HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-29 - Orange Coast PilotIRAIHif COAST YOUR HDMITDll DAllY PAPER Sl\fURIJl\Y. MAY i9. 1'1ll:.> OH ANGE COUN f Y . CALIFOHNIA 25 CENTS ·Laguna joins suit to stop oil lease sales The Sierra Club and the City ot Laguna Beach filed suit against the federal government Fridax. to prevent the June 11 sale or oU and gas leases off the Southern California coast. The auJt filed Ill U.S District Court eeek.a an injunction to halt the acheduled sale, which would include 8~.000 ocean acres from Point Conception to south of San Clemente Island, said Barbara Blake, the club's Southern California representative. Laguna Beach Mayor Sally Bellerue said Friday that the t•lty joined the action because it covered tracts not mentioned In other suits, becauae the participation of a local govern{nent was required to press certain points m the suit and because the additional acuon would, m her op1ruon, strengthen the claims made in other suits. "The state suit only l'Overed nlne tracts off Orange County and we are concerned with about 2~ that are upcoast from us," Mrs. Bellerue explained. "The curreni. come In our dlrecUon, and we're very concerned with what could happen If there la an oil spill from one of thoee tracta." "The suit I.a neceuary to force (Interior Secretary James) Watt to take into eccount the environmental eenaiUvity of the Southern California coaatline, and the enprmoua co~encee faced by cities such aa Beach in the event o an uncontalned oil spill." said Gordon Smith, the coastal committee chairman of the Sierra Club'• Loa Angeles chapter. Eleven tracta are off Laguna and Newport Beach. The 1u1t la more far reach.Ina than one tiled earlier th1a month by the State of California, which aeek.a to block 23 of the 164 leue aalee. That tuit WU joined thia week by the cltlea of Loi Angele., Beverly Hilla. Manhattan Beach, Santa Monka and Torrance. Those cities, however, challenge the sale of only the 14 tracts that are off the LOii Angeles area's coast. The 1611 tracts are located from three to 84 miles offshort' In wat.era up to 4,900 feet deep The Interior Department estimates the tract.a may cont.am up to 110 million barrels of 011 and 242 billion cubic feet of natural gas Ma Blake said the Sierra Club doet not seek to ban all offshore drilling. but to halt such acuv1ty until adequate momtormg and environmental protections can be as.sured. "Whitt• Watt 1s seeking to open up virtually our entire Cl)astl1ne t o oil and ga1 exploration and development," u1d Smith . "the federal government 1s reducing the effectiveness of the agencies l'harged with monitoring the safety and envtronmental effects of outer continent.al shelf oil and gas operauons " Smith said the 01J and gaa resources should be held in r1..-serve wh1lt! renewable energy I l'iiOUrces are developed British claiin • • a1rstr1p taken READY ON THE SET -Newport Beach is the subject of a television movie called ''Balboa'' for which scenes were filmed Friday at the John Wayne Tennis Club. Here, a film crew prepares for a clo8er shot of Catherine O.ity Noc ""4lt4I bf 0.,, A"*- Campbell m the center court. Producers plan about three weeks of filming in Newport, with the storyline being h.igh-aociety intrigue in the Harbor area. She's tired and hungry, but believes ERA cause is worth it By STEVE MARBLE O(ltle Olllty Pttot at.ff Zoe Ann Ananda says she's tired. She says she's weak and that her eyesight has been blurred for two days. Most of all, she's hungry. is the only Northern mdustnal state that hasn't ratified the ERA. The state also requires a two-thirds vote of its legislature to pass a const1tut1onal amendment. By Tbe Auoclated Pre11 British troops captured the enemy -held shepherd s' settlement of Darwin and the military airstrip at nearby Goose Green Friday on the second day of their two-pronged offensive to retake the Falkland Islands from Argentina, the British Defense Mirustry announced. Argentina's Joint Chiefs of Staff confirmed the assault on Darwin but cla.uned the Bntish had been repulsed. with two British helicopters downed and a frigate damaged . Th e communique did not say how the British warship was damaged or give the fate of the helicopter crews. The Argentine military junta acknowledged earlier that the British had broken out of their beachhead established one week ago at San Carlos, 20 miles north of Darwin. Press Association, Britain's domestic news agency, quoted Defense Ministry sources as saymg "hundreds" of Argentine soldiers had 1urrendered. British paratroopers and marine• under a protective umbrella of air strikes and naval bombardments launched a pincers movement from the San Carlos beachhead Thursday, aimed at Stanley. the heavily defended capital city. The movement puts British troops on both the north and south flanks of a rocky range of hills known as No Me.n's Land. Darwin is 40 miles west of Stanley and San Carlos 1s 50 miles to the northwest British telev1s1on programs. were interrupted for the Defense Ministry announcement Spokesman Ian Mc Donald said. "We have JUSt learned that the 2nd Battalion o f the Parachute Regiment has taken Darwm and Goose Green. The Aq~e nt i n e forces suffered (See FALKLANDS, Page AZ ) Britain trip 'moves' pope LONDON (AP) -Pope John Paul ll, "deeply moved" to be the first pope on English soil, began his histonc six-day tour of this Protestant nation Friday with plea for Christian ·unity. prayers for peace in the Falkland Islands and a meeting with Queen Eliz.a beth II. Cardinal Basil Hume, pnmate of England and Wales, said the pontiff was "a bit tired, but he is a happy man" after a hectic 17-hour day. The pope dropped plans to meet Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to stress that his visit is pastoral. not political But Vatican secretary o f state Cardinal Agostino Casaroli called on Mrs Thatcher in a v1s1t Briush officials described as a courtesy call made late m the day at the papal party's request. As ground fighting raged between Brilulh and Argentine troops in the Falklands, the poJ)(> vowed to pray for a truce "at each step" of his trip to nine cities in England, Scotland and Wales. He did so on his arnval at Gatwick Airport and m three speeches. departing from his prepared text to urge that Britain and Argenuna "put aside the weapons of death " John Paul left the airport in his bullet-proof "popemobile," one of many extraordinary security precautions taken for the trip. which Protestant militants have vowed to disrupt. This· visit, a long-planned step toward reun1 f1ca t1on of the Roman and English churches after 450 years, was nearly canceled m the midst of the Falklands conflict But the Vaucan announred two days ago that the pope would come to Brit.am and VIS1t Argenuna, as well, for the sake of peace. He was due m Buenos Alres in two weleks' time But the Newport Beach woman, far into the second week of a vowed 44-day hunger strike for the Equal Right s Amendment, is not about to give in. Along with six other women from across the country. Ms. Ananda is staging her sometimes lonely vigil in Springfield, the capital of Illinois. The foodless days so far have been spent sitting in the rotunda of the Illinois Statehouse. It is here. the women say, that legislators gather for lobbying sessions. The women are hoping the politicians will notice them and do some'\hing about it "I don't know," says Ms. harder. Excommunicated Mormon Sonia Johnson is conf~ to a wheelchair. Ms. A.nanda says her colleague can no longer move unassisted. She has lost more than 10 pounds and now weighs less than 110. Others have complained of gum infections and nosebleeds. AU say they're weak and tired. But to the nutritionists who have warned the women th.at they risk irrevel"Slble injury.Ms. A.nanda says "bunk." "l don't believe a word of it," she says. "I believe in religious medicine. I have been teaching myself that I will be all right and I don't want to be near someone who tells me differently." Delay expected airport suit ruling • ID Archbishop Achille Silvestrini, the Vatican's equivalent of a foreign minister, returned to Rome on Fnday from Buenos Aires. where h e met with Argentina's president to dlSCUSS the papa] tnp S1lvestnn1 said "any uncertainty of arbitrary interpretation" of the pope's British trip "has dissipated." For the time being, the women are staying at a hotel. Last week it was a Methodist church where the women said they were forced to climb three flights of stairs, sleep on floors and do without showers. 1 "Clean sheets are really nice," says Ms. Ananda, part-owner of a bookstore Ill Newport. The hunger strike is a final push to get the ERA ratified. The pro posed constitutional , amendment needs the approval of 38 state legislatures by the June 30 deadline. and IS three states short. Ma. Ananda says Illinois wu selected for the strike because it NATION Ananda. ''The House has taken a recess. I don't think they reconvene until June 8. But we'll wait." But the waiting is g e tting Fire damages restaurant Grease clogging a duct over an oven is being blamed for a fire that cased $10,000 in smoke and water damage to a Costa Mesa restaurant Friday. Costa Mesa fire officials said that automatic sprinklers helped confine the 11:30 a.m. fire to the attic of McCormick's Restaurant. 3180 Airway Ave .. Holiday fatalities estimated By tbe A11oclated Pre11 The Memorial Day weekend, signaling the start of the vacation seuon and heavy summer travel, will leave between 400 and 500 people dead in traf fie accidents, the National Safety Council estimates. Gunman demands air time PHOENIX (AP) -A gunman wantlng to "prevent World War m·• forced hia way into a KOOlrTV studio Friday nilbt. took four people hOl'tage and went on the air for 20 minutee before IW'l'endering. IBM a8Sllilant su~enders BETHESDA, Md. (AP) -A masked aunman who cruhed tu. car into an IBM office building and went on a ahooting spree that killed two and wounded elaht 1urrendered Friday .. l I Others say they don't want doctors and nutritionists hovering over them. One doctor has said the women are reaching a cntical stage in their self-imposed starvation. He says people who go without food for more than 10 days risk death from shock or massive trauma. ''This is an act of love," the Newport woman fesponds . "We're trying to convert the hearts of the lawmakers." She says people worrying over their health should worry over the likely death of the ERA. STATE It will be no sooner than Tuesday, and perhaps later, before an Oranse County Superior Court judge issues a long-awaited final judgment in Newport Beach's successful legal challenge to a $100 millio.n expansion plan at John Wayne Airport. Attorneys representing the city are hoping that Judge Bruce Sumner, who Jan. 6 blocked county gove rnment from implementihg the airport plan, will issue an order that would prevent any and all improvements at the airport pending new environmental studies. And they want Judge Sumner to enforce in writing a previous Ballot measures described Voters can find a roundup of the 12 propositions on the June 8 ballot, along with pro and con arguments, on the Comment page. 88. Panel OKs state budget SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Senate Finance Committee approved a precarioualy balanced $26 billion state budaet Friday, cutting deeply into money for cities and counties and offering no cost-of-Uvtna lncreuea for Callfom1a'11ehoola. · Riles ahead of the pack LOS ANGELES (AP) -State Superintendent of Public lnatNctiort Wlllon Riles leada etaht chall~ by a subltanUal m.arstn. but be ta ••extremely clc.e' to t>etna forced lnto a pneral elecdon runoff, pollster Steve Teichner reporied Friday. j I ( ~ ' verbal order that would prohibit the county from increasing the number of jet departures now permitted daily from the airport. Forty-one are now authorized. The county is seekinR a less restrictive order from Sumner. Michael Gatzke, the county's privately retained airport affairs attorney. claimed Newport Beach's proposal would make 1t impossible to move "a shovel of dirt." And he argued that the county had no intensions to increase the 41 flights per day cap on jet departures. Sumner declined to issue a ruling at the conclusion of Thursday's hearing. He said he (Sff AIRPORT, Page At) INDEX Classified Comics Comment Crossword Death Notices Entertainment Movies C3-6 B6 88 B6 810 CI-3 Cl-3 SPORTS I Thousands crowded the streets of the capital and British police mounted their biggest security operation to protect the pope, who has been the target of two assassination attempts in the past year The pope celebrated a two-hour Mass at Westnunster Cathedral, his first religious service for members of Britain's community of 5 3 million Catholics. He recalled 450 years of sectarian bitterness here. "My deep desire, my ardent hope and prayer is that the vis.it may serve the cause of Christian unity," he said to loud applause at the seat of the Catholic church in England and Wales Public Notices Religion Spom Television Theaters Weather Youth J BlO, C3 Bil Bl-5 87 Cl~3 A2 B9 ·Angels outlast Brewers Angela outlMt Milwaukee, 8--6, to take avtt IOle J!09C r r'on of fim plaoe ln the American Leque Welt. Pap Bl. .1.. _ , . , __ Orange Coa1t DAILY Pit.OT /Saturday, May 29, 1882 ·:FALKLANDS FIGHTING. • • ~ caaualttea. a nd a n umber of prl1one ra have b•en t11 kvn. ~ lni t.lal reportl a.re that British ~ cuualtie. are light, and the next •' of k1n 4lrt! belna Informed " The Argentine communique, ~ contradictlng London '• claim, ' aaerted the Brltah troops were • be~ driv~n back It u.ld the attack on Darwm began Thur•J a y n igh t arid ~ involved hehcopter-bom e troops ~supported by planes and shellfire ~from navy frigates. :: "The Argentine counterattack •began at 10 a.m. PDT, when our -'aviation neutralized the fire from ~the British ships and (Argen tme) army t roops , suppor ted by plan.es, forced the enemy back, ..,•totalling recovering the territory, : control.ling the tactical situation and obliging the enemy to retire It aald hundreda of prt.onera were taken as the troopt•rt of the l ,000-member regiment 1w ept through D arwi n a nd t h en captured the Gooae Green atrstrlp. The agency u 1d Darwin-Gooee G reen has 69 adults and 13 children, making It the largest settlement on the F alkla nds Stanley is the only town In the Falklands, and about half of the islands' l.800 Inhabitants live there. Virtually all the islanders a r e o f British d escent a nd opposed to Argen tine rule of the r'alklands, known in Argentina as the Malvinas. Press Assocaauon sa.ad a pitted, s1ngle -tr11 c k road run nin g , west-southwest out of Stanley <.-overs only 13 of the 40 miles between Darwin and the capital. was Bv JEFF ADLER Ot'IM Dallr ...... '"'" all there Throw 21 would-be <..'<>ngrettsmen -all runnlna for the same office -into one room and watch what happens. That's exactly the opportunity afforded reporters when all 21 candidates, 18 Republic.ans and three Democrata, running in the 43rd Congressional District showed up at KOCE-TV studi08 the other morning for the taping of the "Voters' Pipeline" sen es. The show airs at 10 a.m. today on Channe l 50. There w e r e the candidates, all wearin g red-and-w hite, studio-supplied nameta s so th at names could be put with faces (you really can't tell the players without a s corec ard), milling abo ut I n anticipation of their t e levisio n confrontation. t o ward t he n or th ," the communique said. "The action continues at present." Pre6S A.ssoca.ation said Darwin was seaud by troopers of the Parachute Regiment 's 2n d Batta lion. It quoted Defense Ministry spokesmen as saying the para troopers, in t h eir disunctive red berets, began their a ttack on Darwin from Dobie Peak , about five miles away, and made the final aMauJt behind a barrage of 81 mm mortar shells. b azooka rocke ts and hand grenades. T he Arge ntine airstrip a t Goose Green is considered second in importance only to the main airfield at Stanley, and was the target of many British aU" strikes after the British war fleet arrived off the Falklands last month . Arge ntana seized the islands, held by Britain for 149 years, on April 2. 0.-, Piiot ,._..,. 11J Ctwtee lt.n READY FOR POWWOW -Patricia Meza, from Ketchikan, Alaska, looks out over Orange County F airgrounds where the 14th annual American Indian Powwow began Friday night. Ms. Meza, stand.in~ in front of her 14-foot teepee, is working as a security guard for the Indian P olice. Th e powwow, featuring traditional dances, foods and crafts, runs through Sunday. Wearing their TV best and a thin layer of carefully applied pancake makeup, t he candidates ta lked among themselves, joked or polished their TV presentations. A KNOT OF CANDIDATES sat near the door drinking coffee and chit-chatting about what they do to relieve the tension of campaigning day-in and day-out. "I spend two-hours a day just sitting in the sun not really doing anything," said one of the four women hoping to win the Republican nomination. Darwin-Goose G r een w as believed defended by up to 1,500 Argenune soldJers, with another 7,000 at Stanley, whale Bnt.am clamlS at put ashore 5,000 marines and paratroopers. Students def end A few seats away, another candidate is worrying where fellow challenger Bill McColl might be. "I'm sure he knows about it, but where is he?" the candidate asks. AIRPORT DECISION. • • sex course would attem pt to hand down a d ecision late Tuesday. t h e n indicated it m ight n ot be prepared until later in the week. Sumne r also mus t d ecid e whether the county should be forced to pay $80,000 in legal fees for attorneys for Stop Polluting FV officer A F oun tain Valley Police motorcycle officer was listed in critical cond1taon a t Fountain Va lley Community H ospital F riday n ight w1 th injur ies sustained in an accident while he was on duty Fnday morrung. Officer Keith Levin and the d river of another car w ere injured when Levin's motorcycle struck the car broadside at the interse<:tion of Warner Avenue and Buttonwood Street, police said. The motorcycle reportedly struk the car with such force that Our Newport. SPON rntervened m the city's challenge of the aU"port master plan T he $100 miJJion expansion plan called for e nla rging the airport to ser ve 6.1 m illion passengers annually. About 2.5 million are now handled. injured the Car turned over California Highway Patrol officers mvesugaung the mlShap said 1t occurred at about 11:20 a m Of facials said Levm suffered a ruptured liver. The dri ver of t h e c a r, 5 1-year-old Herbert Harding of Huntmgton Beach , was listed in good condition at the hospital wath unspecified anjunes. Further details of the accident were unavailable No citations were issued, and 1t remain s under investigauon LONG B EACH (A P) - Embattled "Psychology of Sex" professor Barry Singer was defended by graduating students Friday as a n ~xcellent, fair teacher, but one student said he was "a little kin ky" and once wore a sk.a.rt to class. S inger, 39, w h o admitted haVlllg romances with students, has written in the past about the advantages of ''in tima t e " relationships between studen ts and faculty at California State Uruversity-Long Beach. He was suspended for 30 days W e dne s da y p en d ing an mvesugauon o( has course, which had offered c redit for sexual expenment.ation. "He was more than fair. He was an excellent teacher," said Cynthia Bernard, 24., of Long Beach , who too k Singer 's research methods class. "I admit he was a little kinky," she said. "He wore a skirt one day to class," but later explamed that he was researching sex roles. Singer was not present a t Clearing skies and lhe San ~arnanoo and San Rain~ Snow Q Clarita vell~ A PSI ol 100 wa•J , ,,,,, t ,, M 1, .''! predicted for Iha San Gab<lel and •I hqll I l'"'Pt'•.tlllll'!. Sho wers K!llllll F lurroesl* *I Pomona valleys _.....:......,....,..7,,..,0<-----.----,,....---,.----..----.,..-.,,.......-=-, A PSI ol 58 waa predicted !or 6 0 50 .Coastal metropolllan Los Angeles A PSI l.""°tl"4iimfrrrr:..!_,'-T..l.._~ of 6 7 w U predicted for the Banning area and 1 PSI ol 50 wat foreca~t !or the Hemet-Elsinore areas A PSI of 42 waa predicted l tght varlabl• wlnda through tonight uc.pt tou1h-t to _, 10 10 111 knou 1l1er noon Southerly ...i1 2 10 3 feet l.Jlta night ""° morning low clouds, ot~talr California Soutlltwn c.lllornla can ••peel 1111 night and m orning low for all o ther are11 lncludlng 80 coaslal are11 Inland Orenga County. tM high and low a-la and Big Bear Lakl' Exte nde d For ecast N H• ,.,,,f Vv~ tit" t N<•AA ti 1 ... ,11 ,.1 4 clooda. moauy clearing In the M onday-Wadneaday Low 11ternoon1. 0 1narw11e fair c1oud1ne11 nigh! and morning lhrouoh Suooey Warme< hours wllh hazy M.1nall1ne during Fronts l.nkl ..,._ W.11m ~ ('\ • h .. li··I - Orenga County c en u pact alternoona In coastal Hctlon1 high• 82 to 72 todey i nd Sund1y OtherWIM lelr will'I verleble high l ows S4 to 82 Inland val'--wtll have high• In clOUda al times High• ranging lndnaplla Jack an Jeckanll11e Kane City Las Vegas Liiiie Roell Loul1vtlle Memphla Miami Mllwaukw MP49-$t.P -1 • lrom mid 601 at be.chea lo upper upper 60t fod1y, tow 70. Sunday 701 1n11nd va11tty1. Iowa 52 to 62 lows ~ eo. 1 Southwell wind• 15•25 mph MounfaJn rnort hlghl 62 to 2. Iowa 35 lo 50 todey In mountain• High• SS to ----------85, tn the 60t Sunday LO'#S 38 to 48 ~t fo _, winch 15-25 mph In northern ~I Hight 70 to 86. l ow. In 50t 8"d low 60a South«n ~ high• 88 to 95. low• In 801 Oe1trt1 about 3 cteor-warmer &Jndey T emper atures Partly cloudy over northern mountain• end Slarre Ihle weekaNI wtth 1to111ed 111ernoon .00-1. MOl11y fair and llllghtty w.,,,_ In Inland NQf'th«n and C.n1r11 C1lllornl1 low cloud• alonQ coat. Albeny Albuque Anchoreo'° Atlante Atlante Cty Bal ti more Blrmlnghm Bismarck BolM Boat on Boffato NATION U.S. Summary =~'Sc Chatlatn WV Snow 1•11 over part• of th• Chertttl NC northern Flocklea on Friday, c~,,. prompting a wtntw 1torm wetctl CNcago owr the movntllna of central and ~I 1outh1rn M on11na for heavy a...MnO -. ClmblaSC Sh-• and tl'lunoeratormt Colvrnbul ltrtlle:Nd trom tne northern hall Dlf-Ft mtn of the Aoc*lel ec:tOM tile oenlrll o.yton Plain. !No the Ten,_ Valley. ~ .............. 8'-'9 and ttl\lndentonna -• .,.. ..,....,_ allO 1eatter.d acroae • bell from 0.trott l'lol'lda up Ille Atlantic COalt Ind Outlrth Into the ~ OrMt Lall•. .. El Paao ... • f1llW the IOUtllern llall of Flllr'*'k• T-Fwgo 78 62 Naallvllle 88 48 New OrtMnt N-York 52 45 • Norlolli 9 l 611 011111 City 62 56 Omeh• 67 6• On1ndo 93 70 Pnlladpllla 58 53 Pfloenl• S8 3 7 Plttat>urgh 70 55 Pllaod, Me 73 87 Ptland. O<• 52 49 Prov\dence 78 84 Reno 85 44 85 87 Richmond 72 38 Salt Lek• 78 48. Sen Antonio eo 80 s..111e re 82 :.!i~ 90 ea St loull 80 83 St P-Tam0o9 88 89 SpokeM ~: : SyracuM 75 57 TOl*te Tueaotl 74 &9 TulM 63 42 Wllhlng111 lie> 59 WlGhlta 68 45 77 55 64 43 39 32 75 53 43 3e " 87 88 7t 80 58 92 71 95 68 81 62 87 66 79 56 80 81 81 54 81 73 81 48 74 62 85 61 93 71 87 81 84 59 88 62 74 80 92 74 64 59 113 68 77 64 58 43 75 49 66 52 72 31 81 66 81 38 87 74 70 47 92 74 79 58 83 81 81 68 82 40 71 83 80 85 91 81 85 68 79 88 82 83 77 49 es 83 .. eo " 50 eo 33 lllo-.r• and lhunderatorma A~tf _. ~ loday from Ille Gru l Ftllt northern and eaetern plllHu Hat1tord ttwough Iha .-them and oentrll ~ ~ the "°'11\en'1 Pleln9, Iha Honolulu V"J:; and centre! Ml11l11lppl Hou11on I.alt 0:.11111 Sou"-t and IN ... -.... -----------------lunny 1111•• were ••HCfff , • acro11 C llllornla and t~ SUR IPDRT =t~e11rt• Into th• • • •• ·, f I S '"' t:IJ()~ ... ~.iilll~-................ __________ .., Tiie All ~ M811~ • lwt ._. ... 0 110191 ... .-1011 ·~~ .... ... ... ,... ....,.. .,_ fOOd to l.llnle a • 11 .., ...... ~ todllr 11'1 u. &.!ta Mota 2 4 ti ac:-..:. ltencWd ....... ~ e-.ty : : :: t II •11 terH 11 I I Or I llf Outfoc* for ~ 1JtUa CJl*'fl ....... ,. .... lernetdlno .,... .... '"7 , t I .... .... • a I • .... Dir • • • aw Btanop 78 Blythe 93 Cetallna 68 Eureka 57 Fraano 83 Lancaater 74 l ong 8eacll 74 lOI Angelel 66 Monrovia 78 Mont8fey 64 Mt Wiiton 82 NMdlN 89 Newport Beach 88 Oakland 67 Ontario 72 Palm Springs 87 P1a1dana 71 Puo Roblaa 78 Rlvatalde 71 Red BluM 82 Redwood City 77 Sacramento 82 S111nu 64 San 8ema101no 82 Sen Gabrlll 73 San Otego 70 Sen FrencllC!O 68 S11n Joae 78 Santi An• 72 Santa Barbara 83 Senti Cruz 84 Sant• Mane ea Santi Monica 87 Stockton 85 Talloe V~ 82 Tll«mal ee TOl'ranOI 89 Yuma 90 CANADA Ca'OatY ~ Edmonton 80 Mont reel 83 Ottew1 13 AeQllla "° Toronto 81 v~ ea w~ 88 PM.-.CM 8attHldoe M 8ermuda ea C\lf9CIC) 12 FNl990"1 14 Montegohy t3 Marlde 102 Mo!·-~ IO Tides TOOAY l'nt lllgll 2:12Lm. Ptrll IOW 1():12 a.m. ==~ l :IOPA 10-.M O.fll ' A 45 85 54 42 S5 53 et 61 58 45 40 67 61 52 58 62 57 •1 57 58 ~ 48 40 61 511 M 50 51 59 SI 48 47 ea 51 27 82 68 66 33 34 53 5e 31 IO .. 55 75 75 l't 13 n 1t ,., • I prof Friday's graduation., and h as secretary said he haa not been answering calls from the press for further comment. "He never made anyone do anything that a was against their beliefs or religion ," said student Pali Bellucci, 22, of Long Beach . "You could get an A in that class without doing anything against your beliefs." Wrong place • wrong time GARDEN G ROVE (A P) There's a ume and a place for everyth i ng , but t h e p o lice parking lot isn't the place to steal hubcaps and the change of shifts 1s the wrong time. When one man tried it, e ight o fficers arrested him, police said. "Those who were just getting off work and thO&e w ho were JUSt coming in all spotted hlm runrung.'' Sgt. Pat Thrasher said Friday, a dd in g t h e m an apparently didn't realize whose cars were parked there. The young man was holding two hubcaps taken from a n officer's private vehicle, said the sergeant. Booked for investigation of petty theft Thursday was Russell A. Passons, 22. of Ana h eim, Thrasher said. APPARENTLY• OTHE R candidates are concer ned about McColl's whereabouts as well. Around the room, two or three others are wondering aloud w hether McColl is going to show for the taping. AB the candidates, especially the self-anointed Republican "gang of 18," greet one another with all the cameraderie of their shared campaign experience, the subject turns to a Wall Street J ournal article about. the race appearing in that morning's edition. Every candidate seems to have a copy tucked under his or her arm. Then , there's the candidate who claims he doesn't recognize a few of the candidates who, by now, are crowding into the waiting room, He's told if he can't recognize them, the y must be Democrats. The remark draws laughs . Joki ngly , c andida t e Marti n Kinkade comments on the presence of Johnnie Crean at the taping. Crean, one of the big spenders in the race, has run largely a media campaign and hasn't made many personal appearances. "Who's he?'' Kinkade chides. "I'd really like to see him sometime." More lau~hs. BY NOW, IT'S almost time for the taping to begin. One person surveys the jumbled bevy of candidates and loudly suggests that they all play a touch football game when the campaign is ove r. "We can choose up sides," says the man. This suggestion draws no response from McColl, a former professional football player. McColl, by the way, has finally a ppeared for the taping with time to spare. As the show's producers herd the candidates m to the studio across the way, there's one final instruction : "Anyone who needs to use a restroom better do it now ... This is a 90-minute show .'' . LUXURIOUS LOCKER FACILITIES FOR MEN & WOMEN SAUNA, STEAM, JAC UZZI 'l SAND VOLLEYBALL COURTS 1 8 MILE JOCCINC TRACk INDIVIDUAL EXERCISE PROGRAMS C YMNASIUM (BASKETBALL, VOLLEYBALL) FREE CHILO CARE CENTER 16 CHAMPIONSHIP RAC QUETBALL COURTS NAUTILUS EQUIPMENT SPECIAL AEROBIC CLASSES 2J METER OLYMPIC POOL & SUNDECk PRO SHOP RESTAUR1'NT, BAR 6 SOCIAL LOUNOE MASSEUR 6 MASSEUSE TouRs CoNducTEd DAily FOR ADDITIONAi.iNFORMATION , CAlls 7t2-0''' \ Su.1A.M -7P.M. S....IA.M -JP.M . ......... , A..flt -10,.M, rnffiu~rnm Budget accord sought , Budget panel chief offers to 'split difference' WASHINGTON (AP) -The chairman of the HOU8e Budaet C.ommittee augaested Friday that Oemocrata and Republic.ans "apllt the dJfference" on thelr rival budget plans and offer a bipartiaan propoul to the Hou.e. Rep. Jamea R. Jonea, D-Okla., made the auge1tion in an lnfonnal meeting with 15 other members of the committee. Jones called the meeting to diacw9 what went wrong Thunday rught when the Houae rejected all three budiet plans pre11ented to it. The House defeat of the rival budget blueprints disrupted the federal government'• spending plans for the next fiacal year and left many wondering whether any budget can paM a House ao divided. In California, an angry Reagan lambasted the "trresponsable, Mickey Mouae" budget process. Murder solicit verdict guilty EVERETT, Waah. -A judge found former chann achool teacher Ruth Coe guilty Friday of trying to hire a hit man to kill the judge and proeecutor who aent her aon to priaon for rape· She wu eentenced to one year m the county jail. Snohomish County Superior Court Judge Robert Bibb a1ao gave the 61 -year-old defendant a 20-year suspended prison sentence and put her on probation for 10 years. Solicitmg for first-degree murder carries a maximum penalty of life unpriaorunent. Mrs. Coe, whoee taped conversations with the undercover police agent she tried to hire were used as evidence, sat qulet.ly at the defense table, her eyes red-rimmed and filled with tears, as Bibb imposed sentence. Money supply takes plunge NEW YORK -The nation's basic money supply fell $1.3 billion in mid-May, the Federal Reserve Board reported Friday, but economists said the decline would do little to reduce interest rates. The money supply figures are watched cloeely by investors seeking clues to Fed policy and the course of interest rates. In normal times, a decline of more than $1 billion m the money supply would send interest rates tumbling. But the money supply has been growing faster than the central bank seeks, and the latest dip in the money supply measure known as Ml did not reverse that growth trend. Food staIDp remark apology given NEW YORK -The head of President These were oratorical mistakes for which I Reagan's spending watchdog committee said Friday apologize," said J. Peter Grace, head of Reagan's he made an "oratorical mistake" when he described Private Sector Survey on C.ost Control in the the federal food atamp program as basically a Federal Government. "subeidy for Puerto Ricans." In Santa Barbara, where Reagan is "I believe ... I said th.at almost all of the vacationing, Deputy White House Press Secretary Puerto Ricans in New York City are on food stamps • Pete Roussel said Grace was speaking for himself, and that this was basically a Puerto Rican program not the administration, when he made the remark. Reagan tries fence-mending SANTA BARBARA -President Reagan reassured Latin America on Friday that he ia aensitive to ita sympathy for Argentina ln the war over the Falkland lslanda even though the Urute<i Stat.es supports Great Britain. "l know the blood.abed that is ta.king place around the Falkland Wanda is of deep concern to every nation in this hemisphere," he told the 22nd U.S.-Mex:ico Inter-parliamentary Conference. "We understand and are sensitive to Latin American sympathies in thts crisis, something which made our own decisions more painful and difficult. "l hope you will, also, as neighbors and friends, do your utmost to understand the importance we attach to the pnnctple that anned force should not be used to assert claims in an international dispute." Storm batters Central A111erica TF.GUCIGALPA, Honduras -Tropical Storm Aleta, which has killed 226 people and left 80,000 homeless, rampaged for the fifth straight day Friday in Honduras and the northern part of neighboring Nic.a.ragua. Rescue oHicials in both Central American countrles said the combined toll may climb when communications are restored with scores of isolated commuruties in western Nicaragua and southern parts of Honduras. "Entire families were swept away by the waters and we know nothing a1¥:>ut them." a Red Cross official said in Tegucigalpa. SACRAMENTO -A Senate committee approved major reductions in the Medi-Cal program Friday, but fell far short of its goal of $500 million in savings and alao hit a serious legal problem. The proposal, in SB2093 by Sen. Alfred Alqw.t, D-San J0tte, would cut aervices, tighten eligibility, reduce paymenta to docton and hospital.. establish a new system of state contracts for Medi-Cal Services, and shift about 250.000 persons from atate to county care. The product of seven weeks of bipartisan negotiations, the bill is the Senate's version of a cost-cutting plan that is a key to elimination of a state budget deficit that has been projected at $2 billion or higher by rrud-1983 ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomee P. Halft 1'1.-w.,., CllW 6-~ l(aiy smuttz YD,._ -Oii.-.. _,...,. Tom~ .... Mll•HllWY '*-., .......... ~I Ken GodcWd OW.-ol~ ~Leen a.tee Looe ......,.,.... CIHslfi.d ectv.rtlllft9 7141142-M71 All other ct.pertinent. 142-4321 MAIN OfflCE mW"' a.. St , (Mia """'°· CA Mall ...... 9o• IMO. COiia -·CA . ._,. C'"r19M 1.a Or-Coa1t ~llllllllllne c_., ..., ,,_, ~.111,,_,_.._,, Mltonal ,,,...._., ~ .. .,11 .. .._b ...,..., _,, ... ,.,.._. .. .......,. -lal ~"°"ofc-..,rltflt- • VOL 71, NO. 141 Santa Cruz sit-in ends SANTA CRUZ (AP) - Student demonatratora ended their alt-in Friday at the University of California at Santa Cruz, two days after they began protesting denial of tenure for a teacher. After 81.aglng a rally, atudenta marched out of the chancellor's off(~ they had occupied since Wedne.d.ay. ''Thia rally will be eort of a eendoff," uid student spokesman Mathew Vooraanger "We've made our irtatement." We're Listening ••• ' What~ you like •bout the OaU~ Pilot? Whal don't you llkt" Call the numbtr below and your mt1aa1e will be recorded, lranacribed and delivered to the 1pproprlatt editor. Th aame 24 hour anawerins service may be uud to record Jet· tera to the editor on sny topic. Mallbox conlrlbuton mu.t Include lhelr name and telephone number ror ver1flcatlon. No clrculallon call1, please. Tell UI what• a on your mind Or1nge Co.,t DAIL V PILOT /Saturday, May 20, 1082 7 i? BIRTHDAY SURPRISE -Veteran television announcer Dick Lane of Newport Beach was beaming at a surprise party thrown t o celebrate his 83rd birthday at the Blue Dolphin restaurant in Newport. Helping him celebrate Delly .......... "'-to was his wife Esther. Lane was one of the early Los Angeles television announcers, and gained note announcing wrestling matches and roller derby games. Teak Bookcases A. 56'11 )( 12'11 26 $109 val I . 35•1, x 12'11 x 26 $85 val C. 21 v, x 12'11 x 76''• 5149 val D. 35'11 x 12•1, x 40•,, $109 vat E.35'1 x12•1, x sgg 76'1, 5169 val I. Director's Chairs are perfeet for entertalnlno. lndOors and out. Natural wood frames, with a var1etv Of br10ht canvas colors $39Val Breuer stvle Chairs and Barstools from Italy These Quality Chairs are caref\Jttv handcrafted In walnut or natural WOOd flntSh wtttl genuine heavv·dutv cane bad<S and seats on sturdy Chrome frames. SAVE ON White Patio FUmtture Space-age DlaStic covenno sturov steel' OfV'eS tong·term t>eautv for 1oono1no or entertaining convenience! Plummer's rtallan patio table accompanies handV occastonal t3btes and your Choice Of smart chair stvtest OutdQOr stacking Chairs $35 val 4forsat Hlghback Chairs. $42 val Outdoor dining t.able. 35· dla $85 val occasional tables. 17v, · · ala $35 val This wall unit, COIU!d alSY·to· dean PVC. featum4 Id ~-vou anaoa ooors co hide the ctun.r or JUSt • stvtlSh IOok. I • S'99 vat. 75" • 51" >e 12'" $ BUY ONE FOR ........................... 59 BUY TWO FOR .......................... $98 BR'S INT8111NATIONAL CONT••NAllY l'UlllllTUlll• ,.... •• • 1.,S. l•,.-.•C211>...,•1 ..,.t.a1=• •11SS .a.• C21l>IS7"°1SI .. ,MJJlf ·~== ~,..,_ ~. 01SJ11S-cM01 ..... • 1'11> l. • 5S7.Qtt1 -mt;:• 1~1•11110~a•Q1~-tm · I °"""° • "'"""'9te f C711>_. --···---·-·· Ml turnnin °""*' orcne ~~..,..-"""' .. .,."' 1111 ie:::: csuww ft>r Wit PldC up. MCM lftO mertNnOIM N:ljlCt to ltodr on . . Oranoe Oout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 29, 1982 Aotor Oeort• 8epJ11 wife " •uinl b1m tar dlYOl'Ct, dtinl lrnconcilabl• dlUerenc.e, a Loe Anplel Superior Court clerk reporta Marlon Se1al filed a petition with the court to ct.t.>lve her 23-yMr marrla&e to \he ~r. The Seaala have one child, 18-year..ofd Polly Sepl. who Uvea with her mother In Beverly Hilla. John A. Krcljian D.D.S. U'Wlf ....... Multimillionaire A&P IUper!M!ket heir Hudqtoa Hartford loo his bld to block fellow co-op apartment owners from evictln1 him from their poah Beekman Place bu11dlns ln New York. Hartford'• nelahbon at 1 Beekman Place voted in March to evict him as • • undeaira ble. • • Hartford sought a temporary injunction from Manhattan Supreme Court Juatk:e Allen Murray Myers blocking the evfction while he tried to lnvalldate the vote. * Lab On Premises * X-Rays, Diagnosis, Cleaning for S2 5 Medi-Cal and Insurance Accepted t Senior Citizens Discount CREDIT-MASTERCARD-VISA CANNON WITH AIM -Actress Dyan Cannon sits surrounded by young admirers at a Los Angeles press conference. Miss Cannon has been named national spokeswoman for Big Brothers-Big Sisters of America, which provides emotional support ·and companionship for children of one-parent homes. But Myers denied the injunction motion, clearing the way for Hartford's neighbors to commence eviction proceedings In Housing Court. The judge also ordered a speedy trial of the legal issues concerning the eviction vote. ·2706 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 556-8013 · Jagger's ex-wit e tells of mate's many all airs Blanca Jagger says she would still be married to rock star Mick Jager if he hadn't had 90 many affairs. "Mick was dissolute when it came to women," Mrs. Jagger said in an interview in Parade magazine. "All my • friends slept with him." Designers Geoffrey Beene, Bill BfAH, Domaa Karan and Loala Dell'Ollo have won Coty awards for women's fashions. The Coty American Fashion Critics' A wards were made public in New York. Beene has won eight C.Oty awards; Blass entered the C.Oty Hall of Fame in 1970. Sal CesaranJ received an award for men's fashions. The couple's e ight-year marriage was dissolved in 1979. She turned to actor Ryan O'Neal to settle the score. "I thought my one affair would even all his others," she said. "I was wrong." Special awards were given to S"aaa.D BennJ1 and Warren Edwards for footwear, Jay Lord Batten for headwear, Ted Meabllng for jewelry design and Patricia Underwood for millinery. Other honors went to Jackson Allen and Tim Veness for sweaters, Zoran for men's separates and Robert Comstock for outerwear. Meanwhile, it was diacloeed m court papers that Hartford, 76, has listed the luxury duplex for sale. Science fiction novelist Ray Bradbury helped people who want to build a space muaeum In Griffith Park win Loa Angeles Parka and Recreation Commission's approval to raise at least $10 million from private sources for it. Bradbury and group spokesman Lovel Elll1 said that the propoeed Griffith J. Griffith museum -named after the park's donor - could be an added attractiOW""' to the 1984 Olympics. Tax crusader Howard Jarvis has been released from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles after being hoepitalized for more than a month following removal of his spleen, hospital authorities said Thuraday. Spec,.I Mar 26-.,. 1. 1912 •ldlJaoblu: .'9 80111bus 11 1 11nu ol 11111 bees. 1M1t I 1111 not 1 bee. I 1111 1 hsh. I 1111 c,tindnell in 11111111 llld pt to be lbout I 'I\ incha lq. My colol IS yellow witll lour blltk bnts wound "" body. [~ calls me 1 ''Bumble 8tt GMJ," IMlt I don't -..ZZ. fly, ollW Mdlr .• !!Ille lloMy. ~ or "ht 111 • hm l1Min111~s. .... Aquabc Trl)CllClls "'*' t 1111 on -tor .69. VISA" • 1510 •. W:•-c.tl .... S4t-ll9l•C.. ......... Sale Priced at $799.50 WAR declared on high priced WALL UNITS! The battle lines are drawn. During the Memorial Day Weekend Its ROBERTS House of Modem Furniture VS high prices. Sunday and Monday ROBERTS Is offering unbeatable savings on high fashion Wall Units. Our newest collection of Wall Units offers you a complete selection from rosewood to clean pure whlte ... all specially priced for the holiday event. ROBERT'S prices are always reasonable but during this Memorial Day Sale the dollar savings are spectacular. Don't miss out...joln the war against high prices and SHOP ROBERT'S . ..... ....,~._..,,, .... ,,. ............ .....,,2_ ... ,. , FCUfYAM VMll'Y .__, 10 ••I,_ • 111eL a Ftt .. 10 • • I ,_ Ill-. & frl .. I • 18 I 11111 RA.LlllTml tU4I Esllll AN .. ,._. ¥Illy, Ca. 1270I ....._ ....._ n...,,io •" 1 11111 ..... -.. n..., 11t., I•" t:IO 11111 221 lllltll Mir'-IMI ........ C.. IHIZ , ....... (7'4) 711-1122 , ........ (714) 17H720 • ORANGE <XUn'Y'S FASHION LEADER 1N MODERN FURNmJRE, WIQ(£R. RATTAN, LIGHTING AND AOCE8IORIF.8. ~ --..---· D D COME CELEBRATE WITH US! Extraordinary Values on Color TVs, Stereos, VCRs, and More!!! ~ T~Do4tct . ) th'BoUGOJM!~~ '1)/ . Odyssey wlll give Dad a FREE Baseball Game cartridge ' when you buy an Oc:tvaMV Video wame McisteJ Unit and a Freedom Flghtera or wreat Woll StrMf fortuM Hunt coml• during the month of June. MOioe I 0 big Ga'/ lot Dodi c;.,. him ••Clllng OO(IMlf Walch Na -• IQI"' UC> -,,. _,. o ,_ -Gfoeol Wol 9llMI k>l!une H<d Ot ,,_.. ~ \OI09o game Mel~ "l'loV Doi""°"" Ille lltU tOMOol ~ COf!llOOe ..,., ... _ Ihle .. ....0. June lOlll ! \ l• .. Senate nixes tax break : WASKINGTON (AP) -Without a voJce ralMdl ln olQectJon, the Senate ll ditching the polldca.Uy unpopular hi)( break that aivea mtmben ot Coluriele an audit-proof •10-a~y deduct.ion. &t the fate of the •pedal deduction will rest wtth a Houae-Senat.e conference committee that could overturn the Senate's 70-23 action late Thunday. ' By that vote, aenatora adopted an amendment by Sen. WUliam Proxmire, D-Wis., to re~ the tax break of nearly '20,000 a year, a deduction that generated a public outcry C.Ongress voted to give• itself the break lut year. Proxmire's tax-break repeal was attached to an unrelated funding bill which was then passed and sent to the conference committee. Since the House-passed version of the bill do~s not deal with th e congressional tax break, conferees could vote to cancel the Senate's action. Proxmire told reporters "it will be tough" to set the conference comrruttee to go along with hlS plan. But he noted HoUBe members must stand for re-election every tWb years, and might come under ~onsiderable voter pressure to go along with repealing the tax break. At is.sue is the amount of money members of C.Ongress can deduct for expenses associated with living In Washington. In voting to repeal the new tax break, the Senate agreed to restore a $3,000 annual deduction that was enacted In 1954. ''The public well understands and disapproves of the action last year," Proxmire told the Senate. "There was alm06t universal condemnation.'' C.Ongressional offices have been flooded with 1 mail denouncing the tax break. The Internal Revenue Service reported receiving more than 34,000 letters of protest. Although 23 senators voted against Proxmire's amendment, none rose to urge retention of the tax break, although some argued for a more-moderate change than returning to the $3.000 deduction. And Sen. John C. Stennis, D-Miss .. complained that C.Ongress is giving itself a bad reputation by regular efforts to raise its pay or tax deductions. "Every time we bring this up and air it. people think less of our ability, and, I think, of our motives," St.enniB said. Under the provision enacted last year, members of C.Ongress may deduct a flat $75 for each day C.O~ is in session. Or, they can deduct •so for each such day plus Interest and taxes on their Washington home. Members could take the deductions even for days when they are not in Washington. The IRS may not challenge either of those deductions. For 1981 expenses, the $75-per-day option was worth about $19,600. For a typlcal member, that represents a tax saving of about $7,000. If the Senate action uaken Thursday is approved by the House. a member of Congress could deduct only $3,000 a year for Washington living expenses. Attorney General ! to return $50,000 ~ WASHINGTON (AP) -Attorney General -William French Smith said Friday he will return a '50,000 severance payment he received from a Califorrua st.eel firm and limit the deductions he takes on two oil and gas drilling ventures to his cash investment. "Although I earnestly believe that none of these acuons are required by propnety or law, public service oft.en inVlt.es the use of an even strict.er standard," Smith said "l mt.end to apply the stnct.est of standards." Smith said the Justice Department's Office of Government Ethics questioned only one of three controve r s ial financial transactions -the $50,000 severance payment he received when he resigned from the board of directors of Earle M. Jorgensen C.O. on Jan. 12, 1981, less than two weeka before he took office. Smith said the ethics office inquired Thursday "whether I was conside ring any action concerning the severance payment." Smith said that he had been considering several steps with respect to all three transactions N "In order to el.i.minate any shadow of a doubt" about M the propriety of his finances. an Smith said that the ethics office raised no Ut question about his investments in two Oklahoma be gas and oil drilling tax shelters. of Smith's decision on the tax shelters means that w1 he will forego $117 ,600 In tax deductions for the _.. years 1980 through 1982. He pledged to limit his deductions for the two drilling ventures to hia total cash investment of $58,800. ~ Federal tax law would allow Smith to claim t $176,400 in deductions over the three yean because that figure represented his total risk in the ventures. The deductions were larger than Smith's cash outlay because he also can deduct his 1hare of the royalties the partnership must pay to landownen, no matter whether they make money on the drilling ventures. A. structured by tax attorneys, both drilling ~ venture• would have allowed Smith to take deductions of four tl.mel hia cash outlay In the first ye,u of operation and two ti.mes hia cash outlay In ~ c:::~~~al cost ~hits $3.6 million ~ ho1 =~ TM & • . lJ Puppet Show Perer la~n·s thuter on wheels ap~ars this Sat -Sun -Mon at I • 2 & 3 pm dally at Huntington Center i • • •• • • • I Daily Pilot classifieds work for you.Call 642-5678 for quick cash sales. RCA 8 HR. RECORDING RCA SelectaVlslon :;: .. i: m fl.• 8 ~-) ,, HR. -[!ITIUl•I Programmable $498 Recording 19" COLOR T.V.'s YES! v~~~d 1960 prices have 11 returned on this speclal unboxed purchase. Fully $248 Guaranteed NEWPORT BEACH I ~a~ 149 llYEISIDE DRIVE ~--ol PHONE 548 -2213 I llllSTY 'EUCAll Orange Ooat DAILY PILOT/8aturday, May 29, 1882 v RECORDERS v BIG SCREEN v CAMERAS v FILM RENTAL v TELEVISION v ACCESSORIES t LOCATION8 -ONN 7 DAYI BIG SCREEN T. Y. MGA-RCA -SONY -HITACHI QUASAR -GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPARE ALL BRANDS _ll'fltS'f * non t;'Jlo~ .;.CIALI t0>£l SIZE l'tltC£ l(PS02CJ 50" 11795 KPS040 50" 12799 KP7220 72" 12195 Low••• Prloee An, ...... PORTABLE VIDEO ~ -< ... ,....... ~~: 8 HR. 14 DAY PROGRAMMABLE 111 • Stop Ac11on Ui!;;;::;:~-• Remote - e Elect. Tuner Why Pay Retail $698 M ;li f{1!1J;li1J!1J;l!J·J;13;tll OUR BEST SELLING RCA8:1POWER r)l ZOOM CAMERA 100's SOLD FOR •. './ MUCH MORE !/ PRICES · SLASHED TO $648 SllPER SPECIAi. A6T ALL l.OCA1'\0NS 3P~YSONLY OPEN Mlh\Ottl-.L DAY I: I I (On selected styles and color&-and there are lots of them!) PLUS (50°/o down-No interest financing for six months on approved credit) Car"'. Paci. Installation (Exclusive at Harlow's in Southern California) • I (On all in-stock items) EQUALS test I • (Sale starts at 9:00 am sharp-be early for best selection) Featuring Lees, Mohawk, Bigelow, Gullistan, Karastan, Cabin Craft, Milliken and many more. All carpets are on sale at 10o/o, 20°/o, 30°10, 40°/o and 50°10 off! This sale Is for a limited time only! B Z Conv.nlent Credit Tennt Avatlable OA,.OEN O"OVE 12802 Knott Str•t 11 11111 No Getden Grove,,.,., (714) ...... 51. (213) ...... CE,.,.fTOI 11.t<M South Street IActoll "°'" !tie c.ntoe ..... (21 ..... LONG llACH 340 E. 4th Street ~nn._. C21••mt PLACENTIA 127 E. Yorba Lindi fl'"' WH\ of KrMmetl COM>NA DlL MAR 38.19 Ealt CoMt Htghway • IActOM lfOl'll ,... CIOWftl ~ (114)•M321 (114) 111·4441. . HUNTINGTON llACH 15073 Ooldenwnt (lefMftcl Oofl Joee'1 I Coco'tl (714t '"""" • (11' ..... , MISllON vt&IO 29* Merguettt• ~"-"'• ~,4-.1-.. STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Sat. 9:00 am-5:30 pm Mon. & Fri. Tiii 9 Gaftlen Grove Qpeft IU""9J 12-1 j. I . ~ ... .. ,, .. . .. . . . ... I , -·----·... _:_. -. -----.---...--.. I ------r-______ ..__,-r-' ---' DlllJ Piiat IATUAOAV, MAY 28. 1H2 COMICS TELEVISION 88 87 Cal S tate Fullerton baseball team wins NCAA opener. Page 83. Brewers homered Angels answer fire with fire, 6-5 By CURT SEEDEN ()(' lhe Oe11J l'llet It.fl Doug DeClnces developed a atiff neck on May 11, 1~77. Then a member of the Baltimore Orioles, DeCi.ncft kept twninl from hia third bue position aa three Angela hlt con.teCutive home runa that day. Friday night, he wltneued the same phenomenon u Milwaukee'• Cecil Cooper. Don Money and Gorman Thomu teed off for consecutive home runa ln the aixth innJn1 to turn a 2-2 ball game into a ~-2 Brewen' edge. "Hey, It'• juat three runa," DeCinces said. "It's juat as If they hit two bloop alngles and a home run." That advice wu given to a aha.ken Angel starter Geoff z.ahn who was the victim of the back-to-back-to-back homen by the Brewers. SO WHAT happened? DeCinces smacked a leadoff double in the aeventh Inning to trigger a three-run Angel uprlaing, and Don Baylor slugged hia seventh home run of the year in the eighth as the Angela pulled out a dramatic 6-5 victory before a T -shirt Night crowd of 36,824. It was Baylor, along with teammate Ron Jackson and ex-Angel Bobby Bonds who hit consecutive home runs against the Orioles and DeCinces back in 1977, but the outcome of the two games was not the same. "I think we were getting blown out in that one," DeClncea recalled of the 1977 game. "Tonight when we came back into the dugout (after the Brewers' sixth), I told 'em we could come back. We have the potential on this team to do that. Three runs didn't put us out of the ball game." "You have to have character to battle back like that and this team has it," offered Angel Manager Gene Mauch. Hia team a.l9o has 90le poaession of first place in the American League West (by one percentage point) over the Chicago White Sox. "Theae one-run games get to me more than anything," noted Baylor, who waa l-for-20 when he came to the plate in the eighth. "To lose them bothers me more than any other loes. Winning them does more for you than any other win." BOTH ZAHN and Milwaukee start.er Mike Caldwell sailed into through the first five innings, locked in a 2-2 dead.lock. Milwaukee's two runs were provided by shortstop Robin Yount who singled home one run in the third and added an RBI double in the fifth. Until Baylor's game-winning blast In the eighth, the Angela' lone lead of the night was provided in the bottom of the fourth inning on Bobby Grich'• sixth home run of the year with Brian Downing on fint. Milwaukee set a team record with it.s three ltnlight home runs, and after Ben ()gllvie followed w1th a atngle. Mauch replaced ZaM with Luis Sanchez. ANGEL POWER -Don Baylor Oeft) and Bobby Grich delivered homers in Angel win. I'm not making excuses though. It was my fault," Zahn added. Mauch, meanwhile, said both Zahn and Ken Forsch have been ineffective in their last starts because of too much rest. compliments of a day off and a rainout in Bost.on. ''Both of them have had six or seven days rest. A pitcher has to have rhythm and neither has it right now. They've just had too much rest," Mauch said. Zahn. after a 4-0 Apnl, ts now 5-2 and has failed m his Last three attempts to earn vtctory No 6 FRIDAY NIGHT'S wm went to reliever Doug Corbett who who pitched flawlessly over the last two frames for his first v1ctory of the year against two defeats. Corbett helped hunself with a fme defensive play in the runth mning, covering flrst base on a big chopper to Rod Carew off the bat of the Brewers' Marshall F.dwards. "It's part of my JOb. Rod stars the play. it's my <See ANGELS, Page 8!1 ) Morela~d just loves Wrigley Dodgers fall run short, 4-3 CHICAGO (AP) -Nobody appreciates the friendly conJines of Wrigley Field more than the Chicago Cubs' Keith Moreland. YER OUT -Ocean View High women's softball pitcher Pam White appears to be giving the out signal to the batter after delivering a pitch. White will face Righetti 0.-, .... ,.... "' Gliry ....... tonight in the CIF 4-A championship game at Mayfair Park in Lakewood at 7:30. See story, Page B3. "I wu in a different pattern all night." Zahn said. "I was throwing harder and doing different things like throwing more fast balls and hard sliders. "Usually when I'm tired I'm more effective "Wrigley Field is a beautiful ball park." marveled Moreland, who hat a two-run homer Friday that led the Cubs to a 4-3 victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers. It was Moreland's first home run since May 5, and followed an O-for-18 slump during a tough road trip NEW PRO -Myron McNamara, former UC Irvine and current Arizona State University tennis coach, has been selected as the director of tennis and head pro at John Wayne Tennis Club. Smiley widow to attend race M1AMl (AP)-Barbara Smiley aaya she'll b e at the 66th Indianapolia 500 auto race, even t.houall the tntck wu the ecene of lm' husband'• death earlier th1a month, beaau.e she'd "feel very lost stayins at home." Mn. Smiley wu in the Indy 500 ptta with atopwatch in hand May 15 when Gordon Smiley's racer lm89hed into a wall at 200 mph, klWna him l.natantly. "With a husband in this prqf-'tln, (a tat.al acclden\) la 10itiethln1 you have to think !.bcn.!_t/' she told the Miami nerua in a telephone interview. "I've t.houiht lt over thorouahly, how l needed to be (ff lt b•ppened). That basic Jll't1)enticn ii what came b9ck to inl end helped me throuab this. ~UI bundrtdl of frllinda." •c.w,~Maft:b llbc)t .... the outw wall met ipltt ~Nini ·~run. Mayne a bit tired of reruns "lt's a nice park for me to hit in," Moreland said. "The wind blows from left to right most of the time and the ball carries mostly to left field. I enjoy hitting here. What more can I say?" It's the same script as last year, as Bucs ousted, 7.;.4 RYNE SANDBERG'S bases-loaded double in the fifth provided Chicago's other two runs as the By JOHN SEV ANO Of the 0.0, Not • ..,, LONG BEACH -Mike Mayne must have thought he was reliving a bad dream Friday morning. It was almost one year ago to the day that Mayne's Orange Coast College Pirates were faced with a d o-or-die situation in the state playoffs. After winning their first contest and losing their second, the Bucs were in a position where they had to beat Laney to stay alive Friday. OCC found itself in an identical dilemma. After beating Laney in round one and losing to LA Valley in round two. the tourney's top-seeded team faced elimination unless it got past Merced in round three. In both instances, the Pirate• fell short of their goal. And, the ironic thing about OCC's 7-4 defeat at the hands of the Blue Devils, giving the Sues their second loss in as many days, was the fact the laat time the Pirates had lost two In a row - spanning 42 games -was when they were removed from the state tournament last year. "I have no comment. I have nothing to say . My emotions are overwhelmed.'' said Mayne immediately after he watched hia Plrates commit four errors en route to three unearned runs. lndeed, nothing went particularly well for the South Coast Conference champions, especially during the first five innings when Merced (30-12) was building a 7 -1 lead. The Blue Devils' Buzz VerdUUX> opened the bottom of the first inning with a fly ball to left field which K evi n Sliwinski dropped for a two-base error. On the very next play catcher Dave Tinoco fielded Corbet Browning's sacrifice bunt and threw it down the first. base line, allowing the first run to acore. The Pirates tied the game in the top of the second. but in the bottom hall of the inning Merced scored twice more. once when OCC starter Ken Santoro balked with a runner at third. Pirate shortstop Scott Groot booted a routine grounder for Me rced's fourth run in the third. and then the Blue Devils put the game awa:t with three runs on four hits in the fifth. By the time the Pirates woke up - in the ninth inning -It was too late. Oh, they scored three times and had the baaes loaded with one out, but Groot popped to leCOlld and Darren Puskarich grounded into a force play to end the game. For the Pirates (33-9). Friday's game typified the ir frustration throughout the tournament of not getting the key base hit with men on base. The .Bucs stranded 13 runners against Merced, while they left eight in their 7 -6 loss to LA Valley Thursday. "We didn't get too many breaks in the game, but when you don't play catch you don't win in baseball," said Mayne, alluding to tus club's fielding. "h 's the same thing as last night (Thuraday agaimt LA Valley). It boils down to defeme. We showed up today like last year. We had a little more intensity. but we were lazy." Mayne, who complimented h.ia club by sayi ng it had shown more character than any other he had coached, was, on the other hand, distraught by his team's performance. "We've been seeded No. 1 now for two years and both times we've been knocked out the same way." he said. "That tends to leave a bitter taste in your mouth. "The bottom line ls that we got beat by a club that wasn't as good as us, but that'• what happe.ns aometimes in a tournament. We just didn't hit and we didn't make the plays. "But we'll be beck next year. You can quote me on that." On TV today channel 11 at 11 :15 Cubs fought off rallies in the eighth and ninth innings to preserve the vtctory. For a moment in the eighth. at looked as though the Dodgers had a tie. With two on, Dusty Baker tut a drive deep to left field. but Gary Woods went into the vines to grab the ball. Both managers Tom Lasorda of Los Angeles and Lee Ella of the Cubs said: "I thought the ball was gone." But Baker d1dn't thmk so. "I didn't hit it high enough." said Baker. "But I did think it was going off the wall." Moreland hit tus runth homer of the seaaon in the fourth inning after Bill Buckner singled. Sandberg delivered his two-run double off loeer Bob Welch, 5-3. in the fifth inning. JODY DA VIS doubled with one out in the fifth. Martz walked and Bump Willa looped a single to center, filling the bases, before Sandberg followed with a double down the right field line. Martz, celebrating his 26th birthday, had the m06t trouble with Jorge Orta, who had four tuts. including his second homer of the seaaon, in the third inning. Orta doubled with two out in the fifth, and Martz, 4-3. retired seven in a row before Steve Sax opened the Dodgers' eighth with a a:ingle and Orta followed with a sing.le. Duaty Baker llied deep to left before Lee Smith relieved Martz. Sax then acored on a single by Pedro Guerrero. Mears alone with his thoughts on eve of Indy 500 INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -Sitting on the pole, waiting fo r Sunday'• Indianapolia 500 to a1art. .Rk:k Mean wW have eome time to think thinp over. "Mainly, rn just try to relax, calm down and 9ettle down," he said. "lt'1 IOin8 to be a long day and it'• pn, to take a lot of work. You can't plan bean.-vou don't knoW what the others wW do.'' S'rapped Into the cockpit of the Penske Ford which quallfled at an awmme 207.004 mph, Mee.ot will be alone with b.ia car at. that moment. a IOlltery fi&ure fadnc a ~ .. of mm and lnachlne. Soon. Chey wtll be b~ around the -.ptWt OYIJ of the f:,!~ Motor Speedway at ..,.s. ftdna the dock and 12 otbtr driwn. They .,. In tbll tosether, a drive r and his auto, challenging fate. "I talk tO the car," Meara said. "I say, 'Take me home!' " Meara, the 1979 Indy 600 winner, ~ into Swlday'a race .. the tavorlte. He had the fastest qualltytna time in hJltory and hia plt crew won the annual contest for speed on Thunday. He wW be qainat many of the p-eata of auto rad.ns -drlven like four·dme winner A . J . Foyt-, and Johnny Rutherford, Mario Andretti, Gordon Johncock and Al Uneer, all paat wtnnen here. What doel Me&r1 think about the competition? "J'lve hundred rn1lel ta the ~ competition we have," be Mid. · Jn the Nlh to fatter time, M8U'I hM ~ led the way. But the 30·yHr·old c.allfomlan doesn't think the i.ncre.ued 1peed poees a eafety problem.• ''Two years II<>· I qualified for the pole al 94 (194 mph)," he said. "Few cars were over 190. Masi W1!l'9 in tbe SO.. but we .had mon aa.identa that month than we've had th1a month. 'tlfbe can an fut.er but they are a better clua of cars. I think the field ii better th.an it baa been before. I don't think aJowtna them down wW make lt eafer. U 1!>U make a mlliake and hit • wall at 13Q, that'• not me, either. How much ·can you elow them downr' Mean aald the can determine how the ,.... will .,. "You do what the_. allowl you to do,'' he laid .• .,,,. .,.. th1na II to l':t your enuw (into the earners) ~ U 10:" enter Iott, you exit b!ch. You aan't malie . \ corrections In the corner. You want to make it all one tum. YOU rmJl!rDber your last time in that comer, what you did, how lt went. U it wun't right.. you ml8ht have t.o com!Ct a Uttle aolna in." Mean eaid that formula holda true for every tnck. "But it'• more eo bent. It'• a finer line here, a nuTOwer line from entry to exiL You want ton.an u llnooth aa po.ible." Last year, Mean' bid for victory ended in a frlchtenlna plt fJrw whkb hM prunJ:t a number o1 ~this ,_r, Inclu wu the addJUCJn ol 10 ~In ~ht of th• retalnln1 wall, a • abut off oo the full JllUDIPi the flow to AOp 1n cml ol and ft.N ~ IMl' far the ~ -------- t .. • Oranqe Ooatt DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May i8, 1918 ______________________ ...., Lakers' rapid style anything but calm From AP cl11patelaet PHU..ADELPHIA -The White m Water Raplda mljht be a better n1clmaml tlW\ the Lakers for the Loa ~~:.\!ii team of the Nat.tonal A.-odadon that Ukee to run, run, run. Tbe Laken' name ·~ a picture of a pacific body of water, calm andcomervative. But an appropriate team 1ymbol for Lm Angeles nqht be a kayak and a cruh helmet. "We expect to get at leut two 10-0 spurta a game when we get going," playmaking guard Nonn Nixon said Friday. The Lakers won the first game of the NBA c hampionship series 124-117 over the Philadelphia 76ers Thursday night, not with two 10-0 spurts but with one devastating 40-9 bW"St. The two teams play again Sunday In Philadelphia. That awesome display of fastbreak basketball turned an 83-68 Philadelphia lead intD a 108-96 edge for the Lakers in a 10~-minute span of the third and fourth quarters. . "We went to the boards, got more aggressive defensively and then the break started working for us," said Nixon, who had 24 pointa to share scoring honors on the Lakers with forward Jamaal Wilkes. Loe Angeles Coach Pat Rt.ley was at a loss to explain how the Lakers twned the game around after falling behind by 11 points at halftime and by 15 tn the first six minutes of the third quarter. "No one has really stopped our fast break for a whole game. We usually put together a spurt." Riley said. "We used the same players, had the same substitution rotation in the second half that we did in the Cirst. We just dribbled better,~ better and shot better." Quote of the day Mike BoHy, whose 17 goals earned him the Conn Smythe Trophy as the outstanding player in the Stanley Cup playoffs, won for the third straight year by the New York I.slanders: "We won playing our style. We didn't have to resort to brawls to decide it . . . It showed you don't win hockey games that way any more." Maltbie In command of Memorlal Roger MaUble, winJesa in six !I years, fired a sparkling 6-under-par 66 Friday and established a command1na six-stroke lead at the halfway point o1 Jack Nlcklaaa' Memorial Golf Tournament in Dublin, Ohio. Aided by superb outthur. Maltbie's 36-hole score broke Jlm Si11Mm'1 tournament record of 137, aet in 1978. Tied for leCiODd at 140 were Hale lrwla, Bal S.ttoD, ,Seen StmptOD and ' Peter Oo1terbal1 .... Defending champion Ka~y Bite knocked in an eagle on the par-4 eighth hole and cru..i.9ed to a three-shot Jeed after two rounds of the Coming Classic. The eight-year veteran of the LPGA recorded her oruy tour victory here last year. Baseball today On this date in baseball in 1977: Montreal's Larry Parrish belted three homers in a game, the 9eCOnd three-homer game for an Expos' player in five weeks Gary Carter had one on April 20. ·~ .. ,~ ·~ Cleveland'• Denny m•t•ra Whit• Sox Jou 0.DDY pltrl\l4 I five-hit•. Ill and Miki Har1rovt and Aadrt Tbora&OD keyed" a tlve-run thlrd lnnina that i•V• Clovoland lta tltth 1trat1bt victory, a ~2 wln ovor the Chlcaao White Sox Frtday night. DeMy. 3.~. at.ruck out thl)'f' and walked thrff u ho recorded hill foW'th complete 11mt . . 01car Gamble'• ninth-alnile drove in the wln.o.ina run and Gral1 NeUIH crashed a IP'and alam u the New York Yankees defeeted Minnalota, 10-& . . . Job Grabb and Lamar Jobson each hlt a homer and drove In three runs aa Texu smashed Kansaa City, 8-2. Ranier starter Cbarlle Hou1b, 4-3. pitched his fifth com~l!!te game of the aeaaon, atr1k1n8 OINNY out five and walk.Ing one . . Reid Nlcbola and Caney Laalford blasted home runs and Demits Eckenle)' and Mark Clear combined on a nine-hitter as Boston nipped Seattle, 3-2 . . . Lou WbJtaker hlt hla second home run of the game, a two-run shot in the ninth mning, to lead Detroit pa.st Oakland, 6-4. . . Rain postponed .Baltimore's game with Toronto . . Mlnneaota renewed Manager Billy Gardner's contract through the 1983 sea.son. The Twins have lost 31 of their last 38 games. Clark lets bat do talking this time Jack Clark, who blasted the la Giants organization earlier this week, tut two home runs and had five RBI to lead San Franci9CO to a 10-5 victory over Pittsburgh Friday night. The Giants held a half-hour team meeting prior to the game and immediately went tn Cront 8-0 after the first two inrungs . . Wlllle McGee had two hlta and scored three runs to back Bob Foncb and St. Louis to a 5-2 triumph over San Diego. Brace Satter entered with two outs in the top of the eighth inning and finished the game for his 14th save . . . Andre Dawson doubled and Tim Wallach singled to drive in runs duri.1\g Montreal's three-run first Inning, and Scott Sanderson pitched a six-hitter CLAM to beat Cincinnati, 4-2 . Sanderson, 5-3, pushed his lifetime mark against tbe Reds to 5-0 and pitched the Expos to their seventh straight win . . . Nolan Ryan struck out 11 batters before leaVtng in the sixth inning with a pulled groin muscle, and PblJ Garner drove in three runs to power Houston to an 8-3 win over the New York Mets. Ryan, 4-6, has struck out 10 or more batters in 137 games, a maJor-league record . . . Friday's game between Atlanta and Philadelphia was postponed because of rain and will be made up as part of a lwt-night double-header Aug. 30. Past Forgetting equals world mark Past Forgetting equaled t.he • listed world record for five furlongs by clocking :55 2/5 Friday in winning the Simi \Talley Purse by 3 'h lengths • over Fane1lll LaH before a crowd of 19,065 at Hollywood Park. Past Forgetting, the 7-10 Cavorite ridden by Cllris McCarron, took the lead shortly after the start and pulled away for her convincing victory . . . David Peanoa returned to the Charlotte Motor Speedway after a two-year absence and won the pole padtion for Sunday's World 600 NASCAR race with a qualifying speed of more than 162 mph . . . The Los Angeles K.mgs of the National Hockey L eague announced the signing of five free agents. They included defensemen Jim Browa Crom Notre Dame; Dean Kennedy; Craig Harley, and Allan Tuer. The other player was center Bill O 'Dwyer from Boston College . . The Continental Basketball Association announced that it will add five new teams for the 1982-83 season and transfer another franchise to Las Vegas. Entertain this summer with the unique Roger's look. FREE Buy a quality patio set now and we'll give you $100 worth of Roger's exciting, colorful pots & baskets __ 42" table & 4 chairs 48" table & 4 chairs PLUS: '100 E FRE Roget'• de9'gn1 each of the11 OM-• of·'4!1nd bask111 & pots 111 unique creation. Bring home the Ortmatlc: Aoger1lobll1hl1 aummtf. . -- CANTIN A 42" table & 4 chairs • 7 4 9 48"table&4chalrs 1769 PLUS: • 3 DAYS ., DavlsO Brow11 . . Financing Available Upon Approved Cre e/it RCA SIT. 9-8 SUI. 12-4 IOI. 10-4 OUT THEY GO - SAVINGS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT WHIRLPOOL, G.E., MAYTAG, RCA, SONY, AND MORE ~ALL AT A ONCE · llJY "'" CCJf1DC( nt(ll 111 ,_ MU, ClllJT lV I UflWa: llMD ... fllMCll8 AYAUILE .. IN . A LIFETIME . SAVINGS ••• ...r • Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 28, 1882 Surprising Ocean View bids for so.fthall title Seahawks' White bids for another shutout against Righetti in CJF championship tonight lh HOWARD L. HANDY Of'IMD.itr .... •lllft LAKEWOOD -It f~ to be a pltchina battle toni1ht when the IW'prtai.na Ocon View Ht1h SeahawkJ tanale with Rtahetti Hlah of Santa Marla for the ClF 4-A cfwnplonahlp at Mayfair Park here at 7:30. Ocean View's Pam White, a right-hander, haa pitched every innin& of every game for the Seah.awka thla 11euon and will be on the mound tonight. White hu not allowed an earned Nn in the fOW' playoff lame9 won by the Seahawka and haa given up only eight run.a ln 1~2 l.nningl th1a eeuon. She h.aa 1truck out 248 batten. Her counterpart at Rlahetti la nsht-h.anded !lenior Candy Foust who haa a 16-1 record thia 1euon and accordina to her OOKh, Robert Buah, ahe hu not allowed an earned run thia aeuon. 111 would prefer not to aay anY'thlna n,ht now," Buah aid when que1tioned abOut hia team and pitcher. "I'd rather not uy too much." 8uah did uy that Fouat la a)iilo tlie teem's leadinl hitter with a .600 averaae durjng the playof11. She h.aa 202 strikeout. for the aeuon and haa picked up 58 ln the plarotta to 63 for White. the Sumet i..e.,ue behind Marina and MJ.on. 1iM Seahawka l01t twice to !'.d.l90n and 1plit with Marina. The battle between Ocean View and RiptU la the finale of a long day of championlhf p pines •tarting at 9:30 ln the mom.Ina with the amall achoola and continuing throu&h to the 4-A title game. Titans capture playoff Opener "They are ln the drivers aeat and I don't know much about them except that they have a very strong pitcher," Ocean View Coech Sarah Oakley saya. "Pam haa done an out.standing job for ua thiA seaaon but tome of the other girla have allo played very well. Our catcher, Loui.aa Salazar haa done an outstanding job ln handling Pam. That's a hard assignment and she's only made one error and had one paaaed ball. Oakley will stay with the aame lineup. Alleri will lead off and play aec:ond bue, followed by Pam Bell ln right field. Jennifer Thiebert ln left, White, Roman Law10n at flnt baae, Salazar at catcher, Kelly Bode at third base, Chari• Monroe at short.stop and Becky Brummett ln center field. From AP dl1patcbes Mike Rubel's two-run homer capped three-run seventh inning a.a Cal State Fullerton beat the University of Houston 7-3 here Friday night m the first round of the NCAA West 2 Regional baseball tournament. Dave Wilder's bases-loaded double in the ninth plated three insurance runs for the third-ranked Titans, who are now 49-21. Eleventh-ranked Houston 41-12-3 must win today to stay alive in the double-elimination tournament. In the later game, Jim Jefferson threw 4 2-3 inning of one-hit relief and Mike Pagel drove home two runs as Arizona State beat San Diego State, 6-1. With the score tied 1-1 in the fifth, JeHerson came on with Aztec gunners on first and second base and worked out of the jam. The sophomore right-hander retired the last 10 batters in a row and struck out five to gain h1s seventh win against four losses. Kevin Romine's groundout ln the Sun Devil fifth scored Buddy Pryor with the eventual winning run off Greg Crabb (8-7). Meanwhile, in Fresno, Steve Buechele had CdM A YSO t eam wins The Corona del Mar Hogs defeated the Orange Peels from Fountain Valley, 5-0, at Irvine Terrace recently to capture first place in the A YSO boys Division 4 spring select Area K tournament. The Hogs finished with a 7-1 record with goal keeper Mike Bums having five shutouts. Goals were scored by Jeremy McEligot, Greg Seelmorst, Stephanie Pinault, Ernie Reinhardt and Andy Reed. The Hogs will play Paradise Valley Soccer Club of Las Vegas two games in a home-and-home series with the first game in Las Vegas on June 5. Paradise Valley visits Corona del Mar June 17. LIWllT PllCD 40::;. WI II 19mcA ·--~ BUY & SERVICE LOCALLY IN NEWPORT BEACH! Roy Carver BMW 1540 JAMBOREE RD .. NEWPORT CENTER NEWPORT BEACH. CA. 92660 714-640-6444 Spring Clearance Along with 12 8"4 f1nonc1ng all our new Coomocs ore di.counted during our sp11ng clearance A spectacular sole on on Sevllles Eldorodos 0evmes. Brouohoms oncl Clmorrons Huge Selection ChoOSe from our huge selection of hund1eds of new Codllocs ond toke odvontooe of the most substontt0t KMngs this 'Y9QT T1emendous dlecounts on 011 dfe .. ls v-os. E\.'f:N the rew HT4100powef system models. -In ott the eolOl1 you wont -Ond with the QPtlons you desire. And Oii IOOdV f()I lmmedlote deHllefv Whethef you wish to bvv Of lease now Is the time But the IUPPfV Is deflnitety Nmlled -so be Me to turv In eortv ta your best •tectlon NABEftS,2600 HCJrt)Ot BIVd . CADlu.!AC 8~'f~oo·121315a1.e2M I four hits Including a home sun and drove in seven Stanford run.a aa the Paclflc-10 team beat Fresno State, 17-10 In the West 1 Regional. In an afternoon game. Pepperdine eliminated Hawaii from the double elimination tourney by exploding for eight runs In the ninth inning for a 13-9 victory. The Waves and Fresno will play this afternoon, with the survivor meeting Stanford at night. Stanford stretched its winning streak to 12 games. going back to regular seaaon play, in the runaway victory over Fresno, which got two homers from Terry Pendleton. The Cardinals led 12-2 after six innings. Fresno came back to make it 12-10, but Stanford scored five runs in the ninth. Pepperdine's Jere Longenecher slammed a two-run double m the ninth inning and totaled four hits in the dramaUc victory over Hawaii, which took a 9-5 lead into the final innings. Joey Meyer homered for Hawaii in a four-run first, and Pepperdine was behind 5-0 before getting four runs in the fourth "Lynn Alferi, our second baseman, haa also made only one error and she hit .323 in league and is .250 overall. She's probably our most consistent player right now. "We don't hit the long ball because the pitching in the Sunset League ia so tough. Nobody gets that man hits." \vhlle the coaches would Uke to play down the importance of their 1espective pitchers, there IB no denying the fact that White and Foust will need a break of some aort to win tonight's showdown. In the semiflnala, White had 15 strikeouts against La Quinta and Foust had 18 in an 11-mning, 2-1 victory over El Dorado. The one big differeru:e in the two teams is the fact that Righetti is the Northern League champion while Ocean View had to settle for third place in SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY'S HIGHEST QUALITY JUST In other games, Pasadena Poly faces Maricopa at 9:30 for the small schoola title; St. Joeeph of Santa Monica meets La Reina at noon for the 1-A crown; Bellflower tapgles with Hart at 3 for the 2-A champioruship; and La Habra faces South Hilla at 5:30 for the 3-A crown. An Ocean View victory would give the achool its fint-ever CIF team championship in any sport, men or women. Laguna home; CdM away Corona del Mar High's Sea Kings and the Laguna Beach High Artists will be going for CIF tennis crown11 Wednesday -the Sea Kings drawing a road 8SSlgnment against defending 4-A kingpin Miraleste and the Artists getting a home asaigrunent against Calabasas in 3-A classification. Laguna Beach's match will be at Laguna Niguel Tennis Club, while a decision is still pending on the site of the Miraleste-Corona del J'iar match. F.ach is tentatively scheduled for 2 p.m. MONTHLY PAYMENT (PRIN. AND INT.) VIEW TOWNHOMES in a perfect South Orange County location ... that's Laguna Village, contempo- rary California living just minutes from Laguna Beach, Corona del Mar and UC Irvine. You couldn't be more centrally located, and you can't buy a more quality- built affordable townhome than those currently being offered at magnificent Laguna Village. Designed with a view in mind, each luxurious town home is positioned to take maximum advantage of dramatic vistas spread out in the valley below. The development is built around_ a 51/2 acre, half million dollar rec. center that includes a 5500 square foot clubhouse, swimming pool, tennis facilities, volleyball and picnicking. You may select from 1 and 2 story units with 2 or 3 bed- rooms that range in size from approximately 1010 to 1665 square feet and each townhome garage facility can accommodate 2 cars. It's like living in a park because more than 420/o of the development is de- voted to open space, rolling gardens and greenbelt areas. And, to allow you to completely enjoy your new country-club lifestyle, the condominium concept of leisure living is provided, with exterior maintenance, landscaping and care of the park-like grounds and rec- reational facilities performed for you by a professional firm retained by your Homeowner's Association for a modest monthly fee . ONLY 5&00~i~~NT For value, location, financing and affordable • prices, Laguna Village may well be the best home value in all of -;, .:~~1 California. Hurry for a choice "' , • ' location in our newest phase. from (PLUS CLOSING COSTS) BASED ON A GRADUATED PAYMENT AND A 30 YEAR LOAN *EXAMPLE: SANTA BARBARA PLAN Under our graduated pmt. financing plan, you buy this beautiful home for $112.600. Your down pmt. is $5,600, and your loan amount is $107,000 at 12% graduated interest your first year's mo. pmt. ls $1101 plus $9.4 (est. taxes), plus $90 (assoc. fee) for a total pmt. of just $1285. Your second year 's total mo. pmt. is $1369. The third year, it's $1452, and years 4-30, it's $1516. The maximum 30 year fixed interest rate for years 4-30 is just 143/•%. 3 BEDRMS, 2BATHS, 2CARGARAGE 0 THtS IS A LIMITED TIME OFFER, AND ONLY FOUR (4) UNITS ARE AVAILABLE AT $112,600. BDRM 3 90flM 2 MASTER SUITE SANTA BARBARA OOU8lf GARAGE I ... Oranoe Cout DAIL v PILOT /latUrdtY. May at. 1882 hawq Moran ops brother n cycle race Los Alamitos,_ Hollypark racing results Today's sports on TV, radio Shawn Moran wen\ for It on he laet lap of th• featured rana• County Falrarounda fore a crowd of 8,942. Moran'• apectacular victory am• at the expenae of hla rother, Kel~y . now the two ady for a maht to Germany onday for raclng In Europe. hen return for the American uallfler at Lons &ach Stadium une 12 ln their hectic achedule. ~Moran (Shawn) was alao the inner of the scratch main, aUng Rlveraide's Mike Bast, ft'hO was judged to finish ahead •f Ric hmond 's Mike Faria C~isputed) and Orange's Dave $uns. 1 The handkap main went to tuena Park's Robert Pfetzing. feUing beat out Sterling Cogar f Oceanside for the top honors. followed by San Pablo's Steve Lu ce ro , Brea 's Shawn McConnell, Canyon Country's Penrus Abbott and Reseda's Rick Miller L .. Ai.mttM ,,. ..... '"''""" ........ 11....._......,._.._....., '1tlT MCL "00 yard• t4•v• 1•1111 (Leolleyl 3 ao a oo a eo HOI llooll (OominouNI 7 40 4 IO ~ Yount (Crwger 3 00 .(Ito reoect: llfnl)le Mell, ~ "*"· fr•1 ... KICMI c.m.lot, Pueblo Tr-.~ 1/1111.~ Tlrllt I0:1t • Ill.ACTA (Ml ~ UO 40 UCOMO MCI, 360 yerde , ... Over The Cufl (Han) 4 IO uo 3 00 f.eey Tlot'-(Mytu) 13 00 10.00 Wiid Wtld Wiid (Cardo.le) 3 40 Aleo r.o.ct· Prime P-. c .... .,, Su'* TuMCI. YullOl'I Aamblef, A l ure Hope. Perlth Prleet, Arbell• Je1 Too. Time: 11:81. TIMO l\ACI. 550 yard1 Bradya Pop (Myletl 111 40 20 00 9 40 Think Six (8 ro0k1) 4 20 3 20 Policy 8ux (ClefllM) 0 IO AIMI r909d P-Broil.,. TrlpOI 8onu•. t41dden Hinge, Spot1 HlllOfY. MOOlllht Bounly Roc;ket- Tlme. 27 80 'OUflnt RAClf. 350 yerd1 MIN l(IO CauM (Bard) II 80 5 00 3 20 HNl'*9 POiiey (Dominguez) 7 80 0 80 MIN war Sllulfle V'dalr) 7 80 Aleo rac.d. Anne POiiey, Shea a Windy Gii, Bomt>I. Jet Sii Bat>y, Sliver Bar11eud1, A Zu11 Nlee9. Win For Tiny. Tlm1· 11·83. ta lllACTA (5·9) paid $56.00 'WTH MCI!. 1170 y11d1 N1t1wllle New. (Creager) II 20 4 80 3 80 Bllty Carl., a-(Lackey) 4 80 3 80 Wanyno (Bard) 5 20 Al.o r909d. Hlglll1nd SM Clllc Dae MAI. FIMI Mleiley. e1 .. na1 Clletoil .. Time 45 77 lllCTM MCI. 400 ytide l.O¥tOl!loMy (Mllohell) II 20 I 20 4.IO ~llW TN (CfN91f) II IO 3.IO Good ,Mlur .. (CtldOH ) 4 20 Aleo reo.d· AMI HI, llll'lh Qv1i11 II,,.., Cetrlld AIHY ....... llreull Dewn. liming. lllOr1 Aftd FIMI, l/lfMda Time. 18.H . • UACTA ( .. 11ptld 111 IO llVI..,,. MCI. 400 y.,d, Doc Neel (Creeo«) tll IO 7 IO 4 IO ~I Cllatget (Harl) 3 40 2 IO The FMllVe.I (t>ornlngveal 3 40 Aleo rtoed 1.edy a.i-, Ci.y 8UOttel<IM, Cut N ~un. Lucily 810w, PerllCI Aequee1. Midnight POiiey. Oo f.A1y L.Oy Time. 20. 10 92 HACTA (3·21 paid '59.20 llQHTH MCI. 300 r11d1 Tiny Overdrille (Fryd1y 8 &0 3.00 2.20 T•• Angel• (CrMgef) 2.eo 2.20 Cllurp N Go (Hen) 2 20 Alto rlQed· Mlto Seven, T1lk To Ptppa. Tak• Five Too. St 19n1t1u1 Time. 17 11 a IXACTA (7-3) paid Sit 20 a PICK aot (1-6-11-... 3·7) paid S7.1115 20 Wllh nve wlnnen (11¥1 hof-). •2 Pick SI• conaoletlOn l*d S 100 00 With 130 W1nnet1 (lour hor-) NINTH MCI. 350 yarde Ret>1 Liiiie Lulu (Cerdoza) 3 eo Dellcata Angel (81rd) Folly• Band (Harl) Tlm1: !7:7S. 12 IXACTA (5-7l paid S31 80 TINTH .. ACI!. 360 yatd1 OM &tight Chick (Watd) 5 IO 111 P1y (l!>aullne) Ml.a Love Lark (CrN09<) Time: I S~08-a UACTA (5~) paid 122 eo Atlafld&llCI 10,254 3 20 240 9 80 4 20 300 3.20 2 80 4 80 340 4 40 Vitas' horseplay costly PARIS (AP) -Fifth-seeded Vitas ~erulaitis advanced to the fourth round of the French Open tennis tournament Friday, but was fined $2,500 for his court behavior. of Czechoslovakia beat Ramesh Krlshnan of India 6-2, 6-1, 6-0 in a third-round mat.ch. Lendl has yet to lose a set in this tournament. "I was just trying to make the crowd laugh," Gerulaitis said after b eating Switzerland's H einz Gunthardt, 6-2. 7-6. 5-7. 6-4. Gerulaitis, ranked ninth in the world, was penalized after disputed calls for twice twirling his racket on his ext.ended middle finger and for waddling around the court with a tennis ball jammed between hi.a legs. Fourth-seeded Jose Luis Clerc of Argentina downed France's Bernard Fritz 6 -2 , 3 -6, 6-4 , 6 -3 in a hard-fought mat.ch. America's Jimmy Connors, the No . 1 seed, and Argentina's Guillermo Vilas, seeded third, were id.le, 8.9 was the No. 1 women's seed, Chris Evert Lloyd of the United States. Hottrwoocl f'•k ~IOAY'e Me"'-Tt CIMlltf ..... JtMt ......... MMttflt) lfltllf l'-ACI, 1 furtonot 'IOUtehMd (8 1bllle) • 40 11.00 4 00 Lii' Mita OoodV (OllvatM) 1t IO 7 80 Aglletllr-(diwraJ 7 IO Aleo 11oed Candy OIH1. lm&::rtull, Mllllnt In AollOn, Mltle Cfowd. Mini H1wHew Time. 1 23 .. COMO MCI. 9 IUrlonOa Petit• Room 1Wt1ttng1on1 le.eo e.eo • oo 1111...i Bria (C .. 1tne0e) 11 40 s oo Llbby't MIOlo (Htwt.y) 11 IO Alto rlle*I Ruth Mergerel, Gold Jeakll, Curle In Whlrl1. Jem CrHI. Aull1 Knoll, RlgetOl'll 0-. Lulubet, Ort> O'Wer. l ime : 1.10 215. a DAil v OC>UaLlf 13.101 paid aee.20. THIM) MCI. I 1118 mu.. on tun Quach•n (Guera) 14 llO 4 llO 3 20 Ari Director (Plefoe) 2 IO 2 40 AIOardl (Sholmaklf) 3 00 AllO 11ced FIH I Peul Okie City l ad. Sllklldeu Time 1 ~ '6 IXACTA (1·3) paid $85.00. 'aotn'H .. ACI. 5 fur10nQa Aot>'I My Cl\ance (Plncay) 5 20 2 40 2 40 Grenot>le (l/alenzUll•I 2 40 2 40 Aguila ( 8111ek I 5 00 Al.o raced Art'• Lucky, Shadn of a1 .... Sequoylh, lmprMllve Brull. Time 5S "'"" .. ACI •• lur1ong1. Orlgln11 Cln (Mccarron) 3 00 2.80 2.10 My F1vor1t1 Aunl (Guerra) 5.80 3 40 Flrll Cl ... (Plnc1y) 2 40 Aleo raced Surlln Culle. N111ve Gal, TM1 ol Time Time I 10 .. IUCTA ( 1·21 Paid 164 50 fl)(TH "AC•. 9~ futlong1 "•l>Ylou• P•tl•n~OllYtf .. , e IO 3.IO 2 eo Joe MUI (Outtre 10 00 8 10 Cherg« Oreg ( ah04lna~I 3 40 Aleo 1101d Oold•n Odynay, ~otlow AAnolf, hnlor lenalor. lummer Knight, Stow Tapt. enioon CNp, G111eoe. f.n~ ofor-Tlml 1 ti 115 MVDfT'H MCI. One rnlle on luff WlnnlftO l..lt.IOl'ltw (Plnuy) 4 40 3 20 3 00 w .. 1wn l t.,i.1 (Ouwre) & 80 O 110 Em • Mlk• Up Kii (81elnet) e IO Alto rlOld K11t>IC. Slle01 A 8w<>e>1 81111 ROM, Jutleunl. Time I 3'5 2/11 II IJCACTA (1·71 paid S83 50 a "Cll St)( (10· 1-1· 1· 10· 11 paid $4,410 20 with 211 winning tletl•t• (ll• l\or-1 S2 Pick Six conlOlallon p1ld $47 80 with 890 winning 11ck111 \"v• horeea) S2 Ptc;k SIA ec111ch conto111 on paid sse.oo llOHTH .. ACE. 5 lur1ong1 P111 Foroetttno (McCarron) 3 40 2 80 2 20 Faneull Lua (Lipham) 3 00 2 80 s-1 Amend• (Plneay) 4 40 AIMI rac.d Fried• Frame. Pro or Con. Th11"1 Clua. My M1tcedn Tim• 55 2/5 11r1c k record) M IXACTA (2·7) pale $21 60 NINTH .. ACE. I 1116 mile1 P1clllc Morn (8111Ck) 14 80 4 80 3 20 Friendly Royalty (Plne1y) • 20 2 80 P Vlk (H1Wley) 2 80 Aleo r1c1d Prodlglou1. Ttmt>1r1port. Trabuan. Ntge< 1 I/alley, Oeaovllle 01wn Time I 42 2/5 II lfXACTA (3·11) p1ld S 124 50 Altendance 111.065. .,.....,.llON t0· 1& 1 m (4) -tAS••AU. ChieeOO 11 Cleveland 11 1 m llH -WCT TSNNte 11 15 e m P11 -IAll•AU -Oodgete at cnic.oo Cuba 1 p m (4) -9AN.IAU. -Au.nta at PNl9Cl4llpl\la 2 pm. (2) -QOU' -Thifd round pilly In Ille "'-"I IGurMll'leftl, lac>ed at Outiltl, Ol\lo 2 30 p.m (71 •uou MY LIONAllO'• OOU>SHQLOVH -~~YI Teii• In a _ ... ol boutl lac>ed In MlnnMPQlll 3 30 pm (2) -Cll ~I IAT\MDAY Rolando Navarrt11 (42·11-31 o.fend1 hie wee 1<1per feather-..eight 1111e aga1na1 Raf.., '"8u ook1"' Limon (46-11-2) In 1 ac;lledulld 16-round t>out. taped 11 LM veg .. Alto· The 1982 U S. nellonal wom1n'1 gymnullo1 champk>nlhlp1 (7) -""<> 90WllNQ -TM lln•I• of 1119 luceon <>Pen. lac>ed 5 pm (7) -WIDtl *ON.D Of' ll"OflTI - Taped cov.,1g9 ol 1119 Grand Prl• ol Monaco Aleo Th• world 1nv11111on11 high dlvlno cllarnp1on11111p. taped 11 OrtanOo ~la and a PflY\lw OI Ille Indy 500 llllA.DtO e ... ball -Oodol<• 11 ChleaO<>. 11 15 1 m KABC (790). Mllweuk.. 11 Moel•. 1 pm KMPC (710) Bullfights set TIJUANA -Antonio Lomelin and Curro Rivera, two of the finest matadors in bullfighting, will be perfonrung Sunday in the Memorial Day Weekend corrida at the El Toreo d e Tijuana, starting at 4. The fine pushed Gerulaiti.a well over the $5,000, 12-month penalty limit which calls for a mandatory three-week suspension by tennis' Pro Council. Gerulaitis said he would appeal the fine and suspension, which if imposed immediately, could knock him out of the Wimbledon tournament in June. No. 2 women's seed Martina Navratilova of the Uoited States reached the fourth round, trouncing countrywoman Lisa Bonder 6-1, 6-3. No. 5 seed and defending champion Hana Mandlik.ova of C:i.echoslovakia beat Virginia Wade of Britain 6-2, 6-1. VIDEO CAMERA @HITACHI Meanwhile, No. 2 seed Ivan Lend.J Meanwhile, the youth brigade of Sweden's Ma ~s Wilander and Americans Tracy Austin and Kathy Rinaldi all advanced Frida 30"110"11 %" MIHO&AllY DOORS Hollow Core -Great for Staining G.OAOUTI Reg. 29.05 SALE 10 LITE ~Tl l FREllCH DOORS SALE :-Tl ~Tl 1~" Douglas Fir$8995 :-1~ ~Tl N1510 30"x36" Reg. -131.10 SALE :-i=i I 'Lm ~:J , :-i:::-,, 1~" Douglas Fir $9995 tJ 1 N644 0--30", 32", 36". Mn ~-~jj WOOD LOUVER BIFOLDS 25%oFF Unfinished, ready to stain °' palf1t. Many 1i1n to chOOM from. G.OM 08l1 Stock Items only LIST PRICE I II" 1 II" 1 1%" R $ !LOUVER DOORS sg~io 4995 ;!'! =nty SALE All Item• Subfect To Stock On Hand WE WILL IE 0,11 E•OIW. IA1, 1-4 THE FIRST SOLID STATE CAMEU IN THE UNmD STAns "MADE FOR THE MOST DISCllMINATINB t LOW LIGHT WITHOUT LAG. t LIGHWEIGHT t NO TUBE TO BURN OUT HITACHI VIDEO IM STOCK vt 150G-m100-msoo YTl710-YT61P-VlCl50 PllCED TO SELltl VGP 170-8 lft RECORDER-PRICED TO SELL ALSO IN STOCK: VFT 450, VFT 650, VFP 170 CC006-CC011 NOW PRICED TO CLEAR non ..... 25" DIA&OllAl COLORTRAK "REMOTE" CAU 111-Jllt FOtlll u11m MfllOR RCA ColorTrak 19" ......... t COLORTRAK AUTO. TUNING SYSTEM t LIGHT SENSOR GFR760 t DUAL DIMENSION ------- SOUND SYSTEM LOWEST PRICE OF THE YEAR llDll '42900 11·· DtAG. RCA'S Fm•Y29S.OO Fffi488 19~;AGONAL REMOTE 25o~GOMAL HITACHI REMOTE CONTROL t SIGNAL TRACKER I MID BAND CABLE s499 10-2-1 WARRANTY NOW PRICED TO CLEAR AT ~~-=:i:c:~-.r"""""~ THE YEAR'S LOWEST PRICE 13~~AGONAL REMOTE WHILE THEY LAST HITACHI tlNFRAREDREMOTE CONTROL t COLOR-LOK SYSTEM 10-2-1 WARRANTY PRICED TO CLEAR!! 25oiAGONAL ZENITH FEATURING THE EXCLUSIVE ~ Advanced §pac:e Phone e FULL RANDOM ACCESS REMOTE CONTROL e BIG '4' SPEAKER SOUND WfTH SEPARATE BASE AMO TREBLE comoLS e SYSTEM m 100% MODULAR CHASSIS e OM SCREEN DISPLAY OF TIME & CHANNEL e VOICE/MUSIC SWITCH e PIClURE SHARPllESS COllTROL SHOWN IS ONLY ONE OF SEVERAL SPACE PHONE MODELS Ill STOCK CALL FOR SPECIAL LOW SALE PRICE ON THIS "TOP- OF-THE-LllE" ZENITH SUPER SPECIALS WHY BUY AT AIC? CALL 968-3329 FOR PRICES 19" DNmt COlW299 25"DNmt llMOTl'699 Aak ..._,. .._.. • VIM er ....... CM,_. -···--• DlltrllMttw ............ ~ ... ............ All .,,... ............. ~ • ... C•"'"'l11f1ne4 ....... :/.· We KMW Ow ,, •••ct ........ Owe Mt ,.. Price eO-HtyelA ... .ttye ....... tr 1~ lllOOKMUll1' (ATUllP .. , MUNnl•l•t IMOI 25"WG-'649 MnAall•Mllt '599 ,...vox 1rcoiol'299 , ..... 7 ..... Orang• Co11t DAIL y PILOT /Saturday, May 28, 1812 MAJO.. LIAOUI 8TANDIN08 Ameftoen LM111te ....... CNCtlQO KllMM CllV o ... land SMtlle r .... MlnM.all w .. 111n OIYletoft W L '° 18 28 15 23 20 22 24 22 241 t3 27 12 341 ····-OIYleloft "°'·Git 1162 -MI '\ &3& &'\ n8 e 46t 9 325 14 2SO tt 80.1on 0.Uoll N-Yo<ti MllWMlll .. 8a111mo•• c 1eve1.,,o Toron10 211 16 8611 26 18 6111 2 22 20 52• a 21 22 418 7•,. 2 1 22 488 7'" 20 23 4156 8'1o ta 25 4 t9 tO't 'rlhf• lc-...... II, Mllwauk .. 5 Toronto at Blltlmora , ppo rain Clevelend 5 ChleaQO 2 T• .. • 8 Kan ... coy 2 N9w Yori\ tO Ml..-ta S O.ttOlt 8 Oaa1ane1 • BotlOff 3, S<Mttle 2 T oct.1'• Oemee M•lw-.. (U tch 3·41 at A~ (R9"kO ~II Cnlctloo tHoyt 0-01 11 Clev@lana 1sute11!la 2·1) New Yori< (John 4·4) 11 Mlnnnol• (Wtlliarna 2·2) 0.trotl (W1lcoa 3-111 11 0.11191>0 (N(l(fil 2-41 Toronto (LHI 3·2 and Clancy 6 31 at Baltlmor• (Flanagan 2-4 anCI McGregot 8-3). 2 KtnHI City tSptonortr 2 4) at Te•u (Hon.,..cun 2·5) Boaton (Hutti 4· 11 •I S<Mttle !Moot• t·6). Netlonal L•-aue ... ...,, °""'°" Allan la San °"'00 ~ HOU91on w L Pct. oa 27 17 8tl 23 20 535 3·~ 23 23 500 5 San Francleeo CIN:lnnall 20 241 435 8 20 27 4211 8'/t t8 28 •09 II SI LOU-I ..... YOtll Monlrut PNlacle4pNa ChlClogO Plltaburgh htlem Olv!Mon 29 17 25 20 23 19 22 21 20 28 t7 25 Frldey't korM ChlCego 4, DodOen 3 MontrNI 4, Cinclnn•tl 2 $911 Francltc0 10, Ptllal>utgl'I 5 Hou11on 8. N9w Yori< 3 830 sse 3·~ S48 4 &12 5'/t 4U 9 405 10 Atl•nl• et P1111ao•p111e, pp<I , 1ain St Loula 6, Sa.n Ol9QO 2 Toder'eC.0- ~ ($1-811 1·2) •I CNcago (NoiM !>-S) c1nc1nnatl CSaaver 1·41) al Montreel (Roget• 8-31 Atlante (P Nlelcro 2·11 at~ (Rutllvet'I 3-3) Sen FrancllCO (Ch<ll 0 I) •I Plttlburgh (Robinson ~). n Houtlon (J Nl•kro 3·41 et N•w York (z..ctlry 4-1 ). n San Olago (Cu1111 2·31 al St Loula (An<lu)er ~). n From Page 81 ANGE LS WIN. • AMlfUOAN LIAeul .,,. ... ,,.,....,., MllWAUICll 0~ .. '... . , .. MONtOt 3D 4 0 0 0 Oowftifto. If 4 1 1 0 Y-1. 11 4 0 ) I Ofldl. fD 4 1 I I °"'*· ID .. I a I layior, dh • ' 1 '"'\ Money di'\ 4 I I I o.tl'\08. Sb 4 1 t 0 0 Tll!M. Ci 4 I I I ~ X llWI, 113 I I 0 Og~ II 4 0 I 0 " Clark rt 0 0 0 0 Slf'l\l'llOllt,, .. 0 I 0 Lvnn.cl .. I I I lfOlitlro. rl I 1 I O C•raw, lb 3 0 1 0 EOWrcla, 1)11 t 0 0 0 ,Oii U 3 0 1 1 PICl(;lolo 2b 2 t I 0 ._. C 2 0 0 1 Qanln.<, 2b2 0 0 0 Total• 3& & II a TOI ... 31 • 10. ..... lttlnnlnt• MllWa..tli.. 001 0 13 000-1 Cahlomia 000 200 31a-e f -OeC}ncea DP-Mllwauliea I . Calllo<nl• 1 LOl-Mllwa..tkM a. Celltornla 3 21 l1ouhard. DaClnon 2. Lrnn Hll COOC* (Sf Money C71' Q T'-(t ) Baylor 171. 011e;1> 181 s -erouhat d SF -llooM MltWallkM Celd ..... Barnard IL.2· 11 MoCl\ira CalHor,,la "'H" 111 .. ao eo,; 8 a s 1 o I 2 I 1 0 t \\00 0 0 0 Z.atl,, o 9 5 a 1 1 SIN:~ 2 2 0 0 0 0 Corl>9tl (Wl·21 2 0 0 0 0 t ZaM pllelleCI lo 4 1191'*1 In 11\e Ith T -2 2 t A 38,824 Anoel 1Yef-0ff UTTIMO .. " H .. Ml f'ct. ElenlQU.l 62 8 ta 0 8 301 Gflch 135 20 40 8 25 2" Ca•-138 25 4 0 10 290 Foll 160 IS 42 2 24 280 OownlnQ 1111 30 so 9 21 279 Lrnn 14• 20 40 1 12 278 Boone 1341 II 37 1 18 212 Baylor 180 2t 441 1 29 2541 Ra JiKatn t38 18 33 8 18 243 Ro Jacken 29 2 7 0 3 .241 0. C1nca 163 20 311 5 17 2:19 Clatk 34 3 1 1 3 208 WllfonQ 6 0 I 0 0 t117 Burle.on 45 4 7 0 2 160 Kel~ 3 2 0 0 0 000 Totalf ·~ 203 41 38 1(1() 262 PITCHIHO ... " M IO W-l. lflA Hutle< 23 t• II 10 1..0 0 ,, R9nt<o 47\\ 37 7 21 $-1 1 70 1(1aon •• 34 22 25 4..() 2.oe AIM 311''> 241 18 31 3·2 2.411 Zahn TO 54 15 22 $-2 283 Witt 311'/t 32 21 111 3..0 3 22 Sane"9t 27 26 tl 12 2..0 3 33 Fo<tCh 19'• 72 t6 22 4-4 3 52 Cort>ell 32 5 11 23 1·2 4 50 "40'9"0 40" 46 t9 Ill 2·11 4 89 Tott11 43<Wt 374 149 190 :io-18 2.e8 lndlMM S. WMI• .... 2 ChlCIQO 002 000 000-2 5 2 Cl-and 005 000 00•-5 7 o Trout. l(QOMlan (4) and Fiii<, o.My and N•hOtodny W Oanny 3.5 L-Troul, ._.. .t.-25 IOS .. angen •• "°J• 2 Kan• .. City 000 X>O 000-2 9 0 Teau -oo 0 10 03•-8 9 o Fro.t G Jldlaon (7) and Wathen Hougl'I ano Sundb9(g. W-HOugh. •·3 L Froet. 4·• HR-TuN, Grubb (21. I.. JOllnaon (3) A II 72 1 Y-'UN 10. TwlM I N9w Y(l(k 001 021 015-10 10 0 Mln.-Ola 002 10 I 010-5 10 0 Guidry. Frarlar (7). Ooanga (II anCI Wynegat. B Caattllo. fll90n (81. R o.¥19 (411 anCI Laudn•r W-Gouage, 1·2 L-R Da¥tt. 1·5 HR-New Y0tk, Sm•Ji.y (4), P1n1et1• (2) O ambl• 15), NettlH (2) MlnneeOta. GMlll (7), Wato l•J. Elrunanaky 2 (8) A-18,1~ R u stlers • • '"'"' _. ... oA ~J-• I o ... ".. ooo ooo OH-1 o 1D•1re1t~. Olllf Ill 11\9 Allll\tO"; lallf\itlW encl ..... W ..... ~. W . ~-l111n l •ltr . t ·i 1 -01u 1 <•l Hll lotton Lanalord 111. Hlellolt (II A 10,~ T...,. I. A't I o.troll 001 )00 001-1 t I 1 Olill.ilel IOO 000 ZOO 4 t 1 ,..ry I_ ... (f). To04' 111 and Pttrlall L1"glorel 111d Newman W TOlllll, 2·0 1.-~IOfCI, H H,_-o.voll, Wtllllliket a Cl), Hemclon Cl). Olklend. Mvfllt!Y (I) NATIOMA&. LIAOUI CUN .. D11d11re.a i.oe AMOIUI Cftle•oo .. '111111 .. '111111 IM, 2b I 1 I 0 W• tD I 0 I 0 Orta. If 4 1 4 1 llNIDrg1 ID I 0 I 2 lellet, tt 4 0 0 0 l\lclllli, lb 4 1 I 0 QUl(Nf, Ci 4 0 1 1 Moreind, rl ) I 2 2 Oerey. lb 4 0 1 0 Durtlem, cf 4 O O O 0.,. a& ) 1 0 0 l'lfldlrtl\ II :) 0 0 0 YMQlt, c 3 0 1 0 WOOH. II 1 0 0 0 Moncllv, phO 0 0 0 eo. .. 11 3 0 1 0 ~ .. 3000 JOe .... 0:1110 W9illll, p 2 0 0 0 MllU, p I 1 0 0 '°'•et, p 0 0 0 0 L• lml411,lll 0 0 0 O laneltA, pll I 0 0 0 CemplMll, p 0 0 0 0 ACHno, p 0 0 0 0 "°9nc;k, 1)11 0 0 0 1 To111e ,, l • 2 Talala 31 1 1 4 .... .,, ...... Loe AnoaMt 001 000 011 -3 CNctiQo 000 220 00• -4 DP·Clllo•go I LOl·LOI Anll•IH 7, Cl'llc•go 5 21-0 •rvay, Orte. J Oavla, S•ndberg HR·Otl• (2). Morel•nd (II) SF·ROetllCh LM.,...._ •H"lfl .. 90 W91Cl'I IL.~I 4'1o a 4 4 1 4 Foralw 1\\ 0 O 0 1 2 Romo 2 10000 ... ~~1-3) 71\ 7 2 2 1 3 La Smith 1'n I 1 1 0 0 C-bell (S.51 1 0 0 0 0 0 L• Smit!> pllch9cl to 2 b•llan In 11\e 11th WP·Romo r ·2 18 A· 11,644 ........ 119cM 2 Clnelnnlll 000 002 000-2 8 1 MontrMI 300 001 OOX-1 II 0 Ele<en)'I. Lall>tandt (21, Prtoe 1111. Kern (8) and Trevino, Sand•raon and C•rl., W-Sanoa11on. 5·3 L-8.,enyl, 4.4 HR-Clncinn•ll. o..iw (I) Montr .... c.rtw 19) A-3 1,0541 Giant• 10. .......... San Frenc;laeo r.30 200 000-10 1& 2 Pllllburgh 001 120 001-6 8 1 Lukay, Scha lHd., (81 •nd Brenly, Canoelarl•. Romo (21. Nl•m•nn (IH. S•rmi.nto (81 lnCI Pena W-LN119Y. 1-2. L-Cand•l•tll, 1·3 HA-San Francl~. Clark 2 (7) Pilt•burgh, Madlock (4). 8 Robin-. (3~ A-7.273 c..-........ , San °"'00 000 001 010-2 I 1 SI LOUl9 100 100 211.-6 6 2 ElcMltllrger and KMnlely; Foradl, Suttet t•I and Sanchu. W-Forach. a-1 l -Elch•lb•rg.,. 1.e s -Suller ( 1<11 HR-San °"'00 Ru JonM (II~ A-31,13:1 .. IT99 ....... J Hou11on 320 000 102-8 t 1 O New 'I' orli 000 OOj) 030-3 10 3 Ryen, LaCoN (II). D. smith (8) and Pu)Olt; Ra. JonM, Heuam.n (2~ Ora.co (3). Lynell (II) and SIHrna W-Ryan. 4·41 L-Ra JoMt, 11-3. S-D. Smith (7}, HR-Houston, Puhl (5). A-15.273. Colteae 9COfM NCAA WEIT I MGtOMA&. (lltf-) Slanl(l(CI 17, Fr"1>0 St 10 Papperolne t3, H•w•ll II NCAA Wl.O::T I lllGIONAL (•ITMftf19) Cal SI Fullerlon 7. HoUston 3 Ariton• SI 6, San Cl!ago St 1 Community cotleae ITATl TouflNAMlflr ,rtd91'e k«M Canyon• II Laney 7 (laM)I ailmln9ted) Merce d 1 Orange CoHI 4 (OCC ... m11141ted) Canyon• ti, Marced 11 (Mercao 941mlneted) Sacratnenlo City vt LA Valley 12·2 .rtet al• ~, ...,....,,0t.,._c ... 14 OAMIM~IT ~ , "" • , 11• 0rua. d 0 0 0 VrdlDI, tf t I 0 0 ~Ill. Ill 4 1 I 0 llrwnlNI. tt 3 t I 0 T'lllclM.• • 1 1 t ,,,11 •• lb • 0 0 1 ....._., f t 1 3 1 Arllllft, 1111 4 f I 0 ·-·· 2011Heaut.1114110 OIMe,rl 2011Mar111111011 0ec>1111.ab a o 1 o "'"·do a 1 to Otool. .. .. 0 0 0 ..... .. 4 1 1 0 Ptlltdl, di\ I 0 I 0 Cettw, r1 4 0 I I OetW\t. lit 4 I t 0 ""9r, p 0 0 0 0 ln1ro, p o o o O Ctdllo. o o O o o "°°" ... p 0 0 0 0 M-,11100 0 0 TotMe H I 21 4 TOI• U 1 II 4 .... .,, ........ ~iw:: CO..t m = = :.; I~. T-. lhlnalU, ClrOOI, HNI LOl ·Oteng• Coa•I IS, Ltn•y t 21·Hop111n1, lrown 31·1rownl11g, Anderton. a lrownlng, ,.,,.,,. B'·lr~ 0r.,..c ... a.ntOto (l ,3• II Aoollet Muneon ...... ·""'"-'° 411o 10 1 I 0 0 "> 0 0 0 t I ) 10000 ~ (W,7-4) ·~ 11 4 I 4 I CorcMlio 181 "' 1 0 0 I 0 W"•8•u•r HP·FIOflt (by llOOker) 8atk·8ent0to. T ·2.63. A-300 i..1tmelldl C#' .:r.:!::" ...... Moniot.Ir~ I , MM~ 3 ~1)1 71-419-140 11..ee-140 70-70-140 71..e9-140 7a-et-141 81-72-11 1 7J-e&-111 70.72-142 7().72-112 71-4111-142 et-73-142 74-88-142 7().72-142 71·71-112 7().72-t42 72·70-142 71-71 -112 12·70-112 76-1111-143 7*·70-143 81-74-113 73-70-143 14-89-143 71-89-113 71·72-143 71-88-143 71·72-143 70.74-11-4 72·72-1« 72·72-11-4 74·70-11-4 72-72-111 71·73-111 71-70-1« 70-74-111 71·73-111 72-72-1« 7&-5-11S 12·73-145 72·73-115 419-78-145 7().75-115 7e-el-145 73-12-115 7e-e&-146 71-71-114 71-72-146 71·75-1441 74-72-1441 71-71-1441 72·74-1441 76-72-147 fa.71-117 76-72-147 74-73--147 74-73-147 74-73-117 7~72-147 LPCIAt~t , .. ~ILY,) e Hitt 7M7-tt1 ..... 10.10-140 • IPll# ... ,._,., NlflO Loo. U •f•-141 ""*'"... ,...._, .. , .... "'""9IM , .... _ 10 A/r!'f AleOCI '2·10-141 0.llly """' 11"11-14t 0.tlly ....... 12·10-142 ~elf)' lllelflM l1•7t-IO J;Wf "9nilln 71• 1 1-I 13 OonN WlllW ... 74-113 Olfldy Hiii 12.11-14' Jo"'-W..,._ ,. .. _113 Oell ....... 72-72-11<1 CNl9 ~ 12·12-11-4 leflllf• ~--7 1-73-11<1 Lynn AdllM 12·11-11<1 Jllll 11~ 7"71-11-4 Kelhy Wlll~h 11·71-148 Kelhy YOUflO ... 77-146 Olel\M Delley 72 73 -I 46 = 8riU 11·74-146 Hemlffl 71·71-116 ..,,,,.. '--7....,_ 116 lelh o..llel 7).72-145 MltlY OIOket-7•·11-115 Joye» Kumler9kl 73-73-146 M= 73·7S-llt Pel t 11·72-148 lloCln elton 11·72-l<lt 84M*y Pear-76·11-148 Lynn StrOMy 74·12-118 \lldll ,...gon 70.76-14' Ptll)' Htyee 7$-72-117 0.-Wood 70-71-147 Kellly MW'lln 71·78-147 AIPlnelr• Aeinllaordl 74-71-1<11 JI/I,,.,.,.,. 74-71-111 Cdllrine Ouoget1 73-79-1<11 SellY Lllll• 71·74-111 l<athy Po.llw~ 74-74-114 JMll.... 12·77-119 l<elhy McMulletl 72· 17-149 Muffin ~·o.vlln 73-78-1411 Catotvn Hiii 76-73-1111 PQA 1tat11tlce ICOMtG LiAOl.llt I Tom l<JI•. 70 04 2 Tom W91-. 70 12 3 Curtla Sltenga and S<:otl Hoell, 10 40 6 s1-M•n)'ll, 70.51 AV11l4M OfWVIMQ Ot9TANCI 1 T•l.a Oulll 274 3 2 Fuzzy Z.oMler and 0... Pont. 270 0 4 Oenlt W11-.. 2419 II 5 lltUQ9 OouolaM, 289.S DMVIN4 ""caNTAOI tH 'AWIWAY I CllMn PM11. 8111 2 Mike Raid, .771 3 Bill RoQer9. 151 4 a.,,. uto .... 146 5 Tom !Qle, 742 GMIN8 .. "IQULATIOM I J-Nlcklaut. 728 2. 8rUC9 LlelJ:ka, 718 3 Curlla 8 trenga, 715. 4 CllMn PMI•. 714 6 H .. Sutton, 722 AV.AAOI l'UTTI NA M>UNO I LMry Ziegler, 28 50 2. Ctlllg 8t.oler, 28 83. 3. Tom Kite, 28 72 4, Ed Florl, 28.18. 6 J«ryH-.rCI. 2177 ~NTAO« ~ ~.,_ HOUa I Tom Kil•. 228 2 Tom Wat-•• 221 :I CrllQ Sladler .. 223 4 Oenlt W•taoo. 218 6 J«ry Pate •. 214. llAOUI L.&ADE"I 1 Craig Stacll•r. Tom Welakopl Ni<;k Fllklo. Jetry Pate, o.n Pohl. e , .....,. LIADelll t Tom Kite. 232 2 Scoll Hoell, 225. 3 II• Cteig Sladlet etld AAdy 8-1. 2111 5 Fuuy Z0911w. 209 CommunllV con.a. ITATI OICATMLofl <•'-·--~) FIMI.._.. 1 o.rren ..... (ShUte~ 7,095 points; 2 Steve Odg41ra !Or91>g• Coaal). 7.0111, 3 Marti~ (Ventura). 7.008; 4 JOfl Hieb (Harln•ll). 41.1122. 5. 8•11 Oood•ll IRedwooda), 8 ,901, e Marty Cowan (c.mtoe), a ,746. hooM0.,1-48 1,500 ""4.,. -1 Jtrt OOf1Ulee (SO ...... ). 1:22.3, 110 ""4., HH -1 J09 Hieb lHatlnetl\· 11.3. PV -1 Olon Olullano Ollndele. 14-11~; OT -1 Oetren H.it Shula), 135-7: JT -Vine• Adkin• ~~197..e frldli,.1 trenNCtloM Ua.aAU. ~~ AL-Promot9d Bob 0•¥1Clf0n, umplra, IYom IM Amencen AMOC19tlort .. If-lion ra!IM BALTIMORE ORIOLES-Pieced Oon SlanhouH, pit char. on rel'labllllellon •aalgnmant with Roc h••••• ol tlla l"l""atlonal LMQU9 CLEVELAND tNOIANS-PurchlMCI the contrlC1 of K"'1 P19t11, llrw1 l>Metnan, frOl'll Char1n ton of lhl tnt•rnallonel Ll•OU• Optione d John Sohn et, pllch•r, 10 cn.r.1on MINNESOTA TWINS-Renewed th• contract of 8ltty OetOnet. tMtMIQlr. through lhe 1983 HHon Sent Bobby M1tchel1, outlla!Oer, to Toi.clo of 11\e lnletnatlONI LMQU9 Actlvaled Jim EIMnrelctl, outllelOer ......... L..Moe-CHICAOO CUBS-Placed Ahn Elpiey. pllCMt, on IM 21-dey dlNbl«I ht. fOOTaAU. .......... ,, ..... ~ CLEVELAND BROWHS-S MO Mall Ba/Ir, ~le*.,, end Milton , tight end, lo • -• of on.year conttacte. HOUSTON OILERS-Slgnld w .. Huber!, Olllt•. end Atll9 J-. dellrw.. .,,.,..,. MINNESOTA VIKINGS-Trael-4 J•ll Siemon. Un•b•ck•r 10 th• San Olago Charger• '°' en undl-Mur-a d1al1 cnOlca HOalEY LOS A~8~.:&~~r~" n•O Jim Brown, OMn Kennedy. Crlllg and Alllr'i TUlr, ,,.__,, and 811 O' • --· IO Ir• ltglf'll contracta Oropp9CI Owy 8roml9y and o. ... ~h. ~. Mike BrlHbol• and Claude Laroch•ll•. lorwa<da, 8r1an Carroll, Bobby 8,,_.en, Oen HOWM and Oen PotlzlMI. Olll~. and Brad Thompaon anel M•rk Sellfucc t, Clll•_,.,., trom th9ir r-llet. • COLL.EOE CREIGHTON-Nllmld RIC* Collut1 end c.IWI M-...i.tenl llMl<llbll -. responsibility to finish it. In my rookie year playing at Fenway Park, [ missed one," Corbett recalled. "Now 1 always get over there." Grich. who went 2-for-4 with his homer. said the key was not to panic aft.er the Brewers silenced the crowd Wlth three homers. "No one was sheU-shocked. We were quiet after that," Gnch said. "No one said much but everyone thought 'Let's just go out and do it.' And we went out and got the runs.'' With the left-handed CaldweU going for the Brewers, Mauch altered his Lineup, using the same one that produced a 10-2 Wl.n over Boston against lefty John Tudor Tuesday at Fenway Park. gain st ate honors Golden West College'• Tammy D e lp and Desiree Johnson were named to the all-state community college women'a softball team following conclusion of the recent championship tournament in San Jose. \2 1.· lS .els• 11011•s • sltl £S1'' That meant left-handed hitters Reggie Jackson, Fred Lynn and Carew were batting fifth. sixth and seventh respectively. Each managed to get one hit, with Lynn producing the biggest blow, a double In the Angel seventh after DeCinces had doubled and Jackson had walked. De lp, a sophomor e nght-hander with a 15-2 record for the season. was named co-pitcher of the yea~ along with Shaeryn Wexst.ed of De Anz.a College. In two years at Golden West, she had a 36-10 record and as a freshman, pitched five no-hitters and three perfect games. Nine of her wins this seaaon were shutouts. Tim Foli then stroked an RBI single to make the score 5-4. and Bob Boone greeted Milwaukee reliever Dwight Bernard with a sacrifice fly to even the score at 5-5 * * * ANGEL MOTEi -Frldey nlghfa gem• mtrked lhe on1-y1ar 1nnlv«M1Y lor OIM ,.._" u menager. of the Angell Prior to F rlday n1g111· a Qam9. lhti Angel• _. 58-50 '#1111 MIUCh et lhl helm Andy "-tllf, wllh his nne 5•;, Inning• of relief W<>fk Thurlday nlglll. hu now lowlrlCI 1111 MfnlCI run lftrllgl lo 0 78 H....., Ilea lllowlCI juel two IWnlCI runs ll"- yMr In 23 lnntnga, end lllly -• aupp41ed by one twlng -when e.llimort'• Q_, ,__.., hit • ~ horner Mey 9 . ...., Oownln1'• n ln1h home run Thursdey night equ•llCI his total home "'" OUlpul of • )'NI' llOO MllWIUkM rllll¥1f "''"' fine•" la renk1d llllrd In the Ame<lcan LNQUI In NYll wflh 10. Newport Volleyball Club wins * * * For"*' Or.ng. Cotti Colllgl and Coau M1u High ttar Dan Qulwnblny of ~ City lleda lhl Al wttll 12 sall9t Thi Angllt DCMlg CorMn Is tllCI l0t alxth with ... ....... .... W1tt. wtlO loet his epol In thl aiarttno rotalton to todey'• alerter. tfettl ""*o. wlll get the •lerUng autgnm1n1 In Mondey atternoon'• MlmOOal Dey oon1est wllh lhe o.tron T1glra Wiii Wiii rlol-Aneef llMltlo. who wu opUonld IO Spok1n1 Thunday. "He't )ult down~ lo get c t1nk1d up. gain 1om1 eonlldenc:e ltld win '°"" ~:· Mauch Mid of Moreoo . . . Thi 8'-1 """' """ "-Mir LM'ofl (:µ) up egelnst ~o (S-1) " tod1y'1 ( 1 p m.l conl•: Johnson is the Rustlers' shortstop and played well during the entire seaaon. An all-tournament team was a1ao selected at the state tournament and it included five players from Golden West. Those •elected were Angel Monachelll, 3B; Johnson; Laurie Blrd, 2B; Cindy Huhn, If; and Tina Kyler, p. Ongais has scars • f r oID 1981 race INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -Tbe .a:tdent. a fiery crash at la.st year's lndianapolil ~. haa left IOfDe acars. Danny Onp1s aayw there are 1tlll 9Cll'M bones that have not completely healed, and he ~an an lron brace on one leg while driVinl. But the five-year veteran of racing at lndianapolia Mot.or Speedway •YI there are no emotional acara. "I don't think anythlng haa chanied." aaid Qnaa.1.1. who qualified at a speed of 199.148 mph Jn his lnte~-Casworth racer and holda the th.I.rd row'• outlide pdllltSon ln tM ltartina arid far Sunday•a 1*». ''I knew what I had to do and needed to do," declared the 40-yeer-old Hawaliln. flm •Y1na he OMide the ccmebeck on hit own then aMtna. . ., 6-Yll ijia a IOt of help." rn the ~arlety of races In which be bu comp$d -moto1e)dls. m......, lpcft CM'I. ind ~p .. -Ono1i ~ prown htmeMt OM of tM IDOlt competitive IDlmben ol a VWY oompeddW tru.mcy. He recurmd to :::=.,., In Karch and took to tbi lrlCk tel,y. 'IbeN ,,. 00 •PP ...... he -.S. .._ when he ~tllil Ille far towri 'l\Sli ~ ....... at tt ... ~· ~ ~:-~ ....... • kind OI Diftld ~· "I JOoUd nml tD .. IL l Md lilft _, iaiilb. he leld. 1.· C41rtl• Mathft 11 Inch Dlegonal Cofor Tebte Model Modem, comped styllng In this dtluxe table model fits with eny dtcor Si<M grips i.t ~ moYe easily from OM room to lnothtf. Now et t Mvtnttl Cunts Mathn I lndt CMllgGNll ColOt 'OIUllte AC/DC , .......................... ...... fO\\ o• The Longest Warranty Aval/able I ------~-----· • ·- Curtla Methft 2S Inch Dlegonal "emot• Control Color Conaole Fumlture crafted styling mak.s this Ht 1 ht ndsomt lddl11on to any home. Av1i11ble In Medltttrtne1n, Etrty Amtrlctn ind Country l ngUsh to plMst the most dlxrimfNtlng. ,.,., ~ ..... "_ ... ..,. ....... .. °""II Oollt OAJLV llltl.OT/..,_, .._ .. , 1MI ·~------------------------------------------._ __ .... __ ....,j.._ ____ ....,. ____________ --__ ...;.. ______________ _.._,. THI FAMILl' ClaCIJI by 811 Keane \\Check, pMoiel" •IGGEOaGI by Virgil Partch (VIP) M..\IUIADt:KE by Brad Anderson DENNIS THE Mt:NACt: Hank Ketchum "Hey, Moml Look what followed Marmaduke home!'' lt:DGJ: Pt\RKt:R ROWRR PM»AY'I . "1ZZLI IOLYID 4t ' 1 i ~· f · 1.1 ' e ~ irs A SLEEP1N' M8. j)Ey_ TK4Ts A 6En vA WEAR ~, by Harold Le Ooux PMNIJTI TIJM81.t!1tEID8 WC~ 'Wllnl IU.MI -------by CharlH M. Schulz I ~ BELIEVE IT LOOKED AT VOV, M I CAH'T BELIEVE IT~ ... _, 10'to, AU.ff ts,0001000,000iooo 1'UIAS&MI '«>CJ PINP l ~ 10%' • • 50,000, ooq 000 FOUR DON'T O'CLOCK YOU OWN A WATCH'? by Ernie Bushm1ller EVERY BODY ELSE OWNS ONE--- 50 WHY SHOULD I WASTE MY MONEY? GORDO by Gus Arriola I! I 11 I I II I \ I 11 11 111 l\ 111 I 11 1 I\ I I 1 11 I 1111 \I I Ill I II I 111 11111 11 l~U4K tM ~A 61~ l)f' b<>Lr ! HMM ... ~~WER! I'll BE'f ! ~ W~E 10 Flt-lO ~! by Kevin Fagan PAR1'1 CO\.ARL" llM£N '40U AA~ 'fO NTf ~ '™i U"TTIL wnlOMll.L.- by George Lemont ~OM il-4ES t..OOKS ::C'M GES"'N'ING, MAMA, ::C 'fHINK YOU PtCKl!!P -n-tf! WRONG llME; -ro ReACH OU!' ANP 1C::X>CH SOMESONES.' ·m .......... l!m ................... lll!!!l ........ l!!!llll ....... 119111! .............. --l!llml ........... ll"!I""' ................ --------_...~ ••• ~._...-----~~~~__,.,~-...----~~ ... \111<11\\ -MORf~-'*'• MT,AT"*>l t; 11 (I) MCMI • *"' "An !ye P'Of An £ye" ( 1N 1) Chuck HOftle, ChO.loe>f*' l.. A San FranoltGo cop qun• the tOtce to ayenge 111e m11tdet of llit ~t,.,., by memwo of I dfvo Me 'A' a:ao. YO'tAM TO THE 90TTOM 0# THC MA • VllWP'OINT ON NUTNnON • A OlfNMHT l(INO Of' W...-.0 A )'OU"Q ell1IM>oatd wtlll 1''" to pr~ 10 her cynical lather thal nie. glrlt don't alwaye llnllh IHI &:I08N£WI t:OO 8 SUMMER IEMESTtA ., lllWC>IPm' I TU.HTAl.K IUMAUMPOAT • IATUN>AY ~ (() ~ Af'FAIRS 9 HEWSMAKEAS ! ~TUM U.S.A. * "ROii« Boogie" (19711) Lind• Blair, Jim Bray. A rich and talented muelc etudeot Ml• out to Win a rolMt·tlctllng dance con· tMI b910t• rMUmlllQ her atud .... 'PG' ())MOVIE • • "The Lfltle Oraoon•" ( 1118 t I Sally Boyden, Chtl1 Peteraon A gang of kid• tr .in.cl 1n II er ala reecue one of t!IW Irland• when the It kidnapped 'PG' Cit THE COUNTRY GIRL Feye Dunaway, Didi Van Dyll• an<I Ken Howatd atar In lhl• !*1or...-or Clft- fOfd Odet'1 play about the compl•• ral1t1on1hlp1 t>etwaen 1n a1cohoflc ac10<, hit wtla and • lhMt· rleal director e:ao 8 DUSTY'S TfllEEHOU8E I THAT8CAT PACOETT'EM PORTIWTllN PA.ITU.8 I IPEAKOVT CAPTIONED A8C NEWS (()~OF AGM:Ul.TUAE 111 rra YOVA BOSINE.88 a DR. &HOOOl.£8 (HJ IOXJNO "National Collegl1t1 /II.Ao· elation Anal•" The beet COiiegiai• boll«S In 12 weight~ comc>et• for tN naUonal llllM 7!00 . I008WON.O l'MllH'ed II\ lnl.,,;lew Wllll "cnartle'a Angel," Tany8 Roberts; 1 rac>ort lrom &oo«tyn, Hew Yen. on I he 8'odllyn 8oy9 Cl!Ot\4. D 8 THE FUNT8TONE.8 8 BIO BUIE MAA8l..E 0 111•~ 8 DAWY ANO QOUATH ·~EAlTH (() INTtRNA TIONAI. "°"" (%)MOVIE • • • "The Outiaw JOMy WllM (tll78t Clltlt Eut· wood, Sondra Loella A man~ 1111 OU11aW wt..n a rut,,.... bind of Unlo<l aoldlero dMlroyt 1111 Southern letm and 1tU11 1111 wile an<I aon. k'PG' 7:IO 8 MR. MOON'S MAGIC ~ I Q!8MUAl"8 DR. 8NUQGl£8 8 9 AICHll! AICH I eoooevooo D OAl/£1 AHO OOUATH • NlW8 • NEW PEACEP110N8 • 'T el9Ylalon In The Oevel- oOlnll W0<1d'' E.ccerpto of TV progr8ml from coun- trlM In Africa. the Mlc:ldle Eut, Latin A,.,.,.,ica and the Carlbbeall l!lgllllgh1 an examlnlltlon ot tlle rOle end function of the media lnl,_., .... (() IHRAHATIOHAl HOlM Cl) TH£ LAST CW TH£ CADOOU Aller dltcOYWing Na lndl- an llerltage, 8 THU youtll ~ob--' wittl INmlng rnore about Ille enceeloro Ind !Mir CUl- IUte. l'!008(() ~ • MOW •% "Oun• And Gutt••" ( 1938) Gene Autry A r 11\Qtlef turn• a tidy profll lrOfTI the ule of d'-Hd Qtlle. I ~E8TATI:WU>< ..... "Tanan &c:.c>ee" ( 19M) Johnny WelUrnull· 11, M _ _, O'Sullivan. A hunter ateltt1 Ind c.c>tur .. T..un lot' a Brltleh ~ lion. (C)uov. **"' "Ttle ...._,. (1978) cnww ~. Vlfne Ual A Frenctl IM>Odlum .,._ to follow In ttle lootetepe of 11111 A"*1c:en ~ hero, Jotvt oia. tr.;:. ...... "Thi,_ .... toN" (1111) AIM A*. Cerol 9'1mett. Tlwee -......... ~ .,..,, ~ ~0- MUSIC, MUSIC -Barbara Mandrell welcomes Donny Osmond and Ray Stevens as guests on her show at 9 tt>night on K.NBC (4). found OllllllQM In ''*' 1ellllof\ahlp. whetl on. of 111e Marriage• dleln· '(l;'=:a· • •~ "A Thundlf 01 Orum•" (Ille 11 Rlell•rd eoon.. Georoe Metnllton. A MUoned captlln ol l,,. U S Cevalty rldM l\lld on a II'""· young lleulenanl )<Jot out of w .. 1 Point 1:30 8 (() T.uaAH /LON£ MHQEA D at KIO SUPER POWER HOUR fl 9 FONZ I HAPPY OAY8QANG • ~l.EANO <WlAHIZATIONI CIMOVll • • * "Oh Godt Book II" ( 111801 Gaorge Burnt. Suunne PIMhtltt• God return• lo Eartll and en--Ille young deugh· 19' ol an edvertlalng MIC· ut!Ye IO ilO'Md Illa ,,_. uge to Ille WOf1d 'PG' t:OO I LIAVI IT TO SEAVER l1I l.AVEllHE ~ IHIN.n 8 MOVIE * • • "Loat Patrol" ( 11134) Vk:to• McLaglen, Borla Kartott Ar 1b1 attack • patrol ol eoldler110et in ,,,. ~ • E.AHf.8T /II.HOLEY • NEW\IOCE ii) AMEAICAH GOV£ANMEHT t: 15 (%) MOVIE * * "Tiie Apple Oumc>llng Gang AldM Agein' ( 11179) Ttm Conway. 0on KnOlll A P411r of -tern oullawo try to waH. Ille alral1 and narrow 'G' t:tO 8 (() IUG8 llUNNY I AOADAUHNEA l ~.wwv (II HeATHCl.ff I MAAMAOUKE • MOHEnW<EM Ii) AMENCAN 00\'EIMmfT (C)MO'lll •• "The~ .. (1~) J#M AwMll. Waller ~ ton 8lly .,.. Kid llllla In kWewllh•~-­.,., wno llldM lllM trom tt1e lew 10:00 D USDM..L CNoago at Clewland. 9 IHANANA 8 9 T'HUNDAM / QOU>IEGOU> • '*WE.II( .. Ul&N...l • 908JOM:I • LAST Ctw.cE. GARAGE Bred S-. lallc• about hOw to find • reliable mechanic and '#NII looit et• nMCled to do your own '.!f>al' wortc, (R) '19 VOTER'S PIPEUNE Jim C0099< lntervlewo Iha candldatM In the 43rd Congreulonel Race which II lmp0f111\I to both the ., ... and Orange County Q!MaEBAll Regional co-.owaoe of Cin- annau Red• 11 Montreel El19<». CtlleaQo White Soa ti Cllwland lndllM (HJ MOVIE * • "Beyond The Reel" (11181) Denton Ka'ne, Maren '*-1. A Polyne- llan-Amerk:M glfl wtlo hat been educated In the U.S. re1uma to her laland home and ,.... In io... wltll • ~dlver 'PO' Cl) A OOUNTRV MU8IO TNeUTE TO KJTTY WILLI Tammy wyn.tte tloata tlW lr1but• to Iha "~ Ot Country Muale" !MlUflng ~t0<m1nce. by Lynn Anclenon. Tom T Hall, Han6c WI*-Jf., Merle Kilgofe. Cllarty Mc:Laln, Roy Acuff and Kiity Well1 herMll. Taped al Hull· Yllle't Grand Ole <>pry Houae 9MOVIE * *'i'I "H~ StrMI" (19711) Hemeon Ford, i... ley·Annl Down. Art Ameri- can p11o1 , ... In low wtth 1 mettled Engllafl ,.,...,.. duf. Ing WOl1CI Wer II, then ell'ltMwt!a on • daring mil- lion to,_ her lluebW>d "'°'" "llf'llY tor-. 'PG' 10;to I M. UCA'8 Taft TIN WIU), WILD WOAl.D Of'•-.....Lt I ::.-'~iaaca -WITMONOY 11:00 WOT.,._ "UCI0.000 Olllle To.;ne. mantrlMIW' •Ow.CPD "9CllA&. ··n.. ""*""' Of Aed Clllel" A •m•ff boy OUlllNll11 hll two II~ kldn191*9. (R) Q 8 WU>, W1LO WO..LD MAHIM•L.8 • DOOGl:ft PM-GAME •THI~ OOOKINQ MEXJCAN {%)MOYW • • ~ "N1111r Give A Sucic11 Art Eyton 81-· (1~11 WC Fleld1. Giori. JMn A man planning to matry eltller • woman or her ~Iller erldt up IOl- 1~ bolll of ttlem l1·16UJ MMaA.u. Lot Angelea Dodger• al Cif Cube 11 :30 8 llAaCS'J AA 8 AMMICAH BAHOITAHO I WU>, WILD Wl8T MAGICCWOll PAINTlNO D ""·ST. Hel.IN8: WKY THEY DeED The ~. procedurM tn<I ludQernent• 9f aden· 11111 and l)O'M'nment ottl· ct.is concerning the erup- tion Of Ml SI Helent In May of I a80 where llO pec>- ple died are q~tloned. ('C)MOYIE * * % "The Kida Are Alright" ( 111711) Tiii WllO Fllma ol aome ol tlle roeil b and'• perlo1mancea, revealing lhelr notorloUa prOCIMty tor deatroyfng lllei< equipment and Iha wild anllc1 of 111al1 drummer. the lal• Keith Moon. at• lnterape<Md wllh lnt41N1ewo of the ®~bera 'PG' • • "Tall• Thia Job And SlloYe fl" (19811 Ro4*1 H1yo. Bar1>11r1 Her.hey A y<>uflQ corporate executive runs Into real1tanoe when lie returns to 1111 lloma- lown lo ravttallze • compa- !!r. bf~ 'PG' {I) HOU. YWOOO 8lll Hlffle ~ti up. ex-reportt on tlll peo- ple and _._ wf*" - "*lnG -In the pro-Ouctlon and glamour cap. tai of Iha movie lndul1ry 12:00 I (() n.owoN8 L.OST .. 81'~ -~12 • QUILTING ''Pleoad Star o..lgno'' ID NllDl.ECAAFT Cl)M<>YtE * * • ''TN EJeclrle HOi- man" t 11179) Robert Red· lord Jane Fond• A Lu Vegas COWl>Oy tlula a S 12 milllOn lllorougllb<ed llorM to MW him from 1110 axp+o11at1ve ownaro 'PG' OMOYIE • * "The Apple Dumpling Gang RIOM Again" (111711) TIM Conwey, Oon Knoll• A pair of -•am OUlllWO lry lo walk ttle 11rllt Ind narrow 'G' 12: 16 (%)MOVIE • • ·~ • Tiie Mltror ~9dc'd" (1980) Ellzat>etll Tayle)(, Kim NoYall Sued on • 1tory by Agatha Chnstle A atrange murder lnvoMng rlvll Hollywood et.,. tlk.. pl-In an Englllh llltlage 'PG' 1~.~ANOJEMY • ··~ "Mu9Cle Blectl Par· ty" ( 1"4) Frankie Avalon, Annelle Funicello 8 MOYIE •• ·~ "Apadie Uprialng" 1 1eee1 Rory Calhoun. eor. lnne c;.,_ • AOA»-11 ·~ 9 I008WORlD 1!00 8 Cl) K'MCKY KO.Al.A MIDAU Atlanta 8<•-al Pflll.oet· pf\11 Phi .... • THE MUN8TUW • MOV1I • * ·~ "8edman'a Coun· try" 11958) Oeoroe Monl· gon--, ........... 8'11\d • WOOOWNQKT'8 8HOll' "Timber Fr-~ll\IC­ llofl" Roy lJndamlll .,_ hOw he ra!Md IM bMlc fr..,.. Of 1111 lhop. (A) G~YWAM "~To Adult· hood'' Ill QMATWf 8POATS LmlNlle 81JID-.U.. Reglon•I COH••o• ot Attenu er-at,......_ ptlie ...... ..... .. lrtwer• " Cetlforn11 ~ •____. ............. _. __________________________ _ CHAllll. LISTINGS 1:111. Cl) • llMUT'9 Feef\.nd. f'WCIOl'19 on • tar· ,.., . .,,... "' ....... MOM OOI•-•: Nclh aorlOOI "'"---.0 ,.,. forMed "' • ct.a ..._.. ~ Ori-TV (J) Z.TV ® HIO (rJ (~l'*Nlll) ti? IWOfU HY., H.V. ell CWTU> (I) IDfN> Cl) CIMwUmtl ......... • lc:.M ............ J fkM'9 cioncert; a Y'IU'O ..... plot. • ,..nl!OOP -.= • ..,,, .. ''T• Twii. ....... Thi ......... .,. oon- ...,. of IMNfl .,... ...................... l'~l'IMI "CWT# ,., .. ....... !IQ.a .... ,..TflMU ~ tM 111\411 Hy Of """ .,.. .., '"' ~ ao ~ "MIO" jl\wft ~ Motor ~ In fndlel\. CE'~I * I•~ "The Dtlfl 011tM" (!tart I) (1t71) Jamee Cobum, Nanoy Ad<lleon. laMd on Ille l\Ovel by Dlllllall H_.t A OI'- ..... 9Y9 ln-llgetlng • 01a,.,,ond 1obbery lnOO\lnl... • --of mur6eA and • 11range young women wllo ~ w ...... .ncll"' of tllllliyeut• CID w.o N<UO)( l:OO • ......aNAl GOl1 ~MINT Tlllfdofound -· ol thla '350,000 PGA To.;r tournament (lrotn Mulrlleld VHlage OoH Club Ill Dublin. OtllOI • Oll.UG.4H'8 lkAHO A ll'OllP of t-11111 ate •hlpwrecllad and l'llMooned on a ci-ted lalllld ·==-• * • "Tht" Strip. In The Sun" ( I 1166) Aldo Aly, Pllll Carey A U.8 of'llc:et cMllgM hla ...._. on the J~ •It• falling In tove Wltll • gir1 .mo work• kl an 0r pnanage • MOv. * • "Oun• 0t The Mtgnil· leant Saven" ( 1999) 0-ga Kennedy, J- Wl\ltrnore s.vert profee. lional gunmen )04r\ l0rcea to fr.. • revoluoonary IMder from a Meak:en jlll 18 UHMNTANDIHG HUMAN llHAVIOR "Pet-IOn' (() MOVIE * * "Cry Pante" (11174) John FO<tyttle, Anne Fran- cia. CID PlAlA SUITE L•• Grant and Jerry Orbacll aac11 perform thrM rolea u ~wt><> ocx:upy Sult• 7111 of New YOl'k'1 Pl&ul Hotel In Nell Slrnon '1 comedy MOW • *. "Julie" (11156) Dorla Day, LOUla Jourdan A woman lelVM IMW aecond llulband when Iha dlaGOV· aro lie kllled her llra1 hu ... band In O<der lo marry her. OMOvte * * "Kill An<I KHI Again" (11181) J1mae Ryan, Anne- llne Kriel A metllal .,,. Hper1 bllt ... (he mlnlont of a ~-med aclentllt Intent on enallvtng man- kind -4th a ,_ mlnd-con- lrol dl\lll 'PG' (%)MOW **'A "Aide In The Whlr1wlnd" (1987) Cemer· on MMcMU, Jldt NIC:fQ. eon Tllr•• cowboy• relurnlng home elter • rougtl cattle drive -mta- llken by• poaae tor mem- bers of a gang of robbera.. 2:JO • OIU.JOAN'8 llUND 8 auGARAAY LeOHAIV8 GOWEN GLOYD ~IVITU .. • nw IXPOIUAE Lowell Thoma nenet .. 1111 Ille and woRI of noted photogr .. WINam Hen>- '1._Jldlaon Gil ~ANOIHG HUMAN llHAVIOA • 'Ape>lled Peycnology'' lll PAOn.l8IONAl IOW\..ENI TOUfll $115,000 Tucaon Open (from Golden Pin Lanea In Tuceon. Artz.). ·~·MOYIE • * * "Caught In The Or•h" (1941) Bob Hope, Dorothy Larnout A dreh· dodger d~ ....... llledv«1en11y eolleted 1n Ille Army ., MOVIE * * ·~ "Blrtll Ot A Legend" (11173) ~tary An O<ph.Wlad coyote pup _.._ 1....-OU1 Into 1111 wide, wondroua world I RAIH90W AOAO HOMe GAAOENEI' 3:IO • (() 8"0RT8 &ATUADAY !$-round WBC Super FMlherweigl'll Chernpjon· ahl9 bout be'-Rolan- do Nevarette Ind AMMI '8Azoolca" Limon (from Reno, Nev ). Women'• Gymnutlce C~ of llllUSA D IW.RYWHEM Location: llw from St. Elmo'a VIHage Annlvar- ury. Loe ~. -~·tOHAL IOW\.IM TOUA $115,000 TucllOn Open (from Golden Pin LMM In Tuceon, Artz.). • IUll.09NO MTH Tl4a 8UN Didi ala often pr acticel ldvlca on Iha -of PM- -.. aolar -llY· !=~ "Sex And The Single Pet· ent" Mike Farrell, 8uaM 81 JamM. A couple /Ind out the rMUt'" of atar11ng -when they try 10 mar- ry and their cnlldren blOdl lhll wey Cl)MO'lltl • • • ''The Outlllw Joeey w ...... (1978) Cllnt ~­ wood, Sondra Locke. A man ~ an outi.w ..... ruthleea bend of Union IOldWa Mt~ Illa '°""*" lwm llt'CS km. Ne wlfeandaon 'PO' 4:00. CINZJl.Y ~ • MOYll **• "Le .,._ .. (1171) • ._ ~. 8laofrted Rauah. A -•Ill di"-la ObMeled ~ CClnquer1ng IN i.. ~ endur- oour-. • QUI 'AIA. U.a.A.' ; INT-occlOM ~~ .... 8 MMt THI MMT AIMNNW (I)~ ··~ "A '--Of OM" (1t1t) CltMll Nonll, Jiii.. ,..., O'Nlfll. A ,._.., of Ille ,.,..,.. .,. IMMrtll .. ,.,.~ ... .................. ~."'f't 'N' 'tJiiil:. Ullf °''"' • NW ............ .. ~·'-~· ................... ................. Orange Cou1 DAILY PILOT/Saturday, M8Y 29, 1982 TUBE TOPPERS KNBC <•> 7:00 -11Wlnnen." Three mentalty retarded youn11ter1 who participated ln the National Special Olympia are featured. KABC (7) 8:30 -"Pink at Firlt Slght." The Pink Panther la unitten by the vi.lion of a lovely lady panther. Animated. KNBC (4) Y:OO -"Barbara Mandrell and the Mandrell Slater." Donny Osmond and Rav Stevena are guestl. See photo, left. KTTV (11) 9:00 -''High Power." Story about drug abu.e and peer preuure on a high echoo1 lk1 team. -OR and tMlr cu6-""9, .MOVW • * "UNterground ._ .. ( 1HO) Dirk 8anedlct. Melanie Gritflttl. Parking eltendanta WfM61 ,,_ at e "°'ank 8evetly HlH1 hOlel. •PO' 4=*>. 800CP ~IN OIM&AHY ID IHT"®UCINO llOLOOY Cl) HOU. YWOOO BUI H1ut1 Of_..11 up- CloM report• on Ille peo- ple and evenla wflldl are miking ,_. In Ille pro- duc11on and g!Mnout c:ap. tal of the movta ln<luatry 5.'00. LAIW'8 8HOWTME '12 FMlured I IOok II Ille l allet1 ....on Ind a pre- lllew of IN NBA Cllarn· plonlhip Flnala I l'Ml!4AU STAATN.IC • wa WON.O °" 8PORT8 Oran<! Prill of MOMCO (lrom Monte Carto). WOfld lnllllatlonel High Oivtng Cll1mplonalllp tlrom Ortlndo, Fla ). a pr-of 1omorrow'1 ln<llanapofla "500." a l((),W( I IOUOGOlO 800CElll MADE IN 01.AMAHY ()) MaeMU. St. Louil C•dlnal1 et San Diego Pedrae l~wux "Mualciil Tour Ot Big Ci1- .... US A " (Q)MOVE • ·~ "Pfnetldift Grand Prl•" (11180) Animated Ahw No car deelgt'I Is atOlen by an ••sCOlleegue. 1 brilflant mechanic decldM to build an even belt• racing machine and compete Witt! Illa ,.....,..... ·G· Cl) nw OOUNnrt GA Feye Ounewey. Dk* Van Dytla and Ken Howard SIM In ttlll par'fortnanee of Cllf. lord Octet'• pley llbcMll the COMPI•• relalfon1hlp1 batwMn an alcohollc actor,,. .... llf\d • "'-'• ricll dlrectOf &:JO I '=-°" ~ Wll.O Ota UPON A Cl..A88IC "TN Tiileman" King Rich- ard, rMllzlng the Cruudae ...... talled. ......... hta peeca wltll Saladin end Kenneth Ind oltera 1<4n· Miii Edith'• hind In rnef· nage (Par111 (R) Q 9 WUWOALOCW 8PORT8 Grltld Prl• of MOMCO (11om Monte CarlO); World lnvttallonal High Diving C11amplon1111p (from Orlando. Aa t. a preview of tomorrow'• lndlanepoll1 "500 .. (C)MOVlf * • "The Outlaw" (1943) J-AuoMll, Walter Hu.. ton Biiiy IN Kid falls In io... wttll • beeutlful --.,., wno llldM him trom tlle 1-. (HJ Ml!l-.A t.IAHOUTtR .. OONC8n' The l>OP'ilal M'l)lt per· IO<mt "Midnight Blue," "Don't CfY Out Loud ... "W,,.,_, I Call YO<J Fr1end" Ind more lle4e (%) MOVIE * • 'i'I "Never Give A Suct&ar Ari E--. & .... " (1941) W.C Flelda, Gloria .1-1 A rnM planning to mMTY either • -°' ,,., deul)h1er enda up loe- lng bottl of lhern ~EVBING.......­e:001c:m.-we a.c..wa MOYie • * "Mottlta" ( 1982) Fran- ky 8akal. HkOltli Koizumi. A horrible flVW'll moneter t«fortzM Tokyo. • WHIT5 8HADOW • THI liU'NT'8 o-t: Jim Net>cn. •wov. ···~ "Slieut11'' (1973) ~ ~. MlchMI Caine. • UP AND 001MO "McMM!ey Hlgflt W " A cancMd ~ unfOldl Mler'I • ~ ,......,. lnter- ruc>t• Ula Wlleone' MOftday ~ tOCMbell pet1)' Q • 9'0llllTI AMIJlllCA "U.S. Pr~ indoor T enn1e ON1mc>lonlf110" •wov. * * '* "Cult•'• Way" (1911) JONI .....,,,, Jflf lridoet A maimed Vlllt· -... and .. beet trtend, • llOCllal droflout, _,. tNlr __,... on ~I l!Mdet c.e. .,_. .. , ..... Wltfm.MOOM .'"'......,.. ~i-Home.. • OHi.Di •• °'™' ,,.. 4 tcM* II tMen It tfle W11Y "' wtlldl ellltdren -,......, ....... "' r-.. ••14 ~ ,.,,.. (1trt) OerrY OoNrow. ... OllM.A.._....,.. .......... ~ ................ .,....111111a .. edW• .................. ,.. , •• •MNOtOf' ... "lJllcotn Conecllraoy'. DYOONG~·· PIQAl. ''Wlnftert" Tht .. ,,_,tllty re1eteled yovnga1.,. wr.o parllclplted In the Netfonal 8peclll ()lyl'nplca .,. pro- filed I WHaM WIM YOV? THI HAM>Y 80Y8 I NAHOVOMW MYl'TMID Joa purauaa th• man rMCIC)Nlble fOf Na 1111>- oee'• CS..th (Part 2) • l.AWNNCE Wf.l.IC "In L,a... Wttll L.ove" • CHllCKINO rT OUT F .. tured Meak:en·ArNWI· Cll'I loll! ~ ••• Ylail 10 Hew Yortt Clty'1 diamond diatrlet Q ID MEMA PA09E8 "Oealgn" Hott 81tt Bl ... looka 11 how vtr1ually ~ oblect in the manmllde environment la laahlooecl nol onty lo per1orm • tunc- tlon. but to carry a ,.,.,.._ aaoe o (II KO. 9'0QC8 10 9THe~ Gueel Lola Falll\a (Q)wov. ** "0..th Hunl" (11181) Chatlea Broneon, Lee MM· Vin In Iha 19308, •Mo.Jn· tie and a frOt>tler criminal wage an old battle u cMtl· ration encro.cllea on the CanediM wtldef',_ 'R' <Z)MOW * * '-' "An Eye For An Eye" (Ille 1) Clludl Norris. Chria1QC>ller Lee A Sin Franc:iaoo oop quit1 1111 rorw to avet1Q9 tha """rder of 1111 ptrlner by metnwa of • drug Me· 'R' 7:10 8 DANCE FEVEt Celebrlty judgM Jimmy Belo, Mellau Q~ber'I. K.C au..10 Yart>rougt. a Peo- plea. I L00t<ATU8 OMHI: THE NEW l'RONT'IUI FeetlH'ed • '°°" al • -type of dwelling -· Ille -111 alleff11: aqua alNC· t...,.. UMCt for l\abltlllon: IN formation and melting of~ • lllMllNTE .. Auflno T•m•yo: Th• Sourcee Of Hla Art" The ln1analty of Iha Me•lun maeter'1 wor1I II captured In 1111 el(j)lof 111on of Na cul- tunll root• Ind !tie lnflo.. -that .,.. the key to Ille wt -~PMVllWI Raoar Eber1 and a.... Slakel lligNlgtlt tlll Nma tllal ttle pubic mla-s the llrs1 time around. lndudlng "Cattle .,,,,.. And Uttle 8tttct>M.'' "Go Tel The Spartan1 'Ove< Tiie Ed9e" and 'Swamp Thing .. (() F10HT Mac 9 WHKEHO MAOAZIHE (1:)MOVIE * •·~ "The Halat" (1978) Chatlea Aznevour, Vlrna Lill A Frencll hoodlum lrl•• to lotlow In Iha lootatepe of hi• Atnerleen glllll)lter tl«o, John 0.- ~~ * * 'i'I "The l(>orley, Loo- ney, Looney &.go Bunny Movte" (1M1) Anlmaled. Voloea by Mel 8lenc, June Foray Hew matwlal ii blended '""" Old In lhl• com9'11tlon of clNll<: Fr1tz F relll'lg "Looney T unee" IHturlno Suga, Datty Cluck, Por1ty Pig, YOMM/te Sam, TWMtle Pie and otfl.. w• from ttle cartoon ...... G· l:OO 8 (() WALT Ol8HEY "Smoke" A )'Ol.W'G boy t1M dlfllculty In 90019tlng Ille etepfM,,., (Par1 2) 8 ~YAU.Ff .MOY9 ... "' "86dec:w ,._.. .. (t975t &en Murphy, Pet• Or-Undecided •bout Illa~. •man beoomM Intrigued by the lluerOoua 8POf1 of eldecar mot0t1:y· detaclng. •111 llHJITAKUA DIYW AT MM1N1:LAMD The canine actor Ben~ tra· ... to Mertnellnd In Flori- de '°' • mualcal apeolal ; MOYll • "Drlcuie'a 0.-t L~" jt872) PIUI NMc:hy. Roe- -Yanni. • IONN'( AHO Ct4P ~= Mdy CMfllttt. • TMNNGOOCM nta WOOOHOUlllWAY "The AdWnoe, Stand, Sit And Dowft" ..,.,.,a dM\s _.,.... Ill ..-oeney ex.olM "' wNcfl Ille dog la NQWnd to nap lrwlant• 1¥ • WOYll * * * • "Winier H t" I 1tMI jofwl Cwrwi... 8'lro-~. rw.ncy )'9ltt llW 1111 ,..,... .....,...,. .., • .,... he .. , _,.,,.,. ~ _.....,..to ... ttie reOOtd MllOM ~ ~ "",........., a___. .. .......... o.w .. .MOWI •••it .. ~~ min'' (INOJ a... HaMI, u.n ..... ,.. .......... .. ~ """" ,,.. .. &Illy jOIN .. Mfty ..... Ing the clllllfl of,..., MW tlueOMd on m.lr Middlnt t:ao IT~°' THI to'+'I Olhlet llOCMIPI• l'#O dalM to 1111 Mwry w ........ ~@NMAT~ llOHT Anlnleted The Pink Pantn- • le ltftlt1*'1 by ltll vtllor'I ot a lovely lldy panl,,., (A) • MOYll *•It "The Dey They Hanged Kid Cufry" (tl71) Pet• Duel, ..., Murphy. Two o;,11twt au empting 10 go ttrllQflt dleoover that anotller man la lmpet90- natlng one of them I GMATUCANS 1~40 ~ I:«) Cl) MOY'll • ·~ "FM1 BfMll" ( t979) Qabtlel Kaplat1, Haro4d Syt¥Mler A dell ciet11 ~ beelletb811 OOMfl at a ~ 8out11-1ern unlvwtlty (A) D Q!MMAM MANOMU IMO THe MNC>MU 8l81'IM 0.-11 Donny Qarnond, RaySl....ne (R) 8 0 LC>valOAT • HtGHPOWMA OiCk and Timot11y Van Pat· .... alar "' 1111• llOty of drug ebuM Ind peat pr .. ..,,. on a high llCtlool 1111 ,..,,., Q • MilENCAH Pl.A~ "Oppenhelrnet ' Owen· '*"'-la ~ 1111 MCUrlty clMrancie Ind Ille ac:len- tlato of the ManhllUn ProJec:t and lhelt lamll* t>egln Illa in the Army bar· rack• atrnoept>et• of Los Alamoa (Part3)0 (C)MOVll * •% "Alhat1tf" (111711) MIOn ... Cline, Rax Ham. ton A determined doctor Mtt Off IOOll Ille Sahlll In llol puraul1 of • group of Arab alave !rider• wt>O kidnapped tll• wile 'R' cm MOW • • * "Culler'• Wey' (t941) Jolln Heard . .>.If Btldgll A maimed Viet· na.m -and h11 beet lrlen<J, • M>Clal dropout, IOCU8 tllel< -glae on eolvtng I murder C1M 'R' (S)MOYIE •• "0..th Hunl" (11181) Char1el Bronton, Lee M8'· Vin In tN 19304, a Moun- tie Ind a frontier crlmlnal wage an old battle M CIVIN· zatlon enc:roecl\M on ttle Cenedten wllOetw 'R' (%)MOYIE •*'A "The Mltrot ~ack'd" ( 1980) Ellzal>etll Tlytor, Kim Hovell 8Med on • atory t>y Agatha CMatle. A 1tranga murder lnVOlvlng rlval Hollywood 11ara tall .. piece In en Engli9tl lllllage 'PO' • .., D MATIN& AT THE aJOU Futured Wiiiiam Wr1gllt In "Plllto Vance Raturna' ( 11144): a anort. "Copec:a- blne ~·· and • Cir· tO«I; and ttll ~ Chapter of ''Don Wlnl6ow Ot The NaV) "(A) 10:0011 ':n MAGAZINE 9 'AHTMY l8l.AHO • MOVll • • • 'i'I "The Laat Hurrltl" ( 11153) 8penclet Tracy, Jef. Irey Hwltlf An Incumbent mayor la deteetld altar a llerd-fougllt and morally r:lloneble cempelgl'I. IOUOGOLO IHDfJIENDUfT EYE "D J H.. REal Life In Venlcl" CB)MOYIE * * * 'i'I "The Four S... aona" (1981) Alan Alda, C.,.ol 8umelt ThtM COU· plea, Ill ex-. long-time lr1end•, e.,,.neno. pro- found ChanOM In their r•tlontlhlpe wtllll one ol Ille marriage• dl1ln· tegr1t .. 'PO' OMOYIE * • * "FOUi Play'' ( 11178) Goldl• l'awn, Ctlevy CNN A Mt>ranan enlista the aid ot an Inept police detective •II•• 111a becOmM lnvoNed In • blun'• ..,... of murder• and k~ng •ttemc>t•. 10:ao • ooo OOUPl.l FeltJI lrlM lo patc:ll llllllQI up wt\en • pro hockey player llit1 Oacer Ind wind• UC> ctlllienglng the at'11et• to a bo•lng match • ~OOEITO COtLIOI au.ta AC I DC 11!00 ea•(()111 a NIEW8 e DfTMrUMHT TMeWllD< Aeporta on dNO lbuee kl HOll)'wood and upcoming -movtee:ln .......... wtttl Femando 1..11'\M and Chrletoe>Mr ~. •wova • •• "LI Mane" (11l7t) St.,,. M~. Si9Qtrled R8UCl'I A ..,.,....,, driYer II ~ wttll oonquer1ng !tie La M-enduranca __..._ -~ * • * "The Count Ot Monte Ctteto" ( 1175) Alch- •d CtlamMtllln, Tony CUrtll.. 8aMd on IM nG\194 by Al9undN ~ An innocant m•n unfuatly ~-fOr 20 ~· !Mtt• a der1flO eec..-to Wl'9llk r-. en the men 1eepol*bil. • IOUNDITAGI •• ,.,. ~ ~ Aobel1A ,.. •• In • oonoer1 ltiped ... Ctllceoo'• w..t ,.,. .,..., ~ "9Cll ..... ~--....­... ~~­loftt(' _, .. .,,. ~ TllM hw I S-Vwr ~Q ..... " .. .,,. Diii\ CW." ('ar1 1) (1111) ,,...,. Collum. NllfllDJ Mdllofl. .._..._ ......... or 0.-.. ............ .... ... 111:11•·-·. d"'"" ,. ••• ry . ....... ---,,........ .... .... ,..ie1· ,..,.." wu ......fltl¥ ....... ,, ea,-:.-- •• ..,,., ....... Of ... . . .. . . Mire" ( 111•1 uan """"" ~ "8M1a A weNI! ........ ..,,....._. ·-.... ·---·· .__ I• INIW ,,., ~ .,... (l)lllAMI ··n.L.-..'' CX>MDYll **\'I "LO\llOll" ( IH1l-. belle H11p,.,1, Chfetd o.pe.-dla\I A ~ ~ an t• In tow wttfl • men 11119 "*In • dleco but - not aooac>f .. lff~ bl•, oarefrff a1111ude 1-.d ... 11:111•n.1 ~ ,... ·-. • QI MTWIDAY NIGHT UYI HOee· •uce O..n cau..t· Luther Vandf-jAt I:..,... Ill • "Lady fl0r A NIQllt" I 1tM2) Joan Blondell, JOM Weyne 0 MOYll * * '4 ""'II• Tne LMt Tan Deya" ( 197)) A* ~ SlmOtl Wetd (J)MOY!e • * • 1~ AllCI SwMI Alice" t 1971) Lindt Miller, Paull SheC>C>ard Meml>lla or an 111t11t1·AMetlCAn !amity are vlctmlted by • •p.ycllotlc m.irderet kl their nlldat. 'R' U:M 8 MOW! *** "Tiie Tilt .. F_. Ot E..... ( 111~11 Joanne Woodward. D1V1<1 Wayrwt 11:80 (}{) OH LOCA TlOH .. Robert Klein Al y .... -r.w>NGHT- 1uo• MOVIE * e * • "Sergeant Vor1t" (1941) Gary Cooper, WW,. 1er Brennan CIW<>W * * "Lovw• An<I Uara" ( 1979) Goldle Hawn, Gian- carlo Giannini Wl\Me lrlV· ellng In Italy, an American gift meet• and ,.,.. In io... wltll • married men 'R' 1~• wow * •• ''Wtlo'• a-.~ Ing In My Bed?" (1N3) Dian M1r1in, EHnbetll Montoomery 12:40 (1:) MOVIE • *..... ' Tiie Kida Ara Alrll)l'll I 19711) Ttle Wllo. FMm1 Of tome of Iha rodt t>and'1 perlorm1nce1, r.......+ng ltlefr nolorlOUe procllvity tor deattoytng ,,,.., eqlllpmenl Ind 1111 wlid antic• of their drvmm«. thll late Keith Moon, -lnlerapeteed wttll lnlwv-. of the i!_C)Upmetnben 'PG' 12:90 CZ> MOYie ••'4 "Haver Glw A Suac• An e .... er.a" (1941) w c. Flelda, Glorie Jeen A mM p6annlng to ,,..,,., eltller • woman or lier daugflter end• up io.-"'11 bottl of lhem 1:00 D COUNTRY TOP 20 Hoott Nancy Sinatra. Mickey GUiey Guaata: Eddie RAl>bltt, T G Shlp- patd, The Oelc Ridge &oya, Alabama. Clyotai Qayte, Johnny L ... Conwey Twit· ty. Sytvla Hank Wlllilma Jf • MOYIE "Mr-t.,IOu• Monateta·· P.-Gr-Ari...,,. tlon ot the~ SnowtNn, Big FOOC. Ind '"' LOdl ............ I MEWi • ~ATTHI! IMPROY 1:20 (HJ MOV1I **% "A Force Of One" I 19711) Chudc Morna. ,,_. niter O'Neil A rnut11 of ti. "'8111ai aru ernbartla on • -~Ntlled -di lot ttle ........ of "" adq>ced eon 'PG' (l.)MOW • • • "bcallt>ur" ( tlMI 1) Hlgel Teny, Hlool Wtlllem- aon The •ic.plolt• of f<lng Arthur bring power _, deeltl to tlll knlghla OI IN Round Table 'R' 1:a• MOYIE • •~ "POlnt Of Terror'' (11171) ,...., Carpenter, Oyenne Tllor'na DMOYIE **°" "H-S1reet'' ( 11179) Hwrllon Ford, L-. lay-Anne Down Art ~ can pllOC t• In io... .ttll a marT1ed Englleh ,.,...,... o.,,. Ing WOf1d WIW' It, ltlen ambatll• on a daring ,.,,... alon to,_,. her lluebend from~ tor-. 'PO' 1:44 (fl MIC NEWS 2:008NM1 (J)MCMI * *"' "Ari Eye I'« Art Eye" ( 1118 1) Clludc Homa, CN!otoe>f*' L.. A Sen F~ ~ quill l"'9 roroa to~ !tie rnuro.. of Ille '*''* by mernllws of 1 drug ring A' ~!.= "S.. Afl4 The Sing*e Par, ant" Miiie FarNll, S.- St ~ A coup6e find out the r.alltlel of atar11ng -wNrl they try to tMt· ry end their ctlildt'an blodl In.wry IM.MOYll •••• "The a... y_.. Of Our u....... (1041) F~ Marefl, Myrna Loy 1:11 (HJ MOYll ***\'I "The Fovr S-. _ .. (19111 Alen 4*. Cerol eum.tt. ""-oou- ... .. cloM, tong.time frMndl. ...,.,.._ ~ tounO ~ tn ... ""91.lanlhlpa .... -of lh• marrlat•• dllln· --~PO' • *°" ··~ UwlnO" I,._, ~or .,.._,,._ Ludie ... 1= .... ,. __ ._~- (1H1) Atller l L~. ..... &.Oftlt ...WOYll •••it .. ~ .... "*'"' (,.., Q«*ll ...... u..nllf-.A_.. c1o,..... ............ , &Illy IOlll& .. ,.,.,.,, ~ "" .. ~ ....... ................. ..... ... (1) .. ............... , .. ,, a...._,'--.... ....... ,..., ...... .. ... ....., ..... .................. ...._ •• n e•lllit ~ F .-.:W .. . .. -~OO[rJ~~rnTI \r Oters f a:ce canal, tax, redistricting issues Th~ synopisU of the JUltft primary eJtcrion ballot, copyrf6hted by the C.Uforn1a ~n~r. u reported from tho May 1nue of California JoumAl. wh"·h an&lyu•i .~Uite /IOVernment and politics. Prison Construction Bonds 1 Thia proposal would provide for the l11uance of $495 million for the coo1tr,Uon of state prllon facilities. ARGUMENTS FOR: Gov. Jerry Brown, Attorney General George Deukmejian and other spon sors of Proposition l emphasize that California an the pa.st few years enacted more tough anti-crame laws than ever before. The result has been a significant increase in commitments of felons to praS<m, and the prisons are getting dangerously overcrowded Unless additional cells are provided. the state faces the possibiHty that the courts will order that prison c;ond1t1ons be improved or that prlllOners be released. Brown estimates that this measure will provide housing for 7,000 additional prisoners. Proponents claim that this m easure offers Californians the best method of financing prisons. ARGUMENTS AGAINST: Most of the legislators who voted against placing the bond issue on the ballot favor the construction of new prisons but oppose bond fanancang. State Sen Ollie Speraw claims there as no need to spend more than a bi!Jion dollars (including interest) for these facilities and that new prisons can be financed out of current state revenues -1f waste ls e l i m i n a t ed fr om state budge t s . Assemblywoman Marian La Follette argues that because of historically high interest rates. thls is a bad time to put the state deeper mto debt. 1 President of the Senate ·2 This proposed constitutional amendment would remove the lieutenant governor as president of the state Senate. ARGUMENTS FOR: S tate Sen. Barry K eene, the main sponsor of this proposal, argues that the lieutenant governor is a member of the executive branch of government and serves with tht> full power of the state's chief executive when the governor as out of state. It is even conceivable that the lieutenant governor could vote for a bill in the Senate and then have to decide as acting governor whether to veto or sign the measure Secondly, Keene maintains that the Senate alone should be responsible for ats actions. H\S final argument is that this measure brings the law into conformity w ath reality because lieutenant gove rnors do not o(ten preside over the Senate, and the last tie-breaking vote was ca.at s1x years ago. Lt Gov Mike Curb supports the measure ARGUMENTS AGAINST: The opponents of Proposition 2 feel that the power to preside over the Senate lS an important function of the lieutenant governor and as vartuaUy identical to tlie role of the vice president an the U.S Senate. State Sen. H.L . Richardson argues that there is no real conflict between the execu tive and legislative branches of government because never m California's 133-year history has a lieutenant governor been faced wath voting on a bill and then deciding its fate while sitting in the governor's chair. Rtchardson claims that the ability of the lieutenant governor to break a tte often forces apme senators to commit themselves on controversial measures Value of Condemned Property Thia proposed coo1titatlonal amendment will change tbe property-tax laws 10 that owners of property taken by government agencies wllJ be able to retaln tbe fall beoef lt1 of Propo siti on 13 (tbe Jarvh-Gann property-tax lnltiatlve.) f ARGUMENTS FOR: Assemblyman Robert pbell, sponsor of the measure, says it is air for Individuals to pay higher property tilxes when they are forced to relocate to make tay for government projects. Under current law, rrding to Campbell, vicums of condemnation er a double blow -loss of their property and additional tax burden. I. ARGUMENTS AGAINST: Sacramento ttorney Timothy D. Weinland claims that ropoaition 3 would perpetuate the injustice of poeJtion 13, which establishes two cl.aues of perty owners -tboee who bought their la before and aft.er 1975. Denial of Bail Tlll1 propo1ed coatdtattoaal ameMment woaJd atve J•~e1 adcllttoul aroat11 for d•YID1: ball to def enda•t• la f etony ca.a. '1H f S YEAR I'M INTO POSITIVE TMINKJN~ .... I VOTEL> Yes ON SV5RYTH IN<S •.. ARGUMENTS AGAINST: Representatives of the American Civil Liber ties Union of Southern California and the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice claim this measure would bring "preventive detention'' to California and would violate the presumption that an individual as innocent until proved guilty. The opponents also claim that predictions of danger are notoriously inaccurate and that judges may well release the wrong defendants. Inheritance and Gift Taxes These proposed Initiative 1tatatea would repeal moat state Inheritance and gift taxes. ARGUMENTS FOR: Proposition 5 qualified for the ballot through an initiative campaign headed by attorney David E. Mille r of San Francisco. The Proposition 6 initiative drive was led by Assemblyman Don Rogera of Bakersfield. They argue that the inheritance tax la a cruel levy that forces mlddle-lncome families to sell homes and farms even though taxes on their inherited wealth have been paid during the lifetime of the individual who accumulated the property. They argue that the 1980 action of the Legislature reduced the levy by 27 percent but did not 10lve the bask problem. If the lnitia~ve does not paaa, they add, there la nothing to prevent the Legialature from lncreulni gift and inheritance taxes. Rogers argues th at h is Proposition 6 ia a superior measµ.l'e to Proposition 5 because It contains more t.echnJcal aafeauarda to prevent the lmpoeltion of the inheritance tax under a different name. ARGUMENTS AGAINST: The opponent. to PropoaitioJU 5 and 6 claim that they ate designed to provide tax relief to the wM!thy becau. 50 percent of the benefit would 10 to fn1tt than & percent of the beneficiaries. The oppqnenta lnclude the leaden.hip of the t.e.aue ol Women Voters of California, the CalTfornla State Parent-Teachen Aa>clatJ.on and the C4UifomJa Oray Pant.hen. They maintain that lnhetttance and alfctaxa are ~ the r.ir.t fomw of taXAUon becaUM they are prol)Ol'Uonal to the amount inherited and thut to ability to pey. 'l11ey ai.o arsue that \he 1t.1t.e ta ln crttlcal finandal straits and canniOt afford to le.. hundNdl ot m11.UoN of dOllan. ~hallf.e that In~ = tiOth ttatt and f I \Del.cpl he1n ~ z'edulCid IWlimodally, Ylrtua1ly eUminattnc :~ddle-1.ncome h&rdlhlpe that may hav. JlfoM OHN]of:J DAILY PILOT Income-Tax Indexing 7 Thia proposed initiative statute would apply a cost-of-Jiving factor each year to tbe state Income tax. ARGUMENTS FOR: Howard Jarvis and other supporters of Proposition 7 claim that income-tax rates for many Californians could double in four years if the initiative fails. They claim that passage of this measure is necessary to assure that inflation alone will not increase the tax burden of Californians. Jarvis emphasizes that wejllthy taxpayers will have little to gain from this measure because they already pay the maximum 11 percent on the bulk of their income. The prime beneficlaries, according to Jarvis. will be families m the $10,000 to $40,000 brackets. ARGUMENTS AGAINST: The o fficial argument against Proposition 7 was signed by Assemblyman H oward L . Be rman, who emphasizes that the state cannot now afford further loss of revenue. He maintains that California now faces the loss of federal funds and needs growth in income-tax collections to provide vital services for the citizenry. 8 Criminal Justice Tbh proposed lnl tla tlve meaaare would enact oameroaa c1aaD1e1 to tbe crlmlna.l law via CODttltatiooal amendment and 1tatate. ARGUMENTS ,FOR: Paul Gann and the other 1upp0rter1 of Proposition 8 claim the omnibus meHur• 11 needed because the Legj.alature has been eoft. on crtml.nala. They araue thal thll mMIW"e would bt.1aftC9 the riahtl of lnnoctnt vict;imt with t.hlt corwtltutionaJ riaht.I of crlmlnal1. Attorney General Georae DeukmeJian arsuee that th1t propOl!&Son wtn overturn eome of the dedalons by thit lta '• h.tchllt cowu whJch have created men rt8bta for the IClCUlied and haw placed ~ ratric'1orw on law afCAament offidalt. ll• ~Ow f!Mdnm\t of the measure WW ~t in more OIWl~ men crimind belnl .n1 t0 ~ ind men ~ few \he d~· · Oi1nr1 c1&lml the ~-bKQd by. 30,0bO pouce , oUlcen and many, po UC. chief•, dil\flct ·~ and He enj>Nlbiil ~ I.he meuuN' LI dt'tllgnt'<t to provadt• ril(hl.N to the victim» ot th~ criminal JUllkt> 1y1U:m. ARGUMENTS AGAINST: Amont( the upponenta of Proposition 8 are the chairman of the Assembly criminal JU.Stice committee, Terry Goggin, and the Board of Governors o f .the California State Bar They claim the measure ia a hoax becau.e 1t wiU not reduce crime. They say it will mangle nearly every S«tlon of the cnminal Justice system at touches and they offer these examples: Because there is a good chance Proposition 8 ll unoonstitutaonal, at could result m courts throwing out valid criminal convactiona, the meuure would take away law enforcement's ability to negotiate with cnminala to get them to testify agailllt each other; the proposition would allow defenae lawyers to attack the character of police witnesses; nobody knows what the "safe schools" proVlSion means and how it might be implemented: the measure contains no money to pay for the increased cost.a of running the just.ice system; much of Proposition 8 is already law, and this measure could impo6E! ats confusing language on top of current clear statutes 9 Peripheral Canal This statute, placed on the ballot by referendum, would authorize the construction of the Peripheral Canal and other water facilities. ARGUMENTS FOR: The proponents env1s1on the Peripheral C.anal as the vital last lank in the State Water Pro.)l'Ct and as a means of provadmg the stat.e with a massive ansurame policy against future waler shortages. Southern CaJifomaans emphasize that during the next decade the Los Angeles region wiU lose 55 percent of the water at now receives from the Colorado Raver as a result or a court dec1s1on won by the state of Arizona. Without thas project, the supporters argue. the next drought wall calJS(' shortages of 20 to 40 percent that will result in higher food pm.'E'S and unemployment The project as important to the e<'OnOmll health of the state, the proponents mamtarn. because it will provide 1rr1gation water that Lo; necessary to the health of the agricultural industry as well as water that ts needed in a variety of other industries The supporters argue that the canal will actually amprove the environment of the st.ale That as because the state will be able to injcu water strategically anto the fragile Bay-delta system to maximize benefits to fish and wildlife and t.o improve water quality for delta farmers They emphasize that the canal wall ship south only that water which would otherwise go ou~ to sea. Supporters of Propos1uon 9 vaew the State Water Project as the most efficient water program an the world. and say ll must be l'Ompleted to bring at to maximum efficiency and reduct the overa ll cost of water ARGUMENTS AGAINST: The coahtion opposing the Peripheral CanaJ is made up of two gaoups that have d1ametracally opposite interests The environmentalists rear that the prOJCCl will damage the state's ('(.'()logy. whale some farm groups claim that the canal LS a bad business deal and would prefer development of North Coast nvers The basic argument against the measure 1s that at may cost as much as $20 b1lhon, wall nevN pay for itu>lf and thus will be a boondoggle that will cost the taxpayers pler.ty of money in years to l'Ome. They emphasize that no accurate cost figures have ever been produced a n d a cost-benefit study has never been madt" Some of the opponents pomt out that about 87 percent of the state's water is used by farm<·rs. and that just a small amount of conservation on the farm (possibly through a shift to crops requiring less water) will solve the st.at.e's water needs for many years to come. They emphasize that there is nothing in thas measure that requires farmers to conser ve wate r Some Canners are opposing the measure on the grounds that it waU provide too little water at too high a cost. They oppose the environmental protections and w ould prefer to obtain large quantities of relatively cheap water by damming rivers o{ the North Coast Congressional, Senate and Assembly Districts 10,11 &12 These three reapportionment statutes were enacted by the Legislature and thereafter were placed on the ballot via the referendum proce11. ARGUMENTS FOR: The supporters of these measures. essentially Democratic, argue that the redistricting plana are fair, tha\ they meet the one--penon, one--vote requirements of the federal constitution and that they do not b~ up communities unneoessarlly. They claim that the RepubUcana are a\tempting to u.e the referendum prooea to gain an advan'8ge that they have not. been able to wtn through th~ election of a R epublican majority tn the Legislature. The backers of thele dlstricta point out that It will cost •l mlllion to draw altematlve plant and that the RepubUceN have not shown the public what ll.nC!9 they want ctt.wn. ARGUMENTS AGAINST: Tbe opponenta of tM btlll, primarily Republican, •rsu• that the thtft blU. were unlalr prrymanden deNned to bep lncumbenta of bOth perd in ollice aad to restrict the number of tnlly compeUtiw cilau1c1a. They cla1m th.at ~ on lhe blUt wen a lham and that the decWCN were rude b\ wret. 'The ~t ti • stacked deck whk:b beneflta relatlvety few powerful polltlctana and eUmlnatel bealth.Y pOlJUcal axnpeUUon nw.y Charp that the ~ do not foDow ~ 1.lnel and repNll.llt "one Of the oat°"'~ ~ bl hll1ory." I YOUTH ~'\.· ~,. ~~'-,.. Ants take cake ~'-~ at holiday picnic Uncle Len's picnic basket la overflowing this week with goodies sent in by his friends. Of course the goodies are only drawn in black ink. but he got awfully hungry just looking at them. Actually, that's what Uncle Len thin.ks of most when he plans a holiday picnic. Let everyone else worry about the aoftballs and bats, Frisbies and volleyballs. Uncle Len wanta to be aure to pack the fried chicken, watermelon, potato chips, hot dogs, cold drinks and a big chocolate cake. He never forgets that big chocolate cake. And then, when everyone else is off playing softball or Frisbie or volleyball, Uncle Len finds himself a nice, shady tree to take a nap. He can't go on too many of those holiday picnics, though, because the notches on his belt will run out. Holidays are hard on the waistline. Choosing a winner thJs week was no picnic, though, because many good entries were sent in. Uncle Len's friends must have let out the word, because ants visited a number of the picnics in the drawings. Uncle Len doesn't mind sharing his food as long as there's enough to go around (except for the chocolate cake - that's not for sharing with ants). First Place: Sherry Norton of Huntington Beach Fint place and $5 go to Sherry Norton, 10, of Huntington Beach for a great lunch at the park, complete with tiny visitors. Second place and $2 go to Mary Walters, 15, of Newport Beach . Her super-ants are carrying off all the goodies, so Uncle Len had better hurry. Honorable mentions go to Amy Brown, 7, of Balboa; Misty Bulley, 8, of Corona del Mar: Michael McDonald, 7, of Fountain Valley and Kelly Knecht, 7, of Newport Beach. It was delightful, as always, to hear from Oncle Len's school friends. Thanks for great drawings from Bushard Middle School in Huntington Beach and good old Room 13 at Wilson School in Costa Mesa. Second Place: Mary Walters of Newport Beach Summer vacation will be coming up 800n, and Uncle Len hopes his school friends will continue to enter the contest each week even though they won't have a teacher to remind them. No one ever has too many friends, and Uncle Len doesn't want to loee a single one of his. Speaking of vacation, that's a great subject for a contest. Next week send a drawing of what you will be doing this summer while school's out. Are you going to the beach? To the mountains? , ... To camp? It all et>unds like fun. Be sure to draw with black ink on white paper cut 4 inches square. Include your name, ad~ and age and send entries to Uncle Len, Daily Pilot, P .0.Box 1560, Costa Mesa CA 92626. Irish children to visit U.S. FRFSNO (AP) -A Fresno man is making part of his dream come true to the benefit of 60 c hildren from strife-torn Northern Ireland who will spend six weeks in American homes this sununer. Vincent Lavery, a 46-year-0ld substitute teacher, decided a year ago on his return from Northern Ireland to arrange vacations in the United States for 1,000 youths. Families pledged housing for 2,500 children. However, donations to the Children's Committee Lavery founded covered only a fraction of travel expenses. Lavery accepted the reduced scope of the project and is planning for the arrival of 60 children June 20. They will stay in pairs at homes in 14 states. A splinter group that picked up on Lavery's idea in Illinois arranged transportation and housing for another 120 children. Lavery recently spent 12 days abroad monitoring selection of the children. who range in age from 10 to 15, to guarantee the procedure was free of politics and religjon. "ln Northern Ireland, very, very few, if any, families are economically deprived, but every chi ld is psychologically deprived," said the Irish native with a touch of brogue. "In my opinion, every child needs escape so that made selection very easy." About $45,000 was raised in 50 states for the project. half in donations under $500, he said. Volunteers absorbed another $8,000 in administrative coets. Dog of tlte W eelr ................ WANTS A BOMB -¥era waita at the 4aun• Beach Animal Shelter for ••116XDe to :':l:!cther. The lheptwd mix Iii s,..,. old and Jw hid... lence tra1o1nj. 1be abelur, Joca.S a\ 20812 ~ c.nyon Hoed, 11 open from . 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. ~ da}I ..... Phone 487~2. "The parents are just incredibly grateful to the .American people for what they considered a maas outpouring of friendship," Lavery said. A San Diego parish raised funds for eight children. A oommunity effort in Lancaster, Pa., produced sponsors for another eight. And pairs of children are bound for places like lnyokem and Susanville. One of the main purposes of the project was to bring together Protestant and Roman Catholic children who would otherwise live apart. "I met leaders of both aides of the divide, as they called it," Lavery said. Children are coming "generally one from each aide of the neighborhood, 80 that way they can get to know each other." Even though the project fell short of his goal, he remarked, ''I'm getting as much penonal enjoyment as the children who are coming. I'm disappointed that we weren't able to do more good," Lavery acknowledged. "But we're goina to do it again next year." Mother cats adopt orphan ~WN. Ala. (AP) - A. U having two lltten of ldttena ln the ame week wun't enough, two cata belonclnl to a north Alabama family have adopted a baby mink -or .. it a weuelT Whatever it la, Peay Burden aay1 lt'a newborn,-dark and furry, and thou1h It'• not a klUel\, her famlly cata are mot.hm1.lw ,, jult the Mme. Mn. !Jurden dllCOvered tbe Cll'pban wbeo lbe checluid on the two Utt.en recently bom to the faml1y cata. in.. wen llWI\ lltilil c:ritten nuntnc away wbtn then lhould b9w been only ltx. Arid ont of t.blm w much mwJl«, dM1l 1'81 . In cakll' ard b..& • '°"It rat--'UM tail. fJhe th!nb tbe crmtun ii a mink. but no ane knaw'I foe' an. Orenge Cout DAILY PILOT/8eturday, Mey 29, 1882 "' ......... THEIR LIFE'S A CIRCUS -The faces of these clown.a are u varied u their antics when thla corpe of silent comics steps into the center ring at the Ringling Brothen and Barnum and Bailey CircUI. It doesn't matter whether they wear a funny or aad trademark, lta the performance that counta. And all are a delight to ~ery audience. Youth publishes own booklets 12-year-old student writes books for others his ~age ESCALON (AP) -Tony Miceli started writing when he decided people his age needed books that they could understand. His latest booklet, "Pac-Man Mania," contains advice like: ••You can tell where the ghosts are going to go by watching their eyes." At age 12, the F.acalon seventh grader is one of the youngest authors around. He's had a little coaching and editing help from hLS parents. "Do you want a copy?" he asked. "I wrote these myself." The San Joaquin County boy offers his eight-page booklet on the popular video game for $1.98. He also sells his first publication, "Drawing is Easier than Tying Your Shoelaces." Like many an author, Tony boasts about his accomplishment in publishing, but his subject matter seems to thrill him more. He navigates the ins and outs of both the com-operated vtdeo game and the Atari home version. His experience consists of playing the game at least an hour a day for the last two years, a statement confirmed by his mother, Kathy. Tony tosses off a description of the game's point system and then proceeds to senous advtce. The object is the same in both the commercial and home brands: eat the wafers and ghosUI, the ,,, .. ., •••• t YOUNG WRITER -Seventh grader Tony Miceli, 12, started writing so kids his age would have something they could understand. The youth now has published his own bookleta. ' youth explained. "The wafers. or power pills, one in each comer of the board, give you super st:renP 90 you can eat thoee ghosts," he wrote. "You can hide in the comer of the coin-Operated game, but you can't on the Atari," Tony cautioned. books Of thelr Own. I Tony's father, Wayne, wrote "The 10 Sins of Blackjack." a . pocket-sized book that relies heavily on mathematics to tell players "how not to klee." But players have to adjust to the differences between the Monsters in the video version bJink, unlike their arcade counterparts which advance constantly and visibly. His mother's contribution to the family-penned library ia "No,. Dumps, No Laughs, Just Good Gravy ahd S .O.S." versions, he said. His parents encouraged his writing after printing specialty world scope ( 10 polnla for •Kl'I qu•allon 1new•r•d corr.clly) 1 A Spanish priest was arrested after trying to attack Po~ John Pilul II at the Shrine of Fattmil m (CHOOSE ONE. Portugal, Britilm). The Pontiff hild gone there to give thanks for surviving last year's as~uination attempt. 2 With UN ~ace talks at a cntinl stilge, the Soviet Union publkly denounced (CHOOSE ONE: Britain, Argentinil) for its handling of the fillkland Islands crisis. 3 Soviet Prt-S1dent Brezhnev rejected President Reagiln's strategic arms reduction propoul. TRUE OR FALSE: The Soviet Prt-Sldent sup- ports a freeze on all strategic weilpons during str iltegic arms talks 4 In the face of S1 billion in debts, .. 1 .. Airlines grounded all its flights and declared bankruptcy a-United b-American c-Branlff 5 President Reagan's revised budget received a major set~ck when House Republican leader (CHOOSE ONE: Howard Baker, Robert Michel) said there was no chance Congress would vote to redu~ Soclal Securi- ty spending this year. newsname (10 polnta If you CMt kMf!tlfy Ihle penon In the newt) I am one of the world's but-known racing drivera, and, on May 10, I wlll run In the In· dlanapolls 500 for the 25th time. If I win, It will be my fifth victory In the Indy claulc. Who am If matchwords (4 ,ofntt fOf' •ecfl COff9Ct metch) 1~mando a-telze for mllltary 2.<:ommander ).commandment purpoMS t.-.ralder, ~ally trained soldier c-1n order or edict Alllwen appear (aptlde dowa) below q9b • news picture (10 polni. II you 1n1-r thla qufflton c~) While British troops practiced for a land assault on the Falkland Islands and continued air and sea combat there, the memben of the European Economic Community met In Luxembourg. Which of these EEC countries refused to join the majority In e1tendln1 economic sanctions against Argentina? a-France b-West Germany c-lreland peoplewatd1/spor tlidd (2 point• IOf Heh qUHllon en.-red con9Clty) Irving Berlin. one of the world'a best-known popular (CHOOSE ONE: compote'1, novellsta) celebrated his 94th birthday at his home In New Yorlt City. 2 Terri Utley of ArkanSils was named Miss (CHOOSE ONE: USA, America) for 1982 et the annual event held In 811011, Mlsslsalppi., l Alom1's Ruler outran a amall field to win the Preakness Si.Ices, the middle jewel of radng'a Triple Crown. TRUE OR fAL.Sl : Gato del Sol, the winner of the kentudty Oefby, flnhhed fourth In.the Preaknes1. t 4 In qualifying runs at the lndlan1polls Speedway, Rick Mean aet a new track rec:ocd of more th.ft 204 mlles per hour to w+n a tentative pole position for the upcomln1 Indy 500. TRUE 01t FALSE: Meara tw never won the Indy dauk.. S With their victory over the Vancouver Canudis. the .• f .. became the flnt U.S. team In the hhtory of the NH\. to wk\ three conMCUtlve St1nley Cups. roundtable 'lil'Mly ••auut1n C• ..,., +.commandfff ~..... In a •• ,,. ..... GMlill VU!enewe of C.neda end Gordon SmAe1 of the U.S. were kllled In ntdn1 ac:ddeoa. Whit CM be done to J..commendatlon e4eadet • ~t auch auto~ tr ..... ln the futum YOUR tcotta: t1 to 100 ,.ent. -TOfl ICOftl1 tt '9 to,.._ -,......_ " .. to_. -0..-. 11 .. ",.._ -Plllr. •nC. '"'°" 124·12 I ••• I i ~OTHER '' -Three baby servils get rua.inted with their adopted mother, Mary HDROSCOPI X I tlY SYDNEY OMARR fanday, May 30 : ARJES (March 21 -April 19): Gather and apply "1formation -analyze facts, apply knowledge. Accent security, safety, consideration, family and domestic adjustments. Cancer, Taurua, Capricorn Persons figure prominently. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Style can be Imprinted, personal popularity 90aJ'S. Emphasis on change, variety, creativity and a "romantic interlude." Gemini, Sagittarius native figure in active acenario. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Stick with familiar routine, being close to home ground would be beneficial. Tie loose ends, take care of details and be aware of subtle nuances. CANCER (June 21-July 22); Relatives engage ln cl.ash of ideas. Maintain your own balance, aeme of humor. Highlight versatility, wil.lingness to be flexJble. Check messages, calls and review recent notes. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You receive compliments on decorations, design.a. photographs, art objects associated with family and home. You rediscover values, interest in hobby is reactivated. VffiGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Period of lecluaion is temporary; cycle high and you'll IOOn "burst upon the scene." Techniques are being perfected, procedures are ~ing streamlined -you'll make right move at correct time. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Someone may want aomething for less than it's worth -be patient, maintain your own senae of values. You'll be lilked to accept added responsibility. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): What appean a 1etback might actually prove beneficial. Your wiahea will be fulfilled, but not nee rily in traditional manner. SAGl'JTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Be ready for new starts in new directions-you'll have opportunity to exercise independence of thought, action. C.Ommunity leader seeks your cooperation. -CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Verify afpointments, review commitments and open lines o communication. Family member makes request and it could involve transportation. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Diacuaaion involves ways of combating inflationary spiral. Shopp~ng rocedures will be reviewed, Make inquiries, ve full rein to intellectual curioiity. P (Feb. 19-March 20): Be receptive to requeat from one who is temporarily disabled. Hospital vlllt could be on agenda and will prove uplifting. Maintain low profile, realize that restrictiona are temporary. DEATH IDllCIS -------------.. fllOTmOUI ....... = ...... fllOTmOUI .,_.. um ITATIW A,,_.,. Mm 9TA,_, Tiii fotlowlnO P1r90nt art dolnO n. l*ICN ..,. dolllo Tiie IOllowfno per1on II do1no ~ •· ._... Ill: .....,_. 11; UP lflO .. TI INO,. 1 California IA .. DMA" INN, 111 lowtll I 0 UT H a HO A I 00f'10'Mlon, 430 W. Colet Hlgllway, Hlttlof IMS .. ,.,...,,., CA HtOI. OOHITfWOt~. ... W... 11th HtlwpOft leldl, CA t28to3. lwo·Wll 0 1111, .. ,, North ttreet, ao.t1 ...... CA nta7. \'utuk• V1maukl, C1llforn1a 1t9woor1 1M1 , NIWpOft IMdl, OA °"":' ~·-CMMail•. ':!. _IHN EJ. pr ... denti 200 "rOf'llOfttOtY Oflvt .._ ..... -· ._,.., OA nen IHI, H I , N-port ~.CA lwo·Lln Oh1t, 411 North Tllil ~ 11 Oonduotecl by.,, 92tl0. Newport llMt .. NIWpOft lted\, CA llldMdull Qeorot fellmen, vtoe prlllfdant, tatM. o.wtd Ctwtlllll• ioo PrornontOtY OtNe e.t, •M&. IOO•Jvn1 011•1 • .c 1 • North TNI ... ..,_,, .. flltd wlttl ltw ...,.._, IMd\, CA ""°· """'1 lflld., ~ leel:ll, OA County Olettl °' Oraftot OOUnly on Yufllhlro HorlrnO(O, aectetary, l2MI. "-1,, 1Nt. 1-e-.c Htreno•Nl1hl Htr1no-Ku, TNe ~ It OOftdUoted br t PWP17 o..a, JIC*\. ~ ~-~ ~UblfaMcl Oraftfe Ooatt Oafty TNI ~ II oonducltad by I e.o. el OMI "llol. Mty H , lt, .AIM I, 12, 1N2 11rn1t«1 !*11*th!P Tlill ........ ,,.. Mid wtV'I the 2211-e2 George flOllmat\ 0--.ty 0.... of Orlf199 County on Thia lllt_..t WU IMtd ,,.th Iha M9"/ 20, 1N2. PmlJC NOllC( COunty Cletll of Orange COunty Oii Publl•lled Or11191 Co~ly MIY 20~ 19412• ,,_,., Piiot, May 22, 2t, JUne I, 12, 1112 PICtft10Ue ....... Publlllled Orange Co11t Dilly 2116-e2. NAli9 9TA,_.,., Piiot, May 22. 29, June 15, 12, 19"2 ·-----------Thi~.,.,._.,.. dolnO 2221-82 Nl.tC fl)TIC( ~ -'"VfNI IWUltlNQ H1'VICE, ·-II' NOTICE __ --.. 1H7t Con1truot1on Ctrote hat, ----~-------r_,,,__ _ .,..,,.,._CA92714 MAm "",_,. CAN. VI.I o. OONfWtU.. 1138 The fOllowll1u par'IOnl .,. doing Port ~. N9wpOf1 heoh, CA ~-tlllO. 1. OLGA '"'"~ fUNCe DIANI K. COflNWILL 1Ht AND OTHER THINGS (A lwplul Port ftlrtwtok N9wpOf1 ...0.. CA ltore): 2. OLQA COMPANY t2tlO • . IU"PLUI 'A•RICI AHO OTHER T111i tw1tn ... 11 oonduotect by THING8, 7.ta-A Biker Stteee. Ootil• ~ (HulMnd a Wlfit). MeM. CA 112121. ~ D. ComM11 faotory ,abnoe 'Mhlone and 01a11e K. ComW911 Other Thlng1, I C1lltornla THt ICe1emlnt -fllad 'fflth tile ITAHlffNT Of' Aa~NT Of UH Of' 'ICflTIOUI IUllHlll NUIC The following p e11on ha1 abandoo.cl ,,,. UM or ,,,. llctltlOUI bu•IMN name BEHAVIORAL PROGRAM CONSULT ANTS , 2300 Falrvte"' Road . Y 203 , Coat• Maia. California 112626 Th• FlctltlOUI BullnHI Name PlO'TmCMMJ "'" ... NAMI llAT'Umft' r11e 1ot1ow1no perton1 .,, dolf'lf bull-.. IN STYLI PHOTOQRAPHY, U6 l1lo1r ltr .. I, 11/ 103, COlll M .... CA 112421 Ll!lll~ Y[INICK. 636 l1lo1t Street, IV 103. Co111 MtH. CA 9H21 JAY 0 STALLMAN, 441 Se"a 0.tve, Coton1 Oill Mlf, CA 924125 TNa ~ la oondue\ld by a gefllf 11 l*IMr'INO L..W Y~ Thia etat.nent WU fllad With lhe County Clark of Orange County, • Mey 6, 1982 ,,.., Puo1111n1d Or1ng1 Co111 Detty Puo1. M•y 6. 111. 22. 29. 1942 20H-42 ftcnnOUI ....... ..,._ 8TAT'lllmn' The followlng patlOn 11 <IOlng ~u: KINO TlJTT'S MAINTl!HAHCI! SERI/ICE, 432 .SO llartlolrd 8t , Santa Ana. CA 92704 Martin W and L.ou111 Tutt, 432 So 8tllboard 81 • Santa Ana, CA 112104 Thia ~ la oonduc1ad by an lndMdual Loulta TU1t ,,...17 Publl1had Orange Co11t Dally Piiot. May 29. June 5, 12, 19, 1982 232M2 referred to above wae llled It> -----------Orange County on 4·6·61 corporation, T43·A Biiiet air .. t, County Olettl or oning. County on Ooet1 Meta, CA t2t2t. Mey 20, 111U. Thie l>ulllllll .. oonduoted by • ,_,. Da vid Thom1uon 2300 Fleming of Marine World-Africa USA in Redwood City. The cubs are natives of the African savanna. oorporatlol1. Publl1hed Orange Cout 01tly F aotory f ab11e, f Mfllone Plot. ..._. 22 211 June 6 12 , ...... end other Thlnga -· • • • 22.M:r Thia rtat-1 WM ftlad With the County Cltrtl ot Ot""Ot County on ---.---.,.11111'\-TIH' ___ _ May 11, 11112. rUUU'-n111n.&. Fairview Road Y 203 Colla MOH, ----------- Clltforn11 llM2e ftCTITIOUe .,... •• Thia t>utlne.1 wu conducted O) NAm STAT'llmMT 9'l lndtvl<lull The following ptreon 11 dolno Oevtd TllOmauon ~ 111: Ml.IC fl)TICI: '1C1TTIOUI ....... ..,._ITA,......,. The foltowtnO l*'fONL .. doing bull--BOHAMAR, 14902 Marini Bey Ortve. Huntington Beech, CA 92449. Adella Martlnlll Canon. 1"902 Marini 81y Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 9349. Thia ~ 11 conduo1ed by an ~ Ada4la M CAr10rl Thll lta1_..t WU flled with the County a.tt of Ot1nge County on May 20, 1882. ,, .... Publl1hed Ottn~ Co .. t Dally Piiot, May 22. 29, June 5, 12, 1g92 2227~2. ftCtmOUlllUIM .. NAlmSTA,.....,. Th• following per10n II doln' ~-( 1) MAIDS OF ORANOE COUNTY; (2) MAIDS OF NEWPOfl'T 18202 Meal Verdi Court, Fountalri Vl/lllrt. CA 92708 ~ Gahrlng. 11202 M.e V•de Court, Fountain VlllWy, CA g2708. Thie ~ ta oonducted by an indMduel. JeMnlnt GaMng Thie Ital-I WU filed with Iha County Clerlt ot Or1nge County on May 2'1, 1982. "*" Publl1hed Orange Co11t Dally Pilot. May 29. June 15, 12. 1g, 1982 2329-82 AC'lfN>UI ...... 91Am8TA~ The toloMllg pertont -doing bullrMtt Ill: STYLE CATERERS, 22831 ~. e Toro, CA t2630. 8andf9 Cole. 5161 Pinon °'·· Huntington 9-:11, CA 112&47. Evelyn Underwood. 115422 Sall1bury Ln,. HunttngtOtl Beach, CA9264'1. J1cqueflna Chapin, 22431 Marythurlt, e Toro. CA t2630. Thia ~ le oonOuctad by • general pertnerlHp. E~ Ui .. :del_..wood_"' Thie etatement -Mid wttto the County a.tt of Orange County on Mwy 20, 11182 '1m7'1 Publl1hed Orenga Cout Diiiy Pllol, MW'( 22. 29. June 6, 12, 1982 2226-82 NlJC fl)llC( P1m11 Tn11 1111amen1 w11 filed w•th the L.B Management, 419 Main Publl•~ Oran~Cout O~I County Cleo. of Of1nga County on StrMt. Sulta 151, Huntington Beeol\, 1'1CTITIOUI _,..... May 11 11182 CA 92&ol8. Piiot, Mmy 22, 29, 6, 12, 1 NAllll ITAn.wT flSV1e Linda M. Bultl, 1016 AlaDefna. ~~tT .. ~U 2218-82· Tiie ro1towt119 Pl•IOnl are doing Publlahad O••nge Coeat Dally Huntington Bwl\, CA 9264a. -"'--"' "8JC fl)llC( t>u.w-•· Pilot May 15. 22. 29. June 5. 1992 Thie~ ta conduct«I by.,, The followlng pereona.,. doing -----------·.! COLWELL'S CERAMICS, 8959 2145-62 lndlvldual . 11ue1:-: ~:NE R • 8 MAR IN E WHITTll!R ICHOOL TITLE I ::~~·· Huntington BHch, CA ----------- 8l!RVICl!8, 177F Rlv.,1lde Ave .. Puent AHool•t•• M"~ SANORA L STEVENS. 201101 P\B.IC NOTICE Nlwpott BMch, CA 92ee3. tMctlon of oflloet'9 Ind Balgalr Clrclt, t.luntlngton S.ach. Ronald K. Cunningham, 177F "*'1bel'I fOt 11112...,. ICflool =· CA 92644. ~ AY9,. N1wpott 8-cl\, CA Room 11. 10:()().12:00 A.M., ed.. WAYNE R STEVENS. 20901 92983 June 2, 1N2. " ,._ C B Mic:n..I J. sarp., 21291 ~ Pubt11lled Orang• Cout Dally CA'\~~4~rcla, Huntington Hch, ~. Huntington 8-dl. CA 92&44. Piiot, Mwy 211• 1882 Thi• bualn111 I• conducted by Thll ~ .. conducted by • 2386-t2 lndMduel9 ('-band and wlflt Linde 8ull'I TllUI etatement -llled with the County Clertl ot Oranoe eouniy on May 20, 1N2. ,_,. Publllllad Orange Co11t Deify Piiot. Mrt 22. 29, June 5. 12, 1112 2226o-t2 general ~. •-.,. •nvc: Sandra L St.....,.,• Ron4lfd K. CunnlnQham ,..._ ""''~ ™• 1111_,1 wu flled With tna Notice 11 hereby given tha1 tna ~ANT NOTICa TNa •1•1-t -fllecfwlth the It... County Ciani of Oranoa County on Board of Trwt-ot the OOMn IF YOUR PROPERTY 18 IN County Clerlt of Orange County on l'tCllUOUI MJH•ll May 4 1982 View School Olttrlct of Orange FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU May 2'1, 1962 ..,._ tTA~ . fl'"71 County, Callfornla, wlll receive ARE BEHIND IN YOUR PAYMENTS, '11CMU The to1ow1ng ~art dOlnO Publlthad Orange Co111 Diiiy 111tad bld1 up lo 9·00 1.m .. fT MAY BE SOLO WITHOUT ANY Pubt11h1d Orange Co11t Delly ~ M : Piiot May 8 15 22 29 1962 Mondi '/. June 7. 1982 II Iha COURT ACTION, end you may h- Pllol, Mey 29. June 15, 12, 19, 19"2 MoOAW 11, HOO Pull Center ' · · ' ' 3001.92 Purch11lng 01p1rtm1nt of H id the i.gat right to bflng 'JOU< ecooun1 2331~2 Drive, Sulla 1400, Coate Mau, ldlool dlllrtct located 11 1040 B in gooe1 llandlng by peytng Ill of -----------Cellfomla92929 fltalC NOTICE Street, Huntington Beaoh , your put due ptym1nt1 plu1 rtll.JC NOTICE OAON CORPORATION. 1 Celltornla, •t wtlleh time Mid blda permitted co111 1nd 1xp1n111 Delaware corporation. 3200 P11ll wltl be p.ibllcly Op«*1 and •Md lor within llWM month& from Iha dlte l'lCTTTlOUI lltllMU O I a 1400 C '1CTTTIOUI •UllHIEll Microcomputer 8ys11m1 tllla nolloa of default wu recorded. MAim ITATDmNT ~~ =. ' Olla ..,._ ITA"n•NT All bldl ere to be In IQCOfdanoa Thia amoun1 1111,241 u of Mwy 1, The folk>wtng pereon1 .,.. doing Martin V. JonH, 411 AC.Cll Thi followlng peraon la doing with tht Bid Form l111truc:110n1 and 1982. and will I~ untB yow bu*=S'uRF SURF PLACE. 103 :=,CoronedllMat,Clllomll i-i\'::E'f:STATE RECRUITING =~~:n-._wi: ::':~~~:~ E. 17th S1r.ei, Suite 15, Colla,,._, Alen OaYlton, 101t Em«~ SERVICES. 181102 Bardffn Way, In the otftce ot Mid IChool dlltlic:t. portion of your account, nen CA D2427 8 L e II c llf I ll'Vlna. CA 92715 Eadl bldd9' ~ Mlbmlt wltll 1111 though Ml peyment -demanded, 01nl1I Edwud Flecky. 31 i ::/61 agunl HO ' 1 orn 1 RICHARD P CUNNISON. 22 bid 1 c11hlat'1 ch•Ck, certified bu1 you muat ~ thl amount etai.d MeM o.. Apt. 3, Coat• U... CA Robert Wiina, 1217 E:r:er•ld Rocky Knoll, lrvtna, CA 92715 check. or bidder'• bond m•d• lboY9 112427 9 l 8 II C 11 I Thil l>utln.a la condocted by an payable to thl OfOar of 1111 ~ After llWM monthl from lhl da1e M111nlko Kiio. 2930 W. ::/i1 iguna H O • a rn 1 lndlvldUIJ View Scllool Ol1trlc1In1n amount ot racordatlon of thll document Weetwood. Santa Anl. CA 927045-Thia ~ 11 oondulMd by 1 Rlch.,d P Cunn1aon not ._ tNn ft\19 percent (5'111) ot Iha (wtllc:tl data ot racorda11on ~ Thll bull,_ II conducted by 1 )olnt wnture. Thlt 1t1tement wu n1ec1 with Ille aum bid 11 1 gu1r1nt11 that th• hereon). unlaal lhl ob410allon 1>eg1r1 genlfal petlnenhlp. OAOH CON'OAATIOH, County Ci«k of Or111g41 County on bidder wHI .,,,., Into the propoaec:I forecloaad upon ~ a longer Oen Flecliy ..._.___ ,._ .......... May 8, 1962 ContrllCI If thl eama ta awvded to period, you I'll..,. only the legal~ Thi• 11a1_..1 wu ftled with the 1 -· ..orpo1-. f1*71 him. In the event ot falkKa to Wlter to 11op the fOfaclolNe by County Clatll ot Oreng1 County on Jedi H. Contgen ,._HOtVIU.I a PAllANT£ Into llOCl1 contract, the prooaed• ot th• •nllf• 1mount dam1nd by May 27, 11142. l/.P .. Comi.llnd. 11152 M80Arttwr •IYd. thl check wtll be f0t1alted. or In the vour etedltor. ,1tD412 ~ S. c.nvn.., OoYalei Ptue. II 10:Z C1M of I bond, tht full IUf1l U-eot To find OU1 Iha amount )'OU mu91 Publllhed Or1ng1 CoHI Dally Thie .:t.im!~ ~=Wttll the lritne, CA nT11 wlll bl forfeited to H id IChOOI pay, Of to &rrlngl for PIY"'«'I to Plot. M.y 29, June 15, 12, 19, 11112 COunty a.tt °' °'81191 Cowlty on Publl1hed Orange Co111 O•lly dlltrtcl. 1top the for1clo1ur•. or II your 2:34M2 Mey 1', !1112. PllOI. May 6. 15, 22. 29, 1962 Ho bidder may W!thdr-hie bid property 11 tn foraclcleln for In)' -----------,__ 3037-62 for I par1od of elxty (80) day'll after other r_,, oontact PCM, llQlf'I NI.IC fl)llC( .,!!'b~~ ~•n .. o.!.. <;.of2.' ~!!!,Y NIUC M7T1C[ Iha ~':o':~~fu;~=~::=; ~~mH,::~~11~:·:~.~~~:,7'o':.k 2~~~~ ITA~NT Of' ......... -• .... """• _,. "• mM2 Iha 11ght to r9feCt wry and II bldl or 81r1a-Ortve. El Toro. CelltomM ASAND<ll....-r OI' UN Of' l"ICTlT10UI Ml .... , to waive 1ny lrregulu lllH or 92e30 (714) 7e8-72"1 1'1CTITIOUI IW ... U ..,... rtaJC fl)TIC( lnformalltlH In any bid or In th• If )'OU 111¥9 any ~tlone. ~ The lollowlng pe r1on hu NA* ITArn.NT bidding. 1hould contaot 1 l1wyer er Iha 1blndonad IM utl of tlll flc1ltlout flCTITIOUI _,..... TM following Pl<IOnl are doing OCEAN VIEW governmental agency which may bu01ITnEa1L1 na':"110S2U~ 'N S~NOS N,._ITATUmlfT ~U-:HWES T ELECTRIC, SCHOOL DISTRICT hlYalnaurad"/OUfloen. M II Clln Ye., The foltowlng pa<10n1 era doing 26312 El Cento, L-•na N""•ll, CA By: Shella MarCUI Remember. YOU MAY LOSE Huntington BMch, C1. 92641. t>uslnlll u : 92fl77. -.-..,_ Cletll of the LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU DO NOT The llctlttou• bu1ln1u name TRI COUNTY CARPET co.. MICHAEL WI LLIAM BOTTS. Board of Truet-TAKE PROMPT ACTION. referred lo lbov1 wu flied In 1425 Vlltege Way, Coe1I Mau, C1. 28812 El Canto, Laguna Niguel, CA Publl1had Orange Co11t 01lly NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that County In Aprll 1973 end Aprll 1976. 92626 92977 Piiot, Mey 22. 29, 1982 l)U<IUant to Artlde IX, Sectione 1, 4 Rlch1rd T. Thorton, 1102 JamM E. Henn Cotpor111on (I , 2257~2 a nd 6 of th• Oaclerellon of Ocain AY9 , Huntington Buch, Ca. California c.orpor1tl0n), 141 E. P•· El c!,~~1~.~~~8.2~~·g22":7j2 Coven1nt1, Condition• and 112648 mall Rd Al"Clldla ea 91004! o . ....,,... .,,........ •-.,. MnTV't RHtrlcllon1, orlglnllty recorded Thi• t>utl,_ wu conducted by• StuMt A Brodie, 1621 Chanll· ~ ~---~ conducted by a ~._._,,, ""'' n.c F~ 26. 1973 In 80011 11575, aola proprRlllT~-ciM<, Anaheim, Ce 92802 ~ w Bott• ~ COUlfT Page 112. 1upplamant recorded """'""'' This ~ la conducted oY 1 Of' CAl.M'ORMIA, Apr1I 5. 1973 In Bo<* 10830, Paga Thlt atlltment WU ftled with the al pertnarwhlp Thll 1111_..I ... Iliad wtlh Iha COUNTY OI' ~ 50e. both ot ~ Aeoordl of County Clerit of Orange County on Q8f* J-E MIM C«p County Clerk ot Oranoa County on HTAft OI' t..ITHA MAML.E Onnge County, c.itfornia I bt-..:tl May 13. 1962 By J E. Mann, May 6. lll62 l"l~ 01 ~ 1 d. of the obllgatlon of payment ot f1o:ztn Prllldanl No. A-1~ Mii II 118Ula hU occurred. Notice Publl1h1d Orange Cout Dally Thia atal_,I wu ftled wllh the Publlahad Orange Co11t Dally NOTICIE OI' INTIENTION ot aeid t>r..:n end llen -llled for Piiot May 15, 22. 29, June 5, 11162 County Cieri! of Orange County on Piiot, May 6, 15. 22, 29, l962 TO nu MA1. ,_,..,.0 record on J a nuary 4, 1962 11 3081·62 M1y 6, 11192. 3000-82 AT ~ATIE IAU Document Ho 92-0001240 ot Mid -----------,,_ rtaJC fl)llC( Notice 11 hereby given that, Otflcl•I Record• No payment of PlllJC NOTICE Publlahad Orange Co111 Dally 1ubfact to conftrm1tlon by the Pll1 due ""°""" Ila oocuned, l'IC1lTIOU9 8UllMSN Piiot Mey 6. IS, 22. 29, 1962 l"ICTITIOUI Ml-•• 1bov1-enllt1ed Superior Court therefore. the Huntington landrnark ..,._ STATDmNT 3031-82 NA• ITATIE_,,., Clapt. 3. en"'-30, 1982, at 9:00 Adult Community Allodltlon ~ Tile followlng per1on 11 doing K-G01W The followlng per eon 11 doing A.M., or thlreaftar within the time hereby elect to ca.. to be aclcl, the bullrMtt •: l'lCTTTlOUI WU .. _.,. MnftH' bull,_ u llOW9d by lew, the undanlfgned, M followlng dw:tlbed ,_, Pfopefty to (A) SUZANNE'S EXERCISE ..,._ ITAT'llmNT ~ nllln.&. RELIANCE MAINTENANCE 9HCU111lc of Iha eatate ot LETHA lltlsfy the obligation ANO DANCE STUDIO; (8) Thi lollowlng Pll'9onl.,. Oolng SYSTEMS. 8271 Hay11 Clrcla, MARBLE. decalaed, wlll Mii 11 All lhlt cartMI lend lttuatad In SUZAHNE'S STUDIO; (C) STUDIO; ~ -~OOL DEVELOPMENT. flCTTTIOU8 llUSINSll Huntlnglon IMc;h, C.. 92644 pr1v91e -. 10 the ~ and bwt the State ot Ca11tom1a.. County of (0) F.l.T S., 3023 E. COllt Htgtrny, .. ,... ITAT'lmNT Peter 0 Rogera. 8271 H1yea net bidder on the term1 1nd Orange, City of Huntington e.dt. Corona def MM. CA 92926. L TO., 33~1CLl~th Floor· The following par"IOnl 1,. doing Clrcla , Hunllngt on BHch, C1 condftlont ~.,mentioned all daecrlb«I • ~ Suunna G . Bellamy, 144 ~ ._..,, A ......... ~ ... 92648 right tfUI end lnt-1 of LETHA PARCEL 1. That pottlon of lol 1 of JemnlneCreek °' Corona del .... D1teoo (Iona Tool, Inc.. • PACIFIC COAST BOX OfflCE .• ~~ .. condueled by .,, MARBlE. "-'d. It the time of tract 11ee ... par mlp .--dad In CA '2925. " ' C1llfornl1 oorporetlon 3368 Vl1 S 11 1100 3,._ W tat"' P1 • .., •• ......., tier deeltl and 111 ...... 1. tltla, end book 334, peoea 36 and fvllowlng ot Thll ~ta conducted by.,, Udo, 4th Aoor, Newpott Beech, CA ~ eMchCA 9~eec)' ace, ,...er o. Rooera lntarwt that the ..a,';'h.. acquired rNloallaneoUI mecie. tn the oflloa ot GREEN Cllffori:l. Services will be lndMdual. ~· ... _.__.._. GOOD EVENING LA 1 Call-™• 1t1tament wu ftlad with the tn addftlon 10 11111 ot ~ 1t tt11 County Record«°' Mid county. SOL GREEN, resident of held on Sunday, May 30, Suzanne a. Bllfemy .. _....__ .. ~ad by. f I II 's 11" 1100 County Clar1t of Orange County on tM time of lier delth. In the ,.., "'°""'end dellned .. unit no. 149 D ---1982 at n . JOAM at the Tllle lt81_..t wu ftlad with the llmlled l)Mtnenhlp orn • corpore on. u • . April 16 1982 "'':':J '--.t-' In Oranoe c-·-ty, P!' .. that cen,a1n. ( condomf,, .nlurn nlurn Ollrl Newport ~h. Ca. Passed 11 Pner o... Pretldlnt . 39110 WHtarly Pl1ca, Newport • · f11'7..0 .., """"... ICf'lt>ed""' .... cartlftcl· the "Conclomrium a ay May 28 1982 H u --bor La . M t Oli County Clertl of Orange County on Thi• llat_..1 WM flied with the Beech CA 92660 Stall c.ttfomta, deecf'I u the Plan") herein) ,_ded u ~w ....... • w on • · e ~ wn-oun ve May 2'7, 111&2. Coun Clerlt ot Or Cou . M Tlita' bullMN ti cond~ by 1 Publllhed Or1nga CoHt Delly 1outhwHltrly 48.015 fHI or the .. 8 .. 10 ind lncorpor1i;d°b'~ haa been a self-employed Memorial Chapel. Int.en:nent '1t04M 3 ty 2 ange nty rt etlorl Piiot M1y 15. 22. 29. June 6. 11182 no<1haU1arly 138.15 fMt of Lot 191 reference In lh•t certal" organist for the past 81 services Immediately Publl•llad Orang• Collt Diiiy 1 ·196 · ,1.,.. OOOd Evtinlt\Q L.A 2157-82 ot Newpott Hetghta u al>OWn on ' Years. He is survived by his follo wing. Services under Piiot, Mwy 29• June 5· 12• 1!:.2.-~2 Publl1hed Oranna Cout 0111y • Clltfomla OOfl> •-.,. MnftH' m1P thereof rec0<ded In 8oo11 4 It supplemental dactir1t1on ° ~ • (to bl formed) ~ n111-. Paoe as of Mllolllll'leoul Mapa Ind ~11· covenanta. oondtt1on11 eon James Green, MD of the direction of Harbor .Piiot, M1y 22. 29, June 5, 1222.1.oa:., n~ 8 Aloordl recorded In the 0r-1nd rHlrlcllon1 for Hunll= ....,....... _,A. 1-y, Pr•. '1CTIT10UI 9UIMU -...-Landmartl AdUlt Community Newport Beach, Ca. and his Lawn Mount 01 iv e •-.,. llftnH' Thia 11atenwrt wM flled with the ..,._ 81 .. -.... County Recorder'• office and 11 (tract 61481 recorded on d S t d M ,. .. " ,.,.,... ""~ n111n.&. "'Clar1I of Orange County en .. ,_.., commonly known u 1"3 Fullar1on · • gr an 1001 even an ortuary JONES. PU1JC fl)TlC( Mwyne~ l9&2 ~o:::wtng per1on 11 doing Strffl. Colli MHI, Callfornle. ~1:~9~ = McCoaMK:X MOlTUA•llS Laguna Beach .. 94-9'* IS Laguna Hills 71)8..0933 San Juan Cap1slrano 495-1776 HAUOtl L.AW~MT. OllVI Mortuaty •Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa S..0-5554 ,_C:I NOTHHS l&L •OADWAY MoaTUAaY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 IA&.TllHG•OM SMrTH & TUTMIU WISTC~ C:HAPI&. .C27 E 17tfl SI Costa Me5a 6.4&-9371 ,_CltlOTHMS SMITHS' N0n11MY 827 Main St ~nt~aoh • . . J EA N BA R BA R ..,._ STAT'llmNT ftCTTTIOUI _,..... OUR TOWN REAL TY, 34 13 9~· NII 11 IUb'-' to CUrTant rec0<dl of Mid coun1y. M ~ llrTlll lh• followl119 per1on 11 doing NA• tTATIMaNT Publlehed Orange Co111 Otlly Wimbledon Way Colt• Meea. C1. tu11, covananM, c'ondlllon1, ~.o t Im • • m • n <I•~ 11 ht JONES, WM born Aucust 23, ~ • Thi fottowtng pareon1 ar1 doing Piiot. May 4, 15, 22, 29, 1982 929241 ' tupplemenlll dedllrltlon ,,.,...) 1921, died May 26, 1982. RE8 PRODUCTIONS, 1014 butln.a u 204042 Nancy M1a Rhvme. 3 413 raatrlctloni , reMNllloni, rlghta, PARCEL 2· An ,__,....._., 11tl0th CH NTEE O•• I ' r1gtlt1 of -..y, and __,ta ot · ... ..,..._ Survived by 2 1001 Jim Georgie 81. Apt. E. Huntington LA A . I .... Irv na Wlmbledon Wwy. Colle Mell.. c.. record. Thar• -.. of 11111 dlte no lntWMI 1n end to~ t:::': Of Jones of Huntington Beach. ~oi~~·ldrldg•. 1ou A-r:·=:' =~·1~~ "8JC fl)TICI: ~:bull,_ 11 conducted by an dMd9 of truet reoorded agelnet the ~of.!r~~ ~~ (;! Ca., Noel Jones of Laguna Oeorgla St. Apt. E, Huntington C1tlf0<nll c0<p0<1tlon). 1044 Irvine flC1TT10Ua ...,...,. lndMdual. ,...ni:'~ 11 10 be lold on an "common ., ..... herein) on Ille Beach, Ca .. mother Carol 8-cl\, CA g:zMe, A--. Newpott 8Mch, CL 92eeG NAm tTAftmWT Nenoy M. Rhyme "M 11" b ..... IXOIC>I u to Utle. condominium plen. Shea of Cc.ta Mesa, Ca .. 3 Ind~~ 1• conducted by an Thi• bulinlll 11 conducted by• The followlng pWeOnl 1,. doing Thia 1111-1 wae nled with Iha Bid• ot offer'I .,. ltwfled for thll EJ101pt 111 oll, g11 Ind othtr aiaten Norma GUAa&on o .;....__ .. _ .... ~ corporat~.CllanlM Boul"'ua. Inc. bull,_ u · County ~ of Orlnga County on property and muet bl In writing end hydroc:art>on 1Ubet-end otl\ar ....,._, ,_, ... BEACHMONT ASSOCIATES. Aprll 21• 1-2· ,,_ wlll bl raoe4v.o II the omo. Of mlnartle lylnQ below 500 fMt ffcm Orange, Ca .. Pat Ankh of Tllle ltateman1 -with the Sally St1nt.y. 18551 e.ecll ont Sama A CA ··-· JOSEPH R. DAVIS, 1ttomeiy for the the~~ the.._, premlaM, H a w a II , and Sh l r 1 e ~ CM1111,..2°' Orange County on Preeldanl m ' ne, Publl9hed Orange Co111 D•lly • • 10 u 1 r I• 11 2 7 g 0 H., b 0 r tOQ91her wfttl the right to lllCPIOrl tor Ander\on of a.ta Mesa. Ca., Apr1I 00, .., . ,,.._ Thl1 etat_..I wu ftlad with Iha 927<>JOHN W. HENGE8H, 1"551 Piiot May 115, 22, 20, June 6. 1882 Bouleverd, SUlle 313, Colla~ and develop Ind drlll 1n10 and _.__ G P ul 1 l>aJh CoUnty a.11 °'LOI An9lile County a..ctwnont, Sim• ANa. CA 112706. 2 !56-8~ Olltomla. 9292e, or mey be fled through tMt pottton °' the .._, 5 gran ....... na, reg, a ' PublllMd Of•"99 Cout all) on MIY 10. tgea. ,,_ CHARLENE 0 . Hl!NQE8H. """the dirt°' the~ Court prern!a. lylrig below Mlfd ~tor Jeffrey, Matthew an Pt1ot. Mrf 2t, June 6, 12, 19. 1M2 -· 1815a1 8aeetl 1 8 t Ana. CA NI.IC fl)TJC[ or dlllwrld to~ R. DAVIS 011. 1111 ancf othw hydrOC1arbon Dalton all from the beach 2S7M2 Publl1nad Or1n91 Cout Diiiy mon • an • peilOIMily, at '""I time afW the flrlt 1ub1t1ncH llld otller miner•••• area. Sttvicel were .... prtva PllOt Mwy 115. 22. 211. "'-~1116-12 112.f: ~conducted by • ~.r=:9 =-= ::_* notioa Ind Mbw ~ -r II.°'..=--,..:.~ and oondl.IC'ted by ne PWlJC fl>TIC( NI.IC flJTIC( John W . ........, ~°'.::-'llO '*'°" .. doing Thi "'°'*11 .. be totd on the ,_..., by the llaiWI ~- Society. Thie llllllMlll ... fll9ct w4tl'I the A I! HM AN TRADING tolowlllO t.mi9; °""' or pel1 °""' lno. •• OOIWIQl'lllon,11\ ... doaument 00888 P'tCiliilOUI WU PICtmOUI • IDllM Clettl ... "---,.._......, cou• N" .... e end pert ord, tt1e Wr111 of credit "900f'ded Deoemw 12, 1 ... In ..,._ ..,,.,_..,. ..,._STA~ VJ"'-""",,,_,.,, on ..... A '· ... i 811r tree1, 90 ..._~---·----booll t112. P•O• HO. offtolal WALTER V DOBBS ......... M-.c. 10t2. --Aolnrnln1 •40S ........ ...._.. ,._ ... ,.,,,,. ___ _ . ' The lollowtlg panone are-·.,, Thi followtllg P«aont.,. doing _, r--~ """'' --. .,.., 1nd to t 1 Superior Oourt, 6 '900fdl. departed thl1 life Friday, bu11111M ae: ~ • .IACll.0.. IUDOmt a IUCICUNe ~ Kabir Kllln. 2aa1 l)ercant or Ill• amouqt bid to Thi r900fd......, ..._. ol IN May 28, 1982. He WH • R l 8 GAIEN. 1&e02 Alllnay UNIT 81X GRAPHIC ARTI, ........... c.e. Dr.,....... • .. , ::l.9:'!.. Apartm•nl 14PS. ~ ... °"" bY °"'"*' propenv more OOllWU .. '"'-'. retired atock and bond ~. Huntlnglon 8-cl\. Cellfomll 1122\t Newpott IMI. 1111t, Ooeta ~...._CA-eo.te \ieo g2tff cNok. Ind IN blllnoe to be Plld 1eS3 ...,._ c-1. \Jnll EnO, L--L-f • .__ OU\ 112647 Mw, CA t2t27. Publlthed OrlhOI Col*! Dally Thie~ 11 oonducted "".,, ~to the oonflrrnatlon of =t ....,_, Ci llfornle Ii """"""' or ..'>e i-t .,.., Robert Keith OrHn~:co2 Qr •o or y A 11 n Lt n_l!.L 1 16 • ~ a. 1'. n , n . 1w lndMdull. ~, • .. br tflt lupertor Cowt • Hol1IOfl ~-. • and WM a r.&dent of uu. Auln1y L•"•· Hunttnoton h, MenclrlM Cir.,::... <:A RT16. ...... ~ l(Nft -of ......... T-. ,..... ....... .J:(" .... arM for the i-t 20 yean. ~~lfl'4yn~ Sindel. 16602 ,._ "::. ~1 .. 11 Mlndnka TNI dlll•••ll,... tll9d wllll n. peret1n9 1nd m1lnt1nanoe ~UNT..._I ... J 1., 1 1t~ r NDMAAK He leaY91 h.la widow 1-bel .... ~ '·CA 121· _.,. -Coun4y a.ti al Oraftot OcMlly on •Pena ... 1nd premium• 011 .. rtNllT~ II.Al of C«uia del Mar, C..., mn =:;t,,,. ~;..runtlnoton Beaol\, ...!::'a. .. •=. ~·~1:.16, ~ ';'1':.11 "-fb, 1Ma, ,_ =~o.,:~o~~ ~~.IUNl'Ti MIOOIATION Pm. of Newport Bw:b, Ca. Thll ~ 11 oonduoted by• TNI ~It confl.-cl br 1 um 9TAW "'btlahed OrcT COMt Oii"' tr. -. of -. Cllo9e of ..,.,., ~ONM<O __ ., dau•k•-Ann Colletto llmned INll111Wlhjp. ...... pw".r•IND. Tiie ,_., -.. -.. u-. I '' b.-*.elan °' -reoorclna al --4 ....... .,.,. .._.,..,. ~ I( Gleen °'100'Y Alan llNt .___....., ........ -~ ..._ -1 'n . '~I, 1M2 0011:..,.-.......,-. llWf ~ tTAft 01 OAU"Cik ... ) of Tiburon, Ca .. •he alao Thie ... ,.,,,.,,, .... tll9d wltf'l ltlt TNI. 11 ..... -Mid wtlh the ou1:.H .... O. LIMITIO, t1M-12 -~'*'lflllttie.... COUNTY"' OfWm) leavea & ~ Wcheel County a.11 of OrMQe County on County a.tt °' Onnot Coun'Y on ....,,.., ltrwt.. ..._ 40I. of._""*' On w., .. ~ ~ -. .. and Phlfip of Corona d•l M9'J ,,, 1~. ...., l'r, 1t11. oro.l CA HIJO. IWoCMtlltMd ,_..... tM ~~a ...wy ~In llld Mar Ca Maril Dobbl of ,..., ........... _~. ,..... rHI ""09'0UP,. Cell•cwate HUhiJOUta. ..... """ ....... ~MCI ........ prtcw -.......... ,. •• .,.... • '' Publl•Md Ortngt Cou1 Otll) ..-vf),_,_ Of~ Coeet Dally) don. llt4I ...,,,...,, h*. _.. to .,,.,, fA an "'* ••••• ._ ~ ~ ~ • ... • M =I ~n~ •;:.,;: i.ot. MIY 16, 22. 2t. ~ =~~ Plot....., lt . .11.N 8. 11, 1:.:: Thia~~:=:; br ·~ ~~"1::·.:=rr. doing DATIDI Mar It. ..;... =•~.=lie-.&==: ~Y'elld4t •rvte.i wt1J be • Cft IOf'r#AM. ,,,.. 1M011 LMI IM W.... ..._, '°IM'° '9 h Y"'-' wllo _......_._ J 1 The"" an.. .......... .........._...,_,<:A '"41 ....... -.. ......., ...... ·--*' on 6 -y, UM ' ,,..,, L. Mi, OUmt"'VAuo.tN .. YHfta•: --tt. ..... fll ........ , .... 1J12 at 1~ at Pldf.lo Scents'1ble ~ -....:... ftl'tl "MM '-Me• Huntl11tt0ft _.,.,__,......... ll8INCI. n adllW t1 .. 1t '8 ... View M•morlal Park. Tilll-••ttw -"""' h ._.,CA -..1. ..Mlllllll "-'o.vti 11111 aidl ...,.,.,, _.. • S.W. under' tfw cllrectlcxi CIM flt er.,.~°" 1'* .,._ 11 oou e *'by an ~ ,_ ~ ... .._ .... ......,. • .. °'a.Ju .. ,. .. , Smith• Advice • ,..,, 11••1•" a.,r..:, ,...01t'::.:'.,a......._., .. .._ Tulhlll ~=· Cha~l me::.~-~iii:..o~: .. I I a• :WW"",_. 1M .... c.u'4J-HTt. Every Sunday ---.CA-,,_.,....., ,...... ==:..°"-=.1.w::.o:: ,_. 8 few ftnla, lltubfftftM OfMte o .... De11J ""4!Mf 0...... Ooeft Oeffy ltuUllMI °'8llllfl .OWi IMllY "'......_. ::.. ~4'L._ .. .... '°'JOU. ..... .. 11, n....... .. ......... '"a;.. ..... ..... .... June .. ,... ,..,., ..., ..... S.. I; i__*I ..... -i01... -..,.. --- I • .. .. . .. . .,..., ... . .. AP Wlr9photo HISTORICAL LANDMARK? Architect Bruce Boehner stands in front of the Sacred Heart Church, Los Angeles, while holding a picture of it when its steeple was intact. Boehner has urged the city to consider making the church a historical landmark, but the Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles opposes the designation because "it would limit the church's use and would interfere in the freedom of worship." Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 29, 1082 Church dedicatiOn set DEDICATION ot the flnt CathoUc church ln Callfornl1 to be named ahtr the flrat American male c:anonlied u a aaint, will be hold June 8 ln Irvine. Cardinal John Krol, archbiaho_p of Phlladelphla, will decllcate St. John Neumann Church at 3 p.m. Cardinal Krol la the tUCCftlOr of Biahop John Neumann u head of the Philadelphia diocese Blaho/ Neumann, who died at the ap of ' . wu con.ecrat.ed 1 aaint ln 1977 by Pope Paul VI. Celebrating the Maas of DedicaUon will be Bishop Wllllam R. Johnlon of the Orange Diocet1e and Archblahop Tomaa Clavel, Epiacopal vicar for the Hiaparuc Community of the Orange Diocese. ORGANIST Samuel John Swartz. of the Immanuel Presbyterian Church ln Loe Angeles, will be the featured performer at an organ dedication recital Sunday at 7 p.m. at St. John Vianney Chapel, Balboa laland. CHURCH NDTll featured tpeaker for the Unltett- Methodlat Women'• meeUna at 9 a.m. Wednesday •t the Flr1t United Met~lat Church, Huntington ~ach. MOT IVATIONS that sulde public fiaw'es' morality will be explored by 1uthor Maurice 0,den at the 10:30 a.m. Mt'Vlce Sunday of the Lasuna Beach Uni tar tan-Uni verullat Fellowship. A CONFIRM.A TION ceremony la planned by Temple Bet Yah.rn at 10:30 a :m . today at the newly completed buJ.ldins, at the corner of Camelback Street and Jamboree Road, Newport Beach. THEOLOGICAL poeltiona will be considered at the 10:30 a.m . aervtce Sunday at the Orange Cout Unitarian UniversalJst Church. 1259 Victoria St., Costa Mesa. THINK ABOUT TH/1 ''Come W\IO Me!" Thole are Chrlat'• word1 of Invitation to you. Chrl1tlanlty 11 really a penon. not an orpnludon or 1y1tem of cfocirt._e. Chritt calla UI IO Hirmelt. Thia it a n exclullve invitation. No one elM ~er said It. Napoleon didn't aay It. No kin¥. or prealdent dared ay, 'Cane W\IO me and I wUJ five you rest." Even the 1reet patriarch Moae1 couldn't uy that. But Jel\la said It, and when people have come to Chrilt they recelved exactJy what he promiMd -re1t. Sharon Rasmussen, music director for the chapel, will conduct the performance of the two Concerti for String Orchestra and Organ, which will include works by Bach, Mozart and Franck. Rett from the 1traln of Jack Anderson guilt. Rest from the wear reveals in the :!P~ b; ~~~a:: I P _... peace \tlth God Rell in ROSALIND RINKE R, a former Dai y ilOI yo~::! to Jeaua u I WU, missionary in China who has authored weary and worn and aad. I ,_:_:m.:.:o::.re:....:th:.:,:an:..:_a:_:d=oze=n:....:boo=.:.:ks::·.....:w:.:..:ill=-.:be=-t::h::e_!:=======:::::::::==::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ found In H 1 m a relt 1 ng place, and He has made me ~ South Coast Community Church ' Services 8:30 A.M. & 10 : 15 A.M. Corona del Mar High School, 210t Eastblufl Or Corona del Mar "Wby Marriase Wbea You Caa Lfve Tasetber ?" Tim Timmons Speaking glad.'' Are you worn out? Chrl1t has re1t for you. Accept HI.a invitation and come to Him. rnar:ifner:is r:m.!.JCbCJRCb Jombolee Rood ot 81so;1 Avenue Newpor1 Bsoch Phone 640 6010 Wor1hop 5ervoce 5vndoy 9:00 AM \ The t1mlly of the Community Church by the Bay extend• 111 hand df friendship and 1plrilua1 fellow· 1hip to all who are aeekers of the Truth We art•~ loving. c1rtng body of positive thinkers offering both an open mind and an understanding heart. Though we are free from dogma and hmltalion of creed. wt are a Christian reflglon based upon the teachings of Jesus -expounding the prtnctples of "al·one-menf' with God and H11 Iovino presence An atmosphere ol love. ioy and lr~edom prevails. In which each person can feel · safe" lo be himself and to develop his own divine potential If you are seeking a church family like we have described. we warmly suggest You m•y alrHdy IH home/ Sunday Celebration of llf e · Dynamic Speakers • Mualcal Progr1m1 Seminars lor positive living Work1hop1 /Cl11111 • Book Shop/tapes Prof111lonal Counaellng service Social and Special Events Sunday School • Youth Group Hollatlc Health Center Wedding Arrangements Service Monthly Newsletter • Nursery care JOIN US SUNDAYS AT 10:45 A.M. 714/645-7650 Dr. Doyle Edson Rev. Fred Davis 148 EAST 22ND STREET /COSTA MESA/CA 92627 Orange Coast RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY Freedom of Wo rship •• ,,. Jydy Gole A n .... Thought CtwtetlM lhangeftet tt.w Thought CNtealift~ Sund9f lenlce a Junlof Churctt 15th • lntne. ... wpon 8eectl 10::IO A.M. "AnAINING PERMANENT YOUTH" 1st CtutCH of RELIGIOUS-SC~CE Of NEWPORT BEACH Member Cllufcll llnlted Chulcll ol ~e~ Science CELEBRATION OF LIFE SERVICE 10:00 A.M. Child Care "DEDICATION TO EXCEU.ENCE" 1011 Comelbadl, Newpott Beach , ......... a-4) MYsic Director • Mo.le fnslhh 95 I -'244 Church of St. Matthew by the Sea (Trlldttlonal Eplacopal) HOLY COMMUNION -Each Sunday -9:00 AM (Book of Common Pra)'91' -1928) MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar The Rev. J•"'" Hohf9td -532-2201 ST. JOHN'S THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH JM COITA MEIA a., 8treet at Of-.e AHnue 1:00 Hofy Communion 10:00 Holy Euch.,lat 10:00 Sund8y 8choof NurMJY Care tM ..... Cenr*9.......,.... Vicar 541-2237 ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL Ml.COMES YOU ' 3209 Via lido, Newport 811chv hndeJ l:OO A.II • ..,.,_ 9eM, Ne1J Communion · 8undey NO A.al.~ ....... eM AdUll lduHtlon ~ .. A.M. ""'.....,,..,.,. ... ....,c .............. ,. ....,....., ...., ._. .. '"'-. HO a 10aOO A.IL....,_, C.. C~TIClllAU ,.,... ~ .......... -NO P.11. T_..,_,..A&....,S 1Mrtet ............... ~O..Of ...... T"9 ............ P. ~I,....__..._._.,......, ..,_T HAlllOI W11DM CUCH ,. ..... Dr. lmWPORT MACtt .....e1 .....,,, .... ......, ..... A. ..... ..... CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES BAAHCHEB Of TWE MOtHEll ~, niE MST CHUl'ICH Of CHRIST, llCIEHTIST IN llOllTON, MA88ACHUllETT8 "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced" Svncloy, May 30, 1912 A CORDIAL WELCOME FROMM lltfTID CtutCH Of CtlUST COlllUITY CtUCH CONGltEGATlOIW. 111 ltaa tuope Aft. c.... ..... M4-7a DoMldW.K-. ......... 10 AM. -......., ....... a......, .. ....,_., cw. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Din .... of CW) M01 lmM at lent. ....... ....n1 Coeta ..... -'1ret Churctl of Chrtat. 8dentt8t ~=======~ _.._v..-0r .. c.... ..... a.rot. 6 ....., lchool -1CtlCIO A.II. ...... "°9fft, -..... Verde Dr. I A 11.-4::11 '.II. fllOft. lhrv let. Wed.7·7•P.M.-.._, .... lrvlne -Flret Church of Chrl8t, Sclentlat ........ .loeq'*t ... ~ 8oMol 4111 MlcttHIHn (Nw Yale) Church 6 ~ kMot -10llO A.II. Ct4ll.D CAAIE PMM0ED AT IONOAY llUMOE Hunlngton BMch -Flret Church of Chrlet. Sclentlat Ith I Oltwe, H!Mttngton Beectt Churcti I hftdaJ khooe -10:00 A.II. Aeedtng 9'oom -221 llatn •t. Newport S..Ch -Second Church of Chrlet, Sctenttet 1100 '9ctflc View Dr., Cororui del Mar Chutctl 6 hndaJ kMot -10:00 A..M. "-ding 9'oom -MOO ... " L Co.et Hwy., CdM Newport BMch -Second Church of Chrlet, Sclentlat 1100 hdflc View Dt .. Corona def Mar Churctt I ~ khoot -10:00 A.II. "eedin9 "°°"' -MOO ... " I . Cou1 Hwy., CdM WED. EVENING TESTIMONY MEETING8 - I P.M. ALL CHURCHES All ore c0<dllllly Invited to eltend Ille cllurcll --enioy Ille PfMeoee "'"'" ~ ~ Chlkl Care "owtded AT ALL M .. YIC81 WESTMINSTER LUTHERAN CtUtCH 1at41 llltton Aft. ( ... st to len 0..., '""' a W•tmlMter etwd.) -WORSHIP 8!RVICE8 - l:M a 10:00 A.M. 'AI TOR JOeL A. IWIGGUM flttO• .....- CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH (Mlaeourt SynOd) 7IO Y1otottll •t.. Coata ,,.... LotMr Y. Tornow,'"'°' -llt·1111 WOR .... N9'VICI -~11 6 11:00 A.M. hnday lchool 6 Adult _,. C._. -t';IO A.II. Chftettan DNnentarJ ldtoel -... 1111 S...mon Topic May 30 9:00 & 10:30 A.M. "Living in The Land of Plenty" CtutCH Of R£U6IOUS SCOC£ Member Of the United Church Of ~ ~ SEACLIFF VILLAGE SUIT£ <45, 2223 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92$48 Adutta & Jr. Churcn 10 I 10:30 For Information 536-6150, 5M-933e fOHQlHOOO COMlf&ATIOfW. CIUCH .............. II ._,..., U.-IMdl 494-1061 JOlll ll IE'f1lll.DS ~-lmllDS ....... llUl -r.My ... a.di Sc:t.11 & ......, Attend The C hurch of Your Choice ST. MARK PREUYTERlAN CHURCH l.-tblufl Dt •• ,,..,.. ....... port ..... Rn. W11tlam McQuokS flew. TOllJ Wotf9 P•tof AMoctate P•t0t Leelle 8rocllmM. Muelo Dtrector Church School & Adult C ...... -9:00 Lm. Wor'lhlp s.vtce -10:00 a.m. Nurwy care at aottt .. tloee '°' IMoc Cell M4-1M1 · · P~qnwuth ( l11:11r~tlllf jl,llll I Chu r( h 3292 BROAD ST., NEWPORT BEACH 642-2740 Sunday Service -10:80 A.M. "Entering The Kingdom" PAITOR TONY CURTO A Cordlal Welcome from The UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Cotta Meea FIRST UNITeD MentODllT CHURCH 19th St. & Harbor BMI. Cflurclfl 8cMol NO ......... Chartee D. Clartt, Mlnl.t• Cotta MeM North Ml!8A ftADE UNl'TeD METH0Dt8T CHURCH Wone.tp A CMrdt ...... ... 10llOA.ll. • Dr.WlllMl.8 .... C .... TCHURCH Huntington Beacf\ FIAIT UNITRD Ml!THODt8T CHURCH 2721 17th St. 53$-3537 Wone.fp ...._ 1Cktl a.m. ..._,c.. ...... Ch'°""ldtoel_..LM. Huntington 8eeot'I Nontl COMMUNITY UNlftD Ml!THODl8T CHURCH eee2 Hell Aw. 842_...,1 . ....., .... e:aoa-. 1111...., ......... IV THI AA Fountain Vf/lfff N9Wpc!r1 Beectl NIT UNITID 1400 ~J::: IM. MITHODt8T CttURCH Rev. AoOert &Mperd Jr. 11225 8UINrd It. • .,... a°*""..._.. .a-.. A.II. Or. Cemil E. Word, Mlf"8wr --~ ......... ~ ....... c.. ... u. ,. ........ ...,.._.. NaWPORT CINTlll UNfTBD MITHODttT 191...,IY ...... Cafw ..... ...... .. WorWltp a Church School .-8:30 A.M .. R.v. Ken McMIJIM y.., .... ._,tfted -AM ..... . PIRIT-' CHRllTIAN CHUftCH .................... " ..... Thil Sunday Worship In IT. ANDMW'8 PREll~RIAN CHUllCM eoo St Andl'8M Road • N9wport Beech • 131...._ or .... &.......,.,.,..., Worship 8eNtcee -7:30-e:45 and 10:15 AM. "Four Letaont To le Learned "°"'A lotve'' Dt. John A. tMtmen. Jr. ,,:~ 7:30 Lift. -tnr.nta llwU KlndwQlf19n, Ctlld C... 8:45 Lin. -lnfMta ll1fU Aduft C...... 10:15 a.m. -~ Ttwu WI Orllde & Aca11t a.- A8C HIS•* .. nn Community Presbyterl•n Church 411,__.A..._ ....... .._.. 4M-'9 R9Y. Arthur J. Tank~ Aft. Craig WI..._ Chrl.tlan ~tlon Hour 9:00..10:00 AM Worahlo -10:15 AM NUMIRY CAM~ AT AU 99MCES • PRESBYTERIAN CtUCH OF THE COVENANT 2llO ,..,..... M., coee. ..... -lfJ7-aMO 9Nce A. Kum.. P•tof Terry Mec.nne, Director of You1h Mintatlee Howwd Kltllon, Director Of Adutt MlnlltTles Don Maddox. Director of Slnoles Mlnlstrle9 ._., Wonhtp -l:30 a 1CtOO A..M. Churolt ...... -CNldren lhrv Adutt9 1CtOO A..M. ......, mr"e auaatite -t:aO I 1CtOO A..M. v..-.-7lGO'.M. CHURCH OF CHRIST ., ......... Coeta ..... 1454111 We're A O<*'D -<Mowing -Growtng Churctl 1 •fUNDAY MllMCH -.a ITUDY I A.IL WOftlH9J 10 A.II. at, .. 10 A.M. -"Gecf'• Plan of Sofvation" 6 ,,M. -"The Future in Ma"hew" ~ n-, ....... -Doug C-. Youtlt ....... SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT HARBOR RUORM TEMPU .............. ,...., .""'1 ~11 , .... . 8""" .... • q , Q ~ , A 1 PJraC 'rtdaf of "'9 "'°""' 7a p.M, Rabbi a.mard P. King JembofW & Eaatbtuft OP. Mualc: Me 8hlklef Nliwpoft Beacf\, Ollr. ~tor: NWy Levin Por ..... ....._ Clll .... ,.. ,..~ ....... * TEMPLE SHARON . (~ ~ -~ & 8unday School . lar/Mltrvlh Training 'touth0f~ Servl•:.Fi , 8:15 p.m. . t:t a.m. ~.t:30 a.m. AA88' HERSHEL MOCKS 117 Weet HtlmHton, C0.18 ..._ a1-aa , ________ __,..._.._....._...._..,..._---:------~--......-._.__,_~~~--~_,,.-----~~~~~---.--·-~~·~~~-~--~~~~~~--~--........ __,..~~~~·~-~~------...... ~ ~··· ... ". Orange OoMt DAILY ftlLOTllaturday, Mey K , 1N 2 t's truly world famous R estaurant's Luge steaks draw m1;1ny patrons TAMPA, Fla. (AP) -The 'W.t, deld-end at.rwt In a rie~ old eecUoa\ o Tampa LI an · unllk•l.Y 1pot tw a rwtaurant wtt.h a reputaUon ~ larpr ihAn lta nw.tnch-~ wtne lilt and beef lt boaata aa the "moat beautiful and co1tly In Arnenca. '' But deepUe It• loQatton and a talterlna economy, more Ow\ 600 people -many from out ot 1tate and aome wlt.h reeervatlona made montha ln advance -•h amona the antique. of t.he el.cht clJ.n1J\j rooma at Bern'• StMk Houae on an average niaht. "Nobody happena to drive by," aaya Bern Laxer, the owner. "People have heard about ua eomewhere around the world." Reeervationa already have •tarted comlng ln tor January 1984, when Tampa hoeta tbe Super Bowl. But Laxer th.ink.a that'• toQ far ahead and ref\.18e9 them. In Bermuda lhorta and white aocka. the wiry 58-year-old Laxer makes a sharp contrast to the opulent decor of hla restaurant, where cuatomers sit in red velvet chairs as they dine. In the bar, they drink at little marble tablea with foot pedals, while seated on small velvet setees. The ata.lrcaae has gilded cherubs on the railings. from ove,._ New York and A\lanta. n..... • cellan houee more than a,ooo dlff-.nt wtn.. HCh ltiec:ted by Laxer. A detailed menu canf\llly explainl ela)lt cuta ol prtme beef, rahlf.nc f1om •12.10 for a alx-ounce fUet rnipcNl for one, io t lOO for• ~lnch-thlck, 60-ounce 1U1p alrlotn recommended for atx. "I tend not to want to put up wtt.h med1ocrity,'' he Mid. "I'll ftaht for what I cona1der my level of quality." "I don't know of any other place that has a WA T S line for re servations." He employs 200 people -lncludlna an electronics crew, and crew1 for con.tructlon, 1tainl~1teel fabrication and carpentry. "I get t.hl.no 8001'\el', exactly the way I want it, at less cost andnave the fun of lnnovatt.na waya of doing things," says Laxer. CUTrER CAPTAIN -Ch..rtstine Quedena, 24, is the skipper of the Coast Guard Cutt.er Cape Croes, the fint woman to command a cutter in , . ,,, ........... Northern California and only the third auch conunander in the Coast Guard. Her ship ii assigned to Creacent City. "I imagine I live on the Riviera and try to decorate that way to attract aome attention," he said. "It wasn't easy being on a dead-end street. Nobody saw you, so you had to attract aome attention." • Diners are pampered at Bern's. Coffee 11 ground an hour before the doora open at 5 p.m. The cream la whipped fresh. The deHerts are homemade, the vegetables homegrown. DA h • f d d . A New Yorker from ~e Bro~L Laxer and h.la . as surprise 0 r a s wtfe, Gert, came to Tampa m 1951 . ne had attended As other businesses try to sh.ave costs ln today's troubled economy, Laxer has just doubled the number of reaervation phone lines to eight, and added a toll-free line for long-distance reservations. He's bullt a mammoth warehouse and is adding a 200-seat room for exotic flambe desserts. New York University, expecting to pursue a career in advertising. "I worked for tWo companies, and VENTURA (AP) -Just in Bradbury, a married man with when I didn't get a raise, I left," he said. time for Father's Day, Ventura two daughters, said similar Most people involved ln the county's 17,000 child support cases meet their obligations, he said, but his office ia targeting a "hard core group" who have the means to pay, but don't. With $1,400, the Laxen bought the Gator Jui~ ~ty District Attorney Michael crackdowns are occurring m Loe Bar, a 26 -seat coffee shop which they ran from D. Bradbury announced an Angeles, San Bernardino, San 1953-56 m downtown Tampa and grosaed $30 a day. impe~ crackdown on fathers Diego, Kern and Imperial Twenty-five years ago they bought Bern's, who don t pay court-ordered counties. Upstairs, in a amall phone room, three people busily take reservations and give directions on how to reach the restaurant from intentate highways and from Tampa International Airport. "I don't' know of any other place that has a WATS line for reservations," said Laxer. "How many people call long distance and get put on hold? To me it's nicer if I pay for the call." then called the Beer "!!v~. "We grossed $30 a day child support. In Ventura County, he said, there, too, at the start, wd Laxer. He declined to police from various cities and reveal the volume now. ''The best way for a father to sheriff's deputies wil help round "I've built a reputation by trying to give people enjoy Father's Day iB to have u p and j a i 1 fathers who a fair deal," he said. "If you give them a fuf!illed his responsibilities as a consistently refuse to pay their better-than-fair value, they'll come back. I don't father," Bradbury said "We children's keep. Arrests will We intend to make It very clear (to fathers) that pl.acing the burden of supporting their children on the taxpayers is a crime," Bradbury said. There is also a Telex for reservation.a coming in think ~pie mind spending money -whether it's intend to provide fathers an begin the week before the June $2 or $200." incentive to do just that." 20 hol.tday. Offenders were alerted in advance to give them tune to pay up, he added. This Memorial Day Holiday PLEASE • • • ' and ave a· safe and happy weekend! This ad sponsored as a public service reminder by the fol/owing concerned citizens FLAGSHIP COIVILESCEIT HOSPITAL 411 Fl8phlp Roed ..... port Buch 142-IOM llEW DIREmOIS FOR WOIEI 2901 Wlllo Lane C~teMese 548 S548 :. PIERCE BROTHERS BELL ;:t BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 BroedwQ Coeta ..... ~ 142-1150 TUSTlt CClllllTY tmPfTAl Al.CC»IJUC 11£COWIY SOVICt 14112 Ne..,.t Aw., Tudn · ..... HO llm"8Tll IEICI NUCE HPIRTIEIT D rive car~fully over the holiday •. weekend 88().. 11 ~~·cAPEHART .. & ASSOCIATES Life 1'*"8n09 Ao«teY 12151 lllha 11111, Si. 250 752.1750 NEWPORT ARCHES MARINA 3333 W. Cont HlghwaJ Newport BNch 142-4144 llEWPORT llLIOI SIVlllS I LOAI 1100 tmne A.e. Newport Beech MllW GOLDENWEST AMBULANCE 14800 Golden••• ........ 11 W•tmlMter, CA ......a California luoolatio1 of lloolloll•• I 300 Bristo! St. North Newport Beach 752-5753 Westmilster Abbey An~e Mal 11751 Watlnmt• AH •. a.din Grove 554-1103 NEWPORT DUNl!I AQUATIC PARK . 1131 8aCk a.y Dr. N,ewport ~ &44-0510 I l I DAVIS-BROWN APPLIANCES 411 E. 17th St. Coata Meaa 6<&6-1684 I IC TRAVEL 1531 Beker It. CoetaMeu 711 .... A M1111ge From The Costa Mesa Fi'emen's Assoc. Don't Drink and Drive ... the .. JCIU Sift .. , bt ,.. ... ... 1111111 YlllT Ill D RALEIGH HILLS HOSPITAL (714) 845-5707 llllER llRllE CUVIS PRODUCTS 2 132 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 631-2931 . SUU•IWCE IUYIOI ........ c.. '"*C:. Haepttlll&ox,.M 2111 ......... Ave. Coet8 ..... HI Mii lllPID lllPllCI 17962..C Skyplfk Blvd. 751-2050 3121 W. Coast Hwy. lrmt Newport Beach M&-8065 RICH LIMOUSle, ltC. aeee San MIQuel Or. 1201 Newport B•oh · · 640-9127 CHIC CURIE FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP 735 Baker St. Coat• Meu 751-4810 . AMF SCIENTIFIC· DRILLING INTERNATIONAL 1I011 MttcMll South lntne 157-8081 SANDY HARVEY Marriage, Famlly Therapist - Loving Doesn't Come In A Bottle, Have An Extra Drink of Love For The Road. 1111'1 OlllT •111111• IEllD, 1•. .. Camino :;:r:rw. #210 .. uc.,-i:: =..~ 141 ... list& 1111 .. NUii •11111111 HM a aft hOldlY !9 Fllfr Dr. . Cosu Mesa -----• ' ... Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 29, 1982 ~· ENTERTAINMENT I ClASS·lf If 0 He~ping hand for 'Rocky' Tracy takes over the helm That lremor you felt off the coast lut wet-k wu • 1hlft In the ai.andl.np or Trivia Bowl XXVI u Tracy Godfrey poeted the lone perfect 1COre of the round and aqueei.ed into the lead. It's still a three.ho~ race as we head Into the third and final month, with only a polnt and a half separating the top three contenders. Trivial tidbit. 1t was Johnny Mento, a 6·:5 singer, who inspired Jimmy Dean's big hit, "Big, TRIVIA BOWL XXVJ STANDINGS 1. Treo, OodfNJ (11) tt 1 • .._, l"riof (I) 2. Id ~ (10) IOli'I t. !tick ~--(I) I. Wlft.aow L-11 (t) 19li'I 10. TM hfw ,eel• (7) 4.. OW., ttt. Hiii a.no (t) 14 Jolln lllv.Mlt (31 I. •cobfe II , ..... , 11\\ 11. The Dlonr•I~• (7) t. Wentwotth C. Tllmore (10) IS •no et1"1 ,_.,,eel -tt.H of 1. The Qr04.tp (I) 54y, IHI tcore •••rdecl. Bad John," in 1961. On to the next increment in the trivial t.ournamen l. 1 Alfred Morris decided there'd be brighter tomorrows 1£ he changed his name t.o wha t? 2. The first name, please, of Norman's mother in the comic strap Drabble. 3 When Elvts Presley fll'St appeared on the Ed Sullivan show, which two song, dad he sing? 4. An animated character named Speedy used to promote what product on television? 5. Name the actor whose Oscar acceptance speech was <'Ut short when the show's TV coverage abruptly ended 6. What radio station proclauns it.self "the heart and soul of rock and roll?" 7. Name the baseball team which led the --..-------, .. A SASSY, BUSSY, a ASSY COMEDY." ~ W. NBC "I IOOAY SliUW NOW PLAYING MU 1-u1ua11n TWll NCW .. OllT llACll 8'u Pl1J1 ~l~ ~tli I "''' ....... l'°" COSTA MlU [d«~O\ S.11loi 5•0 , ... ll TOllO •• •." bll eno 1111111( f o .. •r<h WOOOOI o0Qt ,~, 06~" OllAllCl S1» ""°''•" ''"' oJ9 e110 WUTMl•Sllll OA M•• 893 O~•o Edwatd\ ~le!W< • ~81 5880 CJl-.-.-1 ,., ....... ~f···~··°"", .............. ..:J Winner of 3 Academy Awards TRIVIA BY T.T. majors last year In snatching defeat from the jaws of vkt.or)'. In other words, what team blew more leads (28) than any other? 8. Fleur Stein i.s a character from what atage play? 9 In "Fort Apache, the Bronx," what was (a) the full name of Paul Newman's character and (b) the chant repeated by the rioters outside the police station., 10 A chilly relatlonsh.ip among friends was thawed only after Jack broke the lee in what mov1e'1 Last Week's Answers 1. Kirk Douglas (name change) 2 The Katzenjarnmer.K.ids (Hans and Fritz.) 3 "Don't Fence Me In" (Porter·Rogers song) 4. Scot.ch terrier (FDR's Fala) 5 ·•creature From the Black Lagoon" (Seven Year Itch) 6 "Mr Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons" r·Somewhere I'll Find You?") 7 A mule (Oakland mascot) 8 "Cntac's Choice" (Dion K.apakos) Y. (a) Hopalong Cassjdy, (b) Consolidated Film Olstrabut.ors ("Fade to Black") 10 "The Egg and I" (movie riddle) (Send your answers t-0 TRIVIA, clo Uie Daily Pilot, &x 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. All entries must be received by Wednesday , oUierwise half Uie player's last score will be rewarded) a IOll!l CIW!TOO IRW~ Wl'IUIR !Jllli1ioo · WY Ill SYl\tSTUi SlAU.M · 1~ gef( fU!JY!U(j 00 WiAlft RS <nl!UnSS KIIDTHas Maey OwllU~~ Bill !IJJUR AS C 11\6" l1f SIU (D(ll · ~ l1f IRWlllV~ll«llR all IOIRT DWmff Mllten.nl d1rt!ted tJy SYl\1SITRSTAlLCKc~~~-=1 ...... .,._~ PO._ _ _.. l M.llrfi'* ~.,.-c:Y •v• """"""""--... ..,.......__ r-----·---' • NOW PLAYING AT THESE SPECIALLY SELECTED THEATRES INIU COITAlllfSA MISSIOll JllJO CNIMM UA ..... ~ l\oollOf lw"' V~ """ Or.inge °'"'•In 990 •077 bl I 1~01 830 6990 ~)8 1012 IVW .. AM •llUtlllllGTOtl 1Ua1 •OllAMI( W'llTMIQTCll a....,. P••• I•••••• Id.,.,,,. ("'fm• ~ (Ow.,~ c-m. Wnl 111 •010 ••• 0118 634 15~3 891 393~ "f:!:: ~! ~~~~~QI fNO••JMUCCOPTHf°"f,_-...iB!!!J ~·o ''" •q• ,,,. •Preseoted in [1]1-....._I THI INTIRTAINIRS ''Between Rock ... and a Soft place." By FRED YAGER .......... ""' .,..., NEW YORK -lt came to hlm while wrltini An Inner voice A spiritual power It came to him and he Llatened And then h .. wrote That la how Sylvetter Stallone deecribes hi.a apirttual awakentna while wrttlng a thlrd movie about a boxer named Rocky. "I can no longer take credit for 'Rocky; " Stallone aaya "The whole thing wu preordained by God. I believe my participation ln the tllm was merely as a medium. I really believe In divine guidance, and I believe that a creator source works through people. "You'rti writing and all of a sudden lt juat happen11," he uld. "1 really ~ltt-vt' God lntended for mt' to MY llOmething, and I uld It through Rocky Rocky It my vok-.· " Until the Academy Award w1nrung "R<x:ky.'' Stallone wu an unknown at•tor getting a few minor bat partB and thou.sands of re,ecuona For hun, "Rocky'' has been the key to his SUt.'CeU, the key to hi.s future and more than anything elae hia credibility. ''Pt'Ople never listened t.o me," Stallone said. "But they bsten to me through ltocky. There's (See STALLONE, Page C3) Beginners of all ages welcome! Whether you've ice skated before or not. you're never too old to learn. We create fun, we treat people special Mesa Verde ~ -50¢0ff "~ I I Center any pub11c session at . 2701 Harbor Blvd.1 Ice Capades Chalet 1 Herbor & Adame I Present coupon for discount. I COST A MESA l:; Expires July 31. 1982 :!J 979-8880 AUl&ll'T,_ ... CAii«.~ "ANNIE" ----MT_,. __ _ PUBLIC ICE SKATING EVERYDAY ~ , .... e:ao. e:ao. 10'..30 IAT·MON. 12:M, l:JO, 4:i0 e:ao. a:., 10:10 --~ ~------ FRI. 7:00, 9:45 SATllUN.1:1$, 4:00 7:00, 1:45 (A) CHARJOTS OfflRE Fllll. 1:00, 1:30, 10-M F ... 1 7:00 a··• lO:·-IAT·MON. 1:00. a:aG " . . ' ,..., -1:00 I"'"' •0:a (A) IAT·M<*. 1:41, l:ao · • ·-· ' ·- c dw.irds LIDO CINEMA ·15, 1:00, •:a. 11>:*1 N!WPORI BIVO Al VIA LIDO 673 -8350 NfWPORI IHAC:H , ..... 1:00, ..... IAT·M<*. 11*, t:1S. IM ~ /~~ f---!~~~=.,r.i1i.-r .-+ ___ 1:_1_1.-=..o~~---. ~ .... ~,a-wm 1*0~m ur.=-.e:.,:, _. '"'· 1:11, '*" IAT-.MON. l:tO, ., .. ,111:8 "CHARIOTS OF FIR!" ,.._ l::IO IAT-llllOM. C-. l:lt ·---.T0-111•-WA&AAft&t--UTHI LONG "THI! ~~= GOOD FRIDA R04D ST A•" •• ,::.-.:.1111' WAR,RIOR" ,. 1-...., ,._ ... ,,::.~-"FIGHTING IATllUM. ,. l:OO ...._ _ IACK" .... .,., MO ~__... ,_ tlM,. 10rll tMI 00 "II llJI. 1•• IAT~ ... "'''** l.11 .. ... c dw,1rds SAODLFHACK PLAZA • f l 111MO Al POC.Kfll lO 581 -5880 I l HIM<> -LH-WUM•llll \ASmNG ~. "THE .ROAD W ARIHOR" ,,., ~...., P'N.l:JO,Ul.10!11 IATllUM. 1:11. 41:21 IAT/IUN. -, ~ UO. t:ao. 10!,. CRl ._ '(:,' 10liel OWOOTS OfflRE~ --UT ___ _ KON GOLD£N POND""'°' ....... -.. ,-........ M•AMOMw. "VICTOR/ VICTORIA" ni.n-. .. IATllUN.,. 4111,1'1 .... '"' ..... .,,...._ aoca.. l"VICTOR/VICTORlA" ,_Ml · IATllUN. ._ 11i1 UT/:.-::.. .... "1 OOOHT TO BE m~~1 D~~-.. IAT/IUN. • .... ._ IATllUll ~ ........ ' • ............. ", ....... ---........ _ <"> .. ,,.. ...... _ I \ Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May at, 1882 Harry Belafonte's daughter carves 'out her own career . By 808 THOMAS , ............ .,..., HOLLYWOOD -With her plercln1 brown oyoa, amooth belae face and hair aculpted cl010ly to her head, there can be no doubt who her fat.her la. But Sharl Belafonte Harper haa learned the lesaon or all ahow bualneea children: you've got to make it on your own. She'• doing o kay. No big breakthrough as yet, but she makes h er feature movie debut in "If You Could See What I Hear," which Ls playing the nation's theaters this spring. It's the story of Tom Sullivan, the •ILA'ONR remarkable young musician who became a sky diver. golfer, wrestler and swimmer despite being blind. Ms. Belafonte plays a fellow student at Providence College with whom Sullivan (played by Marc Singer) falls in love without knowing she is black. "I'm the serious side of his life," she says. "I'm the heavy, I walk out on him because I can't cope with the situation. I felt very stiff in the role because I had to play it so laid back ... to otfMt the alaJ*tlck of the rest ot the picture." But d ea plte her own raiervaUona, 1he has been getting aood reviews -Including an l.mportant one from her father, entenalner Harry Belatonte. "My father called me from Canada, where he had Juat Been- the picture," she aaid. "lte said, 'I liked your performance. I waa greatly aurpriaed.' Th.at was high praise from him. When I announced I wanted to be an act.reea, his reaction was shock. He had always wanted hla children to know that 1how business was not all fun and games, that it could take weeks even to get an agent." Ms. Belafonte was one of four children of Belafonte's first marriage. Her parenta divorced when she was two, and she lived wtth her mother unul she began gomg away to school at 12 She HOLLYWOOD (AP) - "Annie," the most expensive film musical in history, opened big in its first three clays of release in 14 theaters, Columbia Pictures reported. The receipts were $510,632 for Friday, Saturday and Sunday in New York, Loe Angeles, Dallas and Toronto, an increase of 37 Los Ansetts Tines 1t.arted actifti In hJah mchool 'md studied dramatic• a\ Carneate Mllllon lnatitut.e ln Pitt.tbursh. Th.rec day1 aft.er araduaUon, ahe marrif!d a fellow atudent, Robert Harper, now a film advertlalng execuUve ln Hollywood. "At firat," 1he ea.id, "l used my married name, Shari Harper, ln trying to find jobl. I had to find out If people wanted me for myaelf, not just be<:auae I waa Harry Belafont.e'• dauahter. Nina Blanchard, an importani agent for TV commerclals took me on wfthout knowing who l was. "Having maae my poin,t, J added the Belafonte name, real.Wng that it would help open doors." She found work aa a model, in commerclaa and ln a television series, but often encountered the same dtserimination many other black actors face: she ls black. but not black enough percent over the similar opening for Columbia's "Kramer vs. Kramer." However, admission pri<:e for that 1979 film was $5, ~1111111m:~u while most theaters are charging ,____..:... ____ __, $6 for "Annfo.'' The real test for the $40 million musical will come next month with its release in 1,000 theaters. IN 70 MM 8 TRACK DOLBY STEREO ************************************************** ! edwards NEWPORT CINEMA ! ~t\SHION ISLAND, NEWPORT CENTE .. .. • Near Ceast Bl .. •ay, Bet.-eea MaeArt••r 6 la_..ree • • .. .. i 644-0760 ************************************************** NOW. • DAILY 11 :a• A.M •• 2zH • 5:H •• ,.. • I e:ae p .JI. EDWAADS PRICa FOB "ANNIW' $~50 -~00 Cl.aid Vader 12 -Gene ral A••· .. .. AN ASTONISHING ACTION MASTERPIECE. Breathtaking:· "Apocalypse ... POW! Exhilarating entertainment. It deserves ... to become the first hit of the summer season:· R1ct1a1d Corliss TIM£ MAGAZINE "A 1.w1111ou ti• •t the .. via. nt fll ia ii Ille tri,, IU It 111 siz11tf •.• 6tortt Mtltw nd COii~ Uft ptllt{Off I Willltf'.' ~ .. ~ lOSA't"• h i Ill -Sheila Benson LOS ANGELES Tlf.AES ··unstoppable sure-shot action drama with enough supercharged excitement to fill a couple of movies ... ifilla. fl rsuit se n as -Bruce Williamson. PLAYBOY MAGAZINE "An aatanla~lng action •asttr11lec1. Stlrrlag. BnatM&kt11:· -Guy Flatley, COSMOPOLITAN --. .. .,... 011t mtbelwma1a1t mowliiuo.ipowloe"P...., awt.I You •u be tlad you camef ~~fl~. llTH TERRIFIC WEEK *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All PerlormancH before 5:00 PM (Elcept Special Eng1gtmtnta and Holidays) IA MlllAIJ A MAii LA MIRADA WALK·IN "IF YOU COULD HE I WHAT I HEAR"1H1 ------ "THE ROAD WARAIOR"cltl ----·· UST PICTIME AND ICRl!eN PLAY '"CHARIOT• OF f1RE" (NI I ------LAKEWOOD CENTER WALIC ·IN "ROCKY IU" !N I • rt ------·"· " AD MEN DON'T WEAR PLAID" CN I --------·" OllLY ----1t • _...,,. LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAllC IN Muooo 01 llotec1on1 994'·2<100 "PORKY'811111) ____ .... _ "VISmNG HOURS" 1•1 -----·- "ROCKY HI",,., ----- foc .. 11y 01 Cona1ewooo 213/531·9510 "PORKY'S" 1•1 .,.. >• """1-U .. "IF YOU COULD SEE WHAT I HEAR",,., ,, .. __ .... _ "THE LONG GOOD FftlDA Y'' 1•1 ----- "PRIVATE L.!810N8" "'' I "CHARIOT• OF ARE" ------"A UTTU HX"1111 "CLASH OF ntlE TITANS" ---: ---(NI IA!,:Jl\IA so .. 111 Cooe1 Hlwoy so. COAST WALK·IN Ol tfOO<twoy 494-1514 DON'T-=~D"1H1 I "A~~INI -~-1-loAT.--&1'•1' __ _ loAT·-.,:a--.:::--1 ~-1':1'- 'ACIFIC THEATRES DlllVf·IN SWA, Mf£TS s!VlC• •OU• euc.u "'•o 1•1 u•., HAlllOJI llYO OlllY(·IN 6 OllANGf OlllVE IN ... ttl .. '-ll_,,,_, flll ........ , SU ... U Al ........ ,. SI ...... .... .., ffl. 1 JO -s.t.. s.. 1 u si.. Stw et Dllll IMPORTANT NOTICE! CHILDREN UNDER 12 FRU' """9 _. w-... tin Fri 7:tt • Set . Sia. ...... ,. HO CM-11 S0UN0 • l'OUll AM CNI MOil iS YDUI! SNol(£ll 1• NO AM CN1 llAOIO Willi O«T10ll AC:CUSOllY l'OSITOi -WIG NI l'OllTMU 1 •AU Clllf.#I DIWf.-s PO OM NI MOG "No\HllM ANAHEIM DRl\IE·IN ,,......., fl ol Lemon '' 179-9110 "PORKY'&" 11t1 -"UP IN 8MOKE" 1111 C•Nf II SOONO ----- t. "TMI CM NQt09• 1•1 "PARASITE" 1111 z. ~ ecttOOlGIN..r 1111 -a. "TUJUQS .. ra..cur (II) "FIGHTING BACK" (111 CIMl fl SOll'IO j_ Cl"1 '' ~~ BVI No\ P.a"k BUENA PARK DRIVE-IN "ROCKY nr--llMol" ,...,. W•ll o1 t"Ofl '"CLAIH OF THE TIT ANS" 121...010 !Nl P'..'l "'A fl&,6/., LINCOLN DRl\IE·IN ..,.._ROAD WARRIOR"11t1 -l!M:Olol -'•• Well ol t ltOI' "IHA"1CY'8 llACHt .. " I'll 121...070 ''·llltll"'' THE B;~~~N" (A) So" 1>1900 ,,..,. ot "00111\int cso 1 "THE NORSEMAN" (PG) 962•2411 CINt Ft S011tOO N! ·,IM1N\lf' Hl ·WAY 39 DRIVE IN &.«ft 11_. SO 01 °"'~ "'°" '·-· 191·3693 ,• ,, t ' DON'T -~flt.AID" lNI I "PARA~E" (") 'THI ILUll MOT'Hm"S" "PRIVATE LH80N8" (R) CJlll fl tOUICI !Ill CIM .fl---- "V18IT1NQ HOUttl" 1111 ... "'THI ~·MmlNG" 1'11 Cllll • " IOllllO \ A ~ .. lJI HABRA . iliVI IN ___ ..__, __ .,, .... , - "' .. " .. '1tAMllTR"1111 -"FIGHTING UCIC"..., Clll( "' SOClllO "ROCKY r.,., -'"CL.AIM OP THITn'ANa".._ ORANGE [llHV l IN '· ' M ISSION llllCVI IN . . 11.MYDI LOIALWe ... Loa DOI MIMIOI FAIRE ENOUGH -Diane Berry of Carta Mesa was a second place winner in the Renaissance Pleasure Faire costume competition in the merchant category. The event runs weekends through June 6 at the Paramount Ranch in Agoura. STALLONE. • • From Pa1e Cl eomething about that character that is much more important than me." Stallone admits that even he was shocked and amazed by the success of the "Rocky" phenomenon. According to Variety, the original "Rocky" generated more than $55 million in domestic rentals. and "Rocky II" grossed 78 percent of that. "We're talk:l.ng about a fighter," says Stallone. "No gimmickry. No explosions. A puncher. There's something about this that goes beyond my comprehension. 90 I just leave it well enough alone." The actor-writer-di.rector says it was during the writing of "Rocky ID" that he began to detect the preeence of a spiritual force. "Every time I got into trouble during the film," he said, "I'd ask the creator 90uroe for help for perfect worka -to send down perfect relating and perfect relationships . . It always seemed to work. "What you aee up there ia a compromiae between myself and the creator aource," he said. "I know I aound weird and like a newborn Christian, but it just would be too pretentious of me to say I did it alone, becau.e I've tried to do other thinp alone and it never worked." According to Stallone, "Rocky DI" ia • good or better than Its predeceMOn. He •YI It m up the whole chuacter, the moral IDl!9lqe and delivered lt full circle "without any extra ego trip from Sylvester Stallone." The executives and producers wanted the billing to read ''A Sylvester Stallone FUm. '' But Stallone said no. Then they tried "Sylvester Stallone Preeenta." Again he said no. "They didn't undentand," the 35-year-old Stallone said. "It's not Sylvester Stallone in Rocky. It's Rocky in Sylvester Stallone. The character will outlive us all. He will endure and that's what oounta. ''The fact that I'm in it ia really.secondary," he said. "It's the character. Let's not clutter it up with a bWlCh of names above the title, because when the smoke clears, I've done other films and they haven't been aa successful." Stallone said he believed in what he was doing. "I listen to my own inner voice more. "Lately I've put away all my devils in their cages for a while,' he said. ''They'll never be gone. We alwa)'I have thoee demons living there. But I put them in proper perspective, and if I died tomom>w, I feel as thoUgh l completed whatever it waa intended for me to do." MOVIE RATINGS FOR MRENIS AND YOUNG PEOPLE ""'a 111 NfO •Fu. ,.°'"" ~ "'1"I "°"'°" l'ICT\11111 COOi "'llV ~"°" • ,• •• .I. NOW PLAYINO --f-11111 t&tlU ltwAllM MWll *i1 P\AIA 111·•'1 • ......... •-111v...,1lt1~00 """'tM11 l'IM1Coo44,..v'•t1tll .,,._ .. ,.,,.., ----· ............. ,... ... _ ......... -•'••oo _v..,.no•-,., __ . Orange Cout DAILY PIL~T/Saturday, May 29, 1982 Cl CLASSIFllD F R "-'1..'!~'!!. .... !.{!f ••• r..!11.'!!'. •••• !.~!f ... 'l..,~'!!. .•.. !!!f .............................. lvet11o1e ()perlltOf. ~- IUT PUT-tm • • llWll ~. l.ctdleMok v..., ADDl•1011AL .... "'.... ....... ...... 11 whdnt ~ I ~::m1~1~n Work in our fun, caau.al, protlt·mak.Lna _1_0-_1_1A_M_. ___ _ CLASSIFIED office as a teleohone sales promotion woman M9ded '°' TlC clerk for the a1 ea'1 finest new1paper. ;:h: .,::rr~"':, Only requirement ls a iood telephone 644-4"1 ADVERTISING' voice and enthusiasm! Local C-Oeta M~ -.-,-,,......,- Office. OPE:TOR. Lani.r No ... .., ........ frWlrt problem Laguna Hiiie SEE TODAY'S l1H p.a.-tsH ,... Law Firm, typing wlll• .........,. tilt ..... alt ,... and tr11111. Mu1t have $84.00 for first week ; then share In ~r~,~~ ~1 ~ REAL ESTATE partnership:J:i .. ,... _:_~n--~-~-"'-· -fo_,_•_P_P._' LUXURY THEATRES 142-1111 tit. 112 ##f'-"- fconamy Seatlnt $2.50 til l :OO ~ Unlm Othtrwi• Noi.d TAB SECTION --------------•••••••••••••••••••••• s 113 Gt# a. tut I 6 J 63 .. 255} /~~) ) s ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I L-IV-E-IN_C_O_M_P_A_N_IO_N_· -s-.. ------~.'!l!!'!. •••••••• l!!f fl'I For elderly Lady. Nice IJtntfM ..... WE8TMIN8TERVE * FOR Fl.IOI EXCITEmEnTI V1S1tOvr... * ~!!.'l!t ..••..••... ~!.11.!!!:,'!1::;,;,:.!.~! ~~~k~ ~~.~l~~~.L~g.~t ~~oc!~~:1 :,:'! ~~~~~~t03~~~ -.aaarut Room. board, car ex· need for experienced Solld walnut 9 drawer ARCADE of GAMES• ~.'':i.ir~·r 1 :JO ):JO l :JO 7:JOt:JO am ROCKY-.~-:m =i:':21i••~ m ... .....,.r."&1lll . I 1:00 10:JO 12:00 21104:111:201:l0 tO-AO car Winner I .,_Mii ""!>'.NI) I"""') ~l~ 'Di!JPl'ts OF THE •VJCTOR 1/id,olU,a. Piosr AR« l!!m a:a 121002:A0s:20 1J>4$J:OOl:Z07:4010110 110010:30 Cfli'ti#e\01i 2J 6J .. 928'2/~~~) D~}{llJ~I 11:15 I You'll be &IAd -~~ rm:i iijJJPlJ#O 21114·11 )'Oii c.mel ~'-uu.. JI"' 1:151;11 U:OOJ~~(R tO:IS =1:AO~l0 ) fl1 lil;iijtlJ,1i·iM,i§6l619 e1101~1~~) BHutlful Cine l'I Sound Direct To Your Cul (lWlt lltE ~ l!J THI[ ISL.AND (Ill) \A5mNG~ II A L. I I[ N (R) STRIPESIBJ ~'l?~,~L\ \'iV1~~> • DRIVE·INSOPEN NIGHTLY AT 7:30 Chold,.tn Unde• 12 FREE Unll'u No1ec1 f OUAL HOVSlllO OPPOllTU!jlfY Exc:iullv9 Newpot1 8Md'I p«\-& emall Nlety. cheat. dfop leaf deek In etC>fe II loc*lng for pan Metur• Lady dHlr•d recrvltera with lklh In center '200 ~9 time bookkeeper with Betty 833-8888 deye •ngln..,tng & OP Rec· prevloue Hperlence In · rullment. Out1tandlng OLD Ollk rolttop d..ei w/ retall operation•. Flexlblil IUllTIUIOI Nim compenHtfon/growth IWtwl, ed)u9tlng cnr. 12, houre .. For 1ppt c all General malnten1nce opp Olverllfled ... lgn-975 dellveted. 6411-3152 Tuee or Wed M0-0890 knowledge. E•per. In manta & •xctttng, dyne-A~ llll mtc environment LA & or 840-09llt electrlcel & pfumbfng OC tocat1on1. Call or • •••••••••••••••••• helpful. Apply to Larry, Hnd rHume In conll· HARBOR AREA IHllUNI Oppty. Prof ofc. nd1. booilkMI*'. cleft( 1yp111 w/b11lc knowledge or bualnea mectllMa. 0.. 1tre & ablflty to learn _. Suri & Sand Hotel. Leg denoe to· APPLIANCE SERVICE Sch. 497-4•7f. E.O.E. PRC ASSOCIATES INC We Nil recond .. gu.,. UllHlllT 2744 E. Cout Hwy Ste 0 eppllaooea. Mt-3077 Newport Beech Seton Corona del Mar CA I llY ~ aub)eot to the Fed«al Fair _,1111. 5-45-4553 looklng for lie Manlcurlll 92825 LAa 957-8133 7 14-&40-2950 to b• trained for em· 21$-971...a78 Wut'41/0ryer $125 MCh. Houalng lvJt, of 1988 wNctl c m I k .. It 111 e g.~ I Io t!~~~ttem&:c~·~!.! advertl •• any Saloon 11 looking tor preference, limitation or Doorm•n part-time Ap. dlecrlmtnatlon baffd on ply •It 4i>M 33167 c ... rw:ie, ~.rel~, MX or mlno C1pt1tr1no, San nallonal orig n, or any Juan Capo 49e-11927 Intention to make 1ny ____ . _____ , 8'ldl s>1...,11ice. 11m1ta11on OLEllOlL or dlecnmlnatlon." Credit union 0< related Thie new1p1per •Ill not experience UM of on· knowlngly accept any line tlmllnal, 10..-ey & act.«t!Mig I« real MUii• Ille typing Muat work wtlldl 11 In vlolltlon of the welt w/publlc Full time ilewiii. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil entry poaltlon. Huntlng-t on Beach City Em· ployeH Credit Union 1111111 63$-8517 Advertisers should _c_o _u_N-TE_R_H_E_L_P--M-.-,-ur-• check the Ir ads pereon, c•feterle 11y1e dally and report c-:'~·b ~~tb~ly~~~~ err 0 r I poeltlon. 5·10 Mon-Fri. lmmedlately. The sat 9-3 973-01138, g-4 0 A IL Y PI l 0 T DENTAL ASSISTANT assumes llablllty Ewe & Sat. Modem oew h f I lamlly prlciloe tn C.M f o r t e r a t Bright, ent11o11ut1c per. ployment. Bae plua be-1 neflt1. Cati 955-3g12 for equal OW Employer ~ator 225. Ollh- lntervllw. 5e1ee wuher 1100. &46-5848. laslttMt ........ ., Refrlg. late mdl WMtJno-llllOAL llTIY -... houu , lro1t-frH w/ Npt Bch. Some college & Mature, exper'd .. dyna· I c em • k • r I 2 2 5 ~ M mlc, c•t-·mlnded wo-medlcal bkgrd pr.,, uet man needed for retail 842-2823 IYfll 7~· 75&-ta33 H IH & Hlfllant mgr -.. -,"-.-,.-...,--....,---•HIO&I. poe. Mu11 hive gd retall 125 7~70 Hunt Bch. Conv. Hoeot. background. Saler; pk.la --------accepting appllcatlon• comm. & comp1ny t>e-REFRIGERATOR te>< admitting eecreter;. nellt1 Only quelllled Uk• new. 2 df. frost lrw, Accurete typing lmpor-perao na need 1pply. $185 1193-9080 t t ... _. ... ...,. Apropo1. 29 Fe1hfon an . mu•• ,,.ve "''" rllP-let end, N8rlr call USED white GE H lf· pon with p1tlent1 & le· ct--.lng oven Uke new mlllH Advancement 644-2652 · · ms $100 720-0290 opply IOf lhwp pereon -Medl·Cal & Medl·C•re E.nJoy wor1ltog with kid•. USED White OE Dl1h- •KP pret'd. Terry Mid· and wlah lnereued ..,. wut'41 7~· 1100. d en, 847-3515. 181111 nlnge, utlllz.e your out· FloOO• St, H B. going pereonalfty, IMrn USED White OE Coming IHIO&L WT /I.YI how to blCOme • trained top etove with hOoCI. Uk• For b.at otlloe O.R & ut11 counu tor Call new $50. 720-0290 ~ front o--. .,__. 2·6PM 842·4321. Ext D ~·~ ,.,.... ,,,_,. :µ3 £~ W11her and ryer, meture, pleH1nt, llc'd __ ·_==:.....--':.......::-----Weetlngh<>uM. Avocado person to work w/8'ng. s.... oe:::::::::: S 100 111. 780·11990, lt•ll. 840-6870. 770--01&4 Ull lllLPTUll far .. n las.,,.., Incorrect lnaertlon aon with mature 1111tude. only. Call Emily, 545-5&85. We are turning awey bullnea and need 1 ex-C •ll u1 about the out1tandlng cer.., op· portunltlH 11 1n ln1u· ranee Agent. Training 1....,..,., $75. &4~9911 --------•I Ory Cleaning. Experten· pr'd prof. naJI aculptr ... • w ~ 11_ c ed par eon for pan II with a 111tte followtng. Top 1 ... .,. • .....,, ·~ ....... -preeelng & count• wor11. comm. or guar Hlary • • •• • •••••• • • • •• • • • • 8 1 n C I • m • n I • . ptua add It. bonu1 prog- S6C). 845-fitll will not lntertere with Luge capacity upright your prHent employ. frMzer. 1150. or bfft ACCOUNTING CLRK. _4_K-_3338 __ . _____ 1 r1m. Education av•lla- Jony Roma'• Ptaoe Earn xlra Income. pert· ble. ment. ottw. 9&4-8874. ~R.S.::,::a::Y t ime. lull-time. Call SamP90fl & Oelllah 983-4618 fl J 1111 953-4148 alt 8PM South Cout PIG.I •• !f!.~•••••••••••••• =· x':"co~ IEIEUL IFFIOE Aak for Olorta Me-718e llOUTllY RMeioh 8porta 3 IPd. 26'" R•pldly growing com-L1dlH bike w/coaater FOi' appt. .,.._.call Ao-High energy perton fOt .US Allll pany In Fountain Valley btlike. Uc new 1188/obo gar at 213/31M-7557 IHI paced ottlc. envl· Mlktog pweonabte, ex· 720-1730 Apt. Manager, Coeta ronment. Oen'I ofc .... ~ r~~e.1:. = perlenced H C'y with -C-h-ro_m_e_M_O_N_O_O_O_S_E Meu. Seml-retl~ cpl ecc:uniay and follow up 1 k..... ~.... & ..__... ~ ofllce ~:3round --... _, .. __ ...... ""' .,.,...,.. ...-........ rna T"""-_ B M x bike. Tor11er fortla, (ISC>+) to man109 I 18 ........ -,,...., ex..... F/tl 7-3 30 $-11 30 ,...,.., -,.. .. unit comple x . Lil• telephone per1on1ll1y. 11::-2~ Cir appfy I~ plHH~t 11mo1pher1: Red Line bare, M.C.S maintenance & bkkpg I Sal•r; commen1urat• pereon: 465 Flag1hlp l1ntutlc ltafl, good ti.-atem. A.C.Sc2M =· helpful. Parllal rent w/"""'. Call 761~191 n111t1 S•l•r; to com· MOlo-maga, · · · ~ 'HAIRSTYLIST deelred for •Rd~·~· ~N~B~~~~~~I men1ur1t• wl1h exp•· 1120• obo. 7~5 b B Ibo I I d .:: rleoce. For Interview call L..adlM Scnwtnn Bik•.,.. AutomotM uay a 1 1 in II· NURSING Suele, (714) 8411-11878 tlree & tuti.a, ldnl cond. ILllllJ ton. 913-4013 IClll "' ··-----, 1111 IMllT l>et-1 9 ' .... 185'1>11 sse-5038 --·-TECllllOlll SIOUTUY/UOPT. Nlehlkl Olymc>lc lnt'I Shouktn'I Satllfy You We are looklng for ••· 10 SPD RACING BIKE W• would expec1 you'd pr'd proleulonal hair for bury pluttc 1Ufgeon· Sm N.B. olc. Sec'y w/ Mint cond. M1ny ecceea. want 10 earn morel 11Y1lat1 to join our 1tatt. p/tlme, hrly r•I•. exper outgoing per1on1tlty, eo.t l450. NI 1225 $4000, l5000+. Mutt be highly qualified pref. 714/644-1240 phonH, typing, & II. or bat ofr 754-e41M n..·1 really no llmll lor end •ble to work any ---11-1-1-1-11-1---1 shorthand Xlnt eat/ -------- th• hlghly qu1llfted, dly. Pd v1c111on, top beoeffll. Jeri, &44-tae5 10 SPO MEN'S BIKE ambltloue, know~gN· comm,orguar.Mlary Expr"d 11•·7P Cert. SECRETARY Xtra·llteW91Qht,27",Nlel ble automotive profM· Sampeon & Oelllah nurM aides. Shift dllfe-Newport Bctl ed lg90CY rime. $185. 675-511M llonel. South Cout Plaza. rentlal paid. Small conv. need• accurate typlat w/ Schwinn Olrll 811<•. Fair We need one l•lented Alie for Olor1• ho1pltal. Newport beck genwll email oftloe exp. L•dy model Stlngr1y lndMdual IUCh u your· 141-1111 bay area. Call fOf Inter· Non·amlcr. Kitty Mint. 175. 844-612e. :!!.f.lu1 3 good HI•· UllYIUJI ~:Joe~0 -4 :3 0 pm. 957-30.e We're not llttlng 11111 ... lrvlne atM, PIT, $8.00 Pf OFFICE Aaaletent, p/llme. S:,:~~9!:':. ~ JdJ,•""·~·'i ..... we're moving! If you hr. 979-3g23 15•20 hr• 1 ...... -~-. ~. -~ know you cen cut h caH ~ rr""',.. organtzed & able to type. •••••••••••••••••••••• I _.........., ' t • ....._ .... /.l .. lttrial ahlpplng, receiving, nllng. Lite ftllng &~ phooM. llW •to/FT. me 0tan....,.....tmen . _,_ C a ti btwn, 8 :30 & MUl1have MnMof • AUi --le>< COM bldg Part or 10 30 M M th Fri humor. ---.._.___,. • Redwood 2118 deci!fng, Pomlac!Subaru I/time. Rel. recfd Call: : A · on ru · ,.,..,. .. .,.,..,_,.. ._20• long;.,_, redwood l4t .,.. 0 . c 1 r I • r . 9 • 1 2 . only 831-5950 & 10am, (714) 831-8290 '-1dng. e.it Jim or Ken 875-8900 PllT/W IUllTllY/mO. ar!Y'tme. ns-1u1. Autornottw PART/TIME Per.on wanted 20...a hre Aoanclal lnwetment llml Truck IOOI box. ere ..... llAft l.m Helper for minor~ of per week. Muat know f or educ a Io r I •1o·· router, machlnllt ~ woman when r•l•H•d how to wtndeurl. Per8/comm.dept. ~ eca1ea. 973-3729 with O.M . experience from hoepltal. 842-2237 (213)433-1097/438-1598 tar;. Excel typing and -------- Top pay ecate and ... Help wanted, pnvat• day PAIT Tm S/H req111red. ExecutlYe C..na I Clllenl benefit•. lmrM-achool E-and/or ..... endl. Ma'9tarlal axpf .• rnu9t. L..1....,, ,,,, ..._._ _.....I .,_ .. _ ••• 1••• Non-1moker pref Call ••• -;w::'l;o•••••••••••• ...... .....--... --._.. -...... ..............* edult., r1'lel ..... " 23 ........, u-n-. Hu1 ._._ ~1 NlkkometFT3,zoom .... ~ ---_, • Hou11cl11ner w•nled. 21, with outatandlng, •t· NI In pertOn. Thur.deye, 6 "°"' job. tfKllvoe peraonalltlel to SEWING MACHINE OPE· 2Jl, lluh, trtpoCI, & mOt9. &. 111011 ""111 S35. Mau Verde .,..._ work with youth (•gH RATORS. Expef. quality $400. 541-5401 ..... llM. If'* M5-2158 lfl 4. 10-14). Call 2·5PM. minded, piece rat11. C.lt -· ..... ... 642-4321, Ext. 3"3. EOE eo.ta Meal '42-H62 •••••••••••••••••••••• Ho•l•H nMded, exp•-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil TU-• __ Aut_o_a-... ---i rlenoed. "* ume. ~ PAIT -·--•••Kittens••• Ill.II Pllm In pereon, The Beach •-Yll Ull • , , &olllent opportunity for HolMI, 919 SllloY Hot-8-9pm. Explndlng youth ~ lnteN819 la now 842 8866 leno.d OM & tow i.-, Uigune &..c:tt. co11n11tllng firm hH hiring for publlo r•I•· • ll(pel' OM .. SU· ............___/.._..... A-.-Lt--openlngl for 3-5 allari> llonl. Cell T.J. 87M111 1-------- beru ..._ pereon. Many --..... -outgoing mature peopte from 111rn-1pm. a... "" beMflta & Yll'Y lttract!Ye E11perlenc1 preferred. to motivate 1mbltlou1 ---------1:-:A~••••••••••••••••• pay plen. A or-t GPP«· Full/time. Apply In pit'· 10·13 yr old1. Call TEACHERS-SUMMER ....... ..,. lunlty to ~ the h't eon: Ben Brown'• Ae• 2-5pm. 842-4321, ext. JOB, to recruit holl PUPPY. 8 weelca. AKC ~~ eoale. ~ ~.a~:=· CoHI 3-43. Alk fOf Andrea. ~x' ~~o~~~~ reg. 833-2988 &. ~ Stevena 4 93·AIF8 "PETS "R" PEOPLE -·UOll Plllllll 483-11510 9¥91. Exotic vacatlona, h•lr ..... If '* Exper'd, part-time, En-1111 W l1YtM & mpeo bathe for ..... .... gll1h •PHklng pref., Wiii T Tlll .. HI..... lllln .f!::"'8 at Sher· --.. ..__._..PIT for hew oar. M2""4586 I-·-._1 -Follow up, no oo4d calla. r(a. pupa, T<iup, _,_ .. _,_ ·~--P/T.eo.taM..aofc.F« toy1 , min 4 1al e. 17 mo. boy on Of ,,.., HOU8EKEEPE~ n~ ... Info Call 931-1200. A1k ~2141 = ~-FWI. ~ ~~2 In 111-1 .. (llel) I« Mr. Canon. 1-4-Ubf--1'9dot---P\lpe,--l-wa- 8A8Y9fTTEA -1•iiii•ii•iui•Nil-1•~~oc11~~1.:i~oe1~o0~'"~~1 -~~wttf\~~ ... ~I ,,,,,,, .. ,,,,...,. old. 3 t1ta11c. 1 ..,_,, ............... tot 111 -~ Mon -· LW-.,_ experience. ,ull ti~ 111 needed lm!Md. No reg., ,..,._ & ~ ,_ """ """ ··-r-...,.,,. ~ ape1ik1ng ~ llq)et. nee. WPM, Mon ltlOta. IM4-1"31 (4-tlpm) boy, "" &lllatde c. . E.nalWI ,.q. c. helpful. c ,.__ -...... ..... ........ ........ "1"1 ti om e . Fu 11t1 me . CdM 873-1693 ' · ')'9tll .,._!Joni. """ ,... .... ._ . .-v " ...... ..., 148 na:a 711 W. 17th. 8t. ~ -" 1PM Male. 2 ._. ~ HOU8EXEEP£R 87, C.M. TOPlf.88 MODEL.I ..-...... yra. .. ,.,,. NI t111'1 Mon ttW\I Ff\ 711'1'1 to lpm. H.I .,._ M111t t11ve traneport•· Uon. "°' '"..,,,... Mil ~ W. 7141~1 1-ipm °' M0-150t lift lplft. Live-In .... utlfUI N.I . 11• .... y P"ID .... "Y ...-........ home neer bay Non-Reep. Woman. to 00011 " .... • .. .._... 4tl tlOI .. t ·d 1 and ~ arn. boetd & no _., • nae • --.ua 1mo .. 1r, mu1 r ve. ...__ 3 " .... .._ 811>er11n Huelly. ~I-~ bofll'd + ..-y. _.. .--. °' -f g1 .. d. Ctl llloodtlltM. "•fe. 523-020 or IHfta ~. 646-0nt AKC r90l1. 1100. Vet 11wm. ....,...., ...., hll •••m 1ne11. HI-HOO, HOUSEX!!P£" The Oomerwtone c.r. .. ,.., ...... .... ·-Mlo42a0 ______ _ 2 yo11n9 prof women l'llftng tot a new ..-.. _.,. ....,.. '° .,_., a t too manyt °"~ ...-~ ledy to~ rant: ualelant mena-labor pool of quallfled Doble. Yount r.tftale. OU' 29r epl. .. hr. """' .......... wan,.. graptllo 1111 Plf'IOMll 81aok/tan, UnClre>f»ped IMllll own tranepondon. -(..,.,..ioad). tlOetl tor on.-wort1 1n 1he Hr•. '•"'lty pet and • .....,157 9.ft 4tl0pm. t1011H .. • & bu• Pit· ~-w.. At IWt w •to" d a 1 . t • o. _ 1on1. Apply In per1on one ~· ...,.,__ In 149 9111, IMCMll7 -·-only. lpm to apm. typete0tn1. put• up, Uky ~ Otwtt .. a Plt1·tlfM ~t/l'I T'*'·Ttlutl. Oftlyl IOOO oamara operetlon or dem M i , .,,.,. or ~pref., oer. ~.~"o?::k~ =~=1~•:= pet.hito0a. .. IM41n heuty leloft: .... lent ~OI). oppertunlty, needed UllL ~Ill , __ .;.-... ____ , to_.. '" a _.. ,_It r_. MO • ,.... .... "" • ~ ... Ill& llLll ltltute ot ael-ln bMl!a. :::f'·····'""·····r.'"df ~ llOlf•e • :. .. :r~o. Alrpt A""°'°8 Of !'~ION l*'Y __. Ofl U • ''" kltlene, lllHll I Newport • •• o". --. fn;pto,_ ......_ ~ ... Ing~ ::.::.--~ ,_. ......_ -....? •1-UIO. aatary oommaneurat• lnCIMdu*t w1ttl tMlltoft A ..... .......,. """'•••• with Hperlenoe. C.11 bMlt~llllell '*"" fftll' • Mel •MMIM. Md .... £~Fr~~~...: =:-: .. 1~· ~=:- l?Mlll .. '-"' W ..._ Na. IAIM -~·-• • lt!Art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ .......... '°..., ............. =:t4'1T.~ ....... 1: a nu ... • •..... """"" 1 a " 1 .. .,. • • I ' 3 ~"AYI INE8'6' CLA881FllD8642•5678 OLLA AB rm.tt.rm ..... !!ff ~"'1. ••••••• !!ff ,,. to ~ "°"* 4 0"'9 ~ VMltY tabla & lldoreble llltfene. • ~ alcln. t10. 7&f..Ot70 DOAUTIU BUllNlll IN YOUR OWNHOMI ~'H!. ••••••• l!.ff l!!'!'!'lt!........ !'r.!'lrl'.~~!t ••• !!! 140VINQ: 7+ It yellow "8malnt Of MoW'CI .... ..... ........ ulvat ouetom Hie, l~dlng futl\ltur.. .,,, 141. 414 I* old. 711·7111 4 Upholttered PHO Ma-eete ,n.nctty & tnflellloanl ;;&: wood arm ohe lrt U IA1tohlng Coucllll, ~t IOw Lab INMe, under 1 yr. MOh. 1714) 4tf-132' ohr & ottoman. HOO. l'r•• to eup•r home. HIDe·A·llD Coucllll, dOI>-ll4M"8 l380. 2 Mt9 Of ooclllctell I mtlo. M1.111tlcMd herN l • .. ----.-. ----- ttld tablee ta50 l 9300 lg potted u.., 5"-~2 "'""'· 41 round picnic L.eethet .0.a l rnetohlnci or Sun Mmy 30tfl I Ml lO .... It 10. 1~1 W. St. ohalr a ottoman. ltooef. 2pm. ~~tiaw • , I. s A. 640-7141. 64 .. 1"a. ble, Ilk• new 840. !_m_t_an_eo-ta_bed_....,,,...1-00-. lu~r elngle weterb9d Lad'-a ..,ci bll•. w/drwr•. matt., htr f. Sl&. Bunk ~ •• m•pl• with lurm ... •P•~ lndoot fwnol6e ost. 12 yn. old to WlfY good llorn9. ~ onty. ~2 bfr 10AM I aft &PM. (714) 831-7960 Pine onr I ottoman 160 ---------• 'T dl'Wf vwelnut dealc 176. Qn-elae 1IHper 101• OM dleptay oue ~60. hdbtd, 1260. 4 llolld oeik 7-..ot70 matching blanket•. Wlnd•or um ohalre, •h••t•. •tc. t 125. Earth IOnH. Gd oond. 846-791& ~. Sole table, S2llO. 40 8q yeti tt.25 & a6 eq &4a4tM C.M. Oenulne emote•• only, yd1 lt.00. Padding In-llJ'~"·-~-1175 OMh. 548-tl33. -------- 5 OAK ANTIQUE ~etching OOUOh, roolllnq '4a0. 645-2008 eluded. Qood oond. - 5 rnoa old 8hae> mlll mele DININO CHAIRS 1150 cnr & ottoman, blk vtnyt DAILY PILOT d•• to lood home: •d 7'28 ft 6 w/wood trim. t200. Aleo GUISIFIEI US I !!.ff --------·---· King H bad & hHd-..... a-itlfUI &emeae " cal d 1200 "'7" ...... 142 1111 h••••••••••••••• •••• a 2 lllttena. 1117-70211 RECLINER Chair, rutt bOer • • • ....,..._, • wrDI ••-• color velvtt, new. PP. 591-38e9 1---------------------------~--------•r "--FLUFN KITTENS 1225. 875-91742 -,-.-O-o-ld_L_a_m_p_1_•_e_o_. a ,, I w/ltatld 1150 M0-87n ORANO! & WHITE • ;.i. ltaWlh C.tl #tu , C.11 .... aH 81 I• ~2t9 aft 2PM. FANTASTIC F11m. at• I• OrMn v-....a Sofa llOO •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ll1tA JHO ll 1111 --------buloue price. Walnl. Antique oak t ldaboard a.ach rtnter1 mua1 mow •M•Y .IW I DU• Ill.I ...................... 7 )'W'I 18.2 hand, OOod tu.Jlalf "" glaaa1op, 9 dr-. drM-$125. 649-3573 when 11.1mmer comeal -S John' OAAAOE & BOOK SAL! mover. DrHHge pro- •••••••••••••••••••••• -w/lg, match'g. mltrOI' ::rib & Oreeilng Tablt. NEIGHBORHOOD SALE UIAll UL.II Sat. Junt 5tt1. t. 8 Hatlequfne Hlatorloel r~ epeci. 541-81143 0.. Ev ,..... Let lale 1100. Aleo • lg. eolld walnut seo. on Ocean Front a1 Color TV e, etereoe. Churcti. OOfMr of lay 1 mane•. Over 1.000 648-7408 "8ttan and wlct(er tum. Ebony top dHk w/5 764-7433 •11 3. Adami nr Balboa Ple1 lampt, futnllur•. tool1, ~~·:J·~~ M~: boob. MllC houMhold -HO--RS-E-FO __ A...,.S_Al.E ___ _ laaket1 and decoralOf dr.....,t & e hidden Q.tb---------(tum right at WlnoMll't ) ootti., baby fUm and en;ft lttma Clothlng ltama. Set . ._2PM, 17271 Mare _ AppelooH & It....._ 10 AM 10 5. 1806 byhole. 1128. 551-9487 -tide-A-Bed, king tiled, H1hld furn .• enllque1 baby Item• and muoh :ml.ICtl more.· Ounwy Lii •• HIH'lt. BMctl. Arabian, 5 Yrt old. E. Dyer Ad (Antlqua Heroulon plald. S125. Cmagnlfl<Mlnt Chine eab., mlao. 2011 Pomona, lldif 11000. lnoludH Ndd .. Qulld Plaza) IM0-7181 French Provincial COuctt. 764-7433 aft 3. ohalrt, Cabrlole tola, Cotta Meta Sat/Sun MOVING SALE •••••••••••••••••••••• and ell leclc KINO IHNERSPRINO EX· xlnt oond..:~ :arty American couotl & 2 ate.), player Pl•no, rat· 1o-4 PM Furniture, wuher, dtyer, ~ 714n&t-8618 TAA ARM mall,.... Mt, Companion ohalre, tan. 1oo+ gal. aquar., OARAOE SALE lab .... AC unit, ctlalre, Antique and ;arage aa1e M¥W uead, worth "3(), Want.cl: Oval Queen Annt lampa, dinette Mt, recil-king & quun bedt, OlehwHher, 1lnk with bookl eoc-t200. 364 !. 1870 8** Walnut en.at r..-.u llM1 llfJ 1ao. 1248 del. Never Dining ••I complel•. n« chair. 642-8270 xtra-tge •Keo. deak, ~ wooderl beM, mlac. S•t· 18th St., C.M. of dr...,.. wtth mlrrOI'. •••••••••••••••••••••• uHd queen n , worth Trundle bed. 720-1888 .,,_11.ft , ............. 4 .... .,,, low dHlgner couch, urday only. 3078 Tyler 5 Famlly Garage Sal• Occ. dlalr9, ping pong too+ yde of ueed carpe1 •3A"' h I •211 ,. -· .,.... .,.., .... 100lt. much, mud\ m<xe. Wav CM W_....... _....._.__ edlal tab6a, bOOkt, num«oua ~from realdoooe. • ••· CH on y, • Dining Table 80 x 42 2 175. 2272 A-nk>n, Coet1 Sal/Sun/Mon. •· · · --'V .,_,,.,., ' 01 .. _, Item•. Sun, onlv 12.llO/yd. 758-4404 del. Utually home, IS" utenelon leav••· MMe.~ K-Man. --------3 Day Memonat Weekend arm MW, o1...io motor ,,. , 764-1350 cu11om tabla pad1, 4 -.-...... d,.._ •"""' ... 1ng -•-c.tt.1 111 #11 Q.,age Sale M dally hOl'M, MoClan lawnmo-4888 PHeo de V.ge. /~I,,.,, 1110 **I BUY** ·Penn. HouH Bradford ~tt~9ae ~;;' ;,,,.':; •••••••••••••••••••••• Qu"n 1IH 0bed, mite: wer. mt.c. 221 E. 19th ._8, 851-11142 .:.-.:.-6 ............ .. Chair•, 2 erm, 2 Ilda, 1100. Antq drHMr w/ P:a~iD~~?J-~1~.s:~ furniture, antlquea, die-St .. C.M. ,__........ 'v=~~~~.!;. Good UMd Fumttur. & tolld cherry $450. mirror 1176. 7pc dinette Sandcaatte. 1144-1487 "-·auto parta, clothleftj LEAVING COUNTRY Mult ::'K•,:::.-.•,:;•::::r••••• Below wNle 497-1011. ~RI wtll ... 640-40-49 llOO. ConfW9nce table .. c. 1142-88t7. 267-18 Sell 4 pc Liv Am Ht - -494-47H or SELL fOr You Like new Aobtn1on'1 t125. 3 pc bdrm Ht JMd luml1ure & appllan· Place, C.M. 1225. Waterbed • mite 8a1 and 8un Mmy 29-30. --------ll&ll'DI ANTiii Spring-Air• twin bad $350. 831-IMe oea & mlec. 8 14 fne St. ALLEY SALE: Maternity furn .. '78 2802 831-9293 Entire hOUMhold goea. "1...U....u IOIO matt r • u I 4 5 Bo 11 n.. ~ An CdM. Sal/Sun clothH , baby clothH. ••ut-'-..... .., Fum, QothlnQ. eponJng •••••••••••••••••••••• 141 1111 Ul-tlll IP'lngt '45. Fr.;,,_ on eott;T'~ a 1oo. C..ll #n1 toya, nouMhold ~ ~~ .... ~.~ffl<I\...... good1. toot•. Lot1 of INTEAAAMS MK. )( I llY PWIRi rotler'I & ~dt>oard In-IHl2-3597 ...................... oea, f\lmlture. blkea. M MOVING Garage Sala. = n.ma, tone of llltdl Profffelonally Cu1tom Lea 957-8133 eluded. ~9 rnomUYllle pecan dining llfftlTUT ULI Sat/Sun. 264 E. 15th EYlfYlhlng mutt go. Uv. Wey. ~h~ ~o= ~2:'9;.,,~.= 0 ... bd .... s All ax,,_.llve & In good. c M. rm. turn, itereo, color .. __. ... ,_... ••-""• Scofc•· Cott 11. New fUlt-alze mattr-Mt -rm-·: pc con-Mt. 4 Ilda and 2 •rm ,....... TV 17 ft I I & ,,..,_,_,, ~ • teO. Haw queen llH: temp. 1tyle, orig. $850, chalr1. Gd cond. '450 Cond. Fl1hlng pol11, Yard Sale: Flah rodt, much ,:;~, •. '~~loo • fa.......&. 100 Sec. I 00 Arm. Jeff t100. 750-5832 eacr. MOO. 550-1880 876-3005 tH ll , & •CCHt. Shot-~~·_'.~llFl!.,g•tlo.:~· Broollhurtt, F.V .• Sun/ ~'!l!':.~ ....... 642-1570, 1566-o4e0 gun1 & rlll••· Archery """"'' ,,,_ " Sa -Matt bo ........,.. II Contemporary tofa. io-)oub la bed: mattra11, equtpmnt, Swordllth 251 E. l&th St .. C.M. . Mon. only. AM to 3PM ESTATE SALEIOAMO! Lift UJ 11111 11zia ~ ~ ...... ~. g IHI, xlnt cond, orig. box 1prlng & frame, geer. Lrg & aml power SALE-Antique & modem 30 Hallum Balloont Ma..2143 · t 1300, u or. 1450. b r• n d new. S 1 1 S . tool•. TV'•. lteteot, ml-Gold Naugahyde Couch & Buth.ft!! J.Mj furn. Kit ttutf, ctothM. Dellwred +card. Perfect 850-1880 876-4280 crowave, aquarium• & 2 ctlalrt I 150. DatK MO M••0•v••1:,,. •8•:•LE••-::.•·:.~ etc. Sat/Sun/Mon 9-4. for..__, occaalon. Greet Sole "' blll I I L --------M1--"' ..... I . & H . ~ " ._,ur.,..., 900 Cltr • Pt N B -·-• • • • v ny · g• Pecen cone.lend tablea ~OOKCASES. One 11'. one aoceaa. Marine hrd'nte hoid' 1'[;',;;~ "f ot 1 oua.-1.. 8311 Glady• (Talbe<t/ 1144-223a u · • · · ~or7 .. ~1 ... & 1iraduat•. match recllner, very w/metchlng wall unite. 3• tall. Both for 150. & QMf. lnnatable ratt & 1833 Ptt··•m Dr.~£_:..: Beach) H.B. 142-1004 u .. -• good cond. l300 or bst ., ......... 1 tofabed, $400. + 7..,.. ,. .. 7 019. Camera•. Some .... ..._ '""' ... .,...,_, ofr.497-2798 ;;tt:;'iteme.850-l880 _ .. V'V9U _______ axpene!Ye jewelry. Ex«· Verda arH, C.M. Sat. IMMACULATE Heart ' •-tEBAAAUOS975orbMt MUST SELL. ooucn. good Nhlte Jenny Und crib w/ cycle, bll(•. St«eo ca-10-4. Com~ Beneftl. Sal., Sola bed 1128, r•lrlg ofr. condition t76. Owretu1· Early Amar lean couch mattrHI & matching blrwt. DMK1 & chri . 120 9AM-4PM, 333 CrMt (Nr. 1175. Other mlao lt«nt. Cell 648-4171 ._. .... _._ 1 1• ............. _., t150. Swtwl Aodler lllO. chan~ln\ table, good E. 23rd St, CM. Sal/Sun Color TV, fen, trwdr: llghta, 11th I Main). Mike 548-0etO NUTRIA AJA JACKET ,_, .... _ " .._ _... metal detll and chair. ~--------1 ---------1 table for children 1115. Or 2 and lablea $25 Mdl. con . 150 both. 9-? Lampi. camera equip. Sat. May 29. 9AM. 55112 MUL Tl-FAMILY SALE • New. '875 or bit otr ~ off9r. 142·6293. •f· CollH tbl l2S. Occ. 840-18711 Everything lmaglnable. Lota of plen11. Mleo /Weve Clrcle, H.B. S.E. BlllH, kitchen ltemt, ~71 t• 8pm. = :~· ,:'~et 413~ llrf1 wtllt• French Prov. 2034 Charle, Sat/Sun houHhold llamt. 2234 corn•r Newland/ Oar· lllothea, bookl, furn & ~ Boerd, elec. upright QUEEN Size watarbed, MllO. MllC. 549-34&4 bdrm Mt: twin canopy 9-4. Rutgera Dr. Apt A, Sat flald, rnleo. SeV&Ml 9-5, &In Reducer M~ rol- 56M038 Wu"' Ml NARDRoeE a•••m•r ··iAi:90;·&Ay.•0tt,•.; .. trunk, vetwt tined dr• MEMBE.R8HIP WANTED ::;·,~o~ rm ~ 720-llOe 497~ ett• tpm. wn 10 Buy 4 new °' L.lfg• Pleyhou .. Smalt •llghlly UHd t2xtO 5 ()ut, 1 · tNdt ttr•. Call on °:M6'1C:· (H41 ee2.-14 ~ESIN LHded Tiffany #uJu./ lamp, 20". J.N. Mecn.t. t.nn.•11 1f1J Orig. 1200. Sac. $46. •••••••••••••••••••••• 720-0290 For SW. P~ powered \Aaglc llland oOld mem-Altett PA ll)'ltem. All or ~. 11060 or bMt pert. 2 191tr t>onorna, 2 ofter 17141597_2058 horn• plu1 Pevey 300 ---------• Ampl. °''* equipment avall Ca ll Rob et 548-7174 AVINE CoH t Country Club golf memberehlp _S_1_,3_50_._114_4-8_7_5_8 ___ 1~ -cou--,,-tc-0-U-IT_A_R_T_a-ka-- E>ectropedlc Bed tor pe-mine. w/~. '226, Call tlent Of COf'IV. New ,_ 542-31527 Dan. 6..~2::e 179-4, NII 1550. O/IJH hnJl9# I "4u1t H crlllc• beautllul L.J-at ,,,, Steuberl v .... '4915/bet ••• ":1:"'.'ltt•••••••• ••• • Ofr. (714) 978-9467 lttllp .. ,tr .... ---------• 126 65MS40 ::ratt1man Power Lawn-Ex 1 ~ b ..... _.. mower. Good eond $35, eout .... " -... ,. Call 543-7011 val chair. . 55$-4540 IAIPITm exeoutt.... deek. x1nt con-Mu 1t Hll 188 yd1 Of dltlon. $80. plvlh tan catpet. GrHt 569-4540 cond. Graat for pre---------IChool. 13 yd. or beat Walnut COf'lter.noe table ofter 494-9308 4' dlWMI•. nm oolor9d •---------• 5xS room divider pent! & ~lectrtc Train mounted on 2 Ilda cnalrt. 1146-6414. 4x8 table. oval track, ---------englnn, & many aocea. 9 wood delltt & twlval t 100. 844-e125. chelre, Country French ---------1 ~. MW coet t1800; Bone China. l9l'VICe tor a. Sacrifice at t560. Call Royal Doulton. Thl•tl• 833-8800 uk tor oewn Down pattern. $150. ' · 1145-1308 ,,,, ,,,1 9'ua oelllng Ian. 52" w/ LOVE.BIROS·~·;:c;; tulip llghte, ,_ uaed, tlngle t15 · ' ••• 1230. t•k• 1 100. ~&-14 19 652-07IHI * •BUNNIES11'"* Frencl'I Lop Pet or Shaw $20.00 MCtl 992-9971 frama, n.ter. pedestal, bed. nlght1tand, hutch 8-3 OAAAOE ..... ., _ ,_._ ~ SOI G8IY P1aoa. ~~.:" ..!n" I an . 2 2 " 175 OBO 642-4230 Sol• & loYMMt. top. dMk w/ct\alr. 1175 Donate '/<Xlf good uaed --.; .,.,,_ .,._._. rwH I f!f, llH . •cell. cond. l3!0. Cwtll eap.) 640-18711 clotti. to The Mletlon of u.t ,.,. lale tulrn, M• tnolllt• oo2p211~2· 3 Famlly Garage Sala. rvln• Coatt c .c . Oolf SCRAM-LETS •••••••••••• ~ ••••• Mart>le topped tlnll & ca- blne1, axoall. cond. Ind plumbing $75. 875-a.34 2 potltlon brown naug 78C)..8.WO BaJa California. All ~ Furn., chelre. oouohee, m •c. upp H . u SeV&Ml M tOOO ttema. Story & Clark Contol• racllner w/hNIM & vi---------.aro-axeo wooderl deek, clo~ wtll ..__ ......,.. ..... un M Wood ltlend Ln H B 4~ 17 w c' Membarehlp. Worth ANSWERS Plano wl bench Xln1 walnut flnl1h, Ille dwr, ..,. ,....... ... -... itereoa. •ny more "'"'" ••74 ·• · · '" · 0••t Hwy. 11•00. Mii for 11100. brator, loOM back IOf• & Drexel dining rm Mt, 48" 11001080_ 542~ & grfftty appreciated. ltema. savSun ._6 _..____________ 975-4092 ~7ee5 con d P P 18 9 5 . towaeat. 548-6632 round tbl w/2 leavet, 4 Pleue call 84&-0113. 724 W 19th St What a W<Wldeftul Wond Fervor _ Knactl 963-3887 DI I I uphol c:hrl, & I eerwr. 'ntlqua dr~. 7 dr•· f Sh I I .. t UUll ULIJ -_lk-.-,,..-.-M-u-ton_D_AA_F--,...... .. ~:iq~e~'g:i~'. ~mo~t~ Practlcally new cott were, ornate cherry Sat/Sun 1901 Lanai, CM. FANTASTIC INDOOR ~~·~If Fum.and~and TING MACHINE w/table. L~FFicf'"' Steinway ST' Mdl M. tabl• ext. to 128 ... w/ $3200, wlll Mlllor 11350. wood . t 2 5 o Io Bo. Boat/trtr (lie). furn, PLANT SALEI Sunday Delly Piiot Clmlfi.~ other ltema. 333 Senta t160. 850-0202 Woman to beggar: .. 1 =~·~~~3~t conc:I. cu.torn pad•, 4 lldt 6 2 873--07711 evea only. 642-41960 bookt. mllCl. ~78 only. 470 E. 18th. St. Ada. To Plac. your ad, ~· N81M Sat. Sun. lllWlll 211 Ill· never give money to --------- arm chalrt (uphol.), BABY F\JRNrTURE -Crib 3candtnavtan wood youth Trade your old'etull ior Coeta M-. call 142-1Se71 Md .. ta anyone on ttl9 etrwt " llTltll PUii buflet/Hrver. llght•d & mattrw MO. Port cr1b bed w/matt. Or1g. $375. new goodlu with • Ciualfled Adi. your on.-Cl.eMll'led Ad-Vleof,. WANT ACTION? rm 8efxlar: "What do )'OU BHutllul 1895 Howard china & baM. teOOO firm. t2b. Changing tbl 110. s • 1 1 $ 1 6 o / o B o . Claatlfled ad. 1142-51178 11op lf'°PPlno centar. )IOU. CIMtlted Ada 642-5e78 I to 20' long, 3&t per ft. want me to do? Operi an Upright. Partect cond. r6-4~5-~2009~~::::;:=:~~j8~7~3-~2~1~38~::~;:::::.L~64~2~-8~9~1SO~iiiiiiiiiiiiii.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~~~~~!!~~~~~~~~~ii~~!!!-n-~_t_4_9_1_an_~_1rne_. __ +-o-FF_1c_E_?_'·-----+-$5-50--540-094---2--~ Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-Line • Bring them or mall them with correct c••h to Dally Piiot. 330 W. Bay St , Coate MeH, CA. ~26 • Each Item mu1t be priced with no Item over SSO. 20c per llne -S1 .00 minimum No lh1e1tocll, produce or plant• • No commercl•I ads allowed our famous DIMES-A-LINE DIMES-A-LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIDAY. FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS, 642-5678, ext. 319. ELECTRIC "-'•· ,_JEWEL V auorte L gamea toya. · ng DRESSER · SET of 4 amall truck COUNTeR top gu range, AUTOMATIC wuher $50. REFRIGERATOR not wor· BABY 118ma: Swing $5 uMd $8. Chell ol dr•-l1-t10.JewelryCAMSS5 book• and models 50c-S1. Portabl• type-$20. Both modern. wn .. 11 and llrH 125. 38 Inch, avocado 120. Dryer 150. OlthwHher klng$20.WUh«MO lS PtavDen S15 Jumping _.., ~ S 15. Wood MCh. Pyrex dllllea S 1. 5c-S 10. Sport• equip-writ« $25. SIMI office Touter $5. Electrlc mix· MMltaty emmo box•. all 24x42 lnOh bullt In gu UO. vacuum clHna r 5 gallon druma enamel hOl'M I t5. Maternity C" cabinet 6ft Si5. Ral1an Elec:trlc 10 key adding rnent 12-SS. Chll<f1 table detk 150. Twin loam er 15. Macrame· plant time from $3-ttO. Hea1 oven , avocado $35. 125. Electric mower S50 s2s . Bed frame SIO tti. Sl-llO. 982•9971 ch al rt I 1S Heh Bath machine Ilka new $35 and 2chalrlS10 Record matt-$5. Double box hang ere 15. M I k •. gun, s amp, 1 16. s.t of 4 545-24711 Electric edgal' 515. 221 Ford ,.., axle $40. Ford -------- towell $1. 2 Dozen fire Carpenterl toola S1·'5 players t S and $8. Box eprlng $5. Slngle box $5. ~ 240Z hUbcapl Sii Craft Flower Street, Cotti tire rim 12RSL T $35 PORSCHE and Volkawt-klng whit• cup• 2Sc Electrtc pencil ahari>en«, Chrl1lmH llght• S10. Portable dlthwaaher 8 FOOT couch Herculon · -BABY walker 17 Chan-• · gen pert•· TraJler hitch HCh. Plano etool $15. $10. Fllhlng polet 11. Skateboard helmet• $5 t10, Twoeawhor-$5. • u.1\ m[::.Z.~~p!iO:, glng tatMt17s~a.:±_~~ ~r·· Saturday alter !~.~0m•...,'!:_ Bicyc141moblle ·or Bug 't 25 Piie of Pieced qullt• t25-l315. Heh. Antique mu1lcal each. Record• and lap4M Lampi t2. 10 gallon exoellent condttlon ..,.,. ~ ......... ""'"-pm. :::...::: •20 := "'--·t-PorlCM and vw pertt. Old picture framH ln1trum«1ts l!)..$4() Oil S2Sc-S2. King wrought rire11ure tank tor bu-Twos-t.3 ~~ minor rec>alrt 125· Call ulat12.MinlwtlMllS5. STAMP Album• of th• 150-839-ofi'O""'' ·--whMI adaptor•. heads, 11-te. Antique chatre palnlln'11 In fram .. t s Iron headboard lllO. Bike ane (wfth g~) '20. ~t ~~Hk ~ 754-8752 Humldlfle< 17. AntlqU9 world MO. Men'1 ehoee. · ltlMt metal, crank•. 87 $1S-t25. Nylon ahfftl Mdl. Sign painter• toolt rack for car 113. Sult-&.lltt In dlthwath« l1S. ·-er,"""'' • • .... LAROE old trunk with Encydopedla •14. Bao-new S8 pair. Woman'• BASEBALL card ut1 9uQ bumpert 135. 1969 llttad $1 H oh. LadlH t 1-150. Bea11tllul tllk ~ $6. B11tbecue $6. Thrae wood chair• t 1 place 150. Regular atte k•y• 135. Large dHll tlfflbroom t 14. aock t7. dr-llllOM 7'~ $5 pair. t 14-t 18. Start 3c-l 15. 91i,_.cilpS10. 1oa box 1hoe• nav•r worn 1lza plant1 In bHkelt and Batket1 25c--19. Decor• eech. Range ver1t hood box iprtnge, mattr•H MO. Two ~ $20. Oak umbNl!a l1and $45. G.E. blade and wtllta TV 16 ounce Blcentennlal and llntl combo for VW 8'.9-9 13 Md'I. Old mlr-pot• t 1-l3S Polaroid tor plllowl 12-18. 01-IS WesllnghouM 1tactt and trame MO. Ona r• Old 78 14PMO reoord Trenaltter radio 17. ~ t30. Garb•g• dl1poHI 1ouvenlr RC bottlH camper $5. Air condition ror, nice fram• 110 IArld camera(,_) t20. ware 20c-St2. Kitchen-wather and dryer ~.a.~~~ player t.20. Foot lodtar'I cord• 25c. Saturday 110. Small oottee table 11.SOMCtl. 892...ee28 pump SS. vw rim• 13 Hand knitted afghan 110. Pote, pan1, d..,._, coo-ware 20o-$.4. Siik flower (wuhar need• work) uedabn 1 dz•1 f0• A •d $20. EJectr1o '-n, 3 epeecl 8 :30-2:30. 900 King• 115. Small oven btoll« A UG eecn. Two good 1~185 Stngla woocf•n bad king utencll• 10o-$5. 4ft arrangement• IS-1211. $26. Tiied round patio hH oar · • -110. 1 ... of Cl1lna 115. Roed, Newport Beach. $15. Hanging lamp t20. W 0 HT Iron Ilk•. new llr• t15 eech. New 912 complete 120. 1910 fluorHctnt llghtt t 1 Clock $30. Elactronlc table S8. Sllm gym 15. wood chalM lounge 12<>. Humidifier ~ 15 Women'a, man'1, chll-2 b., ltoolt. awtv.I S2t otl cooter 126. UMd 912 te6aphone oper11tor. high each. Clalrol deluxe Hot 08IM8 S8, $6, 110. Blacl< End tabl .. 15. Cott" Golf dube end bag $35. Comm• .c.ctrtc .cs: XEROX Credit card calou-dren'1 tennll at10M and each. Dolly 19. Paper-oll cooler S8. Pot'8Che 4 cflalr 125. er ... flreplece Ml•t curler Ht, never and wtllle TV S15. Men'1, tabl• 110. Sewing ma-Goll b•ll• •3 dozen. dlnQ mecNne t30 Otder letor, ,_ •10· ni.o or.. olothea ~t20. Offlca bacb 10C eec:tl. Sliding cyllndef e.tii... oil coo- • c r • • n • n e v • r ueed, origlnally 38.50 Mii women·a. boyl end baby c:tilne $5. Sewing table ~•;:l~g llg~'!c: type porteb't 11.No,. ~n nltgl~g"'f."'m!~\J~ chair 110. Wood heao-ICl'MnGotf clu~" 40x8773-27200S14· ler, fitter complnatlon lrman.d 18. M•tal mall fOI' t15. Womena clothM clothe• 20c-t30. Pogo $5. 12 String guitar $5. a arnpa · con3 pl!IY'S 116. Large chalnt S IO. Hanning boerd, doub't Sii. Gk1't .,. -· t20. Pot'8Che ,_ lanMa box 13. Iron mall box ae. Uk• new, ea. M Levlsto sock t10. Soccer lhoea Kitchenware 1oc-11. D••k l•mf ltO. Pinto attadle or brW oeae A. lamp Globe 94 Tum,,,y w....,, Flyw bike 135. LAWNMOWER pu9h type. S15 eec:tl. 8061 Sell Clr- Aattan towel etanda lormal1 11-110. M•n• t2.SO. Lamp• $15-135. 10-18 yard• cruthed hubcap• 25· Cedlllac Large rattan 1wlvel ex•rcrHr with rotting Olnnerw•r•. new 110. Include• catcher. nice ci.. Huntington Beadt. about 401n t 10. L•c• clothH, large ahlrte, Crib I 15. Fabric rem-velvet materlal, burnt hubeaPa, both Mtl of 4 c::M6r9 t20 P911'. Ber ltool ..., M. ,,,_. ,.._ $3 Bamboo curtain 3ttxett t.20. oin.tte ~ let M0-5543 table olothM 125. 1920 panta. ahOM t1-15. 350 nantt 20c-18 TABLE oran9a 120. 10 •P"d a II tor I 2 5 · Ca II wfttl bedl 15. 8lcydea. AM/FM ~.;;"Ito· ta. 2092 Wellaoa, ca.ta ot 4. padded ... , tt1CS•--------- ll1e oalAnQ fixture $10. 1 ~ardbadt bOoka Uh MW l'A~. PlcturH t4-l40. blcyele, rnena $35. Exer-154o-9379. 3101 Ypllon need help ttO end' 1 16. Two VW ,;:;-b~• 1 15: Mua.. 548-7011 becka very nice. 120. KING alH b9d '50. Oc- llxture U . Two wicker 11-$10. Record album• Iron 15. Electrlc: rllZOf' t&. cycta 135. Blonde book-A ...... Coeta ....._ MM610 ca.ta Maaa. 87M278 caak>nal chair 125. Golf llnYl ctlalra. wicker ok but 50c eec:tl. Ladlea hand ChrltlmH o rnament• cue hMdl>oerd 110. 3 COLONIAL ttyle couch, °"'°' ewtV9I ' wttfl WASHER 160. Coclltall cart t.20 Oltla ~ 840 nMda covering. Framed bag1 lt-14. B .. utllul 25c box. Rattan hanging padded Medboerda 13 perfect condition t50. T~ 4(~:4,•t.-:c: erma 110· CHHJ.'.: tabtl SM. Comar table HIDE-A-BED $50. Sofa Clar1Mt .King tllO T..,.e Verge 1928 print $10. ahoea, etZlt e 11-15 pair. bar 135. Small rattan HCh. Portable T.V. Twin Md wtth hMd 8lld --&ctNMn to -==-.... ~ t6 :..~o ~I.to': uo. Cub• tabl• ltO. lampa S10. i.-; chelr Maxtle6d Peman framed Sliver aarvtng tu1ya 171n chett $37. WMd ••• etand1 S1 Nch. Aqua-lootboard lllO. a..t or ,.., ...... ttld ttra""i'W'. you ·-• · · Two floor plllow• $10 end table 125 (EHt print $t0. 2272 Avak>n, dlam9ter Ille ,_ 115. t25. HudwaraS nutt, r1um 15 gallon 13. 10 gal· drawert 110. Two bar C·-e ~ ... ""CCllleo .. ~ Oftloe eupptl .... qu.-nt• etoolt 1 10. Lamp ttO. Mell. Nordlca "*''' lld Blufl) 75._1143 . 20c bo ., s •5 B If 1 d k ...... .. ... -.u·--··, tlH blanket• •S· ... Auto Poll"* 13. Book• bootl atr. 10 110. ~·--------Co11• Mata. Near K Polaroid camera brand acrewa x-... at-Ion • . aaut u er atoota 12 MC:tl. Stereo beg •1a . Old Wt1tefn L I 11 di ..,._ • LAROE n-.-..._ ....... Mart. north off Wll9on, new t 20. Merln• hard· urday, Sunday, Mondmy, wood ~ lllO. Mat-coneol•. nlc• piece of fiver bl .. • •• 11 ,10 •mp•. 0 00 1• re 0• .....,..1· A8aort.cl lumber prof•otor table 1 5 . ....._.. ~7 .....,.. b•tw••n Fairview and ware and boat equip-Mpm. 983 ~. ctilng mirror t25. L.aro-·-.... ,. ...... TV stand I " ...... '"111 . ~10· Coela 12. Satur· l50c tedl. Low a.et seo. gamae 11. 7~ 1878 with V9CIUUf'I\, """'· end • '"''""' _... 8*-6142 or ._...... miy W ori/t. ~. Ct181r teo. Vecwm 125. ladder BLACK my! r.o-Hart>or. Saturdmy, Sun--IMnl lt-t10. 8ongoa t&. Coron• d •I Mar whited,_ 25. 8lon-$2. 401 Hernllton, Coate ~ "0 " V1ctof1e. eo.ta A.C. unit tao. Saturday WROUGHT Iron l)lantert liner 960. ~ c:Nn- d a y . M on d • y . ANort.cl dr1nklng glu-1144-1487 de drnHr 120. Wall M9a. &4M796 INAOUGHT Iron lane• MtM. Juat _. of H•· = 1~. 354 It S8. 110. Tl"Ud< tire with ~ 125. 20 Inch C te>em-3prn. ... 25c MCh.. Hundred• mirror.. plate $10. 221'A 18ftxl5rt wtth gate and r1 1'7 ""'b St"' ........._ ... . ---------1 of paper back book• 25c LATE modal vw ~ Avocado StrMt, Coat• IZOO thlrt1, LlghtlnlnJI double deadbolt HO. bot, dfM In bedl ywct. 1 Stre.t, 1 Mee&. m · "'"' "· ''""'" SchwtM bllle -.. . BIKE men,1, boy• 15 MCtl TP oanmlc "TM t12.60.8.75x1Utlfe . M_.. Juat off Falrv19w BoltdownJadletl9446. 567~tl&eo.taMtM. ,topgaarMg9, ~ =-..:.·~:·:: ~~~.,,...~~.-::! ~o!. !::.' ~ Atttat'" i10. °"= ~~~ ::; ~": •s' r-.:~ BMuSundty Shop ~ C::; ~! 31 lnclh. ll'I009do t20. i• SILK acrHn euppllH 110415. Tackle box and dttlon 540-2801 t30. KWSI Yen rler and 8 b • part• etur-, and ay. · MAN'S 20 lndl a.... 10 X 42 lndl buM In ~ IS()o..l2. Rofla of canvea 1ackl• 17. Maple end · · Mr"~ r1de9 MW ~.,~~·~I~ 25c-l2.llO. 646-3638 BICYCLE man'• 2e1n 3 ~.'11~ ~ .. ~ = ~-.:,~~ :,::_;4,:vooado I 5• :t1l:a ~~i....!!~ ~le end ~~ tabla TE17N1 IPMd blk• S3511.1 Six nart• kite S8 -t60 0.-epeed. H\lfty, good con-Ave.. Co It 1 M • 1 a . • .........-· · ...-..-each. .....,.,_ table n concrete pmn91 <CRIB mattt-S10. Me-;;;; Beer Stein·, 15 CORVAIA Spyder high dltlon 135. 548-2808. 831-4274 ratH front and rHr TWO Schwinn men'• Cola boxee U Hch. 125. 1947 Hotpolnt refri-tt5.. SeYenltootlengtha ternlly clothH '2·16. • 1 · r-tonnenoe s-11: l'f'ont 8a1\Kdey, Sunday. Mon-bnk.a ~· bHOh orulHra. On• MMH6. 17t8 Mont~ 1•re1or (workl) t50. of PCV pipe 12 each. Biby clothtl 10c-15. Muelo bOXH •5-20. and rHr euipenalon day. eo.t,e Met&. DRILL Pr..a Ma. 8kl.... tent ooi,__1 840. 121 ent1que. MO ead\. 11cyo-.. Costa....... lumlnum ladder 15. 121n porteblt TV all Toys IJOo45. Iron 115. O.Coretlv• brue can-drum to dNm lllO Mdl. St5. Orllf motor t10. :· 20th~ It'"!· Coste> de perta. *-. & ....,.. BEAN beg chair 17.50. Toye Ho·•&. Tool•. c:Nnnel, bla and wtllte Crockpot S16. Yogurt none 110 Large btonu Olhtr perta •1-125. BABY crib 140. MGA Sandw ta. A>r 'Mn Im-eta rHr nOUH . &~•to. H•w Chrome Oouoh2pl9oe blue'60. llardWate 10o450. Clo-SM. Leaci.d type len'lp- malter 110. Two 3 ePMd .,. Pfopelar, wlll malt• Good red le lore: '116 pert• UO takH •II. peel 145. Typewriter 142"641 end vlr¥ ,GfM* tao. 2 l*ti.11 *·trunk MG. thing Hc-t 10. 1311 11\ade 111. UnlqUe ..,.. bll• 128 each. Two~ &::. ~~..!:; a.vy 213, '83 Ford 352 878-8808 115. Ice tH fug U . APAR'TM!NT me~ ~w.d d\alr9 810 Dlllll i1 cabinet a... ~St., Huntington llndQIMtlln1'>baMS1&. fant oar H•t• 128 1,0 eeot\. 8-.ltlM nw-end ·eo votw 111...::n. 80 MEXJCAN P'C*' 1119a a.ctnc,.,.. 111. 8tun.d ICCWtteo .....,,._ ..... eeot\. EMtoHelMllwofl mtllltl M. ,_ of twin leeot\. (Tala.t-Beech). Schwinn larQ.• epolle Mdl. lnf9flt awtno u . * bod! -* '3410 844-el12 90o Md!. CoflM ,..,.. turtle t16. A>r INlttr9u alnk tit' llnll oebln9' AMrM. 111 loftora Ad.. •I•• mettr ... •sa for ~10CM boyl ~ Ma. Alai ~:.t~oi:,:: Neutk* bod! «Mia S8. FISH rodl rMll "42S 116. Hot Point dlth-U . Pok•r table t15. "°-e.Mli tlln ._., COleaMtM. bott\. DoUb1a ~ROLLER akela~ck) = ~~':; *'· 8'IUDCllet 125. 214 E. Artl•t• tool•. llU>Pll .. ; Teokl• l11rH Ho-u: ::':n ~:fe = ~:';' ,!:!'! l~· ~ calllnet 121. MU tto-ANTIQUI radio & ~ G: e:!~~:~~,= S108 1 ""boo~• 111• •'"dY ·11a.vyVen121. AYOn ,..,,.,..__ ................... _.,.., ........ __ ., . ....; ............... _ ---""'"" l~ ..... 11..... . "' . . " _ ... _,. _ _ _,,..,...,,~~---1 11·'50. lt9"1ng allver 1oo;d0o~ SaWf'dey 1-4. · end_..._ TV ie-.. ... ti ut. l("'"8na bad wt111 .,,._. 0.-end"*"-121. 1111 tSO each. 8hop P*'-Heathkit '°099 MAYTAG dlehwHller, breo.let• MtY1nOI 110 281L1ettl8u..t eo.te •lumlnum window• ......... • e£ ... Clf*-l40 14&-1IOI.... ,._ .oocl tor bOa P•fr 09famM ftnt91eo. Heir ctl'lW (lft) tu. Old work~ good •H For: good condition HO. Mell ...;,. Sele .,,. Mu&. ' 5ftxt'Mt t3e ..,,... 2x8 Chlld'• car H•1 •10. • u I 1 8 •· 11 toOi • .._. lllmo 8:S. Coli-. oer miMe.,,, t• · Pt..UO laundry tub on · 0 td uNd redwood decking l..llwM'iiO'MI '40. 8tMll .. ,,.._,., · • -un • · Multi• WHfl ltam ehlon oioar•tt• ad'• mice tebl• •39. tOto ....... ,.. '20. Hol-:.~r20,,..iZ.j\fM JACK Kramtr ttnnl• 2&o per foot <!1. 11. 13 OfOM ~. klt bolC •10. DOU.a~....... bottl9 ., .. c..~ 11-d' HOfl.Ofllol•I :=.A~ C::.': door alW 20x20 marble Hh. trayt t4 r~ *'lflG wttfl ~· foot langtfte). '3o 1401 flte "'91M fl, Ct\ltd'I 800. LIH 20 7erdt. 00U t10 e .... Of .....,.., .. •• U~bOWI progrema, 1pm. OOorloabtlaedl. H Ch. •.••utlful hand ~=t ~r Pro un; IUV,,.. Tat1ament 19 :r .~~: = ::!: IH!'Y J•rt of button• ON ... ~ ... -:-; DOUaabadiiioerNF "9''a. 4hrt t10-1 111-----------:.::S:' ~ """ 0arvtd wooden Chatt ~Y ~ ooncn-OUMttM. 23 r900rd1, t ta-•H Ohaire UI 1o-tl, \Mgl Md M1t11 dltllll-.:;a...,.... ..,_ Md tto. ~ MOil. OWMr'• maiual JA. w.-... 121. Utr9I oea ~~.~t UO-OamP'na lentwna tlon '40 Schwinn to If.: .... MWr 1.-d Mell u.Oemmotortto "":rai~~CJ:: .... na ud ,..,, nal 810. ~.=~;=p~c :1:.-~~~ lldMlnn floont ..... 23 0 HOh. Oheu •nd •P ... n~t In~ . Tope6derl0etl09t PIOt~r. framM 180·'3: ::IOo. .... ::: L81ftPI an• t•bl•• --utnM 1tt•-tteo MOoeroowrUI. ... ....., ,.. t10. et.nl cNc*« MC wfttl board .. condition l20 ..... COdftlhC)oMI Car~ t1 Itek• ..___ .... .__ I~ .... 40MO. Ito. 110910, Dle'1at and ....-z..---.. If~ tcllltl .....,_ "'* tt&. ~ ,,_,. 11. PoM hi* dloaer . · wtth t>raok.t f.22. Old. .,...,_ tto. ...:. ~ ---" , N .. .taJftftiM •ouble ..._ 11o-t1, ...._.... •·--PH Wee ewlm oet ~lroftlPUdlliw.10. CAHVM I*' top°"'* uud polea. r eete H . Foldlt!I bit• MO. llc.l .. ~~u:r::; ~ M¥9t UMd ~ •...... a.. ....... W ._.. 1MCM1 tao ¥dllF ~ •tt. GE ~·~•>new 110. tOlndluMr ... .,.... t22.ftoldlnoooUl.Fo6-110411.Ultaa Hend .. A .MototlC!Jde --n." f:rn: '""'811.0.....,.1 "'.-; tt I '-.; '-"' 111ve.ro:: w-**. t· II *2 eadl. r-on.e. .e.o. ding oart •1.ao. 101 aawlHCJ oablMt wood ,... ti n.o..,....,... eet.:nt,n;:=. WM .... I ww Dr•••r dr•1Hr HI. ~~ lfklo. ,.. IU •• 11 INCH._ and_..... :;!:J"" H . utr w . D•nbu~. 00111 to. Wood I drawer w ol ...._ _ ttOCll ~-~~ .......... ,.. ,._._.._,,., :kt·W .. t IPort:::'n 61e1< ••lnut flnlah T.V. U.H-'. and V.H.f'. ~~ ....... IMO-IOU ... *31 .... bottom hoe• 110. ltCtde tor• Colla..... ........ "'m Olnett• ....... "V '• ~ .. ., tollldOtn tu. 0..... tao. ti lndl bftldr Md ...... HK»fT _,., 1 ~ 97. al WOOC1 tao . ..,_.... 8141. Olttptt a Golf ..... - -~Of llMMlt MM .. ..._ M Illa bad O'i•W and Min. TY., V.H.F. end QLAHWA"I 10o•l10. .._..,,..meta! TV.... ·100 ... bardl NO. Wtnl '*-'6. ..._d ._ ~ ......... =t '£:1--:. KITCH•" ti. Me a1td 4 1Mt :uerw:rw ~ = ~=-K:J U.tf.l' .... *"""9elllo ~radio SI, W...,_ M. ~ H.P • ..,, ... ~ CW"' ..... "f. T01 ta.~"*'*"' -= 11 111tM .. = ....,,.; X _..,. .... CMWreft'• ,._ ... m'7 ,.,, _... LU. .. bad ........ •10. a. tflM .....,, UI. ,..,,. ---Ml-1.. Addtno "" ... '" .... • ......... -....... ,.., ..... .,....... .............. Col.... ~:J.: .• , ....... ,...._ tm....,... Mle lrtO,.,, •· 8lc1r10 fM UilmTVt*taknwMa rL: A1~1.c110,..._ =~'"'Ill llMtrte -.__.. ............... _. ...... U10 _. • AMIN ...... _., .. 16. rr-: eon. r.: ~ fOOd '10. CM-~..:..-.-::-.:--~--~~: •Hi_., ... LAOll.I .... to• ...... °"'9 .._II 1114 II. U80 1110 .................. ~--W. ::,.~~ .. ~,~ :.:r=:.::w. l:t.t:•._,,;,:. ~~a:' e:~=:=-::t" .. ~.r 1·~!'J== ~e.:,m "'94==.~·~ OM* ...... 91. I lnQlt .... -· ..,. --1t1ti1t tO:aO. .... ,.. ~ r:.:'51' ,... .... --4 = &';,";;... -... k-~1AI ,_._ Mi ........ ll"l>M. 11M 0......... . ,_ fl;.t .. t .. tdra•l11 llle .• • PIM I -......... .. • ......... "', .... r=t 0.... Clnle. Atlit 0, HU. l•ttlt.-1 *""a W••t •• ~ O•llY "101 -aanra Pia ... c .. 11 Leyeta "H , •-'• N,;'lflU·HJ1 ~~ ,.., :U1•'' =>,1111, 1..--... • Otllla ..._ Mf,.Jtll Olli"" 011 •u M Q1ulfltld M. 141.-rt. ...... a.01'll ltllliltl. .._ ~ Clll ---1 - 4 ) __ ...._. l , .. ~~7.!~D.!1 "-'11111 •••••••••••••• ~~ ••••••••• ~. ~~ •••••••••••••• f!ttrll(ttlfr •••••••••• fffrf!f ••••••••••••••• t.lfltfff~ ••...•• l!Pfll. ...... Lit ..... Ohllf Otre, "'Y a.me. w .. telltlnl Aocutlo DUMft JON --. •t-1 --· 'lMT 1'1NO La1~;4';;,0• !or . "°tn~""' .... , =~ 'o!r.: ....._ MOtt•,rl., O.M. eree,. ~-ttude ~~tr, M,191ATlft T~. 8oeo111 cw INTllXT. "UTUCCO Tex~ Thin Well 1. ttr..i.y "' .~ IXS>. ~. ,,..,... UO. ·IQ.NQ lft • t8 ~exp. '""* W• ~-ltuoee "-·.U.'d. WI I I 0 n . .. , r 11 y I e w OHll.O ~I ~ THI G~Jlll HAULING-11udent hat LM In l90Ut'hy ptw me-No ownJrne~ :=_e;i3N •/••"'-~ 56f.01M MIT Homea, Int. 11 'Toro. IN MY ,,Y. HOMI. •••tte•••••••••••••••• ~ ~t. ~ ""'*o..'1:' .~... tUfW 1owtng oere tor pet/ :•r:r:;:"A•••••••••••• Piia Ht-tflO lfUlltltne. ..._..n ILICTfUOIAN-ftrloed ~ 1 · ptMta. ITAJlllVINO COLLIGI! DILL "'·lltl :m •••••••••••••••••• --... ,-I!...-~«Mn, my O.M. home. =• fr:..ftllftete on lij Iii pf .. iilif ~ John. Oertlt'led HOUie....,., ITU~NT8 MOVING ._., ' UY• Cullom o....-T1l9 r.;'I';';':~............ Lg ~erd. "9f. S Yf9 l Ill). UO. .!!..,1 )oM.I~ b p'd, q41el~ WOt'll et ""°'· l!JWIOI (8111o9 1179) 8'1-1234 CO. U0. T12~. ~~I·• I c.11197.CtuM.1_,. !:'! 'INCH & DIOl<I K.,.,, 146-4IOI. __,. rtH. rtlH. Melnt. l :::t · yn olMnup ~ CIPI mid 30•1 lnaured. 841-1421 ..41 '584 ,.. _.. .. ,... DO IT HOWi ... .., ..... •~ •'4.totllnlonfl. ,~ .. M•ture loVtno otllld-oen. uo·o IL!OT1'IOIAN :::'!'~Ing~=...-· °'** .~~~,.... IOC*lnt to hol.ie.lt thll WATCH ua OJlllOWI tr.!.lt!'!hfc.~. C!AAMIO-UHOL!UM ·-' ............... ,.,. 'enomcf)'d..., DMV au.I. woni • .__. r•• ... .._.. • ·-IUftwner. We'll oere fQf POOL PR08~M8? Tiie. FtM .. nm.. 941:110?, 931 ... 74 . ,,.. ..t. ~1-IOfl Tom 7l-tMllM2 HAULING Md 1oM1 mo-DIMW. "°'*1.. .. o. Cell fNltJM............. '°' quality malnt. 6 r• ,.._ 8otl f75-S04e Vovr o.ity Piiot hrvloe Olfeotory "9cN .... 1111tve ~l!r.!!1 ..•••••• Shampoo & lleam olMn. Color brlght1nera, wht orpte • 10 min blMOfl. ~~~~~~~~~ Hall, llvtdln. rme • 15: •vv •-~ room 17.50: couch 110; Ml·Mtl, 11t. HI ,.. I ohr $8. Guar. ellm. ~ •• ••• ••••••••••••••• odOf C11>t rec>mlr. 15 Yf9 omi.weya, Pll'lllng Lot HP. Do work myHll. ~:=-~~ Ret1. 531.0101 ALLSTATE PAYING 8Mk:oellng-Str1ptng Aepen Comm./Allld. Uc #3973e2 84Mt81 No StNm/No Shampoo Den Hlllbetg Grmdlng & P1Ying Co Ree/Coml Lie 391804 '42-1120 A•IM•lln •.......••.........•.. FINE SHINE AUTO DETAILING. Guer Free PU/dll. &42-5449 Stain Spec:qlllt. Fut dry.,,... .... 838'-1582 We c.,. C11>t C!Mnlrl Steem clMn & uphOIL T ruc:tc mount unit Work guer. &46-3718 EXCEL CARPET CARE J ack Bultlngton Own/ --------~ Opr ... ._,,,,,,. Carp11, upnol, ArM rvg ~~~ ... r........... c-.ntr:-g. Work guar. Went to baby11t In my Fr .. Eat. &46-l71l E.Slde CM. home, ctllkl --------- OYef 3 p1r1 or full ume. t!i•••t JC.•tn,. 64e-eoc>G r~ ••••• ' •••••••••••••• c.m....t·Muonry-Bfoet( ... ,,, #mtt•un/ Wall...CU1t. work. Lie. i.inH R .. /oom Rob 5-41-2883 •••MA0RINESERvices ... Concrete: Remove Old. Mechanic. Paint. varnlah. R1pl•e• New. Sm/lge Teak-Nb-wale. 046-9788 Jobe. Repalre. &46-8612 UllH 111111 Ctlll C.n St..,,, cleen enga. bOg.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • & deelt•. Mech & elect Mom/RN In my home, c al hendyme n work. part-time, 12.60 per hr. 075-71161 CdM. ~7211 TOP QUAl.l'TY MO*, e, 1WM9, W'IJ ltudent Witt\ tNOlc. ken Heven, r l0-1011, •Ill f&nrnll ~elr, o•ll for free e1t i ,_11 CulJ,MMn-._,,,.1 !LIOTf4.IOAL W0f4.K aprlng OIHn-up, h•ul. Lewla t?M1IO ,.,_ rtllll. by J1111looh1rd Sinor. Lio. evln 4N-1253 .!r.;-::••••••••••••••• •• RfM;;i>it:A~·· AMI.,.,... 531·&056 Otluotl 64l ·H7S.,. 4 HAUUNG.QMDINO _1-1-,_.,. 2eo&..... 13 Y'9 of hiippy • ..-,.11-1., .. 1, 1110 I* lolld. 0'9dlng & & O.,pentry. Llo'd. 26 ILlCTRICIAN llllH ldentl•I. Ole•n·upa, Clemolltlon. ole•n-up. fl'lin"tr. •• ;rn:....... IOCl.i outtomera. ••••••••~•'••r:':•••• plantar ml• evall. ,:; .. yraeJ(p. lrwln 841-2119 8ml Jobl/Aepeir1. Lio. garden MNloe, mlllnt .. aonor...& tr."9tfl0Yel. ~ .w..Ary, Ht E. TNnlC you, 931 ... 10 M4' ............. elte4. def. looaHy 551-1Gee 2'"'"1"•,.. 10 •~• •20.. tree t rim. 'rH eat. °'**tr¥. 842·78SI 11th, #11, C.M. (11C«>91 "'.. t n--· •---r I Fine flnlahed carpentry, -""""' • ,,_..., ,. ,.._.. trom Aalptl'a). 831-1105 ""'9 f&llllll " 11 ..-. pr..... •Ill•• r1modellni 1peol•ll1t. 641•lotl(..., Wiiiy) ....,.,_.,_ 25 Yf'I exp. Lio. ~3941. Qual. wane. Lie 337109 •••••••A••••••••••••• lie. 4 195 7. Randall !!!?!!~~!••••••••• 8HIY0'9 <MN>ININO •••••••...:r.:'I'•••••••• ,,,.,,._,_ Bonded. lne. Rete. Color 931-2346 Mott 1Ubjec11. K··t4 720-12t0 FORMICA COUNTIRS "Tot., Verd Otte" f4.091N'8 OLIANINO ::;;;:;;;r.":'r.......... ..,,.,,, "3.o911 Dlcl< D•y-mnw 10Wti Tope/C.bin.t• ~ MotwtcJy. 551-etH ew. SeMoe . • thorouotitY PIO ..,.m 1#/hl• Mr Morgan, &4&-5178 COMM'URISID. Fr .... t. ,. .. 2 .... 7 ~,_-oMef1 houle. ~1 Sod, ..........._ l "lhtub PAINTER NEEDS ••••••"-•••••••••••••• Almod·Add'ne-Aec>.ir9 ""' ........, --_.w_ WORKI 30 In / Llbot~lal Roofing W/•'W CJ...u.f. Vwy ,.... Lio. 300260 • '·'-/ "*"t. Wiii dlll't "/OVf ~ or ln1t•ll1Uon. Our work "'-• .. __ '(!!lcexp, t All 10 YT• exp •••••••••••••••• ••••• J ...... H .. _~ J ,, .. ,.,., l"""'"t' .._ ... _,.121 ----....__ ............ " only loolea e11pen1lve. .... ••. .....,.,., t*llnga. 1._ gu'"· , ....... ~2 •233• "let the 8unaNne In" -. .......... r. .. .... n. ...... ... ....... ...._ . .._.., -·-... Chedl .... , ........... ~. Devll PllnUng S47-61H ..... -..... , .,.. -v c -•1 ... _ ... ~ wi-..~ "'-. Oontr. ··2-t1~2 1•-1--J 111----"'-641-9000 -... --....... -"""'-'"... w""""' ---~ & 1r::red .. .. .. ~~.~...... IYl.&JI WNllll I ,.._ .. -... ~ ~· Cell Mn et EXTERIOR PAINTING ROOF FIREPROOFING Cle&nlng, Ltd. 546-0863 .... ,I •Y Tf'M lrlm. gmn. dnupa, Joen'a ONl*'O ..mo.. u.,f't .... .... Cuttom work. Fr .. Mt. Mtg. gu11 ot Chemleel 20% Monthly Dllcount L.,, ....... I... CM9tlne & Ed 841-7'25 01ment worlc. houH Houlll. ~. Rlnt• Lio 204a1t . 841-1541 Reme. + nne !lit. & tt• DO IT NOW FrM 111 Lie. 30HH. R•model. wr9C*lng. '48-1804 Otfloee. &4l217 nlng. Steve 547 ... 281 0.Yi• P.inung &47·518e •RESIDENTIAL• • Cl d • n.. e. b I n." ,,,~ ,.,, l#ftn "'--'d • ~ ......... ~ .. ...,,, I Avg t lty l30: Avg 2 lty • • ••..,_•• ......, .._......,... ......... ,.............. • ~ REPAIRS 25 lo I 186 S45 CM1 957-es&e &4..-8588 • • • •••••••••••••••• =:'I~ ti-' · ln~t rl t• I Free Mt Call anytime REPAIR & INSTALL ••••• •••••••••••••••• The blelll 873-70"12 evt BRICKWORK: Smell jobe. •• ••••ii\••••••••••••• WALT 770•2725 Or1n91 C0111 Wlndowl WAY CONSTRUCTION Gweoe drt. H11~. Cerpentry . MMOnry ~.Colt• Miia, Ferthlrcy Interior °"'Gn 'W• ....... yol.I with. Llc~2 • Adt.tt2~200 Dlllgn/Pllnl 980-8181 ~St=~ -~~~. lrvlne. A«1. 675-3175 =ttifil:~~~ Hui:'--=~ Fr.:'!~,:~111 ....... , ....... ,_I .. "11MDf A«nodel. J.B. 848-9990 Irv, HB. Beth e50--0t33 .. ?~~~·Salone, ~Diie. on p9Plf, Lie. #411802 546-9134 ---------..-•1 euuu•• ••u•••••••• """"'· w...,.,,e, IUCCO. VI Seo • CLEARVIEW WINDOW Free llL Reme. pricM. 'fll Hfll.... Gen«1ll MalnteNnce EMPTY 1pt1, eondoa, Ref9. Fr .. 191. 549-e.482 tt e...,..11325 ...m WASHING RMI. rat• . OU.i. wane. Uc. ~7109. Lawn-tree-ehrub lnltlll ~fl & Decorl11nQ twnhMI elMnld to pet• CUSTOM BRICKWORK ASR PAPEl\HANOING •••••••~!/;"..(......... 4 yre In ll'M. 842-6448 831-2345 Tr .. tr1ITH'lfl'IOYll Quality.* Ray 940-6144 lectlonl Own equip. SMALUL.ARGE JOBS 7 yra local exp. Guer. BUDGET RATES/Lle'd I.awn ear.Rotolllllng EXPERT HANDYMAN 1~118-8"448 Npl/CM. Relt. 846-8512 work . Prlee1 1tart 11 Low min. Sml Jobi OK C Fr1111t1m1t11 ~ Clfpentry -Rooftng H~ done wl1h $8/roll. Alec 751-7027 FrM 111 1n1 &41·7581 .... '.'!!!.!~~~f. i-K-&_D_'_ ---~-----• Plum"""' etc 942-eo13 ~ .... , .._._...Ion F1rep11c11 • P11nt1re • for Id •ction ....,,..ICllP9 Malnt. _...,, ' -• • ..-·-· · 8B0'1 -Patloe & Veneer. n n c~~~r~.m,:~~~11::.· :;~~~ ReelCl/Comm. C~p. I KNOW-LET'S GET NB/CM 1M&-a027 Ref'•· Fr .... t. &46-0464 !!~!!11!~ ....... l!!~.............. Cal a CUii, cedar tined olo-LI Hauling. IMl-2489 EDOIEI H• °"' fix any-PIOll\c HouMcieenlng Neel p1tchM & tlJl1Urea MOBILE SERVICE Mt Wood IOMlon t LAWN CARE lhlngl 48~869 8 Yf'I •KP· Xlnt relt. • .. , •r" .... 111-1411 Relcreena/N-ecreen1 '·wood problem•~ ° Commt,..iq, Nwpl/CM JACK OF ALL TRADES fr .. Mt. Lon 7oe-t700 ••••:Aec·..Aov1N·a~0•• NB/CM only. 6•2·11552 Daiy Piot 831-1620 Xlnt, r .. lable wort!. Cell Jeolt dmy or night WE DO CLEANING Quick, C•relul SeMce. PL.ASTER PATCHING Onr/op<, aa.~ 645-7412 *075-3014* nlWVI job, -tr-1. Fr .. eatlm1t11.652-o410 RHtuceoe. lnt/ut. 30 l•tltdl111 •D-VISOR n.--n -·1 -_...,, .,,. .,.... -· yra. Niii. Paul 545-2877 el'•••••••••••••••••••• n :-:I'.":::!.............. MOWING St0-115-'20 COMPL. HOME MAINT. .,..l-1761 •Sprlnkler Rec>•lr • DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Heul/Durnplng 1 151•20 Carp, plumb, l)lllnt, Mui, Put your 8dven18lno mes-RMd the clueltled 1d1 lor ED'S PLASTERING Aft./eomm Comrnerc111 642-5678 Repelrl. ,_ & old. 11 M. r II yd clnup. ,:-,.. Hl. Hge where th• rHdlrl lh• bHI deela In •P•rt-ALL TYPES INT/EXT Landecape Servloll --------yr1 exp. &xi 552-8582 764-9904/95~5 •H-3291 ere. 642-5878 ment renl .. 1. &42-6678 FREE EST. IMM268 957-8368 ' • JliP CUISPllllH •m 81111. ,, j . • 1: 4'11faffl •• i.(i ..... ft ~. .. ....... ·.. .IJIC •••••••••• Mtll. ........... • •••••••.• M~.. . ......... . ~..... . ~t.•wm..... .. ,.,,, ......... IJ!(f ~ •••••••• R l!*t .......... .Mff ......... Mtr "'11 •••••••••••• 11.fl WE'RE DEAL IN' lllDIAtt Tl VW ~Mine. Wi&U191 m • ftllTI 'M C0t0Mt = ..,,, fH t Maro'Ji wtllte 1t74 llltHTO If\~ w,•"P"•• -.1,'•'"J· •,•,•o'•o• UISlllt we"""• oood ..._. pa,_ loot!• t.. .. u • .-: ~·1~ .. • eome OClftdlaon.eoo a..ooa_1Meoo10000 ...... t1, . . . w. 19*h'llf "' ...... uon of NtW ' UHO 1171/oi)O, _,,, -... -. -... . ~ for .. --...... OMYiolMal • iiiilili14;1~ .. ~, .. =-i!ii•'-1ii~~~~~' 1.1 .......... tlYe & !PnJf•IOiW. M ~ ~· Mk, , ..... , .. •• -::'::r ~ .,_141-7111 '71 Oeatt, IUOlt, t ~. 74 ~ t oY1 11 MN, II Iver l~!!.f GOlhc:P• Am"m-OW. MW In..,, nR tftO, GIUfotl, ..._, daGll. NW ml. • Ill 'ft Qhallongar, A/O, =d =Ill alt, opting. t tttl. IU-1"'4 ...... :::. very olMn. IAOQ. ,,:;, 7H.; 7eo.et21 y ON ST M ELS ••••••••••1!.fl •••••••••••••••~f·~-------'n IUt'I" ._ ... ...,._ ... II..... II. 1 lfW •-......_------.... --W. .. ~"" 111• ""'°' ·n MO ~ ~·lioo 1111 "°' oonc1. 1n & out ' .,. N~ 1.-..vr.' •••••••••• ,. • ..-rr 1111 ~ 0.. Olwe mt. >Ont oond. ~ ownr. ... ............... about. Lo ml ~~1!71. I . : IMll ..,.. ........ .. 'II L.mll at ••u•r Mator1 •I 14100. t4Mtft 11111••vtc»-Lud111 0 •11· Jim, 414•00V9 or ;:;T ............. l'.~TI' ;1'51'nff............ 4 dr hdtop~!i.C.:• 1n..1eooant09~for• U.DIW ..,.....,,,iv. meo.. •71 L.w TNGll .,,.,.,._, • '°'d llAltloft Wflll, 1 11 ,..._ 4 lod. M\ltM eooct oond, , ~ ...,...., at ltH -#M -•-• YWY ,.,leble, DOOd ml-.,_., 17" °' ofr, Good 11• -· IOt< mt, a/o, 1'1Q oae, tu-t207 SAVE T HONDA SANTA ANA P~()penAll °%1 • l1 A¥9. ( 1 bit!.~ of Main) 540-7430 A•tt1 #w' 1111 ••••• 1 •••••••••••••••• NABERS CA~ILL~C CLEARANCE SALE! 1911 PONTIAC IONNIVILU IROUOHAM 4 000. llDAN (106248) $8995 ---1911 OLDS 911fOINCT cour• (181)(~2) $11,995 1979 CHIVROLn COltVITI'I T-TOP (412309) $10,995 1911 CADILLAC PLllTWOOD IROUGHAM "ASTIOlOOf" Cf'L (1CRR5112) $15,995 1979 CADILLAC PLlnwOOD llOUGHAM (895XET) $9495 1979 CADILLAC SIDAN DIVILLI (3&8M4) $8995 1911 CADILLAC runwooD llOUGHAM (1CGX3&9) $15,995 1979 CADILLAC SIVILLI (729XHC) $}0,995 I tit MllCIDIS llNZ 3000 (735WDO) SALE PR I Cm Offer Good ThN Sundey,5-3042 NABERS CADILLAC 2900. HARBOR Bl.VD. C08TAMESA IO Dat8un 3-Door ~arbor llvd. In Cott• t.n"•••••••••••••;AU -'11 IM 11111 ll.OOH.111"'" 8M1 ..._ 11100. teo-raeo oond. Pl, N. muet 11111. noef oond. l4IOO/bet1--·...;;_-..,---- MaM. we w.nt...,, .-. '63 ~ U14Mt • ••• 912-3034 <•""'' ....,..,.., \40 •l100 a1-ot4t °"· M1..,20 ANtll ay.. 11 Flrel*d. • oye, ~ guatl WIUU oam, new radletor, lullM.t w-aon. 4 wt11 ~ ft 1tll ,.... •11 1t Mul1Mo· • IPd turt>o. lflooM. ,_,. .,., oer11 a '11 m $2600 ·l~O. IO ml. '4978/ofr. ,.,,. •ff' '11 W... .... 1e'r&'O;;d~·b:••:~--;d 4 1pd, reblt ang, Cid Many many UtrU, w1twpump, gd tlrH & V12. . MM I'*'-I 1-ul-40IO ................. T ... 7 Privet• own.. ueo. ooncl *2200/ beit .. ott.r oond. A•aao 21 MPG ~170, oall 1-022-4080 .,, ..... 11160. 04~ auto. Ire w1111. Air, mint oond., wire wtlla, nu 6•1f #1 Wtltt IMllr U4 OOll 131·T1SI . 11300. 486-fMe 79 ~. O~ (Sprt mdl), IO '9 Trent Atn, 18K ml, AMIN, Mint. oond. s*nt, OhrOf'ne ~ .. rtlft .,, la .__ _...... I I I d t7MM7 17~ engine a muoll more. • • ............... ....,. .. __.,, Tll IJllllT '7t Laaaron a'-won lllnt '7t LTD fl: 4 dr, a/o, p/b. -oy ' a nt con , er. Tefloe llu & blk, kNlded , • 141-7111 '7t TOVOTA O!UCA -oond PS Pl PW.' Pwr Xln1. 11700. tlS-HN oontro4, AM/FM ...._, muet .... 17tH. P/f', ..,._.Ala 11H *.rf llU* ua.r..:::.:-llUITlll ...u'.AM'IFM:wn·wtlll. ·euxP.xlntoond, 10,000 ATfP:.1.undlo.lr!.n!:..,.P~!· ~1t1n~77•0•0·8292. wlldy .......... l':':'r........ ·7• Aed MOI: L*• new, • .. d I /I •Pd ·-of •• ,. model loW mllee-'2 0 0 0 I • 8 2 8 0 ml .. •5 000 ml .... .... ,,_, -· .... .... -v •71 Olli&. Leoti• a. NM 88,000 mll11. am/Im po .. mo• w · -' • m · • •,. Y' .. • • .,,.,. ltlng only liJ800. grea1. ueoo obo, or1g at.,.. OMMtte. UIOO. TMall Olt In IOnt lhape. OVEMU.S O!UVl!RV ~lllec. In Southem 14M7N r•ntl, 30 mpo avg 96iJ..IOl2 or 782-tttO 79 Trena Am I .I , IH• 0 w n r . 7 8 9 • 1 'T et ; c.it Ml-1007 AM/RI tape, low ,,._. !XP!"TS I ... UI todayl I 8 t 0 . C 1 11 Ao I e , thin 83,000 ml, pyt pty ~ (SflWYl Nead ,...... UllU * aa~y SELL • 8 7 . I • ., 3 II 0 m.. 71 ~t oondttlon."" NIOO. f1MM9 14f.4437 wtldaye '711 M08 AM/FM o .. e. bt1 pw\y to !NII• emall l&IU U •••ILL.II ~ 64t-'"9 W0111. cond, radio, PS, P8, - •74 Ohl•. oood oond, 21K ml, olMn In a. out. montlllY pmt1. No old -¥1 .,.. 1980 Cordoba. Al# oon-12500 or ti-' ottw ••••~ aterao. c ••••tte. Rune xlnt. l•.100. 0011tre1te1owume.No •-2eooHltt>oflfwt. dltlonlng Automatic '72LTD:Xlntoond. 84t-16S1 '"~'00 ............ .. $3500/obo. 720-1730 17~9 baok pmtl di.le. "911 for ttM Hwt>or 81vd. C08TA MlSA TranamlHlon, Stereo. 1975 79 T-91RD LANDAU "oae 142-4400, COSTA MESA &uper&Mrp.(3SIZOA) fM.7171 16Mutteno.1500. call •m'f llU* '89 KARMANN GHIA 'ti -wt NII U.1008 Proto U M. Ml-IHI lp-1411 140-1110 NEED RELIABLE PAR'tY Arter I PM. Felt oond. Navy bll'9 w/tpllt wnlte GOOD COND. UtOO NMdl l*flt, run• er-t. i---------.,-______ ...._ __ --------1 TO ~AKE SMALL MON-* a•~r SELL &46-8212 vinyl 109. Ctaaay look w/ Of bit otr. 151·232e 11400. M6-8082 11 Supra, 5 I~ 1nrf, '75 Votvo 'dr, eunr1, Jllnt ·79 Eldorado, 11800, THLY PAVMENT8. NO lllU.l OM ..MJt Hll matotllng Int & fUlly to.- Cl'* atereo. ot xtru, cond. Orig owner. $3900, blactt •Ill. w/rWld leather OLD CONTAACTS TO 1810 Ford Courier. ' ••• !••••u•••••••••••• ded. Y•oht nol Incl ... llJI 0..1 ff~ ""8. Ma-7890 ph 836-2814 Int., eunroof l loeded. ASSUME. NO BACK-apeect, Bed Uner. Tougll 11 Old• Cullan. orig (474WVO) Need , .. ,able •••~tt••••••••":_-:·~· ~o;,;i'wo':i~"Rbtt•;; , 11 Cellea OT Llftbeck: '81 DL w/-.Jt.roof. Imme.-55t-7439/(21iJ)82S-558' PAVMENT8 DUE. CALL Truok for WOftl or play. own«, 13, 180. party to make amall • • , • le bat 14000 131 1131 9 5 cul•t•. Mull Mlllll $10, '71 Callle, 90K ml, lmm90. c RED IT De p T . (P&e38) ~121 monthly pmt1. No old "-' ,_. car1.,.,.b .... ~ .. '.~.~:,._·. •111..se:.a art 5 & W-nda.' 500 oeo. tl4-7071 w1111 option a. I 1800 u'54M7-13S9 SANTA ANA NEED REllABLE PARTY contrecl1 to M1Ume. No -• .,._ """"' """""' n te0-1347 TO MAKE SMALL MON· pg,. Hff ~ pmtl due. Mil f()( Alt reoeiptl, xlnt oond. •ea Toyota Corona, or1g '71 Votvo 2e5 wagon, e rm. :r THLV PAYMENTS. NO uuott•o••••unnu Ro a• a' 2 .' 4 o O • Onfy t1200. 5-48-2481. paint, n•w ept. Xlnt oyl, p/w, p/aunrl. lug. '12 Clmerron, 1,000 ml, c.n.tt. H,I OLD CONTRACTS TO 78 Pinto, auto tran1, 65&-1008 Proto U M . a.-..a.--· tn1n1P oar. $900/bll off. rac:lt, ... tiler ... ta, A/C. Wfll'f optlOn, a1Ner 91'9>'· ••••••••••••••••tt•••• ASSUME. NO BACK· good eond. 11600. ~ ......... !.'.;.. 179-6471, 5-48-2321 Good eondo. $7300. 112.000. 191-1581 • •flfli PAYMENTS DUE. CALL 867·211', 151-44171. 93 T-Blfd, or1g. 20 yr otd •.......... , &40-5346 111• -C R E D I T D E P T . daeale. Litle ,_. Lo ml. ~TER '71 Toyota Corolla. Good C..U. Hll • _ .. , 1547-0339 SANTA ANA Sell I<* tiem. 842-5178 13500. 17~174. ~01 YOUI • NllOIE/1111 =:,n~~ ... $100 ~ ... '!!1.Y.f!I. •••••••••• ·~m~~~21, allver, (202111~LP-19c1Y 11110n,1111 '72 T-Blrd, io.ded. ~ ... ~'.'1.~!!! •••••• !.t. ~!.~'.'1.!'!! •••••• !.~'!f 111 us ~ KJ.l trel\eportatlon, n••d• •••••••••••••••••••••• Ola•• topa, loaded! UM NllTMAlOA. 11131 Hltt>of Blvd. ' AJIC fHI . 881-43o& 11toellent c:on<I. 11175. ITIP IT & Oatd«'I OrOYe 'It Toyota, m•ny new ...................... ..... ........... 49&-8777 Of 837-1094 ___ lllll•llrtlll• pst1, run• good, 1350. 'et Jevelln, 10,000 ml '17: NHdl I Ol'!I• body Dov9/au.11Sta. --------,,_, ... 0 a 11 Don 4 • 5 pm , goarenteed orig ml, ,_ wort< & paint, rune great. (N J ......_ • .... t ... ) , '-·-•-IHI PACIUTTI LMlllll t7S-tae7. brk1, xlnt meell eond. $900 Firm. 932-9771, '· .,.,,.,..._ • ..... "' ......,. a. 2aaa .. , Ill ••• • .................... . 141u1111 11. c1S1111W su WI • 1 H I • T!l'1!~ ••••••.•• !.~f! ~ ve eng. seoo. 173-4502 '79 CORVETTE "T" Top. * t.IJST SELL --------· eo Pot9Che 112• Turtlo a. '79 TA7 Convert Lo ml Cinnltl Hll Blk IHlllU Interior, ....,," 11,, ·eo Poraclle 824. Botti /VC, S5&oO ()( ofr c.ii lald Hll •••••••••••••••••••••• eu1tom blk laquer, •II 1971 Llncoln Mark v . •••••••••••••••••••••• loaded. T•k• ov•r IM 1-522-'0IO •••••••••••••••••••••• 'II Impala eonvertlbl•. option., WW. wtlalla, bra 1~ t!,~0= llAlllE peyrlW'ltl. 71'/12&-180t Ill II Xlnt aNc>e. 12200 obo. • n d co ve r U 0 O O . OHm'I .,1 ,.1• 114 r!P.!,"!r.9 1111 '°' ,,... iwgeet and beet Ray 764-83ta, 54Mt75. 546-3341or142-1192 ~ ~~E PARTY DOL.9NR Needl wont. S2900. ~7t 'a~~· c~~:;rt."Mi~t Hleetlon ot n•w and 1970 Impala 2-dr, low ...._ MU TO MAKE SMALL MON-.... " 175-5139 211< ml am/fm caN & uMd lk.llcila In Ofange mllea RuM 9f'MI Znd ~; ........... l'.";;T THLY PAYMENTS. NO IUllUTI ''TIPorwche 911sc.!*rol more. ai6oo. 4~~ COun .odlYI ~.1295 Mt-5o1o MUST Sell, 'et Dert l1a. OLD CONTRACTS TO a...,., ,__._., p 'T' • • ' • Won. looka & ruM ldnt. AISUME. NO BACK IULEllllPI blUe ...... -· -•· ·12 vw eu. · 'ti 011 ·~ 1tao. 51w1ze PAYMENTS oue. CALL W • .. ..... _ .--..... I aunrf, etc. 119,too. PP. lmmao cond. 13500. -CREDIT DEPARTMENT •II....,......, -·~-·-• n &45.()351 875--0381 I~ $1,000 teo-716e '72 Dodge Dwt Swinger, t . the wottdl Come In and K oyl, •uto, xlnt mech. #847-8339 SANTA ANA ... u. today at '11,._ 114 'et VW Convertible. Good More l•mlllee .,. gettJnt Or•t Body. $1,550. Call _u_M ______ _ 1001 llNITI Red.:..~ .ll>d. xlnt IMl>e. lo eon d . 2nd. Own er -# 1 "' 0r..,, Comty the camping "bug" thl• Collect • .,..,. HH 141 Dow St,_. ml. ao496. 146-98015 '3200. 75e-o.416. • 2925 Harbor Blvd. year. If you haw• cam-213-510.-2290 ••••••d•••••••• .. •••• NEWPORT BEACH '16 Portell• t12, good 'N laMllt hft9lt COSTA MESA per that'a not getting 'et Dwt 2 dr a c:yt 3 epd '11 1111111 112-1... body & Int, bad &th geet. Low mllee all extru 111-2110 ~Md·i:::1 ~now wttll • looM gooe1' NM ll"Mt 2 dr, 9 c:yt, 11d lhlft. $3750 ()( VW cemper Of 17950/0BO: . uLll • --N75/ofr. 5&4.t111 $1800. 975-5138 bug + cuh. te0-5843 53&-6"8 .,,,.., ,_. 1141 -------A•lll M1w fl A•tt• .,. 1111 A•tn •nr llOO A•t11 Mn 1100 •••••••••••••••••••••• ... W T~ ·1e vw Rabt>tt e>et. k> mt .••••• i ••••••••••••••••••••• i................ . .... 1 ••••••••••••••••••••• ;, •••••••••••••••• •II, llNftr I Mint oond. Many extraa. ainrf, 919'90 tape, 4 dr, a. magnon pontiac subaru 2480 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 549-4300 914 ........ " $10,500. 173-2217 or g ood oond. $5200. .. • ... 213-451-Sallf 54()...()Me ., ....... , ·eo TARGA. 1 owner, 11K '71 AABBIT L mdl. )Ont. Compare HouM of Im-ml, all opta. 127,800. oond. Moving, must Mii. THEODORE •WE'RE TRADlllG YOUR pottl Direct ..... and 90 P.W.S. Auto, 720-1tM _4_9_2-4N __ 1 ____ _ moa. Hnalble pymtt. PORSCHE TURBO'S '70 VW Bu9, good oond. Dlal 213 or 71': MER· 1912, lmmed. US or Set up for eemping wtt11 CEDES I• 213 or European delivery. full alze bed. $2500. 714/837-2333 P.W.8 . Auto 8•1 ... 94&-e178. H•¥en't you waited lonll1_120-_1_eee ______ 1-·7_9_e_u_s_B_rw_n_/_T_•_n_. -2 1 enough to own 1 Mw-1M1 112 anrfa, eatm Int., mint cedH e.nz? Don't let Ex~tlonal eond. Low oond. S6t95. 486-2511. thll opportunity PM9 you mll ... new paint. New '71 BUS. Ctlampegne edit. by ... act now! We heve a _....._ $7500/--L ml Xln ~" l•ntaatle 111ect1on of ....,.,... ....-~ o · t """"'• ,_ modell & co60fl avalt• i---14()...--7058____ tlr• $4800, 780-a 191 l>'e. Poreche 1974 914 1.a 1111 Ulll1 -ti.Diii Appearanoa group. Orio 2 dr, 5 8')d, elf, lter90 •1111 Owner. Excellent concf. ind ouHtte. Ore•t 1301 Quall Slr9et (71') 847-2950 •h•p1, Sao 1Ht5. NEWPORT BEACH 'IO'Ai Red 92•. xlnt. c:on<I. _4_M-0 __ 13_5_M_•_'n_·_2381 __ 1 Ill-.. 14,900 ml, aunrf, A/C, -------· pwr wtndowl & mlm>l'9. 1973 •50 SE Meroede1 Turbo maga, P.,.,... Pi! Benz,~. new Mlchel-tlrH, Alph\I AM/FM --------1 In radlall, dn gr.-i w/ CHI, pln1trlplng, mud 'St DIESEL Rabbit, dlx. Palomino Int. mint oond. f11p1, r•lleotor panel, euhmer• met. All ell· Dir malnt'd •xolu1. cpt. meta& bra. $14,500 tr ... 18K ml. B.B. for $9800 or beet ::ta· P.P. 711-141t U .370. Sell $7,400. ble ofr. 752"9000 '71 T119a, allver/bl•cll, _&4_~-5-11-----1 '79 •508LC, blue, xlnt Blaupunkt atereo tape, *"*'ll IWlllu eond, $22,900/0BO. 1/0, only $17 ,500. V•ry clHn, all the ell· C o d / 493-0251. tr•'•, plu• $700 Bleu-l'TM 131~2tOQ. -.ae-tt_2_T_et_ga._XJ_nt_oond __ .. purMit st..-.o eyttem, ,... ·11 280SE 3.5 099. ~I air, elloys, atweo. $10, det, racing 1Mt1, prof. bit<. 1 owner, Ill ..v. ooo. Wkdyl 142-et71. rbtt eng, nu pelnt, ,.,. rec. $23,500. Mini oond ..... 3 .... ,.. __.... t _.. alloy1, lo ml. MUST P .W.S . Auto S •lee,"'" .,_,, .. -... •. r•or_,, SELL.'55000BO. 720-t95e needl bodyW'Otll, $4500. 173-4383()(17&-9te2 P.P.97~1 '71 4508EL. 1 owner, 53K 1975 VW Rabbit, 12300 0< ml. $15,too. P.W.8. Auto buaJI 1111 beet offer. Selel. 720-1911 ••••••••••••••••••• 497-33&8 ·12 500 s.n... 1mmec1. us ... 111111.TI t978 Sclrocco. 4 epc1, 11-or EuropMn del. P.W.S. -ver, orig. owner, llK Auto. 720-1MI II te ...... fnm mllee, 13250. 484-2110. 'et 2SO SE. Mint oond. Examp6e: Buc*et ...,._ '74 Convertlble. Yet/blk., 8unrl ,_ S3000 eng Rely Maga. Detwl• trtm, am/fm ::&' oond. tlrw, 9te_ 4 ac>d. 2e MPG: Ractt and Pinion SIM-'5500. 15150, &42-4483 ~~u ~n=r ~ .-.,-4 -&ug-,,-per1-:t---pel-n-t -,-• MUii Sell 1973 MBZ 220. MOREi Int, reblt eng, ,_ trta. + epd/4dr. C8ll I am to EPA Ettlmat• 12375. et1-3912 5pm, 545-23'1 or 30 City, 40 Hwy. •--====:--978-Hlet Youra for Immediate ......_.... (o__...,.,_1) ···I-If ·10 MBZ3008El.1.3. 72, ........ -, . .,..._ ,..., ...... knookl often wtten you 000 or1e ml. Mint oond. .. UM reault-oettlng Dally $12,000, 72CM>2to llam tl&l'f Piiot ClaHllled Adi 10 '11 30080, 8500 ml, fM .. ,.. '-*'the Orange Cout tMu. fact. wwr .. S31.too. 111111.T nwtet. 840-5192, Of ~1101 Phof'9142-M78 Shop at home. It'• •HY 2524 Hart>« Bttd. ' wttll c:laaelflecl 142-5171 5't-«>23 ~1770 -------- 011115 FORD•WAY,AT HARBOR lp..;BA.;.;.Y;.1!1 ==mliiiiiiiii IEW '82 EXP .... •1t1a.111. .ro11111 ~ u.t ............... $79M .................. $S9S Dlleeunt ...•.•... $979 '6362 IEW '82 ESCORT ... • 1»111. 9lk. 1111~1 ~ 20 Ult ................. ,., ............... $41S .,....,,., ......... »' • '5338 ll&illlff&f .,,,.am ea.=== •1111 Ha/14-.. ,_ ............ pt~ redlo, S4pd. 53995 Ilk*, IMlt, '9Clo, rune . ~~!/::-•·~. ~ " .... -.. WOW1 Uc. 100Am good. Uc. ll01U 78 Ford Fairmont 52995 79 Chevy Ch.welt• Auto, Pa, *• • rffl Auto. elf: radk>, '""~ ~.UO.OMUZO nice. s.r. 11t7157 · 79 Dat.un 3-Door 80 Honda CVCC 13995 W-oon 14995 lunroof,....,..,.... L ...... reel. AM·Pll, etlclk. low ........... to ................. ....... U6.mY09 Uc.lttZVN · . , :. ' . ' -.~ 11 ' w :. ',ii r. ~ ~ • , " , 111 • t. I\, 1 • , ~ J M.. • 1 1 1 ', r r 1 , An<. ~ f f , I , I • ' .. • • 1 1 I I I t l 0 ' t 0 I 1 l I , • I ) I ---------- t 1 ' . . . ' t i . J .1 ' f ! J • l • f 1 . . • 1 I; I r . I • DEADLINES FOf TUMday through Saturday publications. 5:30 PM the prevlot.e day. For Sunday and Monday publicationa. 12:00 noon Saturday. ERRORS ~..,..should check their ads dally and report errors lmn.diataly. The DAILY PILOT meumta liability lor the first Incorrect Insertion only. 642-5678 • PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate ldvel11Md In this newspepeor It IUbject to the Federal Fair Housing~ of 1968 which mai. tt lllev* to ~I• "any p,.ferenc., llmltatlon, ot ditcftmlnatloo beMd on l'1IC9, cotor. ,.Hglon, HK, or national ortgln, or.,.. Intention to make S'fl dh prefef'enc., llmltatlon. or dlteftminatlon." • Thia ~r will not knowingly eccept e/"f ~hg lor ntal ....._ whlc:tM9 In vlolatlon-of the law. MllSlS FOi WE -.1• ..._, ..... ,. --· i:: CopiMT-ltM• o.r-....... IC c..111 .... . .. ~~ ·-·-r-....ValleJ HIM -.W.0 .. ltM• ... ·-IM4 ......... Mio ... i.o.-1u111 IW "-"··-· IGU M-V'9jo • Im! =~:..·: ·-,..,. 5""'.t..Ca,.w o• 1019 SoolaAu ,. -..... , .. ="-"=='· .. -......... -..... llW a.ASSIFIED INDEX 1£Al[$TAJ( A<n ... ,., Sole ·-~, ...... ,. ...... ~ := -7 C."'"""'7 CtJl'b ·-~'::!!1:1."' J• "" =~~:.!":. ,_ •• •-"'-rt.Y -!aft..rro,.rtr • ••• -ff-TrltPrk> --... o....t.••-' -0rrnco ~ -Ool c..~ .. -OolttS-...... -~, ..... o,..... 1'111 l:i'*ll• ........ -.... ........... - "Ade In thl11 category muat be ~d Open 8-6:30, Saturday I-noon (C~ on Su~ 33> W. Bey St., Coata M .... Ca. 92827-9883 IOITAlS ---o• OJI ------= -- 2 -Orange County RMI &tate/An Advertlaing Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. May 29. 1!82 Realtors begin letter campaign Orange Coaat Realtors have kicked off a Jetter writlni campaign to Prea.ldent Reagan and federal ~~~ ~~f.,!!e:_ :J; to bring down record-bJCh intere.t rates. 'Ibe boards jotned the National Aaoclatlon of Realton and the California Amodation ol Bealton in the campaign launched thla week. Realton are hoplng to aenerat.e 2 rnillioh letters natlonwiae to the President and Congre. within the next 30 days. Charles Fef8Ull011 of the Newport Harbor Co1ta Meaa Board of Realtors said the letten would be 1ent to U.S . Senatora and ~eumen, as well as the nt. Realtors ~ coocem that the Congre. hu not acted on the problem. "We are very concerned that C.onarem bu pemed the May 15 deaaline for pa11ing the firat concurrent budaet resolution, t>ec.u. we ae that turtbet delay in comin8 to &rl.. with the federal detidt -tbla b the principal cau. of the problem -will be harmful to our communities," aald Barry Buuiere of the Huntinaton Beach/Fountain Valley Board of Bealtxn. "'It ii important fot our federal leaden to understand that their continuing deficit apendlna and the resuldnc ft!COld high lntereet rats are hurttnc u. -their cxatitumta -in our homes, our jobs and ln our businelleS,'' he said. The Realton will be circulating petitions and urging lettera be written asking congJ't!99 to cut the defidt. Buyer may choose mortgage plan SAMS, PAMS, GPMS, RRMS, ANDVRMS. Thme acronym. reprt9mt 100W of the finandng technJque9 available to today's homebuyen, according to local Realtora. No linale monpge plan meets the neec1a or an potential homebuyen. buy with the wide variety from which to chooae, today's purchuer ahould be able to find one tailored to his needs. The lending institution's new fina.ncial instruments, "alternative financing,'' may include any one of a variety of new programs. Some of these are detailed below: GPM -The Graduated Payment Mortgage carries a fixed interest rate but the-monthly paymenta start out lower than a level-payment mortgage covering the same amount. The monthly payment• then increaae over a predetermined period auch • five to 10 years and then become con1tant for the rem•hvier of the Joan term, but at a eomewhat hl&her level than with a fixed-payment~-. PAM -In a Pledged Aocount renegotiat.edperiodJcallyduringita ' term (typically every three or five years). There are often Jepl limita to which the l'DOl'1pge intereet rate can 1ncreue Oil' decreue. For example, the mortgage oould have an lncreaae or deaew of one--ha11 percentage The purchaser ''should be able to find a plan tailored to his needs." Mortgage, part of the borrower's ~ payment ia depCllllted in a pledged aavb'lgs acoount, which is drawn from eacb month for five yeara to 1upplement initially reduced monthly mortgage payments. RRM -The Renegotiable Rate Mortaage is a flexible mortgage plan in which the lntereet rate la point per year to a maximum increase or decrea1e of five percentage potnta over the life of the loan. SAM -'Ibe Shared Appteeiation Mortgage is one in which the lender oft~rs a reduced, below-market interest rate to the borrower ln return for a share of any aublequent appreciation of the property whJch 9e(.'W"e8 the loan. VRM -The Variable Rate Mortpge ia a flexible mortgage plan with an adjustable lntenwt rate. The mortgage interest rate at federally chartered aaving1 and loan aaaod.ations can increue or decreue no more than one-half percentage point every 12 months, up t o a maximum increase of 2 .5 percentage points over the life of the mortgage. There is no maximum decrease. A survey by the National As9ociation of Realtors found that the use of renegotiable rate mortgages (RRMs) and variable rate mortgages (VRMs) has increued since January 1981. About 47 percent of sales made by Realtors used RRMa either occasionally or extensively, while 38 ~t u8ed VRMa. Figuring amount to spe.nd on home Q. My huaband and I have been houae hunting and are ooocemed just how much of howlehold income 1hould go toward the monthly rnortpae peyment. 1>oe1n•t the old rule auggest that only 25 peramt of arou income be applied to the monpge1 A . Twenty-flve percent of monthly howlehold income ts atill a good me.urement, but higher home coat• and lntere1t rates have lxn 1 d the percen._. acrom the oowrtry. In 80IDe .,... -all of California, Dalla1-Ft. Worth, Phoenix, Southern Florida, New Yen Qty, Tempe-St.~ and~ Walblnjtm D.C. era --~ ....... ..,.. "' to fO pMCAat fio mM ..... WWW 'J • pa~L .Wi&b dae ·-~·if u..--.r..i ........ ~,,. find that recent homebuyen are apend1ng anywhere from 25 co 35 percent with the averace of about 30 percent of total monthly houaehold income allocated for the mortgage peyment. A . The 1hared-appreciation mortgage recently bu take\ a new twi1t with thoae aharlng in the home'• appreciation beina individual investor.. The pro1pectlve homebuyer. ln th1a cue, contacts a Some buyers are allocating up to 40 percent to meet mortgage payment. agreement; 2) the occupying owner may buy the investor'• ahare; 3) the invest.or may buy the occupying owners aha.re or; 4) they can agree to .ell the home. aharin8 ln the value and appl_'edation. according to the contract t.erma. Shared appreciation plana are- partJcularly u1eful to first-time homebuyers who might lack the auffkient down paymen\, but are capable of maldna regular monthly payment•. Witli a lar1e down payment from the lnveator, the rrllDl1pCe II reduced IO the ~ c:-'ta are lo\yef. The in • pnMde a DO tn-.i ~ fartbeclowD..,..iln~ far ........ ~tblOI ~ .... ..uw .... bamf be otllanrl.H eOU.acl,inot qualifJ to ~· . .; • Ii ---~-- _Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertlatng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday., May 29, 1982 -3 JACOBS REAL TY ' We Show Waterfront Properties By Boat Tool SHAIP 2-STOIY DUPUX just a few doors to the beach. Two plus 2 bedrooms including new carpeting and drapes. A nice patio separates the double garage and both units. Su~r location. Near shops and marlCet. Asking $250,000 with owner financing the balance. WARIPaONT DUPUX W/DOCK AND PLOAT - Thia spectacular property bu 2 sun decks, a spiral ataircue, antique stained-aJ-windowa, a muter bedroom with a balcony and French doon. Flexible design. Try a 3 bed.room, 1 bath unit or 2 bedroom, 2 bath unit. $595,000. JACOBS REAL TY '- 675-6670 · a 2919 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92883 4 -~-County RM ~An Adwrttllng Supptement to the DAILY PILOT /Satu~.!l!_ ~ 29, 1982 11111 UllU Outetandlng k>catk>n w/vu of all back bay & Fuhlon l.a.nd. 4 br. 5 ba. form. d.r. pool, epa, MC. ayatem. S.... at le85,000, tee. Ort. fin. avall. Ill tr Hiii HIP 759-1221. 1118111111'-.U Fantastic harbor & bay vua from this 3 Bdr tam rm, nu crpt1 & palnt, lrg pool. $340,000. L.H. -• ... U. 759-1221 ........ Fab. Ocean & coastline vu, 3 br. 3 ba, !form. d.r., f.r., 1tudy, lge. pool & cour- tyard, prt. bcha. $895,000. Fee. -tr .. • ·-759-1221 Ulll llU 1IUE Breathtaking bay vu 2 boet docka, rm for 4 boat~ up to 74 ft. 6 brs, 8 ba., game rm., form. d.r .. aep. aueat wing, pool. Seller 1carry 11t TO or trade Ind. or off. bldg. $2, 100,000. -·., ... 1• 759-1221 1111 • ..., -llHMIMT Convert ex. lge duplex to your prt. res. & live on the flne1t beach on the coast. $170,000 1st at 11%. 2nd or $250,000 at .i~ 8tMI .. M50,000, -........ I ........ Name your wme on tNa lrg 4 BR, 4 BA. 'Pool Home. W/~ vt,w .+Sep. 1ntew •1~13fS,000 LH. wtth excel. terma. Low n. or tf1M:le equtty for N.B. condo. • • ... 759-1221. L.91 NllZllll 2 bd. 2 ~ The finest vu avail. In Newport. Sec_. ~l~Q.!Ll>O°Ji:to•t dock w/notlce. ··~---. ....7b-1~1 .. ..__ ....• -........ , ...... 4 Br; 5 Ba. f.r. Fant.Mtlc, tun rm., beau master tte. w/marbte f.p./ooean & city Vu. 'Huge mMter ba. W/lmported dee. One of the trgit k>ta w/rm for pooe end lf'g. play ~ yery, vetY motivated ...... 8rtng lany 9ffer. Loweat price cu1tom at ;11;18.1,198., ~ "''"':L ~.408;198., $1~000. wll trllde + uRT. 1tt avall. can ... .,.,.._, 1&e-1221 ....... _ 4bd., low down, good loan• & owner wlll 1 carry. Fee land. 1375,000. Pl.,_ " ,.. '~ 831-1288 Of 831-2711. IEWfllT 11111 II Pl1I •11111 New titting. Fee land. Spa, partial vtew, move-In condition, contemporary. 1299,000 FEE. Lrg 4 Br remodel, 2 private patloe, brick F.P., Oak floor8. Fee land. 1315,000 FEE. Call Nll JI .... 631·1288 UU•lllll 5 br, 4 ba. game rm. form. dr, highly up- graded, ltallan marble In l.r .• d.r., kl1 f.r., study & f.r. has beaut. paneling & shutters. Fab w 2 lge. patio decks. A muat to eee at $895,000. -" .... ,. 759-1221 flU&-+11111. Fattway home Meea Verde $100,000 un- ,der market 3 er .. 3 ea., top oond. sso.ooo ·ON + Takeover S275,000. Ill " IHll ·aw. 15e-1221 IEWPllT OIDT OHM 2 br. 2'1i ba loft highly upgraded, oak firs., beaut. papers, ocean vu. $98,000 1st 1~1 •. Priced at $170:000. •et lml I• 1m•t11m•• 3 br. 3 ba. f.r., d .r., huge master ate/sitting rm. w, largest model. $210,000. Submit any offer on tenna. • • .... U. _ ... Ill Bin ... . I 3 br. 3 ba. new cuatom bit. quality bit,' upgrad-' crpt. & tile, prl. patio. Believe thlt. S155,000. S107,000 1st at 10~%. • " ...... 759-1221 UN Wl•FlllT LUSE 2 br, 3 ba, f.r ., sec. bldg. Underground, park. Approx. 2600 sq. ft. Poss. boat dock/fantastic w . $1800 mo.•., 11111 19 759-1221 UllR 11111 Ll&IE [-4 br. 3 ba form: d.r. t.r .• etudy, beeutttully, dee. lge deck1., fab. vu. Pri. grd.J:.!:· pool & tennlt. $2900 mo. Submit all . .. " ...... 759-1221 IUYllW LUii 4 br. 3 ba. f.r., d.r. city & ocean vu. Ord 'gate, pool & tennis. s1700 per mo. -... ... a. 759-1221 . .. 11.n ,. •••• R 1'1111 Oellghtful new Eutlkte 4 Bedroom home with akytlghta. br10ht gourmet kitchen, F~ doors. tuxurk>ul mutw 9Ulte, 3 car garege, lltae orivate yard plu8 new great tenna.. •Ulm 759-1221 mrruu on aolf couree tn QrMt oondttton. on1y 1130.000 w/181'm91 Try low dn. Call today. PlTlitl tr flll Tlllll 831-1288 or 631-2711. ....... 111,111 A sweet little money maker. Call UY Ll1ftl 759-1221 or 631-5963. 1111•-nnr 2 Br, 2 Ba, Lote of land custom built retreat , $180,000 call HI 1111111, 75~1221 II mTI -1111• l~t. LUI · Owner assisted exce11"9t financing! Over 'A the apts. are ~n due rent Increases! Presently 9.9XGroas. Excellent Investment bargain. Hurry, ca11 • UllTI, .,.. • ....., 759-1221 llWPllT IDOi Seller Desperate -Sharp 2 story 8'ngle famlly home. Near the beech. $165,000 or beet offer. SteaJ ltll ... -111759-1221. FIEENm-E MU8t ... -Upgraded thru-out -ocean view from eundeck -2 br. 1 ba. Large lot. s12&,ooo • 1m11115~1221. lllPlllTED ..llPLD Low down, only $225,000. II.Lii -759-12.21 . NI UA PllllllU Oraatlc reduction on gorgeou1 new country French home near harbor entrance. Extenatve uee ot oak & leaded glaH. Beat priced new home on the Penlnaula. Now onJy $575,000 -Bullder wltrede. """ Wll.TZI 631-1288. NYflllT 0111111 -Long term ueumable loan of '250 000@ 12.15% for thla· 2bdrm Beyfront ciondo. Owner8 wtll conatder ex=r tor Income property. CaU llln 11• 631-1266. ........ , Acreage zoned for horaee and plant for an "A " frame home In Laguna Beach. Owners will conalder exchange. For detalla call .an ..... 831-1288. 111111 n 11U1J Lovely lrg. 4 bd, prof deeorated wtth pool, apa, city and ocean vlewa. A REAL BARGAIN AT ONLY '359,5001 Won't aut . Call di~ to Nl'llll ,,_ 831-1266 or 780-8702 todayf ........ Sharp trg. 2bd condO w/v+.N. Reduced to 1399,9001 Wiil SELL OR LEAST OPT . W/10% ON. Call DIRECT to Pt.._ tr fm ,_ 831-1288 or 780-8702. -11UU Now I• the time to -tMle at BELOW MARKET PRICES wf10% ONI ' 3 bd 2 bath 1,320 lq. ft. 1110,000 2 bd 2 bath .118,900 IMM 2bd 2 bath s1ss,ooo NeW1)0tt 2 bd 21A bath S 156 000 Turtlerock 4 bd 2,. bath ti14,eoo 2.000 Nftlpott Harbor Ridge Condo tor onty 1399,900 Newport tt you want a dMI on a oondO -w wtll ftt you Into one of theM TODAY! Celt DIRECT tor detalll Nmm • ,_ ~ 831-1288 or 790-4702 NOW. 1-1 Orange County Real Estate/An Adver111l_!t_i Sup~lement to ~he DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 29, 1982 -5 •••• an•1uu. • • . • • • • . " AFfLlllT. • • • • . FlllLlll Vl--WILL 0011111 Tentflt ...,.,. ......._ wtt11 ....... YI tf '8J, ..... • llcltt llctth-,.,.....,, a w. +Itta•,_,,., .. ,.. +a..,..,... ........ ,, .... _. .... .............. ....., lile9t tr ....... ..... ..... ...,.,. ...... tr ................ .. "" .... ,.,.. .............. ~ 1111 .,. ..,., ...,.,. ..... "' ............... m. . II Wllll-Ulll llU ...... ...,ll'Tltrlt.W. ................. ftrJ ....._ tt ....... Llfp I.,.. I......, I W. ...................................... ,.,..ltJ 11 ....... TIU Ulll IT. Llftl.Y • ..., ................ "" .... ~ pr4. .... .., ... ....,tr ....................... . W,IM..l111-.Mtt~2-,._llllflr ........ OUlllM In IUOl 11111 W• le MIM, .... I ,..a. Mu_.h I W. I M. hw Ill tf at.le I "" llll111t ...... 11--. llWPllTFIUI "' " , .. , ""•••d.,.,.... ,,...,._.,, aw, 2 M. .. ":r:; .. ......, ................... 11--.. ,....... utl J ...... .... lllUTll .............. 2 ................. .. ..,.. ..................... 111 ... .............................. .......... ......... ,. ...... W •1•11• ........ • 1 ftHUe, " ,1111r, ......... ,.,, I ,.._, .... , ... ~ .,.. .. .. • • .... 111-W. 11 _...,. ... , .. 1 ... ..... UYD-ffl flat ................................ ,... .................................. .... ,.,., •• .,... .............. 111·1• llPLD ., 11111, ... ..,. ... ... .. ...... .. .,... ....... .... ....... .. ... 411 W. ,,.,.,., ..... "· ...... ... ........... lllW'fllT•••-.... ,,,, ..... ....... .. . ..... ., ., ...... .. .... ...., ..... 2 .................. .. 11•.-.u1-1• •**•llNTHIAL..tt " ,...,. Miiii ., .............. ts_.. ... .. ...... ..tel,..., ..... .., ..... , ........... . .. ......... ... ... ...... .,., ...... l'Mrt'• ... .,. 11111 (thl ...... ....., .............. ' ... .... ). ... tlltr•'• .. ...., anhW ... ... ............. ..,.., .... ,.... ... .... Ull't ..... ,.,....., ................ tntt .... .. ..., ..(.''""' 1We .... ..,.....,. ... ....................... ..,,,. ...... .... 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""'j .... 1 k., =· ................ ....... ............ ., ................. . .... 1 ....... fttr .... ..,.. .. lt--4 ...... l1r11 ..... lller•l11 ••II••••'* I l••111latt • ......... 1112,111 . 11~4'. 11~4' -11~" 1n. ... ...., ........... .., ............. ...., It ..... I .... + llltt. Iner tfflrt 11 .. ~ ......... ., .................. @ , .. 211 1• 1t. tff ..... llM. 111·14• . Ull IUll 11111 a-, ..... INl1•1• wllll ... I WI M. hrfMI fw ....., ........ lltrtr..W. ............... ...... .... . llUP IPYIUll m VIEW ......... ................ 4 ........ .. ................. ~ ........... , .... , ......... 2 ....... ....,,... .... .. ......,..,........, ............. , ....... . IAYFlllT-YI 1111 1.1.Y.O. ................................... ......, ....... ._.. ...................... ,....,, ........ ..., ............ ,... ... .. 11t•1tr 11t1rt1l1l11. Pitr I 111, ltr 2 •1111 • lUIUILI Lill tr 1111,HI, 11,411,111 HI • ~nmu..... wmnL•wam .. ....... ...., .................. .. .,......, ........................... , ........ -...................... .... .... .............. ,_ ......... rtpit ... ,.. ... .., ........ ....., .......... .. , .. m••• '''"· nu,111 .. '" ''"· ''' .... , ..... tr ....... LI• llU FD Ull .. .. ,,.., ... nt1•1111 • ., .. ,,. ,.... _, ............................. .,., ... ...... ... r11n. .,.. ..... , ............... ...., ..................................... llrp .. ,., .. Pitt IM ... hr I Mell. 12,1 .... ...... 111taap tr .-..n llWf•T UYFIMT llTITI ............... ..,, .... , .... r. ... , .... .. ,,.. ... '""'" .. ... ...... ... .. ....... . ., ........ ,.. ......... .., .. ,.... tllt ...... ,, n1H1111,... 4ll ._ 1l11n1l11 ..... Tiit...., ..... . .. , ................ , ... _...., ........ ,... . = ............ .... ...... ......, _., ......... ..., ... ..,. Na ........................ .. ,,,, ... lhl ... "" ......... '"'···· ... . . .................................. ...... .............. ...., .............. . .., .................. ...., .... ~.~ .. ................. ,...... .. lat ••111111 .,. n,1111 a.--.., ...._ ··~ lfuilltl1, .... I w ....... 11ah .. .. ... , ..... , .... .... WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. Sales, Rentals. Propeny M""agement 315 Marine Ave. Balboa Island 673-6900 .. •. ~ Eatate/An Adv!;rttalng Su~t to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday: May 29, 1882 + coTr nrru.rr © 1nvrs1nrn1 conrnm BIG CANYON CUSTOM ON THE GOLF COURSE One of the flneet family homes avallable In the Canyon. 6 large bedrooms with maid's quarters and a separate 2 bedroom suite with tta own ltvtng room. Terrfflc view and location on the 9th fairway. VERY prtvate·pool. $1.8 mllllon and owner will help with financing. CUSTOM ON THE GOLF COURSE This new 11911ng 19 one of the finest examptes of contemporary architecture available. <t bedrooms and Its own very private pool and spa. Recently remodeled with a VERY modem kitchen. There Is no home In the Canyon wtth as much privacy. $1.75 Mllllon. QJSTOM ON A PRIVATE 2.25 ACRE PARK Adjoining a wonderful children's playground, this 6 bedroom mansion has It all. Private pool and ape, maid's quarters, and over 5,500 square feet of executive family llvlng. Owner will hefp with financing to a quallfled buyer. The price ls $1.595 Mllllon. DEANE TOWNHOME -QJSTOM POOl & SPA New on the market, this 3"50 sq ft end unit Oeauvllle provides the ultimate with goff course view. Three bedrooms, three full baths, sauna and a huge "no maintenance" yard complete thla offering. Huge assumable financing. $799,500. DEANE TOWNHOME WITH CATAUNA VIEW This expanded Monaco with nearty 3,000 square feet features exquisite decor and enormous privacy. 3 bedrooms and a family room with multiple sky11ghts make this bright and cheery twmean excellent buy. Owner will provide financing to a quallfled buyer. $675,000. DEANE TOWNHOME -ON THE GOl.I COURSE This new on the market Monaco Is perched right on the goH course and Is vacant and ready to move In. The price la ~ market and the owner haa Indicated 'he will lease, lease/option or outright sell. Over $400,000 of low Interest financing. Priced at $599,9501 DEANE TOWNHOME -VACANT END UNIT This Bordeaux model features 3 bedrooms and 3 full bathe and Is vacant and ready to move In. There la an over1lzed yard to accommodate a PoOI and ape or for your chlldren'a playground. Very private yard. $250,000 of 8180mable financing. Owner wtlt aasl91. $500 000. HARBOR RIDGE QJSTOM -INCOMPAIA.lll HOME & VIEW Thia newty compteted Engllah Tudor ha It all. Huge gourmet kltchen..1 5 bedrooms, a pool and ape whh lta own functlonal guebo. Huge 2u foot ceillnga In the entry foyer. Over 7 ,500 square feet of sheer luxury and a gourmet kltchenll $2.66 MUUon. QJSTOM -COUNTIY RINOt WITH SUPEI VIEW One of a kind estate wtth aweeplng bay and ocean viewa. Cuatom Diane Johnson designed kitchen with EVERY poutt>Mt amenity. VfKY prtvafe apa and room for poof. Even has a Chll_dren'a playroom! Over 5,300 square feet of custom tuxury. S2.3 Miiiion. VIEW "LAUTllMONT" IN THE ESTATES 3,000 square feet of privacy In one of "the" premier guarded gate , communities. Superbly decorated wtth 22 foot atrium entrance. Very private custom apa with extensive landec.ptng. • bedrooma With 3 tun baths and a large famlly room. $850,000. WATERFRONT HOMES OJSTOM BAYSIDE -MAIN CHANNB. Sim ply the finest waterfront home avatlable In the entire city. Over 8,000 square feet Including your own white, sandy beachll 7 bedrooms, private pool & ape and a view from all rooms. You've got to see It to betleve ltl Super gourmet kitchen. $5.75 Miiiion. CUSTOM wtl>A ISll -MAIN OtANNa New on the market, thla &Imply fabulous Country French Normandy estate la situated "on the potnt" In one of the premier prtvate communities In the wor1d. Over 5,000 square feet, with private pool and ape. Over 127 feet on the water and a aUp to accommodate the largest of boats. For the connotaeur. $5 Miiiion. CUSTOM HARBOR ISi.AND -MAIN CHANNB This Is the flnes1 home to become avallable on Harbor Island In recent time. Incomparable adult llvtng with Its own pier and slip to accommodate a 100 foot boat. Unusually large greasy lawn on the harbor side. Reduced by $800,000. Price $4.2 mllllon. QJSTOM UNDA ISll -MAIN CHANNa . Over 6,500 square feet of sheer elegance with breathtaking views from all Important rooms. Indoor/outdoor pool and ape with retrac1able roofll Over 76 feet on the water. Sit down bar to view the boat traffic and beautiful sunsets. Huge assumable. $3.6 Miiiion. CUSTOM UD() ISll -UDO CHANNB. Can you believe $1.4 Mllllon of assumable financing on a lido waterfront! Your own pier and sUp to accommodate URGE BOATS and an oversize lot! This home has a huge cus1orn St. Charles kitchen and views to take your breath away. $2.25 Mllllon. UDO TOWNHOME -WITH BOATSUPB Recently reduced (by nearty $100,000) thla fine 2 bedroom and den waterfront adult condo haa It all. Right on the Udo Channel, wtth over $300,000 of BS1Umable ftnanctng. Oecorated to the 9'a and ready to move In. WAY under market at $495,000. CORONA DEL MAR OCEAN -IAY -JmY VIEWS Newty Usted oceanfront on a private atreet In old COM. Moat Incredible views of the ocean, bay and jetty avaJlable. Quaint 3 bedroom home with overslted lot. Could be a grand remodel. Owner will provide financing & subordinate. $1.25 MUllon. HARIOI VIEW HIUS -~ ACIE WITH VIEW That's right, over 1A acre on FEE UNO. Gorgeous ocean and city tights v1ew. VERY prtvate pool and completely remodeled with multiple use of French doors and wlndowe. Custom kttchen with European sty1e fitted cabinetry. $750,000. DOVER SHORES oova SHOUS ARIA -1.1 ACIES . Thia custom home offers megntflcent opportunities to the famlty who requires a large Park..flke Mttlng. More than enough room for a north/IOUth tennfa court. Property lnctudee a cuatom PoOI and apa ptu. a eeparate gueet houM with bath and kitchen. '885,000. 1 760-1900 -.._ ... __ _ r •, • 111 )~ '• {:_ - • MACNAB IRVINE REALTY Plllltl• LIUTlll • ... Ill UY Thia la not Just a Lido Bayfront, It's 85' plus an adjoining private beach, acrou the channel from the former John Wayne Estate. Pier & allp tor large yacht. Exceptional blend of traditional & contemporary deatgn. Just under 8000 aq. feet. All wood vaulted celllng & aolld beama throughout. 4 BR Including a lg muter eulte w/ltudy and wonderful patio for bay vtewtng. Gueet suite, maids quartera, and auxJllary BR. Plus a 4 car garage. WE ARE PROUD TO OFFER THE ESTATE AT SIX MILLION SIX HUNDRED. LYNNE VALENTINE 844-6200. (B11) OMlll Ill ... IPllTlllUI ll&ITAL YIEW Ane architecture & Interior deelgn are found on r;ery level ot this 4 BR rtektence. Unique game rm on 3rd i.v.. opening onto deck extending wtdth of houM. Amenttlee Include custom oak noortng, wtne room & muter autte spa. $3,875,000 Lynne Valenttne 644-6200 (B12) SPY• 111 U WllLI Mii• E)egantty appotnted 5 Bedroom custom home wtth apectacular view. Library, family room, formal dining room and large muter suite. Amenttlel Include stained glau wtndowa, 3 ftreplaoea. 8'eYator, pool & epa. Fully air conditioned. $2,295,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (813) IPYIUll oaT• •ll•llllU Ylrw Country Engtleh 5BR eetate offertng one of the fln.t bay &. ocean vtewe. Exqullltety deelgned w/quallty craftamanehlp..Blrch paneling l cabtnetry, cryltaJ chandaller & apadoua muter autte w/wet bar, bric* ftreptace &. marble apa. $1,975,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (814) • .. UIY ...... , UITEI Spectacular four bedroom Veraalllel -Gotf COUrM view. Customized and expanded feetur1ng garden kitchen -family room and lavlah muter eutte. Dramatic two story ctrcular ataJrcue -wet bar and addttk>nal atorage, epaQoua patk> with bteck bottom pool & apa $895,000 Lynne Valentine &4+6200 (B 15) ..... _ ...... llTI Rare opportunity to buld your own cu.tom home In prMtlgloua gate guarded community of EMg Canyon. ApproxJmatety 15,000 aq. Met on cul-de-aac overlooking private park . . . IDEAL LOCATION $895,000 Lynne ValentJne &44-e200 (B 18) •llP411" UIFlllT IU1UI Thll unique home approx. 8,000 eq. ft. la an entertaJner9 paradlae. Large allp, bayalde lawn, pool, 3 flreplacea plu1 hla & her• bathroom., den oftlce/att room, llbf'ary, gymnukun. UnU8Ually deep k>t w/approx 74 fMt on the bay. Only 5 yeara old $4,950,000 John Macnab (714) 842-8235 (817) UU•IWMlflm Magnlftcent Fr9nch Mediterranean VIiia -Unparalteled vtewe of Catalina -Harbor -Mountains -Elegant ,...,dence -8500 eq. ft -5 BR, pool, apa, aauna -muter & executive eult-. MCUrlty eyatem - PrHtlglou1 private community. $2,500,000 Suzanne Shuler 842-8235 (B 18) 21 lmTI • ,._ ..,llT 11111 LMIMI 2 BR. 1% Betha MCh, moet w/ftreplacM. 2 car garegee or carport•. Overlooking B.ck Bay Canyon. Excellent lnveetment/flnanclng. $1,800,000 Lea.tehold. A few blocka from Corona def Mar High ,Sc:hooi. Jan Young 842-8235 (819) ....... ll' .. II' '"" 8padow Medlterraneen ltYSe home with 4 BR. 5 BA a conwrtlble library/den. Living rm. din rm, kitchen & breakfaat room all CMftOokJnQ the bay. The mMter autte with lltttng rm & fplc le a MS*8te .tng. 11.700,000 lndudlno a.net. Urry OyW 842-82a& (820) IPllTIOIUI llYflHT One of the moat magnificent Promontory Bayfront homes on the market. Totally customized throughout. lfteludes approx. 3700 aq. ft. 4 BR, wine cetlar, private spa, aauna. total aecurity, elegantly appointed&. designed. Dock• to accommodate 3 boats. Reallatlcalty priced.@ $1,395,000 lnct land. Suzanne Shuler 642..a235 (821) UI .. 11111 llTlm • VIEW HYHllllE A must for your vtewtng. Private 24 Hr. guarded community Incl. tennla & pools. 5 BR, 4 BA, teaturee cuatom spa & landacaping by Rogers Gardena & more. Plantation ahuttera, moldlnga, hardwood nOoring plual Gteat ftnanclngl $935,000 Catt Bea Arnold 844-6200 (822) IUITiflL Amil& WAY Traditional with drarnauc extrul Bultt by tvan Wefta .. Spacious rms for enterwlnlng. Glau retractable roof. 3 ftreplac:ee, mirrored walls, handaome murata, 4 bedrma. Luahty landecaped yard wtth pool, spa. & waterfall. Offered at $675,000 lncludlng land. (823) IUllRIMIUTITll Beautlfulty decorated 2 BR, den "Miramar" Plan la the ultimate In deetgn &. llvabUttyt Great for entertaining, dining & relaxing etegant living room, gourmet kitchen, and panoramic view. Priced tor a fut aale '800,000. Anlta Bradshaw 752-1414 (B24) . •m 1111111t•" Beautiful upgraded "Kenalngton" with loft. Wood, super carpeting, stained g._., brick apa In entry . . . you name It, this house haa It. A-..mable lo8na & owner wlll carry. Pr1oed at $649,000 Dartene Herman 752-1414 (825) 111111 IW • IWW • Wiii• OAIA 111.a With spectacu&ar vtew of ocean&. city llght1, 3 BR. tam rm & formal dining. Gated cour1yard entry &. apa. Custom earthtone decor thruout. Great uaumabte financing wllow. down. Immediate poaeeak>n. 1555,000 Belle Partch 644-6200. (B28) lllDI• •T LIYDll A beat price on weterfront w/boat allp. Price reduced to $525,000 Exoelent financing. a..utttut muter autte & sitting room. Completely fumlahed -A-1 ?ltton. Watervlw from llvlng, dining & kitchen. Mary Lou Mitton 2-8235 (B27) /"\ 11 ... llltlmW/ ... I Deelrable Waterfront Ave. 3 BR & 3 BA on thr• levef8 plus aeperate guest quart ... New kitchen, formal dining & muter suite w/vtew. ExoeAent ftMnclng awltabte $495,000 Martha Macnab 842-6235 (828) L9I 1111• 111m .. ~owly bright 5 BR fonnal dining rm, farn rm, wet bar, aunny patio! Tastefully decorated. Aaumable 11t T.O. Priced right at $485,000 Bertt Mttchell ~-8235 (B29) llllP11llW. YU.II I Yn In thl• 5 BR home w/oceen & bay view. Cuatomlnd home In Harbor View Hiiia • ctOM to achoole, lhopplng I. beachM. Wood plank ftoor9, customized buttt-ln cabinet• • lhutter8 hot tub. Aeaumable loana. Anxloua owner-aubmlt. $450,000 Incl. land Roeemary Sietz 64-i-6200 (830) , .. Wlll ... cu.tom built -for preeent OWMf'I by Ivan w.na. a.utlfUI comer tot. High oelltnge, lg formal entry, formal din rm, lg country kitchen w/fplc I. ... ting .... Spari(Nng poot. 1424,500. Incl. land. Owner wttt finance. Bltbeira Aune M2..a235 (831) 1llllftl Exo1u1M 2 BA oondo wlvtwt of bly md 30' bOat lllp. *825,000 Qll COOkte Alleon 842.a35 (884) , . ~~~""' ........... ______________________________ ~·---~ ,• 8 -Orange C<M.!n!f ReaJ Estate/An Advenltlng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. Mey 29. 1882 RESIDENTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVICES NEWPORT B.EACH CORONA DEL MAR BEACH COMMUNITIES ftlUll LD 1111 .... 2 BR condo in guarded adult oommunity with many amenities. Walk to the beach & shops. Owner will assist with financing. •IAIYll ........ Country trench family home beautifully decorated. 4 generous BR's, den, huge family rm. maid's. Surrounded by lovely gardem, uaed brick patios, magnificent large pool & spa. IAYllUT 1111 .... Beautiful custom 5 BR Spanish home. Formal dining & family nn has a fiesta size patio with pool, spa & tournament area on fee land. •IAIYM SUI .... A spectacula.r townhome located on the 6th Fairway. 'The magnificent English decor will be featured in Orange County Home & Garden. Includes private garage. Good financing is available. umun .. ,.. Executive elegance in Eastbluff! Fabulous 3 or 5 BR family home in parklike setting wit h reflection pool, spa & lots of emotion. Very anxious owner has priced to eell quickly. umun .. ,.. Emotional family home in garden .setting with fabulous watencaping including reflection pool, jacuzzi plus night light view. Ught & airy with super siz.ed family nn. Priced to sell! .......... .. .. ,.. Lovely home, 4 BR adjacent to greenbelt with pool & separate guest quarters. One of the most desirable family oriented areu of Newport. Seller will consider trade for ? Flexible. •INIT IUll Mll,IM Wann cazy brick fireplace & hearth. Large formal dining room w/french doors, large patio, great kitchen w/custom cabinets & eating area. Master suite w/jacuzzi, custom papers. Upgrades throughout. WllTllFf ......... You can't beat this for a great traditional family home. 5 BR with gorgeous pool/spa & large deck area, formal dining room, warm living room w/fireplace, trench door & wood Door, 3 car prage. Perfect! ...,. 1111,111 Smart buyers, it doesn't get any better than this! Top location. top condition. 3 BR home at a price that is much less than it.a value. U not hete, where? U oot now. when! NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 2161 SAN JOAQUIN HILLSaQAD .... _, IHl,IM If you are looking for an immaculate ocean view home, beautiful pool & spa, 3 BR's (each with own bath) spacious living area. and land included in price, look no further! This is it! UU.WllW-.U ...... Panoramic view forever from this sparkling 4 BR home. The pool ia enclosed ii} a courtyard .etting. You'll Jove the quiet & private corner lot. Financing available. Ullll YIEW Mil SHl,Oll a 4 BR "Monterey" is at last available! This highly desirable floor plan offers a formal dining nn & aeparate family rm with wet bar & cm:y fireplace. This one is a "must see!" ---Utt,IM If you like hwd floors, brick fireplaces, "hot-tubs'~, trench doors & private patios you'll love this smart hideaway just steps from the beach. Treat younelf & see it today. Ill mD SMl,111 Have you been looking for the best buy -here it is. 3 BR plus Study. 2 fireplaces, fam. nn. Lovely wall coverinp, good condition -anxious owners. A great find to be sure. ---Plt,111 Remarkable value, location, quality & temla! 3 BR + Fam Rm. All professionally decorated. Thousands of $ in quality carpets., tiles, shutters & designer papers. Owner insisted on best. Take advantage! IPTUll 12.-- Cuatom Mediterranean on top of hill! Superb detailing ln every room. 5 BR, 7 baths with master suite, aecwity systems, pool, sauna. family room, cantina, 4 fireplaces and "the world in front." .... .._. P21,1M You'll enjoy f!Very minute in this attractive 3 BR home where large windows bring the outdoors in & the landacape abounds with color. A lovely pool & deck invite you to enjoy the sun & ocean bree7.es of thia lovely private community. llYmlllUIE ..... Superb home in best location adjacent to million $ properties. 4 BR family fonna.J dining. Lush landacaping, tastefully decorated. Owner will help with financing. ·-1111111 ..... Fee land in this perfectly lcoated area. Country French at its best. Tiles, trench door & charm galore. Large shaded gardens & lawn. Just waiting for a ~ppy active family. ...... . 112.,.. Stunning departure from the ordinary for either a family or entertairunent oriented buyer. Move ln condition across from the Peninsula Pt Beach. Low maintenance plus a Gourmet kitchen. PmlSll.A Ill .. Lower Peninsula oceanfront without the boerdalk on the beach. 2 BR with 3 car garage. Private financing including subordination clauae PmlSIU M2l,llO ExtenBlve use of wood in the interior & heavy beam oeil.inp eet the mood for this wann 3 BR custom home. Secluded Italian tile patio & steps to the ocean, to surf or bay to swim. PllmlU 12,Hl,IM 70' on main Turning Basin with a delightful 5 BR home, 3 car garage, paddle tennis court plus pier. float & white sandy beach on Fee land. UYSIMES MU,lllFD Wonderful family home near beach in private gate guarded Bayahores. Paneled den. 3 bedrooms, charming interior courtyard. Outstanding value on fee land. Great buy and won't last at this pl"ice! unma sae,111 Outdoor living at its best. 3 Br ~spacious patios. Excellent owner financing available. Room for remodeling. Al8o can be purchased for $295,000 leasehold. IEWNIT llMI SH2,llO Super income property in best rental area. Walking distance to everything! Well maintained. Assumable financing. Will exchange. A rare opportunity to invest in Newport Beach. P1m1aA a,211.- 10· on main Turning Basin with a delightful~ BB home, 3 car garage, paddle tennis court plus pier, float & white sandy beAch on Fee land. unma MCt,111 FR Wonderful family home near beach in private gate guarded Bayshorea. Paneled den , 3 bedrooms, charming interior courtyard .. Outstanding value on fee land. Great buy and won't wt at this price! .. ~ tal,111 Outdoor living at its best. 3 BR w/spadoua patioe. Excellent owner financing available. Room for remodeling. Al8o can be purchaeed for $295,000 leuehold. 111 ·---··--·---------._ ----._....._......_. __ -_ _...... ----~- FOREST E. OLSO.~, REAL TORS E. HUNTINGTON BEACH W. HUNTINGTON BEACH COSTA MESA NEWPORT azil•T• 1U12 1111,111 Steal ltl Great starter with low, low ca.ah downf Take over $95,800 In loans + owner wlll carry plentyl Spacious 2 story with 3 big bedrooms plus wee Cowboy's retreat. Family room + much morel Hurry. oall 962-5585 PMT• YIWY S1M,IM , Tall & proud! Manicured landscaping surrounds this spacious 5 Bedrm + 2~ bath famlty home. Formal dine. Now vacant for fast possession! Don't wait -act now. Call 962-5585 wan111111a 11n,111 Price slashed! Serious seller offers maaatve two story at new low price. 4 Bedrm + 2~ baths. Huge family rm w/cozy nreplaoe. Oversized enclosed patio. 3 car garage. So much for your dollar If you act now 962-5585 .-t• Ill.UY 1111,111 Mediterranean VIiia enhanced by extensive uee of Imported Italian tile, rich oak & mart>Je. Dramatic sunken ltv. rm. Gourmet's dream kitchen + cheery breakfast room. Formal din rm. + huge fam rm. Master suite w/sJttlng rm., balcony & one of three ftreplaces.. Rich In detail! Call now for showing 962-5585 lllTillTll IEAIE 1111,IM Brick courtyard entry enhanced by lush land- scaping. Spacious living rm. Sunny kitchen, family rm w/cozy fireplace. In-door laundry. Solar heated pool, large cov. patio, fire-pit. Now reduced to $155,000 & vacant for fast possession. Call 962-5585 1111'111T11 UlllR 1111,111 Old world charmer located In Huntlngtqn Har- bour area on rplme R-2 lot. Able to handle up to 4 units. Great potential! With $30,000 down seller wlll carry balance with no payments for 5 years at 1~1., take over 1st T/D & yoo're lnl Call 962-5585 WDDllDITD 1111,111 4 Bedroom doll house accented by well kept overslzed yard w/vatlety of fruit trees & garden. Sectuded side patio + lnvttlng spa. Cheery country kit. w/greenhouse window. Take over 9% VA loan. Won't last at $118,0001. Call 962-5585 llm11111 IUOl/MWl1'IWI 1111,GIO Just blocks from the breakeral Spacious 4 bedroom 3 bath. Formal dine. Huge master suite w/Pactflc view. Fireplace, wet bar, green- house. Great opportunity to beach ttl Act now and save bigger than everl Call 962-5585 wun 11 na 1111.- Just reduced! Now lt'a too much house for the $$1 Prestige S&S CONtructed home. Offer• '4 Bdrm + 2~ bath+ famlly room. formal dine and rumpua room. Won't lat at thfl much Nduoed prleel Hurry •. ~ 962-5685 E. HUNTINGTON BEACH ' AT aROOKHUllST a GAIWIELD WUTICTllU 11•1,tli Gorgeous showcase home. Rose garden, ga- zebo accented spa plus 4 Bdrms, 3 bathe, separate maids/guest quarters. Assumable loans. Call 894-7521 IUL IUIOl• 'IM Piii 1111,111 4 Bdrm 2~ bath pool FH>mi. Ck>ae tolfeewaya, shopping and golf course. Features Include huge famlly/IMng rooms, den and master bdrm with fireplace, plus large bonus. 894-7521 11111111'11 IUll 1221,000 Ocean view -1 block off ocean. 3 year otd 3 Bdrm, 2 1..\ bath houae with wine closet, woodburnlng fireplace, skylights, clerestory windows, ceramic tile entry. A large assumable loan. Don't ml.a It. call now, 894-7521 wam•11a n • 111 1211,111 In-law quarters -elegant 4 Bdrm 3 bath, has 1 Bdrm and bath downstairs. Large llvtng/dlnlng room, den with wetbar and fireplace + 3 car garage. Near Westminster Mall and freeway. Great terms with owners wllllng to quaJtfy for additional financing. Call 894-7521 lllllT IUll 1221,MO Investment tr1ptex near Peters Landing and 1 bl~ off ocean. 1, 2 Bdrm and 2 studloe. Ow-ner wm carry at below market rate for 15 years with 2<>°!. down. This very clean property offer9 av~ of options for the lnveetor. Call now, 894-7521 . llmlltll 11111• llH,DOO Spacious trl level with tlle entry Tiki hut, vol- leyball court, sundeck, rock ftreplaoe, spa. tire pit, waterlaJI, and Kol pond, 4 Bdrms, ~ battt. Owner wm carry at below marke1 rates with 2o-!. down. Call nowt 894-7521 ISllMT• 11111• 1441.MI Waterfront home with expansive water vfew~ custom stained glass, ceramic tlle, 3 bathe, formal dining, patio, boat ellp, master suite with balcony and sunken tub. 3 other bdrme. Call for financing options -894-7521 l&UIMT• ... $141,111 Thie ta8teful 6 Bdrm home haa parquet entry and dlnln~ room; pool with Inlaid tile; large fulty equipped kitchen, bonua room with antique repo poof table, aquar1um and sunken ~bar. Call today 894-7521 -- W. HUNTINGTON BEACH Ul11lll 1111,llO Woufd you like the convenience of r.ondo, but security, privacy and appreciation of owning your home? You can have It alll Unique de- signed owned bungalow. Charming Eastslde Costa Mesa. One of a kind. Hurry, 645-0303 lllTI mll 114,111:- Axer Is Ideal for Investor or first time t>uyera. Bring paint plus Imagination and save $$. 3 Bdrm, garage plus workshop, take over existing low Interest financing. Call today, 645-0303 ID& MTI 1111.111 Juit reduced $20,0001 Owner anxious, wlll finance at low, low Interest rate. 4-bedroom home, Ideal for family IMng. Lovety tropical yard, pond, and fruit trees. Outstanding value. Call 645-0303. lmHT lllllTI 1241,111 New custom Newport Beach home Is fresh and exciting. This 3 Bdrm 2 bath home has many many extras. 2 fireplaces, family room with wetbar, kitchen with greenhouse window. Whlrlpool bath, deck and security gate and more. To see call, 645-0303 .. 11111 1111,111 Spectacular single story 4-bedroom home. Country kitchen, neutral tones, huge sparkling pool for summer fun. Take over low Interest loan. Must aee. 645-0303. lllTI llEI& 1211,111 NEAR NEW TRIPLEX! Large 3 Bdrm owners unit with fireplace plus 2, 2 Bdrm untta. Laundry facuttlea. Private patios and balconies, garagee. Excellent financing. Act nowl 645-0303 WllJll -•• ft I'• IJll,111 Dramatic near new home! Soaring cetllng1, 2 fireplaces, wetbar, gourmet kitchen with sunny nook. Spectacular master suite with skylight, large private yard features gazebo. Community pool, sauna and tennis court complete this winner! Low lntereet loan. To .... call 645-0303 ....... 11, an.,.. EnJoy summer by your own eparkllng pool. Cuatom '4 Bdrm home on quiet cul de eac. Family room plua formal dining room. Take advantage of owner help with financing. To see call 645--0303. 1m11t mu• 11n,111 Exqulltte townhome feature• tile entry, fire- place, 3 king alze bdrm•. Charming covered patio. Near acree of parka and traits. ~oxt­ mately 1~ miles to beach. Low down! Take over tow l'!terest !_oana. e45-030S f · 10 -Orange County RMI Eatate/ Art Advertlalng Su -· • WIST llWfllt One of a kind -vtew of the ocean & euneet. Profw. decorated, a ,.} t>Muty -hu extraa gakn: End unit with 3 "8R or 2 BR + den. Everything you could Uk tor -ewN'I price. A It.ting of Artie JohMOn. 1144,900. 11 .. 1111 UllU Thia secluded 2 BR 1 BA condo, on the ocean tJde of Cout Hwy, la perfect for the eecond hatt of your life. One atory wtth a peaceful vtew of the hllla. A llatlng of Marllyn Rouaaelot. $130,000. Ill.IE II 111111 YIEW llLLI Unique garden aettlna 11 your Invitation to this 4 bdrm home with an unusual center fireplace. Excellent owner financing on fee land. A listing of Dottle Valentine. $465,000. ..... II -'lllllE OIEEI Seabreeze and MClualon In this guarded gate community. 3 BOA, apa, beeuttful patk>a, sharp & dean. ANumabfe ftnanc. A 1191'ng of Donna Sd\roeder. $385,000. 11 .. IE II 111111 11111.1111 For thoee who like to remodel, this home la located In an area that I• being highly upgraded. Great terms, ocean view, tee land & large lot. A llatlng of the Von Gelderna. $329,000. ... IE•TIEILlff1 Thia 4 BR condo ha It an -beam ceilings with added tkyllghta. upgraded kitchen, central alr-condttlonlng with hµmldlfler, great locatlon, good financing and In move-In condition. 1249,500. ..... 111 IUWlll Dramatic Portoftno model wtth enctoaed entry. See this charmer with Mexican pavers, akytlght & French doort -It wlll knock your socks off I Well decorated & owner wtll help finance. A l11tlng of Natalie Fogarty. $339,000. 11 .. IE II IEWNIT Pool, sauna, 4 BDRM, trench doora, parquet flooring, updated kitchen, security 1yatem, owner wlll ualst on term•. move right In. A llstlng of Bonnie Barrlngton. $295,000. .... II UllM YllW •IEI Thia 4 BR Portoflno model la one of the lowest prSced and you own the land! Frpk;, bonus room, OWC. A llttlng of Laraine Shaw. $319,000. ........... , You don't have to be rich to enjoy the community tennla or pool nor to enjoy the light and airy decor, but be practical and apprec&ate thll eolar ataaated 2 Bdrm + den home with attractive ftnanclng and onty S152,600. .... II UllM YllW l1LU Relax with a panoramic view of the ocean, canyon & rotting hlllt. Thia home le prtoed for an extr••*Y fut aate. 4 Bdrm 2 Bathe. A llltlng of Dottle ve1ent1ne. ms.ooo. .... M ULlll llUll Never a dull moment from any window - bayfront d~ overk>oklng the pevilllon, 10 YMl'I new. 1995.000. ' ••••• Ml ... Ill.II' a-Int 4 Bdrm home with bay-Mw on the ·pWIM lltt1e ~ M9t epot to ltw. taH Artie I Johneon tor IPP'· '375,000. .. t to the DAILY PILOT IS.turd §~~·ti~§~ OPEii HOUSES ...... 1 .... 29 1982 2 BR, #4 Melody Ln., Irvine, $142,000 Sat. 4 BR, 2706 Ughthouae, CdM, $465,000 Sat. 4 BR, 978 Sandcastle, CdM, $295,000 Sat. 4 BR, 2221 Port Lerwtck, N.8., $339,000 Sun. 3 BR, 420 De Soto Terrace, CdM $329,000 Sat. 3 + 1, 123 Grand Canal, Bal Ill .. $650.000 Sun. 8 BR. 510 So. Bayfront. N.B., $1,095,000 Sun. 3 BR, 2307 Pt. Cartlsle, N.B., $249,000 Sun. 4 BR, 910 Nottingham, N.B., $349,500 Sun. . llltlE II OHTA Ill& Unique opportunity to own a 4-P'ex In Coate Mesa with a small down, excellent financing & tax benefits. A ll1tlng of Dottle Valentine. $225,000. .... 111 .. UIYll Spectoua 3 bdrm 21h bath, ftreplac:e, wet bar, petlol. master eutte, walk-In cloaet, aecurtty gates, comm. pool & tennis. A llatlng of Susan Harder. $287 ,900. 118'11 IUI IHTI ll&IT PLW Thi• 2 Bdrm 2 Bath Woodtlde VIiiage condo haa new carpet, good nnanctng and a terrtfto price. A llstlng of barbara Rlgga. $79,900. 1 ... 1111 IUYllW Top of the hlll with a f0f"9Yer view, this 4 Bdrm, 3 bath home It decorated to perfection. Guarded gate and only $519,000. U~IVU~ ti()Mf' REALTORS 675~0 In Corona d&I Mu. Newpolt Beach and lnlM ,..-w-·-------.. J.. -... ........... -Over1ooklng Big Corona beech and the jetty, thl• home hu View, view, view. 3 Bdrm one '9Yef. Quaint & °'1ZY IO hurry. "2(),000. Ill.II II OllTI Ill& We have 5 condos. all 4 years old that are 2 & 3 Bdrms and the owner wtll carry with 59/e down. A Hating of Tom Boland. $130,000 to $142,000. Ill.IE • llYllE Thia charming cottage home haa 2 Bdrma & a famlly room. Upgrades are many, &. In earthtonee. The financing la exoeltent. 1 year old with a low Interest rate. A llstlng of Katie Roberta. $142.000. 111 .. E II .1111111 OIEEI Accents on detalla make this condo an outstanding beauty. Plan 3, 3 BR, 2 BA, & a family room on 1 level. All with a lavlah landecaped patio. A listing of Barbie Hutchins. $375,000. 11 .. IE II ULlll llUll Comfortable & warm throughout -3 Bdrm & den right on the grand canal. Thie home e"¥cn hu an Income unit. Owner wlll help with the nnanclng. $650,000. 11 .. IE II II.I -A cottage on a canyon lot. Thie quiet uncongeeted part of old CdM lncorporat• a view of the canyon & mtn1. OWC Terma. $275,000. 11 .. R II OllTA IEll Thia 3 Bdrm home le located on a quiet cul-de-aac etreet. Great ueumable 11t T.D. & owner wlll aulet on a second. A llstlng of Rita & Torn Bofand. $134,900 . Ill.IE II UllEI llMU Forever view of private sandy beech & rocks. Thia home hu a pool, spa & heated ftah pond. Complete aecurlty system Includes T. V. monitors around the houae & grounds. The ftneet In stereo equipment throughout. Your own tortreu & worth the price. $3,300,000. Ill.IE II WI E111•E Engllah Tudor In a country aettlng on 1h &Ct'e, with 4 Bdrm• & 2 baths. Thia home la near the lake & 1hop1. A llatlng of Katie Roberta . $229,900. 111 .. E II 111111 YllW ... El Value & location In this 3 Bdrm & tam. room. Mexican Paver entry, plush carpet,' much more, tee. Good ueumable loans. A llatlng of Carolyn Masons. $279,000 . ..... EllWMllllllE Great location and great ftnanclng. Come aee this Warmington 3 Bdrm plot tmall bonu1 room, 21h bath condo today. $152,000. n"'111111tamu Thia 2 Bdrm, 1 BA houte haa new carpet, redwood deck, prtvacy & owner financing. All for S 128,500. 11 .. IE II UYllllD Charming one level remodeled home with a country kitchen & bullt In refrigerator. Harctwood noora. uted brick nrep1ace & 3 Bdrmt. A listing of Sara Marvin. $3$5,000. . ....... .. Thia exqultltely decorated 4 Bdrm/bonua room home hu a touch of ctua: o4lk paneung, plank noonng. fr9nch doore, thuttera, crown moktlnga. prtvate epa a more. A llltlng of c.thy Cray at 1392~ . UM 11,110,IOI Own your own dock for your 85' yacht. Pro- fessionally decorated. 4 Bdrm, 3 bath. Random Oak Planked floors. Patio overlooklng prime bayfront location. FEE LAND. Security gate, and many more extras. UH 1711,DOO Delightfully appointed 2 Bdrm, 21~ baths bay- front condo. 24 hour security. Sauna, pool, sub parking, close to shopping. The most prestl- gl ous high-rise condo bulldlng In Newport. Owner may exchange. llYFlllT -1111,111 633 Lldo Park Dr. spacious 2bdrm, 2 baths on ground floor. Many upgrades. Sub-parking, security and boat docking. Owner will consider trade for home in Palm Springii, Laa Palmas or Canyon area. IAYFIHT ll-lllE 1111,000 With view of ocean, 1 bdrm, mirrored wall, beautifully decorated, ready to move In. Sub-parking, security building. Walk to Lido VIiiage. a.. llLE unan 11,Jll,lll Price reduced to sell. Owner will carry lat T. Deed. Will accoo>mndate large yacht. Near Lido Clubhouae & tennis courts. GREAT TERMS! Ull llU 1111,000 New French Normandy 4 Bdrm + den. French doors lead to a charming brick patio. Stained glass I wood + 2 fireplaces. This Is a true Udo charmer at this fabulous price. UH Ill.I 1111,000 New elegant custom 3 Bdrm light, bright and airy. Featuring sunroof piped and wired for Ja- cuzzi, tefephone, t.v., mood lights. 360 degree vtew. Most unusual home on Lido. Fabulous fl.- nar.clng. Owner wlll consider aJI offers. UHllU llll,llO Dramatic Spanish Casa. 4 Bdrms, den, formal dining room with Mexican tlle floors galore! Private patio wtth wall -must see. an1ae1u UMll&l IDl.711 Lots of warmth and character 1n thta charming 4 Bdrm home on a huge lot at the quiet end .of ltJand. Den or 5th Bdrm for your added comfort and enjoyment. Beautlful large landacaped sunny patio. Lmlm.I ... ,111 Decorator'a dellOt ii th.fa country Frwdl bcmt. Gourmet kitchen, French doon with oak throucboUt. Detailed~ landecaped patio. Owner may ~ tnde. lneredlbJe finandna. UMllU Mll,111 Trade for property in Westwood, Bevt!f'ly Hilla area. Comer lot on Lido. South patio. 4 bdrm 3 bath&, 3 car garage. 40 ft. lot. Will sell with $125,000 down. UM llU llll ,112 Ideal corner locatlon this sparkllng clean 3 Bdrm, 3 bath home on an extra wide lot. Only 5 houses from clubhouse activities, beach, tennis and swimming. Large assumable loan. Owner financing avallable. ,u• llLI sao.ooo 4 Bdrm, 3 baths, 3 car garage. 40' lot on cor- ner. South patio. Submit aJI offere. Owner wtl- llng to trade for house In Westwood, Beverly Hiiis area. Small office In same location. lmHT CHIT 1211,000 Beautiful 3 Bdrm + retreat. Custom wood floors & mirrored walls, built-In bookcases. The finest of taste and elegance. Furnishings can be pur- chased. GREAT TERMS. IEWNIT cam 1211,000 Plan 4 -3 + retreat end unit. New carpet one of a kind. Customized throughout. Pool, tennis, walk to beach. 2 car garage. No outside maintenance. ... 111111111 1111,llO Knawtng that thls Is a buyer's market, seller is offering one of the best tri Newport Crest. 2 bdrm +den + retreat + office, Parquet floora in dining & living areaa. Move in condition YIW Ill Ml PU,000 Ocean vtew and Bay view. Largest unit In VIiia Balboa. 2 Bdrm, 2 baths plus den and famlly- room. High c.etllngs and skylights. Very _,.uah carpeting throughout. Nice large assumable loan. Act fastlll Ill.Ill PDIDIU 1111,oio This brand new 3 Bdrm, custom home features oak cabinets throughout, economical hot water. forced air heating, open beam and wood planked c.etllnga. 7 akytight1. Thia 11 truly a must to seelll ..... , 1-1 .... NllllllaA Ill .... Oceanfront duplex looking for a new owner. ar .. t for lnveatora whQ love ocean vlewa. 4 , 8dnn up, 3 down. Good rental area. Owner wttl consider all often. MWH mi ...,_, FentMllc k>catlOn. • bdrm. 3 bath up. 3 bdrm, 2 . bath down. FlNpleol. 4 car ca-rege. eundeck. 111 un• 12,111,111 Splendid custom family home on extra latge lot. 5 Bdrm, plus maids quarters. Large llvtng and· dining rooms. Famllyroom and gourmet kit- chen. Beautiful pool and spa. View of golf course and mountaJns. IPR Ill 1-1 llllllYll 1111,111 5 Bdrm. 7 bath home with all the amenities. Indoor/outdoor pool with sliding g1aa roof. Sauna. at.earn room, 3 jecuzzia. Play & game room. Screening room. Gourmet kitchen. 6400 aq. ft. Ill OllYll 1211,000 Open Sunday 1-5, 25 Canyon Island Or. -off, Ford Ad. Spilt level with great golf course view. Pool, Spa, Tennis. Good assum. loan & owner wlll help finance. Owner leaving state. See & compare. Wiii 111111 1•,111 Immaculate home on extra large lot. Ooean view. Sheltered pool. FEE LAND. Good financing. ILlffl 11•1 1111,111 Single story "Bonita. Situated on a beautiful greenbelt with pool Two private patios, 3 bdrma 2 baths, new carpets, in immaculate condition. Near achoo.ls and shopping. Make your offer. ILIFFI LIWEIT Pllll 1111,111 Two story 3 Bdrm Plaza oondo with ftreplece,' Dining atea, Large patio, Obi garage. Walk to shops and schools. Near Pool. See end com- pare. ........ ·11•• Owner anxious! Make your move now! Larae, light and lovely 2 bdrm plua den townhome with fireplace, pool and patio. One of ten coodm tn complex. Make offer, try ~pdon, owner will listen. . 1111111111 11•,•1 Attention bultden. Come and eee ttMe ~ and grfft potential Coate M9u golf coUrie' vtew. Can for more Information. --------=.--_, __ ·=-- .. ,.,.._ __ ====;.-__ ;._;;.. __ --.# - 12 -Orange County Real !state/An Adveftlalng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 29, 1982 '/ This Weekend ! •2009 Yach~tender (Seavu), NB 759-9100 $450,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3912 Inlet Isle, Corona del Mar HVH 644-9060 $259,900 Sat 1-5 451 1 Camden (Cameo Shor•) CdM 673-7761 $885,000-fee Sun/Mon 1-5 928 Goldenrod, CorOM de4 Mar 673-8550 $259,000 Sun 1-5 1218 Key West, HV Hiiia, CdM 6-44-4910 $379,500-Fee 15521 Sandusky, Westminster Sun 1-5 963-6767 $179,250 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 *2989 Jacaranda. Mesa Verde, C.M. 641-4744 $142,900 Sat/Sun 10-4 Keep this hindy directory with you this weekend as you go 2900 Papet' Ln .• Newport Beach house-hunting. All the locations llste-d betow are described In gre•ter 644-7020 $169,000 Sun 2-5 detail elsewhere In today's DAILY PILOT classified .els. Patrons **5 Jasmine Creek View CdM ~dvertlsl!19 ~pen houses for sale or rent In The Dally Piiot may list such 759-9173 $«O oOo · Sat/Sun 1-5 information in these columns Heh Saturd•y and Sunday. l72l Kings Rd, Cllffhaven, N.B. -HOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM **633 Lido Park Or. (F2) NB 760-1900 $495,000 Sun 2-5 117 Marine Ave., Balboa Island, NB 673-6900 $272,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 **225 Grand Canal, Balboa Isl, NB 673-6900 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 2137 W. Ocean Blvd., Penln Pnt, NB 631-1400 $314,900 Sat 1-5 221 Via Ithaca, Udo Isle, N.B. 673-7300 ~9.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 79 Sea Island, Big Cyn, NB 6-44-9060 $315,000 Sat 2-5 2 BR plua FAM RM or OEN No. 9 Cerrito, San Joaquin, Irv. 730-6046 $185,000 Sun 1-5 1 Aldergrove, Irvine Woodbridge, Irv. 552-0660 $198,000 Sat 1-5 * 1536 Serenade, Irvine Terrace Sat/Sun 12-5 #3 Aue Fontalneblea.u (Big Cyn) NB 759-9100 $415,000 Sun 1-5 **301 North Star Ln, Dover Shra, NB 6-42-5200 $525,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4521 Tremon~ ~ameo Shores, CdM 644-9060 ~95,000-Fee S/S/Mon 1-5 * 19 Cun Or., Jasmine Creett, CdM 8-40-1515/1-726-5151 Sa/Sn/Mon 12-5 1018 Bayside Cove East. N.B. 6-42-8235 $446,000 * * 10 Balboa C'oves, eov., NB Sat 2-5 642-8235 $525,000 Sa/Sun/Mon 12-6 S BEDROOM 601 Gary Pl., Newport Hgts., NB 645-6269 S 199,000 Sun 1-5 *247 Catalina Or, Newport Hghts. NB 644-7211 $267,500 Sun 1-5 **3415 Ocean Blvd., CdM 760-1900 $1,250,000 Sun 1-5 502 "I" St., Balboa Penln, NB 631-1400 $438,000 Sat 1-5 1723 Plaza del Sur, BaJboa Penln, NB 631-1400 $275,000 Sat 1-5 314 Marigold, Corona del Mar, NB 631-1-400 $669,000 Sat/Mon 1-5 1126 E. Balboa Bl. (Penln) Balboa 759-9100 $1,295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 118 Via Quito, Udb IM, N.B. 873-7300 1839,000 Sat/Sun 2-6 1e11 Court S~&al. Penln .• H.B. 873-7300 ..,99,000 S.t 11-3 212 Via EboM, Udo IM, E.8 . 873-7300 $408,500 Sat/Sun 1-.4 1312 Sentenella T..,_., CdM · 873-8550 *225,000 Mon 1-6 466 Broadway, Coat Mesa 673-5354 $155,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ** 1418 W. Bay, Penln. Pt .. NB 675-6161 $1,200,000 Sat 1-5 460 E. 19th St ., Costa Mesa 631-8011 $135,000 Sat 12:30-4:30 416 De Sola Terr, Corona Hghlnds 644-6200 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 3 BR plue GUEST 2211 Waterfront, Corona de4 Mar 6-42-8235 $495,000 Sun/Mon 1-5 3 BR pkle FAM RM or DEN 2011 Paloma, E/Slde. Costa Mesa 646-9498 $199,500 Dally 1-5 1903 Yacht Colina 644-1017 $550,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 2040 Monrovia. Costa Mesa 5-40-8149 $98,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 602 Kings Rd, Cllffhaven. N.B. 645-8532 $895,000 Sa/Sun/Mon 1-4 108 Turqoolae, BaJboa llland, NB 631-1400 $675,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1511 Klnga Roed, Newport Heights, NB 673-8900 $599,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 501 Riverside Av., Nwpt Hgts. NB $375,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 759-1501 Sat/Sun 1-5 25 Rustling Wind, Trtlrk. Irv. 759-1501 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1472 Galaxy Or., Dover Shores, NB 642-2510 $739,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1929 Tustin, Costa Mesa 759-9173 $155,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 958 Cheyeone, Costa Mesa 5-46-2313 $129,900 Sat 1-5 , 25 Malnsall, Jasmine Creett, CdM 640-9592 Sun 1-4 4 BEDROOM 19-411 DeVry, Turtlerock, lrvtne 851-0424 Sunday 12-3 222 Coral, Balboa Island 675-6921 $5-49,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2127 Indian Spring• Ln, Back Bey, NB 631-1400 $579,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 • 2001 KlrtgS Ad, Newport Heights. NB 673-6900 $399,500 Sat 1-5 760 Via Udo Soud. Udo Isle, NB 673-4208 $575,000 Sa/Sun/Mon 1-5 1010 Sandcastle, CdM 644-2135 $350,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 3216 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 675-6000 $620,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 #7 Trafalgar, Newport Beach 759-1221 Sun 12-5 *2336 Alta Vista Or, E-bluff, NB 644-9080 $269,900 Sun 1-5 With all the interest in real estate as an investment, don't forget that your hor you'll be living. Sure, resale value is important, but so are your housing needs balance, consult a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TOI Each one is required to be a real estate professional, actively engaged in real e publicly committed to a written Code of Ethics. REAL TORS® are experienc in helping you find the right home for today and tomorrow. It could also take a heap o' lookin'. Before A public service of the llllJPlll you start, call a REAL TOR® first. [B REAllOR 4 M .... GU.IT QUARTERS *2211 Tu.tin Av .. Newport Beach 846-4380 $335,000 Sat 1-5 4 M plue FAM Ml cw DEN # 1 St. Tropez, Harbor Ridge, NB 780-1900 $850,000 Sun 1-5 •1753 Port Manlelgh Cir, HrbrVu, NB 840-9996 $459,000 Sun 1-":30 2412 Cllff Or., Newport Beach 645-7189 $598,000 Dally 1-5 1298 l ondondefry. Costa Mesa 840-6436 $142,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 #3 San Sebastian. Harbor Ridge, NB 760-1900 $2.3 million Sun 1-5 1924 Port Weybridge, HVH. N.B. 8«-7938 $279,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 18971 Antioch, Turtleroci<, lrvlne 541-5032 $185,000 Sun 12-3 **25 Warmsprtngs {Wdbrg) Irv. 751-3191 $359,000 Sun 1-5 #4 Narbonne, Harbor Ridge, NB 831-1.00 $2,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 113 W. Yale Loop, lrvlne &45-3178 $219,500 Sun/Mon 1-6 233 PofnMttla. Corona del Mar 873-4271 $624,500 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 # 14 Monterey Cir (Spygls) NB 845-3176 $495,000 SaVSun/Mon 1-5 28 Rue Grand Ducal, Big Cyn, NB &42-5200 Sat 2-5 * 1020 Whtteuffa Way (HrbrVuHll) NB 831-1268 $358,600 Sat/Sun 1-5 *1412 Santlaigo (Dvr Shr) NB 1132 Sea Lane, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $350,000 &Jn 1-5 43-t Begonia, Corona del Mar 8«-1211 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *4826 Roxbury Rd., Cameo Shra, CdM 675,5930 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ~ De Sola Ter, Corona Hghlda, CdM 875-5930 $399,000 Sat 1-5 1948 Port ChelMa, Newport Bch 873-8550 S380,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **148 Via Udo Nord, Lido lat, NB 844-9060 $1,995,000 Sat 1-5 *17 Muir Beach Cir, Spyglaea, CdM 644-9080 Sat/Sun 1-5 i. Orange County Real Eatate/An Advertlllng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 29, 1982 -13 • 1830 Port Abbey, HV Homes, NB 844-9060 $350,000-Fee Sat 2-5 *2238 Aralla, Eutbluff, N.B. 644-9060 $294,500 Sun 1-5 427 -16th Pl, E·alde, C.M. 844-4910 S229,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1251 Surfllne Way, HVH, CdM 844-4910 $299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2811 Lorenzo (Meu del Mar) CM 631-7370 $152.900 Sun 1-5 *2809 Cliff Dr., Newport Beach 631-1266 $590,000 Sat 1-5 3202 Delaware Pl .• Mesa Verde, CM 545-9258 $139,500 Sat/Sun/Mon 11-5 19122 Biddle Dr, Trtlrk, Irv. 759-1501 Sat/Sun 1-5 2220 Waterfront Dr .. CdM 673-1148 $645,000 Sun 1-5 908 Chestnut. Bluffs. N.B. 759-1501 Sat/Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Dr .. Dover Shores. NB 543-5847 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 333 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar 760-0452 $498,500 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 3408 Wimbledon Way, Costa Meea 645-0303 $255,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 2701 Canary, Cotta Mesa 536-2313 $239.900 Sat 1-5 * * 1617 Bayside Dr., Corona def Mar 644-6200 $1,475,000 &Jn/Mon 1-5 • 1321 Outrigger, Hrbr Vu His, CdM 644-6200-$450,000-F• Sat/Sun 1-5 1501 Keel, Hrbr Vu Hiiia, CdM 644-6200 $319,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-4 5 9EDROOM **219 Via lido Soud, Udo Isl, NB 760-1900 $2.25 MllUon Sat/Sun 1-5 * *824 W. Bay, Balboa Penln, NB -- 631-1.00 $1,495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 112 Winged Foot ln, Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $975,000 Sun 1-6 * * 708 Via Lido Nord, Lido ..... NB 675-8181 $1,500,000 Sun/Mon 1-5 I 8R plue FAii RM or DEN 35 Rldgellne Dr, Hrbr Ridge, NB 760-1900 $2,850,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1211 Cliff Or .• Cliff Haven, NB 642-5200 '425,000 Sun 1-5 * 1608 Galax-r Dr (Dvr Shra) NB 831-1266 $9"8,000-Fee Sun 1-5 **1008 w. Bay Ave .• Bal. Penln, NB 844-9060 $950,000 Sun 1-5 18 Rodty Point, Spygtua, tdM 644-6200 S 1.975,000 Sun/Mon 1-5 I IR plue FAii Rll cw DEN * 1848 Newport HUis E .• HV Homee 644-8235 $495,000-F• Dally 1-S CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BA plua FAM RM or DEN 10 Segura, lrvlne 673-6900 $145,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 BEOAROOM 985 Bayside Cove Weet. NB 631-1.00 $775,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 209 19th St., Balboa Penln, NB 631-1.00 $319,000 Sa/Sun/Mon 1-5 *#25 Canyon Isl., Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $265,000 Sun 1-5 411 ~ Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 BR plue FAii RM cw DEN 45 Canyon Island Or, Big Cyn Twnhae, NB 831-1.00 $318,000 Sa1/Sun 1-5 I BEDROOM *314 Ave Cumbr• (Bluffs) Nprt Bch 759-9100 $199,500 ., Sat 1-5 411 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I IR plua FAii Rll cw DEN 304 Esplanade (Bluffs) NB ~ $272.000 Sa/Sun/Mon 1-5 17 Rue Vlllwa (Big Cyn) Npt 8eect1 75~9100 $725,000 Sun 1-5 *27 Ima Loa Court, Newport Bch 546-0833 $225,000 Sat 1-4 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 38Rplua2M 2800 Bayside Dr, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $595,000 Sun 3-5 4MplualM **506 E. Ooelnfront, Bet Penln, NB 873-7300 $575,000 Sat 1-8 2-4 eaDROOM * *202 S. Bayfront, Betboa lat, NB 873-6900 $2,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 LOTS FOR SALE BAYFROHT **1006 W. Bay Ave. BaJ. Penln, NB 644-9060 *850,000 Sun 1-5 HOUSE FOR LEASE 4 M plUe FAii RM OI MM 18971 AntJoch, TUttlerodc Irv. 541-5032 $1200/mo..... Sun 12-3 * P091 ** Watertront *** Waterfront a Pool l , > .. . ,.... .-,,..._ . -. -. . .. . . • 14 -Orange Coun!Y ~~ Ea!ate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 29, 1982 · A SPIRAL STAIRWAY to Gracious Living , OPEN 2-5 Sat. & Sun. TWO MASTER SUITES, SOLID OAK CUPBOARDS, SKYLIGHTS BEAUTIFUL OCEAN AND NIGHT LIGHTS CONDOS from $J2s,aoo to .. $l74,000 10¥s .% FINANCING · Orange County~ Eatate/An Advertlalng Supptement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 28, 1982 _ 15 •MISA DIL MAI• Asumable financing. Spacious 3 Br ranch style home. Featwing family room, central air oond. & private location. C1oee to all. Only $136,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-5353. .CRIAM PUFF• Move right in to this spacious 4 Br 2 Ba beauty. Almost new carpets, floo~g &. drapes + cor.y brick fireplace .. $12,000 down buya it, so hurry. Asking $119,000. 9032 A.dams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •ZllO INftRIST * Beautifully decorated one story patio home with double garage in mint condition. Best of all, with $45,000 down our owner will carry the balance at ZERO INTEREST FOR FIVE YEARS. In 5 years, you OWN THE PROPERTY FREE & CLEAR. 963-5671. 9032 Adama, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. . •$20,000 DN• Spacious family home with aoaring cathedral ceilinga and bright and airy country kitchen. With 4 large bra, 2 ba's and a family room. it'a a bargain at $1M,900. 9032 A.dams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. -dOMANCllt. From the remodeled kitchen with greenbooR windows to the warm woods washed in light from the custom skylight. this home ia a bo- rneymooners' delight! Large pool a special bonus. Asking $124,000. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7t.. •BICYCLE TO THI llAC Cozy custom home near the ocean with aoarln cathedral ceillnp. c.eramic tile flooring in kitchen and bathrooms plus 5 akylighta and a romantic bay view window. Secluded patio/courtyard & low mainte- nance ya rd. Asking $1 71,500. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach . 556-7035. •$16,000 DN• Buys this great S & S built home! Not a condo!! Covered patio with hanging plant.a add to the charm of this single story ranch style. In superb condition for only $159,900. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •5% DOWN• Brand new townhomes near Huntington Harbor. Two and three bed- room models with two baths. Builder will finance at 12.9S and pay buyers nonrecu~ closing costa. Prices start at $105,990. Call for complete detail.a. 96J..:5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •MISA YllDI• Affordable living with superb ftna.ncing available. Spacious home meticulously maintained. Only $13,500 down. Asking $135,000. 9032 Adama, Huntington Be.ch. 556-7035. •WOMIN'S APPAalL SHOP• Incredible business opportunity!! Seller liquidating for penonal reuons and must aell thia good income producing store with good lease ierma. located in a busy shopping center. $10,000 full price. Inventory~ dASYILun. 11.21% Fin.and.ng available when you takeover existing loan on the elegant 4 Br executive home that bu been extensively prepared for enterta.lnlng. One of few bomet in area on FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-5353. . •$12,500 DOWN• No qualifying for this super family home! In the BEST school diatrict. Over 2,000 aq. ft. of living space with a large pool f0r thoee hot summer days. Asking $160,000. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. ..PAUil.MO.. HAIBOI YllW HOMI Totally remodeled by craftm:nen! Featuring French doora, wooden abutten, plank floors. Wied brick & pool & spa. FEE land w / GREA. T TERMS!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •$13,000. Fabulous townhome in much desired SPRINGS area. Popular "B'~ plan. CaH foe det.aila!!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-5353. • 12.9" INTllUT• HAIBOI YllW HOMI Immaculate MONAOO model featurtnc 2bl'/den, frplc & ape!! Low interest financing available. •241,500. FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •NO MONTHLY PAYMINTS. For six months on brand new townhome in Costa Mesa. Featuring 2 master suites, encloaed garages & private courtyard. Only $114,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373 * 10'fl % FINANCING. When you takeover exiatlng 1st TD. popular BIRCH model with fplc, central air & the largest backyard in WOODBRIOOE GLEN. Only $134,900. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-5353. .SACK BAY AREA• 41•,ooo. 3 Br house on fee land featuring bardw9(>d fJoOn & ahlngle roof with 11 % amumable 1st T .D. Priced for immediate aale!!! 3670 San Miguel 759-1501 or 752-7373. • $95,900 . Co.ta Mesa. Spacioua 3br detached home with large yard. Freshly peinted. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beech. 759-1501 or 752-5353. 9 % FINANCING ...... when you take OV« existing low interest loan. Largest floor plan in HERITAGE PARK!!! Former model fe.turing 3 bedrooms & private location for only $161,600. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach; 759-1501 or 752-7373. · ti.able. 9032 Adarm, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$1,000. dlXIY KNOLLS ILIGANCI• dlBAR• Just like "Father Knows Best!" Y ou11 feel as mnug aa Robert Young in On brand new townhome! Featuring priv.cy, 2 matr auite & de/loft thia large elegant older home in prime Bixby Knolla! PS -$39,500 overlooking liv nn. Only $123,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport handles, call today about 12W~ f.i.nandng! 9032 A.dams, Huntington Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. Beach. 556-7035. ~----- NEWPORT BEACH Office 2870 San Miguel Drive ' Newpon llGCh, CA 12110 (714) 7111-1501 HUNTINGTON BEACH OfflCE 9032 Adam• Ave. Huntington leach, CA 12148 (714) 158-7035 ' - - .- i -r- us • ). " ---- LINGO REAL ESTATE WELCOMES BRUCE BARSAMIAN TO THEIR NEWPORT BEACH OFFICEll LINGO REAL ESTATE 11 pleued to Introduce Mr. Bruce Banamlan u the new Vk:e President for Newport 8ead'I Operatlona. Mr. Baraamlan wu formerty a Senior Vk:e Pretldent for Macnab-Irvine Realty Company and wu YfllY lnt1rumental In building their ealee 1taff. A native of c.IHomla, Mr. Baru.mlan attended C.S.U.F. and U.C.L.A. He graduated cum laude wtth a e.s. Degree In Anance and Martletlng. He has also undertaken graduate wortt In Buelneea and Law and hu authored, lectured and lnt1ructed In various reel eetate COUrMI and topics. Mr. Baraamlan hold• a California State Broker'• Ucenae: II a Realtor: la a member of the Newport Harbor..coeta Meea Board of Realtore, the E. Or. Cty. Board of Realtort, the Irvine Board of Realtors and the Saddleback Board of Realtors. He 11 also a member of the N.A.R.E.B. end the National Appraisers Alaoctatlon. He la a llfe member of Alpha Kappa Pel, the National Buelneu Fraternity, the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, the Or. Cty. Chamber of Commerce, the Or. Cty. Coast Association and the 552 Club of Hoag Hoapltal. It ls with great pride that LINGO REAL ESTATE wetcomee Mr. Bruce Barsamian to our teamt HARBOR RIDGE Newport Besch • 24 hr. Gate Guarded Security • Three Tennis Courts • Roving Securtty Patrol • Four Swtmmlng Poot• • l.el8 than 5 min. to Npt. Ctr. • Bath Housea and Jacuzzi DIVONSHlll MOOll. . • Incredible panoramic views from Palos Verdes to the San Bernardino Mountain• lnctudlng Catalina. city tights and Newport Bay TIY 1 ~20" DOWNI Meume exi.tlng 30 ~ loen of '330.000 .. ftxed rat• of 11. 75% on thla 4 bedroom, 3'At bath l'lotM with two large deck•. two ~ end .,.. a111um. All thla plua greet vtewa tool sa&.ooo. THI FINEST IN OJSTOM FIA TUIES Im~ be9t deect1bee tN1 truly meQnlftoent t1otM with merbte '-twee, 4 bedrooma. iouncf 9)'9tem. br ... 8CCIWlta, elevator, wtne room, 4-Qf QIU'llQe, tuft MCUttty end mucti, much morel 11.895,000. Owr. hM m<1Y8d end must Ml tNI 3 bedroom, 2'At bath l'lotM with aaeum&ble 30 YMr loen at 10.4% end addltloNI Miier flnainclng. This home 11 loed9d with upgrlldeel '475,000. TWO STOIY SPAOOUS CONDO uwaded thfoughout. thll 4 bedroom l'lotM wtth femlly room. 3'~ bathe, large deck overlooking lake, 3 fl1'11P4*-. mountain and canyon vMiwa hel all ttMI end more. Prtoed betow marttet at $595,000. A "CASAllANCA" MOOB. City llghta lllumlnate thll 4 bedroom, 2'A bath l'lotM wtth deck, prot...,onal landac-s>log, lkyllght, ftoor paver1, <*ting fan., ftrepCaoe and high oefflnga. A former model home and jU91 beeutlfull $545,000. HA.llOI llOGI FOi LIASIJ a.low martcet, thla "Jod9tle" model haa panoramic vtewa of the ocean, city end night llghta In a neutral d«:or Mttlng. A 3 bedroom, 2'A bath model end low prtce for thla Ital $2000/month. EMERALD BAY North Laguna Besch • 24 Hr. Gate Guarded Security • Rovtng Security Patrol • Ave mlnutee to Newport Center • 3 Volleyball Court• • 15 Acrea of Common Park Area • 2 Swtmmlng Pooa. • 6 Tennis Courts • Bath HOUMe and Jacuz:z:I • Bueball and Baake1baJI • Natural Tide Poota • Private Sandy Beach at.AIMING FAMILY HOMI TWO LOTS ON THI oaANSIDI Thia 4 °' 5 bedroom l'lotM with patio C*r1ea large eaumable flnandng. 1790,000. ClASSIC MONTIUY USTOIA TIOH Henck:rafted lleht and .iry 3 bedroom, s bath l'lotM with tlled Roman tub, dezzllng .... prtvate ...,,... to ..,., aundeck, den with wat w , wine celar, Intercom and JUST Sr.5 TO llAot Owfler wtll carry 2 ye9r9 Interest orily with 1250,000 down on thll whitewater view llomeelt• wtth plane, approvei. end permfta. MS0,000 EACH. - NCUttty too. $1,300,000. OCIAN VIEW CONTIMPOIAIY HOMI A lpa. patio, 880, ~ and corner lot loeatlon enflance thle 4 bedroom, 3 bath antertalnar'a deltgtlt, 1825,000. NOIAll Y THI LOWIST ,.ICI ON THI OCIANSIDlll Thie com.rnPorwy l'lotM with 3 bedrooma hal ti.em cellingl, Mier financing end large lot with room for upanllon. Just 111\ed at $525.000. CALL NEWPORT BEACH 644-7020 Laguna Beach•Laguna Niguel•Dana Point•San Clemente "On the Southern Orange Coo•t • toolc to Ungo Fintl ---.. = Orange County Real E.11ate/An Advertlatng Suppfem_ent to ~he DAILY PtLqTIS~tu~ay, May 29, 1982 -17 .,_ ________________________ ,._ ____________ .,...,_,, __________ ,... __________ __,.. .., /w ,.,, ,,.,,, /11 $111 B,.,,, /11 1111 Bi•11• 111 $111 g,.,., /1t Iii• ;;;i··········;;;· c:;:::t···· .. ··iooi a,-;;;;i··········iooz -;;;;;;i .. ·······;·o;· c;;;;;t·········i;o· ..•............... ·•··········••···••·•• ··················~··· ·············•·••··•·· ·•··•····•••···•••···• 'la.Im IUILY .. II• •PD Liii (YM IWl 111 Ull) 3 Bdrm. 3 patios, 1-story. Low density greenbelt location. Seller will carry 80% Ln at 9WJ, amort. 30 yeana due in 7~ years. Lowest priced Fee property in Bluffs. Priced to aell at $272,000 Opn Hie Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 304 F.aplanade or call Phyllis 640-0020 or 760-967&. A.gt. PElllllU MID 114 W. UY lfll UT 1·1 Prti.e West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats. remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. . Ocean & jetty~ room.. bdrm, 3 bath. 3700 aq.ft. $1,385,000. Oceanfront. Ull llU ·-1• YI& L9I .. ... •1• 1-1 Prfmel,;ido Nord bayfron~ 51~ bath. Lge L.R., 2 boat lllps $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 beth + large rec. rm. beam ceillngl. furnaahed. patios. $420.000. Ulll llU UfflllT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm. 5 bath, playroom. daik nn, den. Boat alap. $1 .350.000. UYSllE COYE Spectacu.lar bayfront view 2 br. 2 be up; 2 be, 2 ba dn. 2 boat lllps $1 .900,000. CllOlllO CITS O>ronado Ial.and CUit. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Red. $370,000 w/t.erma. um-Stnale story end unit, expanded. u~ 3 be, ! ba on larplt peenbelt. $260,000. , ...... 3 bdrms, 2'h baths condo near poo\. $145,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34 ;;~f\ "" O• , .. "< B o7~ c,1c,1 ••=••11 knoc:ll• often wn.n you uM reault~ttlng Dally Piiot Cla11lfl9d Ad• to rMd't the Oninge COMt INll1let. Phone 842-6871 111-1111.•••• ........ Super Investment opportunity south of the hwy. Just a few blocks from the beach. Outstanding rental property preeently earning $1450 per mo. Priced to sell at just $230,000 with auracilve owner assisted fuwlcing. 17141 673-4400 121 31 ua.2121 TM H.tMw Ar.a'i &..rJttt &t•li~ .... h .. eci,...t IT'S A HOT TIME IN THE OLE TOWN TODAY!! PRICE WAR!!!!!! LIWllT Pllll l•IU ,.._, umun Owner will carry with 20% down for 15 I yrs. at an interest rate ao low you won't believe it. 3 bed. fam. rm. 2ba. Only $175,000. Call Lois LIWUT Pllll Piii UM TIWlll• You won't find anything like it. Comer unit w/macho hardwood flooring. 2 bed, 2ba. Overlooking the pool & just up the hill from the beach. $80.000 in Loans & owe almost anything. Try tt! Call Lota LIWll1 ,... w111m11• 1.1. ......... Only 3, dn. to adult pool & spa -1 blk to lake, You won't see a finer T .H . anywhere. Great loan on this 2 bed, 2ba beauty. Call Loia '111UTm11111 I llllD _,.. $20,220 yrly inc. -Drive by 182 C.ecil - get out · walk around -then run right over with your ck. book. $169,500. Really good tenm -Excell. condition. Lois 10111• .... -• 1111 ¥1111 4 bed, 2200 eq. ft. pool & spa. Newly remodeled. owe tremendous 15yr. toan at low, low, int. Thia I.a • real charmer $164.500. Call Lois IY 111 llY • • llD •1111.1 Piii Don't over look relaxed resort living. Beauties from $15,000 to $135,000. Biggest opportunity in Newport now. Some very unusual. Priv. beach. poola. spas, boat docb. Call me folka. I have the answer. Loia na•am11.1 ...... For truly quality profeslional real estate aervice call LOIS MD...LER aerving our area foe 15yra. ·111-1na LllS mL.LD --·-- RVM~ of Costa Mesa BEST IN BLUFFS We have a beautiful 1elecUon of homes at this time. All four plans. Good views, good financing, aood buys. Some leue options. Some ·including land. Pleue let our experta show them to you. .a1-1 111Ate...,.,1llfll.._ PU.-IM ..... I .,, w/W Ult,111 1141 Yllta......... •. .. .... ., ........ ,..... ,,.._.. . ............ , ... Spectacular view home with land. HELEN B. DOWD 1111.191, -144-1114 Went9"Q to buy bar up-,. ~ In CIOllatm ..... UMlt MQ,000 .... oh a r d d•Y • 21sna1 .. ut, wtmda a 9W9a 714"7~MOI. .. 11a2111- llWIU1. .... Words Alone Cannot Oeecribe ThJa Spacioua. Spectacular New Manor -You Name An Amenity & This Architecturally Planned Home Has It. Koi Ponds, Den W/Projection Booth, Walk-In Freezer, Wine Cellar, Touch Button Control.a & Energy Free Solar System, Outstanding Complete Kitchens. One Of Our Finest Homes. Call For Appointment. U ,600,000. A Triviaion-Hlll Listing. ...,,. 1'1111, Wll/"1111, M llLI Only $15,000 Down. Large Aaawnable Loan W/30 Yr Fixed Rate. Owner Will Carry Large 2nd T.D., Low Interest. Lovely 3 BR End Unit W/Wrap Patio On Lush Greenbelt. Immed Pomession. Reduced To $199,500. Sally Shipley'a Li.sting. OPEN SAT 1-5 IALllAPl•la& •&~W111 ... Panoramic View -Great Waterfront Location. Redwood Float + 50' Dock. New Custom Home W/Tbree Bedrooms. Kitchen With View Window. All The Modem Amenities. Brick BBQ In Outstanding Patio Area. Even nled Garages. Great Offering. $1,295,000. A Dion-Maria u.ting. _...,., Dramatic Remodeled Home, Approx. ~ Aae. 4 BR, Pool, Spa. Park 8 C.ara + R.V. Great Location. Keep 3 Hones. Maybe More, On Your Own Property. Great Financing. $289,000. A Dabo~Shipley Listing. .. Ullll -.. Walk Thru Garden Courtyard To Towering Door Leading To Marble Entry. Winding Stairc:ue & Spacious L.R. Lrg D.R. Den W/FP. Huge MBR & BA, Plus 3 Add'l BRa. Big Lot W/Paddle Tennis c.ourt. Mountain, Ocean Views. Reduced To $825,000. Bob Thomas'a Listing. Wl1111J ... IRT Magnificent View Home In Newport Beach's Gate Guarded H.arbol' Ridge Will Be Under Cons&ruction Soon. One Of The Finest In The Are.. The Style Is English Tudor. The Blueprints Are In Our Office. You Are Welcome To Inspect. $2,200,000. Susan Trivision's Listing. lllffl -...... . Excellent Financing Available. Large Assumable Loan @ 11 'h'I» & Owner Will Consider 2nd. Beautifully Upgraded Carmelita W/3 BR + Ct.Yr:y Den. Large Patio On Lovely Greenbelt Near Pool. Vacant. $229,500. Sally Shipley's Listing. A m ... Outstanding Custom Built Home. FDft'Ver View Looking On Sand & White Water Waves. High Beamed CeU.inp & Large Glass Windows For More View. One Of Laguna Niguel's Finest Homes. Owner Will Help With Financing. Priced At $1,450,000. A Hill-Trivision ListinB· MTOl9LITD Custom-Built 6300 Sq. Ft. Home. Marlnen Point, San Clemente. Gorgeous Ocean View, City Lights. Entertainen' Delight. Numerous Amenities. See To Appreciate. $950,000. Owners WW ~pt Ni R-1 View Lot For Trade, Or Down Payment. Maria Bercovifz's Listing. . .... .,.., .. , Waterfront Home. Formal D.R. Den/Llbrary. M1tr Bdrm O'Loob Bay. 3 Other BRa + Maid's. Pier, Slip For Lrg Yacht. Owner Alaiat In Financing. $1,850,000. Cathryn Tennille'• Listina- 111 all IAl'tlTUm Hilltop ~te. ~al 6 BR Home On Approx. 5 A1::ns. Solar Heated Pool. Sp&. Boom For Tennis Court, am-, Guest Hot.. ~1 View Of SwToundina Valley. Reduced To $1,175,000. Binnie Dixcn'11JaUni. '®: I .. . ' 18 -Orange County Real &tate/An AdvertJ .. ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 29, 1982 !~.{'!~ •• U!t.. ~'1. ••••••••• 1.l!f !~!!!.(~~! ••••••• !~!!!!.{~~~'! ....... ~-~!!'! ...•.•. ~¥.!!.~!* ....... !'.!!!!.{'.'.!!.'!....... !'.~!!!.{~~!!'! ..•.. ~~'!. •.••••.•• ! .... ~.!!!!!.~~~ •••••• ~a.'!.11. ••••••••• J.'.!. ¥!-~e.!.'1. ••••••••• !.~I ~·!:!! •••••••••• !.~ ~'e'.11. ••••••••• !.@f ~.~ ••• J.lfl!f ~.It!!.~ •• ! ... \\ I ·~i i '1 '. TAYLOR CO. f{ !:\ l l ( ) l \ :--. . I : I I I I I l ti TWIWlll•WNll .... _ Charming 4 Br. & large famlly room. Brick fireplace, country kitchen, quiet residential area. Long term aeller financing. $229,000 fee. 4111•fL IAT/-1-1 ~------4 Br, 2,,. Ba. Ideal family home. Community poof & park. Cul de sac. Assumable 10¥..% loan. $390,000 tee. 1R1 a..Lm WIT UT/-1-1 .. -.a Jll W 1~ Ml&UTt .._,.. .. , .. ,. Quiet, part<-llke setting. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de sac at. 3 bdrms, fam rm. $379,500 fee. Ask about a w. Interest loan on this home. 1211 m wur, UJL .... 1 .. 1111 .. " 11111111111 Sell first? or Buy first? That Is always the question. Why not both In one transaction. We can offer you an unusual opportunity to exchange your preeent home, p8ld for or not, as VMt down payment on an outstanding Big Canyon home on the golf course. Why not call us now. 644-4910. .................... ,1 ...... Elegant 4 bdrm & family rm. The perfect plan for large or small family, young or not so young. Lge master suite on ground floor. Beaut. pool and very private patios. Beet buy In Btg Canyon. Vacant. See anytime. 644-4910. ll.lffl-.Ull ... 1111 3 Br sing le. atory home with new carpets, drapes, paint, and appliances. Homeownera Aaaoclatton malntaJna pools & landacaplng so you can travel. Ideal for retired couple or jebettera. Move Immediately. See •nytlme. &44-4910. WllLIY .. Tift.II .. 1111.Tm 1111 .......... .... ........ ..,, .... u. ..... .. Buying and Hlllng et a , .. aonebl• price-that'• what CIH•lfl•d I• •II aboUt. 542-5878 1~======~1 -uam .. ra1a1• l~ .. -........ Just profeeaionally decorated. Like new, 90pbistbted 2 BR + den, 2 ~ BA, bar, pool, 1pa, . ' beech & lfJCUrity. Price reduced . $96,000 to $448.000. Only $30,000 down. Debbie J'ratt 842-8·286 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 2-6 .... 1018 ~ C.ow I!. Newport BMdi (7141 6 73-4400 121 lt Uf.2121 Tiit H.tNw A,_11-ptt &e.wi~IHi&Wt C11111f•l 114-114~ ..... Beaut. o.tm du~x. etepe to So. s.y. 3 8' 2 Ba ... 1$85,000. 111 llYI 2 Br 2 Ba oottage w/ 1ove1y l*lo. owe t1nen- c1ng. 1328.000 •MIMI 2-lty Cape Cod, ' Bdt 2'.t "°'* plua 2 8' 1 Ba •pt. owe financing. '416.000 OPEN 1-a SAT/8UNIMON N9w cuetom 4 Br. hon'9 with "'*' unit. So. of Hwy with ocean view • HS Poppy Ave. 1411. AC(dlEDBY FORECLOSllE ........... 2 bdrm plUe <*I. po Md ..,.. eom. lot !MM Ternoe. Large aumeb6e F1ret. , ......... . °""'* Qfl rnmllM 8111 Ind Sun. 12.a --••1 1 inMt. to be9dl, ~ lfg ..... 3..,.. old. Bdr. Good flnanc1n, Ownrt7M271 Corona Hlgfllendl cuetOf ' Br. 3 89. wetbar ma1ter eult• & 1tud~ mini view. •:ttt,OO t7~Aoenf . ~ R&IMt\X ------... 600. 711MMU °""'*· 2 "· 1 ..... t Ir. t ea. 12111oe· "2 10t. 0o not ._ ... a.LI dleturb t9nant1. t528 ~··~ Oruge. ttu.ooo. I -... ooeln. ..._,. 548-804, ---& wkndl. view from baotlyerd. Ut-3520 weictys. SM.cg:.-wll :1\ ': .._ Verde ' Br 3 la =-..o . .:t't:. home on quJret oul-d• , _______ _,mo. AaaalM 11t T.D. at HAMOR VIEW MONTa· ~ W/20'Mt own. owe MY MOOl:l • ly owner. balance at 12". Price • ... Niia, .... ot'°'°9 '207,000. Pl1tt. only. Call loo. IH0,000 firm. 751-4830 /flCt. .......,,., ,.-.-~·....;;;.----~ 1ar.11a.-..on..,_ _, -t IOx171' I ~ lot. 411 ..,=.... ::=r •. o;~.~ oo.t .. a= .......... t ... l1*ndl, ._,,_...,_"'-a1.--.. H"la orderff Hfd, I .IUIT WODm ID bdrlft, 2\t be wll .... l ..,, -.Wd . ..-0 WI 1 w ...... Maw~ -•.a.-•••••• tl1t,IOO. Ar, llM11f ....... tllt 1'"" Delly w. Ml -c. ea Plot Wilit Adi. Orange Coun~ Real Eatate/An Advenlllng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 29, 1982 -19 ~ ....... ~-~!=*....... !~!!!!.~~'! ....... !~!!!!.~~~~ ...... !~!!!!.{~!!!• ....... !.'.!!!!.~~'! •.••••• ~ .. !... ~.~ .• !.'.!. ~.~ ••• !.'-ff •••••••••••••••• !.~ ~.llftf •••••• l.ffl ~.!!!! ...... !.~ II.I• French modern houae, .. 1 .~ --------Monerch Terrace lrg -.&.I .. , ~ • ·-...... .. ._.... .... ..,,a bL nit _..., •• -·· I comet lot, 3 Bdr. 1315, AWARD WINNER ........ ~ Thie' 1c1tM ttcwne nMt flOor plen. AOol"llMd et II ...... I ......... ll'llllfJ ool SlN, ooo. Excell. financing Oowl -... I bdtm, 4 2 bedm. den, bMutlful be acid. CASH TAU<a. S140,000. l'rlced et ... ,::,:s::••:= ...... ,..,11111 ~ teJme. '50,000dWn. P.P. be. kit. w/oom•ol•noee. cond. lov.!y Sen Joa· FHA /VA o K. Call &120,000 w. S70,000 _ ... lllllll ... ' 8e1...atae tam. rm. lg9 garden,~ quln Model. Aeklng &40-1161 for more ._ down. S1S6,000 w. 114. -- LIFF r.L... .___. 1_ uo,fonneldln.nn,1gt11¥. ~.o2ndoo .• ~·~·..!.!! ooo. owe. •1cr (213) ... ••JIG Wei , .... 1111• .. .,. .ng. '326. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1812.000 . .,,. owner. Sun 1·5 Ho. t c.r.tto Aot ---·----a HllllJ• -• •1111 -•-• -rm. Qul•'-'.~ul·d•· .. C. -·· ..,_, ,..,._ t27-t001 •-•t:..... .... • remodel. Piii PUii 173-4411 73()..l(Me Mk tor Jana(. BY OWNER • sar. 281 .. a ....... • ...... ... "' ~°'= mam uN1v. Pw11 2 bf, 2.b&. ==~~ :,:!!•,~ .......... ~~...,.. 1•1"' llP • l9 _, completely upgraded. ~ioo.ttd & .....,.. _, •• ,.1111. ---- - • 111. Z~ 11. looettonl L.oeatlonl Pvt Stl.900 CMll\ to ...na. •~-'--ttrmef Cell 720-1371 tor - -a -BETTER THAN r~ Mttlng wttt1 t. Pr I c • S 1 2 1 , II 0 0 . W,,_ J rnot9 Info. _.... __ , MODEL buloue Seddlabeck 551-t051 •••••••••••••••••••••• -.-.-1-1-1-"--1-IT--1-, lttll, JttlJ ... lllJll tltwa, HAS EVE~HING MounUiln vi.-. 4 bdrm 4 Bdr Htate home, 12111 MWI M4~ llpll111t•••IM1 llt---A1..., .... ~ ltrett =-Ag,~7:, tm, Ademe mdl. A eking 2 Br. TownhOUH. de-OUllllty vlntaoe Sir 1... 1111•11. -Ml ......... tlf .. ,ft. wm Sun & Sall II auti · · · S21t,600. owe. Mika 1gt1tu1 end untt ~ be on ~. KW-.._, ,... _, lfl _, II ............ r&Ta 20 min. to ~ nw.. Aidt Bay Ott Crow. IQt. 146-3171 tlo, community & WOOd nre, Frencfl 'Win· ..... .._ .. lllllu I lllls Tr* "' .. offtoe or Newport Cent• OcMf'I w . DNoroe fore. alL1 klddy Y*d· Low or dowe, Ill• kltcn. muc:tl I-S210,000 with S1I0,000 ule. Otter or trade llWI ..... llr99 take over exlttlng VA mote. IHt,000, OWnlf' tt••trtlll tr l1•Htrlal 11 lr1111 ore, cant It 12'4 fixed rate 6. Owner/Age 498--31'4 1 mur1 io.n. ,._ pttoe S1M,SOO. wlll tlnence. Own/Aft .....,, 11 ...... ~ boel tulty emor1blld. .. • i.ll• O\ltr ~ ... Aolnt. 112-1700. 151-0424 ty on ttl• Ho polntt °' ~-1111 ~ llr'liJll -------Unml'-t •111• :::-.r.,; ~7 a ... -:'muy name In Wood· HACHW~E TOWN· EXCRLENT ...................... ...,. .. ,,_ fOf "Our °""*' we ... pl'Mltgedtoofter brldg .. CrHktld•.' ~dlOlotofttw..Cell . ~ .. I ---....... .___ • • home wnloh 11 truly bdrm, I be. Populer ''The orv-...•" Allltlt• rlUIMC~ .,.. lfll Ill - --•• 1nt.,-prl•. "Standing Arone". 8'and MOdel . ...., peril'i)OOI· 148-()M-r111U1 11'1 ,... ........... II' ....... , •:. t~,, •:...~ .. 'I! ...... '!.~ .. /.'!~ new ocean vi-home i.. and eaflOOte. 1111. ----~---1 3 bdnn, tem!IY room and a.111&11t IMll11 _, llf llillJ IM'p '°' more w/3 bdrm. floor plan too. Prlo.ct for qulcll IT ,_ 6-\. Cowr9d Plllo~ll;ID ...._ __ •aid &.&.. -_ ._ MfVkled by 2\41 bathe. ~· 4 bf, 4 be l'IOfnl. Approx. yard IH,500. t .6 VA ... ~ • ..._ --. • ..._ -•• FMIUrat HtanaNe UM 3000 eq ft. W .. locatild. ~ 540-8148 ... ...., ,.... ............... ... of wood and tl9: pue U3e.OOO. TermaorcMh. If_ .... ""' • ..... ••Jl111 _, Frenc:tl door•. beamed We wlll guarentee to buy •w-• "' •I I f II & oe111nga. stone ttrepi.oe, beck .. ~ P'ice 1n a 8Mutlful 1am11y 11ome. 4 '11 • • 1 ' • • • • • '• r r huOI tun 0-* & ~ yre. 141 CMllO. bf, 2 b&. tam. rm, .,.,._ ........... :.=,:.t· .. a ...... ef Jdrnatety S274i000 of It-llng, wOOd fire, ahek• ,m.,f 11 lllldn ..... nuclng ••II below aHR'MI Liii toOf. fl1*i. '**" tppeca. mertiet rat-. Offered It 3 bf, 2-. film.. rm, COV'd Frttfl paint In & out. New IPllTI..... ....llf, , . Ill • onty: patio, AV epace. N-8olatlan tMe, Mrttltone ,.111 tf 1 .. , • ., ail ••Hr ta '' llTI N-.-paint. crpt• 6. drapea. carp«, AV eooaea. Nklely "'1 fWJ '5.?JCMWSDit~IMt GNat IOc. V8CMt. Quick landeceped. Adjoin• •••••C lr ......... al ...... 11 .., .. MISSION REALTY ucrow. S128,U5. pertl.Many•tTM.Seler ...................... I I ••*H• "one Woe N5 8. Cit Hwy, Lagune '--.... IHI -~-------1 =. 11~:'t~t~!M: •J•rf•Ht 11• IHlt 11111rt1n. 11 • ::ome wtttl .....,11 tt&e;;'............... • .... D 20'6. down. 1188 Lon· ,.., .. a llM1111s 11=-· Ill "' I able loan. ';iiii:i::iiiiiii;l-liiiiiia:ifi~;---"'--of,..._.....-.. • ....-.... cklndeny. Opef'l 8aV8un ................. .._. ••1 -fY 2nd T.O. i EIDll I Ill 1111111 ...... \';"' t h .... --;·. :;: 1·5. .. ...... tVW*i' -• :·1~ Cw1 ,,.., ... TAii 1111 2 1 3 / 3 s 3 • a a 4 6 • 640-6431154M2n &m llU ... .,. - ~ vtaiw. Room HllWATB WllW 213/902-12t1 II.IT ..,71•1 1,1ret stain 11• Jrtf111l111I •111r • gla •ory fMWM on IO ft I~ pool. Ptana/pennlta Pool. i.ge lot: SM 2t1e Im. llH On thl• upgraded 48t ................... • ··~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ remodtl-. S1. plu• Oueat quertera. •••••• .. •••••••••••••• "°• me. Seli. wlll carry ........ PwtMf fw .. '-11· lllaWll IMng, 3 C. TatumAttr•M--002t CIOM to downtown lJI.. 4Bt.28a.fwnrm.dlnrm, 100,000 at 12"' or 111 •••II ltw .. Pit .... lffMlht , dlnln~oom ciuneii6*'0::. :..~.~~~~~~Ari.! ~~~2~·.~~ 11.n........._ ................. .... ::::=.1oom and ~.!'Jl! ••.. J.'.ff Ill tM-1111 tun 1-3. 54Mem c.it t7MS70 111·1• •1 -.n ITAi LI l8500 DOWN! NO QUA-~ ~ •• IUITlfa .... ,---" Wll UY/M 1.. LIFYIHOI 2 Br. patio 1811 ~home. no _.,.., • ., 11 home. t100,ooo. Tel'ry down. •11•.000 or i.. la I ,,.,... ...... alNn ..,_ II Ul·IHI Blu. 417-3034 ;ritton. 60-8023, • ., ............... a .... ...... A PETE BARRE TI REALTY m1 llWll i-=--------------· a..11 1--.... --..,.-----1 ~..,. ... ., ...... " tll'll'nlllCIUll 2 8dr 2 e. ,_ llYI 1'll1Ullll r& w/ ... lw. """' moblla home In~ "Try S10,000 down Wld View 4 Br 2t1e home In 11 m.PI I luwi111 • ..... L •gun• H 1111 p • r k . ... wtlal Mppene'' on c:notoe locaUon. on.reci Flexlbtl llnlnclno on Ille -. • ,._ IWI II 11 SIOOtmo ,.._ ell. F ....... , cNnnlncl unite • VICTO. t 1 t 1 d lmrnec 38r tlome w/ '" ,...,. ,...,... RIA BEACH WI 1 grH pr oe an 9lldolled patio, lam rm, 1L11~ All fir·=. rtMll .. 11 • mlL ~~~~~~~~' Wiik-in pantry, AIC, plue, .,.. • tenna. Cell todey. ~. • • ,..,...., .... VU ENO UNIT plua. S31.000 total ... 000. Dennie~ & AllOC. ..,_..,., Thlre't men. .... ,.,. ..... II -tit. ·~ ~toe. 2bf ~ king pra. Lapea ,... u. •1--• 1129,800. c.lt t7Mm •a.. Hsit eratt '2S5:ooo Bkr '---.,_., 1111 .,.nf1 WltarlllJ ra1a1• LllllY • Tom Ootuar -CMM200 :;'Ae;;' .. :r.~....... -I IUll LI YI I I T 11 ............ ,. ..... • tllk lllllllfl11lt .... o..n. 4 8d .._ • 5"' 0own. "° qualfytng. 2 WITD E;"'''''· literltr 1• rl1•t nt •f .. , · r, ....,., • atcwy 3 Br. Condo. 2100 Lowly modem S bdrm _, ..... t II :-r::: ... _..,__ ......_......_ II'*' rm, 2 !Miiiy rma, 6 eq n frplc: For 1185 home on 1300 •q. ft . 10% cMn. no .,allfytno. l"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill H• ..,... --le. trpc '°"'* M'IJ l toO 7'14149~ 1530 ' oc.an Y19W lot. Prkled 1 & 2 8dr oondoe. t9nnle.1• •Ullfr lltl.. fHl•Ht. =•ltlS I dining. '22s.ooo. no. · · under IMlk•t et 111111. J>OC*...,...--. ~ ~-......, ll .._ .... ....__ ~~~~I 000 dwn. 546410t SELL Idle Item• with a 000. Aft. ...._.730. a.fed lfl PfMtlo6out lr·IWHM -.. 11•• J ........ r llTI nar1y""'~~ .... vine. '76,00C).f100,000. A ........... ,,.7--!M ....... , .............. .... ~meatteeller-wllhan ...., ,....,.~,_,,..., -AllUY lune Mlll•r. agt c::'=:ta:.n!°°wttim,.:; .......... Hlllh. ....... • Co•l1 ,HO :..2-~7: ctu•lfl•d ad .• ...,, .._, lM A ...., of• tlome In "*'y you buy thlll ettf9Ctl¥8 ~ Tails la HIJ ftr ••• ll11rl•l11t111. !XClUSNE ••eeffie.~ ....... lovely pnvew .,..._ o-bdrrn hofM. S141,il00. .. ..... • 2 a. wtttl ~ ~ : ': Oorgeou• 2000 rt epe . IOX127.6 CUSTCll DPNID Pc:.TClll> IDJO. .;;.;,. end~ vtaiw nome. AHuma loen & • U,_ 1111 U~ r.::.~ ~ ....... tOE deob.I h hv,ou·• ... o'" IOWI ..... M ~ .. llnenot. Stt7, ~ .... !'~·~ .... -~"':!'~ - llMtee WAT FIWICN BY WR =-· ~ 10'i=•t ~ a woooerove Owner o.p.ata • • _ _, · -..-~ -...-. 8.-utlful Woodbridge carry 1tt ti 12~ wltll ..... "' ...... lllJ "'9, Jiii .. .,.. Great famlly home on quiet circle. mt a,&.... Town."lome. 2 Ir. 2 k 1 r.,...,!i;c1n!rr;imt;.;';1M;#I0=.~1 .....,I I pM. hit ....... fM .... Four Bedrooms, th,_ and one w.ictt ttie ..-. go "Y =h "r'te'::.i?' 0~ 111.. llll,la •I Pl half batht. 28!50 eq. rt. · Dramatlo =::_ ':: ::" ::::_ Complet .. y ~d.CS, Cllllll\dten entry. Profenk>naJly decorated, eeo. o.r-..,. NlP fl. tmm1ou1at1 and unit. ma,_ ..... ,.._, 21r. Italian Tiie, French Wfndowa and nanoa. '234,ooo. =:,~..=, ~ o.r. amc1oua1 a bdnft. " tot. ~ Doore. Central air conditioning LMr ..._ p1t. Protmlmally dtcoo 1~ be. llG~ ':'re •1 · with electronic atr flltera. . .. Low mont111y P•Y· ,..., & ........,. ,.. M 1 ... 744ct. t . .eon ~-~....! SophlsUcated MCUrlty and amoke m1nt1. '"•r l!Htern euma tow lnt., .. t 1•t. -...... ,_ country atmoephef• In TO. owe ....,._ wm.. Haw I bdrm, t b•tlt, • ••• detection eyatem. Overalzed ""~ NorUI End. A11c1n11 • 161.1.aoo. ey ooa.n lll9w oonc10 on.,_ ... ltrMt to ltr ... lot. large patio City llOllt• and ooaet111 Owlw' 114/Mr....., or bluff. 6 m1nuttt 10 .. In. ._. to with flreplt overiooktng cuetom .._from c:i.r. ~to eoeJlll,.1101 b••ctt ... curlly 11•t•. tor 10 yre. I d I d Emerald aey, ._,.tful ._ el'llllf\ ~. mlcfO. • & ,,...._ poo an overs ze apa and ~ Wlil ......_ W11 .. 41 .. wave. Muet MM 1110, n 1 .... N02 waterfall, aurrounded by mature, -. lldo and dloD. A a bdrm..,-. --ooo. 98000dCMn.11400 .-c.pp.t. well manltured land1caplng. *' prtvtM 11otM. teto. 11P1*"· ''* tfM, per mo. Atf.11Wm. Ch ltd• pfayhouH. Fifty foot 000• -ei.:~·..:'~ ,., a Jllcd""' Avlaty. $450,000 Nr ,_ MmON HI . 0,... "°'* Oii (let.... Sa 1 ... :a ~·I, No. 1 As..,. = l7Uhrt ........ Qdl M.-n ........ ~= .,..,,.... m.1•·M1 •u 'WATERFRONT HOMES.we 1141.TOU s... ~ """""" .......... . ' 20 -Orange CountY Real Estate/An Advertl-'ng Suppiement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 29, 1982 .. R&IM~ ., . Orange County Real Estate/An AdvertllJ~ Su~~t to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 29, 1982 -21 ~ A"U.':::!w {~ ~l'f.'1.~ ~.~ •• ~ •• i ~.f~ •• ~!ft!.~ •• ,..................... ••••••• •• •••• ••• •••••• ~···················~ i... .. ~ 'IU) -A lllli ., .,.,,, a..I "" Int.. .IW __ ,,.,.,. ... ,.. ... e.a......... 1a4 c.t. .... ~ .... ••••••••••:':.!': W•••••..tA.U.U,••ttu.!. ~lil.i~•t.Ut_••t•~ .!,!.!.U••••••••••••:;;;; a.MA ll4f .......... ! ......... n ··················~· ................. :?.! F~ =":.,... ~ HARBOR VIEW HOME 8~':"~ ~::: w~ ~ ~ ........................... . IMll . 2:·~~ont con-1 a IM. I a TV, uuna.'.-cs ...m.. ~:~:~·.!:~t!·~ :. ~ 12180 mo: CoV9rwd die*. no .,.._ mf 11 M KAI 2 bdrm, 2 be. I::!• & City'Mt"~•o:" N•wly deoor. Ou pd, phone•. 8115/w .. k. tone cpt. Getderw Ind. ~. Gerdenw. CdM. M75. 651"2340 Getl yo&1 ~In l'MI r.r::!'. ~-::.2::1.0 .~oi ted. Pv-: petlo, trH9h :~~. OA~ul~:.·~~ ::~: 4"-2m. 1885 mo. AQt. 657~84 7M-Oe12 ~126 1 Br. alo, frplc. Wk In ~ =:!t. with PM , OS 7 -1O2 5, comptr., mlcroweve. 6'2-8013. ........, .... nll 36' BOAT DOCK-VU HARBOR VIEW 4 Br cloeel. clltn"911hel. Alie. pool, H.B. S!75/mo. 21ws:MI071 S800 mo. or Nnt to own. •••eS"tt••••••••••••••• L,oe 2 bf I den, 2 be. · 2~ VIEW. Nr pool encl fllG. 15-aoeo 1 Br .. duplex Ealtll«M, BIKE TO BEACff 0 le On.3m. mrrAlf • U50 mo. Smell furn. patloa, frplo, gu. Pvt tennle. a147& '*'mo. Jo Sf*' upgrlldlld 88r ~ c .M. '480/mo. 28r 2.,._ fem · ~d IP&lllll 1 • '586/mo. 2 Br. 1~ BL been. (Atvw Aw). IW9 comm. 12 O O o I mo. A n n D o r • n 8 k r . twnhM fem rm. AC 2 LAt'• 911' your lrwe.tm•nt hkup. covd P•~; :.. ~·-'~ bulltrm~ ~:-~18L••· Utll pd. 81MM7 7~10 cer ge;, pool etc. id. ~~a. .. , ........ q,t. 2 kldl oil Avell Swimming PoOI. carpe-_,,, __ , '...,.. ' 2 Bdfm 2oa townhOule BIG ·CANYON Comton. loo. encl I.Wt. 17" mo. ...,.. .. -..-,..,., S$4Slmo, 1at/1Mt, ':: ted, drepH, clHn & :::,:.,puking. Nloe New IUlcufy condo, tum. W/D, r9frta. kldl '*· ,,0 bi., 19ectou1 o..ne 2 752:a718 OC-RENTAL8 406-e885, 240-e01t brlgllti atov•loven & T8L ......._. 6'2·1803 eeoutlty, a Br. Bay -Mw. :r."· HfO/mo. Wett Br. 2 k twn. nn. 9'*'d Renell home. 4 bf 2 .... 1-6br't 8200 to 82000 dlap. 340. 548-4827, _... Welk bch, pool, :r.•· John Mltlllell, AQt ~ t 111 & mo . frplo pool aol~r 11i; JS0-3314 °'*' 7-cleys 1q8::-le~,.~. quiet,·":; 731-e&28AQt. *3bf,nr8.C.f'tua,S.A. 1102541200/mo. kty ·2242 ,tn-4101 sor6 N; tohoot' 2 "" bdrm condo, teao '31C 2 Br. 1~ e .. t4601mo tor Cwport, pool,..,.. 1875. ratee. 52&.-7405. OC-R!HTAL8 &&Mm ' "' mo. 4 8-2734 uk tor 2 penona. No P911. 755 Pet ok. 752.5822 or Yeerty. W• Newport. 2 ... J... 1-6br't l200 to 82000 mo. Pool, W/D. Fred · AtWI W. 18th. 8t. 84t-te07 6'1-14e0. 8'. 1 Ba. Welle to ooeen e,a1,,,.,.. 111' 750-3314 °'*' 1~ mYU 083-t832; 894-1818· II ,.. JllJ ~/mo. 1Br.1 Ba. -. ... lllYI a tenn11. 1800/mo .•••• :c::..-~............ 2bf. 2be saoo Cl08E TO BEACH 2 8'. •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 er. 2 ea. Apta. Seemed '476 2 8 8 588-'4300 6'2·7005 2 Br. deteclled condo, ....., YI"-2bt 2'M>e S7t$-l800 wtoenioe, trp1c. btt...fnl.. 4 Bdr 2~ Ba ovn<IO, A/C, celllng, frplc, gerege, Imo. r, 1 e. ' . ,_ ~ pelnt, dbl Outatandlng executive Sbr: 2M S800 bonue room & eundec*.. ~ cer ci-. chlldNn OK. leundty rm. A'181f. June. -.>ta. naiw cer"'PM. pMtoa. Blodt from Bay & leech. i•r, w/d. U75. Agt. Plllenno wtltl ..,_ldad 3bf. 2be 81400 Furn. ta75/mo. 536-7171 No pMa. Avall 811. 1725. T8L Mgmt 6'2·1803 ~Cet 0:,.2•1903 ~~~~· 90-5980 ftmllr room. • bdrm1 Sbf, 2be ..,2tl ~· HlMI VIiie P8c 3 Br. Condo 2 Aft ePM, 511-e672 1911 ~ AWi No pMa. So ,.___. ,.. __ 2 B"' 1 .,,,,..,,., lffl pluell Lbdrml&t 1 Pbe01 gatL ' , §11...._ ..._ Ba. ab1um, frpio, tannlt, New 1 bdrm QOndo. Cptn 2 er. 1 "-.ctwn.t,.8440 · .._, .--" •••••••••••••••••••••• "· •roe 0 · iOL, pool•. 1pa, nr ocean. drllpee. AJC, pool, J.ao, 2 8'. 1 ea.: '426 ~ IDe =·~ aec,. THE HOME FOR RE.HT naxtmo ~ greenobelt.91••11!22 M71otct.nweet & Hell. tann1t, '480 11t. · ...,... OK. """GM 2 Bdrm. 1475. Ganiga. 1 · vr5-M7C • .,.. _.. 11t IHt. 1775 mo. i.t & J.:.'r..7833 ~ ~· upst~ C water. No tee. Agt. chlld OK, no petl. Joann Akerman AGt b ~7 ... ~~3:. omt. o. 957-4222 ••AGGD 545-2000. Aoant. no..._ PrtYat9 2 Br. 2 Be. Corn-EHc. home. 1876/mo . ... ,,,,,,.,, llSOCM625/mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba. • munlty pool, tenn11. 860() IMd 1141 STUNNING 1aro• 1 Br. 1 atory, ,11,0, dre~• C.dm'•'w tee>O'lmo. 114i~no. pc19 it' •••••••••••••••••••••• getdln 9')t. Pool I rec patio, f11*1, d/w, ~ LIFE" ~ Mii PAOP£ATY HOUSE ~ opt. non4'1'1kr, avall 1 .. o.ADCe poc>Wde, xtra let· ..a. 710 W. 11th. St. Ollllngt, ger11ge. ••••••••••••••••••••.. 6'2-3850 6'2·1010 ~ ·-··-Exec. home: 38r, fem rm. ~br1~2::.. b~, ~ VEADE~~Ba, TSLMgmt 6'2-1803 ftAA...,_ ,._ ~::. =l.~n~ 38'2'ABa.frpc.DIW,lr; '5~~1>1.:~ :·~ ~~ec:,,~'tr~e~ ~ nopata.SIOOrnc) .. _,~.,,+·no *2 bt"' 8.C. Plz. 8.A. Soclel ActMtlu . OMc 1Br. Nopata.'4711 Mbr, •.vall. now .,,__..,. JM s11001mo. IN. Betty ~ · ~~ mo. "'°· Pool. 1p1. 1545-Seoo. D 1 r •ct or• Fr•• & 846 utll. 176-21180, '800/mo. Aot 87l-IOIO ~................... Pent•, A1Jt. 751-31e1 & 2tlr 1~ 13711 + 1375 ~{~~. 762·5122 or S u n d :Jo 55&-182t Wtll< to botl. 1er. 1ea, New ......_ 2 BR, den. 2 or Mr. 1' I• t c II• r • t cieP gm pd nr Bw:tl ~bad!.-· Good locala. 8tunctle Plue ... So Co11t PleH Ar••· ,.., cpta. no P9ta. 8650 Ba. ~Cln)'Oft ..,, 904 3008 Blvd & MecFedden, 8 crtloi:l 8:9 W. 1tt11 l"L... ::::--more. Ni. 28R. 28A, Condo. mo. 175·2010 btwn 11400 mo. 4N-&C71 .--,.,-. -~------ quilt. no peita.......... t, .M. 1 • a415tmo. 2 Br. 1 81. 0 " 1 T Pool, tennl1, reo. rm. ~ Fot a mwrtad ooupie, 2 br a · --------•Lro E.lllde 2 Br. 1 Ba. pool, laundry rm, new RIC:IATION A/C, no peta, ..,80/mo. --·• 11ngle tamlly d .. lllno llMtMu lllJ 28r ept w/pool, laundry duplex. Crpt1, drp1, cerpet, upper unit. TNe : Avell. lmmed .. dye ~·-PA b•. 1 arage'. "••••••••••••••••••••• rm, noJc•t•. Nr l.C. bltnl, OU kltohan. 1 cer one wont •1 T • n "11 • F '• • 78C).1308,.,..652..IJM2 ... -1800/mo.t2f Tempi• c:o..w 48r, see, 11200 :,.,,~.873-2262 ::rss::a ~~ ~· T8l Mgmt. 842-UIOS ~-~·'·~ WAl..K TO 8C PlAZA ~ d::.!.ed~M'I~ Tern1ca. 484-0154. . (21S) 431~16 X1nl cllX twnhe. IG 3 bf 2 taOO/mo. 8300 ..C eV Arepteca. pool, pvt patio Clu~~ 3 er. 1~ ea. BullHne. dlNng. IG lllm rrn. pool. -. -l..uxul1oue 3 bdrm, 2~ be ba, frplc, bltn1, w 10 e pp t . t 15 7 • O 7 O 1 , & detlw9h«. X lg 1&2 er. Hydr~ ~pd. upper. W..., l Avall lmrnad. '4000 rnol ~ deoor!Md, M1MY condo. Hert1or f\'ont. S4 hkup. ~ ~ 067..oeet ~ aptL on Elllde ~~ OU · MOO/mo. r.:. lie Ind gardener & pool furn gated oornmty. 4 ft boat lllp 8pecUQllar oellltip, dbl atteh g.w, 1 1 .._ _; --.. ....... ,_ MIO. 657·2141. · Ottvtno1 A URirlGeT p !!~·..!'!P· PAOE .E. Hrvloe. 8ohwelckert ~. r--. ptt¥ bCll. view. ,....Y d9COtat;c;. ma1ty xtr11, no pet1, • .... .., •. --· .,_ .... tea5. 38r 2be. cNld...n • 1 T fp U L _.........._. Aelllty ~144 dub etc. 3 mo. or~. 11100 mo. Me7 Aruba tw.MW804. ~::«f::.122a oil. no~ 1118 "C" E. :rnAo~!~l11ti•2 _._.._,.,.,.fsW LM 48r, 28e home: a.. Bmweloorne. 48840Ga ~1~1.4e~.n2:~•n Nr bell. c1x 38r, 28' dbl ~ uUll. S180 .a. del>. ~· ":.I :.t:"· BadroorneeFUl'nWl«I :r.:"•7:::' ....... ~ rege, pool•, tennl1, i..-~ B..EGAHTI: --------- oenioe. WID hook~. la No cHdren or doge. 1$3 or & untutnlahed•No ...., ~ n.. beacll. No dogs. St75 3 Br 2be, ~ w. nr Im. llH Cleek, pond w/wtrfalf. E. 191!1. 8t. 8peoe 42. Xlnt loc. Wtll< to 8. c . Pet1•Modef1 O~n •••••••••••-••••••••• mo. 142-34Mlt be1011, big pvt yard. ~··• .. •••••••••••••••• A110 mo. Cell 586-4921 C.M. btWn Newport &Nd. Pia.a. NEW 2 Br. 2 Ba., 1 dely t to e. WINTER RENTALS 81.. ~condo 2 8d 2 NorUl ~ AYIM June Deerfleld, 3 Br, 2 Ba, •1445. 2 er.1 Pool, pet1o811, & ~~ ~!d!. ~le~=• l.n..tl ~:=::re no...~~:J~ T• ::.W.,~ 001mo. Agt ~~C.."t; ~<'1';) oarage, c Hn. 'rl1 ' _,_ French wlndowa, pool, ..... 875-4000 -· 1-......,..1 ti.f. 2PM. Blenooe. 842·2134. 1 roam, 1 .,., 1 kltoh. 1 t1nnl1, whlrlpool •P•. Big ~ Condo 3 Br. W,<lillf ----'fMI old. Perttlna ll*)e. eaun•. ~let• eicer-&,Mtlllltt ...,... aootllee. M ~ OCMne NA---......... 0.141 . 1 & ';"i,"~ on Ou6et. '350 mo. Utli. Inc. o11e nn, In home leundry ........... /.. 1-feU nll vt.w. 11260/rno. llMe. 8rHtlltaklnL:ielew9 of a Mnn-2~ ....,.,_.. mod.le. Pool 89e. IJ46.4M>l1 tac. & much more. 880 lrvfne •••••••••••••••••••••• &W-742.4 '"*-· Nll9t from rm ot aarden. oomrnunHy poot ::: , 8 eu na, '• t c . Lovely 2 er 1 Ba, paUo1 Wh)' rent .._,, yo&1 can (et 18th) OCEAHFRONT 8eaut1fU1 ...... a bdrm, 2 dbl wk» mobile 11om« rue, tennl1 prlvflegea. 841-0t10 deck gar•o• nr so now own tor ontf 11000 (714) 846-1104 BACHE&.°" be ooncso. 911-N. 2 ow 2Br 2be. tr-. pvt d«* ttoOlrno. Ht~Hf or ' Cout Plau s4tO/mo: down & low monthly --..... /... 01.,... nr llailboa PW g111. Al niw deoor. 19eo •leut*en hot tub, pvt 97M1IO Cl08E TO BEACH: Un-882.-111 paym.nta. Cell few d• -1100" 18th St. CIHn, quiet. HGure. mo 842·1155 . perkl~. AYell lmmed ..... ___ 2_Br_COl_ldo __ Unlv_ tque 8edlelor wlfrplc & telle. 540-3421. 8841 1410 ~ tnaldna ut11. 1 · 81800 yr'f'OUnd. • · loft. 8'CM & refnge, ut11 WHttlde. 2 Br. 2 Be. aw at. C.M. e.c....i (Dewer et 18th) edUlt, no J*a. et.M372. Specb• I Br ~ ~ f'8efty Town Ctr, AIC, frplc, ~ d. t 4 2 5 /mo . 8'0'M •~No pata. MecAtthur & Sunftow. (714) 642-6113 Qj,a .__ 11'4 condo. ori OrMnbelt, 846-8144 ,., ..,80• IMll-tlet 71n. '426/mo. 4Sla Laroe 3 Br. 2 ea. T~ ...... ::::: ........... ~YllG8r'lt7 . 81200/mo. 2 Br 2 a.. OGeel\ w..,. 38r, ~ din rm.'*" 2 Br. 2 Ba. TWml, ..,._ 1 Br. newty N6eooi1Mc1, l\owe In quiet oomptlx, Nloe 1 8', cfl*. <MIC. S.. tlOI frplc refl SIOO. nn, GIC* to pool. IPI & & epe.. nr belldl. 2202 poet, ldeel for wOrtctno letge PGOI, g.wden Mt· by oar. 1 ~reon onty 3 •r . Bluff• Condo. NenCy •14141 · · t.nnle. 1800 mo. C•ll H • 11 c Ir c I•. co u PI•. no. P • t •. t1n9. aeoo. 845-1811. ,,..,_,. '1WI a5 ernsitYd. No pMa. SHO/rno. Dotti. Jolln-No _.. __ .. 2 Ir 2 Putnem ~1'12a 714/M0-37415. '415/mo. Utl pd. ~ 876-6848 ,.,.,.&W 8330. 541-1021. •on e 111. 8 o o o or · .,._, "'lllmlWIO 2 er. 2\6 a.. Towi~. ture SWiil. Ml-7'11 •••••••••-••••••••••• 781).1 .... Aflt., Ba, llbnlfy, denldtnlnd, Deerfleld. 1700/mo. 2 Bdrm. 2 Br 2 :· oerport, ..,.. ........ frpio, die*. OOMn & ~ ._ 48$4117 1'7M1 ~ Lw. T,.._ upper ~28r, no peca. Imo. ------~ ...,. ..... n~ 11111 ... lld9 we, Wik to town a ...,.." ' .....,-0422 or ~2 ~.":vt111 nJ!: 11. • .. ~~ ..... ~! .................... ;; (II I) belldld • ~ aardarlA w111 ~ ~~,. aer. 281 2 'I bdrm condo , S4e6 1at 1e11e + a100 2Br.1~frplc.dlW,pyt 48R. 28A. ~. ,,_, ._ "'°""' BUT la' •n•r. rfy. Ava · , .... _oar"""• no H Olmo. Pool, W/D. dlp.°6'2-3787 p1t10, ger, no pet1. btt-lne.pattllng.Cloeeto U.'t FllllT ~l8001mo.~8r2 J/1s;1111000/mo.,m:p«a,iiiiijji•ifti.-;iiiitt;u- F r. d t 8 s. 8 8 8 2 . 16211/mo. ~78 bay & OCHn. Brkr ~ Elt:9e lMn8l h. Wik to ba9Gh. AYllll. I IWIM -t ll 194-1818. ,Br, '::., ':o mo .. = ~ 2 ., 1 ... 1421. 875-4t1t 8Mut1M pwt_.. eut· hfn .11'"9 ao. Ooelrl ._wood & G-. Turt..,ootc oondo w/I LQ, 2 bdrm, 1~.,., l!l'llo. ~. 64&-r,: a er. 1l' ea. 14111. OCEAN BAY v.w round ing•. Terraced ,,a. ... n mi..: ::ac,~~ :,1:0 d«* wot Gier llat* I rn ... ~1#111 Leundry feo .• pool. 2 Br. 1 a.. PlltlO • ...,.,. & pool. lklf*-" ,,.. .. 'OZ' I mount ..... MOO' IMnQ bldg. too. Owner 2 bdrm, 1~ be townhoU-5'41 t5H ,--. Adult. no pMa. epukllftt fountain•. 1__.-nl OClANfftOHT-otd ,.,._ epece, t oer o•r wl fn.S115 •· All, ci-. patio. No . MIG WlfY tnddng ut11. ~ roorna.. e.p.. •-'*" VIie, nr, ..... a openere, bonu1 rm. ~UO. Pllone a:,:;..~:,.tt1r1: en.an. mitd!Mlo.,_.W..,.. 2 Br a ............ NI .,_,pyttldl,~or Comm. pool! tennl1. ~ ........... II.ff CMwilo ft. m-ni1 ._. 111 -.. 11&1 ~ ~~ eo..-c • , 1 .,..,._... ::"~ mo. . ~~Imo . P • u 1 lM'fl,.. 111r. oondo for 1 .,. ~ Pool. r.;rn .... :m....... Huntington canter lo•• to Hoaa. ",;:r· . ~~·=~;:~;-.. ~lfic~5ii.o0i-05iiDO"-: ...... ,__. U.C.t. rnloroo meatillflll pd ,.. f:; 2 8d. '*" tnit. *Pe to 1 ~ a8os . t7Wmo. lkr I* i-.. ..._, nn WOODallllOOE CONDO - wave, frplo. wHher/ .... ----.-Fio':~t:n':'tmo beldl. •10101mo. Der-2 8dmMumtromle08 4 er.fllnl.mt.,dln.""··"'· ttK-;n' • ....,.~ •• r.-;;;-9llO mo. aer. 1\tilll. I dty•r ., ..... 50/mo. w••-•• 6'&-1181. • rel P9ttt. °""11Aflt, fW a lldml T~ twn rm ooean ,,._, poot ...,. 28t OOftdlo. nr ooun-aey, dol9 to~ .... Joanna tu-un, 8eaut~ llftd~ Mu 7 ... 1121 r.-om817e · ..Mt.,..,._ t120cl1mo'. try ohab. l'ooflleo . ..,..(11S)m..W -..no. gi::; ;r; Poot~!.To ME.BA VERDE a br, 1 .,., Hr den encl gara99 ~· Ml>oOIM 1746/mo. NI* fl&.t100 ~ mo. CONDO UCI 1Wn. Ctr. 2 .. .,. parking. o !!'·c!:~~kdya. pdo, Jdnt too. Awl JUrMi ~ HAABO .... IDOE apeo :tn:. .,.._1281 .,../ aer, n.. I w eitt8Cltl tw, 1 & Mm l4 .,._ w, ......,, '400 "'9' ' I. "71 mo. -tt• ~ ve.., 3 If\ s IA. oar, tr~ AO, mtoro- waoent;. g:,,s; mo. 1 Ir. S4s0 e•eo lft.!_ brtfr .::..:":. 2 bdrm, 1 be -fl*, LA QUINTA HfMt08A :f:'~s!:: mo. ~ ~°':r ~ . :: ...,.. ~·.:11:, N2>M 2 Br. 1'4... tl20 il'iOtmo No pett deoec, nft=•· p.in~ 11211PMmdllA.1 blc · 2be. '*" rm. I ihibL . ..., .... L-..... -.... 2280 V!n@Ulrd6'CMl29 w-ma .¥.·a_,. · OU11t1 ._~ ~ No1 w. otaa.dl. I 111caa. ot atufte oondo lbr lb• ttlllO/MO. ..,...,.-or1 .. 'T\.l-,_--Odt-4-• ..-2-... ..--....,- ::a:;'i' .......... :;;u ...-~-Clll ~ No !clhQlr. , llOOhno. Ad Tad W• ,---. 7W414-1t1'f rm. * ""' w ot u.C.L •·m1n au--· .... ,g • -Ml~1 ••rman. 1'40-4140 .. Clar"'* wtr & -...,.. .....,. -ea. -. ... nleld ..,..... ....... ~ . .. .. -no-"'° '-• ~ ..... . Ill lAIUM ~ lnllt .'*2Dl ~ liltd oar Pde>. dltMltlr 2 llr 4 ... -tar'lm-Quiet Jiuttor l 1 lt8. i'M'W".Jm-...-.n dUH lftOld. LHH lllCl9lofl In~ tnfTI-11 l 1111W•.' Moet 11111 ,,_ --C"'W• Ctll flor ''°"'. N11\ fJOot, ,.., The--. """dliOof-.d ,._~I •• ... t U 0 0 Imo.. A It. ..,....._.. ._........ ..__ ...... No,_, lllPt..~· .... lor mt., 1881'9. 9'tdad ~ ":;:.r:•··.._:.:r mly""' I • MWOll. "eat• d Jt o o I , -":J:'-.' .... -. 1 M 1 per.on .. ~ ftlDI. tn01 ~ Oft r· OMllll ..,._, .. M>Cll OONOO: :::..-.az..:rr:; ~ 2 ~'== ':i/=:T-.11' ........ , .. === i:'i.~:,:;'t._tlor..:",.:._~""wi! :f6o"J:r.v':::1~ aoCMar. t1t11Da1 1 •. 2 ... MIO .,...,.. lfl.mt ,.......-n.r .... &:"'9 . l'WoMail ~ ,._ •t.amt w-a:io,ounnt ••WlaOn .s1.-...... , ... ...._.,..,._ 9u\W-... .... """".,, oM:p. ~r~:r.:r::,~ M+tm. ft .. ;:;'~S1 .. ~m~.C1'iii'11iidl1t toeel7 C11v•1d •do ~•H •S.•t rou wut '" lllllMd ... 1111110. No efteotrw .,.....~ad. l8MCI> oru•W•d tnd•r "'"" .... ·--~U11 • ~!1."..: lllut buy a.• It .... .....,.. Olillr '91ot Oii C111t ,_.. ...._... M2-M71 II al 142-1111 -,._ Q •1 d M. ._._,, •• - - - 22 -Orange County Real Eatate/An AdvertJllng SuppNment to the DAILY PILO~/Saturday, May 29, 1982 ~.~ .... e.!f •a·• W ~~~!fl .... ~ l!!~.!!.!m.!-!f !f!~~.~!-!f ~ ........... 1 .... A7.7'.::W . "i.'i:::w L;:=OITrabuoo ~~~ ••• ••••••• ••••n•• 1'hll IL. U. QUEST ~_! Pt< ~ :;wNH8E ~-~.!lo~ ................ ...... ••••••••••••••••••n• •~ \mlliilOl'8? I ._-S*C* 400 aq ft. OlnO. ..,.._ HA BEACH. _,5 to W Pt pereon • .,. ... -._.. . ....., ..... llll r..-. .. .illl U. to ~ no-4464 ..., • ~ No l'llk. AJC, ~· per1(tncJ, QtMt Ind. u111. 5M471M r.-.~ meny .,,. ~. a4 50 I mo ... :~*:.............. ::P."tt:' .......... ~':T Found: M me.. T....W, no ln\IMttMnt. Ml-m1 bulldino-MM /« IMI f11f nit-. ?4" · 1.IOO 8eeutlful 2 Bf. frplc, ..._ Condo: 2 8'. 1 8a. rl!Y: M Doble puppy, t11k kw mppt. R1alMOl'l'ltel fl7M700 ue.oAttuuuuu••u ~ mate 38 Neka nae LMge bdrm. M . pswon I r g b r I c le p a I I o . ate. ref\1Q9. w/d, r11n09 tan; M mixed Shep.. 018TRIBUTOA8 C.M. OftlOa IC)llCe, 346', EA8T81DE C.M. Of 1Pt lo ehr. Nwp1 Bctl. Of atudent. Kitch prlv .• 1050/mo. Adult•. ~"r1peg. '450/mo. Ian I. wtrt: M mixed T•· WAHTED bath, atoraga avall. 81nGI• garage for ato· Have furn . June 1. Refs rwq.146-5218 875-t3H rlar, brn, w/ID; F To Martt« a New~ 1225/mo. 1541-3345, rlg8, M5/mo. fl73-75'4 IM2-64M Roomforfwmale. Proftwn'I -.-r-.-.1-11-.-•• -2-b-r-. _2_b_a-. ~l·b~: lutlonary product that 494 saos. ""-IMlal ff# Lo Condo to atlr, vi.. of or aludanl. Call alter fr9lc, clubhouea, pool. wtlt; F IOI~ ~ ;romot•• • Golden Exec ault••· full M rv ........................ th• Back Bay, btfl 6pm, 7151~ 1475. Sandy IM2~149 ~.~ .. !!!! NO FEEi Apt. I. Condo rantela. VIia Rant• fl7M812 Bf<*ar. oat, Tabby. Newport ronaa Tan. For Info. lurn/untum .. gree~ ,.. 520 aq. ft. •1·00 per aq. G" • n b •II, P 001 • Etnpl oan11aman ove1 40 2Br 2Ba 1114 Rutland BHch Anlmal Shelter, (7 U) Ufl·M04 OI dueled. No lea. 754-0274 ft .. 39715 Birch ' N.B. l5l5?·7183 or IM0-&339 nonemkr, kit. prlv. N; Rd'. 19. leiso mo. +.6ac. 1215 Men Dr., C.M. ~1!:3t·~7~0~0~~~n ,-AO'fll 541..ao32 ,:em. non·•mkr, to 1hr Nwpl 81, C.M. ~7MI 841-1881 or 833-2814 PARK NEWPORT &44-3eM ~ ~CA 90742. 18'7 Wwtdlff. H.B. Want very nloa C.M. 28112 ... _ ..... ,_ • ......._,_ fl# Eatt. APARTMENTS F _ _... -.. ....., F flnanolal lnat. 7000• I. llC)t. Pool. t.W., gym, ..... ,. -......... yg ....... --• .. 119111ii ..... t • t . f I 0 0 r . Ag • n I ate. 13215 mo. + 'A utll. •••••• ••••••••••••••• I BR -pool -blodl to ::,,~, ~.~~ Byownr 9ia-1'23()11ppt. C--. 541·6032 ~~ 15158-4871 , Wkt'~~ ~Vall. =~2~r-rd, COUNTftf ewe UVIHG IN NEWPORT BEACH M 1-0430 :/ ~ ~ ta• SQ FT le 3 a 1015 & up. Color TV. 1 Bdrm, 1 1>9tt\, a.3a0 mo. Loat: Brn/wht Sprngr H~~.!."!!8 ~~~. 3000 ~ft. (tO.otfloee) ~~0.!"H~N:!nti-Phone• In room. 2274 a. pakS. No pata. AQt. 'A deluM community on ttMI Beek 88)'. Club ho- uM .. epa; 7 pootl: • 1ennl1 court•: oloM 10 Spaniel "Uncle Sam" ..,...,."""'"'"'' • ~-• · ' · · N9wpOrt Blvd CM ~11M ~NIDI* Sl50 ,_d. Dlatrlbutor1hlp1 for .,, , .. _....,.. avall. H hly upgraded ... 8eaot'I I. Adame \lie. !Mfr74'6 . ----·----- 12to nation al brand micro-~ - -wt1'I ricn pwMlng 1 f• DY• 117 5 • 1 1fl1 •ft· On Penlneu&a. 3 br + den 4 12 • ~.,... Minimum In--.. ,...... brio covered wall•. 3:30pm: eve 638-0490 YHrly on th• bHch 1 2 be. w ~ I. bey. ~·~· Loet: fWerd btt.I & gold Wllment '9Q\Med, call Loc.tlon la welklng di. aft. 6pm. room IPl. lcltchenatt• I I I le• n u , a 1 o 15 o . Dy Mac.w, owned 15 yr-. pie 9Vee. ....... 151fl t. n c. I 0 • I r p 0 r I . Nwpl 8ctl Rallable M/F bath '300/mo. 230e w. 1 3 0 • 3 1 7 1 : w le n.d Untvrnlahed ~. 1 & 2 br. apartmanta, town- hou.-return to me. CM/NB .714433-t778 36 ihr 2 bf 2 ba Oceanfront, Newport fl76-3089 ~m 9153-7314, ,....,.., .... INll • ...,.,... ..... :' Bwlt. loc. P<IOf. Jae, Bwh, t73-<t154. -EMt-bluff--T-~----Apt-~1000 M 11500 aq n. Jamboree t«Wa. gym, xtna. ~. I.-IMMb f"' 3 Br, 2'~ be. 2 car gar. found: Hr oonw 0.. Mar +s rtul,.. NU 1• 137 8Q ft In lla6ofl and~ Avail Imme. 1 100 aac. 54&-0108 •••••••••••••••••••••• No f, e 11 . Adu It•. •Several lludlo• I. 1 bdrm. unite .,.. fUtnlthad with fine dealgnar furnl- lur• I aocaaaon.. Mov. In todey Of ~ for aummar ,,_,IN Smartly fumlehad modett C>pef1 drilly. .. 0 CM ""I I•••~•••••••'•••••••• Vlajo.FOffutthwlnfocel u-range, , ... n PAITm WlllD Mr. Arriola Fully mprovad. Take Young bualn ... wornan •r-• '450 mo ........ 1010 GenMn Shep, Ml-2733 m.ooo reqWred. Pllrtn-21S-ee3-1287 ovw exlat:l laMe. Pvt ..,, .. to"" her 3 bf, 2 4 bdrm, 4 beth, Mindy I ...... ...._ 1tilP nit 1111 arwtttlr~NW Pty. IM0-4 ba condo , lrvlne, bHch, pier I. float. ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• concrete fencing ma-::::. ~p~r~o:!t~:. M NIT ... I 2 7 5 /mo. + u 11 1 •. HOOO for Au,ull. Biii = ~ ~·1~ IMt I. chine looklng to H ll Avail. lmmad. Furn/ • 861-t044 Gnindy, Rtlr, fl s-e1e1. L:..13 & Vi:...&.:t multl-mllllon dollar untum. 861-2079 ..... ..... Newport Beach Rmmta N9wport 8Mdl 'A blodt to ... CJ,_,. 1111 llU UJ S market. Flrat time In "-I*" needed now. extra•. ooeen, deluxe 3 Br. 2 8a. •••••••••••••••••••••• ...... -.8 USA. Mr. Bucke IH 80 a t250 aq ft tvl. ptuef\, newty-dacotatad, 1275 mo. Call Lori I 4 5 0 I weak . Clean. aunny 2 8' 1 be. On Jamboree Rd. 8t llllm/...... 831-M83 Hrbr/War Cit, 301' to Intimate atmoaphera. M&-?S10 213/881-1706. gar, lndfy. reftlQ. 1450. San Joequirl Hiia Ad. 3023 Harbor Bl, CM. 130-2&4 aq. fl. In 1Q°""Y e.i ..._ 2 Br ..._._ e no p«a, 483-27f0 644-1900 OUTCAU. 24 HAS. If ,Wu Nit (eoroaa from FedcO) Mor. oero.n type b6dg. Rant Stir exec. 4 br tiome, Up. · __... · , •• M2.l ..................... Mt-13ee lnol. reoapttoolat phof'9 par Back Ba~ pool 1250/WMll June. Sum-...., ..... ,,.., 2 Br. 1~ Ba. Townhoute nd TO'~. ra1•, ~cop..; ltc 12715 y, utk 93;-1220 ' mar lncra1Hd. 875-2910 ...................... atyle. Adul1• pref .. no ~~~~~~~~~ra20.ooo-1100.ooo fully lalll Hll EXl:CVTIVE • • cu1a Bachelor apt. nr p e 1,. a 415 o / mo . ::: amortl. Other 2nd'• to 11 •••••••••••••••••••••• Attractlw 19"1 w/houallfut Lido B8Y front luxury 4 Br. Hnd. 1300/mo. tat & 548-2182. a&llf Ullm mi.on. Pl'tn. only. er.rt, ltore at 29150 Avon OONNECTION of comfortable furn 15 Ba. home: Slip, tennla. laet. 714/IMMM7 --------~103 aft. 8Pft "3-2911, -t fOt SI.. 1640 aq. fl. pti.-8 11100 Ocwe. Sutt• 330 •Hk• at able, frlendl1 ~-Broker ~ ---------t 2 Br 2ba. condo, pool, ---------• .... car,...,_, 1Ml-lff7. 752-MOI male 10 lhr HB apt. by r 1 t Ion Mon 1 h I y ..... frplc. Wellcllff. &8150. * * * MIMI UW.. _..,,.... · ~rtmOdaled~ June 1. 1184·7252. 875-8074. .. .................... MlllicOfJac:k875-1n1 ·~4~~· ..,,,,,., fnlf 11 ~~oentw ffl '*"i1300a:o1 . 2 2PM-7PM. COR~ DEL MAR ~ ~-tt~~ 1 BEOROO~S400 1 "'-a__.. ~. •••f at t7434 BHch Blvd. ~ call •Ju •· 1 Mmok. Fam lo ahr wllh M/F, 2Br, 2 nr bcfl. Ju,,.. a285. ~T . .:....iu. ...... ~~! vwr• --._ ... va . une . er ....... c:lelw\ H.B. condo Sept. monlllfy 75t-1243 ....,.,.7"'•• _,,, ...., .. ..., ,.,... • 119 Qoroeoua glrl1 10 •••••••••••••••••••••• Huntington Beach. 873-eeOI. iiQO' mo. 875-9843 .,,.,. ~ to 4pm, aaoaa from Npt pamper you. J1euzzl, I.I. IATnD 213-484·1354 PM, OCEAHFRONT(31.2BR) CMetJan home. kit pr1v, B c h golf cour ... ~Locale• we1 • a!:~ ... 1M. 213-384-0938 AM F G. Reep. Fyng edit non-erMr JU\.Y I. AOOUST. q1M1 male. lttalght. rw 545-4155 tcutlta. ~. In 1at l 2nd Doan "" w{Mtne, ..-. ~ seoo 10 •1000 ... bet\ 1275+ utll ~ -------- MHt., Charge, Amer·ro~ 1948 "'----'·• CM twnha nr t>qh. No Agent e~ Bc:tl: 4tt-2288 · l ~ !.':'. • 2"r .. "!'~· teen fxpNaa, Dlnera. A11 Robt. 8attl9f NH/CM -!*&. '290. IM2-2897 Newport Walltf"front·Dlx Ctw1a-,,., ...--. -~ 714/IM&-3433. R.E. fl«*ar 8d RaehOR laMl.t H11 M/F tow 28' H.B. hou· Sipe 10, 1700/•IC . ~~nlt"h~: ~~ntmkr, _l860 __ mo_._&40-632 ___ 4_. __ 21'2 Harbor 81. CM IM2-2171 645-0811 ••••••••••••••••••••• ... Pvt yWd & garage. 0 w n e r I Ag t a250 mo. I 100 dap. Nwtatn 1200 aq. ft. 2 Br .......... I ~ ....... 1 1• 000 ... 0 TD .,. • .. • Fial.I lle2-6715t Kutt 714~m ot wknda IM&-3872 2 Ba. fr p 1 c . po o 1 .. ,_ II -'"• "' · In,_ bldg on COMt IJllltM 714/875-3088 '875/mo. 841-15811. 11L ll d1~ 1!1'~ Due7,..,,.] yra, 30% Hwy, 8outtl Laguna. Af>-Reap F. rm mate~. ~ .. Br 2 .. _ V'--FrH bacheloralt• apt. &40-7814. &40-8522. -· '""" _, r.ox. 500 aq. l'I. Exoal-lllTI cut• IP\ In CM. l230 mo. ,_., .. · .... -· xdlMge fOf baby9lttlng 2Atlfact0rangaCo.~ ent private parking +dap.IM&-e0fl7tvnama lfl25 In July. '8150 In I. work 1545 -4731 , BAYFRONTUDO lat• 30'• wWI to mMt ,.. J •• 110 I 3000 tt .. Augua1. 646-6e06 ~ SBR 28A I 1900/mo. ~ qlly alngte man. Lat'• 'I behind bklcJ. -25 mo. "No °Frtll" p!!.... no. i----------(213)212-T133 ~te hHr from you. Write ,., tk/ TUtNt Aaaoc.. 44M-11n ,,._ Fleapol ... bla ntll'l4\'lkr atw Br, 2Ba, alpa 8. Bal. BwltffUI ~ bdnn wttt1 --------- CIMalnacl Ad 1884, Daly IMt I IMl/l ,. 11&11 Wiiiiam Cota, 811r. 38'. frplc, gar, 1232 +'A Penln. tr2e 101-10 & M pnv be. tight leltdten ~ 1 II • I • ... Piiot, PO Box 1580, •••••••••••••••••••••• 300 ft Foot tr.me l1.4/1M-1... vtll, H.B. 831-8387 to 9 -11• 873-3917 or vllaga rw beed'l In Hunt· All u1111u .. paid. a575 Coeta W-, Ca. 9*7 II 11• Ontwn~ 4i4-6181 • =rm. ba, lltew. 833-2elM. lnatC:...,Baadl1 ft 3' '400PM mo. yMl1y. ~~ ....... Gal ttlat Gotdarl 8folu. • ••••• ••••• ••••• •••• •• B oomplax, all . 4 yra old, ..... ...£... . _...._ .... Tan -.i'va ~ ..m-*...n'llL ~ -~. a1-43n. port. t'Ai bike to boh, Want Ada Call &42-5e78 Cl8alllfled Ada IM2-6978 ,~ ... ••• Jiil"-~ . Frplc. '*'-856-1743 ad1 It'• • E.MY • t.itJno • • ff'Qfft 1 room to 3 rooma. Nead twn. to ft' qumnt t----------• tablet. 714-538-2804 1815 So. ec.mino Real, ff'Offt 11. 19 a aq. ft. No CdM 2 Br. Walk to t903 W. B.it>oa Bl. Opn ... t:lafft8 •ulUflM Of 213-e34-1n1. Gotdarl Sen OMrnente. 492-729' ..... ~ • .Adj. ,,._ beedl. '306/mo. i..-a HM 11-11 6m/SYn/Mon IMt.t 1141 ,..,. "" Glow. P.O. Box 100. F"' lie. ~Inn. 2172 Dupont ........ m 1• 752-8800 1-996-0788, fl73-&435 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••!!. &lnaeC Beaof'I. OA 90742 WELCOME BACK Call AM. 133-3223 LAdlaa Only. Lowety H.B. ut"I ~ tum. condo FEMALE CREW Wanted Ill .__ Newer bldg, downtown pr1v. ~ '326 mo on the b9)' kw 3 moa. fOf HaMlllln 8alitlo Mo -~ HB 3 otfloee now &ftl. fl4fl 15365 aummar ..... '4600 Pt venture, IHvlng June ~~ ~ la back at rot aq.ft. 481, 424 & , ....., 2242 to lhr aer, mo. 875-9434, 851-1311 ~1t~r upanH•. from VllQ89 and at tN ~ ~~1~~~ 235 aq.ft. 183-1861 Ha dplx, H.B. Non• f.,.l.IM IMM114111 Hair Hunter, ,Hiiton dondo Clrcle tE Hunt-execuplan 1 m le r . I 2 2 0 mo . ••••••••••••••••••••• • ....__, lllland ........ 2151 ingtOft, 8Mctl. 142·283-4. 1M2-3338 ,RONT 2 I. 4 8'. ::X:-.f:e.:'••••••••••• C., 1-1 llN Jralfll 41# "A NEW CONCEPT" Fam roommate needed, ::.~n:7~ ttwv ""-" I •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• CM ..... ~ mo.. \ii\ ........_ 1111 ar Poot: vie. El Toro, W0'1llng 1n New-full ...w.ICUICorn utl. ~ 8-dl 1 Br. iuxury ·················-··· MIHlon Vl•to. i..aun• pott 8-atl naacll 2 tw °"'°' 1 ~ .... .,,.., kltctlan. ~ block lVTOR • 10 yra lllllGt*1a Hiia to. dOM1town L.A.. p1ua by JWt '"· H9Ye Nr. O.C. ~ RnwMta 2Br, 2.8&. Irv.,.. bMoh, 1hopplnG, 11so eicper. ~ ~ fin 8:~:30. Nonarnkta. prof, daoOr9lor .... I. 1 754Ml1 on Goll CourH, rHp Fri-Mon. '385 weekly . .. MO-s..,.,.."'2a.. 13CM631, &'1.+eo3 very '*" deugtlter. Wll • .,. Wl'tll ;:1"..;;;:,kr, pref lam. 4M-6410 ot ..,..2191. • .-Jo ' ~ ,. dO IWftOdllnO, ~ _,. ...... 1111 -..... • tc. tor Io w r en{. Dtx. IMC.. --. 2,012 , 8hr ltlOoa ....,,., 2 bclrm is-11&11 •••••••••• ... ••••••••• •••••••••••••••-• .. • 914-1111. tt. lnol'o. 2 e1111C. «*a.. ,_, pertt1ng. l300 11t. •lll!!!!!IJ!ll Y°""O Merrtad man woutct pattlonad eut>-ofoa. lg. i.t.. 9n-e042 KM· I Ilk• odd Jot>• •vH & eoecl prof. WDfMn ontn. won.,...._ ta.1 ________ _ ...._C..doaV9rtety fnlM\ IM _.. qiMt wettY 1 Ir recpt. rm. All done rn M1', non-amkr. thr. FlllEIS of handrman Jobe. uunll NN apt. on 8albOa ~ « daoordon ~ .,_,., bea.n. new oondo. In Irv. t72.-al .,.., -for lK ~ ,.,._.. NttlnCI and of In ep~enoe. In loo. w• to UCI. l400 mo. Oldelt & 1trv-t ag.noy. ill. ~ f~ July. Call Diana at Pt'&&tlOt b+dg. H9wpoft 1at I. IHI plu• ut111. AJA olt9"9 ~ wttt1 142..,77 Arch .. Marina 1rdo. AlllN, M1-tCJll l)Mtoa I., .......... Cal: IM2....... Cradlta: Coamopolbn Ml...,. DHlgnara, arohlteota, BAYfRONJ o;:: r:'L ~ A"" _ _.,.... graphic artltt: 81udlo Pnma ~ 113-1003 •~ ott• to all new M.VWl~H ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ lpeoa N•v:i•· "'o r ei..ta, " -olt9"9 ""'°need •place. °'~ Newport 8-dt i: furn, .... 8 t 1q tt. CdM dbuu-.. ,,,..., .....,.. • •t M 1 1-CPA Arm ,_ lml1'l I 111"9 : ~ ••• m111. IM2-t222.. 1*0. 11111 s>d-1181 L C.. _,. • opMng for In lndMCllllll bm tMr, .... d mix. Ofc/~ -trWll, ao-Hwy. 86N. era..oo dtlll1rll CllhllellQlna ,... blll I. tan mai.: C&IM ....--lllti ....., ..... ""2 Br .... pon .. -1ttt .... Ptovldlng Tenter ,_; Au9',.._ ~ ~Al=" :r:. cm-~Utl~ 11f ':'so~&' utll. l11 ,MO'. ----~ ~· ...... nt fNllll; Uib ....... Of = of w 111\ It. 111-ltll r7l-AIO ......,._ -........... ...,_, ..... cet..,,1 oomp Pf09leln SIM ._.. A1*r111t .._. 'OOUfrr SHOP • In b neo eq. fl C4ll Of mfl m& _. ... to f/lff w1'1m. and won enW~ ... H4 1111 bullHl traftla baao~ Dcal9, 7~11'. 1 & I room OftlC* "'°"' UU mo. I. •"' utll. := :::a:=i: ,...... .. .. ~ m.ooo. 19M1'0I , w :,..,. '" °'· l20I. Ultl. lnablad. 142~• .,. .,... ~~:"l"-' Dr. NeWport Ho Ill. L09T IAT 1122. ltioo at flOIM. lt't Cb AhOtt ..,_ Allfl ••• t1H100 WAHT ACY'IQN? ........,. .... IOM • tr • ct MN91I ,,._,11-47'0 w.nc Ad_,.. a.....ci Adi 642..a.71 ' &.. · Kennybunkport? lsn't that the boat that won The America ·s Cup m 75? ~)fD<~~ If you"' not SU!'! who (or What) Kenny!JUnllpO(t was. don. I feel bid-}'OU. r! not alone Kennybunkl>Or1 is onr of 14 (jstjnctJVetj different apartmeflt tloo<plans at ~ilWlrod Vlllq !" HunllngtOn Buctl. SNwlrod Villagr is a ~ of totJlly persoNlaed JKP(f!SSioNI plannlog The ktrod of ~ention }'OU de5ef'.'f · A P«fect blend of naturt and IMng- nestled m a forest with babell1ng brooks ¥od quiet ponc!s. cQOled b>i natur.i OCNn !>mus Add to that tennis couru. swunming ~ a ;acvu1 ¥od a conwnient kntiOn nrar shopping and employment and )'OU·ve got a plilrf ~would proudly call home (Evtn l<ennybunlq>ortf) One and rwo bedroom. onr and two bath -1ments from $.515 oo ·-~----0 ( 714) 89&99& I From lht s.i Diego r'""'¥ OrM nonn on llNd1 to Mtr.-n. lllf!I ~on Mtfldlltn to SNwtnd Vi1119f ~~·~&tJIO~'tll«Mk f ~ ma ..... H.-h • 1• ' i -~ ~ :I ~ ~ i § iL ~ ~ . I s I j I ~ • ! J J I ORANGE COAST REAL ESTATE MARKET Somewhere In this Dally Piiot clrculatlon area Is the home you want. No matter where you are or where you want to be, use this section and this map to make you at home. A publlc service of the llilJPilll Classifieds 642-5678 . PAPFIC ' ''~· '2. ~ ..... ~ ~·~ ~ .. ("~An. ~~,, ~-~c~~-r --·~---t ... ~ ~ ,.."" .. '"'""" .. (l -.. . J -~~--~ ... 1!!,.A~· r-~v . 4'1,o ¥.•~ ~1~ SAN-~r ;~ ' OCEAN .,.,, .. - ,_. ~ -Location, terms and value make this Costa Meea 3 bdrm home a super buyl Good assumable loan plus aetler terms. A must to aeel Low priced at $109,900. Call today! 646-7171 111,m ... -Walk to South Coast Plaza! Deluxe 2 bdrm garden home. Enjoy sparkling pool and spal Assume low Interest flnanctng. Just $74,900. Call 873-8550 11 lml -Thousand• under market for fast sale. 5 bdrm 2 story formal llvtng. Crackling fireplace, country kitchen, large famlly room. Patio overlooklng parklike grounds. Only $145,000. Call 963-7881 •'Ill Ullll -Fabulous Seaside Village wtth spectacular view! Luxurious two story complete wtth 2 master suites! Red tile patio overtooklng lagoonr Aaaume loan with flexible down! $179,900. Call 963-6767 • 1111 • 1W UlllT -Beautiful alngle story 2 bdrm Newport Heights condo. Great central locatlonl Minutes to shopping, beaches and community activities! Value priced at $125,000. Cell nowt 646-7171 11,111 llWIJ -Unbelievable terms for this deluxe 2 bdrm townhome. Upgraded tlle counters, wood floora, mirrored wall. Cozy fireplace. 2 poofs plua clubhouse and exerciae room. Only $79,500. Call 673-8550 DTBTlmll ..,· -Lovely Buccola ranch home. Beautlfully decorated. Space age kitchen wtth new wood ca~nets. Lovety llvtng room. Cr~llng flreplaoe. Huge muter suhe wtth walk In closets. The backyard la meant for famlly entertaining wtth apar1(11ng pool, huge patio, gas BBQ, etc, etc. A euper buy at $128,500. Call 546-2313 lf&mt •LIU Tl• -B .. uttfut Engllah Tudor wtth fOf'mat dining, huge tlvtng room wtth crackling fireplace. Breakfut nook, huge master eulte, 9tudy or ffbrary off IMng room. Large bonua or lrHaw quattere wtth ftreptt1Ce, wood beam ceHtnga, etc. Thta beeuttfut home .. being offered at $179,000. In an area of mllllon dollar propenlea. Call now for appt. to lhow. 548-2313 It l.IU1m 911TMm -How about ltvtng on the 121h green of Meadowtatk Ootf Course! Enjoy the sweeping views, manicured grounds and sharp decor. Exceptional financing make this home easy to own. Call now. &47-6010 YllYlll 11111 11111 -Only $118,000. "Turn-of-the-century" charm. Immaculate doll house. Large rooms. Hardwood floors. Lots of extras. Won't last. 847-6010 I .,., -Condo. Formal llvlnQ area. Stairs IMdlng to prtvate master 1Utte. Sunny kitchen overlooking prtvate patio. Comm. pool + 2 car garage. Only $83,000. Call now. 963-7881 AW .. T IUll IETIUT 111.-.,.... Steps to sand. . .perfect retreat. . .one bdrm mobile home In prestige park . Financi ng Is flexible ... try $9,000 down and owner wtll carry 1st trust deedl Impossible to match. Dtal 963-6767 Ul'T WTI -Mesa del Mar's beat value In a spacious 4 br, 2 be pool homel Great location for your family, great terms for your budget! Bargain priced at $135,000. Call now for details! 646-7171 lffllUlll UU. NW -$197,000 Is the lowest priced home In Harbor VlewL Spacious 3 IPlml .... -Only $92,900. 2 story, vaulted bdrm + formal dining. Great location near ceUlngs, gracious IMng. Aesta kitchen. Assume greenbelt. Just Hated so hurry! Call 673-8550 $58,690 loan @ 11 .3•/.. $606 per mo. No quallfytng. Call now 963-7881 lllll11ft PIUIE -3 bdrm, 2 story flt for a king! Bike to beach! Immaculate home. . .lmpresatve fireplace. . .Entertainers garden wtth BBQ pit! A steal @ $158,900. Call 963-8767 au.a llTIWl1D llWI -Custom built 4 bdrm, 2 bath view property wtth ~I Located In the beautiful area of Newport a Upper Back Bay1 Vlewa of Back Bay and city tights. Seller now ott.... terms! W9'1 priced at $210,000. Call now for detallsl ~7171 LNll1 ,_ ......... -Harbor View's buy of the yeer. Vacant wtth superb terms! Aeaume 111 of s11s,ooo at 10%%, owe 2ndt 3 bdrms pkls eeperate recreation room. Parklike yard wtth bubbHng spa. Call nowt 873-8650 Iii 11111 -and at a fantutlc price, one at $110,000 and one at $108,000. The builder wants to close out and wtll help wtth super financing, all the rooma are huge wtth 2 great master euhes wtth private baths perfect for co-ownership. Many extrae. Woodburnlng flreplacee, attached 2 car garages wtth electric door openers, private patios. Much more. Call now for detalla. 546-2313 . mrw. llLIB -Just reduced their price caUM they want a sale this weekend. Sharp starter home In excetlent Huntington Beech area. 3 bdrma, fireplace, decorator. 847-«>10 I 111111• ....-Located In good area of Costa Mesa, needs some paint and work. Great for the handyman or woman. Big backyard wtth fruit trees and stlll room for a pool. Close to IChoota and shopping. Ax It up and perfect for retirement. Won't laat. Call now 548-2313 ITTllTlll IHHTllll -10 units -only $253,500. Bread and butter units well maintained and upgraded. Exceflent assumable flnandng and very flexible seller make this property a terrtftc lnveatment. Hurry. 847-8010 U _. ... -$88,200 loan 13.99/e. No qualifying .. $1 ,099 per mo. Spacious living. Country kitchen. Large patJo -fruit treea + RV acceaa. Asking S 118,000. Call for details. 963-7881 I IUL ~ --Only $103,0001 3 br hom. In quiet neighborhood! Immaculate and ready to move lntol Aaume $63,950 loan at 8%% for qualified Vet1t $828/mo. Won't laet @ S103,000. Call 963-6787 . PLANNING A SOLID, EXCITING IEAL ESTATE CAREER? CMclc out our ..... "I halnln1 ' with the best --·~ w. Fiii. CaH Ml. co. 751