HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-02 - Orange Coast Pilot•l•o brouaht a whlrlwfnd of a1rpon activity on another f.t.'ont. Late tn the day, Oran1e County Superior Cour.t· Judie Bruce Sumner luued bl1 Iona-awaited final ;actr>ent tn Newport Belch'• a1~ 1eo1 ~ to the county'• Dlarl for $100 mllllon tn afrport lmprowemenia. In a two pye rullna• Sumner ordeNd iM tl·a&aht "'°day cap to remain ln effecf Incl laJd dowrt · atandarda \he county must follow before embarJttnc on new airport projects. Supervtlon were ICheduled to meet 11\ c101ed HHlon a1ain today for further talk.a with airport oftidala and attorneys on the auction p.-opoul, and, po.tbly, Swnner'1 N!J.nc. AucdonlU, of fllahta to '*1Jllt· new entranta .cce. to the airport WU dilc\aaled by county offidall ln 1980 after the l'ederal Aviation Admin.lltratlon ruled that the county had di1crlminated a1aln1t aome carrlen wanttnc to besln aef'Yb at John Wayne. But the auctioninl plan waa abandoned. bwteed, ACrcal and ~pa:_ m •••• ... Huabel Airwe.n (now Republic Airllnel~ to yield po.rti<>J» of their t allocationa to mal<e room for tler Airli.nea and Weltem Atrillnel. AlrCal and Republic later yielded more alota to make way tor Ptldftc Southwell Airlines. Auctidhing ot flights to the hi1hHt monetary bidder i1 without precedent ln the United \ Statea. And the a1r11ne 1ndustry 1a -iamat it, airport obeerv.n say. An auction 1y1tem ta belnc considered in 1'e9podle to a U.S. Dtatrict Court dechlon overtumin1 the county's most recent attempt to develop a n on -diacrlminatory plan to resuJ,at.e which alrllnes eervb the airport. om _S .• , trigger BrJtisit . ~~--~·~~~ .e ate J . papers outraged · LONDON (AP) -With outn,ed h.eedlinel, 90lne British new1papera bannered claim• today that Argentina stockpiled Qapalm C'tuJ.n ~er:~!.!.~l ~on the Falkland~ Ar•entlna called the claim~ "totally f.alle." ' Other British papen laid that Brttilb troops have allo \.-cl a oantrovenlal weapon -delayed re.ctlon duster bombs -ln attacks a•alnat ·Ar1entine pGllftlam. . c.maa ar ~ OeDeY,. ~ to outlaw "horrt.ftc" .. weapona, London'• Standard ,. ... ,, ill MWlpeper declared: AWAITING COURT -Seve~year-old . Jame1 Meant, "The 'Americana dropped believed to be~ youngest defendant in caiifomia histoey, thP•nda ot tons of napelm CM!r' walta outside Ventura court Wednaltlay. He was arrested Jan.· · Vleamn. BrtUsh '100p9 in the CARRIER RIT? -A Buenos Aires magaZ:irie apparently smokinc aft.er what the magazine published this cover photo (left) and inside said was a missile hit in the Falklands fighting. picture of the British carrier Invincible, ' · .. . 29 after ~red boats in Ventura had been burglarized and~ Falldand1 are ualn1. cluter afire. = and white pboapho.rua B h 1 • s 1 ~...;._----.. __ ___._ ___ "T°'T, ..;:-..,w::.:-.:~ ritis c ose nl on tan ey d • .:idl bon1fic weapona will -U 'Uie ID cex case ~ hope of eatab11ah1n1 . l!!!J a Nlea.'•. By fte Alaoetated Pren · A _... government aouroe British artillery hammered .,__,..7'1=--1-'4--:dJ•s,.....,,1•ss ~ ·J ·.2 . ·----~ ___ laklbr)~thal1Wlt rthetll'OOll~9-.t.O,OC»di8covery,pllma.~A:_a.q~«entine polition1 in the V .l.Jc; I .ai.aJ ~ tloopee&.0,000pllms Fa15a d bland1 C!Pital of o napalm at the recaptured Stanley today and cOinmanOoa Goose Green aettlement wu closed in on the Argentine likely to harden Brltiab public prri8oo by puahlna to within .......i .. u-seven mHea of the Ar1entlne =CAROLYN S&OllmlXS 'llf ........ ·:·1he Cdfomia Suprm» c.o..art 1l7: CODliderina wMtber « not San· Dle1a M'!:!::fal Court 1\ldlt Lewil w should be dtm'"' ! d ef1er he WM convided Iii Oranae County ot IOlldtlna ~ -· 1ud1e Wenzell. 40. won a ~~e o# venue to Ba.rbor .. -== Q)urt Clll growMll that -'t ,et • fair trial In. San -., County. !i\n e:et-woman, four~ =:him ~)Mt~ 9 po tf!e misdemeanor counts of ~ WCADet'l for sex. ::~T~ree char1ea Involved a W'4>man who testified to her ~year relationlblp with the -helol' judge. Other char&ea (ii\rolved two proatttutn wno llOlbd for a call pl l'ln&· Call1omia'a Commhalon on Judldal Performance ln December recommended that W..-11 be· .-pended wtthout pay pendinc the outcome of his appeal, and diamJued if hla (See DJ.SMJ.S.Ut, Pace A!) Gold price dips in Europe ~rade LONDON (AP) -The price ot told dropped to a 3~-month low and a1Yer .Upped below the $6 1eyel in eulJ tndbla in !'mope today. The U.S. dcillar pined against· all major foreign currencta ~enae ~ spokelman defeme perimeter, battle reporta Jan M c Don al cl •at d " a aaid. ocmlderab1e amount" ot napllln Britain'• land commander in WM found at Goe. Green. Be the South Atlantic territory, Ma~ coukl not oanflrm reporta that Gen. Jeremy Moore, aald British Ar,entlne warplanes dropped ground troops had begun selling two napalm bomb1, which Argentine poaitfom around the m i a 1 e d 1 o 'n a d v a n c i n 8 bea~y defend«! captal. paratroopen who recapwred the ''We have got very cloee in and 1ettlemmi Friday. we are be1inning ta apply "We have 00 reports of it beina pre11ure to the main enemy positions throughout Stanley,'1 uaed · · · Current evidence Moore aaid in an interview augaeata the tanb and bombl .. h may have ~ designed for u.e car r led b ~he Brit i a with napalm. but lt'a a long way ' ~m ~· to build up from lndicatfona to proof," said ·'--., McDonald ..,..~ ~· . · The Britlah troops who Britllh correspondents <m the capt•red tJie high around J'alklanda reported Tue1day overlooldns Stanley oP Tuetday nl&ht aeehta the napalm stored ln were expected to launch a final 89 tanb, 6iled anc{ ready for \lie auault unleu the Ar1entbtea Royal Marine coromandoe and Argentine military installations paratroopers were within eeveo in the FalklandS, have been ton· miles of the det~ve perimeter "over tlie last few daya." eatabl.iahed b; '°estimated 6,000 .Jh~t.ne-=p:tr.:11~0r-- Argentlne ·trooJ>s""llrOU1'ld tlie -OOtb ditched Harriers ejected And capital. -were .._ued by the Britlah. The The British Defen1e ~ miniatry a1IO aaid an undi8daeed had no comment, but· said two number of Harriers had flown ti> Harrier jets hit during attacks on the war aone to reinfot"C:e the 30 • to 40 Britfab jet flsh~ there. Palsy victim's dogs killed SAN DIEGO (AP) -A San Dieao man cri~ since birth becaUlle ot cer palsy lost b1s two beat friends over the weekend when someone pcUoned b1a two doss. . ~ "I can't understand how anyone could be IO cruel,'' Bon Alkire, a relideilt of San Diego'•· Encanto area, said Tuelday .. Alld.re, 33, told J>Olice he came home SWMiay and found Lady, hia year old collle.-.detid. and then Sources ln London said euUer the British troops outside Stanley might delay their advance for two or three <lays, until troops moving up from the west.and southwest bring the-ult·foroe to tome-4,000 men. . "S~ey la cut off. ·nme ia on our aide. The Argentines haw nowhere to go, and they know it.'' said one aource in London. Argentina'• ruling junta dispatched a military dele&adon to U.N. headquarters in Kew Yor~ to try to make peace. But Foreign Minister Nk:anor Co1ta Mendez, the Argen\ine governor of the Falltlandt, dellvered a roualna mtrtia} broadcast to h1a estimated 6,000' • .-.J\lda'e Wemell allefledly bad 1'rium checb for the women'• ~ Bulllon dealers rald anddpatlon that the....end of the Falklanda crlaia wu imminent. ~ added ~ oli eclld and silver pric9 which have been declining steadily for several days. b y A r I e ~ ti n e P u c a r a surrender. ~--~-ilrcratt. complete British war correapoodenta, tn fSee NAP ALM, Pace A!) ~ d.ilpetch., said aame watched ==r • PrinceSI, a German puppy, died a little whDe later. :e&r~ th-.n "To anm1 ..i.To_ ·--_ ~ ll'ALJU.APb>, P*le All ~!. r· . . ,. ' DISMIS. ·EYED ... oanvlaUon II u h18b penDllllw atUtudill toward ..x; coun m~ ~ to act uu•1 now CONks.ted a ~u.r on that ..,.... of p.nonal pref .,enc•. • ·•• The proHeuto~. Deputy lon1a1 1t•1 done prlvatel.,, ,. AUorney Oenet'al ._ IUcbard betwMn contentlhl partle1," • Haden, lntrod\.ad • eWlence Huah• Mid. coplH of five cheeb Wensel!, Haden counWed thi_t paytna • WftM lo .mouna .......... floln for lllr -WhJcli ti' W4pl ....;;. •. 00 to •100. ~.Mld t.be thouJd CC>nltitute moral =tude bla allO D&ld by CNdlt CIU'd. for any dtt.n but llplCLy tor w..n.u. Who WU Mh'9ftced to a judp, who mlsht t)e req\&ired I 80 ct.ya in jail. cont!nuee to draw to ~ a1lepd proetJtucee hl1 annual t&1, 778 Hlary "We re not tallcln1 about althowih be bu not heerd c-. 1eXUll pretereace in th1a CMe , lince December. r.our honora," Haden 1ald'. He rofUled to --delp&te •. 'We're talktna about pald fonnj) requeet 1ut Oc&. 20 burl conduct. '!be three women were , pther Judaea In 8an Die10 paid to commit thf9e acts and • Munldpal Court . there't no tndbtion they would The state oonstltu• dtel two have taken place if not for the· lnataDCM in which ~may be money. • removed: when ~ .. found "Certain))' _judgea thould be unfit for off.ice -a pnMslon not held to a b1gber standard than Invoked in Wenzell'• cw -and the hl~~y patrolman and · Upon conviction in a felony cue polJce 0 who bring C8le8 to or an act of moral turp(tude. '!be them." he added. latter la not ~· Wenzell, appointed to the Haden, repreHntin1 the bench In 1978 t)y Gov. F.dmund ~mmiuion, lJultted Tuetday G. Brown Jr .. did not attend the that Wenull'a conviction for hearing · IOllciting prostitutel comtitutes He T~ the firtt judge ever moral turpi~. p r o 1 e c u t e d · u n d e r t h e The Ju~• a~y, Peter J . con1Ututlon'1 felony-moral Hughea, countered that petty turpitude provillon Haden said theft and dishonesty were the •U the high court' rejectt that only IUCh adf he coWd think of. argument, he added, tbe Huebes alao aaid mon1 turpitude c6mmlmoo might try to remove &bould be ruled out tn Wemell'a Wemell on groupm of unfitnea caae because of today'• tor his job. FALKLAND ISLANDS • • • But Foreign Minllter Nicanor Calta Mendez said they "aren't •·carrying any new ~·· And Gen. Mario enendez, the Afaentine gowmor of the Falklands, delivenM;I a = I marUal broedcut to .. taUma • r 8,000 troopa. caWnc them ''To i anm! To combat!" , Mendndez told bl• men: : "Araentlna 19 watch1ntl ua -our l parenta, wlvea, flrltrtenda, C chll~ .. We not ClftlJ have to • defeat them (the British), but we I • must do lt fn such a way that their defeat is 80 cruahlng that they will never again dare to invade our land." Correspondent• with the British forcea reported. the capture Tuesday of 1,53~-tooi· Mount Kent 12 miles weSt of Stanley, and Bob McGowan of the London Dally Expreaa uJ.d marine commandos ttOnnecl the ttrategtcally vital-Two Siaten• ridge three mDea elmer to the town. I . * * * * * * ; NAPALM USED? ... ' wHh instruction manuafa ln Spanish. ~ AP Wlr11*1t1 MAIL CALL -Three residenta of Tracy Mo. · roadside mailbox -which ii just barely v~le (from left, Darlene Comer, Brerida Alaept and above floodwaters. Some residentl say they Linda Coulter) pick up the mail at their will 1tay until water forces them to lea'le. Pontiff prays for peace in Falkland~ copflict CARDIFF, Wales (.AP) - Pope John Paul D, winding up hi1 hiatorlc 1lx-day tour of Brituin, greeted 100,000 worahlpers today ln the ancient Webb language and made a fresh plea for peace "in f!Ver)' ptace where· human blood la shed." The pontiff, who has repeatedly prayed for a aeitlement to the Falklands conflict between Britain and Arpntlna, Included a' reference to the Iran-Iraq war ln the homily of a Mala at Cardiff't Pontcanna Fle1da: ·---"Let UI remember thoee who have died.In conflJct ~t the world, In the c:onflkt In the South Atlantic, in the conflict between Iran and Iraq, 1n ~ place where human blood la ab«l. .. he aald. John Paul began b.la hcmDy with the declaration In Er:WWi: "Today, the Bi1hop of lfome greeta the people of W.ales for the fint time in their beautiful land.'' He concluded hie remarks in - We1ah: "Ya enw'r Tad, a'r Mab, a'r Ytbryd Gian. vr Arglwydd a fo «Yd& chwt" -"In the name of tbel'ather, the Son and the Holy Sptrtt, the .Lord be !'fth you." Many of the. iP'eeUnc the pope waved ~.,c-1 fla8ll and the dngon of the Wellh. bilinguali1m that hu becc!.me nwt.datory in public notlcet In thlt prlnclpallty, the aite of returgeot nadonalilt aenUment in recent yean. A male c:boir IJUll a tndltional Wel1b tuns!, nwe'll keep a welcome In the h!Ulldea, we'll keep a welcome in the valea," as the pontiff got out of the helicopter be uaed !Or the abort hop from Cardiff'• •lrport to celebrate Ma• ln Pontcanna Fields. a ~ perk. >.. be bad dcDe in England, Scotland and every othe!-country be vtsita, the pope kbaed the ground when he stepped from li1t plane at the airport. At the park, Cardlff't City Council bad nailed • nodce to a beech tree at the main. 1ate, atatlng that a local ordinance puaed a year a10 "shall not apply to Pontcanna' neldl on June 2, 1982." The ordinance "prohibtta preec:hln& ~ or the holding of or taJr:tna pert In · any meeting, demonatratlon, rellgtoua aervtcf or religious dacu.lon" ln the park. TeM of thouands of famWea, many a~ equipment, trekked the city dW'f.Ni the niaht were walU.O, 'ln the park 81 the IUD l'Cl9e OD a warm, mJaty mom1nc. Cardiff WU the last atop on the pope'• ax-day journey, the tint vilit a _pope baa ever made to Great Britain. Police aaid there were between 100,000 and 150,000 ln the m>wd for the Ma11; church officials had expected 200,000. Church offidala estimate the number of Catholics ln Wales at 270,000 out of a population of 2.7 mil1klft. But hall of tbme at the Mau were expected to be non-Cathollc8 from Walea and En1land anxious for a last glim ... of the pope on BriUab IOil. The Webb Tourlat ~rd welcamed the pope • a to t.owtam. ' "We are very happy he la ~"-eald Harold Nayl«, the board. executive officer. uwe are a wry llDall nation. Michael Nlcholao.n, :correapondent for Brltatn'1 ·Independent Televtllon N~ ,quoting unidentified Brl~ ~ C0'1UIUUldera, said two napalm• !bomb• were dropped on \advancing pa.ratroopen. , > The co1uervatlve Sun \ newapaper carried the 14-ory :. -. . .. i ~ I Gymru -Welcome to Walee,'' read man 1iaJ-. tn a ·dlaplay of the wef.b-l:nlliah ·Fair day~-ahead ,,!" .... LAGUNA WEDDING -Wedd dais track star Edwin Moaea and Myrella &rdt, a fMNon dewlper, were matried MCJnday -at 'llvoli Terrace on the Lacuna Beach Festival of AIU grounds. MOlell. who lives .in MWon · V,lejo, eet the warid record ln the 400 met.er bwdJes in 198(). ffe aJao WU 8 gold medaliat in· the 400 meter hurdle. at the 1976 Olympics In Montreal. • . . .. l .Reagan off for Eu~ope WASHINGTON (AP) - Prelddent ~ ltt off today on hit ftnt ~ tri~ llnce e offioe, ~ JmMlt to I tepreaent the United ms prom1a1na to ti')' to bollter the unity of the major lnduatrtal democ.racla. Embarldna on a 10-day tour, Re.an made a farewell apeech to fOO top-level 1overnment of&tala, lncJudl°! memben of the eablnet, the otnt OUeta of Sta.ff and member.-of Con...- who aathered in the White Hou.~Room. ''l can only tell you that I lhall be mo.re ~ than rve ever been of anythi.oa to be there ~nting-the lJnlt.ed Stat.ea, th an opportunity once qatn to e:icprem to all of the world what lt ta we think we repram1t, what it la we want for all the peqpJe of the wodd," be told hie cheering a•Milenoe. Rea1an then flew by ....belioopter to Andrewl Air Force Base, Md., and departed at mldmom1ng on a fllcht that will. reach Parla 1hortly before midnJa,ht in the French capital. The trip lncludee \!f.lita to four couhtrle• and two aummlt meeting• -an ttconomlc canference ln Venailles outside Pana and a NATO. "11iere't been nearly a decade of troubling events and uncertain~ among the allies and ounelvea, ' the president said. '.'but ":!:J there ia a regrowth of Wlity purpose. ana 1 hope...' that thia trip will contribute to that and lJlC!'eaSe it ... Reagan taid the United State. and lta aDJea bad ~tbeftd threeta of~ and int.emal diaagreemenu, but we've maintained a aeme of unity and a commitment to freedom and we're still bdng teated, pomlbly more now than ever before. "lt'a.lmpor1ant for that·nmaa to meet and renew our bobd." fteaian declared. "I know there .,., aoow: who question the v,Iue of the alllance, who view Jt • cumberaome and at tlmea unreapom1ve to the-need for action. "And theft are tbcee ~ .UU In our land who yam fer the t.olationiat abe1L But t>et.• we've rejected those other counea back over the recent decadea, there bM been .,... -almaet 40 years on the West.em front." Ragan aid the United States .. never aought the leacf'enhlp that wa throat upon ua at -.. end of World War ll. a.it what we have done, I th.lnk, In this JMt year la realftnn ·to our friend& abroad and to poaaible adveruries that we accept that responsibility ... 8e aaid that at the first IWDlilit. the vename. e&.Uanic oonferenoe, "we tbouJd aee matt 1 clearly where and bow we mean· to have a better economic future." - He aaid he would propose ~ ''regular and cioRr' comultadon amor>g U. ao we can toeetbm' ' pllnue economic~. that move ln the a.me ftnt I to ~ inflation and then to have Jl'Mtel' __..._,and fllca1 . diac:tpllne. •• --., Judge orders . ' restraint to Crean letter Wealthy Orange County businemnan Johnnie R. ere.D bu been ordered to atop maninc literature implying he it the Republican Party choice for the 43rd Conare11ional Di1trlct. nomination. The temporary re1tralnin1 order WM Im.led by San Dieao County Superior Court Judp Ro11 G. Tharp after one of Crean'• 17 i*al candidateJ complained ~t a Jetter .under the h~ "Loc:al Repuhllc.ft' ' Support c.olnmlttee." a I' teiW lkpub&Jmrw tn--60 --t- ammunttlee in Or.np and Sen ... . . . ,., ......... STILL FIGHTING -A Salvadoran guerrilla. armed with an automatic assault rifle, mans a roadblock near a town .. southeast of San Salvador. Two months after the guerrillas failed in their election offensive, the Salvadoran civil war has ll)OVed away"from the. cities. but the bloodshed continues. Bloodshe~ persists ~in Salvadoran wa·r USULUTAN, El Salvador (AP) -Two months after .g9errillas failed in their . election-day offensive, the Salvadoran civil war bas moved away from tfte cities and become ..... te. visibJe. - Thougn lt ls reported less fre.qaently , ,.Jibe bloodshed petsistl in die 31-mo"1th-old battle. The 26,()()()..man ~ fOl"CeS. .bolstered, by 1,500 aoldiera just back from training in the United States, are trying new counterinsurgency tactics In attempts to destroy the rural hideouts of 4,000 to 6,000 leftist 4uerrillas while encouraging .~fections from their ranks. _ Since the March 28 8Slel1lbly .e lections. the conflict has centered on remote volcano slopes and the Pacific coastal lowland of th1s Central American country of 5 million people. · Gone ~ the white flags of ,neutrality that flew from homes here during a six-day guerrilla occupation that halted polling. Gone, too, are the wrecks of buses and trucks that were lllCked and burned at the time by rebels approaching Uaulutan on the important Coastal Highway. Today the city and the road teem safe. "It's been very calm. too cal.rn." said an Uaulutan hotel owner. '"There's aomet.hina funny going 00. rm afraid of wnat'a coming ... Anyone who thinks the guerrilla retre~t is permaneni IDOi\ learns otherwt.e. '"The war is )\jst about over," a truck driver aaaerted J• be waited last week to d'WI the Coastal Highway bridge over the wmpa River into Usulutan pro\rince. Minuie. later, on the other side, he watched soldlers carrying the bodlea of five national gul[J"dstneir' lo the highway from a muddy cqmfieJd attet-a "battle with ~~ ~ insurplrta whO balr<!!PIU:Dlt.ed a -fftigbt train. . -T-·- All but a few ot_ the 300,000 peasant refug~ a::owded into cities_ and ~OJ! acroaa the OOWltry are savernment appeals to return ome for spring planting. One cautious 25-year-old farmer haa decided to stay in a refugee camp at Puerto Parada. just 90Uth of here, six days a week. On the aeventh day, he travels r2 miles by boat to work his com and rice plots on a volcanic bluff near El &pino, an 6oean resort that has changed hands several ti.mes in recent fightiJl.8. In the northeast provinde of Morazan, thoJJsands of new refugees are wading souttl across the rising Torola River before they are ilolated by the. spring rains. Red Cross workera said thoee peasants feared that guerrillas who blew up the ooly bridge would keep the army Crom repairing iL. . Tfie army choee Morar.an for its only battalion-sized offensive since the election. In 10 days¢ fighting that ended May 3, the army claimed to have killed 122 guerrillas and destroyed 13 mountain hideouts while J(lGng 22 80ldiera. Residents who saw two truckloads pf dead eo1dien said go~_emment }oases were much higher. The &JmOunced aim of th~ ~ti.on was to head off ari ex1>94led rebel ati.ck on the 'provindal capi1a), but most rebel units escaped the dragnel ORAHGE COAST Ctdalfled advefU .. ng 7141142·5171 All othef departmenta M2-4m Daily Pilal /~a... .... ~ ,, ~l....._: ... 1$6t,~Mete.C4. .. ThomM P. H81ev ~ ... °'* r_,..,. OWloer ... C#YritM ~Or ... C-~ ~. No-.-.....1""91retloM,M!terM1 ~-­ttr11MMMb ~ ....., M ,~ .. ..--.. .-ci.t "t ........ of,.,,.... __ Orange Coa1t DAil. Y PIL.OT /WednMd1y, June 2, 1982 Democrats ·to ban 'hot debates' Miilterll) conference r ules end tQ_.bloody floor fights t I WASIUNGTON <AP) -Ju Dl'mocr•'-complete Dlann1na tor their midterm . contirence Tater ~ month ln Phlladelpl\ia, th~y . are actin1 like a party mo1e afrald of Uaelt than of the RepubUcan ~ppoeltion. Freewheeuna debate on issues will be banned at the Phil- adelphia meetin1. The rule1 leave no place for bloody floor . tl1ht1 decided by cllffhan1er roll call votet. 1n fact, the meetm, ta desiJIMd to be llo orde.-ly and welT~~ohanned that a atr•naer dropp ln ml1ht miatake it lor a Repub can 1a~ertna. In h1a ef{on to rebuild the DemocraUc Party after IU diaaatroua showing in the 1980 electiom, party ch.airman Charles T. Manatt took many clues from Scottish divided Pope sees sharp religious cleavage !,v,~~~.~~~IGAN ~DINBURGH, Scotland - The skirting of bagpipes and rhythrnlc rugby chants of "John Paul, John Paul,'' gathering steam like a locomotive, let the pope know he was in another country as he carried his pllgrirnase of Christian unity into the heart of S c ottish Presbyterianism. Politically, Scotland is part of the United Kingdom. But it has its own culture, deep-seated patriotism' and marked differences in education and law from England. It abo has deep religious differences with Rome that throughou~ history have brewed bitter, bloody strife. Firebrand Rev. Ian Palaley led some 200 of his Protestant followen in shouting abU8e as Pope John Paul ll arrived to viSit the Edinburgh Assembly Hall, aeat of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland. "Only God is the Holy Father," pr9claimed a large Protestant banner alo~ Princes St., F.dinburgh's main shopping thoroughfare, as the pope made his way toward St. Mary's Catholic Cathedral. the lign recalled the Church of Scotland's traditional opposition to papal authorily. which it replaced by a General Assembly presided over by a • "moderator" elected every 12 montha. The cu.rrent"iploderator, John Mein~ -•itired in ruffled knee t>ttechel and buckled shoes -welcomed the pontiff to the Asa~mbly Hall in front of a statue of stem John Knox, the great Scottish Protestant -l reformer, in a poignant reminder that religion Is interwoven with the rich tartan of Scottish history. According to the Catholic ,Directory, adherents in Scotland now number 815,000 in a population of 5.2 million, Christianity was brought to Scotland in the 5th century by St. Ninian, the son.of a Pict who became a Roman blahop. The alliance between Scotland and France that began in the 13th century strengthened Scottish Catholici9m. And the church tor a time fended off Henry Vlll's attempts to extend England's Reformation north of the border. But oppqsition to the French influence, ecclesiastical corruption. intrigue and nepotism -James V, the father of Mary Queen of Scots, made five of his illegitimate tons abbota -made it ripe for the Calvinist reforms preached by Knox. But Scottish Catholicism did not die out. It lingered in the lonely glens of the lfighlanda and in the misty isles of the Hebrides, in.sfrvicea carried out+tfy underground "heather" priests who trained new recruits in secret ~d. It got a big •boost 156 fear8 ago when the Iriab potato fainl.ne sent tens of thousands of Catholic immigrants pouring into Scotland, many o.f them 1n.to the teeming fetid alums of Glasgow . JohJf Paul paid tribute to all this heritage Monday, concluding his talk to 45,000 routha at F.d.inburgb's Murrayfield rUgby stadium in the andent ~ of the kingdom. U.S. to keep bases· Marshall Islands sign 15-year pact HONOLULU (AP) -The Part of the $2 billion in aid United States and the Marshall would be u8ed for .ettlernent oL lalands have reached agreement claims by former residents of on a compact that allows the Bikini and Enewietok atolls, United States to continue lta where atomic bomb testing was mllltary bues there at leut 15 conducted in the 1950s, de brum more y.ra. said. The agreement, which al.so The Marshall Ialanclt with a hi.I Republican coun~. He concentrated time and money on lmi.>rtant technical aervlcet the Republic ans had quietly developed during the last decade. Since Manatt took command of ' the party mac hinery , the .Democrats have become better at ralaing money and recruiting and helping candidates. They remain hopeleaaly behind the Republlcana in fund raiaing. But in other areas, the Democrat.a are closing the gap. And recent polls make the party optlmiaUo about 1982. No longer do they fear that the conservative wave led by Ronald Reagan th4t swept so many Democrata out of office in 1980 will run as strong this Novem~. Few Republicans are talking about..bucking history and winning control of the House this year. That talk has shifted to predictions the Democrats will be held to minimal gains. Yet, there is a nagging fear among many Democrats as they look toward the 1982 elections. ,Flrsl1 they worry about Republican money, about the near certainty that GOP candidates will far outspend their ·Democratic opponents. A big advantage in money means a bJa edge in the most C08tly of campaign commodities, television advert:lainl Ume. But beyond Republtcan money, Democrat• also fear thermelvee. They remember all too clearly p11t convendonl - Chlcaao in 1908. Mlaml Beach in 1972, Memphis, Tenn., 1n 1978 - all of them end1nl in bloodlhed with varioua wtnaJ f'f the party go~ off in aeparaie directions. The Chicago and M.laml !teach conventions 1oretold. the defeats in the presidential elections that followed. And the una midterm meeting In Memphis opened wounds that never healed between Jimmy Cart.er and his party'• liberal wing .• The Democ:rata were so busy fighting each other at those conv e ntio n•, criticism of Republicans seemed almost secondary. Manatt is determined that won't happen this year. Any harsh words uttered in the City of Brotherly Love by the Democra~ will be directed at Republicans rather than at each other. But some veterans of past party wars think open diacusfion of issues has been healthy and could help the D~m~rats overcome the feeling that they lack fresh alternatives to the Reagan program. calla for nearly $2 billion in U.S. population of 33,000, are located a1d for the Wanda during the in the western Pacific about 1,200 same period, was signed here by miles southwest of Honolulu. U.S. Ambaaudor Fred ZA:der and Seized from J in W ld N1 ""•:oe Maraha.ll Island, Foreign apan or NEW ARRIVALS-A newborn walrus pup sleeps in the sun Minister Anton de Brum. . War Il. the Marahall Islands are next to its 3,500-pound mother (top photo) as a newborn It ,_ sub'-'+ to ~~b part of the U.S. Trust Territory· California aea lion cuddles up to its mother (bottom photo), .. ,...... of the Pacific Islands, commonly d ConJUel9 by Oct. 1 called Micronesia, which is shorUf after they were born at Marinelan in Loa Angeles. resiclenta on Aug 17 dmi 1 d b h "'' it d The walrus weighed in at about 90 pounds aDd was three feet ..,.,._ n-.-... ,d tha. . t. if ,_, __ .... __ a n stere y t e 1'I n e lo Vital . th li ailable from uoe ~u.... -tUQ• States as a United Nations ng. statistics on e sea on were not av .accept lt but c.ongre. doesn't, truSteeship. Marineland officials Tuesday. the lala.nden will declare their ~------..;;.....------------~------~-------------------------------------------ind e pend enc e from U .S . trusteeship. A new treaty would then have to be drawn, be said, adding, "We are not going to have anothe-r 13 years of bk:kertna." He re{u.ed to speculate on the poHibllity that the residents might chQOee independe~ over the compllet in A~t's vot.e. The agreement' ends 13 years of negotiations on the i.slanda' future political statua. It wu unexpected bee.a use the ' Manhallae bad broken off talk.a in WaahJngton last week. They were en route home when 7.ede.r. contacted them and propoeed a final draft &Cl'eemenl. De Brum described the acreemeit • a compnmUie and said it "really la the best deal anybody could have put ~="the pect, the United' Sta• will be nwponlible for the defeOM needs of· the lalanda -aurtna.1lii" nexfl! --Uir1M Manliallelle will ~e their own dOiDelitiC and foretcn policy, • Br\lin ml ' '5 l*-'t includes an Oli'iaft to d1end the mtlltN')' prr r a f« -edcbUonal l~ yemn. Gem 'falk By J.C. HUMPHRIES C~rtifkd ~mol()6i1t, AGS GOLD 18 T.-MIA8URE of Mid41e &.t W'ealdJ t Omega · 14K gold and quartz. FOR. GRADUATION DAY ' . "' These 14K gold quaru 111:nep1eces are ha!ld·etafted in Omega's 134-vear tredrtlon ot Swiss 1N&tc:hmak1ng Each wrtlJ a highly Pfec1se min1aturiud quMtJ ~ ment. Each with elegant 14K gold textu'9d bfacelets One with 2• sparkling diamonds And all exquisitely bf1lhant From top· $896. $795, t1900 1 I • ·' I .. -1 ' ' I ~ I ' '. I i t , I . · DEAR l\&ADl:l\I: M,llllona of people traveled throu1ho•t d\e world lut year, ·~ • NCDid •'718 ~~ J'or the IDOi\ pan they w•N well •dlf&ed, but man than ' 1,500 conaumen, who had travel problema, turMd to the c.on.um.r AHaln ~t of the American SocSe~ ot Tnvel Aaenta Inc. (ASTA) for reeoluUon ot ther ~ which l1emmed from 1uch t.htnat u mllleldlNI bro-· churn and advertlMmenta, to fll1ht cfelay1 and unannounced tut-minute tM>tel or ittne. rary chanael by tour operatota. .(ASTA) for retoluiton of their problem• which 1temmed from 1uch thtn11 •• .. il .. "'mlllwllna brochure. and advwtiMIDenta. to fllaht defaya and unannounced lMt•minUte hotel ot Itinerary chan&'ee by tour opsaton. airline or tour operator Involved. If that doesn't reeult in 80lutlon, ASTA ~uem that all complainta be aubmitted in Wrtuna, lnclu· dlnl a lull deecrlptlon of the problem. The CONW1)er' ahould provide copl• of all availa- ble back-up rhaterl.ala, written and printed, such as canceled cheeka, vouchen, ticke~ re- ceipta, brochures. ASTA accept. compl-1.nta which are submitted within llX months afler. the problem occura. ASTA dOfl9 not handle a complaint if court proceedlngll have been un~ dertaken. When a complaint ls received, the staff evaluates the dispute and often approaches the supplier or travel agent involved directly to• work out a refund or other remedial action. The complaint also may be referred to the C.onsumer Affaln chaim).8n of the •J>propriate local AST A chapter for prooealng. So, rather than throw up your handa in despair ,when you have a travel-related problem, contact: ASTA C.onsumer Affaln Department, 711 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022. How t_o keep those clips . . DEAR PAT: My •.Pter ii inftaelq from. lllP acMol .. Jae .... r• uu te 411effer aome way • pretene .....,er ~ S.mMM MN me dley'd NM MW te la yov celuaa. c..'9 JM repeat cut laformadoll fer meT LR.. N..,.rt Baell 'A reader had aua-teci di.olvtna a milk of ,,,.,,. elll1 tablet In a quart of clUb IOda ovemiaht. Pour into a pan large eDOU8h to accomr!>ndtte the flatt.ened new'rj'. l;oak for one hour, remow and pat . Do not JQOVe until comp)etely dry. TbJI ll IUPJQ8d to preterYe a clipp&na for 20() years! A slmllar forinula u.d by the National Archives In Wllihlngtm. D.C .. ~ • mixing two teupoom of maQnellum carbonate In a quart of dub aoda. ~ the clipping between two piece9 of acreeDinl material or · we've added '250,000 worth of diamond• to our regular atock and put It all on aal•I Save on our •ntlre ltock of dazzling diamond Jewelry, pfu1 a 1pec111 Ofle day only collectton. You'll find 11vtng1 on pendants, earring•, cocktaJI, ~nt and men'• rlngi. ChoOM toUtalrea, diamond cluetere Of diamond• with other preck>ut ttOMI, all In 14kl gokS Ntttogt. Our·Dlamond COunMIOr wttl be Mre to...., you In our flM JNeft"y 09per1ment .• Reg. 190.00 .,-1111. ' .... ., .... m.• ...... Dllrfl••• ~ ll=wtth , ......... -........ .__ Of ............ pftol .... .. lfftCMllfl...-•INldeon 1'9"'°9) .. "=~--~of• more~ dllmOM, ~ l'9,.. ""' ............. DlllnOnd CertlloMI ""'*"' ......... orlglnll meunlnt . . Mt"*'*90I ........ . ............... IMl ..... ~tolMIW ......... ,,.,..,., ...... . IJtn'I feed those birds Dl!Wl PATi ee.M JM Clll84* wt••..... ' ezptrt to ••• wltu 1•• f ••• 1ta•1 / mtCklaOlr'd1, •= 8M ..,...,W ..-....r..... ...,.-; ...... ea 1e1U er mMI w...a. "'IM..,....,. tifue .. wa. • C.T., B•tlutea BMelt Suun. Parka. a Ucemld wild bUd care expert, 11)'1 you cannot 1eplll_ ~ any wild blrd1 except 1tarlln81 and Dlalllh hoUM lparrowl. All ott.. ant protaW by the Mlp-atory Bird l'eedtna Act. She advllel contlletine a dty animal abtlter for help or referral to a Ucemed wild bUd expert. Shi noted that feedlnc QI' llvlna liquid to wild bUda am do more harm tbQ aood. A baby bird can be drown llOddel\tally U 1IQukl w not • adm1niltered properly, and a amalf bird can have a broken lea that ii lmpn91ble for a lay penoll to detect. I Communication needed DEAR PAT: Do y'"9 now of UJ P"P ~ till• area ilevoted to llelpla1 P••tl• comm..teate betterf I uve lrMile •Jiiii wua I meu ud eu't aeem to el'IUile lllJ tMQlatl fut ...... to apeek elfeett.ely. SuelJ dlet'9 mnt ie etller people wttll ddt pnbltm. L.L.. c.1a MeA - The Newport Belch Toutmalterl may be the anawer to your problem. Thlf ,roup'• IOJe purpoee ii to help people communicate mon effectively __ b)' _ lmprovtna their abllltlel In llst.eninC. th1Jlk1nC and IPUldna. They meet at 7 p.m. every Wee:tn.diy at Allatate Savinll and Loan In Newport Center. Meetl:,f,d genenlly laat about two houn. A member A YS that the ,roup ii frtendl~ infonnal For more lnformMion. cont.ct A.nmtrcaa at 730-7070 at Dive Gardiner at 731-2323. Dl'.8 MOIND, Iowa (AP) - Benbn Uft hlil hid enouP btlly dancera and balloon m•......, It haa become tncrewn1ly popular in the Diii Molla ..... to """ b&rthday « other ...-Unal by Wlf of a belly ·dincer « btlloom CIMt and ..... In • ... .,,.)', ol ....... 44Jt'1 ~ \le_ln fnqutncy,~ Hid Chuck ,1'cDonala; • vlcj ~at~ lmuranae ol Dil Hil company requlre1 r•clpltnt1 to recelv• their 1rHtln11 in a receJ>tlon area radw than ln 1be Qffb, • NBARI . RECORD -Notre Dame Univeratty Prealdent lhe Rev. Tlaeodore He9burlh will receive hJI 89th honorary ~ next month, tying a record of former PreaJdent Herbert Hoover. ·me11en1er dreued only Jn a badUna tuit and bU1ooQI. The balloons are popped until the recipient can Nici the m-.. painted on the memenaer'• body. "It'• rather dllrupUve to the WOC'k Ila.ff," llaJd C8rla Pierond, pµbUc relatlpna aaoclate for Banken ute. "Everyone ltopl wQlidnl and pthen arOund to watch the belly dancer. We've .., Mked that the clown and At JMlt 14 oompans.e in D.e Molnel offer balloon m I IT .. ' Martie FWD •JS her .-v1c1 ta not all that dlarupUvr. "If employH1 art happy, they'll work harder bec•UH they're hADPY:' lhe 8lid. "t CllD't 1M When-ftYe minufa out of a work cay cm make all that much dlfference." ( . UP TO 1/3 OFF! a wide selection of LANZ QF SALZBU~G Sprin9 Sleepwear! SLEEVELE~ GRANNY Qri9. $21 . NOW $14.85 PUFF SLEEVE GRANNY Orig. S24. · $25. NOW Sl 7.85 EYELET TRIM NIGHTSHIRT ~ Ori9i S21. (Long)NOW SlUS Orig. $19. (Short)NOW $13.85 Lma of Sllsbu19 CHILDREN'S SLEEPWEAR 0ri9. S14. · $21. NOW Sl0.85 -s·14.ss Addldonal Gowns, Rompers It Rot.I of 100% Cotton It Poly/Cotton BleDdl abo nallable at ~t ll'riDtl! Newport Fllhlon lll&nd 644-4411 Mr. Elliot's: South ec.t Plaa 557-6080 Prescriptio,n · Quality Desi.gner . Sunglasses I At-Discount Prices ... VAIUIEY -relief, protection UI IDS ~ bans rays ~AUEU -·porsche design ' . PllYIOY--designer sunglasses * 110 COPIES· -A.££ ARE Ollfllll.I * , Wlien it comes to protection for your .. I ey_es. w~y accept ~nd. best. - .1 t • ALL· PRG>DUCTS ARE ORIGINAL WITH CUSTOM LENSES ----....... -- ,,, ........... NEW HAT FOR J.R. -After crowning Anna-Kari Bergstrom as Mill Sweden, Larry Hagman -~t.er known as J .R. Ewing o{ the Dallas TV series ·-was · crowned with a Laplander's hat., Miss Bergstrom, who comes from northern Sweden wnere the Lapps live, thought the headpiece would be an appropriate change from the 10-gallon hats J.R. usually sports. Bette Da'vis once posed nude . 1 Somewhere in Boston may ' be a statue that hu Bene Davia' eye., her nose, her ahouldert -and a few other aimllaritiee. for·a statue of "Sprtn.g" when ahe was.18. The 74-year-old actress said in an interview for Playboy • magazine th.lat ahe poEd nude "This was after blah achoo!. when I was a wry young penon." ahe Mid in an interview publiahed in the magazine'• July t.ue. Sat~, June &th 8-&:31 253 OFF - EY~•i ii StHk . Rare Booka, Old Pi1nta •nd pelntlnp, AntlqUM, Stum . Englnea, Englleh Carving Tool9, German WoOden Plenea, Surplu. ,....., arg• Selectlon of Bra••· ,._Copper_, Stein .... lteelt Akimlnum ·and ltMI ~11111 Much, Much MoN.-Complete llne . U.S. AND Metrto Nute A Bolts. ·l COl'rM ,,.,p .,. ~,. .,,,,,. FIH oak• Md cook,.., •Ml punch. ~121 ................... 141-1141 ...... down ......... from .... ~~ llOfe Free to -GorMa Maeftae, atar of the 1966 movh cla11lc "Oklahoma!" wa1 ln the au.dlence. for the flntl performance of the L1ncoJn. tleb., c.ommunlty Playhowe producdon of the ltlll-popular ahovf. • M•cRae,now a LJncoln ret.ldent, 1tepped •tstaa• durtna v9cal warm.-u.!:i signed a few •utccraPhl chatted with CMt llftd """"· • MlicRae, who Ulo aDDMNCI in the lOM filma, '-tb°e Belt . 'lb1nat in Ufe Are J)'ee,'' end "Car0u8el.'' •YI ~ hopes to re1ume performln1 in nt1htclub1 and on TV . epedall. -a.ft 11-'aetarlq be. of c.o.ta MeN, Which paid $100 In court cmta for ~don on a eharp of aDft1nl ftbel:llMt duet emilllonl. • -J,L. Ma'al•J Arco Service Statloa of Fountain Valley, which paid a $1~ fine for t.aWns · to maintain vapor recovery equipment on lta ,.,.... . -JJ:°r.. ... Stwqe Jae. of Irvine, wh!ch · paid a t25() fine for f.alUna to ~tain vapor ret:OVerJ -iwprnent on plOline pllnpa. -V.U.C, Jae. of IMne. whkh paid a $450 fine for faJllnC to obtain a pennlt to lmta11 a vapor cSecreu~ -Cauw Electric of FountAU.n Valley, Which pakl a $eoc> tine for fall1Jll to obtain a permit to install a vap:ir depe uer. -A1reo CrfoSell.let of Irvine, ~h.lch paid a $500 fine foe aUowtna excelllve villble em.iaaion.s f:rcm lta plmt. -K ... n o.Mra aenlce 1tattoa of Fountain VaDey,·whlch pllid a $26 fine for .faWna to maintain Yapol' recawtlrJ equipment on lta auolfne pwnpe. The Air Quality Dlatrict offidali ea.id they had JDON •ICC9lful ~dona in April than in any month the put year. ~Car dealers must pay_ • ,? For a summer of fun and adventure VACITIOI lllLE Slllll; June ~1·25 9 A.M.-NOON Por ctttklfen entertne ~ ..... '7.00 MA TERtAL RI • MCM8TP av JUNI 1t • Trips each day, overniJhb, train rides, Bible Study, pmes, and even a hayride and besebll PIM- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday '40.00 per 3-day session; Six different ses1ions June 29·Augu st 5 New adventures eac~ week For children enterina erades l~; Call for dttail;I. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CtlltCH 600 St. Andrews Road, N.8 • ._ 631-2"0 FRESNO (AP) -The owner of a~to 1 "===================~====:::=~ dealenhlp1 in v...u. and Selma wm be require6 to 1- .,.Y $47,800 to .. ule a c:on1umer fraud auit atemm1nc from OYerpaymenta cm car tales. Fresno County Superior Court Judge Charles ~ ltayed peyment of $220,000 I« three yean provided Ottmar Tbomu obeervea an Injunction against unfair bUllnem pncticee. ' Pllo~ Logbook-. 111.IJ P1•1at Candid commenlane1 _ ~zcl~vely in tM ELL:S "LADIES', MEN'S~ CHILDREN'S 1294·8 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY ' · LAGUNA BEACH (JUST SOUTH OF THE FAMOUS . POTTERY SHACK) . SaltHN'I: Thun .. Fri. 10-t Diiiy 10·1 Su•y 10·6 -·\~ 'EVERYTHINi· INOUR GIGANTIC INVENTORY· IS ON SALE I 1 . 1 . I •• . "M.otmty Isn't playing, Daddy. She's• looking for one ·of her MrVing spoons." "Like they 11y, the beat ptrt about a vacation 11 getting home 1gtln." by Brad Anderson DENNIS THE MENACE 11He loves being petted, but If you stop; WATaff OUT!" Yt:S. 11>YED ITWHll..E YoLJ WERE: ASLesp ... by Harold Le DOU*". WHAT ro YOU MEAN M von COMf ~l..Eee l TAU< 10 HEit? I ~D MN6 HER ... NOW! ' PEANllTI 511? TMI ARROW POINTS NO«™ .. ™AT'S HOW·A GOMPM5 WOW NANCl' WHAT ARE YOU DOING, SLUG GO'? GORDO . TRYING TO DECIDE WHAT TODO ABOUT MY INDOOR GARDEN SOME OLD VEGETABLE SEEDS I HAD IN THAT DRAWER SPROUTED , ~.or ~S£l 1r~ .JUSf /,ot~ '1i> et ~E~ ~EL.~. we COOL.P C<JRE5 11"' 'T'OPAY, OR L.e-r rr so F°"A t&eW MORe yeARS ..• by Gus Arriola ~ f\.U~ "f£U. ME. ~~1 ~~Cf '4ol) ~ 'OJtt eowt-1"'1 ~CE4; Q:)t~·.,. ~ ~~ . LOSER -Sen . William 1'. Armstrong, R-Colo., failed in lining up votes for his amendment. ~e getS . I ! ·one vote: ! his own : . I • WASHINGTON (AP) 1 -Sen. William L . Armstrong, ~Colo.; WU failing miserably in lining up votes. "I did not get very many votes. Btti I thank the memben ~o voted with me that amendment,'' joked after hia aide of an Issue drew only one vote: hia own. "Having started at 10mewhat of a low ebb, l wlll perhapa pick, up some steam on future amendments,'' he said Sen. Harriaon Schmitt, R-N.M., told AI:mstrong: "U the senator loees any 1 • • more ground, he would not even be here.'' Santa Ana complex • mcreases Saffell & McAdam, Inc. of Irvine bas begun conatruction on the $8 m.Ulioo Ebuco BuOdln& a six-story office building in the Lake Center office complex in Santa-Alla. "\ 'Ibe building at 3000 W. Mac:Artbw-, is part of the aecond phaae of the $95 million. 33-acre Lake Center complex. located one mile west of South .. . c.out Plaza. Upon completion of iti fiveph.ues,LakeC-ent.er would be Orange County 's l a.rgest condomintuin of flce complex , offering 750,000 square feet of office Spece. - Saffell & McAdam .,MS developer Callfom1a Pacllic Properties had been a11ociated with • · ~~vel~eht of the ~th Plaza Mall and Town Center. The Irvine firm --.recently completed .. Pbate I of Lake Center, comprlted of aeven, two-atory office con- dominiwm. Architect• Herbert Nadel & Partners qf Santa Monica deslgneld the buiJdinc. A parking structure is allo. planned. with the entire project echeduled for an October completion. POD~will ! provide fandacaplna around the ftve...acre lite. I l' Structural engineer ll .•. i ~· 11M>maa & , f Ebuco Engineerin1 I will OCCUp)' 3 ~ 0oon In the buildina. with the ...,.1.,,w aVallabJe toe I l•H• tbrou1h Fro11, '8 • Trinen of O.. :t:'::, exclu1lve ~ ....... UIOIT1D llUaOUI ~VOii fi.;f:: &lo •' PAK OF I .. SAVE•1.oo BARE ELEGANCE llOISTUllZIM IODY SHAllPOO Clean. soft skin In one euy step ASSi. FORMULAS. .. J.99~ SAVE•s.oo J::11~\ 11 1'2" BROOKE SHIELDS DOU. "Tw. WOlln msT GI AWOUI TUMllr Sh• ls fully posable wllh loog wavy "sun hig~­ lighled" hair. -.9.99 SAVEaoc • .J ~Q.Tl~S COTIONIWAIS Oouble·llpped for 11f11y, • llexlble for durability PUOfM 1.39 SAVEeae Aegul" or Orange Flavdf. BUYNOWI CMVU DIRECTOR'S CHAIR LJohtal Cll'lleral Taki Action on this great offtfl fold-up chllf I• ldtal Jor c11n9lng. pltnkl Of the patio. - AD PRIC ES PREVAIL: WEDNESDAY . JUNE 2nd THAU SATURDAY. JUNE 5th KODM KODAMATIC ft CHAMPft :".:: FREEZETTE • fOOD SAVO ASSOIT-..rs .,.,..... .......... ,....,,~ -nr....e~c-.. ,.....,J.41L ~ ~.9.99~ 1:-r:'Ma (1114) (Nil• I) • 1 COWJAMI (llM) (HI • 4) • 1-V. COWTAIU 111 .. (PAI Of I ~" made of p1.1r1 llnur polyethylene thlt can be frozen or boiled. CNIJ·~1.9J NI ·!:ftTID BIT TRAY WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! M ,,\,•'' ( ,,rf PIOCTOI 2·SUCE TOASTER Htw conttnll)Orary styll~and the con- venience ot ~ontln­ IJOlll clean! Inside coating bl OuPont NOID.CO 10.CU- DIAL.A.SREW II COffUllAUI ~ dtslQMCf system wets ~rlftda t¥tnly f« more cofttt flavor. -----· I . .SAVE30e SAVE40e •EDW:UIT · WINTUK .,,...... YARN 100'Yt DuPont ORLON Acrylic. Ass't. Colors s~=.99c ·---u. HAWAIIAN TROPIC DUllT ....... OI.., LOT10M P1omo1es a d11lc. hHlthy lln SAVE30e TQIZI. NO-PEST • STRIP ~ At Balboa Coin Gal~les. you'll discover the finest in 14K and I 8K gold jewelry at unusually low pril:es Even !c7M:!r than tho~ ~ off ~les you see advertised etsewhere. Come 1n and see our wide selection of gold chains. neckla«'-r~ngs. bracelets. charmt. and coin jewelry. ~e also c rry Krugerrands. Maple leaves nnd the Gold Cofns of Me11ico. as well es US and foreign numismatic coins. We buy end sell gold and silver coins bull~ .bars. and scrap. with your transactions cqnducted m complete privnc:y. If you bring in this ad. we II even give you a free personal VIP Discount Card entitling you to even larger savings on gold jewelry 4000 Birch St .. Suite 118 Newport ~"ch. CA 92660 (714) 851-1055 l'luLdoor to Wut Coast Metals lnterMtlonal Open 10:00-&.m. to 5:00 p.m. Improved telephone 1trvice thf'ouah adVJneed computeri&td technolQIY ahould be available to mon Orana County ~nta u pert of the •201.6 million f'acUlc Telephone 11 1pendln1 on .. ~ uu. Y9U'· ' DlviDon M.anaaer Diane Dau.dt announced a major portion· of 'the PJ'Olf*l'n 1a tnNllatlon of eter:uonlc •wltchlna equipment to enable retldenttal •nd buatn.. cuatome~ to. add '4cuatom calling'' M.rvice f eatww. Tht1e Include •1lowln1 three~rtlea to pertidpate in a .m,i. call, and tranafe calll to other ~tlon1 when a penion la '°'"' to •~Y from hll or her home or office. One of the lar1eet aervice projectl In the Oranp County budget-nearly $10 milllon -wW be Installation of elec1ronic switching equipment In Santa AN. In Lacuna Niguel, Pad'el l1ll spend $7 million to Install limilar electronic 1wltchJ.na equipment. More than half the J>l'OtP'8lU II dedJcated to keeping pace With Orqe County'• powth, both ln popW.ation and ln expended canmunbdonl needl. 1)a1.1..cia Nid. The balance ot the pl'Olfam II for m~emiz.ation, reph,cement of ~ulpment ~d equtpment necellltated by customer re)QCatlon. Pacific Telephone will add about nine milllon conductor milea of telephone wire In c.Ilfomla and Nevada to link customers with the central •witchinc offices, o..u.cta said. To meet future Interoffice oommunlcation.1 requirement&, new fiber &i:c cable routes wW be lntrodu~ th.la year In fomla. The Ughtw.ave aystem wlll reach Orange County In 1986. The wire contained In planned cable facllltiea would encircle the globe about 400 , IM aa1d. ~ W,..J,, • • Florist 1 "~ 2915 Red Hill Avenue A-¥'8 Costa Mesa Stone Mill Business Park 641-08 10 •COMPUTER/LASER COLOR GRAPHS• · Olvt us your numbers llNI we do It 1111 eustomOraPtwtchartsln -48-to-72 hOln. Hard Copy, Sides Of Ovhd. Trans. Beat mnlil costs by~ ~with mdJslve. new compulef/laser tec:hnology. Phone, dhct mal liH\ to "J04X computer, °' visit 01X service centers. , COSTA MESA Graphics One 2(XX) Hatbo( Blvd .• Solle A-tM v.tld thru: June 30, 1982 Oood only at: 3095 HARBOR BLVD. ).a c..a. M-U•t S.•lti of s.. DNto Pwy. Acne1 p,_ f.k.) O,We 1'lln 5erria A 1111 Gravff of Santa Ana bu tMen named premdlnt ot O.n Carpet M1U1. H• 1a a1lo a part-own« of the Irvtn.1-lled compe.ny. DOI GaWaH of La1una Ntauel hH been eppolni.d tnuww of Ir.mar Ilia.. a Newpon BHch·baaecl food marktttn1 corporation. He •ucc.edl J..nee i.on,, who Ndtel. . B.J. Stewart Advent....-ud PUUc Rea.ttoa1, lac., of Newport 8-ch hll 1*n named to handle the Scbl•I! Lack Company'• public relaitona ~· lt ,_ handled ldvertillnl functlonl {.or SChllp Iba 1980. Jeaaattt• ~of Irvine hat been pnimoted to vice t and chief tinanda1 officer of T~• titter Ce•paay, Newport s.cb·a-d ~firm. Shew• formerly ccmtroller with sm.r Dlvelopnent Comp.ny of Newport BMch. I.rvtne ft!lddent Pal M. S~eu hu earned a Jll'OIP'8mt lfOUP achJewcnent award and $1,000 for oontrtbudonl at The Aerospace CoC'poradon, Loa Ancel-.. St.evml II direct« of the fomll energy department In Aero1pace'1 energy resources dlvtalon. • But of America bu appoll)ted • Jame1 O. Beil vice president and heed of corporate~ for the Anaheim main office. Tb.la new offl'ce is in Bank of Americe buiJdi.na 300 $. Harbor Boulevard. New Yprk IJfe agentl Boward K. Barlow, CLU, Corona del Mar: C. Ju Garner, El Toro; WUUam E. May Jr., CLU, c.o.ta Mesa; Jolla P. Teaore, San Juan Caplatrano, and Steplaen A. TvleJ, ea.ta Meta. are members of the 1982 Million Dollar Round Table, an independent, International 8110dation of life lnsurance agents. . Mlc•ael K. McNelll, formerly resident IJ'W'1alef' of Col4we0 Buker Commerdal Real Eatate Services' Kanaaa Clty, Mo. office, has t:ranafered to Coldwell Banker Real Estate Group, Inc. Loa Anaelea, a1 vice president-national accounta. He ii a fonner ...Utant vice pretldent of thf Newport Beach of fioe. Gary Cmuatapam of C.O.ta MMA hu promoted to vice preeldent/aaaociate creati director at CocJtraae Cbaae, Llvlac•tn Compuy, be. of ~. ¥tcllael Arola haa promoted to uaodate creative director at the fJ.tm. Accountants A8>ciated Pereonnel Service, Inc wtth offices ln Santa AN and FullertoA, select e d Madellae Za.cllerman Pat»lt Relatlonat AdverU1lll1 of Tustin to handle d\ firm's public relationa and ad~erttamc. Home Sav\ngs of America, a federal sa and loan asaoclation. elect.ed Marlo J . Aaeod o Huntington Beach to its board of d.iMctors. He executive vice president -finance and administration. Avco Commulty Developers, be. has named Paal ,.G. Zimmer president and chief operating officer. He has been executive vice president. Darlene 8. Davie hu been selected fo membership in the American Academy o Actuaries, a professional amodation headquartered in the nation's capital. Davls ls assistant vi president for Tllll•1•ut, Nel1011 & Warren, lacorporated ln Newport Beach. • ""'"* I JelJn un 2 ~EF pl , K...i "' • IWKEn un . u" ~\Co +°'\ Up"49A ~ +II<. Up 11A ~+44Up&A ~, .-.u.a. + "-Up D.I •l.'J + \') ,Up 12.f t IS-M +S-16 Up 11.f ~ + .... Up IU IOVo+I UpU ,.,-. + 2 Up .. , ""·~Utt ... '"•"'Up .. , u ... "' "" ··r 12 + I Utt •. J •"'Up 'l ••-1> + llt Up .. , ,"' ..... Up B l l4 + v. Up s +'-Up& l)Y, + I Up I. .... + \') Up , .. 3:2\'J + 2\Co Up FA •V. + " Up 7,j ,,.. + \loo UP 7.1 ,_., • "' Up '·I ,,..~ • \j, Up '· DOWWS ~ ~ °"Pct/... ,..., -J °" .... J -llliOlfJll.O J -Y,OlfJll.0 HEW YORK (AP) -Noa «tl.,. -· : ~ ~ lloCkS """"*' .,., NASO. 1 lllolo9 No -y, ()If If .O "" -2 °" lf.0 )\lo -"" °" .... 2\lo -\I) Off 11.l IM -M Off Iii llY, -t °" ..... 1~ -'"' °" .1u ~ -2" ()If tU Sllli -Y> Off 1U 219 --. Of'I 1U .... -" °" 11.A Sf9 -"" °" 11.J ""'° -M Olf IU 2 -\lo Oll~ H.,.. V.._ IMd ..,._ 0. a Alr<Arg MCIC .,.. 92,100 3n'I J:l\lo + V. t 11111$\t · P..-8 • • V'!,11111 tlft lf ~ IO ~ wt AclllleC .. 211.JOO 1-"" IJh -\loo 11, MIMF'eb McCAlrm • .. 1'2,«111 211 JIM -"" . 12 PrftGM T.,.,,.. 1.. 116,100 Ullt ~ -Ill \J S&T 11'11 Olympe . ISUllD 12'4 Ullo +8 1• ~ ~ • 10.100 U·M t \lo ... IS Fof'9r lntmed 1>4.400 .,_. It _,,.,. 16 MNN&t ...... • 121.MIO 10llo 10\lt . .. .. 11 WOMp Tri.dSy llf.JllO IS \5\1. -1 II ~ AdV#IC*I ... ,............. W ~ ~I Oec:tlned .. • ... • ...... •...... 1'f 21 ElllGNI Ul't~ .. "" .. • .. • ... .. 2.JilO 22 CiVt.E WI TOC81 liiuH .................... a.al 23 SloM = =: .::::::::::::::::::::: : i; =·' TCIQI Ullt ••• .. • .. • .. .... .. .. IO,Jllll.1111 MUTUAL FUND HI. lnw 51)1 17 •• 1 It.I• HI. lnw 5el •..511 1.01 ~ = ~ e ~ m={;°"ii ..... -"I Of! • _, °" .. ·'"" -2 °" "' ' - NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS r.OUTIC*t l!llCt.."OI HUii CHI, .. , ••• ., .... Mltwln. uc111c ...... ton .... OIUOlf ••O ••• , ...... ,. nocw CMAMtlUMO HflHHO IV TMI NAl• Alft INIYl•lf f ...... . AirCal offers $75 discount .AtrC.1 CUStomel'I flytna between Seeltle and the San Frand8co tBay Area In .Tune are betna off....t a $75 ~ diax>unt on roundtrip ~ . .. AirCa1 ls markina tta on.year anntvenary of Seattle aervke June f and the $76 uvtnaa la an anniversary gift to customers. an airline offldal ukL The roundtrip between Seattle and the Bay Area for •165 compares to the regular roundtrip full fan at ' $240. NB ad firm honored Lenac, Warford, Stone AdvertJ.ainc & Public RelaUona of Newport Beach won 15 awards at the Orange County Advertising F'ederation ceremonJea. lltcha.rd Holmes Advertising & Design. bad 12 awards; .Reiaer Williama de Younc. eight; MeaJes-& Ernenon, five, and three each for Jamen Amodata and Baaeo & Aaaodates. Wespac buys complex Wespac Investors Trust of Tustin baa purchued Country Club Fatates, a recently oompleted apartment complex tn the Country Club district of FlagJtaff. Ariz. Purchue price was $6.595,000 . . The complex conaista of 14 buP.d.blel with 200 uni ta. SJJ'!rling goods store due • Sportmart, an IJJJnois sporting goodl retailer, plans to o~~ its first Southern California stare July 9, at 7433 Edinger Ave., Huntington Beach. The 35,000"1Cluare foot outlet ls to be the first in a series of stores th the region. Gish sells 845 stock units Gish Biomedical Inc. of Santa Ana, manuf.actun!r of dispouble medical producta, reported today a public offering of 845 unita ha been completed at a price of $1,999 per unit throuah underwriters co-mana&ed by l>•ulloli Investment <A. and Bladt & Co. Inc., both of ~. Each unit conatata of a $1,000 15 percent convertible llUbordinated debenture due 1989, 333 abaft!9 of connnon stock and warran1a for the purcbw of 333 lbarea Of common. Proceeda to the company from the uJe of uniw will be u.ed to pay trade accoun1a pay.able and otbm- indebtedness. to pW'Cha.te ::.g1ta1 eqUipment, to finance product developmeftt to iDCreMe worldna capital. -: Lear expands market ·· ~· The data produeta diViaion of Lear Siegler, 1nc.. Anaheim, reporta it la expa.ndtni fta international market into South AmeriaL STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS WHAT STOCKS DID NEW Y°"K IAPI J-. 1 •-IAMfXDIO NEW vo.llC IAPI Jvtt. I Ti.. "' -DI 151 7 D ...... 1 ., -• .. Thoma• F. Rlley deeervea re-electlon thta Tueeda); u the &th Dlttrict•e coutal re~tat.lve on the Oran1e County Board of Supervtlora. U there ever wa a time when experience and a depth of knowledp of coutal concerns ii needed at the county seat. lt la now. Riley bu that experience. Housing and growth problems. air and surface transportation needs and a whole myriad of people-eervtce questiona face pivotal county government declaiona in the yean immediately ahead. Superviaor Riley has proved over his last two tenns to be a , .. hard -working. honest and dedicated supervisor in the service of the people of his district and indeed for all of Orange County. I Rlley has brought stature and earned respect to his seat on the county's governing board. His is a voice that gets heard. Voters in the 5th Supervlsorial District, embracing Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, Irvine and all of the southern sector to the county line, must recognize that they bave only one rep-eeentatlve on a fiVe-member board. · Some put offioeholden from the 0th Dlttrlct have found themselvea 1hunted aalde or unable to negotiate the coutJ1ne•1 concerns when dealing with the other four aupervilorl. Th1I has not been the cue with Tom Riley. Riley has worked hard and, sometimes it seems, virtually around the clock for the lnteresta of his diatrict. He baa l)Ot confined himself to the political arena. A retired U.S. Marine Corpe general officer, he has been an actlve supporter. of civic anq philanthropic movements too numerous to detail. He Ls a man of servioe. Riley's opponents in this election are honorable men who should be thanked for offering themselves in the public servioe. We bel\eve, however, this la not the time to abandon the experience and dedication that Supervisor Riley has brought to his county office. Tom Riley should be re-elected by the' voters this ·Tuesday. Judicial recom m end ations Two superior court contests, one something of a repeat perfonnanoe, and two municipal court r8ces, will confront Orange Coast voters in Tuesday's primary election. In the superior col.lrt race drawing the most attention, the incumbent, Judge Leonard Goldst.ein. is being challenged by William ·Hopkins, Anaheim city attorney. ' To get a feel for the race, one has to look at Goldstein's upstairs-downstairs judicial career. He was firBt appointed to the superior court by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. in 1977. The following year, he was defeated for re-election by a deputy district attorney, Oretta Ferri Seara. ' The re-election defeat notwithstanding, Gov. Brown appointed Goldstein to. a vacancy on the North Orange County Municipaf Court bench. Enter Hopkins. He decided tb challenge Goldstein in a 1980 re-election bid. The race was well under way when Gov. Brown elevated Goldstein to a superior court vacancy. The action canceled the municipal court race and left Hopkins in the cold. · So now, this year. voters countywide will have the opportunity to decide wbe~ to retain GoldStein. or replace him with Hopkins. For all the furor that has surrounded the governor's appointments of Goldstein, the Dally ·Pilot makes but one observation: the furor should be directed at Brown, not the appointee. Goldstein is a hardworking, • conscientious jurist, who has Wide respect in legal and judicial cirtjes. He deserves to be fe..elected to a six-year term. In the other superior court race, four candidates are vying for the seat formerly held by Judge William Lee, who has ·announced his retirement. They are West Orange County Municipal Co\!ft Judge Robert Knox; Joseph Barilla, a Loa Angeles County prosecutor; William Farria, an attorney and member of the county Transit District board of directors. and Shennan Weber. an att.omey and accountant. The Daily PUot 41"gee a vote for Judge Knox. While we find that Farris is also highly capable, Judge Knox already has gained the experience nece-ery for the judiciaf position be eeeka. In the race in the Orange County Harbor Munieipal Court, the inculllbent, Judge Robert Polis, is fadhg a challenge by Paul Robbins, a Loe Angeles County deputy district .attorney. We urge a vote for Judge Polis. Opposition rhetoric attacking Judge Polis lacks foundation in the record. Polis is an experienced and able jurist. He previously ' served the Harbor Court as traffic commissioner. He clearJy has earned and deserves re-election. In the contest in West Orange County Municipal Court, the . incumbent, Joanne Harrold, le facing two opponents, Dan Dutcher and Ronald Nix. Both are Santa Ana-baaed attorneys. Although Judge Harrold ii unpopular with some attorneys and questions have been rai8ed about her residency, she appears to be the strongest of the three candidates. OplnlMs expre$sed In the space above are thOse of the Dally Pilot. Other vlWIS ••· pressed on ll"lls page are those ot tl"le1r authors an<1 artists. Reader comment Is 1nv1I· ed. Address The Daily Piiot, P.O. Bo• 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone 17141 642·4321. L.M. Boyd I Six-shooters Most of the men who carried six- shooten in the Old West only loaded five ahota. They kept the hammer on the empty chamber a a safety. When the hammer' reated on a loaded chamber, it wam't neceaary to pull ~ trluer to fire a lhot. 'Any IOtt of aharp 6fow to the hammer heel could do iL ·At 1eut a few ~ that cham- ber to hold a small tight roll of emeraency CWTeDC)'. Can you con trm from your own experience the claim that men with curly hair tend io 1row bald at an earlier a1e than men with 1tralght halrT •• Q. Dld the Roman aoldlen in the I 4aya of. Christ march ln step to a ca- ·~ . A. Ne(. lit, hlltory rtCXll'd9 the fint mWwy men to march in 11ep were the ..... ~ ot 600 yeen •· They carrle4 JB-foot·lona apeara. ~ cb~!'l'h~ ln the ra.nU to keep from bashing in one another'• heads. Am asked to name the best--eelllng novel in the entire htatory of publi- shing. That would be "Valley of the DoU.'' by the late Jacqueline SUsann. With 22 million book.a aold alnce 1966. Q. What university football team was given its official name in honor of a gnaduate who became a profe.mlonal football star? A. Believe you .refer to '"The Mean Green" of North Texaa State. The name with the 9Chool color ltuck after Pittsburgh St.eelu' Joe Greene gra- duated in 1968. - Q . Whit are "Mexlcll\"' •trawbeni-7'' A. Border jarp for pinto beau. .. ---- . Can .. trade encourage peac~ NEW YORK -"Commerce ta the cure for destructive rrejudicea,.. said Monteequieu, the, grea French polltbl philoeopher of ttieO 18th centUry. "It I.I almOltt a aeneral rute that where ~ La civilized 0ehavi0r, there la trade; and wherever there ls trade, there ii civillzed behavior." A century later, Karl Marx waa reported to have laid eomethl.na like: "The capitalista will aell ua the rope to hang them.'' THE DEBATE STILL aoM on -and it Ls one of the moat crucial u th1a century iS ending. What ahould be the goala and policy of the relatively prosperous West -the United States and the European democraciea - regarding the complicated _guestlon of trade with the struaallna ~ -the Soviet Onion and ita~ European colonies? Should we trade relatively freely, on the theory that prosperou.-oommunista, or communist governmen~ are le.a 'likely to be militarily expanUonlat and adventurous? Or, should we not trade and do what we can to speed up the deterioration of communist ecmomla ln order to force 1he Eastern pwnmenta to decreate military~ The debate ia taken up in two provocative analyses in the cWTent iaaues of-two conaervative, buatnesa-ortented jouroal1, the FL-onomist in GrMt Britain and Forbel In the United Stato. And if anyone needed proof of the oomplexity of the lmuea involved here, the European publication leaned toward the traditionaf American position: Be very careful! The American magazine leaned toward the traditional West European position: Busine-la aood for the business of peace. "It would make eenae for Western Europeana," wrote John Plender of The F.oonomiat, "(to) give a fairer wind to American propoeala . . . " "It seema worth encouraging the Sovletl," wrote Lawrence Minard of Forbes, "(to) irnptove their people's lives. Are there dab? Yes, but ·even as RICHARD RllVll the United States aeela to rearm, lt ahouJd not beck away from taking risks for peace." . 'BOth writen were analyzing American oppoeition to Germah and French aid for a pipeline to bring natural gaa from Siberia to their countries. If the p{peline ls completed, both of thoee countries\ will be "dependent" -the word Wied by .American opponents of the deal on the Soviet Union for about 5 perc:ent of their total enel'IY needs •. The element• of the pipeline neaotiatiom are the elementa of the r..t-West tnde debate. The RUISians haw areat natural re90W'Cl!S, but their econmny wOl'b., blidly that the)' need .. trade to provide hard currency - doDan, pounds, marb or ·francs -to pay for the food and high technology that they are 10 far incapable of produd.Nz at home. The West heeds the energy and wants the pmperity provided. by trade. West Germany alone attributes 200~000 jobs to it.a ·$28-billion-a-year trade with the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. So, Weat German politicians and union I leaden are united with Iowa farmers who want to tell grain to the RussianB. The Reagan administration, ao far, has generally rejected the European position. (That position, of coune, was. aJ.ao the American position -deten\e -under Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger.) Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger particularly has argued that the RUiii.ans are taking advantage of such trade - and the loans of Western . banks financing much of it -to build up their military with Western technology. And there ia evidence \hat s-oviei mi81ile-guidance technol<>iY was bought (and stolen) from the United States. "THE CRISIS in Poland provides an unprecedented opportunity to hasten the breakdown of the communist system." say. Sen. Robert Kasten of Wlaconsin.. "The bankruptcy of Poland and ·the economic tl'Ollbles of Romania and other Soviet satellite countries 00\lldn't come at a wone time for the U.S.S.R.". But Forbes diaputes Weinberger, Kasten and other hard-liners who wOUld end aid and bank loans to commw$'t countries. ''Th~ result must be that they (Eastern European satellites) will tum to Moecow for ever larger subsidies," pys a magaiJne that likes to call itself "a capitalist tool." "The consequence of poverty thus la communist cohesion, not disintegration. •• So, how do you dedde? A.mericam. l think, will be more comfortable -and much wiser -to be generous, to rjsk tor' peace. President Reagan said it well a couple of weeks ago in his speech at bis alma mater, F.ureka College: . "A Soviet leadership devoted to improving its people's lives, rather than expanding its anned conquests, will find a sympathetic partner in the WesL The West will respond with expanded trade and other forms of cooperation." ·Airport's 500-mile rule curbs • noise ·To the F.ditor: I can appreciate the concern of the editorial of M.y 21 ''Airport 5()0..Mile Rule Outdated and Coatly," whlch expr e 111 ed the 76,000 single incidences of inconvenience experienced by the Frontier Airlines ~ who, aft.er M_AILBOX _ leaving bun ~ Oxan~ Airport on a fliabt to Denver, had ib stop in Lu Vegas in order to meet the Boerd of. Superviaon' :SOO:mile rule. 'Yet 1 would hope that you would express the same concern for the 777 ,600,000 individual incldencea of Inconvenience experienced in 1981 by thoee affected by the noi8e of all of the fllghta taking off from the Orange c.o\.u\ty Airport. A commerd-1 pilot frlend of mine reminded me over the weekend of the fll&ht of Air Force One (707) 1eVeral yean ago from Oranae Chmty to El 'l'oro, pauengerlea, l>aggageleu and with enough fuel to land at· p Toro. Whisper quiet WU the flight! committees in Congress are subject to ahould pay what ever TIC demands. I j pretSUre from apedal interest .groups t6 feel that the leueholders are asking TIC i have apecial ~ lawa put into the to be fair and a Dttle more realistic. I do t Int.emal Revenue Code and more spaces not know what the leueholdera may on the income tax retumJ for tax ci-ediia · have been promised. 1 do know what we , for certain poups, only. • were promi.ted. And the promiaes TIC IF TAX mcreues are approved what ~!! to us weren't worth this paper rm . gimmick ii available for the wage earner wnting on. BOBBIE ALLEN to reduce their taxes? The only way that I aee ii for the wage earner ia to have more children, thereby reducing his 1 taxe1, but with runaway inflation and high interest rates how can the children be support.C in a-decent manner? 'nM!tt muat be a limnlification of the Internal Revenue Code(Laws should be written 10 that men oJ common intelllgenoe can understand them. The income tax fonna muat be simplified and every penon must be required to pey a fair ·~ of income taxes! , HERBERT HERSCH Promises broken To the Edltor: Jt&M N&BA W , Oa, (AP) _ unantmoualy by the city councU Mandatory l\lft OWMnhlp beclme March u. require• head• of • the law ln thl• Atlania 1uburb ~In the dty ol 6,400 people t Jt tO own and malntaln • f1rMnD And Tu••day, and houHwl • aren umn .. ..:•uon. It exemptl convicted • ll&cl lt comton.d hfllll' to know -aneone brob lnto her duplex, f•Jona. the dilabled and thoel with could pt rid ot ~....i tan.•• rellak>ul ob~ .• ---•-f la 'nae council aclcnowledaed it WM &..,. uvplementatkln ° new w reactln8 •••ln•..! pa11a1• of an brcNlht the d~anothlr wave of ordJ.nanci in the O\JCllO IUrbwb of publlGlty and a ~ from Morton Grove whJch bani ownentUp the Amertcan Cl LJberdel Union. =tle ln the -r ol rwtbl from of handlum by most privata dtlaena. ~-Daw OllUer, owner of a downtown "I ~t feel my ditf9nnt" ~ hardware 1tore, Nld the law bu a 8U" ln the ~ now, Mid Mri. brou,tbt ''very lltti. lnterelt" and no Martin. But lhe added, "It f_. aood inc:n:111ed demand for ammunitlm or to know lf anybody came In here, you ~ law bal DO ~ty prorilioD. could eet rid of them real fall" but Mayor Darvin Purdv Hid She l8id her hUlbu>d bon'Owed a " aun from hl1 brother tn nearby ~~ c!: :=u..m: ~-C:= . Cartersville. She Mid her huaband _ ... _,_~ n..-..a _1 ...... _ ..... ,. ..._ and two ol their fout chUdren have ~ ~~ w11& uis DO handled auna while huntlna, and filunwhile, the Am~rlcan Civil lhe doet not CONkler the weapon • Libertiea Umcn alked a federal court lafety buard. I n A tl an ta to pro h i b lt any POSTER QJllL -Chriltine Mitchell, the '"Die kldl don't even know where it enforcement ol the law, l&kl Gene 6-)'eU'-Old dauchter of Charlene Mitchell of la. They didn't even ult." lhe .aid. Guerrero, execuUve l9Cl"etU')' of the Oranae,hubeennamedposterchildforthe -~T~b:e:.._:o~r~d~l~n~a~n~c~e~,~a~d~o~p~t~e~d~-~A:CL~U~in~Geor&ia~~-~-~·~~~~~~~!!l!!!!l!!!!l!!!!l!!~~~~~~~~!f!~!!!!!!!~~~~~~:;:::~~ Leukemia Society of America, Tri-County - chapter. She has been a leukemia victim for more than two yean. 145,006 atitos to be recalled· DETROIT (AP) -Ford Motor Co. baa announced the recall of more than 141,800 can beeau.e of fire hazard.I. while Chrysler Corp. saya it ii recalllng 4,000 can and trucks for a defective smpemkln bolt. The 1982 Ford F.acorta and Expos and Mercury Lynx and LN71 with factory-installed air condldonina can catoh fire if the air conditiooer blower' ia on medh.an·low and the blower motor . Ford aakL J81M, The 1982 Continentals can cat.ch fire if gaaol1ne belna pumped into the can leab behind a 9eal in the fuel filler pipe housing, the autcmak.er laid. In a 1eperate announcement, Chrysler laid acme 1982 model fron~wheel drive cars and trucks have a ball.joint bolt that could cnck and Impair steering. I ....... A defective lhlpment' of balljoint bolta could cau.e a front wheel on the Chrysler can and trucka to beoome loole and "affect directional control," a · spoluwman aakL .. The vehk:les recalled are 1982 model cmy.Jer I.ebuma, Town and Country W...-. Plymouth Rellanta and HorUiom, Dodae-ioo. An.. Omnia and ttw Dodae~plckup truck. be .... The bolt WM clilcovend at die fact.my and DO in have been reported. be ..sded. Dea1en replace \he bolta for ~ Ford ~ MlchMl Dml ..... a 1121Jai.- u ably in the lllcorta' air coodlUmer dos not "'have enough 1p119e to break the d.rcuft and prevent overheating of the unit. Twelve car owners reJ>C)l'ted flra 1Mt fall. but DO ODe W.. injured. he ad(kd. . ' In the Continentals, Font said ptnHne can 1t!eJ> into the fenderwe1l behind a lU1P89 compu1ment trim panel and vapon can get into the p .. enger ·compartment, the automaker ui.d. The vapon can spark a fire "ln combination with an lpitlon IOUl'Ce NC4 aa a power an~ motor " the statement 18ld. • Open Dally 9-9 Sun~ 10-7 (+):Emerson. AM/flM ''lcl9 Touch" Canale llllr9o Wiii I llallon ,,. .... • Dlglal Clock 9" Olag. Meas. AC/DC Color 1V 1/2-Gallon Jug -:t:~E~~~ s2·7 4 COfd lr'odUOed ,....,, feletcope VHf ontenno•. loop UHf onlilMo De I 1 ... .,. "'""-1· ,.r ..... ',,,u..-~_.."1,")C I J \ h •i I a-J.J~''"' Special • , • .• , !1.48 Sublnarll• SanclWlcMI 3 IOndl d lTtch,.,...... tarn:Jlo. 0- ond lettuce Ol1 flencll d Film Developing I . I I I REF LE CT'S ·• Retired Army Col. <;harlee B9ckwtth, " leader of the aborted '. mlaalon to re1cue ·• American hoet.agea ln ·.Iran, blam-ed the .failure of the operation on ''equipment failure, poor planning, and lax security.'' Absentee student .graduate ~ KENT, Ohio (AP) - The tale has only just come out, but one of the students 1\sted as gradu,ating' at the December com- mencement of Kent State Uhiv4trsity never a,ttended a class.· The name of Nelaon Springer Angstrom, a characte r from the n·ovels of Pulitzer Prize-winning author John Updike, was called out at the com- mencement exercises. But, predictably, he didn't step forward to · claim a diploma. . Angstrom's name was added to the list of graduates contained in the commenceme nt program by Robert McCoy, assistant fo university President Brage Golding. McCoy provided Upd.ike background on Kent State when Angattom, the son of Rabbit Angstrom fn Updike'• "Rabbit" novels, was supposed to have enrolled in the achool in norttieast Ohio. .'BRA' plates halted - SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -Minnehaha County won 't be handing out any more license pl&tes with ~ prefix "BRA." Treasurer DeLorls Erickson end,ed sales of the '.'BRA"-labeled licenae plates after about 450 had been isaued because ao many complaints were received. State agencies issued the county a new set of leas euggestive olates -with the prefix 1'BRB." "Some people llon't notice anything," said Mrs. Erickson. "But othen -a lot of them- don't want anything t.o do with thein (BRA plates). It seems it's mostly the women who have a problem w ith them. tt • But at least one penon didn't mind . Mrs. Ericbon aakl one man came in With bis ''BRA" plates. which included a two-dJ git number approximate to a bruliet'e's me. But he wasn't upset .. He juat wanted>he next,nwnber ,. i.i .. .._ . ......,.... . "That'• my wife/' Mn. Ericbon quoted the man••ying. He aot the new plaw. Tiii CllOKI ·••••naow ...,.&C.. - . REVLON CHARLIE . PERFUME SPIAY REG. ··so 12.75 4/10-oz. Slightly saay 1eent. ''TELE MOTOR" 110 CAMEIA KIT RIG. 3999 43.99 · #MS ~It-in floth, telephoto lem. \ LATEST FASHION LADllS' EARRINGS YOUI 1" CHOla PAii =:~ .......... 2~99 PEl-11111 PACIOf 79c REG. 2 1.39 PAllS Sunton « coffee colon. ... Ut Ami Mn •••••• 79C JEANNmE CRYSTAL COVERED DISHES YOUI 299 CHOla Pineapple "' heart. WWle Stedl11Lastt CAILO ROSSI'S 3 Lml WINES YCMll aeotCI ::a:~ 319 ..... •,_CMAalS Piqt.ie knit trim on collcr & sleews. fa,hon cdon. s.M-l. Wiiie Stedc1 Lfttl l3·1!¥(3·1 Gl&C3-Q~A~ 2 skill 141\'eh, joy stick con- trol & full color aroohia. IAnatlS ..-Ilia. .. . t, I. • Ii I l . • I i I I t l . , ! WIDNllDAY, JUNI! 2, 1982 CAVALCADE TELEVISION 82 83 e~ .. 5 Ac.tor·p,oiluoer 1ay1 lt'i1 1ucce11 with "E••Y .-· Rider'' earned ~im a decade of problems iii the film business. Pase B4. '• t • I is · a ·film 18 Republicans, 3 Democrats vie in biggest primary '· "pornographic?. • SEA-MY SIDE BEAT: Not far from the Civic Center seat of our county government, up in Santa Ana, the controvenial Mitchell Brothers Theater, under siege from city government as a dirty movie house, is still grinding them out these days. Grliuling ia the right word here. There has, however. been a change at the infamous flesh· flick place. A socio-political tone has set ~ in. In event you have .. ,,. been absent from our ;-..\ region in recent years, it TOM MURPHINf ~r, should be noted that Santa ) ~' Ana civic lights learned S()me time back that the Mitchells were showing films hardly in a class with The Three Bears -or at least not spelled that way. · Thus it was that Santa Ana set out to shut down the motion· picture place on allegations that it was ~ lewd, lascivious and smutty fare that was tainting the virtue of the good metropolis. AFTER LOSING A COUPLE of initial thrusts 1n the . courts, Santa Ana government hired an expert "&re comes the monllty JMl'f or the~ now, ~ ... " anti-pornography auomey named Jim <.;Janey who, f<?r a fel, wen\ aft.er the Mitchell Brothers. Alas, success wasn't immeifiat.e. That was seven years ago. Yictory finally came this year when the Mitchells were ordered to pay some court Costa. The amount was $6,856. Another $16,260 in court ~remain in dispute. Meanwhjle, the city of Santa Ana has reporteQ.ly spent $170,000 in the-flopped attempt lo ahut·do'!{l the movie house just across the street from Santa .t\na College. MEANWHILE FURTHER, the Mltchells are reported to be taking in some $355,000 each year for the paa& seven yt!8J'8 from their Santa Ana emporium ot skin and sin. This condition has apparently allowed the brothers to hire a couple of pretty fair attorneys of their own. Santa Ana did manage to get the courts to ban a list of 100 films from being shown atthe theater. But the Mitchell Brothers apparently have the fastest cameras in the West. ~can crank 'em out faster than you can get into court and ge~ 'em outlawed. - Two film eRLCS currently screening are cases in point: THE FEA TUJ\E ATrRACTION ·is titled, "Olympic Fever"_ With a plot that vaguely centers J:m a U.S. swim team's quest for &old, silver and brome medals. There ls very little action in the pooL And not much of the action would be suitable for the pool. • The second feature II 0All About Women'' and talk8 a Jot Jlbout what people do and then shows pictures of them doing it. Nether of theee films has the redeeming social values or moral tone of regular movies we see today like "Parasite" or "Conan the Barbarian" or "Visiting Hours." There is, however, an interesting twist inserted into both of the latest Mitchell Brothers' olferings. The Olympic flic1' has a Good versus Evil element in the U.S. team having to combat villainy and horrors of Russian operatives. And the "Woman" film talks a lot about "new morality" with professorial-looking tY,pes in suit, vest, tie, spectacles dnd P.tee looking earnestly int.d"'tbe camera and lect;uring. ' THERE 18 EVEN an earnest-appearing woman, talklnl about new female roles in eociety, against the backdrop of a NOW rally. You have to recognize that one court teat ot iJOf'DOCrapby suaesta 1.hat a production "taken in ita entirety" moat &ave no redeeming IOda1 importance or ~. ., So would 0 taken in ita entirety" apply to the current Mltlchella' prosram? Only .the oourta will know. But lt's pomble the Mit4helll have found ~er lep1 cunebal1 to pitch at the c:ity of s.n-. Ana. BY JEJl'JI' ADLER OflMDelr ......... There are 21 of them, 18 Republican• and the rest Democrats, and they repre1ent the la.rg9't primary field eeeldng office in t.llfornta thla year. What the 21 eeek, only two ulJ.imately can wtn; The f1&ht to bear their reapecUve party 1tandard1 in the November election for the 43rd eon,re.lonal Dlltrlct leat. Heavily Republican, the affluent 43rd diatrict 1traddles the Orange County and San Diego County line. In IOUthem Orange County, it encompu.es Misalon Viejo, San Clemente, San Juan Capi1trano and El Toro. Its northern San Diego County dtiea include F..condldo, Oceanside, Rancho Santa Fe and Carllbad. What the 18 RepubUcana are 1polllng for 11 the chance to 1ucceed retiring Rep. Clair Burgener, R-Rancho Santa Fe, in the ~ly reapportioned diatrict. With ~2 perc-ent of the diatrict'• yoten registered In the Republican fold , the GOP p r l m a r y w l n n e; ,. w h o coooelvably could win with only 20 percent of the vote, la conaidered an euy November victor. The GOP candldat.e1, who refer to themaelves u the "pnc of 18," are a divene lot. There's a ~ Carllbad t'8ident Ron P ; a city coundlman. Jim Rady of Eacondido; a surgeon and former profemional football star, Dr. Bill McColl of Carlabed; former President Nlxoo'a niece, San Juan Capistrano reaident Lawrene ·Nixon An1imon; th' self-proclaimed queen of American Samoa, Elizabeth Davia of Laguna Ntcuel; and the owner of a health ape for the st.an, DebOrah SRkely of San Marcos. However, theee candidates and the othen in the race all have one thing ln common. They profw a1Jesi.ance to comervattve Republlcanlam and Ronald Reegan't presidency. Converse~ it ii their oppwltion to ganornla and other admin1stratim pnlkiee on which the three Democn111 vytnc fOI' their party nomination are focusl.na their~· Roy Archer, a · trom Escondido; .~ Powell. a San Marcos teacher and Methodist minister; and Ro1md.. Mora. a Vietnam veteran and fORner Carter edmin1stra1ion offidal llvblg in Mimon Viejo, eech have attacked aapply-lide economlcl anchhe .fallUre of the admlnlatration to cut the unemployment rate. Archer, in f.act, aaid be would support a "Franklin Boe.evelt type of recavery" for the nation it be were elected to the Home. AIDOlll the Jeadinl Republican cancUdau., one illlJe that hlla emerged ii the h1gb COit of the campaign and cbarpl that one cana1cfate resorted to smear tactica and mmep-eRntatiom to win the nomination. The cbarpa revolve around the candJdlicy of Johnnie Crean, 33-yeaP..old travel trailer manufacturer who haila from San Juan Capistrano. Crean ii considered one of the front runnen in the crowded primary race. Manaaed by the oontrovenla.l Butcher-Forde conaultlna team of Newport Beech, Crein has been roundly denounced for his hiah 1pendln1 waya and questionable camJMliln tactics. Campaigning laraely throuah paid televtaion advertlJementa and 1tre11ln1 that he la the "candidate moat capable of nelpin1 the president rebuild America," Crean contends opponenta'· critidsml prove that hell ahead. Corona del Mar resident Mary Schmitz. wU,! of state Sen. John Schmitz and one of the four or five leading contenders In the race, has Charged that Crean attempted to smear her by_ aendJna out a letter to mor-e than ~.ooo lewlah reaJdenta ln the diatrict tht bnplled she WU a blaot. And Crean hu been aa:ulll!d of .. concoctlug a non-exlatent committee, the ·10-called "Mill tary Pre_paredneu C.olnmittee of the United Stata of America," for the express purpo•e of endar1lng his candidacy. Cre&n admlta the ccxnm1ttee waa formed to endorse hla electoral bid and defended lta formation during a rl!cent televlalon ar,pearance. "Comm ttees formed for poll tlcal pu rpo1ea don• t tradltionally meet," said Crean. "l bold that it'• ethical and tradit.lon&l in American politics fOI' committee. to be formed to endorte candidate.:" The Crean c ampaign is estimated to have a budget that approaches $500,000. Two other candidates who have been atruggl1ng to stake out 1ome political turf and diatingu.llh themselves from the pack are Rancho Santa Fe attorney Stan Legro and Miasion Viejo Realtor Chuck Kenney. Legro served as an asailtant administrator of the U .S . Environmental Protection Agency during the Ford adminiltration while Kenney has served u vice chainnan of the Minion Viejo Municipal Advt.ory Councfl. Other contenders are Newport Beach resident Jerry Shaw, who has been J,V'elident of the Orange Coun~ School Board, and .Dr. ~ Mauro, a physician who LM llEli llllfY Pacific Ocean CONC~IONAL DISTRICTS .. reaidel in South Lacuna. . Additionally, Mike Schaefer, a former San Dle10 city councilman who live• in Oceanside; Art Sandero, a Poway teacher; Bob Curtis, a San Clemente attorney who wu with the U.S. Justice Department in Wuhlngton D.C.: D. Robert. De Carlo, a Capllt.rano Beech ~w clerk: Martin Kinkade, a Rancho Santa Fe tax apecialht; and Donald Blake Martinson, an attorney who re1ide1 in Ocean1lde, are seeking the nomination. Since about two-thirda of the 43rd district ia in San Diego County, candidate. from the area are thought to have an edge over · Orange County counterpart.a. ~ While just over 86,000 voten are registered in Orange County, 181,8~9 are regiat.ered in San Dteao County'• portion of the . district. Republican voters total 92,469 in San Diego County to the 46,372 who registered in Ora.nee County. SimilarJy, there are 27,946 Democrats registered in OrarUle County ocmpared to the 62.~ on the election roll in the county to the aouth. Dlatrld.extends Into San Diego county . . j Primary races li~ely in 42n<! District She added that the eooncmy needs to get movina-and the tax ~tuatlon 11 a major underl)'inl factor. ' J t The canlpaign·ln the 42nd ~ diltric:t had been rather quiet • untU It heated up after J ahehner waa ac:cuaed of to~ a South eo.t . Quality Manacement .D'8trict ! report crJtlcal of one of bia. campai&n aappor1en. • -1 HeUwhe:lmer oompt•tned about · tl pal1iom of a repor\ ~ c:ucer~ullinc air pollutmta. & ..... tbat cenaln let1ka of. the :. be aewrttteu before ltli ' . •HOROSCOPE DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am wrtUnl to 10" wtth the hope you wW be able to help.1.fy qnt child wu born lut month wtth a Mlioua condition the doc:tora Mid wu 11epldem'lolyaia : bullou." Th1a 11 an uncommon aenetlc lk1n 1 dilleue and not much la known about It. My precloua dauahter had hu.p blJatera t1 all over her body, and many parta of akin were home iaqw and we are lewnii\a ~ trta1 and error how to care for her, 9ut we feel IO ilOlat.d. We keep wondertna (f we are alone tn deaUna with th1i problem. Ia there any place tb tum to for help and more information about thll <illorder? DEAR ANN LANDERS: Whateve r became ot bedtime for young thildren?. We have three married 10na who live near us 10 we pt to 1ee them and thetr families often. Tbe grandchildren range from three months to nearly 1even yeara ot ace. it mt..lng. She had dlfflc\&lty nW'lina beoaUle o1 IOl'el ln her mouth. My husband and I were not allowed to touch her because of the fra&11.lty of her akin. The doctors '81d me would probably die becau. the bliatera CQUld I hope you will respond to th1a lnqulry. It would mean a areat deal to u1. - SINCERELY, D.S. IN STATEN ISLAND -· We really love tha.e kids to pieces -until about 8 p.m. Now we can no longer have a quiet 1ame of cards, Uaten to 1ood music or tum on an adult-level TV program. The children want t.o aee THEIR favorite program1 and it heli» to "keep them quiet," so we, of courae, can't tee oura. at a reasonable boar 11 1ood, not oaly for adalts bat for cllildrea. Tboae Httle t)'kn wlao are so active all day need a lot of rett. become infected and cal.I.le mumve cla.mage intemally, u well as externally. She wu put in laolatJon. They lined her crib with sheepskin and handled her very gently. They fed her through a syringe. The nunes were wonderful. They gently, applied antibiotic ointments on her open sores to prevent infection and aof t bandages on certain -j ~parts of her body to protect them. Although it I wu tragic to see such a tiny infant handled this way, my baby did not die and ii now · startinJ{ to smile and respond to us. She is DEAR D.S.: Aboat H,000 Americus uve till• mJaerable tallerlted ,.._ dJ1eue. ftere ·l• no known care at tile moment, bat It t1 beln& sndJed lD many reaearC. laboratorlet ud one da>' tbey wm crack tile code. . I ar1e you to write to DEBRA (Dystropblc Epldermolysl1 Ballo .. Retearcb A11oclatlon ot America), Ztsl Ave. W., Brooklyn, N.Y. UHi. Tbls or1ant1aUoD wapts to bear from yoa. Tbey wlll provide U&eratire ud emotional 1apport. People wbo share a common problem cu do oae uotber a world of good .. Good luck and God ble11. . ., .. ;t Ill STANDING GUARD -Bob Andenon sbowB "attack" mooee on rolleh. 'nle 9~fool gift from off hi• birthday present in front of his Ander9011's wife, Jean, won't fit bl the house I Portland, Ore., home -his own stµffed but makes a formidable obrtacle t.o intruders. -1 . .Independe·nce g~in~d Tllanday, Jae 3 ' ARIES (Marc}\ 21-April.19) --. Extricate younelf. frpm situation which draina finances and enlotions. YOU can do it · anytime you ao destre;Emph-. on mystery, . -·---------------------------' r ffOIOSCOPf • . . I BY SIDNEY OMARA intrigue and contacta with individuals who falk about tax shelters and limited partnerships. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Study Aries message tor valuable hint. Check 1 detaill, put together puzzle ~ and make 1 n.eceuary revialona. Lunar emphalll on ' coni:ractt, jofht efforta... public relatiom .nd marital status. Aquariua pla)'ll major role. upon you, special services and safet~ measures. Be = for change, travel, variety and un ·communication from member ~f oppostte eex. " CANCER (June 21-July 22): Aura of romance dominate. acenario. You feel more alive, creative and willina to take chance on your own abilities. Important domestic aa]u.stnlent occurs, maj)r purchue of home appliance indicated. LEO ('!:U:Aug. 22): Define terms, streamline uee, be aware of Uceme and leue requirementa. F.mphuia ai.o on home, property, rentals and purcbueJ, Virgo, Pi1e~1 'P•rton• flsure .. tly. N...,_ m.Itb problem may • y to relOiu~ . . '· moo <Aui. :11 a. 2Z): Tns-. Ytll9 and bm•rvw ..-men•=• icenario. You'll have more rwp ty~we will be Feater and reward 11 wU1 incmlle. c.uooer, Tauru1, ~ nattvei fil\are Jftmlnently: They are permitted to stay up until 10 or 11 o'clock and eometimel fall uleep on the floor. It 11 e1pecially irritating when my huaband and I want to dilcuaa family matters that we'd rather not talk about in front of the children. Little pitchen have big ears. Am I as o ld-fa s hio ned a a o ur· daughters-in-law seem to think? Ple ase expre11 your view1 on this subject. - GRANNY IN GREENWICH DEAR GRANNY: An eatabU1bed bedtime Altlloap yoa are rip&, tile pernta are ~ entitled to raise daelr yoan11ten la die way that eeems belt to them. So -ID ~e latereat of a good relatlolisblp wltb yoar tolls u4 dtelr wives, MYOB. Discover how to be date bait without falling hook , line and sinker. Ann Landen' boolclet, "Dating Do's and Don'~," w1lJ help you be more poised and sure of younelf on dates. S end 50 cents along with • long, stamped, self-addressed en velope with your request to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, , Chicago, m. 60611. Who's • • bars? ZOO ID ONWARD: Glenh Dorenbuab llta ln bara all day loJ!B and 8Cribbla He IClibbles at Perry'a, at Cartoons, at the Wa.hlngton Sq. Barngrfil. What is be IClibbUDa DOW Oft the cocktail napkinl? Let us look OYel' his shoulder: "Never tell a bald eagle be'• bald - they are very eensltive. Never have .ex with 1 a hyena -she'll laugh at you afterwards. Never call a lhrimp 'a tbrimp' to hie face. Never call a chicken 'a turkey to hia face. Never call a turkey 'a chicken' to h1I tace. Never fix _your aunt up with an audvar"k. NeYer go on a pub crawl with an ~ Never call a duck 'a quack.' Never go ekinnydippinc with a piranha -you'll end up aklnnier." Glenn Dorenbush sita at bars all day and ecribbles little classics. DAVID BIDWELL can't understand the · constant complaints and jokes among Ca•'Cf!l'am aboUt the "Orient "Exprela." the 30-Stockton buses that meander through Oiinatown, packed with ~. ''Look at it this way," he COWllels. "For every Chine9e . in the bus. there is one leas behind the wheel of a car." TRUE CAENFESSIONS: My pee-n card ae a San Franciaco resident was canceled the other morning and I am in ·danger of being deported back ~o Sacramento. That's becaUle I stuck my noee out tbe front door -eomething I can do without getting out of bed -and d.iacovered it wu colder than the Falklands. Not only that, I could tee my breath. I then did the unpardonable. I wore an SCorpio~ _ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You'll be asked t.o tear down f~ ultimate purpose of rebuilding on a more euitable structure. Scorpio an'd another Aquarlan figure . pnminently. Y w'll be asked to partidpate ln community or political project . PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Travel ,plane co.me into focus. Communlcatlon received from one who eDDOW?P you to • expre11 views. Distance and language barrien will be overcome. Gem1n1. Virgo, Sagittarius penona play key roles. Yw'll experience spiritual revelation. . ~ HERB MEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO . overcoat to work. In San Franda:o, nobody wears an overcoat in May, even if it' .. colder than August, but when you reach November, metaphorically speaking, the blood runs thin and I had more bumpa than a Christmaa gooee. · A real San Frand8can. I should .set, doesn't even own an overcoat. Not only that. he wears woolies all yea.c'round -no aeersuck.era or poplins for him -and the only white 1hoe1 in his wardrobe are tenniea, well worn. All in ~ a bed llbow; and rm IOl'I')', but have you ever leeft a colder spring follo~ a wetter winter? THE PRINCE i>F WALES and pregnant Princela Di are good for biiudre11. Even here. Since word got out that they've acquired a Silver Crom, tPe Rolls-~ of baby carriages. the $800 buggies have been selling br iskly -three the followiJ!g Saturday -at Sheridan-Flynn. in the 3400 block on Sacramento. As for the $150 strollers. they're going fast. For strollen . . . EXCLUSIVE TO YOU from our oveneas staff: 1n Poland, they tell Milton # Friedlpan jokee. HENRY USSINGER'S best line: '"Ille nice thing about being a celebrity Is that , whep you bore people, they think it's their fault." On this day, I hope that applies to colwnniata, too. POT SHOIS . BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT i'M NCTr S,URE I LOVE YOU> &u"r ....., YOURLOYE TO HELP MK PINI> otrr. GORIN 011 lllDGI BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF I>ec:laNr needed no mon. Be won in dUllUll.J and took · four rounda o( diamonds, u J Weit had to follow. On U.. laat. diamond, declarer ditearMcl dum1n1'• ~ ills dub. Now a dub f1lft. wu dedarer'• &entb triek -&Del · even tbe defenden had to a,: • plaud Calderwood'• .,,.u, ' a wind.le. 1, 1. i \\I 11 \.1 'II\' -IVINN0-7 1=~ ' THl&IQSONI HAWM9Wa.o e OV.IMY Ou••t: Dr. ••nlemtn r,~~AN> ··r-...eton·· ~. c~ 1~~1111 ....... 1111 erowWll "Oi'lill9llOI of ~ .... In MOCMtn ldu- i: 5 l::::'TMI LOt•O.. OOUllA" A lumtlennan adopta and r._ en Ol1)tlanld cougw llltten. (Pan 1) • MICAl o.uzii Thi Uttte Ralcalt -,.._ lured In tum dlpa Ind thorta. l:aO • AU. IN THI! l'AMll Y • NIWIMATWCTH CUT9 MJlllMl8 l ...... MP'Ofn' a..wa . INIHIY MIU.IA 7:001 a. NIW8 ..... ~DAY8AGAIN .~ .... • JlllA•a•H A 111dd1n d1Ju111 ot ~ 11 the 4077th la tolloMd by a ""' and • ...ina<on.. l =.w::.o..r MMMCCWOIL ~AINTINQ • '8ayol.I eounvy· ' (I) ltM. MAOAn. • An Olympic ...,,, -c:tl f()t' IU~ -In VII Aocklll; I r-tflat ~ wttfl. want Id 9 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Mell au M1nc h1111r dilCUIMI her .-ddl~ p1-. Qt THE MUPfl£T8 au.t Aaqult w..,. (C)MCW-. . *.. "Bllcllbolrd Jun. gll" (19115) Glenn Ford, Anne Franoll. A~ )'OUl10 IMl:tw ltMmpte to ..tore order In a blg-dty ir1fnlng tcllool w~• ............. _and ~ 111111 tlllcen root. <B>~~n. LAIT 'W1VNM CW THI! MOMOCMn.a enc 8-'llld 11o111 lhll doc:ument~ emc>&oylng dram1tlc r-actrn.nt and lrdW9I ""' fooCage to rlClll 1111 dlllltrous In In 1934 !Mt dlltned 137 "-Mlolld 11'1 luXUfY c:nMe atllp. cm ..,..,. • **'A ''8111 la&lnd" (tHO) DorWd 8uthlrtlfMI. v- .. Redgr-An Arctlc w.11111~ ,.,,, .• -bin 11'1 foroad Into I fight tor ttllir YlrY Mnfwll. 'PG' {Z)MOW * ~ .. Ride In Thi Whtrtwllld" (1ff7) 0-- Mltchlll, Jlldl Nlctlot- -Y-on, Thr•• cowboy' "'"""' home .... • cattle drlvl we ~ po111 tor mem- of a 1111111 of robt>lr9. 7:i0 2 ON THa TOWN urld; thl holla dllC)lll -of thl mytlll --rounding l\ylterec:tomlll: st-· tlnda '*""" ... rounded by ..... It"' I ..... blr; • vlllt "'"" Aide &Mer, wl\O dlllglM horror -81 lor Holyw00d'1 lnlfOr horror ftlma. I Cll FNllM.. Y FEJD LAVBWE & IMM..IY &OOfl#INtt 81\lri.y'• hypercrtUcal rnott11r c:omee to vlllt 8 !YEONLA. i=..tunMt: how to klM CHANNEL LISTINGS 9 KNXT (C8SI '01 8 KNBC (NBCI l It KTLA (Ind.I ,H 8 uec IABCl IC D KFMB (C8S) lf l I> KHJ·TV Und.) lf1) ID ICCST (AllC) • KTT\' find.I e KCOP-TV (Ind.) • KCET (PBSI • ICOCE C P8SI 1 .. INVESTIGATION -Quincy (Jack Klugman) studies the inadequacies of emergency care on 'IQuincy" tonight at 10 on KNBC (4). r Wligtlt through llect1tdt), 1 man wtlO Clllllfflun Olllbflllell; • protlll of Hugh Hllfrlll. ........ " Kllnglr br.U. In enothlf paycho Ind 1111 lut boa of morphine from 1upply -·to be c:ootlmlnatld. I Cl) TIC TAC DOUGH MACNE&. I LIHMR '9'0RT ' ID MIDIA PA08D "Soundaround" Wtjtar Tony Kahn l\oata an explo- rlj!ln of rnoci,m -.and tlCflnology Ind how It Ihle* our"-. (R)Q 9 YOU Alt<ED "°" IT flltured: "crw-Hair 8wlngerl" end "Italy'• Cf"azillt Horii~-·· (l)mAME "Fattier Time" ·IRT~ A young girl claahm with lier mother -entering • rodeo competition. l:OO·THS~E HUlJ( ~ a.v. and • pow- erful lumbef baron • for thl attenUont of lhl - girt. (R) D 8 N!AL. PIOPU F11turld: a 'WOmln who phoeograc>ht mall Clll'lllr· loldl: a ~ aouro. 1111 ray of llgllt; • OOlorful c:"-1 pleyer; I Swinging laundromlt with five mullc:..(A) • MOYIE **"' "A Mlnuta To Prwy, A 8-td To Die" (19811 Alelc Cord, ~IM K- °'I· The tllrttortal ea-nor of New Mexico Otter. ~to a gunman with a !erJl8 bounty on NI,,._., • 0 THSOMATEST WlrttCANHIRO " llnallcal army threat- to -a worldwtdl '*" oue _, A11pt1. 111e or1y ~ ..., "'*' bl lobla to atop "*"· -10 bl oomlng down with Ille dis--~ • ltOWJllll Net Ken HowmQI hOeta Ihle lflcJW ..._ ... •look at -clildll1•11t1on In thl ----. • ~.M.¥AQ•a.t Mell Coemopoltan M~ zlnl'• 8ld'9IOr Of The Monlll; • r-lt\lt begllt wtltl. _,, Id. • MOVtl *** "Jinny" (1970) Mtirlo Tllomll, Alan Aide. A pr9g11ant g1ri Ind a draft.dodgar form 1 mar- '9 of convenience.. • MEDIA PAOeE8 "Soundaround" Writer T ~ Kihn l\olts an ex.plo-ration Of modern aound lechlology Ind hOw It Ihle* our-II-. (Rl'!ll • MN4lD RoC>ert POWllll and Georgi- na Hall st• In KM! ,_,... Mii'• dr1m1t1ullon of Auatrten ~ Gulla< e~ ··~ "Blow Out" (198t) John Travolta. Nancy Allan.A~~ wtio ~ on horror fllrnl .,_.._ fiivoMd In I murder myltlry wtllrl hi wit-an.....,._ On-T\' Z·T\/ HBO (CJnemaxl CWORI NY., N.Y IWTBSI (ESPNI \ SOotll91\1 .. le.bl• News Network) tlOn. 'A' (J)MCMI * • \t "Contlnentll Divide" (1911) John llelulhl, 8'llf lllown. A Cll~ago n1w1p1p1r colunlnllt tr1~ to lhl Roell• 10 llCIPI -polltlc* hlet and lntlMew • r9CllUaMI naturlillt. ''°' .MCMI • • • "811'11•" (19711 Glenda Jaobon, Tr- Howard. EcoentrlCI Srllllb poetlM Stl\lll Smith la profllld. ·PO' e:ao• AU.INTH.,AMILY An ntranoec:t Ard\11 Ind Edith 1r1 det«mined to prove to MGll other that they -parlK1ty content going thllr llPl"ltl Wlyl (P"'1 S) • MAHL.a Roblr1 POWllll and Georgi- na Hale star In Ken """' aelf'a drama1tzatlon of Aultlten canipoeer Guat1v MINer'a llfl lftd tJmll. CZlMOYll * * W. "Thi ShOotlng" ( t"7) Miiie Pertllnt. Jedi Nlcholaon. A wo man enllttl thl 8lcS of an I X· bounty hunter and Ill• COhol1 10 guide hit on • rellnttaM journey of Plf· aonat,_.. t:OO. Cl) MCMI * * ~ "Rodlo Girt" (19801 Kathartna "-· Bo Hop. kine. The Wlf9 of a dlll'llP- on 1'1Dd10 performer dlClidll to try for I llrloua rodlo Cllr-of lier own. (R) 8 Cll TJal'ACTI Oft LA ' A financial ml1fortune dr1-Mf'I. GarTett to the brink of *"°'Iona! Cd- ...... ,A) • 9 ntl! FALL 04JY Colt and Howle ~ In lftOfllllt to a ltrlftOI town run by the fugltlff'I mothlr.(AI D BIU.Y MAHAM ~ .MIRY_.... au.ta: 8enRy Goodman. Jim °""· .Jvttt eo.n.. Elayne 800IW. ~MOY!f * * • ~ "I l.OYI You, loJ/loe 8. TOllJll" (1911) Peter Seller•. Leigh Taylor· Young. A mlddfl.aged Jaw• yer. dlMnctlanted with 1111 pr.-it llf111yt1, stertl • ,_ ... with a young hi~ P'e. 'R' (D)MOVllE • * "Thi Boll'• J8on" (19711 AIMf 1rrauner. ~ Sollri. A eomewt\11 pemperld boy 11art1 to work In hit f1thlr'1 carpl4 ~end ftnda out thl di"-bl'-prM- . llgeendllbor. t:IO e 8 TEACHEAI ONl. Y A retlr-t dinner for 1 """''., tMC:lllr prompts Diana to IOOlc long and nerd .. llar own Mwra. tOMeaOUNCY Quincy~-thl In~ .... of lrnllgln- ~ c:atl an. thl ~ '*"' ol a gt't follow4ng lft auto ecddlnt. f'I) • •••• NIW8 8 0 D'tMA8TY Ktyltll ~ wflll Allllll, Blake ..-Claudla'• .... Ind F.._, 11111 Jelf of 1111 ~,.,,_.baby. (A) • llQHT'l8t TONI M ~ON AONI NtGHT ITAND Thi 1979 ptlrNl\I conoltl tour of thl Detroit Sym- phony Ordllltra tl\roUgh 23 EUfopaen cttlll II cep. turecl i\ ttila cinema -"• ~~tery.(A) CH) ON LOCATION , "Robett Kflln" ~llln OOITI· ment1 on tlll growing ,. . .,..... _... .. .. ,,.,.. ertcld. (J)MOYW ••• "The ..... ~ eW' (1tl0) John BeMhl, -. . • Ulft ~,.,.. Twt - ..,..,. """' ..,..... WI"' .._, ...... ....-.-. C&A.t....-.~1114 "* U t , Nrwf te llllt ....... ..... ..,.to, .... -=--,_... ..... ·~·~Te "-­ Hit" (ttlO) .... a... TCMll ~-lft .,., to,,_llll~P'>'" !Nfttt, • ~ dlYotOld ptlYI.. llltMtllle ..tndll ~~ ...... '°' • dlYOtOt ~ ..... (J)MCMI * ·~ "LOUloU" (1M1) .... 11.ite Hllpperl, 0.,lld o.c>etd1911. A ~ wom-an •• In io... wttll 1 man llht met In I dlaoo bu1 pen. not aooept 1111 ltreeponel• bl1, 01t1fr" 1t11tud1 tOWtll'dllle. 10:IO I NIWt . WA'TU"; WATM, ~WHIM' G .&MZATTHI ~IMOP "Woody~ Oulntlt (No. 1)" Woody ltlft, tt\H'llPlf: 01t11r Jacbon, M.1Col- ph on1; On1J1 Allan Glllnbl, piano; lt•"«d ~. ~: VlctOt LAlwlll. ~ff') (t)MCMI *** "Lae-ot~F01119 U" (1N0) Ugo Tognuzl, Mlc:MI 81rr8Uft A ~ aoed QllY couple .,. ... quarry of • MCtet «Olri- &atloft trytnQ to o-t thl mlctofllln 1Mt one of tt*'I awelowed. '"' tt:OO ••• <110. .. NIW9 • IA~'fMQHT Hott: ClirtatOC)het L-.. OUe1t Melt Loaf. . I YOU MQD flOR IT M•A.•a,•H A dllcla•1111d KOIMn t~ Ind 1 glri with 1 Gl ~y OIUM probllma for lhl4077th. ., llNNYHIU. AA Al*r811M bldlground gl-8enny the~ ty '° ln-'lgat1 outi.w hlfo Neel tc.ity. l:C.CAWTT ···~ "F'Y'vllW Bert)lt-mln" (1HO) Goldie H-. El'-' Brlnnan. A wet-to- do ~ -mlata.k-erlly )olr'9 the ,.,.,,.,, folow- tno thi dllttl of lier - hu9blftd on lhllr ~ "'iaht. 'fl' 11:30. Cl) t.tCMe * • * "L1tt1r• From FrllNI" (1979) Ar1 Cemey, M1ur11n 8tepllton. A n1wap1p1r 1x1cuth11 forced Into retirement ~ofhllege..­ to the NortllwMt and l~a-~.(R) D8TOMCJHT GuMt h09t: JcMw\ RIYlte. 8 9 MONeWa NIQHTlM • MOVtl *"Thi Hero" (1Me) Rlch-- "llfd Hanil, "°"'Y lfc:hMld.. er. "" -olnO -pl9yer pr1p1,... for hi• flnal mom.nttofOk>fY. e TMI JlfflMOH8 A vtllt to lier 06d home In Hwilm brlngl bee* polj>- Mril l'l'llmOl1l9 to LOu6M. •eNWOROMDION . Frid .... I Woncl W11 It ltory to 1111 gnltldeon-to- be. -~TWfTH a.ETIAIWll -~MO ... - ®MOYIE ** "Thi ·.....,.. .. (1HO)' TtWI Van Devere, Joeepfl Con~. " ec:flootlWMI' trill to -"°"' • nll· YOU1 tir.lldown It her latl tiJUlll'• llOme, wNeh .. bellaged by dlmona. 'PG' OMOYW *** "8trlpll" (1981) Biii Murray, Herold Rami.. A ,... York cabbll looklng for IXclt~•~ • hi• belt frl9nd to join him In enllttlng In 1111 U.8. Army. 'A' , ...;...rM>NGHT- t2:00. INTERTANoefT TONIGHT Mellua M1nch11t1r dtacu.... lier -.ddlnO plen4. 8 9 TI4E MAW Off MmlCA OiilPll Illa falllng Ill.a.- end Illa wlte't IM911'*'°r· "°'Y jownlya bee* to ir. *Id to MIC> a promlea be m9dl wNn hi a.ft. (Piii S) ;..,. . ••• ..,. ... Piiaf' (1938) Clarti Gable. Myr'N l..or· Forced to land In 1 IWd, ., ...... °' ,,_.. end f ... In lolle with • tanner'•~ ... • l.O'IE. AMINCM 8TYU • NOl'LI AHO ~TIOHI CZl MOVll ··~ "Joennl" (1 ... ) ~ w• CtMn l,octdwt. A ,-. ~ ...., bioon-. IWIPt up In the IOclal Mllltt of mod Loncton during the 1980I, 'R' ,1:11 £C) MCMI • * * "Nlgllt MOffl" ( 19111 ~ Hldlman, Jennifer w-. A Orenot 0011• DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday, June t. 1912' .TUBE TOPPERS K'lTV (U) 8:00 -0P.M. MIO.t:im.'' ec.mopoUtan'1 Bechel« of the Month ti featured. • KOCE (2) 9:00 -"Rodeo Girl'' Story about a wUe of a champion rodeo perfc>m>er who triee for a rodeo career of her own. KNBC (4) 10:00 -'IQuincy.'' Quincy lnve1tiga tea the inadequacle1 of emergency care after the needle11 death of a girl. See photo, left. ¥ lllnld to IOC:atl thl ~of I former ITIW- le ICINll bloon'l9 lftt.,.. glld In • --ol lntrlgul ..Mt" e Meyen tmUQlllno ring. (l)MOYll ~ * * ~ "Thi Howllog" (ttlt) De• Wallace, PMric;k MacnM. A - repor1er la lnlt\eoed by I kJtllf wl\O -IO be I watwwolf. 'A' 12:IO D 8 LATI NIGHT WITH DAVIO t.aTTIMIAN GuHtl: aut"or Fr•n ~llt>Owltz. ~ Bob and Rav. football playw Jack . ;1Hac11Hw" R•Y· noldl. 1:- 1:00• MOY-. • * "Thi 8luJng ,_. .. ( 1H2) ,IOtwl Payne, 8ulln M«row. "widow'• tlmbef • land II engulfed by I fOl'llt fire. •uo-.. ••• "Lllbon" (19M) l\ey MMlll'ld, a.. Rl6fll. A lfllp'a captalnl II l*ed to -a__.. ....... IMlnd lrom Cornmuni.t 1:1100'.::V. -..... ~ ''The Heill1tMg Of Jllll" (1t77} .... F-. I<* Oulllm. Aftw -· lnQ "°"' ..... IOtlol ... ~ .... a W¥*' purClhaMI • llOuM * ~ to be lllunted ..... 1:ao1=:r ••• "t..11 ft .... (tt70) The ........ John Unnon. I Paut Mc:Certney, Qeorve Hlmllon and Rfnoo 8tllr are followed thro11gh ,.,_..,~­ "°'11 Ind en lnpf~ ~.'O' 1-M ..... • (l)MC>Ya ··~ "'HHolflellv7••oodood ..,.._ 1111d" (1978) Cendtol.Alll- aon. Dtc:ll ,,...., • Freell from lndllnl, I young llPlrtng .,.,. ~ lnvol\'ld In a ..... rOOMly !Mt ........ part of lier ,.,_... debut. 'A' 1• CZ>..,..,. • • • ''Thi eo.-1 FOi' ~ .. CttlO) Paul ~. Tiii wtMI. A ... Of roct ....... ,....,.._gef ...... ., "" lft ......, l'Odl ordl9llra, ........... "" IHI -d ol " -* of ~ l*d ror t111 tllM- llt ol....., to-~ Cenlbodla. 2*' CC> MOVll •• • "8tl'M" (1911) Glende "-*-· T,_ Howlld. Ecoentttc: 8rttllh pOlllell Stwe 8nlftfl 11 prollld. 'PO' 1:t1e MOYIE * * "At111•1 (1111) MidlMI ForMt, FJllftk WOiff. The "'""" ~ lfll ~ --.. ,.,.. ... Pli!l#I In ~,,.,. •• pow-• pan. I ... I 2:9 MOViR **" ...... ~· (1972) Jeff 8ridfll, lwty 9'own.. An ""'°°"" )'Ollltl ,.. b'Oll .. ., outlew 111'18 °"' w.-during the CMIW•. t=-•~ •• ,. "Aff8'r With A SfrMllW" C1ts.3) JeM ........ Victor Metur.. DMwm -ht °""' ...... ......,. tor a \00'#'0 couple until they adop4 • cftltd l:tl®MCMI • • ... "Cllrd'ec Arr•t" (1971) Gany Goodrow, Mike CNn. A IMadl 11\111c14 oparetton tNll .... dilem- bodlecl '-11 for ,,_ plMlt la dllooWl9d by en oftbeal homlcldl eop. 'PO' a:oo• MOYa * ~ "P1111g1 W111" " ( 19111) Joftn Pl)fM, Artean Whllan. A w11tw1rd- bound weoon train get• -"kin by llx ~ corwlctt. .MCMI * • "TlrTor Trlln" ( 1980) Ben Johnlon. Jamie L.ae Curtll. A co11eg1 traternl· IV'• New v-·· meaquer-ldl patty turna Into 1 nlghtmaie when • vtndfO. ttw gumt 11"'11 ltlfllng off tt11 p111y-goert. 'R' l;to{Z)~ ••• "Mc:VIClr'' (1N0) "°Olf o.try, Adllm Faith. TN we _,, Of 8rttllh ~ JaM McVIClt'• .. "" ........... llCtCll •Na ..... on .. out-._ .. ...,.?1'1 f 'A' a:11(1)~ • W "Coftt1n1nta1 DhttH" (1111) John ....... llllllr ltoMI.. A c11tceoo n-•paper colurMMt ....... to Illa AoClldll to _..,. - polUClt .... mid ll'lt!IMlw a .......... Mtunlllet. 'PO' a:AI!= * **°" "I ~You, Allee a. Toalae" (1918) ~ Setler•. L•lotl Taylor- Young. A~llw­ )*, dlleilOllantild wltll .. ~~.~· -.. wtltl a YOllllll lllp- pta. 'A' 4:11 ®MOYIE ..... "lloW Out" (1981) John Travotta, N1ncy Allft. " ~ llChnldan whO ~ on llornlf lllmll ~ ln"°"'9d In • murder mya1ery wllarl hi ..._.,.......,.. tlor\. .... «II. Wlf~ TO lMR 90TTOM °',,. llA •• llOM: IMflCl II I I The ... , «--a daflc8le e1alfft1t1e11t wllen an ....... QI' .. _ ...... .., • m.nber 0( a COMl'IMllll ndl' ~ . '°"" «41<Zl~ , * * W. "Thi ShoOtlng" (1987) .... P9rtllnl. Jac:t< ~lollolton. A woman .,.... the lid of In ... bounty hunter and hi. oohort to guide lier on • .......... jbumliy of per- --~ Tla11rsda11'• .,.,,. ~-,,, . .,~ . -MORllNG- ... •w.••ci..p.To ~ Her'' (ttlO) Mic ~ • TOW911 Feldltluh. In order '° "*" 1111 ~ IMIY-~ a "f"'tly dMWold .,,..... OMctlve tflCb down dellnqulll'lt '-barldl lot • dMwcl lewyw. 'A' 1:11 (C) * * * "la C.0-Al.DI Folll II" (IMO) Ugo T~ ND. Miatlll Slrr8ult. A 11116• IQed gilt coulia .. the~dl·-­Of'Olil....,., tr)trlO to -h~ tlllloneof "-""....S,'A' .. ®ONYAGATION MTM .-en MOUll .WO .... .. Cl).·~ ..,.,. ,. •IY" I 1'711 Dirr., MGOMI, 0... ....... ..-.A ..... ..... ........, ..... ,.....,........,..,~ ~·---­l'lllD 1111'~ a MIAe .. oontMllnt .... body .. '*1 Of hie MW~ wllll a 11 ~-.. ..,. '"°' •t1CZl **~ "l411tT*'-Thl Motloll llto111t1'' c ,.,.., ~ lllettlef, l.Alonerd Nlmoy. Thi lormer oa;on. ""nd" ot the u.1.1. l!nletjlflM r-111111111 Old G(IW and .... ott Oft a mtMIOn to find !tie mvtt1tl- oue ¥llMf r~ for the dlllruotlon of nvmer- OUI l'adltatlon etarlhlpa u0°® ON YMW'tON WITM MO<rt'MOUllAHO ...... Animated. Jlmlny Crlcllll trill to produm hi• own TV .now but mutt nr11 lreclt down YKllttonlnO atat. Mtc:tiey, Minnie. Don- ald lftd ""'°· • MICA&. DAZZUl Thi Ultll "8Kalt .,. f- tured In 1111'11 clpe and 11\otU. 7:ao®~ THI ~COUGM A lumbermen adopt• end r.._ an orphaned cougar kitten. (P"'1 21 1:ao CC)•• "Thi outlaw'' (1tM3)J-RulMll, W81ter Hueton. Blly thl Kid tall. In IO\'e wltll • ~th) woman wflo Ndee him from tlll i.w. l:OO 0 THI COUNT'RY GIN.. Fa,e Dunaway, Didi Van Oytce and Ken Howard atar In 1tll• pll'formenoe of Cllf. ford Odll'• p11y tt>Out thl compl111 re1111on•hlp1 betw11n an •loohollc ec:tor, 1111 wlie and • thMt· rlcll cllredor. l:OO Cl) * * ''Thundlrblrdt To Thi Alloue" (1M 11 P~ pell. The pllott of flw ... • c:lllly equlppM roeut llllpe mutt -1111 ._ of jl I I I I 1(11'9 trapped on • aupenonlc trenapor1 e:ao ®•· .. ~~ Rfff" (1911) Olnton K.l'na, Mar9ft '*-l. A p~ girl wllo 1111 .,.., .iuc.ted In the U.S. retunla to hlr llland home Md tell In lo¥I with • pew1 dlYlr 'PO' (%)**~"An Eye For An Eye" ( t N 1 I Ct'lldl Norrll, Clviltopfler ...... " San Franctaco cop ~ 1111 IOrCI to~ thl murder °' 1111 partn11 by IJlll'llblra al• drug ring ..... t:IO •• * ''The Night Rid-.,... ( 1939) Jofvl Wayr11, Dor..-. Mcl<ay. ~ COWhlnd expoam 1 crOOlc dalmlng to be a delolncW!t ot a flll'l'IOUI don. CC) * * "The Men With Bogert'• F-" ( t980) Robert 811Cd11, OtMI Hut- My. " tl'lln daddea to c:Mnga .. li.tyll and phplc:el IPflelllnOI to ~ ..... _Idol 'PO' IO.o CH) * * "Olrtly O'Oll And TMUttll~ Cl) ••• ''The L9U4unt" (tNC) s-., Or..,. Aotltrt T a,tor. Our1'lo !hi , ....... °'~ ...,.,.., fl'otn the Dltcota .,,...... . I0:18 CZl ••~''The Mirror Credc'd" (1980) Ellabeltt T~. Kim HowM.. 8lled on I ltory by Aga1ht Ctvlt1le. A "range murder lmoMng rMI Holl)-WOOCI 11111 llkll p11e1 Ill en E!'lllll" ¥llaga. 'PG' 10::89. **~"Zorro, Thi Gay Blad•" (1911) Georgi Hamltbn, Lauren Hutton. The tllrolc Ion °' Old CllJ.. fomlti'• famous )uatlol fight• II lncapedtatld by a riding Injury, forcing Illa ~ brott. to don the ~ .. nd~.'P<I' U::IO a:> • • "You Ugllt VP My Ute'' (1917) Qldt Conn, Joe Sllvar. An uplrll'lg IOllQWritll tn. to oope wftll the ..,,.. """ In lier ... wlllle eatablllNng lier own Identity. 'PO' 12:00 ••• "Thi F1)4ng 8-'' (1MI) Alblr1o Scwdl. MOra Wt. .... Ilana vtllt E1r1ll and ~to~ .nti the wond'• ........ • ***.,.''TNO*yCW MM 'ffllll" ,,_,, t) ,,...,.---........ ... ,.....A..., .. ~lll!tltlltCllOf• ,.,..-a~·· , ,.,.. ., ... '* ., ...... ,.... ........ ... In...,..,.,"'° ...... .;..Md lour" (1M7) .-,, Qer. ,.,, L.9 ~--." "'-- ...... OftiOlled ... "°"' tN ._,.to IN IOI> ol IM """""' ,.... °"'Y to r_4ljl0tlllldll~ CH)••• "Dlll"("7tl l(yrt """91. ...., .... taiy. IMI ,,.....,_.,°'" Plt'*'Y -ONowrffy to • ecNIMt .._ .nd '°"'- 11 a..,,.,...,~~ '°'"*" ()) * * * ·~1 W"f" (1M1) JoM ~. _,.,. llridOll-A """"'*' t'let· IWll'll ,,.. mid .... b..e frllnd, I ~ Cli'OC)OUt, foout CNit llWOl9' on toMng • --~ 'A' •• * ............. (1t711 Ftye Oun1way, PNr fllnc:I\. NI IOlll9 i.e. ltlalon -"'*'· ..,.. fltlngt -...._ --Ing. II turned Into 1 rlfltlng ptophet ol the._ by • crafty ~ progrem- mlng ...cutlvl 'A' CZl ••• "Mc:Vlc#'' (tHO) AoQ11 o.llty, Adam F alth The 11\11 ltory ol 8rltlllh Cttmln8' Joftn Mc:VI-. car·• !He In prtloft, 1111 11C1iC» and Illa MW ... on the out9ldl .. ctvonicled. 'R' t:OO CC) * ~ "KJI Of Be Kiiied" (1'801 J-~ .... Cfw. Iott• Mlcllelle. A former Nazi odmmander, ~ Iott en lmpol't1t1t k111M matOll to the~ dwlnO thl war, Mele• to ft9ft111 hi• .... , by enllltlnQ thl top ku~ tu flotrtet• from • around 1111 ~ In • tour- nement. 'PO' 1:ao CZl ••• "Thi Conoer1 For l<Mnpuc:hM" (1980) P.ul ~.Thi Who • A hc»1 of r• perlotn•a, mllty of.._ 09! ~ ., In In ........ '°'* orehellra. -~ In tNa rtcxwd of • _.. of COllC*tl '*"few 1111 &en.. tltr:tfrtlliftOWlr~ ~ 2:00 CJ)**"' ''ffotk•" (1te0) Roger Moore, Jam•• M-. A dliAler. - hating frognllll 11 c:8led In to thww1 the .,. of 1Xtort~tl wf\o hlYI hlJac*ed a aupPly lflip and •• tl\tMleNng 19 dmlt~ l1llO Norttl a. oll nge. ·PG' • *** "Cu!Wa Way" (t981) John "-d. Jell 8'tdgel. A INllmed VIM· nam V9C and 1118 belt friend, a lodll droeiout, fOCUI !Mir .,.,,... on IOMnQ a mutdlr-'A' l:GO CZl * ·~ "An Eye For An l!ya" ( 1tl 1) Cbudl Nlwrll. Chriltopfler '--· " San F~ oop qulta Iha force to a-. 1111 rtUdlr of 1111 partllll by matnbln of dr"f ring. 'A' l:IO (BJ~. ''The lAigalld Of • The i.-Aangar"' (19IO) KllMon ~. Qvtato. ,,._ l.Jot'd. The Lone • R.rlgar and Tonto put-. their arcn-ny, 8utdl c-dlll. .,.., ,_ l{jd.. ,.,.,.. tlll ~ of the U.S.·~ 4:00. THI ClOUN11W GIL Fa,e Ounawl!y, Ole* Vlft Dyll• and Ken .._.. .. 4:00 ••• ''The &.nmer111"111 • Kl9ar'' ( 19731 Kati Malden. Chrlatoph1r Mitchum.· s-tNng with holtllty -Illa fl1fllr'I dMlfl .,_. befor1,1~Mb otfona~of~ pur1IUld by • l'IMnlllla Ill· ccr:. ... The~· (1943) ........... w ... Hl*on. a.y tlll Kid ,... In '°"' wffh a ~ -..., Hdaa""" tromtN ... . 4:IO CJ)~· ... "T~ Md The KOllll ...... l1•1> "°" Harrta. u,,,. eodoll and .... madon _.....,. te ... tlll tllll di. JIO'll'I ~ ... .... pet Jloell ... "'-811'• frontier'.,.. S:GO CZl • ·~ ''TN Mrror Cf"aca'd" (1'90J BulMllll T~. Kiii\ Honk. 8aMd 00 ... *"' by Aelftta_ ~.A ...... nudll lnwoMng rMf ~ ..,. i-. pllloe In lft EnglWI ....... 'PG' JOHN DARLING by Armstrong I Batluk ------------------------.. X .JUST C>.N'T SEE. ~ING-60M1iTHlNG> LIKE! THAT, NUKE/ .. • ~I MW snovM, ''Out of the Blue " la ''*""" and even· moN dHperate than 11&.ly Rider." lt'I the ltory a of a ._ • llrl -I ''punker'' who 'wonhipe mvta P..-., Md JohMy ROtt.en - whole father ret\&ml N:im. tram prt8on. ait n=uftdlntMd one thblm . -the Ht WH 11nt to Jail after plowln1 hl1 .... -000 IDd tt ..... •1mdlaft. -~trailer-~ na throuah a IChOo1 bull full of l 1._' . OiMll Nrftd lft. and dlr'lctld. the chlJdnn, The Cb:l Wll in the truck with him When Illa .... ume Wal 1udd1nly aolclen amon1 lt haDDIMd .• Hollywood "movie moaula 1'M film la an uncomfortable ~up 1Mw of ..,., to tap lnto an aucUl'mot the unde~ ot nUddJ9.e1lll family life. ~ hadn't known could • 1'0ut of the Blue" wu lhot In Canada. and Uci wiDdta11 proftta. many of lt1 production woe1 1t1mm1d from After IHlftC th• IUCClll violationl of union Nl•. It eott a little '1Ver •1 that c.otumbla Pk:b.artl had with m!Won .• 0 Euy Rider,'' Untvereal 1ave With the exception of "Elly Rider.'' Hopper'• Hopper tl million and earn career hal been a 1eriel of obecurl ~ roJ.. b1lnChe to mak4t hie MOOod film punctuated by bitter dlaappo6ntmenta. in 1971. The rtlUlt w11 '°The A "farm kid" from Kanall, he went to San Liit Movt..'' Dlet(O while ltil1 y=and worUd •a ltlphand Hopper dld not direct until he atarted pu1a in 8~ another mm for 10 yean. productlona. He 11y aot a foot ln the dool' at . UJ couldn't pt 1ny flnandnl,U be md. "l Columbia Pk:tu.rea with an ..ts& from friendl. think, buically, becaUM I have a penonallty He didn't pt any work from the atuctio. problem. rve made a lot of mlataMa ln my lite, Next, he went to Warner an.., and waa c::reatlve mlltakel. Nobody told me what the pme offered a part u one of the p.na memben ln "Rebel wu." Without a CaU1e.11 On the •t. he met a You.DC actor Hopper'a "penonality problem" 11 a tendency named Jamee l>ean. . . to tell film executlv. ln no uncertain tenna what Dean'• death "really 8Cl'ewed n:~ llfe up ~ a dley can do with their ltUdioe and corporate profits. whUe," Hopper said, "beca1.11e I y belkMid ln At u, hJa hair 11 gray and. hJa voke IOft. And, deltlny. We hid a lot of plam. Be WU~. I WU 19 -1thou8h he atill pla)'I the pme hJa way, and bu when be died. We'd made p1ana, man. We were mellowed comiderably, the mewa-haln't. ready." LUXURY THEATRES lcetleMf ... ti .. SUI tit 3:IO PM Uitleu Othltwl• No1" I s 11•GH¢•n.tl6l~2Sss1~~. J s 'tf FOR FOOi UCITEmEml VllrtOur... 1f THa ISLAND (10 m ~ngall the way PfUVAT8 &.aue>NI It) ..._""! ~ Wiil)~ -..c:T0•1'~ ~1~, mi! 1111 THSaLUU •ROTHSRS (It} STRIPF.Sl!J t'l.9PXI WPcaft> • DRIVI~,_ OPEN NIGHTLY AT 7:11 Choldfffl Urtdef 12 FREE U ...... Noted SOMl1iHEN IM 1Ht DMK£ST IWOtES Of lHl UtlVasL A WTII 15AIOUT10 ll8ill R:>A SOME IT "'1 K TtD MST MISSIOM. fOA onDS IT YU KM wt 1' YOU COULD -WHAT ,....,.,., "WRONG 18 RIGHT" (II) .. APOCALYPSE ... POWI EXHIURATIIG ENTERTAINMENT." -Rlclwoeon.. Tltoll IMOAM IN 78 MM 8 TRACK DOLBY STEREO I *********************************************'***** : edwards NEWPORT CINEMA . •ASRION ISLAND, NEWPORT CENTE • . . -• Near Ceaat m111tway. lletweea Mae~ ... A .l..._ree . . . • l 644-0760 Now·su·ow~1N····· MON. •TIRJ1l8. SIM, liM. asee. 19:H ,.-. B•WA.aH PalCBI Na "ANNIE" ' · •21• ·~·· aaD4I 11 ... r II . 11e .. ra1 A... .. l ' ... • -· I . -· ' ~: l}I ...... ' ... ;.1 ~, I Ln'ft.E M\1RDEl\ESS -Lynda Olwald (J1cht) confronts daupter Dina Fayer with evidence that ahe murdered a playmate In a teme moment from •The Bed Seed,'' ' f~ •... : • ~ - opening Friday for five weekenda at the Newport Theater Art• Center. Reaervatlona and information are avallable at 67~-3143. Sylvia Syms: An oldie hut a goodie . fl~UPA••tm·. · ~':3.~·J!.:a~~~~u;;:.:; ~.!.~.tf~~~th Jul, ..... lf•W YOU -;J'ran~atra StudlO 1n c.dar' RW wr Dallll. 1J.1t.enin1 to tq-bend aemotM on J'9d6o, It reoentlY conduNd bw new Heir She'• been dalna that ftw YMl'St lhe i.ct to a del&N to beer tt live. That led ~ farw include Woody Allen. TOl\Y iald l11t wHk .6efore leavln1 her her to creep out of her hcmt at natbt. to Blfthett MlcbMl Mortaity, Broedway Manhattan heme tor T--. The ktM, fu.rUvel!_ 11lten to the mUllc 1n tbl ahabl =--Cy Col.man and crtdc 1'ex ahe nplaUw. 11 to pw on to future alona ''Bwtni Street." • 12nd 8v.t . ...-.aon. what lhe leuftld informally MN once w• known. 8he'1 Sylvia 8ynw. She'• bMn lllNina • a juHtruck ~ powtnc up That'• how the *•me • 1iqer. •lnc• th• J'ortJH in jall clubt ana here. About a year ..,, the WM beqk on 12nd unart-Mt alOOl\I. bu plarect BloodY A 1bort, bubbly woman born and Sir.et. with Sinatra. havtftl a nJchtmp Mary in 'South Pacific' and done railed In Broold~ ahe swver Md formal at "21," no jazz club for an but one al concerti With Mel Tonne and a.or,. muaic tralnlni henelf. 8Hm• her the aveet'• fflW aumvtnc ~ ShMrlnc· pe.reta WeN bOnt.fled at the idea such aaloona. Oddi are you've not beerd of her it ·mi.ht IMd her Into lhow bullne9. · "He'd been a.a.k1na me wbm I WM your• bla ii rock, cou.nU'y or Mantovanl. lilt WM a no-no," lhe llid. "Back .then, f9lna to do another ilbwn;' ahe recalll. But hel.r Sinatra on the IUbjlct of 8yqs na adrla. na boyt trooi nice tan>Uw ? uid, 'Franda.' who would ~ ~ to "If ever, modem female vocdlt In jUlt clldn't '°Into .show .,....,,.,., .. But conduct it?' And he aaJd, 'Me. Just like America ... would take a one or lhe lltenllY muck Into it by dark of that." two-year' hlatua from their Jobe, lit down • .;.;;....;..__.;.. _____________ -:---:-_ and ttuciY the voca1b1na ot Sylvia Syam, the world wOU1d be better for it." • 'n)8 rapec:t II mutual. ••J Jillten to Mr. S. a lot -1 WM ~ 1IO bbn 9'DOi _,.fore when.,0 ahe •YI of hll mullcal lnfiuence an her apd theU' friendahlp, both of which 80 1-ck more than 30 yean. 61Hil hruinc ta Impeccable," abe add•, /ettntna phraain1 aa ••the convena~ relatlomhlp between the words you're idnalna and the mUlic." · She'• ~ tliat thil week. aJ8o how to prepare lor audlUQQI. to theater Cincinnati fetes composer Williams CINCINNATI (AP) -Dirth Vader, the archvillatn of "Star Wm' and '4Tbe Empire Strikes Bide." made a au-t appeannce when the Clnclnnati Popa Orcheatra featured compoaer · John WllJJanw' works at a apec:ia1 festival. You •u be &lad you camet ~ -~~-t!:..8 • BA .. QAIN MATIN•••• Monday tllru Saturday AJI ,effonMneff before 1:00 PM lbolft .,.... hta11•111t1 IM !ilihya) 11TH TERRIFIC WEEK Franck Pourcel Ray ConnHf Johnny Glbbl Kenny Rankin -' C8ravelll Johnny PeatlOn Nico Gomez Anne Murray . Raymond LeFevre Fleetwood Mac . Qeberdf Alt Garfunkel Frri Chackdekt Harald Wlnk1er David Roee Toni T ennN1e IAIOWOO!i C fNIHI '>(•UIH ""'' • '" '"WllONO .. RIGHT" .. ......... ,.._ ... MTAalA" . ~--••A : 1 ----.., "'CMANOT9 "" .... I ...,..-.-,-.--=-r J ._._ - DON'T BAii Pl.AID""' · '"VICTil! xtCTW" .-. MT.~=-MT.--.~- ............ ANAHEIM lJlliV~ IN .,....,.... .. ["tom um °' HlllO"' • ~ a'lu•u• a ""PAPADi.rw ; CM·" IOUllO " -• Clllt.·,. MMlll> . • r'•• .i..,, BUENA PARK , • •! -. ' . . t~' • /, ' ~ • , I '• . , '. . . I • I • I !-• ' I I I l • '' AT THE TOP Tobin Tiller, left, of Snyder-Langston Construction Company, and Gene Hoggatt of Trammell Crow Company, review blueprints atop five-story structure which is one of two buildings topped out thi& month as the $100 mtlllon Clauaet Centre starts to take shape on a 14.6-acre site at Harbor and MacArthur Boulevards in Santa Ana. Town s~ys 'pto~ey' to plalls Virginia city rejects nuclear .e~acuation plan I IEITH IUICEI THOMPSON TVERDAL DIANE THOMPSON. ARILD TVERDAL. boJn remdent of Irvine, Ca. P...ed 1/26/59 ln Norway, a former away May 30, 1982. She wu resident of Costa Meea, Ca. a ~ fOI" the 8-nta Ana Palled away May 29, 1982. 8cbool District (or the put Loving hu1band of Mary 20 yean. She la IW'Vfved by Loulae, t>,loved father of her mon David, mother Jane Danielle, 1 week old, both of :lllllll----.-ilililiii&~iLaguna Hilla. Ca. Alto survived by parenll Per & Kaldy Tverdal and 1later Karin Taylor & famlly. all of c.o.ta .Meu. Ca; parents of Maryl..oui1e of Laguna Hilla, Ca. & relatlvea in Norway. Service wu held Wedne9day, June 2, 1982 at .!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mliiiii!ii~~G en e v a Pr ea byte r I an HAllOI LAWM-MT. OUVI M9rtuarv •Cemetery Crernatorv 162S Gisler Ave Costa Mesa ,540.555• r-- PfHGaaaOTHIAS l&LROADWAY MORTUAIY 110 Broadway CostaMua 642-9150 IA&.n&iHGIROM SMTHf.MHH.L WllfC""' CMAPll •27 E 17th SI Costa Mesa 846-9371 Church, Laguna Hlll.1. Interment waa held at A1cen1lon Cemetery, El 'foro, Ca. Family wants to thank everyone for their great concern. DEVINE REV A E. DIPIINE, an early resident of Laiuua Beach, Ca. & the 1-t 30 yeate ln Senta Ana, c.. Born October 7, 1906 ln Fowler, Colondo. Palled away June 1, 1982. Memorial tervlce wtll be held Friday, Jame 4, 1982•t12 noon. Holy Family C.t.bedral ln Qrance. Ca. . '* I ~· i .! ·' 1 ., l l ·' •• ~ Or9n09 COMt DAILY PILOT/W~ay. JUM 2, 1111 IEll llllYBIS 10th atraiaht quarter, leading Dunkelberg and Jonathan SCott of Southern Methodist University to state that lt will require a strong, sustained rille in sales before the p6cture improves. • 11\e IUJ'WY abo showed that 1 in 5 firms lowered their aell1ng prices in the fint quarter as they aought ~ iJy unloading lnventOriea. ''Pric::a o.atting has never been more pervasive in the nine-year fliltory of the NFIB survey," the' two economilta stated. They contend that falling prices poee. serious problems for amall companJea that already are cash poor and burdened with debt. Decllning or stable pried make it harder for companies to raiae cash to retire debts and prepare for an expansion, they said. ~><plaining that "th.ls is especially true if CXllta are still rising -even moderately.'' If prices continue to fall, they said. more and more companies may find their s urvival endangered. Moreover, if they do survive they fnight be \mable to take advantage of an improved economy, when lt arrives. They exp1ained: "If deflation (deflation ii falling prices; disinflation la a faWnc rate of increaae) .em in. the burden of repaying the •survival' debts incurred during the last few years will iacreue, meting lt more di.fficult to ~ capital for lnventcry and expansion and preventing am.all buainea from partidpatlna In whatever recovery occurs in 1982.''. In molt lnltancea. the )pweri prices offered by mnaller bwllDe9lel are insliffident to cover oos1a, laid Dunkelberg. "They're not getting.their margins back. Prices are low becal.l.9e of the need to get rid of inventory," he Mid in an .inte~ew prior to releaae of the survey. Dunk.elberg blamed much of the problem on the inability of Congress to cut deficits. A $100 billion federal deficit, he PJlnted out, is nearly equal to the amount aaved annually by comumen. That is, federal government borrowin1 may consume all capital saved by individuals. As a comequence, he said. neither hlmin e1 nor conswmera are making spending plan1. Everyone, he suggested, is watUna to aee what the future holds rather than making pl.am for major expenditure.9. . . In such a situation. he aaid, many ama11er busines8es probably have no cbdce but to cut prices to spur sales in order to remain alive. And in doing 90, they may be digging themlelves deeper into a financial hole. Physicist discounts C02 fear WASHINGTON (AP) -An AJ(r lc ulture Department acie nUat aa,. he disagrees wiih thoee who predict that the rise in atmospheric c arbon dloxlde concentratio ns from burning f<*il fuels will raiaei surface air temperatures by several degrees. Some climatologists aay that an increaae of 2 to 4 degrees Celsius will c hange the w orld's wather, melt polar ice caps, flood couta1 cities and generally ral..ae havoc with agriculture. Sherwood B. Icbo, a physicist and meteoroloeist in the d e p• rt men t ' s A 1 - r is ult u r al Resear~b Service, s ay.JI temperatures will not increase nearly that •much and that burning foe! fuels will C8U.9e JJtD dbnatjc probp ldao's views we.re repor1ed in Aancultutal ~ publlahed by the *le!lCY. Idlo for 12 yeata has conducted research in Phoe nix. Ariz., on incoming aolar and thermal radiation, using vari8tions in dust and water vapor a& substitutes far projected increase in carbon dioxide -002. "There iS essentially no danger of significant cllmatie warming due fb any forthcoming increGe In atmoapheric C02 CIJDC9tratian. e9'en for a tenfolsi increue," he said. "Bence, not only ia '" increase in C02 oot detttmentall it is dellirable, for doubaidg or tripling of the a~ C02 content cOUl ~crease global agricultural production by 20 to 25 percent." Jobs more plentiful in field of management By JOYCE L. KENNEDY' .. .. • ' . • • • • · i I • • t • I i • .I • • I ' • ~ I I • ,q I '.\> t • • 1 ,t 1 ... ~ •• 1 Dear Joyce: My daqlater, H, It good lD tporh ud aa11 alae'd like to mHage a baU team 1omeda1. If tllere ere Jobs for women. uw ca de begaba to prepa" DOW? _...._ A.W., Odeua, Teu1 Although college~ are a plus for the preceding jobs, they're not~ mandatory. ~ • ,..___ __ - . Latest research offers the :: most conclusive evidence yet · confirming MERIT as the proven taste alternative to · higher tar smoking . MERIT Taste ,Does It! ~ In imJ?artial tests where ; brand identity was con-. ;· cealed, the ·overwhelming majority of smokers reported ~MERIT taste.equal to-or ·l better than -leading higher l tar brands. f Moreover, when tar levels f were revealed1 2 out of 3 · · f chose the ~RIT combina- ~ rion of low tar. and good . ~ t·taste. · · .. Taste Debate Ends. In a second part of the same study, smokers confirm that MERIT taste is a major factor in completing their successful switch from higher tar brands. Confirmed: 9 out of 10 f omler higher tar smokers report MERIT 1s an easy switch,, ,that they didn 't give up .taste in swi .. tching, and that MERIT is. the b.est-tasting low tar they 've ever.tried . Year after year, in study after study, MERIT remains unbeaten. The proven taste T -alternative to higher :rar -.. - smoking-is tvIBRIT. r SLIM GOUAMIT OUT Of' THI KITCHEN 8UPIRMAAK!T 8HOPP!R CULTURAL EXCHANGE -The Eastern flavor of curry it complemented by a Western de8lert with chocolate .for an international dinner. • Color a pte orange, .... C4 From rom•ntlc, my1terlou1 India com" fragrant curry complemented with ·piquant chutney. A1 far back 11 the Stone A1e. i.nhabJtant8 of Europe and Central Alla enjoyed juicy, sweet pean, conatdered a alft of the aoda· South American Indiana lntroOuced SpAnlah conquiatadore. to the cocoa bean -ai.o acred. ('The legendary emperor Montezuma auppmedly drank 50 cups of lta hlahly prized brew fNf!rJ day!) And ln the mid 11700., l'rancilcan fathen p1anied walnut tttea ln their mla1on prdena-brt.nCiJli to California what has alnce become the American homemaker's favorite in,redlent nut. Now treat friends to a special dinner, combining the best of several tndltiont. It'1 fit for a raja -but so easy that even the busiest homemaker can pull Jt together. Almost everything can be prepared the day or evening before the party. CHICKEN CURRY 6 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 clove garlic, minced 2 (about 3 pounds each) chicken fryers. skinned, boned and cut l.n bite-size pieces 1 large onion, chopped . 1 cup each chopped celery and green pepper 1 to 2 tablespoons curry powder 1 teaspoon ground ginger ~cup flour 3 cups chicken stock ~cup each white wine and reserved pear syrup !-' cup lime juice '12 cup Pear Chutney Salt Heat butter and, garlic in large skillet; aaute chick.en until lightly browned. Add vegetables and seasonings; saute until vegetables are crisp-tender. Blend in flwr. Gradually add remaining Ingredients except salt; cook and stir until thickened. Simmer 10 minutes. Salt to taste. Makes 8 servings. Serving Tip: Serve on rice pilaf with any ot all of the following condiment.s: Pear Chutney, chopped green onion, chopped hard-<:00k.ed egg,. lime wedges, crumbled crisp-<x>oked bacon. root PEAR CHUTNEY 2 cups raisins and chopped onion 1 can (29 ounces) Bartlett pears '12 cup each raisins and chopped onion ~ cup packed brown sugar ~ cup white vinegar 2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh giger 1 clove garlic, minced ~ teaspoon salt '>4· teaspoon each red chilies, ground cloves and cinnamon Drain pears, reserving 'i4 cup syrup; chop. Combine reserved pear syrup with all ingredienta. Cook over low heat 30 minutee or until allgbtly thickened; stir occasionally. Maka 2 cup. SUNNY PEAR SALAD., 2 cans (16 ounces each) or 1 can (29 ot.6lcea) pear halves (~ 'Eut,' P .. e C4) 1 . . I Singular cooks reap plural · benefits iv MARY JANE SCARCELLO breast. because it thaws qukkly _, P11t ,_...., • and is 90 versatile with diff~t •uces!' :. lt's a common problem for Storage i1 the second most trorking llnclel or coupls whoee important step for :°f: cooka, cbildrm have srown and aone: D;eat choices are re.Uicted to and a freezer can e more e4ding In ..-.urmta. re1ytnc on ~t that a refriam'at.or. &ozen dinners or cooklnl up 'All bread showa be kept __ ... frolen, llnce it's impcalble 1o ~ &mily rec:ii-t1&M.1 eattnc finish a loaf before it t;" ltale," ~ aame th1na for a week. .·"'Qur main ..-w-la that we she noted. "When uylna a -=~ In--~-and ~of EQgliah mufflm, spll• au grew up uulll.&M:9 ate all the mutt1ns ln the package U.ed to group cooklna," before freezing. That way you atcordina to Bat'bara Swain. don't end up eating a whole ~ of ~ toe 1 or 2" muffin when you only wanied ~a llnale. "After 20 ye.en of half." ~fir a family, a woman Spice• bought whole and 1 1(.1 been conditioned to the ground 81 needed will last longer, dHficulty of feeding many people she said. and wine is available l.n (1111 a budget and to the llmitatiom half bottles She -.... -...:1 using I ol children who ~Ttie:.!r~' at the ~ * f~ ana anythina fancy ot t: drinking. "Wont of all, a cook ptl Uled Cutting down recipea can to aocepUnc respomes from other create problems. but 1peclal . , Piiq>le<M her reward for cooldna· meaaurl.ng cups and apoona are I She alto needl to cook for her available Including such llzs aa OWn enjoyment of the food," ~ tableepoon, ~ teupoon and ~ I ::~~ at Bullodc's in South cup. 'lbe home economilt bal ~Plaza recently, abe cooked dilcoYered that a coffee IDMIW:'e ~ a dlnn.-fir two and lhared and a pony meuure from theblu; Nr thouthta on amall-ecale am.i · are equal to ~ cup, too. ~ But reductng larger recipes :=~t hMliiil In the market." abe iln't alwa.JI .-y. ,;l;1ed~°"'T.()bvlou1ly, you buy "l t.a.d 801De ndpee in mr, .-.u. .nd tllllt'• not ).wt in CUii book 20 Um. to aet them ricb1. • 4iad re+ 111 Mmy fteUl fruits abe laid. 'Tm proud that no one •ad ve1eta bl ea are 1mall calla for half an ea. I don't mind =; .... ' in themMlV• and a ndp6 requirina an eai yolk or ....:.:__a•-..._ where~ oae whl-. ._.._the OCbel' put will • llmD mp W.U· and haw odMr ~ rr: lor buytnc In -But no one 1hould h,.ave to -:-.•au1 auechlnl lnatHd. of ~ out half an •· ~~,_up w 'lmwhn U. "9~Y .ulDdl to the ta; ~~'illlt!J •a ftdktr-~·~~Jr .. ~!i-:r.do:~:--~ .. ~dtlilllil.ID-CblD ., a ....... ._ ... _ .... for parUe• tit' f •111 in her one-hour demonstration. (The pots de creme must be reffiaerated ovemjght, so they lhoWd be done l.n aavance). ~WBERRY SOUP GI.ACE 1 pint frelb ltrawbenies · 2 tablespoons orange.flavored ~ytotaate Sour Cftiam Sauce (See below) Wuhatrawbenia aDlli raerve 2 for. pmilh. Hull remaining berries. In a blender, puree hulled berrlee with liquer. Add honey to taste. Refrigerate until serving time. l'repare Sour Cream Sauce, Pour berry mixture into chilled bowla or leers and top with Sauce. Gu:niah with re1erved ltrawberrles. Serve with chilled SpOona. ~ 2 eervinp. SOUR CREAM SAUCE - Combine 2 to 4 tablespoons IOW' cremn. 1 teupoon honey. fnlhly grated lemon peel to taste and a duh of salt in a 1mall bowl. Blend and refrtgerate. PEPPER 8TEil. FLAMBE 1 ~ teMpoooil Whole black ~ppercon:w 2 (6 to 8 ounces each) bonelea tender 1teaka, about M-lnch thick Salt to tMte 1 ta~ clarified butter (or butter) 2 ~dry red wine, beef stock GI' ....... ~ t1 gpoan Worc.tenbire •uoe 2 tabl .. poon1 brandy or 'I J , am top ber:ries At a Pf.pduee eounw doem\'' ... 1 arOund that C"1'°·~;: '°"''aLuuaav &lm• of year Wtl S~ IOU~ bappy·blu• IHIOft '°' 'he ' children In her ~ cup ( l a tick) ) famUY. butter or marprtne They wert haP.P1 1 cup~ When they HW bl8 3 ... lu1clou1 bl~eberr 1 l cup IOW' enun (~ i ~klnl out" of pint) . !Md mufflftl ln,D&il 2 cu pa 1ltted ~ .nd Ice cteam aauce. And all·purpoM flOW' : blUll In tM refrilll'•W l teaapoon baklna (o anack on broucht aoda lmUa ti.I fecet. HapPy ~ teupoon talt With the blu.. l teupoon vanilla Her caaual ahopplfti ' 2 c u p • f r e 1 h lcqu.alntance aald u far • 11 lhe wu concerned lt ..... the blU..llOW' aeuon. Not becau1e the blueberrlea were ~ythina but aw.-or Ul.it ~lr advent aw-' a downturn i dltposltJona. Quite "1le opposite -except lf $t lorgt>t the IOW' cream. lt'a true that lot8 of people feel that blueberrtH and tour cream are partners In tute. like bacon.and eaa or coffee and cake. For eome reuon, t1'e tartneaa of the cream l)rlnga out the sweetnell of the blueberries. It WU inevitable, theb, that somebody should come up with an extraordinary Blueberry Sour Cream Cake. Thia might well be the perfect one. The taste is superb, the texture is lovely ... it holda its freahneta for days. Although you'll probably flnd that It .. Single cook From Pase .ct and ae~ aside. Snap off baae of Md1 sparagus stalk. at 1ta natural breaking point. Diacard base or l't!9el'V8 for cream soup. W8*ti and drain aspar•JUI spears. Put I-inch-deep water into a large akillet Add 1 YI t.eaapoonl ~ for each quart of wa~. Bring to a full boil llDd add uparaaua. rollftll. s pears tn water t~ develop color on all ..amt - Return to a boll aQd reduce heat to a aJow boil. Cook uncov~red about 5 minutes until asparagus i1 tender (inlert fork ln thickest part). Dra i n iQ)- med lately. RetUTD asparagus to low heat ., boil off any remaining moisture. Arrange on plates and SpoQl'l a Bu• Polooaiae Sprinkle wfU. salt 'and pepper. ~ 2. blueberrl11, rlnHd, dn1Md -fb&Nd ~ oup tlr.mly l*Md brown~ • ~ cup ohops*l nuia ~ teaepoon cln· namon In a bowl CIWITl but~r until U1ht and fluffy. Beat 1n ......,. Beat Jn .. ,,, one at a tlm'e, beatlnl unUl 1mooth after MCh addldon. Stir ln IOW' creem. Stlr IJ\ flour, beldnc eoda, tilt and vanllla. Beet until amooth and -well blended . Fold ln bl'**'1el. Spr'llllMI halt of the bauer lnto • ir'Mled 9 by lS by 2·lnch l>ak1nC I*'· In • bowl inlx brown ""8AJ', nuta and dnnamOn. SprinkM mixture evenly over top of batter ln pan. Spned remalnlna batter over top ... in • preheated moderate oven (360 d•1rees) tor 40 to 46 mlnutee. C.ool in pan and then cut in'° 1quaN1 '° Mrve. Serve apriaJded with oontectlonera' 9'&1v. Yield: one ~ ~ 13 • by 2-lnch cake. VODKA 7~ IJOflllOOl'-llfQ Piia , .. PRODUCE LIQUOR GROCERIES cup • ~~~.15 ~N<D~---ST~T'f Red Ddc:lout Apples _..,fllEAl lMge Mangoes U1 .49 [A ~69 ~·.49 . CA .39 IA-.39· "'399 f· f~OZEN FOODS ~Scotch 499 ~~ 239 ~°C 319 l~-OOl..DOll~. 909 Sim Plic:e .,,. TeqUU. ~DISMonno 999 ~l<tuG Chenln Blanc 399 lll:'~~Ultlf l 59 DFl ICATFSSFN ~eTll Dog Food ~ ~~ ~.~Tissue ~~ ~~OI SI HVll'l ~-,I 1\1 (H)I) / GROCERIES MEATS ~T~ms ~~Ste.ac ua 228 a:::~~ ~~Chudt&eak ~~Vinegar B:a'ciut>e Ste.k ~TMM¥nN1lse ~ ,. ~ .... ~""'¥ . ~~~~Olf ~Juice .p;;.~..QIT4' -~ I SAVE UP i'ID 40( ON 1 SNACION' GOoD PRUNES. I , California prunes are plump. moist and perfect for I anacktn: Anytime. Or anywhere. But don't fust take our word for It. Here's "'~ to find out for vourself. The coupon Is good on any brand of California Prunes or I Prune Juice. Try them both. You'll be surprised at how ~ @t on one 24 oz., two 12 oz. Of • ':°'I SllQl: ____ .,, __ _ .... ""' 1MI .. IDIOUll) c:ouacTOll'S IOCllTf S..... ..... ..,._MDZl-i _,..,.. __ ,._* 53111 SAVE•~ ON TWO PACKAGES OF CAUFORNIA PRUNES OR · PRUNE JUla. 't'tCJ&:.'t l02Sl& ~ ---\ ti"' ... ~ - OOllSUlllll Plea lie -.. -... ........ --...... _.....,_ .., ............ -·~----"'-------. Check it out ••• $2 '"' . Save $1.00 on Black Aag9 Bug Killers ... and get this terrtftc beach towel · for only $8.95 plus postage and handling. -. • •1• East and West ' . Wa·Accap1· . COUPON I IROM Ait:OIHIR IUPEllMARKllS* C.. C11t lMll --......_..iiiii .. PORK CHOPS .......................... la. 1.09 IMW PORK LOIN CHOPS ... '.! ........... LI. 1.89 Mt '-'tloft • PORK SHOUlD!R ROAST ....... LI. 1.69 Mt'-'tloft PORK SHO\JLDER ST!AK ........ LI. 1.89 ClfttlWCllt PO•K LOIN ROAST ................. LI. I.ff •A•MDITYLI IPARIRllll 1·.49 ~ llAIUml'S GOLD . ""· lllW00 .............. 1.39 , ..... ,,...... .. ,....__ ..... ~ ........ ()# NATURE'S GOLD LOTION ...... 1.19 PORK LOIN liOAIT FRllH! MIDWISTllN POllC LIMIT 2 ._... PORK LOIN ROAST ................. LI. 3.29 .....,,.,, ... CUIES .OF PORK LOIN ..... , ..... .u. I. 99 DleeNMbmM~f9' LEAN GROUND IEEF ............. ll.1.19 """' ........ PORK SPAltERllS .................... LI. 1.79 U.l.D.A. Olelce W '• CENTER CUT CHUCK STEAK .. ll. 1.39 U.S.D.A. 0-. ..... ~ l O.IONE ROAST ...................... LI. 1.69 ,.... 'Miole Wy, CCllfonllo Ofowll STEWING CHICKEN .................. LI. .19 ,.... ~. C:.....11ie Orew11 STEWING OfilCkEN .................. ll .•• 9 ,,..... 'Miole, Ccillfomlo Ofowll • FRYING RAlllT ....................... LI. I .M ._.v.,_,'1... . IAR·M BACON ................ : ..... IA. 1.69 fliilH Rm lllAPP• ••ouou•~l.89 '9111eady,l..-..W. ......... .,..~ WHITEFISH .............................. La.1.19 HEAT & EAT ESCARGOT ........ IA. 1.79 rr-.,.. ,_ ....,...,.Ahdled SWORD FISH STEAICS ... : ...... : .. ll. .. ff EASTERN LAKE SMELTS. ......... LI. 1.19 4t-OZ . . BOTTLE llM{la· l 12.... . VAN DE KAMP'S POUND CAKE 1.39 ..,.. ~. lxtreC,.. OROWEAT MUFFINS ...................... 93 u..a.. White, Wheat, loftdwlch 9 HUGHES IREAO .............................. . 1 ....... NA.-CO RITZ CRACKERS........ 1.39 11 ....... SUNSHINI VANILLA WAFFERS ...... ff , ...... et.. De4We"" NABISCO OREOS ....................... 1.79 I.Qt. '-•rn d flWi ll H .. MINUTE WJO on'STALS ... ~ ..... 1~9 ....... cw. .......... .... NOOOlES .............................. . ON .... e.,&.111. OYSTH SAUCE ............ 7 ........ .. HonM4 CURE MASTER HAM .............. lt. 3.59 """' Hatti. BREADED VEAL'PATTIES ......... LI. 1.19 AlltrtHat"- PEPPER BEEF PATTIES ............. LI. I. Uflle Jveft, 10.... . IURRITOS ................................... IA. .ff Uttle "-· 10·'-· .. CORN DOGS ............................. ~ .M ... CHUCll 9'0AIT USDA ~NJ:', . 29 CIOICE .ua. e r . Whtn '' eofl\H to w h Ip p 1 d c r 1 • rn , b&IUN. the Vl1nn•1t 1tnw~trrlH , raap• iakt:\M cake. Vttnneee berrtu, chopped bann ply their trade a 1 mo n d 1 , I r a t • d w~t\ unmatctitit H•l, chocolate, an oran11 •••••v•1ance , ana UQ\Mtur.' d«lontiw lkW. 'Tha\11 what to call a A Vlel\nelt cake lln't Vienneet exttavaaansa:· mere caWe -lt'1 1 8PANIS8 WINOOilB cteatl~ expert.-ra. And Baile M ...... t SMll one ot the moet 1plendld l cup •18 whlt•• of the 1uper.~ee II (about S. e'UI), at room Spanlah Wl.ndCa.ke. temperature. By the banka ot th~ l teupoon cream of blue Danube, cakes are tartar aenera,ly made wlth IA teupoon ult merlnaue or whipped l teupoon vanllla creun. Wlndcake often 2 ~ cups very fine plenty of each. IJ'enulated 1upr While the Spanilh Trace around ·an Windcake 11 a cla11ic 8-inch cake pen on lix revered by Viennese IQWU'ft ot alwninum foU pa a try· maker I, It with• peodl. AllowiJ\a a tranalate9 beeutlfully for ~-inch border around the ~ kitchen. each circle, cut •way The tollowina recipe • exoea too. akimpt on l)O\hlna and lf Combine ea whit•. you fo)low the d1ndJona. cream of tartar, alt an4 your ~· wW come out vanilla in a 1arp m1xinC a a e-la borate and bowl. Be.t until foamy. 1pectacular as you coyld Gradually beat in. sugar, wish. about 1 tablespoon ft • It's not for t.kina on a time. The meringue busy day -like elf such ahould be very stiff. special paatriea it doea Continue beating 5 take aome time. But th.la minutes more. Set aside kind of creativf bak.lrur 1 cup of mer1n1Ue. Fill a can be tun -ana large pastry baa fitted guaranteed tO cause a with a~ moderately 1arKe sensation at your next plain tip (No. 7 or 8) with party. the temaining meringue. The bue a,\d top of Place two of the foil the cake are. dtclea of circlM on an 11x17-inch meringue plped,ln 1pirala ~ sheet eo they do from a pastry tube. noltouch.Pipeacircleo1 Meringue rings tonn the the merin1ue IA to side of the cake. · ~-inch thick just inside Merlnaue rosettes the pencil mark and decorate the top and aide continue in a spiral until of the shell as do candied the circles are solid. violets and roee petals -Ughtly smooth the .tops the Vienne9e are fearlem of the ~p(ra.ls with a flat about "11dina the Wy. spatula. These circle• The filling la an elegant WW. form the base and mixture o'f chilled top of the cake. 2Slh year Anniversary "' g_. f in the Harbor Area ~f~Y· , FUD,.._f ,. . 44t ON.._,.. INwd.. .....,_..._._e. Ut-7740 Fora..!RtdM ACTION Call A DAM. Y N.OT AO.YISOI MJ.'611 Plac. two mo,.. foll the three remalnln1 Clrc* on a bUbW IMet "-"II-U a rlril bNUI tn ao they do not 1ouch. ti and 11n1. ~ 11 u • lt Pl pt a clrcle of the topU.e; With unbAked meri"IUe tt-lndl thkk ~· ju1t lntlde th• pencil Bab Oompleted ehll1 mark. Do not pipe at 200 de.rH• for ao nwinaue tn the center of mtnuw. Remove from the cifCle 11 tMie-l'tnp 0 Ve ft a ft d C Q 0 1 will b8 atacked to form tJ<orouahly. With a Oat the atdel ot the cake and IJ)9tWa frolt the outl6de the center will hold the of the •hell wl$h the fµJ.lna. Place both baJdna r • u r v e d 1 cu p o t aheeta In • 200-dearee mertnau• plua any oven. Bake the ~ tor merlnsue remalnlna in the top and bottom of the the plltry ba(i. Make the cake tor 80 mi nu tea. Ilda very lll"riooth. Bake ab the rlnp thatfonu 3 0 m 1 nu tea at 2 0 0 the akle9 for 45 mlnut.1. c1e,...... Remove from Meenwb.Ue place the o v • n a n d c o o 1 rerna1n1n8 ty.'_O loU drclel "t t\ o r o u a h 1 y . T h e on • bakin, lheet IO they mfttncue will be ~ do not touch. Pipe a fn8ll8 beca'--It h.-t drcle ot the merlnl\MJ dried ~y, IO bi '4-lnch t.hk::k )..Ill ml6de extremely ~-ln the pencil mark. Do not ~ Ind ~ lt. pipe merlnaue ln the Proaiiid wttb die· mat center of the drda • step.~ ~~~~ DBCORAft.r of the cake. Bake the9e IA cup ea wblie. rinp at 200 ~ far·<about 4 ecP), at room 46 minutea. Thoroualy tern~~ f cool all pf the rinp on a -poonc:nem-o cake rack. Remo¥e foil tartar and set aaide the top W teupoon ealt until ready to decorate. IA &111pOOC1 vanilla CarefUlly remove the foil 1 W CUJll wry tine from the cooled rtnaa gran~~J'~~ ....... Uled for the llde of the ~-lllU v~ cake. Leave the cake Candled rme ~ bottom on the foil drcle; ~re re a meringue place ft on • bakina t the ctirectionl sheet. Bu.D.d up the lldel &lven or the Batie of the cake by pipb:w MerlnSJe Shell. Fill a small dabs of unbUea putry fitted with a ........ o(lbilhell. ••Is• •ddlUoaal illC arJllrt la • omw ofthetDl»lndd.-cenw of the -aldN. Plac. the c141icorated top and lhell ona....._ . ._.,u.y do DOC '°'9cD. BMe at'200 ..... fw.019Mua.or unlU 'dry. Remove fromi oven anct carefully add· oad*I violetl and l'OM petall. atwn1 them on with mertnpe. Retum to GYM. TW'n lt off and 1taw nu • '°' tnikle tor 11veral hourt or overnl(hi to dry out com~l.y. About three boura before Hrvtna relDOY9 ton mm bue o1 ahel1 and fill center with ~ cupa heavY cnem IA cup..., 2 tablel~ onnae liqueur 1~..U...,eet ~ .... tild IA cut finely ~.,.,.,.. .CUpl -.Wbiirrle9. .. . lcup~ Combfne cream with 1u1ar and whip until thlCk enouah to form aoft peeks. J'ota tn NlU1nlna ~ta. Spocin into meringue abell and chill 3 to 4 bows. At aervtna time, pWoe top CJft cake. To ~. remove the top to a plate. With a • J.uat fGrk or knife, tar or cut otl. portionl of the 1llell and place on individual p~t... Top . ea~h portion with a apocmfuloffllllna. Makel AUSTBIAN DELIGHt -The Spanish Windcake ls almost too beaotifuJ 18 lef'VlnCI.. to seare. • mertnaue 1 ~ inches medium 1ter tip~. apu1 aiound the edge of 6) with the merf.ncue. r.=================================; the bue. Carefully pt.ce Make ro.ettes around a meringue ring oo top. the edae al the' top. then Repeat the pnJ9e9I with borden around the P-.t•••Lcln••• · 16400 Paclflc.Co..t ~. #111 Huntln9ton ••aCh (21a) lts-2212 ~ STORI HOURls M-IAT 1Mt IUN 1N ' •I I . l I -·~ .. Al.A 081CH lt•H cMI ol _, ••• 1•••r•ll1 1111 ....... ·-. wtll .............. I ~ fWCMtl~'9nd " ......... w.u. Jt ................ to ........ Meat •1ndul11r I• •••.• from papaln _,... of the papaya -~ Ml th9 unique abllliy to brHk down and .-ott.n touch l'Mlt ttben, nndutac them ...... to the palate - Ural aid for wal - l•t-watchera H well • wa111t~watchenl Ullna meat tenderiler on the lem tender cuta of beef 1t a widely known trick. LeN f amlltar 11 what meat tenderizer can do for very Jean pork cbooa, which can be dry ancf toulh. :any If ~~~fat-trimmed pork chops are caloric ll1htwel1hta, only 54 caloriee an ounce (meet only). Here'• a way to prepare them that will leave them molat and flavprful: PAN-PRIED• LOW.CALORIE UAUAN-8TYLE PORltCBOPS 4 thin very lean fat-trimmed pork chope Plain (or garlic flavored) meat teftderiaer 4 tablespoons Uallan-aeasoned tn.dcrumbe Sprinkle pork chops with meat tenderizer and puncture In aeveral places with a 1harp IQ)1fe. Cover and wait 30 mbwta . Shake up pork cbope in a plaatic baa with breadcrumbt. Spray a Iarse nomtick akillet or electric frypan with cookina •pray for ~fat frying. Arrange the chops 1n a llJl8)e layer. Cook over moderately low heat about 10 minutes each side, jult untH Inner pinkneaa diappean. Uae a aharp pa6nted knife to make a alit ln the thickst part of the chop to test ctonene.a. Pork ctqm must not be undercooked (to avoid the "* of tz'ichinmi9), ::,:e:=: the meat wW dry out and touaben. Mam four 1eridng1, 240 calories e.ch. TENDER Jl'LANlt S1'Eil 1 flank~ 1 to 1 ~ pound• plain (or 1arlic aeuoned) meat tendertJer Tuna helper 1 I tablet~~ ~~ 1 tablMpooft Wor· ~·uce Put the flank llMk on a N~ bOi.rd. With a aharp knlf 1, ecore th• IUl'face of the Oank llMk tn • dluona1 cn.cro. ~item. 'Turn the flank lteiak over and ICON the ~ .t(te the eame way; be careful not to cut too dMply. Sprinkle both aKlel of the •teak 'With meat tenderiser, then apuad H1hUy with muatard and WorcH; llll 111110 terah&r•. Wait 30 m&nutte. Pan fry th• flank a..U ln a ftoNddt aklllet CROCK.Ba Y PO'ITBD 0tt e*1ric frypen tar,. BEEP CVIBI enoqh to bOlCI it ln a 1 pound bottom llnale'p6ece, . ..!~ round at• a k, fat ' ·. O>Oat about & milhn• trimmed, cut In 1-lnch per aide, deDendina on cubel thlcknen and' deilred don•ne11. SUce very plaln (or aarllc thinly to Mtve. Makes a e a • o n e d ) m e a t four to ,alx aervln11, tenderber approximately 17& 2 W-ge (or 4 mnall) calories each. carrota. tcraped, aliced 1 onkln, thtnly alioed 2 tabi.epoona white wine 1 bey leaf, broken In balvea Sprinkle meat with tendertr.er and puncture all over wtth the tln8I of a fork. ComJ>tne with ~~-1tlln a alow cooker. Cover and cook at lOV( •ttinl until Prices Effective weo June 2 Ttlru Tues .. June a. 1982 wide Marttet Basket . Red, Ripe · watermelon cream Cheese ... mMt ta fork·~tr and ~ cup eech: white v • I • t a b l • • a r • wlne and water tender·crlaJ1', about S Sprinkle the meat houn or more. Makee with tenderlur and four Hrvlnaa. 1 7 & puncture all over with a calon.I tech. fork. Pound the ateaka w4=uTE thin wtth a meat mallet ' or a ro••t·tenderldna 1 p o u n d f a t -hammer. Walt 1 to 10 trimmed beef t op minutet. round, ln 4 lllcel · Spray a nonattck p&.a1n (or teUOned) aklllet with cookln1 meat tenderi7.er .,,ray. Brown the tteaka 1 aweetot).lon, thinly quickly on both aldea allced with no fat add e d . W pound fresh Remove to a hot platter. muahrooml. aliced Stir In the onlona and -llioed muWoomai theft the wJne and water. Cook and atir over bida heat until inc»t of tM liquid evaporatet, and v 1 1etable1 are tender-crunchy. Spoon over lteaka. Makel four 1ervln11, 175 calorlH each. WITH ZESTY TOMATO MUSHROOM SAUCE: Substitute ~-<:up tomatoe juke and a pinch of oregano or mixed Italian herbl for wine and water . I l Patti Jean-Frozen Cornish anieHens pet lb. ~:78 SWeetJuic;y y~.r:: it ea ch es per lb . . 49 1 Y.a lb. loaf -·~19 . Double CoupOn PrtMnt tlll1 coupon along with eny one Manulecturtn' "cent1 olf" coupon end get do\Jble the Mii· Inge when you purctl ... the Item. Not to Include "nttailef', "lrN" Of' "grocery pun:h ... ", coupons or 111ceed the value of the Item. Excludes llQUOf, tooecco end dairy produot1. Umlt One Item Per MMufecturer's Coupon and Limit 4 Doublt Coupons per Customer Coupon Effective ;lune 3 thru June 9, ~912 Double Coupon Prnent 11111 coupon .iono with any one M~fecturtrt' "cent• off" coupon end get dout>le the ..,,. lngs W'*1 you purct\Me the Item. Not to Include "retlllef'', .. ,,.. .. or "grocery purch ...... coupona Of exCeed the value of the Item. Excludes llQuor, tObeeco and dllry produot1. Limit One It.,., Per Manufactu,.r'1 Coupon and Limit 4 Double Coupon• per Cu1tomer Coupon Effective June 3 thrU June t, 1912 PntMnt tht9 coupon alonil wtltl eny one Menulectuntr9' "c.nll off' coupon end get do\Jble the N't· tnoa When you~ tfle Item. Not to Include "retellef', "f!M" or "grocefy purch ...... coupon• or nOMd the vllue of the Item. Exch.tOff llQuor, tooecco Ind delry product1. Umlt Otte Item Per MenufactuJW1 Coupon end Llmlt 4 Double Coupon1 per Customer Coupon EffeclJwe June 3 thru June 9, 1912 • Fr or.en Regular or Pink Mlnuttt Maid Lemonade 12oz.c:an Major Storewide Price Reductions Meat Value• Dairy/Dell Value Grocery Value1 Petaonat c .. Valuee . "'°" a.olc>I .... a-. 2.39 ._...,......,......,. .. t• lMdlM .... ~ ........ ,,._ 1.77 Crou Ill loalt ": Leo's Ille.II •eat .... ...... ., ..... ttl , .. DrJ ..... ., .... ... .... ..... 1.99 43 ,._cat Food .... ...., ..,., 1"~ 2.47 Oscar •aver lacen · , ... •• .,. ... pll9. ..., ,• -B..Tiiec'k Bon•• .79 1.89 ,,......,c.t ...... _ ' r..'1-frnll T ...... altiu..:.1.54 per qi. lree1 llalt lne1 leans .. Cl ... a.....,,.... .58 el9 iai ... de ii1iiiiiiS , ••• , ..... 3e47 Frv•r .... a ": Ilea. lltl. ...... c--. Produce. Floral Velvet Fl1herman'1 Cove Yalu••-llta en.ell ·-.. ,_o.trM .... °"""""• ~ e........ Crall Clusters "it T-t•Put• .... .... ,. .. ML .SOUP'S ON -Fut food ~ on. a new meaning in ?• Japan, wfut,re noodle deliverymen bike steaming bowls of their w..... to the door and retrieve the empties later. . June II the st.art of hot summer months. u you'd like to avold a steamy kitchen this summer, mrt lt off right with one of tbeee tuty treats. Simple to prepare and re1reehln&. wa yC)fUrt ddnk. salad dremlnc and demert abould help you keep your cool and maybe even your~ CITRUS YOGURT DEUGBT 1 (8 ounce) cup 1emor ~ peech, sliced Oft 1 large canped peach 3 lee cubee Combine lemon yogurt, peach and ice cubes in a Wender. mend until forthy. Pour into gla11 and serve Immediately. Mak.es one 9el'Ving. YOGURT THOUSAND ISLAND D~ING 2 (8-ounce) cups plain yogurt 2 tablespoons_ chili-. sauce 1 hard boilecVegg 2 table~poona choppecl dill pickle salt to tute Combine all in- gredients in a small bowl. Blend well. Refr1'gerate about 2 hours in airtight Jar before serving. Makes apJ)ll'P'dmately 2 cups. TBE YOGURT PIE 1 tablespoon unflavored aelatin an Ilia. _.. c:m tM aodC, hiuntU\8 fliVon \ °' ......... ,,.., The family betel '" bUt • the enc. d9YeJoP a·..-ftw euch ~and 1eem to OOl'QI Mc* fOr more. • WMn condidol'W pt too bed, anta Ntn.t to Mita underpound or lMkle w.U., wait for' the ~ to IUbllde and MDII'': once apln t.o w.,. war .,.u.t an)'th!na tM wnena want to eat. Anti lnvade. pantrlea1 ~hey overtun ltoYetopl -thef _even find VWll' Qy lnto the dJlhwaahet IMl'CNJ\I for a dab of butter or 1pot ofmaple~p. COokl develop a aort of battle fat!pe after a while, with spent nerves twitchln1 at the .u,hc.t provocation. They flail aw•)' with cries of outraae at an lnNxent poppyMed lying on a ~ut plate and examine eech dlah or utensil u if lt carried a black plliue more lethal than mere anta. Alter aome experimentation. people usually dlacover that the only safe place for ~ything remo~ly conaidered edible II tn the refrtlerator, but unleaa the family owns a w.ik-in model. ~ can be a problem. · Hot we.ther air.dy overtax• a cooler, · whet with the watennelon and extra aodu. ao then'• hu'dly room for av• of bried, ~ of corn flakn, anaelf ood CAlcH and fi\e extra-tarae Ille of ~ ayrup. One aUinmtr delaert \hat fotll ania well Md 1 tuW pnttY ~ to humane ta DanJlh c:n..n: · Mak• lt in advance and 1tore it in the { refrtpnior rlcht M>d to the potato chlP91 .W . oU, 1arltc .alt or whatever ei.. · you're hldinf : from the ants. DANJSB CREAM l cup whlpplnl crtaJn, unwhlpped i cµp auaar .1 envelope unflavored pla~ 1 cup aour cream · 1 teaspoon vanilla ~ teaspoon almond flavortna . Freth berries or sllced ftuit fn aeuon J.1 Combine the whipplnl cream with the supt " and gelatin in a saucepan. Heat over medium ' heat, stirring constantly until al1 the sei.t111 and t aupr dilaolve. Do not boil. Remove from ~t and cool fO/t l~ minutes. Add the IOW' Cl'ftl'll. ! vanilla and almond flavoring. Stir until weD - blended. Pour into emall mold or refrigerate ana eerve fl'Of1l a bowl. Serve in small delaert bowls 1 with berrlea or fruit to top the cream mixture. 1 Servel e. '11 I" -------------------~ --- ~ cup oold water 2 egg yolb, llightly beaten ~cup milk 2 (8-ounce) cup• vanilla Yoeurt 8 ounces Neufcbate cheea~, room temp- erature 8 ounces cr.m ~. room temperature 1 teupoon moi- l tablespoon clover honey ~ cup graham cracker trumt. 1 araham cr acker crumb shell Soften gelatin ID cold water ancf dmolve over bot water. Add milk to the .uptly beaten ea yolka and cook with the gelatin over aently bolling water until lt ooeta a lllver apxm. Set aside to cool Cream the cheese, molaaaea and honey toge\her (if mlxlna machine Uled -cream on lp\\t speed ~y), add ONE cup.-of YOIW't and continue to cnam until lmOOth. ·Pour the oold ,.tatln mixture slowly ovs-the cheese , atlrrin ... constantly. Add the second cup of ypgurt. Mix wel}. Pour. into baked graham cracker crumb shell and chill until firm. When n!ady to aerve, sprinJde top wlth graham cracker c:rumbt. Makes 1 10-inch pie. ·- ENERGEN ,,,,,,,,, .. ,,,,,~":. V1Tb11E 411 ,.. .. -:. ,,,,,, ... ...... ,,,,,_,,, . 100 CAPS &.I& 250 CAPS 13_.48 RADIANCE 1-CllPLD II 5.95 125 CAPS THOMPSON LECITlll 11 IL 3·.60 90 CAPS . RADIANCE 11111-11111 SUPER POTENCY '12.·75 VITAMIN & MINERAL 160 CAPS RADIANCE L-LYlllE 500 mg-100 TABS GROCERIES , HAIN · SIFFLOWU OIL :sou.:tH COAST ~LAZA ,:.> . ·COSTA MESA 557-6161 . LOWER LEVEL CAROUSEL MALL BULK PRODUCTS Ml ll ITDI Tl 1111. ,_. Fii llRS 1.4t~·: llLLERi IUI FUIEi .23 ~;. . " ROLLED OATS .3& ... ·· RAW WHUT· IERI . I speo••. k f Th• ••• 1 lill. Creek IERITll SHllPOO 11fLIL 1.50 GOIDITIOIER f ., LUNCH COUNTER J IREllFIST SPECIAL Fr:tiit drying is Qld pFactjce Pure Cold Pressed 32 Fl. oz. 1 QT. • ·2.45 •VED 9:00.11 :30 TWO EGGS, WITH HASH BROWNS WHOLE WHEAT TOAST. ~ • CHO.CE OF BEVERAGc, 1 9 5 ALBANY (AP) - Fruit dryin& bM always been • rather smelly bulinea. Back in the days of Cleopatra, byra.in1 1ulfur to P,r8Mrv• the color of fni• 8nd wine fciuled _ .... Wound die NOe whh • •harp, acrid ..... C•nturiea later ln Italy_, S_jain, Persia, 'l\rijy, -later etm ln the United States and Auatr,..ia, apples, aprtcota, peaches and ......... pr111r,.t by mllmdlnt~ But tMt WM before air ~ control laws and uvlronmental action #OUPI ~to rel!uOe tbe lun1-~ama1tn1 effmcta ol a&lfur dioxide in the air. In California, fruit ~ with .u1.fw' dates back to the late 19th century when apricots were imported from Spaln. Today, fruit ~13 million. The apricot drylna season laau from mid-June to mid-July, Zoria 1aid, and he expects to try the experiment with about half •hll crop. Later in the summer and fall, he'll prooelS the peacbee and peen. '"The bottled pa COits about twice • lnuch • Oowen of sulfur but you UM half 81/J much,'' he uid. "It ahouldri't c:mt much more in the end but by next year we abou1d have a 8ood Mlea of how ~it II." Ginger produce~ JACKS CALIFORNIA DESERT 1110 51b. FOOD FOR LIFE ~· WllLE IUll 11111 ALL NATURAL 24 oz.. 01 HAIN SAF-Ft.OWER -1111MlillE NET WT. 24 Fl. oz. 3.2& COFFEE, DECAF, TEA, MILK I ' _ Com•i11tion S1l1i Pllfl SSVID 1 l :OG-5:30 H EAL TH & BE AUTY AIDS 1ao1a~11.oo•• la r•••••o•a la· CO.An llARDWAAB •1m111n • I ln authentic Chln11e CO\ll'H tn International TU1Uoft for \he coww !'C'Zi"'i.::: l:'C"~f=•:m I::.~~~ • I .IJlll =:i·:=n~ ~J.~· ~: .• n~~!i. •• :"~ ta ... ""•• •tre prH~nt • do-ahead a cll9 on~ omeleti toHt lemon chicken, the third ln Dier'• ..n. lmde ~ the lnn at ·n :ll' on June u . diMll' mmu tau8t ~ and qulcM on June a. tllehnkaue at e:ao p.m. on a Jt.raj,an ~uet at 11 e i 1 b t . J •we 1 r l c • of wOC'kahopl by the .... at 404. • • Pvdotpu" .. watda Ka.Y·...,,.u.attil a.m. Included wtll b• .tune ll. She wtll lhow a .m. on June 17 . ca111role,/in1er lee Included wlll be a . Uae demoauratton, on.~ a. he II ao. 0me1 et t e w Ith hqw 10 pnpaN a IWlt. Studenta wtll 1-m about cream an won-ton brunch ln th• hlllalde D. l10X l'tltMnnt ....... ~ -., Ta:rla ran,atter will A1par•IU!J Omtl•tt• hot app1Uaer. frllh c 01 d 10 I u rt • n d t.'OOk1el Fee" tl8. Paltor l UI home. a ln Anaheim Will ofter. luidl. o.& II M.IO. lmtnM:t l.n pnparatian of LorratM, ispinach and ve1etabl11, a 1l~ple c:ucwnber IO\lp, egplant Call the 1tor e at MOl'OCC n.wnmer pknlc, clam ln pa1ta i'edpee Md Roy Pln10 will ehiiCana'7:p.m.~0nJune Ricotta Qulehe and breedand&WtpucldinC. and lamb d1Hrol1, 4t7-4403forlnfcnnadon. a 8panhh dinner , preperadonatlOa.m.cm ~ tn --of UM 8. r. ll tJO, ~ 8uMtt.9 J'laMtie. ht ti •1&. Per'lian rice and fr"h breekfalt br9adl. and an June 10. c.o.t 18 '32.50. food pr~ at 1 p.m. .Call the ttore at J'ee 11 tlS. fruit dwi1. J'ee ia t18. EILER'I INN in even.ll\I art lectw. and Call the rqtaurant at caJ\.liatl&.lacludedwtU 8'73-1343 for clan Joan CulbertlOn will Katle Lana Slattery She wlll return on Laauna Beach wm be 1tucUotourwiduculptor 884-29Ntorlnformadon 1tM petttL dou1h and .-lnf_orm_~~tlon-_. --~___..te_ac_h..._..bu_l_c_m_tc_r_ow_a_v_e _wtU __ teac_h..:.pre--..J>Ar_a_u_on_o_f_June __ 24_to_t_e.c_h_• _c:l.ul __ the __ ll_te..._. _of_a_four ......... -cta~y_.;.Hal....__P...;..uto__.;.rl...;..u._. ___ ...;;and;;;.;;;;_;;.;;reptra~=tlon;;,.;..;..;_. __ •q_u~che orralne. a IN'lmp ..oa. air 1ro&t, :walnut and v.1etable colt 1law and cream ct.. p6e. AU Nndard proce.w blildel -well -=try bladm wW be ~tecl. Cost " $20. Carla Wui1ter wUl teach a cla11 In cool ,microwave coc*lna .at 7 p.m. on June. 24.. Yee II t15. Call the 1tore at 496-0M5 for reptnUioo wl inf CJl'IDAdoa. SHERMAN Ll · brary •nd Oarden1 tn Corona del J(ar wiD on June 15 pneent Kay Pa1torlu1 teaching a cla11 in preparlna a French dinner for IUIDIDel' Ulh1C the food .. ~. She will return on June 22 with a dall In IJl'ePUina ~ hon a•oeuvrea foe~. $tuden'8 will wt1b fiDo dou&b to fillinp lor mualuoom blte1, Mexican fle1ta appetlJer , l'r•l\cb peppery cream cheeae pHtrlH and 1herry lbrlmp rolla. ... Clan•• bealn.at 11 a.m., and am foe #JllCh ia t20. CaH .e1a-2te1 fj r Information. - DIOIA'I In Intne will offer a pma wcrbbop at 10:30 a.m. on June 5 tauabt by &.-A SJadL Children are Invited. to JiMm to make the..cb.uEh. .,-uce al¥ld~np * Jlbz!. and Will l>e an Italian lee eream bombe. (The workshop leplacee the .,revtoualy •nnounced Jr. Che'( _ ·sm.). J'ee II tl6, Call th• 1tore ft 651-CmO for lnfan:Jlatlan and ,.,....tlon. 'Easiest· crepes • hmGne hmnc Cl'epel • 6n call, whenever you •ant them. With just a ~lnlmum of advance planning and prepara-'°°' you can fix th!I el-pnt de9lert. CUPa ~ cOpmilk ~cup flour 3egl. beaien ~ teMpOOn alt C-omblne milk, flour: 1111t and mt; beet \DIUI · 1mootb. Let 1tand 30 -Fer eecb crepe, ~ cup batter into llah tly areaaed .. inch IJdDet. Cook until ~.tly bntWJled on one Mu. 1a crepa 4 When you're l'elldy to \ate them, remove tbe tlellred number of crepes Nxl re-wrap the remain· der. Sep.rate the crepes- and they will thaw ln .JDiDUt". Wblle ~epes .... deflOilllalC. make the filllnC -!'ePl Banana ~Peanut Butter Creun. REGAL BANANA FILLING 1 8-GUDCe container "°" cr-.m cbee9e . s Cllbtipxl• ....,, 2 tM' poem milk . rn::r==. MLm ........... mA,. .. ,_ •:1:19 , - g-~"~ • --MIOll!WD COLOM • TISSll HOU. ··==··~·-S!.11 . .m:: .. llV .. ..OZ $4.79 UMrT4 PEA FAMILY WHILE SUPPLY LASTS iiiaSiUi ·1 ... 11.8 ilT'liB ... •' il!i*SlUI : .. '"· ... 11.8 Niil• ... 11.11 l'&s~ .... .. ... •• iilMT'Plnis ... 111171 WiAiif. ...... 11.11 iiiiii& .... 12.8 iiiiii'U ..... : .... •1.21 iu•iii• ....... . r;.-IMST ... . .. 11.lt ~ COett Spec1Desl iiiiilmn. ..11.U -·-·--· iliiii Clll IMST ... 11"' CU SUI ,... nc --~ .. .. ' .. If.. iiaiatJlllCllDI •a 11.11 1&1& .............. y .. •1.11 --.... 11.71 WISI LllRD lfOZ --CllEI DmllEIT MGl •• Coea-C.18, ...... , Tab AEOUl.AA Off= FREE -·te 6'12.0Z ' I· I Shopperis hate se·nding 'in. tapes fot' r.efund·s aJ MARTIN ILOANB c: DIAR MARTIN - I think 1\'1 rldlculoua to NQWN ...P* t.~ for refund 0Uu1. Some otftn now Mk that the 1tore wh!ft I lhop JXint Ua ~ •t \he 10p ol the i.pe and \he dat.e at th• very bottom. In betwMn may be hundr•d• of ltema and the tape may 1tretch for more than a yard. Or how about the offer 'that uked for 2~ tuna labela and tapes to 80 with them? Can you plctute the envelope I had to eend otf for that one? When are the companies going to wake up to the fact that this requirement la losing them frlenda? -L.L . from Brooklyn, N. Y. DEAR L .L . -The companies wlll only wake up to this problem when you and other shoppers write and let them know the dUfic»ltiea they are causlng. When companies plan their refund re - quirements, they often forget the shoppei: who goes to the st.ore once a month ·arut comes home with a reglater tape 9 feet long. They aren't thin.king about the at.ol'e that ask.a for the aame tape for lta own promotions. They don't consider that many shoppers eave tapes so that they will have a record of sales taxes for thefr federal ~me-tax returns. The Hat of reg - ister-tape problems goes on and on -but the companies will not realize them unless we feel strongly enough to let them know. DEAR MARTIN - Your recent response to the opponent of restrooms ln super- markets was delightful. f have introduced legislation in California this year to require public restrooms in newly constructed supermarkets of more than 20,000 aquare feet in size. The bill (AB 2489) is 1trongly supported by consumer group1, and we look forward toita~.­ Gwen Moore, aaaem- blywoman, 49th Di.strict. A copy of Aaaem - blywoman Moore'• bill can be ob - tained by sending a self-addressed, stamped en v e 1 ope to : The Na ti()llal Alliance of Supermarket Shoppers, Dept. i!!!i 591 Middle Neck , Great Neck, NY 11023. Box 9790, St Paul, MIM. 55197. lt«eive th. 84·P•8• FllntatonH AcUvtty Book. Send the •nd flap wlth th• J'Untat.onee brand name from any 11'Unt1tonH VltamlN PICkaae and 50 cent• tor _po1taae ~nd handllna .. Th1a otter ii llmuea to tour oer funlly. IndJoate whether you want Book A (tred and Barney'• Favorite Actlvitle1) or Book B (Pebbles and Bamm-:B am m' a Favorite MUvttlel). Ex~ Jan. 31, 1983. • oxv.10 a.tu.net, P.O. Box PM-418, El P•ao, hxu 79988. Recetve a refund ot nor $2.26. J'or tl, .. net the front ~ from any Oxy-10 or Oxy Wuh carton and a f'tllat.er tape. For .2.DO, 11nd tht panel• from both e_r~uctl and the tape. l!lXplrel Sept. 30, 1982. llPlliAlm 111111 which you have drci.d "T price olrcltd. Explr11 the puroh11e of a July 8J, 1982. 20 ·cap1ule Extra VICKS LlJ'ESTAOJ: Stren1th Dexatrlm. Refund. ~ecelvt a Look for the form on the Ntu.nd o1 DO centa.Jl, •2, pack•I•· Explrt1 Nov. t4 or •&. Sen the Thete offers require refund fonna: CONTACT JR . Refund Offer. Receive a t 1 refund. Send the r.qu•red refund form and the front panel(•) from two 4-ounoe boxe1 or one 8-ounot box ol Contect Jr. J1:¥p&ne Die. Sl, 1982. CORTAID Refund Oller. Receive a 50-cent refund and a 25-cent coupon . Send the required refund form c_...,.• ·--u.r------~------.:......- Dorene Hall . · Jess Murchison and the front panel contalnln~ th• name "Cortald from any Cortald Cream, Ointment, Lotton or Spray. Exptre. 8'pt. 30, 1982. EXTRA STRENGTH DEXATRIM Refund Offer. Receive a $1 refund . Send the required refund form and a repter tape on 30, 198i. • r•quired refund form CHILDREN'S and the proof. TYLENOL Offer. of -purchaa• 1eah Receive a child'• Color f r o m l n 1 I d • Vic k 1 Me Mu I · S • n d the uteSiq. MultJvttamina required refund form, Women'• Formula, the ent.tre outer carton T e e n • 1 r o r m u 1 a , from 30~t1blet Children'• Children'• Fqrmula, Tylenol Chewable Strem FOQ'1lula, or High Ta blete 301 and the ~onnula. Send the 1eal(1) re1i1ter tape with the from one formula for $1, Cathy Judson , · .. Gall Harmon from two dUferent f ormulaa for U . froro three different fonnulal for U and tlom five dlfterent tormulu for $&. ThJa offer doet not ~ly to trial 1l&H. Sept. 30, 1982. ere'• a refund form to write for: Pond'• $1 Refund , P .O . Box 2003-L, Jeffenon Clty, Mo. 65102. Reque1t1 for thla form muat be received by Au1. 311 1982. Send a polt-cara request. , Saved '7.29 Saved S9.82 Saved *9.39 Saved sa.89 Lucky's t()\al: $74.~. The total at the other marlitt on the same or comparable Items: $81 .65. Dorene saved $7.29 at Lucky. r.11•911May11. 1• . Lucky's total: $97.27. The total at the other mar1<et on the same or comparable Items: $101.09. Jeta saved .$9.82 at Luctcx, T• -.n ._ 11. , ... Lucky'• total: $90.16. The total at the o'her market on th• same or comparable lttm1: $88.54. Cethy saved , $9.39 at Lucky. r• llMft Mey 11. 1m. Lucky'• total: $96.56. The. total at the other market on the same or · comparable items: $105.45. Gail saved $8.89 at Lucky. T"t laken May 17 1982 A lower food tobll ... thllt'• bMlc valuel ~':!.!!:~.~~~ .... n... 77 There's nothing more basic to shopping than saving YOCURT BARS 1 45 money. So instead of costly promotions such as games, :=.:.~~-· ··· · · ·· 10c. • · trips or double and triple coupon offers, Lt.acky gives you ~~~-~.~~~-~?~~ •c.-,45 low discount prices In every department, every day of -9 the week. ~~~.~~~.. •c. CM 1.1 Lucl(y led the way In lowering food prices by reducing ~!'.~-~~1.~~··· ... •ortoG.79 your most commonly purchased basic Items Important ~~~~~~ -~~-~-..... , .• -.89 to yoor family and to your weekly 1ood total. - Discover gFeater basic value storewtde ... and take home a -~~-~-~~-······ 11c.c...2.49 :=:~!~al. -~!~.?~~ .......... 1 QOllT\ 1.69 ----------------------~~~-~~-~.?.~~.~~~ .. Olll\ 1.96 BLADECUT 89 ~~ROAS! .• FRYINO CHICKEN WTdt IOOy, SOutMlf\ Qo'IOI A WHOLE FRYERLECS ,,. SMOKED SHOULDER PICnlt. Fermtf JOnl\ I SllCtd, U), fft ~.55 u89 ~!!!.~~.~~~~~SIC. tlU .87 HI< DRINKS 64 •••••••• ,,, •••••••• , •••••••• OICM• !A~~~~~!~ ........ nor..a 1.12 ~~~:~.~ .. ~-c....66 ~'!.~E .. ~~~~~~~.,oz c..19 ~'!.~~!~~~A~~'" IT\, 75 HANSEN'S SODA 9 ·---·-17 Cit-~·-· ...... •tOI C-1 ~!!~l!!~~-10C.IOOI 1.03 HARVEST DAY BREAD --· 111 -57 ..no. ... , ........... 1• ,..'°"'. ~~~~ .. ~~~~····•HT ND ,48 LOW FAT MILK UldY"! ~~!,'!~~UOZCM 139 ORANCE JUICE -~--.,., 99 -ClllAllrl'l.V ••• ~ ................ -~ ~.x~~~~-~~~ ... oc. -.95 ~~!..~~~~~1JClllOX 2.79 MAR·KES BURRITOS "..at-&111111, ·94 lllla.118-CMI ............ UOI-• !.~ ~~.~~~~ .... ttot 1111 1.29 ~~-~~~.~ 1.99 ~~~.~~.~.:.1001-1.89 ~~~.~~~ .... "°'-.79 KRAFT CREAM CHEESE 98 '°"~··············· '°'"""' BU DOIG SUCEO MEATS 59 IV.....,,. •••••• , ••• • • ••••• • •. • t Cll --• KINC SIZE • 5ss CICARETTEScanon CIGARETTES ... CIGARETTES cwoo.5.95 .-aOd.68 *-<-.119 fllt Su'tffll Gelltftl Ku Ot111••11d ,,,. Citnl• ~ b °""'"'' .. y.., !ti# f FRESBIFRESBIFRESBI RRESH STRAWBERRIEs AND ASPARAGUS ARE HAND-PICKED ANI> DELIVERED FRESH DAILY TO ALL lliREE IRVINE RANCH FARMERS MARKETS STORES! • Where Tradition u Country Fre•hne••· I FRESH BEAN SPROUTS Local LONG GREEN As:!!~~~~rite. 2 •. , LB · Wbole or Half FRESH SOCKEYE SALMON 4 to 6 Iba. F1RST Of THE SEASON! $3.98 LB NewZ-Lmd -WHITE PISB·-- Rea. 13.98 lb $2.981.B FRESH SOCKEYE $4 98 SALMON STEAKS .. • LB ,4vallable at the Tu.tin and Newport storu onlyt ------------------=1-.-,-21 ..... 11 .... 1----------------- · Longmont BROWN ROASTED TURKEY BREA.ST Reg. $4.59 lb Colby Sliced or Chunk LONGHORN CHEDDAR CHEESE (Jallo ITALIAN DRY SALAMI · Sliced to your order. $3.98 LB Cheeie of the~: IMPORTED TRIPLE CREAM WITH BE RBS From France. tl\is ls Cremeaux Chee!e. Rea. $5,95Jb $3.95 LB Rea. $4.69 lb $4.49 LB ffea. S3.39 lb $2~69 LB . Irvine Ranch, Frea~ Prepared . MACARONI SALAD ~Sl.191b 98~LB ~ Avallable at the 1\aatln and Newport atora ootyl ______ .. , Q ;l•l~ ,, ,,,~,, ......... ______ _ Mlnl White and Whole Wheat PITA BREAD JO oz. Rq. 89t 49~, KNIJDSEN YOGURT AU. FLAVO~. 8 oz. Reg. 53• 39~ '" i ,,\~ ' '~'1 PHENYLALANINE S.O.D. 4000 IJNITS !i(JO mg .. :10 Cl\pil. !i(lO mg .. fiO rn1111. •roxldt Olsmuln.-w !'tok•nium-RNAIONA Rt1J. $4 !Ill • R~. S!l.O!l :10 l<lbl. 60 !libs. $4 .17 ~ $ 7 e 69 \ Rt'l(. Stl.O~ ~ Sll.44 ...... ~._$_,5911!1111.4.-3 $10.23 . I fill' t««•Xn •ti , - JUMBO 79J. ARTICHOKES ~EA Boneless Boneless SIRLOIN TIP STEAK • Reg. 13.89 lb • · • -·~ TOP ROUND STEAK Reg. $3.49 lb 1 $3.49 LB $2.89 LB NATURAL FOODS lntoe Ranch Farmen Market's bealtb lood prices are tbe lowetC la Onmte C.O..ty •.• and WHEN WE RUN A , SPECIAL OUll PRICES CAN'T BE BEATI So shop and compare. Here are 90me apedals we are olfertn1 throughout the • month ol June: ' Nearf.ut RICEPILAF , ICnotT Swia HOLLANDAISE SAUCE Hain SESAME CORNCBIPS Pure and Shnple KETCBtJP 9oz. Ret.W9 99e R.W Knucberi CARROT CHIPS S.tuod nr llnMlled In 5 ot. bAlt Rq.11.35 $1.25 .. 1A.Ot ~~ 3/$1.00 • II~ ~Sl l!I 99e Barbara'• 'Bakery CHILI AND CHEESE CORNCBIPS 5oz. Rq.$109 see 99(: CelutlaJ Seuonlnp ICED DEUGBTS HERB TEAS 14l"tMll M'1( SI 4~ $1,09 •• - ·Ha~e you ever tried to lose weight? Then you know that it takes a miracle to really overcome a weight problem. And you've probably tried everything from "~tarva .. tion programs and painful exercises to weight reduction clinics" with little or no results. · ~ If you are tired of the yo .. yo effect and concerned about your weight you may be interested in a new "will power diet 'tablet" now being offered. io the public by The Health Energetic Corporatio{\. . This unique tablet · w'as specifically developed by a group of leading nutri .. tionists solely for the purpose of helping people who have tried other methods without success but are ·very serious · about losing weight. It should not be used by people who only neeq, to lose 5 or 6 pounds or those who are not highly motivated. It contains a blend of ingre .. .clients that, when taken as directed, can ·-supercharge your energy level and, at the same time, decrease yotir hunger .. Why can these "\\.\illpo\Yer diet tablets" . help you ·succeed when so many otlier ,systems have failed you? Because, in a world full of gimmicks, it's a major 'breakthrough. A weight loss plan that' works on your hunger biologically and , psychologically. 1 • This powerful combination of tablets l. is being sold with a weight reduction ·program that has been protected by u .s. . copyright-law. r ogether, .these .elements are so effective that the com .. · ::pany refuses to advertise the results! ;: · "Why should I?" says Leo Daboub, :Presid~n't of The Health Energetic Corp. ."If I start telling people how th~y can ·lose up to 7 pounds in the first 48 hours and.· then _continue· -to-blast off -their excess body fat faster~ even if they were ~unning 14 miles every day, nobody :would believe me anyway!" THereforc, instead of making dramatic ~claims or ·'empty promises lilCe this, Mr. bOuE is offering l~allv. bindi~g ·----~iron-clad guarantee. . . The guarantee is simple. Here is the way it works. If you order the product and use it as directed for a trial period of. 45 .. days, you .must be 100% satisfied with your rapid weight loss or you are-entitled ·to a refund of DOUBLE your entire pur- chase price. There are ·no exceptions. This guarantee is iron-clad and legally .... CAUTION: As your weight begins to plumme~ down, you should use your good judgment and not let yourself become· too thin. It is very important to eat properly. Before starting any weight loss p~ogram you should' consult your physician to be sure you ar~ in normal health. ( •' . binding, regardless of your current Now then, as you might imagine, this , .weight level or how long you have been is one diet tablet that does not come .. overweight~. All that is required is that cheap. The price is $19.95, and C~lifor­ you follow the simple instructions and nia residen~s must add 6% ($1.20) for a gjve the reduction progratn an honest total payment of $21.15. However, if you chance to work for the full trial period. are serious about losing weight, you However, because of the nature .of this should remember that this is the only , special offer, we can on.ly guarantee , diet product on the .. market that is j delivery to the r~ders of ~hi~ publica-backed by a DOUBLE your money back tion who respond withi~ the next guarantee! No one else offers thi~ 10-days. After that, orders will be filed guarantee. Weight Watchers doesn't; on a "first come first served" basis as Schick doesn't; nor does Gloria Mar.. a long as supplies last. shall, Lindora, Nutri-Systems, or any I Here is something else you should other group, plan, book, o.r know. Even though The Energetic . program ... But we at The Health Weight Reduction tablets are quite Energetic Corporation do, because we powerful and effective, they are 100% know our program can wor~ for you! . safe. They can be taken over prolonged It is easy to order. All you have to do periods of time. As a m~tt~r of fact, this is write your name and address, and the is one of the very few diet aids that a words "Willpower Tablets" on a piece of lU.S. government panel of medical and paper and send it with $~1.15 to: scientific experts approved as an active cl The Health Energetic Corp. ingredient for appetite control an cl Dept. A-57 . weight loss. Besides, it is not require to 10 l l Brioso Dr. # 107 have a warning on the label! Costa Mesa, CA 9262 7 But, more important, · Energetic Weight Reduction has wdrked wonders That's· all there is to it. Your order will for overweight people ... people ,who had be sent promptly by return mail. given up all hope of ever· losing weight. By the way.:.If you prefer, you can dial And it can work for you too-as you (7i4) 548 .. 2271 and charge your order to watch the body of your dreams emerge. your. credit card. Just give the girl who N6w, with our reduction ·program, you can: answers the number and e}(piration date • ~urn away a maximum amount of fat of your card a~d tell her yqu are respon- . cord .time-. ---. --" . -ding to 4affer 1011t"-in~e-0range eoar+-;..;;,;nr- • Look fantastic· in clothes you only Pilot. P.S .... .lf you live in or .near Costa . · dreamed of wearing before. Mesa, feel•free to come to the address • Improve your s~Jf .. image and above during normal working hours and self .. C!onfidence. . . pur~hase your tablets direct, right over • Feel more energetic than ever as you . the counter. (Brioso Dr. is located off dramatically transform your body. Whittier. between 17th & l&h just West of • Put an end to gt'!awing hunger pangs. Placentia ~tJe.) 04 ·~- .... ..... ·Laker.s' Clark K.·ent eolnes to rescue Of course he gets a lot of help f ro1n Nixon, Kareem, McAdoo s1td ~o. By C'Ul\T SE!DEN Tuelidav n.taht at the Fon.mi ·with a wild 111 uw that lt w11 me and Juliu. and I knew °' ... Mlf,.. iille sellout crowd of 17 ,000 looktn1 on, not to we were pq to be fiahtlnl all n&abt.'' Ramb1a The lA.k.en Jumped out to a 6-0 leed at the •tart of the same, expanded that bulae to 12 by halftime and then opened a 73-DO lead'" Jn the tint 3 ~ mtnutee of the third quart.er. INGLEWOOD -Somehow, with what mention a national televtaion audience, Nixon uld, ~ atr1ctly ln a competitive nature. -eee1-m-m"" like hu.ndreda of reportera and well-wlahen sparked the Laken to a aurpNlnaly '*Y 129-108 8'&t it wu hard tor Rambla to hide the suh block1na h1a view ln the Laker drw&na room. IUAl'd vtctory over the Phllldelphla 79en to live bla team abow hla riaht eye whlch required a couple of Norm Nixon manaaed to apot bl8 K.W1 Rambia. a 2-1 edp ln the ~-eeven ..n.. . ltitchel durina .tlMI game. They accompllahed the rout, delptte the 76en' Andrew Toney, who scored ~.~high 38 pointl. Rambl.ai uauall.}' referred to u tbe fifth starter, The Utt.le iuard pumped ln 21 of hil 29 points 0 D:2'1 (t)awkhu) hit me. It pu1hed mr, other l'lY. Clark Kent, you ~ it, squinted aa ln the aecood half to make amends f« hfa lut ~ and cut me. I had to &et it ltitched up, ' The Lakers UC> llCCOmpliahed the et¥Y victory without the .rvtcee ol Jabber for much of the f:lnt te1evU1on camera U,hta &Jared hil way. outtna, a slx-po(nt performance tn the 79en' 110-9' Ramb6I ~Y explained. ''That'• a ra~to -'-"--story .... -th-," triumph lb Game 1'Wo Sunday tn Philadelphia. Somebody aaked h1m U he bit Dawkina back. half. - The bla guy picked up hil third foul with 2:1~ remain1na in the flnrt quarter and remained on the bench until the beglnnlna of the leCOl'4 half. Jabbar came on atrong ovor the final 24 minutel to fin1ah the night with 16 points. '"'"".. .......... .,.... Yet, NlxOI\ ~ti the b1c IUY. ln the Laker "1 tried," Rambla Joked. Nixon said, poin to h1a teammate. "Ju.t lut lineup for bia aucceaa -1uy1 llke K'areem lntie.d;Nlxon did most of the hlttina, usually year, h~ w!t!~!°"f lnth Greeceld ouham~~-~ ~· Abdul-Jabber, Bob McAdoo and iwntU. from the 20-foot ru>p. other timN culmlnattna a c Now e • t--J .... or e wor c i-----P· "Rambla does the dirty .work for th.la team. He tut break which started with outlet pa11e11 from the Indeed, Ramblt. the 6-8 forward out of Senta v.uks 80 hard.'' Nixon continued. "When the tq Laker forwards. • Qare, didn't expect lO be tn the .UU.Uon be la ln guys play well, we play well. rm a firm believer "More reboundtna. That'• what JO;,ech Pat) Up untif Tuetlday niabt. Rlley had IOl'8 with just seven playen -his live atartera, MCAdoo and Michael Cooper. But with Jabbar in foul trouble be turned to Mark Landaberger for the tint time ln the eeriee. when the Uak.en algned him u a free aamt 10 days that the pine la won with the imtde play." Rtley wants from Rambla -.nd me, explained befOl"e training opened at the-start of tlm WL In Rambla' cue. the inltde work incl•tcWJ .evm McAdoo, who came off the bench to ICOJ"e l.f point.. On the other hand Nixon did apec:t to be pomta, eil}lt rebounda and tou.r a:t-la Tueed.a1 and haul down five rebounds. "Tonight, we were battling for an NBA title. He ,;.t ~·t know Qlaht. not to menUon the unenviable tMk of trytnc just mote aareeatve. We got the fast break 801.na Landlberaer responded with 15 minutes of (See LAKERS, Page 03) Rambia wu going to play IUCh a lq pu ____ to---"~----Pb1ladelph!a---"--'-• _JuU_ua_l'zvinl_......;......· ______ and __ p1a_y_ed ... 1_1_oo_urur_ a1good __ q_uane __ r1_._" lt'~ too early to claim title But Tigers definite contender • By JORN SEVANO Ander1on added. "I think In °' .. Dllr .... ...,. August that fifth team might be A.a fat u Sparky Andenon ta no further back. than aeven ooncemed, It'• all well and good games. too. to t)e mttling for the top spot in "Cleveland the Red Sox the American League's West.em Milwaukee' N e w York ' and Eastern Division races. but Baltimore and 'ua we all hav~ it's too early to start formulatina a chance. It'• the ~ way in the any optnionll aa ~ just where other divlalon, too. Kansas City, tean.w are SQlng to finilh at the the Angela, Oakland and the end of 1982. White Sox I think are really "It's really too early to be going to go st it." concerned about anybody," said What surprtaes Andenon more Andenon as he relaxed between than anything is that no one bites of chicken following team 1ticka out u beins the Detroit'• 2-1 victory over the favorite in either league -~le Tueeday night. American or National. ' Au g . l. 'th a t • • w he n ''In an my yean of mamgtna I everybody will start looking. don't remember when there When Aug. 1 bits and the tQp wasn't at least one team that three start to book up, then stood out. and dcWl\lnated." said people will take notice." AndenOn. '"There isn't a lina)e - For the record, the Angek and team you can name where )'otJ Tigers lead their reepective can 80, 'Boy, theee ~ ha~ divilkmal racee u the two clubs everything.' •tart the month of June. "I really think thia ii going to (!ene Mauch'11quad, despite a be a little bit of a strange year. three~game losing streak, •till When all la said and done, not IN.da the Chicago White Sox by only will there be a few~ 1~ pmes tn the West, w~ at No. 1, but r think you'll 9l!le Detroit, coupled with Boston• aome different IMIJDd at Noe. 2, 3 loa to ~ leads the Red and 4, too!' • 'tAIUNG HEAT -Umpire Durwood Merrill made the call and Detroit's Kirk Gibson lets him know what he thinks of it (left), while the Tigers' Lou Whitaker is knocked off hi.a feet by Rod • c!ij .,.., ............ ., ,..,.. .,,,...... Carew on a..PlaY at aecond base. Oarew made it to third as the ball got a~ay during action Tuesday night at Anaheim Stadium. Sox by a half-game tn the East. Anderaon contends that no one "I really think there are four team. tn either division, holds a or five clube tn our ~vialon ~ decided advantage over any who can win this thing, other. Pitching, the Detroit Report says Bell's grades insufficient KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - Kaneas runnjng back Kerwin Bell, who set a Big Eight freshman n.asbi.n8 record in 1980, did not have 1ufficient nTgn .Chool grades to qualify for an athletic echolarshlp under NCAA rules, The Kansas City Times reported today. In a copyright story, the newspaper said Bell did not achieve the minimum 2.0 -or~ - cumulative grade-p oint average required by the NCAA in b1a al.xth, seventh or eighth eemeaten at Edison High School In Huntinpm Beach. The 1tory, by 1taff writers I Rich Sambol and Steve Richarct.on, said Bell's deficient grade. were attested to in signed 1tatement1 from hla former principal and academic coumelor. This Old Man just keeps rolling ·along Asmussen admits to 40, but he's not close to retiring fr~m racing scene Sometlmel a man will reach a point In b1a stroll th.rouch life when he oommenca to look for heroes, the sort to help remove the notion the yeare that crowd in are ~y relentleaa. YOU know, there are the likm of Carl -Vas~ and Craia Merton and A::J. to'oyt and Gaylord ~Perry. Before them. George Blanda and Sam Snead and Gordie Howe. The9e kind of people live renewed hope and vigor to the o~ folb. It pta them to jwn · out of their wheel chaira and ch= oat of the old pe1900l1 hQJDe and getting married and buying homm near achoo1-. Keith Amu.--i II.one of them. A tourist prowling the jocb' roam at Lo9 Alamltol Race Coone wtll -him' nmninC and playin1 wltb the o ther uu1, people between .... and adondna a large and powerful quarter bone when a nice ii on. Keith Aamullerl -. more than twice the age of 90lne of b1a coUequee. He admlta to 40, which ii very old fot du. kind of ..ii ~ unie. your name ii Loqden or Shoemaker~ , SPORTS OOl.UMHIS! BUD TUCKER:,_._,ijj AsmU8lell bu an noellent wwer for ~ho .. h1m why be penla1a tn this pml so late in life, "becau. it never Occurred to me to quit" Thia <laillte the fact be baa broken virtually eveey bone .tn hil tiny body, IOIDe of lbem more than once. In fact, he WM involved In a apW ln the tint r.ce ht ever rode. . .at the .. of 12. Back then. • "&.idel," Keith Aanu..en aoes on. "I \.o am atiil havtnc fun and l enjoy being atocmd the younc riders. Ii plealea me to try to help them. They call me '01d Mari.' '' A jxby Old Man parUmlarly ~peel Wlllll hia IOl'l, -c.h. who iwe to pran1nence ridlna ~breda on EMtiem ndm and won the J!'dipee Award wbicb ii borw iw:lna'• foremost symbol of excellence. Cain la 'noW tn France rldtna under contract to shipping magnate Stavro• Nlarcboe. ''Cash ia dolna well," Old Man aaya. "Very well. He ia making Jota of money and 11ending it all to me. I watch it for him. I have.. .em too rQmy young riden make good mone&:'1 blow it a1L "I have 11 dou&h right here." He pata the aide of bia boot Old Man's other kid, Steve ii just 16 and starttna out. He ia over In New Mexico with his mother, who ia also a trainer of honefleeh. A f.amily affair. • "It certainly ta." Old Man aaya, "and my fat.her before me. He tauaht me and I taught my boys alt.houch l didn't prea them into l'llCl.na· I let them make up their own minds but like with me, they just drlft.edjntoit natural like." Old Man baa no f'fllrell that it 1eem1 he will have raiad two dden. ~None at all." Old Man~· "I JJUaht not have felt u good about It 20 years ago but today lt la an excellmt buline. to be In. It la clean and the people are hooelt -most of them, anyway -and a !17. can make a aood Uvtn& for a Jot of ~ ' manager maintains, '!_ill be the determiiilng factor as to which team winda up in finrt place cm SepL 4. Of oourae, lf the Tigers can get a few more perfonnanoea like the one they Sot from Dm Petry ' Tuelday, much of their i.ttJe will ha~ already been won. Petry, a hard-throwinc richt--hander. limited the Angela to six bita and no runs over the first ~t innings before tiring tn the niill:b. - That'• not to aa! ~ .Anaele didn't ha~ any chances. 11'ey did, but the hitters couldn't produce the key bita when they needed to, and Kirk Gibson helped keep matters under control with aome fine defensi~ work ln center field. "He must have cut off about four rune with his fielding tonlght," marveled Anderaon. "He'• 80 quick, be can outrun a lot of balla." Gtbeon outran a ta.Wna Don Baylor fly b8ll to rilbt.-amter .. with two runnen on in the tint innina denylna the deaianat:d-hitter extra hues and the An8eJa a ~of runs. In the aevenib, he fobbed Rod (See TIQERS. Pap Dl) Bell waa one of the most highly .aought prep running backs in the nation, and h11 lignlng with Kanau WM widely heralded by the Jayhawka as a major step in their drive to rebuild their footbell program. In 1980, he rushed for 1,114 yafda, a Bia Eta.ht record, and the mast by any -tint-year oo1lqe player that Ye1Ar eXt"ept GeclrgSa'a Haden. hanis 'em ult, heads ·fo~ booth Connor8 onl~ ·Yank left Henchel Walker. The TI me 1 be I an. an lnvnti•ation Into the Kan ... , -~Miltl:D a..a~-wn.n-1t ~~ tam year that the NCAA bid' Dollf:led the Univenley that it had be1un a p.rellmlnary ID\ •Clptian into compaatnta of nc:ruJtt.na abueiee. Neither tba. NCAA nor the untwnlty hlia NYHled apeclflct abOut th• OIDIMlnta. ·,ffi '?Im•• ato.ry~aal<t aoneepondence from cXamaa •e1 '; CDUD •lar llliii .,...... ....... w.hC' --«Uiiiilai ...... tbat ICiliiill --cil 1Wl'• ~~'!. .... y~~ ...... .... 0 ....... tb• ... ,., ..... .. -,._ --.. -..-- Erv Pallca, • former rl1M·' .. handed pitcher for the BroolClyn. Dodpn and \he BaltimON Ortolel. died of a heart attack while workina ' 11 a ~ Saturday. Ht w• IM. -Mr. Pala broke lnto pro bell in 1946 •an tnflelder, but played Ju•t two aamea with Dodaen before aOlnc to m11'01'1, where be .,.,..me • pl~. He returMd to Brooklyn in late 1947 and pitched throuah 195"7, · prtmUily 11 • relieYer with one year out for mllltary lll'Vice. ' • Pa:llca'• older brother, Amttroae "Bobo" Pallca, with the International Oriolel in 1944, and E p wa1 purcbaaed by Baltimore in 19M. Three day1 before the PAUCA 1957 ~ he WU releued by the Orioleli and ended h1s major league career with a 41-55 record. He~tinued to pltch in the mlnon through 1963. A memortal 1erviCe is to be held tonfibt, with a Roman Catholic funei:al Mass to be celebrated at 9:30 a.m. Thursday at St. Simon & Jude Chwth ln Huntington Beach. Quote of the day Jolm Matanak. ram~ defensive lineman for the Oakland Raldera, after being involved in two recent .,,HJea at Milwaukee-area bars: "rll atay out of ban when women oeue to 80 in.'' Murphy's 1.6th homer powers BraY98 A three-nm homer ln the first • inning by Dale MarJ*y, bJa 15th of the year, led Atlanta to a 7-3 National ~ victory over the New York · Mets Tue.:lay. Murpt\y took CNer the leedenhip ln the NL with h1s l~th round-tripper and he & ai.o the leader at drivina ln nma with 42. Rudy Joae1, 6-4, waa the victim of the Brave•' tour-nm tint Inning ueault, allowing an tour runs without retlrtn,g a batter a before belna liftecf. It was Jones' aeconcf.attempt to notch h1s lOOth career victory .. . . R•ppert Joaea slugged a three-run homer and Broderlek Pertiiaa drove in three run1 t<> _power San Diego palt the-Cblcago Cuba, 9-1 ... Cincinnati right-hander Gres Barri• ~ pitched a five-hitter and 1fngled in a run as the Reef• deTea-iecS Phl18ctelphia. 4-1, -.. QUl••••tTY ,... up 11th ... Ila t\o'.:':S:J:~ "i5 ,.__...,..,nm• IC-at.Y.1D1W._,__.._, .. u·· ~ ....... ~ ....... ~ liedoft, The 11.nl 110;:= ft! r• •1'7·~-_.. t¥ALtn•ws.JA tlmltlne~ to tM~.~~apNCluetot CGlta ~ Hilb and OrWll Colllt ColMp, ttleteMd hli lu.k ot not walkina a batter to 40 b\nlnll before walJdnl ~~JerrJ ......... wtth one out tn the nintn . . . ......., ... tll drove 1n th• tylna and ]Md Nnl wttb • bMM-lolicMd l1na1e off New York :YanlrM reBet tot Kin Got .... ln the etahth lnn1na 11 Tetento rallltd for a ~-2 ~ •.. Karl hi•• drew a bllee-bded walk trom Mlnnelota reliever Rom O.vta tn the bottom of etahth lnn1nc to foft:e in the leed run and ClevelDd • recorded lta ninth comecudve . victory, • 8-4 decltkJn .•• Rld•1 a......, who atole hlf l50th and 61st t-tarUer ln the pme, hit a two-ND ~ 11\ the fifth imUnl to ,live Oek1and a 3-2 victorY over Jbt.cm . • . Milwaukee'• Pete V.eko~ blanked ~on two hits for ~ ~ and T .. Stmlnou homered in a 2-1 decl1ion ... Baltimore right-hander Steve Stolle, piqued by elbow and ahOulder tendinltil l1nee wtnnina the American I.ague Cy Younc Award In 1981>, bu reUttd. Trlpucka: Blue-collar player DETROIT -Kelly Tripucka, a ~m .. former Notre Dame atar who played : brilliantly In his tint eeuon with the ' Detroit ¥laton1, wa1 called "a blue-collar basketball piayer" by Coach Scotty Roberuon. "That name wu a Uttle hard for me to deal with at first," Tripuclca aald. "It doelD'taound all .that great. I guem it'• a deec:riptlon of a worker, someone who goes out and make. h1s money instead of just taldna tt. · Fairbanks takes Job wit~ USFL a.a Fatrbukl reslaned. um~::t of Colorado football OOllCh to r..n.hMd of the New York franchiae in the new United . Statea Football ~eague ... Gter1e Ravellng. head ooacb at WMbington State, bu been named coech of the U.S. men's t.aketball team that will compete 1n two intemadonal tournaments in Aaia this PmMner • , • Outfleider Jay JoUICODe, who WM rel u rd b)' the Dodaea'a last week, bu been.....-by the~ Olm . . . The Detroit Liom pve Co.ch M•te aut a five.year extenDon on bll National Foott>.Jl Lea,ue oontract . . . Race car driver WUJard Rote, 41, of Fluahlna. Mich., w. deld on aqtvat Monday a.ftemoon after hil auto a1ammed into a retaining wall, apun around into the middle of the ~ and caught fire 1n Auburn. Mich. The amldent occurred durlna the Ken Meylan 100 when Role wu trYUui to PM' another driver . . . U.S . Amateur -golf champion. NaU•aatel Croaby, the 900 of the late Blq·CfMJ, suffered a flnt-round defHt Tuetday 1n the Brittah .. Amateur champlorwbips. lmb!« to 16-~ DaYhl GWord of Britain. ~ • Television, radio_ '· _ _ ~ TV: No events ICMdWed. RADIO: Bnemll -~ at P1Ulburab. 4:30 e.l!L_!__ 1fABC (780j; DeCrOtt ,., AnceJa, T:30 p.m., KMPC (710). 'PIZZA HOME DELIVERIES HAVE GHANGEDA LOT SINCE THE OLD DAYS Now Me·n·Ecfa mobile OllenS speed dellCiOUI piping hot Paul to ycur dnOr 1n mtnyf81 For pr°"1Jf service phone 646-TI 36 (Newport ee.:t\/eo.ta Mesa-17th end Tustin) or 847·1214 (~on~ end Hel). Alumni game features best of the past Friday night . It PREP SPORTS ROGER CARLSON "You don't aet a chance Uk' th1a very~" aaya the aofHpoken BuJdch. >4 any rate, they're all aolna to be then Jim Swick. Alvin White, Grant Gelker and otben fol' Newport, Ferraro, Gu.I.mat, Dave Meador, Jim North and Jlm Grant (Cla81 of '64), amonc othen for QtM. In addition to my touchdown play1, I've S!ffulled incentive material (aecm), ao all of the old n may find it tough to dupllcate all their previous wins. *** *** . . i ' l i l • • 'ftiit NOfU\ ff Wltlnttan 8-:h tlntOUthab'a., an unilr:.11 dub aocctr ttam, capped a very 1ucc:111ful Muon Sund~ by wlnnlnft tht Pacific Coaa' lnt.rna onal tournament In Vanoou~, Brtdlh Columbia. Tht Untouoha blu 'had previoual)' won theJr 1euue NP1 ' the Southern Ca11tOm1a ~p ~a the Slate CUp before c:UJnaxl"I th• 1ea1on with the vlctory Sunda)' ln Vancouver: The Untouehablea, coached by Jlrn Bald, won thelr eemlllnal same Saturday wi\h • 6-1 victory over the Southwest United Lions ol Wuhington. Then In the ch•mpton~~ game Sunday they turned the Weat Van Spurway1 of Briliah Columbia, 2-1, after trallina by al~ ICOte e&J;ly ln the prne. The W~t Van Spurwaya had not been acored upon in the last nine games. Members of the team include Jim Ustick, Jeff Zilko, Geoff Myers, Marc Rooien, Jeff Reynolda, Darin Fishman, Michael Sandel. Mike Lapper, Lance Barker, Scott Volk, Brian GiuJjano, Ryan Lee, Scott Holt, 'Rodney Barker and J ohn Apostle. The manager of the team is Errol Giuliano. ~ K.,_Clry Seattle Oelilln<I TeXM ~ ts.troll ea.ton NewYOf11 ·~ 8eltltnore ~ Toronto Au.nta San oi.go ~ • • . . "' " ~fr:: oi.co ~1on ClnclnMll St. L°'* Montr• NewYOfti l'tllladllplM 131 1141 • 3'h 7 ' 7~ 131A 20 .as .,. .522 5'4 .511 • ... 7 ... 7 "'" 1'4 -1'4 4 7' .. 7\t 8 1'4 S14t 4\41 10 tO • CaNW With a 1-D'na. ca~ of a ~ bell at the 1tta "' ... center. And ln th• ninth, ht prod\ad the ttnaJ ou• ot ihe 1ame when ht 1unntd down pincti-runner Rob WUfon1 at llOOnd be.-when he tried to i., on CaNw'1 deep fiy to center. "l haven't biln hJttbll lawly, '°' l thqht I'd better help ln other waya:• ...Sd Glblon with a anilt. "The tenoee are nJct and pidded here b:itou're not atraJd to 10 after . In Dtuott, I probably wouldn't tt.ve cauaht th.m. U I did I would be in • boepital." Ken Fouch (4-6), who 1cattered five hlt1, WH the hard-luck loaer. The Tlgera nicked the right-hander for two nma in the leCOnd 1nnina before Fonch settled down to retire 20 of the next 23 bat1en he faced. The Angela countered with one run in the ninth before Gibaon .. 1 throw on Wilfong tettled the outcome. "You know the Angela are going to start hitting," aald Anderaon. "Their lineup la just too good from top to bottom. They're going to go on a three-day binge soon where everyone is going to start hitting and they're going to io>re 10 runa a game. As a manager, you just hope y(>ur team ia out of town when that happens. ..... "9d ... 2 ao.ton 200 ooo 000-2 8 o Ollldmwl 001 020 OOX-3 4 3 Rainey, 8~(5) •nd Oadman: l.Anglord, T. (9) Md M. "-It!. W-1.angford, 4-7. l-AM1ey, 3-2. S-T. Underwood (3), HR-Oakland, A. Heildel-1 (5). A-13,062. ._.1, ...... 1 Mheulf• ·010 000 100-2 8 1 Seettla ., 000 000 010-1 4 0 Vudlovleh, Flngen (8) and Simmon•· Nelton, Vandee.tg (9). Slanlon (9) AN! 8-et. W-VudlcMctl, ~i. l -Nel9on\ 3-7. 8-Flngws (11). H~ ... SlrnlN>na (I). A-5,321. ~ Renko Kl9on Zelln A.- Win Foncll Moreno Cotbelt Tot ... Angel _.,.,egee ~~"" ... ~ 151 27 48 0 12 .311 52 e 18 o • .30t ITT 21 '5 7 27 217 1M 32 541 10 24 .ut 147 9 41 I 8 • .2711 181 18 44 2 24 ~75 151' 22 43 2 13 274 21 2 1 0 3 .241 11142248 730 137 119 21 42 8 111 2341 1.s2 20 as 1 1• no 24 2 $ 0 0 20I 343713208 1 0 1 . 0 0 1141 ~ 4 1 0 2 151 82000000 1593 215 ..a 43 202 292 mCl9tO llJ H •to W~ OA 2tl'h 18 10 10 0.1 0 71 11411\ 48 7 21 $.f 215 S3 .. 25 28 4-1 2 72 10 65 15 22 5-2 2 83 41~ 31 19 33 w 283 43'h 39 22 24 3-0 2.91 ee•n n 111 24 4-6 3.M · 40't\. 48 UI 11 2-4 4.81 3e 38 14 23 1.a 4.75 4fJ7'1\ 50e 151 203 31-111 2 .. NATIONAL L!AGUE Pt.rat.. a,~ 1 LC>a ANGIUll ~ .. , ..... • , "Ill Su.211 4 0 2 0 ,._.cf 4 0 0 0 ....... 4 0 1 0 Uc:y,rt 3 1 2 0 8Mr,lf 4 o o o Mdlic:lc.3b a 1 1 2 Orrero,d 4 o o o J1'1le*\.111 4 o o o Otvy.111 3 0 0 0 BRllan,K 3 0 1 0 c.y,ab 3 o 1 o JRay.2b • 1 1 1 IW!dl.rt a o 1 o &erT.... a o o o Yeaor.c 3 o o o Nc91a.c 3 o 2 o ""-P 1 0 0 0 Cndlr1,p 2 0 0 0 Tllms.ptl I 0 0 0 Scrry.p I 0 0 0 Romo,p 0 0 0 0 Tic~ 0 0 0 0 JoMrta,pll 1 0 0 0 Howie.p 0 0 0 0 Totala 31 1 5 1 Totai. 30 S 1 2 ._.._,......, Loa Angelte 000 010 000-' Pl!tabwgl'I 210 000 00.-3 OP -Pltlaburgl'I I. l.08 -Loa A ...... 3. ~ 9. 28-Hlco91a, ~ HR -M.otoci (5). Cey (S) SB -Lacy 2 8 - Cendelaria. 1.oe.,..._ • """'•eo Aeull(L.HI 5 5 3 3 s 1 V.Romo 2 1 0 0 0 2 SHowe 1 1 0 0 1 2 c:.-::r.241 7 3 1 1 O 8 5-Yy I 1'4 2 0 0 0 0 TeluiMl(S.e) ~ o o o o 1 H8P -8y Reun ll•cy). WP - ReuN. T -2: 1~. A ..: 6, 18'. .,_1, .... a Alllnla 4Ga 001 000-1 13 0 H41w Vorti 000 201 oe>o:-a I 1 0.ytey, Bedroelen (I). Qatber (I) end a.nedlcl; ... ~ywdl(1). ....__Ct> _,..,_ W , 2·2. L-,.._JoMI. M . HAt-AlWlta, (ti). ..._ v-. v--. ~ 8UUb (2). A-t,air7. ........ 9 "'"' ClndnnMI 001 j10 ~ • 2 Ptln' ';'"M 000 001 0-1 I 0 <' ........ ,., ~ lflCt TIMIO! l<tulaiw, ..... Ct> Md I . DI& W_...,.,., M . l-«rulwlw, ....... A-20.102. ....... O.t a. °"80 OM 1CIO ooo-t 12 0 Q*'80 • 001 000 000-1 7 1 Moillf"°°, ._(t> .... T. ~ M..u.. 'TldrH ~). IMtofl ,.,. w Hlln'lllMlla Ill INI J. o.ta. W -~. :M. l - """1:1, ....... -.,_ (2). Hl'I -Ian '*'°' flll '°'* (t).A -1.1t7. -a. ..... tlwl "en ooa 001> ooo 01-t 10 t ~ 200 010 000 oo-• 7 I .... , .......... ~LA't'wll (11) .. ~ ..... ""* CH>. 8"' C111 end "-· W , w, L-ICMl M . $-U.. Cl). A-1""4, ''There .,.. vwry f.w --thtt haw thet' look of ~bly runninl awat with tt all. TM White Sox have that look about thtan. So do tht An1el1, but netthtt one hill b9en a61e to put lt tocether )'9t." ' Nor, admill Anderton, bave the Tlpnt. But then, u far u \ht Detroit lklpper ii ~ncetnfd. h1I team'• tarae~t.e i. Aus, 1. * ANGIL NOTH -lhOtttlot> Tim,_... WhO wae hit O!\ Ille Ith tll>OW by Detroit rellef Dl1er. 1"91 .... II tit 14111 Off Ille MV«llh IMlno Mondey, =uJ'....,, 111e night off bY Manao« Gene alter llOl"9 twtlllno dewloped around 11\t tll>OW. "n. .. , tome tenderneM, bUt I'm aoln4 lo bt nM.'' Mid , .. Pflot 10 the g-"lh tart, bul lhere'1 nolhlnt 10 worry at1ou1 " 'tll 11 on • dtY•llMtay batlt . Tiit TloeB owt81M tied IO be llaoPY that l'ell WU out 'of !tie llnauc>. en1er1no tueeday nlghl'• v•mt . , .. , wat hlttltlg .145 (l-tOf· 11) agalntl Detroit, topa on lht Anoele' tciuad •• lllWI IC...._, wno replaced Foll In 1M flneu9, wu getting t good-ntl\,,.d rtbblnQ from hit formar o.trolt laamma1 .. dutlng liaUlllQ PfK!loa, "tt'e a good lhlnQ you're not pllCitllng lonialll," Mid Tiger cetoher 1111 ,.lier 10 pitcher .lacll Mtrrl1. "They have 'Klllef' In 1ht lineup lonlghl." "Th9y do," -ecs ~going •long with the oao. "I'd btttar go warn o... Pltl')'." ........ who boael• •. 215 llfatlme •*•· wu hltleM In lhtae !ripe 10 the plate with 1119 ng.r. before coming to !tie AAQell ~ 21 . • . Dltneyland Fun o.ty/Nlghl le 81jnday. Combln1llon Jlckate to Iha Anve11-801ton o•m• and 10 the Magic KlflOdOm -avalf1ble trom $8.50 to S 11 •.. FOf the reoOfd d9')1: The Tlg«'a h•va -..ird p<omollon•I campaign•. Fridty ntghl, for e)l.tmple. I• Polleh·Amerlcan Night In Detroit, whit• Sunday H Ch youngetar In tltandanee wtll get 1 pllr ol lul>e aox with Ille Tlow embi.m ... Tonlghl'• t1n11e wtn pit Miit WTtooa (4·2) agalntl Oeoft z.ttn (5-2) ..• The Angele wlll Ilk• Thurtd•y ofl before enterlllnlng the Botton Red Sox In a thr ... game Ml oY« the wMl!end. BrittMA..,...dwlm ........ , .. .,...,........, . ,.,. ...... V1c1or o.a ...... (U.8.) def. Ian ~ (llrtlaln). 2 Md I; Franit FWww (U.I .) def. J.P, OeWI (&nuln). .,..-, John Jennll6oll (U.8.) def. llemetd WhlM {8rttaln). 2 9f'll 1; ~ OIOOoN (U.8.) •• 0-V-Brown (Brfla*I). 20th !Iola: Howlrd Jonte ~ def. JOMClfl ~ (U.8.). 2 _, 1; W-*t .,._(U.S.) dlf. J-8edlord ~).II Md 2; HlctlOllll ~ (MalnJ.,C:: lArl'Y WllNr1 (IJ.8.). 1""9: "°'*" (U.8:) def. Stuard 8mlth (U.8.). .--. Olwld Ollfotd (8fttl\lnl del. Nethan191 C(o.by (U.8.). 4.ndS.. ............ J-Annlble (8rllaln) def. Jotl Hfrlcll (U.IS.J, 2~; DIC* Sklerowl (U.8 .) def, ....... Hammondl (8rttWt), 7 9f'll 8; H.V. ttlnCil (Britain) dlf. MWCUI ._ (U.8.)o:e and $; twry ForemM (U.8.) def. lAa llldal'9 (U.8 .). 8 end 8; l'rri Couti. (lfft9n) Olf. t ad llucllan11an (U.I .). 1-up; Devtd ~ (llrtlaln) ... 09ne v-..... (U.8.). 1•up; MlehMI Kina (Mtaln) !Mt. w.MI lee (U.I.). 2 9f'll l: Adam,... (8rllalnl clef. II-Cleco (U.I .). 1~; krleten Moe (U.I .) del. Petet McEvoy {8rftatt). a en11 2: 81ewarl 1oott (8rtllln> •· lllcNrci ..... (U.8.), kip: ~ "°°"" (U.l .J 6et. Wllirll Hll!dlns Cu.4J. •Utlll.. ... PINAL.a ... ~-, ........ 'a,.,,.. EIW!g f4 t 14 3 S f 21 8 . .ion. o t o o 3 s 4 o c . .ion. 1 8 a 4 & o 4 s Cheelle 7 14 8 3 1 I 3 17 Toney 13 21 9 10 S 2 3 38 Oewtllne 8 9 4 I tS 0 4 14 9tntom 11007-082 l'UchardaOll 2 " 0 0 0 2 5 2 . eureton 1 40010 12 HoMnt 28000514 ... ·1 4 11 11 13 T-"9bclund9: t I TOllllll at U 2' 40 43 28 1110t From Pege 01 CONNORS. • • Vilaa of Ar1entlna, the No. 3 aeed, defeated Frepchman YannJck Noah, aeeded el1hth, 7-6, 6·3, 6"4, today to Sain the eemJfinala. The 29-year-old Connor'9, who baa never made the finall of any French ODen. had WClft five of hil 1lx prevlou1 rnatchet •aatn1t ~eru. the No. 14 lleed who 11 nuiked 17th worldwide. Wllander:1 victory moved him a step clo1er to endina hi• compatriot Bjorn Borg's d1stinct1on of be1ni the youngest man to win this event. Borg, who ii not competing this yar, won hJa fl.rat of llx French titlea in 1974 six daya after hla 18th birthday . Wllander, wh<JE 1tyle la lb:nl.1ar to that of Borg, oelebratar hJa 18th birthday Aug. 22. Wllander earlier upeet No. 2 seed Ivan Lendl of Czechoslovakia. The teen-•ged sensation will meet Argentine Joee-Luia Clerk for the tint time in hJa prtef career in the men'• semifinal.a Friday. Reuss 'pitCJied ·well, 'bui not well enough all thref Ptrat• run• .,M(hi• ftve-lnnlna IUnt. PJTl'SBUROH (AP) -'The Ptttaburl}l Ptratee, ranked lMt ln U.. NatfC.ial Leque in pltchf.na. hav. bMr\ aUowfria an averap of Matl)' tiw Nnl per pme. So any ttam that hold• Plt1sbursh to three Nnl hae a very p)d chance of wtn.nina. But John Candelaria, l\od Scurry and Kent Tekulve pve the Plratee a welcome chanp of pliee Tuetday n.laht when they pitched a oombfued five-hitter With no walb to lead PlttabUrgh to a 3-1 victory over the Loi Anaeles Dodgen. '11 we pt aome pi~, we can contend in t.hJa league, uld Candelaria, who retired the nm IO battera in a row and tOlled a three-hitter through 1even tnninal befott leaving with a lliahtly ltW elbow an<\ a bliater on n.t.. left big toe. The victory. just the fifth in 15 prnea for the Pirates, left them ln a tie with tbe Chicago Cuba for 1ut place in the NL !'.a.at. Both tearna are 10 games back, "Our offeniie ia ao good. If we get the pitching, we can be a ·good , solid team ," said Candelaria, 2-3 with the victory. Meanwhile, Dodger starter Jerry Reuaa fell to 5-5 with hia fourth defAt in five declsions. ''I didn't pitch that bad a game, The other guy just out~itched me. It's one of thoee things," ~d Reuaa. who allow~ve hits and ''We dkfn't __.. *'°'Uih rw-.'' echoed Dodl•J Mana,.r Tom Luorda. ..UauaJ.ly, 11 you only livt up thrM l'UI», you're ~ to wll\. But the h.hl juat wenm t aiotna ln for u.s," -.After the It.art of the pme WU ~~:' 66 mtnut.m by rain, BU1 k aav• tta. Pt.rates • 2-0 lead in the openin& lnnlna when be rapped a two-ru.n homes-off ReUll. ReUll IW'J"endeNd • lina1e to Lee Lacy. Then Madlock hit Re1.111' next ~tch over the left field wall for hia filth homer. SoCal selects baseball coach Richard Emard baa been selected the new bueball coach at Southern California College of Costa Meu. Emard, who pla_yed at C-erritoa College and UC Santa Barbara, bu coached baaeball at Cerritoa High the put nine years. Hla .Cerritos High JV teams compiled a 51-21 record the put tbree. seasons. SoCal waa forced to forfeit all but two of its wins this past season because the Vanguard• used two•lnellgible playen. Speedsoccer league begins Saturday The American Speedsoccer League has turned professional thil eeuon with eight cities in Orange County r eceiving. franchiaes. The eight teams, which will play their games at the Loa Caballeroe Racquet and Sports Club in Fountalri Valley from June to August. are the Costa Mesa Cowboys,. Fountain Valley Flamea, Huntin~~~ Beach Dolphins, Irvine Re Newport Beach Breakers, Mission Viejo Vikinp, Orange Gunners and Santa Ana Winda. In its previous two aeaaons. the ASL waa semi-profemional with about a third of the 1eque made ' up of ~ players. Many of the coUeae players Will be bt thia aeaaon due to a 1ummer Industrial League. In their place, the ASL has drafted 20 former North Ainerican Soooer League (NASL) players, including Andy McBride, Mike Mahoney and Steve Hemlich of the Slut. Orange Countj's t!lght t.eama will compete for more than $25,000 in priz:e money. McBride, incidentally, will play for the Irvine Rebels, while Hemlich1 •• an Edison High product, ww play for the Miasion \riep Vikings. The other players are equally diaperaed among the remaining teams. The ASL will open its aeuon with a double-header Saturday at 7 p.m.. Games will be played From Page 01 every Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. For tic k e t s or further infonnation, phone 557-9272. • AIL echedule Saturday -0r.noe vt. Santa Ana. eo.ta Meea w. INtnt; ~. June 10 -Co91a Meea YI. Huntington 8-:h: Frtday, June 11 -Orange ft, Ml8llon Vlljo; kturday, Juna 12 -Newport e-:tl va. !Mna. Foun"*1 Vel#ly YI.. 8Mta Ana; T'hundlly, ·June 17 - Orlll(lt va. Fountain Vlley. Ftldey, June 11 -Hunllng1on Bead! va. lrvlne; Saturday, June 19 -Mllalon Vlefo YL Santa Ana, Co9la ..... ¥9. N9wpcwt 8-:h; Ttlut9day, Juna 24 -Miiiion Vlefo YI, Coats Me.; Fl'ldlf1, Juna 25 -Senta Ana va, Newport Stach: Saturdav. Juna 28 -lrWie ve. FOUl'ltM\ Valley, Huntington 8-::t'I w. Qnnot. Thur9dly, My • -8an1a Ana -lrWle; Friday, July t -Fountain Valley v1. Huntington 8-:h; S..iwday, .M, 10 -Coata ..... -Ortnot. ~ Vlefo YI. N9wpcwt a.en; Tllunday, .Mt t6 -founl9n v.., ft, Mltllon vi.to: Fttdey, JN//!y ,. '"'; Newport 8eadl YI. ~ 9-cfi; ~ • .My 17 -All•11er 9.1m• (Beech Otvtalon n . Empire OM9iof'lk Tillndly, JN//!y. 22 -........ Vlefo ft.~ 8-:tl; Fridey, ~ 23 -Orange YI. trvlne: Satu',.day, July 24 - Fount.In V..., YI. Newpaft 8-:ft. s.nta Ana --..co.ea .__. ~ . .Mt 29 -Or-. va. Newport BHch: l"rtday. Ju= FountMI v..., YI. eo.ta ..... . """' 31 -Santa Ana -HYnlnOtOn ~ ""'° YI.. IMna. ~. Auo. 5 -OrWIQa" SarM Ana; Frtday, Auo, I -Costa M.. yt. lrWle; Salurday. Aug.' 7. -Fountain Valt.y vt. Miiiion V\etO. Hunangton 8-:f'I yt. ....,_. Beec:ft; ~. Aug. 12 -Newport a.di YI. 1Mr-. Frldmy, ~ 1S -Fountain v.., w.. Senta Ana; a.turder. Auel.. f4 -eo.111 ,. ... v•. Hunllngton Beech, Orange YI. Mllelofl Viejo; Tllunday, Aug, 19 -Newport 8aect'I ""· Coeta Meaa: Ft1d8)', Auo, 20 -MIMlon Vlefo ¥9. 8enl1 Ana; Saturday, Auo, 21 -HIWlllng!Oft Baectl YI. ltYfne. Orengie vs. Fountain VlifltV. Mondi)', Aug. 23 -PllyOff game at 7:30 p.m.; Wedneeday, Aug. 25 -~ OM19 et 7:30 p.m.: Friday, Aug. 27 -Sernlftnale dou~ It 7:30 p .. m,; Sunday, Aug. 29 -Charnplontttlp game at 4 p.m. LAKERS RAMBLE . • • solid work. finishing the night wl th four rebounds and four points. ''Theft are no limitations on the number of players we're going to u.e in this aeries," noted Riley after the game. With the victon locked up, the Laker coach eventually cleared hi• bench during the final two minute.I. "I never fee'J comfort.able with· any kind of lead,'' Riley continued. •'l"bey (Philadelphia) can come back on you." Meanwhile, 76en ea.ch BW.y Q&nningham IDlisted it would be a different Pbiladelphia tam on the court when the aerie• rwm>M Tbunday nlaht (8) at the Forum. ''I ).Ill tbd.aeht they wen cme :r~.gi_~~ bill ~ rllhl people. i: JUlt didn't ~y well and they did. .. ~ llk1. t mow that'• -- p ., L 0 T c L A s s I F I I E D I Ii~~~~ .. ~ • In t11I• new•paper It I: . eubleet to the,._..'* .., Hou11itt Aot of 1111 '"' wtllCtl """.. " ....... '° := edvertl•• '71'9ny -prefereno.. llmltlOOft Of : dlteflmlnetlon l>eeed on 191 rece, cotor. rellgloft, ... .. « natlonll Ofioln, 'bt ,,., 1111 Intention to mike an~ •• l• t• ... ·-1• ·-•• 191 -, ... ... --= -,,. -- ------- 1 uch pr1f1r1nc1 • llmlt et lon or d~··· This~ .. no4 knowingly ac:c:ept eny advwtlllng fol r ....... wNdl .. In v!OlltlOn of tM .... llMlll AdvertlMr• ahould check their ad• dally and report error• Immediately. The DAILY PILOT aaaumea llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. STllllll 1111 In T\irtl• Rock Olen Towl\hom11. 2 bdrm1, 2'A ba. din. ar,M & brtakfllt nook. 'Eitra t>onu• apace could bl ~ to lbt8'Y « offtol. End """ loC8l9d ontwo~or~ bllta. Dey Md ntght llgt'll ...... T"'9lllft~ tlonel buy at 1274.500· cars•bikes• ... •skateboards• -· trucks.baby --carrlages*tea --carts .. trlkes .,. -rolterskates • -walker~ LOYS .,.. •wagons•••• -.,,, scooters•hot -ma rods*coupes• . ~:i trallers*hard r11r -tops•convert---lbles*motor = ma homes*lawn ria mowers•nmos ,,. ,f111 •corporate ., .. .a. '141 headquarters ., .. .,. tM ;:arden carts .II• lllll Odel A's•••• •typlngtables wheelbarrows* recreational vehlcles*golf carts*model trelns*blkes •paanos•cars r_...gerators •••••••••• -~ ,. ; llUft .... Surround yourMlf with mllllon I homee. Newty rernocWed $ lldfm ramll)' ~room, marble floor•. atone frpto. l'antHtlo term1. E!e0a11t Harbor lllllnd Ad location. Thia &.-. Propeny .. IW1oed right et ltl0,000. 7514191 c=" -t-' ' ' I Ml11= ..... 3 bdrm, 2 bath College Park home. Spacloua room9 ttvuout. ,_ pool a 1pa, llQ, covered patio. Gt9et for let• ... t..-noon a e11en1no oet tqaethere. Very pvt, becllywd. Mklna 1148, 500. Cal: 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATE RS Find out llbout the """' .ming ,.., ........... (,I '1111.1 " "'"'" ( l> riime Lido Nord beyfront. & bdcm. &\<t bath. Lp L.R .. 2 boat allpe tl.~,000. ReMQdeltd 3 bdnn, 2 bath + Wet J't!C, nn. Thrff 'f-e~t• wl beam c.!Unp. fW'l\lahtd, patJot. M20,000. ger..,., )Wdl Ind ..,._ liiiiiiiiiiiii"iiitiiiiiil I ............. 111' WHflett. AHUm• tow .,._ .... I rR lnterelt loen Ind 0WMr ..... n ..... ..,qoon view from e bd~ 5 bath, playroom, = :_~.,b~ '20, Senta Ana Fwy & N9wport Av. exJt, darlt rm. den, &o.l lllp. $ .3~.000. left on W .. nut to 1322 8.E. Walnut UYSIH OOVI llWNllllllT ~ j,,, WUl·llll Spect.acUlar bayfront view 2 br. 2 be up; 2 br, 2 Bdrm, 2 bath, den. en-••••• •• ••••••••••• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tlful large 3 bdrm, 2 2 be dn. 2 boat tllpa $1,900,000. nlno r~ latge double MU ldl£Jla.<444F.a>-'WN..uAG b• condo. Btt-ln1, 2 cer ~g~i:1=\: ;f~•{0 YU lm.111 ••'"' C..t• ,,,,, JIM g11. All new deco<. $950 •N'li8'18 CDllOllUO OATS the bMoh. ltN,000. ,. llVa11IJft •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••n•n••••••• _mo_._'4_2_-1_1_55 ____ 1 IPllJ .. 11. Coronado I.ala.rid cust. bay(ront Jot. 85' boat 1~-------1 ltJ ..... H lttr. San OteMente Pf1de of • .__,_ .. __, MESA V!ROI!: 38r 2be, 10011 llllE 811utlfully l1ndtc:1~ ..a-t-p•--· a·-" n . .a u170 000 wlterrm a.u .. •-•--~ 1-... ,., owner ....... Modetn 9 ....... ...-, .,._ fa m rm , t 7 7 6 1 mo. (llllD) gerden apt•. Poo4 & ~ ..... v11U. n.u. -' · ..,... -.,.. 1 """"1 f ..--It •• -.-.••••••••••••••••• 4"• ·~ ... or •'"1-3155 overed parking. o ••••••i~!.=:.:::3;.•& 1'!~~~~~~~~1 n ah It)'• our un e.,... HI,,., II ----.... ll .... OllM loft. 1.MJ°Op"'to;'~ f« 1; V!MAIU.E8l1~ ON 1partmant llouH with •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 ~. 1i.. ea. pvt patio, ~':eoo"1'n! ~ ~ ~ '400 ... r• unlta. 813-8585. 2 BA lb• comer unit, :"C:: t& golf~oouree QUALITY 3 BDRM, den, 1lmo1t new. HOOfmo. ea. walk to beecf1. Avtll. Br ... 5044e0 Sin&le story end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba r-::--~~---,,.,,......, frplc, ocean & llerbor • 0 • gardlner. IN Terr.,. tor LI n d a 7 e o -t 3 3 3 , from .kine 20. J er: w. Ba. *520 on i--est 1reenbell, $260,000. C..I•,,.,. I Yltwl. o.c. l.Mve exi. only thr•• YHra ol • re., fn.3100 "4()-8828 •.a. ...,.. .... _, .. A,. v d540-M2t .... •••••••••••••••••••••• 1t10W1 like NEWI 8elel' . ----·-----• 2250 7'i • llWllD ting tenent In at w11 help t1nenoe a MYe ·~ IMd "' s BR 2 Ba, trplc, ctOMd uum , Piii ... Hou•.,_,. t unit.. Pm. 1750/Wno • lnv.tment buyer tllou1and1 of •• -.•r.e••••••••••••••• back yard, 2 car/I"·· llM1ll iif&n m ........ ~ 2\-t tMllha a>ndo nev pool. •14~.000. Eutllde 20K below ...... property or move In dollar9111 Wing prtoe of Lrg 4 Bdrm. family rm 1750/mo. 548-819 1tt IStS/mo. 2 Bt. 1._. Ba. ., """.,.., y I I I I ....-yourMlf In 30 dlly9. 81111> '325,000 le ww, be6ow custom pool home In a 8:30 OC-RENT ALS pre aa • • nt nveatm.nt rlflc• 1189,500. Prlncl-current replacement o o u n try • • t 11 n g . 1-5br'• '200-$2000 TownhouM. 111 bullt.ftt. =r:~ ::'no":i s>.i. ontt. 21S1s14-6122 ~~t~, ~~/r;~~.~L.~ =o:w::..•;:~na E~~:.~~t'.:~~1:w.B:1; 150-3314 0pen 1-d•Y1 ~·P·~~g~Ni~ or brHk even wt20% .... TU• 1714) 142--01sa. pool Hrvloe. lkr. amenlt~ t0mo. E AttracUve 4 bdrm, 3 be. 2 toc:aTSLt~-t BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR l.t 1.i.i1 , •• 11• \_;1 • •. ~ t_,, .. ~ b 10 I 142-1803 down 1135,QOO. Owner/ H••u •WI" --------i es1•7370 PnvrERTY H US 11ory. cuetom Newport """"' Agent 548-4380 day•, H UfU YILLIY 842-3460 1142-1010 He!Ollt•, lcMat for lhatlng -------- LIYILY lWll SM.500. You won't be- ...,_ thll ~ 2 bdrm Tudor. ~ w41tt pr1de of wortunllllll'tlp of ~. Bill llvlng room & Frencli Cllllng, bf'Mlctut room. torm4il • rm, ...,., ... utlllt)' rm, lg. picture windows. Ilg backyard ... II 880. Try VA. Call: 548-231S 494--0315 9\'91, 831-5'78 Pnoed under the ITllR... la......, ...... II~ 1lnglu, 11500 mo. ftleld ....... ~ t~ol: ~2~ C:::. Nw new..__...,. 2 ......_ ......................... N.t '"' Ma-e7a9 ""2al ll,111 MWI lftD 11111 1~%_ 1 2nd TD 145,ooO 2 bath .~;nu°';ith ~ I, ii~·z\;b~u;r~j~u~:;•l CLOSE TO BEACH. IPlll•fl UnbelleVable term• tor Ull 1 8 % • Down p )'mt. flrec>l809, 9l'ldoled patio, ••••••-•••••••••••••• p 001, 1'p a. p 1 t1 0 . lhopl, ldM>ole. 4 bdrm. Be1utlful garden apt1. thl• deluu 2 bdrm 2 Br. 1Ba.+1 Br. 1 a.. Plf'e(lcatlceith or prop garage, ""-11t. Poa. llf llm/.... llU/mo. 4117-8455 2 ba, fenced yd. CNldren Patlolldeckl. Heat paid. townhome. Urgraded ti .. 72x105• R2 lot. Do not In N.B. Ron Sey, Agent. c11h flow. Now 11511, · OK. No peta. 1 YeM ._. No pet•. 2 c:hlldfen .-. count..-1, wood floora. dlaturb llnanll. 1528 171-5 3 7 o or •.,. • 500. Biii Grundy, "llr, a.utlful a toe 28r • \1119 ,_,,,.., V.U!f 3U4 ... ans. ~50811 come. • mfn'Ored Wiii!. Cozy nr .. Orange. 11211,000. 546-1801 875-41111. Balboa, 2 patio•.•••••••••••••• •••••• 3 Br 2 ... .....,,. .__, NB 2 er. 2 ea. sseo pl9Ca. 2 _...... .... _club--·--niiiUiiiill 11200/mo. HOM& FOR ReNT . .... _... ~. ---w--1-5513 ~ ao;;;;J;;°' room. IMM041 w. & wkncn, .....,. IUll 1111111111. a ldrm. 1760. Fenced Condo, 2 gerageatpoot-. ~~-• -· .... ' onl)'S7t.500.Calltodayt1-83_1_-3_520_wk_d)'L ____ Fentutlc 3 Br., 1lngle ll 1'11 IUll PMOternioocelflend!Mr )'8td & Q11"'9· Kida & CloH to Hoag Ho1p. -. ... ...,, 87M560 Br. 1 Ba. houM on i...ge tamlly detacMd home In Small home on commer-~lewa. L°' Sir & tam. .,.._ weloome. 545-2000. 1785/mo. 8'1r 846-7332. '475/mo. 2 Br. t 81. THE REAL ESTATERS 60x175' 3 unit lot. 4!e The Helght1. You own dlll lot on the Penln. 1 lot Drl'l9 bY 23a1 Clff. Celt Agent. no.... BLUFFS 3 br, 2'.t ba. 2 apta. NW carpet, patJoe, HamNton, Do not dtltUrb th• land for9¥er. t1H, from beech. Owner wilt tor deealla. 11400/mo aty. BMuttfuly remdld., CllrPOfll. Cat OK. tenant•. 11211 .000. 000. A1k lor Vic flnanoe.1395,000. RM-·---•ullllf,,. lllextrM.Nopet1.Ref'1 TSLMgmt 142-1803 548-50419Yel&wkndl, JUhlnakl Realtor, New-tonomlc:a.17M700 N.B.untumonClubllou•. fMd 3141 wlllbechec*ed.Avl.7/1. SC Pb:. S.A. "'9llr oPPOrtunltlee wlttl THE REAL ESTATEM. llcenalng 1chool '"' completltY IWfUndtlble to /i19 ~ _.... • mcM? ICtloot of YoUr c~. ~ ad•-Wlll Point THE REAL ESTATERS &31-3520wkdya. portlnveatrnentCow\19-2Br·l1000. •••••••••••••••••••••• 11.200 mo. on I••·*,!.,:' IV s5s0 ~ nft ....... ~~2~~2 ·5111 or ~.rt!r.!!r./!!f ~~~Park Dr, 2Br vu"'::. ::Crtu!. 9:i.,~~ 64CM050 752.S::-or &11-1..eo. · Extenatwe .-. trWnlnG. ".:c--.... --ca-. 11-,-,...,--.,, ~ 1n the rtQflt dlNGtloft For lnformetlon. call tM d ... ltled Id. to find the home you 751-8111 M2.ae71 need. tu~• 51 DOWN1 uam •111 YIWll 2 & 3 BR Towni.'lomel Coat• Meea lncludM w.ry emanlty FA~HO Furn. Mod9I °'*' . 11 '° • Delly. A¥oc:ado 11 Flhlew Ad. ... nae .. 1 .... Extra i.ae IW comer lot. Seller • ftnanc9f 1215,000 ..... .., ..... .... .,. .111-..... ._., •..• 831-1211 __.. Walker B l.t~e : \ ·, I I } I ' I ---- RESIOENflAl Rf Al ESTATE SERVICES ---Ml._ Spectacular New Bedford 4 BR. f.amll.J roam. 2 fil'epJacts & view from livtnc, ltJtcben & dlnin1 rOom.. Vaulted ceillnp. Utility room. Master suite. Gated community wlth swimming & tennJa fAidlities. IN NEWPORT CENTER .644-9060 , UlllMllMll ... _ .......... ..., ......... ..... f rHt ''"' wtt• I •••· 1 •a., •• IQ 'Ud M11•11, .. lltlhll ~ .... ..... ....... ......... -=::.:.":...Mir-= ..,. .................... . WATERFRONT HOMES. L"« , Ht: \l.TllH" • , .... H.··•1 ... r1•·t1t •'.'t''·"•'"' · ,._ ·-·-.. _ ••• ·-. .,,, ... ·-·-.. _ ·-· ....... ...... .. ,. if ..... i£ II: 1::- On thl1 upgraded 48r a.utlful 4 Bdr home w/ ~ ---pool•, 1p1, nr otHn. f111'11buta llfl ~1525/mo. 2 er. 1 ea. home. s.i1..-wttt carry lllEIT •LUlll Laguna Beech/Furn: Pan-647-3451. •••H'o;;e·;c)R"Rf:NT""• 1 story, 1hag, drapes, I t00,000 at 12% or =~anc"'::i. =: 831-12M oramlc ~1 apa, tam OC-AEHTALS 2 Bdrm . .,.75. n~ 1 ~ trplc~, tie.ned A.l.T.D. at 12%. Don't 000 7._1114 rt rm. 38r . .-.-mo. 1-6br' S20042000 ---_._, -....-rnlll thll one! St45,000. • .. M· w. a ....... We1erfront Homea, Inc. 7.,. ... 1! ,..___ 7_,._ chlld OK, no pet1. TSL Mgmt 142•1803 Call 97$-6370 ...-. No CMtt Downl a -.. -. 111_ 1_ ,,,,.,.__ .. ...._. ~T· 645-2000. Agent, no tee.1 __________ _ ,......._, ,. __ _, F long Bell. Wiii keep • •-..:-a. ..,.. - \ f >I l I tl F If l•f ..... •.,t ''·'' •• , .... &Ill "11111 Flulble llnanclng on tl'tll lmmao 3Br home wt 9l'ldoled patJo, flm rm, aprtnklera. n..·1 moN. 1129;500. c.ii 117$-6370 \I >ll / tlF/t ..,_ .,.._ ront m59-04enel'ng tor you ••ti..._ .11zm~.1e1.., ••--•• 5 BR 3 BA w/frplo home, · Specbll 4 bdrm houN. ----1415/mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba. recleoor1ted, al9o lnctd, 1 1 C.... '",,., J F need d Gar e l/alanlM-' UZI pool, laundry rm, ,,.. wooden patio w/amall mJI WllTll •••••••••••••••••••••• Meo 3!:914 111 ~ 3 •••••••••••••••••••••• cerpet, upp« unit. 1ltla boat dock, 2 Clll' gerage, Trada tor N.B. 'ocean· t:"S~~~ PM . 21 1 Reeortsc Plllk• ~I t~ IV one wont lutl 4 bHt1 to oc.an, 1289, front home. Owner. 3b1 ·-·T . . za. oo' gr nr. TSL Mgmt 842-1803 000. 714-838-8542 or 1100,000. 371 t 8ea-3 I , tam rm In lrvlne 3 Br. 2~ Ba. Lovely home Dlwt.1Bt. No 1*9 .... 75 . 731•2811 ..... ~ _ •• 71 T • r r . I 1 5 0 0 I mo . a neighborhood Quiet I 145 utll. 17'·25ff, Fl~. pool, pyt patio ......... v,_ 831-7118, IM&-0445 cut-~ac, large pen-566-1828 & dlftWlher. X IQ 1&2 Br. Wlf'lll1illf Turtlelodt Tax Hawn t.11 ... 1114 eled fWnll)' rm. '975/mo. WALK TO SC PLAZA iar"-s...1':5:'i~llde L.uxwloul 3 BR fem. rm. •••••••••••••••••••••• Include• gardener. 3 ~ 1'4 ea. lklllt....,,., om · • · 8oet dodc on the ,.,.., office, deck, trl-l•v•I. OC-REHTALS 175-47• or 83$-3134. --upper., Water a M25. 38r 2be. dtlldren peekedroaftopOY#latge corporate rental, 111, 1-6bt'a'200tot2000 1 ......... gm .,ci. MOO/mo. J>M ok, no pell. 11MI "C" E. bdrm wtth ftrllPl809. 000 Income per yHr 750-3314 Open 7~ 4 bd 2 b 11 .. 0 . dep. PACE R.e. 211t St. Now avafl. :::' = ~:,. ~ w/S15,3S3 in.... wn. rm1, • ome. &94.()882 846-11598 or 549 etl5 000.... Prln. '218,000 aHUft\ ~.!!!.•,.. =~·~· . Xlnt IOC.•Wllc to 8. C . loen. P.P. Cal tor lhc>o-•--• ' h..,__fr hmhW Pta.a. NEW 2 Br-2. a.., 1 141·1111 w1no on~all owner "9nt In Coate M"• • BRANO ,.. s br lot die-';'T.';".-::::'••••••••••••• er a 1 ea. or Studio Br.1~ Ba. htory, pool, agt. 851 Ext. M NEWEST gated 20 c::rtmlnsUnQ fwnl)'. T~ a.11.a.a ,,,_ It• lnclud .. trplc, elegant uc>Qredel. 1084 Concotd Walrill Townllome VILLAGE ly ~· 21Ai bike lo ~••••••••••••••• French wlndowa poof j PETE St. t155,000. Term1. ._ nt II# COMMUNfTY. 2 I $ Br. bdl. peta. 11.200 mo. WINTER RENTALS tennl1 wtilrlpo~I 1pa 545-3147 , n•~ ~Ba. 1800-1800 IQ. ft. AMIPM, 83S-014& AeGIR PROPERTIES uuna.' complete exer: .. ... ~.L ........... of pure IUJa.wy. GarlQM. &..-6.--...... Balboa lllend clM "" tn home !aa'ldrJ ' BARRETr REALTY 9~ VA loan, S hydro-tube In m11ter -. .,_.. 876-4000 f9c a '™"" ITIOl'9 bdrm home, large lot. ";ii;ii;ii;ii;ii:i:iiil 1~ Ll&m iult• dining room• •••••••••••••••••••••• · · LGS Conlt. Co. 191,000. i Prime corner 1ocetton In wood 't>um1ng lit.,.._: UNIV PK, llP9C 38r, 28a C.... Ill .., J1. Why rent 1'111Mn ,...,l"4'11= 833-1~. -•u -South Santa Ana. Nkllt)' mlcto-wa.,. ovena prl-twnhle. Qllf, AC. trplc, no •••••••••••••••••••••• now own or -·1 •-•' ,_....__._.. 4 ..,.. tllt up • peta. .... 52l-0364 2 Br 1~ be iwm. -down & low monthly '.- -• ••• • ••II _...._,.... yr....... v • t • P • t I o • & co,;,m 1 & ten;;rt· paymenta. Catt for de-- -btdo. Approx. 16,300 IQ. yard1,garden« provl-DmlM m 2 ll ~'""'. 8·.,poo1 .... 5. • taH1. 549-3421. S~1 Mela 'Verde 4 bf.= 2 8drJTI I den home on fl wtth 5 tMenU. •1•040• ded.15 ....... ~.._Mno,~ Turtlerock condo w/3 .,.,.... 5-12.. Beer Sl C.M . ....., l1Q,OOO dwn. 417-Udo .... w1tt1 p6er Ind llp ~owner,_.. IMllp flnM-., • ..,_ """" --· deck vu of dty llgh1a a e.,,, .... ttlf MacA1tttur a~ Agt. . tor lot .... onty. ESTATE ce. lllend, 7 mlnuWe to 8.C. rnountalnl 2400' IMno •••••••••••••••••••••• --------,.,. MUS T'S Ell. Ca II 17141 '7M400 Plaza or O.C.Alrport. apace 2 ·car gar w/ GARDEN Apta. Adub. No Urge 3 Br. 2 a.. T~ •••• !•••••••••••••••• 540-1151 tor more Into IJIU ua.nn Juat •••t of Newport open era bonu• rm. e>e'•· Str9am a wstert .. , houea In qultll cornp6ex. 0 ,....,. ~GUNA CHARM Blvd. & IO. of San Diego c ' II t I 45' .....,,,, rec rm, IMIM-2 large pool, garden Ml-u'-,;lque 2 bdrm floor HARBOR Ffwy, S~stOO a omm. poo •nn •· br. MM. 842-8870 ting. HOO. 845·SH1. mon..... ••1-, 2•73 !.l 2.,~.~ I m o . p 1 u I 876-5949 pt1n, 1 bath., llv rm w/ "' .,.. .. __ --------beamed ~11ng1, llatd-Orana.• Ave .. Co1ta •ulbtftM 2 Br 1,M>a. frl* dlw P"' wood lloor'I & cozy tog Mela. TurttarOCk 4 8t. 2 8a.1am ...,, 1141 pailo. gu, no :eta . burning frJ>IC. $187,500 SAVE tt budgie minded rm, din rm, vu of U.C.I. •••••••••••••••••••••• '525/mo. 643-547 FuH Price. 1br _..........,. 1275 Gardener, wtr & 111n MISSION REALTY OC-RENTM.87150..ss14 du•• tncl d . LHH I I 'I FllEST Sp.cloul 2 Bf. 1 Ba. ... 25 . 494-()731 11200/mo . Agt. • • 3 Br. 1'A Ba. $475 . 11. .. .... _ .... I.If Paaoramlc vi•• 011 Nnrpo" Bar_ and Pacific Ocean, ~ locatliaa. Owr N00.000 o1-1 .... flnllldnt, . Beet 1v&11abl1 lot on JUdlt. tl.-.000. (714),.1MO m& -541-6032. SJ*ll8h e.tete LMngt Laundry tee .. pool. B..utlful park-like aur-541-9559 4 Bdrm 2 la famtty WOODBfUOGe CONDO: roundlnga. Terraced1-------- tiome. Oulllt--. A'lllll. 2Br, fncd yrd, laund rm. pool. Suntcen gm bbq, 1325 mo. 2t' 18r tr1r In lmmadlattfy. Many ame-HOO/mo, av all 8/ 1, aperkllng fountain•. dean quiet adft S*1t, 140 nit.-. 87M812 IKR 551-2864 Spec1ou9 r00tna. Sepe-Cabrllo 12. 113--1781 EXEC 3br, Prlv. 1tudy, 1 Br. ale, trplc, walk In ~~ w::: MESA VEROI! 2 br, 1 tM1. Queent kltctl. DNL Y cloeet, dllmnlher. AK. & ~ : ... to gar. Included. Wkdy1. • MOO f9C. l56t-5050 ~ tlnQt ~' pta. c.it: 76M229 OC-ReNTALS 'T&o-33i4 8pap upgraded 3Br 2'M5a un1 ea::..tum, ~ 1"2 Br. 1 Ba. Newly r.M- 3 Br. 1 a. . ..,.. )'8td, twnhM. llm nn. AC, 2 2 Bdfrii.turn trom l805 bl1lled. 1495/mo. No redeo. 1913 Contlnentet oar ger, pool etc. ldlel 2 Bdrm TownllOUM turn. pete. 833-lt74. 1750/mo. 55t-6001. toe .. end unit. 1195 mo. from S875 S400-l495/mo. 1 Br. 1 a.. Eutt6de 2br Troploal pa-752-5711 2 Br. 2 Ba.~ lleamed tJo, Kida. TOOAY '430. IRJIU utlllt~~ celllng, trptc, garage, OC-REHTALS 7~14 2bf, 2be MOO lllundry rm. Aval. June. 2br, 2~ t795-llOO ~QUINTA HERMOSA TSL Mgmt 142-1toa =· = S 1400 1!:_ 18211 P8'ttltde ln. 1 b11 MESA VERDE·28r, 1 Ba, 3tw: 2be t725 LAG. Hiiie :'~~· 3 bibs. of = =--,:,.~.: Ml-Mt1 _e_7MS83 _____ _ Quiet Junior & 1 Bra. 11111 M11f11e Ave. No .-a. From l375. Pool, rec. 2 Br. ~ §1, dMWa "40 • rm., eauna, enctad ga-2 Br. 1 8i. upMr9 842' rage. 17301 Keelaon Off 1 Br. UJ*rt '360 Slater. 142-7148. Sterr• Momt. co • i.--..... ''•1·-"'-1_-13_i_4 ___ _ ;-:p. ";;';"...... •• • •• • • • • LID E/llde 2 Br. I ... Furn. =n• IMcf\ kl-duplex. Crpt1, d.rp1, w. . ..,., ........ btlna, gee kltotlan, 1 <* ...... "'*..... ~ ger, prtvett ywd. phonH. 111&1-. .. k. 2090 Senta AM It. ''8". 4"-22U. MOOI.-. aoo aeo. 8Y . .. ... .. ~~!!t ••••.......... DfMIWtya, Parking Lo\ ~"· e .. tcoatlng. 8&8 Aephlt 831·4119LIC ALUSTATE PAVING tlng·8lrlplng • Col'f\m.IANld 97362 645-8181 Den HaUberg Grading l PaWIQ Co. Aea/Coml Uc 397804 842-1720 AalMttln •••••••••••••••••••••• FINE St41NE AUTO DETAILING Guar F,.. PU/d.t. 642-5«9 ~~ ........•• I babyalt, I lead, my home. M·Fo 7:30-5:30. $1.50/hr. 631-8335 ... ,,, .,.,..,.,.; ltnln ..•............•...... MARINE SERVICES Mechanic:. Paint, varnlah. TMk•rub·wax. 645-9786 Find what you want In Delly Piiot Clualfleda. • WllfN1lll 1 l 2 8f. Otecount on 80fne models. Pool, 8pe. Gym, Sauna, etc. M&-0819. 2 Bdrm. 17381 KMl9on ~-641-0422 Of 535-9042 Lo. 2 bdrm. 1 ~ be, patio. In ... INlnttilMCI • unit bldg. t4aO. Owner 8134115 "? 1 lllWIU DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed ltema for cash. If It d0esn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no reaJ estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Not ....... j 'I I bin .... S1.IO) 3,. 3DAYS INES CLASSIFIE~s&42.;.5678 OLLA RS • . I I TllEOOOPE ROBINS FOICO . ,... . -...c ,., .. ':. ( Q ~l . ( CCSTAtvf\A r ~~' •1-.. ... Conv. Red with black tnteflor, lmok ... '700, ti.t °'*' trade 113+-H71 -., ........ H9W l)tllnt I 1200 worth or Interior. Nice car. S23tt Ohr or trede 534-"11 COMMll. CHl VR 0L~T ' I ' r ., '141>-1 /~'l ........ 0000COHO.11200. 912·5717 -,, .... AUTO, XlHT COHO. ~. ""'*'"· caa, 13100. ..-..73r i------"'---'---4 IC*n. wJ~er-.qvlt Ortg..ld>o~- '14 CVOC, 38 mpg. cte.l, f~ lf8 yr. Muet Hll. tHO ot •t••• redlall. 12450 ··'··~·w:.:.·n···· *'ofter. 4""1814 ... 080 . 857-4973 , 5epeed 14000 87&-7391 u1.:a131 ........ Lnlllw '!,,~~=: ~ '81 C.ilca ST, 5 epc:t, llir, : :" .,,.ic::.iE=:! 213/372-4828. IVH AM/FM .... JClnt oond. one for you. bllllc • 513-9352 mutt ..it. 1Mts1oeo. e qi mode9 to 1u1y ..,._ 55t-t618 ded. BERLl .. ATTAS, -----------175 Hond1 Civic SON. 'ID Celca. loeded. TYPE" LT, 228'8. MJr. ._ 12100 080. An. 7PM '""· 17,500 ml S:::,: Ao•• • 4 2 . 4 4 o o • & 55t-aal2 4t2·1170 9¥M. 1566-1008 Pl'OtO UM. l'l!!! ........•. !!.ff rn..... 1111 P.!r.!!! ••••••••• !Sf '11 ~ •••••• t:".............. 'll ... ,~ •• 2 <>••• ...,_ 2 TRe '74, r9blt eng .. lac:t. ..-all •1 . · ...,_ ....-hdtop, mint, 111 new. Aune grMtl S1250 •uto. Ire whit. Air, 14900/0BO. 842·2354 548-1815 - AM/FM, Mint. cond. 573-4947, 875-4930 r.-e,.~ ..... !1.!f f!!!!.'!t ......... !!.~l ,,.., 1111 '12 BOO Ytlow w/Blk Int, • Will ••••••••••··~~··•••••• aunrt. AM/FM eter, new 1111 llllWI ~~°io:"~.t~~';,.';"k~: Gta11 topl, toadedl 487..&e13 wtlctys M Cl021). ,_,.,_,, ., 118'711 ..... ..., .... '78 VW Conwnlbtt. Mint. White/black, 1t•r•q upe, a l e. tetoo. 493-0251 OoV9/au.I Ste. (NI'. J~ I Bristol) UMIM ... ut tnt.":n i::=* n:1"' ~ ,: '~~ f7J 12:375. ee1..-2 !'!41! ............ '!P. ••-· '74 VW 7 pi91.. ~ 't8 Coronet. '18, new -If & ~ r•blt •ng. Like new. paln1, c:Men, radio, d• ---• 13316.612~ pendabl•. ~800 . tMllfT1 "I _ lll1U _8_n._580t ____ _ ... ... -·-·....... ., ~ 720odgeDlft8wlnger.8 ...... lllH ... · . -"·----Good !lOf'd, l1t00/080. cwt, auto, Jllnl mech. .. ...__... 875-2U1 I _,.. --.· ....., Ot-..i Body •• , ........ Cell CREVD ~LeMtng '81 Mu RX7. Gold. &.n-'70 VW convert .. need• Cdllli:t WI 1pect1llie In Euro-root Good cond. '9000, WOOi, 11000/080. 21~S10-2280 ~ o.lvery. call 831-9195 873-$518 .• Dirt 2 dr, • qi 3 tpd, ... ......... -·" nn 75 SUPER ...... Jdnt. l6ob good, .,.. ~ m• _. 1m ...................... c:ond. MllllY .,... Mutt W51otr. ~11e 1114111 lllAllll uc. U,300 080. ·ea OWi ~4*, ~ f!:A!: •IUH'I ~DIWt ,..~7571 CloMd ~ • oa11n1 s...., WllOft , IHI 1111Un *-' ..... !ft! ............... ,. •11EU9' ~'r!::~~= ·~·1.::c! .. ~.·::: We'll .,. M)wMN In Ilk• .,,, enV1M 1*90 I c 0" d . 8 0 y I St s 0. ttie WOf1dl C01M In and more. 181T76J'. -. for 7'1-1843 mom. .. "9toUy9' Ao .. 141·4-400, llAll ....n 55e-1008 PYoto UM. 848 Dove 811Mt NEWPORT BEACH ' 112-llM __. JU•T A SAMPLI OP THI llAllY TO CHOOSI FRO. 1111 1111 . 1111 1111 1111 IEICllJ" OID MERCURY IEllCURY <jERCllY ZEPllYI IRAIA·IA ZEPHYR ZEPHYR CAPRI kl Au to m a1 I c , a Ir Automatic, AM/FM, Automa ti c , a ir Automatic, air Automatic, AM/FM, ' condttlonlng, AM/FM, power wlndow1, air conditioning, power condltlonll'f• AM/FM, power wlndow1, air power window•. tilt oond ltlon l ng, e wlndowa, p owe r e cyl ndare . condltlonln¥i. I wheal, 4 oyllnctar. ~a. (~BHL818). -if~n· (1BOF815}. cytlllderl. (1 BHM 84). (18TB471). $6566 $6566 $6266 $6 966 1111 -1111 1111 FID FORD. FORD FnlU FUTUU W1. IUSTAll •. PASTIACK 4 door, 1terao, 4 door, 1terao, aut omatic, power automatic, air Stereo , a Ir atearlng & brakH, conditioning, power conditioning, power vinyl top, t llt whffl. 1taerlng & brak••. 1tearl~ automatic. (1GT20M).. vinyl top. (1CMM478). (1BHN ). 1111 IElCIRY CAPRI Many extrMI $6966 1111 FORD FUTUU 4 door, cu1tom Interior, 1tarao, tape automlltlc, air conditioning, power 1teerlng & brake1, vinyl top. (1CGP142). TOTAL DOWN PAYMENT 1111 IEICIRY CAPRI RS 4 cyllnders, automatic, air conditioning, power 1tearlnlH power tnkaa. (1 N057). $6216 1111 : FORD ·- FUTURI 4 door, 1tarao, automatic , air conditioning, power lteering & brU•. tilt wheal. (1CGPl47). 1111 1111 · IERCIRY FORD I CAPRI RS IUSTAll Automatic, power steering, power Hardtop, 1tereo, brake•, air condf-automatic , air ~ltereo. condltlonl~, power ( 104). ltler1ng. (.1 R471}. $6166 s5 .966 1111 1111 FORD FORD FUTURI Fnuu . 4 door , cu1tom 4 door, 1tarao, Interior, ltarao, tape, automatic , air a u tomatic , air conditioning, power conditioning, power 1teerlng & brakH, "=r? & tw.k ... tit vlnyl top. (1CGP828). wheel. 1CMM5e0). .. ~JlOBrt.? aaua The '1unUNrtcn Buch Union 8l1h School Dlatrlct bae a~ a procram deQned. to qilalily lta briahtest )UWi hardest ~ studinta f«lttae most demandln1 colle1ea and unlwnitiea. It la called the Diatlnauished1 Scholara Pro1ram and is 1Cheduled to 1tart with ninth 8f.cle ltUdena next September. It la viewed u eo demanding lhl l·Nl 'dll\\ JltNI '•011 that the diatrid planl to offer lnducementa to ltudenta to meet thechall~. One of ~ beneflta ta that 1tudenta compleUna the~ will be placed auloma at "the hewi of the arectuattna . An educaw aaya he beUevea that the new proaram will eliminate a tendency of the brilhtat atudenta to take eofter clane1 to protect their srade point averacea and chancel for oollele 9Cholarahips. ''What· we wW be doln8 ta encou.raclnl tbe atuden\ to JO for 1-rnina lnlteed of the l'ade· We want to take all the ra.dblocb out of the way," uld Larry Lucu, the ~l1trict'1 aulatant aulllllrin~t for lnltrucUon.. r.w;-are te1lin8 the ltUdentll not to opt for the Miler c).,.. out of worry that a non.iacademlc student wW bump them from acholuUc atandino." Lucu Mid. The curriculum for the Dlat1ngulahed Scholars Propwn British artillery ln .ran6e llllllllll IUCl t f-lll llllD OHANC.t COUNIV C AI IJOHNIA :is C ENfS lncludea four yeatt of honore En1U1h (moat rlaoroui); four ~=-of math; tliree year1 of tory ldence; thne yean al the Mme foreiln ~ and four yean of IOda1 adenc9. Students cu't pt any ~ 'lell than a c . They alto QIJl t 19t more than 4 Ca durin1 the four-year COW"M of study. In addlUon. a eeperate pro&r'am called Graduatea With Honors a1ao la scheduled to start next ~ It ii 1-def!Wldlna than the DlatiJ\IUllhed Scholart Prqiram but exceed1 University of California entrance requlrementa, aooord1ng '°"UCM. Luca1 1ald ther~ are ind ucemen ti other than guaranteed top cl.us rankinp to 1tudenta in the Dlatln1ul1hed Schoara Program. Valedictorian• and aalutatoriana will be choeen from the IJ'O'lP u will p-aduates with • the hilhell honon. Lucu aaid IChool offida1I alto will offer additional help in = c:ollep admilllon arid in pan..u.r;oe employment tn the cotnmun.lty. . The dl1trict haa scheduled meetln&I June 8, 9 and 14 with ·parenta of incoming ninth lfede studenta tD explain the prosram. The lelliona wW be held at 7 p.m. at Huntington Beach m,h School. Guns pounding. Port Stanie·y FV -law on· drug ' . gear set By PHU. SNEIDERMAN or .. o.1r Not ,..,. A new law prohibiting the display or sale of drug parapherrialia tD rnlnora has been approved unanimously by the Fountain Valley Qty Council. The law also requires that local businesaes record the name, age and address ol any adult who '\l)Ur<:haaes drug paraphernalia, with 1uch infonnation open tD polloe inspection. Qty Attorney Alan Burns said the Fountain Valley ordinance WU prepared in resporwe tD a recent decision by the U.S . Supreme Court, which upheld a city's right to preYent the tale or display of drug devices to thoee wwler 18. . Fountain Valley officiala said they have received no local complai~ts about drug paraphemalla sales. and the city attorney aaid he was not peraonally aware of any Fountain Valley businesses carrying such items. BUt Councilman Ben Nielaen said he requested the law as a preventive meuure. He aaid neighboring cities have adopted sCmllar laws and said he feared dru1 paraphemalla businesses would decide to move to Fountain Valley if the city appeared tD be less restrictive. Councilman Fred V om aaid he waa uncomfortable with the reoord-keeplng provision, saying it. bordered on being an invasion of privacy. But he voted in favor of the law after his motion Co del~ the record-keeping aection tailed to win a aecond. The new law also requires that, ;h o 1 e w h o a e 1 l d r u g ~raphemalia to adults must Pbtain a city 1ioeme and will be ~ject to background checlc:I. ·. 'l'be ordinance faces a second rMding at the council's June 29 meeting. U approved, lt will take ~Uect 30 days later. Tax bikes eyed : -SACRAMENTO (AP) -The ~bly'1 chief budget writ.en JUlvelled a new $2.8 blllion ~ of apendtna cutl and ~enue hikes 'l\M!lday involving on, liquor •nd diarettff, and .$800 m1Won more tax on lncomea aver $30,000. NATION ,,, ........... LAW OF THE GUN -:-Pawnshop operator Tony Green looks over display of pistols in ~ window at Kennesaw, Ga., where on Tuesday, gun ownership became the law in the Atlanta suburb. Heads of households mu.st now own and maintain a gun and ammunition. (Story Page All) Beat tile band No-show decides issue The band directon of Fountain Valley's jwo high 8Choola were ltheduled to 8quate off 'l'umday night before the City Council. The to. of a coin wu to decide whkh band would lead the dty'a 25th Birthday Parade June 12. Mayor Marvin Adler waa ready. The coin waa ready. Robert Wu.on, band dinctor from Loa Am1gos High School. WU ready. "la the gentleman from Fountain Valley High berer' the mayar Mked. He waa peet.ed with lilence. "Weil," aald Councilwoman BarJ;>ara Brown, "I think we ahould •ive it to them (Loa Ami ).'" .. f:t•a wait another 10 minutea," the mayor auaaested> ''M kid goee to Fountain -Valley .. be 1cbqol remained unrepl'W'Ilted. however' and Loa Amlp ... awarded the boner of lwllna the upcxmhrc parade. . Reached at theountain Valley HJih music office early today, band 1iirector Mike Stopher explained hia at.nee: "It WU an overai&bt." Stopher aald be bad other commitments Tueldlly nlabl and Nd planned to aencl a booster club member or other band repreeentaUve to Qty Hall in hit plaoe. But a hectic achedule of band concerti, an award1 banquet arid graduation preparations caused him to f~helUd. . But Stopher vowed tmt the Fountain Valley Ht1b band would atill take part in the dty'a parade. "I Nd hoped we'd have the openlna apot," he IUd. COUNTY . Maj Or battle looms By The A11oclated Presa British artillery hammered Argentine positions in the Falkland Islands capital of Stanley today and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said there was nothing more she could do to avert a major battle. "I don't think there is anything more I can do," Mrs. Thatcher said in an interview with Britain's Independent Televtslon News. In a separate BBC interview, she aaid the decisive battle for Stanley could not be avoided unless Argentina. undertook "to withdraw within the next 10 to 14 days. then there would be no need for a battle." But she added: .. I could never 1ee that he (Argentine President Gen. Leopoldo Galti~rj) would withdraw. That view turneq out to be right. I am not very optlmist.ic now but one never loses hope." At the United Nations," where an Argentine military delegation was dispatched in an l.Jth-hour bid to find a peaceful solution, Ambassador Noel Dorr of Ireland said Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar told the Security Council he had failed to make progress toward a ~fire. (sft FALKLAND, Paae Al) Beach corridor meeting tonight A public forum on the Beach Boulevard traffic corridor it scheduled tonight from 7:30 tD 9 :30 at the Garden Grove Community Meeting Center, 11300 Stanford Ave., Garden Grove. A panel of Jocal offJda1a will apeak on tranaportaUon iuuea concerning the corridor bounded by the Orange County line to the north and weat, Paclllc Coast' Highway to the south and . Harbor Boulevard to the eut and centers on Beach Boulevard. . ' Mt Lonq Don Two~ isters ~.......--<' Mt l~~~n:~~~r· -~ -~-~-s-~r&a~~~~ ~AULT ON STANLEY -Latest reports indicate British artillery today is pounding Argentine positions at the capital of ·Stanley (twin arrows). BritiSh have already captured Mount Kent ·(circle) and are assaulting Two Sisters Ridge ~small am>~). Has·Argentine arniy stockpiled napalm? LONDON (AP) -With outraged beadJ!nes, acme Britiah new1paper1 bannered claims today that Argentina ltockptled napalm -an incee chemlca1 whkh bums f1eah -on the Falkland . Ar1entina called the claims "totally fal8e ... Other Bridah papen laid that Bridah troops have allo ..-ct a COlltrovenlal weapOn -delayed reaction cluster bomb• -in attacks against Ar1enUne poaitiona. eamn1 for another Geneva contereoc.-. to outlaw "harrific'' weapons, London'• Standard newspaper declared: "The Americana dropped ~of tom of napalm over Vietnam. Brltilb troop in the Falklands are usin& cluster bombs and white phosphorus bombe. "Not unleet the entire world agl'eet to outlaw and dmtroy all auch horrific weapons will there be any hope of e1tabllabln1 ground rulea." A eenlol' government IOW'a! aald that the reported dl8covery by Britiah troops of 9,000 pDona of n-.~lm at the recaptured G008e Green aettlement wu INDEX ---~ likely to harden British publlc opinion. Defenae Ministry spokesman Ian McDonald said "a considerable amount" of napalm waa found at Gooee Green. He could not con.firm reports that Argentine warplanes drop~ two napalm bomb1, whacb missed, on advancin1 paratroopert who recaptured the settlement Friday. ''We have no reporta of it being used ... Current evidence suggeata the tanks and bombs may have been designed for uae wftli napalm, but it's a l~ way from indications to proof.' aaid McDonald. British correspondents on the Falklands reported Tuesday night seeing the napalm atored in 89 tanks, fulled and ready for U1e by Ar1entine Pucara ground-attack aircraft. complete with inatruction manuafa in Spuliah. Michael Nicholton, correapondent for Bdtaln'a Independent Televialon News, quoting unidentified Brltlab commanders, u1d two napalm bomba were dropped OJl advandnC peratroopen. • Dorr 1ald th• Hpetary-1en1ral told a cloHd·door mHUn1 of the l&-natlon body that deeplt4t >-the gap ln po1ltlona 1eparatlng Araentlna and Britain, he remained available to ., continue hil peace effortil. 1 Britain'• land commander in L the South Atlantic tiln1tory, M.j. Gen. Jeremy Moore, ai4 ~tlah IJ'OUnd troope hid beCun ahellina ArpnUne pa.ltJon1 around the , heavily defended capital. ; "We have aot very Cldle in and we are be1tnntti1 to apply pressure to the maln enemr, ., positions throughout Stanley, ' Moore aaid In an interview carried by the Brltlah Broadcasting Corp. "Clearly I'm going to build up that pressure," he aaded. The British troops who ~ captured the high ground overlooklna Stanley on Tueaclay were expected to launch a final ). assault unless the Ar1entinea surrender. - Bridlh WU' coeftl~tll, in ceNOC'9d dJepe~ ~ IOnV ftoy.,a Marine COl'DIDlftdol and paratroopen ..... within ltWl'l mll• of the defenalve pertm.ter establlahed by an 11t.lmated e,ooo Ar1entlne troops around the capital. The BrltUh DefeNe M~ had no comment, but Uid two ltarri4t1'1eta. hit dwin.l att.c:ka on Afaentlne military Lnatallationa in the Falklanda, have been loat "over the lut few daya.11 The rnin1atry uJd the pilota of both ditched Harriers ejected and were rescued by the Britiah. The m1niatry alao said an undilcloeed number o1 Harriers had flown to .lhe war mne to relnfon:e the 30 to 40 British jet fighters there. Sources in London said earUer' the British troops outaide Stanley' might delay their advance fot1 two or three days, unW troops• moving up from the west andi• eouthwest bring.the a.ault force- to 10me 4,000 men. ~.!1'.._f>.f."e ICBODIBBL l'cM-the llCOftd time ln two yeau, Oran1• County eupervilors are con1tderl111 an •UC'tkln u a meuw of cUstribUUna the •t jet de~permlt..a dally frOrn Jo Wayne Airport. Supervim posllbM auction.Ina at.ra ..... in a ca.ct ..... ~ -a day that also brou1tit a whirlwind of a4'DOrt actfvity on another frant. Late ln the day, Oranae County Superior Court Judie Bruce Sumner l11ued his lon,-await.ed final ~t in Newport Beach's 11.oce.fW leol challenge to the county'• plan loc- $ 100 million in airpo~t improvements. In a two pace rullni. Sumner ordered the 41-fllJzht per day cap to remain in effecf and laid down standards the county must follow before embarking on new airport projects. ~President Reagan Supel'VWn were scheduled to meet in closed ae11lon agaln today for further talu with airport offidals and attorneys on the auction proposal, and, poeaibly, Sumner's'ruling. Auctionlug of flightll to permit new entrantll accem to the airport WU dilculsed b)' county officials in 1980 after the Federal Aviation Admlniatratlon ruled that the county had discriminated a1ainst some aurlers wanting to begin eervioe at ..John Wayne.· .. departs for Europe WASHINGTON (AP) - ~t Reagan •t off today on I'Us tint F.u.ropean tri~ = office, ~ If to repraent the United tates and promising to try to bolster the unity of the major ind\.Wtrial democndeL Embark:iq on a lo.day tour, Reaon macM • farewell ..,eech to 200 top-.leY.el gove~men~ :·Coastline I : chief eyed Coast Community Colleae . District trustees are expected to select an interim president for Coastline Collep today du.dna a special meeting 1eheduled for 7 :30 p.m . in the dlatrlct headqu&rtera, 1370 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa. : The top post at Coastline will be , vacated July 1 by Bernard J. Luskin, who ls taking the same •• job at sia1er campus Ofan8e Colllt • C.ollege Jn Costa M-. . At Orange Coast, Luskin will • succeed Dr. Robert Moore, who ta •· retiring. Tlluncleretor111• produced ••••r• •••r•• anel flell In ~ ......... ~ ... Montana today • a tornado laudlecf "-t Ill Odlndo. ......... ,..,...., .... tlle ton!MO •• Wlclefy OCIOltefiOd tlMWOtl pre)'AllM Ovef' IN ........................... ll•rr• Novaela. Ttl•r• .-o .......................... "°'*' ~ ~ •. .....,,. '°""' canMlna. TNre ••r• ellowor• altcl a ••-' I fl 11 eel ore11 ow or• ••• r ..... ,. ........ Yen .. .... -c.f.., ....... .. , .... , •• d 110111 ............. , .............. ~.:: .... ~ .................... ... ~Ollar--...... ..,.. ........ ..-or .. Ul!M-. • j offidala, incJudlnl 'membera of the Cabinet, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and memben of CooBe8I who gathered ln the White Houae East Room. "I can only tell you. that I ahall be more proud than rve ever been of anythiq to be there ~Una-the "lJntt.ed Sates, th an opportunity once ap.ln to expreea to all of the world what it 11 "!e think we repraent, what it la we want for all the people of the world." be told hla cheering audience. Rea ga Q t be n f.lew by helicopter to Andrews Air FCJl'Cle Base, Md., and departed at mldmom1na on a fllabt that will reach Parl• •hortly before mktnJcbt in the French capital. The trip lnc:ludea vllitl to four countrtea and two tummlt meettna• -!.'!.~nomlc ~ In v om.Ide Plltl ....Sa NATO. ~. been DMliy • --of troubHn1 event• and uncertain~ mnona the aDim and ouneiw.. • the pn9ident said, "but todaY there fl a :suwtb of Uriity atd purpoae, I "hope that this trip will contribute to that and tncnue lt . ..- ~t the auctioning plan wu abandoned. Instead, A1rCal and Hughes Airwst (now Bepubllc Alrfines) agreed to yield porUooa of their fliaht allocatklm to make room for l'rontier Airlines and Wstem Alrllnel. AirCal and Republic later yielded more alotB to make way for Pacific Southwest Airllnel. Auctioning of flight. to the highest monetary bidder ta without P.eoedent in the Unit.eel States. And the airline ~ II against it, airport obeerYen say. An auction S)'ttem la being comldered ln respome to a U.S. Dht.rict Court dechlon overturning the county'• most recent attempt to develop a no{l-di•crlmlnatory plan to ~te which airllnea eervlce the airport Baker intercedes PEKING (AP) -U.S. Senate Majority L•ader Howard H . Baker said today he hat appMled to Chlne9e offidala to re1eue an American woman who bu been detained for alleged espionage. Fair days ahead ......... 11. ~ 1147 - T'::c:-a IO M 71 .. TlaOl'I .. . Tlllla .. . W~ II M 1.11 MaMa 10 M .15 CMRNIA .......... ., .. .,.. .. ~ 17 .. ff9MO n 11 ~ nu LoeM91M 10 .. ....... " ........., . ....... .. OlellMd .. 13 ,_...._ n" ......... 11 11 • ...,._,Clly IO ......... n" ..._ • MIO ... Clleeo 10 .. au.~ MIO ........ 47 ....... ==-if IO II .. IO • • • &tended loreiait . . ,,,, .......... . MAIL CALL -Three residents of Tracy Mo. ~from left. Darlene Comer, Brenda Al.sept and Linda Coulter) pic.k up the mail at their roadside mailbox -which ls just barely visible above floodwaters. Some residenta say they will stay until water forces them to leave. Pope greets -00,000 Welsh ' Pontiff prays for peace in Falklands conflict CARDIFF, Wales (AP) -to gyda chwl" -"In the name of In recent years. Pope John Paul Il, winding up the Father, the Son and the Holy A male choir sang a traditiona.i his historic six-day .tour of Splrit, the Lord be with you." Welsh tune, "We•n keep a Britain, 1reeted 100.000 Many of dMlee __ .i __ the welcome in the hil1mdea, we'll wonhipen today ln the ancient --..... keep a weloome in the valell." .. Wel•h langua1e and made a ~ U':ved yellow~ nags the pontiff got out of the tr..h plea for peece "in ~ -~ dftcmi ol the helicopter be uaed for the abort place where human blood la Welsh. hop from Cardiff'• airport to abed." •icn-u I Gymru -Welcome celebrate Mau in Pontcapna • Th e po n t l f f , w ho ha• to Wales," read many slam. in a Fields, a 60-acre park. repeatedly prayed for a dlaplay of the Welah-ltnr"ab >.. h · ... _ _. done. in 111.. ... 1ft-..11 settlement to the Falklands blllnsuallam that hu ~me Seo~;;;; every 0~~ conflict between Bri~ain l!nd mandatory in public notices in he visits, the pope kileed the Argentina. included a refet:mce this prloclpallty, the alte of ground when he stepped from to the Iran-Iraq war in the resu,raent national.lat 9entiment liis plane at the airport. hmnily of a Mus at Cardiff's ~::0: :. tboee w~ Be-verses ruling have died in conf1kt thnJucbout the world, ln the oonflJct in the ~=~~.!':~ Valley takes helm abed. n be aid. John Paul bepn bJa homily b h I ~':cs.~ =-:.::pinohf!':; on us s e ters greeea the people ot Wales for the lint time in tblb' beauUful land. .. He mncbMled .. nmub in Welab: "Y a enw'r Tad, a'r Mab, a'r Yabr'yd GJ.m. yr Arstwydd a Pay .raise ~ue county employees? Followln1 a marathon barlainlnl seulon that began Monday morning, Oran1e County aovernment n.ched a tentative contract agreement Tueeday that will mean a 7.8 percent ralae for about 7 ,000 county employeea. Tbe ODe-yeal' J*t WU re.ched with ~ barp1n1nc unit. of._tbe Orange County Employees Amociatian foUowtna 22 .boun of ' nel(otiatlona, said county Personnel Director ·Russell Patton. Bupininc unitl CIOWftd by the propcmd contnct are the genitral unit, which covers m.,..llaneolJI county penmmel. county clerical employeee. court derka, aupervtlory manapment penonnel and the operaUna and eerv1ce mam1enance un1t. isauan said. The ratification proce99 had not yet been rheduled, but la expected to tab beCween a week and 10 day.. be said. The 7.8 pwoen1 a1ary bike foUowa a 5.3 percent rai8e county emp)oye9 were lfUlted earlier thi• year under p.-oviJlou of their oJd contr.ct. The averaee salary fm county tmployeea la $10 an hour, Patten alid. - Final detaila, lndudina what bnp9ct the eetdement will haw on the county budaet. were to be announced. late today. Orance County employs about 10,000 anplorJw on a tun-time bMll. awurdblc to PaUIOD. • Revenlna ui earlier decision. the l'oun~ Valley Oty Council bM decided that the city ltaelf - not local WYlct CJl'lllnbadona - ahaWd ...... for comtrucdoo ol local bUI llbelterL Ma)'OI' Mamn Adler' aid Jeea1 problema baye materialized ooncemiDC the ooundl'• May 19 declakJn to seek bid8 from all ,,.,,,,,untiy sroui-intel'ested Jn admlnl•terln1 the •helter ~the eerUer plan. a civic group could have ahu'ed in the revenue generated by bua abelt.er advertlalng. Under the new propoul adOpted Tueeday night, the city will retain thele tunas. Initially, the Fountain Valley c;hamber of Commerce had ~ the council with a to adminiat.er the bua abelt.er prosr8m in COOjleJ'8don with the city. The chamber said the money it received from shelter advertising would go to local projecta •uch u ita "Shop in FOWltain Valley" campatcn. However, aeveral council members objected to the chamber be1nc llincJed out foe-· financial benefits. The council then decided to open the biddinc to all local eervlce groups.. Councilmaii Ben Nlel9m said be would vote for the latest propou1 -with the city teekinc bicfa directly from shelter companies -if the council agreed to consider oompematina the chamber for 80IDe of ita local services. The council said it would amsidel' that notion at a lat.er date. The reWed &belt.er propc:-.1 waa •J>Pl"OVed; by unanimoualy. .. Ocean View High picks ·pepsters ,, New pepaten have tfeen telected at Ocean View Hilb School in Huntincton Beach: Sona leaden: Mle•ene Beld, S•elU Gedla1, Lita eoab.rdt, Cahllae L••ea, Bevaaa Grl1bal1. Tami Mat•laa, Set•me MWer and Saette sn.c. . V~ty. ~ 1Mden: lteW Alldenoa, artsUae AaiMey. Jactie P'rMt, Kim ~ Ttu Ueta. Men.la McC•UY, J•lle Speur and Am .... ,... ...... Junior vanity yell leadeb; Enie ~ Teraa ' Dam--. Beeb FleltUlu. Lee Aaa Ber'•••· Jaaet ~ SIM!rt O'Neil. lA&t Taaaer, Llaa Tayler, .J••l TwUletM ... J.-Wattl. I 1 I IW:~rdersuspeetnahbed ,,. Ex-city employee charged .in sbooting,death· By TM Associated Preu WU Huokl w. Lana. 31, • er\'\~ .c the d'Y'• LAPORTE. Ind. -An ex-dty employ• who MW*&e trtetment pl.Mt for,~w }'9UI. Kew.. tncs W• ftted ~ he quarreled with hJa IUpervtlor about a month aao, PollCit ~ Larry M1ller ..Jd. wu ch&rpd toct.y with CriUcally wound1na Mayor · Lana, who Uvee abOut a half-mile f.rol'1 the Aloy1lu1 J. Rumely Jr. and klUJn1 hf1 wlft, rancb-1tYle home where Rwne!y and hb wife aut.!iortues aa.ld.. Francell. were ahot two days -ao. wu be1n8 held at Charged with murder and attempted murder the oounty jail. · · Court restores air bag rule WASHINGTON -'The Reagan admirilatratlon has been ordered to reconsider lta dedlion to throw out a rule requiring that new can be equipped with air baas or automatic aeat belta. . The U.S. c.ourt of Appeala for the Diatrict of Colwnbla on Tueeday termed the adminiatration'a action ln ~ the rule last October "arbitrary and capracloU., ' but noted the case Involved senslUve laaues surrounding a "politically controversial safety 1tandard." . The rule, iuued under the CJrter administration and approved by C.Ongress, required that beginning with the 1983 models, aome can had to be equipped with the automatic reetrainta to protect J>a*ngera 1n craahes. By 1984, all new autos would have required the safety devkee. Court uphol~s ~gnew convictit;)n . . , ANNA.POLIS, Md.-... Former Vice J>re9ident Spiro T. Agnew haa 1oet another round in his battle to avoid paying the state $248,735 for kickbacks he allegedly took from engineering consultanta while governor. A three-judge ))ianel of the c.ourt of Special Appeals affirmed on Tue.day a circuit court ruling . . that Agnew owed the atate $147,500 he waa paid by the oonaultanta, plua $101,235 ln interest. Thomu R. Harrt.on, lawyer for the fonner vice president. haa an u.nl1sted number and could not lSe reached for comment on the rul.lna Tuesday. Agrvew has refuaed to dl9cuss the case afuce It wu filed 1n 1973. } Bombs explode near U.S. firm ATHENS, Greece -Two bombs exploded today outside two offices of the American Honeywell Corporation in an Athens bwinesa distJ1ct, causing 90IDe damage but no casualties, police said. The blast.a at about 4 a.m. blew out windows and damaged fittingi but cauaed no structural d.amue, a company spokesman aaid. 'We are open aa uaual." he said. Goldwater raps CornHJunist China TAIPEl, Taiwan -Sen. Barry M. Goldwater, R-Ariz., said today that Commwmt China "11 constantly trying to bully the United Staees into · abandoning Taiwan" and wanta to tum Taiwan into a provinCe of China. Goldwater made his remarka at a monthly luncheon of the Taipei American Chamber of Commerce. Goldwater, a stron1 1uppor1er ol Taiwan, aDL'U8ed the U.S. State Department of "lltill llvina in a fantMy world," and cited the cue of a hJgh department official who refused "to term Commuru.t China a dlctatonhip,'' inateed, call.lng it ••a friendly country.'' • Archdiocese receives royalties LOS ANGELES -The Roman Catholic archdioceae of Loe Angeles geta a 2 percent royalty from the nation's largest publisher of rellgioua textbooks In exchange for permission to market those materials in Los Angeles churches and achools, the National Catholic Reporter said in a . ' copyright story. • Magr. Benjamin J . Hawkes, vicar general ·1n charge of finances tor. the -archdiocese, conflnned~ the arrangement in an inte rview with th e newspaper. Swiss HJan nabbed with te~h gear • l , LOS ANGELES -Bail has been aet ·at $1 million for a Swtsa citizen arrested at Los Angeles International Airport carrying twO suitcasee stuffed with high-technology teating equipment. and oommunicationa systems. Ke9ler didn't .have the required Commerce Department permit. . • Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday, June 2, 1882 H/F Al INJURED -Aileen Quinn, 10, star of the movie "Annie," suffered a broken elbow ln a bicycle mishap thta .week. She underwent surgery Monday and waa listed in satisfactory conditlo~ today. 'Review' lacking in sex class LONG BEACH (AP) California State University Chancellor Glenn S. Dumke haa complained of a lack of campus a c ademic reviews for a psychology professor whose cour&e offered students credit for group sex and gay encounters. · Dr. Barry Singer, 38, waa suspended with pay for a month last Wedne&day after he revealed h e had been "-romantically involved" with students In his "Psychology of Sex" class at Cal State Long Beach. A cJ.a.. review already waa under,1ay, but a faculty committee had reaimmended no changes ln Singer'1 ooune once be agreed to drop eX1raCWTicu1ar sex u a credit option. Other credit options included ctre.l.ng In drag to ~t gay hangout.t and vialting !'ivorce court• or marriage encounter groupL County's jobless rate • remains same The jobless rate in Orange County in April remained unchanged at 6.1 percent, according to state Employment Development Department figures released Friday. The rate however , wa1 substantially hiaher than the 4 percent rate in Aprll · 1981, the EDD said. "No appreciable hnprovement is expected" in the upcoming ~ months, the EDD said. "Seaaonal gains 1n trade and service• during the summer months will be offle1 by the usua l decline in school e mployment, and further manufacturing.layoffa," it said. _ About 2,000 manufacturing )>be wett'Jost in April, the report noted. The number of persons out of work was 72,300, out of a labor force of 1.2 million, the report said. Fire r e tardant Builders hit roofing plan BY JEJ'F ADLER or-..,_.,,......,. An Ora.nae County ordinance that would require flame retardant rooflna on all "lew 1tructure1 in unincorporated areae of the county drew fire Tueaday from the Orange County chapter of the Building Industry Ataodation. In questioning the need for the ordinance belng considered by th e Orange County Board of Supervt.on, Philip Bettencourt, the BIA'• executive director, said the county's preeent ordinance requiring l1ame retardant roofing ln parts of the county bordering bruahlands provides adequate fire safety. Bettencourt said that if the propoeed ordinance is paaaed, it would increase the cost o f a typlcal single-family home In the county by about $2,000. ''That's a fairly subetantial cost," he told superviaors. Before the measure is adopted, Betten court urged c ounty of fidals to 8&'le&ll what impacta the proposed ordinance might have. He said areas to be examined are the ordinance's impact on bouaing oosts, whether it will reduee the rates homeowners pay for fire in.surance and whether it will decrease the incidence of fire in the county . Flnal action on the ordinance, being considered ln the wake of the disastrous Anaheim fire April 21 , is expec ted .when the supervisors meet June 8. While the BIA 's Orange County chapter was q~ the need for such an ordinance, however, the Building Industry Auociation of Southern California is expected to· paaa a policy statement later this week. endorsin g the use of fire retardant r ooftns_ in all new conatruction. aaid Harry Lorber I a BIA apokesman. The Building Indu1try Auocia ti on of Southern California i1 composed of 11 chaptera, including its Orange ~pter. aaid the BIA'• Orange County chapter 11 oppoalng edopUon of the policy statement by the auoclatlon'i executive boerd. .. They're concerned abo\lt the COit to the eubli:>:flo!;,;b~J ='*' 'fJta a they"ve been bit bUder than tl\e building in dustry in ot.be'I' ,.,-eu." He addec:L. "We're f o r affordable housing, just like they are, but we're for Sale, affordable housing.'' Also commenting on the propoaed ordinance before the county Board of Supervisors Tuesday was Bob Milke n , representing the shake and ·cedar shingle industry. Mitten told supervisors that wood-roofed houses offer reslden1a a safety factor they have n.ot taken int'o coruideration. He said wood roofing allows fires to vent, relUsi.ng dangerow guea and smoke from the h~'• interior. "I would urge the board to consider the safety factors on \he other aide of the ooln," Mitten said. However, his presentation was contested by Assistant Chief Robert H~y. of the Orange County Jl'lte Department. 'tlJbere II no evidence a wood lhlnele roof II ul.er than other roof.:,'' Hennel9ey aald. Referrinl to a federal report which pro6ed the M.llel of the Anaheim fire, Henneuey aaid both weather condltlon1 and combu1tlble roofing matertal.9 were d ted for the rapid 1pread of flames throuah the many apanment bui1dlnp that burnt!d. "We can't do anythlns about the weather, but we certalnly can do some thing about the combultible roof laaue,'' the fire official remarked. Independent roofing contractor Alec S outh of Orange also addressed supervisors on the propoeed measure. South contended that the ordinance would not iocreUe the cost of howling In the county because fire retardant roofing products a r e available at comparable costs to wood or shake shingles. He said the BIA contention that the ordinance would raise building coe1a In the county was a scare tactic on the part of the BIA and a "t o tally e rrone ous statement." Court e y e s disinissal of jurist ByCAROLYNSKORNECK . ... ~· ... ,,_.,..., The California Supreme Court is considering whether or not San Diego Municipal Court Judge Lewis Wenzell should be diamiaeed after he was convicted in Orange County of soliciting proetituCes. Judge Wenzell, 40, w on a change of ve nue to Harbor Munk:ipal c.ourt on grounda that be couldn't get a fair trial in San ~County. & eight-woman. four-man jury in the Newport Beach court found· him guilty last Oct. 9 on five misdemeanor counts of hiring women for sex. Three charges involved a woman wbo te1tified to her five-year re1ationsb.ip with the bachelor ju dge. Other charges involved two prostitutes who worked for a call girLrtng. .,. Judge Wenzell alleaedJ.y had written checks for the women's services. " California's Commission on Judic ial P e rformance in December recommended that Wenzell be suspended without pay pending the outcome of his appeal, and dismissed if his conviction is upheld. The high court must decide whether to act Oil that suggestion. T h e p ro1ec utor, Deputy Attorney General J . Richard Haden, introduced as evidence copies of five checks Wenzell wrote in amounts ranging from $80.50 to $150. Haden said the ~paid by credit card. Weiizell, who was sentenced to 60 days ln jail. continues to draw his annual $57 , 776 s alary although he has not heard cues since Oecember. ' Alllstant U.S. Attorney Bruce Merritt said Albert Franz Ke.ler, 39, WU chaued Tueeday with attempting to illegally export $~.ooo worth of aophisticated equipment for eesting missile, radar An affidavit by Custom. Agent Dick Roberta said the 107 ~eces of equipment 1n Ke9ler's suitcases were 'controlled for reuona of national ------------------------------------- security.'' Chief Gates accepts reprimand ' LOS ANGELES -Police Chief Daryl Gaees sa)'W he will not liiht an official reprimand fpr aving said black• may respond to police chokeholcls differently from "nonnal people." But Gates maintained that the statement whk:h prompted Tueeday's apparently unprecedented diacipltnary action by the Board of Police iiiyliiat Tllomu P. HMw 1 ,.-. .... a.wt..-o... CommiMionen waa qooted out of oontext by the Loe Angeles Times in a 1t.ory that Gates termed ''inaccurate.•• ''The Times in my judgmt!nt baa done me and the entire community a great diaervice,'' Gatea said. Ex-boxing figure given t 0 years , Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Certified Gemo1"6i•t. AGS GOLD 18 THE MEASURE ol /tllMle &w. W'-'tlt Omega 14K gold and quartz. FOR GRADUATION DAY Thete 14K gold quanz 11mep1eces are hand-crafted 1n Omega's 134·ye8f tradition at Swiss watchmaking. Each with a hlghty precise miniaturized quaru move: ment Each with elegant 14K gotd textured bracelets One with 24 spar1d1ng diamonds. And all eicquis1tety br1lhan1 From top· $895, *795, 81900. I , • • Al Archive Corp. I awarded pact Archive Corporation of c.o.ta Ma. hll bem awarded a tl milllon oon.tnct from~ Compute:rl. Inc., Santa Clara. Plexua wlll incorporate the 20 meaabyte lntelllgent 8Jdewtnder W-tnch stremn1AI certnda tape driv. lnto P/25 minicomputera. 'Ibe 8'dewindir will back up ~inch Wlnchester d1ak driw. wttb 22, 38 or 72 mepbytee of formatted capldty. Swedlow sets record sales Swed.low Inc. of Garden Grow achieved record aales and net tnooroe for the ft.cal year ended M.arc:b 28. Net income 1ncreued 51 pen:ent to tl,710,000, er tl.38 per share, from $1,131,000, or 91 centa, ln the prior year. Swedlow Inc. la a manufacturer of proprietary acrylic and armor products for a variety of lnill'81')' and QOCnmerdal appllcations. Record home closing noted The Irvine C-ornpany repe>rted that ita residential commUn1Ues in the dtiee of Irvine and Newport Beach captured a record Iha.re of new-bome clcwlnp in 80Utheut Orange County durln& the ftnt quart.er. Donald E. Moe, director of marketlnl for the finn'a oonununity development divilion, noted that the 193 new-home clOlinp repreeented 31 percent of all aa1ee in the arai 80Uth of the Santa AN River Including the SaddJeback valley. The clOl1nga repreRnted an over the final quarter of 1981. Real estate seminar due Realt« Jim Wood will apeak at a real estate aympoaium he'a titled, "What's Going On Out There," June 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the IrVtne Coast Country Club, 1600 E. Cout Highway, Newport Beach. Wood is founder of Unique Homes, Inc. For information, call 675-6000. Taylor Realtors list sales Ron Taylor, president of R.C. Taylor Company Realton. Irvine, announced that aa April 30 bia firm had a salel and liat1ng total for the prior 30 days of ~ mill kn • Tbeae were reached through activities in corporate beedquarten and bnncb office9 in Palm Sprinel, Rancho Mirage and Newport Beach. Accounting for the highest sales fully were re.ldential salel in the cte.ert area and Oranp QKmty. Well$ Fargo officer f ~atured Cantne young, em:row edmlnistraUon officer for Wells ra..., Bank'• t!9CZVW .mce._ will be the speaker at tbe June 1e meednc ol the Southern California chapter 12 of Certified Commercial lnveatmmt Memben.. The meednB wW be held at. the Airport.er' Inn. ~ lotonnation, call.(21S) 94J..S'17l. .. County firm gets order England-hued Digitec Corp. haa l'icned an initial order f« 50 copies of 'lUnin-bued DynamJc c.oooepU' BlTS• operattnc ayst.em with plans to export the 90ftware into the Ml~ FAit. STOCKS IN THE. SPOTLIGHT DOW .JONES JYERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORKlN'I FINI~ -,., T\Mdllr, .NA 1. STOCICS a.. 0. • '""' °='Ao) :r. t1't:a tw."-4.SJ » Tm JI0.21111.H 111.M SH.J1-.. 1S Utl 110.lt 111.JI •.a Ill.»-... 65 5a 1".64 121.JI nu1 ,.._ UI ~'::' :.:-..r::::.:·:.:·::::.:·: ~ utllt .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 1,J'JlNI 6S StlL .... .. .... • .. .. • .. .. .. • S,Hl.M WHAT STOCKS DID NEW VO..K IAPI JWI. I METALS Tlla ,.. = 1:1 ~. 1 a • • c...., 11M-11 oentt • pound, u.a. dlMIMtlona. ~ 3'27 cenw • pound. 111M1 as ~ta • powtCt. dlllwWICI. ft! M.2M3 ....._ Wtlll OOl'o4)0Me lb. Al I • ,.11 Oii!'* I point, N.Y • ..._, A70.00 I*..._ ...... aM..00 tror Cll., N.Y. I ' AT THE TOP -Tobin Tiller, left, of Snyder-Langston Construction Company, and Gene Hoggatt of Trammell Crow Company, review blueprints· atop five-story structure which ia one of two buildings topped out thia month as the $100 million Clauset Centre starts to take shape on a I•.6-acre site at Harbor and Maic:Arthur Boulevards in Santa Ana. To-wn says . 'ptooey' to plans Virginia city rejects nuclear evacuation plan WEBSTER SPRINGS, W. Va. (AP) -Plans to make this little town a nuclear-war oasis fetl through, but some would-be evacuees came here anyway to taste the tobacco and IJ)lt a 9J>ell. Tiny Webster Springs, population 1,000, had b een designated the host city for about 19,000 Alexandria, Va .. residents in caae of a nuclear attack on the nation'• c.apital. • The idea was roundly djsmlmed as imprdcal, and tbe Ale.xandrla City Council eventually rejected it. But organizers of the annual Webster Springs Woodchopping Featival aelz.ed the opportunity for a little publicity by inviting their Vindnla neJ.ghboni to come up for a fook around. ' Several did, including Vice Mayor Jim Moran, making the HAlllOI uw ..... MT. OUVI Mortuarv • Cemeterv Crtmalorv ·1625 G11ler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 seven -hour backwoods trip by car. ''This is the most civilization rve aeen since I left Alexandria, .. Moran aid as he arrived. Minutes lat.er, Moran had been talked into jlllltering the tobacco spitting contest. ~•Just wad up a bunch, stick it in your jaw and start chewing," festival master of ceremonies Bill Gillespie told Moran. "When it comes t1me to spit, ~ou can U8e two fingers and go ptooey,' or just lean back and let it n ." . Moran was a novice at tobacco spitting bu~. using the lean-back-and-let-fly approach, shot a pro~ 21 feet, 7 inches. That was good enough for third place. Then he became ill from the tobacco juice. • Alter his stomach settled, DEVINE ,_Cl llOTHllS HU.•OADWAY MOITUAIY 110 Broadway eo.taMesa 642·9150 REV A E . DEVINE, an early resident of Laauua ae.ch, Ca. & the J.-30 yeatl ln Santa Ana. Ca. Born October 7, 1908 in Fowler. Colondo. P....ct away June 1. 1882. Memori•l tervlce will be held Frida.y, June 4. 1982 at 12 noon, Holy Family Cathedral in ~. Ca. Moran was led to the reviewing st.and where Webster Springs official• read a statement roclaiming the day ''Alexandria ~y" and calling for the town. to become sister cities. Moran said the evacuation plan, which Webster Springs residents called "hilarious," was "terriblt! ... "It didn't take into consideration all the practical things that people would have to do in a nuclear emergency,'' he said. "For example, the plan had everybody in town evacuating out Duke Street, which ls the slowest road in the city. "But if you've got to have a nuclear holocauat," Moran aaid aa he scanned the green hills surrounding Webster Springs, "I think this la the place to sit it out." 'T I ~ ..... I ...... SulTOUnd ~rMtf with ~ • tlomel. Newly remode6ld a Bdrm twn11y room, marble floora, ttOM f!PIO. fentHllO terms. &:ltgant Harb9r Wencl Rd location. Thll s.ct ~ .. pttced right at tH0,000. 751-3181 c::::. ,t ' ' ' ~'"1•1•••1' ... " ..... ......... 3 bdrm, 2 beth College Perk home. 8paclou1 rooma ~. New pool & apt, BBQ, covered petlo. Oteat for 141te If· ternoon & evening get logethera. Very pvt. baclcywd. AMlng $141, 500. Cell: ~2313 tMil"1 PAii L9I 3 bdnna, 21h batN condo near pool. $146,000. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR 1-l' Boy,•d•· D• ... -. !l bl~ biol LIWILI 11111 tae,500. You won't M- litY9 thll IOYtly 2 bdrm TUdor. Bull wtttl Pftdt of WOfilmanltllp of *· Bia IMng room & French oa111ng, bt'MkfU1 room, tonmll din rm, ~ ullllty rm. lg. picture wlndowa. BIQ backyard with 880. Try VA. Celt: ~2313 THE REAL ESTATE RS THE REAL ESTATERS And out about the t1'Ql:I .-nlng .......... ,e .... cw.. oppot1Wlltltt wtth THE REAL ESTATEf'S. Llcenalng 1chool '"' compllltell7 l"lfund8* to tchooC o ~r cholot. ~ ll6tt trtilnlno. 8"YW--meet9--.... --.... --an For Information, cell effective ct ... lfltd ed. 751-t1t1 142-6171 . 5'1 DOWNJ UIMIPlll'" YILUIE 2 & 3 M Townhomtl Cotta Meta lncludtl ewry amenity lmtQlnilbltl FROM t137,050 FUm. Model Open 11 to 5 Delly. Avocedo .. ,.,,.._ Rd. 141-Ull --1-Extra .... ~2 ~lot. ,.,..., ... __ U15,000 ..... ..,,,.,.. ..• .,. .111-..... lllllT aLllEI 131·1291 ~ Walker & Lee l ". ·, I r Ji : C ' I AfSlllENllAl REAl ESTATE ~RVICES ---. '41'-SpectaeW.u-New Bedford 4 BR, family room. 2 flreplacee & view from llvin1, kitchen & dining rooma. Vaulted ceilinga. Utility room. Master aufte. Gated community wlth awlmmi'!& & tennl.a facilities. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 .UllllU llPLD-M ... ,..... .. ...,1 ...... ..... hut h111 •I" I .... 1 •:;. =.·=ot :::,~:· :.:.::· .. ..... aw,1111,;_....,.._= ...................... __ _ ::=" • .......... . ........ . WATERFRONT HOMES.t'llc Ht.\I TOK' """ ... " f(, ... , •• ·-t• :!11111 \\ C....i lloo , .... ,."' K-.. h 831-1400 ( ,, '"" ~· .. l4 ........ 1fW'4 "\• s.it-. .. hlo••I \ (>I l / 111:' /( 'l • ...... ···' ., .. , •• \ I >I l I 1/ /:'If 8'. 1~ ea. 2 atcwy, pool, upgr9dtl. 106' Cc>rlocwd St. $155,000. Term1 . 545-3847 J PETE BARRE Tr REALTY , 'ti: Macnab -Irvine, 11. .. \ , f • I I , f f "' • ~ ~ I I ..... _ ....... "" P&1101'amlc ,,, •• OD Newport Bey ead PecUk Ocean. Prime IDca1kn. 0.. M00.000 °' _.... fllllmdnl. • Beet .Vllleble lot OD ._. •1.aoo.000. {11•) 780-1900 .. J I ~ .. ... ' ... . .• ··' .\>\ d I .,., ·~ f ..., n .,, ,, . .) IS •<! "'':' I .... ~ ... v: " ~ .. • J Bw ITBVE MITCllBLL or .. ..., ........ ~ a.ch II lllkbur. the the NuclMr Rel\llat.ory c.omniilllon : to extend tile 10-mile radJua ot the emeraency J>lanninQ zone for the San Onofre Nuclear Generatina Station to include the dty. The City Council voted unanimoualy Tuesday to draft · three reaolutlona to the NRC reprdin« the San Onofre plant, loiated three miles south of San Clemente, and about 1& mne. from Lquna a.ch. The action came at the reque1t of the North Luuna Community AllociaUon, wfilch 11e>ught the council's 1upport for requ'ettl to theNRC. • tn addition to extendlns the emeraency plannlna zone to include Laguna Beach, the City Council alao aaked the NRC to require operaton of the nuclear aeneratlng 1tatlon to provide money to Laguna Beach for warnina =:nt and for ,eYllC'Uatlon and pnctke clrilla. The dty will alao write to Gov. Brown'• office to uk the state to request extenllon o1 the 10-mile radJua of the emerpncy r.one to include Lquna. The reeolutlon alao aeeka an MRC requirement that "completion o' all u:,::, prooedu.rea. lncludfnc the af prooe911n any of the (thn!e units British artillery in range 0 H A NC f C 0 lJ N I V L. A l I ~ 0 H N I A :1 '1 C E: N T S at San On of re, (.be a requirement) before allowlna them to operate with nuclear fuel." And the coundl uka that the NRC 0 re-evaluate the vaaue 1tatu1 of Laauna Beach a• a ahelter area and re--the evacuation route carrying capacity, 1peclflcally, that an independent analysis be conducted taktna into con1ideratlon future growth projections based on recent ceftlUS data. •• The North t..,una c.ommuntty AAlloclatlon board told council membera the city i1 located outside the radlu1 cu~~ently mandated by the NRC, aJt.boUgh 1tate aaencies recommend a 20-mlle 1adlu1 and a federal report calh for a 30-mtle evacuation zone. 'I1le .-dation board al.lo aaya they object to emergency 1helterlna .beltll lcocated In Luuna se.ch 1n the ewnt of an eccldent at Su\ Onofre "without con1ultatlon wlth the City Council of Lacuna Beach" and without public beartnea by the county'• emergency management ~vilion. • The City Council l&ld it will oonstder a fourth request by the a.odatlon -that of aetUng up a panel to draft a ttalittJc dimter plan -ln late July. Guns pounding Port ~tanley County. pay hike granted Following a marathon bargalnlng aession that began Monday morning, Orange County government reached a tentative contra~t agreement Tueeday \hat wm mean a 7.8 percent raiae tor about 7 ,000 county employees: Major battle looms By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 British artillery hammered Argentine positions in the Falkland Islands capital of Stanley today and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said there was nothing more she could do to avert a major baftle. "I don't think there is 'Ille one-year pact was reached wjth lix bargaining unite of the Orane County Employees Alllociation fol.lowing 22 houri of neiotiationa, said_ cou_nty Peraonnel Director Russell Patton. . anything more I can do," Mrs. Barpinlng unita covered by the ~ amtnct are the gene;.\Ulit, which coven milceDMf'!OW county penmmel. county clerical employeee, court clerks, 1Upervi8oey manllgement ~ and the operatina and W'Vlca maintenance unit, Yatton aakl . The ratiftcatlon procea had not yet been ICbeduled, but ii expected to take between a week and 10 days, be said. The 1 .e percent aa1ary bike follows a 5.3 percent ral8e county employees were granted earlier tbia year under provision.a of slSetr old contract. The average ~ for county e:f:tloyeea ia •10 an hour, Patton . toro pilot's J>uzzfng rap ara~ probe /\n incident 1n wh.k:h an El Toro Marine pilot buzzed sleepy ~for as long as 15 minutes JllDnday, will be investipted by ~ orpnizations. · i\. spokesman at El Toro Identified the pilot as Capt._ Dan C. Herman, 27, who is attached to Marine Attack Squadron ~11 at u. air station. AnFY raidenta 1n Alpine, a llftaJ) mountain village eut of El <=ajon, reported the Marlne'a ~ aerial antics on Memorial Dly. · WltlJeeles u1d the pilot flew hil A-4 Skyhawk jet "lower than the boulf9,.. .. be purportedly ~ .. hit slrlfrlend'• hou9e 1n an effort to say hello. I NATION LAGUNA WEDDING-World c1ua track..atai:.Edwin Moeea and Myrella Bordt, a fashion designer, were married ~onday at nvoll Terrace on the La£u!l8 Beach Festival of Arts grounds. Moses, wlio llves in Million Viejo, aet the world record in the 400 meter hurdles in 1980. He alao was a gold medalist in the 400 meter hurdles at the 1976 01,YDlpics in Montreal For the birds . Laguna council quits early It was 6:15 p.m. when the small bird flew into the middle of the Laguna Beach City Cound.l meettna, flutterin8 around the chambera ln an elfort tO find a way ouL One council membet wa1 droniJ\8 on about cro.wallm as his peen, and a small audience, watched the bird'• futile attempta to correct its error. The tired bird finally spotted a 2 Texans resc~ed SAN DIEGO (AP) -A U.S. Coll& Guard helicopter plucked two abil)Wl'eCked 1'exans off a de.ertecf Baja California ~. likely perch from which to gather strength for another e9Cape try. It pJcked the minute hand on the large clock ln the oouncil chambers. But the bird'• weight was too much for the minute hand, which promptly .Upped down to 6:30 p.m., sending the visitor scurryinc out an open door and cuttlna 15 mtnutea off the evenina· "That bird'• on our 1ide1" quipped one oouncilman, perhaps ant1dpeting a Jona meetin.g. The meettna adjourned at 0:30 p.m. Or WU It 9:15? I COUNTY GOOd humor laeldbs. ' Thatcher said in an interview with Britain's Independent Television .News. In a separate BBC interyiew, ahe aaid the 'decisive battle for Stanley could not be avoided unlela Argentina undertook "to withdraw -within the neX$ 10 to 14 days, then there would be no need for a battle." But she added: "I could never see that he (Argentine President Gen. Leopoldo Galtieri) would withdraw. That view turned out to be right. I am not very optimistic now but one never loses hope." At the United ·Nations, where an Argentine military delegation wu dispatched in an 11th-hour bid to find a peaceful solution, Ambassador Noe 1 Dorr of· Irelahd said Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar told the Security Council he had failed ? to make progress toward a cease-fire. (See PALJU.AND, Pqe A!) Fire hazard areas closed Brush areas of Laguna Beach will be closed to the public beginning June 15, and won't be reopened until there ia auffident rain to reduce the fire hazard. Laguna Beach Fire Chief Ron Adami said llgna will be posted on open areas within town to warn potential viaitora to stay away. Mapa denoting 1pecific ~ are available at the fire department, 501 Forest Ave. Adami said violation of the fire clOIUN code la a miademeanor. Mt Lon9 Don Two~ isters ~....-.<"' Mt ,~~~II~~?:'·-~-C ,~-;s-:L'Sll~~~~~~ ASSAULT ON STANLEY -Latest reports ihdicate British artillery~)' la pounding Argentine positions at the capital of StanleY (twin arrows). British have already captured Mount Kent (circle) and are assaulting Two Sisters Ridge (small arrow).. Has Argentine army stockpiled napalm? LONDON (AP) -With outraaed headlines, some British newepapera bannered claims today that Argentina atockpiled napalm -a-n incen3iar cbemlcal wh.k:h bu.ma fle8h -on the Falkland . Araent.lna called the-claims ''totally falle." Other British papen &aid that Brttieh tl'ooPI have al.lo used a controvenial weapon -delayed reaction cluster bomb• -in attack• against Argentine positions. Calling for another Geneva conference to outlaw "horrific'' weapona, London'• Standard newspaper declared: "The Americana dropped thouaanda of tom of napalm oYel' Vietnam. Britllb troopa in the Falkland• are-ualn1 cluster bombs and white pho.phorus bomba. "Not unle11 the enUre world aaroeet to outlaw and destroy all IUCh borrWc weapons wt11 there ~ hope of e1tabl11hlng rule&" • - A aenlor government source aid that the repart.ed dia'OYery by Britiah trQOpl of 0,000 pllonl of napalrn at the. .r,ecaptured Gooae Green aettlement wu INDEX likely to harden British public opinion. Defense Ministry spokesman I an M.c D o na l d a a i d • • a considerable amount" of napalm was found at Gooee Green. ·He could not confirm ·reports that Argentine warplanes drop~ two napalm bombs, which missed, on advancing paratroopers who recaptuttd the settlement Friday. "We have no reports of it belnc u1ed ... Current evidence suggests the tank.a and bombs may have been designed for u. with napalm, but It's a long way from in~caUons to proof," said McDonald. Britllh correspondents on the Falklands reported Tuesday night leeing the :;rlm stored in 89 tanb, fu8ed rady for .... by Argentine Pucara ground-au.ck aircraft. complete with ln1truction manuafa ln Spaniah. Michael Nichoho11, corre1pondent for Britain'• lndependent Televllion News, quotlng unidentified Bdtbh commanders, Mid two napalm bomba were dropped on advancing peratroopen. t 11 I I I 1 1 Dorr aald the 1ecretary·1•neral told a cloaed-door me•tlf\I dl the 16-natton body that delplt. the a•P ln poeltiona •pal'atlna Argentina and Britain, he remained available to continue hls peace eftoe1a. ' Britain'• land commandm' ln r the South Atlantlc terrtt«Y, Maj. :o Gen. Jeremy Moore, .ad MUah l ~ \rOOpl htd betwl ahelllni Araentlne poaltlona around \he , heavily defended capital. t "We have ac>t very Cl°"9 ln and ·• we are beginntna to epply . pre11ure to the main enernr, PC>Utiona throughout Stanley,' Moore said ln an interview carried by the Britilh Broadcaltin2 Corp. "Clearly rm goina to build up that pressure," he added. The Bri tlsh troops ~ho captured the high ground overlooking Stanley on Tueeday were expected to. launch a final assault unless the Argentines surrender. Brttlah WU com11pondent1, ln t-eNOred cllaPtt.chili aa1d eome Royal Marine ~'and perauoopen were Wlth&ft WllWn mil• of lM deferwlw perimeter •tabliahed by an •limat.d e,ooo Araentlne troop• around the capital. The Brlttah Oefeme M~ had no comment. but laid two Harrier jets, htt d\U"lna attaclu on Atpntine milltary lnatallaUona ln the Falklandl, haw been lOlt "over the lMt few d.)'1." The mintltey aaid the pllota of both ditched Harrten epctect and were l'8CUed by the Biltilh. The rn1n1atry a!ao Mid an undllc:l~ number of Harriera had flown to the war mne to reinforce the SO to 40 Britiah jet fight.en there. Sources ln London said earlier the British troops out.aide Stanley might delay their advance for two or three days, unti\ troops moving up fram the west and 10Uthwest brini the ... ult force to tome 4,000 men. :President Reagan 'departs for EurOpe WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan 99t off today on hi.a first European iri~ = office, declarinC lf to repre.ent the United and promising to try to bolster the unity of the mapr industrial democracla .. Embarking on a 10-day tour, Reagan made a farewell ~ to 200 top-level govenunent oftidall, includlna rnespbeJw of 1 the Cabinet.. the Joqit Chiefs of · Staff and memben of Coaa1'ea who gathered in the White HOUR East Boom. "I can only tell you U.t I lhall be more proud than rve ever been. of anything to be there repreeenting-the '11n1ted States, with an apportunity once apln to express to all of the world what it is we think we repr.-nt, what it la we want for all the people of the world,'" be told tu. cheering audience. Reagan then flew by . helicopter to Andrews Air Fonie Base, Md., and departed at . m1dmom1ng on a flight tbat will reach Parfs shortly before midnight in the French capital. 'lbe trip tndudes vislta to four countries and two .aummit meetings -an ttconomic confenmce in V enaillea outside Parts and a NATO. ''There'• been nearly a decade of troubling events and uncerta.inty 8JDOl"i the allies and ounelves," the president said, ''but today there la a regrowth of unity and pw-poee. a.00 I hope that this trip will contribute to that and lncreaae It." Reagan said the United States and ltl allies had "weatbeted threats of aggrellion and internal diaagreementa, but we've maintained a~ wllty and a commitment to freedom and we're ati1l beJna tested, pomibly IDOR DOW than ever before. "It' important for th.at l"UIOJ\ t and renew our bond,'' declared. "I know there are a:ne who qumUon the value of the a»Lpwt, who view it • cumb4traome and at time• unrapomive to the need for edlan. .. And there are thme people .un in our land who yearn for the lloJatianilt ahelL But beca•we we've rejected thoae other couraea back over the recent dec8de9, 1here bas been peace for almost 40 ~· gear set IY PHIL SNEID~RMAN or .. ~,......, A new law prohlbftin1 the dhpla)> or uh of drua paraphernalia to minon hat been approved unantmouag by the Fountain Valley City Council. The law allO requt.rea that local buatne.et 1'900rd the name, qe and ~ of any adult who purchuea drua paraphernalia, with NCh lnformadon open to pol1ce lnapection. City Attorney Alan Duma aald the Fountain Valley ordinant-e wu prepared in retpoNe to a recent deciaton by the U.S . Supreme Court, whtch upheld a city'• right to prevent the sale or cllaplay of drug devices to those under 18. MAIL CALL -Three residents of Tracy Mo. (from left, Darlene Comer, Brenda Alsept and Llnda Coulter) pick up the mail at their ' uw.,.,..... roadside mailbox -which is just barely vilible above floodwaters. Some residents say they will stay until water forces them to leave. Fountain Valley offlciala said they have received no local complaints about drug paraphernalia sales, and the city attorney said he was not personally aware Qf._ any Fountain Valley bualneaaes carryf.na such items. Pope calls for unity ' BUt Councilman Ben Nielsen said he requested the law as a preventive measure. Pontiff ends historic visit to Britain Judge orders restraint to . Crean letter .Wealthy Orange County busineaman Johnnfe R. Crean has been ordered to atop mailing literature Implying he is the Republican Party cholG"e for the 43rd Congreaalonal Dlatrict nomination. The temporary restraining order was issued by San Diego CARDIFF, Walea (AP) - Pope John Paul Il made a last plea for Chriatian unity and an evangelical call to the young people of Wales today at the end of h1I b1storic visit to Britain. "I have come to proclaim Cbriat'a Go1pel of peace and reconclllatlon," be told 37 ,000 cheering youth• at a aoccer atadium ln thfa ancient Welsh ca~tal. 'I have come to thfa land • a pilgrim putor, a servant of Jeaaa Chrbt," the pontiff aaid. "i.. Iona • the memocy of this vtstt ~ lalta, may it be recorded that I. John Paul n. came to Britain to call you to Chriat, to invite you to pray." The rally "at NlnlaJi P~k w• RELATED STORY-Bl the 1ut event before the pope'•. ' return to, Rome after aix County Superior Court Judge ~ ct.ya in nine dtiea - Rosa G . Tharp after one of ihe flnt-pepal vislt in the h1ltory Crean's 17 rival candldates of predominantly Proteatant° complained about a letter under Britain. Approximately 10 the heading "Local Republican percent of the Wellb population Support Committee." la Roman Catholic. Registered Repub~ in 50 John Paul also had a laat communities ln orange and San meetlq with offlcialt of the Diego counties received the letter Roman °Catholic Olurch. praying 1iating Crean supporters. Some of-w1th them for unity of the thoae listed disavowed any Cbrladan faitha. support. '-rhJa la • it lhould be." he In a telephone interview after aald, .. for unity la God'a p-eatest Tuesday's ruling Crean said 8ift. All our other efforts to do those namea were included, his will are in vain U .they are not becaUle of a computer error. He rooted ln chanae of beu1, in aatd be realizes now the letters hoUneas of life and in prayer for were a violation but "we have no unity." liability on me per90naJly." F.arller i,n the day John Paul Splrtt, the Lord be with you." Many of thoee greeting the pope waved yellow papal flap and the dragon emblem of the Welah. "Croesu I Gymru -Welcome to Wales.'' read many IQna, Qi a dlaplay of the W~lth-~gllah billnguallam that baa become mandatory ln publJc notices in thia principality, the alte of resurgent nationallat tentlment A male choir aang a traditl<>Dal Welab tun~ "We'll "keep a welcome in the hlJWdea. we'll keep a welcome in uievaies." as the pontiff got out of the helJcopt.er be U8ed for the abort bop Crom Cardiff'• airport to celebrate Mass In Pontcanna Fields, a 60-acre park. _ \ _ _ AB he had done ln ErfBland, Scotland and every othe.r country he visit.a, the pope killed the ground when be stepped from his plane at the afrport. At the park, Cardiff's City Council had nailed a notice to a beech tree at the main gate, stating that a local ordinance passed a year ago "ahall not apply to Pontcanna' Fields on June 2, 1982." The ordinance "prohibita preaching. Jecturin& or the holding of or taking part in any meeting, demonatration, religious service or religious discuasion" ln the park. Jazz concert set to benefit center Faii-days ahead greeted 100,000 wonbipen in the ancient Welsh language and made a new plea for peace "in every place were where human blood la abed. •• Tbe New Orleans Pre9ervaqoa Hall Jazz Band will perform ln Laguna Beach June 19 at Irvine Bowl in a concert to ralae fundi for- th e Orange County Performing Arta Center. 'The concert, apomon!d by the Bartok chapter of the Lacuna Beach Guild, will be held beginning at 8 p.m. held at Las Brisas restaurant, oosta $75, and includes shuttle bus transportation to the concert and an autographed album by the band. General admlasion ticketa to the concert are». $10, $15 ana $25 and are available by calling (97-1581. Coastal 8unny ~ With hlat1I °' II to 7'. fair tonlgl\f and a Wlltl a ... '°"' .... ' anc1 momlna ~. loWI 52 to A . H11M ea to 75. El•••h•r•, rrom .-01nt Conca.,uon to tll• Mexican bOfGit MCS out ea ma. UGM wrtabll ... .,_,.Ill ...... eoultlwlM "* afternoon. IOUCh to..,.,,.... ....... °' 2 to a...._ ~ ..., With \oarteble __ -~ V.S. summary Thundaretorme produce' ••Yara atorm• and llalf \ft ~....-..~ ... Montana today N a t0ft18" toucitl8d down tn Coaado. HO _,.... -,.,,,_, trem ma tomedo. WldafY jcafMNct allowara pravallad a.er Ute Aodllel and ...ewwd ~ ... 81arr• Ha11ada. Tllara ware ~ ~tfloW9r'I ~ The pontiff, who haa repeatedly prayed for a settlement to the Falldanda conflict between Britain ~md Aqfentlna, included a refermoe to the Iran-Iraq war in the homily of a Mui at Cardiff's Pontcanna Fielda. "Let UI remember thoee Who have died ln c:onflJct tbrouabout the world, in the conflict ln the South Atlantic, In the conflict between Iran and lnq, in every place where human blood la ahed," he uid. John Paul beg.an hi.a homily with the declaration in EhQllah; "Today, the Btahop of Rome ~the people of Wales for the first time in their beautiful land." He conduded h1I remarb in Wellh: "Y a enw'r Tad, a•r Mab, a'r Yabryd GJao. yr Arglwydd a fo Dela chwi" -"In the name of the ,,ather, the Son and the Holy Deputy, wife spat probed by sheriff A pre-concert diruier, to be I I • -A f_!lreweu party for departing Laguna Beach School District Super· intendent Robert S.1'dlla will be held June 10 and the P.Ublic la invited. • More than f 100,000 in aw~ _and acholanbips wijl be presented Wedn~ nlibt at the LMuna High School honors convocation at Irvine Bowl The award• will be beatowed among many of the Make checb payable to the Bartok Chapter, Orange County Performing Arla Center. The party will be held at Tortilla Flats (upltain in the patio area) from 4 to 7 p.m. with a no-host oocktaU bar. For Information, call 494-8546. .250 aenlora graduating from Laguna Beach High School thij month. The honors convocation begins at 7 p.m. in the bowl at the Laguna Beach Festival of Ar1a grounda. By GUNN ICO'M' Of' ... .,.., .... -.. - - Incumbent Larry Aaran hu decided to endorae lldward Doman in the June 8 Irvine City Council electlon, and an outarowth of the move la a procedural challenge from a third candidate, John Nakaoka. Herb plantln11 were diltrtbuted to homel in partl of Irvine over the weekend. Accompanyin, the eJ~ta WU p:omiled to endor. Acran ln a CU'l\paipl literature UldJll vot.n post card to be aent to city to aupport both A1ran and relldenta, he aald. Doman, who share almilar vlewl Nakaoka eald today he believea on luue1 auch 11 open apace the two candidate., tn bandtna pn!98rvation. out the herbs. may have vtolatea Dornan aald the mutual the qty'1 ordtnance regulating endonemen~ were all'"d upon campal1n a pend ln1 ana after an eveninl forum May 24. d.11cloisure. At that time, A,rarl aar'f!ed to -Althou1h both candidate• Include Dornan In hla herb received equal bU.llna, he said distribution strategy and Doman only Agran '• moat recent British artillery ln range campalp expenae report ll1ta coeta for the a'eeda and fertWJ.er. He .. td Dornan ahould have reported an in-kind contribution from A4P°an· He ai.o claimed the contribution may have been more than the allowable f200. Dornan uld today, thou1h, that the decbU>n to ~ude blm In the herb pl'Oll'am came two day• aft.er the May 22 flllng dMdJ!ne for the latest expen8e reportl. Doman aid he will lilt an ln·klnd .contribution from Aaren ln hla next report. The donation ahouldn't be more than ,RO:Q._be ald. Aaren wu not available thta momtna for comment. Nakaok a aubmi tted hia complaint to City Attorney Roger Grable, who said today he will pua It on to the OraruZe County Dlltrict Attorney's Ofl&ce for a • 1 f , I J J ' I dec hlon on whether t,o lnV8t1Qaf.e, I Grable aatd the Dlltrl<;t Attorney'• Office alwaye la= to look Into auch alle1atto becaUle of the Mnlitlve pest of the City Attorney, wh°T client la the City c.ouncu. , Grable Hid be ian't 1u re whether lnveatl1aton for tlJe d.latrict attorney will react to ttW complaint before the election. : Guns pounding Port Stanley Flights • auction ,studied · By FREDERICK SCBOEMEBL O( .. Dmlf ........ For the 9eCODd time in two year1, Orange County supervisors are considering an auction as a means <>£.distributing the 41 jet departurea permitted dally from John Wayne Airport. Superviaon d.iacu8led pcmible aucticning strategies in a cloeed 1e18ion 'l\aeeday -a day that also brought a whirlwind of airport actlvity on another front. Late in the day, Orange County Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner iuue.d bis lq-.awaited final judgment in Newport Beach's suc.nwfu1 lepl cball~ to t1'e county'• plan lor $10 0 milllon in airport improvements. Jn a two page ruling, Sumner ordered the 41-flisht per day cap to remain in effect and la.id down standards the county must follow before embarking on new airport projects. . . Supervbon were acheduled to meet in closed eenlon again today for furl)ler talks with airport officials and attorneys on the auction proposal, and, poaibly, Sumner's ruling. Auctioniug of flight. to permit new entrants acce9ll to the airp>rt waa diacumed by county officiala in llJBO after the Federal Aviation Administration ruled that the cou-l'rty bad dtacriminated against some carriers wanting to begin 8el'Vice at John Wayne. But the auctioning plan was abandoned. lnttelld, Al.rCal and (See FLIGHT, Yage A%) Ma y or takes no holiday Election day or not, Irvine Mayor David SI.Ila said the city· council will meet for its regular 9ellion June 8. · ''There's l)Othtng a politician can do once the polls open except run around and shake,'' he said during an interview, "so old Scrooge is goi ng to make everbody work." Silla, a three-term council member, i1 challenging 69th Di1trlct A111emblyman Nolan Frizzelle in the Republlcan primary. NATION ., ........... Major battle looms By The Aaaoclated Pre11 British artillery hammered Argentine pol\itions in the Falkland Islands capital of Stanley tod~y and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said there was nothing· more she could do to avert a major battle. "I don't think there is anything more I can do," Mrs. Thatcher said in an interview with Britain's Independent Television News. In a separate BBC interview, she said the decisive battle for Stanley could not be avoided unless Argentina und~rtook "to withdraw within the next 10 to 14 days. then there would be no need for a battle." LAW OF THE GUN -Pawnshop operator Tony Green looks over display of pistols in his window at Kennesaw, Ga.. where on Tuesday, gun ownership became the law in the Atlanta suburb. Heads of households must now own and maintain a gun and ammunition. (Story Page All) But she added: "I could never see that he (Argentine President Gen. Leopoldo Galtieri) would withdraw . That view tu.med out to be right. I am not very optimistic now but one never loses hope." At the United Nations, where an Argentine military delegation was dispatched in an 11th-hour bid to find a (See FALKLAND, Page A%) Marat hon talk8 -County employees Tor9 pilot's buzzing rap draws p r obe • Will wage Following a marathon bargaining seulon that began Monday morning, Orange County government reached a tentative contract agreement 'l\lesday that will mean a 7 .8 percent rai1e for at>,ut 7 ,000 county employeea. The one-year pact WU reached with six barpintna unita of the Orange County Employees As8ociation following 22 houn of neJ(otiationa, said. county Personnel Direc tor Ruaaell Patton. ~ unite covered by the ~ con~ are the gene;aunlt, which coven iDJacellaneoua county penonnel. county clerical employees. court clerka, 1Upervi8ory management penonne1 and the operatina and ' • increase aervk:e maintenance unit,' Ifatton said. The ratification procea had An incident ln which an El not yet been acheduled, but ta Toro Marine pllot buzzed sleepy expected to take between a week Alpine for aa long as 15 rninute9 and 10 daye, he uid. Monday, will be investigated by two organhatJona. The 7.8 percent u.1ary hike A apokeaman at El Toro followa a 5.3 percent ralae county identified the pUot as Capt. Dan employeea were granted earlier C. Herman, 27, who la attached to thia year under provialon.a of Marine Attack Squadron 211 at their old contract. The average / the air station. salary for county e:f,Joyees ta · ~ residents ln Alpine, a $10 an hour. Patton . • small lftc>Untain vil1ace eut of El Cajon, reported the Marine'• Final details, includin.I what alleged aerial antics on Memorial impact the aettlement will have Day. on the county budaet, were to be Witneaes aa.id the pilot flew announced late tocJay. bla A-4 Skyhawk jet "lower than Orange C-ounty employe about the }\oU8eS," u he purportedly 10,000 employeet on a full-time "buzzed" hla sirlfriend'a hOUlle ln bMia, tlCCCldlnc to Pattoo. an effort to uy hello. COUNTY Mt Lonq Don Two ~ isters ~~ Ml ~~~~ll~~~:r. -~-<: -~~iS-~-'~~~~~ ASSAULT ON STANLEY -Latest reports indicate British artillery today is pounding Argentine positions at the capital of Stanley (twin arrows). British have already captured Mount Kent (circle) and are assaulting Two Sisters Ridge (small arrow). Nakaoka elose Wiener tops Irvine race in donations Barbara Wiener still leads the six Irvine Oty c.ounctl candidates In campaign donations, acardlng to the latest statementl filed ln the City Clerk's Office. Mrs. Wiener said her campaign committee raised $25,256 by the May 22 deadline for the diaclosu.re period. The committee, mean while, had spent only $18,3150, giving her a $7,000 surplus to use in the final weeks of Ula race for two open oouncil leats. C1oee bellind Mn. Wiener is .{ohn Nakaoka. whaee committee aolicited $24, 734. He shows a bigger surplus -$9,400. Incumbent 4rry Acran was next with $14,630. But Agran alao boasted the most donora, more than 450. Edward Dornan reported oollect1na $2, 788 and Bill Pozzi said he haid railed $857 in bla campaia:n. . A alitb candidate, Marjorie Keiser, bu not aollclted any ~~her c:ampailn. Nakaoka, who ra1led $12,886 durin8 the March 3 to May 22 report1n1 per iod, received 34 ®ntrlbutions of the city-allowed maximum f250. Many of thoee came from per1on1 or firms INDEX involved in the construction industry. 1"• Both Nakaoka and Wiener redeived $250 donations from the polltlcal action committee of the Building Industry Aaoclation. The pair al8o got $100 checks from Mayo David Sills. While rec.:t;ving just five $250 donations, Agran reported many $100 gifts, many from profeasiolllll people such aa doctors, lawyers and university Instructors. Mrs. Wiener reported 11 donations of $250, includinc ooe from the Koll Co. and one from Fluor Corp. . Missing Agran quote corrected In a recent profile of Irvine City Council candidate Larry Agran, a key word waa mistakenly omitted from a quote. Agran, an Incumbent, uld: "rm auemna that perhape half the people who voted four years ago are •till here." The word "half'' was left out by mil~. The Daily Pilot apologlie. for the error. I .... E hes Airwest (now 1'epublic ) to yield fli=ocadona~ ~ for Frontier AlrJlnee and ~Airlines. •fJAlrCal and Repu~llc later yielded more slots to make way for Pacific Southwest Alrllna AUC'tionb'ti of flights to the h~gheat monetary btdder ii wtJbOUt precedent int.be United Moore aald In an lntervlew carried b&;;:• Brlthh ~m~~buUdup that pret1u.re," fie .aded. The Brltllh troop• who' capt\lred the hlah 1round overtooklna Stanley on Tu..tay were expeCwd to launch a final auault unl•M th• AraentlnH IW'Nndef. Britilh war correapondent.1, ln ceNOred dilpatchel, u1d eome Roy-1 Marine commandol and parat.roopera were within MYen mllet of tile defenllve perimeter ettabllshed by an esUmated 6,000 Argentine troop1 around thtt capital. The British Deferue Mlnlatry had no comment, but said two Harrier jeta, hit during attacks on Argentine military lnatallations In the Falklands, have been lost ''over the laat few days," States. And the airline Industry ii against it, airport obeerven say. An auction system l• being considered in respome to a U.S. Dl1trict Court dechlon overturning the county'• moat recent attempt to develop a non-discriminatory plan to regulate which airlines service the airport Pope ends Britain • • v1s1t, asks unity CARDIFF, Wal:J:"P) -gruel11ng days in nine cttfel -~ John Pa~ n a Jut the first papal visit in the h1l'toey or Cbrlatian..UDl~ and an. of predod'llnantly Prote1tant ellcal call to dLe young Britain. Approximately 10 of Walee ~y at Cbl end percent of the Welah population historic Y'isit to Brttaln. ia &man Catholic. 1 'I have come to proclaim John Paul also had.a la1t ~rlat's Go1pel of peace and meetina with offfctala of the. i nclllation," be told 37,000 Roman Catholfc Church, praying erlng youths at * aoccer with them for unity of the um In this ancient Welab Christian faiths. taL "Thia fa aa lt lhouJd be," he ~ ~ "foF unity la God'• p.tat ~;:::::e. ~ landJ • • gift. All our othes' effona to do 6hrist," the pontiff ~. ~ hla wOl are in va1h if they are not .,, .. the memory "' em Wit • rooted ln change of heart. ln i.ta, may it .be reconW that I, !:ilinealty." of life and In prayer for John Paul n. came to art&alb to ..a you to Christ, to llPMe ~ to &arlier in the day John Paul l"Y·" · p-eeted 100,000 wonhfpen in Of1L_ _ the ancient Welab Jancue. md ~~'t ~ rally at Ninian Park waa made a new plea for peece "in ~ 1ut event before the pope*• ~ place wen wbeie human return to Rome a~ter 1lx ia shed." CARRIER HIT? -A Buenos Aires magazine published this cover photo (left) and inside picture of the British carrier Invincible, ~ ........... apparently smoking after what the magazine said was a missile hit in the Falklanda fighting. Judge orders restraint to Crean letter Wealthy Orange County businessman Johnnie R. Crean has been ordered to stop mailing literature implying he Is the Republican Pany choice for the 43rd Congreulonal District nomination. The temporary restraining • orck;r was issued by S,.O Diego RELATED STORY-Bl County Superior Court Judge Ross G . Tharp after one of Crean's 17 rival candidates complained about a letter under the heading "Local Republlcan Support Committee." Registered Republicans in 50 communities in Orange and San Diego oountim ~ved the letter liating Crean supporters. Some of those listed disavowed any support. In a telephone interview after Tuesday'• ruling Crean said· those names were included because of a computer error. He aaid be real1z.ea now the letters were a violation but "we have no liability on me pel"llOnally." Crean said "the liability is on" his public relations advisers and the printer of the campaign material. Ria campaign advWerl include the Irvine political ~on1ulting f ir m of Butcher-Forde. Extended ·toreeait • exercise program slated Aquathenlcs, water exercise, ia to be demonstrated at noon Tue.day in the Heritage Park Aquatics Complex, 4601 Walnut Ave., Irvine. Carole Lona, who 1uperviaea fhe s:ity'1 aquathenlcl program. said the e.xerd8es are especially good • An eight-week sW:nmer pro1ram for Irvine Younewten 6 through 11 ia planned at Adventure Playground, University Community Park, by the ~ity'1 Community Serviet;,1 Depertment. A $62 fee will be charged for the five-day-a-week •An anti-rabia wcdnation cl1n1c ia planned from 7 to 8:30 p .m . June 9 in Irvtne City Hall parkln1 lot, 17200 Jamboree Blvd., Irvtne. Vaccin.atlom at the clinic, offered by the county Human Services Agency, are $3 per q . for pregnant women. Aquathenica are designed to flrm and strengthen mu1cle1 and promote an efficlent heart. 'she said. The city 11 offerin& equatbenlca cluae9 from June 21 through July 23 and from July ~ through Aug. 27. RePUation infonnatlon ia available bycal.lina 754-3813. program which ia to operate 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Gre1 Waraer, a community eervices leader in charge of the program, said projects wlll lnclude waterllide play, garden work and an outdoor cooking and an overniaht event at tbe end of summer. To repter, call 754-3639. . • . All dogs four months and older are required by 1tate, county ai:id clty lawa to be vaCctnated apfnst rabtea. Llcenaea alto will be available at the cllnic. Additional information ls av-allable at the Oranae Count~ Animal Shelter,' 634-728 ·• Reagan pushes unity on European trip WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan let off toct.y on hia fint FAaopean trle::L = office, declaring If to repreeent the United and .pnimhdng to try to bollter the unity of the major lnduatrial democrades. Jl'mbU'ldna 00 a l().day tour, Ree&an "*" a farewell lpeeCii to 200 top-level aovernment otticlala, lncl~ members of. the Cabinet, the Joint Chief.a of Staff and members of Conarem who gathered in the White Howe Eut Room. ''I can only tell you that I lhall be man proud than rve ever been of anythlna to be there repa &EJ1unc· the United Stau., with an opportunity once ~ to ex}4".. to all of the world what It la we think we re!>fe9elll, what lt la we want for all the people of the world," he told hfa cheerlng audience. · Reaaan then flew by bcllmp11cr to Apdmn A1r Fonie Baae, Md., and departe<ti at mldmomJna on a flilbt that will reach Paris 1hortly before midniaht in the French capital The trip includea vfsltl to four countries and two 1ummit meetlng1 -::,,,~nomlc oonferencie in V outade Paris and a NATO . ''There'• been nearly a decade of troubling even ta and uncertal.n~ among the alllel and ourselves, ' the president aafd, "but today there fa a .rarowth of unity and purpoee, anCl I hope that this trlp wtllt'."contribute to that and increue lt." Reagan said the United Stats and ltl a11Jea had "weathered threats of aare-ion and internal di1a1reement1, but we-'ve maintained a aenee of unity and a commitment· to freedom and we're ltill beini t.mted. pomlbl)' more now than ever before. .. It's important for that reuon to meet and renew-our bond," Beepn~ JVapalm claims· :bannered LONDON (AP) -With outnpd )wdlh-, llOl'Qe BrtUiib new1papera bannered clahm today that Arpndna ltoek~ napalm -an inc•e chemJcal whJch buma fleah -on th• h1k1and Argentina called the claim• "tc>tally falll." Other Britilh papen l8ld that SriUah troopi have allo uaed a controvenial WMpon -delayed reaction cluster bombt -In attack1 .a11ln1t Ar1entlne polidooa. Calling for another Geneva conference to outlaw "horrific" weapona, London'• Standard newspaper declared: "The Americana dropped thousands of tonl of napalm over Vietnam. British troops in the Falklands are ualng clu1ter bombs and white phosphorus bombe. "Not unleaa the entire world agrees to outlaw and destroy all auch horrific weapon1 will then!' be any hope o( eatabli1hlng ground rules." A senibr government aource said that the reported diaoovery by British troops of 9,000 gallonl of napalm at the recaptured Goose Green •ettlement wu likely to harden Britilh public opinion. Defense Miniltry 1pokesman Ian McDonald 11id "a considerable amount'.' of napalm was found at Gooee Green. He coUld not confirm reports that Argentine warplanes dropped two napalm bombs, which missed, on advancing paratroopers who recaptured the settlement Friday. "We have no reports of it being used ... Current evidence suggests the tanks and bombs may have been designed for uae with napalm, but it's a long way from Indications to proof,'~ said McDonald. British correspondents on the Falklands reported Tuesday night aeeing the napalm stored in 89 tanks., fuaed and reedy for uae by Argentine Pucara ground-attack a1rcraft, oomelete with instruction manuals in Spanish. Michael Nicholson , correspondent lor Britain'• Independent Televbion News. quoting unidentified British com.ma.nden, said two napalm bombs were dropped on advandn& paratrooper-.. Deputy, wife spat probed by sheriff BecaU8e sbotl Wett allepdly fired during a dome8tic disput.e between an Orange County Sheriff's Department deputy and bis wif~. th~ department t.- conducting an internal penonne1 investigation into the matter, a department spokearpan 'reported today. Lt. Wyatt Hart aaid department investf&Mon would look into the circumatancea ~ a quarrel between Sgt. Dave Miller, of the department'• south county 8\lbstation.-'and bia wife. ~ to determine whether any department Nies were vioiat.ed. nie couple were arguing at their buainela, Linda'• Donuta, 23976 Aliso Creek Road, in Laguna Niguel about 10 a.m. Tuesday when Mra. Miller allecedly fired fiw lhota from a family-owned revolver into a display cue, Hart aaJd. No one Wal injured in the lnddent. Following the lnddent. Miller, in accordanoe with department regulatlon1, reported it to 1upervllorae,.trlg&ering the investiptlon, Hart ~ He added that no charpe have been filed aplnat Miller or b1a wife. IJ Jl'l\EDEIUCK SCBOEMERL or .. .,.., fliiii ,..,. J'or the MCOnd Ume tn two Y••t1 , Oranae County aupervilon are conaiduin1 an auction u a means ot diltributing the 41 jet departuree pennltte<I daily from John Wayne Airport. Supervllora di.cu.ed pcmible auctionina atratqlee tn a clmed eellion 'ti&aciav -a day that alao brought ·, w}\irlwind of airport actlvlty on another front. Late in the day , Oran1e County Superior Court Jud,e Bruce Sumne r iuued h a lq-awalted final• Judlment tn Newport ae.ch'a auOcemu1 lelal challenp to the county'• plan for $100 pnilli on in airport improvementa. In a two pap rullna. Sumner ordered the 41-flUrht per day cap to remain ln effecf and lald down standard.a the county muat follow before embark.Ing on new airport projects. SupervUlon were echeduled to meet ln cloaed IH1lon a1aln today for further talka wlth airport Officiall and attorney9 on the auction propoaal, and, p<m1bly, Sumner'a rullna. British ai-tillery in .range AUCSk>nl\&I of flllbta to permit &label AJ.rweat (now RepubUc new entrantl acce. to the a1tport Airllnee) qreed to yield porUona wu ~ by county offldaJa of their' fllant allocatlorw to make in 1980 after the J'ederal room for l'rontl• Airlinel ahd Avlatlon Admin.iatratlon ruled W-_tem Alrllnee. t<h at t he count Y h • d AlrCal and Republic later dlacrlmlnated aaalnat aome yielded more 'alota to make way carrlerl wantl.nl to belin eervice for Pactfic Southweat Airlines. at John Wayne. AUC'tkJnl.na of fligbtl to the But the aY~ Dian wu hl1heat monetary bidder la a~: &1 .. .-a. AfrCa1 and ( ~lthout precedent tn the United .. States. And the airline lndu.try 1a asatnat It. airport ot.ttven aay. An auction 1y1tem ls belna considered Ip respon1e to a U.S. Diatrl ct Court d ecision overturning the county'• mollt recent attempt to develop 1 non -diacTl m in at ory plan to regulate which airlines aervice the airport. Guns poun.ding Port Sta-n -ley WILL RUGGEDNESS REMAIN? -Gilbert Collina (left) and .Kevin Nellon overlook bluff at end of Pacific Avenue in Coeta Meea that I D9lr,... ,._...., lllOMfolll K....._ will be part of the future Fairview Relional Park. They object to county crews bulldozing the area for fire protection. Wayne Tennis Club sale deal fizzles ~ John Wayne Tennis Club in Newport Beach, which was to have been eold to a real estate tnvestment firm. was back on the market today. _ The eight.-year-old tennis club was to have been IOld to Newport Beach-hued Dominion F.quities Cdrp. for $2.S mlllion. The escrow deadline, which had twice been extended, expired Monday. Ken Willig, preGdeot ·and a founder along with the late actor of the 280-member club, said he ia IUr'l>rilled. disappointed and a bit Jrrltas.ed at •tum of.events.. "We didn't think there was AD¥ __ doubt about th.la sale," laid Wllllg. "We were assured it was a sure thing." Willig aaid he had dropped his asking price on the club pa.rtially because of the reputation of Burton Smith and James Kelly, ownen of Dominion and both state office holden when Ronald Reagan waa governor. . When the aale was announcd Jut )Uluary, Willig had said the pendlna aaJe WU one that "the I>uke wdhld have been proud of." "I'm afraid we've now prejudiced ourselves," 1aid (See WAYNE, Page A%) NATION Mesa hideaway: haven or hazard? By JODI CADENHEAD or111eo.-,,.. ..... One man'• "little den of 1niquity" is another man's haven from the hurries of city life, or ao it aeems as the battle over a aUce of blufOand overlooking Costa Mesa heats up. At lasue ii a swath of land below the bluffs behind J'.stand.a High School that county crews began bulldozina last week after fire offidala claimed it waa a ha7.ard and police complained it was a refuge for youngsters engaged in crime and sexual activity. Kevin Nellon, 28, of Costa Mesa, who frequen~ the tranquil spot destined to be the future Fairview Regional Park. began complaining to authorities about the removal of the vegetation. "My heart ii here," said Nebon, lOoJc:ina down below at the sandy . gully that was once filled with bruah. "It's been here longer than we have and it deeerves to stay.'~ Not ao, say Costa Mm fire officials who have been called to filbt ru.unerou. til'el ab'8 the rugaed blufftopa covered by deme, dry underbrush. "Wlthocn ,the breakers we wouldn't be able to get to lt," aaid • Administrative Battalion Chief Jim Richey. "It's a headrhe for ua because it ties up our equipment. "More people need to know how dangerous it ta out there . ..- Kurt Brittain, manager for the county Environmental Management Agency facilities operation, aaid the county stopped the clearing operations a few days aao in order' to verify a police ~'!P~t on the property. The bulldozing operations are expected to resume tn a couple of da)h~ continue along the bluff to ton Avenue. "I don•t undel"lltand why they don't want us to get rid o1 a fire · hazard," said Brittain ... We're cutting down weeds. We're not cuttlngdown oak trees and sycamores. c.o.ta Mesa poUce Sgt. Max Wilson, who atked county of:tlclala to clear the area, said he has found many forts burrowed in the vegetation that are atocked with stolen P,roperty, dirty maoz.inel. liquhr and clothea. "lt'• little dens of iniquity," aald Willon. "I felt they were a hazard to our community. I wanted lt burned" Gilbert Collins, a bioloay (See BLUFF, Pqe At) COUNTY Major hat.tie looms By The A11ocfated Press British artillery hammered Arge ntine positions in the Falkland Islands capital of Stanley toda y and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said there was nothing more she could do to avert a major battle. ''I don't think there is anything more I can do," Mrs. Thatcher said Jn an interview with Britain's Independent Television News. In a separate BBC interview, she said the decisive battle for Stanley could not be avoided unless Argentina undertook "to withdraw within the next 10 to 14 daya, then there would be no need for a battle." But she added: "I could never see that he (Argentine President Gen. ~eopoldo Galtieri) would withdraw. That view turned out to be right. I am not very optimistic now but on e ne ver loses hope." At the United Nations, where an Argentine military delegation was dispatched in an 11th-hour bid' to find a peaceful solution, Ambassador Noel Dorr of Ireland said S ecr etary-G e neral Javier Perez de Cuelldr told the Security Council he had ftilled' to make progress toward a cease-fire. Dorr. said the secretary-general told a (See FALKLAND, Pa1e A%) Ballet show ' at Mesa High An evening of cla"'cal ballet wlll be offered Thursday by Vauar College'• dance department at Costa Mesa High School. The combination lecture and perform,ance in the 1chool'1 lyceum at 265() Fairview Road, will lnclude ''Tbe Grand Pu De Dewc" and eelecUona from ''The Sleeping Beauty." Tickets for1tbe 7:30 p .m . performapoe are $3.50 for adulta and $2.50 for studenia. For reeervatlona call ~2-8792. Good humor laclcins Pilot endorses'Riley Ice cream ~ are suppmed to be an American tradition. but a city ln Wen Vtqpnia ca1lt them a men9C8 to chlldreD and ii CODliderlnc a reatdctiw ordfna~. P-ae A7. Branill-Pan Am tie sought The Dally Pilot •ya 5th Dlmtct Supervlllor Thom8I Riley lhOUJd be re-elected to the Oranae County Board of Supervilor1. Judlclal recammendat:lonl allO are lilted p_,. AlO. . EASTFALKLANDISLAND~~~'ftftl Mt l onq Don Two~ isters ~/"'"'<" Mt -~~~ll~~~;r . -~-c::: .s.'!-~·~.&~~~~~ ASSAULT ON STANLEY -Latest reports indicate British arUllery today is pounding Argentine positions at the capital of St&nley (twin arrows). British have already captured Mount Kent (circle) and are assaulting Two Sisters Ridge (small arrow), Development projeet -Banni~g's . outlook fOricernS NB mayor .. . \ By STEVE MARBLE Of tM D.a, Nee 1W1 Newport Be.ach Mayor Jackie Heather expresaed concern today that landowner William Banning hasn'~ indicated wtfether he's w i 11 in g to fight fo r his refere ndum· threate ned development. "He's certainly not u enthused about th.la project as he once was," the mayor aald, adding that she would be disappointed if Banning backs away from the fight. The 75-acre development, ~p~ last year by the City Council, ii in limbo because of a successful referendum signature drive. The ooundl must decide by June 28 whether to abandon the West Newport building plan or put it to a citywide vote, likely next November. While a majority of the council has signaled it favors an election, there ia agreement that, without' Banning's ble91ing, 1uch a move would be worthless. Banning aald he's ambivalent about the multi-million-dollar project. He said ~uae the City Council altered hil development plan, be now considers it "the council'• plan. .. "We just don't know what we INDEX want to do," he admitted, adding that h is firm is still mulling over whether the development makes economic sense. The plan includes building homes, o ffice buildings a nd industrial uses west of Superior Avenue. "I 1en1e the mood of th e council is to take this to~ vote of the people," said Mn. Heather, "and I Just hope somebody fights for it. The coundl can't go out and fight for it." Councilman John Cox sat:! he appreciates Bannlng's dilenuna. ''The council downacoped his project quite a bit and he's ques~oning whether it'• do-able," said Cox. "And then to have a (See BANNING, Page A%) Burning bagels blamed for blaze Burning bagels are being blamed for a fire that cau.ed $300 in damage Tuesday afternoon to a shop in Costa Mesa. Fire offlciala said that the 12:17 p.m. fire at Bagels Et.c., 270 E. • 17th St., was started when bqe1a tum1n1 on a rotatina rack cauaht fire under the oven. OIN ,_..__on'tif r • bids for • UDllf: CARDll'!i Wal:J:P) -Pope John nut D a latt ' ply for Quiatlan u.nlty arid an na•llcal call to th• youaa ple of Walea today at tM end la hiltorto vlait to Britain. The pope then headed for after the srueltna dayt ln BriU.h dtl• -the flrtt al vlatt ln the htttory of edominantly Protntant ta.in. The Brttlah Caledonlan 707' bearlna th• papal ..,-"9'-" .. and the Brttilh Union 1'c , leH Cardiff'• Rhooae ·~~rt at 7:32 p.m. (11:32 a.m. ). • jn his final appearance earlier ~e day, the pope told 37,000 eering youths at a aoccer <iium in this ancient Welah ital, "I haYe come• to proclaim rist's Gospel of peace and reconciliation. '>n1.1 have come to this land aa a ?ffb~ pastor, a eervant of Jesus ~·· the pontiff said .•• ,.. Ion« ~the memory of this visit luta, ~Y it be recorded that I, John 'aul II, came to Britain to call u to Christ, to invite you to y» . ;Jo.hn Paul also had a laat ~ting with officials of the Catholic Church, praYina • hh them for unity of the . Christian faiths. ,.,Th.la la 81 lt should be,'' be '"l!taid, "for unity la God'• p-eetelt gift. AD our other eff01111 to do hil wW are in vain if they _, not robted in change of hMrt. in holinela of lile and in pn'JW for unity." F.arller in the day John Paul greeted 100,000 wonhlpen 1n the ancient Welah 1&ncuap 'and made a new plea for pe9C8 1'tn every place were where human blood la abed ... Coastline t IU ~ief eyed aneoaat Community College trustees are expected to . an Interim preafdent far College today during a meeting scheduled for .30 p .m . in the district quarters, 1370 Adanw Ave., Mesa. . e top _post. at Coastline wW be ted July 1 by Bernard J. kin. who is taking the aame l_>~at lister campus Orange Coast RWege In Costa Mesa. · -~t 0ranie Cout. Luakin will ~Dr. Tu>bert Moore, who ii ~I· CURBSIDE CONSIDERATION -Ai; Michael Williams, 3, and her daughter Kelly, 3, listen, Karol Hogue tells Police Of fleer Thomas Twellman about fire that caused $25,000 damage to her home. Cause of the l:>edrqom DMtr "9t ....... 'r ~ K......, blaze Tuesday at 909 Helena Circle ls under investigation. Below, Battalion Chief Blll Raymer removes cinder from ey~ of firefighter Russ Parker. F3ir days ahead Tht Fortc11t For 8p.m. EDT RalnmD Snow[S) Thursday June 3 c..__.,,.,.. Flurries •HI T lures -............. •111111111 93 .,. 11 12 n 59 61 84 .,. n 97 59 M 16 .23 1& 81 73 ea n .30 82 51 ae n 83 1.87 .. 75 .2 .. ea ee ee n .04 IO 81 CANADA Extended foreCast Restaurant heist loss at $6,695 ~ . Owners of the Five Crowns Restaurant In Corona del Mar have calculated they 100 $6,695 in cash and checb to two masked gunmen who held up the restaurant before bualness hours Tueaday. The crooka, owners reported. alao eecaped with four tickets to . the Laguna Beach Pageant of the Masten. Police said the bandits appem- to be the ume men who have held up 10 other Jptaurants in Orange c.ounty and Loac :ee.ch In the J)9St daht moot.ha.. Police l8id the Flve CroWDI WM the third Newport Belch restaurant hit by the bendl1a. Laat month, o~ aaid, the gunmen held up the Quiet Woman in Corona del Mar and Le Biarrltz, on Old Newport Boulevard. At the Five Crowns, the bandits, followtng a pattern tel In Long Beach lut November, locked employees In a ""8.lk-ln freezer, tied their hands with tape and forced a bookeeper to empty a aafe. Nobody was hurt in the 8:30 a.m. robbery. Three teens captured in Mesa chase An 18-yeat-old Colorado man and two Santa Ana juveniles remain in custody today following a high-speed chase that ended In their arrest by c.o.ta Mesa police. Jon Jobe, 18, and two companiont agea 16 and 17, were' arrested at 11:30 p.m. Sunday in connection with the= theft of $5,000 worth of from Sea Schwinn Bike Shop. 420 E. 17th St. Police resJ>ODd,lna to an alann at the bicycle ahop found the trio speeding away. Following a pOnuit into Newport Beach the three were. arTeSted at Newport Boulevard and 22nd Street in Costa Mesa. Jobe waa taken to Costa Mesa -Oty Jail where be remains In lieu of $10,000 bail. The two ~ were taken to Juvenile Toro pilot's buzzing rap draws probe An lnddent in which an El Toro Marine pilot buized sleepy Alpine foe u Jena • H minute. Monday. wU1 be lnveltlpted by two~dQN. A a~keaman at El Tbro identltied the pllot .. ~pl Du\ C. Herman. 27, who la attached to Marine Attack Squadron 211 at th• air atatlon. ArcrY relklen• ln AlDlne. a Small mountain vUltp eMt of El Cajon, reported the Marine'• ~ WLa1 anticl on Memorial Dey. Wla-.-aMd the JJl)ot flew hat A"'4 ~hawk~ "mw.t tban the hliiuiiiliL.. .. he iiurDortedly ·~7hiir p-lfrWMill~ In ah effart to -bello. cloHd-door meetlna of the 10-natlon body that daplte the pp Jn poeitiON teparatlrla Ar1entlna and Brltaln, he remained available to continue hil peace effoMI • Brit.atn'• land canmandel' in the louth Atl.U\de Writ«y, Maj. Oen. Jeremy Moore, Mid Brttiah around t.roopa ~ beaun aheWna A.raen.Une ~UON a.round \he heavily defended capital. ~ "We have iot very cloee ln and we are bealnnina to apply pre11ure to the main enemr. po1itlona throt1&hout Stanley,' Moore aald in an interview carried by the Brltiah Broadc:alUng Co~. "Clearly rm going to build µp that .PrellW'e," he added. \ The Brltllh troop• who captured the hiah around o\lerlooklng Stanley on Tueeday were e~ to launch a final a11ault unlea1 the Argentine• \ surrender. \ British war correspondents, in censored dlapatches. aaid llOl'De Royal Marine commandoe and paratroopers were within seven milea of the defensive perimeter established by an estimated 6,000 • • • Ar11ntln1 uoopa around the capltal. The BrtU..h Dtft"'9 Mtn.ltcry had no C0'1\1Mnt, but aald two Harrier jttl, hlt durtn.a att.ckl on Araent.lne military lnltallatlonl ln tht Falklande, hav. -.. Jost "ov.r u.. 1Mt f.w da19 ... The rn.ln1atry aa1d the p(lota of both ditched Manieri·~ and WOn9 J-..:ued by the BriUah, 'rt. rn1ntstry al8o tald an undltclaaed number of Harrlert had flown to the war zone to n9lnforce the 30 ,ti> 40 Brtttah jet flahtert there. Sourcea in LondOn aal.d earu,r the Brtt!ah troope outalde Stanley might delay their advance for two or three daya, until troope movin& up from the ws end .. IOUthweat bring the ... uit fOC"Oe to 10me 4,000 men. "Stanley la cut off. Time la on our aide. The ArgenUnea have nowhere to go, and ~ know it," said one 10urce ln London. Argentina'• rullng junta dispatched a military delegation to U.N. headquarters in New York 10 try to make peace. But Foreign Minllter Nicanor Costa Mendez aa.ld they "aren't carrymg any new proposals." BLUFF SQUABBLE ... I teacher at F.atanda High School. loves to run along-the trail below the bluff and Uaten to the wind whittling through the nearby towering bamboo planta. He uaea the bluff area to conduct field study clamea. 'To meet people this is just a batch ot weeda and a lilly path," laid Collin& "It's a real plum for a biolOI)' teaches: t.o have." The acres of deme vegetation are home to marsh hawks rodents, weaseu, ground aquirrela, cottontail rabbits and countless I.meets, he aaid. Without the gully of vegetation their nwnben would dwindle, he said. · Collln1 contends that an exilting trail beloW the bluffs and another on top are auffident fire breakers. Fire and county otticiall have laid that the 20 foot-wide path being forged ls needed to help atop flames from apreadins. WAYNE CLUB. • • Wllllg. ''We can~ very well up our uking price now. We're stuck.'' 'nlfJ new = price. thouch. baa been bum up alichtly to $2.8 m!Ukn Smith and Kelly couldn't be reached for comment. Kelly no lorlger la with Dominion. Willig said both men had t.old hlm they would flnrt attempt to tell limited ~ in the club to members if that failed, wou1d go public with the offer. More than 90 pen:ent of the club'• stock ii held by Willig and a partner, W.T. Pucoe. Most of the remaining ah.ares are held by members of Wayne's family. BANNING PROJECT ... referendum slapped on you, that's bound to be pretty depressing." Cox said he hopes Banning agrees to fight for the project. Cox said he would not wish to see a repeat of the Irvine· Company's Newport Center expansion project, which also w a 1 u n d e r t._h.r e a t o f a referendum. , The Irvine Company, citing its "negative" image in Newport,• asked the council ~ drop the project. "Dropping the Newport Center plan was a great loss to the city. The same wouJd be true with Banning's plan.'. said Cox. "I just believe it'a bad for the council to walk away from good plans." • Newport honors patrons of arts Five Newport Beach residents who have made contributions to the arts will be bonoi-ed by the Newport Beach City Arts Commission during afternoon ceremonies Sunday. The five to be honored at Big CanY-on Park are Doro .. , Berry, Peaay McMaai1al. Bai Padley, E1alDe Redfield and Floreace Scllamacber. The two-hour celebration befidna at 1 p.m. fdra. Berry la a put preaident of the Orange County Arts Aaoclation, a former Newport City Arts Commlaioner-and cwrently la director of the Milla Houae Arts Complex ln Garden Grove. Mn. McManfgal 1-a former ~~ arts a:mmt..ioner, former director of the Sherman Gardens Art Gallery and has won more than 20 awards for herown work. Pashley la a past president of the Society of Western Artists. president of Coastline College Artists Association and an artist. Mrs . Red field is the founding member of the Orange c.ounty Philharmonic Society, former president of the friends of the UCI Li- brary and a member of th' Sou th Coaat Repertory Theater board of trustees. Mrs. Schumacher ls a former member of the KOCE-TV Foundation Advisory Council, former member of the Metropolitan Opera National Council and ~es on the Orange County Boy Scouts board. donation provide• for refrillhments and a dWM:e at ~pri-. The acholarahlpa are awarded to real eatate · ltUdenta who, the women'• council 1u11,e1tt, have ''dM:tdMI ... llaUb ..... -at hard tlmll." For lnformaUoa. ~1'111aor 8'7&-1111. I , I Br PR!DERIClt SCHOEMEHL or .. _.,,......., For the teoonH time ln two yeu•. Oranae County 1upervilora are con1ldertn1 an auction • a meana of cilat.rtbuttna the 41 jet deperturft permitted dally from John Wayne Airport. Supervfaon dilculled p<mible auctlon.ina 1trategiN ln a cloeed -1on Tus:iav -a day that al10 brought ·, whirlwind of airport acUvtty on another front. Late ln the day, Oran1• County Supertor Court Judie Bruce Sumner iuued hll long-awaited flnal juct,ment in Newport Beach'• IUCCellful lepl clullJ.enae to the 00\U'\tY'• plan lor $100 million In alrport improvements. In a two page ruling, Sumner ordend tht 41-fllJZht. per da.v cap to ~ in effecf and lald clown •tandardt the county muet follow before embarkil\I on new airpQrt projecta. S'upervt.on w~ ectleduled to meet tn cloaed ae11lon a1atn today for further talk• with airport offkiala .M attome)'I on the auction prqpoaal, and, polllbly, Sumner'• Nllng. British artillery in range AucUoniUI of fll8hta to petm.lt new entranta ~ to the a.lrport w• d1lculled by oounty offidall ln 1980 af tet the J'ederal Aviation AdminlltratJon ruled t~at the county had dl1crlminated a1aln1t 1ome carrien wanttna to beatn lel'Vice at John Wayne. But the aucUonJ.nc plan WU abandoned. lnlt.Nd, MrCal and HUlhea Alrwett (now RepublJc Airllnea~ to yield portions of their t allocationl to make room f « tier Airlinel and We91em Airlinea. AlrCal and Republic later yielded more a1ota to make way for Pacific Southwest Altllnee. AucUonJ.nc of fliahta to the hisheat monetary bidder la without precedent in the United States. And the airline industry II ~t ft, airport oblerven say. An auction 1y1tem i1 beins conaidered in reaponM to a U.S. Diatrict Court decialon overturnins the county's moet recent attempt to develop a non-dl1crlminatory plan to regulate which aJrlinea aervtce the airPort. Guns , pouriding P.ort Stanley looms By Tbe Associated Pre11 British artillery hammered Argentine positions in the Falkland Islands capital of Stanley todilY and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said there was nothing more ' she could do to avert a major battle. "I don't think there is anything more I can do," Mrs. Thatcher said in an interview with Britain's Independent Television News. WILL RUGGEDNESS REMAIN? -Gilbert Collins (left) and Kevin Nelson overlook blul.f at end of Pacific Avenue in Costa Mesa that DllfJ Plot PMte ~ MIMrd K....._ will be part of the futunt Fairview Regional Park. They object to county crews bulldozing the .area for fire protection. - In a separate BBC interview, she said the decisive battle for Stanley could not be avoided unless Argentina undertook '.'to withdraw within the next 10 to 14 days, then there would be no.need for a battle." Wayn e T ennis Club sale d eal fizzles Mesa hideaway:- haven or hazard? But she added: "I could never see that ·he (Argentine Prestdent Gen. Leopoldo Galtierl) would withdraw. That view turned out to be rigM. I am not very optimistic now but one never loses hope." ..'!'he Jnbn Wayne Tennis Club in Newport Beach, which was to have· been aold to a real estate .{nvestment firm, was back on the market today. The eight-year-old tennis club was to have been aold to Newport Beach-baaed DomlnJ,on F.quitles Corp. for $2.5 million. The j?scrow deadline, which had t wice been extended, expired Monday. •• Ken Willtg, ~t and a loUnder along with the late actor of the 280-member club, said he ja surpriled, disappointed and a bit irritated at the tum of eventa. ... · "We didn't tJilnk there wu any doubt abou't thia sale," said Wfllig. "We w~re a.ured it was a iure thing." -. Wi.D.lg aaid he had dropped his ..aD.na price on the club parUally becauae of the reputation of Burton Smith and James Kelly, QWnel"I of Dominion and both $ate office holden when Ronald Beaa,an WU governor. ;; When the saJe WU announcd JMt January, Willig had &aid the bending sale wu one that "the Duke would have been proud Qf~' • "I'm afraid we've now prejudiced ouraelvea," aaid fSee WAYNE, Pase AZ) NATION "By JODI CADENHEAD °' ... Dmlr ......... One man's "little den of tliniquity" is ~ther ~··haven from the hurnes of city life, or IO it seems-as lhe battle over a a1ice of bluffland overlooking Co.ta Mesa heats up. At· issue is-8 swath of land below the bluffs behind F.tancia High School that county crewa began bulldozi.ng last week after fire officials claimed It waa a hazard and police complained it was a refuge_ for young1tera engaged in crime and sexual activity. Kevin Nela0n, 28, of Cotta Mesa, who frequenta the tranquil spot destined to be the future Fairview Regiooal Park, began com= to authorities about the of the vegetation. "My heart i1 here," 1aid Net.m. looking down below at the sandy gully that wu once filled with brush. "It's been here longer than we have and it deserves to stay." Not ao, say c.o.ta Mesa fire offidala who have been called to fight numerous tiret alone the rugged blu fftopa covered by denee, dry Wlderbruah. "Without the breakers we wouldn't be able to Rel to it," said .. ' NEW YORK (AP) -United Pre. International announced today l\ had been I01d by E. w. Scripps to Media News Corp., which it deecribed u a new company fomled·by a aroup of U.S. newspaper, cable and television atadon owners. Administrative Battalion Chief Jim Richey. "It's a headache for us because it tie1 'up our equipment. "More people need to know how dangeroua it ii out there." • Kurt Brit tain, manager for the county Environmental Management Agency facilities operation, said t he county stopped the cleartna operatiom a few da)'l=in to verttY a police com t on the prolih1.y. The operationa are At the United Nations, where an Argentine military delegation was dispatched in an l lth:.hour bid to find a peaceful solution. Ambassador Noel Dor.r of Ireland said Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar told the Security Council he had failed to make progress toward a cease-fire. Dorr said the secretary-general told a (See FALKLAND, Page A!) expected to resume ln a couple of daC continue along the bluff to .. 1don~~wbythey Balle t show don't want ua to get rid of a fire bu.ant," wd Brittain. "We're. at Mesa High cutting down weedl. We're not cuttin1down oak trees •nd -An evening of clu9kal ballet sycamores. will be offered Thunday by COl1a Mesa police Sgt, Max Vaaaar Colle1e•1 dance Wll1on, who asked county department at Costa Mesa High offidala to clear the area, l&id he School. h.u found many forta bunowed . The combination lecture and in the vegetation that a.re stocked performance in the school's with stolen property, dirty lyceum at 2650 Fairview Road, ma~z:tnea, liquor and clothes. wtlltnclude "The Grand Pu De " t'1 little dens of iniquity," Deu.x" and .electiona from "'Ille "1d Wu.on. "I felt they .YI~ a Sleeplns Beauty." hazard to our community. I Tlcket1 for the 7:30 p.m . wanted it burned." performapce are $3.50 for adulta Gilbert Colllna, a biology a nd $2.50 for 1tudent1. For (See BLUFF, P ase A!). retertratlom call 5~2-8792. COUNTY Mt Lonq Don Two ~ isters ~.....-<"' Ml ,~~~ll~~~1;r .. ~-<: -~-;;,'S-):S"..:f~~~~~ ASSAULT ON STANLEY -Latest reports indicate British artillery today is pounding Argentine positions at the capital of Stmlley (twin arrows). British have already captured Mount Ken t (circle) and are assaulting Two Sisters ,Ridge (small arrow). De¥elopment project Ban_ning's outlook concerns NB mayor By STEVE MARBLE °' tM Deir Not ..... Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather expressed concern today that iandowner William Banning hasn't indicated whether he's willing to fight f o r his referendum · threatened development. "He's certainly not as enthused about this project as he ~ was," the mayor said, adding that 1he would be disappointed If Banning backs away from the fight. The 75-acre development, approved last year by the City Council, is in limbo because of a successful l'eterendum signature drive. The council must decide by June 28 whether to abandon the West Newport building plan or put lt to a citywide vote, likely next November. • While a majority of the council baa atgnaled it favon an election, there ii agreement that, without Banning's blessing, such a move would be worthless. BanruDs aald be'a ambivalent about the multi-million-dollar project. He aa.ld beau.me the City CoUJ'\qil altered hi.a development plan, he now conaiden lt ••the council'• plan." "We juat don't know what we INDEX want to do," he admitted, adding that his firm is still mulling over whether the development makes economic sense. • The plan includes building homes, office building~ and industrial uses west of Superior Avenue. . "I sense the mood of the council is to take this to a vote of the people," said Mrs. Heather, "and I just hope somebody fights for it. The council can't go out and fight for It." Councilman John Cox said he appreciates Banning's dilemma. "The council doWl\9COped his project quite a bit and he's questioning whether it's do-able," said Cox. "And then to have a (See BANNING, Page AZ) Burning b agels blamed fo r blaze Burning bagels are b~ blamed for a fire tha.t ca $300 in damaae Tuesday afternoon to • shop in Costa Mesa. Flre offlciala said that the 12: 17 p.m. fire at Bapb Et.c., 270 E. • 17th St., wu atarted when bagel.a turning on a rotating rack caught fire under the oven. l i J I I I !...- ~ COMt DAILY PILOT/Wedneed.v, June a, 1taa N 1Dow Jones Final UP 1.91 CLOSING 118.U Archive Corporation of Costa Mesa h.M been awarded• tl million contract from P1exua Computers, lnc., Santa cw.. Plexua will incorporate the 20 megabyte Intelligent Sidewinder ~-Inch ttreamlng cartridge tape drives into P/25 mintcomputen. 'Ibe Sidewinder will back up 8-lnch Winchester disk drives with 22, 36 or 72 megabytes of formatted capacity. Record home closing noted The Irvine ComP.lny reported that lta residenUal communities ln the csties of Irvine and Newport Beach captured a record share of new-home clo.tnis ln IOUtheast Orange County during the finrt quarter. Donald E. Moe, director of markeU,,, for the firm's community development diviaion: noted that the 193 new-home closings repre9e0ted 31 percent of all sales in the area 90uth of the 5anta Ana IJ.iver lhcluding the S.ddleback Valley. The closinp repte9ented an 18 percent increue over the final quarter of 1981. Real estate seminar due Realtor Jim Wood will speak at a tta.l estate symposium he'• titled, "Wfi,at'a Going On Out There," June 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the Irvine Coast Country Club, 1600 E. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Wood la founder of Unique Homes, lnc. For lnfonnaUon. call 675-6000. Taylor Realtors list sales Ron Taylor, president of R.C. Taylor Company RWton. Irvine, announced that as April 30 his firm had a sales and listing total for the priOf' 30 days ol $45 million. These were reached through activities in corporate headquarters and branch offices in Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage and Newport Be.ch. . Accounting fOr the highest sales fully were residential aalel in r de9ert area and Orange County. Wells Fargo officer featured Corrine Y~. escrow administra~ officer foe Wells 'Farao Bank's -=row 8UVlce9, will be the speeker at the June 16 meeting of the Soulbem California chapter 12 of Certified Com1Dettial Investment Members. 'The meeting will be held at the Airporter Inn, Irvine. For infonnation, call (213) 943-3771. Swedlow sets record sales Swedlow Inc. oi Garden Grove achieved record sales and net lndoroe for the flscal year ended March 28. Net income l.ncreued 51 percent to $1,710.000. or $1.38 per ab.art', from $1,131,000, or 91 cents. in the prior year. Swedlow Inc. is a manufacturer of proprietary acrylic and ,.armor products for a variety of military and commercial applicatlona. STOCKS IN THE SPORIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS ... '°"' ... #) -...... -... -........ ~· ... -...-~-.,---~--.,..............., .. __ UPS AND DOWNS SILVER H•,,dy • H•rmM, H .055 pef ''°" ~