8.99 Salon Formula for IUlCUrioutty beautiful hair! llMOT·2 QIUITTt TRAC II .' IWOl IUD£S 1.69 5 TWll IUDI CAITllDGU (j.fjsi·I·• Satoli SASHAYh SANDALS Soft. flexible construe· lion for comfort. Genuine leather strap ··~~1 l99~--- NAIR LOTION ... ALOE nu (I u.) ' f I I • j ' ') I 1·! l : '.) n J I# .. I ~ I ... ONLY . (annual percentOge rate) SAYE 1u1.U.S ·1f! •w•s. ·~··'·OFFER EllS Ill 31.t! trll PIY Jll ·TO~ SEE llWlll CIEYRILETI . ~ c , \ • f ' ' bet ' 221 I Tof ~· T CO'f 1 • I ~ By HOWARD L. HANDY Of"tMDlllJNetl• NORWALK -Polly Plumer waa a double winner, Sharon Hatfield qualified for the maaten meet in four events and Rennie Durand was a winner along with Lance Betaon and Jocelyn Lee to highlight performances by Oran1e CoHt area athletes In the CIF track and field ch.arnplonship1 .held at Ce~tos College here Saturday. On a mild afternoon before 8,275 fans, track . titles were determined ln ·four divisions for both men and women and the nine best performers In each event regard less of clasa they were competing in, move Into Thursday h.lght's Masten meet at the same site. Plumer, the blond middle diatance star for University High, won the 3-A 800-rnetet 1'9t'e, came . blck to capture flm ln the 1,eoc>end ther\ ran a Ill .. hlcl run.'' Plumer llkl. 0 1 ).II& ran to wtn becau. I on the llCOnd place 1,600 relay -.m: !have been ID very tired tl\il w"k aft.er nmni~ When Plwner took to the track for her first ~. l want.ct to MW ICDMhina tot the 1.800. race of the afternool'\ (800), Durand of Laauna She Nved mON than·:enoqli, wJAnina her Beech bact already po1ted a fut 2:09.10 effort in the . ~ and the ewnt the wtll OOIMlltaate on for 2-A race. She wli inoYed to first when the winDM' dle;balAnce of the ....on in oampantively euy WU dllquaUfted for r:unnlna inlide the tndc at the fuhkln. aouth erid of the field. Law-a C..ttlven ot Mira COiia fft8b, a pl who The duo of Durand and Michelle Taylor of had beaten Univendty'• T~ Buri01 to the finlsh Gant9ha ffi&h in Pomona, battled neck-and-neck Une ln the 3·A 3,200 me'fr run, kept pace with throuah moet of the rece befo~.;;~ftlor took~ at ·Plumer unUl the final tum when the Trojlln blonde the end ln 2:07.80. But her d.llq icaUon pve the pulled ahMd by about 15 yardl at the tape. win to Durand and keepe"Taylor out of the lrfaltera ''Thil •un't my futllt time,'' Durand ..ud. "l meet. have run 2:<HI but I have never run ~f:,lnat her Plumer Mid ahe didn't think anythlna a'*lt (Taylor) before. I wu re.Uy •tna: today, the time of the earlier race. ~. became ot the wind. It Wll me out." "In fact. I didn't even know what time they ·-Fountain Valley'• Hattield C¥>ntin in her mul\l-event pursuit and made the field for Thunda)' niaht'• competition in all four of her •~ties. Sh~ ran a 42.55 ln the 300-meter low hurdles, the . third fdtftt time ln o• countr.Y this year heh.ind a nat..lonal record perfo~ the winner, Gayle Kellon of Walnut. Hatfield alao finished third ln the 110 low hurdles and long jump (18-3~) and llxth in the hiah Jwnp,iat 5-4. Irvine Hish's Lee won the 3-A 100 low hurdles 1n 14.63 and Coeta Mesa's Vicki Kelly WM aec:ond to Plumer In the 800 with a 2: 13.49 clocking. Betton of Newport Harbor waa a aurprlae winner In the J-A pole vault with a leap of 14-6 In the last event to be completed. lt matched the best (See CJF, Page 83) Morris tames Angels 1 DETROIT (AP) -Jack Monia wore an icepack on hit should« and a smile on his face after pitching five hltleaa Innings Saturday in Detroit's two-bit, 5-1 . American League trium_ph over the Angela. The only hit Morris allowed was a sixth-inning solo home nm to shortstop Tim l'oli, his first of the aeuon. before taking himeelf out of the game at the end of the lnnin . "~t.er about the fifth inning, I got a little stiff, ao I went out," . On TV today channel 5 at 10:30 a.m. Morris said. "There's just too much at stake here for the team and myself for me to go out there and get hurt." HOWEVER, HE said be expects the ~der to be fine in time for h ia acheduled start Wednaday apinft 1.he Mariners ~~=h= with it ff ~ had a· chance for a no-hitter. "{ don't even dream abput no-hltters,·but l would have tried," Morris said with· a trill. "You better believe I would have tried for one." Lance Parrish provided tht! Tigers with all the runs they needed on a two-run triple aa · Detroit won for the ninth time In their past 10 games. The Tigers had an eight-game winning streak snapped Friday, losln& the aeries opener to the Anaels, 9-7. STRONG SHOWINGS -;----Rennie Durand of Laguna Beach (left) and F:ountain Valley's Sharon Hatfield (right photo) were just two of the many Orange Coast athlete·s,in action Saturday at the ClF track and field championships at Cerritos College. Durand was the winntt, by Dlllr ,._. ,._.... bf CMrtee 118rr dlaqualif ication, of ~he 800-1net,r run, while Hatfield competed in the 300-meter hurdle eveot (finiahed 18COnd), • well aa the long jump, high Jump and 100-meter hurdles. Morris, 6-3, let only one runner reach base, on a second-inning walk to Reggie Jackson, until Foll homered on the first pitch of the Inning. ----------------------------_,.....,,,..._,.. ............... ...,..-------~~._...;--------------~----------------t: . 1 -Nieaenf uer shuts door on Cards y 01i can't take the $ out vl $poi-ts , "IT WAS a fast ball and I just reached out for it," said Foli, whose eight-inning •ingle off reliever Dave Tobik was the AnRels' only other bit. •'] can't even enjoy the home . run because w9 Joai the ball · game." Foli said. "We could have done better. It never happened quite thia y,ray, but the dime novel •uthon would write about the hick who would show up at apri.na U'aln1na camp carryinC a straw suit.cue and an ota • • . glove and uk for a tryout. 1he manaaer would tell the kid a hundred timel to pt lest but the hay.eel would bug hlm unUl the manager gave b1rn a few fungoes out of exuperatlon. Well, th.is kid from the sticks would tum out to be the goldanaest abortstop JOll ever •w, both in the field and at-the plate.. • '_I'bi} kid from the atidai would lead the ballclub out of the cellar and into tint place and into the WorJ4 Serla. '!be aood IUYI would win ~he chainplonahf p of the univene and the mamas would aet a ~ contnct, wh.ich w• acJOd-becaUll hit Wile needed a aerloul and expemlve operation. The llid woulCt marry the owner'• dau1t\te\aand, It '°'' without 1ayln1, ~ ~.f':?Y..,-:r:~ • like that.. ,,.. ••• day, Ind ... when bl•~ ICCKl1' .,_,the ..... m ..zaa of ~lent an• pl•19r1 ••N •i1ned off ~ibl.Clll'Dll'.1-..S&lnof ... _,.,,...,_..._, ---~-.,....a Bll> ruGKER "Defensively, I could have done bettef'. I made a couple bed plays, like a ball that (Mike) Ivie. , hit rilzht to me that I handled badly!' The Tiaen took • 1-0 le.d in the second Snnina when Tom Brookens 1rounded into a fielder's choice, KOring Larry Herndon. Pahiah drove in Mike Ivie and Herndon when be tripled down the rilht-field line with one out in the fourth, chaalna An1• ~ Anael Moreno. i:&. In the L>etroit fUtl\, Lou Whitaker drew a walk off reUever' um Sanchft. moved 10 third Oil a Wild p(leh: and and ona~t; Era CAtiell'a RBI liiW In the leVellth made it ~ l. Tile thrt•·I••• aerle concludea today wt\h Stev~ Renko <•·1) •t ~',Ofp099 ~ ~ (1-t). The~ ..... -~ b \'WO ...-;~ .... -..t NGidiy~ ' Foul pl~y claimed by HB homeowners From AP dl1patcllt1 About 300 bueballa have landed II in V .F. and Fahh Szylvl1n'1 Huntinaton 8e1ch back yard since 1976, and they aay they're gettlns tired of it. "You can't stt Q\li there on weekends, unleee ~ou want to aet clunked on the head." Mra. :szylvlan said. "lt'a dangerous." .. The problem la that their back yard la uncomfortably close to the back1top1 of two Ocean View High bueball (ielda, built'4n 1976. 11\e SzyJvian'a 6-foot redwood fence and a 35-foot backstop -extended 10 feet by 1ehool offidala at a cost of "·000 -have failed to keep the balls out. Ocean View Principal George Bloch says the school can't afforxl to move the fielda, at an estimated ooet of $15,000. Meanwhile, Szylvian automatically looks skyward at the crack of a bat. Since the backstop was extended two years ago, the number of balfs- landing in his yard dropped by half, but several st.ill plop in each week. The Szylvians have never been hit t>Y a ball, but they and their next-door nelghbbra, Tom and. F.cina McAda, have both had a window brqken by foul balls. "We do}\'t \15' our patio too much when a ballgame is on," noted Mrs. McAda. "You never know when one will come over." Celtlcs try to complete comeback BOSTON -The Boston Celtics m were trying to avoid thoughts of their past success at poetseason comebacks against Philadelphia as they prepared · to meet the 76ers In Game 7 ot their playoff series today. · • The Celtics defeated the 76era 88-75 at Philadelphia Friday night to tie their best-of-seven National Basketball AISoclat.ion playoff aeries 3-3. A victory by th«' Celtics at Boston Garden today would climax a comeback from a ~ 1 leries deficit, a feat they also accomplished against the 7Jlers last year and in 1968. each time In the !astern Conference finals. The two previous comebacks by the Celtics from 3-1 deficit.a are among only four in NBA playoff history. Quote/of the day Tag McGraw, Philadelphia relief pitcher, the proud owner of a 1954 Buick "I like it because it playa old music." Nelson surges to Attan1a goH lead Larry Nelson made a late 1Uf19 II and birdied three of the last six bola to take a thtte-shot lead with a 68 in the rain-delayed third round of the · Atlanta Golf Classic Saturday. Nebon reeled oft consecutive birdies at Noa. 16 and 17 to carry a 16-under-par 201 into today's final round, with Keltt. Fergat and Peter Jacobsen tied for second place at 204 . . . Sally Llttle, unlike most of the field, found a heavy rain to her liking and shot a one-under-par 71 to grab a three-stroke lead over Katlay Mone golng into the final round of the LPGA tournament in New Rochelle, N.Y. Alghet11 return• to hi• old form New York'• Dav• Rta••atl, showlnc the form that ••rntd him Atnerlcan Leap rook.it of tht year honou lut 1t11on, ahackltd Minnelota on four hill In ttaht lnn1na Saturday nr1ht 11 the Yankea blanlced tht Twlni, l ·O. Rt.lhetu, who had a 5.28 tamed run aver•a• and a f..3 record ln 1even prtor 1tart1, 1truck out ellht •!;'d walked four before alvlng away to Rlcb · Ooe111e ln the ninth . . . IUQHlm Pinch-hitter Ready 8111 drilled a ucrlftce fly to trlaaer a two-run rally and Uf t Texu and knuckleballer ClaarUe Hou1b to a 3-1 victory over Kanau City in 12 lnnin11. Houah evened hla record at 3-3 ln ecattering aix hlta over 12 lnoing1 ... Dave StapletoD punched a r\ln-acorlng single to riaht field to snap a 4-4 tie, and Bolton rapped three doubles In the eighth inning to beat oaKJ.an. d, 7-4 . . . Rookie Jlm ~aler Slugged a grand alam homer to cap a 11even-run rally with two out.a ln the third inning and Oeae Nehoa to11ed a four-hitter to give Seattle a 7-1 victory over Milwaukee ... Deult M~ea pitched Che Orlolea• third straight shutout, and JobD Loweuteia homered for ~ eecond day ln a row..t to lead &!Um.ore put Toronto, 6·0 •.. Ha.rota Bataet drove in three n&n1 with a h~ and a llingle, u Chicago rVed pat Cleveland, 7.3, Meta blow lead, then win In the 12th ' New York pitcher Nell Allen II bunted home the wlnn!na run in the top of the 12th inning Saturday night to help the Meta c~ a 615 victory over Houston in the Altrodome. The Met.a had blown a !our-1'\Ul lead ln the ninth when Allen. 1-2, loaded the bUel9 and yl~lded a grand a1arn hon\« to Aatros right fielder Terry Pulll . . . Warrea Cromartie knocked in two runt with a homer and single and SeoU Sudertoa won 1\.1.1 tint same since April 30 as Montreal beat Clndn~tl, 4-2 ... Right-hander •AlJea Ripley and two relievers 1ilenced Sun Francisco on (our hita, and Steve Headenoa belted a two-run single to lead Chicago to a 2-1 victory over the G~ta . . . Pete Role ALUM drllled a two-run double '° cap a fifth-inning rally t hat powered Philadelphia past Atlanta, 5.::2, snapping a four -~ame Phillies losina 1treak. A thunderstorm delayed the •tart of the pine 40 minutes . . . Sixto Lezcaao and Terry Kenedy eech homered whlle teaming fOt' aix hita and teVen RBis to propel San Diego to a 12-3 viciory over Pittsburgh . Padres starter J•a• Blcllelberser. who pitched his record to 4-5 despite walking eight Pirates.. ai.o contributed to his own cause with his fi.nt hit of the aeuon, a two-J"Qn triple in San Diego'• five-run aeventh inning. Nordskog captures boat race Bob Nord1ko1 of Tanana emeried the big winner, as the Marathon Boat Racers Association held ita third off1hore race of the • \)\an lhould beat WI." Th• R1.11tlen (30·8). who wtt9 almo1t fl1wle11 from the field Fl'lday, committed two key erron ln tht o~tfl•ld in the opentr, allowin8 tht Roadl'unnen, the Southern Cal Conf ennct'• f"'Ond·half champions, JO build a 4-0 ~ed. t Rio Hondo expanded tht ICOl'9 10 S-0 by ttle Utfh •"d the Ru1tlert With 1i11 h1rmlH1 1ln1lH off 'Jtrty 8UVI (8·2), never couJd -into th• now. Golden We1t'1 lnten1hy chan1ed in the HCOnd 81mt, however, and they nef'ded the extra ectae to hold off the peaky Roadrunntrt (24· lS), who play whA mof'e 1r1t lh1n 1hey do went. The Naltlm chipped away at Rio Hondo atarter J ohn Lorenz tor th1" rW11 ln th• tu.i three l.nnlnp of tht niahtcap to ...ume a 3·1 advaniap. ·necOr.d-seiting .day! AltobeW ICONd the flnt run of the 1ame when he opened wtth a bunt s1ncJe, went to l«Ond on a sacrifice by Curt11 Gervais and came home on Bob Grandataff's atnaJe up the middle. In the aecond lnnlns. with ahortatop Roberto Vl111rreal oh first baR with two out, Altobelli and Gerva11 f11hl o n e d back-to-back ainglea for the 1ttOnd run. West em Championships off to fast start The Coors llil82 Wettern Champlon1hlp1 opened wlth a flourish Saturday, with no leas than 1hc national recorda set durina a full day of power boat r8dn1 at Irvine Lake. Cotta Mesa'• John Gibbs had to work the'hardest to e..,-n his national standard, which like the other five is pending approval by the American Powerboat AMoc:lation. Olbbs flnlahed third ln the five-litre competition with an average speed of 79.64 miles per hour. However, Pomona'• Terry Turner, who finilhed flnt, wu ~led for allepdly cutting oft an opponent at the 8'art of the rflC*. Second-pla~ finlah~r Loren Seu. of 8eattle WU raclni a 225 hydroplane ln the race. to while he won the~. he didn't gain the national record. In other action. Sunland'• Rick Wimer won the Cracker box clue whh a record average speed of 74 .38 miles pet-hour. Costa Mesa'• Greg Helms, who Iott the national mark In that cla11 to Wimer two weeks ago, finished second. In the Super Stock clua, Steve Smith of Phoenix set a national record with an average speed of 87.89. Fountain Valley '• J o hn McArdle got in on the r ecord setting with an 89.55 mph avera.gt in the Ski runabout class. HurtU.ngton Beach's Bob Long set a record in the K clan (unlimhed hydroplanes) with an average docking of 91.931. Rich Hallett of San Jacinto rounded out the record breaking day wlth an average speed of 84.82 in the 2.5 lit.re hydroplane clall. Today's action begins at 10 . Drivers are after a purse in exoesa of $200,000. Both aldet 1COred a run in the third and Rio Hondo added another one two lnninga later to cut the deficit to ~-2 . The Ruatlen responded with a run m the atxth, though, to push It back up to a two-run lead. The Roadrunners chasE.d GWC starter Lanny DeRose in the Jeventh as Dan RooJy. thl' conference's Most Valuable Player. opened the frame wit~ a wafk and eventually scored on John Love's single to right. Marc Crockett, who reheved DeRose, worked out of any further trouqle, th~gh. Today's TV ftUvtltON 10 . m {2}-c•• al'Ofn'I SUNDAY -&.gmenta Tlte tlS2 USGF nu.111<1 p11r1 9ym n111 1c1 th•9f P on1h1p llP•d 11 ~¥!lie Ft1 Alto Thi 19'2 NCAA men 1 vOl!eyt)llt Chernolonlh•i.. tlOIO II vn1v11111v P.,k P1 •• P<Ollle ol Angelt outlilld« Reggie Jeollto11 en uamlnltion of wl\y no 1eam hat WO!' conNCUlllll NBA OUM '°' the P•st 12 ve•ra Bruins capture crown 10 30 I m 1~1 -BAUaAL.l -I ngo<s 11 away with the team title with O..•oot EUGENE, Ore. (AP) Eric Brown. a senior beaded for the Ma11achuaeU1 Institute of Technology, swept the 100 and 200-meter daahea Saturday to lead UCLA to th• Pacific 10 Conference track and fleld champtonabip. Brown, who hat been troubled by a leg lr\ju.ry and hasn't run well this Ra800, nipped Southern Cal'., Darwin Cook to win the 100 ln 10.25 llK'Ol'lds. forty minutes later, be held on to edge Arlr.ona State'• Howard Henley In a wind-aided time c' 20.41 aconda. UCLA , which trailed Wuhlngton State by 20 pdints after Friday's competition, ran 146 ooint.a. Washington St.ate was ' 2 3 o 1 2 1 N •" Jo LA v o, F a secorld with 113. Ptlt1adelpht1 11 Boston I h d f I p"' 17} -DRAG "ACING -Thi 1982 t :'t' .. l . e aecon con ere!'ce NMRA G11orn111on1t1 11peo '" M1•ch •t title Ul three years for the Bruins, ,-O•"'f~. Fii who dunked Coach Jim Bush in ' 2 Pm l•I -OUTDOOft Lft -Hiii Of th t 1 h t . Ft1711 llnebaclt.er Ole~ Butkul 9011 m1rhn e ,a eep ec aae wa er Jump ll9htnv pond a t the en d o f t he 2:30 Pm ••I -NII<: ~Tl: RINOllOE "Ompetition -Rocky LOtkrtOg• •2•·21 VI Jou .... ,0 ' t •9·2} In I tch90uleo 10-rouno IN l'*-Qhl Host Oregon had three ••oM 11p1011 A111 n••t C••v N J wl~nera Saturday and was 330p m 1•1-SPOttrawORL.o -bobuy fourth with 80 12. Qregon's Dean Cm 111-01 v1 Bobby 1c4 Men Coolidge Crouser who won the di.!lcus and 120 • 2 • 11 1n • ache d u•• o 1 o ., o.., no • ' mlddlewelghl boul llPfjd II Atlen11c C•!y NJ shot put, ~as named l~e meets 11, -WIDE WO..LD OF ·~"Tl lat1y outs ta nd1ng compeU tor. His >iOO-1nd Ge·ry Cooney pa11w:1011e .n • P•" winning effort of 207-feet ol •apeo b011Jng ••hl1>11ion1 8-inches in the discus Saturday !I pm •71 -INDY 500 TIMI! TIUALI -_ _. and 0,..,,.,. l'l\llke their 11n1t 111ernp11 to rrte~ the was a meet 111:'.vn.a came on 33-<.ar tlllJ '°' r>eAt wee11 1 1nov !>00 his final attempt before the "ADfO h · h d f BIMblM -Anoe'• 11 o.froot 10 31) • m c eer1ng ometown crow O f(l'.IPC 11 101 51 Lou•• 11 Oodgera , Pm 8.308. IC.ABC (790~ ·Sea Kings hit road Tuesday season Saturday at Dana Point. Nordakog waa Semifinal action in bueball and softball and flrst overall and fint in Open class honors, u his qLL811erfinal play in tennis finds the Or<>nae Coast -·· .. •••• 1MAM ... May 22 a 23 S•t. & Sun. 38-foot .. Powerboat Magazine" outran all othen, ~ ~ --e completing the three laps in one hour, 37 minutes area teams on the rolld with the oats and gloves and BUY -SELL -TRADE "'-• J ho f'-'-'-__. 10th · the at home for the mmt~ with the tennis rackets ... '-•pecGY 1 oy, w i.n~ncu m UCLA's Freeman upset In NCAA semis Kentucky Derby and then was'1lt.hdrawn from Tuesday, all with 3 o' starts. the Preaknesa, scored an upset Saturday at Corona del Mar'• defending CIF 2-A baseball 250 TRADE TABLES Featunng Guns -AnttQUe & Modern Ammo -War Reties I Surolus lnchan Artifacts -Rugs I Jewelry -Corns Twelfth-seeded Brad Gilbert of El Belmont Park. in the 52nd running of the Acom champions will meet Norwalk with a decision on the Pepperdlne upset aeconfi-aeeded Staket, the first leg of the filly triple crown site of the game tp be made Monday. Meanwhile,. Marcel Freeman of UCLA. 7-6, 7-6 ... George Pappas. wbo bad won only one of Ocean View High'a women's softball team la at La Saturday to advance to the finals of 12 televi1ion matches on the Profe11lonal Quinta In 4-A play, while Liberty Christian ll'avels the NCAA tennis tournament against Michigan's Bowlen A..ociation tour since 1979, swept put to top-leeded Pasadena Poly in the Small Schools Miile Leacll. Leach. a 6-2. 4-6, 7-6 winner over four ~nents to take .the $21,000 t.Qp prize in division of softball. Miami's Cllrl1to Stet•· will meet Gilbert in •'-· A ,...,__. ln T "1--1• ~ .... _.c orrance . . . IUC...,.. today's finale at At ens, Ga. . . . Alyela Ar,.eUo, knocked down by ii powerful left hook On the tennis scene, Corona del Mar, Moaltoa of Stanford will meet Micki ScMJll~ of ln the first round, came back in the fifth round to University and Laguna Beach are at home Tuelday San Diego State in the NCAA women's title knock out challenger Andrew Gaat1an and hosting Palos Verdes, Lona Beach Wilson and match today at Salt ,J...ake City after both successfully defend hla World BoxlnJl Council Glendale, respectively. AdmlHlon S3.00 Children Under 14 S1.50 --""-· HOUIS: UT~ SUM., t e. I O&*Mel COUNTY FAii MOUM>S • MIW NODUCn PAYIUOM. &M. 10 recorded semifinal victories-U htw~"""t tit.l T g "'""" e · Newport Harbor la at Santa Barbara. c=""--------------------~------------------~~~======~~-~_:_.::._:.=...:_.:,.=-=::...:..::::.:...:.:::=...:=.::.:.:::.:_~~-~!!!!!! :4:~. Z:~From Page 81 --;:TUCKER'S COLUMN . · ~ . P,llot, delayed tel~vislon following the 11 So it is, lhen, 'this is the atuff of -o'clock news. which championships a,e made. Only The NBA playera and ownen will a few of ua remember the hick with shortly commence negotiations the straw suitcue standing at the aate • T involving a new workina asreement. of the spring t:ralnina ball park. The players demand higher salaries Perhaps he shou1d somehow be and the proprietors want larger profit caricaturized aa a aymbol of those maratns. Ticket prices will have to go thing• in sports that time haa 1 up. dispatched quite beyond recall. l1Win1 Cl11ning, und1c1ping, or R1p1ir Work IGT YOU IGWI!. V'BIGSCREEN v FILM RENT AL v ACCESSORIES 2 LOCATIONS -OPEN 7 DAYS BIG SCREEN T.Y. MGA -RCA -SONY -HITACHI QUASAR -GENERAL ELECTRIC COMP.ARE ALL BRANDS -~* ROii tjUJ.,. .;.CIMA . . ' ,•, .. .. . ·. .. .... . ..... '• D.., Not ""'40 bf CMrtee lbin UP, UP AND AWAY -F.dison's Rich Forsytf clears the bar at 14 feet ;in the pole vault Saturday. Forsyth's mark was good for a second-place finish ln the event . . From Page 81 CIF TRACK. • • effort of the day in the pole vault. Rich Forsyth of Fm.son, one of the favorites in tOe 4-A division. cleared 14-0 to place second in the 4-A clivWC>n. Ocean View's Rex Brown quietly placed tee0nd in the 200 meters in 21.54 and third in the 100 in 10.71. Teammate Mark Guest was fourth in the 400 and Fountain Valley's Rod Emery placed fifth. both clocked in 49.2. · Bob Erickson of Fountain Valley and Gus Quinonei of Huntington Beach f1nished third and fourth in the 3,200 to highllght 4-A men's action. · In the 3-A division, Dave A.ndenon poeted a 4:13.16 to place second in the 1,600 and University's Fredrlk Hesslevik bit the ·iape in 9:10.12 to place third in the 3,200. Eatancia'a Jim McCarthy was slxth in 9:36.71. 'nlft"e were other outstanding performances by ·Oraruze C.oaat area stars including Susan Delacy's fOurth ·in the 3-A 400 and a1ao the 300 low hurdles. Woodbridge High's Eric Schermerhorn finished leVenth in the 400 and Julie Kell took third ln the 800-meter n.tJ\ in 2:21.87. Fifth place finishes went to Jaime Kirvin in the long jump at 16-4 lh and in the high jump at '5--0. It wu a <lay of records.with 34 mark.a erased in the four division for both men and women along Rustlers beaten SAN JOSE -Golden West Collese needed three victories Saturday on the final day of the State Community College softball cha mpionships at Mission College, but wound up two wina short. A 1tron1 pftcbln1 performance by Tami Delp helped the '.Rustlers advance with a 1 -0 ·victory over LA Pierce, but Santa Rosa knocked off Golden West. 4-0, to claim the title. In the first game, Laurie Bird carried home the lone run u Colleen Gale tripled in the bottom of the first inning, Delp took it from there, allowing only a two-out single in the sixth inning. with eight CIF mark eclipeed . .--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-t NlJC NOTICE FICTITIOUS auStNHI NAMI STATEMENT i. The lotlowing persons ar• doing --.. DUESENBERG LIM ITED. 22642 Lamb«t S1ree1. Sufte 4106, El Toro. CA 92830. THE JR GROUP, a Catilornia CQfp0ralion. 226412 Lamb«t Street, Suit• 406. El T«o. CA 92630 This bull~ rs conduc19d by a corp0ra11on. The JR Group Jelly L Riil. P,..ldent This stat-I was hied with the County Cleric of Orange COU<'lty on Mey ... 1982 JACK'°"-KIODI" a SUCKLING "° .._pan c.m.r Dtlft, Ute 1414 ....._. hedl, CA t2llO F11ST31 Pubhsh•d Orange Co11I Daily P,llol. May II. 15. 22. 29. 19112 3035-82 ncnnout .. ~·,....,.., Tiie lollowln~ It doing JklliMll M! MAAuH DE&ON, 2208 Miner &tt-. co.ta U.., CA 12827. ROBERT W. URBAN. 2208 ~Iner Street. Cott• Meea, CA t2t27. Thie bullt'8l8 II conducted by an lndNtclulll. f\Ober1 w. Urban Thie 111"\ement Wit llfad with Iha County Cl«lt ~ 0r-. County on APr1I 28. 1912. ~W1U Publllflad Otanoe Coaet O.lly fllat; -23, 30. Jui1e •• 13, tte.2 22t7-82 Spring Clearance A1ono with 12 8'l tinonc:1ng 011 our new Coc11nocs ore discounted dunno OUf spring Cleofonce A spectoculor sole on 011 Sevllles Eldomdos. DeVllles. 8'oughoms ones Clmorrons Huge Selection Choose trom our huge selection of hundreds of new Cod1llocs ond toke Odvantoge of the most substontlol S0V1ngs this year Tremendous discounts on oM diesels V·6s. EVEN the new HTd100 pOWer system models -In all the coloo vou wont -ond wllh the opllons vou desire. And otl ready for 1mmedo0te defrvelV Y-"ether you wllh lo bvy or lease. now 1$ the lime But lhe supply IS de11Mety limited -so be sure to nurrv in eor1y tor your be$t selectk>t'I This Is your last chance ••• ONLY 8 DA VS LEFT ... COSIO Meso ·NABERSl2600 Horbo1 Blvd . CADILLAC c11415409100•12131 ss1 s260 t lNDJANAPOLIS (AP) -Dale WMulnlton jolntd hl1 two brother. S.turday ln tht t•ntatlvt field tor the Indlanapoll1 &00 •• nlnt more drlvtra quaJJfitd tor the f11i.tt •tvUna lineup ln tht ,..,... •• h.Lltory. Michael Charidler, who flnllhed 12th in hll flnt Indy race a year -ao. churned out a four-lap qualltkatlon aver.,e of 198.042 mph, Slturday'1 belt effort and 1ood for a wnt.atlve •tart in the middle of the •lahth row. The nlM qualltltra railed the field to 31, le&vtnl two apota to fill for the 33-car, race-day 1rld. After the llneup la oompiete, bump1ng will beain, wtth each Orange Oout DAILY PILOT /8und1y, May 23, 1982 auMequtntly faster car dl1placln1 the atowHt of tbe already-qu1llf ltd care .. ont·by-one. ,. But tht 31 cara 1lrtady In tht fleld averaaed 197.832 mph, compared wlth the 33.cu: record of 192.084 1et ln 1978. Thehtap 31 laat year a.veraced 190.187. T e fourth and final round of quaJJflcatJona WU IChecf uled for today. Rook.le driver Phll Krueaer sulfered a 1llaht conculllon Saturday when hll car 1truck the fourth-turn wall durlna a practice perk>d. He wu treated at the Speedway'• infield med1cal <:enter, then tranaferred to a nearby hoepttal, where he was admitted tor oblervatlon. Reg. 399.00 • Enjoy Action-Packed a..,.a • Valuable Aid to Education unday.'s race Krueaer, 30. ot Fullerton, lolt control of hlt Chevy-powered McLaren l'llC8 car 11 he entered tht fourth turn of the '2 ~ -mlle oval. The car apun 1 ~ tlmea and alld '20 feet, 1trlktn1 the wall backward•. He then akldded alone tht wall another 40 feet and apun uaJ.n 440 feet Into the Infield. The car futfered extenalve damaae to the rear lectlon, but Krue1er waa able to get out without help. Chandler, 24, o f Dana Point, waa drlvlng a Chevrolet-powered Eagle ent~red by car-bullder and former Indy-car driver Dan Gurney. E~~~~~:;;::;:;;::; ___ .;;::;;;;:;;:;;;;:~:;;::;;;;:'_.J • Organize Your Get started in computinp at tremendous • Flnanc•• Cut 33010 1992v. 29.95 savings! Just pop in an instant-loading, • Vt.kl Color Graph&ca ready-to-run Program Pak'• for !un-filled. games help with your youngsters education. • Exciting Sound Effects or to set up the family budget. Add more You see them everywhere-now save .. S 10 on a parr tor yourself' Padded earcushions seal out noise. seal 1n rich. dual-speaker sound # 12-186 memory. a printer. Joysticks for .added. fun • Attaches Eaatty from games. or telephone commumcat1ons to Any TV to other computers. Hurry! #26-3001 Feature-Packed AM/FM Stereo Receiver sTA-110 ... by Rea111t1c® I• ii 0061ilii(j ()·e 22 watts per channel, minimum rms lnlo 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz, with no more than 0.08% THO Exclusive Auto-Magic automatically 159ss fine-tunes and locks-in FM stations Ten-level LED AM/FM signal strength R indicator. lighted tuning dial, 11-step bass 219\s and treble controls, FM mute for noise-free tuning. #31_2093 You have to hear this mlni- speaker's exerting, natural sound to beheve it! 4" Y,'oofer, 1'' tweeter. Buy a pair for car or home. Only 7'M' high! I t ~ • • .. ·- MA.10" LUGUI ITANOtHOI AIMflcaft ~" ... ..,,. °""'*' cnic.oo .,... Kanua City Oillllnd S..ltlt , .... Mln~ll WL ,.._OI II Ill tM 27 16 643 ' 21 17 563 6 20 22 478 • ,. 2& 418 10 11 24 314 t31A 12 31 a79 ,.. ... ... ,_ DlvWoft llotlOll O.trolt MllWIUll .. Hew York B8111mor• Toronto Clevtl•nd 27 13 15 13 20 ,. ,. ,. ,. 20 18 25 15 23 letw*fl8- 0.lfOll 5. A...-I a.ltll!IOrl t , f OtOlllO 0 Botton 7, OM!end t S..1111 7. MllwlUkM 1 N-\lork I, MlllnWOtf 0 CNceQo7.~3 175 IN I 521 o 500 7 474 8 410 10'.fl 39S 11 r .... 3 K-City 1 112 1nn1noa1 Tedey'a~ AllOfll tA-o 4· 11 el Oelrotl (Petry $-2) B•lllmore (Sttw•M 4·21 II Toronto tl11I 2-2) Mlnnaaot• (CHllllO 2· I I et N•• York tOuldry l-11 Oakland (Norri• 2·31 11 Botton 1Ec;11wt11y 4·31 C....,..,.n<I (Sulc::ttffe 2·11 •t ChlclQO (Lamp 4-0) SHiii• (Bannl11tr 5-21 •I Mllwe ullH ICeiow.11 2-4) Tuu (Honeycutt 0·4) et Kenua Ctty tfrCMlt "-3) Ntllonel Leagu• w .. tem OMllOn Alllnla Sin OteQo o.oow-Houaton Sen F renclaco Ctnc111n1t1 W L ~t. 08 21 14 650 -21 17 553 4 10 n 4N t1·~ 18 22 •83 7'"' 17 24 41~ ll'lt te 23 410 llV, ........ Otwtotlllft SI LOUii 25 18 New York 22 18 PhllaclelpN• 20 ,. MontrMI 18 Ill CNc.tgO 18 22 Ptnabut(ll'I 15 22 .. NNty'.a-.. Doc19tr1 3, SI LGUN 2 PllllldllpNe 5, Atllnla 2 CllielgO 2. Sall Frenctaco 1 MontrMI 4, Clnctnnell 2 &10 -560 2 ... S13 4 . 418 5 450 II'"' 405 8 ,.._ vor11 1. Ho<dton 5 ( 12 ltv>llingtl San 0teQo 12 Plll.lbUrgh 3 ,...,..o..- SI Loutt !Forteh 5.Ql at ~ (Welcll 4-2) Phll1delpl\l1 1Ru111v1n 2-3) at Atlanta (Nl ... rO 2-0) MonHH I (Rogtra 5-31 11 Clnc1n11ell tBer111yt 4-21 ClloCIOO (Mll'tZ 3-3 Ind Lenon 0-31 at San Frlllldlc:O (L•Mll)' 3-2 Ind Chtla 0-1). 2 Plttaburgll IC.,..,...,11 0°21 II Sen Diego (Curlla 2·2) Ntw YOfk IJonw 5-2) at Houalort (Nllkro 3-3) n AM~NCAN LEAQUf Tioef• 5, Angela 1 Ct-Uf'OAMIA •b r llbl Oowning It 4 0 0 0 Cwtw lb 4 0 0 0 Gltch 2b 3 0 0 0 RtJcon rl 2 o o o e.ytor dh 4 0 0 0 Lynn c1 3 0 0 0 OeCnct lb 3 0 0 0 Foll It 3 I 2 1 l'1ttgueon c 3 o o o Totlls 21 1 2 t OU"°'T u r hlll Lemonrl 4010 Clbtl ID 3 0 1 I Glbton c1 4 0 0 I Ml di\ 4 I 0 0 Herndon " 4 2 2 0 Pll'Tlahc 3022 Btokllt 3b 4 0 0 1 TrernmlM 4 0 I 0 Whltnr 21> 3 2 1 o Totllls 33 5 9 & ._ ... , IMlnee Cll•l«nl• 000 001 000--1 Oetroll 010 210 tOll-5 E -Foll. Grich LOB -Ct lllornle 4, Oetrolt 7 2B -Hlmdon. Trwnmtl. 38 - Ptrrltll. HA -Foll (I~ c ....... A Moreno tL.2-11 SlllCMi H....., °"'°" •HltPIUIO 3~ 5 3 2 0 2 4'1> 3 2 2 3 1 .... 00000 Morrt1 (W .tl-31 7 1 1 I 3 3 TOblk 2 I 0 0 0 2 WP -Sanc:llG T - 2 24 A -23.191 ~7,.,_, S..1111 007 000 000-7 7 0 Ml!WeUI<• 100 000 000-I 4 3 Netaon end Bulllng, Lerch, S111on (&). Augulllrio (71. EHlerly (II) •nd Moore w -Nelaon, 2 -5. L-Lerch. 3.4 HA-S-ltle, M4ller (4) A-25,157 Ottotea .. -,,.,. • Beltlmort 301 110 000-1 11 0 Toronto 000 000 000-0 I o 0 . M111ln11 1nd 01mp11y; Sllt b, Boml>ldl (II. 0 Murrey Ill. OIMn ltl and Whitt W-0 Martine. t-3 L-ltltb, 2-5 HA-Belttmore. LOW111allln 19). OetllpM'f 121 A-17,457 AeC1 Soa7, A'e4 Oelllend 301 000 000-4 I 2 Botton 040 ooo 03•-7 8 2 B Mc~lliln Ind H .. 111. O)ld•. Stanley (11 and 0-en W-Stenley •·I L 8 MCL90Qhlln 0·2 A-32,954 McLauolllln, 0-2. A-32,1154 WhlW Sox 1, lndlMt I 1 c.....i.ncs 011 ooo 100-3 12 o CltbQO 400 120 OOll-7 II I °'"Ill' e11<1 N•horoo11y, Hiney; Trout, E1cer,.g1 (8), Koo1m111 (71 111d Hiii. W-Trout. 4-3. l-Oenlly. 2-5. S-KOOlmln (31 HA--Gltlc:aOO. ....,_ (2). A-20,584. TIJIU =~~1,::-9~-3 14 0 KMMI 000 001 000 000-I 5 I Houofl and 8'ln<lbero; °"''· °"""'"""' (It) •n CI Wllh e 11. W-Hougll, 3·3 L-~. I~. A-21,138 YIM .. 1, TwlM I MiMllMtll * 000 000-0 I I HeowYOI\ 000 OtO 00.-1 • 0 D .IHh~, '•11011 It }, O•vlt HI IOIO ~""· "IQll•lll, 00111111 (t i end 'oott. ~ W-fllollllli ~.l, L-0 JIOllton. °'' ·--00*911101 A-a<t,.of NATIONAL LIAOUI DodOeft S, Clfdlnala t IT. LOUii M r 11 111 LO lm11r1 cl & I 0 0 0 8"\1111 .., 0 0 0 K •1r11<11 It> 4 0 ~ 2 Hetl<lrlCk rl 4 0 0 0 lorg, K I 0 I 0 lt n<lrm II 2 O 2 0 Obetlltl 31> 4 0 I 0 SlllcMI t ) 0 0 0 Gontlll pll ' 0 0 0 Altlltey, :>t> 3 0 t 0 AlllGOll, j) t 1 0 0 ~111111. p 0 0 0 0 KUI. P 0 0 0 0 H.,.pn tOOO .. lrp 0000 MGOtl, pll ' 0 0 0 1.01 ANOl'-'1 M rlllll a&..2b 2100 i.."4ru, ct 3 O O t ll•lltrH :t010 a:'J:'·1tb ~ 8 A ~ 0<11.~ 4 000 CJ•IYIY. lb 0 0 0 0 Sctotcll c; 3 0 2 0 f\11 ....... 4, '0 l'o-. p o O o o Jotvltln, ph 0 I 0 0 s Howe, p 2 0 0 0 Nieclllllr p 0 0 0 0 Toll• 33 1 7 2 Tol•I• 25 3 6 3 ae-br tnnlflee St LOUii 000 020 000 -2 Lot Af'IOl(M 000 o;,Q OOx -3 E AuaHll, lorg OP·SI lOUI• 2 Loa Ang91M I LOB· SI lou•• ti, l..Oe Angei.. 9 28 ·RuHell Biker SB Su 2. Guerrero S-Po-SF-Ler1drNUA It. Lo.it. II' H II lit I I t O Rincon IL.t-3) 4'\ 2 3 3 I O LIU.. l'i 3 0 0 I I Kut I 0 0 0 0 0 B1lr ?10021 Loe A11ge1M Powtr (WI 1) s How• Nledon"-tS.5) T-2~ A50172 ) 4 2 0 3 1 1•> 3 0 0 I 0 \00001 Cutt. 2, Ole11te 1 ChtclQO 000 020 000-2 8 0 San Fr111c1aco ooo o 10 000 1 4 O Rtplty LI Sml1h ti~ W Hem1nelll (9) end Oav11 Hammell.er M1n1on (t) end M1y W-Rlplty. 2-0 L-Hlmmlket, 2·2 S-W Hom1ndt1 15) A-1.401. ~ .. .,_, PNtedllc>hll 020 030 000-5 10 1 Atllnll 100 010 000-2 • 1 Krukow. Fermet 19) I/Id OW, Mc~ Ctmp 151, Hrtlloa-y (7). Gerber (ti and PDCO<Ol>I W-Knitoow, 4·2 L-McWlllt""' 2·2 S-Ftrmer (4) HA-Allente, Murphy 113) A-251125 b f'08 4."9clll MonlrMI 000 110 020-4 1 0 ClnCIM•ll 000 000 020-2 7 2 SenOll'ton. R11rd0n 18). flymen 181 and c.r11t, Pu10<1, Shirley 10~ K•n (8). Hume (9) end Trevino W-Sano111on 4-3 L-Pt llore . 4-4 S-fryma 11 (31 HA-MontrMI, Ctomenlt 141. A-27,283 Mole I, Aetroe II New York 001 ooo 112 001-0 11 1 Houaton ooo 010 OCM 000-5 12 1 FllConl. ~ (7) Allen (9) end S'-"'- Ryan O Sm1tl\ 1111 l.Kor1• I 101. Molllll ( 121 Ind Alht>y W-Allen, 1·2 L-Mofll11 o-3 HR-Houaton. PUN (4) A-33,253 l"edrot t2,l'Wetw J Ptttat>urll" ooo 110 010-3 8 o San OteQo 033 010 501<-12 ,. 0 M*"'· Romo 141. Nelmenn (81. Tllllll\ll (II end Ptne, Elcllelberger and K.,..ne<ly W-Elchtlt>orger, 4·5 L-Molkeu. 0-3 HR -Pllllburgll, Pen• 13). Barr• C3) Sen Diego, LNC8no (41 Kennedy (4) A-20 732 Community coltege FllllTOAM« lllo Hondo •• ~ •••• 0 Rio Hondo 121 020 000-5 I 1 0 Goeden Wiii 000 000 000-0 ti 2 Sllvt end Jlmonoz. Marth. Clerk (41 and Sohull, Morello tlll w-s11v1 (1 ·21 L-Merth !1·1) II.COMO GAia Oeldtll .... I, ........ Alo Hondo 001 010 101 0-4 II 3 Golden Wiil 11 I 001 000 1-6 It 0 Lor8'1l. 8aldet Ill Ind Jl"'111U, o.Aoel. Crocke tt 171, Cllrk Ill. Mtrtll 110) 111<1 S9hu11. W-Mer•ll (1·11 L-Belcler 2B-8pl1gel (QWC) MIClll 2 (AH ) flhmeurtce (RH) 38-Spltgtl (OWC) Wlfoll'*(OWCI Hlatl achoot c• l'CAYCWI' am• ''-*"·, p.111., llflllftMle) 4-A M""•en 120-tl at Mire Colt& 12 t.t) Wetnut t73-S) •t Colton (20-5-1) I-A Sente Ana (20-7) et C.rllot ( 14-41 Fullwlon (24-31 et NOf'lh, Riv. (23~ I) t ·A C-de! MM (21·1) 11 Norwlllk (18-10) 8"'ltty Hob (20-$) II Hiil (24-5) 1·A Ttl\adlipl (21·2) et 8lldwln Perk 121-51 Rio M"8 (18-1) el Aqulnu (17-7) ....... lcfloole 8r8'11WOOd "2· 101 " Ml4odytand (~) Monldllf Prep 11I-71 at El Peao do Roblee (tll-2) Men'• IOUYN~l (at .......... , °"1'fterly) hmlfll\elllllaltt Gene Mt19r def JOH Oarcte. 0· 1, 0-1, Peter Elter di! Oernll K1tlllc, 0-3. e-2 ..... tf!MI~ Mel Purcell-Chrl• Hooptt def Kl•u• Eblffierd·W04lg1110 Popp, 6-4 8-7. 1-2. Otlllt v111.,·Tl111 Vltlo•n dtl. Ull Fltcher·Mtod.-g Mljuc•, 11-1, 7-S Women'• tournam.nl (ethf1hll Ktthy Arn~~ •. 8-3, 1-5, (Noll Raitt po11pontd Hmlllrie l milch be tween Betllne Bunge incl Bo11nl1 Olldutt61 I Mt.IC NOTICt P\8.IC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTIC£ llCM~l'W.. .. oe111•1 ~= .. , ,, •• ·""" "·~-::::r ........... P1~11 !UOLAl 1·t . Y·l 1 Ml-• Lttth tM 11) def C!\11110 l\e'lll (MIM!tl, .... l·•· f ~.,...... Alletl Milltr·Oll MelmQ\'let (0'°'9111 IMf OI~ l'et .. Kllt !Uoflt• t'OVll W . M ........... 0.-.. ,,,., Ooohen·'•' ..,,., (Arll-.el oet. 1111 llllltr •JOllll VI II IOt \1 11\11, lhc=:nt), 1·4, 4·1J 7:11 (NOii. "•In pof MCOM1 Nl'lllllMI II°'*" IMldl 1111111 tOO.y.) WOtMn eou.a• NCAA I,....,..~ l•t lalt Lall• CMJ) ~ ...... AIVCll MOllllOll llt.11lorg1 Clef Kt lllletll C11mm11101 IC01011doJ. • 1 1•2. Mlolll lcllllHo 11111 Oleoo 111111 oet Ke+IY ""'Fl' IVllC). I-I. 9-1. Miah Nhool CW ltlOMDuA.&. llCTIONAL.t '~~n:.=1 WIQlllt (01111) Cltf. 1.llldMY (II Oort CIO), 8·4, I·~. '11ller (ldllOll) d l l. 011111 (Norwllk). 1-2, 9-3. H-*ton 18unnV Hiiiei de! l'olll t~J. 1-1, e-o Not• Mott ~ 1114 11,..a In !lft l rOUlld. ...,....,.__._... AOktrm1n (LB Wiit on) Clt l Hlvele y IOOWllt yl. •· 1, •· ': 01brl1I (H11111tnoto11 &e1cll) dt l. WHClll• (Allahelm), •·t , ~·6: c 1.-1e1 rorol <111 P111111t (Sunnv Hiiiei. 6-2. 9-4, Howlt (DIN Hlllt) <Ill WION' (13*). W . 7 ·I , Htndltton tlunny Hlltl <Ill. Pwller (ECll1011). 1 ·2. a.e, 1·2, WllltrCI (LIQUlll 8-/1) dlf, Crown (LB WlleOll), 6-3, 3-1, 9-4; 81rry (P1ctttc1) dtl Mou111et11 (Lt ..,,.,,, t -4. 1-1; Oreer (Unlvtrtltrl Cltl C1r1011 ISenUI Fe~ 8-2. 9-1 ,,.........,..._... ACll•«HI) Clef. OeDrlll, 8-3, 1-2. wtllerCI <Hf. 119ndeteon, s-.:s. 7-t: or-c1t1 8trry, 8-0. 8-3. ""'~~ Oco11n11t-Slmmon1 (Edl1on1 de L Ku lln-011clo11 (81ven111h). I · 1. 1 -0, C•r,obttnco·Ptrry (L1gun1 ll11c111 dt l 01 ot1-Slllc10 (Bllt lll Ptrll), 1-3, 1°4; Aoumen-ll•dotey (Lii Wiit on) d•I . Olbrtcht·P•t•t 1s1v1nn1t.), o-3 . e-3; Ctrt1on-Morr11 (S111 Cl1m1n1t) de l Outrtrt•=~i.:.=~ --~i:-4' 1-2. Haywerd·Wllhet tCorone dll Mwl <llf H•m-NlthlmOIO (Bellllower). 1·3. I · I O•nn•n·Noo (Kennedy! won by dtl•ull; Hunl·Murphy (Senle Fel won t>y dtleu"' Capobl•nco-Perry (Ltgunt BHcll) dt t Oeonnetl-Slmll'ION (Ed-I 1-3, 3-4, 1-3. Certaon-Morrlt (8•n Clementtl dtl RONmen-Bldgtly (LB WMton). 7-5. 8-7. 8-2. EWlno-Ater ICOfone dlt Mitt) def Vu-Vu. (Belftlowtr). 11-0. l·I. Fl•ll1tman-Yu (Downey) del Au1:>1n11-Appl1t>1um (Lot Altmlloa). ti· 1. 1·1. 7-&, W111d1el-Munck (Fountain V•ll••I det sereur-Tono (Montebttlo). 1-4. 1-2 Tlllnt "°4o"41 DMfllllll 01nntn·Noo won t>y det•utt ov., Heyward-Weaher, Cepobttnco-Perry dll Hunt-Murphy, 1-3 O·O, Ewing-Aler dt l Cer1aon-Mo<r1a. 6-2 •·3, W1t1<1.tll·Mwtck Oii Flll>M\ln· Yu, 11-3, 1-4 c • OUAlfTl.fW'tMAU llTll , ....... , ........ t-A Mlr .... I• el Squtl'I Torr.,_ ~ ...,... ., Senti 8er1>1r• Lii Wiiton II UNffrlllY l'eloe Vetdla al CoNNI cl8I Iller ~­Glendllt ti U9WM e..dl Pllm ScwlnQI II le 0\111111 Mt-Va.,o at At...,_ Poly LOI Allot et Ctlto-2·A Redondo 11 Loyot• N~llC.01\rtl BooOUQN et Sent• Fe lncllo a( LI Sem• ~ . . • • ·---·· Mftbett CO-.UMTY CGU.aCMI GotNt; W11t 1, LA l'Woe t LA Plerct 000 000 0-0 t 2 Golden W111 100 000 •-t 4 0 Cotllnt 1nd Berni!; Delp 1n<1 Hutnmer. 3B-Oele (OW}. 211-Hvlln tOW) 38--0.. (OWi lertte .._"·ca.... .... 0 Golden Weat 000 000 0-0 I 2 ~ Roll 100 102 ll-4 7 0 Kyler and Hummer, WOOCI Ind Oembtete. 2B-Bkd (OWi HIGH ICHC>Ol. c ....... ,....,,......,,a~1 .... ~ Vtew (,._..I el Le OUlnll (22·3) El OOfldO f IM) at Algholtl (lt-3} I-A Bit/lop Amit t 14·5-11 •t La Hetwe (22· I· t) SI .klMpll (2G-3) 11 South Hiit (2().21 2·A Arlington (20-5) et Sell"-(23-2) Meyt•lr 111·51 el Hllft (22-81 l·A Ontario Cllrlall•n It•·&) 11 St Jo .. pfl, Santa M1114 (4'1-4) ElMIOrl (21-41 .. Le Allt\l ( 17 ~) """' ........ Llbortr Clwtatllfl CW ) 11 Mltlt PeNdlnl Poly (19-3) MltlOope (17·1) II ~I (IM) MllC N0J1C( FICTITIOUS IWSINIU NA• ITATEMEWT •teTmOU• 9UU.H NAMI ITAT1MaNT K001tl '1CTmOUI ., ..... The loltowtno ()er1bn I• doing buStnetl IS SEACOAST FINANCIAL, 171 S Ani11 Ortv1. Suite 103, Orange, CA 112668 JOHN W CHOOAK, 21932 HlghwOOd Circle, ~ Hiiis. CA 026S3 Thi• t1u1mu1 11 conducted b)' 111 1ndMdu1I John W. Chodlk Thi• lllltment 11WU rll9d ll!rittt the Counly Clor1I ot O\'lf'g9 Coutlty on MIY 13. 1082. ,~ Publl1ll•d 0<11100 Cou1 Oally Plloe Mty 1f, 23, 30, Juno 8, 1982 210742 Tllo lo41o'#lng per~• •r• d0411Q bUSIMll ~ PERSONAL MANAGEMENT CONSULT ANTS, 22'22 L• Vln1, Mluton Vlljo, CA tnetl Robert A. Froellllcll, 105 Mtr Vista. VIiie, CA 82083 AlcharO A. Potreti. 22822 l • Vina. Mllllon VloJO. CA 92691. Thia bull-i. oondUCl.S by I gwwtl perl,,.,.ntp AoOer1 A. FroeNlah Tlllt ll11"'*1t -Med .-ftll IM CoulllY Cieri! of Oflll9' County on Mty20, 1 .. 2. ,1-70 P11bll•ll•C1 Oreng• COHI 0 •11) Plot, Mey H . 30, "'-e. 13. 1M2 ,n30-82 FIC~ IU9..... NAMI tTAftMDT MAIM! I TAT'blaNT Tiie follo"fllng petlON aro dolflO Tllo lollowl11g pereon 11 doing bull~ ... buetneu u : PARSONS' AIR, 11531 So. EL MONTE ASSOCIATES. AlrlJO(I Wt:i, s.n" Ml. CA 92707. LTO .. '13 Corporeto Plaza. Suitt Dlelc '1 A ... lt llon, Inc., t 200, Newpotl Beadl, CA t2t80 Ct nfOtllll CO(pOft llon. 1'531 So. 8laph111 C. Hoplllnt , •ta AltPGt'I Way, SYll9 4. Santa Ana. CA Corporal• Pina, Sullo 2001 t210'7. N9Wporl IMcll. CA 92MO. SoutllWHI 8 kyway1, 1110., • Tiiie bull-It oondUCl*f by a C1lltorn11 corporation, 2582 t tlmlted pet1Mnlllp. ~ WtY, Tominoo. CA 10G06 SttClf*I C HopllJll8 Tiiie ~ t. ~ by • Thlt etatoment -Mid Wltll Ifie gOMfll l*fnnhip, CountY Clerll of Orange Coun1Y Otl P.nont' NI M1y J3, IH2. JlllMI fl, P11eona ,..,.,_ 0..81 P.nn.r P. ubll•"-<I o r1110• "'0111 u:o.11 Tiiie •tattment _. tll9d Wlltl .. "---·-, 1 .. 1 Coutitr CNrtl "'0ranoa CourilY on Plot • ....., .... .,.,, ....... • ~i ,,..., 20. 1Na. ,~ Pllblllt.td Orar10• Cot•t DaltY MlJC ~ -----------"lot. Mey 23. IO. Ml9 t. t~ ------------1 NC'"'°"' ....... NM9 ITATaefT PtaJc flOTIC( ~-H TllO ~ l*IOM ... ~ -~~~~~~~-MAm ITATINIWT l>Uf!nttt 11 'ICTrnOUe tu ..... TllO'f~ !*torte era dolr10 UP IPOAfS INC . 1 c.ufQmll MAm ITATIMIMT bueilltll IS' corporation, 430 W, eo.t HIOfYweY, TN lolowfflt !*ION .,. C1o1nO I ANDMAH INN, 121 Soutlt Newport IMcll. CA t"'3. l:Klllf'*9 ti: Htroor 8llld . Anllltlm, CA lnl05 'V11twll• YlfTlaulll, C111lor11ta • 'C OU NT A Y C O A I T Swo·W•I Clllt, 4 11 Notti\ Clf'Hldllll, aOO ProTflOntory Ortve NURSERY", I002 Soult! El C8m1no N9wpott RMI., ~ Baadl, CA l ••t, ,, .... HWpotl l..cft, CA 8al'I ~,. Cf. eaen. 9~ . t2ot0 • I COTT Coffttt t .. lllfeMt e>«..) PAC•teMt A • ..._.._....11111_... 100 -1 '1r11 lrow11 (VCLAI, 10 U : I 011w111 Ceoit tlo1111t1r11 Ce l), tO I I, ' Howlfll ~~II ~ 10 it lOO (II tin. tMcl-..-0) -t lllC Ir°'"" (UCLA). 20 •I, I Howarll HonleJ' 1lul&on1 I t.), 20 41, a, "OCI l erll1Clll1 (Arl1on1). ao.?4, 400 -I K""'"' HUNll\ lOf eQOtl II ). •• 1. a i..on f\IOOI. tMiona 11 1. 41 ... ' TOiiy '9Ma IVCl.A). 41 It 100 - 1 o.vld Meek (OflfOllJ. I 41 11, 1 "00 w.o.llf (WWlltlolort). MUO, 3 ..... l\lcllardlOll (AttloM lll.1..!14t .4t . UOO -1 Jim HMI (UrtOortl. UllS, 2 ,,..,. Wllllcomb (UC~A). ,..., ... 3 Oklk <M11e1c1 t°"'fOll It.I. ) •S.N 1,000 -1 ...... ICoodl (WMltillcrlOll It I. 1nu1. 1 ,._ 0r11a 1ucw. 11.11 M, s. Tom DO'llMt (Otllfornt•~ 13.40 30 Olhlr· I. Jon 1111t1er (UCL\. formerly of !dllOtl Htgn). 14'0226 110 llufdlet -t Mlllll t1ewt11 (lo\l1Nr11 C1I). 13 12, 2 Lerry Cowlt110 (C1lllornl1) •. t) H . 3 Jolln L11111rohm. (Ar11ona 81.) 1'.et. •OO I." -1. 1.1 rry l.ow11ng iC1IUor11l1). 00 14~ 2 JOllll Ltn•trohm Arlao111 tt), SO 12, 3 Jim Sc:•n•ll• Ctklotnla~ • ' 04 400 re ll y -I At11on1 Slate, 39 11. 2 Ar\l.ont. .o oe. 3 UCLA 40 45 Milt r111, -1. Atlzon• lllt•. 3.09.117 2 Oreoon.) 10 I I, 3. UCLA. 3 10.34 HJ -1 Otl O•vta (UCLAI 7·3, 2 Brt11l H11k111 (WH hln91011 St I 1·3, 3 Alllhony ~ !Soulllltn Cel). 1-2. Meyfltlcl. Allzont 81 .. 1.50.31. TJ -1 JOfl9h Tllwo (WH llington Ill) 55·6"• (mfft record. ol<I m•rk 65·3 t4 t>V Wllllt 1!1111111, UCLA, In 1977); 2 Ookle Wllllem1 (UCLA).54·1~. 3 Chip ll111ao11, 64-7'A DT -1. o .. n CrouMr (Oreoonl. 207·1 (m11I record. old mu k 201-4 by O•v• Pore th, C1lllornt1. en In ltet ); 2 Doug WOiien (WMNncllonl. 201-1, 3 Oery Wlllllly (AIUonl 811 I~. TH m t cortno -I UCLA. '48, 2 W111Nn111011 au111, 113 3., 3 AIU.one Stew. u :•: Oregon. eoi... 6. C•lllor11te, oo 8, Southern c.i. 47,7; Artiont • .o~.e. Oregon Stele, 36; t. WMhlllQlort, 27 10: Stenlord, 8 Commllnttv _..... ITAft~ (8' ........ '*' c.e..e1 .......... _..._... 100 -I. H1Wlll111 ~ 8HCll CC), 10.51, 2. JOC*ton (l.onO CC). 10 le, ~ 8mlltl (,~). 10.13 200 -t T-(PeMdellt CC). 20 ti, 2 JICI<-ILono 9-:t> CC), 2 t 08; 3. JoMeon (Diiie), 21 21 400 -t Turner (PIMClene CC). 46 71, 2 Aoblnt Oll (LA Vell•y). .. 95; 3. Orth•m (P--*'8 CC). 46.1 800 -1 C#llplnell (Ml SAC). I 41 12 2 Preljet• (El Ca.mt110). I 48 30; 3 Q.,oner (Welt LAI. t·4t .tt. 1,500 -1 C'-(Mt SAC). 3.50 55, 2. Soler (Hancoclt1. 3.&t.58; 3. C1r1ou1 (Butt•). J:62 48, 0.-.: .. Udlrlll (Ot ..... c-1). llSUf. 5.oOo -t "llllH (ClllVI), 14 14 OS 2 Soler (Ht !IC4Ck). 14 40 11. 11 Brown (LA VllllY). 14:41.16. ~ 4. ""-COrenee C-.t), M:tl.a.. 10.000 -I EYW\e (GI-ti. 30.30 7, 2. Oon11t11 (Foottlll). ~.45 O; 3 WOOdllnd ISO MIH), 30:65 0 Olllere: •. H.,. ... (Of-.. CIMI), ll:ZU. 3.000 eteeplechaM -1 lnorem (WNt V~. t:OU; 2. Mer11r1C (PueOelle CC). 8:12.1: 3. KllOW!el ""'*1cln A'-1. t 15 I 110HH -1. Lant (811111'11111<11. 13 75 (meet ,.cord, old mtrll, 13.9. 01•011. ~ 2. ~lo.lie). 13 87, 3 wtllof> (~ "'°'*' C:C). 1• 0. 400LH -1. JollnaOll (Ml. SAC), 60 07 (meet ,.corCI. old m1rt1 . 60 2. Rudd. P1u<11n•I: 2. Robt11eon (81n JOH CCI &1 22. 3 a--(°"""8n~ 61.52. 400 ,..y -I Lono hectl CC. 39 12. 2 P..oene, 40 27. I Sacr-to CC, 40 80 1,800 rell y -1 Pt HOl lll , 3:01 10 (Mtlonll record, old rnetle. 3.08 I. ~. t111.): 2. lOllQ a.di CC, 3.'09.11; 3 Ml Sin Antonio, 3.07 ». HJ -t llonMr (P..oent CC). 7-4. 2 W1U1mt (~IO CC). 7-0: 3. (16e) '1rnl (Mltcedl. Oentiy (LA ~). 1-o W -I Smltll (fOOINI). 25-11 .... , 2, Auel (Long llMctl CC). 24-112¥.; 3. Atv.• IL.ono 8Mdl CCI. 24-5'-t. T J -1 ~d .. (Cort tr I Coate). ~-3V. (llltlonel r-CI. otCI rnetle. 63-S'A. Cnddle). 2 Hlndrlelll (El Cl/'rllno). &1-4, 3 T0<r" (Sen,,_ CC). 4 .. 10'~ PV -1. Prelllwl (FootNI). 17.f lntlloNll record. old m1t11, 17·6, Prtlmen). 4' Tully !Long 811ch CC). 19-1. 3 (tie) Tr1om• ICMendalll. Hunt (Bell..-.,1. t5-.e SP -1 Kreychlr (Long BH cll CCI. 17-314; 2 V-'-(SenUI ~. 80-1~. 3 Olllll\'I (Senti AoM}, 55-9'A JT -I Alc:Nrdlon (Beil1ttlle6d), 21 I· t O: 2 T IJ/Jly (LOllQ 8teQll CC). 21 ti-t 0: 3 Adil Ina (AlverWde CC>. 201.10 HT -1 auter (CO!ltu-). t 70·9 2 Llltl•JoM (l'r11no CC). 1H-I, 3 Roth (Bekerfteld). 191·3. OT -I Kreyc:Nr (Long ao.ctl CC). I 18-1. 2. Jelfrev• (Ote ndt l•I. 170·2. 3 O•rvey (Sltylll'le). 170-2 T--. I Lono 8teclll CC, IOI. 2 Puedlll• .... 3 Ml Sen Antonio! 5S, 4. B1•1ttlllfd. 38; 5. Foothlll. 31; 9 (tie) El c.Nno. Sln-'-CC 22; I. Hencodt, 21, t . Sllcr.,,_10 CC, 20: 10 LA Vt/Wf, 18 WOMn 100 -I ttly (Senlt Monica CC). 11 70; 2. Oerdnor (Wett LAI. If 04, 3. l11rlffon (~o CC). 12 Ill 200 -I Qerdiw (Wiit t.A). 2Ut, 1 Hey (S1n11 MOlllCI CC), 23 77, 3 . ll11rlffon (Seer-lo CCI. 24.21 400 -I Garoner (W•t LA). 52 1111 (- record. otCI "'""· 53 63, Brtecoe. Lono llea::ll CC): 2. Ma.-(Santa Montcl cq, 5632; 3. Grlfltlt (c:on.umr-1. oU5. 808 - 1. Oltibl (El Clrnlno). 2; 14.33; 2. OouQIU (Conlrl Colla). 2 1 t 19; I HIWl<I (MlreCoela). 2:13.JI 1.500 -I. All,.d (Amerlcen "Iver), 4 34 32; 2. Dwyer (S•n Fr1ncl1co CCI. 4:36.611, a. Hll t" MorllCa CC), 4;37 45 3.000 -I. Oii (hQulote). 8;47.41, 2 Crt1p (MOdH IO), 9:58. It, . LudHIH co-.-c..t). ,..., ... t IOHH -I. HullW (w.t t.A). 14 4'. 2. a... (a,wtn). 14.47. 3 MltOll (~ CC). 14 71. 4()0!H -I KlllO (10 ,._), 1:02 4t; 2. o .... (L1111n1. 1:oa.3!; a. L•<111m1 ic-ttOI), ':03.14. •OO rtllly -1. Cllr\19, 47.02; a. S.1111 Montee. 41 .21: I. 1111 llamerellno. 4&.15 1,800 MllY -I. S..•••40. 3 ..... 2. Centtot. a:4l.M: I. BakerellMd, 3"311. HJ -1, VIII (Cen'ttOI). 6-7: 2. Jollr*>ft (Oroumonll, &.I ; 3. (11•1 """" (Sin JON CC)....,.._ II.A Y~ M . IJICTI'TIOUI ........ N_..ITAftWNT Tll• IOllOWlllQ Plfton I• Clolng 11u.--... ~oow Wtz.AAOS, 3110 p.,k o2t4o: , •312, ~ 8-:tl. CA JOHN STANLEY oulR. 3110 Part! Newport, 1 3 12, N•woort 8NDll, CA 92ee0. Tlllt ~.,,,.. It conduc1.0 by art lndMduat. JolW'I • Ouir Tllll atl....,_t .,... Nod wttll 1M 1y Clltt! of Oranoo eovnry on ., 13. 1"2. ,., .. 11'111>1"'*' o,.no• CoHI Dtlty • M.y 1t. 2,, '°· Jllne a. 1912. ~ U I M"lon ll•Mltf!IO CCt.:.: t MoC11111 11111 hr11u flno11• 1 ·f'AI a. Cotlllllo I'~ OCI. t .. 101' t. ........... \::.~:: ... ,. 1t-R, Ill -1 . (l.Ot MtOlllOe). U.., a Chll<lr ... tll CtmlllO) O·I, ' Otfflllt!Oll ICerlflot). •1·4'• 1o~'A;,~ .... ~~~~'"~1~~·,*.:.~r1':.r.:~ tU tO 0011111 4. lrlMlel tl11H1 .... 11I: , ... JI -t Mwelltt l'llCW!l•I. 1 ... 10 (INOI record otd merk, 111-1, M••h•w. !Olen<lll•I .. 2 Moro «'111i.r1on). tl•·I; I. War~ (0rONll'IOlll), 1•1· I T11m 1cor11 ' •• ,, .. Mo11l;1, ..... 2 91Cl•l'lllllt0 )l't > W.I Lot Allf'6te. M 4 C11r11oe )t a ll Cimino. ao HIQh •oh~ Clf'A-A PIN.ALI (ti ClflllM C ...... I 100 -I M•IN• (Mlllr) to .. 14·A rtcorCI). 2 11 .. 11 tlA Valley). 10 H . t , It. •rew11 (0CH ll Ylt w), IO:t11 4 lrumll .. CI (WHI Covtnt). tO 741 f "· Brown IMIM). 1011, t HHI tMulrl. tO •2 ~ I Mllllll (MW). 2 t )), L fl. lltlWll (Ooeell View). II Mo 3 HUI (Mwlr), 21 M, 4 Alklnt (W1lnu11 21 61. I Ptrlll (M11lrl. l 1 ti. I Arrnttront (~I. 2 t M 400 -I l'erk1 (Muir'). 47.'4, 2. McM\lrrey (ComptOll). 47.f&,' All<lerton (Muir). 41.lf, 4. 0 11111 1011111 View), 41.t i •· •"'"' 1•0111111 11 V1llt•). U .t 1 I Ourlllll (CWNltllo~ 41 S 100 - 1 Pflllllpe ILOI AllOI), t 5 I M, I McCulloch (L IS Polyl, 1 62 '7. 3 hp1111 (Orenotl. I 52 81, 4, S11ph1n1 tArct dll), 1 52 te. 6 Orttn (VIII• Ptrkl, t:U 04, • floue tComc>1on1. 1 53 t 7 I 800 -I Wltll-(fOOINlll. 4 14 00. 2 Htrrla (llH llhOWtll 4 14 to 3 JH ger (Cemtrlllol • 19 40, 4 Clery 1K1111111, • 11 03 I. llltoahar (Pou11t1l11 Valle, , 4:1t .'61 6 Oravea IL•kewoocl). • 2• 34 3,200 -t Aeyllol<l1 (C-MIO). 1.M 31 (4-A flCOld), 2 011ll1rrn (P111d111•1· II 10 11. I. •r10llH 11 '''"11111n ~~'!:t , t: 10.11; t. Oulnol>ti CH\111ttne1et1 , t:H.'51 5. W1l1ll IElteMOW9'j. II 19.N . Junktrm (LOI AlemltOll. "20 89 110HH -1 T WHV., (Edgewood), 14 10 2 OHklll (Arceolel. 14 21. 3 L WHvor !Edgewood). 14 41 4 Hotrete (LB Poly). 14 51, 6 Stv!llll (VIMI Pwll). 14 78. L Nlcholt (P-teln Velley), 14M. 300LH ..J t Alklnt (Wtlnul), 30.03 (CIF and 4·A record). 2 Perrtlrt (North T1Jrranoe) 3tl &I, 3 Anoer110n (Mull). :!tie:.> 4 McCulloucn ILll Poly). 37 21, 5 CO\llleon lMIUlk•nl 37 23, • L ... ., (Sen OorgonlO), 31 11 400 rell\I -t Mutt, 41.40, 2. Lynwood, 42.21, 3 Wllllul, 47 311, 4 0•11erd. 42.62, &. MIUlken. 42 53, 8 Comc>ton, 42.t5 l ,800retey-1 Mulr.3.U .57,2 Comc>ton. 3 13 81 3 P...otne. 3. 15 37, 4 Lii Poty, 3 18 41. L ,_ttlft V...,, 1119A 6 El MocMn.. 3 19 41 HJ -I. H11n11 (Mllllk•11). 8-10'·: 2 . N•hring (C1merlllo). 8 -6, 3 C~= (NIWl>uty Portal. M . 4 (tit) N/llf\ IL Ind Jon. (SA Valley). M. I 1111 ButU (Westlelo.e) ltld Or11bel1Mt tfOOllllllJ 5·4 LJ -1 H•ll (P1tm Sprtno1). 23.9v •. 2 Wlll11mt (SA V1ll1y) 23·2~. 3 StMn (SA v111ey1. 23·2: 4 Alchard1011 (P1odtn1). 23·1 5 Cewy(LB POl)'I. 22-n., 8 Rowllnda fWl4llOrl HHI. 27..0"• TJ -I Pulllnl (Muir). 48-t• ... ; 2 ~ LaklWOOd) 49.11. 3 Coult\ty (N-bury P-). 41-8'•. 4 H .. ( Palm Spring•). 48·4'., 5 Atkl111 (Wet11ul). 48·3 \" 6 Comb• (Doe Puebloel. 48-0+'. PV -I Plllppt (WHll1k1), 14-1, 2 l'o<9Y1111£0.eon> I. ,.,..yth (l.dlM!>I. ,.... 3 Holl (Tonance1. 14-0, 4 Ortll (Wlllnvll. 14-0, 5 Mourtl (WHllake) 13·1. I Poole IAedtandt), 13-0 SP -1 Zinn (Arcadlll. &5-t. 2 Bbl (SA \11llly), 5S-O, 3 Almltei (Redlet>d•t54-$\4, 4 liemmoncl (Huentmll. 52·11 5 R I (V .. Pll'kl. 54'_.' • I P8'Wu<I I Collon) 2~· Teem 1eor11 I Muir 13, 2 Sante Allt ..,.....,,, 33, 3 Wllnut. 21. 4 C.mtrtllo. 26, 5 LB Poty, 23 WOMaJll 100 -I Wlnaton ILB JOfdenl. I I 14 (4-A record), 2 Reedy ILB Pol'() 12 07 3 YOUllQ tMIMI. 12 u. 4 McClellan (l'onlll\I). 12 13. 5 Petersen (WHI Torr1nc1) I; 14, ti Womec:tc CWlll Torrence), 12 34. 200 -I Pu•1ns IMulrl. 23 80 (CIF Incl 4·A rec:ord~ 2 Wlneton (LB Jor<ltn) 23 93 3 Leri.. 1comp1on1 24 51 4 McCtll1n (Font-I 4'4 N . S Hiiie tPllMOllllJ 24 at, I Pet__, (Wiii TOffW'Ot). 25 OI 400 - 1 Kellon IWllllUI) 53 711 (CIF end 4·A rec:otdl 2 Pultlllt tFlll<), SS.31, 3 Lark 1Com1>1on1 ~s 51, • w111on (MW). 51 27. 5 Jot<ltn (Cemertllol. 51 37 8 Hiiien:! (Jotdln). 5139 100 -I Sttchure (Ntwbury Ptrkl. 2 12 30, 2 Cox (fOOINll), 4' 13.:17; 3. 0- tNorth Torr1nc1). 2 u 76. 4 Cooper IEIMnllowar1. 2 16 10, s King (Lii Pol}'). 2 IT 13, I 8oQcMen !Corona) 2· 17 H PT1tt tEdlsonl tourtll but dltqu1t11t1d tor hlndrlll1CI on SE tvm 1.800 -I 8 .. (Newbury P-). 4 &! 48, 2 Slryk., (Tuttln). 4 S7 SS, 3 F•lrmen (Thouuncl Otkt). 4 59 19. • Etlloll tAlllembrtl 5 01 53. s Mor1oot fMIMlkln). 5 oe M. 1 GonU11M (Buellll, 5.01 .20 3 200 -I Bell~ P-"). 10 23 43, 2 Stryker (Tutlln). 10 211 42. 3 Elllolt IAlllembre). 10.43 43, 4. O.Vetlt (Id ..... ), 10:0 .11: S Murphy (Tllouund O•kl. 10 S4 35. 8 Moaqued• (Sen Gebrltl>. 10 55 51 IOOLH -I Tllompeon !LB Jordllll 13 99 tCtF end 4-A rec:o1dl. 2 Henaon (BUlll•I· 14,25: a. HetfleW (F°""tM" VllleJ), M.111 4 Meyee (VlllllK81. 14 ~. 6 Or1"11ht (Cotont). 14 75; i Mo1M (W•t TONenot), 14.78 300LH -1 K11to11 (Welnutl. 41 44 (N•llonal 111<1 Cll' record). I. N1lll•I• (Pountaln Vtn.y). UM (lfitr• , .. , ... le MtkNo); 3. TllOmpton (LB Jorden). 4212, 4 Hen•on,(8uan•). 44 I 1. &. Sttohurt (Newbuty Perla). 44 12, I QrlffttlW (Cotontj, 4443 400 l"lloy -I L.B Jordtn. 47.35: 2 L8 Poly 47 41, 3 Wtlnu•. 47 54, 4 8111 O«gonto. 41.2t. 6 Stnll AM Vt*I;, 41.M, I . Venturi,~ 87, 1.eoo t1l1y -1. Muir, 3 47.53~ 2 LB Jord111. 3:48 0$; 3 LB Poly, 3.4t 42; 4. Cenwt!O. 350141; 6 ,.....,.,., 3·51 10; •• eomoton. ua.40. HJ -1 Yomldll (Ool Pulbloll. 5-1, 2. Coolt 1w111on HH), 5-4; 3 (ll•l ll11tly tEap1ran111 111<1 Wlogman (Cr11c11111 Valley), 5--4, 6 ~(El Modenl). M , t. HetiWd. (P~ V...,). 1-4 LB - 1 fl"I" (t.11 POiy). t~; 2 Bryenl (Ve nture), 18·$, J. H•lll•td (fo1111l1 l11 V•lter). IW~: 4 Woocl1td IHemetl. 11-3'~: 5 Pennie (Paudonaj, 11-2Y., I Snow (Mulfl. 11.2v. TJ -I l'renklln (SA Valley), 31-8'A 2 Frye (LB Pol)'), 31-4 ~. 3 ~ (Centtoe). 37.4 ._, 4 Woodward (Hemet), 37-1, 5. llWl'llde (Dot Plllblot). 36-11 ~. II ~ (LB Wll-1. 3&..e SP -1 6Mtlllld (EIMnhower). 40; 2. Ttyk>r (Weat TorrlnCI). 43-0, 3. Wlllllmt (SA v.-.yi. •1~ 4 Biker fQer11toel. :s&-1: L U1• (Mu11tl•1tt"' 9-fi), ...a; 9 Petkllll (Mor-11.......,, 37-8~ TNm tcorll. 1 LB Jord111, 53; 2. Lii Poty. 42: 3. Muir , 38: 4. Newbury Per-. 32, S W.awt. n .• Fountllll Vtliflt, 2$. .c::~~ 100 -'· ~ ~ , .. ,., .. 0111111 IJ.W ~ I0.''1l a;-. .... .., 11 n er1v Mlll•l1.. 10.fO: •.A. lt••11 Ht 11!1M'M I, I U Tl t.~ ~ 10 11,t.~~ too -I. . tt. .. l t, ~ (JuttOUll!t, ~ ,, ,,, •• °""" tNoflll. ,.,_..,. It.Ct: • ~ .... li'lltl). U.OI, t A .,_~ ............. a. 11: t ~--IOWNllll. H t , 400 -t JOllnlOll (Ctlttlll9), •f, 1'j I• Devi• 11 11,,011e"•t •lir1111111•; •t.ffl • TllOl!IM (KlwlllOl'llt 41.11: •• Olftl '"""' "'Ye!~I. 41.11, . MoOee II ...... 41 .... • 0 .,...,. .,.,,..... 4e "· tOO -I c .. oy 1.-1.t1ef~11.t1, J. ..._ l""'-1. 1.au o\Jfil: aa.. ~ ' •U 0=4. IC11VCIM11 I ~1' uu.e: .. Qr .. e CMtt 11 ... ). 1 I , OFMIM llllMY U U 1. t1td!> -I ...,..,.. (CuMr Qtwt. .. 11.l't; L --(CW.. ... ..,1. .. tll l. llef!Op tlell LIM ~ 4. 14 ... •· Z.- (App I 1 V1t10 ){ •:II u . I. ltorl• (H•wthoroe). •:U 1: t . C•ro (J.W. ~ 4.25 40 3.100 -I OtllJ (llltlOW). t:OO. II: I . NllQtlll (CUMf ~ t.00 It, .......... (~), ....... ~:? 0 H .U , 6. "· lt•wn::.~wfl , uu1·._.....,, ,. ... , I IOHk -1 YOUIW (~ 14M: I. M11U1111 (C:lttll'llOfll). 14 It: ll ~ ,,._..,, 14.to. " mt (Ntnt\ ~ 14 et, S JOh111011 (Ctllrlllol, 14.tl, t . .._ (MotlMtlt!IO). 14,11. 300 U4 -I. Johntoll Ceeot•I. 11.41 n111 3-A rtc0tC1); 2 Young (H~ ST. It: I. Cov111010 11 (II Torol, 87 ••:. M•I• j~!!"ovl&). 31 11. 6 . IOllll~W'Otth ~-·•ctl.,. •3 ....... (c.111 ... ,. 400 r111y -I . Mo11rovt1, 42.0•: t . Pomon1, 42.31; a. J.W. NOflll. 0 .74: 4. Morn11101101, 42 ta, 5. A111etop1 Ya!My, 43 It, ......... '°'f, 43.21. UOO reley -I He#lho!N, 1'17•: 2 Cttlt*I. a· 1t M. a. -...rty ..., 3 20.11: &. c.... ...... MLl11 •. l'IOO¥W. 1:11 ..•• Pomon1, :ue. 10 Univef11ty llflltMO tNfd l)UI ditquellftecl • .,....,,. out °' llnl. HJ -1. C111tll (111111 Mtrll ), t •l ,i. t_ Co1111t11 (Burllanll), M ; J l' ... IOfl5 8efnatdln0). M . 4 K""""" I~ 1-4, 6 Wllll1m1 (Troy), 9-2: I 011110 II 1ca11yon1. a.a. LJ -t. Coev1t11 (B11rb11111), 21·1': 2. Wllh I~ 23-4~; 3 Devll (llurrouahl, eurtHIM), 22-11*, 4 JM* '~ Hila). 22·10'-t. 5 Devit If'-). 22-10, I ...... (AMlrllcM p~ t2-7V. TJ -I Wllll1 m1 (Troy), 60-1; 2. Co11n1rym111 (-.Vlf'ly Hllll). «-a. 3. Wlllt (Ch1t11y). 47-l 'A. 4 Coav•tt• thr•anll). 47·5~. s Pltr"90ll (&an Ber111tellno). ........ 1 9e119y tMa I.Oma). .. ~ PV -I ~ (Nftlpon HefllOt). 1 ... ; 2. Whit• (Wllllll.,}, 14-0 , 8 COllllll• (llurbenk), 13~. 4. 0""9n (8onot1). IM : 6 Sm11rdyll• (LI H1bra). 13-0; I . Kuboll (~ 01)'). 13-0 SP - 1 KYI• (8u1n1 Ptrll). 10-6; 2 DobtMN (9un'ouglla. Al<lotO•ll. 56-314. 3 FlttQll'lld CBunougtle. 9urbttlll), ~. 4. P e rk• (Cha tle yl. 67-614; 6. 0 111011 (lf\glewoodlo 57-314 .•. Gormell '""""°""). 51-7v, THm aco"' 1 H1w111or111, 4 6. 2 MontoWL 34; 3 Cebttlo, 31; • "*91...,.,. Ind Bwrouahl 1~21. 100 -t. Giant (~nol. 11.11 (~A record) 2. Whit• (S•d<llebedi). 12.0i, a. C arroll tCoech•ll• Va lley). 12 Ot ; • WeClftOtlll (HtwlhotM). 12 22. 6 B«r• (H1wU!o44o). 12 32, I Scott (8ll6r). 12.N 200 -I. Ortnl (HaWlllONll). 24 .... ; t . Allen (H1wthorn•). 25.0t; 3 B11rr111 ?""' (Hewth«ntl. 25 27; 4. ....... C~\. 11.0 ; ~111 (UlllHreltr). U .ffl. C4lrtlr ( I). 2$ t 7 400 -I "-(B TOfo). 65.M; 2. Htl (Ht wth«M). H .ot; 3 0'9lldlef (VllC9ipe), 57 54 ... 0.., c ....... ......,. •• '· OMI (AIQholtll. ~.38; I. Humplwle9 <a...rty HUii). 5'.82 100 1. 1'111-(U.l•lf'lltJ), ~1.AI; l. Kellr (Coeta UH•). 2:11 ..... 3. Oolt .. lb (Beverly Hlll1). 2 14 02, 4 0111zad1 (SI. Lucy'•I. 2: t 4 31 , 5 Bloo•r• 1£1 Toro), 2 14 70: I. Amy (HtwlhOmol. 2. llM. 1.800-1 ........ C~.a.b;t Celtl...,1 (Mitt Coete). 4:68 ~; L ...... (UAhereltJ). l :U .14; 4 ........ 1 .. CU11IH111t1 1. 1:14.M; I llllUI (Arroyo Ortnd1). 5 09 10, I . Surber (YVC•IP•I. 5 ,. 25 3 200 -t C1tttv111 (Mlrt Cott•>. 10 37 31 13-A record). t . ••"''' (~), -. n: 3 u.i..a (lt00¥W). t 1 oe S5, 4. !'.,.,.., IStuala). 11'09.04; t. . A'"'"''""I tU•l•er•hr). n:ee. 11; t . ...,..,~,,·~ IOOLH -1. Lee (...._). ,.,._ ~ Qw1t (El TOfO). 14 et; 3 frtke (lt00¥W), 14,71; 4. CerrOll (Coechek VllleYI, 14 76, 6 CeCIOo (lnOlol 15. 12. 8 ~ ,,.~ 11 11 300lli-t. Molon tSuoony .... ~ 44.12: 2 C~tndler (Yuct lP•I, 45.07; 3. P rlCI (HawtllOrne). 46.21, 4. DelHJ (..._..n HerMt), U.221 I . llmM (lndtol. 45.2$; I . L....,lng (FIAlenon). 45.111. 400 relay -I HllW1hcwM, 41.14 (3-A rec:«d); 2 ~ .... 2 f; 3. ~ H41a, t t .08. 4. ""'-911f, ..... I . ,._..... PQtr, 49.50; I El TOfO, 48.17. 1,800 relty -' HewtllOme. a: .... ee; .. ~.HUI; a. e.... ..... ...... 4 a.-1)' Hiit. 3 57 51. 5. El Tcwo. 3t6t U: 1 """"° 0r..-. •.out HJ -t. OeWln• (lndlol. w . 2. a.-(Sunny Hiiiei. 5·2. 3. Bfenntn (La Hellr•). ~. 4 (lie) JemlnQI (Uplend) WICI Lott I"*'. Verdie). 5-0; no lixtll. U -t Certol ~ V...,.. I~ 2 SnH d tAlv111t<11 Poly). I Y-7\t; 3 Humphrlet (e.-1)' tMia). 17-4; 4. ~ (LI Hetw•I. 17-3¥.. 5. Mor91 (Tr~ 17-1; I llatee (GienOol'•I. IM'A. . TJ -1. W~ (IWwttlOmll. 3a-21t, 2 Fernum (Lompoc). 37·2'-t, 3 Ou men (~I. :M-1. 4 LeMM (lncllo). ,... Ill; 5 Oell•oer (Cltremon11. 35-414. I Tl!offtu IC.,0..1. >4-2 ~ SP -1. K ...... ,. (Fullerton), so.a• (CIF 3-A ,_rd): 2. Brl4en-(S."91'tl. 43-114; 3 ~ WlllatCft~ 41-llM; •. ~ (OuetU ._,, ~: 6: KrM IBW1**l. 40-2. • A11d<1 (Burrouoh•, fUdoecr .. t). n-o .... T11m ICOrH . I. H1wthor111. 16; •. U"'"'911y, .. 3 (Ill) El TOfO end 8-t\I Hiii•. 23; 5 Cotchelt• Vtlley, 20; •. Ctl•} Sunny Hiit and Mir• Coln&. 1 •. C.1-A PmAl.I Cet~c.e..el 300lH -2. K-"o (Mllllon Vllfc>J. •32 (llettlt'I !Otl'lllt CIA rec:orcl), W -3. A. Br-(Mltalon Vllfo). 21·10. 400 -3 Aoedl J: H9I). 4a..tO. ~H -2. HilOM COIN i-.}. 44.tt. 3.200 -3. ""' (Meter °"" 10:41.1t. 400 r*t -....... °"· li0.43. tOO -f. Our.no ,......,._ a.di>. l:Ot. 10 (Ctf 2-ArecorCI). T~(~-lft 2:07 to bvl Cit~'*'""· NllllMll ·~ lene. 5. 0-.. (DIM~ 1:11• HJ -2. ,..,_ (\.lltl.N ~ ..... Sf' -I. Not10fl (.__ Vlljo). 43-1~ 2 Ou11kll tM•t« Del). 11·11•; 4. WMftit ,....._ lltedl). ,..,~ l.'1-•.Stwrm ~~~ .. ,. .• .. ... .. D&AR MISS t;AND&RS: A cloat frltnd -Widowed two~•· She moved ln wtth mam.ct ctauch* and IOft·ln-law -at their r u••'· They aaked no qut1tton1 about her J"PUlQ&I ltat\11. They tum.tahed all her needl and d her bUla. Lilt month my friend died 1uddenly at the ._. 75. Her children knew only \Mt the wlahed to be \h her hu.band. (The cemetery wu In another I te.) You cannot believe the maaa confualon ultinl from their not know1"8 \he location of the tery deed, whether ahe had a will. lneurance or y 1-t withes. Nothl.na of thil nature had been upl:Ull-.,o. They are et.ill contacitna lawyers, bankers lnaurance companiee. It'• a J'De91, P1eue suggest that every adult, regardless of a e , tranamff this and any other pertinent onnatlon to next of kin or a cloee friend. So y elderly people have no idea of the burden ey place on their loved ones by refusing to face e reality th.at one day they must leave thie earth. I'm 1lu.re many middle-aged children will bless )'OU b your h~~ m pttinf thMe pointa emm to their parenta. ThlNc you. Ann. -rr .COULD HAVE B1CICN AVOIDED 1N KENTUCKY DBAI\ COULD RAVE: TraHmUtla tilt tatormatt. lo aut of kla er a ci... fl'MU 11 aot ...... BYtrJ ,.,... QM.Id uve • .nu daat l&aCM clearly wUt •• or 11le wlMet co uve doM 'fttll all worl Sood• -•• well •• "9 ~ of fueral ded • . o .. vlaU to a law)'er'• offlct caD pit everytllta1 la place. It woalcl be srtaUY a~latedlty tbose wlto are left INtkt.Dd Ud wlll provide peace of mind to tile per1oa wllo 1et1 ltl1 affaln lD order. · DEAR ANN LANDERS: Thia ii for the kid who wanted to know if it waa OK to have a baby raccoon u a pet. 1. In Pennsylvania (and many other states) a permit la required to houae any state same animal. 2. Baby raccoons are cute, but they can be very destructive. tijJricorn: Keep low profile ARIES (March 21-April 19): S cenario ghts messages, calls, significant clues and tructive changes. Emphasis alao creativity, gain ugh written word and important unication from member of opposite !lex. Keep e eon Virgo! TAURUS (April 20-May 20): News received c ncerning payments, collections and loans. portant domestic adjustment occurs and could HOROSCOPE [ BY SIDNEY OMARA I i~lude beautification of surroundings. Libra, storpto and another Taurus figure prominently. LOst article is lOcated. t . , GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Ctrcumstances f~or your efforts. Terms are defined and you gain ficant edge. New start in new direction proves tidal. You'll be intrigued by individual who taina an aura of mystery. Pisces playa key role. • CANCER (June 21..July 22): What had been ~bulous will now come into aharp, clear focus. You'll perceive story behind story. You'll dig bdneath surface indications and dilemma will be re,solved. Private conference takes place with inWvidual who "pulla strin&s·" Jifl~ (July 23-Aug. 22): MajoT wish will be { . YOU gain added recognltion; green light fl4shes for progrea. Roadblock is removed, you'll tu!ve greater freedom of thought, action. Aries, Libra persona play important roles. Job ia ccmpleted. I I VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): New contacts aid in ·career, promote standing in community. You'll have 1 · c to be more independent and to imprint individual style. Take steps to bring about meett.ng with superior. Change of pace ls necemary ana helps in fulfilling obligations. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Avoid brooding over longstanding assignment. You are 1otna ln right direction. Lines of oommunicatiol) will Qpen and you'll reach a wider audience. Flnt lmpttllione prove correct. One who aided in past wW make reappearance. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Be dilcreet, play cards cloee to chest and don't fall for "aob story.'' Emphasis on flnancial statue of one c1oee to you. Persist in digging beneath surface indications. By ao doing, you gain required infonnation and save yourself money. SAGITrARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Play waiting game, be cautioue and review source material. Additional research is required. Locate legal docwnents. become famiJlar with views of thoee who do not necessarily agree with you. Scorpio is ln picture. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):. Low-key approach brings best results. Don't attempt to force issue9. U patient, what you need is practically handed you on proverbial silver platter. Member of opposite sex aids in making necessary changes. Memo is "on the way." AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Good lunar aspect highlights creativity, eurprbe gift and accolade from famil1 member who previoutly disagreed with policies. Tau.n.. lJbn. &orpo penons !Jgure prominently. ftemodellng project satisfies ~ and restores hannony on domestic front. P~ (~eb. 19-March 20): Property values come under ac:rutiny. Aura of deception could be present. Insist on answers. not evasions. Steer clear of wishful thinking. Tempting offer could Jack substance. Patience beoomee valuable 8llel. Know it and act accordingly. · Orange Oout DAILY PILOTllunday, May 23, 1882 •• 8. Adult fll«'OOtW bUe. So fat no .. fe vaoctne hu been developed tor rabitl, IO ahotl muat be taken by th<. who pt btt by a NCCOOn -and they are extremely painful. · 4. An adult reccoon (or any. wUd animal) U\ a caae la a &>riloner -not a pet. You do th.at animal no favor by keepn, it, ~. Moel "orphan" Wildlife hu a mother who would be happy lf you left her baby alone. 6. Doll and cat.I are cute, too. Check your local humane enelter and teU them you want to take a stray. They wOl ~ pteful, and you will be glad you did. Ann, thanlul for th-= 1aapbox. lt'a Qetdni near baby animal time, and I hope you will print thil letter ao my huaband, the dOQ warden, won't have to explain ll 10 often. Slgn me -I LIKE ANIMALS,TOO DEAR TOO: Tlaanb for &le education. Lots of people JearDed 1ometbl•1 from yoa today. IDcl~dJ.ag me. · WIDllS CONFIDENTIAL to Loolda1 Back wltb SadDe11 ud Re1ret1: Whenever people tell me tbey wl1b tbey could tuna tbe clock back 10 tbey could uvor tile joy1 of tbelr yoatb, I tell tbem ... ••aemember geometry." Goe &ha.e wedding bell blues over cast ... guest lJ8t . . . what to wear . . . and o<Mr deW18~ Ann Landers' completely new "The Bride'• Guide'' will help. For a copy, send 4 dollar, pltU a Jong, sell-addressed, atlUnped envelope (37 ~nta ~tage) to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, IU. 60611. 70 Women's club to hold ' BY ASHLEIGH 1 ~QYQ;~~ ~ B~LLl~T J meeting Thursday LAGVNA NIGUEL Women's Club meets Thuraday at 7:30 p.m. in Republic Federal Savings in Laguna Niguel. For more information ca11 831-6410. DEBUSSY CHAPTER of Orange County Performtn1 Arts Center meets Wednesday for luncheon. For more infonnation call 496-2949. KAPPA DELTA Sorority Alumnae of Newport Harbor meeta Monday in Le Blarritz ClUB CllllDIR Restaurant In Newport Beach. For more information call 496-4345. IRVINE TOASTMISTRESS Club meets Monday at 11 :30 a.m. in Newport Balboa Savings of Newport Beach. For more information call 731-4041. RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTEIY ..... • •••• 994 s.w. I fJI HAlllOI ILVD. COSTA MISA-54 .. 1156- twport Slustt <lton.auuatoqz ·e.c....u lit~ £d.coi,on'. Jliano ' ........................ Cm •ra.e-volol-oliol1~nut911uitar ..., ...... l.M. ..... eau tor er0ctiure W'..HE~E WOULD I BE W\THOUT MY SENSE OF DIRECTION? NEWPORT BARBOR Lawn Bowling Club meets daily except Sundays for play. For more infonnation call 759-9966. ZONT A CLUB of Newport Harbor meets Thursday for o!fi~r installation. COLONEL WU.LIAM Cabell Chapter of DAR meets Wednesday in the lrv,ine Coast Country Club for lunch. For more infonnation call 646-5667. FATID'S DAY ~ Gin IDEAS LIDO DRUGS llH ...... t17..oJI I 3445 via Udo enewport beach •phone675-0150 South Coast Plaza Village , is pleased to announce -e opening of It's newest restaurant • * . \ Q.-A .............. ,,.. ....... Wit et u. ..... ........ ,. .... , ......... . • &al&tHt .......... , .. Illa" a .... "-I? At., U 1" wut tt alk ,.n .. r tt ....................... ,.., 111aM IM? TMn II ITM& ,._.,... ... t ·la ... ~u ............ , .......... .. tv. a pnell~ tlirN•Wcl, -J. , ..... Pka.ltirP. , .. cna. .......... ..... awanhd th weekly ,,tae.) A. -Before an1werin1 your queetlon, it'• beat that I ex· plaln what you mean by "Fiahbeln." After a preemp- Uvt bid, a bid of tht nut hlshtr·ranltl"I eult by the opponent In the Immediate 111t la not natural, bu' la a Nque1t for partner to In· troduce hi• beat eult. A dou· ble In that poaltton, therefore, 11 for ptnaltl11. Very few experte play "Fllbbeln." Even it.a lnven· tor, the late Harry Ffehbeln of New York, eventually abandoned hie brainchild. The convention elmply cau1e1 too many problttna. A11ume t'hat the auction haa 1912 ao 1 0 , .. , What 1hould South bid with: •u C:>A.Qau Ou +.ntu? If North hat a minimum takeout bl~. then thrtt hearte le more &han eno~b. But If North le better thaD mfnlmum, U11 hand could eaelly make four hearte. South doe• not know what to do. EvH North can have problem. Suppoee that Weet opena three dlamondl and North boldt: •u OAKQsu Oa +Qau North would dearly Ilk• to eompe\e with thrM btartl, IL~ Takt:; ~· .stock\:~ A Tr•dftlon for IO Y••r• 1112 . tnAm.erica. S.rvtno ..... etr Tll 1 4.M. but bt unnot do 110 If ht J1 playln1 r&1hbtln. 101.th would almoet 1UNl7 btd eou nurnbel of 1padt1. 8o North mull pa11 aad hOpe thit ht can back Jn&o tht auetlon • lattr. Therefore, moet expertl tf vt up the penalty double of a prffmptlvt bid In the Im· m1cl11tt 111t for tbt .more nnlblt takeout double. Of courH, partner alway• ha• the option to convtrt thJ1 double to peultJ11. How pod 1bclfuld a player be to make a takeo~t double of a pNtmpilv• bid? Bear In mind that 7ou an foreins partner to bid at the thrff. or four·ltvel. Partner hat an avtrap upectancy o{ e-8 polntt, 10 7ou 1hou.ld have enou1h to lnturt 10m1 ipartfn of aalet7 If panner hu no more thin hi• quota. fo make nine trick• \llually requlr., about 22·24 polnt1. By dtduct1.n1 bll holdlns from that tlsun. 7ou 1hould have the equivalent of abtlut 19 point. tor the t.akeout double. 87 appl1in1 thle pldellne • a praetleal rule of thumb for dteldlns whether your hand l• worth a takeout double of an openlns thret·bld beeomH apparent. Subtract a ldns from your holdlnJ. If )'OW' hand Y(OUld etUI be good enoush for a t.akeout double of an oppoelng one·bid In the 1ult, then you are 1trong enourh to double a preemp· live openlnr. Q.1-Aa South, vulnerabl,, JOU hold: •SN <:7Ql'12 <> AQllot +e 1he bJddlnr hu proceeded: \.. Wtet Nen• lilt 8"dl I • I <:7 I • ? What do you bid now? Q.1 -Botb vulnerable, H South you hold: •KQI 4"A&QN6 OKJ +,u The bJddlns hat procMdtd: &.-. WM& Nertla r...t I O p.., I <:7 P .. 1 What do you bid now? Q.S-Nelther vulntrablt, a1 South you hold: •IOI <:710HH <>KS •nn The blddlnr h11 proceeded: N.._. Eut S..di WMt 1 <:7 p.,. I o p.., INT p.,. 1 What action do you take? Q.4-At South, vulnerable, )'OU hold: •KQIU OA OltJ +J8'1ta Look for answer• on Monday. CLOSING DOWll · PUBLIC AUCTION LIQUIDATION OF HANDMADE PERSIAN & ORIENT AL CARPETS & RUGS ond w .. Nm & French .-OnHt ly Order of the Boord of Directon of -Globe International We f'Jave been Instructed by GLOBE INTERNATIONAL, a large art dlatrtbutor, to liquidate at auction Its entire stock of bronzes and OrlentaJ rugs. F•turing; 127 Iott oC Mndmede Oriental ruga, lnc:Mllng Siik Quma., lephahanl, KM1Hn•, Tabr'ln, ChlntM, Tur1cl1h, Pakl1tan11. lndl•n. Egyptl•n. RuHl•'l•· Romenlan, ...,...,,., and Afghani.tan9. Al90 42 ~ conllltlng of the enUr• oolltctlon oC Remington & Ruutll plu9 woOtl by many leading ICUlptOf9. . Tueeday, Mlly 21, •t I p.m., View 1 Hour Prior M8rrlott Hotel tOO ~port Center Dr., N.B • a A L.:IQUIDATORS OFF ANY NEW DATSUN 210 IN STOCK . ...• - and be'• always want.ct ·.., be the one who drove the f.Mnbonl to c-.n the •. On hll eoth b01Mly, till fOocl wlf• Kade decided to un.nae for blnl to dO ~ ~t .•. at the lee Capidel Chalet in ea.ta Mela. You can aet a aJimpee of htm ~ hll wtah -oa ~what IOUndl to me lib a· P-ta « Italian ct.lert. • TO '11IE CHAMP: It WM a pla oa:uion -~c,'t occrlf.a. U.. ctaya-when ~tmmy \1111 t and .. Arnolcl preeented ~ LMOrda wtth tHt fine ·iorana-County ~ Ol the Year" award from the March of . am.-: What la to become an annual evetlt. the dinner attnct.ed quite a number of celebrities to a ~or~cbalred the dlnner and eeen ~ were 80IDe of our own celebriUea, like F.mma 1ane and Tom Riley, :rom P'uentet,,Lota Lundberl and Nancy and Buddy m.n. NOT QUITE THEIR MAJORITY: The • • • Luuna S..Ch ~ Leuue deddid to ~librate tta :io yeara ln opera1ton lnatead of walUna for tho maJorlty recently, by havtna a 1erlH of event• hl1hll•ht1n1 tt\• 11'0Up'1 activtdel. Incl~ are craft cia.e. for women '" tntert1ted in maktna handcrafted Item•: •DOnlOl'lna an early ·lnterwndon ptqp'UD for cfeve)opmentally dltabled babiel; a TUmabout Thrift Shop, a J'rlendshlp Club tor senior ctttzena. the 1ponl0r'lhlp of 1 Town Hall lecture aeries. an aide to Ind.lu\I J)l'Oll'Un. a tnvellna homemaker ae.rvice, a weliare pl'OIJ'am aeared to help l'elklentl or vtsiton f.ced with~ lituationl MCl ~ Jdvtnc of two WDJJam Memorial ICholanlili-. I year to • .lnduattna i...,una Beech Hflh School eenior 11rr anc1 boy. Phew! That'• an lmJ)ftlllve lilt indeed. HERE'S A TOUCH OF HENRY JAMES: Towardl the end of June, Julie Sheffield and her lilt.er, Ann will be debuting at Vienna'• Pala!a Scbwanenberc and eeoortea about that lovely ctty and S.lJb..atc by "e~ble'' )'CJLlnl AUltrtanl. All under the apq1.nblp of• lfOUP c:aUed ' Debutante Holida)'I Abroed, tt·1 more than a little remlnllcent of the 19th century, 19n.'t lt? SPEAKING OF ANOI'HER CENTURY. The .Lyric Opera A..>datlon of Orange County ha ac:heduled Bizet'• "Carmen" tor May 28 at the Newport Harbor Hiah School Auditorium at 8 p.m., Verdi'• "Rlaoletto'' for June 4 aame &!':· same time -and La Boheme for Laguna h H1gh Auditorium tor June 26. Write P.O. Box (See It'• May, Pase C.t) "fhis pfi<?togr~pher -likes .a h'oppy thought· behin~ the smile By VIDA DEAN 0.-, Not lielllllr .... When Beth Koch uaes her camera, she's on a treasure hunt. She's seeking that priceless split eecond when her subject becolnes one with her ~enses. And she finds her treasure in the eyes of her subject when he or ahe leaves a state of self-awareness to project that inner person into space. The Newport Beach photographer says that a portrait. must ,ot look like a photograph. There should be no hint that a photographer wa,a there. "It'• a IDOIDellt of time for the subject to communicate," the says. Because the camera is more critical than the nonnal eye, Beth believe1 in the me al. cosmetics and makeup techniques to enhance the image she wants to ca~. But it's not intended to disguiM, merely to brlna out the poeltive features of. heE aubject.. And thinkina ~ely .. Beth'• credo. She's developed a • cloud tbearY' when ahe fuhJom a portrait. Sbe endeaWl1 to approach a 1ittln1 ln a totally 19laxed fashion. with no preconcetved kleM about the peraon. She accepts her patron with totally positive feelings. Negative vibes are completely dlsrnllled as she puts bene1f in that positive mood. "The camera responds to the photographer. It's his or her tool," Beth explains. U she approaches a subject who's in a rush or who has problems, she tries to realiz.e that thole problems have nothing to do with her. Th.is relaxed attitude helps to calm and to relax her subject as well, Beth CARMEN · by Bint ASSOCIATION OF ORANGE COUNTY Newport Harbor ""' Friday'· May 21, lpni 88)'9. "A key to good portrait photography ii to feed ideas to the subject or to plant good tbouehta. Sometimes r may jokingly say 'Say Cheefe.' but there has to .be a happy tbouaht behind the smile or it'• p~: Beth has d18oovered that a goOd way to get the proper respome from a clind la to ask if they like to ao to ptmeyland or to the ~ Dieao 1-oo· The auggest1on usually brinp an exprelllon of excitement and a natural mllle to the &ice. A n d 1 b e u' 1 e 1 a • i m 11 a r -thouahta" technique in makina • al. an ldult whether they be brtile9. ii ualne11 execµtlve1 or newspaper columnil1a. "I have to eatabUah a climate he or she can relate to," Beth says. The photograph accompanying this column ii a Beth Koch production, and boW it came about provided excellent maferial for commentary on the use of comnetiat for picture takiDg. The reader can u.e theee aame Upe and techniques when taking plcturea of friends and falDily at home. "I am taldnc more of a'penonal inteft!st CARMEN . . • RIGOtmo LA BOHEME Reserved aeata S12.50. Season tickets fM all three onty $30. Group discount• available. FM lldYenoe tk*eta end more tnto cal 494-9441-. 494-3944 in makeup beca~ of my renewed in~ in painting and gelUnc mare involved in lt through my long-tl'rne friend, Naa Broughten. and my daulh~in-law, BettY Nethery:• Beth explains. Nan f• a La~ch resident, .: former ~1 and for John Robert· Powers and Betty la ownll"of Uniquely You· comnetiat in Lake Fon.t. , , When I arrived at Mb'• studio, Nan Wat tr..e to apply my mlkeup. nr.t. a foundadon WM Uled to even out the akiD tone. ('lbif II elll*UDY Important around~ eym if one hM dark cirdiM.) A upw foundadon w• med on the deeper Una (Jauch Uncw. you undentand) around the mQUth and forehead. "l love to pelDt and to do portraits." Nan ~~ "a1¥1 Worldna with the lllCe ia the mn(4111DC. It'• ).wt a ftumm c:anVM. Uaht colar ~ oui a feature and dark receclea. So tlie li&ht foundation brinp out the mdintadom Jn tbe llnee," Nan exp1atned. Male portrait subject• are atven cmmeUc trM1mlnt Ulo, but tbe makeup techniquea are much llmpler. A foundation ii needed to even akin tome apeci•Dy on one with a heavy beard. Foundation ii not Uled to cover Ups al~h at times color may be added. and co ve penciling may be U8ed on eyebrows. But, beck to my own portrait. My Upe were lined with~ oenc and then ff11ed in with color and . (The line around the Up ahould be eathered 80 the lips are emphaalzed but no definite line will ahow through..) MAKE ~OUR CLOSET A FORTRESS -... ~ Vida Dean in portrait by Beth Koch My cheekbones . were brought out and u_p _with color -the blusher brought up slightly into the eye area 80 there would be . no line of demarcation. · "Hi&h cheekbones are desirable, but any ehape face can be beautiful with the proper contourrng," Beth says. The contouring powder was used to make my jaw line appear narrower, the face thinner and shading for a crepey neck (I'll admit to just a bit of that problem). Then to the eyes -Beth's primary focus when ahe's shooting. Stnoe my eyes are rather small and heavy above, Nan uaed Uie light-and-dark technique there in ahadowi to bring them out Several coata of mascara were used on my lubes. A number of shades of pencil were used on the broW. ... Nobody's brows are just one co1ol'. They are just like the hair on the heed. many ahadea," Nan explained. Nan •YB the brows should frame the eyes, but ahe cautions against having the brows or the pencil lines come down too far at the enda OI' at the start of the apace between the eyes. Thia can be·a "downer.0 And ao, the makeup sesalon completed, I wa8 goraeoqa and ready to face the camera with-pcilitite pleuant though\S ranamg from ~Ung a big banana split to traveling to f4f ·away placel. and aly.rays equipped wjth a sinile . . • click! MONDAY, MAY 24 Informal modeling daily in restaurant. 11 a.m. to 2 p.JD. May Company South Coast Plaza. . Thin'• wtiat may be an apoChryph'al tJDrY. about -. member ot the ~· Ckadd -no 1WMI men~ hlrit -who WIMft ~ '° be a court captal.ri ltOpl*I iiMn1 matdail be(tft they wee fllUihed . and before ihe wu halted -beca\.m HER achedule Mid the next team waa ~to be on thit court by_.:a·,ceNtn Uli1i And, wWy-nllly, the teea ~ were .._ to march ahMd 1n orderly faahlOh, ~-the WU'elOlved mate• left behind. ThiQM were in the evly dayt Wt.\ not ~ 1ri the ~p wa1, It not a pi.yer, 1 an· educated ot.erver of the game. · That could no lonpr happen. I The tournament bu Cotten too Jarp, too mUCb money la raiaed and too many aood · pljyen are involved. In fact, these daya it might be a race to the finlah to ~ if the playen or her fellow Adoption Guild members reprelled her by physical means -violent or otherwile. And among those leadln1 the pack could be our two ladies of fashion, Jeanne Brownell and Nickie Marx. After having spent weeks putting 1,284 · 1 tennis players in place by rank and age they could be forgiven a little mayhem. Besides, they have too much respect for I tennis players to let such a thing happen .again. Although they resemble each other 1 enough to be thought sisters, and may, after the Ume spent together in this job, feel like llblings -even into a bit of rivalry n<>w and again -they are not. • Monica, as her s~ture reads, Marie - known to friends and acquaintances as Nickie -was born in Santa Monica, gJeW ~p in West Los Angeles and attended Marymount School there. The mother of four children and married to tax attorney Paul Marx since 1962, two years after she moved to Oranae County, she's been involved with the Adoptiop Guild for eight yean. First • a cha1rmaD of the Benefit Party, then chairing the junior portion of the tournament for three years, and finally co-chairing the senior tournament last year, as well aa this. A tenacity that one has to.admire there. , With four children, as she deecribes it, "still filling the bedrooms" she's had her hands and time filled. But aside from tennis, an obvious love, this outgoing gal, with a quick laugh, is an avid student of horticulture, and to spend I more till¥! · with Paul, is taking up his favorite sport, golf. · The Marxes share a love for the de9ert ll and spend as much time as pcmtble at their 1 condo at Ironwood in Palm Dmen. .Jeanne Brownell, alao a native Southern Californian, was born ln Los Angeles and grew up in La c.anacta She went to John Muir High School in Pasadena and graduated with a teacb1ng credential from UCLA. Married to Al Brownell in La Canada Presbyterian Church in 1963, they moved to Orange County a year later, when he went into tlie real estate bl..Wness. Jeanne's a past member of the Junior League of Newport Harbor, and volunteers h«:r time at Harbor View School in Corona · del Mar, where the youngest ef their three , chifdren is a student, and saya she "enjoys teaching so much I substitute-at Harbor View several times a month." She's had lots of practice, having taught elementary school in Los Angeles tor three years and two more in the NeWpe>rt-Mesa School District before starting the family. As family-ociented as her planning partner, Nickie, Jeanne not only plays tennis, but joins the rest of the {amily in skiing as well. "When we were first married I we spent weekends playing ~ volleyball and water skiing," she says, "But our interests turned to tennis and snow skiing." An expert in French cooking, although an Italian by background, she credlta Al · with encouraging her to pursue gourmet cooking . . Between her husband, children and volunteer activities, she has also managed to fit ln a weekly Bible stildy cl.us. ''It'~ a wonderment" and a credit to II women everywhere that people lilte these two can run their houaeholda and put on a I production Cecil B. De Mille could look to 'with envy. What a cast of extras they have to move "Anytime C.B.!" • I e e • n the cover The Adoption Guild -a name synonymous with the 1ai'a-t fund-nlllnc amat.eUr tennis tournament ln the mumy - perhape the country la twentyo()Dlt J99ft old 1j 11m year, 8Dc:l lt'1 targer than ewr -more than 800 tMDll are Jn the driW -And' for, the flrWt time, hM a apomor -AliCa1 _. who, to the tune of $10,000 Ii•• uDdel Written the cost of the tourmment:. • • At the pt.e to the Newport Beach Tennta Club, Nickle wean a mat.elMte two-piece are. belted Jn gold and wbit.e d~ by Diane Dickerson for GentlHae. Over her •boulder •he camet1 • mmaude by Bodo, and camet1 th.roc.l6h the 110ld, and . ~-!1111!~ white theme with domed gol~ diamond earringlJ and a II! gold and dJ.amond Omega wafch=r:Nnne'• mauw pJnlc ribbon .nJc drea u •trlped Jn turquo and gold. A Jill RJchuda desl/ln, ahe chOOBell a beaded "-6 by BW, bronze .iJng pump• by Beato Meucci and pulls the metallic touche• together with gold panty hew lllJd llOld and dJl&mond earringa. Jrer ring u lcunzit.e. '~ ladJs who lunch:" and perbaJ18 they'll haw time aft.er tJu. productloa la over. Here Jeanne. wean a grey and bbtclc cotton, with a touch of polyert.er, two-piece dress by Nlpon. "Coature." She~ up the jet black button• marcbln8 down the front ol the balloon...sleeved top with a black jade bracelet. .blM:k jade earringlJ jaclceted ln gold and a cubic zirconJa rln8· Her bag la by Pa1im and shoes Amalfi. mendi.n8 nicely, aa they haw for weeb, Nklde cbot»etl a black fJbranne three-piece "Coature." The wbit.e reefers. and wrapped blouse are of silk. The reefers, easily removable, make this handsome suit with its folded sleeve detail eminently nexJble. Niclcie's BCX'etlSOries include a Bodo handbag, Two Oty Kida' variation on the spectator pump, double-stranded matinee-lell8fh pearl.a, cbuped with a lfOld and diamond pin and diamond and 8CJld earringa. "I couldn't believe it. lnjustone 16mlnut treatment, I bultt up 1 /21' in each ermmuecle end Inches' It's May . • • (F.Nm PlpCI) 114, ~ IMCh, 8292& fot tieketa. Thiy're 111.00 tor ont opera or NO for th• ..n ... Hoa1 Ho1pltal celebrated lt1 30th MNWflN'Y lMt WWktnd wlUl a cllnMr daMe ~~at°" Marriott Newport -that room hardl1. "" a chance to haw the cheln pµt on hhe tablll to vacuum u.ndtrriMth befQN Uothtr SGUP Mh• ln r-and ~t a lot ot PIODle back tot19ther apin, like Paula Kutner~' iwho wu Ute flnt blby born there and Dr. Milo Tedatrom, "'' flnt medical ataff prelktent; and leny 01-lon, the flrlt admlni8traton. (both Ro'bert and Winnie Becon were aclmintatratota) dauahw) the flnt &52 pret.ldent, Jack Vibert: and""'Beverly Cox, a volunteer With 17,000 hours of .ervlce (Mercy that'• aot to be eomethtna-fof' the Gulnnele Book of Recordt) and thetr only so.year employee, Nune Kelley Ludwia, who I remember With creat fondne11 becauae we spent a lot of time io,ether when the dauahter of our houlehold had to spend t1x weeb 1n the then new peda department. Lordy, lordy, that was 20 years ago. But t.ck to keep the chanae. One of the aldelighta ol thia is that Hoaa dedded by way of celebration to tum the clock and cash registers beck to 30 years aso ln the caf et.erta. Ruthie Jensen unfortunately had (note the past tense, becauae lt'a to be hoped that be'• been sprung by now) her 6-year-old grandson Bear in the hoepital. His 14-year-old brother Andrew was viaiting and ~re aent him down to get a snack. She gave him a $1. He returned with change . . . 36 cepts to be exact. And the snack he'd had for 64 cents Included a cheeseburger, a coke, French fries and egg salad. No dessert, thanks! HAPPY BIRTHDA "f 'l'U YOU . . • happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Barbara and Dick, happy birthday to you. Barbara Gothard and Dick Miles celebrated both their birthdays in the past few days . . . 100 years when counted tosether, they said. F.ach claims one is 40 and the other 60. Neither will give a minute on their stories. Well, whatever . . . here's a toast to them both. A TOAST TO THE LADIES: The highlight of the Angelltos de Oro party the other evening was the pre.entation of a check for $25,000 to the Big Brothen/Little Si.sterrorganiz.ation. The money, raiaed through selling ads for the group's Gold Book calendar and engagement book was produced under the direction of Donna Devi.\e. A job well-done, and anyone who hasn't done that kind of thing can't know what's involved. Among the celebrators: Trish and John O'Donnell, Stephanie and Alex Robertaon - back from their trip just in time to attend - Betty and Mark Soden, Marge and Paul Elmquist, Janie and WU Berls (where are my cards and letters, Janie?) Athalle Clarke, the Nick Doollns and Dori and Jack deKruil. And, of course, congratulations to the rest of the committet!, Phyllis Baillie, Sally Bailey, Martha Crowner, Jane King, Betty ,Kilmer and Dot Clock. "Digger" Odell aboard and in charge of the 7.amboni at the Cmta Mesa Ice C.Spades on his 60th birthday! Dreams of Glory! Roy Carver donated a year's lease on •Rolla JW~ to Le Grand Casino at the Newport Harbor Art Museum, but before the winMr, Mrs. Charles Lacey drove away with it, we caught Bob •nd Jo McLain and Birdie and Harry Bubb raking a gander at lt. Harry was obviously dazzled by Its glimmer and gleam. It'• hard to t.en what Floss Schwmcher (Mrs. S. would never point at a person!) is pointing at, bwt she han't yet gottsJ Bev Shub, her husband, Ed's or George Shub's •ttention. They were enjoying• lJttle wine in the Atrium at the Newport Marriott before the Vknnese Ball. Some of the '3:,1:,f echelon at Angelitos de Oro: 'nm and Donna Devine (she ~ted the Gold Book), Jack · e and his Ball Chairman wife, Phyllia. and the group's persident M.ariJJ Crutcher. · Las Florist.as. Mannequin Diane Kordick in her civvies with daughter Moya. \ Nora Jorgensen's smile is for Mr. Malaprop himself, Nonn Crosby. He and his wtfe came down from Les Angeles to pay theil\respects to Tommy Lasorda. the March of Dimes lint winner of the "Champion of the Year Award." Cast members Joy Owens and Ridge and Thelma Friedel pause betweep the acts of the "Island Fantasies" floor show they and fellow members of the Stage Door chapter of the Performing Arts Center put on for friends at their fund -raiser last weekend at Turtle Rock Community Park. The theme was a Fantasy World Cruise. Bertie.Bettingen gets a big smile from husband Bill and board of trustees' president Gay Bryant at the Newport Harbor Art Museum's fundraiser, Le Grand Casino. CHINA PALACE RESTAURANT The first end only Snc:hwen ltyte 0.W.. ~ In ~ewpon .. .a.. DAILY LUNCH•ON SP•CIAL H.95 ..... WIN ..... ~&--l l:JO ........ ICllJO~ 1~ .......................... ....., ......... P.-. W W 29JO VII. COAST H\IVY. . NEWPORT BEACH (714) 631 -8031 At Fasbl<>n Island, ]<>In Us For . AFTERNOON TEA wltb fresb baMd scones & appetizers WeeArdays 2 :30 · 4:00 p. m. Pianist David Broob, 10, and ceJllat Alllllon Eldridae, 12, perlorm«l for tlHJ OCPH'11 annual meeting. They are both Wdng part in the Phllharmonic'• J'Hr-to-peer youth programs, currently belng presented throughout county~ Aa Annie would say "Here I am, Daddy, with Mrs. Lori Warmington, Mr. Bernard Schneider and Mrs. Nancy Ba1cfwJn . Mrs. Warmington an d Mrs. Baldwin arranged that party for 900 kids after the premiere. It was at Mr. James &/wards m·s theater, too. That's a lot of Jdd.s at a party, isn't it? But Mr. Schneider and his group, the Newport Center A.oclation. paid mast of the money for the party." r -~ . ) .... Co~atulations tDtheNeW . . Graduates· • ; ... I ·1 NEW LEASE ON LIFE -Financial arrangement& with the Canadian government aided Golden West Airlines, but company ..., ........... .., lllhlN " ..... president Hank V 088 teeS economic obstacles ahead. ·mew routes, joint fares negotiatej· BY STEVE MARBLE or ... .,..,,.. ..... Golden Weet Airlines, suaesta former Marine pilot and now compey preeident Hank Voes, la a aurvivor. At a time when airline atanta aercm the land are reeUni and •t Jeut one Is down fCf' the count, the tiny Newport Beach-hued carrier hu clunc to the ropee and stayed on lta feet. But lt hasn't been euy. Just a month aao. the commuter liner went lpto a flnancial tal1ap1n and almo9t didn't pull out. Golden West defaUlted on a $26 million loan for four 50-aeat DeHavWand Dash 7 turbo-prop ~1::-firm~~= ecraping together enough money to meet payroll. "We were ln a position where he had to question whether we'd survive," Vom admita. "It'• va-y disturbing not knowing whether YOl\'~ going to have a job the next day." Cash was ao tight that the firm, at one point, had to defer a How to solve billing er.rOrs l Law gives steps that can stop credit card mix-up from becoming nightmare By LOUISE COOK ............ "-...... Strai&htening out a mixed-up credit-card bill can be a nuisance, but It doesn't have to be a n!Jlhtmare. l'ederal regulations require creditors to correct mistakes promptly. The same regulatlom ·creditors must notify you, on a regular bula, of your rlpta J.... Wides' the Fair Credit Bi11lnc Ad. Tbe Information probably will be included in the cardholder ....-neni you aet when you reeetve a new credit card or renew u exi8dnil one. RMCl the tine print carefully. .....-~ ~ CONSUMER CLOSt -UP also spell out th~ steps you should take to protect younelf In the event of an error. A billing error, as ddined by the Fair Credit Billing Act of un~. can take several forms. It can be a c harge for aomething you didn't buy or for mer,c~andise which wasn't delivered as promised. It can be a mistake in the description or amount of your purchase. It can be a failure to credit your account for a payment you made. If you think your bill ia Wl'OQ8. notify the creditol', In writing, within' 60 days after the bill was maiM!cL Send the letter to the addtt9 listed by the creditor on the bill or in the cardbolder apement. Include yow: name, addresa and account number In the letter. Explain the error and the amount involved. You do NOT have to pay ~ disputed amount. YOU may call the creditor' a ~ aervice deputment and report the error verbally, but a phone call will not pre9el'Ve your rights under the federal regulaUons. You must write as well. The creditor must acknowledge your letter within 30 days -urue. the error' can be corrected before that. Your llCCOW\t must be corrected within two bUlina periods or the creditor ... ~-~h~ tbe bOl • GOt lnenw. If you were f1lht end U.. wa a mistake, you C*IDOt be charaed any late-payment or intere9t fees. If, however, there-. no error you must i-Y the oriClnal ~ plus any finance dw'8ea ~t may have accumulated. . J'. · In aome ca.es. your prol>len may be with the merchandiae you have bought rather than with the bill itself. You do NOT have to pay the credit card company for defective or damaged soods or poor quality aervices, provided you try in good f.aith to correct the problem with the merchant involved and provided that the merchant la not owned by the creditor. (See CREDrr, Page D3) T .rahuco projects to_ go ahead Two south Orange County housing developments that, when completed, are expected to have' a total value of more than $1 billion, will move ahead u planned delpite recent closure of the office of a Laguna Hllls developer who had an option to build the projecta. Th.at la the word from a apokkman for owner of the ~Rancho M1aaion Viejo. ;; two projects, Rancho Trabuco, nortbeut of Mluton Viejo, and Taleja in San Clemente, were to-have been developed by Broadmoor Deve)opnent Co., Laauna Hilla. But that office waa· ordered cloeed recently by Gen.tar Ltd., a Canadian-hued parent company of Brolidmoor. Total evaluation of the completed Trabuco projects la estimated at $544,620,000, accordinc to Launnce R. Lilotte, president of the now defunct L~ck ho.x: Key to .burglaries? El~ctronic model expected lo cut dowd on illegal entries ' . COMMUTER CONNECTIONS -Shared fares may strengthen buslnelB of feeding passengers to other airlines. full week'• pay for all 419 =yeea. The unionized West working force also w. Mired to take a 10 percent · -. cut for one year. Voaa says the firm, which actually had run out of cash, then a-pproached Pan 4!Jlerican World Airways, itself ln money trouble, with hopes the New York-based carrier would buy a percentage of Golden West. ·Listed as the largest and oldest West Coast commuter carrier, · Golden West believed Pan Am would see the advantage of keeping a strong feeder airline 1n buainesa. But the talks collapeed. In a final move to avert diaaater, Golden West worked out an a.creement with the Canadian government, the firm's $26 million ln loans, all on a floating interest rate, being reflelOCiated. Ttie ~t Uo c:aDed for Golden est'• three principal 1tockbolderJ to pump an !JndJldceed amount of CMb into the company. Voes says the arranaement gave Golden West a "new lea.e on life" but he admits the poor economy and the slumping airline industry may throw new obstacles in the firm's path. "There's no evidence of the economy turning around," observes Voss, "and, I suspect, money will be acaree." Golden West began business in the 1950s flying 8h amphibious craft known as the "Gremlin Goose" between Long Beach and Catalina Island. The airline now schedules about 123 fli&hts a day, mostly short-hop routes between nine airports including John Wa~-The Newport firm, like many of its bigger brothers, has been plagued by a slowdown in air travel. Vo11 says this hurt partJcularly in t.~ competitive California market where airlines settle for a smaller yield in order to land busl.nem. Voss observes that many airlines, including bankrupt Braniff, made bold expansions under deregulaUon only to be left hangina out on a limb when (See OOLDl!:N, Page D3) Air freight firm to mOv.e offices ( :: ~:~1:,~!;~;! : 1~ Carl ra•ol\or CUL '' e ...... c •• ,. tal'1 If C"•••Ml~t Clltl 11 ClU 1100 laol • 1' c,1 ... 11 .,.. -10 C•lu•al• s ... 11 c .. .,,.,, 1.... CMIO Uc ... , •• Col't CllH 1J c .. 11\.lfl\ CO~f• l• C••1' .. I\ l\ec• CUii 1~ Ott•Po.,.r orv• J6 OH•lron on• 11 Ool.,. OAN • 21 Oovno 3a•. UL 29 II.CO, loo. llC 10 II' Hloro, II~ JI IMorodo hnk II.Ill U Elo•lu Corp DIU• 11 l•ol•Jtloft Teo~• • 1• h••••· lod. ll I ,, '" """ " .. "'' " ,,,..t. ...... ,. ''"' )l Pl"o" Corp. PL• • ll r1~oro0ar&40 re.•• lJ ~~.~~'"::t;: ~;~:- • 1 O•"•r• l Tt r•. ~TC l U Cold•• w. N. qvR ' t) Ort1t W. HO•P GNI U Muhl\ Ind. • 'f Ht l lone \lu MIU o Hor1ta1t laot OTI • le9\lt.rof\ lno JNMU •I l8Pt •lal ht, IHPC 119 «1ronh. lno. ... !lolVMtl hatl\ la~ .Nao C•f ........ . ., .... ,. .. ..,.,., ... ... C••h ... .. IHU h• .... ~•I• Oraoeo r.~~~ ........ - 110,.r\ -- Jto\I Au 1 ... , •• M•h•t• CoaU Noaa S,n\I A•• Newport ltaoh 'llu\I• lartt" An1 trw\ft• Anat\et• .. VIM),.t '41CI .. Sal\t• "'• frY\ftt AJ'\•"•t• 1.A-...tf\A ,., •• , Anal\e l e TY•tl'1 S.ftU A"a Oreft&e "•wPor\ leac~ trv\nt &nat\et" .. wport. I MOh i..eun• HI Ill Orenc• htl lthU Ian••• ... ~1n1 , ... , ..... *•••ll• '"" ,. ••. .. ,,, w. .. -r• ... ~lno Matl\lot lMlt ,rU , la•I••• • IOH '" u .... ,., ., •. '"'•"· .-..a._"'' .... llo .. WllOra .. Oo • hit. & Tran. Power '"''l' er1. Ml troproo11eor 1y1, tc>•ti· ••••· ., •• 3a•l"C• & la•n I\ t ot. 1¥1 . Ii ~W l t..ohel Ktorowaw1 oountt ,.1 hn~ln1 C\4otrM\t t eo~t.•tt .r •. 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CHtr•h Plrnlu u ,,.,, ... .. u1l 'ir•Uir• lloM Ct•tl. • o. ..... ····~°"· ,,,,, 01 i t 'lf Gu 11r1 l~••rn•• ctr• ~,, ...... e.-1111~c w.la • ". n••• '"1\r.I 1r1. :m~t .,. ·-· loM Mf\l triteUH V1t1,. , ... Y.l ••• .. ~--.• o ··~ .. :.,:: 1T:H .u~ olc )·" i.1, •Ut 0 .'10 ,JI 11•~ 1.n 1.00 ITU 7.\0 I.SO au '·" t,•o IAIDAO 11.00 u.n Otc 1.11 ),00 llSAO t. '' ,t. SI UC J,00 J,00 llYU l'·•> )1,{\ nu 1.u "·n llAIPCO •. 11 •· z· OTC l·" •. l ITU .n T,I IUIUO I.'~ I. SO ~~.°"··• ~~l,!::r!::~·:.~~::~. •·'g~ 1U~ U~ ~.... *'""'"• 3arvlo•• UJl>AO 1,)9 1.50 lrfll\t CHpUor M•Pho oq, OTC .,o ,,O i..cuno NI llo Modlo.l l•tlf'UMl\U 1&111&0 .'1 .n .. vpo•l hoon 011 I 111 op. I tlr, WUDAO S, H f. n ~1•11 Chol At & '•II th Pf', #&SAO , ,, , 54 '•unUI• v.11o, lletlo•l tulr. OTC 1.zs 1,0 lrvll\O .. &lnearlo& I C~na\ NASlAO 9. T5 I . 75 Pulh•llft Ito-Int , OTC 15,00 15.00 Qr1n11 Oil rltld IMI• • oq. #TH 10,,0 t.U t·)O.tl •-1ooto llC 0.01 ,o., ''·Jl·t• :1U u: 1Z:, ;:1~:.: ·••·• o.ot .i.1 1-1•·r: .,.,0 10 •• ,, • J• 1. 1 -•a.t .oa 12.s 10. 1-1 IC NC (0, 191 11('. 0 •• , llC 1.7' • '·' 1.01 lrtln• AH~•I• 1111.&,.n,,ho.U"•lrt. ~ISl.O 1,00 .U .11.0 !0.151 S-)1-81 .. to.i•o• ~'"°'"'' U3DAO I.JI 1,)I 11C 0,1) 10.6 7.31.11 ...,.,.,\ ····~ OArdeft Oro•• '""'" rre11u torvar .. n1 UE S.11 ,... lit 10.6') • 12·)1-ll 011 t •d ~· UllAO • 16 , 16 llC 10.0ZI 10.)1.11 Coepour 000\lroll•ra AU 10.tt 10,11 • 1,1 1,01 10.0 6-J0-11 • •••• 11,,., I'. ,, ··t' J '• u '· 1u.m "·'H 1J:lz~ T 0 I ) 90,tU ''·'" iO, llf t1• 1t,OU ~a.Ul '·'H·1" 1,, ·m ' 'Ill .::.it '·•1t u.n• t,O)t T, )tT ..... 6'1 J,TU J,U• l,tt1 'l·'" t ,, .. 1n.nz 11,6)) 1,190 11),,\ I I' ,. • 11' IOf!IUUtaDl1. llDCL .. vporl looo~ s .. 1001\f104l ord .. 1ou USlMI 5.T~ 5.U -6,1 (0.0•I 6-)0-11 17,010 ·•71 110 V.•U•.,.• 1111. V1SI 3anl• ••• look\ftl U3D&O ).00 J.00 !IC .61 '" 1z.J1.11 11,16) 1,119 111 Vlllt•f Co. '°""tel• h i. AetH••oolMar\l\o '•od OTC 1,,0 1,50 IC 0.11 ),a 12·)1.IO ),1U \ti 111 Wrlth' "'"'f' V .. • hvpor• haeh 011 •114 Ou · IA31ll0 1,)8 1.,0 • 1.1 (0.111 • )•JI. 1 t ,?•5 ·9t' llJ.VyM'I lftl' VI r.111r\oft Aull Por\a I Aco. NTH 11, JI II.II ' .10.1 1.tl '·' 11·)1· I tOt,ft5 I0,606 ............... ..-....... ._ .. ,. .................................. -......................................................................... _ ......................... -........ ~ .. ---... . 1• fOll "°""° LIU 1'0 AS:llU llllPORT Jll:U•JTllS °CO.,,' llOMTMLY lllltLnfll •TU OUllO! COUITY •roes •DO•r 01 lllefYltual. llPORTS O• TMI AIOfl COMPUllS CALL (71&) 9'7·1011 <•• ro• JIFHIT L. U LPATlllCI, PUllDPTl ' ( ., llllJUTll TIUT llllPORT HCUUTllS co .. •o••TIOI HAS A PUILUllll' llllUCH Hl'OIT AYAll.All.I Oii Tiil• COlll Ill ,0 Krl• Teoh. UL~ 111u1on YloJo , ..... ,., Tlr•lnola •UDAO T.11 1.1' • 1.6 0.)6 a1.5 1-Jl-11 '·'" )II ·13• 761 bUnt l .. ortoruJ" •d• lo 1Hur1 th• a1a1r11' and U•llnou of \ht 41ll ooot•lo•d '" theH ie•ru . llltlob •r• ..... Oii to<i•••• .. 11 .. ..i It rolla•h , tut 111ob a1011roop •of tlM llnou are "°' tHrH\H f IN hwpor\ loavrlUH •" Oh .... ,. ,.,., .. .._. "° 110 1101 hr o p lnooeurHlt• o• unu .. 11aau or ••• ••u ,..~U•~• llora. C-ll•d •1 Ami T• .. ••· Grace gets license to hunt for waste d money By MICHAEL PUTZEL . WASHINGTON (AP)-When J. Peter Grace took over the family firm, W.lt. Grace & Co. owned a federaoly regulated airline, a federally subsidized steamship line and a national bank. Twice a week, Grace came to Washington to handle the company's dealings with the government. Fed up, he sold all three and vowed to "have nothing to do with Washington." "I don't like businesses where you have to come down with your hat in your hand to ask people in Washington for favors," he said. "You always get the raw end of the stick." Now the blunt-spoken Grace is back -this time with a hunting license from the president. President Reagan appointed Grace to head a task force with the uncharacteristically bureaucratic title of the President's Private Sector Survey on C-06t Control in the Federal Government. His m.ls&on: save money. Peter Grace, who turns 69 this month, took over W.R. Grace at the end of World War Il. He was 32 and out of ooll~e less than 10 yeara, but he IOOD set a new course for the company that his grandfather founded in Peru in 18:>4. Asked recenuy what business he is in now, Grace said, "We're in almost every busine98 you can AP• pf I NBW MISSION -J . Peter Grace ii heading talk force titled ~dent's Private Sector S)lrvey on Cost Control . • spread sheet with 1,000 ooJwnna showing every expeNe item from 1962 thl'O\Wh 1983 ... the average annual growth rate and different ratios of every expen1e item. by state, by foreign .country and 10 on, plus an the GAO rporta, fG report.a, special studlH, all biblloeraphed with page numbers roferenced." Spread sheets are computer printouta which. to Big enough to be safe .•. How safe? $26 million strong ·Locally owned ·Profitable in 1981 ·Administering over $150 million for other financial institutions the WlaCquainted. look like a virtually encfleee, and rnean1nsle11, jumble of numben. A man at least u comfortable with ~ u he is with words, Grace unfolds one that'• lour inches thick and demonstrates the art of readJ.nc it. "Now, this is National Defeme--Other, which means other than Army, Navy and Air Force,'' Grace explains. ''Thia has gone from 1962, 3. 7 billlon, to 10 billion in Small enough to ~e neighborly. How neighborly? ·The simplest, safest IRA lS'lt for 18 months ·Our Ready Money Account,. -the interest-bearing c~king account ·A Small-Savers account, the big hitter's envy! ·A non-stop welcome San Marino Savings '70, and ln 1981 it WU 47 bUlion. and '82, 47~ billion. Here'a c.pital spending, land and atructun!I, equl~ent, uh. quart.en, unv.ouchered refund.a, &n.1.J,hing you want, you see. It'• all here . . . " 'What Willie Sutton said," Grace continued. "They asked him, 'Why do you rob the bank.a?' And he said, 'Because that's where the money la.' Well. here it is. Here's where the money la." ! J i 0 f ( "'°"',.. 01 ER~DIT •• .'' The purchaa• mua total more that too and rnua' haw been made In your home 1tate or wl\hln l~ mUel ot your cwnnt ma1Una ~. SuppoH you buy • MOO eofa from a Joc.1 deparimtnt 1tort and ohl.rp tM ~ on your benk CNdlt cazd. The aoh arrvea dam.,.cl -or doee not anive at all. Al Jone u you try to aettle the problem with the •tore, you do Nar haw to pay the credit-card bUl. When you refuae payment becauae of defective or dama1ed gooda or aervlcea, the creditor may aue you for the dlaputed amount. i iiiiiiiiiiiiiii"ii1i.-••.t00 Bt•nlff I I "'7.1 -1473.5 ntn1al 1221.1 142.U o.lta 'o 1152 -1212.1 Efl!em J 11.300 iiiiiiiiiliiiil 11,700 Northwest 01100 I S1U USAlr 011se.s ••m.1 West9fn c::::Ju1u -137U 11 .• 000 11.100 Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/8unday, May 23, 1882 GOLDEN WEST 81\TTLES TROUBLES bualne., •lacked off and the economy went IOUt. Golden Wttt had particular t.ro\.lbl with lta Lake Tahoe run, a route lt moved to fUl after AJ.rC.1 and PSA atopped haulliur the 1ambler1, 1t1htaeer1 anCI akier1, dt!nf f reqUf'nt weather problema. The N,wport alrllner had planned to lnatall a microwave landln1 ayatern at Tahoe to aolve the problem. But cuh ahori.gea prevented thla and Golden Weet ended up cancellna 761 fllahta laat winter. V°" aaya Golden Weat haa temporarily dumped ita Southern California-to-Tahoe rout.ea but is hoplna to reintroduce th em durlna peak toWilt and akitng montha. The airline pruldent la . hopeful of eatabl1ahlnl a joint tan syatem ln the oomJna year where commuter pa11en1era would pay a llnale price to take Golden Weet to another airport and then catch another airline to their destlnatlon. With latger airUnea aharlng in the coet of such a proaram. Vou aaya travelers woufd, end up paying little or nothing for the Golden West flight. Feeding passengers lo other airlines is Golden West's bread and butter and Voa points out lt ia important that the firm attengthcn thli ~ket "We're not out of th~ wood. b any mt>ans," he uya, "but w have o proven record ~ 1urvlvlni and I think Wf''l overcome the> hurdll'I here o out." Braniff slots to be divided DALLAS (AP) -The Fed Aviation Administration will hold a lottery th.is week to v away 250 of the aJrport 1.andinil and departure apacea held by Braniff International. FORECLOSURE (714) 542-5811 LENDERS: when you already have a problem don't compound It. Come to where the banks savings and loans and mortgage brokers have been coming for over 30 years. Profe11lonal Excellence Since 19S1 If tbia happena, the defective ·nature of the aoods or aervices la an fmportant part of your defeme. DO Nar throw out a damaged p.roduct; you may need It to prove your claim. Note Includes long·term debt and noncurrent obhgat10ns under capital leases 'STAN-SHAW CORPORATION Prices sliced , I· at CdM homes While the availability of beach-oriented housine continues to dwindle, and prices continue to mar throughout the coutal area. Corona del Mar has been made more accemtble. In an unusual move, the owner of Sandcastle hu al.aahed prices by $20,000 at thia garden-aettlng community of condominiuma. Originally priced from $169,500, the.e one and two-bedroom homes are now.available from $149,500. For additional information regarding the homet of Sandcastle, potential buyers are encou.nged to visit the community, open daily from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., except Wedne9day and Thunday, at 709 Avocado Avenue in Corona Del Mar. Or call 673-3271. Hometieek.en are encounterlr1'{ the finest in art .kitchen cabinetry in the condcminiWDI at Belcourt Hill, a new master-planned community in Newport Beach by the J.M. t>eten Company. The manufacturer of the top-grade cabinetry, the A1lmilmo Corporation, a West German firm and leader in cuatom-built fumiture, is well-known for maintaining the highest standard of eJlllellence in ita field. Bekourt Hill la the tint project in Be1court. a 11~ reddential comanmlty GO tbe lalt lbab1e piece of undeveloped land 1IOned for raldenUal development in the city of Newport Beach. A lleCOlld project conliltina of 30 estaw-ehed ~ the C\.mtmn Collection. alao 18 avallable bcm $400,000 to $675,000. Belcourt Hill'• tales bdllty, which include9 four fumbhed modeJa, .la opm bcm 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. To reach the 9CJOUDunlty, tak• the Jamboree Roed exit off the San Diego l'reeway and proceed 80Uth to Ford &.d. 'nle guarded-pte ~trance is one block east on Ford Road. Further information may be obtained by calling 760-3808. An architectural review committee has been established to review and comment on all plans submitted for homes which will be built in Bahia del Sol, the new 97-lot planned homesite develo.,.nent in Palm De9ert. 'Ille homelites, which went on tale earlier this aprtna. range in me from 12,000 1quare feet and are piiced from $45,000. Bahia del Sol la located on Mesa Vaew Drive, ~off the Pabm to Pines Highway (74) where the tales office ii open from 10 a.m. Wltil 5 p.m., Friday; Saturday and Sunday. Further in1ormatlon ia available by calling ~55 or 957-9303. ACCOUNT FOR EXPENSES ··-BSTAmAll'l9 • •• 50~ -10Qfw ...., $5.SO -oa-. ,.0 .... 7200, c.... Mi.- Atta•antlll ..... torthe llP .. •Htd_......_ .. ., I•· "D• l11n llMI Tu. lw""',. , ............. I • ........ _.,.....,..., ............... .... .. Id I MI ,_ ':riu2PJrt1'';"!'W .. . ..... ,.. ... _ ........ ... ............... ~-··· . •u• 111111111 t11tnr,u11 • ....... .............. _._. ......... . .... ......., .................... . Ocean breezes. Terraced gardens. A business environ- ment that's second to none. Civic Plaza in Newport Center. A short walk to a variety of fine restaurants, the Marriott Hotel and Fashion Island. A short drive to freeways. Close to the John Wayne THE Airport, only minutes to the beach. This is the Newport Beach business climate at its best. Gardenuffices with extensive landscaping. Convenient parking. Wrth experienced space planners to assist you whether you lease 2,CXX) or 20,CXX) square feet. Offices that, by design, reflect the epitome of success. • Civic Plaza in\ewport Center. Unparalleled executive environments. NON available. NCMI affordable. For further information, call Andrew Schutz at (714) ~370, or contact your broker. CIVIC PLAZA OF SUCCESS. -..... --. . - -..... . Jl• ! . -J ·1·; "~ H ··~. . . t~' ,, ' ' •I' I ·,lj ~·· ..... .... ......... '--"°' . ·' ·: • • ~~:i'~ ,,. _,_ '1."l~\_~t~t'I. ~ .. -.t ... '·• ... 1. ..... ~:." 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'lfttf!ff : I UISF-Fil : . 11#116U6' : 1ii16'·IS~ ,· ;: ESFU Fili-:$'.;-, s SfFT 1s1hsn; sisus~s ~ ~ -~ -~--=~ -, --R m-Qe:::; a ';';5 ~ sn ; SC" ™ Sf::U#'SN~ nr# .,, llti ·-~.:rm USI t £s# jif'"-;;Jr~;;•sj i-•s»m--y ;iu,1~ mm-;.m1,; • .-;m nn i ii! U!Ht.!ffB~IHl.JfftlllP ~ilSf«<; DD -. 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WM\ rm not~ rm JLwt ~ ~ Dhet.'' lthel Merman never hat bHn plain or ord1nar)' to Broldway, but an lnlUtution whwe pow.rfw, bnlty ...-. and flawlMI diction haw trtwnphed tn lf rn~ all but one a hit Mualcall like 11Qyp1y," "Annie Get Your Gun," 11C1ll M• M1d1m," 11Anythlnq Goe1," op~ Hattie," II~ fol> \he Boyt,'' "Red, Hot ancl ~~t" to name a few. YOU uunK of Merman, ~ think of the 1Q1"9 the'• introd\Qd. A ]*tial ~ Her anthem, ''Thert'• No Bualn ... Like Show Bulinen;" "You' ... the Top;" ''You Can't Get a Man With a Gun;" "lt'a Delovely;" "I Get a Kldt Out of You;" "Life h JUat a Bowl of Cherri ea," and ''Everythina'a C.omlna Up RoMa." She ~u tut on Broeidwal in 1070, the e~th •tar to play Dolly Levi in 'Hello Dolly!" She· \doesn't ,nam 1 to pi.y Bro.dway apin. But ahe keeps her banid -and voice -in ellewhere. On Monday, May 10, she did a Carnegie Hall benefit for one of her favorite cau.ea. the o Theatre Collection of the Muaeum of the etiy of New York. sm,tng a 20·tune medley of her tqaest bi ta. 'They're by a fairly diat1nguished congregation of compoeen -the Gerahwtna, Cole Porter, Irvine Berlin, Jule Styne, Stephen Sondhelm. "I only fool around with the best," says the former aecretary for the B. K. Vacuum Booster Brake Co., who began her long career with Broadway's best in 1930, in George Gershwin'• "Girl Crazy." · . There, she belted out "I Got Rhythm," holding the top no1e for 16 long ban, the note hitting the farthest reaches of the theater with nary a quiver. AA one awed writer noted years later, "tt became clear that she had battleships in.her vocal oo!'dl and a cro.-bow in her larynx." But ahe denies she's strictly fortissimo. "People aay rm a helter," she grou.es. "rm not a helter. I can belt a aol)g, but I can sing just as aoftly aa anybody else." Her dad was a newapapennan, her mother a houaewife. She w• still a tyke when ahe first sang in public at a local Republican Club function in the . New York borough of Queens. w}lere ahe was born 70 years ago. • Vocally, she's always been doma what comes naturally. She's never had a .i.,,mg Te.on. "Gershwin told me, 'Never go near a singing teacher,' and I never have," abe says at her apartment here, a swmy, tidy home filled with French furniture, paintinp and odd bita of theater memorabilia. , She shyly shows her visitor one of ber most cherished mementoes, a photograph of Gershwin. who l.nacribed it: ''To bbe1 -from a lucky compo9el' who has you linlf.na bis eooga." On Wednadays, she aays Genhwin liked to Git ETHEL M.J:BMAN .. ·. No more .BrOldway in with the pit band at "Glrl Crazy," aubbin8 fOC' the resular plan1at, Roser' Edem (who later beCame her music arran•erj, when the 1an1 "I Got Rhythm." · "I always knew he waa there," ahe •ys. "I never had to look down. He had a certain touch I knew. I never had to look down to know that wu George Ge~win down there in the pit." ~ ·= ANAHEIM DRIVE·IM Anaheim 879·9850 -·--~· . ..................... ~· ............. ':. .· Ill Ill IT II TIO IDI 11 E lll "FEB. GOOD ml OF 111 YUi!" -in 5-, lllC·TV, TOOAY SHOW BLAKE EDWARDS' NEW YORK (AP) - Deaf p_~tetten calUna tor CBS to can')' cloled caption p~ammlna picketed ou networi headquanen her9 and at alflllated atationa ICfOll th• COW\tey. ''Try tumlna off UM 110und on your televiaion aet for 1~ mlnutea," u.ld Darlene Wataon, coordlnatQr of deaf aervlcea of the Detroit Hearlna and Speech Center Inc. "lt will dtiv~ you cruy and you'll aee what we're talkina about." Protesters at the demonstrations said CBS ii the only one of tNt four major TV networkl that doea not provide cloee .captioni.J\8. . IN 70 MM 8 TRACK DOLBY STEREO • . 1·······································••******* • et1wards NEWPORT-CINEMA· :FASHION ISLAND. NEWPORT CENTE • • • Near CMa& •• .. ••Y• lletwee. ,.aeArtlt•r A , .. ......_ • • ~ 644-0760 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . NOW· DAILY ·· I hie A.M •• S:M • ArM • 81M • I etle P .M. uwAaDs Patca na "ANNIE" · szso -~·· ClaU• 11 .. ,r IS 6e11eral A... .. "FIGHTING BACK" ,... ........ SAT /IUK. Ht. 4:00 ........ -(It) .. A flnal pursuit sequence as breathtaking as the big chase In 'Raiders of the Lost Ark:" -rtayt>oy Magulne "It deserves to become the flrst hit of the summer season:· -llme Magazine '* aARGAIN MATIN•••* Mand•Y thru l1turd1y All fttrformanq .. btfort 1:00 PM ,....,. .................... "••> /j ~ ~,, ....... ,. MlfNO 01 loNCIOM LA MIRADA W Ai i( IH tt.t-2.00 ... YOU COULD 1U WHAT I HmAr.., ------- ... YOU (l()UU) m WNATl...-(N) 1:1f, ...... 1!1t, .. LAl<EWOOO C U.HEil SOUTH 1111•1• '" ,,., ... , ,..._. ANAHEIM DlllVE IN ._.... .... &.....-.. '"PONCY'a" ... .... -.-. ..... - "WRONG II NGHT" 1111 ----.-.- ~IACIC"• -..,,. WARNOlll" Oii .....;....__119.ft ___ IO ______ ~·~~-- "PAAAllTr'.., l"IO• klND-OP HmM>" • "DllAD a1o1...,. • .,.MADllm ..... C• " IOUllD Clllt fl SOUllO " •t A I A .... BUENA PARK Dlll'll IN ~ .............. 12M070 -------......... . LINCOLN !llllVf IN ,• .. ·. . HI l/vAY •q l'~'•" .N , ' . ' I . I I I r I I ' THE GREATEST ROCK & ROLi COMEn¥ i1llVUHURE NOWIN 0 A..,..CI I or,~ Pacific Stereo 1440 s. Anahe*n ~d Anahem, CA 92805 ? 14-533-7513 Dobbs TV & AooalCe 13t N. Man Street • Blvtht CA 92225 7!4-922-4111 Video~ AudlO 'Center Makbo Video SY:$1llmS Amencan Transvideo. 627 SilYef Socx A:>ad, # 204 22221 Pacrtc Coast HighwcJj 2415 E. Marl Street ~ Hh £., CA 90274 Malibu, CA 90265 Ventu11. CA 93003 213-377-3310 213-456-8181 ~~56 AmerUl Transvidec> 106 w. Baselne San Berna-dllo. CA 92408 714-889-3583 Pacrfie Stereo 2321 Whittier Boulevard La Habra. CA 90631 213-694-3654 PaciflC Stereo 590 lrdicrl Hf Boulavard ~.CA91766 714-621-3870 Pacrf IC Stereo 11300 South Street CenitD&. CA 90701 213-860-6344 •• Amencan TransVldeo 11362 W:lstminster Boulevard Garden GroYe, CA 92643 714.oJS-3960 Paaf c Stereo 415 South Central~ Glendale, CA 91204 213-246-7428 Pacific Stereo 425 E. Manchester Boulevard ~.CA9030l 20-671-7578 Pacific Stereo 2871 E. Man Street • ~.CA93003 805-659-4344 If you've noticed an adver\.i1ln1 blitz on television lnvitifll 'J<1U "to come blCk to the pearl of the Caribbean -Jamaica," there is a reaeon. The Jamaica Tourist Board wanta yoµ! The West <:.out is the biggest market po~tial. said a tourls~ board official, and the main ~t ii SoutheT~ Californians, especially those who vacation 1n Hawall. "Jamaka has everything Hawaii hu," aa1d Jobn Lynch, a deputy director of the tOurist board, who was on a promotional tour of Los Angeles and Orange oounties. "We ca n offerc}he same kind of vacation ... from a relaxing time on an uncrowded beach to scenic tours to the bultle of dty li1e, •• he said. For instance, travelers can enjoy "•ter aporta, golf and tennis, view lush vegetation, deme forests and hundreds of orchid varieties growina in their natural habitat, tour sugar cane plantations, taste native foods, shop for crafts and go nightclubbing. The home of reggae muaic and at.eel drum bands has some differences too, such aa its culture and history. lta checkered past is evident in Port Royal where British buccaneers set up fortifkationa centuries ago, and artifacts daiing back to Col'IJl)bua are on display at the national mU8eWD in KingJlton. And some unusual island activities include rafting in bamboo rafts and evening riWI' trips. complete with cocktails, food and a Jamaican show. With air fares comparable to Hawaii, Lynch believes Jamaica will capture more of the market. But, he said, people have been more reluctant to go to J~ of the long fliahta. \.alally with a nop in However, that will chanp JUAe 18 when direct charMr fllall\I from i.o. A.Aaeles Intematlan.l fJrport to Mooteco Bay ~ 'l11e price ii $379 ~·trip, and flytna time ii 6.6 boun -about the Mme aa LAX to RoriOlulu. The inauguration of non....top rupta cotndda with a campaian to lure ~ IWIUDel' trawler. LYJ>Ch th.lnka maf\Y touriatl lby away from a Jamaica holiday because they tbinll it la too· warm. ~ "But," he uki, "that ii a mblcoooeption. The average dtilY temperature la 80 deareea and tradewinds cool the evenings to about 70 depeeL" Lynch said a big advali~ of traveling to the laland In the awn.mer ii prices. 'Rates are about ~ of what they are in winter months." And a bargain foe leVeral coul>le8 towing tocetber, Lynch said, ii renttna a vuI.a. One with four bedrooms costs about ·$800 to $900 a week. which includes services of a maid, cook and gardener. Jamaica's tourist campaign began about two yea.rs ago with a change of gQvemment, which Lynch de.cribed u "pro-tourism and pre>-West." .. The government ii committed to reversm, the Industry'• declines. he said. The promotion'• aucceaa can be measured in the = of the industry -now the island's third Tourism increased -Ja percent last year, and last winter was a record aeuon. Lynch q.id. Now the focus is on elevating t.hme figwa. J -where de rum comes from • • By STAN DELAPLANE A moon like a slice of golden papaya hangs over the black night water. The waiter brings a gUm of frUity Jamaica punch. iced and f:ngrant. Somewhere a man is alnging in a aoft la1a.nd vcltt:f!, "Yellow bird, high in de banana tree ..... After a hard time, Jamaica JI coming back. Tourists are returning. 'nle nQl'tb shore reeorta boom with music from t£e steeh1r\,ama. "Take her to Jamaica where de rum comes from ... "1' •All tOWlsts go out to Roee Hall. "Where Annie Palmer tonnent de slaves, aah!' It waa a great gay .ruin when I first came to Jamaica Haunted, of courae. For Annie Palmer waa known • the White Witch. She came from Haiti. Grew up on Voodoo. She tortured her slaves and in 1831, a al.ave nan.:l Taku JAMAICA Jamaica is an independent dominion in the British Commonwt:alth. Population 2,215,000 on 4,411 square miles. LluJguage is English. Weather warm and sunny most of the year. Wettest months are May and Cktober. Because 9f the British background,• dress is more formal than most resorts. Jacket and tie (sometimes black tie) for men. Dresses for women. THE PRICE IS RIGHT: Ask about "in-Bond" shopping 1md save 80 to 40 percent. Then bargain like mad. NCYI'ES ON MY MENU: Salt fish and ackee ia the national dish, but you'll want to try jerk pork, run-down stamp.and-go; and the fiery pepperpot soup. I atrangled her. Talru wad an obeah man. It'• a kind of witchcraft. Jmwcans say ohly an obeah man had' enough power to overoome Annie Palmer. Nobody would Uve there. The atone stepi crumbled -you bad \o climb in. The empty windoww were like eye.o&eta in a akull. It w~ .. J>ought by a Delaware mWionaitt. He restored it. "Filled it with period antiques. A Holiday Inn went up on the cane road. The m.l.lllona1re opened a oondominium office. (You don't bemoe a millionaire by leaving your brains in the woodshed.~ . There• a $7 entrance fee. A brown Jamaica girl in a muatani colored alave oostun1e (re.earcbed and authentic) took us 9J1 tour. Showed ua the window whe!'e Taku tomed out wicked Annie. We bought pcstCarda in the alave dUDf!On. and drank cold Bed Strtp beer on tM verandL Several girl luide8 were out there. I Mked them if anybody tied ever teen the &host of Annie. They ot-~ and ..id: "We never come by de • n13htUme.:r---- You can find plenty of Junaicam who believe in the ghost. A taxi driver named Klnafiah told me. "Friend of mine drive a Frenchwoman out dere. She call on Annie Palmer to show benelf." I~s time to come to Che Wands, come to Jamajca. le baa whitMt ..ndy beaches, dear war«, bltM! skit¥, ai1lng and rafting. ~ What happened? "Annie Palmer talk to dat Frenchwoman where ahe hide de ,old! De wall open up and ahe ee de gold ahin.lng. "AB around was buttl!rflies. Annie Palmer tell A amaU shop -"-1......-.•-. ''The White Witch d Fre h 'De9e d ~·•-fall d la · "'·'-~ UUUIUI reading detective stories for he kept saying, "No 1 k• nc woman, e l9U\&lll 0 e 8 ve a--a18 of Roee Hall" and "A Guide to Jamaica by Car." comment." Then he answered the questJon. "De Frenchwoman fright. She run to de car. You can buA!:rt Royal pewter. When he went to raise the ghost one night, Sa 'Ori fut L..--a.. de h 1!' w:-da While Hall waa atill in ruins. an Engliah some 4,000 Jamaicans crowded the sugar cane roed. y, ve ..-:A to ote ror two ya. dat , .... i..itualiat tried to -1--Annie's .......... He was Th turned Whe th the d Frenchwoman have fever." .,.... •.-.:: a.aftla... e copl ou,_ n ey saw crow Do I believe KlngfiabT You bet I do. I working u a construction plwnber on a new hotel they aent back for riOt guns. ~· wou.Jdn't go rwar Bme Hall after dark fer all the that waa going up. I went around to aee hbn. His Sam laid that cooked it. No ~ost woWd show rum in Jama.tca. rwne wu Sam Styles.. with artillery all over the place. leingfiah told me: The restoration of &8e Hall waa done well. He read minds and tea leaves. He had piercing ''Bery danget'owl tQ do t'n.gs wit' ghOlta in Jamaica. Tbou8h I liked It better In crwnbltng na1na with •_b_lack __ e_..y_ea._He_drank __ ~plnk--=gln:.__. _I_think __ h...;..e'~d_;bee~n~..:.aah.:;;:;.::.'_' -------·---~--­ vines growina through the Walla. The Detaware man put in new walks where we uaed. to stumble throuah powdery rubble. The Interior waa put together by hb wife who reeearched the period. It waa gi-and in Annie'• day and must look much the ~· There are etgbt guldeL A tour leaves f!W:rY l~ minutes. The au:ldee are all pretty. 1be costume if attractive with aprons over the looee gown and a white kerchief toppin& their hair. Kai Warner Anita Kerr .... Reed Neil Ollmond Bob Thiete Peter Paul & Mary Cyril Stapleton Janis Ian .. -..-~-· • • ,-'" I SIBERIAN EXILE -John Sava1e portrays Victor Herman, an American fritoner in .a $Iberian work camp, in 'Coming Out of the Ice .. at 8 tonJabt on KNXT {2). I T.-1.AHAVU . l<.NOWYOUR ..-.a eoXING "Hallonal~AlaC> ClaVOll Fllleil" The beet collegia. bo_.. In tQ welgllt d...-CClftll>'lt• IOr ti. Mtionel fltlea. (l)MCMI • • "~ Scerial Va. Th• My11aro111 From Merl" (1M1) AnlmabMI. Tha leao. of • ..,_ ..... le Clletged wlttl IN tMa ot nvtno Earth ffbm an attd by 8nO'Y ...,,..,,.. ·HAMUER~Ofl' HOMOft "Rude AwallenillO" A "91- aetate aoen• beOlf'9 ....... ntgl'ltm-Ula1 he 19 k• Ing Illa .... bVt .. -quite IUla wMr• the ~ and end r..itty rMOYIE • • • "lovlllO COuplea" I 1tl0) ~ MecL.elna. Jemel Coburn. A INllfted coup. and. -of~ llr'OIAA lwltdl .,.___ "' • .,,.. ot ~ -"'*"' and romentlc: r~. 'PO' t:OOI NIW9 OONPDllNCI ~' ' (I) OML. Ml Hi 6 MIAMI 8TMllT CR> i rT8WNTTEN e:10 8 (I) FN2 THE NATION 18 a.eTTHE..,... ..WlOO~ ~v0t1oeccwan lHIWON.D TOMOMOW • KlllllTH OONUIG .litCMI ··~--M C1N0) DWll --..... ............... ................. ..... ....., ......... •N ' -·(1)'9A~""9 • ATONI Ou"1: author Gordon P..U.. I =~·.::: H9WD ()fl'TAUnf MX~N> THE LAWlllMC99 MAOIOOFOIL PMIT'ING 8 NEMCINT'EJll ~y (C)MOYll "S.. And TIMI Single Par· _,. .. Mike F.,.,.._ .._. I t. ,--.. A ooup9 find outtharMltltaot~ owr lllNrl tt\9Y tTy .. mar- ry Ind .,. c:Hldrell b6odl thany. (Jl)llCWll • • "From Hel To Vtc:to-rf' (197t) a.or.. ...,,.. ton. 0-V-..... d. ,_ frlel)dl from dltter•nt oounutae '"'* ,_,.. Pwla In 1939 to flgfll tor Ulelr lndMduel _,,.. In woncs war 11. 'PO' (l)MOYll ... * "The Electrtc Hofw.. man" C 1t7t) Robert ,_.. font, Jane Fonda. A '-- Vegm~ --a I 12 mlmof'l lhor~ --to -him from Illa ~----'N· 10:11 CZ) MOYIE ••'A ''The Fr1eco IOd'" (1979) Gana Wider. ttern- AOI\ Ford. A PoWI rebtll flnda ....., .._..... In wlcl frontlef .......... ..... with • cleltllO .... r'*'* wtien .. er.-. to ~ FfMdacoto .-.~ AIWWCOIO.ttm 'PG' 10::tO • ..--w. c.l9or'nla ,,........ .. o.trGlt r. taDeAM ~TOO ~~IWllll ... •d ~ .. .,_ .,_.,...~"" Tetro. 17.yeer-dll TV ~~ ..,,,,N..WIU ~.., ~°'OIL .,....,.... . .,..... ··--~~ TClllfftll'lllM" 1u11eo..~ • ._...... OOIMI ... ............. ~ --~.~ Dr.--~--- director of IM Otldl.late ~t of r.eowmtnl· Therepy, Helatl Landget· ten. dlnletor ot tna Cink* Art Therepy MHter OegfMPr~ • MOYIE ~ ··~"Doc ~ Tha Men Of 8'on.'' (1976) Ron Ely, Paul OleMon, -~ TMEATM . "LOW In A COid Qlmllt.: In Love Md Wtl'' Unda Mett'a lamilr gaatlarl at AIConlal9h for Iha dlntlOn of Ille WW: '.w!Y'• mother .,,,_ with Mr .... ~.(P#tl)O • WMA-TOMM!IK ......... ,.. 11•1 ~~1'\N Wl.A. 9TMIWl9'~ ~VIOIMMUY ·llM't~ WHl'TTMCa • CHUflCH .. THE HOME -• WAU. ITflleET W'DK "Thia M.y ... Of ..,..,.. .. Ou.t: 0-V-I/. ~ ney • ...,, .. ~. lrVlrlg T N9t eo.npany. (R) ·~LR *. "The "'"* Oumplng Gena Rkiaa Aoaln" (1979) Tlm ~. Oon ICftotl9. Apelrof~~ by to we111 the wan Md n.row. 'G' -AFTERHOON- KNXT (2) 8:00 -°Comh\I Out of the b." The memoln of a youna American who w• exiltd ln RUiii• for 20 yean are dramatized. See photo, left. K.ABC (7) 8:00 -111'.I.S.T.'' Sylvetter Stallone and Peter Boyle 1tar In film about a work.Ina-claw man who~ a powerfw JabOr ie.cter. KOC.E (50) 8:00, KCET (28) 9:00 -1• 11Flicken. '' l>remiere of a 1lx·part 1ertee about the fledallna daya of lllent filml tn J'.nC1and. KNBC (4). 8:00 -"The Return qt Maxwell Smart." Don Adam• _play• bwnblJnc MCNt acmt Maxwell Sraart, who trt" to 1top th• unlea1hin1 of a dread4Kl boinb. Dume Wortd W• II. 1M ,,.-.. ot •llNll,.. .,..,.. "Y 10 ...., .... • IMlfwMllt '"" clwtne IN Ger"*I OOOllPM'Oft. 'PO' lllMOVtl ***"My Uldt ~ .... (11MO) w.c. Flltdt, Mff W111. A woman llerdlM tot • rtcfl "'-" bend ~ gee. mbled llP with • ,.,.... bandit. 4:00. MCMI ** "'°'1rall Of A 0..-0lrl" (1111) Oennte w-. Crllg 8~ A deCXlty mar.nat hu a tough time trylnQ lo .otw the mysiery _.,oundlnO Vie --ot • Miia U.S.A. i..tty ca-. .M<Me **~ '"The Med Magi-- clan" ( 1954) V1ncen1 Prlot. , Eve <kW. A magician'• u1111an1 -in. ttle Identity of the meglclen all• murdering him . • MOYIE . ••• 'i4 "Heller &11..-· (Part :2)(1975) Stew~ becll, Oeotge OICeM.o. B4IMd on tht nowe by ~ cant ~ and Curt Oelrtly. A WMI ~ ot dl\IO"Cf uad hlpolM led by C"4Wtea .._ oommlta • ..... of blzarra tfvS. dlnge In the Holywood ...... .M<Me * * ''TN \I.,." (1979) St»-.,, o.cz. Debor8'I Wlltte. Eager to attract glrta with Illa MW ven, e Cellfomla __....,..,..,..,..., da w4ttl V9rioul _,..,_ "*'" Inducting • -·· bed and • bult..-i btir. .eou.R .... The dl8fl088 "' lltllWdea and oonftlc:tl In rolaa for both mele and ..... Ar""f penonMI brougtlt ebollt by IN 9dl1 111 I 114'1 Oii -Into ... ermed ... w.-~ (I) 8TAR TMK '9MCMI • • • ''The a.lrlt And The .,_ Goole" c 1811) Ian """"'. a.,.. HunNolltt-(JD ""'-""9 MA8TBI Mm-lHllMDOIWAM Ofl'lHI• Het HoltWoc* ,..,.... .... docunMntary detat11110 eflof11 to '*"" °"' ..... ple111 tor erMtlnt • !!!P'WM,.,.,.,.,.., (l)TMI &MT Ofl'ntl CAIJOC8 Af'lar de Mno Illa .,._ M r.ttaga, a T-yollltl ~ otl-.ct"""" leemWlg mote ellcMd Illa ano.tcn and INlr M- ~ "9111, T91fYA Tuclw atld lrn•f T11bb ... ~toPllY~to ttie plonMte of \tla T8UI aound. • M•ft•S•H H•wttey• and TrapS19r ...,.,..,._.. Frri rtOt lo rf9U9M a dlltlonofab!a dl4ctwoe tor • ~. hOlnOMlwal aoldlw. • llCWll • • • "The Aeturn Of The Pink P.,..ltl« .. (1975) Peler 8eller1, Chrl1topher """-· Aoclclent..ptOM "'9pee1or ciou-• gut.-hlmaalf •• bellhop w • pool ,..,._ In order 10 trap en .....,. diamond Ullef. I LR AROUHD U8 lYINNGAT avwttONY &el~ Ozawa coftduct• the Bol1on ~ <>ro- tra In Aell • and Ill of Tehelkovally'a lmmonal r~,. • • ''Tha Bled! Hola" c 1879) Maxlmlllan 8c:tiall. Flobwt Fonter, Yvette Mlmleux. Tiie cnw ot a tuturl9tlc ~ dl1- CO¥er• another v .. MI perched on Iha adOa of • torm.llon """°" """ .,,.,. thing ne.tJy tmo a pt void _,.,.. time and ep.ce ~to.Ut.'PO' OWOYll • •• "Oii Oool" (1977) Qeorga ltuma. John Dan- ve r. God ••l•c:ta an ~tno young super- matlte1 manager to --• ,...... of hope and good .. to Iha lkeptlall people cl tlle modem-day worid. 'PO' .. I fllQHT MCK THAT'a HOU.YWOOO ''Oac:at'I ~ ...,_ .. CPwt2) •nt1Aiid ...... Loullll llrlda out mout • -..... In o-ve·· wit I WHY It,,_ WON.D ..... ~ ••'i4 .. ,, Foroe Of One" (1t7tlt °""* Noma, ~ ,,._~A~ol ............. ~ Oii • -~~ailed ~tor IN Ular9 ol 1'111 adopted~ 'PO' 1m1(1) IO ll9Ml!6 9 FATHl!9' MURPtfY A Pfelty bMk robMry ~ don1 the llllblt of • dMd nun and on.a to halp Fathar Ml.w1)lly wtU\ Iha c:Hldrell ., the~ •&>Q OOUNT!J\ATTM*: CMlllt~ • COWUT8'8 AM PEOPLITOO Thia IPecle6 loalla • IN ways artlals -oompu'9r tect~ IOIOgy to ent'9nCa tMlr~ . • AICINT 0/1 MAH "TM Grain In The Stone" Men'I l9lttl and fMc:y • archltac:I flaa b••n ~In .-ytN1119 from Gr.-.....,... to Gothic Cllthedf-lrom ptlmltllla .... to -~ ~ • NOVA "City SpaH9, Human ,..,._., Wlflam H. ~ tek• an~ and ~-loc* .. dty ~ plene and ..,...... and Iha '*"* wfM) ... ;'"~ •s. AMI 1ll9 llnOle Par• ent'' ... ,.,. ..... IC. .a.m.. A .... Ind outttlt,_al ... -..., ~ "Y '° ,,.,. ry ancs "* cMdNn ll6odl tM-.. (ll)MOYa •• " ''Tnoute" (1llO) Jeell Lemmon, "°bb~ +. ~Ht lliiU$1 1•' BroadwtY pr.-agant beOll1e to,...,...,...., ...Md .. ..,_.,... tloNHp ... .. "°"" aon. 'PO' CJ)~ ,.. ·~ C1tl0) IM .......,,,..._O ..... A .,..,.,. WOINfl 1' ..... . ect ~. ~ ..... *"°" .,,.... "" ,,...,. .. ......, ... ...,,......, ........... , ...... "u1·r1:.W:~'N' ... Cl) co.ee °"' °' , ,.. ,.. ........ .,*°' ... ..._. . """" .._.... ... ...,.,ao,.., ... ••ll•'t•;llh• .. ••• ., • Heb--=-~ , ... ~. ..... ......... .... ~ MICOll.Mlar MOITUAl•S Lapuna Beach 494-9415 Lequna ~ms 7M-Ol:l3 S.,, Juan CaplaJrano 495-1776 ~ L.AWK-MT. Ot.IYI Mortuarv •Cemetery Cre1Tl8 IOtV 1625 Gisler Ave .• Costa Mesa 540-5554 ,_CIMOntaS 1&1.•0ADWAY MOaTUAaY 110 Bro~wr, Cost•Mesa 842·9150 IALTl••aotoe SMITH & TVfMtU WISTCUfll CHAP& 4Z7 E. 17th St CostaMeu S.8-<9371 ,_Cl MOntllS SMITHS' MOITUAIY 627 Main St. Hunt•nQton Beach 536-6539 A Ar1ee, Prestoa, "PearH•, ~iaoeAM7en AttoneJ at Law IU WU .. lre Blvd., Salte .... LH Aa1elea, CA Hll 7 . P\lblJalwd On.nee COMt Dlli.ly l'llD*. May ii. 23, 29, 11182. ,.,_. .......... iainu--i1 1119-....,,.. 117He.n• -11t,llool W1'ft 1•M1nt ..,.,.,_ 171 "9glcwl 172 Toeepoe 174~ Potltlol\ 1750obel* 1nAMere -171 Small "00" 171 f'lenllng mec:NM 111 Af/llll;named nowlet 182 Alp 1131Mlkel .,,_ 114Clvell ofllclll DOWN 1S..... ...,.,, 2 At flOIM 'Aunt.In A ... .,_,..... ... ., •0'°'*'8-• E.nc:Nnl«. 7~ .,_ • Anolnl. Old tl)M tlrMdot ....., 108po1Mr ,,~ .... 12 Ontllellttny ll~ clul 14 Oteell _. 15 Qlgentlo 11 lpeniltl ll(lld,111 . o,.,... 17 .... note 1llho#edl Dtvlll 1t OlllrllMM , 22hdf . ·c l. :A s s I F I E D. THE ~EAL :C:STATE:RS A SPIRAL * STAIRWAY TO GRACIOUs LIVING -fOREVat VIEW- TWo Muter Sultee, eolld oak oupboarda, akytlghta 10%% FINANCING BUILDER WILL PAV POINTS . FROM . $125,800 10% DOWN CALL HAL OR PAT 673-7300 751-9905 mu SAT. 2·5, Slll 2-5 P JI. 2277 PACIFIC A-d., C.M. End Of Wilson ...... ., ... Cuttom home overlooking golf courae. Country Engltsb with exquisite detail. 4 bedrooms & f.am room. Owner will consider $100,000 dwn balance at 124,\ for 3 yn to qualified buyer. ....... ,, .. 11~-.U IN NEWPORT CENTER You don't l'IMd a fUI' to CIHtlfltd Ade art the "drew ta1t" When you an•wtt to a 1ucct11kll .. "' Id In tM Otl'I garage Of ywd ..... It'• • ,,_ want Adel cal now .,_lltr way to t.il more I MM111. peopltl WATERFRONT TOWNHOME WITH SLIP Dramatically reduced to $495,000 with o ver $300,000 auumable .finandng. Two bedrooml. den, three bathl. Super bay view. $65,000 under rtW'ket value. Adult• only. HURRY .. . Th.la won't lut. ........ Itel IU LWt M • (f2) (714) 640-5777 presents ,, ••• • lllT 1111// I llLllA N•llU .. LJSTm 3 Bdnna, 3 ba~tom decor, new carpets,• paint. New kitchen with Oak, tile, microwave, etc. ./llWllUIUI Un.I Dock and bayside patio on 60' of water. l story, 3 Bdnn, family room and dining room. llllUID•lm Super financing. Spacious open beama, fireplace. Vacant & a?1.1able. $100,000. I .... laA ,...,_. 111 TIP Exc~llent condition-3 Bdrms, IUper new kftchen and bath.a, patio. $359.~hu financing. I llnlll • tm Wl1D P ter and dock on the canal. Convenient location, 2 Bdrm, 2 balha, 2 fireplaces. $425,000. M ... MllTW .. NIT Customiz.ed 3 Bdrm, formal dining room and den. Large enclosed patio, wtth spa, firepit and more $399,500. ./ llU ......... 11111 • Neat and vacant 3 Bdnn home with huae family room. fenced yard, quiet street. $173,000. I .. H•I lftiiWI UUnll 8paclou1 3 Bdrm., 2 ~ bath town.home. Owner can help with terms. Well priced $108,500. ./ -ftlW a&S-ftlW Spaclou1 4 Bdrm and family room-beautiful Broedmoor home. A-nnable financing . ,....,Wl••--Donmr window., pick.et f~2 Bdnna and Iarae activity room. Near beecha. '325,000 . '.._ --•nan Super financln1! Pier and dock -2+2 Bdrma, name your terms, quality and move in. $750-000. .; --Uf UWll ftll IWIT Pool, apa, open beama, family kitchen upstain view and huge play room. Quality Construction. . ..,.., ••nu••· Sen11tionally remodeled at decorated 4 Br home featurln1 1wtmmln1 ,Pool, bonu1 t'oom lkyUte, hAah Private counrard. fplc & a11umable flnancln1. Only t2",000 on FEE land. 2670 San Ml1uel Or., Newport Beach . 7~9-lfM>l OJr 762-7373 . • n11 imam., Beautifully decoreted one 1tory patio home with double prap in mint condition. Sett of all, with $45,000 down our owner wtU carry the balance at ZERO INTEREST FOi\ FIVE YEARS. In 5 years, you OWN THE PROPERTY FREE le CLEAR. 963-5671. 9032 Adami, Huntinj{U)n Beach. 5~ 7035. ' *• llllAY PINlllll* For 1lx month• on brand new townhome in Costa Mesa. Featu· rlni 2 muter auites, enclOMd ga- rages & private courtyard. Only f114,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373 . ··~ .... Brand new townhomes near Hun- tington Harbor. T wo and three bedroom models with two bath9. Builder will fa.nance at 12..K and pay buyers nonrecurdn& closing costs. Prices start at 1105,990. Call for complete details. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. .llW Ill. .... Assumable fl.nandng. Spacious 3 Br ranch style home. Featuring family roon, room, central air cond. & private location. Cloee to all Only $136,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or .752-5353. dlDY UILU D.1111111• Just lil~e "Father Knows Best"! You'll feel u smug as Robert Young in th.ls large elegJ.Dt older home ln prime Bixby Knolls! PS - $39,500 handles, call today about 12 ~Cf. financing! 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. . •an, lll'R I YIUll. .• , ..... 9 .9~ auumable financin& available on this tastefully decorated 3 Br Townbome. Vacant & quick poase11ion. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1601 Ol' 752-5353. .... ..... Affordable living with 1uperb fi- nancing available. Spacious hpme meticulously maintained. Only $13,500 down. A.k ing $135,000. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. When you takeover exiating ht Trust Deed on this absolutely beautiful Plan 4 ln HERrrAGE PARK. This former model teaturee 3 Br 2 ~ Ba & extemlve upgrading. Only $151,500!! 2670 San M.lguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-5353. .WTll.lff. 11.21 Cf. Fin~ncing available when you takeover existing loan on ~legant 4 Br executive home that has been extensiVely prepared for entertalnina. One of few homee in aree on FEE LAND. 2670 San Misuel Dr., Newpor't Beach . 759-1501 or 752-5353 . ' Ulll 1K Liil IYM • 1 llmWllllllYM~ "' ... 111 Liii Bluff• condo. only 1 M yft old, 3 8d.nn, 3 paUot. Huae price reduction!! $277,000. Opn Frl"tiay thru Monday 1-3. 304 F..pl&Mde. ••• -.ull • Ul11IU ""' Ul1ll ....... 111 1111 Mnlll -Good location, So. of PCH,t.i~· ""' ... ----Harbor View Homea, 4 BR Mon'L&tJ249,500 leasehold. -::=:=:=::=::::::==: MT fUWUll -TurJ.lerock ... Hlghlands, mountain view, 1 year old. $35,000 movee you in. Open Sun. 1-5 w. •• man -CdM -Double lot, 4 BR 4 Ba. $2,450,000 fee. HI ILtll Tl 11111 -Cameo Shores with private gate. Owner financing. WW exchange or lease 0_1>t.ion. $885,000 fee. llVlll TDUll 11111 lll -Fee land, pool, a BR 4 Ba, $795,000. ()pen Sun. 1-5 WALi Tl MUI II UY -Peninsula 5 BR, owner financing or lease m~ 111.--Starter condo, $119,500. Owner will carry. • TWO ll0-1Hl lll-lll1 -... ONGS GERRY & CHRISTA STARNES COMPANY II. \IC B( >B It E . \ l.'I',. UmllT .. SpaclotfS family home with 60 feet on the bay and private pier and float. 4 bdrm, plus a convertible den, formal dining rm., deluxe workshop and cheerful bay view kitchen with adjoining eating area. Large brick patio on the bay ideal for entertaining or sunning. Priced to sell at $985,000 L.H. lllfn "I" PUI Terri.fie focation overlooking the pool. Extra size 4 bdnn. C Plan with real old fashion terms -only l°" down and owner will carry a 30 year fixed rate 1311.tti mortgage! Full price $279,500 L.H . Quick eterOW la possible. WUTIUff * 1121,111 No, that's not the down payment - that's the full price for this sharp 2 bdrm. condo just a short walk from West.cliff Plaza. Choice first floor location with private enclosed · patio. Nic ely maintained deve lopment with b eautiful swimming pool. Owne r will finance. Mltu•LUI ... South of the Hwy. just a few blocks from the beach. Well priced rental unita with attractive owner 8!8i.sted financing. Excellent rental history. Just $230,000. MUlfUlf ....... . Spectacular setting with waves breaking on the rocks and beach below. A lovely 4 bdnn home, lite and airy with lots of glass to capture the view and lush landacaping. Formal dining rm, family nn., professional work:abop and even a wine cellar. $2,900,000. LOTS & ACREAGE IOUIYllWLITI Prime Corona del Mar location with bay and ocean views. 4 · contiguous oversi.2:ed R-1 lot.a can be purchued lnd1vidually or all together. Quiet location away from summer crowds. Owner will finance with 25ti down. $395,000 per lot. ~~ Merrill Lynch ~Realty ....... toWI YllW lltl1 ..... Custom home, fantastic game room, huge master suite. Just reduced to $585,000. Must sell!! Open Sat/Sun 1-5. 2501 Harbor View Dr. CdM. tn ITllTU 11 UAL llTlll 2 BR 2 Ba, security guarded condo. F inancial distress forcet aale at $85,000. WU'""' 3600 sq.ft. 4 BR, 3 Ba home with night light view. Huge entertainment room. Submit all terms. Tustin Foothilla. 114-111·1l1C - ~ t!1 11U911Plll $1350/mo. income from tw beautiful 2 br units. Excellent location a nd financing. Call CURTIS HERBERTS SR. 631-1266 •SA YOll 4 br, 3 ba h o me on quiet cul-de-sac. Assume lst T .D. at 9~~ w/2<Y14 down. Owner will carry balance a t 12ti. Price $207,000. Prin only Call ANNE McCASLAND 631-1266 or 751-4330 If IWIDD Luxury 4 bed pool, spa home in fashionable Mesa Verde 4 bl.ks to golf courae. owe large paper for 16 yrs with low, law int. Open Stan 1-5 3165 Bennuda Costa Mesa $164,500. LOIS MILLER 631-1266 or 673-7544 own/agt. llWPllT lllll SUPERB VIEW HOME - Newport Hgts. 4 brs. fam. rm., pool + financing! -$590,000 ELEGANT p oo l h o me - CLIFFHAVEN 3brs. & la nai. All cu s tom features! -$349,000 Newer BACK BAY E.5T A TES - ~acre 4 br fam . rm ., with POOL-$450,000 EXCLUSIVE Newport Height.I bargain! 2br , 2ba, lam.rm . NEW at-$189,500 Call now for Appointment RAE ROOOERS 631-1266 11 ... 1112'.IM Me.,a Verde 4 bdr. in prlme location. Lg. fam. rm., 2 fireplaces, vr£W D!X:K. JUST REDUCED TO $199,90011 JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631-1266 ..., ......... 3 bdr,, le· lam. rm. w/fireplace, remodeled kitchen. Hurry on beet value in town. • .$11~ ,500 JACKIE H"-NDLEMAN Al-1286 '""_. UmllT-NI ........... ""=''""'rtJ ""' • ............ ..... ....... H IHtll ~~rut wlti twt IHI• ... .,.... .... ............ ............... ••*•i··~ lf4....., ...... ...., ...-., ... I ... ,11111 .. , ...... , .................. .. .... , • ..,_, n.-. nl llM•. .......... ILIUl1' .... ·c=. ....... " ... a...'" .....~ .... tf ......... ,,.. .. . ... , ... :~·· .. , .............. . tfalrMtt, .. rllalltJ aH tHtlltHt ~ .... ..., ......... ....., ...... 11 t " ..... ,, ,. ....... •It• 111J•ntfH1lll1 '"'"•'• •I••• tf l•r1 .... .................. ,, ..... . ....... , .... ,., ... ., ......• ,. .•. 11111111 ................ llt'I• ...., ................................ 111,·••H ftr••I hr wltll ••ltHJ. .. ,,,. .. '"'''' •11ttr 111t1 I 4 tttal h•rt1•1, 1111 ''' I I ur 11r111. ........... Uffml--Wll I UYD.f ..... .,..... ........ .........,, .... ,,_ "'' .,.. ,., ''"'"' •••• trltll ••rs• llritt (Ntle •• ,,., ,., ... 11' r11llh. ................... .,.. ... ., '"" .......... tln.W .......... '-I• .. ..,,..., .......... ~. ......... .... ....., ..... wttti • ..,. ........................ .... _,.11•1rt-'h ........ I ...... ,rlHtJI 11,IH, .. I 11111•11 111•. 111·1• ...,.~ ... ..... tf • ...,. .......... •••lft4! ............ ...... H ..., ltttlt wffti ....................... tW; ... .. I .... IJllrteio •••• ,,..~. , ....... . 1,ll~t!'·· .... ftr • '""'' , ..... ,1 111-1491 .... Lml.._Wl1DtmDDf .,. .. .,, ........ ti ...... ,.., ........................... ...... Lllp ,... • """' ...., "" .. .... ..................... .... •1111111.e .... '""lllr "11h• I W. ...... ......... "'"'' .... ., ..... -......... Lual•• ..... Htllflllllllld ............ , ........ , , .... •It .. ., ........ ....... .... lll1-flllTIM, Plltllf ............. , .......... ,..,,.., ........................... " ........................ 1r11lt1t litl11 ad 11ttrtal1l11. IWC ...... ,. ftr ..... ,.,., tr ...... , •• , ,......, .......... u1-1• •. .. DTlll-111111 llmT! 0t1Yt1•t1t lacHa ltHll 8 .. rtll IWIJ ........................... , ..... , .. ., •• ,.,. ...... 1.11 .. ,. .... . ........ ,....,.. .......... ... .. ........... , .... ......,,,,...., .. ....... nle ~ ll1M111I ..._•I .............................. ... , ••• ,. ........ ,.., 1,ltl ••• "· .... .............. fzl ..... .......... ...., ..... ._,..., ...... , ............ ,. ... '"·· .. .. .... ., •14 ••• ., ....... ftr ••• e1 ufrh act ftW .. Nllllli1 ....., ............. , .... , .. , .... , .. tllttrUtitl lrtH. ftr I YltWfll .,, ........ , ,,. ................ . ................. _......,&Mal l1wlflal lnt•••l'llJ• wM....., .... ............ ., ........... .... l1t'1tt ... , ....... , ........ .. tare• • ,,.,.,. •••tr'• "'' •It• a ................................ ................... ...., ...... 1111,111.111-1 ... \ .... ... '"" TUm,LUll/ ......... Only •10.000 Down. Lariil A-•lft'blt LoM W/~ Yr. J'lud'ltata. Ow1W' WUl Carry Larae 2nd T .D., Low lnttr11t. Lovely 3 BR End Unit W/Wrap Patio On LUlh ar..nbelt. lmmed. Po1 .. 11lon. Reduced To t99,500. Sally Shipley'• u.un,. ' ........... PlllllfllfllY ... 1 .. Cuatom Bayfront. FEE LAND. Parquet FJn. New ~pt.a. 3 BR.a + Conv. Den. 3~ BA. Sep D.R. Huae F.R. WIWet Bar. Kitchen W/Pantry. Btk.t.t Rm. Sauna. 3-C.ar Gar. Wood Deck. Bay, Dock. Owner Will Carry X..r1 2nd. U ,400,000. Marilyn TwUchell'a Llatinc· U.Ya.t•-UIYllW ...1 .. Former Model -Top CondlUoo -3 Bdrma, 2 ~ B1 • Great F .R . - Unbelievable View Of Fuhion Ialand & Catalina SUNett • Hup Lot - Covered Patio. -Community Pool. Tennis -Gate Guarded -Only · $450,000. A Twitchell-Trivlaon Lilting. 111-11•~­---.... ... 1 .. DUPLEX. Recently Completed Custom Unit W /Used Brick Fire~. Mexican 'nlea, Vaulted~ MBR Suite W/Cathedral Wlndowa & Treetop Views, Cozy, Secluded 2 BR Rear Unit + Pam. Guest Quart.en! Great Financing. $356,000. A Co~Hill LI.ting. 11 •aua ..... ..... 1 .. Owner la Getting Deaperate . Spectacular Golf Coune View. Thia Liatlng Off era Privacy, 3 Lrg Bdrma, 3 Ba, F.R., 3-Car Gar. & Lovely Gardena. F.njoy Entertaining In Thia Dramatic Home. Try $90,000 c.a.11 Down. Priced At $725,000. Trudy Sttlbblefield'a Listing . 1121 l. --11.n. .. ..... IPll • 1-1 Waterfront W/Dock. Panoramic View. Great Location. Redwood Float + 50' Dock. Custom-Built Home W/3 BRa. Kitchen W!View Window Haa All Modem Amenities. Used Brick BBQ In Outstanding P.atlo Area. Tiled Garage.. Grut Offeri.n.g. $1~.ooo. A Dion-Marta Listing . 111 Yll'fllllm .... .....1 .. Single Level. Lovely 3 BR W/F.ncloeed Yard & Private Patio On Lu.sh Greenbelt. Freshly Painted & Newly Carpeted. Only $222,500. Sally Shipley's Listing. oousm UYllllD U..-T Prime View. Pier, Dock. Quality 5 BR. Gated Community. Private Beach. Priced At $975,000 Leasehold. Marilyn Twitchell'• Listing. ......... Just Liated. South Of Paclfic Coest Hichway. Two Bedroom, One Bath Co%y Cottage. R-2 Lot. Room To E1tpand. $257,000. Sharon Colllru' Listing. ....,..,... Popular 3 Bdrm Delores Plan. Major Greenbelt. End Unit W /Spacfoua Courtyard Entrance. Vacant. Submit Offen. Aaklng $195,000. Sally Shipley'a Usting. •llllTllRW Cu.tom Built By Top Craftlmen. UlUmate In Quality. 5 Bdnm w11eo• View Of Golf Course And Night IJcbtt. Pool & Spa. Total Security. Shown By Ap=tment. $2,290,000. Millie Howe'• . ............ a&.11f att11 Special 5 BR Home On A)>prox. 5 Acres. Solar H~t.er Pool. Spa. Room For Tennie Cdurt, Hor1e1. Guest House. M1aniftceni View Of Surroundlna Valley. Reduced To $1,775,000. Bhmie Dixon's u.unc. ., :, "! :: .. :· •' .. J~~ ll . . .. ~· ·: . . . :: :: lo< HOUSES FOR SALi! I IDtlOOM 31G3~ Lot Riot, San ;Juan Capl8trano '83-e787 St7 .500 Sun 11-3 ' 21ee Rureil, &i.elkM, Cotta Meta 848-7434 $149,000 Sun 1-4 44 Charde>nMY, Woodbrld09, lrvt"' ~a-11ea •139,eoo Sunday 1 .. 5 20082 Orchid St, S.A. H.ightt M&-11ea s1ae.eoo SundlY 1 .. 5 .. * *833 Lf~o P~ Dr (F2). N9WPM Bch 780-1900 *486,000 Sunday 2·5 •. #3 t.aao Sud, ltvtne 840-~ •159,000 Set 2-5; Sun 1-6 221 Via ltheca. Udo Ille, NB 873-7300 $349,500 8at 1-5: Sun 3-6 221 Via lthaca. Udo Ille, NB 873-73'.00 $349,500 Sat 1-5; Sun 3-8 414 Narcluus, Corona del Mar · 644-9060 $203,000 Sat 2-5; Sun 1-5 **225 Grand Canal, Balboa Island, NB 673-8900 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 117 Marine Ave., Balboa Island, NB 673-6900 $272,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2011 Paloma. Cotta Mesa 646-9498 $199,500 Dally 1-5 p.m. 2 BR ptue SAM RM or DEN * 19 Curt Drive, Jasmine Creet<, CdM 640-1515/1-728-5151 Sat/Sun 11-4 1 AJdergrove, Woodbridge, Irvine 552-0660 $198,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **10 Balboa Coves, Coves, NB 642-8235 $525,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 213 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $575,000 Sun t-5 4521 Tremont, Cameo Shores, CdM 644-9060 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 315 Iris, Cofone del Mar 644-9060 $318,00b Sun 1-5 2264 Temple Hiiis Dr, Laguna Beach 49,..1177 $Sun 12-5 10 Morning $un. (Trtlrk) Irv 64p-9900 $320,000 1 Sun 1-5 1838 Port Charles, N~t Bch 844-.C085 $197,000 Open Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM 325 Rochester, (E/Slde) CM 645-9096 $149,500 Sun 1-5 16521 SanduMy, Westmfntter 983-8787 $179,200 Sun 1-5 2278 Columbia, Clg Pn, CM 648-7434 $129,900 Sun 12-4 *9G4 Lombard, Mesa North, CM e.te-T~ $154,500 Sun 12-4 •203<> Holiday Rd, (Bycrs1) BNB 75~ 1920 $339,500 Sun 1-5 278 Virginia, Costa Mesa 963-8787 $148,000 Sun 12-4 3572 Hamllton, Irvine 759-1221 $132,000 Sun 1-4 #7 Surfside Crt, (Npt Terr) Npt Bch 751-3191 $131,000 Sun 1-5 20'1 Coral, Bal Island 759-1221 $545,000 Sun 12-5 1312 Santanetla, Cofone del Mar 673-8550 $225,000 Sun 12-• 418 38th St, Balboa Penln, NB 631-1'400 $495,000 Sun 1·5 113 Via .Ravenna, Udo Isle, NB 831-1400 $355,000 Sun 1-5 • .,.18 Port Manlelgtl, HV Homee, NB 7$&-1501 $375,000 Sun 1-5 42 Woodarove, Irvine • 831·1400 $330,000 Sun 1-5 * * 16532 Wanderer Lane, Hunt. Harbour (213) 592-5914 $850,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 e53 Vista Bonita, (Bluff•) NB 875-2478 $285,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 *914 Hyde Court, COl1a Mesa 851-8800 $156,000 Sun 1-5 12842 Alpenwood, Garden Grove 831-3780 $9.if,000 Sunday 1-4 1128 E. Balboa Bl, (Pentn), Balboa 750-9100 $1,296.000 S.t/Sun 1-5 801 Gary Pt, Newport Hgta, NB 645-6289 $216,000 S"nday 1...S **"2 Balboa Covet, (Coves) NB 642·5200 $550,000 Sun 1-5 , 107 4 Vallejo, So Cat Plaza, CM 648-7434 $129,900 Sat/Sun 12-4 212 Via Eboll, Lido Ille, NB 873-7300 8Un 1-5 ' 1312 ~Or, <W•ctf) NB , 842·5200 S2!S9,000 Sun 1-5 2109 Yacht QraytlnQ, Seavlew, NB 875·2311 $389,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2009 Yacht Defender. (Seavlew), NB • 759-9100 $450,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 29 Hlllgraas, (Trtlrk Hin) Irv 873-"?781 $285,000 Sun 1-5 *1901 Galatea, (Irv Terr) CdM 873-7781 $795,000 Fee Sun 1-5 13 Canyon Island Or, BJg Cyn, NB 640-5560 $335,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 19 Whitewater, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $379,500 Sun 1-5 1515 Cumberland, (Weatcllff) NB 5.co-1151 $240,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 1907 Tradewtnda, Baycreat, NB 8-44-9080 $325,000 Sun 1-5 **1~ So. Bayfront, Balboa Island 844-9060 $995,000 Sun 1-5 1218 Key West, HV Hiiia, CdM ~910 $379,500 Fee Sun 1-E 2118 Felipe, (The Bluffs) NB 6«-4910 $270,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 118 Via Quito, Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 Sat/Sun 1-6 1436 Serenade Terr, Corona det Mar 675-5511 $349,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1511 Kina• Road, Newport Height•, NB 673-6900 $599,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 1036 Polatla, Dover Shores, NB 644-eoeo $975,000 Fee Sun 1-5 2421 Sonya, Newport 8eect'I 675-1711 1255,000 Sunday 1-4 1524 SantaM!la Terr, Irv Terr, CdM ~1-7300 '395,000 Sun 1-5 32641 Adriatic, Mon Bay Terr, Lag Nlg 4S...1177 Suri 1-5 295-4 Baker. (Mela Verde) CM 631-6687 $149,000 Sun t-4 3823 Sandune Lane, Harbof View Hiiis 644-6200 $397,500 Sun 1-5 * 1793 Hawall Cr. Coate Mesa 979-2390 1169,500 Sun 1-5 3 Kensington Cl, Hrbr Rdg, NB 644-6200 $555,000 Sun 1 :30.5 62 Drakn Bay, (Spygls) NB 640-9900 $495,000 Sun 1-4 1721 Kings Rd, Cllffhaven, NB 759-1501 $675,000 3 lll!DROOM pt119 GUEST 2211 Waterfront, CdM Sun 1-5 842-8235 $495.000 Sun 12:30-4:30 3 • plua ,AM RM or DEN 6 QUEIT 2601 Waverly, Bayshorea, Npt Sch 5-49-8547 $775,000 Set/Sun 1-5 4 BEDROOM ' 222 Coral, Balboa Island 875-6921 $549,000 Sat/Sun 1•6 105 Via Ravenna, Udo 111 NB 631-1400 $445.~ Sun 1-5 **2804 W. Ooeanfront. Balboa Periln, NB 831-1400 $725,000 Sun 1-5 2127 lndlan Springs Ln, ~ Bay, NB 631-1400 $579,500 Stm 1-5 4 llR ptua FAM Ml or MN # 11 San Sebastian, Hllbor Ridge. NB 760-8099 SU mllllon SUncs.y 1-5 * 16782 Edgewater ln, Hunt Harbour 964-1818 $429,500 Sun 1-4 414'2 Morning Star, (Hunt Hrbr) HB 984-9578 $350,000 saan 1-5 2032 Swan °'..iJM..a Verde~ CM 831-128e M18,500 &In 1-4 *3185 Bermuda. (Mesa Verde) CM 831-1288 t184,!500 Sun 1-8 1501 K..e °'1'4, Harbor VlllW Hiii.. CdM 14 4 8200 $311,000 F.e . 8un 2~ 8024 ~1 MeM North, CM • &ee-7434 •13'.900 8undll¥ 12..:4 2832 ()-~·Tu 9MClh .. 642-8236 Sat, LH • 8un 2..S 21132 t.ockhaven, Hunt Beech 9644047 $174,900 8un1ay 1-5 *29242 KeatNI Ln. Laguna Nlauel 645-9181 $389,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *1753 Port Manlelgt} Cir, HrbrVu, NB 640w"98 ~59,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 *1020 Whltetalls Way, (Hrbr Vu Hla) NB 831·128e '358,500 Sat/Sul'I 1-5 * 1412 Santiago Dr, (Dvr Shr) NB 631-1268 '375,000 F• Opn Dally 1·5 1425 Watson, (Halecr .. t) CM 751-3191 $128,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 230 Goldenrod, Corona del Mar 673-8494 $498,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 222 Via Koron. (lido Ille) NB 842-5200 Sun 1-5 *4628 Roxbury Rd, Cameo Shores, CdM 675-5930 $475.000· 1 Sat/Sun 1-5 427 -16th Pl, (E-Slde) CM - 644-4910 $229,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1251 Surfllne Way, HV Hiiie, CdM e.4+-4910 $299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2409 Tuatln, (Back Bay) CM 645-0303 $280,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 * 17 Muir Beach <Ar, Spyglass. CdM 644-9080 Sat/Sun 1-5 131 Via Undlne, Udo late, NB 673-7300 $539,750 Sun 1-5 *1115 Galatera Terr, Irv Terr, CdM 644-9060 $498,000 Sun 1-5 8 Rue Vlllera, Big Cyn, NB 644-9090 $7~5,000 Sun 1-5 *18.co Tredewtndl, Baycreat, NB 844-9060 *386,000 Sun 2-5 18 Cherry HWa, Big Cyn, NB 844-9080 $1,3t5,000 Sun 1-5 **148 Via Udo Nord, Udo Isle, NB 8"-9060 t 1.995,000 Sun 1-5 *3424 Summeraet. Wimbledon, CM &48-7434 $217,900 Sat/Sun 12-4 1807 Newport Hiiia Or, Newport Bc:h 873-8550 $325,000 S.t/Sun 1-5 1948 Port Chelaee, Newport Beech 673-8550 $380,000 Sa 1-5/Su 1-4 3 San Sebastian, Harbor Ridge, NB 760-1900 $2.3 mllllon Sat/Sun 1·5 * 1132 Ebbtlde, Harbor View Hiiia. NB 76().1900 S7i0,000 Sunday 1-5 3065 Loren Lane. Costa Meaa 969-5370 $122,000 Sun 1:30-4:30 2645 Bunya St, Eastbluff 644-6200 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2811 Lorenzo, (Mesa del Mar) CM 831-7370 $152,900 Sun 1-5 * •26 Wannsprlnga. (Wdbrg) Irvine 751-3191 $359,000 Sun 1·5 **807 Bayside Drive, Newport Beactl 831-1400 $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 #4 Narbonne, Hatbor Ridge, NB 831-1400 $2,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, NB 648-5847 ~20,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2000 Port Chelaea Pl, HVH, NB 875-2373 $322,000 Sun 1-4:30 18871 Antioch, TutUiwock, lrvtne 541-5032 $186,000 Sun 12-3 333 Poppy Ave. Co<ona cs.I Mar 7~2 $498,500 Sun 1-5 * 1472 Galaxy br, Dover ~ NB 842·2$10 '719,000 Fee SaVSun '1-6 4 8'I plue FAM -or DIN a QUleT *2211 Tuetln Ave, ~ 8ch 845-4785 $336,000 Sun 1-5 ; • IBftOOM **708 va. Udo Hotel, Udo ... N8 17M181 11,&00,000 Sun 1-S **18392 Sund•~1 Humlngton Hrbr 847-6976 1849,uuu • 8un 1-5 **219 Via Udo Soud, Udo Ille, NB 780-1$00 12.25 mllllon Sat/Sun i-5 **824 W. 8-y. Belboe Penln, NB 831~1400 $1,495,000 Set/Sun 1·5 I ......... FAM Ml or DU I M plue 'AM Ml °' DIN * 1848 Newport Htllt Ot bit 842-8235 S4'95,000 Dally 1-5 938 Via Lido Soud, Lido I ... , NB f44.90e0 S850,000 Sun 1·5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 1N1 plue DmN 10 Segura, lrvlne 873-6900 $145,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 t NOAOOM •11'.~ Dlhlla, Corona del Mar 875-5611 *275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ** 1033 Bayakfe ~ E, Cove9, NS 844-eoeo *715,000 Sun 1·5 2525 E. Ocean Blvd, Co<ona del Mar 640-5580 $499,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 *#5 Morena, RSJ, lrvi~ 673·7300 $149,000 Sun 1-5 985 Bavalde COve Weat, Newport Beach 831-1400 $775,000 Sat 1-5 31 Wintergreen, (Oeerlld) Irv 645-0303 Sun 2-4 209 -19th St. Balboa Penln, NB 631-1 400 $319,000 Sun 1-5 2 llR ptu. DEN 45 Canyon laland Dr, Big Cyn Twnhae, NB 831-1400 $318,000 Sun 1-5 9 Rue VIiiari. (Bfg Cyn) NB 780-8817 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 S BEDROOM *18 Mojo Court, Nwpt Creat, NB 842-117• $195,000 Open Sun 1-5 *314 Avenlda Cumbre, (Btufft) NB 759-9100 $199,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 #7 Rue Vlllars, (Big Cyn) NB 759-9100 $725,000 Sun 1-5 *55 1 VlatAI Grande. (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $222,500 Sun 1-5 53 Seaplne, Big Cyn Twnhse, NB 831-1400 $340,000 Sun 1-5 411 Dahlla, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2445 Vls1a Nobleza, ~. NB 675-2373 $275,000 Fee Sun 1-5 2559-F Elden, Cotta Meea 875-1771 $152,000 Sundl)' 1-5 11 Bar1<Mtnto.L Newport Creat, NB 831·1400 ~195,500 Sat 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2•0ROOM Fairview & Avocado Rd, Costa Mesa 548-2239 $137,950 Dally 11 to 5 3 BEDROOM Fairview & Avocado Rd, Costa Mesa 548-2239 $154,950 Deity 11-5 4 RDROOM p1u8 DeN * 18456 Gina Ln. Hunt Viewpoint No, HB 847-9507 $173,500 Sat/Sun 12-6 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE ~ 1 M plue PAM M1 Of DeN 300 E. Coast Hwy No. 113, Nwpt Bcf\ 675-3347 $60,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 ~ 2~ 300 E. Coa1 Hwy No 2 , Nwpt Bch 875-3347 $45,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 2 M,..,. 'AM RM rw DeN 1•851 Jeffrey Rd #16, lrvlne 551-2360 $49,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 -1 BEDROOM 1561 Miramar, Balboa Penln Pt, NB 842-5200 $339,000 Sun 1-5 IM plue 1 •. 315 lrts, Cofone del Mar ~9060 $318,000 Sun 1·5 2. 281DROOll 515-615'~ Orchid. (Old Cdm) CdM 759-9100 $356,000 Sun 1-5 118 28th St, Npt Bcf\ 67M870 $250.000 Sun 1-5 2001 Klng1 Rd, Newport Heighte, N9 873-8800 S39t,l500 Sun 1-5 CM= ;J\( ., ..... ,~ ............ T1Mr tfttt Nlht, k .......... ... . ., .•..... , .. ............... ..... ,, .. ,Hit I ............... .... t •• ,. 1111, ..... , ....... l1t /l11 1·1. 411 .. 11~ ..... llf•'-'"'9M .... ., ...... t ... ,. •••••••••••• 1 l•r• I la I ft•llJ rtta. A 1tul at ................. •llt/S.f-L1al ....... ,..,... 2•t• •.C...t "••· (;«_ .... , .... 875·5511 SJ~~!'Js 2 ~ houlN &It C.M 1 Bdnn, So Ctt PIG.a sn.150 10 •111,150 111-1111 SPACj()US EXECUTIVE 4 Bdrm. 3700 1.f., Ho. L.egunl, Myatlc H .... WI penoramto coeNI. ctty. ~~1125,000 own. a... .. f»lrl ti.I. •t 12¥.%. •111.000 .. aumable •t 10~%. 1-46. 000 ~It 18"<%. 8ubmlt Ill otfwa. '825. 000. K.1"9 Froman LINGO R.E. 4117-3331 . Sleek, Slimming Side-Pleats ... 1~ J· f I I )• ! I I ' • I ' I • l I I • • . ' . • • • • • ' • • • • I • ' I I ~ I 1•1u.1n .... 1 on. IPR. anm 5 epeed tranamlallon, air eoftd .. full pc>WW, CNIM controt. alloy wheel• and more. Thia one with • FlrethOl'n red me1alllc finish II a rare flndl (1CTW781). PRICID IQ SELL! 1111111n "U " CIWE 5 speed transmission. AM-FM radio. all the (act()(y equl~uat over 11.000 mll ... custom s & tires. (1CQ~5). 1111 TIYITI •IUA .._.,, Llflllll 5 speed, factory air conditioning, PoW9f' 1teertng. e>ow.r dllc braka stereo eaa1ette, sunroof & under 11,000 mllaa (18SY124). 1111 ... -...... ,, ...... Automatic trans .. Ml power. factMY air cond., ltereo caaaette, crulae control, alloy wheal1 & tow, low mltnl local, 1 owner c:ar. (9G6WZC). 1111 lllT• f 1111101 Eeonomleal 4 eyllndar angina, 4 speed tranamlMlon. pwr. 1taarlng & brakea, AM-FM atareo, wire wheel discs, radial ttrea & more. Muat ... to apprac:lata. (853VAE). ~3399 1111 TIYITA OlllW "Ill" LlfTllll 5 apead trana., air cond., pwr. brakes, AM~M 1tareo. ext. trim p.c:Qge. epotJea. Y9flow ftnllh with bladt vlnyt lntark>r. (381992). A tun ear with gtMt styllng tor Juat 5 5299 11Ulltm••• ........ 5 apeed t ranam lHton, at e reo CHMtta, IUJ'lroot. clVom• atep bumper and juat (¥1191 10,000 mlae. (2Ae3655). PRICED TO SELL! 1111 nr UlllT Economlcat 4 eyt. engine, 4 apeed tr1na., stereo casaette,c:uatom Int• rfor. steal radial tire• & morel (793SVZ). SaYa on this one at only SP·ECIAL GREEI RIBBOll BUYS Ttlese late model, low mlteage cars alt carry Earle Ike's exclualve 2 year 24,- 000 mtle warranty. You can't losel BEST BUYS IN OllANGE COUNTY! e 1111 IATlll 1-211 2 •· Automatic tran1 .. pwr. bratc ... AM-FM •a 399 radio, 11eal radial ttrea. axtertor trim pee-• kage. Vary clean In every reapact. (328TZD). White exterior with beige vlnyt lntertor f0t )ul1 • 1111 llTlll 21111 5 apaad tr1n1 .. air cond .. pwr. brakes, •4 299' ' 1terao, tinted glHa & moral Glaamlng matalllc sliver with custom Interior. (253VCP). Styllah economy tor onty e 1110 IWll 121 CHPE Automatic trans .. pwr. brak•. air COnd .. AM-FM 11ereo, alloy wheela, Mtertc)r trim package & more. (1BJ2.435). Thll glMming brown.metallic beauty hu .... than 15,000 mti..; don't mlaa ltl • 1•nmaJ1PU '69'99 e eyt., euto. trans .. tlCtory 111r oondltJonlng, 4lllR 7899 power steering, power dlec brak•, AM-FM • • ~lo, tilt wheel and alloy wMafa. ' 1111 ...an IKtii ii llTllUll Economical 4 cylinder angina. 4 •PM<I trana., factory air cond .. tilt wheal, custom Interior, roof rack, new paint with altver Y9bw Interior & under 40,000 rnleal (501XJX). I 1111 ... , .. 1111111 I P&lllllD Equipment 1nCllldaa pcwer ateerlng. tlldlo, power brek•, Interior decor and ccmpletaly orlglnal Inside and outl (219WOA). PRICED TO SELL! Automatic trans .. full power, air cond., tilt wheal, orufM control, llllQY whaala & moral Burgundy wfth · matching Yelour 1ntw1or & under 20.000 mllea.. (1808751). •10,299 ... _. MllD lllPE PoPUlar S apeed tran1 .. air cond .. AM·FM atereo, root rack & morel Spotlaea beige flnWI wtttt matehlng Interior. Low Mi.. & outmndlng In ~ l'98peOtl (914ZTT). • 5 6299 1•nma ..... llPED '"" power. f11etory air eond .• tilt wheal. U\llae oontrot. leatt. ... 11. ...,., C8taett•. alloys, Ermina whit• with beige Interior. (1AHM247). '849.9 11M TIYITI ... ,11111.---lft -llF Th• uttlmata In economy & fun to drtvel Equipped with atareo c:uaet- te.. alloy whaala wlJh steel radlal tJr-. cuatom Interior. (1AOS532). 54699 1111mn,.., t•l!f!I LllllD Automatic tr\:m.aa1on. lilt' cond .. powar •tearing & brek•, tllt wheal, SIX-PAC camper and tow mllaal Must ... to tippradalal (1~). PRICED TO SELL! 1111 nma llUU ....... IPL Economical 4 apeed, power brake9, AM-FM stereo, ext. trim pacilaga and exoepttonally clean Inside & outl (594MXU). 1111· TIYITI CELICI LIFTllCI Auto. tran1 .. factory air conditio- ning. power disc brakaa, AM-FM radio, sunroof and alloy wheels. (1AOXt75). 57999 1111 TIYITI COROW "E'" Ull1IP 5 speed tranamlaalon, 1t.,ao ca~ sette, power brakes and morel (677ALF) An exceptionally clean tare model tor just 53299 ........ IO'Pllft -...,... 5 bedroom. ·with dock. S. ui at 1008 WEST BAY AVI:. blL~G~~N8Y RfAL TOR . ' ·•HOUSING 1tr LlllllPftll Pntupu Jomtm plUI viewl ot the city Uahta ln private community of Newport a.ch featune 3 bedrodlm + family room. o.n.-la motivated and will carry lara• 2nd T.D. or leue option. •aee,ooo . 2109 Yacht Graylln1~ Newport Beach. Open ~ Saturday and Sunday 1--5. 4 Br, 2 ~ BL View home overlooking Pavilion, Catalina and nite lites. We have an independent appnlal for $320,000. Try $20,000 down until you tell your bome. Owner wtll help finance. 1111 IW •WAY UT/• 1 .. ............ u.,.._ 11.-.- Exquwte1y furnlahed, spare lot, pier, .Up, sandy beech. IAYMIT-11.-- l3epnt c.Wtom 5 bedroom with facilitiel fat large boaL OPPORTUNITIES NATIONALLY reco1nhed Archltecta, De1l1nera and ~ ICxpertJ have developed a llDall expudable boulina system adtable for volume mfa. We are 8eeld.na -a.Um with builden, land ownera, and inveaton to develop 10 to 11 j;bto types for market ...,,. ,,,,.,,,,,. n-New Cape Cod 2 & a Bdrm I ................ "" u....... .... Two 2 bedroom lpadoua unita with pter, slip & beech. •• !!P.t ......... !.~!. 1111111 111111111.... • ..... .... •11111t .. fWeNlws.tww/,. F« ... 0t NM. UNt 21 amenltlH. IMMACU· 714-631-8010 LATE Vo. I Id & ._. Townbomee ln private community w/pool & j9euat. Walldna dlltua to everytblna. l'rom •l.'f.950. Open cWly ll:OOA.M-G:OOPM. 548-2239 3 Br. ain1te 1tory home with new carpets, drtpe1. paint. and appll•!VM Homeownen Amodatlon maintaim pooll & lmdlc9pinc eo you can travel. Ideal for retired eoup&e Cl' jetletterL Move irmned'ftely. See Ulytime. 1111.... UT/• 1-1 ..., .. TllUI ..... ,.. 1111 ...... ... ...... , • ..,., ..... u. ...... " ..... _ .,.. Ex.cellent lower PenhW.&18 location 'With fant.dc ftnanctq. ........ .__..,. IN NEWPORTCERTER 644-9060 U you have land. we will provide an exdtfnl enersY effldent boUlle at COit. Dependlnc on unit me, ~ u.i will JJe 1n the ranee of ~.ooo to $40,000 for 1trUctUre of much p-eeter value. Tb.la offer will be for a llmlted time only. Send location and m.e of bldg ate to 1015 Madison Pl, La_guna Beach CA 92651 -------. rm. Bu~ wit" a LO* C-I.Iara. 1 oow... tttt.ooo. OPN ............ -;;;....... HOUll Sat 1:.ao-a. -If --22nct at. RM.....,.., 702.Aceala, CdM. lnllK. Open dlllly 1-& 171-2041 FULL OC!AH VIEW •JAIJl.-e CME<* OWH/AOT AM.+.HC8> - -~151511-729-1151 ....... ruu. oceAH VIEW -*JASMINE CM!K* 2 Ir. 1 k + 1 Ir. 1 k OWN/AOT f1NAHCE.D 72x105' ft2 lot. Do not MWNTIAL IN.COii!! PROPERTY .. NnfPOllT BEACH . Loc.ted just a hlH a block to the beectl, this duolex has 2 two bedroom ""'a. With 20-25% down, owner wMf' carry for nve years. $235,000 Cal 0.... ............. M4-7W ALLER WLL CARRY WITH 20-25% DOWN TNs ~ Beach duplex on tease land Is just a few steps to the beech. live In one. rent the other. Flexible .....,. offers good low Interest financing $225,000 Call DHld Hlrtchler at M4-ntl0 ELEGANT EASTBLUFF HOME Mature trees and lush landscaping enhance this already magnificent home' with prlvac~. warmth and • 3 bedroom floorplan, Seller relocating, wlll be flexible. $259,000. Call .,.,..., ......... M4-702D . THE COVE OYeRLOOKING BALBOA ISLAND ThJ1 elegant Bayfront condo with 2 bedrooms, den and 2'~ baths features an addftlonal fireplace, vaulted celllnga, hardwood floors. wet bar, pool, private beech end stained .... $825,000. c.I .... ,. . -'fl At•WDaARY ESTATES HUR tK>t9e WAYNE AIRPORT T~ rembling ranch home It lde9I for first time buyers or lmlel1ors. NMd9 a Httte TLC but welt worth It! Large lot Is ldMt tor gardens or poof. Be cteetlve on the flnenr.lng. $189,000. Cal.,,..... Hendrie .. M4-7m0. MOTIVATED 8EUER LOOKING FOR offual Thia commerci.1 property on the oceanside of the Hwy. In Corona del Mar has two units with parking In re,r. Terms available. $750,000 Cell Jim ....,. at M4-70:IO • GRl!AT Vll!W OF MOUNTAINS AND BIG CANYON Here's a warm family home with lot1 of thoUght. Located In the Harbor View homes area, this Portoflno model has 4 bedroom1. two flreplacet, den. family room. extended bonus room. ~kyllght, full security system, dual Jet Jacuzzi. mirrored wardrobes and much. much morel $428.~00 Cell Stephanie llurna at M4-1020 GREAT Nl!WPORT OCl!AH Vll!W DUPLEX w Make thfa lnCOfM pre>perty your new summer home vwtth Ideal if· rental units. With 20% doWn, owner will carry at 1~. If you desire unit• could eully become a maid'• quart«• or gue9t house. Just steps to the beach with 2 flr9J)tace1, patio and doubfe gerage, poeelblttt'81arealmolt9ndleu. $475,000 Call ltephenle8umeattM-7020 GREAT PRICI AND TERMS IN HARaOR RIDGE Pancnmlc vlewl Of the OC*M\, city Nghta and mountains grMtly ~ this "Devonahlre" model wfth-4 bedrooms, 31A batha, two flreptacH, two large decka, an atrium and excellent UIUmable tow lnt--.t ftnandng. 1895,000. Cell Id lecano or NdJ .-ordan at IM-NIO N0-151511·7-..151 dltturb tenant•. 1521 1---------1 Oranoe. 1121,000. .. .. -"' 54to41 ~ & Wlcrldl, Lii-":&:ii.~.~ a'!.~-::: .. ..,. ::&o~Bdrm~ lllBllt &II• ~.·~~ ooftdo with~.,., Duplex, 4 bdrm ptu1 a ta"enta. 1121,000. fomW ..... ...,... ~ ~--· ~70, ...... 1 .-.. & ....... and morel Attumabte 111 .. 1a6 ea1.-.._. :;.-=.s~ .. ~liii~~::~::~--~:111:=~~11~11 =:.'#ll;: ::mi-f(IEVB VO PM.:!'. ~l .... ti41t!fJ BAYFDT £~~ ---·--·-"CIWllL REEF" :"~~: ....... _ ....... (fl) 1~-...... ~ ~;r-r .,.,...,1-1 =:.:1~= s.tdoM on.tM '" ttlfa down John Ellot •.• t. landrMrtl toc.tJoft tMll-• • ..... ,._ • I dlno. Very apectCM11 2 ea 1-4121 •Hkd•Y•: I WW bdrm, 2 belt .... .... 171t8tll Of 111-450I . Lll1 plnopenGf.~~~l~-~l!?!!rdl.!--.-.-,-Coata ..... upgr8d9d port IMY -~ .-& • hOIM ptua ,. ... , rear ANOO. pOOf, 1paolou1 S a~ •e. Garden unltl AMume 11t loan 141nct.cb & boet allpa. Home. AptlraL mo. P&I 1!fM1. ,....._, .,._ .. ~ aooK of WUl'I\. l1MO. ~ emort. 1oan. tlMnoe 81 low,._ Onty loan1 offtrH et '4H, 1151,000. Call for de· 1115,000. Call now, 000. 111111. Open.._. .... 7171 ................ THE 'REAL ESTATERS ---- ~· . •Mm ·~j ' ~ ' \ \. ' . ' ' . . ' ' . ~ ' . . .· ,., ' ' 1 . n1rllt~11,' IU-.\1 .1 OHS --mt• .. Ll1' Paaoramlc view on Newport Bay end Padflc Ocon. Prime klmlian. <>vw aeoo.eoo ol. -zmeWe ftMndnc.. Bal avallatll• lot on llJdet. •1.J00.000. (714) 7I0-1100 ..... Cornmetctel tot loceted nea.r luena ,..,If Civic Center 11 av.J11ble for 8150,000. Lot GI II 11, toOeqft.ct~­ hafp ..... ISt·n?O TR,\DITIO\,\l. RL\I n 11••······~······· ........ w. 1.r111111t:l .: ....... ~........... 1mma ......... rt1t1111 ••••••••••••• rlHlft.t!'lit!t. ....... 1111ttr .............. . ...... ........ ..._ •WODIL.INCt* ftlJiiii -HOWi IWMYIMIHT "°91N'I C&.aANINCI .. .... -fWllM 10'1 ~ M.L Al.TIMTIONI ~ -.r=-~ •· ~....... ~:;=:= __. WAlfW't.UMIN~ ~.a thorOUlf'll'i lod, orlnklet • llfltull bio::h1rd If nor. Lio ALL 1YNI IDT & oweom ~ w.r .. ~1 ,., .. ,,,J. "' •= Quel. T,•JMoll?11t. J: ---::.tr;:~1* ~ ~ ~~ .. ;~1 ln1t11lat1on. Our wotll 2 . 11 ~of twiPPY ,,... llT. II t007t.Mlml 111.-e ""''"· ,.•rlt 'VI•• ~ ,,... ""'11L11t ....._. tllMI. ,, _,.., ~-" only loekl e1epen1lvo. ~.t1,,..10 fllt.AmNNO 1'llf r.o,~'iq ino, 11 Tor•. r.mitr.!l'ftt!dtW. iap ~ Mllnt. l>Citlf" HAHOvt.wf =-•~ht..~•~'· =°;"'~ ~· _,if;... ~'W.iia. ,..~ • • **At.rT1U;;:•u -.. ,., ''""' ... • kit....... ~. ~ ~ • ~ ..; I -.... 11...,. -· • .... ~ rm. tlr!ltfi lfrlJ!f ~ W0ttt. 10 )ft ta· ll!!ltt. note, ralttf penellno, Lt Heullnf: ..._Mii ~· Ma.t011 ... 1tt clHn ~r "OUM or uo !04111 • t4t-1Nl •·· _. . .,_ " ,.,. Georoe 111-1411 d "' " -~ ltoo. 'Hlnttno H IOndecl. tna. llleta. •• , ....... c.. ••• • ... .. .... ,. oort, voo..o•Mtl.re-LAWN CAM 'I: .. L.IT'I GIT 10-..:..... .• ~ .. toOI ' ""'°"9t~ tlCQttt. ta-0911 Didi QUALITY comm/rt1, 11 ·~ & ttMl'n ~. mod. a ldd·Oll•· Jllnt ,..___... ..._.-.., -_ .,....,. ~~...... "AAA! / Od •1 r~":T:.°''· Wflt ...... UC. 9*271. ~~~...., .. Ht OM tlx ~ ., ~ .--........ .,,.,._,_~!"."'I"" ltAINTI." ~I Yfl •xp. _.,r ,..,.. · !• ••••••••••••••••••• ' t "''--o• .... _..... "''" ._ -.. _ ... ,. --Dov. 141~ WOftKI 30..,. _,. '-'/ "eft. "lt•r. llHttr I 110 per load. Gradlno & = 1 • "'11• v~ "'1 .._.,._ o.,rropt, 1tryY tq..7•11 °""'• Aott .. f'entalt, M UMJM · ,.. "C;iei"" _....,Nit. tl'M114 pltnter mix avail. 'r" ,11v,r.'o:rmee11a~?: Crown mouldlno. •ntty "'i'A._. .... -IMALL JOll: p1Umbl119, l40-1U? =·~141.a'iTi •~-del locelly 111-1NI fOOf'll • '~ ·:~1 doore menu .. ttoolt· w.nn ..,__ ='· tleo, °'lfl~~l:· •-'d ~ ,,..... ft"' -a• 61\t ·~u~'"',· '"' OllN: cedar tin.CS olo· Coml1\/,......, Nwpt/CM • ,,... ttt. 1 ' ~ • t t ....................... lllhop ' Ion Palnttno ······A••••••••••U•• ,.....,_ odor ...... ,.. ·-· 1 Y'I w.....a 1 ti , >Ont,,..._*""· .._, P~ta LeMOM ao yre -.. lleecfl.,... Labot,......,., AooflnO •• .;::K ........... .. HP Do work nwHtt. Mtt. .,.,.,, eo u one o Qnr/capt awry ..,_,411 Cerptntrri Oabln1t1, ?"-beMtt 17S.70'1t"" '~'**' ,,... ""'-:"'" M:t-171' M \ypel. 10 Y't lllq), M09t IUtljlela. ~14 ~:N1-0101 , ~~~=2I probl•mel T~G~llHOPPE .. ~~·lto.HyouneechltOUIM!li'I* C1117M3M,11e·1114 llO,QU#.lMryM2.o123$ o.y~l1owtl Ct'1* 1""8111~ ~· UIWn Mllnl. .. fUMV" you W-. ••--• ~~ ROOF "N!PAOOf'INQ Mr. M«gilft, 14Ut7t l'lOOd dlmllof, e..nt a.....11 OomlNO 14l...S1 OINUIAL HANDVM~N ~ 17s.lllO. ~t ...... :rntt:l'••••••••••I'•~•-• lnVex1. ~ Mfg. guar. of cNm1ct1. ..... l'La..ll-'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!t~dno~·:!8!14~'-11;!11!:11!!_0., ! lt7~M~ ... ~ :-:1.-:m.............. mHonry, oarpentry. Quallty Hol~ IAICICWORK: lmllll JOW. (IXOYE) 751·1103 DO IT NOW.,,.. ttt. • ........ -:=::r ..... ;;: ORVWAWACOVSTIO 1IDI roonng. home kl'ls>rM-~ Ofit'totMA.. . OM Newport. eo.ta Meal. COLUiOE STUDENT E•· Daw Pelntlng 147-1111 "&At"' luntllkle In" ~II No 9*mlNo etlM,IPOO Repalre, new & old. 11 T___.'...moved. a.an menu I repair•. 1~ ·HI ... th~M..' 1~ •· 97M171 pr'd Int/ext........................ c.ll 8'nfllnt Window ~............... ltM\ lpocl8llllt. Mt Yfl exp. lud 082..ffl2 u;:i:;i ""'°"· 781-3471 131·7'42 • • ..........,_,. l c _. .... ,. ""'' REPAIRS 128to1118 CttMtng. Ltd. UI 1153 ~.=~ dry. ,,... -· ... ,. DAVWALlJACOUITIO •---' ,,_ CUltom Mak hlM. 0 b f 0 r I• u I A I•. Fl'9tW~LT. c.llnA ~2 ... • 2°" Monthly °'9oounl SI~ 131-41 Wt C.. ~ ();llif; Repalre, n•w & old. t t M~~WIHO :~Ct.IAH UPI ..,,,,.. n... ~~.............. =:-,~.:= =~ 1tlt or 552·0231 ,. .,..2121 1rA!SIOENTIAI.* hltm dMlt l uphOla. yra 9'CP· lud 582·Maa F •• 2 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• K-. ..,...._ ... ,.... •••NTI~ Hu~~~ ~¥9 1 ety '30: Avg 2 -. ALL8TATI PA Truck mount Unit ,.. · -• HAADWOOO '1.00NS a•-•-CUSTOM llNCKWON< '""'~ ,..,.. """ .__ 141 awte -1311 .. ., a.leoallng..e~ Wortc gaw 1414111 ,,.,,,,,,, MOWING 110415420 8teUtltUlly oMned -•-11•• ~ JOe8 Cualom worll. ,, .. Mt. Uc. ''11802. oq..9734 . 117 Reollra ~ • •••••••••••••••••••••• H •• ,,,.._..,._I ., • ..,. end wued 132-4111 Np•/CM ..._._ ••• ••12 Rffl. +fine Int. & llal· *FINEST IN O.C.* Lie Ht7312 14M111 e..11e.,,.,,. E~IOTRICIAN-Prlc.CS •--·-"' 1""-v· . 1JY9 In MOUfl1y pf1it ,,..._ -' '.._., _......, nlng. 8t.w 1M1..e211 S.9'jlut1---------1•••••••'~••••••••••••• r1011t. lrM •ttlmat• on M ;!~ ....... , .... ,.,,.,. lure lo¥tng cert '°' -1 --...... 1-., ..... .. ....... ;;;11......... ~·::::OW =?1 Den HeMltrg Gr9Cllng c.m.nt Maio.~ !Woe or '""911 Jobe. .,..........,. ........,.,.., Bl..U.• ,...... .,._*•• 11--'-BUOGEl RATH/Uc'd --·-----& Pntng Co. Att/Coml. Well cu.t. WOf1l. UC. IJcj, 3Mea1. ln.-03P "" 1ft ... ... ..... .. ............... ~..... ~~ Howe 81tt1R. _,.~'!!fl* .. ~ .. ":".11 .. ouuuuu Low min. Sml )Obe OK. Orange Coeat WllldOW9 Lio 391804 142"1720 AttlOOfl'I Aob 547~ uc·o ELECTRICIAN b p'd, quality work at & =~Jobe (81noe 1979) 83t-t234 ~ =r:.:io=::; '~1~-.'fo~ Fr• eet. in.. 141•751t .. = ~ • ~~ Concrete: "•move Old, au.I. wotk~ ,.._ rHt. r•t••· Malnt. a Clll MIKE 14&'.-1391 AetpoMlbte cpl, mid 30,1 wort at,...,.-. Llc'd. au.llty. Ucllne. Strip-6.1"1U Fr••lmllWl l30-l1ll Lio. m;t,;;, ;t•;:;;•,; =•~wM~~\' Fl• tet. ISt-0072 Tom landecaplng. NIS/CdM HAULINO-etudtnl 1111 loolllng 10 llOUMelt 11111 fr• 991. 176-9027 pl~Oltc. on peper. ··~·~·~;·• Vo4Jt ~ La~ & TC>lt QUALITY °'17~::.,~· lg• truck. Low••t rett eumm•r. We'll care for "-'-Vlu· SOott 845-13215 Aapalr/ eolec* CUit gd mtll6I.. ~l:J c.....,.... ~ ElECTAICAt. WORK Prompt. Cell 715t-111e. plent•. houM. etc. C.11 •••···'···•••••••••••• A8'I PAPERHANGING RMa. Mf.e300 iw ,,:;· ....;....-------1•••••"•".-C·••••••••• Rete. m... 1531-8066 Mow, .CSge, rake, llWMP• Then.k you, John. Ken Haven, 790-8079, ·AIC MOVING-7 yre local exp. Ouar. TY~ ~~n~!:. ~~:S SmlE~= UC. =g:l:.~a7~Pan":ul. HAULING & DUMP R:r:;,"·Pelm Spring• ,=~::~·0 ia~~!.i. =~~1~~~~ 11 ~..';!,=~-- Exper. IMl-7241 ..... )'tlllf9. lrWln 146-2719 m1oe-c-10. 641-6203 Aetld/Comm. c................. J08S.~-=7Ratldy. Proftealonll Couptt wlll NB/CM onty. 142·*2 f'I fl,_..._ t -·__. *A-1 ..... * ,, .. , ...,..,,, 1 will babyalt my"°"" 5 n• n ......, oarpen ry, ., malnt., tree trlrn. frH PAOf. SERVICE l)ouH tit part or all ol T~uell ... ~ care ••'-•••••••••••••••••• 'fl dye week. 19tll a Po-remodellnl 1pec1a1111 •..... mt. •t.141-te>ee (Memo) 1ummer. Call locally, In .,. 2 .... -... **8RVAlffS** ,.,,,.. '~lf#1tl1U mona. C.M. '31~174 Lie. 4111 7 .... nd•ll ••••••• ~.::;:......... Heullng . yerd dMnYp 173-498.2 ComoeltOVt 'A;• Wlllcovet1ng Remove! ......... r: •••••••••••• 720-12t0 FORMtCA COUNTERS Cotltge Student, vwy dep. Ouk* & dean. FrM aet. xl> No ovwilmt. 730-1363 All Typee. 142-1343 OAESSMAKINO ... ,,, ........ ; COMM'L/AE810. F~~.::=7 :;=. ~~·~a~'i\~r=~ 873-0548 e~~·~e:-i~ t~~, ________ , __ :;.;.______ ~~~: llnln fWnod.Add'nt-....,..,. 52• yr no mo. frH HAULINO end local mo-greet wltti '*' & p6enW. STAAVINQ COLLEG! , .. ,....... --------•••••••••••••••••••••• v.., ....... UC.sto2SO •••ding' yd wk. lllngetudenlwttlltruck Rtf'1.es1-1oso. STVOENTSMOVING ~~~~·:;;d·; .:::::: ::~ Jedt H. 8eMttt. Jf. t ... IU/ 541-NM Lewie 115-lteo CO. Uc. T12-4-438. =ta B & W °' c:olOf. 11f!#!!f? •••••••••••• ,. ... ~14&-t7et o.na:.,w:142 ,,....., SHIYO'S"· .......... I..,.. dHAU}ING-GRADI~ ~~=-~~.F40 i!=·ue:~ y&JuneSpeclel.Cell ~~~., ••-----________ ,••••••••••••••••"••••• ~""' emo ltlon. clean-up yr1, wlll 111 your llome, 141-012t Chet Wynn ~ • Sttvlcee -...,_ LI. Mf Bl I S. l•mlll ., ''Total Yllfd Care" Concr.w & tree rtmovlll, garden, pei.. Nontmkr. ITAAV1NO COLLEGE :'f.: active readers ls~~.__.. ... ~ Lio. ,01811. Remodel, Ohrlltlne. Ed 141-7825 Molwtcly. 551-t232 eYI Quid! Ml'V. 142-783e 525-1137 ell. I STUDENTS MOVING r.~!!'l~....... ff -t38I ........... ....di & _.... d d . b I co. Uc. T12"""31. ...__ ._.__. I cal llandyman work. a ne, ca ntll. ......._.. m-.d 141-1427 ...._t .,.....,_ • textur.a tw. 875-7961 1411588 ........ i.m,. =:i::::-............ .....i...i.. J~-•-1• WATCH 'us GAOWI ,,.. .... • .... ,., •.. ~·:.:.·::::.~_·::.~·· ••••'"'1\••·············· •..•...•..... w........ . •. -.:.-4'.:;;r:-:: ••••••• ,________ ............ __ ............ WAV CONSTRUCTION REPAIR & INSTALL General Melnltnefl09 Want I REALL V CLEAN Reymond .ww.ky, Ht E. A I way e a a 1 1 e 1 n PLASTER PATCHING Textur .. Thin W .. Shop at llomt. II'• ... ., ~. AdOltlonl ~ dR. ~ Ae9alrt a Oecofatlng HOUSE? C•ll~h•m t?tll. 111.,c.t.4. (ac:rou claaslll•d-read th• •d• RHtUCCOI. lnll••t. 30 StuCCO Br1ck. Uc'd. with ctullfled 1542-5878 Uc. 420t02 142-1200 Del6gn/Ptlnt 9f0.11te Ouellty.1r Rey 14o.61.. 0111. Fr• Jet. 123 lfom Ralph.._ 8314105 every day. 642·5878 yra. Meet. Paul 64&-Hn Gary 087-0799 ~.~!f! ... ••••••• !'!!!~.~!f! .•.. ~ ~ H11 ,,..,,,, ,,_,, f.~ ...•... !.~?. ~tJl..'f..'!.'!!. •••• !J.!f !.1.11..'f.~~'!. •••• !.{~ !.1.'l.!f.~'!!. .•.. !.{~ ~IJl..'fM'!!. •••• !.{! II• llulltl 1111 1811 Wel1dlff. N.8. Want --.-, "1J Ct..EJUCAL I I /~ •••'•••••••••••••••••• flnanctal 1n1t. 10001.1. ••••••••••0 •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• .. ••• .mt amtl BAllYllTTEA wanted In E. Bookke~er &HIYllM/M• .. • 11 -Ory a.nino. ~ICed 1 11. 110 0 r . Agent 920 eq. ft. on Cout Hwy. WIDOW HAS m lor m ·1 IM&-t103 an. 8pm ,eo.ta3 .... yr ...... old. ~ ~. ~ 1 _,. 1 t :-::::~: [r 11:-""pg, .~,.,:; person lor pant• pr ... 54l-6032 -Avall. lmrntd. Call to.... RE Loan•. tOK Up. No n -"' .....-Temporary tu cllarg1 mm .... open ng or re-r,r•onal care n~""-"". ling & ccuit« wort. Sen 4t7-tt11. ~ BMCtt Credit Clltck. No Pen-* * * woman pftlf. 541-1131 bookkeeper. Manual llable, con1clenllou1 ....,.., Cltmtnte 4tl4S3e 520 eq. n. 11.00 per eq. .,..., ally. Oennleon AHoc. ltlMlll I Sateguerd/P9gt>oerd to per1on good w/flgurN 1'00/mo. room & • · ft., St71 Birch .. N.B. e73-7Sll ........... :_••Ill 8ABVllTTER, meture to computer oonverelon. wllo een UH a 10 key board. Ref1. Call Mon. EXECUTIVE Seeking AQent 541..aos2 Wul:ri&l '-W4M .,_, ..... ••••day bebyllt 4 mo. old w/ON AP/AR/PR/Ord« entty. eddl ng mach, k••P May 24 thru Wed. May ambltloulcpl. 10..-.1n • ,..... •••••••••••••••••••••• ... 980 T.O. 1tralg11t note 7 d8VI • Wltlt °' two ott.'I 9744771, A.Miit controltr. Happy accurate record•: do 29, 2-4pm, lor Interview. expenelon a mgml. of llUlllTD .... m.""I N.8. 3975 8lroh. MOO tq. due In 1 Yf 15% Int. W111 89 OorgtOUI 9lrl1 lo 754-1 ... dy9 wonting oondlUOM. Sa· Bet* recr, ~CRT 142·2513. em. bu1lnH1. P/tlme . ft. or IHI. MIA zone. ull for I 3481. Agt. pamper you. Jacuul, i.y open. Mell ....um. to CCf" helpM but not nee. .... r -......-... 84&-8995 ""' Agent 541-5032. 780-t702. SeunL Locale ........ 8abyellllng. m.•tw• WO-1711 Welt 15th....... 24"" Wltlt ~ox. We 2 ---=---In ... ...._1---;;;;;;;;;-;;;;jj;;;;;a;-- 110 to 3000 eq rt "No FrlH" Pnc. Wlftlem Cott, Bltr. 1141711-1• lourll1a. Ban~. man prefertbl• In our rt 8 ..... Att c otter,.,.._..,.., pc1 bene-1-·-........ ..,..,_ ,_Mia ,... lf'F1ll U. Um.a MHter Charge, Amtr· tlorM lor pert time care = ea.... n: On· ftte in(i'g~ ~. Mandarin RHttUranl. The flntet & f..w.t on>- WarellouH 1pace wltll ~ ... IM. lcen Exprtat. Dlnwa. Aa 0 I In I•" 1 · C •I I dental plu1 pr~flt •fl•· Able lo coo« Mandarin, wing COOlde ~ 11 I d a t ...._._, welcome 714/145-S433. 71417&4..et42. I 0 0 K KEEPER I -.. CantontH, 8zechwan comlnn to 8outll Coat ~:::.~~ lorr:oo .:.~. --n; .• ,:. 11~~ 2nd 2112 Hartlor Bt CM ~ KCRUARY-Can train '"'W· CIMCO •IYI•. 11 .150 llr. Call Plaza. • .. re. fWdl' Coo- MelelndWtnel peltl. 71t Robt. SattW NH/CM HANOYMA.., ••--1111 tNro b~lt~ Yr"* 9Xi>d 265 .__Ave, C.M. 714-142·7ll2 Mr. Wong klea hM ceretr opportu-• W 1-St P------,.. ---·11•• tor rt """' eeplnO GU· --nlU.. evaltable et entry . "" .• --.,_,, R.E. Bl<*tr 8d Retltore NHdl Cullt Wiii Do Tempor9tY pot. In 0.. tfea. MuM typeeowPM' ••• ... Counter Ptnon. ""'1t'J In El•o•nt Euc 1ult•• In prMtlaloUI loc. Ind ... cretarlat. reoepllon,.t, telephone an• & more. Otca from $411 mo. ()n.. c•ll otc:e 1115 mo. THE HEADQUARTERS COM- PANIES: A profeMIOnel environmen t. (714)1---------1 lnduetrltl Park, t835 142·2111 545-0e11 Anything. O.WM2-tl54 ~ ..-eupentlt T• _... eeo ,.._nee:. No pereon at O.K. Donut•. leY9' IOI Crew LMd«I. W'lll1tilr Ave.142-4443 I !er tten lft aewtnoa ofc. IH, but word proottllna 2913 FaiMeW Ad .• C.M. ~v~t polenllel 1542•7904 .....,.._,,/ '""' H Cell: "lvertldt, a or Arollt. bao1torna CLElllllL counter work, Ory c .... Food" .:;:-1'[.~: 151..()181 WEST".:UFF BLl)G -.l wi>r1:n Bf AC.,. . .._.. .. ...... C l l1 1.4• lioward £45 6101 *--.... * From 1 room to 3 rooma. from 11. ti • aq. fl No ..... r.quired. Mi Air· por1tr Inn. 2172 Dupont. Cal AM. 833-3223 BAYFRONT mtllll& 1 a ' room omoee "°"' '205.\M~. R nf 041on*" 17M700 .. "" .... •"Turn I(., Oftlot" '390. ... ~(Office 178. •Seminar/Mtg Roome houlty. •Stcl...-. 8tc'Acta. Cal lor II*> 712-6405. IM.L ... lof rent, 1IX20, l12t .., •.. ~ ... ... " fll 1.1111 lflNUb/ ;.~_:.:=•In••:=•.:=. ~9~:0, Elct. 181. ~!._U,.!!_ be a _plu1. ass~!!Tm ner, meture i.dy, 3 deye ground pt9ferred. Send C.M. MW a unit lftdue.. IMI ~ 1..-l'n._..d (Ola;;'),_, 1 e'""'ll -,.., • --..146-7921. reeume to: Mre. Pletd•' ==~-,:~?,~Iii :;;;;;;;;,;,;;;·;;;; :odern conven~c:.. IAHIONG 111 lllPg Spolllgtlt poe1uon In ex-DATA PAOCUSING k · ;r~:::~· .!!~~ ::::: celling•. 12x1 door, ...................... CloM to al~ cltm NII cfletge. tot•~ 9Qlltw aunoept1tr9' ~T~.~er'"d~ mlneter, 9211s. Attn d kl Cll 11 ..._., Including St. Andr"9 Ill/IE-,....._. "'°"*"' C*ltar' Gery Winn 00 per nl.. uc Jiii _._,_ goll courtt. 711 to In~ lleeCft. Mu9t General office dull•• Send,..,,..,. wl1h ~ _...;... __ • ---- i ijjjtJi83iti1·'1* IUl•I* 9 / 1 /82 . 1750/mo. ...__ -"-• f con1l1Ung of greeting hletoi to: 2790 Hatbor GEHEAAI.. OfflCE UP ._.... ....... ,. yn up. • II o•t• M••• Ca ·~ ----____.._ ......... ' 1815 So. E Cemlno Reel. 645-1425 • mlllarlty wttfl property cu1tomer1. anewerlng f292e • · ~;;-,...:.=t~- Sen CWntntt. 492·1298 man~•nt, accoun-phoMa and • vwtety of form ~ ofiiCe dullaa. Riii iie. ...... ..... ... ting. e peua. s.nd r...-ne ottltr tukt. DELIVERY pertont ov.r :::Y7• --1~-• llm.1.._, & -.ry ~ \o: 11 tor L.A. TlmH to .. ._.. ~ SCRAUL£TS :::ic:;G•e.••••••••••• 111'••Mon 111, Ne: S•l•cltd candidate• llom•• In C.M.. 1..e7oot1et.t-t2. .... ,,.,,. rruw m1 LH , ...... ,,..,.. t2eeo must be polled and en-aAM-eAM. ~ CIW Oentrel ANSWERS ...................... l1tl11t It••= ergetlc. and b• a good required. NO ~ng. IUlfl•••t " s.cr~ary/Cor119anlon lo ...... •II&/ communlc•t•r with • $4()0...'460 mo. ~ bo-Ttlephot1et, lyPft'l'tt.t. Ol>POee . p..._ cman 50 or over. .._ pleaHnt prolHllonal nutee. 14f.0137 !let cet>IMtl, c:hedc book. Vobne • M«nory Wl1te to: Ad +tt7, _,.. outlook. Ll9ht but tlOCU-..-rlUTm computer. Iron I office . ArttlMK . En\1111 = = g:~o. _.. I ..__ --'-rate typing 1'9q1Med (min. Fu 11 or part t Im•. eMFlOYMENT nit WI I ilP'C .,._. 40WPM). -&..,., rnenec. your--. 557~119 Good ntwl and bad NURSES' AIDE wantl flta ........ ,.. II Fr1& Set.14.15hour.CM _., .... d k •--Highly ~Juve t>eM-neceuary. 1541.()718 « new• from Ill• lebor aywor •• compan...... I ttrlotr tf H•!J!•• 11t1 1nctudln:o M•dlcal, (213) sn-11ss !font. The good newa le dleuff9ur, cert of lk:k °' h le ..... ,_ EJq>. '*Pful. Hvy ngur. that rnoet of IH I )'Mr'• etdtrly. 549--0373 W ..-Dental. pal vacation lllTIL &llllT&IT work. Ml* bt pioflclent college gredl hew~ ..... end men. Coeta ~~flgurH, 10-~o!:l poeltlone. Unfortunately, Need pert-time work In Full/Ume. Mela. _..,hi twJlno. Ell lh• poaltlon• ,,. In tM WOfd Prcmnlng °'key· ........... ...... INTERVIEWING BY 141-U72 oo. btnelta. lntoimW *· !'..!.nt EMPLOYMENT ~eq~~:.'!i:f:i '°"tlll tf •l•ll.,. APPOINTMENTONLYI ........ IM. C.M.Cal: .... efltAM. ..... .,.. BOOl<KEEPE.R PIHH call: Ptreonn•I Enlllutleatlo, eMdenl. -146--6000-------... ,......_, tf ... Dept. (7141 7eo.eooo orvanad w'M ...,. 4 -· .,_ f(UI) ADS ARE FREE Cal: M2 ... 11 . i:::-:.e:::::: ~~~~~::!~O:t:~ ~ ~Yac::· C. eu. ~t1.::,~ •erlt1H '"'•"•'· cu111er lor Photo Orlw-......._ --Ba lk °:~-:".::.::: ~ eoec. Mw.. It•• ttlltr tr HW In. 14 hr. Cotta MeH. ~ ~~·I Part tlm.. t and Sun HalrdrtHtr wanted In """" 11,.rlHH t-1. Fri. &/or 9·5 l at. 01 Hrty A.M. 4 lloure.. beacll arM, nlc. IOC•· •nh••h Muat b• rellablt. l\.t -. .. ,l""r1 cs.y. IM&-2t11 tlon.17S..&S42 Uk lor ........... ...., ad 18 HHllHt ko- Hfltt •Hhlt• Ptr ................. ................. ...... l1Mla..Hal 145-0404. I 'Ill TI '" ... ,. Tony. ' -. -llM HAIRSTVUST dl*9d lof Clerlcel Otntr•I office. EOE MIP wanted for Imported b"•v •-•bOa Itta-..... typing, part time. 2·3 pmuc ~ blnS. ~ .... , -,,.. • ~·--. ftult>letn. 1ummer toy. Call Ion. ~3 Newport IHch Corp. Clertl·Typfat. Permanent 714/186-eOlt 714194&-705S. Liz. poeltlon. 45 WPM. am.I r---------• Co. btneftta. Entry ...... "" .... .... UIDI\ mnDVrDS The IHtHt draw In the WHt ...• Delly Piiot Clutlfled NJ. call Toelty &42-5878. poemon. 142~ • 40 In. no ........_ a.. nMll n\11\RU\ lery commenturaf• wlltl ~ ....... ~ ..... $1,200 ...... "'·1·~.~ ...... ........... ... ... ... ....... ·•··· ...... . ............... ................ .. ,-;;~=· SR. LOAN SALES C()(IOINATOR lmmed~ opel'llno tot experlelicled lndMdUel to review ~d MleOt IOtn• to be eold; mak• und«- wrltlng dec:lt lont H to ulMbltlty to Inv.tore; eudlt ., -. end --very MCondery muket commitment•. F1mlll1· r lty wit h whole/ partlctpetlon loen ulee procedw• end FHLMC/ FHM.A/ONMA end tyl)lng o1 eo wpm .,. l'eQUhd. l'M> ,..,. experllnoe la preferred, but we wlll ecoept IHI If you ar.e knowtedg .. ble an:c!t mlllar With loan pr ...., ... 11~ ... llng. underWTttlnO. etc. 1-;~~~~=iii~ W• off•r.-~1ut1t1ndlno Ii benefit• f!Ql\Jdlng ~I-Prlnttng cal, d•11t1I and vlalon coverage, frM parlllng Ind tr .. blnklnO lllf'lyt• leQM. col'npetJW. ...... rlH and en e11oellenJ WOftl envlf onmefll PIM- .. call Nancy Perrin at 213•825-UOO ~r 714-17$-7101 bet..-. I and 11:30 AM or Mnd r-..ne to: * * * ** •COLUMBIA* *SAVINGS* ~nd Lo•n * Associ•t'ion * ***** 110 s. Brook""'8t ANIM!m, CA t2I04 -~ .... Food ••rvlce, retell tlill..out. Contect mgr of operatlone. 9337 l.aurel CM)'Ofl etvd., P9C01ma, Ca. 11331. (213) ~, ... MeUMIO 102&1 YOl'tltoWn AW. ~'*8a.ctl. 714-M4,.,,. OfFlCE PERSON, cyping, .......... W. tax•• J. cu1tomer rel•· w. ....,. an ~ tor tlonl, beMftta. Hunttno-two well dreeeed ~ _ton_9dt_._5_-..e_511_. __ 1 gent11tHper1on1 to nnnnD'llMTV work In the Newport urr VI\ 1 un11 1 Hertlof •• 1n commer· Do you went flexlf>I• clal te!H and/or rH· ldlntlll ..... In-. men houri In • .. ~ ca. arnuent .,..., We on. reer that oontrlbut99 to ..,. OCllMllNICM• Md ---------hHlth & 11tt develop· or-t ~•you.,. 1 ment? Fr•• training, "" •tarter end 1 herd fr1nQI benlftta. ... **142-6210** wortler. ,., .... call me -------· f<W ....... oonftden.. NIT/Im t111 tnttrMw 1n""" pr• 15-20 tloUn/...a. De-~ Newport Cen1llr pendabte pereon, 18 Of Offloe. • older. Pulllng p1rtl or-... ~ ~-U'P den In en.II~ ...,. •-r....-..• C.M. 54M574 (1-4om) • .., L , ....... E.O.E. ~ "4-4tt0 Hlftm Mpm. Exoendlna yoyth counHlllng firm "" of)enlno-tor 3-6 lfterp outoolna rnetin peopte to motrvat• •mbltloua t0·13 Yf Oldt. Cati 2·5pm. OU·4S21, eJtt. a.43. Mtt few Anclrtl. • . llllP ..... SUMMER mcum $1,4,400 ·eo,..... ..... ,.... Buy llOW fOr thM ...,. orul••· lei Ou 8kr . ...... uo J P•0•'4t t. .. ~lofl<Jll' ~ 4 1, I /' , '12 ...,.... 4 *· 7CM< mt, Jo1tneo11 1Hlnt•ll'td. "iW· tllt, , ...... oleeft. *·•moket. ttHO or ,.. -• 14t·IOOt 1911 CADILLAC runwooo llOUOHAM "AlftCMIOCW' CPI. (1~ s15,995 '1912 OLDI am.All IUPalMI laOllOHAM (10VHllJ5) ·' $9895 1911 CADIUAC PlllTWOOO llOUOMAM (1CGX351) s15,995 1971 CADILLAC f UITWOOO llGUOHAM D'IUOANCI (511UB8) '7995 coavnn T·?Olt (412llOI) •10,995 OKAY, LUCY, we NEED A RUNnHERe'S WHAT I WANT 'r'OU TO DO ••• IF VOU 6ET ON Fl RST, WAiCM FOR MV Sl6NAL /TO STEAL SECOND ••• l'LL · TU6 MV eAA LIKE TMts •• : IF VOU 6ET TO TMU~D, ANt' I WANT VOU TO ~ · 5TAV TMERE, l1LL TO& MV OTH~ EAR LIKE ,. ·THIS, BUT IF I WANT VOlJ TO TRY TO STEAL -. MO~E, I'll Rl/8 TME F~N1 OF MV 5"1RT... ~ ' . J>L>t> He OON"r IM~Me.! I I l You l<EEP SIPPIN' YOUR COFFEE', EMMY. .. RoAST BE6F SLIC~S ... -roMATO ... IUNA S,ALAD .. . FORA MINUTE IHERE l IHOU<QHT 1'HERff ~l • ·"" • . WASN'r:· ... -rfiN'l=TH rN~ :~10 SAT ~ ' · l • -p f '· ; ..... llWt If -..UIM '9 ..... l f lllt>er 't 'lue.lefl,.lt ._ •• ., ............... w n11MN ., 'llleJtUIPlf lltftt ., '"'"''"'" '""'"H ., :w~10 CAT'S PAWi Mey ....,., Junior, wMt'a n. fuuf to com- plete thil dot sane, ecld """ front•• 1 to dot 2, J, etc . t I I GORDO SHOE ~T MAPPENEP · t>iME~'\ THE TIOE AT 6EVEAI WILL 121£40V SE! MOMlNCE ANO SL-ICES QPGUJ!Nc,,e IOEATW/nl A laWCIBJ.E $.Ff:.X)N, •· . ' . 00.5Ut .. By · Gus Arriola ALL YOU'LL NEEO l~A PEA- ~ BOAT/ J,./NJ}Je, HI~ I c.A'9E WJ;fl · THE WEATIH:R PA&E AcTl\IATES l!NER.'1/ i..OON' • ' DallJPlat FOR .IUDmt WAI.KER. medal dlrec· tor. w.-~ lnttltuW Medical Group I 1.-dalll chronic P111n ot.m NMllla hm ,... .......... ....,,...., ..... the ..__....,. How c.-.. 8UOkl ...... . that hllw ....,_ ~? -8.N., Redoedo. c.11. • Holding a telephone by aadling It on the thouJder. fer example) auta ltraS on the mutdes and eventually turns Into • c:hronlc pakl. With a llmple brace attached "New habit reduat chronic pain . ., to the receJver you can hold the phone comfortably and stiJI have both hands free. At the office, a dak that is too hjgh or low can result In physical dis· comfort, and Improper lighting may produce headaches. AD of these conditions strain mUlda and lead to chronic pain. Acquiring new habits that relieve the stras placed on the body wl11 protect you from long-term disorders. FOR BBJ. SCHWEPPE, Los Angela Dodgers va praldent In charge of mmc. Jeaguc opciadons HowcM the~ get nActru ... ""'balM'7 -LS.S., .-......<Alf. • Sometime In the 40's a fan within shouting distance of the press box kept yelling "look at that bum" whenever a Dodger made an aror, and the tmn was picked up by \Nl'tten and certoon.ists. When the Dodgen mowd to LA. In '58, however, It died. FOR KAntRYN CROSBY, actra. --........... .,...... c:b-.. .. pos .. llllc9 B1r»g pwed ...,? -8.G., W....tc:tw-, w..h. •• ftnd It WJy hard not havtng that casual. outgoing fellow around -he was such a &tend to me. I milt everythJng -hll love, his companlonlhlp, his advice, his hwnor, h1I encowagement. Having to and alofw .. a big ad)wtment, but rm tryJng to make the best of tt and have tome fun -while rm stumbling. FOR RICHARD SANDERS. ar al TV's WKRP 1n Oncfnnaet .. It true d..a tp/re rude to .,.,.... who try to get 8C> ' I 'ed wlllb poa7 -P .D., ,,._, Ta. e Not exacdy, but I pnder hard work to frothy convw· Adon. The c:att doesn't eocialta becaUM we W each other on the set and need a bralc after filming. Other than the cast, tf anyone persim In asking me personal quatlons J answer with the wrong Information. 1llB11 YOURSELF EDUCA110N: When a chapter on show bU of 198211 wrttten, ,....._ BnnMn wll 6gure prominently In It -and tt won't be beca•• she wen a Tony or an 09c.ar nomlNlaon or was teamed with Robert De Niro and Robert Redford, aD In one yea-. Ir's because of her claim that she's the only woman -outside of his famlJy -to give Doany Ounond a big, fat kiss tn the line of work. Co- stamng with Donny tn the ID-fated stage musk:al , LlttJe Johnnie Jona, was also. Donnv Irma &oodway goodbye. an educational experience. .., learned from Donny. .. she glowed, "how to be gracious to people, aD kJnds of peopla. That's what tmprased me -his calm, his potse." At their first photo 9ellion, Maureen was scared stiff. Donny loosened her-up. "fve been doing this b years," he reassisred ... h's a cakewalk." ... IGNORANCE: Bota Hope was asked to elaborate on a recent report that he's worth between $150 mlllion and $700 milllon ... I reaDy don't know how much money fve got," said Bob. cornered in Las Vegas where he was playing tn a golf tournament (not his own b a change). "You'd better ask my wtfe, or Rmeld A...., -he knows for sure." What he dkf reveal Is that he's not a big spender, ouUkie of golf: '1bat's my ~expense. I pay dues to 20 clubs throughout the country, JO I can always get a game of golf. That costs me $60,000 a year. But I don't Hope mtnd .... TACT -AND LACIC'OF ":When P..t Badey and Melba Moore met at a Walhlngton TV taping, the veteran Bailey told Mehl that they have somethqi In common \You came &om vaudevlle jult BM me;. Even ~she began In the record indumy. Meha didn't ODl'Nd her Idol, nor rnailioll that vaudevtDe was before her ttme ( .. Almolt before my parents' time"). Reagan Mel>a was just a tc;>ddler when Pearlie Mae made he:r ltage debut In St. Louls Woman In 1946 .... P.ter ......._, autor of the floor shows m New Yoric't Rainbow Grtn. swears his worst moment has no con- nectk>n with a stage disaster. Whtie prowling for taa.nt ln France he spoke to a lady who 1Mi1.ed vaguely fam.IBar. "Don't you recogn.11.e me?" she demanded r-' Peter who, up to then, boasted that he forgot nama -but never faoa. The famlJiar fact belonged to his • ex-wife, whom he divorced. two deceda before, aftc a 10-year marriage. PRO h Ptw Onta G. tt.&cb. (R-lbh). chairman. ·~ Subcommlaec on the C.ontdtutlon PROAnD(OO While the F.O.tA. has helped In· an an Informed dtb8nry. a few flaws tn the Act haw jeopmdlaed &aw enfoccement. lndMdual prt· vecy rtgta and trade-MC:ret conft- ct.ndaky. For iutanca, ~ c:rtmtnaJs can ute the F.O~A. to Identify lnfom..ra or avoid Pl'Ol" ecutk>n. S..tldvc Information ~ prtv• dlDIN or bu9n 11111 an be obtained fot the price of • sat• ~ The Ad lhotJ)d be arMnded to proeect &.w cement end privacy rWU. Should Congra1 Hanoa> the Scope OJ A«•• to Go..nunat Recor.- Vnderthen.dom tliiormatlonkt? _.. ....._. 111J Alim L Mllllt ~ IUI~ ................ ~··-·~·-.. ~--Mt Alie.;-M.l.Y. ftm.. ~~ ..,..,11 .... ..-... It waa the generation that grew up expecting everything. Now, 76 million baby boomenr are both caulng and Cl.Ding the problems that/ace us all. By Landon V. Jona ine sales are booming th.ls year. Moviegoers are taDdng about divorce dramas like Shoot the Moon . On 1V's Happy Days, Richie O.m· ntngham's wtfe , Lori, recently had a baby. But elsewhere the Army needs volunteers, U.S. coDeges are bracing for a historic drop in eruoDment and Top 40 radio stations are swltc:hing over to talk and news formats. Are these unrelated events? Not at an. They are just recent reverberations caused by th, most ex· traordlnary generation in our history: the postwar baby boomers. Between 1946 and 1964, American husbands and wives aeated In the privacy of their bedrooms 76.4' million bebk!s - one-third of our present population -who have s1nc.e affected almost every aspect of our todety, from fads, fashklns and music to atme, education and the economy. The baby boomers grew up confident they would become the biggest, brightest and luckiat generation ever. But as we shall see, their very numbers have kept them from adUevtng much of what they wanted. "5'nc.e \lkrid Wai D, .. notes economist Richard Easterlin, "a generation's for· tunes haw come to depend, as never before, on how numerous It ts. Hone is lucky enough to be bom when the nlllional ~ nu Is low, then one may k>ok forw.ct to a relatively bright future. If one has the misfortune of being part of a large genera- Hon. one's future Is corrapondtngly dim." Think of the boom gencradon as a moving bulge In the populadon that, like a pig swallowed by a python. causes stretch marks and dlscomfon along the way. In the 1940'1 and 1950'1, the baby boomers gave us Dr. Spock, burgeoning suburbl, aowded schools, Hula Hoops and Davy Crodcd coonskin Capt. For the fnt time, children - m.illion1 of chOdren -were llardng fada, a fad not lost on advatilen who reabed kids controlled both the TV dial and tha pm.ma' poc:Mlbooka. Then, In the 1960'1, the ftnt wave of·bo«Mn htt adolac•a and gave us the Vouch Sodlty: rodc'n'roll, demonslradons, blue jpns, fMt toods, marijuana, teen-age crime and teen·age unemployment. They had affluence and ec:onomi: power and didn't hesitate to use It. But at p&aces like \\bodstock what they rcaJJy demonstrated was simply how many of them there were. In the 1970's. just as they prevk>usly had changed aD our kie.as about childhood and ado&escence. the baby boomen changed young adulthood. Unlike their parents, they did not go straight &om school Into families. Rather, they wae as untradJtional about family formalk>n aa they were about rdgk>n and politics. They lived alone , mmrled later, had fewer chlkhen and divorced more often. Young women went to work In record numbers. Words like .POSSLQ (the Census Bureau acronym b Persons of Opposite Sex Sharing LMng Quarten) had to be Invented as we became a nation ol swinging singles. And • always, when the baby boomen sneaed, the rest of us got pneumonia: When they started looking down the bane! at 30, suddenly ·evayone started )ogglng. ~ tennis and dieting off ex1ra pounds. .. From the time they were born until the time they die," saya author/hlltorian Ben Wattenberg, "the baby boomen will be causing and curing our nation's problems." Here are )ult a few examples of where the baby boom has brought Ames1ca and \Nhere It may be tMlng UL ~ Baby boomers 8odctlng the labor force haw depcaeed U.S. produdMty over the past two decada. We have had an exoa1 of young, untrained worMrl. and employen have had lnde modvadon to lnvat In labor..avtng equip- ment. But • the baby-boom woriw.rs gain ex· pes1enc:e, the producdvlly level shoukl begin to rile. Promotion Squeae: The babiJ boomen have always expected to be on the hm track. But many of them are finding at work that th«e .. too many Indians and not enough plaoa for chiefs. Many ti.w bMn fon:ed to aCIC8pt Jobe below their qUlll6c.ldoN and .. =:a . ~-emphalll tt.. day, on job ~ ONtead ol advance- ment). o.t. blblJ boomm, frue8"d by the Com• pdllorl ... Miking --er.-. end drMnlac c... IWlktm tD °"""to lmproYe their dMneel. Eh"'""! Molt ijlby boomll'I .. now out of ~~==-~=-:;e feon*iilild 4"' P.-" Comm~ of age: The 1950'• brought coonMln arps. A Miniature of The United States of America's Saint-G&uden's $20 Gold Piece lOOoA> SOLID GOLD*-$20 An Official Gold Issue of The Columbia Mint, Washington, D. C. in Solid 24 Karat Go~ --- You now have a rare opportunity to possess the world's first and only 100% SOLID GOlD (24KT) Miniature $20 Gold Piece. This miniature of The United Stat.es of America's Saint Gaudena S20 Gold Piece is minted from hand engraved dies onto a 100% SOLID GOlD plancbetof 24 KT Gold-~ is no Pd purer than 24 KT Gold.• Each is individually minted to capcure the exquisite full ~nsional relief of this th~ most beauti/UI of all U.S. coins. Each Gold Piece is guarmrteed and certified to be -100% SOLID GOLD -the biihest quality p>ld., and each will be clearly mint-marted with the purity of its gold content -24KT. •And each brilliant PURE SOLID GOLD Miniature $20 Gold Piece is presented in a specially~ oollector's case, accompmUed by a serially numbered CertiflCate of Authenticity and a historical account of the Saint Gaudens gold coinqe. AVAILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME This finely minfed 100% SOUD GOW (24KT) Gold Piece is available exclu- sively from The Colwnbia Mint -one d America·s privare rtim-w~ D.C. The current special price for this Solid Gold Piece is now $20. Due to the extreme flucnmions in the wodd marlcct priced ps, this price can be pwanteed W:-rw:°Go-i only undJ June 30, 1982. There-Pilct 111 a f"!'!1 JOU are urpd to order yowl DOW Salld 14 Kt wn.ile the oppor1Ullity ii before you. ..._Gald_fflllll _ _, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your 100% SOLID GOLD (24KT) Gold Piece, you may return it within thirty (30) days for a full refund. There is a strict limit of five miniature 100% SOLID GOW Pieces per order. However. you are reminded to act promptly to take advantaae of the current special price of only $20. each as this pri« can 1¥ pa1Vlllttd only until JMn~ JO. 1982. • 24KT • 1~ PURE GOLD 22KT • 91.67' gold-8.3Ytb other metals 14KT • 5'.~ gold-41 .871111 other metals 1 OKT • 41 .67' gold·58.3311b other metals r---f VAUDONLYUNTILJUN! 30, 1182 }--- ~ The Columbia Mint. Inc. ~ : ~ 90S Sixcecnch Stm:t N.W .. Wuh1naton. O.C. 20006 Cle Pkuc lend,,,. (limit S) J 0096 SOLID GOLD ( 2AK T) II.I Minianare St. Galldals Go&d Piec:e(1) at S20 ..ch plua S l. ~h Q forfintO...~and~ AJtolllldme 14KT Ge GoAd F l"UIM( 1) at SU. acfl ph• S 1. each for poatqa and 0 handl!Jta. If I am not aatilfied I may mum my onter within 30 i days b • ftaU ""*- I 0 I am mclollna my remittance f« S « II O Charta s to my D Muicranl 0 Visa 0 American £a:pm$ I I Cll'll • -----------•P---. I I SiplU~'--------,~~-:--~---1 IC:U. ..... -Ill..,..• .. ~ I Na111t ,.,,...,-..... ClllV~ ... .....-:. __________ _..;.. __ • .,......, ... ,,.. .. .._. • ._ I ~··· 140C>.a4•1W I Cky l.t!C Zip ................. ..,,~ '------------------... •.!.".!,.°!_ ..... __________ .._ _____ ~_.J '. l I i I I Seholasttc Aptitude Tat (S.A.T.) scora should beglr\ to rile after droppJrtg ew:ry year the baby boomers took the test. The reason: The new group of students Is comJng from smaler famllies, which ltatiltleaDy produoe hfgher tat-tCOren. C.dlne lblta: The baby boomen are changing the nature of atme ln our country. Most violent atmes are commllted by Uko-24-year-olds. When the baby boom hit that age 1POUP In the late 1960's, we saw an enormous leap In violent atme. It WMr'l 't so much that respect for law and ordlf had dropped, but rathez that the available supply ol potential aimina1s had risen. Today the numbtr ol 1.8-m-24-year«is a deaalrtg, and we are~ a~ In vk>Mmt~ rates. What is~ Is the kJnd of atme committed generaly by older people: whle<Ollar crime, embe.zzieme:nt, r.corne tax fraud and computer atme. HcM•ae Prtc.: As millions of baby boomed began forming families, fhe median price of a MW house In Amaica between 1963 and 1981 men than quadrupled. But now the rtse In houtlng prices ts beginnJng to level off. \\lhy? Remember thm most yoWlg people enter the houSng ma.Mt between the ages of 18 and 24. In the 1980's the number of households under 25 wdl d«rca. as the baby boomen oontinue to flOW up. This year the 4 .3 nUDk>n babies born In 1957, the btggest single year of the baby boom, are turning 25. As they settle down. the demand for new houttng w1ll begin lo fall . The drop In demand. combined with hJgh Interest rates. means that a hoUJe la no k>nger such a 1llfe tnvaament. Some economists beJlew that U.S. housing prk:es wtll IOOO drop for the ftrst time stnc:e the Depression. Entenalnment: The "youth" movies of the 60'1 and 7C1s ace giving way to the .. adult .. themes of Ordinary PeoPe and Shoot tlw Moon. Dustin Hoffman made his reputadon In The Graduate as a rebeJbous youth; since then he hat kept up wtth the baby boomen by playing a dlvon:ed father tn Kramer u.. Kramer .• Meanwhile, In the long run, Hollywood faces -tirk>UI problems as the boom ger.eaatiun leaves the crudal under-30 m<>W au· ~. Sbnllarty, the curccnt hard tlma In the mwic business are due in part to the baby boomen leavtng the peak record-buying aga. The day of the rock tour is over. It's no c:olndcMnc:e thet the b'9gest ooncertl Id swnmtl' ~ the Rolling s.ones and Simon and Garfunkel. both eca made popular tome 15 yean ago by the baby boomen. CGDIUIDlr Produda: The law hen II Omwln- llln: Adapt or die. The middJe:aeed marMt Is the ~ mltlwt of the future . That's why 1.m'1 Is msketlng l.AVl'a fOf Men, wlh .. a ICNnCh more room" for bodies sagging under the combined tf. fedl of roall beef and gravtty. Mattel. the company that told nearty 100 ml1llon Barbie dolls to young boomen, II now pltd\Jng vtdeo garnet to lhese ~-up kids. Fmt.food c:halr1I have redewc.wd In melow ~and browns (lNmd of the gaNI\ reds and veflows of the '60'1) and added braldMt Ind ~ne mert\11 for ~be/ t>oorn.t. How .. the~ boomlll coping wllh the prob- leml their numlml tww. ~on? A. alwayt, dMy hliw bmd lnginiout toludont: One lnvolva updlang the commwlal .ahte of thf 1960'1 to .. "eca~ of lhaing .. to ~ them-uvtw the 19a1t. We .... In the "gentrtftaiaon .. ol IQlrlg cly" blodca.•~ol~~~buy •• , .... 'f W&JCU',..., ... - and rehabilitate old brownstones. lnaeasing numbers of single people are buying homes with friends of both teXes (with no untidy romences lrn- s>'ed). Tandem houtlng -homes built for two l coup&ea -Is on the riM. ! And consider bartering j dubl. SJ'OCCY purd'8llng co-ops, vacation-time sNmg and lnfonnal daY"" &.______,,,___._ c:me dube. M 1mba IJI: In 1'167 Duldn Holfmon "'°' o con/wed young man In The 0n Che family front, the Gndualt. In J9'J9 he U1G1 Kramer VI. l<rarnen confident Sngk falha. baby boomers have re- defined marrtage and c:hUdbeartng. Young wcddng mothen no longer familles, there ant still so many mothers having llpO&ogDe for lhek' job.. Women .. inowingly chlklNn that the total bir1hs wtll ~rile .) tr. to pursue education and cmeen on an equal belll with men. TMI ment.ges and lentaltve MXUal relellonlhipl arc condoned. OIYoltll his beconw ~. ln fact. men and women may eventual- k; plan to haw two rnerria.gll -one In which to have children. another In which to spend the re- mainder <X one'• life. Many baby-boom couples are now engaging In anxious pOlow talk as they wrestle With the decision whether to have chJSdren. OUldbirth among women owr 30 has lncrea5ed markedly. Yet. what ls potmtially more significant ls the large nwnbe:r of baby-Ooom women who are not having children. Posdlly as many as one In every four boom - generatk>n women wdl remain chlkilal. OllJdlas couples no longer have to defend themsetva to tociety (~ ~ satU to their parents). Owrall, baby-boom \olJOIMr\ are haWlA only hll as many chlJdnm as their parents. and there ts lltde reason to think they wil leave tha jobs and careers to aeate another baby boom of their own. (Cunously. we do aped a tanipocary lnaease In the actual number of children born, which may ap- poach four million a year by 1985. This II because, ' even If relatlvety few beby boomers have large COMING AlTRACTlONS A9 the be.by boomefs .nter the4r mtddle ~. tn.y will continue to Mt the nation'• f.ot end fqhlona. But, In ptaoe of coonskin cape and ttnnla racquet-, .. will ... acme dlff9'ent Ina and Outa. Hert are a f.w: OUt In Auto theh Downfllll tkllng Squash Smoking grin DM'9net Jun• Geoffrey a..ne Motorcycle moYlet C.tl ~ .. Famlly•IU MfVlne- Jogglng 8cotch end IOda 1.0 .U.'a Lawywa JOb loV•tty Footai911 Frozett ptza lklnteM ,,...,., F•ta.n. Cotl'lput• crime ~ntJy ak.Ung RaoQue«ball Cuttino oraaa Denim th~tece aatta LLlean cabtl TV Ootdef'I rwtrleYw• CondomMluma ~fotone HNclng Pwrttt and whfte Wint 1.A.A.'1 Aooountanta C.reer moblllty .... .,.., Frozen qulcht hoe lltta "8ctloll"1 &It,..,.. -LY..I. "We can think of the baby boomeTS as an In- vading army," says hlstoc1an Wattenberg. "lt lm- pc>MS values on us as It ages. It Is now moving for· wsd to the different drcumstances of mklllfe. But It ts still the center of gravity in our nation and will continue to be until the boomers retire and die." The next 20 years will be a paradoxk:al time for the baby-boom generation. On one hand. believes Wattenberg, they will be enterlng theJr most pro- ductive years. They w1ll Stop taking our money and start producing It. We can expect an economk: boom ... As these 76 m&n marry and have chll· dren, .. he says. "they will have to buy houses. And with the houses wtll come drapes, rugs, stereos and, yes, even cars. That will mean an enormous rile In demand and eventually more jobs.,. But for now, he adds, the baby boomers have a tough road ahead. There jult aren't enough jobs to go around. Thus. Wattenberg foraea high unem· pk>ymcnt over the next few yem. As he puts I . "We will have a proapaous economy with many W\happy people In It. This wl1l not smooth out until the end of this decade." In 1982 the oldest baby boomers are tumtng 36; the youngest 18. The median age In the U.S., 28 tn 1970, has aOSMd 30 and should reach 3.5 by the tum of the century. And c.cndder what will happen to the boom generadon after the year 2000. As the ftna baby boomers ao11 65 (In the year 2011). the number of elderly wdl rite from 32 mllbon et the end of the century to 45 mlJbon In 2020 and then SS m111ion tn 2030. We wtll have to rettunk ~ we know about what tt means to be old In America. Compared to pqvlous generations of ekterty, Che baby boomcn wlll be healthier. wealdUer, better educated and acxustomed to get- ting their way. In ~ future , to be old may be as In vogue as be.tng young Is todey. It .. true that the cdldng Sodal Securtty system. Of ~ CQ'j)(Xatll pension plans, may haw to be mnade to sup_port thlt valt gsncradon. But theN la no reat0n to llm\k that l Cll\nOt happen. If nodWtg ... the bD; boomes haw demoNtnlieed that they haw the clout to brtng lbcM.f IOludons to the problems they tww. cauted. ~ ~ for them, • the pig l'DOWI In b ~ ~ ~ the ~. ts thlt dMy wll alMys be whtre dw adlOn ... One ~boomer In O\lclQo put tt wet . ., Im not ..... ll .. lbout the fubn ... of the wortd ." the Aki. 1M I Im ,. opdnllllk: Mxu my.-. an•·· -.i Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking ls Dangerous to Your Health. ' I I .. d 'WE, The First Porcelain Plate "A Cherub's Gift" by Berta Hummel ACTllA&.-rw-. •• • Each plate is baJ)marlted and reglsten!d with the Berta Hummel Museum • Beautiful f our~lor art inspired by the origtnal art of Berta Hummel .. A Cherub·a Glftu ls the first tn a col· lecUon of miniature ttproducuons of famous coUector-plates Inspired by the ortglnaJ art of Berta Hummel. now displayed tn the Berta Hummel Muacum In Massing. Germany. This Rrat edition ls IMucd by the New England Collectors Society under an exclusive agrccmem with the Berta Hummel Mwteum and 15 authorized • Each plate haDdcrafted in fine Bavarian porceJain and bordered with a band of precious 22Jrt. gold • Priced at only 812.50 by the legal heirs of Bena Hummel. The original Hummel an Is repro- duced In full color on fine Bavarian porttlaJn and hand-dccoraccd with a band of precious 22kt. gold. Each plate wttl be n:gtatercd and hall- marked. You wtJI receive a CcrtJflcate of Registration which attests to th<' authenticity of 1hla Important first edltlOn mtntature plate reproduction. ---------------------------GI1E' The NftlJ England -1l.h Collectors Sod.ft}/ D1....,lfG.lM.. -.c--.n. croa1• r..,._ f'nlrr my°'*""" -A~ O#t -•hr llnil ml""''""' punr ..,._,""'II)' t~ Jl..-.d hmll1 I M¥r rnrlowd m1 """'"'•~ -lalloW't _.._ellUOC"*'h ·--~i;.."='" ~ 1'0rM. AMOU"l'~ L- oe.... ................ "',,.,. ,.. .. ,,,, ....,.,_ ..__ ............. fnr~ ·~Cherub's Gift .. b11 BerCaHwnmel ............ cac111 • ....,. ..... ,....,.lfftf..,,... Cd*'-eodety. ~-~.VIM C...Sllle.-------~·--­ --·-------------~ 8y lllordyn Hcwen If you have a recipe to share. write: Marilyn Hansen, Neighbors' Recipe Exchange, FAMILY WEEKlY, 641 Lexington Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10022. For every recipe pub- lished, FAMILY WEEKLY wtll pay $10. Recipes must Include your name, ad· dress. telephone number and the newspaper In whkh you read FAMJLV WEEJ<J..Y. Recipes wtth the earliest postTnMk will be used. We cannot an- swer letters or return recipes. AD re· dpes become the property of FAMILY WEEJ<LY. This Intriguing da.sert comes from a convivial lckMn in Whlsperlng Pina, N. C. "I would like t.o shore thfa unusual ru:lpe with others," wrtta Dorothy Womer. "At our famllv re- unions there are so manv people who pre~ coke ovu pie and uke uena. that our great aunt Me/lfe and my grandmother put their head.a together and armc up with a comb#ncdk>n that usually wltlu the laue, part coke, part pie. " We pruie.nt the rault for you t.o cry . REUNION CAK£..PIE I aip ca.t& CDn ~ ·~dlOfl*I~ , .......... l 11 ,,aan,,.....-.ct ~ ~ ..... -plldi.-l lllbf .._ ..... Dlills .... I .... ,, ,, a_. butter cw -..rtne . .... "'mplihx"' ... lhaqt .... ........... 1....,.. ... .... 1 ~•ec1ai1ae ... 1 mp ..... ,_..,.. .,_ ... • l tUl11paaft \4 IMl!paDI NII '9' 1w111aae~~ "'cupid& l. ~ pla tey.r: Into medium bowl c:omb6nc com IY'UP· pc.ans, -.. vanilla, IUgllr. dMll Mil and 2 t .. tlpOOlll mdld bunlr. Mb!. well. t. Pow P«W' mecan r111> • r.t111y ~ 9-tnch pla ..... ~ In prwh1Med 4000f own for 15 "*'"*"· s. PNpaN caM •: In ...... bowl. crwn V• cup aholtllq with 'II cup eugw, bee1n$ undl WW Ind fluffy. eat 1n ._anc1vana.. 4. l+M lour ...... YAlfl ... and bllkqi ~ ......... with mllt, ~ •• ,,...Y--..X, ..... - • and ending with flour. But just until all ls combined. 5. Pour cake better over baked pecan layer. Return to own. lower heat 10 3750f and bake about 30 mk\utes or until cab tpringl back when lightly touched wth finger. Cool on rack. 6. When cake-pie .. cool, decorate IWfZQ with confectionen' sugar llghtJy lifted thnx9i a lace paper defy. Cw Into wedges to serve. A spoonful of whJpped cream on lop ot each saving is a gencrous touch. Malca 6 to 8 wrvll'lfll Dcrolhy and her tan1'y nl8d F Nl&.Y Wm<Lv In the Oblmiet & Tlmes, Fayetteville, N.C. An unusual quick bread comes t.o us from Mrs. Michael Ruaell of GalnavUle, Fla. Southern cooks o~ famous for theJr knoLOfng WOVJ with quick breads, mulflm, bisculls and th~ rte, mode with balctng poi.oder. They can be mode qufclcly to occompanv mea& from dawn to dusk. SOUTHERN SWEET POTATO BREAD '4~budeor_..,-..._.. l c:-., pldiect WOW'D 1U1111r 1.....,.,..... 1 ~ ........ c:oobd ..... pobl.tloel -,...., hlh or C....S • S .... lt911DDM .. l telllpOOll ..... or-. rW 2 OIP' aMlhd .a.pwpoee low J tJllllDDM.,.... pawdu 1 SCllf D 1141 Mikiat IOde 111 111aoelM \4 un,a•.,..... ... ., '411 111aae___.alnp6c:e ~a-...,.~ 1. Prehat own to 3500f. ~ a 9 )( 5 )( 3-lnch loaf pen. 2. Ull.nQ eAectrtc mixer, In largl bowl beat butlllr until wry IOft, !Jaduati lldd brown "'91' and beat until '9ht and fluffy • !Ndiumh~~· 3. Add ... sweet pot.atoel, mile and or.,ge rtnd. Bellt • medium 'Peed wutl combined. Sdt together flour. ~pow­ der, blidng eoda, ... end ..,ic.. 4. Add 6d, dry 1i9edlen11 to ..... poaeo mixture, alofl9 with ~. Mlle ~ wd blltndtd. Tum bMlllr Into pt'l*td .... s. Biiie 45 to so minutia. ~ to I c:eM rllCk end ... cool ~ ..... Thie bf..d ...... bar dl!Y .. rMldng. \akllp m'4~~. Ho#caJloqf The R...n. rad FANl.V WD:KlY ~ lhe I Sun, ~. Ali. . r--------'IATllPACTION GUAJltAH'T'EED--IL TOOAYI --------~ I Uftu. ....... a.nn,M1,..,a.,...._,,..,,,, t I .,.., ...... ,.... ., LH/llfd ":.::.1:1 I I ~i.itc.Wll !MW, ..... , ,.,.,., -I f!!!.,-1> .... AD011En I •• Oii.,., -,J ... 'la•.r.!. ...... •, OIMIJtferllll011.1t... ........... CIYY---------- 1 ==a'8"'a .... t=.•=__, srm z., I I o ._. ci.. o c.rte lllldll o .,, 11 'Cll'd 0 Clla ...,, ... _, IOf.., ...,..._ 19 I •I Aoct. .... ••r cat1lo1 of fllt 1tfi. 1141 fltltlH& I llf. ... a11111SJQ I L..----~----,_---•NJl.l. lllC.. Im ___ , w -=4 THE OLD VILLAGE SHOP PROUDLY PRESENTS 'Children's Moments' A nost:algfc and heartwarming remembrance of youth. by America •s most beloved artist ... 9Norman Rock,~eU ... faithfully reproduced in beautiful full-color on 4 Genuine Porcelain Collector•s Mugs nimmed aoitlt 0Jeandn8, 22-J[arat gold/ SAVEi Sf1ecial Ofter Setof 4 JUST · sgaa Complete Oun. .. Chertall .. .And~ T"-&wlem ••And M:lluaNe Genuine Ponel•ia Collector's Mags Het•'• your c:hllnc:9 to own a collec- tion of ti"*-American •rt-1oul"I to dleplay with dletJnctlon and pride ... on your mamet, dllpley lhelf or hutctl, In your kitchen, den or llYlng rooml BUT WE URGE YOU TO ORDER OUICICLY. Bec!au• Norman Rock· ..Cl'• art le • valullbfe to cohctora -M'I Amer1can utist'• work of thle century •.• and becau• Muga, u a collector'• tonn. MV9 rteen In popu. lartty m.ny tlmee 0'1191', we expect a complN ... lout of the "CHILDREN'S MOMENTS" ooHecllon. To avoid d~ntlnent, pleaM be aure to order your coUectlon (and M'/ extra fOt gift~) NOW ••• wHf9 our wppty lsetll ~I Childhood, ttll"04.lgt\ th9 ., .. of Nomtan Rocti.w.11, hnbecom•• Natlontll TtMeUrel "CHILDM.N'8 MOMENTS" II OM of Aoctlwetl·• "** aatilMna WOftla. tt tNly ,..._hit low AHo MaPECT for Clllld1'9n •• , end hit~ 1t11i. tty to c..,eure .,. mood Md Mttlng of America'• nnl ,..., .......... If. for MY reeeon. rou.,. not~ wtttl ~ teleetion. ~y rftlm lttln 14-.. for Ml '9fufld (eaept ..... "' & Nftdlnt). OU vm..sa... ....... r.11111 • ~ei-SltCte'r rWQ~,:'i352°9s! Dresses 3 for $48. 1s An 4 for sas.s0 -Lr.,."'-.J_I - GUAMNTEE: I •lfMrdatl dNJt if •/lfM """"' I • •« wrllll to _, dt1 Drn#s, I '!Ml l"dllnt ,.._ ""11till ,. '-Is for• jrl/1 rrftuW •I nu,,_.., I~,_. 146•026 ..._ .................................... . S.-. . . . . . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Afi4 I . . • . . . Otr ...................................... : $tote ••••••••••••••.•.••.•.•.. Zip •••••••.•• ----------' A money· Gulde Fo110day's Woman By m.trte Spaeth M<n than 52 pociant of all women In Am.rico now work outskle the home. Though manv wort as o meaN of penonal fu/lllltnmt, many l'7\0N &OOrt Jew ec:onormc l'eGIOnl: tn IOfM co.I~ ~ has If.Id. denlv podk>ned them Cll the hcocb of houteholdl. All of th• hoe meant that women todav must pay do. at· lenlionto~ /Inonu. FAMILY WEEKLY spoke to Catherine Wiila, va praldcnt of ChaM Manhattan 1 I • I Bank and director W.: (;., CNdl. of the Chafe Ex· change, a ftnondal plonntng aerva for women, /Of' adulcc on e/jec;tluc money management. Q: Ms. WU11s, one of the biggest ftnandal problems for women used to be getting credit. A number of Federal laws were passed to proted women. Have they made a difference? A: Va. The · Equal Opportunity Credit Ad ( 1975) prohlbb dllcrtml- natlon becat1111 of sex, and t has re- moved of the real banters. However, It doesn~ guarantee credJt, only ac:cess. Working women , particularly those on tMtr own, stlJJ need to develop and prated their owri credit hlstorta. Q: Why ls devebplng a aedlt history 10 a1tka.I and what are the baste stepe In doing thia? A:. ft'• attica1 becaute women have to make their own decisions and atop handing th.Inga over to someone else, dher a hulband or an expert. The unpleasant fads ol bfe are that OYet hd of all women evcnrually haw to make thae dec::Wotis alone -dtMr1 as dlvorcea or Widows. Mamtd women, «WI'\~ not working now, lhouJd tab advantage of the law and 1n1truct ~ to ht thetr nema separately. They can do. this CWS'I f their hutbendt pay a1 ttw bills. nm I way they Mve a credit himxy of thetr C>Vnl. A young woman )ult ..ur,g out should buld. hMory *P by ap. Ana. open Avtngs and ~ ac> ~.Nat, get. 911 awdlt carcJ and dMn • dwge eccount 11t a loc:a1 -... I yota ute ttMM Md~ owr ~ thllt "'°" Qft ply de ... you wtl ~ ... to get bm\k credit tarcb ' and bank barll. Q: What If a woman Is denied credl? A:. She should go back and ask why she was reject.d. Our studies show that women are too l!Mly to acx:iept .. no" for an answer. Frequently, a woman can get the dedslon reversed If she's willing to accept a lower line of aedl. As a last raort, she can take out a smaD loan using the passbook savings account as ooBateraJ. <>nu you dernon.stna that you wt1l pay back a loan, your aedJt worthiness becomes excellent. Q : How can a woman avoid prob- lems fn managing aedtt? A:. Our general guldeb Is a conser· vadve one: Don't spend ~e th8n 10 percent of your take home pay on In- stallment payments. Danger signs are If you find yourself skipping a regular bill. bke a utility. to pay an Installment ACXlOunt or If your monthly bills are getting larger each month. Q: No woman wants to contemplate being alone, but as you say, many women become heads of households because of divorce or death of a spouse. Besides getting aedtt In her own name, what are prudent steps for a married woman to take now? A:. The pnparadon Involves aaem· bllng Information. First, ftnd out ex· actJy how much money· comes Into the houaehold. Second, learn what proWk>ns haw been made In cue your hutband dies. Women maM a btg miltaM when they MIU.me a pen· slon provides for them. Sometlma II does, but frequently It doesn't. Aho, ftnd out where the will Is kept and what's In tt. One man thing: Every woman needs her own checking ac· count. If onJy foe thae Afety pur· Q: You've rnendoned ftnandal plan· rung. Are there steps a woman can ~ to get llalt8d? A: It's much simpler than you might think. Fnt, get a fix on your cash flow. This means wrtttng down your Income stram from al sourca on oo• lkle and your reguJar cxpcnMS on the ott.-. Second. figure your net worth. This mans admating the total value of what you own: house. )lwll- ry, furnMure and so on. ThoM .. your alMtl. Your llabAatta would be anydmg you owe: a mona., cs or ltudent lom1 and ao on. n.d. Wltlll down ~ goell tnYOMne ~ At. you ........ ~'N P'&. you -.......... of """' ).'OU r-.d. Ga.aly. you nMd ~ for ~ end aevtngJ. lnannce, lnvelbocnt, ta.. and )IO'lf rm ....... .., ~1119U ........ -.,. UTHENTIC COMMANDERS ~ Who Els.e Wants This Authentic Cap of America's Astronauts and WWII Naval Commanders? Smart. cri9p aUlhentlc mllltary stying fearurlng Iha tradldonal gold braid, embroidered patll!m and .-- button In your chob of four bright colors: Red. White. Blue and 8'ack. Functional. atlradlvedagnwlthgenerousvilof \-. wlll protect your eye and sb\ &om glse of sun. '- A'lr vents ensure your comfort. r.----------------- Adjusieb&e tab offcn perfect ~~!., t..~~. ~97671 ftlregarcilaf ofyour heada. v.1.....w ... to.-.w.~c-, ,c.....,......,.,.. WU1 1twhile driving, on thegoW 1r o1 "-I u. "'--"""',.....,_......,•_...,,bed! a--•...,. COWM. beach, boot, ball fleld, ~ ~ C..-~ garden. 1i0q trail ... cvav-t: II eye v.here. Order Now. .._,.,...,._-..,,ii ..... 99 ..... .,.._.,........-"~,......._.._~~------­ ORDER TODAY! Perfect for Men and Women -SAWS T-lot only ill 49 .,.._ $I ~lot paot-.i • '-dlln9 • i M\IE llOllEI Fow lot SIU 5'9 pi... SJ 00 lot,......• ._.,. , a1A1tG1; om.as ol 4 or -_ MASTERCAAO -\llSA c..•__ -~-°"" -----Endooed tt ._______ NJ "'...S.ntt odd 5' ,., Laa l'lllM - ~--------- ----------~--------;:-_____ !!!_-________ _ Su111111.erSperial% •"PRrst-lrllll-Pllllll II 111111 •11L •. only ~-~ •5~ ~ predo&a.,.. gotglOUlly ... In SOUO METAL. only $6.88 pr. Don't confuM thil ofllf ot ~....,. BAONZE-A.ATING wWt pM1lled 111 n • •& 'ttM.tr ordlr II fu'1~bV our1~ Monlv 8ldl OullnM. Aai9o Ponrllt Stir* ~ _.IClilJil, booMndl. TV lfllnpe at QfMt MVtnge. ktM1 Otft tor OM «~··· ·--~--------------· leMl llo ...._,. AL'8h nlm91nd I 'I ICM ___.CO. I .._tor Udltlll.~.tng :Illa..__.._... .. .._ I c:et ..... lnd hlnctf fftlllr,g lm:lllc to: I .... Mm..,.._. M; •1 -= ;1111 : ,II CMWill•CO. I ==r::.=-=--==-I AG. .. _.....,. .. ._ • ._._...-. I ~ ... ,_...=..,_.I I ...... M'-:t-•111 I · I Wl'I.,.. ,_~bf*"' nllllt I 11 Do•llOWI M,...._Cll, ....... 2444 • I ~ ................................................... I I I 'WJlllCMWtlllltlCO. I '-' ..................... , .............. -. .......... · I ... _. te,.Ollle.-·-----------------· ' I .. ' Putting Plzzazz Into Yow Kitchen And 8atht00m lDlp. With Ft.AIR SQUARES prepasted wallcovering, just dip each 12" square into water. No special tools necessary. No special skills involved. 2.Sllp. Slip each square into place and sponge smooth. Even difficult areas are easy to handle. FLAIR SQUARES are washable and extra tough, so they won't tear or lose shape. Ft.AIR SQUARES come in a variety of attractive patterns. designed to beautify any room in your home. And they're easy to strip off if you ever decide to change pattems. tt•MlaYWl9CP',_&_ .__.~.._ ... ....,.._. A L IU . .,... I r.-~---------~------·---------~---~~~--~, I ~a..111 ...... DlcX M:-217 .-i.a ciu.-. ____ , I 666 Alf'bot ""· Woocbidgll. H.J. 07086 c ..... ., c VISA 0 MMwCMClla.M. ---_, I I ~ RUSH me THE WORLD'S SMALLEST AIA Ul>- 1 CONDITIONEA •2Ml1 oroer.o below Acct • alW I I 0 0-» c ..... ?IF only .... Plu• SI 26 postage Prim I I and handling. (Toe.I Sn 20l rwn. ___ • I 1 c uva a. .. ,._ t0t ''* lt7 • p1111 12.00 pose-AOClr•• 1 I age encl llandli119. (TOllll SUI.HI I 1 o uva tn.t11 ,_ tor tv1t mM p1.,. $3 oo Coty 1 '--~-~!":"'_ne..~°'!!.32.:.~ - ----!'~------ ------------' DwnYourDwn Business H err's an opportunity that few people have considered. Your own busjncss will be located right where you shop or do business daily. Parking lots all around you, shoppins centers. airports, schools. condomin~­i um complexes, · chain stores are all filled wilh titler, boc ties. cans, and unsightly dd>ris of all kl . Who cleans rhe:K areas? How much could you earn working only a few hours cleaning theK lots? If you guessed SIO,<XX> or SIS,<XX> a year, you might be low. W,<XX> might be a better iU(SS. FulJ time coWd be wonh more than SSO,<XX> a year. Ora you have your part-time business, you can dlOOK to expand or remain part- You can tum your pickup into the best invest.ma\t you have ever made. Save money by installina easy 10 mount §Wttper yoursdf. No special tools or skills_ ';5~°' sdl fran- chjses and our con- sultation will cost you noth· ina. We will teach you every. thina you need to know about starting y0ur business, bid- dina, billins total business WRITE FOR FREE INFORMA- TION Let us know if you would like to be your own boss in this exciting ~ business. Fill our the coupon and mail ii today! ti~. You~. you're the boss. .----- Here is an opportunity your whole I Mr. 41' •• 1111111,. l'W•M2 I ·~ llt.O. llOll 9*18 I fa.ma can be involved io for ttllJ' In. e.o.-..~•a1eo comt F . nf ......... ""* o-i.-. I or aD ..,..,dlhlCF I •11111 ro 1nm II about tio-I 4"all °"" "'> ""'" ne-: s, TVU ~ own your ~ I btnl-. ~ rwh me lnfOf'lllllion lbotll perkklc I bu$inas, satn S«Unty and finandal in-, kw N11tt~. I 11ndmland no '*-•111 , .. n dcpendaaoc while cnjoyina a hed,r I -.pin.st taxes and innation. I ''""' .,.._ ! Wt ha~ developed the ~ trouble I I rm. effiaent, and economical equip-i -..... d mtnt available (Onancin1 easily I . available). ("' '"' lntemationlll MOMtarg Mint Announce5 limited Availability of our ... Offidal Bicentennial American Eagle Commemontive Belt Budde A STRICTLY LIMITED EDITION fa~T)' American rs proud ol our grut and frtt will bt iSSU«d in utrlctfl1 limited «illion. It will nation • . and proud of~ ma)estrc Ame nan bt otftred on/11 dunna thU btccntmrual )'at. ~. stamngsymbol of that frttdom. Ytt frv.• ifttt which timt the oriQ!nal dia will ht dr· Amtnans mliu ttw 1982 u actually I.ht ~-w I.ht edition JM?ITTWlefltl; ck>Kd. 200th Mn!YtrW)' ol ttw Amman ~t. Furthermon. indMcblly numbertd buckla On hw 20. 1782, the i tal pat nots of the will bt ass&Qned to oollectors m I.ht aact order Continmta.I Conifrus selecttd I.ht . .\m(ria.n tNt ~ m re«Md: to wutt ttw )'OU ~ lS I.ht anblnn of, )"OWIQ and~ receiw aw.-eted low fU:iiWy Numhtr. prompt ~hon ... and pllctd ttw Ulllt on I.ht Grat Ktion on your put u strongly suggesttd. Sal of tht United St.ala. Year~ uw.tt-ii Gwnnte.I Now. to comtnmlOOte I.ht blC'tntmnill of ttw You ve compktdy prottded ~our uncondt· Crut Sul, lntm\lhor\ll Monetary Mint mas· tioN.I ~ BK« Cuanntet. Should )'OU ht ter t"imrtrs havt Cl'Qted a sprcill. hlati-rt· dissWsfled with your CoHector's Budde In any litl. limil#d ~ition Colltctor's Bdt 8uckW an Wl'J. simply return tl to us (Of prompt nfund silver pi.lte. hiahJighted with l Ll)'tf ol purt. ol purchase pri« lexapt PCl'taar and hlndl"-' 24-kll'lt gold. Uch buckle will be individually ol coursel. ast ... 1ndivld.\Wly pbted with pure silvu . . . Ww ttw Amabn ElClt Commemonti\<t and individulllyhartd4tnlratedwitha l.l)otrol Btlt Buckle pn>Odly as~s· of>~' low for pure 24-klrat l(Old. Then. lfttt painstaluna In-your country ... al\~ it ua mtan~I spection.uchbuclllewillbeindamtwl/yman· aift to othtr Ammcln$. It IS destined to be lwml. and h rwne of each oriainal <M'fltr pas.wet on to mtmbm ol )'OW' family in the will ht prrnwlmtly ~ in I.ht Officlll futurt as a ta.rt heirloom ol siinll'iancr and ArchhuolthtMW. Vllue. To ratNt your Coll«tor's Bbddt. A~ ...... tAllila pk.-rttwn tht Rtql.lal Fonn on this Pl!Qt. The American ~ Collector's Btlt BuckJe today !Limit: 5>. lnkr'nltional Monmry Mint is~ indq>cndtnt aerncy not lllfibMtd with tht U.S. Mintor....y~~-• f-1 ,ri c~H JP' Alil) rn~nE n'. cA11 rc.111 f n1 l · "'" 11. ·· ••• _ 1n ~ .... , .til • .....,, '' 1 "t>.._ i • ,...1 • Rs the value of your home and polMSSk>ns acalates cacti yea because of Inflation, It's euen· ttal that you adjust your In· surance ocwe:rage ac.cordtngiy. Other· wtM a theft or ftre eou.ld leave you In a ·11 ,_want the homeowners insurance discount that could save you a lot lllOl'en::rt~ check • State Fann: State Fann .-it John Pomeroy, c.amarillo, Califomia. "If you install deadbolts, a·fire extin- glrisher and a smoke alann. as I have, you11 save 5% on your homeowners insurance. Put in additional security equipment. and you can add to those savings. It's all part of our Home Alert Discount program! And it could save you something more ~t than just money." ff you're a renter or a home· owner, get all the details on the Home Alert program. Check your Yellow Pages for the State Farm agent near you. - Mrioul ftnandal bind. Gealng ....... ~ k.· cording to Nancy Golonka, director of consumer affairs at th• Insurance Jn. .formation Institute, '"Most Insurance companla advlM that the amount of home Insurance you cany shouSd come close to what It would cost to rebuild -Its replacement value not Its market value." Coverage should be at least 80 percent of replacement value. Your insurance agent can help you determine the replacement cost of your house and possessions. Your total home covetage Is the basis for determining the amount of coverage of other structures on the property, penonal property and addi- tional living expenses. '"h's good to review your home In· surance coverage once a year," says Golonka, "or add an Inflation guard to your pollcy. Typical is one which provides for an automatic inaease every thJff months In the amounts of protection afforded by the policy." Pawonal prof>atY coverage: Cer· taln property In the home may be more valuable than the coverage limits set In the policy -Items such as antique furniture, furs , camera equip· ment, coin and stamp coUectlons or jewelry. You can adequately Insure these valuables separately. Emyl Jenkins. a nationally known penonal property appraiser and author of Why You 're R"icher Than You Think (Rawson . Wade . 1981). agrees that updating your home In· surance Is Important -especially because the value of such Items as fur. nlture, china and silver has soared. She advtses making an inventory list of personal posM:Slk>ns and photo· graphing them. Each object should be deta1bed In detail (e .g. for a chair, dacrl>e the style and Its approximate age); you should also include the date of P.urchase and cost. 'Keep two copies of the list ," says Jenkins, "one at home and one with a trutted friend or an attorney." Shopping lor ..........,.: One of the bat ways to select an Insurance company Is to ask friends or relatives to recommend those that have given them good scrva. CaD or visit several Insurance agents to comparilon-thop. {There definitely can be a difference In cost.) Take your household Inventory list and photo· graphs. Conlkier the largat deductlble you can afford -that's the amount of any loS1 that you ... to pay. The hlghc the deductible, the lower the cmntum. A number of ~ ..,.om1r ~for p90ple WI"'.,. Mil ftre end ~ .-.n ... For a free copy of '"Taking Inven- tory," tend a ltamped. Mlf-addrcMd envelope to Insurance lnfonnadon In· ltlute, Dept. FW, 110 'Mlln1 ,_ sn..t, .N.w York, N.V. 10038. .a ,1 J l r' . . ·- if I -ftOI 100% Nlltfled. ' -~r, I .... = I _,, c.... Toc.llof 1 I W.d\aNllM I T•CMt ....... Slllpplf\O MO '' .. I so I ._ .. H«ldllft9 I TOTAL DeCLOelD I ... " OflCHAMm ~, ............ ~ AZ.....,,.. ........... Cliecll encloeed ~--~ ~MIN111 ~II', llony, "'° C.0.0,'el _ Qieroe 10 ..,-I v.. ......, c.. . ~~~~~~~~~o~~~---'I,' Cetd bpifee: I sior--•~-------------------------------' IDtO TO-Cl'IN'9 ~ ca..n,, I J:;::. , ' ~1 ... _ 2M205 bMf. FltstN-.... ._... I -------------------------""" "°·--I ~------------~~---~---=-' IMGTAa lignltlftlC _________________ ;..__·_< ~TO.(..,.... pnnt clHllY! R:. AA·- I I ,..,~~~~~~-.-~-.,......;;._~~~~--. I Du 1Jd ..... 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