HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-28 - Orange Coast PilotYlll lllllDll lllll Ml I flll •AY MAY .'I• · 011 AN<, f l < 111 N I ¥ 1 Al If 0 H tH A .' '• C f N I S ··once agaln, lli'ltlsh mother .worries By ROBERT BARKER or .... ..,,... ..... For the leOOl\d time In her life, Florrie ~efford hu tHn aomebody .ahe'• loved ao off to war. It wu her huaband, Robert, who Ith home and peaceful punuit.I to flaht 1n World War II. It hu happened aaaln 40 years 'later when her ton, Michael. headed off to a war in the * * * falkland lllanda earlier thla month on board the Queer) Elisabeth. He'a a major 1n the 7th Duke ol Edinburgh'• Own Ourllh• Reliment, part of the Bttdah tM.k force that lett Southampton May 19. "l never th°"'Jht I'd have to aay cheerio ~-under thme circumstances,' ahe declared. * * * Mrt. X.fford and her huabl.nd, rHldentl of Hl1h_ Wyco_mbe Buckl new Oxford, U\IJand, a.re vtaitinc their dauahter and her family ln Hunttncton Harbour. Mn. Keffor'd dlacuaed her feelina TbW'lday, the day that Brtdah crounc:t fon. beaan their drive aero. the Falklana.. "Yes, I worry about h1a aafety. * * * :Two Argentine planes downed • • It 11 a mother'• prlvlle1e If nothlna elle. "But thla 11 hie job. h '1 aomethtna he has trained for and lovet. "There are fears and anxieties tf there'• any love. But thil LI the job he'• coo.en ... never mind the deeper feelings. "I had lunch with him the day before he left. He wu hie ueual * * * aelf. He had a job to do and he'• going to do it." Mn. Kefford, who M)'I 1he haan 't heard from her 36·year-old son 1tnce, aaerted that the British 1tand agalnet Argentina in the South Atlantic la oonaiatent with the nation'• tradition. "lt'a a trait of the Britten people to stand by a principle no matter how futile. * * * "It'• tome~ we've alwa11 had and .iwaya lived with. ft'• our herttap." Mre. Kefford uy1 that resident.I of the Falklande a.re Brltlah "and thin11 have happened to them that thouldn't have "Whether it'• l,~ people or five. they are entitled to live the lives they've been uaed to." * * * l r1t1s aunc attac s POPE CONDUcrs MASS -Pope John Paul n waves tnceme .. btahopm from England and \Vale.s celebrate t h e Maas at London•s w~ Cathedral today on the flnt day of the pontiff's lix-day villit to Britain. Ponti£ f tours Britain Prays I or Falkland p eace, m eets Queen Elizabe th LONDON (AP) -Pope John Paul II launched hia hia1otic trip to Britain today, praying for peace in the Falkland Ia1ands and then meeting Queen Elizabeth II at Buckinaham Palace. The head of the Roman Catholic Chui:ch began bi1 six-day. tour of thi1 Anglican nation by declarin1 he waa !eepl)' moved to eet foot on Engliah bl and aaid he would pray for an end to the Falkland lalanda oonruct ''at each step'' of bia putotal viliit. "We cannot forget that an armed conflict LI taking place - brothers in Christ fighting in a war that imperlla peace in the world," he said in a homily at We9tmimter Cathedral. "In our prayen, let ua remember the vtctiml of both aides." Aa h e apoke, British troops were fighting to expand their beachhead on the Falkland lalanda, eeized by Argentina on April 2. 'liJe 62-year-old pontiff, who' beerl.Y canceled h1a villt became I NATION of the conflict, waa applauded b1 the cathedral ooncregatlon when he aaid: ''Today, for the firlt time in histor_}', a_ b~p of Rome let8 foot on English 90il. I am deeply moved." Against a background of 450 years of sectarian strife between Catholics and Protestanta - continuing to this day in Northern Ireland -John Pauf aaid, "My deep desire, my ardent hope and prayer is that visit may serve the cause of Christian unity." He later met the queen at Buckingham Palace. The monarch, whose predece11or Henry VIII broke With the Holy See over lta refusal to aancdon Cable ca r struck SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A driver backing into Taylor Street graz.ed a cable car deecending Nob Hill and brui1ed four paaaengera, Municipal Railway officiala say. his divorce, ii ~po~ head of the Church of England. Britain's officially establlahed church. Extreme Proteatanta have objected to the meetina -billed' by both London and tfie Vatican as "informal" -citing the queen'• fonnal title as "protector of the faith." Earlier, arriving at Gatwick Airport south of 1..ondoo to a low-key reception, John Paul recalled hit repeated pleas foe a Falklanda trucei "As I atand here today, I renew my heartfelt appeal. and I pray that such a aettlement of the dispute will IOOD be reached." Cardinal Buil Hume, primate of Enaland and Wales, led a select party of 2,500 Britons invited to the ~ to greet the under b t. skies. Jnf: l>\lke of orfo~tain's .enior lay Catholic, repre9ented the royal family. The public was barred from the arrival area, an example of the 1tringent leCWity precautions (See POl»E, Pap Al) STATE Heavy fighting reported By Tbe A.11odated Prell British marines and paratroopers launched oUensives on the Falkland Ia1anda today, 24 hours after breakina out of their beachhead under heavy Argentine air attacks, the Defense Mini1try in London announced. It aaid two Argentine Skyhawka were downed Thuraday when they attacked the British beachhead at San Carlot Bay, and that a British Harrier t' wu shot down over the F.Jk nda capital of Stanley -the apparent target of the Bridah drive. BRITISH TROOPS MOVING -Series of arrows reportedly indicates intended route of British armed forces JDOVin8 against Argentines at Falklands capital of Port Stanley. There reportedly are BOme 7 ,000 Argentine troops deployed along ridge hills around P ort Stanley.----------- "Offenllve 1aDd operations" by the Brttlth are under way today, the Defenae Mlniatry aald, add1na that Harrier je1a were fiyinl reconnaiaance rnJ..iona _ for the pound troopa. He pw DO other detailt.. Brltiab commanders were rn.atntainlnc radio aUenoe to avo6d stvt.nc thelr pot.ltlona, Brit.tab aource1 aaid. The advancing troopa, outnumbered by the Argentines, were relying on aurprt.e and mobility, they said. 'l'he Brt tish Broadcasting Corp., dting unofficial reportl, saio British troops ran into stiff Argentine resistance Thunday u they pµahed toward Darwin in a bid to aecure one leg of their two-~ assault on Stanley. The B~ said paratroopers opened fire from blah iJ"OUlld on the eatimated 600 Argentine troops at Darwin, about 20 miles south of San Carlos, and at nearby Gooee Green, site of a key i&land airstrif. The Times o London said helioopten ferried troops under cover of darkne11 for a "big push" to Darwin and Goose Green. Another British press report uld the attackers might try to bottle up. the Argentine defenders and push on to the capital, 50 miles to the northeast. OFFER S A I D -Denver businessman Robert C . Bohannon said he wants to "demonstrate against aggresslon" by donating several hundred thousand pounds of rocket fuel to the British government. Man stabbed to death; trio hunted A 23-year-old man waa at.abbed Co death in Seal Beach early today after be and hi.a companions refu.ed to purcbMe beer for three men, police reported. Seal Bes.ch police aakl Brian D. Gau.e of Lbng Beach w• found bleeding from a chest wound at the corner of Seal Beach Boulevard and Pacific Coaat Htghway at 1:40 a.m. fie waa treeted at the 8CeJ\e by paramed.ica, then rushed to the trauma cent.er at 'Fountain Valley C.Onununity Hc.pital, w here be died at 3:04 a.m.., llCCOl'ding to a hospital spokeswoman. Pol.kle said Gauae died of a at.ab wound in the heart. Offioen are aearching for three Hispanic men. about 18 to 20 years old, one wearing eyeglauea, who allegedly stabbed Gauae aft.er he and hia companions refwted to buy beer for them at a neerby liquor store. Police aald the three fled northbound on Seal Beach Boulevard In a dark-colored Chevrolet Monte Carlo. While the paratroopen were advancing on Darwin and Gooee Green, the BBC said Royal Marine• with Scorpion light tanks and artillery moved directly east from the beachhead toward Stanley In the main thrust of the pincer asaault apparently aimed at gaining the high groun d overlooklna the capital gariUon. Crosby memorabilia in 'garage sale' 1l'he :arttiah are ex~ to uae (See FALK.LAND, Pace A!) SAN FRANCISOO (AP) -A tn-asure trove ol. trinketa from the life and career of Bing Crosby are scheduled to go on the auction block as the Crosby family holda a massive garage sale. INDEX More than 2,300 of the crooner's hats, putt.en, fiahina boota, movie pollen, furniture and other odds and ends will be sold off by auctioneers at Butterflelda. Corporations resh"Ucturing Man y of the nation'• top corporation.a are rettructurln1 themaelvea to meet unprecedented Ltikers do it asaln, 124-117 Weekender B2 :econam1c challenca. i>ap /t. 1. · COUNTY The Laken 10 one up in NBA champlomhlp aertea wlth come back 124-117 vtc,ory o ve r Philadelphia, LA'1 ninth ltrailht playoff victory.~ Cl. . flA~KEA'.ND IS~~NDS • • • DOllticlnl overlookina tM capUal to pour lO&mm artntery flr• down on the ••tlmat.d '1,000 Atpntlne defenden entrenched Jn a wtde arc reportedly , atntch!nl from Green Patch to Jlluff CoYe. The Brttiah Dtfeme Mtniltry ,tJnpoeed a blackout on official MWI of troop movementl after Prime Minilter Maraaret Thatcher told the Houae of ~~mmon1 on Thunday that ,Pndlh forcee had puahed out of their ~head. \ 'l{)ur fcnft On the lfOWld al'e now ~ forward from the l>ridaehead. , Sfie declined to be more 11pec1flc, aaying, "Too much dlacuaaion about timing and 1detail1 of operations can only ,help the ~y.". l Argentine military sources 'cienied the reportl that the drive to retake Stanley was under way. They said British forces Jaave been "halted and 1tabillied," and the military 'COQU1l.llnd in Buenos Aires said an .offensive was improbable becau.e the British had taken ·heavy cuualtlee from Argentine bombing Wednesday and 1'huuday' and were short of F~~· . The Argentine sources also claimed the British were hampered by cold, wind, rain and spongy island terrain as well as by AraenUn• artlllery and mortar flre1 bombln11 and tntantry auadcl. . 'int• battle 11 aolna very well for ua," Bria· Gen. SUWo Lunt Doao, commander ot th• .v,enu.ne air fotc9, told foret,n reporter• ift Buenoa Aire• on Thunday. "We have our caplldty ln*t." An Araentlne military ' communique Thuraday ntaht reported British air raida on Stanley, Darwin and Ho~~rd1 which la on Weat Falkland 1IWJCI • llC1'09 the at.tait from San Carlos. The communique claimed a Britiah Harrier jet waa downed, br1n8inl to 22 the number of Brltlah planes Argentina cl.aimed to have downed since the 1 fightina be1an. Britain has admitted the lea of five planes PUSH COMES TO SHOVE -A hiah·•peed punuit of a stolen Chevrolet Corvette ended thualy ThW'lday afternoon on Laguna Canyon Road near El Toro Road. C.alifomia Highway Patrol Officer Pat Barnard Wied hil patrol car to force the Corvette off the road, pinning the and nine helicopters and claima J 68 Argentine a1..rcraft destroyed. Irvine mura Both Britain and Argentina have barred foreian reporters from the battlefield in their vi.:eek-old undeclared w•r for control of.the windswept archipelago 1n the grip of a chill South Atlantic winter. The official British toll in the oonfllct was put at 109 dead. Argentina acknowledges 92 dead and uya 309 men are m1111na. including 301 miaainc ~nd presumed dead in the slnk1ng May 2 of the nation's only cruiaer, the General Belgrano, by a Britt.ah submarine. decision due June 9 ._ ............ "...,...,... vehicle aaalmt a utility pole. The cha1e involving· CHP, Sherlft'• and ~ Beach and Irvine officera l'Nched speeds of 80 to 90 mph on the San Diego Freeway and Laguna Canyon Road. , POPE IN BRITAIN . . . A deciaion on hanging the Irvine Wah School mural whkh 10me restaenta have critidzed u raciat is due at the June 9 meetl.ng of the Irvine Unified Schoof Di1trict board. After heerlng testimony from mural support.era and opponents, Board President Elizabeth Sicoli said trustees "will decide whether oc not it will be hu.na." She aa1d the board had directed Prin~ipal Gary Norton to hang the mural whenever he wanted to and it had been llCheduled for hang1na the week of June 7. being taken by Scotland Yard to safeguard the pope, who has •twice been the target of UU81ina. A Spanish priest looaed at him with a bayonet in Fatima, Portugal1 on May 12, a year after an attempt on hia life in Rome by • Turidah terrorist. Police refused to give an overall estimate on English .crowds, but they appeared smaller than on hia other trips abroad. There was no open motorcade. The pope used his bullet-proof llmousi.ne for the short trip from the runway to the train station. There he boarded Britl.ah Rail's royal train, the same one med by Prince Charles and .Pricel8 Diana on their honeymoon, for the 30-mile journey to Victoria Station. Although hia reception waa generally friendly, the pope e.neeun tered pro tea ting Protestants aa he traveled by train into London. They waved placards. including one that read ''Jesus Saves, Rome Enslaves.'' Well-wilben acuffled with the demooltraton and tore down the ligm. Police laid 14 people were detained for questioning, includlna llx cleraY;men. She ind.Jcatedr however, that Norton wanted more board = on the mural ao It'• been oo the June 9 agenda. In partjcul.ar, aome reaidenta including bl~k parents, have objected to a seven-foot panel in the 47-fool mural which depictB black people be1na comu.med by flames emana · from hooded memben of th:'ifu Klux Klan. Ten minutes baa been al.located at the June 9 meeting for te1timony from people representing each aide of the controversy, Ma. Siooli aa1d. ·Reagan woos Latin nations In addition, the board la aolJdting written optniona on the mural. Sicoli aaid written material ii due at the .chool'• diatrict office by June 2. SANTA BARBARA (AP) - President Reagan, who plans to intetrupt a vacation at hia ranch to addrea legislators from the United States and Mexico, hopes Latin America undenrtanda the U.S . position in the Falkl.anda crillm, .. akSee aald. And In an ex.:ierpt from his speecb to. be deliwt"ed today, the premdent exp rd a need for continuing dialogue with all Latin American nations on many i.ssuea. She at.a noted the mural had been scheduled for haqing at the IChool on Walnut Avenue the week of June 7 but the board baa directed the prindpal to bold off until aft.er the meeting. More of same SUSPECI' 001.,LARED -Sheriff's deputy eecoru Willie F.arl Harris, 35, following the Los AJl&elee man's capture Thunday afternoon. Authoritiem allege he stole a 1982 collector's edition Corvette from a San Clemente auto dealer, then led officers on a high speed chaae up San Dieao Freeway to Laguna Canyon Road before being halted as he attempted a U-tum near El Toro Road. Hinckley • Jury sees 'Driver' WASHINGTON (AP) - Jurors at the federal1trlal of John W. Hinckley Jr. watched a ahowina today of "Taxi Driver," a movle cloeely linked wlth the praidentlal uaallant'a fant..ule . U.S. Diatrict Judp Barrincton D. Parker previewed the movie and decided it 1hould be shown to the jury. A few mlnutet later, a hall-dozen televiaion 11eta were wheeled lnto position facinl the jury, the deferwe tabla, ParK.~'a berich and 1pectator aeiata, and a videotape of the movie WH shown. Momenta before the movie began, Hinckley nervoualy fomied fllta with both handa and drummed them on the defente • table. But the lnatant the film atarted rollinc, he turned toward a monitor about five feet away and watched t.ranafixed. The defense team told Parker the movie was important for jurors 10 aee becaUle Hinckley assumed the role of the main character, Travia Bickle, when he shot President Reagan on March 30, 1981. In the film, Bickle stallal a presidential candidate and tries to rescue a young pro1tit\.lte played by Jodie Foster, the actre9I with whom Hlnckley had a one-aided fantuy romance. Government pl"C*C\ltor Roser' M . Adelman argued that defawe psychiatrist• told jurors everything they need to know about the movie, but Parker aald from the bench, "ru penrut the jury to aee the movie.'' But the proeecutors, trying to prove that HindUey was sane when he shot Reagan, won their bid to prohibit tlie jury from aeeing an electronic IC8ll of the defendant's brain. Parker told Hinck.leya lawyera Thursday they could not introduce results of a CAT scan, which they hoped would support the conclusion that the defendant was suffering from IChiz.ophrenia at the time of the ahootina. Jurors spent the day outside the courtroom. but Parker summoned them in the late afternoon to tell them the defense ha1 called their last witness. "D e fen se counsel have completed their testimony." Parker aaid. "Then you will hear testimony from the government on the issue of imanity." Radio station WTOP-AM reported today that Hinckley threatened Miss Foster in March when she gave videotaped testimony played at the trial. The station quoted unidentified "court sources" as saying that Hinckley threw a pen at her and said, "Jodie, ru kill you." A 83 11 • 19 Student drolVnS at prom party Coastal light and varlabla winds llwOUQfl tonight aacapt ...,,, 10 to 19 knots afternoon. Waaterty .... 2 to 3 Ml ucept northwHt 5 to 9 laet outer watare. Moetly cloucty lhrCJU9h tonight. Parllal claarlng afternoon. 95 72 72 T7 n 19 19 83 12 70 • 11 711 86 19 17 79 73 73 75 70 M 94 74 100 44 82 80 ea 80 IO 89 ·u 71 97 15 94 94 12 541 89 .. ., IO 71 76 70 17 IO 1tl ti 71 17 74 .. 17 • .. 74 .. • .. 11 70 .. 84 t3 111 91 71 5C IO 52 ea ea 81 95 58 52 74 31 CANADA ! H Smog 47 54 92 11 '2 73 95 94 55 ... 91 M The Air Ouallty Management .. 55 oi.tlot "'**'' good .., quelty "9z i=t,U~°'lfle~ ;: : A Po1ut.nt lt-s.rd Index of 97 51 76 ••• foraoa a t tor Illa eo 51 Rf\411id9-4an Barnlldlno .... eo 43 th• San 0•brla4 and Pomona • 11 vWyt 9nd 111e sen F«Mndo ane1 et at Santa Clarfel ~ • q APSlof4lwM~tor ea 51 ·all 0U1•r r•glon• lnol:O~I ..... ~LOii~ 113 M ...... lntand~~Ltllllfl • .. and low~ ... , ... ..-..; u .. llenf*'O lll'ld .. ..... 90 ST • 52 ------~----..-.---. 13 IO ... to 84 11 70 ... 51 ... 72 • 17 .. :: :: 71 to . .. IO 14 . .. •• oANvERs, Mass. (AP) -A guest who stripped oU hia coat and vest and dived into a hotel lobby pool waa able to save only one of the two hiah 1chool students found lyina on the bottom afte:r a pro!Jl-night party. One of the Reven! mgh ScboOl students died 1n an accidental drowning, authorities uid. The other waa comatose today, cllng1ng to life with the help of a respirator at Hunt Memorial Hospital, one day after being pulled from the IWimmin8 pool by a convention-goer at the Rad.i.18on-Femcroft Hotel. After the high school prom Wedneeday at a hall in Saugus, u many u 50 younpten partied through the night in two $72 rooms at the hotel, uid Karen MclAuahJ,in. a spokeswoman for the E11ex County diltrict attorney's office. '"lbere wu evidence of liquor and drup. which are now in st.ate police cuat.ody," ahe uid. '"lbe two men had apparently stayed ovemilht in the hotel in two rooms where it ap~ that a party bed taken place, .. said Torn Polaki, a spokesman at Radt11on'1 headquarters ln Minneapo.118. ·~rhe hotel security lop ind.icate there bad been no noise complaints or other reported problems from these rooms.'' The deaths shocked many residents of Revere, a blue-collar Boston suburb of about 40,000. "lt'a not the prom," said Ruth Badolato, the town's elt:etlon oom.rniasioner and former IChool committee member. "It's a chantfe of season. Kida and people get crazy." The dead student was identified as Robert Penzetti, 18, of Revere, a aenior. All Store• Open Memorial Doy 9-$ Save Money Today. Save Ga• Every Time -· You Cook Out. Orange Oout DAIL V PILOT 1'rfday, May 28, 1982 8 Al l Reagan; O'N~ill ·war widens , I ' Name-calling enlivens debate over blame for recession WASHINGTON (AP)-Every drama need• a vlllaln. So Pteiddent Reqan hu bit Ttp O'NeUl. And die speaker of \he Houte hu the president. Their mutual denunciation aOC!tety baa ~nllvened, lf not enllfhtened, the debate ovtl' who 1 at fault for the ~on. hiah intereet rate• and about everytblna ei.e that hu aone wron&· Reagan blames the Democratic half of Congrees as per90nltied by O'Neill, repreaentlng bil spending, bis taxes and polltial u usual. O'Neill blames Reaaan. and aeeka to cut him as the ultimate Republican elltiat, who doesn't care about ordinary people because he doesn't know any. Reagan regularly dellCribes 'the speaker as a demagogue. O'Neill has called the president a Uahtwad, a relncarn•Uon of Herbert Hoowr, Ind a man ao W·tnfonned that he can't ~ CUT)' on a cooverution about the fedenl~t. . But a.Min certalnly can llve sp.echm ~t the budpt, and about O'NeW. 11We did our belt to compromlee," the president aald ln Lot AnaeJe. the other niaht. "Instead of oompromlle, Tip wanted surrender. lnltead of pl'Olrell, be wan~ to cancel the election of 1980 ... That was relatively tame. The day before, Reagan had aocuM!d O'Neill of "sheer political ~mago uery" tor criticizing ro cuta ln the Medicare et. Detaila do not Inhibit the rhetoric. On Monday, Reagan was told that O'Neill had 800U8ed him of breakin~· a promi.ee by sup rting a et that would cut ~edicare fun , after saying Soviets leaders exports • 1n arms Al'wtt et r• POSTHUMOUS DEDICATION -Dodd Darin, son of linger Bobby Darin, and Nina Cassotto, the senior Darin's mother, kneel by the star that was dedicated to the entertainer posthumously in Hollywood. Darin, an all-around entertainer, died of heart disease Dec. 20, 1973 at the age of 37. STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) -The Soviet Union has replaced the United States as the world'• leading exporter of major weapons and ia out-produclna America ln many conventional arma, the authoritative Stockholm International Peace Re9eerch Institute says. Iran's victories disturbing Ar~bs But chairman Frank BJadcaby, introducing the lnsdtute'• 13th annual World Armament.a and Disarmanent Yearbook on Thunday, said the mast alarm.lna new element of the international arma race is a buddln, competition in chemica BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) - Iran's victories in its war with Iraq are sending waves o f appreh e nsion through pro-Western Arab nations, especially Saudi Arabia and the oil sheikdoms on the Persian Gulf. They fear the spread into the Arab world of the Iranian revolution. which threatens to ignite the traditional antipathy between the Shia M<Jalem,, and lalam's largest aec:t. the Sunnis. 1'be Shiites are dominant in Iran. where power rests in the hands of the non-Arab majority. The Iranian succeaaes over Iraq'• invasion foroes have given new momentum to Iran's clerical leaders, who have repeatedly assailed as corrupt and irreligious the conservative Sunnite Arab regimes across the Persian Gulf from Iran. In an interview broaacast Wednesda'Y by the British Broadcasting Corp., Iran's oil minister, Mohammad Gharazi, said his government will not negotiate a settlement of the 20-month war so long as Pres ide nt Saddam Hussein remains in power in Iraq. "It is our right to ask for the overthrow of the Saddam Hussein regime by the Iraqi people," he said. In the Persian Gulf, where the Western world and Japan buy 40 percent of their imported oil, there are Shiite minorities in each of the conservative sheikdoms and in Saudi Arabia, which are ruled by Sunnites. that Shiites throughout the Middle F.ast will take a cue from the latest SllCCell of the Iranian revolution that brought down Shah Mohammed Beia Pahlavi and humbled the United State. in the host.age crisis. Already there have been attemp111 to Red Iran•a revolution in Saudi Arabia, where bloody rioting broke out between authorities and pro-KhomelnJ Iranians durtn1 the lalamic ~ aeuon to Mecca last In Bahrain, another Persian Gulf atate, 73 people were convicted of trying to foment a revolution that the pernment claimed had aid from Iran. Analysts say an Iranian invasion of Iraqi territory will likely bring the Egyptians to Iraq's aid and set aside the Iraqi-led Arab boycott of F.gypt as punishment for ita 1979 peace treaty with Iarael. - ~~~ encouraglng lip of annanent is the cbemlcal arms race which hu begun again after 12 years." Blackaby ..ia. He noted that the United States is buildlng a plant for full-scale production of new binary nervo-gaa munitions, scheduled to start operatioft ln 1983. "It is a new outbreak of the arms race diaeue,'' be uld. 'n>e report said the Sovieta moved ahead of the United State. from 1979 to 1981 ..,Uy because of restrictiona on arms exports by former President Jimmy Carter. The Reaaan adminbtration bu abandoned the Carter policy. The Soviets overtook the United States with big increues ln anns aa1es to India, Cuba and countries in the Middle F.est, the report said. < "The Soviet Uruon usea arms Israeli destruction challenge to Egypt Y AMIT, F.gypt (AP) -The r e c e n t 1 y a n n o u n c e d a day before the.J turned this Slnai fund-ralslng cam.,.i,n to do it. toWn over to Egypt on April 25, A 1 -A h r a m c a 11 e d t h e the Israelis d-emolished demolition of Yamit everything ln it. The returning .. tnccmprebemlb)e," but added it Egyptians found an expame Ol ., may have been an "act of bulldozed rubble where the ,destiny'' to ahow F.gypt's ability white s tucco homes of 2, 700 to g;l.ve the deeert Ule: Jewish 1ettler1 once stood. ''May Egypt always be keen to Some Egyptian• want to build where la'ael destroys." it rebuild YamU, taken by the sakl. transfers as an Important lmtrwnent foe maintaining and expanding ita influence in the Third World," the report said. The Institute is govern- ment funded and has ex- perts from both the Eut and West. The annual yearbook la conaidered among the most authoritative reports on the state of world armamenta. · The new edition said 1981 was not a good year for thoee who seek a more peecefuI, ie. heavily anned world. In fact, it said, the period sinoe the United Nations' first Special Senion on Dtaannmnent ln 1978 hu been one of regremlon. rather than progreu, in arma control or disarmament. . The yearbook noted that the superpowen have between them strategic nuclear weapons with an explosive power equivalent to 8 billion tona of TNT. .. Nonetbelen, the 1trat.eglc confrontation between the two superpowers ls becom~~ 1ncreuinaJy UneM)', with side claiming that the other la aiming for a first-strike c:apebillty, •• the book said. It said the only favorable alo- bal trend ia a growt.nc pu6Uc concern, partfcularly about nuclear weapons. Pttbap for the first time since WOl'ld War II. it aaid, public opinion la be- ginning to have a real influence on arms control negotiations. Soviet military spending continues to riae steadily, but the Soviets are still three to five yean behind the United States ln micro-electronb and computen, the co're of modem weapons technology, the report said. The Soviet navy, however, oontinuea to improve ita capacity with new clasae9 of ships, the peace institute aaid, and the Kremlin already la ahead of the United States in production of tanks and aircraft. The book noted that U.S . military outlay. al80 roee ln real terms by 3. 7 percent ln 1980 and by an estimated 5.9 percent last year. on Feb. 18, 1981, that they would not be cut. The Republican budpt would cut MedJcare spending by '23.3 billion over the next three years. O'NeW didn't mention it, but the budaet he advocate. would cut •pending $9.4 blllion during the same period. Advocates of both budgets argue that the cub wouldn't reduce medical care for the elderly but would come lnatead in reduced payment• to the health care indu.try. It isn't clear how that worka. Reagan didn't say. Instead, he denounced O'Neill. . "I think It la very obvious after last year and this year that the speaker la obsessed with the idea of trying to create a Social Security issue for the coming election," the president said. "And I think that's pretty irresponsible with the program now t'hat ia actuarily out of balance.'' Not all Republicans have been eo mild ln their comment& on O'Neill'• performance. Richard Richards, the GOP chairman, aa:U8ed the speaker of trying to uboia,e economic reoovery for the Democratic political purpoees. "The only recourae left open to the House speaker ia to try almoat 1ln1lehandedly to atop economic ~49,-~ in Its t.rackabyany~Mlpolllnc maneuvor poulble, ' Rlc))arda aaid. "The recent history df budget negotlatlona aervea Cs proof." O'Neill Ml been poliahin= act for a year, too. He'a Reapn of "the wont econ ·mismanagement aince the daya of Herbert Hoover," called the administration tax cuts }l harebrained scheme, queatloneC:t the president's grasp of the budget and described him as ·a Scrooge. The word war is into lta seco11P year, with periodic breaks for a gesture or an expression of respect, and an assurance that the dis11ute is a matter of political philoeoJ>hies, nothing pel'IOnal. There haven't been any ol those lately. When Gerald R. Ford was president, h e and O'Neill , longtime House colleagues, would argue polidCS and policies, then put it all ui~ to go out for a game of golf. ~ Reagan isn't a golfer, wtuqi may be just as well. Given the vehemence of his dispute with the speaker, they might be at each other with sand wedges before they'd finished the first hole. ., ...... '°\ WELFARE PAMPHLET -John D. Polk Jr., aas~~~-q regional administrator for the Texas Department of H~ Reaouroes in Arlington, Texas, bolds a pamphlet that Was\ written by the state Welfare Department. It 18 being wi~:;! disseminated because of the thousands of migrants see mythical rainbows in Texas and finding only dust an : despair. According to the pamphlet, welfare paymenta in! Texas are scarce and hard to get. 1 The Shiites make up 60 percent of -iract'• population and they are the largest Iala:mic aect, almost a million strong, in Lebanon. Diplomatic analysts believe the Iranian army and air force, after their tremendous k>aes in the war, don't have the equipment to carry the war very far into Iraq. But they say there is a real threat SALE Israelis when they swept ac.nm But Dr. Youuef Idrlas, an the Sinai Peninsula ln the 1987 FcYJ>tian author and joumalilt. r ·I D ,II s ,1 Middle F.ast war. Otben want to proposed In an artlcle in ~ftr1nn 011'BT av1nns leave it as it is, a pile of rubble,• Al-Abram that the rubble of . 'I"'" :I :I' a symbolic gesture. Yamit be left as a reminder of ---------------------------------------• "We can build a better thlna what he called the hatred and Extraordinary here." aa1d Huaein El-Abel. 45. bitterness with which Israel The newspaper Al-Ahram of accepted peace. Pluehl Cairo agrees with his vtew and ~ =~. ~r th! Extraordinary 1sraella did the u.me thlni 1n .-i Prlcel ClaMlfted Mwet119'ft9 714MMl71 - All other depe~nta t42~321 withdrawala trom Jl'cypt1an IOl1 and he aald he uw no reuori to Thia luxur'loul pfuah la tufted rebuild what he feell l1 • thick and delC> With T,.._. non·Jl'cypt1an town. ~-ywn ... then "aus. !'.opt hal annouDC9d bAi .. .. .. protected ...... '°" and for the reconstruction of the ttatlc IO your MW -...P of entire SlnlS uMS hM allocated the oolor wlll look Ilk• new equtvalent ol. $260millionto1be longer. One of Gull1tan•1 project for tbJt tw Uine. moet bwlttM ~ .. now So tar, the planl are IUD Oft dottat'I off 9Y4lfY lq. ~. ~ peper and mmt ~ lra the buy. newly ewcuated are11 of. ._ Stnal are ==. to obUID ~~~== vehic1ea. care ltUl bmW &neU nptration p1a-. or nant at all. · Moment'• Della ht EAIY~AU PLUSH ELEGANCE A New Generation c_,.., ,.. r • ~,..,... ltllns. ..... dlft • True.,,.....,. ~ ... not a IOI ...... • .... .._ ... oontrol ....... cMI..,.., .......... ....,.. It• dn•• ltJllll : ~-c.:r-~ ...... pinpoint*""' rWltdon • ............... superb .. $19.50 . -.; .... Bella via A SUPERB "EA8Y-LIVING"PLU8H TM uttllMte In C..,... fllbert • New g91Wetl0n nyloft tecti.'lOtogy • Actu.ly ........ atalne, --. dirt • TN9 ~ ~t...ftOt a aoll ...... • Bulft4n antt.4hodc control • A9lalM dMll acter after wew • Clll9r*'O \ SUED -United Farm Worker• President Cesar Chavez LI being sued by nine fonner Salinas Valley union members he fired last year c during an internal union c:lllpute. Arniy gets fleece award l WASHINGTON (IJ>) -Sen. William Proxmire hu bestowed h1I Golden Fleece award for May , on an Army agency for spending ' $38 million over 13 years to f develop a gaa mask he said is no better than the one already in : ..... ~ "U we didn't desperately need • a new protective mask, tbia l would be an amusing story about 1 bureaucratic ineptneaa," the l Wlaconain Democrat said 1 ThUl"lday in his announcement 1 of the award, which he givee monthly.to what he considers an example of "rid.lculoua, wasteful • oi lronlc u.e of federal funds." 1 The Army Materiel ' Development and Readineaa I Command bas been trying to • develop the XM-30 mask as a multi-purpoee device to protect ground troops, pilots, tank commanden and other military perbmel against poiaon gas and bao]qpcal weapons. It would replace a number of current maaka, including the atandard-iaue M-17Al model, ' which bas been in u.e 27 years. . Despite the heavy investment, . Proxmire aa.id, extensive tesu · have ahown that the only advantage the new mask offers is to lfve a 10ldier better visibility when firing hia rifle. Operational teata by the Army's Training and Doctrine Command showed the mask's utility "substantiallr, less than the standard masla ' on every other count, the aenator said. Nonetheless, Proxmire added, this development oommand baa pre.ed for continued work on the mask, which would cost at least $450 million to produce aa a replacement for the maau in aervice. Proxmire said he saw ~l in the fact that "the Army and the other aervioes have had the wt8dom to call a mee1ing, tentatively aet for late June, to dilcusa the merits of proceeding with the program." And he laid "the participants may be sufficiently choked up" by the poor test results to 8Cl"8p the new mask. Spokesmen for the development command had no immediate comment on Proxmire'• critidama. Memorial Day origill 'obscure By PAT HOROWITZ o<tlle~,... ..... DEAR PAT: Cu yoa. tell mt wlaea Memorial Day w11 lint ob1tne4 ID till• eo1111try? O.R.,CottaM ... Al\houah no one knows euctly when Memorial Day, eometlmee ctiled Decoration Da;y oriilnat41d. lt la beliewd to have bftli oblerved fint by lrievinl Southern women durin8 the QvU War. They choee May S-0 to deCorate the sraves of both Union and Confederate soldiers. llCCOfdJ.na to th• World Book ~pedJa. Americana now obeerve this naU~ holiday to honor tlm who loet their Uvea in all the country'• later wara. Since the end of World War I, Memorial Day aJ.> bu been called Poppy Day becau.e of the bAttl• fouaht tn the poppy lields of France and BelSium. Memorial Day, now celebrated on the last Monday ln May ln moet atatea, became a federal holiday in 1971. Many Southern states Ht a1ide a day to honor Confederate dead. Alabama and Georgia observe April 26 aa Confederate Memorial Day; both Carolinas obeerve May 10. Kentucky and Louiaiana celebrate it on June S, the birthday of Confederate President Jefferson Davia. Claims court pamphlet help! ul DEAR READERS: With new rules governing Small Claims Court in effect since Jan. l, the State Bar of California haa re- written its consumer rights pamphlet,' "How Do I Uae the Small Claims Court?" to help the public understand what has been called the "people's court." Under the new rules, the maximum amount in dlapute in a small claims case has gone up, from $750 to $1,500 -1ncreaaing both the number and importance of small cJaima prooeedinp in California. The pamphlet goes through the small clalma process atep- by-step as well as helping an individual decide ll Small Claims Court is the way to handle a legal dispute. It also answen the questions most commonly asked about Small Claims Court, in- cluding what kinds of cases are •Rpropriate, how to file a claim, how to de fend again.at a claim, what the courtroom procedure is like and how to collect your money if you win. Single copies of the pamphlet may be obtained free by aen- ding a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the bar'• Communi- cations Division, 555 Franklin St., San Franciaoo 94102. Multiple copies may be ordered at coat by sending a check or money order ($11 per 100 and $85 per 1,000 copies) to State Bar Pamphlets, 651 Brannan St., San Francisco 94107. Wet vacuum set recalled DEAR READERS: Sun Hill Industries Inc. of Stamford. Conn., in cooperation with the U.S. c.on.umei-Product Saf.ety Commission, la recal1.lng its Sun Vac, a wet vac/dry ~ vacuum attachment, becauae of a potential e1ectrtc lhock ~ This product converts a regular dry vacuum cleaner to a vacuum cleener which can pick up water or other liqukM from floon and other surfaces. The product comistt of a ) ~ -pllon plastic bucket and two adaptor ™-, ~ of which can be connected to a dry vacuum cleaner. 'There ia concern that an electric aback hazard could result if the product's bucket becomes full of water or accidentally tips over. Water could then be sucked into the vacuum cleaner, eoak1ng the motor. This could result in a potentially eevere or fatal electric shock if anyone touched a metallic part of the vacuum cleaner while standing on a wet floor . No aocidenta have been reported tr!l; pu.rchuera or uaen of the attachment linc:e it WU first in uoed bl March of 1980. Sales were di9continued in February 1981, after almost 1,000 units had been distributed. Consumen who have purchaed the Sun Vac are reqW!!Sted to return the product directly to Sun Hill lnduatriea Inc., Glenbrook lndUltrial Parle., 652 Glenbrook Road, Stam.ford. Conn. 06906. Refunds for the ortginal purcbue price, and for malling ooets, will be forwarded directly to the purchuer. Consumers who have questions on return of the product or wish further clarification ahould call Sun HID Industries collect at (203) 324-7550, or call CPSCa toll-free Hotline at (800) 638-8326. Spare lids /or pans DEAR PAT: Cu yoa tell me wltere I cu bay replaeemeat lla11 Uda for old Cornlq con.flower patten aa.ee pauT I've fooked everywltere. Tiie aew Conata1 pu1 uve a dJffereat alaape. -~Celtalleu Request a "reelacement parta liat" from Comlna Glul Woru, Consumer Service Department, Comtng; N.Y. 14830. Check the list for the replacement f)&rtl you need and order directly from Coming. Prices and maWna costs are included. for older Coming cookwear. "Goe a poblem! Then write to Pat Harowit:I. Pat wt11 cut red ta.pe, gettln/l the annven and .cdcMl )'OCl need fO a>lve inequitl• in fOWl'DIDent and brwfnee Mall )Qll' ~ to flit Horowitz, Al Your~ Orange Coat Dally PUot, P.O. Box 1580, Costa. Mera, CA 92616., WE SPECIALIZE II HU WALL UNITS • p ~nsons -M&MQRIAt DAY WEEKEND SALE SPECIAL SHOPPING HOURS: FRIDAY 10·9·. SATURDAY 10·6. SUNDAY 11-6. MONDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, 10·6. Reagan keeps long list of old..-age jokes ' I In 19&9, Milot JoeeJ* McDMaN Mrved tu. OOW\try ln the Navy. • In 1988, CoUntry Joe McDonald won cheen from 400,000 tana at the Woodl1ock rock f•tlval I when he l*'form-1 hil lrreverent anti-war hit, the t "Fixin' tO Dle ftal." 1 Ton.laht. Country Joe McDonald will joln other 1 tock at.an ln a benefit concert for the Vlet:nam • Veterant Project. a IJ'OUP that feela veta have been f oraotten by the American public. Other Saft l Franct.io Bay .,_ at.an. lncludJ.na the Gratefal Dead and the Jefftn0a StarU.lp, wW share the • stage with McDonald a a 'eowtyle Ught ahow l Wwnina• the MO&'OM Convention Center. I ' l • &yle Riley and Je LlDda Rlcllardaoa are to be • married Sunday where they met -next to the J Pac-Man game at the Fun Factory in Valley West • Mall of West Dee Momes, Iowa. . ! "We met, dated and fell ln love playing i Pac-Man at the Fun Factory," said Miss j 1Uchard8on, 17. \ So the couple decided to be married amidst the i 70 electronk and video games that played a big part ln their COW18hlp. The groom Is 31. : Prealdeat Reafan seems to have a ! bever-endlng supply o jokes about his age (71 ~years) and weaves one or two into nearly every 1 public appearance. F.ach gets a laugh. f In Philadelphia he tried these: I -"I never miaa the chance to visit I Philadelphia, America's historic treasure. For one thing, thett aren't too many cities that have been around ao much longer than I have." · -"You know, your own Ben Fruklla once ;aatd, 'Work aa if you were to live 100 years. Pray u t lf you were to die tomorrow.' And ever since he told ! me that. rve been just fine." I i I Actor Herve VWecbaize, the 3-foot-11 Tattoo lot ABC's "Fantasy laland," has a cut on h1a right !band • the result of a fall suffered when a dog ltripped him. "I broke a bone in the top of my hand while I :wu playing with .arne guard dogs at the home of a ifrlend in Lu Vegas." Villechaize said. i i Mary Cua.lnpam, the former Bendix Corp. :execut.lve who reaigned after being linked 1romantically to her boaa, announced their :ens.,ement. But ahe said reporters would not be •welcome at their wedding. I I I Ma. Cunningham. speaking to a women'• club Here's Johnny' lraises a stink . CINCINNATI (AF) -To tnmt of A1D111ca. the · Dhralle "Here'• Johnny" .meuw. "Rae'• Johnny !ta.non," the entertainer'• attorney arped in ! federal appeala court. ·1 And Canon doem't think it'• f\mny that • Mkhigan maker of pot1able toileta telll "Here'• l Johnny" Johna, the attorney said. I "It doea not appeal to hi.a aeme of humor'?'' fMked 6th U.S. Circuit c.ourt of Appeals Judge 'Baner. Brown. •No, your honor, it most emphatically does not,"' responded attorney Robert Newbury of Chicago, representing Canion and Johnny Canion Apparel Inc. Canon, host of "The Tonight Show" since 1962, customarily is introduced on hl1 ·NBC tel8vtslon program by announcer F.ci McMahon, ,vbo aaya. "Heeeere'a Johnny." Canon wan ta to bar the toilet maker from using the "Here'• Johnny" name. Carson is appealing a 1980 ruling by a Michigan federal court in favor of Here's Johnny Portable Toilets Inc., which held that despite hill f90dation with the phrase the entertainer's "right of publicity" ext.ends only to a name and Uk.enE!91. "The plaintiff clearly has trade name rights for u. ln entertainment; uae on portable toiJeta clearly la dlfferent." argued Allen Krus of Troy, Mkh., attorney for the company. ''Thia certainly is not confualng the public or deceiving the public." The three-judge appcala panel took the cue under adviaemint. "'l'be court usually takes aeveral •~ka to return ita decision. I Clove oil safe or toothaches -, The Burrouaha Corp. board of dlrecton hlll elected Paal G. Stena • the compeny'1 pnlident and chief operatlna officer . Stem, who succeeda DJ!:.~ joined Burrouah• ln January 1981 ., executive vice president for ~and manuf8cturlnl. Judge Re1laald Watt of Oroville la 10 convinced of the value of a hlab achoo1 education that he's making it a condition of probation for ciminal defendanta. . The agea of four defendanta atven that condttion ranaed trcm 21 to 48. Watt, a Judge of Butte County Superior Court, told the defen<lanta that when they aot their diplomas.. he would reduce their probation periods. SMOOCH FOR SECRETARY -U Secretary of State Alexander If.ala la troubled by the Falkland ltlanda, the au.lana, or El Salvador, he certa1nly lm't abowina It here. He receives a kill from Bonnie Sw~ wife of John E. MUSIC BOOKS a UllDUPRm Alll .PIANOS ,.. ......... Swearingen, chairman of the board of Standard OU of Indiana, before delivering speech to Chicago Council on Foreign Relations. At left is Ann Gray, wife of council president John Gray. SPINET PIANOS ACCESSOIES 50~ f~$99°0 PIOM •48800 MAH'f..W ""' SPINO PIANOS ROLLS 30~on $1 --IA. 11 ,.. , ~ , i ' t • • r Jail location alw8ys a eontroversial issue Aa la th• CMe with ~ and ai'bla d= no one wanw • jl.lf tn• tbe(i ant. Already. Oranae Count)' 1overnment ta encountertna ~ to ~ral pro])Olld lltee for a new jail that by all llCIOOUntll llaltMdy M8ded. • Flve iitM for the new facWty to hold 1.305 inmates In medium to maximum security 1urroundlnp are under ooiuideratJon and IOOll will be more precisely studied via preparation of environmental impact reports. Two of the suggested locations are in the east Irvine area. One ls in Santa Ana Canyon in the east Anaheim area. Another is adjacent to the existing main jail in Santa Ana. The last is located in El Toro and today serves as a minimum-security detention facility. There are rumblings of oppoe:id<an bleftl cllnctid at four of the ·-~ dae ln lrvint Ind ll Taro. 1t WOuJd a,e na lf • new Jail could be llt.td mu. away frOm ham. and IChoola. UnfortunatelY. it wouldn't make much ..... Jaila ahould be cbe to oow1nioml 10 that examive amountl of time and money an!n't waited tramportina tnmate1 to and from court appearancm. The county'• growth la In the south. Thus, any new fa~ility should be built In that region. At which location is 1till a matter to be determined after a full public airing of the facts. Residenta should bear in mind that one price attached to living in a growing county is the need for expanded facilities, like jaila. And, sometimes, that means one nQt far . from the back fence. YES on tax indexing I n corn e t a x i n d e x l n g , from IW'gery, is heact•na the YES Proposition 7 on the June 8 ballot, on 7 committee. would extend permanently the Opponents contend the protection against over-inflated measure would cmt the state too state income tax assessmentB that much in 101t revenue -$230 has been enjoyed by Califomianl million In 1982-83 and more in in 1980 and 1981. later yean. . It simply means that · Soine a110 claim lt would wage-earners granJed cost-benefit the we.Jtby. 'lhat ii not of-living pay increases are not correct, slnoe tboR with higher automatically boosted into a lnccmee alreedy fall into the top higher tax bracket -·thereby tax bracket of 11 percent. losing the advantage of the pay Ta~,::• in the lower raise. income an the OGe1 ma.t A bill providing for full tax affected by ao-called ... bracket indexing, mtroduoecl by Newport creep." For in1tance, a PJY Beach Assemblywoman Marian increue dftdCned to pompensate Bergeson, was passed by the state for ln.flation could. under pl'Nf!Dt Legislature in 1979, but Gov. law, nsult in an almost equal Brown signed it into law only on 1ncreue in tax·obllgation. condition that a two-year limit be The current Jaw provides that placed on the measure. It expired 'the income 1eYela at which various in December. In the interim, Mn. Ber--tax rat.ea apply are rai8ed each ~-year by the rate of inflation minul introduced two measures to make 3 percent -ao-called partial tax indexing pennanent. One was inde:J vetoed by the governor. the other extng. blocked in a Senate committee. II inOaUon continue. to drop, Meanwhile, Proposition 13 the problem may ea.e, but there ii author Howard Jarvis was able to no guarantee of that . If collect enough signatures to paaed, Proposition 7 will provide qualify a permanent tax indexing permanent protection beg1nning measure for the June ballot. It is with 1982 taxes. supported by Mrs. Bergeson who, The Daily Pilot recornmenda a since Jarvis now is recuperating YES vote on Proposition 7. Food stall1p control Food stamp cheating has been something of a sore point ever since the program was initiated and there is little doubt that aome rather marginally eligible applicant.a have been enjoying the benefits of reduced food cae18. In an effort to correct ~ the Department of Agriculture has come up with two sets of rules that could be used to verify the accuracy of income reported by a food ltamp applicant. The first, whlch goes into eUect June 7, pennits states to u.ee wage matching to deter fraud by authorizing access to Social Security data on an applicant'• wages and other income. The 1econd rule, to be implemented later, would require all 1tates to match the wage information reported by a food 1tamp applicant with either unemployment compensation or Social ~~ records quarterly or aemiann y. 'l'be theory is that thil information wlll be matched tnro.Jgh computers to detennine a hou1ehold11 eligibility for It.amps. or to ferret out fraudulent applicatklm. On the 1urface, it 1ound1 logical and rm 1Nble. But, aiWD the fact that ewD the Internal Revenue Service ~ to have a greet deal Qt 110Uble matchlng up tax .returm with repon. of wages and income filed by emp)oyera and aavtnp institution.a, one la impelled to wonder bow the Depa,rtment of Agriculture can do a D}ore effective job. And to wonder further how many additional layera of bureaucracy and mountaJm of paperwork would be needed to IOrt out all th.ii information.. No one approves of food st.amp cheating, but thil program should be cloeely monitored from the outaet to determine lta actual 008t versus any ft!8Ultant saving In food stamp dlltribuUon. Perhap1 the beat the department can hope for la that the mere announcement of co~uterized cro11-checking w be eDOU&b to dJ8coun&e eome would-be Cbeata. .-- ,., 11 ~· ~ \ 'WiU,, '~ ~00 ~ M~ txPERT'-~CMIAlRK" OPIN~,1HE ~FE~ rs~ cs~ f4S YOO~Mi!' ,• Arafat: A political actor II .h WASHINGTON -YMlr Arafat ii a vacillator and • compromlaer, "an inadequate penonaltty who bal received and aelsed opportunitJea to reach a political power level that would not be olned h.-d there been a contest'' fol' feadenhlp of PalelUnian exne.. Thia 11 the conch&elon of U .S. intelligence experta contained in a -=ret PIYCholoSlcal profile of the Palestioe Liberation Or1anlzatlon leader. My a.ociate Indy ~WN' hM had~ to the leCftt study, which reflec:ta the belt judgment of analysts 'Wbme bulme9 lt. to know why Arafat behaves aa he doel. and what hla reapoue to changlfte drcumltancel ln the explosive MMidle FAit la likely to be. TBE QUDTION of pe.ce cw war in the troubled rep. often turm -mueb on the penonalltie. of a handful of poUUcal 1-ders • an aeoPOIJUcal even11 CNf!r which they have nt&Ot no control. That'• what makea the character apptaiaal of 1e>meone like Arafat ao lmpor1ant to the president and bia policy lldvilen. Here are the h1ghlichta of the .ecret Anfat psycboJop:al profile: -Beyobd wonderina how Arafat manae-to maintain a ~y powth of bellr-d at all tbnes, the public p'obably doesn't realise that bl1 arubby eppeannce .. a calculated effort to "add drama, to make him atand out fnJm bia Palestinian colle.,ues, who aenerally dreaa more Western and more eomervaUvely," u the study pu1I it. Thouah hll dark glames "make him look ~ to llOme" a 90rt of Peter Sellen cericature of an Arab sheik - the analy1ta conclude that Arafat's .,cloak and =~:b~ementa, his strildna cMI appearance, bla eerfes of cbanclnl psychological faces -.llC-.-.. -•• -,-£J I will be ad:mlred cn1y bec.Ule they can be many thinp to many people." -Behind the flamboyant facade lurks a weak, insecure person, torn by lnd9i Won. lncapab'• of bold action or odllna1 thoul)lt, ..ny manipulated by hll a.odatea. M a n!llUlt, he expends ''aa much psychic e:nerwy in maintenance of hla own position u he does on the ~)cau.:• An.fat is emenUally an actor, and his true power la bard to determine. "Whether he ii fundamentally a filurehead cannot be determined in fact; thet he ia a penon who would quite =y nlav that role, the answer is y ;;;!· -Arafat la recarded with mixed feel .. by hll PLO~ and other Arab leaders; they have diffel'jng •• ••M'!nta of hll POlltical power,( hiB ability to plan ana recruit, and his gmenl dfectiVene91 .. a leader. -When he compromises, it is not from the confidence of strength, bu "probably because nuances of th political context eecape hiB mind." Tl) masaive amount of information receives oonfuaea Arafat, who hu "le.a than adequate capacity to organiz.e and interpret it himlelf." So he stick.a to a few simple, f.amillar theme. and leaves the fonnation of new ideas to others. -IT IS oversimplification to de9Crlbe him as merely "weak, vain, effeminate, crafty and silly." as many have done. ''There la more to Arafat than the general summary statement uaed b1 most Western ~tera, but there is lea . than 80l1\e of hiB comrades aee." , -Arafat can be "ingratiating. arrogant and petty. but all such behaviors are carefully attuned to a degree of irritation, not to the degree of1 open attack; i1 that occun, he will retreat and compromise.'' -Eaentially a moderate, Arafat is bound to no perticul.ar ideology other than establishing a Palestinian state under his personal control. His real power may lie in control of the PLO's funds, rwnored to be kept in Arafat's own Swiss bank account. -Though undoubtedly a skillful survivor, if a political solution -were· reached in the Middle F.ut, "and the' pressure for the kind of behaviorj removed from a covert. guerrilla type to. one in an elected or appointed position, Arafat would have a very difficult adjustment." Real money gives. you a good feeling There's aomething about having a thick stack of money In y~ pocket that lfves you a feelina of well-beblc. I have an idm I llDlle man when I have IDCney in my PoCUt. Even too much c:banee w01 . do ft lor me if the cbanp 18 IDCltly in· qulrtlln and quite heavy. It OCCUl"I to me to mention thll today becauH I've noticed that the more money t mae, the r.e. I me. rm CalldlNI about llCtual cmh. peen paps...,. T.. few c1aJ1 ear> I took an OYWll&ht crt., from New Yark to WMh1npm. Bebe I left. I <mbed a check foe $150. When I aot t.ck to New y ork late the next afternoon. I am bid more than $100. Tbe aarprillng thing was that I bad that Utt.le left, bemwle I hadn't l'Nlly paid tcr an)'thlna. The $50 went out in petty c.wb for tlpe. taxll and newspapers. I duqed my air tare. my hotel room and my meals. LIKE MOST PEOPLE, when I "8Ji for aomethln1 on my credit carcf I conDder It to be ftte. Paytns~or the Item ii postponed to eome Uidmfinite time in the future. The bUl will come in a lump aum and wlll bear no rtiadomblp in my mind to anything I actually got for that amount. The trouble with doing all these thinp with numbers 1mtead of with real money ia that it taka the fun and the •tilf.actioft out of the exch.anRe p.rocem. Wbat•1 rewarding ii to work. hard to make money and then to take that /~j 11n11nn ~ mabe)' and buy something with it that mabl life pleaant cr easier. There UIMld to be a joke about a wealthy recll.11e who went to bis bank CIDOI a week and made them show him bll money. 11.e· wanted to make sure it ..... atilt there. We all know our money isn't really 1n the bank., lt'a in the bookkeeping IDllCh.lnery, but I feel the way that old WtJY dkl. f'd 11.ke to tee my money 1n real life once In a while. Tboae numbers they tend me aren't any fun at all. I can't &et over bow little I eee of my mcoey thae days. One summer when I .,,.. &ft coUece I worked at a papermill for MO • week. Every Friday afternoon . Sharpen up on a shape quiz they gave me my money in an envelope and rve never made money that was as satisfying to me as that. I don't care how big my check ia, it can't match that $4-0 I got in cold cash. Today, the company mails my check directly to the bank. After a while, the beak maila me a slip of paper saying the check bas been deposited. When I owe 80fOeOne something, I write out a check and my bank deducts that from my account. It's all terribly unsatisfactory, Collecting money or paying it out can be a rewarding experience , but bookkeeping ii no fun at all. II I had my way, I'd have every penny I earn turned over to me in cash and rd pay most of the people I owe with the money in my pocket. I understand perfectly well that it wouldn't be practic&l aorDetimea, 'but it would be more satisfactory, and furthennore, if the federal government hand.led its accounts in cash. there'd be a lot lesa waste. It's one thing for a government offJdal to sign bis name to a piece of paper transferring a billion dollars from one place to another, but Lt would be quite different if he had to show up with the actual money ln dollar bills and hand it over. Just counttna it would make everyone think twice. and there'd surely be cameras around to record the even\. MONEY OUGHT to be mote ~ than it is today. We're t:reaU..., it too Uihtly becau.te we can't eee it. I don't undentand the ramlffcatiom ol a return to the gold ltandard, but I have a feellnC pennlee ought to be copper, d1nm oucht w be lilver and lt wouldn't do any harm if we had acme aold c:ioUw in dm.alatlon that were really worth eomethJnl. The money 8lrDe la belna played with numben that .,. too hie ror molt ot. QI eo comprehend. Only lawyen, t.nan,~ '::J!J.ter expertl and 1ovemment wmn&abd ~ -· •**· Most or w ~ no IDak lit ....... canpuw ~'°"" ot. a....,.. idli et~ -Wor1h. What ,.. Wllftt ta -~ ~lnour~ ·-~lPP MIW YORK -Prtued by ....: r llv. lnlladon. hiah ln..,_ ratll and ..,.&en compeUllon, A.mel1oUl oo=m nlH tr• .. ktn1 th• baalo q " they haw Iona-I~. To paraphrut Pew l>ruebr. the mana1•m•nt authority, they are uk.lna-themltlwe .. What exldly ii it we do--r' and 0 WhYf" All. a Nlult. Utenlly hunclredl o1 cotn~nlM are reor1anl1tn1. One authorlt.y, Pro· fe uor Eu1ene E. Jennlnp. cou.nta 26 of UMt ~ 100 concern• H under1qln1 total ~ Product• are being redealgned or dropped 1 ~vlsiona '°~ ana .... ~!!!I!!!~ othera acquired , cu"""' e xecu tl ve r e 1pon1I b ili tie• conaolldated, white collar workers laid oU by the thouundl, and wagea and aalarte. cut or froien. Some Wall Street.era who watch the proc:em aay the end result will be a much 1tronger American industrial Due, but in the meantime just aa man1 wonder if pressures might not destroy eome old line firms. General Moton provldt1 iln exam_plt of eome ot th• chan1 .... ~"E llh1Nhold1ra ot ti•• ..-..·..-:..-. ... •·1 .... -0lf • .om. Of •• ..... ....... b1 the .,...._ ~. -OM'1 warldwaM ililU1ed ran•:a ha,vt b••n reduced by 2'7 ,00 o emDioY9111n thNe YMn-~ ~ company "~" mare than tl billion ta extraorcllnar•y exptnlll ~ '*',..,. OGMIC:tlld wttth the ln\roducaon; ot •w many .,.,,, producta." -One-thlrd of OM11 Nortt.' American ~uct line for 1882 141 brand new. -~ natloGal labor .,rwrlleftta have ftllOdated. What ~ ii for manaaement and employeea to work toflether at the plant level to become more competitive and thua .-are job llCWity. -DlvtliON have been eliminated or con901J~ted, penonnel reali8ned and new operationa creeied. -The company hu alilned ~tlelf with oveneu tirms through ou\riaht purch.ue of minority ownenhlp or joint agreement.a, such u purcl\Ue of a minority interest in Suzuki Moton Co. a nd a joint venture w ith Fujitsu·Fanuc of J apan. While GM stiU tends to stick to its ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY r;• • ... •11ttw.M s..e ltU ~IOa ILVD. COST A MISA -541· 1 I U. P.uppet Show ' Pettt L.angen's theater on whffts appears this Sat · Sun • Mon at I , 2 & 3 pm dally at Huntington Center. 1. rwport Siu.sic Qlonsuuatoru -mllence "' """"" Ed.:Ot<otl' flinno . ....... Miiiie • ,.,...,, .... ,, C1 I .... ,a... voioe-vioill)-ftut&-11Uilar ....., • ,_., l.M. ...... ~ c.11 kl' Brochute ~·; ......... tl7-tZll • FICTTTIOUS ., ..... NAmlTATEMENT The lollowlng peraon la doing buelneea aa: PAR,ALLELS, 321 • 211t St , .-D. Huntington BNch. CA 92648. Peter 0.... Bakw. 321 • 2111 Huntington Beech, CA . bullnas Is eondueled by en Pat« D Bak• TIU atat-t Wll hied With 1he C9uf!ty Clerk of Orange County on M~y 3. 11182 F1e.42 Publl1hed Orange Coeal Dally PllOI. May 7. 14. 21. 28. 1982 3029-82 Ml.IC NOTICE ACTtTIOUa ....... NAmlTATUmNT The lollowlng peraon 11 doing ~ .. " WOODSTONE PRODUC · TIONS. .qo E. Bay rmue. Balboa. CA 92te1. J05£PH P LaJEUNESSE. 430 E, Bay A¥enUe, Bllboa. CA ~ 1 Thia buti,_. II eondoeted by an lndMduel. l. Joeepl> P LIJeunesse 1Thls lllt-t Wll flied with lhe ~ Cieri! of Orange County on Mey 12. 1182 F1"2IO ...c.Publlshed Orange Coell Delly t'WOt, May 14, 21, 28, June 4, 1982 3078·82 flCTmOUI llUIMll NA• ITATEMINT The following peraon la doing ~ .. MOBILE ANIMAL SURGICAL H9SPITAL, 27 Seeacepe Drive, NltWPQtl Beech. CA 92683 Dr. Robert L. Rooke, 27 Sea- aeape Orlv,. Newpor1 Beach. CA 12ea. ~ 1Na ~ Is conducted by an ll)dMdUal, Robert L Rook1, DVM Thia •at-t WU llled with the County Clarlc ol Orange County on April 18. 1842 ,,.,.,. Publlahed Orange Coeat Daily I Riot, Mey 7, 14, 21. 28. 11182 3026-82 Pri&on official fired CHINO (AP) -A top-level I admlnlatrator of the California In1tUutton for Men accuaed of aUowtna a can~ murderer to to on lhoppinl tripe, to dinner and a beauty lhop out.Ade the prf.lon hu been f1red, offidall aay. State Department of Correc:tiona 1pokHman Phil Guthrie aaid Wedne.day that a "notice of advene don" WU filed with the California Peraonnel Board •gain1t Charlea Wilcota, aaociat.e auperintendent of the prilon. ••;tu DIDN'T Tllg LONG -Bill Fawcett of Chicago bu invented "War in the Falklanda," a board game annchair warriora can me to aecond-gue. British and Argentine forces still fightiJli in the blU1tery South Atlantic. .. 1, I t I STARRING Tremendoue Saving• ~:\ JIM'S TV~c~RO SROWllG ctqc:Jc Sa.lei Seiko 21% IFF ALL WALL cl TABLE CLOCKS 11% IFF ,ALL GRANDFATHER CLOCKS UllWll .... DAD O R GRAD Bulova .. ". .. :. ~. :.. . . . :. /. .. •.• ... . . . . . . .. :. . . . . . ". . ~· . ' ~} STORE HOURS: MON.-SAT. 10-7 SUN. 12-5 ............. .., 8klU.d Prof-loMI .••• For yoiw • ..,.. 1"'*Y and watehee'le .. clOM to you a11 J. c. Humomrtee JN1l1ra where our own craftl1men carefully do th• work under peraonal ...,.,. vlllon. MEMBER AMERtCAN GEM soOiETY @~ 1809 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA ~ u -&noe 11Me 1om §TREE! COSTA MESA I I I , I ·. .. FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1882 read fine print BARGAIN BASEMENTS DEPT. -One of 0ranae County government'• latest reporta deal1na with bouaiJ11 bu declared that there are plenty of affordable placel .iong our ooutllne. This may come as real newa to numerous parties who are houaehunting. It should be cautioned, however, that the word "affordable" haa a lot of mixed meanings theee days, depending on who ls talking and how much Long Green they miglit have burning a hole in their own pocket. · So where do you go along our shores to find an affordable cottage? The Orange County study suggests your destination should · be Capistrano Beach . .. --------~\ _ AT RISK OF TDI .MIRPHlll ,~r, ~~~~ :r~ are in love with, Capistrano Beach, people looking for the bargain-baaement real estate deal might be cautioned on a couple of things about the place. First, Capistrano Beach ia near nothing. Capo Beach could be deecribed as a location upcout of San Clemente, downcoast of Doheny State Beach and adjacent to a lledion of the San Diego Freeway noted for mus bigh-apeed crashes. AJ.o, you have to suapect that thia "affordable" housing that the county government report is tallring about im't overlooking a vista of the Pad.fie. Do not expect to buy one of the9e dwelllnp and have the high tide lapping at your bare toes. CAPISTRANO BEACH, in tact. isn't either in San Juan Capistrano or at the beach. It is sort of in between. Very few of the houaini opportunities in that community could be characteriz.ed as next to the~- One new development being propoeed dowri there at Capo Beach, according to the county report, haa been declared surplua property by Caltrans, the outfit that builds our state highways and freeways, when the Caltnml people ever get around to feeling like building one. THERE 18 A LEGEND about CapUtrano Beach that back in the days when Caltrans did dO 80IDe roadwork. they were constructing a segment of the San Diego Freeway with crews ~ from opposite directions. It wu sort of a projeci like when they U8ed to build railroad from east to west and finally link them up. Only flCCOrding to the Capo Beach legend, Caltn.ns miwed. The two eegmenta were not going to meet and IOIDe, well, adjuatmenta were necessary. 'Ibat might account for the aurplias land. Could be it WM pa.rt of the mils. ' Anyway, the report of affordable housing at Capistrano Beach says that places are available there priced belWeen $100.000 and $149,000. , THIS PRICE STRUCl'URE may indeed be affordable lf you are capable of latching onto that kind of caah or financing. It is also affordable when compared to Newport Beach or Laguna. 'nle affordability contention of the county government :. however, be flawed. It wu aalculated at 1980 Indeed. it'• hard to 1esoember a 1980 dollar. Ia it up or ~! We may have to tune in apin tomonvw. UUI wo1nen's center lludget cut· to stand It rained on general'S parade • UMBRELLAS DROOPY/ GENERAL FridaN was a memorable day for Maj. Gen. Clayton L . Comfort, right, as he assumed command of the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing at the Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, but he probably could have done without the d.ri.z:zle. Spectaton at the ~y, above, bad to break out the umbrellu to view the activities in comfort, while the U.S. and Marine flagJ drooped from the moisture as they were being carried for review. Vari.ety of events set for holiday Veterans groups to hold Memorial Day ceremonies the Laguna Beach High School band. More than 50 organizations are set lo present floral wreaths during the 1ervioe following a keynote spe ech by retired Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Joeeph Koler. In Westminster, West:rni.nater Memorial Park and Midway City American Legion Post "5 will sponsor their 30th annual Memorial Day lerVice at 11 a.m. Monday In the cemetery, 14801 Beach Blvd. This ~ear's keynote speaker will be Brig. General Richard M . Cooke, commanding general of the FJ Toro Marine Corpe JJr Station. Besides Cooke, other speakers will be Aaeemhlyman Chet Wray, D-Weatmi.nster, state Sen. Paul Carpenter, D-Cyprea, and u .s. Rep. Jerry Pattenon, D-Santa Ana. The rnomlng terVice will be conducted alongside the mernor1al park's lake, to the rear of the property. Other area events scheduled, but have little to do with war, inc lude Garden Grove's stra wberry festival, where portions of the world's largest strawberry ahortc.ake are to be , diahed out to the festival's first 4,000 visit.ors. The festival runs today through Monday at Village Green Park, FA.did and Main Streets. Campers abo are expected t.o thro ng Orang e County c ampgrounds, which state officiala said will be full. Airport panel delays decision on tiedown policy changes aircraft and requires a different me apace, existing regulationa require that name De placed on the bottom of the list for the new mespece. Under the proposed revillona, a corwolidated wa1Unl llat would be developed. An appltcant•a place on the Ua( Woukl be dewmlned by tbt dat. on whk:b be limed the lilt. The revinom abo would pl'.eClude a c:urrent pnctkie under Which dedown 11*9 haw hem trammred with the aale ot an ~ n.e practice wu recently '~bf the county Qnnd Jury • ~t to pdvate aale ot • munty-owned ~. lndm~-~ ..... U nde r the s uggested proposal, e xisting holden of tiedown apece would be granted a one-year period in which a apepe transfer could be made. Under the revhlona, commerdal aviation entap1- would atlll be able to hold tiedown~ I The p.:tb hM ..-at.ed complainta from eolne Individual aircraft owners who claim COIJUDllkda1 intermta are wafalr~ domlna~ the tiedown ..... 8riWal apeaJaira ptimt.cl out that the oocurrM'dal enUdal nnt their planff, thua pneratl~ tnOl'e alnnft we per "9dOWn 11*9· That beneala pi. ..... ckn't own en Micntt but wmt • ,:iy, ., iilld. ' I ... ~ "' . . . . . . . . .. • . .. ~ '111 0 . . ~ . . . -: I • • I I I I I· DSAR ANN LA.NDDS: I Ohlll hear Pio.le M1 ••J_. Quiltl'' or 'Qi. ID1 Ood, '' l WGndilr lf ~ ....u. that evwy um. they do thll th•J. art br1aktn1 the Third ~L 1bet~~>'f!_Send$20that10'A would caQdder the' ~ too IQUAN to • print. Pliiri help me Jele. -'A.O. IN SCl.AH'roN, PA. THE LORD'S NAME IN VAIN it. LUtW .. I amwend the door , And there wu another alemw\. ·~.·God," I u1d aloud. "I don't need another bs'\wht0 , And firmly told him IO. I meant it about the bruah, Lord. l But I never meant t.o \Ille your name. 'll\.at waa my outlet for exuperation. Surely you know How rnlndlea it la . . . everybody doel HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Aries: Adopt new approach Saturday, May H ARIES (March 21-April 19): New approach t.o bu1c tub la neoer•ry. Imprint your own style, insist on additional room and relay policies t.o too. who depend upon you. Focus on employment. Watch Leo. TAU RVS (Apr 11 2 0 ·Ma)' 2 O) : RelaUonahip which had been on hold will thaw. Emphaaia on emotional reapomes, speculation and recondliaUon with family member. You1l regain 1en1e of directlon. GEMINI (May 21-J~ 20): Focua on home, property. appralaal1, decisions affecting future 8eCW'ity. Sali~ua. Virgo and another Gemini play important roles. Pop~larity increaae1. CANCER (June 21-Jul1 22): Blahliaht humor, venaUllty and wi1Hnpev to -revlle, review and rebuild on a more l\lltable structure. Aquarim, ScOlpo, Leo JM!HClll figure ~tly. LEO (July 28-Aua. 22): Examine optiona; cycle tDcilcates you're on brink of important di8ooYery. Avoid being tied down to routine which prevent• creative expremlon. expamion. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Puzzle pieces 'fall int.o place; timing, intuition will be on target. Lunar emphasis on penonality, special appearances and circumstances which favor your efforts. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Define terms, perfect techniques and 1treamline procedures. .Alfold individual who constantly relates aob st.orles. Element of deception may be preeent. Keep eye on Piaces. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov . 21): Relationship intensifies, reaponaiblllty increaaea and need for a commitment becomea evident. Lunar focua on Cnen of penuaRon, friendship and fulfi t of aapiratlon1. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Finiah rather than initiate project. YOU gain prestige by fulfilling obligations. Emphasis on career. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): New ways of ccmmunicattng dominate ICelW'io. You receive news whkh could relate t.o travel, higher education or a long-range project. Legal question will be 9ettled. AQUAIUUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Y ou'D delve beneath aurface indicatlops -yau'D get story behind story and IOIDe surpriles Could result. C..ncer, Capricorn and another Aquarius pJay lignificant roles. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Leave detalla tc.: another time, perceive picture aa a whole. and focua on potential. Lunar empha1i1 on contract1, challenges and expansion. •ITAN DILAPLANE •HOROICOPI! ~for both. Church wed~. All the trtrnn:Unp. l'JabORte ~P.Uon. The bride'• ~ti went all-out. w~ lifta·have not been-~Jedaed. The marrt.aae lut.ed THREE DAYS". Should the alf t1 be teturned? -FEELING STlFFED IN • LON(; ISLAND DE.(8 PEELING: Some brlde1 adme...._. wtiMlaa .dftl wl*la a day or two e1:...m;um~lr*ll ....-u• doDe IO, I WRY l&J illM WU •tided to keep •.•em, 1laee aec••*••e• 11 la ao way COii----................ ~·· U W•••• •P•••r awkward, If •ot bllarref MW"'!l..!9 write a tbak·YOtl note 1or • w•••,.. 1111 an.r uv1a1 separated fromdaepwm. la •l ......._ ....._ llftl daat laave not · It••• •clulow1e•1•• 1ioald Hrely be ntwselL ., .... , .... PIE EYED -Larry White, ta (left), takel a contmt In Phoenix. Both wmed t.o have gotten breather while Sherman StaJUnp, 11, lt!e9 just more of the pie on their faces than in their how much pie be can atu.ff during a ple-eebg mouth.a. .--r ~~ ... ' GORIN ON BRIDGE ~· -, BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OM~R SHARIF Nortll·Soutb vulnerable. South dealt. NORTH •HI I:?" 0 AQHZ .... WEST EAST •&7 •QIOl4 I:? IH7U I:? Qll O IHU 0 &7 •Q10 •nu SOUTH •AHi l:?A&J O U •AU! The bidding: 8-cla WMt Nertll Eut INT P .. INT Pue p .. p ... Opening lead: Five of I:?. It la a con.taut 10urce of amuement how muy ded&r-•n rail to count thelr triclta. That tru the only requJn. meat for finding the winning line on tbla hand. ID view of hil low doubleton diamond and the fact that his hand wu ault oriented beeauae hil high cards were all prim~. South might have opened one club. But we cannot quibble too 1tron1ly with hil choice, and the final contract wu aurely above reproach. West led hil fourth-bat heart, and declarer captured Eut'a queen with t be king. He led a diamond to the jack, ieind Eaat made a One play when he allowed the Oneue to "win." lmpreued by tbia early 1uceeu, South return- ed to hi.a band with the ace of clube to repeat the diamond fineite. Thia time Eut took hia • king and retUJ"HCI a heart. Wben th• diamond 1uit did not break, declarer wu down two t.ricb. S.. what would happen lf. before 1tartJng the play. declarer 1lmp1'/tounted hi1 tricb. With ....-Mart lead, he could be IUH of three heart trlcu, one apade and two club1, for abr tricb. Erp, he needed only three tricks from the diamond 1um The correct play ii to lead a diamond at trick two and duck It In dummy. It makes ·no difference who wins the trick. Sooner or later, declarer will win a tridt in a aide suit and lead another diamond, thia time taking the fineue. That loaff, but once both defenden have follow· ed, the diamond• are now Mt up. Aa IOOD u be repio.a tbe lead, dedarer entera dummy with the It.log of clubs and takn hi• three diamond trfcb. He ha.I hia nine trlcb • and tbe contract and, auum· Ing that he ha• uaed a tlme- t.eated counting method, he still baa one finger In reserve. a .. •,......._ tt. M.t...-. .... ,c...,... G .. aliu~...,.. .... r .... Cl9p1 ........... 0.-.. Lea•••" •••• tl.85 t• "Gwett·......_ .. can ef &Me .. ,,.,.,.,, P.O. I•• Ill, N.,, .... N.J. 07148. llake dledta ,.y.W. te New• ,..,.n ..... 1 Infection transmitJed· by · kiss CONPIDENTIAL &o Bate It! Rate It!: Do It uyway. We 1liloald aU do oae W.1 every day we bate &o do. It ltelpe baUd cbracter. ID Wt case yoa uve man to phi. Bop to It! Do you /eel awkward, sell-conacloua - lonel.y? Weloome to the club. There'• help /or you In Ann Landen' boo~et, "The Key to Popularity." Send 50 cents with your request and a long, •tamped, sell-addressed envelope to Ann Landel'8, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, ID. 60611. •f"'. \ STAii DfUPl.Allf: AROUND THE WORLD Staring means he's working SAN FRANCISOO -"WW you be ~ right?" she said "Yep," I said. "All OK." ~·t may not be back right away. I have to go t4I Macy's for aome new wine gJasses," she sai<£ Through the open window, on the '?:1~ I could see a container ship being ~ aero. the stage by strings. The air smelled of summer. : I looked at the paper in the typewriter' It had my byline. Below that.10 inches at blank space. ~ "I won't interrupt you." she said. "Yo\&' go right ahead and write." ~ [wrote down a title: "Writer's Cramp. 'I She said: "Oh, one more thing bef°"\ you get start.ed. I need some money." ; • I.SAID: "MY WALLET. It's in my panb( pocket." I typed a trial line.. : She called from the bedroom: "Wh.icli pock ~· • ~. ~ I typed: "These are times that try men'~ souls." Thomas Paine wrote that. Did ~ Paine call to him from the scullery: ''Tom!· what do you want for dinner tonight?" Verp likely. James Thurber said: "A perfect writer' wife is one who realizes that when he~· husband sits staring out the window, he'~ WORKING.'' These are new ~ looking out on the bay. I prowl a new h~ for MY place. ~ I found the place. It turned out to be the, dining room table and there was a lot o(. crying out loud: "My God, you can't be. serious! Where will we eat?" '; But I only said quietly: "li • I don't find" the place to work. cupboards will 900fl be~ bare .. ~ . ~ THE WOMEN IN A household~ undentand that interruptions are forbidden.. On the hone: ''No, I OOULDN'T break in now." s&e turned to me and said: "I couldn't, could I?" Back to the phone: "Right. he nodded 'no'." She said: "I never let out a peep when he's writing. He's simply a bear.' I said: "That's a blooming lie. And a slander.'' She said: "Did you hear that? That's what I mean." "Thank heaven for little girls.'' ung Maurice Chevalier. All MauriQe had t.o do wu alng. Hard t.o interrupt a linger. Little girls stand beside you while you are typing. 'They sigh, but they KNOW thley mu1t not interrupt father while he'• working. They llgh a little louder -SIGH! Sounds like a wheeze . IF YOU LOOK AT THEM, they mille pi~. I learned not t.o look. A heart chi off a flint arrowhead. So they go in front of you. Lean one elbow on the table, chin in hand, and stare. Eyeball t.o~. "SIGH!" "All tJ What do you want?" ·~ 1 w a dollar?'' Tom Paine picked up h$a ~ Wrote: " 'Times like these' ...: no, that domn't IOUnd rtaht. Let'• aee, 'Men'• aou1a are trMid by -nope, not quite.'' • SUd .Mn. Paine: "Tom. you've been ltartna·'OUt the window for an hoW'. c.oukl • you· tu8 a minute and help me · MDI th1!ie curta&mf!' • SEATTLE (AP) -Certaln '"" may ,tve off a chemkal U..t actl u an, MrlY Wamina 1y1tem to fellow m•mben ol their sped• in cue of an lntect anadc, a ~tilt believes. Davtd Rhcildea a Univenl of ATl'RACTIVE -The new Startel geranium makes an 4'ttractive flowering potted 1. Wa1hln1ton aooloay ruearch UIOclate, eald tn an lniervlew that he retiehed that conch.Won alter tru-e. yean of studlee on willows and alder1. 'rhe reeulta of the atudiet were preeented at the annual meedrur of the American Chemlcal Society N part of a aympoeiwn ~~.natural protective Rhoadet said his theory could explain perio<,Jtc aurgea and craahea ln populationa of tn.ecta that prey on trees. He said discovery of the chernkall and their workings could benefit forest management and pest control. " . . . if plants do generally communicate, or a.re eenaitive to neighboring plants being attacked, and if you could aee an attack on Douglas fir by tuaock moths, you could turn the planta 'on' prematurely" to deter the moths, Rhoad.es said. Rhoades developed his theory after he and reaearchen from Flnland and Switzerland eel out to find the answer to the boom-and-bust populations of lnaects such as tent caterpil.lara. The search led to the inlecte' food supply -trees. Rhoades and Lynn Erckmann, a research tec hnician at the University of Washington, took leavee from willows and aldera that were infested with tent caterpillara and fed t¥m to tent caterpillars in a lab. The ldenu.ts found that when H w•H expoHd to tent caterpllan thet.r' l•vet produc.d chemlcala that make &rffnery harder to~. The powth rai. of ~ lab ca t•~.Plllan 1 lowed, but caterplllln fed ie.vee from u.. ~t yet hit with the peltl didn't allow alower srowU\. The re1tarchet1 made an additional dlacovery: Lab bwect.a had a llow.r powth rate 1f they were fed lMvea from willows that were not infested but lived near lnfee1ed willowl. Leaves ta.ken off tree. about a mile away from lntest.ed trees didn't have the ume alowtna effect u did leave1 from uee. cloeer to the lnfel1ed one&, the researchen uid. "U both infested and nearby uninfested trees are changing, that meana the infested trees, or the Insects themaelvea, are aending a menage tb the uninfested trees, which la triggering some defense mechanism," Rhoades concluded. Rhoades said he thinks ·an • airborne substance, probably emitted by the trees, carries a warning chemical and "the sign.al can be transmitted over aa much aa 60 meters. with other trees ln the th." Rhoades said that when a student plucked leaves from a willow, a chemical change occurred in surrounding trees, whkh amounted to a lignal that one of their colleaguel waa Wlder anack. --iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii----~==5~1 !Wallah say -~ , matching la lnl See our matching sweetheart (Kuulpo) aeta. Many exclusively designed prints and colors. , South Coast Plaza, by the Carousel 751-7500 MANAGERS RED TAG SPECIAL ONLY 2 LEFT "Patio Kitchen" Ult '405 SAl£ $ 329 u.t •311 SAl£ s259 owr rou. oto 'Ano fU•HITUH THAT NIW LOOIC. We IHtore And lepolr AN lrond.1, (Aluminum And Wro4f9ht Iron) To A "Like New" Condition for A fro&tlOf'I Of OrleJnol C.1t. TOWN l COUNTRY PATIO SHOPS ~•1•2 Cemlno ~ U9vM lilg"91 495-1422 Hullis}•l's~ 6THANNUAL FUCHSIA FESTIVAL SAT. MAY 29 -SUN. MAY 30 See ••• Hundreda of S.•utltul Fj1ch•I• 8/oaaoma on Dlaplayl FUCHSl~S IN HANGING BASKETS. h1utlful, full .,S.nt1 In "-dwood ~11tet1. AEQ. 11.18 1 GAL. FUCHSIAS REG. 3.50 '*M 14" HEX TUI FESTIVAL OF PUCBSIAS -About 200 varletiel of fuchslu. the offldal dty fiower of Co1ta Mesa, will be on dilplay and demomtrationa on the care and propagation of the plant will be conducted Saturday and Sunday at Holliatera Nunery, 2640 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The presentation is UllEllRI l:HICllllT .,.., ........ ,,... co-1}9ol180red by the Costa Mesa-Bay Cities Branch of the National Fuchsia Society. Admiring one of the varieties to be exhibited are (from left) Rill Rhoten of the Fuchsia Society, Costa Mesa Councilwoman Norma Hertz.og and Steve Hollister. • Plants will bloom longer and more profusely • Put some ('Olor in the shade with Wberous if you pick faded flowera. Try this on petunias and begonias. impatiens and also the New Guinea marigolds and you'll notice tDe result. impatiens which have colorful follage and flowers. • Don't forget thme swnrner annuals. There are many colorful plants just corning lnto bloom at your local nursery. • Don't mow the summer lawn any shorter than 1 ~ ". Taller grass will help conserve moisture and keep the roots cooler. LLOl'D•!i J I garden shop, NOW 69t .. ~,-. -... -.--~- h;_I 11 l :r I I 'I ,~ .... h •.t Pr•' I/JI 1 ...... ~· ,._•12•• AU. ~ IU9JECT TO 8T()Q( OM HAI«> ... .,.._ W"'2 OPEN MON. THAU SAT. 7-e -SUN. g...5 "'° LLOYD'S NURSERY AND LANDSCAPE CO., INC. VI.SA' =~':'l -2028 N41wpoft Blvd. (a1 Bay St.) Costa Mesa, CA 92627 I (714) 646-7«1 ,,,..redlul If it's got handles you'll grab a sale faster in Dally Pilot ctassffied ads. catt 642-5678 011111~ l111tlte•.1. •• , 1•tll It .• HuntlngtOll IMQI\, "" '*'' . Nttlertl t JGMe, 1fnt llemon, H\llll~ldl. CA l*t. TM ll~byl ...,., .. pettn«filllt. JtlMI f\. Van Oldll Tiiie et•temenl ... "*' wltfl "" County C1ettc ot Orenge County °" Mey I . 1N2 ,~ 'ubll•tl•d Oranot. OoHt Delly ---MU--IC~M-fl_ICl ____ flllOt. May 7, 14, 11. II, 1tU 8074-12 P'tOTmOUI __. .. NAiii JTA.,.._,. M.IC M>TICE ~~nt penona ate dOlllCI PtcT1TIOUI ....... WllTI,_,,. HALLMAN< CAlll08 ~ ITATaMINT a 01"'· ?ts ao. Tuellf'I Ave •• Of· TN ronow1119 l>tl'eon• .,. dOlng anoe, CA tHM. bUt1ne11 u: larbere L1o11k. 2Ht Coron1, MOOOYI EQUINI! SlAVICH, Nofco, CA e11eo. 118 Sha•t• Lene, Coe1• Meta, Callf. MltY l.ak•. 2389 Cotonl. Nor· 92128. c:o. CA tneo. SvtYfa JMtl Moody, 818 St\alla Thlt bullneee 11 conduc:\ed by e l -. Cotte M .... Celli taf28 ~ panner#\lp. Loren A. Moody Jr • 8,8 8halle Balber• luek Lene. C0111• ....... Ce.Ml. H828. '111711 Thi•~ .. conducled by. Pu•llahed Orange CoHt Dally oen«•I panneNitp. Piiot, May 7. 14, 21, 21. 19'2 SyMa J Moody 2072-82 Thie lteletnenl WU Ried Wllh the ----------County Clerk ot Otenee County on Wo1nen • • training backed SACRAMENTO (AP) -Dllsi'te a male~ County lawmaker ·1 pra_l•• tor tb• ~dona! woman," \he Senate hu dedded \he 9\1111 lhouJd promote \he tnJn1A8 of women tor prote11lon1 now ctomlnated by men. By a U.8 vote, the upper hcM.119 approved a bW that woufd requlre tbe Employment Development Depart- m 1 n t and other aaendea to aet up a l)'ltem to eue women Into Jobi where 70 ~t or more of the po1ltion1 are held by inaJm. Sen. Diane Wat1on. tbe Loa Angele• "•40¥ 0. 4 4 Expansion of track blocked PORTDVILLI! CA!l,.-.\tter nelahbcitl protested about potenUal and d~ PorimvUlt City Council hll twned down • $1.& mllUon ...... to expend a rnoton'ycle trick. the council applied tor the 1rant laat September on behalf ot Portervllle Splnn•J'f Motorcycle Club whkh hu a tr.ck on dty prope..cr at the mwUdpal airport The club wantl to ecq""' and develop ieo acrel next to the alrport. The 1tate approved the 1rant from the otf-hiahway vehicle fund which t. financed by A aureharp paid by off-road vehlc1e owners. However, nearby farmers objected at thll week'• meetina that dUlt and nolae would create intolerable conClitiona for .,nculture. The council voted 3-1 to reject the grant. Councilman St.eve Tree cut the only vote .plnat rejection and aa1d the dty abou.ld delay action until it det.ennlnes whether another lite can be found. May 5, 1982 '111110 D e m o c r a t w h o Magazine lawsuit settlement OK'd '9CTmOUIWll Pubtt•h•d oreng• CoHt O•llr Introduced the bi ll, MAim ITATall9NT Pilot Mey 7 14, 21, 28. 1982 I#• et rtr •--' .... _ .__. tha LOS G ~~wino peraon 1' doing 208e.a2 DENTIST'S' NIGBTMABE -Michael Penooe Maw. the $1,000 C9"'~ ~r.=;tarte! Cornmimio!~ Be~~ ~~l;~Yf.<;:;.0:p;= Jem~ =~t~ti~l 1-NO_TIC_1.rtate_°'_ntu_~-~-.. -,-,-ALI-insurance pollcy he baa on th.la 60-pound ~ made in but only 4 percent ot the a stipulated judgment in which the county'• threle t2te0. Metuchen, N.J. The lollipop, donated to the Society of enalneen are women. largest wholesale maga.Dne diatributon will pay • llEHE>tCT J 011.AHO SA. * u . No. 1'l'7M America, will be raffled off at Hackenaack ffiCh School Sunday. B u t S e n . J o h n $1®,4~ to settle a civil anti-trust lawsuit. . luftrlH Piece .Cot ta h4 .... CA T.D. SERVICE COMPANY •• duly Schmitz, R-N .. wport D o · . A 82927 • ' eppolnted Ttu•tee under th• ,,. eputy istrict ttorney Thoma s A. TNi tMllllNat II condUcted bY an to110wtng d .. c:rlt>ed deed 01 truet Beach, 1ald he like1 Papageo~e and Aaaiatant Attorney General lnclMdYal. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION F · 1 d. . d ~ •L-•'-..... Sant rd G kin leMclct J Olano 8r TO THE HIGHEST BIDOER FOR I ter 1rect1ons ue U&C way .. _.3 are. 0 . na . claimed the dealen violated Thie etaternent we. ftled w1ill 1tie CASH (P•Y•bl• •I llm• 01 HI• In kind of like the anti-monopoly statutes by dividing the county into County. Clar1l of Oranot County on lewtut money 01 the United Stet") traditional woman . . . three diatricta and reat...u.tt .. n other distributon. : Mey 19 1912 1111r;g111,1111e et><11nt••1 oonveyec:1 TON AP I"\..----f fil , __ ..__ ,.__,,1..... • ... _ F'--'~1 ~··-__. s N ---"6 • • ,_,.. to end now htld by 11 under eatd WASHING ( ) -v-~~· O ter le&R.11, ~..-.. to uac ""1.llC&.. the way ~ to W\lel ews Co. of Lot Ange1M and Valloy Publl•hed Orange CoHt Deity Deed of Truet In the property about 400,000 1977-8 1 dleael Trade Canrnl.aioo. be. One of times Periodical Distributors of Burbank will pey $M,4Dl> P1ot.Mey2i.21.June 4.n .1Na. ~~,~~·~souRces Volkawagena and Audia are beina ArtFTCstatementaaldVolkswagen we are going to c.a11 a throughtheirparentoompany.ARAServicelnc.Ot 220M2 DIVERSIFIEO, INC notified how to replace oil filters of America Inc. agreed to make the halt to all of thla trying Philadelp~ Drown News Agerw:y of Westminat.et ---.---.,.-lllft-~----BENEFICIARY: WILLIAM o. and how to -reimburaementl for notificationl in. coment order ~.....-4 to undo what God haa will pay *40,000 and Kolb New1 Ag•ncy -· ----'"-~--""-'-~---FLEETWOOD JR. end MELOOY P o-• _.,.....,. • "' ...,. ACTITIOUI IU ... ll rLEETWOOD, hu•balld end wH• u l-;e=n=g=jn=e==r=e=p=a=i=ra=r=e=1=u=lt=i=n=g=t=ro=m==o=il==wl=th=the==apncy===·==========done==='°=w=e=ll=.="======W=es=tminSter='===will=' :::::pa:::y:::;$=1=5.=000=.=======~· NAm IT A T'DmJIT community P<OC*tY I The followln9 person 11 doing Recorded June 2e, 1981 ea Instr ~ •: No. 40553 In book 14117, page 8UNWEST !\EAL.TORS, 24882 170& ol OH~ Rec:otda In the office Via Same Ct\IZ, Mletlon Vlefo, CA of the F*lord« ot Orange Councy, t2et1. Hid dMd ol trust dHc:rfbH th• Aoneld L Hunga1e, 24882 Via IOllc>WlnQ 1><0P«tY: Santa Cruz. Mlulon Viejo. CA Loi &4 ol treci No. 784-4, In the 92UI. City of N"PO'I Beech, County of Thie ~ 11 conducted by eo Orange. Stet• of ClllHomla. u per lnclMdual. map l'«IOrded In bo<* S14, P19M 27 Ronald L Hvnaate IOSI~ ....... .,....._ Thll 1tat-1 wu tlled wttti the 1n the oftl<le OI tne °""'IY recoroer County Clerk of Orange County on of Mid oounty. May 5, 1982. EXCEPT THEREFROM ell oll. g911. ,_ .. l'lllMr8la and ottlef ~ Publl•h•d Orang• Coaat Dally belOw • Clepth Of !>OU lee!, Without Piiot, Mey 7, 14, 21. 28. 18'2 the right ol turlac:e entry, at 20tU2 r..wd In lnltrumeot1 of record. ----------YOU ARE IN OEFAULT UNDER A NlJC lll)JIC( OEED OF TRUST DATED May 5, ----------1881 UNLE88 YOU TAKE ACTION ,-CTmOUS ..._.. TO PROTECT YOUR PAOf>ERlY, IT MAm STATDmNT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. The following peraon1 are doing IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OOeineU u : 0 F T H E N A T U R E 0 F T H E C & M ASSOCIATES, 4000 PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU MacArthur. Newport Beac:ll, CA 8HOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. 92e60. 43 Montec:lto Drive. CMone def Curll• Conine Worley Jr . 26 .,, CA Eastll!Ofe, ltvtnt. CA 92714 ''tn a street add!'-. or common Molly Themla Wortflf, 2e Eat· Hl9net1on 11 ahown above, no lhOre, ltvlne. CA 92714. a rrenty le given a1 to I U This but!.-II ~ed by an .,,... or correcu-).'' lndMdual. The bene4ldary under Mid Deed C..rtl• Worwy Jr TNe1, 1>y reeaon of a breach °' Thll •t•l-t WU !tied with the •ul1 In the obllgatlona MCUrecl County Clerk ol ~ County on r-eby, n.retofor• eacutecl and May 5. t982 ellvered to th• undertlgned • ~ ltten Dedaratk>ft of o.tault and Publl•h•d Oreng• CoHt Dally for a... .,.. ....... notice PllOt, May 7. 14. 21. 21, 1912 btMdl and of -.ct1or1 to ~ 2075-82 h• U'lderalgned to Hll uld ----------operly to M!Mly Mid ~Ilona, rtllJC 111)11C( nd thereafter the undersigned Mid notice of brNCh end of ,-CTITIOUI _,..... tlon to be Recorded Februr/ 2 MAm STAftlRNT ' The lollowlng person It doing 1112=~-12·03943 ol bu._•: Seid a ale wlll be medt, but MS. WALLS PROOUCTIONS -without c:ovenent or warrenty, HOSPITALITY -CONSUL TING & expr-of Implied. regerdlng lltle. SERVICES. 3282 Oregon Ave . poueulon. or enwmbranc:.e, 10 eo.te Meta. CA 92628. pay the rel'l'l.inlng principal Mim of, Sulan L Walls. 2725 Catdlnlll Ille note(s) MCU<ec:I by Mid Deed of Or .• eo.ta MeM. CA 9~ TrU51, wl1h Inter"' u In Uld note Thie~ le conducted by en provided, advenc:ee. ti any. under lndMdual. 1he term• of Hid Oeed of Tru11. SuNt1 L Wellt 1-. chargee end ~ ol the Thie eta1ernen1 wu hied with me Truet• end or the 1rutt• c:r .. ted by County Clerk of Orange County on Mid Deed of Trual Seid Nie will be Mey 5, 1982 held on Thuf'ldey. June 10. 1982 a1 '1.-nll .30 p.m. at lhe ~ A--Publlehed Orange Cout Delly en1renc:e to the Civic: Center Piiot, May 7, 14, 21, 28. \982 Building. 300 Eut Chapman 2073-82 AYenUe. In the City of Orenge. CA ---MIJC---..,-11C(----At I he tlm e of the Int t 18 I ----------publleatlon of thll notlQe. the total MOTa TO COWTWACT°"9 t of the unpaid balWlC9 of the CALUMO '°" ... obllgallon Hcured by lhe abov• School 011t1ot: IRVINE UNlflEO duorlbed deed ol lruet end 8id ~ ten o'ctodl a.m of eatlmated c:o1t1, upenHe. and --.._,.. ,._ 1,.... · edvenc:ee 11 $585,758 24 To -.... -· ""' -... -· ermine the~ bid you may Plac. ot Bid "-lpt: Dlatrlot calf c714~7.ooee. -· ~ Center. 2941 Alton · A--. 1Ntne CA 92714 Dew. 7, 1912. Pro~•c:t ldentlflcellon Heme· T D SEAVICE COMPANY C SS ROOM. .. Mid Truat ... ~ ANO l A By Petrtcle A. ~ell, Piece Pl.-_ on 11r. Ot9tr1ct Aaeietant Secr"el.lly ~ AdlNnllCrlltlon Cent• 2941 Alton One Cl1y Bllld. W•, A~:,r._IMM. CA 92714 ?;:71;~~:688 NUllCE 18 HE.RE8Y GWS. th8t .... ~~~of Publlahed Orenge Co .. 1 Delly Ol'wige County, Calltornla. llCtlng Plot, Mey 14, 21. 28, 1112. by and tllrougll It• Governing 2107-82 Board. ~ ,...,.,.., to • ·-.,. --"OISTAICT''. wll reoetve"" to, IM .--...,, ""'1'4 no1 1atet tll•n the abov••teted i--NOTICa---9MT'IMQ---.,.---~-= =-.::.,. tt'8 = of a Notloe .. har9by gMll tNt lhe IMda 1f1111 be~ ttie ptaoe Board of Trvtt"' of the Coelt l\lentlfled 1bove, and ellall be Community College Dlttrlc:t of ...,.. and publdy Ned Mol.cl ai Orange County, C1llfotnl1, will tt. ~ N1ed time and ~-receive ... led l>ldl up to 11 :00 n.e w111 be • 12uo ~ e.m .• Thurldly, June 10. 1082 11 required for e1c11 . Ht' ol bid IM1,~dl t to.p.,IOCrtmt~t tof1~70 doCI fl"l8l1'e to .,..nt• ttie r9IUm co --oe dletrk a -• ,. Ill good condition w1tf11n 15 c1eyt Adam• Avenue, Coet1 Men • .... the bid opening de-. C4lllfornle. a1 wtllCtl llnle Mid bide &di bid __ contomi _, be .. rm opened Ind reed for: " h OF 'ALL 1182-13 rH.,onalu to t • contrect Cl . 8 SCHEDULE; OAANOE ~ --.... lfed COAST COLLEOE -lid No. 1074 .....,, ,_ .,_ -aocon"'91 PRINTING GOLDEN WEIT =..:::.-:::..:-=: ~ = COll,OE F.\1...1... 1H2 CLAH ___. "'°°°' llCtol 8(:to!EQU\.E -'Bid No 1071 ClfJ;.~~natlt PAINTING OF ;ALL 1112 •rttKt•«al•orto..W. STUDENT CATAl..OB/CLA88 -1rNg1Mr111a « lflfom....._ In 8 CH EDU L !.i. ~-(!~ 8 TL 1N1! anr Didi 01 111 the blddll'9. COMMUNITY l.iUl.l.aUC -lid No. TM DetTNCT llM ~-10I: bide .. to lie 111 llOOOI.,.._ -..... ~~-:.;-"' ci:..: ....,, the 8id '°"" ~ and r =:. to lie peitOilMll for Condltionund 9tl 1 cMc ....... MCfl Ctllt Of 1ype Of -111"811 .. l'IOW In .. lflf~ f'l'lll/ W ...... rllMecl to~~ oontreot. "'ttieofllceofW.~Atelfl T,.... rat" at• on fll• at the o(~ i~:;y• ~:..,,_ ..-. ....... ~-. ........... , -~--­Nlofl A_.,., .,._., CA t2f14, bid a oaeMef • 0!'9Cll• oettltted o.-IMlf M.,... on,._.... ollffk, or bktd• a b~ C A 0091 oJ t'""8 ratM ell~ M ~ tt'9 orW °' 11'9 P ;;,.c :.~:..... °' I* of T,__ ~·:a!..::" noc '°:: dl•in ••t" a ltH~ upon • ..,, fl¥f ,.,-.. (I Pf"llM) o4 the .... -........ Cit ..... The """ lllld •• ...,., ...... ... ,.. ................................... ...... .... ... .. ... """ .. ......, COn"8IDt ............. '° ....... ,..., ••• y MllO't ........ 1111 ... ...,. ...... .. ~:~·~":.':,Ille == :r:.,-:;.111~~ ~·.: U I ·-undll' 1t1M, •l'IW = -ol e llOftd; .. M t111t .._ ~~-~..-..~ ..... .._ ....... ~ ...... :.::.a.,i.:.r:r.:-• -=---~'l'*lllld ................................. ..., .. ........... ...,, .... ,. .................. ...... ...... .., ........... "-='~ .. ,,.... ,__. A ••JMellt be"d Ud a .. ,,...... ........... _, ...... ~"*'*'" ........ M ................. his I ""°' ·=·[ =-~.::: ....... .,"' .. ..,."='9ert" 111 tM ••ltM!I NOMUlf L WAlO ~---~ SL:l .. ,ii!i'h.owe.:: '1 t~~= The lt Frame Sale Rides on thru Wed.,June 2! of the 1¢ Frame Sale before 11 rides off into the sunset. And pardner. you've still got 'til June 2 to stock up on the greatest seledlon of frames that ever hit the West.. Why at Aaron Brothers we've got metal section frames as shiny as your six shooter. Wooden frames as rough and rugged as a barn door ex sleek and smooth as a saddle hom. We got gold frames as fancy as you'll ever ftnd and glass and back frames in all styies from plain to fancy. See through frames, photo frames and collage frames that hold lots of pictures of the wtf e. relatives and the btt1e buckaroos. And when you buv oee frame at the regular price. a eecond &ame that coeta the tame or lae le ju.at a penny more. So don't hoki up a minute longer Get on down to Aaron Brothers and catch the last stage of the 1¢ Frame Sale NOW! Assortment may vary from store to store. All ROl'e9 will be open Monday. May 31. Assortmt<nt may 1.1ary lrom ~'°'"' 10 s1orl' . .. . • • LONGWOOD, Jk (~-An IDvillAoft Of ~. ... _.., \Oad1 hu dHc!':f e on thl1 eentnl norlda town Ukt "an 'Old·faihlOMd blbUeal paa,u.." ~orlda in receat yeara hH Mdftred .walktftl catfl•t\ that took over pond• ln a march notth, arid llaftt a:nal1a that ate the paint oft ~ in Miami. But reilclenta •f Lonawood, a IU~ ot Orlando not fu-from a.nty World, ~ never teen anythlna 14ke what happened ~week. The tOlda. no blger than a p.ndJ erMer, are beinl blamed on heavy rain ln ~, J-Mlchael Mid wtlen he aot Up 'l\aelday to ~ hit J)9\io door, "a t.bree-lncti wall of to.di Fullerton IDan •'s1GNAL HILL (AP)-A 67-year-old retlred Fullerton police captain has been hired .. interim police dUef after h1a ~r wu fired In the wake of ~~· of pollce abu1e, officials interi11i Signal tllill chief ' ;, Kay Hayne, aide to City Manaaer 0.vkl Caretto, aid Thunday that Fred M. King Viould eerve u Interim head of ~ aeency about three months until a rmanent replacement ia hired for lOrTDer chief Gaylord Wert, fired May •· Ma. Hayne aald that bHidea oveneetn1 operation, of tbe poUct department, Kini would aid in the recruitment of a cbJaf and advt. dty offldala in a ~t Mldlt that bit been ord~ for the~· King WU with the Fullerton polke department for 29 years before retiring ln 1980, Ms. Rayna uid. Signal Hill police came under ecrutiny Now's the best time to plan your escape from summer doldrums. Pier I has what you need to make porch and patio a haven for relaxatlon- and a fun place lor entertaining. too. Shop today and go home slnctnc. ''The llvtn' Is easy.· 8'ltterflJ chair. Deslped · by ferml·Hardoy In 1938, tt's an adaptation ol the military camp chair used by European officers In North Africa: Come get yours before the ftrst heat wavet R~. 39.99 88 Available in: yellow green camel dark blue Replac~nt 1999 Canvas avaUabfe • H~ndwoven seagrass squares from China. Sold in strips of 9. Rattan swing chair from Hong Kong . ._. .. .,....,...-cushion extra. Rec. 59.99 by Ute ~ty 0dlltrict a~• office over alleptioN of l>Olice bru~ ~ of which WU the death of Lona Beach colleae footbell star 1ton Settlta on June 2, only a fAtW boun After be w• ltopped for a routine traffic violaUon. A ooroner'a )lry in the Settlea CMe ruled that he -"died at the hands ol another, other than by accident." This may be the breakthrough you've waited for. We've checked other lender.. and we think Cal Fed offers the best home financing programs around . What's the differe nce? If your si1uat ion \ righl and you qualify, you may be able to save as much a~ I% to 4c,f compared to conventional real estale rates. , Plus-we have monthly payment~ 1hat start at low levels, then grad ually rise as your tncome is expecled 10 rise. (That's espec ially goodj:>r young borrowers.) Cal Fed's here to help. We lend for all kinds of residenlial financing. For single-famil y dwellings, old or new. For condos. For apartment buildings. ~nything else, j ust ask. We.,re waiting to hear from you. Catt our to ll-free 800 number right now. Or call an office Jisted below. It's •easy and quick . "Get a home loan you can live with!" -Bob Hope Anaheim: (714) 776-2222 long 8'ach: First Federal o f Long Beach Division: (2131 4J7-1211 I 1'HEBE'S A ff'ILSON 1 ss2 M.us1~~!e~1actk>O AM Fm stereo redlO. alu 1ampe. (" '658) ~. tinted glass. tog (# 184903) YOUR PRICI • WHO SAID "YOU· CAN'T HAVE HIGH P ERFORMA CE WITH MILEAGE ?" FOBD 'S 60'f 1~ !! SEE "l'JIE HI6H PEBFOR .. Jl I ll'E 6AS S.4 f '11f l~ • ' ff'ILS01\1 l,ORJ THIS ff'E~JtE: IN YOIJB FlJTl!llE The Motoi: Ci~ Welcomes Back One Of Its Own. MOit of the Formula One can in the Detroit Grand Prix this coming June 6th will be powered by an eDliDe pioneered by Ford Motor Company. 1broulb 11 yan of evolutionary design, the Ford Cosworth engine is still winning races. ln fact. it La the winnt.,..... engine in the hlltory of Formula One ... and haa alto won the Indy 500 and the M boun of Le Mam. Not until now, however, hu the Ford-developed engine seen competition ln our home town. because not until now bu there been a Detroit Grana Prix to run through the heart of the clty. Come join our cbeerina .ectioo ln the Motor City on June 6th. And watch the Ford power go by. LAST CHANCE FOR REBATES! 24,000 MILE/24 MONTH CAR CARE PLUS REBA TES PLUS SUPER WILSON FORD DISCOUNTS . .ON ALL CARS & TRUCKS ·'71CHIVT CAPlfCI ¥.f~-·-·-· ........ -.. ~ ........ -. """' c ..... ..,...,,., •6582 '79PC>aD PINTO • C\ I St\ LIC t.UWltO '11 GIANADA OLX • C'VI. • ..,..,,..IC. -........... .., ..... & ..._. al" UVIM, AM "M-C"*2l '71 FOID THUNDlllllD Ill ..,.. -ttr .• -w .• ~. 1'9111 ltl\lf--.11~1 77DATSUN 7 10WAGON . """ ...... ....-......... l ... TOlll ""· ..,,.,, -~· .... .., .... elr. -~ cnlbe, cvtl . ......_, ISl1l.-Ol MUST SEE '11 fOID '10 OLDSMOllLI · '79 HONDA MUITAND OMIOA · CVCC ,,.,•ar• -•• ...._ • .,,. u••·Mll9 •al•c-.al'I'"" •arl.• .... J .. ..., .. lltlWYltl 11 ........... ILIC l(HMPJI ,_ .... •l*"'I ··~ ,.... .. 79CHIVT STIPSIDI PICKUP 11 .. -.--. ..... """ .. ¥~.,....-.1141Ufl $5982 • COMICS 8U81NE88 STOCKS cs oe 07 La.una Beach, CdM ea1lly advance U, CIF 1ennl1. C2. un ••••• COMING THROUGH -Kurt Rambis of the Laken lets nothing stand in his way, including Philadelphia's Bobby Jones, while driving to the basket f'huniday night. Lake.rs rallied to win first game, 124-117. Teams play again Sunday. Orange Coast has no room for error Golden West ousted from state tourney for the season with a tom rotator cuff. Of coune, Mayne could have avoided all these headaches if the Pirates had executed a little better on the field. LA VALLEY (30-7-1), champion of the Metropolitan Conference and the tournament'• No. 4 seed, jumped on Reinholtz early and never trailed throughout. The Bucs bad a number of chances to get in the game, though, all of which fell abort. In. the 1lxth inning. Rick Hopkins and Dave Tinoco opened wtth IRnCles to put n.annen at first and ll800lld with nobody out. Kevin Sliwtnsld then hit a fiy ball to center on which Hopkins tagged and wu~ptly thrown out at third by · e Lambert. The irony of it wu that LA Valley wu leading ~-1 at the Ume and Tom Duapn follbwed with a baae hit that ac:ored Tinoco. . In the elahth lnnlna, the BuCs had alread'y pu.he<f one ruru acrom and had runnen at RCOnd and third with one out when Duaan hit a dow roller up the thtid hue line. Hopkins. who WM on third. bllit.ated and then came to the plate. Vince Muccltelll, who fielded the one ·LA wipes out 15-point deficit in the process PHILADELPHIA (AP) ..:.. Loi Anplee Laken' Coech Pat Riley proved himaelt a muter of undentatement after hJa team beat the PhlladelphJa 76era ln the firlt same of the National Buketball Amociation championahip playolfa. "We're a team of 1purta,11 II.Id Riley aft.er ibe x..ken' 124-117 triumph over a Slxen' team that crumpled ln the lut 26 minute! Thu.nday ni&ht. 11le Laken trailed, 83~88 with 5:59 left tn the third period. In the next 10~ minutes, Loa Angele• outacored . Philadelphia, 40-9, to tum that 15-point defldt lnto a 16-polnt lead. That made it 108-tn with 7:SS left ln the pme. The 76en never got cb9er than the final margin of eeven pointa, and most of that came at the end on two thl'ff-polnt goals by Andrew Toney and another by Steve Mix. The aecond game ln the best-of-.eve.n aeries is here SUnday, with the third and fourth at Los Angeles Tueaday and Thunday. playoU. fOC' the Laken, breekina the NBA reconS of IDOlt CONeCUtlve playolf victories ln one leM)fl, The 1950 Mlnneepolla Lakera won their flnt elaht. Mtnneapolia .cfually won nine 1tralght If you cou.nt the laat game of the 1949 playoffa. Jamaal Wilke• and Norm Nixon led aeven La.ken ln double fllures, 'Neb with 24 polnta. Kareem Abdul.:Jabbar collected 23. Wllkea laid the tumaroWld was due to the pride and character of the We11tem championa. "We got our defenae 1olns and the opportunity ahota and made them,1• laid Wilkes. "If we can keep Doc (Erving) at 25 points or l~ we ought to wln," ·said Wilkes. "Another key to our 9flCOnd half was our defen1e ofl the offen1ive boards. It triggered our f.utbreak and turned the game around,'' Wilkea &aid. eo.ch Billy Cunningham of the 76era l8id bia team played well for 2 ~ periods, then broke down at both enda of the court. "They Uled traps to limit our lnlide game. They 'kept ua to one 1hot and were able to run and get their transition game going. 'ilfhey're a treat team, but I'm confident we'll bounce back," Cunninaham laid. Erving, sitting with ice packl on both knees, aat patiently and explained what happened to hJa team aa the othen1 d"9ed huniedly and left. "U we won it ln a breeze today, we probably wouldn't know how to act. Now we have to do it the hard way. In the third period they came at ua in waves . "We were beaten tonight but now we feel we can come back and do the beatlna on Sunday." Erving said that "with Magic (John90ft) on the boards and Nixon with the ball. and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar just being Kareem the home court won't mean that much." Ervin1 said the Lake.rs gamble a lot. "That's the kind of team they are. 'They're going to kill you If you let them. They can be very opportunistic." And the 76ers let them. The victory was the ninth 1traight ln the ------------........ ~----------------------------------------------------- Hassler's work all for naught By CURT SEEDEN or-..,.., ..... ..., Milwaukee pitc her Pete Vuckovich made an in~ comment Thuraday night, shortly after pitching live inninp and eamtna the win 1n the Brewen' 4-3 vk:1.ocy aver the Anaela at Anaheim Stadium. "l really can't take credit for. doina a )>b toda~uae ln my mind f didn't ucceed," Vuckovich aaid the Brewen spoiled the Ange opener of a 10-game llome nd before 24,267. Over in the loeers' locker room, another pitcher did IUOCl!ed, and hi• performance out of the bullpen wu nothing abort of flawless. With Angel starter Ken Fonch 1truggling through the firat three lnning1, Manager Gene Mauct! called on the lone left-hander In hJa pen -Andy Hamler -to keep the Brewers quiet while his hltten tried to battle back from a 4-1 deficit. It almost worked. "He did exactly what he was supposed to do," praised another Angel reliever, Doug Corbett, who got the final two outl to complete the strong relief performance. "And the bonu1 waa that be wasn't touched for even one run.'' In fact, Hassler allowed just one hit over 5 ~ lnninga u the Angela whittled away at the Brewen' lead, only to fall one run shy. Hassler didn't admit It, but the presaure ii on him. The Anaela announced before the game aiat lef~handed 1tarter Anpl Mon!!llC> was optioned to their Spokane farm club. Had Moreno been moved lnto the bullpen, Halller might have felt better. He wasn't quite sure (See ANGELS, Pa1e Cl) ALL ALONE -Rennie Durand of Laguna Beach (left) captured the women's 800-meter nm and Polly Plumer (right) of University o.ttr,... ........ ~a-tee....,_. ca.r ........ ffigh, was the winner in the 1,600 in the Masters track meet at Cerritos Thuraday nlght. See story on page C3. Have Rams blackballed Ferragamo? Ex-darling of Anaheim is without a team, and for the moment, without a future SPORTS COlUMNIST JOHN SEVANO OCC gets offer he has to ref use Oran1• Coan Colleao'• Mike Iii Mayne received an offer that no community colle10 baHball coach could refuae -but ho did. Mayne'• team wu invited by defend.IJ\I NCAA champion Arizona State to play a th.ree-pme aeriea tut. weekend in Tempe. The Sun Devlla, lookina for a tune-up befatt the College World Seriea, offered to fly OCC to Arizona for the aeries, · and take ca.re of all expen11e1. "We really wanted to Co• but we just couldn't do it," Mayne aays. "We had to decline because we had already played OW' le,al limit of regular-season games (36)." 'The Pi.rates could have MAYMI also used the series for a tune-up. The Bu cs are playing this week in the state communitv college championships. "lt would have been a great trip," Mayne says, "and we're eorrv we couldn't Ro." Quote of the day "Lamar But treata playen like d1recton of a big firm, and they don't notice that they are really just secretaries." Ptalllppe Cllatrier, president of the International Tennis Federation, concerning Hunt's WCT circuit. Gray power overcomes Red Sox Gary Gray bet~ a three-nm Iii homer and Todd£n1 and Rlck Sweet added solo shots Thursday night, powering the Seattle Mariners to a 10-6 win over Boston. Winner OeH Ne ..... 3-6, 1eattered 12 bits before needinC lut--<>ut relief help from Ed Vu4eBerg . . . In another American Leque game, 8ammy Stewart ta.ed a iive-hitt.er and 8'dle MUTay hammend tour hita and drove i~ three runs as Baltimore blanked Texas, 6-0. It was the Orioles' teYentb victor'y in nine gamee and the Rangers' .wenth m in nine tries . . . In exhi~don pla , Joel Y_,.,lood'a run~8COring single map i l·l Ue in the eighth inning and the N~ Ycrk Meu to a 4-1 victory over the New York Yankeee a Yankee Stadium. From Page C1 - Baseball today On th1a daUt in bueball in 1973: Montreal'• Clyde Maahore tied a major league record with h1a aecond comecutfve pinch·hJt home run. On thla date ln 1956: Pittltburlh alugef Dale Lonf'• homer off Carl &.kine aave the Piratee a 3-2 victory over the Brooklyn Dodpra and completed Long'• major league record streak of at leut one home run ln eight consecutive aamea. Today's birthdays: Cincinnati infielder Rafael Landestoy la 29. Detroit outfielder Kirk Gibeon ii 26. Rockies headed for New Jersey The Colorado Rockies were aold • Thursday to a group headed by Job MeMallen, principal owner of bueball'a Houaton Aatros, and the National Hockey League Board of Governors granted McMullen permission to move the team from Denver to New Jet'ley'a Meadowi.nc:ta Arena. McMullen'• group, which includes Breadu Byne, the fonner governor of New Jerwy, wiU spend an estimated $30 million in the deal which gives the New York metropolitan area three NHL teams . . . The driver who finishes flrlt in Sunday's Jndlanapolla 600 could wake up the next morning to find h1rmdt denied vktory, just 111 !Wlfty Uuer did a year qo, the chief ateward for the race said. Tom Blafo'11 told the driven before the final pre-race priicdoe -son that the rule under which Umer w• ~ will be enforced more rigidly this year in hopes of •voidln1. the aituation which tarnished 1ut year's nice. Last year, the stewards lltripped Un.er of bbl victory for illegally puling can wbiJe leavtna the pit roMl durtnc a c:auUon period • . • Fremo State first ~ Pete Dale11a hit three oorwecutive homen to boost the BWldop to a 14--6 victory over Pepperdlne in the f:lnt round of the NCAA West I regloDal bMebell tournament. Television. radio • TV: No eventa acheduled. RAD,10: Bueball -Milwaukee at AnaeJa, 7:30 p.m., KMPC (710). JOHN SEVANO'S COLUMN. • • camp to ahowcue, which is being rumand, It would not only mean the Rama would have four front·llne quarterbacka (the others beina Jones, JUf Rutlec:tae and Pat !laden), Ferragamo'a pretence would a1ao probably create a lot of friction amanc thoee at that pmltion. And, to complicate matters further, what lf the Rams can't find a buyer for Ferrapmo? Does anyone think for one minute that the tans or aome playen are going to settle for Ferragamo be~ a backup? Hardly. OD the other band, the Rama have to be careful • to which team they deal Ferragamo to. Jack Reynolds and Bob Brucbin.tlq have already prov~ to be embarraaamenta. Iq Ferragamo were to go aomewhere and succeed, well, the ramWcations would be felt all the way Into Georgia Frontiere'a suite at Anaheim Stadium. Of course, there'• a third option the l\aina have and that'• to blackb4Jl Ferrapmo from the NFL altogether. And, don't think such an idea hasn't croaaed Fe~'smind. "The U.S. League ta hot on my tall," says Ferra1amo of the newly.formed organization which will play tram March to July 1tartfn1 next year. "I de9erve to be playing in the NFL and I want to play, but you get to a certain point w,here your family ~ involved and you get tired ol people-messing with you." Ferragamo wouldn't aay which of the 12 U.S. Foot.bell Leque franchUlea are interested in him (Loe Angeles would .eem to be a good po.tbility), but u a lut Driving error led to fatal crash PARlS (AP) -Gillea V~ve, a Canadian Grand Prix driver, mllde a drivb>g error that caused hia fatal accident during qualifying May 8 for the Belgian Grand Prix, a commiuion of inquiry of the International Auto Sport Federation (FISA) announced 'Thunday. It called for immediate action to reduce the risk.a cau.ed by using special qualifying Urea. reeort ~may be forced to sign, ju.It like be feela he was forcecf to sign with the Aloueuea in c.anac:ta. "There isn't a price label on all the crap I b.ad to go through (with the Rams)," Ferragamo maintains. ''The Rama forced me into taking Montreal'• off«. It got to the point in my negoU.tiona where I asked how much they would pay me to stay. They just weren't interested. "You aaw the pictures. Did I look excited when I signed that contract? Let me tell you, I had." • erjoyed. Money isn't • you know, but I had t was the only job I By now, Ferragamo bad finiahed hia lunch and bad.been joined by h i• w ife Jodi and two·month·old daughter Vanema. "Doesn't anybod1 know bow good th.ii guy ta?' Mked Jodi, ~ttln4i her husband on the back. 'l mJcht just have to ao out and buy a franchJ.e m)'llt!lf." "I )earned an awful lot in Montreal ... an awful lot," Ferragamo added. "You know, I 'm going to g e t my life together." . ~ MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND SALE 28th thr._, 31st Fri. -Sat. -Sun. -Mon. -May 28 thru May 31 (}Vewport ()urj c& ()port, Inc. s IZOD • VUARNET~ • GANT , HOLBROOK • BUCO • GOTCHA QUIKSILVER • SURRINE • PUA ONEILL • RIPCURL • BUCCANRR 'SIENNA • DOlFIN • OP 20.% OFF . Laguna, CdM easily ad:vance Artists, Sea Kings Jn finals The Ora.nae Coalt area will be repre.ented in tho champlo:r, match in both tho 3-A and 4·A CIF tenn1a ficatJON after Liauna a.ch and Corona del Mar potted 1urprl1tn1ly OM·lided dec:talON Thunday. LlguM ouat.ed La Quinta, 21-1, in a battle of unt>N~na on the loaer'a cou.rta. Corona del Mar moved ln\o the 4·A finals wlih a 26-3 verdict over Lona Beech WU.On. Laguna Co.ch Art Wall ahulfled hla doublea TENNIS • I? lineup. teaming Bll1 Capobinaco with Rick Leech to try to courtier the strong doublea tea.ml of La Quinta. The atrategy paid otf aa Leach and Capobianco producied a sweep and helped the Artilts break even in doubles on the afternoon. "Capobianco did a super job.'' pralled Wall. "Once they won that tie· breaker aet (8-7), It aeemed to take the air out of their (La Quinta'•) ballObn.'' With a command.ing edge in lingles CLaauna loat only one point), the Artlata breezed lnt.O the final.I and will meet Ca.labe.sas. The Sea Kings received 04tatandina play from Brien Sullivan and swept Wilson in doubles to move lnto -the 4-A finals again.at Miralelte. Sullivan took all four of h1a gamea, includ.ina a 6-4 deciaion over the Brui.na' top leed, Braa Ackerman. Ackerman I.I al8o the top seed in the CIF inc:Uvidual tournament. Senior David Gerken won three ol his four games, 'losing only to Ackennan, aa did CdM'• other two a1ng1es playera. In doubles, Corona del Mar wu perfect. u sophomores David Propp and John Hostetler teamed up with junion John Wuhe.r and Jeff Ewina to overwhelm WU.On. Waher and Propp won by 8COres of S.l, 6-3 and 6·2, 8-1, •blle Ewing and Hostetler were equally lmpremlve, taking their gamea. S.l, 6-1 and 6--3, 8-3. Though the Sea Kinga have won their previous four matches easily, the bl& test is upcoming against top-seeded Miraleste next week. In a previous match at M1raleste earlier ln the aeason, Corona del Mar was beaten. 17·11, the Sea Kings' only setback this ae8IOll in 27 matches. .Connors wins From AP dlspatebea No. 1 seed Jimmy Connon muacled bbl way past novice Jan Gunnanon of Sweden, and Chris Evert Lloyd, gunning for her fifth title here, also advanced 'Thunday in the French Open tennis tournament in Pan... Two seeded players fell on the fourth ~.1 of play in the two.week tournament. Billie Jean King, the 39.year-old American seeded 10th among the women, was upeet by Romania's Luca Romanov, 6-3, 6-4 while Bala7.s Taroczy of Hungary, the No. 10 seed among the men, was eliminated by Cuch Pavel Slozil, 3-6, 7-6, 7-5, S. 7, 6·3. Connon knocked off the 19·year·old Gunarnon 6-2, 6-0, S.2 while Lloyd polished off fellow American Kim Stein.men, S.2, S. l. Connors' victory on the clay courts of Paris' Roland Garros Stadium moved him into the third round, and Evert Lloyd'• 216th clay court victory in the 219 matches she has played on that surlace since 1973, advanced her into the fourth round. Connon haa never won the French Open. No American has for 27 years, and Connors' chances have been boosted with the defection of Bjorn Borg and the absence of top-ranked John M&roe. -------------- HAPPENINGS IN THE DAILY PILOTS AUTO MARKET ••• I t AUTO DEALER Jl'RIEND8 GET TOGETHER -Dick Bauer Sr .. (rl1bt) of Bauer Motort, Coet.a Mesa, la ll'ffted by Jim Wlllln1ham Oeft), Prealdent of the Motor Car Dealers ~tlon of Bout.hem California, at the Pre.ldent'1 RtceptJon, openlnt ftllht of the poup'• Sprlna Bual.nem Conference,• Mn. Bauer (left center) 1001(1 on. The Conferen ce, which wu htahliaht.ed ~ ~me• from top executivea of Toyota, u:SA and Chrysler C«poration. WM held recently in IndJ.an Wella, CA. • • * COSTA MESA ... Rick Heim, General M.ana&er of M1tacle Maz.da at 14" Baker Street ln CA.ta Mesa. hM announced the appointment of Dayton Well to the PQliUon of New Car Salee Manaser at the number one Mu.da dealenhip In Oranae County. Weil h.u been involved ln the automobile bultnt9 ln Oranae County al.nee 1968. He fonnerly wu with Bill Maxey Toyot.a in Hutttln1ton Beach and Earle Ike Toyota/Volvo ln ea.ta Metia. Weil ii originally from New Haven, Connecticut and currently realdea in Hunllniton Beach with hJa wife, Jadq. and their four children. ••• SANTA ANA ••• A late 11pdate on I.alt months' 0nngoe County lnt.emaUonal Aul.Cl Shaw .-w a return io the "old style'' auto lhow, accordJ.ng t.o J1m Upp, Executive Director of tb.1 Motor Car l>ealere · Amodatton of·Orance C'.ounty. In a recent phooe lnt«view, Upp'• t.abulatiolll of the ''unoffidal" mow reaulta wen .. follow'I: 1). Over 300 "dew can were pW'Cb...t during the abow ... ~t ot dll1ICt dealer/villltor contact. 2). 0Yet 8.000 WIHon 1IOOk the time to register at one of the many dealer bootha. Dealen were then able to follow up with the potential cwt.omen after the cloae of the lhow. 3). Over 55,200 people attended the five day show ... a aut.t.antial l.ncreue aver the previoua year's ahow. ••• LOS ANG~ ... Aboui half of the U.S. driving ap pop.ilatkln .mn11a to either drivlna or riding with a driver wider the tn.nuenoe of aklobol cf wing the put six montha. Nearly one in four, or 39 million adults. have done ao on three or more OCCMionl In the previous llX moot.hi. The widespread nature of the problem waa revaled by a recent national aurvey oooduded by J. D. Power & A.uodat.n, • Weatlake Village, CallfornJa, con1umer reaearch company. The survey defined drivtna under the Influence• driving after CIOOllWDing three or more alcoholic bewrags .. Specifically, the 1tudy 1bow1 that 22" of the motorilt9 IW'V'fl')'8d admit to drivina under the Influence of alcohol at leut once in the put alx monthl. This tranllates to 32 mlllion driverJ D41tionwide. Riding with a driver under the influence II Mn more prevalent, as ~ •Y they haw done to ln the same period. The .tudy indicates ~ problem II especially RWft among younger driven. While ju.st under one-quart.er of the total population admit• to driving under the influence of alcobol ln the put six months. 4K of thoee between the ages of 20 and 24 yean aay they have done ao. Projected to the total driving population, this tranalates to 8 million motorllta. Even more alarming, almoet Ull ln thla age group admit to driving aft.er drinkl.ng on~ or more oocas1ons in this period, which ia double the lewl reported for other age group1. Thia is of particular concern 1lnce driven ln tbla age group K!DDWll for a disproportionate aha.re of auto ecddenta. About a third of the motorUta between the aaa of " and 34 ~t to driving under \lw Influence, while In marked contrast, only 14'1 of thoee 35 yean or older claim t.o be lnvolved. Rapondenta In all a1e eroupa an .Uchtly more l!kely_ to admit t.o riding with a driver who h.u been drtnk.lna· but the pattern la very almllar. Nearly half of the drivlna ap popc.&lation between 20 and 24 yan of aee clalm to have ridden with an alcohoJ-lmpalred driver In the put six months. Thia II far higher than the overall a~ of~. and the figure is only 21'1 for thoee 35 yeara or older. Tbe surwy ai.o lndk:atea ma.lea are far mott likely than ferna.t. to drive under the influence of alcohol, though te:mai. are more likely to be ~ with a driver who hM been drlnklnc· "These flsure1, alarmln1 though they are, are probably u.ndemated," according to Dr. John Hempblll. txec..&ti~ Vice Praident at J . t>. Power & Amodata. "While only about n decl1ned to answer the question about whether they had driven under the Influence, there would be a tendency for a respondent to undereatlmate either their involvement or the frequency of occurrence," he Mid. - Given the wideapreed nature of the problem, one mflht expect the publ1c to be reladwly lenient toward drunk driven. The J. D. Power & Amodates' survey, ' howwer, lhowa thla to be far from true. Drunk driving ii a highly emotional i.ue ln the m1ndl of most driven. Nearly 3°" reported that they know « laww the vicUm of a car acddent lnvolving a driver believed to be under \he lnlllieDCe of alcohol. . The conawnen awwyed overwheJmin&ly auppart •tiff penalti•• for thoae caucht drlvlna under the influence. Of particular interest, th• conaumen are nearly unanJmooa In demand1nc unlfann dnank drtvtna lawa and penalties tbrou1hout the country. Thia contraata with Prealdent Reacan'a oppoaJUon to a federal drunk drivin1 law, but 1upporta Senator n.ntonh'1 Wdadw to c:rMta lncmd.,. for the atatm to establilb hmbar and man cioe:-..m penaltlea. J'urthtrrnoi., tb• vut ~jorlty believe tbea• penalU. .-aid be tioUlh-Nearly M favor rmndaa, 10-daJ jail 1t1H•ncea tor a 1tcond off•11•• ano mindataty ~ _,.,_ for a third on... Aleo, lK ..... that.., actlld drunk drt"-' .._.. ... dWr llqlMe f« u moath.t lf U..y Nf~ Co taM alcohol .......... . Altboulb .-um.t~ dNnll·drMnl ........ ...... an-.-.~ older' drt..a t....t eo 1Me a ~ bard UM. Dl'lftn b\ Califonala. .... acrtct "'** ~ ........ '6ct ..... ,.., a1lo favor tht maada&oq ........ ~;''The lm~-ol tlMt NIUlta ol &baa ='.li·U..t tbe ........... .., .... if.. .(If ... ---dlllil .-.., ~ .. IDicihW ID .. '"'1• 'l1li9J -.. ............. -~·= atil or \aalill': .... IUft•, ~ ilDill iiil'tata pcrwu .. l:llf't "'•Or. R :·· ·-· Sf&· "8AT l'OOR lOOAL A'VtO DIA• 99Jl4VI TO JP1J • Orange Cout DAIL v PILOT /Prldav. May 28, 1982 ) ea I 0 area athletes to make trip tO .Sacra~ento Durand, Plumer romp to victory; Hatfield places in lour events to pace women qualifiers l'J'OW~J:i RANDY ~WALK -The oranae Cout arH will be reprlltftt.d b1. l~ athlttelf. In 13 eventa at the atate trick and flelCI ~P' tn Secramenio after Q\&AUtytnc ln the Maitert rne.t It c..rrttoe Col.lep 1'hunclly ntaht bttc>re e.e~ flJll. &nial of Unlwrslty tn the 3,:&00 I.Ii f1hh plllOI Wtth a time of l0:S2.12 and U.. 1'9pua of Lalwua BtlCh ln the htah JUrnp tn tOW1h pl.a with a lMp of 0·6. It took a fl.IUah of flfth « Oetl« lO qualify for the ataie meet. PREP TRACK from the rett of the peck on the tinal lap wt th her paiented 1prlnt to the ftn!ah line. "I FELT PRETTY 1tron1 after the r~e tonJaht;' the Mid. "But \he flnt hall WM WO alo~ I WM able to work harder on the third lap and 1 Hundnaton Beach q_ualltted fifth tn the diac\11 made up time ln the final 800 (ahe ran 2:15) top The only area wtnnere of eventa came ln the wocnen'1 dlvt.alon where Rennie Durand of Laaun.a Beech captured the 800 meters ln 2:09.&4 wfth a Wire-to-wtre romp and Polly Plumer of.University d1d the ume ln the 1,600 whh a 4:46.81 clocking. MEN PERFORMERS placed fourth 0t Ufth ln five eventa to tain entrance ln th9 1tate meet June 4-5. Rex Brown of Ocean Vtew m1Med ln the 100 but came bllck fOf' fltth_pace tn th• 200 tn 21.70. Dave Andereon of Corona del Mar ran a lteedy race to place fourth ln the 1,600 ln 4:14.98 and Lance Betaon of Newport Harbor WM fourth ln the pole vault wtth a hel1ht equal to that of the top vaulten at 14-2 W. The others had fewer millel at lower belghta, however. "l don't really like to run ln front all the w 189-3. throw Wednmday at Valenda Hi1h wtth a mark of up the pace. ~ There ii a pcmtblllty that one or two others like I had to do tonia)\t. Jt'1 a lot eaaler to run may be 9dded lO the field lhoulcl athletee from tates like the Pepe! meet at UCLA where you ha other achool1 drop out. Laura Sauerwein of eomeone elae to pull you ~" but couldn't quite .. t up to fifth place. -.. -"'""" Hat.field had to be one of the weartest athletes that of the first three place flnia en but she Sharon Hatfleld of Fountain Valle)' did yeoman duty, placlna ln all four eventa ahe entered tncludlna a Ue for first ln the hiJzh jump with a leap of 6-G. J!atfleld at.o qualified lri -the lona Jump and both hurdle races. Other women qualifiers included Teresa Bob Ericklon of Fountain Valley plaiced f1.ftb ln the 3,200 in 9:02.57 and Randy Kendrick of Untvnty ii In that potttion (atxtb· place) ln the up•=~ .:O~ to~c~~~ a fl~t := f~ &nit 1,eoo. She 1ta)'9d wtth the leaden for the first 800 quallfy. F...,.,..ua• mark ln .... _ ~ jwnp equal~ preeent at conclUlkln of the competition. She Jeeped 1 _mo_re_mme._--:-::-at_lo_w_e_r _h_e_1a_h_ta_ . ..,.--,....,.,..__,,,..._. _ _.... M 1n the h10 jump. went to the lone Jump pit to hit 18-.0 on her flnt jwJ\p, then ran the 100 low hurdle. before con1oletlna her field eventa. The 300 lowl came nMr end of the pr'OlrU11. From Page c1 ANGELS LOSE TO BREWERS how be felt after Thursday night'• strong effort, however. •TU have to wait and see how I feel tomorrow. Heck, I only threw one pitch on the entire road trip," he said. "My job Is multi-faceted because f'm the only left-hander out there (in the bullpen). "There are times when I'm going to come in early like tonight and other times when they need me to get one out," he added. The Brewers got three of their four runs via the long ball with Paul Molitor cracking Fonch'1 third pitch of the game into the left-field stands, and Cecil Cooper adding a two-run shot in the third inning. They scratched for their other run in the second inning on a couple of singles, sacrifice and Charlie Moore's RBI ground out. Fingers. And Hassler did h1a job despite the at.ence of a decent fast ball. "They have a very good lineup and I was fortunate enough to get away with a few pitches. I had to go predominately with the breaking ball and chanseup," he explained afterward. . In fact, by the time the eighth inning rolled around, Hassler appeared to be changing up on hia change up. "Hey, I threw one like that to (Ted) Sinunons last year and got him out to e nd the game," Hassler said of the very offapeed pitch. Meanwhtle, Vuckovich picked up his fourth straight victory and his fifth in seven decisions this year. Vuckovich hadn't pitched in 21 days because of a sprained ankle. He was relieved by Easterly a fter allowing four A.ngel hits and two runs. • • • "YES, I w11 very tired at the end," ahe admitted. "But I plan on ollmpettna ln all four eventa at the staie meet .. of thla tinie. I enjor the 100 hurdles the mo.t if I get a good atart,' ahe added. "I ..Uy don't know why they put the 300 lows at the end of the meet. It make9 lt very diUicult 1n that race.'' Durand ran a picture-perfect race with no oppositkm for the victory. She completed her fint lap 1n 1:02.0 and WM 10 yarda ln front of the next runner. "I wu hoping my time would be better," she said after the race. "But there wu tome wind on the backstretch. I would have been happy with a 2:07.0 but 2:09, that'• WO slow," lhe Mid. Du.rand had pined a victory in the 2-A 800 race a week earlier when the winner waa di8quallfied. "I felt really bad for her. But I'll guarantee you one thing. She'll never do that again. I learned the hard way lut year." A ye&r afO Durand WU dilquallfied when an official in the atanda spotted an infraction and called it to the attention of meet offida.11. Durand has a best time thia year of 2:06.2 at Mt. San Antonio teveral week.a ago and would like to meet that mark again. Plumer, the two-time defending atate 1,600-meter champion appears headed for a third straight title. There la no one ln Southern California who c:an cont.en her right to the crown. After a comparatively alow first half, she opened up a leed an the third lap and ran away Spring Clearance ' ' > I ' Along with 12 8"4 t1nanc1no all our new Codlllocs are , discounted dunno our SP""O cieorance /" spectacular sole on all Sev1t1es Eldorados DeV•lles Btoughams and Clmarrons Huge Selection C hoose from our huge selection of hundreds· of new Cadillacs onc:t toke advontooe of the most suos1on1ta1 savings this year Tremendous discounts on oil dtesels v 6s lVFN the new ' HT4100 oower system models -In oll rhe cOIOIS vou war1 -Ond with lhe optte>n~ you desore And 011 ready 101 1mmed1ate delivery Whether you wish to ouv °' ioose now 15 the lime But the supply is defm1fely 1tm1teo so be sure to hUlry 1n eortv f0t you1 besr seleCl•on This 11 your last chance ••• ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT NABERS 12600 HorbOr Blvd Costa Mesa CADILLAC (714) SAO 9 100. (21JI !>81 ('.}t,c. I After that, it was up to Haa.1er to hold the Brewers at bay while his teammates tried to crack Vuckovich and relievers Jamie Easterly and Rollie Reggie Jackson knocked in the Angels' first run with an RBI single in the third, and Rod .--~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~··~~~~~~~~ , f -,- Morans race tonight Shawn and Kelly Moran will compete in tonight's speedway motorcycle races at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa along wtth the regulars including Alan Christian. Mike Bast. ~ne Woods and Dubb Ferrell. Gates open at 6:30 wtth the first beat race at 8. For ticket information, call 492-9933. The Morans fonnerly competed here each w~k before moving to the Britiah Speedway League. Shawn, a 20-year-old, WU the Le.ding 800l"ef' for the Americ:an team in a .er'lel of five match nacee against a British team in ~· He rides foe the Sheffield team 1n the Britllb leaQue. 25th year Anniversary ~ , m the Harbor Area ~,,........ -fMMOS IMSUIMC£ .,, 4410WNew,_t .. ~ ....,._..._~C:A 6Jl·7740 I ID - 1115.DDD DBIBY "SITUIDll llllT le 1981 Champion 2-Year-Old Filly DASHINGLY ....-~~~~~~~~~~~------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-. . ·-1--S...U5A.~ • THE 1982 TOIDTA COROLLA TERCEL. L.ookJn& for a real "stear In today's car market? Usten, ., to your lbyota dealet He's got a~ 2-Door Sedan wltha sticker price of lust $5058. •.It's so much car for the doush. It's practlcaUy a atrne! Look at all the aood stuff included in that price. A peppy 1.5 liter enctne. 4-speed tJansmlsslon. Raclfe.and-ptnlon steering for precise a>ntrol lnskle, you sit on hf-back front bucket seats that recline. Very a>mlortable. There's even power a5Slsted fb..thru ventilation to heJp keep you <X>OI when thlnp eet hot 'abu'd like to save a little money on ps, too? \t>u're pma kNe this 1ercel lt's3e.47 EM F.stimated Hflhway M 4 EA\ Estimated MPG. Ranem . Compare this estimate to the EM •Esttmatect MPG• of other .... t C™W'I ........... ,.. .. ClllrlrMI ....... 144 ••it.o.tlf'leclllll .... ..... ..,.,.PWtca ........ ..... . ............. ~ ..... ... small cars. '1t:>u may get different mllea&e. depend- ing on how fast you drive, weather oondltlons, and trip length. Actual hflhway mileage will probably be less than the ER\ •Hflhway Esthnate~ The 19a2 eoro11a Turrel OH A steal? Actually, It's oom.pletely lepL It's \ A TLJ J\T a simple case of V V Ij\1r\1 ~~=· FEEL~G . TOYOTA . • 'I I I I . • I . l ' . &.''' t. ,~ ~~*~'"'· I ~~~ ~~~~' ~ 1111-. H01111e11, 7•1' l'enidl. ll L0\111, •·11 "'~ ... ~·~·=· ~ . . . ' • • MA.K>a L.UOUI ITANCMNOI AIMfteen&....-.............. W L .. 14 " ,. 13 " ti ., 12 .. ~ 27 12 ~ ...... OhWlll " 11 ta 1• l1 20 21 11 21 22 ,. 23 ,. 26 ~--­................. 3 ~e.T-0 a..ni. 10. Boelon I Only ger.-ICl*IU69d .Mt .•10 .5111 • 500 .... . 452 411 2 I I .... 1 ..... 10 T........, • ...._ ............ (c.IOMll 2 ... 1 ....... (bhn 6.2) Toronto (LMI S-2) •• 8el1!mor9 (~ , ... , C'*'-Oo (Trout 4-$) at ClaYalend (Denny 2·5) K-City (Frott 4-3) al Taxae (Hougll ~) Haw York (Guidry 7-1) •• Mlnnaaota (~Ml 09ltoll ( ... ry 4-31 ., o.land (IAngtor<I M) loaton (fc:karelay 6-3> al Saatlla (t.Mnll1er ~2) NattonelL .... w....,..DMllMn W L Allenla 27 17 Pct. -.814 San Oleo<> 23 18 ~ 23 22 Houeton 11 2t Clnc*lnatl 11 26 SM Frendaoo 11 27 ...... Dtwlalall .641 511 • 422 411 .41' SI. LOu1a 21 17 .122 Haw Yof11 25 18 5e8 Montteel 22 ,. .537 PnlaclelpNa 22 21 .612 ClllC9go 18 2t .422 Plttltlu<Oh 17 24 .415 .,,.....,.. ..... No ger.-adlec:k.tlaO T ...... 0- 3 4\'i ..... ...... • 2 .... 4 5 8 I ~ IW*" ~21 at CNc:eeo (w.rta W) Clnclnnell (PHtora 4·41 al Montrul (~Wl.n 8an Ff'Mdlco (\.alley S.21 et Pllt9111.rgh 1c.nci.i.na 1-21. n Houllon (RyM WI at New YOl1< (Jontt &.2). n Allanta (Hlallro 2· 1) al Phlladalphla (Ruth..., s-3). n 8an Oleo<> (Eldlall>aroat 4-5) 111 SI L~ (FOt9Cfl S-1). n AmNCANL.mAGUm .,...,. .. Meelt 1 lllLWAUUll ~ ... r..... .. r .. Ill MoltJ .Jtl 4 1 , 1 Ownng,11 4 , 1 1 HMl,dll 2 I 1 0 C..W.1b 4 1 2 I MoM'(,dh 1 0 0 0 Orldl.2b 2 0 0 0 Coopt, lb 4 1 1 2 1\9.JUn,rf 3 0 2 1 G.Thme.c:1 4 o 1 0 Bylr,Oh 4 0 1 0 Oglw,11 4 O 2 O Lynn.cf 3 0 0 0 Slmme.c: 4 1 1 0 DaCnc:a.3b 4 0 0 0 YounlM 4 0 1 0 FolM 4 0 0 0 o.ntnr .2b 2 o o o eoona.c: 2 1 o o Ca.tre.rl 4 0 0 1 To481a S3 4 I 4 Toi. 30 3 I 3 .............. -----112 000 OOC)-4 Callfornia 001 1110 010-1' E -Yount. Oen-. C. Moore. DP -Mllwauk•• 2 LOB -Mllwaullaa 4, C8llfornla 6. HA -Molllor (6). Cooper (4). oa.n1ng (9~ a -o.n1nar •• .._ • "11a•eo VIAl~.5-2) 6 4 2 1 4 1 EMtarty 2!.\ 1 1 1 1 0 Rnoa;ICS. 10) l'lo\ 1 0 0 0 2 ~ Foradl(L.-1 3 1 4 4 0 1 H...., 5'A 1 0 0 3 3 ~ 'lo\00001 I Wf> -Vul<O'olldl. P8 -lloona. T -2:21 ~ ........ UTTIMO All " " .. -PM. 62 e 18 o 8 soe 131 18 311 5 23 .2tO 135 25 ,. 0 10 .2" 175 21 .. I 21 .2to 140 ,. 39 1 11 .27t 147 15 41 z 23 .21t 134 • 37 1 ,, .271 178 20 46 t 21 .2M 13S 11 32 I 11 .241 2t 2 7 0 3 .241 161 11 37 5 17 .233 343713.208 • 0 1 0 0 .187 45 4 1 0 2 .15e 32000000 1532 197 400 3e ,... .281 ~ • " •totM. 23 14 9 10 1.(1 4N 31 1 21 ~I 41 38 22 15 4.(1 tl6 58 14 21 S-2 lt'A 2t 11 31 3-2 ..... 32 21 18 3-0 26 24 11 12 2-4 79 .... 72 ,. 22 -~ 41 1jl 11 2-' 30 5 11 22 0-2 421"' 383 147 '" 2$-18 PA 0.71 1.10 2.0I 2.41 2.52 3.22 3.24 3.lla 4 •• 4.to 2.14 ~ .... ~. Allllnta. 44. Mura, 11.L ... W MO~a:."' ,r-, .. ,_> ,,_ Slale 14. Ptooerdlnt • llMIONI 10, HIWlll ' COllllUNITY COU.SGI ~ l:!J.11 '· °'-::::-'. •rll... ~ F"""1n,llt 3 J 0 0 c:ma,d 4 I I I Or-.• 4 0 1 0 Ht*N,b I 0 3 I l.t!lbrl,cf 4 1 1 1 Tnooo,dh I 1 1 0 Coop, 1b 4 0 0 0 kW\'11111 .. 4 0 I 1 SkrR,11 4 1 I 1 Ogoll ICI I 0 1 1 Moclll,tb 4 1 I 0 carooi,. 4 0 0 0 T11rrnn,o 4 1 I 1 lnirft,rf 4 I I 1 Mrrlt,dh 4 0 2 I Pelt~O I I 0 0 l!dga,pr o 1 o o OMe.1b a o 1 o Mrpll)',11 3 0 1 0 l'IMIU.p 0 0 0 0 ...... " 0000 =~ 0 0 0 0 1.P 0 0 0 0 Totall '4 7 10 5 Totalt 31 I 11 I ................. LAV...., 200 003 002-7 Orange CotlM 001 001 01$-8 I -Otool. l"ulllarlc:h. LOI -I.A Vlll9'f 6, Orange CO..I 8. 28 -8ltwlnelcl, Mar,..; 2 31 -IMnbart. Hoplllnl. HA -lrO*I\. 811 -frill1man. o,_, Carozza. Brown. 8 -a-&• Oatflng LA 't.i.r • H II IR • IO 8all&af{W ... 11 7 7 3 3 2 3 8anldlc1(Sl 2 4 3 2 1 4 ~~ • 107536 WP -S-AeiMoltz T -2 67 A -eoo 1..i1ma1ac11. LAnaY 11, Golden W•t I LAMi QOlDIN ftl1' Wlloa.M Moae,2b M*y.11 Nlen.Ofl Hnccll,3b Prl<M, 1b •bar.cf Frtna.rf Tllen,c: OOom,p altrhM allrl1111 5 3 4 4 AHbM,11 6 I 2 1 5 1 2 1 ~en1dl1 4 1 1 I 5 1 3 1 OMnOil11.3b 5 I 2 2 5 0 0 0 Sl>gl, 1b 4 0 0 0 6220 8dluQ.c 2010 2000 swno.c: 0000 a 1 1 o wonr.r1 a o o o 4 , 4 2 "-·c:1 0 1 0 0 4 0 , 1 OrM.c:I 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8oyd,2b 3 0 0 0 Fttr,pn I , I o· Vllrfl.N 4 0 1 0 MrM,p 0000 Clnl.p 0 0 0 0 OaAaa,p 0000 Hndrlc1,p 0 0 0 0 Totala 40 11 11 9 Tot• lM a 1 2 ._..., .......... L.anOy 112 102 310-11 Oolclan W•t 210 000 101-5 E -Hanooc:lc, Tllaon LOI -un.y 9, OOldan W19t 7. 28 -w--. Farina, Tltl9on, GrandlWI. 38 -Moalay. H"--w~. Orand9tllfl S8 -Moaa. Moalay, Parklnl. Alt~. er....... 8 -Mott. Pwtllne, Tllleon. ~ • H RD•IO ~~ 9 I 5 6 I 12 Marwh (L.1-2) 3 • 5 4 1 4 Clat1C ~75502 ~ l'i\ 2 I 0 1 0 ~ I 00010 WP -Odom . .......,, 2 P8 -8dlutl. T -2.51 A -100 (astlmaled~ Communltl' oollalM Sl'Aft TouflMA...n-~ .__ LA Valley 7. OrWIOI COM! 8 Saa-10 aty 10. Canyona 7 Maroad 5. CllNI 4 (Cltrua ~ i..an.., 11. Oold9r1 w.. & (Ootdan w..i ""'*'-di T..,._ 0- (11 .. FWd, Lalllf .... , 11 a.m. -Maroad ,,.., Or9n01 CGMI. 3 p m. -MlrCld-Oranga tOMt ....,,,., va. ~ ..,,,,.,, 1 p.M. -LA V...., va. Sacr-10 City. , .. c......) 11 LM. -Lan9'( V.. Cenyona. ....... ,. ...... <•C......) 1 p.m. -~two ..... ...,, - "*meat. ......... ) T pm. -~'9d team wa. olrwlS al 1 p.m Centloa gan'I (NOTE: " undalaalad ta•m IOHI s.turda)'. tl1a llnal galNI .. ba played ~at,,_ 81 Oarrttoa~ • ~ >· mAPINALI ~~:111 , ... " ... r .,,,.. 1WMi1 1 2 2 3 I 4 12 WW.. 11 22 2 I 10 3 5 24 AbcM-111bo. 10 19 3 I 7 5 4 23 ..., 91117410324 ~ 410 23149310 McAdoo 471771214 Cooper I 10 I I & 5 IS 17 Total~ TOI• .. t3 2t M llO S4 28 12.4 PMl..AllllL"9A .......... r .,,,.. EMllg I ,. 9 12 9 3 1 21 l.Jonal • 12 3 3 • , 3 11 C.Jontt 3 9 O O '' 1 4 I C1iai*a I 10 0 0 I I 1 12 TONOt I II 2 2 0 9 5 20 ~ 1 12 2 2 4 0 • 18 a..mbm 3924$12. Aldwd9n 01001110 MOiie 39ooz34 8 Cut9lon 0000000 0 Mix 1100001 3 Team AeOound9 Talal9 48 ff UI 23 41 2t 28 117 ~oe:'"O-ao ao 41 33-12.4 PNladlllpflla 32 " 21 21-117 FOUied out -Nona. T....._ -Loa AngMe. .. ~ A -11.JM •A iMYoff9 CMAWlllllP NUiL.a =-== La*an 124, ~ 117(Lal!MalMCI ..-1--01 •• •••• -·, I -• • -· • ~ . . . .· ~ '°"'"" MCC. 350 .,.,.. r .. ":: Plan ICardoaal uo 3.40 2.90 =Em ~~I 4·'° 1:48 Aleo rac:ad: OH-El Plcho. OH-M• Charoll ... KlnQ Illar Claealo, ~ Alot Ctwg«. IQOICM, ACt U\ldly. Tima: 11:18. a UACTA (S-1) peld '2e.80 ,..,... RAc& HO yardL Tap A.-{Mllc:tlll) 21 90 7.80 UO The "°" ,_,.., t~> 4.to 4.00 ..,.._Boy(~) 4.to Aleo nioad: JdW'tY Ohatver. Sit Ronny • Jttlora Aoar, 8ooner ~. St Rain ear. Tima: 17:t4. IOmt llACL 360 ywcte. l<Mllye tf09t (Meir) IUO 7.20 5.40 l(.ilye ~(Ward) 22.20 7.00 Painted Aebll (Cardoul 8.00 NM> recec!• 8luing Jo lat Jolt, Jumtlo Paclfle Reba Hope, Miu Chldle Polley. •oadlftoo. Oudl Drop al hnay, ~ Mudladl&. TlrN: 17:-4. II UACTA (M) peld aas..eo. MVINTH uca. 350 ywda. Kelp on t<png on (L.dly) 7.40 3.to UO Tu °" Two (Mylee) 5.40 3.80 Aunr*l9 Olal (Cerdou) 5.00 Aleo r~: Armen Jon. Pac: a Wlllp. 8c-dY Polley, "-· llo Moon. .......... lo Win.. T1"le: 17.71. a DACT•<~1p.i.s saaoo eoMTM llACI. 350 .,.,.. Code al Iha Wall (Cr'dz) UO 4.20 1.00 Town Polley (Hat1) 3 20 2.40 1(118 Salle (Adelf1 4.40 NM> remd: Slcybo, &my SOI AocUl1a, Mr Gcllcln*w. MaN'lldory . .,..... 17:72. a UACTA (Ml peld "21.00. • "'" -~7-2.a.3) peld 91,381.00 .. 21 utrw*lll .... (IM--~ S2 ""* 81• con101a1Ton peld 134.00 wllh 218 "'4rw'olng tldlllla (tour ~~ .mt llAC&. 400 yarde. Slllp Coflgo (f~ 10 40 4.40 4.00 8elnt c-1 (CetdcQ) 3.40 2.10 KIWltt L81V1Y (Myttt) 2.10 Aleo raced: Trtpol '""-. ~ eom.t. OH·OO Hl9h Tym ... Twin Safety, ANt ~ 8mooOI o.ii-y T1mll: 20';2'7. a DACTA (44) peld t;U.20. Anendlnoa: 6,512 n::cooc1hft .,.. ..... ,.. ~-:.::..., ~ .. _.., Don'• '*-(OMtanada) uo 1.00 2.20 ParMG ~ 8.00 3.IO TraQIQ ... (~I 2.10 Al•o raced: Aamambar My Oraam. "oonay. Oodolno Along. Efforu .. 11y, Kugaron, Alcft Caraar, Henalel Prtn~ • "'=~ MCOMD 9'ACll. I 1118 rnlaa. ,,_., c:-1 =" 24.90 12.eo uo FlniflOlm A¥9 I T .eo l.20 .__,,~I~ a.eo Aleo raced: Star Co11rt, Hit SarlH. Argyle'• lrotllar, Or1411\lal Polley, J1111 Oooftn, Rrttl Oartiy, OurM, IClrltl .... ..,... °' Danlltla. .,..... 1:4$ 111. a DALY DO&a. (2-1) peld ML90. ,..., llACll. • turtonoa. JuOndl (91111*) 5.80 3.80 uo Fancll• (V~ UO 3.00 Cen(S...,_I UO Aleo r-.t. Olor1oul °""'· Win lold, High c.ltlar, Wt~. T'lllw 1: fa... • DACTA (4-8) peld Na.00. PPnt MCa. 1 1111 ,.,._ on 11#1. Mr Aaaclor toe--! auo 1uo uo etue o.ic. (Toro) 4.40 SAO "'* ~ ciw-1 uo Aleo rued: Pia'• Prince Al, Ltlhan. Aloonofto, YllW..i ,.,, ... About Him. nm.: 1:41 1111. • DACTA (Ml peld ~.00 8'X1" llAC&. 1 1/11 ...... Lord'• L1111a c0uerr~ 1.eo 4M 2.eo v .... (l'lnoeV) ... ., uo Horlloll'e °'-" (CMt•..;:.: 1 IAO NM r-.t. Aleda ~ "'-Or-. ~ T1-. Girt, Ml ... ,,..,. TllM: ,; .... llWM1M UCla. ' ,,,. ..... Ofl turf. r.....~1,00UO UO ,_., 4,.., a.oo .............. ..__ 1 • .- Allo t90ld:...... Honor, -Jeno. ........ ..,,.... ..... 1-d .............. • ............... Cf:~ ....... 100 -1. """~ v•1. 10eo. a O*'-' ("'°"'°""'). ~ 11, I ....,. (MW). 10 11; 4 ltroflt (larrt)1 10 N : • Dllnn '"°""' ,......,, 10.11. 100 -1. C011r11en (McWO'llfa), 21.29, I . Mltllll. ~Muir). I 1.14J 3. Pl'oftt (ltnl), 11.11: '· Hill M111r1. 21.N: I. A. lreMI CO.-. WW~ ·"-400 -1 MoMwrar (Complon). !7:..U..i_2. llwtc1 (Mlllr). '1'11: I "°"'*"' ("*'""°). 41.45, 4 ~It.I .. CIMal. 41.11, 6 Dl'lll (lunOlltN, lurbMlll. 41 ti 100 -I ~(Lot Allot). 1:•1 M: 2 woe--.~ IL.I "°'VI. 1.11.Q , , C-.r (NaMlll), 1:5213; 4. flWW llltl\00 AINI~ US. 11: ...,_ (El Moder\41), I N l3 1.e"06 -C-10.plnWtal. 4·11.11. I W1111a1n1 (l'(l9thllll. ': 18~; I. T Min (er.pl~ •:11.'3: "' ~ cc.r-• ..., •1t•.H1 5. llehop (Ian Lui• Oblepo , 4:15.73. a 200 -I. Aey!'tOlclll (CemM!to). 9:13 23, a. or.11("'9towl.1:6U 1; J. Huoanl <~ Olly), 9:00.12; 4. Oullarre.1 (Paaadana). 9 02 Ot. 9. lrlollMll ('8"11tal11 ¥alloy), 1111.17. 110HH -I. K.amo (~ Viejo), 13.et, a "'-.,_ (Jlallop NNt). 14 04. s. w-(1!~). 14.0I; •. oonz .... (91tl>OI> Amee). 14.11; 5. oa.• (Atcadla). 14.21 IOOlH -1. Kartio (Mlaalon Viejo). 3U; 2. Heme <,_..I. ae.o: 3. Andaraon (Milk'). M.2; 4. AUdne (Walnut), 38.3; 5. Farratre (North Torn11·-1. 38.7. 400 Nley -1. ~. 41.37; 2 MontOYta. 41.M: 3. o..tt11a. 42.31: 4 Oii.MiO, 42.34; 5. "-""· 42.41. • 1 eoo re1ay -1 Compl.on. 3,. 53. 2 Muir. 3:14.61; 3 Puadana, 3 II 21, 4 1W1op Amat. 3: 15.1141; 5. LI Pott. 1.15.'2 K.1 -1 H..,_ (..,.._,,), .. Id,_., 2 . .lonal (IA V....,). M ; 3. NeMnQ (c-tlo). M ; 4. (Ila) Allan (Lyn11roocJ) and Coueh•Y (Newbury Pwtl). ...... U -1. g_, (SA V....,I, n-P<. 2. ~{llli.ottlanll). 234\l!t; $. Alchwo_, ~ 23-6\l!t; 4. W1111ame !SA VIiia'(). 'At; $ (9atta). n-i'A. -I. ~ (Troy), 41-~; 2. A~lnt (Walnul). ~; 3. Pl.-w (Muir). ~'At; 4. to111hay (Newbury Park). H -9-; 5. ~ (a.-1y Hiii). 41-nt. PV -1. <•> (SerM YMI) MO ~ IV*'*" 14-2"A; 3. HOii (T-1. 14-ZV.; 4 . ..._ (~ tWMt), ,.... ... ; 5. l'Nsloe (WalllMI). 1W •ll -1. Park• (Chatley), 83-0'At; 2 OobClnl (llurrOUghl. AidOIOtall). 90-3; 3. Gorman (HawVIOFN). 80-~; •. l(yte (Buane Park), 5t·4'At; 5. Oavtde (9111109 Amati. N-10. , .. ., ..... """' ....... ,, OT - 1. OotltllN (~ AlcloaO•l. 111-3. 2. l.&AMn (MOnrOOlla). 1'3-0: s. Ho6dln (...,,,: 171-2; ~. Hill (l<8Wilal. 17CM; .. k ..... ~,, ..... 100 -1. '*'°'• (CliaNIN). 11.11 (OI' -d); 2. W11w1on (LI Jordarl). 11.ee; S. Johnton (Garay). 11.19, 4. Orant (Hawthorna). I I.It; 5. WMe (SaddllOadc). 12~ -1. MoOr9'# (Oanaltla). 2'.54; 2. JoMaon (Gar.-,). 24.Ga; 3. Wlneton (LI JordM). 24», 4. Gr9nt ~wtl1om•I. 24.n ; •. H-. ('"-denal, 26 . 400 -I Jorden (c.nartlo). 56.M; 2. Aaf-.i (B Tot0). 56.97; I. Pumnl (Muir). M.02: 4. H1n1U1 (V"9Mla). 58 21: 6. Lartl (Conlotonl. 58.34. too -1. DlfaH (L .. llH ..... ,. l :M .141 I . Cox (Foothlll). 2:11.73: $. s1ac11ura cN-b"a Park), 2:12.11: 4. Oamet1 (Marymounl 2: 12.... 5. Oot1lab (a.-fr Hiia). 2:1$.1 • 1,toO -t ...... (Ulil\lz~ ..-.e1; 2 .... (Newtuy Peltl). 4:52.73. . c.ni-e !Mira Coeta). 4:61.14. 4 Flec:llar ~). 4a41; 5. AllaOac* (Cata). 4'.57.11 uoo -1. ~ ~ 10:13. 19; 2. ... ~ ~ 10-16 .... 3. ~ ~ 10'.2dt; 4. ~-(Tl*in), 10:aa.n; a...,._~>. 11111.11. 100l.H -1. HaMon ia-ia>. 14.ot; 2. ~ Cl.a .JordM). 14.ot; Cllandler (Eltl4nort). 14.23: •. MatfllW ,,_taftl '1.-.rl. MJlll 5. ~ (Vtntln). 14.57.' 300{,H -1. it.llort (Walnut). ., • 7 4; 2. .,.._..,.. (L.I Jord9n). 43.73; ........... e•tal11 VaU.J), 4'.141 4. Stlnaon Wertflall). 44.SS; 6. StactlWa (~ .... 400 relay -1. ~. 48.H ; 2. ~..._,.;I. L9 Jor8\. 47.22: 4. LI l'Oly, 47.t:S; .. w ..... 47.ae. 1 too ,..., -t. OantlN. 3:41.40: 2. L8 Jordan. 3:At.58; a. LI Pdy. 1:47,4t; 4. c.mz,lo. S:48.IO; I. PMadeM, 1:49.ot. HJ -1. I•) ....... ~ ¥1119t). Yameda (0o• Puabloe) and John.on ~M:4.~---). Mil&......,..., 41-'"'· u -1 . ...,.._, , .. ,,'At; 2. Wood11r.,d (~). lt.-1•: S. F,.,. (LB POiy). I~ ....... ~ t•7'A; I. .......~,, ... TJ -1. T.-,tor (V a ). H ·7'At; 2 CMldlr (Bllnora). J9..N: 3. Wadlw0rll1 (Hewtllom•). M-7; 4. -... (Oft>). 3'-4'.t; a. WOCldlawd {HllMt). 374". 8P -I . ~· .rJla (f'ular1on). 52-214; 2. erzw-(Sauoul). 410141: 3. St..tllelcl (l!IMnho-r). 43·4~; 4. Taylor (WHt 'I'-). 42·10: 6. AIDMdar (MlnOton). .,.. ..... (.e ,, ....... ~··· t':'k O'T -I. Ncnon Vlato). 1 ._.; 2. U1U1N (NgNnll. I 1, a. ~ {9ur'tlaf*). 144-5; 4. WU!lwM (LO!llpoc:), 13 ... 5; 5. ~~V~117_. "r::::' 33·54-t7 34-33-87 34-34-11 3&-34-~-­~6-70 36-34--10 ~70 »-37-70 34-37-71 33-:la-71 33-$.1-71 35-3t-71 »-31-71 3&-.M--71 >4-37-71 ~72 »-$4-72 ...,._72 34-M-72 3$-$7-72 374$-72 J6.St-.72 36-37-72 ~72 3746-72 34-31-12 ~72 17-»-73 36-M--13 3748-13 3647-73 »-37-13 374-73 ~7-13 38-37-13 35-39-74 ~74 31-38-74 »-341-74 31--341-74 36-$1-74 38-38-74 3747-74 ,...,.._1. 3141-74 34-40-74 3648--74 ~74 H-31-74 ,..,._74 33--41-74 (llC--...,...) ,_.....c-..... _, 1 llaellanele. 171; 2. Loyola. 31t: 3. eor-Clll ....... ~. 74; ~ 71; Wr1ohl, 71; LIQt1t; 77; Schnllraal, t.4; Ac*-. 14): •• "'°' Alloa. 817. From P!A! C1 COAST. • • two Monarch ru.n1 ln the ninth, &lvln1 l.A Valley a 7-S ad·I vantaae . The Buc1 made • 11me of lt by rallyt.na for three Nnl ln the ninth, but a1aln were fl'Ultrated ln the end. Alt.er a towertna twxne run by Jeff Brown to leacf off the lnn1nl and an RBI 1ln1le by Mike Cuoua, HopkiN aent a ahot to the center-fleld wall for a triple. Carozza ICOred on the p~~ ~ ~t the deficit to 7--6 and HopldDI wu at thlrd with one out, repreaenUns the tyina run. Designated-hitter Oeve 'llnoco went down swlnaina, howevel', and following an fntentlonal walk to Sliwlnakl, Dugaan looked at the next three pitches thrown by reliever Jim Benedlct to 1trike out and end the game. ''They hit with two outa and we didn't hit with two outa, that waa the difference in the game," said Mayne. "Thia team la going to conUnue to win, though, becau.e lt h.u character. This team haa more character than any I've ever· had." Character helps, but what the Bucs need more than anything is pitching. Laney 11, GWC ~ NORWALK -The Ruatlen, according to C.oach Fred Hoover, fell victim to a mental letdown following their heartbreaking 6-5 setback to LA Valley Thunday night. "I knew the U.S affected us, b~t I didn't think it would affect us thia much.'' aaid Hoover. Of counre, the Eagles (26-13-1) had aomething to do with the Rustlers' defeat, too . In all, Laney battered four GWC pitchers for a total of 16 hita, five for extra baaes. Leading the auault was switch-hitting ahortatop Jerry Wallace, who went 4-for-5 with a double and a home run. The 1ophomore also scored three times and drove in four RBI. The Rustlers, thank• to a two-run double by Bob Grandstaff in the tint inning and an RBI single by John Altobelli in the second, jumped out to lead.a of 2-1 and 3-2. Both were 1hort-lived , however, and Laney finally took the lead for good in the top of the third. Wal.laoe led off the inning with a home run to left and then Wendell Moss followed with a single to center. Reggie Mosley then punched a Ii.Dale to riaht to put runners at flrat and second . Mou and Moseley then pulled off a double ateal before Golden West starter Scott Marsh, the losing pitcher, wild pitched Moss home. The F.agles proceeded to acore at least one run every inning thereafter except for the fifth and ninth frames. Weekend TV sports S•tarday TUPlleOM 10: 15 a.m. (4) -.. ~ -CNaigo at ~ 11 Lm (5)-WCTT..- 11;15 un. (11) -........ L -Oodgar'I at Cf*-00 Cuba.. 1 p.m. (4) -aA .. AI L -Attenta at ~ 2 p.m. (2) -~ -Third round play In Ille Memorial 1ownament. lap9d at Oul*I. ONo. 2:30 p.m. (7) l4IGAlt MT LaONAIVI GOLDIN Ol.OWS -Pll!wieytvenla • Tu. In a _... of bo1ita tacaed In Mlle ,_.. 3:30 p.m. (2) -Clle lfOflTa U~T -~ Mr<••• (42-Nt ....,. ,... wee ""* ....,. IMilgl'lt ttu. ._,... ,_,.,.. .. ~·· Union ('5-11-2) In • ecfltcMed 1~ound bout. tliP9d at La Vtg19. Aaeo: The 1tl2 U.S. natlonal women'a t}'lllnullca ~ ...... (7)-NO 90WUllO -The llnlM of a. 'tumon °'*'· ,...... s p..m. (7)-wm WON.a Olf wowre -Taped~ of tM O<end Ma of Monmoo. Aleo: Tiie world 1nvllatlon11 high dMno cflemplol l&lllp, tlplld at Orlando, FIL WI a prevw. of 1tW ~ !00. MIMO .!~~-~-~,~ P·"'~ KMPC tO). "°"" . -~t Stl*.a "'*"" 1:'40, t;tO, 11: Lift., 12:.0, 1:40 p.rn., KHX ( 1070). lelm0t1t lltlle9, 2:21 p,191., KN)I (1010). r. ~· r Tl FAMIL" c1act:1 "WMn me and P J are old enough to go to school who's gonna stay home and take ccn of you?" •IGGEORGE by Vlrglt Partch (VIP) ,.~·· . --------.,,,,... -__.. --- -..,,._,-.,,,,,_.. ...,,. ......... -~ "Alw1y1 tht clown, eh, Oeorve?" by Brad Anderson DENNIS THE Mt:Ni\CE Hank Ketchum "I'll toss you to see who shares the bed with him and who gets the sofa!" I J -, by Harold Le Doux lH 'tOtAt OFRCE.,,,.., 1.J.J&T ~Wtetel'V! 6EEN HIM, Q &. f Or1ng1 COllt DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 21, 1912 ~.i--~*2~tlimil·J_ SHOE Cl by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller AUNT F"RITZI, ---IT1S F=UN TO EMPT Y OH, PLUMBER--OUR DRAIN PIPES ARE CLOGGED UP FlJNK \' ttlNKt:a8E~N ! CAt¥f SEUEVE' J()W .soooENL.<.' rtf,J CJn.E. ' ~LO ~ OONE. ~ . TEL.L HIM THE SINK THIS 'WAY NOT10 ._.URRY--- by Tom Bat1uk , ---·-.......... 'I'. ~mlOU8WU MAmlTA~ Tfl• followlng per1on I• doing ........... fltellnoul .,_.. JI R PREMIUMS, 4581 Hell MAim ITATDmJlr Awnue, '12, HuntlngtOn ~.CA PICTmOUS.,._.. MAJ.a ST ATE...n l'tCTITtOUI .,...... The follo111lng peraon la doing The followtng ~ are doing 9264~· R . J E f F R I Y 0 E A N ~~RTV MANAGEMENT BENHETT, 4581 "-II Avenue. #12, COMPANY. 501 211th StrHI. ~. lleedl, CA 126411. N9wpOrt a.ctl, CA t29e3. Tiiie ~ la oonducted by en Propertl•• Wut. Inc • a lndMcll• California corporation. 608 211th Mr. ~ Dean~ IN It,_, "9wpol1 lleedl. CA 11*3. Tiiie ltawnent -..._ _,,, .,,. ~ la oondueted by • County aid °' Or9ftOI Coumy Ol'I OOIPOl.-on. Mey 19, 1tlt P9191 Propertlea Welt. lnC. D • n • H • • m It h • Publl•Md Oranoe CoHt OallY ,,.....,.. "°'· ~ 21. 28 • .--•• tt, tld. .,,. ......,,, -llleCI .,tth the 22514' CountY Qertr o1 er-. ~ • ·-.,. ~ ..._ (2., 1tG. ._. -~=,.._~~~""=·--~==-=-- Pvbll.ri.d °'lnfr9 Coaat l>ally "'°'· ... ., 1•. 21. a . June •. 1H2 307M2 ACTITIOUI ....... MAmeTA~ The lolloW!ng 1*.onl ~ Oolng ~-SEXUALITY SEMINARS, 11124 Santiago Or .. Newpoft e.actl, CA 112183 8aaorn Slttal. 11124 a.ntlago Of. NMport BMcn, CA~. JOMpH OrencMI, 1112.4 8.-ittago Dr .. ~ leech, CA 112'83 TM bU11M1a II conduc:e.d by a oen«ll~. JoMQh Oreneill Thie 11atetnent wu flled with the County Clertl ot Or-. County on May 5, 11182 '"'"' Publltlled Orange Co11t Dall)' Piiot. May 7. 1•. 21, 21. 11182 207042 NAm ITATDmJn' butlneta aa: Th• lollowlng peraon I• doing ORANGE COUNTY ESTATE-----------~Ml LIOUIOATORS. t525 M .. a \lard• ESTHER'S SERVICES,4'14 W Of..,. WMI, Suite 11S, co.la Meaa.1 ____ .. _l8J~IC~~NOTIC(=' ___ _ Mc:Faddefl A_., Slllte 30, Santi CA 92$26 .... Ana. CA 92704. o an• L Wllhll•. 21188 Bimini M nnoue ..,... .. JANE XAVIER. 4914 w. Pl-. Co.la Meaa. CA 112828 MAm ITA.,....,, Mol'eddtfl A.-. Slllle 30, Senta This buSI,_ i. conducted by an TM ~ penoM .,. dolt,g Ana. CA t2704. lndMdull • Thll~ll~byan DlineL Wlllllte LINIA" ,UMI" OIVll• lndMdual. Thie 1t111-t -ftled with H O'MENT, L TO., UU Vfa Jene X.. ........................... County Ctwk of °'anga County on Lido, 4th F\oof, HNpclft....., CA Thie ~ WM ,,_, ..,.., .,,. Mey 5. 11182. fat13 COuntY CIMI. Of Dflf!OI County on '188711 O~l!CO PUMI" DIVEL• M11Y 1t, 1M2 Publlsll~ Orange OoHt Dally !"MI NT, INC .. a Calllornl• C ,.,.o~ PllOt, Mey 7. 14. 21. 28. 1"2 o~t•tt04I, UH Via Lido, .. h PubUIHCJ Or1noe ONl • 20ICM2 Ploof *"'"" .... CA tttet. Plot, M9)' 11. tt. Juftl 4, tt, 1 • 11111 ~11 .,;.duo**' by a _______ 1_1tt-e1 __ 1 Ml.JC flOTIC( Stu(ly corpor.&t e bonds Hlsher interes t rate offered I l y MARY PAllftELLY An you concemtd that int.treat rat. may docllnt and you may not be abt. '° Mm the tame hlah rate of lnterut on yoLlr money that you ~tly are1 lf dUa la eo1 you may wilh to Conatder T,t.t DOndl. The key aura;t~ of corporate bonda 11 that they fenerally pay hiaher tnt.tNlt than U:S. aovernment or munldl*l bondl. Corpotationa are not oonaklered .. llCW'e u the u .s. treuury, eo to compete for money they pey more l.nteswt. The rn1n1mum inveatmen t In corporate bond1 l1 uau.lly $1,000. There are two buic p1a of any lnve1ttn1 . Firwt, to receive current income and leCOndly, to make your money crow for future income. Meet people lnve1t ln bond• for more curttnt l.ncome, not for capital gain. However. there are several ways bonda can be Wied for capit.al gains. Bonda mature at their f.ce value, $1,000. Between the date a bond ia tsaued and the maturity date, the price of that bond will Ouctuate. Anv French eye U.S. coal The govemment of France wanta to "feierat.e • comebeck of coal .. part 0 energy dtvenification'' and will be looking to the United Stat.el u a reliable 80W'Ce of Npply, AMlata.nt Secretary of Cc:mmerce Wllliam H. Mania fr. said. France wants to reduce IU dependence on expen1lve and unreliable imported oil -now 48 percent of total French ener1y consumption, French Deputyar Mlnitter Raymond Herve re · y told Morris at a private talk Parta. INVllTMEITI time a bond'• price t1 btlow Ila maturity value, anyOlle who buys tho dlacounted bond can take th~ dlf~rence u a capital pln, If that bond ii held until It matures. Deeply diloount.ed corporate bonds a.re often bousht by inve1tot111eek.lna to 1et their money back on a particular date In the future. An example would be a parent of a young child putting money uide for the child's oolleae education. Thil investor ml&ht buy bonds maturing in the year the child will start colleae. While boncu provide a certain an- nual yield -they pay thelr ownen a fixed amount ol iniere.t every year -the actual paymenta are usually semiannually. The method o f payment depend.a upon the type of bond held Coupon bonds are printed with a eeries of coupon.t attached. To get your interest, clip the coupon and prftent lt for payment. Registered bonds do not have coupons. The illuer keepe track of lta ownen and aenda them regular payment.a. Bearer bonda are pretumed to belong to whoever holda them. With reptered bonda, on the other hand, the name of the owner of the bond ls reptered with the issuing corporation oc lta agent. You may wish to include corporate bonds ln your lnveatment portfolio If you are .eeking a fixed rate of return for an extended period. Also, people in higher tax bracketa may consider corporate bonds In a tax-deferred account, such u a Keogh plan or Individual Retirement Aax>unt (IRA). (Farrelly i6 an acrounc executive in the Santa Ana office of Merrill Lynch Pie~ Fenner & Smith, Inc.) TOP BANKER + Philip S . lnglee b preaiden t and chief executive officer of Liberty National Bank, a bualnes~­ oriented facility th4t opens in Huntingtoh Beach June 2. Winrich to speak Darrel J . Winrich, c hairman and chiel executive officer of. Winrich, Kase ~ O'Connor, Inc., wiij speak at a meeting of the Orange County Flnanci.al Society on June 10. The meeting will begin at 11:30 a.m. at th~ Revere Houae, Tustin. For information, call 973-3966. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS JP Into 7 1' 111 NL J-101 NL JOIWI ~~. 12.71 ll.M UI U 7 u~ u.i , .. _, , ... IJ J'~ s ... ~ • • h 1211. 1V> ..... 1'1. 1)\1< 1 '"" ••• • ) J -6V• " ,.... ..... ~s ;,,. . ~ . • l .... . ' + ,..., . ... + .... ... + I .. + .. . "' ... P<t, up a s VI> JIU VI> Jll..O Up 2:5..0 VI> ns Utl IU lJp M.J VI> l4J VO 114 Up 114 Up 111 Up 111 Up ._, Up .,. • llO. .~,. Up 10 • .... VI> •• • ,... VO t • ..... Up " • .. VI> ti ... Up ti • 9-Up t,O ..... Up 1.1 • 1..-. Up L• • "' Up ll • \'> UV J uot 0-o l'tl ·r .\') g: ::: . £ '"' .... °" .. )' I ... ~ Ott 1'1 ,.... ..... Ott "'' ).... .... Oft '" ).... .... Off ll.J s•M "" Ott 1u ' 11, Ott 122 µ.. ... Ott " 5 • ,,.., Oft "' 10 , •• Off "' I I Ott 111 ,.... •• Olt ·~ ,... ... ()II ll.o ,... .... Off 100 n. I ()II tk .... " Olf , .. "" -' Ott ,, ~ \'>Oft., '" ... °" •• ,., -.. Oft '·' S \II Oii ti ~ -~ g: ;: ~ 1'n -\+ Ofl t I ' ?Yi -... ()It " .,95 \'tru SIP t • 10.Jt In""' l.J1 NL e.n PutNm "-' Ot.., UI NL •.• c-1105 ll.11 S4•1n AD* Fdil. NL 1111 £q IJ.16 1'-a UM II.it NL NL 0.-... IUZ lSA 8ol'll I. It NL ff'-~ ta -.n C# Qp _ .. H\. NL Ht Yid Slocll IU1 H\. 1 · NL Inc.om t .1' NL ,., I ~- MSJ Data Corp. of Co.ta Meu has reported record profit.a tor the filca1 year of $4,669,000, or tl.87 per 1}we. Thll qompand with net income of $31473,000, or $1.49, in the preYioul filcal year. Reven\let for the year totaled $50,338,000 ~ with $6&,813,000 ln the ti.tcal ye. ended . M.rch 28. l~l. The company produceia bandhe~ computer data entry l)'lterrw. Jet America loss mounts Jet America Airllnes Inc. reported today a i.o. of $870i772· for April, bringing lta .)'ear-to-date 1om to $4,902,719, or $3.31 per common •hare. 11We have again exceeded our projectfona and the improvtna performance for Apttl compared to the tint quarter reflected the impact of strong Easter holiday travel and higher ·average fares," Alan H. Kenilon, prestdent and chief executive officer of the airline, laid. The company al.lo reported it furloughed 26 employees or approximately 10 percent of ita work force, effective May 31, the result of a reorganhation of the airline's maintenance department. Additionally, all employees consented to a 10 percent salary reduction. New Conroy's opens Conroy's, a major florist in the We.st, opened ita 12th ltor'e in Orange County and ita 44th in Southern California at Beach and Warner in Huntington Beach. The atore's owners are Richard and Helene Allen, who own another Conroy's in Wes1mlnster. Tustin building finished Discovery Properties and El Camino Real Properties Ltd. announced completion of the E.l Camino Real Building in Tustin. The two-.story office building h.u 23,000 aquare feet available for leaae and is located in h1at.oric Old Town of Tustin. Value of the building is $3.2 million. The general contractor ia Prime Contract.ors, Inc. of Orange. Office complex planned Construction i.s scheduled to begin in the fall on Capital Tower, a $9 million San Joee office complex designed by LPA Architecture and Planning of Orange. Pacesetter wins franchise Paceaetter Electronics USA, Inc. of Santa Ana (formerly VSI J!!lectroniat USA) baa been f:rancblled by Fujttau Micro-elecironica to dlttrtbute ita line of advanced MOS and bipolar memories, micropl'Ooe9on. gate anaya. and floppy dilC controU. aa well aa other peripherala and speC{al drcuita In Southern c.alifornia. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT I DOW JONES AV~AGIS HEW YO"K Ul~l ....... T!Mn. ptic. I HEW YOAJ((AP) FINI °""""'°'!" - ..0 Ml aw,.. Ill Ille n,_ nwc acttw :;~· "*" 11. =Ina~ ~ ... .__ JO '""' °l:.'12 :r" 12~ =----~ ~ Inc 121.-"" -"" 20 Tm uu nus n1.a m.u-,_.. 0owo.m Ml.-0 t1\'t -"° U VII llUll'lll.ts 111.t! 11Ut-Cl.J7 CSllt ODl'P m.fGO 411ft +1 65 s~ m.eo mA DD.71m..-1..-o.-. ... 1n11 Slt,100' ,.. -~ lndvt . ... . . .• .. . .. ...• • J.14.llD ~= ::: : =:: Tren . ...• .. . ..•. .. . ,..., AtunNm 00100 11~ .. \. Ullt• ·· .... · · · •· · 171,a> Ho$111t<:p ~.JOO ~ _ ~ •s Slk •...•...••••. ., • • • • • . • u..oao F.;7 ~j ~ ~.: WHAT STOCKS DID T~ 0 ,100 27'--.. S&R99K Ptp CU00 1"' -'111 HEW YOM (Ill') ..... rT li!ftSr<l\ S Jt1,,.., • -.-, .AMERICAN LEADERS Thon. , ,...,_. r 0.CI._, Un<l\eftglld Tot•t l.a.s ...... hlQN ---TAMfltCllC> METALS ~ -.. -"" s .. """' ";, llJI .. "'° • 1QI C.,,., 7.,._71 oente a poClnd, U.S. dlllllNtloa ..... 2e-17 °""* • pound. llM '6 °'"" • p(ll.lld, dll'Med. "" ... 60111 Metall w.-~lb. Ablm'q = 7&-77 oentll a pound, N.Y . ......., 1370.00 per ..... ....... sne.oo tr'Oy OL, N.Y. SILVER ~ Handy l Harman, ••.Ht ,_, troy ouno9. .1 IAllll llll TOYOTA 1171 YILllW ... .... 4 apMd ni_...... and .,. AM-FM c:ueett9. (I010UA). Very clMn end ttlit OM runt gNatl "Good trMIPC)rtatton for ontf 5 1999 1111 lllZI .. U" OIWI 5 tpeed tranamlMIOn, AM·fM redlo, an the factory ecaulPmell. Just owr 11.000 mllet. cuatom wttlett & tlr•. (1C.0A946). •5799 1111 Mlm 1211 Automatic tnntmlalon, power; braket. AM-FM radio, uoaptlonally clear'I and r..cly to gol (321TZO). . Don't mlat thlt OM for Oftt-/ 5 2899 1111 PlllllT "IM" ... 4 epMd tnN., AM-fM ~. powar at.mo. powar ~ powar wtndow9. IUIW'OOf • mcnt Very clear'll (041TZU). A ,_, 9t9al at onty 5 4999 111111111'1 ........ Awe 5 ep..s model for out9tMdlng economy with atereo caaHtte, cuatom exterior trim & morel (8nRLf). GrMt greduatton gift for oinky 5 2999 . I FlllSH FIRST with a 2 year, 24 ~000 mile Warranty! IT'S YOURS~ FREE, WITH EVERY SELECTED LOW MILEAGE USED . .. I! CAR. OUR FANTASTIC TOYOTA DEALS KEEP US OVERSTOCKED WITH · - HUNDREDS OF LATE MODEL TRADE-INS. SO COME IN TODAY AND SAVE! -•5999 1 ...... "Ill"~ Automatic tnN., Ill OOftd., AM-FM atereo. ~ ...... CUltOm trtm ~ & morel~ cer In .velY reapect with ontf 15,000 mllet. ( 11JZA31). 5 6499 1111-....... GNat tttu. WOttt tNe* with • atweo ... etep bwnper, cuatom .... and morel (1P21041). A,.... bUy at Ofttf 5 3699 1111•nm••• ........ 5 apaed tranamlttlon, atereo caaMtte. aunroof, chrome atep bwnpet and juat OWK 10,000 mlet. (2Al3e55). PRICED TO llLL! 5 3899 PECIAL GREEN RIBBOI BUYS These late model, low mlleage cars all carry Earle Ike's exclusive 2 year 24,- 000 mlle warranty. You can't losel BEST BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTYI e1111mna11w•• .... s3999 Tblt OM le fUly hlc1ofy equipped end Nit .,. automtkl ~. tt It elto .,. ~ ~ cw1 (2NYHG). Thia OM la a ..... at Oftt-/ e1111 mna •• UF11111 5 ll)ead llWWI 11 llM, Ill condttlOfllng, AM-FM etereo, ,..., ~ atl9de I morel Y~w aot to .. thlt two tone beauty! (M7WPL). 1eumn1 .... p .... 5 apMd model with .., oond., full powar, ...,., ~ tit ..,..., crulM oontrol, leathar .... ~ ..... morel (1AHM247). Hurry for thlt...,,,.,, at Ofttf 5 7999 1 4899 •5999 '6999 1111 .. Yll •1111 I PlllBID Equipment lndlldet poww 11..nno. redto, powar tir.k•. lnWl1ot decor and comptetely ongin.I !Nida and outl (219WOA). PRICED TO SILL! 11umn1 ... AutomatJu trant., air oondltk>nlng, powar m..mo. power Ink•. AM-FM ttereo, tllt wheel, alloy wMeAt & more. (133ZFW). Mwt ... to ~eclate & wMtta buy! '7199 1111mn1 1•aL1 ...... " Popular Uftbeck model wtth 6 apMd llr.nt., 8'r oond .• AM·FM at.r90, custom exterior trtm & mcnt &..,., eco1iomy end tun to drt¥9I (381182). Low, low ,,,.... for Juat •4799 11111IYITI ... AutOf netlc tr9na.. ful powar. - oond .• atereo .,., tit --· crulM control, ~ whMt & mcnt Just owr 27,000 mlles on thlt IMtalMc broWn bemlty. See tt tod9Yt (llMXJW). •6899 1M1 tlflTI .... 5 •.peed tr-., "' po'HW, .,.., en.ilea control alloy thf• Y9e'1 ( 1111 lmYY .... •llZ' LllUD Aotom•tlc tranamltek>n, air cond., poW9f atMrlng & bra•, tltt wMei. SIX-PAC camper •nd low mlleal Must .. to ~el (1G34888). PRICED TO SELL! 1111 mna nllLIT 6 speed tr.,..,, ~ 1tereo, cuatom exterior tr1m & morel StBJD283). SpotlMa In fN9lfY r-.pect. for onty 5 4699 1a1mn1 •au 4 Door Sedan. Autonwtlc rina., elf oond .• powar lt..-tng, powar bNk-. AM-FM atereo, cwt.om Interior & eoctstor. ( 1 CGE044). A gr•t twnlly c:.r for jutt 1a1 mna ...U IE&llF Automatic ir.... full powar. ttereo caeette. tttt wtleet. crulM control, powar dOOr lockt. .-oy .,,.... & mcnt (18Tce52). The uttlmate T O)'Ota for Ofttf 9 9899 1M11IYITI 1llllL UF1llll The car-test In ICOllOmY with e 5 apeed, .. the atMdanS factory leaturet s*" custom exter1or package. Don't mitt thil OMI (1BCE225). 5 5299 ' '. ' ~ ., . ' ... . .. . ,,. . . , ..: .. ............. .-....... ____________ ............... __ ...................... _________________________________________ .. ClABSIFllD Prtday, May 28, 1882 Lookjng for a career in sales? See tOday'a Help Wanted ads, classj~ation 7100. CLASSIFIED f'Ml.tlm ........... !Mf ... IM. ...... lfttft.t-!.INI ....... «~n!f.!~-:!:t!~ ...... «'.!!'!!.'!!.!!.'! ....... l~Uff.{~'.le! ....... !!m.~!\1!. ...... ¥.~!!!f..~~'.~1! ....... '-~'-!f!.{~1.!!.'!. ..... . f!'l!!r.t( ••••••••• J.~ ~ •••..••.. /.~ "~~~'1. ......... }.~I f!!'.~~~~ ••••••••• J.'!ll "!'.~tiJ. ••••••••• !.'.fl ~ ••••••••• !.~I ~.~!!.'!t! .. !.,fl •.•.....•....••• !.~ • ----I. fky beautlful 2". INDEX ,, .... ,., .,, Call 142-5671 *••-.......... , -• ..... 1 .. Oteent,.. ~ no N•llU -· IL ........ ,...... iiiT'U* au.... ... ...... down. 1124,000 orlM Prize, W•t Bay bayfront. Sllpe for 2 bo9•. • Pa l.m .... • 11111 o-in ~= lloht• : r~fi 541 - 1 o 2 3 ' .ulfltSAU ts:=... !i m::-= remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath u.200.000. • (Ill --U.) I WOWI LOWH~rlo.d Great corner looatlon view lrOM Hartlor ~ TllRUIOI ........... __ •--3 .Bdrm, 8 pedoa, I-story. Low demit)' m°"'cotr-11 .•• , .. ML; =~ pertclngl 1 :. ~. 0a~~r_•.!,2't'!. a3 V\aw 4 It 2ti. hOIM 111 v..~ °'jetty viewt. Marine rvom. 4 bdrm. 3 ~belt location. Seller will ,..PPV ~I bdrm, I bllh, .. dCNbl• tiloc)Could~ded. L-;.:,:&S::"z ..... -~-m, ctMMoe IOoatlon. on.. bath, aTOO aq.h. fl,IU,000. Oi.nfronl -·~ 1 ft I .. ,. 000 -t 9~" amort. 30 yean due ln 7~ I nr..-.1 • 00\Wed pedo , ~ tq . ......;,, ..!.':!.· -.. · 11, . , aa1-e11 . 11 a great price and rt..~ :: ....... ,.1 ..... Ull llU lllD · ,.--_. ·~ AITD or trade for e.t· c:Mllar, 2-anl. <Ml). Sat. l Sun. =.:c. -,.., ...... ~ 1.-. :::: In thlt newepapar 11 = :=' -IUbtaot to the ,...,., Flllr =~::;4 :: Hou1lng Aot or 1HI ~ears Lowett priced Fee ftl'r\_, in p u1 muoh morel Wiii Of tppt. --..,.,... tanna. c..i today. Open uffa. bluff--"'°'-Of tt7tt Delril Alckettl' Al9oc. t'rime Lido Noni bayfront. ~bdrm,~~ bath Priced to .ell at t272,000 I ..... llr""' 111....i• Lee L.R .. 2 bo9t allpa •1.~.000. 0p u __ Sat/Sun/M 1 .. 1 a..;.. n nllt: on ·u llloeft I Y I I I T I I 304 &planade or call PhyW. I •111-T•• Wini "'-..... 1111 !Nik• h lleval to ~modeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + larse rec. rm ... a.-• :: a d v • r t I • • • ' 1 n y beam cellinp. fW'ftilhed, petlot. $420,000. S-'-Catow-"" preference, Hmltatlon or 5S• : dlecrlmlnatlon bued on a.. llLI llfflllT •·~~ 1• ""°' ooit>r, ~. w M&goon view from 6 bdrm, ~ bath, playroom, ......_UEsTATE :: lnt~t~k:' ~ dark rm. den, Boat allp. $1.~.000. ""'* 1w a..i. •• I u o h p r • I• r • n c • , llYSIM CO.-=~s;•• ,. 11m1t1tlon or n; ~ r :: llcrimlnatton," Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, &:: .. , d,,.. '* ~ w111 not 2 ba dn. 2 00.t alipa $1,900,000. C..:::O.i:1.:.r;:r.•" 1: nowlnoly ao::ft any =~.$;': !5 ::': ..':.t1on :'~t!: COllOUDO CITS '=--·~f:"'"'t' 21• Coronado bland cuat. bayfronl )ot. a~· boat "-Trlr Prh : dock. Plans avail. $4~,000 w/tenna. DIMrt.lletwt -~"'!t"~~ : I I I I I I 1 ILlffl _.. ~::~a..... -Advertleera should ...... I I t~t!::=S· 5 cheok their ada Single story end unit, expanded 3 br. 3 ba 11U1111~ dally and report on largest gnenbelt. $~.ooo. -,...,._ ,_.. e r r o r a Piii •.,. --u.i ....... .-._. =._~:.:.,-: ~":. -Immediately. The 3 bdnns. 2y, baths condo near pool. $14~.ooo ~-. uar = 0 A I l Y P I L 0 T T .......... P'\o,. ,_ ~u., -aaaumea llablllty fi=,E.~ : for the fl rat .-... u.,.,. : Incorrect lnMrtlon ='••'-•' = only. .... .._ --i.. .............. ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .............. ••r BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR ~-l ~' 't' <1· :..· • • • .-l)l~ 6101 640-0020 °" 760-9678. Agt. I - ••• •• llLIOT ... Ill ~~2 =·~~: "I ,HUIYJ Surround '/OIKMlf with PGC*· aptl. Muna. Lo- .... ..... mllllon I "°"*· Newty Cited In p;ntlglOUI lr- 1 N c 0 A 0 NA HIGH. LOOK In tllll woe. bMUllf\11 4 remodeled 3 Bdrm family vine. 175,000·l 100,000 . LANDS _ for thoel wtlo Bdrm pool home with room, marble floora, 8 u z • • M 111 • r , a gt Ilk• to remodel,' Ihle EASTSl>E , .. ITS 1P8. In MtM del Man •tone lrplo. Fantaitlc 55t-9400 home 11 located In an Ul1 Beel buy In the MN, not term1. Eleoant Harbor "" that 11 bel!\o hlOhly a at 1111,000 anottw Ilk• It. Aaiurne 1111nc1 Ad. location. ™• upgraded. GrMt Ianni, 4 It 1250,000 11t, GWr* wtll C8lf'/ be-Select Proper1y It Pftced OOMn vtH, f9' land l 8at1375000 lanoe It low rate. 1138, right at 1850,000. .... - large lot. A 111t1ng of the 10 et 172S,000 000 c..l-~7111 ,l ••~ Wii•-U.t ... Von Geldrena. S32t,OOO. •acepllonal flnan~I"/' ' -we UllWl()U~ 11() ... 1:1 av8llal>lef • rAI e4M • a:n 6f J:'I ~:1~·8:i/ ~.8c>o1 ~ ~pi;::.:° p~ ~ ......... 91· -z... I _ _;a__ __ ~ dlllurb ··n·n··· 1521 ooo. 125.000 dn. &Ingle --·°"· .~ ................. _.._.. ._... Orange. 1128,000 .•• ,, '"''' .. .., .......... _, LI~ 1"°" II# f5.4l..5041 ...,.. & wtlnda, atrium, Nt PoOI. tennll. ~••••••••••••••• '"'"1 ... 20 ..... ..._ 552-0880. Open ~ .. ...... .. '-.... --.,,.v,.. Sii 1-5. No. 1 Alder-SIJ, DOWN! '~~~~~~~ Charming 4 bdrm, a~ 3 Br. 1 Ba. "°"91 on lerge grcwe Woodbridge UI E , 1: bL 2 lty Don ~ 50a175' 3 unit lot. 438 I I Alll Lftllf ~ home bt•k1ut room Hamltton. Do not dleturb UNIV. Pwtl 2 bf, 2 be, YJWIE $88,500. You won't ti.-••-_ nrepla, many extru'. tenant•. 1128,000. ~~;"~'~ ~!~· 2 & 3 &AT~ lleYeTudorthll .... ~ !J2"'of -••• 1531,000. 222 Coral. 546-5041 ...... & wtlnd1, pr j c • I 1 2 1 8 O O · ............. .,._ •11--Open Sat/Sun t-6. Awl· 131-3520 wtcdya. u1 --1 • . Cot1• MtN wortlmanehlp of oed. Big °"'*' "'OMt 875-e921 -.....,., lncludea ..,.,,Y amenity llvlng room & frenoh -Y• ' If .... ~ oa111ng bfeMf98t room. <MM. pattt.ae 19C11ng. Unique & dlan'r*'g 3 bf & ... Yim EXCEU.ENT FROM 1137,960 tonne!' din rm,~ ::.~~tortanNlanct =.. ~.tnlde tor 4 bdrm, 2 ba, 2755 STAATEA HOME 'Wn.11 tModefo. =-utlOly rm, lg. p cture ,..,,_....,. ... 3 ....__ GaMet Dr eoaw MtN.. Oeerllt6d 11 the Mttlng " wlndowe Big ~ d ..,....... MC ... .,... .. .., · I '°' tllil 3 bedroom tamlly AYOCedO at F Rd. with B..,:. T VA ~~ tem rm. $371,500.... illM Prln. only. • 114'500. home with llreplace, .u. HERITAGE . . REALTORS ------ C-"-'-• ... .... _ .... .,. -............... , ~ .. ~ :: ITUl.1-~.::.r· = In lrvlne'I Woodbndoe ..... mmtl1B""' cu.tom tlUlft • bdtm, 2 bMtl *-property with pooll Located In the beautiful .,.. on tMw· port Upper Back Bey. "'"' of a.. Bay & city llght9I 8ellr now on.. term1. Well priced at 1210,000. Cell now tor ...... ~7111 -···n-...... "' · -.-: .... -11 --·--·· 1_ 114-551-1m lllA WMll 1~~~--~~~-~~~ 546-2313 --~--·•--------yard, l1ndacaplng and ~ ou.tom ceblr-.1: !~~~~~~~~··•••••••••••••••••••• HLJ 110,000 •• excellent term1. 1118, try by a m11ter craft-TWI IEW I.I. -.. Tl 1111 1129,500, 11t TO 183, 5?J~~~ ESTATE ..._ "--1 -.,.._ s 'l'l "°""8-1~ 1-..cn1111 ... 11 .-financing. On Cul-d .. ~'!! ··-= lllC. fenoed ,... yvd. ~---Owner very 1nalou1. m.ss.1wm. on1y 11H.ooo. su .. n MOT, FIMANC( Trlvl.,on'1 Ll1tlng. ...._,.._. -7M-9100 ...._y,r~ -:==~' = -, .. w. - GEORGE fl KIN S C ....,.......... -........._.rn·. -~£MOTS, THE REAL EST.l\TERS ros.AlS & ltsUFtM -------.... tlJt tlJt ... .... ... "" ... -... -----·--- A SPIRAL STAIRWAY TO GRACIOUS LIVING -fOREVER VIEW- Two Master Suites, aolld oak cupboarda, akytfghta 10%% FINANCING BUILDER WIU PAY POINTS FROM $125,800 10% DOWN CALL HAL OR PAT 873-7300 751-8905 * ~ 2~ ~ t~llll '. llPEll ,...... ~. ~m,~2 ea.,~' IT'S LOVE Wlll'I lhlrly 750 It 12'/4%. Paymtntl ·---------'" -,..,.,,. ...... ~ .. .....-,,... kitchen and adjoining 11072 P.1.T Owner oanys i-.... ..... '"' LO'<l9ty QlllllbO and Two or-t master bdrml iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 1\#91 lnclllde 2 * famlty room lonnal di-2nd at 15% a yr1. Sharp ::-I'.':::' ••••••••••••••• rtng fruff.,..., Low rete, with pmale batlll, Idell ~ & A/O. ~ a'Bdrrn and 3 condo. S 8', 2~ dbl BLUE AJ880N new lo9r\ ...,...,,... fUll tor co-ownera. Wood-11••~ • L•D io., & owr. w11 ~r~, gar w/opnr, central 111-SPECIAL ~ r I c • I 148, O O O. burning tnplacea, p1ua 995'::11*---help nance . Alklng ~o;:, ~;~~ cuum. frplc, bltln g11 3 bdrm, 2 ~floor ptan 11-3111 'A bllli downstalrt. At-• 1121.IOO. 131-7370 nlng. Living room IH-range & oven, dlw, dllp, In wood & glW. OoM1n t1ched 2 cu garage, turea brick flreplace. ceramic Ill~ counler view, beamed celllng1, private petlo. Excellent What • Wonderful World Wiik to beldl and bay lope, ceth oell 1, 1300 IQ huge 1tone lrplc. Loca-~ 1110,000. Call ~~~1=~·=~ Auum1b1t 101n1 $448: ~~·8 ~5~~08 :Xd :~~i ~~ ~~:, i-;;::;;======;;;..i Dilly Piiot Cla11llled 500. Cell Biii Oo6cl. 648-1801 ooo Ada. To p11ce your ad, Ml-1111 BY OWH~A _ SBr, 2aa MISSION REALTY THE REAL ESTATERS LIWllT,_ ...., ... Hertlor v..w'• ~ of the ~ Vaci.rt wltll euperb term11 A11ume 11t of 1115,000 .. 10\4~ ow- ner wlll carry 2ndl S bdrMI plut Hper•t• l'Ml•llOft room. Pllf'tl-= = =~ THE REAL ESTATERS llTW 11¥1 rili&llll l~ ... -ll'llntnr Just professionally decorated. L1ke new, 10phiaticated 2 BR + den, 2~ BA, bar, pool, spa, belch & eecurity. Price reduced f96,000 to $446,000. Only $30,000 down. Debbie Fratt 642-8235 O.PEN HOUSE SATURDAY 2-5 .... 1018 yaide Cove E. Newport Beach RfSIOEHTIA~ fltAl iSTATE SERVICES call 842-5878 and let 1 w/\g heeted ........ In lg 4M4731 j PETE CIUllfled Ad-VllOf f*P aecillded .....,.... you. nltntty io:=:· == ... llft wma1c..i120-1319 for -:._rv !,!!~ .. -:: ' BARRETI REALTY w111 ..,,,a " ......... +.., ............... ............................. ........ ,., ........... ,., .. ....................... ,llllrf. ... 1111 .. 11.11~..... ,..,... ., .. , ......... .. . ... ,.. .., ... . 1111.-.... 111-1-. •••• , •••• , ·••1r ... . ~ ..................... 11 .. . .............. 11a.- J2llfMtnl,I... 111 .... ... ...., ............... .., .. ................ 11...-............... ...,.. ..................... """" ...,.,. ... ..,.,... 1•• ...... a... ....... "'llllPll 1 W.++11 ..... ..,.... .... ..,.... m..-.... ,,... ..... ...., .... ..,.... ....... + .... 11,111.111 LWtWttw.+ .... 11.--.......... ..,.,... 11 ....... ........ .,., ........ a.-.- WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. IF:ALnMlS s.. ........ ~y M.,...._ 2400 W. C.. Hwy. llS MM.. A.,. .....,.., lleedi w.o. ...__. 111.,. '7Uflt ;.;'°in m. ~"""' ~ ~ Ct,lmw Qua11ty vtntaoa 381 1~ a..--.. u. .... . llJI be on c:d de MC. Hant· 411• 1Jf 1 ••••••••••--•••••••• wood Ura, French win· 11t1ladt1 ..._ dow1, 111e kllcn. muc11 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim ..... IH'8l1 .. more. 1178,000, owner fWMI UT for ... or .-it. lJnll 21 wlll finance. Own/Agt AWARD WIHHER 114-431~10 851-4424 OoMfl .... 3 bdrm, 4 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil--------I be. kit. w/com91•11c• . ,...,..,. -EXCO.LENT '*"· ""· ioe Olfdan, .,.. •-tlo, tonnaldln. rm.IOtllv. WALK TO BEACH r111111c1NG rm. Quiet CUl·d•· .. C. HOME fOA t12t.000 fllW1 1812,000. By°""*· Submit offer• on thl1 3 bdnn, lwnlly room and 173-4411 -. f8ll'llly 11ome on • oen. ~ petlo. big I~~~~~~ A4 lot In prtme beact1 yard IH.500. 8.5 VA -W Tll -• .,.., OWC 11t TD wt1h aaaumab1e. 540-.t,48 iwr -._""" down Locatlonl Locatlonl Pvt _.....,... · If IWm romentlc Mltlna wlttl r.. ....... ::JEE~r&I Beautlful family home. 4 bu Io u • Saddle b ao k ..A I IS bf, 2 be, tam. rm, pene1-Mountain vlew9. 4 bdrm •• FEAL llng, wood tlra, 1h1k• home. Reduced to 1223, IAI E root, frpc, recent ~-too. AQt. 4e.M730. F~ pelnt In & out. New -I ... .,._.. Solarlan tlte, Mrtlllone 48$-0202 49&-1040 c.pet, RV accaee. Ntcfky Lowty modetn 3 bdrm ~~!!~~~~!!I 11nd1caped. AdJoln• home on 1300 1q. fl. :: _... oceen vi.. lot. Priced CW...., Sar 1111 _ ... ManyextrM. 8ellr under market II 1199. ••••••n•••• .... •••••••••••• Wiii QU.,lntM 1" tf· OOO. Ag!. 494-473(). r.ct. Int. ..... 1142,500 • 702 AcmM.CdM.1236K. 20% down, 1281 Lon· -au111y Open dally 1-6. 873-2041 dondeny. Open S.V&ln A j...r of I home In IHI 1-5. lovely private .,.., T~ HAASOA VIEW MONTE-,__·i~iiirftM/i54&-12iiiiii771_1 lally ~ wttll MW ::. ~ .. 8:_ :!:i I UT •'11111 ~ktt!:'cic!: !'; loo. 1350,000 firm . On thl1 upgraded 4Br dealta. You·• fall In '°"" •H .. 135 home. Seller wm cvry _.._ 1100,000 11 12% or with thll one. Dr11t1c A.l.T.D. at 12~. Don't P"°' reduction lo 1318, mlll IHI one! I 145,000. 000. 111 n.t ......, c..i 1n.a10 mn au. ""' Ju1t door• away from Watcll tM wtltltl 90 by hon'.-vM'9d In -~ fl'OM thll 3 bdrm famlly OI S2 mllllOn. 8-ltlfully ~ on • quiet ~ ll)CICllnt9d 4 bdtm Hene· MC. 0.W. Wiii l'letp ,._ l.li:*et ptlln wltll penora-nanaa.12S4,000. mlo OOMn and night llOflt 1--------1 .... ...._ 1 ............... 1[11.ll *-9 plua ~and..,._ ._ W&11'1 ... Low monthly pay-, .. tutlng ••oellenl fl· Tl mlt mtnll. Far Eutarn .1n-11t1•nma,_. Huie executlve ranoh-1tyle home feltuJina 4 bra, family room, formal dlnlna on cul-de-uc w/room for R.V.'1. Only $235,000. 2870 San ~ Dr. 714/759-1501 or 714/'762-7373. nanalng with OWIW pw-Aexlbte flnanolng on tllll country atmoephw. In ~UC:·=·~ lrnmeo 3Br llome w/ the ....... Nof1h End. erldoMd patio, tam rm, City light• and OOMtal llPt)t. to .... ~ T'heN't men. Ylew9 lrom OW. Po6nt to ..,_1111 a1at.500. c..11n-a10 emerald e.y, 1taut1tu1 ll8fdenl wftfl ~ ape. patio and dlC*9. A :. pttvate home. l550. ·~q \( .·//. / 1:/'1( ' ... •, .... - I I 'I ClleVron fined Mee~ MOlrTuAllU Laguna Beach 49ot-9'15 Laguna Hilla 766-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 N*llOI LAWM-MT. OUYI Mortu.al'f • c.,,.tery Cre,.,. IOfy 1625 G111er Ave .. CostaMeaa 640-5554 ~lZ--OM ~&MMIU. ~CMAllL 427 E Htl' St. Cotta Mes. ~71 ''' .t.' ' ....... 3 IW, N tie _,... In Nwpt Hatl --~ low lnt .. loen. ""°9 t 1IO, 000.,. 17Mll1. ..-..--------· ..... ~ I Mm. 2 Ml\. dan. cl- ~l'flle ••••••• flltitrlr •••••••• ,..... ~ ••••••• ~············ w.11 ........ MOl*tO ftlm COM,L. HOMI MAINT. l'llCltlO HoulllllM#lt "'JflH .. • "•nttre • Net'~ & text'T:.. ,:.,~ =::t:MA ...... , ......... _,. o_,..,1ry, '*'"'I>' pejnt, I )'ft 91!1· >IN ,.,._ lfQ'I • l'Uloi & y.,,._, ,,.. .... IN-1-• l~ ..... &Jo._..., '-IU-IMI ::.-==~= ~ olfWp, ~ ,,_ ,,_-. · lOrt ? ... 1l'OI fWL ,,.. .... 141 ~ ,l.:MTI" l'ATOH~ te1..all OUAH UH ... 4"41tt WI DO OLMHINQ !ftfff. .... hlOOOt. 1n11 .. 1. 10 ,, ~ ." LafldUIO'no IL.iH-Good Job, own trlnf, • • ec•• .. ._!. .. ,.~~.!'••••• Y"· Nest ,_,. ~5-2t77 .!fme••••••••••••••• ,;;-.:. 141.-07 m~;·.iOu··.... tsM711 ~. C.~a.vtoe ID'I PWTl .. INO LaUt·PIMt•·ltuoco MOWINO t 10416-UO & lfNI M01MQ Jot1e .... _.,HI_ ,,.. .. tlmttll.ffa.cM 10 ALL TVl'el INT /fXT TPlUf• Tilln Wiii Heul/Dumt*lf e1a1110 Cell MIKI t4-1:1t1 ~··""""········· "'H UT MMZN llYOOO ltioel. Uo'd. MI r II ~ •&-1 ..... PLASTIAINO Oiwy H?.O?le 00 IT HOWi .... ltt _, ... Mitt :r,~~0..."r.:~tT~~·· U11t1 In MOU!'lty ptut m• In 29 ytt ll(p. &loek w1111, 51$-4192 ••U•••••••••••••••••• 71M--/ll6.00IO HAULIHG-"•deot hao 11.-IM 7~ -6-IHTllXT. AISTUOCO. flJ. &..&. .._...... I~----,~-.,,_,-------.-.----.. ., .... TllW you, John. turt loving Cltt !Of ptl/ lvt "'-t• •J .61, Cutlom 0.,lllYllo Tiie --ti-........_....., l)Cp'd, queltty worlC •I plant•. No lme. ?3°"1183 r.P!f •• M •••••••••••• Pr~Cell Cllucle, ev• ~-~":'°' mi..-..-.-..... lm'm'.. ~:::~owl~~. ~~1Fcies~ He~:,~t: ~!:v~;:,,up c.ttli.d Hou .. Sitt••· 4ITAAVINO c0LLEOI n IU Nl-'HH1 "42• 117&-t408 dyt "9prtttntlt~ fll!MOOILIADO-OHI Oftty. "°'1'1 O.denlno, Oulek I cteen. 'r• 111. (Slnot 11?t) 8SMU4 STUD&NTI MOVING •llllf I NY• CERAMIC-LINOLEUM &.-I .__,_ & ~tty. Uo'd. II ILICTNOIAN t75-t3N/e.2-MM 173-0o.4I HOUHllTTINQ CO Uc T1Z._... Tiit 'r• .. tlmll• la .. ll, at. Ill mr..-.m:."l:........ Y't u.,. lr#in,M-l7tt lml ~~ Uc. "-> .. prof. t.eeehet,, 40 t~'. -.1•1421' II#,_,.. l1uln R • e • re t e • a ob ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~llNmpoo. tlMm oteen. ""• ttnltlled carpentry. 13311)1.().10 Ma.15m Mowl ectoe. relce • ..,,...,, HAULING llld loc•I mo.. yrt. will Ill your home, WATCH us o .. ow1 •••••••••••• c.......... 875-5048 ,;; Color brlgllteneu, wht remodtlll\I epeol•ll•I. '--M..lt'IJ. 1pr ng OIHn·up, h•ul. Ying ttudent W11h trucll. gerden pelt Nontmllr POOL PROBLEMS? crptl • 10 min. b!Mdl. Lio. 4 t H 7, "•ndell ::;~-'::;;••••••••• Chucti 142·2173 alt 4 lt'Mt 17M1IO 82M13t eft 9 . a.1 ~ '°' queltty malnt l r• f..-11 OOU · r~• pelr cell for free ••t •• -,...":·•••••••••••••• ~ .•.....••..... OfMw9"/9.:.=~ Loi Alplll't. tna. S&I Alphlt 9'1-41M1.Jc AlLITAtl PAVINO ~·~ Aepalrt Oornm./Attfd. Lie #3t7H2 MM 111 Den HlllbtrQ Gredlna & Pllltng Co. Ree/Com!. Uc 397'°4 IM2·1720 Hell, 1111/clln, rmt t 11: 1119 720-1290 p;QRMl()A NTIM Aetld/COmm. Cleln-upe, HAULINO-ORADINO J ••••• ••••••••••••• l<evtn .... 1253 '80 per io.d. Gradl l r~ .. ·7~~-00UOfl S10: ~.Jt'}J.~ID. ~!!!-'-~~7 melnt., tr" trim.''" demolltlon. olean-up .~.~••••••• ,. PAllYm planter mh1 even.?, .. chi' -· -· tllm. pet ,_,...., """,,....Atoi1r9 .-.-_ .. ...., •t. "41·10te (~) Conotete & tree removll. Rlymond Jewtlt'y 8eQ I!. by Rloherd Sinor LIO 1#/!-dtl 1oCe11y 557·15ee odor. Crpt NPllt 16 vrt v-,..., uo. 1to2to .__._,_,., , ..... Oulete MN. 142·7838 1tth. ,11. c .M.' tctou 2eoe+4. 13 yre of lleppy ····"'·•••••••••••••• -------- Hp. Do worlc myHll. -· ·--/' SHIYOa OAAO!NI-. ' •• ' . ( IOCll c:ut1onw. L.abor/Mllerlll Roonng '•'•"•• Atft. 131.0101 Jlok H. lenMtt. Jf. ...l..J tDaaa "Total Yltd OW." ........... ,_ from Relph t). l3i.a1o5 Th.,,k you, fS1·4410 All typee. 10 Vrt exp, •••••••"••••••••••••• Oen. Contr. 882·9142 ••• -...-;;;i.i;m...... MO/Wiii"/, 881-1232 t\11 ·······;~ •••••••• 1,a1,,,,.,.. lie, OUlt Larry $42-8233 Mott IUbJICtt, K-t4 Crptl lnttall/~ Bonded & lneu'9d ••ILi ., Landeoaplt19·Yd Clnuc>t ROSIN'S CLEANING ........ ~.......... 1111111 PAll'nll ROOF FIREPROOFING Dey-IV9-tummer llOwtl ~;&';ir97~ee I,,, iltiiiii I IH OMettne & Ed Ma.7825 Tr• trlm·Expert mllnt. Servloe • • tllol'~~ ,.. lmllTll 25 yr• exp. Uc. 403941. Mfg. guer. 01 chlmlcel Mr. MOfgen. "45-6176 Lie. 308189. Remodel, Lt ..., ,.,,,. lrrlg. Jim H1.012t olMn hOUN. 7 Sod, l()flnlller & 1111•ub Bon~~~~°' DO IT NOW. Fr• "' Wl-4w CIN•bl No St.,-n/No Shampoo e d d • n •, o e b Int t 1. •••/r.••••••••••••••• ---------WUI alMn your llOUM °' lnttllltllon. Our worll a11pert. Devit Piloting $47-5188 ••••••••••••••··'····· --~.a1n,~ .. ,. 13;, Faa1"~2 ,_M_M&ee ___ __,...,.......,...-,....-1 REPAIR & INSTALL ... ,.... office. flee .. pelntlng, It only took• Hpenelve. P'"INTER NreDs REP'"I" ...... t 1185 "Lt'I the Sunehlne l.n" -• ·-.. "" ·-Gweoe dre. H~. •••••'"•••••••••••••• plumbing. 6-46-9005 Cheotl our P'lclt before " "'"' "'..,.. .... 0 c a11 SunlNM Window ~.-.!!!f!.~........... We Ctr9 Crpl ~ WAY CONSTRUCTION Deelgn/Pllnt MO..a1ea Ctwpentry • Meeonry you buy. Cell Matil It WORKI 30 yrt tJq>, Intl Fr11 Mt Cell enytlme, CIMnlnQ Ltd. 54a-&8S3 FlNE SHINE AUTO Steem ctMll & uphola. U:~2. A~~~200 ~ Dr~=~,.·=~ ~·e c~~ng ~ Uer4'• ..... .... ~:· p=t.le 84~~ WALT no-2125 20% Moothly OltCOUnl DETAILING. 011«. Trudi mount unit •••••••• •••••••••••• ......._......._. I '""'""""""""' o~· '12"97 u . Uc 204618 • $46-lSSf Huber Rooflng·all typu •RESIOENTl•L• FrM PU/dtt 842·5449 Won gull'. MW718 •REMOOELINO• .._,....,..., .. ..._. .. .., .. ..._. EXTERIOR PAINTING ~-recover-decile "' Free .. 1. Atu. prtceL 111111111 -Genere1 Mllntehll'IOI Ellp'd • Dtc>end•l>ll Rerlovltlng·Rototllllng Cuttom worll. Fr11 tit Uc. #411802 548-9734 A~ 1 •ty 930• A;L2 11Y La-IHI-EXCEL CARPET CARE Qua!. wori(. Uo. $371M. Lawn-ere.-ttwvbiflUlll Aec*rt & Deoorltlng Honttt -lnl .. lloent Sprlnlder~pt Reu. + nne Int. & tlll· M Chrlt 957-13 ::;"'.4~·.-::r........... CerpM, uphol,.,... rug M1•2'40 Tree trlnwwnovll Oulllty.• Ray 040-6144 The btltll 873-70'12 1119 Oe11t1 642-4853 nlng. St_..,. 547 ... 281 ll•ljJ.1tbl• Orange Coul Wlndowa Went to bebytlt In my clelnlng. Wort! guet. L.wn ~Flototllllng · Bud 549-52811 ........... A......... "Wt lelve you whl't e E.Slde CM. home, cNld Free Eet. M5-f171 Cu,_ ~ FNt llllmet11 54e-eo&a !XPERT HANDYMAN Oulllty HouMCleanlng .,_ l•aabl• BUDGET RATES/LIC'd bri...hler outlOokl" over 3 pert or tu• time. •••••••••••••••••••• • Cerpentry • Roo"no w/e pereonll touch. CM , _,_,. ••'-•-·•"'••••••••••••• Low min. Smt job• OK F 'V Im ......... 111 Me-8008 C.. fl~lfll Crown moulding, entry KlO Lendec.pe Mllnt. Pl\lmblng, etc. 1142-8013 Irv, HB. Beth 85().0933 e·•Rl•CK~~RK~·a~~jt1';b:. FrM tit. Ina. 641-7581 r11 Mt 1111......,..., ••••"-4'.............. doort, ment111, boolc· RlllCl/Cornm. Cleln-up. 1--~---.,..........,.....,,._,,,.,,, .. F*'hlng Interior Oetion CLEARVIEW WINDOW .,,., ,,,,.,.,.,.I Cemenl·Muonry-Bloctl CIMI, cedar llned olo-LI Haullng. 6-46-2489 I KNOW-LET'S GET EM .. TY •Pt•. oondot, Newpoft, Cott• M.... HANGING 110/ROLl ,.,.,,,, WASHING. Rtu. relea . • __,__ w.11 .. euet. wori(. Lie. Mtt. Wood IOlutlonl to LAWN CARE EDDIE! H• can Ille any· twnh ... clelned to pet'• lrvlne. Rtft. 8711-3175 Ouellty. Uo/IM. 8tr1p. •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 yr• In ., ... "42·5449 _..,.,.... AM.loom ..... 547 2'"'"• wood rvoblemll ,.. ___ , ............ ""-t/CM llllngt 494-e859 ltcllonl Own equip . ,.,_ ........ S ping. Olac. on !>If* Moblle Sct..n Doctor •••••••••••••••••••••• .,.,., -_., ,.. """''"""_, ....... .....torn......... tone i .... J.IC 9325 MARINE SERVICES Coocrett: Remove Old, l31-1528 Xlnt ~ wort!. JACK ()fl ALL TRADES 1""9 .. 9449 Bloctl, Coner«•, Stuoto. VI.... Scott IM5-. ='~"f'...::O ~·~o;;· Mec::lleNc. Pllnt, vtmlth. Repl•c• New. Sm/lg• ~ Onf/Of)f, 8lrry 146-7412 Call JIOll dlY (I( night Hou--.ntng done with Rafi. Ffee .... 54t-1Mt2 A.SR PAPERHANOINO Tlllk-rvt>-wax. 645-9788 fObL Aepaln. "45-81112 ••0RYW••••A••w••A••cous•••••nc•••• THE onaeeuOPPER •ITll-3014'* cart. reepect, plf19ctlon. CUSTOM BRIC"""'ORK 7 yrt local exp. Gull' MOBILE SERVICE r-~ u-•nt. Cle••'f'· .... •dt . ....,.,, o~ NB/CM AM 6-45-5027 SMALL/' .. ...,., "E" .....,.. worll. Prlc11 1tert el ~retnl/New 1e1een1 Find whit ~ou went In Hevt tomtlhln~ to 1111? .._...._, new & old. 11 .....,,....,.. • ......,..... ... ""' ,. ,__ ·--..,.nv <IVVV .... 1 _.. ...... 7"1 7""7 NB/CM 1y •• 2 9552 C ._...... ...._._~ .... 2 ""'"•1 •t"" a""""1ftA -1., ., .......... ·-11-· 642-~78 NpVCM .................. ••12 -r ..... -" • V& on .... . Dally Piiot laullleds. luslfled tdl o It well. yrt up. llud 562.9512 .........._,... ..._... -.-_...,...,...'V ,,_, ......, ..,,. -·-..._., - DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 INE' ClaHllled Ad• ere the 1n1wer 10 a tuCCHtlul gerage or yerd .,..! 11'• a bitter wey to tell more peoplel days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non-flfWlj1i.11 h1re .... lt.00) 3·. 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDs642•5678 WESTCLIFF BLl >G NEWPORT FJEACH .., .. ~ .,., .............. .. Call Mi Howard S45 6101 ; ~ OoMt OAIL:V llHLOTI~. May 11, 1MI -~ ---~ ... -• ,. .. ~ -. ~ I ~ --~-~~ ... ~.~.JAi ........ Tlff latlltlf .... 1.(1 Mrflltl ~ =· ~ ..... : ... : '111 ............. Mft &1111111. .... :~.-m.... ~ AJftM NU"lll' AIDI *""' HAIMTVm...., ttt • 1 11'11'•11 rn........... •••Kitt ••• '~ "MWllll 0.. ;: a.. ~ • lllllftlllen1 IWtw lllen4 ... .... NII -•• -··· -,. IM. .1. •· •y w/ ... y~.. .,.. IClnt OOftd 1100 ' " .. 1111\ ...... ........_,..,.., ..... ., i....·1n.40t ,, -~ ... , ._,._ ,,..,. I evt1e1111 ""•n•ltty, ..w ••M ~ &IHMftlMI IJ.fl ~. 14Mtrt .... fir ••• lj!lu · ptlenH, typlrtt. a n. '11111., oMlf1. OCMM9. 142·1166 ....,•~ ~ ' :.i..••111..: I.I"• '" t1evHllH111er ... ITYLll1 1flortha1tcr.· Xlnt. 1111 1terao1. M1t1y more Ottl bdrm 111t: I po tOfloo ,..;.-Mia • ...... ~~Mell• ,_; ~ .,. IOOil11t '°' ••· Work tn OW' f\ln cuual, proflt·mald.nc ~=Jett,..._,... ...,,., let/tun f.t a-~ tlmP • .:':r.i ~ '"°· -liiiiina.ii··-1 ~ ;;;;;;;~. IH-Hta •r 41 ''°''1110n•l "•1r office 11 a telephone ulH promotion NOMTAfff GAMGI I.Al.I rnl\ ............ rr.n "°'· · "°' "° Alllllt"-~·~ ... 411 = Mi;;Ciii:-i4iCf"""....,.. :t:0~iy ~ clerk for \he area'• flneit ntwa"arwr. oa,.., ~pporu1111tv lor Ol1flwHlltt, 1lnk wlttl • ltllll1•1r eon~.,~ 10fa. '°"" ~'I!!' ""... · ~·~11•• •:..::::=•" '"',.,,'To"••"'"' Only roqutrement 11 a ,ooc1 ttl•'PhOn• =.-::::::~: ="' J.~io"l'r::; =::..:...-• AKO :Wo&~"!:::.•o:~B: ...... ~•t.ci, w• .. 1.~~0k ~ •.... 1. or ::;.,~:, =·'~~p voice .rMl enthualmnl LOcal C.olia Mna =: ~:'°: WW/. O.M. ""1'1 """ ''°'LI ~i_so-__ 1-~---- '""'"''· a moap.llere. wrntf eemoeOn A Dellllfl OffJce. 0toenUtlonel atclll9 r• I °'1 M9mottil WMkend lxotlo v1oat1on1, 1111r l'totn OOftM & end UIOll9 .::4:. "..:. ~ == ~ :--.:: '-"'-·'!lf.11 .... 1.~ff ~ ~~ ..,ti!.....,. qulttO. l*Y OOfMWr s= .~·t!t :: ::.:,-.:ob:~~ ~ .. ::.:t~~~ !not. ru111*il111t, pMn9 "°"' v..-"'°at 111e Aceo&11tant ... ,,. ... f& ;n.'.,':7:'HP•r. C•11 furniture. entlquM.-. ,y1. ,OOdle~ T ..... ottier....,.. N0-1MO .,.,. ....... •nl'ln9.1111 CIOIMw• Heir Hvnter, ,Hlllon n.-.. ...,,..__ 8elofl hta ... I ....,, .. ..., Ma.~o~.~ toY•i_.mln 4 UI•. Sofa&~ IXIOUTIVI ftiltld, M4-t111 Q',A'wM;-'~..,. llllnlll tU.00 for Urtt wHk: then 1hare In llCMTA"°' eto. -a-an. t17 • 11 5'6.t.... '°"*'· oond. -CONHICT.Jr '-.. ,_.,, HM openlnG lot en lndMdual ll"llM mt ,IT, aa.oo Pf partnerah.tp'• profita. ::::: ldl ~ ~ ltlaoe, O.M. • Lat>tedor P\IP9 e wk.• 780-l440 ttoo ~ 1 NO m/.f'eU;rrl .... ~Tf dt911111Q ohel!enolncl ,.. llr. t7Nt I W ..... m ,.,_ .. -::,aw.-~:. •u11-a.. au.j old, I black, 1' bf'own, Df'•el di~ rm Mt .., .. pon1lbllttltl, p(oVldlng ,A,.TITIMI NorMmk Kitty ' ~ •• :iw-.r.r.:m..... rag., rablel & dfttemp. rcxind tbl w/2 -* 4 "::£,.~ NtwPort IOOCM#\ttno ......._ 10 a HelPef !of mlncw car. of Ml ... 'fl... ti ~~ MOVINQ IALI! 81turd9Y ll'lott. t48-14311 (.._.,,) upf\OI cM. a 1 ..,V., IOO aq. ft. I fftlllll\ ADS ~ ollenl*. Ill· wom1n Wh~ rel11Hd 13'11 Ql1dy1 (Talb•rtl 1 Id bl k D II Preot10111y 11•w .c101t of11ce 1ulte. 1300/mo. UUl1U Hlllnt oomp program fl'Olft IWllPMJ: M1·2H7 ~ Wlf'ltild for= -..ctl) H.I . 142· 1* ;'0·d o IO IO -SS200 _.. ... fOt 11380 :~"n• 1 · Merk IDE FREE 11\d wotk envlfonm9flt. ....., ~. lid, Pt1vat• dey -~ ~Leed wM 11n1 CW9"111Did a =•=-type. IMMAOULA Tl Hurt :~;. et:nli P•P•ra, 17M77t 9¥91 ~. • • -··-M = ="?o Tao IClhool • , • .ny Hparl•nff, '"" time. L* .. '::J phonle. ~.~ ... (HI., ..... .... ..._ IA8Y 'Uf'HITVf'E -Ctltl ,_ ,,_ c ... ......1444 ~ ldl. IOfM oolleoe & l"8lllf\ --......_. M1.e ._.. ..,_of • .._, ...... '· --.. & mattr .. MO. '°'1 ortb Dllt. IXIC, eutt., l ,011 lq Cd: =u• Or. newport Ho" .. ole•n•r w1nted. IMdtoel bkgrd ~· ~ '"· erYtiii""cr.:t.;;, humor.~~. 11tll a Main). ~ yr1. QrMt di•· 125. Changing tbl 110. "· lnOl'g, a .. ..,, otoe.. e ..... 1111 tlMO llu'ld_.. 11 "°"' Job. C)'p9 7hPfl'I . ., 1m 111 w. 11tt1. 11. .,... a toem. (114) 111...no. e.t, May n . tAM. 1aa2 4tll-4808 _•_1_a._2_1aa ____ _ partlon.d eub-otu, lg. -AOCOUHTINQ CLAK. 13& Mell V de -·•• •-/LR 17 O M WIY'I Clrote, H.I . S.11. Brown Lazy -. cNlf cntl'I. W01'i1 lnN flM IQ. Tony l\om1'1 Pi.oe 54e:,1111 aft f. .,.., F ~ !!:!..' 0 " & ' ' · _.,llT/lm. oorner H1w11nd/ Ger-llb•rl1n Hu1ky. PtOI· 1.,5....,., r.apt. rm. All don• rn Hewpon IMotl tooatlon. or '"'::2..."':... ·...:....... lltatl Ananollt ~t ftrm netd. grHd. Oh bloodllnH. 146 et.a deooratlon ~ bMU\. Found: Pomeninlln ml•, A/P, AJA. payroll. dlllY HOtlHI nffded, ••P.. tome ""'" ...., ..... ~ "911 f 0' • du c • t 0 r • . AKO regl1. HOO. Vet ____ ...:...,.;.;... __ In ap~renc•, In loc. bm twn; ShlCll!erd mb, atdets. tm4lll dlYer9lnlcl rtenoed, tuft tllM. AlJrJtt matute, P'Nltnt, llo d •'Im Pw9/oomm.ci..,t. wt• GAAAOE SAL! • Ofl'lcl eum Incl. 7112·8300, MetcNng Couch, tov.eet. preet ... bldt. Newport blk a ten mile: C1lrn dut•. >Ont oo. benlflt1. In per1on, Tll• •••oh per.on to WOl'il w/1111g. '"" time •"h• J .M. tlry. !xo.I tyJ)l"O and furn, Minott• oopler. ll&e-0250 chr I ottom1n 1200 ArohH M1rlna lldg. T.,rlar t•m• Au1tr1ll1n For ICIPt pt9IM oall "°9 HOUtl, 811 lleepy H* ltaft. l4CMl70. ,.._..00,-., &tatelo l/H rlQUftd r...outM mllc. 1uppllH . 22182 14Ml8M 642-4144 8Mpfwd Trl inM Lib 119r 1t 213/H4-75a7 tow Lane t..aouna' t.of1 --ttq'd. Contt0t: eandy ~ .P, a mllll WoOd l1l1nd Ln., H.B. 6 loo m1nyl Oh1mplon 1~--------------~ Miii blk a wttt fem ;Hew-• • UI. ....,..,_ Conncn. 720-1011 btWn Hon-1moket pt•f. Cell N2-ff74 Oobl•. Young t•mtle. Sm tVt IOf1 bed 1100 DHl9net1, trchlt•ot1, · Apt. M1n1g•r, Co1l1 ....... / .... ......, WI 11• turning aw1y 10 & 8'M 640-4123 OAAAOI & aOOt< ••ti 811ck/t1n, uncropp•d Pine ctlr I Ohom#I '60. orephlc ut11t: Studio port leach Anlmll Shel-M... Saml·r•tlred cpl E 1 f butlneM end need 1 ... .. • ..aa... .... -Hlet...._V:: r~ Hr1. F1mlly Pit and 1 dr#r wllnut d9'k 175. tPICI• av111. 1hr bHI•. t•.e+weH (50+).10 manage• 11 F~ft1~[,t!.~c:J{ya,~rr,::: pr'dPfof,MlltoUIPt,... lll'YllWPT• ;;;~"·ovi;''1ooo witch dog . Uo . Oak dilplay cue 1350. fur111_~.:.B· 101 1q ft. Found Med 11n Ilk sn. unit oomplu. Lit• eon: Ben Brown'• A•t-with 111tt,.to11owtno. Top lllTAllAIT Smlll llW office~ book• Miao hcwMnold 14t-01113. IM0-6317 1_848-_7_1_11&_ ----- 6421lW!. ph«d, 'Vic So, Lagyne. melntinino• I bkkpg t1ur1nt. 31101 OoHI ~~. "!.:.. .. o1tr gulr •:!,~ Tiie eon..toi .. Cef9 II zing In tu matter•. ~ht. t-2PM, 17271 ......._ It ••• ~1 Matctllng ciouc:h. radii ,....__,..._.. ......... 1u•", ...._ 404-e242 ~!~'!..~~~ Partlll rent. ......, So.•.......... """ ..,.. • ~ ...... llll'lnO '°'•new,_..,.. Hl91h 1oouraoy typllt • -............. ,,,_ "4 _... chr & ..... "''"9 ..,...,,,_ ....--·---.... ._.... _ .. ___,;; .. , __ ..__~_ ... ___ , r1m lduo1t1on 1111111 rent: a1111tant m1n1· ~ • II · ...... .--... _,, •••••••••••••••••••••• onomen. ""''Vlnyt ;t"E. ~;:.1='\:'~ F:,~~1~2 M-=~ 16;,1 :: ,_A_S_S_E_M_B_L_ER_S_.-w-.-.-1-11 ~· .... ble.. • 0--. wtlftera a ~ r.::d be~'='r~urr:t i-w ... j T=t~ =::. :f~11'::·d 1i°°,;.~ eublMM all or pe11 o4 cal ~53112 1rlln. AootY 7AM, Mee-Exper d, pert·tlme, En· ~a Delllh .. <~ tio.tl Mutt have cer. S1lery ::"A:•••••••••••••••••• 87&-7421 '"Y'lml t>otrd. '200. t7e-3386. 2380 aq. ft. Cell PllUI at Gregor Yaohtl, 1831 gll1h 1p11klng pr•f.. 8outh C09lt "-rA hott•H .. & but per-1100041200 depe!ICl6ng IAllll UL.I 891-3ee8 Doug, 752•5111. FOUND: Fem. Shalt,., 'Vic. PllOet'ltll. Coet• Meu flaw c.. 142-4515 Mil tor <Motte ~7111 10n1. A/iply In paraon on~. Cell M• kt ll'ld Sun Mey 28-30. FrM 10 gd home, 2 kll-1-------- _ _;;.. _____ ----1 Ad1m1 & Ltk•, Hunt. AutomoU'V'I HOUSl!KtEPER nMded only, pm to &pm , Cooper or Ml Mullen, l!ntlt• llOUMhold g°". t9nl, I wile, b1k I wht Pr. Oold L1mp1 110 . ... IPlll Boll. H0-71121 for ~ -.u.m.n In Tua-Thutl. only: 3000 144-M11 t.t. 4&8 pm '""'· clotlllrlg, eponmg Mw & r.m. Or-.n V.iwt Sot• 1100. 1, 137 IQ ft In Miiiion Found: P11lll:Mt, Sund•y ...... ~~~1042 ..... .. WOI St., Colta Mela M-F. good•, tool•. Lot• OI &4~6392 AnUqu1 Olk lld•bo1td --1---lauJ ffa 23rd. Vic: Fllr/nt H11bor, NIM .,..,, Coriv • long term C8tW \::t'~r of Beker a IEWIHO MACHINE OP!· = lteml, tona of kttotl Fr .. kltt1n1, bltcll & 1125· 154~573 ~ .......... ~':": CM. 545-2845 to Identify ShoUlcln't = You ....... exp. req'd. l!l!0911. wor· AATOM. !Jcper, qua11ty W a:o ~ ofC Ceder wtllt•. Crib & Or•Hlng Ttbl•. Aetall 1tot9 1t Hao AYOn Lo•t bleck t•m•I• cit, W• W01Jld you'd Mon ttlt\I Frldayl. 8ofM kl~ condl. & beMfttl. llTM. Ul.D minded piece r•t11. =t· •h nd oll•g• ~7 wllnu11110. St., HMO lq. ft. '*" I Balboa CO'V'll 5123. Had want 10 urn morel ~~helpful. ~~~z~O,=":; ·A~ M ,ASHION coeea MtM 142.eee2 l&M'ant ITwo 8 mo. old Cock•r 754-7433 .n 3. cat 119fllge. 641 ... m . '9Cent eutoery. 873-4712 '4000. UOOC>+-. Cd I ..... , ISLAND IMllJnt ~ -·-I .... ., .... mix. LO'VMblll & looking Hide-A-Bed, k.lng ll'Hd, 23. n..·1 r-"Y no Mmlt for HOUSEKEEPER P•rton: '"vv lag1 Ip lndlYldull with fMfllOn --·-••••I'••••••••••••••••• tor gd. 11om9. 982-7383 H•rculon pl1ld. 1 125 llTU. .... or ase-91 . th• hlghly qu1llfl1d, Live-In. BHUtlful N.B. Acl. N8 t>ac:tt91ound for Mlttno _,.. ·-ESTATE IALEJGAAAOE 7&4-7433 8ft 3. bcell•nt loo on P10 Loet 11 mo. old Cock• 11nbltlou., knowl9doel· home nHr bty. Non-end IMdel'INp poeltton. ,.eded In adtllllMt mfV. 8Ali-Antlqu9 & mod9fn FrM to loW'O homM, • Co11t Hwy. Newport Sp1nl1I (H1wk•Y•I or bl• 1utomotlv. prolM-emok•r. mu it drlvt. NURSING &per. ,.q'd. Cell onto/ t pl1nt 1637 Monrovl1, furn. Kit 1tutf. clothel, adorable klttlM, 8 wile ..... "" Boh. ldH 1p1c• for ( O Ir t b 1 g). v I c . 1ion1t1. Room, bOlrd + Milty. 11111 AM to Noon, 6474'28 Npt. 8oh. eto. 81t/Sun/Mon 9·4. old. 751-73ee •••••••••••••••••••••• bu1lnH1 w1ntln~lgh Ore~•/ 15th. CM. W• nffd on• ttl•nlld A•h . 5 23.4 920 or 8AL.£8..Alarma. embftloue 1100 Cltru1 Pl., N.B. Friendly & lntelllgwtt >'91· WllTlll ..... r.~o ~~ q1. I :~ 813-3 1. =~:~ ~= :::: 176-31113. tor ~·,!~. lndl'V. FIT, PIT, wlll tnln. .;,: ..... 144-22311 loW Lab mM, Und9r 1 yr. wllttnd 1150 840..en7 714-64&-7100 , ..... 11111 lat "'*'· HOiJS'EKE.EPEA /time hrly • '53-4141 eft IPM. Im• • • ... , ... Ttllltt FrH to iupu hom•. 1111111 -_ No tall. LOST SAT 5122. W1'r• not llttlna 9tltl ••• 2 young prof wom•n ~. 1't41144-"f:44~ s-. = f~t1!8 r: 8of1 b•d $125, r•frlg IMO-Tl48, &411-111112· 1)'Mt'911.2 llencl. OOod -• ••-Aewwd. 144-2064 w1're movlngl If you IMk young lady to dMrl II 111111 Ill tlotla Cell T.J. 67'1-41111 1175. Ottw mite it.ml. Burm ... 1p1yed Indoor mov•r. OrH11g• pro· 11 X 46 ft In buly otnt• L-__.._ F t bm / know you Olll out M, Clll our 28r IC>(. 18 ht. Must 1111111 .... .!1 ~.d Ill' ..._· 11-..1..:.... Mb 64&-0810 lemlle CC. 12 yra. old to ~ 547.Q43 da. Ev 1t 17434 Beach Blvd. -·: ,,,_,., ca • w me for .,, ~. he'V'I own tr~. _,ure, ...,... " ~ ,,_,. ...... ..... 'VW'J good hom9 Adult9 ~7408 Huntington Buell. y911ow, B1ywood Aptl, AUi •HUI 848-M&7 lft e:3C)s)fn. bpr'd 111-7p. Cart. mlo, oe.•·mloded wo-fll llllll MULTl·,AMILY SALE -~ 54MI032 .,fr lOAM•-------- 2 13-414-13 5 4 p M. N.B. 844-7008 ,.,,.. lktel. 8Hft ~ man nMded for r•tall BlkH. kltCh•n 1t1m1, ' ..t 5PM HORSE FOR SALE 2 • "'"" ...,. ..... F O Pontiac/Suben.I 1&-,...,tlal~. Small conv. .. ... & Ulll1tant mgr, umlTll clothe9, boolcl, lurn & · Mir• • Apf 110011 I l_...,_ ..-. . Lo•t: 5/23. Grey Cat. El ••• ••• _,_ ............ ..__ ........ • ... _ .. -~--.... __.... .,_, Ooln TorolTrabuco .,... AM www -Pitt-time ...,.., Englllh ,..._.., · ............. ,.._ pol.,............ . ·-Pert tlme-3 •hlft1-wlll .. _. . ....,Sun 11-5. 801 5 moe old Shep mix mitt Ar1bl1n, yra old . to Ko!Olle. 71().64&4 Au1omotlw IC>Mklna pnrf .. haw cat. b9Y .... Call lot lntw-background. plul train. 1 1110 p•r WHk. Gery Pllloe. N.8 . dog. Llv•ly I lov1bl•. 11000. lncNdM Mddle C--a.J 142~ :!! !...., 110 -4 : 3 O Pm . comm. a company be-lmm•d opening. Mutt ""'u-!L 5411-1633 or .....a 194 end .. tack. ,_..i, H 1t Found: M mixed r.m.r. ID .. n 1&.m• 1 -•• --·-.,.........,.. n1flt1. Only ~u1llfl•d type. 0"'°9 tooatc ed,,.., ••••••• m.'! •••••••••. Fr•• to good hom•: 7141751-1511 •••••••••••••••••••••• rey; M,· ~-~~.. ~·-.,._ _,_, OFFICE Alelltant /t.lme. P•rtOnl n•e 1pply. OC Airport. 111 Miii •-IMw .._ Bwrtlful SlameM F cat ._. &U .___,., .... -tan ,.. ,......., --with 11.M. ••perl.,,ce. Min. 3 )'Mt'9 lllmll)' tew ,9t1.11ne. Apropoe, 211 '11tllon 8 I 1 t t tor •pp t . -':'A~ --.. ...... -_. '*1 I wtlt; M mixed T•-Top pey IC&la end ax· ~. O.C. Airport 1&-20 MI wit.~ l1l1nd, NI. or call: 714-640-6663 .... ................ I 2 klttw. 897·7029 ..................... . 11'1 newer l*So on COMt r I• r, b r n , w /I 0 : F c.lllftt benefltl. Imm. .,..._ ~ beneftta. ~.1'9C1Mng, fllno. ..._2912 WESTMINST£R :tu.Jtue "" 1~ :'c.,. ~~ Hwy, South500 ~-""'° Sh•p./Leb mix, blk; F dlatl --.1 S.. Ser S1l1ry comm•n1ur1t1 C •I I 6 t • n • I : 3 0 & T1h••111 ... A88EY r.:x. lq .... ..,.Qll. Hewfoundllnd mix blk a 'Vice ~Gery Hut: with .. p.rl•nc•. C•ll 10:30AM. Mon ttwu Ftt. a.. Follow up, no oo6d cell. ANTIQUE MALL ~iNO.iNNEASPRINcrec: IUO/~. Tll-4404 ~r~.· ~=ak::::. ::;. ;.~y. Ne~p~ ... In penon. Mag 1t 851-1234. ~· 831-51160 Dlle~IA~a:=,. PIT. eo.ta Mwofc. fot 11751 w.tmlnlt• A'V9. TAA FIRM mattr .. Mt. J~I-,,,, Turner MIOC. 494-1171 L Ullll PllTUI LIVE IN COMPANION -PllT/1m o Into Cell 8'1•7200. Mil GAROEH OROVE newr UMd, worth *630, .:.":H'l'uuunnu•u S..cll Anlm1I Shelt•r, ......... It '* For tlderly Ledy. Nie. P....on wen1ed ~In = c;:"::.::n= lot Mt. Canon. 6~103 uc. $248 d•I. N•ver Oulllty 30 point AU81£S . .. Lllll 125 MHI Or .• C.M. hom• on Lido. Light P•r Wffk. Mull know rlCNlt .. .tttl .... In ,........ ........ UMd QUHn II. worth Yourd!oa:'50-.I 300 lq ft. Foot tramo. 844 3IH ... ... work. MUii h•Y• Cir. how to wlndlurf. qlnMJing a OP Aeo-18 nMCMd Im~. Ho MoC•~ W•ll• Fergo 131111· CHh only. •218 ___ 640 ____ _ Dntwn ""8 494-MN Found: YQ wM• lfMIG F. ~a.. Room, boud, car H· (213)433-10871436-15" rullm.nt. Ou1-tendlng ....., ~ S-4ftM Mon type reta11t $1806, d•I. Uauilly homi, 8 OlAMONOS, ~ to St-..,_ ............. 20• no taga. owner Identity •u-..... S*IMI a 1m111 llAlry. • .. uon/o owth ttwv Ff1 cal: ee&.o151 1111 113150. Ilk• n•w. 754-7350 V.ant. irwwnt. qulllty. "''"'• .,...,,,n_._.., collar L1g Nlg -M t L d d ·• ... PAIT tm comp n ' _.. 1-;· · •••1410 ~ ............ •"7-1011, 80'. 1100/mo. 2330 1 • · · ~~lot 1 ur• uay e .. r .... E¥19 end/or WMllendl. oP9· Ot.eiltrlaid ...ign. ... ..---**' BtJY** ~rH-... N•wport Blvd. Co1t1 M -0430 ..,,.,..loed OM & ho a.tty m-tel8 ~ .......... ment9 & 9lllCllUng. ~ T~ ~•• ·~· o AnUQu9 ACA vactor Radio ·~-------R91potlltbtl --.,_ m1o envtionnienl. LA & ..,...~ ~ "-~ ·-M91&. 11&-nee. Lo•t: Brnlwllt Sprngr baN .._ penon . ......, UVE-.IH tema69, ovw 50; 21, wttft ~.at· OC loc•tlona. Call or 175 DAV• PAID DAllY I ~•cord pl1y•r In ~ wad Fumttur• & ~ ,_ WutlW laWfM Sp1nlet "Ui:ole ,:::;: =' A7.:"C::: ~.!n~ "*'~~ lrlCtMI S*90!Nlllti. to tend '""'" In conn-no_,,• w • 821-2583 ~ eeblnet. $100. ~~ wtll Mii ... 1mAi.RMS•MK~x· .. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~::r.-' twllty to r..att the Na-._.. lww. cer. 54&-0906 work with youth!'"" derl09 to: ll&ITlll Ill'* Proreulon1lly Cuatom N.B. 31175 !Mn:h. 5800 eq. ... peiy ..... ~ Tn btwft 1a4 10· 14). Cell '2· PM, PAC ASloaATE8 IHC ,...... Antlqw China Cabinet Built Alf'9 HM'Vy Banwl ft. or 1 .... MIA ion•. Loet: ~ blu & -peNOn. • • • 142""'321, bt. 343. EOE 2744 E. Comt Hwy a.. 0 .... .... '"""~7ll!!:.,2 ~ ... or~-•• .... IN-Mn .22-250 ~Ith A•dfl•ld Aotnt 541-6032. MICMI, owned 1 }"9. '* I. -_._ ,.._ Corona d•I Mir CA -9'V •• v -. I llY --3Jt·h lcope. C09t s 1. 1~ ~P~1::;.~nt: ~~~u:~ ~fm "':aa"'~'~ .... 1W. et fair ::::f!:.g:.•1;!;:~~~~ Ms>m~= youth 1u :62tt50 w!~ to=• ~Id':~;} l.91 r-HH133 =:~0.•=,,., dondo Ctrde •E. Hunt· e.te-0620 ..... -•lactrloal I plumblng counHlll11g firm tlH 21M71"'4078 llbOt pool of quallfled t75 d9IMired. s..w·1a2' New lul-eta msttre91 tet lng\on. a..dl. 142.2134. S"DIUL£TS .. ,. halpM. ~ to Llrry, GP9l*'09 lot w llWp ...... cpp ~ or~lc~~ln ....... ~~ "'' aeo. H•w queen 11u: LM IM' 1111 ""1VW9 n• 8Urf I 8tnd HGMI, U1g outgoing rnatu111 ~ •aa-for ..,.._ '"'"' v.. Miii 1100. 750-5832 30 "8llum 8allocw'9 i.t.111 ,,,.,., -Full tlrM Mon ttwu Fft, 8cfl, 4117-4471. E.O.E. to motTvat• ambltlJ>UI _. Pf°l'iMW .,..., At .._. ; 7................. 09lt'V9t'ed +card. P9rt9ct •••••••••••••••••••••• ••~ 7em to lpm. H.B .,.._ H •o R 1o.13 yr old•. 0111 En~ wortclng wttft kldl. one....,.,~ In HARBOR AREA Llw1on ct11lr ind m11-for~ OCICllllon. ~t MIOOLE·AOEO cpl mo-~RU\'1 Mutt hlVI tran1port1-MA ,. E WHk•nd, 2-6pm. 842-4321, ext. Ind .... loor11111 .... typuettlng, P••t• up, APPLIANCE SERVICE Ching ottom•n 1 100. for bl1del ' gredu9t-. Ying to Calf. iat. July. 1<99n1y. Plane> tlon. For 1nt9Mew call 9w1m & ttnnlt olub. No 343.-"" for Andra. nlno-. ulllln your M· 01mera op•ratlon or W• ... NCOnd., guar. Good con d It Ion . 113-4419. Houllfluntlng th61 week. ~~ymbol Kathy w. 714/13S-4447 axp. nee. Vlriad duti.. OC*'ll S*90fl9ilty, ._,, platemaklng 11 nae ... applllno9a. 54e.30n 54~1387 -------- Nd. delu•• 3 br. d•n """'"EV a.&pm or H0-1508 1ft "'4. Pl' lw. Apply btwn 11 how lo beoorne • .,._, ..,.,. You muet be 8'V9lo-....... • ..... lr9a t1• hom• In Hunt. 8ch., NurM to n•w pettent: lpm. & 3, Wed, thUt9 I Ftt. P11T1 WWWI& HIH coun111or. Call ...,.. to wortt on 1 aut>-I llY ~ ,...,.,..., box IPringt, kg 831"°571' 7»1768 FOW!l. Vty., w.tmin.tet "You'r• Jult whll th• Pacific S1nd1 C1b1n1 Exper In 1 t1r cotor pt1n--2·5PM. 642-4321, Ext. atltut1 or caB4n baala. l.91 857 .. 133 lta '60~..:'"6· .,..._ Oellr-9 1 yr. IM. Ho doctor oro.r.d: 1 petllnt 8a.byllttw nMd9d PIT for Club, 1141 Att.nta. HB. ting r•q. APPL y IN 543. EOE Salaty dependa on u-W..,_/Oryw 1 125 9dl ........ 1111. cNldfWI or pate. LV. !Mg. with io.a of MONEY." 17 mo. boy on Ot WI •• 1111n PERSON. WMkdeya. IN a.. perlenee. Contact P«-~-or 1225. ~ Sot•. 9', blk vlnyl, Lg• $31-4571 720-1768 for Mr. J.O. J9fter'lon at ••-Balboa lllend orty. Ren, AHO OUT PHOTO tonnel. ...,_ llOO. t•I 5141. m11ch reclln•r, very Od TV 11 ~ 714-536-1421 Found: Hf oorMf Oii -pleul. 175-51194-. NHd•d for N•wport 10052 Adlml Av•. :'iii..... OOod oond. l300 or ti.I •Hy gtml w '" a Oran~ CM, Mini BABYSITTER 8elldl Sllon. IElll*'len-Huntington ....... .... .... IWrtg, late melt WMtlr19-ofr. 4117-27te tepea. '200. ~~::: ';":; Oermlln , 548-2733 H-s.d for 15 mo. beby 09C1 ~· Clll 1156-31112 BMch. M3-&000 330 ~S hou .. , lrott-tr•• w/ MUST SELL oouch _....... 720-1768, 83l-OS71 '*"by July lit. Have Found: grey cit. whit• boy, my &ltllde c .M. torlnt9rvl9w. 0111 u• •bout th• .... , t. lc •m•lc•r S 225 · ,_..., S....1'9friQ . .., oondltlo- prof. dlcorltor wlf9 ' 1 lee• & PIWI, "-1111. h 0 m.. Fu 11 t Im •. MECHANIC.with Ja4i1Ulr ...... out•tendlng c:atMf op-Coeta Meu 142-2923 . ~ :::· ~.::: ner. 5000 liru. Ilk•,_, Wlf'J nect daugtl1ar. Wiii &ltblUff. N.B. 780-8030 146-8023 or Brlt11h ctr .. P•r. 1111 W portunttlel u 111 IMU-An =°"'""Mr REFAtOEAATOR table for~ 115. Or 1150. 541-n52 lft I. ............. ............. Mu•t hev• own lool•. Wl'll T reno. Agent. Training , ... 2 ..... ......_.-.... do rwno.wig, .,._ .. _..,, Found: Long h1lr SI•-S.byaltt«·hou•MP91'· wlll not lntert•re with Veflld9 ~. OW.A· ~• ""'· "'• '"'"'' "-· betC oftw. &42-62113, 11-ZEBRA RUO 1875 0t b9et • t c · for Io w '• n t · meM. Hpt 8hOt9I .,... drlv•r'• lie. preferred. Benlfttl. 951-1io82 I YIAll llP. -your pr .. 1nt •mploy-Aide, lad*'** v~ I uie. 8Cl3-80eO t• lpm. ofr. ~1718. Cell 142-4538 Wkdya, C.M. 121~210 Tr1d1 your old atult 101 .. "*It. .,.._ 11 w/ldnt drMng ~Out of State IQUEEN Siu w1t•rb9d, Cell ~1 1ui.a..n-fl 'htll51,, Ufl llY....... ~odlu wllh I 111-llM C"") reoord. 8t9rtlna "'4 lw. Aefng, 1cuft,8YOOldo, trw. ,_..,, pedeatll. NUTRIA FUR JAQ<E.T 'l ..... t, •••••••••••••••••••••• TRY-OUTS Jun• 5 11 ad. 142·6871 983-4611 E.0 .E. U0..81t1 btwn MOO/of'lar. 754-7433 175 080. &42-4230 N9w. 1875 or bat ollr. n..... 8AM. For Info call Da1·1y P1·1m4 .................... SALE.SPl!MOH, auto a 10-HAM. USED whit• OE lllf-12 poeltlon brown naug. 541-4871 •••••••••••••••••••••• L=--a t Vi:..J.t''s 144-5921 John or Mlk• ·. truck 1:,:i,!4t cornm1.. wooo WON< . dMnlna ow.i. Uk• new. rectlner wlhMt• a vi-OREENHOUSE Window, l..i..a llU • ROA '. llon + . Cell Mr. Non emoken Call .,.., 1100. ~ tntor, IOoM beck IOf• & 4". 1250 or b9lt on.r. ,.._..,,.,,,,., IM PllTI -.S Be1uty Seton: Excellent : : Oloken1 for appt. 8:00 P.M. 646-2356 USED Wlllt• OE Oleh· 1oYMMt.. 546-86.'2 642-3148 lft 5Pt.t ••• 'if!!:.•·•••••••••• DlllTl/ .... I opportunity, n .. d•d Part time ~n to deli.-0-1ty 142-1144 -.... _ I oo ~1.--------1---------voouRT SHOP • 1n .,. =-•• llharnpOO .-. for bU9y ,,_....., '""' ., ,_,... ,.,_ ---·~new. 1 . " Upholtt.,•d PHoh Stent Board, t11ec. upttght bu•IHt traffic bHoh OUTCALL 24 HAS. N6on, llolnal requk'ecl, Piiot auto route In Newport Beach ~Ill ... eft~ ........ -...... · 72CM)2t() wood arm chalrt 128 AedllOer Muaagar, rot.- .,., S76,000. 78CM70I llM21l H • • P. or I B no II . 7 days per week, about 2'A hra. Rapidly 1rowtno Ve:: r... ., .., 1JRD Wtllte OE Cor'*IG Md\. (714) 487.e329 I 1 mat• 11 n . 2 2 • ' YOGURT SHOP • In --131•1*· ~ da M F 2:30 PM Sat s 5 . pany,. foLwttlln _, •••••••••••••••••••••• topetoofewttllhood. Uk• HIOE-A-aED Couch,~ ,_545-61 __ n ____ _ v,. ...-y, -; • · • un; MekJn9 pet'IOI~ •· Uled Mnlt\n & ~ new 880. 720-4290 bl9. lk• new '40. lrvtne CoHt C.C. OoU bYllHt traffic bHCh aAllY -Tl HI IDHI AM. Helpful but not neoMlaty to p•rl1no•cl MC 'I with 09 a mlla. 814 lril St .. w h 0 (714) 531-79!50 M•mb•rthlp Worth .,... S78.000. 780-f10I Oppty. Prof. ofc. nd1. llv• In Costa Meaa Earning• : good ofb '**GrOUnd CdM 8etlSun ••• , and ry•r. I . bmcM1 I Mlp 1145-11103 lft. lpm booldt"9P1r, *" typl9t • • • l .... ~ 8iJ wpm. • Wett~. Avocado tl lofaa "'° ... 1 lamp 1500, NII fOf 11 too. """ eppt. * * * w/ba11c knowledge of $400.00 per month and up. Call: ' pl•H•nt 1tmoapller•. CW..., 1100 Ht. 110.u110, s10. All good oond. ,_IM0-_7_185 _____ _ DISTRIBUTORS ~ ~ 0.-Dally Piiot, 642'4321, ••k for ~ """'· goOd .. ...................... 710.()114 1'46-3518 Llk• .... Mutofl OAAF· WANTED lff•lflt Mllllll lk'e &. abllty to IWn • 8 F--neflta 91l1ry to COM-TINO MACHINE w/tlbta. To Martt« • New Ravo-°'*12411n • dey Mnllal. ~ ruoe or ..,.,er. men•ur•M woh .. ,.. IWIP lllT l11•1n ""' I' ...n 11• s1ao, eao.o202 · lutlonary pr0du0ot1dthlt .... 01~1WMk1 1 t Cen you ml• breln• 1 Equal Opportunity Employer rtenoe. For...., cal e.yluncMy, ~ a76. 54&-etM Mwt .... MWl31 lllWlll I I Ill promotH • 0 •n V9 org•ou• g r • 0 ·. Su•le. (714) ....... 11 Ortn19 C09lt eoteeoe. 1·1-•.• -, •• .--. "'•UST SE' I . -........... I • Bronze Tan. For Info. p1mp•r you. J1cu:ul, btS -:-"o 'tNI ~kl ~ • ~ t & 6 '•lrvi.w t ~; -·-.. --'!L_ "' ..., -·~ -191 (714) SH-2104 or s.una., ___ L=.::::,•d ~;,c.'1• 0~W:::. ,._":._ .......................................... · COllta Mw. uo-:---145 °'" 'b~41:-9'. SI~~: 11o20•a.-3eeperft. 211-834-1711. Golden ..--,....... fr t b 8 11 L I I h --Olow. P.O. Bo• 100. Muter. Cher~.;:.,: ~ 11tc4 1·,33157 8C. ~ ~. • ., ~:=;~~~~~ ~rrb~.: M<Ml31 71'"1411 enyttme. 8unl9t a..dl, CA 80742 ICll'I Elcpfw All m no ap I reno, en i ....... I"'....... ~ 15541 SMO offw . ..,....74. VeMt UphOI. Chllt AlrMlnl of Moving Sale welcome 1141648-3-433. Juan Capo. 4K-M27 <C> '6 Small llZll. -.y ocMor, lncfudlng lumlture, art, ... ,..... ..... 2112 Hnor Bt. CM' IUllOIL ( l ) ) MOVING 8AU a.ti Sun ..._,_ "" '601080. &44-ti31 mtle. ~It.,,.. I ~ ownr -.-itao eppt. ,.,.... Ill... °*" un1cn or rWtad TB 1 New ""'1a & 01tter rni.c: ~~[~·3·;.;.·;e~ I ' couctl, It belGe. 'VW'J ~ ~ ~~ ~ HOME 8U91N£11 t11. ..,..... •JIP4M'len0e. UM of on· IN ,, -~ i 2216 A. F'omone, C.M. , bike w/co .. t•r OOod cond, S 19'. 2pm. ~ fne llnnlMI, 1CHtaiy I -. ' Ill 1 ~ -Ill ~ Everythl"O lm,lnable. bit* .. L.k '-l11t/obo. 20t-211t St., C.M. Ol1trlbutor1hlp1 tot 2~~~c:·c :!:tt!~~~~~ .!II 'JI: ~~ = ~ 20UCllerte, 1t/8un 120-1110 mTllUCH11H) --·- n1t1one1 brend lftlcro· qlty alngle men. Let'• entry poettloft, HuntMg-, -"' M . Cllrom• MONGOOSE 121. ....tl21 lfl.. e UO. ..._1121 lft. a =.::--~d:i tlHr from you. Write ton IHOll Olty Im· ...... -., ...._ ~ ~ e.t/lwl 1t01 UNA, OM. l .M.Xbil .. TOf1l•fOttla. 4 OAt< ANTIOUI 40 IQ~ IUS & 35 ICI ~ ..W.tafl Cl•ltfled A41114, o.1fV ~~Y::• Ctedlt Union. { ""' ' · ~' ,, • l ' 111 1111 loatttrlr (lfo), harn, "" Line bare, M.C.I DIMINO CHAIRS a1ao yd1 t1.oo. '~no In• ~~~!!!!!!!!~~~ Piiot, PO lox 1110, 17 / ~ ) ) ..... .. llOotla, mllo. '46447t •t•m, A.C.a.z . wl\MI, 146-Nll lft 1 oluded. Good oond. :: CoeCa MeM, C.. 12121 , ~ \ ' -~ , Moto<m1111 C.M. om. · 85e-IOM llM! J ., COUNTER HELP·MetUN • • I . I ...... , 1120, obo. feo.Mtl S!OTIONAL SOfA ,_W_A_A_D_A_O_•_l_l_t_e.-m-.-r h ,_.,,_ .,. °T!n ':..=. ':: ~"9er==•..:= l • .'... -Ill.II AlllY fOOd...... hlttt'°'-. Jdnt oond. tnit*. wMt ltMd dra-•••";A'-.:r.:;f.-•••el ldl If••~• -Club In rv. l!v•nlnt I fl Color TY•, 1ter•oe. or\llMr bl'CPMI, MO. SIOO• .... 7121 aft. I ..,., ...,_. & lronltlo MIW •UIW a tlbtet. 11•-ue..t~ poefdon, t-10 Mon-Frf, ..,,_, """"'"· tootl. 1t1--7114 lofa a iovuut. °""'1r'fl board nao. (7 u1 SU.000 ......... """"" or 2t:MM-tt71. GotdM .. w . ~. M Ne 1>9pe r:-, -·-.... bllby _..,. ..,., Lldll9 8dWwlllwl ... ,,.., orMlft ~t "'~· Kint .. ,-Git lftlr lplft. .,...,.~,.. Qlow. ,,0 . lo• 100. O!NTALAS818TAHT ws ~~,_~.-.'I ' .. baby ltef'M Md mvotl ._a tuMa, Jdnt oond oond. '490. Hl•HOI LarM ,...~ ll'lld oonor•te f9n411,._ me· .,,_...,,,CA 80741 ..._a.._. ... ......._ __ -.. l ~. ml10. 1011 Pomona, Mllbtt e• I03I • ..,... Du\oft Doot 1100. •l\ln• 100111111 to • 11 .,.._ • --" ·-• Oo1t1 M••• tettlun 1 • .._ __ .....-..... ...'.-.... 19Uttl·ntllllon clolt~t ...... MM fenllV ~ In Q.M. 1M,.. ~ .... bllc ""' • ...._.,,_ ---oV • "',•rlcet. "rlt ""'• In ~"=':·;;:,·~i.! ~--·.:=:.-:.=: Ca rr·1ers f .. i'out -'"""'~ Anttquee, ,,.. llO. 7r.7164 -:, 1100. ==~· "HIN l.H4ted Tiffany u •• ~'· auolc1 ltl 0...0 In~·,.._ c.1--.,1.llMI, ~ or 8$ welrV M. -...... r . :.l.N ........ ,_ ... _,. ' •~ "'NllNllt =:.inri lfMll '· t8lt tia•... Ot ..... oo. eao. '41. -twn .,.., •· TIM a. °"' Cteenlftt ~ ' ' tO ""° INKI • a __... 111 .... ?»OnO ' \., l!mr.11.f!'! •• !!f ~... r-:.=r~= . in HUntington a.ath, .. 'i I :r,-:~.~~·:~11~!·~:.:~:: ........... ~ --. ---4141 • ,, ..... --~ ...... ':t.~&;1:.-,.._. •••••••••'! • n 0 I• m •" t • • f I Vi~ & N -~ Bt ti ' .... nM. Ml9lll M Cole~,; ... ' lii4ovtflt: t,,i ...._ w/ --. t • .._ _. ,.,.., f\My •..a..::....a.. f , . ..r ounta n llLAIWlftOrt at •1 L 1911 8L, C.M. ' or ... •. 11 • ~ l\utol'i lftltror blloeM ot9lf (114) 117 .... "...._Olllf1N"1to9' ~ r 4ll NII. .• ~.... ' .. 'ANTAaTIC'ilftOOOR 10.-0_,,._ 1 tidbrd. 110,~/offer. l"VINI O...t C.U"try ==1~0:· .... ~ .... 11!! -=·~1'='=: ~i ."f I . ' '•,LANT IALll h.-.91 ~ ...... tr.• ,....,. f ~ ctuf»,tolf ,......, ...... , • .. . .--1 11 1\ITOR • '° ~....... ...,.. ... .... I L~· 470 •• 1ttl\. It. .... ·-.,...,.,. . MOifirla: ............ .,.... ,11.-; .... ,. ·-· • ......: n .... ~ .... .-.' I.• • ·,~ Oel*Mm& '•Mt .o''t • •I .... ~·~*,, .................. C. 'z,,., 1 ...... ~~ _., UIOUTIYt~IHlllnf GciMMll.-..O...I . .._. $ ....._~ 7411 ---~·----, _ ............ -:.::.:::.~== . i11aD..-;;j .... ~ .. 1-llllO&.IMl9'C'-•lr,rvtt ....... N.I...._ ...... -..rr.s:r ~ •• ~1 ~-• ,,... mi,..... 9"' ...., ......... !'"· ,,, . ' -I&--..... _.... ........ -•• ·2Ztfllll -_ _,' CALt ._ .... • W..m.f1A -~ ....... --== _,.._ nae ~ ..,.. .,.. a 1111 --,='" .._ ....... i.!11.r....... .. ..... 1--. • ( . -1,._ .. I ...... ,...,.,,,_,"*~··--...... -= ~~a ... tm~:.i:~: .. :!r::lF· ~~J= ~ "'.'"' O.IO..... ...r-; ... _ f':'.a:: *·""' , f!i!e:~ .. llT: ..... , ._,,,,......., ,.: '=-w=:=z: ~--,,J ;-:..~-n_,'1'!,, ..... r.;ii,\t .... ~ .. ;;am, ....... -.-?& ""i~ -· =·~--''*-~'=-.;;,. ~ ... rJ ~'1:oT.:.--= ~&$ = . ' '"fsf.N'4"C ''1-~:=. -!a • ~ ;A::::;~ ..... ...... ., ....... _-l.J ' c ..... ,... ....... _ ..,-,,:: ~ ,... j' ' • •, ... •1 - 1911 OLDS 91 llGINCY COUPI (1BIX1•21 s11,995 1979 CHIVIOLff coavnn f·TOP (•12309) $10,995 1tl1 CADILLAC PUITWOOO llOUGHAM "ASftMOCW' CPL (1CRR5~2) $15,995 1979 CADlll.AC PL111'WOOD llOUOHAM 0(l95XET) . '9495 1979 CADILLAC MDAN DIVILU (311184~ '8995 IEW '82 MUSTAll &Tl IEW '82 E• Ser. #121405, Stk. #0788 (1 only) List ••••••••••••••• $7936 lebate ........... $595 .,.362 2• •11•,111 ...... lllllM.ll'IDIE IEW '82 ESCORT Ser. #132878, Stk. #1514-<1 only) 20 List ••••••••••••••• $6141 •••t• ........... $415 Discount •...•..•. $311 5 5 338 ALL RAl&ER 2••.12t,111 .... ... 1111 •llllllJ Ser. #A11989, Stk. #T1290-(1 only) List ••••••••••.•••• $8491 3 5 •••t• ........... $500 Discount •...••. $1999 5 5999 & DAY TRIAL Mk Y!f!Y!!l~~ 2••.12•,MllUF• UIUllllHlllEI Oll#EllllWELY ,._HI 24 M0.)'4,000 MIU fC>aD CAR CARICOYIRA Newport art museum • offers 2 new exhibits .... 1~The entettairiers~~~~~~~~~~~--i Superstar T .~ · Slleppard 2 -'a very positive· person' f By SANDIE JOY artist, but it'• a little bit of everythina. ~-0( .. Dlllf,....... "That'a why our muaic started to I Frlepcb and fun are important to cro11 over in the latt yur :• he ®untf>' mualc, 1ay1 1upentar T.G. explained, "becaUle we•re do.lna the SbepPard who'• hitttn1 the charts kind of music hopefcily tile maaa 1 heavy with hi• "Smooth Sailtn' :· like to listen to." "Only One You" and "Loved, •Em '!be Tennemee natl've, who maket ~ Every One.'' . Naabville h.la home bile, laid an u1lat R "My dreamt and what I want in the can be tucceaful without crouinJ a: future is just to be happy,'' he aa.ld over from country to contemporary during a telephone interview thi1 but, to reach the matte• and do week from LM Veps where be wM televtsian and Lu Vepa lhow data. vl1iting with bi1 f l'iend, Mickey crca-over II Important. Gilley. "You have to let your pll hi&b.'• "If iou•re hap.Py and got your ht 8lkl. health, ' be aid, . . . you've got it Sheppard c:to. 200 concert data a all." year plua teleYtlion and nconta. Sheppu'd called himlelf "a very Earlier t his week he waa in Lu politive penan." Veaaa "to tee what ii 101n1 on He explained. ''Pomtive thinp can technically," be tald, "and to viait do wonders. l think lf you are a witbeomefriendland=Strip." negative ~ you're never going to Shepp.rd'• abow II with a go anywhere!' lot of visual effectl, be explained, A positive attitude can "project a notlni. "rm W!rJ, very Involved with penon through life,'' be exp1alned. J.i&hting a thaw properly. T. G. Sheppard and ·Terri Gibbs will perform at 5:30 and 10:30 p.m . Saturday and Sunday and at 3:30, 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. Monday at Knott's Berty Farm. • ~eople come to a 1bow a1 oppmec1--to bllU1ni you Clll recordt it hM to be vllual." Ht• 1bow uae1 a lot of fo1 and amoka, be noted. Sbeppud laid be doem't have my klola but there are people be admlreil and reapectl in the hlwtneai, and be watcbee them cbe.ly. For example, be aald be follow• Kenny Rod1era and Dolly Parton cbely. .. I don•t think you can pattern Terri Glib Ud 'J'.G. Sheppard •t at Knott'• Important to hla ~!rand that hill reoo1da.,are • .. I prlde my1elf on beln1 a buslnemnan and an artist,'• be ta1cl. nodna be·• beeD inY9Ua1 hla money. When be'• not performln1. ~.aid be'111Uiy to be tound in t&e·.,..-at eome lw:ieQlll.'k. "I 'm very heavlly Involved In autcJmoblle r.anc," be 8lkl. "I ._ the but two weeb -ao to take one around the track • . • The feellna of pcnver under 'j'OUI' .. t II~." Dina perfect R·h~a, 6ut no 'Bad Seed' By JDDIY JOBNSON ... Dlllr ....... Little Dtna Fayer Java the applal.m, but if ahe &eta her dnnhen. ahe'll be a bnfD aargeoo bwtad of an~ . "J )ave the ai.ee,•• the 11-year~ charmer WM aytnc the ott.. day. "I like~ appa... but when I .,aw up I want to do eometh1nl in ldence. rd like to be a~" , Mlu J'ayer comes by that dect.ion quite bm-dy. Her father .. a IUJ'8ecXL But for the next mantla. ltartioa June 4 and runnina tb,rouP July 3. 9be ca be wn • Rhoda. the dilld murdesw in .. Tbe B9d Seed:• at the Newport Theater Art Center. "It'• the bfaest part in a play I've had ao f.ar," the very grownup llixth grader edded. "lt'1 a terrific part. I clCJll•t think kidl pt to play a put like·thJa -very oftm. "Rhoda II an intensdni cbancter to ~ Mill Fayer continued. "Rhoda 18 a aweet. very proper little ,Ul who can•t stand to do anythlnc wrooc. She doea have ooe fault. She ldlll peoslle. ''If anyone hM anytbina ahe wanu. Rhoda will not belltate to kill to jet it. "lt'1 a hard role to play. It'• not e.y betna sweet and nice one minute and mean and awful the next. It's the most cSm>anctml role I ever had. I never before played a chancter With du. much depth." Mill J'ayer 11 perfect for the part. She is llDall for her ... yet "Wille beyand her •· She will celebnte her 12th birthday the day before the lbow opem and the tine. will come oU her teeth at about the aune time. She ba1 a blg week to look forward to. '1'hll ma)' be her blast put. but Mill Fayer ii DO ltrUJler to the ~. Sbe'a .ue.dy a veteran, bavtng cfanced in the "Nutcncker'• at the Ternce Theater in Lona ee.ch, played the talldng c:ricbt ln "Plnoccbio." danced in tbe junior venion of "Sleeping Beauty," waa Hero H~per in "Frotmobop'• at the Costa Mema Juniot PJayhouae, and had the title role in "Alphie Ja a Fi'lend of Mine," Uo at the junklr playbauae. "I Jove show buainell.•• she said ra:; a big smile. "I like aetUna up on ttaee and ormlna and afterward8 aettina the applawe. I atartec1 .. a tap dancer When r w 1;6ut my fint speeki~ eart "!• .. the taJldna cricket In 'Pinocchio.' ~ wttb ttie Ballet W• bone y-.r and was a buffooD In the 'Nutcracbr' ... Miaa l'ayer ts a alxth srllder' at TeWinlde Middle Sc:bool In Costa Mela. She enjoys iwdinl. eipedally adence fantMt boob, c:oUectinc doDa and 'l lllr• di. •ppJ.u.N, hut wlNn I ,,.aw up I want to do NnNtllln, ln tclence. I want to ,,. • INUl'NUJ'l'NA, model hows, and nmninC with her dos. Sandy. Sbe•1 a pretty cool little tn>uper. She knows bow and when to deltwr her lines, and the one thine abe ays lhe'll DeYel" fCllJlllt la her flnt time on -.,e. "The tint Ume [performed I Wiii ao ~ I tbouaht I wouldn't llflt up theft. I W1111 ~ Hamlet 1n a acbool play. I aot tbrCM""1 lt all ri t. but I dClll't know bow. Stnnee!Y enoucb. I lL I ~ it w the appla\m," Mi8I ,..c 1ikel c1omc an kinds °' ·~ -COIDflldy, Sha~, malllk:ak, dnmatlc. She1a had Iota ·o1 experlel.-on -.. but the one lhe ,....,.,,,..... best happened when lhe w dam& Alpble._ . ··Alpbie waa a mUliicaJ.•• lbe a.Id. "Durtns tbe performance I Mid to d8nce and Be GD top al a " I table. Durtnc the 1Mt performance, after I had done lflY ~ on the table. we were off dand.ng and llNlDC aomewbere e1le. when. suddenly, the table pft way and fell 'Tm certainly 8lad I wasn't on top of lt dotna my numt.' when it decided to fall. I do remember there WM a cndt in the table that hadn't been ~befare.'• . "The 1*t Seed.•' which ii being directed by TCllll 'ntw. la• Maxw.n Andet90ll play that opened on Broadat:,2 1n 1965 with Patty M.cCormack pla,tnc md Nmcy Kelly the motbel'. Both acta 41 ! I ~ the rem in the movie venion In 1958. The play will ri.tn through July 3, with ~on~and~at8p.m. and • matmee Sundays at t j>:m. . ~ '• • 4 . 1-:f,able to taBle~~~~-.-..~~~~ ......... --.. ; Delaney's gives ·you f fine food, good jazz u.. By JOEL C. DON I.°' .. ...., ......... DZLANEY'S, M() Lido hrlr Drl~. Newport I Beacb. 675-0100. Lunch ~ lrom JJ a.JD. to 3:30 p.m. MontMy tbroc.wh S.rauday. ~ ierwd ~ fnJm 4 to 10:30 pm. Mcmday t.brouMh ~)'. 4 to ... ll p.m. S.twday, 4 to JO-.# p.m. Siatday. SuncMy ..2 bn.mcb ($3.95) lrom g a.m. to 3 pm. Luncb lrom lC $3.95 to $6.95. Dinnen from $8,g5to111.15. Major credit can1& -.food rmiaunnt lince it opened in 1969. That'• when Fran Delaney took over the Sea Shanty • the n.phlp for lix other renauranta in Oranae County. While lend1ng an ear to the musical talents of Helen and S.., you can belly up to a .-food and o)'lter bat, where ahrlmp_ oockta1Ja still command the 1969 price of $1.95. (You'll be hard-prmrd to find a lpOt In the county wvtnc up IUCb ameroua l,l0r11ona of tender bey lhrimp at that price.) Al80 featured at the oyster bar are ..toed lpeCialtles that will a&f6oe for thoee who wish to forgo dlnlnc room 1eating. You'll have to look hard, but Delaney'a doee oUer OQe menu entree with red meat -New York lteak and stuffed Wimp ($13.95). '!be 25 other entrees have the le&food aticionado in mind. One of the delichdul pleuurs of ~· ln Eich dinner ii Rrved with 80Up OI' u1ad, Newp«t is the CX:-WUNNte jazz duo ol Helen and creamed apinach and rice « beqd potato. 'n'8 S.. B~ iilla The Honey Bee&. menu llltinp. ai.o ofter •lected wt.. for fJ8di The pair haw been a Yirtual fixture at UU. • entree. We dedded to start with lhrimp coc:ktaill, while lldmirinc the .cenk: wharflide activity and the nauUcal decor of the l'eltaUr'ant with a hint of an Irish pub. Our waitrem announced entrees that were frelh f« the evening and my sue-t quickly lelect.ed the eand dab fDeta (t8.95), caqht olf the Northern callfomla COlllt. 'lbough the filh Wat fresh 81 advertbed, abe would have preferred it without the batter coetlng. We both aareed, however, the coating WM not gttMy and the fish Jilht and t.Mty. I cbme one of the bot.-apedalties, called Qoppi.no .. Spicy" ($11.ff ). Don't let the word tp1cy ..-are you away from th1I houlDaheWe style aiea1. lt't hardly that. The 0oppno 11 • steun.1nc bowl ot lobster tan. lhrlmtkz-r" clama and fJah In. tu>8)' chowder bMe. any boulHet.lle, it is a meal In ltaelf and ahbuld be reeerved for the hearty appetite. And once .,.in. Delaney's demorwtrat.ed ita affecdoo for larp pcll1imw. After our mm, we dedded to be guinea Pal of torta when the waltreu recommended a new demst ofterina. lt't a treat of la)el'I of ice cram and cake llDOt6ered In hot fud&e and topped with wh.tpped cream. It will no doubt find lta way ooto the menu, educing the diner with an extraordinary sweet tooth. Romance writers to meet aboard the Queen Mary '!be eeoond annual conference of the Romance Writ.en ol America ls 8e't for June • through 6 aboard the Queen Mary In Long Hellcb. · Some 600 authora, a1enta, publlahen and editon are expected for the three-day event. :e~ward ceft!IDOlllel and pre91!1ltatioot . Speakers Include Ann et.one. lmiol' edit.or at Dell; Rohm Gnmder, lel1ior edit.or of New American Ubnry; Pam Strldder, lellior edit.or at Ballantine; Jayne Kt4t.nt%, Candace Camp and Patricia M~ authon; and aaent Patric Delahunt. Keynote apeU« ls Roberta Gellis, author of five highly st.,,,.-ful l'ClllWlCea. For infonnadoo call (213) (35-4747. "A SASSY, BRASSY, lllSSJ COMEDI" 5 ~~o~ingattractions~~~~~~~~~~1 ·strawbi~ Festival draws celebrities Televilion, ndlo and apor1a penonaliU. will participate in a celebrity autograph breakfut X.ap .. eye oat for thefao~o'19t movie a.boat - pOwiag up.ever maclel You'll be glad you camel 1B1 -~.li=liil. llTH TERRIFIC WEEK durtnl the 24th anmw Garden Grow Strawberry FestlVll Saturday. l!xpcicted to take part are Lauri Hendler of the televUdon .... "Glmine • Break." Ana Alida of "Falcon Creat," Byron Thames of "Father Murphy .... and K.NXT news anchorman Ralph Story, who will be snnd manha1 of the felltival ~after~ bne\1wt ~ O&hel' oelebdu. expect.eel to attend .. a.. I ·Unebllcker Georae Andiewa. KUTE dllC Jocbya t Brian Roberta and Strawberry Jan. 11naer Loul9 Brown, ~ ~ S.-. Ktlcm: race drtwr Sendra Sutley, Qty of Hope Prmce. Katherine • . Bre~ater, and Patti FarlneW. l c " "AN ASTONISHING ACTION MASTERPIECE Bteithtiklng!' N !" .... ! • "Apocalypse .... POW! Exhilarating entertamment. It deserves ... to become the first hit of the summer season:' :ir. ' -Richard COtllss. TIME MAGAZINE •• A 1•11~1!1 ped tlm It tM •evill. DI 11111 II tlll lrip, IM it ii I aizzllr ... ~ lllllr Iii CO•PllJ Dll piUitl lff I wfftllr: -Shella Benson. LOS ANGELES TIMES "Unstoppable sure-shot action drama with enough supercharged excitement to fill a couple of movies ... and a final pursuit sequence as breathtaking as the big chase in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark:" -Bruce Wiltill'MOO. PLAYBOY MAGAZINE ··An 11to1islli111ct1on !'lltlrpilCI~ · Stirrl•I· 8ratllt1kl1g. -, -Guy Fla!Sey, COSMOPOl.ITAH "An extravagant film fantasy ... action-packed ... (and) extremety witty:' . -Vlncenl Clnby. HEW YOAI< TIMES - ;-co~in~ ~r~tions~~~-~~~~~~~~~ i Knott'• to cel~brate t 'Ea~ily Fun Daya'· ~ Knott'• Berry Farm will oielebrate Memorial LL Day with a "r.lnUy J\m DaYI" that will include I i free pbotcMa of children wltb cartoon character SnoooY and free mum puae1 tor MCh chlJd, one ot the world'• moR fa!DC!l.M :e Snoopy will sae with c:hlldren Yillliinl the park ween 10 a.m. and e p.m. Saturday throuch Monday May 29-31. Snoopy alto wW be the atar of the eeventh 1 e classffleds e workfor • you. C.atl 642-5671 -e forquidc • cash sales. Winner of 3 Academy Awarda -"WRONG 18 RIGHT" <tt> .... ,onlgn Fiim "MEPH18TO" -.. "(L• .. 1nh l 100 CI NFM /\ ... ... ... ... . .. • • . • h 7 3 p, ) s 0 - .. I . ~ I I 8 .. 1~The classics~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ i 'Miaaa Solemnia' ! ambitious concert ~ BY JERRY HERTENSTEIN -or .. .,..,,... .... • 1be recent <>ran,e C-ounty perf.onnance of 1 Ludwla Ve Beethowll'1 ••w.a Solemnia~ 1 P.tlk: Chorale and P.otic Symphony had been touted .. the most ..-nbitious concert in ~ the Clhonle'a 14-yeer hJstory. -•ltw• _q The M-. origjnally written but never med foe ii: the 1820 tmtallaUon of Archduke Rudolph u Arcbbl1hop· of Olumuetz, ii indeed a major. undertaking. It has eome of the most difficult 800rinl of any orchMtral MMi ehCJn1 piece and ii at CIDCe IO re90UDdina .. to be almost irritable to the llsteoer and yet .eta a mood of eermity. The work, completed in 1823 -four yean before Beethoven'• death and when he wu completely deaf -WM performed at Santa Ana High School'• auditorium. Althouab there were many empty aeata, appreciation of the 1,300 in attendance w• neerly .. intenle • the preee11taticn. SoloUta Frederic de Maneme, tenor, Janet Smith, alto; Lynn Cole-Adcock, 90prano; and · Michael U-Pu. ·~ receiwd four curtain calla. It waa reco1nltlon of a momentous accomplishment by the quartet. De Maneme, a ~of con8denlble mapitude. dwiy rme to the· ~ &:1th.~=.=;~=Col1rae in Orange, WU equally as dom1neerina When her voice waa beckoned. Her aound1 filled the auditorium. The Mui ii 10 written that tenor anp the major r \mfor1unate w..ime. of BeetbaYen la that despite bJa .aature as compoeer, be bad an tmbWty to bring the ..... to full promlnencie. The volcl' of Mra. Cole-Adcock, a l= redhead, sparkled llke the lllver-specked 80W11 she wore. Her llnglng WM fn marked ccnt:rllll to that of .de Maneille'•· But the work limply doem't call on IOp'800 often enot.11)\ -ditto for bus. It wm:i't until near the end of the finale Afr}• Dei that LI-Paz was featured. Hewaaready. Th~ prayerful plea of Li·Pu'1 •in&l"I of Acrrua Del (0 Lamb of Ood) · waa convincine. 11'9 final movement la one ot power and beniplty. what at Umea aees:na like a· fierCe bettle. ''Mm Solemnia" it a study in duality of man. Only the most knowledpable of critics writlni with unlimited 8JMICe could find great fa\dt with the Padfic perf~ Imtrumental -**ts were many. ~ tru.e who stood out were violini9t mael Baker the concert mllter; t.Moonllta Kay Brlabtman. Paul Wota and LeaUe Lllhinlky; John Heitman and Jamie Johmon on flute; Jim '!batcher, French hom; Joe Elardo and Kathy Dupuy, oboe; clarlnetiata Kalman Bloch and Carol Sperry; tromoorua. John Hollenbeck. nm MaJJ&an and Terry Cnwna; Chantal Faraudo and Daryl Bobbins on trwnpet and Todd Miller cm timpani. The 118-vo6ce cbon.le. fn the fourth movement (Sanctul -a pnille of God) ~ a pleMant preeentation of the IOpraDO leCtion. John Alexander, proie-r of music at Cal State Northrldae, directed the chorale and Ol'Chestra. Keith Clark was musical director. A.pUI Del la Beethoven's appeal to God not only for outward peece -"0 Lamb of GQd. that takest away the aim of the world" -but t« Museum s~ts antique show = pe.a u in "have mercy UP.JD i.. grant ua The fifth annual Newport Harbor Art MWleUm Antiques Show ia .et for Sept. 17 to 19 at the The conclusion Jeeves the liatener with a -. mU8e\lm. of aWn. Some 42 dealen from ecro. the United States Perhaps what makes thia won Beethoven'• will perUd~te in the ahow. wbk:h will feature an Mount Everea la that the lktener -• did the .. andent and rare toola" collecUon .. a apedal campoeer -experiencel the an.tale of apirlt and exhibit. o.h.. the puwloz ot boq cxwnrcqa1m with God Mu.um docents will Qive 1DW'1 of the antiques and comtant betde with tanptatkn. ale and noted expe111 wI:ll speak cm tbe variow The IDUllc au.ta to~ clalml that Mpecta of mtiquel and colledinC thnJucbout the BeetboYen ... a tormented IDUl often ctwn to three-day affair. ,.. In final analyma Nature._ BeedMM!D'a God. The $6 edmWim cb.uae lndiadea a cataJoc, Vocal aurrendera ~ lnauumental, voice • H.oun are 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. "l'riday and Saturday; .ampn)w to wa, ordamtna U. PDJd to vca In .m u a.m. to 5 p.m. ~y. "I loved It. I think rou..J!. ~·" . ., ........... "Steve Martin 8h1Ma · HllarlOualyr' Coemapa•• Mu•lc arran,er, Ceor•• Wyle, will Jola Oruye County Ma•t•r Cboral• lor •,,,U., po,. cone.rt. .. Spring concert due by Master Chorale The Oranae County MMter ~ will ofter tta annual lpdna pop concen, at 8 p.m. on June 5 at the &mta Ana BfCh School Auditorium and apln at 8 p.m. on June 6 at Plummer Auditmtum in J\aDertm. The flnt half of the pl'OlraDl will feMw'e the 110-volce 1roup performln~;demy Award·wtnnbw mnea arranaed by Wy)e, wbo will )Jin the cbOrale for the wwerta. The c.automlam, a lelec:t ll'OUP tnm within the chonle, wtll ~d)llll medleys ol lntema1ional and country/western 101JP durtnc the lau.r half ot the lbow. Bl1*iway shaw um. will round out the program. '1\cketa·for the concerta are f1 .SO for .dulta and $4.50 for children and lleDior dtbem. Call 53S-01" for informa1ion. . Organist featured. in Baroque music The aecond annual Corona del Ms Baroque Muaic Feltival. a fqu.r-date p-eeentaUon featuring muaic, dance and an architectural IUf'Ye'J, will begin June 6 with an c:qan and brw ccncert. Orpnlst IWJ&JM ' Kw will be plaYlna the 21-nmk ptpe orpn at St. Wchael and All An,ela Church. 'M33 Pad.fie View Dr., becked by a bra. ef1111e!Dble led by Dr. Burton Kar9on. The concert bejim at 8 p.m. On June 9 and 11 there will be two 8 p . .m. .m. preeentatioos at the Sherman Library md Gardem. Tbe f1nt will feature the Trio Camerata. to perform Blicb's "Coffee Cantata.,. The trio featun!s aoprano Su Hannon. a recol'Cler player and a harpalcbordfat. On June 11, art historian Irmeli De9enbera will Tickets go on. sale for philharmonic Members of the Orange County Philharmonic Society are enjoytnc a pricrtty purcbMe period for the 1982-83 ooocert leries. 1\cbta for the 11~ Rriel will Co male to the public on July 16. Ten concerta will be by the L09 AneeJ- Ph1lharmonlc Olcbestra, wtth an edditlcnal concert by the San Frandlco Symphony conducted by Ed de Waart. " - VWinleta IWIC Stem and ltzhak Perimml will perfcl Ill with the arcbestra. -well -nine other well-known IOlmsta. Carlo Maria Glulin1 and aix other guest conductors wlll direct the Loa An1elea PhllharmooJc for the aeries, held at the Santa Ana H.igb School For a memberahp br~chure and ticket information. cont.ct the OCPS office in c.o.ta Meu at 646-6411. ------------------------------------,-..,;, Monday ttlru latlff'day AH PetfotmancH before 5:00 PM , .............................. , I /I II I w I)()'! , ' N 11 p (•' 1IJJH n · • •· 9 :!! au.rvey arcb.ltectu.re of the Baroque period followed ~ by a eeriea of ooetumed dancm undeJ' the direction ~ of Christa Lana. I The fflltival'• cloalna ~ June 13 at 8 p.m., • apln will be lttaaed at St. MlchMl'• and will 5 feature the Feetival ChJraJe and Orchtwtra. Burton f' K.anon will be oonducttnc. - Ticketa fot the festival are $35. For more ~ infonnation. call 673-1880. Cl. 'ACIFIC TNf.ATllU DlllVl·lll IWAI' MUTI lllflClll-Mlll--f ... WAI KAAIOtl ILVD DAJV(.ftl & DMllll IMIVf-411 ... ", .. ",_,,_ Afl -M!llMSaf _...,.IT._. ll•t,. .. , v ANAHEIM DlllVHN ,._.. .... ..._It ·~ c.. "'IOUllD -------------------------- t. '"THI CM "°"" ._ I. "'tlWTY ~ Cllt L~MITCllm .. 1 ,.. cm.,..., I ............ , BUENA Pf4RK tWVI IN "'VlllT9IG HOURI". . --THI AWM11•1r ... 4 C-.·I!- A • L,, • A LA HABRA : ""'t •• --· .... -·--171-11'2 ----- . ' ORANGE DP:\/f .,... ... . MISSION lJll11d IN .,.~ ... "PIGHTINCI Mett" ... c. ... - ....~ ..... -"'1GIHT'INQ Mett"... I C..·11190llllO -.c>MY'8"• -. .--"'GOIN' ALL THI WAY" 11t . .. . .... WARNER ORIVf IN ~ !: ~ N !» ,....---. :~~t the movies -g t :E ~ ~ I f. .. all dressed up with ~ no place to go .2 a: By PHIL SNEIDER.MAN or .. 111111r ........ Columbia Pk:turel didn't pinch any pennia in brinalna the ero.dway hit "Annie" to the IC!"eell. Y oii can buy a lot for $40 IDi1lJon. Columbia eecured the~ of a hit producer (Ray Stark), a renowned d1rec:tcr (John HUiton), a llitterine l'Olter of ltan and a fim,.rate technical crew. "Annie" WM filmed OD laviah eta, from the $1 ml1lk:n tenement stz.t built OD a Burbank t.ckJot to the e)wnt New Jeney coUeet buOdq adorned with tnded-in antiqum md art ..... In one aen.e, theee expenditures paid off: .. Aame" la a p.y, ctanunc film to look at. and it • ~ IOIDe very talented perfcrmen. But .omeone ~ed to forget one crucial ~t -a plot, a dramatic atructure upon wliich to drape t.h1a lovely cinematic tapestry. "Annie" 19 all dre9led up with no place to IO· Perhaps the allm storyline worked Oil ataee. but "openlnc up" the play for the bQr ICl'ee'll baa only amplified the at.ence of emodmW canfl.ict. What little drama there la coma eerly. We eee Annie alip out of her rundown orphana1e ln a laundry cart and re.cue the stray dog Sandy by puncbfnc out IOIDe yoUlll punk&. But abol1ly afterward. Annie II phaclr.ed out of the orpha~e for a one-week atay at Oliver Warbucks' tial estate. Warbucb is predictably u= hla secretary'• choice (''Orphans are. IU to be boys!"), but 100D enough be'a agl'eed to let Annie stay Oil temponrily, then permanenily. A few colorful aong and dance nwnben are performed at WU'buckl' enate, but we never really see Annie win over the billionaire and h1a staff. We're just suppoeed to take one look at the cute orphan and accept her heu1--atealinc lkilJa OD faith. When Warbucb adopCs Annie only halfway tb.rouab the movie, be eJfminaf.el a central element of dnmatlc temkm Tbe renWnder of the film mmt ride on a ailly 9Cheme 1n which Tim Cuny and Bem.dette Pet.en Jlfttend to be Annie'• pa.rents in order to claim • $15(),000 reward. There'• a final chae condudina at the top of a rahed drawbridge, but nobody otaer than S will Rl'iomly believe Annie's life la in Jeoperdy. Plotwl8e, that'a about It. AJml the way there See Annie, Page 16 . -- . REWARD! It you can ttnd a fine; d~aplay of handmade gift• and collectable• than w111 be offeced at the annual Laguna Craft Guild Springtime Street Fair. Weaving•, Ceramic•, Jewelry, Pain- ting•, Photograph•, Sculpture, Stained Gia••, Butterflle• an'd much much more. . . AllHn Quinn u Annie ha• •punlr, curly hair and a laltblul tlo, JUmed Sand7. Many heads roll in 'Conan, Barbarian' BJ JEFF PARK.EB °' ... .., ........ ''Conan, the Barbarian" la a movie with_ an epic ltructure and comic overtona Y«1 can tee the contrut in Arnold Schwan.enesgft, who plays Conan; he'• • ml*:lebound u a man can aet. but there'• aomething primal. almost child-like about bJa t.ce. When Conan prays to b!a god. or makes love to a woman, or dona the robes of a pmitent to infiltrate the temple of the dread Tbulaa Doom (Jamea Earl Jonee), there'• eomething m epically funny about him that you can't be1P but srin. He knows it., and Jdbn Mi.llUI, WbO aJl'eCMl!J and «»-wrote ''Conan, the Berberian." knows it too. It'• a bta, bloody, atyllah film, with a aelf-dep-ecatlng aeme of humor. It'a good fun. The cbarllCter Conan WU orilinallY penned by Hobert E. Howard in pulp mapzine stmiea eome 50 year1 a10. Conan 11 the 1word and 1orcery archetype -a ..,.n hero who, in the triaJa and battles he face1, operates with a certain aavagery and aktft that make him practically invulnerable. With the treatment by ),fil1u1; Conan's quest la first for revenge (h1I mother la behee<Jed in the opening ~> and wxmd -and anewhat lnadvenently -for cxwnnxm decency. Structurally, "Conan. the Barbarian" ta a Blld~man: it'• about findins out what is humanly decent and what im'L But for more pnctica1 purpoees, MWua' reel joy here la pure entertainment. "Conan, the B9rbuian" tniabt be ~t man'a evolution out of ~. but lota of hellds roll -C.omn -~ hla way to a higher plane of oorwtcw.ame. He ~ llnlCle, b1ood-drenehed. M1liul calla 00 "Beowult." T.Ul,ylaea'' and the myth of the Round Table f« hla inlpiratim in ''C.oQan." but hla been ii r.Dy in "JMOO and the Araanaua" There'• an axhanted, whbmical kind ol magic here: people tum out to be animals, animaJe tum into people, wttche9, aoda. spirit&, awceaeu (801De phony) and changelinp dominate the mythical -landaCape. There'• a Utt.le bit t1f everyth1ng fant.Mtic in thla movie: lt'1 a jumbled. tndeterm1nate tableau of the ~a award and ..-cery alad When the 6lm opena., young Conan ii tom away from his murdered mot.her and taken into alavery by the forces of Doom. But his capt.on work, the youncJter 80 hard that what ~.--.:ne yean later 11 not the dutiful aervaOt they'd bargained on. but a full-pvwn and fully furiom c.onan. He'• turned into • drcua killer and trained in the waya of combat (we're never sure just w)_lo · they expect him to do battle with) then one day freed to test his rage against thoee who kidnapped bbn. He tradm down Doom to hil temple in the desert and brinp his ~ to bear upon the lituation. AJoo,a the way, c.o.wi battlea outaired maka8. splrita, a wit.ch, thieves, perverts and the comtantly marauding armies of Doom. He and hil pertnet, an archer played with comic aplomb by lurf• Gef'ry Lopez. ait around their campfire, chewinl their barely cooked meat open-mouthed, ncbanclnc not.ea on e.ch of their gods like F.uE today Cll1k about their can or stereos. "What ta ~ eod If he cbm't do anY'thina for you •the aldler .... c.on.n. f.althfuf but-not to ~ ........... tdl meat and IJ1m. The lanclacapea and ctnematoarapby are ha&lntinllY beeuUful (~" WM lhot in Spain); and lbe OOIU.lmll md leCs are an eerie bodae-podae al VUdDc. Mcaaol ma Oriental l)'IDboJocy with a hefty cbe ol pballicJ_,...t symbok thrown In for FOd ..-.ire. Pure fant.y hall to work on a gut, Yllua1 leYe1, and MilU hal hit upon a wildly funny modf foe "C.onul." Scbwaneneaer rGIDf9 ~ moit of th1a movie tooklnt lamtly abwrd, a two-ton man ... ,,,., into variow c:mi.-. that be IDMtably ctwarfa. ,,_..,, ., amcb vtiuil ....... tbat WI -·-t .... Chi~ Wida ... "Nr" ... the ... ·--..... 1 "-' • ~ -It ... ~-whlle~ ~ ...... .... ·vw. et .,., 1 • .,. --.... -.... . .. ..._..... aN1Dt ION~ ..... tlilWI t !•.:JD orie ICllDt, 0--•WO n, _-....... hlt'a dl'm I II Iii lln•l 1W .... eb'8;; ta • • a Center A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment Center Albertson's • Bank of America• Bilbo Begglns •Coco's/Reuben's• Dolphin Hair Fashions • Edwards Cinema• Fash'n Splash• Hamburger Hamlet• lceC&pades •Mesa Verde Florist• Mesa Verde Travel Mione'• • Music Market • Plecemakers • Photography by Jeftrey • Southern California Optical Spa Lady• Swensen'• ,- ·. . ·- -It , ......... Diversions----------~--- i -PLAYS------§ .. AVDmONS." a m•'*8• revue developed by • Orance a.t C.oDieae studentll and f8culty, Will be l; ~ted t.oallbt and. Sa~.b~u!, p.m. and ~ ~ at 2 p.m. in the OCC &4. -"1'llE CHANGELING," an 1llzabetban drama, ! will be N«ed t.cJIQbt and Saturday at 8 p.m. in the !~ Ji'1ne Ara LltUe T6eater oo the UC Irvine campua. Raervatlom W..-17. '"CLOSE TIES." a new play about a cloee-knit ~ family, opena tcniaht at the Newport Harbol' Acton l_ Theater, 390 Monte Vlata St., Costa Mesa. Perfonnancet are Tbundays through Saturdaya at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30 through June 12. Reeervationa 631-5110. •'THE CRVCIPER OF BLOOD," a Sherlock Holmes mystery thriller, ia on stage at the Laguna Moulton Playbouae, 606 Laguna Canyon lfoad, Laguna Beach. Perfonnanoes are Tuesdays through Saturdaya at 8 C until June 5 with a matinee Sunday at 2:30. rvationa 494-0743. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WANDA JUNE," an oftbeet comedy, continues fot the Million Viejo Playbot.me in the Forum Theater on the Festival of Arta grounds. Laguna Beach. Performances are Frldaya and Saturdays at 8:30 through June 12. Reeervationa 830-W2. "NORMAN, IS THAT YOU'?" a comedy about homoeexualfty, continues at the Harlequin Dinntt Playhouae, 3503 s. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana. The show playa nightly except Mondays at varying curtain times through June 13. Reservation• 979-"ll. "OltLAHOMA," the first Rodgers and Hamment.etn muDcal. opma t.anigbt at Golden West College in Huntington Beech. The abow will be preeent.ed Fridaya and Saturdays at 8 p.m.. through June 12 with a 2:30 matinee June 13. Raervationa 89f..6070. • "ON GOLDEN POND," starring Pat O'Brien, Silverfem ... A shat and pon1 you'll ftnd you can't Uve wfthout ... use it to pfay hard 0( just to lounge. Available In 14 coloB. continu. at Sebutian't West Dinner Playbot.me, 140 Ave. Pico, San Oemenie. PerfCJC'llMl>CM are ru,htly except Mondays at vU'Yina cu.rta1n ~ throuah June 20. Be9elvaUom 492-9"0. "SAY GOODNIGHT, GRACIE," a new adult comedy, opem Ulnllbt at the Irvine Cammunity Theater ln the Turtle Bock Community Park auditorium, an SunnyhW Boad ot1 Turtle Rock Drive in lrvtne. Perf.ormances are Fridaya and Satunlaya (except June 5) at 8 p.m. with matlneel at 2:30 on Jwie 6 and 13. Tidteta at the doer. information 557.72sn. "TINTYPES," a mwdcal about the early days of Amez1can show buslne.. ia the fare at South eo.t Repert.ory, 655 Town <:enter Drive, c.c.ta Mesa. Performancet are Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8 ·p.m .. Sundays at 7:30 and weekend matinee& at 2:30 through July 3. Reaervatlona 957-4033. .-ART------- ARCHITECI' WILLIAM PEREIRA'S WORD are featured ln an eldllbit ln Loa Anaete. Qty Hall rotunda. Photosrapha. ttnderinp. text and ICale mQdela on display through Friday at 200 N. Spring St., Los Angela LAGUNA CRAFT GUILD CR.APT SHOW la 10 a.~. to dusk Sunday at Forert Avenue, LagW\a Beach. Ad.miaslon free. Weaving. ~elry. painting, ceramlca, eculpture, ttai:ned g1asa. woodcarving, leathen:raft. ABT AVCl'ION apomored by Newpon H.adMl- Hiah School Bueball Boo.ten is at 6:30 p.m. June 5 at Newport Balboa Savtnp and Loan A.aciation, WestcUff Shopping Center, Newport Beach. Mmiwton ~. PHOTOGRAPHY BY RIClt FERNCASE at Newport Beach Qty Hall Gallery, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beech, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdaya through June 4. "THE IMAGE OF THE BLAClt IN . . from New Zealand ------------- WESTERN ART,'' a photographic exhibition tr8dJ1I trmae of b1llCk penao • seen through eyes ol West.em artllta, ia at Bowers MUleWD, 1002 N. Main St., Santa Ana. throuch June 20. ABT AUcrJON apomored by Temple Beth El la at 7 p.m. June 5 at Shepherd of the HlJJa Church. 30121 NliUel Hoed. Laguna Niguel Admimioo $2. ITALIAN ARTIST Gnuia de Santis' works exhibited by Rm.oll Gallery, South C.out P1ua, c.c.ta Mae. June 5-9. Ma. de Santis la to be at a ~ p.m. reception June 5. -DANCE------ ''DANCE ON FILM,0 featuring innovative tllchniques ln filming dance, la at UC Irvine Fine Arts Concert Hall at 8 tonight. Admission $1. "THE SLEEPING BEAUFY" is staged by Ballet Pacifica at 4 p.m. June 13 and 8 p.m. June 14 at Laguna Moulton Playhouae, 606 Laguna Canyon Road. Laguna Beach. Adult acirr\Pon $7, children $6. Information 494-7271. -ETC.-------- QulL T AND FABRIC ARTS' SHOW opens today through 5 p.m. SWlday at Long Beach c.onvention Center. A.d:mimion $4. Exhibits. fashion ahowa, film&, guest speaken. . EXPERIMENT AL SHORT FILMS screened at 6:30_ 2.m. Saturday followed by 8:15 ~ acreening of "Going Places" ia at UC Irvine · Science Hall Saturday. General admmion $2. PLA YWRIGBTS' WOR'ISBOP, performance of works by UC Irvine pla)'Tmting students, is at 8 p.m. Sunday ln UCI Fine Arta Studio Theater. Adm1aslon free. WILD WEST stunt ab~. cancan danoera and Rene's Mariooertea perf017n daily at Knott'• BerTy Fann. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO SOUTH COAST REPERTORY Theater't 1982-83 Mainstage and 5fmnd 8'-&'e seuona available at SCR Box Office, 655 Town Center Drive, c.c.ta Mesa. Mainstage aeaaon •~bscriptions $46-$85. Second Stage IUt.:riptiom $M-$56. Jb Office 957-4033 . -·MUSIC·-------- • "ACCENT ON BRA,s,,," by UC Irvine Wind Enaemble, 8 p.m. Saturday in UCI Fine Ari. v~ Theater. General admilsion $3. BIG BAND DANCE with Bill Davies Orchestra on C8tallna Island Sunday. Boat 9el'Vioe by Catalina Cruiles deperta San Pedro at 6:30 p.m. Dance - ticketa $9.50 advance, $10.50 at door. Bound·trip boat fare $16.80. .., TUBA CONCERTO at 8 tonight by UC Irvt.ne Wind Enaemble at Fine Art8 Village 'lbeat.er on UCI campua._ General ad.mimion $2. LOS ANGELIS WIND QUINTET at 8 p.m. Saturday ln UC IJ'vine Fine Ara Concert Hall. General admlllion $6 . .. AUDmoN," a musical ttView by studenia la at 8 tonight and Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday at Orange c.o.t c.oDeae Auditmiwn, Caata Me1a. Admtwm $4 at door. ----·-----I 15 ~currently sc~ening~~~~~~~~~~-i DAS BOOT: Ra"9d R. II a Gennan·madit tale of the crew ~ lo bnltal condi&ionl abocd a Hui 1Ubmarine In Wodd War ll. "'lhe !Um 1tan .fW'pft Prochnow and Kla1.11 Wenniea.nn. 1'he ft ratina la tor ~. A LITTLE SEX: Rated R, 1tars Tim Matheson, Kate C..pahaw and Edward Httnnann In the 1tory of a man who trie9 to be faithful but flndl It hard 'nw R raunc la for adult lltua-tionl. ATLANTIC al'Y: Rat.ed R. etan Burt Lanc111ter •an actnl. bottom-naw ex-pnpter who letl one lalt chance to make • tx, buck when 1ie happent upon a 1arp amount of cocaine, and one las\ chance at romance when he meets &.II Senndon, a card dealer. Louil Malle directed lhla bit of whimly, wrtnen ~ Guin. lt'a 11-h. funny, and alive. The R ratinl la for and adult •tuadom. BODY HEAT: Rat.ed R. ICarrina WUllam Hun• a bunlllna. lowstnadt attamey and Kathleen 'ruiner • the femme faiaie. 'jh9wxy, dwlouamyetery taa. place Ina fktidoulnorida town IO )MM tMt ~ In c:afla order lead t.eM two It I dme. I)(reded by Lawrmce Kllldan •an homa&e to ft.Im ndr, the R ratlJIC comee from brief nudity, Alty lanauare and a aeneral alr of ~ CANNEllY BOW: Rated PG, It.an Nick Nohe and Debra ~In a~ t1lm adaptadoa of Johns~. ltOrtel "Olnnery Bow" aDd "S~ Thunday." ~ cm MGM IOUDd ....._ thil moYte hae a sweet. enmant.ed look and fine performances by Nolte, Winier and Audra Lindley • the imdame. Narrated by John HW10n. The PG ratlnc la for aexual adult lltuationl. CAT PBOPLE: Rate R, 1tar1 NallH•la Kln1kJ and Malcolm McDowell In a taJ.e of love and the 1Upematunl. DI· reeled by Paul~. music by Georaio Moroder. The R ratinf la for RX and viomice. CllLUUOTS OP POU'!; Rated PG and Marrlna Ben er.. and Im Charle9cm • nmnen In the 1924 Olympiad. who run,_ for dlffennt ,_but manac-to wtn )st the -.ne. The PG radnl IDL9l be for ita k>f~ t}.-: there ii no nadify, DO~ aniiJ Wl'f UUle olfemiM &.ancu.· DEATllTRA.P: Rated PG, stan ctv1lnopher Reeve, Michael Caine llDd Dyan Cannan In a dewr' murder myet.ery about a wllllhed u.p writ.er and a promildnt younc author who pens a sr-t ~-The PG ratina la for vlolmm. . ENTER THE NINJA: Rated R. 1tan ~ Gecqe, Franco Nero and Suaan Oeorp in a tale of martial IUU and wnceance. 'The R ratinc II for violnKle. EVU. UNDER THE SUN: Rated PO, f\an Pet.er Ustbacw, Jane Birkln. Sylvia MOea. Jamee _M_,., and Diana Ria ln 'Enter the Ninja' offers fast action .. Enter the Ninja" doelll't wllllte any time in getUng started. Thia Cannon Flbm releale pi1a a tough-u-nails Nlnjutau martial arta warrior (Franco Nero) against 12 other Ninja wanion, acres of steamy wuaemea, a league of oil-hungry exeortivea and their deedly thuea -all within the film'• f.lnt 10 mlnuta. The rest of the picture picka up from there In a story that pays a fast-paced tribute to the apparently endle8s stream o1 films in the Bruce Lee/Chuck Norrta tradition. Although "Ninja•• attempta to diffenmtiate it.elf from tu predeQee9on by focuaing on the Ntnjutau form of mystic, warfare, IUCh subtlety might allp by molt to whom one swift kick might resemble ano And while "Ninja" works up eome nifty acrambles, the film may 1oee boxofttce steam u merely the meet recent in a long line of martial arta lcnot~~. . The story line it1elf may 1trike an all-too-familiar chord, stretched thin to enoompam the ltandard "good guy sweeps town clean of aooka'' theme, but "Ninja,. preentl the plot with a wry touch and sharp pace that save the film from pamble tedium. Dlrector Menachem Golan h.u taken pmns to draw bis audience into the Nero takeover, aUowtna the aunera not only to trace at cloee ranee the many fight eequenca, but abo bumoroualy register the duplicity of the .«reedy vflla.lm. The film'• miltake, tbou1h, may be to take these elemenq to UftMcetUl'Y e.veme.. BecaUM Nero ii never beaten, Or' eYell dme to lt, the hand·to-band combat ~tend to be power by the end ot the film. for notb1nc ii at stake. • • 'n. bumm', akhou8b . al U.... imuillna wbm turned toward tbe vt.Dau.. .. Uild with a.iCb ft!Cl&luiiy -to 8bave the -ofl ot the fDm'• ,.....,,, ~ with no effdft °t::lbl filr Nero ID hll !OS.mt.Du IUN win. a tbit be, by the fllm'• ~ii P2C ~the .nodoill oA. ii 1 LL Aptba Ouilcie'1 tale ot murder and lntncue. Tbe PG ntina ii for adult lltuadom. P'OllBIDDEN WOIU.D: ~led R. II a me.-fiction homr llWr)' met In 1pM:e. The R rat.Inc II for violenee. Tll£ PftENCB UEtnKNA.HT'I WOMAN: Rated R. 1tan Metyl Sueep In the role of the heerUlroMn and ~ French Ueueen.nt'• woman and Jerm\Y ~ • the Vil'torian aentJernan who pmblM hie love and reputation on her. The modem day film c:nw mak.lnc a DIOYie of ''The 1'rencb Lieu- tlarMUlt'• Woman" hae lta own romant.lc ~ and downfaJJe which are mM.Dt to compare and oaau.t with the Victorian teqUaDCe. The ft nUnt la for adult 9wal •tuadonl. GOIN' AIL THE WAY: Rat.ed R. ii about a sie.my amimer md yow11 people with "only one thl.nc on their minds." The R ralinc ill fOf adult lltuatiom and nudl~. IP YOU ClOULD IEE WHAT I llE.Ut: Bated PO, llW'll Marc S~r and Shari Harplr. This movie II 1-s on the llf~ ot Tom ~----~--------------------~~~---- SoUth Coast Plaza Village Sulllvan, lllncer~. wrtler-<ti.rectar and •thlilte wbo -~, blind. RatiM 1a for adult llcuationl. • MilINQ LOVE: a..m R. ..,. MJchMJ Qltbm, K&ie I J.S-and Harry Hamlin In.*'>' about. warmn. • -and hie bammexual loYw. The R radnt II for edult lhuatiam md • hamoe•uaU~. ,, MISSING: Rat.ed PO,Mnl Jack Lemmon and Simy 8ploelt .._ ~ • man and hie dauehler In law who .ud'I for hie m1a11n1-. Tiie 11 eovenla are 1-s on • crue story In which • 10lmc AmlrtraD -':< apperenlly allowed to be killed lo a I.AUD Armrimn country by ~ fllr'I* frimdly with the U.S. Oovernment.. Tbe PG raUnt ii for • adult lltuatlam. '< ON GOLDEN POND: Rated PO, 1tan Henry Fonda and -~ Katharine Bepbum • an .,s.nc ooup&e retummc to liw cm Golden Pond. He'• filled wttb IUlJCledim about dmth; llhe'• ~ Interminably cheerful. They b6cker po11~y undl the antva1 o1 I their daicblillf (J-Fonda), her lat.mt boyfriend. Billy ~ fl.> brilliantly by Dabmy Coleman) and hie 13-year-old boy. -ni. ~ See Oarently, P• 14. is pleased to announce the opening of It's newest restaurant Speclaltles served are Italian/ Argentine plz:zU, .. ndwlchee, wine, Italian Ice cream. -A fun place to dine for under $10.00. Located. acro88 from Antonello'a Reataurant -Phone 558-3757. South Coast Plaza Vil- .J • • I .. • =-~. u i-Currentlyscr~ning,~~~~~~~~~~ g Jih¥D P..-13 ~ ratlnl la for ~· Alex Kan'u In • tale ol boyw powina up. The R ratlnl 11 for 11wy become Involved with different ~. and for the Ont :l ONE l"IU>M THE llBA&T: Rat.ed a, takee pi.. In a '°'1nd nudity. time In~....., to Involve thamelwa ipln..11'1 an accunc.e. _,. ~don of Lii v..-end teDI the l&or'y ol >t houri ID PAJlTNERI: Baled R. an Ryan O'Neel and John Hurt• ~ accou.nt of • bcftk-up, mare lntultlve and pndle \bait ~ tbe Uvw ol two Aown.. Tbl aJm WM dinided by Prandl <:oppo1a. t'Ofll --Slnilht and cme PY -who mu.t live ~ to oat moYi9 on divorce. Aa Ihm' daucht.er, Sbeny, Diane Hill la ~ wrtttm by Atmyan BernN1n and Cooppo1a. and NII Fr.cleric crack a mwder c.e. 'nw It ratlnl ii fOI' adult lltuatiom and brilliant. Keaton~ the perfonmnce ol a UfeUn». The R nrdnc 'C l'arn9t, 'r.t a.rr. Baul Julia and,........._ Kinlld. Thi R ratina hoa-.JCUallty. la for .Sult tdtua ~ la for adult ldtUadam. SOME UN'D OF 11.BBO: Rated R. -.n Richard Pryw • a .5' SHOOT THE MOON: Rated R, 1tan Alben rtnney • Georp down and out Marine who can't make bla life 1JO • he wanll It I r==PO=iiU~Y~'8:;:· =Ra=t.ed==R.==1tan==Kim==C..=t=trall.===Scot==Colicmb====y=and====Dunla==p.=w=hl>M==inarn..,===to=hl==th=(=Dlane===K.==wn=) ll=on==the=rocb=='°=·=Tbe=R=ra=tinc=ll=f=or=lancuap===and=adul==' li=tua::;:tiom.;:;:=== :_:;'=-DINING&: ENTERTAINMENT GUiDE~~ TI.ow Appedrirq Sl?!!~r JJJJ V/. l'acthc Coa-t Hll(hw:1y Uu.'1 \llllth 1-I Nl'Wf'l1rt KIVll.1 ~wpin Hciach IU.."11..'TV:ltltlrl'I~ 642· 229S prHCftQ Al Checco & Jay· North A VERY SPECIAL JAPANESE RESTAURANT Award winning traditional Japanese cuisine and s uperb western-style specialties. Your favorite seafood, chicken, and steak. ~licate soups and delightful salads. Impeccable service in a most beautiful setting. Discover Yamato ... a very special dinins experience. 60 Fashion Island Newport Beach / 644-4811 Century Plu.. Hotel 277-1840 Choice of FOii Entrees: -Dining delights---......... Hogue Barmichaels will celebrate first birthday BOGUE BARMICBAELS will be celebratiJl8 lta first anniversary on Saturda_}'. 8_uper oockWla lncludlna Chivaa Regal. Jedt Daniels, Smirnoff. Tanqueny and Convoesler VSOP wUl be served for $1.25. Pitchers of MJchelob and Miller Light will be aerved tor $2.25. Souvenir T-ah.lrta, printed mup, party hata *1ld favon wW a1ao be on hand for the party goen. Hogue Barmichaela la located at 1978 Newport Blvd., Costa Meaa. Phone 845-3678. TBE STANFORD BOUSE - Looking for aomething different on the reataurant acene? Well, the Stanford Hou se Restaurant la ceJiebrating ''Polynesian Niahta" on Friday and Saturday. Four Choices of entrees will be served including Chicken Papaya, Honey Almond Duck, Sweet & Sour Pork. and Hong Kong :rper Steak. · To to the festive atmosphere the staff wUl be dremed in Polynesian attire. Chef Richard Maglietto, wbo previously cooked for the Beverly llilton. has toured the world atudytq international cooking. His fabuloui deaert bar is on display nightly .• The Stanford House ia located at 19861 Magnolia, corner.. of Garfield, in Fountain Valley. Phone 963--0179. RUSTY PELICAN -On June lat the Rusty Pelican Restaurant, a tz:adition in Newport BNch al.nee 1972 will celebrate ita 10th birthday. ~ celebration will continue throughout the week with complimentary cbampagne eerved with all d1nnen, .. well as birthday cake for all In the bar well drinks will be rolled back to 1972 prices every night from 5 until c1Cl8ing. C.11142-5178. Put • few word• to work for ou. m:nv w--• MIDIHI • IZlllWM • -...... ot»n Dlllly Lunch A Din,,.,. •••• , *7.50 ...... ·-.., .50 ) 1111111 Ml ta ADAll8 Aft., COSTA •IA AT HAMOR kVD • ... .,., The Grtnder 1s proud to announce the seMng or Fresh Fish on Friday and Saturday evenings only. ltghlly breaded and grilled ' lo a goldeo brown Only$4.45 C81tlom1a Style topped with a mild Spanish Sauce and •llced tomalo and avocado Only S4.95 J OPENING~UNE 1 BOOM, llUSIC • LYRICS BY The Chez Lautrec caters to the romentic: who seek the eoc:henttnent o( a fine French Inn. To ttl09e cb crirninllling tasles that desire the palatable ~ I found on)y in the c'6wy arts of French CoohWlg. Experiet Koe a pleesurab'9 combNtion of leMce and warmth in a true atmosphere o( a Parisian ambi- ence. without the "Haute .. prices. Chei Lautt«: ~s dally a unique variety o( see and fresh water fish prepared In the petientJy orches· traCed methods d the greet chefs o( Europe. as only ~ can. Wlt;h many popu&ortf tantalizing ef'lftes to choose from. we .also pride ourselves in our selected assortment o( French Wines and postnes -..,k:h will enhance 8flY meal. Why not join us and discoYer what the elite o( Lido Isle have already found? ..BonA~1t". ~ • • 16 i .. Newport museum ~offers two ·exhibits t ham.Pq91 2 So be w.. never ....Uy a cridcal favorite. I think ii becalm ol that, be WM ~ ~ '"nlll country 1oYaa tr.kthrou&h arUl1a. But "-there w.. ~ any kind ol bnakthrouch that • people coWd ldmlily in Avery -he never looked ,! for -ane. He DeYel" had a label What he did have ; wu an Incredible 1eme of color. a vilible ~ 1 and the ability to walk a fine line between a Jot of the 'ilrm' of bia time.'' ! Avery WM a lelf ·taucht painter. Althouah ~ bom tn New York. he pw up in Hartford. a. c.c.mectbat and had hll tint one-mm lhow al the age of 31. He came IOIDe'Wbat late to p.snq havinl enrolled in a c1-ln lett.erina durtna coUeee. only to find it caDOl'led. He flnJabecf the .meat.er in a drawm, da8I, spent a few months in Ul art ICbool. then left academia forever and tmmened hinwelf in the artiatic life of New Y oriL Avery told interviewen that be beon MCh peinUJll • if it were the flnrt one be Md ewr" made, auempting to bring a fresh emotional reaction to ~ at fNerJ at1empt. There a. 10methfni simple tn um collectkm of piaintiqll; Vlewlna them you can•t help but feel that Avery ecwwnpHlhed Im t.k. and then IOIDe. Diversions ~Pagel2 WBB~BND 01' JAZZ la at Disneyland Saturday and Sunday. Woody. Herman and YOUQI 'numdertiw Herd peforma blc bend IDUl6c with Jim flavor. Af.o performJng ii su::..?.;,ra, Lee Ritenour, Anita <>'Day, Wynton Rodney FnnJdtn and In The Cent.er. Benny Carter Jau Quartet, Dan Si~b!erry Glbbe and Buddy DtFnnm, Clalre aDd s.i. Plan~ with 2+2. SADNBSS AND NOBlU'l'Y-The graplJD of various Maiala ant.er, AICb as thJa one by Ellubetb C.tlen, are now OD clJBplay at the Newport &rbor Art MWlll!WD. "&NIGHT OP TBB BURNING Pal'LB," in which a ll'OC:ler and h1a better half bend the naJet of the pm& and revolutionize audience role, la at the Found Theater, UM E. 7th SL, Long :ee.ch. through June 26. Re9ervationa 433-3363. "O&LAJIOMA," Rodpr'I and Hlmmentetn'• mwDcal. opem at 8 tonight in Main Tbeatier, Golden West Colle1e, Hun:, Beech. Perf()l'llMDCW throuch June 13, A $3.50. Tlcketa C:an be reeerYed at ooDege boobton, ~o. A:nnie l'romPa,e 10 are villta to the mov1ea and to the White Howe. 1'belle ICe'JMI do notb1na to advance the storyline, but they do eerve u an excuee for more lavuh p-oducUon numben. After an. um a. a muabl You milbt came out of the theater burnmtnc a few of Charles Strou.11 melodies. but Martin Charnin'a lyrics aren't pu11culady memorable. (If my life depended on it, 1 couldn't tell you what worda come after "The aun'll come out tcwi:aNw .... ") The dance routines atreaa acrobatics over · eJepnce but they're aenenlly fun to watch. And there are tome perf ormancea worth admirln1. Carol Burnett, aa the drunken, man·.b.ungry held of Annie'• orphanage. plays it bro9d IDd Seti plenty of lauat-She mamas to be mean but noi ccmp1ete1y unsympathetic. Aa Daddy Warbucb, Albert J'tnney la ju1t crusty enouaJ1 to help compenaate for the film'• more aentlmental c:baracterl. Aa Annie, youna Alleen Quinn dlaplaya an infecUoua amlle and aood-natund spunk. Unfcrtunately. it'a mainly a IW'face performance, reveaUnc no emoUooal depth. That probably wam't demanded of her by the maken of tlUa mechanical but barmJem film. Youna viewers will probably enjoy lt, and their parents won't be put to lleep. With whoJe.ome family mm. eo 1CVCe thele dava. maybe we oupt to be happy to have any "~at aJL -SINGLES----- \.. PBOPLB SAMPLER co·aponaored by Man-Woman Imtitute and J\allerton and Santa Ana oollegea la at 8 p.m. June 4 in Quality Inn. Cll6 Convention Way, Anaheim. A1ea 25·55. Information 864-M70. YOUR PERSONAL PVTURE la topic at 5 p.m. Saturday meeting of Center Club Singles in Advanced Health ~nter, 1300 Briatol St. N., Newport Beach. Admlaaion $3. Information 975-0700. ~DINING&: EN!ERTAINMENT ·ou10E Serrint L111th & Dinner From · . 11:30 1.m. Complete Dinners from $5.25 to $5.95 5:00 PM· 7 :00 PM Dally Your choice of soup or salad and one of these entrees Fen'-lclnl "Neptune" The Weight watcher -broiled. freshly Ground Beef Councry Fare -brolled. breaded Pork Chops Fish and Chips omelette du Jour . .. plus your choice or dessert. lncludlng Hliagen Dazs tee cream or Apple Strudel and a selection or t>everages from coffee. tea. teed tea. milk or sanka. .._. .. , ~murf~ power on NBC .. See The Entertainers, Page 18 Elvira delivers in 3~D See Orange County TV, Page 3 •May 28 -June 3• 'The Shooting' Lance Kerwin is boy struggling to be man r I ' I I I t I · i -.; ('I ~ 2 ~ ~ \L ! ~ ~ ii: SOUNDS OF SUMMER ON SALE AT ATLANTIClll DI: TECIM>YNE tft-114 Now0n .... 189 .......... lailyPilet MAIN OFFICE 330 W"t laJ SL, Coe .. 111 ... , Ca. Mell eddNP: Box 1ISIO, Coete ...... Ca., 92U1 Telephone: 142-4321 - Program lnlormation ls provided. by the networks sfJltJOM and is subject to change without notice. Index Orange CO<J.3t TV Antenna .............. Page J Sporn Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... Page s Daytime Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 EveninQ Schedule .................... PaQe 8 Inside TV ........................................... Page 31 . I..etters .... .... .. .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Pa,gre 32 Word Game ....................................... Page 32 TV Puzzle .............................. Page 33 Daytime Drama ...............•........ Page 34 Channels 9 KNXT(C8Sl 6121 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Aniceles, Ca. 9KNBC<NBC> 3000 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank. Ca e KTLA <Ind. l S800 W. Sunset Blvd .. Los Angeles, Ca GKABC(ABCl 4151 Prospect Ave., Los Angeles, Ca. (8) KFMB <CBS> 7677 Engineer Rd., San Oie10, Ca. f) KHJ·TV0(1nd.) ' 5515 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles. Ca. (10) KCST <ABC> 8330 Engineer Rd .• San Diego, Ca. • KITV (Ind.) 5746 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Ca. • KCOP·TV <Ind.) 915 N. La Brea Ave., Los Angeles, Ca. <24 > C~ Cable . QIKCET(P~) «01 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. 9KOCE<P~> 15744 Golden West St .. Huntington Beach (OJ On-TV 1139 Grand Central Ave., Glendale. Ca. <Zl Z·TV • 2939 Nebraska Ave., Santa Monita..Ca. (H)HBO ' Time-Lile a.lq., Rockefeller Center, N.Y .• N.Y. <C)CiDemn Time-Ute Didi .. Rockefeller Cent.er. N.Y .• N.Y. ·e1woar -----· N .Y.,N.Y, ( 11) ( Wl'BS) AUan ... Ga. <E> ESPN <Ll Select <S>SbowUme (S> Spotli(ht . ( C) <Cable News Networ.to TV Antenna Elvira delivers, but 3-D doesn't By PHIL SNEIDERMAN or .... ~ ..... ..,. . This column took the networks to task last week for their reliance on jiggle jokes. ao I'd better resist the temptation to desCribe Channel 9'1 "Elvira in 3-D'' presentatidn as a big bust. Let's ju.at say the pitch was better than the payoff. . From a promotional standpoint, you can't gjve KHJ enough credit. B~fore last weekend's broadcast, many of my acquaintances were panting ln anticipation. Southland 7 -Eleven stores haa already aold one million pain of 3-D eyeglasaes and were working on a eecond million. You coUldn't pick up a newspaper without seeing 3 preview piece on the 3-D telt!ICMt. with mandatory photo of the allurfn8 Mistress of the Macabre. Even aome rival Los AngeJee statiom interviewed Elvira on their local news broadcast&. Any station that can coax more than a million people to don funny-looking cardboard apectacles and park t.hemselvea ln front of their tubes to watch a third rate 1964 th.tiller deeervee a permanent niche in the hawker's hall of fame. Unfortunately, all the fanfare may have cau.d viewers to expect more than KHJ w.. able to deliver. Flrat, there WU the movie itaelf. '"'nle Mad Magician" ltaned Vincent ·Price u a frwtrated m~ who u.ed a buzz saw to beheld his ruth.Jml employer. To call the film silly might be to give it more merit than it daerves. KlfJ didn't have much choice in l1a lleJection, of ooune, becauae a limited number of 3-D IDOYies were prodwced in the '&OL The 3-D plloto1raphy in tbla film waa lpOnldical1y in1erelltine. Some acenea took on a greater quality of depth. particularly wheft objectl in front and in beck of the ect.cn were in focm. But the effect lt8elf didn't make the movie my more fricbtenma or le8I allly than it wm to becSn wttb. That 1eft the 3-D ltudio aki1a lnvolvini SMra henelf • the cmly nsl reMOn to leave the 8lt en af1er' ~ 6nt 10 minutes of •-ntie Mid ,,.,.....,. " Unfortunately, the 1982 venioo of 3-D didn't tum out to be mw::h more effective than the film produced 30 ye9n •· The Miltre8 of the Macabre pve tt her belt ; , Elvira in 3-D was a good hawk job, but little elae. shot, gesturing into the camera_ and u.ing popcorn toward the audience. But to theee eyes, anyway, the effect was blurry and only mildly entertaining. Technical elements aside, however, most of Elvira'• 1kiu during the movie breaks were decidedly unfunny. A heavy-breathing slob crawled out of her TV. "Pops." the elderly 9eCW'ity auard. bumbled his way through aome magic tricks. 1'he three characters sang and danced to an unimpremive original sing about 3-D TV. "fawn. Considering all t.he money KHJ spent on filmin8 and promou.n, this telecast, you'd think it would have saved a few extra bucks foe additklnal PC-writien. sun. a coDeegue dah;ned he WU not IUl'pri8ed by ~ 3-D akita, aayina Elvira's j>kes ere al~ dumb. He may have a point. Part of Elvira's appeal, ~ is her way of wringing the most out of downright corny material. After awat1ing lnaecta into the camera. fer example. abe can teet away with lines like, '"nine sure ill fun when you'n! having fliea." The credit hM to ID to Caaundra Petenon, the 8C'tl'el9 underneath Elvira's friaht wig and heavy make-up. Her~ COIWme helpe, ol coune, but if Elvira'• appeal was limited to ber fiaure, aame viewen woWd certainly have tiftd of taer by 8-.11\lfra, Pap 31 VIDEO MOVIES SPbKEN HERE f I I 'I 1, , , ii I 1 I ' I ' ' I I I r ,- ' ' I r I I I . N I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'O 'C LL ~ ~ ~ -.2 a: -·------....,.---------- AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP-RENAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLEBACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640.6444 BOB McLARENS BMW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La Habra -522-5333 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.9100 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 , CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1·300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 -540-821 I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SOM LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SAMTA ANA UNCOLN-MBlCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 MAZDA MIRACLE MAIDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim Blvd·. Anaheim -956-1820 PEUGEO T BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. We~tm i nster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSOM. INC. 445 E. Coast H'N')'. Newport Beach-673-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636·23)3 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport ~each -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOT~ 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855!· VOLKSW AGEN JIM MARINO VOLISWACiEN 18711 Beach Blvd., • Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Ciesta Mesa -646-9303 -------------------------------------5 Sports Highlights Saturday I GREATEST SPOAT8 LEGEND8 • 8A8EBAL1. RegloMI covtr-O-of AU.. f 9f8WS •t ~ Phlllel; ....... er.... at California Angets (3 hra.) Friday MAY 28, 1882 MORNING 8:001 THIS WEB< IN THE NHL 6:30 SPORTS FORUM 7:00 SPORTS CENTER 9:00 TOP RANK BOXING From Las Vegas, Neva- da. 12 hrs .. 30 min.) 11:30([) F.A. SOCCER "Championship Match" Queens Par1< Rangers vs Totteoham Hot1pUra (2 hrs) .. AFTERNOON MAY29, 1882 1:06@ MIEMLL Atlenta er ...... at~ ~ Phillies (3 htl.) 1:30 di INDtAHAPOLJ8 "1500" TIME TRIAL& CcMf· i age of Che final day of qud~ time ttlall for the . May 30 tndlana~ls "500 ' (ffom mdlnllpolls ..,, Motor Speedway in lndlanapolia, Ind.). (1 hr.) ::i. 5:00(1) RODEO "Sctlrade Pro Team" Amarillo vs. Cl) TENNIS "NCAA Oivl8lon I Men's Champk>n-~ Tulsa ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ships" from the University of Georgia. (2 hr1., 30 ~ 5:06 al) BASEBALL BUNCH min.J ~ 8:30 (I) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1981 Kemper ()per)" 2:00 8 MEMOAIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT ThltO-~ (8) BOXING ''National Collegiate Association round cov«ege of this $350,000 PGA TOUI' touma- Flnals" The best collegiate boxers In 12 weight ment (from Muirfield VIilage Gott Club In Dublin, ~ classes compete f0< the national titles. Ohio.) . ( 1 hf .. 30 min.) 7:00(1)SPOATSCENTER 2:30. SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN iO 8:00(!) WRESTLING GLOVES Pennsylvania vs. Texas (1 hr.) OI (() ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE AIH lme 9 PROfESSIONAL BOWLERS TOUA $95.000 fl) Boston Celtics 11$. 1951 New Yortt Baseball Giants Tucson Open (from Golden Pin lanes In Tucson. 1 8:30 (() NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES Arizi . ( 1 hr., 30 min ) 1:30([) AUTO RACING "NASCAR Talladega 200" 9:00(J) NASL SOCCER KICKS 3:00 RAaNG FROM BELMONT (2 hrs.) (I) TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS "1976 Wimbledon" ( 1 3:30 Cl) SPORTS SATUROAY 15-round WBC 3:301 NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES hr.) Super Featherweight Championship bout between 3:"5 NASL WEEKLY 9:30(1) GREATEST SPORTS LEGEN06 "Larry Rolando Navarette and Rafael "Bazooka" Limon 4: 15 NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES Mahan" Host: Ken Howard. (from Reno. Nev.). Women's Gymnastics Cham- 4:30 SPORTS CENTER 10:008 BASEBALL' Cincinnati Reds at Mootreal plonsh1p of the USA ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 5:00 BASEBALL Houston Astros at New Yortt Expos (3 hrs.) 8 PROFESSIONAL BOWLERS TOUR $95,000 Mets (2 hrs .• 40 min.) I THIS WEE>< IN BASEBALL T..,cson Open (from Golden Pin Lanes In Tucson, ([) TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS "19n Wlmb'8don" ( 1 BASEBAU Regional coverage of Cincinnati • Artz.). (I hr . 30 min ) hr ) Reds at Montreal Expos; Chicago White Sox at 4:00 Cf) NEW YORK ISLANDERS: THE DYNASTY 5:05 (fl) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Phlladelphla Cleveland Indians (3 hrs.) See 5...,....+ .. P. 30 Phillies (3 hfs.) (I) AGURE SKATING "WOl'ld Pairs Competition r--. "age 5:30(1) BASEBAU St. Louis Cardinals at San Diego Championships" from Copenhagen, Denmark. (2 : : a: .,i!J EVENING :~i;,AS~7~.ooo oa11as ToumarMnt URI FIE A Ml .. ON TICKET u > Padres (2 hrs., 30 min.) hrs J.. ! 1 T -- 6:00([) PROFESSIONAL AOOEO From Mesquite. Flnals" (1 hr.) 1551 Texas (2 hrs.) G) OOOOER PRE-GAME ~ PH WU'S FIE£ •E lfFEll -~ 7:00 cm THE WAY fT WAS "1948 WOl'ld Serles" Bos-11: 15 m BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Chicago 0 IR llY Ill .. , f!rW' I "' ton Braves vs. Cleveland Indians Cubs (2 hrs .. 45 min ) J:: _..I "' 7:30 cm BASEBALL Miiwaukee Brewers et CalifOl'nia AFTERNOON ~ SlllLL CGIE FIEE (41• YILIE) .... o_ Anms (3 hrs.> 8:00 SPORTS c ENTER LI. 9 Pee Wee's Hot Dors ~-~ 9:00 TOP RANK BOXING From Las Vegas, Neva-12:00([) RODEO "Schrade Pro Team" Louisiana c ..:-.~ , 1818 NEWPORT BL~D. 1..._ -==' da.~ hrs .. 30 min.) Cajuns vs. Tulsa Twisters ( 1 hr . 30 min.) CT. , CO!J!-~SA ±2]\ 11:30 SPORTS CENTER 12:061THIS WEEKINBASE8AU ~ ___,, ~- 12:30 PROFESSIONAL ROOeO From Mesquite, 12:35 MOTORWEEK IUUSTRATED Son 12 Texas. (2 hrs.) 1:00 BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Philadelphia ·~Deity ~1 a.m.-to p.m~= P·;-~ p.m. 2:30(E) POCKET BILLIARDS "Trick Shots" ( 1 hr.)'---____ Ph_111....;.1es~(2.:...h_rs....;.·..:;.30~m~in:.:....) ---------'------------------ Have a balll limited memberships available -~ ~ '•. \~ .. ..' .. • Corporote Membership • Fomny Membershtp • Single Membership • Associate Membership , • Junior Executive { 18 to 29 years of age) • Junior Membership { 12 to 18 years of age) • Swim Membership • Aerobic Membership • And our new Annuol Membership ·. flor fu'1IMar ,,.......,._, coll our ..... dl,.ctor 644-00IO //~c$~~w Automatic Garage Door Systems FOR SAFETY ... SECURITY ... CONVENIENCE Automatic Garage Door Operato rs by Stanley STANLEY Mel. 201 $149.00 instated LOWEST PRICES IN ORANGE COUNTY "We A re Never U ndersold" Stanley Digital 11High Security'' -~adio controls -three signals ~~ ;... t I . I S TA N LEY f'oay or Nighl Prompt, courteous - , conscientious service. Sala & Service 552-1411 r 6 ~ Clb -oti N ~ ~ >. co 'O 1: "" g -' ~ -.2 ~ ' ~ --· ------------------------------------ :;~i =~&ESTER I GENE t\UTRY (FRI) ARTHRITIS TE1.ETHON (CONT'D) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR. 26 MIN~(TUE) A CONt=lJCT Of ltn ::ST (1 HR, 46 MIN.) ~) Cl) THE COUNTRY GIRL (2 HRS.. 30 MIN.) i~(THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 35 MIN.) (FRI) COMMUNITY PROGRAMMING ( 1 HR) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR, 32 MIN.) (THU) 5:05 (11) I DREAM Of JEANNIE (FRI) (ll) MY THREE SONS (~THU) 5: 10 I SOME CALL THEM FREAKS (FRI) 5: 15 MOVIE (THU) 6:20 MOVIE (FRi) 5:26 MOVtE (MON) 6:30 JUNTOS (MON. WED. FRI) SUM CU&S&Nt (TUE. THU) JtMMY SWAGGART LET THERE BE LIGHT (FRI) INTERHA TIONAl H0UA (MON. TUE) TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING (WED) PU8UC AFFAIRS (THU) NEWARK AND REAL11~FRI) NEW YORK REPORT MEET THE MAYORS ) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (THU) UNIVERSITY Of THE AIR (TUE-FRI) SHORT P1CK8 (THU) MOVIE (1 HR. 26 MIN.) (FRI) 5:S6(1l) MY THREE SONS (FRI) (ll) THAT GIRL (MQN.. THU) 6:"6. A.M. WEATHER • A.M. WEATHER (FRf) 6:601NEWS . 5:65 REAL ESTATE PRtNOPLES (MON. FRI} 0 MAKJNG IT COUNT cnJE. THU) 8:00 8 LA. MOANING HOTFUOOE NEEDLECRAFT MORNING NEWS COMMUNITY FEEDBACK (FRI} YOUTH AND THE ISSUES (MON) MEET THE MAYOR (TUE) FRANKLY FEMALE (WED) fT CAN BE DONE (THU) STIWGHTTAU< (TUE-FRI) JIMMY SWAGGART VILLA ALEGRE NEWSBEA T WrTH CL.ETE ROBERTS (THU. FRI) • NEWSBEAT: LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW ~JwsBEAT: CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT (TUE) rrs EVERYBOOY'S BUSINESS (WED) PROJECT UNIVERSE =) TO BE ANNOUNCED MOM-THU) VILLA ALEGRE (R) ( ) THIS WEE< IN TH£ NHL (FRI) SPORTSWOMAN (MON, 'Na>) INSIDE BASEBALL (TUE) GYMNASTICS (THU) BRENDON CHASE (FRI) MOVIE (1HR,20 MIN.~ ~I) MOVIE (1HR.38 MIN. U) MOVIE (1 HR, 37 MIN. E) BEST HORSE (WED) MOVIE (1 HR. 10 MIN.) (MON) MOV1ij1 HR. 30 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE 2 HRS.) (WED) 8:06d1J e 8: 15 8 HEAL TH RELO (%)MOVIE (2 HRS., 12 MIN.) (THU) 8:20(!) A COUNTRY MUSIC tR1BVTE TO KITTY WELLS ( 1 HR. 30 MIN.) (TUE) 8:261 eD Au.EN 8:30 CAPTAIN KANGAROO 80'$ WOMAN (FRI) GALLERY (MON-THU) DAVBAEAK L.A. (FRI) FEEUNG ANE (MON-THU} fTCANBE~~) COMMUNfTY ACK (MON) YOUTH AND THE ISSUES (TUE) Off HAHO (WEO) FRANKLY FEMALE (f1iU) GREAT SPACE COASTER FBJXTHECAT CAPT10H£D A8C NEWS (WED-FRI) EXPLORING LANGUAGE (MON) JM:#. LONDON WITH WIUJAM DEVANE MYSWA~RT I PERSONAL ANANCE AND MONEY MANAGE- ~~NG 8IOLOGY (MON. WED) THE LAST Of THE CAOOOEB (TUE) CINDER-8..LA (WED) SPORTS FORUM (~) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS (MON) ALL-S'T AR SPORTS CHALLENGE (TUE) THIS WEEK IN THE NBA (WED) BRENDON CHASE (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR. 30 MIN.) (MON, TUE) CHARLIE. THE l:.ONESOME C0UGAA (WED) ON VACATION WIDi MICKEY MOOSE AND FRIENDS (THU) I MOVIE ( 1 HR., 49 MINtl(MON~ MOVIE ( 1 HR. 30 MIN. (WED RASCAL DAZZLE (1 • 26 IN.) (THU) 8:"61NEWS 7:00 MORNING NEWS TOOAY OOCLUB 9 GOOD MORNING AMERICA THE FROOZLES ROMPER ROOM (T\JE-f'RI) ARTHRfTIS TELETHON (CONT'D) (MON) BUGS BUNNY AND FRIEN06 FRED FUNTSTONE ANO FRIENDS BUSINESS REPORT PERSONAL RNANCE AND MONEY MANAGE- MENT (FRI) VILLA ALEGRE (R) (MON-THU) THE LAST Of THE CADOOES (f:RI) MOVIE (TUE) CINEMAX SHORT FEATURE (THU} SPORTS CENTER SNEAK PREVIEW (FRI) HAMMER HOUSE Of HORROR (FRI) MOVl6 (2 HRS.) (FRI) 7:10~WILDBABIE$ (MON) 1; 16 MOVIE (1 HR, 46 MIN.) (MON) 7:30 THERE IS A WAY THE FLINTSTONES CARTOONS YOGA FOR HEAL TH MAGIC Of OtL PAJNTING MOVIE (THU, FRI) SIX BEARS AND A CLOWN (WB)) MOVIE (1HR.26 MIN.) (FRI) FLASHBACK: THE LAST VOYAGE. Of THE MORRO CASTLE (1 HR) (WED) I CHARLIE, THE LONESOME COUGAR (THU) SHORT PICKS (WED, FRI~ MOVIE (1HR,40MINU MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR. 20 MIN. 7:"6(%) MOVIE (1 HR, 30 IN.) ) 8:00 ()) SUNUP SAN DIEGO JtMBAKKER TIC TAC DOUGH (TUE-fRI) TOM AND JERRY BIG BLUE MARSLE (FRI) MISTER ROGERS (R) (MON) MISTER ROGERS (TUE-THU) BOOY BUOOES' THE AMAZING ADVENTURES Of JOE BO ~E 1 HR, 26 MIN.I i) MOVIE 1 HR., 36 MIN. MOVIE 1 HR, 30 MIN. FRf) MOVIE 1 HR, 36 MIN. U) MOVIE 2 HRS.) (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR, 43 Mlt4.) (TUE) THE COUNTRY GIRL (2 HRS.. 30 MIN.) (THU) 8:05 d1J MOVIE 8:30• LEAVE ITTO BEAVER BULLSEYE (TUE-f'RI) WOOO'f WOOOPECKER VILLA ALEGRE (R) MISTER ROGERS (R) (MON, FRI) MISTER ROGERS (TUE-THU) MOVIE(1HR.31 M~. (WED) MOVIE (1 HR. 30 MIN. (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR .• 30 MIN. (TUE) JONI MrtCHB.L IN ERT ( 1 HR.) (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 36 MIN~ (WED) MOVIE (1 HR. 46 MIN. (THU) 8:"6 (%)MOVIE ( 1 HR. 10 IN.) (Ft:tl) 9:00 8 ()) ONE DAY AT A TIMI:'. (R) OIFF'RENT STROKES (R) Oz:ztE ANO HARRIET A.M. LOS ANGELES JACK LALANNE NEWS (TUe-.F'RI) ARTHRITIS TE.1.£THON (MON) THE ROCKFORD AlEB I LOVE LUCY AOMPERAOOM SEBAME 8TREE'f C (MON.J.. ~· FRI) ~~STREET ~) Q l tU.:. THU) W.UAl.EORE ~ ~~~(FRI) BA8EBAU.J::> ~'(_CONT~TY: (WED) PROFESSIONAL RODEO (THU) ~T~EWM (1HR.) (FRI) MOVlE (2 HRS.) (MON} MOVIE (1HR,48 MIN.) (llJE) 9: 16 (%) MOVIE ( 1 HR. 45 MIN.) (WED) 9:308 ())ALICE (R) WHEEL Of FORTUNE THE RIFLEMAN MIO MORNING LA. BEWITCHED MOVIE ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) MOVIE (MON, THU, FRI) HfTLER'S MASTER RACE. .. THE Mt\O DREAM Of THE SS (MON) I SNEAK PREVIEw (TUE) A~ (MON, wa>. FRI) NOEL BUYS A SUfT (THU) HAMMER HOUSE Of HORROR (MON) 10;00 I~ PRICE tS RIGHT BIG VALLEY 0 LOVE BOAT (R) JOHN DAVIDSON (llJE-FRI) I DREAM Of JEANNIE EOUCA TIONAL PROGRAMMING (TUE-fRI) WHfTEWATER. IDAHO (MON) GETTING TO KNOW ME (FRI) EOUCA TlONAL PROGRAMMING (MON-THU) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (MON, THU, FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 43 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR., 60 MIN.) (WED) LAUREL ANO HA.ROY'S LAUGHING 20'8 ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (FRI) IMOVIE (1HR,40 MIN, (MON, TUE) MOVIE (1 HR. 31 MIN. ) MOVIE (1HR,60 MIN. U) MOVIE (1 HR, 57 MIN. ~ MOVIE ( 1 HR., 39 MIN. (T\JE) MOVIE (1HR..22 MIN. (FRI) 10:06 al> MOVIE (TUE::'Je d1J THIS WEEK IN B ALL (MON) 10:16(%)MOVIE (1 HR,46MIN.) (THU) 10:30. TWICE A WOMAN (FRI) TWICE A WOMEN (MON) CHARLIE ROSE (TUE-THU) INDEPENOENT NETWORK NEWS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (FRI} COLLEGE LA~ (WED) MOVIE (1HR,20 MIN. ) MOVIE (1HR,37 MIN.~ ~) MOVIE (1 HR., 33 MIN. U) 10:35al)BASEBALL (MON) 10:"6 (%)MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 22 MIN.) (MON) (%)MOVIE (2 HRS.) (TUE} 11:008 TATTLETALES THE DOCTORS BONANZA 0 FAMILY FEUO THE YOUNG ANO THE RE8TLE'SS BUUSEYE PfTfALL (TUE-FRI) ARTHRITIS TELETHON (OONrD) (MON) WOMEN'S PAGE LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE El.ECTR1C COMPANY (R) RICHARD SIMMONS COLLEGE GOLF U) MOVIE (~WEO~FRI GOLF HIGHLIGHTS 11:16iMOVIE (2 HRS., 12 MIN.) (WED) 11:30 THE YOUNG A.NO THE RESTLESS SEARCH FOR TOMOAROW ., u •I· '' •.ii , .. . ... u f :t f .t t .. RYAN'S HOPE MATCH GAME MATOH GAME (1\JE-ml) .NEWS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MACNBL I L.BiRER REPORT BIG BLUE MARBLE (WED) MOVIE (THU) F.A. SOCCER (FRI) GOl.F (TUE) THE GIN GAME (1 HR., 23 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (2 HRS., 13 MIN.) (WED) MOVlE ( 1 HR. 22 MIN.) (FRt) \ 1 ... 1 : l' '·c >< r\ . 1 . \. '\ . 12:0011 e DA VS Of OUR LIVES TWILIGHT ZONE 0 AU MY CHILDREN NEWS •• MOVIE BONANZA cnJE.FRI) OtCtC CAVETT MATH WISE (MON, FRI) FOO rs rEPS {TUE) OETllNCl TO t<NOW ME (WED) FAST FOJMAPD {THU) AJJfO~~) =1HR..40~~ ... Fff) MOVIE ( 1 HR. 33 MIN. MON. WED) SOME CALL THEM :S ~ MOYE C2 HAS;. 30 MtN.) (THO) ~~~ ...... .._.~~----..----.~-~..-~~ ca• ms,... (MON) IN8U 8A8EMU. (TUI) MOVE (2 llAS., 11 ..._) (RI) PlAZA SUIT£ (2 HM.) (MON) MOVIE Aeao&E (MOH, WB>.~ MOVIE !1 HR, 50 MIN.l M<M£ 1 HR., 38 MIN. U) MOVIE 1 HA., 38 MIN. FRI) MOVIE 2 HAS.) (MON) MOVIE 1 HR. 25 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR. '6 M ... ) (THU) 2:06 Gl) THE bRAOY BUNCH (FRI) l1l) THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY (MON-THU) 2:30. BEWITCHED (TUE-FRI) EMERGENCY MOV1£ (FRI) THE POmNG SHED (MON) UNDER MNJC WOOO (TUE) ~ADOS(THU) MISTER AOGEA8 ~R) (FRt) MISTER AOGEA8 MON-THU) SPORTSWOMAN AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 40 MIN.) (TUE) 8UPERSP1ES (1 HR.) (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 38 MtN.) (FRt) A COUNTRY MUSIC 'rRl&llTE TO KITTY waLS (1HR.,30MIN.) (~ I MOV1E (1HR.,15 MIN.) ) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 28 MIN.) ) MOVIE (1 HR., 10 MIN.) (MON) 2:36 (Ill BEVERl. Y HU.BIWES (FRt) @HAZEL (MOf+.THU) 2:45(1)MOVIE (1HR.,10MIN.) (FRI) 3:00 8 BARNABY JONES (MON. wED-fRs) BARNEY MILLER (TUE) DONAHUE RICHARD SIMMONS EDGE OF NIGHT MERVGRIFRN MOVIE (FRI) CARTER COUNTRY (M<>f+. THU) HAWAII AVE.() PEOPLE'S COURT THE WAL TONS (TUE-FRf) MIGHTY MOUSE BAOOKl YN 8AIOOE (RI) PAUL LAWRENCE DUNBAR (MON) INOEPENOENT EYE (TUE. THU) HOME GARDENER (WED) HOUR MAGAZJNE SESAME STREEI Q (TUE. FRI) SESAME SmEET (R) ['] (MON, WED, THU) THE LAST OF THE CACDOEB (FRI) THE AMAZING AOVENTURl:S Of JOE 90 ~~SA~~=l(THU) i:c~~ 3:05@ AHOY GAIFRTH (f°rt}' ''" ®MY THREE SONS (MON-THU) 3:16i MOVIE (1HR.,20~) 3:20 MOVIE (1 HR, 20 MIN. (l\JE) 3:30 AFTERNOON PlA (TUE) I RICHARD 8'MMON8 PEOPlES COORT WHAT'S HAPPENfNGlll (MON-THU) CHAAUE"8 AHOB..8 A PLAY FOR LOVE = 1HE80NGWNTER8 AMENCAN INDIAN (~THU) 8AQ(STRE£f 80( (SW) NCM IN8TRUCT10NAL 8EAEB (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 81 Mk) (WED) MOVIE ( 1,HR., ~MIN.) (THU) 3:36 (Ill GOMER PVl..E (FRI) l1l) FATHER KNOWS 8E8t (MON-THU) 3:45 (J) NASL WEEJ<l Y (FRI) (1) MOV1E ( 1 HR., 36 MIN.) (MON) "4:00. BARNEY MILLER (MON, WEI>-ml) MARY TYLER MOORE COUPLES NEWS WB.COME BACK. KOTTER MOVIE (t.e<>M-THU) YOU ASKED FOA IT TOM AND JEMY (TUE-fRI) SCOOBYOOO THE NEW STORYTEllERS (MON) CABARET (TUE) ELECTRtC COMPANY (R) UTn.E HOUSE ON THE PRARe MT. ST. Ha.ENS: WHY THEY DIED (FAI) ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) (MOM-THU) MOVE CTHU) INSIDE BASEBALL (MON) THIS WEE< IN THE NBA (TUE) SPORTS FOAUM (WED) ALL-sT AR SPORTS CHALLENGE {THU) MELISSA MANCHESTER IN CONCERT (1 HR.) MON) MOVIE (1 HR., 40 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) {TUE. WED) NOEl. BUYS A SUfT (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 35 MJN.) (WED, FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 67 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (TUE) THE COUNTRY GIRL (2 HRS .. 30 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 22 MIN.) (FRI) "4:05 al) WINNERS (FRI) al) GREEN ACRES (MON-THU) 4: 16 (I) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERtES (FRI) <4:30eNEWS BOB NEWHART EHTERT AINMENT TONIGHT M•A•&•H ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT (MON, WEl).fRI) ~&~ & COMPANY BUGS BUNNY AND FRIEN08 StGNAT\ff MISTER ROGERS (R) (FRI) MISTER ROGERS (MON-THU) MACNSL / LetRER REPOA1' ONEMAX SHORT FEA TUAE (MON) THE SElRSH GIANT (WED) SPORTS CENTER SNEAK PREVIEW (FRI) LEGENDS: JOHN WAYNE (1 HR.) (TUE) ~HR..30 ...... ) en·, MOVIE 1 HR., 20 MtN.) 4:36 ® ANO SON RI) ® ANfJY GRIFFITH (MON, THU) _ ®BASEBALL (TUE. WED) "4:'6(1)MOVIE (1 HR., "8MtN.)J11Jf (%)MOVIE (2 HRS., ~ &.001 NEWS (MON. a WGJ.-~:;___~-------- Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities. - "Serving All F aiths" ,,- -Harbor Lawn· Mount Olive Men1orial P.Jrlt ·Mortuary· Mausoleums -Shipment -, Cre1.00tion Plans Available~ (Ol1ler Ave . el Harbor Blvd.f Ph. 540-5554 . 'I ... co CD N I I l t- i t I I • ~Friday " 2 \ f c >I { '\ I '\ < ; \ 11. >\ l ~ , ~~ 6;00. "n. F81l" (1981, ~) l..Mnft8ltll James Gamer. • ~20 CC) "Famly Man" (OralN) Ed Atltwtl, AN. IL Jackson. ~ 5:30(%) "Journey Back To OZ'' ( 1972, Fentaay) ArJr. -' mated. Voices ot Um Mlnnell~ Paul Lynde. > 6:00(1) "Mutefeathers" ( 1978, Comedy) Rory Cal- l-houn, Don Knotts. g 6:05 t1l) "Return To Paradise" (1953, Romance) Ga'.l.... Coope<. Roberta Haynes. 0: 7:00 CZJ "The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again" ( 1979. Comedy) Tim Conway. Don Knotts. 7:30 CC) "Tuck !:verlastlng" ( 1976. Adventure) Fred Keller. Joseph MacGulre. (8) "Savage Harvest" ( 1980, Adventure) Tom Skerrltt. Michelle Phllllps. 8:00 (I) "The Green Horizon" ( 1981, Adventure) James Stewart, PhHlp Sayet'. g "The V.l.P s" ( 1963, Drama) Elizabeth Taylor. Richard Burton 8:05 t1l) "The Gypsy And The Gentleman" ( 1958, Drama) Mehna Met'courl. Keith Michell. 8:"45 (%) "Never Give A Socket' An Even Break" ( 1941, Comedy) W.C Fields. Gloria Jean. 9:30 • "The Man From Utah" ( 19~. Western) John Wayne. Gabby Hayes. CC) "Up River" ( 1980, Adventure) Morgan Stevens. 10:00(8) "S~ey And The Bandit II" (1980, Com& dy) Burt Reynolds. Jackie Gleason U "The Four Seasons" ( 1981. Drama) Alan Alda. Carol Burnell (%)"The Shoohng" ( 1967, Westet'n) MIUie PMdns, Jack Nicholson 10:05 tm "Banyon· Walk Up And Die" ( 1971, My&- tery) Robert Forst«. Darren McGavin. 11:00(C) "The Fiendish Ptot Of Dr. Fu Manchu" (1980, Comedy) Peter Sellers, Sid Caesar. 11:30(%) "Ride In The Whirlwind" (1967, Western) Cameron Mitchell. Jaci< Nicholson, .\l· .. llJC\< >< >:\ \I< )\.IL" 12:0011 "Unknown World" (1951, Science-Action) Bruce Kellogg. Marilyn Nash. • "The Left-Handed Gun" ( 1958. Western) Paul Newman. Uta Miian. • "The Shuttered Room" (1967. Mystery) Gig Young, Carol Lynley. CHl "The legend Of The Lone Raoger'' (1980. Westet'n) Klinton Spllsbury. Christopher Uoyd. CJ "Over The Edge" (1979. Orama) Michael Kramer. Pamela lud'Mg. 1:00(!) "Fort Apache" (1948. Western) John Wayne. Henry Fonda CC) "look Back In Anger" ( 1959, Drama) Qalfe Bloom. Richard Burton. (%)"An Eye For An Eye" ( 1981, Adventure) Chuck iM(kl Chrlstophef Lee. Clint Eas~~~w Josey WaJes" c 1976, Western) CD "Wh Would ~a Locke. y I UllJ",. '1~ Comedy) Treat Wll-llame. Lisa Bchhorn. · • "Oti Godt" c 19n, eomeo,, .... ""1(Qe Bums. John Denver. 2:308 "Ugetsu" CJ) "My Bodyguard" ( 1979, Drama) Chris Ma'5.!f:>eace. Adam Baldwin. 2:46CZ) "Nevel' Give A Sucker An Even Break" ( 1941. Comedy) W.C. Aetda, Gloria Jean. 3:00 G "Trinity Is Still My Name" ( 1975, Westem) Terence Hiii, Bud Spencer. •:ooe "Oh Godt Book"" (1980. Comedy) George Bums. Suzanne Pleshette. (%)"The Shooting" (1967, Western) Mille Perkins, Jaci< Nlchotson. 4:30()) "The Green Horizon" (1981, A~ure) James Stewart. Philip SaY8f. 6:30(C) "The Man With Bogart's Faoe" (1980, Com-~) Robert Sacchi. Otlvia HIJ8MY. • "The Las1 Metro" ( 1980. Orama) Catherine Oeneuve. Gefard Depardleu. Directed by Francois Truffaut. (%) "Ride In The Whlf'lwind" ( 1967. Weetem) Cam-woo Mltchel. Jac:k Nlchdlol 1. l· \ 1 '\ J '\( ' .... THE REGULATORS -E.G. Marshall examines the compl exities of federal regul.ation in 'The Regul.ators: Our Invisihle Government," a dramatic documentary to be televised on PBS Friday at 9 p.m. has been made In terms of quality and quantity ot e!_oducts being assembled In Japan. (IJ PROFESSIONAL ROOEO From Mesquite, Tex· as. (2 hrs.) (8) CHAALIE, THE LONESOME COUGAR A lumberman adopts and raises en orphaned cougar kitten. (Part 1) Cl) SHORT F>tCKS 6:30 «I BARNEY MILLER I ALL IN THE FAMILY NAPOLEON & LOVE "Louise" Napoleon mar- ries the Archduchess Marla-Luisa of Austria so that she may bear him a eon. ( 1 hr.) I NEWSBEA T: LOS ANGB.ES WEEK IN REV1EW NEWS SUS.NESS REPORT MOVtE "The little Dragons" ( 1981, Adventure) Sally Boyden, Chris Peterson. A gang of kids trained In karate rescue one of !heir trtends when she le kidnapped. 'PG' ( 1 tv., 30 min.) 7:00.C8SNEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS KOJAK IN8CNEW8 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT A look at The \. Smurfs; en lnteMeiw with Christophel' Ptummer. IM•A•s•H JOKER'S WtLO BUSINESS REPORT ~CH~~·~N ARUt:.. E COUGAR A lumberman adopts a kitten. (Pert 2) Of'Phaned cougar CD MOVIE "trllogy: Three ~_..__ 1 The M lo Of Clayn'lltlon" (2 tn.) --. n CD) ~E WAY IT WAS "1948 World Serles" Boston"' BreV89 \'9, Cleveland Indent (%) MOVIE "CMtr The Edge" ( 1979, Drama) Mlchael Kramer. Pamela LudWta. Several,..,._. residents of an exotuelve Calif~ community emberk on a rampage of heratement and destruc- tion when they fall to get their ~rents' attention at home. 'PG' ( f hr .. 35 min.) 7:308 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: roek musician Frank Zappa and the Buffalo Phllharmonlc; a tour of U>s Anoetes on a lhoeltmg; a Ylelt to a mcM9 the- atr.. whlctl has been turned Into a gay c:hutch, wtfere weddkigl ano other funcoone .,. perfof med. e FAll/li.. Y FEUO LAYl;ANE & 8HR.EY & COUl'AHV PEOPLE'S COURT YOU ASKED FOR rr w•A•s•H • TIC TAC OOUOH SIGNATURE Guest; Jemea ~­ MACNEIL I ~REPORT , WALL S1"AEET WES< "~ Ato.ltwr' Guiel: eggy VandlN<>ort, ~of Ptggy ~ voort Incorporated. In Btoo41f~ ~ _J -ey:-_ ct) MOYIE "Up River" (1980. Adventure) Morgen Stewene. A young pioneer becomee o12e11sed wtth r....enge after his wife Is ldlltd by a local land baron who reeenta hls SUCC86$. (1 hi .• 35 min.) i tlAIEBAU Milwaukee Brewers al California (3 ht&) 7'.AO ~SCORNER '100 (I) THE DUKES OF HAZZARD Cletus falls In love with Daisy and gets fired by eo.. Hogg f0< lettlOQ tlls hoped-tor ln4aws. Bo and Luke. escape from jal. (A) ( 1 hr.) 8 G0008YE OOESH'T MEAN FOREVER A wootd-be dancer Is forced by financial circum- stances to share her apartment with an out-of·wor1< actor 8 MOVIE "Robbery" ( 1967, SUspense) Stantey Baker, James Booth. A British train' Is robbed ot a tortu.ne after brilliant planning by the thieves. (2 hfs.) • BENSON Governor Gatling suggests that Ben- son be made 1he next state budget director. (R) D G ENCORE NEWS "February 9. 1971" Highlight\: Earthquake In L.A. kills 63 people; Apollo 14 lands on moon; lour hour blackout hits New York City; Sea Bed Treaty: The Beatles announce !heir break- up; smokeless jet created: Lockheed goes Into debt. STRANGE TRUE STORIES I BENNY Hill P.M. MAGAZINE A prolile of pro baseball's only black umpire; meet a 70-year volunteer at Veterans Hospital. • MOVIE "The Day Of The locust" (1975, Dra- ma) Donald Sulherland. Karen Black. In 1930s ~ lywood, an aSS1stant set designer tries to capture on canvas the symbols of corruption and fatal Illusion that pervade htS community. (2 hrs.) QI MIXED BAG "Inside. OUtside" This segment of a two-part examination ot making films In a closed market looks at who's making 11 and why. (Part 2) I ID WASHINGTON WEB< IN REVIEW MOVIE "The Carey Treatment" ( 1972. Mys- tery) James Coburn. Jenniler O'Neill. A pathologist fights to clear a colleague charged with murder when the daughter of a noted physlclan dies during an illegal operation. (2 hrs.) ([)SPORTS CENTER CJll MOVIE "The Hand" (1981. Horror) Michael Caine Andrea Marcovlc<:I. Bizarre incidents and nlght~ares begin happening In a cartoonist's Ille after he solfors the loss ol a hand. 'R' ( 1 hr., 44 min.) Cl) SNEAK PREVIEW (2 HRS.) Ct THE COUNTRY Gl~L Faye Dunaway, Olck Van Dyke and Ken Howard star In this performance of Clifford Odet's play about 1he complex relationships between an alcohollc actor. his wife and a theatrical director. (2 hrs .• 30 min.) 8:05 (11) NEWS 8:30 D CHICAGO STORY Frank Wa)orst<I risks his careef and his llfe when his lnllltratlon of a big syndi- cate Is uncovered. ( 1 hr., 30 mkl.) • O MOVIE "This Is Kate Beonett" (Premiere. Orama) Janet Ellber. David Hastcell. A te6evialon reporter and slngle mother finds hef llfe and that of her daughtef's endangered after covering e sniper attack. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) ; ERIC SEVAREJO'S CHAONClE EVENING AT THE IMPAOV ALL IN THE FAMILY EUOBE ORMANOY AND THE Pttl.AOEl.PHIA ORCHESTRA The maestro and h9 orchestra per- form classics from the Russian repertoffe Including Rlmsky-Korsakov's "Scheherez.ade." (1 hr.) 8 WAU STREET WEEK ''Horalng Around" Guest: Peggy Vendefvoort, president of Peggy Vander-voort Incorporated, International Bloodstock Agen- i VOTER'S PIPELINE Jim Cooper lnteMews the candidates In the .ard Congr"81onel Race which la lm~ant t) both the etate and Orange County. ( 1 AMPLIH ON THE F1lM SCENE 9: J.R.'a efforta to force the Far- lows give Uf> o-een bad<flre Ind threaten to destroy the Ewing fort~ tA) ( 1 hr ) I A.IP WILSON • MERV GAIFf1N Guests: Raquel ~. Kathryn Skatula. Lelah Scalritt, Eileen Barnett. ~"''~ McComilck. F'annle Flagg. (1 hr.) • THE REGULATORS:_ OLA INVl888lE GOVERN-MENT E.G. Marshad hoetaa lodc at hOw •group of butMUCfats trlnslate the laws of Congr .. Into "'O" ulallona that gcMWn vlrtudy fNflfY lllP9C1 of our .... (1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "Mean Streets" ( 1973. Orama} Harvey l<elttl. Robert De Niro. A smal-tlme hood and Na lrr~ble friend find plenty of trouble In New VC>ft( 1 Little Italy. 'R' (1hi.,60 min.) Cl) TOP RANK ~ From Lu Vega. Nevada. ~ hrl., 30 mlli.) W MOVIE "On TM Rlaht Treok" (1981, Comedy) GafY Colemen, Mlchatl Umbeck. A to<*ll waft. tn. to find a l'lOONll hom9 tor a ttlln lldon ~ bov ~th • t•lent fOf p6oklng ... ~ ·PQ· (1ht.,3? mjn.) • ~: . - -_,,._ ____ _ Friday (continued) (%)MOVIE "An Eye For An Eye" (1981, Adven- ture) Chuck Norris, Christophe< Lee. A San Francis- co cop quits the force to avenge the ITIUfdef of his partner by members ol a drug ring. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 46 mln.1 9:05 all MOVIE "The Parallax View" ( 197 4, Drama) Warren Beatty. Paula Prentiss. An Investigative reporter attempts to uncover a nationwide network of political assasslns. (2 hrs .. 10 min.) 9:30(!) MOVIE "East Of Sumatra'' (1953, Adven- ture) Jett Chandlef, Marilyn Ma)(Well. An American mining engineer faces a native uprising when a ship- ment he has promised them tails to arrive. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 9 NAPOLEON & LOVE "Louise" Napoleon mar- ries the Archduchess Marla-Luisa of Austria so that she may bear him a son. ( 1 hr.) 10:00 8 ()) FALCON CREST Chase and his aunt. Angie Channing, are reunited by the de.h of Chase's lather. Jason Globertl. (R) ( 1 hr.) 8 GD MCCLAIN'S LAW Baffled by a series of seemingly random slayings. McClain poses as a member of an underground organization to get evi- dence on two ol its members. (Part 2) (R) ( 1 hr.) l ame News tDJ STRtKE FORCE Murphy goes after a gang of toughs who are roaming wealthy neighborhoods on weekends and tetror1Z1ng their residents. (R) ( 1 hr) • TONY BROWN'S JOURNAL "The Black West" Tony Brown profiles some ol America's unknown black heroes and looks at films of the first black rodeo. Ii) ARING LINE "Looking Back On LBJ" Guests: author Ronnie Dugger. president of the Motion Pic- ture Association Jack Valenti. ( 1 hr.) (II) MOVIE "The Daybreakers" ( 1979, Western) Glenn Ford. Sam Elliot. The Sackett brothers find adventure when they travel west from their T ennes- see home. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 50 min ) Cl) MOVIE "Return Of The Dragon" ( 1972, Adven- ture) Bruce Lee. Chuck Norris. A martial arts expert joorneys from Hong Kong to Rome to help a friend who 1s 1n trouble with the mob 'R' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) 10:30. NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest: James Rouse. CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW EVERYTHING GOES MOVIE "The Fan" (1981, Suspense) Lauren Bacall. James Garner. A popular film star is vlctim- •lzed by a ~chotlc admirer. 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 min ) 11:0098 U ()) tDJ fJD NEWS BENNY Hill I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FAANKLIN M•A•S0H MIXED BAG "Inside, outside" This segment of a two-part examination of making fllms in a closed market looks at who's making It and why. (Part 2) • DICK CAVETT Guest Ffex Harrison. (Part 2) ~)CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW ('!)MOVIE "The Aendlsh Plot Of Or. Fu Manchu" ( 1980, Comedy) Pet« Sellera, Sid Caesar. The FBI and Scotland Yatd'a Oet. Nay&and Smfth J)Uf1Ue the 168--old arch vllaln as he le8tches tor the ACUPUllCTURE -....-..... AuntOR OP •ACWUNCTUM & tcmNCll" Fonner ~ • ..,.,.,.. of Chtneee Acupuncut,. Foundation PROFE8$0A OF ACUPUNCTURE. GRADUATI:: CHINA MEDtOAI. eot.LEGE WHO'S WHO IN CALIFORNIA. 13th l!dlUon 145-24.'tl ~ ............. c..-1'11&. ......... ......... UNTAMIA MOVES ABOUND -"McClain's Law," wfuch St(ll'B James Am~ BS a police officer and MarShaU C:Olt as his young sidekick, is back on Friday night. The series, which has been moved around a lot this season, has been canceled and will no t return this fall. It started the season. siring against the ever popular "Dallas" on Friday nights, was moved to Saturday and iJl now back on Friday at 10 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). 1ngredl9f'lts. including the Crown Jewels. used to make his life-prolonging elixir. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 38 min.) C0 MOVIE "Allee In Wonderland" ( 1976, Comedy) Kristine DeBell, Jason Wiiiiams. A young girl learns about life when she steps through her looking glass Into a world inhabited by Humpty Dumpty, the White Rabbit and the Mad Hatter. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 15 min) CO) MOVIE "Without Warning" ( 1980. Horror) Jack Palance. Martin Landau. A gas station attendant and a Vietnam veteran pit themselves against a ter- rifying and powerful humanoid which attacks its prey with deadly flying organisms. 'R' (1 hr .. 36 min.) (%) MOVIE "Joanna" (1 968. Drama) Genevieve Waite, CaMn Lockhart. A 1\8"'8 young woman becomes swept up In the soc:t.I whlf1 of mod Lon- don during the 19608. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 4'5 min.) 11: 16 all MOVIE "The Omegana" ( 1968, 6uspenee) Keith Larsen. Ingrid Pitt. In the MaJayan Jungle, a celebrated artist plots revenge against hie wife end her lover. ( 1 hr .. 60 min .. ) 11:30• (I) MOVIE "The Gumbel Rd>(' (1976, ARE YOUR UTILITY BILU INCREASING? 0W8'*9f ............. .,ltl I ~ rMuceJOW.,., ..... C.ll U9 tor ..... ~ft Adventure) Michael Samu.in. Tim Mclntlte. A biz.arre combination of appar8fltly sane citizens embark on a wild coast-to-coast auto race. (R) (2 hrs.) 8 • TONIGHT Host Johnny Carson. Guests: blrdcallefs, Leonard Waxdeck. Glen Campbell, Oan- IThomas. (1 hr.) 0 ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE KOJAK SONNY ANO CHER SANFORD ANO SON EUGENE ORMANOY ANO THE PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA The maestro and his orchestra per- form classics from the RuSSlan repertoire Including R1msky-Korsakov's "Scheherazade." (1 hf.) I NEWSBEAT: LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTS CENTER 11:55 (II) MOVIE "The OUtlaw Josey Wales" ( 1976, Western) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. A man becomes an outlaw when a ruthless band of Union soldiers destroys his Southern farm and kills his wife and son. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 16 min.) t2:008 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT A look at The Smurfs. an interview with Christopher Plummer. 8 ®l FRIDA VS Host: Victoria Principal. Guest: Chubby Checker. (R) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (f) MOVIE "Arena" ( 1953. Orama) Gig Young. Jean Hagen Success almost ruins the marriage of a rodeo cowboy ( 1 hr . 30 min.) • LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE 12:30 D GD SCTV NETWORK (R) 8 COUPLES 8 MOVIE "A Place Called Trinity" ( 1975, West- ern) Richard Harrison, Anna Zinneman. Two broth· ers, one is a gunslinger and the other is a devout Mormon. allempt to gain po$$8SSion of a piece of land called Trinity. (2 hrs.) m MOVIE "The Execution Of Private Slovlk" ( 1973, Drama) Martin Sheen. Ned Beatty. The first American to be executed for desertion since the Civil War represents the perpetual batt1e between individual and nat100al rights In time of war. (2 hrs., 45min ) ..NEWS 9 NAPOLEON & LOVE "Louise" Napoleon mar- ries the Archduchess Maria-Luisa of Austria so that she may bear him a son ( t hr ) (I) PROFESSIONAL RODEO From Mesquite, Tex- as. (2 hrs.) .. CO MOVIE "Roadie" ( 1980. Comedy) Meat Loaf, Kaki Hunter. A rock music roadie lets nothing get In his way 1n his pursuit of the girl of his dreams. 'PG' (1 hr .. 45 min.) Cl) MOVIE "The Fan" ( 1981, Suspense) Lauren Bacall. James Garner. A popular film star is victlm- aed by a psychotic admirer. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 35 min.) Cl MOVIE "The Postman Always Rings Twice" ( t981. Drama) Jack Nicholson. Jessica Lange. A young woman and her lover plot to murder her hus- band. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) 12:46(C) MOVIE "She's 19 And Ready" (Drama) Two young women throw themsetves Into their wor1( and turn family business Into pleasure. ( 1 hr .. 35 mln.) 12:60(%) MOVIE "The Shooting" (1967, Weetem) Millie Perkins, Jack Nlchol&on. A woman enlist.a the aid of an ex-bounty hunter end his cohort to guide her on a relentless journey of personal rtMlnge. ( 1 hr., 22 min.) a 9 ,.- $ ... co co N • j I I I I I f I I I i) -----·-,------------------------~----·--:---·· --·.: .,.. ·- 10 N Friday (continue.cl) co Saturday ~ 1:008 MOVIE "BMue Of Noon" ( 1!M7, Adventure) Wllllam Holden, Anne Baxter. Four stunt filers leave a camtval In order to transport the U.S. mall. (2 ,., hrs.) ai e MOV1E "First Spaceship On Venus" ( 1962, Sci-~ ence·Flction) Yoko Tani. Oldrlck Lukes. In 1980, \ I< >IC\ I ~ C ; eight scientists discover a progressive clvlllmtlon on 6:009 RAT PATROL the planet Venus. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (])CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 1:05 Ql) MOVIE "Bombardier" ( 1943, Adventure) ([)RODEO "Schrade Pro Teem" Amarillo vs. Tulsa 0 Pat O'Brien, Randolph Scott Men training for flying S·.05( 1 ~hr .. B30ASmE81n.A) LL BUNCH 0 fortress missions fight for sulVtval during WOf1d War ..J 11. ( 1 hr. 55 min.) 5: 15 MOVIE "An Eye For An Eye" ( 1981, Adven- 1:30 B NEWS 1ure) Chuck Norris, Christopher lee. ( 1 hr., 46 i l~1~t~~ilMPROV 5:~n·VOYAGETO THEBOTTOM Of THE SEA a..-2:00 D fD NEWS i NEWARK AND REALITY VlEWPOtNT ON NUTRmON 2:05 8 MOV1E "Murder Or Mercy" (1974, Drama) A DIFFERENT KIND Of WINNING A young Melvyn Douglas. Bradford Dillman. A famous attor-skateboard whiz tries to prove to her cynical lather ney comes out of retirement to aid In his son's defense of a noted doctor accused of taking the life that nice glrls don't alWaya finish last. of his terminally 111 wife. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 5:361 THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY (!) NEWS 6:50 NEWS CJ) MOV1E "Hollywood Boulevard" ( 1976, Come-8:00 SUMMER SEMESTER dy) Gandice Rlalson. Dick Miller. Fresh from lndi-~~IRS ana. a young aspiring starlet becOmes Involved In a TEEN TAU< real robbery that she thinks is part of her movie APPLE POLISHERS debut. 'R' ( 1 hr., 33 min.) NEWSMAKERS 2: 15 CID HALLELUJAH HOU YWOOO Gene Kelty BUREAU REPORT hosts a dazzling trloote to the days of Hollywood SA TUAOA Y MORNING wnen the MGM musical reigned supreme. ( 1 IV.) AGRICULTURE U.S.A. (%)MOVIE "Ride In The Whirlwind" (1967, West-MOV1E "Roller Boogie" (1979, Musical) Unda ern) Cameron Mltchelt, Jack Nlchol&Ofl. Three Blair, Jim Bray. cowboys returning home after a rough canle drive (I) MOV1E "The little Dragons" (1981, Adventure) are mistaken by a posse tor membera of a gang of Sally Boyden, Chris Peterson. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) robbefs. ( 1 hr .. 22 min.) D THE COUNTRY GIRL Faye Dunaway. Dick Van 2:20 (CJ MOVIE "The Man With Bogart's Faoe" C¥<e and Ken Howard star In this perlormance of (1 980, Comedy) Robert Sacchi, OIMa Hussey. A Clifford Odet's play about the complex retatlonshlps man decides to change his lltestyte and physical between an alcohoflc actOf, his wife and a theatrical appearance to resemble his screen Idol. 'PG' (1 hr., director. (2 hrs,, 30 min.) 31 min) 8:05Gl)WAR ANO PEACE 2:30. NEWS 8:30 8 DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE • MOVIE "The Evil Eye" ( 1964, Mystery) Leticia THA rs CAT Roman, John Saxon. A young girl In shock after the PACESEI IERS death of her aunt cannot convince anyone that she VOICE Of AGRICUL T\ff has witnessed a killing, ( 1 hr., 30 min.) PORTRArTS IN PASTELS CE) POCKET BIWARDS ''Trick Shots'' ( 1 hr.) DAVEY AND GOLIA TH U MOVIE "Together?" (Romance) Jacqueline IT'S YOUR BUSINESS Bisset. Maxlmlllan Schell. A young woman tries to SPEAK OUT pursue a caree< despite the chauvinist attitudes of CAPTIONED ABC NEWS 30 OR SNUGGLES her live-In loller. 'R' ( 1 hr., min.) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1981 Kemper Open" 2:35 Cf) MOVlE ''The Saint Meets The Tiger" ( 1943, BOXING "National Collegiate Association Mystery) Hugh Sinclair, Jean Gillie. The Salnt Is in Anals" The best collegiate boxers In 12 weight hot pursuit of a gold-swtndllng gang. ( 1 hr., 25 classes compete f<>! the national titles. ( 1 IV., 30 min.) mln.l 3:00 8 MOV1E "The Christmas Tree" ( 1969, Ora-7:00 e KJOSWORLD Featured: an Interview wtth ma) Wiiiiam Holden. Vlrna Usl. A wealthy busines&-"Charlie's Angel," Tanya Roberts; a report trom man devotes all of his effoos to the happiness of his Brooklyn, New York, on the Brooklyn Boys Chorus. ~lngEWS-son. (2 hrs.) e THE RJNTSTONES llll NI BIG BLUE MARBLE 3: 10 CID MOVIE "The Awakening" (1980, Horror) 9 SUPERfRIENDS Charlton Heston, Susannah York. An archaeok>-INTERNATIONAL HOUR gist's daughter becomes possessed by the malevo-DAVEY ANO GOLIATH lent spirit of an ancient Egyptian queen. 'R' (1 hr., DOCTOR WHO 42 min.) TURNABOUT 3:16 . MOVIE "Honky Tonk" (1941, Wntem) YOGA FOR HEALTH Clar1c Gable, Lana Turner. All unflkely low match SPORTS CENTER occurs between a gamblef and a welJ..bfed lady MOVIE "The Outlaw Josey Wales" ( 1976, from Boston. (2 hrs .• 15 min.) Western) Cllnt Eastwood, Sondra Loci<e. (2 hrs .. 3:30(!)SPORTSWOMAN 16 min.) Cl) MOVIE "My Bodyguard" ( 1979, Orama) Chris 7:05 al) MOVIE "The little Fox"" ( 1941, Orama) Makepeace, Adam Baldwin. The new kid at a ChJ-Bette Oavts, Herbert MarsheH. cago high school makes friends with the school out· 7:30 I MR. MOON'S MAGIC~ cast and together lhey stand up to the cruel gang SMURFS which had persecuted them both, 'PG' (1 hr .. 38 OR. SNUGGLES min.} 0 RICHIE RICH I 8COOBY 000 3:..0(%) MOV1E "Over The Edge" ( 1979, Drama) INTERNATIONAL HOUR Michael Kramer. Pamela LUdwlQ. Several teen-age DAV£Y ANO GOLIATH residents of an exclusN9 California community DOCTOR WHO embar1c on a rampage of harassment and destruc· NEWS lion when they fail to get their parents' attention al NEW ~P'T10NS "Te4evlslon In The Devel- home. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) oping World" Excerpts of TV programs from coun- •:OO(!) NEWS tries In Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and Cl) SPORTS CENTER the Caribbean highlight an examination of the role O MOVIE "Deadly Games" ( 1~81, Mystery) Sam and function of the media In these areas. (1 hr.) Groom, Dick But~ua. A woman returns to her home-Cl> THE LAST OF THE CAOOOES After dlsooYerlng town to Investigate her ststef'e mysterious death. 'A' his Indian heritage, a Texas youth becomee ~ h 35 . ) obsessed with teaming more about his ancestors r.. min, and their culture. 4': Q1) VEGET ABlE SOUP 8:00 8 Cl) POPEYE 4:16CI:) MOVIE "Look Bade In Anger'' (1959, 0'8-a MOVIE "Guns And Guitars" (1936, Western) ma) Claire Bloom. FUehard 8ur1on. Baaed on ~ Gene Autry. play by John a.borne. At tM IMt moment. • man I REAL EST A TE WEB< dlecowf'I that he IOYes and nMdl his wtfe. (1 hr., WRSSTUNG ..0 mh) MO'ltE "Tarzan ~" ( 1938. Adwntwe) ~1 MAKE PEACEWTTH NAT\JAE Johnny Welalmull«, Meut..n O'Sullvan. •:36 ROM~ ROOM (I:} MOVIE ''The Heist" ( 1978, Ad'4nturt) O\alfes '=50 MOVIE ''The L~ Of The Lone Rengef" Ainavour. Vlma U1I. (1980, Western) Kllnton Spllebuy. Chr~ (I) AU-8TAA 8POAT8 CHAU.ENOE Al-Tlmt Lloyd. Tho Lone Ranger and Tonto P'hue their Bolton C.ttlotYI. 1961N9wYoflt8eeebe1 GM9ntl arch-enemy, BW:n CaVendllh, ~ hM iddnlpped tR> MOYE "The Four S111w.'' (1881, Qr.,., theDf9111dentofJM}I • _( 40_mn.)"""""'----lliaft AlrM OwalRurNa lt " ,. PENNANT RACE -The races for the American l&lld National leagues pennants continue Saturdays on KNBC (Ch. 4). This week's game will feature the Cincinnati Reds a t Montreal against the Expos at 10 am. CJ) MOVIE "A Thunder Of Drums" ( 1961, Western) Richard Boone. George Hamilton. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 8:30 I Cl) TARZAN / LONE RANGER I KID SUPER POWER HOUR FONZ I HAPPY DA VS GANG PEOPLE AND ORGAHtZA TION8 NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES MOV1E "Oh Godl Book II" (1980, Comedy) G1 e Burns, Suzanne Pteshette. ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 9:00 LEA VE IT TO BEA VER I LAVERNE & SHIRLEY MOV1E "Lost Patrol" (1934, Adventure) Victor McLaglen, Boris Karloff. I NASL SOCCER KICKS ERNEST ANGLEY NEWVOICE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS "1976 Wimbledon" ( t hr) 9: 16 (%) MOVIE ''The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again" ( 1979, Comedy) Tim Conway, Don Knotts. (2 hrs.) 9:~!(1) BUGS BUNNY I ROAD RUNNER I SPIDER-MAN ZZJE AND HARRIET 9 HEATHCUFF I MARMADUKE GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Larry Mahan" Host: Ken Howard. I MONEYMAKERS AMERICAN GOVERNMENT MOVIE "The Outlaw" (1!M3, Westem) Jane Russell. Walter Huston. 9:36Ql) MOV1E "Miidred Pierce" (1945, Orama) Joan Crawford, Ann Blyth 10:008 BASEBALL Cincinnati Reda at Montreal Expos (3 hrs.) I SHA NANA III THUNOARR I GOLDIE GOLD MOV1E "C8ptalna Courageous" (1977, Adven· ture) Karl Malden, Jonathan Kahn. I l'HIS WEEK IN BASEBALL BOO.JONES LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brad Seers talks eboul how lo find a reliable mechenlc and what tools are needed to do yout own repair wen. (A) • BASEBALL Regional COYer&ge of Cincinnati Reds at Montreal txpo9; Chicago White Sox at Cleveland lndtans (3 hrs.) II VOTER'S PIPELINE Jim Coop8( lnteMewl the candidates In the 43rd Congf eselonel Race which le Important to both lhe state and OtanQt County. ( 1 hr., 30min.) Cl) AGURE SKATING "World Pairs Competition Championships" from Copenhagen, Denman<. (2 hra.) ®MOVIE "Beyond The Reef' (1981, Romano.) Denton Ka'ne. Maten Jeneen. (1hr.,30mln.) Cl) A COUNTRY MUSIC 1'Al8UTE TO KITTY WB.L9 T~ Wyiwt .. hotta tNI trtt>Ute to the "Outen Of CoUntry M\lllc" fMtuMg performlncle bv Lynn ~. Tom T. Hd, Hank Wliamt Jt., Mane KffOort, E McUtn. Aoy Acuff end Kitty Wtlll n.Mtl. T 11 ~·· Gflnd Ote ()pry ....... ( 1 hr.. min.) • ·~~Ho«!llllll ..... -....c..:.1.:l..d..L_ ~ -. Sciturday (continued) Harrison Ford, Lesley-Anne Down ( 1 hr , 49 min.) 10:30 e AMERICA'S TOP TEN I WILD, WILD WORLD Of ANIMALS DODGER DUGOUT NASL SOCCER KICKS SIGNING WfTH CINDY 11:ooe WCT TENNIS ''$300,000 Dallas Tournament Finals" ( 1 hr.) • 111 WEE.KENO SPECIAL "The Ransom Of Red Chief" A small boy outsmarts his two hapless kid- nappers. (A) O I WILD, WIUYWORLD Of ANIMALS DOOOER PRE-GAME THE ROOKIES COOKING ~ICAN MOVIE "Never Give A Sucker An Even Break" ( 1941, Comedy) WC. Fields, Gloria Jean. ( 1 hr .. 10min.) 11: 16. BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Chicago Cubs (2 hrs.. 45 min.) 11:30 9 (I) BLACKSTAR 19 AMERICAN BANOST AND WILD, WILD WEST MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING MT. ST. HELENS: WHY THEY OtED The pol~ cies, procedures and judgements of scientists and governmen1 ottlclals concerning the eruption of Mt. St Helens In May of 1980 where 60 people died are uestioned rcJ MOVIE "The Kids Are Alright" ( 1979, MusJcal) The Who. (JI) MOVIE ''Take This Job And Shove It" ( 198 1, Comedy) Robert Hays. Barbara Hershey. (1 hr . 40 min) CID HOLL YWOOO 8111 Harris presents up..close reports on the people and events which are making news in the production and glamour capllal of the movie indus1ry. L\' I·~:\ I:\(; 12:00 9 (I) TROLLKINS 8 LOST IN SPACE (!) MOVIE "The Girl Hunters" ( 1963. Mystery) Lloyd Nolan, Mickey Spillane. I ADAM-12 QUILTING NEEDLECRAFT RODEO "Schrade Pro Team" Louisiana Cajuns vs. Tulsa Twisters ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CID MOVIE "The Electric Horseman" ( 1979, Dra- ma) Robert Redford. Jane Fonda. (2 hrs.) 0 MOVIE "The Apple Dumpling Ganf Rides Again" ( 1979, Comedy) Tim Conway, Don Knotts. (2 hrs.) 12:05 (Ill THIS WEEK IN BASEBAU 12:16(%) MOVIE "The Mirror Crack"d" (1980. Mys- tery}. Elizabeth Taylor, Kim Novak. ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) 12:30• Cl) TOM AHO JERRY 8 MOVIE "Muscle Beach Party" ( 196-4. Comedy) Frankie Avalon. Annette Funicello. D MOVIE "Apache Uprising" ( 1966, West81'n) Rory Calhoun, Connne Calvet. I KI06WORLD AOAM-12 GAEA T ESCAPES NEEDLECRAFT 12:35al) MOTORWEEK ILLUSTRATED 1:00 8 Cl) KWICKY KOALA 8 BASmAU.. Atlanta Braves at Philadelphia Phil-- lies (2 hrs., 30 min.) I THE MUNSTERS GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGEN06 MOVIE "Badman's Country•• ( 1958. Westefn) George Monlgome<y, Neville Brand. • WOOOWRtGHT'S SHOP "Timber Frame Con- struction" Roy Underhill shows how he raised the basic frame o( his shop. (R) 8) BASEBALL Regional coverage of Atlanta &aves at Philadelphla PhlHles; Milwaukee Brewers ar California Angels (3 hrs.) 8D GROWING YEARS 1:06@ BASEBAU Atlanta Braves at PhUadelphla Phillies (3 hrs.) 1:3011 (I) 30 MINUTES Featured: reports on ate<- rler starring in a Breakstone commercial: high school muslcians who performed In a Chuck Man- i ne COOceft, a young aerObatlcs pilot. F-TROOP IN04A"4APOLIS "600" TIME TRIALS Coverage of the final day ol quahfylng time trla.ls for the May 30 Indianapolis "500" (from Indianapolis Motor Speedway In Indianapolis, Ind.). ( 1 hr.) e NOVA "Test Tube Babies" The science behind the conception of human babies outside the womb is lnvestiga1ed. (R) O (1 hr.) CD GAOW1NG YEAAS CC) MOVIE "The Dain Curse" (Part 1) (1978, Mys- tery) James Coburn. Nancy Addison. (!) TENNIS "NCAA Division I Men's Champion- ships" from the University ol Georgia (2 hrs .. 30 min.) (JI) VIDEO JUKEBOX 2:00 9 MEMOR1AL GOLF TOURHAMEHT Third- round coverage of this $350.000 PGA Tour tourna- ment (from Mulrfield Village Golf Club in Dublin, OhlO) ( 1 hr., 30 min ) I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND DlSASTERS MOVIE "Cry Panic" ( 1974, Mystery) John For- sythe. Anne Francis. U MOVIE "Three Stripes In The Sun" ( 1955. Ora- ma) Aldo Ray, Phil Carey. (I) OUTER LIMrTS 8t MOVIE "Guns Of The Magnificent Seven" ( 1969, Western) George Kennedy. James Whit- more. I SIONA TURE Guest: James Rouse. UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVK>R PLAZA SUrTE Lee Grant and Jerry Orbach each perform three roles as coupkla who OCCUP.)' Suite 719 of New York's Plaz.a Hotel In Nell Simons com- ~ (2hrs) Ci) MOVIE "Julie" ( 1956, Suspense) Doris Dey. Louis Jourdan. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) D MOVIE "Kill And Kiii Again" ( 1981, Adventure) James Ryan. AnneUne Krlel. ( 1 hf .. 40 min.) (%)MOVIE "Ride In The Whirlwind" ( 1967. West- ern) Cameron Mitchell, Jack Nicholson. ( 1 hr .. 22 min.) 2:30g GILLIGAN'S ISLAND D SUGAR RAY LEONARO"S GOLDEN GLOVES Pennsylvania vs. Texas (1 hr.) 9 PAOFEsSIONAL BOWLEA6 TOUR $96,000 Tucson Open (from Golden Pin Lanes In Tucaon. Ariz. . 1 hr. 30 min. Popular The e n cha nting Smurfs, little blue people who are only three apples tall, have taken over the top ratings on Saturday morning. They are seen on KNBC (Ch. 4) at 7:30 a.m. They are almost as popular with the grownups as with the kids. @MIXED BAG "Inside, Outside" This segment of a two-part examination of making films in a closed market looks at who's making ii and why. (Pert 2) • TIME EXPOSURE Lowell Thomas narrates the life and works of noted photographer William Henry Jacksoo. '1i) UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BeiAVK>R 3:00 G MOVIE "Caugh1 In The Draft" (1941, Corne- i l Bob Hope. Dorothy Lamour. RACING FROM BELMONT MOVIE "Birth Of A l egend" ( 1973, Adventure) Documentary. @ EUGENE ORMANDY AND THE PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA The maestro and his orchestra per- form classics from the Russian repertoire Including Rimsl<y-Korsakov's "Scheherazade." ( 1 hr.) ~RAINBOW ROAD HOME GARDENER MOVIE "The Water Babies" ( 1979, Fantasy) Animation and live action. James Mason. 3:301J (I) SPORTS SATURDAY 15-found WBC Super Featherweight Championship bout between Rolanda Navarette and Rafaet-"Bazooka" Umoo (from Reno, Nev.); Women's Gymnastics Cham- pionship of the USA. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) D EVERYWHERE Location: live from St. Elmo's Vil-'!98 Annive<sary. Los Angeles. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) U PROFESSIONAL BOWLERS TOUR $95,000 Tucson Open (from Goldeo Pin Lanes In Tucson. Ariz.). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (I) WILD KINGDOM • BU1LDING WITH THE SUN Dick Ellis otters prac> tlcal advice on the use of passive solar enefgy. t9 HOME GARDENER CC) MOVIE "Sex And The Slngle Pareot" (Comedy) Mike Farrell. Susan St. James. (%) MOVIE "The Outlaw Josey Wales" ( 1976. Western) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. (2 hr&. 16mln.) 4;00 II GRlZZl Y ADAMS (I) NEW YORK ISLANDERS: THE DYNASTY CON- TINUES Ed Westfall highlights the Islanders In their bettle for the Stanley Cup. I THE ROCKFORD ALES MOVIE "Le Mans" ( 197 1, Drama) Steve McOueen, Siegfried Rauch. Qt NAPOLEON & LOVE "Louise" Napoleon mar- ries the Archduchess Maria-Luisa of Austria 80 that she may bear him a son. ( 1 hr.) QUE PASA, U.S.A.? (R) BAJA: THE GAEA T AOVEHTURE INTROOUCING BK:>LOOY '~~~!? ~~ "~ r/ NATIONALLY KNOWN. AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER Creative Jewelers, Inc. "] ti -~~or,,;;,, Y-17 /" L. ~ (114) 160-6166 lllJ,,~, t/I tJI(. $rl.Jhh • REMOUNT SPECIALIST ORIGINAL DESIGNING • CUSTOM RESTYLING & RESETTING A DESIGNER COLLECTION OF GOLD & PLATINUM JEWELRY • DIAMONDS • PEARLS • FIN! COLORED OE'MSTONES OPEN TUESDAY THAU SATURDAY 2610 E. PACIFIC COAST HWY.• CORONA DEL MAR ····· ......... . , .. -.. ~ . "'""'...-........ . I ________ ..................... ~~a•z•a9'~~~~~ .... a-~ -d ~ ·Saturday (continued) O> ... -9. ct Cl) SPORTS CENTER 00 MOVIE "A Force Of One" ( 1979, Drama) Chuck Norris, Jennifer O'NeOI. (1hr .• 31 min.) (I) THE LAST Of THE CADOOES After discovering his Indian heritage, a Texas youth becomes obsessed with learning more about his anoestors and their culture. g MOVIE "Underground Aces" (1980, Comedy) Dirk Benedict, Melanie Griffith. (1 hr., 39 min) 4:05 (fl) WRESTLING .t:30(!) BASEBALL Houston Astros at New YOfk Mets (2 hrs., 40 min.) ~SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY INTRODUCING BIOLOGY MOV1E "Coast To Coast" (1980, Comedy) Dyan Cannon. Robert Blake. CS) HOLL VWOOO Bill Harris pr8Set'lts up-close rel)Ol'ts on the people and events which are making news in the production and glamour capital of the movie industry. 6:00 8 LAKERS SHE>WTIME '82 Featured: a look at the Lakers season and a preview of the NBA Cham- ~ip Finals I FREE.tALL STAR TREK WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Grand Prix of Mona- co (from Monte Carlo); World Invitational High Div· Ing ChamptOOShlp (from Orlando. Fla.); a preview of tomorrow's Indianapolis "500 " ( 1 hr , 30 min ) (J) BASEBALL St. Lows Cardinals at San Diego Padres (2 hrs .. 30 min.) IKOJAK NEWS SOUOGOLD MACBETH The Royal Shakespeare Company's production of Macbeth stars Ian McKeUeo and Judi f:E~~=~:!'nd .. , ... ,, '"I ~ MOV1E "Plnchciitt Grand Prix" ( 1980, Adven· ture) Animated. (I) THE COUNTRY GIRL Faye Dunaway. Ole+< Van ~e and Ken Howard star In this performance of Clifford Odet's play abou1 the complex relatlonshipe between an alcoholic 8C1or, his wtte and a theatrical director. (2 hrs., 30 min.) 5:06(fl) NASHVILLE AllVEl Guest: Lynn Ander&Oft ( 1 hr.) 6:30. LAST Of THE W1LO I NEWS WIDE WOOLO Of SPORTS Grand Prix of Mona· co (from Monte Carlo) : Wor1d Invitational High Div· Ing Championship (trom Oriando, Fla.): a preview of tOITlOf'row's lndlanapolis "500." (1 hr., 30 min.) • ONCE UPON A CLASSIC ''The Talisman" King Richard. realizing the Crusades have la.lied, makes his peace with Saladin and Kt!M8th and offers ~ neth Edith's hand in man1age (Part 8) (R) O (C) MOV1E "The Outlaw" ( 19"3. Westemr Jane Russell, Walter Huston. 00 MELISSA MANCHESTER IN CONCERT The popular singer performs "Midnight Btue," "Don't Cry Out Loud," "Whenevef I Call You Friend" and more. ( 1 hr.) 5:.S(%) MOVIE "Never Give A Suck« An Even Break" (1941, COmedy) W.C. Fields, Glorla Jeen. (1hr.,10mln.) 6:001CBS NEWS I NBCNEWS MOV1E "Mothra" ( 1962. Science-Action) Fran- ky Sakal, Hiroshi Koizumi. A honlble flying monster terrorizes Totlyo. (2 hrs.) I WHITE SHADOW THEMUPPETS MOVIE "Sleuth" ( 1973, Mystery) Laurence Oll- vief, Michael Caine. A suspense writer Invites his wife's paramour to hls bPrne for an evenJng of dead-- ly_lun and games. (2 I'd. 30 m .) • UP ANO COMING "Monday Night Ball'' A can- did discu6lk>n unfolda when a pow8' fabe Inter· ~ts the Wllsons' Monday night football perty. D • SPORTS AMERICA "U.S. Prof8861onal ln<JOor TenniS Championship" ( 1 hr.) (I) NASL SOCCER Fort Lauderdale Strikers al Tul- aa Roughnecks (2 hra,) U MOVIE "Cutter's Way" (1981, Orama) John Heard, Jeff Bridges. A maimed Vietnam vet and his best friend. a eocial dropout, focus their energies on IOMflg a murder case. •Ff ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 6:06 tm UNOeRSEA WORLD Of! JACQUES COU&- TEAU e:aogeNEWS I THE~ tlO<Jf£ CHILDAEH OF THE TAl8E A look Is taken at the way In which ~ at• r•red end educated In ~n. (JI) MOVIE "Cardlac Amtel" (1978, Mystery) Gany ' ~ . .. _ ........ 1 ~:1 • :f._.>. ,\IJ "''" •. /' ~~~ :<tl;Jl)c.tO:nt Jc:.A. a a DIFFERENT ROLE -In a departure from the gJamorous roles that made her famous. Raquel Welch, in her ~evision dramatic debut, portrays an American IndJan woman who fights /or her life and the survival of her people in ~The Legend oJ Walla Far Woman" on KNBC (Cb. 4) Sunday at 9 p.m.. Goodrow. Mike Chan A black market operation that sells disembodied hearts for transplants Is dis- covered by an offbeat homicide cop. 'PG' (1 hr., 33 min.) CO MOV1E "Excalibur" (1981, Fantasy) Nigel Ter· ry, Nicol Wiiiiamson. The exploits of King Al1hur bring power and death to the knights of the Round Table. 'R' (2 hrs., 20 min.) 7:008 IN SEARCH Of ... 8 YOUNG PEOPLE'S SPECIAL "Winners" Three mentally retarded youngstera who participated In the National Specla Otymplcs are profited. I WHERE WERE YOU? THE HAROY BOYS I NANCY OAEW ~ IES I KGB ROCKS 10 LAWRENCE WB.K CHECKJNG rT OUT Featured: Mexican.Ameri- can folk healers; a vi&lt to New Yor1< City's diamond district. D I lliEllUPPETS MEDCA PROBES "Design" Host Bill Blass looks at how vlrtually fNerY object In the manmade envi-- ronment Is fashlOned not only to perlorm a function, but to oany a message. D cm MOVIE "Death Hant" (1981, Adventure) Charles Bronson. Lee Marvin. In the 19308, a Moun- tie and a frontier crlmlnat wage an old battle as cMH· zatlon encroaches on the Canadian wlldemeaa. 'R' L! hr .. 36 min.) (%)MOVIE "An Eye For An Eye" (1981, Adven- ture) Chuck Noois, Christopher Lee. A San Franct. co cop quits the force to avenge the murder of hla ~~~l~ner by membets of a drug ring. 'A' ( 1 hr .. .t6 7:06 NEWS 7:10 KINER'S KORNER 7:30 I OANCE FEVER LOOK AT US OMNI: lliE NEW FRONTIER FIGHTBACK AGAON8KY ANO COMPANY SIGNATURE ~t: Ian McKellen. PRESeNTE WEEKEND MAGAZINE SNEAK PAEVIEW8 Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- e! higtlffght six films that the public mlaed the flrat time around. Including "Cattle Annie And Uttte "" "" •· "' ' • • • -.... • • J ., "f' • ""' • ' W'" t .,, •o...J\T ~· tni •ui.nool.t rmtlt &••~ ~ *'"~""~ ,,.,A, 7 z Britches," ''Go Tell The Spart81l$," "Over lhe Edge" and "Swamp Thing." (C) MOVIE "The Heis1" ( 1978, Adventure) Charles Aznavour. Vlrna Lisi A French hoodlum tries to fol· low In 1he lootsteps of his American gangster hero, John Ollllnger 'R' ( 1 hr., 32 min) (I) MOVIE "The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" ( 1981, Comedy) Animated. Voices by Mel Blanc, June Foray New material ls blended with old in this compilation of classlc Fritz Freleng "Looney Tunes" featuring Bugs, Daffy Duck, Por1<y Pig, Yosemite Sam. Tweelle Pie end others from the cartoon series 'G' ( 1 hr., 20 min.) 8:0011 {()WALT DISNEY "Smoke" A young boy has d1ff1cully in accepting his stepfather. (Part 2) t! hr) 11 HARPER VALLEY Flora arranges for Stella. the new recep11on1st al City Hall, to be bribed by a aha· ~character (R) U MOVIE "Sidecar Racers" ( 1975. Drama) Ben Murphy, Peter Graves Undecided about his career, a man becomes Intrigued by the hazardouS sport of sidecar motorcycle racing. (2 hrs.) 8 9 BENJI TAKES A DIVE AT MARINa.ANO The canine actor Benji travels to Marlneland In Florida lor a mUS1cal special. (R) II MOVIE "Dracula's Great Love" (1972, Horror) Paul Naschy, Rossana Yanni. The unsinkable blood- sucker searches for e willing virgin In order to revive his daughter (2 hrs.) I PAUL HOGAN SONNY ANO CHER MACBETH The Royal Shakespeare Company's production of Macbeth stars Ian McKellen and Judi Dench. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) I TRAINING DOGS THE WOODHOUSE WAY · DECISION '82 "Peripheral Canal" (1 hr.) MOVIE "Winterset" ( 1936, Orama) John Carra- dine, Burgess Meredith. Twenty years af1« hiS lather's execution for a crime he didn't commit, a young man attempts to set the record straight by finding the real criminal. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (!) SPORTS CENTER 00 MOVIE "Take This Job And Shove It" ( 1981, Comedy) Robert Heys, Barbara Hershey. A young corl)Ol'ate executive runs Into resistance when he returns to his hometown to revitalize a company brewery. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 40 min.) D MOVIE "Private Benjamin" ( 1980, Comedy) Goldie Hawn, Eileen Brennan. A well-t<Hk> young woman mistakenly joins the Army following the death of her new husband on their wedding night. 'R' & hr., 50 mln ) ' 8:06 WORLOATWAR 8:30 ONE OF THE BOYS Ollvef acoepts two dates to the Merry Widows Ball. (R) • 9 PINK AT ARST SIGHT Animated. The Pink Panther ls smitten by the vtsk>n of a lovely lady panther. (R) Cf) RACING FROM ROOSEVEU • MOVIE "The Day They Hanged KJd Curry" ( t971, Western) Peter Duel, Ben Murphy. Two out· laws attempting to go straight dlsoover that another man ls Impersonating one of them. (1 hr., 30 min.) • GAEA T ESCAPES 8:-40 cm TIEBREAKER 9:008 {() MOVIE "Fast Break" ( 1979, Comedy) Gabriel Kaplan, Harold Sylv98t«. A dell cieril becomeS basketball coach at a small Southwestern unlvefSity. (R) (2 hrs.) 8 • BARBARA MANOREU ANO ntE MAN--ORELL SISTERS Guests: Donny Osmond, Ray Ste- vens. (R) ( 1 hr.) • 9 LOVE BOAT A woman meets a fOfmer kMI, an inept German detective turns the ship upside down In search of stolen jewels, and the ship'• chef ~~,r[_;l~hr.) • HIGH POWDER Dick and Timothy Van Patten star In this story of drug abuse and peer pr8SSOl'e on a high school ski team. D ( 1 hr.) • AMERICAN ~ "Oppern'lelrnet'' Oppenheimer Is given his securtty clearanoe and the scienlist1' of the Manhattan Project and their families begin llfe In the Army barracks etmosphete of Loa Alamos. (Part 3) D ( 1 hr.) CC} MOV1E "Ashanti" (1979, Adventure) Mlcheel Cslne, Rex Harrison. A detefmlned doctoc sets off across the Sahara In hot pursuit of a group of Arab slave traders who kidnapped his wife. 'R' ( 1 hr., 57 min.) (() 'TENNIS "NCAA Division I Men's Champion· ships" from the University ol Georgia. (2 hra) CO Cl> MOVIE "Death Hunt" (1981, Adventure) Charles Bronson, Lee Marvin. In the 1930s, a Moun- tie and a frontier criminal wage an old bettle as clvll~ zatlon 80Cf08Ches on the Canadian wlldemess. 'A' L! hr . 36 min.) (D) MOV1E "Cutter's Way" (1981, Orama) John Heatd. Jeff Brldgee. A maimed Vietnam vet end htl best friend. a social dropout, focus their energies on IOMng a murder caee. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) (%)MOVIE "The Mlrr0t Cn1ck'ct• (1980, Mystery) Elizabeth Taytor, Kim Novak. 8aed on 1 atory by Agatha Christle. A strange nuder 1nvOMng rival .; • • ...... _,...,.__ • ..,.,.. • ..,.... ' ..... ' ' ~..... •• flll• ...... ' ·•~II'('> 01 .. tnO /<. /ll('lr.\'r'.1 n n-.1 ~ '("O ""°'1 .I J Bikers? Tough-looking but gentle bikers -hCl.'lt Bruce Dern (center) and Tony Rcdato - philosophize with some h ostile Jun chonette customers, including o n e played by Christine Ebersole, on "Sa turday Night Live" on KNBC (Ch. 4) Saturday ac l 1:30 p.m . &uurday ( conti0ued) Hollywood stars takes place In an English village 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) 9:05111) MOVIE "The Paradlne Case" ( 19.48, My&- tery) Gregory Peck, Ann Todd. A lawyer falls In love with a woman accused of murdering her husband. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 9:30. MATINEE AT THE BLJOU Featured: Wllllam Wright In "Philo Vanoe Returns" (1944); a short. "Copacabana Review" and a cartooo: and the final chaptef of "Don Wlnsk>w Of The Navy " (R) ( 1 hr , 30mln.t 10:001· NBC MAGAZJNE I ~~ ASY ISLAND A wealthy Ea81emer dl&- covers another side to the glamorous West, and Frankenstein's namesake tries to prove the legend- 8-!:1 figure was misunderstood. (R) O (1 hf.) U MOVIE "The Last Hurrah" (1958, Drama) Spence< Tracy. Jeffrey Hunter. An Incumbent meyOf' is defeated after a hatd-fought and morally ques.- tlonable campaign (2 hrs .• 40 min.) (f) MOVIE "The Incredible Two-Headed Tran&- plant" ( t971, Science-Fiction) Bruce Dem. Pat Priest. A two-headed monster Is developed during a cranlal transplant (2 hrs.) I SOLIOGOlD INDEPENDENT EYE "D.J. Hall: REal Life lri Ven- ice" CID MOVIE "The FOUf Seasons" (1981, Oram.) Alan Alda. Carol Ekn'nett. Three couple9, al cioee, long-time friends, expe<lence p!'Ofound c:hangee In their relationships when one of the rnen'llgee dletn- l_!grat~. 'PG' (1hr .. 57 min.) U MOVIE "Foul Play" ( 1978, Comedy) GOk1e Hawn, Chevy Chase. A librarian enlists the aid of .n Inept police detective after she becomee lrlVON9d In a bizarre se<les of murders and kidnapping attempts. (1 h< .. 55 min.) 10:30 e 000 COUPLE I SIGNATURE Guest Ian McKellen. ROCK GOES TO COLLEGE Guests: AC I DC. ( 1 hr.) 11:ooeee<1>o•NEWS • ENTERT AINMEHT THIS WEEK Reports on drug abuse In Hollywood and upcoming summer movtee: Interviews with Fernando Lamas and Christopher Plummer ( 1 hr.) e MOVIE "Le Mana" (1971. Drama) Steve McOueen. Siegfried Rauch. A veteran drlv« la obsessed with conquering the Le Mana endurance course. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "The Count Of Monte Cristo" ( 1975. Adventure) Richard Chambertaln, Tony Curtis. Based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas. An Inno- cent man unjustly Imprisoned tor 20 years makes a daring escape to wreak revenge on the men respon- sible. (2 hrs.) QI MACBETH The Royal Shakespeare Compeny't production of Macbeth sta,. Ian McKellen anCI Judi Dench. (2 hrt .• 30 min.) • SOUNOST AGE "An Evening With Roberta flaci<" In a concert taped at Chicago'• West Park Theater, Roberta Rack sings many of her greateet hits lnctudlng "Kilting Me Softly" and "The Artt Time E..-.r I Saw Your Face." (R) D ( 1 h<.) CC) MOVIE "The Dain Cllrse" (Paff 1) ( 1978, Mys.- t8f)') James Coburn, Nancy Addlton. Baaed on the nowt by Oathlo* H3mrri.tt. A prhlate eye lrMltlget- 1ng a diamond robbery encounters a &e<le& ot mur- ders and a strange young woman who believes she's the victim of a family CUfee. ( 1 hr .• ~ min.) ([) NASL WEEKLY CD MOVIE "The Four Of Us" ( 1975) Thomas Ger- ald. Roben Stewart ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (II) MOVIE "The Punishment Of Anne'' ( 1974, Ora- ma) Carl Roberta. Marilyn Roberts A woman finds herself torn between a man and a woman and 18 forcedto showherobedlence. (1ht.,16mln.) Cl) BIZARRE "The Loonies" (%) MOVIE "Loulou" ( 1981, Drama) laabeUe Hup- pef1, Gerard Depardieu. A young woman faAs In love with a man she met In a disco but cannot accept his lrrff,slble. carefree attitude toward llfa. ( 1 ht., 50 min. 11:30 THE ROCKFORD ALES D SA TUROAY NIGHT LIVE Host: Bruce Dem. Guest: LU1her Vandross. (R) ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) .ABC NEWS ()) MOVIE "Lady For A Night" (HM2. Romance) Joan Blondell. John Wayne. A woman from a gam- bling boat marries a man for his wealth and a much- coveted position in society. ( 1 hr .• -45 min.) ti.I MOVIE "Hltle<: The Last Ten Deya" ( 1973. Dra- ma) Alec Guinness. Simon Ward. Possessed by personal turmoil, Adolph Hitler spends his final days barricaded in a bunker from his enemies. (2 hrs., 15 min.) Cl) SPORTS CENTER (I) MOVIE "Alice, Sweet Alice" ( 1978, HorrOf) Lin- da Miiier, Paula Sheppard. Members of an Italian--. American family are victimized by a peychotlc mut'- derer In their midst. 'R' (1 hr., .a min.) 11 :36 G1»'0VIE "White Heat" ( 19.49. Orama) Jame6 Cagnlt. Virginia Mayo. A ruthless killer turns oU1 to have an Oedipus complex. (2 hrs.. 25 min.) 11:46. MOVIE "The Three Faces Of Eve" ( 1957, Drama) Joanne Woodward, David Wayne. Ourlng treatment for a split personality. a neurotic woman manifests a third under hypnosis. (2 hra.) 11:6000 ON LOCATION "~ Klein Al Yale" (1 hr., 30 min.) 12:00• MOVIE "Sergeant Yort<" (1941, Drama) Gary Cooper. Waite< Brennan. Aft« being ralaed In the mountains of Tennessee. a young man becomes a World War I hero by slngle-handedty capturing a German position. (2 hrs .. 46 mto.) (f) MOVIE "Dr. Cyclops" ( 1940. HooOf) Albert Dekker. Janice Logan. A fiendish jungle docior coo- oocts a deVlce that wilt 8hrint< hts 8aalstants to mW- ature size. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) D MOVIE "Lovers And liars" ( 1979. Comedy) Goldle Hawn. Giancarlo Olannlnl. While travellng to Italy. an American girl meets and falls In ~ with a married man. 'R' (1 hr .. 36 min.) 12:30 8 MOVIE "Who's Been Sleeping In My Bed?" ( 1963. Comedy) Dean Martin, 81zabeth Montgom· ery. While visiting his psycNatrlst. a I08p opera atar i!.PUrsued by hla lens and hts flancee. (2 hta.) Cl) NASL SOCCER Fon Lauderdale Strfkera at Tul- sa Roughnecks (2 hrs.) CD MOVtE "The Bitch" ( 1979. Orame) .x.n COi- iins. After an extramarital affair deetroya her met- riage. a high-living woman Malet. for other eouro- es of funding. 'R' ( 1 hf., 30 m6n.) 12:~(C) MOVIE "The Kida Are Afrlaht" (1979, ~ cal) The Who. Alma of eome oT the rock bend'• perlormancea. reveaMng lhtit notortoua procMty for destroying their equipment and the w4ld anttcs of thetr ~. the llate Keith Moon,ate lntel"ll*'Md Sunday 6:00 (f) NINE ON NEW JERSEY ([)THIS WEEK IN THE NHL 5:05 Ql) JAMES ROBISON 13 5:30 (f) DAY OF DlSCOVERY ~ ([) SPORTST ALK Guests: Mario Andrettl, Rick ~ Mears. Johnny Rutherford ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) (I) THE COUNTRY GIRL Faye Dunaway, Dick Van Dyke and Ken Howard star In this performance of Chllord Odet's play about the complex relationships between an alcOholic actor. his wife and a theatrical · director (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 0 LIKELY STORIES The work of today's hottest young writers, directors and stars are gathered together in short film, video and animated seg.- ments ( 1 hr ) 5:35 (IZ) CARTOONS CC) MOVIE "The Heist" ( 1978, Adventure) Charles Aznavour. Virna Usl. S:45 a» CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP (%)MOVIE "Ride In The Whirlwind" ( 1967, West- ern) Cameron Mitchell, Jack Nicholson. ( 1 hr . 22 mln.J 8:00 8 MUSIC ANO THE SPOKEN WORD SUNDAY MORNING YOVTH ANO THE ISSUES ORAL A08ERTS OlRECTIONS BIBLE ANSWERS ROMPER ROOM ZUBIN ANO THE l.P.O. The Israel Phllharmonlc Orchestra and its renowned conductor. Zubln Meh- ta, are profiled. ( 1 hr.) CH> MOVIE "The Amerlcenizatlon Of Emlty" ( 1964, Comedy) James Garner. Julie Andrews. (2 tn.) 6:06Gl) LOST IN SPACE 8:30 8 FOR OUR TIMES SERENDlPfTY ROBERT SCHULLER OAYBAEAK LA. PORTRAITS IN PASTELS POINT OF VIEW PUBL1C PULSE NEWS AN EVENING OF MAGIC ANO COMEDY Orson Bean hosts a zany hour of slelghl-of-hal'ld and slap- stick taped at San Francisco's Greet American Muslc Hall. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 7:00• TODAY'S RELIGION THArSCAT UTTLE RASCALS rT IS WRITTEN KENNETH COPELAND • SUNDAY MASS SPECTRUM DAY OF DISCOVERY CARTOONS YOGA FOR HEAL TH SPORTS CENTER 7:05 all LIGHTER SIDE OF THE NEWS 7: 10 ~MOVIE "Blackboard Jungle" ( 1955. Orama) Glenn FOfd, Anne Francis. 7: 16(%) MOVIE "An Eye FOf An Eye" (1981. Adven- ture) Chuck Norris, Christopher lee. ( 1 hr .. 46 mlnJ_ 7:30e FArTHWAYS I WHITNEY ANO THE R060T CAMPUS PROALE: VIEWPONT ON N~ T10N I TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING THA rs THE SPIRIT SEARCH JIMMY SWAGGART MISTER ROGERS (R) THE WORLD TOMOAROW 7:35Gl) MOV1E "Sergeant Yort<" ( t9" 1. Orama) Gat}'._Cooper. Watter Brennan. 8:00 B SUNDAY MORNING THIS IS THE LIFE POPEYE ANO FRIEN08 PERSONAL DIMENSIONS LET THERE BE LIGHT LLOYD OGILVIE MUSICWORLO JERRY FALWELL ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) REXHUMBARO GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1981 Kemper Open" MOVIE "Caveman" (1981. Comedy) Ringo Starr. DennlsQuald. (1Iv.,31 m6n.) (I) WAat:f WOALO OF JONA"tHAN WM'EAB Guest: o.orae Kennedy. • A OeFFl:AeNT t0No Of WINNNG A YOIJf'Q lkateboerd wt\ii trlel to Pf'OY9 to her oynlcal father that ~girts don't elwaye"""" !Mt. 8:30• OOV88EY ~t: Or. Marie Egan . .,,.. dent, Immaculate Hoen Community, L.~; Rav. Den " ------------------------------·---.... " ~ ·Sunday (continued) Animated. Voice of Bobby Rydell. ( 1 hr., 50 min.) 10:308 (II KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO Gues1s: Robert Klein. magician David Copperfield, psychologist Dr Siivia Feldman. (R) ( 1 hr.) CJ) Genung, pastor, Mt. Hollywood Congregational Church, L.A.: Pete Mark Richman. writer. palntet and actor TOOA V'S BLACK WOMAN THELAHAVES MEETING TIME AT CALVARY REX HUMBARD FREOERtcK K. PRICE ELECTRIC COMPANY (A) KNOW YOUR BIBLE ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE Boston Cel- tics of the 1970'svs. Oakland A's of The 1970's CS) MOVIE "Toby And The Koala Bear" (1981, Fantasy) Rolf Hams. ( t hr., 20 min.) D MOVIE "The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" ( 1981. Comedy) Animated. Voices by Met Blanc. June F°'ay. ( 1 hr., 20 min.) 9:00 8 NEWS CONFBEllCE Guests: Repobllcan Barry Goldwater, Jr .. San Diego Mayor Pete Wltson and Republican Paul Mceloskey, candidates for IRe~~~e°f"lnation tor U.S. Senate 11 ORAL ROBERTS R08ERT SCHULLER rT IS WRITTEN SESAME STREET (R) MOVtE "Kill Or Be Ki~" ( 1980, Adventure) James Ryan. Charlotte Michelle. (l)GOLF HIGHUGHTS "1981 U.S. Open" (%) MOVIE "Star Trek -The Motion Picture" (1979, Science-Action) WOOam Shatner. Leonard Nlmi. J2 hrs .. 12 min.) 9:30 (I) FACE THE NATION I MEET THE PRESS DllECT10NS DAV OF OCSCOYERY KENNETH COPB..ANO THE WOALO TOMOAAOW COLLEGE TENNIS "OMsion I Women's Cham- pionships" (2 hrs .. 30 min.) CID TIME WAS "The 1960s" Dick Cavett recalls the decade which was ma~ed by the war In Vietnam. the cM rights and feminist movements. the W~ stock rock concert and man's first stepe on the moon. ( 1 hr.) 10:00 8 N8A CHAMPK>NSHIP GAME Game 2. teams and site to be announced. (2 hra.. 30 rt*\.) D ZUBIN ANO THE 1.P.O. The lsfael PNlhannonlc Orchestra and its renowned conductC>f, Zublo Meh- ' ~ MOVING DAY -Buck Owens (left) and Roy Clark will move the whole "Hee Haw" gang to KHJ-TV (Ch. 9) at 4 pm. oo Sunday, June 5. "Hee Haw" wu previously seen on KCOP (Ch. 13). ta, are profiled. (1 hr.) • MOVIE "Caught In The Draft" (19-41 . Comedy) Bob Hope, OOfothy Lamour. (I) 8ASEBAl..L BUNCH HERALD OF TRUTH OUTDOOR LIFE REX HUMBARD THE LAWMAKERS NEW6CEHTER WEB<l y MAGIC OF OIL PAJNTING MOVIE "My Bodyguard" ( 1979. Orama) Chris Makepeace. Adam Baldwin. ( 1 hr . 38 min.) D MOVIE "Marco Polo, Jr." ( 1973, Adventure) Announcing The Maniott Tennis Oub • Limited Membership Available • No Initiation Fee • 10 Champiomhip Courts • Full Club House Facili~ • Robyn Ray - Director d Tennis 900 Newport Center Drive Newport Bcteh. CA 92660 ' I THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL ROBERT SCHUUER BASEBAU Houston Astros at New York Meis i hrs .. 40 min.) DODGER DUGOUT OPEN MINO . MOVIE "Wlnterhawk" ( 1976, Adventure) Michael Dante. Leif Erickson. e MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING CID MOVIE "The legend Of The Lone Ranger" ( 1980. Western) Ktinton Spilsbury, Christopher Lloyd. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 10:35 Ql) BASEBAU Atlanta Braves at Philadelphia Phtflles (3 hrs .. 15 min.) 11:000 ON CAMPUS "University of the Third Age," University of San Diego. I PADRES PAE-GAME DOOOER PAE-GAME MOVIE "Birth Of A Legend" ( 1973, Adventure) Documentary 9 MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Flickers" A wealthy woman (Frances de la Tour) desperately In need of a husband provides Arnie Cole (Bob H06klns) with the capital necessary to start producing film$. (Part WASHINGTON WEEK IN AEV1EW (A) I D (1 hr.) MOVE "Tribute To A Bad Man" ( 1956, West- ern) James Cagney, Irene Papas. 11:16 (1) BASEBALL San Diego Padres at St. Louis Cardlnals ( 2 hrs.. t 5 min.) • BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgera at Chicago Cube (2 hrs .. 45 min.) (%) MOYIE "The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again" ( 1979, Comedy) Tim Conway, Don Knotts. (2 hrs.) 11:301 AGRICULTURE U.S.A. I THIS WEB< W1TH OAV10 BRN<l..EY TERRY COLE-WHITT AKER WALL $TREEI WEB< "Horsing Around" Guest: Peggy Vandervoort, plesident of Peggy Vander- voort Incorporated, lntemattonel Bloodstock Ageo- ~(A) a MOVIE "Foul Play" ( 1978, Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Chevy Chase. ( 1 hr., 65 min.) . \I· rr.lt\< >< >\ 12:00 D OUTDOOR LIFE Featured: tlyflShlng on 67!i 1850 MF.S'S TRADmONAL WE\R For lhos<' who 'lhop for qua hi~ Pat Marley's unparalleled traditionals wear on forever! We have the correct flt ... handsomely detailed, successful look that sets you out front tn the best-dressed realm. Come see. Ladies tradit1onals too. 3.'l6!i Eaflt l"oa't lltl(h\I a\ Corona del M:11 -• J --··-~------------..-_, ..... ___ 191!11m _____________ _ ------------------"' ...... -- Sunday (continued) Arkansas· While River I LOST IN SPACE SEARCH LORD MOUNTBATTEN: A MAN FOR THE CEN-- TURY "leader 0 1 Men .. Through sheer merit, Lord Mountbatten rises from sallOf to commander of his first ship in the Royal Navy. (Pan 2) (R) o (1 hr.) Ii> PERSONAL ANANCE ANO MONEY M'"ANAGE- MENT ([) COLLEGE LACROSSE .. Division I Men's Cham- pionships .. from the University of Virginia. (3 hrs.) CS) MOVIE .. lfolkes" (1980, Adventure) Roger Moore. James Mason. ( 1 hr , 39 min.) 12:301) MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT Flnal- round coverage of this $350.000 PGA Tour tourna- ment (live from Mulrfield Village Golt Club In Oublln, Ohio). (2 hrs .. 30 min.) D SUNDAY Location: hve from St. Nicholas Greek OrthOdox Festival. Northrldge. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) D INDIANAPOLIS "500" FESTIVAL PARADE This annual event features floats. top bands and the driv- ers who will start this year's lndlanapolls "500." ( t hr, 30 min.) 0 MONEY -HOW TO MAKE rr. HOW TO KEEP rr Suggestions on how to manage your personal finances by author and financial expert Albert J Lowry. (JI PERSPECTIVE "Bringing Home The Bacon But Getting Rtd 01 The Fat" Guest· Vicky Newman. I OVTUOOR LIFE PERSONAL ANANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE- MENT CB) MOVIE "The Outlaw Josey Wales" ( 1976, Western) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. (2 hrs . 16 min.) 1:008 THE MUNSTERS TOUGH SPOT -Stephanie (Danielle Brisebois) gets into hot water when sbe snaps candid .shots of Archie (Carroll O'Omnor) for her school photo contest on "Archie Bunker's Place" Sunday at 8 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2>. I WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEB< AOAM-12 DANGER UXB Brian confronts a bomb wedged ney, Joel McCrea. In the wall of a burning building and Is reprimanded i WONDER WOMAN by his senior officef for his reckless handllng ol the THE PERSUADERS task. (Part 2) (A) O (1 hr.) MISTER ROGERS TALKS WITH PARENTS CID SPORTSWORLlJ Women's WOftd Power11ftlng ABOUT PETS Fred Rogers Interviews par8'\ts and Championships (from Blrmlnoham, England) • on-children about the rewards and prot>'ems of owning ental Wood ol Self·Defense (from Madrsort Square ~t (R) Garden In New Yott<). Chunichl Cup Gymnastics -GD SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES Men's Competition (lrom Tokyo, Japan). (2 hrs.) Kansas City vs. Rocky Mountain (1 hr.) Ill AMERICAN STORY Ii> OF EARTH AND MAN (Cl MOVIE "The Dain Curse" (Part 2) ( 1978, Mys-(Cl MOVIE "Kiii Or Ba Kiiied" ( t980, Adveflture) tery) James Coburn, Nancy Addison. James Ryan. Charlotte Michelle. (%) MOVIE "The Shooting" ( 1967, Western) Miiiie Cl) TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS "1977 Wimbledon" ( 1 Perkins. Jack Nicholson. (1 hr., 22 min.) hr.) 1: 10 (!) KINER"S KOANER CH) SOME CALL THEM FREAKS Richard Kiiey 1:30e F-TROOP hosts this look at famous human oddities. using stlU CJ) MOVIE "The Affair" ( 1973, Romance) Natalie photos and dramatic portrayals to tell the stories of Wood, Roben Wagner. Tom Thumb, the Elephant Man and others. i WILD. WILD WEST CD THE COUNTRY GIRL Faye Dunaway. Dick Van MUSIC WORLD Dyke and Ken Howard star In this perlOfmance of AOAM-12 Cllfford Odet's play about the complex relationships AMERICAN STORY between an alcoholic actor, his wife and a theatrlcaJ MOVIE "Ralntree County" (1957, Orama) Eliza· director. (2 hrs., 30 min.) beth Tayb, Montgomery Clift. (3 hra.. 5 min.) 3:308 SPORTSWORLO Women's World Power11ft- 1:50al) NEWS Ing Championships (from Birmingham. EnQiand). 2:00 D AT ONE Guest: actress Diahann Carroll. ( 1 Oriental World of Sell-Defense (from Madison hr.) Square Garden In New York): Chunlchl Cup Gym- 1 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND nasties -Men's Competition (from Tokyo, Japan) 0 SPORTSBEAT (2 hra.) THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW~ 8 ((I WIDE WORLD Of SPORTS 10-round llght- IEB weight bout between Edwin Rosario end Edwin • MOVIE "Guns 01 The Megnlfloent SeYwt" Viruet (from las Vegas, Nev.): Engllah Rugby ( 1969. Western) George Kennedy. Jamea Whit--League Cup Anal (from Wembley, England). ( 1 more. hf .. 30 mm.) e MOVIE "Bigfoot -Man Or Beast?' & (1974) INEWSSEAT: LOS ANGELES WEB<IN REV1EW Documentary. Of EAA1li ANO MAN ta MACBETH The Royal Shakespeare Company's A CONFLICT Of IN .... IERES....-.,....T Jose Ferrer directs production of Macbe1h stars Ian McKellen and Judi Tony winner Barnard Hughes In this drama about a Dench. (2 hrs .• 30 min.) constitutional 9howdown between the President of I TAAINING DOGS THEWOOOHOUSEWAY the U.S. and the Supreme Court. (1hr .• 46 rm.) WRT1NG FOA A REASON 3:36 al) NICE PEOPlE MOVIE "Chandler" (1971. Mystery) Warren 4:009 INTEAFACE Oates, Leslie Caron. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Cl) ST AR TREK 2:06~RAT PATROL G MOVIE "Dracula's Great Love" ( 1972, Horror) 2:30 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND Paul NalChy. Roteana Yanni. 8 AMERICAN SPORTSMAN Larry Hagman (!) EHTeRT AINMENT THIS WEEK and his son fl8h '°'blue mar11n et St. Thomas fn the e MOVIE "Le Mana" ( 1971, Orama) Steve Virgin Islands; coverage of the flrtt American oroa&-McOueen, Siegfried Reuoh: Ing of the Greenland Ice cap; Randy Mantooth and • MOVIE "Death Moon" ( 1978. Mystery) Robert his wife go on a rafting expedition In New Zealand. Foxworth, Barbara Trentham. l1 hr.) • WAU STREET WEEK "Horsing Around" Guest· G MOV1E "The Hound 01 The Baskervlllea" (1939, Peggy Vandervoort, president of Peggy Vander- M lfefY)ENTEBuH Rathbone. Nigel Bruce. voort Incorporated, International Bloodstock Agen- PRES ~· (R) WRITING FOR A REASON • MOVIE "Man Frldlty" ( 1975, Drama) ~ter MOVIE "The MifTOf Craelc'd'' (1980, Mystery) O'TOOle, Richard Roundtr ... Ellz.abe~ KJm Novak. (1 hr .• 46 rm.) • PABLO PtCA.880: THE LEGACY Of A GENUS ~a> NG Pablo Plcasao'a art wOfk.. llfe, oontrlbutlonl and 3:00• CORAL JUNGLE: LOOT WORLD OF THE Influence on 20th century art ara examined. (1 hr., MAHGAOVE SWAMP 30 rnln.) 9 Wbf ERN OUTDOOR8MAN F•tuttd: a vtelt to ~SPORT'S CENTER VermeJo Park ~nch In New Mexico: a Y4slt to Ida-MOVIE "C.veman" (1981, Comedy) RlflQO ho' sremote wlldemeae. •!!,s. Dennis Quaid. ( 1 hr .• 31 mlt\.) e MOVIE "Dead End" (1937. Drama) 8yMa Sid-4:0l5w DUST BOWL BLUES Eddie Albert namatee '· • ·-·---···--... ---··. ·--·---------··----·--·-·----'! ·--------~~.-.. ..... ~-----~ this documentary on eotl conservation problems. ( 1 hr.) 4: 15 (%) MOVIE "Star Trek -The Motion Picture" ( 1979, Sclence-Flctl()(I) William Shalne<, Leonard Ni~ (2 hrs .. 12 min.) '4:309 NEWSMAKERS Guests: Lieutenant Govern()( Mike Curb and State Attorney General Geo<ge Deukmejlan. the two top running Republican candl· dates fOt Governor In the June 8th primary ( 1 hr.) I SIGNATURE Guest: Ian Mc Kellen. WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (R) LIBERACE IN CONCERT Mr. Showmanship 18 joined by singer Marco Valenll and magician Marvin Roy In this show taped at the Sporting Club In Monie Carlo ( 1 hr. 15 min.) 5:00 8 ST AR TREK D GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "'Bill Rodgers" Host: Ken Howard. i M•A•S•H STRAIGHT TALK NEWS ~ NAPOLEON & LOVE "Louise" Napoleon mar· ries the Archduchess Maria-Luisa of Austria 90 that she may bear him a son. ( 1 hr ) ID FIRING LINE "The Future 0 1 Philanthropy" Guests David R Hunter, executtve directOf of the Stern Foundatton, Leeda P Marting. ex.ecotlve director or the John Hay Whitney Foundation; Ric~ ard W Lyman. president of the Rockefeller Found&· tion (Part 1) ( 1 hr.) (Cl MOVIE "'Look Back In Anger" ( 1959, Orama) Claire Bloom, Richard Burton (£) BASEBAU "College World Series" (Anal Game) from Omaha, Nebraska. (3 hrs.) CD MOVIE "Up River" (1980. Adventure) Morgan Stevens. Jeff Carey CO) MOVIE "The Looney, Looney. Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" ( 1981. Comedy) Animated Voioes by Mel Blanc. June FOfay. 5:06 al) CABLE PLA VS VEGAS An inside look at the NCT A Convention held in las Vegas.. ( 1 hr ) S:1301t1!:;~ KOTTm MONEYMAKERS SNEAK PREVlEW Host Leonard Harris looks ·at the movies.· specials and sports events coming up on Home Box Office. CS) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: George Kennedy. E\'L:\I:\(; e:ooee•News 8 MOVIE "Voyage Into Space" ( 1970, Scief"loe. Fiction) Mltsundbu Kaneko, Shoz.aburo Date A hero swings into action to rescoo Tokyo from annihi- lation by a dreaded monster. (2 hrs ) ())CBS NEWS 8 AROUND THE WORLD IN '82 Glen Campbell hosts a musical tour ol the Knoxville World's Fair withrP~~ee Lewis and Mel Carter. (2 hrs.) ~CHARLIE'S ANGa.8 • MOVIE "The Black Rose" ( 1950, Adventure) Tyrone Power, Orson Welles. A 13th-century Eng- lish Saxon travels Oriental caravan routes seeking trade secrets. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) • MOVIE "Getting Waated" ( 1980, Comedy) 8rJ. an Kerwin. Stephen Furst. A group of young but conse<Vatlve military men must face the fast paced ~ychedellc wor1d of the late 60's. (2 hra.) QI THE POmNG SHED A man who llnds he can no longer remembef why he was reJected by his famlly Is unable to experience human feelings. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) I LIFE AROUND US NBC NEWS EVENING AT SYMPHONY Sel~ Ozawa end the Boston Symphony Orchestra pe<torm Tchaikov- sky'• Violin Concerto In D. Opus 35 with solotst Bor- is Belkin. and Beeth<MtO's "Leonora Overture No. 3." (R) ( 1 hr.) CH) MOVIE "The Americanization Of Emlly" ( 1964. Comedy) James Gernef, Julie Andrews. Romance grows between a British war widow and e non-nero- ic office< assigned to provide his superiors with the luicurles of home. (2 hrs.) Cl) MOVIE "My Bodyguard" (1979, Orama) CMa Makepeace, Adam ~ldwin. The new kid at a Cttt- cago high school makes friends with the school out- cast end together they atend up to the cruel gang which had persecuted them both. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 38 min.) . • MOVIE "Ovef The Edge" ( 1979, Drema) Mlehael Kramer, Pamela Ludwtg. Several t~ residents of an exclusive Calitomla communfty embark on e rampage of haretement and deltruo- tlon when they tall to get their parentt' 1ttent~ at home. 'PG' (1hr.,36mln.) 8:05 l:WEa< IN REVIEW 8:30 AQHT BACK • :rs HOLL YWOOO Cl>•NEWB ~ 15-~I .,, l 5 -~ 1' ,.-I r8 I' "" "'"' a: O> ':< ~ I» '< f'I) .'1' ..... ID CD f'I) \ 1' I ---··---------------------~------~ • c:-z ___ _..._...__ \' .... ---.......... _________ ~ .. -..-...~ ............ ,..~ ....... #._. ............ ~ ............ -••• ..-.-••• _..._ .............. _.., ....... ..-... .............. .,-....................... _....,, ___ _ 16 N Sunday (c:ontinued} - co a. -(f)THEWOALDTOMOAAOW • ELIZABETH A promising young dancer copes wllh changes in her Ute ahM an aut~ accldenl leaves he< a paraplegic. 7:00 'Cl) 60 MINUTES 8 FA THm MURPHY Howard Rodman enrolls his unruly soo at the orphanage to spy on Murphy. (R) .D ( 1 hr.) 8 O MOVlE "The Bad News Bears In Breaking Training" ( 1977, Comedy) Wiiiiam Devane, Jackie Earle Haley. A little league baseball team composed of 1ough kids and mislils IS inV1ted to play an exhlbl· lion game in the Houstoo AstrOdome. (R) (2 hrs.) (!) ARTHRITIS TELETHON • ASCENT OF MAN 8i) NOVA "Test Tube Babies" The science behind the conceptt0n of human babies outS1de the womb is investigated. (R) D ( 1 hr ) ©) MOVlE "Tnbute l o A Bad Man" ( 1956, West· em) James Cagney. Irene-Papas. Two concerned people attempt to convince a rancher to stop killing rustlefs ( t hr . 35 min.) (l) MOVIE "The Final CountdOwn" ( 1980, Science- Acttorl) Kirk Douglas. Martin Sheen. A mysterious storm at sea lransports the atomic-powered aircrah earner U S.S. N1mltz back in time to Decembe< 6. 1941, posllioning the vessel belween Peart Harbor and the advancing Japanese fleel 'PG' ( t hr .. 43 min.) (m MOVlE "The Fan" ( 1981, Suspense) Lauren Bacall. James Garner A popular him star IS victim- ized by a psychotic admirer. 'R' (1 hr., 35 min.) CZl MOVlE "The Apple Dumpling Gang Rtdes Again" ( 1979. Comedy) Tim Conway, Don Knotts. A pair of western outlaws try to walk the strait and narrow 'G' (2 hrs ) 7:05@ NEWS 7:30@ THE NEW STORYTELLERS "Marshall Dodge .. Tales of the late Marshall Dodge emanate from Maine's coastal areas. 8:008 Cl) ARCHIE BUNKER'S PLACE Stephanie tries to capture the "real" Archie on film tor a photo contest. (R) 8 e CHIPS Pooch learns that toxic wastes are being illegalty dumped on a site near a Hollywood movie set. (R) (1 hr.) e EHTERT AJNMENT THIS WEEK I rT IS WRfTTEN ALISTAIR COOKE'S AMERICA ta NAPOLEON & LOVE "Louise" ~ mar- ries the Archduchess Maria-Luisa of Austria so that she may bear him a son. ( 1 hr.) • MOVA "Life: Patent Pending" The promises and penis of genetic engineering and Its Impact on industry, medicine and universities are examined. (R) D (1 hr.) fl) U-ASTERPIECE THEATRE "Flickers" Totally preoccupied with setting up his own fl4mmaklng business, Amie Cole can't understand his bride's cold reception on their delayed wedding night. (Part ~~ (fl} MOVIE~ Copy" (1981. Comedy) George Segal. SUsan Saini James. A successful while businessman discovers that he has a grown son who Is b6ack. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) Cl) MOVIE "ffolkes" (1980, Advef'ltufe) Rogef Moore. James Mason. A dapper, woman-hating frogman Is called In to thwart the plans of extoftloo- lsts who have hijacked a wppty ship and are threat- ening to de6troy two North Sea olt rigs. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 39 min.) D MOVIE "The Rose" (1979, Orama) Bette Mldlef. Alan Bates.. A driven rock alnger's Afe In the last lane leads hef Irreversibly to dlsastM. 'R' (2 tn. 1-4 min.) 8:05 al) .EW('( FALWB.l. 8:30 8 ()) ONE DAY AT A TIME Marital problems send Julie running home for e<Mce from her mother and sister. (Part 1) (R) I THE WORLD TOMOAAOW MOYIE "Guns Of The Magnlflc:enl Seven" ( 1969, Western) George Kennedy. James Whit· more. Seven professional gunmen .l<*'I forces to free a revolutionary leader from a Mexican jaA. (2 hra.) 9:008 ())Al.ICE Mel's excitement C1'lf/( his mother's plans to publish a cook~ are dil'Mled when he disoovers that hls secret chill recipe Is Included. (R) 8 e MOVIE "The Legend Of Walks Far Woman" (Premlefe, Drama) Raquel Wek:h. Bradford Oii- man. An American Indian woman bec:omee caught in the goy and lragedy of her peopte'a last great stand at Little Big Horn. (2 hrs .• 25 min.) • MUSIC MAKERS IN CONCBn' "ABBA" The Swedish supergroup pefform 90me of their blggeet hits.. { 1 hr.) • 9 ltOANAPOUS "500'' Same-day COYerllQ8 of the lndlenapoff8 "500" from the Motor Speedway In~· Indiana. (3 htt.) I AATHRfT18 Ta.ETffON (CONTD) AOAONBKY MID COMPAMY THE POTTING SHED A man whO ftndl he can no longer remember why he was rejected by his family is unable to experience human feelings. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Rickers" Totally preoccupied with setting up his own fllmmaking buSlness. Arnie Cole can't understand his bride's cold reception on thelr delayed wedding night. (Part 2) n ( 1 hr) G....,. AMERtCAN PLAYHOUSE "Oppenheimer" Oppenheimer is given his security clearance and the scientists of the Manhattan Project and their famlties begin life in the Army barracks atmosphere of Los Alamos. (Part 3) D (1 hr.) (t) MOVIE "NighflAoves" (1975. Mystery) Geoe Hackman. Jennifer Warren. A private eye hired 10 locate the daughter of a former movie actress becomes entangled in a web of Intrigue with a May- an smuggling ting. ( 1 hr .. -40 min.) (() FIGURE SKA TING "WOf1d Pelfs Compelltlon Championships" from Copenhagen, Denmark. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CD MOVlE "Zulu Dawn" ( 1979, Orama) Burt Lan- caster, Peter O'Toole. The English wage a bitter war against the Zulu na1lon in 19th-century Africa. 'PG' (? hrs.. 1 min ) CO) TINTYPES This Broadway r811U8 pays trlbUte to America's growing pains In the era between the Gay Nineties and the end of WOf1d War I. ( 1 hr .• 50 min.) {%) MOVIE ''Joanna" ( 1968. Drama) Genevieve Waite. Calvin Lockhart A naive young woman becomes swept up In the social wtllrt of mod Lon- don duflng the 1960s. 'R' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 9:06 Ill) OPEN UP 9:30. ()) THE JEFFERSONS George sneeks and reads Loul8e'a private diary. (R) I JACK VAN IMPE ="The Dogs Of War" (1980, AdWlnhxe) Chtlstophef Walken. Tom Berenger. After being tOt- tured and deported by an Afrloen dlct1t0t, a mere. ~eturns to lead a revolution. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 45 mtn.) 10:009 Cl) TRAPPER JOHN, M.D. Gonzo and Trapper try to ~ an Infant with a heat1 alment Who has been a heroin addict A1oe birth. (R) ( 1 hr.) l e NEWS THE WORD FOR TOOAY NON-ACTION TELEVISION "Next Year Coun- try" A focus on the modern West -the peopte who Uve there. their relationship with the lend, and the changes they face as massive lndu8trlaliz.atlon ~oeche9 -Is preeented. ( 1 hr.) • FlAMBAROS "Christine" After lln'Mng et Flam- bards to Uve with her uncie •nd two COUllna. CMstt.- na learns to ride horsebedt. (Pan 1) (R) Q ( 1 hr.) (J) PLAYBOY'S PLAYMATE RBHON Richard Dawaon hosts the 26th annlveraary celebretlon of Hugh Hefner's magazlne at the Pleyboy Manelon West In Holm by Hlll. Calltom&a. ( 1 hr:. SO min./ 10:05Glj MOVIE "..e.n In The lrM Meek" ( 939, Woes Barbara (Valerie Bertinelli, /eh) listens to Julie's (Makenzie Phillips) marital problems on "One Day a t a Time" Sunday at 8:30 pm. on KNXT (Ch. 2). Adventure) Louis Hayward, Joan Bennett. Based on a novel by Alexander Dumas. The Infamous Compte de Rochefort places Louis XIV's twin brother on the French throne and Imprisons the real kl~ the Bastille. (2 hrs.) 10:30 a LONE AANGm I NEWS JIMMY SWAGGART THE NEW STORYTELLERS "Marshall Dodge" Tales of the late Marshall Dodge emanate from Maine's coastal areas . (()GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1981 U.S. Open" 0 MOVlE "The Postman Always Rings Twice" ( 1981, Orama) Jack Nicholson, Jessica Lange. A young woman and her lover plot to murder he< hus- band. 'R' ( 1 hr., 37 min.) 10:"'51 SUNDAY SPORTS PAGE 11 :00 Cl) NEWS I PACESETTERS COME LOVE THE CHILDREN Hosts Art Link- letter and Carol Lawrence focus on the hopes, dreams and SUNlval of the WC>f1d's chlldrSt. (1 hr.) i ARTHRITIS TB.ETHON (CONT'D) JERRY FALwa.L NAPOLEON & LOVE "Louise" Napoleoo mar- ries the Archduchess Marla-Luisa of Austria 90 that she may bear him a son. (1 hr.) • SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger l:bert and Gene Sisk- e! highlight six films that the publlc missed the first time around, Including "Cattle Annkt And l.Jttte Britches.'' "Go Ten the Spartans." "Over The E(jge" and "Swamp Thing." ~MOYIE "The Dain Curse" (Part 2) (1978, ~ tery) James Coburn. Nancy Addison. Based on the novel by Dashlell Hammett. A private eye llwestJgat- lng a diamond robbery encount~ a Mfie8 of nu- ders and a strange young woman who belkwea she's the victim of a farnlty curse. (2 hrs.) (I) SPORTSWOMAN • (I) MOVIE "Seed Of Innocence" (1980, Drama) Tim Wead. Mary Cannon A young unwed couple beoome victimized by almost everyone whell the gift becomes pregnant. 'A' (1tv .. 30mln.) al) MOVIE "Scanners" (1981, Honor) Jenn1W O'Neill, Patrick McGoohan. A lethal conflict wteee between two small groups of peopte whoee extraor- dinary psychic powers Include the abtllty to kl telepathically. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 42 min.) {%) MOVIE "The Mirror Oack'd" ( 1980, Mystery) Elizabeth Taylor. Kim Novak. Baaed on a story by Agatha Christle. A strange murder lnvoMng rtval Hollywood stars takes place In an English Yl&ege. 'PG' < 1 hr .• -46 min.) 11:15,CBSNEWS 11:26 eNEWS 11:30 SPORTS ANAL e 700 a..ue Learn the aecrets of the wond'• k>ng- •t lt"9d people; hear how an lnwator stf'lk• ol us1ng unconventtonal methoda. ( 1 hr., 30 min~ CJ) '10VIE "The Last Of The P~" 1989, Oreme) George Hamiton, KM\ Mc:Certhy. • mall accidents and 8"9fltuel death .,. the r-..b of I ( ------~--------------_.,. ________ ._. ............................ .. ~·(COOiiiiifilJ ___________________ . a bank president's demenda for hie aon-ln-la'#'a ree- f tlon. (2 hrs.) TALES Of THE UNEXPECTED SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Caveman" (1981, Comedy) Ringo Starr. Dennis Quaid. The clownWI member of • barely human pr9historlc tribe beglna to dlacoY9r " that brains and not brawn wll be the key to hll · ~·a survival. 'PG' (1hr.,31 min.) Cl) '40'J1E "The Howling'' (1981, Horror) 0. Wal- la<», Patrlctt Macnee. A women reporter II menaced by a killer who seems 10 be• werewolf. 'R' (1 hr., 31 min.) 11:461 THE ROCKFORD AlE8 11:66 MOVIE "The Neighborhood" ( 1982, Dram8) Christine BelfOl'd, Aon Masak. Three New Yorkers try to handle the uneasiness that envelops their friends when the ethnic make-up of their nelghbof· hood Is seemingly threatened. (A) ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 12:008 NEWS 0 MOVIE "In Harm's Way" ( 1965, Orama) John Wayne, Kirk Douglas. During Wood War II, a Navy officef is assigned to lead operations to regain Important Pacific Islands controlled by the Japa- nese. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) . • MOVIE "Dracula Has Risen From The Grave" (1969. HorrOI') Christophe( Lee, Rupert Davies. A girl's atheist boyfriend and religious uncie join fOl'ces to save her from Dracula. (2 hrs.) I HEEHAW THE POTIING SHED A man who finds he can no longef remember why he was rejected by hie family Ts unable to experience human feelinga. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 12:06((l) MOVIE "The Nevadan" (1950. Western) Randolph Scott, Dorothy Malone. Whtie hot on the trait of a gold thief, a federal lawman meets and faAa in love with a beautiful lady. (1 tw .• 40 min.) 12:108 MOVIE "The Neighborhood" (1982. Orama) Christine Belford, Ron Masak. Three New Yorkers tTy to handle the uneasine6& that envelops thK friends when the ethnic make-up of their neighbor- hood Is seerathreetened. (R) ( 1 tw .• 30 min.) 12:30.ABC (I) COLLEGE TEHNl8 "OMelon I Women's Cham- i>i9119hipe" (2 hrs.) • LIBERACE .. CONCERT Mr. Showm8nehlp la joined by singer Marco Vajentl and megldan MaMn Roy In this show taped at the Sporting aub In Moote Callo. 1 hr. 15 min 12:40 ~ MOVIE "'Penek>pe" ( 1966. Comedy) NataRe Wood, 18n Bannen. A neglected wife decid8e to die- gulae herseff 8nd rob her "huabenc:f a t.M. ( 1 hr., 40 mln.j_ 12:46. NAME Of THE QAMe • MOVIE "The Virginia Htll Story" ( 197<&, Drama) Dyan Cannon. Harvey Kelta. An lmpoYerlah9d young girl attains a~ thr~ her friendship wi1h ter Bugay s.egel. (2 hrs. ([) ~ "Bring Me The Head Alfredo Garc::le" ( 197<&, AdventlM'e) Wenen Oatee. Gig Young. A falling piano player •• out on a long and bk>ody trall In Mexico lo retrieYe a v8luable heed and • S 10,000 reward. 'R' ( 1 hr., 52 min.) (%) MOVIE "louk>u" ( 1981, Drema) 1ub11e Hup- pert, Geratd Oepercleu. A young women fala In k>ve with a man she met In a dl9c:o but cennot 800ePf hll In' ble, carefree attitude toward llfa. (1 hr., 60 min. I .. .. Greg Mullavey comforts J oa nna C-assidy after learning from Herb Edelman and Pernell Roberts they have illegally adopted a baby on 'Trapper John, M.D." Sunday at 10 p.m. on I KNXT (Ch. 2). 1:00(!) ARTHRITIS TEl.ETHON (CONT'D) Cl) MOVIE "American Gtgolo" (1980, Drama) Richard Gere. L..euren Hutton. A Bevef1V I':!!= becomes the prime suspect In a murder - tlon. 'A' (1 tw .. 67 min.) 1:0500 MOVIE "The Haunting Of Julia" (1977 • Suspense) Mia Farrow, KeW Oulea. Met r«l0Yel"1'1Q from an emotional crisis, a woman pta-cNa8ea • house that appears to be haunted. 'R' (1 hr., 35 mini 1:26 NEWS 1:30 THE NEW ST~ ''Mallhal Dodge" T8'e6 of the late Marshell Dodge erMn81e from Melne'a coast81 areas. 1:«>e AT ONE Guest: dtameu.t Aide Gregoty. ( 1 hr.) 1:41QI RAT PATROl. 2:00. T\JRNA80tJT • MOVIE "The ChlneM Corinec11on''. (19131 Distinctive Fashio n How can I protect myseff from soaring energy costs? ~\\\110_ ~ =::::----- Q. A. KENMORE~ SOLAR POWER Every Sunday WATER HEATERS Enefgy 1&11 etedll ~ lo IOlar w"9f hNtera in- stalled In pnnopat residences C'9dll ~ 1o cost of 50lat ... t.atet Wld llS lnllallllorl Credit .amounts to~ of the first $10.000 spent on IOlar Wetef hNlets hefofe J*1 1. 198e (maximum etedn of $4,000) Plus a Slate Cf'9dll "' up 1o ~ up'° 13.000 muimum. Slate credits are reduced by the ~ of Federal Cf'9dlls~ . lei Seatt hetP design and ~ a sotat wMlf heMing system lof you • S.S authoriad lnllaller9 can insialttle.,.. ~ "°""""'!fl 1WO days with rndmlf ~-. -aboul 8 tf• ~on M#lor\ad irm REM'"'· Celt Your,._., Seef'l 9'of't Todey ·Or Miii thtl Coupon ,~--. ,_;;..-;eo-.-----OiiiP) I Sears Mn. L. DIMk:._ l t --· .. ·-.... ,._.... I I •111 -..ee1t.91• l I ....,. I Addr98e I ~ Ctly SW. lip_ : I Ptlone (AM) • (PIM) ' -------------------- ~--·-..... ' ~ 1 -~ i .,, I ' I I I I N ii Cit 'I .-(Q (D N -·-·--.::-~-·=-=--=-:-================·===::==~===~-~-~-~~-~-~.~-~-~~~-~--~1 .,~~--------------~----------------------------~~---~--....... -------------------------~The entertainers O> ~ Smurfs turn NBC >-~ into kids power ~ ~ By JERRY BUCK it A#T......._.WtiW • LOS ANGELES -What'• blue and cuddly, 8' stands three apples high and has suddenly turned ...J third-place NBC into a powerhouse on Saturday ~ morninga? _ If you answered the Smurb then you've got a .2 amurfect record. a: The animated aeries, based on a aet of 20-year-oJd French books, has provided NBC with a badly needed hit. The Smurfs lifted NBC QUt of the Saturday morning cellar and made it No. 1. They even caused the network to abandon plans to expand ''The Today Show" to Saturday. The show is feeding, and in tum being fed by a $150 million boom In Smurf dolls, figurines, puppets. pins, pajamas, clothing, posters, achooJ bags, lunch boxes, cups. stationery. records and books. It's the biggest thing since Snoopy and the Peanuts gang. The amazing thing about the IUOCe88 of the Smurfs is that it's a delightful show. The usual h istory of Saturday morning programming for children is that the bad drives out the good. But the show is well done, often good values, and every Smurf, from Papa to Brainy to Grouchy to the lone female, Smurfette, has a distinct penonality. All of them are menaced by the only human in the ahow, the evil Gargamel and his nasty cat. Azrael. The Smurfs were created in 1958 by a Belgian cartoonist named Pie1Te "Peyo" Culliford. They we re known only in Europe until a Smurf promotion campaign by a British oil company attracted an American novelty company in 1978. The merchandising is, in fact. responsible for the aeries. Fr-ed Silverman, then president o1 NBC, became intrigued when he aaw hi• daughter playing with her Smurfa. Silverman turned the idea over to Hanna-Barbera. "rm still a· to fiQure out why it took oa:· says executive ucer Joe Barbera. Barbera and bis partner, illiam Hanna, run the General Moton o1 television animation. Their abowa include ''The Flintstones'' and ··yogi Bear.'' "I remember we had another animated .erlel that didn't work. We had had to elimlnate the villain. 11\at was it.. Gerpme.l and .Azrvl the cat are the villalna. I thJnk that'• what maka the lhow work. Kids have oeYtt 1eer1 anything like t.hia before. Thia ia what life ia all about. When they grow up they're goinc to meet all kinda of probleml and I think they should learn about it and prepare for it." Lucy ,Johmon, NBC"1 heed of children'• and daytime programming, aays, "You ask younelf why "Yow Clawoom on Wh11/s" Bl Dllln's T eena1e Drim& School fean1 the 1982 FIEBltD "Behind the Wheels" Training •fNSH IN 3 DAYS Free pick up Dr1vM Education, only Announdnt Ovr NewLMotion "' c.ta Melo 5100 •fNSH IN 4 DAYS s40 Enrolt In both classes & get your permit after one day of Driver Educatl9fl. ' ' ' I J The evil wizard Gargamel slips on oil. enab~ the Smurfs t.o once again escape hi.s grasp on the new children '11 t.elevision series, "Smurfs. ' lhey're r.opuJar. You study it and end up •ying you don t know. It's an indefinable chemistry-and charimna that the kids relate to. But I would say that the merchandiaing was already there 90 kids were familiar with the characters. And ~· they're cuddly and loveable and repreeent the ' pcin1 of view. All the elementa of aocxl and evil are there, but it always ends on a positive note. "And I think it's important that Papa Smurf ia the authority figure in charge. The Smur& react li)te humans. They stray and do thina• they ahouldn't. but always in the beckground la Papa Smurf aa that strong central figure in their Uva" The Smur& have had such an impact on Saturday morning that their impact undoubtedly will be fel\ in programmina for next fall. Nim Johnaon said, "That'• what makes it eo nice - 80l'Oething good la being lrni1ated l.mtead ol just .:mething that'• popular ... De1pite Silverman's backing at NBC the Smur& encountered a few bumps in the rmd. It wu felt that the Smurfa were too cute, too charming, too cuddly. And hence too eoft to amke it James L. Zimmerman Certified Publlc Accountant Full range of personalized professional services tor s mall businesses & lndlvlduals. • INCOM£ TAX PREPARATION a PLANNING ··svs~MS DESIGN' INSTALLATION • COMPUT£RIZED FINANCIAL Rl!PORTIMG •Frff lnlliel COMUltatlon 645-4212 * ATLANTIS MASSAGE * (CJO 24 HUS) ff riOKEOUS GIRLS TO SOW YOO JACUUI • SAUNA against aJJ thoee brawny superheroes on Saturday morning. 11\at they did make it and became a amaah indicates how lit1le the programmen really know about what children want to lee. Silverman had wanted the abow to be an hour long, but after he left lut summer the ahow WU immediately knocked down to half an hour. "1 felt that on Saturday mom1ng a terrible diaeaae of samene. had t in," aid &rbera. "If I WM a kid flipping ~and I aaw tlle9e Ut1le blue people rm going to stop and take a look. I said we needed an hour to hold interest.'' NBC ia now talking of expmMiing the Smur& to 90 minutes. Hanna-Barbera ia planning to put Smurf characters into ita four theme parka and R1ngllnc Brothen a.rcu. ia interested. Barbera aaya, "'Ibe way you look at most thinp on television i. that they 11.t two r e u ma. We're kdri~ tlUI to lut five ,..,.. We did lix yeara wi1h P'Untlltmm' in prtJne time. I think the Smurfa haw a future in prime time cpeci•le. Our lint prtni'e-ttme 1pecia1 did good in the rattnaa.'' NEWPORT DATSUN ..... , ••• , .. , #1 i1ts1n Dealer 1111'1111• CounlJ! S11 Us T.U, ... We Ire OfftrilJ F•lllttlo 1111 S1t1-.1 Next Driver Ed Session Tues. 6/22 BA* MDICARD. MAS1t1 CHMG£ • CALL NOW -SPACE IS LIMITED MIJtlCAN EJPltESS. DID$ 14Mlll or 119-3111 .___130_E_._1_7_th_S_t._, S_u_lt_e_D_,_Co_s_ta_M_esa __ ._1_14./&4_5·_34_3_3 _________ lill 888 DOVE STREET· NEWPORT BEACH {714) 833~13 • '""~I n.Jnn'P'\Md K-'f CJ) MOVIE "Les Girls" (1957. Muoical) Gene fll y, -··-------------------~------------- . Monday \I< >H ~I \:( ; \I< >\ · 1 LS 6:25 ce> "Blackboard Jungle" ( 1965, Orama) Glenn Ford, Anne Francis. 8:00(%) "Never Give A Sucker An Even Break" ( 1941, Comedy) w.c Fields. Glo<la Jean 6:05([lJ "Stage Struck" (1957, Orama) Henry Fon- da, Susan St<asberg. 6:30 CH> "The Mysterious Stranger" ( 1982, Fantasy) Chris Makepeace. Fred Gwynne. Cl "Hanover Street" (1979, Romanoe) Harrtaon Ford. Lesley-Anne Down. 7:15(%) "The Mirror Crack'd" ( 1980, Mystery) Ellm- belh Taylor, Kim Novak. 7:30 Cl) "The Shogun Warriors: Spacet<eteers" ( 1981. Fantasy) Animated. 8:0000 "Savage Harvest" (1980, Adventure) Tom Skerritt. Michelle Phillips. ~ 8:05QZ) "Doctor Ehrlich's Magic Bullet" (1940, Blog- rap~ Edward G. Robinson, Ruth Gordon. 9:00 CZ) "The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again" ( 1979. Comedy) nm Conway, Don Knotta. 9:30., "New Frontier" (1939, Western) John Wayne, Ray Corrigan. CC) "You Light Up My Life" (1977, Romance) Didi Conn. Joe Silver 10:0000 "Holkes" ( 1980, Adventure) Roger Moore, James Mason. Cl> "A Thunder Of Drums" (1961, Western) Rich- ard Boone, George Hamilton. 10:300 "On The Right Track" (1981, Comedy) Gary_ Coleman, Michael Lem beck. 10:46(1) "Ride In The Whlr1wlnd" (1967, Western) Cameron Mitche41, Jeck Nicholson. 11:00ce> "I'm All Right, Jaci<" (1960, Comedy) Ian Carmichael, Peter Sellers. .\l l .lJC\<><>:\ \l<>\'ILS 12:00 e "Unearthly Stranger" (1964, Scleno&-~ tlon) John Neville, Gabflella Lloodl. • "Hey There, It's Yogi Bear" ( 1964, Comedy) Animated. Voices of Jolie Bennett, James Derr*'· e "!legal" (1955. Orama) Edwatd G. Roblnlon, Nina Foch. (Jf) "Touched By Love" (1980, Orama) Deborah Aaffin, Diane Lane. (I) ''The Electric Horseman" ( t979, Orama) Rob- ert Redford. Jane Fonda. 12: 16(%) "The Outlaw Josey Wales" ( 1976, Wes1em) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. 12:300 "Lions For Breakfast" (1979, Adventure) Jan Rubes, Jim Henshaw. 1:00e "Julia" ( 1977, Drama) Jane Fonda, Vane. sa Redgrave. (CJ ''The Dain Corse" (Part 3) ( 1978, Mystery) James Coburn. Nancy Addleon. 2:00CC "Fame" ( 1980, Drama) Irene Cara. Barry Miller. e "The V.1.P.s" (1963, Drama) Elzebettt Taylor, Richard Burton. 2:30(%) "Nevef Give A Sucker An Even Br.O" ( 1941, Comedy) w.c. Fields, Gloria Jeen. 3:45(%) "Over The Edge" (1979, Drama) Michael Kramer. Pamela Ludwig. .-:ooe "The Bounty 1<111er" c1~. westein) 0en Duryea. Rod Catnefon. (I) "The Shogun Warriors; Spaceketeeta" (1981, Fantasy) Animated. O "The Foor Seasons" ( 1981, Drame) Alan Alda. Cerol Burnett. 6:00(C) "Rollef Boogie" ( 1979, Muelcal) Linda Blair, Jlm Bray. 5:06<m "A Breath Of Scandal" (1960. ComfKjy) Soptlla Loren, John Gavtn. 6:20(J) "The Apple Dumpling Gang Rldel Again" (1979. Comedy) Tim Conway. Don Knotts. 5:$0 (JI) "The Mysterious Stranger" ( 1982. Fantasy) Chris Makepeace, Fred Gwynne. L \ l . '\I'\( ; s.-ooeeeNEWS I atARUE'S ANGELS C88NEWS TH£8AlNT MOYIE "Beau Geste" (1939, Adventute) Gary Cooper. Ray Miiiand. Ttvee French Foreign L~ nalret claJm responslblRty for a jewel theft In «def to protect a lady'• honor (2 hrl., 30 min.) I ABC NEWS THE JEffEASONS HAWAII FIVE-<> CAMPAtGN '82 "Taxes With Prcposltlooa 5,6 Md7" I NBC NEWS FAST FORWARD MOVIE "Les Glrls" ( 1957, Moalcal) Gene Kelly. SHAKESPEARE ENCORES -Derek Jacobi stars in the title role of William Shakespeare's most popular play when "Hamlet" encores Monday at 8 p.m. on PBS. Mitzi Gaynor. An American ITIUllcal 8hoW hits the European circuit when complications arise ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) O MOVIE "Underground Aces" ( 1980. Comedy) Oitk Benedict. Melanie Gtffflth. Parking attendants wreak havoc at a swank Beverly Hiiis hotel. 'PG' (1 hr., 39 min.) 6:30 Cl) e NEWS I BARNEY MILLER All IN THE FAMILY NEW88EA T: CALFORNlA COHGAE'88IONAL REPORT G BU8tNE88 REPORT (!) PKA AJlL CONT ACT KARA TE "Wor1d Ban· tamwelght Championship" from OenveJ. Co6orado. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 1:ooecesNEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS . P.M. MAGAZINE The making of a PfaYQlrl centerfold; a man who built a cancer reeeatch lab In his basement. IKOJAK ' ENTERTAlNMENT TONIGHT w·A·s·H JOKER'S WILD CABAAET "Singing" Karen Morrow and Nancy Dussault are featured. I~~ MAGIC Of OIL PAJNTING MOVIE "I'm An Right, Jed<" ( 1960, Comedy) Ian Carmichael. Peter Setlera. In trying to do e good Job for his uncle In a factory, a well-meenlng fum- bler actually upsets the crooked 8cheme his unc:te has so carefully p4anned. ( 1 hr., 50 min.) (JI) WHAT OH EARTH Orson Bean hosts this fut· ~. fact-flied science series. CD MOvtE "Improper Channels" (1981, Comedy) Alan Arkin, Mariette Hartley. A Nrie& of mleunder· standings caUN9 a aoc6el WOl'ker to 8U8p8Ct the 6- year-old deugtlter of a separated couple Is the yjc.. tlm of chlld a6uee. 'PG' (1 hr., 32 min.) (D) MOVIE "VIVa Lu Vegaa" ( 1964, Mueical) EMt Presley. Ann-Mergret. A Lu Vegas swimming Instructor become9 the object of affection fOf a ~car nut.nd hil Italian ftiend. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) CZ) MOVIE ·~ Give A Sucker An Ewn Break" (1941, Comedy) W.C. Aelds. Gloria Jean. A man planning to many el1hef • woman Ot her daughter endtu=bOthofthem. (1hr .. 10mln.) ~~~I 2 ON nle TOWN Feetured: a Wilt with Sid- ney Omar. astrolooef to the atara; a dlecllSlk>n With peop6t Who M* lrom "freeway phobia"; 1 look at "Farewell MV Ugly,".,, unusual geme. • eoov WOAl(S "The Skin" Or. Timothy Joh0900 examine& the function of the tkln. I LAVERNE & SMR.EY & COMPANY EYE ON LA. Featured: a fatNon etlOW wt1h Mxy llngetle; oomputertzed tele\llsJOn eoeclal effects: headache cures; places to take out-ol-townera (I) e TIC TAC OOUGH (fl YOU ASKED FOR IT 19 SIGNATURE Guest: Roberta Peters. 3! l•,rA0 S0 H MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT 0 FAMILY FEUD - THE SHAKESPEARE PLAYS "Hamlet" Oefet< ;;:! Jacobi, Clalre Bloom, Eric Porter and Patrick Stew- art star in a television production of WHllam Shak&-b speare·s~lar play. (R) (3 hrs .. 30 min.) ~ 8:00 9 Cl) PRIVATE BENJAMIN Captain Lewis offers to help Judy convince Sgt. Ross to change his ~ mind and re-enlist. (R) ~ 8 G) UTTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRtE A teacher ~ tries to force his romantic attentions on Laura. (R) 3: O (1 hr.) ~ e MOVIE "Aghter Squadron" ( 1948, Adventure) Robert Slack, Edmond O'Brien. A World War II fly-~ ing ace survives a number of perilous mlssJons untU 0-0ay. when hrs real courage Is put to the test (2 <O ~) m • 0 THArS INCREDIBLE Featured: a 4-year-old "' photographer; an 8-year-old fiddler; a 9-year-old Canadian lumberjack (R) ( 1 hr.) CtJ MOVIE "Bittersweet Love" ( 1977, Orama) Lana Turner. Robert Lansing. A woman unknowing- ly_ manies her half-brother (2 hrs.) W P.M. MAGAZINE A traveling preacher In Texas; a man who built a cancer research lab In his ba~ ment • MOVIE "Having Babies ii" (1 977. Orama) Pau- la Prentiss, Tony Bill Ave couptes experience emo- tional crises Involving firsl love. birth and adoption. {?hrs.) (8 MIXED BAG "Eye To Eye" Photographers Rob- ert Frank and William Eggleston discuss their work. e THE SHAKESPEARE PLA VS "Hamlet" Derek Jacobi, Cla1re Bloom, Eric Porter and Patrick Stew- art star In a television prodUctlon of William Shake- ff are's popular play. (R) (3 hrs .. 30 min.) SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Savage Harvest" ( 1980, Adventure) Tom Skerrltt, Michelle Ptilnlps. An African drought drives wild animals Into populated areas. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Brubaker" ( 1980, Orama) Robert Red- ford. Yaphet Kotto. A reform-minded warden uncov- ers widespread corruption wheo he enters hie newty assigned prison posing as an inmate. 'R' (2 hrs., 10 min.) D MOVIE "The Disappearance" (Suspense) Don· aid Sutherland, Francine Racette.A top hit man for an International murder-by-hire organlmtlon dlecoY- efS his wife is missing and beoomee obusud wtth finding her. 'A' (1hr.,28 min.) 8;06 QZ) AU IN TliE FAMILY 8:308 Cl) REPORT TO MLff>HY Murphy volunteers to spend a week In priSOO In order to eee first-hand what life was like for his parolees. i ~~EFAMtlY UNOER MILK WOOO Elizabeth Taylor and Rlch-- ard Burton star In this film ll9fSlon of Dylan Thomat' narrative poem. (1 hr., 30 min.) CD) MOVIE "EMs" ( 1978. Orama) Kurt Ru.el, Season Hubley. A dramatization of the "King of Rock 'n' Roll." (3 hra.) (%) CHAAL.E8 CH~ ON TliE F1t...M 8CE.NE 8:35@ MOVIE "Smash Up" (HM7, Orama) lee Bowman. Susan Hayward. The wife of • struggling soogwrttM finds she cannot cope with thlnge the way they are, so she turns to alcohol for eo&aoe. (2 hrs., 10 min.) 9:008 Cl) M 0 A•s•H A wlndfall lhlpment of freetl eggs has everyone, except one moroee prlvate. overtQyed. (R) 8. MO~ "The Mysterious Two" (Premiere, Sclence-Flctlon) John Forsythe, Pli8cllla Pointer. A coople from out8f space convince peop'9 to give up their earthly goods In exchange for a trip to other ~lax.lee. (2 hrs.) • 9 BENNY'S PLACE A man is driven to a f?.izy of action when he realizes that ~ he has worked for le threatened by the oneet of age: Louis Goeaett Jr. and Cloety Tyson star. (2 tn.) • MERV GRSFRN Guests: Butt Bechar80h. Ce'°'9 Bayer Seger, Christoplw C<068, Robeft Goulet (1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "You Light Up My Lite" (1977, Romance) Didi Conn, Joe SIMw. An uplrlng songwriter tries to cope with the three men In her llfe whUe establishing het own Identity. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) Cl) COLLEGE LACAOSSE "Olvtslon I Men't Cham- pionships" from the University ot ~ (2 tn., 30 min.) CD MOVIE "Slddoo" ( 1968, Comedy) Jeok't a... aon, Groucho Marx. An ex.nit men It aided by hie daughter and her "ffower chlldren" ~ "' eec:ap- ing a powerful mob boee who'• out toge\ him fof not carrying oot a contract. ( 1 hr •• 38 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Outlaw .Josey Walee" ( 1978, Western) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. A man becomes an outlaw when a ruthless bend ot Union soldler'I deetroys hit Soull'\em term and kllll his wife and son. 'PG' (2 hrs., t8 min.) 9:30 9 (I) HOUSE ~LJJl Chaney and Jalle 00 on a I .. - -$ .b . ------~···~-~~-----·--~-~~·~~-----·-········~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mxtday (cootinued) ~ . i wttd g<MWnment gooee d\898 to ltop the toxJc poi-aonlng of duck& ~ Cf) woYIE "Double Dynamite" (tNt, Con::rJc l Jane ~~ Grow:ho M•x. ~ a )QAflO cleft( suddenly ~ ~ ~ • ...,.,.. ous reward for aavtng a~· .... he ftnda him- ' • lelf aOCUlled of having stolen.._~· (1ht.,30 min.) • (JI) laOV1E ''Touched By L~ .1980. OrMle) u. Deborah Raffln, Diane Lant. A UllnO ..__ tftll ci to btlng e handicapped Qlff out of a~ dilpl 111 'an o bY encouraging her to oorr8'PC)nd with her Idol -' Elvis Presley. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 33 mh) ~ e MOVIE "Death Hunt" (1981, Adventure) -Charles Bronson, Lee Marvin. In the 19308, a Moun-.2 tie and a frootier criminal wage an old battle as clvlll- 0: zallon encroaches on the Canad&an wilderness. 'R' ( 1 hr., 36 min ) 10:00 8 Cl) LOU GRANT Biiiie gets a manlage pro- posal but wOfk almost prevents he< from acceptlna it. and computer problems land Lou In trouble with his daughter. (A) (1 hr.) l ••• NEWS CABARET "Singing" Karen Murrow and Nancy Dussault are featured. 10:30. NEWS 8 StGNA TURE Guest: Roberta Peters. CC) MOVIE "The Evil" ( 1978, HorrOf) Richard Cren- na, Joanna Pettet. A sinister and te<rlfying fOfce conceals itself beneath a trap door In a reputedly "haunted" house. 'A' (1 hf., 30 min.) (I) MOVIE "Terror Traln" ( 1980, Suapen.e) Ben Jonnson, Jamie L8'1 Curtis. .. college fratemlty'e New Year's masquerade party tuma Into a night- mare when a vindictive guest starts ktllng off the party_-goera. 'R' ( 1 hf., 37 min.) 10:46 al) MOVIE "Loma Doone" ( 1951, Orama) Bar· bara Hale. Richard Greene. Curing the 1860a, EllQ- llsh tarmefS unite to tree ~ from the bond- ~of= land barons. ( 1 ht .. 50 min.) 11:1~~- BENNYHLL MIXED BAG "Eye To Eye'' Pho4°"aphera ~ ert Frank and Wiiiiam ~on dleccm thelf work. e NUMERO UNO Italy a Kia. Olblal, three-time ()tymplc gold medal dlvef, Is profled. (A) CD MOVIE "The Shout'' ( 1979, Horror) Alan Bates. Susannah Yori<. A disturbed"*' confined to an Institution befleves he can IT\Me a "dMth shout," a sound that will kil. 'R' (1 hr., 27 ~.) 11 :16(%) MOVIE "Over The Edge" (1979, Drwna) Michael Kramer. PameCa Ludwig. SeYet.i t_.... residents of an exclusive calfomia community embark oo a rampage of hara.rnent and destruo- tlon when they fall to get their parents' attenflon at home. 'PG' ( 1 hf .• 35 min.) 11:309 (I) QUINCY An airline stewardess who was romantically lnvotved• with a narootica otfloer It tound alain. ( 1 hr., 10 min.) 8 • TONIGHT Guest host De"'d Brenner. Guests: Richard Simmon&, Debby Boone. Calvin Trlllln. ( 1 hr.) I (fl ABC NEWS NIGHTUNE MOVIE "The Bounty Kiiier" ( 1964, Western) Dan Duryea, Rod Cameron. A gentle Easternef becomes a ruthless bounty hunter after accidentally capturing a bandit. (2 hrs.) I THE JEFFERSONS SANFORD ANO SON UNDER MILK WOOD EHzabeth Taylor and Rich- ard Burton star In this film vecslon of Dylan Thomas' narrative poem. (1 hr .. 30 min.) I oecK CAVETT MOVIE "The Jackals" (1967, Adventure) Vin- cent Price, Dana Iverson. When rich gold deposits are dlscove<ed In the Transvaal region of Africa, the area becomes a mecca for mercenarles and adven- turers.. (I) 8PORT8 CENTER (JI) Hfll.SfS MASTER RACE •. THE MAO DREAM OF THE 88 Hal Holbrook nerra• ft* dooument.y defaJlng efforts to carry out Hitler's pllt'9 for~ ~a Sllpf'eme Aryan raoe. CD> MOVIE "Tribute" ( 1980, Orama) Jectc ~ mon. Robby Benson. An lrresponelble BtoadWay press agent begins to regret his wested life and hie tenuous relationship with his grown son. 'PG' (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "Excalibur'' (1981, Fantasy) Nlget Ter- ry, Nicol Wiiiiamson. The explotta of t<Jng MtQ bt'tng power and deeth to the knights of the Round Table. 'R' {2 tn., 20 min.) 12:00,ENTERTANefr l'ONaHT • THE MANION8 OF AMEACA 10th-century lriltl rebel Rory O'Manlon ........ the EngllhworNn he kwee and his famine-stricken homelend behind and emlgratet to Ameftca. (Part 1) (A) (2 hrs., 16 ~J.ow: "The ~ PllW 8tosy'' (1961. Ora- ma) Dorothy Provine • .--~ Bonnie Parur joins beniitfobbef ()yd9 8errow to ..,, OI tze the West during the Oepre11ion. ( 1 hr .. 80 min.) • MOVIE "Don't Bother To Knock" ( 1962. Suspense) Matlyn Monroe, Rlaharo Wldmatt<. A mentally unstable gll1 WOf1(Jng a • hotel btlby titter attempt• to take her °"" .,. end th8t of her young lchal.~'~b PEOPLeN/DOAlWCATIONlt MOWE ''The~ C.." ~ ~ Cf978, ~ tery) JMies Coburn. Hiney MdllCn S...O on the nowt by DMhi.I Hanwftett. A prfv9te • lrlw HUgat• Ing a dlamond robbefy eAOOUftWI II .... of mur- ders and a Range young women Who bale ... she's the Yietlrn of I famlty CW-. (2 tn.) CB> MOVIE "The Hand" (1981. Horror) Michaet Caine, Andfea MltOOYioc:I. Bizarre lnc:fdenta end nightmares begin happening In a C8rtoe>niafa •-aftet he suffers the ta. of 1 hand. 'R' ( 1 tv., ..,.. mln.l 12:10(1) MOVE "The Electric: H0twnen" (1979, Orama) Robert Redford, Jane Fonda. A L.u Vegu cowboy steels a S12 million thoroughbfed hone to save hlm from his explolt.attYe owners. 'PG' (2 hra.) 12:30 8 • LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID l.ETTERMAH Guests: Julie Andrews. Artay Kaufman, Mister Roo- e<s, Steve Schwartz. (R) (1 tv.) .COUPLES !) ~FULL CONT ACT KARA TE "Worid Ban- tamweight Championship" from Denvef, Colofado. L! hr .. jQ min.) CD MOVIE "A Simple Story" (1978, Orama) Romy Scilnelder, Claude Brasseur. A succesafUI t>ut dlscootented divorcee has problems with her neu- rotic lover. ( 1 hr., 50 min.) 12:36(1?) MOVIE ''China Oipper'' (1936, Adventure) Pat O'Brien, Marie Wltton. A determined man CNef- comes endless obstades In dewlopklQ trane-Paclftc Airlines. (1hr.,55 min.) 12:4'0 8 Cl) COLUMBO An unfaithful wife Is murdered ~ she refuse& to be blackmailed. (R) ( 1 hf .. 4'0 mlnJ_ 12:60(Z) MOVIE "An E~ For ~n Eye" (1981, A~ lure) Chuck Norrie, ChrtatOpher LAe. A San ffancja. co cop quits the k>foe to 8...ng9 the murdef of hll partner by memblf-. of a drUg Mg. 'A' ( 1 ht., .-& ,~. oeNe Atlffff • ~'°The Afl'lli-mft1C:9it'JjMt(I«''•=, Drema) QWw\ Fad. ~ l~. ,, CO*boy hie rorneno. and~..., ... .......,.. to~ prize Btahme ~to .... ~ ( f hr., 30 min.) tJ1 CABARET "Singing'' Kw«1 MWTow end Nancy ~are featur9d. 1:;30•= . FN:iETHE~ , •= ~.,..., •• :w·"'·"' ...... ~'n' '<o.ma>,.., Yai"*' ~ ._ ....... ~tbelr ~ 8nd turn bUelMla Into ~e. (1 f'lr .. S6 min.) (JI) ''TlMr Fan'' ( 1911, &lapenM) t.at.en Bacatl, Jamee a.mer. A populilf ftlm tt• la vtotlm- lzed ~ • psychotlo ..... 'R' (1 hr •• 35 "*'-> 2:00<IJMIOEBA1a<&J. « • .JONI MmHU ...... ...,., ._, . *e"'-· Joni w • wlh .. P9I -------------. --- _.. . Art ''CuratolS' Choices" is the first of a series of 30-minute programs developed in a.ssodation with The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The program, based on an exhibition entitled, "Cura tors" Choice: Museum Purchases Under $5,000," will be shown on ARTS, the ABC Video Service, Monday. Metheny Group and The Persouk>ns at the Santa Barbara County Bowl. ( 1 hr.) 2:06 (!) NEWS 2:16.NEWS (I) MOVE "Cutter's Way" (1981, Orama) John Heard, Jett 8tldgea. A maimed Vietnam 11et and his beat friend, a aoc:illl dropout, locus their energies on ~a nuder case. 'R' (1 hr., "5mln.) 2:20.HEWB 2:JO(!) MOAl•aG STRETCH C!)RATPAllQ. (!) AUmW..IAH RULEB fOOT8AU 2:40(J) MOVIE "Ride In The Whlrtwlnd'" (1967, Western) Ctmeron Mltc:hel. Jack N~ Three cowboys returning home after a rough cattte drive are mtstaken by a poeee for ~ o1 a gang of robbers. ( 1 hr., 22 rrin.) 2:55. MOVIE "In Name Only" (1969, Comedy) M1chael Callan, Ann Prentlsa. A couple of marriage bro+<ers diecover to their horror that three marrlages they ercanged were never made legal (1 hr., 30 mln.j_ 3:00 (!) JOE FRANKLIN I~ ''The Fan" (1981, Suspen9e) Lauren Bacan. Jemes Gamer. A popular film s1ar ls vtctlm- lzed l:>y a psychotic admirer. 'A' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 3:20(C) MOVIE "You light Up My Life" (19n, Romance) Didi Conn, Joe Sliver. An aspiring songwrlte< tries to cope with the three men In her life while establishing her own Identity. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) CB) MOVIE "The Awakening" ( 1960. Horror) Chari- ton Heston, Susannah York. An archaeologfst's daughter becomes possessed by the malevolent spirit of an ancient Egyptian queen. 'A' (1 hr,, .42 min.) .4:00 (!) .RMMY SWAGGART (!)SPORTS CENTER Cl) MOVIE "Te<ror Train" ( 1960, SUspense) Ben Johnson, Jamie Lee Curtis. A college fraternity's New Year's masqUe<ade party turns Into a night- mare when a vindictive guest starts klnlng oft the party_--goers. 'R' (1 hf., 37 mfn.) .4:06 (Ill FUN11ME {%)MOVIE "lou$0U'' (1981, Orama) Isabelle Hup- pert, Gerard Oepardleu. A young woman fab In love with a man lhe met In a dl8co but cannot acoept his lrreeponsit8. oaretree attitude toward life. ( 1 hr,, 50 min.I . 4:30 ... 8NOCER 4:31 I OfEAM Cl= JEANNIE SuperStation geta film HOLLYWOOD (AP) -The Australian mini series "Sara Dane" will be carried excluai_vely ln the United S1atea on Atlanta aupentation wrBS. "$an Due'' WU adapted from Catherine . Gukin11 novel. -.bout a fiery convict Cirl wbo n.. to becolne one oi the w..ithle.t and nut lnCuential women of 1 m Aultnlla. It WM Ix.de by & South Auatralla l'l1m Co. in a.odation with the Ten NetwOt'k and Metromed1a producen Corp. Steven Spielbera•• "B.T . -Th~ Extra-'l'errWtrial In Wa Adventwee on i'Arth" Ml been teleded • the dmi:na niaht film far the 1982 ....,.,.ar.i J'Um F.ttvaf In c.m-. i ---------.-..-.-.... .,..._..,_....., _ _,,..,,. ___ • _• --·-----•••.,--..,.•-•-••·--._.w_w.., _ _..__ •• .,..,..,...,.,...._...,._ ... ....,...._ .. ..,.. .... ~ ... .---,... _.__ md o rt ------------------------~~------------------~~------------------trfr Tuesday \I< >1 l :\I :\( ; \I< )\ · 1 ES 4:56 CC) "Covert Action" ( 1978, Adventure) David Janssen, Arthur Kennedy 6:0000 "Savage Harvest" ( t980, Adventure) Tom Skerritt, Mtehelle Phltllps 6:000 "On The Right Track" (1981, Comedy) Gary Coleman. Michael Lembeck. CZ) "McVlcar" ( 1980, Orama) R<>gef Dallry, Adam Faith. _ 6:05 all "My Darling Clementine" ( 19"6, Western) 1 H&n_!i' Fonda. Linda Darnell. • 6:30CHJ "Young And Free" (1979, Adventure) Erik Larsen. Keith I arsen 7:00CC) "Family Man" (Orama) Ed Asner, Anne Jackson 7:30 (%)"The Concert For Kampuchea" ( 1980, Musi- cal) Paul McCartney, The Who. 8:0000 "Carbon Copy" ( 1981, Comedy) G80f'ge Segal, Susan Saint Jame5. 0 "Continental DMde" (1981. Romance) John Belushi. Blair Brown. 8:05@ "Girls Of Pleasure Island" (1953, Comedy) Leo Genn. Abby Dahon. 8:30(ID "The Green Honzon" (1981. Adventure) James S1ewan. Philip Sayer 9:00CC) "The Kids Are Alnght" ( 1979, Musical) The Who CZ) "An Eye For An Eye" ( 1981, Adventure) Chuck Norris. Christopher Lee. 9:30 II) "Randy Aides Alone" ( 1934. Western) John Wayne, Alberta Vaughn 10:00® "Continental DIVide" (1981. Romance) John Belushi, Blair Brown. Cl) "Made In Pans" ( 1966, Comedy) Ano-Margret. Louis Jourdan. U "Underground Aces" (1980, Comedy) Olrl< Benedict, Melanie Griffith. 10:05 (fl) "Jumping Jacks" ( 1952. Comedy) Dean Martin. Jerry Lewis. 10:46 CZ) "The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Agaln" (1979, Comedy) Tim Conway, Don Knotts. 11:00CC) "Don't Go Near The Water" (1957, Come- dy) Glenn Ford. Gia Scala. . \F. J lJ{ ~< >< >~ \I< )\'I I·:s 12:008 "City Of Fear" ( 1965, Orama) Terry Moore, Paul Maxwell. • "Little Boy Lost" ( 1953, Orama) Bing Crosby. Claude Dauphin. e "Champagne For Caesar" (1950, Comedy) Celeste Holm. Ronald Colman CJ) "Death Hunt" ( 1981. Adventure) Charles 8'on-son. Lee Marvin. II "Private Benjamin" ( 1980, Comedy) Goldie Hawn, Eileen Brennan. 12:30(%) "Never Give A Sucker An Even Break" ( 194 1, Comedy) W. C. Flekls. Gloria Jean. 1:00(1) ''Brewster McCloud" (1971, Comedy) Bud Cort, Sally Kellerman. CC) "Grand Illusion" ( 1937, Drama) Jean Gabln, Erich Von Stroheim. 00 "Beyond The Reef" (1981, Romanoe) Denton Ka'ne, Maren Jensen. 1:46(%) "McVlcar" ( t980, Orama) Rogef Oaltry, Adam Fai1h. 2:00([) "Penitentiary" (1938. Orama) John How- ard, Waltef Connolly. Cl) "The Last Hunt" ( 1956, Adventure) Stewart Grangef. Robert T ay1or. .. "A Challenge For Robin Hood" ( 1968. Adven- turel_ Barrie Ingham, Jame6 HaY1e<. 2:3000 "The Legend Of The Lone Ranger" (1980, Western) Klinton Spil&bury. Christoptw Lloyd. 3:00CC) "Tuck Evenastlng" (1976, Adventure) Fred Keller Joeeph MacGulre. 3:20(%} "The Concert For Kampuchea" (1980, Musi- cal) Paul McCartney, The Who. •:OOG "TerrOf Of Rome Against The Son Of Her- cules" ( 1960, Adventure) Maft( Forrest, Marilu Too. (l)"TheGreen Horizon" (1981, Adventure) James Stewart. PhlHp Seyer. • "The Kid From Not-So-Big" ( 1978, Comedy) Jennifer McAUlster, Robert Viharo. •:'6(J) "An Eye For An Eye" (1981, Adventure) CflUCk Norris, Christopher Lee. 5:00(C) "Don't Go Near The Water" (1957, Come- dy) Glenn Ford, Gia Scala. 5:3000 "Young And Free" (1979. Advenf\M'e) Erik Larsen. Keith Larsen. 8:00 e NBA CHAMPtON8HP GAME Game 3, t .. ms and she to be arYlC>U'lCfd. (2 tn.. 30 min.) •• NEWS - ----- DEATH BY ACCIDENT -La.nee Kerwin stars as a young man in "The Shooting," a drama focusing on three farm boys involved in a hunting accident, to be broadcast on "The CBS Afternoon Pl.ayhouse" Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2). CHARLIE'S ANGB..S CBS NEWS THE SAINT ABC NEWS THE JEFFERSON$ HAWAII FIVE-0 CAMPAIGN '82 The Reapportionment Initiatives 10, 11 and 12 are examined by Jeffrey Kaye. I NBC NEWS FAST FORWARD MOVIE "Continental Divide'' ( 1981, Romance) John Belushi. Blair Brown. A Chicago newspaper columnist travels to the Rockies to escape some political heat and interview a reclusive naturalist. • 'PG' ( 1 hr., 43 min.) 6:30 Cl) a NEWS I BARNEY MILLEA ALL IN THi FAMILY A Pt.AV FOR LOVE "The Pump" A look Into the lln1t:To~;:c:==: aK08fY. BUSINESS REPORT CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE Rl.M SCENE 7:00 8 NBC NEWS I HAPPY DA VS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A look at the 1980s U.S. baby boom; a Texas cowboy who grew up In the 8'onx . KOJAK ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD BUSINESS REPORT THEMUPPETS MAGIC OF OfL PAtN'TlNG MOVIE "The Kids Are Alright" (1979, Muslo8l) The Who. Films of aome of the rock bend~• - manoes. reveeffng their notorious pr for destroying their equipment and the wtld an of their drummet. the late Keith Moon. are Int~ with Interview& of the group membelt. 'PG' (1 ht., 46mln.) CB) SOME CALL THEM Fff&AKS Rioheld ~ hosts this I~ at famous human oddities, oalng still ~ photos and dramatic portrayals to tell the atOfles of ~ Tom Thumb, the Elephant Man and others. (I) MOVIE "Fort Apache, The 8'onx" (1981, Dre-;:! ma) Paul Newman. Ed Asner. A tough ~ battles c rime and corruption In New Yori< City a South .g' Bronx nelghb<>f'hood. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 69 min.) _ (OJ MOVIE "Sparkle" ( 1976, Orama) Irene Cara. 'Tl Lonette McKee. During the 19506, three black sis-1 ters from the ghetto become musical supen1tars. but ! eventually suffer from the pressures of stardom 'PG' ( 1 hr . 40 m1n.r-~ CZ) MOVIE "The Mirror Crack'd" (1980, Myslef)') ~ Elizabeth Taylor. Kim Novak. Based on a story by Agatha Christie. A strange murder lnvolvlng rival ~ Hollywood stars takes place In an English village. 'PG' (1 hr . 46 min.) 7: 10 (!) KINER'S KORNER 7:30 8 OJ FAMILY FEUD '1 LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY D EYE ON L.A. Featured activities of the Los Angeles Pohce Department's Vice Squad; stunt men and women, a florist who delivers flowers to the stars; an interview with "Hustler" magazine publish- er Larry Flynt G) TIC TAC DOUGH OOERT AINMENT TONIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT M"A"S"H SIGNATURE Guest. Martin Scorsese MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT I NEWS NASLWEEKLY 7:35@NEWS 8:0011 fl) BRET MAVERICK Eastern hnanclal Inter- ests try to gain control of Sweetwater as part of a town-by-town sweep ol the West. (A) ( 1 hr.) II MOVIE "Blindfold" ( 1966, Suspense) Rock Hudson. Guy Stockwell A psychiatrist becomes involved with lnternattooat conflict when he treats a scientist sought by two opposing governments. (2 hrs) U (II HAPPY DAYS Joanie's home movies recap the summer ol 1962. (Part 1) (R) D Cl) TEEN-AGE SUICIDE: OON'T 1'fY fT Academy Award winner Timothy Hutton focuses the nation's attention on the need to combat the growing epi- demic olteen-age suicide. ( 1 hr.) I BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE BENNY HILL P.M. MAGAZINE A I~ et the 1980s U.S. baby boom. a Texas cowboy who grew up in the Bronx e MOVIE "Encounter With The Unknown" (1975) Documentary Narrated by Rod Ser1ing Three dif- ferent supernatural incidences are re-created. (2 hrs) I QUIZKIOS DANGER UXB "Just Like A Woman" Brian end his roommate Ken return from a bomb disposal briefing and are dispatched to defuse a booby- trapped bomb m a school yard. (Pert 3) (R) Q ( 1 hr.) fB NOVA "Life: Patent Pending" The promises end perils of genetic engineering end its Impact on Industry, medicine and universities are examined. i )O(lhr) SFORTS CENTER MOVIE "Stripes" ( 1981. Comedy) BIH Mooay. Harold Ramis. A New York cabbie k><*lng fOf excitement convinces his best friend to join him In enlisting In the U.S. Army. 'R' (1 hr., 20 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Atlantic City" (1980; Orama) Burt Lancaste<. Susan Serandon. The estranged hu&- band of an oyster bar waltresa arrives with her preg- nant younger slster and some B1olen heroin, wNctl he wants an aging hood to sell for him. 'A' ( 1 hr .. « min.) Cl MOVIE "The Awakening" (1980, Horror) Charl- ton Heston. Susannah Yori<. An archaeologist's daughter becomes possessed by the meleYoleot spirit of an ancient Egypt18n queen. 'A' ( 1 hr.. 42 min.) 8:308 YA88A DASBA 000 2 Biii Bixby takee a behlnd-the-$0enes loof< at some of the stars of the animated cartoon world and a stroll through the Hanna.-Barbefa "Haff Of Fame." (R) ( 1 hr.) e 0 LAVERNE & SHIRLEY Laverne loeee 1 P'9- clous earrlng while on a date wfth a phony Holly- iw~f'~ (R)Q ALL IN THE FAMILY DANCE "Tapdancin'" A documentary of the resurgenoe of this American dance form. ( 1 hr ) cm HOBO'S JUNGLE 8:36 al) ALL IN THE FAMILY 9:00 9 • Fl.AMINGO ROAD Constanoe Cartyte undergoea surgery after her taM, 8nd Eudora overhears a ~eptaecret (R) (1 ht,) 8 0 THREE'S COMPANY Jack loeM all confi- dence In hlmeetf after Teny u.ee her kaf'ate lk• to save him from being beeten up by a drunk 11 the ~~~ .. (1974, SUlpenee) Rk:h- ard Harris, Omer Shartt. A hOlldey aulM t>eoon.-a nightmare when the authorttlee of a luxury liner . I f -------·--·-··-...... ----·------~·---~~-------------------------------------------, n ~ Tuesday (continued) O> ,... receive an ominous bomb threat and an extortion note demanding $10.5 mllllon. (2 hrs.) I CHILDREN Of WAA RACING FROM ROOSEVELT MERV GRJFAN "Nuclear Olsarmarnenr" Guests: Sally Fleld, Liiy Tomlin, Dr. Helen Caldlcot1. ( 1 hr.) • AMEmCAN Pl.A YHOUSE "Oppenheimer" A site is selected IOf the first atomic bomb teat explo- sion. and President Truman 18 faced with the deci- sion as to when and how the bomb will be used. tPart 4) D ( 1 hr.) CD DANG~ UXB "Just Like A Woman" Brian and hls roommate Ken return from a bomb disposal br1ellng and are dispatched to defuse a boobr- trapped bomb in a school yard. (Part 3) {A) Q 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "'Grand Illusion" (1937, Drama) Jean Gabin. Erich Von Strohelm. World War I rlsoners conflict with a German commandant. ( hr., 55 min.) (!) PKA FULL CONT ACT KARA TE "World Ban- tamweight Championship" from Denver. Colofado. i! hr .. 30 min.) (Q) MOVIE "'Hangar 18" ( 1980. Science-Action) Darren McGavln, Robert Vaughn. Researche<s at a secret government lnstallatlon Investigate the cause ol a satellite's sudden destruction. 'PO' ( 1 hr , 30 min.) Cl) MOVIE "'McVicar" (1980, Drama) Roger Daltry, Adam Faith The true story ol British criminal John McVicar's Ille In prison, his escape and his new Ufa on the outside Is chronicled. 'R' (1 hr., 30 min.) 9:06 Q7) MOVIE "The West Point Story" ( 1950, Musl- cal) Virginia Mayo. James Cagney. The star of a stage show at West Point Is persuaded to join In the institution's revue (2 hrs., 5 min.) 9:30 9 CHANNR 2 GOLDEN ANNrVERSARY SPE- CIAL A special celebration ol KNXT's 50 years of entertainment and service to viewer$ of Southern CelifOfnla. with appearances by Steve Allen, Morey Amsterdam. Dan Lundberg, Ghannel 2 family mem- bers and othef' special guests. { 1 hr,) 8 QI TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Henry·s free- spirited nieoe April moves Into the Rush household. (R) Cl) MOVIE "'The Curse Of The Cat People" ( 1944, Horror) Simone Simon, Kent Smith After her visit to a mysterious old house. a child wh06e mother was cursed seems pecullar to all who know her. ( 1 hf., 30mln.) @A PLAY FOR LOVE "The Pump" A look Into the Inner thoughts ol a man undergoing heart surgery. L! hr.) ([)MOVIE "Demon" ( 1976, Horr0t) Tony Lo Blan- co. Sandy Dennis While Investigating what he thinks Is a routine murder case. a New York City detective discovers that the perpetrator Is not ol this world. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 10:008 CID FlAMtNGO ROAD Lute-Mae Sanders Is attacked by the emotionally disturbed son of a i ominent Truro famlty. (R) (l hr.) G••GNEWS 0 HART TO HART Jonathan and Jennifer, at the track for the debut of their prized thoroughbred, are mystified by a sudden and unfavorable change In the odds. (R) D ( 1 hf.) • WITH .OSS&EAND ROBY ''Chlcago Publishers'' Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee Interview the senlol edi- tor of Ebony magazine lerone Bennet1 and the founder of the Institute of Positive Education Hakl Madhubutl. D · CID MOVIE "The Legend Of The Lone Ranger" ( 1980. Western) Kllnton Spllsbuly, Christopher Lloyd. The Lone Ranger and Tonto pursue ttlelr arch-enemy, Butch Cavendish, who has kldnapPed the president ol the U.S. 'PG' ( 1 hf .. 40 min.) Cl) ROMANCE: LOVE AT THE CAOS8AoA08 {Part 5) • MOVIE "Blow Out" ( 1981, Suspense) John Travolte, Nancy Allen. A sound technician who works on horror films becomes lnvotved In a murder mystery when he witnesses an 88889Slnatlon. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) 10:30 •• NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest: Martin Scoftele. HIOOEN PLACES: WHERE HISTORY LNE8 "Ancient Places" Hoel Philip Abbott v1811a the Canyonlands wlldernese of Utah and Hueco Tanks In western Texas -two sites where lndlan rock art haa endured fOf centuries. (R) ID A MEmCAN Pl.A YH0USE "Oppenheimer" A site Is selected for the first atomic bomb teet e~ slon. and President Truman la faced with the deci- sion aa to when and how the bomb will be ueed. la~~ AOU.ER SKATE FEVER LAFf.A--THON A comedian host end tour comic contestant• who compete agalnll one another art featured lrl thla uncenaored comedy garnt ahow. CZ> MOVIE "The Concert FOf Karnpuchee" (1980, Mulical) Paul McCartney, The Who. A hoe& of rock performer•. many of whom get together In an 1i.- star roci< orchestra, are featured In this record of a series of concerts held for the benefit of relief to war-tavagecj Cambodia. (1 hr .• 20 min.) 11:ooeae(J)«1eNEWS SA TUROAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR rT JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s•H BENNYHIU QUIZ KJOS DICK CAVETT MOVIE "Mean Streets" (1973, Orama) Harvey Keitel, Robert De Niro. A smafl...llme hood and hlS Irresponsible friend find plenty of trouble In New YOfk's Little Italy. 'R' ( 1 hr., 50 min.) (!) THIS WEEK IN THE NBA (m MOVIE "Cheating Couples" ( 1980. Drama) Andre Chazel, Thierry De Brem. A couple are no longer bOred when they are transferred to Paris and find the diverse pleasore of the city. (2 hrs.. 25 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Death Hunt" (1981, Adventure) Charles Bronson. Lee Marvin. In the 1930s, a Moun- tie and a frontier crlmlnal wage an old bat11e as civili- zation encroaches on the canadlan wilderness. 'R' ( 1 hr , 36 min.) 11: 10 Q7) MOVIE "The Magnificent Ambersons" ( 1942. Drama) Joseph Cotten, Anne Baxter. Based on Booth Tarklng1on's novel. An eccentric Indiana family clings to tradition during a time of rapid change. ( 1 hr., 55 min.) 11: 16 CD MOVlE "Games Women Play" ( 1981, Dra- ma) Frank Adams, Samantha Fox.A small circle of friends engage In love games. ( 1 hf .. 15 min.) 11:30 9 ALICE Allee gets caught In the middle when she tr'89 to bring two married friends back together. {._R) D • TONIGHT Guest host: David Brenner. Guests: Helen Gurley Brown, Dick Shawn. Neff Carter. ( 1 hf.) • 0 ABC~ NtGHTUNE (J) NBA CHAMPK>NSHIP GAME Game 3, teams and Site to be announced. (2 hrs., 30 min.) 9 MOV1E "TerrOf Of Rome Against The Son Of Hercules" ( 1960, Adventure) Martt Forrest, MarlkJ Tolo. Young Poseidon battles four Roman gtadlat0f9 and liberates Christian captives being hefd by a ruthless tyrant. (2 hrs.) I THE JEFFER80N8 SANFORD AND SON DANCE "Tapdencln"' A docoment91y of the resurgence of this Ametlcan danoe fonn. (1 hr.) .I NEWSBEAT WITH ClETE ROBERTS CAPTIONBTABC NEWS 8POAT8 CENTER 11: (JI) MOVIE "Continental Divide" (1981, Romance) John Betushl. Blair Brown. A Chicago newspaper oolumnlst travels to the Rockies to escape some polltical heat and Interview a reclusive naturallat. 'PG' (1 hr .• 43mln.) 12:00 IENTERT AINMENT TONIGHT • THE MAHIONS Of AM8'CA Proeperous In Phlladelphla. Rory marrlea Rachel; he 18 Jc*'l8d by his Bister Deirdre. who, oonvtnc.d of the death of David. marries another man. (Part 2) <• (2 hra., 16 mlt'I.) Cl) MOVIE "The Emerald Of Artatama" (1967, ACN'inture) Rory Calhoun. James Phllblook. An AmtrlcM becomes lnvoiv.d In a three-way raoe among f0f1une hunters aearohlng for a rare Egypttan Bomb &!ward Teller (David Such et, left) and Klaus Fuchs (Albert Welling) meet at a party for scientists working with J . Robert Oppenheimer in the secret atomic bomb laboratory in Los~ N.M . on PBS 's "Oppenheimer '' Tuesday at 9 p.m. on KCEI' (Ch. 28). .l!wel. ( 1 hr . 30 min ) tll MOVJE "San FranclSCO" ( 1936, Drama) C1ar1t Gable, Spencer Tracy. A Barbary Coast gambler and his boyhood pal, now a priest, have dlff8fent reasons fOf concern over a young singer. (2 hrs .. 30 mm.) I LOVE, AMEmCAN STYLE EXPLORING LANGUAGE MOVIE "The Fan" ( 1981, Suspense) Lauren Bacall, James Garner. A popular film star is vlctlm- 1zed by a psychotic admirer. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 35 min.) Cl) MOVIE "The Shooting" ( 1967, Western) Millie Perkins, Jack Nicholson. A woman enlists the aid of an ex-bounty hunter and his cohort to guide her on a relentless journey of personal revenge. ( 1 hr., 22 min.) 12:05 8 WKRP IN CINCINNATI Venus gets a better Job offer from a rival radio station. (R) 12:308 fJO LATE NIGHT WfTH DAVID LETTERMAN Guest: special effects expert John Dykstra. ( 1 hr.) I COUPLES NEWS A PLAY FOR LOVE "The Pump" A look Into the Inner thoughts of a man undergoing heart surgery L! hr) (I) COLLEGE TRACK AND AELO "NCAA Division II Men·s Championships" from CaUlomla State, Sacramento, Calllomia. (2 hrs .• 30 min.) ([) MOVIE "Face To Face" (1975, Orama) Uv Ullmann. Erland Josephson. Directed by Ingmar Bergman. After suffering a nervous breakdown, a chnlcal psychiatrist tries to regain a sense of Identity and worthiness. 'R' (2 hrs .. 15 min ) 12:40 8 MCCLOUD McCloud becomes an accessory to a crime and on the run from the law When his girlfriend kills a trucker. (R) ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) t2:45(1) MOVIE "Young Lady Chatterty" (1~77. Ora- ma) Harlee McBride. A young woman Inherits her family's huge mansion and an ancestor's diary detalllng numerous sexual escapades. 'R' ( 1 hr., 2& mlnj_ 12:60(C) MOVIE "Ashanti" (1979, Adventure) Michael Caine. Rex Harrison. A determined CloctOt sets off across the Sahara In hot puraolt of a group of Arab slave traders who kidnapped his wife. 'R' { 1 hr., 67 min.) 1:00• MOVIE "Tripoli" (1960, Adventure) Mau- reen O'Hara, John Payne. The Marines fight the Tnpoll pirates to raise the American flag on Tripott In 1805. (2 hra.) • MOVIE "0.0.A." (1949, Mystery) Edmond O'Brian, Pamela Britton. When a man reaRzes thet he has been g~en a doee of tlme-releeled poleon, he sets out to locate his klller before his Ufe ends. ( 1 ht .. 30 min.) 1:06@ MOVIE "A Stolen life" (1946, Orama) Bette Davia. Glenn FOfd. A woman·s twfn takes her p&ace after she dies In a atorm. ( t hr., 65 min.) 1:25(8) MOVIE "Carbon Copy" (1981, Comedy) George Segal. Susan Saint James. A suoceuful white businessman dlscOV&fS that he has a grown son who la black. 'PG' (1hr.,35 min.) 1:30DeNEWS Cl) FACE THE MUStC (J) MOV1E "Ride In The WhlthWld" (1967. Weet· em) Camefon Mitchell, Jack Nlchollon. rrw.e cowboys returning home after a rOUgh cattte drive are mlataken by a po&M for membels of a gang of robber&. ( 1 hf., 22 min.) 2:00• MOVIE ''Private Benjamin" (1980, Comedy) ------~----.~·-~--_.._-...... .,.__...,......,_........_.._ .. ____ .. _.__. ____ ,._ ___ . _____ . _______________________ _. _______________ . _____ ,~" Tuesday (continued) Goldie Hawn. Eileen Brennan. A well-to-do young woman mistakenly loins the Army following the death of he/ new husband on their wedding night. 'R' ~hr .. 50 min.) • 2:05 NEWS 2:16 @NEWS G MOVIE "lolly Madonna" (1973, Drama) Rod Steiger. Robert Ryan A feud erupts when the Gutshalls and the Feathers. modern-day moonshiners. lay claim to the same parcel of land. ( 1 hr .• 30 mtn.) 2:3o (!) MORNING STRETCH m MOVIE "Born To Be Bad" ( 1950. Drama) Joan Fontaine. Robert Ryan. A superllclally Innocent woman Is led to destruction when her true nature Is revealed. (2 hrs.) CS) MOVIE "Atlantic City" (1980. Drama) Burt Lancaster. Susan Sarandon. The estranged hus- band of an oyster bar waitress arrives with her preg- nant younger sister and some stolen heroin. which he wants an aging hood to sell for him. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 44 min.J 2:608 MOVIE "Sebastian" (1968. Comedy) Dirk Bogarde. Susannah York. A mental genius finds himself attracted to a woman who also wonts In a deCOdlng sectloo ot Btltlsh Intelligence. (2 hrs .. ) (C) MOVIE "The Kids Are Alright" ( 1979. Muslcal) The Who. Films of some of the r()d( band'• perfor- manoes. revealing their notorioue proctMty • for destroying their equipment and the wild antfcs ot their drummer. the late Keith Moon, are lnterspen;ed with Interviews of the g<oup members. 'PG' (1 hr .. 46 min.) 2:66(%) MOVIE "The Mirror Cfaci('d" (1980, ~ tery) Btzabeth Taytor, torn Novak. 8ued on a story by Agatha Christle. A strange nuder lnvoMng rival HollywOod stars takes plaoe lo en Engil8h village. 'PG' (1 hr .. ~ min.) 3:00• MOVIE "Alaska Seas" (1954, Orama) Rob- ert Ryan. Gene Barry. Given a second chance to go straight, an ex-<:on returns to crime by joining a gang which is plotting a raid on his new empk>yef. lh<., 30 min.) JOE FRAHKL.JN NEWS SPORTSWOMAN MOVIE "Beyond The Reef' (1981, Romanoe) ton Ka'ne, Maren Jensen. A Potyneelan-Ameri- can girt who ha& been educated In the U.S. returns to her Island home and tans in love with a pearl diver. 'PG' (1 hr .. 30 min.) 3:30 i NASL WEEKl. Y 3:45 NEWS 4:00 JIMMY SWAGGART (!)SPORTS CENTER • MOVIE "Blow Out" (1981, Suspense) John Travoita, Nancy Allen. A sound technician who works on horror films becomes Involved in a murder mystery when he witnesses an assasslnatloo. 'R' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 4:05 (ll) FUNTIME 4:15(1) LAFf...A~THON A comedian host and tour comic contestants who compete against one anoth- M are featured In this unoenSOfed comedy game show. Mickey Mouse makes comeback BJ BOB THOMAS .... 1 .. UdPfw ..... HOLLYWOOD -A IJtar for 54 years, M1ck.ey Mouse will be making another of his comebac.b at Christmas, heading an all-star cut in .,MJckey'1 Ouisimaa Carol .•• Walt Disney always took a special interest in the mou.e who founded the Dbney empire. When Mickey and hh 1entle humor became ovenhadowed by the obstreperous Donald Duck in the late 1930a, Walt cast Mickey as the Soroerer's Apprentice m "Fantasia." In 1947 the studio's first star returned in "Mickey and the Beanstalk." Both Mickey and cartoon shorts suffered a postwar decline, and he made his final appearance in ''The Simple Thinp" in 1953. He remained a national symbol through the Mickey Mouse Club on television, but that wasn't the same as appearing in a theatrical movie. Now a generation of animat.ora I.a preparing a half-hour version of Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" t.o accompany a re-relaae of "Sworo in the Stone" ln December. Drawing Mickey'• return ia 23-year-old Mark limn, only a year and a half out of Cal Art&, the Disney-funded coll• at nearby Valenda. Bernie Matti.man, a 30-ynr l>Wney veteran. ii PRESIDENTIAL SALVTE -&rah Puroel1 joins Carl Gorman (from left), Samuel J. Smith Jr., Aroenlo Sj/Jey and Joe Kellwood, Navajo Ind.iam who ckvUed • top-aecret code during World War II, on • .,,edaJ Memorial Day N.luie on "&al People" Wednesday at 8 p.m.. on KNBC (Ch. 4). 4:30. VOYAGE TO THE BOTIOM Of THE SEA Cf) JIM BAKKER • MISSK>N: IMP06818lE (Ill MOVIE "Stripel" (1981, Comedy) Bill Murray. Harold Ramis. A New York cabbie looking for excitement convinces his best friend to jOln him In enl1Shng in the U.S. Army. 'R' (1 hr., 20 min.) 4:35 (J7J I DREAM Of JEANNtE 4:40 ct) MOVIE "Grand Illusion" ( 1937, Drama) Jean Gabin, Erich Von Strohelm. World War I pris- oners conflict with a Ge<man commandant. (1 hr .. SO min.) 4:45(%) MOVIE "Never Give A Sucker An Even Break" (t941. Comedy) W.C. Aelda, GIOOa Jean A man planning to matry either a women Of her daughte< ends up losing both of them. ( 1 ~·· 10 min.) productng and dir~tlna "Mickt':y'a Cbrtatmu Carol.'' wtuch CJriClnated u a record altMn 10 years ago. He wrote a memo to producdon chief Rm Miller sugaesting a cart.ooo venion inoofporatirur long-inactive Disney characiera.. .. Sure, let'• do tt,~ ~~ and Mattimon began work with "Originally it was planned •a TV ahow, an annual affair that would get the characten back before the pubUc," said MattiNon. '"Then lt aeemed like a better idea to make it a featurette for thfttera. Now we're a little aorey it's not a feature: it could easily be." Consider \he ater ~: Mickey H Bob Cratcllit; Donald Duck. '• nephew; Goofy, Marley; Jiminy Cricket, and the Beanstalk giant, ghoats; plus Ratty and Moley, Daisy Duck, Minnie Mouse (she's finally married to Mickey) and walk-on.s by the Bia Bad Wolf as a street.comer Santa Claus and the Three Uttle Pigs aa carolers. Even Disney's first villain, Pegleg Pete, is st.aging a comeback. Only he can't be called Pegleg in today's eensitive world, or Black Pete. Just Pete. "One of our major problems was reproducing the voices," Matti.naon remarked. "Jim McDonald, who did the voioe after Walt, is still around, but he can't maintain the fabetto. So we're using Jim's succeaor in the aound effe<:ta department, ;wayne Allwine. We figure we have a direct line: Walt taught Jim how to do Mickey'• voice, and Jim taught Wayne." Clarence Naah, who originated the voice of Donald Duck is still alive and well and returned for 'his apecialty. .------------------------------------:2 STARRING NEWPORT BEACH Programming That Gets You Right Where You Live! MONDAY· 7:to PM ··Newport Now" 7:30 PM Live Newport Beach City Council coverage or ··citizens Forum·· <alternate Mondays 1_ wzi>NESDAr 7:00 PM ··Newport Now" 7'.30 :'M Repeat of City Council Cover~e & .. Citizens Forum." (Alternaie Wednesdays) TllUllSDAY 7:00 PM "A Better Way" FRIDAY 7:00 PM "Newport Now" nJNE IN TO CABLlt CHANNEL 24 or It Our local proarammang lineup includes the interview Beries -"Ci tiz.ena Forum." and live coverage of Newport Beach City Council meetinp. Plua, we continue to cablecui our popular magazine fonna\ show .. Newport Now." Our focus la on the ialues that are happenina around you. and we feature peopJe and placea that you know. Your neighborhood and its residents are our tl\anl. PROGRAIOlll'fG - .. IN THE PUBUC INTERE8T" GROUP WcABLE ~~endCable,lnc. FOR PROORAM INFORMATION CALL (714) 842·5797 .. 0 - .... co QI) N I. I I t4 !Wednesday "' >. CllS ~ ~ 'O 1: LL. gi ...J ~ l t_:_ •• 8:00(%) "The Apple Dumpling Gang Rldee Again" ( 1979. Comedy) Tim Conway, Ooo Knotts. 6:051JZ) "Slim" (1937, Drama) Henry Fonda, Pat O'Brien. 6:300 "The Kid From Not-So-Big" ( 1978, Come- dy) Jennifer McAlhster. Robert Vlharo. 7:45 (%) "Mc Vicar" (1980. Orama) Roger Oaltry, Adam Faith 8:00(.S) "Captain Scarlet Vs. The Mysterons From Mars" ( 198 1) Animated. 8:051JZ) "The Member Of The Wedding" ( 1953, Comedy) Ethel Waters, Julie Harris. 8:3000 "Caveman" (1981, Comedy) Ringo Starr, Dennis Quaid. D "Over The Edge" ( 1979, Orama) Michael Krame<, Pamela Ludwig. 9:00 CC) "Birth Of The Beatles" ( 1979. Orama) St&- phen Mackenna. Rod Culbertson. 9:15(%) "Joanna" (1968, Orama) Genevieve Waite, Calvin Lockhart 9:30., "The Trail Beyond" (1934. Western) John WaY!J!t. Verna Hillle. 10:00(.H) "The Daybfeake<s" ( 1979. Western) Glenn Ford. Sam Elliot. CID "Norman.. Is That Yoo?" ( 1976. Comedy) Redd Foxx. Peart Balley. 10:051JZ) "Knock On Wood" (1954. Comedy) Denny Kaye MBJ Zetter1ing. 10:30 D "Stripes" ( 198 1, Comedy) Bill Murray, Har- old Ramis. 11:00~ "Blackboard Jongle" (1955, Orama) Glenn Ford Anne Francis. 11:15(%) ''Star Trek -The Motion Picture" (1979. Science-Fiction) William Shatner, Leonard Nlmoy. 11;30(1) "The Blues Brothers" ( 1980, Musical) John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd. . \l· .. 1 lJC\< >< >:\ \I<)\· 1 F.S 12:008 "The Restless Breed" (1957. Adventure) Scott Brady, Anne Bancroft. e ''The File On Thelma Jordan" ( 19'49. Drama) Barbara Stanwyct<, Weodetl Corey. • "Bart LaRue's The Ark Of Noah" ( 1976) Docu- mentary. CB> "Cardiac Anest" ( 1978. Mystery) Garry Goe>- drow Mike Chan. 12:30 0 "Stevie" ( 1978, Biography) Glenda Jack- son, Trevor Howard. 1:00 (J) "Coogan's Bluff" ( 1968, Orama) Clint East· wood, Lee J. Cobb. ~ "Stevie" (1978, Biography) Glenda Jackson, Trev<>< Howard. 1:30® "The Hearse'' (1980, Hooor) Trish Van Devere. Joseph Cotten. (%) "The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again" (1979, Comedy) Tlm Conway, Ooo Knotts. 2:00CI} "Hour Of The Wott" (1967, Orama) Liv Ullmann, Max von Sydow. 2:30(1) "Dead Man's Aoet" (1979, Mystery) Greg Roe. Sally Boyden. II ''Let It Be'' (1970. Musical) The Beatles. 3: 16 (%) "The Concert For Kampuchea" ( 1980, Musi- cal) PaUI McCartney, The Who. • 3:3000 "Caveman" (1981, Comedy) Ringo Starr, Dennis Quaid. '4:00G "The Hero" (1969, Orama) Richard Harris, Romy Schneide<. (I) "Captain Scarlet Vs. The Mysterons From Ma111" (_198 1) Animated. D "Ovef The Edge" ( 1979. Orama) Mlchaef Kramer. Pamela Ludwig. •:46(%) "Star Trek -fhe Motion Picture" (1979, Science-Action) Wlnlam Shatnef, Leonard Nlmoy. 6:00(!) "Scott Of The Antarctic" (1948, Adven- ture) John Miiis, Derek Bond. ~ "Birth Of The Beatles" ( 1979, Orama) Stephen Mackenna. Rod Culberteon. DRESS FASHIONABLE • REASONABLE F .. hlon can be ••penalv., •• In VoguMl.8.A., Perte Md ttaille. But It oen alto b• rffaonable when you 1hop •mart at Panache •.. from leading Callfornla and New York Junior and Contemporary deelgl .... C."91 and BwtJet by ,,..,.,..,,.,.., aa. &-11, ... PA.NA.CHE 221 MARtHE IALBOA l8lAM> 473-1810 . -· 5:~(1) "Zero To Sixty" ( 1978, Comedy) Oaneo McGavin, Denise Nickerson. 1-'.\·L~I~<; e:ooeeeNEWS CHARLIE'S ANGB..S CBS NEWS THE SAINT ABC NEWS THE JEFFERSONS HAWAII AVE~ OVER EASY Guest: Dr. Benjamin Spoci<. (R) Q N8CNEWS FAST FOfrNARD CHARLIE. THE LONESOME COUGAR A lumberman adopts and raises an Ofphaned cougar kitten. (Part 1) D RASCAL DAZZLE The Llttle Raacals are fea- tured In film clips and shorts. (1 hr., 25 min.) 8:30 (I). NEWS I BARNEY MUER All IH THE FAMILY THE SONGWRI I ERS "Sheldon Hamlck" This special features the composer of "Fiddler On The Roof' and "She Loves Me." ( 1 hr.) I NEWSBEAT WITH CLETE ROBERTS BUStNESS REPORT COl1..EGE GOLF "NCAA DMslon I Men's Championships" from Pinehurst. North Carollne. ( 1 hr.) 7:00. CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE An Otymplc skier's seerch fOf summer snow In Iha Rockies; a romance that began with a want ad. KOJAK MEET THE MAYORS ENTerrAINMENT TONIGHT M•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD 8UStNESS REPORT THEMUPPETS MAGIC OF OR. PAIHTlNG MOvtE "Blackboard Jungle" (1956, Orama) Glenn Ford, Anne Francis. A dedicated young teacher attempts to resl<><e Ofder In a blQ-clty train- ing school where teen-age lawlessness 8"d vfotence have taken root. (1hr .. 40 min.) CID FLASHBACK: THE LAST VOYAGE OF THE MORRO CASTLE Eric ~aid hosts th!s documen- tary employ! dramatic r&-enaetment end arcNval --n1vORCE MEDIATION-- A NON-COMBATIVE PROCE88 COUNSELOR-ATTORNEY TEAM REASONABLE COST FOR FURTHER INFO CALL 752-1084 Robert Glener, AttorMJ ..... n Gl•w, MFCC Shocked When Eddie (Peter Coffield, right), the father of 7-year-old Patti Morgan, suddenly shows up to see the daughter he didn't know he had, Patti's mother, Laurie (Swoosie Kurtz) and Sidney (Tony Randall), fear he may try to get custody of the child on "Love, Sidney" Wednesday at 9:30 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). him footage to recall the dtSastroos lire in 1934 that claimed 137 lives aboard the luxury cruise ship. ( 1 hr) ([)GINO VANELLI The Canadian pop singer per- fOfms "I Just Want To Stop" and "Living lnslde Myself" in a concert taped during a tour of the U.S. and Canada. ( 1 hr.) (0) MOVIE "Bear Island" ( 1980, Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Vanessa Redgrave. An Arctic weather· research team's members are f<><ced Into a ftght f<>< their very wrvival. 'PG' ( 1 hr., '3 min.) (%)MOVIE "Ride In The Whirlwind" (1967, West· ern) Cameron Mitchell, Jaci( Nicholson. Three cowboys returning home after a rough cattle drive are mistaken by a posse f()( members of a gang of robbers. (1 hr., 22 min.) 7:30 9 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: the hosts dlspell some ol the myths sunoundlng hysterec1omles; Steve finds himself surrounded by sushi at a sushi bar: a visit with Rick Baker, who de$gll8 horror masks f()( Hollywood's major horror films. 8. FAMILY FEUD I LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYE ON LA. Featured: how to lose we4ght through electricity; a man who chauffeurs celebri- ties: a profile of Hugh Hefrw. I. TIC TAC DOUGH NtNE ON NEW JERSEY YOU ASKED FOR IT M•A•s •H SIGNATURE Guest: Jacques D' Amboise. MACNEJL / LEHRER REPORT G MEDIA PR08ES "Soundaround" Writer Tony Kahn hosts an e)($)1oratlon of modem sound tech- nology and how it shapes our lives. (R) 0 i(Y) <10LF HIGHLIGHTS "1977 U.S. Operf" BIZARRE "Father Time" BEST HORSE I\ young girt clashes with her mother over entering a rodeo competition. 7:36 all NEWS 8:00. THE INCREOl8LE HULK David Banner and a powerful lumber baron vie for the attentions of the same girl (R) 8 e REAL PEOPLE Featured: a woman who pho- tographs male oenterlolda: a seemingly sourc:elel8 ray of light: a colorlul chees player: a swinging laun- dromat with llve music. (R) (1 hi.) • MOVIE "A Minute To Pray, A Second To Dia" ( 1968. Western) Alex Cord. Arthur Kennedy. The terrltOflal governor of New Mexico offet'& amnesty to ~nman with a large bounty on his heed. (2 hrs.) • 111 THE GREATEST AMEFltCAN HERO A fanati- cal army threatens to cauee a woridwide plague and Ralph, the only person who may be able to stop l \\ednesday (continued) them, seems to be coming down with the disease. i ) (1 hr.) LA TIN PROFILE POWER PINCH Ken Howard ho.le this show whlCh takes a look at sex dlSCflminatlon In the WO<k· place. ( 1 hr ) Cf) BENNY HILL • P.M. MAGAZINE Meet Cosmopolitan Maga· zlne's Bachelor Of The Month; a romance that began with a want ad. m MOVIE "Jenny" ( 1970, Orama) Marlo Thomas. Alan Alda. A pregnant girt and a draf1-dodgef form a marriage of convenience. (2 hrs.) 9 COLLLLLECTING Featured: qullt-maklng, pressed glass from the 19th century, mechanical banks. e MEDIA PROBES "Soundaround" Write< Tony Kahn hosts an exploration of modem sound lech-- nglogy and how it shapes our lives. (R) D ID MAHLER Robert Powell and Georglill Hale star In Ken Russell's dramatization of Austrian compo6ef Gustav Mahler's lite and times. (2 hrs.) Cl) SPORTS CENTER (B) MOVIE "Blow Out" (1981, Suspense) John Travolta. Nancy Allen. A sound technician whO works on horror hims becomes lnvol\led In a murder mystery when he witnesses an assassination. 'R' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) CD MOVIE "The Magic Flute" (1973, Muslcal) Ulrlk Cold, Josef Kostlinger.Based on the opera by Mozart. A prince and his faithful companion set out to rescue a damsel from the clutches of an evil sorcerer (3 hrs,) Roped Katherine Bo6s st.ars as t h e wife of a championship rodeo perfo r mer who decides to pursue a rodeo career of her own -even when h er marriage and pregnancy are seriously threatened -in "Rodeo Girl," a TV movie on KNXT (Ch. 2) Wednesday at 9p.m. CJ) MOVIE "Continental Divide" ( 1981, Romance) to have a baby. (R) ( 1 hr.) Hams, Romy Schneider. An aging socce< player John Belushi, Blair Brown. A Chicago newspaper 8!) EIGHTEEN TONS OF MUSIC ON A ONE NtGHT prepares for his final moments of glory. (2 hrs.) columnist travels to the Rockies to 8$C8p8 some STAND The 1979 premie<e conoert tour of the I THE JEFFERSONS political heat and ln18fVlew a reclusive naturalist. • DetrOll Symphony Orchestra through 23 European SANFORD ANO SON 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) c1t1es Is captured In this cinema verlte-slyte docu-ELIZABETH SWAOOS "Songs Of Innocence II MOVIE "Stevie" ( 1978, Biography) Glenda mentary (R) And Experience" A boy moving from lnnocenoe to Jackson, Trevor Howard. Eocentrlc Britl&h poetess 00 ON LOCATION "Robert Klein" Klein comments experience is portrayed through music and dance Stevie Smith is profiled. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) on the growing pains we've an experienced. ( 1 hf.. based on poems of WUliam Blake. ( 1 hr.) 8:30 Cf) IRONSIDE 30 min.) I NEWS8EA T WITH Cl.ETE ROBERTS I ALLIN THE FAMILY Cl) MOVIE "The Blues Brothers" ( 1980, Mulk:aJ) CAPTIONED ABC NEWS ELIZABETH SWADOS ''Songs Of Innocence John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd. Two blues singers must SPORTS CENTER And Experience'' A boy movtng from Innocence to contend with the Chicago police. the CIA, Neo-MOVIE "The Hearse" ( 1980, HorrOI') Trish Van experlenoe Is portrayed through music and dance Nazis and the U.S Army to put together a benefit Dev~e. Joseph Cotten. A schoolteech« tries to based on poems of WUllam Blake. (1 hr.) concert to raise money IOI' their parish. 'R' (2 tn.. recovec' from a nervous breakdown at her late aunt's • MAHLffi Robert Powell and Georgina Hale star 13 mln.) home, which Is besieged by demons. 'PG' ( 1 h< .. 40 in Ken RusseH's dramatization of Austrlan compoeer II MOVIE "Cheaper To Keep H8f" ( 1980, Come-min.) Gustav Mahler's life and times. (2 hr&.) dy) Mac Davis, Tovah Feldahuh. In order to meet D MOVIE "Stripes" (1981, Comedy) Bill Murray. (%)MOVIE "The Shooting" ( 1967, W86tem) Ml"'8 his alimony payments, a recently dtvorced private Harold Ramis. A New Yori< cabble looklng for Perkins, Jack Nlchotson. A woman enllsts the aid of detective tracks down delinquent husbands for a excitement convinces his best friend to join him In an ex-bounty hunter and his cohort to guide her on divorce lawyer. 'R' ( 1 hr., 32 min.) enlisting In the U.S. Army. 'R' ( 1 hf .. 20 min.) a relentless journey of personal revenge. (1h< .. 22 (%)MOVIE "Loulou" (1981, Orama) Isabelle Hup-12:00e £NTERTAJNMENTTONGHT mini pert, Gerard Depardieu A young woman falls In love 8 (II THE MANIONS ~ AMBUCA Deapl1e his 8:36 ALL IN THE FAMILY with a man she met In a disco but cannot accept hlS failing business and his wife's pregnancy, Rory }our· 9:00 Cl) MOVIE "Rodeo Girt" ( 1980, Orama) Irresponsible. carefree attitude toward Ufa. ( 1 hr., 50 neys back to Ireland to k88A.. a promise he made Katharine Ross. Bo Hopkins. The wife of a cham~ min ) when he leh. (Part 3) (A) (2 ""8 .. 15 min.) on rodeo performer decideS to try for a serlOuS 10:309) NEWS Cf) MOVIE "Voice From The Grave" (1976, My&- rodeo career of her own (R) (2 hrs.) I StGNATURE Guest: Jacques D'Ambolse. tery) Zita Johnson. A women executed In the elec· De THE FACTS OF LIFE A financial misfortune WATER, WATER. EVERYWHERE? Irie chair stranety reappears after hef' death. (1 hr .. drives Mrs. Garrett to the brink of emotional col-JAZZ. AT THE MAINTENANCE SHOP "Woody 30 min.) ~· (R) Shaw Quintet (No. 1)" Woody Shaw, trumpet, e MOVIE "Test Pilot" (1938, Adventure) C&ar1< • O THE FALL GUY Colt and Howle pursue an Carter Jackson, saxophone: Ooaje Alien Gumt:., Gable. Myrna Loy. FOfced to land In a ftetd. an avta- arsonist to a strange town run by the fugltlYe's piano: Stafford James. bass; VictOI' Lewis, drums. '°' meets and falls In love with a farmer's daughter. I 84LLY GRAHAM CRUSADE (C) MOVIE "La Cage Aux Folles II" ( 1980, Come--LOVE. AMSUCAN STYl.E mother. (R) ( 1 hr.) IB) (1 hr.) ihrs.. 30 min.) MERV GRIFflN Guests: Benny Goodman, Jim dy) Ugo T ognazzl. Michel Serrault. A middle-aged PEOPLE ANO OAGAHtZA TION8 Dale, Judy Collins. Elayne Boos*. ( 1 hf.) gay couple are the quarry of a secret organlzatlOo MOVIE "Joanna" ( 1968, Orama) GenevleYe CC) MOVIE "I Love VOIJ. Allee B. Toklas" (1968, trying to get the mlcrofllm that one of them sw&J.. Waite, Ca.lvln Lockhart. A naJve young woman Comedy) Peter Sellers. Lelgh Taytor-Young. A mid-lowed. 'R' 11 hr., 39 min.) becomes swept up In the soclal whlr1 of mod Loo.- die-aged lawyer, disenchanted with his present life-11:009 D • ()) O e NEWS don during the 1960s. 'R' (1 hr., 45 min.) style, starts a new life with a young hippie. 'R' (1 I SATURDAY NIGHT 12: 15(C) MOVIE "Night Moves" (1975, Mystety) hr., 33 min.) YOU ASKED FOR rT Gene Haokman, Jennifer Warren. A private eye (I) COLLEGE TRACK AND AaD "NCAA Division JOE FRANKLIN hired to locate the daughter of a formef m<Me II Men's Championships" from California State. M•A •s•H actress becomes entangled In a web of Intrigue with Sacramento, C81ifornia. (2 hrs., 30 min.) BENNY Hill a Mayan smuggling ring. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) cm MOVIE "The Boss's Son" ( 1978, Orama) Asher COULLLECTING Featured: quilt-making: Cl) MOVIE "The Howling" ( 1981, Horror) Oee Wa._ Brauner. Rudy Solari. A somewhat pampered boy pressed glass from the 19th century; mechanical lace. Patrick Macnee. A woman reporter la starts to wOfk In his lather's carpet bu8lness and banks. menaced by a killer who seems to be a werewoff. 'R' finds out the difference between prtvUege and labor. e OtCK CAVETT (1 hr., 31 min.) (2 hrs.) (D MOVIE "Slave Of The Cannibal God" (Adven-12:308 e LATE NtGHT WITH DAW> LETTERMAN 9:06(1!) MOVIE "Lightning Strikes Twice" (1951, lure) Ursula Andress, Stacy Keech. A group of Guests: author Fran Liebowitz., comedians Bob and Mystery) Ruth Roman, Alchard Todd. After being explorers In search of a long-lost tr988Ul'e are coo-Ray, football player Jack "Hacksaw" Reynolda. (1 allorlef&ted of responsibility for his wife's death. 1 fronted by Stone Age cannibals. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) hr.) man finds the real killer and peace of mind for him-cm MOVIE "Private Ben)amln" ( 1980, Comedy) I COUPLES self. j2 hrs.) Goldie Hawn, 81een Blennan. A wei-to-Oo young NEWS 9:30 8 • TEACHERS ONLY A retirement dlnnedor woman mistakenly joins the Army following the THE SONGWRt I ERB ''Sheldon Hamlcf(" Thi& a spineter teacher prompts Diana to look long and death of her new husband on their wedding night. special features the composer of "Adc:fter On The hard at her own future. 'R' (1 hr., 50 min.) Roof" and "She Loves Me." ( 1 hf.) Cf) MOVIE "Desert Patrol" (1958, Adventure) 11:05(1!) MOVIE "Shake Hands With The Devil" (I) AUTO RACfNG "USAC Sprints -The Hulman Richard Attenborough. Jotln Gregson. Prior to the (1959, Drama) James Cagney, Don Murray. A atu-C~" from Terre Haute, Indiana. (1 hf .. 30 min.) Battle ot 8 Alamein, a patrol Is sent to blow up a dent from the U.S. attempts to refrain from getting CD MOVIE "Private Ben~mln" (1980, Comedy) strategic fuel dump. ~1hr .. 30 min.) Involved In the underground movement during the Goldie Hawn, 81een Blennan. A ~to-do young QI THE SONGWRITERS "Sheldon Hamlet<" Thia Irish Rebellion. (2 hrs., 15 mtn.) woman mistakenly joins the Army foltow6ng the special features the compow of "Addler On The 11:30• ()) MOVIE "Letters From Fr9nk" {1979, death of her MW husband on their~ night. Aoor' and "She LoYM Me." ( 1 tv.) Drama) Art Carney, Maureen Stapleton. A nawepe-'A' {J hr., 50 min.) 10:00• e QUINCY Quincy lnYeatlgatet the lnaO.-P8f execu11ve forced Into retirement becauat of hit 1:00• MOVIE "The Blazing Foreet" (1952. ,.,,.,.._ quaclM o1 emergency cara aft• the needl1111 death age moves to the Northwest and launehel a new tin) John Payne, Sulan Morrow. A Widow'• d af•tollowlrlg• a ann auto accident (R) (1 ht.) career. (R) (2 hrs., 15 min.) tfmberiand ts enautted by a f<>*t fn. (2 tn.) I ••NEWS llTONIOHTGueat hOlt. Joen Rivers. (1 h<.) • MOVIE "Lllbon" (1956, AdYenture) Ray Mj. DYNASTY Kryatle eta-.. with AJex.11. Blake ABC NEWS NIGHTUNE land, Claude Ralnt. A shlp'a c.ptaln II hfred to ,_. uvee Claudle's llfe. and Fallon tans Jeff of her plal\a MOVIE "The Hero" (1869, Oram1) Rtohard cue a woman'• husband from CommuNlt OIPfora. • a o t bn 11 -•-...-••u""'-.#.1, • .,. .......... _ 6 _________ ._ _______ ...._., .,,o •• .,_,.., ,.''""'"''''W'-"-''"~ ......... ,, ..... ,.. ·•• ., .• ..,.~.I -.• _______ ,_, _________ .. __ _ :w ,,. m ---·------------------~ 16 N W!dnesday (continued) ~ - ----... (I hr., 30 min ) 1:16(11) MOVIE "The Haunting Of Julia" (1977, Suspense) Mia Farrow. Kelr Dullea. Afte< recOYeflng from an emotional crisis, a woman purchase& a house that appears to be haunted. 'R' ( 1 hr.. 35 minJ_ t :20a7) MOVIE "Tha Scarf" (1951, Myatety) John Ireland, Emlyn Williams. A woman's ecarl le the ooty clue a man has to prove his Innocence In a murder. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 1:30DIDNEWS Cf) FACE THE MUSIC Ct MOVIE "Let It Be" ( t970, Musical) The Bea- tles. John Lennon, Paul McCanney, George Harri- son end Ringo Starr are followed through rehear&- als, recording sessions and an lnpromptu concert. ·a· ( 1 hr .. 26 min.) 1:458 NEWS Cl) MOVIE "Hollywood Boulevard" ( 1976, Come- dy) Candice Rlalson. Dick Mnter. Fresh trom Indi- ana. a young aspiring starlet beeomes involved In a real robbery that she thinks Is pan of her movie debUt. 'R' (1 hr., 33 min.) 1:50(%) MOVIE "The Concen For Kampoc:nea" ( t980. Musical) Paul McCanney. The Who. A host of tock performers, many of whom get together In an ell-star rock orchestra, ate teatured In this record of a series of concerts held for the benefit of relief to war-ravaged CambOdla. ( 1 hr., 20 min.) 2:00(t) MOVIE "Stevie" (1978; Biography) Glenda Jackson. Trevor Howard. ECC6ntric British poetess Stevie Smrth Is profiled. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) (E) cOLLEGE TENNIS "NCAA Division I Men's Championships" from the University of Georgia. (2 2:05 NEWS hrsi 2:15 MOVIE "Atlas" (1961. Adventure) Michael Forest. Frank Woltt. The winner of the Olympie games IS made the pawn In a tyrant's power plan (1 hr., 30 min) 0NEWS 2:201J MOVIE "Bad Company" ( 1972. Western) Jeff Bridges, Barry Brown. An Innocent youth joins forces with an outlaw gang out West during the CMI War. ( 1 hr .• 55 min.) 2:30 Cf) MORNING STRETCH • MOVIE "Affair With A Stranger" ( 1953. Come- dy) Jean Simmons. Victor Mature. Divorce seems the only alternative for a young couple until they adopt a child. (2 hrs.) 2:66 (8) MOVIE "Cardiac Arr eat" ( 1978, Myslety) Garry Goodrow. Mike Chan. A black market opera- tiOfl that sells disembodied heans for transplants Is discovered by an ottbeat homicide cop. 'PG' (1 ht., 33mln) 3:008 MOVIE "PaSjllge West" (1951. Western) John Payne, Arleen Whelan. A westward-bound wagon tr81ll gets overtaken by six escaped convicts. i hr., 30 min.) JOE FRANKLIN NEWS MOVIE "Terror Train" ( 1980. Suspense) Ben Johnson. Jamie Lee Cunis. A college frate<nlty's New Yecw's masquerade party turns Into a night- mare when a vindictive guest stans killing otf the party-goers. 'R' ( 1 hr., 37 min.) 3:10(%) MOVIE "McVlcar" (1980, Orama) Roger Dartry, Adam Faith. The true story of British crlmlnal John McVlcar's llfe in prison, his escape and his new life on the outside Is chronicled. 'R' ( 1 tw .• 30 min.) 3:15(1) MOVIE "Continental Divide" (1 981, Romance) John Belushi, Blalf Brown. A Chicago newspaP8f COiumnist travels to the Rocl<lea to escape some political heat and Interview a rectustve naturaltSt. 'PG' ( 1 hr , 4'3 min.) 3:45eNEWS ct) MOVIE "I Love Yoo, Allee 8. Toklas" ( 1968. Comedy) Peter Sellers. Leigh Tayfof-Young. A mid- dle-aged lawyer, disenchanted with his present life- style. st ans a new llfe with 11 young hippie. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 33 min.) •:OO Cf) JIMMY SWAGGART (E) SPMrs CENTER •:05 (ll) RJNTIME 4':25(8) MOVIE "Blow Out" (1981, SUspense) JOtln T revolt&, Nancy Allen, A 90Und technician who wort<s on horror films beoomeS involved In a murder mystery when he witnesses an assaaelnatlon. 'R' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) -4:30. VO'Y AGE TO THE BOTIOM Of THE SEA (!) JIM BAKKER • MISSION: IMP068fBLE 4:36111.l 1 DREAM Of JEANME 4:46(%) MOVIE ''The Shooting" (1967, We.tern) Mtllle Perkins, Jaok Nlchofeon. A woman enllstt the aid of an ex-bounty hYnl« and hll cohort to guide her on a relentleaa )oum9y of peraonal rewnga. ( 1 hr., 22 min.) ) Thursday .\ I< >IC\ I ~< ; .\ I< >\' I LS 6:00• "Cheaper To Keep Her" (1980, Comedy) Mac Davis. Tovah Feldshuh. 5:16~ "La Cage Aux Foiles II" (1980. Comedy) Ugo T~nazzl, Michel Serrault. 6:00(1) 'Z8fo To Sixty" ( 1978. Comedy) Darren McGavln, Denise Nickerson. 6:05a7) "That Cenaln Woman" ( 1937, Orama) Bette Davis. Henry Fonda. 6: 16(%) "Star Tref< -The Motion Picture" ( 1979, Science-Action) William Shatner. Leonard Nlmoy. 7:30(t) ''The Outlaw" ( 1943. Western) Jane Rus- sell. Walter Huston. 8:00 (I) "Thunderbirds To The Aescoe" ( 1981, Ora- ma) Puppets 8:06G?l "Those Fantastic Flying Foots" (1967, Com- edy}_Bur1 Ives, Troy Donahue. 8:3000 "Beyond The Reef" (1981, Romance) Den- ton Ka'ne, Marefl Jensen (%) "An Eye For An Eye" ( 1981, Adventure) Chuck Norris. Christopher Lee. 9:30• "The Night Riders" ( 1939. Western) John Wayne, Doreen McKay. ct) "The Man With Bogan's Faoe" ( 1980, Come- dy) Robert Sacchi, Olivia Hussey. 10:00® "Darby O'Gill And The Little People" Cl) "The Last Hunt" ( 1956, Adverlture) Stewan Gra~r. Roben Taylor. 10:06Q.l) "The Strange One" ( 1957. Orama) Ben Gazzara, George Peppard. t O: 15 (%) "The Mirror Crack' d" ( 1980, Mystery) Eliza· beth Taylor. Kim Novak. t0:300 "Zorro. The Gay Blade" (1981, Comedy) Geo<..J1e Hamilton, Lauren Hutton 11:30(.C) "Yoo Light Up My Life" (1977, Romance) Didi Conn, Joe Sliver . \ i:· 1 ·rn :\< >< >:\ '.\ 1< >\' 11·:s 12:00 0 "The Ftyrng Saucer" (1965. Scienoe-Ac- tion) Alberto Sordi. Monica Vitti. m "The Diary Ot Anne Frank" (Part 1) (1959. Orama) Joseph Schlldkraut. Mlllle Perkins m "Body And Soul" ( 1947, Orama) John G&1- 1ield. Lilli Palmer. CH> "Elvis" ( 1979, Biography) Kurt Russell. Season Hubley. Cl) "Cutter's Way" ( 1981. Orama) John Heard. Jeff Bridges. g "Network" ( 1976, Orama) Faye Dunaway. Peter Finch. CI> "McVlcar" ( 1980. Orama) Roger Oaltry. Adam Faith 1:00(!) "The Bounty Kille<'' ( 1964. Western) Dan Duryea, Rod Cameron ct) "Kiii Or Be Killed" ( 1980. Adventure) James Ryan. Charlotte Michelle. 1:30(%) "The Concert For Kampuchea" ( 1980. Musi- cal) Paul McCartney. The Who. . 2:00CIJ "The Foor Seasons" (1981, Orama) Alan Alda, Carol Burnett. (I) "ffolkes" ( 1980. Adventure) Aoge< Moore. James Mason lit "Cutter's Way" (1981. Orama) John Heard. Jeff Bridges. 3:00(%) "An Eye For An Eye" (1981, Adventure) Chuci< Norris, Christopher Lee. 3:30(11) "The Legend Of The Lone Ranger" ( 1980. Western) Kllnton Spilsbury, Chrtstopher Lloyd. 4':00G "The Summenlme Kiiier" (1973, Orama) Kar1 Malden. Ctvlstophef Mitchum. ct) "The Outlaw" ( 1943, Western) Jane RU88ell. Walter Huston. 4':30(1) "Toby And The Koala Bear" (1981, Fanta- sy) Rolf Harris 5:00(!) "The People Against O'Hara" ( 1952, Ora- ma) Spencer Tracy. Pat O'Brien. (%) "The Mifror Crack' d" ( t 980. Myatety) Eliza- beth Taylor. Kim Novak. 6:06(17) "The Plainsman" ( 1966, Westerl'I) Don Mur- ray. Guy Stockwell. 5:309 "Ten Days' Wonder" ( 1972. Orama) Onion Welles, Anthony Perkins. (2 hrs.) L\.L:\J:\(, e:oo. NBA CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Game ... teams and site to be announced. (2 hfa., 30 min ) 8NEWS CHARLIE'S ANG~ C88NEW8 THESAJNT ABC NEWS THE JE'.FFERSONS HAWAI FJVE...O CAMPAIGN '82 Jeffrey Kaye dltol•• the rtmlnal Just~ Initiative. IT'S CRICKET, BY JOVE -Sir Garfield (Gary) Sobers of Barbados, one of the great.est cricket players in history, will be profiled on the w eekly spor ts series "Numero Uno" Thursday at 9 p.m . on KCEI' (Ch. 28). I NBC NEWS FAST FORWARD MOVIE 'Tm All Right, Jack" ( 1960, Comedy) Ian Carmichael. Peter Sellers. In trying to do a good Job for his uncle In a factory, a well--meaniog bum- bler actually upsets the crooked scheme his uncle has so carefully planned. ( 1 hr., 50 min.) CS) MOVIE ''Mede In Paris" (1966. Comedy) Ann- Margret, Louis Jourdan. A Paris deSlgner sweeps a fashion bUyer off her feet. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 6:30Cl)G) NEWS I BARNEY MILLER ALL IN THE FAMILY NEWSBEA T WTTH CLETE ROBERTS BUSINESS REPORT CHARLIE. THE LONESOME COUGAR A lumberman adopts and raises an orphaned cougar kitten. (Part 2) 0 MOVIE 'J.D And The Salt Flat Kid" ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 7:00 D NBC NEWS I HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A lop fashion model who Is over 50 years old: a 21-year-otd master escape an- lst. KOJAK LA TIN NEW YORK ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD BUSINESS REPORT THEMUPPETS MAGIC Of OIL PAINTING MOVIE "The King Of Marvin Gardens" ( 1972, Orama) Bruce Dern, Jack Nlcholson. Two brothers, frustrated with their lives. dream of retiring to a tr~ leaf paradise. (2 hrs.) CD) MOVIE "On The Right Track" (1981, Comedy) Gary Coleman. Michael Lambeck. A social WOO<er tries to find a normal home for a train station shoeshine boy with a talent for plCJ<lng the ponies. 'PG' (1 hr .. 37 min.) (%)MOVIE "The Concert For Kampuchea" (1~. Musical) Paul McCanney, The Who. A host of rock pe<formers. many of whom get together In an all- star rock orchestra. are featured In this record of a sefies of concerts held for the benefit of relief to war-ravaged CambOdla. ( 1 hr .• 20 min.) 7:06 a> NEWS 7:30 8. FAMfL Y FEUD LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYE ON LA. • TIC TAC DOUGH APPLE POLISHERS YOU ASKED FOR rT M•A•S•H 8'0NA TURe Guest: Judy Colline. .MACNEIL I LEHRm REPORT NEWS MOVtE "Beyond The Reer' =981. Aomlnoe) ton Ka'ne, Ma"*1 JenMn. A Anwl- can girt who hat been ecM:ated Int U.S. ret1.mt ......................... __... ..... ...._. _____ _ •••••••••••• ••• •••••-•••••r•••• Thursday (continued) to her Island home and falls In love with a pear1 diver. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 8:00 D GD SCAMPS An easy-going writer takes on the running of an afternoon chlld care center. 9 MOVIE "Incident In San Francisco" (1970, Ora· ma) Richard Kiley, Chris Connelly. A man Is held responsible for a youth's death when he tries to help an old man (2 hrs.) D 0 MORK & MINDY Mork and Mindy become e11gaged lo be married. (R) · Cl) MOVIE "Brannigan" ( 1975, Mystery) John Wayne. Richard Attenbo<0ugh. An Ame<ican police detective attempts to locate a racketeer who has been abducted from his hiding place In London. (2 hrs.) II EPIDEMIC: WHY YOUR KID IS ON DRUGS The national problem of drug abuse among teen-agers Is eiutmlned. ( 1 hr.) Cf) BENNY HILL e P.M. MAGAZINE On the road with the rock Q!..OUP Journey: a 2 1 ·year-old master escape artist. • MOVIE "The Bramble Bush" ( 1960, Orama) Richard Burton, Barbara Rush. A doctor struggles with the question of euthanasia as his old frlend. who ls terminally ill, begs to die and have the doctor marry his wife. (2 hrs.) QI BOTANIC MAN "Crackpot Jackpot" Of. David Bellamy ~ontrasts the llV88 of apartment dwellers In California with Indians In Mexlco . • LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brad Sears translates the mysterious lingo of auto repair and answers viewers' questions about common car problems. ID SNEAK PREVIEWS Roge< Ebert and Gene Sisk- e! review some films that nearty everybOdy mlSS8d the first time around Including "Fingers," "Gates Of Heaven" and "The Onion F'ield." (R) CC) MOVIE "The Wanderers" (1979. Orama) Ken Wahl, Linda Manz. The members of a tough 1960s street gang In the Bronx discover lhat the processes of growing up and falling In love are much mo<e difficult experiences than any of the rumbles they've taken part In. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) CE SPORTS CENTER (I) MO\llE "ttolkes" ( 1980. Adventure) ROQef Moore, James Mason A dapper, woman-hatTng frogman Is called In to thwart the plans of extortion- ists who have hijacked a soppty ship and are threat· enlng to destroy two North Sea oil rigs. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 39 min.) II MOVIE "Netw()(k" ( 1976, Orama) Faye Ouna· way. Peter Flnch. An aging television newtman, whose ratings are steadily slipping, Is turned Into a ranting prophet of the airwaves by a crafty female pr~amming executive. 'A' (2 hrs.) 8:06 ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:30 NEWS I HERFSaOOMER BOSOM BUDDIES K1p and Henry reveal their true Identities to their fellow hotel residents. (A) Q i RACfNG FROM ROOSEVELT ALL IN THE FAMILY MOVIE "Ten Days' Wonder" (1972. Orama) Orson Welles, Anthony Perkins. (2 hrs.) • SNEAK PREVIEWS Aog8f Ebert and Gene Sisk- e! review some films that nearly everybody missed the first lime around including "Angers," "Gates Of Heaven" and "The Onion F'ield." tAl 270l llAll909 a VD. IHea To Almtton'~. • AdorMI 641-3112 .-............... -~~--------· .. ·--···-·-·-·----··-..... . ... ,,, ... 'FAME' RETURNS -Lori Sirtger plays the somewhat .insecure Julie, a student striving for acceptance from her talented schoolmates on "Fame," the critically acclaimed KNBC series, Thursday night at 8 on Channel 4. Although it was no big rating success, "Fame" has been renewed for next se&SIOll. ID LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brad Sears uses a diagnostic comput8f for a Camero tun&-tJP and demonstrates how to test a battery. (%) MOVIE "Star Tret< -The Motion Picture" ( 1979, Science-Fiction) Wiiiiam Shatner, Leonard Nlmoy. The fooner commander of the U.S.S. Enterpfise reassembles his old etew and 98l8 ott on a mission to find the mysterious Y961el responsible for the destruction of numerous Federation star· ships. 'G' (2 hrs., 12 min.) 8:35@ MOVIE "Twenty·Four Hours To KJll" (1965, Orama) Mickey Rooney, Watter Slezak. A gang of smugglers f()(ce an airliner down fOf a layOYef In Lebanon. (2 hrs.) 9:00 'THE ROCKFOAO ALES D DIFFAENT STROKES KJmbefly is offered a modeling Job in Paris. (A) D G (II BARNEY Mill.ER ~ simple arrest leads to the 12th precinct being flooded by homeless people who are forced to remain there because of a bflz- zard. (A) D II Bill Y GRAHAM CRUSADE Cf) MOVIE "Slightly Scarlet" ( 1956, Mystery) Rhonda Fleming, John Payne. A gang leader stops · at nothl In his attempt to take OW# a local govern- Sales • Leasing ASKO~ROUT VALET~~ 900 So. Coast Hwy .. Lopto leoce. 494-11 31 or 546·996 7 H..-.: ........,.,., 9.7, S•. 9·1, S-. tM * PUBLIC llOTICE * •so CASH REBATE or 10o/o off our regular price K )GI OOMI a home COfllttuGtld .,.,,. 1122175, hmted and .rwd DY So. Cel. O• Co., ~·,. tllglbla tor 1~ ~at iow.,. ~. llnanclnO. on tn. ~ o1 eoo i.q. ft. or men of A-ti "*"-llOfl wNCtl • brfng the entlle aoome11>1a •tUc .,. up to "-tt •~ Thia lnOMY bD on. la good Oii "**"°"' ~ MIWMft •ttl~ tnct 119112 l#llem lll1!lndeCI. amend9d, or Mdrldtd DY Ihle cornpeny prior puCllc llOUoe. ~c.-t ..... ..., 1~,....,., -cndb ~. 141-1811 It I • • , ment. (2 hrs.) m MERV GRIFAN "Life Extension" Guests: Durk Pearson, Of. Dunner Denckla. Rlchard Hochschild, Saul Kent. ( 1 hr.) 9 NUMERO UNO Gary Sobers of Barbados, a master of all aspects of cricket, Is proftled. Ci) MASTERPIECE THEATRE "FWckers" Totally preoccupied with setting up his own fllmmaklng business. Arnie Cole can't understand his bride's cold reception on their delayed wedding night. (Part ~D (1 hr.) CJOLF HIGHLIGHTS " 1964 U.S. Open" MOVIE "Pnvate Ben)amln" ( 1980. Comedy) Goldie Hawn, Eileen Brennan. A well-to-do young woman mistakenly joins the Army following the death of her new husband on their wedding night. 'A' ( 1 hr., 50 min.) ([) MOVIE "Black Glr1" ( 1972, Drama) Brock Peters, Leslie Uggams. Serious conflicts erupt within a family of blacks. (2 hrs.) (Q) MOVIE "Deadly Strangers" (1974, SUspense) Hayley Mills, Simon Ward A young woman Is terr()(· lzed by a violent patient who escaped from a mental hos~tal. 'R' (3 hrs., 10 min.) 9:30 D S GIMME A BREAI( On his late wile's birth- day, the chief takes the family out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant in an effort to make the memory less ~intul. (A) 8 a:g TAXI Jim uses his legendary psychic powers to pick a hit show f0< one of his tares, a networl< employee whose job is In jeopardy. (R) o e UP ANO COMING "A Clvltized MM'' Kevin's struggle to improve his grades and get a college scholarshlp are threatened by his rapidly deterlorat· ~school. D (EJ AUTO ~CING "USAC Sprints -The Hutman Classic" from Terre Haute, lndlana. (1 hr .. 30 min.) 10:008 Cl) MAGNUM, P.1. Magnum Joins a pro foot- ball team In training to protect an old buddy who Is belOij_ victimized by an unknown SOUf'ce. (R) ( 1 hr.) D m HILL STREET BLUES Captaln Furtllo cons£d- ers hiring his own lawy« to avoid becoming a department scapegoat, and Hiii and Renko become undefcover walt8fs. (A) (1 hr.) I D••GNEWS (II ABC NEWS CLOSEUP "J. Edgar Hoover" The actions of the FBI under director J. Edgar Hoo- ver are probed In an Investigative report combining film from Hoover's FBI years with new Information surrounding his controversial career; Marshall Frady hosts. ( 1 hr.) • TO THE MANOR BORN CC) MOVIE "You light Up My Life" (1977. Romance) Didi Conn, Joe Sliver. An aspiring songwriter tries to cope with the three men In her life while establishing her own Identity. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (I) BIZARRE "Panda Maler" 0 MOVIE "Zorro. The Gay Blade" (1981. Com&- dy) George Hamilton. Lauren Hutton. The heroic son of old California's famous Justice flght8f is Inca: pacltaled by a riding Injury, forcing his foppish brother to don the cape and mask. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 33 mtn-l 10:som NEWS ISIGNATURE Guest: Judy Collins. UP POMPEII MONEYMAKERS WACKY WORLD Of JONATHAN W1NTERS Guest: Janel Leigh. • STRAP l HANOCRANK ELECT'!_tc:_ -llOlLADIN ts ~ ftu.cs to the atartor 0 ¥CMW ~ proWlnO wttv.~ ...... ====:i=---QlnCnll. ::': llM ....... Ind .... . lltd ""'°'*" .... a. • sanc.1177 C714l 635-577 • kl BMROrmaTAL ~ I SICUllTY CO., IC. 2t01 I. IATIUA AV. WHllM, CA I 8 - I t I I I I I I I t I I I I ~ ' '~ ---------------------------------..----------··-----·-------·-·----------18-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N Thursday (continued) co O> ,... 10:361fl) MOVIE "Always Leave Them Laughing" ( 19~9. Drama) Mitton Berle, Virginia Mayo. An ttS obsessive desire for ~ drtves 11 comedian to "' steal other peo~'s material tor his act. (2 hrs., 25 :;-mln.j_ ~ t1:009D8(1)0eNEWS I SA TUROAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s•H BENNY HILL BOT ANtC MAN "Crackpot Jackpot" Dr David Bellamy contrasts the lives of apartment dwellers In California with Indians in Mexico. I DtCK CAVETT THE LAWMAKERS Correspondents Linda Wer- theimer and Cokie Roberts Join Paul Duke for an up- to-the-minute summary of Congressional activities. (E) SPORTS FORUM ([)MOVIE "Firecracker" ( 1981, AdVenture) Jiiiian Kessner, Darby Hinton. A female martial arts teach- er travels to the Orient in search of her missing sis- ter. 'R' ( t hr . 25 min.) cm MOVIE "Together" ( 1956) Documeotary Michael Andrews, Eduardo PaolozzJ. The Inside world of two deal-mute friends is explored. (2 hrs.) (!) MOVIE "The Electric Horseman" (1979. Dra- ma) Robert Redford. Jane Fonda. A Las Vegas cowboy steals a S 12 million thoroughbred horse to save him from his expl0ttative owners. 'PG' (2 hrs.) (%)MOVIE "McVicar" ( 1980, Orama) Roger Daltry. Adam Faith The true story of British criminal John McVIC8r's life rn prtSOn. his escape and his new Ute on the outside is chronicled. 'A' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 11:308 QUINCY Quincy discovers that 97 ~tims of a jetliner crash In the ocean died of hypothermia ( 1 hr. 10 min) D GD TONIGHT Guest host: Joan Rive<s. Guests Pete BarbtJttl, Mimi Kennedy. ( 1 hr.) D 0 ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE Cl) NBA CHAMPtONSHIP GAME Game 4, teams and Siie to be announced. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) U MOVIE "The Summertime Killef" ( 1973, Ora· ma) Karl Maldeo, Christophel' Mitchum. Seething with hostility over his father's death years before, a young man sets off on a mission of revenge pursued l a relentless ex-cop. (2 hrs.) THE JEFFERSONS SANFORD AND SON MOVIE "Ten Days' Wonder" (1972, Drama) Orson WelleS. Anthony Perkins. (2 hra.) I NEWSBEAT WITH CLETE ROBERTS CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Stripes" ( 1981, Comedy) Blll Murray, Harold Ramis. A New York cabble lo<*lng for excitement convinces his best friend to join him In enlisting in the U.S. Army. 'R' ( 1 hr., 20 min.) D MOVIE "Cuttef's Way" (1981, Dfama) John Heard, Jett Bridges. A maimed Vietnam vet and his best friend. a social dropout. focus their energies on soM_!!g a murdel case. 'A' ( 1 hr.,~ mkl.) 11 :35 CC) MOVIE "Kill Dr Be Killed" ( 1980, Adw!n- ture) James Ryan, Charlotte Michele. A former Nazi commander, who lost an lmport.m karate match to the Japanese duMa the war, eeeka to avenge Na deteet by enlisting the tap kung tu fight· lllY CIEllUICESILE 21% off GOING STRONG -Nell c.arter, who stars in KNBC's "Gimme A Break" Tuesday at 9 pm. on Channel 4, will also star in NBC's big musical special, "Ain't Afjsbehaving,' next season in the role that won her a Tony on Broadway. ers from around the world In a tournament. 'PG' ( 1 hr. 30 min) 12:00 8 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 8 t1I VEGA$ A haled teonls star ls threateoed with murder unless he throws a major tournament. (A) ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) CJ) MOVIE "Electronlc Monster" (1958, Scienoe- Flcllon) Rod Cameron, Mary Murphy. Investigating the death of a movie star, an lnsuranoe agent uncovers a bizarre psychiatric clinic that utlflzes dreams to control clients. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • MOVIE "They Were Expendable" (1945, Adventure) Rober'! Montgomery, John Wayne. The bombing of Pearl Harbor gives a fleet of PT boats the _tong-awaited opportunity to prove their value. I hrs .. 50 min.) LOVE. AMERICAN SlYLE EXPLORING LANGUAGE 12:308. LATE NIGHT WrTH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests: survival expert Tom Btown, Sw~ Kurtz. G. Gordon Liddy. ( 1 hr.) I COUPLES ~RANK BOXING From Atlantic City, New Jefsey. (2 tn.. 30 min.) CD t.l<ME "Manhattan" ( 1979, Comedy) Woody Allen, Diane Keaton. A New York City comedy writ- er breaks up with his long-time girlfriend to squire around an Intellectually vapid teen-ager. 'A' ( 1 hr., 36mln) (%)MOVIE "Loulou" (1981, Drama) Isabelle Hup- pert. Gerard Depardieu. A young woman falls In love with a man she met In a dlsoo bot cannot accept his Irresponsible, carefree anltude toward life. ( 1 hr .. 50 min) 12:40. MCMILLAN & WIFE Mac witnesses a mur- der In a hospital but can't find any evidence to back up what he saw (A) (2 hrs.) 12:5000 MOVIE "The Legend Of The Lone Ranger" ( 1980, Western) Klinton Spilsbury, Christopher Lloyd The Lone Ranger and Tonto pursue their arch-enemy. Butch Cavendish. who has kidnapped the E!esident of the U.S 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 1:00U MOVIE "The Big Clock" (1948, Mystery) Ray Milland. Maureen O'Sullivan. A newspaperman tries to kill the only witness to the murder of his Q!!.llr1end (2 hrs.) t1J MOVIE "The Mysterians" ( 1959. Science-F'ic- tlon) Kenji Sahara, Yumi Shirakawa. A group of highly evolved aliens of superior intelligence try to take over Earth to perpetuate their clvlllzatlon. ( 1 hr . 30 min) all MOVIE "Submarine 0-1" ( 1937. Adveoture) Pat O'Brien, George Brent. The men who work the nation's submarine force encounter serious dan- Q!.'S. (2 hrs ) (S) MOVIE "Alice, Sweet Alice" ( 1978. Horror) Lin- da Miller, Paula Sheppard Members of an ltallan-- Amerrcan family are victtmized by a psychotic mur- derer 1n their midst 'A' ( 1 hr .. 48 min.) 1:108 MOVIE "X From OUter Space" (1966. Set· ence-Ficllon) Tosh1ya Wazaki, Peggy Neal A spore brought to Earth lrom the moon absofbs electricity and grows uito a monster ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 9NEWS ~ MOVIE "The Man With Bogart's Face" ( 1980. Comedy) Robert Sacchi. Olivia Hussey. A man decides to change hrs lifestyle and physical appear· ance to resemble his screen idol. 'PG' ( t hr . 31 mm} 1:30DGDNEWS Cf) FACE THE MUSIC g MOVIE "The Disappearance" (SUspense) Don- ald Sutherland, Francine Racette.A top hit man tor an international murder-by-hire organlz.atlon diSCOll· ers his wife is missing and becomes obsessed with flnd~·n her.'R' ( 1 hr , 28 min.) 2:05 NEWS 2:20 MOVIE "The Mirror Crack' d" ( 1980, Mys- tery) Elizabeth Taylor, Kim Novak. Based on a story by Agatha Christle. A strange murder invoMng rival HollywOOd stars takes place in an English 11illage. 'PG' (1 hr. 46 min.) 2:30 CJ) MOANING STRETCH • MOVIE "Tomb Of The Living Dead" ( 1970, Hor- ror) John Ashley, Angelique Pettijohn. A remote Island is rumored to be the dwelling place of a ghastly green creature, the brainchild of a deranged scientist ( t hr .. 30 min.) 00 MOVIE "Beyond The Reef' (1 981, Romanoe) Denton Ka'ne. Maren Jensen. A Polynesiao-AmeO- can girl who has been educated In the U.S. returns to her Island home and falls In love wtttt a pearl diver. 'PG' (1 hr .. 30 min.) 2:40 •• NEWS ·--------CIUON-~------CMS Newport Gas N Wash i....-H-E_A_D __ C_H_E_S_?_ ~:..!.:! ..... ~°".Ji!lHI • lW&.·MEM'8DAY -tllM:G.flNCE • WID.•..-MJM.·111MQ.PNCE • ntUR&. .... cM WAIH WMO GAL .. P\HlCH411 • RU.· IVUY •CAR fMa • UT.·PMl9'MY.WUWIMG.•Altt • IUM. ·flll'I 9tlAY WAXWIMO. WA.SH o .. p.,c. ..... , COll4ft.IT1 CH av.ua.~ RAT,~ POUIQll a oCi.esTl('I Com.In To he Mobil SIOlfonAI UJSW.PACJFICCOA.STHWY. AT~673-356 ------·~,,,_, ________ _ Fantastk ~Games PrOfitS: Tax Sheltered ,,-Purchase Program YOU DESERVE TO HELGOOO CALL~4S.S .. .,_c, .. • utarCu1•&1•• Thursday (continued) 2:50. MCME "Jennifer' t 1963. Suapenee) How-ar~ Dulf. tda Lupino. A young girl unocMn dari< dledl a{ the drafty old me,nek>n where she WOf1ta. ht:, ..Omln.) 8IZAARE "Panda Matef" MOVIE "Forbidden Heaven" ( 1938, Drama) Charieia Farrell. Charlotte Henry. An American dancer tries to malnlaln dllcretlon In her love affair with a weCl·known British polltlcal figure. (1 hr •• 30 mtn.) l ~FRANKUN SPORTS FORUM MOVIE "An Eye For An Eye" (1981. Adven- ture) Chuck Norris, Christophe< Lee. A San Franci&- co cop quits the force to avenge the mul'der of his partner by members of a drug ring. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.} 3:06(C) MOVIE "The Wanderers'' (1979, Orama) Ken Wahl, Linda Manz. The members of a tough 1960s streel gang In the Bronx dlscovef that the pr008$Se5 of growing up and falffng In !<We are much more dlfficvll experiences than any of the rvmbles t~~ve taken part In. 'R' ( 1 hr., 57 mln.) 3: 10 8 MOVIE "Copacabana" ( 1947, Comedy) Groucho Marx. Carmen Miranda. A seedy talent agent manages 10 get his cnent two jobs at the famous night spot. (1 hr., 50 min.) 3:15(1) MOVIE "Cutter's Way" (1981, Orama) John Heard. Jett BridgeS. A maimed Vietnam vet and his best friend. a social dropout, focus their ener"'8S on sotvlng a murder case. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 3:30(1J All·STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers vs. Oakland A's of the 1970's 4:00(!) JIMMY SWAGGART (I) SPORTS CENTER CID MOVIE "Private Benjamin" ( 1980, Comedy) Goldie Hawn, Eileen Brennan. A well-to-do young woman mistakenly joins the Army following the death of hef new husband on their wedding night. 'R' ( 1 hr,. 50 min ) 4:06 al) FUNTIME (%)MOVIE "An Eye For An Eye" (1981, Adven- ture) Chuck NorrtS, Christopher Lee. A San Francis- co cop quits the force to avenge the murder of his partner by members of a drug ring. 'A' (1 hr .. 46 minl_ 4:30. VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM Of THE SEA (!) JIM BAKKER • MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 4:35 all I DREAM Of JEANNIE 'Best Shot' cast set HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Robert Ulrich, Meredith Baxter-Birney and Jeffrey Tambor star in the ~ movie "Take Your Best Shot." Urich plays a film actor struggling to keep his career together while his marriage is falling apart. Ma. Baxter-Birney, his achool teacher wife, bas filed for divorce. Howard McGlllin and Jack Bannon a1ao star in the movie. David Greene is directing from a acrlpt by IUchard Levi.naon and William Link, who are abo the executive producers . ..... --. TAKATA NURSERY, Landscaping & Malmnance Expert Japanese Gardening Service •Monthly-Weekly •Yard Mafnt., Tree Trimming *Bonsal Pruning & General Ctean-up •Commercial & Residential * 20 Years Experience Expert Takata landscaping Service * NCWl:.Q[ Relandecape *West.,,....~ Styte •Specials: WaftWf.Us, Kol Fish Pond. Rock Arranpnents -. *Landscape Design ••rrlgatlOfl Sy.tern & Drain System •Patio · Decking -Muonry 830-9900 ext. 58 •• ¢ ' . . ... The Shooting' I »omp._J deP81'dn8 ... hla ~ he8da fOI' C.aUf.om1a in .ercb ol)l9,..._., (The tilm,... lhot near Sonora but It'• ... " .. South.) ''J!IDy ta Jbt 'beginn1nc ~ the IUD can eave hbn •zttme even in ooe lfegment in which it isn't loeded. i...oe said. "But t.tnally he mwt aak. 'ia it the power of a IUD that maket 'him a man or do individuaia haw the ltrencth within to be strong and lhow affecdon1' .. Billy is a rough character. mean and aggraaive, but• the film~ we see he has a sensitivity and yeern1na relaUooahips, •• Lance said. "He leum that wut he wants, love and affection. cannot be pined 1hrough force and fear. ''One of the messages ls the po wer of poesesatng a gun. the oonaequences of using it and feaponaib1Uty. "What the film deals with is people control." Lance said. "ll'or example, 1 have a grandfather in Oklahoma (L. Cotton Richardaon) who hunts to put meat on the table. But he is a conacientious, loving person who teaches Sunday 11ehool. TWO PHILBABMONICS -Zubin Mehta, muaic director for both the New York PhilJuumonjc and the l8rae1 Phillwmoni.c Orchestra, will conduct a jolnt concert wirh rhe two orchestras tor a benefit perfonnance to be telecaat on "Live From Lincoln Center" Thursday at 8:30 p.m. on PBS. LICENSED i\.ESTH&rlCIAN • C ,.0 ,,aan (/~ I faeiaJs •MASSAGE (on &.lboa l8land) FOR INFORMATION 714 CALL RINO aALDWIN ••• 675-0727 ID ~ aRAD IMPORT LLU DOM IS TIC ANDErroN ~ ~UTON'OTNE COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ra11 PICKUP-DILIYIRY n11.-n · -lllTAIUl,U..tlltl (114) 142-1111 (Formerty ot Whitman'•) 19 the Ule of. tllD -~ .. u.e them f« ~ ''SQ we nltl(l ,...._ E5t'• a f1' eclucatiml In survival but oat ,. kUI aid. g: Lance polMa to many · Mlld1ng t.o b1I ~ acti.ng career. t I ~ < -Ria ....... 141.. .... Cher, Emert ,.... Phillips. vrere tDlo~ • ~ -He w• 'l> llltio " ai an early .,e ·.,, and acted out .W• or h1a ~. :i -HJa bcottMSB are entnt, t h a. Shane, ~. i wu h1a IWld~iD tar "The Stu tlf 1j' and playw a ':< member of the pmae. KeaMy, , ii a blues J; guitarist and plaj9 the harmcriC. ftumell, 35, who ID lives in Newpan Beach, plays .. pitar and paints ~ leUCapea, The only nonent.ertam. iii Tommy, a !JI real estate MWman who Uvee In S.., Clemente. _. Perhaps it waa too much television that ~ contributed to Lance'• inabllity t.o reed. But once he N decided to pU111Ue acting he quickly overcame the problem. Kerwin recalls how he oould barely read in fourth grade but by sixth grade waa at the top of his class at Wonderland School in Laurel Canyon. A short time 'later, he moved to a farm near Lake Elsinore and instead of television after achoo) he was doing chores. It wu on the farm he dreamed of acting. And as a youngster he abo visited various studJos where his stepfather worked as an extra. AB any actor attests. Lance is quick to point out It's work with very little glamour. "Acting is a lot more like going to school than other joba." Lance said. "You have to give up all your free time. You aometimes work 15 to 18 houn a day and when you go home you have to study your lines for the next day. "In school (Hollywood Professional) I didn't have time foe sports. And when you are on the set as a minor (under HS yea.rs) you have to be tutored." But all-in-alt, Kerwan says he has n o complaints. • ''The things rve given up I've learned for film roles," he said. He learned clawical guitar from Charlie Reeves, a teacher at Costa Mesa'• Orange Coast College, for a part in "Sideshow." ('The movie tella the story of a youth, played by Lance, who joins the circus with his own marionette act.) He traveled to F.urope to film ln Austria. Mark Twain's "No. 44, the Mysterious Stranger." It will be seen on PBS this fall. And Kerwin considers himself lucky. He doesn't stay in Hollywood where actors "eat. drink and sleep" filmmak.ing but "escapes" to Newport Beach where be still surfa in the ocean off 56th Street. "I go back to work fresh and energetic," he said. Lance, when not in Newport Beach or on location, splits his time between living in Mendocino C-ounty and camping oo property he owns near the Ortega Highway east of San Juan Capistrano. ''The Shooting," abo stars Gavin Muir, Lynn Redgrave and Barry Primua. NE:JAPA~:SE u RESTAURANT TRY OUR DAILY SPECIAL • 1l·->·11 ~Teriy•ki • Tempura • .....__ __ • Sushi bar prepattd by oar f•moaa J•pane.e CMf • Beer • Wlne • Sake ~gis0-~ SUSHI RESTAURANT o;;;n Thtn. ttwu rue.. 5 PM .. M6dnigtl1 3840 E. Coat Hwy • Corona def Mar. Ce I (714) 673-3933 I .,~~~~--~ .. ~~--------~~~--..;;;;.;..--....;.~i!----4"'---------..-..J..&..;;U...-=a,j~~:.&. 'Si>orts g »cmP¥t~ fi' OONT1HUE8 Ed W..ttd NgNlghta the lll&ndera In :i their bettte tor the Stantey Cup. :.; (I) SPOA'TS CENTER • 4':06 al WAEBTUHG ~ 4:30(!) BA8EBAll Houston Aatro. et New YOtk u.. Mets (2 hrs., .a min.) • SOCCER MADE IH GERMANY ~ 6:00 8 LM<ERS SHOWTIME '82 Featured: a look at -' the Lake<s season end 11 preview of the NBA Cham-> plonshlp Anals. ._ • wtDE WOAU> Of SPORTS Grand Prix of Mona- ~ co (from Monte Caflo); Worid Invitational High Dfv... a: Ing Championship (from Orlando, Ra.) ; 11 prevtew ot tomorrow's lndtanapolie "500." (1hr.,30 min.) Cl) BASEBAL.L St. Louis Cardinals at San otego Padres (2 hrs., 30 min.) • SOCCER MADE IN GEfMANY Cl) AUTO RAaNG "Belgium.Grand Prix" ( 1 hr.) 5:300 WIOE WOfl.O OF SPORTS Grand Prix ot Monaco (from Monte Cano); World Invitational High Diving Championship (from Orlando, Ra.); a preview of tomorrow's lndanapolls "500." (1 tv .. 30 min.) EVENING 8:00 G SPORTS AMERICA "U.S. Profe6sional Indoor Tennis Championship" (1 hr.) (E) NA.SL SOCCER Fort laude<dale Strikers at T~ S8 Roughnecks (2 hrs..) 8:00(!) PAUL HOGAN (!)SPORTS CENTER 8:30 (!) RACtNG FROM ROOSEVEl T 9:00 (J) WRESTLING (E) TENNIS "NCAA Division I Men's Champion- ships" from the University of Georgia. (2 hrs.) 11 :00 ~ NASL WEB<l. Y 11 :30 SPORTS CENTER 12:30 NA.SL SOCCER Fort Laudefdale Strlt<ers at Tulsa Roughnecks (2 hrs.) a 2:30(1) ROoEo "Schrade Pro Team" Louisiana Cajuns vs. Tulsa Twtsters ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 4:00 Cl) SPORTS CENTER MAY30, 1982 MORNNG 5:00(1) THIS WEEK .. THE HHl 6:30 (I) SPORTST AU< Guests: Marlo Andrettl, Aictt Mears. Johnny Ru1herlord. (1 hr., 30 min.) 7:00 i SPORTS CENTER 8:00 GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1981 Kemper Open" 8:30 AU.-sT AA SPORTS CHALLENGE Boaton · Celtics of the 1970's vs. Oakland A 's of The 1970's 9:00(1)00LFHIGHUGKTS "1981 U.S. Open" 9:30(1) COl.lEGE TENNIS "OMslon I Women's Championships'' (2 hrs., 30 min.) 10:00 8 NBA CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Game 2. teams and lite to be announoed. (2 hrs., 30 min.) • Cl> 8ASEBAU BUNCH 10:30 (J) THIS WEB< IN BASEBAU (!) 8ASEBALl Houston Astros at New VOfk-. ~ hrs., "° min.) •DODGER DUGOUT 10:3Sft) BASEBAU. Atlanta Btevea at PhlladelpNll PNllie6 (3 hrs., 15 min.) 11:00 Cl) p~ PRE-GAME ·DODGER~ 11: 15 Cl) 8A8EBALl San oi-o--,_._. Ill "'bi . Couls Cardinal&..1'> .__, •b 1'lli'I. J .-~ Los Angeles Dodgers at Chlcego Cubs (2 hrt., 45 min.) AFTERNOON 12:00• OUTDOOR LIFE Featured: flyflshlng on Ariulnsas' White River. (I) COLLEGE LACR088E "DMslon I Men'a Cham--~"from the Unlverllty of Virginia. (3 hrs.) 12:30. MEMORIAL GOLF TOlAlAMENT FkW- roood OOYetage of this $350,000 PGA Toor tourna-ment (!Mt from Mulrfteld Vltage Goff Ctub tn Dubin. ONo} . (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 1:00• 8POAT8WOAl.D Women's Woftd POW9ftlft· ~~=.~~ Square Gatden In New Yortc); Chunlchl Cup Gym- natlc8 -Men'a Competition (from T<*yo, ..i.pen). 1: ~ihra.b.ers 1<0RNER 2:00 18POHT88EAT 2:30 AMBICAN 8POAT8MAH '-:aJTY HtonM and NI son lllh fOf' blUe n*'ln 8t St. ThomM i\ N Vllgln lal8ndl; coverage of the flrlt AhWtcan ctoe- lng of the Greenland Ice cap; Randy Mantooth and his wtte go on a ratting e>q>edttlon In New z..tend. 2:~~WRESTUNQ . ~oo e wmrew OUTDOORSMAN Featured: a vt. It t0: VenneJo Patt< Ranch In New Mexico; a vtllt to Idaho'• remote~ • 8UGAA RAY L.EONARl18 GOLDEN GLOVf.B Kansas Ctty vs. Rocky Mountain ( 1 hr.) Cl) T9N8 HIGHt.JQHTS •• 1en Wlmblldon'' < 1 hr.) 3:30 8 SPORT9WORLD WO!J*'I'• WOftd Powerttt- lng Ct\ampionlhlpl (from Birmingham. Enaaand) : Oriental Wottd of Self-Oefenee (from MadleOn Square Garden In New YOtk); Chunk:hl Cup Gym- nastics -Men's Competltfon (from Tokyo, Japan). (2 hrs.) • 0 wtOE WORLD OF SPORTS 1<>-roood light- weight bout between Edwin Rosario end Edwin Viruet (from Las Vegas, Nev.); Engfl8h Rugby League CUp Anal (from Wembley, England). ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 4:00 (E) SPORTS CENTER 5:00. GAEA TEST SPORTS lEGEHOS "8111 RQdgefs" Host Ken Howard. (!) BASEBAU. "Conege Worid Senea" (Anal Game) from Omaha. Nebraska. (3 hrs.) EVENING 8:00CE SPORTS CENTP a:oo• D IM19ANAPOU8 "600" Same-day COYer- age of the India~ "500" from the Motor ~Y l~tnda~po!ls, lndlana. (3 hrs.) (() AGURE SKA TING "Worid PaJra Competition Champlonsljps'' from Copenhagen, Denmark. ( 1 hr .. ~m1n.f 10:SOl[H1GHUCIKT8 "1981 U.S. Open° 10:45 SUNDAY 8PORT8 PAGE 11:00 SPORTSWOMAN 11:30 SPORr8 ANAL (I) CENTER 12:30(1) COlLEGE TENNIS "OMslon I Women's ~·~-(2hra.) 2:30(1)' POWmeOAT RACING From Miami. Flor1da. (1~. S:30 GOlF HIGHUGHT8"1981 Kemper Open" 4:00 SPORTS CENTER Monday MAY81, 1982 MORNING 8:0018POAT8WOMAN 8:30 OOt.F HIGHUOHTS "1981 Kemper Open" 7:00 SPOA'TB CENTEA Net time Beggie Jacluon 's world of sports will premier in June with "The 20th Annual Junior Orange Bowl International Championships," lea tu ring ranked ~nnis .players ages 12 UJrough 15. The aeries will be seen weelcly on Nickelodeon, the Young People's Channel. 9:00(1) BASEBALL "College World Series" (Anal Game) from Omaha. Nebraska. (3 hrs.~ 10:05 Q) TH'8 WEEK IN BASEBAU. 10:35ft) BASEBAU. Atlanta Braves at New Y<>tk Mets (3 hrs.) AFTERNOON 12:00(1) AUTO RACtNG "NASCAR Talladega 200" (2 hrs.) 1:301 OOOGER DUGOUT 1:46 OOOGER PRE-GAME 2:00 BASEBAU Los Angeles Oodgef'a at Pitts- burgh Pirates (3 hrs.) (E) COLLEGE TENN'8 "Dtvtsk>n I Women's Cham- pionships" (2 hrs.) 4:00~ INSIDE BASEBALL 4:30 SPORTS CENTER 5:00 AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL EVENING 8:30(1) Pt<A F\Jll CONTACT KARATE "World Ban- tamweight Championship" from Denver, ColoredO. e:~rl>=ceHT&{ 9:00(1) COLLEGE lACRl88E "Otvlslon I Men'a ChamplonlNpa" from the Unlver8lty of Virginie. (2 hrs.. 30 min.) 11:00• NUMERO UNO ltaly'a ~~ Di~. three-11:~ ~~dlver,18proflled. (R) 12:30 Cl) PKA FULL CONT ACT KARATE ''Worid Ben- tamwelght ChamplonsNp" from Oen11er, Colorado. 2;~ hir .• ~~·~ASEBAU. 2:80 AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL 4:00 SPORTS CENTER Tuesday JUNE 1, 1982 MOANING 8:00 (I) IN8IOE BA8EBAU. .. 8:30(1) All-STAR SPORTS CHAU.ENGE Boeton Celtics of the 1970's vt. ~A's of the 1970's 7:00(1) SPORTS C9mR 9:00 (I) C04,.5G£ TeN8 "NCAA DMllon I Men's Chan)PlonStilpa" from the ~ ot Georgia. (2 11:~GOlF HIOHLJGHT8 .. 1981KBmS*0oen·.· 11:30(1} GOLF "Pr~" Jimmy H11 and Fuzzy Zoelef vs. L.M TrtYtno and f:M Trueman '1 hr.) ~ Spara, h/le 32 Inside TV Simmons to star in 'Thorn Birds' By J EFF PARKER or--.~ ..... ..., Jean Simmons has been signed to play the matriarch Fiona Cleary in die coming ABC extravaganza, "The Thom Birds'' .el for IOIDetime during the 1982-83 television season. Richard Chamberlain sta.rs as the tonnented priest. Filming ls aet to begin next month . . . The unthinkable catastrophic destruction of a super-power nuclear war will be the subject of "The Day After," a four-hour ABC special now in pre-production. "For nearly four decades we have lived with the ever-present possibility of an apocalyptic nuclear war," noted Brandon Stoddard, president of ABC Motion Pictures. "We have all wondered what would happen to us, as individuals. if it were ever to occur. Th.is film will provide a detailed view of ... what the ettecu might be on averase American dtizem ... S-peaking of massive ABC productions, "Masada," the critically acclaimed "Novel for Television," has won an Ohio State Award for "its ability to fuse antiquity into a contemporary history leseon." Other descriptive phrues used to de9cribe "Masada," were "treasured gem." "exceptional visuals" and "superior acting." "Maaada" waa the story of the rebellion of 960 Judeana who cll08e to fight rather than switch ... Anne Howard Bailey, recipient of the coveted Christopher Award for writing television. aa well aa an Etruny, has been named head writ.er for the ABC 908p "General Ho.pital" . . . In order to accommodace the viewers' demand to play "Daytime Dilemma," the upcoming promotional campaign that gives viewers a chance to guess what will happen next time on ABC aoapa, the new starting date is May 31, not May 3 as was previously announced. Anyone Interested in getting ln on this ultra-exciting game should send a postcard with their name, addrells and telephone number to ''Daytime Dilemma." P.O. Box 1128. Radio City Station. New York, N.Y. 10101 ... Benji will become the first ~ to acuba dive Saturdav May 29, In the special 'Benji Tak.es a Dive at Marineland." The loveable mutt will cavort underwater with other beasts, rendering this an exciting program for Benji. whale, flab and porpoiae lovers alike . . . Marking its silver anniversary, the "America's Junior Miss Pageant" will be hosted by Michael Landon and return June 22 on CBS. Spomored this year by Clairol, Coca-Cola and others, this marks the finale of a year's work., with high achool aen1ors from 50 states and Puerto Rico competing for the coveted title . . . Robert Urich, Meredith Baxter-Birney and Jack Bannori will star in "Take Your Best Shot," a television movie about a moderately suooemrful actor who jeopardizes his marriage with the re~ and compromises that are part of his career. Filming began this month In Loe Angeles . . . Walter Cronkice has been named winner of the Bellannine Medal presented by Bellannine College of Kentucky since 1955. He was dted for "charity, juattce, and temperateness in dealing with controversial problems ... " Tony Award winner Diahann Carrol will atar with Roulind Cash and Irene Cara in "Sister, Sister," a drama about three sisters whose conflicting values cause trouble in the family and re-open old family wounds. Paul Winfield and Dick Anthony Williama aho star ... David Carradine and Brenda Vaccaro star in "Fast Charlie .. The Moonbeam Rider," a romantic adventure about a high-stakes motorcycle race June 6 on NBC. Carradine plays Charlie Swattle, a WW I veteran who returned home with a custom1J.ed motorcycle, acting as a conman. Finally, he takes part Ln a race for $5,000 ... The growing debate over the build11p of nuclear anna by the U.S. and the U.S .S.R. Will be the topic of the JUne 11 NBC "White ~aper" report by John Hart. He •ya: "The proliferation of American and Soviet nuclear weapons and their dellvery system. -miasllea, aubmartnea and lntetoontlnental bomben -and some mllltuy ))ellel that a nuclear war.could be fought and"won bave moved the hands of the doomeday clock to four minu1el to mJ~ntght., the clmest it has been to ---------.,1~-- Jean Simmons will star u Fiona Cletµy in the ABC miniseries, ''The Thorn &ids, " next aeason. the final hour since the Cuban Mi.ll'Jile Crisis . Actor-directoT Nicholas CQlasanto has been aet to co-star ln "Cheers.'' the new NBC-TV half-hour oomedy aeries for fall centering on the lives of people In a coey Boston aporta bar called "Cheers." Colasanto will play an abeent--minded bartender and ex-baaeball coach, and haa directed aome 97 shows, including "Starsky and Hutch," "The Streets of San Ftandaco," ''O>klmbo." '"nle Name of the Game," and "Little Women." He also portrayed the crime boes in "J\aglng Bull" ... Sondra Locke will play lhe title role In the CBS movie "'The Roeemary Clooney Story," based on the life of the singer. The film. adapted from Mias Clooney's autobiography, also stan Tony Orlando, Penelope Milford, Katherine Helmond and Joey Travolta. Jackie Cooper la directing from a !ICn!enplay by Katherine Coker. Mias Cooney was known as "Americs'a Sweetheart" in the 19609, but suffered a mental breakdown in 1968 and sucicessfully fought her way back. • ABC's Trelkeld reports and reflects By TOM JORY AllieodMed "-WrttM NEW YORK -Dick Threlkelk hap~s to practice his profession on television, but he considers himself a reporter first. And that'• particularly important ln an indu.try so heavily influenced by the anchorman's image and, as significantly, technology. "Television news la extremely important to a lot of people," he aaya, "but I'm afraid it'• often for the wrong reasons, like Dan Ra1heT's sweater, or whether Roger Mudd aml.les too aeldom. "In fact, and this aupri.aed me." says Threlkeld, who studied journalism at Northwestern University'• Medill School, "but you have to work harder in televt.ion, do a better job of reporting. You have less time to tell your story, and that means relating lots of facts and figures in a meaningful. undentandab~ way, "Part of that has to do with p-apbJa." he Mys. "Often 1 find myself work:lna with matt bitl aDd pl.eoelJ of lnfonnation In a four-or ttve-mlnute 1t«y that Tlme or Newsweek ml&ht u.e Ln •cover~. And that means a Jot of work -a lot of reportln8 in the t.rldltional lellN." And there'• 90methlng else, Threlkeld aay1. r- From Page 3 c8 now. Instead, her fan club ta growing. :,, In her speaking voice, Mill Petenon leel'lW to S: borrow Crom Gilda Radner's old Ro.arule Rosann-111 adanna routlnes from t he original ''Saturday ~ Night Uve." But she brings her own qualities to ~ character as well, .omehow making the Mistrel9 of~ the Macabre both charming and aleazy, leX)' and ..., innocent. !1J You can be sure we'll aee more of Elvira In the .... weeks ahead, but will we aee more celevilled 3-0! ~ ''It's my opinion that 30 days from today, 80 N percent of the 3-D glaa8ea we aold will have diaappeared," predict.ecf Walt Baker, KHJ'a director of programming. "They'll either be lost or thrown out or somet.hing." As a result. Baker said the station woula have to run ita costly 3-D spectacle sales promotion all over again if it choee to screen another such film two months from now. He 18ld 3-D bl probably best-cuited aa a special once-a-year presentation. Baker acknowledged that KHJ. as an independent broedcaat outlet, has to try ha.rdtt in ita attempt to lure viewers from network-owned stations and pay televiaion outlets. 'The 8ucx:e9S of KHJ's 3-D promotion certainly shows that there's a large audience out there hungry for offbeat programming. And having Elvira on hand to serve up the main course certainly doesn't hurt. RETURN ne&ET: Speaking of "Saturday Night Uve," fans will be happy to hear that NBC has renewed the lace night aeries for a full eighth season, beginning next fall. The fandmark comedy aeries has taken its share of knocks s1nce the departure two years ago of the abow'a original caat members. A new producer and moat of the first replacement cast bombed last year, but under the supervision of executive producer Dick ll>enol. the aeries has gotten beck on track th.is eeaaon. Impatient fans aometimea forget that it took time for the original cast to develop funny oontinuing characten such as the Coneheada. the "Chee%burger" restaurant, the ''wild and crazy" Czech brothen, etc. The cunent cast has already demonstrated its skill in creating 90tne funny recurring characters. auch as Eddie Murphy's angry film critic and aleazy children's ahow h<lst; Joe Piscopo'• Frank Sinatra and Andy Rooney impersonations, and Tim K.azurinsky's "I Married A Monkey'' husband. U the cast continues to display this kind of la.lent, they might just make llOl'Oe viewers forget Ole people they replaced. The TV journalist today can report a story live, from almost anywhere in the world. "What that means," he says. "is that In many cases you've lost that opportunity for reflection. And that's why it's to important now what Bill Moyers is doing for CBS, and Jack Chancellor for NBC. "I don't think you have t-0 sit up there and preach, and they don't, but you do need people more than ever to think about what's happening in the world, and try to explain these very· comPlex events," Threlkeld aays. Richard Threlkeld, 4~. has been doing a bit of both -re~ and reflecting -for several 1ears now, u • Cover Story" correspondent for CBS' "Sunday Morning" and, slnce January, with the weekly "Status Report" .esrnent for ABC's "World Newa Tonight." Threlkeld, born In Iowa and railed in Illinois. graduated from Ripon College in Wiaconsin ln 1960, and earned a second bachelor's degree, In joumalimn, at Northwestern the next year. He later attended the school of lnternational affairs at c.olumbia Unlvenity. Threlkeld'• career in broadcast journalism began ln 1981 at WBAS-TV in Loul.avllt., Ky., where he wu a writer and ~ucer. He worbd aublequently at WMT, the radio and televU!on station ln b1a hometown,~ Raplda. lowL He joined CBS New1 aa a reporter and ~t edit« tn New York ln January 1966, and covered Uait war ln Vietnam for the network, 1968-70. \\Ord Game TV teasers ,.-=---------------------------------------------------------------------- --N Letters I ; 'Star Wars' video ~ goes up for rent ~ RENT-A-WARS' -I've lleanl tlaat yoe cu "-•• ._, "Siar Wan" oa Y1i•eeeu1ette, bat a•e el ~ die •&era llave It tlaat I've called. It Db J••t a ~ nm.or! U aot. wH:re ea I 1Mt1 a c.py! Lucasfihn Ltd. ls l.icemfna the nwnber one ~ moneymaker to 20th Century-Fox Video for a -three-month period under a rental-only agreement . .2 That means you'll have three months within which Ci: to rent the film on a day-to-day basis, but you can't buy it -Lucas lmowa better than to ae1l the gooee that lays lhe golden eggs. May 17 is the tentative date .et for its ~ to stores. BACK AT WORK -Cu yoa tell me wlaat'1 become of David Blraey wlao laa1 clone several made-for-TV movie. ud played Serpico ha tH brief TV aeries of a few 1ealOld back? Both Birney and his wife, Meredith Baxter Birney, are working on NBC series this seaaon. He's set to star in "St. Elsewhere," deecribed as "Hill Street Blues" in hospital greena. While she'll play the mother in a mixed-up household i.n "Family Ties" (the confusion results from a generation gap between the liberal '60s generation parents and their '80s conservative kids). "GENERAL" QUESTION -I 1ee Bearv Darrow lla1 jol.Ded tM cast of "General Hospital'' I loved ll1m •• MaaoUto l.D ''Tlte Dip C\aperral,. ha tbe late 'to1. Bal I'm 1hlmped a1 to lk ume of die cop 11low be co-starred l.D after &lat. . The ~erto Rico-~m actor played Lt. Manny Quinlan m the operung e pisodes of "Harry O." Manny was killed off mid-season in 1975 and Harry (David Jansen) was moved from San Diego to Santa Monica to knock heads with Lt. Trench, played by the acerbic Anthony Ze~be. U you think real hard. you may recall Harry s next-door neighbor - Farrah Fawcett. THE ESSENTIAL GENIE -I read ln you colama tllat Gea.le Frudt wa1 makl.D1 a TV movie aow tllat ••e'1 left "General Hotpltal." Wbea will we see lier ud wllat wW tlae movie be aboat? I'm carious lo 1ee bow site does. You'll be able to 1ee how Francis does sans Tony Geary next fall In ''Bare Essence," a two-parter for CBS about the perfume business. BOLL YWOOD SWINGER -Wllat wu the aeries of jangle movies tbat Job.Dy Sbeffleld made alter "Tanu"? In 1949 Sheffield segued from playing Boy to getting top-billing in "Bomba the Jungle Boy." There were 12 pictures made in the series of B features, until in 1955 the producers decided Sheffield. at 24, was no longer a boy Send your letters to Pepper O'Brien, Unit.ed Fea ture Syndicate, 200 Park Avenue, Room 602, New York, N. Y. JO 166. Sports Highlights From Page 30 AFTERNOON 12:301 AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL 2:00 INSIDE BASEBAU 2:30 SPORTSWOMAN 3:00 TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS ··1979 Wimbledon" ( 1 hr.} 4:00 ([)THIS WEEK IN THE NBA 4:30 CJ) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at New York Mets (2 hrs., 40 min.) ([)SPORTS CENTER 4:35 (fl) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at New York Mets (3 hrs.) 5:00 CE COLLEGE TRACK AND AB..O "NCAA OM- slon II Men's Championships" from California State, Sacramento, Calltornla. (2 hrs., 30 min.) EVBllNG 6:00 9 NBA CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Game 3 teams and site to be announced. (2 hta. 30 min ) ' 7:101KJNER'S KORNER ' . 7:30 NASL WEEKLY 8;00 SPORTS CENTER 9:00 RACING FROM ROOSEVELT CE Pt<A FULL CONTACT KARATE "Wor1d Ban· tamwelght Championship" from Denver, Colorado. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 10:301 INSIDE BASEBALL 11:00 THIS WEEK IN THE NBA 11:30 NBA CHAMPIOHSHIP GAME Game 3 teems end site to be announced. (2 hrs 30 min ) ' (I) SPORTS CENTER .. . 12:30(1) COLLEGE TRACK ANO AELD "NCAA OM- • lb'I II Men's Champlon&hlpe" from Cetlfomla State. Saetamento. CaNfornle. (2 hrs., 30 min.) ~001 SPORTSWOMAN 3:30 NASl WEe<l y ':00 9POA'T'9 CENTER \\ednesday RTS JUNE2. 1912 MORNING 6:00 I SPORTSWOMAN 6:30 THIS WEEK IN THE NBA 7:00 SPORTS CENTER 9:00 PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE "World Ban- tamweight <?hamplonshlp" from Denver. Colorado. ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 10:30([) COLLEGE LACROSSE "NCAA DMSIOn I Men's Championships" from the UniverSlty of Vlr· glnla. (2 hrs.. 30 min.) AFTERNOON 1:0Q(EGOlF HIGHLIGHTS "1972 U.S. Open" 1:30([) COlLEGE TRACK AHO AB..O "NCAA Divi- sion 11 Men's Champlonsh4)8" from Cellfornla State Sacramento, California. (2 hrs .• 30 min.) ' 4:00 i SPORTS FORUM 4:30 SPORTSCENTER 4:35 BASEBAU Atlanta &aves et New York Mets (3 hrs.) 5:00([) AUTO RACING WUSAC Sprints -The Hui. ma 1 n)Classlc" from TEWre Haute. Indiana. ( 1 hr., 30 mn. EVENING 8:30(1) COLLEGE GOLF "NCAA OMs1or1 I Men's ~r')mplonships'' from Plnehutst, North Catollna. ( 1 7:30iGOLFHIGHLIGKTS "1977 U.S. Open" 8:00 SPORTS CENTER 9:00 COLLEGE TRACK AHO AEL.O "NCAA OM· s1on II Men's Championships" from California State. Sacramento. Calllomla. (2 hra., 30 min.) 11:30 Cf} SPORTS CENTEA 12:30(1) AUTO RACING "USAC Sprlnta -The Hui· ma 1 n Classlc" from Terre Haute, Indiana. ( 1 hr., 30 mn.1 2:00(1) COLLEGE TENNIS "NCAA Division I Men't Chtmplonlhlpa" from the Unl'.lenlty of Georgia. (2 hra.L 4:00Cl)SPORT8 OENTBI Tiiursday Not Harry 0 or Dick Diamond, but By W. WU.SON CASEY c....., ............. 1. Name the crime drama meries. Clues: David Jarmen ... Handling cues of Treasurer Customs, Secret Service and Internal ~nue ... Producer Jack Webb . . . CBS . . . Undercover agent. 2. Patrick O'Neal starred along with Chester Morris and Cal Bellini in a &how somewhat like "Quincy" that involved a crime-solving pathologist. Name the show. 3. What was Lew Erk.sine's (Efrem Zimballst Jr.) title or rank on ''The FBI?" 4. Peggy Lipton, Mlch.ael C.ole and Clarence Williams m, played undercover rope on ''The Mod Squad." What were their first names on the show? 5. Name the show. Clues: Troy Donahue . Miami ... Van Williams ..• Private eyes . Lee Patterson . . . 1960. 6. Who starred as K.ookie on ·•77 Sunset Strip" which also featured Efrem Zimbalist Jr. and Roger Smith as the private eyes? ANSWER& l. O'Hara, U.S. Treasury Z. Dtaposl1: UUlloW11 3. Inspector 4. J11lle, Pete ud Lloc 5. Sarf1ide Six i . Ed Byrnes TV Teasers are available in the book, "TV Trivia Quiz," which includes more than 300 questions and may be ordered for $3 from Case Cc., 101 Lafayette St., Spartanburg, SC 20303. JUNE3. 1982 MORNING 6:00Cl) GYMNASTICS "USGF Single Ehmlnatlon Championships" Mitch Gaylord vs Biiiy Paul and Bee~ Rashott vs. Patti Rice ( 1 hr ) 7:00 SPORTS CENTER 9:00 PROFESSIONAL RODEO From Mesquite. Texas. (2 hrs.) 11:00(!) COLLEGE GOLF "NCAA Division I Men's Championships" from Pinehurst. North Carolina. ( 1 hr.) AFTERNOON 12:00 (£)SPORTS FORUM 12:30 Cl) COUEGE ~NIS "NCAA Division I Wom- en's Championships" (2hrs.) 2:30 (!)AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBAU 4:00([) ALL-STAR SPORTS CHAUENGE 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers vs. Oakland A's of the 1970's 4:30 ~SPORTS CENTER 5:00 SPORTS FORUM 5:30 TOP RANK BOXING From Atlantic City, New Jersey. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) EVENING 6:00 8 NBA CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Game 4 teams and site to be announoec:t. (2 hrs. 3o min.) ' 8:00 i SPORTS CEHTEA ' 8:30 RACING FROM ROOSEVELT 9:00 NUMERO UNO Gary Sobert of Barbados, a master of all aspects of cricket, Is profiled ([)GOlFHIGHUGHTS ''1964 U.S. Open" 9:30CE AUTO RACING "USAC Sprints -The Hul- l l:~~;:~::::e Haute, Indiana (1 hr. 30 11:30(1) NBA CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Game 4. teams and stte to be announced. (2 hra. 30 min.) Cl) SPORTS~ • 12:30(1) TOP RANK BOXJNG From Atlantic City, Ne...; . (2 hrs., 30 min.) 3; 8PoRTS FOAUM 3: All-8T AR SPORTS CHALLENGE 1956 Br~n C>odQtts vs. Oakland A'a of the 1970'1 4:00 Cl) SPOA1'S CEHT'm TV -Puzzle DOWN 1 Actor Patrlc- 2 That la: Ab. 3 HOllll'Nn 4, 10 Play9d Martin Kan• 5 Stopthe- 6 On the briny 7 1or66 8 Oo,la - 9 -Bro.d Oayllght 10 See40own 11 See 12 Across 13 Miies or Vague 20 -Not Disturb 21 Plays Allee 22 Mr. Nugent's tnslgne 24 -Moines 28 Mr Conway 28 Lewis or Vale 31 Clock numeral 33 Prime time 3-4 Patricia or Kathleen 35 J.ck Oodaon role 38 Reta or Robert ACROSS 1,5 Shown, plays La Rue on 32 McCloskey on Dallas Hiii Street Blues 36 Neighbor of Mass. 39 Over Easy host .0 Commercial 41 Thomas or Kaye 42 Oppoalte Of PM 43 Miss Reese .a Thia Gun for- 47 Meatcut 50 Role for Tayback 54 Compass point 11 Tatum 37 Peter or Wolfe 12 A Peter of fllm and TV 38 Lambchop·s voice 55 Miss Wynette'a sign-off 57 Mr Oamone's lnlllals lame 41 Carl to Rob Reiner 14 Hart-Hart 44 -Voyager 15 Mr. O'Neal's lnslgne 45 Mtsa Lamarr 16 -It Now .a Joyce on Hiii Street 17 John-Carre Blues 18 Played Citizen Kane: 48 Mr. Allen's sign-Oii ..fnll 49 Pacino HI Miss Cornell of Too 50 -and Bill Close for Comfort 51 Behold! 21 TV Pr<>ducer Norman 52 Miss Ronstadt's 23 This-House monogram 25 Adams of Gunsmoke 53 Film favorite 26 Dan-of Vegas 56 Existed 27 Actor Cobb 58 Anthony- 29 Clock numeral 59 60 ~lnutes essayist 30 Classic car EMERGENCY ------ DOCTORS OFFICE THE A TTENnON YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A convenient alternative to ho•pltal emergency room• for: ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Professional & Personalized Care AOUL TS ANO CHILDREN No Appointment Needed • Immediate Attention Given WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED OPEN: 7 DAYS A WEEK 3e5 DAYS A YEAR 8 A.M.·11 P.M. (714) 752-9300 l!Ml!RGl!NCY DOCTORS OFFICI! 4030 Birch St, Suite 107 Newport Beach · 405 FWY. 5 15oFF your first visit -------with th .. coupon -= See what we hsve to ofter • -- -n1111111111rc:ouroJ1111111111r. ....... .! .............................................. ~ A KITCHEN . . . SO BEAUTIFUL our friends will hate i Sava to 50% on display callinets ~ < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !'° 0 ~ Daytime ~ ~ ~ ca ~ Marlena lives, but gt • • d. ~ twin sister 1es _2 By L VNDA HIRSCH a: DAYS OF OUR LIVES: A vengeful Jake ent.en Marlena's apartment and atnnglea the woman he finds there. Don and Roman devastated by news of Marlena's deelh Meanw~. Euge~ Brad.ford baa a vision that Marlena isn't dead, and lat.er Don diacovers that Marlena ls alive and that Samantha, Marlena's tWU\, was the victim. Aa Don goes to tell Roman. Jake look.a on. Chrla returns to Salem in. an attempt to help Jake. Leeming that Renee c:alled off engagement with Tony because they're hall-brother and sister, O.Vld urges Renee tot.ell Tony the truth. Llnda makes a hasty retreat out of Salem. ALL MY CHILDREN: Although P~ Is unable to figure out the arcurnstancM, she rulius Jenny wu cheated out of fint place in the beauty pqeant and makes Lua give Jenny the crown. An angry Liza vows revenge and begins her plot when ahe leama Tad is Jenny'• brother and that Jenny's f.ather Ray has an W\lavory put. When Ellen can't make It to the openinc nilbt ol Marit'a play due to bo1Rnew, his raves tnxn a New York producer who aimiden optioning It mean linle. Pammy comforu Martt and they bed down. Enca ut.oniahed when Brandon gets Hone Kong Mlicnment and wants her aJooc. am furious when Palmer names N1oa head of the computer branch of Courtlandt Eliectronics and she hires a gowrnem for Bobby without Mking CliU. Palmef-refU9es to let the debt-ridden Estelle 1ee Donna. While Palmer convincm Doam to haw an abonion.. Myra leery of Donna'1 delpondency. AnCie ou~ when a UC>ppy and obnoxba Jeme coma to dinner. ANOTBEll WORLD: MWr Diana ctw. ultimatum, Pete lr1a wedding dale. ~ .ct'\.ell Alice at not k:nowtnc what she wmta. With Alica out al town, SkW fllb Raebel to holt a psty. She ca••tioully..,... CIO the ODDditiaa that Alice ·w the okay. Cll!cOe infonm &em that Brian's mn Te.f w• once in a menial iblldtudoo mad Stein planl to ~ Cbe Info to amtW' Brian. LatUmrr .wean he didn't ~ ~ 'll>on>-ina wama Denny to get out of ~'a life. Rachel admtta to Dena she'• f.a1llng for s~ all OWi' .,.,.. Al THE WOIU.D ft1aNS: After llilar'IO a.ta.Im minor injuries. she .. mfl1Y '° 6twa Tma bm ~ her asalgned to a 4'e9k job. D19covertq S.rbara'• wbeftebouta, Gunn. ...... ber ..... ol Paul ~ pltar and a loY'a ... fruD htnmlf. Bwtiara " betnc watched by a rn.tn wwtnc a lld mlllk. In "*-F, Ariel and John en)>y rcmance, while J-.. beDna aleepina with Bftnda, the Dt'W oaok. OetUnc OYef" 'tom, .... feelinl cber' to Stew. ~ when she di8cown Cynthia in a bathrobe at 0.vid'a, Annie vows to breU t.bem up, while Dee deddea to stay out of it. Karwn steeJa the formula for CraJc and Dee'a perfume. Nk::k disp1eMed with Kim working fol' Scan. CAPITOL: Myra's pillrw to aa.,. Philip in bed With Shelley and then make it look M ~ he'a murdered her are thwarted when PhW~ i. called to aecnt IK\lrity ~Playing'** cape, Trey rea1u. Philip'• hMty rdreat oolncided wlth Martt'• auddm clilappearance · at dinner and beliews the duds downfall will lbMll tq t.blnp to the CJiecp. After puncbina Tyler for ~ to nm his life, Wally F'S to Julie and telll her he loV. her. A llUnned Julie wama to watt bef.ore tel11ftl Wall6:,~ 19d Tyier plan to wed. but Tyler' lDlllta Wally must STEALING A WAY -As her mental distress causes ooncem IUDIJl16 others. Katy Whitney (Maia Danzinger, right) ponders drastic action in her po9 mon of Lee Ann Aldrich (Jeannine Cartigan), aft.er haunting the chDd's dreams on "The Doctors" on KNBC (Ch. 4) weekdays at 11 a.rn. nDW or he'll hate t.bem forever. Juat • Thoma and 8eth prepere to bed down, Wally buma in. Beth departa. a fieht emus, with Thcmaa 8CCU1ina Wally of trytn, to ,et att.ention by alwaya aettinc In trouble, and Wally aying 'l'bomM' way of getting attention la 10 make everycioe feel 9Clr1'y for hini. Jordy i.min Beth go on hilb~ rnidni&ht cw nee. GUIDING LIGHT: Helena arrives in IOWn to get revence on Nola and Qwnt. Leanuna that Prof. Taylor wu •t.abbed to death wilh ancient kni1e, Qwnt believes memben of the ~nt tribe he'a tracking have aought tt-Venge. Carrie planta 10 much auaplaon in Jackie's rrund about Justin that ~ takes of( for Chicago In the meantime, Juatin writea Carrie a note about the predicament; 111 the middle of writing it he toaes it aaide. Ro. plcka up the not.e and while on buline9I an Chica80 pays a visit to Jacloe J.ckie becomes h)'11t.erical over the not.e. Floyd and Nola grow cloeer a Kelly Lowae retuml from the hospital and a christening Is planned. Vanessa plans to loll any desires Tony has for Hillary Afttt a heart-to-heart talk with Ed about theu-put marriages, Maureen deodes to stAly on ~tly m Spnngfield I.V believes Wayne's polaoning was murder. ONE LIFE TO UVE: Larry maJl88e& to eacape crocodile-infested swamp, but oot before K.attn IS forced to wed Ivan in bb:arre ceremony. KMeTl 1ta.rU to atrang)e Ivan but is unsuooeaful and Ivan preparea to pl.ant electrode in her brain. Aatnd helps K.an!n eec:ape and Karen and J...any share paaionat.e night in jungle. Dorian pla.m to divorce Herb. Feel.mg grat.eful to Beau. Aa drops plans to work against him. Brad teams up with Karl, who warns rum a double--cro. would be dangerous for Brad's loved ones. Clint and Vicki reconcile but Vacio becka down when Cl.mt sa)'11 he must break with Edwina. An angry M.arceUo quits hia job with Asa. Beau prepares to dnve rece car to prove that tolaramlt.e works. RYAN'S HOPE: While Siobhan visits the cluuc with Little John, the celling falls on her. Little John phones Joe for help; he rescues her and a grateful Siobhan moves Ill with Joe. Having gained money she needs for the rans>m, ~gets Seneca to driw her to appointed place. M they speed alonj. they are pulled over by pollce Roger, hoptng to~ l0£ether with E.J., is unaware that Ox plans to break them up. SE.ARCH FOR TOMORROW: Feanng his bllnclnesa IS going to be permanent. Brian turns away from Suzi, al though she 1.ns11ta that she lows him and waota to stay by tus Side. Janet leriously oonaidera Ted's marriage propoaal Havmg lost~ when be gambled away the money he won for betting on Brian, Martin awean he w1ll never gamble again Dane thinks Aja knows roore about the cooapiracy against Operation Sunburst than she's letting on. Tom wanta Kathy to be the one woman in h.ia life.~ SWUly and Lee are aha.ring a fnendly luncheon. Ci8ly anivee and overT'e9da to the situation. Al the Elbow Room, Suzi and•= befriend a well-to-do diner, Kristin <M1.er, who y bu to borrow money for the meal TEXAS: Hannibal fean that he'• png to me hJa campan.lee. Justin wanta to get A.hley'a money out ol the company, but she's fearful Hannibal will expome her reladonab.lp to Gf'elOl'Y lf J\dn eoea throucb w1 th hil plan. Rena has a meetin& with Hannibal and visits AahJey to gloat owr Justin's lmpend*nc ftnandal Nin. Ruby and Judith propoee a plan to get even wi.th Rena. Mark t.ella Grant that be'• nab.Inc Judith into dJV'Oftle.. Holdlnc a gun on Ruby, Hannibal demands the fire compaa YOUNG AND THE RES11..ES& Aa Patti tella a brokenbear1ed Danny she pl.am to marey Jack, Jack hM one of hia well~known eemiorw with a new model. With Lance's departure. Lucal dedde9 to look after I...esUe and Laurie. When Laurie dedde9 to expme Vidor Nf!'WIDml by writing a book about him. u... acres to help her. Robert paya a visit to hla bospUallud wife In hops that she wW apeek, but her psJdllatriat tieDa Robert she bm not communicated In 18 ye&n and neY'ef" will again, and IU~ Robert ~ I divorce. With Carolyn t.::k in town, Nikki t.eU. Kevin she wanta nothina to do wilh h.im. Carl ia thrilled but Mary dlatn9ed when Paul plant to become a policeman. H.ave a quesUon &bout your fAvori~ ll09p or .,.,, it.arr Write to Lynd• Hincll, cl o FUJd N~w•pa~r Syndka~. P.O. &x lgn(), lrvUw, CAJil. n114. S~ wUJ WWft' • IM(IY qu-tbv • .be can in her column, bur IM volume of maU mabs penonaJ ~ impomible. 2823 east coast highway 675-10' 0 corcna del mar ________________________________________________________________________________________ ., 55 0 Daytime Emmy hopefuls for daytime viewing By LYNDA HIRSCH Here at last are. the oominationa for the 1982 daytime F.mmy awards. 1be ceremony ia to be held June 11 at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York and will be televised OYer CBS. Nominations for best eerial: "All My Children;" "General Hospital;" "GuidJ.nt ~''Ryan's Hope." Ju we stated In our aemi-column, we feel ''All My Children'' daervea the award for best 8erial on the air. But we wouldn't be surpriled if "GuJdino Light" or "Ryan'a Hope" pulled lt out. AitboUCh~General Hospital" has been pulilidr.ed to death, it baa been an uneven'year for this aerial due to the illDeal of Gloria Monty, the ahow'a producer. Best actor. 1be9e nominations can only include members of major OC' nucleet families. However, as you can tell by the following names, the nomination does not alwayw folloWI this rule too cloeely: James Mitchell (Palmer, "All My Children"); Richard Sboberg (Tom, "All My Children"); Larry Bryggman (John, "A.. the Wodd Tuml"); Stuari Damon (Alan, "General Hospital"), and Tony Geary (Luke, "General Hospital"). We said in our prediction column that we felt Mitchell and Geary would be up for awards.. Lut year, Bryg_Jman, Geary and Mitchell were nominated; Doug WatBon won. Thia ia always a tough category to chooee in. We think Sboberg did 90IDe very fine work this aeaaon, breaJd.nc out of bis mo~ as ':!ir>' Tom. However, we think that James M1 Larry Bryggman or Tony Geary will win. Lat year, ~hen both Tony and Bryggman Jost, there was a bulb in the Emmy audience, lince it YA WANNA CHEAT? MIGHT AS WILL DO n UP HAL GOOD, HUHf CAROUSEL SWEET SllP You'll have to acrape the bUtterfat off the roof or your mouth, -that wtfl make us famous - 1. CAROUSEL -Th• orlglnal "Creamery" a cnem. All natlnll fNlta, ,..., cr-.n & low air contentt Fatl Fat! Fat! Plul ,..., rNllted mllk. 2. Our cendlM .,., mede With ,.., butt• & ,..., c::tlocole1el er.mytlcloua, honest! Jelly .,....., toot 3. Petits Foun lndlvldually decol'ated. Strudela that wt" blow away In a llght t>rMze. The cti11e11ceke7 lndeecrlbablef 4. The cooldee, brownle9 & fudge? You proMbly won't malca lt thle flt, but H you do, you'll be c:loee enough to crawl out the front dOOf'. :•••••••••··~COUPON•••••••••••1f••t ! CAROUSEL SWED SHIP : WE'LL GIVE YOU A DOUBLE SCOOP : ' CONE FOR THE PRICE OF A SINGLE : SCOOP WHEN YOU BRING IN THIS 1 COUPON I --········---------··············· CAROUSEL SWEET SHOP In front of K-M1tt, Harbor a Wllaon, Coata Meaa Look lw ow Ml next WNlcl W•',. llOt'llM ,., 10fll Y• n _., EMMY HOPEFUL -The ABC daytime drama, "All My Children," which features Richard Van Vleet, Candice &rley and James Mitchell. has been nominated for a number of »nmy Awards. The aeries is .shown weekdap at noon on KNBC (Ch. 7). had been expected that one of them wouJd come out on top. Geary's ftSPOI• to kl8ina was that he was devMtated beau.-•1 felt I bad clOne the best work rd ever done jbat .-i y.r. u I didn't win then. whenr' After eome rn•• ••ient, ~:J' then told us, "I feel I have better work In me I Int.end to :2 do it this year." Geary may get it this year becauee o be didn't get it lut year. ~ Beet actrem: Susan Lucci (Erica, "All My < Children"); Ann Flood (Nancy, "F.dge of Night"); .- Sharon Gabel (Raven, "Edge of ?fight"); Leslie $ Charleeon (Monica, "General Hospital"); Robin 'Tl Straaer (Dorian, "One Life to Live"). Lucci alwayw ::l. does a wonderful job, but th.ls year her storyline g. was not top-notch. Our money Is on Robin Strasser, ':' who Is consistently excellent as Dorian. ~ Best supporting actor: Darnell Williama (Jeaae, ~ "All My Children"); David Lewis (Edward, I\) "General Hospital"); Doug Sheehan (Joe, "General !" Hospi1al"); Gerald Anthony (Marco, ''One 1.Jfe to - Live"). All are exciting nominations, and all tn.&ly ~ have a shot at this award. We have been a backer' of I\) Darnell'• from hi8 f:lnt ep.ode; all the others are fine performen. David Lewi8 may have the edge becaU8e he ia well-known In the Industry. Best auppol'tlna llCtr'e9: Elizabeth Lawrence (Myra. "All My Children"); Dorothy L)'_DWl (()pal. "All Mv Children"); Meg Mtmdy (Mona, '-the Docton'"); LouJae Shatter (Bae, "Ryan'• Hope"). We would have been stunned had Dorothy Lyman not been nominated. We think &he'll get it, but Liz Lawrence ia a pomibility. Best writino nominations: ''All My Children'': "F.dge of Ntihl'; "Guiding Light": ''One Life to Live." It-a a io.-up between "All My Children" and "Guiding Light." Best technical: ''All My Children'', ''General Hospital." We think "General Hospital" may get this one for ita uae of film-like techniques in a daytime medium. , In caae you're interested in statiatica, NBC garnered one 808p opera nomination -for Meg Mundy and "The Doctors." CBS received one nomination for best aerial ("Guiding Light"), one nomination for best actor (Larry .Bryggman on "AB the World Tuma"), none for best actreaa, none for best supporting actor OC' actn!l8 and one for best writing -("Gufding Light"). ABC hu received nominations In all categories. including a clean sweep in the best actn., aupporting actor and ~ wriq and technical catepjes. ·'' p- l I I I I Don't wait for summer · to be beautiful · ... · Have a smooth and tan yNOW! You don't have to wait for the year 1999 to have miracle products for the skin available to you. 1999 is here now in the most exciting product to be introduced to you in years. A roll-on moisturizer that reacts to your skins body chemistry~ applying to the skin and giving you instantly your oom personal sun color, and instantly a smoother softer skin. 1999 Moist and Glo is for evel)Qne who looks to the future. It is the most unique moisturizer years ahead of its time. A glMng lotion that rolls on smoothness, rolls on softness, rolls on a natural suri color. Simply roll on over the face, shoulders, anns and legs, blend, and see dtyness disappear. Instead the body and face feel supple, firmer, and vitally alive. 1999 contains collagen which holds moisture in the skin and keeps the skin looking youthful. 1999 contains aloe vera and jojoba to revitalize and enhance the skin. 1999 contains PABA to protect the skin against harsh elements. . 1999 is ideal for evel)Qne who wants healthy skin and an outdoor look all year around. For a 4 oz., four month supply send $13.50 (plus 6% sales tax for Calibnia residents) to: 1999 Bf.AUlY PRODUCTS CO., 3321-A West Warner, Santa Ana, CA 92704 • (714) 75?-5670 111111 CIAIT lllTlllTll lllCI I 11111111 111111 lltlllA t M l\1 .'II Ith UI U\NC .t C OUN 1 Y L Al tr OR NIA 25 CE NTS UCI, county agree on medical pact By FREDE RICK SCHOEMEHL Of , ... Delly Nol ···" Orange County government and the UniversJly of California have reached "conceptual" agreement on a new contract d esigned to put to rest a years-long battle over proVlSlon of medical care for the county's indigents. The contract, which would take effect July 1, would replace a 1976 agreement which resulted in an $8 million billing dispute betw~n the two parties. By law , the county la financially responsible for medical care for persons who have no ability to pay and do not qualify for state Medi-Cal coverage. Medical care for these persons i.s provided at the UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange The university then bills the After naval shelling county for the services on M patient-by-patient buia. At a late morning press conference Thursday, county superviaors Chairman Bruce Nestande said negotiators are recommending different payment mechanisms that would make the new pact more efficient and reduce admirustrative cost.a. Under the ne w pact the county would make monthly lump sum payments f o r o utpatie nt emergency services and pay a daily rate for inpatient services. The latter rate would bt> adjusted in relation to the amount of specialized cart' required R.A. "Bert" Scott. thl' (.'OUnty's lead negotiator on the ne w contract. likened the proposed system to the private Kaiser Permane nte medical care program Nettande sa1d It has not yet been determined how much the proposed contract would cost county government annually. The county's medical services adrrurustration budget this year 1s $13.7 million. The bulk of that amount is an the f orm of payments to the university for medkal care for indigents. Nestande also announced that negotiators have arrived at a figure the county should pay the universHy to end the dispute over the $8 million in contested billings. The amount was not diacloeed. The $8 million m disputed b1llangs has been subject of lengthy -and expensive - arbitration hearings in which attorneys for the county and the (See MEDICAL, Pa1e A Z) British launch big offensive College • HJeet1ngs on tap By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of !tie De#J Piiot ···" Coast Community College District trustees have agreed to meet with representatives ot the district administration and the f~ulty of Orange Coast College in an attempt to resolve issues that recent l y led to "no con fidence" vote by campus instructors. "I'm very optimistic about it," said Orange Coast instructor Fran Potter, who is president of the college's academic senate, which proposed the meetings. She said Trustee Carol Gandy. district Chancellor Norman •watson and Orange Coast College .President Robert Moore h a ve tentatively agreed to participate in the first meeting, along with about three faculty members. .,..,.,._o .. Heavy fighting reported By The Aasoclated Pren Britis h for ces attacked Argentine pos1uons at Darwin today following heavy British navy shelling of the Falkland Islands stronghold, the Joint Chiefs of Staff m Buenos Altes reported. It was the first time the Argentines conceded that the British had broken out of theLr beachhead. "The enemy has begun land offensive action against Port Darwin," the commuruque said. It gave no other details, but Br itain said earlier that its m a r ines and paratroo pers launched offensives 24 hours after storming from their beachhead under heavy Argentine air attacks Miss Potter said the senate originally planned to confront the trustees Wednesday with a list of quesuons regarding the manner in which Bernard Luskin was selected to be the college's new president after Moore retires June 30. PONTIFF VISITS QUEEN -Pope J ohn Paul ll walks with Britain's Queen Elizabeth II in Marbal Hall at Buckingh am Palace today during first of his six-day visit to Britain. The British sa.ad two Argenune Skyhawks were d o wned Thursday when they attacked the British beaachhead at San Carlos Bay, 20 miles north of Darwin, and that a British Harrier jet was shot down over the Falklands capital of Stanley -the ultimate target of the British drive. "Offeruive land operations" by the British are under way today, the British Defense Ministry said, adding that Harrier jets were flying reconn a issance missions for the ~und troops. But she said a letter from Moore convinced senate members to request a smaller meeting in an attempt to iron out their differences. A t Wednesday's board meeting, the trustees approved the idea of taking part in such meetings. But the exact nature of that participation is scheduled to be discussed by the board at a special meeting next Wednesday District officials said the board may decide to rotate the trustees who take part in such meetings. Pope tneets queen, prays for peace British com manders were maintaining radio silence to avoid giving their positions, British sources said. The advancing troops, out numbered by the Argentines, were relying on surprise and mobility. they said. In a poll taken May 3. a majority of the Orange Coast f u ll-time faculty voted "no confidence" in the leadership of t hr! trustees and Chancellor Wat.son. Another source of f ncllon has been a letter distributed by four Orange Coast professors who criticized television courses offered by sister school Coastline Co_llege. Miss Potter said she expects the selection of Luskin and the telecourse dispute to be discussed in the upcoming meetings. No dates for these sessions have been confirmed. NATION LONDON (AP) -Pope John Paul II, the first pontiff to set foot on British soil, began tus historic visit today with a prayer for peace in the Falkland Islands and a meeting with Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace. The queen. whose forebears broke with the Vatican and &et the English church on a separate course that has lasted 450 years, met for halC an hour with John Paul in her role as temporal head of the Anglican ch u rch and "defender of the faith.'' The pope's six-day tour, long-planned as a step toward reunification of t h e t wo churches, was nearly canceled because of the Vatican's fears it might be inappropriate while Brrtain was at war in the Souh Atlantic with Argentina. Corporations restructuring Many of the nation•• t o p corpora tions are restructuring themselves to meet unprecedented economic challen,a. Paae A 7. The year of the toads A wet spring ~ a:tven an Orlando. Fla .• suburb an "old-fashioned 'biblical plague:•• countless toadl literally piled on top of each other on patiot and in swlmming pools. P•ge B5. COUNTY ' Memorial-Day rites slated A variety of vet..ani 8">"'9 a.Iona t.M Cout will hold Memorlal 0.y ceremoniet ln honor of tho nation'• war dead. while oountianl prepare io ,et away for the ~ .ummer ldckoff, Pap Bl. • But from his morning touchdown at Gatwick Airport south of London -and his now-traditional kissing of the tarmac -to his arrival at Buckingham Palace. the pontiff was given a cheerirlM welcome from thou.sands of Bntons, many of whom spent a c hilly , fog-shrouded night saving their places. None of the pope's 11 previous trips abroad were so fraught with potential political and religious conflict as this one, and the government mounted the biggest security operation in its h istory. Militant P rotestants, vehemently opposed to any rapprochement between the churches have promised to stage demonstrallons along the pope's (See POPE, Pase AS) SPORTS The British Broadcasting Corp., citing unofficial repor't8, said British troops ran into stiff Argentine l't.'SlStance Thursday as they pushed toward Darwin ma bid to secure one leg of their two-pronged assault on Stanley. The BBC said paratroopers opened fire from high ground on the estimated 600 Argentine troops at Darwin, about 20 miles south of San Carlos, and at nearby Goose Green, site of a key island airstrip The Times of London said helicopters ferried troops under cover of darkness for a "big pu sh" to Darwin and Goose Green. Another British press report said the attackers might try to bottle up the Argentine defenders and push on to the capital, 50 mites to the northeast. Lakers do it again, 124-117 The La.leers go one up in NBA championship series with com e bac k 124-117 victory o v er Philadelphia. LA's ninth straight playoff victory. Page Cl. Vince mulls new league Vince F e rragam o is conalderlng offering ht• 1ervjcel to the newly tonued United States Football League. Paae Cl. Angels nipped by Brewers The Angela are lhaded by Milwa'-lkee ln the o~ of a 10-pme bomMtand. Pap Cl. ' OCC, GWC'1ake their lum~ 0nnae c.o.t and Colden Welt both rre beaten In state community eonep ti111ball. P1p Cl. San Carlos~ ~~~ British 7'~-, BRITISH TROOPS MOVING -Series of arrows reportedly indicates intended route of British armed forces moving against Argen tines at Falklands capital of Port Stanley. There reportedly are some 7 ,000 Argentine troops deployed along ridge hills around Port Stanlev. Off to war Son goes to Falklands By ROBERT BARKER Of' It. Delly "°' SQlt For the second time an her Life, Florrie Kefford has seen somebody she's loved go off to war. It was her husband, Robert, who left home and peaceful pursuits to fight in World War Il. It has happened again 40 years later when her son, Michael, headed off to a war in the Falkland Islands earlier this month on boar d the Que~n Elizabeth. He's a major in the 7th Duke of Edinburgh's Own Gurkha Regunent, part of the British task force that left Southampton May 19. "I never thought I'd have to say cheerio again under those circumstances," she declared. Mrs. Kefford and her husband, residents of High Wycombe Bucks near Oxford, England, are visiting their daughter and her farruly in Huntington Harbour. Mrs. Kefford discussed her feelings Thursday, the day th.at British gro\.'nd forces began their <See MOTHER, Page AZ) Holiday weather outlook iHJproves M emorial Day wee kend weather isn't supposed to be so hot but it should get a little better than recent gJoomy days National weather officials are predicting cool temperatures and cloudy s1<ies in the mornings with partial clearing in the afternoons. But forecasters say they expect skies to be brigh ter than they have been. Tempera tu r es a long the Orange Coast are expected to be in the upper 60s in the day and 50s at night. Southern California deserts are expected to have fair INDEX At Your Service A4 Business C6-7 Callfonilil A5 Cavalcade B2 Claaified Dl -6 Comial C5 Crcmword C5 Death Noticea D2 ' Stan Delaplane B2 :Edi t.orial A6 Entertainment Weekender Home/Garden B3 Ho~ B2 STATE weather. A high of 88 and a low of 6~ are predicted on the low desert. An HU-degree mark is expected at the upper desert with a low of 59. Fog and drizzles are predicted 1n Sou t hern Californ ia mountains in the mornings. Highs wiU reach 60 and the lows 30. A weather spokeswoman says South ern Ca l iforn ia is experiencing "typical spring weath er." She said the gray clouds are caused by a thickening of the marine layer. She said low pressure areas inland also are a factor Intermhision Ann Landen Movies Mutual Funda National News Public Notlca Weekender B2 Weekender ce A3 A 7 ,&t-6,C9.D'l Sparta Cl-4 Dr.Steincrohn B2 Stock Marketa C7 Television TV Lot Theaters ' Weekender Weather Al World News A3 'Yes' on tax indexing The Daily Pilot Urpl • uye;• vote on ~"°" 7, whlCh would extend _J>en.nanetfttlY income tu lnduinl fot CallfomJam. PIP M . .... - I I i MEDICAL CARE .. • High r.1se planned in Mesa unlv.ralty have preaonted ov1dence. Observed Neatande, "There are tremendoua attorneys on our aide, tremendou1 anorney1 on their llde. That'• whv thll thlr\R hu FM on eo lona." He la.id It could have been 1984 before the arbiter heulna the cue reached a declllon. Neet.ande said that date wu not acceptable. dllpu&e hu bean ln the makil\I aha March when the county a1reed to make a U million "1ood faith" payment ~o the unlveralty In return for qreement by the atate to releue about • 12 million tn embaraoed hNlth care funds. By JODI CADENHEAD OfttltDllJ ......... Developers for a mammoth ~rclal t'Omplcx to be buJlt on Sakioka owned land 1n north Colta Mesa aald thelr decta1on to build a1x high rlM buUdtnp wq Influenced by the nearby South Cout Plaza Town Cf'nter complex. Reeolution of the Indigent care Tho 1tate wu wtthholdina the money under leplat!ve mandate to force a resolution of the dllpute. Cutti·Enjland Co., developen for Royale Development to., submitled pl.ana lut Friday for 1.3 million square feet of 't.'Ommercial development to be built on 50 acres eaat of South Coast Plaza Town Center. MOTHER WORRIES. • • {drive across the Falklands. f "Yea, I worry about his safety. It is a mother's privilege i( nothing else. "But this 1s his Job. It's something he has trained for and loves. ' "There are fean1 and anxieties If there's any love. But this is the job he's chosen . . . never mind the deeper jeelings. "I had lunch with him the day before he left. He was his usual self. He had a pb to do and he's going to do it." Mrs. Kefford, who says she hasn't heard from her 36.year·old son since, asserted · that the British stand agaln1t Argentm.a in the South Atlantic is conaiatent with the nation'• traditJon ''It's a trait of the British people to stand by a pnnc1ple no matter how futile. "It's something we've always had and always lived with, lt's our heritage." Mrs. Kefford says that residents of the Falk.landa are British "and th ings have happened to them that shouldn't have "Whether it's 1,500 people or five, they are entitled to live the Uves they've been used to." POPE IN BRITAIN. • • six-city route through England. Scotland and Wales. The pontiff, declaring he was "deeply moved" to be in Britain. said he would pray "at each step" of his pastoral visit for an end to the Falkland lslands confhct. which has escalated steadily since Argentine troops seized the British colony April 2. "We cannot forget that an armed conflict is taking place - brothers in Christ fighting in a war that imperils peace in the world," he said in a homily at Westminster Cathedral, seat of the Roman CathoUc Church of England and Wales. "In our prayers, let us remember the victims of both sides." The 62-year-old pontiff was applauded by the cathed~al congregation when ht: sa1~: "Today, for the first time m history, a bishop of Rome seu root on F.nglish soil. I am deeply moved." Against a background of 450 years of sectarian strife between Catholics and Protestants - continuing to this day in Northern Ireland -John Paul said "My deep desire, my ardent ho~ and prayer lS that visit may serve the cause of Christian unity." He later met the queen at Buc kingham Palace. The monarch, whose predecessor Henry VIII broke with the Holy See over its refusal to sanction his divorce, always is ~mporal head of the Church of England, Britain's officially established church. The meeting was billed by both London and the Vatican as "informal," citing the queen's fonnal ti tie as "protector of the faith." The two emerged from their meeting and chatted briefly in the palace courtyard before John Paul stepped into his bullet·proof "popemobile" truck for a trip to Southwark Cathedral, in south London. The queen, wearing a Ught blue dress and white gloves, smiled warmly u the pontiff, in his white caseoclt and acullcap, shook her hand. They made no comment to a small group of reporters and photographers allowed to watch. 'The two met previoualy at the Vatican 1n 1980, aft.er which they 1-ued a statement of support for the "growing movement of unity betw-een Christian c hurches throughout the world." The sun shone brightly as John Paul arrived at Gatwick airport south of London. "We decided to go high riae because of what the Segeratroms have done with South Coast Town Center," said Mike Oberst, project manager for Curci-England. "Thls will let it become more of an image." Town Center, home for the future Orange County Performing Arts Center, includes 1.7 million square feet of office development, including the 17 -story South Coast Plaza Hotel. About three million square feet are planned. Plans submitted two years ago for the adjacent 165·acre Sak.ioka owned parcel bounded by the San Diego Freeway, SurtOower Avenue and Main Street called for 1.3 million aqua.re feet of commercial development and 1,500 condominiums. Senior planner Perry Valantine said that the developer has not yet submitted plans for the residential development and that the original proposal only called for three and four story office buildings. The new commercial plans will come before the Planning Commission June 14 and Curci·England officials plan to begin construction March 1983. The f1rst phase of the South Coast Metro Center along the San Diego Freeway, Anton Avenue and Avenue of the Arts calls for two 11 ·story buildinga and one 14-story building and parking for 2,252 cars. The second phase includes two lO·story buildings and one 14-story building with several parking structures for 1,868 cars. Oberst said that diacussions are already under way to attract "corporate" tenants. Protest to end SANTA CRUZ (AP) -A chancellor's office atudent ait·in protelting denial of tenure for a teacher was 1eheduled to end today at the University of California at Santa Cruz. Overcast skies Coastal Low morn111g cloud• becOmlng penty cloudy In the 11ternoon HlgM lodl')' 83 10 70 Low cloudl tonlghl end Saturdl')' with pe.rtlal cleerlng In th• 11ternoon ~l 10w1 5<C to 82 Highs S1t1Kd11Y 85 to 72 El aewhere . rrom Poi nt Conception to th• Mu:lcen b<>rd« and out 80 mllee: Light verleble wind• through tonlghl except for 1oulh lo 1ou1hwHI wind• 10 to 19 1<not1 thlt ....,.,111g Weeterty ...ill of 2 to 3 leel Ou1er _,.,. wtH have combk>ed -~t5I0 101eet V.S. summarv Wlndllorme nlnglng h-'1 tor• Into Texu Ind .Okl1hom1, wrecillnO buildtng1 Ind boet• end lell!llQ ·~ of ''-· While lloodw••-up 10 5 feet deep today wathed through eome cltlee In l/Wglnle. In ea1tern Monten•. the Nltlonal w .. ther Senltce Mid 1iP to 3 feet of enow WM expected for IM Memorial Dey ......icend. Fout people -• l!llled In the allermath of downpour• thet Cl4IMd floodlng llld muc:lllldee In Virginia aod North Cerotln• Up to 4'~ lnchM of rein during the night c•u••d extenelve noodtng In CherloUeavlll• and AJbemar1a County, Ve , with weter reported lo be S !Ml deep t:r1er eome roade. A few lamlllee -• ..acvated. One hOuH In Cherloll••vlli. ... lfl0\'9d ~ feet by • ·-of"'"· A wtndttonn ~to be a tomlldo deetrored a marina lit 'orl Co~. Olite .. 11n1tlng or danllGlnCI 25 lo 30 boats. Wlnde up to 70 mptt toPPled ~ 2,000 tr.. et FOft SUI, C*i.., end ceuMd -d8fNI09 II Inlet and '--'On,_~ ... Ille lln of p.-or merblel P911ed _., -of Oldellotn.a. Tilun«Mr•tMm• accompanied br heavy r11n, 11111 1nd 1ome ~ 111o toertd ICt'Ott r_.. --• from the IOU!""" pert of th• 111te to th• nortlt•centrel coest• log and Ortzzle In ._ mountain• WHI 10 north-I wind• guattng to 35 mph oould sweep moontaln• and nol'lhem duerla tonight but 1houto dlmlnlatl S11urdey Welltlend hight ere forecast In the low 70. In LOI Angelee, from &e 10 73 et ~. from 55 10 65 In the mourttelnl. ~ 75 to 85 In Ille hlOh ~ end from &4 10 90 In low ~ valey9 Shlpboerd celebrent1 from Poll'll ~ 10 lhe Mexican llOl'der can •JIP9CI 11gh1. vwtable wlndt during nlghll end morntnoe. becoming eou1riw.1 to wut 10 to HI knot• In th• 1flernoon wl1h • 2· 10 3·1001 _, ... ty 1W911. Increasing to. to 9 feet llrther then 80 mllM out Temperatures NATIOtf Albany Albuque AmerlllO Aw-Ille Allen I• Allenlc Cl~ Austin BlltlmOr• =c:k 8olee Boe ton BfownlV!le Butlelo 8ur11ngton CMc>ei' Char1'1n SC Charllln WV Charttte NC Cheyenne ChlcaQo CinclM•U CleWland Clmbia 8C Columbu• Dal-Ft Wlh 1>lryton OenY« O.Mol,_ OettOll Duluth BPMO flf90 ~ ... Hertford Helena Honol\llu "' Lo Pre. 81 92 79 •8 78 51 25 80 81 30 ea ee 92 58 ea 79 78 86 11) 41) 42 45 ea sa 80 31) 78 63 I)() 71) 81 97 81 92 82 49 01 81 71 83 87 11 S2 70 02 80 51 17 53 43 82 80 35 88 92 .85 ae ea .oe S2 83 .l<C 86 70 .02 82 80 .78 84 58 79 57 75 &9 1 O<C as <Ca ... 59 06 77 &S N 45 40 33 .ea 85 63 43 37 26 81 70 Fronta· Cold.,. Wwm ..., Houston lndnepllt Jec;ken MS Jeckenvtle K11111 City LU Veg• Liilie Roc:tl LoullVllle Lubbodl Memphl• Mleml Mltweuk .. u..o&...A1 p ~ ... New Orleanl New York NOf'IOlk No. Piette Okie City OmllN Of1aodo Phlleelphl• Phoenlll Ptnlburgh Pti.nd, Me P11end, Or• PrcMclence AalelOh ~ 8alt Uk• San Antonio a..ttle ~~ 81 Louie St Pl.Tempe 818 .. MIM Spolc*'t 8Y!'llCIUM Topek1 90 78 78 58 95 ll3 71 87 ea 01 71) 92 ll4 ee ae as 23 83 91 35 8068129 87 75 03 80 78 15 83 41) 18 73 58 ... 97 08 ll<C 11 82 82 11 ee 80 ea 82 92 'O<C 74 80 81) 74 41 81 51) e1 ee 13 64 24 71) 43 • 51 ae 52 83 70 .71 78 a3 86 M .at &4 74 74 47 02 " 74 71 64 71 81 01 87 74 e6 H 51 ... 78 " 711 85 't'u IUlllOfltl .. H id IOIM llOlnel end WM bulldlnOI _.,.. dtm•o•d In lhe rmen, ~.and L..cnlne. A tornedo ••tall durl119 the 11lgflt cover~ 67 oou11tlH In SURF RIPOii T-. Torn1do•• 1110 dHtroyed ,...,...~~In .... ~ ..... tome ,.....,.. ledfrO!t!IN.,__ ......... California 5rF...$.attr Hollfly ...-end 1uneh1k ==•11 '"'*'' lflffld l'IHd fOf tlll IM l'W :.=:. 1;.s ft Mft . ,. t ft "' .... " .. ===~~~ Trlllll)W(T . / =-~ Met Of'lly dllltrll CT..._., M" ,..._. • n. ......... --., llr*8 TOMOMOW'I TIOU: Hllll t:JO J& ~ .. ,. &M .... .... ~kit• 111.vy 111ornl11• Dholoft lcMtl. :\ • Tuceon TutM Wuhlngtn WICl'llll s111ionery •• Ml 91 01 ea 10 .1• 11 ea .o.c 80 83 .17 CAUPC>NaA Blk-fleld 85 Blythe I)() Eur•lll 55 Fr~ 81 l.lnUlter M LOI Angelee a5 M11)'9'111M 79 Monlerey 80 Needlee 811 O•klll\d 89 Puo Roblee 89 Red Bluff ao Redwood City Sil Sectemento 73 Sen Otego 70 San Fr ll1Claco 58 Sant• BMbetl 87 Stodtton as The<mll 80 Bare tow tt Big Belt 74 8lll1op .. Catalina • Long S.Ch 89 MOfWOVll 87 Mt 'Wllaon t0 Newport 8Mctl .. On*'«> 85 Pttm 8pr1ngl .. PINdeM e3 San 8etnardlno ... 8111taAna 12 sa11ta CNi ee T ehoe Vtllw M CAMAOA Tide, 47 &4 12 ., n 85 ... •• ' Schmitz aide fired by panel .,.., ......... ,..... MARSHAL -Sport«ut.er F.d Arnold will lead the Fountain Valley 2~th birthday parade June 12. Ed Arnold to lead FV parade KABC, Channel 7, sportacaster F.ci Arnold has been named grand marshal of Fountain Valley's 25th Birthday Celebration Parade. Arnold, a Fountain Valley resident who ls active 1n many civic groups, will take part in the June 12 parade, which will step off at 10 a.m. from Fountain Valley Hi~h School and proceed to the city s Recreation Cent.er at Mile Square Park. A coin tol!l8 at Tue9day'a City Council meeting will decide whether the band from Fountain Valley High School or Loa Amigos High wlll lead the parade. Nwneroua other actlvit1e1 are being planned aa. part of the birthda~bration, tncluding a "Lima Fest," a flower abaw, a band concert and variout arts and crafts exhibits. Activities will center around the recreation center. In conjunction with the celebration. the city hu unveiled an official commemorative poster designed in honor of Fountain Valley'1 25th birthday. The poster ia a pen and ink sketch created by artl1t Jan Smith. Students' TV conference shown tonight A news conference that Huntington Beach High School studeots conducted with officials in Washington will be shown tonight at 8 o'clock on channel 10 on local cable television.' The film will show the history and government students asking the questions earlier this month Crom a telephone hookup in their studio at the high achool. They questioned Rep. William Dannemeyer, R·Fullerton, and Kirk Nooner, a lobbyl.st for the Sierra Club, about energy and the environment. Local te lecommunications students Integrated films of the students asking the questions into the portion of the ne~s conference filmed previously m Washington. By JEFP ADLER OftMo.ltr ......... Even thouah he WU flred by the atate Senate Rule• Conwi\Wlt, a top alde to Sen. John Schmiti. R-COrona del Mar, aa1d he will continue to work tor Schmitz u a private dthen. Brad Evana, an adminiltrative uaittant to Schmitz. la.id today he planl to 1tkk with Schmlu through the June 8 primary election and po11lbly beyond that. Schmit& i1 1eekln1 the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate. "I ex~t.ed the flrlni for some time,' aaid Evan a, who is attending a friend'• wedding in Arizona. "I became too controversial and the politicians bowed to pre11ure from the Jewlah conununity to get rid of Evans and hamstring Schmitz. Evans waa fired Thunday by the Rules C.Ommittee 1n what appears to be an unpreceden~ action. Senate ob1erver1 said Evant' firina Wal the flnt time the committee had ever terminated a senator's aide. In commenting on the firing, Senate President Pro Tern David Roberti Hid Evan1 was fired becauae "of a pattern of behavior over the put 1everal months which haa been comple tely unbecoming a Senate staff member.'' Evans, who de9crlbes him8elf aa a "right wing international revolutionary," said his termination WU triggered by his actions during a "'::,1r,h by former m.en am r-Abba Eben on the UC Davia campus. "When I interrupted Abba Eban'a 1peech, that'• what precipitated lt." Evans said. The Ji'ountaln Valley School Diltrict la accepting raervations for apace at a June 19 swap meet that will help pay for creation of a fund·rai1lng "Turnaround Sho ." T/:e swap ineet will be held in the patio area of the district's heedquart.ers, 17210 Oak St. The reaervation fee is $10 per speoe. Rellervations can be made • Fountain Valley's 25th Birthday Celebration Committee ii aeeking city resfden~ bu.si.ne9es, Rrvice clubs, hobbyists, craftapeople and artists who wi1h t o operate a booth at the June 12 birthday festival. Activities will take place • The Fountain Valley City Council will conduct a spectal study session Tuesday to consider the 1982·83 water department budget. The 1tudy te11ion will He ialto Hid aeveral preH releates h .. wrote, tncludlna orv tnvolvtna Loi An1eln1 attoml"y Olorta Allrtld. contributed to tht> committee'• decialon. M1. Allred has since flied a $10 million libel suit ag1t1ntt Schmiu becauae of the releaae. Man stabbed to death; trio hunted A 23 -year -old man was stabbed to death m Seal Beach early today after he and his companions refused to purchase beer for three men, police reported. Seal Beach police said Brian D. Gause of Long Beach was found bleeding from a chest wound at the corner of Seal Beach Boulevard and Pacific Coast Highway at 1:40 a.m. fie was treated at the scene by paramedics, then rushed to the trauma center at Fountain Valley Community Hospital, where he died at 3:04 a.m., acoord1hg to a hospital spokeswoman. Police wd Gause d1ed of a stab wound m the heart. Officers are searching for three Hispanic men, about 18 to 20 years o ld , one w e aring eyeglasses, who alle ged l y stabbed Gause after he and his companions refused to buy beer for them at a nearby liquor store. Police said the three fled northbound on Seal Beach Boulevard in a dark-colored Chevrolet Monte Carlo, by c alling Nancy Hela, 962-0316 Donations to a Su peri ntenden t ·Pa rent Council booth can be made by c a 1 I i n g n e i g h b o r h o·o d PTA·PTO presidents. Funds raised through the swap meet will help local parents set up a turnaround shop for sale of outgrown clothing and items. The shop will be located at the distnct headquarters. outside the city's Recreauon Center at Mile Square Park, 16400 Brookhurst St. Booths and displays will be manned from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. To apply for space at the festival, contact Joan Dean at Fountain Valley City Hall. 963-8321. before June 9. begin at 7 p.m., preceding-the regular council meeting that begiru at 8 p.m. The counctl meets at City Hall. 10200 Slater Avenue. All Stores Open Memorial Doy 9-5 Save Money Today. Save Ga• Every Tim• n-e You Cook Out. DucWll bulldl lhe nnest gu grUls In the world. They cook better. 9dd more navor, UM ie. gu, and IUt long«. Beet of ~now you OM bl.IV a Ducerie tor wtiet ft oo-t• to buy en onSln.ty ~ .,a Almember, onty DuCaM hU a Mlf-dMnlng coal ~ V. catd'lee drtppll'ISJI alld ~ them ln1tant1y addtnO ~ to J ~ you'N eodtlftO. IOO-Slngl• Burner augg. $318.29 .... 1 ..... 1500-0oubfe Burner augg. $452.99 8a1e ..... 2000-Rotluer1e & Ralaed Rear Burner ~· 1641.08 ......... Pl'ICee lndude LP or Natural Gu. LP lnctudet tft. N9tur1il OM lnoludee 12 foot qulok connect hoee. All Ntude Outr1z IQnllOr. PrlOM Good Thru 8-1-82 ••CROW•. HARDWARE • ,.. 8torM CIC*\ 7 ~ W•tol"' Plue 1024 lrvtne Ave. Newport 8MCtt ~-11S3 • Coronedel.._ 3101 E. CoMt Hwy. 873-2800 • l ( . I 1 1 J .. I ' 1 mill u~ rn rn Recession nearing end? Economic index rises for first time in year By Tiie A11oct1•ed Pr .. 1 WASHINOTON -A government Index deaianed to ahow future U.S l'COnomlc trenda roee In April tor the first time m • year, the Commerce Department reported today. The 0.8 percent increase In the Index of LeadlJ14l Indicators, the first gain aince May 1981, was the most encouragma statistical evtdence yet that \M l"dl9ion may be neartna an end. F.conomiata lna1de and outalde the IOYft'IUbmt caution qalN\ puttinc too much emphalia on any one-month flgurea. But the leading lndicaton index haa 1 been dropplna lem rapidly ln recent months, and Wlyata had Indicated that April might be the turnaround month House fails to pass hudgef WASHINGTON -Cracks tn mepublican ranks and a ~urprise rejection of Medicare savings for next year left stunned leaders of both parties watching their budget strategies crumble In the House today "We're going to march into the sea . . . The Pharaoh's army 1s breathing down our necks," House Majority Leader Jim Wright, 0-Texas, said jokingly Thunday juat beiore the full House began voting down budget plan after budget plan. When it waa over today, legl1lators had rejected carefully crafted blueprints from Republican leaders -carryl.ng President Reep.n's endorsement -from Democratic leaders and from a bipartisan coalition of moderate.. Senate approves housing aid plan WASHINGTON -Cracks an Republican possible presidential veto, the Repub- lican-controlled Senate has approved a multi- bi l lion-dollar program to help the nation's slumping housing industry. By a 69-23 vote Thursday night, the Senate passed the $5. l bill.ion program. characterized by President Reagan aa a budget-busting bellout of one segment of the economy. The vote in the Senate was well over the two-thirda margin that would be needed to override a presidential veto, which Senate Republican leaders viewed as likely. Khoineini w-arns Arab states BEIRUT, Lebanon -Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini says Iran's battlefield victories in the Persian Gulf war spell the end of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and that Iraq's Arab supporters "are digging their own graves." Khomeini warned the oil-producing Gulf states to "repent and return to Islam today. Tomorrow will be too late. The statement by the 82-year-old patriarch of Iran's revolution was read In Tehran Thunday by his 80n, Ahmed, and broadcast today by Iran's state radio. It was his strongest warning to the Arab regimes of the Gulf since ha fol"Ol!S recaptured Iran'• aouthwest.em port dty of Kho.rranwhahr and drove the invading Iraqis back to their border on Monday. Battleship Yanioto wreckage found? TOK YO -A Japanese group led by a former naval officer claimed Thunday to haw found the wreckage of the Yamato, a legendary super battleship sunk by U.S. bomben off IOUtbem Japan in the last months of World War Il. If confirmed, the discovery would climax a two-year search for the vessel which hist.oriana dellcribe u one of the three biggest battleships ever builL 1be Yamato wu blown apart by Amesican carritt planes and sank with 2,498 men aboard on April 7, 194~. while making a "suidde aortie" through the East Chin.a Sea lo support Japaneme forces ln the battle of Okinawa. Music Center expansion eyed LOS ANGELES -Cultural leaders unveiled a multimillion-dollar, privately funded expansion plan that could add three new theaters to the downtown Music Center complex, c..it county expenses and provide new revenue for low-cost housing. The propaeal, presented to the county Board of Superviaors Thu.nday by Harry Wetzel, chairman of the Performing Arts Center c.ounc:u. a.lao could include commerci.al and residential d~elopmenta although thoae aspects-and do7.ena more -aren't yet settled. · School textbook loans proposed SACRAMENTO -The California Senate has voted to revive a $4 million state textbook loan program to students in private schools, including church schools. constitution. SCA40 by Sen. Alan Robbins, D-Van Nuys, went to the Aalembly Thu1"9day on a 28-7 vote after two Roman Catholic eenatorl aocu8ed the court system of religious bigotry. The proposed amendment to the state Fans relieved by soap opera plot LOS ANGELES -Fans of the NBC soep opera "Days of Our Lives" heaved a sigh of relief after four anxious days when they learned that Dr. Marlena Evans was not the victim of the Salem Strana)er. The real victim was her twin sister, Samantha. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomae P. Halev ~Ind Clllef 6-M ~ ~ ....... W'f ......... ~ CIH•lfled advet'tlatng 7141842-s.TI All other department• 642~321 MAIN OFflCE DO Welt laay SI .. COi~ -· CA ~II...,_: llow 15i0, COi~ Mese, CA. n.a. c.....,rtoN "II o.-..,. c:.... ""*'~ c_... No_.,... l*-'retlMI, fdlt«lal m«tH.,. .. vertlM,,_.. _...,. ....., lie ,..,__, •ff"°"' -i.1,..n~Nloftofaiprr...,._. VOL 18-NO. 141 'Paradise' wins injunction halt HOLLYWOOD -A federal court Judae bu dedded to deny • preliminary ~~~nctlon that would have the movie "Paradie" out of the nation'• theaten for alleged copyrlpt tnfrlngement. U .S". Dl1trtct Court Judie David Kenyon puled the word to attomeya late Thursclay ln advance of a formal ruUnc on a request by Columbia ~byt.o enjoAn the plcture distribui.cu Embuly Pictures! We're Listening ••• WhJt do you like about the Daily Pllot? What don"t you like? Cell the number below and your measase wlll be recorded, trantt'ribed and delivered to tbe appropriate editor The tamt 24·hour answtrtn'-eervlt't may be uted to ret"ord let· te-rs to the ~ltor on any topic. Mailbox contributors mutt Include their name end telephone number ror vertrlceUon. No clrculttiOrl t'alla, pltue. Tell ua wh•t't on your mind. Orange Cont DAILY PILOT/l'rlday, May 28, 1082 H/F PUSH COMES TO SHOVE -A high-speed punu1t of a stolen Chevrolet Corvette ended thusly Thunday a1temoon on Laguna Canyon Road near El Toro Road. California Highway Patrol Offlcer Pat Barnard used his patrol car to force the Corvette off the road, pinning the o.ltr .... ,._.. .. .,, Oety .,,._ vehicle against a utility pole. The c hase Involving CHP, Sheriff's and Laguna Beach and Irvine officers reached speeds of 80 to 90 mph on the San Otego Freeway and Laguna Canyon Road. SUSPECT COLLARED -Sheriff's deputy escorts Willie Earl Rania, 35, following the Lo. Angeles man's capture Thursday ahemoon. Authorities allege he stole a 1982 collector's edition Corvette from a San Clemente auto dealer, then led officers on a high speed chase up San Diego Freeway to Laguna Canyon Road before being halted as he attempted a U-turn near El Toro Road. Irvine High mural decision due June 9 A decision on hanging the Irvine High School mural which aome residents have cntloz.ed as racist is due at the June 9 meeting of the Irvine Unified Schoof District board. After hearing testimony from mural supporters and opponents, Board President Elizabeth SicoLi said trustees "will decide whether or not it will be hung." She said the board had directed Principal Gary Norton to hang the mural whenever he wanted lo and it had been 1eheduled for hanging the week of June 7. She indicated, however. that Norton wanted more board ~~ on the mural so it's been p on the June 9 agenda. In particular. some residents Including black parents, have objected to a seven-foot panel in the 47-foot mural which depicts black people being consumed by flames emanatmg from hooded members of the Ku Klux Klan Ten minutes has been aUocat~ at the June 9 meeting for testimony from people representing each side of the controversy. Ms. S1coli said. In addition, the board is soliciting written opinions on the mural. Sicoli said written matenal is due at the school"s district office by June 2. She also noted the mural had been scheduled for hanging at the school on Walnut Avenue the week of June 7 but the board has directed the principal to hold off until after the meeting. Hinckley's 'fantasy' film shown : I WASHINGTON (AP} - Jurors at the federal trial of John W Hinckley Jr. watched a showing today of "Taxi Driver," a movie closely linked with the prs1denllal assailant's fantasies. U.S Distnct Judge Barnngt.on D Parker previewed the movie and decided 1t should be shown to the jury A few mmult"S later, a half-dozen t.eleV1S1on sets were wheeled mt.o position facing the JUry, the defense tables, Parker's bench and spectator seats, and a v1deot3pe of the movie was shown. Moments before the movit?' began, Hinckley nervously fonned fists with both hands and • I drummed them on the defense· table But the mstant the film: started rolling. he turned toward I a monitor about five feet away and watched transfixed The defense team told Parker the movie was important for JUrors to see because Hu'ickley assumed the role of the mam character, Travis Bickle. when he shot President Reagan on March 30. 1981 ln the film, Bickle stalks a pres1dent1al candidate and . tries • to rescue a young prostitute ?layed by Jodie Foster, the 1 actress with whom Hinckley had a one-sided fantasy romance. Hinckley shifted restlessly in • his chair the first ume actress Jodie Foster appeared on the • SCreE'n in her role as a young prostitute. When Miss Foster t danced in the movie with her . pimp. Hinckley turned away from the momtor and covered his face with his hands for several minutes The Jurors were too busy watching the film to notice. ' Most of the lime. Hinckley, hardly moved One o f his l lawyers. Gregory B. Craig, kept wr1tmg notes on a yellow legal 1 pad. The judge only looked at his I monitor occas1onally. gazing most of the tune at the JUry and the defendant. 1 The defense team told Parker 1 the movie was important for I jurors to sec because Hinckley ! assumed the role of the main character, Travts Bickle, when he I shot President Reagan on March 30, 1981 . Spring Dollar Savings SALE Extraordinary Plushl Extraordinary Prlcel This luxurious plush Is tufted thlci< and deep wtth Trevlra• polyelter yam ... then "Super 4" protected against soil and ltatlc so your new sweep of color wlll look llke new tonger. On• of Oull1tan'1 moet beliuttful ~ ... now dollars off fNfKY eq. yd. you buy. $14.95 .... Jd. Moment's Della ht EASY~ARE PLUSH ELEGANCE A New Oeneretlon Carpet Fiber • Actuelly repet1 11a1ns, splll1. dirt • True antl-aoll character ... not a aoll hider • Bullt4n etatlc control • Aet.ina character after wear. dMnlng Henchome 8tyllng • FUch. etegant IUater nylon yar~ • Suetaen Heet-Set for lmOOth IUrleoe, pinpoint texture retention • ea1119nt, det\N ... a IUP9fb value $19.50 eq. yd. Bella via A SUPERB "EASY-LIVING" PLUSH The Ultlmete ln Carpet Fiber! • New generation nylon technology • Actually reslsll at1lns. spills, dirt • Tru. anti-soil repell1nt. not a aoll hider • Bullt·ln anti-shock control • Retains cMrac1er atte< wear. ciMnlng Luxury 8tytlng • FUch, eteoant luater nylon yarna • Dente reellient, 8'nk-ln elegance • s~ ~ 1or amooth aurlaoe, pinpoint texture retention $25.95 . eq. Jd . Installed Prices Include NZX-3600 sponge rubber pad ' . .,... .. l~~~~~~~~~--~~--1~·...-~~~~;...._.._~~---~~~--: • -- --·---. --,,.. SUED -United Farm Workers President Cesar Chavez is being sued by nine former Salinas Valley union members he fired last year during an internal union dispute. Ar.my gets fleece I. 8w:!~! <AP> -s.n. William Proxmire has bestowed his Golden Fleece award for May ~ on an Army agency for spending $38 million over 13 years to develop a gas mask he said is no better than the one already in• use. "If we didn't desperately need a new protective mas k , this would be an amusing story about bureaucratic ineptness," the Wisconsin D emocrat said Thursday in his announcement of the award, which he gives monthly to what he considers an example of "ridiculous, wasteful or ironic use of federal funds." The Arm y Mat e riel Developme nt and Readiness Command has been trying to develop the XM-30 mask as a multi-purpose device to protect ground troops, pilots, tank commanders and other mill tary personnel against poison gas and biological weapons. It would replace a number of current masks, including the standard-issue M-l 7Al model, which has been ln use 27 years. Despite the heavy investment, Proxmire said, extensive tests have shown that the only advantage the new mask offers is to give a soldier better visibility when firing his rifle. Operational tests by the Army's Training and Doctrine Command showed the mask's utility "substantially less than the standard masks" on every other count, the senator said. Nonetheless, Proxmire added, th.is development command has pressed for continued work on the mask, which would cost at least $450 million to produce as a replacement for the masks in service. Proxmire said h e sa w encouragement in the fact that "the Army and the other services have had the wisdom to call a meeting, tentatively set for late , June, to discuss the merits of proceeding with the program." And he said "the participants may be sufficiently choked up" by the poor test results to scrap the new mask. Spoke s m e n for the development command had no imme diate comment o n gggg; By PAT HOROWITZ O(the ......, Net • ..., DE.AR PAT: Caa yoa tell me wbtn Memorial Day wa1 tint obtened lD tllll co11atry? G.R., Co1ta MeN Although no one know• exactly when Memorial Day, aomeUmes called Decoration Day originated, lt lll believed to have been observed flnt by IJ1evin1 Soutnem women durlna the Civil War. They chose May 30 to decorate the l"aves of both Onion and Confederate 10ldiers, llCCOrdlng to the World Book Encyclopedia. Americana now obeerve this national holiday to honor thoee who l08t their lives in all the country'• lat.er wan. Since the end of World War I, Memorial Day alao has been called Poppy Day because of the battles fought in the poppy fields of France and Belgium. Memorial Day, now celebrated on the last Monday in May in most 1tates, became a federal holiday in 1971. Ma n y Southern states 1et aside a day to honor Confederate dead. Alabama and Georgia observe April 26 as Confederate Memonal Day; both Carolinas observe May 10. Kentucky and Louisiana celebrate it on June 3, the birthday of Confederate President Jefferson Davis. Claims cou,.t pamphlet he I pf ul DEAR HEADERS: With new rules governing SmaU Claims Court in l'ffl't'l s1m·t• Jan. l. the State Bar of California has re- written 1ts eonsumt•r nght.c; pamphll•t, "How Do I Use the Small Claims Court''" to ht•lp the public understand what has been l'allcd the "JX'<lpll"s t'Ourt." Under thl' new rules, the maximum amount in dispute in a small claims case has gone up from $750 to $1,500 -increasing both the number and importance of small claims proceedings in California. The pamphlet goes through the small claims process st.ep- by-stcp as well as helping an md1v1dual decide if SmaU Claims Court is the way to handle a legal dispute. It also answers the questions most commonly asked about Small Claims Court, in- cluding what kinds of cases are appropriate, how to file a claim, how to defend against a claim, what the courtroom procedure 1s like and how to collect your money if you win. Single copiC'S of the pamphlet may be obtained free by sen, ding a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the bar's Communi- cations Division . 55S Franklin St., San Francisco 94102. Multiple copies may be ordered at cost by sending a check or money order ($1 1 per 100 and $85 per l.000 copies) to State Bar Pamphlets, 651 Brannan St .. San FranctSCO 94107. Wet vacuum set recalled DEAR READERS: Sun Hill Industries Inc. of Stamford, Conn., in cooperation with the U.S . Consumer Product Safety Commission, is recalling its Sun Vac, a wet vaddry cleaning vacuum attachment, because of a potential electric shock hazard. This product converts a regular dry vacuum cleaner to a vacuum cleaner which can pick up water or other liquids from floors and other surfaces. The product conaiats of a 3 ~-gallon plastic bucket and two adaptor hoses, one of which can be connected to a dry vacuum cleaner. There is concern that an electric shock hazard could result if the product's bucket becomes full of water or accidentally tips over. Water could then be sucked mto the vacuum cleaner, soaking the motor. Th.is could result in a potentially severe or fatal electric shock if anyone touched a metallic part of the vacuum cleaner while standing on a wet floor. No accidents have been reported by purchasers or users of the attachment since it was first introduced in March of 1980. Sales were discontinued in February 1981, after almost 1,000 uruts had been distributed. Consumers who have purchased the Sun Vac are requested to return the product directly to Sun Hill Industries Inc., Glenbrook Industrial Park, 652 Glenbrook Road, Stamford, Conn. 06906. Refunds for the original purchase price, and for mailing costs, will be forwarded directly to the purchaser. Consumers who have questions on return of the product or wish further clarification should call Sun Hill Industries collect at (203) 324-7550. or call CPSC's toll-free Hotline at (800) 638-8326. Spare lids for pans DEAR PAT: Can you tell me where I can bay replacement glass lids for old Corning cornflower pattern 1aace pan1? I've looked everywhere. The new Corning pan1 have a different shape. -K.E., Co1ta Mesa Request a "replacem ent parts hst" from Corning Glass Works, Consumer Service Department, Corning, N .Y. 14830. Check the list for the replacement parts you need and order directly from Corning. Prices and mailing costs are included for older Corning cookwear. ''Got a problem? Then wnre to Pat Horowirz. Pat will cut red tape, getting the answers IUld action you need t.o .,Jve inequities in government and business. MaJ1 your questiom to Pat Horowitz, At Your Servire, Orange Coast.Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92628. Proxmire's criticisms. ~~~~==================================~ WE SPECIALIZE IN HU WALL UNITS Since 1153, thlt rernartlab'-llM of wall unite haa bNn providing tup«lof craft.manthlp and quallty WOfidwtde, The~ 8)'9tem w dea9*' wtth meny ..,._, attTtbUt-. bUt \WMUlty la one that Jtandt out by ,.,, The Hundwad ayetem cen aooouwnodete 80ytNng rrom boob to• Wlll'dt'OM, d'°°89 ..-om oomblndOne OOlllilaUno ot upper units and b-. whkltl c.n be ~. or fUManQth boollo .. n , « combine "*" togecher fOf • vwt.d loc*. MOit of the unite .,. evellable In s wklthl--21W' I 42W' Md 14\oi": thue making the poeetbl!Uea Innumerable. The HundlMld Syatem comee In T..icwood, Aoeetuood, WtlnUt and OM. W• 1rW1t9 you to ootne by and pld( up a broctlUr• end W fOf ~the~ and~ Of tNe ~ ... ~ dealgn. • J ---·-....... ---........-· ---- Robinsons MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND SALE SPECIAL SHOPPING HOURS: FRIDAY 10·9 . SATURDAY 10 .. 6. SUNDAY 11 .. 6. MONDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, 10-6. 519.99 1t•1· IJrmo•• Special. Sunday through Saturday dressing when you're sporting a dark summer tan. Pretty, feminine spaghetti-strap sundresses In the brightest prints and colors. Just slip on your sandals and pick one. That's the ease of sundresslng. Here you see two from our fabulous collection In machine washable polyester/cotton. Key· hole back. Square-neck and dlamond·lhape front. All for 3 to 13. JWR JR'S, 117. °""Ill OOllt DAILY lllLOT/"'1day, M1y H , 1Na • We are pleased to announce STARRING SPECIAL PRICEI FOR YOUR YICITill PLUSURE Tremendous Savings .~-:-\ Coming Attractions · 1. Cal'• Camera \ 2. Jim'• Tuxedo Junction 3. Buck'• Clock• 4. Reinert'• Department Store 5. J.C. Humphrl•• J•w•ier• SJIOWING JIM'S Cl~lc Sale/ TV~c~]?O 21% OFF ALL WALL & TABLE CLOCKS 31% OFF ALL GRANDFATHER CLOCKS WEOOINGS · PAOMS fOAMAl.S UYIWIY .. F• SE .. FOAMALS ~~ Sl.tJl,u ,1 .. a.~ • ·t' •1•2;19 ;lJ •I PALM BEADi • LORO WEST AFTER SIX Featuring ()·n--11 TUXEDOS FOR MEN & WOMEN Wedding Consullanls 25 Years Experience Ser~o Ofonim... Bulova /ArHARIAH H0 WArW MlllfR Sf TH 'Wl ~~A S ~h\ ~NGt A"'D STORE HOURS: MON.-SAT. 10-7 SUN. 12-5 ........ rt .. .., CLOCK SHOPPE Skllled Prot ... lonal •••• • ervtc For your vaJuebJe jewelry and wetchee· ta u doee to you u J. C. Humprhrln Jeweler• where our own craftamen carefully do the work under personal IUpeMllon. vDlamond a Precloua Gem Setting v Fine Jewelry Care a R..,.ar vOrtglMI Jewelry'l>Mlgn and c .... ttona vFlne Watch R9J)81r vGem and Jewelry. Appnlula MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY @ .. 1809 NEWPORT BLVD .. COSTA MESA .. u ......, Since 1946 B1nkAmerlcard-Master Charge 19th STREEf COSTA MESA ,, . I , ' Firms restructure to mee·t ·the· times IY JOHN =Narr General Moton provlcha an ..,......._ txamplt of aomt of th• chan111. 111111111111 NaW YORK -PrHHd by Sptakln,9-to tha ... holdtra I\ \ht• recutlon, lntlaUon, hlah lnw,...t ra\el oompany·1 ann-1 ~. chairman and fortltn compeUtlon, American ftGttr Smith ttcbd off .on. of \he 1ut. tht production of enctMt and cornpanlH art a1ktn1 the bulo 1tep1 al.relidy taken by tht ~t au\OmOtivt vehJclM, aome old-lint qu11tlonl they haw lOf\I avoided. manuflCtu.ret. oonctl'M are maklna atunninl bnakl To paraphruo Pot.er Drucker, tho -OM'• worldwide ealaried ranka with tradition. Amonc them art mana1oment authority, they art have been reduced by 27 ,000 com'*'* ln communicaUona, •tell uklnathemlelvea "What e>eactly la lt employ.. ln three y.n. and chem&cl.1I -ATatr, U.S. St.eel we dc>l" and "Why?" -Tho company "at.orbed" more and AlU.cl Corp. lncluct.d. /u a re1ult, Ut.erally hundreda of than $1 billion In extraordinary One of ibe btaeat chanpa of all companlo• are roor1anl1ln1. Ont expen1111 the put '1f1llZ. connecWd wtth ,..ma \0 Involve manaaement and authority, Pro-the lntrodt.M:tlon of 1-.0 many new e.nployee austucte.. tenor Eu1ene producta." Embarra11ed and concerned by E. Jenninp, counta -One-thlrd of GM'• North 1uptrlor productivity at aome 25 of the lar1est American product line for 1982 la JaJ)MIMe plants, and feerful about the 100 concern• aa brand new. _ la. of contncta and jobs. U.S. labor undergoing total -New national labor aareenienta · and manapment appear to be far restructuring. have been negotiat.ed. What remaina more cooperative than before. Products are ls for manaaement and employeee to Taklng a cut from Japaneae being rede1igned work together at the plant level to manaiement, whJch lnvolves workers or dropped , become more competitlve and thua dlrecUy ln quality control and dlvialona 10ld and assure job eecurlty. productivity improvement, many others acquired, cu .... .,,. -Dlvialons have been ellminat.ed American companJee are developlne executive re s ponsibilit ies or conaolldat.ed, penonnel reallgned the practice of participative consolidated, white collar workers and new operationa created. management. laid off by the thousands, and wages -The company has allgned itaelf Perhapa the be9t known example of and salaries cut or frozen. with overseas flnna through out.right thi.l ls Quality Circles, begun in !apan, Some Wall Streeters who watch the purchase of minority ownerahlp or ln which small IJ"OUpe of worken process say the end result will be a joint agreements, such as purchase of meet voluntarily for an hour or ao much stronger American industrial a minority interest in Suzuki Motors each week to diecwJa ways to improve base, but in the meantime just as Co. a nd a joint venture with quality and production. many wonder if pressures might not Fujitsu-Fanuc of Japan. Honeywell Inc. la probably the most destroy some old line firms. While GM still tends to stick to its extensive user of Quality Circles in tht Unl* Stat411, but the concept ta ·~ wtdely. Moreover, 1lm11ar ct.nceptl -that lnvolve worken and which haw the umo quality and productlvlty 1oal1 are beln1 developed u.nder different names. /u one conaultant put lt, worken often have the anawer to production and quality problema but have no ou1ltt for exprening them1elve1, eapeclally when manaaement and labQr have a tradltlon of ~t. ReflectJn& on lt, eome executive. remark on the revolution in th1nJdna that brln11 them to the point ol ukln1 uaombly line workers for advbt and information. Prison official fired CHINO (AP) -A top-level admlniatrator of the California Inatitution for Men accused of allowtna a convicted murderer to go on 1hop~ trlpa, to dinner and a beauty 1hop outaide the prilon has been fired, offlclala say. State Department of Corrections apokuman Phil Gu thri.e said Wednetday that a "notice of adverse action'' was filed with the California Personnel Board against Charles Wilcota, asaoctate superintendent of the priaon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ............. acts... IUJ HAJllOl ILVD. COSTA MUA -541-1156· Puppet Show Peter langen·s theater on wheels appears thrs Sat -Sun -Mon at I, 2 & ) pm darly at Huntington Center Ntwport Siu.sic Qtonstruatoru bc:elflr<e "' .Yvs.c Educt'lr.,., fJ in no ..... Mlllk -P',.f'ri-c-....... ., c.._ voioe-v1011n-flut&11u1tar ......, ... --..1.M. *-ctor Call f0< Brochure 112' ...... 957-0J I I l'ta.IC NOTIC£ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS MAMIE STATEMENT The following person 11 doing business as PARALLELS. 3:? 1 2 lst St •0. Hunllnglon Beach. CA 926'8 Peter Daniel Bak« 321 . 21st SI •D. Hunl1ng1on Beach CA 92648 This bullness is conducled by an lndMdual. Petet D Baker ThlS statemenl was llled w11h Ille County Cle<ll ol Orange Coonty on Mey 3, 1982 F118&42. Published Orange Coast Darly P110I May 7 14 2 t 28 1982 3029-82 rta.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NA• ITATHll!NT The following person is doing busmen u WOOOSTON E PROOUC- TIONS, 430 E Bay avnu.. Balboe. CA 92t81. JOSEPH P LaJEUNESSE, 430 E.. Bay AY9rtue. Balboa. CA 92661 This bu9iness 1s conducted by an lndrVldual Josepll P LaJeunesse Thia 1te1emen1 wM Ille<! wflh the County Cle<k of Orange Coonty on May 12, 1982 F1"290 Publlahed Orange CoHt Oelly Pijot. May 14, 21. 28. June 4, 1982 3078-82 FICTITIOUS llUSINeH NAME ITATIMENT The following person rs doing bullnesa es MOBILE ANIMAL SURGICAL HOSPITAL 27 SeHcape Otive NIWJ)Ort B .. cn. CA 92663 Or. ~Obert L Rooks. 27 Sea- ICIPI Drive. Newpon Beach. CA 92663. Thia bu.in.. •• conducted by an lndMdual Robert L Roolca. OVM This atatemenl was llle<I with the County Clerk ol Orange County on April 19. 1982 F117W Publlahed Orange CoHt Delly Pdot. Mey 7, 14, 21. 28, t982 3026-82 AC1TTIOUI llU .... U NAMI ITATl•NT The followlng persona ere doing ~ .. : B & K TRUCKING. 206 Del Mir Aye., eo... M-. CA ne21 "°ber1 Delmer Hau. 206 Del Mer A"9., Co.la M .... CA t2e27 , KathlMn Anne Hau, 208 Dal Mar Ave .. Co.ta MIN. CA 92827. Thia ~ II conducted by an lndl\lldult. Rober1 .... Thle Itel-I WU llllCI With I~ ~ Cllrtt of Ofange County on Apft41, 1N2. ,,,..,. Pubtlahed Orange Coa11 Oally Piiot. Mey 7. 14. 21, 28. 1982 3027-82 ,, .......... DIDN'T T ilE LONG -Bill Fawcett of Chicago has invented "War in the Falklands," a board game annchair warriors can use to second-guess British and Argentine forces still fighting in the blustery South Atlantic. I • • . f • I ,IN HI P Or•nae Oout DAILY PILOT /Frld11. May H , 1082 Ml.IC NOTICt "#IL.MW.~· t lie tollOwlftt PttfOM .,. d041'11 ~·· HUM·'"HI IOI ··~" It 0 H .. Hvntant\Ott hloGll OA 1"41 Jall'IH " Vt n O•cl•l.1. 14'8, Jtoe~IOn Midway City CA attn. DIYld A l enel\tl 411 1•111 It , H11nllngloo IHctl, CA H '41 DaM~ llnCllllt, 4t 1 14111 It Hununoton kecll CA tH .. Rieh.,O 0 JOO ... 1'7111111'110!\, HUlltlllOIOfl lffcll. CA 02'4t lhl• butlneu I• oonduoted by 1 QtlM' al partner e111p Jamee " Vll'I Oaclet Thie ltl llll!lllll Wll llled with the County Cltfk or Oran~ County Oii M1y IS. 1H2 ,,lltlt Publlthad Orengt Coaal Oatly Piiot. May t, t4. 21. 28. 1012 2014·82 'ICTITIOUI •VllNlil ...... ITATtMINT Nil.IC NOTICE Thi following peraona 11• doing 1---------....... --~----bulinetl N 'ICTITIOUe SUSINtlH WESTERN HALLMARK C"'IDS NAMI ITATl .. INT 6 GIFTS, 79:) So Tu11111 Av• 01· The 1011ow1ng peraona are doing ange. CA 926" bu11n ... •• Barbara Luak 23119 Corona. MOODYS EQUINE SERVICES. NO<CO. CA t 1760 6 t II Shaat• Lene. Coate M... Calll Mary Lake. 2340 Coron• Nor· 1121126 co, CA g1760 Sylvia Jean Moody 616 Shaata Th11 bullnMI 11 conducted by e lane Coat• Mesa Calif 1128211 o.,_al partnerlhlp Loten A Moody Jr 1116 Shati. Barb••• Lusl< Lene Coate Mesa Callt 921128 Th•& bu11ne11 11 conducted by a general partnership Sylvta J Mo6oy '111711 Publi1t1ed Oreng1 Cout Delly Pilot Mey 7 t4 21 211 11182 2072·112 This 1111em«i1 wu hied w1tn the -----------County CMltk of Orange County on P\llUC NOTlCE l'tCnnout. iUiiNiit NA* STAftlilaHT The lollowlng peraon la doing May S 1982 F1117IO Puo11sned Orange Coast Dally P•IOI. May 7 14 2 t 28 11182 2069·82 ~~ 11: 1------------GILANO HEAL TH CLINIC, 3eO 1 l'ta.IC NOTICE WonJen I I training backed SACRAMENTO (AP) -Detplte a male Or~e C o unty lawmake r 1 oral1e f o r th e r'traditlonal woman," thf:l Senate hu decided the at.ate 1hould promote th e train.lJli of w omen for pr o l e 11l o n 1 n o w dominated by m e n . B y a 24-6 vote, the upper h o uae approved a bill that w o uld require the Empl oy m e nt Develo pment D e part- m t n t and o th er aaencle1 to 1e t up a 1yatem to e ue w o m en into job s wh e r e 70 percent or more of the p o11tlons are h e ld by males. Expansion of track blocked P O R T ERVIL L E (AP) -Alter nel1hbon protested about potenUal not.. and du.at, Poriervfllt City Counctl hu turned down a $1.' mlllJon pnt to expand a mot.on.-ycle track. The counc ll applied for the 1rant laat S epte mbe r o n behalf o f P o rte rvlll• Splnnert M otorcycle Clu b whlch hu a track on d ty property a t the murud pal air port. The club want.a to acquire an d d evelo p f 60 acres ne xt to the airport. T h e s t a t e a p p r oved the grant from th~ o ff-h ighway ve h1cle fund which I.I financed by a surcharge paid b y off-road v ehicle owners. H o w ever , n earby farm ers o b jected at this w eek 's meeting that dust and noiae would create intolerable conditions for agriculture T h e council voted 3-l to reject the IJ'&nt. Councilman Steve Tree cut the only vote ~t rejection and said t he city 1hould d elay action until it detenrunes w h eth e r ano ther lite can be found. Magazine lawsuit settlement OK'd Sen Diane W atson, th e L os A n g e l es D emoc r at who introdu ced the bill, DENTIST'S NIGHTMARE -Michael Perrone shows :ew:r.ooo pointed to the fact tha t LOS ANGEL ES (A P)-S upe r ior C ourt • 99 percent of secretaries Commissioner Bertrand D . Mo W'On Jr. hu approved insurance polic y he has on this 50-pound lollipop he made in but only 4 percen t of t he a stipulated judgment in which th e county's three NOTICE OF TRUSTH'S SALE Metuchen, N.J. The lollipop, d o nated to the Leukemia Society of e ngineers are wo men. largest wholesale magazine distributors will pay Jambo1ee, Newport Beacll, CA 1------------ 92ee0. BENEDICT J GILANO. SR .. 390 SunrlH Piece , Co•t• MH I . CA TD SETA~lE0c~~:.!Y as duty America, will be raffled off at Hackensack High School Sunday. B u t Se n . J o h n $109,450 to settle a civil anti-trust lawsuit. 92627. appoirHed Trustee undef the S c hmitz, R -N~wport D e p u t y District A ttorney T h o mas A . followtng de1cr1bed deed ol trust wiu SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION B each, said h e likes Papa g eorge a n d A ssi stan t Atto rney General TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR Fe )l de le d t hings the w ay they are. Sanford N. G ruskin claimed the dealers violated Thia buelnwa 11 conducted by en ln<llllldual. Benedlel J. Qllano Sr. Thi• atatement wN nled wtth the Coooty Clerk of <><•rioe County on ~~~iJ~ ~:,:~b~~ ~~811c;,~t~ ~~~~8~ I er 1rec ions ue "I kind o f like the anti-monopoly s tatutes b y divicling the county into e11 r1g111. uue and Interest conveyed traditio n a l woman . . . three districts and restricting other diatribut.on. May 111. 11182 ,1..,.. Publlahed Orange Coaat Delly Piiot, Mey 21, 211, June 4, 11, 11182. 2200-42 to and now held by 11 under said WASHING TON (AP) -Owne rs of filter leaks, according to the Fede ral the w ay things used to Sunset N e w s Co. o f Los Angeles and Valloy Deed 01 Trust in the property a bou t 4 0 0, 000 19 7 7 -81 d Iese I T rade Commission. be. One of these times P e nodical D istributors o f Burbank will pay *"'•,450 heretnalter detcrlbed ..,.. TRUSTOR RESOURCES Volkswa ge ns a nd Audis are being AnFTCstatementsa.idVolkswagen we are going to call a throughtheir pare n tcompany,ARAServicelnc.of 01vERS1FIEO. INC n o tified h o w to re place oil filte rs of America Inc. agreed to make the halt to all o f this trying Philade lphia; Dro wn Ne w s Age nt.-y o f W estminster ======P\llUC=====NO==TICE======= FL~~~~6bcti~~\,!'~~L~~YoP and how to get reimbursements fer notifications in a consent o rder signed to undo what God has will p ay $40,000 a n d K o lb N e w s Age n cy o f F1CTmooa eus ... aa nEETWOOD husband and .,re as e ngin e r e p a irs r esulting fro m o il with the agency. done so w ell." W estminster w ill pay $15.000. HAME STATUHNT community property rr========================:::======================================...:=::::::::::=:::::=::;-The lollowlng per son 11 doing Rec:0<ded June 26 1981 as instr t><Jslnesa as. No 40553 1n book t 4 1t7 page SUNWEST REAL TORS. 24882 t 7011 ol Ottic1al Rec:0<ds 1n the office Via Santa etw. M1iaion v1e10 CA ol the Rec0<d11< 01 Orange County 92691 n1d deed ol trust describes 1he Ronald L Hungate 241182 Via lollowtng prepe<ty Santa Cruz. Minion V1e10 CA Loi ~ ol TrKt No 784~. 1n the 92691 City ol Newport Beach. Counly ol n111 buSAMSa 11 conducted by an Orange State ol C8.11lom1e. as per lndlvtduaJ ~ recotd9d In boott 314, ~ 27 Roneld L 1-lungate to 38 lndull\le. M....,_.....,.., This 11etemen1 was liled wilt. the 1n 1119 otlice ol tne couniy recoroer County Cieri! ol Or•nge Coon1y on ot said county May 5, 1982 E)(CEPT THEREFROM all oo. g .. F1• oo mlMl'ala artd othet ll}'<lrocarbOn•. Put>llaheO Orange Cout Dally l>elOw • !!ep1n 01 !>OIJ teet, wOh<>u1 Pilot. May 7. 14, 21. 28. 1982 lhe r1gn1 ol surface entry. as 2013·82 r-...a •n lnstru...,.,,ts ol rec0<d -----------YOU ARE IN OE FAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST OA TEO Mey 5. -----------1981 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION FlCmlOUS IUSMH TO PROTECl YUUH l'AOPERTY. IT Nil.IC NOT1C£ HAME ST A TlMINT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE The following per1on1 are doing IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION business as O F T H E N A T U R E 0 F T H E C & M ASSOCIATES, 4000 PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU MacArthur. Newport Beech, CA SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. 92660 43 Monteclto Orove. Corona del Curlis Conine Worley Jr . 26 Mar, CA Eastshore. Irvine. CA 1127 14 .. (II a 11ree1 addresa or common MOlty Themla W0<i..,,. 26 East· ealgna11on Is shown above, no shore. Irvine. CA 92714 a tr• n 1 y 1 s g 1 v en a 1 1 o ii s Th11 bustneu Is conducted by an ompletenesa or conec:tnees) ·· individual The l>e!>eficiary under Mid Deed Curtla W0<tey Jr f Trust. by reaaon o4 • bteactl Of This statemef'lt wu ltted Wtfh the afaull In the obllg•tk>n• eecured Coonly Cte<k of O<anoe County on hereby hefetolore executed and May 5. t982 ellvered 10 the underalgned a F1M1tl 11ten OectaretlOn ol Oefeutt and Published Orang• Coast Dally and 10< Sale. and wrilten notice Pilot May 7 14 21 28 19112 1 breach and of elllcllOl1 to cause 2075-82 he u'lder11gned 10 sell said -----------oi>er1Y to sat11fy 18td obllgahons f'tatC NOTICE no lherealler the undersigned f1CTITIOUS llUSIHESS aused said notoce ot breadl and ol lection to be Recofoed February 2 N.AMI. STATlMl!NT 19112, u lne1r No. 112-039437 ol Tne lollow1ng person IS doing Offlaal Reoofda. bullnesa as Said sale wlll be made. but MS WALLS PRODUCTIONS -.,lthout covenanl or warrenty 1-lOSPITAUTY CONSUL TING & expre~s ol implied regarding title SERVICES 3262 Oreoon Ave . po11ess1on, or encumbrances. 10 Costa Mna. CA 92626 pay Ille remalnin<;J pr1nc1pa1 sum ol Sunn L Walls. 272S Cardinal the noteCst secured by said Deed of Or . Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Trull witn interest as in said note This buslneN II conducted by •n provided. advences. ii any. under Individual lhe terms ol said Deed of Trust. Suaan L Walla le<>s charges end expenMS ol the This 11111emen1 was filed with the lfustee and of the trusts created by County Cler" of Orano• County on said Deed ol Trust Said sale wtll be May S. 1982 held on Tnursday June 10 1982 al fl .. 715 2:30 p m. at the C~ Avenue Published Orenge Coast Dally entrance to the C1v1c Center Pilot. May 7 14, 21 28. 1982 Building 300 Eaal Chapman 2073·82 Aven\le. 1n the Cily ol Orange. CA -----------At the 11me ol the lni11al PtaJC NOTlCE publle4i11on of thos notk:e. the total --NOTIC--l-T_O_C_OHTM __ C_T_Ofl_I_ smounl ol lhe unpaid balance ol 1he CAUJNQ ,Ofl M>I obhgat1on aecured by tlle abova Sc:l\Oof 01811ct: IRVI NE UNIFIED descrtbed deed or I rust and Bid Deadllnr ten o"dodl 1 m ol Jlimlled cosu. expenses, and the llUI day of .NM. 1982 dvancu 11 $585 7 56 24 To Piece of Bid Receipt Dletrlct ete<mine the openlf'IO D•d you may 1117141 937-0966 Admlnllttatton Center. 294 t Anon Date. May 7, tll82 Awnue. lrvlne. CA 927 t4 Project Identification Neme T D SERVICE COMPANY 0 as $81d Trustee. LI BRA RY AN 0 c LA s s R 0 M By PatrtCla A Ra/1dall REMODEL Place ~ .,. on me Olltrlc1 Ast111an1 Secr111wy Administration Center. 2941 Alton One City Blvd West C 7 Orange. CA 921568 Aw · !Mne. A 112 14 71 41835·8289 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1hel Publlahad Orange Coast Delly the lboYe-named SdlOOI Dllttict of Or-Coun .... Cellfon*I. acting ?llo1. M8Y 14, 21. 21. 1982. -...-., 2t07-82 by and through It• Governing i------------Boerd. heretnaf1er referred 10 a f'ta)C N011C£ "DISTRICT .. , wM1 reoe!Ye up to. but 1------------not later 1han the 1bo11e -atated time, ...., bide '°' IJle -d of • contract IOt the above proj9cl. Blda at\911 be received In the ~ Identified above. and ehell be opened and publl<:ly reed aloud at the iboYe-IUlted llme and ~ There wMf be • 125.00 depoelt r•qulred for each HI of bid dOoulnenta to gu11anlee the return In good conclttJOn within 15 daya after the bid opening date Eedl bid must conform and be reaponalv• to th• contract docutNnt• NOTICI lNVTTWQ lllDS Notic. la heflby gtwn tMt the Board of TruatHa of the Cout Community College Olatrlct of Orange County, Callfornle. will rect lve lle td bid• up lo 11 :00 a .m .. Friday. June 1 t. Hl82 at the Purcflealng Department of tald college dla1rlc1 localed at 13 70 Adame Avenue, Cotta Mesa. Call!Ofnl•. at which time uld bkls wlll t>e publlciY opened and reed 10<. PRINTING OF FALL 1982.a:! CLASS SCHEDULE: ORANQE COAST COLLEGE -Bid No 1074 PRINTING GOLDEN WEST Eedl bid et\811 be eccompanled by the -lty rwfwrred to In lhe c.ontract doc:umenta and by the Htt COLLEGE FALL 1912 CLASS of Pfooo-11Uboonltactora. • SCHEOULE -Bid No. 1071 Thi DISTRICT ,__ the right PRINTING OF FALL 11182 10 retecl llT'f Of ... bide Of to welw STUD ENT CATALOG/CLASS llT'f lrYti;uWlt ... or lnformalll ... In 8 c H E D u L E • c 0 A s T LI N E llT'f bld9 Of In Ille blddlllg. COMMUNITY COl.LEGE -Bid No. Tiie DISTRICT llU •ermlMd 1075 the f11*81 ~ rat• of per Alt blda .,. to be ln -~ dlefll W809f tn the 1oceMy tn whlcfl wlUI the 8ld Form lne1ruc:tk>n8 and IHI wcri .. to be pertonnecl lot CondltlOnl Ind ~ wNet't eacll craft or type of woftlman ••now In Ne and mey be~ needed to ex~t• the contriact In the offlcl ot the Pun:tlellng Agent Tl! ... rtl .. are on Ole 11 the o1 ~ = ~..._.. ..M• .... DIST1'ICT ofb IOclt*9 af 2941 ~ ~ ..,......,, -u• ·-AltOft A-. WW1e. CA 12714 bid I CHl!ltr t ell.ell. c•rllfled Cocllea ,._lie obQlned on l'IQU9lt cllecll, or bidder' a bond made A Cot>Y ot tlleH ,., .. •ll•ll t>9 1)9yMlle to the Ofder of the Cout ..__. eo." ~ --c-nunity c-. °'9ttkM lloetd "n;; .,,. ;.;.... Of per of TNNll '" en ll'llOUflt not ... cllam wao.. 1 bHad upon a ttlen ~ Pt'cen4 (5 ~I Of tilt __.,. c1er or llgflC (I) "°'"' The 111m IMd • s lll*tn• Nt the ,... fclf ~ encl ~ worti bidder wlll enttr Into the PfQPOMd 1111111 111 • ..... time enc1 -.Mlf. Contract " the -18 -• to 11 1111111 be ~ UCMlll the Nm. In tt1e -' of ,_,,. to eni.t COHTAACTOR to WllO"I tllt Into lldl oontr.ct. Ult Pf~ or --........ encl llPOft My the ----... ~.Of 111 h MMloMi tc14f under 1*11. to pey 1M>t OMI OI a bclnd, tfle M tum !-.of ._ "*' ttie.., epeolllad ,.... 10 wllt be lort .. 1-.d to .. 1c1 coll-ea a1 wonman ~ t1y lhlln 1n d19111C.\. .. -.cut1an or .,_ Ollfltr9Gt. Ho bidder ~lfltl«• 1111 bid No ...... fM1 ...... 1119 111cf "" I IN'tod of (46) claye • • ...-. or "*'Y CM>_. .,.., ...., "'--. • tfte Ol*linO ......... ~ °'*' "*"°'· A P•Yfft•nt llOftd •II~ • The.,.., of,,.,...,__ ,.foil••• llond .. lie .................. of~ llT'f Md .. E .. --"*' ol ........................ ..,...,..,..,,... ,,, ,........, ... ._111 • ~ 11t .,,,wor tn tt1e Oflll ... 10'111 In 1111 c ... ttlOt ~ ~I. WA~ ..... ~ ...,_ ......,,, ..., °' =-~';'*' Oorw1 ~ .. ,...,..,, '-'t1tlllleitt1tllltf11'9clllCI ~ CoMt 0..., Pv1111.f!:1&..°if0Mt~~ ...... ..., 11,... aof..a ..., It, •• The _lt Frame Sale Rides on thru Wed.,June 2! of the 1¢ Frame Sale before 11 nd~s off into the sun~t And pardner. you've still got 'til June 2 to stock up on the greatest seleCtJon of frames that ever hit the West Why at Aaron Brothers we've got metal section frames as shiny as your SIX shooter Wooden frames as rough and rugged as a bam door o r sleek and smooth as a saddle horn We got gold frames as fancy as you'U ever find and glass and back frames 1n all styles from plain to fancy See through frames. photo frames and collage frames that hold lots of plctUres of the wife. relatives and the little buckaroos And when you buy one frame at the regular price, a second frame that costs the same or Ina ls just a penny more. So don't hold up a minute longer Get on down to Aaron Brothers and catch the last stage o f the 1¢ Frame Sale NOW! Assortment may vary from store to store All stores wtU be open Monday, May 31. HuNTINQTON IEACH 7470 ~w./Open MON • .ffU. 10-I, SAT. I SUN. 1M COSTA MQA 171' Newpon /Open MON.ffl. N. SAT. & SUN. 104 EL TORO M* lwmt& Dr./Opift lllON ....... 1N, SAT. 104, SUN. 11·8 LAGt.WA l!Aaf 1IO I. ~·~./9'1ift MOH.~ M IAT. A SUN. 10.1 • • . I Trees may have own defenses Chemical emission a warning sisnal of4 insect attack? SEATTLE (AP) -Certain \reel may 11ve off a chemical ~t actl u an early warning 1y1tem to f eJJow members of thelr 1peciea in cue of an lna«l attack, a aclenlill believes. David Rhoadet, a Unlvenlt of ATl'RACTIVE -The new Startel geranium makes an attractive flowering potted plant. Washlnatton zoology research WlllOClaw, aald In an Interview that hta ~hed that <.'Onclu.sion after three years of studies on wUlowa and alders. The results of the studies were presented at the annual meeting of the AmerlC'an Chemical Society as part of a symposium on plants' natural protective mechanisms. Rhoades said his theory could explain periodic surges and crashes in populations of insects that prey on trees. He said discovery of the chemicals and their workings could benefit forest management and pest control. ·• ... if plants do generally communicate, or are sensitive to neighboring plants being attacked, and if you could see an attack on Douglas fir by tussock moths, you <.'Ould turn the plants 'on' prematurely" to deter the moths, Rhoades said. Rhoades developed his· theory after he and researchers from Finland and Switzerland set out to find the answer to the boom-and-bust populations of insects such as tent caterpillars. The search led to the insects' food supply -trees. Rhoades and Lynn Erckmann, a research technician at the University of Washington, took leaves from willows and alders that were infested with tent caterpillars and fed them to tent caterpillars in a lab. The scientists found th.at when trees were oxpo1ed to t•nt cat.erpillal'I their leaves produced chcmlcal1 that make areenery harder to dlptt. The arowth rate of the lab caterplJlara 1lowed, but caterpll.lan fed leaves from lreetl not yet hit with the pests didn't show slower growth. The researchers made an additional dlecovery: L.ab l.nsecu had a slower growth rate If they were fed leaves from willows that were not infested but lived near infested willows. Leavea t.aken off trees about a mile away from infested trees didn't have the same slowing effect as did leaves from trees closer to the infested. ones, the researchers said. "If both Infested and nearby uninfested trees are changing, that means the infested trees, or the insects themselves, are sending a message to the unln fested trees, which is triggering some defense mechanism." Rhoades concluded. Rhoades said he thinks. an airborne substance. probably emitted by the trees, carries a warning chemical and "the signal can be transmitted over as much as 60 meters, with other trees in the path.'' Rhoades said that when a student plucked leaves from a willow, a chemical change occurred in surrounding trees, which amounted to a signal that one of their colleagues was under attack. Wallah say - matching Is lnl See our matching sweetheart (Kuulpo) sets. Many exclusively designed prints and colors. South Coast Plaza, by the Carousel 751-7500 MANAGERS RED TAG SPECIAL ONLY 2 LEFT "Patio Kitchen" SOVERIGN List 1405 SALE $J29 RE GOO List *311 SALE $259 GIVE YOU• OLD PATIO FU•NIFUllE THAT NEW LOOK. We Retfore And Repair All lrand1, (Aluminum And Wrought Iron) To A "Like New" Condition for A Froctlon Of O rlglnal Cott. TOWN & COUNTRY PATIO SHOPS ;e1e2 C1m1no C1pl1treoo l19un1 N19ue1 495-1422 Orange Oout DAILY PILOT /Frida~. May 21. 1882 Bl FESTIVAL OF FUCHSIAS -About 200 varieties ot fuchslaa, the official city flower of Coata Meaa , will be on display and demonstrations on the care and propagation of the plant will be conducted Saturday and Sunday at Hollisters Nursery, 2640 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The presentation is GARDINIRS CHIClllST • Plants will bloom longer and more profusely if you pick faded flowers. Try this on petunias and marigolds and you'll notice the result. • Don't forget those summer annuals. There are many colorful plants just coming into bloom at your local nursery. Diiiy Not lteff llttoto co-sponsored by the Cost.a Mesa-Bay Cities Branch of the National Fuchsia Society. Admiring one of the varieties to be exhibited are (from left) Rill Rhoten of the Fuchsia Society, Costa Mesa Councilwoman Norma Hertzog and Steve Hollister. • Put some color m the shade with tuberous begonias, impatiens and also the New Guinea impatiens which have colorful foliage and flowers. • Don't mow the summer lawn any shorter than l Vi". TaUer grass will help conserve moisture and keep the roots cooler. LLOl'D•!i garden shop 24"•11". 8olld 08k.ldeal plenter. NoJ12 98 - Zonal, Ivy a Marthe Was•t1cfHI Bud & Bloom Pot Reg. $1.89 Now 98~ I 1-Gal. Reg. $3.50 Now' 1.98 3 Get. Reg. $11.98 Now 1l ,95 I All ITEMS SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HANO Sale e>q>lr• &-3-112 OPEN MON. THAU SAT. 7-6 -SUN. 9-5 LLOYD'S NURSERY AND LANDSCAPE CO .. INC. VISA' =l • 2028 Newport Blvd. (at Bay St.) Coeta Mesa, CA 92627 I (714) 646-7'441 m11e ''°""' If it's got handles you'll grab a sale faster in Daily Pilot classified ads. Call 642-5678 --·ftiis-sfOREis·A-FAMiiY-AFFAiin-----~~;-------, My wife "Salty" head• up the oftlcel My l · Hu1lis}t~S b7c; ~r•Hnt•d In cooperetloll with Cost• ., ...... , CltlH Br•ncll of tit• N•tlon•I Fucll•I• Socl•tr· elater "Betty" In charge of •hipping frultl 8atly'1 elater "Tereaea" our youngnt checker! My daughter "Debra" conaulta In the flower ahop In betwMn planning commt11lon, counctt m .. ttnge and law achoot. My daughter "Diane" juat ftnlahed nower Hmlnar9 In Flortda, Texaa, Canada aponaored by F.T.D. and laat w"k gr9duated a eta•• by on• of the flnnt d .. lgnera In America! Phtl Aullodal Come 8•• "Dian•'•" Floral 6THANNUAL FUCHSIA FESTIVAL SAT. MAY 29-SUN . MAY 30 See ••• Hundreds of Beautiful Fuchs/a Blossoms on Display! FUCHSIAS IN HANGING BASKETS F lori !tl t S pecial Beautiful, full plants l(9-l!fJ In Redwood Baskets. REG.19.98 ____ _ 1 GAL. FUCHSIAS REG. 3.so l..f l!I FUCH.SIAS IN 4" POT Reg. 1.29 •.• NOW .97 lltl 14" HEX TUB POTTING SOIL Many varletlH to chooH from ,Of all lndOOI' and outdoor pl•nt1. 8'' POTS VALUES TO 8.95 ,,,, 2 cu. tt.aao ~Id R90. 8.89 ---- 1 cu. ft. Bag f 414 Reg. 3.70 8c11Hul• of &enr. Mar 29 and 30 ... l :fp 30" WINDOW BOX A99.12.4t Ha)lis\es 11 A.M. ,UCHllA CA"I a CUL '""'1-•1 ,,.. ''":lt•I• Society 12100 LUWAIA HYDROCUl TUftl-Hotlu l'feJlf HrdfOP,O#llCa 'UCHllA CARI l CUt. TUM-Of th'"""" toolefr °"" .. "'°. 1'lON DPIOQTM1'ION. ~Hl&ACMllCUL~ .. ,. ...... ...,.., OPEN DAILY 'TIL 6 Piece•. Nowt OPEN ALL DAY MEMORIAL DA y r---·R1ltJ:Mil-----,r-----«ilTTi•Ji]----,r-----{(1llJ;N1l----., I FOR MEMORIAL DAY 1, 11 FOR M£MORIAL DAY 1,1 FOR MEMORIAL DAY I CELERY I COLORFUL I I I I ICEBERG II DAISIES I : HEARTS 11 LEnuce a : I IN I I II ING I I 3 A 29* II ING 29* II ORIGINAL 99t I : BUNCH : : HEADS .. c:h ll BUNCH Bdt. : •---------------1 •--------------..JL---------------' ·: -.._·- I l l .I I . . ,. ,. . . ... -----· NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS ' UOt4'1°"' '""'"I' u aou OJI ,,..11•• •O••. M•OWHT. ,.,,.,,, ...... l «>tfOlt, OlfllOIY ••• CINCllOt6'1 ttOU JICl'IAlllH• .... • l'Ol f&O 0 fMI UH ANl> llUTIMIT •-I k .. l kin Nt t Mitt Ntl '91ft N~ •• ,.., 'fel 1" C 11 I 114) (lfM C11t , I lift C:low C.1141 •11 "ft CltM Cllt •t .... CI01'f Cllt ..... ,_ Clftt "' .,,"', , ,. I ~ r = ... tt r·-.._ 11 . , , .... ~,... , 41 ~ ~· "' l::e.:. l: : ~I., ::· ~ .I(. 11 ., ~·t.'·1:: ,AOii ,~1~-~ . ,. ~· ~.:::~=·r-ir1 .. !, ~~·t :!-·:: -~~· flt,:-::: ~~Tr.. 1 · , ; • . t • 1 h · · 1 • 11J. ·LI l:J ' ·n ~ • ' ff ~ ~.1.. N•I Or!I. . • " ' . · 1• "' ... t"•' • ii • • .. ,,~ ~o·,, I ~. "' • : I ., ~: ~ 11 l 1'11\ • 10\fl ,...,. d"8f I t4 I d1 ~i\'\ yt • nqi -. l m •I l'I ... • '"' I lot .,. .... ~ r• \ 711 • di '-H11~ ' a 11 ) t "-~ "11 1 di... ~ n 4... I! • .,.. ' • SNA '" • .. ,,... .. fl.~·s f '1 • "" H11n1 ' 1 1 .... I "' Mo•tf!. I • IF"'+ ~ ""'"" JO ,, 1 *mu .. TftVlll J.O• t QMJ. n~ .... ~~t11111 11~ t .r. ~~. \1 cg ;'°t ,. •:: :t'1~~ UD a'1: :". ~ ·=r;or.: ,, ~ .,.•,lit:=;,. 1U l I • "-;:::~ llO 1• .,! il4 ~ (I' N 1 t 30 • t 14"' ..._ l<o" 1 ·~ w. l(N 71 tu '""· Mlliutl t 44 7 Ril 1-. 11 ... 11 UI I . lutr ,_ I 41> l 19 ' I ' at U4 • t,\ 01 ' .IO • It , IV Int t 10 • 601 11 Mnld pl . 40 · d" l't • ~ =~~ 60 l 1$ 1"' • -. T~i0lt1 I 10 10 2ti iS '·• ~ • 2iw ~ 100 41.,, "' 19("' l' n ia "'1~•111 '" 2 11 14"' " Mil"frd io • .,., 'Ja:'"' -.rc11e • • ~ 1~ ""T~kn , ~1 1r::. ~ ~'" N•I bell n • to ~ " fJIMtMa al " w. IUl111r t. I ,. .... ~,'""' I. 'I ,,, tE:I Ill• ~ lltpfl11t 1:30 • j ttllo ... ~!kl t" I) • ~ c, pl hO• ~1u .. l _,,., t 1M tv.. r.Nt.M pt I , 1 '-\'\ Id* U4 7 11 U"' "' ,.... ~ ,,. it.oHV I -J » .l't 111 ... 1 'IO ""' 4 a-A -llllln t,, 11 IJ ~ ilOlfl 1.'6 ) Q I~• " ICIM'' I Pt.&Jt•lt\4-'-MurllO t ..,, · ~ llNI -t ··~ hl!IMd S 1, 14 '4 I• m I .. . "r~I «I 6 1127 ~ • '-ll'"EI t 10 nt '411> , l.,._IT 4 t1'1 11_1_ Ml.orry() I' t I t \'.-14 :.J.I" t 11! t ': I~. t.• ~fly ! . " 11._ f 16 6 alt SJYo ~ Ill 0 .at ,.,.. 11.0 • IS t\4-Ito llll'owr t 41 1 110 '°""" .,_ Ml!IOm I. .. • 11"-Aiiti e 11 l'\lo + ,. are 1. J t 1' .,_ ,. ' dU... "' m , 10 I I... M"-, mryA I lO .. • ' I~ jlf2.ID •1100 l)VH .. Mye.,L . " ,.,, .... I. • ?.•~ .. T , , .. n+. 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IO'h-"' SoRoy ·08 27 711 toh+ 14 vaE1 p1 LM> . tlOCISll 1•1. ApplMQ 'Ill 11 • tf\lt. l\Ot Com~ 9 2l U • "" GOVn OI its ts MV.+ 11. Linter s .lA 10 316 I~ V. Pac:GE 3 6 S<l9 ,,,... i,. Sollnv>< ~ J 6 •l't+ i,_ lr'•EP pft.to t 19~ '"' Arc•I• 2M Jltl'lt+ .... (ptyY> ' 21 .... -I GenEI i10 ·; l'llM 61-"" lAwUnt n 13 l>l 9",. . • Pac:lto 1.16 • 122 2~+ .... 5oml< pf t s ~· v. 'il•E pfJ 1.n 1120 SOI-.+ ··~ Areal pl 2 16 . SJ IMI + \Ot Con/I.gr at. ' U 21""+ V\ GnFdl VIII 9 lO ~... leer Pt 12 . . 149 ll'lo-'lo Pac:L.llm .ID II ISi 19"" • \\ S....Alr s .J:I it IW J4-y, V•EP pfl.10 110 .. .,, + '" AfchDn IC> • 119 U¥t+ '"' Cc>neMI 1 JO 6 1D l2 GGlll SO )9 1' 14 ·•. learSQ I lO S C)l 23+.-"' Pac:Pw 2.16 • 2115 17.,._ llt S....&tll > t.lO j l8/ U _ v., VO<"""" 11 111/1 ArlrPS 2.111 I> '18 ~ ''" CnnNG 1.:111 6 lO 11 -"" GGlh rt . • :W 1-3:1. .• . Lfft'S pl'l.lS • 2 ~2\lo PecP r, l.7J . . 1 2514... S....FIBk ID 1 :W U . -W-W -tr~~~ . ~ ~;" . ~E~ l.: ;11: ==-.~ gr,:i: ·~ 1L:: ~~·~ t!."1:.1 :·~ ; ~ ~~.'."' ~~' :~ ,t S: :i.~ ~ t:~ 11fi 3: ~ :t:: ~ ~~..:., rn : 1U ~r. ~ Arl(la s 80 10 1'1 18'1e-11• ConEd,.; S lt'n GnMlls 1 .... 'I 157 3'1~ ,._ LegPIM 61 J I. IStn+ l'o Pan/1.8 11 "4 lxl«l 14f\+ 1-. •-Enr n "st IO II 11-"° Wach pl 2.20 10 M''> 1\ll Arin Rt I 'll 9-16-t 1·1· ConE pf S • l6 ' '-GMol 1.Cll SO 11«1 41-1'1t UflVel 16 11 11/o • .,. P_,Am .. I Mii -Wac:ktll '411 10 t• I].,,_ "1 Arm-10 Sh+ 1.1. ConF°' l.l2 • '6 22 -'" GMol pl ~7S J ttlll.. . l..ef\mn 1/0tt . 111 11\lo-14 PWtt>EC 2.20 's 3QI » ··v; !.wtPS t.!O 8 123 1~· welnoc 14 . •1 11111 ~. Armco I 80 • 613 16'-• ConF pf 4 lO l IS"'' '"' GNC 1 GI 11 IOI 11-•t• ....,.,.., l 20 1 11 ll't>--'-" PllPCtt l 129 1 • ~ ~ =1i .60 l~I : ::..::.: 1" WI""-" :it 18 4S •>o+ '"' ~~ ~ !g 4 ~ ~::; ~ ~!~~ ~-n ~ ~.,..: !'; g:~Re it• ~ ': a~ : 2'" t=:O 1 IC ~ •l; ~:111 ~ ~~ l.2Ab ... ~ 451~ ~11~ .. ;: ~·~ l: i ~ ~~-; :: =~ ~1 ii ~ ·~ ~~ • " ArmWln 1 10 13 'll 1S1•1 CnNG "" l 23 " GnRefr 13 ~ '-le•ISI I .S & lQll tJ \lo f'WkOI, -• '~ ~ ~ -trD · ~ W1IC5v _.. lO • lD 1 • AroCp lb I s IS + "' ConlPw 2... 6 141 1~ + '"' GnSlgnl , 60 8 .... --"' ltvlttF t ti 13 u 11. P••Han .... 1 ... 17 -14 ~ I~ 1 !r --:--Wit Um I " ., .... -v. ArowE 16 S2 32 11 CnPw ,_ 41. y7SIO Ullo+ "• GTE tM 1 J.S --.... LOF t.'IO S18 JI Zl'lo ParkPn '2 13 J4 11'9+ VO t:'1111e ._ ~ ~ 11 + .~ W•fNtc 1.20 • 32 :n .... Artra .:ID l3 I 19"" .• CnPw pl 4.lO ylOO 1'I 1 1> GTE pl 1.!D 1 ~ V. lOF vt:, •IS • 4 """ '" P..-111 s I I t2 I~ "' !.ttl.V IC S 21.0 1~ ~ \lo WrnCm t 113242 41'• •• ~~~:~ pl 11I ' ; ~ :: ~~:: i;J·:t ;:: ::.~. 1 1 ' gi~1 ~ r~ . 11J t~V,... t::Ntln I.~ I~ !1 ~~ : ~ ~~rt, 4t 1: I~ 1~-.. i...; ~IBPnt ' 90 9 ru 2311>-" =~ u~ I~ sr, ~:~. 1.,. Awr<o «> 2t 211 11 '"' Cn~pl 176 '(2030 SO • Vo GTFI Oil I JO ao '''•· ll•mll s .• t• 17 11~. . . PayClh ~ IS U• 20 -\\ SIMol > .S6 I 1' , ...... '-Wfhl'Mt I 01 I S7 14""• .... :!~:gu~.: 9 n~ ~ •n g;~ ::J,: :~ ~k. ~: g:~~o 1sm.1: 1~ ~ _ .,0 t:~~I 1~ :11r.' ~· ~ =::~n l.;: J; ~::::. ~~ ~= ::;;; ~:: :::', ':l 1~ ~ ~ ~ A.ODG I.ID 8 l S 31'•• '• c"""' "'31S •J 1•""· ... GnA.o 10 170 I~+ "' Llnc:PI 110 •• " ,.,... ... ~ .cne • ~d .,,.._"' SldOOI> 160 s t7SS •"' •... Wltltln .• 14 1 301,.,. ''It AwlO pl 4./S . 2 Slit>-'1 CnPw pr1 lO sll 11> \·• Genst 1J 60 . 2l I~• .. Lilien 160 511196 .,._.._IV. ~ I S IOl6 2S-"° Standlnc ~ I> It UV• .... ~ Qs) 11 I 4 ... Athtorw 1.60 s 6 n•,,. •, cnPw "'1 n s ,..,., "' <>ot p1 1.61 l tJ.,,, • t Lockno • 411 •111> .,.. ~ prS.17 .. Ml 11 -In sc.n'ML .16 7 Wt l:p\ • ~ w.tlbO 11 11 ,,,. • .,. AICyEI 1.11 7 29 11v •• '• CnPw pl 2'3 •17 ,. • ~. GenuPI I.JO 12 °' 34!-. •~ • lockd plll" . 3 140 I PeMCp .11tb 2111 -1•t.-" StaMSe 1..llla ,· ' l'llt ..... ""911sF I '12 4 214 21 All Miro .Gile • :11 l'lo ConlAlr 110 4''° C.P« I 20 6 13:12 t• -14 Loctli. S6 11 27 ~ ~ f'e<>ney J 6 110 ~.... Stau!O> l . .W 111'1 2H'H 111 WtlFM 2.-:i t 12 lOl'o AllAl~h ,,.., 6 13?6 41\ot ~ CllllCP 2.MI 431 )4.. "' GaPc pl 214 •• ,,..,._ .,.. Loews 1.20 s 11 ., -1 PaPl 2.22 • m 1~. .... SI-12b 1 II 3 -" ~ •• 10 3iSI l<Ar. •.. AllAC pl J.lj . z20D lOlt .. '1> CntlGrp 2~60 13 2-n.t. GaPw ptl.Sl . 10 1711>.. .. 1..0mFft I 4t 8 1 ,,.... \lo P•Pl. pl t.40 ,. ,. lO ··•·. Stwdll .'76 8 I IOIU ._. West s • 174 IS~ ''° AllHQ> , '° I~. "" C"IGp pl 1 J IS . GaPw pl'l.IS .. 'lO .. .,. l..OmMt , 90R 1 ,,. ~ v. PaPL pl t..!IO .. •7«> ~I StrlBc:p .n ' 37 ""·.... WP9nP Qf4.50 . ao J2YI •• ,, AUQ.11 s l2 .. SJ -· "" CnlGi> pl4.l0 " J2'4. "\\ GeoV< .511 ' 541 43 IYI L"StM 1.90 6 ... 19"+ \lo Pa~ ..,,u .. 11 2Sll>+ "' S_,Og 1.0I 11 m ~ ..... Wll'IP s UD • S2 21-... AutoDt 48141649 24 -.. Contlll 2 4 14 ""'· Ger'llP!I 20I I .,, ,,..._ .... lllCo IM 6 JOI IJ\lo+ \'\ PaPl pr 11 .. 1100 T7 ·+ .... Sr.vnJ I.JI) .. .., 13"' ..... Wttcl'T 91.0I ., xA7 I~ AvcO(p I 'IO 6 :I'll 16'1• ContT4'f 1.16 7 t()ll ts~ .... GerbSc 12 10 106 7~· "' Lil pfJ 1.11 . a.so SJ •lli'J P•Pl pr9.10 •. tlOO • .... StwWt' '1.6' 10 • 22-.... WnAl•l t.J J-. •• ,. Avco pl 110 II lS . i., CIO.t • SS 6 7'1> 14~ t. C.lly 2.60 S t«J'I t2 . . UL pit( t.lO .. l20 SS't>--ll'o ~ 2.211 6 I Uh..... Slo«VC I... I 6 Jfllo-111 WAlr p1 10 I~. . Av•ry 90 8 16 24 Conwod I 30 8 S 2'-11. • ,,.. GlentP 2 ~-.. . lll pfU 4.25 23 11 . . . Pen. pf fMI .. t I~ 14 StontW 1.-6 21 3,,,,, . . . WCNA ?A 4 956 d1~ "° Avrwt tb II '4 4S1,. ,, CoollUn .Olr l'I ~ . . GlbrFn . • 26 l . . . lll pfT l.31 .. ICIJ ti .... . ~nnat U!O IO 411 »*-14 SlonC s ,60 6 t.J IJl/'t. . . . WPac:I s fl --v. Avon l I l3ll 2410 Coopr I~ J 160 ~ GldLw s 80 S J3 lMt-l'o lll plP Ul • 16 -V. "-Or .36 7 It ~ • ...._ S~ I,. • 1' 7~ \It WVnlon 1.«l ' 1U 31 -•n Aw1e I 1' 6 I> 16"' COOPI pl 190 2a 32.\1. Gitt Hiii 92 IS 10 Ult.... . lll pf() 2.0 . . J 17~..... PeopE II I S 102 I ... ., SlorTt< t 672 ~ 'M WnUn p114,90 3 11 -n<. Aydin IS s lS Coopl.b IO lO ll ?'II/, 11> Glllrtt• 110 • 121 ,,_ ... lonol:>< UM IO J2 ""'-.... Ptlps!Co U2 tO .. ....._"' SI-.n IS IS7 ~. " WV11 dptl.18 1 l'h. • --B -CoopT • S4 s :<.10 II">-.... GleasW IC 13 JI d ~ \It lOl'al .n " 511 aw...... PerkEl .JD u .. I~ " Sl•ldRlt 1.M I 13 n • ~ WVTI t J.» . . t lnlt + •• Belrnco «> 1 14 11\'o+ \I• '-s 1.1' 4 7 16 -~ GlobM s .l4 ~ 154 It-... L~ ..... I 6 I~ \lo Pmil_.. I.A ..... 256 ~+ V. s..."511 .lD 4 41 f'-.... 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'.-Co•Bcl s .lilt ll O S 111-.... d • .., ·~ ~ -r• ~ .....--Ptllllro .N 6 711 D -\lo SunCo 1.30 4 12' lAl+ 111 wtle!F pf 2 .. 4 111.,.._1-. e.,,c.r I 10 II 27 1--l/o C"l'O 21 11 61,_,... Grace 2.60 4 M9 17 -11'1 MalcnH 1.«J II II J2 + lrt PNlaEI 2 6 • 14 -\4 S....C pl 2.2S . . 2 711't+ lit Wlltlll'I( • 4 61 dl314-~ 8-.0 90 ID )6 ~ •• ,. er... I Mio s ., 73 -v. ~·.·enlngrl 1.16 10 .. "", "~· -. '.'" ~-~1,, .-•? •1"1 !t .. ···>.:. PtlllE pl ).80 .. 1100 IS'h--114 5'.wlellltr I.ID s ll2D %7\lt ..... ,_,rt,. l,IO •. " .. ,.._ .... BANG!> IO 7 11 I~ \Co CravRs ' IS 2141 d2t'-I~ v 1llv ~ ~"' _, , ,.._ ... ;:::::~ = ,..; : : ~ ~~ Sur\MI . . M .-+ 14 WNtC I.JO e 11 ~. . Bk NY J 10 • 10 ..._ ..-Criton J 60 11'1.-,.. GIAll't . • ., ~ l'o Mlnt!Lf .32 7 !! .~ ~ "'"'IE .,.17•11 .. .,.... _.._, .,_ ~I • A IO M --· '-T tMI s a 22.,..-,,_ BkolV• I 16 6 17 IS~ 1111 CroON 1.«> I " 2~ v. 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IS ~.\II Plentm ·" 11 ,. 17'\lt 14 TanNI -• • 114-\lo Wol• pl 2.20 • 2""I !!~Fino 1 J. ! . .! 711':.· .,, ~.·aenT•r I I!( 211:-'!-. ~ GllSU pll.80 1100 S'9 Me$M t ,.. 1 1 12\lo -.,,. Pl•rtlOY 12 • • IO I -v. Tcllctr n 4 .. I~ .... WrldAt . . s 2~ ... .,..., 'd -v v» \Ot .,.. ., ., ·• GullUkl I J2 I 14' 20 , "< MeseyF 3$1 .214-14 Plntey l.70t 16 11 !Att .... + I-T•tf'NI I 12 223 n~+ "' Wrlgty l . .W. t tt 31~. . BNt Ill l 31 10 l6 ~ Ottpnl 6 23"' IJ•-'"' GllU pt 11'1 . . 1 .i , .. M9sCP 2.» . . J l""-V. PneUl'llD I 7 M 22.._ V. Tttcon> . 23 M . . . . W\lrltrr 3 ~. llectnO I lO II 100 41 • 'to 0.yco S6 12 1S ~-Gii Bk n 32 IS I ls.\t. Meslnc: 1,l? .. II ""· ... , "°°°I'll AO ' 1• ~ .... • T•ldyfte S IX! dlOIY>-N Wyltlll IOI . • J 6 -.,_ BeMr . tj s•... 0.yHd " IO II ..,, )Alto •,. Gullon Ml 11 It ·-.... Mlfllal lO ttm I~ \II Po!Mld I ,,. ... ,......_ " T"tl•• • .... 1......... Wyly 22 lO no. .... e.tcoPI • .ab s JO 21~ .. DtylPl. I.to • 1'12 " -~ -M9ttt wt a... ,,~..., Pndrort .«> 1 .. 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H41r1'111 .ta 12 lit ,.,.,___" McHtll • • I IJ ..... =p'I~ _ 1 ,i: ~ _.,+ :~ !tl9~ .n • 4'1 ~..,, ... ~ • · ~ .... Harl\ltll j » ,. 1.,..._ ~ Mt.a 2 s l&s 1•1n-"" ,,...,. . • ,. -" 81-y 1.2 '° sa ~ -OEl'I( •.12 .. to *ti ..... 11•rrllll 2. 1 • ~. \tit ---~ .. 10 1~..... G 4 ' -ew.-~ 81l,.,l • " J -',Ir Oet pr 1• ·. • IS + 111 i'Y"ls 1 '°' is.,..._ '-Mlcllm .• " 140 4j -t Mlbll :Z, u 11 Mt+ v. eu 1c1eo ~ IO "' 1~"" 0..-1... 1.10 • 22 ,,_ ~ ... ,_ '·" • 11 11~+ ~ Mt11on 112.>A s •> ~ .,.. PS~ 1.n 1 a 11\'1-"" llkHl'w • tt ~+ \'\ OIGIOr .M 1 12 t\4 + ,,_ Har~ U f 1 1 ~..... Mtlvll .. 2.IM t .-0 4' + "-p$c.t pn.'te . , I IMi+ \olt 111a1rJ11 1 a »h-~ oi.1n1 lJO 11 1t1 ~ "' HM1H .• t i. M~+ "" Mtr<SC a • 11 ~ .. .. • PSI"" 2.7t s 11'11 tlflt-"' t11o;HR I. IO " • .. • Ol-.nS l.7t 12 m '"'" • "~ ,.... • 17 I~..... MtfT .. 1.12 • ... \lo+ .... PS" II( f.O. .. 17:111 _s-14 tr8:t }.: ~ uf mi.,.,._· .. ~ = . :: 1ffi r::=1~ ... 111!1 2i ' 1J tsl4 .... ~-u o 14 •t ,._ \4i l'Slll ~ 1.• .. .. + " M ! .tu ~.. OIO "' HUlltn 2A " 21 -14 Mtf'llttfl Ii 1 ' """'" ~n a' M4 's •!! ..... ,._,..._ l• .. ! m1 .. '2~· ~ g:,.:: n1:: : n =: IOt HKU • t .. 1aa.. ... • Mt=L I. S '°" ~ "' ...... i:. .. ~~ 11 Kt'"• _ _. .:-<..:. r j" ~. •~ !_., UO II Jl6 ~ ~ HedllM ., Ill 1-'ti Mitt1 • 11 tM6 '"'• ~ ,..~ ,.., .. "f' ··-.,....,. "' v,.11 Ntll,,.. .n : It ~..... t IOI , 315 !Wt-'4 H 1.N .. 4 .. , -\'\ Vrt" . 3l 2\li .... ,..N s 1.44 .., +I ..... Oat to A) w...... ~ • 191 ~"' ... ' tt\'ot "" ... • ' '" Int.-" HtM!I(; zt .. W"• "' fNtll .• J "'6..... 0 2.~ • .,., .._. ... " ~~ :· ~ "~~.~ ~o :: J 1 t.1 ~ :::~; 1:~ t ~d1.t:~ ~""°'°J.~1110, =''-£8 ~l:i ::yJ! =:lit ,rt.~·; .: ,::_._. =~ '4 1 21 ~¥.; ~ =~;r., 1.1:1 JO '°:1 '=::.~ :~~ ::':: ~-; ~ ~ 8 11naM·:. 1dS ~ =1~ = I~ 1: ISE =:-: ~ ~ ,; : m m:· ~ HtnftY 1.«l , .............. ~ :~ ; ,1 IJ-.::.~ go~li :: .it, I ==-~ =~ i1'.as 'J l~.· .. ~ 8:':" 1t ~ .e.t ~ $, ~ 1Lcl ==~ =t.11 ~ > ~ 22"•"' RI{=[;::'~ r, ~~ =""·-', id~~.::: g:~ .. .: .. :4'?0=::: ::-1=:. :ii·: '= •1..= = =:.::: .~ ! u :::::.: :1&1"· :: ·1 fr e ll., It i Jl~-:: "''"-2AO 6 Of ,,..,__ '-' H Volt .0 II It 11li>-W. MlllM t:'9 1 ,, ~-~ ""94llO ·a l + " 1 1 dllPffT!f.ilUO.. a JllA..... "'ll!'!. t• t "iM U\6-~ ~~~ f ""'"". l"OSPl 11• i I ~ 8nlll!W uo u • ··~ =-·; .J ~~.~ ::.,..,.,".IO;;;~-MMM" llt .. J lnt:~ ~'""'?~Ml 1 ... :: =: ,.= ! _,~ ... ~ M• "~ :: i ~.~'. tl!..~ ur. 10 100 m::: Mlnl'l. i.ii .. 1tJ 1.vt+ ~ t s I.Oii ::::: """ ~-~. J ~-11. ~/~ il'm :t .:..i~ =.1111 .• J! ~:: . .'14\ =·:I. l ::::.h ':: 11 :..; .. ~ Amtrak aceord bailed W ASHJ NG TON (AP) -The Reqan adminiltratlon and members of Congreta .,.. pnJm.na Amtrak'• management arid labor unions tor •1reeing on a ••t• corlce11ion contract de•llb.ed to improve .rail Pl!lle".,r lentlce. Tranapor taUon Secretary Drew Lewi1 uld Thurtday t h at the 39·month accord delllOrutrat.s ... welcome commitment t o allow Amb'b to be mere ef:tic:Wnt wtth \em 1ub1ldlea fro m the hderal ~t.·• 1.m • "' -= "' ·" ' ,. ~ " ...... . Mt "I: l· ~~,,. ~ • ... ' d NI-6' f"-• Golden firm sold t .:, f a.,.J! ·»J 12 I~ WI =-'9' ; Tr'-"•' =I _,I '.ill ~'"" t,_ ·~,,Ji : , .. . .:.~.~ 1·-·~~ ;:: gm· ,,. t ::::: I ~;ill ~~ = ~,; :: . t ~•,..fl/•r~:: '''.!·a 1. :::~ fe?!':1 .. ..: 1 1.111 ~"':::: ~·,, •.; '4.:i an if .. ""1= ~ . • ! ~ ... ;,; :t. ~~ 11 :: -m .: , .. ~ · t t • " ...1 I ~·" Q1 .. • , + fl -.., '· ( ...... . .. HI F CT Firm announces • computer service Newport Beach-baaed InfoGraphlc1, lnc. haa entered the laaer color and comput~r araphlcs 1ervices field. Following a year and a hall of research and more than a half million dollars in system design and implementation. lnfoGraphics haa begun U8i1ting client.I in several industries. lnfoGrapttlcs c:olor ayatem servicet are provided for Kidder, Peabody & Co. Inc.; Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co,, Californ ia Health Mana~ement Services, Orange County Center For The Perfonnln, Arts and KCET-TV. Service centers operate in conjunction with Graphics One stores. They are at 2000 Harbor Blvd . in Costa Mesa, and 18017 Sky Park Circle: lrvtne. MS / d eclares dividend The board of directors of MSI Data Corp. of Costa Mesa has declared a regular quarterly cash dMdend of 10 cent& per ahare on common stock, payable June 29 to stockholders of record June 14. Mercury off crs stock Mercury Savings of Hunungton Beach has voted to continue to omit a cash dividend but to pay a 6 pereent stock dividend to shareholders of record July 1. Board chairman Leonard Shane, F.dward Nusser and Carl Vogelsang were elected at the annual meeting to three-year tenTlS; Sidney Title, Arnold Handel and Claude Young to two years, and Dr. Masami Ogata, Mary Reynolds and Dr. Charles Wilson, to one year. Incumbents continue Beverly Hills Savings & Loan Association at Mission Viejo announced its intention to seat its five-member slate of incumbent directors. The association announced the results at a reconvened session of its annual meeting of stockholders, which was adjourned May 21. Under the association's cumulative voting provisions, the votes cast for the incumbent dir~tors were Preston N . Silbcwgh, 827,839; Dennis M . FitzpaUick, 827,239; Robert J . Dalton, 827,839; David P. Rousso, 821,301, and Hal J . Webb, 820,101. The association also announced that two nominees Crom the floor received the following number of votes: Vito Murgulo, 37,114 and Sheldon Appel, 891,406, but 546,400 of Appel's votes were disallowed. Conduc tor firms to merge Microsemiconductor Corp. of Santa Ana has agreed to buy th~ Siemens Cor~. semicondu~tor manufacturing line in Scottsdale, Ariz. and to conttnue operations at the plant, officials said. Martin Weitzner of Seimens' New Jersey office said the firms have an agreement in principle for an undisclosed sum. The Siemens-owned building reportedly will be sold to a third firm that will lease to Microsemiconductor and Acushnet Capacitor Co. Achuahnet bought Siemens' capacitor line in March and is leasing space until it moves into another facility. Exchangors stage parley Valencia Bank was host to the National Council of Exchangors board of directors at its n_ew corporate headquarters in Santa Ana, 1820 East First Street. AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (AP! Mr, 21 I IWnllO f Ot&<ll,.., Un<hMIOO<I Tot•• 1•sue> New hlQM New loW'\ NEW VORIC IAPI Nv>y 71 Tllura -•ov•nc.f'd Oe<ll""" UnCl\MIQOO Tolal lu""~ New hlQh> ~ .... lo-NS METALS I'll> J1' 114 "' • ti -141 40 IM It/I 4 ,. c°"'"' 76~78 cent• a poun4. us dMtlneU001. Leed 26-27 otnla. pound. Diie 35 cenll •pound.~. Tiii Ml,4&ae Mel9 Welk ~ lb. ~ 76-77 cente a poun4, NY ..._, 1310.00 I* llull. ,...._ S296.00 troY oz., N.Y. SILVER Handy I. Harman. H .255 Pef troy ouno.. GOLD QUOTATIONS .,Tiiie .......... ..... Utcttd WOtld oOld ortcaa Fridq. LOftCleft: morning ftxlng: 1325.50, up 11.211. 4' • , LoNoft: •ttemoon ftltlng: '325.25, up 11.00. • Pan.: anemoon nx1ng: t:l25.7e, off tuo. ~ '32t.t7, "P 11.~ zw-= '"*'• ftlllno: '32•.oo. utt 12.oo bid. '321.00 Mked, .....,,..._~ ...... --.2~1.11tt1.oo. ":ro:-* only clall1 quote ...... Up •• 00, l'JT ... * «It dtll/it ... ..... I f .,.,, 1, 1111 n os, SYMBOLS - ' , I I 11 1HI IARLI llll IOYOIA • emor1a FllllSH FIRST with a 2 year, 24,000 mile Warranty! IT'S YOURS, FREE1 WITH EVERY SELECTED LOW MILEAGE USED CAR. OUR FANTASTIC TOYOTA DEALS KEEP US OVERSTOCKED WITH HUNDREDS OF LATE MODEL TRADE-INS. SO COME IN TODAY AND SAVE! 1171 ¥ILllW .. .... " 4 tpeed tranemlaalon and an AM·FM ca ... tte. (8010UA). Ve<y clean and thla one runa great! Good tranaportatlon !Of' only 5 1999 1111 ISIZI uLS" COUPE 5 speed 1ran1mlaslon, AM-FM radio. all the factory equipment, just over 11,000 mlli911, custom wheels & llrea (1COA9•5). 5 5799 1171111111 1211 Automatic tranamll8ion, power brakee, AM-FM radio, exoept!Onally clean and ready to ool (328TZO). Don· t mlu thla one tor only 5 2899 1171 PE•IT .. 114" ... 4 speed trans., AM-FM CUMtte. power ateer1ng, power brakee. power windows, aunroof & morel Ve<y cleafll (049TZU). A real steal at only 5 4999 1111 mna "E-1" UllTIP Rare 5 tpeed model for ou1atandlng economy with atereo ca11ette, custo m exterior trim l morel (677RLF). Great graduation gift tor only 5 2999 1111-1 111111 Popular 5 apMCI model with air conditioning, AM·FM etereo and roof rack. Spoti.a beige flnlltl with matching Int.nor. (914ZTT). 5 5999 1111 lllZll "121" .... Automatic trana .. air cond., AM-FM stereo, alloy ~. c:uetom tr1m pecttage & morel Exceptional car In ~ reepect with only 15,000 mllee. (1BJZ435). 5 6499 ' 1111-.......... Great Httle wort! trudt with a at•eo tape, atep t>ump«, c:uatom str1pel and morel (1P21041). A real bUy at only 5 3699 1112 111111 .... am 111 llllEl 5 speed trantmlu lon, stereo easaette, sunroof, chrome atep bomper and just OVfl( 10.000 miles. (2A83&55). PRICED TO SELL! 1111111111 .. 211 U" &:onom6eal 5 &peed model with air conditioning. AM-f'M st«eo, cuatom Int.nor and ext.nor tr1m & morel Low mllea l very cteenl (263VCP). 5 3899 TOYOTA 1966 Hatt>or 81Vd. • SPECIAL GREEll RIBBDI IUYS These late model, low mileage cars all carry Earle Ike's exclusive 2 year 24,- 000 mlle warranty. You can't losel BEST BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY! e1111 TIYITI •au .... Thia one la tulty t.ctory equipped and ha.I an automtlc trantmlMlon. It la al90 an exceptionally dean cart (2&eYHG). Thia one 11 a ateal at only e1111_a ......... 5 tpeed Jranemluk>n, air conditioning, power ate«lng, power braat•. stereo euaette, aunrool, day wt..ea and morel (907XNA). e1111 TIYITI IEUU UFTllll 5 speed tranaml.alon, .ir conditioning. AM-FM 1t«eo, r.., window at*'8 & morel You've got to ... thl9 two tone beauty! (8e7WPL). e1111 lllYllLIT llE I I lllU Popular V8 with automatic tranemlaak>n. air conditioning, power ateenng, power brak•, Ult wheel, erul .. control, rally . wheela & morel A nice eat! (18GC330). 1111 TIYITI mu 5 3999 '4899 •5999 '6999 1111 , .. ,. Oll1UI I PlllEllEI Popular 5 speed model with aJr cond., full power, stereo CUMtte, Ult wheel, cruise control, leather ... ta. alloy wheela & morel ( 1AHM247). Hurry tor thle winner at only Equipment Includes power steering, radio, power brlk•. lntertof decor and completely orlglnal ln1ld1 and outl (219WOA). 5 7999 COStaMeSa PRICED TO SELL! 1111 TIYITI llPU Automatic trana., air conditioning, power ateerlng, power brak•. AM·FM atereo. tllt wlleel, alloy wheels & more. (1133ZFW). Muat ... to appreciate & Wtlatta buy1 5 7199 1111 TIYITI ..u ..... AutofMtlc trana .• air cond., full power, AM-FM atereo. tin wheel, crulae control, power door loc:k•. *"I wMets & moral Rare bleck metelllc flnllh with Bordeaux Int.nor. (41111ZTI). 5 8799 1111 TIYITI •au "111-1" Popular Llftba model with 5 epeed trana., air cond., AM-FM stereo, euatom exter1or trim & morel Soper economy and !\In to drivel (381982). Low, low mll• tor Juel 5 4799 1111 mna llPU Automatic trana., full pow9f, air cond., atereo tape, tm wheel. erulae control, alloy wheel• & morel Just <YVflf 27 ,000 mllea on thla matalllc btown t>Muty. See n today! (884XJW). '6899 5 speed trans., air power, atereo CNIM control, alloy wheel• the yeerl ( 1111RmPlalP lllllZI LMIEI Automatic transmllllon. air cond • powet' 111-lng & brakes. tilt wheel, SIX-PAC camper and low mllesl Must aee to appreciate! ( 103-48881 PRICED TO SELL! 1111 TOYITI ITULET 5 tpeed trana., AM-FM atereo. cu.tom exterior trim & morel S 1BJD283). Spotleal In flVfKY reapect. For only 5 4699 1111 TIYITI Cll&U 4 Door Sedan. Automatic trana., air cond., power ataer'lng, power brakes, AM-FM atereo. cuatom lnterlol' & exterior (tCGE044). A great !amity C81 lor just 5 6199 1111 TIYITI SIPU U.OOF Automatic trans .• lull power, stereo cuaett•. un wheel, crulae control. power door locita. alloy wheels & moral (1BTC852). The ultlmate Toyota tor only 5 9899 1111 TIYITI 1UCEL UFTllll The greatest In economy with a 5 speed. all the atandard factory features plus custom exterior package. Don't mlaa thla onel (18CE225). 5 5299 <714) 646·9303 <714) 540-9467 Open WeekdayS 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. saturoaYs ero a.m.-8:00 p.m. suncJ3v10:00 a.m:-7:<1> sun servtce and Plrt'S 7:~ a.m.~:00 p.m .. MondayfHda'/ satur'daV 8.00a.mAOO p.m. . . - •• "'" Chevron fined • RlCHMOND, Caltt. (A.f>) Chevron U.S.A., which emitted toul·•m,•llln1 1•• from It• r.flnery for an hour after a compruaor fatlurtt, will be tlned at ldat $1.000, the Bay Aroa Air Quality Manaaement Dlatrlct announced. Ted McHuah. ()"'91 COMt OAtLY PILOT/f'fidty, M"V H , 1811 ~"3ta ..XIDIR . ~-· ,... ........ .,. ...,. ~· ~~.,. .... ~~ . 0 ~ Allllt4Al T CO.. llOUC>f\ t UO 111 'Wo). ., ..... AA. 0...t Ht ' 11 ll ~tl .. OOll t Meu, u.iw~ . ' c .. 'oamor111a ~o'o J 10To\.1011 -. n W. tttll I t., hfte ha t lutt Drive, Ooeta JIHH, ooa1t ...... CAuur. ~'*' ,.. ....,_. • OOl lfUOteid by t JOM CIA~~. tOU ... I~" allofl • Orlve, Coete MtH. o a11101n11 QWAO, INC NQ1 Jtmel Q. "-II Tiiie ~ .. ~led by ,,..._ ~ Tiiie lltltlMlll WM ~ With ttle J0M Owoie Olll'lty Oltftl ot OrtnQt County on TNt 1111-1 wu Ned wtth IM ay t~. tNt County Cleflc of Of1nge C~ty on ,,_. Mey n. t9H. Publl•hed Oral\(!• COHI Dally ,,.,. PllOt, May II, June 4. 11. 11.1. 1tH .Publll ht c:I Orange Coaat Dally 2"&2·82 Piiot. May 21. Jvne '· 11, 1!.1. 1H2 i-----------r.1M·82 ·-~---------~~-~-.. _.....,-...-_...~-----------~~- ~tm.(~I.~'! ...... !~ftt!.'!!.I~.'! ....... ~,,.,,_»ll!t ••••• ~.f~ .. !~.f~ .. fe!.&!ftt .... J.Uf l'!!ftfl.ftll! .. J.'.fl !!ff!!.!!m!tf.l!!!f Fm!t.ffl.lh! .. !. ·~r· 1141 ,All .. •01 ITW. A -l.IAll/~I Of'Tl()H •••• • •••••••••••••••• r.. v ........ W8* to we1w . Lge ""'Y ...mod. '"· 00 M NTAL.8 llTln. 1 It, 1 .._ o 10 1~ ... mf, -3ba, fam rm In lrvlnt 1•6b(.; 1200 10 '2000 csown or trees.. c.ii fof (2)••Pl•UJ. 2 blkl to T • r r . I 1 a O O I mo . 75()..3314 open 7-dayt 4 II J~ IA. de t 1 111 , U 1 • 12 21 . Nl\d, ~ 11Y1e 2 flt _:U::..:..::1 ·:,1':._:1,::t,~M::;f4i::.::::4.::..6 _-t;--;:--::.:=-::=:;:--.;;u; ' ... "--I lrok~ twnh.... condo polen· 2 "" bdnn condo te&O llTTl!n THAN .........---1111. Oatae-. 276K M . llLMll 1:.IU m~. Pool. W/O: Freel HAS :t~~~HINO ...... 1 II ,aa'" w/26~ dn Prtn only Three bl dro 1'111 Two "3-tm; ff+t84t. A11um1bl• 10 11~ e e Io w ban 11 •ppr . bath• OcH n 1nd oa-1~...,..,...,....,...,.. __ ,,.._,,.......,_..,,.... Culod....ac l lrMI l 1H ,OOO. M S-13tt 1·110-0221 nyon "'-· Private bel• CL081! TO 8!AOH 2 Ir Sun & Sell II Club cony I l 150 per month, w/g1t909, lrptc, bit-Ina, spok e11man for t he district, aald that the $1,000 nulaance violation penalty cou l d be increased by other $1,000 fines for violating emission limits for hydrogen sulfide and sulCur dioxide gases. P\atC MOTIC£ 20 min. to IAfflllT• IJ ""' HO. SAN DIEGO CO. ytarly IMH l'IH ltor, bonu• room & eu~. rtalC NOTIC( N9wpOr1 Center 8peo1aou1ar 41t, Ha 3 unit•. NOtl a br & t .... 780-0119 1876/mo 636-1979 8210,000 With 1180.000 , __ .._..old Lind 1....... xlnt cond, In dH lrabl• ,.._ .. _ 2 MTmOUt., ... 11 NA*ITATIMINT IWINOft 00\MT °' Ol\UPOMIA COUNTY Of' OMNQI NO. A·1'*7 ONMIR TO IHOW CAUll 'Ofl CHANGa Ofl NAiii *>TICI °' IAU al 1~ fixed rete & -· nr a .,.,,,. 6aoondklo loc. Xlnt rtnl· C..I• ..... ,IJ4 VIiia Pee 3 Br ""'""' Notloe 11 hereby g1wn purlUAt\t fully amoftlttd eo· on Newport Bay. •I• •I 1376,mo. ••· •••••• m:-: ••••••••••• 8•. atrium, lrplc, 1enn1a. The lollowtng '*"°"' ere doing bu.W-aa· 10 MOllOlll 3071 and 3072 Of the No Polftlt 0< qualifying 1626.000. Owner will Qood ueum io.n. Ot\ly ALM08T 4br w/prl'lata pool•. apa, nr OCH n. Ctllit eoo. oflha Stall ot Cdfomla 170-0S..7 carry w/llOO,OOO down. t 157 .aoo . L &S Altv ttud)'. patio, pet teoo ,_84_7_·3_•_6_0_. -----atft\llCE I PECIAL. tl31 lrvlne llF, Colla Mita. CA 12t21. ftaul 0. Holman 1131 IMne 11F, Coate Mau. OA t2t27. 1111 IM Metter ef tt'9 M9'toeUllll ef KAMM TMCIY .IAOfCMMI Pet c ............ the uncl«aignlCI. McF.nand Towing OwnetlAQ!ftl _a._2-_0_23_1_____ 1-141-tU 8. OC-AINTA.L.8 760-33t4 ·-.ual-,....._ tno. wtll Mii at publiO auction 11 1111 l~~~~~~-~~~~i wa------------,.,. •-N. eat.via. Oftn0t. CA t2tN et I· ,_,. .. _, No Cttl'I Oownl t unit•. II M If •ul»u '"' aeon L u.y.r.1._1_131 1rv1ne n , Cotta Mete. CA t;iw7. 10:00 a.m. on Thur'lday. Juftt 10, .,....,., ...,t 1111 Pre1tlglou1 "601 Lido.. Long Bch. w111 ll••P Tll LIOIY ffW ..................... . tN2,thttollowlngprOP9't)'.to-wlt: ••••l'•i••••••••••••••• high rl1a condo (IE). ma n eglng for you Rent In Coi ta •••••·• Otf wecer49',3Ba,l 1200 Tllll bwlnele la oonc:I~ bY a gel*al pertnerahlp The 1ppllcat1on ol l<AA!N TRACEY .IAOt<IOH for chanoe ol name hevtng ~ tiled tn Court, and It appearing lrom uld appllcatlol\ \hat Karan Tracey Jedlaofl twit llled an ~lion propoalng 1hat her name be Ollangod 10 KAREN T"ACEY MAROOLLIS tt71 lnt'I Van, CA UoiYffSM, 1111111 1111 • View to Cataline; 211 7at-048 t ... -..,,.•2 2 'IO Ho 2"b ...... b N EWE 8 T g a I e d 2 0 mo Vln•~l..,.,.,...,,,., t ' . "' a. N1Una. ..., ar, ---.....,.-----Townhorne VILLAGE 12131 437·ts16 The gas leak from an emission stack prompted seven people to seek treatment for nausea at Brookside Hospital in San Pablo. More than 100 peo pie ca lied the district to complain about the sour smell, authorities said. p ... ~ Scott~ Said .... II IOt the putpoae of Wll MO bldg. 1860,000. DEA TH FORCES SALE aat~ lien of the underlione1Hor 3 bd/Clen & pool Sl08. Nice CdM duplex on COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br Luxurioua 3 bdrm, 2~ be Thi. '"'-' WM ftlad wtth the County Clark ot Orange County on towing and/or 1torage Char11H 600 Ownet flnanctl\(I. UN ISU Merguerll• Ave. Way 2'.\ Ba. 1800· t800 tel tt condo Hatbor frorit. 34 together with GOlll of edYettlalng under app<atMd value at of 1X1r• luxury O.,agea, ti boat atlp Sl)«:tacular May 27, 1M2 end •JlP9n'M of..... 3 Unlle (3·3--l) Ofl .. ndy $235,000 with llaxlbl• hydro-tuba In muter vt-Newly decorated. Dai.d1hla281hdayofMay. t~ WllTOLlfF ~n~h.h::C,~ou~· term•. Prln only aulte, dining rooma. 1 SttOO mo. 3887 Aruba ,..... Publl•hod Ou nge Coaat Dally Piiot, May 28, .June 4, 11. 181...1982 2nM2 Now. lherelore. It 11 hereby ordered and dlrec;tad, that all peraon• lnler•ted In aakl matter do appear before Ihl e court In ~men1 3 on the 7th day of J\ity. tN2, at 10 30 o'clock am . of Mid day 10 lflOW c:eu .. Wfly audl appllc:allon for change ol nama lh<>uld not be granted .J K. LIEN SALES 3 bdlfem/dlnlng $326, no-a121. wood burnll\(I nrer>lacet, Ctr .Jon• th • n Publlllled Or•ng• Cout Dally 000. A beeutl1ul remodel. I l ,300,000 AHumabl• ---------micro-wave ovena, prl· 213-451~7 24 hr Piiot. M8Y 28, 1N2 MUii .... TllMe & othera teo0.000 IC)jlll. TRl·PLt:X HUNT BCH v a 1 e p a t I 0 a & 2.31W2 avalleble with Harry Fr• RITA WRITER. AQI All 2 Bdrm. $188,000 yard•.Qerdener provl-lrri•• ,,f4 P\lll.JC NOTICE NIUC NOTICE ACTITlOUI 9U119eaU NAMa ITATDMNT T,,_ followlng s--ia we doing ~ .. : SKRUB PHOTOGRAPHY, ~5 FICTJnOOl llUIMll C710 Van ,.._ Coul'l, Huntington NA• STATl•NT BMch, CA 9211-411 The lollowlng pereona are doing Gordon Leo Bur111, 8~ C710 bueln ... u . \Ian Neat Coun, Huntington Beec:h, ROOF RENU , 1•851 CA92848 Buckingham PL, Tualln, CA 92880. Joanne .Joyce e1uk1, 8585 Leo S Jaramlllo, 2850 Orange, C7 t0 Van ..._. Court. Huntington Coatt M .... CA 92827 Beach, CA 928411. J-Oall. 14851 8ucklngham Gordon L. &Kii• Pl , Tutlln, CA 92880 Tllll ata1-I WU fllad With the Thi• bualneN I• conducted by a County Clerk of Orange County on llmlled partnerllllp M1y 25. 1982. leo S JwamlllO F1tmlll Tiii• 11111-• WU llled with the Publl•hed Orang• COHI Dally County Cletil ol O<ange County on PllOt, May 28, June 4. 11. 18. tN2 May 28, 1982 135().82 II I• lul'lher ordered tha1 a C09Y of thla Order To Show Cauu be publlahed In the Dally Piiot, a ~ of Q41f*al d1culetlon, printed In Mid county. at lealt or>ee each weall for l our 1ucce11lve week• prior to the day ol H id hewing. Dated Ihle 25th day of May, 1982. ,,.,.. Oomentehlnl, Judea of Mid ..,...... ~ QeraklM.IMw vtrt\11 a tcMoll, 1nc. f'.0 .9o•- Newpor1 9-tl. CA '21111 Puollahed Orange Coael Dally PllOI, May 28, June 4. 11, 18, 1982 ,1tom 1------------23M-82 Publl1h1d Orange Coul Dally PllOI. May 28 . .June 4, 11, ta 1982 1------------Nil.IC NOTICE Ml.IC M>T1CE 2311-82 FICTrTIOUt llUMNEH --C-fTY--M-C-0-IT-A---.-A-- NAME IT ATE•NT OflANQe COUNTY, P\B.IC NOTICE Tile lollow1ng peraon la doing C~ FICTITIOOS llU ... 11 buSJness 11 NO-nc. INVTT1NQ M>I MAME STATE....,. CALIFORNIA REALTY. cto Pt· NOT!Cf; IS HERESY GIVEN thal The lollowlng peraon ta doing oneer Wood PToduclt. Inc:· l7777 Meled propoaale wll be reoetwc:t by l>uslnees u M11n St Sult• 0-2 Irvine. CA 1,,. City of Colla M.a at,,,. otf1ce HANOI-AID COMPANY, 2907 92714 of the Cllv Cleril 11 the City Hal. n w Wlmlflf San1• Ana CA 9?7().4 Shallram llosoughzadeh 6-455 Fair Orl'loe. Coat• M.a, Cellfornle Barba~• Ruth P~ul, 1128 El l• Jolla Blvd No 256 La Jolla, CA unt• the IQw of 1t-001.m on June Camino Or, Coatt Mela, CA 9282il 92037 17. 1982, at whlcrl lime they w4ll be This bu'"-1 la conducted by an This bul•neet IS c:OllducltKI by an opened publldy and reed alOud In Individual individual th• Co u n c II C II am bare Io r 8arblr• FMh Paul Shahram VOIOUQN.adefl F u R N I s H I NG A L L L A e 0 R • Thi• •tat-• WU flied with the This Statement was flied with the MATERIAL 8 . Eau Ip MEN T. County Clerk o1 O<ange County on County Cleril ol Orange County on TRANSPORTATION AND SUCH May 211, 1982 Mey 5. t982 Ft_...... OTHER FACILITIES AS MAY BE f1I022S _,,,R EQUIRED FOR THE Publlthed Orange Coal! Oally Publl51led Orange Coast O•lly INSTALLATION Of' A FOIJHTAIN Pllol,May28,June 4.11, 18.1982 Pllot.May7. t4 .2l.28. l982 A T THE NEIGHBORHOOD 2385-82 2067·82 COMMUNITY CENTER. 1846 PARK flt&.IC NOTICE F1CTmOUI .U ... 11 N~ITAn.NT The following perton la doing busl.-u NATIONAL PHOTO UNLIMITED, 711 w .. t 17th StrNI Costa Mwa. CA 92827 Robert Dugan, 1789 ea.heme Pl . Costa Mesa. CA 92828 Thla bull,_. II conducted by an lndMduel Robert Dugan ncnnoue-.. NAiii ITAl'IMmfT The followtng peraon la doing bu*'-M: AIVENMOE WEST. L TO., 215 Rlvenide Ave.., Newport 9-:h. CA 928e3. Richard A. Meu ger, Gen. P1rtn•r .... 401 82nd St., N-port Beech. ""' Q2683. Thia ~ II cor>ducled by I limlled partnel"lhlp. Rlclw'd Metzger Thie stat-t wu nled w4th ,,,_ County Cler1I or O<anga County on May 28, 1982 Thie ltawmant ... flMd wtth the County Clertt ot Orange County on F 1tCll2M May 211. t982 Publlahed Orange Coatl Dally ,11aD Piiot. Mey 28, June 4, 11. 18. 1982 Publlaheel Orange Cout Deity 22118-82 Piiot, Mey 29, ~ '· 11, 18, 1982 ---~------~ 231~ 0111H 1mc1s1---MUC-MOTIC(- .. ----------ITA1'D91ff °' AllMIDOl.-NT SCHORLE Of Ull °' PICl'fT'QM IUIH .. •NAm OLIVE M SCHORLE. Tile 1o1tow1n1 penona llave a g e 7 4 , a r e SI d e n t o f abandoned the -of ttle Flc:tltioua Carmichael, Ca , died on Bull,_ NlfftC May 26 1982 Survived by a PACIFIC COAST.eox OfflCE. • . Sult• " 100 '"° Wea'9l1y '"'-· son and daughter-in-law Newpol'1 8e«tl. CA 92MO. John and Lou Schorle of Tile Flc:tltlou• 8u1lnH1 Name Concord. Ca . sister Mildred referred to above wH 111•4 In B b h N Orange County on May 8. t982. r1sco. rot er orman Good EvenlnQ LA., a c.ittom1a Henderson, 2 grandchildren, corporation, Sutt• 11100. 3990 Cyndi and John Schor le. w .. terty "'-· ~ 8eech, CA Sh I . .d 92e60 e was a ong time resl ent Thie~_ conducted by a of Orange County and was a COf'l)C)ratlon. registered nunie. In lieu of Good Evening LA. flowers the family requests a c.lfornla corporation contributions be sent the ~ ~ Olive M. Schorle Nursing Thie etlttlnent -flied with the M e m o r 1 a I F u n d , S a n County C1ert1 of Orange County on Francisco State Univeroty, May 28• tte2. ,1.- San Franaaco. Ca. Services Publlthed Orange eo.11 Dalty will be held on Wednaday, Piiot. Mey 28. June 4. 1t, 18. t982 June 2, 1982 at IO:OOAM at 227M2 A VEN UE , COST A M ESA . CALIFORNIA 11211211. A Ml of plana. epecHlcetlona, and other oontr~ ~ta may be obtained In th• office or the Depart"*" of lelaur9 SeMc9a. 77 Fair DrM. Coeta .._, Cellf«nla. upon r9Cllp4 of • nonrell.lndal>le ... of se.oo. " bldOerl ~ p1ane and apeclfk:atlone be melled. ,,,. char99 wtCI be 17.60 per Ml. ~ bid ahlll be rnacM on IM propoNI form and In me nwnner provided In th• c:on1rac:t doc:umenll. and •h all be accompanied by • c:ertllled or c:atHer' • c:hedl or a bid bond tor not .... than 10 peroet!I of me amount at ttie bid. made peytll>le to the City of Coal• ..._ Tiie Conuactor ahall. In the performance of th• work 1nd lmpro•ementa, conform to the Labor Code ol the Slit• ol Celltomla and oth8r .... of IN Sta1• or c a11torn1a appllcabl• thereto. with the exceptton only of aid! varlatlone -ll'ley be required under the JC*lel ..... ~ to trllldl ~IO' hel'allnder .,. taun and wt11ot1 ~ no4 ~ IUi* eeded by the prcwlalorla of the Llbor Code. Preference to labor lhllll be gl'IWI Of#y In the - pr'O'llded by ·-· No bid lhell be oonl6dtred unteaa II II made on a form ~ by the City of Coate M-. and le made In ac:oordance with the pttMllone of the propoNI requlramenta. Eactl bidder mull be llCenMd and alao pr~alllled u required by '-· The City Coundl Of ,,. City of Colla M-. r..wct Ille right to reject WIY or Ill bide. c~..:':'Z. CllyefC ........ Dated: May 12. 1092 Publlehed Oreng;. CoH t Dally Piiot, MllY 28, June , 1982 2347.-2 Nil.IC NOTICl """"'°" COURT Oii CAU'CMIMA. COUNTY M OAAMoa HTAT11 Of' LETMA ~ o.c ...... llo. A·1Mll NOTICa Of' '"'INTWl"_lfTl..,ION"' ... TO llU RIAL Pf!Onft'T'Y AT fltUVAT11 IAU Mollee 11 hereby given that, aubl•ct to conllrm10on by the abova-1ntllled Superior Court, Dept. 3, on Jone 30, t982, 11 9:00 A.M .. Ot lhel'M lt• within IM time lllowed by law, tile und«lllgned, u executrix of the eatate of LETHA MARBLE, d•CHted, wlll Hll at private .... to the h~ and beet net bidder on th• terma and condlllona heretnatler mentioned all right, Ulla and lntereet of LETHA MARBLE, deoeued, at the time of ,,., death and all right, tl11a, and lnt., .. t that the eetate haa acquired In addition to IMt Of decedent at IM time of her dMlll. In IM rMI prOP9't)' localed In CKange County. Stat• of Cellfomla, deecr1bed u the aoutllwraterly •11.05 IH I of the nort'-terfy 138 15 leet of LOI 191 of Newport Heigtlte .. lflown on map thereof ~ In 8ooll 4 at Paoe 83 or Mlaceltaneous Mapa ~ Rec«dt recorded In IM Orwnge County Recorder'• offlc:• and commonly known u 111e3 Fullet1on SlrHt. Cotta MHI, California, 92$27. The aa1e II aubject to current taa11, covenanll. condition•. rHlrk:llona, r•MrV•tlon1, rlghtt. 11ghla of way, and -*It• of recc>r'd. There are u of thll dei. no deed• of truat recorded .,.at ,,,. real prOP9't)'. The property II to be I04d on an "•II" beal•. •aoept .. to tltla. 8kla or oflert ara tnvtted tor ttlla property and muet be In wrtttng and will be reoetwd II Iha ottlol of .J~EPH R. DAI/IS, attorney for the eaeou tr la al 2190 H1rbor Boul9vard. Sult• 3t3, Coela ..... Ctltfomla. 92929. or may be flted With IM Clertc Of the 8voertor Cour1 or dellwr.ct lo JOSEP+i R. OAVIS pei-.ity. at any time •ti• the nr.1 publll:*lon of lhll notlca and before rnelllng the ..... The prOP9't)' will be IOid on the ~ twme· CMh or oen CMfl and pert cndll. the tenna of credit 10 be ICCllPl.aMe to the uodenlgned and to tile Superior Court, 5 percent ol Ille amount bid lo ~ the of'-by certlfted c:Mdl. and Iha belanc:e to be peld aubMQuent to the oonflnNtlon of the .... by the Superior Cour1 .. IM clOM of .aaw. Tu•. rent.a. operating a nd maintenance axpen•••· and premium• on ln1uranc:e ac:c:eptabl• to the ~ Siall be fKOfated -of the date of the doee of -ow. Examlnellon Of title. -ding of conveyance. transfw taltee, llMf MY title "*"--pollcy aflell be.,_.., ·~ or the per11ea. The undenlgned rtMf'I" the right to reject any and all bide prtor 10 entry Of an order confirming the ..... DATED: May 25, 1982. Linda Lee Wllllema EMlc:W'lx of the .. ,.,.of the abo'le-namecS deCedent Joeeph R. Davie Attorney for Eaecullt>. .,...,.. "' o..te A"°""" et Y. l7'IO......, ~ ..... ..... >11 C.\a-.,CA ... (714)MMaa Publlthed Orange Cout Delly Piiot, M4JY 28, 29 • .June 4, 1Na nsr.a Fairhaven Chapel with Dr NCmCe llMT9'0 _,. James King offlc1at1ng. P\aJC MOJ'IC( ~~_.be reoeev.d Iii the office of the= Interment at Fairhaven -----------Col#lty 8enftaUon °""1Gc No. 1 11 1oeu f.111 A-. Fountllln V , Memorial Park. Conducted MUMC111AL COURf °' Celllornla. t270t, on or..-.. Iba rtth 0.., Of June, t882. et 11:00 A. • al Mllc:tl time lhly • be &IUbldY ~ and read In fie offlal of .. by Fairhaven Mortuary. CALl"'OMIA 8oetd of Olr9c1on at 10944 Die Aw,,~ v..,, ~ fOr. .. MD POA TNI AEHAllUTATION ANO MLOOATIOH OI McCOltMta MOITUAlllS Laguna Beach 494·9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 HAalott LAWN-MT. OLIVI Mortuary • Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 ,_ClllOTHHS ~la0ADW4T MOITU41Y 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 IALTl ... GlttOM SMITH A TUTMU WISTCU .. CHAn&. 427 E 17th St Cosra Meu 848-9311 PtllCIMOTttMI IMmfS' M011VAllY 627 Main St. l'tlntlngton 0.ach S3M638 • ' . COUNTY°' IA~O f'ACWIC COAST HIGHWAY ~ (IA~ FROM BAY MOOE PUW ITATION TO DOVER DNVE • .IUOtClAL MTllC'T) COffT'MCT NO. 6-1M "-AMTW: IUlllrTOlllO •AMC Ilda are F9QOlred luf the emn wort1 dlMcl1bed ,.,..,,. 0, CALIPOR .. IA, • Celltornl• The WOftc 1110 be done aooorclno to Iha plane and IP90lfleeliof11111 -=•c:ror'NT~.ictttLLI A. fll• In the offloe of tM S.Cret•r; of Iha Dlatrlct end N ICI plane 1nc:I ~_.DOU o.......... ~ -by ~ Mede a pert of t1W notlot. TD,....... e1 &:"'otiloa~~=u:i~~== .. we. .Fountain Vd&"f, CelltOmll. CociMe Of ttie p1er11 Ind ~tlone tNtt be C... llD. mMI obtlllned In the ~tlonecl oflloe at !hit followlng Cotta wflldl llkl ...,!!'~ .::!' ...!!!!!!!... ::r,5 co111 are not refundable regardlau of whetll•r th• plane and ' --· --• -aoeclflcet10ne .,. recumecl: wm-t ,_ Mlr'9 '-d dENEAAL Pfl0VISIOH8 ANO STANDARD r.: ,......cl .... I..,..."-' SPEQFICATIOHS ,OR COIJNTY SAHITATIOM "...._you = =-the advioe Of OISTAICTS OF OEAHOE COIJN'TY, CALIFOAt41A, 111n Edition. 1ewr.n1 ec1111on :::O.::~: ~ ':':,:; /:; o.t~.;.o :C,~~·;;;;· .............................................. lt0.00 ~ :."'-· " any, rnaiy be abOW WOftc .................................................................................. lt0.00 A y I • 0 I u • I • • .. • • 14 • Plane and i;:c::at1on1 wlll be malled to proepeotlw bidder•, It .. tftafHl..S.. II 1,.._ ... -~. ,....._.,for a of 18.00 (~)to OO¥fl( ttl9 ooet Of pOtt8fl ---l1eftcMnO. ............ Utl ... I • ..... • NA b6dl ""'* be tMdl In aooor~ and II bldder'I muat oomiify, ::-:--..:-~ .. ·=::•:"'!: Mth lta-. ~end looaf laWa ~ lflerwtO, and M ...:S fn ....-.. ..-oPOMI fOrm, ... anCI ~ ...... .....,.. -'*9llY nocllled t"8C ~ '° 1)1'0\telolll Of .. UIMr. 81 Uated o .... t ollcin•r •I Oocfe ot the l t•I• .< C.lllornla, the Board of Dlr.ctort Of C.Unty ooneeto Cle "" eboOedO .,, eete 1#11tell0n Otatrlot No. I Ml ~ the prwelllno raM of per dleftl t I 11 n 1 0 • Cl t b tr r a II I Ce t I 0 wagee, 81 dettrmlJMCI by Ille ltate Otr.ater o; lncfuetr1&1 Ma11ont, ~~ -.., ~ -~•caMe to ttiewonc to ... .,.... IN~"' "'*""'wen lltebe ·.......----._, ----oertot1...s 1n OOft!Plill• """' ....., 1m of "' LabOt COdl ot .,. ~ -FIQIM...... ..... of~ and It .. ..., In .. oMoe Of .. ~ of .. 1 TO Tl4I OIPPQWr: A CM ~,..,,......_~No. I ef ~ CouMY. ~t '* Men NM by Ille leillll llld 11111 lie.._,.°"~ MM~ by fie °'*tlDt .,.._, ........ you. If'°" wfltl to n ---In IN~ 11Y IN Olllltol.,..,... fie ta Of ...,.. ............ youlftUlll. ~ fie WOftl and IN MfM 9'ld Clf h ... • ... ~ 1*t II S day• afllf ii.la ~Mmon• 11 r90elWd lft IN ~ Otftoe at fie flddfW ,_..,~ -~ In ....... on you, fie w1tt1 "* _..,. • proper 11rne. Ant bid,..,_ lfttr fie d 11t1•.,..,.. tl!M 9of r..ipt ""'""' r..,.,.. to -oomplalnt. of b6dl lflll ... ,....,., to .. blddlt ""°'**'• Utlllltl row dO eo. J'Ollt dtlUt .. laClfl bfddtr "*-lie lloarlMd In IN .._ of CllliDf'flla lfld qullllftld .,. ..,..,.., Ori aHlloatlon of the to pertoml ,.. "'°"' •• • 1 Fiiied In IN .... ~tone IN otnV1lat plelnttft, lf'd Wt ~ mey ._. a doaumenCa. A bid ~ ~ "81 """ left perOtrlt (1~ of fie total .,._ Judlrl*'I ..... you far 1911 ,...., llftOUl'lt .. lie ......, _. eMtl llld and no bid tflll be 001 Jtdl ... dl-.iM11111•1ded .... ; it .. WW .... 11, .....,. ............. ..itlli¥ II~......,, .... bid bOM INIW ... '- OOllld reeutt 111 o•ml•i!Ment ot , '°"" Cllf • CllllllW't •~-chide, ~to IN ~­ ....., ~ '111NMY ot ~ ... 11rtu1~1 to oantornla Goqrnmont C"4 -.OUon ·=-r• °' otllel reflef ,..,_,eel in th• OOllll"*'•.,.....,._!"'~--.-t.Dlll•" ~ .. ...,... ................ llt ........... a.tlll,..... .... o..t: D a oobet II, 1111 ,...... 1W Iha Dlllllll to ... =tllw•• crf .... ...,.., .... --.. -·.. ___ .... A ,...,,,.. ti-.,.. ........ .., 9',MI Mje _,,. ........ .,,, M .. =-.,,,~~ ...... .. r.,.,,. I f ,........., °'""' c..-~ ..._.,.. • "'*'• Mie !C.1'.~ .-iu1s•~o.r .....,.,..., ... _..._~ , defk*. t 831_12tt 752-6710 9 UNITS, HUNT BCH Oed Elegant living only •--10 1011 All 2 Bdrm 1458,000 15 mtnu1• from Fuhlon IOUlnllT By owner. Or11tlc price reduction for l!J9 down- peyment. 84().. 7990 By Owfl« 4 8dr, den, & guet1 rm, 2 lamlty rme, 5 a •. frplc, formal living & dining. 1225,000, HO. 000 dwn. 545--8 108 ~.".'.'!'!!!'!......... Bkr 53&-0123 11tand, 7 mlnut• to SC OCEAN VIEW 2Br, end Newport Beach prime Plan or O.C Airport unit C11m decor. Obi property trl-ple11M & du-Juat eut of Newport gar. Pr• HI• 4g9-4907 p I e 11 e • 1 O % down. Blvd & ao of San Otego 044·7424 erOllM Frwy. Starting al $900 • ~. JH• month. 831·~430. 2•73 llfR Wlml Orange Ave., Colla **SELL ** TUii Trade tor N.8. oce1n-MeN. front ITome. Owner. 1---.-1&-Yl_l_H---1 $800,000. 3711 s ... ahore. 873--8578 Ill .11• Oa,atfrlH Tur1teroc:k Tax Havon 1 acre eq. •late. Loca-Luxurloua 3 BR lam. rm tad In axclualv• Aqua· office, deck, trl-level. 4 Bdrm 2 B• 1am11r home. Oule1 a1 ... Aval . Immediately. M1111y amo- nlt .... 875-4912 BKR catt MCtton. 1750,000 or corporal• rental, I 18, 3 er 1 Ba letge yard, wlll trade tor NB-Irv-000 Income per year rodeci 1983 Conlln«1tal Laguna home or twnh-w/116,333 lntM .. t earn S150/mo 559-5001 me Call Roaemary, Prln. 1298,000 anum 2 Br ended garage. car- 4 9 8 -7 1 3 1 o r loan. P.P. C.U IOt Sho-peta, drapH 773 W 714-833-0190. Fu ll wing only. Call owner Wllaon. No pell counaey plua bofU to llQl. 851-3040 Ext. 5e 1525/mo 831-4&89 Co-gp 8kra. I~-~~~~~~ Mb J.t W. IJll 2 8'. enclad garage cet· 1: •••••••••••••••••••••• pet1. drepea 773 W No Down Pay 3 end~ J!a!!L lo- mlly hOmel. Ettat• .a. loll Priced from $289, 950 Brokera welcome. 495-nao. ee t-35&8 Wllaon No pe11 S526/mo 83t-4889 4Br, 28• + lg add-on. avell t-I Meu Del Mat Ref & ... req $800 mo 75g.o 147 or 8'8-4289 UUll ... alt 8:30PM CtsTl9 Y'llW LIT 2 er yard. no pe11. chlkl Panoraml~ vlrw on ok, WM111<1• $550/mo. ... ,. AAI• 1111 Niewpor\ Say and 841-0783 ••• • •••••••••••••••••• Pacific Oc'ean Prtm~ 'l/'I ... /-1ocallon <Mr seoo.ooo am " .. , PUii -· of -.unable flnanc:lllC. "'~-... .-..... In .., Condo • 3 br, t'h ba 2 8"1 evallablr 101 on ~ you ., .. ,_ r CAMEO SHORES aty, 2 cer gar. Nf'. S.C. ~-ll.S$0.000 Mtate ownetlhlp. Cuatorn 4 Br. 3 Ba. pool, Plue. l l o.4,000. By ow-1 Br. duplex E.u tald•. Jacuzzi, llol fond, 3 ner. 548-0487 (714) 710-1900 C.M. 1480/mo. frp t c·a, 14 6,000. 2 Br. TownhouH with .......•.•...••••••••. UJYIU 2 br, 2 ba MOO 2 br. 2'"' ba 179S.$800 3 br, 2 be 1 1•00 lutn 4 bt, 2 b• $1200 4 br. 2'/t ba 1800-1825 3 br. 2 ba $726 Lag Hiii• Deerfield, 3 Br. 2 81. lwnllte. frpl<:. 2 cer gar. 1725 Call for appl. (213) 939-3041 bef 2PM. 3 br. 3 ba. 2 sty twnhm, guarded gete, pool, ten- n11, JK, 11tnt loc. Gares.. ner Incl 1895 857-859'4 evt 3 111111100 Detached Mo. Irvine home, lrg !amity room, S800/mo on 1 yr INM. Three other• to Cl'looM lrom we·r• the «'M to call '°' .... Woodbridge lkihlJ :;51 3000 lt:!ll llarnnu t'\"'" '" iA<' 875--5030. IUNUTIJ pool, H.B. 1575/mo liiL1:: 111-IY IWlllJ Let'• Get your lrweatmenl Wt141arl,.•1 0H41 --,,..., CleM 2 Br. 1 Ba. ,_ ---------etarted. -a lt•H ..... I 1111 wall 10 wall ~· lrg #nai./a. ,,_., AQent te2· t700 3 Bdrm 2'.~ba. J..,.,_ 3 b d 2 b a , "'¥ .i.... garden. community pool. r m • • lot, •Int arH . 18,00 ,_, u.,,,, lllnce of a lltetlme, leeM take. 1ennl1 prlvll99•• apa,/eovered p atio. down , I 1 5 O Imo . •••••••••••••••••••••• wtth option, ,_ 3 Br. 2 1900/mo 559.4793 or Btautllully decorated. 714/064-1402 aft 8. lm.LWIU Ba. condo. 360 w WI\. 87S-8180 A.-.nable loan with 6%1----------1 aon. Call 842-2000. ---------dn. 1229.500 FH ey ... ,. 1-.H ,., Mlle hlQlh 3 yr o6d cuatorn 83t-606&. New 2 Br condo, Univ Owner. 97t-3923 •••••••~~,.•••••••• hOme In ~lgloue C.. Town Ctr. A/C. frplc. SEAVIEW -elegant & MRlll u..ru. dat Glen. Sc>eciol• r9CI-Br. 2'.-\ Ba. OuleC .,.._ rec . 1750. 955-1592 5 bc:lrm HOO 1q fl wood deck among tell Avell. lmmed. Kida oil charming H ampton • · · pine trM• lnvlt .. out-$760/mo. 815-9958 38', 2'h8a. din rm, lam model, fabuloua view• home with whitewater door IMng. 3 Br off bej...1---0C---R-E_NT_A_l_S__ rm. cloeo to pool, IP• & cSecor ape. pvt comm =· ~1f f~~~-cony overlooking lfvlng tennla 1800 mo. Cell w/pod & tennla lacltltlM · 1~ · room plua 4th bdnn. of. 1·5br'• 1200 to $2000 Putnam 975-t723 1550,000. Open HOUM ooo. Agl. 494-4 . ·-or TV room. U aw 1-7~14 open 7-<taya ---------........... y ,.._ --·~ 2 Br 2'A Ba. Townhome. S.VSun 12·5 1..,.. echt OfM i..J ln•N aulatlon. dbl w1ndowa. HEAE II Isl 1br unit Oeerlleld $700/mo _~ __ a_l44-__ 1_o_t_1 ___ 1•••••••••••••••••••••• $227,000 Wiii tlnanc:.. w/patlo + pool, 1275 Agent 4g:J..2111. MUST SELLI •-u•-•~-AgVOwner. 1.f21-t712 OC·RENTALS 760-3314 · ZEROOOWNI -----------1---------UNIV PK, apec 38', 28e Herbor Ridge cuatom, 1# i.# I Ill WI llllWllAI 4 Bdr, 2 Ba, formal dining, twnhM. gar. AC, trpc. no -.. 000 '"" It .....__. •••••••••••••••••••••• ......... ~ 11~ family nn, 3 cer gar-. ..-.. IN. 529-0384 ~ ~. ....,. ·• ..,.._. Newport Beech De Ann -avail. 715. Rel• rec{ci ........ priced on hi~. For lnfe. b ay l ront Park. Mint Cu1tom Swlaa halet 1895 Incl. gardener mOITIYI -2 U c.il 84()..'183, 759-0989 cond. '18 dbl wide. ,,,.... with d ock and maid '• 545-6MS, 550-C21 Turllerock condo w/3 BUFFS p19oa, brlcil patio, quert•r•. Spectacular EASTSK>E 2br, euneet Cleek vu ol c:tty tight• & $58,600. Aleo 2 br .• 2 tah end mtn. vlilwl-Im-patio blt-lne 1430 mountain•. 2400' llvlng l"AULA MODEL, excel-ba.. doubte wide, comer portod quaUty ttetw.. OC-RENrAUI 750-339' apace, 2 c:1r gar w/ lent cond. F• llmple By lot $39,000. 8111 Grundy .. ....... opener a, b onua rm. Owner. Cell Cllter 5 PM 81Mt81. Century 21 Hlefl Country 3 BR, 2 ba. atove & OIW. 2 Comm. pool/ Jenni• tor JIPPI. ------... -d-b-,_-1 C...OI, Agl. c. r gar . • 8 0 0 m 0 . I I 2 0 0 I m 0 • p • u I 720--0635 or 842-70411 Huntlngton BMc ... ou .. 11•1••7 •••1 ·~64a-368 ___ , -----_85_s._2_ea_2 ____ _ wide. adulta, large lot • -.....,. .-.... TIUOI 3 bdrm, 3'h ba, LR, DR. FA. 3000 tel It. Gated Prtv. Street. 842-0430 email pe1 ok, neer ahop-EAS ;s10E 4 Br pool WOODBRIDGE CONDO - ping, IOw rent. $28.900. fmf Au./&lnrti home: wllrplc Pool & S550 mo. 2Br, 1'Mla, 2 TMme. 847-~5'. • •• ~~~~ •••• Y.ff gude~rAgt~cl S850 11y, cioM to pool. tennll, Mobile Home. 1 Br, lge L.aou Shor L Bdl &4&-43 IP• (2t3) 837-8339 .... Hllm patio & thed. Adl1 parli. Hla ni ... ag . 3er tbl engl tam $550 WOOOBRIOOE-S105 mo 1225,000. lO% down. So Lag. $10,000 dy gh HHOn. 111·500 1•1 & ln1 WHtald~ 38r. 2Ba. 2 car attach l<W•% lntereet. 3 Br. 3 494-2182 ~. SllOOO loen 81tl428-~0!_o. r.,.~8r"!,590 gar. fr pie, AC, mlc:ro· Cond In .... v, • .,.... • ..., wave, fncd )'d. clc>M to Ba. OONn "'-0 ...,. ,,.,..,,. 1111 •-·'II pool. tennla & ape. (213) Newport CrH1. Pool, ....... :ttii;;<i....... -. l•lf E.alde 1 Bdr C:Ollage, 837-8339 epa. tennll l wllll! to the Walk to tM bead\. Own IBA•w lllO doee to lhope, ldulta, beedl. Open hot.I• dally an ooeen vu lot, Morro ........ :A........... 14t6 & w . 851-2040 Tunlerock 4 Br. 2 Be. fam 1-4. 27 Ima Loa Court.. Bay ar ... l .L.O. Cty. -· UTllllD Specloua, oleen, quiet 3 rm. din nn. vu of u.c.1. TSL Pr~ From only 14,900. On T'*'9 approx $180K In br, 2 bl. Nr SC Plue. Gardener, wtr & Han 142-1603 terme.. 10% fin., .. thla .... ~ty t Harbor View d u e a I n c I d Lee I e i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil wknd. 7 14-115-123g, ......., or or l850lmo. 557-7979 I 1 2 0 O I mo . Ag \ WOOdbr1dge. UV. rm In 1---------YllUl I U t-5:30PM, Bkr. &.wlMI Mag&?Jne. 1349. 4Br. 2'A tMI rm conOo. 541-5032. liTll&i 900 LH. Free conYenk>n tennis. pool, jlc lt1. IUlw __ O_O_O_B_R_IOQ_E_C_O_N_OO __ c....rdll l 189K. L .... renewal & • e c S 8 5 0 mo 28r, !nod yrd, laund nn F'ully furnl1h•C1 condo ,. ..... ,. ,,. 1901. Owner, &4M2t8 848-0190 1800/mo. avall 8/ 1, below ma rket prloe. ••••·""--~••••••••••• 180 DEG. VIEW CONDO 55t-255-' 8ecur1ty f9le, p111111 Cllf· IWll Legune Beech view ... --------- pell, pool, 1pa, gtMI TD tm. S t, t00,000. S360f< 2bf, 2'4ba. micro. etec Woodbr'ldOe 2 er & den 2 aH11m. loan. Under· TO Im. equity, axch. for TOe. Obi. gar 1150 &45-8204 Ba. detached A/C horM. o r o und puking an d ,. llmTlllD t>onda. Ind/comm. pro-CtlOlbe e.llde 2 er, 1 ea. eovwecs dec:ll, no peta muoh m ore. Clo•• to San Clement• pr14e Of petty. •89-5648 encl. petlo. dbl gar. 1875. 551·2340 beed\, Al ~ need 11 OWMr'ltllp. MOOlm ~ taunc:lry t acll. Quiet y~r ciloth•• & tooth-nlah atyle lour unit ... tall lldutta ~. $5gQ & '--u• ltMi 1141 brUJlh apartment hou1e with •••••••••••••••••••••• ..cut. 6'5-7234 "'·•••••••••••••••••• llOOO ... 3 br, 2~ ba twnhM In Nwpt HQ1a area. AMunie low Int. loan. Prlot I 160, 000. Ag1 875-9661. hut & ......,. For a memec:s couple. 2 br oceen. a .,...... COUrM ...... hnJJW BRANO NEW t lngle family dwelling. view, doee to -rt':'J· •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 l 8 BEDROOM 1 '/• b • . 1 g a r ag• · ~l~I~~· J:.;~·~..; ~ ,,, ,,., 11U TOWNHOMES 1800/mo.925 Temple w111 11e1p ftnanoe & Mve •••••••••••••••••••••• with aoceaa to pool, l•· Terrec:.. 404-0114. b uy•r t houund• of QUALITY 3 BDRM, Oen, cunl, rec . ., .. , micro· Ch•rmlng beech tront doll111tll Seflll\O price of pan:1ener. lf'I Terrece for wave arH . Microwave home tpeciaculer view $325,000 la way below ... 1173-3100 and autom \llC garage brick 'court yard entry. 4 currant replacement • .....,, '-6t 1111 door opener. All thl• wt· Br. 3'h Ba. large IMng nn c: o a II PRIN CIPALS ••w•';r;;; •••••• ;....... thin walking dlat&nce to & dlnll\(l rm, beech room, ONLYI Call owner et SUYIEW evwytlllng 875-2311 or totaofatorege.For ..... (114) 842-0138. 54&-22311 deya. only Cell Peggy Pettleon •-• yu 1 _ Fonner model: 3Br 2~ II r.. 1UI for appt. 7141955-2413 i~===~==~il ~ -• ba, ooaan vu. G•l•d •••••••••••••••••••••• wkdya 8-5. .... , .al Tu ......., :m· Many, meny ex· a Tm IAftll -LMee--hou..:--· -El.EGA--NT-1; 2 Bdrm, 2 bett\, c:ten. di-~11~~·~1~~ti o.nnia Rtck.n. a AllOC 2 b(, 2 ti.. altMtt now a Br 2ba. ooellf'I w. "' ~':.'E·1~0= ~.WllOMdpatlo, 111-ea4 =r~.~ ~~~P::J~ Quiet encl unit. Waite to oeraoe. '"'4-11t. Po.. garaoe. Wiii oon1ldtr 111. a 1500/mo. Agt IM beeotl. 1188,000. on h flow. Now 1109 •• ...,, lllllnlfW peta.. MU month+ 1825 4M-487• .., l••tzi lier. 600. 8111 Oru"4y. Altr, •••••••••••••••••••••• MOUtttY ClepOl!t. ---------07M1t1. ~ Uft ... 1tll, ........ 11 Mt-n •--a.. .. :.•••···································ali~r;.;--Wi~;;;;;;;-31~1 !~iiii~iiiii~i-n-t1 • El Toro Wlndrowa. 38 r •••••••••••I'••• •••••• Ull ......... nr neiJw ale oov'd •at•t .._ COSTA ... eaA ~LEX ·-• • a Br......_ l lM 000 1175,000. T--..oon.i. lmmaoufate and Chit· p~_(!.o. eictra 1harp. ·-·-~· cop per pi'nib~a. hv~ ming 3 l d r m home. flM'"'°· c.-lob Oun--16~~·~ ltlake. IMIMt lllle 2 oon• lurwtY bf"* peao. ~ Mm 9' N1.-a2 dye"' 0oa. 1 ffelaa, ger. Ck'IM .,..._ l 1MOf mo. '40-0IS7 ewhiMnda .... WllW etrHI l110k aaaum ,.._..,_ ... .._ uu ll•I ~2~;.\e.10.•"· Agt. ~a~mo ::r.'e'm.u~.r.n: L~ Monteoo MOd .. IASTSIDI! TAlftllX 2 Npt Mte Hr pool 1--------on ~ ltrwt. 4 bdrma, bdr:ft ..,.,_ '*-p1ua Lota of fOod ''"""'* ~ ba., formal din. rm. 2 1 ........_ 111000 r•ntala avafta.._ from ~ pet1o With ~-• --m ..,... . ·~-to 11200 -mo In llQ Ind ...... Thie )'Mrty .Jr08a .... "*• -,....... . fa -mult 1H belote red. '111,000 OWC . Waterfront~ Mf deoldtn on anythlnt 1-30:Mt7·lll7 awn. ....... I . I ~ llllJPllt Friday, May 28, 1982 Looking Jor a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads, classification 7100. ~~t!rlf •••.•....•• 1Mft.'9!W ••••••• !MP..~!!'1 ...•••• ~'.~!!!.{'.'.!.'.'! .•..•.• ~~~!!!.('.'.!!.'! ......• «~!!!!.{'.'.!.'.'! ••••••• !~!!!!.~!'!! ....... '!.~~!!!.~~~!.·.'! ....... '!.~~!!!.~ .. '·'-.. '-'······· '11M. ••••••••• J.ftl ll!W.'l. ••••••••• !!!R ~!.~~'.t •......• !.Ojl ~!.'.!~'.t .•..•••• !.Oj! ¥!!.!~'.t ........ J.Ojl ¥!~~~'.t ...•••.. J.Oj! f!!!!'..4t!.'!!! •• J.~~1 •••• !! •••••....••• 1.~1 :: le.I 1011 IW lOUAl MOUl9IO O,,OlllTUNIT'f Prile w .. t a.y btyftont. SUpa tor 2 bo99. remod4tled 3 bdrm. 3 beth $1,200,000. • Otwn & jttty views Marine room. 4 bdrm. 3 bal.h. noo eq.tt. •uaa.ooo. Oe.ntront !5 ........... ..... L.111 llU ... . :a~ ~1 ':':':,~ Yrime Udo Nord beyfront. ~bdrm, S~ beth , .. 1Ubt9Ct to tt1e ,_.,., ,. Lee L.R .. 2 boet elipa Sl,500.000. lllffl ..... , .. ••• .11,.... ... ··-... , .. .... .... .... (HI IWI 111 Lim) I WOWI LowH~tloed 3 Bdnn, 3 P9U01, 1-atory. Low denalty :<tt°ab': Lar::i; greenbelt location. Seller wW carry 80% I bdrm, 3 beth, double Ln at 9'141" amort. 30 years due in 7~ I llreolaee. cowred patio vean Lowe.t priced Fee property ln plu• much morel Wiii " · AITO or trtlCM lor fut. Bluffl. blutf. Bay9hor• or ???II Priced to sell at $272,000 ..... lay Pre,. Opn Hae Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 ......... UllllMllY YIWll ...... lllTIU Great ~orner looatlon lmprov.. parking! 8 of- lloea plua rto41Pf1011 en· try. Could be divided 1300 •Q. ti. 12110.000. For appl "II Don• Chi· chtater, 8"2·8235. IA481 -.' ...... beolul .. y ~tlful 28t. 1B• Or-.ntr .. home, no ,. .. U""1ll down I 124 ,000 or IM If fll,IOO option 110-11023. Ocean Ylew & n19111 ~11t•.._111_w_8_111 ____ _ ~. '~~~.~.~~o•d '--; 111n1111a1 bdrm, 2~ b• wl 2 trple; & View 4 Bf 2ba home In 3 ctr gereo-Now only chOlee locellon Otf1ted $319,600. Bkr, 1151-8181 •t • greet price end t1tma Cell todey Open C..I• #IU lOlf S•I & Sun • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Denn•• Atckena & Aaeoc lalttl4t l·I Let 111.e.uc 304 Esplanade or call Phyllis ~~·~·~7~1-~7~0IO~·~~I~~~~~~~ 640-0020 or 760-9678. Agt. _ ::: Houelng Act of IHI 1011 ICll ft'lllll• 11 lllOal to Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 beth + l&rp rec. nn. :: • d v e r I 1 • • • • • n y be.m ~mnca. furruahed. petioa. $420,000. !/::Mar.nab -Irvine ltteltlta ltllHnl L I Y E I I T 11 E Newly decorated 2 Bdrm WATER home on llOit 125' IOI. Room to bulld Fl"I TO I 102,000 Heum•ble at 14% Aeklng $137 .500 For 81\ appointment to -·cell 540-11111 10-lt dwn. no qullllfylng. 1 & 2 Bdr condo•. tennlt. PoOlt epu, 1eunu Lo- c•••d In pre•llglou1 Ir• vine $75,000-$100,000 Su1e1 M i iier, •g• 569-9400 11r11 pret.renee, llmltetlon or :: dleorlmlnetlon NMd on &.ml llll UYPlllT 1• reoe, oolof, r9tglon. ... ...agoon view from 6 bdrm, S beth. playroom. :: or netloNI Ottoln. or ""'I d rk r d Boa r S l 350 000 •u 1 EST'TE Intention to make any • ""· en, t a •P. . . tAL " ucll pr1fereno1. IA •~ ~ ~~!."::.!:~~1• :: 11m11 • t Ion or f._5 OIH t:::w.;:,.1 :: dllc:rtmlMtlon." Specwcul&r beyfront view 2 br, 2 ba up, 2 br, c.,...,.,, Lott l-,, ... , uoo Thie ~ wtH not 2 be dn. 2 boat 1llp1 Sl,900,000. ~:".::,~~:~':'m."1 ~= knowingly ecoept eny 0..1 .. n l••tt!..I• 1• la.Ing for,...,..... COIOUIO CAYS ::: ';~",.';.., = ICll i. In vlotetlOn of the 1-ro•I p,._n, 11oe law. Coronado laland cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat l:'.:.::H~·Trl• P•h g: liiiiiiiiiilili•iiiiiiil dock. Plana avail. $42~.000 w/terms M~• Dhttt Rnort H9> ~,,~Co Proci = I I I I I. I <Me1;::::~0f> -Ad·-1-... -·Id llltiMthit• Farm~ C'o"•• ?M Y..,, ' ..., • .. IVV :=~t::::~~~~:;·· : check their ad1 tUITllS dally and report ·-FV, .... ...., >ttic e r r o r a ......... Single story end unit. expanded 3 br, 3 ba on largest greenbelt, $250.000 1N co:~~ HIOH-LOOK LANDS • For ttloM who ~·0 .. rrc::,::1·,n'h~ EASTSIDE ~ITS ., .. lllet .. belno lllgllly 3 •• 81711,000 upgrlded. or .. 1 terma, 4 at S2eo.ooo OCMn view, 1 .. land & II et '3715,000 lwge IOt. A. 1"11ng ol Ille 10 •I 1725,000 Von Oeldrene. 1329 ooo uceptlonel financing U~l()Ut 11()~1:§ ~ ......... .-, .. 5% DOWN! Fii ••• TIIE FlllLYl In 11111 letge, ~lltul 4 Bdrm pool home with ape, In M.. det Mert Beet buy In Ille 8111, not enotller Ilk• It. A.tuume 1•t. owner wtn c.rry ba- lance at low r•t•. 1135, 000 Call tod:~e.46-7171 ti!IBi11 -----·'' . TAYLOH CO. ''. •ii J IELEOT IEWPOllT Surround yourMll with mllllon I llomea Newly remodeled 3 Bdrm temlly room. merble floor•, 1tone frplc. Fentullc term1. Elegent Harbor l•land Rd locetlon. Tiii• SeleGI Propetly la prtc.d r ight et 11150,000 751-3191 C, '1!--I(( I -1"" PHCJPf H 111 '> -----~~=- ~-HERITAGE . • REALTORS IWlll llltl OAll WM4"'41t In 2 Br 1 Ba. + 1 Bt 1 a.. 2 bdrm Ind den, highly 72x 105' R2 lot Do not upgraded. Price S fee. dlaturb t•n1nte 1528 000. $25.000 dn. Slngle Or 1 n g e 1129, o o o. tty, fully ehuttered. lrplc. "1MI II/Id JOOI 548-5041 -& wltnda, •trlum, Nr pool, ttnnle •••••••••••••••••••••• .. ., 1 3520 ..... d 552-011110 Open hOuM ...... llt .... ""' · .. ,. ya Sat 1-5 No. 1 A.lder- Ch•rmlng 4 bdrm. 3\1\ 3 Br 1 Ba. houM on large grove Woodbridge be 2 aty Don Peteraon 50x 175' 3 unit lot 436 ......... l. •fwrftu.~ i.: ,..,._FV••Of l'•' i.: Immediately. The g=::::::: r'!~" = 0 A t L Y P I L 0 T UllEI Pllll LIYIU TIMI VIWIE $811,500. Yoti ~·· be-lieve 11111 IOl/9fy 2 bdrm 2 & 3 BA TownllomM TUdor. Bullt with pride ol Piii Liii 3 bdrms, 2 ~ bat.ha condo ne.r pool. $145,000. ho~• brHkfHt room Hamlllon Do not dlllurb UNIV Perk 2 br, 2 be. Ill .. ytfW flrepl~ce. m•ny IXlrH: I en 8n11. I 1 2 g , 0 0 0 . S~r~t~ ~~~~· It••• 1539,000 222 Corel I ~8-5041 eves & wknd1, p ; 1 1 2 1 9 0 0 'tw~ ,..,,~ 1*: I b r ... .-... 1·.r l2 asaumea la lllty g:::::: ~;· : f o r t h • f I r 1 t ~:ti:,. : Incorrect lneertlon COit• M.. workmanehlp of old. Big lncludee •YWY emenlty living room & French lmeglnablel celffng, br.Ufaa1 room, FROM l137,9llO rormel din rm. MPat•'- BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR • • r ' ,,. J .. °" B bl'J c,101 --Open Set/Sun 1-5 A.ppt 631·3520 wtldya 5;1.io~1 • IHI YUi Owner/Agent. 675-6921 IY IWIH Quiet, petlt-llk• Mtllng. Unique & charming 3 br & IW Yf111 EXCELLENT ::.:,.~·· ... l •• : onty. lt.,,..6 Soard toa.c i..----.. --.1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = .. ~: :::r Fu~. 1~~e1':.'" utlllly rm, lg. picture A.voe.do 11 Felrvlew Ad. window•. Big beckyerd ll•a a.aa ••Jt with BBQ. Try VA.. Cell: Am for peddle tennla end loft. LM/opt or trade for 4 bdrm. 2 b a. 2 7 5 5 pool. G,..t for Ofcf\erd. unite 673-8585. Gannet Dr Coat• Mesa Cul-de-MC II. 3 bdrma, -------- lam rm. S37UOO IM. t./N.t ~;!~55~~~~93$184,500. STARTER HOME Oeertiel<I II the Mttlng for thl1 3 bedroom family home with llreplace. yard. ltndaceplng •nd excellent term• 11119, 500 844-7020 .._,.,...,..., Mtnlalt 4JIXI ·-------·1 ~:.Tio~~!~~~ : l1llL I -mUI c., .. ,. '"' R•l'I ~ In lrvt-'a Wood= Othr. fltMaJ 4m ,,..,.. .......... "-·· -., ... 3 yn yc>ung. 1~ ...,., .• ""' ei..tom .,.. 4 bdrm, 2 Nttl .. ~ wtth peoll Loceted In the beeutlful .,.. on New· porl Upper leek llay. Vlewl of .... Illy & city llght•l a... now oftetl term•. Well priced •I 1210,000. Cell now for ............ 7171 1-.1.1 "•"'•1 .w flnenclng. On Cul·••· ~::.·J~ y, aMt<I = MC. Fenotd ,... Y9fd. _.,., "'"'•b -Owner very enxlou1. IUSIMESS, INVEST· Only 1135.ooo. SuHn MOfT, RNAMCE Trlvl•on'• Llttlng. :::::::: \:!':· = 75e-l 100 :::::::: ~:::!l = GE.ORt.t f I ~ .... ~ •• , .._,........ -MOfW')' Vi •MM• JG» fHE REAL r:STATERS .. on.., .. r n. _, ANNOUMCCMENTS, PEISOllALS & LOST & FDUNI A~t«IWMI c.,,. l..qal Not ..... IMl•f'-~ .... ts· ~•aJ Clwta• Trau•f• SllYICES - = 11• -•10 •u -----------IG'll .. THF. "'£A . ESfA rF:~ ~ . ------.. .,, . --· - ll6g CenYGn ........... do. 3 M . NM. D.fl !I Ooredo model. Cofllm. pool, ..,,,., llCUftty ge. ted. Prtoed at onto/**· 000. sso.ooo doMI ..... rllyn Twttdtell'• lletlng. 759-1100 JGEORut f 1 ... ,,.,.~ J ~ --- ....... Welk to 8ouU1 OoHt Plu.al Deluxe 2 bdrm garde" l\ome. !nloy aparkllng pool & •pal ~ low lntereet .... nenotng. Juet $14,900. Cal _. tn-eNO THE REAL ~STATERS :;: Selllng enytlllng with • Buying •nd Hlllng •I • : Delly PUol Cleaifled Ad reHoneble price-th et· 1 -Is • 1lmpl1 melter whet cleulfted la ell ~lii1us1iica1ii1•&4•2•.•56•7•8•.iiiiilmaibouiii1.•84•2•·•56•7i8iiiiiiil - = * ... -------- tllt .,. tut ... llJt .,. ll'IO ... -... -----e 111 -- A SPIRAL STAIRWAY TO GRACIOUS LIVING . --fOREVER VIW- Two Muter Sultee, aolld oak cupboerd1, lkytlghta 10%3 FINANCING BUILDER WILL PAY POINTS FROM $125,800 10% DOWN CALL HAL OR PAT 873-7300 751-teos CftJI SAT. 2-S. U. 2-5 P JI. 2277 PACIFIC AVE .. C.M. . End Of Wilson * -WINI ,~~~-~·~·~~~I 5411-2313 144-4111 ,,.i,,,.,, 1001 1-------•••••••••••••••••••••• OILY 110,000 DI. Beeuttful cuatom ~J: try by • mHter crelt· 911\811 reelly .... ""' 3 8dfm 2 e. home epet1. Lowly ~ end bea- ring fruit treee. LOW rllll, new loan lvallable. FUii price 1149 .000 . TWllEW U.-THE REAL ESTATERS llPEll TIWllll ~~. ::& ~·~ Two grMI muter bdrme I =iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I tur• Include frplc, 2 ctr with private betlll, Ideal 1 • gar-cie & A.JC. A.uume for co-ownera. Wood-llOIEIT llWUI exlttlng loen & owner will 7151-3191 burning ftrepleoee, Pful help flnence. A•klng ·~ beth downatalre. At· 831-1288 1129,900. 831·7370 c::: ... ' . --ti-' oll I~'• ,J'. 11 teched 2 cu guege, privet• patio. Excellent Whet I Wonderful World nnanc1na. $110,000. Call or Shopping. right et 1546-2313 yotir fingertips eYelydeyt Delly Piiot Claullled Ad•. To piece your •d, cell 1142-5678 end let • CIH•llled Ad-Visor help TJUDJTIO\AL RE.\LTY THE REAL ESTATERS D~ llYW llYI PlllW 7~ .... -... llYYllW Juat professionally decorated. Like new. 90phisticated 2 BR + den, 2 ~ BA, bar, pool, s pa. beach & security. Price reduced $96,000 to $446,000. Only $30,000 down. Debbie Fratt 642 -8235 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 2-5 .... 1018 yside C.CWe E. Newport Beach RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES you. Ull llY-IUITIFIL-YI ......... +..., ............ .,.. .......... w. ......... ,...,.,.. , ............ ,.,... ........... .... w9'M tderttr IM ....... PMMrJ• IWI ArTI It 10.11~ 1P1 fir 10 ,..,._ lrtat 1111111•1 11 te411'• •arht. .. ,. ....... ,.,1.1-. ..... , •••• ,., ... ,fl•• ,,.,.rtlet. . ,.,.. ...., ............ . lffft,lr.S..O.ast . ., ..... JIN FHenl, I W 111.,_ ..................... ,,_..,,. ~ftw,IW t1.._ .............. 1241,MI .., ............ I llH .,,.,.. ~ ... ..,...... ...... ....... YlillH ........ m 1e1c11ts a w .++n .. ,.,... ..,... .... a.,tr..t 177 .. ............... ..,.., ........ ..,.....,......+ .... •1-- Um41111etw.+..... S1 ....... Iner llttfn IQfrMt fl ....... ...... ~ ...... ., .... .WATERFRONT HOMES. INC REALTORS S.. R.,,.ok p,_.,~ M.nop,,,...1 2.400 W. C.0.tt Hwy. JIS Mionr A,.. N.wpon Beech a.. l"6nd '31·1400 '1U,.. .1n ... UYllllT llU flllL llW Tl Jiii IT'S LOVE • With ehlny kitchen end •dJolnlng famlly room, lormel di· nlng room. 3 Bdrm 1111d 3 beth Loll ol •tor•g• Sundeck for private tan- ning. Living room lea- turu brick llrepl•c• Welk to bMctl and bey AHumeble loenl 1449. 500 Cell BIH GOid, 142-1200 j PETE ' BARRETI .. REALTY I 129.500, 1'1 TD 193, 760 et 12'/•% Paymenll LINGO REAL ESTATE $1072 P.1 T Owntf carrya i. ....... ,. IHI 2nd at 1 5% 3 yra Sharp •• 1 •••••••• •• • • •. • ••• • condo. 3 Br, 2\1\b•. dbl BLUE RIBBON gar w/opnr, central va-SPECIAL cuum. Frplc. bllln gu 3 bdrm, 2 ~ floor pl1111 range & oven, d/w. dlap, In wood & glua. Oc:Mn c eramic Ill• counter view. beamed celllnge, top9. cath cell'•. 1300 aq huge atone lrplc. Loca· f I . A o n S a y • A g I led high ebovl Lagune'a 979-5370 •nd .,,, .. Riviere eoutllne. 1195 . 548-1801. 000 BY OWNER • 3Br. 2Be MISSION REAL TY w11g heated pool, In 1g ___ 4_9_4--0_73_1 __ _ MCIUded beckyd, conve-1--••-nlentty toe.led & flexlble w•--•• term•I Call 720-1376 lor ~ry ~i~ .. ~ _~ __ e_ln_ro _____ 1 charming untu -VICTO· ------1 ORIS IPT HTS. ::. BEACH area $225. C.1'1111•1 Ouatlly vtntege 3Br 1 '~ UpH Ylll;r• I.I, t.Mi JO/I b• on cul-d .. aec Hard-.aa7 17 1 •••••••••• • ••••••••••• wood flr1, French win· .. • bthnht ...... .............. ~ For ..,. or rent. Unit 21 714-531-8010 dows. tll• kltch. much iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• more I 179 000, owner lma&LI IAY wdll lln•nce Own/Agt AWARD WINNER _8_5_1-04_2_4 _____ 1 Oceen vlewa. 3 bdrm, 4 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil b1, kit wlco1weniences, , ........ -•M•• EXCELLENT lam. rm, loe garden. P•· _,_,.., •~ llo. lormll din rm. ioe llv WALK TO BEACH FINANCING rm Quiet cul-de·HC HOME FOR $129.000 $812,000 By owner · Submit offer• on tllla 3 bdrm. !amity room and 117~11 llngle tamlly home on • den. Covered patio. big!~~~~~~~~ A-2 lot In pr1me beech y•rd S911,500 9 5 VA If TIE erea. owe 111 TO.with aasum•bll. 540-6149 TIP WllLI $20 ooo down Locallonl Locetlonl Pvt ' · 1Y IWlll romantic Httlng wtth ta-.A. Bee tlful 1 11y 11 4 buloua Seddlebeck po _ :-: -br. 2 be. lam rm, pllllel-Motinteln Ylewe. 4 bdrm •• Rl"11:JEES1"frcasl u •m ome FEAL llng, wood !Ira. 1heke home Reduced to 1223. •• ES IAI E ~:!:ti '::~.'::'~er.= _900 __ A....:g:..t_4_9_4-4_7_30 __ ---~ Solarlen Ille. Hr1hlone Wiii I IUll 493--0202 498-1040 cerpet. RV eoona Nk:ely Lovely modem 3 bdrm ~~~~~~~~I l•nd1c•ped. Adjoins home on 8300 1q II = paril. Many extru. 54'tler oce•n view lot. Priced C.r.u '-' lb.r JIU will guar•nlff 12'Yo ef-under market at 1 199. ••••••it"tWiiii...... feet. Int. r•te S 142,500. _ooo __ A....:g:..1_4_9_4-4_7_30 __ 20% down 1296 Lon-OltllLI UY 702 Acecle, C<IM. S235K donderry Open Set/Sun Open d.,ly 1-5. 1173-2041 1•5. A Jewel ol •home In this .... ,. .... ., .. td .. 7 lovely privet• •rea. To-HARBOR VIEW MONTE-1 __ ~ ___ .,_,_.-_.,..._2_7_ telly remodeled with ,_ REY MODEL · By ()Wnl(, nfT Fll&IOllt family kitchen. New be· 48r, 2'n8a. vlewe, choice 0 111 d d 4B throoma and ocean view loc $350.000 firm n t • upgra • r deck• You'll fall In loYe &«-2135 home. Seller wlll cerry $100,000 •I 12% or with 11111 one OrHtlc • I T O 1 12"' o · prtc. reduction to $398, SPYGLASS "· . . . • "'· on I 000 ml• this onel 1145,000 . 1st n .. lthn4 ce11 911-5310 11ST nu •wi Ju•t doora ewey lrom W•lcll the Wl'lllM go by llOme8 velued In exoeu from 11111 3 bdrm famlty of 12 mMllon. Beautllully home on • quiet cui.-o.. 8')90lnted 4 bdrm Nani-NC Owner will help fl • uctc.i pten with peoore-nence S234,000. m1c ~and n1g11111g111 --------' LIW NWI ... vlewe plua pool and •P•. IWID wun .. Low monthly P•Y· Feeturlng HCellent fl· Tl RLPI ment1. Fer E111ern ~ng with owner par-Flexible ftn•nctng on this country atmosphere In tlclpetlon. Compellllvely lmmec 3Br home w / the dealrable North End. priced •I see6.000 Call endoMd petlo, lam rm, City light• end coaatel kw eppt. to -· tpflnklera. There'• more. vtewe lrom o-Point to M4-7J11 1129.500. call 979-5370 Emereld Bey. Beeullful gerdenl wflll IMllOUM. I ape. ptllo •nd dedl•. A 00 ~ P~;_::·rS550. llYllUT .,..,... Elegant & gracioua deecribes th.ia lpllCioua 4 BR with Family Rm overlooking sparkling pool & apa. Beveled 8lul entry, remodeled tile kitchen. Amume lst & owner will carry large 2nd. Reduced price. Huge execu tive ranch-1tyle home featuring 4 br'a. family room , formal dining on cul-de-sac w /room for R.V.'a. Only $235,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr . 714/759-1501 or 7141752-7373. _ ou .. plua 2 unha, no · ·~ lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill downll Prime EHl1ld1 ';~--~"--- 20K below apprallal, ltlnt .. • • -- IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 1mc&"N 8 A I Al....!!.l..l_.8 PM 0 J E P NE SC JP L Rw...JL.tl...tJ I H NG P £ 0 R JC J 0 H 0 W P U £ U I S 0 0 R £ A U H T U M£P ORPMUJHRTEMMT£AM P M Y V I A X P L 0 A 0 A P J P G T P M I L J U M P L l H E S I U L M C A P A 0 L L I H A 8 8 H T N M I £ U R H A S Q J I £ 8 P G T H G P A W A J 1 T G D K I U P M A I T 0 M B K 0 U U F Q E TAZMUCUTCAPLEM£MPWM C N U J P S S £ S M L X P A S P N I P £JTNPTRTUAESQOHSUR" I S U M E A £ J I £ E L P Y A H J T U AJUOSRRUNARV.IONOIAJ AJUMPTLLTAIPMOJTSEW ~ .... .;.....~.~~~· ==-== :S5! :::u.. . .-.,TWll ·~ :-. "' ..... "" T--.: .... lo d&llUYUU.. .. 111,111. 3 4r house on fee land featuring hardwood floors & shingle roof with 11" usumable 1st T.D. Priced for immediate aale!!! 3670 San Miguel 759-1601 or 752-7373. .-11&1aYPIWIS. For six montha on brand new townhome ln Coata Me11. Featuring 2 ma1ter 1lte1, enclo1ed garaaea & private courtyard. Only .114,900. 2610 San Miguel I)r., Newport Be.ch. 759-1001 or 752-7373. .. ..., .... ... 1111 ....... .... (l1t) JM.1M1 (l1t) 'IU·tlll •cna •m BY 1n-1men1 opl>Of1un11y ft '(VII\ or tax lhllter $5!50/mo. 11191t0ttml._ ..__°'_' FORECLO~llDE neg. wino down Of brMll \lUI\ even w/20% down 1135, ......... Sale 000. Owner/Agent 17141494-l In 2 bdrm plue den, pool 11 4 8 -4 3 II 0 d a y a , and ~ Comet lol In 4~915-.831-54711 ~ .,,,_ -· -· . 1-..u. 1.-lrYlne wreoa. L..erg9 aa-1----------1 •• •••••••••••••••••• auma.bll Flrlt. utl.af#M $8600 OOWNI NO QUA· 11at ....... .... __ a. IHI LIFYINOI 2 Br. petlo ~~ _. home. S100,000. Terry VWY... •••••••••••••••••••••• ~( 487-3()3.4 Sat Sun. 12-5 Ulll ... .,.~ __ . ------ LUWllMI .... ~ io.n: a Bdrm 2ba. o.ntr' • unit with tpaolOUI 1 Br rental, both with lofted beelned oell'• .. f\tepleoaa end '" t1oneeH0·0011\ ewlm· ming POOi Oft 1 Of Co- rona dal Mer'• P'Wttlelt ..,_.,Welte to bMOt1 1315,000. M4-U11 2 Br. Townllou11, d•· i.-.., •W-J IHI llOhlul and unit with ~ ~ •••• ;";II.~'•••••••• tlo. community J::: 1 5% Down, no QUel!Mno. 2 l!Jddy yerd. Low or ltory 3 8r. <:Ondo. 2100 take over exlallng VA aq. ft. lrplc. For IUlll, loln. Ful prtoe l10l,l500. 900. 714/ .. 1530. Agent tea-1700. French modern hou11, EACHWALK TOWN-Moneroh Terrec~ lrg HOM! oomer IOt. 3 Bdr. '315. ~ cflOIOe of ttne. c.. 000. Excell. financing 'The ~I" Allet... terme. ta0.000 dwn. P.P. l4t-010I ii88m1m.386fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil If--• br ... be home. Approa. 3000 IQ rt. Wlf ~. 12M.OOO. T.,,.... Ot CMtl. We wll ou--neee to bUy blClllc .. Mme ... In • yr-. 14e 04IO. For Ad Action Cal I Daly Plot AD-YID u• I i t r t I 111111 l:lllT UCi, county agree on meaical pact By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Oftlle.,_ ...... .,... Orange County aovernment and the Unlverattr of CaUfornla have reached 'conceptual" agreement on a new con tract designed to put t o rest a yeara-long battle over provision of medJcal care for the county's ind.Jgenta. The contract, which would take etrect July 1, would replace a 1976 1Agreement which reeulted In an $8 million blllln1 dlapute between the two partiee. By law, the count y 11 financially responalble for medical care for persona who have no ability to pay and do not qualify for state Medi-Cal coverage. Medical care for these persons is provided at the UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange The university then bills the After naval shelling county tor the aervlcea on a patlent·bY·J>9tient baa.la. At a late morning preas conference Thursday, county aupervl1or1 Chairman Bruce Neatande sald negotlaton are recommending different payment mechaniama that would make the new pact more efficient and reduce administrative costa. Under the new pact the county would make monthly lUmp sum paymenh for outpatient emergency eerviceii and pay a daily rate for inpatient services. The latter rate would be adjutted In relation to the amount of apeclallud care required. R.A. "Bert" Scott, the county's lead negotiator on the new contract, likened the proposed system to the private Kalaer Permanente med 1c a I care program. Nettande said It has not yet ~n determined how much the proposed contract would cost county government annually. The county's medical !iervlces administration budget this year i8 $13.7 million. The bulk of that amount ls 1n the form of paymenta to the unlverslty for medical care for indigents Nestande alJK> announ~ that negotiators have arrived at a figure the county should pay the university to end the dispute over the $8 million ln contested bllllngs. The amount was not dl8CIOMed. The •8 million In dlaputed b11ling1 has been subject of lengthy -and expensive - arbitration h earings In which attorneys for the county and the <See MEDICAL, Pase At) British launch big offensive Schmitz' fired aide to stay By JEFF ADLER Of tM Deity Not Steff Even though he was fired by the state Senate Rules Committee, a top 8lde to Sen. John Schmitz, R-C.Orona del Mar, said he will conunue to work for Schmitz as a private citizen. Brad Evans, an administrative assistant to Schmitz, said today he plans to stick with Schmitz through the June 8 primary election and possibly beyond that. Schmitz is seeking the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate. "I expected the firing for some time,' said Evans, who is attending a friend's wedding in Arizona . "I became too rontrovenial and the polidd.ana bowed to pressure from the Jewish COf(Ullunity to get rid of Evans and hamstring Schmitt. ~-...... Heavy fighting reported By Tbe A11oclated Pren British forces atta c ked Argentine positions at Darwin today following heavy British navy shelling of the Falkland Islands stronfhold, the Joint Chiefs of Staf in Buenos Aires reported. It was the first time the Argentines conceded that the British had broken out of their beachhead. "The enemy has begl.in land offensive action against Port Darwin," the conununique said. It gave no other details, but Britain said earlier that its marines and paratroopers launched offensives 24 hours after storming from their beachhead under heavy Argentine air attack.a. Evans was fired 'l'hunday by the Rules C.Ommittee in what appears to be an unprecedented action. Senate observers said Evans' firing WU the first time the committee had ever terminated a senator's;Ude. In commenting on the firing, Senate President Pro Tern David Roberti said Evans was fired because "of a pattern of behavior over the past several months which has been comple tely unbecoming a Senate staff member." PONTIFF VISITS QUEEN -Pope John Paul Il walks with The British said two Argentine Skyhawks were downed Thursday when they attacked the British beachhead at San Carlos Bay, 20 miles north of Darwin, and that a British Harrier jet was shot down over the Falklands capital of Stanley -the ultimate target of the British drive. .. Offensive land operations" by the British are under way today, the British Defense Ministry said, adding that Harrier jets were flying reconnaissance missions for the ground troops. Britain's Queen Elizabeth Il in Marbal Hall at Buckingham Palace today during first of his six-day visit to Britain. Evans, who describes himself aa a "right wing international revolutionary," said his termination was triggered by his actions during a recent speech by former Israeli ambassador Abba Eban on the UC Davis campus. Pope meets queen, prays for peace British commanders were maintaining radio silenet? to avoid giving their positions, British sources said. The advancing troops, outnumbered by the Argentines, were relying on surprise and mobility, they said. "When 1 interrupted Abba Eban's speech, that's what precipitated it," Evans said. He also said several press releases he wrote, includmg one in\'olving Los Angeles attorney Gloria Allred, contributed to the oommiuee's decision. Ma. Allred has since filed a $10 rnilllon libel suit against Schmitz because of the release. Evans said he Learned of h1s tiring by telephone Crom one of the secretaries who works in Schmitz' office. "I've been booted out of better states than this 0ne,'' he conunented. Evans said he plans to stic.k with Schmitz because he is a "true man of the right, the only (See SCHMITZ, P11e A%) NATION LONDON (AP) -Pope John Paul Il, the first pontiff to set foot on British soil, began his historic visit today with a prayer for peace in the Falkland Islands and a meeting with Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace. The queen, whose forebears broke with the Vatican and set the English church on a separate course that has lasted 450 years, met for half an hour Wlth John Paul in her role as temporal head of the Anglican church and "defender o{ the faith." The pope's six-day tour, long-planned as a step toward reunification of the two churches, was nearly canceled because of the Vatican's fears it might be inappropriate while Britain was at war in the Souh Atlantic with Argentina. Corporations restructuring Many of the nation's top corporations are rettructurlng themselves to meet unprecedented economic challenges. Page A 7. The year of the toads A wet spring baa atven an Orlando, Fla., suburb an "old-fuhioned biblical plague:" countlell toads literally piled on top of each other on patios and ln IWimm.lng pools. Page 85. COUNTY Memorial Day rites slated A variety of veterans IJ'OUPI alona the Coast will bold Mem6rial Day ceremonin ln honor of the nation'• #ar ~ while countiana prepare to get away for the traditional IUflUMI' kickoff. Page Bl. But from his morning touchdown at Gatwick Airport south of London -and his now-traditional kissing of the tarmac -to his arrival at Buckingham Palace, the pontiff wu given a cheering welcome from thousands of Britons, many of whom spent a chilly, fog-shrouded night saving their places. None of the pope's 11 previous trlpa abroad were so fraught with potential political and religious conflict as thia one, and the government mounted the biggest security operation in its history. Militant Protestants, vehemently opposed to any rapprochement between the churches have prorniaed to stage demonstrations along the pope's (See POPE, Pase A%) ' SPORTS The British Broadcasting C.Orp., citing unofficial reports, said British troops ran into stiff Argentine resis1ance Thursday as they pushed toward Darwin in a bid to secure one leg of their two-pronged assault on Stanley. The BBC said paratroopers opened fire from high ground on the estimated 600 Argentine troops at Darwin, about 20 miles south of San Carlos, and at nearby Goose Green, site of a key ialand airstrip. The Times of London said helicopters ferried troops under cover of darkness for a "big push" to Darwin and Goose Green. Another British press report said the attackers might try to bottle up the Argentine defenders and push on to the capital, 50 miles to the northeast. Lakers do it again, 124-117 The Lakers go one up in NBA championship series with comeback 124-117 victory over Philadelphia, LA's ninth straight playoff victory. Page Cl. Vince mulls new league Vince Ferragamo is considering offering his aervloee to the newly fonned United States Football / i..e.,ue. Page Cl. Angels nipped by Brewers The Anaela ~ shaded by Milwaukee in the opener of a 10...pme horoeltand, Page Cl. OCC, GWC take their lumps 0nnae CaMt and GoJdm Welt both ant beaten ln siate oomrounity co1Jeae b111bd Pile Ct. ' San Carlos ... ~ .... .._. British 17'-~~ Beachhead ~ Darwi~/0 _ -- ooseGreen BRITISH TROOPS MOVING -Series of arrows reportedly indicates intended route of British armed forces moving against Argentines at Falklands capital of Port Stanley. There reportedly are some 7 ,000 Argentine troops deployed along ridge hills around Port Stanlev. Off to war Son goes to Falklands By ROBERT BARKER or ... o.-, ,..,. • ..., For the second time in her life, Florrie Kefford has seen somebody she's loved go off to war. • It was her husband, Robert, who left home and peaceful pursuits to fight in World War 11. It has happened again 4-0 years later when htt son, Michael, headed off to a war in the Falkland Islands earlier this month on board the Queen Elizabeth. He's a major in the 7th Duke of Edinburgh's Own Gurkha Regiment, part of the British task fortt that left Southampton May 19. "I never thought I'd have to say cheeno again under thole circumstances," she declared. Mrs. Kefford and her husband, residents o f High Wycombe Bucks near Oxford, England, are visiting their daughter and her family in Huntington Harbour. Mrs. Kefford discussed her feelings Thuraday, the day that British ground forces began their • fSee MOTHER, P11e AZ> Four hurt in crash Laguna Canyon • 1n A rugh-speed chase of a car stolen Crom a San Clemente auto dealership ended on Laguna Canyon Road Thursday afternoon, leaving four people injured, five cars damaged and the alleged thief in jail. Willie Earl Harris, 35, Los Angeles, was arrested after the chase and booked into Orange C.Ounty Jail on suspicion of auto theft, assault with a deadly weapon (the car) and reckless driving. (See photos, Page A3.) The chase began on the San Diego Freeway at Lake Forest Drive at about 12:30 p.m. when California Highway Patrol officer Pat Barnard spotted a INDEX 1982 silver Corvette reported stolen earlier in San Clemente. Barnard chased the car at speeds of up to 85 mph northbound on the freeway and was soon joined by Sheriff's Deputy Joe Stevens. The driver of the Corvette then led the two officers off on I.rvme Cent.er Drive, onto Sand Canyon Road, down Barranca and finally onto Laguna Canyon Road, where it headed west at speeds estimated at 90 mph. Ttfe chase continued down Laguna Canyon Road and past the El Toro Road signal until Harris reportedly slammed on (See CHASE, Pase AZ) At Your Service A4 Busi.nea C6-7 California A5 Cavalcade 82 ClUllified Dl-6 Comics C5 lntennilidon Ann Landen Movies Mutual Funda National Newa Public Notks Weekender B2 Weekender C6 A3 era.word C5 Death NotSces D2 Stan DelapJ.ane B2 F.ditorial A6 F.l'\tertainment Weekender Home/Ovden 83 JJoroecooe B2 STATE A7~~.C6.D'l Spona Dr.Steincrohn Stock Markell Televtaion Thee ten We.at.her WOJtld Nt'WI Cl-4 B2 Cl TVLo& Weekender A2 A3 'Yes' on tax indexJ.ns Tbe Dally Pilot urse-a ~~" vote on Pn>pomitklll 7, wbJ.ch would extend _pe~ntly income tu tndexina for c.lifomlaM. Pale M . '\ 't I.. Orange Oo11t DAILY PtLOTl,rld1y, Ml~ II. 18U MEDICA1' CARE • • ' unlvl'r1lty huVl' prl•1c-ntt'd evidence. Obacrvcd No11tonde, "There a.re tremendous uttornoya on our side, trcmt.-ndou11 ullornl•y11 on their 1ldt• Thut'b whv thit1 thin~ ' haa sont' on iO Iona." He said it l'Ollld ha Vt' bt.~n 1984 before tht' arbltt'r hMring the case reached u dec:1slon. Nestandt• SAld that dot.to wa11 not a('ceptablt• Rt'l!Olutlon of thE' indigent NI~ d11pult-hu been In the m&klni ain~ March when tho county •irl'c:d to make a •6 mllllon "good faith" payment to the university in return for 1Agrt-ement by the state to releue about $12 million In embarroed health care funds. The state was wlthholdJna the money under legislative mandate to force a resolution of the dispuw MOTHER WORRIES • e • , drive across the Falklands •.. "Yes. I worry about his siJfety ' It 1s a mothl'r's privilege 1f nothing else "But this 1s his JOb It's something he has trained for and loves "There art> fcan. and anx1ct1es 1f there's any love.• But this is the job he's cho:..m never mind the deeper fl-chng ... "I had lunl·h with ham the day before he ll'ft Ht• wa~ his usual self. He had a .)Ob to do and he's going to do it" :-Mrs. Kefford, who says she ~ h a s n ' t h l' 1;1 r d f r o m h e r ·; 36-year-old son sinct', asserted ,. that the Br1t1sh stand against Argentina tn the South Atlantic 1s consistent with the nation's trad1uon. "It's a trail of the British people to stand by a principle no matter how futile "It's something we've always had and always lived with It's our heritage." Mrs Kefford says that residents of the Falklands are British "and things have happened to them that shouldn't have "Whether it's 1,500 people or five, they are entitled to live the lives .they've been used to." ~POPE IN BRITAIN . • • .s1x-c1ty route through England, •Scotland and Wales The pontiff, dcdanng he was :"deeply moved" to ~ m Britain, &1d he would pray "at each step" ..of his post.oral v1s1t for an end lO !the Falkland Islands conflict, :Which has escalated s teadily :Since Argentine troo~ seized the :Bntish t'Olony Apnl 2 • "We canno t forget that an ·armPd conflict is taking place - .brothers m Christ fighting m a :war that imperils peace in the -world," he said in a horruly at ·wesunmst.er Cathedral, seat of ~he Roman Catholic Church of :England and Wale s "In our :prayf'rs, IN us remember the .victims of both sidt>s." . The 62-year old pontiff w~ 'applauded by the• cathe dra l congregation wht·n h e said . "Today, for the first lime in history. a bishop of Rome sets foot on .. English soiJ. I am deeply moved. Against a background of 450 years of sectarian stnfe bet.ween Catholics and Protestants - cont inuing to this day 1n Northern lreland -John Paul said. "My deep desire, my ardent hope and prayer i.s that my ~1t may serve the cause of Chnsuan uruty " He later me t the queen at Buc kingham Palace . The monarch, whose pre decessor Henry VIII broke with the Holy See over its refusal to sanction his divorce, always is temporal head of the Church of England, Britain's officially established church SCHMITZ AIDE • • • :man in America with guts to J>Ursue the true mt•aning of the ;right." Schmitz, who was traveling :between Southern Cahfom1a and :5acramento, t'Ould not be reached for comment on th<' ftnn~ Despite thC' firing. Schmitz · apparentJy still 1s pursuing hLS leg15Jat1ve program Wednesday he introduc'(:(j two resolutions in the Senate One l'alls on Congress to convene a l'Onstitutional conventio n to propose an amendment repealing the 16th amendment, which prov1des for the federal income tax. and another proposing to amend the constatut1on to hrrut t h e a ot 1 v 1 t 1 es o f f e d e r a 1 i;zovernment • • • the brak• of the Cot'veUe, '1\tldo 1 U-\urn end rammed \ho • dep~\Y'• car. Officer Barnt.rd fmally 1\0pped the Corvette by puthlni It Into • curb and a uUll~ polt:. Harrta wu removed from the stokn Corvt•ttt• at l(Unpotnt and taken to OC Juli by i.hertff's detpu ll.:A. Mt·anwhUt:. 1.1 Laauna Beach Pollet: car driven by trainee Ron Sipp wu headlllj toward the chast" eastbound o n Laguna C~myon Road and collided with another vehicle head.on. Tho Highway Patrol reported that Sa(>p and his paaaenger, Olfh..-er Don Columan, suffered minor mjurles as did the driver of the car, Edward A. Chatlln, 42, Costa Mesa. Coleman, Sapp, Chattin and Stevens all were treated at Saddleback Community Hospital and released, police said Man s tabbed to death; trio hunted A 23 year -old man was stabbed to death in Seal Beach early today a fter he and his companions refused to purchase b eer for three men. police re ported Seal Beach police said ~rian D. Gause of Long Beach was found blei.'ding Crom a chest wound at the corne r of Seal Beach Boulevard and Pacific Coast Highway at 1:40 a.m. He was treated at the scene by paramedics, then rushed to the trauma center at Fountain Valley Community Hospital, where he died at 3:04 a.m., according to a hospitaJ spokeswoman. Pohce said Gause died of a stab wound in the heart. Officers are searching for three HlSpaniC men, about 18 to 20 years old , one wearing eyeglasses, who allegedly stabbed Gause after he and his companions refused to buy beer for them at a nearby liquor store. Police said the three tied northbound on Seal Beach Boulevard in a dark-colored Chevrolet Monte Carlo. 'Who's Fleming?'' WASHINGTON (AP) -A tiny Miami-based cargo carrier l'Ollected the biggest bonanza in a government lottery to allocate nghts to 276 daily landings held by Braniff Lntemauonal Corp. Of. the series of 37 random drawings Thursday for slots at wrports in 19 states and the Dis trict of Columbia. Fleming lntemational Airways won first pl.ace seven limes and ftmshed m the top four 12 times. Overcast skies Coastal Low morning clouds b0Com1ng partly clOUdy m lhe &He.noon Highs today 83 to 70 Low clouds tonlghl end Satl'rd1y wt1h par11•1 clearing •n !ho afternoon Overnlghl lows S-4 10 6:? High& Sllurdey 65 IO 72 Elaewhere , lrom Po1n1 Conception to the M e a1c1n bo<der and oul 80 miles Light v1rteble winds lhrough ton•ght eacepl for 1ou1h 10 1outhwe11 wind& 10 IO 18 knoll th•• 8Y9f'llllg We&l•ly lwells (If 2 IO 3 leet Oul• wit•• wtll heve comb•ned aeaa northwest S 10 10 !eel [ r • .'t .. tt II 111 Ill (Ir~· W1nd11orm1 lltllQ•"O hell tore into Te••• and Oklahoma, wrecking bolldtngs 1nd boels and felting lhouaanda ol 1rees wtitle lloodwlleu up to 5 feel de.9 lodey welhed through aome clttes In Vwginle In ••elem M ont1na th• Netlon1I Wealher Serv'" M id up to 3 !Mt of anow w11 expected !or the Memorl•I D•y weellend Four people -e ltllled In !he •flermelh of downpour• tnet cauMCI lloodlng and mud11td .. In Virginie end North Cerollna Up to 4'h 1nchel of rain during the night cauaed ex1en1l111 flooding In Char101111v1lle and Albemerle co~mty. 118 • with Wiiiet repotled to be 5 leet deep over eome ro.d• A few remlllee ..,,. evecv•Ted One houH In Cnerlott11vllte -efloved MY9" fMt by ....... Of_,., 1 A wlndatorm betl9Yed lo be • 14omedo deetroyed • mlltlnll et Fort Cobb, Oki• •Inking or darneglng 25 10 30 boeta Wltldl up to 70 mph topoied e1>out 2.000 tr-11 FOf'l Sill. Okie., end cauMd eome demege II Enid end Lawton Hall the ltn ol PM• Of mert>lee petted _., .... of Olllehofn• Thundert1orm1 ec:compenl.cl by heevy rein. hell end tom• IW1«1 ello roer9d ecl'OM T ~ IOdey, trom the IOOtllw•I pert of lhl ••••• 10 lhl norlh·cenlret 't11 euth01ltl11 H id •om• ,__ end fwm IMl!kllrige -• d :,,::..&: d 1 n ah• rm an , 0 • end Lorlinl A tornado witch during the ntghl covered 87 counll11 In r-. coaStal Tog and drizzle In lowe< moun1a1n1 Wnt to northweat winds gusung 10 35 mph could sweep moun11ms and n()('lhef'n deserts lonlght bul ahould dlm1n1sh Saturday Weekend '•igtl• ire lorecasl 1n lhe low 70• m Los Angeles. from 66 10 73 al t>eachea, from SS lo 65 in the moun1e1n1, between 75 to 85 1n tt>e high da«t and lrom 8• to 90 In low de94lrt valley9 Shlpboerd celebrenta rrom POlnl ConoeptlOO 10 lhe MeXICetl borc>er cen expecl light, variable w tnda durtng nlghll end mo<nlllQ•. t>ecomlllQ south-I to weal 10 to 16 1t no11 In the 1llernoon with 1 2· to 3.1001 westerly swell. tnaeaalllQ lo~ to 6 Teet larther than 60 miles out Temperatures MATIOM Albany Albuoue Am1r1t10 Asheville Allanu1 Atllntc Cty Ault In Bal11more Blllings Blam•rek Bolte Boston Brownt1111e 8u(lelo 8urHo01on CNP9< Chert1ln SC Chert1tn WV Cner111e NC Cheyenne Chtcego Cincinnati Clev9!1nd Clmbla SC Colwmbul Oll·FI Wlh Oeytoro 0.- 0.. Mo!Me o.trolt Dutulh El Peeo Fergo Aeot1elf OrMl Fella HertfOtd Helen• Honolulu "' l..o Pre. 8t 62 76 •8 76 5 t 25 60 61 30 86 69 62 S6 88 76 78 65 HI 49 42 45 68 53 60 39 78 53 90 79 81 67 81 62 82 49 01 61 71 83 67 ,, 82 70 02 80 St 77 S3 43 82 60 35 66 82 85 ee 61 oe 82 83 14 85 70 02 12 10 71 14 M 78 57 75 59 , 04 65 43 84 59 05 77 65 86 45 .0 33 61 85 63 43 37 26 87 70 TornadoH al10 dHlroyed lnobllt llOtllll Thundey tn ..... ~lcO. ""*' •ome rHldel* ~ llld f\'om fhe atOtMI Cali '-omia Yet::, Jetty ':/ t • 40tll It. ~ "ofldt l' Wffktnd 1un1htn~ ~~:",:o-1 ..,...,. alloutd tteed lor tll• ._ ~ ,_ --~ ....... "" fr• -°' lolltMm c.llot'!llt.... =-· to;a~ I'll••'-$er.oc• "'°"" u s Dec>• 01 c°""" .. ee frOf'lla · Cold -.. Warm w. Houston 90 16 lndnepht 78 58 85 JICl<an MS 93 71 JICl<anvlle 87 88 Ot Ken• Coty 79 82 Las Vegu 94 88 LIUle Rock ee 65 23 Louisville 83 81 35 Lubbock 80 58 1 29 ~phll 87 75 03 Mleml 80 78 15 Milwaukee 83 49 t8 Mpl .. SI P 73 58 Nu1w1t1e 84 87 08 N-Orteena 94 77 New York 82 82 Norfolk 77 66 No Plllte 80 58 Oleta City 82 82 104 Om1n1 74 60 Orlando 89 74 41 Phll1dphl1 81 S9 Phoenl• 91 89 Plllaburgh 83 84 2~ P11end Me 79 43 Piiand. °" ee !>1 Provtdenol 85 ~2 Aalllgh 13 70 71 Reno n 33 Sift Ulle 115 le 3& San Antonia 84 74 Seattle 74 47 02 Sll•:r..;: 89 7• Slou• .... 71 ~ St I.cull 711 61 01 St P-Tempe 87 74 St Sii Merle 15 6e Spol!-58 44 $yr~ 78 ee T~• 71 85 Mfl e:1: .....,.. ... ~ dUltlll ~-., ~ Wlllltlw....... T~I TIOCa1 Hill" t:IO Plft. LAMf 10:12 a.'" 1w11t .... p~dlOte llt•Wl' lllOf fttftf ~ loYa\. '\ , TUCllOf' TulM Wut11ngtri Wtehlla 86 81 01 88 ·10 7<4 77 88 °" 80 63 17 CALIFOflHIA B•kenlleld 85 Blythe 90 Eureke 55 Fresno 81 L1nca1ter 68 Loa An~ 65 Mary1vllle 79 Monlerey 60 Nffdle& 89 01kl1nd 69 Puo Robt.I 69 Red Blurt 80 Redwood City 69 Secr1mento 73 Sen Diego 70 Sen Frenc11eo 58 S1nt• B1rb1re 87 Stocki on 65 The<mel 90 B111tow 91 Big e..r 74 Sllt\09 • C111llri1 et Long Beech et Monrovta 87 Ml WltlOn 80 Newpon 9Mctl 68 Onlal'IO 85 Pelm 8ofiriQS 88 Puederil 83 S111 Bemerdlno 14 Senti Ana 72 Senle Cna 86 T ahOe v elt4rv ee CANADA C•IO"Y Edmoriton Moritreet 011-· T0tonlo VIMOUWF W!Mlpeg Tides ' 47 54 82 81 73 es 4 114 Paddleboard race slated Saturday A Laguna Beal·h lifeguard and operutors of a Dana Point ca fe arl' 11ponaorlng th .. CapialrtJno Bay 10-mile Paddleboard race Saturday. beginning ut 8 a.m Lifeguard Craig Lockwood !Ulid 26 paddlers havt' signed uµ for the race to date. which • A garden part} to raa.ae fundS' for the Temple HLl.ls Community Association in Laguna Beach wiU be held June 6 from 3 to 7 p.m. The party will be held at the home of Bob and Estelle • The South Coast Jaycees are seeking applicants for the 1982-83 Sou th Orange County Junior Miss contest. To qualify, girls must be seniors at Laguna Beach, San Clemente, Dana Hills, Capistrano Valley, Mission Viejo. El Toro, or Laguna Hills High Schools. • The Capistrano-Laguna Beach Regional Occupation program will offer a variety o f free job skill training courses this summer. The classes, for high school s tudents only, range from arumal care to landscaping. Offerings include will run from the pier it\ Dana Harbor to about Avenlda Pico In San Clemente and back. Lockwood aa.Jd late entrle11 can regiater at the pier early Saturday morning a ft e r depositing a $15 fee with the organizers. Warner, 1609 Temple Hills Dnve. A $10 donation is requested and there will be a no-host bar and hors d'oeuvres. For reservations, call 494-7643 or 494-6687. Applications are available at the various high school administration offices The winner receives a $500 sc h olarship and th e opportunity to compete for the title of California Junior MISS. For more inlonnation, call 498-3817. cosmetology, retail Jl'Welry, food services, retail trades and medical receptionist. Claa8es begin the week of June 21 and vary from six tu nine weeks in length Students should call 496-3118 for information. South Coast Plaza spurred high • rise By JODI CADENHEAD Of 1M O .. y l"llot atett Dl!velopers for a mammoth commercial complex to be built on Sak.iok.a owned land in north Costa Mesa SBld theLr decision to build six high rise buildings was mfluenced by the nearby South Coast Plaza Town Center complex. 1,500 condominiums. Senior planner Perry Valantine said that the developer has not yet submitted plans for the residential development and that the original proposal only called for three and four story office buildings. The new commercial plans w1U come before the Planning Commission June 14 and Curci-England officials plan to begin construction March 1983 College on tap By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of I~ De1t1 "lot aten Co1.111t C<1111munlty Col lt•1w UU1trkt trwilt.'i.'i haw af(rt't"d to mt.•N with rt.•prl'~nUitlvt!t4 uf tht! cJ1str1t·t adminllitratlon and the f;J('ulty of Orungl' Coast College 1t1 un at tern pt t.o rl!llOI ve issues that rcct·ntly led tu "n o ninf1dem•t•" vott• l>y c ampu11 1nstrutton1 "I'm Vt!ry opl11nt!llll' about 1t," said 0 1 ange Coa!.t lll!lll Ul'tor Fran Pott(•r, who is pn~1dt•nt of the ('Ollege's a1:adern1t· St!natl'. wh1t•h propoi.ed thl' mrt·tinf(s Sht> said Tr~lt't' C~uul Gandy d1str1l·t Chdnl't•llor Norman Watson Jlld Orange Coast Collt•Hl' Pn .. ,1dl·nt Robt-rt Moore havl.' l t!IHut1 vely agreed to p<irlit:lpJtl' in lhl' first meeung, along with Jbout th rt>{' fal·ult v ml'mbt•rs Mis:. Pollt•r s.ud thl· scnall· originally plannl'd to eonf ront tht· trustl'l'S Wt•dnt·scicly with a li::.t of 4ul~llon::. regarding th<' man n t• r 1 n w ht l' h Bern a rd Luskin was ~lt'('l<.'<i to bl' tht• t'C >ll<'gt•'i. rww president <J ftt•r Moon• rl'lirt"> June 30 But :,ht• S<Jld a ll'ltl'r from Moon• t•onv1m:ed SCl\dt<' mt:mbt•n; to requl-st a smaller mt't"tmg m an <Jtle>mpt lu iron out thl'1r d 1 ff t •rt> nt't.'!> At W c dnt .... d:Jy 's board mt<t•tlng. the trust<~ dppruvl"Ci tht• 1dt·a of taking part m SUl h nll't'ltngs But the exact nature ot that parttc1pat1on 1~ !.thl'dull'd lo be d1S<:ussed by tht> board at a sp<><:1al me<>ting next Wt..>dnesday Dtstnl't offinals said the board may decide to rot.ate thl' truslec's who take p<irt in such meetm~s. In a poll taken May 3. a majority of the Orange Coast full-time fat'Ulty voted "no c:onf1dencv" m tht• leadership of th<.• trusll'C'S and Cha nt·ellor Watson Anothl'r source of f ricLion has bc<•n a leller d1stnbut.ed by four O range Coast professors who t'ril1t·1zed tl'lev1!.1on courses offt•red by s1stt•r sc·hool Coa.stl.Jne Coll<•g(' Miss Pott.er said shl' expe<·ts tht> sd('<:t1on of Luskin and the telccour.i(' dispute to be da:.cussed an the upcoming meetings. No datt•s (or thest• sess10ns have bt'<.•n 1•onfun1l'<i Curci-England O>., developers for Royale Development Co , submitted plans I.a.st Friday for l 3 million square f eet of commercial development to be built on 50 acres east of South Coast Plaza Town Center. "We decided to go high nse because of what the Segerstroms have done with South Coast Town Cent.er," said Mike Oberst, pr ojec t manager for Curci-England "This will let it become more of an image " Holiday weather outlook improves Town Center. home for the future Orang e County Performing Arts Center, includes 1 7 million square feet. of office development, inc luding the 17-story South Coast Plaza Hotel. About three million square feet are planned Plans subrrutted two years ago for the ad}BCent 165-acre Sakioka owned parcel bounded by the San Diego Freeway, Sunflower Avenue and Main Street called for 1.3 mill10n square feet. of commerc ial development and Memorial Day weeke.1d weather isn't supposed to be so hot but it should get a little better than recent gloomy days National weather officials are predicting cool temperatures and cloudy skies in the m ornings with partial clearing in the afternoons. But forecasters say they expect skies to be brighter than they have been. Temperatures along the Orange Coast a.re expected to be m the upper 60s in the day and 50s at night. Southern California d eserts are expected to have fair weath<"r A high of 88 and a low of 65 ar e 1-redicted on the low desert An t!U-degree mark 1:- expt•ctl'd at thl· uppt·r deser\ with a low of 59 Fog and drizzles are predicted 1 n S o u t h t' r n C a I 1 { o r n t a mountains in the mornings Highs will reach 60 and thl' lows 30 A weathN spokeswoman says So uth ern California is experie ncing "typical spring weather " She said the gray clouds are caused by a th1ckenmg of the mari n e layer She said 10w pressure areas inland also are a factor All Stores Open Memorial Day 9-5 Save Money Today. Save Gas Every Time JJaca+•8 You Coolc Out. Oucane t>ulld• lhe flneet ga1 grlll1 In the world They cook better, add more flavor, use Ian gas. and tut tonge<. Belt of all, now you can buy a OuQne lor wttat It ooet1 to buy an ordinary OM grtn. Aememb«, only OucaM 11 .. a Mlf-<:S..nlng coal ~ that ~tch.. drippings and vaporlal them tn1tantly .Odlng fttwr to wtwltewf you're cootllng. IOO-Slngle Burner sugg. $316.29 S.le 1•.19 1500-Double Burner sugg. $.462.96 a.le SIOIM 2000-Aotlaaerle & Raised Rear Burner~· $547.Ge ......... PrloM tnolud• LP Of Natural Gu. LP lndu<Me tn. Mawr.I GM lncluct.e 12 toot quiet< connect hoee. All lnc;Jude Quartz lgnltof. Prices Good Thru 6-1-82 _. CROWM HARDWARE All 8t0t• ooen 7 o.y. W•tcllft Plaza 1024 lrvtne Ave. Newpott 9Mch &42·1133 Coroneclel .... · 3107 E. Coat Hwy. 873-2800 ·--' llANIE CDAll IRVHH IDITIDN I l41Lll\ \ Ml\~ .11 1·111. UIC l\N(,( <.OlJ N l '( !.Al II OllNIA 1'> CfNTS UCI, county agree on medical pact By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of lht DallJ ll'lot II•" Orange County government and the UIUvcrslly of Cahfomla have r eached "conceptual" agreement on M new contract designed to put to rest a years-long battle over provision of medical care for the <.'Ounty's incbgenta. The contract, which would take effect July 1, would rt-place u 11n6 agreement which rt.>flulted m an $8 million bllling dispute between th<.• two parUt$ B y law , tht.' county is f1 nancaally responsible fo r ml'dtcul c.·are for persons who have no ability to pay and do not qualify for s tall• Medi-Cal coverage Mechcal care for these persons as provided at the UC Irvine Mechcal Center in Orange The un1vcrs1ty then bills the After na val sh elling --- c.•ounty for the aervkea on a patient-by-patient baata. At a late morning press conference Thursday, county supervisors Chairman Bruce Nestande aaid negotiators are recom mending di ff e r en t payment mechanjsms that would make t¥ new pact more efficient and redU<.-e administrauve coeta. Under the new pact the county would make monthly lump awn payments for outpatie nt emergency S<'rvkoed and pay a dally rate for inpatient services The latter raw would be adJWlt.ed In relation to the amount of speclaJized care reqwred R.A. "~rt" Scott, the county's lead negotiator on the new contract, likened the proposed system to the private Kaiser Permanente medical care program Neatandl' said 1t has not yet been determaned how much the proposed con trat·t wou Id cost county government annuaUy The county's mtod1c·al M.'rv1ces administration budgN th11> year IS $13.7 m111lon The bulk of that amo unt 1s 1n tht• form o f payment.I to the un1vers1ty for medical care for md1gt•nl.!. Nest.ande also annou1wt"d that negotiators have arrivt'd at a figure the county ahould pay the university to end the d ispute over the $8 million m conl<'lt.ed billings. The amount wa1 not du1cl<*.'d The $8 mlll1on an disputed billings has bet.>n su bject of l<'ng thy and expensive - arbitration hearings in which attorneys for the county and the ISee MEDICAL, Page AZ) British launch big offensive Meet Irvine candidates · Followmg are the fmaJ two profiles on candidates for the Irvine City Council. Aracles written by Glenn Score of the Daily Pilot staff profiling the other four candidates appeared m Wednesday's and Thursday's editions. The election is June 8. K e iser 'lost ' c andida t e in Irvine r ace • Marjorie Keiser's most not.able trait during the• campaign for an lrvine City Councal berth has been her absence Mrs. Keiser and her husband have been traveling across the United States foe several weeka, m~ting any serious bids to attract votes. She recently sent a notarized lette r from Lancaster County, Pa.. to the lrvme City Clerk's Office to meet hling deadlines for campaign spending reports. She said she hasn't accepted any political donatJons to fund her campaign. She also is the only one of the six candidates on the ballot who (See KEISER, Pa1e AZ) Incumben cy h ead st art for Agr an? • An incumbent n ormally 1s credited with having a headstart whe n campaigning in local e lections, but Larry Agran figures his expenence in office means less m lrvme than in most other cities. Since Agran. now 37, was top vote getter among nine candidates i n the 1978 city council race, another 30,000 resident.I have moved into his town of 75,000 people. Because it is an affluent and mobile population, others have left. "I'm guessing that perhaps the people who voted four years ago are still here," Agran said. The consolation for him IS that Agran's position on the council still affords him more exposure than the other five candidates in the June 8 election. Incumbents tend to be judged (See AGRAN, Page A%) NATION o.lly '"°' • ..., ....... AT A DISTANCE -After campaigning to change the image o f senior c itizens, Marjorie Keiser Interrupted her City Council race t.o travel across country . Delly l'tlot lleff l'hoto INCUMBENT -Open space preservation and the cost of wide r streets in Irvine are chief concerns of Larry Agran who is seeking re-election to City Council. Corporations restructuring ., Many of the nation's top corporations are restructuring themselves to meet unprecedented economic challenges. Page A 7. The year of the toads .... A wet spring hu f:~n an Orlando, Fla., suburb an "old-fashioned btb plague:" oountlea toad& literally piled on top of each other on patic>1 and ln swimming pools. Page 85. COUNTY Memorial Day rites slate d A variety of vet.eram poupe aJona the Coat wUl hold Memorial Day ceremon.let ln honor of the natl.on'• war dead, while oounUanl ~ to pt away for the traditional .ununer kickoff. Pace Bl. ) Heavy fighting reported By Tbe Associated Pre11 British forces attacked Argentine positions at Darwin today following heavy British navy shelling of the Falkland Islands stronghold, the J oint Chiefs of Staff m Buenos Aires reported. It was the first time the Argentines conceded that the British had broken out of their beachhead. "The enemy has begun land offensive action against Port Darwin," the communique said. It gave no other details, but Britain said earlier that its marines and para troopers launched offensives 24 hours a fter storming from the ir beachhead under heavy Argentine air attacks. * * * Mother • worries • -again By ROBERT BARKER Of Ille Delly l"tlot atett Fur the second tame in her life, 1'' I o r r i e K e f f o r d h a s s e e n somebody she's loved go off to war It was her husband, Robert. who left home and p eaceful pursuits to fight In World War II. 1t has happened again 40 years later whe n her son , Michael, headed off to a war 1n the Falkland Islands earlier this month on board the Queen Elizabeth. Ht>'s a maJOr m the 7th Duke of Edin burgh's Own Gurkha Regiment, part of the British wk force that left Southampton May 19. "I never thought I'd have to say cheerio again under those c1rcumst.ances," she declared. Mrs. Kefford and her husband, residents o f Hagh W ycombe Bucks near Oxford, England, are Vls1tmg their daughter and her famdy m Huntrngton Harbour. The British aaid two Argentine Skyhawks were downed Thursday whe n they attacked the British beachhead at San Carlos Bay. 20 miles north of Darwin, and that a British Harrier jet waa shot down over the Fal.klanda capital of Stanley -the ultimate target of the British drive. "Offensive land operations" by the British are under way today, the British Defense Ministry said, adding that Harrier jets were flying reconnaissance mis&ons ior the ~und troops. A~ Wl'9Photo PONTIFF VISITS QUEEN -Pope John Paul ll walks with Britain's Queen Elizabeth II in MarbaJ Hall at Buckingham Palace today during first of his six-day visit t.o Britain. Mrs . Kefford discussed he r feelings Thursday, the day that British ground forces began their drive across the Falklands. "Yes. I worry about his safety. It 1s a mother's privilege 1f nothing else. ""' British commanders w e re maintaining radio silence to avoid giving their positions, British sources said . The advancing troops, outnumbered by the Argentines, were r e l y ing on surprise and mobility, they said. Pope meets queen, "But t his is his job. It's something he has trained for and loves "T here are fears and anx1etJes 1f there's any love But this is the JOb he's chosen ... never mind the deeper feelings. prays for peace "I had lunch with him the day before he left He was hlS usual self. He had a JOb to do and he's going to do 1t." The Br1t1sh Broad casting Corp., c1tmg unofficial reports, said British troops ran into stiff Argentine resistance Thursday as they pushed toward Darwin in a bid to secure one leg of their two-pronged assault on Stanley. The BBC said paratroopers opened fire from high ground on the estimated 600 Argentine troops at Darwin, about 20 miles sou th o f San Carlos, and at nearby Goose Green, site of a key isl.and airstrip. The Times of London said helicopters ferried troops under cover of d arkness for a "big push" to Darwin and Goose Green. Another British press report said the attack.en mlght try to bottle up the Argentine defenden and push on to the capital, 50 miles to the northeast. (Sff FALllLA.ND, Pase AZ) SPORTS LONDON (AP) -Pope J ohn Paul n. the first pontiff to SN foot on British soil, began his historic visit today with a prayer for peace in the Falkland Islands a nd a mee ting with Queen Elizabeth 11 a t Buckingham Palace. The queen, whose forebears broke with the Vatican and set the English church on a separate course that has lasted 450 years, met for half an hour with J ohn Paul m her role as temporal head of the Anglican church and "defender of the faith." The pope's s ax -day tour, long-planned as a step toward r e un i fication o f th e two churches, was nearly canceled because of the Vatican's fears It might be iraapproprlate while Britain was at war in the Souh Atlantic with Argentma. Lakers do it again, 124 -11 7 The Lakers go one up in NBA championsh1p series with comeback 124-1 17 victory over Philadelphia. LA'a ninth s1raight playoff victory. Page Cl. Vince mulls n ew league Vince Ferragamo ia con1iderlng offering his 1ervkee to the newly formed United States Football League. Page Cl. Angels nipped b y Brewers The Anpla are lhaded by Milwaukee ln the opener of a lO·pme home9tand. Page Cl. OCC, GWC take ilieir lumps Oranp c.o.t and OoJden Welt both are beat.en in state commun.lty a>1J9 b•t blll. Pap Cl. 4 But fr o m hi s morning touchdown at Gatwick AirJArt south o f Londo n and h is now-traditional kissing of the tarmac -to his arrival at Buckingham Palace, the pontiff was given a cheering welcome from thousands of Hritons. many o f whom spent a c hilly , fog -shrouded night saving their places. None of the pope's 11 previous traps abroad were so fraught with potential political and religious conflict as this one, and the government mounted the biggest security operation in its history. M1htant Protestants, vehemently opposed to any rapproche ment b<'lween the churches have promised to stage demonstrations along the pope's (See POPE, Page AZ ) INDEX Mrs. Ke fford, who says she h as n 't h ear d from h e r 36-year -old son since, asserted that the Britis h sta nd against Argentina m the South Atlantic as consistent with the nation's tradition. "Jt's a trait of the British people to stand by a principle no mdtter how fuule "It's something we've always had and always Uved with. It's our heritage." Mrs . Kefford s a ys that residents of the Falklanda are British "and things have happened to them that shouldn't have "Whether It's 1,500 people or five, they are entitled to Uve the hves they've been used to" At Your Service Business California Cavalcade Classified Comics Crcaword Death Notices Stan Delaplane F.ditortal Entertalrunent Rome/Garden Rol'OICOs» A4 C6-7 A5 82 IntermiSs1on Ann Landers Movies Weekender 82 Weekender C6 A3 Mutual Funda National News Public Noticea Dl-6 C5 C5 02 82 A6 A 7,84-5,C6.D2 Weekender B3 B2 STATE Sports Or. Steincrohn Stock Marketa Televllion Thea ten Weeth« World N•wt 'Yes' on tax indexins Cl-4 82 C7 TVLoi Weekender A2 AS . . The Dally Pilot urpa a nyeett vote on Propolition 7, whJch would extend permanently lnicome tax lndexina f« Callfornlana. Pap M . __ , • ' ...... ... , .... 'II 0 --I I lOP~ .... TI I ..• , .. t Ll'fllL .. , ... ...... --- - -....... 1\114 ~· SAN 04fGO FRU.WAY MEDICAL CARE • • • unlvttrally luv.i prc•en lrd l•Vldenctt. Obaervtd Ne1tande, "There.> aN tl'flncndoua au.omey1 on our 1lde, trcmendou1 attornt-)'• on their 1idt-. That'• whv thl• thinJl hu aone on'° Iona.'' He said It could have been 1984 before the arbl~r h.-armg thL• cue reached a decblon, Nestande said that date was not acceptable Retolutlon of tht" indigent cart> dlllJUW ruu. tx'<'n m the trl.dkmg !Um~ Muu:h when lhC' l:ounty agreed to ma kt• .i $~ n1ll hon "guod f..tllh" p.iymc·nt to tht' u n 1 v l' r., 1 t y 1 n r c• t u r n r o r agrl-«.'mc•nt by t hi· 11wtc• t.o rt•ll·WI(• about $12 nulllon In ~mbargot'd hc.·ulth l'llrt' rund11 Tht• 11wtt• ww. withholding tht- mom•y undl•r lt·~111lat1v<· mandak lo furc t· a 11•:.c>lu t1011 of thi: du;put.t· POPE IN BRITAIN • • • s1x-c1ty route through Englund, &'Otland and Wales. Vll'llllL'i uf both s1dt-:; " RISING SKYLINE -Developers for mammoth commercial complex in North Costa Mesa ~ys their town I 0-, 11 -a nd 14-story high-rises wlll be compatible w1th nearby South Coast Plaza Town Center and its 17th-stor y hotel. The pontiff, declaring he was "deeply moved" to be m Bntam. said he would pray "al each step" of his postoraJ visit for a n end to the Falkland Islands conflt<.'l, which h as J:!Scalated st(•adily since Argentine troops seized thC' Bntish colony Apnl 2 . Tht.' 62 Yl'Jr old po11t1H was app lauded by lh<' cathedral l'on gr Pga11on wht•n ht• said: South Coast Plaza By JODI CADENHEAD Of the D•lt'f Piiot ll•H Deve lopers for a mammoth e<>mmcrcial complex to be bullt on Sakioka owned land in north Costa Mesa said their decision to build six high rise buildings was influent'ed by the m:arby South Irvine cops whip kids in sol tball game Irvine police came out ahead 10-5 in a softball game against students from the city's SELF High School, a game which Officer Dave W illiams pron ounced successful al I the way around • rise Coast Plaza Town Ct.'11tt•r <:omplex. Curci-England Co .. developers for Royale Development Co., submitted plans last Friday for I 3 million square f ee t of t'ommercial developme nt to be built on 50 acres east of South Coast Plaza Town Center "We decided to go high n.se because of what the Segerstroms have done with South Coast Town Center," sa.Jd Mike Oberst. projec t manager for Curci-England. "This will let it be<..'Ome more of an image." Town Center, home for the futur e Orange Co unty Performing Arts Center, includes l 7 million square feet of omce development , inc luding the 17-story South C.oast Plaza Hotel. About three million square feet are planned From Page A1 FALKLAND. • While the paratroopers were advancmg on Darwm and Goose Green, the BBC said Royal Marines with Scorpio n light ta nks a nd artille r y moved directly east from the beachhead toward S tanley in the main thrust o f th e pincer assault apparently aimed at gaining the high ground overlooking the capital garrison. The British are expected to use positions overlooking the capital to pour 105mm artille ry fire d own on the estimated 7 ,000 Argentine defenders entrenched in a wide arc report e dly stretching from Green Patch to Bluff Cove. The British Defense Ministry imposed a blackout on official news of troop movements after Prime M inister M a rgaret Thatcher to ld the H o use of Commons on Thursday that British forces had pushed out of their beachhead. The game, at Northwood Park last Saturday. was the idea of Williams, who last mon th was assigned to be school resourre officer . Williams arranged the game in an effort to improve cooperauon between poltce and the city's youths Plans submitted two years ago for the adjacent 165-acre Sakibka owned parcel bounded by the San Diego Freeway, Sunflower Avenue and Main Street called for 1.3 million square feet of commercial deve lo pment and 1,500 condominiums. .. Our forces on the ground are now movmg forward from the bridgehead." She declined to be more specific, saying, "Too much discussion about timing and d etails of operations can only help the enemy." l\rgentsne military sources denied the reports tha t the drive to reta ke Stanley was under way. They 11a1d British forces have been "halted and stabilized," and t he military command m Bue nos Aires said an offensive was improbable because the Bnllsh had taken heavy casualties from Argentine b o mbing W ed n esday and Thursday and were short of supplies. Fourteen stude nts and 14 department m embers played nine innings in which pitcher Lynn Dagget, a police civilian employee, held students to two hits m the first eight innings About 50 students w e re in SELF's c h eeri ng section, Williams said. "It went really, really well," he said, ''and the s tudents want a rematch." Senior planne r Perr y Valantine said that the developer haa not yet submitted plans for the raidential development and that the original propoul only called for three and four story office buildings. The new commercial planS wtJJ come before the Planning Commission June 14 and Curci-England officials plan to begin conru-uction March 1983. Overcast skies Co<ULal Low motning c10ud1 t>ecom•no panly cloudy 1n the atternoon Hlgh1 lodll'f 63 10 70 Low CIOudl lonlghl end S•Md•Y wtth p811181 cle•rln g In the •llernoon 0-nlgtll IOw1I So4 lo 62 Hlgl'la S•turday 66 to 72 Elaewher e. lrom Point Conc•pllon to tne Me•tcan l>Otder end out 60 ml1ea Ughl vui8bl• wlnd1 1hrough tonloht except lor 1ou1h to 1outhwell wind• 10 lo 1e knots this l!Yenlng W•1erly swells of 2 10 3 teet Ou1er water• Win h•ve combined MU north-I 5 to 10 feel ll.S. s1u11 mnry Wlndatorma lllngtng hall tore tnlo T•xaa 1nd Ok t1noma, .weciolng l>ulld~ and b08t• and lelllng thouaanda of I•-. wtlk lloodwll ... up 10 5 111111 deec> todrt wuhed 1nrouoh some cmn In Vlf'Qlnl8 I n ea at err' M on Ian•. lhe N1tlon8/ W•ther SeMce said up to 3 feel ol '"°"" wu eJtPeCted '°' the Memorial Ort weekend Four people -• kllled In the 11tarmath of downpoura that ceuMd flooding llnd mvdalide• In Vlrgtnl8 llnd N«1h CarOlln• l)p to 4 'h lnci-ol rain durlJ>Q Iha night c1u1ed exl•n1lve flooding In Cll•r•ouesvtlla and Albamwle County. Va • wtlh water repc>ned lo be 5 feet deec> OY8f -r09da. A •-fllmlllea -• ev.cue1ad Ona hou" In Char1011a1vtlla -tllOWd _, feet by. -of-•· 1 A wlnd9lorm ~ to tie e •tornado deelrO'flld • mlll1ne II Fort Cobb. Okla .. sinking or dMWIQlno 25 10 30 bo811. Wlndt up lo 70 mph topc>4ad about 2,000 1-at For1 Sltl, Olde., end ceuMc:t 110m11 damage at Enid end Lawton. Helt the ttt.a of .,... "' mMl>IM pelled _., ·-of Oktehoma. Tllundar11orm1 ~mp•nlad by lla•vy rain. hall •nd soma ......,.. -.0 roared ecroee T- todly. from The IOlll'-1 s-1 of the 1tete to Iha nortll-canlr•I 'tu •ulhorlllH .. 10 tome '*'-end 18'11'1 ~ --dam 1 g e d In 911.,man , ~. tnd Loraine A tort1ado watc;ll durl"9 the nlglll oovarad 61 counllH In T-. Torn1doH 1110 dHtroyad '"°* "°"* 1llunldav In .... Mftloo, -'*• aoma ,......_ ftld from the -~ ·-• COUllll IOQ •nd drozzle In low9f mount•lna Weal to nor111wes1 Mndt gusting to 35 mph COUid sweec mountains and nor1i-n deserts 1on1gnt bur should dlm1ntsn Saturday WMltend ~11Qhs are forecasl In Ille low 70s In Lo• Angeles. from 66 10 73 al bea<:hea. from 55 fo 65 in the mountains. bet.._., 75 10 85 on lhe hl{lh J-1 and from 64 10 90 In kJw ~ Y8fleys Shlpbo8'd calebr•nts lrom Point Concepuon to the Muocan l>OfOef can expacl llQhl. "11J'i8ble wtnda dut1ng nlQhll •nd mornings becoming south-I lo wear 10 10 16 k nota In lhe ellernoon wltJi • 2· lo 3-loot -lerly swell. tncreulnQ to 4 to 6 feet lerlllar lh8n 80 mllel out ... lll)t\M w •• ,,,.. ~ NOAA US ()eol OI Ccmme<ce Temperatures Fron ta: Cold ..,.. Wl'llm .,.. Occluded...-Staloone<y • • NAT10N Alb•ny Albuque Amatlllo AINIY!lle Allan!• All8111C Cty AUSlln 8alllmor• Billi nos BISm8rQ eo. .. Boston Brownavlle 8uttelo Burllngton Ca1per Cnerllln SC Ch•rl9tn WV Charllle NC C~ne Ch1C8QO Clncinn•ll Clevallnd Clmbi8 SC Columbul 09-ft Wth = 0.. Mol._ Datrott Duluth El Puo Fargo Flegtllll OrMt FaMa Hwtlord He6ena Honolulu HI Lo Pre. 81 62 76 48 76 51 25 80 61 30 86 69 62 58 88 76 78 65 tll 49 42 45 68 53 60 39 1e 53 90 79 81 67 81 62 82 49 0 I 81 71 83 67 1 t 82 70 02 80 51 71 53 43 e2 60 35 66 62 e5 86 &a .oe 112 63 14 115 70 02 112 eo :re 84 5CI 78 57 75 59 1 04 85 43 e4 5g 05 77 55 88 45 40 33 88 85 53 43 37 26 87 70 Hou1100 lndnaplls Jackan MS Jackanvlle K•na Ct1y Laa V8QH Little Roc:k LOUIS•llte Lubboetc Memphll Miami Mllw8UkM Mp4s-SI P Nunv111e New on.en• N-Y()fk Norfolk No Pl•lle Oki• City Oman• Orl•ndo Phll1dphl1 PP\oenlx Pllltburgh Pfl.00. M. P11and. °'' PT~ ~ Salt Lele• San An1on10 5-111• Shr~ Sioux l'atta SI Lout. St P-Tamp• SI SI• M111MI Spouna SyrllCUM Toe>ah 90 76 78 58 66 113 7t e1 68 01 79 62 ~ 66 86 65 23 63 61 35 80 58 1.29 87 75 03 80 78 15 113 49 16 73 58 64 87 08 9 4 77 82 62 77 88 80 58 82 62 I 04 74 60 89 14 4 1 81 59 91 69 83 64 24 79 43 ee 51 11& 62 83 70 71 73 33 8ll 36 .36 84 74 74 47 .02 89 74 71 &-4 78 81 01 e1 74 66 58 58 44 1e 88 79 85 ~ ..... &:rii .... -~u....__Rf _RIP_DR_:r ~ ... ., . " t" '" Mft l TUCIOM Tul .. W•thtnotn Wk:hil8 86 el .01 e8 70 74 77 68 04 80 63 t7 CAUFOftMA B•keBllald Blyth8 Eurtll!• FrMnO L•nc:aatet LOI AMQ8181 M•f)'IYllle Monle<ey NaadlM Oektand PHO Rob ... Red 81ull R9dwood City Secr.men10 S•n Oleo<> S•n Fr•nci.cc> S11nt• 88rbere Slocklon Thermal Bartlow 8IQ S..r Bishop C1l•lln1 Long ~ Monrovta Ml Wllaon N~hech' Ol)lark> Palm Springe Pueden• 9811 Bamerdlno Sent•-""' 811nl• Cr\lt T8hoa V811eY CANADA Calgarf Edmonton MonlrMI Otl-Toronto VlnOOUVW Winnipeg Tides TODAY 9aoond lllgfl 4:22 p.fll 8acond low t:20 p.m 95 83 90 5S 44 81 58 &6 53 65 60 79 60 89 69 51 89 43 80 59 69 54 73 4e 70 e5 58 50 87 58 65 90 9t 65 74 3e lie 99 IM 99 12 87 59 eo 43 ee 68 85 68 ee 84 63 59 84 57 72 59 88 55 ee 64 47 54 82 et 73 66 4 84 ... ,,, 2t Fired aide to Sch01itz will remain By JEFF ADLER O(the 08111 Pilot Ii.ti "We cannot forget that a n armPd conflict is taking place brothers in Christ fighting m a war that impenls peace m the world," he said m a homily at Westminster Cathedral, seat of the Roman Catholic Church of England a nd Wa les. "In o ur prayers, le t us re mPmbt>r the "Today, ror thl· (1r:Jt t1m<' m history, a bishop of Homt• M'L'i foot on t<:nglt!lh swl I am dl't.•ply muvt'<i " Against a ba<:kground of 4~0 years of S('(.'ldrtan str1fl· belWl'\'n Catholics and Prott•!!ldnts t·onl1nu1ng to th1!> d_.y 1n Northt·rn ln·land John Paul said, "My deep dl'Str<'. my c.ardent hopE' and prayer 1s that m y v1s1t may serve the cause of Chnstsan unity" Even though he was fired by the state Se nat e Rul es Commit~. a top aide to Sen . John Schrrutz, R-Corona del Mar. said he wul continue to work for Schnutz as a private cill.7..en. KEISER RUNNING • • • Hrad Evans. an admirustrauve assistant to Schrruu, said today he plans to suck with Schmttz through the June 8 primary election an d possibly beyond that. Schmitz is seeking the Re publican nomination for the U.S. Senate. did no t raise the necessary $400 to have a qualifications statement pnnted on a sample ballot. Although her pledge not to !"aise campaign funds puts her m a difficult position politically, she did t ry to score some points earlier in the campaign. Al some of the first candidatc.>S' rught forums. Mrs. Keiser argued against accepting stereotypes that senior citizens are dependent or absent-minded. * * * A retired <:olll•gt-rnslru('lor Mrs~ Keiser h~ bt•tm active m the senior c1 llz<'n communit v Besides serving ai. a voluntt't·r al the Irvmt• S<•nror ('t•ntt•r sht• 1s a formt'r board ml•mbt•r or lht· non-profit lrv1m· Act1vt• &onior Citizens Club She also ~rvc-:, as .J rt·pc.1rter on a home ow n l' rs· ass O l' 1 a l 1 n n newsletlPr fur Th<· G rovc•s mobile home· park. whc-rt• sh1 liV<.'S * * * "l expected the firing for some time," said Eva ns. who is attending a fnend's wedding in Ar izo na . "l became too con troversial and the politicians bowed t o pressure from the J ewlSh community to get rid of Evans and hamstring SchrruU. AGRAN CAMPAIGN • • • Evans was fired Thunday by the Rules Committee 10 what appears to be an unprecedented action. Senate observers said Evans' firing was the tint time the committee had eve r tenrunated a senator's aide. In commenting on the fui.ng, Senate President Pro Tern David Roberti said Evans was fired because "of a pattern of behavior over the past several months which has been completely unbecoming a Senate staff member." Evans. who describes himaelf as a "right wing international revolutionary ," said his tenrunation was triggered by his acuons dunng a recent speech by former Israeli ambassador Abba Eban on the UC Davis campus. "When I interrupted Abba Eban's speech. that's wha t prec1p1t.ated 1t," Evans said. He also said seve ral press releases he wrote, including one involving Los Angeles attorney Gloria Allred, contributed to the committee's decision. Ms Allred has since filed a $10 nuUion hbel suit against SchnuU because of the release. Evans said he teamed ol hlS f1nng by telephone from one of the secretaries who works in Schmitz' office. "I've been booted out of better sta tes than this "n e," h e commented. Evans said he plans to stick with Schmitz because he is a "true man of the right. the only according to how the Clty has operated, whether that candidate was responsible, he acknowl- edged. In this campaign chal- le ngers have mounted fe w serious attacks. Agran reads that to mean residents are generally satisfied with the city's direct ion. "l think the relatively calm nature o f the campaign 1s evidence of t hat," said the University Park resident. Always an articulate defender of environmen tal causes, lawyer Agran has not yielded the floor to lesser-known challe ngers on h is favorite topics s u ch as problems with new freeways and the nee d f o r open s p ace preservation. On another issue. Agran said he favors reduc ing the construction cost of a proposed ne w animal shelter from about $3 million to $2 million to make the facility more affordable. He added: ''Actually, I'm less interested in the capital costs than in the operational costs that go on forever and e ver and are very hard to control." Even with modifications, a ne w shelter could be under construction by the end of the year, Agran said, adding that even a shelter without some of the proposed amenities woulri be the finest in the region. The i n c umbe n t also 1s concerned about costs to keep up the city's road system. H e claimed a program to build wider streets would furthe r tax the city's ability to properly care for them. Cost-per-mile to maintain the streets already geu. ~ high as $10,000 p<.>r year. he said He opposes new freeways. c iting count y government projections that tht• San Diego and Santa Ana frc>t>ways will remain crowded with or without them Agran would rather ~ money spent to upgrade the· ex1sung freeways and "m1U10ns .and m1lhons" o f state funds 1nvt>sted 1n hsgh -s pC'Pd. h1gh-mtens1ty c'Ommutc:r transit. "That will be th<' only lhmg that makes our freeways work,'' he said. Evidence that a rail syslC'm l'an economically serve Southt•rn CaLiforma wa'i the 1,200 miles of track for th<' Paci f 1c Ele<:tnc red car system that S(•rved the region through the 1940s Open space preservatio n ts perhaps Agr an's bread - and -butter issue He claimed the city has special cases in which the general plan should be changed to prevent de- velopment on sensitive sites One is Quail H11J. a bluff east of University Drive and adJ<K'Cnl to Turtle Hock sn the C'tty's southeast st'Ctlon, h<• said Ag ra n said the Ir vine Company. owm•r of the• land, has enough authonz.atlons w build houses that tt could dC's1gn subd1vis1ons leaving the hill undeveloped The cand idate considers himself a tough negouator with the Irvme Company, but said he isn't unreasonable Developers such as the lrvme Company are "far more ()('x1ble than people think," he said All Stores Open Memorial Day 9-5 Save Money Today. Save Gas Every Time You Cook Out. O\Jcane builds the finest gas grllt1 In lhe world. They cook betlet. lldd more flavor. uM less gas, and tut ionoer. Beat of all, now you can buy a Ouc:ane '°' what It coats to buy an ordinary gas grill. Rememt>«. only c:>uc.ne ha. • Mll-ciNnlng coel or•t• '"-' c:atc:Me dr1pptng1 and vapora. them lnSlantly adding flavor to whatever yoo' ra cooking. IOO-Slngle Burner sugg. $316.29 Sale 111.11 8aleS30l.11 1800-Double Burner sugg. $452.96 2000-Aotl88erle & Raised Rear Burner sugg. $!5<47.96 8aleS311.11 Prloea lneluca LP or Natural Gaa. LP lncludee tank. Natural Gu lncludee 12 toot quli:k connect hoM. All lndud9 Quartz lgnltor. Prices Good Thru 6-1-82 ·-CROW• HARDWARE AH 6tor• CIC*' 7 DllYt W•tcllff Pa.a 102<4 lrvtne Ave. Newport 8Mch &<42-1133 COfOMdelMer 3107 E. Coa1 Hwy. 873-2800 ( DRAIGI CDAIT CDBTI MRI 1onm1 o n A N G E. COUNIV. C A I If OllNIA ~~> C FN TS After naval shelling British launch big offensive NB • unit bristles over rap The leader of a Newport Bead1 referendum group said today hN group has been unfairly atta<:kc.-d by some city council members and has been fal!>t•ly cast as "foes" of the dty Louise Greeley, president of the West Newport Legislat1vt• Alliance, also was critical of a r e ques t by Coun<:ilwoman Ruthelyn P lummer that a fund -r aiser st aged by t hl' referendum group be scrutm1zed by the city a ttorney's office. 0 ,; I ~-· ~I C~AL -flll I SAN OIEGO fRUWAY Heavy fighting reported By The Associated Press 811t1sh forl·t-s attac k e d ArgL·ntine pos1t1ons a t Darwin wcJ..iy following hl'avy Briush navy shelling of the Falkland 1 ... 1J0nds strongho ld . th<· Joint l'hwfs of Staff in Buenrn. Alres reportt>d I t w a s th{' r Ir s l t I m (.• t h e Argt·ntines <.:oncedl·d that the British had broken out of their bt.•a<:hhC'ad ··Thl• enemy has begun land off1:ns1ve at·t1on agains t Port Darwin," the t•ummumque said. Further, the referendum chief said, she 1s upset about a Daily Pilot ht>adline which she interpret<.'d as labt.'ling the Wl·St Newport a lliance as "foes" of the city RISING SKYLINE -Developers for mammoth commercial com plex in North Costa Mesa say their twin 10-, 11 -and 14-story high-rises will be compatible with nearby South Coas t Plaza Town Center and its 17th-story hotel. It gave no otht·r details. but Brit..iin said t•arl1er that 1Ls marinC's and paratroopers launt'hl'd offt.>ns1ves 2-l hours aftl'r s torming from thei r b t'athhead undl'r hl'avy Argt·ntme air attadts. The West Newport group 1s attempting Lo scuttle the mult1-mdlton dollar Banning Ranch pro)l"Ct which would bring h o u ses. ofr1ce buildings and mdustrial uses to a 75-acre p1C(.'e of land inland of West Coast Highway. Mrs Greeley said some council mem bers have been unfair m attack.mg her group. which she c laims 1s follow1n~ the democrauc process by expr~mg "its honC'St differen(.'(.• of opm1on with the council " ''The right to dissent 1s a precio u s privilege in this l'<>Untry," she said Some council members have called the referendum group obstructionists for attempting to c.opple the approved development plan. which the council members claim 1s a compromise plan Mrs Greeley also said she believes a request to investigate a fund -raiser last Saturday at Mariner's Park in Newport Beach is "unfortunate." The fund-raiser was held m a park clubhouse Part1c1pants were asked to donate $10 t>ach for the cost of the food and to help the• alliance l·ause High rise influenced by Plaza By JODI CADENHEAD Of the Dally Ptlol &taff Developers for a mammoth 1.:ommerc1al complex to be built on Sakloka owned land m north Costa Mesa said their dec1S1on to build six high rise buildings was influenced by the nearby South Coast P laza T own Center complex. Curci-England Co . developers for Royale Develo pme nt Co .• submitted plans last Friday for l 3 million square feet of commercial development to be built on 50 acrL'S east of South Coast Plaza Town Cent.er "We de<:1ded to go high rise because or what the Segerstroms have done with South Coast Town Center." ..aid Mike Oberst, prOJt.'C l manager f o r Cul'(:I England "This will let 1t be<:Om(' more or an 1magC' " Town Cent.er. home for the future Orange County PPrfomun~ Arts Ct•nu.•r, mcludC's !See HIGH RISE. Page A2 l Chili champ keeps • recipe top secret DllllY l"lto4 aUft "'°to CHILI TOP DOG -Kathy Edgar is all s miles after winning South Coast Chili Championship in Newport Beach Thursday. One group used kangaroo tail meat while another splash<.'d in a healthy d ost• of 4offee. But Kathy &!gar refused to say what it was that earned her chili top honors in the South Coast Ch1h C hamp1o nsh1p Thursday 1n Newport Beach. "It's a secr et." said the Northridge woman who guided her nine -member team - Kathy's Cowgirl Ch1lt -to victory at the Balboa Bay Club. More than 900 ix·ople turned out for the evening event to watch 60 teams compete Some of the guests drew as mu c h attention as the chili cookers One person showro up m long underwear while two gi rls with fire chief hats wore• virtually nothing Jun Powell led his 15-membc.•r Mountain High Chili t<.•am to second place honor~ Ht• was followed by Don F.ngl.ind (Don's Chuck Wagon Ch1h) ,md Hdrr) Holmon (Ameritan Bar and Grill) Pope meets queen, bids for peace LONDON (AP) -Popt-John Paul U, the first pontiff to set foot on Bntish s01l. began his historic visit today with a prayer for peace 1n the Falkland Islands and a meeting with Queen Elizabeth ll at Buckingham Palace The qu~n. whose forebears broke with the Vatican and i.et the English chuf'l·h on a separate course that has lasted 450 yc•ars. met for half an hour with John Paul in her role as ~mporal head o f the Angllc.rn church and "defendC'r of the faith." Th e pope's s ix -day tour. long-planned as <1 sl<!p toward reunlf1ca t 1on or the two churc hei., was nl'arly canceled because of the Vat1<.·an's fear; 1t m ight bt• inappropriate while Britain was at war in tht• Souh Allanhc.· wllh Argt•ntma But fr om his morntnR touchdown at G.1tw1ck Airport !See POPE. PaRe A2l Tht• Bnt1sh said two Argenune Skvhaw k s wt•re dow n e d Thursday when they attacked tht· British beachhead at San Carlos Bay. 20 miles no rth of Darwin, and that a Britis h Harrwr JC'l was shot down over thf' Falklands t·ap1tal or Stanley tht-ult1malt' target of the Briui.h dnve "Offensive land operations" by the Briush a re under way today, the Bnllsh DC'fense Ministry said , adding that Harrier jets w ere Cl ying reconnaissance m1ss1oru; ior the' ~round troops. Brtlls h commanders were mamtammg radio s1 lenc.·e to avoid giving their positions, British sourct•s said The advanc ing troops, outnumbered by t he Argentines, were relying on surprise and mob1hty, they said. !See FALKLAND, Page At> * * * British mom again sends man lo war By ROBERT BARKER or ttw o.i1y Plk>t 11at1 For the sc'C:ond tlmt: tn ht>r hfe. Florrie Kt·ff ord h .o. see n somPbody s he··.., loVf'Ci go off to wcir Mrs Plummer. who requested the 1nvest1gallon. said sh(' believes 1t is 1mpropt>r for a group "that's fighting the city" to hold a fund -ra1,.er on ('1t y property Thl' rf'fl•rendum leader respond<.'d by pointing out that s he got permission from the l'lty to use the park and pa1d the a ppropriat.e fee County UCI ' agree on pact It wa5 h<•r husband. Robert. who left home· and peaceful pursu1~ Lo fight m World War 11. It has happcn<.'d again 40 years latt?r when h N son , Michael, h<·ad<'d off to a war 1n the Falkland Islands earlier this month o n board the Queen Elizabeth "l believe that Mrs Plummer has put her staff in a rather untenable position because we have a vahd contract for using the park from the city," said Mrs Greeley .While city oHicials have not completed the requ ested investigation, c.·1ty recreation director Ron Whitley said city rules pro hibit only a single political group from using the park. He said the referendum outfit, to his knowledge. 1s not a political group Mrs. Greeley added that all seven city council me mbe rs. including Mrs Plummer. were invited to the fund-ralSer. NATION By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of tM o.i1y Piiot Staff Orange County government and the University of California have reacht•d "co nceptual" agrt.>cment on a new <:ontract desig n ed to put to rest a years-long battle over provision of medical care for the county's md1gents The contract, which would takt.> l'ffect July 1. would replace a 1976 agreement wh1th resulted in an $8 million billing dispute between the two part1~ By law . the county 1s finanC'1ally rl'spon s1blc for medical care for persons who have no ability to pay and do not qualify for s tate Mt•d1-Cal coverage Mt'd1<.·al care for these Corporations restructuring Many of the nation's top corporations a r e restructuring themselves to meet unprecedented economic challenges. Page A 7. The year of the toads A wet spring haa given an Orlando, Fla., suburb an "old-fashioned biblical plague:" countless toads literally piled on top of each other on patios and in swimming pools. Page BS. COUNTY Memorial Day riles slated A variety o1 Vefttanl groups Ilona the C'.out wW hold Memorial Day cer~monlet In honor of the nation'• war dead, while countianl prepare to get away f« the traditional 1Wnmer ldckoU. Page Bl. persons IS provided at the UC Irvine Medical Center m Orange. The universi ty then bills the county for the services o n a pat1ent-by-pauent baslS. At a late morning press conference Thursday, county supervisors Chairman Bruce Nestande said negotiators are recommend ing different payment mechanisms that would make the new pact more efficient a nd reduce administrative costs. Under the new pact the county would make monthly lump sum payments f o r ou tpatie nt emergency services and pay a daily rate for inpatient services. The latter rate would be adjusted 1n relation to the amount of specialized care required. SPORTS R.A. "Bert" S<.-oll. tht• l'OUnty's lead n egotiator on the nc·w contract. likened the proposed system to the pnvatt• Ka1st-r Permanente med 1cal c a rc program Nestande said 1t has not yet been determined how much the proposed conlrat·t would cost county government annually The county's medical senncr>S admirustrat1on budgN this year 1s $13.7 m111ion The bulk or that amount 1s in the form o f payments to the university for medical care for indigents. Nestande also announced that negotiator s have arrived at a figure the county should pay the university to end the d ispute over the $8 million m l't>ntestc>d Lakers do it again, 124-11 7 The Lakens go one up ln NBA championship series with comeback 124-117 victory over Philadelphia, LA's ninth straight playoff victory. Page Cl. Vince mulls new league Vlnce Ferragamo i1 considering offering his services to the newly fonned United States Football League. Page Cl. Angels nipped by Brewers The Angela are 1haded by Milwaukee ln the open.er of a 10-pme homes1and. Paae CL OCC, GWC take tlieir lumps Oranae Q>Mt and Golden Wmt both arc beaten ln state community co~ bwball. ~ Cl. G • ' b1l11ngs The amount Wal> not di.SC los<.'d . The $8 m1ll1on in d isputed billtngs has bcc·n subjel·t o f lengthy -and expensive - ar b1trat1o n hearings 1n which allorm'ys for the· county and the uni versity have presented ev!dencc Observed Nestande, "There are tremendous attorneys on our side, tremendous attorneys on their side That's whv this thin~ has gone on so long " He said 1 t could have been 1984 before the arbiter hearing the case reached a ded s1on . Nestande said that date was not acceptable. Resolution of the indigent care (See MEDICAL, Paie A2 l INDEX He's a major m the 7th Duke of Edinburgh 's Own Gurkha Regiment. part of the Bnt1sh task force that left Southampton May 19 "l never thought I'd have to s..iy cheerio again under those nrcumstan«>S," she declared. Mrs Kefford and her husband. reside nts of High W ycombe Bucks near Oxford. England. are v1s1t1ng their daughter and her family m Huntington Harbour. Mrs Ke fford discussed her feelings Thursday, the day that Sri ush ground forces began their drive across the Falklands. "Yes. I worry about hlS safety. I Stt MOTHER, Page At) At Your Se~ Buain~ California Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices Stan Delaplane Editorial Entertainment Rome/Garden HOt'OICIOS- A4 C6-7 A5 82 Dl-6 C5 cs 02 82 A6 lntenniislon Ann Landers Movies . Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Weekender B2 Weekender C6 A3 Weekend~r B3 82 STATE A 7 ,B4-~.0S.D2 Sports Dr. Steincrohn Stock Marketa Television TheatelW Weather Warld News Cl·4 82 C7 TV Log Weekendtt A2 A3 fYes' on tax indexing The Dally Pilot UJ'l'I a 11~ vow cm PlOpolldon 7, which would ext.end .r~ntly Income tall 1.ndexina for C&llfornla:n.. ~ A8. - OIN Oranat Oo11t OAIL.V PILOTll'rlda~. May ti, 1811 •Unpree d d' Schmitz aide fired by panel lb JEFF ADl.ER Of•he D1Hr '11•1 lt•n Even lhou~h tw waH fln•d by l h e » t u l l' S t• n it l l ' H 11 I t• s Commllwe. IA top i.1dl• lo St•n John Sdimltz, K Coron111 dcl Mur, aatd he w1ll t-onttnue lo wurk for &·hmlu li1' a private c1tltt..n lirad F.vons, an udm11ustral1v1• assist.ant to ~khm1tz. ~Id today he pluns to stick with &hm1tz through thl' June 8 primary election and possibly beyond that. St·hmllz ts sceking tht• Republican nomination for tht• U S. Stma le "I expectE'd the firing for sonw time," said EvdnS who 1s attending a friend''> wt'Ciding In A r 1 z o n a · · I b l' l' a m l' t u o c-ontrovers1al and tht• polluc1an.s bowed to prt•ssur<• f rom the Jewish t'Ommunlly lo gt•t rid of Evans and hamstring S<:hm1tz Evans was fir<'<l Thursday by the Rules Comm1lll~ in what appears to be an unpn'<:t"<.ll'nted action Sl•natt· obs<'rVt·rs said 1!.\lana' firing wiu the first Ume t ht• l' u Ill m 1 t l l' 1· had t• v t r ll'rtt1tnlHl'<I u Sl'nutor's aide. In t•omnwnlin" un the flrlnai. Sc•n11lt· President Pro Tcm Davfd Robt•ru said Evans wa1 fired bt.'('AU~t· "of u pattern of bt•havlor uvt•r tht• p.is l st•vcrnl munths wh1d1 hus hf't•n t'timplt•ll:'ly u n bl•l·om 1 ng u St• nu tt' b ta ff mt•mbt-1 " Evans. who dc"':nbes hln'IS<'lf ru. a "nghl wing 1nternauonol rt•volul1onary," said h1i; ll'rmtn..1l1on WJs triggered by his al·llol'\:> during a rrt•enl spt.'C<.'h by former Lo;racli ambassador Abbu Ebun on the UC Davis t·ampus "Wht·n I 1nterrupH·d Abba Eban's o;pt'l·t'h . that's what prt'<.'lpll<.tl('<.i 1t," Evans said He cllso said sevt·ral press rl'l1.•aS<.'S hl' wrote. mdudmg one involving Los Angelt.•s attorney Gloria Alln."<.I. t'Ontributed to th1· l·omm1ttet.•'s dc;.·is1on .,,, • FALKLAND ISLAND • • • Thl· Br1tl1 h Broadt·aatlng <.:orp , citing unofClclal reporta, 5Uld Brlt11h troops ran into 1tlff Argt•ntlne reail1t.unce Thuraday a1 they pu.hed toward Darwin In a bid to se<:ure one leg of their two·prongoo 8J18ault on Stanley The BBC said paratroopers opened fire from high ground on the estimated 600 Argentine troops at Darwin. about 20 mllt'll south of San Carlos. und at nt'.'arby Goose Grt•en, site of a key island airstrip. The Times o f London said h<'ht'Opters ferried troops undt•r C'ov er o f darkness for a_ "bil( push'' tu 1'urw1n and l1001e G r <'C'n Ar111tlwr Aritli.h pn•1111 report said thl' atwckt'rs mtaht try to bottlto up the Ar.it•ntint· dt•fondl•rto and pw;h on to tht• l'Up1wl, ~O m1lt'H to tht' norltwast Whllt• tht• pMalrcx>pt-r.. wt•rt• a<;lvam·1ng on Durw111 aru.i Citx>M• Grt•t•n , tht• BBC su1d Ruvul Mar1nt•s with St·oqJ1v11 light t an k :t a 11 d u r ti 11 t: r y n 1 u v l' d d1rt~:tlv t'ust f111m lhl' bt:.it hlll'..id to war'd S t.11ilt·y in tht· nl<1111 thrust of tht· p1nc:er ass:wlt ;ippart·ntlv ..iinwd al gamin!'( tlw l11~h g1 uu11d 11vt·1 look1ng tlw l'Jp1t.;JI g;.uno,(m * '* * * * * MOTHER WORRIE • • • Lt 1s a mother's privilege 1f nothmg else. "But this 1s his JOb It's something he has trained for and loves. "There are fears and anxie ties 1! there's any love. But this 1s the .JOb he's chosen . . never mmd the deeper feelings. "l had lunch with him lht• day before he left. He was his usual self. He had a job lo do and he's going to do it." Mrs. Kefford, who says sht· ha s n't hea r d from her 36-year-old son since, asserted that the British stand against Argentina in the South Atlantic is consistent with the natton's trad 1uon. our ht·r1wgt· M 1 'i K t' f I u r J s a v ' t h .. t rt·s1dt•nL-. 111 tlll' l"alkl~nds .11 t• Br1t1 sh ",11HI things h avt• happt•1wd tu tht·rn that shouldn't havt· "Whetht•r it's 1,500 propll• or flVl'. lht•y u ll' t•1H1llt·d to livl' tht· llvt•s tht•y'v1· bt•t.>n UM.'d lO" Thi· Hr1llsh att· l'Xf::>l'<'h'<J t1J u.-.c· pos1t10ns uvt•rluoking tht· l'ap1t.al tu pour I 05n11n a rt1llt·ry f1rt• down on tht· t•sttmatt.>d 7,000 Aq(t•ntuw d(·f1•nth.'r:. t•ntrt·ndll'd 1n a w1d1· dfl rt·purlt'<ll y strc•tt:h1ng from GrM.'n l'atd1 to Bluff Covt· Mesa United Way share announced D.ity ~lot atttfl l'Mto STEEPLE ROW -St. Andrew's Presbytenan Church 0Htc1als rented this 83-foot-high crane Lo show they are w1llmg to compromise m controversy with neighbors "It's a trail of the British people to stand by a principle no matter how futile. "It's something we've always had and always lived with. It's The British Defense MmtStry trnpoM-d a bl;Kkout on offiual nc>ws of troop movt•ml.·nL"> Jftt:r Pr 1 rn t' M 1n1 s t l' r M arg an· l Thate ht·t told tht• lluU'>t' uf Commons on Thuro;da\ that Brit1-;h foru ... h<Jd pusht'(l out of tht•tr ht';Khht'.Jd United Way o f Orange County has t·ontributed $1 5 million to 15 organlzattons m the Costa Mesa area Count y, YMCA Orange Coast-Family Crisis Center. F'1rst Step House of Orange County. FISH, and Girls Club of the Harbor Area. NB church lowers POPE IN BRITAIN • • • south of London -and his now-traditional kissing of the tarmac -to his arrival at Buckingham Palace, the pontiff was given a cheer ing welcome from thousands of Britons, many of whom spe nt a chi l ly , fog-shrouded night saving their places. .·aid hl· would pray ·al eac·h stt•p of h1-. poslural v1-.1l for c1n c•nJ lo tht• Falkland Islands rnnfht·t. whu:h has t•sC'alatt•d :.lt•adily ,ml't' Argt·nllm· troops St•17t•d tht:· Anu:-.h c:nlCJny April 2 Alan Jacobs, United Way president, said $7.6 million was awarded to 85 agencies throughout the county Among the groups in the Costa Mesa area ret'ervrng funding were. Boys Club of the Harbor Area, Center for Creative Alternatives, Child Guidance Center of Orange David Harding, assoC'1ate executive director of the Orange Coast YMCA, has been named physical director of the year for Southern Califo rnia . Arizo na and Nevada Harding. a fo ur·year Also. Girl Scout Council of Orange County. Youth Employment Service, Orange County Association for Retarded Citizens, United States Life Saving Association. Amencan Cancer Society. Voluntary Action Center. and YMCA Orange Coast. YMCA veteran and past president of the Physical Director's Society. received his award at re ce nt c:eremomes m Portland The award 1s presented after a vote b y members o f the Ph ysical D1rC'ctor 's Society each year sights on Offic ials o f St Andrew's Presbyterian (Jhurch m Newport Beach rented an 83-foot-high crane Thursday to prove they are willing to lower th eir exp(•clal1ons as well as their planned 105-foot steeple The church's plan to erect a towering steeple as part of a $9.7 m1l11on expansion has brought howls from residents 1n the m•arby Cliff Haven rommumty R(•s1dcmts have complained that th<' l05·foot steeple would bt· an eyesore One resident su~:--tt>d 1t will "blot out the sun Churl'h orf1c1als. saymg they Overcast skies Coastal Low morning clouds t>ecom1nQ partly cloud_y on the afternoon Hlghl tode~"llJ to 70 Low clouds tonigh1 •nd Saturday wnh partial clearing 1n the a fternoon Overnlgnt low~ 54 10 62 Highs Sllurday 65 10 72 coastal log Md d11u1e 1n lower mountains West to norttiwest winds 9us11no 10 15 mph could tweep mountains and northern deserts 1on1oht bul should d1m1n1Sh Sllur1ay Weelcend '11ghs a1e forecast •n lhe low 70» 1n Los Angeles from &6 to 73 at beaches from 55 10 65 1n the mountains t>etween 75 10 85 1n the h1gt> deserl and from 84 10 90 1n low desert valleys Sntpboard celebrants ltom Point Conception to the Me•ic•n border cen expect hght var1able w inds dur1ng n1gnts and mo•n1no1 t>ecom1ng sou1hwes1 to west 10 10 16 knots tn the afternoon w11h a 2 to 3-lool weste<ly swell 1ncreBS1ng to 4 to 6 feel farther than 60 miles out .. l lMY•4 Wei~' ~· ...UAA us 0.01 Of Co•...,,.,,. Elsewhere lrom Po1n1 Conception to the Ma•1c:an border •nd ou1 60 miles Light v1r11Dle winds through tonigh1 e•c:ept lor sou1h to sou1riwest winds 10 to 18 knols lh11 evttn1nQ Weste<ly Swells (If 2 IO 3 IMt Outer watma will nave comDtned MU nor1h-t s to tO leel Te11111eratures f:ronls Cold .-. Warm WW Occluded ~ Stat•onar' • • {' . .'i. Sllllllll<tr.\· W1nd&1orms fhng1no 11111 1ore into Te•11s end Oklallomo WTetklOQ bulld1ngs and boats and letfir>g thouHnds ol trees Wtille floodw1le11 up 10 5 IMI deep !Oday washed lhrough some ctl,.s In Vlrg1n1a , In eallern Montane, the Nallon11 Weather Service Hid up to 3 feet ol snow wu expected lor the Memorial Oa~ weekend Four people we<e killed In lhe aftermath 01 downpour• tnet ceuled floodlng and mudalldea In Virginia and Nofth Corollna Up to ~·,... inc~ ol rain dunng tile night caut•d ••lanalve floodlng In Cn•r lolle•vllla end Albem1"9 County. Va . wllh weter repof'\ed to be 5 fMt deep over M>me rold• A few lam111e1 were ev•cu•ted One houaa 1n Ch11rlo11eav1lla WU 9fl<>V9<1 MV«I INt by I wave of WltOf A Wlndttorm be419ved lo be • 1orne00 o.ttroyed 1 mlfln1 11 Fort Cobb, Okll • sinking or damaglOQ 25 10 30 t>oat• Winds up to 70 "'P" toppled 1bout 2.000 tr-at Fon Siii Olct1 . Ind ctuMd eoma damaoa II Enid Ind L1wton H911 the llz1 of pe19 0t mtrblel petted -•I ..... of Oklat\Oml Tllund111torm1 accomp•nled by hHYY rain. hill 1nd 1oma !Wist«• alt<> roared ICION T 8lllt todty. ltom lhe IO\lth-t Plll'l ol the •Illa to thl north·c1n1111 NATION Alb&ny AlbuQuf' Amarillo Asheville Atlenl1 Atlante Cty Ausl1n Baltimore Bllllngs B1smerck Boise Boston Brownsvfle Bulfelo Bur11n11ton Cu per Cher111n SC CMrllln WV Charlll• NC Cheyf!flne Chocago C1nc1nnet• Cleveland Ctmbt• SC Colvmbut 01HtWll'I Oeyton Oenvar 0.. MOlllff Delron Duluth El Paso F11go FllQltltt GrNI F9lfs H1t1f0td Halenl Honolulu HI lo Pfc 81 62 76 48 76 51 25 80 61 30 86 69 62 56 88 76 78 65 t9 49 42 45 68 53 60 39 78 53 90 79 81 67 81 62 82 49 01 81 71 83 87 II 82 70 02 80 5t 77 53 43 82 60 35 86 62 85 86 68 08 82 83 14 85 70 .02 82 60 78 8A 56 76 57 75 59 I 04 65 43 84 59 OS 77 55 86 4S 40 33 68 as 53 43 37 25 87 70 Houston lndnaphs Jac~sn MS Jac~snvne Kans C11y Las Veges t.11t1e Rock Lou1av111e LuDboc:~ MemphtS Miami Miiwaukee Mpls·SI P NUIWlll9 New Orleans New York Norlolk No Plane Okla City Omaha Orlando Phlladph1a Pl10f!OIX P1llaburgn Piiand Me Ptland. Or• ProvtdllnCtl Ralelgh Reno Slit leil• S•n AnloniO S..111• Shr•vepor1 SIOUx F1J11 St LOUii SI P·hmpe SI Ste llA8rl9 SpoUn• SyYICUM Topeka 90 78 93 87 79 94 88 83 80 87 80 83 73 84 94 82 77 80 82 74 811 8t 91 83 79 66 85 83 73 85 84 74 89 7t 78 87 85 76 58 65 71 88 01 82 66 65 :>3 61 35 58 I 29 75 03 78 t5 49 16 58 67 08 71 62 66 58 62 1 04 60 74 41 59 69 114 14 43 51 52 70 7 t 33 36 311 74 47 02 74 54 61 Ot 74 58 58 44 78 88 111 es ri':.' .. 1u1horlllea H id 1oma hOmM and l11m bulldlngt -• d1m1ged In Sh a rman , Oalneev!IM, Ind Lor!llnl A torn1do witch during thl llfgl'll COV9rld 67 COUlltlH In TUN. Tornadou 1110 dHlroyad moblla l'lolnae Thurldey lo New -...xtco, Wllett tom• rMI09ntl ....... &:S--."SU.-....R_f R_IP_DR_T llad from the 110tm• ~ lil! California ~...$..1e1ty ~-:"~ Holld1y w•eke11d 1u111h111i. ~t~~ 1 fl H•k•tt 1llould hlld for thl 1111 ci.m.nt. Pier ,,!_ \ ::.~:.::..~ ,, . ..._ ::1: ........ _, ~ durinO (T·l"treet) 2-4" ~ ~ ltrlltoa T~'I TIDU· Hlgfl 1·20 pm alao 1>1•dlo11 ll•avy mor111110 Dnct1on lowlh low to 12 Lm 8W9ll •, ' Tucson 86 61 01 Tul~ 88 70 74 wash1n111n 71 68 0-' W1c;n1t8 80 63 17 CALlf'ORNIA Bakerslleld 85 Bly1he 90 Eurek• 55 Fr99no 81 Lenc111er 66 Los Ang~es 65 Marysville 79 Monteriry 60 N..Oles 89 Oaklln<I 69 51 Paso Robles 69 43 Rl!d Blufl 80 59 Redwood City 69 54 Sacramento 73 48 San Diego 70 65 San Francisco 58 50 Santa Barb11r11 67 58 Slocllton 65 Tharmll 90 Beralow ·¥~ 85 Big BHr ( 36 Blah op ee Calalln• 89 54 Long Betcri 89 82 Monrovll 67 5g Mt Wiiton 60 43 NewPof1 S.IC,,. 6e se On11r10 65 58 Palm Springe 86 64 l'uaden• 83 59 Sii\ S.rnardlno 8A 57 Sanll An• 72 59 Sant• Cruz ee 65 T 1hoe V •llev 68 54 CANADA c a1oarv 47 Edmonton S4 Monlr"I 82 Ott ...... 81 Toronto 73 Vl llCIOU'llef 85 Wlnnl1M19 84 Tides TOOAY S.Oond high •:22 l).m . '·' hoond low 1:20 p.m 2.8 UnMOAY .-Wet hlgtl 2:62 Lin • 8 ""' IOw 10: 12 8-11\. 0.2 lecond high 5:20 p.m. ' ' hoor'ld tow 10.N p m U tun Mfl at 1~5t pm , ,.... .. Wrday M 6:44 Lm Moon l'lala IOday • , ,:to Lm., Ml9 lat11day Ill 1J:'4 Lm • . I steeple want to be ilood ne1ghbon;, roUed Q~~ the crane Lo dem onstrate they are cons1denng lowering the steeple to 83 feet. Milan Dostal, a member of the church's building committee and a form er Newport mayor, stressed that the demonstration does not mean the ch urch has settled upon the 83-foot height lurut. "It's just one of several options we're considering at thlS pomt," he noted. Residents who observed the crane. though. said they weren't impressed They said they want the church to stick with the city's height ltm1t of 35 feet None of the pope's 11 previous trips abroad were so fraught with pote ntial political and religious conflict as thlS one, and the government mounted the biggest security operauon m its history . Militant Protestants, vehemently opposed to any rapprochement between the churches have promised to stage demonstrations along the pope's ~1x-c1ty route through England, Scotland and Wales. The ponuff, declaring he was "deeply moved" to be in lint.am, "We• l'anno l lorgt•t lhat an armC'd t'onfl1c·t 1s taking plac·c· - brol11l•rs in Christ fighting in a war that tmJX·r ils JX'<&c:t' in the world," he• ..aid in <i homily at W('Stmtn:.ll'I c~thedral. st•at of the Roman Catholic Church of England and WalC's "In our prayers, lc•l us n·mlmh1•r thl• v1t·t1ms of hoth s1dt>:. " Tht> til V<•a1 old pontiff v. d.S a pp Id u d l' d b v l h l' t al h <> d r a I ongr('gatw n "'hl'n hP said ·Toda\ for tht' first l1mt· in h1stor;. -d b1:.hop t1f Romt-sets fool on EnKl1sh '>WI I am dt'C'ply moVl'<l • The St Andrew's expansion plan comes before the c ity Plannmg Comm1ss1on June 24 . HIGH RISE PLAN • • • Bank in Mesa struck again I 7 million square feel of office development. incl uding the 17-story South Coast Plai.a Hotel About three million square feet are planned. Plans submitted two years a~o for the adjacent 165-acre Sakioka owned parcel bounded by th<' San Diego Freeway. Sunflower A venue and Main Street callC'd for 1.3 million square feel of commercial development and 1,500 rondomimwns. S t: n 1 <J r p I a n n l' r P e r r y Valanum· said that thl' dt>vt-lo~r has not yl'l subm1ttl;'d plans for tht• rc-s1dt•1H1al devC'lopmc·nl and that the> ongmal proposal only calll'CI for thr('<' and four story off1t·c· building~ Police tn Costa Mesa beheve that the gunman who robbed a Crocker Bank Thursday may be the same man who robbed the bank a month ago Tlw nl.•w cornnw rl'la l plans wtll c·o nH· bt•forc• th1· Planning Comm1:.s1on June 14 a nd Curc·1 England offlrntb plan to bt'l{m rnn:-.t rul"lmn March 19H:l MEDICAL CARE • • • The bandit, described as a male. wearing glasses and a h1Jlh neck coat. robbed the Crocker Bank at 2300 H arbor Blvd shortly after 3 pm He fled on dispute has been in the makmg about $12 m1lhon in embargoed foot with $l,900 m cash since March when the county health l'<JrC' funds A man , m 3 tc h 1 n g that agreed to make a $5 m11l10n Th<• stalt• wa:-. withholding the descrtpllon, held up the bank "good faith" payment to the monev under i1o'g1slallvl' mandate April 27 and fled with $2,000 m u ni ve r sity in return (or to f1)rcc• a rt·solu11on of the h agreement by the state to release disout<' cas=-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ All Stores Open Memorial Doy 9-5 Save Money Today. Save Gos Every Time You Cook Out. Oucane bullds the finest gas grills In the world. They cook better, add more flavor, use lest gas. and last longer Best of all. now you can buy a Oucane tor what It coats to buy an ordinary gas grill. Remember, only Oucane has a self-cleanlng coal grate that catches drippings and vaporlz .. them Instantly adding tt.vOI' to whatever you're cooking IOO-Slngle Burner sugg. $316.29 1500-Double Burner sugg. $452.96 Sele 111.99 .... '309.99 2000 -Rotlsserle & Raised Rear Burner sugg. $647.96 ......... Prices Include LP or Natural Ou LP Include& 1anlc. Natural Ou lncludet 12 loot qulelc connect hoee All Include Quartz lgnltof. Prices Good Thru 6-1-82 -· CROWN HARDWARE An Slcnt ooen 7 Otrya WMtollft Plaza 1024 lrvlne Ave. Newpor1 Bnch 842-1133 W•cltff Tiii 8:00 Thu,.., HMbor View Center 1814 San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach 844-8870 Anaheim Hiiia I Corona del lhr 3107 E. Coat Hwy. e1s.2aoo 5e20 Santa Ane Canyon Rd. (•t•=~·> rnillTI~W~ Recession nearing end? EcontJmic index ri es for firs t time in year By The! Auo<'lattd Pre1111 WASlllN(:TON A jo<t1Vt·rnnwnt 1nd1•x dt·i>il(nt'<I lo !>how I uw1·1· U S t'<'t11111111i1· trt•nll11 l'rnw m April for tlw f1111t t11111• 111 a y1·a1', thl· Comnll'l't.'t' l>1·1mrtnw11l n ·porll•d ltKluy Tht· UH pt•rt'l•nt llll'tt•1111t• II\ ttw lndt•x uf Lt•utltn.i l11du·11tor.-. tht• Ill">! ~ult\ \lnt't' May Hl8l, wu-. 1111 most 1·nC'nllrnlo(llll-: -.t.1t1,tu .11 1·v1dl'nt't' y1·t \hat the rec:-euion muy bt· nt"armg un l'nd &-cmom1st:t tnstdl• and uut.!lldt> the govt.•rninent l'.UUtlon uguuun putting too much emphasis on any one-month figures. But tht.· h.•admg lnclicaiorr inCE'X has i:)e(m dropping less rapidly Ill rC(•t.•nt months, and anulyst.'I had tndicatl'd that April might b<.• the turnaround munth Reagan to outline arms stand WASHINGTON Pn•stdt•nt Kt•agan plan:.; to oulhm· his position 11n -.11alt·g11· .11111~ llm1tat1un ;.ign·t·ml·nt.s with tht· S11v1l·t U11111n ,11 M1·mon.1l Day Sl•rvl<'l'" Monduy at Arl1n,1.!t1111 N<1t111n.1I Ct-11lt'tt•1 y, off w1a Is -.;11d hl'n · toda v will continut-to live up to the restramts in the 1972 und 197!l SALT trealll'S prov1dt.>d \he SoVlet Union also obM·rvt.>s thl'm JlowPvt.·r, tht· president's statt•ment is being tfrs1gm·d to lt•ave hun somt.• options in weapons Ul'('l'Slllll~. off1t·1e1ls <md nther sources have told The A~1<Jtl-d Pn'l>.'> Mask e d g unman crashes , wounds 8 BETH ~SDA . Md A 111askl'd gunman tTW•ht...'<.l h1~ l'ar into thl' lobby of an uff1<."t' building 1n this Washml!ton suburb todav, li•ul)(•d out fmng and wounded at least l'l~ht pt-uplt•, poht.·e said Montgomt.•ry County poliL·1· s.11d the gunman appan•ntly hrd in tht.• haSt•mt:sll .met thl'Y behevt.>d thJl a<. mJnV J~ f1v1· uth1·r woumJt.d ~>t'Oplc wert• still 1ns1dE' tht• building Polll'e said the man fired off and-on for more than an hour and had stopped about 12:15 p.m. The shouting began JUSt bcforl' 11 a .m Th(• building was surrounded by law enforcemt.•nt offlt'ers, including a c:ounty SWAT team and statt• polit.'<' who crouched b<.•hmd cruisers ringing the site• l{horneini warns Arab states AJ.o.:IHUT. Lt.·banon Avatollah Ruhollah Kh11nw1ni sav., Iran's lMttld1t.;ld victories m the Pc•rsictn Cul( war spdl tht· t•nd of Iraqi President Saddam llussc·in and th.it Iraq's Arab supporters "art· digging thl'1r own gra\ es " Khomt'in1 warnl'd th« 011 produ<·ing Gulf states to "n•pc.•nt and rl·turn lo blam today Tomorrow will lw too lati· Thl· st.att.•mC'nt by the 82-year-old patnarch of Iran's revolution was rl'ad Ill Tt'hran Thursday by his l>On, Ahm<'Ci. and broadcast today by Iran's st.ate radio It wa... his strong('St warning LO the Arab reg1mt-s of the Gulf since his fol"l.'E'S recaptured Iran's southwt>stern port t.·ity of Khorramshahr and drow the invading Lraqis bat'k to their border on Monday Battleship Yamoto wreckage found? TOK YO A Jap;mt'Sl group led by a former describe as one of the thr('(! biggest battleships ever built naval offtt·l•r da1ml-d Thursdav tu havf! found the wn·t kJgt• of tht' Yam<.ito. a ll'gendary s uper battlt·ship <.unk by U S bomtx>rs off southern Japan in 1 ht• last months of World War ll The Yamato was blown apart by American rnrrirr planes and sank with 2.498 men aboard on April 7, 1945. while making a "suicide sorue" through the East China Sea to support Japanese forc·t·s in the battle of Okinawa. If rnnf1rmPd. lhe d1s<.-c>v<·ry would djmax a two v•«JI' :-.c•;.irc·h for thl' vt'S&'l which h1Stonans Music Center expansion eyed LOS ANGELES Cultural lt·adt•r.. unwiled a Tht• proposal, presented to the county Board of Supervisors Thursday by Harry Wetzel, chcurman of th<' Performmg Arts Center Council, al.so could include commercial and residential developmenl!l although those aspects -and dozens more -aren't y<'t St-ttled mulllmllhon dollar. pnvat<·lv fumlt·d t:'xpans1on plan th.it u1uld <•dd lhret· nt·'-' th<'.1tt'fS to the dow11.t9wn Mu ... 11 Ct·ntC'r l11mµh·"· l ut t·ounty exp<•n., ...... mt.I pn.v1dl· rww ri·q·nw for low-cost housing School textbook loans proposed SACRAMENTO -The California Senate has vott'<I to r<·v1ve a $4 m1ll1on state textbook loan pru~ram to students in privatl' schools. indudmg t.·hurc:h ·~:hools t'onslltution. SCA40 by Sen. Alan Robbins, D-Van Nuys. went to the Assembly Thursday on a 28-7 vote after two Roman Catholic senators accused the <.'ourt system of re~1?ous bigotry Tht· proposed amc·ndment to the state Reagan asks no split over Falklands SJ\ NT A BARBARA Prt's1dcnt Reagan "Let's make certain that emotions don't blur the truth of how close we really arc during this tragK' conflict," the pre5idmt said in a preparl'd spe«h urg1•d a gathl'nng of MexKan kg1slators today not to allow 1•mollonal reactions lo the Falkland Islands l'rlSls to cause a breach in relauons between the Umte~ Stat.es and Mt'xico ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P Halev Pulllt-anc1 Cnoet {,ec;ut,... Otloc: .. Kay Schultz v-Pr-...0 O....:tOt ol Ad-llt#\9 Tom Murphlne E~IOf Mike Harvey Ol<KIOt ol M•~"41nQ tCl<Cul<lt-1 Ken Goddard °'""'°' of Ol*llllO<\t Ray MecLean c.w- Ctt.rla L.ooa lol""9"'9 fdllOf ~tv ~ '•d•~ ,, ,c.;i, "«" l'\M """'' ~ Hnltf Oy ~ .lO Ct''' t•u f»f<l'• I I> m ff"llO ,0.i' ((.py M il ~ tttll"ttWlffld Clauttied advertising 7141642-58711 All other departments 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE >JO W••l ll•v \I CO.I• M•w (A MAii •dd,. .. Bo• 1seo Cotl• M•w (A .,.~ Coe>vroqlll 1"'2 Of-co .. 1 Publ1l1ung C-v Non'"""'~' tllultraOon\ Nftor••• m.,.,,, or ao v1rtl\1mf1'1t\ htr•.n m•¥ tM r1or0du<e<t wit"°"' •IN'< let """'s~ of <OC>V<19'11 owner ~cono <Ins Poil-.,.Id •I Co.le-·• Ca1ttom1• rUP~ ,., IDOi S-<1Pll0f\ bV .......... ,, montt•I• bv m•ol '6 SO mOtlthlv 'lw c,,.,. CoHI Dally Piiot, wlllt wltkrt '' ,..,,,. blned ,,... -p'"'· IS PVllllS ... d bv , ... Or•-Cooul PIAlll•lllnq Com-v s..,.,., • .0111-••• pvbll\lled """""°Y ""°""" F<ldey IO< Cott• IN.,. Newport-" Huntlnqton 8eec11, "-~,,, V•llev lrvlM '--8"<1t, Soul!\ (OHi .. •Ingle .-.oi-1 f'Olllon I• l>Ullll-~IU<dey• end ~·~ T ... .,1nc1pe1...-.,,1n9 ~111 •I J.JO wut aev s1r .. 1 P 0 80• IMO COii• Mew Cellfornoe •?•1l VOL 75. NO. 141 'P ara dise" wins inj unctio n ha lt HOLL YWOOO -A federal court judge has decided to deny a preliminary injunction that would have pulled the movie ·•Paradise" out of the nation's theaters for alleged copyright in fringemcn t. U.S . District Court Judge David Kenyon passed the word to attorneys late Thursday in advance of a fonnal ruhng on a request by Columbia Pictures to enjoin the picture distributed by Embassy Pictures. We1re Listening ••• .. Whut clo you hk<• ubout the Daily Pilot" What don't you like" l'ull lht> number bt>l<>w and your message will be recorded, lr:1n(fcrib<'d and drllvt>rt'<t to tht> appropriate editor The RUM\' 24 hour un!t"-t'nng l!crvice may~ used lo rrcord let h•r lo the rditor on any topic Mailbox rontnbutort must Include their namt' und telt.>ph on1• number for vtl1hut1on No rlrculatlon culls. pleuse Tcll 1.t11 whut's on \our mind 642•8086 .. Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Frld•y, May 28, 1982 PUSH COMES TO SHOVE A h1gh -~pt..<ed pursuit of a stolen Chevrolet Corvette ended thusly Thursday afternoon on Laguna Canyon Road near El Toro Road. California Highway Patrol Officer Pat Barnard used his patrol car •o force the Corvette off the road . panning the Oellr l"tlol ""''" by G•rr ""'11<- vt• h 1 d c• against a utility pole The c hase mvolv1ng CHP, Sheriff's and Laguna Beach .mcl Irvin<.• officers real·hed spt>eds of 80 to 90 mµh tm th<· San Oit•go Frt>t'W<JY and Laguna Canyon Road SUSPECT COLLARED Sheriff's deputv escor~ Wtll1t' Earl Rarris , 35. following the Los Angeles man's capture Thursday afternoon. Authorities allege he stole a 1982 collector's edition Corvette from a San C lemente auto dealer, then led officers on a high speed c hase up San Diego Freeway to Laguna Canyon Road before bemg halted as he attempted a U -turn near El Toro Road. Irvine High mural decision due June 9 A dcc1s1on on hanging the lrvme High School mural which some residents have cr1t1c1zro as racist 1s due at the Junl' 9 meeting of the Irvine Unifi<-d School District board After hearing testimony from mural supporters and opponc·nts. Board President Elizabeth S1coli said trustees "will d<'Cide whether or not It will be hung." She said th<' board had directed Prinnpal Gary Norton to hang tht' mural whenever he wanted to and It had ~n scheduled for hanging the week of June 7. She• md1catcd, howewr, that Norton wanted more board backup on the mural so it's becon placed on the June 9 agenda In particular. some res1dt·nt.-; including black parenb. hav« obj('<.'ted to a seven loot pam·l in the 47-foot mural wh1C.'h depicts blc.1ck JX'Ople being C't>r\l:iumed by flames emanating frum hooded members of th<' Ku Klux Klan Ten minutes ha.;; tx·<·n allcx:akd .it th£' June 9 nw t'l 1 n g for t c· s t 1 m o n y f 1 o m p l' o p I t• rl'prt·st•t'l 11 ng eat h ->1dt• of t ht.· t-ontrnvers'). Ms SIC'oh c;a1d ln addition tht hoard I'> sohc1tmg written op1mons on th<.· mural S1col1 said wr1ttl•n mawnal 1s due at thl• !><:hool's distritt off1t<' by June• 2 Sh<.• also not(>d tht• mural hud bl~n schedull>d for hanging at th<' S<:hool on Walnut Avc:nuc> the W('('k of June 7 but the board has d1n'<.'tcd the principal to hold off until after tlw mCC'tmg Hinckley's 'fanta sy' . film shown1 WASHINGTON (AP) __, Juror.. .it till' fl-dt•ral trial of Johl") W Hinc kl<·v Jr watt'hed a showing tod<t~ 111 "Taxi Driver." a m11v1t• do!'tt.·ly hnkl-d "'1th the prs1dt·nt1.1I d::..-...11l,1nt'' fJnt.i.sies US Drstm·t Jud~c Barrington 0 P<1rkt·r prt·VIC'Wt'<I tht.· movie :.ind d1'C icll'd 11 ~hould Ix· shown to thl' Jury A f1·w m1nutt'S latt•r, a half-dozt•n 1<•lt'v1sion S<.'l.'> wen.• whl·eled into pos1ll11n fal'ing the Jury the· th·lt·n~· whit~. Parker's ~'M:nt h and 'ipl'( t.1tor ~·aL .... and a v 1d<.·ul.1p1 ol lht· movit· was shown Mom•·nh bt.·fon· tht· movie began. Hinc kley nervo usly formed f1slS with both hands and drummed them on the defense table But the instant the film started rolling. he tuml'd toward a monitor about f1vt• fet'l away <1nd watched 1ransf1xl'd Tht· dc·fl·nM tt•,1m told Parker thl· mov1<· wai. impo rtant for Jurors lo <;«.'(' bt'<.'aUM' Hinckley assumed tht• rol<' of tht.· main t·harat·tt•r . Trav1!> Bi{'klt.:, when he '>hot Pn·sidt>nt Reagan on March :w 1!:>81 Jn tht· film. Bitkl<· '>talks a pn-s1dl·nt1al t·andidat•· and tries to rPsl'Ut• .1 voung prostitute "Jlavt·d by Jod11• F'oskr. the at·tr<.~ ... With whom Hincklt·y had a onl•-s1ded fontdsv rumant'C· Htnt'klt-y s hiftt'<J r<>stl<.'SSly in hts lhair tht f11'l time• .ittr~ Jodu· Fo!>li•r app<'an·d on the StTl'<'n in ht•r roll• a., a young · prostltUlt• Wht•n Miss f'oc;ter' dant'C-d in thl• movie• with her pimp. H1m·klt·y turnl'd away from th<.· monitor <md l'OVt·rt'd h15 fot't' with his hands for S(:veral minult·s Thl• JUror-. W<·n· too busy watJ:hin~ !ht• film lu nollt't' Most of tl11 llllH:. Il1ntkll•y hard!\ m ov1·d Ont· 1Jf his lawyt·r~. (;rrgor:-F3 Craig. kC'pt wntmg null~ on <1 _vt'llow ll'gal pad The JUdgt· only looked at his monlt.or oc'\.·as1011<11l v gazing most of the tmlt' ell lht• JUry Jnd the ddendant P<trkl'r told ll1mkh·y·s lawyers Thursdav tht·'l tould not tntrodut'(' rt•sulL-> of .i CAT scan. which they h1Jpl.'d would support tht• conc:lus1on lhal tht.' dt'f1•ndant wa ... suffering from sc.:h1zophrenia ;it the urm· of thi· shoollnl? Spring Dollar Savings SALE Extraordinary Plush! Extrao.rdlnary Price! This luxurious plush is tufted thick and deep with Trevira~ polyester yarn .. then "Super 4 " protected against soil and s tatic so you r new sweep of color will look like new to nger. One of Gullstan's most beautiful carpets ... now dollars ott every sq. yd. you 1 buy. $14.95 eq. yd. Moment's Della ht EASY.:'tARE PLUSH ELEGANCE A New Generation Carpet Fiber • Actually repels stains spills dirt • True anll-so11 characler not a soil hider • Built-In static control • Retains character alter wear cleaning H•ndsom• Styling • Rich, elegant luster nylon yarns • Sue8"n Heal-Set for smoolh surface. pinpoint texture retention • eslllent, dense. a superb value $19.50 eq. yd. Bella via A SUPERB "EASY-LIVING" PLUSH The Ultlmete In Carpet Fiber! • New generation nylon lechnology • Actually resists s1a1ns spills. d1r1 • True ant1-so11 repellent not a soil hider • Bullt-ln anti-shock control • Retains character after wear, cleaning Luxury Styling • Rich, elegant luster nylon yarns • Dense resUlent, alnk-ln elegance • Suesson heed-set for smooth surface. plnp()lnl texture retention $25.95 eq. yd. Installed Prices Include NZX-3600 sp9nge rubber pad 'S 1·stan ~~··.. DEN a!.~ * . . . . . . t~t'·it· ... ' ••••••••••••••••• · carpe~~:. !~;. ·installation • custom drl!f!~s· 1'63 PLACENT1A AVE. ~ COSTA Ml:Sl. CA 92627 • PHONE 646-4838 -646-2355 c SUED -United Farm Workers President Cesar Chavez is being sued by nine former Salinas Valley union members he fired last year •. during an internal union I " dispute. A rmy gets fleece a war d WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. William Proxmire has bestowed his Golden Fleece award for May on an Army agency for spending $38 million over 13 years to develop a gas mask he said as no better than the one already in use. "If we didn't desperately need a new protective mask, this would be an amusing story about bureaucratic ineptness," the Wisconsin Democrat said . Thursday in his announcement of the award, which he gives monthly to what he considers an l example of "ridiculous, wasteful or ironic use of federal funds." ~· The Army Materiel J Development and Readiness l Command has been trying to ~· develop the XM-30 mask as a ~ multi-purJ>Cl5e device to protect ~ ground troops. pilots, tank ~ conunanders and other rruhtary .. personnel against poison gas and ~ biological weapons. ~ It would replace a number of ., current masks. including the ~ standard-issue M-17 Al model. ~ which has been in use 27 years. .. :;. •• '. ; , ~ i , ~ ,. ~ ~ .. ~ ~ Despite the heavy investment. Proxmire said, extensive tests have shown that the onlv advantage the new mask ofCers Is to give a soldier better visibility when firing his rifle. Operational tests by the Army's Training and Doctrine Command show ed the mask's utility "substantially less than the standard masks" on every other count, the senator said. Nonetheless, Proxmire added, i. this development corrunand has " pressed for continued work on • the mask, which would cost at t • .. least $450 million to produce as a ~ replacement for the masks an t. service. ~ Proxmire said h e saw ~ encouragement in the fact that ~ "the Army and the other services have had the wisdom to call a meeting. tentatively set for late June, to discuss the ments of proceeding with the program." And he said "the participants may be sufficiently choked up" by the poor test results to scrap the new mask. Spokesmen for the development command had no immediate comment on Proxmire's criticisms. By PAT HOROWITZ OftM D.it, "'-4 ~Ulfl DEAR PAT: Cu you tell me wben Memorial Day WH flrat ob1e'""'d lo tbla couatry? G.R., Costa Meaa Although no one k.now1 exactly when Memorial Day, sometimes called OecoraUon Day originated. it is believed to have been observed first by grieving Southern women during the Civil War They <.·hose May 30 to decorate the graves of both Union and Confederate soldiers, according to the World Book Encyclopedia. Americans now observe thaa national holiday to honor thoee who lost their hvt.>S in all the country's later wars. S1m.-e thl' end of World War I. Memorial Day also ha.a been callt.'ll Poppy Day because or the battles fought In the poppy fields of France and Belgium Memorial Day. now celebrated on the last Monday in May an most stat.es, became a federal holiday in 1971 Many Southern states set aside a day to honor Confederate dead Alabama and Georgia observe April 26 as Confederate Memonal Day, both Carolinas observe May 10. Kentucky and Lou1s1ana celebrate 1t on June 3, the birthday of Confederate President JefCNson Davis. C/ai111 . ..; <·0111·1 pa111phlet he/pf ul DEAH HF.ADEHS With new rules governing Small Claims Court In t'fft't'l Slnll' Jan I. the Stall' Bar or California has re- wnltt•n its nmsunwr ngh~ pamphlet, "How Do I Use the Small Claims Court'?" lo ht..•lp tht• public understand what has been l·allt•d th1..• "pt.•oplc's t:ourt" Undl•r thl' nl'w r ull~. thP maximum amount m dispute an a small da1ms l'UW h.as gunt..· up from $750 to $1.500 increasing both the· number a11d importance of small claims proceedings in Cali fornia Thl' pamphlN goc>s through the small claims process step· by-sll'p as Wl•ll as ht•lpmg an ind1v1dual decade if Small Claims Court is tht• way to handle a legal dispute It also answers the qul•sllons most commonly asked about Small Claims Court, in- cluding whut kinds of CllSl'S are appropriate, how to file a claim, how to defend against a da1m, what the courtroom procedure 1s hkt• and how to <.'Ollt.'<:t your money 1f you wan. Single_-<.-op1es of the pamphlet may be obtained free by sen- ding a stamp<.>d. self-addressed envelope to the bar's Communi- l'allorlS Div1s1on, 555 Franklin St .. San Francisco 94102. Multiple cop1c-s may be ordert'd at <.'OSt by sending a check or money order ($11 per 100 and $85 pt•r 1.000 copies) to State Bar Pamphlets, 651 Brnnnan St., San Francisco 94107. Wet vacuum set recalled DEAR READERS: Sun Hill Industries Inc. of Stamford, Conn .. in cooperation with the U.S . Consumer Product Safety Comm1SS1on, as recalling its Sun Vac. a wet vac/dry clearung vacuum attachment, because of a potential electric shock hazard. This product converts a regular dry vacuum cleaner to a vacuum cleaner which can pick up water or other liquids from floors and other surfaces. The product consists of a 3 ~-gallon plastic bucket and two adaptor hoses, one of which can be connected to a dry vacuum cleaner. There as concern that an electric shock hazard could result if the product's bucket becomes full of water or accidentally tips over Water could then be sucked into the vacuum cleaner, soaking the motor. This could result in a potentially severe or fatal electric shock 1f anyone touched a metallic part of the vacuum cleaner while standing on a wet floor . No accidents have been reported by purchasers or users of the attachment since 1t was flrst introduced in March of 1980. Sales were discontmued in February 1981, after almoet 1,000 units had been d1stnbuted. Consumers who have purchased the Sun Vac are requested to return the product directly to Sun Hill Industries Inc., Glenbrook Industrial Park. 652 Glenbrook Road, Stamford, Conn. 06906. Refunds for the original purchase price, and for mailing <.'OSts, wLU be forwarded directly to the purchaser. Consumers who have questions on return of the product or wish further clanf1cat1on should call Sun Hill Industries collect at (203) 324-7550, or call CPSC's toll-free Hotline at (800) 638-8326. Spare lids for pans DEAR PAT: Can you tell me where I can buy replacement glass lids for old Corning cornflower pattern sauce pua? I've looked everywhere. The new Corning pao1 bave a dlffuent sbape. -K.E., Co1ta Mesa Request a "replacement parts list" from Corning Glass Works, Consumer Service Department, Corning. N.Y. 14830. Check the last for the replacement parts you need and order directly from Coming. Pnces and mailing costs are included for older Corrung cookwear. • ~·1 r;wI ·•Got a problem? Then wnte to Pal HoroWJtz. Pal will cut red tape, getting the answers and action you need to solve inequities in government and business. M:uJ your quesoons to Par Horowitz. At Your oServire, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costs Mesa, CA 92626. WE SPECIALIZE IN HU WALL UNITS t ' ' ,. Since 1953, 1t111 remarkable llne of wall unl1• hH b"n providing 1uperlor craft1man1hlp and quall1y woridWlde. The Hund9vad Syatem wu deelQMd with many apeclaJ attr1bU1•, but wnatlllty II one that 1tandS out by tar. The Hundevad Syatem c.n .ccommodata anything from bookt to a wardrobe; ct'4>0M from comblndol .. oone19t1nQ of upper units and t>aeae Which can be lnterchanQad. or tul4ength t>ootlcew, or oomb1ne them together for a vwlect look. Most of the units are avellabta In 3 Wldtha-27W', 42W' and IMW'; """meklnQ the poealbllltlea lnnumarabl9. The Hundevad Syatam cornea In TMkWood, RON'AIOOd, Walnut Md Oell. W• 1rW1W you to oome by and pt<* up a bfochure and ... for yourMlf the beauty and eteganoe of ....... ~ ~. NORDIC UNe NORDIC TRl!ND8, INC. · ·lr ,fi) ""tV: o:~-,:= (2.11) ·2• 1 blk. k of Awt. ,; --- Rob1 rl sons MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND SALE SPECIAL SHOPPING HOURS: FRIDAY 10-9. SATURDAY 10-6. SUNDAY 11-6. 519.99 OUR JWR JR'S m1'lf\I~\ 'IOIHOWOFF YOUR TAN MONDAY, MEMORIA L DAY, 10-6. Special. Sunday through Saturday dressing when you're sporting a dark summer tan. Pretty, feminine spaghettl·strap sundresses in the brightest prints and colors. Just sllp on your sandals and pick one. That's the ease of sundressing. Here you see two from our fabulous collection In machine washable polyester/cotton. Key· hole back. Square·neck and dlamond·shape tront. All tor 3 to 13. JWR JR's, 117. l i L J . a . .. . I I 111111\ v M A" .•11 1·111: 0111\NG L C OUN l V . C AL II OllNIA 2 5 C(NlS After naval shelling --- British launch big offensive NB • unit bristles over rap The leader of a NewJX>rt Beach referendum group said today her group has bet>n unfairly attacked by some city c-ounc1I membc>rs and has been falsely cast as "foes" of the c1 ty. Louise Greeley, president of the West Newport Legislative Alhanc.'t', also was critical of a r equest by Councilwoman Ruthelyn Plummer that a fund-raiser staged by tht• referendum group be scrutinized by the city attorney's offic.-e. 0 ••••VA• --r t TOW,,~ENT!: r ..... .... • , .... u ........ . ........ IAN DIEGO ,RUWAY lleavy fighting re po rte~ BULLETIN LONDON l AP ) -Brltl1b paratroopers have captured Port DarwlD and Goose Green on tbe Argentine-occupied Falkland Islands, tbe Defense Ministry announced tbls afternoon . By Tbe Associated Prets British f orces at ta c ked Argentine positions at Darwin today following hl'avy Brihsh navy shelling of the Falkland Islands stronghold, the J oint Chiefs of Staff 1n Buenos Aires n•ported. Further. the referendum chief said, she 1s upset about a Daily Pilot headline w hi ch s h e interpreted as labeling the West Newport alliance as "foes" of the city. RISING SKYLINE -Developers for mammoth commercial complex in North Costa Mesa say their twin 10-, 11 -and 14-story high-rises w1U be compatible with nearby South Coast Plaza Town Center and its 17th-story h ote l "The enemy has begun land ol f<>nsive action against Port Darwin," the rommumque said. It gave no other dt't.a1L'I, but Britain said earl1t.>r that its marines a nd paratroopers launched offensives 24 hours after s t-orm1ng from their beachhead under heavy Argentme air attacks The West Newport group is attempting to scuttle th e muhi-m1l11on dollar Banning Ranch proje'Ct which would brmg houses, office buildings a n d · industrial uses to a 75-acre piece of Land inland of West Coast Highway. Mrs Greeley said some c."Ounc1l members have been unfrur in attacking her group, which she cl aim s is followin~ the democratic process by expressing "1ts honest diffe rence of op1ruon· with the council." "The right to dissent 1s a precious privilege in this country," s he said. Some council members have called the referendum group obstructionists for attempting to topple the approved development plan, which the council members claim is a compromise plan. Mrs. Gret•ley also said she believes a request lo investigate a fund-raiser last Saturday a t Manner's Park in Newport Beach 1s "unfortunate " The fund-raiser was held in a park clubhouse Participants were asked to donate $10 each for th<' cost of the food and to help the alliance cause. Mrs Plummer. who requested High rise influenced by Plaza By JODI CADENHEAD Oi Ille Deti, PMol Slaff Developers for a mammoth (..'Ommercial complex to be built on Sakioka owned land in north Cost.a Mesa said their decision to build six hlgh rise buildin~ was influenced by the nearby South Coast Plaza Town Center complex. Curd-England C.O .• developers for Royale Development Co .. submitted plans last Friday for I 3 million square f ee t of commercial development to be built on 50 acres east of South Coast Plaza Town Center. "We decided to go high rise because of what the Segerslroms have done with South Coast Town Center," said Mike Oberst, pr o je ct manager for Curci-England. "This will let it become more of an image " Town Center, home for the f utu re Orange County Per forming Arts Center, includes (See HIGH RISE, Page Atl Chili champ keeps • recipe top secret 0.-, ,... ..... '9loto CHILI TOP DOG -Kathy Edgar is a ll sm iles after winning South Coast Chili Champion ship in Newport Beach Thursday. One group used kangaroo tail meat whtle another splashed in a healthy dos~ of coffee. But Kathy F.dgar refused to say what it was that earned her chili top honors in the South Coast Ch1h C hampionship Thursday in Newport Beach. "It's a secret." said the N'orthridge woman who guided her n i n e -m e mbe r team - Kathy's Cowgirl Chili -to victory at the Balboa Bay Club. More than 900 people turned out for the evening event to watch 60 teams compete. Some of the guests dr ew as much attention as the chili cookers. One pel'SOl'l showed up in long underwear while two girls with fire chief hats wore virtua lly nothing. Jim Powell led his 15-member Mountain High Chill team to second place honors He was followed by Don England (Don's Chuck Wagon Chill) and Harry Holmon (American Bar and GnU) Pope meets bids queen, for peace LONDON (AP) -Pope John Paul II, the fi rst pontiff to set foot on British soil. began his hLStonc visH today with a prayer for peace in the Falkland Islands and a meeting with Queen Elizabeth II al' Buckingham Palace. The queen, whose forebears broke with the Vatican and set the English church on a separate course that has Lasted 450 years, met for half an hour with John Paul in her role as temJX>ral head o f the Anglican church and "defender of the faith." The pope's s ix-day tour. long-planned as a step toward r e untf1cat1on of the two churches. was nearly canceled because of the Vatican's fears 1t might be inappropriate while Britain was at war m the Souh Allantu: with Argentina. But from h is m orni ng touchdown at Gatwick Airport (See POPE, Page A!) The Briush said two Argent.me Sky h aw k s were downed Thursday when they attacked the British beachhead at San Carlos Bay. 20 miles north of Darwin, a n d that a British Harrier jet was shot down over the Falklands capital of Stanley · the ultimate target of the Br1ush drive. Britis h commanders were maintaining radio silence to avoid giving their postllons. British sources said . The advancing troops. outnumbered by the Argentines, w ere relying on surprise and mobility. they satd. (See FALKLAND, Page A%) * * •. British mom again sends man to war By ROBERT BARKER Of Ille Delly Piiot tteff For the second t1mt.-in her life, Florrie Keff ord has seen somebody she's loved go off to war. t h e 1 n v es t 1 g a t 1 o n . s a i d s h t• beltt•ves it 1s improper for a group "tha t's fighting the city" to hold a fund -raiser on <'tty property. The referendum leader responded by pomtmg out that she got pemussion from the city lo use the park and paid the appropnate fee County, UCI agree on pact It was her husband. Robert, who left home a nd peaceful pursuits lo fight m World War D. It has happened again 40 years later when her son. Michael. h eaded off to a war in the Falkland Is lands earlier this mo nth on board the Queen Elizabeth. "l believe that Mrs. Plummer has put her staff in a rather untenable position because we have a valid contract for using the park from the city." said Mrs. Greeley While city officials have not completed the requested lnvest1gat1on. city recreation director Ron Whitley said city rules pro hibit only a single political group from using the park. He said the referendum outfit. to his knowledge, is not a political group. Mrs. Greeley added that all seven city council members. including Mrs Plummer, were invited lo the fund-raiser. NATION By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Oi the o.i1r Piiot Stefl Orange County government and the University of California have r each e d "con ceptual" agreement on a new contract designed to put to rest a years-long battle over provision of medical care for the county's indigents The contract, which would take effect JuJy l , would replace a 1976 agreement which resulted 1n an $8 million billing dispute between the two parties. B y law , the cou nty is financially responsible for medical care for persons who have no ability to pay and do not qualify for s late Med i -Cal coverage Medical care for th ese Corporations restructuring Many of the nation's top corpo rations are restructuring themselves to m eet unprecedented economic challenges. Page A 7. The year of the toads A wet spring has given an Orlando, Fla., suburb an ''old-fashioned biblical plague:" countlea toAda literally piled on top of each other on pa\ios and ln awimming pools. Page 85. I COUNTY MemoriaJ:Day rit'b slated A nriety of velerana IJ'(>!JPI along the Coast will hold Memorial Day ceremon.lu ln honor of the Ndan'• war deed, while oounUaNI pnpu-e to pt away for the tndltlonal IUl'nlnl!r ldckoU. Pap Bl. persons is provided at the UC Irvine MedicaJ Center in Orange. The university the n bills the county for the services on a patient-by-patient basis. At a late morning press conference Thursday, county supervisors Chairman Bruce Nestande said negotiators are recommendi ng different payment mechan.isJM that would make th.e new pact more efficient and reduce adm.ini8trative costs. Under the new pact the county would make monthly lump sum payments fo r ou tpatient emergency services and pay a daily rate for inpatient services. The latter rate would be adjusted in relation to the amount of specializ..ed care required. SPORTS R.A. "Bert" Scott. the county's lead negotiator on the new contract, like ned the proposed system to t he private Ka iser Permane nte medical care program. Nestande said 1t has not yet been detenruned how much the proposed contract would cost county government annually. The county's medic.al services ad.ministration budget this year is $13.7 million The bulk of that amount 1s in th e form of payments lo the university for medical care for indigents. Nestande also announced that negotiators have arrived a t a figure the county should pay the unive rsity to end the dispute over the $8 m1U1on in contested Lakers do it again, 124-117 The Lakers go one up ln NBA championship iJeries with comeback 1'24-1 17 victory over Philadelphia, LA's ninth straight playoff victory. Page Cl. Vince mulls new league Vince Ferragarno is considering offering his aerviees to the newly formed United Stat.es Football i..e.gue. Page Cl. Angels nipped by Brewers The Angell are lhaded by Milwaukee in the opener of a 10-pme bomeltand. Pap Cl. OCC, G:WC take tlteir lumps 0ranae CoMt and Goldin Wmt both are t.ten in ttat.e community ooUeae 'bMeball Paae Cl. billings. The amount was not disclosed. The $8 mtlhon in disputed bi llings has bee n subject of lengthy ._ and expensive - arbitration hearings in which attorneys for the county and the un1vers1ty have presented cv:dence. Observed Nestande, "Th ere are tremendous attorneys on our side. tremendous attorneys on their side. That's why this thinj{ has gone on so long." He sajd it could have been 1984 before the arbiter hearing the case reached a decision. Nest.ande said that date was not act-eptable. Resolution of the indigent care (See MEDICAL, Pa.ce A!) INDEX He's a major in the 7th Duke of Edinburgh's Own G urkha Regiment, part of the British task force that left Southampton May 19. "I never thought I'd have to say cheerio agam u nder those circumstances," she declared. Mrs. Kefford and her husband, residents of High Wycombe Bucks near Oxford, England, are visiting their daughter and her family in Huntington Harbour. Mrs. Kefford discussed her feelings Thursday, the day that Bri~h ground forces began their drive across the Falklands. "Yes, I worry about his safety. fSee MOTHER, Paaie A!) At Your Service Bualnesa California Cavalcade Classified ComiOI en.word Death Notices Stan Delaplane F.diU>rlal Entertainment Home/Garden HOl'OIC'Ope A4 C6-7 A5 82 Intennlision Weekender Dl-6 0 0 D2 B2 A6 Weekend~r B3 82 STATE Ann Landers B2 Movle11 Weekender Mutual F\tnds 1 C6 National New. A3 Public Notica A 7..84·~.ce.02 Sparta Ct~ Dr. Stei.ncrohn B2 Stock Marketa C7 Televbion TV l..oti Theaters Week.meter Weather A2 World News A3 'Yes' ... on tBx indexinB .The Dally PUot ur.,. a ·~· wee on Propmttiall 7, whk:h would extend permanenUy Income tax lndeXina for Ca.llforil.WlL P• 1A6. OrenQt Ooeet DAll..V PILOT,,rtday M1y II, 11U Schmitz aide fired by panel • By JEP'F ADL£R Of tM o.llJ ltllel lllft Ewn thouaih hl' wu fired by th e atate Senatt• Rule• Commltt~. a top a.idl• t.o Sfon. John Schmitz. 1\-Corona d"l Mar, aald he will l'Ontlnu" t<> work for Schmitz u 1t private citizen. lirad Evans, an adminl.ltrative aula\ant to Schmitz, said today he plans to stick with Schmitt through the June 8 primary election and possibly beyond thal. Schmitz is seeking the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate. "l expected the firing for some time," said Evans, who 1s attending a friend's wedding an Arizona "I became too controversial and the polit1c1ans bowed to pressure from the Jewish community lO get rid of Evans and hamstring Schmitz Evans was fired Thursday by the Rules CommJtlee m what appears to be an unprec.-edented action. Senate observers said ~ana· ttrtna wu the fin\ u.m~ the committee had evl.lr wrmlnated 11 aienator'• -Ide. ln c.."Ommentina on the flrtna, ~r\ite Pntaldent Pro Tem David Roberti said Evan• waa fired because "of a pattom of behavior over the past several month• whil'h has been (.:omplctcly unbl'coming a Senate suaff member." Evans, who describes hlmllelf as a "right wing internauonal revolutionary," said his .termination was triggered by hlS actions during a recent speech by Conner Israeli ambassador Abba Eban on the UC Davis campus. "When I interrupted Abba Eban's speech, that's what prec1p1tated 1t," Evans said He also said several press releases he wrote, including one mvolvmg Los Angeles attorney Gloria Allred, contributed to the committee's decision •\'' FALKLAND ISLANDS • • • Tho Brltlah Broadcaatlna Corp.. cltlna unofficial report.a, uid BrlU.1h troopa ran lnto allff AraonUne tett.~ Thunday u · thciy puahed toward Darwin In a bid to eecure one lea of theh' two-pronfled auault on SWlley. The BBC Hid paratroopera opened fire from high around on the estimated 600 Argentine troops at Darwin, about 20 miles south of San Carlos, and at nearby Goose Green, 11~ or a key lSland airstrip. The Times of London said helicop~rs ferried troops under cover of darkneaa for a_ ''big puah'' to Darwin and Uoc>st' Gre<'n. AnothN Brlth1h prt-H report aald the attackerw might try to bottlt> up the Araentine dcfondcr• 1md puah on to the l.'11pl1.Aal, 00 milt'I to the northeast Whitt• tht• paratroopert were udvundng on Darwin and Goose Gret'n, the• BBC said Royal Marines with Scorpion light tanks ljfld art1ll<'ry moved dhectly t•ust from tht• beat.·hhead toward Stanll•y an the main thrust of tht· pant.•er assault apparently aimed at gaining ttw high ground overlooking the capital garrison * * * * * * MOTHER WORRIES • • • 1t is a mother's privilege 1f nothing else. "But this is his job It's something he has trained for and loves. "There a.re fears and anx1eues 1f there's any love. But this is the job he's chosen . . . never mind the deeper feelings. "I had lunch with him the day before he left. He was his usual self. He had a job to do and he's goin.g to do it." Mrs. Kefford, who says she hasn 't heard from her 36-year-old son since, asserted that the British stand against Argentina in th~ South At~~c is consistent with the nations tradition. our ht•ntagt• Mrs Kefford says that res1den~ of tht• Falklands are British "and things have happenc:d to them that shouldn't have "Whetht-r it's 1,500 people or five, they art.• ent1tJed to ltve the lives thPy'vl' bl-'('n used to." Th(• Bnt1sh are expected to use pos1t1on!> overlooking the capital to pour 105rnm artillery fire down on the estimated 7 ,000 Argenttnt' defenders entrenched in o w1dl' 1Hl' reportedly stretching from Green Pau:h to Bluff Cove Mesa United Way share announced Ollltr ll'tlot 1'811 l't>oto STEEPLE ROW -St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church officials rented this 83-foot-high crane to show they are w1lhng to compromise in controversy with neighbors. "It's a trait of the Britis h people to stand by a principle no matter how futile. "lt's something we've always had and always lived with It's The British Defense Ministry imposed a blackout on official news of troop movements after Prime M1n1ster Margaret Thatcher told the House of Commons on Thursday that BntlSh forl'l'S had pusht'CI. out of their tx.•achhead United Way o f Orange County has contributed $1.5 rrulhon to 15 organizations m the Costa Mesa area. County, YMCA Orange Coast-Family Crisis Center, First Step House of Orange County, FISH, and Girls Club of the Harbor Area. NB church lowers POPE IN BRITAIN • • • south of London -and his now-traditional kissing of the tarmac -to his arrival at Buckingham Palace, the pontiff was given a cheering welcome from thousands of Britons. many of whom spent a chilly, fog.shrouded night saving thelr places. .~a1d he would pray "at each step' of his postOral v1s1t for an end to the Falkland islands c:onflu:t, which has escalated steadily '>tnC.'E' Argentine troops ~1zed the Rnush colony April 2. Alan Jacobs, United Way president, said $7.6 million was awarded to 85 agencies throughout the county. Among the groups in the Costa Mesa area receiving funding were: Boys Club of the Harbor Area. Center for Creative Alternatives. Child Guidance Center of Orange David Harding, associate executive director of the Orange Coast YMCA. has been named physical direct.or of the.year for Southern Cal1forn1a, Arizona and Nevada Harding. a four -year Also. Girl Scout Council of Orange County, Youth Employment Service, Orange Coun ty Association for Retarded Citizens, United S t ates Life Saving Association, American Cancer Society. Volunta ry Action Center, and YMCA Orange Coast. YMCA veteran and past president of the Physical Director's Society. received his award at recent ceremonies in Portland. The award is presented after a vote by members of the Physical Director's Society each year sights on Off1c1als of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach rented an 83-foot-high crane Thursday to prove they are willing to lower their expectations as well as their planned 105-foot steeple. The church's plan to erect a towenng steeple as part of a $9. 7 million expansion has brought howls from res idents in the nearby Cliff Haven commuruty. Residents have complained that the 105-foot steeple would be an eyesore One resident su~~t.ed 1t wLU "blot out the sun Church offlc1als, saying they Overcast skies Coastal Low morning clouds becoming panty cloudy 1n Iha af1arn()()(I Higha today 63 10 70 Low clouds tonighl and Saturday wllh par11a1 clearing 1n the allernoon ~night lows 54 to 62 Highs Saturd1y 65 lo 72 Elsewhere from P o 1n1 Concepuon 10 the Me•lcan borde< end ou1 &O m11et Lll)hl varllbla winds lh•ough tonight except lor south lo southwest winds 10 to 18 knots th11 evening Wes1e<ly swells C.1 2 10 3 IM1 Outer wa1111a ..... 11 have combln41d -no<th-t s to 10 leet l'.S. Slllll lllfll)' Windstorms lllng1ng h1il !Otto Into T1-.as 1nd Okl1hom1 wrecking bulld1ng1 and bo111 end felling thouaanda of Ir-. wMe lloodwal«• up 10 5 feel deep toctey wuh«! througt! -clllet In Vlrglnl• In eastern Mon11n1, Iha N1llon1I We11her Setvlce Utd up to 3 IM1 ot anew was ••peeled fol ttle Memorlel Oay WMllend Four people -• klllecl In Iha 11term1th ol downpoure th11 cau-1 flooding and mud111d .. In ' V1rglnla and NO<lh Carolina Up 10 4 '"' lnctles of rein during lh• night c1uaed exlenalva tloodlng In Cherlollesvllle end • Albem1rle C«mly, Va , wtlh water r890<1ed to be 5 f ee1 deec> OVet aome roads A few femlllee -• 8VllCUlled One houlO In Charlot1Hv1lle WU 11\o•ed Ml/en feet by e Wt\19 of wllllf A wlndll0tm believed to be • tornado Clfttroyed 1 merlne 81 Forl Cobb, Okla . sinking or damaging 25 to 30 boats Winds up to 70 mph toppled about 2,000 tr-et For1 SIM. ~. end eMIMCI -demage at Enid end Lewton HM! Iha .a. ~ peM Ot met1Ma petted -81 -of OllletlclfM Thuno.t"alorm1 accompanied by heavy rain, hall 1nd aoma ~ alto roeted lerOM Te ... today, lratn 11'8 aouth-t pet1 of tll• 111•t• to Iha norlll•Canlr11 COHiii log an<I drlUle In I~ mountains Well lo notlhwest w1n<1s gusllng to 35 mph could sweep moun111n1 and l\Ofthern denrlS 1on1gh1 but should diminish Salur1ay Weeicend ~•lghs are lorecasl 1n the low 70. in Los Angeles. lrom 66 10 73 al beaches. from 55 to 65 In the mountains. between 75 lo 8S 1n the hol)h dHett and from 64 to 90 In low desert valleys Shlpbolld celebrants from P01nl Conceplloll 10 the Mexican bOtder can e•pec1 light. variable winds duri ng nights and mo<nlngs. 1>eeom1ng toulh-t 10 weal 10 lo 16 knots In the afternoon with a 2· to 3-foot westerly swell increasing 10 4 to 6 fMt flt1hef than 60 miles oul Ten1peratures NATION HI lo Pre. Albeny 81 62 Albuque 76 48 Amatlllo 76 St 25 Asheville 80 61 .30 All1n11 86 69 Allanlc Cty 62 56 1'ust1n 88 16 B1lllm0<e 78 65 19 Bllllng1 49 42 45 Bismarck 68 53 Bo1M 60 39 Boll on 78 53 Brown1v11a 90 79 Buttalo 81 61 Burlington 61 62 Casper 82 49 01 Charllln SC 81 71 Ch8rllln WV 83 67 11 Charltle NC 82 70 02 g~ 80 51 77 53 43 Clnclnn111 82 60 .JS Cleve4and 86 62 85 Clmb<e SC 86 68 08 Columbus 82 63 14 Del·Ft Wth 85 70 .02 Oeyton 82 60 .78 o.n-84 56 0.. Mol,_ 76 57 Detroit 75 59 1 °" Duluth 65 43 El Puo 84 59 .05 F1tgo 77 55 Flagl1att 66 45 0rMt Flllt 40 33 .ea Her1l0td 85 53 Helene 43 37 25 Honolulu 87 10 ... -..w •• ,,...~. "IOAA U S 0.01 al Commett• Fron1s·CQld .-. Wa<m .,.. HouSlon 90 78 lndnll)hs 78 58 65 Jacksn MS 93 71 Jec11snV1la 87 68 01 Kane City 79 82 Lii VegH 94 66 Llllle Rock 88 SS 23 LOUISvllle 83 81 35 Lubbock 80 58 129 MemphtS 87 75 03 Miami 80 78 IS Miiwaukee 63 49 16 Mpl1-St P 73 58 NaShvllle 84 67 08 N-Orleans 94 77 New Ycxk 82 82 Norlolk 77 66 No Platte 80 58 Okla City 82 62 I 04 Oma111 74 80 Orl1ndo 89 74 41 Phlladphll 81 59 Phoenl• 91 69 Pllllburgh 83 84 24 Piiand. Ma 79 43 Pllend, Or• ae 51 PrO'o/ldence 85 52 ~i.lgh 63 10 71 Reno 73 33 Sell Lall• 85 38 36 Sin Anlonto 84 74 Sealtle 74 47 02 Shrewpo<l 89 74 Slou• Fana 191 ~ St L<XM 78 61 01 91 P·Tlmp1 17 74 SI Sle Mine 116 56 Spok-68 « SyrecuM 78 ea T<>oella 79 65 "t .. euthorlllH Hid some honl9I end hwm bulldlngt -· d:.:::.J.:d In Sherman. 0 . ttld l0<atna. A tornado watch during the 11lgllt covered 57 countlH In hue. .. SURf REPORT Tornado" al10 dHtroyad ~ "°"* Tllu'9diy In Hft Meicloo, wn.te eo"'8 rMldent• l'1ld "°"' tM atorm.. iiimllill _________ ....... Cali '°omia =:r,:::, Jttty ;/ • • 40ltl 11. ~ "olldly Wffhnd 1un1llln~ =~~= 1Mll•r1 allould ""d tor the lift ,..., • """" moumlllM OI dlllr-. ~ Trtlflllgat =-==== CT6-t) nw ......... W...,_ lar\4o8 TOMOMOw'I TIOU; elao pt•dlot1 11 .. vy lft0tn1111 ~ louttl. '# A . 2'4 ft Mft "' "' "' t ... ft Z-4n "WI 1:20 p.m ... A~ ~ , .... ,.,,= 11 83 good a "°°' a ~ a ., lalr'OQOCI 13 I.Ow 10!11 ..,,. ...,... Tucson Tulsa Wast11ngtn WICMI 86 61 01 68 70 74 77 68 04 80 63 17 CAllf'OANIA B1k1111l1eld 85 Btylhe 90 Eurek1 55 Fresno 81 Lenceslllf 66 LOI Angeles 85 M1ryavllle 79 Monlllfey 60 Needles 89 01kland 89 51 Puo Robles 69 43 Red Bluff 80 59 Redwood Clly 69 S4 S1eramento 73 48 S•n Olego 70 65 Sen Fr1nc1eco 58 50 S1n11 811rbar11 87 58 Stockton 65 Thllfmll 90 Bar Slow 91 65 Big BHr 74 38 811hop 86 C11111n1 69 54 Long 8"cll 69 62 Monrovia 61 59 Mt WllllOn 60 43 Newoorl 8eect?-66 58 OnletlO 65 S8 Palm Spring• 86 64 Put0en1 63 59 San 8em11dlno 84 57 S11nt1 Ana 72 69 S1nt1 Cruz se 55 Telloe Vellev se 64 CANAOA Cetgery 47 Edmonton ~ MofltrMI 82 OtllW• 81 TOfOt'llO 73 Vet'COUVer 86 Winnipeg 84 Tides TODAY Second high 4:22 p.m. 4,1 8eoonO tow t:20 P·f'I u IAT'UM)AY '1twt lllgll 2:12 Lm. Flret low 10:12 &"I hooncl !llgll uo p ·"' 4.4 l400nd loif 10·M p,m, 2,2 ~--.t 7:M p.m., n.. at &44 a.m. MOOft rtlel = 11:IO a.m .. .. ... ~ .. 1 &.lft. \ steeple want to be ~ood neighbon>, rolled Q~~ ttle crane to demonstrate they are considering lowering the steeple to 83 feet. Milan Dostal, a member of the church's building committee and a former Newport mayor , stressed that the demonstration does not mean the church has settled upon the 83-foot height limit. "It's just one of several options we're considermg at th.ts point," he noted Residents who observed the crane, though, sa.td they weren't impressed. They sa.ad they want the church to stack with the city's height lirrut of 35 feet. None of the pope's 11 previous trips abroad were so fraught with potential political and religious conflict as this one, and the government mounted the biggest security operation in its history. Militant Protestants. vehemently opposed t o any rapprochement between the churches have promised to stage demonstrations along the pope's six-<:1ty rou~ through England. Scotland and Wales. The pontiff, declaring he was "deeply moved" to be in Bntam. "We cannot torget that an armed conflict 1s taking place - brot11ers m Christ fighting in a war that imperils peat'C' m the world." he• said in a homily at Westminster Cathedral. scat of the Roman Catholic Church of England and Wales "In our prayers, let us remember the v1cums of both sides " The 62-yC'ar -old pontiff was applauded by the• cathedral congregation "hen he said. "Todav. for the first ume in history: ..i blShop of Rome sets foot on English soil I am deeply moved" The St Andrew's expansion plan comes before the city Planning Corrumssion June 24. HIGH RISE PLAN • • • Bank in Mesa struck again Police in Costa Mesa believe that the gunman who robbed a Crocker Bank Thlltsday may be the same man who robbed the bank a month ago l. 7 million square feet oJ office developmen t, i n cluding the 17-st.ory South Coast Plaza Hotel. About three million square feet are planned. Plans subrrutl.ed two years a~o for the adjacent 165-acre Sakiok.a owned parcel bounded by the San Diego Freeway, Sunflower Avenue and Main Street called for l.3 million square feet of commercial development and 1,500 condominiums. Senior planner Perry Valantine said that the devtloper has not yet submitted plans for thC' res1dent1al development and that the ongmal proposal only called for lhrt't.' and four story off ice build in gs Th(• new l'Omrnt>rt·1al plans will coml' bt:for<' the.• Planning Comrn1ss1on June 14 and Curci-England offlnals plan to bC'~in construction Mart·h 1983. MEDICAL CARE • • • The bandit, described as a male. wearing glasses and a high neck coat, robbed the Crocker Bank at 2300 Harbor Blvd shortly after 3 p.m. He fled on dispute has been m the maklng about $12 m1lhon m embargoed foot w1th $1,900 m cash. smce March when the county health care funds A man. match 1 n g that agreed to make a $5 million The state wai. w1thholdmg the description, held up the bank ·•good faith" payment to the money under leg1slat1w mandate April 27 and fled with $2,000 in university in return for to force a resolution o r the h agreement by the st.ate to release d1spute. _cas==::...:..:.·---~~~~-~--~--~-~~----~----~ All Stores Open Memorial Doy 9-5 Save Money Today. Save Gas Every Time 1Jaaa11114!l You Coale Out. Ducane builds lhe finest gas grills In the world. Tiiey cook better. add more Navor. use less gas, and last longer. Best of all, now you can buy a Oucane for what II coats to buy an ordinary gu grlll. Remembe<, only Ducene Ilea a sell-cleaning coal grate that catches drippings and vaporties them Instantly adding ftavor to whatever you're cootllng. 800-Slngle Burner sugg. $316.29 Sele 111.• 1500-Double Burner sugg. $452.96 Sale SIOIM 2000-Rotlsserle & Raised Rear Burner sugg. $547.99 .......... Prlc:el Include LP or N1\ural Gu. LP lnciu<Me tank. Natural Gu lflcludes t2 foot quick connect hoM. All Include Ou9t'tl lgnltor. Prices Good Thru 6-1-82 ••••• HARDWARE All Stotea ooen 1 DtY' WMtclltt Pim 1024 lrvlne Ave. Newport 8"Ch &42-1133 Coronadelller. 3107 E. Cout Hwy. 873-2800 . . I DlllJPlll FAIDAV, MAV 28, 1882 CAVALCADE THI CDllT IND THI COUNTY GARDENING ~' -a''' Affordable but read fine print BARGAIN BASEMENTS DEPT. -One of Orange County government's latest reports dealing wlth housing has declared that there are plenty of affordable places along our coastline. This may come as real news to numerous parties who are househunting. It s hould be cautioned, however, that the word "affordable" has a lot of mixed meanings these days, depending on who is talking and how much Long Green they might have burning a hole in their own pocket. So where do you go along our shores to find an affordable $.'C)ttage? The Orange County study suggests your ~ . destination should be Capistrano Beach. . !"-\ A T R I S K 0 F TOM MURPHINI ~r, o~~ending cer~n ~terling •clenti•I b e lie"¥e• tr ee ma y b e a ble t o D N c h e mic ally w a r n th e i r 0 82 neighbors of an impending 8 3 insect attack . Page 8 3. Dally Pilot PhOIOI br Patrtc ll O'Donnell .~ c1t1zens who live m, and ________ _... ..... _.._ar e in l ove with , Capistrano Beach, people loolµng for the bargain-basement real estate deal might be cautioned on a couple of things about the place. It rained on general's parade First, Capistrano Bepch IS near nothing. Capo Beach could be described as a location upcoast of San Clemente, downcoast of Doheny State Beach and ··capo &!a<"h7 You'd betU'r get over on~ San Diego Frttway" adjacent to a section of the San Diego Freeway noted for mass high-speed crashes. Also, you have to suspect that this "affordable" housing that the county government report is talking about isn't overlooking a vista of the Pacific. Do not expect to buy one of these dwellings and have the high tide lapping at your bare toes. CAPISTRANO BE ACH, in fact, isn't either in San Juan Capistrano or at the beach. It is sort of in between. Very few of the housing opportunities in that community could be characterized as next to the sand. One new development being proposed down there at Capo Beach . according to the county report, has been declared surplus property by Caltrans, the outfit that builds our state highways and freeways, when the Caltrans people ever get around to feeling like building one. THE RE IS A LEGEND about Capistrano Beach that back in the days when Caltrans did do some roadwork, they were constructing a segm e nt of the San D1eg<>' Freeway with crews cominR from opposite directions. It was sort of a project like when they used to build railroad from east to west and finally link them up. Only according to the Capo Beach legend, Caltrans missed. The two segments were not going to meet and some, well, adjustments were necessary. That might account for the surplus land. Could be it was part of the miss. . Anyway, the report of affordable housing at Capistrano Beach say3 that places are available there priced between $100,000 and $149,000. THIS P RICE STRUCTUR E may indeed be affordable if you are capable of latching onto that kind of cash or financing. It is also affordable when compared to Newport Beach or Laguna. The affordability contention of the county government might. however, be flawed. It y.tas calculated at 1980 dollars. Indeed, it's hard to remember a 1980 dollar. Is it up or down? We may have to tune in again tomorrow. UCI wo1nen's center budget cut to stand 0..ptte protesta, UC Irvine'• Re&11trat1on Fee Committee ia 1 ticking by it• gun1 in ~ndlng the budiet be cut in half for the Women's Re9ource Cent.er on campus. More than 200 people, mostly w om en, con ducted a rally In f r o1u o f t h e u n lvenity'1 A d m l nhtration Bulldjn1 W~y. They said they want fundii1' fot the center to remain at current Je\lek. ,,__ committ.e ~ in a snl1mf.nlry ~ that $37,000 M'iUomted to ·u. '*'*·Ii Sot tea.000 .,. 'ft•· Taalloy Foaarty. committee ttudtnt c:hafrmaft, Hid t~e recommendation won't cut out any of the center's proerama. but it would eliminate the $24,000~a-year director'• poaition and the post of assiltant director. Ms. Foprty denied the char1e of Women'• <:.enter Dlrect.or Jean Kohl that 1h e "18 hoetile to the center." Ma. Foeart:9 noted that her c:ommitt.ee is workin& under dlrectivel from Executive Vice Chancellor James McOauah to carefully IO"'UUnize all 30 of the pro1ram1 funded thr ough lt\Mient reptration feet. The Women'• Center ta one of lllVeral pr'Oll"81Da that m.tcht t.ce fund cuC., Ma. Foprty Mid. UMBRELLAS DROOPY, GENERAL Thursday wa s a memorable day for Maj. Gen. Clayton L. Comfort, right, as he assumed command of the 3rd Marin e Aircraft Wing at the Marine Co rps Air Station El Toro, but he probably could have done without the drizzle. Spectators at the ceremony, above, had to break ou l the umbrellas to view the activities in comfort, while the U .S-and Marine flags drooped from the moisture as they were being earned for review Variety of events set for holiday Veterans groups to hold Memorial Day c eremonies Fro m so lem n mt?morial services honoring those who have fallen in the service of their nation to campers who will throng Orange Coast beaches, Southern Californians will be celebrating this three-day Memorial Day week end in a variety of ways. Celebrated sint'C the C1v1l War, Me morial Da y. o nce called Decoration Day. is an annual holiday set aside to honor and remember the nation's war dead. Declared a nauonal holiday, all federal, st.ate, county and local government offices will be closed Monday, as will banks and most other businesses. Along the Orange Coast, four memorial services are planned to honor fallen soldiers. The South Coast Veterans Organizations will sponsor their 28th Memorial Day Service at 11 a .m. Monday in the Harbor Lawn Memorial Park and Mt. Olive Cemetery, 1625 Gisler Ave .. Costa Mesa Besides a roll rall of veterans lo be memonal1z.ed, Rep Paul "Pete" McClookey Jr . R-Menlo Park. will be the day's main speaker. A retired Marine Corps colonel, McCloskey was cited for gallantry during the Korean conflict .. Following the presentation of a floral tribute to the dead, a salute will be fired by a Marine Corps honor guard from El Toro Marine Corps Air Satation. Allo participating in the memorial service will be the 100-voice "Community Singers" who wiJI sing a select ion of patriotic 90np. At 10 a .m . Mo nday, th e Newport-Harbor American Legion Poet 291 wlll conduct a memorial eervice et Pacific View Cemetery ln Corona del Mar. In Laguna Beach, members of American Leaton POlt 222 and Vewana of f'oretcn Wan POil 5888 wm officiate at 11 a .m. ~ Monday ln front of the Hetaler Park M8'00rial Shaft. 1be prosram wW be preceded at 10:30 a.m. by muaicianl from I I the Laguna Beach High School band. More tl~n 50 orgaruzallons are set to pt \sent floral wreaths dunng the servtce following a ke y not e s p eech by retired Manne Corps MaJ. Gen. Joseph Kol er In Westminster. Westminster Memorial Park and Midway City Amencan Legion Post 555 will s ponsor their 30th annual Memonal Day service at 11 a.m. Monday in the cemetery. 14801 Beach Blvd. T his year's keynote speaker w1U be Brig General Richard M Cooke. commanding general of the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. Bes1des Cooke. other speakers will be Assemblyman Che t Wray, D-Westnunster. st.ate Sen Pa ul Carpenter. D-Cypress, and U.S Rep. Jerry Patterson. D-Santa Ana. The morning servtre will be conducte d alongside the memonal park's lake, lo the rear of the property. Other area <."vent..c; i.<:h(·d ulcd. but have little to do with war. in c lude Garden Grovc'!i strawberry fei.t1val. w h e n · portions of the world'!> largest strawberry short.cake ar<· to be dished out to the resuval"s first 4,000 vis1lors The fl'St1val runs today through Monday at Village Green Park, Euclid and Main Streets. Campers also arc ex p<'<'t.ed to \hr o ng Orange Co unt y ca mpgro unds. which s ta te officials said will be full Airport panel delays decision on iiedown policy changes Oran ge County Airport commissioners have decided to wait until June 7 to make recommendations on proposed changes an t1edown policies for private aircraft based at the county's John Wayne Airport. Following a public hearing earlier this week, commissioners said they wanted more time lo assess all aspects of the matter before passing their· thoughts on to the co unty Board of Supervison . Commen ts al Tuesday's hearing were varied, but one theme emerged -tiedown policies wouldn't be an iasue if there were enough spaces to satisfy the demand by private pilots and c:ommerdal aviation enterprises. A shortaae of tiedown apaces has resul t.ed in long waiting Uat.s, speaken said. Man y p eople teatlfied thitt th~y have been waiting teveral yean for a spot to park their planes. Under c:utren t policy, the county main tain• aep arate w.aitin, Usta for t.M four me. of tiedQWS\ ...... --37 ft..-40 ft.., 45 ft. and 50 fL U • penon on one waltina list buys • dlfferen~ type of aircraft and requires a different U nd e r the s ug gested size space, existing regulations p roposal, existing ho lders of require that name be placed on t1edown space would be granted the bottom of the list for the new a one-year period in which a size space space transfer could be made. Under the proposed Under the r ev 1s 1o ns . revisions, a consolidated waiting commercial aviation enterprises lis t would be developed An would still be able to h o ld applicant's place on the list tiedown spaces. would be determined by the date The practice has generated on which he signed the list. complaints from some individual The r.evisions also · would aircraft owners who claim preclude a current practice under commercial interests are unfairly which tiedown spaces have been dominating the tiedown areas. transferred with the sale of an Several speakers pomt.ed out aircraft. that the commerclal entities rent The practice was recently th~ir planes, thus generating condemned by the county Grand more aircraft WJe per t.ledown Jury as 'tantamount io private · space. That benefita piloca who sale of a county-owned property, don•t own an aircraft but want to ln this case, the tiedown space. fly, they said. I~• t > • ~ :: r. .· .. -: ·. · . .. :: . . ·: . I: . . . .. ~ . • l • .. , •ANN t.AND!A8 •STAN Dl!LAPLANE •HOROSCOPE Poem shows how to turn profanity into prayer DEAR ANN LANDERS: I often he..- people uy 11Je1ua Chrlat!" or "Oh, my Clod." I wonder lf '1\ey reallz.e that every time they do thl1 tftey are breaklna the Third C.Ommandment. I bet my friend '20 that you would conalder the following too equare to print. Pleue help me loee. -A.G. IN SCRANTON, PA. it. THE LORD'S NAME IN VA.IN Last Week I answered the door And there was another salesman. "Oh, God," I said aloud, "I don't need another brush!" And firmly told him 80. I meant it about the brush, Lord. But I never meant to use your name. That was my outlet for exasperation. Surely you know How mindless it is ... everybody does • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA Aries: Adopt new approach Saturday, May %9 ARIES (March 21-April 19): New approach to basic tasks is necessary. Imprint your own style, insist on additional room and relay policies to those who depend upon you. Focus on employment. Watch Leo. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Relationship which had been on hold will thaw. Emphasis on emotional responses, speculation and reconciliation with family member. You'll regain sense of direction. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Focus on home, property, appraisals, decisions affecting future security. Sagittarius, Virgo and another Gemini play important roles. Popularity increases.' CANCER (June 21-July 22): Highlight humor, versatility and willingnem to revile, review and rebuild on a more suitable structure. Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo penon figure prominently. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Examine optiorus; cycle indicates you're on brink of important discovery. Avoid being tied down to routine which prevents creative expression, expansion. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Puzzle pieces fall into place; timing, intuition will be on target. Lunar emphasis on personality, special appearances and circumstances which favor your efforts. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Define terms, perfect techniques and streamline procedures. Avoid individual who constantly relates sob stories. Element of deception may be present . Keep eye on Pisces. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 -Nov . 21): Re la tionshi p in tens if ies, responsibility increases and need for a commitment becomes evident. Lunar focus on powers of persuasion, friendship and fulfillment of aspirations. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Finish rather than initiate project. You gain prestige by fulfilling obligations. Emphasis on career. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): New ways of communicating dominate scenario. You receive news which could relate to travel, higher education or a long-range project. Legal question will be settled. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You'll delve beneath surface indications -you'll get story behind story and some surprises could result. Cancer, Capricorn and another Aquarius play significant roles. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Leave details for another time, perceive picture as a whole and focus on potential. Lunar emphasis on contracts, challenges· and expansion. But then, here I am -makJ.na excutee when marrlage for both. Church wedding. All the trimminp. Elaborate reception. The bride'• parentl went all-out. Wedding giftl have not been acknowledaed. The marriage luted THREE DAYS'. Should the gifts be returned? -FEELING STIFFED IN LONG ISLAND All the time I know I am wrona. You've aet lt down 10 1lmply and clearly. Your name should not be taken in vain. The next time I say, "Oh, Oodl" I won't atop there. I'll make it a prayer that awta, "Oh, God -how great thou art!" For how really great thou art, oh God! -Exodus 20:7 DEAR SCRANTON: You lo1t. Tell tlle wln.aer It would be awfally nice U lae/1lle seat your cbeck &o Dlalo11e, a Chicago-baaed or1aolutloa that does a wonderful Job for the blind. Tbe addret1 11: 3100 Oak Park Blvd., Berwyn, ru. IHOZ. DEAR PEELING: Some brides acnowled1e wedd.la1 llfts wltllln a day or two of tbelr arrival. '"lf Wt brtde bad done IO, I wHld llY .... WU adtlecl to keep them, since accept-a~e ls In ao way coaUD1ent OD t:H duatloa of &be man1a1e. It woald appear awkward, If not blurre, lloweve!i. to write a tban.k-yoa note for a we4dlDC pt after laavlng separated from tbe poom. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Your opinion, please. High school sweethearts. Fir1t In my oplnloa, tllose lifts &bat bave no& been ackaowled1ed •'oald surely be retarne4. PIE EYED -Larry White, 13 (left), takes a breather while Shemian Stallinga, 11, aees just how much pie he can stuff during a pie-eating ,.,~. contest in Phoenix. Both aeemed to have gotten more of the pie on their faces than in their mouths. GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OM~R SHARIF North·South vulnerable. South deals. NORTH • JSS ~ 6• O AQHZ +KU WEST EAST •ll7 •QlOU ~108 753 ~Q92 0 10885 O K7 +QlO +J98• SOUTH •AHZ IV AltJ 0 iS +A752 The bidding: Sovtb W eel NortJt Eut 1 NT Patt S NT Pue Pu1 Pue Opening lead: Five or ~. It Is a const.tnt source of amazement how many declar· ers (all to count their trickl. That was the only require· ment for finding the winning line on this hand. In view of his low doubleton diamond and the fact that hia hand was 1uil oriented becauae his high cards were all prim~. South might have opened one club. But we cannot quibble too strongly with his choke. and the final contract was surely a bove reproach. West led his fourth best heart, and declarer captured East's queen with the king. He led a diamond to the jack, <f'}nd East made a fine play when he allowed the finesse Lo "win." Impressed by this early success, South return ed to his hand with the ace of cluba lo repeat the ·diamond fineise. Tha Lime East took hi.a· !Ung and returned a heart. When the diamond suit did not break, declarer was down two trick.I. See what would happen if, ~fore at.trting the play. declarer simply counted his tricka. With a heart lud, he could ~ aure of three heart t.ricka. one 1pade and two cluba, for she tricb. Ergo. he needed only three trlcka from the diamond sult! The correct play is to lead a di&mond at trick two and duck it in dummy. It makes no difference who wins the trick. Soone r or later, declarer will win a trick in a side suit and lead another diamond, this time laking the finesse. That loses, but once both defenders have follow- ed, the diamonds are now set up. As soon u he rega.ins the lead, decl&rer enters dummy with the king of clubs and t.tkea his three diamond tricks. He has his nine tricu and the contract and. asaum· ing that he ha.a used a time- tested counting method, he atill has one finger in re&erve. How do you chooee the beet opelliJac led7 Claarlea Goroa bu tho aaawer. For a eopy of .. Wlamq Opeabia Loadt," H•d 11.85 to "Gorea·Le&Ah," care of Wa newtpeper, P.O. In 159, Norwood, N.J. 076"8. Make cMch pe1able &o New• peperboek1. Infection transmitted by kiss DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I wrtte tbls as a warnla1 to otlter laaoceat people. I became Infected with 1ypbUl1 from an "1.Jmoceat" kt11. It fulppeaed dariD1 a celebration wltb a few cocktatlt at a friend'• wMtUa1. IDtro- daced to a 1traa1er, bat a frlead of tlae bride'• f amtly. we kl11ed oaly for a few momenta. I aodced u Ud a tmall sore OD laJt Up, bat thoapt lt was a laarmleu llerpet blis- ter. A few weeb later I developed a tore on my toape. Blood test• allowed I llad coatracted typlllU1. Af&er wlaat tile doctor called .. n1oroat" lreatmeat JJltll uttblotlct, lie dallu I ltaa•• ..._ ...,1ete11 eue4. Later, ........... t ............ , ... w. ........ ~ ... Mm •. Be., *"• w11 ... wart tb1 •• u• tf· .... ~ . ...., ...................... . l·dlRatrt,... , .......... ....,.t ~ my experience. -MS. L DEAR MS. L.: Thank you for sharina your unpleasant experience. Too many sti1I believe that inlectiona like syphilis and go- norrhea are hardly tbreata anymore. Having been an innocent victim your~ aelf, it's evident that the treponema pa111- dum (which causes 1yphilla) la atill eully trannniuible. The inlUal lesion called the chancre usually appean in the genital tract. However, it may be located on the breuta, flpgen, tongue, lips -wherever there hu been contact with active syphilia. A chancre may alto be found 1'l Ute anua of males (espedally in homo1exuals), but allO in females. Even thouCh syph.Wt la untret.ied. the chancre dJMp~ and the 0~ le- 110111'' appear In about .tx WHD u akin riahea; Cl' white petcMI bi the Inner mem- brann of the mouth aDddL-= tract. U unin.ted, thell wtll alao . T rou1 HIAL1H OR. PETER J STEINCROHN Unfortunately, the danger isn't over. Undiagnosed and untreated syphilis will emerge years later causing either blindness, heart cH.eue, brain and spinal cord damage. Syphilis can al.lo be transmitted to tne unborn infant, caualng deformities and death. For all thne reuons it'• understan- dable why early detection and treatment la emential . Dr. SteJncrobn welcome• quettlon• trom t'fJllden. IN mnnot anrww all lildlvld- &W.ly bilt WUl Jncl&IM tboiij 01 paeral Jn. ,.,.... In '* Qllunm. .&Ind 1fJU1' ~--to bliJJ, In c.tre ol th• lJell~lot, P.O. BOx 14'0, a.ta M•, c..ut. . ~ ANN LANDflS CONFIDENTIAL to Hate It! Ha&e It!: Do It anyway. We should all do one &bl.DI every day we bate to do. la belp1 baJld character. In tbl1 case you have macll to gain. Hop to it! Do you feel awkward, self-co11J1Cio~ - lonely? Welcome to the club. There's help for you in Ann Landers' booklet, "The Key to Popularity." Send 50 cents with your request and a Jong, stamped, sell-addressed envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, m. 6061 l . ' . ~· STAN DELAPLANE ~~ .·~ AROUND THE WORLD » e- Staring means he's working SAN FRANCISCO -"Will you be all right?" she said "Yep," I said. "All OK." "I may not be back right away. I have to go to Macy's for some new wine glasses," she said. Through the open window. on the bay, I could see a container ship being pulled across the stage by strings. The air smelled of sununer. I looked at the paper in the typewriter. It had my byline. Below that 10 inches of blank space. "I won't interrupt you," she said. "You go right ahead and write." I wrote down a title: "Writer's Cramp." She said: "Oh, one more thing before you get started. I need some money." I SAID: 11MY WALLET. It's in my pants pocket." I typed a trial line. She called from the bedroom: "Whicb pocket?" I typed: "These are times that try men's souls.'' Thbrnas Paine wrote that. Did Mrs. Paine call to him from the scullery: "Tom, what do you want for dinner tonight?" Very likely. James Thurbe't said: "A perfect writer's wife is one who realii.es that when her husband sits staring out the window, he's WORKING." These are new surroundmg, looking out on the bay. I prowl a new house for MY place. I found the place. It turned out to be the dining room table and there was a lot of crying out loud: "My God, you can't be serious! Where will we eat?" But I only said quietly: "If -I don't find the place to work, cupboards will soon be bare." THE WOMEN IN A household understand that interruptions are forbidden. On the phone: "No, I COULDN'T break in 6>.0W." She turned to me and said: "I couldn't, could I?" Back to the phone: "Right, he nodded 'no'.'' She said: "I never Jet out a peep when he's writing. He's simply a bear.' I said: "That's a blooming lie. And a slander." She said: "Did you hear that? That's what I mean." ''Thank heaven for little girls," sang Maurice Chevalier. All Maurice had to do was sing. Hard to interrupt a singer. Little girls stand beside you while you are typing. They sigh, but they KNOW they must not interrupt father while he's working. They sigh a little louder -SIGH! Sounds like a wheeze. IF YOU LOOK AT THEM, they smile pitifully. I learned not to look. A heart chipped off a flint arrowhead. So they go in front of you. Lean one elbow on the table, chin in hand, and stare. Eyeball to eyeball. "SIGH!"' "All right! What do you want?" "Can I borrow a dollar?" Tom Paine picked up his gooeequill. Wrote: 11 'Times like these' -no, that doesn't sound right. Let's see·. 'Men'• IOU.ls are tried by -nope, not quite.'' Said Mrs. Paine: "Tom, you've been staring out the window for an hour. Could you take a minute and help me bang theee curtains?" POT SHOrs BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT &UT I CAN'T. FUNCTION WHEN ,.M G~LM! , ---______...._ __ Orange Cou1 DAll..Y PILOT/Friday. May 21, 1812 N CT NY E COMPO ITE TRANSACTION l llOU tlO•• t"CWDt t ll&OUOll t11• 111ew 'IOU MIO•Ut "ACt,1C, ,.. IOUO• DIUOlf A.,. COfClll .. A'I 000 IC.A ... 11411ft lllN•HO If Tllfl 11004Wl lllt"tll ' .. I~ POI ,. I lldll tit .. t "9 • Dow Jones Final OFF 5.43 CLOSNQ 19.53 Firm announces graphics • service Newport Buch-based lnfoGraphlcs, Inc. has t>ntered the laser t.-olor and computer graphics serv1ees held Following a year and a half of r~arch and more than a half million dollars in system design and Implementation. InfoGraph1cs has begun assisting d1ents in severaJ industries. lnfoGraphics t.vlor system services are provided for Kidder , Peabody & Co Inc .. Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co .. California Health Mana~ement Services. Orange County C.enter For The Perfomung Arts and KCET-TV Serv1{·e centers operate in conjunction with Graphics One stores They are at 2000 Harbor Blvd an Costa Mesa, and 18017 Sky Park Circle, Irvine MSI declares divide nd The board of directors or MSI Data Corp of Costa Mesa has declared a regular qUJrterly cash dJv1dend of 10 cents per sharl' on common stock, payable June 29 to stockholders of r<.'<.'Ord June 14. Mercury offers s tock Mert·ury Savings of Huntington Beach has voted to rontmue to omit a cash dividend but to pay a 6 percent st<x:k dJv1dend to shareholders or record July I. Board chainnan Leonard Shane, Ectwc:rd Nusser and Carl Vogelsang were elected al the annual meetmg to three-year temlS, Sidney Tille. Arnold Handel and Claude Young lo two years, and Dr. Masami Ogata, Mar y Reynolds a nd Dr. Charles Wilson. to one year I nr.umbents continue Beverly Hills Savings & Loan Association at Mission Vie jo announced its intention to seat its five-member slate of incumbent directors. T he assoc1allon announced the results al a reconvened session of its annual m eeti ng of stockholders, which was adjourned May 21. Under the assoc1at1on's cumulative voting provisions. the votes cast for the incumbent directors were Preston N. Silbaugh. 827,839, Dennis M. F1Upatnck, 827,239; Robert J DaJton, 827,839, David P. Rousso, 821.301 , and Hal J Webb, 820.101. The association also announced that two norrunees from the floor received the foUowtng number of votes: Vito Murgulo. 37,114 and Sheldon Appel, 891.406, but 546,400 of Appel"s votes wer<' disallowed Conductor firms to merge Microsemiconductor Corp. of Santa Ana has agreed lo buy the Siemens CorJ:> semicondu_ctor manufacturing line in Scottsdale. Ariz and to c.-onunue operations at the plant, officials said Martm Weitzner of Se1mens' New Jersey offt<-e said the f1nns have an agreement in principle for an undisclosed sum. I .. • • • ··~ '" ,,. ... I . , .. .1 AMERICAN LEADERS N(W Y()Afl tAP> S•lff noon P' • ~ .._. c::fW'9 OI .,._ tel' 1'9\0'\I e c1,._ A~t(M\ ~" ~,...... l'.0•"'0 """°"-''• ., ~· ,,.., " ~·R~rcs "' m ,r,: ,,.. rt \ ,,6 I tl..t A In< 11~ \6'• IC..On g ., 1 ., .. ejB~ 4'2 • 11'· ~boo 1 • 9 ... ~"" ' . ~" ilJi T· .. I .. 0..1"9 Ho METALS Copper 76"11·78 c«its t paund. US o.11nation1 lb L..ed 26-27 oentt • pcund ZIM 35 c«ila t PoUnd, deifv9ted Tin 16 •638 Mttas. W"61 com~•• Al11mlnum 76-77 '*'" e po;ind. N Y Men:11ry $370 00 Pe< "Ui( l"lelllWftl 12" 00 1rov oz N v I I jl I ' l l IARLI llll TOYOIA • ·emona FllllSH FIRST with a 2 year, 24,000 mile Warranty! 1111 VILllWllU .... " 4 speed tran11T1llalon and an AM-FM eauette. (8010UA). Very cle&n and thla one run1 g<Mtl Good transportation for only 5 .1999 1111 ISUZU ULS" COUPE 5 speed transmission, AM-FM radio, all the factory equipment. Ju11 over 11,000 miles, cuatom wheels & tires. (1COAIM5). 5 5799 1111 IATSll 1211 Automatic tran11T1lulon, powel' brakM, AM·FM radio. exoaptlonaJly clean and reedy to 001 (328TZO). Don't ml• thl• one for only 5 2899 1111 PE...-r "114" IESEL 4 apeed trana .. AM-FM cuaette, power 1teerlng, powel' bfakea, power wlndowt, eunroof & morel Very c:leenl (049TZU). A real lteel at only . •4999 1111 mnA .. ,_,,, llllTIP • Rare 5 apeed model for outl1andlng economy with 1tereo cauette, cuetom exterior trim & morel (677ALF). Great graduation gift for only 5 2999 • . IT'S YOURS 1 FREE1 WITH EVERY SELECTED LOW MILEAGE USED CAR. OUR J=ANTASTIC TOYOTA DEALS KEEP US OVERSTOCKED WITH HUNDREDS Of LATE MODEL TRADE-INS. SO COME IN TODAY AND SAVE! 1111..a &11111 Popular 15 apeed model with air condltlonlfl9. AM-FM 1ter.o and roof ...ctt. Spot .... t>etge flntah wtt h matching Int.nor. (914ZTT). 5 5999 1111 lllDI "121" .-1 Automatic trana., air cond .• AM-FM atereo, alloy wheele, cuetom trim peck999 & morel Exceptional ear In fMKY reapect with only 15,000 mtlee. (18JZ435). 5 6499 1111.- MINl-IP Gr•t little wont trudl with a atereo tape, 1tep ~. cultOm slrlptM and morel (1P21041). A real buy at only '3699 1112111111 PllllP 1• 111 llEIEl 5 1peed tran1mlaalon. atereo caaaette, sunroof, chrome step bumper and just OYer 10,000 mllee. (2A83655). PRICID TO SILL! 1111 llTlll .. 2. SI" Eoonomlcal 5 apeed model •1th air conditioning, AM4=M stereo, cuttom lntwlor and exterlof trim & morel Low mllea & very cieanl (263VCP). 5 3899 PECIAL GREEll RIBBOI BUYS These late model, low mlleage cars all carry Earle Ike's exclusive 2 year 24,- 000 mile warranty. You can't lose! BEST BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY! e 1111 TOYOTA OlllDW WAIOI Thia one ta fully fac1ory equipped and haa an automtlc tranamtaa.on. It 11 alto an exoepllonally clean earl (28&VHG). Thia one 11 a steal at only e1111 -A U0111 C11P1 5 apeed tranllTllAlon, air conditioning, power ateerlng, power brakea, 11ereo cauette, aunroof, alloy wtieela and morel (907XNA). e1111 TIYOTA GIUCA LFlllDI 5 apeed tranamlaalon. air conditioning, AM-FM 1tereo. rMI window lhade & morel You've oot to ... this two tone beauty! (8&7WPL). e1111•m•LET111111 OAILI Popular V6 with automatic tranamlNlon. air conditioning, power 1teerlng, power brakn. tllt wheel, crulle control, rally , wheel• & morel A nice earl (1BGC330). 1111 TOYITA .... •3999 '4899 •5999 '6999 1111 FHI YU CUTUI I PISIDIU Popular 5 apeed model wtth air cond .• lull power, atereo cuaett•. tllt wheel. crulae control, leather aeata, alloy wheela & morel (1AHM247). Hurry for thl1 winner at only Equipment lnciudel power ateerlng, radio, power bfakea, Interior decor and completely original Inside and ootl (219WDA). 5 7999 PRICED TO SILL! 1111 TOYOTA SIPIA Automatic trane .. air conditioning, power 11eertng, power brakee, AM-FM atereo, Ult wheel, alloy wheel• & more. (933ZFW). Muat -to appreciate & whatta buy! 5 7199 1111 TOYOTA SIPIU .... Automatic trans., air cond., lull power, AM·FM st8feo, tllt wheel, cn.tlae control, power door locka, alloy wheel• & morel Rare black metallic llnlah with Bordeaux Interior. (499ZTI). 5 8799 1111 TIYITA COIOl.U usa-1" Popular Llttback model with 5 apeed trana .• air cond., AM-FM stereo, cuatom ext8'1o< trim & morel Super economy and fun to drive! (381962). Low, low mllee for juat 5 4799 1111 TIYOTA SIPU Automatic trans., full power, air cond., 1t8feo tape, 1111 wheel, crulae control, alloy wheel• & morel Ju.t ove< 27,000 mllea on thla metallic brown t>eeuty. See It today! (884XJW) . •6899 5 apeed trans., air power, atereo crulae control, alloy Wheel• the year! ( 1111 nm PIOllP ~ llUIZA LllllEI Automatic transmlulon. air cond., power stee<lng & brakes, tilt wheel. SIX-PAC camper and low mllesl Mull see to 11pprec1atel (1G34888) PRICED TO SELL! 1111 TIYDTA STAllUT 5 apeed traM., AM-FM atereo, cuatom exterior trim & morel $1BJD283). Spotleu In every respect. For only 5 4699 1111 TIYOTA COIDLU 4 Door Sedan. Automatic trans., air cond .. powel' ateerlng, power brakes, AM-FM stereo, cuatom Interior & exterior. (1CGE044). A great tamlly car for Just 5 6199 1111 TIYITA SIPll U.OOF Automatic trana., full power. stereo cauette, Ult wheel, cruise control, power door loct<s. alloy wheels & morel (1BT~2). The ultimate Toyota for only '9899 1111 TOYOTA TUCEL UFTUCI The greateat In economy with a 5 apeed, all the standard lllC1ory features plus cuatom exterior package. Don't mlu this one! (1BCE225). 5 5299 TOYOTA <714> 646-9303 <714> 540-9467 1966 HartJor BIVd. ' !