HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-04 - Orange Coast PilotYDUR HDMITllN UllY PIPER • rips ' • n .ests 1n • e1rut 3 , waves of jets ·attack o• ...,. Pfloto a., ca.ry Alnbr"9 REMEMBERING -Retiring Orange Coast College President Robert Moore (left) chats with his successor, Bernard Luskin. at a dinner in Moore's honor Thursday. "Looking on" from a 1975 picture on the wall are (from left) Moore, Coast College Disjrict Chancellor_ Norman Watson and former OCC president Basil Peterson. 500 f riellds laud OCC's Dr. Moore By TOM MURPHINE Of Ille 0.-, Piiot 9talf Friends, faculty ·members and Civic dfgri.Haries turned out -500 strong Thursday· night ·at the Balboa Pavilion to pay tribute to Dr. Robert B. Moore, who is retiring as president of Orange eoast College after 22 years. There were some tears in the audience, some laughs, and two Standing ovations for the popular community college leader. William Kettler, president of the Coast Community College District Board of Trustees, gave a closing tribute when he said, "Wouldn't it be nice if we could clone five or 10,000 Dr. Bobs? How much nicer the world would be." In a light moment, Kettler said it was a tribute to Moore that so many people turned out on a night when the event "is in direct competition with the Lakers basketball team." Moore, in response to the parade of testimonials at the podium, turned the tribute around just a bit when he remarked, "Aciually, tonight is your night. You are the people who have made OCC what it is and what ~t wj.ll be." • WORLD He referred to himself as "only a symbol." "I'm not as smart as everybody... .. h e re thinks I am," Moor e ·suggested. "All of you are an integral part of OCC." The retiring president paid tribute to his mother, 91-year-old Minnie 0 . Moore, who was in (See MOORE, Page AZ) Snake attack s u sp ect held ANDALUSIA, Ala. (AP) -~ man accused of forcing open a rattlesnake's mouth and driving the fangs into an oil worker's arm faces an assault charge as the victim recovers from the venom that left him near death, authorities say. The victim, 42-year-old Wayne McLelland, is regaining use of his right arm after more than two weeks of intensive care and 21 vials of serum. Jackie Morris, 24, of Hoxie, Ark .. is being held in the Covington County jail pending · trial on charges of first-degree assault. . Argentina fights Sanflinistas Desp ite t he F alkland Ialanda 'War, Arpntina conti.nuee to support the overthrow o1 the Sand1ni8ta pemment in Nicaragua. Pqe A6. . !VAT/ON BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Israel retaliated swiftly for the assassination attempt on its amb assador i n London by bombing Palestinian strongholds south of 'Beirut today. Waves of jets thundered in at 3:10 p.m. (6:10 a.m. PDT) and made several bombing an d rocketing runs on the Palestinian-held neighborhoods of Sabra, Chatilla and Bourj el-Barajneh in southern Beirut. There was no immediate word on casualties or damage in the stricken neighborhoods that house dozens of Palestine Li,beration Organization otfices and training camp&. The PLO has denied responsibility for the attack on tbe Israeli ambassador in London, and there was no immediate comment from the Tel Aviv military command on the air raid. It was the third Israeli air attack on Lebanon-based guerrillas ln six weeks. WitneSses reported several fires broke out in the stricken neighborhoods as the warplanes muck. FINAL AIRING -Cameras at station KOCE channel 50 in Huntington Beach focU.s on anchor We ndy Wetzel and reporter Paul D9'1y Ptlae ll'lloto br CtwtN .._., Skolnick as they prepare for Newscheck's last broadcast. The wail of ambulance atrens mixed with the roar of diving jeta over the Leban ese capital. Motorists stopped their cars and along with pedeatrlan:S headed for cover. The jets howled down onto Beirut lrom the west, using the brilliance of the afternoon sun for cover. KOCE · 'Newscheck' airs its last show It appeared there were three waves . of strikes. The bustling target areas were quickly enveloped ln thick, gray smoke after each bomb detonated wfth a shuddering blast. The planes dropped dozens of glowing heat-seeking devices meant to divert surface-to-air missiles that home ln on the jet's tailpipes. It was unclear lf any missiles were sent up. Sources at Beirut airport said toe airport was cloaed to civil aviation during the air strikes and incoming airliners were diverted neighboring Syria and Cyprus. The attac than 12 ho after Ambassador Shlomo Argo was shot ln the brain as he le the Dorchester Hotel iti Lond . Argov, 52, was fighting for life in a London hospital Seo Yard arrested our men, one f them wounded the neck y a policeman's b eta. Jeru1S1Utmi. Israeli Foreign Mh\'tlltl•r Shamir blamed "AraR-..-~rists" for the attack on Argov. Israeli Communications Minister Mordechai Zipporl called the attack on Argov a . violation of the u.s .. sponsored cease-fire with Palestinian guerrillas ln southern Lebanon, and said the shootina "absolutely (See ISRAEL, Pase AZ) COUNTY By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of the D.itr Pffot 9tllft "This is it!" a KOCE technician kept saying. "Just 30 minutes to 'Miller Time'," another muttered. A television n ew swoman smiles at some visitors to Channel 50's Huntington Beach studio. "Here for the wake?" she asks. Scant minutes remain before airtime, and the hot spotlights i lluminate the familiar "Newscheck" set Thursday night for the last time. Two months ago, the station announced that federal funding cuts and the inability to attract Nancy b um p s into ~rench first lad y PARIS (AP) -Nancy Reagan, who created a fashion stir at her first public appearance here, kicked off three hectic days of sightseeing today by lunching with the wife o f French President Francois Mitterrand and a sprinkling of French celebrities. Arriving at the Elysee Pslace, Mrs. Reagan literauy bumpec in· 10 Danielle Mitterrand on the palace steps. Stepping out of her limousine, the American first lady turned t o W;lve to photographers, then turned quickly arol.tnd and· collided with Mrs. Mitterrand. Pilot endorses Sills The Daily Pilot endonee David Sills ih the Republican primary for the 69th Allembly Diatrict and fOW' county of!idals eeekina re-election. P.,e A6. enough local corporate sponsors would cause the cancellation of the program. After more than four yea!'$ as the only regular television show devoted exclusively to Orange County lfleWS", Newscheck would leave the air. But now it is two minutes to airtime, and there are minor crises to cope with. A cameraman says reporter Paul Skolnick's chair is too low. The floor director asks anchor Wendy Wetz.el to exchange her navy blue blazer for a lighter colored jacket. She refuses. They compromise on no jacket at all, just the red blouse. A makeup woman pats powder on Wetz.el's and Skolnick's faces. The anchorwoman uses a hand Jllirror to check her hair. The floor director calls for quiet. "Good evening," Wetz.el says into the camera with the glowing red light. "Welcome to the final broadcast of Newscheck." The first half of the program is devoted to the type of local reporting that has earned the show its share of broadcast 1\9WS awards and respect from Orange County view«;rs: the John Wayne Airport flap, Anaheim's attempt to acquire the Super Howl, Laguna Beach's request for inclusion in a nuclear disaster plan ... ' Midway through the show, the c ameras pull back for a (See 'NEWSCHECK,' Pase AZ) INDEX British set for finale in Falklands By·Tbe Associated P re11 Helicopter-borne Britis h commandos moved forward today in preparation for the decisive battle for the Falk.lands capital of Stanley,, and Libya 9el'lt Argentina missiles for w hat could be a last desperate air strike, British press reports said. In Paris, President Reagan met Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher for private talks ahead of the seven-nation economic summit, and according to a senior American official. Reagan wants thJ'! British leader to give Ar.gentina one more chapce to withdraw from Stanley. However, Press Association, Britain's domestic news agency, quoted government officials in 1 London as saying no diplomatic or political re~n would hold up the battle ft>r Stanley, and that British commanders have been told to attack as soon as they are ready. The British Defense Ministry reported thick fog, cold and wet conditions in the wintry South A~tic . territory, which could temporarily hold up an expected attack by 7,500 British l.roops on the estimated 7 ,000 Argentine soldiers holding the capital. Th~ Standard, London 's evening neW'Spaper, reported from Washingt()n that Libya is shipping advanced air-to-air missiles to Argentina to boost the (See FALlttiND, Pase A!) .. • i. I l · 1 ~ • Ml. We•l and Skolnick are jolMd by Y9teftn neWllDU\ Jere WIUW for a look ,at hiChlllhta from NewllCheck'• ~t pl'OINml. There are 1Ce1M1 of political fl8Uf91 IUOh el former !_upervblon Ralph DCecb1ch and JllJlon MW.r. And remln1mcencea about colorful Oranae County .r••ldenu llke the late 1et-rlch-qutck advocate Joe Karbo of Sunaet Beach. A .. 91-year-old petrolewn enp._er 'from Coata Meaa. A turtle rancher from Fountain Valley. '.Some "1ubmarlne dltco" 'enthu.atuts bun Mllllon Viejo . Then there are amualnl 8CeDM featurlna the reporters themllelvea: Ma. Weuel gutng into the wrona camera. Reporter-producer Deborah Mannina fwnlng over a parking ticket ane'• received durtna • two-minute um,nment . . . . The broadcaat end1 aa the reportera and teduUdlnl crowd behind the New.check desk to ·wave . a final aoodby. to their faithful vlewen. A• the program concludes, •they cheer and hUI one another.; The apotllahtm are eJCtinlWahed, and the reporter• and crew memben bead for a farewel! • • party In another room. 1be mood la not eamber. "We've known lt WU'°'"' to end for the pllt two montbl. '° thll wu llmolt andclJmactlc," 11ya Ma. Wetllel. What wlll •h• ml11 about workine at Channel GO? "The dental plan," the quips. Reporter SkolnSok jotned the ahow three monthl aao. juat ln Ume to tab pen ln NiwaCheck'• lut hurrah. "It feell like you'd expect It to feel," he aaya. Like the other newapeople, Skolnick aya he'• been too busy ln recent weeks to start 1ook1na for another job. Before trytna to re-enter the competitive field, SkolnJck aaya be p1ana "to hula around ere.:esit Bay in i..,una Beech for a wblle. Just enjoy the aunahlne. '' Ma. Manning rec:a1la that when Newacheck firat aired. none of the network-owned Loa Anaele9 statlona had an 0ranae CcM&nty bureau. Now, they all do. She aays the 1aat two month.a, with an abbreviated staff and the imminent cancellation, were diffJcult but rewardlni· "It ended on a real blah note," Ma. M.anninC aaya. "We fmew we bad two montha to make sure people would mm Newicheck. .. And I think they will. II military P.ta't a1r ~· ~ ~ lild Arftntlna had not bouaht men J'rtnch-built Dlooet millUel, wbli:h knocked out iht Bridlh diat&oyer 8Niffl.elcl ud th• eupply ehlp Atlanitc Conve)'OI'. Wlth little llktllhood of • com~ In \ht offil1C, IOIDI Brltlah aouroH ln London predicted Ar1•ntlna mlabt UnJ.euh OM 1ut mmve atriU by the a1r foaw, la most potent 'Welpon ln the undeclanld ww. Deaplte the J)C*lbtlJty of a1r _.utt. the Standard aaid that "Royal Marine cornmandol have moved ln to attack the outer rtna of the Arpntlne defeme at Port Stanley. c.ommandol were flown lnto the front line by helicopter durlna the day to make the lint 1trib on the enemy llne9 in front of the cap&tal -by ~ht." In a pooled dispatch -aubject 1o mWtary cenaonhip -from the hilltops overlooktq Stanley, correspondent Ian BrUce of the oi.aow Herald reported "the 1Mt llCt ln the battle fOJ' the FaJJclaMa," . He wrote: ''Troops were taxied forward ln WAWll Of See King bellcopten to the jump-off point for an ... uit on hilla which dominate the capital." From Page A1 ISRAEL. • • cannot ao without .-reapo.me." MOORE HONORED ... "We muat not allow tbeae operationl to contln~ with IUCh freedom," aid Yitzhak Modai, another mlnl1ter in Prime Minlater Menachem Be1in'1 Cabinet. attendaDM, and aald. "My mmn and I would have been happy for me to have been a railroad ~·The good Lord and my friend• puabe.d me.•• He also ·thanked hl1 wife, Pat, for , suppon over the yeen. , Moore concluded by noting, '"lbere la no plece rd rather have ,been for the put 22 yean. ''He recalled with a smile that when 'he wu recruited for the job, he wu told. ''where el.le can you 'irurf Y*'-around?" ,· Among the tributes, Hank :Pantan. repreeentlng the faculty, 'called Mc10re, "a ~e person who ia people-oriented." Former OCC 1tudent Cynthia Oknlan, · now a eenlor at OCLA. told the crowd. "Students are the eaence of Dt. Moon'• life. He always had an open dooc." Turning to him, ... added. "You may be leavlnC OCC on the 30th and I only wilh ~ were transfen:tng to ~~· Jim Fitzgerald, former OCC tiean and now preaident of Foothill College in Loe Altoe, ciommented. ''We teach the way we were taught. We emul~te grea_! t.eacherL '•Bot> baa been the mo1 t important tnfluience ln my life. No physical act WU beneath thia prelident.': ntqenld told how after one colJeCe play, Dr. Moore wu 9eell to be belplnt with the clefUl up and a student uked h1m lf that -w .. one of ~ CUltodlana. "I didn't want to embarrua the student..•• Fltqerald recalled. "So I told her. 'No, that'a the CHIEF c:ustodian'. .•• Jack Scott, former OCC dean of lnltrUCtion and oow president of Cypre9I c.o!Jeae, called Moore "the lerftllt of all; a aood and decent man." .K.ay Stanberry, Moore'• aec:retary for 23 years who abo la retiring th!a year, called him, "1he most ethical, knowledgeable and caring individual I know. I shall mis him.,, The way to atop aucb attacb wa1 "not only to defend ounelvee around the world. but to strike at tboee who pve the orden and aim" the guns. Modal told bniel radio. Argov waa 1bot Thursday nlaht u be left the hotel. where . be attended a dinner for diplomata. 1118 attack coincided with the 15th anniversary of the start of the June 1967 Middle Eutwar. Staff memben of the Israeli Embassy ln London said they believed the attack waa part of a continuing campaign agahut Iaraell diplomata, citing the killing of middle-rank Israeli diplomat Y8111COV Banimantov ln Paris on April S, and an attack on Israeli officiall in Vienna before that. The last recorded attack on Iaraells ln London WU Aug. 20, 1978, when Arab terrorlats inachlne-gunned an hraell El Al airline bus outside the Europa Hotel, kil.llng a atewarde91 and wQUndlng nine other people. LittW change Temperatures·· NATION "'-Ill w ..... s-ce 100 NOAA US 0..,. ol ~ Fronts: Cdd.. Wllffl ... Occluded ~ StattONWV •• ' ~: a 62 .01 .. 57 .22 81 83 72 83 1.17 11 eo .54 14 M 1.23 c~ ... 17 16 M IO 72 ... " 71 11 81 83 16 74 72 12 .. .. 72 .. .. T7 ... .. 71 ... 71 ID 7• .. .. • 11 ft " 1t ft .. n 1' 72 67 87 •2 74 44 81 43 eo 4t 73 47 67 ... M 62 71 60 .,..,.,..... BELLO, THERE -Mother .Teresa of Calcutta, winner of the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize, lifts a baby in her arms at a prayer service in Little Rock, Ark. She spoke to a crowd of about 5,000 Thursday. Prof raps uproar over ·sex course LONG BEAtH (AP) -A student jumped the gun by publlclztng a coune ln which credit was offered for experimental sex, and her cla1ml have unnecemarily harmed Cal State Long Beach, a psychology profeaor says. Earl R. Carlaon made the commenta Thursday after the resignation of a colleaaue, Barry Singer, 39, who taught a controveraial "Paycbology of Sex" COW'le ln wbkh he offered c::redit for participation ln group eex, gay aex or extramarital teX. "When a complaint comes we ahould have an opportunity to deal with it," aaid Carlacm, who bead1 the p1ychology department'• curriculum oommlttee. "To go public and to stir up thla kind of an uproar that banm our univenity, our system. our students, our pl"Olr8lJla. la to me moat unfortunate and abeolutely unneoe.ary. '' Laat month, Betty Willman, a student who waa not enrolled In the ooune but monitored aeveral telliona, wrote to legtalatora and rellaioua leaden. Mra. Willman, 53, who deacrlbed heraelf aa a "born-again evangelical, ch.arlsmatlc ChrlaUan," aald ahe complained to univ~J' officlala but received only a I reaction. . Carlaon aald Mra. WWman, a atudent member of the depa.rtment'• curriculum com ml ttee, brougb t her complaint to him and that he met wlth her .and department Chairman Sally Haralmn. ·"We told her . . . that we shared her concern that tbe oourae be run very properly but that we didn't know all the facta -if she had information would she pleue write it down and we would proceed immediatelr to lnveatlgate the aituatlon,' be said. "But ahe took it upon hene1f immediai.Jy to publicUe thla to state legialalora. to • large number of people acroaa the country. "We told her that we would investipte uDmedtately and we were going to do that but we never bad-a chance," he laid. "Sbe went public with It and that has done very clearly harm to our prosram. harm to our university. We would have handled it internally without thla." He added that university faculty members are required to collect student evaluations in at least two clasaes every aemester, and that no complaint. bad been received before Mrs. Willman's. After Singer admitted having had romantic involvements with aome studenta, he wu suspended last week for 30 days while campua officlala conducted an Investigation. However, Wednesday hi1 letter of fe:li8naUon waa received by Dr. June C-ooper, aaodate vice president for academic affalra and perM>nnel, who wu cond~ the probe. She aaid Singer gave no reaaon for hi.a resignation and did not indicate bla future plans. Ms. Cooper aald the letter would not be made public. Jobless hits 9.5 percent WASHINGTON (AP) -An unrtl1nttn1 bu1lne11 alump coupled with an ln.flux of oou.p p-ac1uat.e1 lnto a U,ht job market p u • h •·d t h e n a t I o n ' 1 unemployment rate up to 9.6 percent lat month. ecll~ the pott.war record aet ln • the pemment reported y. , The naaonally adjuated unemployment rate cllmbtd one-tenth of a percentap point from April to May u tena of thouund1 of colle1e and unlventty graduatel entered the labor force eearchlna for weft. the Bureau of Laber Stau.tb aald. Altoaetber, 10.5 million Amet1caJw were out of work 1aat month. Adult malea, who tradltlonally conatltute th& bulwark of the blue-collar work force, were once ap1n bard bit by the lln1ering rece11lon. Joblemnem among thla segment of the labor force rose to 8.4 percent, 1hattering the pan-World War ll record. Since July, about 2.7 million Americans have been thrown out of work by the deepening recealon. In Parle, where Preaident Reagan wa1 preparing for a seven-nation economic summit, Deputy ·White House preas aecretary Peter Rouaael aaid the figuret were not surprlaing. "The mode1t rlae in the unemployment rate t. in line with our view that the reoeasion la bottoming out," Roualel aald;. He uld the administration ltill expects that aa the economy strengthens in the 8eCOlld half ·of thla year, the unemployment nte will be "trending down while the 'numbet of Americans at work will be rising. II The dvUian labor force ~ sharply in May -by 1 million - to 110.7 mlll1on. after aeuonal adjustment, the bureau laid. At the same time, It aald, the number of people with jobs roee by 780,000 1aat month. But the 1ub1tantlal e.xpanaion of the labor force of&et the hicreaaed hiring, producing a traction of a percentage point lncreue In the overall national joblem rate. · After aeuonal adjustment, the government's survey of household• and bu'ainess establishments ahowed that the number of people out of work srew by 242,000. The bureau noted that the labor force typk:ally lhowa tome IP"OWth in May and even more in June, aa students enter :the job market. and it. activity picks up . lo certain industries, such u agriculture and ~n; that are dependent on weather conditions. It said more of this ,eaaonal labor force increase ia taking place in May. And, it added, the adjustment ptoOl!IB "hu not._~ yet, captured the 1.hift in seasonality and therefore may be exaggerating the me of the May lncreaae "ln the labor force.'' Substantial labor lo.rce gaina' were poated by teen-agers, whose ranks swelled by 200,000 last month. The number of adult ·men and women ln the labor force also expanded 1harply, rtalng by 430,000 and 380,000, respectively. OBIE SPORTS L Tl). I 0 D® SHOP -llOW For HUGE SHIPMEN'!: ' • • ,,,, ........ . BUMBERSBOOT BUDDIES Milena Stari.kov, 8, foreground, shares an umbrella with Leroy Fineberg, also 8, as they wait for the rain to atop in Flamingo Park, Miami Beach, Fla. Forecasters have predicted more rain for most of the state, but especially South Florida. which waa already saturated from 9 straight days of rain. And people in the Florida Keys are bracing for the poasible onalaught of Hurricane Alberto. Pope's visit to Brita:in boosted Christian unity LONDON (AP) -Pope John Paul ll's visit to Britain enhanced the irnAlge of the Roman Catholic Church in a non-Catho~country and encouraged other Christian relialoua leaders to eel that centuries pf achism can healed. The pope said in a television interview u he flew back to Rome that be hoped hia six-day Ylait, the first ever by a pope, would be •'.step-toward QuUtian 1111 llllDll . unity. He announced that Dr. Robert Runde, tbe archbishop of Canterbury and the lMder o1 the world'• 66 mi1Uon Ancllcanl. bad pn>m!8ed to come to Borne tn a return vlait. ln a ~ f~ tribute, Navy to use force on drug smugglers? WASHINGTON (AP) -U.S. government officials are conaidering a plan that would allow the Navy to use limited force if necesaary to capture drug -smuggling boats, administration aouroes say. Such uae of force would repraent a signlfkant widening of the Nav_1'• l~volvement in 'l()peratlop Florida," a project of Vice President George 8uah'1 Taak Force on South Florida Crjme. Administration sources, who declined to be Identified, emphasized that aenior Coaat Guard oommanden would have the say on whether force was to be uaed in a given incident. Coast Guard de tachments would be placed on Navy veaeela and would conduct the actual boarding of suspected craft, although Navy aa1Jon might do 10 if that w .. required by clrcumltanca, the IOW'cea said. The propoeed new rules are reported under diacu11ion between the Navy and Coast Guard. Since March. the Navy bu become increasingly involved. in anti-drug operatioha to help the Coast Guard, which bu fe.w~ shipe and penbDnel. Navy planes have flown patrols to help the Customs Service watch for aircraft tryipa to allp into the United Statei with drugs. N&vy 1blps on routine operaUona have reported lightlnp of IUSJ)idoua Vellela to the Coast Guard, wbich then aent cutten to intercept them. A bigger role for 1he Navy was foreahadowed when Navy Sec:re1ary John Lehman on May 25 formally waived a ben apinsl participation In civil law enforcement. A. a result, Navy abiJ» may tow to port veaela tebed by the Coast Guard. They alao ~ carry prilonen taken from Vellela and tum them OVf!r to dvWan law Officen. The propmed rules now under diacualon would allow Navy akippen to fire warning shota or uae force only with the approyal of the eenior eo..t Guarif 0t&er 00 board and by hlgher-ranldna Cout Guard off~ comult.ea by radio. J Cta•ltlled ............. 1'14MH171 All otNf f1p1 ,.,.._ MMU1 Runde said the pope, although l\e la the leader' of hundreds of millions of Cathollca throu,.hout the world, came to Britain 'with the grace. of a pilgrim • and a prophet" and "conquered heart.a by h i• attentiveneu and hwnanity ." ''He has spoken convtndncly of. th~ things of God, but be bu adapted himaelf to people and oocaaions With the aensitlvity of a gifted pastor," the Anglican primate said: . Runde, spiritual head of the Church of England, and the pope 1l1ned a joint declaration pledging to.. c on tlnue the conaultatlona, under way for 21 years, on how their two churchet might achieve the ••unity for which Christ prayed." The Times of London said the declaration "gave the ecumenical movement a booa t beyond anyone'• e}CP!Ctatlona." _ The moderator of Scotland's Presbyterian Free Church, Dr. ~enneth Green, said the pope "baa otven lmpetu.a to Christian unity!' Other Protestant leaders who met with the pope -Methodist, Baptllt, ~ytertan. Reformed Church and others -said they were lmpre11ed by, hla penonality but felt they would not live to see unity with Rome. But the pope invited them. too. to vilit him. From the ecumenical atandpoint, the ~t of the papal tour WU the t aer\'ioe In Canterbury Cat edral, the Anglican mother church, in which the pope and Runcie embraced and prayed toeether, and the archblahop tn hia add.re. called Kina Henry VIII'• break with the Roman church "our unhappy dlvlaion." Cardinal.. BHll Hume, the Roman Cadiollc archblahop of WeatJDimter, said the service at Canterbury laid foundationa "on wbkh we can, I trust, build a 1ucce11ful 1uperatructure for ChNUan unity.'' Catholic leaders were overjoyed to haw the pope 1n Britain and relieved that the Rev. Ian Palaley and other Proteatant ,xtreml1t1 could mana1e only 1mall hoatile demonitratlona on the sldewalk:a of Liverpool, Edlnbur1h and G~. n>ere are ~.a million C.atholks out ot. a total Brttilh popula1ioft of oe rnl1liowL In hii homWel the pope ~ not relent on the lunclNniental --al the Ca~ faith. Ha ....... till llrieev..tft ..... dl•orce, co=-::zetfoa and ....... --~ ~~~~::"""7""~~..:;;.;.:.~~~~~~;..;..;._.-....;~".:.. al~ me: By WALTER ft, MEARS I# ........ c:.rr .. , ....... WASHINGTON -Until · Mickey Mou.e jot IJ)to the let, the 8-year-ol con1re11lonal bwiaet l)'ltem WN tuppoeed to be a way to tolve old pfoblemt, not create new one1. Now everybody 1eem1 to be unhappy with It. It ,eldom worked on time, and IO tar thl.I year It hun't worked at all. The HOUie killed fNery bud:st lan available for the year next Oct. l, and la tey1nc over ap1n. While It doee to, the Office of Mana1ement and Bud1et la 1Urtln1 to prepare the edminlatratlon'• propoula for the year after that. "The Unlted State• 1overnment'1 pro1ram for anivin8atabudptlaaboutthe moat Trre,ponaible, Mickey Mouae arran1ement that any 1overnmental body hH ever ~:,!!ced," HY• Prealdent , but didn't think It all that bad a year ago, when lt was workins hia way. When Congre. WU •PProvinB the new budget l)'ltem in 1974, then-Rep. Al lJllnian of Ottgon. cha1nnan of the Waya and Means Committee, said it would be "the most slgnlficant reform of the 20th century." It lln't. Reasan says the system ought to ~changed, and he ia not alone ln that auggeatlon. There are proposall in Congre. for a shift tO a two-year bu.dieting ayatem. And, there are complaints th.itt the current pl"OOelll bu become a roadblock, atalllng action on appropriations until Congress settles on the overall budfet that at1ll ia far from adoption. The president's 1pokeaman, LalT)' Speakes, said Reepn had St a te warns ,,, of h·azar ds of solvents BERKELEY (AP) -Two common lnduatrial aolvenm cawie birth defects ed 1terUlty in anima1a and may have a amuar effect in humans. accordlna to state hMltb offldala Thou1ands of Callforniana work regularly• with the two compounda and offidala aay that up to ~ million pounda of the tolvenw are uaecf in the atat.e each year. The compounds, e thoxyethanol and methoxyetbanol, are packaged UDdB a wide"~ of brand names, tncludina Celloaolve and Methyl Cellololve. They are U8ed ln peinta. varnlshes, wood stainl, inks and epoxies. • The California Occupational Safety and Health ~tion '-aed a •'hazard alert, 11 cautiontn1 indu1trial workers to uae care in handlina the chemJcall. lnvestipton .a there la little risk to people who uae the chemicals oooulonally m the home. . "It•a much lela likely that the chemical.a will harm aomeone who ii merel~:-1 a room in a home or umlture," .aid Dr. Kim K ooper, a specialist in the gtneUc effecta of toxic chemJcala. two apedflc ldeu for chanp: an Item veto, and a ~t thai admtn11tratlon budaeta aet an up-or-down vo19 ln Conare-. The it.em veto 11 aomethi1'8 prelidentl alwaya have coveted, and Con1reaae1 alwaya have denied, rt would permit the rejection of apedflc itema ln an appropriation without veto of the entire meuure. But If a ptelident could pick and chooee, C.Ongress would lOle the leveraae It npw achieves by packaglna ltema the White House wanta with It.ems the admlniltration oppoeea. After the Hou.e rejected all ita alternative budgets, Reagan complained that there wu no action on the 1983 budget be aubmitted in the flnt place. "It's called the president's budget, and yet there ia nothing binding about It," he said. "It la 1ubmitted to the C.Ongrem and they don't even have to consider lt." But Reagan's Republican allies blocked consideration of his original budget plan when a teat vote loomed In the Senate Budget Committee earlier thla year . The push came from Democrat•, who figured the Rea1an budget w o uld b e troUnced and the adminatratlon embarrassed . Later, during negotlatfona aimed at a budpt compromile, the oriatna1 Reaaan plan WU put to a commJttee VOte and rejected unanlmoualy. That epl.lode wu lott in the arswnenta after the Democratic HOUM botched lta budaet action. "We worked four montha in compliance w l th the law to present the president'• budget to ConareM," R eagan aaJd. "And they apent alx days going at it - not our budget but a half-dozen or m o r e budgets and 68 amendmenta -and finally came up with nothing." They'll have to come up with ao m et h i ng , o r k eep the go ver nme nt n t nning w i th r eaolutlo n1 that extend old appropriations .. That's happened before; it is the rule, not the exception. The 1974 budget act was 1 uppose d to ma k e t ha t unnecessar y, but it h asn't w orked . It sets a aer ies of deadlines for act ion to get budgets approved and all the appropriations blanks filled in before the bookkeeping year begins on Oct. 1. After the House budget fiaaco a week ago, Reagan called the budget process rfdtculous. All ........ BUDDLE IN THE BALL -U.S. Ambaaaador Jean Kirkpatrick, left, and Slr Anthony P~aons, British ambeaador, chat ln hall outaide the United Natiom Security Council chambers. They were convening just before the, council convened to hear Secretary General Javier Perft de Cuellar report on h1I failure to llChieve a oeue lire in the Falklands conflict. _ Spring Dollar Sav_lngs SALE -· Bellavla A I UNRB "EAIY-LIVING" PLUSH ... ~ !1.ra'2.R£F DEAR PATl WU. I fUed my tu retva la ~' I 1dU OWM ""· l ... , I .. ~ wtsa ID1 tax retva for tH baJuee .... I uvt rectlved m1 cueeled chck from tH baak, b•t I'm 1tlll reeelvl11 blll• from t~e Frt1DO Servi ct Ceater for th UH '-IH latenet ud peDalty claar1e1. lftli no.aJ• I dof W.R., Cotta M ... Internal Revenue Service ectvt.. you to photocopy the front and back of yow-check and return the notice you received .ion, with the photocoplel to Fre9no with an explanation. To expedite proce11ln1. uae the return envelope that wu encloeed with the bill. Both spouses must sign DEAR PA 1': I laave received m1 tu re- fud ct.eek ... , cu't caa lt 1lace m1 wUe ud I are 1eparated ucl 1H relates to eadone It. Bow cu I 1et my moaey? J .E.,· Colla Mesa The Internal Revenue Service aaya it'a neceaaary for the two apouaea to reach an agreement and both endone the refund u a new check cannot be illued. The reuon for th1a ia that alnoe both parties are liable for any taxes due, then both parties have a jo(nt claim on any refund to which they are entitled. 'lb1a may be a matter which you ahoruld bring to the attention of an attorney if you and your wife have a leaal separation at th1a time. Oral repeUants no 1ood DEAR PA1': Ov family doea a lot of campla1 ud from wlaat I've read, moaqaltoet wW be a problem Wt 111DUDer. Cu yo• tell me lf uy of t.lae over-dte-coaater oral luect repelluta are effecdve? M.T., Cotta Mesa Not according to a recent report of Independent experts prepared for the Food and Drug Ad.ministration. Oral Insect "RUFFELL'S· . UPHOLSTERY •••'•hies .-s... nu ~IOI ILYO. COSTA MHA-14a.l IS6. twport .W..ic atOt111uuatoru 'Eitt.l.ru;,. ML* £:d..c<Jhon" Iliana . rrwcr ..... .......,,.._ c ,..,~ YOioe"liolin-nute-guit., .....,.,_.,l.M. ..... Call for erOchure 917 .. 211 25th year. AMiversary Q_. in the Harbor Area ·r ·!---· · ,, FMIOS ltSIUMCl .. 4410W.....,_. ..... .._,.,..._ .. CA 6J .n.- LUTHER GILMORE BA .. HA "/am imprUMd profram• wilh Dr. P.terton '• that 1tre11 the Balka." Wallah say m•tchlng la lnl re~ll-.nt1 and mereury·contalntna dru1 prOduata for topical antlmk:roblal -.-(thoei that lnhlbtt or kW pmw on the Min) wen found either umafe, lnef&ctlw, or both. D~ REAI>lllRS: Retro.ctlve ~in the federal income tax rules for rental property and for officea ~talned ln the home may allow many taJcp&yel'I to clalrn refunda of tax• they pe.ld in prior yeen. aocordinl to the lntemal Rewnue Service. A taxpayer who rents a dwellJ.na at fair market value to anyone -even a family mernber -for wie u a principal reeldence will now be allowed to deduct any net Jc. from that rental. Rental ta-a family member will no Joncer be considered penonal uee of the unit ~ in the law ai.o llberalbed the general rule conce!'nl~g deduction• for offices-In-the-home. QUallfled taxpayen can now deduct home office ezpemes ll the off.ice wu u.ed exclusively and regularly as the prlnc;lpal place of bualnea for any of the taxpayer's trades or buainealea. Prior to the change, the home office must have been uaed only for the "principal" 'trade or bualnels. The new rules were put Into effect retroactively for any open tax year begin.n1ng .after Dec. 31, 1975. Taxpayen who want to claim a refund from a prior year should uae Form 1040X, Amended Individual Income Tax Return. Only refunds not barred by law can be issued by IRS. • Got • probl«nr Then write to Pat H~ · -_j witz. l>•t will cut red rape, getting the ~~n andlactlon you Med to aol~ Jn. ·--equiti•. In ~mment and~ Mail your que•tlom to P•t Horowitz, At Your Servi~. Orange Coui' Dally Ptlot, P.O. Box lMJO, Coli. mesa. CA. 92828. A. 11JMJY letters u poaible will be ma- Wtted, but phoned UMflulr1S or ~ft.en not Including Che rNder's full n.tine, 11/ddrea and bu.IM# hours' phone numbm-amnot be corWdered. · RREST D -Actrea Suun Anton haa been arrested for ln~1tigation of drunken driving after allegedly hitting a parked car. CHARO ED -Actor Dean Martin has been charged with carrying a concealed gun in his car. Stunt Kite DEMONSTRATION MAIN BE~CH ·SAT. JUNE 5TH 11 :OD to 3:00 p.m. P11sented by FANTASY e•cla•ive ' 9:30T08 P.M. DAILY {t.oc:.t.d on Main 8-b-Nest To Hotel LaP-> 150 LAGUNA AVE.• LAGVNA BEACH• 494·8808 Rent A Lu,xuiy, Apartment on Newport Bay. ------------ Gracious living in a country club setting that overlooks the bay. Thars Park Newport. The finest ,apartment community in fashionable NewPort Beach. . . ...,. . Here. tor your pleasure, a $1~·rnllion Social and Health club. 8 lighted tennis courts. racquetball courts, 7 swimming pools, and acres o4 gardens. Leases are available for 1, 2 and 3"bedroom units. Some are elegantly furnished. Expo_sing' stud en ts COilege men try out for Playgirl spread COJJUMBU8, Ohio (AP) - Kn Ooulino ut on the ~ ot the twtn ~ handa to1cMd llCl'09 bSI fcnetml. and admitted he Wlf won1ed that the lhape Of h.il amw would prevent him from beina eelected M one of the 11Men of the Bl1 Ten" by Playairl ~~ ~ aklnrly ~ .. the Ohio State Unlveratty J:nallah major from Sand'-'Jky told the Interviewer from Playpl. "I've always really been eelt-<.'ONCloul about them." Linda Horwitz, talent coordinator for the Loa An1ele1-b11ed publication, aaaured him that different camera anales could be used to de-emphaalze' his arms -if ":t wu among numerous male students screened throuahout the day for a feature in the magutne's October lllue. -Ma. Horwitz will alao be interviewing students from the University of Michigan and University of Wlacol\lln. ''We are interested in a buic healthy look, someone who'• physically flt with a healthy, well-toned body," she saicj. "We're really not interested in eomeone who's heavy, or who baa a lot of extra love handlee." Upon arrivin,g at the motel room, candidates were told to strip to the waist, stand against the wall and poee for a Polaroid photo. "Give ua a three-quarter view," a female repreeentative of the mapzine commanded. 14NoW, kick your leg up," one of the waiting ma\e atudenta t-1 from the other side of the room. "Am I supposed to smile?" aaked the student who was ~· thn: .. I hope I dSd that npt. A brte1 lnterview with MA. • Horwlts followed the ~tak.l.na eemkn. On-Jocadon lbootin.I will be today and Saturday, Mi. Horwttl uld. The photos wW be nude ahota and the men will be pe1d $100. IQ the hallway, outlide the aulte, Eve Hinda waited tor her boyfriend, whom ahe would identify only .. "Mike ... "I talked him into it," she aaJd. "I think he'a J[OOd Joold.Ni and all my plfriendi do too. lie baa a areat perwonallty. I don't know how much that has to do with lt." Gas valves recalled · for leaks WASHINGTON (AP) -The Consumer Product Safety Commluion i9 recalling about 112,000 gas appllance connector valves -made after Jan. 1, 1981, by Brass Craft Manufacturina Co. of Detroit -becau.e they may leak. The commiaaion announced the recall. along with that of about 3,000 "Party Fondue Seta" told Jlllle 1978 through Oct. l, 1980 ·~ • Gimbel Brother Inc. department stores In Ne w Yorl1 City, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. The fondue seta have a fuel leak at the eeam of the alcohol-burning fuel cup which can cause a flash fire, the oommiasion said. SOUTH COAST PLAZA LOWH LEVEL, IUU.OCX'S WING -f'HONls 5454415' t The ............. ~ thilr ""'~ tow' ln llx YMrt wt\h a two-hour concert anended t>y 42,000 fam ln a IOOCel' Nldlum at l\ottetdant. The ~ormance tncluded olcU• auch u ''Tlme ta On My Stele,'' datlna to lte&L and rectnt hitl auch u "Start Mt Up" frOm the ~tonee· lat.eat album •iffatoo You." releued ln 1981. Mick Jau•r. 'Who drew loud cheera wtth hta opener · "Unde-r My Thumb," had \ht audience \Ander hJa 1pell from th• mc>ment he 1et foot on \he liant. pink .,Uttorrn. It'• "real 1lmple," aald Vincent Aloy1lua l:vanl. explain1na why he winted to clw)ae hll name to 1tartlliolladjlmad1rou11amaoapoaloa. Ev~ 60 told ~Qt)', Mo. Clrcuit Jud;. DoaaN Ma11a that n\ana ln the Kan1a1 City orphanage where he ,rew up had liven hbn a name he never liked. So he wanted XartheohadjlmadurokH· amaoupouloa, but the judp Mk! it wu too 1ong. "How do you get It all on a credit card or on a driver's llcente or In a oomputerf' uked the Judae. •'The whole United States depends on them." . · J .. y Cane, the "80Ck it to me" fP:rl of the defunct "Rtwu and M.arda'• LaUib-ln' televilion series, was fined $720 at Northampton Magistrate's Court In England for po11esslon of drup. Miss Carne. 43, charged under the name df Audrey Botterill, admitted poasening seven milligl"ams of heroin, 278 milligrams of ·amphetamine sulphate and two grams of marijuana resin. CAMI Police told the court ahe had been under surveillance for some time and was arrested when she drove away from a registered drug addict's home. . A judicial panel ruled that actress Sophia Lore• can leave pri8on during the day and return at night lor the remaining two weekll of her tax evasion 1tntence. It alao recommended that she be freed pennanently. Misa Loren's lawyer Vlncemo Sepe said his q.ient probably would stay in prison until she is O"ante<l a pennanent leave. Prison officials say &vtng the 47-year-old film star come and go each i:lay would cause chaos in priaon routine becauae of h,uge crowds outside. • ~ The panel of three judge;s, a social worker and ~ psycb.latrist signed the C>nler for Mt. Loren's :11eDU-liberty" in nearby Naples, said Judge lgilto ~ppeW of the Court of Appeals in Naples . • Twelve-year-old Molly Dleveaey 9f Denver ioa1ted through 10 words and then spelled "contretemps" and 'ti->riasil'' to win the 55th National Spelling Bee ln Waahington. Her turn Fame after runner-up Uma Rao, 13, of. Pittsburah, spelled oontretemps, a· French word foe mishap, aa .. ~ .. Molly uked if the word w., llngular oc plural -it is both -then spelled lt correctly. . • After apellina peortaaia, a diaeue, one of the Judges-t.okl MOlly she had ipelled the word conectiy. The 12-yeer-old P8Ped ~ threw her bands to her face as the a• ldience l>UJ's! into applause. . Thirteen-year-old Ja1oa Jolla1oa of Stevensville, Mich., last year's runner-up, finished th.lril. ., A multimillion-dollar landscape by French post--impresionist-Master Paal Cezanne haa been bought by the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth. Mu.sewn officials said "Malson Maria With a Vfew of Chateau Noir," circa 1895-1898, was purcbued from a private collector In Lausanne, Switzerland. Terms of the sale were not diacloeed. 'The paintfnc la about the ume size and date aa Howard J. R•ff, financial advlHr an• beflreeWnc author, wW add another credit • Ital' of \he mUlk::al. 1"Threedl of Glory," to prem&en June 25 ln Provo, Uiah. It wW be the featured event of th1I ~· "Amerlca'1 Freedom F..Uval." Ruff wW play U.. rolt of "Henry, the Grest American Fattier." .. Tbread_a of Glory'' II a production by Doq Stewart·Lex de Alevedo. PrtlM:e CUJ'let WU plaYinc polo at Wlnd8or and WM unable to attend the weddina of h1I hMd poom, Mary Ganaett. But "he eent me a lovely not.e .a\.irur he couldn't be here," 1he told reporten. Mila Oarnett, 32, who hu handled the Prince of Wales' hones leVell yean, wu married to royal blacksmith Benard Ttdmanti, 35, farrier for Charles, h is 1l1ter Prlace11 Allae and Prlace Mlcbael of Kent. The two were married at the Methocliat chapel, less than a mile from the home of Charles and Prlnces1 Dla.Da. Charles and Diana aent a weddJncpreeent of a cut-glass decanter emtx.ed with the crest of the Prince of Wales. The new Miss USA ls visiting her home 1tat.e of Arkansas but is looking ahnd to a Peruvian trip in July when she will compete for the title of Mia Univerae. And with talk of an accomplished priz.e valued at $150,000 and a future that could bring much more, Terri Lea Utley was asked why money is being collected to aend her family to the Mils Univel"9e pageant. She replied that only $70,000 was cash and much of that swn is needed to pay taxes. Miss Utley, 20, of Cabot, Ark., dropped out of her drama claues at the University of Central Arkansas in Conway six months ago, working first in a North Little Rock department at.ore, then switching to a sales job for a Hot Springs condominiwn firm. SCREEN BEAUTIES -Actre11ea Genie Francia, formerly of the hit soap opera 11General Hoapital," and Linda Evana of 11Dynuty0 take a break from taping television VETERAN, ROOKIE -Actor Kirk Douglas, 66, gives some pointers to 28-year-old John Schneider, a rookie actor who co-stars with • A/1 Wll pf ••• movie 11Bare F.mence" at a Loe Angeles hotel. The film is about jet-setters in the perfume bualnesa. ., ....... Douglas in the movie "F.ddie Macon's Run." The two _were filming in Laredo, Texas. El~S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT · STORE LADIES' · FASHION CLOTHING LADIES'' MEtf SI CHILDREN'S 1294·8 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY FOR MOTHER AND DAUGHTER ENTIRE INVENTORY SACRIFICE LAGUNA BEACH WUSTSOUTHOPT~EFAMOUS POTTERY SHACK) SllllHews: TMn.- Fri. 1~9 Diiiy 10·1 Sunday 10·6 '\~ l£VERYTHING1 ~·I .INOUR ~ GIGANTIC INVENTORY SON SALE . One crucial ohotce c.ufonWinl will make TuelHY will be how they mark thelr balJota for It.ate Superintendent of Public Imtructlon. The Incumbent 11 Wt11on IUlea. who baa held the office llnce 1970. MOit of the eight candldatee challenging Riles are questionina the l.ncUm6ent's eff«tlvenem ana the direction California'• elementary and secondary achoola ~ve been taking. Bill Honig and Gene Prat 1eem to have "ibe best chance of forcing Riles into a runoff in November. Honig is a school superintendent from Marin County. Prat was with S.I. Hayakawa at San Frandaco State and billa himself as an education adviaer to Ronald Reagan. If Riles col.lecta more than 50 percent of th~ votes cast in the primary, he will be re-elected to his fourth tenn. If he fails to win a majority, he will face the second place vote-getter in November. While it is true Riles baa been an able lobbyist in the California Legislature, fighting for dollars to support fuwv:ially ailing public achoola, it also is true that public confidence in the state's public achoola is eroding. It's time for a change. Bill Honig is the moat qualified to provide fresh leadership. His experience as an attorney, teacher, school superintendent and member of the ,. ttate Board of l'.ducatlon quallfl• him for the job. Beyond that, Hons. .. the role of the ltat.e 1Uperinlendent aa one of Jwlenhip In chanclnc the fundamental direction and pbiloeophy of Calltornla'11Choola. He want• a rl1orou1 core CW'riculum with more study of math, aclence and hl1tory. He wantl a Ionaer 8Chool day, more homeworlo ..net more dlecipline in the achoola. He wanta fewer ruh!e telling local 1ehool districta what they can do. He advocatea a statewide system for 1elecUng and training good principals. He wanta studentl challenged to '&Chieve. He believea they will rtae to the challenge. Honig eees public educaUon as pivotal to th1a country'a prowess in an era when that prowess is being challenged in the world market place l>y nationa that have dilcovered one of the keys to it - ef1ectlve education for large numbers of their dthens. While former atate superintendent Max Rafferty ii campaigning on behalf of Prat and other candldatel also are caJUng for a traditional education approach, it ii Honig who bu the fresh ideas and the vitality that seems lacking in the administration of the aiate'a schools today. The Dally Pilot recommends Bill Honig for state Superintendent of Public Instruction. Choices I or county Several Orange County government officials deserve to be returned to office when voters go to the polls on Tuesday. The Daily Pilot urges votes for the following hu:umbenta: Sheriff-Coroner Brad Gates, Assessor Bradley Jacobs, Public Administrator ·James Helm and cotJnty School Superintendent Robert Peterson. While the Daily Piiot hu disagreed with Gates on issues, we conclude that he has 'operated an efficient department and .given high priority to oontrolllng crime in the county's unincorporated territory. Neither of the two challengers, G . Pat Bland and Marshall Norris, seems particularly well qualified for the position. The once scandal-ridden aMesaor's office has been operated capably under Jacob's leadenhip. We believe that challenger James JeuDevine's assertions that morale is low la something of a non-issue, and certainly not a valid reason for- replacing Jacobs. . Another hard-working official ia public adminlatrator James Heim. His office ii reaponaible for handling the estates of deceaeed perlODI who have no relativ~. That'• only one part of his responsibilities. lfe also bolds appointive poeta u cowity Corpniuni ty Servicea Agency director and county Veterans' Service ·Officer. We do not buy the argument of challenger Victor Hobbs that Heim 11 open to conflicts of interest in holding the three positions. -\ Lastly, we endorse Peterson in the county schools superintendent contest. While there fs some merit to· the argument that new blood .is needed in the office (Peterson has held the polit for 16 years), the campaign mounted by challenger John Inmon tn no way indJcatee that he ahould be the agent of change. Sills for 69th District The Daily Yilot uaually refrains from endondng candidate. in partisan primary eJections. We are making an exception th.is year in the 69tb A..embly District. We are endoralng David Silla over Nolan Frmelle in the Republican primary. The 69th Distrtd, a new one drawn by the Legil1atu.re in the recent reapportionment, ii solidly in the Republican camp in voter re1lltratlon. Thi• mean• the winner of the Republican primary moat Uki!ly will defeat hit Democratic opponent in November. Thus. the~. in effed; t.A•tea the elec:doli. That'• one good NMOn for mdonlnj in the prlmary.·Anolber iCJOd reuon ii that Silla ii the 6euei-candtda •. Frlzzetle waa elected two ~ aao in the Qld 73rd Allsmbly DllU'lct. It Included HunUDPm 8-ech, Fountain Valley, CO.ta Mela and part ot w~. ' The new 69th A.aeembly Diatrlct covers Irvine, Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley,/art of Huntinaton Beach an a small portion of Santa Ana. • Diplomatic .wires crossed 1 WASHINGTON -The Falklanda crl1i1 hH produced 1ome 1transe cri11-cro11lng ot diplomatic wire.. c.on.lder th1I Machiavellian mix-up: 1. -Argentina 1upporta the clande9t1ne U.S. effort to undermine the Sand1niata government in Nicaragua. 2. -But the Uhited States ii backina Britain in the Falklandt dilput.e. 3. -YET NICARAGUA hu come out on the aide qf Argentina against Britain. 4. -sun. the rlghi..wtng ~tine junta I.a dedicated to the propolition that the Sandinista government ii a nest of oommunilta that must be destroyed, by military means if nece-ery. The incredible fact is that the Argentine government -for all ltl new pu6llc embrace by Nicaragua -baa done"notblng to halt or even cut back lta anti-Sandinista military plotting. For the put 18 months, a anall but important group of Argentine eoldien hu been conspirina and collabontlng with anll-Saildlnlata e>dle1 In the ' .-outhem prOvince 9f Hondu.ru. The; late1t count of Ar1entlne millta,r,; ottioen In the ltooduraa blnterland ii ~· That's more, not ie.. than the num' who were operating ·there bmn Falklands erupUQn. Nor did the Ar1entlne military advt.en slip off to &nduns behind the backa of the ruling junta; the clandestine ~per~tion in Central America hu the b.leain&' of the junta. Sources told my aMOdates Bob Shennan and Dale Van Atta that the Argentine advilert appear to have lettled in for the Jona haul. The rootl of the Araentine enmity for the 8andinistu nm deep. They feed on G -JIC_l _ll-111-11-1 -~ the bad blood between the military lltadens and the leftist guerrillas. Their fendena baa turned Argentina into a .)and of .....tnations and kidnappings ~ tear in the night. Indeed, one of the principal reuona for the junta's coup in 1976 was the determination to eeek out and destroy the underground Montonero mowment and People'• Revolutionary Army (ERP). The exce11e1 of this "dirty war'' have been well-chronicled: Ulouunds of Innocent dvillana tortured and killed in the frenzied search for communlsta and sympathfz.en. ' The bloody campaign largely aucceeded. 1be Montonerol and thetr ERP arum~ either killed or driven into exile; some took refuge in Nicaragua. One Montonero leader, who w~; implicated in an aaaa1ainatlon ptoi,: subsequently became a Nicaragua)) government official at Managua't' Sandino Airport. (The aaaaulnatlon attempt, incidentally, milaed the hlgb. Argentine official who had been marked. for death and killed his Innocent. daughter instead.) · THE ARGENTINE military oomidn· the leftist exiles still dangerous. They point to the clandestine radlo 1tation the'· Montoneros set up in Costa Rica in 1979, for example. It beamed antl-junt• messages throughout Central America and could be beard in Buenos Aira. ''Finally,'' explained one IOUJ"Oe, ''the Argentines believe the Montone1'08 anL the ERP will be coming back to Argentina IOIDe day -this time with' loSbtiatl support from the CUbana and the Sand.inistas... . . Footnote: An Argentine Embuij; spokesman flatly denied to my re~ Jon Lee Anderson that Argentln~ mercenaries are operating in Central America. The Nicaraguan government, meanwhile, has continued to support> Argentina in the Fa1ldanda dispute - albeit atre9aing that the support ia not for the right-wing junta ~but for the Argentine people. Neigliborl:f fends have odd reasons A man In Cambridfe, "--., toOll bJs neighbor to COUd bece .... the ~ hadn't cut bJa ow tn 14 .,..ft. 18 the kind of stary that 1nm.tl mt. It may even be a more important ... than the Falkland Islands. Th•re are Pneth1na like 50 mlWon llng)e-family homee in-the United Statea and rn bet pO percent of the people llvine In tlae haUIM are.. having acme kind of tioubJe with their nm,bban. . TBE BIGGEST ca\lle of friction ii anethinc like thil fellow ii\ Cambridge had. No ope libs the ~next door to look wcn9 than bk own. It'• one tbJiaa to haw a bolme of Y*lf own that needl ga1ntln1 but, k.nowln1 your own nancw the way you do, you Jeam to llw wtth ll When the --next door oeeda a coat of paint, that's a differeJlt matter. It can be a OlnlWlt source of Irritation. UWby doem'\ dwt Ju)' bum paint lt tum.If lf be Clll t afford 1o haw It dOne pl'OfellldllY"' I ' We have ~ wbo are mid at their netahbon becau.e they leave an o1d Clll' in ihe driveway all t,\ae time lmteld o1 putUna lt sway In the ..,... I can underata11d that, If• you have a nlce-'noktnl home aDd you k.eip the groundl In aood ooodltlon. a ... of macb1nery Uie a 7-~ au1mnob0e ii not what you want to -all the time. Aa tboroulhlY well • I understand my friend'• ~don on um matter, bowe'Yer, I usually 1-ve ~cu-in the drlwwa.y ~· Aa a mattiw of fact, I have two can and a two-qar prace, but jt hM been 14 years .. there WM room in It for two can. OsM ta u,b\. U you bulcally like your neighbon, you dClll't make an '-.ae of the thtnp that bother you. If he hadn't cut hit gnill9 for 14 yean, you might mention it, but anan... th1nca you Jet slide in the interesta of pellCe. · -We have. M almost ideal neighbor. We're friendly anH would help each UIY 111111 other in an emer"g9DC)', but we dolt't talk much and over a period of more than 25 yean have bad no confrootatkma. Bill. my nef&hbor, works hard around bk pl.-ce and the only thing that ever bothered me wuo't reelly hil fault, •lthouah I harbored a resentment t.owllrd·him ---of It. For yeara I bad watched him make a ::::r-' heap every ye.r, IO I decided to co Po•t my own leaves and gra11 c:utdnp. 1 built a wire mesh bm up 9lnlt the fence between our propel'Ua and filled Jt With FOCI atuff. I turned tt f1YS after four montm and watered lt tegular)1 to --the rotting procea. After It bad ~ there about two y.n and bad clbninilhed to a quaner of lta ClriClnal Ila, I dedded to U9e some of it. 'l'be fim fffW aboYelfula were rich .nd dart but then I struck trouble. It tumed out that Bill'• maple tree had dilcc7Vered my compo1t heap and wu eattna fr9D It. Smalt fibrous tree roo1a had invaded the · whole thing and I couldn't penetrate it with a spade. I finally save up and today the location of my compost heap ia a amall hill over by the fence, derwe with thriving tree roots. It wasn't Bill's fault that hia maple tree roots had gone oui foraging for food, but that'• how neighborly feudl begin.. You see their cat waiting to pounce Oil your birds. The outside light OYe!' their· garage ahines in your bedroom window. · They leave their garbage cans out by the road all day after the garbage has been picked up in the morning. ., YOU NEVER KNOW, of cou.ne, w~ you've done to annoy your nefahbora..: Tom, my neighbor ac:rom the street, ia a nut in my opiniOJl• He's=~ mowing, aeeding, raking and ' hia place every time I look out the window. I get up at 7:30 Saturda~ mominp and he's already at iL Yoil1~ have to guea that my place ~· anyone that fumy. In the fall I dClll't raJm!1 the leaves much and they blow all av«·· hia property. Kida going by in cars often<J thlvw beer and eoft drink cans out front where our two propertiel are clme9t and even when the cans are on my side, be u.ually pickt them up. . •!' 1bat'1 the way lt ia with neighbon. tt1 they're neater U>out ~grounds than"' you are, they're f.anatb. If they don' keep their pl.Ice .. well -you do, yo411 • think of them u brinabia down .._i,, estate values. : My lfMI would never go 14 ~· without being cut. Tom would med~ over ~ we're not home and cut ttl-:> hlmlelf. : ... UWtra,lllta SOON TO BE RAIS~D -The Delta K!ng, last of the steam-powered stem wheelers to ply California rivers, lies with deck awash and covered with growth in Richmond Inner· Harbor. Workers have begun a $10 million effort to raise and restore the vessel as a San Frandaoo mWleUm. Proud future ahead Investors plan to restore old steamboat ''RICHMOND, c.allf. (AP) -The d~cks are rotting, many wtndows broken. Ita lower deck is submerged, tile stern aagging. The Delta ~· dt)ce considered one of the naubn s f)nest riverboats, has seen better days. 'But thanks to a group of investors, Ca 1i for n i a ' s 1 as t rem a i n i n g lleam-powered stemwheeler will eee 1' 'proud new life. The Delta King n ow lies half-sunken and rotting at a }\icbmond pier. On Wednesday, ~en began a $10 million project to . ·· ''With a lot of diligence, you can .. iurn it into a real gem. And that's what s'be'll be." ~ the 285-foot ship and restore it, turning it into a floatiJl8 mU8e'Um to I ~ docked in San FnndllClO Bay. ·The King. with ltl pmnfnent sister ship ~lta Queen, wu I u.embled in Stocktcn In 1928 b' $1 n111lion. Both Ve9991a were haded at the time as the finest atemwbeelen on any American river. The ships plied the Sacramento and San Joaquin riven from Sacramento. th.e state capital, to San Frandlco during a time when land travel OVtt the rugged terrain was difficult at ' ~the 1920s and '30a, the King and Queen carried aa many as 40 cars Qd 250 puaengen on the riven. But by 19-lO, competition with the rails and highways proved fatal for the ship. as well as the other estimated 281-.temwheelers that once navtgated Calif.omia rivers. · While the Delta Queen went on to serve on the Mialiasippi River, the King was passed trom owner to owner -eventually being commandeered by the Navy in World War II to shuttle aervicemen between Bay area poeta. After the war, t.h'e Delta King was declared surplus by the Navy and sold. It spent several years in the handa of different ownen, who again used the ship on the Sacramento and San Joaquin riven. The Delta Kina alao served a brief time as a bunt< house for construction workers in British Columbia, then returned to California. A mooring accident in April 1981 left the ship in its preaent crippled condition . Robert Taylor, a 44-year-old San Francisco businessman, t>ought the steamboat three months later and began a campaign to restore it. "With a lot of c:Wlaence, you can tum it into a real gem." Taylor said "And that's what she'll be." He .Mid the estimated $10 million required for the refurbtahing haa been railed by private investors, and the ~"will not need government "We re not lookina I« danatlom or sub1ldli1 from any level of aovernment." he Aid, edd•n1 the ..,,.... ~ to 1191 all Gpl-to • ...-. • ..s mmntatn tht Delta Kina • a tlaadne ·-an The arouP wmtl to dock the lhlp at Aquatic Park La1oon near San 1'nmdlco'• famed Fl8hennan'• Wharf u part of the National Maritime Museum hlltoric fleet. . Plana are ltl1l in the •'negotiating stage" with the National Park Service, but Taylor said investors hope to welcome the first visltors aboard the ship in lea than two years. In addition to the mUleWD plans, Taylor said investors. want to convert ·45 Delta King state rooms into private time-sl\anng rooms, wtiere thoee who "buy a piece of the ahip" can stay for. seven days out of the year. $uspension upheld· Wrong-airport pilot loses appeal ,,SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The 6a-day suspension of a Western Mrlinee pilot who mistakenly landed hil Boeing 737 pu.enger jet at th.e WlOfl8 Wyoming airport in 1979 has ~ upheld by the 9th U.S. Circuit CQurt of Appeala. t:I'he court agreed with a National Tpnaportation Safety Board dedston to IUlpend the airline transport pilot cettificate of Lowell G. Fergu800 for vi olating Federal Aviation Aldministratlon regulations. The ..,..,emion had been delayed pending a~ chief pilot of Western ~ Flight 44 from Loe Angeles, ou July 31, 1979 landed without cWarance at the Buffalo, Wyo., airport rather t!ian at the tcheduled atop at Shetidan, Wyo. lie claimed he wu entititled to a waiver of punithment becawie his actions were inadvertent and not deliberate and his conduct WU not reddell. The appeal court held the ~~ not alM.-Ila dilcreticn in ~= ~~n did not y land bll a1rcraft at the airport. he lhouJd have known • ·~dor suit iuoe KAllACHI. PaldNn (AP) -A suit Nii been filed before Paklatan'• bic- heel blamlc court chall~in1 the apjalnt&Dent of women who .-... to wear the c:h8dor, head- tD-tDe .0. that bia conduct demonstrated a groa disreprd for safety and created an actual dan8er to life and property,'' said the court. I · The flight waa to make teVen stops Including Lu Vegas, Denver and Sheridan and w.. ~ minutea behind achedule in leaving Denver. Ferguaon. with more than 12,000 hou.n of flytna time, handled ndio communication1 u the flight approsdied Sheridan and Flnt Officer James Butianl flew the aircraft. Neither bad flown into Sheridan before, but MCb believed the other bed. Flfaht 44 ~ted ~new fliah\ plan which palled d1reCtl)' over lkllfalo airport IO U to MW time and fuel At 10 p.m. both men •w nanway U&hlll and started a vilual approach to what they aatumed wu -Sheridan ~court laid al~ hrpon was supposed to lancf ·the ..Pla_n• himself, But1an1 WMled the BoelnC 737. It WM not UllUl the lmdina ..... noee wheel _. in the tumolf pild beJQiid tbt runw_, dUlt ........... ~ tMJ h8cl laDdlld Ill -BuBaJo.~-·~ ... Oi'Mge Oout OAJLY PILOT /Frtday, JUM 4, 1812 Entire Stor:e 25%to40%off ui;0 ML&OTIDmlllllllCIJIHD----------··---•; ACTION ILACKI ltr LMte I ClallioKftlt •1 5 •2 2 GOU' 8HIRT8 IS Popular Coto" MO.~ 10 FUlllonable Color1 OUA REG .. PAIOE lfft5 o .. ~:.~~~:,.. 1 I ==c:.o..;. 2 r1007 L0H0 OR SHORT ILHVH •1 IOllDS • fll.AIOS • • eOLD AIQ. 128 HAL' SLHVEI OUR RETAIL 125. 'AIHION PIV.ft • , Rlddlh iu.Ts '159 Dl'~~UMATIC •27 WI™ MVIAlllLI VHT ,.EQ. 1228 Our., lfeit.r In Slee~ REG. 135. ALLWOOl 199 SPORT COATS 1225 VALUE IYPAlMHACH • IOTANY500 • ITAM.EYll.ACKeA .. ,.,_ ____ ... _.._ 1511 LlllCOln Blwd... ,. 395-71., TORRANCE ••.• 111490 HawthotM Blvd. .... 371-4117 IOldT-MalO TALL. dlO & PORTLY DISTINCTIVE MEN'S WEAR COSTA MESA. . 11112 Hartw 8MS. .... (71 4) 142·3117 ----t WE8T COV1NA W CcwF-~a :Hell IO 8vlloCUI ~ M SPRINGS 320 H Palfll C.nyon (714132&·&455 Sl .. 41 VALLEY.. K·MART PLAZA . tll05I 527-111 II ..- Taipei Rattan For the ftrst time Pier I offers savtncs on Its popular'nllpel rattan. But great prices aren't the only reason to buy. You'll love the honey brown finish, strong bl.ndlngs of blonde peel, and the amazlnc durability of furnishings handcrafted fro~ fiber native to Asian )uncles. Save $140 on this dining set-for one low price take home a 39" diam. round table and 4 chairs. 42" class top Included. Reg. 559.94 ..... . 419 88 Coffe~ table, l 5"H x 24" diam. (42" alass l~cluded) 99aa Reg. 129.98 ........ -.. Af' Wtf•pM .. BUBBLE TOP -Phil Powell of Thow:&and Oaks bolted on a ca.st-off helJcopter top u a roof for h.11 pickup truck when the old roof was destroyed in an acddent. Although tl' ie bubble was intended as a temporary measure, Powell says he'a decided to keep it ~ place permanently. 'Taxi' moves to NBC Will b e used as fall r epl111cem ent sh ow LOS ANGELES 'AP) -It's official: "Taxi," the three-time Emmy-winning comedy canceled by ABC, Ls going to raiae its meter flag at NBC in the fall . The signing of the contract was annou nced Thursday by Brandon Tartikoff, president of NBC Entertainment, and Gary Nafdino, president of Paramount Televia.ion. "Not only are we extremely pleased to have this outstanding program at Alert called ~t nuke plant PLYMOUTH, Mass. (AP) -An alert was called Thuraday at the Pilgrim nuclear power station here after an irradiated measuring device became stuck outside the reactor core, the Nuclear Regulatory Commiaion aai<l The radiation problem was confined to within the reactor containment building and poeed no threat to the p u blic, said Gary Sanbor n, a' spokesman with the NRC in King of Prussia, Pa. "It is not a reactor safety-related problem. It is just a potential problem to the people working in that area," he added.• NF.JC, we are alao fleued to have the cn.:ative talentll o Jim Brooka, Stan IA111liels and F.c:I Welnberger working foir NBC," said Tartlkoff. NBC began negotiating for the comedy series May 19, the day after the network waa given a mandate for qliial.ity programming at the annual al filiatee meeting, aaid Tsrtikoff. "Taxi," set in the garage of the Sunshine Taxi Co. ln New York, will n :•turn with its cast of Judd Hir8ch, D1anny DeVito, Marilu Henner, Tony Danza, Andy Kaufman and C hristopher Lloyd. In September, the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences named "Taxi" the best comedy for the third t \me in a row and also gave Emmys to l lirsch as best comedy actor, De Vito as beat supporting comedy actor and for 'Nriting and directing. No starting date or time slot was nnnounced for the show. Tartikoff said earlier that it would not begin in September but would be used to replace a falterina H!riea, probably in October or November. It has been speculated that NBC will keep "Taxi" ln its ABC time alot of 9:30 p.m. Thursday and move the new comedy "Cheers" up to 9 p.m. It could give the network a strong night of popular and compatible protZnUna with ~·Faroe," ''Cheers," ''Tax:i,n and "Hill Street Blues." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~---:- 55 Yura of Communllty l1rvlc1 (1127·1112) THE COSTA MESA • NEWf PORT HARIOR LIONI CLUI houdly l'rt11nt1 Thi 37rh AnnUIJ FISH FRY & CARNIVAL J: ~FRIDA1f , SATURDAY AND SUNDAY . JUNE 4-5-6, 1982 LIONS PARK 18111 & Newpott GIANT PARADE SATURDAY, 10:30 A.M. PARADE ROUTE -on Hul>or Bou11¥ard -From Wiison. IOllth lo 19th Srreet, West to Anaheim. South lo Uon• Park. ICNEDYLI Of EYOOI FlllDAY, .IUMl 4 S~30 PM . . . . . . . Fish Dinners • start 11 rvtng e:oo PM . . . . c.n1va1 Akles & Gamn open 7:30 PM . . ... on ·~·Bind X·Wllfkfs u.rges1 •Non·marthlng Marelllng Band 1:00 PM . : . .. .. .. . Or awing 10:00AM 10:30AM 12:00 Noon 1:30PM (winning flcklls must bl.pntMf'lt) IATU llDAY, JUNE II ""1ES•• •FOOO• • •111(){$ OAlllES • • .atAllT/£$ * * .. "81ES GRAND PRIZE 1982 CHEVROLET CHEVmE 2 door scooter . M_...._ .. ,..... .... 500N111.Mt , ............................ ,7( ...... .. ............. -.. .. ............ ,. ...... ~ ......... ti-11111 ~~.......... I A¥\L~Uf'I ••••• ruu•-u far.es upp·ed DALLAS (AP) - American Alrllne1 and Trani World Airlln• My thctY plan to ratte faree on hundreda of routes, many of which the carriers flew In direct competition with BranlU International Corr. The airl ne1' announcements came only three weeka after I>alla1-ba1ed Braniff 1u1pended operation• and filed for reorganization under Chapter 11 of federal bankruptcy law. Under Chapter 11, a company seeks court protection from creditors' lawsuita while lt tries to reorganize and settle debtis. American's increases would range as high as 30 percent and begin June 18. They would apply to 650 routes, or about 40 percent of the 1,400 domestic routes serviced by American. American would guarantee current fares on the 650 routes to travelers with advance reaerva lions and to passengers who meet certain restrictions and make advance reservations by July 9, senior marketing vice president Thomas J . Plukett said. IS IT FAIR? Do 111/f! really need the money7 For ten years our Hotel guests r1a\k supported our Restauranrs. Shops and Community The City cutren1ly has a Sl3.000 000 surplus s2.ooo.ooo was paid by the ·1ourim" staying ar our Hotels in 1981 Aren't they already paying trietr fdH share? IS IT FAIR? With 1,000 Hotel rooms available rn Newport Beach. only 2.000 people can sleep 1n Newport Beach Hotels each rngh1 20.000 100.000 crowd our Beaches each day What about all of these peoplt> who ' stay for a day then go away When will they pay7 . IS IT FAIR? _ The number of guests staying 1n Hotels remains about the ~me yedr· round They pay 6% on each rnght 1n our city The beachgoers whose numbers s\11/f!ll 1n the summer months co as many as 100 000 each day have yet co pay a cent Why further tax the people who already support our community year round? Why not find a way co tax the teer. the cars. and Che RV 's that cro'Nd our City for a day and .. never stay7 How ml;'(h money vvould chat bring 1n7 Under the proposed change, price of a one-way, coach ticket for a flight from Dallas-Fort Worth to Los Angeles or New York would climb to $181 from $145 , Plaskett said. Plaskett added some of the planned increases were small, such as 10 pereent on aome routes within Texas, or about $5. NOW THAT WEVE PlAYED THE NUMBERS GAME, YOU KNOW WHY WE BELIEVE 118" IS UNFAIR. Please •.• TWA plans to remove diacounts on 190 routes, moat of which go through Dallas, on July 1, in effec1 nUaing fares 25 percent to 40 nt. Model FSOl 25-lnch Dlaconal Contemporary Style Color Coneole • 12-Po.tt1on SST Tuning •Infrared Remote c.ontrol •AFT, VIR & ABC, Comb. Filter •82-Channel Tuning Capability •Dark Oak Torie FiniaJl . . VOTE NO ON 118" PRESENTED BY THE NEU/PORT &N:H CONVENTION /\ND VISITORS BUREAU PEGGY FORD. PRESIDENT; 1470 JAMBOREE RO .. NEWPORT BEACH Alll ABOUT OUI 12 MONIHI IAMEAICASH NO. INTEREST FOR ONE YEAR t t NEW! Curtla Matbea 12 Inch Diaconal Pueonal Siu Color Table Model Thia Modem·Color Table Model automatically maintains color balance. Walnut color case. Complete with aide-carrying gripa! $398 f } .i ... ' I • I .. . • 1111111 caum ""DAY, JUNI 4, 1N2 CAVALCADE COMICS 82 83 CocaJne ruined. the career of a bright editor and sparked a probe into corruption. Page BS. D a wee.ks confusing THE SHORT WEEK 81,,UES: Everybody hates Mondays. You get the Monday glwnpe. The start of the work-week bluee. The general draga. Yet on the other hand, what if eomebody gave you a week without one? Without a Monday, that is. Aa a matter of fact, as you well know, we have already suffered through th.is kind of thing with the late, ~t ~Y holiday known · as Memorial Day. Cynics might suggest that too --------r.a'\ , many of our fellow citlzena JOI MURPHIN' ~r, have for~otten why we .-------1-,~~~~.._._' c all this particular · celebration, other than the fact that back in Indiana, they hold a 500-mile auto race during the proceedings. THERE ARE, HOWEVER, enough places like Laguna Beach and Corona del Mar and scattered nice locations up. and down our coastline that display the colon well .to remind us. And BOme veterans ceremonies are held at locations like Pacific View Memorial Park overlooking the Pacific from Newport's hills. ' Eventually, of coune, most of us finally do get back to w ork on what turns out to be our current four-day week. It II we haven't got Monday ro ~. let's forget the whole thing gets oonfuSing. Tuesday was Monday all week. Thunday came as a total surprise. You get the notion that today might be Friday but it feels like Thursday. What you end up with is Monday being miaeed all week long. It throws you clear off your pace. JUST CONSIDER HERB in the newspaper office where some miscreant toul linked toaetber all the paperclipe in my <leek drawer. It bm ccmtounded lllY cllpptna efforta tor the entire ...... wen. not aaeG:y the entire week. becau. the foul deed w di8Doverecl Gil Tuesday. Thia again threw off all the Umina Of thinp berea• if somebody is going to link together all your paperclipe or filch the brush out of your pastepot, all that la likely to happen on a Monday. . Having it happen on a Tueaday once again destro}'8 your week-long timing. . Only today -it'• Friday I think -I was speaking with a young wcman on the phone who was explaining to me that she was really very busy but we might get back in contact in aboat half an hour. "BOW COULD YOU be ao rushed when we've only bad a four-day week to get rushed In," I inquirai "Well this has been a really difficult day becauae I had to gather up my beach blanket and beach chair and all that other stuff and rush down to the beach." "You mean you're not working?" ''Oh, I don't know. You can get pretty ruabed while you're ~ to the t>e.ch." "But you re home now,'' I protested. 'Tm talking to you. Surely it's not a rush any more." "YES IT IS," she replied. "Now I've got to rush back down to the beach and pick up all my thlngs I left 1Cattered on the 1811d. "You mean you haven't been at work alt week?" She replied, "With ju.It a four-day week, •by bother?" · Clearly, this young woman had come up with the 1e>lution for Monday-le. weeks. Just forget the whole thing. ' 69th District ·battle close Sills, Frizzelle waging hard-I ought campaigns •• BY SANDIE JOY orttiewr,....,.... It'• anyone'• au• who'll wind up Tuetday u the Republican candidate for t he newly apportioned 69th A11embly Dlabict aeat. The winner ln a cloee primary race between A11emblyman Nolan Friz:zelle and Irvine Mayor David Silll will likely wln the seat ~ovember becau.e the 69th t has almoet 73,000 Repu lea n • and 66,000 Democrata regiat.ered to vote. Friu.elle won the former 73rd A11embly District seat from Democrat Dennia Mangers nearly two years ago and expects his record as a proven vote-getter against a Democrat lncumbent to pull him tbrouah. Silla, three times an Irvine City Council member and in his third one-year term as the city's mayor, la in hil maiden partiaan race while this is Frluelle'a 1eCOnd outing. The 69th district as drawn by the Legislatu re in February add~ Irvine to the sections of Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley and aouthem Huntington Beach that made up the former 73rd di.strict. Frizzelle figures it's a political no-no to challenge an incumbent from your own party in the primary. Silla, on the other hand, says trlzzelle isn't really Incumbent because of the reapportionment. The Irvine mayor thinks he has a good support base since 30 percent of the district's regiatered J3epubllcan voters live in Irvine. Sills has received endorsements from four Costa Mesa City Council members, Orange County Sheriff Brad Gates, 5th District Supervisor Thomas Riley and Fountain Valley Mayor Marv Adler. All are non-partiaan office-holders. He's received $86,917 in campaign contributions and loans, moatly from ·Irvine and ·Newport Beach sources, with $6,000 each COIJ!lng from Koll Company, Fluor Corp., Airport lnduatrlal Complex and the Irvine c.ornpany. In addition, Koll uecutivea Donald M . Koll and Timothy Strader donated $5,000 and t;e,000, respectively, to the Silla campaign. Friu.elle endoners include all the lncumbent Republican state aaemblymen plu.9 Lt. Gov. Mike Curb,· GOP congressmen Dan Lungr en an d William Dannemeyer and various Orange Co unty-baaed partisan office-holden. Frizz e lle 'a c ampaign contributions, tota.ling '106.886: include four oil cort\l)anies - Getty Oil Co., Shell Good Government Fund, Atlantic Richfield and Am!noil -and various horse-racing-related groupe such as Los Alamitos Race Course and Hollywood Turf Club. Among last minute Friz.7.elle campaign contributors are Frienda of Wally. Herger, 3rd Diatrict assemblyman in Yuba City; Friends of Aaeemblyman Denni• Brown from the 58th District in Long Beach; and the Fund for lnluranoe Education. each of which donated $2,500. A practicing optometrist for 30 years, Frlzzelle hu re:ceived CHALLENGER -Irvine Mayor David Silll, making his first endeavor in a race for partisan office, disputes his o pponent's c laim of incumbency. about a dozen contributions from other optometrists and various medical groups as well as money from the California Association of Thrift and Loan Companies and National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund. The campaign hasn't been without its nasty innuend06 and charges. Last week, Sills obtained a temporary injunction i.n Orange Coun t y Superior Court p rohibi.ting Frizzelle from mailing campaign literature that doesn't comply with the state e l ection cod e's Deir Not ,..,. "*- 1NCUM8 ENT? Assemblyman Nolan Friu.elle won the 73rd A ssembly District two years ago and is considered the incumbent in the new Ef9th District. truth-in-endorsement statute. In April, Sills filed a complaint with the Fair Political Practices Commission charging that Friz.zelle had failed to itemize campaign expenses. After requiring Frizzelle to submit further docwnentation covering the expenses, the FPPC decided against further lnvestigation. On Wednesday, Sills issued a statement to the press criticizing Frizzelle's voting record. The Irvine mayor said his opponent had missed more than 750 votes during 16 months and "Either Dr. Frizzelle is not D91tJ Net ...... llr NcNrd IC....._ LADY IN WAITING -Thia hummingbird patiently sits on her two tiny eggs in her nest in an evergreen tree on Costa Mesa's east side. Peaceful evening shattered Car slams home of retired Huntington traffic cop me out Oil all the fatals and the near-f.atala, day and night. "I aaw a car that crashed throuah a store window, but I never thought aomethlng Jlke· that would happen to me. I think this one ..m ., bad bee.au. it WU IQ)' bowie. ''And I WU in then!." ~ pa)'tnl attention to h1a work or la afraid to takt a stand." Frluelle reaponded bl explainlna the t..oet he cUdn t vote on were ones which the e ntl~e Republican ca ucua abstained from. "Thia waa a matter of our strategy to try to m ake t he Democrats come to ua on the budget and reapportionment," Friu.elle said. The incumbent added. "I think my record for attendance and participation has been far better than most Republicans and any Democrats and, 10, except on matters of policy, I have consistently been both present and voting both in committee and on the floor." Frirz.elle complained that the primary campaign hasn't been centered on issues and accused Sills of attacking him and his family personaJJy. The aHemblyman said he thinks the k ey issue is in perpetuating Republican control of the di.strict. While criticizing Friuelle for not speaking the same language as local government officialA, Sills pointed to his heavy local government involvement. Friz.zelle S81d he'd like to have better communication with local government bodies and that he's tried but local non-partisan off1c1als don't unoerstand partisan politics. Blind Irvine boy receives gift of sight A 15-year-old Irvine boy, born with a progressive disease that had left him blind in one eye, can see today thanks to a cornea donated by the family of a woman killed last March in a traffic accident. Strict rul es regarding confidentiality prevent giving any more details about the two people involved. But the teen-ager is only one of about 30 people who have received corneas from the eye bank started by the Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club and UC Irvine in 1980. During the last two years the Lions Club has donated $43,000 to the eye bank. with pmceeds from its Fish Fry. Thia year's event begil'\S Friday and continues until Sunday. Dr. Sam Wong, a Newport Beach ophthalmologist who helped start the eye bank, said it has helped relieve the inereesing demand for oomeaa. . In the past. patients needing cornea transplants had to rely on only the West.em Medical Center eye bank or obtain barder-U>-get donors from outside the county. "It's made it a lot easier to get corneas," he said. "It's a matter of public awaren ess. Many people don't know that we exisL" Despite lta newness, the waiting liat for corneas from the eye bank located at UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange haa grown to about 200. Many corneas come from traffic accident victims, whose familles are willing to donate undamaged organs that can help aomeone elae, said Dr. Wong. About 10 ,000 cor n ea transplants are done a year in the United States. Following removal from the donor the eyes are kept ln a chilled antibiotic solution and transferred• to the eye bank. Ideally they are Wied within 24 hoUJ"I, aa.ld Dr. Wong. Anyone w1ahing to .... be<xil-1 .... .e an ey' donor followlng death can obta!n a donor card from the DepuUnent of Motor Vehicles or ihelr local hospital. Freeway 'project nearing completion Oranc• Co\lnty motortat• beed•na far the border or San I •HOROSCOPE •CHARLES GOREN r .. Sh~f file up thoughts I I. COMING OUT OF HIBERNAnON -Like an old bear waking up from a winter's nap, the popular Crater Lake Lodge in Oregon is emerging from hibernation, but more slowly than in its youth. The once majestic hotel is ., .... , ..... beginning to show its age, 80 it takes more effort to maintain the 60-year-old building. Besides repairs and improvements, workers this year must clear drifts of up to 20 feet before the lodge's June 15 opening. Leo: Magnetism soa.rs Sahlrday, Joe 5 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Make inquiries conceming travel connected with holiday vacation or educational tour. Member of opposite sex clesirea more oommunicatioo and saya so in no uncertain terms. ~. Virgo, Sagittarius natives figure prominently. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Check. prices, be selective and ltriYe to maintain recent budget reaolutlona. Home improvement, redecoratln& and the ,, acqulaition of luxury item -thme could be major part of 8Cll!DIU'to. Ubn and anochel' ~ Taurua _play key roles. GEMINI (May 21...June 30): lleiliiation is not defeat; =~!'&::''"' fJar bmt reaalta. Accent Clll caldractual obligaUona and ataua Define tenm, avoid self-deception. Pl8cM, <»oer, Virgo individuals figure prominently. . .. CAJi:a.?l-(June 2l:ioluly 22): Pradica1 1-uel aommate; job can be compJeted with aid of older individual. Be aware of rules, regulations, lk:eme requirementa and ie.e.. One who shares t.lic oonces:m will cdlfide dilemma Capricorn playa key role. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Penonal magnetism attracta wider audience - e8J*ia)ly memben of oppomlte ea. You aeme puJae of public ana make COiiect announcements at ptopttiow timeL Arlee, Llbn and another Leo -figure prmntnently. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): New approach aids in property settlement .. :&blight independence, creativity and ty to get to be9rt of matters. Focus a18o on eecurity, safety, Jong-ranee projectll and t profemlona.1 appraiaa)a. l.ieo playa key role. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You're being ~ulled ln two directions aimultaneoualy. Change of ~ would be benefidal. Short • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA trip alda in clearing air. Rile above petty differences.. Relative could be lincere but mWntormed. Aquarius dominat.ea IOeDA11o. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): What aPDMNd to be defeat wOl now be re11on for cefebraUon. Jndpwmt ~. correct and flnenc:fal pin natlta. Gemlnl, Sqittadua penom filure prrm~:L· Long-distance coamnunk:aUon la • t. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You're able now to rebuild OD more IOlid _bale. You'll be at right place at c:ruda1 moment. Your meaaage geta acroaa ln meaningful, dynamic manner. Invitation recetvec:f to prmtigioul affair. CAPl\IOORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You gain greater degree of freedom and auth«lrity for creative expr-.kJn. Focus oo what occun behind 1eenea, clandestine conference and vta:lt to Individual confined to hospital or home. Virgo, Pi.:es natives. figure prominen~y. AQVAIUVS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Family men>ber aids in maklna wiah a r.llty. Diapute II aettled. Harmony returns to domestic front. Lost article 18 located and value 11 rea11eaaed. One cloae to you dlacuaaea plans related to change of n!llidence. PIBCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Orden from superior are subject to chan&'e· Know it, keep optlona open and have alt.emattvea at band. Steer clear of get-rich-quick achemea. Individual who advocates brMklng the law la petty, envious and could be dangerous. . GOif i . ON lllOGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO O~A SHARIF DEAR ANN LANDERS: My huabend I went tosether for two y~. Our sex Ute WU very aood UDUl we &Ot inanied. rm the one with the problem, and lt has Q'le completely baffled. I can't seem to keep my mind on what I am 'doing. Let me give you an example. · In the middle of our lovemaking my mind tuma to gin rummy. I blurt out things like, 0 1 am knocklng with elaht," or, ''What a break, rm gin on the second draw.'' My husband wanta to know what I'm ~about. I am uhamed to admit my mind la on cards, 10 I try to fake it. Invariably we wind up in an argument, He sett t~ off, and all further attempts at lovemak1ng are ruined. I enjoy gin rummy, but it's never been very important to me. Why I should be thinking about carda at auch a Ume I cannot figure out. WW you please hel.P me? It'~ ruining our eex life. -ABERDEEN, S .D. , DEAR ABER: Obvtoa1ly yov llaabUd doea't make m.ell effort to 1et yot1 la "e mood for love, or you "o.Pta woalclD't t1lnl to llm rwmmy. . . Tali Wt over "'" ldm la u boaett way. AU ..im to llelp yoL U die problem per1l1t1, try replacl•( tlle &ID rammy leeurlo "'" aome e•cltla& sexal futuy. Play It over ud over la yov Md u lf It were a tape. U W. doea't w.n. 1ee a coaaelor ud flDcl otat ny you ••&'tap off la Hell U odd direcdOL Tllen m•t be a reaaon. DEAR ANN LANDERS: ~ this in your pile of "I never thought rd be writing to you" letters and forget it if you like, but yesterday's column in the Buffalo Evening News did it. According to "Boston," euphemisms don't make any sense. rm glad that New F..ng1and rock of Gibraltar can be so fn!e and euy with such words as "died," "dead" and "death." Obviously ahe hasn't bad to uae them to deacribe the stat.e of her husband, child, mother or anyone el9e she loved. rm 46 years old and have been a realist all my life. My father and brother died in an ·auto accident when I waa 10. Another brother and nephew drowned when I was 20. My husband died last August when I was out of the country, and r found him after he'd been dead a week. Since then an older brother and my mother have died of cancer. When talking to 4 Huntington 8ellCh High School Marchlnt Band and Drtll Tum This Is the llvely mualcal "kick-off" event of the weekly lu~hour series, "Fridays at Noon." Spend your lunch hour and enjoy the funl l · l SIMr StrlftOI Quartet ...... ~op A performance of mualcal Hlectlont from the 011111ca1 era of Bach, to contempoqry "Pop." A·IMly l'lourl 18 Cub Scout Fun Houf Local Cub Scout Packs wtll be pettonnlflO aklta, eono• and geme1. Guaranteed fun for all! aB "C•l•bratlon Sfnglf'I" Singing many modem eonoa and ehO* tunee. Petfonned bv the Church of the Aetlgl~ Scttnoe Chotr. friend., after these last three deaths, I'v~ been able tQ say, "He's no longer living," but it ii going to take time to be able to uy; 11He'1 dead." Every person goes through the grief procem at h.il own rate. Since "Boston'' isn't smart enouah to figure this out, she'd do her frienda a lavor if ahe kept her moutl\ shut and stayed away. No one needs to~ told someone is dead. We know it when i~ happens. -BATTLE-SCARRED IN BUFFALO DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am wrUlng aboat 148ata la Her Belfry," tile womu wllo bu wona tile aame navy blae aait to wo~ for H moatlt1. I want you to know tile lettet didn't fan ber. Sbe is still wearing It, Everyone la tile balldlng wuta to bqW. wut lt'a made of. Can yoa tell at? -THE GROUP DEAR GROUP: Siie didn't aay. My gae11 la it'• doable-knit or polyester. Are you, or is someone you care about messing around with drugs -or considering it? Are all drugs bad? What about pot -in moderation? Ann Landers' all-new booklet, ''The Lowdown on Dope," separates the facta from the fiction. For each booklet ordered, aend $2.00, plus a long, self-addressed, stamped envelope (37 cents postage) to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, m. 6()611. P01 SH01S BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT Wh~ cio so m .ani:J bad thi nc9.s last ~o long, while so l't1.a"i:J good. things di sappeat- so ~oon? el\1<Jy your ~....:l11nchl jllly . Gery Pitta/YMCA Karate a Demonstmton YMCA blaci< belt karate In- structor Gary Pitts, holds the world's record for breaking bricks I Gary and his class will demon$trate self defense, free sparring and breaking. You will be amazed! 9 T•I F-'•IL\' c1ac1:1 "I'm getting ...al big, Grandma. I go al the · way from the floor up to her.." Mt\RMt\01.JKE by Brad Anderson "Not me ... you ask to see his library cardl" .ltDGE P-'RKE• • ~~ _::..:::-:::S:~~~.;:--==-=,j-~ ----~ ------------::::: -=--. -----,. ------------------.. -. 11You atlll believe you'll ettch a menn1ld, th?" Ortngt COiet DAILY PILOT /Fridt'f, June " 1112 DOES AtM>NE l&lAHT TO KMOW WMEN CMAALES DICl<ENS ~ 80RN 1 THAT'S ODD--- WE DON'T ~VE ANY TREES i<IU'U .klSf IM 'fitAE. 'fo ACC£Pf~~~ -.wtP.~~ Ott MOW Ml6M MOONT WHITNEY IS?~ MOW TO SPELL MISSISSIPPI ? - Hard work arid Concern for People Tom Riley is dedicated to the people of Orange County. His hard work as our County Supervisor has helped control taxpayer costs and improve efficiency in local government. During two terms as our Supervisor, Tom Riley has proven his concern for people an<l his willingness to work severi days a week to protect our best interests. Tom Riley's "open-door0 policy ensures equal access and fair treatment for all citizens. -Y:om Riley deserves reelection as County Supervisor. A ~cord .Of Success -.· •• f()r us Tom Riley is endorsed by the Orange County Deputy Sheriffs' Association. Police officials support Tom Riley because he gives law enforcement the h~lp they need in the fight against crime. . Supervisor Riley also led the county'ssu~ful program to provide low-interest mortgages. With the Riley program, the County has approved more than 5,000 homes for mic:fdle-income persons such as police officers, school teachen. and nurses. . · , \ At the same tim~, Tom Riley has helped make Orange County government mor.e efficient. Our countygovemmentoP,eratesatthelowestcoit-1>«:r-~rsonofanymajorcoun~yintheeritirestate . ... • Auto. tr•ne., r•dlo & h••t•r, exoeptloMlly clMn 8l'ld new 1)81nt. Mutt ... to ~·t•I (215KLL) 5 2299 1111 lllZI , "LI"~ 5 epeed tranwn181k>n, AM-FM r8CSM>, .. the t8Ctory equipment, Just CNfll 11,000 mlN. cuttom wMe& & tlf• (1CQA945). •5799 · 11l1 llTm ··-·,.·~· 1211 Automettc ~. pow tnk-. AM-FM redlo. ~ ~ Md r-..dy to aol (821'TZO). . Don't mlel thll one lor only 5 2999 •4999 1111 ""'I ......... "' Ase 5 l!Peed model tor~ economy with etereo CH .. tt•. cuatom exterior trim a morel cenRl.f). 0t..r gr8dulltlon gift for Oflly '29.99~ •5999 •6599 1111-........ G,-.t little wen truck with • ltereo tape. etep tMamper, cuetom a11tpel Md morel (1P21041). A ..... btiy et onty 5 3699 11111111m••• ...... 5 •P••d tranemlHlon, etereo o .... tte, eunroof, chrome •t•p tlurnJW Md juat OWi 10,000 ,,,..... (2M31155). PRICED TO SELL! •3999 ' I ··IAL GREEN RIBBON BUYS These late model, low mileage cars all carry Earle Ike's exclusive 2 year 24,- 000 mlle warranty. You can't lose! I BEST BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY! e1111nm1•-.uw ... s3999 Thie one II ~.:lo., equipped 8nd hM 1111 8Utomttc . It II *> .,.. ~ ~ c.rt (218YHO). Thie one r. • It.Iii at onty e 1111 TIYITI OIElllll IElll Auto. trane., .., cond., pow eteer1ng, oower bf8kM, AM·FM ttet90, vtnyt top. RMI luxury •t • bwg8ln price! (843UZI) e 1111 nma llLlll W111m 15 llPeed tr"'*""'IOn, • oondltlol*'O, AM-FM etereo, ,_.window.._. & mcnl You'w got to ... thla Mo tone ~(C187WS>l). 1171 Yll.YI .. IUM." Auto. trane., elr cond., power lteer1ng, power brekM & Wiry~ Light 'blue· flnlah with dark blue Interior. Don't mlH thl1 onel (187XW8) 5 6499' '4999 •5999 '6999 1llO TIYITI RllOEL 111 llHF 4 apeed, atereo c•tHtte, alloy wtieela, cuatom Interior & exterior trim. The ultimate In economy & ftln to drivel ( 1AOS832) 5 4699 1111nm1 -----Automattc tnina., air cond., full pow, AM-FM lter9o, tit wheel, crulae control, pow door loc:b, 8loy whMla & morel FW9 bl8dt nwlllllc flnilh with Bordeaux Interior. (489ZTI). '8999 1171 THITI OELIOI '1.IFTIAOI" 5 apeed, 81r cond., AM-FM 1tereo. • 811oy wheell, rear lh8de & more. Low mllea & 1potle11 In every rapect. (413WRA) •5999 1111 mtrl ... Automattc nna.. fUI pow, air oond., ..., t.pe, tHt wheel, crulM control, ~ whMla & morel Just OWlf 21,000 mha on thll rnet.-c brown t.uty. See It today! (114XJ'W). '6999 1177 TIYITI OEUU '1.IFTIAOI" Auto. trane., air cond .. ltereo t-i>e. power brMM & more. (987SEW) A rare ftnd & extra dean for only 9 4799 ' . 1111omn,.., •uza LllllD Autom•tlc tranamlulon, air cond., power steering & br•kM, tllt wheel, SIX-PAC camper •nd low mll"t Mull eee to appreciate! (1G3-4811). •4999 1171 TOYOTA °CELICA COIPE" Popular 4 speed, AM-FM lfereo, power brakee, cuatom exterior trim & more. Great for graduation ! (694MXU) 5 2999 1111 lllZIA 0 1LC" Popular front wheel drive 5 speed, fully factory equipped plus exterior trim pactcage & morel Juat over 10,000 mlles. (1BWYtl06) Take a look at only 1110 POISCllE 124 °Tlllll" Sunroof, 5 speed, air cond., ttereo cauette, power wtndowa, cuatom wheel• & tires. Low ml181. Whata C8t'I (1CJK165) •14,999 1111 mlTI TDIEI...,.._ The sir-test In economy with a 5 apeed, all the stlll'lderd r.ctory r.tur. plul custom exterior peckage. Don't rnlta thll one! (1BCE225). '5299 .1 I I I BUSINESS STOCKS ce C7 Some lop area players compete in Adoption Guild tennla tourney,. C2. .Angels' success story has a STABILIZER -Catcher Bob Boone is being credited with helping to make the· Angels' pitching staff a success. Boone is one of the niain reasons the club leads AL West By JOHN SEV ANO Of the 0.-, Not ..... Manager Gene Mauch refers co hbn u the belt receiver ln bueball. The Angela' pitching staff, almost to a man, credita much of its succeu to his experience and leadership behind the plate. . Indeed, on a team laden with one star alter another, catcher Bob Boone tends to become nothlna more than a. piece of 11pnf!!¥. The picture thouah, concerning the P)liladelphta Phillie transplant, becomes much clearer when h1a aueta are put lnto proper focus. "Bob Boone ls a very bf'i8ht young man who takes a special Interest in quarterbacking the game," aya Mauch. "He's like a sponge ln that he forgeta nothing." ''He's the best receiver I've ever pitched to," adds pitcher Andy Hassler. "He always keeps his head ln the game and that helpe me keep my head ln the game. "The relationship between a pitcher and a catcher is like marriage. There h.u to be a little give-and-take from both ends. Boone i. very aood at that. He Ph1l1ies .WO felt h1a eye at the plate had "All I knew about th1a 1taff wu what knows how to handle hia pltchen," uy1 aone IOW' (he hit only .229 ln 1980 and I had read prior to coming here and Hualer. .211 ln •e1). everything I read la.id It wu a bed Boone i. credited with addini 1tabWty Boone hu 1lnce proved that both Uafl," Boone explalna. "Every day to a pitchJna staff that compiled a lofty knocka were unwarranted . . . lf 51 aomeone would aak me about how 3.71 earned run average laat year. pmee into ~ '82 campa.lgn ia any maliJZned our staff I.a. Enterln1 ton11ht'1 three-1ame 1erle1 fndlcatlon. . "Well, our 1taff la maligned only with the Bo.ton Red Sox. the team'• Not only la Boone hlttina 27 polnta becaUle the press saya it la. Nobody on ERA i. a bett.er-than-re1pectable 3.02. To above h1a career averase at ."287, he allO thla team ha.a ever l&ld anything like lhow you Juat how sood that fl.lure la, leads the American Leasue In throwing that. It's like what happened to me. The etped.ally for ,the Angela, you'd have to runners out with a 63 percent ratio (22 pre91 atarted aaying I couldn't throw any go all the way back to 1972 when the of 36 attempt4). more so everyone believed l couldn't. I staff tuhloned a MMOn-endlng ERA of "I understood why he was having all knew all the time I could. 3.06 to find one that' a comparable. thoee problema at Philadelphia." saya "Thia staff has a lot ol quality and lt "lt'1 nice to pt credit that way,'' saya Mauch. '"lbere'1 no way you can throw had It from day one." Boone of the 1tatf's reeurgence runnen out with the kind of pltchen What has impressed Bbone ao far under him, "but It'• the pitchers who are they have over there. You can run on about the staff la its abWty to get the key dolna the job." guya like (Dick) Ruthven, (Steve) out when it has to. Boone-waa a virtual steal In that he Carlton and (Larry) Christensen all "The biggest thing la that they've came to the Angela from the Phillies night long becauae they don't know how been able to make that quality pitch, the during the winter ln a straight cash deal to hold runners on very well. one they need to make when the game ia totaling $250,000. Of coune, at the time, "Our staff iln't perfect, but it's far on the line, when they've had to," aaya the Phillies thought they were doing superior to the situation there." Boone. "They've done that very themaelves a favor. Thua far, Boone has taken his acclaim successfully through the first third of The rap on the right-hander, at the In stride. He'1 not aurpriaed by his the season." time he was IOld, was that at age 34 he accomplishments, nor ia he startled by Boone mlnlm1zes hia impact with the could no longer throw out _runn __ e_ra_._Th_e __ w_ha_t_the_-'p'--itching _ __.._staft __ haa __ ac_hi_·e_v_ed_. ____ <Se_e_B_OO __ N_E_, _P_a __ 1e_C!_) ------ LA defies logic Lakers lead 76ers, 3-1; but why? By CURT SEEDEN Of .... .,.., ........... INGLEWOOD -Thanks to . their 111-101 victory over the.._ Philadelphia 76ers Thursday night, &le Los Angeles Lakers can wrap up an NBA championship Sunday and become. the first team in NBA history to go through post seaaon comJ)etltion with just one loss. And just how can the Lakera totally overwhelm what ls supposedly one of the two best teams in the NBA like they're doing to the 76era? BOW CAN they go tb.roucb back-to-back game1 without al.lowlna the 76erw even one lad ln taking a 3-1 ed"e in the best-of-eeven lleries? "They're a great team, yet we keep beating them by at least 10 points. What does that mean?" repeated guard Norm Nixon when asked that question. "You know, I took logic ln college. Let's see, what does that mean?" . Nixon never did come up with an answer, despite confessing to an A in logic when he was attending Duquesne University. "All I know is we have the• talent and nobody lets up for 48 minute9." Nixon la.id. Actually, the Lakera did let up just a bit ln the fourth quarter Thursday night. The 76era: down 87-72 after three periods, made two legitimate runs at the Lakers, and only three ooet.J.y turnovers during the second rally prevented them from making things that more interesting. "We were surely two different ball clubs in the fint half and second half.'' noted Philadelphia Coach Billy Cunningham. "We cannot plan on coming out Sunday for the fifth game In Philadelphia and playing one half of buketball. ''We can't expect to . beat-a tam at the level of the Lakers uni-we play 48 minuta of bMketbell,'' Cunningham added. The 76en uvecl their be1t basketball for the leCIOnd half where they effectively fQU&ht oU the Laker trap defeme and shot considerably better than their 32 percent effort in the second quarter. .,I THOUGHT we ate it alive in the second half.'' Cunningham said of the Laker defense, which many opponents and followers of the game say borden on being illegal. "And that was simply because we started being aggressive and we ata.J1ed hitting out shots. In the first half I think we were aomething like 5-of-20 from the perimeter. (Andrew) Toney and ·NCAA track meet: Sprinters' holiday PROVO, Utah' (AP) -The mountain altitude and a brand-new track are turning the NCAA outdoor track and field championship8 lnto a sprinters' holiday. So aay the men and women speedsters who blazed to imprealve qualifying Umea on the eve of two days of finals today and Saturday. "Thia · la the fastest track I've ever: 'nm on," said a grinning Bert Cameron of Texu-El Paao after the two-time NCAA 400-meter champion qualified Thunday In a sizzling 44. 79 IN!CCll'lda. '"lbla i. a very fMt track and I feel like I'll be able co nm a good time in the flhala," he -1<1. "U I am puahed. It ta ix-ible that we could eee a worfd record ln the 400 meters." Another 40()..meter contender, KMbeef ~ ol Qn:aori State, posted an even better time of NL HONORS WALLACH ' Maurice (Cheeka) were the guys we had to get th~ basketball to but the_¥ ~ didn't make the shots," Cunningham continued. The Lakera, meanwhile, were surprisingly in the same predicament, with both Jamaal Wilkes and Nixon having their problems from the outside. Fortunately for Coach Pat Riley's team, the fast break was once again ln fine form early in the game, and center Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was hitting on 7-of-10 shots In the first halt to make t}p for the lack of outside production. ..I DON'T remember .eetng Norm and Silk (Wilkes) rniaa '° much from the outside," aald Riley afterward. Still, Wilkea and Magic JohNOn eech flniabed the game with 24 points apiece and Jabbar added 22 to ofhet another sharpshooting performance by Toney (28 points) and 25 acrobatic points from Julius Erving. "We haven't 'won anything yet," Riley cautioned. "I know we're ahead 3-1, but we have to come up with one more game to win. Thia game waa pivotal for both teams. It puts them in a desperate situation.'' Indeed. Cunn1ngham eeerns to be running out of answers. He even tried a little bit of trapping of h1a own whenever Jabbar got the ball, but that, too, backfired. "KAREEM WAS very effective. He just made aome outstanding moves tonight. A couple of t ime• we double-teamed him and juat '(See LAKERS, Pqe 0) \ Wilander gains French Open final PARIS (AP) -Mao Wilander, 17-year-old Swede. upaet Joae-Luia Clerc of Argendna 7-5, 6-2, 1-6, 7~5 today to become tbe youngest men•a final1at ever in the French Open temua chalnplomhlp1. Wllander, unaeeded, bad plWV1cMly def•ted Ivan Lendl and Vital Oerulaltia. OVER THE TOP -Newport Harbor Hiah pole vaulter Lance Betaon Is campeUQg ln tile state track and field cbamplop1tilp1 in • .,... .......... "ra..M-.r Sacramento this weekend. He is one of five Orange Coast area athletes to qualify in the men•a competition. " • ·Buss defends l;A's · salary structu.re INGLEWOOD -Jerry Bu11' Pnm AP dJ•tdltl m· me\hodl of J'UMlna ~ Loe Anaelee Laken orpnlaation hll drawn h•ted critidan from BoRoll Celt.lei owner Harry Man,w1an. but the Laken owner •YI he flauree he la uatna eound econom1c principle.. Bull, who ~ a fortune in real estate then boucht the Labn, Loe Angelm Kinas and the Forum when the buketball and hockey teams play, hu introduced nne new finand.a1 thinking to pro basketball, the most notable of which la offering extremely lucrative, lon,-term contracta. Earvin "Magic" Johnaon haa a contract calling for $25 m11l1an over 25 yeara. Ma:ngurtan haa lmplled that Buae WU fiauntiJ'l& his ... we.1th to the detriment of the National Buketball Aa>ciation and blamed him for the league'• hJab aa1ary structure. ' "I feel v*Y justified ln operatin& the Lakers the way I do," aaid Bua "If I have done injury to other owners, I would be the first t.o olfer an explanation." Buss aaid that ln apite of the multi-million dollar contracta he'a given Johmon. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Mitch Kupchak. the Lak.era are not the h.ta~. ~ team in the NBA. Quote of the -day ''I tried to win it for Jim ... ~ hole I walked today I beard1bhn •Y· 'Don t let it giet away from you'." -Cadty Mene, who won her tint LPGA tournament recently despite belnc in IDOW'Dfnl ~the death of her ~ Jim Meyer, who died four months ..._ L:.evenaon, Morgan lhare Kemper lead Guba Lev--. a 28-year-old !I South African. IOlved the awtrlina wtnda and btrdled bla final hole to pin a aha.re of the first-round 1-d with GU Meri•• in the Kemper Open tournament ... JeAaae Caraer 1hot a 4-under-par 88 to p-ab a one llnlke lwl awtr &.atllJ PHdewalt, Pan, Autin mil Qirll J...._ after the flrlt round ol the llc:Dnneld'a Kida' clauia . . . Krl1U. llH, a vtrtually u.nlmown 20-year-old CallfCJl'DlaD. Tbunday q_uali6!'«' ~ the 1llt eept ol the Brtdl& Amateur chalnl*>Nb!P in Diel. ~ lloe .,_ted veteran former BrfUah ~ Cup player )lartla Chlltaa1 at the Utb hole to emerse .. the an1y ~. Mlrtln to "*'1119 AL AIHWI am, ... , .... man.pr ot .tit Ill Ol.kland A·~ •--.&•'*I ...... .-of UMt 1881 _..;:.r· .Ail .. tHlll: by 1•11ue P~nt Ltt MeePMD ~y. By ndidont~ would have to W 1Am• who the New York ~anbll to the AL _pennant t y..... by biiitilW Martin'• A.'1 in tM ~ champlonahtp ~~ hoftver1 WU fired April 2& U Y..UC.. m&nll9I' arid la now a acout for tbt club ... lhewheu, Lilt Leal m.ndld hia Ufetime record .,.wwt Temmy Job to S-0 wttb a four-bitter u Toronto defeated the New York Yanketa, 3-1, In the only American Lea1u• 1ame played Thunday ... The other AL conteat betwHn IMll'nll Toxaa aQd Baltimore waa pottponed due to ra1n . . . In the Jone National Leacue pme, TOQ Peaa11 one-out double in the bottom of the 10th Inning 1cored Jaeoa ftomptOD with the wtnn1ng run U Pitiaburah edpd Montreal, &-4 . . . Atlanta'• Geae Garber, one of the NL'• top relievers, suffered a pulled bamatring muacle in hia rtaht le1 before Wednelday nlaht'a pme and will be lost to the club indeflnftely ... Right-hander Dlek R•dtvea of the Philadelphia Phllllea wu named the NL'a Pitcher of the Month after po.tJ.na four win.a and a l.18 ERA for the month of May. BaaebaU today On du.a date ln bueball in 1964: Dodgen fireballer Sandy Kou.fax hurled hia third career no-bitter, atriking out 12 in blanking the Phlladelphia Phillies. 3.0. Today'a birthda)'I: Cincinnati Manager John McNamara la M>. San Diego catcher Terry Kennedy la 26. Biiia' Cribbs wants $1 mllllon Joe Cribb•, the Buffalo Billi' II All-pro running back, wants $1 million to play football next year or he may au outL-aecordina to a · pubU.lhed report -inunday. Cribbs ruabed for more thap 1,000 yard.a tn b1a fi.nt two yeara with the BWa • . . Collllalatador Clelo. winner of four mataht l'llOM, wu inli.lled aa the 3-1 early favorite over the fieJd of 11 for Satwday'a Belmont Staket. Preakneaa winner Aloma'1 Raler and UUase. runner-up ln the Preakness. were the co-.eoond cho6ces at 4-1. Television, radio FollowinC are the top apor18 event.a on TV tonight. RatfnCt are: ....,....,....,...., excellent; ....,....,...., worth watcb.ing; ""'""' f.air; ""' forget it. ~. '1:SO p.m •• Clwmel i V' V' V' V' BASEBALL: &.ton at Anaela. Aueueen: Bob Stan', Joe Buttitta and Ron Fairly. The AnceJa, ie.der'l in the American League West, face the Red Sox. who trail Detrott by 1 ~ pmm In the r..t, lD the tint of a three--pme let. 1be Anaeb will tend Steve Renko (~1) to the mound .,mmt the Red Sox'a Bruce Hunt (1-1). RADIO Bnebell -Dodaen at St. Lou1a, 6:30 p.m., KABC (790); &.ton at AnaeJa, 7:30 p.m., KMPC . ('710). . l I 1Top. doubles teams matched l I 'nMft'I a d1atinct 0rance Cout ere a flavor to the men 'a eemlflnals of the Adopdon Guild .. ~ tournament Saturday at ~ Newport Beach Tennll Cub. face Jill Johnaton and Karen Clauaen at 10:30 with Ellen Bryant and Julie Hayward meeting Lea Antonopolla and Karen Willa at noon in M!lnlflnal action. The flnala are Sunday at 1:30. f In the noon ma~ Jerry Van 'Ltnae ·and Tam Lecnard, two well known in this area. · In the mixed double• t.. Dick Miller and Bob competition. PhO and BettyAnn Hodmteder. Dent wf11 face Bob Miller and Then at 1:30 Rldl L.ch, frelb Kathy Marcus at 3 on Saturday ~rom heletni ~u11a Beach with Olaalow and Gene Malin win the S.A tennta f.aclnQ Warfield and Stew Slmcn hamplomhip Wec:IMlcMf, wm at 4:!0. The flnala are at 3 on with Foothlll Hf8b ..uor Sunday. Pa·tnat to laee former In addition to the open p.:ana del Mar atar Dlmny Saltz d1vWcn. competition ii aJlo beina ;and pu1ner Bob Mlller. Saltz contested in A, B, C and D P1W plays for UCLA. diviaklm fClr an thr. catepia l The wbmen will meet Sunday All final.a are Sunday at the t noon for the men'• ,_ title. Newport Beach Tennll Club. ~ ---niere .. Uo. Junior vet dlvilion In the women'• open. Sulle wlth the final• at 10:30 on artie1d and Gall GJetcow will Sunday. Orange Coast College SUMMER ' ·S~OR'TS CAMP Agea 7 -15 Activities include track, softball, vol,.ybell, awlmmlng, with emphasis on FUN/ For boys & girl•. Camps mHt In two wHk Hnlona lrom 9 a.m. -1 p.m. dally, starting June 21, July 6 .•nd July 19. $20 per aeaalon. REQISTRA TION: RtJgltter by mall or at OCC' Community Servlc. Office, 2701 Fairview Road, Coate Mn«. C.. eaat. INFO MA Tl N -MtJ-5'80 • f Thia la the 21st year of the· Adoption Guild tournament. IATURDAY'I EFTIJ.LI .... _.. ........ Noon-Jelrf V• ~Tom L9orwd va. Didi .._...,., Hoc:Ulllder: 1:30 P.I!'· -::-Tim , ..... -Ricky L..n ft. Denny ~ .... ._..0,-....._ 10:10 un. -~ w~ ~ ft. .. ~ a.-i: Noon -a.. lrreftt•Jull• Harward v1 . L•• Mto!Ml,C~W... ------~ a p.m. -Piii and e.ttyAM Dint va. Kdly Merou1·Ru1ty Miii.,; 4:SO P·"'· -GIUOOW·G•M Melln ¥9. Wtrll•ld-8teve tllnon. . ...... ,,.. ........ • Cf ;' ·-.... t l.nl. -Min'• A:. ..... c: ..., .• o. 10:10 e.m. -J11nlor V•t: M•n'1 I : Womeft'I A:. Woinen'I D. Hoon -M•n'• Open: Wo"'•n'• 1 1 Wo!Mn'IO. t='O .P.111. -w_..·. Open; ....., /c:. ,.._.D, I p.m. -tiotbc9d Open; Mlllild I : Mixed C. • "rom Page o 1 From P 01 LAKERS. • • SEVA.NO'S COLUMN. • • . made tom• Jd'at pa11e1, • • ~otpa~H,M~ Johnlon l'Nlde a dandy wtth McAdoo the redpltnt and two potnt.a the ...Wt lite in the pme when the 78tn bad whtttled away at tht Laker lead and ~ to within eeven. M.,tc th.In converted a key thne-potnt p1-y which vtrtU&lly wrapped up the fourth pme of the Hriea and added to yet another aplendid tet of penonal stat.a for thee.~ guard (22 polnta, ei8)\t reboundl, aeven lllllt.a~. ••rm Jult t.ryin& to play my aame. EveryboCty labell me thia and labell me that. BMicelllf~ juat t.ryin& to do my job," noted Wtdl hia usual lnodetlty. "WE I.NEW thia WU IOt.na to • be a cloee pme,'} added reeerve Michael Cooper, who aoored just a1x pcinta. '"nley came out at ua hue). It jult ahowa what kind of team we have." An obvloualy elated Lakers owner ~ .• Jerry Buaa made b1a uaual victor)' round.a ln the locker room after the Jame, and couldn't uy eDOUlh about not only hia start.era, but ,hla re.ervea. "You know I apent a lot of money to get (Kurt) Rambia, McAdoo and Clay Johnlon. Ther, are bi& contrlbuton to thla team, • :SU. noted. "But I have to thin¥ th.at most teams would apencl more money on one guy than we did on all three of them." Rambla, with three penonal foula ln the fi.nt quarter, gave way to McAdoo early, but •till tied Jabba.r for top rebounding honon with 11. "I'm ~ contident. (don't want to be unmtrtnc. Jk&' U there•• a 1tx-foot-and-unde, l..,ue that ltlrtl up • . . '' Somehow, Haden doesn't f1IW'9 to be away from the Rama for lone· • • • OF COURSE, IF Cindy Haden, Pat'• wife, haa her way, Pat won!t come within a mlllion milel of a football field again. "I don't think there'• any way he'd consider that.'' ahe Mid of · aotna back to the Rama. "No way at all." In the next tn.th, though, Cindy added: "U th1no had been rtaht. ll they (the IWna) had patted him on the back every onee ln a while, he would have atayed. '.'Thia la the best way, thou.Kb. Thla way he'a 1otna out wlth claaa." • • • BADEN'S RETIREMENT came u no aurpriae to Rutledge.' who knew of hia former teammate'• lntentiona a couple of montha earlier, but had been awom to teereey. 11rl1) aure he hated t.o f.> out the way he had to go out. ' said Rutledge. "He wanted to get out, but not the way he did. The last couple of years weren't hia best. "l hate to see Pat go but I knew it wu ptetty much going to happen." • • • RUTLEDGE HASN'T conceded the No. 1 job to Jones, but he'• reallatic enough to see he's fighting a losing battle. "It ticka me off a little bit," said Rutledae. "Ray ha.a always told me the truth before and he said I'd get just u much playing From Page C1 time .. am. But you la.aw with all thta publichy he'• bHn llttir.\I M 11 aolna to be No. 1 \an.Mm be tal1li lpett .•• Actually , Rutl1d1e rat1onallz.ed, betn.11 No. 2 on the Rama la really a Detter poe{don than bet.rur "No. 1. "Bert t\aa aot a lot of prtllUJ"e on him," aaid all the radio oromotlona, and TV. and mq,Dne ardclet . . . let'a juat uy ll he'• 1obll t.o be there (with the Rama) lt'a better for him to at.art than me. "U I wu •tart.ing people would be loo~ for me to me. up. Thla ;:le Bttl'a got to go in there and onn. "Look, I know no matter what I do, ~ .. he ( Bert) fella flat on hla f.aot, he'a aotne to atart. l've accepted th.at. but that doesn't mean I'm aoina to live up o.r throw ln die tOwel 'nlat'a not like me." • • • FINAL ADD BADEN: Aaked how he would feel il the Rama brought Haden beck, ...umJ.na there waa an injury to Jones, Rutledge replied; "It wouldn't bother me at an. Not u long aa I wu stven the first opnortunity and the ft1st chance.'r ----- Malavasi haa repeetedly aid he'• liked what he'a aeen In Rutledge, his only concern la whether he can austaln his talent over an entire aeaaon .. "Agreed, I haven't played that much," said Rutledge. "But ~ have to play me to see whether I can do it or not. How ls he going to find out otherwise? The only way I can get experience, or Ray can find out whether I can play, is to let me try it." McADOO CAME out blazina again. finiah1ng the ~t with 1~ polnta. It waa McAdoo who hit two straight bucketa to put the Laken ahead. 29-16 with just seconds remaining ln the first period. BOONE ·DIRECTS • • • Aside from th e two Philadelphia spurt.a ln the fourth quarter, the game WU baslcalJy a repeat of Tueaday ~t'a romp. "We're going to have to play juat u bald S-unday u we did tonlfht," cautioned Magic. "I don' want to ccme bacll here. We're not taking anyt.hin.g for granted.'' Angel hurlera, but he does admit his knowledge of the game i.s aomething he's acquired through experience. ''There are a lot of thinga that a catcher tees that he just can't write down or explain to somebody ebe," Boone contends. "lt'a a hard thing for me to explain. lt'a aa if I would tell a young catcher like Keith Moreland that there'a no way you ahould throw a certain hitter a futball. Yet there are timea. certain lnatancea, when you ahould. lt'a just a feeling that comee from beine behind the plate. ''C.alling a game la more of an art form than it la a science . There are adjustments you make with ~ pitcher, every batter, but it'a acmething you know to do when the time ls right. There are no principles or guidelines you can 80 by." May be not, but Mauch acknowledges that Boone has PUIZLI SOLUTION TO .YALUI A ... VICI M A G 0 N s u • u POllTIAC • Fireblrdt • Grand,,. ... • lonnevta.. • J 6000a • J 2000. • T 1000. SUBARU · •DI. Wogon1 • 4x4 •ott • GI. Avtomatk Wagon• a. maonon pOntiac suoaru 2480 H• ih.i. 'Ctsta Mesa 549-4300 that uncanny intengible of knowing what to do at just the ~reciae moment. "He (Boone) gives them the plan, the pitcben execute it and the defeme culminates it. You combine all thcee things and the pitching staff ia going to be better," aaya Mauch. Of coune, much of Boone's ·rejuvenation could be attributed to the new lease be received ln comin& West. "I think h e's happy," aaya Mauch , "and that's more conducive to doing thingl better. At leaat he'a damn aure be'a appndated here." "Yes, the last couple of yeara I didn't think I waa wanted," admit.a Boone of bis ~enoe ln Philadelphia. ..But then there were a lot of reuona for that. I was pretty lousy my last couple of years there. "The Phillies did me a favot, though. They put me into a good situation.'' M'UUDELTPM 2 • 2 BIAS-BELTED .... .,. .. •341s _ .......... .. ~-..... .... ...... ..... P.a.T. ' IU"""8cll ....... TIN , ,...._.. MIQ,....... .. ~ -MMltllty a~-..y,-..~· ... ...... .............. ..._...... . ..., ........ ._..... I 116-11 116-11 , .. ,, . , .. , .. I ,., .. ,. , ... ,. ''""'" '"""" MIC• 31.11 37.11 31.11 .U2 ,, ... II.II ..... ..... ~---- Bast heads Me~a cycle field SJx-ti~e U.S. champ tunes up for American apeedway final Mlk• BMt. a m.;Umt u.a. cMmp&an. wm be the heavy tavort\e for tont•ht11 lpHdway motorcycle eora\ch matn eve1tt at th• Oran1• C-ounty J'tJrpounda ln Coata MtM. .. t, one of the moet comfatent r1deil and UDOnl the belt an a ahott trade anywhere ln ~ world, will helld11ne the 10th w•k of tpeedway ract.na at the lhort Cotta M ... trec:k. Oatee open at 0:80 with the ftnt hMt nice at 8 o'clock. Bruce Penhall. a former toe of But at Cotta M .. but naw the world tpeedway champion who rid• rqularly ln the r.n,ulh Speedway X...,U., hu nothJnl b"'t pral.M for But. "He ~ Win jUat about an¥WheN," Penba11 uyt of But. "He 11 the beet rider around rtaht now. He'• comP9f,ltive and he will never beck off. You ~ve to aclm1re the way he roee about h1a tpeedway racirll· He 11 lmmaculate ln h1a preparation and hil oondJUon.tna and he 11 just hard to beet anywhere, on any nice tnck." LE.II ·._.. OIL FILTERS SPIN ON FOR MOST FORD '?'ROOUCTS •lf-IV, 1!7 IR FILTERS ,.,, SU Wot.h brv.h & jei sproyer SEAT CUSHION ALL FOAM ACTION PACK BAllERIES GOUU>· Deep~ battery. MocM forhoun of continuout uM. Wt to toke re~ted, complete lhdtarging &~ging. 10.5AMP llA110.5 :~~ s•!!. 65!!. SUPER CRANK ~ .. -....... ~ __ ...,.... ....... ~~ .................. Bait ha1 had contldtrable IUCICftl on the ~ tnidc and lMt week jumped out to an =*id befcn Shawn Moran. a vWw from who formerly rode hen, nipped h1m at the t line. P9nhall alto tpC>ke of Biil'• chanml in the upcornlna ~·~way final at Lona S..Ch Veteran'i SWdiwn on Satw'd,ay, June 12. 44H. wW be one of the mmt ettectlw ridel'l ln the fleld for th1a world c:hampkbblp qualifier.'' Penhall M)'S. While But wU1 be out to avenp h1a narrow loll qf a week qo, Alan Chrtttlan of Huntinaton :ee.ch, Gene Woodl of Colta M .. Alona with ~bb Ferrell and .ii the other rqu1an w1ll be on hand to challenp h1m for the victory. In the •pedal matah race th1a weel{., it will be Woods aaainat Northern California champion Mike Faria w6o 11 rid1nC the toUthem drcult almost exclusively th1a leUOn. SPARK PLUGS Autolite. STANDARD. 79EA RESISTOR 93 • E~ DIESEl FUEL FILTH/WATER SEPARATOR HUTCHINS • The original AH·OO.OAH Hqm. Hat tM tOund of the roaring 20'a. Enamel finilh with chrome m.gophone. HUFFY 12" 3•• #2102 EA 15"469 #2103 EA CHIVROLll ltsu• (HIVEtlf.. CHfVY II. lf64-66 F•ONT Oa llAI Jor Mott of tM Followtftf IMport Cort end Trud11· DATSUN, TOYOTA. VOl VO, CHEVY LUY, fO«D COURIER. fO# _, CHIVROLfT 1970.79 (Eat. 1'71·7' with Uftmo<h!Md Yobl fOIO lff0.79 WO 1N1-7f. 4•• PONTIAC 1964-79 JACH Orange Coeat DAILY PILOT/f'rtday, JUM •, 1112 This Week's Special 1981 FLEETWOOD BROOGHAM OOlJPI AltrorooC, leather ooveNd ... Una .,... 4c an Cadillac power ,...t opUorw. (1CRR!t2). '154t995-- c.JIJJac v.iw ~ s.w. Af>'wt• A~ 411 0.. ..... n.,,,.., .... All Mio. 1'1w TV 6 u..., [r-11 · .. ·"· ICll DD TllAT 9BAT UI nm.Die wml ....... -Nll'l'I. '. .. . .. . . A~ 12600 Harbor Blvd. DI 1 -A, Costa Mesa ~ (71.4) 540-1860 • A professional shine. • Extra lqng lasting protection. "'",. 1601. 449 SALE PRICE............................ EA. LESS MAIL-IN REFUND I 00 OFFER ON PACKAGE ........... . · ~~~~ ~~sz n ................... :... 3f! 9!! WARM WELCOME FOR OOSTA MESA DEAL£R - Theodore "Bob" Robina, Jr. (ri&ht) of Tht-odott Robina Ford, Cotta Mesa, and Mn. Robina (center right) are p-eet.ed by Jim Wl.lllngham (left), President of the Motor Car Dealen A.odation of Southern Califorrua, and Mra. WllliJ1Sham, at the Prealdent'• Reception, opening event of the group'• Spring Bu1lne11 Conference, held recently ln Indian Weill, Calif . ••• OOSTA MESA ... Mini of America, headquartered in K.anau City llnce 1935, ls proud to Introduce the new owner of lta Cotta Meta franchise, Alex Matkovlch. Mina Auto Beauty Cente r, located at 1520 Ponderou Aw. (Jult off Harbor Blvd.), hu been at Ua preeent location the past five years. When asked to explain the "Ming Process," Matk.ovlch wu explldt ln stating the process ii totally natural, II not an artificial coeting, will never peel, chip, tum yellow or crack and has a three year guarantee. It pro1eC1a car fin.laha, new and old, from deterioration and oxidation. The Mina Center ii open every day, except Sundays. from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Matkovich ltat.ed that be will "test petch" your car free of charge and at no obligation. Matkovich 1t originally from the Chicago aree and has raced can the past 25 years. A fonner MJdwest National Champion, he hat held aeve1·al speedway records for Pro Stock quarter mile drag racing eventa. He came to C.allfomia via Texas and now resides ln Huntington Harbour with hit wife Barbara, who a.180 lends a hand at the Ming Cent.er. ••• WS ANGELES . . . Recently MJtsubishi Motor Sales of America (MMSA), the newly formed United States marketin& arm of Mitsubishi Moton1 Corp., haa appointed 1bomaa C. BeNon vice-prl"Sident of aervice. At MMSA, Benaon will develop eervioe programs for the Fall 1982 introduction of a new line of 1983 model Mltaublahi can and pickup trucks. A natJ.onal network of exclusive Mitaublahi dealers ln now being formed and will market the new line of automobiles. • Mitsubishi Moton Corp. will continue to produce the Dodge Colt Hatchback and Ch allenger , the Plymouth Champ and Sapporo and the Arrow Pickup and Ram 50 for ~ by the Chrvsler Coro. . After graduating with a BS from the United Stat.es Naval Academy ln 1956, BeNOn served for five yean as naval officer, attaining the rank of Ueuten.ant. He later earned an. MBA from the University of Mich!Ran. Belaon served as manager of the Systems and Programming Automotive Sales Group and the Data Proa!9ling Qperations Automotive Sales Group while at Chrysler and more nicent ty wu direc tor of consumer support for Nluan Motor Corporation A resident of Laguna Hilla, BeNon is married with two children.. * * • RENO, NEV .... Harrah's hM donated 100 vehicles aDd lta Automobile Relearch Ubrary to The Hamb Automobile Foundation. Holiday Inns Inc.' through ita gaming subsidiary, Harrah's. which owns the workl's largest and finest auto collection. made the donation N!Ciently for 1982. Harrah's plana to contribute additional autos, airplanel, boats and trade material.I to the Foundation over a five-year period. The Harrah Automobile Foundation, a non·profit Nevada corparatlon, was formed In late 1981 io maintain "the eaaence of Harrah'• Automobile Collection"• a major mu.ewn for the public. The Foundation Board of Trustees, repn!9mted by busineatman Ben Dasher, accepted Harrah's contribution on behalf of the citizens of Nevada. "I think it'1 important to point out that the gift la actually being made to the community," said Dasher. "Tb2I makes thoae of us who liw here, individuals and corporations, the actual owners of this national treelUre.'' Nevada Governor Robert Ll1t agreed, "It 11 abeolutely euenUal that we continue io generate community support and Involvement ln aavine the Collection. The Foundation will provide a focal point for· the~ of concerned dtizena and community orpnlsatkma who wish io maintain the world'• fl.nest automobile collectlon in Nevada." Richard Goeglein, a trwtee and president and chief executive officer of Harrah's. explained why Harrah'• is 1111i1t1n8 ln establllhlng the Foundation: ''Out objective In developtna a five-yee.r plan for the dlapolidon of the aut.omobile ci>llec:Uon ia three-fold. We want to optimize the value of this li1Dlflcant -t to our abarehoklen, m•W•in the lnt.ecrity and world-clw reputation of the Colleotlon and keep it in the Reno area. .. Individual C9llecton have already donated 19 automobiles valued at approximately $1 miW~ to the Foundadon. P.\ The vehlc* wiJl'b bouad in a multi-million dollar mu.um fadllty to be built by the Foundation in the Reno area. Cona1rUCdon 1t tematively aet to be8iJ1 in 1981. although the lite and addldonal detalla of the fadllty b.ave not been finalbed. lnidal pJana call fol' vehicle maintenance and rwWetlon c.apabilltl• ln addition to extenlive c:UtgJay areu, lllxwy fadlltiel. ' offioea and rneeunc rooma. • Funda foe the construcdon of the fadllty will be provided throuCh public .:iu.rces and donationa . ••• IRVINE ••. Encouracina newa foe car buyen is that "one atop attbpplnc" hu now reeched the Imported automoblle market. 1t woric:I Uke'tbia: Afttt Rlec1ina a vehJcle, buyers Will be able to apply OI\ the apot foe cxirnpetitive Cftdit ftnanclna. Thia 1t pank:ularly benefkd&l dur'iq these Umel of limlted credit aval.labWty. Ai.o available Will be extended llf'Vice con\nicia, credit life lnlunnce, pl Middent Ind health ~. Thia "all·ln.one" pacica,. la offend on &ibili'u ~ by Subu'u. tbe onl.Y American opM"atlecl ~ Udy oWMd imPQfied automoblle ecmpany . .._ portant .. the filOl:that \be ........ fifth ..... ...... .. .... .., ......... Gf?-111--.. to l'MdilJ a~ cOa\pedUW rate~ ;luj ,..... ..... ..,,.,, ... .. ,,.. ............... ---wBl ...... ,. ... Ui:ldir .......... ~ Mlllld ..... i, . ...... ,.., ......... !' .... . ~hn\o..._.wl,O.D 111·1 ........ •li&'!W9.,,.. ' I ... ~ COW1191.., ::.~~ .. ~~~~~ .. ;-~~i Qw • ~ .. 'J'tal ~; ea· .... .... ... -""-• • 11ttm1 11111 ' ••••••• •AtwOAY -'1ret ann~I Oorone d .. Mat 9"nio IK, ..... II fl90lllo COiie .....,,._ MCI A\IMNO'" OotW di! tMt. I a.1t1. ,_ ... 110. 'Ilona .l•mH Wood Cl11·to00) for more l!lfonnt*-. MTUMAY -AMUll Hllntinalon IMGl\.lllle 10K run, 111ttll!O el Tllt>trt and Wwd etreete MCI ~ llOlllld Miii ecaun Pll'tl. 1 a.m. , .. 1e N fol' Wly entry. "MM Tony lllomquiel {H4-1Me) IOf "*" lnformeHon. MTUMAY -~ ...... the W1M11et I Md 10K Niii btOlfl al Lt Hllbfa 'lltllon IQuare. "9oialtallon from t :5o-1:•1. ~ ""'a1 e a.m. , .. 1a ~and 17 llltltl lat9 entry lae en adclttlOnal 12. Phone n1~ tot mor. lntormatton. IUNOAY -"fWn lo IMI Cenoet" I and 10K rune begin al lutna Pattc Mall, 7:30 a.m, Fee It 18. Pllona Sandy Sato (742 .. 800) 0t Dell MetJltr (8H-1«11 fot mor. lnfotma11on. Basketball tourney City Of t.aouna 8eacti'a NYtnlh a..dl baalletbell ioum_,1 .._._ annual Main June 12-13. .._.. ..... and Of Olvlelona Include op 8-loot-lhree-end-under ;i· ala.foot-and-under, 30 r--ICklldei *"' ebt·foof=·under. end ~=t~~1oi_P~n!oh::~.dari1a ~. ••II u Game. btgltl Al 1:4& Lm. Sarll•6 Baseball aard .sbow Ariahatm Show b memotabllla ltKJW io •.,. :=,b:: card and •ports June 3-27 at Anen.tm ~ay and 8Uflday, snow c:ontlate of ao eicNblt C«ller. hand to APPf'tlae ... ~ tablaa. DNlart on prograrna, litl1t0nn"":' Ml arid trade bMaOtl oerw, 'POttl ITlamOraDlla. • n~ carda and other Allgal9 8tten ~ and ........... Ottc:ti at lflow. Coet ta &2 per day 1 t;;"7 to ~ 5 Hour...,. e Lm. toe p.m. Satu .... ~ unoer 10. p.m. Sunday. · _, _.., 10 Lm. 10 ~ 8"-.IMO '°' 1ntotma11on. Aoki plans to return to .power ;boat racing -T .. -..... I .. - ~ .... w, •• ,,,., ,,,.,,., ,..,. ,,..,,,. Volleyball all-stars vie 0ranae Cout area volleyball ta on dl.tJ)lay tonight at El Toro High In men and w omen's dlviliom u the Orange County All-1tar games get under way. The women's game begins at 6, followed by the men'• game at 7:30 with the North team oompoeed of the Sumet League and the Newport-Meta IChoola of the Sea View League. The South consist• of the South Coast League and the Irvine area schools of the Sea View League. Coaches for the North men are Tim Reed of Marina and Mike Pomeroy of Estancia. The South ta led by Laguna Beach c.o.cb Bill Aahen. ~ the South ltarl are Rudy DVOrak and Neil Riddell of the CIF champion l..agWla Beach Artl1t1, along with North standouts Anc!r KlUlllllallD' of Marina. John Kelty of Fountain Valley and Corona del Mar's Mike Johnston. Dvorak la the CIF Player of the Year and ii the prlndpel re810n for the South's ro1e u the favorite. Tars, CdM alums clash The first Newpol't Harbor-Corona del Mat High alumni football game ii on tap tonJabt at Newport Harbor with kickoff eet for 7:30. Gary Guimem te.ds Corona del Mar'• attaack from the quarterback position, while Newport Harbor's offense includes quarterbacks Alvin Whtte, Steve Bukich and Gordon Adami from the SaDon' put. Proceeds from the game are ticket.ed to both 8Chools' football prosrarm. Preule Ucketa (aeared toward ~Harbor athl.etfa) can be at 'Inds & Thftada. 70 E. 17th in c.c.ca Mela until 6 o'clock. By ALMON LOCltABEY .,., ............ Rocky Aoki, the daring Japeneae restaurateur, will de9Cend from the airways to the ocean aaain this year. • •••••••••••• V•IVOlllN •A•»W.P Aoki has announced that be will drive an offshore power boat in the ruapd Benthana Grand Prix at Point Pleuant, N.J. July 14. It will be the flrlt time Aoki has 1et foot in an ottahore racing machine 1lnce he wu almoat killed tn an accident outside San Franc11co'1 Golden Gate Bridge in 1979. · Motor Oii Since his recovery from the accident that broke almost every bone ln bl1 body and caused serioua internal injuries. Aoki haa taken up hot air beJ.loonina. DOCrORS TOLD the diminutive Japanese daredevil that he would never race again, but they apparently failed to consider Aoki'• determination.. While be still has a steel pin in b.1a thigh. almost three years of dally physical therapy have repaired the effectl of the accident which severely damaged hil aorta and liver, neceamtati:na the removal of h1a IPleen and pll bladder and by-pe.9 he.rt IW'lery. He also broke several bones in addition to the femur and lost the partial UR of h1a rlcht. ann for a1n:at ayeu. , The Behihana f8Cle WU founded by I Aoki and named after his chain of : Japanae restaurants. 'lbe high pohrt of bla oftlhare nctnc career ran from 1978 to the time of the aockJent. Jmt 1111« ~ the Mddent he won the : ~ Grabd Prix. : He al80 won the flnt offabore : poww boat nice held out of Newport ~ 8-:b and the John Wayne MelQDrial : a... out of~ .a.ch. RETURNS TO RACING -Rocky Aoki says he'll drive an offshore power boat in the Benihana Grand Prix July 14. . 1 ... 1 for,.._•'• u.•. orl•....,..•r HIRPJlnllna. Bralle Retainer Tool Hollywood P.ark, 'Los Al results ' J• I ~..=Tt &~~~----) ,....,, 11.40 1.00 1.40 Gecln °""'* ~ 1.00 .. ., aloi~ (MCIHerp) 1.40 AllO ,.a; COllnllklr ~. Jim 81.rta, _,, o.r.. .. ltM•ltOI) ........ Of__.,_, Tlme~ Time: 1:10 418: MOOND RAC9. 1 1111 m11ea. PtmOOlllrltcA.0::-) 4.00 uo uo Aooantulltl ) 4.40 4.20 My1t1ce1 at.._. (Ceatanedal uo Aleo teoed: M Vlalon, T• Of A luc*, Emtrtld roa, Iron All•, ltlll Confuted, lantoadt, E1MW of 0...0., l!xhltMl. Time: 1:4' vt. M DALY~ (7-10) peld 124.20. M OOMIOLATION DALY ~ (7-1) peld N .20. ,,..,uca,= ~ TUdor ( lUO UO I.SO "'""'* ..,, (McCanon 3.40 3.00 ~ Pronilae CRamlrwl uo Mio reoed: Qanoy, a-. JoM, Okie Alwr, Shungey. Time: 1:10 315. • DACTA (2-1) paid 1171.10. 'OUlmt llACI. 1 1/11 mllaa. Quiet Flight (Moeam>n) 7.00 3.40 uo Sunny Ridge (Bladl) uo uo ~ fM Oddi (Guwra) UO Alao rtced: Strawberry lllok, Raging Stonn, T,_ Madi. Time: 1: ... 4/5. • IXACTA ( 1-8) peld S4UO. "'"" llACI. 1 1/ 15 mllee. Latrone (Ollvar9e) 13.00 1.20 3.20 Op1lmanoe I.._,) 17.IO &.00 TrM "°'* (e..t.neda) 2.IO Alao raced: Pecot Pink, l'orll'a Traat, lhayne MoOulra. Burst of Song, Daar FNnCflV. T1rMc 1 :AZ 21&. • DACTA (1-6) paid $38e.50. eame uca. e tunonoa. ...., (9ildl) e 20 3.80 uo Bom ~) &.40 4.20 Jlded ..... (TOIO) UO Mio NDed: Cutfww Time, 8-lly Blooma. G"°9t l>Moaf, E•preHo MIH, 'Winsome ~. ,_ 1:11 11&. ~.,. =:, .. ~'to ......... ....., O-ltretiegy ~tuo 1uo uo lallttlln lnflllllon ic;;;;; 4.00 2,.0 L.eoa loont IMltcNll Z.40 Aleo reotd: Arnie ltby, 'unny Too, Fllil'W9yl ""'*"' ~ Wirt, IMF lhoet. ~·1.11. M IXACTA (14) peld 1111.10. •cote llACIL 350 ywcta. Houaa • CC.doul uo a.40 a ... Clounl'Y lettllt (Trial 7 00 4.tcl flllcherd ,.,gueon cCaea11t1 3 eo AM reoti: N9a Straaller, ~ Polley, "'*"'· ~ ~. &tier "9wa, .... 1'191ih, Tidy Pueblo. nm.: ,a.aa. TI9ID MCI. 350 varda. 0"9 Three Dout>lta (AlmaM)l.20 4.20 3.00 Chi<* The Ooct0t (OlerllM) UO :UO Miio Known 1carc1oza1 a.~ Also raotd: Jone Oharttr lug. Ml•' °1..::adue, Jodie 8olutlon, Werda Wlz.. 11.2&. : ,OU9mf uca. 110 ywdl. Speedy a.II (Atm91rong) UO 4.20 UQ Wonderful "°'*et (Aragon) UO 4.20 Hooked Deep (Tonka) -11.GO; Aleo r~: l'lex King , 8Pf'lna Futy, Make., Bid, Wonder No Mor9, Chicti 8ar Meinntn. Time: 47.'7. : M IXACTA (4-31peld147.00. ' """ RAC9. 350 yardl. Aoc*et Song (Plllanton) UO 5.00 UQ Annabel (Mltc:nall) 17.00 I.IQ OoulM Tuff Turtle C""""-1 •.OO Aleo ~: 8owrelDn Olal. RallWt Rodu1t: The Racing au-i. Nattw Sky, Fact Det9: Oocumenlatlon, Gabbyw Udy. : Time: 18.42. : . llXTH MCI. 400 yardl. : e-On Down tCrete«l ts.40 32,80 11.ICS Bulnlta Balle~ 5.80 4.0IJ IClt--"lna I I I.~ Aleo raced: su .. Polloy1 _~~ay Hlklc Swettaodtt)'. CNneo, Jullea .__, uwyer,: Proudly . T1me: 20.21. IZ UACTA (&-4) peld 17t7.IO ll"VDfTH llACL 400 yarda. • Klttyt Klptyt(at CPaullna) 5.00 3.00 2.40 Sir Fllrtkl ArOW!d-(1..KMy} 4.00 UcJ My lc>lcy Men (Ad*) 3.10 tn9ITM MCa. ~ futtonga. Alto ,_i: A Running Charge, Flellt Cl~i W.... ~I~ 1.40 5.20 4.10 Mo9t Happy Choioa, en.tol Rowir. nv.. W111t FMnD CJ** cai--1 1uo 10.00 cnano.. • ltlnil ,. (Guln'a) 5"80 T1me: 20. 18. : Mio reoed: No No, fltlllp E., Stetlnc:tlYI. : Alcfl Dooeot, T~. a UACTA (9-2) peld 118.00. ! Time:1:153/&. • •. ~ ....... ,.., : : ::CC: :~:a:~:~~~~~~~ .. · ~rw= yardae.80 3.20 2.eci wfttl two Winning UC*et9 (llbl . az Pk* Kita 8alM CAd*I &,80 3.00. 81• Coneotatlon paid 1810.20 with 1t1 Ml:::: r~ Proepect, Ootl i..&..a ~ Winning ~ (IM hOrMe).. NatM Eagle. Boea Hogg, SUdderl Dlltl. Mr: Goldmlnar. Tlme to Shue. : ....,.. llACa. One mle. LadyT,...,_ ~ 18.IO 8..40 l.00 DID6omlidc TNlt (~) 7.00 &.00 F1g9llM (Vaianlull9) 4.00 ~ ~:,...,., Aewlrd.1...M1 Amt°"'· Doofl'• LadY. Julianne, hellt ..... T1me: 1:17'. • DACTA (1-11paid1287.00. A""1de11oe: 11.191. Time: 17.M . • txACTA (2-8) peld 135.20. IZ l'tC« 11X 17-4-7...,._21 pe1c1 1120.40 with: 21 wlMlnQ Uc:bCI (IM tiora.), U fl"* Six: Conaolatton paid 115.20 with 438 wlnnlnO'. tk:ketl (lour ~).. : ~ . ' w • MAJOR LIAOUI ITAHIMHOI A'=9J;::C- W L ,.._ .. 11 IO .IOI 21 20 Ma I\; 27 21 .~ 2\; 21 27 .411 I \; H 28 .412 7 IS 2t 341 It\; 1i 41 ,229 20 ...... .,..,...... W L ...._ .. at 17 ..... 30 1t .t12 I\; 28 u .621 • 26 n .621 I l4 24 .llOO 7 23 21 .4Tt • 23 27 .400 • ..,.....,.. ..... Toro11to 3, ,._ Y0111 1 T-II a.lttmcn, ppd., rlln ~ Oil'* '°'*"'*' T .......... 0- BollOtl (Hum 1-11 et ..... ( .... 0 &-11 CleWlaind (Denny 2-1) II Toronto (Gott 1..a) -s.ttle (e.ttle 1-4) " Oecl'oll (Wllooll 4-2) ~ °'Y (Splttorfl 3-4) II .... Y0111 (AlgNtll W) Q'llcego (lqt .. ,) et,_ (Hough~) Beltlmore (MoGregor WI el MIMMola (l'elton o..5) MllwaukH (Slaton 4·11 al Oakland t~WI NedoMI lM9'l9 ...... ~ W L ,._ 091 2t 20 .592 27 21 .&e3 1\; 25 2t 490 5 22 21 .440 7\; 22 30 423 I\; 20 20 .408 • ---OMllaft WLPot.09 32 ,. .827 2t 22 .&42 4'A 21 23 $40 4\; 25 22 532 5 21 21 .431 e•n 21 30 .412 11 ~--­Pltt9burgtl 5, ~ 4 (10 lmlnge) ONy QalM aolledllled T .......... 0- Dfftffa (Staw•r1 1=21 al tit. loula (~13-01 San Franc:laco (Cllrla O· I) at Cllloago (Jenklnl s-ei San 01900 (Curtla 3-3) al Plllaburgll (AflodM 2-11 ,._ Yor1t (Puleo 6-2) Al Clndnnatl (S.-W I~ Montreal (Gultlc:lcaon 3-31 al Atlanta (~2-2) pnlladetphta (Carlton 1-11 at Houlton (Nllkro+.4) AIMftceft ........ .... ...,.l.YaM-1 N.-Y0111 000 100 000-1 4 1 Toronto 020 010 OOx--3 8 0 John and Wynag.v; LM1 and &.. Mar1lneL W-IMI (4-5). l--John (4-5). A-20, 147. NettoMI &.eef'le ............. 4 MontrMI 003 010 000 0-<4 • 0 PlttaOw9'I 000 200 200 1-5 • 0 Aog9r9. FIMtdon (7). FtyllWI (I). IL 8mltll (ti and Cert«; 0. flob!NM, T•nlM (II~ Scurry (101 and T. ,._ W-8curry (W). L-8. s.r..111 (0-1~ HAio MDI•• RMl9a lfY o.-.. (IL A.-4, 151. Angel...-.... UTT1MG MRM•• .. c.-156 rr "' 0 t2 .311 ..... " . ,,. 0 I .J02 Olidl Ille 21 46 1 28 .296 loolle 1llO • 43 1 20 .37 °"'*'Cl 200 32 17 10 24 .2111 LY"" 180 24 ... 2 13 .U5 Fill , .. 17 45 2 24 .214 , .. 22 .. 7 ao .242 ~ Ao.'**-1 211 2 1 0 3 .241 .231 o.ai-112 22 43 I 20 .... ,,.._ 156 20 35 7 ,. .221 0 0 ..208 ~ WlfonO llllt.lon ~ TOWie 24 2 5 S4 a 7 1 3 .208 7 0 1 0 0 . 1158 45 4 1 0 2 .ue I 2 0 0 0 .000 1727 211 453 43 206 .212 ~ • N • 90 W-4. IRA 2 0 0 1 0.00.00 2$'41 ,. to 10 1-4 0.71 54\41 .. 1 21 5>1 2.15 IS 4't 25 2t 4-1 2.72 ~ a2 ,. S4 .. 2 2.74 75'4 10 17 24 w 2.17 ~ • Z2 24 3-0 2.11 '°"' 411 11 11 2-e 4,et 31'A 42 14 23 1-4 5.'45 471~ 511 180 207 31-20 3.o2 T.op 10 , ......... ~ MmJICAM QM II "M twr1t1. C1ew11nc1 41 111 44 n .m Bonnel. Tcwonlo 44 121 28 48 .S75 Coopw, ....... 47 ,. 32 • .!195 Mc:llrtde. ~ • 2t 115 • 31 .316 Mc:AM. ~ ci.y . " 112 25 13 .3'46 W.Wlaon. ~ °'Y 24 105 14 3e .343 ~. e.ltlmOfe 35 .. 25 32 .'40 Herndon. a.troll .. 114 31 ., .a32 Htt*I. Mtnneaota 41 1 .. 21 54 .329 l'8dortlll. ~ ..:_ 111 11 63 .m Thornton, Cleveland, 11; Aoanlc:lle, 8alllmore, t2; Hrball. Mlnnffot•. t 1; Murplly, Oakland, 11; Lowenetatn, 8alllmore. 10: Harrah, Cleveland. 10; ~~~ .. Tiiomton. ~ 11; ....... ~ City, 43; Luzlftell.I, Clllc:aeo. 41: C::OO.-. M11w911Ma, Ill: ~ • ....,._.., 31. lqt, CNc""::~tV: ~ Yorti. 7-1: 8arllar. Ctoeland, 1-2: Vulcowlch, ......... 11-2; CaucM. a.ttla, t-2: z.1111, ....... ""' Gura. ~City. w. MATIONN.~ 'QM .. MM ~ ... Olaoo 47 1• 40 • .151 9Mot, -..ve1111 10 81 12 11 .141 J.~.,..... ... 171 S4 .. "37 WCNlord. Sen Fran. 12 104 11 31 "37 Wlggllw. 8911 Olaoo II ti Z2 a 1 .323 Knight. t-..on 10 1M 27 13 .Ja 1 ....,.,.., .... YOftt 41 1M 27 U .J1t ...,..,~ .... ..,. o--.......... ... 171 lt 54 .Jlt J.Allf • ....._ 41 ma eo .J'3 .._ ....... ~.A....._ 11; IQnonwl, .... Y0111, 14; J.~ ~· 11: Horner, ~10;....... .. ......... Mur!llW. ,........ 41; .._._., a.aoo. H : 1Ct11i111a11, .... Yori!, II; a.Otq, ,.,. f v ... 17: J.~. ~ 17. -':."r:tll,~-· 1-t:Nlo. .... Yn,M; B 14•V... 3 ......... =~.:.. ......... · •1 ~ ....... ,., .......... ~,..1t ,,:tr"...._flWQ-. .... a ~~:..-.., .... . ...... ~.,,, ... ~ . ..... leANU&.8 ua::..'1.ilar: ., ~,, . .,, ~-.. ,, t"l:.. • 11 I I t • I 11 2.i.~ • ' 1 • j 0 • ., ~ I 1t I t l t 1 11 TOfMt It .. I I 11 4 d ~ 110040•• ..._, I 4 OJ 4 0 1 I llclheldllll1 I :. 1 i I I J TNlll 4' It 40 Un 101 Loe~• ........ , .,.,.. 1 -. 1 1 11 1 I I 11Dlll•414 to 17 I I 11 I I 12 :11111711A 11 I .. I 1• I 11 I I I I I I 4 I I 13 I 4 I I I 1t ..., ... git' 0 1 0 0 4 0 1 0 C.Jo!IMM 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 I T~ 411711lt41Nlt111 .... .,a... PNleclllplM 11 24 IO 21-tOt Loa...... .. ti 30 24-111 A-17,808. ~1--NIAU .._.,_l ...,.;,.,~=flf I ....... •••1 .. = ~~: =:::::: ~ . L-.. .. i=:=.~ 2 .. 11 M\) ,.......... ... Plltladtlphl• at Ltlltrt I p.1t1. (ff l'ltOIWrY) nw...,.. ._. Lallare •t l'llll•delphl•, I p.m (ff _.,, .Ma ............. W LGPM• ..... t I 211 11 at n .48112171 I 4 11 I 11 41 2 7 12 2IO 11 ... ............. Fort l.audardaM t I 80 2t 27 7t ,.,. a.y I 7 21 2i4 1t 56 T'*9 4 7 11 II 18 42 ~ 4 1 11 22 11 40 ............. 7 I 11 II 14 54 I I 11 1t 13 47 I 7 11 20 13 41 I I 11 10 12 M 11111112'8 3 7 14 fl' 12 21 "'* ......... No __ ...... , ............. Nooai-...... .............. O...,• ...... n "°"*"' • f'Of'I L..-..., ,. T11""9111iy•NIA.n MorllrMIMlaflJme.n ........ v..,.,.., __.. ..... Toronto M OollftOI Edi'nonlon ... Diieo. " '\ Orange Collt DAILY PILOT/Frtday, June ... 1882 Cl I~filrnrnamm~JIB Countian wins national honor . All-American rose hybridized by Tustin grower 'lb• two l'Olle ae1ec:ted fOC' 1083 All-America 8electlon1 honora were hybridized by two , conslatent Soul.Mm California wtnnera.of thla top award. Xh• new '°'" are ·Sun Flare, a brtaht yellow florlbundl, the WOl'k ot William Warriner ot Tustin, and Sweet Surrender, a ailver-ptnk ie. developed by OW• Weeka of On1ario. For Warriner, lt wu h1a ninth AARS award in the put 11 yean. 'I'he AARS awarda are bued on telt-garden Jud8ini resulta. Sun Flare hu a compact, bushy srowth with attractive, ilc:my, bright-green, holly-like follaee. It· produce8 clu.tt.en of three or more 3-lnch blooma that cover the bu.eh durtna the peak blooming perioda and are repeated throughout the growing IMllOn. COLORFUL -Gerberaa' daisy-like bkmoma can be enjoyed outdoors as well as indoons in flower arrangements. Guidelines aid tomato growers Tomatoes aren't fussy and can get by on minimwn care, but aome gardeners have problems growing this popular vegetable. -Bob McReynol<h, vegetable specialist, UC Cooperative Exten1lon, Davis, provides some guidelines for growing them. Select healthy planta and chooee varieties with resiatanoe to aoil-bom pests. Chooee varieties which suit your climate. There are many new hybrids available th.at yield better than the older standard varieties. "Plant in a location offering at least 6 houn of direct IWl, when the 80i.l ia wann. Allow periods of about a week between wateringa. And don't handle plants more than neoemary. Staking planta can improve quality by keeping the fruit ofl the ground. (Bush varieties are uaually too abort to stake satisfactorily but you can try it.) Cont.act with toil ecara fruit, lncreaees fruit rot and allows the fruit to become a cafeteria for snails and &up. . Tomato blomoms oft.en fall from the plant when temperatures are unfavorable for their pollination. Fruit 1et won't OCfUI' on most varieties when lt'a below ~O degrees at night or above about 90 degrees during the day. You can shake plants durtna the wannest part of the day to help release the flOwen' pollen. Other reuona for failure of blomonw to tet include poor toil fertility, too much abade and lack of moisture. Bio-.n end rot OCCW'I durtna periods of heat aue.. It te9Ulta in a rotten area on-the bottom of the tomato. It ls thought to be UIOC'iated with a lack ofcaldwn . Te.ti, MRS ntportAtd, lncUcate Sun Flare hu food d.lN... retlatance and hardlne11. Several J~d1ea noted that it produced more flower• t.hroUcboUt the aeuon tn thelr prdena than any other rme entry . ~ Mid the roee wu another example of Warrinpr11 "•pedal abillty to produce outatanding floribunda roaea, although he hu many hybrid teas to hJa credit, u well as iJ'andlfloraa and the only climber award-winner in 18 years -America, 1976," Sun Flare a1ao won a Certificate of Merit in Japan and a ailver medal at Roleux, Belgium, both ln 1981. Sweet Surrender, a well-shaped, upright plant, produces flowen reported to have an int.enae, true-roee fragrance . For color and form, there's nothing that tops the gerbera. allO known as transvaal daisy. It has a special radiance that captures your attention once you've 1ee11 them in bloom and they're in bloom right now. F.&rly summer and late fall are peak flowering times, but they also bloom almost any time of year. Think of yellow, coral, orange, flame, red or cream shades of flowers rising above clusters of green leaves springing from the crown of the plant . Tall, wiry stems carry the flowers above the leaves giving this plant an unusual, yet striking appearance. Gardenen alao have a choice of flower fonns from a tingle aet of petala to a double row of them or ones that are swirled and even bi-<.'Olored. This is why it's best to pick out gerberas when they are in bloom ao th.at you get exactly what you want. Be sure to follow planting Instructions. Gerberaa like full sun with partial shade. When planting, never place the crown of the plant below the surface, por below the line of soil in the nursery container. Plant them two feet apart. feed them frequently, and pick old leaves. The gerbera likes a well-draining aoil, so raised beds are ideal. Give them deep waterings but allow the 90il to dry between applications. • Their needs are few. For this small amount of attention, the gerbera will prove to be an outstanding flower in any garden or indoors as cut flowers. Fuchsia show, class scheduled A FUCHSIA SHOW and plant sale will be conducted by the Laguna Beach Branch of the National Fuchsia Society. The event will begin at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Forest Avenue Mall. Laguna Beach. A GARDENING CLASS for people confined to wheelchairs will be presented at the Sherman Gardena, Corona del Mar, at 10 a.m, Monday. For more infQrmation call the gardens at 673-2261. A PO'ITED PLANT EXCHANGE and potluck luncheon will be the closing activities of the Laguna Beach Garden Club June 11. The group will meet at noon at the Neighborhood Congregational Church. SOUTH COAST GARDEN CLUB members will meet for a potluck luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Three Arch Bay ClubhOU9e. "lntelllgent Planning and Planting for Public Parka" will be diacussed by Richard Dyer of the Orange c.ou.nty Parks Department. 111111111-clECllllT •If you haven't planted your vegetable garden yet, you can still .et out started plants of tomatoes, peppers, aquaab and cucumbers to name a few. •Don't prune aeverely during hot weather as this may put plants in shock whi~h requires Iota of water to snap them t>Ut of it. Instead, thin plants lightly. •Cleek out the bk>omjng n.!S at your local nu.nery and you'll have an instant roae pi1ien when you tranaplant them. •Go ahead and divide your i.ria now. The new divisions will need additional water to help them along, •Give your garden an instant lift in the sun with geraniums and in the shade with tuberoua begonias. APPLE TREE SALE! given award The Mobil Travel Gulde hH alven ltt J'our.Stt.r Award to \ht Ntwpert 11..a Marriott ReMI. Ttult a• for the llCQnd CONeCUtiW l'U· The Marriott Mid It It the cnly hOtel in or.,. County to receive thJI award. o...nl A1&ematlM i.e. appob\Wd Dould O. Rtltt vSce Dnlklent of rnarketina for the company'• computer cllvtlion tn Ana.helm. Re wu tn lalee and marketin1 m•n•1•m•nt with Honeywell Infonnat1on Syttema me. B. J . Stewart A•vert11la1 aad P1bllc Relatlou. i.e .. Ne~ Be.ch, added Maver Elliott to the aaency 1 dlent lilt. Maurer Elliott Development ii a So\lthem Callfomla residential bulldtng ooncem. Geor1e POIUke, of i..a,una Beach, former vice president of aalee at Frye & Smith Printen, joined L T. Utllo fr Pr1ada1 Co., Irvine, aa vice preaident. DC BUSINESS LoUle A. Muoa of Mimion Viejo ii the new manaaer of Crocker Baak'• office at 13011 Br09khurst St., Garden Grove. She haa been faclllty manager at Crocker'• Huntington Beach office. Diana McCalla haa joined B. J . Stewart AdverU1lq ud PtlbUc Reladou, Inc. of Newport Beach aa an account executive. She has been a consultant for a number of c:orpocationa. Dulel L B.nltead, D.D.S. of Irvine haa become a.ociated with the Newport Buda Dental Groap in Newport Center. Dr. Burkhead graduated from the USC School of Dentistry, and ii a faculty membeJ' at the USC Dental School Toadle Ro11 fr Co., Newport Beach, haa been selected to provide audit, tax and comulting .eJ"Vice9 for Celltary ID El~ bterutloul Jae., which rnanufacturea amplifiers for trunk. distributor and conjunction llnea et cable televilion systems. Robert McKay, has been elected to the board of directors of_ Na•JIH, lac., which operate• 24-hour drive-through restaurants. He operata McKay Development Compuy, i.e., Santa Ana, and ii a former preeident of Taco Bell. EECO Comp•ter, lac., Santa Ana, named Stepllea G. ltapl'aa manager of marketing ad.ministration. He wu director of markettna administration foe Microdata Corporation. Irvine. Wllllam1-ltubelbeck 6 A11eclateif.,Jri!; Irvine baa. been retained by the Su Dlec9 Port Diiwtct to determine the econonW! 'er•OJAUty of redeveloping the B Street Pier • a cndlle abJp terminal and towilt-oriented recall ~- The study will be cmduded In 'WDA'• lrvlne office by Dr. Wllllam B. Wllitller, pdndpal ID charge of Southern CallfornLa'1 coaaaltinl ~ and "bmodly It. Goualel, aenkr emnomJst. and manager of the Irvine office. Beverly Petenea of Huntington Btw::h. tanner office manager/..mtant ~of a,.. W Cable of Newp~rt Beacll, hu been named general manager of the Newport Beach system. Deebe s.en will be office manager of the Group W Newport Beach office .. The new sales manager at ihe Sllleratoa Newport is Vicki Boulpo11 of Laguna Beach. wbme career has been with the Sheraton Newport. Blue Cross merger planned OAKLAND (AP) - C!lllfornia's two Blue Cross Plans Intend to c:onaolidate th1I 1ummer. The new organization needs final approval of the state Department of Insurance before Blue Cross of California can be esiabliahed July 1. The organization would merge Blue Croes of Northern California with Blue Cro11 of Southern California to save coeta by combining resources ana administering ben~fits on a statewide buia. · The statewide plan would provide health benefits· for more than 4 million Californians in ijliYJ&.te.programa plus 2.5 ~Ullon Medicare ~n­ effclariea, administer- ing and disbursing more than $5 billion in benefits a year. Housing talk scheduled Rocky Tarantello will repreaent the Orange County chapter of the Bull di n,g Industry Amcdation of Southern California in a 1peech to the Laauna Hilla Lef.ure World Klwanl.I Club on June 21 at Clubhouae 2, Leisure World. Tarantello, preaident of Tarantello & Company, will discuss "Housing: Boo m or Bust? .. Call 642-5671. Put a few word• to work for ou. A CONSERVATIVE lNVESTMENTI lln ",, 19% OR IOIE! • coMPUTERlLASER COLOR GRAPHS• Give us your numbenand we da ltllll Clatom~il ~72 hOtn Hard Coc>V. Sides or<>mct Tm. Beat maooi costs bv J>.lo. ~ wfttl exc:lulM, new ~Aaser tel:flnc*lgy. Phone. clrwct mal • ...., IO ycll.f ~. or Will OW Wt'lce centers. • s.c.M ., , ... Dt9* ........ .,~ ..... Clll ~ Dhct for o.... .. C...illl .. tta COSTA MESA IRVINE 2CXX)..=.~A-114 18017~:'8C1rcle lNPOGRAPBICS .. lNC. (114) 675-4385 --- OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS / Patent dl•pute goes to court Continental traffic up CAMBIUDOE. M ... (AP) - Rubtk'1 Cube, the popular multlcolorfd puule. wu reelly Invented by a Cambrid1e n1Hrch chtmtlt, claim• a ::ut:'y ~' hat filed • '60 IU.lt ~t Ideal Toy Co. Moleculon Reaearch Corp. all~et that Ideal lnfrinpd on a patent by 1ellln1 the ~ puzzle named after Hunaarian mathematician l!)lro Rubik. • The real lnwntor of the cube, the comp.ny Mid tn the lawsuit la Dr. Larry ~ichola, who dabbles with puzzl• and 1amea In hJ. •J>IU'9 time. "It'• been an immen1e frustration teei.n« what I had developed .,.Int sold without compen1atlon or reco1nltlon," Nicholl told a p,_ conference. Dr. Arthur S. Obermayer, founder and preeldent of Molec:ulon, cla1med the company nalved a patent for the puule in 1972, nearly three yean before Rubik applied for a patent In this C-ontlnental A.lrllnel ~ • 21.7 percent ttaffk lncrHH ln May com_penct with May of 1981, H revenue pHHn1er mUe1 totaled 811.4 mil1lon YI. 8e7.7 rn1llion for the like month LMt. year. or!=::.~~~ country. • Ideal be9an markettns the puzzle ln l 801 and a c:ompany rpokeaman 18id Moleculon did not have a valid patent on the cube. "Advance booldnp ai.o ~ •tronc. reflec11n, the momen of the lut ..veral montha c:onti.nued traffjc erowth.'' · Douglas C. Birdsall, vf prealdent-market plannin1 t Continental. "The Jult 11 completely without merit," said Samuel L. Cohen, 1eneral coUhael tor Ideal, which baa gone to court against ~.-ral lmitaton of the cube. Available 11eat miles roee 1J percent, from 1,149.l mllUon 1,305.6 million. Continental'• factor waa 62. l percent in May While a straight kne may be the most direct route from one point to another. it's also the least revealing test of the car that takes you there A more reveahng test was sug- gested by the editors of Motor Trend. who 1n the process suggested a car equal to 1t. The BMW 528e "can hum oown the interstate unobtrusively, then cut off on a mountain road and shce through curves with eager. finesse." The reason? Simply that the 528e has been engineered to be at its best where others are at thetr most d1sapporitfig Its suspension is a refinement of a design so advanced, it's been awarded an 1nternat1onal patent- and otters a degree of responsive- ness that's mildly astornshmg by the standards of conventional luxury cars. Even taking the 528e through the gears offers sensory pleasures. thanks to a 5-speed transrrnssion that "rewards you with a cnsp, almost delicate fee~as you move from gear to gear" (Road & Track) The result 1s a dnv1ng experi- ence that Car and Dnver termed "vintage BMW-whch is another W<tf of saying 1t gets you involved " To expenence a car that 1n- sp1res the kind of involvement that other cars render impossible, con- tact your local BMW dealer And test drive the 528e .. : ·: i . : ~i '•. .. . : ... .. :.· = . .... •': •' ! ·:: .t.: . '•: .. ! ... . ; . : .. . ' . .. ' ' .. •' I • .~It ,, C 1982 l!MWot Nnotll "'-c:a. Inc The BMW lrademat11JWW1 lolo are,~ tnldelNtllso4 8'rerosct>e Motooen Wef1<e .\G LET YOUR LOCAL BMW DEALERS ARRANGE A THORQUGH TEST OfWE ALHAMBRA mrnn .... Ulll 1811 'Mlst Main St (213) 570·8444 AZUSA ..... -. .. 791 East Arrow Highway (213) 967·5331 BEVERLY HILLS llL'llU' 9022 W•stwe 8Nd (213) 273·3980 CAMARILLO -----411 (:ely Offle (805) 482·8878 (213) 889·2312 l.CN180CH ----3i70 Cherry M (213) 427·5494 (714) 636-5790 LOSMGELES '""' ........ 3443 West 43rd St (213) 299.3270 MISSION VIEJO ~= Parkway · (714) 831·2040 NEWPORT BEACH -~--1540 Jamboree Rd (714) 640-6444 NOOTH HOLLY'MXX> ='u!!Ler~-- Boutevard (213) 761 6133 ~ 10840 Fll'estone Boulevard (213) 868·3233 (714) 636-6775 PALM SPRINGS l&W" 4095 East Patrn canyon Drr..e (714) 328-6525 RIVEHSIOE u..&-7 850 lndlalla PNe (714) 78~-4444 SANTAANA Cllftl ........ 208 West Frst St (714) 835·3171 SANTA MONICA OCUl--1820 Santa Montea~d (213) 829·3535 VAN NUYS __ _... 5230 Val ttiys Boutevard (213) 788·1791 .. . " ! , . Metiical center· b·uilders set Saffell & ~Inc. 8uJ.ldsw. Irvine, .. been •Jec:ted to COIWtrUct • mlWon edditkm to the a.n Medbl Center 3400 . BAU &.d 1n ANMtm It 11 edd • MCOnd floor co th• buUdln1, co • total of 30, lee equ.u. feet. The CICl\tnet • 10,ooo-.quare foot l"CJ'U'd leYel DUtdn.I Jot wtth lteel oolwnna aaPJU1fnl the oUicm ebovw tt: 'lb9 Ball MedJcal BuDdJ.na ia ~ from Anaheim General lbpltal. New-h ome sales drop WASHINGTON (AP) -Sales of new atnaJe-famlly hoUleS, ·meager th.rough the fall and winter, plunged l~.3 percent ln April to the lowest level al.nee the government began keeping such figures 19 ye.an ago, oftldala said. And 1wlth interest rates still high, the Commerce 0epar1Jntent'a chief economist, Robert Ortner, said Wednetday "proepect.e for an upturn ln the Immediate future are virtually nil." Plagued by high interest rates. the new-houae salea pace has dropped by nearly one-third slnce December, according td the report from Lbe Commerce department and the Department of Hou.sing and Urben Development. The April aaJ.es pace of 31~,000 houaes at an annual rate was well below the previous record low of 335,000 ln September. 'W' es tern tra f fie rises Weetem Airllne9 May echeduled traffic totaled 7'74 million revenue passenger miles. up 5 pen..-ent from May 1981. May waa the flrat month of operation for V/eatern'a new flight schedule, which included d~evelopment of a flight connecting center, or hub, at S.tlt Lake Oty and the first Western eervice to eight cilties, Beltimore, Boiae, New York, Mimoula, Tualon. Fuirbanka, the Tri-Cities (Pasco, Kennewick and R. lchland, Wash.) and Washington'• Dullea h\temational Airport. Alao included was resumption of service at S,poka.ne, C.Uper and Oakland. Projectors m arket ed SOURCE Technologies Corporation, Mukilteo, W'a.ah., has launched the marketing of ita Voyager (TM) sllde/aowid projection system with the opening of a district sales office in Anaheim at 163 N. Cerritos Ave. Marla H. Caprow has been appointed district ma.nager. She was eenior marketing repre9e0tative far XeJ-ox Corporation in Orange. Fiirm op ens Grove facility Walker & Lee has opened a 4,000--iuare foot reside office In Garden Grove with more than 350 guetJ1S attending the fmtivities. Suaan Van De Sandt la manager of the facility, at Broukhunt Street and Oranpwood Avenue. '!be offioe ia OD the ate that Walker & Lee bas occu.p6ed oear.ly 27 years. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES .AMERICAI~ LEADERS MW YOltlC(Ali') Pl...i DowJo"".,,... ~~r.Jun.J . • ,,,., '7:02 :r. ,,~ ~ ~ • Tm m.'7 "'-21 lit." m 91 + J~ lJ Utl lllM 111.70 110.JO Ill.ti+ OM r.:: Jlt.15 ft1.1• Jl7.J7 JIU7 + 0.71 TrM .............. '. .•. . . . . 2•161·-~~ . .. ... ........ ··m::: . . . . ... . . . . . . . 6,.)46,,. WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YOltlC IAPI J.., J Thurs 6Cf) I ll 40 llU 12 71 HEW YOltK CAPI Juft. 2 ~ JU 121 no s It FORD FACl'OR\~ REBAT~ 1lW \'OUR GOOD CREDIT lt\KEIT POSSffiLE . T-TOPS TO TRUCKS 1981 MERCURY 1981 FORD ZEPHYR -GRAIWJA GU ~ •• ..,. .... 'II ..,.. window. pow9f .....,,,., M4'fM. e ~ ... (18ZE9315) DELIVERS ONLY _ $3 98 Per . e Day* TOTAL A~EWCAR DOWN OR ~:RUCK . Leas•s You A Brand New 1982 MUSTANG *WITH '10000 DOWN INCLUDINGz FRIE MAINTENANCE FOR 24 MONTHS/24,000 MILIS , PAYMENT o~s~~~:.tJ'K OT'• COi t • llttl• more. .,."' ................ fMtwy ......... ~ .. ..,. ...... ,., MiWM. po.-....... • ........ 4 cylhllf. (11ITTM79). - 1121.2'• month PM tu. On•-OY9dcr9dll. ~m11.1or•mont111.0t'11lnalvalue161I• oo. net ,...~llJMl • .io,total H'fl'Nnfl .. U7.'2. !HMGllllNllOftllO.m .'2. (1Sl7l m•> ·~-.­...... ,., powet --Ing, ..,.. .,,....... (1~. ~pc-.~ ..,.. ......... ~ llolq. -· (lllUX104) . 1981 FORD MUSTAllG Hlrdlaip, -· ---*· • codlb•19. pow.r .....,,,. (111FA47t) 1981 FORD FUlllRA ·-.-.-. s-.....,,,.& ...... . *"' IOp .. ........ (101'209I) ~6566 57366 s5555 $6266 s5955 s5955 56266 $6766 $5966 $5766 1981 FORD 1981 FORD 1981 FORD 1981 FORD 1981 FORD ~ 1981 FORD 1981 FORD 1981 FORD SERVICE Can't find FUTURA W1. FUlllRA FUTUU1 W1. MUSTU6 FASTBACK FUlllRA FVTURA FUlllRA FUTURA AnER THE what you're ::0."!;; ::"' _: :_-:;,=:-= =.-::: ~·=--= :=·...:,.~:!:: :...:'.'-.~ :_-::,=:-.:= :_-:;,=:-.:= :..:.'-.~ !A1 LPERllSOORUITYR looking for? '"'a '"*· oN11e -.....,,,. a ......, wiwe .... ......,., ... ,.. 1•l!IHNl581. WI....,.,,.,..,...... .....,,,. a ...-. • .....,,,. a tnMe, *"' ODidlb••..,.. .... .,,. We've got ltll $646s $596s $646s $5966 ;5955 s6066 s586s ;soos g¥§ : ;~~ . LASTDAYOFHEBATES!! · 1982 EXP (Stk. #1493 ) (Ser. #8255 > 1982 EXP (Stk. #1491 ) (Ser. #8253} 1982 EXP · (Stk. #1123 ) -<Ser. #9151 ) 1982 EXP (*24 month, 24,000 miles free maintenance virtually you ~y only for gas) E :* { s~~~~~~s ) 1982 1982 1982 1982 . MUSTANG GT ESCORT FAIRMONT GRANADA (Stk. #1134) "The lo11 l1 lack" (Stk. #1580) ' (Stk. #806) (St k. #1271 ) (Ser. #72126) (Stk. #1558 ) ' (Ser. #5143 ) (Se r . #8456 ) (Ser. #3939) (Ser. #4903 ) $6762~ $6762!! $6980r~ $11~1~ $7988°0 $569765 $5788 12 $6695 31 '82 T·llRD (Stk. tlf 1286) (Ser. #5292 ) • 1912 SPOllTY CAI (Stk. #1030) <Ser. #7080) . ' I .................................................................................................................. ____ .... ________________ _, .. CLIS11FIED ' . INDEX Tt .... YMM,Cll 642·5671 llllSll Fii SAU =.·..... :: e:::i = == :: CIT-1m r.:::.:~.. :: ll'YIM . , ... i...-...... , .. =:i:::-... , :: 11-V· IWI ~.... ,_ i: r-~:-.... ::: IUbject to the F~ll Fllr t::-.. ~ :: Houelng Aot of 1888 -"-,. wtljgh rntlk• It llteQll to =:::O.a.i. 1• edvert l •• ••any H•L (STAH 11 • preference, llmltatlon or ""' " dltcrlmlnatlon baMd on ==.=t:s.i. :: ,._, color, rellgloft, MX ...... ~ .. °' natlonel ortgln, °' any &;::r.;,r~~,u :: Intention to make 1ny ~:a'..!'m."Y J• 1uoh preference , ~ l/llUW. . :: 11 m It. t I 0 n 0, AESlOENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERl/IC£S .. ._. 111..- Just lla1ed. The perfect Fee home atepe from private beach. 2 BR. Separate office. Fresh, paint & paper + remodeled kitchen makes this a move-in tomorrow. IN NEWPORTCERTER 644-9060 ' Looking, for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads, classifiCatton 7100. • IL .... IUILY .. _ •PDUll (HI ... Tll Ull) A~ ... 3 Bdrm, 3 patios, 1 .. tory. Low density p-eenbelt location. Seller will carry 8°" Ln at 9 w~ unon. 30 yean due In 7 ~ .. l·I \ f >111 II/:' If I, fl , '••I ''1 'o yean. Loweet prlced Fee property In 2 bdrm, 2 beth, t'A bloClcl Bluff.a. to beach, 1219.1100, --.-.. -.--.-llTI-.....,..... Priced to aell at $272,000 •• Tl llLlt Opn Hie Sat/Sun/Mon 1-6 ~t~s.Joo~· unuauei Flexlble tlnenotng on thla 304 &planade or call PhyW. ' Ownera wtlf help lmmao 3Br home w/ ~~~~640~~-oo~~~or=7r60!!!!-96!!!!7a~Agt.~r!!!~ .... -.; •• =·~!:m me:: 8eaut1M a bdrm home, $129,600. Call 978-5370 IUT private be9chel, .....,,... .. MUI WllW YILlll ~·· •220•000 .... 1 ~ 2~u:;' ::"l. · AftOt'dabfa Harbot View UTITI UL.I \ ( >I I I 11 /:'If t• t •• ' • '\ •, , I 1 '•~I '• ' •.. ,,. ,., ,,,. •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •• '!! ••••••••••• J.!ff !'.!l'lf!.flJ!l. •• !.!f ,..+•+n Pl.US: 1 IA 01*t IC)!. w/lclt, l L.flll W/fpto. All 2700 1.f. ou.te1n bit on lfile lot. Btfl pool & patio •t••· dog run. Clrcle drive. U35,000. Agt ~~~~~~~- 2 Bflll. 2 BA. wooc1~. '•iiiiiiwiiiiN11ii:inn>i•aui••- sFo. MU91 ..... 3 pym ti F le 3 8 I -· lele. HELP. 8S7·2046 antHt r ' 1 n"'e famlly deteched home In ITUL I Olllt The Height•. Vou own tn Irvine'• Woodbridge the land f0<ever. S 199, llM. 3 ~ young. l<Wt% 0 0 0 . A a II I o r V I c financing. On Cul-de-JuNnllll RMltOI, New- Sac. F9"09d ,.., yerd. l>Of1 lnveetment Coun-. Owner very enxloue. lore, 752-5111 or Only 1135,000. SuHn _IM_M_2e_9_. ____ _ Tr Iv 110 n 'I LI 1t1 ng. BeautHul 4 Bdr home w/ 759.9100 epeo11M:Ulll view. Exoall. GEORGE ELKINS C owner flnenclng. $485, 000. 759-1114 -•fl &PM. ldMI Canel Front park. Cul d• UC. ANU· lpacloue 3 Bdrm home EHtlld• C.M. 3 bdrm, --------1 mab1a 10V.% loan. 1390, with format ~I T,. lerge lot, 1uper yerd • ooo ,.._ mendou1 looatlon near 1155 ooo 4 Bt. 1¥• Ba. 2 ltory, pool, W•UI ...,. IHI 5 BR 3 BA w/frptc: h<>me. upg1edel. 1084 Cono«d ••,.•••••••••••••••••• radecoreted. lllo lndd, ........ 11 grHnbfjll Tiii• one le '1 • ..;... 1 -new on the martteit. V• --•• St. $11515,000. Term1. IUllO wooden p1t10 w/1m111 _ ..... _ _. ... dlecttmlnetlon.'' '--'"'""' .. 1-~~~~~iiiiii~;;;;~;;;;:~~~ '~s.t-"1 . •• Thi. ~ wlll not ~-·1'tt.Pru = knowingly 1ooept 1ny ~ .,_, -edvertlalng tor real eetlt• lue prtoed at 1179,odo. Good bultdlng Ill•. View. ~~~w lor detallel sat=n nllffll IUUll IUl.n 545-3&47 SKYLINE AREA boet doek, 2 car gerege, ASSUME 9'MI. VA lolln, 3 Femlly home with OOMn 4 bike to oce.n, $289, d "'Ill 1 oocl 000. 714·838-11542 or bdrm home, 111r,: IOt. en .. v ewe • g 1-•ft 12•"000 731-2811 LOS CONS . CO. .,..... """• • iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii '. T J\Yl.OH CO I , ta.,.~~.. . : wNc:ti II In vk>Mtlon of the 0..olllatoP-. .. law. :.~:r;.~~:' = liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil llulC.i..W-.. llMTALS 1111111 Advertlsera ==~ = :h3~1d d ~~fyk !h:~ c P latwf\tn ,. c a -·ll.i -report errors T-h.. -I T T .... -uftr ma Immediate y. he ,eF"~~ : DAILY PILOT ~11.,_ : assumes liability tor =..."'"'• u.r : the first Incorrect =~=d :::: lnaertlon only. ~"":-.!up ::1 .................. .. VM.U.0"-alo 4m ._.,. .... ,.. ... 1~1T •••1111 c.,._,.,11.... .-.,...... -C:.:.T'.,.... :: WITI I YIEWI ~II-... :: Thie CW\Oln bultt .. 8dnn := w-.. -........, home comee with lllK..... -........ IMIMttt *YEST· IUper vtewl ol Newport'a ........... upper 8** B9Y Ind otty IDT, flMAJtC( llghtal a... on.. gr.-t == -term1. A bargain et 1110 $210,000, call todayl ==1 = i!!i171 $!.~IMll!t: i1Bt;l1 POSMLS& LOST &FIM •Y 11 ... • ~----aw Fentalllo 3 M 2 8a. tllm ~~ ,.. "" ...... FomW din., ._ •,... = .V. lrg lot! T,.,.. ... ::i=.. sm buy. S1SOO/mo. Won't ,., .... , = I a 1 t I 8 u e a ft H a n - -•11 •u ----------- ·.· ... -. ... ·.· RVM~ Prir.e Weet Bay bayfront. Sllpe for 2 boats, -= ~ 1111 remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. • ,__ ___ Four oonUguoue R-1 ..,.. Ocean & ~tty views. Marine rQOm, 4 bdrm. 3 with bey l OCNl'1 vtewt. bath 3700 aq.ft. .fl 385 000 ClceM.front. Quiet Corona del Mer ' ' ' · looetlon. 715% tlnenclng. Liii iii.i llMll Cen be puroh•Md MP· J>rime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm. 51,A, bath. Lge L.R .. 2 boat sllpe $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceattno. furnished. petiol. $420,000. Lllll 111.1 llYFlllT ltatlfy '685,000 Mdl. 1714t 673-4400 IZIJI U .. 2121 HARBOR ·...agoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm. den. Boat slip. $1,3~.ooo. '';~~~~~~~ UYS•E COYE . I SpectaCUlar bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat allps $1,900,000. COllOUIO CAYS Coronado Island cuat. bayfront loL 85' boat dock.. Plana avail. Red. $370,000 w/t.enm. · ILIFFI ·-' s~ story end unit.. expanded 3 br, 3 ba on largat ~belt. $250,000. Piii Lm . 3 bdrm.. 2 ~ baths condo near pool $145,000. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR : .. ,· • • ·.... ,. 'J ,.. ,. THE REAL ESTATERS 5% DOWN! UllEI Pllll YILUIE 2&3BRTown~ Colla M .. lncludea ~ amenity lmaglnablaf FROM $137,950 Furn. Model Open 11to8Dlfty. Avocado It Fllrvlaw Rd. Mt.UH llY OF TIE YWI 5il-1iiiiiiieiilliililillillilil~I •1K ... ---------- ~ THf-. REAL ES r /\TLJ"-l '3 .. ,.., 1111 ...... Huge executive ranch-style home featuring 4 br'a, family room, formal dining on ctU-de-aac w/room for R.V.'a. Only $235,000. 2670 San MigUel Dr . 714 /759-1501 or 7141752-7373. dlllllJllU. .1111,111. 3 Br bou8e on fee land featuring hardwood floon & ahincle roof with 11~ UP•mable lit TD. Priced for immediate sale!!! 3670 San Miauel 7 59-UO 1 or 752-7373. .. 1121&1 PIWIS. For tix months on bnmd new townhome in Coata Meu. Featuring 2 maater 1ite1, encloaed 1araaelt & private courtyard. Only .114,960. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 7~-1501 or 752-7873. 81UllTW ... ............. (114) 711-1M1 (lM) 111-Tlll DRASTIC REDUCTION I ........... ., ................ . "" ............... 11 mi.-. ....... ~ ..... , ....... ..... ...... .. ... • "' .... MU. ttMlll WATERFRONT HOMES. 1"'1< H•\111111, 'l l<"I \\ (;,,.,, llw• 'r"l.,,, llror h a1-1a ·A SPIRAL STAIRWAY ~TO tJ"' M.''"'' A, .. e.it. .. 1w....i '1UtM * GRACIOUS LMNG 40REVER VIEW- '• . .,..... ITllm OllHI 1Br nt SC Plza 174,750 2Br E.Slde CM St10,000 28' cory trpl I 108,llOO tll-1171 ........ Lrg 3 Bdrm 2 81 w/ comm. pool 6 epe. Fu· llKM Include frptc:, 2 Cit fillll09 & A/C. ANuma existing loen & owner wtll help llnanoe. A1kln9 S12UOO. 831-7370 TR,\DITIO\,\L RL\l " .. .... In Corona d•I Mar. 4 Bdrm realdelt0e In prtvai. .,... Out•tandlna ..,. mabee flMnolng, Ceil for ....... '421.600,...... "°"'· Ml-1111 J PETE ' BARRf Tl REALT Y ----- l104,ooo m.1266 Ltpn Ylllact I.I fllllUllll IALI 411·1111 ...... M .. Verde 4 br. Only OLDE LAGUNA CHARM l.U $10,000 dwn. 487-233$ Unique 2 bdrm floor Charming Cape Cod Con- Ag1. plen, 1 beth. tlv rm w/ do. 2 B~. den, 2\.\ BA, 12.ll~&n ...... ,., ...... b .. med oafllng1 hard· frple, wood decldog, end wood f100f'I & c0ry log unit on wide grewibelt w/ burning '.'pie ll67 500 view of mnt1 & night FUii Price . ' 1191'111. S264 ,900. Loli MISSION REALTY Egen &«-e200 (851) 4~731 Juet In time kK IUml'MI', ttm lovely pool home fee· tur• terrific financing. 4 •--... --.-11-1-m-l.--large bdrme. new paint, '/!:Macnab -Irvine nMr pertc9 and echoola. A very l)f1v9te Mttlng In 1 Offered et S 1311 ,900. mo.t pr..ugloue ., ... 3 540-1151 bdrm1, 2 betlle & family ~~~~~~~~i; room. Mo.t of the roome In lhl1 tlandaome home open onto a bHutlful --- · •. HERITAGE REALTORS Ucll•lll Piii BVOWNER VACANT, IMMAC. 4 br, 2 ba, tam. rm. Freeh pelnt In & out. New So- l er I an tlle, eertlltone crptl. Meny extra1. 1142,600. Submit tenne. 12% ~ Int. , .... Open S1VSun 1-6. 1208 Londonderry. 940-6438. JUST REMOOELED 3br, 2be, «Nd petlo w/ wet bit. Owner IMe-9498 pool & eurroundlng petlo Nawpor1 Beeoll eddre11 erH. Owner wlll cerry et thll low prioel 2 bdrm, 2 with 1ub1llntl1I down. beth, largest 2 etory unit. Priced to Ml. $385,000 Lowly baecr1 retrMt. Ow- llSTllJOIL.. ner will conelder trede. . .. Landrnll1c. Thll 2 bdrm $149,900. Leoon• cNrrnar .. Met· led emoog old ,,_ In • Mrene 1ettlng. Owner wlll carry 1ur1ct1ve fl. nanclng. $235,000. ntllfl0'11WS A 11109 home with com-11. ,., .. pletlfy eaperate mother· ~~~~~~~~ In-law or fil'*1 quar1.,., ..:. F1bulou1 financing with very low down peyment. Quick ..... ~­$315.000. ···~ ..... '-""._ca•• ·..:. •.. . R&"M~ LUlllPMI Super lherp 3 Bdr, fe- mlty rm, den, formal di- ning, ~. pool. ape & patio. Excellent quiet re1tdent111 looatton. l1el50 pr mo, 1395,000 option price. Agt. 780-9333 nu&. Beall condo In Blufta, 3 BR 2 Ba, fplc, 2 patloe. pt1nt1tlon 1huttere, chermtngl Reduced, $178,500. 1111,000 -- aim lne at 1~. aMUll tee 1342. RafleQOt '91. Smt dwn, owe ba1. An- x1ous1 Ag\. 72().1280 °'9etlcllly reduced pr1ca on 91\d unit condo In The 8luttL 3 BR 3 Ba. lge fem rm, fonnlf dlni.\g rm, 2 tty w/'lwap-around petk>. Al8umlbla lollOI of llP- prox 1168,000. A1klng '225.000. &Mier w/hlfp flnlnoe. All offws ~ derad. Owner. 833--2009; ~79 MWFWfMmll 2 ety. ~ w/bem. UIJ0,000. 20~ dwn. 646-144e \ I I " ...... NOTICE OP DEA TB or OIJVER P .8. CRANE AND or PETITION TO ADMINll'l'ER ESTATI'! NO. A·llU4'1. To an hein, benefldariel, credltora and conUn1ent c:ndltion ol OLIVER P.H. CRANE and penona who may be otherwt. tnw.ted ln the will mdl« state: A petltian Ml been filed by SECUEITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK In the Superior Court of ORA.NGK County requeat1n1 that SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK be appointed a1 per1onal repnmentaUve to admlnllter the estate of OLIVER P.H. CRANE, NEWPORT BEACH, CA. (under the Independent AdmlnJa1radon of Eirtats Act). The pedtion Is Mt f« bearing ln Dept. No. 3 at 700 Ovic C.enter Drive West, Santa Ana. CA 92701 on June 23, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. IF YOU OBJD:T to the grantina of the peddon. you lhol.IJd either appear at the hearln1 and atate your objectlona or file written objectlona with the court before the hearln1. Your appearance may be In penon or by your attmney. IF YOU ARE A CREDrroR "' • oondneent a-edilCI of the deu m II. you mUlt file your claim with the court « pnlle'Dt It to the personal repreaentative apolnted by the court within four moat.hi fnlm the date of l.im i.aance of letten • provkled In SectiQn 700 of the Probate Code of California. The time for fillnC clafml will not exp.re prior to four moat!» frun the date of the bearln1 DOticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. u you are Interested In the estate, you may file • request with the court to receive special notice of the Inventory of estate ... u and of the petitima, accounta and reporu dncribed ln Section 1200.5 of the Califomi.11 Pr*te <:ode. Wil IER Ir ILUlPOLB By: MYllON E. llARPOl..E. Att.eneJ at Law Ill N"JW1 Ceater Drh'e. Selte lHt Nnpert Bead. CA tt ... (71') ..... ., ... Publlabed 6ranse Cout Daily PUat, June 4. ~. 11, 1982. ·11111 1111a1 DODSON HARRY C. DODSON of Newport Beech. Ca. 1>-s; away June 2, 1982. He la IW'Yived by hll wife LetP. son Hatty Docbon, Jr. of Nortbrldse, Ca .. 1i1ter Marian c.mm. of ~ Beech. Ca. Servicm be held Saturday, June 6. 1882 at lCUO AM at Pad& View O\ape). Newpoa"'t Bwh. Ca. Interment will be private. Pacific View Mortuary, dlrecton. HA1901 LAWM-IMT. OUYI Mot1uarv • Cemete~ CrematOfV 1625 Gisler Av1 . Costa Men 540-555' ,_Cl•OTNMS .a.•OADWAY MOIT\IAH 110 Brotldway Costa Mesa 642-9150 liLTl&• .. OM IMTM&MMIU WISTCUllJ CHAP& '21 E 1711\ St Costa Mesa 8'&-9371 ' 6 4 2 • 5 6. 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 . T c L A -s s I F I E D .... _ .._ .. LIT Panor••lc v1ew '" Newport JI•)' and Padfk Ocean. Prime mdoll.. 011w eeoo.ooo otaal!D9bM~ 8"t avalt.ble lot on Jldp. •••• ooo. (714) 7I0-1100 .... ~...,,, ..., "" •••••••••••••••••••••• PALM SoMol ., •. A-1, 71x104 Improved lot. 18,500 Mg. 551-4491 TM off .. , ....... ailllr tuns Illa 11111 tllt l*tlct Clly. • ..,_ MIL Jwt Ml MAIJ 'MTS Ill llllk .,_ pla 0.1 fl'~fT c:allt '....., Ir ,. llR 12600 move• you In. !'Miid hnlnl 91~ M-..... 'P.!~........... 1146,000 ,_ t & 3 It. 2 s.. .. 10, IZ. 14. 16. II. 20. W1terlront megnlftcent BL Condol.. 1lllO eq. ft. ·-----~~­=.'lot:~ tl/lta 2 I/I \IWW, ~ "11 2 If 2 Al erwlltlle. Chance ol s... SUS Ill _. -81 oondo. ~ _.. a lltetlme. lAele option. _,. • "' _. ,...;;-.; ttng loen w/ttrtl doWn Of Phone 142·2000 or = ... ~Im • .ottc '*'· 714-131-311$ ._13_1_-5056 __ • _____ , _,. •-• .._._,, SAVE .. budglt mhied ft...,..,....M2 ---1br. S*1Y pello *275 -----~-Deir.... ,....... .,, oc-AEHTAl.I 7~1• m ... u.= .. ,.,., ········~••••••••••• 1•11 '* -SS. FlllbrOOlc Galt CGur'le 2 3 Br. 1 k *99 Y9"1, ,,, sizl _. --. M. c1en. dlnlnO rm, 11ee redec. 1913 Continent& M 111111 I -1 AM 1M pod. Ownt, 72"°343 1700/mo. 56t-6001. ..._, ill • llCW Sl'RlllQ. SUIUIEA l'ATrull c:AJAU)l !Mi.--;~,:= 100 .. Clillll. s .$0. .... awrlal" .. ua • • llM!im Clilmt ll7.filiM4 ........ 1,,....,,,.. .... ::':. ... =.: .;. 50$ -*!" ....... ....... ' No pees. UtllttleF19el LA QUINTA HERMOSA 11211 P#tlllde Ln, 1 b1k w. of a.dt, 3 ~ s. ol ISdlnger. Ml-Mt1 Quiet Junior .. 1 ere. From Sl75. Pool, rec. rm., Huna, enc:IM O•"' niee. 11301 Keeteon off S.....142-7MI. COHOO. S.C. Pier.a.,..., 2 br, 2 ba. Sec. gate. t loc. Walk to 8. C. A/C, o.rport, poo19. ldry. Pica. NEW 2 Br. 2 Ba .• 1 NN ept, drps, fr1o. On 8' & 1 Ba. °' Studio. bu1 tine. '645 !*II dep. lnclud.. frplc, elegant 'fpn-lmkra. 842-2142 French window•, pool, EASTSIDE 2 br twnhle. tennla, whlrlpool 1p1, Fenced petio. L.ndry. No uune. GOl'l'IPl-1• ••er· l)eU. ~75 mo. ~971 dee rm, rn llol\'le laund1Y fie. a mud! moN. 1 Bdrm. 1 ba. Refrlg. Wt"/ tent wtien ~ est 134(). lndd utl. No pell. • now own tor orq 11000 131-3271 or 145·7114 down & low montllly 5" Hamilton peyrMnt1. Call f« d .. -E--1--1-2 _8_2_8_ tall1. 5414421. 3141 xcept ona r • Kennebuilkport? Wasn't be the Ambassador from Austrilil under Tedd1 Roosevelt? ~ro~ • . . = ........... W.11'11111=. • ......... ,~....... fltmlr .............. t.w.i.Amm! ....... lt!'M(N!mlf.ttt ... L.9AlllllJI .....,.., HOM11M MlNT .. ~90ifl0~1Hnlnf 1...oKW°"K: lfNll toM. ·~···· Cuetom lewlnO. attera· a.,.., QlaMoup, '"'Al"°l'I. lfNG I ~ _,, Xlnt Nfl, ~. Cotta .,.._, W I'll ~ tlOM l -""'*' outtltt. Lt "**"· i4e-t411 o.tpentty, .-. • ,.,.. ,,_ eet. lofl 1 ... 11oe !Mne . ...,.. 11w11e NA . 142· 1'43 d r .. • .. < P., t y a •· NO lob too iwne11. ..~ ............... • ~d ....._ cuat·•·•u 1-wo"K *9Cldtno>. 11vt ... eone. ~WantM Qlli. ....... 111 .._...,_•1111 ' • ,,.... ~ mwn •~.19wJ,, .-eu. 0111 leoklt, ~ ...... rlidfta, 1111*11 rW. No too IMALVLAf'OI JON lr.7Jri4~•••••••• IMl-tTH. 1wtt1»~r9t tttl• O~ ·~ llNlt. Mltw. H14M1 NpVCM. Mh. l4f-le1t NMt petCNI & telCtUNI -------- IM&ta. 17 ~iiuooo . T.L.O.~ lktOlt,btooll,~, ,,.. .... lll-1at fltlrNtnuueuu••• ~W.. CA.!!,.,._. !Wfladtl. J.I . ,,.. 1et0 ~.A ....... , .. ~2 A_. etvooo. Wl'J ~~..O. P\AITP ,ATCHIHG *~ ,._,. Oornm/,...., .._.,_.. .... .-......... ... • ........,__, _ _,. lob IMl-7'40/.,_ "••tuooot. 1nt1••t. ao ,._,,oomm. OommtrllMI >Ont, ,....... wortl. l.Xf'lf'T ,,_,~ PIJll'B>'TlOHl9T ,,_,_ Y'9-**t. ,N Mt4t71 Lll'ld-.1 hMotl DO IT N0Wt OntlOfllt, lerry ~1412 Cer'*"'Y . ~11 HOUllCt.IAHIHO m"•'••••••••••••••• !D'I PLASTERING "74381 1liii ~..... .... . Top .... A2 Ml aG .AIO MOVING• ALL TYP!a INT/ECT llNlf ... llr ....,. DfllYWALL TA~ TOPt*l/l"trM\led. a.rt JACK OI' ALI. TMDRI ~ft. l'flM ~2144 ,~<;:=~·0 P:AH UT. ...H261 •••••••••••••••••••••• VOi.ti' DellV flllOt 6 _ O'ayoare, Ho'cl , untqv• ,~T~_..! = I.IP·._., rtnOY. 1114411 Cell -:#~1"f*t'l!IM Mature a""*"'· w-,.. PWT!AtHO Latll-PIMtar•ttuooo ..,._ l)INotory r.:r.;o;ftt............ tum!Mf Pl'~11 ·-... ,.._..,., MOWING. OL1AN UH ~ ....... ,.,., Miit!&. •A-1 ~ INT/l!XT. AESTUCCO. ~::::"'~.!·': _. .. ,,.,'" ,ENOll l OIOKI ~·ts• wee. 1 ~J ..__·I.al~ COMl'L HOMI ~::;. In.Mil' anytlmt. l"op q~. oare Blook w..... 6IM8t2 Oaty aa1.01te . ___ ,. -. ••• Mwtc 9'oblnton COM\. LIO'D cu1• ft OA .. I nrni. ... T............. I',...... 14lt:tl01 Oerp. plumb, f)lllnt, • ~'!Ill. In~· a ~ ..,, .._ ., ... ... • ........ ttf• 114-0HI "..... " ILIOTfUOtAN Prlotd ~ yd olnup. ,, .. H t . ~Alt• IJ .. M-•"-~~~~~~~!!!I "-.,. Hr l90 ,..... M INftt -MOWtNC1 810..1....., -.-• ••••• ..... •••••••••• 1•" 1SN •• r.e:::'A•••••••••••• •.,. .;. OAllMITt-"IMOOIL. 'ull/pt tllM. 117.J140. · rlgtlt, fr• •tlmai. on HeuV"'-818/PO ' K-. No ' .,.,.. D ILL aa. Jiii •••••••••••••••••••••• b.laalf II G t; .., .. or 9""11 )Obi. -·-· ..... • ....... ,:nn ITAAVIHO COLLEGE eu.tom C.wntc Tiie ;";"m................ lky ••:,.;.:,:•n .. e.. ....._,., Uo. 311111, en-oMt M ;~ .... ::w ••• )09i..... uw :"MiOuthY plut IN-8TUOEHTI MOVING ._., ... ,. Pr~ Cell C/luok, IY9 ~~Lo_' ~-.... 'f."!!!flc.U-::::Tu UC'D lLlOTNOIAN ' °'*' u. 1oW19 cw. tot pM1 CO. Uo. T12.....ul. ._...,.,,_/,,_I,, ... 2 1875-1408 dyii Ml Mphtt ~1-4t=etc 6_, ,.,.,,.., ~~~~ =~-=l: ~·:.-'q!::.:' ~ &o:":..tr::z;w --HOUlt ~ w":T'o~\:~~~. ~~'i'P•·;.r;:;•: ~~u=!: AUITATE PAVlNO ~·&·;·;.;;,: rrt lllCP• ~ IMl-t111 TOf' QOAU1Y , .... rlttt. M•lnt. a HAULING-etuclent .... (llnol 1t711) 931-1214 1'1i;Jii F ...... .,no. ~. 9ob 17&.5e51 =-=~=· ~!' .t>;~ti=.er:..:;,~ ~~ ~ ,.:;.~~ ~:.. ~:£&:::;.. t'~~w·· M.= c::"'.,:' :=:. .... NI ;iiiiiiii.... au':. =:, .. ~5331te9. !9!!!! ............ ... Lio 1391312 MM11t Hell, ltv/dln. rmet18: ·~ Uc. "M11 1zo.12t0 EL!Cle,: YoU. • T.L.C. given to your by Ettoherd Sinor. uo. seo per load. Griding & """-..... I-.. Or--.. l'OOft'i t1 ao· ~ 110: COMM'U .. •SIO .....,., Uc Mow tdgt. nilct, ..... PAOf. HMllO! hon'lt, plant•. 110. Celt 2IOl4'4. 13 rrt of 11-.>PY 1#1!-ptent9' ml• ev1H. Fr .. &P~~ '&~Alli"'~. °"' ta. Gue,, lllm. pai RelnOd Add';_~ Js~~10 ~ epr/ng 011an-up, haul. HNlnD. ywd cltMUp 813-190e. ,...., ev91t. local ou.iomere. •Roo°VfiREPROC)ANc;t dtl. IOCllty 557-t!lee Uc a9?el>4 8-42•1120 odOrl Crpt rapelr. 15 rre v.,., ,..;._ Uc. 3.002ao · Ohucfc 142-2113 bet 9 Oulok '..,,, lfrtt tit, ......mll Thlltlll YoU. '31-4410 Mtg. guar. of chemlcel. rattd•• ·-" =. £'1..0fo~ myatll. Jedc H. BlnMtt, Jr. ,.,,,../.,.. em. •7J-<1948 .. __ ldlt IMlt wttl hOlr ...,... PUITlll DO IT NOW. Fr...... • •••••• A ••••••••••••• ~~ .. !'!........... Otn. Contr. Ml-tt42. ••••••• ~u:; ••••••••• Ae1ldtntl1t. Ctt1n-up1. l4AULING-0AAOINO ;;;;r home Pet end 25 ~exp. Uc. 400941. Dlvl1 PllnUng 847-51Ba Mott eubiect•. K·14 FlNE 8HtN! AUTO Cf'pt.t lnl1all/r..,.ired 9ondld & lneurtd ~~~:= gatdtn Mr'llOt, malnt., dtmolltlon, Clttn-up. yd :.:.n ~ errengtd Bondtel. lne. Aefa. Col« REPAIRS tall to Sl85. °:-::u~;mi DETAILING. GUii'. Flood cs:;r. Stawn u. ... .. • ... F,.. .... '142.ae1 ~~~,~~-,F:,~ .... ~ ,,..~ loc ,., eupplt•d: expert. "3-0911 Olde Fr .. Mt. Call enytlme. . •• F,_ PU/dlt. 842·5449 olng.5&4-9&1 • t1M5M Lie. 30e8H. Aemodtl, ' . M7·8&11 Mr. Mllllr PAINTEA NEEDS WALT 170.2725 rfulftl ClfMh• ~~ No 8tttn\/No Shampoo • d d . n.. 0 . b In. t •. , ...... ; ~~o 8 GAADEN•~--.....,,.,..,_ ..,. WOAKI 30 yr• up, lnV Huber ~ lypte ...................... . ••• ••••• • •• •••H•H Stein SpaolallM. Feet . 848 l'M •--•-~ Mw TOUll Ywd Cart •••••••••••• ... ••••••• Wffw .,, ... ., Acoultlc Qllllw "'-~-.. __..a ' "LM tilt Sunehlne In" .._11582 ....., •--Mo/Wk"' 551-1232 AOelN'I CU!AHIHO ••••••• •• •••••••••• ..,., . ...,.... ---~-·--Cell SuneNnt Window 8ABYSITT1NG dfy. F,_ tet. WAY ,...-.u.,..... _,....,. •••••••••••••••••••••• .,. t111 --•-• Devil Painting M7·51M Uc #4 '1802 5'M734 In my homt, !/Side Wt Cart Cfpt CtMntrl ~·~ ... H'I ., ~Yd Ctnupl ~~ ~1 aod~:;&'':n,b EXTERIOR PAINTING . . cw.nl~, Lid. ~ C.M ...... 1..:s. 54&-r2M SttM\ dMrl I upt\dl. Uc. 420802 842·t200 awtltlne & Ed 141-7126 T,.. ~Elcpert maim. 1n1t1tlatlon. Our work eu.tom wOOI. Frtt •t. ~:: ,~,,.: ~ 20% onlhty l*oount IHtt -.Jllraan/ TNC* mount unM t~ton. Jim 881-0129 Jotn'a ~.wit. only took• t xptnelvt. Rael.+ nne Int. & 1111-Uc. 41g232. 54e.ea13 •RESIDENTIAL* · '' Wont guat. 145-3718 ..V• lulp 11•1 .. .,,_....,,.,,,,. ltllll llbf I ~ ~ Aent91. Cf** our Pftc18 before nlng. Steve 547-4281 Monct~rty57.~t ...,.. EXCEL CAAPET CAAE Frtt •1• MM. otlcll. •••""•••••••••••••••• T,_ tttcn • .-• .....,_ omo., 541217 YoU buy. Clll Mwtc It ,...,.,,,.. ..,,. • ........, ···.;.A.RINESERviCea··· JICk Mtlngton Qual. wont. Uc. $31tet. AUAIA & IHSTALL Ottntnt •Ork, h'o7.'9e Exp'd. = ....,.., .... ~ r1e1. ............. ~~·R:ritst~~;· Orenge Cout W1ndowl Mechanic. Pllflt. vemleti. Own«/operttOt ~1-~ .=P=t Hll'~ wt**lng. 649-1804 Honllt • 1 UC 204618 . fM&.185 Flltthlng lntlriof Dtlion LOW min. Sml Joba OK. "W• teeve you with. Tllli·Nb-walt .... &.91M Carl>et. t.IPf!OI,.,.. rug Totall Yttd Cart by The btlttt t1S.1 12 t111 ..... L • .._ HANGING $10/AOL1. Fr .. Mt. Ina. 841-1611 bflghttr outtookt" ..... ...... ~~.w::~" ~.!~~ ....... ,_ TI1E GM88HOPPEA Quilty HcM ..... llrig CAEAn-:J:~ue-au.my, Uc/lne. Strip-Fr .. •llmat• 83().1111 Sttlll'I cleln enge. ...._ Crown movldlng, entry ::":~':':3 .. nu••u.. ~ w/1 per1IOftll touotl. OM, ENVIRONMENT ~~on ~2& ~!?!'!............... CLEARVIEW WINDOW & dec*a. Mech.~ C...tlC.1111f doora. menll••· book· ---OomtnlC 141""851 Irv, HS. Betti eeo-oess Ken Conroy 876-0N1 VIM-MOBILE SERVICE WASHING."--·,.. .. Cll h1ndymtn work. ·······'·············· c:aatt, ctdat llntd clo-~~ llwt8I ASA PAPERHANGING Aalcr~ IC:l'Mne .. yrl In.,... ... :z.5449 87&.79St c.n.nt-Meeonry..elodl Nts. Wood lolluUone to T,_ ~ JOHN THE HAHOYMAH HcM .. ::a donl with LAWNS, eod Of ...cstd. 7 rrt loc:8I axp. Ouw. N81CM ontry. ...2·9552 W...cu.t. woni. Uc. wood~ Lawn -.Aotodlna FPtum,.. ~ ~.~, ~rt :.~;. ~ tnet9111d. work. PrlcH 1tart It Ftnd wh1t~ou went In _, i0i-iiiilftilldiiiAdaiiii142iii..aeiiii1i'~i·38~108iii7i.iRot>iiii84iii1·~2ta3iii~iiiiii~83ii1~·1~8i28i.iii-'.IF,...;~tat11iiim;ieitii•iii5ii~iiiii~iiiiii-iii"''-iii-iii'~"""i'11iii1.N8/~iiietiitiiiiii-iiiiii•ii.'.LiiiiC111iiiio.wiiii14iii2i~iiij83~-se:;'ro1~.~A11c=;~1~5~1·~7~02~1i.~s.tiii1~1d~ttiii1t;tm9iii~"';2~-647;;m~8~D111yiii~Pttotiilii0i•i•ilft~lede.iiiiii DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS • Sell yqur no-longer-needed ltem.J for cash. If It doean•t sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commerctal ads. Call today for full detaJls . ...... .,., \3 3 DAYS INES . CLASSIFIEDs642•5678 OLLARS lll&.lllC .... t\ff ~.uiAi N.lltlt .... IA lllllUMhftt .... ~ ...... MJ INN.'111. .. , .... • ~ ....... IMf ~,,.~~ft ... l.'!ff ,..,,, ,,.,,,,. ...... -----111111111!-------· .......... ~a:=t-'f.;.'~-=--= W,:.. ,,_,.,~ •. **' 1JY** W~T=--D~~ IO -~"J_,.., ... ~f .... l!ff •Mt.,• -~~ 1 Prlutt oo"'"'\:1iw . .,., 11 w1111r1t _... •01 "''""'"•Av• . ..,......... ~ liled:-r=-~ •·111•11 " 111r'IM-1a AM•llll ~ ........ •II¥• Fl 1ou1tt &.MVn'1 ToP t1-·ttllM IW*'9 t4 W. CcWMt .,..,., m;:; 10 •Le l'ow :s.;vou H9'Gfloower1_..,.,,_ Ir•"' nu In oar1on • .'::l, coa lnftet. oe ~ ~ ........,.,"" 1.0 .1 . .-.0.1111 titwft Ito. 1H1t ldgewood Ill•'*"· tltl new. W .....,. t'rlfltt.. dtlh 1or oottee. AtnerlOM ltMderd ttl tit u.c11oi~ ... WGl'k. ln OW' tun.· OMUa1. proftti-maJdnl -~·Call~ 10-11AM. L"· lAd•m•I Ntwtand). l110lllel oew. 141-Mlt --·-e.aoo. 'Tff.OdO wnlt ~ --..... ""·MIO." otftce u a telephone ulu promotion eer... . N PM"""'• Ot1rom• MONC»OOH •• •111 IUoMn lrlftd Ntw: "' att. Obi 132t. 4M-lttt ITftl clerk tot the area'a tlnHt ntwtpilptt. -'llT ~~~ 1n~OV: Lattt 4 famlly \•r•g• =~J'u"*":°"'•M~ 1 llY WIM ~::d .. ~~~l ~~~tt ~~ ""U 4• • 4' lett\t\.dl,OMI Aloollot, I burner plua Only ;,:iulff1111n1111 .-i telephone ::"r.:p·~ •~r,"~ ... ,~:•;•· 1f.i. '::,: c': .. : :.':. ., .... ~~o.:.'l: whMo • ..., .., .. ,., _,,,.,...,..., ~::;,~i•.,:•:U!;!~; ;;:.,:..,. -· "' Of~-tnthUllMml LOcal ~ M.. *10 t:...! MO. poa. "~ .. ~.~.port y • • • ... IMoll • Yortnown. ~~~..:.-· Newseo~~~=: 'lt-'~ !'!'.~~!· ... !!~t· ...... , wllndt. Atlantll ~out weatNr oa-. ,_, -.,. ~ """ • '-la. 100 '1 2 -......... -,.. IM't .. 1'111 jaokat ~· H M ._ti!,....,. ~tlOft at~.~.~ WattllOUM CWtl=.:,.. r.irn°0•••••••••••••• N~ "1"1"Y Tw•111n • ... P•~ .. -.:... 1 ftilllh.14Mm Iola bad 1111 rtlrlo ltOO. • • • .... 1 to 1 • ..a . .,. mo 146-eila . . . tum ~ ~t an. Me-2111 110. A• DOOd OCIM. • ................ ~ 176. Ottw mlto. "ame. II ._ .. ... -= . _, . QUir.d H.ftl IATllUH. A.pl)llano••· -n. . ... & --... tamp,,.,,,, .... I . I ......_. ...,. .. ,... depandln! 011 ••~•r. ..,, 'o.t .,10 .. muti 11 '4w111 Wll1DI Ulal Mika 648-0ttO e1HOH 184.00 tor ffrlt WHk; then 1hare ln ~~l~:.~\.~11&':. rs: WUDI• PlllM LO· laorltloeprlcfl. 1 Op an R'f:•J t U, Sofa & IO~t. celery/ w/aland 1180 8'0-.'177 e.ASA•ll'hona, newllft boJL Mlnolta W~tlo putnershlpuro..:--... to 11111 llHIU ~~"t::.~"::.n:.o:~r:; p~~~.11:eT.:X1aUnlv, Mt-'813 :~~·d.~ :t:o~·~-·~;5~·;: M HORSE:OR.~ALI & ~:\Y.~•~in-. oe~ .+ watrr=· '50. t:;" aeorat1ry/Raoapttonltt. ntno & me11 dllMtY,... i.--...,. Bchwlnn 1o.apd .wa ,..:~:1 ;n Pf Y~:·o~d M0-1to1 Ml""'TI at. , .. , Dfowtno firm ,,..,. Poflalblnty. Oood drMno r.r....-;.•••••••••••••• '50 ,..... ...... _. 5 11000. •ne•ltlda• aaddl~ t--,-.. --.-.------.,,., ,.._ HH ~ ~ !!.'~~ reootd raq. Newport Garage ltla, ht. 1•5. &42·5107 """ ...,.m -·: pc oon-and all lade. ... tO • ..,. -17 .. ••......., •--._•:, :.=·•,_.J••••••• ,,..,.,. _",. • ....... .... laach ., ... Xlnt oom· Comar Of Moaa a Ottn-'*"P· etyta. orig. 1950, 114/7151-1'511 .... '....,, ....,.,... -...._, or 1pead writing. Oall pany btMft1a. OU Pu· M)W9 Laeuna 9.-otl 8otwwlnn ~~Stingray Net. "400. 680-1580 1·a-,..-,-E.-W-.,-d-'1_1_1A,._c;u_lt_, 811 by CotoNal In '10, tw. '714/'164·001S Hk for bllcat1on1, U8·40t • • 84._5107 Contemporary aofa, rov.. SUPER PONY Like new. $175, Caal\ 8-7 I '•, loaded w/ llMIL 1111' 8alM Help fOf fine Art Oen1M. X314. ,,-. ,.,.., Hat. xlnt oond, o rig. Varygantlaw/nloegataa. only, CM., ... 540-t03t alactronM:t. Ownf.'flnan. laok office opanln". Gallery. Oana Point. Call 111111.-1.-. ....... ._ ....... .-... -........... 11aoo, eaor. 1460, WUI go an~ a do clnQ. Try 189,000 • 11·5, 493-2307. _, ..... ww rnlltler IHllPIL 1119A a..11.J1-850-tetO an y t 11 I ng . S 3110 . Bt ... c.tllng Fan, VI01o-T~D£ WIND VACHTS Buey GP'e prac,loa . F1nanclal lnYMtmant firm OPERATOR. Lanlat No .,..,, • .._..., 642-1334 U 1-HH rlen w/4 tulJp llgll11. WM 975-9007 te7..atee ~ Cotta Mtaa. &45-"90. for ad u o al or t . problem. Laguna Hiiia W C.oll Pl. CM. SAT/ •lflhl• lfll Paean ooff9a & and tablet ..,.._ ' 1250. Wiii take '99. t-------- Madlcal. full time, front ~N A SUCCE88FUL P-.1~.dept. ~ Law "rm, typing wt111 SUN 8/t. 1~. •••••••••••••••••••••• w/matchlng wall unl11. 730-09'8 II' ...,.. HllT oNic. poaltlon, Mlaalon NATIONWIDE SALES tary. Exoet typing and and true1a. Muel ll•v• ,....., •-··.. HW lle/n. Eleglint aotabad, S400. + Jntt.•-Ufl NEW .. 1982 .. NEW Vl•Jo, raqulrat medical TEAM , 8/H f9QUltad. llleOUtlYt 1trong typing and gram-•• ~ ......... ~••••••• RadWOOd 2•9 decking. otllat llama. aeo.1eeo ;•;A;;"'OHDS•~.;;~·t• #u#d EntarprlH Yacllt Flell, ncratartal axptrlanc:• Ba one of OW/I eoo "'* ~aria! expr. a muet. mar akme.-Call .,,,., ESTATE SALE 4-20' tong; alao radwOOd Matching eoucti loYeaNt • 0 bulnUlntl MJ Qlua, 14 knot ONtM w/ lnc:Judlng lneuranoa bll-5E' ..... agent•..._ Non·amokat pref. Oall Wlnatow. for app't. SAT .. JuN 5, 9 to'&pm. twdng. e9ll Jim "' Kan chr a ottoman 11115• v.car.t. lnVlmt. QU811ty. •••••••••••••••••••••• fwn Wtbo dtla. Elegantly Ung.. 495-1080. "'oduc:tt of Tha Thoe. 640-0123 837·1080 t009 (. Balboa blvd. anytime. 175-1491. 84MHll • · a.low whale. 497·101 t, LUDWIG Claulo 4 pc. appointed on dllc*IY. ,,. ·--UY/-Panln btwn B l C Ste 494-47911 drum Mt. lncl't . otvoma NEW P 0 AT '(AC HT •V.I/ lllYEI O. urphyl 1 co .. da plOneefrtl I --• --• y 111111 M·-·tml ~· c:· GrMllhouM window, 4•4• 4 Franoh ProYlndal din. PVT -. II• 1 ....... ·""-1nara & ma~e~::..•• EXCH '" · lnepacaty ava 1ng Llla tnaurancaagancy. tlf .. -old.,'-. 'g.' .... A navar u iad.$200 , rm cllalre,nlcaly up-1 •• :...·d•,1 ____ ... ::z.'M'":".:t S400 0t beat. 1 1176-tllOO Starving College Stu-alnce 1818. Ttvougtl our k>Oeted In lnll looklng • -·-· &42~149 alt 5pfn 1 -· ,_,..,..., "'"' ... dantl moving oompeny .. 1 .. force. we provide Ill.A ~' •Doea )'OUf' ~ do all Ptlyfa lan\P ~ . "0 I. I . r . d I 9 5 . Hll for CHh Im mad vox Bua amp $300 "' .... , .......... . II ........ _..,,d for a y,_, -~· fOU wt(\t It to? Mexican Pawrt 500 lllea 546-1&6$ ~1 -••••-",. -mowr Imprinted c a la nd are. Xlnl talapllona lacllnl-•II" the beat eseacnptlon Gar ...... 507 A\19. c.m.. .. .. • bast offw. '71 d11'1 g1 ... NEW 7~ drtvwa. Muet know ttOW 1peclalty 11am1 and ••· quea a must. Compeny lf ou? pane, EHtblulf, 10·4. 12 . x 12 • total prlc:a Captain• twin bad with __ B_L_U_E""S_A_P_P_H-IR_E__ 646-4044 t<W a.n' ea# AIP '78 to pack and drive • acullv• gllll to their benefit• 752-1750 bfr .~you aend • dltterant Situ~ 10-4. S400. 7~545. mattr .. & railing. UNd BaM>w wholeeela. S400. AIU .__, I ch .VHF'. rfat11'0. A.OF , truck. OWt 21. Od dri-cu1tomar1. Thia la your 2pM raauma to MOii of your a 1 C.. I twloe $3&0. M0-2697 964-aM .,,,,,. • ...,tut NEW Bimini wl~. Ying rcrd raq. 84 t-&427 big opponunlty for good · lob Pf'ote*rt•? 111• Mia Sa June 5 nu M la ftnlah 8ltMt Crib L.1 .... 1 IOll Miier wanlt outll Wiii fin . .... •--commlH lon• and contl· SERVICE Stal. Attndt. P/ If "NO" t Furn, kttchan ware. New ,,._, .... , "'° 1111Pk S Eo' MEW Roi•• Praaldant ••• ~:':'l"eo•••••••••••• 75% of see,900. _..,, .. _ nuad Income from repeal time -& Minda. NMt you.,,..., 0 any W9ddlng d,.., akla. Lot• ••• ~:'"'.1'eoeo•••••••••• • new cond. 1 .. · watch w/hlddan clHp. 9 wood daakl & .wlval We are turning away Olden. If you want Inc»-Appaeranoa & llandWrl-q~lona. werney be •t>ta of mite. 530 8an Bar-KOWA 35MM Camara 990-2597 Solld 18ct. Vall. Gold. cllalra, Country t=rancll 8~ff/:~7W:i,~ :~HTS bu,..,_. and need 1 U • pandanca and a Mlllng ting. Apply: 2590 New· to tt ~J'apat9 a; ... nerdlnq. wltll fluh. $75. 8 a au 11 f u I O r a x a I Sl,000. 714-879-8320 DellQn, nff<lll coat 11800; • t - : ~ ~~i.nall 1CNlpt'r9 caraet. contac1: John E. port Bl .• CM ::!t~ lnform~-:n"'!rtt':. ISAT 11 to 3 915 Cfleatnut 11117-1393 "Woodbrlar" din. ut. ll'll Sacrlflca at 1550. Call HIT lftl c~m~. or~ita~ ~~r8~~:5~l ·2::1°;•.sew1NGMACHINEOPE-PO Bo• 2111. Newport Pl. Eaatbluff. Clotllt•. Mlnoltaeam«a.1100 ::;:t•t~·n~qu,• ~••••••••••• 133-etoO.UklOIDewn. 28'UnlftltaS/F ... S32.600 plua addtt bonua P'oO-~lno El C • G o. RATORS. Expel', quellty Beach, CA 921183. furniture. ant1qua1, or• 14' 1111 • d~ Powartrlm Edgar 200. EXECUTIVE DESK WITH 3 t ' W a 11 cr aft . ram. Edu~atlon avalla-V ...... -~~:.1 .. '.Mlfl minded, plaoe ratH. For an avaluallon, tend ctllda. too41, toya, Jewel-ON"'• "UTO T •71_0 !.!,31P~ 1.~1• ~8· 10 Y N .. r ,..,,, 1185. CHAIR. S1&0. '79 ... $42.'500 bla "''06""-""".. Cotta M ... &42·9852 ~our reeumawtth etampad ry, ate. K ....,.. " -"""""" •• ''"' ~ 831..()429 &42""127 33' Pacemaker 8/F, Sampaon & Dallllll ~ llllAIU (3U) Hlf·addrHMd •--:~~t!1·:x 2:::~0~~ Teen/ chlldran Capt. Bad. Mclain Mower 20" 7 Rutt colored 6•5 room ~~·;·~~~11 t • s d n Soutll Coul P1cra m , ,... CIMnle ..... rt' ... .. BHnbag. lamp. drpy, blade near n.-1200 divider __ __. & 2 aide AM for Olofla M&-718t DIUY SNAI Exciullve women• at01• ...................... ·-·· ltara. -2e. Pvt lhalY9a lt50 979--3978 • 831..()429 . .--'711 .. $82.500 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilP /tlml. Wanted for In Npt. Bdl . ., .... now 8u W Large H l•ctlon of all party. 1173-8099 · chalra. &4~. 3 7 · s 11 v •rt on MSU ..U Ofanga Co. nationally ad-=~~t:.~ r:: ... 1'! .... ~ ......... ltamt. Ev~'.11 mu11 Ci,. 1111 ~b;~:ie:=,:,o:=. llJNllll..,., 1111 1111011! ~8g·:·1~~F~ar Trw . c onv • , long 1arm care ~~S~·::l;~~~~t.' 6';~~: alvlng & c1erlc11 bac~-~!!!~•••••••• tf1cs:~.~~ Real~0J.s,; •••Hi:,;;:,;•.<m;;••• $450. 531-7320 aft epm. ~;,p:;·e;•;;g:;·& 1nc ludH Exec. dHk. Naw .. $89.500 txp. raq d. Excel. woftllng cal. 92W ground to run atora • Ant!QU9 oak draaar, bfUI Clement• Saalpolnt. t..oYlbla belle School tHchar'a oak llOH. Beet offer over ~ry daek w/ctlrt, Ilda 4 II ' C •I 2 • 4 6 ::ionda. & banaflta. F/tlma. =c~ For eppt. 81\lpa '**' waattwvana., of f\lr . ., wilt old, ~ datk. ~. MOO. 931-4745 cnre. 2 dr 8 cab . good :~~·!tt~~·~chl Fl•h ~t~~~ ~t 1 : SO.,; : Riviera eofa M/M wal. #mu.M.N $150, lem .... $200. Reg. Mtr-4t98 lllWlll hi IEI• cond. Have truck, wlll .112 .$425,000 . 4e1 Rao~ IMMAl/llllY c:llHI. 3 wllll• wicker ...................... CFA.. &46-11132 Sofa, cu1tom mede, '1'. Im dellver. NEW Po R T v Ac HT :-on· P " Part time • wanted for TAN WHILE ~M ~7mtac1......., ttTamt 1115 9 .C."--llH ml&UYAI par1act cond. 1150. 11 to 20, ,,....,. ..... ,_ 11 Ill-IHI EXCH ~~~~~~~~~ Ortno• Co. Natlonally "' "" '""' ope ••• ":11.•~"i!·••••••••••• ~1 ~ ... .,......... · 87S-1800 ..: eeMrUaeel swoduct. Wrtt• .Antique f'CA Victor "-«!lo Bluae>Olnt. 9 ••· '250. 176-1491 anytime. Im 11111-------- ••• 11. P.O. Box 10757, Coat• YOlJ EARN C...• 'ti llM a record player In 53&-1903 Kg az watarbad, frame, 40 Sq ..... s 1.25 & 36 •••••••••••••••••••••• Bo1ton Wll•l•r t3'3" • .. _. Callt 92t27 '" •••••••••••••••••••••• _...._.. StOO padeRlll heater at1eet1 T-aq N-wrougllt Iron cage mint oond elec 35 ~ 11 P.M.-7 A.M. Elq)r'd -• R .. ort Interval• 11 now Danby china, anortad mahogany......,.._. · a.-,.,, a 1o 0 • 11 4 5 • 'e 4 e o yd• 11.00. Padding In-seo. All• 5 PM Evt rude iul;y aqulC>C*1 Cert. ~ atdae. Stllft 111r1ng fOf publlc t91atJont. gla11wara, muga. lug· &42~131 :-:A";••••••••••••••••• 642_..:io · eluded. Good cond . 546-5440 1~ • & llaln- dlttatantlal paid. Small Salee Opportunity call: ~ l dotlllng & mlac. Antique China CablMt Samoyed PuppyiJ:>ur.. 55~ ~ .. "'=~frame conv. floe9ltal. Nawpof1 Ill ... ltMll ,_.,, llM111 ttamt. Sat 9-3. 1228 Ou-S12&. mua1 ... , brad, 5 ;t'-' old, · 40" ,md frultwood tbl, 2 IRVINE Coaat Country C~KTlEL ~ $3200, Contact Ja ck t>eca bay area. C .. for ta h the fOW1t.aln of youtll , 11AM _ 1PM trigger Dr. &42-7829 alt e or Sat. 3(M)9et t2' ....,,_, 11 ctn. ctllna Club golf membaralllp ';'5~13 · Vance. 213/824-14t4 or ~'=~ 10-4:30 pm. & the antHiglng Vitamin? SAT/SUN. 1820 Tahuna. Unuaual EngUah cabinet AKC mlnllhn Sell~ cab. 11000· 7St-9171 $1,360. 1144-1768 7t 4n 80-t9'8. Find out why actora llave trvln• Tarr. Mammoth ~ many ~ & pupplH, 2 mo. old. Orl«ll, S panel ~ tac;: Catm. 48 .. round picnic CANAR.IES l30 11 ft a...... Int flown nHrly ,_. way T I I I It II I I I movtng, c1o11ng buelneae c6rnpartmenta. Mada In 970-2063 aft 6PM quar acrHn 38 x40 Ml. $1tO. 1401 w. St. Male & Famala ,. ....... PAIT l1m Evea and/or ..,.,anda. Reaponal~ adUlta. OW/I 2 '. wttll outatandlng.-•t· trac:tlYt panonalltlea to work with youtll (agaa 10-14). Call 2 ·5PM, &42-4321, Ext. 3-43. EOE PIT LIYIU Cara for pate In your lloma. 084-9229 wound the WOf1d to ob-..... HouHhOld. Clo 1eot. 54&-5357 Silky Tarrlln. Chm ..... & 1250. 873-e979 And r. w. p I' s ~. 646-M&2 Wood <YVW glaaa. 50 HP ~~~I ~\r:::!n~ Sllll ~· otftce furn, Junk, 50'• JUKE Box. oak rol-dtm, M. & F .. et"1'#"' II' 101• In good 1llapa, 540-1735 1lu .t 0.. llH t,<:~·.r;:;r.er,ai':r'. ty Full or p/ttma Wkly by the baaell. T:cf pay. · top~. Iron baby bad, pet. 554-3002. 564-3151. graal for famtly w/klda. Lift Ill,. . .... ~ ... "::f~..... Ready to go $1095 or 1~mlnara & tr~lnlng: S400 to 1 1 OO /wk· C.11 • .,. Hootl•r kltcll. cabnt. Standard Poodle Pupa. 1125. MO-e158 aft 5PM 30 ....iu;;; ean;;, ·RENTAL PIANOS• trade. Muat aall Barbara, 973-3083 or tee).8.441 °' 990-&442 •••••••••••••••••••••• (oek), mlac:. meltll advef-).KC, black, champion Modem Oak p1a1<1 1WMCI Oellverad +card perfect F ~ ~:'·~ :~· ::·, , 534-9971 97:s-eoet , ........ ........,. IWAI IEn tlllng llgna. f30..099l llna9. w .. dell.,.... Ftom furn .. mu1t .. 11. $200. for every occulon. 7t4-93&-271t Chrytler 16' 0/8, ... ,. 8, UL.II Pia. 15 needed lmmad .. NO Antlqu9 Deak, OllC, cantat $2&0. 714/811-9397. 714-841-17111 BHutlful for brldet & 11 hrt nff<lll, 1295(). (H"" "'-'d f 11 I I axpar. nee. 3-9PM, Mon f\fatY Sunday, tam-3pm. drawett l300. COCKER Spanlal AKC F modu'·· eola ..-gt .. t for qracklatlon & UPRIGHST Pleno, '4<Y gd. Price). 873-14&4 ..,.p • u or pl t ma. tllru Fri .. call: tee--015t Orang• CoHt Collage. 640-2e18, mag 850-4992 1>99Ut. blll. tern. 4Yt moa'. oam -_.. Fatner't Day. 873-4419. cond. ~e:....195 8at1at ladlea' apparel. aft 1PM Fairview & Arlington, Shot• Cllamr aired =Ir;:'~ 3 20W-1979 Gutt..,_ lllf •• D• Coata M .. a. Admlnlon ~..JI.a-•II S 11 0 w q u 1 . Sac. t . Terrific Batgaln fOI tllat Upright Cabla Nalaon Daycn.tl,.., 230 llp OMC 35 Fathlon Square. SA free 10 buyara. Sellar :'l'~tt••••••••••• 7 14•73 I . t 4 a 6 0 ; SOFA. Btown & Tan Specie! Occulon. ~ Plano. Med. walnut fl. 110, 110 hre, tandem ~ Aatervatlonallnlo. HARBOR AREA m 23$4 .XCELLENT COHO. tHul Blue Chiffon Formal,) nllll parf cond 2 yri trallar, 111,500. Daya Earn top pay taking ~~ 556-6llO AWP•PLIA~ERVlCE • $1&0/oOo "3-202e ~9~ Worn once. old .' St 100/maka olr. 8 II 2 -120 7 ; n It•• ~ In Y<l'K .,... only. Altll part time. P• ' • • ..... • ..... ..::... ~n Cocker Spaniel Pupa LIQUIDATION SALE at 759-1208 Lind• 1133-9250 Amateur pflotograpllafa lite Marche, &42 .. 714. llell IHI n Qareoa 8a6a June 4tfl l ...,.... r-1 7 b ..... : -m· Furniture Plant at 275 Ara proof Illa, brand ,_, Upright P1anO xlnt cond needed. Patt/full time. No :: = t'~~f 5th. Collec:tablea. booka. I llf.......... ~7I ra · • Bttgga Ave. Cotta Meaa. t ingle drawer, black, StOOO • · REINELL II Matat, 2911 ~qu wrtt': t:''~ llllOOY ecn. otc. fOf ~ & ~~:!:~hdlencM' lAe 957-4l133 corner of 8r10o1 a Red 111s. ~11 · 162-6e80 ~~..: :.! Ml. P.O. Box 1m, Mon-~uay 1 l~f~ MW lrrM c:tub. Salary "-• ..., ....,,.,., . . w.-...1ory., $125 aact\. 8tandMf Poodle, ma6a 2 Hiii, June s:t, 12-13· Duopllona Ar.-rtng M.. PLAYER PIANO apprec::iat&. ldalil fOf _... '9tlello. ca. toe40 Sac>t to ~dm. Oct. NoY ~comm. plus bonua. Yard Sal« 10. to ltOO. Aafl1glletor m 5. Olah-~':nd~~· ~~.~~~: 9:30 '° 4· c:ttlna In ldnt cond. Only Magnificent ton•. nlee kandlng a llalllng. s21. l Dae. T c.n. 833--3740 aft 1PM Lott of ti.by ttarna, tum.. _..._ 1100. 649 &:Pl. IMWM peiaooalty 1150 ** 2 DESKS** ltOO. can 1173-1908. orig. cabinet, Pl•i•r oop. 5411-8178 avff, & Produc:tlon L.Md wl1h UM (~8M ex~ m •·:c: TOPLESS MODELS & good 11uff. Sat M . t7"°3110t 131.Ga . 8Ndent & Offtoa Typea C0R0LESS PHONE MW, nude work. S7 0 wtakltld. 720-2913 d!X!: experience. Full Umt. Non-sm.-:!!, pra'l Cali 175 DAV • PAID DAILY 19" Monro¥la A\19. w.;~ f~ For tam Ooederl ~ '75 aed\ ~5357 latHt model, 1175 ('lo l..!114~7~-~70~1~7=:~~=-J~~~~~~~~-~~ Enollah apaaklng Pf'9fer-Sally wtltl ~ttooa/ no elC$I •nee• 82&-2583 Super Sala, Jun• 5, $100 Ht. 790-IHO. ~ 1 • otlj 1175 KING81ZE WavalHa pr1ce). 1173-1414 Vamefle Upr1ght Plano. 111' Sportcraft boet, w/40 7 recf11' w cerye. 1t7~.cS,..t. '~"··· f0t dataMI. 973-1a14. T rllef/T-W 9AM·3PM. raga to rl· no-o1114 Ilda ~M&-Sell6 water bad. II Hier & ANSAPHONE. NEW $240. Excel oond. WalnuL HP Johnaon motor ... "' .,... r•H r.-. c:n., Dealgnar clothea & frame. 11&0. 1142-4127 (HALF PHONE). $1960 M0-«>11 elae:. >Ont oond. $1500· 87. C.M. llmtAIY/UIAL for tecllnleal law firm, fum .. anUquea. )ewelty, E*1r1c ~. lga ~ wolf Hybrada, 10 wk•. 173-14&4 · 557-8499 or 53&-4653 Nawpof1 c.rter. U11g• Newport Beach. 35 llr PoroaMln, ~· wetY-dty, \Md 5 moa. Like large, 2 f1ma1e1. 1 male. QUEEHSIZE Sofa HldM-,__,,_... lllf 22. CMacralt 9 IB , .. ,. IALD tlon expf. non~.,. .... Salary comman· tlllng. 1892 Hwt>Of etvd. new. a1eo. 861-1845 $150 ..ell. 845-2130, bad. ISSO oeo. Rattan dining Mt. 5 pc •• r:::::r.............. Hwcum. tul ~ Enjoy woftllng wltll klda, GrHnbaum & Graen· ::r· ~ atMllty & ~· CM. ~ .... 646-5824. 842-4127 Honey lllade. 4 ~-BACKSWING, 1260. or oond Catalina~ min. ~~u::--c'your :: t>aum. 549-3733. -808 Garage Sate, Sat/Sun. 1125 845 Ml MarwloUa miniature Ian Haedboard, twn matt. & Hd fan back cllalre. ~!!'1 o7f2far. Like new. f4ao0. NB. 1176-7474 ... IE•OO Travel agent needed. 2 yre Applet, furn., atarao. Oadltllund. "Heidi", 1 b•d rramH, Brown & glH• top tabla, never ,.._... 1 -• _ ~o r::::::ir= . ' cumwit eiq>ar. required. ~. mite. 3100 Taft Ketvnor• Wflllltw & Dryer. 11 .. lthy. llappy. P•PPY Jordan tum .. mapta IOla. UMd. 1995. 548-04511. DIVING Wetault, Jack .. & 17 Mako 23 fl Inboard. aalH counHlor. Call lrW .........., Manao« potantlal. Oor1I Way, C.M. te2-oet3 =~~·~~~.~; puppy II I mo. old, AKC, Sa.bot, Sal 9-4. IM0-5021 ~~.!!;.Ramona Dr· longJohn1. Uk• brand = ~·;::. 2·6PM. 842-4321. Ext. Potter & 8Nmfleld Div. ~77 ESTATE SALE. FRI/SAT . .......---1• .. lhota, parfec:t confor· ~l\lt ~ $90 n aw • I a r g a · $ 8 0 · lino. 548-5e0 3-43. EOE Ll.f,.... 11-3 ~ ~ 544-&488, &45-8304 matlon. N••d• loving HI INS · Br1dal d ...... cream color. 157·2830 ling. 2 llU an opening In our ,....... ··* Franclaean pot-WHtiar/Oryar. Rafrlg .. flom• & people. $250. olcM..nton look. atze 9. rr. WM 42' - -UllP1'Wf WHt CoHt ra,lonal .... PMI tary, bookl, kltc:llan & Sofa. Xlnt Cond. AaMo-Ceil 551-1321 aft. II OI Queen ea ma11ogany 4 1225. Excellent condl-, 1 '67, FOMV, .. glue. lo 4 daya/waak. Phone aalaa off lea or a a-a lloUNf\Old llama. Fuml-nabte wttnd. poet• bad frame. $200 lion. 646-7423 _,, ,,.,... ,,,, llrt, VHF, A/P, fatho. re, _,. .,..... . .....,._ --ft•,. ,.,, lrvlna 011t CC olf BE'"UTIFUL 2•" "'C'" ·"""".,.... .. "'-· com.ctt l light ~· tacratary/ordar CO· , ....... rpslltt tu 2 ....,. Of_,,.......... 131..()997 M8-88et C G ••••••:;(••••••••••••••• RDf ,.,._ ..._ ,._ ......... ._. on HwPt Bay. 64$-27 • ordinator. Muat lltve We're Miiking to build • &45-1105 ,.._ •4 a Mb h w tll 11500 "' " " "' Owner very aruc1oua. wlll proven ability to deal labor pool of quallfttd ROA Wh""'°°' refrlg, 183 •••••••••••••••••••••• 41" Wood Game Tabta ra p. or • Color TV ..... 2 yr wmty 1~ dn with outetda conttct• graphic arta peraonnet for Ullll UUl lb nro fr_., e&x». Free to '°"""I homaa, 4 4 Cllalra. 1100. Xlnt Mii for 11100. IM0-7ee5 . 1148, F,. dallvWy. · finance w ir5 000 and type 50 p1Ua wpm. on-call work In the pr• Sat JI.Ina 6, 7:30 to 3. =?.,.~ ll50. 080. ~~· 8 wka cond. &46-3508 NEED McOonald Com.at TV John'• 946-17te TRADE WlffD.YAcHTS Pf9lt. expr. inf, bUt not pt.a .,.._ At laMt one Miao hama.. 2023 COfttJ. atamcl No. 702, 70t. 71&. Concert Hall Stereo 1176-9007 te7-Stet evw ,,ec;. For fC)C)l. call c.rot ~·~In~ nantal Coata Mau. 11 cu ft Ad"** 2 doOt To OCod llorne, 4'A yr old FORMAL din. rm. Ht. 720 & 72e. Wiii pay cuh Syatam w/2 apeakare. Aa9tanm at 7141483""503. Mtting, pa1a ~. c:emara (Vtctofta and Ptecentla) aide x aide~) good Doxie, muat move. tnlald Patquet Country or allr. In parcanl of Won tn oontHt. $50. ... .......... m .. 2e111-D operetk>n or pletamaldnQ Sawing macl'I lampa oand. $150. &42-481• 64$-2332. '45-6811 Franc:tl. e aide & 2 Wing awatd. ~an 5PM 556-0937. 19 11 eoaton wt1a1ar ~ Apply In pareon Mon AV9. ~ la necaaaary. You,,._.. be k ' In' . w 1 "" c:ln. (UPlld). ut . ....,,.., venga. Loaded. lo In., Reap. Woman. to oook and hllndlt am. boerd & cart llorna. 3 Of 4 24-flr lhlfta weak. 54&-0796 nu., 3 5 ~ San Juan avallabta to work on a Cloe •· plcturaa, m k Refrigerator. lllrlpoc> ,.,,,.,.,., Llgllted Clllna a baM. 25" Color Conaott TV lmmac:. Won't 1e1t long. ttwv to · E.O autietltut• or clilMn .,.._ atotaa. clottllng, tho.a, vary clean. Excellent •••••••••••••••••••••• Cetm. pad•. 12,700. 11IIII1 Dk wtill'lut cab .. rv MW. 873-2050 bent, N.8 . 25t I!. Paclftc: 1-----· ----ISalaty dapanda on_,.. putffa, cotfM maker. OCIM. 1145. &47·2919 KING INHEA8PRING EX-compare at 19 ooo A .... _1_ a ... _ ..... x lnt oond St 95.r---------eo.t Hwy. SECRETARY rlenct. Contaat Paraon-oroc:tt pot. Ol1anttl pl.-UKE HEW Q E. Ff09t FtM TM RAM ~ tet. 840-11111 • . """' ...,..,. .. """" ll60-18e0 • '80 ZODIAC M¥k II. w/ llfl&. IAUI Newport 8c::t1 ad ..,ey net Cff, coetume, )ewelry, . g6.-.,._ M'VW I.eel. wor1tl 15ao, Check their ada c1tm. trlr. 401\p Marc. ROPOB ASH naeda acc:urate tYS*' w/ • :a-...., maaeaoa OUlhlorW, ,,.., ~.,;."*dealt He:. 1241 dal. Haver U1tle.,.. Muftlt eet on• dally and report Super cer atarao ~ Extraa. 13.900. "'~Int. :LANO...:,; er.:! Olf*al .,.. omce exp. ,.. 1taln1. lllavlng muga, tt2 6 Ca I I q 1110 k uMd queen u , wortll luff at along oam• a lnctadlbte aou~ for 11,750 ~7 t dlYkfU I wt" fathl Non-arnkr. Kmy. c:ryMal, EJec bfoom. ~ 157..eeit 1319. cHll only, 1211 'J>ldtr 'and r"d '" the error a ~·am • ca:· Elac1J1c Bey boat. Durllald n • d tf Ml on H7-3049 330 . 8ey St. gage, garden tool•. dal. Utuatly home. Dally Piiot Clattlfled Immediate!". The ~ 1• ~~~un. Edlaon 20 Xlnt cond b.aigroun or ting eo.ta Maaa p1eni.. mud\ rnOt9I Many S..ra MlcrowaYe Oven, 754-7350 ........_.. ....... 0 ... , LY p'1 L 0 T ~.... 1.....,. ... ...eel latt . . and ~ pO!lttkln. -TAIY All Equl! 9PP!y E"'fY' lntw .. tlng PleOM 303 top of IM. 4 yn1 old .>Ont aactton ....,_,..... _... "' yr. Mu1t NII. 1950 or Wkdy• 1140· 11711, av/ exper. req'd. C11 rif • Newport 8d\. tu &awyer. - - -Princeton, aavau~ M cond. 1116 . ...,.;3. CIH•lflad Act• ar• th• • :;•,~ ~ ':f'~ aa1ume1 llablllty beet oner. 408-1114 9119 wkndt 87$.8855 AM "' Noon. .,....:zel2 Pea. raq'a. top aklllt a PM ea.ta MeM AEFAIOEAA T~ anawer to a auooeaaful your tutftt aftd tot• ot f O r t h e t I r I t Coknd TV 2e Ind\. Muat a.ea. HM¥Y Talapttona i.w or CPA otc.. .xper. Have you read tod•Y'• 11p T-.1 a.t Uka..., 2 df, troat ha.. g:r: cw )IMS .... ft'•• other tttlnga through Incorrect kleertlon aall. 1150 or ba91 otter. Ir, lat ~~~: :=. ':·::;>·J:~5-r4 c::::~·~ ~ g:,::o~n:i=.•':!: a1eo. ~ ~-to,... nw»N =yc:.:1:.:i~:;1tt•d only. c~o~~1:;;~&.ce11 .•• ~ ....... !!!! 611-4179 btWn • OAM btWn IAM & Hoon. In town! ~ rntncn. "1oa' wo-8::;. 11;,. Dryer, heavy oond. Ctll art llPM. C fltlllng Cllartare. mane ototllaa. alae 1. 831..()429 t''B 64M194 kand": ~cic~ Cookbook•. matertal. ........_. Harmon Kardon Stereo c-e panona. 'A da. fUI mite. ~ muet Vo t..ro 2-dr WNrtpool .._.. ~ wtUI .,...,.. day. s .. Propertlaa u.. bY 4. a.· to J200, Set frH rftrtg, avooado. • 1350 or bait otter. Diana mlted. 714/1134t10 1b--4, 253 !. 1ttll Cotta I 1&0. fS31·21TT ,_.. Brand nu '" carton. '40-M 72 •ft e:ao. a.t/8un w . Furn .. pwr Whtrlpoot di• dtafl· 6. .,,, I,,,,,., ... ~.f!P. ...... !l!f mower. china, mite. 2196 waall•r. UU. P. P. .._,_1 12' Cartoppar. flbrglt Palllu (Meaa Vtrda) 414-ttOI •• ::t;x;;;;-•••••• ~... 1a1tboat plu• aoceaa. ~ 8a1e, 2409 Tuattn, ~I ll'nl .... .J lflf "4211. 1561-741'1 _,, t:'° CM. "lrt\na a lumlture. DIWXI 1100 Ml llndar ····fl·················2 11W ~!'T.': YedM. c:tieet tn:r to cir .. ~..... -14', bergl ... tr~t. ...... ....--, ______ ... _ ....... __ , ocvnw *'•..,,., ··'· lookert, vary •t•bl• _,.. • .... _ ...... ao. apng & men,, $40. Co1of TV 11M. flo-'1802 9*/nae. &414Q71 _,, '3450. 640-4265 Toole, .. ~ cnr., f30. a yr old. refrigerator, S:'° 7' A.ltltn Vega '72 dat ,..._ 141-3303. f' o t t • free 11 O O • lftbd. Npt alfp. MoYlno MOvtNO aALE MT M •1·l'S 1, 1 SI~ muat Hiii I 14,600. flWrit, ~ df....,, Wft'a &lg • HO. ao 1gb Ml 1661. color TV. more. 137 ...,.,,..,.,to,...._ eo.&._..et.M6-0ll7 ... _.1 ownr ..._guy. lat. Opty 1•4. HI W. IMO II'· *» d9y wnhln Wllaon, c.M. "•frig, •" ·~1c ••fl on I w_. --• -"'°'9 .... ,_ ll'Jlltl. ......... ~ 1! ':!':!..~~ llL. ......... u.. ..... !•r•ri tr '.lffj ~~·l'l-100 ==-=~~~~~ "' ..... I ct wltft elr, flee 11\4 ~' ... •Mr. Opt, buGliet ...... NHct• rep•lr. "oo. ctlvot91. over 111,900 '· ,.,._ ...._..,, N..n 11 .. ,,.. ... ,,... tor ... ''"' Md '"""" WHOM OAT IOO. -. for .. 1,800 c::a..,OOOd OOflll. 941N. I 1100 or beet °"9r, 0. ~. Utef fltift I "1PI. J I en. I. 14Mn1 ,,....,..,_ '1ll ,orct Courtet 101c1. ,.. L•m. 11erctly uHd, '14 ovu".A o. 11,000 ~.~~t :f:!~'WI ~'?:; alnt oond. 9'*· ml, It.,. ft, llpl I , pen., Lou 141·H11 alo. ._,.._,.·I oNrtol to buy Ilk• !leW at -.ct ~ ... ~l'i~ord~~, -'°"-~~...,.......,_,_, hnten1 21'. Hondlt 01. 4 OtlOll l1t.7IO. Wiii 111111 oond, .JIO • ....,, •• Niii. oompua, "oe & trlde . ....,.,NI 0t ... et 1ta~ Plllolntt., o.M. ln0(9, 111.000.en-eoee 1112 k. Harbor, a~ (t . 1~=~~~=~- .,, Oelallna 27 lnboerd bike I . Of O.G, l'Wy). 11 OtdtMIFMPtoll up1'1 Alf • oon • . 11101 ent ~~II utr1:: v:.2 ~. '3e00. MCMJOq Hie, ~llp. i .,. at'O~M>AD '*60~NIONM.t0 844-7184 au,,.e..tt, 1111 model, ,..... ...,, oen. Hu""' --------r.., 111tot1en, ""' iounoe & ,.,., Medi. te.ooo oeo. UL II dinette, ven..' e10. t>Mut. l5CMIM3 '" Oood oond. Inboard, oond. I new rlldtel tit-. '7l Dataun Longbed. potllblt lllp. 111,IOO bunk bed mdl, woven Aoyll blue w/Otftf>f "*' 71 ........ tall wood•. lpeclal 112,900 lpok• rim•. u '.too: llT'WAllllTI "*--. ~k• ••1-1.en wkdy1 11, 17, 20 ft IOSTON 21' WINNUA~ luiiiiii"'iiiiiiiiim•-1 CATS. H~ dl1eount1 aiwt811'1, ~ e/o. gen., •• Ford ¥.T .... U., net. on modele In •tock, 11· 1wnlno. , SOK ml . Orl9. engine, ctMr\ ~ & Int. mlted offer, HURAYlll lhruouf, w/redlal t1re1.. It 1 '350. 881-2220 813-2050 hke ,_. 11•,- &lnfllll 14' M .. Model, 1 ......... r,., H11 '77 CONCORD 21' •••••••••••••••••••••• month old. Ll•t prll;e Rear bdrm 2 ., ·71 Dodge. Good oond. 11111 S•wto.-leulng 11385. Wiii 1111 fOf $895. 3ll< ml ~·l ber~ 8omt cuetom. latM or ~ r .. A T1l rr.n·, HurTYI 120-1815. ct\llr1. 'ao P*" a nioei beet otr. 54CMS32 l"ILll \-.:1'\J\V c::J\ UllT..... S11,IOO. 'H OMC Van. Rtbullt. l(lJ.SilJIC"E·8MW 2 11111. 1 new. uob. New tlre1. Exfr11. tMO--.IQlfWOllONllO' 876-ee02 SEE AT 1112 N. Herbor, St00/080. 1142·1224. ~11A01 11'll.c>-• S.A. (2 blll 8. of 0 .0 . , .. ,,~ ...-... •1 .. ~ y S1nt1n1 525, b11ut1ful fwy) or CALL 654-1532. '"""'._... • *'· 1h1pe, 7~ hp Hond•. Air. P/8, P/8 , ton, extt.._ Ctlll 873-2050. radio. 14,IOO. 848-0798 J-24. Complete w/hydro hollt. FUiiy 9CIUtooed f0t racing. Xln1 cc:ind.' Wkdyl 840· 1811, ev/wknch 876-M55 CITY Of' LONDON BUS '81 FORD Econoven, 2 decller, fUlly equipped, ChetMU. All llOOWOl1el. dlllll reedy tor~ 8,400 ml. MU41t 1111. 19. 11on to~ •ttr., ooo. 2H4 .. ,., .. Pomona mot0t home or fut food AV9., CM. o .. Ill ,..teurent. 654-1532 or .. ,., Wafel ,,,. II, 'If ... at 1112 N. Harbor •••••••••••••••••••••• .... H70 Blvd, S.A (2 blk9 8. of WE PAY •••••••••••••••••••••• G.G. Fwy). Side Tie -'!!~-•• -•• -.,,,-•• ~-!!!-.!-.{~-, . TOP HWI To 11 ft MerOUI CNnnel. Tr81111 trllllr, good oond. · F• 1111 IAll 112&. 87M141 9Yll. 1tee. S1600 AUi llllll Went to rent ~ 875-3254 l<eYln Nlnll/- pott AIM for N-'1~1'-f111JJ1tr fl# 2480 H9rtMw 8tvd.. din dlllgr'I wood lloop, •• :;:::~•••••"••••••• COSTA MESA 30 fl. Call Tim . All•t•Hbcl'l'wydtytrll- ao&-393-500!5 ler w/1pu1. Alklng I• •• 8llpl 9¥911 up to 35 fl "450. 484-2981 ... , • ., COM ArN. H iit. Call .......... ___,_ • WI Ill Peggy Patt11on (114) _ .. _..._, ,.,,,. 856-2473 wtcda 1-5 tf .. ,..,, n. HM OWi .... ...................... ~ 18' Power Boat + ..,...,.,..~ 112,000/of* 17 UT£ BODY WORK & .. 11 .... pelnVup to 60% off 'f/OAll _. ~ ltlOP Ill. 531-9832 CONNt ll CHEVRC~ET ... .,. ' ' . r , \• • 541>-1200 ' t 'II Mu111~0onvert. ~.... •• nlGe. '4tOCJ/bo, ,, 12~ 1M1 PONTIAC IONNIVILU IRCMIOHM 4000RADAN (105241) $7995 1979 CADILUC ·•unwooo MOUOHAM (995XET} . $9495 . 1ft1 CADILLAC PUl1'WOOO laOUOHAM (100X359) $15,995 19"MDCIDIS •--------------1 UNZ .00 ' (735WDO) SALE PR I Cm 19" CMIVROLIT -------------• COIYIT1I T·TOP (412309) sio,995 1"9 CADILLAC ADAN DIVILU (311f14) s1995 . - '82 IEW ESCORT Ser. #132S79, Stk. #1530 (1 only) • list .............. $6552 Rebate .......•.• $485 · Discount ..•..... $383 •s6&4 24 •• /24,111 ml... ~ . 1111111 lllDIMI llttlJ IEW '82 MUSTlll 8Ts REBATE Immediate· Delivery ~ 0-60 in 6. 9 sec. tiM:ifj 24 M0./24,000 MILi FORD :1:ill [lj] 35 list •••n•••••••••$9172 . •PE'll11YELY Rebate .......... $500. PllOEllll 5 6 2 599 24 11./24,IM llU Fm 1111111 OIYUllEI Ser. #A51582 _._ Stk. #T1413 (1 only)__..--~ Ser. #121405, Stk. #0789 ( 1 only) I IEW '82 EXP Utt .•.•••••..••••. $7936 Rebate •••.••..•.. $595 '•63 .. 6 92 iii! 24 •tH• llll FIB -~ MILLION DOLLAR USED CAR .&· TRUCK INVENTORY! .x~~~rGI ...... _ ........... --........ -.... -.. :sup• .... 0 . . ' Newman an~ Woodward Star· Trek, another movie .,.._...~-1---.·-t--.......-.- I ' . See Inside TV, Page 31 See Orange County TV, Page 3 I ~· • •June 4 -June 10• ( )!{.\'\( .!. ( ( )\S!"S \1( )~!· ( ,( )\ll'l.i 1·1. 11·'1.l '. :'---1 1 )''\ ·.1 \'I \/.l'\1-: • • - r __ ............_.. __ ... ~ ·-----"'='---. ---- t N i co Gt" -• G> c :l ., >. co :2 .... u. * ...J > ... -.2 0: SOUNDS Of SUMMER. ON SALE AT ATLANTIClll M TECi.l>YNE: = = i: *89 tft-184 ~ ...... (•··••If) •Two h11 lfp• m }lcls .uo st .. "'*"" •Ml/Fii ... ,. ....... •ect ... ftr my statila -.ct. •Two • ..,... Jacks 11 Jt11 caa llttll wMh I friend -ou .... ~tot*ttlle' met .... 11111 ...... ,.. prefer •=cneand ..... str., llilyPil9t MAIN OFFICE 330 W•t Bar It.. Coeta ...... Ca. .._H eddr ... : lox 1llO, Coeta M .... Ca., t2t2t T~ne: 142-4321 P'°6ram Jnlormation is provided by the networks land atations and is sub}«t t.o dul.nge without notice. Index OrangeCoa!t TV Antenna .............. Page 3· Sports Highlights . . . . . ................. Page S Daytime Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 Eveninq Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PQRe B Inside TV ........................................... Page 31 ~ttel:s ................................................ ~ 32 Word Ganle ....................................... l'a/le 32 TV Puzzle . . . . . . . . . . ................... Page 33 Daytime Drama ........................ Page 34 Channels. 9 KNXT<CBS> 6121 W. Sunset Blvd .. Los Anieles, Ca. 9 KNBC <NBC> 3000 W. Alarileda Ave., Burbank, Ca. e KTLA (Ind.) 5800 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Anaeles, Ca. G KABC <ABC> 4151 Prospect Ave., Los Angeles, Ca. (81 KFMB <CBSI 7677 Engineer Rd., San Diego, Ca. G KHJ·TV (Ind.> 5515 Melros~ Ave., Lo. Angeles. Ca. UO) KCST <ABCI 8330 Engineer Rd .. San Diego, Ca. e K1TV ilnd. l 5746 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Anaeles, Ca. e KCOP-TV (Ind.) • 915 N. l..a Brea Ave .. Los Anaeles, Ca. (24> CBSCable . 9 KCET<PBSI 4401 Suns« Blvd., Lo. An1eles. Ca. It KOCE <PBS> , 15744 Golden Wdl St., HunUnaton Be~ <0> On·TV 1139 Grand Central Ave., Glendale. Ca. <Zl Z·TV 2939 Nebraska Ave., Sa.ta Mani.ca. Ca. <H> aao · Time-Lile Blq., Rockefeller Centtt, N.Y .. M.Y. (Cl Cinelnu Time-Life Bide., RorkefeUerCenter, N.Y., N.Y. e <WOA>--- N.Y.,N.Y. U7l (WfBS) Atlanta, Ga. <E> ESPN • (LI Select < S > ShowtinK: <SI Spotlight (Cl (Cable News Networli:) TV Antenna Star Trek Where no program has g~ne ~ef ore. . . By PHIL SNEIDERMAN o<tt.De1JNet8Uill It's a long way from the engine room of the Starship Enterprise to a tourist attraction ln North Orange County. But there was James Oooh.an, better known as Star Trek's Lt. MonfComery Scott or jul,i "Scotty," plunging his hands and feet into wet concrete a few weeks ago at Movieland Wax Museum ln Buena Park. He WM alao happy to field onlookera' questions about the new movie, "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan,'' which opens today. The first was inevitable: Are they ree.lly going to kill Spock? "I've been told to say 'no comment' on that," Doohan smiled. But he did admit there are preliminary plans for a "Star Trek m." which might let. the ataae for Spock's re1Um. Would "Star Trek" ever ~ to the tube as a weekly..V..? "I don't think 'Star Trek' is oominc back on TV," Oooban replied. "Both of the movies we've done started out with the tdea of puttins It on TV. And then they got grandiose ldeaa, and they decided to make it as a motion picture lnatead. "I would love it if they'd go back on TV ~ain. "I'd make more money that way." Dooban claimed that .. Star Trek" hat CM.ed him to be typecast aa a Scoaman and bu thua limited hia opportunltiel to work In Hollywood. (Actually, Doohan ... born tn c.n.da. m. ability to pWnk: accents Ft him roi. • rrenchmen, Germana and Italiam before he atped aboard the Enterprise.) 'But Ooohan .eerned to acfmowJedce \hat the aeries baa auaranteed him a place 1n ~ hiatory of popular culture, a role already lmmorta1bed at the local wax mmewn. ••rm delicht.ed to be hen to put ~ lrilprint in concrete became I undenteld concsete lall8 quite a long wh.Ue.'' be sakl. "My children'• childreil and my chlldttn'• chlldren'a chlldren will be able 10 .ee grandoapa'a prints when they come down here.'' It~a quite likely that "Star Trek" televlaioo -> I JAMES DOOR.AN returns to his role as Chief Engineer Montgomery_(Scotty) Scott in "Star trek: The Wrath of the Khan." reruns will lut u Iona u Doohan's concrete footprints. The on,inal 19 television epllodes are still broadcast in more than 100 citlell aicro. the United States and in nearly l~O international markets. According to Paramount, which owns the amee, "Star Trek" hu inaptred 350 worldwide fan orpnhations, more than 400 fan publications and more than 50 boob. It hat been the aubj!ct of mMten and doctoral it.. at top univenities. Merchandiaine tie-lna ranee from brealdut bowla to bed-aheeta. Although televllion aeries are frequently bued on hit movies ("M-A-S-H," "Private Benjamin," "Alice"), few TV ahowa. beooaie the buia for • theatrical film. "Star Trek" bM now tpawned two. Quite a legacy few a procram that barely made' tt to the airwaves and lhYPNed aJoc\8 wr the bottom of the ratino dwin« lta ~1'*: run (1966-69) on NBC. ("Star Trek'•" popu.latity didn't. zoom unUl the leriel entered syndication. In some markets, each epilode haa aired dor.ens of times, but See Star Th!lr_ Pap 29 ~IDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE 4 ('I GO ca -.. ~ :J .., , ~ .. :2 ~ u. ~ -' ~ -~ er AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP-REHAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLEIACI IMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 -ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 IOI McLARENS 1MW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La Habra -522-5333 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W . 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 · CADILLAC MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -:-540-91 oo CHEVROLET CONNELL CHIVIOLIT 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa.Mesa -~1200 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor 81vd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD · 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 -540.821 I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SOM UMCOLM-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTA ANA UNCOLN-MBCURY 1301 N . Tustin Avenue Santa Ana-547-0511 MAZDA MlliClE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim -956-1820 PEUGEOT ,_., --• PONTIAC IOI LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSON. IMC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -673-0900 M~ PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden-Grove -636-23)3 SAAB -BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach-847-855f VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd .• Huntiogt~n Beach 142-2000 VOLVO EARLE Ill VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Q>sta Mesa -646-9303 Sports Highlights Friday JUNE4, 1982 MOANING 6:001 NASl WEEKLY 6:30 SPORT8 FORUM 7:00 SPORTS CENTER 9:00 TOP RANK BOXING From Atlantic City, New Jer5_:!)'. (2 hrs., 30 min.) 11:30(1) AUTO RACING "USAC Sprints -The Hui· man Classic" from Terre Haute. Indiana. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) AFTERNOON 1:00(1) COLLEGE TENNIS "NCAA Division I Men's Championships" from the University of Geo<gla. (2 3:~~ BASEBALL "Coltege World Sefies" (Game 1) from Omaha. Nebfaska. (3hrs.) 4:36 t11) BASEBALL Montreal Expos al Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.) EVENING 8:00(() 8A8EBAU "College World Series" (Game 2) from Omaha, Nebraska. (3 his..) 7:30 a BASEBALL Bos1on Red Sox at CaUfornia 9:~~~8~ 9:30 ~TOP MM< 80XJNG From Atlantic City. New Jer~.~ .. 30 min.) • 12:00 TS CENTER 1:00 8A8EBAll. ''College World Serles'' (Game 1) from Omaha. Nebraska. (3 hrs.) 4:00 (I) SPORTS CENTER JUNE5, 1982 MORNING 5:00 (I) PROFESSIONAL RODEO From Mesquite. -Texas. (2 hrs.) 6:06 ~BASEBALL BUNCH 7:00 SPORTS CENTER 8:00 BASEBAll "College World Serles" (Game 2) from Omaha. Nebraska. (3 hrs.) 9:00 i NASL SOCCER KICKS 10:30 NASL SOCCER KICKS 11:00 m BASEBAU San Francisco Giants at Chi· cago Cubs ( 3 hrs.) 8 WCT Te.NIS · (I) COLLEGE GOLF "NCAA O.vislon I Men's Championships" from PinehUfst. North Cerolina. ( 1 hr.) AFTERNOON 12:00(1) COLLEGE SOFT8All "NCAA Division I Women's Champl009hlps" from Omaha. Nebraska (2 hrs.. 30 min.) 2:00. Cl) THE BELMONT ST AKES Coverage of the 1141h running of the $200,000-added Belmont Stakes, the third jewel in thoroughbred rac1ng's Triple Crown (llve from Belmont Parl<. Elmonl, long .. Island). ( 1 hr.) 8 SPORTS ARELD Featured: a visit to Ten Thou-- sand i.nds In the Florida Everglades; a look at var- IOUS snakes and rattlesnakes.. 2:06 01) THIS WEEK tN BAS£8AU 2:30. SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOt.OEN GLOVES Kansas City vs. Rocky Mountain ( 1 hr.) «I PAOFESSIOHAL BOWLER; TOUR $95,000 Seattle Open (from the Leilani Lanes In Seattle. Wash.). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (I) SPORTS CENTER 2:36111) MOTOAWEEK ILLUSTRATED 3:00 8 RECH OPEN TENNIS Same-day coverage of the Women's Anals lo the first leg of the Gfand Stam ot Tennis (from Rotand Gatros Stadium In ~Par~i.~~30mfn.) RACING FROM 8S..MONT BASEBALL "Cotlege World Serles" (Game 3) from Omaha, Nebraska. (3 hrs.) 3:05 G!) WRESTLING 3:308 PAOFESSIOHAL BOWLERS TOUR $95,000 Seattle Open (from the Leilani Lanes In Seattle, wash.). ( 1 hr .• 30 rm.) Cl) THIS WEEK IN BASEBAU 4:00 Cl) BASE.BAU San Diego Padres at Pittsburgh Pirates (2 hrs., 30 min.) Cf) BASEBALL New York Meis at Cincinnati Reds (2 hrs., 30 min.) m THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL - •:301J KEMPER OPEN GOLF Third-round coverage of lhis $400.000 PGA Tour tournament (from the Coogresslonal Country Club in Bethesda. Md.). (1 hr) 5 • OOOGER OllGouT •:"51 OOOGER PRE-OAME b 5:00 WIDE WOALO OF SPORTS Renaldo Snipes '° vs. Tim Witherspoon in a 10-round heavyweight ..,, bout (from Las Vegas. Nev ) . ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) :!. • BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at St. Louis ~ Cardlnals ( 3 hrs.) ':< G9 SOCCER MAOE IN GERMANY <- 5:300 WIDE WOfl..D OF SPORTS Renaldo Snipes § vs. Tim Witherspoon in a 10-round heavyweight ct bout (from Las Vegas. Nev.). ( 1 hr., 30 min.) , !'" EVENING 8:00 e SPORTS AMERICA "College Gymnastics: Nebraska Vs. UCLA" ( 1 hr.) CE BASEBALL "College World Series" (Game •) from Omaha. Nebraska. (3 hrs.) 7:00(0) BASEBALL Boston Red Sox at Callfornia A~ (3 hrs.) 8:30 RACH) FROM-ROOSEVE.L T 9:00 WRESTLING (()SPORTS CENTER 9:30 CE GOt..f HIGHUGHTS '' 1972 U.S. Open" 10:00(() TENN'8 HtGHUGHTS "1970 Wimbledon" (1 hr.) 11:00(!) AlL-sTAA SPORTS CHAU.ENGE 1955 See Sporta, Page 30 Automatic Garage Door Systems S~MMER JUNIOR /I. . . -·~-_ / TENNIS .... = ;:; CIUNICS SESSION DA TES OE 21 M.Y 9 JIU 12 U.Y JO AUG 2 AOC 20 CLASS TIMES Mo!l •w.d, I tnl · 10 UI. 10 a.m 12 T11t1 1111111. I 1m.·10 1111. 10 1111 ·12 FOR SAFETY ... SECURITY •.• CONVENIENCE Automa~ic Garage Door Operators by Stanley ... LOWEST PRICES IN ORANGE COUNT91 "We Are Never Undersold" Stanley Digital "High Security" _Radio controls -three signals ~rtl STANLEY • ---,..__ . ._..____ -~--------· '==:------~---------------------------------------------------• IDMOVIE (1HR.,33MIN.) (MON) 9:309 {()ALICE (R) WHEEL Of FORtUNE \I< >H \I\<; ~ 4:65 CC) MOVIE ' (TUE} ~ 6:00 9 SUMMEA SEMESTER ;f (I) WACKY WORLD Of JONATHAN WINTERS -~U,FRt) . ~ u:z:y:::: (~~;~FRl~UGHS (1 HR) MOVIE u HRS.) (TUE) ~ MOVIE 1 HR., 36 MIN.) (WED) ii: 5:06 Ill> MY T REE SONS (I) MOVIE (1 HR., 26 MIN.) (T\JE) 5:10(C} MOVIE (FRI) CB)SUPERSPIES (1 HR.) (WEO) 6:15Cl) MOVIE (1HR.,40 MIN.) (THU) 5:30 9 JUNTOS (MON, WED, f=Ri) SUM CUISIN~ (TUE. THU) JIMMY SWAGGART LET THERE BE LIGHT (FRI) INTERNATIONAL H0UA (MON, TUE) TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARN~ (WED) PU8UC AFFAIRS (THU) NEWARK ANO RE.AUN (FRI) MEETTHEMAYOAS (MON, WED) NEW YORK REPORT (TUE} NINE ON NEW JERSEY~) HOGAN'S HEROES ) ~ HA., 36 Ml .) (FRI) MOYIE r ~.lo MIN.! = g;:1~=n:.MIN. ) 6:50 NEWS 5:65 MAJONG If COUNT 8:00 LA. MORNWO HEAL TH AELD (MON) HOTRJOOE NEEDLECRAFT MORNINO NEWS COMMUNTY FEED8ACK (FRI) YOllTH AHD THE ISSUES (MON) MEET THE MAVOA (TUE) FRANKLY FEMALE (WED} rr CAN BE DONE (THV) 8TIWGHT TALK .IMl'f SWAGGART WJ.A AL.EORE NEW88EAT WITH Ct.ET£ A08ERT8 (FRO NEWSBEAT: L06 ANGELES WEEK IN~ ~T: CAUF-OANlA CONORES8K)NAL TOBE~ (WED, THU) TO BE ANOJNCED ~FRIJo... WED -INSIDEB~~ ) GVMNA8TIC8 (THU SNEAK PREVIEW (F ) ~~·~~CASTlE (1 HR.) BUV8 A SUIT (WED) !U HR., 30 MIN.) (~) MOVIE 2 HAS..1.....• M~.) (FAI) -~IMOYIE 1HA..~MIN.) (MON) 8: 15 HEAL TH RB.D {TUE-ml) 9:20 MOYIE (1 HR., 33 MIN.) (TUE) 9:25 ED ALLEN 8:30 CAPT A.IN KANGAROO TODAY (MON) 80'8 WOMAN (FRO GAUERV ,CfHU) ~..:b"!>MERICA (MON) DAYBREAk LA. (l\JE·THU) rrCANBE~ ~THE ISSUES <#f:» OFF HANO (WED) FRANKL y m.tAll: 3r4e'a QAEAT SPACE CO FQJ)( THE CAT CAP110NED ABC NEW8 (T\JE-Ffl) EXPLOflNG LANGUAGE (MON) JMMYSWAOOAAT INmODUCINCI BIOLOGY (MON, WED) aNBtAX 8HOAT FEATURr (TUE) ~ - MEET1NQ HAl..FW~ MOONWALK ( ARY) FRA*-THOMPSON. (THO) SPORraFORUM A HOfWl MCiNQ y :CMON) ALL«AA 8POAT8 CHALLENOE (TUE) TH9 W!EK IN THE N8A (WED) .~ MOVIE (1 HR., 36 MIN.~)EO) INTROOlJCING ... JANET MoN. THU) TH~ OF-NEVA Z (TUE) AMERICAN DANCE MACHINE (WEO) 6:461 NEWS (TUE-FRO 7:00 MORNING NEW$ TOOAY (TlJE.FRI) 700CLUb G000 MORNING AMERICA (TUE-FRI) THE FROOZLES ROMPER ROOM GOOO MORNING AMERICA BUGS BUNNY ANO FRIENDS (FRI) TOM AND JERRY (MON-THU) FRED FUNTSTON~ ANO FRt~DS BUSINESS REPORT TOOAY VILLA ALEGAEWR) (MON. FRt) Vil.LA ALEGRE R) Q (TUE-THU) TliE LAST OF E CAOQOES (ffil) MOVIE (MON-WED) SPORTS CENTER BRENDON CHASE (FRI) . MYSTERY IN DRACULA'S CASTLE (1 HR.) ~.me ISLAND OF NEVAWUZ (FRI) (I) THE COUNTRY GIRL (2 HRS .• 30 MIN.) iiVJlllEHRS.) (T\JE, THitei MOVIE 1HR.,20 MIN.) ) MOVIE 1 HR., 61 MIN.) U) 7:30G Tli 18 A WAY l ~TONES (FRt) YOGA FOA HEAL TH MAGICOFOIL PAINTING THE AMAZING AOVENTURES OF JOE 90 ml.J.E SELFISH GIANT (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.mffRJ) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 39 MIN. MON) MOVIE~ HA., 30 MIN. MOVIE 1 HA., '3 MIN. HAMM HOUSE OF (WED) MOVIE (1HR.,40 MIN.) (MON) 8:00 Cl) SUNUP SAN DIEGO JIM~ TIC TAC DOUGH TOM AHD JERRY~ =~(MON, ~~THU) MBTEA AOOER8 (R) (TUE-'rHU) 800Y BUDDlf.8 =~~~~(MON) MOVE 1 HR., '3 M1t A TO KJTTV =~=!J~(1HA.,30 MINJal,.fff) !MCME~.<=.) (TUE) 8:061MOYtE 8:80 LEAVE rr TO BEAVE.A 8Ull8EYE ~~U) ~~=~,~~U) Mt8TER ~. FR> :,~ rf"~U) 1WO .. A BOX (WED) ~ pHR..15~~ (MON) 8:45~~ ~.: ~IN~cJeo) 9:008 (I) ONE DAY AT A TI .. (R) THE RIFLEMAN MIO MOAti1NG LA_ BEWITCHED (FRI) - MAKE ROOM ~QR OAOOY (MON-TliU) MOVIE . • ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) AE'.ROBJaaf CMON. WW. FRI) AEROBICISE: BEGINNER (TUE. THU) MOVIE (2 HAS.) (FRt) 10:00 I c PRICE IS RIGHT BIG VALLEY QI LOVE BOAT (R) JOHN DAVIDSON I DREAM OF JEANNIE (FRI) RHODA (MON-THU) EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (FRI) BIG BLUE MARBLE (MON) NA TURAl HISTORY OF A SUNBEAM (TUE· TMU) (JETTING TO KNOW ME (FRJl EOUCA TIONAL PROGRAMM NG (MON-THU) PLAZA surrE (2 HAS.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR.. 40 MIN. MON, TUE. TliU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MIN. ) MOVIE 1 HR., 65 MIN. FRJ) MOVIE 1 HR.. 36 MIN. MON) MOVIE 1 HR .. 60 MIN. E. THU) MOVIE 1 HR., 45 MIN. WED) • MOVIE 1 HR., 30 MIN. MON) MOVIE 1 HR., '2 MIN. ) MOVIE 1 HR., 20 MIN. 10:061 MOVIE 10:15 MOVIE (1 HR,45MIN.) (WED) 10:30 CHARUI: ROSE (TUE-fRI) I TWICE A WOMEN (MON) INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS REBOP MON) HI~ PLACES: WHERE HISTORY LIVES nUFORNtA DREAMS (WED) CIAC BRIDGES (THU) EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (FRI) OVIE (TUE. THU E GOLDEN AG~ OF TELEVISION ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (TU[S ! = Mr· 30 MIN.) (THU) 11:008TA ALES THE DOCTORS BONANZA 9 FAMA. Y FEUD THE YOUNG ANO THE AES1l..E88 BU.L8EYE PfTFALL WOMEN'S PAGE LOVE AMERICAN S1YlE B..ECTRIC COMPANY (R) AICHAAD~ • MOVIE (MON, WED, FRI) 11:15iMOVIE (2HR8.,9Mlk) (MON) 11:30 THE YOONG ANO THE J:E.8Tl.ES8 SEARCH FOA TOMORROW RVAN'SHOPE i:4GAME LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MACNEIL I l&eAER REPORT BeQ BLUE MAR8L.E (WB>) AUTO RACING {Fii) MOVIE (2 HAS., 30 "IN.) (WED) PlAZA surre c2 HRS.) cr.,.u> B088Y VINTON (1 HR.~FRI MOYIE 1 HR., 32 MIN. 11:45Cl)~ (2HAS .. 17 .) (Yue, \I I I .I{'\<><>'\ DIFF'FENT 8TAOKE8 (A) OZZIE AHD HAARE A.M. L06 ANOa.E'8 12:008. DAYS Of OUR UVEB 1'WIUGHT ZONE =LALANNE 9 AU. MY CHILDREN THEAOCKFORO ALES ·=JO ILOVELUCY ~E AOMPER AOOM DC< CAVETT ::::IAEEI (R) Q MATHWISE (MON. FRI) VUA~ ~~~ (MQN.FRI) FOOT81EP8~ WJ.AALEGAE~ ~ntU) ~~rED) ri:"~~l11U) ~.QINWA~~ (RI) ~THE VOYA&E OF THE MOVIE (2HR8 .. 10~. £) MOllAOc:llnU! (!Ill)~ -11111.) 1 ~~·~·11~~ MOYIE(2HAB.,10 .).g:) ie::-u HR.. ID .... ) CT\JE) -I IROMm~·L:: .. ~!T IE .CA088ROAOI OOLDEN AGE Of'T&.EVt8loN (1 HA., WI MOVIE 1 HR. •• MIN. ) L) (THU) ._ '" MOVIE 1 HR.. 20.... ) ~= j! HA., 33 '=. {lltl) 1 m 1 HR,. Mk .uv111•-WS1t~~•c •w ~,.UireJ~m40•DI TWILIGHT ZONE OVER EASY • FAOMJUMPSTREEf-(FRI) UP ANO COMING (MON) WHY IN THE WORLD (TUE. THU) AMERICAN84T~PRISE (WED) MOVIE f 1 HR., "4 MIN.) iN) MOVIE 1 HR., 20 MIN.! E) MOVIE 1 HR., 50 MIN, ED) MOVIE 2 HRS., 9 MIN. ~U) MOVIE 1 HR., 38 MIN. FRI) MOVIE 1HR,40 Mitt U) 12:36E ONES 1:00 . • ANOTHER WORLD MAGAZINE 0 ONE LIFE TO LIVE (C)MOVIE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (FRI) MATINEEATTHEBUOU (MON-THU) EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING COC I EGE TENNIS (FRI) TRACK ANO FIELD (MON) POCKET 8ll.UAADS (TUE) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS (WED) OOt.l.EGE LACR06SE (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 43 MiJN. (FRl) MOVIE (1 HR., 50 MIN. ~ THE COUNTRY (2 HAS., 30 MIN.) 1:~E ADOAMS FAMILY 1:30 8 (I) CAPITOL NEWS SIGNATURE {TUE-FRI) NAPOLEON & LOVE (MON) BIG BLUE MARBLE (MON) COUEGE GOLF (WED) MOll1E J HR., V MIN.} rs) MOVIE 1 HR., 47 MIN. E) MOVIE 1 HR., 33 MJN. MON) 1:36 Ill) 0 ANO HARRIET 1~45(%) MOVIE (1 HR., 40 MIN.) (WED) (%)MOVIE (2 t-4RS., 9 MIN.) (THU) 2:00 I (I) Gl.JeOING LIGHT CHIPS (R) JOHN DAVIDSON 0 GENERAL HOSPITAL IAONSIOE OPENUNE · 8UPE.Nif$H BOTANC=FRI) MIXEDBAO QUIZKID8 ) m ~WE GEHrS? (Al) GUTBI TAG .. DEUTSCHlANO (MON) LE8 GAWM <TUE> TOMOMOWa ~AMlUES. TOMOAAOW'8 KQl=)EIP&; IWIAIE9Al.L 80ME CALL THEM (WED) MOVIE 8088YVINTON (1 HA.ur) MOVIE 1 HR., 20 MK L-F y 2:10 ~ HR., 33 .... ) (TUE) 2:11 ~ (MON, FAI) 2:20 AEAC808E (WED) 2:30 8EWITCHB) I MOYIE ("'> . CALL ME BETTY CARTER {MON) V1CTOR FRANKENSTEIN (TUE) DANCE (WED) - NAPOlEON CONOUER8 AMERICA (THU) TO BE ANNOUNCED <MON-THU) MasTER ROGERS m) MISTER ROGERS R MON-THU) SPORTSWOMAN 8POOT8 FORUM ) LEGENDS: JOHN WAYNE. (1 HR.) (MON) MOVIE (1HA.,32 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1HR.,40 MIN.) (MON) WACK'f WORLD Of JONAl'HAN WINTERS i \JE) MOVIE (1HR..30MIN.) ) THE GOlOEN AGE Of T~ (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (FRI) ' e AOAS1EO MEDIUM RARE (1 HA., 16 MIN.) <THU) • 2:$5 (fl) HAZEL 3:008 BARNABY JONES DONAHUE RICHAAO SIMMONS EDGEOfNGHT ~ HAWAII FIVE-0 PEOPLFS COURT THE WAL TONS MIGHTY MOUSE NEW PERCEPTIONS (FRO THE EB.: LIFE Of A tHREATENED RIVER ~VERtNG THE ART OF KOREA (TUE) NOW IS THE TIME (WED) NON-ACTION TELEVISION (THU) HOUR MAGAZINE SESAME STREET (R) Q THE AMAZING AOV£NTURES Of JOE 90 TH::~ GIANT {MON) ELCOME TO MIAMI, CUBANOS (WED) MOONWALI< (DOCUMENTARY) FRANCIS THOMPSON. (THU) BASEBALL (FRI) GOLF HtOHUGHTS (TUE) COLLEGE BASeBAU (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 50 MIN.) FRI PLAZA 8urTE (2 HRS.) MOVIE~HR, 45 MIN. MOVIE 1 HR., 53' MIN. NOEL ASUIT INTAOOUCING. .. J MOVIE J::· 40 MK) MOVIE 1 HA., 62 ..._) 3: E .. 3:130 "°'1°~IONS WHA'rl~I CHARUE"8 ANGELI CA1.NllfY JANE"8 DIARY (MON a OUD8 OF QLOAV: THE ~E OF THE ANCENT MAAl1EA (WED) KRAFT MUSIC HAU. (THU) ~AY(WED) . OOl.FHIGHUQHTS~ ) • NASLWEBCLY ALL-8TAR LLENQE (THU) MOVIE (1 HA., 21..._) (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 40 t.9l) mJE> < ' I MOV1~1 HR. 33 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE 2 HRS.) (TUE~ MQ\llE_ 1 HR.;_&3 MIN. CWED} 3:36 all FA ER KNOWS 8 t 3:45(%) MOVIE (1 HR,,..33 MIN.) (FRI) (%)MOVIE (1HR.,20 MIN.) (TUE) 4:00 8 BARNEY MILLEA MARV TYLER MOORE COUPLES NEWS WELCOME BACK, KOTTER MOVIE YOU ASKED FOR rT TOM ANO JERRY SCOOBYDOO SONG AND DANCE (TUE) • ElECTAIC COMPANY (R) UTTlE HOUSE ON THE PfWAtE THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES (WED) THE SB.ASH GIANT (THU) INSIOE BASEBALL (a.k>N) THIS WEEK IN THE teA (TUE) SPORTS FORUM (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR, 30 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE i1HR.,20 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (THU, FRI) MOVIE 2 HRS .• 17 MIN.) (THU). 4:06 all W1NNEA8 (FRI) Ill) GREEN ACRE$ (~THU) 4:309NEWS I 808 NEWHART ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M*A*S*H ENTERTAINMENT TONtGtt( (MON, TUE. THU, FAthASEBALL (WED) LAVERNE & SHlftt.EY & COMPANY BUGS BUNNY ANO FRIENDS StGNATURE M6TER ~~FRI) MISTER ROGEA6. R) (MON-THU) MACNEJL I L R£P0RT THE LAST Of THE CAOOOES (FRI) CINDER-EU.A ~ CASE OF MUKKINESE BATTLE HORN ( 1955) PETER saLERS. SPH<E MULltOAN, (THU) i SPORTS CEHTER (MON, TUE. THU) 1!ilHR., 26 MIN.) (Fff) MOVIE 1 HA., 30 MIN.) (MON) 4:36 Ill) ALL (FRI) Gl) AMl1"f GAfflTH (MON-THU) 5:009 8 8 (I) 9 NEWS LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PAARE BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE (MON, FRI) MOVIE (TUE. THU) THE 8AADV 8UNQ4 ecooevooo MIXED~ ,.S.~· Al) OUIZi:m)' ~ANC =. (THU) SESAME 8TAEEt (A) Q LNEATAVE OVER EASY ~~~. tuE. THU) BRENDON CHASE~ WED. fRI) VIDEO JUKEBOX MYSTERY IN '8 CASTI.E (1 HR.) ~ tti CONCERT (1 HA., 1s ..... ) 7 :!! 0 - r 8 ' \I< >IC\ I ~< ; \I< >\ · 1 LS 5: 10(C) "I'm All Right, Jack" ( 1960. Comedy) Ian Carmichael, Peter Sellefs. 5:30()) "Thunderbirds To The Rescue" ( 1981. Dta- 0 ma) Puppets . .3 6:00D "Invaders From The Deep" ( 1981, Science- Fiction) Puppets. ~ {%) "O Lucky Mani" ( 1973. Drama) Malcolm McDowell. Ralph Richardson. § 6:05@ "The Wrong Man" ( 1957, Mystery) Henry 0: Fonda, Vera Miles. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. ... 7:3000 "The Mysterious Stranger" (1982. Fantasy) Chris Makepeace. Fred Gwynne. 8:05(1l) "A Woman Of Distinction" ( 1950. Comedy) Rosalind Russell, Ray MHland. 9:00(C) "Don't Go Near The Water" (1957, Come· ~) Glenn FOfd, Gia Scala. {%) "The Naked Kiss" ( 1964, Drama) Constance Tower. Anlhooy 8sley. 9:30e "The Lonely Trail" ( 1936. Western) John Wayne, Ann Ruther1ord. 0 ''Les Girts" ( 1957. Musical) Gene Kelty, M1121 Gaynot. 10:00()) "Les Girls" ( 1957, Musical) Gene Kelly, Mii· zl G!)'nor. 10:0511ZJ "THI The End Of Time" (1946""; Drama) Doro- thy McGuire, Guy Madison. 10:30(%) "The last Chase" (1981, Science-Action) Lee Majofs. Chris Makepeace. 11:00(C) ''Tribute To A Bad Man" (1956, Western) James Cagney. Irene Papas. . \I-!"I.IC\< >< >'\ \I< >\ · 1 L~ 12:008 "Village Of The Gianta" (1965. Fantasy) Tommy Kirk. Johnny Crawford. • "The Diary Of Anne Frank" (Part 2) (1959, Drama) Joseph SChlkl<laut. Mi .. Perkins. • "Ave GOiden Dragons" (1967, Adventure) Robert Cummings. Margaret Lee. (J) "Dog Day Afternoon" ( 1976, Orama) Al Pad- no, John Cazale. 12:15(%) "Prince VaJlant'' (1954, Adventure) James Mason, Janet Leigh. 12:308 "Manhattan" (1979, Comedy) Woody Allen. Diane Keeton. 1:00(!) "Rough Night In Jericho" (1967, Western} Dean Martin, George Peppard. CC) "Family Man" (Orama) Ed Asner, Anne Jack- son. CB> "Continental Divide", ( 1981, Romance) John Belushi. Blair Brown. 2:00CD "From The Ute Of The Marlooettes" (1980. Orama) Robert Atzom. CMatlne Buchegger. (%)"Stripes'' (1981. Comedy) Blll Murray. Harold Ramis. 2:309 "Ten Days' Wondet" ( 1972. Orama) Orson Welles, Anthony P~lna. (2 tva.) (I) "The Incredible Voyage Of Stlngtay" (1965, Science-Action) Puppets. 3:0000 "The Oaybreakers" (1979. Western) Glenn Ford, Sam EKlot. • ~~(%) "The Nak.S Km" (196-4, Orama) Con- stance Tower, Anthony a.y. 4:00• "White HorMt Of 8'.mner" ( 1973, Orama) Jean Sebetg. Frederick Steffofd e "tnvadefa From The Deep" ( 1981, Science-Ac· 4:30 l "Winda Of Change" 1978) Animated. tlon~Puppets. 5:00 "Qrand Illusion" (19J7. Orama) Jean Gabln, Erich Von Stroheim. 5e15(J) "The Last Chase" ( 1981, Science-Flctlotl) Lee Mafcn, Chris Mekepeece. l .\ l '\ l '\( ' FAST TALKER -Many lives are made miserable by the tactial of Miles Starling (Caar Romero), the cheapskate leader~bost of the TV &how that Annie (Ann JJ.11Jan) performs on in "The Rainbow Girl," a comedy t.o be telecast Friday at 8 pm. on KNBC (Ch. 4). news In the production and glamour capital of the movie Industry. ct MOVIE "On The Right Track" (1981. Comedy) Gary Coleman. Michael Lembeck. A social worl<er tries to ftnd a normal home lor a tralo station shoeshine boy with a talent IOf picking the ponies. 'PG' ( 1 hf .. 37 min.) 8:30(1) e NEWS I BARNEY MILLER All IN THE FAMLY NAPOLEON & LOVE "The End Of Love" Napoleon loSes the war with Russia and hill Empire crumbles around him: both Jo6ephlne and Louise wish to be with him on 8ba. bUt he neww sees either ol t1'19!n ~~n. ( 1 hr.) 1 ~1': LOS AHGaES WEEK IN REVEW 8U8tNES8 REPORT A COUNTRV MUSIC TRIBUTE TO KITTY WEU.S Tammy Wynette hosts this tribute to the "Queen Of Country Music" featuring perlormanoes by Lynn Anderson. Tom T. Hall. Hank Wlllieml Jr .. Merle Kilgore. Char1y Mclain. Roy Acuff and Kitty Wells herself. Taped at Nashville'• Grand Ote ()pry House. ( 1 hf., 30 min.) 7:008 C8S NEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN A8CNEW8 P.M. MAGAZINE A tour of the Queen B lzabeth It; a 1'-yeer-cld boy who writ• an 8dvtoe column for teen-agers. KOJAK NEWARK ANO AEALfTY ENTERTAN.an' TONIGHT w•A•s•H JOKER'S Wl.O BU8t1EllAEPORf l!lrnl"89' THE....al MAGIC~ OIL P""'1NG MOYIE "Oon't Go N.-The Water'' (1957. eom.dy) G'8M Ford, Gia Scala. WOttd War II .... In the South"Pacffio find that they need orty. reerMtlon hal to comptete th9it peradlN. (1 tv., '60 min.) CD MOVIE "Thole Lipe, Thole EY91'~ (1080. Com- edy) Frank l..engela, ~O'Connor. A~ ant summer stock act«. who ~ "' Broedwtiy stardom, ~ an lncompMent. atagHtrudc prop poy and promot• h6I ronwnce with • ~ Q!!1, 'R' ( 1 hr., '7 "*'·> (Ill ..,._ ·=·Gii Md Tl'ia Little PeOQle" { 1969. F9"t8M Sh*De~· .JrTwny O'O. t:JW. by ftndl hltNllf. pla ~for hie~ ••and • Y°"'"I men who 11 lo~~• cer.. ,.., tor. Wlllt ccuwrv. ....... (2 hrl.t ('%)MOVIE "Th*OIMA>eerMCe'' (2 htt.) 1; •• 2 ON MTCMN FeMured: I profit Of ~ ~ ~ .. "' ~ ':Aulful''; • men Who ~ loeatbll tor •lllit8tl~11> tlon oomp91ill; • tow ot ~ enct Eii-Wlnlrlal ln,Ntpe v•. to ... how ;.i .. - - -rid I J I ,, -. Friday (continued) across the Sahara tn hot pursuit of a group of Arab slave traders who kidnapped his wife 'R' ( 1 hr., 57 min.) (()SPORTS CENTER (C) MOVIE "Zorro. The Gay Blade" (1981. Come- dy) George Hamilton, Lauren Hutton. The heroic soo of old California's famous justice fighter Is Inca· pacilated by a riding Injury, fOlcing his foppish brother to doo the cape and mask. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 33 min.) cm MOVIE "Pray TV" ( 1980, Comedy) Dabney Coleman, John Ritter. A failing TV station tries to find salvation and success when it convert to relig- ious programming. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (%) MOVIE "Stripes" ( 1981. Comedy) Bill Murray, Harold Ramis. A New VOit< cabbfe looking IOI excitement coovinces his best friend to join him In enlisting in the U.S. Army. 'A' (1 hr .. 20 min.) 9:0501) MOVIE "The Big Sky" ( t952, Western) Kirk Douglas, Dewey Martin. Explorers travel up the Missouri River to Blackfoot Indian territorf despite the ha.lards. (2 hrs .. 35 min.) 9:30(1) MO\llE "Gypsy Wildcat" ( 1944, Adventure) Marla Mootez. Leo Carrillo. A baby princess becomes queen of the gypsies who raised her. ( 1 hr . 30 mm.) QI NAPOLEON & LOVE "The End Of Love" NapoleOo loses the war with Russia and his Empire crumbles around him: both Josephine and Louise wish to be with him on Elba, but he never sees either of ihem again. (1 hr.) (!) TOP RANt( BOXING From Atlantic City. New Jer~. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 10:00• Cl) FALCON CAEST Faced with a $50,000 tax bill and short of cash. Chese attempts to pre-sell his g~ before harvest. (R) ( 1 hr.) · D Bl MCOLAIN'S LAW Baffled by a series of seemingly random slaylngs. McClain poses as a member of an underground Ol'ganizatlon to gel evt- dence on two of Its members. (Part 2) (R) ( 1 hr.) I De•NEWS F...a UHE· "The Future Of Philanthropy" Guests: David R. Hunter. executive dlrect0t of the Stem Foundation: leeda P. Marting. executive dlreclOI of the John Hay Whitney Foundetlon; Rich- ard W. Lyman. president of the Rockefeller Founda- tion. (Part t) (1 hr.) CH) PLAZA SUITE Lee Grant and Jerry Orbactl eech perf01m three roles as couples who occupy Suite 719 of New York's Plaza Hotel In Neil Simon's oom- ~· (2 hrs.) (I) MOVIE "Dog Day Afternoon" { 1976. Orama} Al Pacino, John Cazale. A New York City banlc robbery escalates Into a near-circus when community acttv. lsts join in to stage an anti-police protest during1he ~· (2 tws .• 10 min.) m MOYIE "Blow·Up" (1966, Mystery) David Hemmings, Vanessa Redgrave. When a young Lon· don photographer has some of his pictures bloWn up, he discovers what appears to be a murder. ( 1 hr .. 60mln.) 10:30.NEWS t8 SiGNATURE Guest: Cliff Robeftson. cm MOVIE "The Fan" ( 1981, Suspense) Lauren Bacall, James Garner. A populat film star Is victim· ized by a chotlc admirer. 'A' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 11:00 NEWS ., '· ACUPUllCTURE .......... .;&. AUTHOR OI' "AC""*CTUM I ICllMCa" Former CheWman, Mm1nar of CNMM Acupunc:utre Foundation PROFESS<>R OF ACUPUNCTURE. GRADUATE: CtilNA MEDtCAL COlLEGE WHO'S WHO IN CALIFORNIA, 13th Edltlorl TROUBLE IN BAZZA8D -Tom Wopat, who plays Luke Dute on the c=: CBS televUiOl'J series, ''Dulcat of H bas said he would not tttum to the series and has sued Warner Broih«a Television for mooey he says the production CDtDpany owes him. John Scbneldet', Bo Dub in the aeries, ball joined him in the .Wt 7be DuRs are .-een Fridays at 8 p.m. on KNXT (OJ. 2). I SA TUROAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOA fT JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s•H BENNYHfLL MIXED BAG "Christo's Valley Curtain" A film exploring reactions to Christo's landscape art in the Colotado Mountains. • DICK CAVETT Guest: Steven Spielberg. (Part ~~WEEK IH REVIEW (!) MOVIE "Famity Man" (Orama) Ed Asner. Anne Jackson. Only after having an affair dOes a man realize his lifelong resposlbUltles to others. ( 1 hr .• 40 min.) ([) MO\llE "Last Tango In Paris" (1973. Orama) Marlon Branda, Marla Schnelder. •x· (2 hrs.. 9 min.) (%) MOVIE "0 Lucky Mani" ( 1973, Orama) Mal· colm McDowell, Ralph Richardson. A coffee sales- man is ca tured as a spy and sent to prlsoo whete AR• YOUR unun BILLS INCREASING? Our •'""81 "'an111..,.. 1~ms can reduce yow 4l9Y co ... I Call ua for fREE lnforwNltton he cooremplates a career 1n the movies (2 hrs .. 46 mtnl 11;3011 Cl) MO\llE "The Last Wave" (1978. My~ tery) Richard Chamberlain. David Gulpilll. A lawyer must bring to light the ancient customs and tribal practices of a primitive society when an ab0tigine is accused of murder. (A) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) D Cl) TONIGHT Guest host: Joan Rivers. (3uest: Steve Guttenberg. (1 hr.) I 9 ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE THE SILENT CRISIS Hosts· Stan Mooneyham. Carol Lawrence. Guests: Mtke Douglas. Dtck Van Pallen. Maureen McGovern ( 1 hr ) m MO\llE "The Seven-Ups" ( 1974, Adventure) Roy Scheider. Tooy Lo Blanco A New Y0tk cop's plan to use a friend as an 1nfOl'man1 backfires 1n a series of gangland kidnappings (2 hts ) • SANFORO ANO SON @ THE CHAMBER MUSIC SOCJETY OF LINCOLN CENTER Soprano Judith Blegen and trumpet solosit Stephen Burns join this group for a ped01mance of music by Ravel, Handel, Scarlatti, Benedict, Strauss and Brahams. (1 hr.) • CAUFORNtA WEEK I~ REVIEW Ii) CAPTIONED ABC NEWS 11:.Wal) MOVIE "The Unf0tgiven" ( 1960, Western) Audrey Hepburn, Burt Lancaster. A pt0neer family struggles against the hostile Kiowa Indians. who claim that the pioneers' adopted daughter is a member of their tribe. (2 hrs .. 40 min.) 12:00 8 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 8 «I FRIDAYS Host: Jamie Lee Curtis. Guest: Garland Jeftnes. (R) ( 1 hr., 30 min.) Cf) MOVIE "Hell's Island" ( 1955. Adventure) John Payne. Mary Murphy. A former prosecutor Is encouraged to track down a missing precious ruby. especially when he learns that his ex-girlfriend holdS some key inloml8tioo. ( 1 ht .. 30 min.) ~LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Atlantic City" ( 1980. Orama) Burt Lancastet, Susan Satandon. The estranged hus- band of an oyster bar waitress arrives with her preg- nant younger sister and some stolen hefoln. which ~ wants an aging hood to sell for him. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 44 min.) · Cl MOVIE "The Rose" ( 1979, Orama) Bette Mldlef. Alan Bates. A driven rock singer's Hfe in the fast lane leadS her Irreversibly to disaster. 'R' (2 hrs .. 14 min.) 12:06(1) MOVIE "American Gigolo" ( 1980, D<ama) Richard Gefe. Lauren Hutton. A Bevetly Hills gigolo becomes the prime suspect In a murder Investiga- tion. 'R' ( 1 ht .• 57 min.) 12: 16 <m MOVIE "Silence Of The North" ( 198 l. Dra- ma) Tom Skemlt. Elen Burstyn. A couple who ven- lurea far Into the Northwest territory faces many hardship$ but ate determined to suMve. (2 hrs., 35 min.) 12:308 e LATE NIGHT WfTH OAVK> LETTERMAN Guests: comedian Jay Leno, nightclub singer Harv MaM . NBC Peacock Girts. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) I ~ovie Movie" ( 1978, Comedy) Geolge C. Scolt. 91 Wallach. Film musicals and boxing stcr rles of the 1930s are remembered through "Dyna- mite' Hands" and "Baxter's Beauties Of 1933." {2 hes.) eNEWS g 3! 0 - .... CD CD N ' I ~I I 'I 10 ~ Friday (contirrued) ~ 9 NAPOLEON & LOVE "The End Of Love" Napofeon loseflhe war wltfl Russia and flfs-Emp re - crumbles aroood him: bOth Josephine and Louise ~ wish to be with him on Elba. but he never sees either :;, of them again. (1 hr.) .., 12:.-0(C) MOVIE "The Ellil" (1978, HOfror) Richard ~ Crenna, Joanna Pettet. A sinister and terrifying "O force conceals Itself beneath a trap door In a reput-;f edly "haunted" hOuse. 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 1:008 MOVIE "Ebb Tide" (1937, Adventure) Oscar Homolka, Frances Farmer. A "beached" captain's plan to hijack a ship Is complicated when he discovers the owner's daughter Is abOartl. (2 hrs.) m MOVIE ''The Witch" ( 1965, Fantasy) Richard Johnson, Rosanna Schiaffino. A man finds himself invol~d with a woman who has become the mis- tress 'bl dark forces. (1 hr., 30 min.) ([) BASEBALL "College WOfld Series" (Game 1) from Omaha. Nebraska (3 hrs.) . 1:15(() MOVIE "Foxes" (1980. Orama) Jodie Fos-- ter. Sally Kellefman. The victims of broken homes and uncaring parents, four teen-age girts try to soothe their emotlor:ial wounds through drugs and sex. 'A' ( 1 hr:, 46 min.} 1:308 EVENING AT THE IMPAOV (!) FACE THE MUSIC G) MOVIE "Trog" ( 1970, Science-Fiction) Joan Crawford, ~ichaef Gough. The Army s1eps in after a primitive creature escapes from an anttifopologlst and _g_oes on a rampage. (2 hrs.) 1:45CID MOVIE ''The Oaybreakers" ( 1979, Western) Glenn Ford. Sam Elliot. The Sackett brothers find adventure when they travel west from their Tennes- see home. 'PG' (1 hr., 50 min.) :z:ooee•News . (%)MOVIE "Lacombe. Lucien" (1974. Adventure) Pierre Blaise, Aurore Clement. As the end of World War II nears, a peasant carelessly becomes Involved in FacislTI. (2 hrs., 17 min.) 2:05 (f) NEWS Cl) MOVIE "Death Hunt" (1981, Adv,nture) Charles Bronson. Lee Marvin. In the 1930s. a MOUQ- tie and a frontier criminal wage an old battle as clvll- zation encroaches on the Canadian wilderness. 'R' (1 hr., 36 min.) 2:15(C) MOVIE "Tribute To A Bad Man" (1956, Wesrern1 James Cagney. Irene Papas. Two con- cerned people attempt to convince a r•ncher to st~ kllMna rustlers. ( 1 hr .• 35 min.) 2:20al) M't PATAOL 2:30.NEWS I e ~ "Beast Of The Oeed'' (1970. Horror) John Ash&ey. Celeste Vatnal. A mad doct<>1 abduots a young report• In order to experiment on her body. (1 hr .. 30 min.) e MOVIE "Manhattan'' (19.79, Comedy) Woody Allen. Diane Ke!tton. A New Vork Chy comedy Wl'lt- er bfeaks up with his long-time glrtfrlend to squi(e around an Intellectually vapid teen-ager. 'A' (1 ht., 36mln.) 2:368 MOVIE "The Cllff" (1968, Orama) Vince Edwards, Patty Duke Astin. A psychiatrls1 wort<s with police to trap a psychotic ~per and tries to counsel a young unwed mother who Is contemplat- 1~ suicide. ( 1 hr .. 50 mill.) Cf) MOVIE "Voodoo Man" ( 1944. Horror) Bela Lugosi, John Camadlne. An entire town Is endan-- ~ed When a mad scientist attempts to revfve his wife through the use of black magic. ( 1 hr.. 25 min.I 2:60 W0RU> AT LAAGe 3:00 MOVIE "Th& Last Outpost" {1935, Adven- ture) Caty Grant. Ctaude Rains. A pair of mlntary officers fall In love with the tame woman amidst bat- tles between African natives and the British. ( 1 hr .. SO min.) (Jl)NEW8 3:30• MOVIE "Out Of The Paat" ( 1947,,0rama) Klfk ·Douglas, Jane Greer. A fUling station owner with ''!llleietoos In his Closet" Is re4uctant to set'loue- ly consider marriage. (2 hra.) 3:40(8) MOVIE "Continental Divide" (1981. Romance) John Belushi, Blair Brown. A Chicago neWJP&per COIUmnlst tr•vels to the Rockies to escape some polltlcal heat and Interview a reclusive natU<aliSt. 'PG' (1 hr., 43 min.) 3:'46 (I) MOVIE "Private Ben!amln" ( 1980. Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Eiieen Brennan. A weil-to-dQ you(lg woman mistakenly joins lhl Army lolloWlng the death of her .._ h&llblnd Ct\ their wedding night. 'R' 1! hr .. SO min.) 3:60~ MOVE "~tJ" (1979, Adventure) Michael Celne. Rex Hanieotl, A determined doctor aet• off acrosa the Sahara In hOt pursuit of a group of Arab •ve-traders WhO tddoapped hie Wife, 'R' ( 1 "'" 57r:vJe 4:Cli VBJITAIU 80UP • • 5:00 (!)CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP ([) PAOfE.SSIONAL ROOEO From Mesquite, Tex- as.~hrs.) 5:06 BASEB~U BUNCH • 6:26 fl.ASHBACK: THE LAST VOYAGE OF THE MORRO CASTlE Eric Severaid hosts this documen- tary employing dramatic re-enactment and archlval film footage to recall the disastrous fire In 1934 that claimed 137 lives aboard the luxury cruise ship. (1 hr.) I 5:30 e VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA (J) NEWARK ANO REALITY • VIEWPOINT ON NUTRmON 5:36 dl) THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY 5!..S Cl) HOLL YWOOO Bill Harris presents up--close reports on the people and events which are making news In the production and glamour capital of the movie Industry. 8:008 SUMMER SEMESTER SEREHOIPITY PUBLIC AFFAIRS TEEN TALK -'PPLE POLISHERS ~ FAMILY AFFAIR SATURDAY MORNING MOVIE "Pulp" (1972. Comedy) Michael Caine, Mickey Rooney. ~ (I) MOVIE ''St(lpes" (1981, Comedy) BlU Murray. Harold Ramis. ( 1 hr., 20 min.) 6:05dl)WARAMDPEACE . · 6:15(1) MOVIE "The Incredible Voy81j8 Of Stingray" (1965, Science-Fiction) Puppets. (1 hr., 32 min.) 8:201NEW8 . 6:30 DUSTY'S TREE>fOUSE THAT'S CAT PACESETTERS VDeCE OF AOAICUL TUAE PORTRAITS IN PASTB.S OAVEV ANO QOLIA TH IT'S YOUR BUSINESS SPEAK OUT CAPTIONED A8C NEWS DR. SNUGGLES MOVIE "Hog Wild" (1980, Comedy) Patti O'Ar- banvile. MichMI Biehn. (1hr.,27 min.) • BEST HORSE A young girl clashes with her mother' (Yllet entering a rodeo cOmpetltlon. 7:001 t<ID8WOfl..O nE RMt'8TONE8 llG BLUE MAABLE 1=.=-*>lJa DAVEY ANO GOLIA TH DOCTOR WHO ONe HUNOfa> YEARS YOUNG YOGA FOR HEM.ni 8PORT8 CENTER . MOVIE "The Hunter" ( 1979, Orama) Steve McQoeen, Bi Wallach. (1 hr .. 38 min.) 7:06dl) MOVIE "Major Dundee,. (1965, Adventure) Charlton Hestoo. Richard Harris. 7:301~'SMAGICOIACU8 DR. 8NUOOlES tfl RICHIE RICH I SCOOBY 000 INTEANAT10NAL HOUR DAVEY ANO GOLIATH DOCTOR WHO NEWS BIG BLUE MAA8lE 7:45(%) MOVIE "l..oombe. Luclen'l (1974, Adven- ture) Pierre Blalee, /\Ut<>lt Clement. (2 hrs., 17 mlnJ_ 8:008 Cl) POPEYE • MOYIE "Aound-.Up , Time In TeKas" (1937. Westem) Gene Autry, Smlley Burnette. -~ESTAT£WEEK CJ) MOYIE "Iron Mountain Trail" (1953, Western) Rex Allen, SWm Pickens. • ~ "T=t Annie'' ( 1933, Comedy) Mar· le Or= w Seely. • I MOVIE '1Montr Python Md TM HOiy Grab" ~74, ~) <htl&m Chepnlan. John Cleeee. Cl) 8A8E8AU. "Colltge World Serles" (Game~) from em.tie. Nib(...., (3 "'9.) ®MOVE ''MyChlmok>n" (2JW1,) (I) MCNE "l'ero to Sfittv'' (1978, COmedv) Der· rtn McGavin, Oenlee Nlckerlon. <i hr .• $8 min.) 8:30 (I) TARZAN I LONE AAN0EA ';F:CIHT1!9' . 'it5 MDVII •'Md v.llent'' (19S.., AdvWltute) I: KIO 8lJIEA POWIR HOUR FONZ I HAPPY DAV& GAHQ AMOOMANIZA'ID9 ~ITTO~VIR Vlk~ n brings V AUHU I THE BACB CONTINUE§ -The pennant l'ace/I in the American and National baBeba1l leagues oondnue Saturcl/Jy on KNBC (Cb. 4). Today's game will pit the San Jhincisco Giants against the Clubs in Chicago at 11 a.m. I NASL SOCCER KICKS ERNEST ANGLEY NEWVOICE MOVIE "Underground A~" ( 1980, Comedy) Dirk Benedict, Melanlct Griffith. ( 1 hr .. 39 min.) 9:30 I Cl) BUGS BUNNY I ROAD mJNNER l~HA~ (II HE.ATHCUFF & MANIAOUt<E =..~~ . MOVIE "Pardon Mon Affaire" (1977, Comedy) JMn Rochefort. Anny Duperery. 9:35@ MOYIE "Come Blow Your Horn" ( 1963. Ora- . ma) Frri Sinatra. Tony 8111. 10:008. SPl,CE STAM I SHA NANA 9 THUNOAAR I GOLDIE GOLD MOVE "Yog -Monster From Soace" (1971. ~Flctlon) Akita KubO, Atsuko takohashl. (f) MOVIE "Criss Cross" ( 1948, Orama) Burt Lan- caster, VllOnne De Carlo. I CAR CARE~ 808JONEB LAST CHANCE GARAGE VOTER'S PIPELINE JJm Cooper takes a look at Reapportionment and other baNot l88U8S and their fmportance to Orange County. (1 hr.) {ti) MOVIE "Cafbon Copy" (1981, Comedy) George Segal, Susa~lnt Jamee. (1hr.,35 min.) Cl) MOVIE" ''Smokey And The Bandit II'' (1980, Comedy) Burt Reynolds, Jllcltle Gleason. ( 1 hr., •O mlnJ__ -10:15(1) MOVIE "The Last Chase'' (1981. Science- Flctlon) Lee Majors, Chris Makepeace. l0:30e AMERICA'S TOP TEN I WE'AE MOVIN' NASL.SOCCEA t<ICt<8 SIGNING WITH CINDY 11:009 e BASeBALL San Francisco Giants at Chl- ~Cubs (31n.) .-WCT TENNIS & tfl WEEKEND SPECIAL "The Horse That Played Centerfield" A teem of hooeles$ losel'1 picks la hot cent8fflelder. (Part 1) (R) Q · SOUL TRAIN THEAOOKE8 OOOt<ING MEXICAN PABLO PtCA8So. THE LEGACY OF A GENIUS Pablo Pioal80'• art works, Nfe, contributions anel lnttuenc:e on 20th century art •re Q&mioed. ( 1 hr .. 30rrnn.> Cl) OOlLEOE G0t.F ''NCA,\ DMJk>n I Men's Cha~lpe" frC>n'! Pinehurst. North Caronna. ( 1 ht.) ~bMCME "J,O. And The Salt Flat Kid" ( 1 hr .. 30 1 t:30 (I) ILM*IT~ MIEnCAH MHDSTANO Wl.Owat O/IOI!~ MCW11 ·~Jazz llngtf" (1880 ....... ,) Nell ~·tot• I •, .... Vt..,. --~~ll!l!'~~'!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~':"!":~~~?---!!!11!!""!-~-~-----------...,._--~~~~-~~·~ ~ ~ r,_ .. _-------------------u Satwday (~mai) • \I 11 .l{'\< H )\ 12:008 Cl) TAOlUON8 e LOST IN SPA~ (!)MOVIE "Mystenous Island" (1961, Science-Ac- tlon) Joen Greenwood, Michael Craig. e · MOVIE "Damn Yankees" (1958. Muslcal) Tab HuntM, Gwen VMdon. I AOAM-12 QUILTING COLLEGE SOFTBALL "NCAA Division I Wom- en's Championships" from Omaha. Nebraska. (2 hrs .• 30 min.) CB> MOVIE "The SurvivOf" (1981, Fantasy) Robert Powell, Jenny AguUM. (1 hr .• 24 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Fltat Deadly Sin" ( 1980, Mystery) Frank Slnatra. Faye Dunaway. ( 1 hr .• 52 mil).) 12:06Gl) MOVlf,: "The Yoong In Heart" (1938. Come- dy) Janet Gaynor, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. 12:30. Cl) TOM AND Ja.RY • MOW: "It's A Bikini World" ( 1967, Musical) Deborah Walley, Tommy Kirk. e MOVIE "Count The Clues" ( 1956, Western) Cla~ay Sllverheels. I ADAM-12 GREAT ESCAPES THE SHAKESPEARE Pl.A VS "Hamlet" Derek Jacobi, Ctalre Bloom. Erle Porter and Patridt Stew- art star In a televtsk>n production of William Shake- !2f:t8re' s popular play. (A) (3 hrs., 30 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Journey Back To Oz" (1972. Fantasy) Animated. Voices of Liza MlnnelU. Paul Lynde. (1 hr., 30 min.) e MOVIE "The Kid From Not-So-Big" (1978, = Jennif« McAllister, Robert Viharo. ( 1 hr . . 1: 8 KWICKYKOALA I THE MUNBTEA8 HBE'SLUCY MOVIE "Untatnfd Lands" (1975) Document&- • WOOOWRIGHT'S SHOP 1::IO• (I) 30 ...rres I F-TROOP ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEB< Hat/A "Life: Patent Pending" The pc'bmises and perils of geMtlc engineering and Its lmpect on Industry. medk:llie •nd unlversltlee are examined. IB> o c1 hf.) • CC) WO\llE "Monty Python And The Hoty Grall" 0974, Conlectl) Gnlh8m Chepman, John 0.... CH> MOVIE "The eaectc ~ .. (1880, OJ.,,,.) Robert Foxworth, PU. Prenti.. (1 tv., 63 "*'·> 2:00. (I) THE 8El.MONT 8TMCE.8 ~of the 114th runnlna of the $200,00().eddld lM!rnont s---. the third ,.._.. In thor~ rectog'a T~ Crown (IMt from Belmont P9ttc. EJmont, Loog ~1tv.) • e ~ AAB..D Feet1Xed: • Wiit to Ten The» und lllandl In the F1orida Ewrgledll; • look •t vet· loua lr'9k•llnd ... ~ I GI I IG.tH818lAHD POATfWT Of A LEGEND MOYE "Four Rode Out" (1969, Westem) Soe ~· Pernell Roberta. ·="Kings Go Forth" (1958, Dfama) Tony Curtll. Netelle Wood. • 181GNATURE ~: C8ff Robertaon. MNf'l l'Vl.St MOOAE MOVIE "Normlln ... ls That YM" (1978, Come-<M Redd Foxx. Pelrl Balley. (1hr.,31 min.) CJ) MOVIE "Prince Valent" (1964, Adventure) James Malan, Jenet l~1 hr., .a min.) 2:061-n. WEE<.. AU 2:30 AT ONE Guelt: nuk:len Graham N88"1, (1 hr.) • I GUJOAWS IBLNC> 8UQAA RAY LEOMAAD'S GOlDEN Ql.°"9 Kanua City vs. Rocky Mountain ( 1 hr.) (J) ENC 8EVAAEID'8 a4AONCLE GI PAOFEll ONAl 80WUN TouA $95,000 S.tde Open (trom the L...,.. ~ In Stdte. Waah.). (1 hf., 30 min.) ta MCCEt> BAG "Chrlsto'a Val1ey Curtain" A flm exploring reactlone to Chrlsto'a landscape art In the ColotedO MoontaN. e HllOEN PLACES: WHERE H8STOR'Y LIVES "Ancient Placet" Holt Philip Abbott villlta the Cenyonllnda wlldemeet of Utah end Hueoo Tanks In western TeJCaa -two alt• where lndlen rock art lhaa ~=::rturlea. (Rl • ,,._ 8POAT8 OENTER ' , MOYIE "Figures In A Landlcape'' (2 hr&.) 2: I MOTOAWEB< UU8TAATED 3:00 FAENCH OPEN TENNIS Same-day cowrage of the Women'• FIMls In the first '9g of the Gr8nd Siem of Tennll (from Roland Gatroe StadlOm In Pllril, France). ( 1 tv .. 30 mn.) • a.oJIE ''Up ~ Arma" ( 1944. Comedy) o.mv ~. Dinah Shc:we. I &t.IBI~ BUNCH AAaNQ FROM BELMONT a.oJIE "Wll Of Nolle" ( 1983. Drema) &.aanne Plehtte, Tl.l::t". · ta THE~·~ 80CETY Of LINOOlN CENTER Sopreno Judith 8leget1 and bumpet 11o1011t Stephen &ml Joli' this group tor a perfotmance of music by Ravel, Hendel, Scarlatti, Benedct, StrllU$S and&at.n.~ I PACIFIC " MOUND THE WORLD .. '12 Glen Campbell hosts 1 muelcal t~ of the KnoXVllle World's Fair wtth guesta Jerry Lee lewis •nd Mel can •. (2 hrs.) CC) MOYIE "Purp" (1972. Comedy) Mic:hllel Ceine, Mick~ (I) "College World Serles" (Game 3) from Omlhe. Nebraska. (3 hrs.) CD MOYIE "The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again" (1879, 9.0!_nedy) Tim Conway. Don l<nott .. 8:061d WN.8TIJNG . 3:30 EV&ft'WHERE location: live from the High-- lend Gattwtng end Gamae. Otange County Falf· _ [ ounda. ~Mela. (1hr.,30mln.) PfP=EllQW. IOWLEN TOUR $95,000 me Open (from the L.91anf t..anea 1n s.ttle, WWl.j . (1hr.,30~ i l'H9WEB<lfM~L WILD tc1NOOOM • PWIJO • llCGEB Brig . bound Blll Murray is arrested by co-star P .J. Soles in a scene from "Stripes," the comedy bit movie premieri!Jg on Sbowtime &turday. The feature film also stan Warren Oates, Harold Ramis and Sean Young. CB) MOV'IE "Hog Wiid" (1980. Comedy) Patti O'Ar- banvllle, Mlohael Biehn. ( 1 hr., 27 min.) Cl) NOB. 8UVS A SUIT 3:46(%) MOVIE ''The Oisappea'Jlfl09" ( 1 hr., 45 4:Gr "1 BASEBAU San Diego Padrea at Pittsburgh ;·~~t;·· 30 min.) (!) MIEBAU. N8* Y()t'I( Meta at Cincinnati Reds THE A0a<F0A0 FILES THIS WEE< IN 8A8EBAU. I hrs., 30 min.) NAPOLEON & LOVE "The End Of Love" Napoteon io.es the war with Russia and his Empire crumbles .,ound him! bOth Joeephlne and Louise wish to be With him on Elba, but he never sees either °''=-~ (1hr.) . I MROOUQHG 8'0LOOY MOYIE "Z.0 To Slltty" (1978, Comedy) Oar-' ren~. 0.-.Nk*eraon. (1tv .• 38mlii.) 4:30. IC&FER 0P£N GOLF ThWd-rotr.d CCMW&ga of thll $400.000 PGA Tour tOlJfMl'Mflt (from the Congreational Country Ctub In Bethesda, Md.). (1 tv.) I DODGER DUGOUT QUE PA&A. U.S.A.? "The Encoootw" Cennen's Americen fr1end Sharon moY9S In with the Pena flmly for • week when her mother goes away on a CNIM. (1 hr.) e MAOOUCH3 eaot..OOY CD MOYIE "The HaUMlng Of Ju"8" (1977, ~) Mia Farrow, Keir OUl6ea. • MOYIE "Goin' Ape" ( 1981, Comedy) Tony Danza. Jessica Waner. (1 hr .. 27 min.) 4:461 OOOQER PAE-GAME 5:00 FREE 4 ALL I MTREK WIDE WOAl.O Of 8PORT8 Renaldo Snlpes vs. Tim Witherspoon In 1 10-round heavyweight boUt iom Laa Veges, Nev.). (1 hr .. 30 min.) QAIZZL y ADAMS NEW& . WEBALL Los Angeles Oodgec'9 at St Louis C.dlnlta ~~ I~ "MU Hevetur" (1976. A<Mnture) P9ttir Feblt. 8ec:tw 9umMI. I y~~~~y NA TIONA&..L Y t<NOWN, 1t AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER ~ 0 - .... -~ I fl) ' ---r""* .. 1 r- \ t ... -) ~·~(continued ~ ILAWRENCEWELK ~ .,; SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY e> MOVIE "Pardon Mon Affalre" (1977, Comedy) c Jean Rochefort, Anny Duperery. ~ CH) SOME CALL THEM FREAKS Richard Kiiey .,:; hosts this look at famous human oddities. using still ., photos and dramatic portrayals to lell lhe.storles of 'O Tom Thumb, the Elephant Man and others. if CD) THE MARVELOUS LAND OF OZ Some very 0 familiar inhabitants of the land of Oz help a young o boy and his wooden friend In this 4ilmed stage pro-~ duction by the Children's Theatre Company and ~ School. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) _ 6:06(12') MOVIE "The Fighting Seabees" (19«, ~ Adventure) John Wayne, Susan Hayward. ii: 5:30 fJ LAST OF THE WILD DNEWS tll WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Reneldo Snipes vs. Tim Witherspoon in a 10-round heavywelght bout (from Las Vegas. Nev.). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 8J ONCE UPON A CLASSIC "The MIR On The Floss" Jeremy Tulliver sends his son to the same school the son of his sworn enemy attends and his tomboyish daughter runs away to I~ with gypsies. (!Ian 1) o CZ) MOVIE "Overlord" (1 hr., 30 min.) 6:1001~= MOVIE "Search" (1972, Adveoture) Hugh O'Brlan, 8ke Sommef'. A spaoe-age detective investigates the disappearance of a famous gem coUectTon. (2 hrs.) I KOJAK MOVIE "PT 109" ( 1963, Orama) Cliff Robert- son. Ty Hardin. John Kennedy and his crew. S1r"iii0- ed In the Pacific dut1l'lg World War II, are rescued with the help of two natives. (2 hrs..) · • UP ANO COMING "A Clvlllzed Man" Kevin's struggle to Improve his grades and _ get a college, scholarship are th1eatened by his rapidly deterlorat- ; ~ AMERICA "College Gymnastics: Nebfnka Vs. UCLA" (1 hr.) (() BASeBALL "College World Sefles" (Game•> from Omaha. Nebraska .• (3.hra.) (8) MOYIE "My Champion" (2 hrs.) Cl) MOVIE ·"Smofcey And The Bandit II" ( 1980, Comedy) Burt Reynolds, Jecl(le Gleason. Sheriff Buford 'r' • .._.ic. c:all8 In his two lawman brothenr to stop a retired bOOtlegger, the e.ndlt, from llan- ~a babv elephant. 'PG' (1 hr .. 40 min.) • MOVIE "fhe kunter" ( 1978. Drema) Stewe Mcaueeo. Ell Wellactl. Ralpt\ "P..,e" Thor8on leeda a dangerous lite .. a modem-day bounty hunt•. 'PG' (1tv .• 38mln.) e:ao•••NEWS I MARV TYLER MOORE COMEBACK "Mathew 'Stymie' Beard" MUBICWOALD CAUFOANIA DAE.AMS' 7:1ooft:~~ ... wtlBE WSEYOU? EMMY '82 The local San Diego Emmy Awards are preeented live from the new Old GIObe Theatre. j! hrs.) g THE HARDY eovs ·' NANCY DREW MYSTER- i BU V OAAHAM CAU8ADE PEOPLE'S cou:.T CHEOONQ IT OUT Featured: ..au mus1Cia1w W.. Coeon and Ruben Blades perform; Teus Tech fOOCb8I AJ.Arnericatl Gabrlef Aiwn; Chicetlol Por LaC....~ I~ PA08E8 "Soundaround" Writer Tony Kihn ho8tl an ~Ion of modern aoUnd t~ nok>aY and how It .,__our !Ives. (A) Q <Cl MOYIE "Blackbowd ~· ( 1966, C>reme) Glenn Ford, MM FrllnCte. A dedicated young tetK:her •ttempta to rl9tor• order In a biD-dtY lf9in.:- .. 1ng echool wtw. IMn-tlg8 lew11•1neee ~ ~ heWl8kenroot. (1 hr., ..Omin.) CD MOVIE ·-n. Fan'' (1881. ~) Laortn B.tcal, ~ Glmer. A ~ flm star It victim- ized ~~ ........... (1 hr .• 35 min.) CD> 81IEllM.l , 8oMorl Red SQX at Cellfolnla ~.'(3hr9.) CZ> MCWllE •• ,_., (1•1, Comedy) 8111 Murrey. HerOld AlmlL A Niw Yen •bble looklng tor 6Xdlenwnt QllfMral NI • ~ to join him In :::=US. Alm/. 'A' .(1 ~ .. 20 min.) IMNI•..,_ • MA'lfNG ~ -Laurence Luckinbi.U and Lucie Amo mat' • a bird Mt'1c:hi!r-and a biah..tn.uw lawyer ~ ta ''7be l.<ating Seuon," a CBS iDovie which will be rebroadcast on KNXT (Qi. 2) Saturday at 9 p.m. lwo ex-valfdevitnans with a secret pretend they are other passengers. and a schoolteacher meets an oll-color novelist. (R) Q ( 1 hr.) i -wRESTLING ~ - SONNY ANO CHER · AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE "Oppenheimer" A site is selected for the first atomic bomb test explo- sion, and President Truman Is laoed with the deci- sion as to when and how the bomb will be used . (f>art 4) O (1 hr) CC> MOvu: "Pulp" c 1972. Comedy) Michael Caine. Mickey Rooney. A seedy writer Is hired by an ex-film star to "qhostwrite" his barely printable autobiogra· phy. 'PG ( 1 hr , 36 min.) CE) SP.ORTS CENTER . (I:) ~VIE "Blow Out" (1981, SuspenCe) John TravoUa, Nancy Allen A sound technician who works on horror hims becomes involved in a murder mystery when he witnesses an assassination. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) CS) MOVIE "Stripes" ( 1981, Comedy) Sill Murray, Harold Ramis. A New York cabbfe looking for excitement convinces his best friend to join him in enlisting in the U.S. Army. 'R' ( 1 hr., 20 min.) (%) MOVIE "The First Deadly Sin" ( 1980, Mystery) Frank Sinatra, Faye Dunaway. A veteran New York City police detective, whose wife is suffMlng from a serioUs lllt'leSS. tries to catch a brutal killer terrorlztng Manhattan. 'R' ( t hr., 52 min.) 8:06(1!) MOVIE "The Count Of Monte Cristo" (1934, AdventUfe) Robert Donat. Elissa Landi. Based on the nove4 by Alexandre Dumas. An Innocent man unjustly Imprisoned for 20 years makes a daring escape to wreak revenge on the men responsible. (2 hrs.) 8:30. GREAT PERFORMANCES "Live From Lin- coln Center" Zubln Mehta conducts the New York Phllhatmonlc and the Israel Phllhannonlc in a histor- ic joint concert from Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center. (2 hrs.) (I) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1972 U.S. Open" 10:008. NBC REPORTS "Amenca In Search Of Itself" John Chancellor ioo'<s at the social and polit~ cat factors which contributed to Ronald ~n's victi In the 1980 presldentlal 8'ectlon. ( 1 hr.) I NEWS • FAHTASY ISLAND A real estate salespefson Is transformed Into a glamorous 1890s belle. and a taciturn man a_ttempm to recapture the peaceful times of his boyf\<>Od. (R) 9. (1 hr.) • MOVtE "Bocc:acdo 70" (1962, Comedy) Sophia Loren, Anita Ekberg. Three stories satirtzlng sexual morality: a shy man wins a pretty glr1 lh a raffle: an oveneaJoue bluenose beglrw to drMm of a seductress; a woman offets her husband the aeme deal he's been getting from expensive prc>dutes. {g hr'J .. 30 min.) , (I) MOVIE "The SurNn811kM Kiie(' (1973. Dra- ma) Karl Melden. CMltopher Mitchum. s..tNng With ho&tlllty a'leK his father's death yeera beb9, a Ing men sets ott on a mission ofJevenge put8Ued a relentless ex-<:ap. (2 hrs.) SOUOOOl.D INOEPEHDENT EYE "Night Shift" TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS ''1970 Winbledon" (1 hr.) CH> MOVIE "Blow Out" (1981, Suapen9e) John Travolta, Nancy Allen. A sound technician who wens on horror films becomes lnvdved In a murder mystery when he wttnesses an assassin8tion. 'R' (1 hr., 45 min.) CD> MOVIE ''Flash Gordon'' ( 1980, Science-fiction) Sam J. Jones, Max Von Sydow. A trio of~ travel to the planet Mongo and help Its opp'9Wd inhabitants ..ln the overthrow of the eYll Emperor Ming. 'PG' (1hr.,50mln.) • MOVIE ''Chept« Two" (1979, Comedy) Jamel Cun, Marsha Mason. Soon aft• Na wtfe'a dNth, • writ« flnda hlmaelf relUctantty falli-.g In kwe lg8ln. 'PG' (2 tn., _.min.) 10:30. 000 COUPLE • fi>CK GOEi8 TO COi l E.GE 11:001U~J:W8WEB( .IMOVE "TM~" (197_., ~) ~ Soheldlr, TOJty Lo 86lncO. A New Vortc oop'a ..,.. to~ a friend as en lnfoim•nt beckftl• In 1 liflea _Of genglend kldnlpplngl; (2 tn.) •MOYE "£no0unter wtttl TM UnknOwn" ( 1976) Oooomentary. Narrated by Rod s.tng. TIWe dfl-tetenr aupetnatural ~ .,. re-<:t98ted. (2 hr9.) 8 MOVIE "Max Hawlailt" (1978, ACNilnt'") Peter Faber. Sechl Butthula A~ cMI wvent IMng In colonlal lndontlia mutt ti.me tf9de Inter· eat• and hla O'll'ln goyet'Nnent 1n hll .non. '° ellml-n.t• r-..m and corruption. 13 hrl.) CC) MOYIE "The Jazz Singer'' (18'IO, ~) Nel C*mond. L:.Penoe <>Mer. A New 'Yatk cantor ~ wfth femly tredltlon Ind .... out to find sue> CM1 ... 1 ~-mue60 It•. 'PG' ( 1 tw .• 55 "*'-) (J) AUATAR IPOA'8 CHALLENGE 19&& Btodc· ~=·~~":~~· l*I. Caw"eowt A* ....... _,_.......,ti ---·-=l!El•E • Sanµtlay (continued) est. and sets out to create her own vision of the !)effect lover. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Cl) BIZARRE "Father Tlme" (%)MOVIE "The Disappearance" ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 11:06 tl7J MOVIE "Is Paris Burning?" ( 1966, Orama) Leslle Caron, O<son Welles. Just prior to the liber- ation. the occupying Nazis plan to burn Paris to cov- er their retreat. (2 hrs .. 55 min.) 11:308 THE ROCKFORD ALES D II) SCTV NETWORK Guests· Daryl Hall and John Oates. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • D ABCNEWS Cl) MOVIE "Santa Fe Stampede" (1938, Western) John Wayne, Ray Corrigan. The Three Mesqulteers try to clear a cowboy accused of murdering a gold f)!ospector. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) di MOVIE "The Graduate" ( 1967. Comedy) Ous- ttn Hottman, Kathanne Ross. While being urged to date a neighbor's daughter, a young graduate Is having an affair with her mother (2 hrs .. 15 min.) (£)SPORTS CENTER Cl) MOVIE "The French Woman" (1981, Orama) Francoise Fabian. Dayle Haddon. A bordello being kept open by a government subsidy is the scene of murder and pohtlcal scandal when a VIP customer Is phot<>graphed at play. 'R' (1 hr .. 37 min.) 11:468 MOVIE "Pueblo" ( 1973, Drama) Hal Hol- brook, Andrew Duggan. North Koreans capture the U.S. Pueblo and Its crew. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 11:6000 MOVIE "Carbon Copy" (1981. Comedy) George Segal. Susan Saint James. A successful white businessman d1scovefs that he has a grown son who 1$ black. 'PG' (1hr .. 35 min.) 12:00. SUMMER CONCERTS The video concert tonight features the rock group "Joumey " ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (!) MOVIE "The Wicker Man" ( 1973. Mystery) Edward Woodward. Britt Ekland. A mainland police- man IS sent to a remote Scottish Island to Investi- gate the disappearance of a young glr1 who may have been the victim of modem-day pagans. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) . cm EVERYTHING GOES . 12:308 MOVIE "Ladies Of Crime" (1972. Orama) David Janssen. John Larch. A U.S. Treasury agent sets out to halt the illegal operations of a gangster who has taken Oller an entire city. (2 hrs.) (()BASEBALL "College World Serles" (Game 3) from Omaha, Nebraska. (3 hrs.) CD MOVIE "The Garden Of Venus" ( 1980. West- ern) Michael Conrad. Chuci< Conl'IOfS. A Mormon famfly become the targets of thelt greedy nelghbota When they mOlle to an Arizona ranch that happe(lS to be sitting on top of a huge eoppet deposit. ( 1 hr .• 25mln.) · cm MOVIE "The Opening Of Misty Beethoven" (1979. Comedv) Constance Money. Jamie Gillla. ·x· (1hr.,26mh) • MOVIE "The Post.man Always Rings Twtoe" (1981, Orama) J8ci< Nicholson. Jessica Lange. A young woman and her lovef plot to murder her hus- band. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) (%) MCM£ "The Last Chase" (1981. Science-Fie· tion) Lee Majors. Chris Makepeace. In a WOt1d of the future, a former race car driVer and a teen-age computer expert fight the government'• p<osetlptlon of automobiles. ·PO• ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 1:00 8 ROCK CONCERT Cl) MOVIE "The Star Packer" ( 19~. Western) John Wayne, Verna Hillie. A tough cowboy depu- tizes a group of ranchers to round. up a gMg of outlaws. (1 tlr .. 30 min.) e MOVIE "The Only Game In TOwn" (1968, ~ ma)-Warren Beatty, Elizabeth Taytor. A choNI girt Is ottered matrlage by a gambler While waiting lOf hdr lover to divorce his wife. (2 hrs .• 30 mlt'I.) ~ATTHEtMPAOV I NEWS MOV9E "Mean Streets" (1973, Dr::J Harwy Keitel, Robert De Niro. A smal-time and hie irresponsible frleod find plenty of trouble In New York's Little Italy. 'R' (I hr .• 50 min.) 1:20(1) Pl.AYBOV'S PLAYMATE REUNION Richard Dawson hosta the 25th anni'iersary celebratlon of Hugh Hefnet'.s ~ne at the Playboy Mansk>f\ West C) Holmby Hill9. California. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 1:2500 MOVIE "The 8*k Matble" (1980, Drama) • Robert FoXWOrth. Paula Prentlu. After working on • an emotionally elll'\austlng child-murder caM, a heavy-drinking Polee detective 11 teamed With a policewomen to find a mellclout do0fl8pper. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 53 min.) " .I:, 1:ao~SHOW • i MCWIE ~ Mountain" ( t973, Mystery) Pally Shepard. John C.ffarl. A news photographet accepts an ~t to photograph a legendary - place calld = Mount•ln (2 hra.) SHOW _, ...... ~ ." ... ) .-..n..,,.1 ,......, .... -. 2:15tz) MOVIE "The First Deadly Sin" (1980, Mys.- tery) Frank Sinatra. Faye Dunaway. A vetef'an New York Ctty police detective. whose wife Is sutterlng from a serious Illness. tries to catch a brutal kfflet terr<><i~ Manhattan. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 52 min.) 2:309UNEW8 e MOVIE "Crosswinds" (19~1. Adventure) John Payne, Rhonda Fleming. A ship's captain encountecs perU when he attempts to recover his stolen ship and his lover. (2 hrs.) i PUBLIC AFFAJRS AGAICUL TURE U.S.A. MOVIE "Atlantic City" ( 1980. Drama) Burt Lancaster, Susan Sarandon. The estranged hus- band of an oystM bar waitress arrives with her preg- nant younger sister and some stolen heroin. which he wanta'1n aging hood to sell for him. 'R' ( 1 tv .• « Alln.l 2:36(1) MOVIE "Terr0< Train" ( 1980, Suspense) Ben Johnson. Jamie Lee Curtis. A. coflege fraternJ. ty's New Year's masquerade party turns Into a nightmare when a vindictive guest starts klHlng ott the ~rty-goers. 'R' ( 1 nr .. 37 min.) 2:56CC)MOVIE "8&ackboard Jungle" (1955, Orama) Glenn Ford, Anne Francis. A dedicated young teacher attempts to restore order In • blg~lty train· Ing school Where teen-age lawlessness and violence have taken root. ( 1 hf .. •o min.) 3:008 MOVIE "A Gift,~ Guy And A Gob" (1'M1. Comedy) George Murphy, Lucille Baff. Although betrothed to a uilof. a young secretary maintains• consuming cfU8h on her boss ( 1 hr., 50 min.) ~=IOHTTALK 8:15® MOVE "Stripes" (1981. Comedy) Biii MlK• · ray, Harold Rarl'lle. A New Y0<k cabbi8 looklna tor excitement c:onvincel his best friend to join hfin In enlisting In the U.S. Army. 'R' ( t ht., 20 min.) 3:30• MOYIE "Spitfire" (193'. Romance) Kalhl- rlne Hepburn, Robert Young. A mountain glf1 falls In IOYe with a marrktd man. ( 1 hr .• .t5 min.) CE QOlF HIGHUGHTS 1' 196-4 US. Open" 4:00(1) DA. PAUL YONGGI CHO Cl1 SPOAT8 CENTER 4:a511l) BETWEEN THE LlllE8 4: 16 ()) MOVIE "Stripes" ( 1981, Comedy) BIN Mur· ray. Harold Ramis. A New Yen cabbie looking fOf excitement con\llncet his bett friend to join Nm lo enksttng l('I the U.S Army. 'R' ( 1 hr., 20 min.) (%}MOVIE "The Oisa~rMCe" = '6~ ... ·•1wrAGE TO nEIOi •or ilEI r •••1• •JO •• MOWlf .. Dlmll't ~ 1•~ A•1 I tf 13 Big search NBC News Cor- respondent John Chancellor (right) with author Theodore H. White will present a summation of why Ronald Reagan won the 1980 presidential election -based on political and social trends of the past 25 years which have changed the face of the nation -on "NBC Reports : America in Search of Itself'' on KNBC (Cb. 4) Saturday at 10 p.m. Charles Bronson. Lee Marvin. In the 1930s. a Moun· tie and a frontier criminal wage an old battle as clvili- zatiol'\ encroaches oo the Canadian wilderness. 'A' (1hr .• 36mln.) . ":36al)IT18 WRITTEN 4:-tO~ MOVIE ''Night Moves" (1975. Myst«yJ Gene· Hackmao. Jennifer Warren. A prlvate eye hlrec;I to locate the daughter of a former movie actress becomes entangled In a web of Intrigue with a M~an smuggling ring. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) ":60 9 LAST Of THE WILD Broadcast awards to undergo change NEW YORK (AP) -The Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Awards In Broadcast Journalism will undergo two changes In structure this year, the dean of the Columbia Graduate School of Journaliarn has announced. For the first time, a national board of acttenera from the news and public affairs departments of the nation's radio and televtalon stations will take part in the designation of flnaliata, said Osborn Elliott. "The use of profesaiooala 1n the field to aelect the best work of their peen has been hiahly succesaful ln both .:.e Puliuer Prizes and the · Nation1l Magazine Awarda, which are also administered by the Jou.mallsm School," Osborn aaid. Thirty acteenen will review the eneries - there were 1,300 last year -and deslpte finalists to the ~ who will 1elec1 the wlnnenL Allo thi.s year, for the flm time since Columbia took over administration of the' awards in 1968, cate10ries have been deaipted. The cateaoraea are network newe and p\&bUc affairs, major market(televiaion news and pubUc aff.aJrs over 500,000 people tn audience, smaller market televillon news and publlc affaln (under 500,000), radio newa and public aff ain, and rn1lceUaneou9 newa and publ&c aUAint cowrb:ac 1yndkawd ~--. ........... and Other-~ :e=;.:-waS~ .• .,, ~ -~ r- $ "" ... a: I» '::< <.... c i ~ -co Cl> N ' 'I I • .. u ~Sunday Cl) c ~ .., >. as 'O .::: lL ~ ..J > .... -.2 a: 5:00 Cf) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (() COLLEGE GOLF "NCAA D1vlslon I Men's Champ1onsh1ps" from Pinehurst, North Carolina. ( t hr ) 5:05@ JAMES ROBISON CH) SOME CALL THEM FREAKS Richard Kiley hosts this look at lamous human oddilles, ustng sllll photos and dramaric portrayals lo tell the stories of Tom Thumb. the Elephant Man and others 5:151 MAYBERRY, R.F.D. 5:30 DAY OF DISCOVERY 5:35 CARTOONS 5:45 CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 6:00 FOR OUR TIMES I MUSIC AND THE SPOKEN WORD SU~DAY MORNING YOUTH AND THE ISSUES ORAL ROBERTS DIRECTIONS I BIBLE ANSWERS ROMPER ROOM TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS "1978 Wimbledon" ( 1 hr.) (8) MOVIE "Elvis" LJ979. Biography) Kurt Russell, Season Hubley. (2 hrs., 30 min.) CS) MOVIE "Journey Back To Oz" ( 1972, Fantasy) Animated. V0t0es of Liza Minnelll, PatJI Lynde. ( 1 hr .. 30min.) CZ) MOVIE "The Last Chase" (1981, Sclenoe-Ac- tloh) Lee Majofs, Chris Makepeace. ( 1 hr.. 40 6:~~ LOOT IN SPACE 6!30. FAITHWAYS SERENOIPfTY ROBERT SCHUUER DAYBREAK LA. PORTRAJTS IN PASTELS POINT OF VIEW PUBUCPULSE NEWS AGRtCUL TURE U.S.A. L MOVIE "You Light Up My Life" (1977, Romance) Didi Conn, Joe Silvet. • Limited Membership Available • No InitiaDm Fee . • lO~Cwrts • Full CIUb H<Ue Fdities -• ~ct-Yem. ct MOVIE "J.D. And The Salt Flat Kid" (1 hr., 30 min.) 7:009 TODAY'S RELIGION THATS CAT UTTlE RASCALS fT '8 WRITTEN fCENNETH COPEl.AND • SUNDAY MASS SPECTRUM OAY OF DISCOVERY CARTOONS YOGA FOR HEAL TH SPORTS CENTER 7:05 al LIGHTERS.DE OF THE NEWS 7:30 8 SUfC>AY M08NNG ... I WHfTNEY AND THE R080T CAMPUS PROFILE: VIEWPOINT ON NUTRl- TION "Nutritional Imbalances" Guests: Dr. Garry D-Day attack The Gopular World War movie, "D-Day the Sixth of June," will be shown Sunday at 1 p.m. on wrBS, the SuperSt.ation. The film stars Richard Todd and Robert Taylor in the 6UJry of the allied attack on Normandy. Gordon; actress Inge Jaklin, dancer Hinton Battle; fitness teacher Kath Smith. I TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING THA rs THE SPIRIT SEARCH JIMMY SWAGGART MISTER ROGERS (R) THE WORLD TOMORROW 7:35@ MOVIE "0-Day, The Sixth Of June" ( 1956, Drama) Robert Taylor, Richard Todd. 7:40(%) MOVIE "The Naked KISS" (1964, Orama) Constance Towe<, Anthony Eisley. ( 1 hr .. 33 min.) 8:00 D THIS IS THE LIFE I POPEYE ANO FR1ENDS PERSONAL DIMENSIONS LET THERE BE LIGHT LLOYD OGILVIE MUSIC WORLD MEN'S TR.\Dl110N.\L WEAR For thoff who shop for quality Upstairs . . doumsta1rs- all around Pat Marley's you can savor the S"uccessf ul look.'1 m das.'l1c traditional~-tailored by craftsmen who care- des1gned from superh fabTlcs for your comfort Check the attic sale room Jor undl~vered savings . 11 t j • Sunday (continued) I JERRY FALWELL ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) REX HUMBARD MOVIE "Morg~I" ( 1966, Comedy) Vanessa Redgrave. David Warner. ([) COLLEGE BASEBALL "College World Serles" (Game 4) from Omaha. Nebraska. (3 hrs.) CS) MOVIE "Winds Of Change" ( 1978) Animated. l! hr., 20 min.) g MOVIE "Chapter Two" ( 1979. Comedy) James Caan. Marsha Mason. (2 hrs .. 4 min.) 8:308 NEWS CON~ENCE TOOA Y'S BLACK WOMAN THELAHAYES t.tEETING TIME AT CALV ARY REX HUMBARD , FREDERICK K PRICE ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) KNOW YOUR BIBLE MOVIE "Chu Chu And The Philly Aash" (1981, Comedy) Alan Arkin. Carol Burnett. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 9:00 8 FRENCH OPEN TENNIS Same-day coverage of the Men's Finals in the first leg of the Grand Slam of Tennis (from Roland Garros Stadium In Paris, IFra~?::BERTS A08ERT SCHULLER • IT IS WRITTEN SESAME STREET (R) Q 9:15(%) MOVIE "Prince Valiant" (1954, Adventure) James Mason, Janet Leigh. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 9:30 8 CID MEET THE PR~ l =T~~MAN DAY Of DISCOVERY KENNETH COPELAND THE WORLD TOMORROW WACKY WORLD Of JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: Janet Leigh. 10:008 ODYSSEY "Peace Sunday" The growing movement for peaoe and noclear weapons control within the rellglous community Is analyzed. ( 1 hr.) • MOVIE "Up In Arms" (1944, Comedy) OeMy Kaye. Dinah Shafe. I BASEBALL BUNCH Guest: Gary carter. MOMENTS IN TIME HERALD OF TRUTH OREA TEST SPORTS LEGEND8 "Bobby Holl" HOit Ken Howard. I REX HUMBAAO THE LAWMAKERS Correspondent• Linda Wer· thelmer and Coklt Roberta join Paul Duke for an up- to-the-frinute llOmma~ Congr"81onal actMtles. ·~p~ ~ l! MOVIE "Birth Of The Beetles" (1979, Drama) Stephen Mackenna, Rod CUlbeftson. (8) MOVIE "The Heerae'' (1980, Horror) Trish Van °"""· Joeeph Cotten. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) Cl) MOVIE "CA:>ntlnental Divide" (1981, Romance) John Betushl, Bllllr &own. ( 1 hr .• 43 mh) 1Ck06 I Ml88ION: IMP088f8l.E 1Ck 15 PM>AEB PAE-GAME 10:30 GI l<I08 ARE PEOPLE TOO Guest.a: Robert Colp, comedian Mlcheel Richards. Chuck Non1s, sil'IQer l.Mngston Taylor, joggler Michael ()avlj. (R) O lw.) Cl) 8A8E.BAU. San Diego Padres at Pittabufgh Plra~ ~ ... mr-~ I ~~ OPEN.-.0 MOVIE "The Wlndl Of Autumn" (1976, Act.wl- ture) Chettea B. PWce, Earl E. Smith. I MAGIC OF OL PAINTINQ MOVIE "FOUi Plmy'' (1978, Comedy) Goldie 10:~·~t= 11~001 MIA CHAMf'tOtetlP GAU! Game 5, If ll8CllHty. Loa Angeles l.Mef'I at ~ 78en (2 htl.. ~min.) • OH CAMPU8 ''Social s.rv!ce lntamahlpe" at Weetrnont Colegt. Cl) BAIEB'LL New V«k Mets at Onclnnatl Reda 72 30 rrin.) MOYE "Wal Of Nc*e'' ( 1963. Orama) ~Tytwdln. • MAllBd&% ntEATAE "Rid<.,. .. Totelly preoocUplld wtlh tetttng up hill own ftlmmaklng bullnlel. Amie Cote '*''t undermnd hill bttde'• cold reoepdon on their dlllyed wedding night. (Pert i Q (1tw.) WAIHIGTON WEEK It f'EVIEW (A) TMO< ,.,., NU> ''The Prtfontelne OleM'' from EUDIN. Qraaon. (3 tn.) CJ) MOUE "tnelcit ~" (1980, Orama) JoM ~. [)Nd Morie. ( 1 hr., 53 min.) 11:0ll!J MIEIMLL MontrMI ~ at Attanta 9fevet (3 hrs., 1 & min.) 1,1:10• MJ• 'U l..OS"tlA·~,i!CWf,ft~JJ • Jl -MW '\)t \,., T•A U1 IT'.l:llMIQ • .. Car~. 20'rrin.) 11:301! TUREU.8.A. . I TH18 WEEK WITH DAVID BAINKLEV COLE-WHITTAKER WALL STREEI WEE< "Is The Tune Right To Buy?" Guest: Robert J. Fe«ell, chief matt<et .,. lyst, Merrill lynch. Pierce, FeMer and Smith. (R) .\I 11.l{\< >< >\ 12:008 AT ONE Guest: author Norman Couslos. (1 hr.) I LOST IN SPACE · LOAD MOUNTBATTEN: A MAN FOR THE CEN- TURY ''Europe Goes To War" Mountbatten r18ee from Commandlna captain of the 5th Destroyer Ao- tllla to AcMsor of Combined Operations when wer breaks out between Germany and Russia (Part 3) i ) Q (1 hr.) SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY MOVIE "The Music Man" (1982, Musical) Rob- ert Preaton. Shltiey Jona QI) MOVIE "Continental OMde" (1981, Romanc:e) John Belu9hl, Blair Brown. (1 hr., 43 min.) ' Cl) MOVIE "Dead Man's Roat" (1979, Mystery) Gi·n~den. (1 hr .. 15 min.) 12:80 • "Johnrr.J Concho" ( 1956, Orama) Frri Slnatta. ~ WyM. I NEWMW<Bll '82 OUTDOOAUF£ MOYIE "Continental DMde" (1981, Romance) John Bek.llhl, ~&own. ( 1 hr .• 43 min.) 1:008 OUTDOOR lff Fe9tured: rwq tn the Flori- da ~:::sing off the Maine cout. I a GRANO PADC OF DETAOfT ecw.rage of thlt INIUgunll Grand Prt>c auto race, In wNch en lntema- tlontil field of drfvetl In Formula Ona call negotiltt 70 lape of a 2.5-mlle drcutt through tht streets of downtown Detroit. (2 hra., 30 min.) I TO 8E ANNOUNCED ADAM-12 DAHOEA UX8 "Just Like A Woman" enan and NI roommate K.n return ftom a bomb dllpOUI briefing and •• Oiapetched to defult • bOoby- trapped bomb In a ec:hool yard. (Pert 3) (A) Q (1 hr_.). • 8'0R I SWOAt.D SuMvll of tht fft'leat, Pert 1, With men'• etlmb and rappel ~ (from N9w Z.. land) : Emerakt Cup Gymnatk» -woman'• OC>nJ»- tltton (from Eugena, Ore.); Mtn'I Pro Wortd Cup &.flna (from ~2 hrs.) • 8'IORT8 "U.S. P\_OftlliOnll Indoor Tennll~llNp'' (thr.) (I) MOVIE ; Stunt Mtan" (1980. Drema) P9ter O'Toote. SteYt Ae .. bedt~tn., 9 min.) 1:aoe ._..,.OPEN FlnlHound ~ ot•~ooo~ .. -~-------- Another woman Marisa Berenson narrates "The Eighteenth Century Woman," a 60·minute apecJal based on the current exmbitlon at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Produced by ABC News for ABC Video Enterprises, the show debuts Sunday. 11'18 Congressional Country Club In Bethesda, Md.) . ~hrs.) II SUHOAY Location: San Angeles Combined Drlv- 1 Event, TrabucO Canyon. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) F-TROOP MUSIC WORLD HOGAN'S HEROES ADAM-12 2:00. GUJGAtfS ISLAND D MOVIE "The Barefoot Contessa" ( 195"', Romance) Humphrey Bogart. Ava Gardner. (!) THE HARO'i BOYS I NANCY DREW MVSTER- 8 • MOVIE "Kings Go Forth" (1958, Drama) Tony .curtll. Natalie Wood. • MOVIE "The Winning Teem" ( 1952, Biography) Doris Day, 1ronald Reagan. al CALAMITY JANE'S DIARY Jane Alexandef p.r· forma In this one-woman-thow based on Calamity Jane't lelttwS to her dauahter. (3 hrs.) I TRANNG DOGS T'HtWOOOHOOSE WAY MOVIE ''Algiefl" (1938, Romance) ChatlM ~~=·WEEO..v (II) MOVIE "Beyond The Reef' (1981, Romance) Denton Ka'ne, Maren Jensen. (1hr .. 30 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Made In Peril" (1968, Comedy) ~ · •• Louis Jourdan. ( 1 hr .. "6 min.) "° NEWS 2:30 QIUJQAN-8 esLANO I MOVIE "You Light Up My Ute" (19n. ~.l'9 Conn. Joe Sliver. ~ I MOYIE "~Town" (1950, Muelcal) Gene ~Frank Sinatra. (2 hrs.) 2:85 G1' UNDER8EA WOALO OF JACQUES cot& T£AU s:oo• wa1w. OUT'DOOMUAN FMturec:t. .... ~~ton In otnttll celtomla. • • ~.o... Cydope" (1940, Horret) Albef1 Dekker. Janice Logen. . .. (!) HOU& I COONEY: A MATTER OF PNDE Jerry aztnbefg ,...,.-oommantary on the upoom. lrll~~~1hr.) • WA ATER. IMS f Cdfomla't Wit• polcy and the .,.q dlb9te (/1191 conitruo- tton of tht Pertphef 11 Cel\lt .. toOk4ld at • WA AAY t.£OWJl)'I GOLDEN QLOVIB ~I w. Lou1111na r._ hr.) OOIEO' BAia• ·~ WOltd s.taa" me 5) from OrtwM. Nebnllka. (3 tn.) . · ~ MCWll "Why W~ I U.?" (1980, Comedy} ,..,w..m., .. u.~ a11~·· 111111. Comedy) • Mw· i ...... t~·,'20"*'t.) . a: °' WLD ~ of IN Pett 1, ltiln .. .., -.......... ~ ze.; I! ,, s= -~ r-~ 'TI 1 ci D> ~ '--c ::> ct • -A <O CD I\) ~ -• .. --____ .__.. _____ . _______ ...,. ___ . __ _ ------4'.----- 16 ~ SwxJay (continued)_; ___ -t--~-~~~---===---,,----~ tition (from Eugene, Oi'e.): Men's Pro World Cup ,.. Surf1~ (from Hawaii). (2 hrs.) 8 ®> WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS International ~ Gymnastics Championships (from Reno. Nev.) ; ~ Aerobatics exhibition (from Reno. Nev.); a preview -of the upcoming Holmes I Cooney fight. ( 1 hr., 30 ~ min.) :g I FACE THE NATION LL NEWSBEA T: LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW -MAHLER Robert Powell and Georgina Hale star 8' in Ken Russell's dramatization of Austrian composer ....J Gustav Mahler's life and times. (2 hrs.) ~ CH) MOVIE "Elvis" ( 1979. Biography) Kur1 Russell. _ Season Hubley. (2 hrs., 30 min.) .2 3:35 al) NICE PEOPLE 0:: 4:008 INTERFACE (I) ST AR TREK 8 MOVIE "The Devtl W11hln Her" (1980, Horror) Joan Collins, Eileen Atkins. (!) ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK • MOVIE "The Seven-Ups" ( 1974, Adventure) Roy Scheider, Tony Lo Blanco. ti) MOVIE "The Fantastic Invasion Of Planet Ear1h" (1970, Science-Fiction) Michael Cole. Deborah Walley. fl) WAU STREET WEEK "Is The Time Right To Buy?" Guest· Robert J. F&1Tell, chief market ana- lyst, Meuill Lyneh. PJerce, Fenner and Smith. (A) fD MOVIE "The Moonshine War'' ( 1970, Orama) Richard Widmark, Alan Alda. CC) MOVIE "Morgan!" (1966, Comedy) Vanessa Redgrave, David Warner. CS) MOVIE "I Sent A Letter To My Love" ( 1981. Romance) Simone Signoret, Jean Rochefort (2 hrs .. 2 min.) • 4:05 al) WR£STUNG 4:30 8 NEWSMAKERS • WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (R) 0 MOVIE "Saturday The 14th" (1981, Comedy) Richard Benjamin. Paula Prentiss. ( 1 hr., 15 min.) 5:00 8 STAR TREK -8 GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Larry Ma hen" Host: Keo Howacd. I M•A•s•H STRAtGHT TAU< NEWS NAPOLEON & LOVE "The End Of Love" Napoleon loses the war with Russia and his Empire crumbles around him: both Josephine and Louise -.yish to be with him on Bba, but he never sees either oft~ln. (1 hr.) • U,..E "The Future Of Philanthropy'' Guests: David R Hunter, executive director of the Stem Foundation; Leeda P. Marting. executive director of the John Hay Whitney ~tlon; ~ ard W. Lyman, preskient of the Rockefeller Founda- tion. (P8ft 2) (1 hf.) - (I) MOVIE "The Secret Of Seagull Island" (1981, $1JSP9fl5e) Jeremy-Britt, Nicky Henson. (D) MOVIE "Touched By Love" (1980, Orama) Deborah Raffin. Diane Lane. CZ) MOVIE "The First Deady Sin'' ( 1980, Mr:: Frank Sinatra. Faye Dunaway. ( 1 hr., 52 mln. 5:06Gl) NAStMUE AUVB Guest Johnny (1hr.) · &irt;KOTIER I . \ l . '\ I '\< . Running hot David Carradine (rigb t) stars as a World War I veteran who enters a high-stakes motor- cycle_ race from St. Louis to San Francisco and R.G. Anmtroo,g stars u a reluctant member of his racing crew in "FBst Charlie . . . The Moonbeam Bider'' Oil KNBC (Cb . 4) Sunday at 9 p.m. perils of genetic engineering and its Impact on Industry, medicine and universities are examined. {A) Q (1 hr.) (I) MOVIE "Death Hunt" (1981, Adventln) Charles Bronson, Lee Marvin. In the 19308, a Moun- tie and a frontier criminal wage an old battle u c:Mfi- zation encroaches on the Canadian wlldemesa. 'A' i.! hr •• 36 mln.) CO) MOVIE "Stripes" (1981, Comedy) 8111 Murray. Harold Ramis. A New Yori( ~btM looking for excitement convinces his best friend to join him In enlisting In the U.S. Army. 'A' (1 hr., 20 min.) • (%)MOVIE "The Last Chase" (1981. Sclence-flc- tion) Lee Ma}ofa, Chris Makepeace. tn a world of the future. a former race car driver and a teen-age computer expert flght the government' a proscription of automobiles. 'PG' (1 hr., 40 mtn.) 7:06Gl)NEWS 8:00 8 ()) ARCHIE BUNKER'S PLACE heh.IQ 1UO: gests that Harry buy Murray's'flhate of the boslnns.. {B) . 8 • CHIPS Steve is myst•loully cheted and harassed by criminals whoee stolen car he recoy. I•~.~ Jon tails tor a country-western singer. (R) efTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK rT IS WAIT I EN MORECAM8E & WISE AUBT~COOKE'S~ NAPOLEON 6 LOVE "The End Of Love" ~ loMs the war wltl') Auala end hll £nl*e crombles around him: both Joaephlne and~ wtah to be with him on Elba. but he newr .... either of them again, (1 hr.) e NOVA ''Salmon On The Run'' The power and determination of salmon are capt\nd In an exami- nailoO of the role the9e ftah pUiy In the conf9ct between economic growth and c0naetvetlon. (Rt Q_ (1 hr.) • MASIERPECE THEATAE "Alclcn" Ame gains r~t fOf hi& wife wt.\ she pltchea In to help conwtt an old warehoule ln1o • movie lfUdlo. (Pst .~Q (1hr.) MOYIE "I love You, Allee 8. TOkla" ( 1968, Mdy) Peter Sein. L8'gh T~·Young. A mld- dl&-aged ~. ~lehenttc:I ..... PMlftt .. styte. um • new llf9 wtth a young hlppa. ~ ( 1 ht .• 33 mlri.) .. ·--··~c~ :;;1121-=-Wli-~r . ' -----..J ------------- ,.-----------------------------------------------------------~~--n :2 2 ~ I 18 ~ Sunday (continuedl ~ .,... (lJ MOVIE "Gloria" ( 1980, Orama) Gena Row- lands, John Adames. A former gun moll becomes the protector of an orphaned 6-year-old Puerto Rican targeted by the underworld for the informa- tion he carries 1n a battered briefcase. 'PG' (2 hrs .• 1 min.) 1:oom FRANKIE HOWARD (Jl) MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 9 CALAMITY JANE'S DIARY Jane Alexander pe<· forms In this one-woman-show based on Calamity Jane's lelters to her daughter. ( 1 hr.) 1:20(8) ON LOCATION "Robert Klein At Vale" Klein perf0<ms his comedy routine from the Vale Universi- ty Theatre in a show that featlKes the "Robert Klein Orchestra." ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 1:30(!) FACE THE MUSIC (!I ABC NEWS I TURNABOUT NEWS 'MOVIE "Morgan!" ( 1966, Comedy) Vanessa Redgrave. David Warner. A schizophrenic can't accept the fact that his ex-wife Is remarrying and attends her wedding dressed as a gorilla. ( 1 hr .• -'Cl mini 1:45 AT ONE Guest: actor Judd Hirsch. (1 hr.) 2:00 RATPATROL (])MOVIE "Young Lady Chatterly" ( 1977, Orama) Harlee Mc Bride. A young woman Inherits her fami- ly's huge mansion and an ancestor's diary detailing numerous sexual escapades. 'R' (1 hr .. 28 min.) 2:05 (!) NEWS 2:158NEWS Cl) MOVIE "The Lady In Red" (1979, Drama) Rob- ert Conrad. Pamela Sue Martin. In the violent days of the lawless 1920s, an idealistic young farm gir1 becomes the moll pl the infamous gangster John Oilli~er. (1 ht., 33 min.) 2:309 TODAY'S RELIGION (!) MORNING STRETCH @rrs YOUR BUSINESS D MOVIE "Stay As You Are" ( 1980, Romance) Marc.Ito Mas1roiaf'lnl, Nal>tassia Kinskl. A married. middle-aged man embartts on an affair with a teen- agei ifl who may be related to him. ( 1 hr .. ~5 min.) 2:45l NEWS 2:60 MOVIE "Be1-ond The Reef" ( 1981, Romance) Denton Ka ne, Maren Jensen. A Polyne- 'sian-Ameflcan girl who has been educated In the U.S. r8'urns to tler INtld home and falls In love with • ~dhow. ·~hr •• 30 min.) 3:009~ ~~ 3:15CC)MCME "I LOYe You. Allee 8. TokJas" (1968, ComedV) Peter Sellers. Leigh Taytor-Young. A mld· die-aged lawyer, disenchanted with his present life- style. starts a new life with a young hippie. 'R' ( 1 hr.,33:-rJ. 3:30. AC£. (()GOLFHIGHUGHTS ''1980 U.S. Open" 3:'6(1) WN:XY WON..D OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest .Mnet Laldl. 3:50(J) t«ME ''The Stunt Man" (1980. Orama) Peter O'Toole, Stwe Aellst.ck. Wanted by the police, a dlltutbed Vietnam wtetan finds an ~• "Ycu Classroom . on Wheels" ... Annovndn1 Ovr New Location In c:.ta Meeo haven on a movie set where a World WtJt I .pc i. being filmed. 'R' (2 hrs., 9 min.) 4:00 (!)JIMMY SWAOOAAT (!)SPORTS CENTER 4:06 al.I RJNTIME 4:15(1) MOVIE "Bk>w Out" (1981. SUspense) John Travolta. Nancy Allen. A soond technician who works on horror filml becomes lnvolYed In a murder mystery when he witnesses an assassination. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 4:20(11) MOVIE "Atlantic City'' (1980. Orama) lk#t Lancaster. Susan Sarandon. the estranged Q. band of an oyster bar waitr8'8 arrives with her preg- nant younger Sister and some stolen heroin, which James L. Zimmerman Certified Public Accountant Full range of penonallred professional services for small businesses & Individuals . • INCOME TAX PREPARATION I PLANNING • IYITEMI Dl!81GN a INSTALLATION • COMP'1T!RIZED "NANCIAL REPORTING .. Atlantic acclaim Burt Lancaster won ,. an Academy A ward nomination as an aging, 11mall-time gangster wbo hopes to hit-the jackpot ln "Atlantic Qty." Tbe accwimed 1981 motion picture; which received tour other Oscar nominatlon11, maker ita ~ time debut Sunday at 8 ~~n Home Box he wants W\ 9'V tlOOd to sell f()( him. 'A' ( 1 hr., « 4:i:'ci> al IWOCER e MOVE ''Stripes" (1981. Comedy) Bill Murray, Harold Ramis.. A New York cabble io<*lng f0< excitement convinces his best friend to join hlm In enlisting In the U.S. ~ ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) 4:35 a> fOAEAM OIF NE 4:60CC) flllCME ''The WW\deters" (1979, Drema) ~ Wahl, ~ Mani. The membeB of a tough 1960. ltreet Ging In the Bronx discover that 1he pronsua of growing up ~ faJing In love are rooch mc>fe dlfftcutt ...,.,..'°89 fhan an_y of the rumbles they've tllken part In. 'Ff ( 1 hr .. 67 min.) l Mondity \ I< >l t\ I ~< ; \ I< >\' I LS --. .. --···· 6:00 CZ> "Overlord" 6:05 @ "Guns 01 The Timberland" (1960, Drama) Alan Ladd. Jeanne Crain. 6:30CH) "Heidt" ( 1979. Ad11enture) D "ZOfro. The Gay Blade" (1981, Comedy) Geor__.98 Hamilton, Lauren Hutton. 7:00CCJ "Tribute To A Bad Man" ( 1956, Western) James Cagney. Irene Papas 7:30(1) "ffolkes" ( 1980, Adventure) Roger Moore. James Mason. CZ) "Disappearance" ( 1977. Suspense) Donald Sutherland. Francine Racelte. 8:05@ "Anything Can Happen" ( 1952, Comedy) Jose Ferrer. Kim Hunter. 8:30CH) "Hog Wild" (1980, Comedy) Patti D'Arban· 11llle. Mlchael Biehn. D "Saturday The 14th" (1981. Comedy) Richard Ben~ln. Paula Prentiss. 9:00(C) "Big Wednesday" ( 1978, Drama) Jan· Michael Vincent. William Kalt. 9:15(%) "The First Deadly Sin" (1980. Mystery) Frank Sinatra. Faye Dunaway. 9:30., "Overland StaQe Raider&" ( 1938, Western) .John Wayne, Ray Corrigan. 10:00(8) "The Legend Of The Lone Ranger" (1980. Western) Khnton Spilsbury, Christopher Uoyd. Cl) "Father Of The Bride" (1950. Comedy) Spen· cer Tracy. Ehzabeth Taylof. 0 "Home Mo11ies" ( 1980, Comedy) Keith GOf· don Kirk Douglas. 10:osa!> "The be1ph1 Bureau" (1972. Adventure) LaUtence Luckinbill. Joanna Pettet. 11:00(C) "The Magnifloent Hustle" ( 1 hr .. ~ min.) • 11:15(%) "The Stunt Man" (1980. Drama) Peter O'T oole, Steve Railsback. 11.:aoe "Cheaper To Keep Her" (1980. Comedy) M8C Davis. T ovah Feldshuh.- .\! I L il'\<><>'\ \I<>\ II ." 12:00D "Fog For A Killer'' (1960, Mystery) o.vld Sumner. Susan Travers. e "The Mountain'' (t968, AcMntuN) SplllOll Tr_!tq, Robeft W81Jr*. • "City For Conquest" (1940, Drema) ~ CaoneY. AM Sheridan. (8)-''l'he LaS1 Metro" (1980, Orame) Ce4hettne Oeneuve. Gefatd OepardlMJ. Directed bV Frencoia Truffaut. 12:30(1) "Atlantic City" (1980, Orama) Burt Lancas- ter, Susan Sarandon. 1:00(!) "The Produce<s" (1967, Comedy) Zero Mo61el, Gene Wilder. (C) "HIQh Country" (1981, Orama) Tlmolhy Bot· toms. L~ Purl. 1~30(%) "The Naked Kiss" (19EM, Drema) Con- stance Tower, Anthony es.y. 2:00([) "Excalibur" (1981, Fantasy) Nlgll TtNy. NSool Williamson. 2:30(1) "~ey And The-&lndlt tr• (1980. Come- dy) 8or1 ReynoldS. Jackie Gleason. 3:00(%) "The F'rrst Deadly Sin" ( 1980, Mystety) Frank Sinatra, Faye Dunaway. 3:30(C) "White Water Sam" (A~nture) Keith Lar- sen. CID "Hog Wiid" ( 1980, Comedy) Patti o· Arbanville. Michael Biehn. II "Zorro. The Gay Blade"· (1981. Comedy) Geo_!9e Hamilton, Lauren Hutton. 4:00a "Kashmlri Run" (1969, Adventure) Pernell Robel1s. Alexandra Bastedo. •:30(1) "Captain Scarlet Va. The Mysteton& From Mars" (1981) Animated. 5:00(C) "Big Wednctsday" (1978, Orama) Jan- Mlchael Vincent, Wiiiiam Katt. (%)"Stripes" (1981, Comedy) BiH Murray, Harold Ramis. ·5:o5@ "Bye Bye Birdie" ( 1963, Muslcal> Olde Van Oyt<e.Janetleigh. \ 6:3000 "Heidi" (1979, AdVenture) l .\ l .'\J'\(, -------------- Bogart at best In the film "High Sierra," Humphrey Bogart stara as an escaped ooavict who falls victim .to misfol'tunell of every aort as be engineers the robbery of a fahionable California reJOrt.. The drama airs Monday at 4:50 p.m. on WTBS, the SuperStation (Cb. 17). \ :!! 0 - ,... 8 -I 'I (J) ROMANCE= LOVE AT TliE CROSSAOAD8 ~•rt 1) •MOVIE "Netwont" ( 1976. Ofama) Faye Duna· way, Peter Finch. An aging I~ newsman. wnoee rdiga we eteeclfy slipplng. Is turned Into • ranting proPbet of the alrwavee by a crafty temate pr~ammlna executive. 'R' (2 hrs.) 12:00 I ENTERT~TONIGHT e MOVIE "The Twiet" ( 1976, Comedy) Bruce Dem. Ann-Margret. All Ametlcan writer and his french wife suspect eech other of Infidelity. (2 hrs .. 15 min.) Cf) MOYE "Captain Pirate" ( 1953. Adwlntute) Louil H&Y'f'Wd, Patrlcfe Medina. A pirate accueed of r1veglng Cartagena Is freed from a prison ship and goes after the real raJders. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) e MOVIE "Candidate For Murder" (197,, Mys- tery) James Stewart. Strother Martin. In the final days of a fierce presidential campaign. a senatOC'lal aide Is accosed of killing an Influential Washington news commentatOC'. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) •LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE Cl) MOVIE "Atlantic City" ( 1980, Orama) Burt Lancaster, Susan Sarandon. The estranged hus- band of an oyster bar waitress arrives with her preg- nant younger sister and some stolen heroin. which he wants an aging hood to sell IOI' him. 'A' ( 1 hr .... min.1 12:06 (8) MOVIE "The Legend Of The Lone Ranger" (1980. Western) Kllnton Spllsbury, Christopher LIOyd. The Lone Ranger and Tonto pursue ttlelt atch-enemy, Butch Ca"'81'ldish, who has kidnapped the ~esldent of the U.S. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 12:30•. LATE NIGHT WfTH DAVID L~AN Guest: musician tan Anderson. (-1 hr.) 1£ BA8EBAlL ''College World Seriea'' {9ame 7) from Omaha. Nebraska. (3 hrs.) CD MOVIE "ZOlu Dawn" (1979, Orama) Burl Lan-cest•. Peter O'Toote. The English wage a bitter war against the Zulu nation In 19t~tury Africa. 'PG' (2 hta., 1 min.) 12:~• ()) COLUM80 An aging movie queen mur· deft her wealthy hUlbend after he refUles to finance her comeback 1ttempt. (R) (2 tws.) 12:50Gl) MOVIE "The Set-Up'' (1949, Mystery) ~ lff ~ AudlflY Tott•. Whle fighting to wtn, I boater ~t• to expoee the dishonelty lnYoMMf In ''*' "'*' ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 1:00• 08E AUTAV e llCME "The Bleck Orchkf' (1959, A~ 8opt* laten. An= Quinn. A law-abiding '*'"lM Ind the wtdow of • gangster fal In !Owe. ( 1 hf .• 30 min.) • 80NQ AND ONICE The Royal aa.et'• LC>Wef W"" • colecUon Of children's songs. "Tl. lnherlWnoe" (1973, DrarM) ~ ~ Sende. A C0111Mng c:urrill .... wWl tw fa"*"'" ..... ftdt , 8'ter her ~ II dlllnherited. 'A' (1 hr., '2'Mln.} (JJ MCWilE .. ~ .. (1917, Sulpefwe) Donald Suttwtand •. Francine Racette. An lntema- tlon* hit man beoOmeS obsessed with finding his .. 'R' (1tw .. 40mln.) 1: NEW8 I M/ffl('( ' THEMU8te IPIN<OUT MOYIE "ChMocw 'ro K-.p Hef" (1980, Come- ) W.C ~ 1'<Mh Feldehuh. In order to m.t ahony f)9ymenta. • recently divorced ~ dltectM lnlCb dollwn delnquent huabeodl few • dl¥ofee IWyer. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 32 min.) 1;.a®lllCM! .. Blow ()A" (1981, SU.0--) JoM Ttevob, Nancy Allen. A toUnd tec:hnicMn ~ worn otr horfOf fllm9 bec:lqnle9 lnYolved 1n a ~c1er · mystery when he wttneeaea an ......inatton. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 45min.) (J) MCM1E ''The tioWtlng" ( 1981, Hooor) Dee Wt/i- &aoe. Petrick ~· A wornlf' report« II menaced by 1 killef who eeems to be a weteWOtt. 'R' ~tv··=·> 2:15 NE:W8 -2:20 MTPATAOl. 2:'9 MON•ta smETCH (I) ''<Mnofd'' ( 1 tw .. 30 min.) 2:40 ... 2:90 WON.OAT LAROE <m Ml "Alhentl" (1979, A<Mntiie) Mic'-' CilN. AP Harrison. A determined dOctof ... oft ~,,. Slfwr8 In..,.~ of·~ ol ~ ill\Or1r8dei'I who kidnapped ............. (1 .. 57 •~· "The ,,.,.,. (1•1 ........ '*"-' :JlirriM Giimer. A~ ftlm -• ~ ~~~ ..... (1f'i ...... a "TM Sllnce" <1t11> DrWNI) ~ • Cllll_,,, __ Gitrednd the entire Wdent • ~of %::Ing the IC8demy'• ~-30Ain) I ... Tuesday \ I< >l l:\ I :\'( ; \ I< )\. J LS •:65(C) "Tribute To A Bad Man" (1956, Western) James Cagney, Irene Papas. 5:000 "Network" (1976. Drama) Faye Dunaway. Peter Finch. 5:06(S) "Hollywood High" (1976, Comedy) Marcy Albrecht, Sherry Hardin. 6:00 CID "Runaway. Island" (Adventure) Miles Buchanan, Simone Buchanan. 6:06@ "The Man In The Net" ( 1959, SUspense) Alan Ladd. Carolyn Jones 6:20(%) "The Lady In Red" (1979, Orama) Robert Conrad, Pamela Sue Martin 7:00(C) "Pulp" ( 1972. Comedy) Mlchael Caine, Mickey Rooney. g "Les Girts" (1957, Musical) Gene Kelly, Mitzi Gaynor. 7:30CS) "Journey Back To Oz" (1972. Fantasy) Ani- mated Voices of Liza Mlnnelll, Paul Lynde. 8:00(8) "This Time Forever" (1980, Romance) Claire Pimpare, Vincent Van Patten. (%) "lnslde Moves" (1980, Drama) John Savage, David Morse. 8:06@ "Tammy And The Millionaire" (1967, Come- dy) Debbie Watson, Denver Pyle. 9:00(C) "The Wrong Arm Of The Law" (196.1, Com- e<fy) Pe1er Sellefs. Lionel Jeffries. D "Invaders From The Deep" (1981, Science-Fie· tiooL Puppets. 9:30• "Riders Of Destiny" (1933, Western) John Wa~. Gabby Hayes. 10:00(HJ "The Hearse" (1980, Hotror) Trish Van Devere, Joseph Cotten. (I) "All The Flne Young Cannibals" (1960, Orama) Natalie Wood, Robert Wagner. (%) "Stripes" ( 1981, Comedy) Bill Mutray, Harold Ramis. 10:05@ "Marriage On The Rocks" (1965, Comedy) Frank Sinatra, Deborah Kerr. 1Ck30(C) "Home From The Hiii" (1960. Drama) Rob- ert Mitchum, George Peppard. 11:"6(%) "Lacombe, Lucien" (1974, Adventure) Pierre Blaise, Aurore Clement. . . .. -..... OVER EASY Guest: Garson Kanin. (R) Q NBC NEWS I HAWAII FIVE-0 FASf FORWARD 8:30 Cl) e NEWS I BARNEY MILLER CLOU08 Of GlOAY: THE RIME Of THE ANCIENT MARINEA Ken Russell's film of poet Sam- uel Taylor Coteridge who auffered from opium ~ lion. (1 hr.) • CAMERA THREE "John INlnQ'' The euthof ot "The Wot1d According To GBIP" dlscusaes the ph&- nomenon of "Gerp," his writing. his family and his ~R~ 7:00 e C88 NEWS NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN A8CNEW8 P.M.MAGAZJNE KOJAK ti9E ON NEW JERSEY ENTERTA.INMENT TONIGHT w•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD 8U8N:88 REPORT THEMUPPETS MAO«:: Of Oil PAJHTING MOVIE "Pulp" (1972, Comedy) Michael Caine. Mickey Rooney. A eeedy writtf' Is hlfed by an ax·fllm star lo "~twrlte" hl8 be,.iy printable eutobk>gra-~·'PG' (1hr.,38 min.) CIJ THE COUNtAV GIRL Faye Dunaway. Dick Van Dyke and Ken HOWllfd star In this pertOONnOe of Oltford Ode1'1 ~Y about the comple• retationlhJpl between an ak:OhOllo actor, NI Wife and a theltrlcal director.· (2 hrs.Jo. 30 min.) CD:l THE WAY n WAS· "19C8 WORLD aa.I .. 1<>8TON MAVES VS. CLEVEl..NC) INDIAN8 • AMENCAN ONCE MACHN: A tatented trOOpe of young dramM Join GMn Vtf'don In I mullcat NMe to the belt of 8roedway. .. 7:061NEW8 7:30 2 ON THE TOWN f9attnd: a vleft to Beje, Cellfomla; tf.-..4 to Mullge, en ~ ..ettng In Loredo, to find out what ~to io.t rNlll. e IAET MAVERICK W~ gunellnger 8-'Y IN Kid, folowed by • long-tlfM ~· oomee to SwMtweter to rec:uperete at ~ 1 ranch. (A) 1 hr.) lAVINC & 8HIUV & COlll'AHV ONL:A. llCTACDOUQM Walter's world "Walter Cronkite's Universe'' retwnsasa 13-edition s ummer series, beginni ng Tuesday at 8 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2). The science magazine series will feature weekly contributions by Cronkite, including reportll on astronauts Bonnie Dunbar (upper left), bea ched whales (upper right), the complex construction of oil rigs (lower right) and an expedition to the Arctic to view the mysterious Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights. 3! 0 - - n C'4 Tuesday (cootinued) GO ca tured and deported by an Afrlcen dictator, a merce- .-nary returns to lead a revolution. 'R' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) • CJ) MOVIE "Stripes" (1981, ComedY) Bill Murray. ~ Harold Ramis. A New York cabbfe looking for ~ excitement convinces his best trlend to join hlm In .., enlisting in the U.S. Army. 'R' (1 hr .. 20 min.) ~ g MOVIE "The Fan" (1981, Suspense) Lauren "O Bacall, James Garner. A popular film star is vlctlm- °t: ized by a psychotic admirer. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) ~ (%)MOVIE "Lacombe, Lucien" ( 1974, Adventure) ~ Pierre Blaise, Aurore Clement. As the end of World ..... War II nears, a peasant carelessly becomes involved > in Facism. (2 hrs.. 17 min.) .._ 8:30 'THE TWO OF US ~ D DECISION '82 The results of the June 8 prl- ~ mary elections taking place In a large number of states will be reported; Roger Mudd anchors. i M•A•s•H MAUDE LAVERNE & SHIRLEY Laverne and Shirley's trip down memory lane to their high school daY$ starts a battle that leaves one of them with a brof(en ~w. (R) Q @ DANCE "Merce Cunningham" The pioneer of American modern dance Is showcased. (1 hr.) 9:008 MOVIE "Blinded By The Light" (1980. Ora- ma) Kristy McNichol. James Vlnoent McNlchol. A teen-ager leaves his family and home to tonow a lasl-retiglous group. (R) (2 hrs.) DECISION '82: CALIFORNIA PRIMARY SA TUROAY NIGHT Iii) ELECTION COVERAGE 784 DA VS THAT CHANGED AMERtCA -FROM WATERGATE TO RESIGNATION Cf) RACING FROM ROOSEVELT t1I THREE'S COMPANY Terri &JSl.lmes that Jack Is dating the wife of Janet's boss. and Janet believes that a doctor ts setting up a love nest for Terri. (R) ii AMERICAN PlA YHOUSE "Oppenheimer" After the first successful test explosk>n in New Mexico. plans are f1naliz8d for the use .of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. (Part 5) O ( 1 ht.) • DECISION '82 -LOCAL ~ CO\IER-N3E. CC> MOVIE "Pardon Mon Attalfe" (19n, Comedy) Jean Rochefort, Anny Ouperefy. A happlty married man contemplates Infidelity af1e< seeing a beautiful model in a perking garage. 'PG' (1 hr .. '8 min.) CE GOLF HtGHUGHTS "1978 U.S. Open" 9:30 8 Fl.AMINGO ROAD Wealthy Michael Tyrone comes to Truro and UNI hl8 girlfriend, who Is Sam's ex-wife, In a plot to gain valuable land that Sam also desire& (R) (1 hr.) Cl) MO'llE ''The Woman Eater" (1969. Ht>rr0t) Geor~lril. Vf/la Day. A mad Engbh scien- tist a mystertoos South American plant that requires female flesh tor au1tenance. ( 1 hi .. 30 min.) GI too CLOSE FOR COMFORT Muriel lrwttes a s«ld row bum home tor ThanQgMng dinner. {R) QI CLOUC8 OF GLORY: fHE -,_.E OF THE ANCIENT MARINER Ken Ruasell's film of poet Sam- uel Taytor Coleridge who suffered from oplUfn ~­ tlon. ( 1 hr.) • FL.....00 ROAD Sam CUrtla befr1endl a Cuban girt. and Sheriff Semple attempts to COll9f up a secret that could destroy the Weldon family. (R) cW,ht.J... HIGHUGHT8 "1979 ~ .. (1 ht) • CI) THE OOlDE:N NlE OF TEl.EVl8K>N "Marty" Rod Stelget" and Nancy .-ctwnd star In • 1966 ~ of Paddy ChaveflWs teltpley about a butch« who taJla in kM wtth a plain girt. ( 1 hr., 30mn) e MOVIE "Shot Scream" (1980. Suepenee) Aebec:ca Baldng. Yvonne o.c.rlo. SeYer'8I college , students tllke rooms In a torebodlng old hcMe where a grtlly end •ttl unlOMd murder WM cem-mlttg; ..,..,·'A' (1hr.,28 min.) 10:ooe •NEWI tll . 'TO HART A man who holds Jonathlln reepo1 llR>le for hla •ter'• dMth throws • cbefnk:al Into the Herta' pool which caueee Jonethan to go blind. (R) 0 (1 hr.) e WI'™ 088E NID AU8Y "Ab tn Wonder" Ruby OM end Ollie Devta~ a on.ect come-~about the ,....lea of Holl wood. Q CID PLAZA 8tA'TE Lee GrMt and Jeny ~ MCh i:>erlonn ttnl rolea M couptea who ~ SUit• 'T 19 of Nw YOftc't Plua HoMl In Nell Simon t oom- ~. (2hl9.) . Cl) OA8E kAPLAN: JU8T FOR LAUGHS Kaplan pertomw Na own pertlcullr brand of ltancMJp come edy In~ taped M at HolJwood'a "The L.atf St .. 1 hr.} 1o:aos:: U: CAUfOfMA PNMARY I mNATURIE <Met: Or. Johethan ...... (Part ~ H1DN. PlM8: WliSE ..-roR'f lNE8 ~ Routtl ~·.m\mr~~ folowl t,,. overland route and the Missouri River to the great frontier. stOC>Ping at tittle-known lites that tell a tot about Amer\Cn-past. (R) e OECe9fON '82 -LOCAL ELECTION COVER- AGE (CONT'D) CE T1il8 WEB( IH THE NBA (D) Cl MOVIE "Death Hunt" (1981. Adventure) Charles Bronson. Lee M8Mn. In the 1930s, a Moun- tie and a frontier criminal wage an old battle as civlll- zatlon ~oaches on the Canadian wtldemes8. 'R' U hr .. 36 min.) CJ) MOVIE "Inside MoY8s" (1980, Orama) John Savage, Oevld M<ne. A newcomer to the group of regolats at an Oakland bar m11y hold the key to making the bartender's dream of t>ecomlng a pro basketbel player a rMlty. 'PG' \ 1 ht., 53 min.) 10:&0@ MCME" "Sincerely Yours' (1955, Moslcal) Llbefaoe. Joenne Dru. A brilliant concert pianist dis-- covers that he ts gQ!ng_deaf. (2 hrs., 20 min.) 11:ooe e Cl) GI•• NEWS SATURDAY NIGHT YOU A8f<ED FOR IT JOEFRANKUN BENNY till QUIZKID8 E**CAVETT MOVE ''The Anal CountdoWn'' (1980, Science- Fiction) Kirk Ooug&u, Martin Sheen. A myatertoua storm at aea transports the atomlc>poweted aetaft cam. U.S.S. Nimitz bad( In time to Oeoember 8, 19~ 1, poelttonlng the veseef between PMtt He.rbOf and'the advancing Japanese fleet. 'PG' (1 hr .. 43 min~ ~ MOYIE "ManneQukl" (1978. Drama) ,_dine P...-. A French model's 8eareh for tomantlc love II Interrupted by • a«lel of· e~atlone Into physical ~ 'R' (1 ht., 21 min.) Cl) PIP6 Comedy II the topic When Dllvld Brenner. A~ Keufman. Aobert Kitln and Steve l.andMberg get together at the l'lghttpOt where they .,. got theft atarta. t1:30e (I) AUCE Mera antl-bUrpy preceutlonl bac*tn, IMWlQ him. Aloe. Ao end v .. trapped In the diner "1191 • holldlry weekend. (R) • MOYIE ''&glee Attack At Oewn'' (1975. Adventure) Rick JMon. Petet Blown. An llrMtl commendo who llCaped from an Anlb P"'°" retume to he hie Wow prllonera. (2 hl'9.) I AIJC NEW8 NQKT'l)E l . 8ANFOAD AND ION ~ .. Merce ~:m" The ~ Of Amerlc9n modltn ~~~Hid. ( t hr.) • CA'BA THMI ''John ~·· The euthot of •'The WOftc:t According To Oltp" ~the phe- nomenon of "Gatp." hit wrtetng. NI fW'f'lly end hit ~~la -LOCAL UCT10N CXMR-u~ AQIW!a!MC\ JMtl ~ • ll : • ~r. • 1\ "' 111 if ftW ql~fJ\IJIJ4f"'( iut• l\cu.q>ttJ ~ ·~~~ J ~ ol., l)UOO'lQ Ottm >tom bttalirMu""lftt aw Atomic bomb Sam Waterston portrays J. Robert Oppenheimer , the controversial American physicist instrumental in the development of the first atomic bomb, in the seven-part series, "Oppenheimer," Tuesday at 9 p.m. on KCET (Cb. 28). (I) SPORTS CENTER CJ) ROMANCE: LOVE AT THE CA068ROA06 (Part 2) 12:008 e TONiGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guests: Peter Strauss, Patty Weavef, David Hall. ( 1 hr.) 9 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Cl) MOV1E "The Fak:oo In Mexico" ( 1SM-4. ~ tery) Tom Conway, Mona Maris. The search for a cold-blooded killer takae the Falcon on a trait from New Yen to Mexico. (1 ht., 30 min.) 9 FANTASY ISlANO Tattoo changes plaoea with tils boss and grant• two girts their dream of a life- time, and Mr. Roarke tries to futfHI the wish of a doctor. (R) (1 hr., 10 min.) • MOVIE "Anchors Aweigh" (1946, Musk:al) Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra. lwo sailors enjoy their leave in glamorous Hollywood. (3 hrs..) • LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE CID MOVIE "Atlantic City" ( 1980. Drama) Burt Lancaster, Susan Satandon. The estranged ,_. band of an oyster bar waitress arrives With her preg- nant younger sister and some stolen heroin, whlCh he wants en aging hood to 8811 for him. 'R' ( 1 ht .. 44 min.) (I) MOYIE "8 112'' ( 1963, Fantasy) Marcelo Mas- troianni, Claudia' Cardinale. Directed by Federico Felllnl. An OV9rwor1<ed ftlm dlrect0t learns to accept the obetactes In hla career u well as In hla pereonal Ufe. _J_2 twa.. 20 min.) 12:05. (I) WtCRP IN CINaNNA TI A IUelan hoa ·~ as«s Balley to help him defect to Clnolnnat[ (R) 12:15(D) MOVIE "Erotic o.Mghts" (1 ht., 16 min.) 12:2&(%) MOYIE "The L9dy tn Red" (1979, Orama) Robert Conrlld, Pamela SU. Martin. In the vtolent ~f the lawleee 19208, an ldeallatlo yotng tann becomaS the moll of the Infamous gangster John If'. (1 ht .. 33 min.) 12:30 OOlJPLE8 e ANTAIV'ISlANO Tattoo changet ~ wtth hla boee encl grant. two glt19 their dream of a W. time. encl Mr. Roertte trlea to fulftll the wW\ of • doctu) (1hr .• 10 min.) I CLOU08 OF GLORY: THE RIME OF THE ANCEHT WAINER Ken Ruaell't Nm of poet a.m- u.I ECdlftdge Who IUffwed from opium addic-tion. 1 hr. Cl) I BAaaAU. ''Colege WOftc:t Ser*" ]game 8) from Orrwha, Nebfuka. (3 twa.b C1J ~ ''Coast To Coaat" (19e0, ) OyM-cannon, Robert lllake. A runn.y and a actappy trucker hatAlnG oettte cOMt to C08lt becOme the t&fget of a·Wtkf' ~ on... 'PG' (1 hr .. 34 "*'-) e MOYIE "'Ttn'or Tra6n" (1980, SUlplNe) Ben ... JoMIOn • ...._ L• CUrttl. A oo11eQe fr~I Nw v..,·, meequerade petty turnt tnto • 'nlght- .mera.~• ~·~.-. no.oer ..... 1 • Jri}l~J w nArU ., ... ,,u, Jn ~lb t"W .. ~ lllw ..... ~ -- Tuesday (continued) parl}'.:'prs 4R' t1 hr .. 97-min:-) 12:.06 Cl) MCCLOUD Three ex-cons seeking revenge and looking for money they think McCloud can locate kidnap his girllnend to ensure his cooper· at1on (A) (2 hrs .. 5 min ) 12:46(t) MOVIE '"Monty Python And The Holy Grall" ( 1974, Comedy) Graham Chapman. John Cleese. King Arthur and his band or knights encounter giants. riddlers and a lerocius rabbit in their search for lhe l~endary cup ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 1:000 W LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID Lm-ERMAN Guests· television 1ournalist Robert MacNeil. musi- cians James Taylor and.John Hall. ( 1 llir ) U MOVIE '"Condemned'" ( 1930, Orama) Ronald Colman. Ann Harding The evil goings-on 81 Devil's Island pose a threat to the prisoners. ( 1 hr., 50 min) ti) MOVIE ·w oman 01 Straw" ( 1964, Suspense) Gina Lollobrig1da. Sean Connery. A young man attempts to gain control of his uncle's fortune with the help of a beautiful nurse ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) t :10®lNEWS QZl MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 1:30(f) FACE THE MUSIC 1:.08 MOVIE "Bombship" (1978. Orama) Peter Graves. Third world terrorists capture an oil tanker on the high seas. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 1 :45 {If) MOVIE "This Time Forever" ( 1980, · Romance) Claire Pimpare. Vincent Van Patfen. A French-Canadian girl falls In love wtth a brash Amer· ican college student studying In Montreat 'PG' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 2:00 811 NEWS CZ) MOVIE "Stripes" (1981. ~) Biii Murray, Harold Ramis. A New YOf'k cabbie kx*~ for excitement convinces his beSt friend to join him in enlisting in the U.S. Army. 'A' (1 hr .. 20 min.) 2:05i NEWS • 2:10 RAT PATROL 2:20 MOVIE "Night Mo-.-es" ( 1976. Mystery) Gene Hackman. Jennifer Warren. A private eye hired to locate the daughter of a former movie actress be<;omes entangled In e web of Intrigue with a Mayan smuggling ring. (1 hr .. .0 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Dog Day Afternoon'' (1975, Orama) Al Pacino, John Cazale. A New York City bank robbery \ escalates Into a near-circus when community actlv· 'lsts join in to stage an antt-police protest dunng the caper. (2 hrs., 10 min.) 2:30 Cf) MORNING STRETCH II MOVIE "Excalibur" (1981, Fantasy) Nigel Ter· ry, Nicol Williamson. The ~xploits of King Arthur bring power and death to the kolghts of the Round Table. 'R' (2 hts .. 20 min.) 2'~.0 I WORLD AT LARGE 2:.-S NEWS 2':60 MOVIE "The Masgueradef" ( 1933, Orama) Ronald Colman, Elissa Landi. The journalist cousin of a drug-addicted man Is persuaded to masquer- ade as his cousin dorlng the man's breakdown. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 3:00 Cf) JOE FRANKLIN e MOVIE "The Huckstets" (1947, Orama) Clark Gable. Deborah Kerr. Upon accepting a position with an advertising agency, a man discover• that the enfl<e mode of operation runs Cl'ou..graln to his sense of mofals and values. (2 hra., 30 mln.) @NEWS 3:1!i9 MOVIE "Just An Old Sweet Song" (1976, Orama) Robert H~s. Cicely Tyson. A bi8ok farnlty from Detroit travel to the South on a vacation that PROBLEM DIUNK1NG -Burt Lancarter and Shirley Booth Ot>4W' In UCane &ck Little Sheba," the touching drarm •bout an alcoholic and his WOl'JI wife, Tuelday at 2 p .. m. on the SuperStatlon, ~. leaves a laSting mark upon all of their llve5. ( 1 hr .. 30min.) 3:25® MOVIE "The Dogs Of War" (1980, Adven- ture) Christopher Walken, Tom Berenger. After being tOf'tured and deported by an African dtciatOf', a mercenary returns to lead a revolution. 'A' (1 hr., 45 mtn.) 3:30 (!)Golf HIGHLIGHTS "1973 U.S. Open" 3:'6<%) MOVIE "The Last Chase" (1981, Science- Fiction) Lee Majors. Chris Makepeaoe. In a world of the future. a former race car driver and a teen-age computer expert fight the govemment's proscription of automobiles. ·pQ· ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 4:00(!) JIMMY SWAGGART (!)SPORTS CENTER 4:06@ FUNTIME CC) MOVIE "The Concert For Kampuchea" ( 1gao, Musical) Paul McCartney, The Who. A hoet of rock perlouners, many of whom get together In an aJl- star rock orchestra, are featured In this record of a series of concerts held fOf the benefit of relief to war-ravaged Cambodia. ( 1 hr., 20 min.) 4:20. VOYAGE TO THE bOTTOM Of THE SEA 4:30(!) JtM BAKKER Cl) PIPS Comedy is the topic when O.vld Blenner. Andy Kaufman. Aober1 Klern and Steve Landesberg get togethef at the nightspot where they all got thelt starts. 4:36@ I CREAM OF JEANNIE ltl aubaldlary, CBS Cable, which broadcaata aophi1tlcat.ed cultural 1howa. But It bu been cautious about plUllllnl beadlOQI into the mediwn. CBS has the hi&hest ratinp of the three national televWon network.a, and Wyman 11.ld the company'• growth ln a varletf of other tlelda will not be made at the expente o the netwMk. STARRING NEWPORT BEACH Programming That Gets You Right Where You Live! MONDAY· 7:00 PM "Newport Now" 7:30 PM Live Newport Beach City Council coverage or ··c itizens Forum'· I alternate Mondays>, . . . WEDNE8DAY 7:00 PM "Newport Now" 7:30 .~M Repeat of City 'Council Coverage & "Citizens Forum." (Alternate Wednesdays) THURSDAY 7:00 PM "A Better Way" 7:00 PM "Newport Now" TUNE IN TO CABLE CHANNEL 26 or K Our local programming lineup includes the int.en1ew eeries -11Cltb.ena Forum." and live cownge of Newport Beach Qty Cou icil meetinp. Plus. w e continue to cablec:Mt our populai' mapzine format a.how "Newpon Now." OUr foc.ua ii on the '-- that are happentna around you. and we feature peopie and place9 that )'OU lmOw. Your neighborhood and its residenta are our ltafl, 23 3! 0 - . ' 14 · !Wednesday Cl c :l .., \I< >H \ I \< ; \ l< >\ I LS • 6:00 D "Lovers And Liars'' ( 1979, Comedy) Goldie ~ Hawn, Giancarlo Giannini. :g 5:30(%) "The Naked Kiss" (196-4. Drama) Con· ~ stance Tower. Anthony ElsJey. ci 8:05@ "Red Mountain" (1951, Western) Alan o Ladd, Lizabeth Scott . ..J 6.:3000 "Darby O'GHI And The Lhtle People" ( 1959, ~ Fantasy) Albert Sharpe. Sean Connery. 7:00~ "Grand Illusion" (1937, Drama) Jean Gabin . .2 Erich Von Stroheim. il: (%)"Stripes" (1981. COIT}8dy) Bili Murray. Harold Ramis. 8:06@ "It Shoold Happen To You" (1954. Come- dy) Judy Holliday, Jack Lemmon. 8:30(1 "let It Be" (1970, Musical) The Beatles. 8:45(%) "Disappearance" ( 1977. Suspense) Donald Sutherland. Fraoone Racette. 9:00<Cl-"Don't Go Naar The Water" ( 1957. Come- dy) Glenn Ford. Gia Scala. 9:30• "Sagebrush Trail" (1933. Western) John Wa~. Nancy Shubert. tO:OOCHJ "Beyond The Reef" (1981, Romance) Den- ton Ka'ne. Maren Jensen. (I) "The Last Hunt" ( 1956. Adventure) Stewart Granger. Robert Taylor. g "The Awakening" (1980. Horror) Chariton Hes· ton, Susannah York. 10:06@ "The Burning Hills" ( 1957, Western) Tab Hunter. Natalie Wood. 10: 16 (%)"Overlord"· . 11:00~ "Paradise Alley" (1978, Drama) Sylvester Stallone, Armand Assante. 11:30 <ID "Elvis" ( 1979. Biography) Kurt Russell, Sea· son Hubley. .\l .ll.l{'\< ><>'\\I< >\.lLS 12:0011 "The Fighting Wddcats" (1957, Ad\tenture) Keefe Brasselle, Kay Caltard. • "The rin Star" ( 1957. Western) Henry Fonda, Anthony Perkins. • "Doctor Ehrlich's Magic Bullet" ( 1940. Biogra· Qhy) Edward G. Robinson. Ruth Gordon. II "The Hunter" ( 1979, Drama) Steve McOueen. Eli Wallach. (%)"Stripes" (t981. Comedy) Bill Murray, Harold Ramis. 12:30(1) "Private Benjamin" (1980, Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Eileen Brennan. 1:00(1) "She's 8aci( On Broadway" (1953, Musi- cal) Virginia Mayo. Gene Nelson. ~ "The Jazz Singer" ( 1980, Musical) Nell Ola-~. Laurence OIMer. 1:45(%). "The Last.~· (1981, Science-Flctlon) Lee Majofa. CMs Mak~. 2:00([) J'Skldoq" ( 1968. Comedy) Jackie Gleason. Groucho Marx.. ~. · 2:30(1) "Revenge Of The Myst8f'ons From Mars" · ( 1981, Fantasy) Puppets. • 3:0000 "My Champion" (1981, Drama) Yoko SN- • mada, Chris Mitchum. e "Stevie" ( 1978. Biography) Glenda Jackson. T rfNO( Howard.· 3:30(%) "Inside Moves" (1980, Drama) John Sav· age. David Morse. 4:000 "Shoot First, Die Later" (1973, Drama) Richard Conte. Cl)"TheGreenHo •in" (1981,Adventure) James Stewart, Philip SayEr. 6:00~ "Don't Go Near The Water" (1957, Come- dy) Glenn FOfd, Gia Scala. 6:06dl) "A Man Could Get Killed" (1966. Comedy) James Gamer. MeliN Mercouri. 6:25(%) "The Naked Kiss" (196-4, Drama) Con- stance Tower. Anthony Eisley. 1-.\ l '\I '\C ; e:ooea•NEWS CHARLIE'S ANGELS caaNEWS THESAINT ABC NEWS S.W.A.T. HAWAftffVE..() OVER EASY Guest: composer and conductor Car~~(R)Q • FAST FOffN,..,., ~COLLEGE BA8E8AlL "College World Series" @arne 10) from Omaha, Nebfaaka. (3 hrs.) CH) MOVE "Derby O'GIM And The Little People" ( 1959, Fantasy) Albert Sharpe. Seen Connefy. An old Irish caretak8f' who Is about to loee his Job to a younger man captures the king of the leprechauns and fotoes him to grant three wishes. 'G' (1 hr., 35 mlnJ_ 8:30 (I) e NEWS I BARNEY MIU.ER KRAFT M08IC HAU "An Evenl~ With Jay Lerner" The CC>mp<>91( of "Brigadoon. • "My Fair Lady'' and "CamelOt" examines his careef. (1 hr.) e CAMERA THREE "Fats Walter: An American Orlglnal" The New YC>fk cast of the Broadway hit "Ain't Mlsbehavln"' aatutes the great American jazz musician. WlQ8f and composer. (R) I 8'JSaNES8 REPORT THE GOLDEN AGE OF Ta.EVISION "The Days Of Wine And Roees" Pipe( Lautle and Cliff Robert- son star u a husband and wife who fan Into the ptt ' of alcoholism. ( 1 hf .• 30 min.) 7:001cC88 NEWS I HAPPY NE'f:vs AGAIN AICNEWS P.M. MAGAZINE KOJAK "" A NON-COMBATIYI PROC•81 -COUNIELOR·ATIORNEY TEAM Rl!A80NAllLE COST f:O{t PURTHER •o People at play Omar Sharif and Victoria Principal co-star in "Pleuure Palace,'' a drama about romance and intrigue in gambling circ l es, to be rebroadcast on KNXT (Cb. 2) Wednesday at 9p.m. ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT u ·A·s·H JOt<ER'S WILD 8U8IHESS REPORT THE MUPPET'S • MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING MOVIE "Grand Illusion" (1937, Orama) Jean Gabln, Erich Voo Stroheim. World War I prisoners conflict with a German commandant. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) (];J MOVIE "The Retum Of The Secaucus Seven" ( 1980. Orama) Mark Arnott, Gordon Clapp. The members of a group of college students active In the protest movement during the '60s galher fOf a weekend reunion. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) cm MOVIE "Goin' Ape" (1981, Comedy) Tony Danza. Jessica Walter. Three orangutans hotd the purse strings to a ~million inheritance. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 27 min.) • CZ) MOVIE "Overlord" ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 7:061NEWS 7: 10 KINER'& KORNER 7:30 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a chat with Mort Sahl, who has becOme an Institution In polltk:al sat· ire· a visit with a chimney sweep: a look at a senior citizen's kazoo band called the "Humdingers." I . FAMtl Y FBJO LAVEANE & 9'1R.EY & COMPANY EVE ON LA. Featured: a road trip with the Ptay- boy bunnies; a report on child pornography; a tour oflas~s. l ~:~~ONIGHT YOU ASKED FOR rT M•A•&•H SIGNATURE Guest: Dr. Johathan MUler. (Part i MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT \\ednesday (continued) ti!> MEDIA PROBES "The Future" Futurist Peter Schwartz e)(plores the effects of new media fOl'ms on the way we nve, wori< and play. Q 7:S54Z) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Los Angeles Ood..Q_ers (3 hrs., 15 min.) 8:00 9 Cl) CBS NEWS SPECIAL "Our Friends The Germans" Bill Moyers reports on the ~ and government of West Germany. their attitudes toward the United States, America's military pr4& ence there. the growing peace movement and the ~ight of Berlin. (1 hr.) U 8 REAL PEOPLE Featured: a CathOllc priest who Is atso a vaudevillian; a trick-shot pool player; a surling dog; a man who rents tanks. (Rt ( 1 hr.) 8 MOVIE "Dreamer" ( 1979, Orama) Tlm Mathe- son, Susan Blakely. A yoong bowler has to over-come many obstacles while trying to reach f°' his llfe~.dream. (2hrs.) 8 ([I THE GREATEST AMERteAN HERO A high- ranking Thai general lmolements a plan to eliminate the ten top scientific mlnds in the country. (R) ( 1 hr.) 1J MOVIE "The Young In Heart'' ( 1938. Comedy) Janet Gaynor. Douglas Fairbanks Jr. A family of zany con artists are reformed by a wealthy old dow· ager who had originally beeo their ne)(t target. (2 hrs.) Cl) 891NY Hill • P.M. MAGAZINE P.M. Magazine's 2nd Anniver- sary Is celeb<ated with special segments and a look backstage. ( 1 hr.) e MOVIE "Joe Panther" ( 1976 ) Brian Kieth. Ricardo Montalban. A young Seminole Indian youth has trouble adapting to a white man's world. (2 hra.) I~ PROBES "The Future" Futurist Petef Schwartz explores the effects of new media forms on the way we llYe. wort< and play. O • Pl.ACK)() DOMINGO: MA8nR CLASS The great tenor wOO<s with up-and-<:on'llog singefs from the Phlladelphla College tor the Perlormlng Arts. CB> MOYIE "Dead And Burled" (198f, Horror) James Farenttno. Melody Andlrlon. A small-town polcernan lfwestigates • aerlee of ba.erre murdefa. 'R'~mln.) (I) "Panda Mater" • MOVIE "The Huntef" ( 1979, Orama) Steve MoOueen. El Watlach. Ralph "Papa" Thorton leads • dangerous Ute aa a modem-day bounty hooter. 'PG' (1 ht .. 38 min.) 8:30 Cl) IRONBtDE t8 NAPOLEON CONQUERS AMERICA A ftlm of the tour of Abel Ga~'• epic, tupdton, whfc:h wu lost and then,..~,) • Pl.ACC>O • ~ Cli.A88 The great tenor wOtits with up.and-oomlng llngere, ffom the Philadelphia C°"8ae for the PerlorfnlnQ Ana. e STAGES: HOUSEMAN DIRECTS LEAA Camer- as r8COl'd the cret1t1Ye proceea as John Houleman directs The Acting Company In rtheefMle for Shakespeare's "King Leer"; Jaon Roberds nar- rates. (1 hr.) (D) -..ovae .. The Fan" (1981. Suaperwe) Lauren Bacall. James Gamer. A popular film star II Yloflm- lzed by a plyehotlc edmlrer. 'R' (1hr .• 36 min.). (I) WAa<V WORLD <::# Jat4ATHAN WINTERS Guest: McLean St8"90800. (%) MOVIE "Oisappeereoce" (19n. Solpense) OonaJd Suthef'land. · Ffanclne Recttte. An Interna- tional Nt m8(I becomes oblteaed wtth finding hie ~ wtfe. 'R' (1 tv., ~min.) 9:008 (I) MOYE "Pleu.K• Palace" (1980. Dra- ma) Omar Sl\8rlf, Victoria Principal. A man lntetl\a- tlonaly known for his gemblrlg end rOl'Mfltlc con- iJ finds hit reputation at ltakt In both areas. 2tn.) TIE FACTS OF LIFE Tootle ~ta the part In the tdK>Ol S*y that Nltallt wanted. (R) e 9 ~ FALL GUY Howle ta«ee on an appt1r- .,tty """* cw which aOmthow ...,. Cott In J.a and ent~ the two In dtedlV lntemetlonel Intrigue. (Pert 1~ (R) (1 hr.) • . WW GtU IN GYetta: Thi Monroee. Mlot*8 LAe. Penttopt AuaMnoff. Kat~ t(Jlngtr. Dottle AtcNtlilld~ ~ • 8T ·JIEM,AN DNCT8 LEAR Cemtr· • rwcord the cr•M ptOC*e • JOhn ~ dltecta The Acting company In ~ for ~~·· "King LMt": J..on Aoberdl nit• ra• 1 hr.) , CC> MCM ''The Jaz &naiir" ( 18IO. Mul6cel) Nell CilrriOnd. Laurence OIMti. A H9w YOik OIWltor bfeM•~wtm Wnity tredltton Ind Mtl out to ftnd auo- cw• am '""81c tter. 'PG' (1 tw •• 56 min.) Cl> 8f"OR carra . W MOVIE "Feet To Fact" (1876, Drlml) Uv Ullmann, Et1and JoaapMolL Dnc:ted·~bV Ingmar Bergman. After IUflering · 1 naMM ~down, a clinic* trill -fo ..... Of ldenlttY ----- SBOCXBD -Diam (Lyna ..,_w) md unpopular .....,.,,t principal llr. Brody (Norman Blrtold) are unable to Qll.,.., tbelr concern over • compute~ ellldeacy .tudy th.at could result ID the lirbJg al • number 'Of btculty memben Jn "Geml Md Butter' In '4Tmc:hen ~· w~ at 9:30.p.m. on KNBC (OJ. i). bama; doocn and couples who employ the MNtoes of sperm banks; the 21at Netlonal Tractor Pull. (1 hr.) 9:30 8 e TEACHliA8 OHL Y 06tna putt .-ese h8f personal teelr)QS and tights to ....,. Brody'• job. which Is being tfweattne<fby budgetary cut~. (!) MOVE .. Mlraodl" (1948, Comedy) Qlynla John$. Margaret fMtierford. A phyldcten on e fteh.- ~vacation retll In his dretm girl. ( 1 hr., 30 mlnJ. t8 KRAFT~ HALL "An Ewinlnn With y Lerner" The compoeer of "Br~:" "My Fair Lady" and "Camek>t" exemlnelhlscareer. (fhr.) e MONEY AND M~ Ways of reducing health care costs without secrtflclng qoallty ete exa- mined. ( 1 hr.) (!) OOLF HIGHUGHTB "1979 U.S. Open" 10:008 e QUNCY The owner of a horse ranch whefe disabled youngsters get tiding theraoV Is found dead. and Outncy suspect• murder. (A) ( 1 hr.) 11 ~AlexJs IChefnel to rekindle hef relatlonahlp with etMe, •lld Krystle's nubh niece unexpectedly arrMI fot an Indefinite atay. (R) (1 hf.) • MM>E .. TAIWAA Chlneae actr .. Hu Ying Mong hotta •lo<* at teteY!ek>n In TalW9n and exam- ines Coniemporary end traditional ChlneM culturf. &;a~~ "1980 Wlmblldon" (1 hr.) • CBJ STANOIHQ ROOM ONLY ''M.c o.• In Con- cert" ( 1 hr.~ Cl> MOVIE 'Arecracker" C ~ _,.. Kessner. Derby Hinton. A mlftllf m11 ~ er trevell 10 the Ol'lent In tMfch of her ~ ._ ••. 'R' (1hr .• 26 n*\.) • ~ "Llpltlck" {1978. Dr..,_) ~ ~y. AnM Bancroft. A top ,..,.,,.. tnidil ti humlllated and tn.treted by her ""*iocu_,. attemptt to MntlOCI the man who ~ her eo ~· 'R' (1tv .• 30mln.) 10:30.NEWI • lk*ATUAE Ouaat: Dr.~"'-...... (Plln ~ r;JAZZ. AT THE NMC1'8Wa 8tO! •91 L: Tno (No. 2) ·• Bl evn. p19no; Mere JOM.. eon. bael: Joa~ druft'll.; (A)~ (1 hr.) CD> MOVIE 'Why Would I L.le'r' (1080, Comedv) lreet ~ Ula ~ A ~ llir Ul>Mt• the tiati. quo wtlh hie ,...., to oot1bm. ,'PG'· (2 ""'1 · Cl>MOYE 'The LM Chete'' (1111, ~~ tlOn) lAa .. _._ •• c....; 9:1 J ...... , ir J ·• • • • • f. • . • . s $] • .. # I of.automoblleS. '1-'u ' ( 1 hr .• 40 min.) 10:604Z) MOVIE "Goodbye. My Fancy" ( 1951, Come- dy) Joan Crawford, Robert Young. A female pollttco returns to h« alma mater to receive an honorary degree, but Instead becomes an object of Q08Slp when her pasl misadventures are recalled. (2 hrs .• tOmin.l_ 11:009D8Cl)111 e NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR rT JOE~NK1..IN M•A•S*H BENNY HILL STYLE • DICK CAVETT CC) MOVIE "The Visitor" (1978, Horror) Mel Ferrer. John Huston. An ancient from a distant galaxy comes 10 Earth to destroy an eVll 8-year-old gfrt who is destined to be the mother of a powerful, malevo- lent race. ·~· ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) (!)SPORTS FORUM CH> MOVIE "Stripes" (1981, Comedy) 8111 MurTay, Harold Ramis. A New YOl'k cabble IOOklng for e)(citement convinces his best friend to loin hlm In enlisting In the U.S. Army. 'A' (1 hr., 20 min.) 11:16([) MOVIE "Camille 2000" ( 1969, Orama) Dan· iele Gaubert. Nino Castelnuovo. A young woman addicted to drugs leads a series of men Into tragic affairs. 'A' (2 hrs .. 14 min.) 11:308 Cl) MOVIE "The Seduction Of Miss Leona" (1980, Orama) Lynn Redgrave. Anthony Zerbe. A reclusive college teacher falls In love with the mar- ried maintenance man who has been repairing her house. (R) (2 hrs., 15 min.) D e TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guests: Dionne Warwick, Charlea Nelson RelUy. ( 1 hr.) I «I NJC NEWS NtGHTLINE MOVIE "Shoot Arst, Ole Later" (1973. Orama) Richard Conte. A honest police officer Is driven to reve~ when he finds that the local syndlcate won't take • no" f0< an answer to thefr attempt to put him on~ I SANFOAD ANO SON NAPOLEON CONQUERS AMERICA A film of the tour of Abel Gance'•~. Hepoleon, which wu tost end then restored. ( 1 hr.) · .• CAMERA THAEE "Feta Welter: An American Qr1alMI" The New YOik cast of the Broadway hit "Afn't Mlsbehevln'" salutes the great American jaZz ~~~.(R) • 8PORT8 CENTER . ~ AOMANCE: LOVE AT THE <a:>88AOAD6 ~3) • MOYIE "Blow Out" ( 1981. Sulptnae) John Trevotta, Nancy Alen. A sound teotlrician Who WQtt(s on horror films becomlS lnvoM9d In a murder mystery when he wltMSlll an ~ 'A' (1 hr .• '5 min.) 12:00,ENTt:RTAINMENT TONIGHT • LOVE BOAT Gopher Is fired, a manltd man travefllng with hie mlstreea rune Into hla nelghbcn, and • salesman Is ordered by his boll to woo a stubborn women. (R) (1 hr., 10 min) Cl) MOVIE ''Capteln C.rey U.S.A.' (1960, MV-- tery) Alen Ladd, Wenda Htndrilt. Folowlng Wand War II, an OSS agent retume to Italy In search of an Informer. (1 hr .• 30 min.) • MOVIE ''Or. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde" (19'1, HOt'- ror) Spencer Tf8CY, ltlgttd Bergman. A mental ape- ciaf181'1 e~ts on hlmMlf eventually ce&M Nia destruction. (2 htl., 30 min.) •LOVE. AMERCAN STYLE Cl>~ "Pmete Benjamin" (1880. eom.dy) Goldle Hawn, Eiieen Brennan. A wel-te>-d;o young woman mlata4cenly )c*'8 the Atrrtt ~ the dttth of her new hLm>end on thl1r w8Ctcll'lg night. 'R' i1 hr •• 60 min.) 12:..15(1) MOYIE '"The M.kect Kiit" (1864, er.ma) Conltanot Tower. ~ Bllev· When I glr1 II l"'9ted kw nuder, her tt'9dV pMt II rweeled. (1 hr., 33~) 12:30 •• LATE NIGHT wrrH DAVID l.ETTEAMAN Gutetl! Hank w.ni Jr., apot'8 procaar Bud O..iepein. ftlM dl*tor JoM ~. (1 hr., I OOUPLEI • NEWI • ICRAFT MU8IC HAU. ''An ~ With .i.J Lemtt'' The ~ of ··~ '"My FS La~' and ''Carntiot'' ~ C8f'eet, (1 hr.) Cl) ~ I EGE a•SEBAU ''Collgt Wc:M1d s.tlia" {9aml 8) from Omaha. M*Mka. (S tft:) ca> MCJlt1E ''Short EY91" (1871. Dnli'rW) 8Ncit Oevllon. Jc. Perez. ConYlctS attempt to "8y .._ In the bnltll at~ of a PftaCln wn.r. certain fellow lftml* twelk almolt ~ ~ "-Of ~·'ft' (1 hr., ~rNn;) . 12:3S(C)MOVE"PaiadlM~' (1878, Orlme) 8Y1-: ..... ltalON, Annand AIMme. 1'hNe IClhe"*'G .. ..... "°"' ... Hlih WAchln ~ d .... ~-Cly oomtJN .......... twalntl llfld....., In .... eftort9 to cnete better 11¥19 tar ....... - 'P.G' 1 "'·· •1-. ... . 1:-t:'* .,. s• ------ 16 ~ Wrlnesday (cootinued) ~ slao-Amerlcan girt who has been edUoaled In the U.S. returns to her Island home and falls In love with a pearl diver. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) ~ 1:00• M0\11E "Seven Times Seven" (1973, ~ ~ dy) Terry-Thomas:-Llonel Stander. Seven convicts escape from prison to pull off a spectacolar heist at the Royal Mint. (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "My Dear Secretary" ( 1948, Comedy) Laraine Day. Kirk Douglas. An author's secretary finds that he likes girls and plays the field more often than he writes. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) (fl) MOVIE "Sword Of The Conqueror" ( 1962, Adventure) Jack Palance. Eleanora Rossi-Drago. The beautiful daughter of a sixth-century Byzantine ~ k~becomes the coveted prize In a deadly duet (2 a: hrs. 1: 10 M0\11E "Perfect Friday" ( 1970, Comedy) Ursula Andress. Stanley Baker. An assistant baOk manager pen1U8des a wealthy couple to help him rob hiS bank. ( 11\r .. 30 min.) 9NEWS 1:15CD MOVIE "Ruckus" (1980. Drama) Dirk Bene- dict. Linda Blair. A shell-shocked Vietnam vet dl&- turbs the peace of a small Alabama town. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 85 min.) 1:aoaeNEWS (J) FACE. ll4E MUSIC D MOVIE "Blow-Up" (1966, Mys1ery) David Hemmings. Vanessa Redgrave. When a young Lon- don photographer has some of his pictures blown up, he discoYe<S what appears to be a murder. (2 1:~ .. NEWS (%) MOVIE "Inside Moves" (1980, Orama) John Savage, David Morse. A newcomer to the group of regulate at an Oakland bar may hold the key to making the bartender's dream of becoming a-pro ba*etbd player a reality. 'PG' (1 hf .. 53 min.) 2:00(1) MO'JIE' ''American Gigolo'' (1980, Drama) Richa.rd Gefe, Lauren Hutton. A 8evefty H-glgok> becomes the prime suspect In a murder lnvesllga- tion. 'Fr (1 hf., 57 min.) 2:06 (J) NEWS 2:168 MOVIE "The Money Jungle" (1968. ~ tery) John Ericson, Lola Albright. An Investigator II pretMd Into tefvlce to get to the bottom of a Mrle8 :i=::.~•~ted wtth map 2:20(11) "EMI" (1979, 8'epphy) Kurt~ sel. 5..on tM'ey. EM1 ftreltey ,_ fr'om povttty and ~ ID llChi9ve bllM Ind fortooe aa a ~,...performer. (2 hrl... 30 min.) 2:30 (J) IJOl9 ltl SifEI CH · · e MOYIE "Swatoga" (1937, Orama) Cleftt Gable • .-, Hattow. The dry deughter of a WMlthy horM breeder becOme8 romantlcally lnYotYed with • big-time bodt'9. (2 hrt.) (C> MOYE .. .._, Streets" (1913, Dr= HalWY Keitel. RoOer1 Olt Nro. A emal Mme and NI kresponltie fl'tend ~ plenty of trOUbte In New . Yor1t'1 Utile Italy. 'Fr (1 hf .• 50 min.) =~ ''Maslecre RIYer'' (1949, Western) Guy • fby Calhoun. Jeab.-rivalry INptl among three c.vlllty offloera who are al In love with the SllrDe ~ ( 1 hr., 30 min.) w JOE FAAMClM a:;)~ tlQHUGHT8 "107• U.S. Open" • MOYIE .. The AwaMrq" ( 1980. Hofrot) ChM- ton Heeton. Sounnah Yortc. An ar~·· daughter becon'.-poea••d by the ~ eplrit of an anolent Egyptian queen. 'R' ( 1 hf .. •2 m~ ~-MOYE "~'I hf .• 90 min.) •:OO .IMfl'f 8W ~::~=~ FeelUted: ~ trom Ctwtetle'I In New YOl't< to the b9c:kfoedl of Ate- bama: donofS aind couplet who emptoy the ~ of &perm bankt; the 211t National Traciot AA!. (1 hr.) ..... ~ . 4-30S,~TOTHEIOTTOM OF THEIEA • fll ltOtt IMP088B.E MOYIE "Gttnd Mullon" (1937, Ofame~ ErlCh Von Strohtlm. Wor'ld Ww I confllct with • GenNn commandllnt. ( hf.. 65 .. :~I DREAM OF JEN#IC '4;80 (I} 8TANDIG ~ ONLY ''Mac Davia In Concert" ( 1 hr. l Liz Montsomery in movie HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Sllaabetb Mm...., .... In the CBI movte "A Prtvate Im ..... den" It la tb9 .-Y of a WOIWD who undertakii a penonal lnv .. tlption of her 1 bu9' rm'I iliurder. . ft9 _. la now tn DrG~lllln Thursday \I< >1 l ~ I '\( • \I< >\ 11 .~ 6:16(%) "Disappearance" (1977. Suspense) Donald Suthef1and, Francine Racette. 6:30e ''Disappearance" (1977. Suspense) Donald Sutherland. Francine Racette. 8:06@ "Santiago" (1956, Adventure) Alan Ladd, Rossana Podesta. 7:00g "A Challenge For Robin HOOd" (1968. Adventure) Barrie Ingham, James Hayter. (%) "... If' ( 1~. Drama) Maloolm McDowell. David Wood. 7:30(1) "Continental Divide" (1981. Romance) John Belushi, Blalr Brown. e:oo<C> "A Fistful Ot Dynamite" ( 1972. Adventure) Jamee Coburn, Rod St~. • (II) "Continental DMde (1981, Romance) J()tln Belushl. Blair Brown. 8:06 (ll) "Ride Beyond Vengeance" ( 1966, W'estetn) Chuck Connors, Mlchael Aennle. ~00(%) "0 lucky Mani" (1973, Drama) Malcolm McDowell. Ralph Richardson. 9:30• "The Star Pechr" (1934, Wettem) John WaYJ!8. Verna Hlnle. · 10:00 00 ''Chu Chi.I And The Philly Flash" (1~1, ~) Alan Arkin, Ca/OI Burnett. (I) "Blow·Up" ( 1966, Mystery) David Hemmings, Vanesae Redgrave. 10:06(f1J "Oark City'' (1950. Ofama) Charlton Hee.- ton, Ltzabeth&:ott. 10:30CC> "A Faoe In The Crowd" (1957, Orama) ~ Grlffhh, Patricia Neel. e 'The Kid From Not-So-Big" ( 1978, Comedy) Jennifer McAllist•, Robert Viharo. .\I 11 .H '\< H >~ \I< >\.I LS 12:008 "Buffak> Bir' (1944, Western) Joel McCrea. Linda Demel. 8 "Beneath The 12 Mlle Reef'' (1953, AdWn- -tufe) Terry Moore. Robert w~. 8 "The Naked Meja" (1959, Orama) Ava Gatdnet. Anthony Francloaa. (%) "The Naked tOaa" (19M, Orama) Constance Tower. Anthony BISey. 12:30(1) "The Stunt \ten" (1980, Drama) Peter O'TOOle. Stew Rdlbeolc • "Stevie" (1978, Biography) Glenda JacksOn. TreYOI Howard. 1:00(!) "Wll Succe11 Spol Rock Huntef?" (1957, ~) Tony Randal. Jayne Manlfteld. CC> "Birth Of The Beettel" (1979, Orama) Stephen Mackenna. Rod~ 1:80 (II) "Hog Wiid" ( 1980, Comedy) Patti D' Att>an- vlle, MlchMt Biehn. 1:46(1) "~ Stunt Man" (1980, Orama) Peter O~OOle. Steve Ralllback. 2!00CJ:) "Thole Ups, Thoee Eyea" (1980, Comedy) Frar* ~ Gt;nnll O'Connor. aoo(ll) ''Tfie Bleck Marble'' (1980, Dr,ama) Robert Foxworth. Paula PrentJIL 4:008 "Dirty Money'' (1972, Orama) Richard erenna. camenne 0eneuve. Cl) "Winds Of Change" ( 1978) Animated., e "The Kid From Not..so-afl" (1978, Comedy) Jennifer McA .. teJ, Pobert V!Nito. (%) ''l.8c:Ombe. Lucien" (1974, Adwnh.H) Pierre Blalle. Aurore Oement. $:00 (!) "Oruma ~The Mohawf(" ( 1939, Adven- ture) HenJy Fonda. Claudette Cotbert. CC> 1'The ~t Hultte" t1 tv .. .a min.) 5:ID8 "The Threepenny Opeta" (1931, Musklal) Lotte Lenya. Ern1t Buech. ~ Cl) "I s.nt A Letter To My loYe" (1981. Romance) Simone Signore«. Jean Rochefort. I \ I '\ l '\( I 7 TEACHERS STRIKE -Lori Slager portrays Julie in the popuwr NBC te1ev1aion aien.. "Fame." In the Dwwlay eplaode an KNBC •t 8 p.m., the teerhen go out OD atrtke during the reheuul of • achool pl'Oduction of OtbelJo. Oard String Quartet In Concert" Contemporary jazz and cSasslcal ~ combine thelf atytee In John Lewis'• ''Sketch'' and Gunther Sc:hullet's ''Progres- sion In Tempo. ':@O ·BU81tEBS~ 1:oosgea~ .HAPPY DAYS AGAIN A8CNEW8 P.M.MAGAZM kOJM( MEET THE MAYORS ENTERTMM'NT TONIGHT w•A•s•H JOICBf8 Wl.D BU8NB8 ""'REPOA""'~AT..,. THE MUPP£1'8 MAGIC OF Ql PAIN'TlNO MOYIE "Morganl" (1966, Comedy) Vanessa Redgreve. Oevld warner. A te:Nzoptwenlc can't acoept the fact that his ex~wlte II remarrying and attends her wedding dteeeed as e gorilla. (1 hf .. 40 att..e WAS ''The 1970." Diet< Cavett conc:lodes the documentary series with a look at tf'9 decade which 1ncluded the. Watergate bfeak-1n. the Ameri- can Biolntennlal c:etebratlon and IUCh trends as Jogging and dl8o0. ( 1 hr.) (]JM<ME "On The Right Track" (1981. Con'Mldy) Gary Coleman, Mloh8el Lef'l"beck. A eoclel worl<er tries to find a normal home for a tr8'n utton shoeshine boy with. a t•lent tor J>'Cklng the ponlel.. 'PG' c1 hr .. s? min.) CD> MOYE'''Oog Day Afternoon" ( 1875, Drema) Al Pacmo. John cuate. A New Vork City bank robbery ~Into a near-<:lreut when~ acd¥- lata Join ~ to .iage an anti-police protest dutlng the C!!f*· (1hr .• 30 min.~ CZ> MOVE "... 1r (1068. Dreml) Malcolm McOoMI. ~Wood. The oppi.-Ne ~e at an Englilh bovl' ldlool leadl to a Vlolent ltudent rebellon. 'A' (1hr .• 51 l'nln.) 7:061NEW8 7:30 HOl .. I OOONEY SHOWDOWN t<NXT Channel 2 aportl dlfectot Jim HNI and~-~the upcoming t 9 8 8PEC1AL "P.A." Mlllont of Puerto Rk:alw migrate to New York City In Mlird'I of the American dre9n; the ....._ of bOfh countrlel .,. tMn ttVouDh the ~·~ c( Clnot • hll f8rnly a ttc,-"'8M It In NtW YC)rt{, _.,. & .-:.EV a OOMl'Ntt Thursday (continued) ci.als: a poor man's guide to Rodeo Drive with John· n Mountain. 8) TIC TAC DOUGH APPLE POUSHERS YOU ASKED FOR IT M*A*S*H SIGNATURE Guest· Joe Frazter MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT F.AMILY FEUD TA.KING ON TOMORROW This documentary explores the aspects of physically handicapped and learning impaired students at Santa Ana College. Cl) AEROBICISE: BEGINNER Get in shape. look good. and feel great with this physical fitness pro- gram. 8:00 • .MAGNUM, P.t. Magnum flies to Sicily to res· cue a damsel in distress. (R) ( 1 hr.) D fl) FAME The teachers go out on strike during rehearsal for a school production of Otheno. <.,A) ( 1 hr.) • MOVIE "See How They Run" ( 1965, Advert· ture) John Forsy1he. Senta Berger. A murderer tracks down three orphans who have unwtttlngly gained possession of Incriminating evidence. (~ hrs.) 8 aJ MORK ANO MINDY Upset by Mork's Inten- tion to marry. Orson turns the errant Orkan Into a QQg. (A) (I) M*A*S*H D THE SILENT CRISIS Hosts: Stan Mooneyham. Carol Lawrence. Guests: Mike Douglas, Dick Van Patten, Maureen McGovern. ( 1 hr.) Cl) 8ENNV HU -• P.M. MAGAZINE A group that helps housewives ent8f the ;.:>t> market: a sea.going bicycle Is taken on a 60-mile voyage. • \IOV1E "Operation Pacific" (1951, Adv9hture) John Wayne. f>atricia Neal. A submarine command- er controls his etew with Hmltless devotion. (2 hrs.) QI BOTANIC MAN "Crucible Of life" An examlna· tlon of how basic chemical elements came to form life and a historical look at the earth's geography. •• LAST CHANCE GARAGE &ad Sears offefs advice on buying and applying car care products. • SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk· ·et heat an lnfofmatlYe look at what's new at the movies. (I) SPORTS CENTER (II) MOVIE "Chu Chu And The Philly Rash" (1~1. Comedy) Alan Arkin. Carol Burnett. An elcot'iollc former basebaft player and a kooky atreet entertain- er become partnen In a 8Cheme to make money by returning a lost suitcase. 'PG' (1 ht., 40 min.) Cl) M<ME "Continental Divide" (1981, Rom8nce) John BeUhl, Blair Brown. A Chicago ~ columnllt travels to ttle Rockies to eacepe eome polltlcel heat and Int~ a rectuslw naturalist. 'PG' (1 hf .. .a min.) • • MOVIE 'J.D. And The Salt Flat Kid" (1 hr., 30 8::'~wOMANWATCH . 8;30. O BOSOM BUOOIE8 Henry and Klp go to theif high school reunion. (R) Q I M•A•s•H RACING FROM ROOSelEL T ALL IN THE FAMft. Y NBW NEXT FAU -Peter &rlM (rtgbt) atan in the title role of Matthew Star, a teen.ager from another world who Is both clairvoyant and telekinetic, and Emmy Award winner Lou.ls Gaalett Jr. playa Max, the man who broc.lgl>t him to Earth and acta a hJa trusted ~ in '"'The Powen of Matthew Star, ' a IJl!W at!l'1es oomln6 nut llll1 on KNBC (O!. 4). a MOVIE "The Threepenny Opera" (1931, Musi- cal) Lotte Lenye. trnst Busch. A moslcal about · crime and passion In London'• Soho district In the 189011 based on "The Beggar's Opera." (2 hrs.) • SHEM< PREVIEWS Re>gef Ebert and Gene Slak- e! host an Informative look at what'a new at the movies. e lA8T CHANCE GARA<Jl!! Brad 6e8tl fixes a net tire and look.a· at the quallty-controf end of the auto Industry. (I) TOP fltANK 80)CING From las Vegas. NaYeda. !? ht• .. 30 min.) CD) WHAT H.V~Bel TO THE MAI. 8:35® MOVIE "legend Of A"red Paci(~' (1980, Adllenture) Patrlcit Brey, Ron Haines. Aw man search for gold In the .Rocky Mountains untl a bll.z· zard strikes. (2 hrs.) 9:00,SMOH & Sa.tOH e DFPAENT 8TAOt<E8 Arnold preperee for his first nighttime date. (R) Q e 0 8AaNEY MIU~ An old men attempts ..... elde so that his cousin can collect the Insurance. and a cardiac resusdtatlon Instructor goes be'1ettc ~a department store.. (R) O -W--MCME. "Serpico" (1913, Orama) Al Paclno. '"O Tony Roberta. An honest pollceman sactlflce9 his 5 career and etmost his Mfe to expose hlgtHevel cor--~tlon In the New Yortt Pollce OeQartment. (2 tq.) ~ a All 000'8 CHILDREH Mllllonf of the world's children live In a delicate belanoe between life and ~ death, hope end despair. ( 1 hr.) ~ Cl) MOVIE "Piiiars Of The Sky" (1956. Western) ,, Jett Chandler, Dorothy Malone. A tough sergeant :i learns to respect the men he once hated aft8f fight· '<.~ ~ •lonQSkte them. (2 hrs.) • • MEAV GRIFFIN Guests: Dick St\awn, Howle Mandell, Amanda McBroom, Ken Kercheval, Dale Lowdermllt<. (1 hr.) • NUMERO UNO France's Jean-Claude Kiiiy. winner of all thtee alpine skiing gofd medals In the 1968 Winter Olympics. Is profiled. • MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Flici<era" Arnie gains respect for his wife when she pitches In to help convert en old warehouse Into 1 moYle studio. (Part :ft Q (1 hr.) . CC) MOVIE "A Fistful Of Dynamite" (1972, Adven- ture) James Coburn. Rod Steiger. An Irish revolu- tionary and a Mexican thief who team up to rob banks somehow wtnd up being heroes of the Mexi- can revolution. (2 hrs., 20 min.) (I) MOVIE "The Late Show" ( 1977, Mya18fY) Art Camey. Uy Tomlln. A seasoned private eye encounter• btackmall and murder when he comes out of retirement to locate a cat· belonglng to an offbeat female client. ( 1 hr .• 35 min.) · ~= "O Luci<y Mani" (1973, c:nma) U. colm McDowell, Ralph Richardson. A coffee sales- man Is captured as a spy and sent to prison where he contemplates a career In the movies. (2 tn., -46 mlnJ_ 9:308 e GJMME A BREAK Katie persuades Julie to take the college entrance examination for her. IB> ~ • O TAXJ Jim Is given two concert tic:Mts by a fate and asks Elaine to accompany him. (A) Q • UP AHO COMING "Hard Heads" Frank consid- ers joining forces wtth his business rtvaJ. Q <Ill ON LOCATION "Robert Klein" Klein comments on the growing pain. we've all experienced. ( 1 ht .. 30mln.) (II) MOVIE ''The FNl Countdown'' ( 1980, Science- ACtion) Kirk Oougtes, Martin Sheen. A myster1oua storm at sea transports the atomic-powered alrcrah C81Tlef U.S.S. Nimitz back In time to December 6, 1941, positioning the vesael between PMr1 Harbor and the advancing Japanese fleet. 'PG' (1 ht .. .a min.) . • MOVIE "On The Right Track" (1981, Comedy) Gary Coleman, Michael Lemback. A aocilU wortc• tries to find a normal home for • train atdon lhoestft boy with • talent for pic:t(Jng the ponies. 'PG' (1 hr .• 3? min.) 10:00,l<NOTS LANDtNO • Hl.1. -sTAEE--r BLUES captain fiKllo offers to tum In hie badge, and an alt·nlght poket game makes Joe decide to deaJ wtth Lucy In a different mannet. (~hr.) 111120 AFR9CA'8 WEEPING. .. BUT WHO'S LISTEN- ING? Hosts: Carol Lawrence. St81l Modnayham. "The Dally Piiot has been our most effective · source of advertising." C-c i . .. .. -l t I 18 ~Thursday (continued) CJ) 'P"' Guests: Efrem Zlmbalist Jr.. Dean Jones. William ShatneJ, (1-hf.) I TO THE MANOR BORN THE LAWMAKERS Correspondents Linda Wer· thelmer and Cokle Roberts join Paul Duke for an up- to-the-m1nute summary of Congressional actNities. ~ Cl) A BARE TOUCH OF MAGIC Wood-class magl-:g clan Shimada. the smoke-eating Carrizinl and an LL exciting "execution" by guillotine as well as beaut!- • ful showgirls and dazzling magical feats are fea-..§' tured. (1 hr.) 10:30.NEWS ~ I SIGNATURE Guest: Joe Frazier UPPOMPSI ~ MONEYMAKERS Cl: 10:36t1Z) MOVIE "Sweet Smell Of Sucoess" (1957, Orama) Burt Lancaster. Tony Curtis. With the help of a cringing press agent, a powerlul and e¥il New York columnist breaks up his sister's romance with a musician. (2 hrs.J 11:008 8 8 Cl) 0 fl) NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT ALL GOO'S CHILDREN Millions of the world's children llve In a delicate balance between life and death, hope and despair. ( 1 hr.) • I JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s•H BEHNVHILL BOTANIC MAN "Crucible Ot Life" An examina- tion of bow basic chemical elements came to form Hfe and a historical look at the earth's geography. • DICK CAVETT • TONY BROWN'S JOURNAL "Malcolm Arid 81- jah" Ton. y Brown reviews the historic confrontation between two of Amerfca's most powerful men - Maloolm X a'= Muhammad. ~'Continental DMde'' (t981. Romance) John Belushi, Blair Brown. A Chicago newspaper columnist travels to the Rockies to escape some political heat and Interview a reclusive naturalist. 'PG' (1hr.,4jmtn.) CD MOVIE "The Four Of Us" ( 1975. Orama) Thom- as Gerald, Robert Stewalt. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) (I) L.Aff.A-THON A comedian host and four comic contestants who compete against one another are featured In this uncenso<ed comedy game show. 11:16CD) MOVIE "Hangar 18" (1980. Science-Ac· tlon) Darren McGavln. Robert Vaughn. Researchers at a secret government Installation Investigate the cause of a satellite's sudden destruction. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) . 11:308 Cl) OUINCY Qoincy suspects that an appar- ent homicide victim actualty died as a re90ft of a little-known diseaSe. ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) 8 • TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guest: Dena Hilt ( 1 tw.) • QI ABC NEWS NIGHTUNE I THE JEFfER80N8 • 8ANFOAO ANO SON MOVIE "The Threepenny Opera" (1931, M~ cal) Lotte Lenya, Ernst Busch. A musical about Clime and pas,1ion in London's Soho dlstrlct In the 1890's based on "The Beggar's Opera." (2 hrs.) • CAMERA THREE "ModetnJazz Ouattet I Jull- llard String Quartet In Concert" Coot ary Jazz IUlll SPICIAL FIRST GIBLl11ll£ND -Arnold (Gary O>leman) lw hJa lint date with Diane (Dena Crowder) in ''Double Date" on NBC• "Dlfrrent Strokes" Thw-.1.ay at 9 p..m. oo KNBC (Ch. 4). and classical musicians combine their stytes in John Lewis's "Sketch" and Gunther Schuller's "Progre&- sion In Tempo." (R) 0 • CAPTIONED ABC NEWS CC) MOVIE "Birth Of The Beatles" (1979, Orama) Stephen Mackerma. Rod Culbertson. The stOf)' of Jotio. Paul, Ringo and George from their obscure ~n= thefr stardom. ( l hr., 35 mi~.) ~ SAOMA~VE AT THE CROSSAOADS {fart 4) g MO\llE "The Stunt Man" (1980, Orama) Peter O'Toole, Steve Railsback. Wanted by the police; a disturbed Vietnam vet9ran finds an unsure haven on a movie set where a World War I epic Is being filmed. 'A' (2 hrs., 9 min.) 12:00 e ENTERTAINMEN'f TONGH'T • a VEGA$ Dan searche. for a counterfeiter who has flooded the stllp with phony chips and framed Dan for murder. (R) ( 1 tw .-. 10 min.) GOUR FOAGOTtEN FAMILY Hosts: Dale Evans, Stan Mooneyhem. Guests: Mike Douglas, William Shatner, Carol Lawrence. (f) MOVIE "Louisiana Purchase" (1941, Comedy) Bob Hope, Vera Zorina. A Northeln -Senator invelti- ~)shady political deeJlngs in New Or1eana. (2 • MOVIE "A Guy Named Joe" (19«. Fantasy) Spence< Tracy. Irene Dunne. A World War 1J pilot Is ________ CXJWQf _______ _ s Newport Gas N' Wash · °"Ile ThrU · llil!1 • llOM.·&MMU'DAY-tl2MO • .....C • lUl8.#MIEN'8DAY -112MO.PfUCE • wm. -.... DO' AIL· tll AIQ. '9UCC. ' • l'MURI. •'RH CA" WAIH WUO oAi.. GAS l'UACHASE • "''··!VERY 4tfl CAA fflD • IAT.·fRHIPAAYWAX WIAfQ. WASH • IUN. • fAfl WRAY WAX W/REG. WAIH • o-P•r C•••-•r warned by his girlfriend to let go of his reckless ways alter she receives a deadly premonition. (2 hrs., 30 min.) ti) LOVE. AMERtCAN STYLE (S) (%) MOVJE...,'The Stunt Man" ( 1980. Orama) Peter O'Toole. Steve Ra~sback. Wanted by the pohce. a dtSturbed Vietnam veteran finds an unsure haven on a movie set where a World War I epic tS be1'!:1l_ filmed. 'R' (2 hrs . 9 min ) 12:30U fl) LATE NIGHT WITH OA\ltO LETTERMAN Guests: Allen Ginsberg, Sid Ca8Sal. ( 1 hr.) I COUPLES NEWS COLLEGE BASEBALL "College World Series" {game 11) from Omaha, Nebraska. (3 hrs.) CD MOVIE "Tribute" (1980. Orama) Jack Lem- mon. Robby Benson. An irresponsible Broadway press ~nt begins to regret his wasted life and his tenuous relationship with his grown son. 'PG' (2 hrs.L 12:35 till MO\ltE "Elephant Gun" ( 1959, Adventure) Belinda Lee, Anna Gaylor. Romance blossoms in the JI.I~ of Africa. ( 1 he., 55 min.) 12:40B C1J MCMILLAN & WIFE Mac goes undercov- er as a flashy ex-convict to pinpoint the arrival of an International gold shipment. (R) (2 hrs .. 5 min.) 12:"5CB) MO\ltE "Blow Out" (1981, Suspense) John Travolta, Nancy Allen. A sound technician who wori<s on horror films becomes lnvotved in a murder mystery when he wltne:oses a!' assassination. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) . 1:00 G MOVIE "These Three" ( 1936, Orama) Joel McCrea. Miriam Hopkins. The lives and reputations of a man and two women are nearly destroyed by a child's vicious lie. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Death Smiles On A Murderer'' (1973 •• Horror) Ewa Aulin, Klaus Kinskl. A young man tamp8fS wilh the supernatural and attempts to restore life to the dead. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) . 1:10. MOVIE "I, Monster" .(1972, Horror) Christo- pher Lee, Pet8f Cushlng. A scientist experimenting with a sefUm develops a split personality. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) $ :e "Ashanti" ( 1979, Adventure) Michael Caine, Rex Harrison. A determined doctof sets off across the Sahara In hot pursuit.of a group of Arab slave traders who kidnapped his wife. 'A' ( 1 hr., "57 mini , 1:30 .NEWS · 2:00 MOVIE "Stripes" (1981, Comedy~ Bill Mur- ray, Harold Ramis. A New York cabbie looking fQf excitement convinces his best friend to Join him rn enlisting In the U.S. Army. 'R' (1 hr .. 20 min.) 2:06 (f) NEWS 2:10(%) MOVIE "The Naked Kiss" (1964, Orama) Constance Tower. Anthony Eisley. When a girt is arrested for murder. her shady past is revealed. ( 1 hr .. 33 min.) 2:15(1) PLAYBOY'S PLAYMATE REUNION Richard Dawson hosts the 25th aMivefsary celebration of Hugh Hefner's magazine at the Playboy Mansk>n West in HOlmby Hiits, Caltfornia. (1 hr .. 30 min.) 2:30 (f) MORNING STRETCH • MOVIE "Pride And Prejudice" (1940, Orama) Greef Garson, Laurence OIMet. A spirited English g!I fights for the man she loves. (2 hrs., 30 mln.) • MOVIE "The FUty Of The Wolfman" ( 1973, Hor· ror) Perla Cristal, Mark StlMI09t After aufferinQ a ==p -- Thursday (continued) small chest wound that changes shape. a scientist is transformed 11110 a ferocious. lupine beast. ( 1 ht .. 30min.) (17) RAT PATROL 2!35(11) MOVIE "Dog Day Afternoon" (1975, Ora- ma) Al Paclno. John Cazale. A New YOl'k City bank robbefy escalates into a near-circU$ when commu- nity activists join in to stage an anti-police protest durl the caper (2 hrs . 5 min ) 2:-'0 f'.4EWS 2:.S ·NEWS 3:00 MOVIE "One Heavenly Night" (1931, MusJ... cal) Evelyn Laye. John Boles. A young girl posing as a stage star becomes enthralled by the charms of a handsome nobleman. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (!) JOE FRANKLIN (17) NEWS 3:158 MOVIE "Sarah T. -Portrait Of A Teen-Age Alcoholic" ( 1975. Orama) Linda Blair, Verne Bloom A 15-year-old girl who has dlfficulty coping with a new life with her mother and stepfathef starts to drink secretly (t hr .. 35 min.) ... Star Trek From Page 3 the show continue to draw viewen.) As every ~ Trekkie knows, the Rrles wu the brainchild of Gene Roddenberry, a former pilot and Los Angeles police offioer who found he could earn more money Writing television a:ripta. Roddenberry had the idea of using a aience fiction format to dil8Wle the fact that be waa telling stories about important IOCial illues: The battle to bring this adence fiction 8eries to life was traced as follows in •The Making of Star Trek" by Stephen E . Whitfield and Gene Roddenberry. At the omet, Roddenberry had to hide hia Joftier intentklm by tell.ins television offidaJI bis conoep(J was "W.,on Train to the Stan." Desllu, a relattVely small studio with only one hit ("I Love u.cy•) to ita credit , was the only outfit willing to take a chance on the ahow. With a studio behind hiDl/ Roddenberry now had co ~ a necwork Commitment. In early 19&t he .pent two hours outllnina "Star Trek" to CBS execudwa. '1beir n!llpOme WU "lhanb, but no thanks." Tbe network aid it Wiii happier with another ICience fiction aerie. It WM diveloplnc: "Loll ln Spece." NBC, however, lhowed enouch intereei to finance deveJopment of "Star Trek" 1tory idela. In Jtme 1964, NBc ~ed Roddenberry'• a:ript outline for an epWode called '"lbe Cage," and pve him .the~ to make. pilot. Jef1tty Hunter w• .aped to ccimmand d\e Ent.erprW .. Captain Ou1&topher Pike. Leonard Nimoy WM hired to play Spock but almost qu.lt becau.e of the pointed ears he was required to wear. He had to take a Jot of ribblni from the crew TAKATA NURSERY.~ &Maintenance Elp!l't Japanese ~Service *MonlhlY-Weekty •Ytrd. Mllnt., Tree Trimming *eon.I~& Gener.. ca.in-up *Commerdll & Aelldentlal *20 YMrt &perienc:e TM arew·ot the USS En~ gather.on the bridge of the huge starship in "Star Trek: The Wrath of tbe Kbah." They are (tram left) George Takei (aa Sulu), DeForest Kelley (Dr. Leonard '~'' McCoy), Nichelle Nichols (Uhura), Walter Koenig (Chekov), William Shatner (J.us T. Klrlc), Jtu:De6 Dooban (Montgomery "Scotty" Scott), Kirstie Alley (Lt. S..vtlc) and Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock). and feared bJa pl of beccminc a "8erioua actor" was in jeopardy. Roddenberry and hia a.ldata stnagled to keep a Ud on production co1t1. The ship'• trampor1er' or 0 beamtnl'' device WM coocetved M a way to avoid expenliw ecens of the ahlp landing and takinil oft tran varlow p)aneta. But the creation ol f\lturiltlc eeta, costumes, prop1 md speda1 effedl drove the price tag of the pilot to $630,000, cm8hnd an enormow IUDl for a lint e.-. .. In ltk 'Ihe finkhed procnm WM shown to NBC execueiva in Feb. 1915. Their W!l"dkt? Thumm down. It WM too cerebral few the •WhCe viewer. Mr. Spodt'1 devil-like appearance might offend Bible-belt Yiewen. But the most frequent oomment was: "It'• jL&lt too eocxl for televblion." After more di8cu11Son, NBC broke pncedent and llked ROddenberry to make • leCIClOd pilot, with more emphMll en actiOn--actwnture and a few cut~ had to flcht to keep Spock in, but NBC newrthelel9 alrbrwhed his pointed ears out of -. LICENSED . ADTBETICIAN ... C opean -• u"' facials - •MASSAGE. (•• BalM8 lslaad) early publicity photos and urged Roddenberry to keep this .iien In the t.ckgrOund. (When Spock later became popular with viewers. NBC officials did a quick revene, ~ that Spock be given a more prominent role.) Jeffre~unter, the oril1Dal 1tanhip captain, wu buaY a movie at the time the eeCond' pilot WU filmed. 11.liam Shatner WU hired u bJa replacement, James T. Kirk. Tbe leCOnd pilot, "Where No Man Hu Gone Before," WM approved by NBC in Feb. 1966, and the series WM given a slot on the fall .::hedule. Roddenberry and hJa teem then J>lunced at warJHpeed into creation of an entire ''Star Trek" unlvene, oo.np1ete with Klinpw and Romldam, phwn and tricorden, ll1bblee and Vubn nerve ptnchee. (Ironically, he WM Wlie to ..iv. hil fint pilot by weavfnl parts of it into an award-wlnninc two-pert epilode called '"!be Menaprie," which alao featured the later cast.) Finally, on SepL 8, 1966, "Star Trek" debuted. and the Enterpl'ble took off on an amazir.le, ltil.l un.finiahed )*mey where no program bM aone before. · r . . I I ~ • hom Pa/19 a ! &ooklyn Dodgers vs. o.kland A's of the 1970's => 11:30Cl)~CENTER . : 12:30(1) 8A8EBAll "College World Serles" (Game >-3) from Omaha. Nebraska. (3 hrs.) -8 3:30(1)GOLFHIGHUOHT8 "196.4 U.S. Open" ;f 4:00 Cl) SPORT8 CENTER JUNEfS, 1982 MOANING 6:00(1) C0U.E0E GOLF "NOAA OMlion I Men's Ohampionshlps" from Pinehurst. North Carolina. (1 ht.) 8:00(1) TENNIS HeGHL.1GHT8 "1978 Wtrnbledon" (1hr~ 1:00 8PORT8 cen&t UD CQ LmE BA8f.BAU "College WOf1d Seriea'~ 4) from am.tw. Nfbtalka. (3-tn.) t:00e OPEN~ Seme-deV coverege ot the ........ Rr\lls In the tlrat leg Of the <1rand Slam ' of Tennia (from Aol9nd Gana. Stadium In Pn. France) :<2 hrs.) 9:$0EIEAN OUTDOOABMAN • . 10:00 BA8EBALL BUNCH Guest~ c-.... rv Clrtet. Cf) C TEST SPORTS ~fBobby Hull'' HOit: K.n Howard. 10: 15(1) PAOAES PAE-GAME 10:30()) BASEBALL San Diego Padres at Pittabufgh Pirates (2 hts.. 30 min.) {!)OUTDOOR LIFE e OOOGEA DUGOllT 10:661 DODGER PRE-GAME 11:00 NBA CHAM~IP GAME Game 5, If necessary. Los Angeles Lake<s at Ph11adetphla ... 76ers (2 hrs.. 30 min.) (!) BASEBALL New York Mets at Cincinnati Reds {g hr&, 30 mln.) (I) TRAa< AND FIEl.D "The Prefontaine caassk:'' from Eugene. Oregon. (3 hrs.) 11:06@ BASEBAll MontrMI E>Cpos at Atlanta &aves (3 hrs., 15 min.) 11: 10. BASEBALl Los~ Oodgels at SL Lou- is Catdinell (2 hts., 20 min.) AFT£RNOON 10:00<1) TBN8 HIGHlJQHT8 "1971 Wimbledon" · (1 hr.) t0:461!.Y 8i'OflT8 PAGE 11:00 = MCING WEEKLY 11:aG I FINAL (I) Ci!HIEH 12:iD Cl) CCJl 1 IGf BA8EBAU "Collage WOtld leriel" co.n. 5) from Omaha. Nebraka. (3 hrs.) 3:30 (I) GOl.F tlGHUOHT8 '' 1980 U.S. Open'' 4:00(1) 8PORT8 CENTER •0018POllJ8WOMAN 8:30 HOME MaNG WEEJ<L Y 7:00 WORfl CIMTIR • ttOO QOl I me BA8EBAU. "College WOf1d Serial" (OMle 8) from ()fnaha, Nebfuka. (3 hrs.) names The top names in women'• golf - Nancy Lopez (top left), Sany Little (top right), Hol11a Stacy (bottom left) and Jan Stephenson -will compete for the preatigioua LPGA Champlonsbip, to be televiaed live excluaively on NBC Spoct;s (KNBC, Ch 4) Saturday and Sunday from Jack Nickl.aw ~ta Center at IaJand, Ohh 3:30 (() OOLF HIGHl.IOfofTS "1972 U.S. Open" 4:00 (I) 8POAT8 CENTER .Ttiesday u.Ee_ 1912 MOANNG 8.'00 Cl) IN8l)E BA8EBAU. 8:30 Cl) ALL-8T AA 8tl()ft 18 CHALLENGE 1955 8'~ VL Oakland A's of the 1970'8 7:00(1) CENTER t:OO(I) OOI LEGE 8A8E8All ·~ Wof1d Settee" (Game 7) from Omllhe. Nebr.._ (3 hrs.) AFTERNOON Inside TV ABC movies Newman, Woodward are together again By JEFF PARUR Of ... ~ ........ ABC baa announced a liat of t.eJevWcin movta to be made and shown dwinl the 1982-83 -..on. Among tllem are ''The &andal,'' Nrrin8 Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward ln the story of Walter Lippmann's acanda1ous love afU1r witn bfa best friend'• wife, l:le1e1' Anmtron&. The movie will be baaed on the book by Ronald Steel. Other movies for ABC include "An American Princaa,'' (about Grace Kelly); "Mata Hari," about the spy; "No Man's Land." about the worpen of a anall Colorado mining town during the Qvil War; '"The Day A.fltt,'' about the nuclear war that will de.troy ~world; and "I Never Loved My Daughter,'' with LudlJe Bell and Lucie Amu. . . ABC baa a1.o announced a nwnber of feature films which will be shown. They include "Kramer Va. Kramer,'' '"Ille Coal Miner's Dauahf.er," "The China Syndrome," "Chapter Two,''""'r.Star Trek" and "Brubaker" ... New oomedie. and adventure teriel eet for ABC include .. Star of the Famllr.'' "For Better or Wone," "'lbe New Odd Couple,' "Braal Monkey," ''The Quest," "Matt Houston' and "Ripley's Believe It or Not!". . . . Richard Kiley and Piper (Aurie have joined the cast of "The Thorn Bir'da," which began abooUnc thia week ln Ca1ifomJa and Hawaii. . . A new spin-off of "General llolPtal.'' which ta =~,is~~~1b;'-~.= the stars of "General wtif be fea~ Oil the new show ... Mark your calendars: ABC will teleYi9e ane 'JJJ'1 houn of the 1984 Olympic Gamm. liw bun u. Anae\e& .. '"Oil the Beed... Charlea Kuralt'• aeries of reports from the back roada of America, hu returned • a nculM' weekly feature on CBS. Kuralt bepn hla '10n the ~ repona ln 1987 • a three-month expertinent and it IOClll bbwwued PAUL NEWMAN ud JOANNE WOODWARD will a>--atar in the ABC~~ movie, "The Samdal, ... next .-on. The film u the story of Walter Lippman's acandalous affair with ms best friend'• wlle, Helen A.rmstrang. into a popular feature. . . )'OW'I Germana reprd the Americana aa a nucleU Mcmday Thunday. W7w aot a potential peace movement in Ge,many and the way many atronc~ and prom1ttnc new entriea threat, etc. . . bnekthroqh p b young adultl. tleell9 and Walter Cranldte'a "Untwr.'' will premiere '!\.-lay on CBS. In the tint lbow, Walt Will F Co Africa to lee how= railed in captivity learn to live in the ~will jam ldentlm In oz1na at the Star which they ay will 61aw,}B,~ in the next 10,000 ,_... •. Brandon Tartlkoff and NBC' have brought kldl on Fdaay. We've aot a comedy powerhome to IOme new abowa for the 1982-83 ...,_, in bop!ll of open Saturday and RoCk Hudlon to carry to your bolsterlnl the ratincJ on this all.llllpUlc network late news. AAd we've aot our best Sunday m,ht atant. The new mows include the con>edie9 "J"amlly lead-in to movlea in yean coupled with one of the Ties." ''Cheers," .. Mama'• Family," and "Silver best movie~ we~w f!Yf!r bad." Good luck, Spoom." The teYen new dnmatic pl'Oll'alDI to~ · ~ . . . Glab. Marvin lfarnlWh, SWOOl6e Kurtz. Ann Mill«, JMOD Roa.rdl and Ginefr Rocer's have been llClded to the list of celebritla wbQ Will lll've • performen and preemten an the 36th annual Tony Awardl ahow set Sunday. Judd Hinch and Robert Klein will not appear u orl•lnally debut in Seotember are "Gavllan," ''St. Ai.o announced• mlnl-eeris and movies for Elaewbere," nThe Powers of Matthew Star,'' NBC will be "Remembnnce of Love," about Poles "Kniabt Rider," "BenlinpJn Steele,'' "Voyaaen!" enpaed to be married, who are meperated by the and •-rtie Devlin c.onnection". . . Nuia and meet 40 yean later at a "Holocaust About the new NBC Une-uP-, president reunion;" "Born Beautiful,'' about two yo~ Brandon Tartlkoff baa said: "It • improved, women models; ''The Hank Williama Jr. Story;' announced. . . Robert Mitchum will make hi• televl1lon movie debut on "So I.JttJe Cau. for Caroline,'' to Ilia.rt filminc IOab in LUe Tahoe. He wOl star opposite Ancie DlcklDlon as a former cop who ta hired to locate the mlMlnc wife of a pmbllng atrencthened, filled w!th excitement. We've aot and "'nle Kid with the 200 LQ." . . . · car ... Vietnam war not over for Hmongs · Catalina llland w the RUinQ for a new Pf.mey televtsion movie, ''The Little -shepherd Dog of Catalina.'' let for broedcast June 28. The story ia By BARRY RENFREW about a sheep doc who sea bl on Cata!lna and •• .. ... ,,_....., becomes a btt of a hero. . . NEW YORK -The Vietnam War has not 1be true aiory of a youna American who ended for the 50,000 Hmong tribesmen who have in m:aDed fJ'OOl the dread Lecumben1 Prllon in recent years come to America -a bewildering Mex1co Oty will be mm June 30 In the teleYllion world filled with mystery and miaery. movie "kape.tt 'nmolhy Bonomi 1WW • the ".Becon'illw American.'' which will be broadcast Amnican lmprWgeled on a ctn,. d:wae and Kay Friday on PSS' Non-Fiction Televlaion, which Lem IW'8 • the young woman whO hel.. him. traces the journey of orw Hmona f.mi.ly from a e.cape. . . refugee camp in Thailand to the tf nited S'-tea -a Gena Rowlanda. Jellica Walter, Bob Murray journey that 9ee11W like .::tenoe ftc:ticl\. and Rob Lowe will liar' In "Thunday'a Olild," a Times and atatlone may vary IO check Ustino. new televtaiOll movie let to air Jatel' thla year on While moat of Ametka'a lmrnicraftta over the CBS. The drama deaJ. with the llle-thteetenma centutlet witneued 1reat . ch~ In the new crt1i1 of a 17·year-old boy and lta effect on hla world, few could haw expel1e.notel .~ Jarrin1 path fainlly. . . -of the Hmona ln aotna from ~ huts to sprawling A look at West Gtnnen~ md tea ~ dtk!e. atttuadel towardl the United 6tatel, wOl be talcen The vast chanpe that con.front~ Sou and June 9 on the CBS ~ '4<>w' rrt.xla the hta r.mlly beiin wtth ~ kn!Ytll anil fora they are •• ~~Tho~ wAIL~._arawtn& ... .pteo.on-the plan&"~Jo ~. U. WC\ #.toq8 1*?. -( 111 C) .a-.10.M .~ mo1' C~ tMMO) ''•192 Diminutive figures in the huge jet, Hana Sou and hi.a family stare at the strange utensila that are the tint test In this alien world. After ttrua1lnl with the forka, the family furtively put them lllfde and ate rice cakea wrapped In newspaper with their fingen,. The Hmong are an ancient hill people who have lived in the mountaina of what ia now Lao. for centurie., c:Unainc to their own tradltiona and independence in the face of many would-be conquerors. • Many of the Hmana were cauaht up in the Vietnam War, enrolli.nl in a ClA·fw.ded arrQY that fouaht the communiau. The war, which COit the Hmona thouaanda of llvee, did not end for them when U--United Stat.el abandoned tl'w ftlCian. Th'e communist Laotian 1overnment hN ati.cked the Hmonal. •unch:lq CM\~ to drtYe them out of the biDa. Many, 1llre ~Sou, have fled into 'lba1Jand, wbeN they wait in refueee campa for the chance of •ttliftl U..When or~ to the hope of eome ct.)' returnlnl home. ··~~" II nmarkable tor MICh alah~'t,cter!1~M~ , I ' " -r r I 1· I I '\ I • -. 31 i Letters . . . .... ~ First the boo-....,- :> • ; then the movie • • • ~ DANCS INSTaVCl'IONS -P1e1i1e ._... me &be •a™s1 ett w for "Dance Fevw." _ .. O.~ Fever" comea from Men Griffla Prada. (Now you know why Danny Teno auem CID Griffin'• show ., often.) The addre9I is lMl N. Vine. Hollywood, CA 90028. PENN PAL -I l}aven't eeen Sean Pean In anything since "Tap• .. and am ln~rested ln knowing what he's been do6nc JS'Ofemionally lince then. -Check outside your front door and you may run into him. Penn ia currently In Chica&o working Sports Highlights From Page 3() Series" (Game 8) from Omaha, Nebraska. (3 hra.) 3:30 (I) GOlF HIGHLIGHTS "1979 U.S. Open" 4:00 (.[)SPORTS CENTER JUNE 9, 1982 .. MORNING 8:001 SPORTSWOMAN 8:30 THt8 WEEK IN THE NBA 7;00 SPORTS CENTER 9:00 COLLEGE BASEBALL "College WOfld Series" (Game 8) from Omaha, Nebraska. (3 hrs.) AFTERNOON 12:00([) TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS "1972 Wimbledon" ( 1 hr.) 1:00(1) GOLF HtGHLJGHTS "1977 U.S. Open'' 1:30([) COLLEGE GOLF "NCAA Division I Men's Champlonship8" from Pinehum, North Carolfna. ( t hr.) 2:30 Cl) SPORTS FOROM 3:00 Cl) COLLEGE BASEBALL "College World Series" (Game 9) from Orhaha, Nebraska. (3 hrs.) 4:30(1) 8>8EBALL Pltttbofgh Pirates at New YOtk Met• (2 hrs.. 40 min.) eve.a '°°Cl) COllEGE 8ASEBALL "College World Setfea" (Game 10) from Omane. Nebtelka. (3 7:~0' "-' KINER'S KORNER 7:36 ~ IA8EBAL.L Atlanta Bnlvet It LOI Angelea m (3 ht1 .• 15 min.) t:OO #OATI CENTBt t; QOLFHGHUGHT8 "1979 U.S. Open" 10: TENN8 HIQHUOHT8 "1980 Wimbledon" (11hr 11:00 IPOft'T8 ~ 11:80 8PORT8 CINYIR ' 12:80 OOl I FQI Wa,tLL "~ World &enM" {Gama., "°"' Omilhil. Nma.M: (3 tn.) • J; eA .. -. ISD &Zt d:::lps::S WxdGarne FILL ltJ TIE Ml~SltJG LErreRS ltJ •~e " rv WORDS"-8€L.OW: on a new feature, "Bed Bo)'I." C»1tatl'ln& leni Santmi. YOONOEa TRAN SPRINGJl'IELD -=-la Bick ~ In his mkldle or late 20I or in bis~ I low multiple ma1ce cp:sdom.. The --II (c)ewly * Wf,COlllD' GUICISING -WM l&aned In tbe oJd 81!1ia '"'l"be Seroncl HW1dNit Y-.'"'? I sq it w Moqte Markham; my hmbend •ya no. And be la never-WJ'Oll«. (He aaya Gery Caliala -ha! ha!). YOU defJnltely get the t.l lauch. Markham ~ the dual rolea ol Luke and Km C-arpenter in tbat ahoc1-Uved lerie9 of the. late '80a. Send your letters to Pepper CYSrien, United Feature Synclbte, 200 Parle An-nue, Boom tJOZ. New York, N. Y. 10168--' 3:30(l) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS " 1974 U.S. Open" 4:00 (.[)SPORTS C£NTER Thursday JUN~ 10, 1982 MORNING 8:00(1) GYMNASTICS "USGF Single Eliminatloo Championships" ChtJtt( Chmelka vs. Wally Milier and Jackie Brummer vs. Barrie Muzbeck ( 1 hr.) 7:00(1) SPORTS CENTER 9:00 (!) COLLEGE BASEBALL "Conege World Serles" (Game 10) from Omaha; Nebraska. (3 , hrs.) AFTERNOON 12:00(1) TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS "1973 Wimbledon" (1 hrJ 1:00(1) COL'lEGE LACROSSE "NCAA Oivfslon I Men's Champfonshlps" (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 3:30(1) AU-&TAA SPORTS CHALLENGE All-Time · Boston Celtics va. 1971 Washington Senators 4:0018PORT8 FORUM 4:30 SPORTS CENTER 6:00 COLLEGE BASEBAU "College Wond Serles" (Game 11) from Omaha. Nebraska. (3 hts.L 6:588 (I) NBA CHAMPK>N$HIP GAME Game 7, If necessary. Los Angeles Lakers at Philadelphia 76er• EVENING TV teasers Who was 'Delta House's' Hoover? BJ W. WILSON CASEY ~ .......... 1. "Delta ~." an ABC comedy spinoff from the movie, Animal Hou.e, included .. ha stan: Bruce McGill (D-Day), Peter Fox (Otter). and Josh Mooel (Blotto). Who ttarred u HOOW!I'! • 2. On A9C'a "Laverne and Shirley," what characters did Michael McKean an David L. Lander portray? 3. What two female acticwww atarred • Chriasy and Janet ln the earlier venio~ of "Three's Company?" . 4. Name the ABC cxxoedy aeries. Clues: Donna Peacow. • . Marie (Debralee Scott). . . Braci. . . waltre91 ... Robert Hayes. .. 5. Who w• the star of "J'unny Face," a CBS series a~ut a student teacher who acted In televilion commerdall? 6. On •"The Dick Van Dyke Show'' the Jocaticn was suburbM Phoen1x with Dick playing the host of a TV talk show. The auppan cast incluaect Marty Brill, Fannie J'1ac. Nancy Dl.mault. and Angela Pawell Who starred u Dick's wife? ANSWERS: l .JUNIWWMel i .i.-, ...... ~ J ....... s..en: 91c:e DeWitt ........ 5. SaMJ Daeaa I. Hope Luge TV Teuen att avail.able in the book, "TV Tr/vi• Qulz," which includes more than 300 questions and may be ordered IOI' '3 from C.ase Co., 101 Lafayette St., Spartanburg, SC 29303. Satitl.factlon gtUU'lUlteed. Players keep sliding from dugout to mike By PETER MEADE When former third baseman Sal Bando put down his glove and bat after 14 major l~ sea90nl, . he. knew just what he wanted to do. He picked up microphone and sports jacket to becocne the moat recent ex-ballplayer to show he can analyze the national paattitne as well as he played it. Bando, who captained the Oakland A's to three World Series titles In the early 70s before finishing his career In Milwaukee with thf Brewers. made hla debut with the NBC broadcasting squad last April. In a way Bando represents a second generation of announcers since he was recommended for the job by Tony Kubek, the former Yankee shorutop who hu teamed with fonner catcher Joe Garagiola on NBC telecaata for tha put eeven aeuona. Although the players currently announcinl come from a variety of positions, catchers seem to have the upper hand. Despite the fact that the catcher's ~ufpment la refe~ to as "the toola ot ignorance, ' former backatopa Garagiola, Bob Uecker of ABC and TUn Md:arver have found stardom In the brOadcut booth that evaded them during their playfn& daya. So many men have made the transition te the booth at thia point that It I.a actwilly poaible to put toeethft the fint annual All.Star Btow!c:'M'ir'IJ team. ~h• team con1t1u of former diawnond atandouta who disprove the theOry that ''thc»e who can't announce." C..Clwr: Tim McCarver (Philadelphia). Fine m.: Harmon Kitlebnw (o.kland). Second bUe: Jerry Coleman (San Dle10). Short•Cop: Lou Boudr.~u (ChJcaao Cube>· Third bae: Brooka I : , • ! ~(,•• ' 1 I,, ••'"fa I I I •' t.,I =---------..-- - - ·TV Puzzle ACROSS 1.6 Shown, plays Lucy on Hiii Street Blues 12 Wendy or Mona 13 Hegyet or Culp 1-4 Prefix with port or hale 15 MIH Sumac 16 Roddy McOowall role 17 Tony-Blanco 18 One Day--Tlme 20 Hallahan on Paper Chase 22 Gentle- 23 Buttons or Batbef 2-4 S.nford and- 25 -Way Passage 26 Played McMiiian 29 Star on Lewis & Clark 31 Playa Hawkeye: lnlt. 32 Clock numerals 33, 39 Down Played Mr. Blandlngs 35 Young sheep 38 Plays Barney Miller 39 -Smart -42 Part of NATO •• Sue-Langdon -45 Actress Jeanne- -47 Archie's place .a Jun. or Jul. -49 Triumphant sound 50 Many millennia 52 US, can., Mex., etc. 53 Plays BJ 55 Plays Gopher 57 Role for Demond Wilson 58 Plays Andy on WKRP DOWN f 1'f\ne orM1mmtr 2 Mias Rainet' alg11-0ff 3 Attempt 4 The-or Your Lite 5 The Baat-of Our Lives 6 Tranaport 7 See 22 Down 8 U.K. award 9 -and My Gal 10 Golonka or Francia 11 Played Doc: Adams 12 BJ and the- 19 Much-AbOut Nothing 21 Reply of a aort 22. 7 Down "Old akl.nose" 27 My Mother tM- 28 Dianne-plays Nancy 29 Plays Buck Rogers 30 Miss Gard,,_ 33 Played Corrine Tate ~ Stoutc~ln 36 Scene of a aort 37 Tara Buckman on LobO 38 Ptaya Furnto'a love 39 See 33 Acroaa 40 Miaa Adema· hand· bag ID .41 Model Cheryl 43 Linda or Colleen -45 Waroer Oland role 46 Asta's mlatreas 49 Bygone St Fabray, to frlenda 5.4 -a Big Girt Now 56 Mr. Diamond'• lnsigne EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE THE ATTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST, A convenient altematlve to ha.pita/ emergency room• for. ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES · Thorough, Professional & Personalized Care AOUL TS ANO CHILDREN No Appointment Needed • Immediate Attention Given WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED OPEN: 1 DAYS A WEEK HS DAYS A YEAR a A.M.•11 P.M. (714') 752-8300 •M•RO•NCY DOCTORS Ol'l'IC• 4030 Birch St.. Suite 107 Newport Beach 405 FWY. ( o.c. Airport u -RITURll-WITN OS '10 .... _ t-~ l . tTNSMOKEI .._,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---1~ Hf' Ole es5 ces-Tv WESTERN SUCCESS STAYED ~ AT THE TOP OF THE RATIN0S FOR OVER A DECADE. 6EFORE TELEVISION1 SUN~e HAD 5ECOME A SMASH RADIO SHOW. REAeoN FOR ITS LONSEVITY •.. SUPER~ STORIES AND ACTIN0! Q. A. How can I protect myself from soaring energy coats? KENMORE~ SOLAR POWER WATER HEATeRs . . -"\-~~-!=Ill! f lnvnt NOW while up to 55% combined federal end ttlte tollr tax crtdlt II lttlt In effect! fnefVY tu cr9dll ""*85 '° aolat • ..., ...... .,.. stalled in~ r..-.aa Credll ._..to co.a of • solar WMer hetltef and lils IMCdfMOfl. CNdlt amounts to 40-.. of"" tnt S t0,000 sptl'lt on IOlllt...., hNeer'I hebe Jen. , . ttee ("'81dmum oedll of 14,000) """. 1tMe Cl9dl of ~ ID .._ ~ to 13.000 lftlldmuM. 8'ew creditl are NduCed by Iha amount of Federal C*"tl allowed Let ~ help oesign and install a aolat w8'9r hCNltlng syl1em tor you Seats authotiz9d inalallefs can install the tntw• ~ nomlelly In two days WICh minift'\&l 111001..,. iel IC8 Al6I *"' a lfN ettlmalia Ol'I aulhonnd lnltlPat cir.. CllV04# ......... S-.8'of9 T• ·Or Miii WI Coupon I ~ • . .. 0 • Daytime ! :J ..., ~ ~ Strangler story ~ tied up on 'Days' -By LYNDA HIRSCB .2 ii: DAYS OP OUR LIVES: Marlena ia trapped in the houle by Jake, who plana to strangle her. Gun-toting Roman en&en the houle. 1bey battle over the firearm, which goe. off, fatally shooting Jake. Chris returns and cannot understand why Jake died or his being named u the Salem Strangler. Woody asks Trish for money to help a mya&erioua member of his family. Joshua asks Jeaica to be h.la wife. Stephano orders LU to get Renee to move beck into the Detneara home, but the Honona lnaiat Renee stay with .them. Stephano wants Tony to he.ct Andenon Manuflicturin&. ALL MY CHILDREN: LearniQ8 that Donna la about to haw U'I aboC'tion by Bentley, a suspended pbyak:ian. Oludt an1Vl!9 at Bentley'• office in time to halt the procedure while Palmer fd&ns compleW lbock over the medico'• unsavory peat. Myra and / Dai9 acc:we Palmer of trying to kill Chuck Tyltt'a unborn beby, and to cover hie tndc.a, Palroe.r 1et1 up a $20 million trust fund for the child. Learning Jenny's dad raped Ruth Martin and la alive 1n prilon. Uza pa to Ebld, who warm her not to &ell Grq u it will drive hbn caer to Jenny. Fearful that Palmer la going to ruin hll marriage, CUU sets transferred to an Ariz.ona hospital, but Nina refURS to move. An i/.iiY Cliff aaya be'U take the child and leave,~ cawies Nina to run oU. Brandon OONllden &ica'1 sugestion that they have a Jonc-distmce marriage while hr• in Bona ~ Fzica'• half...._ saver tries contCnually to reach Erica but gets no ~-Mark feell guilty OYer rmk.1ns 1oYe w1th Pamela. ANOTllD WOIU.D: Harry and Steve lurioul over PeW and Diana'• elopement and their livinc quuten .axwe llablel. Poairw •a wal&er, Sandy geca pbotOI ol St.em brib1nc Mr. West, but la told by Larry be obtained the evidence Weplly llnd It won't stand Up in cour1, IO s.ndy decides to print t.be st«)' in Brave. Convicted of ... uiuna an officer, Bla.lne relJeved when the chuwm are IUlpellided. Denny &ella Sally ht• •10.000 1n debt. Al TIE WOllLD TU&N8c Barbara kidnapped by the wife ol James' delw.t bto4htt. Incrid le teddna . rewnce for betnc left out of t.be Stenbeck fortune and wanta $2 mOHan for a.rtiua•1 mum. While ta1dJll i-t In • map ad, Ml!rlD .. made to cMeappeer. and when abe reapp.n Mr.· 8'I le theft. TaiD .._ , .. to &. Marp. but Oil ...,... ........... Mr. 8'& Wllnt8 the 1'atbui4. ,.. ..., ...... lllilrcb for lhe hatband, unaw~ tba& DM U. tt uid &be acrofilm it ClOlntalm; A c:wioul !!rnle checb the IDicrdllm and 6coven a ctif&uJt and m)'ll&erioul code. Ariel and John th.re nmlllC:. In ho9pital llnen doeet. At a ccuntl')' inn. ,.,f and AMie ahare their Jove. A brood1nc Kann b&.ckmaOa Craig Into gMna her a Job at perfume factory becaute abe hu di8cio'wred the perfume tonnula. CAPITOL: On Memorial Illy, Wally pays a villt io h.la father'• lfAW and openly wee,. becaule hia father dJed befon 119'1.tnt to know Wally, but not before he w• able to .. tu. oUlllt aor» achieve ln aeveral are ... After Wally d•paru, a mytte.rloua woman remove11 the Oowen from the DW'ker and replaca them with withered rmes. Stood up by Beth, who took a midnJaht ride wit.I\ Jordy, ThomM ll furioul but aoftena af&er Beth aaya she needs htm. A drunken Phil thlnka he haa killed Shelley and &hen llA YBE A COUPLE -Detlpi.t.e painful memories of her husband's death. Kathy Taper (Nkolecte Goulet) begins to take more than a busi.ne9 interest in Tom Bergman (Mitch Lltrolsky) on the daytime drama, "Search for Tomonow," weekdays at 11:30 a.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). trlet to kill hlmleU. Myrna plans to ~ PhtJ. to live her top-teeret lnformation and make It look• thouch Tyler Inked the data ln exchange f« Jweplng quiet about Shelley'• .. murder." Rea1iJin1 she loves Larry Barrington, Shelley decides not to comply with Bur1e11' orden that ahe pt out of town. Trey c:atchea Julie In Tyler'• arms. Trey forgea Tyler and Judlon'• namea to 1tatementa which appear CornmunlatJc. Cl.art.a leerN Julie la warnan Wally loveL DOCTOU: Wiu. everyorw on her tnO. Katie ~ to IMak ••81 tr.. llerm6ime'a with .... Anft.·AclNft ,_~ frml ... ......, ......... ...... deen i.. Am. ftlGm, Mt rememben her own chOd and ~ to weep. llecondled, Blll1 and Nola vow to bftak up ~ and Natalie. Natalie wondll 1 II Nola'• IUddetl trt.ndlhip ii a IMm. EOG• or NIGBT: Raven. fanied to 1iW all her moMY to Wolfie m ordlr to I" ,_. out o1 u. ~~. tr'-to trick lllm by .,me h!m enwlope • W'bhout morwy. Wolfie ii Gl'lto her plan and he and bili lkWllrtc Al 11'7 to kill tier . .,._ 8ftiws on them end .. .,.. bul II llble to kW Walfle and Al Bawn ..... that .. did not kW JIU and heldl for Montlttllo. Spencer ildmlta to o.aldine that he .,.. ln oa tbr pig&. -. only did It to a.m man about Sky. MUea &eU. l:nclicioct dial Nicic* hM made an un&Ml.al ~about thie ~1nl\, ce...m, llndicou and wife Gr.oe IO f..-that MUeia knowl too cnuch. Checl told to pelnt • poi1ndt of Jodie to Jceep her mAnd off the athec' paintlna. .. =- does this but no one believe1 her. Heather manages to 1et Cynthia to turn iun over IO her. Anne and Jeremy head for Ludlle'1 cabin in Wllconain.. Aft.er Joe and Rkk realize he Is alive, Packy retuma to Port Charles and &ells Johnny he'• on his aide, but the hoods are al&er rum. Scorpio admits to Luke he's attracted to Jackie bu't doesn't want to Jme Tiffany. GUIDING LIGHT: Vanessa upset that Hillary had Tony over for dinner and she tells Derek. then hires detective to trail Tony. Quint c:alls from London and lnsistl that Nola and the baby move In with Bea for awhile. Carrie tells Sara Justin fonied himlelf on her, but that. Jackie twisted the story around. Sara advilel Carrie to tell Roll but doesn't fully believe Carrie'• 1tory. Releued from hospital, Carrie wanta to leave town before Roll returns, but ii unable to do ao in ti.me. Mike belleva eommne connected with the late Roger Thorpe ha1 a vendetta against Alan. Amanda realizes her true feeUnga for Marl<, then Jennifer retu.mt and announcet that she and Mark married in Peril. Jennifer recalla a man in Paris who teemed to know Mark. but Mark I.misted the man was mistaken. - ONE LIPE TO LIVE: Ivan ovenakea Larry, Karen and Astrid but Larry manages to fight Ivan, - who diaappeara In a crocodile-lnfeated swamp. Astrid to undergo removal of brain Implant. Brad gives f.ake plans for aolaramit.e cat to Karl and then aends Katrina and Mary to Virsfnia Beach. Jenny ii frantic when ahe retuma and le&ml that Katrina and Mary have left for parts unknown. Katrina mails letter to Jenny revullni the baby awlceh. Carl orders Tony shot to keep him out of aolaraml&e race and he is wounded ln lhoulder while mountain-climbing with Pat. Dorian told ahe can reclaim Llanfalr if her marriage 10 Herb is annulled. She goes to Herb and aaya If he will go along with being declared mentally inoompe&ent she can have an annulment. An enraged Herb fllel for divorce and aaya he will iight for custody of ea.me. Johnny ret.urnl to Beau'• record label with Marco u hla manager. RYAN'S HOPE: Af&er police let them go. Seneca and Rae head for Onan'• hideout. Seneca and Onon have rooftop ICUfile. When Onon'a iUD fal1I down a&eps. Rae plcka It up and ahootll Onon. A wounded Oraon tell• Seneca that Kim waa part of the lddnapplng. He then e9Capea. Rae retu.ea to believe Kim'• Involvement and Kim lnslatl to the FBI she's l.nnocent. Later. Kim flauntl truth to Seneca, unaware that Hollil hal owtheard her oonfetllon. Or'D'\ showl up to Joe'• te.rnce but only diaco¥en Dee there. Dee learns that Kim ... aU her money bun Rae. Dee letl Ox know about Ropr'a blllckma1llnc .-c. Johnny f\ll'ba over Siobhun ~ 1o move t.ic ln with Joe. SEilCR POil TOMOUOW: Kathy &ells Tam they are only frlendl. Fadne pollibly permanent blindnem,. bitter Brian ref~ to Mt anyone U.t him • an Invalid. Janet continua to comlder Ted'a marrtaae propcaa1. Dane and Sunny ~ llvtnc quarters. Ajl ctr.r.. Travtl 11 ldDed and ..._ that he have bKkup plan to Operation Sunbunt. TEXAS: Hmntbal finally ptll fire cunpua bu& ii kllled when It emit• pollonou1 saa. At preu conference, Ruby mentJCJN Beau'• ct.th. After lhe II apruni from jail. Rudy hel .. J\&dith fcqe note to Grant maJctnc I\ lobk like invitations from Rena. and the lnvitaUon la for the aame p1-ce and time ~ la to meet Justin. With Wotld 00 uved, Just.ln ~pans ID make Rena pay off on her bet -'° bed down With him. YOUNG AND THE RaTLES& Viet.or teU. Nikki there is no chance for the relaUonahlp and 1he muat get together with J(.evln, but Nikki vows to one day have Victor. Laurie livid when Robert warns Viet.or not to let her write a book about him. Laurie tella Robert she'• iolna to go tht'OUjh with her plan and then blaclanall Viet.Or Into retumina Prent.la •tock '° Lucas •nd Lance. PauJ buly plannlna neX'\ month'• • wfddlng to Jack, while he'a busy womanlzi1l8 models. Stuart wonden If LU IJ safe JMns with Jill. I 0 Dayti1ne The things that mig ht have been By LYNDA HIBSCB Does a writer ever think about bis characten once he's left the show he ec:Qpted for? You bet -especially if the writer is Doug Marland and one of his classics is "General Hospital" in its heyday. Marland is now head writer of "GuidinR Light." At a recent meeting, Doug and 1 discussed "General Hospital" and what he would have done with the characters had he had a chance to bring his Ide.as to fruition. For example, Luke. Says Doug, "I never would have had Luke rape Laura. My idea for that story was to have Luke worship Laura from afar. I planned fOI' him to get into deeper and deeper trouble with the aynd.icate and try and try to get away from them. His reason to escape the mob: his love of Laura and his desire for her. And in the end, no matter what Luke bad done fqr Laura -all the money he had given her, all the trouble he bad gotten into in her behalf -she never would have loved him. "I adored the character of Laura. but abe was vain. Vanity was a big part of Laura's penonality. Luke and Laura never would have gotten together in _my storyline. I bad other things in mind for Luke." Marland alao had other thingl in mind for the characten of Brian and Claudia He feels YA WANNA CHI AT? MIGHT ~I WIU DO n UP l lAL GOOD, MUNt CIR•SEL SWEET S_. You'M have to Krape the butterfat off the roof of your mouth, -that d make ut fMK>US !.-. . 1. CAROUSEL. -n-. or'8k* ~ .. 1oe cnem. Al nlllUrm truMI. ,..., or-.. I. iow • coni.ntl f'atf F9&1 Fett ""-,..., ........ nA; 2. Our c.dee .. mllde .. ,..., biUIW I. ,..., ~ C4~ honeMI -..... toOI a. P9lt9 Foun lndMdumfv decofae.d. 8'lnldllll "* wll b4CIW nay In • """' ~. The di 1111 C111Ce'7 ~ 4. The cookie.. brownies & rudge? Y® probebfy won't make It fhla far, but If you do, you'M be dOM erlOUglh to cr"4 out U. front door. THE . DOCTORS 5000 perfonners and audience to have '1okena' of any group marking time on the air. I hope in "O six months to be able to do the storyline I want ~ to. Certainly Procter & Gamble is very open ~ and will let me do whatever I want. I have other storylines to tie up before I can focus on .g_i- an important black ·storyline. But it's in the works and will be on the air shortly." ~ a: SAMMY DAVIS JR. has signed up for ~ another soap opera role. Davis started his ~ bit-part soap opera career on "Love of Life," ~ where he portrayed himse lf. One of the .• reuona Sammy went on "Love of LJ.fe" was ... becau se he had been'_prorniled advance I 8toryline lnfcirmation. Well, Sam never got ·the ~ ecam, but he continued to be enthr81led by .. Love of Life" and ewntually liked the idea of working on a eoep ., much that be played the character of Chip Warren. bounty hunter, on "Love of LJ.fe." This time Davis trots over to .. General Hospital." where he'll play Brian Phillips' father. His appearanca are .et for mid-June. Meanwhile, on the star trail. Diana Ross joins the list of singers to appear at Wired for Sound on "Guiding Light.'' l A TOAST -Original cast member James NBC IS REVVED UP for a hot aoap opera Pritchell (Matt Powers) and 15-aeason season, and they feel the first order of business veteran Lydia Bruce (M.aaJe Powen) ulute is atepped-up promotion and storylinea that the 5,000tb telecast of NtiC'• "The lb:torw" capture the 'ic:,th market. It's worked for which was recently presented. "The ABC, it's wor for CBS and NBC feels it's Doctors" is seen weekdays at 11 a .m. on important as well, but we hope NBC does not KNBC (Ch. 4). neglect the older audience for the youngsters. the two black characten were important to the This has happened occasionally on other aoaps. show and had a storyline set to go for them but (By the way, "youth" in the business means exited GH before he could do It. the ages of 19 to 44.) Marland is very interestecl in having a Showa that have totally neglected the black couple on "Guidina Light" ancf is older audience have paid for lt in the ratinp. working to that end; however, be explains. 0 1 Some 1how1 man.,e to integrate young just don't want two actors banging around the storylibes and not forget the older ones -a show without a line. l:.:;.t'..::..•....;;un=fai=-r ....;;to=-.:the=--r-=c111=ae~in::.......ii;.::..:::..:t.....:ia::::..._:G::.uiding::;:.::~:....I:::..1~·g:::..:.b..:...t. ____ , -f rr · --I C'I co CJ) -I . ~ • I I ! t :J .., ~ 'O 'C l.L ! ~ -.2 a: ' - • • *'42 Don't wait for summer to be be.autiful ... .. Have a smooth and tan . y_NOW! .. You don't have to wait (or the year 1999 to have miracle products for the skin available to ~u. 1999 is here now in the most exciting product to be introduced to ~u in years. A roll-on moisturizer that reacts to ~ur skins body chemistiy ~applying to the skin and giving ~u instantly ~ur OOJn personal sun color, and instantly a smoother softer skin. 1999 Moist and Glo is for everyone who look.5 to tfie future . It is the most unique moisturizer years ahead of it's time. A gloo.iing lotion that rolls on smoothness, rolls on softness, rolls on a natural sun color. Simply roll on ove.r the face , shoulders, arms and legs, blend, and see dtyness disappeai. Instead the body and face feel supple, firmer, and vitally alive. 1999 contains collagen which holds moisture in the skin and keeps the skin looking ~uthful. 1999 contains aloe vera and jojoba to revitalize and enhance the skin. 1999 contains PABA to protect the skin against harsh elements. 1999 is ideal for eve~ne who wants healthy skin and an 04tdoor look all year around. , ...... - 'Fini•hin, a play i• the •adde•t moment in my life. That'• why I keep three project• ,oin, at once ..• •o I can turn ri,ht to omethin, el•e . . . ' . Director Martin Benson with · writer Terri Wagener .. Terri Wa,.ener 'I love cloinl' TY and film, but theater i• where my root• are. The audi~nce i• the be•t teacher of all' -Linda Purl Two w·o111en talk theater 'Man Who Could See Thro11-gh Time' By JDDIY JOBNION ........ ,..... ........ For IOmetUne JMJW, Terri Wagener Ml wanted to work wtth Unda Purl, and by the ame token. Mila Purl has for a lone time, wanted to do a play at South Coat~· It leeUll tromc, bUt they both have aeen their wiahel come true ln sea· • .lick production of ."lbe Man Who Could See Throuah 1'me," Which WM written by Mm Wacener. She didn't write the play •pecifically for Mial Purl, but the part of Ellen Brock fita the pretty actre9I like a pair of leotards. ;,rve wanted to work down here for a long time,'' Mill Purl aid the other day over lunch. 'Tve eeen a number of plays here and I wa •uppo•e to do 'Loo1e Ende,' but 1omethlng happened and I couldn't do the ahow. "When they called me to do t.bia show, I wa very plealed," a.be added, "becauee this ia my first INSIIDE two-dw'acter play md this la the perfect theater to do it ln.'' . 'llJi\e Man Who Could See Through Time" ia playing on the Second Stap and will cantinue through June 20. It it Mill W~1 second full length play, her first being the critically ecrlaln>«i "The War Bridee." Mita Wagenttr, the younaest al 24 and one of the mast 1ut!Ce81ful women plaY'Wriabta, admits the play carries a= F F gte. "You'll feanlfrom "n\e Man Who CoUld See ~ nme·,·· abe aid during a break in reheanal. ••1t • a love story all rfeht, but it's mc:n than just a love story. I intended it to be poetic and powerful. I think it la." . Mm w~ Ml written over a dor.en plays. three of them full Jenith, and they have all been produced ln one fonn or another. She la a proUfic writer. "I write short lt.oriee ~ to re1U," the lald. "Som:e wrilen like to have written. but not me. t ~ Ill ~- ' I I N ao oa ~ -. ~ 'Poltergeist' a scary film ... :J -;; Delivers . white-knuckle thrill without gore as :g By PIUL SNEIDERMAN u.. or ... .,... ,... ... ~ Your mom bM )ltt tucked you fJlto ~ bed and 1wtldted off the Jleht. In UM 1i ~ = :..:r"~ twlatecl biaek)'aicf~& caat:.:f ~ 11ni1ta iMdOM.. A-. dawn § la Dow ~menedftl ,mi. And 0:: wont of all. t kind of monster la lurldnc in Ja'll' bedroom daM . • . ? FUmmalmre 18tewn $pelberg and Tobe Hooper have brou,bt these childhoocl''.feara to vtvld Ufe in ''Pohera I &." Wbieb.,... today, n. IDiMe,.... 111 nts a man1ace of 80IDe mtehtJ BODywood talen1a. Splelbeq; the clJ.rector of three bloek1Mmter hits ( .. Jaws," "Close Encamdlsa "' the ,,... Kind," and "Raiden of tl1e li••t Ark"), contrtbu:Mid the ori&lDa1 8tory and sen.d aa co-producer of "Poltet81'zt .. Tobe JJoopet. who" cl'1ected the film, =ilwd Wmllar cborm on ''The C 'TNW' M -n:• a cruel. bloody and nauaeatln1 low-Mdl•t borror naovle that DOlfrl 11 111 Ill C!OllMMlnd a dlllllic by ..:nt ...... mm coanc ••wa. I ' But wocfJdaC under tbe COlllUainta of network ti!JevWon, Hooper a1lo showed MlliilDt for craUne ~ without budreta of blood .. C:Dreci.or of the CBS ...-tation. ''Salem'• Lot." ba1ed on the Stephen Kini bS...eieller. ' In ··~1• theTe ...ume. aeeQW to be a IUl4-war iObl8 OD between Splelber(a child-lib a.me of amuaement park thrllla and Hooper's more literal -... and more grtaly :-borToc' Uwt1ncta; But ultimately, tbe two fihnmaken ~ admirably in provtna that a IUbw'ben U'aict home can becOme JLmt as ICU')' aa a creaky o!d mansion when a few restlem apirits decide to make therme1vel .known. "Polteraelat .. delivers its white-knuckle thrills without raorUnc to "Friday the 13th .. «yle hatcbeca in the held. ~ ~ most of the film, it retatns a healthy 1enBe of humor. Betum1na to the IUburban tenitol'y he mined ., ettecuvely la ~ 1)¥iiuntitn." SpWbeq hM f~ hia tale on an a~ ~ ~. . . Tbeii are the ~ parents (Cnlg T. Neleon and Jobeth WIW.~ ~out in bed, be retdl a on Preafdent Reaaan, while 1he llDOka marijuana. 'Ibey have ....... dauchtier and two youaaer chilc[ren, plua the standard .... !F cmlne wi.> prefers fnail to dDJI food. Some iavialble, Initially ~Yful aplrit.invadidda~ ...... At flrat, their tricb are nearly barmlell: Some ldtebm ehllin lft ~arranlldi a mDd ~ rom. the~. Blonde-babed ~ed JOW11 Carol Ann~a.,t.id by-Heather O'Rourlr.e} ... trtdm to '4tbt 1Y ~ .. wbo a.11 tO ber from the~... . (Thill plot twist, wttb the .... , Carol callln1 repeatedly to her s-renta. ..... to have bem litt.d from the cluaic "Twilf1ht 1.oae'' 'e.-,cle "Little Gld LO.t. ") • Tlie ptevioualy tlaht 1&oey-lli\e -to ~ • bit .... -c&e famlly bypa11ea the police and immediately 1ummon1 a para~ ghost-hunting team. Al .the aplrltual invader• become bolder and more violent, the family and the helpers ltlive to n.cue the little pl and rid the houae its ~· But .. the plot Iosic be8im to falter, 'the ipedaJ efiects start conling fut and furioualy. Top notch effecta they are, couneey of Gec:qe IA.al' Indua- triil Lllbt and .... 'n'8 po.uy tmlaillUon ..... to be an ex1lembl Ol the Work this ~ did for the tlmle of "Raiden of the Lolt Ark. u and the effects lift ''Pol~" llght...yan above mere tnditional haunted bouae movies . Within the limit.~by tb1a IOl't of movie, acton Nelaon and Jobetb WWiama do a Pb as the parents, aa does Beatrice Straight, who portraxs the para psychologist. The child acton tum in parUcularly good, un-mannered pel'fonnuces. The moat deliahtful bit of acting COIJ)ea from Zelda Bublnatein as an eccentric ''bouae cleaner" called in to help get rid of the .ghosts. "Poltergeist" isn't perfect. The film reaches a natural. upbeat endina. then plunges into one o f the more nilhtmariah .final aequences in recent , memory. It'• •• though the fltrmnaken were afraid tQ let their aunnier aide ahlne th.rquah. But that'• quibbling. ''Polteraetat" ~ die mm. and the ac:ream., and IDOft tbm a few laucha. If you're . a borTCJr iDOYte t.n. what more could youalk? Return of Mad Max ..• 'The Road Warrior' high-octane thriller ................... ~ Laguna Beach composer • • • Nervous and excited over first symphony By JEFF P ARltER Of ... Dlllr ........ Laauna Beach composer Brooke Halpin, whoae first symphony will debut Sunday with a full orchestra at the Amba11ador Auditorium. ta a bundle of pride and nerves u the concert debut nears. "I realized when I finilhed thla symphony and put my name on it, that I was audcjenly putting my name alongside Beethoven, Bach, the greats," he said. "It's a big re- sponsibility to finish this piece and oome right out and say, 'hey, rm doing this too'." Halpin'• first symphony, almply called Sympbooy No. 1, took him eight moftthl. working .even daya a week. to complete. He had heerd the basic movement. in hia · mind u a student "ane years•·" but didn't have the technical ability to tranalate the ml.Ilic tq paper and l:nstrumenta. He went to achool to learn how, did, and Symphony No. 1 waa the result. When the Symphony of the Verdugoa, conducted by Wesley Cease, performs his work in the Ambauador Auditorhlm Sunday, Halpin will be in the audience "fill.lng the place wJth neryous energy." writing the music," he said. "When 1 reed about all the emotional highs and lows of hia life, I think tboee emotions found their way into the music. I haven't quoted Beethoven at all -it's not a tribute to him really -it'• just that the power of hit Ule u told in the book~ to move me u I worked. "The music is contemporary, but certainly not avant garde,'' he sai~ "Parta of It are purely romantic. I'm not writing for a amall audience, but for everyone. Of ooune, it'a not my buai.nes what 110meODe gets out _of this symphony, that's the personal_ reaction that each penon will have. I just hope to move people by what they hear." HalP.in, 32, beJan his career in music 'fairly late. After studying the lciences in high IChool and college, he turned hi• sight• to mu11c -a longtime paaaion. "I've always been interested in problem aolvtng," he aaid. "And compoalng music la just that. It's a matter of putting elements together, ~ younelf if you need •fiute and a violin or a clarinet and a viola. After the initial creation, compolin& la very analytjcal." 'The mu•ic i• contemporary, but certainly not avant ,arcle. Parts ol lt a e purely romantic.' Halpin livea hall the year in New York a~ half the ye.ar in the Laguna home of hia patron, Barbara Stewart, where he fi.niahed the symphony. Halpin'• creative period. on Symphony No. 1 began w~ he wu a student. The buic melodies ran through his head as he grappled with Brooke Halpin at work on Symphony No. 1. "rm indebted to her generosity," he aaid. "I don't think tbia wol'k would have gone 10 well without her IUpport." A.ccordinl to~' hia sym~ ... ~ partially . by the .. The Blograp y of a Geniu1: Beethoven," by George Marick. "I waa reading the book while I wu the techniquee necessary to capture id he th · them on paper and through no ea w re e piece waa going at instruments. the time the music was coming to me. After the music waa out, I started to "I aat down at the piano every put it into form," he said. morning and just let go. When I write Halpln did hit work under a grant at the piano lt'a kind of a stream of from the Glendale Arla Ccinunu.ion ~ ~· u_ you stop to and with the help of hia pet.rona. analyr.e what you re doiftl, then it • Harri•on Music of Loa Anaelea atope. You choke younelf. So I just published Symphony No. 1 not long kept on pla.yina and recordina thinp ago. · when I liked them. Structuralfy, I had • • T h e re a 1 tea t is i n t h e perfonnance,'' he said. "I can't wait to hear a hundred lnstruments doing what they're auppoeed to do. The musicians of the Symphony of the Verdugoa are excellent. I'm very happy that they decided to do the piece." Admiasioo to the performance of Halpin'• first symphony ls free, but tickets must be obtained and they are disappearing faat. ,. 'Bits and Bytes ... SCR's education show Salute to swing ... Ellington plays at Disneyland The computer revolution will atrtb South c.o.t Repertory Theater in c.o.ta Maa next .,... with an oriCinal mUllcal play for chDdnn dded 11Bits and Byta." -Aalordinc to sea Produdna Artlltk DINctol' David ~ the towtna production will lbow children how dealin8 with lntelliaent IMChinea lll0Ce9lfully can contribute to a dilld'a happine91 and aelf...ceem. The lhow; w'hlch wW travel to acboo1 and Community centen from January to June ol 1983, la the Utb annual SCR l:ducattonal Tourlna Production. 1be --~ Children•• playw hal been~ for and~ acblewmer•t':,.by-thie u. ~ Dnma Cridce Circle. · hit ~ biiw cWlt With IUCb ~ educatlonal 1ubjecta u nuttttton, enera and ph'*81 fiU-. Information about book.Ina dates and feei .. Mi1able from Ktia H.lpn, commuruty aervlcel CiDoidlftat«, at. 967 -2802. ~ -· 4 i --0~ stage----.....----------.. ! ••• Two woman ;:, ., petite. They aren't freaks like some people might think.'' Speaking of freaks, Miss Purl admits she grew up as a freak. She was a pretty blue-eyed, blonde child who spoke the language -the language in her case was Japanese. Born In Greenwich , Conn., ~ talk theater ,, -.:: "" From Page J she moved to Tokyo, Japan with her parents when ~ productim ol the play. In addition to Mi.as Purl, it she waa but 2. lt was there she became Interested in -g also st.an O\arles Lanyer ·as Professor Mordecai the theater. e> Ba The pla dre lo "l come from a show ~·" she said, "not a ~ ht.es. y w a t of attention In February show ..... ·-'--family. My ,9 mother was an g w en it was presented as a work 1n progress at Yale uww~ 3: University. actress, so he was raised on the road. Mother was a _ ~W ner admits being pleased with the ballerina, but she left the theater early in life. She 52 cast, Miss Purl, whoee work she has maintained an Interest and was very supportive of ~ a ong time. the theater. "rve admired Linda Purl for years," she "I did my first show when I was 7 and rve Japanese people to s~ English. When we did the first show I had two teeth missing and I was 90 embarrassed I turned green, but It was all uphill from there." Miss Purl arrived back in the United States In 1971 at the age of 15 and was aoon doing motion- pictures, commercials and was studying at the Lee Strasberg Institute In New York. In but a short while her pretty {ace was popping up all over television -in the daytime drama series, "Secret Storm." "Happy Days." "Lucas Tanner," "The Wal tons," the list goes on. She has stayed busy in television and film, but about two years ago she made the decision to get back to theater work. "I love doing TV and film, but theater is where my roots are. The audience is the best teacher of all" openly admitted. "I've actually canceled thing$ in been hooked ever since," Miss Purl continued. "It order to stay home and watch her on television. I'm was a television show where we taught the pleased she's doing this part. S he's perfect In it ... " _______ .....,....__, ______ :;.._ ____________________ _ Miss Purl plays the part of a young sculpturist who has been commissioned to do a bust of Professor Bates. ''This is a fascinating thing.'' she said. "I paint, but I've never aculptured. I made my first nose the other day. This is fun, but Fd never want to make a career of it.'' For good reason, too. Miss Purl is a fine acll"ES with a lot of excellent credits behind her, one of the most recent an ABC television miniseries, "The Manions o1 America." which has been showing as a late-night moVle on Channel 7 all week Jong. She also has a new movie, "Visiting Hours." which opened on the Orange Coast this week. But one ot her favorite parts was ln a tf?levision movie called ''The First Women at West Point," wruch was actually filmed at the Point. "~ w::s .a bit apprehensive about going there," she said. I had to find 10mething about ft to cherish and I did in the _ cadets we worked with there. . "They were anxious for us to get a realistk' v1ew of West Point. I found many fine qualities in the cadets there. "West Point, I discovered " M iss Purl con~ued, "ii both a strengthening' and humbling expenence. You can't get through West Point without picking up a good deal of the values taught there. "And you don't have to be an arch OONlervative to appreciate those values. 'nley stand you in stead for any oourae you chooee In life, but Wesl'P~ia not a ICbool for anyone. "We went there, however, with the idea that the women going there foe real were tough," the actres oontinued. '"Ibey're not that at all. We discovered they were very strong, yet feminine and Season subscriptions at SCR box office . Season subscriptions to South Coast Repertory Mai~ and Second Stage productions are now available at the SCR box office. With ~ason subscriptions. SCR guests will save 34 percent over single ticket prices, get preferr~ seaUnc. have fin;t chance at SCR's popular "A Christmas Carol" production and receive the Subecriber News newsletter. Although the roming Main Stage seci:son has not been set, plays now under consideration inClude "AJJ in Favor Said No!," "The Diviners," ''Major Barbera.'' ''Tiny Alice," "Love's Labour'• Loll" "School for Scandal" -.net "The Winslow Boy." ' . 5'!cond Stage offerings will ~ chosen from "Betrayal.'' "Billy Bishop Goes to War," "Going Over" and "Duet ror One." . . For IUbM:ripUon Information call 9'7-2602 or visit the box office at 655 Town Center Drive ln O:ls18 Meu. A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment Center Albertson's • 8:"'k ot America • Bilbo Baggins •Coco's/Reuben's • Dolphin Hair Fashions • Edwards · Cinema • Fash n Splash • Hamburger Hamlet • Ice Capades • Mesa Verde Florist • Mesa Verde Travel Mlone's • Music Market • Piecemakers • Photography by Jeffrey • Southern California Optical Spa Lady • Swensen's · 'Goodnicht, Gracie' Five miles of gravel road By JDDIY JOHNSON °' .............. "Say OoodNgbt, Grade" la a bit of theatrical babble that baa little or nothinl to ay. It besinl like a bad trip and Ff!I awry from ihere. lt' .. Uke anoklng bed grw. Once the rmb la over, you wonder why you did it in the first pl.9ce. Produced by the Irvine c.omm.anity 'lbe9ter and running weekends througb Jw. 19, ·~Say Goodn.iaht. "Grade" w• written by Balpb Pape. The ahow la having ita West Coat premiere at the Turtle Bock Community Center and with a little luck maybe it wUl )Dt die there of ~tural caU8el or an OYentc.e of ·tedh.an. Now that'• not to.:f the play ~on forever. It la anly a one-act.er lt'• not a~ act at that. It'• just not that entertaining and It tends to draa· A review . And the aucy ~ writer Pape bu w.ed in doem't improYe the ClClltenl. Hell. lt domn't even shock you. and by the time the play nam lta coune you are wonder1nc how much more of thJa stuff you will be f«Ced to ablorb. The actloo tam ~ In a lplll"lely fumiabed. cluttered New York apertment in ~her of une. the eve of • 10.-year c:lal9 reunion for five people who were teen~aaen during the turbulent '60L There la ~ to be a rr ! er In then IOIDeWbere, but -fta clouded with 8"1111 llDOkin& fried bralnl, eecapea from reality, d.reama that never come true and the fact that then are no cut and dried ~ any more. Tbae ldda Cf"' up on televiaion and De'W'I' Jeerned the ral world ain't Burns and Allen. Ed Sullivan, r.ctward R. Murrow °' Od Seeu.r and Imocene Coca. If thfil play baa any saving eraces. it'a the five youn,a acton who appeer in 1L. TheY do their damndest t.o make mthinc of lt. but lt'a like the ar-t SoutMm phno.:r-Ortmdo Muchanothln once akl, "l'lve mn.Siravet ro.d Iii five mOel of gravel road. .. They played their parts well. extnctina from them Whatever WM there to extnlct. but it WMD't much.· . Woody J~ played Jerry, the moody ectot who is approaching 30 and ham't came cbe to fuliilllng hia dream. 'lbe theatrical world just seems to be pamna him by. Jona plays Jerry wen. 0but there ttauy lln't any deplb to the pwt. Howevs, Stew Fox ~ the bmt put.in the play M Stew tbe writer. He'• ...,.n.nt ID the pert, and the ~ the chancter be.·.pluac DeWI' learned to face ~ and illJll out elidl· diDt he .. Knott'~ Berry.Farm offers Snoopy on ice this summer Knott'• Berry Fann'• Ice Spectacular this awnmer f•turea "Snoopy and All That Jau." a light-hearted 45-rninute ahow with the world famous beagle In a number of hla mmt familiar roles. ' forced to, ..waa WI oi bumar to what la emodoGal1y abmmner. Peter ~ tllr.-on the role of Bobby, the rock m~ wboee brains are bolled from dl'Oplllina tao mueh aiid OI' from atandinc too dme to hla unplitien. He'• just screwy ~ to be believable. • Lenore Stjeme u Ginny, a not-10-bri1bt 9eCl"etary and Jerry'a live-in roommate, bal little to work with in tenm of ~. but abe does the beat abe can with what the llM. And finally, there waa Chrlatlne Denney'• portrayal of Catherine the airline stewardess. Her thina ia the ultimate sexual experience and llvin8 on tbe moon. Mlaa Denney play. the part with bravado. She'• "workina" her way around the How to catch I great meal at Red Lobster. If you have a love fo food that just can't be ignored. treat yourself to a meal at Red Lobster. Start with a scrumpt appetizer like rich clam chowder. Or a generous shrimp cocktail. Or oysters the half shell. Then crack into steaming-hot crab legs. Or how about a sweet. jui Rock Lobster Tail? In all, you'll find ove trurty tempting choices. each prepared right here. every day, just the way you like. · So if you've got a ta e for some great seafood, catch dinner at Red Lobster tonight. With your Diner lub Card, of course. 780 B~acb Blvd., Buua Parlt, 994-1141 16811 B cb Blvd., H1mtington B1acb, 848-1956 Diners CU> from 0 9 \bu can diOp ournamewhae itoounts. .. 5 -122& 6 ' i -Tafileto table--T-he-h-~--~-~-f-e ·~-~-~-~-.~---=--Th-e~--~--wi·th-~-.-.-M-~--~-~-~ -Ahmed serves the guest'S, Malika cooks. The lentil soup with garbanz.o beans, finely diced meat, ..; Fez Mo"'ro" cca' n arrangement makes for homestyle service spiced eggs and flour. The IOUp was delicate yet lacked a ~ -• • • with the unusual flavors of a Moroccan feast. special distinctive flavor. We noticed some => Guesta are teated on plush couches or pillows Moroccan natives aeated next to us didn't hesitate to :. Gem of a dining spot before gleaming brass tables. It's. pleasure to dine request a shaker of salt for their soup. ~ in a reclining position and a special change of pace Ahmed comes by from time to time to deliver :g By JOEL c. DON when fingers become the sole eating utensils for the hunks of bread, which comes in handy with the ~ or ... o.-, .,... .._. even.Ing. eecond course of three salads: eggplant, carrot and ~ FEZ-MOROCCAN, 5910 Warner Ave., Delore the meal Ahmed places a towel on the pickled vegetables. ~ Huntington Beach. Uo-3024. Dinners served from 5 lap of each dinner guest and perfonns a ceremonial Then there's an interesting divenion for the i to 9:30 p.m. seven days a week. Dinners from $8. 75 washing of hands. Al the end of your dinner, he'll taste buda. We were fascinated with the traditional ~ to $12. Re9ervatiOllS recommended. Major credit lightly sprinkle you with roee water along with b'stilla, a pastry filled with chicken, choJ:: ::, cards. your hot towelettes. The meager confines of the onions, almonds and parsley topped with pow > restaurant are decorated with appropriate travel sugar and cinnamon. It proved to be the highlight 0 In the restaurant trade, nine months hardly is posters and Middle Eastern music (sans belly of the evening. ~ enough time to cast judgment on the fate of a new dancers) adds some color to what otherwise would Our chicken was baked with butter, lemon and establishment. appear to be a rather nondesnpl little spot in olives and had a hint of ginger and saffron.' The But it's already been plenty of time for Ahmed Huntington Beach. succulent fowl was followed by couscous, Amarir to suffer growing pains at hia first Tht: u~uu uo apparently Spartan. with ita six another North African tradition of eemolina wheat restaurant. He's scouting the Orange Coast in search dinner offerings'. But each telection comes with six ,steamed in a couacoussiere and mixed with sauoe of larger territory for "l'ez.-Moroa:an. a gem of a oounes, makin.& for a splendid array of Wtes and and vegetables including carrots, iuochini, turnips dining spot tucked . away in a cubbyhole at a smells to tempt the palate. and banana squash. Thriftimart shoppping center. F.ach table chooses one dinner selection for the Amarir had a dream to start his own place group. The difference lies between the main meat We lipped mint tea with our dessert, brioquat, when he emignted to the United States 11 years ent.ree from each dinner. You can 1elect from rock a pastry similar to baklava that is prepared by ago. He eventually gave up anothef' line of work to oorniab hen, chicken, lamb or rabbiL Makila. ' offer d1nen a special treat in North African cuisine. We op1ed for the dinner with tajine or chicken Ahmed is thinking about adding belly danoen An unassuming, 10ft,..poken man. Amarir isn't. ($10.75). I would have prefened \be rabbit. but my to the Fez~Moroocan, which will, no doubt, make however, a novice in the~. Prior to arriving guest was a little uneasy about ..neooe cooking up for 80IDe truly outstanding dining at th.la tiny in the U.S., be bad been part-owner of a Moroccan a .. bunny." I have long savored the taste of rabbit hideaway. He also noted that the restaurant is now restaurant in Paris. And his wife, Malika, spent two and would recornmena the uninitiated I to forsake open for lunch, Monday through Friday from 11 years priming her culinary talents at a cooking any w thoughts and try this generally delectable a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Lunch menu prices are from $4.50 school in Casablanca. entn!e. to $5.95. pttHnU Hf here or take hem. STAG CHIESE CASl8 Al Checco & Jay North '" FEZ IDRDCCll .... a.slkC.. LlllCH MJlf. ""'1 Fill. 11:30 lo 2:30 ,,.,,.. F,_ 5:00 • 7 ,.,,,,, A Witt Beer a Wine 8ernd AeNrvatlon• Preferred (714)840-IOM 5910 WMfll tllfJICTON llUCH AT SPlllliDAl.I • M MFTWT comJ ~olJ~n Q&i~~~ ..., ~~ .&a!:ll,,!!!.,. ~ Specializing In Chinese A lo rate Dishes Lunch. DIM« 0•111 •·Food To Take Out 47 I IC ..... • OUMel JI .... ---......._-.. ... 750.7171 • 7SO.so,tl • 21cos~ : ............. . 642·11'2. 631-ftl' 0 . ' .)·~JD11.11a a E.NTERTllNMENT GUIDE 8001<., llUSJC & LYRICS BY Complete Dlnneis from $5.25 to $5.95 5 :00 PM · 7 :00 PM Daily Your choice of soup or salad and one of these entrees Fenuclnl "Neptune" The Weight watch er -b roiled. freshly Ground Beef country Fare -broiled . breaded Pork Chops Fish and Chips Om elette du Jour ... plus your choice of dessen. Including H~agen oa.zs Ice Cream or Apple Strudel and a selection of beverag616 from coffee. tea. Iced tea. milk or sanka. ~ leMll ~~ I I I I I I I .... , • .,., ... """··· , .. ,. I ""'""' ........ CA ,,,. •• , I " ' .............. '"'· ff ' "" I !:=:========"'I CAPRICCIO CAFE a• ~· ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• For Dine Out Advertising And In fo Call . I 1· I I I PUBLIC MARKET AN INTERNATIONAL CAFE '4.11 Tl '8.75 Serving Lunch & Dinner From 11:30 a.m. 631-8925 FULL BIR I COCKTAILS 428 E. 17th ST. COSTA MESA Stick-to-y,oUr-ribs Special Sclvings. 3-Rih Barbeque Dinner $5. 95 Prime Rih-Windsor Gate Cut $7. 95 AH-You-Can-Eat Beef Rih BBQ $7. 95 Rih-Eye Steak· $8. 95 With this coupon, yop can really dig into some delicious dinners cut from our famous Prime Rib , while you pocket some special savings . And whichever succulent choice you make we serve it complete with soup or unlimited salad bar, rice or potato. plus a basket of fres h bread. But hurry, this offer only lasts through June 20, 1982. Victoria Station Rib Ded for f •t .. r'• 0.y, J•11e 20. ReHrvadeae wekoDM. l.apu Hilla, 24231 Awt.ida de la uarlota, 7'8-J9H Newport Beac:la, MacArthur and Jamboree, 752.a40; Wat-..tu, 14041 Bach Blvd., 8'8-67'2 7 :2 0 -~ I ~ 111 ;:, a. 111 :~ • "Tl ~ Ci ~ c... c ;:, (9 ~ ...... co CD I'\) -.. I I I I 8 i~lntermission4-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .- ~ j'fintypes' good hiator~ lesson ~ ~ Tribute to ones who 'made America great' :g By TOM TITUS LL OftM 0.-, ..... 1'-" ..: ~ · "Tintypes," South Coast -g Repertory's homage to America's ~ turn-of-the-century shakers and I movers, IUCCeeda more as a hil~ry ~ lesson th.an as musical theater, t.houJih -it is consistently entertaining on tne .2 latter score. a: It's a neatly assembled, attract.ively packaged tribute to people who .. made America gJUt" and includes more aonp from the period_ than one mtgbt imagine could be stuffed into a ~hour ahow. Director John-David Keller and muaical director John Ellington have fuhloned a briskly · paced production peopled by five impressive musical comedy talents. 'The lone show stopper among the quintet la Andrea Frienon, who belts out the mournful 1905 balad "Nobody" with fervent intensity and returns to dazzle the audience with a samy "Bill Bailey, Won't You Pleue Come Home." Susan Wat8on makes a marvelous Anna Held. star of the Ziegfeld Follie• and wife of its ·producer. and her rendition of '"Toyland" is the sweetest toUnd of the evening. Ken Jennln1• la the nominal centerpiece of the show • newly arrived lmmlarant and deliYen • bouncy, upbeat character. Stanl•y G r o v e r r e,p re s e n ta • ' t h e eatablishment" and doe9 an energeUc Teddy Roosevelt, whlle Angelina Reaux shines as a champion of women'• rights. The production, intricately desi&ned by Michael Devine, 1loUChes "11MrVN• A mulklll rewe by M#y Kyte, Mel Mervin end Gwy PMfle. dlrec1ed by J~n-0.vld Keller, Mtting by Mlc:hMI a.Me. mutlcel dlf9clor JoM Bllnaton. fighting by Tom Ruzlka. ooatumH by lom RumulMft. muaklal •laglng by Bob Talmage. praaented by $oUtl) Cout R11>«tory TUHdlya . ""°""" Satutdays ate p.m .. ~et 7:30. wllfl ... lrld ~ II 2:30 lflrough July 3 at Iha FOUt1tl 81ap rt-I•, 865 Town CenW OrM, Coate ....... ~lllona 857-4033 • ,_CUT S~lh .... .... .. ...................... Andr• Frlenon T.R. ............................... . .. _... .... Si.nley Grover ai.tlle -· ................................. -........ Kan Jennlngt =' .. ::::::::::: .. :::::··::::.::::::::::::::::::: .. ~w= on two llOcial themes of the period - the immigrant's tribulations in his new land and the atruale of the poorer clalleS under the thumb of the industrial pnta. But mainly, it ii a celebration bf America's musical heritage. "Tintypes" continues ita engagement on the malnstage of SCR'a Fourth Step Theater, 655 Town Center .Drive, Coata Meaa, th.rough July 3 with performances nightly except Monday and weekend matinees. * AP ART FROM tho9e productions chronicled in Monday's column, six other shows ccntinue their f!.!1pec1ive engagements along the Orange Coast, with no dolino on tap. 'Ibey are: -"On Golden Pond" with Pat O'Brien at Sebastian'• West Dinner Playhouae in San Clemente (497-9950), running nightly except Monda)"I th.rou&h June 20. -"Norman. '11 That Your• at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse ju1t north of Costa Meaa (979-.,»11), ai.o Angelina fleaux, Susan Wat.son and Andrea Frierson (from left) )om forces in a number from ''Tintypes." , nightly el«.'ept Mondays through June a cast of five men and two women 12. will be selected at the Moulton, 606 -''The Cndfer of Blood" at the i:Jh.n.a _c. an yon Road, Laguna Laguna Moulton Playbou1e 1494-0743), Tueadaya throu1h Children are being aought for rolee Satw'dayl at 8 until June 12. ID "The Sound of Music" at the -"Say Goodnlcht. Gnde'' at the Curtain Call Dinner Theater ID Irvine Community Theater Tustin, and tryouts will be hel$1 (557-7297), Fridays and S._.ya at Saturday from 11a.m.to2 p.m. at the 8, Sunday and June 11 at 2. ~ tbmter, e90 FJ <:amino Beal •..• for June 19. det.aJ.la. call 838-1540. . . . . -"Happy Birthday, Wanda June" Unpaid extras are needed thia at the M.lalkm Viejo Play~ in the weekend for ~ ~ in a Forum Theater, J..a1una' Beach Tony Curtis movie shooting· locally (830-9252), Frida)"I U)d Saturdays at ... call Joan McGillia at 675-0198 8:30 through June-19. or 675.9579. . . . . -"Oklahoma'' at Golden Weat The Huntington Beach Playhouse College, Huntlngton Beach wru~bold auditions for the comedy (894-6070), Fridays and Saturdays at ''The Gazebo" Sunday at 2:30 p.m. 8 through June 12 and 2:30 on June and Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the 13. theater, in the Sea.cliff Village center, * Main at Yorktown ... director J.D. CALLBOA&D -The Laguna Reiche.Ider.fer will be seeking nine Moulton Playhouse will bold men ancl three women in varying age auditions Mood.y el 7 p.m. fOf' the ranses for the show, which opens WOl'ld premiere of '-n.omhill" · · · • July 23 ... "Mother Karen~ .. the year 'round jacket Gleot for eveiything, like booting, bike rtdng °' jus1 the beach Fun cok>f combinohons. Machine wasbOble too. Super with Vuom8f & le Cord sungkns hOldefs ~-----..... _ - ~Bigd~n~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. 37th Lions Fis~ Fry· • • • Expects to draw over 60,000 people participate in the Lions Club parade that begins Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at Harbor Boulevard and Wilson Street. """ More than 60,000 people are e~ to attend the 37th annual Costa Mesa-Newport HarbOr Lion Club· Fish Fry tonight through Sunday. Benny Ricardo, a former Orange Coast College student who plays for Over the y ears t he service the New Orleans Salnta, will eerve as -organization hu railed more than grand marshal. $655,000 for various local charities. The three days of festivitia fu downtown Liona Park at the COl"Der of 18th Street and Newport Boulevard will Include a beauty cont.el&, a baby contest, camival rides and games, drawln&a and of COW'le the famc:JW fish fry dinner f« ... . Lioftl Club offkiW expect 10 eerve 10,000 flab fry din.Den that will include all the trlmmln11 and a chance to win a ),j82 Chevrolet Cbevette donateo by Connell ~t.. The parade route will continue 80Uth to 19th Street and west 10 Anaheim before end1na up at Liana Park. WILSON STREET Mila CC»1a Me. will be csowned Sunday at 2 p.m. followed by a baby More than a dolen bandl, includinc contie9l at 3:30 p.m. The drawtnc fw -Ob- tbme from Eltanda and CC»1a Yea the new Chevrolet will be bekl at 8 '-----------------------------~ hllJh achoola, are expected to p.m. 'Ille foUowinC ia a ~l]e of ewnta fat \be C.-. Mee-N!WJ)Ort JWbol' L6om Club 1'1111 Fry pande apd camival ~une ~ ........ , ...... . 5:30 p.m. .............. --·-" ... ..w.. fllb dlnmrl e p.r:n. . .................... Carnfval !ides ..aa ....-open 7:30 p.m. ............................................. a.Del perfor1nl PAnde route to Uam fish fry. 9 p.m. ........ -............................... -............... _. llrawtnl '1 p.m. ................................................. Square Rlggera ....... , ..... ' . . p p.m. ........................................... Color T\' drawfnc 10 a.m. .................... c.nival rldee and pm. open S..UJ, Jae t 10-.30 a.m. ................................... w ...... Pal8de beClm Noon ..... -............... Camival rlde9 and pines open Noon ................. , ............. Betln wvfnc fWI dlwr'I Noon ............................... ~ lel"Yinl fish dinnen 1:30 p.m. ......................................... CJluck &. a-2 p.m. ................... Mila COit.a Mea beauty contest 2 p.m ........................................... ~ ....... Parllde a__. 3:30 p.m. .... -.................... ._ ................... &by cont.eat 3:10 p.m. _ ................. -............................ -... I>rawinl ~:30 p.m. ............................................... : ........ llrawina 4:15 p.m. __ ................................ IloloChy Jo 1lancerw 6:15 p.m. ............. , ................... Arlee Hi8bee dancenl e p.m; ....................................... -................. Ilrawa.a a p.m. ................ _...... °'8Yrolet a.wtte drawiJll. 9 ; '""I " IO r !·--Art-----------~-~~~-... ~Animation festival 1 ... Not just Bugs Bunny ~ ' ;f By STEVE TRIPOU -or .. Dl9f ...... i With all due reipect to that cwuy wabbit, " promoter Craig "Spike" Decker a tly dearlbed the ~ 1982 Festival of Animation at U~ Irvine when he 1 said .. it'a not just Saturday morning Buo Bunny." ~ For most of the approximately 2;ooo people _ who viewed it recently, the featlval waa a g demonstration of animation's many poeaibillties a. beyond the standard Saturday morning fare. Not that it wasn't fun --molt of the 15 subject.a shown were vehicles for humor as well aa animation. The Saturday morhina gang wasn't shut out either. Three old-time cl""cs, featuring favorites like Popeye and Betty Boop, were included and were big hits with the audience. But there was mo~. and the uniqueness of the material to much of the audience cambined with the generally well-done acripta to enhance the entertainment value. The good news is that you haven't misled out on a chance to see the show, or one like it. -but more on that later. The types of animation featured ranged ffOID the aoft pastels of what's known as ''water~l« wash'' to clay animation, puppet animation and a form Involving humans called "pixillatioo." which even the promoters couldn't explain but which appean aldn to film in wbk:b f!VttY tenth frame ia U8ed. The aelection was international, from the Academy Award winner "Crac," produced ln Canada, to England's "Seaside W<>rnal." a Cannes FUm l'eltival award winner which featured the mulic of Linda McCartney and Winp. '1't)ere a1lo were two eeginetlla featuring the best animation used in advertlalng, plus the deep-hued pastels of the Calilomia-made "'Quasi at the Quackadero" and a Gennan tale of unfulfilled love called "The River." Decker and his part.Oen at the Riverside-based Mellow Manor Productions got the idea of promoting animation featlvals by accident. Decker said. "When we did midnight shows (the group baa promoted everything from ballet to beauty contesta) we always opened with one or two short titles, and they were always popular," he said. The popularity spawned the first animation fea1ival four yeen ago, and there haa been one ln Irvine every year since. Mellow Manor Productions also sponsors animation festivals at Cal State Northridge, JeVeral Loe Angeles-area colleges, and has brouaht them to the San Franci9co Bay area and San Luis Oblapo for the first time th1a year. The festival aJao will return to UCI ln the spring, with a mostly changed lineup of features if past years are an indicator. Viewers are given sheets on which they Joe comments u they enter the ahow, however, and thoee comments often result ln a repeat of features that are particular favorites. Until then. see you at the Quackadero. . EVIL l'lloiDER THE SllN: &11'<1 'PG. stara Pcwr U.alrnO\'. Jarw Blrkin. Sylv111 Milt~ .• 1.mk.,. M:i."°n and Diann Rigg in A~lha Chnstl~"• talc of ll'IW'dt•r and lntriiU<• TM PO niliftl Is tor .duJ1 wtuauuns. • DAS BOOT: Rated R. la a German-made tale of the ettw work1nj in brulll l-ondiuons aboard a Nazi eubmarlne In World War ll. 1'tw fllm llal'I JUratm Prochnow and Klaus W~ The R ra Una 111 for violentt. A LITTLE SEX: Ratf'd R, 1tar1 Tim Matheson, Kate Capaflaw anif Edwa.rd Herrm&M In t.bt' story of a man who trles to be faithful but finds it hard. Ttw R rauna b for adult litua· tlon1. ATLANTIC CITY: Rated R. llll"I Burt lA.nc'Mler 11 an ac>n&. bottom·Nng ex-pnc11er who &"'ta~ last chance \0 make a tq buck when he happens upon a larat" amount of cocaine. and OM last cllanl:e at l'Ol'l'Wll'\' when he rnecaa Susan Saranidoa. a at.rd ~Iler. Lowa Malle direc'ted lhil bit of whimsy. wnu~ by John Guan. It'• flelh. fUMy. and alivf'. TM R ratina la for VIOlentt and adult lill.latlona. BODY lll!A'r. Rllt'dR. Nrrin1 Williarn Hun• a bunltinl; ~ auomey and Kathleeo 't'Um!r as the fernrM fatale. Thia eexv. dellioua mystery lakes~ ma IK'11UOUS t JOn<Sa ~n ., ~ that people In cafes order Iced leel lWO at a lime. Directed by ~ Kudan IS an hcxnlle' IO mm nolr, thl' R ~ comes from brief nudity, •lty l&ngua,e and 1 pnttl.I air of •teemi.nesl. CANNEllY ROW: Ratad PG. ttars Nick -Nohe and l>Pbra w~ 1n a'~ film ad9p1aUan o1 Jotm ~·· stor1e1 ~ R;;;~ "Sweet. n.ur.lay." Shot on MGM twncf ..... thJt movie Na a IWeH, enchanted look and fW perlanwxtS by °Nolte, W~ and A\.ldnl Undley 11 tbt madame. N11T111ed by John Hust.on. The PO rat.lftl Is tor .... adult llftuaUona. CAT PEOPLE: Rate R, stare Naua11la Kha.k.I and Malcolm Md>oweU In I tale ol &ewe Md tM IUper'DMUnl l)t. rected by Paul Sch~r. muek by GeorP Morcld«. The R 111t.lftl ii for '" and Violence. CllAalO'rl OF na&: a.led PG Md se.rrinlBtn a.. .ad Ian Ow"-' 11 n.nwnlrl U.. Int OI~. wllo nin ...-for dlflerwnu._. but~ Ut win Jwtt w tame. The PG nUnc ml.mt be for* kllty \hemes: there ii no nudity. no v\olenClt .... very .... ollenlh'9 i.ncu.. D&lTBTaAP: Rated PG.'*"'~ Reew, ....._. Calrk• and D)'an Cannon in a clevtt murder mystery 1bout a wuhed up writer 11ncJ • promlalng youni 1uthorw~ 1 sr-t myi.tHy Tht· PG ratJna la Cor violenl"-'. ENTER THE NINJA: Rated R. llln Christopher GeCJtv. Fr11rk'O Ncru and SuNn Gcorac in a tale of martial arts and vcntwarw.'t' The R raliftl Is for vlok'fttlll. FORBIDDEN WORLD: Raled R. la a ldence fiction homw story ect In lpal'C. 1'tw R 111tlni ii for viblenoe. TllB FRENCH UEUTENANT'S WOMAN: Baled R. 1W11 Mttyl SU'et'p In the ro)e of the hrvtbC'Oken and ~ French Lteuienant'• woman and Jt'l'f'my, Irons 11 ihe Vlc1orian ~ who 11mblt'I his IO\le and reputation on hft'. nw moct.m day film <Tt'W makln1 a movif' of "'nw fttnch JMu. .. H ~ Wl&ftt'• Woman" hu lta own romantic drama and downfa.Lla i which are rMMt io compue and motratt with lbe ViCtorian ~ .equence. The R rauna Is for adult 1eX\UIJ aituaUona. ~ ~ GOIN' ALL THE WAY: Raled R. ii about a sc.e.my ~ ~ and young peop\e wllh "only one thlnc on their minda." The R ratina II for adult altuallons and nudity. ~ IP YOU OOOLD SEE WHAT I BEAR: Raled Pc. scan Matt ~ ~ and ShNi Harptt. This movie la bMed on the life of Tom '!< Sullivan. ~-<10mpo1er, wriler~ and athlete who was c.. blind. Ratinal la for adult lituadonl. § MAUNG LOVE: Rated R. "--Michael Orukee.n. Kate ct Jack.aon and HarTy Hamlin in a SlOr)' about a wonwi, a man and ~ 5ff Currently screening. Page 12 r ... • ..& ' •• ' .. .Currently screening kU.led hill moc.bec and father. Direct.ed by John MWus. The R raitnc '8 foe violence and .ex. STAR TllBI 0: Rated PG, &tan William Shatner and Leonard Ntmoy In the conUnulnl quett to eeek out and explore •traa'l8f new woclda. The PG rattnc II for .ction. Directed by NichoLM Meyer. POL'l'EllGEUT: Bated PG, &tan Jobeth wiw.m. and Beetrice Stnll&ht ln a tale of the aupeman.aral. The atory II by Steven SpleJbere; the direction by Tobe Hooper. The PG ratlnl ~ for~· THE ROAD W ARIUOR: Rated R. stan Mel Olblon u a .emi-hero who battles manudiiic t.ndlta ln a poet-end-of-the-world thriller. Directed by George Miller. The R raUnc la for violence, which 1t abundant. ROCKY OJ: Rated PG, stan Sylvester Stallone u the IUW)' Rocky, who battles to defend hil crown. The PG ntinc II for violence. . . DEAD MEN DON'T WEAR PLAID: Rated PG, atan Steve Martin ln a spoof on the detec:Uve filma of the 40a and '60L lntercut with the film are "pest" appeerancee by Boprt. Lana Turner, Ven:inica Lake, Bett.e Davia and Burt t..anc.tec. The PG ratlnl la for adult humor'. VJSJTING HOURS: Rated R. atan Lee Grant and Willlam Shatner ln a tale about a horrible hospital. The R ratinc la for violmce. ANNIE: Rated G, atan Albert Finney, Carol Burnett and Aileen Quinn. The film 18 ba9ed on the popular mUlical. -. -_ni~ersions- -PLAYs------ ,.THE BAD SEED," a dr~ma about a murderous little girl, opens tonight at the Newport Theater Arta Center, 2501 Clilf Drive, Newport Beach. Curtain ls 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through July 3 with Sunday ma\J.nee.9 June 20 and 27 .at 2 p.m. Relervationa 675-3143 • .. CLOSE TIES," a drama about fami1 crites, continues at the Newport Harbor Act.on ~ter. 390 Monte Vlata St., Calta Mesa. Performances are given Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30 through June 12. Reservations 631~110. "THE CRVCIFER OF BLOOD,'' & Sherlock Holmet adventure, ls on stage at the lAauna Moulton Playhoute, .606 La~ Canyon lfoad, Laauna..Beacb-01r1ain la 8 p.rii. Tue9lta)'I through Saturdays until June 12. Reeervations 494-0743. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WANDA JUNE," a satirical comedy by Kurt Vonnegut,• la being pre9ented by the Million Viejo Playbouae in the Forum Theater on the Festival of Arta grounda ln Laguna Beach. Curtain is 8:30 Fridays and Saturdays through June 12. &eervationa 830-9252. "A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS," a historical drama in the reian of Henry vm, opens toni&ht at the Huntington~ Playbowle. Main Street at Yorktown Avenue in the Seacli~f Village lhopplna center. Performances will be liven ~ys -ana ' Saturdar at 8:30 throug}\ July 10. Belervatiom 847..()46 • ''THE MAN WHO COULD SEE THROUGH TIME," the West Coat premiere of a romantic drama about utronom}', Is the fare on the Second Stage of South CoMt Reper1ory, 655 Town Center Drlve, Costa Mesa. Performances are 1tven Tueedays thtouah Saturda)l9 at &30, ~unda)'I at 8 p.m. and weekend matineel at 3 p.m. thrOUCb June 20. Belervationl ~7-4033. - --=-~ ·~ FN. l:GO, 1:11, .1e>:al IAT·IUN. 1:AI, .... ""., .... .. ~· I t' .. I • 14 i--Diversions-------.-...-...------------...... ---. _. JhJm PalJe 13 · . comedy, i• belna pt~aented by the Irvine Sunday and June 13 at 2 p.m. Reservations t> Playboule, a.t the Arim,ton Street entrance to the Community 'Ibeater Fridays and Saturdays (except •92-0465. § Oranp COUnt)' Fairgrounds. Perfo~ are June 5) at 8 p.m.. and th.is Sunday and June 13 at 2 .., atven Wednftdays, Th\lnday1, Saturday• (no Ct at Turtle Rqck Communf~ Sunnyh111 f =u:s ~ at 8:30 thnMcb June 20. a~~ c1c'::: ~m:.':on 657_7:r-aft 'C ": "O&LABOMA," the Rod1er1 and I ffammeeltllln mu•11, CIOIDUnuee at Golden West Co1Jeet In Huntmcton Bwh. playina J'ridayl and 1 Saturdays at. 8 p.m. throuab .Tune 12 and Sunday, .June 13, at 2:30. Reeervatiom 8M-6070. · ~ g ~ ~ GOLDEN POND," starrtna Pat O'Brien. la the fare at ScbuUan'1 West Dinner Playbot.m, HO Ave. Pko. San Clemente. Perfomumcee aft given~~ except llcndays at YU'Yin« curtain timm June 20. ~ 402--tl60. Including B~T ACTRESS -Kath:ari~ Ht'pbum BF~I ACTOR -Hmr)• Fonda ,.TINl'YPD,'' a OMllbl covertnc tbe wly century, II bema ~t.ed on the mein-.. of South eo.t Repertory, 856 Town C-enter~Drive. ea.ta Meea. Curtain II 8 p.m. Tueeclays throucb Saturdays. 7:30 Sundays and 2;30 on weekend aftemoom through July 3. Reeervatiom 957-4033. "YOUR FLAKE OR MINB?" the ~orld pnmlere of a D1W Jack Sharkey ovnedy, opell9 ttdl Welrend at the San Clelneftte Community 'lbeater, 202 Ave. CebrWo. SU a.m...te. Cw1ain ._ _.. Fridays Ud ~at 8 p.m. with matlmm thll "ltlSS ME KATE," Cole Porter's mwDcal hued on Shakespeare's ''Taming of the Shrew," will high1lght opening night festivities Wectnemay for .theater-on -the-green at Fullerton's Muckenthaler Cultural Cent.er, 1201 W. Malvern Ave. Evening includes suJ>pe~ and pre-show entertainment featuring madrigal singers. Supper at 7:15 p.m. and curtain at 8:15 p.m. Information 870-6750. • "HARMONY," "an original m•tsicaJ comedy." opens June 12 at Anaheim's Peanon Park'Outdoor 'Theater. Pre-show festivities at 6:30 p.m. Curtain at 8:30 p.m. InfonnatJon 533-3460. See Diversions, Page 16 ,AClflC THUTIIES oatYf ... nMr •ms 11artc11 '""' euc.o-ut• r11t .-•r H~ ILVO IMUYf·IW I OUlfGf OtlYE·IM I• It J,. IAlllllH I Wl!MT ,..,_ .. .-... , ...... ,,...,. A•, .. "' ,,,,,, ANAHEIM DRIVE IN "POL TBIGEIST" ~ .... "IEA WOLVES" .., ---~,.-----r---~·.!'~­ --------- LINCOL"'f l'Qi,d 1N "PON(Y'a ... -~--... ..a Cllll ·fl iOUllD IN Te MM 8 TRAC!K. DOLBY STEREO ~ ... : 1·················•*********•····················· N • et1wart1s NEWPOR'F CINEMA "LOOUNG ~BEAD," a faoulty-aelected exhibt~. continues throup June 25 at Oranae County Cen• .,... Ccnternponey Art. 3621 w. MacArthur Blvd., 5.-e 11, Santa Ana. -GRAZIA DB 8ANTll AMEMBL\GE" 11 on view throuah Wectne.day at Rmoll Gallery, South COMt Plua. c.c.lta Me.a. .. nGUllATIONS," . an exhibit demonltratina the appnJICbea of three coot.em~ U1im to the human f.ann., opens SW::rn at MWa Hou. VllUal Arts Ccimplex. 12732 St., Gvden Grove. Information ~707. WATEROOLOllS BY PAUUNB GEERIJNGS Will be shown beCinDinl Sunday at Bdward-Dean MU1eU111'1 North Gallery, 9401 Oak Gleo &.id, Cherry Valley. Information 84&-2626. .-DANCE-~----..........,;.;.... DANCERS WORUHOP for intermediate through advanced level dancers ii 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday at Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 Lasuna Canyon lbd. Lacuna ee.cb. Stretch, maaaage and acupre11ure techniques will be included aloog with bdet. tap and Jazz clMBe8 and auditioning techniques and choreoaraphy. Information (2~3) 957-5151. .-ACaYLICS, WATERCOLORS ANO ICULPTUall by Bud Sbackelford will be buna DANCE TBEA'Q'.B WEST will preeent five Saturday at Challil Galler~. 1390 S . Cout Oranae County premk!tea. lnclud!QI three new worii;-it8:30 tonilht and Saturday in Waltmar Theater, Chapman College, ()ranae. Information 997-6757. INTERNATIONAL FOL& DANCE CONCERT performed by Dunaj International DMce Enwmble la at 8 p.m. June i2 at Ph1W.-Hall, Santa Ana College. Information 638-3086. MIDDLE EASTERN DANCE 11 pre11ented at 8 p.m. J\Ule 11 in Oranae CoMt College Fine Arts Hall 119. Information 556-5527. ·-nc.------ THREE INNOVATIVE THEATE& WORKSHOPS for y=peilOOI are 8Cheduled by vma,e Gretm Perl Arts Center, Garden Grove. lntormadon 636-72 3. JUNGLE JAMBOREE, a show featu.ri.ng wild animal acton perfonnlng various behaviors, la emonc shows at Uon Country Safari, 8800 Irvine C.enter Drive, Laguna Hills. Park hours 9:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. when last car admitted, ~ -·-· • J. :.:i.::-::• ·,· r ~ - t ' ~·r-~' · : · · i . . . '' ~.-.. :. ·~ ··-I t 1 111111\ \ I\ 1''1 I I lfl.' ~Hu B tingto~ School official• are pleaaed about the ht1h acorH that Kunttn1ton Beach Clty (•le"'entary) School Dlatrlct •tudentl ~ ln thla apnna'• Stanford Achievement Tettl. Studenta from the ftnt arade throu1h el1hth 1rade1 tested Well above national avira1••· The teata were atven In readlna, math, languaae and 1pellln1 ln grades three through elcht. * * * District scores \Vay up Ocean Vlew School District students contlnueq to rttord gains in test scores this year, finishing substantially higher than the nationwide average, district officials report. The Huntington Beach youngsters in grades one through eight took reading, English a.pd mathematics tests in the Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills in February. They performed well at all levels but particularly so in the eighth grade, their last year in the district before entering high school. Other local students -in the Huntingto n Bea c h City (elementary) School District - were administered a different test, the Stanford Achievement Test. Fountain Valley elementary students took yet a third test - the Iowa Test for Basic Skills. The Fountain Valley resulta won't be released until the end of this month. The three tests are similar ln what they are designed to teat. They may vary only •I~~~ they have different and shouldn't be compared, accordinc to officiab. l Spelllna tetia were not fiven In the flr.t 1rade and there wu no lanl\laa• t•t in the tee0ncl crede· Superintendent Lawrence Kemper aald ttR reeulta by the Hun\lnaton Beach chlldren ''bucked a national trend'' becauae local student• acored hiah 1alna I~ aome 1eventh and elghth grade teats than they recorded In the orimary pades. GUARDED -Pre1ide n t Reagan wavea under th e watchful eye of a member of the Republican Honor Guard as he departs Elysee Palace in Paris. lllTll1111 IUCI /flllllll llllll <rnAN(il COUNfY. C AL lf-\JHNIA 2!> ClN TS test scores show gains '!Natlonally1 °the tett 1corH tend to flatten out In the hiaher 1rade1. ln our dlatrlct they "°"tinued to arow." In readli\a, the tetta lhowtd that flrtt aradert were HVtn achoo} month• a h ead of the natJonwtde leamlna pace, while elchth IJ'ade 1tudenta 8COred 12 monthl aheact of the national averaae. In mathematica. district flrwt CHATTING -Nan cy Reagan , westin g a pants outfit, talks with French President F r ancois Mitterrand at the American ambassador's residence. sradera 8COred 11 monthl ahead ~ of the national average whUe •i1hth lfade 1tudent.1 were 13 montha ahead. The tests results u announced thl.t week by Jlin Macon, director of educational aervScet ahow: -Ft.rat Grade: Seven montha ahead of national averaae In readln1: 11 months ahead ln math; 11 moniha ahead ln language. -Second Grade: Seven month• ahead In readtna; alx month• ahead in m•th: five montha ahead in 1pelllna. -Third Grade: l:leven monthl ahead In reading; eight month• ahead In math: eight montha ahead in language: six monthl ahead In 1pelllng. -Fo~rth Grade: Eleven months allead I.{\ reading; seven months ahead In math; I 0 Israeli retaliation ,. months ahead in laniuaae; seven monthl ahead in 1pellina. -Fifth Grade: Pourteen month• ahead In readln1: 12 month• ahead In math; 18 montha ahead In language: 10 months ahead In readlna. -Sixth Grade: l:leven months ahead in readina: 11 months ahead an math ; 14 months ahead m lanllU&l{e; eight (See TEST, Page AZ) Jets rocket Beirut Palestinian BEIRUT, 'Lebanon (AP) - Waves of Israeli jets thundered over southern Beirut today, rocketing and bombing the capital's Palestinian strongholds in swift retaliation for the Jobless • • 1n nation now 9.5% WASHINGTON (AP) -An unrelenting business slump coupled with an influx of college graduates into a tight job market pushed the nation 's unemployment rate up to 9.5 percent last month, eclipstnc the post-war record set In April, the government rep6r1ed today. The aeuonally adjusted unemployment rate. climbed one-tenth of a percentaae point 1 from April to May as tens of thousands of college and university graduates entered the labor force searching for work, the Bureau of Labor Statiatl.cs said. attempted usassination of the laraeli ambassador to Btitain. Israeli residents near the Lebanese border said Palestinian gunners responded by firing Katyusha rockets mto the Galilee panhandle. Israeli censors prohibi~ naming the areas hit· by the rockets and there was no mention of casualties. In Beirut, PLO spokesmen said preliminary counts showed at least 30 killed and 120 wounded, many of them women and children, In the Israeli air attacks. Reecuers were digging through the rubble ln search of victims. The first wave of Israeli warplaneti roared over the city at 3:10 p.m . (6:10 a .m. PDT), and subsequent waves continued the barrage without letup for two hours before the jets withdrew. Guerrilla positions return~ a massive ba.n'age of anti-aircraft fire and SA~-7 and SAM-9 1houlder-flred, heat-seeking m.i9siles. witnesses aid. A P LO spokesman, who declined to be identified, said a sports stadium housing a major PLO traintn1 baae sustained direct rocket and bomb hits. A Beirut radio broadcast said an arms depot in the s tadium exploded. · areas SHOT -Shlomo Argov, the Israeli ambassador to London, was shot outside London's Dorchester Hotel Thursday. Eighth grade Ocean View students generally scored between the 75th and 80th percentile. (A national normal percentile would be 50 (half those would be below 50 and have above.) "We like to see where they are when they leave Ocean View," said John Thomas, administrator of pupil perwonnel services for the district. Commandos poised Al together, 10. 5 million Americana were out of work last month. Adult males, who traditionally conUitute the bulwark of the blue-collar work force, were once again hard hit by the lingering recession. Joblessneae among this segment of the labor force roee to 8.4 percent, shattering the post-World War ll record. Asaociated Presa reporter Fereshteh !!rnami reported from the U.N. Interim Force offices about 300 yards from the stadium that she "saw ~ rising out of the stadium, follow~ by smoke. Pieces of the stadium roof flew up." ·Yasser Arafat. A PLO sPokesman said Arafat WU in Saudi Arabia and no senior PLO leader was killed or wound~. Scores of fires blackened the skfes ove r Palestinian-held neighborhoods of Sabra, ChatiUa and Bourj el-Barajneh, which house dozens of PLO offices and traininc camps. "The average eighth grade student acored two years above grade level. We tend to score higher in the upper grades and th at's contrary to national. trend.a.'' Thomas noted that the test Stanley battle finale lpoming By Tiie Associated P resa Since July, about 2.7 million Americana have been thrown out (See JOB, Page A!) The privately owned "Voice of Lebanon" radio station said bombs also hit the den1ely populated Fakhani neighborhood, which houses the headquarten of PLO Cbainnan It was the third Israeli air attack on L eban o n -based guerrillas in six weeks and the largest raid on Beirut since July 17, 1981, when Israeli bombs and (See ISRAELI, P age A%) · gains "are what one might expect at a auburban district with a good basic akil1s program." -Read.inc: first grade, 90th percentile; second grade, 74th; Helicopter-borne British commandos moved forward today ln preparation for the decisive battle for the Falklands capital of Stanley, and Libya sent Argentina missiles for what could be a last desperate air· strike, British press reports said. nie British Defenae Ministry reported thick fog, cold and wet conditk>ni ln the wintry South Atlantic territory, which could temporarily bold up an expected attack by 7,500 British troope ori the estimated 7 ,000 Argentine !IOldien holding the capital. Top bail: $2 million (SH OCEAN, Page A%) Snake attack suspect held ANDALUSIA. Ala. (AP) -A man accused of forcing open a rattlesnake's fl'lOUlh and driving the fangs into an oil worker's arm faces an asaault charge as the victim recover• from the venom that left him near death, authorities say. The victim, 42-y~-old Wayne McLelland, 19 repinin1 use of his right arm after more than two weekl of Intensive care and 21 vlai. of aerum. WORLD In Paris, Premdent Heagan met Prime Ministe r Margaret Thatcher for private talks ahead of the seven -nation economic summit, and according to a senior American official, Reagan wants the British leader to give Argentina one more chance to withdraw from Stanley. However, Press Association, Britain's domestic news agency, quoted eovernment offldala in London u .. ytng no diplomatic or political reason would hold up the battle for Stanley, and that British conunanden have been told to attack as soon as they are ready. Argentina lights Sandiniatas ' Despite the Falkland Ialanda war, Ataentina concmues to suppon the overthrow of the Sandinista penvnent In Nicaracua. Pap A6. · NATION Argentine military 80W'Cel in Buenos Air es claimed 2,000 reinforcements had been flown to Stanley the last few days, boosting Argentine strength to 9 ,000 . But there was no elaboration on how Ar£entine planes could have avoided British jetl that have been flying almost continuous raids ln the Stanley area. Argentina'• 1980 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Adolfo Perez E.quivel, announced In Buenos Aires he is launching an international campaign to halt the fi$lbUiia. COUNTY A Newport Beach man is being held on what Orange County officials are describing as the largest 1>4Ul in county history for grand theft charges. Robert Swick, a 43-year-old former mobile home dealer. is being held in lieu of $2 million bail at Oranae County Jail. Normal bail for grand theft is $5,000. 'lite high bail figure was set last week by Weat Orange County Municipal Court Judge Judith Ryan. Swick is echeduled to appe-ar in court next Wedneeday on 15 grand theft counts. He hu pleaded innocent to the char1rea. 'Pilot endones Sills The 0.Uy Pilot endorle9 David Silla in the Republican primary fot the 49th Aalembly Dlatrict and four county of&iala ~ re-electlon. ~ A8. KY.m Malejan, an attorney for the state department of Housing and Community Development, said the charges agail\,st the Newport man "are some of the most serious we have seen In this state aaainst a mobile home dealer." She said Swick operated Country Style Mobile Homes in three different dties -Garden Grove, Canoga Park and Pomona -from 1977 until the firm went out of bualness last year. Attorney Malejan charged that under Swlck's management, the mobile home flnn woulq take money for mobile homes and then ,.never deliver them. She said In eome cues the homes INDEX , . were delivered but customers never got clear tiUe to them. Swick she said, is specifically c harged with taking down paymen ts from 13 cus- tomers and putting the money into the company's checking account instead of into a client's trust account as required by law. She said it is alleged Swick took more than $500,000 through his process. She also said it is alleged Swick failed to pay back an $80,000 Small Busineu Administra lion loan and c urrently own various manuf acturers more than $600,000. The state Atiomey UeneraJ's office ls prolleCUt.inc the case. Horoecope . B2 lntenni.llion Weekender Ann Landers B2 MutUal Fundll ' C6 Public Notice1 84;02 Spora Cl-6 Stock Marketa C1 Weechir' A2 World News A3 monthl ahMd tn 1p11l1Ni.• - -Seventh Orade: ""Twtlvt tnonthe ,head ln rtad&n1; 16 moniha ahtad in ro1tti: Il '-tn0ntha ahetd-tn ~: aewn rnonthl ahHd ln • . -&&1hth Oradt: wtlve ~ontha ahead tn reecHn11 13 rnonthl lht.d ln math; MWn monthl ahNCI ln ..,,.....; ftW monthl aheed ln 1p1111A1. Kemper uld th• c11tric:t U.S 'the Stanford AchieYtmlnt testl * * * for th• flret Umt thl1 year •1'*8i.-It ii h.iidlr and lt stwa you a better hancu. on hOw ~ oompue naelClnaD.y .'' Student• prevlou1ly Wtre itwn th• comprehenmw Teltl of Balio 8kllla and tett rt1ulta were "fairly COl'QPll'Able,11 he uld. 'J"he '81' Wtl'e ldmin1atered March 22 throuah April 2 ln Hunttn1ton BeaCh. Nationally, 278,000 children In 43 ii.tee \.oOk the teltl thll 1prtna. * * * OCC bids farewell to Moore By TOM MURPHlNE or ... ....,,......, • J'riencll flC\llty membeta and ctvio d~tari• tumed out 500 1tronc ~huraday nl1ht at the Balboi Pavilion to pay tribute to Dr. Robert B. Moore, who la retirlna u preeldent of Oranae Cout "Colle1e after 22 yeara. There were IOme teara 1n the audience, IOme lauaha, and two 1tandina ovatlonl for the popular community oollep leader. CEAN VIEW ..•. WUUam Kettler, prealdent of the Coaat Community Colle1e Dlttrict Board of Trustees, pve a clo1in1 tribute when he said, "Wouldn't It be nice lf we could clone five or 10,000 Dr. Bobe? How much nicer the world would be." 11"8de, 78th; fifth grade, 7'4th: alxth arade, 74th; eeventh grade, 74th; eilhth azrade. 80th. 'Thomas Nfd fint grade ecores, were abnomWiy hfgh becau.e cliltrict younptera were tested at the end of a three-month test.ing peridd and compared to other lt\ldents tested earlier ln that period. He noted that pupU. can make large learning gains in three months' time. In a lisht moment, Kettler said It WU a tribute to Moore that IO many people turned out on a night when the event "la in direct competition with the Wen buketball team." JOB MARKET ... Moore, in response to the parade of testlmonlal1 at the podium, turned the tribute around just a bit when he remarked, "Actually, tonight ia your night. You are the people who have made CX::C what it ia and what It will be." \ of work by the deepening r-recession. In Paris, where President Reagan was preparing for a seven-nation economic summit, Deputy White Houae preH .-ecretary Peter RoUllel uld the figures were not surprising. "The modest rise in the unemployment rate la in line with our view that the recelllon is bottoming out, 11 Rou9lel llld. ~ said tile adm1nlatration IUll expect.a that aa the economy strengthens ln the .econd half of this year, the unemployment rate will be "trending down while the number of Amerioam at work wW be rising." Tbe civilian labor foroe roee sharply ln May -by 1 million - to .110.7 million, after .euonal adjustment; the bureau uld. . At the same time, it said, the number of people with jobs roee by 780,000 last month. But the substantial expansion of .the labor force offaet the 1ncreued hlrlng, product.na a fraction of a percentage point lncreue ln the overall national joblearate. After aeaaonal adjustment. the govern,ment'a survey of households and bllsine11 establ.isbments 'Showed that the number of people out of work grew by 242,000. The bureau noted that the labor force typically ahowa some growth in May and even more in June, aa atudenta enter the job market. and ita activity picks up in certain industries, such aa agriculture and construction, that are dependent on weather conditions. · He referred to himaelf as "only a s~bol." • I'm not aa smart as everybody here thinks I am," Moore suggested. "All of you are an lntegral part of CX::C." Services set Saturday for Roger Dehne Memorial services are scheduled Saturday ln Crestline for former Huntington Beach resident Roger Dehne. ISRAELI RETALIATION ... Mr. Dehne, 38, a resident of Creat.line, died May 29, a friend of the family reports. rockets killed about 300 .Paie.tiniana and Lebaneee. The Israeli milltary command in Tel Aviv i11ued a brief statement saying that ''M a result of the crlnilnal a..S on the Israeli ambaaaador and other breaches of the asr-nent on ceasing hostiijties, UM Iaraeli government lnitructed the llrae1 Defense Forces to atack terrori1t targets in Beirul .. The Israeli military command said ~e sports stadium hOUflinB the training camp was the primary taraet of the air raid. The PLO has denied responsibility toe the attack on the laraeU ambaaaador In London, and there was no immediate Mr'nment from the Tel Aviv military command on the air raid. It WU the third Israeli air attack on Lebanon-baaed suenillaa in six weeks. He was a graduate of Huntington Beach High School He la au.rvtved by hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Mackie, of Crestline; a aister, Ann Makclde, also of Crestline; a sister Elizabeth McKenzie, of Hayfork, Calif., and a brother Scott Dehne, of Huntington Beach. Services are scheduled at 10:30 a.m. at the Presbyterian Church In Crestline. Little change Coastal -Nlll\lno from 5 to e teet. CloMr to lllOre. wlndlt "'°'*' .,. lfoht lllld vwteble tonight end early Saturday, becomtnl weat·aouthw .. t from 10 to 1 knot• with 2 to 3·1oot wind -and • wwterty IW9ll .. 1 to 3 feet. Smell «aft adYtlof'Y from Pdnt Conc:eptlOn llOUtl'lwerd ~ outer wet.,. to Sen C*Mnt•....,,.. tor northwffterly wind• 15 to 25 knota end 5 to S fool comblMd NH. El-her• Hght vartft.le wind• night end momlnO "°"" ttvougti tonight. Alt.-noon ..... w.t to aoutliweet 10 to 11 llllCJtl wtltl 2 to 3 foot wind W9¥19. Weaterly •••II 2 to 3 leet. Partlelly dMrtnO eltemoon. Temperatures U.S.1ummary Vlolent thunder8tonM In the '°""' camed tloodlnO lllld hi.lied llglltnlfto that ~ one WOflWI end~ two the.. A woman and lier thr•• c:fllldNn ..,. '-* by boll! Thuraday from their home In ' .. iecogee. Otlla., end up to 4 lnCNe ol rain lalllng In 20 ,... time c:oflepeed the roof of a ,. dHll INp In Wegcww, <*ii. A• about IP men worti•• O¥lfl'llgtlt ~ ~ °" • rllln-aoelced dam on Uie -..i ,,.., DurNrn. fll.C •• two ...... bua .. • atood by to evacuate r9eldenU In C8M Ille dlnl tlnlM. Weter -knee-deep In _.. ywdl. Llgtltnlno ca111ed two apartment-complex fir•• In Durham and atruck a 'WOlftan welkl~~ the campue of Duk• . In R41Mig11, .c .. rein Md 1111 atrlpped young tobecco ....,.. "°"'"'* ..... .. , • ..,. ,,..,., ..... a hellllOml ... bit or • tono • tHa one," • ADY .-., ~ tte~ .,. "'*"· TornadoH were •ltl"M Thundey In .... em ~. -..no ....... ot.,.....,.. ~ -,. ,,.. ...., ............ ~ ~---~rtlnlMMI .......... ca.or-. toppll'9 .,_ °"'° ~ -ouftlne ...... ........ r ........ .,...eia~ ..,, ........... trOlft • Ill =-..... iD .. --...... NATION ......... 16 53 115 53 71 53 84 15 .o2 115 • .82 et ICt .OI 81 74 71 59 .40 70 ... • 115 • 3.70 ~ 72 55 17 53 PtSend. Me 70 48 ~ : .02· f"lland, 0re 11 51 .oe 112 71 Pi o'ltdelice 75 aa 11 4e ~ ... 1.31 ,._..., 72 37 • 80 41 Stn lAll• 15 ae 17 38 .02 San Antonio 81 74 81 71 ·°' a..ttte ea •1 71 55 ~ to 75 : :r .07 8lowl ,... 0 45 eo 43 81 Louie 1a 11 .02 77 51 St .-.Tempe If 77 M 47 CM#OMIA .. 17 .20 ....,......, S5 ff 7• •t 8'ytM M • 16 ~ 11 ... 12 50 ,f9MO 13 50 12 •a .11 '--l• M 55 17 50 L.99 ,.,,.... 72 57 6t 4t MeryMle 54 .. • t Montaf9Y eo 11 eo HMdlaa N 71 •7 OMtMd 13 53 70 37 ,..,~ 12 48 .. 41 ..... """ 7t 12 11 11 "9dwood Cl1Y ea 12 70 _, .0 I ""'° 72 37 M TT lacnmento 71 45 IO 71 1e1nM 13 7t Ill ... otaoo 72 .. II 78 Sen Freilclaoo 81 IO II Tl .tt ._....,._. 17 IO 11 51 .TO a.ma Mette 18 • 11 "°°''°" n 41 71 • .41 TherrMI 17 7t ~ Ull.llll 17 N R ..,_,. M a 11 72 1.14 811 ._, 12 IO •t 74 M ...,.... M 42 1t II .01 ~ 71 10 7t 17 .Ot ~ ... .. • LOlll...... 74 .. M IO .ot &..-·~ fl M .... ........ 11 IO • n ..._ Wlllll 14 .. Tl IO #7 ....,.,. llliilll M M 17• ~ TT a Pe6m Spr1ngl t5 12 ......... 75 49 ... lttl'•dlllO 17 51 8an JoM .. •5 Senta cnaz 72 50 T"-V*t ... 30 ~ CANADA 17 42 Edmo!lton 7• 44 Montreel 11 43• Ott-eo •1 Aeglna . 73 47 Ton>nto 57 •• VllJOOU\'llr ... 52 Winnipeg 71 50 PAN..-..CAN AceC>UICO .. 7t .~ Betbedoa ... lermuda 12 74 ... logota ... Cuf!IC.o to Freeport 112 Quedela)at'a ae OU~ 81 HeYana 71 75 .08 t<Jngeton 77 Monteooley 73 Maza!WI .. 7t Merida 17 11 MuJco City 11 • 114 ' .,.., .............. BLOWING WILD -Baa'Plpen strut their stuff in preparation for tile annual Scottish Games, to be held Saturday and Sunday at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Celebration of Scottish gam~s slated A b1t of SC"otland wtll be cominl to the Orange County Fairground• In Costa Meaa Saturday and Sunday. The annual ceJebration of the Scottiah Gamt!9, apoNOl'ed by the United ~ottl1h Society of Southern Callfornla, ln.Xudea rna.rchlng benda, bagpipes, caber l<minat )lammer throws, IOCICel', I rugby and ahot put. The g_ames were started nearly a thousand years aao by Highland chiefs who staged competitions to chooee the mOlt akilled warriors. The two-day event will continue from 9 a.m. to ~ p.m. .each day. Admi.Dion la $6 for adults, $4 for senlon and $2 for children under l~. Some of the highlights of Saturday's celebration will include professional piplng at 9 a.m .. Highland dancing at 1:30 p.m., caber teaing at 2 p.m. and a tug-o-war at 3:30 p.m. Sunday's activities will include a woman's braemar stone putt at 10:30 a.m .. a hammer throw at 11 a.m., a piping championship at 11:30 a.m .. a woman's hanu)'ler throw at 1:30 p.m. and pipe band at 4 p.m. The tossing of the caber, a 19 foot log weighing about 100 pounds, dates back to the 16th century. Both men and women will lelt their strength during the hammer throw and putting stones weighing 16 to 22 pounda. Heat wave logged BONN, West Germany (AP) - MeteorolotPlta warned the sick and elderly to stay indoor• Tbunday aa a heat wave aent temperatures ln Eut and West Germany to their highest aeuonal levels ln decades. Youth softball, baseball slated The Huntington Beach Community Services Department 11 now taking re~\~atlon for its youth IO and bueball leagues. Le8guea will be offered. for first ~ eighth grader, at City Gym and Pool, 16th and Palm Ave., phone: 960-8884; Murdy Con)munlty •A free 10-hour coune for diabetica and their family members ia being sponsored this month by Pacifica Community Hospital in Huntington Beach. The te9Slons wlll be held in the Carmen Yuppa C.Onferenoe Center, acrma the •"Cena\as Shortcuts" will be discussed Saturday at the monthly meeting of the Orange County California Genealogical Society at Huntington Beach Central Library, 7111 Talbert Ave. Barbara B•ckwalter, head • The Huntington ~h Community Services Department will begin taking regiatraUon for swimming leaons this week. Reptratlons can be made at the City Gym and Pool from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday. People also can register at F.or Center, 7000 Norma;;Drive, phone: 960-8895; idi1on Community L:enter, 21377 Magnolia St ., phone : 960-8870. . League play is 1eheduled Monday through Thundays beginning June 21. Contact one of the league sit.es for further information. street from the hospital at 18819 Delaware St. on Wednesday starting June 9 through Wednesday, June 30 from 7 to 9 p.m. Enrollment is limited. For registration, call Pacifica Hospital, 824-0611, extension 226. librarian for Long Beach F.ast Stake LOS Branch Genealogical Library, will speak at 11 a.m. · A tour of the genealogical library will be conducted at noon . the Golden West College ,b>I and at the Edison High School pool Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Classes wUJ be offered to youngsters and adults. For more Information, call Bob Werth at 536-5486. o·ads I Gr.ads HUGE SHIPMENT .. '9UST ARRIVED!! By ftt ~1Mdatt4 '"91 roRT MYERS -Tropical Storm Alberto, a lhort·llved hurricane that kJUed 11 people and ca~ extenllve damaae ln CUba. •nt hundreds of Flortdlana 1CrambUnc lor 1helter before it 1talled and weakened in the Gulf of MexJco thll momtna. Forec11tert at the National Hurricane Center ln Mlunl downcr-ded the rare early June hunicane i..a ttoplC:al atonn at aboUt a a.m. PM and canceled all hurriclne wam!np and watch• on the cout ot Florida. ~ 1torm, which •UfPl'iled fonK!Uten wMn. lt · muawr.d 80-mph wlnda 'l'hunday, wu 1~ ln • the Gulf ot Mexico tlu. mornlnc about 200 mn. eouthwe1t of fort Mytn, with top wlnda clocked at &5 mph. 11 -----.... ~oqse girds for budget battle WASHINGTON -AA an unruly HOUie moves &award another budget fight Mxt week, ~blic:an leaden MY they have "the only ehot" at victory, and eome Democrata concede it may be impoealble for their party to pull together. The budget deadlock in the •ou.e became even more curiou1 Thursday when the Democratic-controlled Houae Budpt Conunittee, on a voice vote, revived President Reagan's virtually Ufelem J'ebruary budpt, eeJ\d1nl it to the full Home forllfP' debate next WednelcUy. However, the pMel aareed that Democratic and Republican leaden will offer aeparate 1ubat1tute .. to the admini1trat1on package. "If neither the Republican nor the Democratic 1ubstitute prevail, then tht; Houte would vote on the Reaon budaet itlelf,'' Mid Houte Speaker Thomu J>. O'Neill Jr., D·M ... • Reagan warns of Soviet credit .PARIS -President Reagan is arriving at an ' economic summit of the world's major industrial democracies today with a warning that America's allies rial< endangering themselves by giving easy trade credita to the Soviet bloc:· Treasury Secret.ary Donald T. Regan said today the West could wind up aa a ''llave" to a massive l.ndebteclnea of Moeoow and ita allles. He said that giving preferential credita to F.utern Europe amounta to "proP.ping up your adversary to your own disadvantage.' Soviet technicians aiding Argentina NEW YORK -Soviet radar technk:iana are helping Argentina coordinate ita air bue radar systems into a nationwide network, The New York Times reported today. The Times, ln a dispatch from Buenos Aires, quoted offldal and industry llOW"Ce9 and foreign diplomata u -~that the purpoee of the radar network Would be to defend the Argentine mainland ap1mt a«ack by Britilh planes. More than 20 Soviet technidans have been in Argentina II.nee early last month, according to the newspaper. American school in Paris bombed PARIS -A bomb planted by ultra·leftilta opposed to President Reagan'• vlalt to Parla exploded at the American. School In IUburbeil Saint-Cloud .-rly today. The explosion at 1:30 a.m. blew out a manber ~TiffiTI~ of wiDdoM, but nobody WU hurt, police aaid. The llftlldent and Mrs. Reagan at the dme wen at the U .S. l!'mbuly residence~ mile. from the exploGon. State Senate OKs lean budget SACRAMENTO -Despite complainta that it would hurt the poor, the state Senate has approved a "lean and mean" $26 billion state budget for fiacal 1982-83. • The plan, given a mlnimwn paaeing 27-8 vote Thursday, provides little additional spending money and no cost.-of·livlng increases for 11ehools, welfare or 1tate employees. Panavision chief stabbed to death LOS ANGELES -A 27-year-old camera ueembler wu booked for investigation of murder in the atabbing death of Panavision Inc. president Robert Goti.:balk, a pioneer in supplying motion picture studies with light. hand-held cameras. Laoa Chuman was arrested Thuraday after the pajama-clad body of Gottachallc wu found in the bedroom of his Bel-Air bouae. Chuman worked at Panavtaion and had lived ln the Gou.chalk home for about two yeera, said Detective Steve Osti. He 1aid the two men ap~~y bad an argument Thunday that led to the stabbing. Otenge Oout DAILY PILOT/l'rkfay, June 4, 1812 H/F .. FINAL AIRING -Cameras at station KOCE channel 50 in Huntington Beach focus on anchor Wendy Wetzel and reporter Paul DliltJ Not Pflote it, ClwtN I~ Skolnick as they prepare for Newscheck's las£ broadcast. Prof raps uproar on sex class LONG BEACH (AP) -A student jumped the gun by publicizing a course in which c redit was offered for 'experimental sex, and her claims have unn~y banned Cal State Long Beach, a psychology profesaor says. Earl R. Carlson made the comments Thursday after the resignation of a colleague, Barry Singer, 39, who taught a controversial "Paychology of Sex" OOW'le in which he offered credit for participation in group sex, gay sex or extramariCal tex. "When a complaint comes we should have an opportunity to deal With It," aatd Carblon, who head• the psychology department'• curriculum committee. ''To go public and to stir up this kind of an uproar that Jwmt our univenlty, our system, our studenta. our programs, la to me most unfortu~te and abeolutely ~-' Last month, Betty Willman, a student who waa not enrolled ln the course but monitored tteVeral sesslona, wrote to legialaton and rellgioua leaden. Mrs. Willman, 53, who described herself es a "born-again evangelical, chariamatlc Chrlatian," said she complained to university officials but received only a mild reaction. Carblon said Mn. Wlllman, a student member of the department's curriculum committee, brought her complaint to h.qn and that he met with her and department Chairman Sally Haraleon. . . "We told her . . . that we shared her concern that the ooune be run very properly but that we didn't know all the fact.a -. lf the had lnfonnation would 1he pleue write it down and we would proceed Immediately to investigate the altuatlon," he 11id. "But she took it upon beneU immediately to publld7.e KOCE 'New-scheck'· airs its last show- By PHIL SNEIDERMAN of the Deir Not It.fl "This is it!" a KOCE technician kept saying. "Jusi 30 minutes to 'Miller Time'," another muttered. A television newswoman smiles at some visitors to Channel 50's Huntington Beach studio. !'Here for the wake?" she as.ks. Scant minutes remain before airtime, and the hot spotlighta illuminate the familiar "Newacheck" set Thunday night for the last time. Two months ago, the station announced that federal funding cuts and the inability to attract enough local corporate sponsors would caU.. the cancellation of the program. After more than four years as the only regular television show devoted exclusively to Orange County new.. Newacheck would leave the air. • But now it is two minutes to airtlme, and there are minor criaea to cope with. A cameraman says reporter Paul Skolnick'• chair la too low. The noor director aska anchor Wendy Wetzel to exchange her navy blue blazer for a lighter colored jacket. She refuses. They compromise on no jacket at all, just the red blouae. A makeup woman pata powder on Wetzel's and Skolnick's faces. The anchorwoman U8e9 a hand mirror to check her hair. The floor director calls for quiet . "Good evening," Wetzel says into the camera with the glowing red light. "Welcome to the final broadcast of Newscheck." The first half of the program ls devoted to the type of loc,1 reporting that has earned the show ita share of brotodcut news awards and respect from Orange County viewers: the John Wayne Airport flap, Anaheim's attempt to acquire the Super Howl, Laguna Beach's request for inclusion in a nuclear d.laaster plan .... at highlights from New11ehetk~ past programs. There are scenes of political f igur es such as former supervisors Ralph Diedrich and Ec:hson Miller. And reminiscences about colorful Orange County res idents like the late get-rich-quick advocate Joe Karbo o f Sunset Beach. A 91-year-old petroleum engineer from Costa Mesa. A turtl~ rancher from Fountain Valley. Some ''s ubmarine disco'' enthusiasts from Mission Viej& Then there are amusing scenes featuring the report~rf themselves: Ms. Wetz.el gazint into the wrong camera . Reporter-producer Deborah Manning fuming over a parking ticket she's received during a two-minute assignment . . . . The broadcast ends as t~ reporters and technJclan.s crowd behind the Newscheck desk tp wave a final goodbye to their faithful viewen. As the program concludes, they cheer and hug one another. Cfhe spotlights are extinguished. and the reporters and crew members head for a farewell party in another room. The :1 is not somber. "We've known ft was going to. end for the past two months, so, this was almost anticlimactic, ... says Ms. Wetzel. What will she miss about working at Channel 50? "The dental plan," she quips. Reporter Skolnick joined the show three months ago. just i.ni time to take part in Newscheck's1 last hurrah. "It feels like you'd expect it to. feel," he Mys. Like the other newapeople. ~ Skolnick qys he's been too busy 1 in recent week.a to start looking for another job. Before trying to re-enter the competitive field, Skolntck says he pl.ans "to hang around ere.cent Bay in Laguna Beach for a while. Just enjoy the sunshine.'' th.la to ata~ leplatora, to a large Midway throufh the show, the cameras pul back for a three-ahot, as Ms. Wetzel and Skolnick are joined by veteran newsman Jere Witter for a look Ma. 1'tanning recalls that when NeWJCheck first aired, none of the network-owned Loa ~es 1 stations had an Oranae CoUnty j bureau. Now, they all do. w OJDan chancellor to head. Cal State =~~ .. of JM!ople acroaa the fiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiii~~ ... LONG BEACH -The newly designated chancellor of California State Untveraity, W. (Wynetka) Ann Reynalda, Mys she expects lell difficulty oopinl wtth a •hrlnkinc atate budget than she faced u OhJo State University prova.t. uyou ptq>le_ don't know what real budaet difftcultlel. in hl&her education are," M.. Reynolds uid, merrm, to the recellion-batt.ered industrial Midwest. "It'• a naUonwide malalle." . Truateea chose Reynolds, 44, to succeed retirinC Chancellor Glenn 8 . Dumke after a day of cbed heartnp Thunday. She becomes the third pel"IOn and fint woman to head the 19-aunpua ayatem with 300,000 atudenta. Mot~er to app~al court decision MAIN OFPICI ........... C_.MllM,CA. _.. ...... : ... , •• C..U .... CA. ... c.nrllM te or .. c.t1 ............. ~. __ _..,....,......._....,..,,......,.,, .. ·~·.-· ...,.. -......... ...... ~ ................. <ertr!IM-· Spring Dollar Saving$ Extraordinary Pluahl E~traordlnary Price I Thie IUXurtOOe plueh le tutted thlek and deep wtth Trevtra• poey.ter ymrn ••• then "Super 4'' ~ected lig9inlt IOO Md ltatlc 10 yoAlf MW tweec> of color wm look Ilk• new lo~r. One ot Gutlet1n'1 ._.......,. ....... now dallm'8 oft fMl!'I eq. rd· you •· SALE Bella via A SUPERB . "IAIY-LIYINq" PLUSH · J HF Oon1trucUon hu bqu.n in Irvine on a tl-W million, two-ttory h.dquartert f.llcillty for No-Jo ~Uon. ~ to-Ralph . Clock, Jll!'tlklent of Clock Conlltruct.ton. dtqn/build contractQI' f0t the pro~. The 24,000 1quare foot bulldtna t1 betna conatructed on 1.8 acree at Malon and Holland Streeg in PhaR I of the Irvine Indu.trfal Complex-East. Architectural Team Three of Santa Ana l1 deslgnlng the plant, which will hOWle the international infant acce11orlea firm. December completion la expected. Grace taps Robers Ralph Robers waa named Grace Restaurant Co. executive vice president of operationa. Roberta will be In charge of Grace'• Far West Servkea' Dinner Howe Division whJch had aale. ln 1981 of approximately $145 million and ia headquartered ln Irvine. Roberta, 40, joins G race after 15 years in the restaurant field. Grace'• 132-unit Dinner Hou.e Divtalon operates acroaa the United State• under auch namea a1 Reuben'a, Plank.house and MoonrakM. Smith set !or options In an options lottery, the Pacific Stock Exchange .elected 10 corporations for options trading on an exclusive bull. One is bued in Orange County. Exchanae officiala said that the new optionl would be open for trading on the PSE floor June 11. The 10 oompaniea picked by the exchange are: Dayton Hudaon, Minneapolis: Denny's Inc., La Mirada; E-Syatema lnc., Dallas; Genuine Parts, Atlanta; Key Pharmaceuticals, Miami; Mitchell Energy, The Woodlan~s. Texas; Murphy Oil, El Dorado, Ark.: Parker Drilling, Tulsa, Okla.: Seagram Co., Montreal, Quebec, and Smith Int., Newport Beach. The Pactfic Stock Exchange will announce the striking price and cycle for each of the issues. The lottery is similar ln style to National Football League college drfta, wherein choices are made by the various exchanges on a rotating basis. $5.2 million deposited Deposit.a ln excem of $5.2 million were recorded by Liberty National Bank during its first day of operation, offidala reported. Philip S . Inglee, president of Liberty National reported flrat~y deposita totaled $5,271,107. ' Liberty National Bank, a full-service buainea and professional bank, is located in the Liberty National Bank auilding, 7777 C.enter Ave .. Hunt:lngton Beach. 2 housing bills backed SACRAMENTO (AP) -A Democratic package of bills to pump billions of dollars in penidon and bond fundS into the home mortgage marke t wu approved by the Aalembly. Auem!:J' Speake r Willie Brown, D-San Franci8co, · Thuraday the bills would finance constructiol'I of 40.000 housing Wl.ita In two years. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YOllKCAPI l'I,.., Oow-.>o"" •"9L ~.,,J ... J AMERICAN LEADERS lll ,,,. °r:ca =.'1."JO a'i:."t. ~':.;... ~ lll Tr11 m.•1 m 21 J1t.tt m .01. 2.» IS VII 110_.. 111.70 110.111111.0S• 0.M '5 $tll ll•AS m .14 311.31 31'.17 + 0.11 ,.,. .....•.••......•...... J,1'7 .. r.... . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 1,7'•,0ID """ ......... ·····. ... .. . "1 • '55a ....................... ..,...; .. WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YOllK CAP) Jwn. • 3 _,_.()I() nu... '62 '" oMJ '"' 12 71 NEW YORK CAPl Ju11. l METALS ~ au Z21 ,,. ' It ,,...,. ~L =· .... • " (Q1otatloa1 ••* avalla•le dae to traa1ml11loa lllfflmdes) SILVER (Q1otatloa1 att avalla•l• ••• to ., .......... . ..,flC9ldea) GOLD DUOTATIOllS I • ,. I ' 11 ' I I ·I I I I MUCll>Ta I &4UN NOTlc& or D&ATB OP OUVD P.H. CJlAHB AND OP~TION TO AD ltSTATB NO. A·lUN'l. To-.11 betn,~ credltora and conUn~nt crediton of OUVJIR .H. CRANE and penon1 who may be otherwt.e lnterelted In the will and/or estate: A peddon bu betrll filed by SECUEITY PACIFIC NA'nONAL BANK In the Superior Court of ORANGg ~ County re~e•tlnc! that ! SECURIT PA IFJC NATIONAL BANK be ~ appointed '' personal repc-.tative to rdminlater the eetate of OLIVER P.H. CRANE. NEWPORT BEACH, CA. (under the . Independent Administration ' of FA\ates Act). The petition i ~I la 119\ for bearin8 In Dept. No. 3 at 700 Ovtc Center Drtve West_ Santa Ana.. CA 92701 oo June 23, 1982 at ~ I 9:30 a.m. IF YOU OBJllCI' to the 1 arantlng of the petition. you ahould either appear at the hearing and 1tate· your objecUom or file written I objecUona with the court ~ before the heartn1. Your t appeerance may be In persin ~ or bt your attorney. I YOU ARE A CBEDl'IOB or a contln&'ent a-editor of the dece•ed, you mwt me your claim with the court or prwent it to the pereonal repre.entative •pointed by tile court within four menu. from the date of tint .......... ol letters .. provided In Section 700 of the Probate Code of Callfomla. The time for fWnc clalml will not expire prier to four monthe from the date of the hearing noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE .I the me kept by the coun. u you are interated in the estate,J: ~me a request with e court to receive special notice of the inventory of eetate ueeta and of the peti11am, ACDOUD1a and reporta dncrlbed in Section 1200.5 of the California Pr'Obate c.ode. Wl'ITEI\ 6 llARPoLE Br. MYRON B. HARPOLE. Attoney at Law IH N~ Cater Drh'e, !Wte 1i N=Beld,CAnMI (7H Mf-1 ... Publilhed Orange Coast Dally Pilot, June 4, 5, 11, 1982. 2458-82 . '11111 1111118 ! DODSON HARRY C. OODSON of Newport Be.ch, Ca. i>.eed: away June 2, 1982. lie ii IW'Vived by bla wife Ldah. ' aon Ha~ Dodaon, Jr. of Northrl ee, Ca., 1ister Marian Canon of N:or: ~ Beech, Ca. 'Servtc. be held S.iurct.ay, lune 5, 1982 t at 10:30 AM at Plldfic View ~ Chapel, Newpon Bwb. Ca. ' , I Interment will be private. )' Pacific View .Mortuary. directon. 1 MAlllOI LAW.._"'1'. OLIYI Mortuary• C.emeterv Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave . I Costa Mesa s.40-5554 --. . f'8C:l MOTHHI aL•OAOWAY MOllTUAAY 1 tO Btoactwav COsta~esa 842-9 50 MLTll .... °'4 SMfnf I TVTMIU. WllTCUflf ~ ....... 4'Z7 E 11th St ColtaMesa 8'8-9311 , ... Cll90'"9t ....... MOITUMY l'Z7Mam St ..,n•=on 8Hch ••• • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p, I L 0 : T c L A s s I F I E D ., 4 2 i.J. ••• ~ •••• !.f!l .... u. •• Tllll ........ 11 ... t ecr. ......... LOOIMd In e11ot111t¥e Aq111cete MOtlon.-t'll0.000 Of w4ll trade for Nl·l1V•\.90Una home or twnhme. Call A0Mm1ry, '4te..T131 or 714-833-0130. '1111 OOlll't· ~ plul bcHNI to Co-op Bkre. .... _ .._ .. LIT Panoramic view 91! Newport Bay and Pacific Ocean. Pr1m.e locatlan.. Owr '800.000 o1-.....~ Betl avallabla lot on . JUdt9. •• .-,ooo. - .. , . ... ~ Wasn't he the Ambassador from Austr• under Teddy Roosevelt? ~ro~ - --L ... ... .. • ----:: ' .... ._, .. -_-;· "' . . IMlll IUCll /mll CUii 0 111\N < .1 C O UN I Y C.l\l IF OHNIA :1 5 CENTS JFull South i.Jaguna annexation urged • BY JERRY HERTENSTEIN Ofthehl!Jfltlettta" Nearly 100 South Laiunana volc:ed 1upport or oppoaltlon ThW'lday nlght to a propoeed annexation o f their unincorporated community to the ctty of Laguna Beach. The meeting at the former AU10 Elementary School was orsanized by·auppo(ten seeking signatures on a petition. Annexation of the entire community i1 favored by 90 percent of those who h ave re.ponded to queatlonnalrH, accordint to Hush Wllkin1, pretldeni of the SOulh Laguna Civic A11oclatlon . There are approximately 4,000 re.ldenta in South Laauna. · Those favoring annexation clalm 1uch a. move would mean better government control. "The Orange County Board of Supervisors has contempt tor Laguna Beach for not giving up p_arklng on Pacific Coast ffi&hway," said Wilkins. "U we want to be partners tor being . Retaliation raids· under contJ9mpt then we had better join Mndl." Wilklna Clairol South l...quna'1 current Influence In county gowmment la "one percent" u oppc:.ed to "20 ~rcent" aay, in Laauna Beach government, at annexation becomet reality. Support.era of annexation are also concerned about limiting routal development -notably construction of a proposed hlgh-riae time-share project at Treuure Ialand -and propaeed wldenlnl{ o f Pacific Coast Hlshway lrom tour to alx lanes. A propoaal to annex South Laaun' from the southern border of Lasuna Beach to Allio Creek -including Treasure Wand -la currently before the county'• Local Agency Formation Commllllon. But the propoeal ll likely to be rejected, according to Ken Frank, city manager for X...guna Beach. The full annexation proposal la to be heard at a June 15 meeting of Lquna Beach City Council and supporters are hopeful a revliled plan woilld then be he~rd at the July 13 meeting of LAFC. Circulation of a petition favoring annexation and Wllkinl' concerns on development and the highway issue, angered tOme at the meeting. "We've heard the l11ue1 of land u.e and politics but what about the real issues -water, fl.re and police protection and schools?" said Susan Crown. "We defeated such a proposal In 1975 and we will defeat it ajlam." Her comment• drew applause and booe. lrene Suess, a South Laguna artist, expressed concern on atan ordinances, poaibllity of parking meters along the Cout Highway in the village buainea district and payment of a ••50 home-occupancy fee for those workmg ln thelr homes. Others had questions about "loss of identity," po68lble tax increases and fees for city services . Israeli jets bombarding Beirut Laguna schools Barnes named superintendent .,..., .......... "'°'° ELEVATE D -Bill Barnes, direc tor of educational services for the Laguna Beach Unified School District, has been ch09en as the di s trict 's n e w superintendent. Four remain hospitalized after crashes Two people injured in a fatal cruh in Laguna Beach remained hoepitali1.ed today, one in aerious condition. Sunny Tepper, 29, of Laguna Beach, was reported in serious condition in the intensive care unit of Mission Community Hotpital in Mission Viejo. She was injured when the car in which she was a pemenger struck a truck head-on Wedneeday morning on Laguna Canyon, Road near Sycamore Flatl. Carol Ann Hatfield, 34, of Beverly Hilla, driver o! the car, wu killed when her vehicle (See FOUR, Pa1e .U) WORLD By STEVE MITCHELL Of the 09ffJ PMot '""' Bill Barnes. a Laguna Beach Unified S choo l District · administrator for the past aeven years, was the school board's unanimous choice to become superintendent effective July 1. The school board emerged from a closed-door session Thur1day night to announce their appointment of Barnes to the top adminlltrat1ve post. Bernes. 48, wW replace Bob Sancll1a who laavee the d.lstrict at the end of June to take a lirn1lar poaltlon with the Glendale Unified School OOtrict. · Truateea said they wW make their deciaiorl official durll'la a JWlle 17 hoe.rd meeting. Barnes. who lives in Laguna Beach, bas been director of educational services for the achool district for the past aeven years. Prior to coming to the Laguna Beach district, Barnes was e du catio nal se r vices administrator for the Fountain Valley Elementary School District for nine years. Before that. be was a principal and teacher in the Garden Grove Unified School District for 14 years. Barnes received his bachelor of arts degree in education administration from Cal State Long Beach, and h11 masters degree in the same subject from Chapman College in 0ranjle. · In appointing Barnes, the school board said it believed him to be "a conscientious and hardworking administrator. a peraon w ith sensitivity to educational issues and the ability to find con sensus among divergerit positions." During his years as director of educational services, Barnes directed special education programs, guide d many task forc e groups, coordinated cla11room curriculum, and repre.ented the district as chief negotiator with all employee organ1%.ations. Aa superintendent, Barnes wW earn $46,000. He currently makes about $41,000. Argentina lights Sandinistu Dieaplt.e the Falkland Ia1anda war, Argenti.ha continuee to 1UpJ:tOl'1 the overthrow of the Sandinista ~t tn Nicaragua. Page A8. . NATION • BOMBS OVER BEIRUT -Bolnbs dropped by Beirut's southern ftinge today Israeli jets explode in neighborhoods on two-hour air attack. Bero honored Maintenance man saved life John O'Hara shrugs and says it was really no big deal., but then, heroes sometimes feel that way about their deed. In the case of the 26 -year-old. Laguna Bea ch park s maintenance worker, hl.s deed may well have saved the life ot a young girl and her mother who were walking on the Main Beach Park boardwalk May 13. O'Hara was working in the park that morning, when a runaway car containing two men jumped the curb on the ocean side of South Coast Highway. The automobile was traveling at about 10 miles per hour, O'Hara recalla, and was rolling toward an unidentified {rtrl and her mother, as well as other pedestrians, on the boardwalk. A witness said O'Hara ran in front of the car, jumped in on the driver'• aide and stomped on the brake before the vehicle could reach the boardwalk. 'A re1olution by the City Coundl said O'Hara'• "preeence of mind and qulcknea to act prevented the vehicle from (See HERO, Pase Al) COUNTY DlllJ,... ..... ..,_... HERO -John O'Hara is credited with saving two people from a runaway car in Laguna Beach. Pilot endorses Sill8 The Daily Pilot endonel David Sills tn the Jtepublican primary for the 69th Allembly Dt.trlct anCi four county oflidala aeekina re-election. Pap A6. Laguna death su spect sa ys 'not guilty' Ths man charged with tarst degree murder in the shotgun slaying of John Louis Shank in Laguna Beach early Saturday pleaded 1.nnocent at his arraignment Thursday in South Orange County Municipal Court in Laguna Niguel. The suspect, Alfred Gonzales Sesma, 38, of Buena Park, was arrested moments after the fatal blast Saturday morning near Shank 's Gaviota Drive a partment where the slaying took place. According to Laguna Beach Police, Shank, 38, was preparing hit beachfront apartment for his daughter's birthday party at 2 a.m. Saturday, when he and his roommate heard a knock at the door. The roommate said that Shank opened the door and was pushed into the apartment by the susJ1eci, who was brandiahing a 12-gauge shotgun. The attacker reportedly demanded cash from Shank, then pushed him down a hall and fired one 1hot into Shank'• bead. INDEX At Your Service Business Cavalcade Clallified Comics Ctotllword Death Notices F.ciltorial Home/Garden A4 C6·7 B2 Dl-6 B3 a3 D2 A6 ~ Attacks kill 30; 120 hurt BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Waves of Israeli jets thundered oven southern Beirut today, rocketing and bombing the capital's Palestinian strongholds in swift retaliation for the attempted assassination of the Israeli ambassador to Brit.am. Israe li residen ta near the Lebaneae border said Palestinian gunners responded by firing Katyusha rockets into the Galilee panhandle. Is raeli censors prohibited naming the areas hit by the rockets and there was no mention of casualties. In Beirut. PLO spokesmen said preliminary counts showed at least 30 killed and 120 wounded, m a ny of them women and children, in the Israeli air attacks. Rescuers were digging through the rubble in search of victims. The first wave of Israeli warplanes roared over the city at 3:10 p.m. (6:10 a.m. PIYI'), and subsequent waves continued the barrage without letup for two hours before the jets withdrew. Guerrilla positions returned a massive barrage of anti·aircraft fire and SAM-7 and SAM-9 shoulder-fired, heat-seeking (See ISRAELI. Page A%) SHOT -Shlomo Argov, the Israeli ambassador to London, was shot outside London's Dorchester Hotel Thursday. Hol"OIOOpe B2 lntennlaion Weekender Ann Landen 82 Mutual Funds C6 Public Notices B4;D2 Sports Cl~5 Stock Markets C7 Weather A2 World Newa A3 FOUR HOSPITAUIZED. • . en El Id into oncom1na l&MI and hlt the truck drtven by Kevin Andre Pvka, 21, ot Anaheim. Parka waa reported tn 1t1ble eondl\ion today at S.ddltback Hoapltal in Laauna HWa. Two peraon1 Injured in nother head -o n craah Wedneaday ntaht ln downtown Lacuna Beach allo remain hoapltalized toda}'.. . SUllJ\ Loulle Enochlon. 38, of $an Ml.rCOI, la in at.able condition t Millton Community. She was riving a car that reportedly awerved into oncomtna 1aNI on South Coali HJahway at Luu.na Avenue and 1trutk a cw diiven bY. Jim Vaa•n•• of La1una BNch. Vqent1, et. 11 tn f&lt condlUon at South Cout Medical C.nter in South Lacuna· ft'ank Metzner, of San Ml.rCOI, a pueenaer in the Enocheon car, hu been releued from MJlalon r'..ommun.lty •. Each crash remain• under inveeti1ation. looming BY JOEL C. DON • Ofh Dtiltf ........... Unlvtrahy of California pre1ldent David Saxon braced UC Irvlnt taculty and atatf Thunday for a ulary freeze for the 1982-83 fllcal year. Whlte Saxon 1poke to membera of UCI'1 Academic Senate, the 1tate Senate approved a '23.5-bllllon 1tate bud1et almed at ellmlnatlna Californta'a $2. l b1llion deficit. HERO HONORED~ .. That action would ellm.lnai. co1t-of-llving lncreaaea for welfare reclpient1, achool employees u well u UC faculty and ataff. crosaing the boardwalk and poalbly prevented injuries to the occupants of the vehicle as well .-visitors to the park." • Police did not arrest the tJn<>torist, whom O'Hara believes ~as intoxicated, but allowed the p&S9enger to back the car out of the park and depart. Police Chief Neil ~ll said the officer, who was new to the department, "could have conducted a more aggressive. investigation" in the case, rather than allowing the pedestrian to drive off. The state A.uembly la work.Ing on a different budget propoul that would require a $1.5-bUllon tax meuure and would provide llmlted coat-of-living Increases for atate workers. A joint comm1ttee of the two houses eventually will iron out differences between the two budget proposals. The final version la due by June 16 for the fi.acal year that begina July 1. ISRAELI RET ALIA Tl()N. • • missiles, witnesses said. A PLO spokesman, who declined to be identified, said a sports stadium housing a majo~ PLO training base sustained direct rocket and bomb hits. A Beirut radio broadcast said an arms depot in the stadium exploded. Saxon expreaaed concem1 that a salary freeze might encourage UC faculty and staff to seek employment elsewhere. UCI Chancellor Daniel Aldrich. agreed with that gloomy outlook. Endorsement wrong; Riley firm 'sorry' "We know that there la an exodus (of faculty and staff) from other states to this university because of salary freezes," he said. "lnllation goes on and to receive no salary tncreue ii a hardship." Saxon said the regent& already have trimmed the UC budget by about 3 pereent or $35 million. An Irvine campaign consulting firm hes apologized for producing a mailer incorrec:tly 1tating that Qrange County Supervisor Thomas Riley has been endorsed for re-election by all members of the San Ju.an Capistrano City Council. "We just made a mi.stake," said Frank Caterinicchlo, a spokesman for Nel10n-Padberg Consulting, the firm handling Riley's re-election effort. Caterinicchio aald 4,916 households in San Juan received the mailing stating that Riley was endoraed by all city council members. In fact Riley ia endoned by only Mayor Lawrence Buchheim. The remaining four council members have not endorsed in the race in which Riley is facing three opponent._ including San Juan Capistrano resident Al Arps. People who received the incorrect mailer will now be sent postcards retracting the erroneous endorsements, Caterinicchio said. He said those people will receive the postcard prior to Tuesday's balloting in the superviaorial race. - The postcard includes the following statement: "We apologize to Supervisor Riley, the city council and the people of San Ju.an Capistrano for our mistake." Caterinicchio said the computer-etyle letter had been prepered on the theory that all memben of the San Juan council would endorae Riley. Even thouch it Wiii lat« determined the endonementa wouldn't be forthcomtn1, the letter was lnadverte:U' produced and ma1led, he Other cancHdates in the race include Eugene Atherton of San Clemente and David Hinchler of Laguna Beach. That action l ed to a $100-a-year fee increase for all UC student&. Alao, academic and public •ervlce programs met cutbacks. · But Saxon warned additional cost-cutting measures may be needed If the Senate's budget proposal ls passed and if voters approve ballot propositions 6, 6 and 7 next week, lnltiatlves that include an elimination of state gift and inheritance taxes and Income tax indexing. ''U we're headed into a deep depreasion we're going to have to p})aae down and phase out some activities," he said. "But there will be no rapid elimination of any program. "Our problem I think is to maintain excellence which we know can't be done without adequate support." Little change Coastal 8m.n er.ti llCMlory from Point ConollptlOn IOU1hwlfd OY9f OUler wat.,. to 8911 C141m41nt• llllnd '°' northwHt•rly wind• 15 10 25 knota end 5 to a foot coml:llMd ..... £1-Mr• llght varl•bl• ~ nlght Md morning holn through tonight. Alt•noon w1nc1a w.t lo eoutliwMt 10 to 11 kftata w1111 2 to a toot wind ....._ w .. 1.,1y aw•H 2 to 3 t••t. Plttltlly c:INrlng tltwnooo. U.S. summary Vlol.nl thuna.rttonna In rile 9outJI C8l.ed lloodlng and ...., ~ INt lnjuf9d ~ WOIT*'I Ind ~ two "'--A woman •nd II., tllr•• c:hldren ... ,___, 111 boet Tlluraday trom th•lr hOll'I• In MlllCJOOM, Oki.., Ind up lo 4 lncNI of ,...., fallng In 20 minu... nm. ~ 1M roof of • cer cl .... ._ In W91P*, <*la. A• about 10 m•n work•d owrnlght plllng Mndti.ol on • '*-~9d delTI on Leiia EltOfl Mer Dumem, N.C., two tchOOI buH• ttood by to •vac11•t• ,..._.,,, In -tlltl dMI broil-. Wal., WU IC~ In aome ywda. l.lghtnlng c•u••d two •P•rtm•nt•COtnplH ,,, .. In D11rhem end 1truck a woman w•lklnErou lh• campva ot Dutt• . In ~. .C., rein tnd hell etrl"'*' young tobacco~ from tMlr 111e11ca. "l'w - -a IMlllatorm • • big or • Iona • tlllt one," .-. Roy Jonea, ~. N,C:, '" dtllf. Tornedo•• w•r• •ltllt•• Ttiurtdey In ... t.rn Colofldo, but no ln)urWe or demegll _. ~. end no MW tomlldo WW'*'OI ... ...,.., ~ ~ llllndl. hM¥y ,..,. and ... lluf'9ted Qeorgll. IGP9ln8 .,... °"'° bulldlnee Ind outUng ~ 111--. T....,.,,..ltownd h ~ ~ ~ ...,,_, frOfft 10 In ~ Mklft.. io t2 In .... -running trom 5 to 8 f9et. CloMr 10 thor•. wlndt thould b9 light Ind ~ lonlght and •arty Saturday, becoming WHl·•OUlhWHI from 10 10 18 knot• with 2 10 3-loot wind ...... and • _,wty...., at 1 to 3 fMt. Temperatures · NATION .. ~ ~ e e6 53 85 53 71 53 AlheYllle 84 85 02 Attenta 85 • • 82 Ati.ntc Cty • 90 .oe Austin 91 74 a.rtlmore n 51 .40 5r 70 48 IS U 3.70 17 53 80IM 71 ... • 02 ao.ton 17 52 Br~ 92 n Buftek> 11 48 =ton 80 41 17 38 02 CNr1llln 8C 80 73 .OI Chertllln WV 18 55 Ctw1IM NC M 87 ~ eo 41 .07 ~ eo 43 11 se ~ ee 47 Clmble SC It et .20 Columbut 74 41 Del-A Wth It 85 Dayton 72 50 o.nwr 12 45 .11 0.. Mo!Mt 87 50 o.trOlt 51 41 Dulu1ll 14 41 £l PMO 11 80 F•go 71 47 Flegt1•1f 10 37 ONetF• ee 47 Hartford .,. 57 tMMne 10 40 .01 HonoMu .. " HoullOn t0 n ~ 71 • Jaetlen Ml t5 75 Jedl111W119 88 13 .11 K.w City .,. ae .TO lMVeoet 93 11 ..... ~ n ae .A1 ~ n IO l.utlbodl NM ...,..,.... 11 12 1.14 Mlel'lll It 14 .... NewYOtt! 71 u .01 Nor1ollc 11 11 .01 No. '1atte • ae • <*la aey .. '° .OS OIMhl ..... Ottendo .. Tl ::::=-71 '° .01 17 .. Fronta: Cold .,. Werm 99 Occluded ~ Sta~•• 80 M 63 53 82 48 7t 52 t2 52 n 31 18 48 • 12 ... IS1 llO 61 llO If " ... 11 17 ... t2 71 ~ 14 42 11 llO U H 74 ae n ss Q llO 14 41 .... 17 N Plllm 8cwtnol 96 82 P8Mdlnl 75 41 Sen a..n.rcaio " ae Sen Joee .. 48 8lrlta CNz n llO Taho9V..., ... 30 CANADA c.ig.,y Edmonton MontrMI oo-Reglna Toronto VllnCOUYef Wlnnl1>911 97 42 74 44 11 43 • 80 41 73 47 57 41 84 '52 78 50 .,AN AMOUCAN AcepulOO 18 7t .03 Barblldot B«muda Bogot• Curecao FrMPO'I QullClell)tta Qu~ HIYIM Klng9ton Monl-oc> Bey Mautlen tMrlde Mexico Clly 12 74 .ee 41 to 12 ae 18 11 15 .oe 71 13 .. 7t t7 75 11 IM .,.., ............... WARNING -UC President David Saxon has warned UC Irvine faculty and staff not to expect salary increaaes this year. Celebration of Scottish games slated A bit of Scotland will be coming to the Orange County Fairgrbunds in Costa Mesa Saturday and Sunday. The annual celebration of the Scottish Games, sponaored by the United Scottish Society o·f Southern California, includes marching bands, bagpipes, caber t.osaing, hammer throws, IOCCer, rugby and shot put. The games were atarted nearly a thousand yeara ago by Highland chiefs w}\o staged competitions to cbooee the moat skilled warriors. The two -day event will continue from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. ~dmiaaion la $6 for adults, $4 for seniors and $2 for children under 15. Some of the highlights of Saturday's celebration will include professional piping at 9 a.m .. Highland dancing at 1:30 p.m., caber toea1ng at 2 p.m. and a tug-o-war at 3:30 p.m. .Sunday's activities will include a woman's braemar stone putt at 10:30 a.m., a hammer throw at 11 a.m., a pipina championship at 11:30 a.m., a woman's hanimer throw at 1:30 p.m. and pipe band at 4 p.rn. The toaing of the caber, a 19 foot log weighing about 100 pounds, dates back to the 16th century. Police seize rape suspect A 26-year-old Laguna Beach male model has been arrested in Newport Beach on suspicion of raping a 14-year-old girl, police report. Jack Edward Dunn, a Costa l Mesa resident, was stopped Thursday afternoon on West Oceanfront by an officer who said he nocogni.z.ed the man and remembered he was wanted in connection with the reported rape. Police assert Dunn sexually attacked the girl at a party May 24 on the Balboa Peninsula. Dunn la being held in the Newport city jail ln lieu of $25,000. for big battle 8)' Tiie AtlOdaied Prt11 Hellcopter-borne Brltbh commando• moved forward tc;>day in preparation for the declaive battle for the Falklanda capital of Stanley, and Libya aent Argentina rni11lle1 for what could be a laet deaperate air 1trtke, Brltiah preu reporta said. In Part.a, !'resident Keagan met Prim~ Mlnlater Margaret Thatcher for private talka ahead ot the seven-nation economic summit, and aocordlna to a aenlor American official, Reagan wanta the British leader to give Argentina one more c~ to withdraw from Stanley. However, Press Association. Britain's domestic news agency, quoted government officials in London as saying no diplomatic or political rea10n would hold up the battle for Stanley, and that British commanders have been told to attack as soon a.a they are read.v. The British Defense Minlatry reported thick fog, cold and wet conditions in the wintry South Atlantic territory, which could temporarily hold up an expected attack by 7 ,500 British troops on the estimated 7 ,000 Argentine soldiers holding the capital. Argentine rriilitary sources in Buenos Aires claimed 2,000 reinforcement& had been flown to Stanley the last few days, boosting Argentine strength to 9,000. But there was n o elaboration on how Argentine planes could have avoided British jet& that have been flying almost continuous raids in the Stanley area. Argentina's 1980 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Adolfo Perez &tquivel, announced in Buenas Aires he is launching an international campaign to halt the fighting. The Standard, London's evening newspaper, reported from Wuhfnaton tha\ Libya ii th1ppins advanced alr-to·alr m.lllU.. to Arsentina to boQst the military junta'• air power. The report said Arsentina had not bousht more French-built lbcocet ml11Uea, which knocked out the Britilh destroyer SheffleJti and the supply •hip Atfantlc Conveyor. Wlth little likelihood of a compromise in the offing. 1<>me British sources ln London predicted Argentina might unleuh one wt m&lllve strike 'by the air force, ita mott potent weapon in the undeclared war. Deaplte the pouibility of air a.ault, the Standard eaid that "Royal Marine commandos have moved ln to attack the outer ring of the Argentine defeNe at Port Stanley. Commandos were flown into the front line by helicopter during the day to make the first strike on the enemy lines in front of the c.apital -by night." In a pooled dilpatch -subject to military censorship -from the hilltops overlooking Stanley, correspondent Ian Bruce of the Glasgow Herald reported "the last act In the battle for the Falklands." He wrote: ''Troops were taxied forward in waves of Sea King helicopters to the jump-off point for an assault on hills which dominate the capital." British gunners exchanged artlJlery fire with Argentine defenders, while British warships c ontinued their bombardment" from the sea, Bruce reported. Argentina's Joint Chiefs of Staff and their gunners in Stanley "inteN1ely pounded the area of Mount Kent," a 1,500-foot hill held by the British about 12 miles east of the Falklands capital. It also said Argentine forces were patrolling the area in the winter mow. Laguna seniors plan tr.ip to LA A daytime trip to Los Angeles is offered through the Senior Citizens Club of Laguna Beach Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Participants will visit the Grand Central public market, •Claire -Fischer, arranger, composer and pianist, will appear with Salsa Picante and Two Plus Two Thuraday in Laguna Beach. The 7:30 and 10 p .m . concerts at Eric's Restaurant are to benefit radio station the Gannent Djatnct and the Bradbury Building. Cost is $11 which includes transportation . For information. call the center at 497-2441. K.SBR, 88.5 FM. which has its booster transmitter', 89.1 FM, at Top of th e W orld . Reservations must be made by Monday by sending a check for $10.50 to KSBR, P.O. Box 3420, Mission Viejo or telephoning 831-572~. OBIE SPORTS L Tl). 0 D~ SHOP llOW For Dads I GFads HUGE SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED!! • NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTl0NS twta• ..... MIC\VH , ....... T•I •nr "9H; ..... lf. 1'6Cl'IC. l'IW, ......... , ... , ••• CllKl•11&fl HOC• uc ........... ...,. ... , .................. ,, - L CT No-Jo building under way Construction hu bqun Ln l.rv1nt on a $1-W mUlton, two-story heMiquarten fadllty ftw No--Jb Corporation, eeconilns to Ralph Clock., pl'Mldent of Clock Contin.&ctlon, de91p/bulld QOntnctor for the project. The 24,000 1quare foot bulldtns le betna constructed on 1.3 acree at Muon and Holland Stteeta ln Phase I of the Irvine lndU1trial Complex-Ea.It. Architectural Team Three of Santa Ana 11 designing the plant, which will house the international infant acce11orle1 firm December completion 11 expected. Grace taps Robers Ralph Robers was named Grace Restaurant Co. executive vice president of operationa. Roberts will be in charge of Grace's Far West Services' Dinner House Div11ion, which had sales in 1981 of approximately $145 million and 11 headquartered in Irvine. Roberta, 40, joins Grace after 15 years in the restaurant field. Grace's 132-unit Dinner HOUie Diviaion operates across the United States under such names aa Reuben's, Plankhouae and Moonraker. Smith set for options In an options lottery, the Pacific Stock Exchange eelected 10 corporations for options trading on an exclusive basis. One is based in Orange County. Exchange officials said that the new options would be open.for trading on the PSE floor June 11. The 10 companies picked by the exchange are: Dayton Hudson, Minneapolis; Denny's Inc., La Mirada; E-Systems Inc .. Dallas; Genuine Parts, Atlanta; Key Pharmaceuticals, Miami; Mitchell Energy, The Woodlan~s •. Texas; Murphy Oil, El Dorado, Ark.; Parker Drilling, Tulsa. Okla.; Se.agram Co., Montreal, Quebec, and Smith Int., Newport Beach. The Pacific Stock Exchange will announce the striking price and cycle for each of the wues. The lottery is similar in style to National Football League college drfts, wherein choices are made by the various exchanges on a rotating basis. $5.2 million d eposited Deposits in exoeaa of $5.2 million were recorded by Liberty National Bank during its first day of operation, officials reported. Philip S. lnglee, president of Liberty National repo~ first-day deposits totaled $5,271,107. ' Liberty National Bank, a full-service businea and professional bank, is located ln the Liberty National Bank Building, 7777 Center Ave., Huntington Beach. 2 housing bills backed SACRAMENTO (AP) -A Democratic package of bills to pump billions of dollars in pension and bond funds into the home mortgage market was approved by the Amembly. Assemb ly Speaker Willie Brow n , D -San Francisco, said Thuraday the billa would finance construction of 40,000 housing units ln two years. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS ' IOrNe:~~c~,:: ~ln•I Dow·Jo,,.. •v95 STOCK.I 0.... Hla Lew CleM Olli JO '"" •11.02 12i .Jo 110.19 11•.jO-o• 10 Tm m 47 n•.21 31'." 323.07 + 1.» U Vil 110 ... 111.70 110.10 Ill.Oh OM ~ Jlt,tJ lU.7• '17 31 319 17 + 0.11 T . . . • . . . . 3.7 U .200 v\r,'; I ,7",000 '5 Stk ·-.•••.•• :·.::.:·:.:·:: •• :::: WHAT STOCKS DID HEW 'l'Oltl( (API Jiii\ J -· ! ... , • ()() r-. '°2 ... 4'J ,..., 12 71 NEW 'l'OltK (API J .. n. J MnALS ~ llS n1 7'>0 s 1t GOLD QUO.TA TI OMS l l ll t! t i I I I IClllA' ll•NI I 1·111 · OllAN< ,f <OUN I Y ~.Al If OHNIA 25 C£NTS Retaliation raids · I · Israeli jets bombarding BeirUt Meet Irvine candidates Following are brief profiles and the views of two candidates for the Irvine Ranch Water Discrict Board of Directors. There are five candidates for three seats in next Tuesday's ele<:tion. Htird tells • Frank Hurd, 51, of University Park in Irvine, Is a financial manager for the Douglas Aircraft Division of McDonnell Douglas. He has served on the Irvine Planning Commission and Irvine Unified School District board. He has a bachelor's de~ in finance and a master's degree in management from USC. What ts tbe major problem faclng the clJ1trtct? "Costs are too high mainly because of the .ewer costs which are the highest in the county. The cause is the fact that we reclaim water. We should continue to do so only to the extent that we use the water. II .. ere an equitable 1olutloo to 1ewer and water rates? "There are a couple of things that can be done. The overall solution is to connect to the Orange County Sanitation District. That should have been initiated sooner than it was. The board should restructure billing fees so that agricultural users of reclaimed water pay more. Th.ere (See BURD, Page A!) • views RUNNING -Frank Hurd, 51, ia a candidat.e for the Irvine Ranch Water District board. Olson a , . specialist Betty Olson, 34, of University Park in Irvine, la a water resources speciali1t In the l)eaprtment of Social :Ecology at UC lrvine. She ·has master's and doctoral degrees in environmental health science from UC Berkeley. She is an incumbent. What 11 the major problem faclDg .. e Water District? "I think one problem facing the Irvine Ranch Water Dl.atrict, which is also facing all of Southern California, is the questio~ of using imported water. But the district has taken steps to reduce our independence on imported water such u use of ~water eources.'' II tllere u eqaltable 1olatloa to sewer aad water rates? "I think that the cost of our sewers is too high; our water is very fairly priced. What we're looking toward doing la having our waate go to the Orange 11 County Sanitation Diatrlct and be L treated there. I would hope that (See OLSON, Page AZ) CANDIDATE -Betty Olson, 34, is seeking a seat on the Irvine Ranch Wat.er DY!trict. College could har'dly bear it REEDLEY (AP) -Maybe the bear just wanted an education, but he cauted quite a blt of oonunotiOb around Kinp River College in Reedley. The brown bear, de9crtbed as hungry and skinny despite his 200-pound welght. ambled out of WORLD the hills and started BCavenging for food at the commµnity college's agriculture department garden. The bear was chased away, then started sniffing around the front yards of homes across the street from the school. .Argentina liglits Sandinistas beapite the Falkland Islands war, Argentina oontmue. to support the overthroW of the Sandlniata ~t In NicaraiwL Page A6. NATION Attacks kill 30; 120 hurt BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Waves of Israeli jeta thundered over southern Beirut today, rocketing and bombing the capital's Palestinian strongholds in swift retaliation for the attempted assassination of the Israeli ambassador to Britain . Israeli residents near the Lebanese border said Palestinian gunners responded by firing Katyusha rockets into the Galilee panhandle. Israeli censors prohibited naming the areaa hit by the rockets and there was no mention of casualties. In Beirut, PLO spokesmen said preliminary counta showed at least 30 killed. and 120 wounded, many of them women and children, in the Israeli air attacks. Rescuers were digging through the rubble in search of victims. The first wave of Israeli warplanes roared over the city at 3:10 p.m. (6:10 a.m. PDT), and subeequent waves continued the barrage without letup for two hours before the jets withdrew. Guerrilla positions returned a massive barrage of anti-aircraft fire and SAM-7 and SAM-9 ·shoulder-fired, hyt-seeking misSiles, witnesses saia. BOMBS OVER BEIRUT -Bombs dropped by Israeli jets explode in neighborhoods on Beirut's southern fringe today two-h.our air attack. a . UCI salary freeze predicted by Saxon A PLO spokesman, who declined to be identified, said a sports stadium houaing a major PLO training base 1ustained direct rocket and bomb hfta. A .Beirut radio broadcast said an arms depot in the stadium exploded. By JOEL C. DON orn. o.-, Not • ..,, University of California president David Saxon braced UC Irvine faculty and staff Thunday for a salary freeze for the 1982--83 fiacal year . While Saxon spoke to members of UCI's Academic , Senate, the state Senate Associated Press reporter approved a $25.5-billion state Fereshteh Emami reported from budget aimed at eliminating the U.N. Interim Force offices Califomla's $2.1 bllllon deficit. about 300 yards from the stadium that she "saw flames rising out of That action would eliminate the stadium, followed by smoke. cost-of-living increases for Pieces of the stadium roof new welfare recipients, school up." employees as well as UC faculty The privately owned "Voice of Lebanon" radio station said bombs also hit the densely populated Fakhani neighborhood, which houses the headquarters of PLO Chairman Yaa1er Arafat . A PLO spokesman said Arafat was in Saudi Arabia and no senior PLO leader was killed or wounded. Irvine schools up, up, away Irvine residenta might get a big bang out of the 10th anniversary celebration of the Irvine Unified School DI.strict. About 15,000 balloons are to be released simultaneously at 10 a.m. Thunday by studt:nta at each of the district's 25 achools. The balloons, provided by the District Advisory Forum, are symbolk "of our high hopes for the next 10 years," said District Superintendent A. Stanley Corey. Since the actual anniversary of June 6 I.a a Sunday, Corey said the balloon release I.a set at a "more convenient" time. COUNTY and staff. The state Aaembly is worlting on a diUerent budget proposal that would require a $1.5-bllllon tax measure and would provide limited cost-of-living increases for state workers. A joint conunlttee of the two houses eventually will iron out differences between the two budget proposals. The final version la due by June 15 for the fiacal year that begins July 1. Saxon expresled concerns that a salary freeze might encourage UC faculty and staff to seek employment elsewhere. UCI Chancellor Daniel Aldrich agreed with that gloomy outlook. "We know that there is an exodus (of faculty and staff) from other sta tea to this university because of salary freezes," he said. "Inflation goes on and to receive tto salary increase is a hardship.'' Saxon said the regenta already have trimmed the UC budget by about 3 percent or $35 milfion. That action led to a $100-a-year fee Increase for all UC studenta. Also, academic and public service programs met cutbacks. Pilot endorses Sills . The Daily Pilot endonea David Silla in the Republican primary for the 69th A81e!Dbly District and four county officials seeking~. Page A6. DellyPllotSWIPlloto WARNING -UC President David Saxon has warned UC Irvine faculty and staff not to expect salary increases this year. But Saxon warned additional cost-cutting measures may be needed if the Senate's budget proposal is pa!3ed and if voters approve ballot propositions 5, 6 and 7 next week, initiatives that include an elimination of state gift and inheritance taxes and income tax indexing. "U we're headed into a deep depression we're going to have to phase down and phase out some activities," he said. "But there will be no rapid elimination of any program. "Our problem I think is to maintain excellence which we know can't be done without adequate support." INDEX At Your Service Business Cavalcade Oassified Comics Crossword Death Notices Editorial Home/Garden A4 C6-7 B2 Dl-6 B3 B3 02 A6 cs Nakaoka's mailings spark flap. By GLENN SCOTT O( tM Delly Hot Steff Two campaign mailings received In Irvine Thursday from city council candidate J ohn Nakaoka set off an immediate uproar that led him to issue an apology today to at least some of those involved. Nakaoka's organization sent two separate letters. One was signed by Elizabeth "Lee" Sicoli, president of the Board of Trustees of the Irvine Unified School District. The other included a note to Republican voters from City Councilman Bill Vardoulis. Mrs. Sicob's letter included the official seal of the school district and on the outside of the envelope, in bold red letters, it said: "Dated School Information Encloeed.'' Vardoulis' note also was adorned with the city's official eeal. In both cases, the seals are reserved strictly for official busines,,. And it was clear this morning that ranking administrators for the two agencies were concerned that voters would mistakenly believe that they had e ndorsed Nakaoka'• candidacy. Said A . Stanley Corey. superintendent of the school district: "This letter was not printed by nor authorized by the 1ehool district. It came as a big surprise to us.'' And at Irvine City Hall, City Clerk Nancy Rowland was in touch with City Attorney Roger Grable's office to determine whether use of the seal was illegal. She said the city resolution specifying use doesn't deal with penalties for unauthorized use. Nakaoka, meanwhile, said today that the seals were (See LETTER, Page A!) Horoecope B2 Intermission Weekender Ann Landen B2 Mutual Funds C6 Public Notices B4jl)'2 Sports Cl-5 Stock Markets C7 Weather A2 World Newt A3 Tho •venth annual book aalt 1poNOred by friend.I of the Irvine Public Library wlll be Slaied from 10 a.m. to 3 p_.m . Sunday at the University Park library branch. The eole fund-railer of the year, the sale will enable the group to help the library with special projects, new book collections and children '1 Judltb Ann Liebeck, president of the Irvine Historical Society, has been named to the Orange County Historical Cornmialon. She was named to the po1t recently aa count}' Supervi8or Tbomas Riiey's FJfth District representative on the commission . As a commissione.r, ahe will serve as a community liaison in matters relating to identification and p.ro1ram1, 1coordln1 to Chairwoman MarloD loua. Precedina the public life, a preview tale and silent auction of rare and out-of-print books will be held at 7:30 p.m. Saturday for memben only. Memberahlps will be accepted at the door. Fee la •2, or $1 for students. The library branch la located at Lexicon Siceet and Sandburj( Way ln Irvine. preservation of historical atructww. Riley said he hope1 Mrs. Liebeck will give apeclal attention to method• for preaervlng the Old Orange County Courthouae ln Santa Ana. A Turtle Rock resident, Mrs. Liebeck has been active in several community activities, Including acouti.ng programs, achool groups and a local homeowners ' newsletter. projected • 11 voten pa11 Meuun A on the Irvine ballot durtn1 Tueaday'a election. they wlll authorU.e aale ot a $1 m1lllon bond that will be repakl over 2& yeus uJ1ng about $100,000 in annual 1uollne taxee refunded by the at.ate. In exchange, they will stand to benefit from a $10 million project to build ov.,rcroulnp at three busy 1treeta and add a 10-foot-deep channel for trains to rumble unhindered beneath. The meuure apecllically ukll for majority approval to ralM the $1 million for UM u matching fund.I for $9 million ln a two.part state srant for the project. The project would Involve road overcroainga at Culver Drive, Yale Loop and Jeffrey Road. Noting the city would receive $9 milllon 1n state funds for $1 million of its own (rai9ed through the bond sale), city Public Work.a Di.rector Brent Muchow has been pushing for passage of the measure. Commandos poised Muchow, in fact, haa been preaaing for the project for several years. He convinced the Irvine City Council th1a year to place the measure on the ballot after learning that Irvine i.a high on the state priority liat for the grant from the state's $15 million annual fund for grade-eeparation projects. Stanley battle Irvine receives about $400,000 a year in gasoline tax reimbursements that are earmarked for new road construction projects. Muchow said payments and lntereat for the bond would be paid from that aource. finale looming By Tiie Associated Prest . nie British Defenae Ministry Helicopter-borne British reported thick fog, cold and wet commandos moved forward conditions in the wintry South today in preparation for the Atlantic territory which could decisive battle for the Falklands temporarily hold ,'.ip an expected capital o.f Stanl~y'. and Libya sent attack by 7,500 British troops on Argentina m1as1les for what the estimated 7,000 Argentine co~ld be. ~ last desperate ~ir soldiers holding the capital. stnke, Bntish press reports wd. In Paris, President l(eagan met Argentine military sources ln Prime Minister Margaret Buenos Aires claimed 2,000 Thatcher for private talks ahead reinforcements had been flown That means the grade separation project would use about one-fourth of current state funds. But Juanita Moe , treasurer of the Committee for Passage of Measure A, predicted that the proportion will decrease as the city's population incrt>ases. Gas tax reimbursements are based on population. of the seven-nation ~onomic to Stanley the last few daya, summit, and according 1o a senior boosting Argentine strength to Ms. Moe, also chairwoman of the city's Bicycle Trails Committee. said construction on the first phase could begin as early aa next summer if the bond measure passes. American official, Reagan wants 9 , 0 0 0 . But there w a a .no the British leader to give elaboration on how Argentine Argentina one more chance to planes could have avoided British withdraw from Stanley. jets that have been flying almost . However, Press A.aaoclation, contin\JO\.W raids ln the Stanley Britain's domestic new. agency, area. quoted government officiala in London as saying no diplomatic or political reason would hold up the battle for Stanley, and that British commanders have been told to attack as soon as they are ready. "This is such a good opportunity, we can't afford to turn it down," ahe said. Coastal Smell er.it edvl90tY lrom Point Conception _,th'#Wd -°""" wet .. to Sen Clement• l9lend lor northwHlerly wlnda IS to 25 knot• end s to I toot cornOlned HH. EIHWh•r• llght verlebl• wlnda night end morning houf9 through tonight. Afternoon wltlda wwt '° IOUu-4 10 lo 11 knot9 wtth 2 IO 3 loot ~ ..-. Wuterly awell 2 to 3 feet. Plrtllif't cle9ring eft.,noon. V .S. summary Vlolent thunderatorma In th• South c.u..cl flooding end hur1ecl llgflWng ttlllt Injured one -~ IC*'ked two Illa A women 1nd her three Clhlldren -• rMOUed by boet Thuradey from their home In MutcogM, Okte.. llnd up to 4 lndlee "' rain lellfno In 20 mlnut• lime OOlltliPMd tM roof f/4 I CW dMl«aNP In Weoon«. Okie. A• eboul 10 men worked owmlght plllng aandbeQI on I nlkHOelled dim on La• Don ,_ DurNm. H.C •• two adlool buau atood by to 1vecu•t• tleldenta In -IM dem broke. Weter -kllll-dMp In _,... ywda. Lightning c ev••d two •P•rtment-complex fir•• In Durhlm 1nd 11ruck • WOfl\11! w1tklnsro11 Ille cempu• of Duk• . In ~. .C, rein el!d tMlll 1tr19Pid y0ung to«>ecco IM- frolft «Mir ...... "I've --I hlllltotlll •• big Of .. '°"" .. "* one," Mid Roy JonM. Aoliwoll ... N.C .. ,tn QNief. • Tor111do .. wire 1lgt!Uld n.urldlf In -••n CotorNcl. but no tnfl#tee °' derNOI ..,. reponed. llnd ltb .,.. lomedO ~ .... ..... ~ ~ wlflde. i..ty r• ....... IM'""9d o.orvie. tOOPlne .._ °"'° ~ _. cMtlng poww "''°"" ..... r_,.,.,,... 1rounc1 fhe ,_..,, ~~Hlllf9dll'OMIOll! :"" Mid\,, '° a .,, ... AJ'aentina'a 1980 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Adolfo Perez Eequivel, annoUhced ln Buenoe Aires he is launching an international campaign to halt the ft,thtin,I{. She became Involved in the matter, she added, because the project would enable bicycle riders to cross beneath Culver on bike lralla that run parallel to the tracks. Little change 1811runnlnQfromS10 8 felt. CIOMr to ~ wind• lhOuld be light end vtrleb6e tonlgl'l1 Ind eerly Seturdey. becon1lng -t.aou111-.11 from 10 to 11 knot• with 2 to 3-foot wind ..,,... end • wtetei1y IWlll et t to 3 leet. Temperatures · NATION "' Lo '"' 16 53 16 53 78 53 ... es .02 es et .12 119 IO .oe 91 74 n &e 40 70 49 ~~ ~ 3·70 Pllttburgfl 72 66 72 .. 02 P1i.nct, Me 70 49 11 s2 P11end. Of• 11 s1 oe 92 n Provldenoe 75 SI 81 4e ~ , M M 1.31 80 4, ,._.., 72 37 Salt Lake 75 SI ~ ~ ::-Sen Antonio M 74 7S SS , Seattle 65 47 M 87 = 90 75 80 41 .07 Slowl 1lla 0 45 80 43 St Louie 73 57 .02 77 5e St P·Temoe 18 77 ee 47 C~OMU " 17 .20 81kerwlleld 16 59 74 49 Blythe 95 19 85 Eureh 11 48 72 SO F~ 13 50 82 45 . 18 LMcMler I& S6 ~ : ~.,:=-72 ~ 14 41 Monl.-.y 90 91 80 Nledlte 98 7 t 4 7 Oeklllnd 13 53 70 '7 Pmo Roblee 82 48 .. 47 Red llufl 79 52 1t 17 "9dwood Cfty ti &2 10 40 ..01 ""'° 12 37 .. '17 hct'M*ltO Tl 46 IO 7t ...,_ 11 71 • Sin """° 12 ... K 75 Sin frencleoo &7 50 .. 73 .11 8el!tl ...,.,.,. 17 50 II M .70 Senta Mtrie M t3 97 SIO<*ton 77 41 79 .. .41 Tillrmel 17 71 IO Ullllh 17 16 M lwttow M 82 11 71 1.14 Ilg..., 72 30 ,, 74 .... ~. ... 42 79 9' .01 ..,.,_,. ?1 10 71 ,.,. .01 LlncMter .. .. N M long -.-i f4 II • IO .06 Loi~ 71 H M 41 MolWM Q IO .. 71 Mt. WlltOfl 74 41 11 eo .or NlwrHH1 11eat1 11 se .., • Ontlrto 11 13 Pelm Spr1ngt P.-1«19 Sen Bemetdlno Sen JoM Senta CNI TW-Vlllly Cllgety Edmonton MontrMI ou-• Regine Toronto Vencouwr Winnipeg CANADA 95 7& n ee 72 ... 82 49 1141 45 60 30 87 42 74 44 81 43' 80 41 73 47 67 49 ... 52 78 50 'AN AMOtCAN Acapulco II 79 .03 Batbedoe a.~ Bogotl curecao Freeport Ouadelajer• Q~ipe HIVll\8 Klnglton Montego a., Mazatlan Metld• MellJGO City smog 12 74 ,$8 41 llO 82 ee .. 11 1s .oe 11 73 rr r. ., ... TM Air Qullllty Menegemll'lt '*"1CI ~ good .., QUlllty todly tor Ill .,... Of IN itMtl CoattNflUln. ,,, POllU1ent 81anclard lndell Of 100 11 toreoHt tor th• len Qebrill end ~ ~ end th• i.1vereld .. S1n ..,nerdlno 'T'n1°'1111 predlCMd for ui. 1111 Femiando end l1111a ~ vtlllyl. N for ~ loll Angeete, IO kit llMlllt Met 42 1or •II 0111., ., .. ,. lno!~=~ lnlll!d <>r-. ~.,,. ....... ,,,.... ... low dellrtt; ... • 11ar I.all• an• 1111 ............. t'lj6ol\ HURD CANDIDACY .. • Delly ,... ..... ,.._... are two raie. for any type of water, with the .,:rlcultural rate alwaya cheaper. Reclalmed water which Lt IOld to the city and community UIOciaUona coets ~9 percent more than what 11ncultu.re pa ya." Wby are th ratea 1ota1 ap and can tlaey be controlled? "Water ratea are 1olni up because we're golns to have to pay more for water. The sewer rates are goina up because they're going to put $836,000 more than laat year into the replacement reeerve. What the board should do ia reduce the contribution to the replacement fund and increase it when they don't have the need to Increase rates." Wbat la tbe future of tbe city'a sewage treatment plant? "I would aay eventually it would have to bt replaced or aorneth1n1 ta aolna to have to be done about h. lt'a too expenatve. I'm for reclamation of water to the extent that It realu. real conaervaUon. All of the water that they reclaim durln1 the winter doesn't aave a thina. We don't have to tun it all the time. It'a done at a lo. which we the people of Irvine have to aub9ldiz.e." Do you think pay for water dhtrlct board membera II ju1ttfled or unjuatlfled? "I am concerned about the amount and how the compensation fees are defined. There'• no incentive for them to cut down on side meetlnp. I don't mind them getting paid $100 for each meeting. but I th'1lk they should only get paid for' board meetings where there's a quorum present." SPICY CAMPAIGN -Irvine City Council candidates Larry Agran and Edward Doman are passing out herb plantings to symbolize their pro-environment positions despite charges by another candidate, John Nakaoka, that their collaboration may be seedy. OLSON IN RACE .. • Caterer eyed for Bommer Canyon park The Irvine Community Services Commission has recommended that a private caterer -not the city -should provide aervices at a new park in n.aatic Bommer Canyon. we would aee a reduction ln the sewage bill." Wby are the rates goln1 ap and can they be controlJecl? ''When the tint elected board was set ln place, it inherited a $1.3 mtlllon debt. And a replacement reeerve was started to replace plpin1 in the city becau.e the aewers eventually will wear out What we're trying 'lo do la look In to energy conservation measures that will reduce our eoetll. Currently we're looking at conventional and already existing means of reducing energy costs and we're al8o pursuing long-term aolutions to reducina enern u.ae." Wbat la tbe f•ture of tbe city'• aewage treatmeat plant? "rm 100 percent for reclaimed water. I think it ~ves us drought protection. but it's not so cost effective currently. As electricity goes up, 10 will the coat of treating.waste. I believe that reclamatron will be feasible if we can build the link to the Orange County Sanitation Di.strict which will eliminate some of our most costly types of treatment at the plant." Do you tblnk pay for water dhtrict board membert II ju1tlfled or unjustified? "Compensation is set by state law and the state sees fit to raise the payment every 10 years. It is my opinion that the payment is just being used politically to get press. To me it is not an issue. I'm not doing this for the money. I could go out and work for some co mpany and make more money " The City Council last month delayed action on a reservation and fee policy for the park. The commiaaion 's recommend a ti on will be considered at a June 15 meeting of the council. LETTER FLAP .. • An Irvine resident had expressed concerns that a private caterer being considered for an interim contract would charge too hJgh a uae fee for small, orlvate groups. The park, located oU &nits Canyon Road, 1.1 av8.llabJe on a reservation bam. only. Under a proposed Interim contract through June, 1983, it was suggested that Park Avenue Catering of Orange provide services and equipment at no cost to the city. City-sponsored and non-profit groupa would pay a minimal fee to the tjty depending on the size and type of group, according to Community Services Department spokeswoman Pat Fierro. Private and commercial groupa, under the proposal, would pay a use fee to the private caterer. The clty 8J.ao would reeeive $300 from the privatt :ind commercial groups via the caterer's fee to offaet the costs to the other groups. Frank Hunf, a candidate for the Irvine Ranch Water District Board of Dlrectora, was concerned when he discovered Park Avenue ml1ht charge a $1,000 uae fee to private groups. But city offldala emphasized that no private u.ae fee had been set. included on the letters by a Loe Angeles firm, Hoffen- blwn-Mollrlch, be ia paying t.o handle h1a maflin&a. He I.aid be didn't know they planned to use the aeals although he claimed such tactics are common. "I'm willing to take all the heat and responsibility for what my campai'n doea," he aaid. "And I think there was a rriisconception that Lee was involved and I want to clear that up." N el ther Mra. Si coll nor Vardolills were aware when they approved the text of their lettens that offic:lal aeala would be used. he stre81ed. · However, that apology was not sufficent for another candidate, Lai'ry Agran, who was prominently mentioned in the mailer that included Vardou.lia' note. On the flip aide, a message signed by Nakaoka mentioned that Agran had been endorsed in "an lnten\al memo" by the Jane Fonda-Tom Hayde'n-led Campaign for Economic Democnq. Asran, who unaucceatfully eought a temporary restraining order Tbuuda~ in Orange County Superior Court to block the use of such mailings. .said today that the allegations are "patently abaurd" but nevertheleaa damyinc. "I have provided a list of my campaign donors with their ad~ and you can check thls out," he said. "There are no financial contrlbuuons, direct or indirectly emanating from Tom Hayden or Jane Fonda." Agran noted that the mailinp came out just after the city's three local weekly newspapers had published for the last time before the election. "U there were any truth to this, why didn't he (Nakaoka) come out with this a few days earlier?" Agran asked. Added an upset Agran: "John has ended up revealing himself as a disgrace to the school board and the community." Snake attack suspect held ANDALUSIA. Ala. (AP) -A man accused of forcing open a rattlesnake's mouth and driving the fangs into an oil worker's arm faces an assault charge as the victim recovers from the venom that left him near death, authorities say. The victim, 42-year-old Wayne McLelland, is regaining use of his right arm after more than two weeks of intensive care and 21 vials of serum. OBIE SPORTS LTI). OD® SHOP NOW For .. HUGE SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED!! Beach I . Fbr Men a Ladle• • . I ., llllJPllt ~ A hou ewife with a 0 FRIDAY, JUNI 4, 111 wanderins mind at the , • CAVALCADE 82 wrons m()ments 11ppeals to 0 COMICS weeks confusing . THE SHORT WEEK BLUES: Everybody hates Monda ya. You get the Monday glum pa. The start of the work-week blues. The general drags. Yet on the other hand, what If somebody gave you a week without one? Without a Monday, that is. · As a matter of fact, aa you well know, we have already suffered through this kind of thing wittr'·the late.' areat three-day holiday Known as Memorial Day. Cynics might suggest that too --------I:'-\ , many of our fellow ciW:ens m• MURPfflllf ~t; have forgotten why we . .,. n ,~ call this particular celebration. other than the fact that back in Indiana, they hold a 500-mlle auto race during the proceedings. THERE .ARE, HOWEVER, enough places like Laguna Beach and Corona del Mar and acattered nice locationa up and down our coastline that display the colors well to remind us. And BOme veterans ceremonies are held at l~tions like Pacific View Memorial Park, overlooking the Pacific from Ne'!\'1)9rt's hills. Eventually, of course, most of ua finally do get back to work on whai turns out to be our current four-dayweek. It If we haven't got Monday to bbune. Jet's forget the whole thing gets confusing. Tuesday was Monday all week. Thursday came as a total surprise. You get the notion that today might be Friday but it feels like Thursday. What you end up with is Monday being missed all week long. It throws you clear off your pace. JUST CONSIDER HERE in the newspaper office where some miscreant soul linked together all the paperclipa in my desk drawer. It has confounded my clipping efforts for the entire week. Well. not exactly the entire week, becauae the foul deed wu discovered on Tueeclay. This again threw off all the timing of things becau8e if IOIDebody is going to link together an your papercllps or rum the brush out of your pastepot, all that is likely to happen on a Monday. Having it happen on a Tuesday once again destroys your week-long timing. Only today -Ws Friday I think -I was speaking with a young woman on the phone who was explaining to me that she waa really very busy but we might get back in contact in about half an hour. "BOW COULD YOU be so rushed when we've only had a four-day week to· get rushed in," I inquired. · "Well this has been a really difficult day because I had to gather up my beach blanket and beach chair and all that other stuff and rush down to the beach." "You mean you're not working?" "Oh. I don't know. You can get pretty rushed while you're rushing to the beach." "But you're home now," I protested. "I'm talking to you. Surely It's not a rush any more." "YES IT IS," she replied. ·~ow I've got to rush back down to the beach and pick up all my things I left 1Cattered on the sand. "You mean you haven't been at work all week?" She replied, "With just a four-day week, why bother?" Clearly, this .fOUD& woman had come up with the solution for Mondlly-less weeks. Just forget the whole thing. J 83 Ann Landers. Page 82. 69th District battle close . Sills, Frizzelle waging hard-fought campaigns By SANDll!: JOY or"'-Oe11J 1tt1ot • ..,, It's anyone'• guess who'll wtnd up Tuesday as the Republican candidate for the newly apportioned 69th Auembly District eeat. The winner in a cloee primary race between Assemblyman Nolan Ftl.zulle and Irvine Mayor David StU. wW likely win the seat in November because the 69th District has almost 73,000 Republicans and 66,000 Democrats registered to vote. Friz:zelle won the former 73rd Asaembly District seat from Democrat Dennis Mangen nearly two years ago and expects hia record as a proven vote-getter against a Democrat incumbent to pull him through. Sills, three times an Irvine City Council member and ln hls third one-year term as the city's mayor, is in hla maiden partisan race while this is Frizzelle's 11eCOnd outing. The 69th di.strict as drawn by the Legislature in February added Irvine to the sections of Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley and southern Huntington Beach that made up the former 73rd district. Friu.elle figures it's a political no-no to challenge an incumbent from your own party in the primary. Sills, on the other hand, says Frizz&lle isn't really incumbent because of the reapportionment. The Irvine mayor thinks he has a good support base since 30 percent of the district's registered Republican voters live in Irvine. Silla has received endorsements from four Costa Mesa City Council members, Orange County Sheriff Brad Gates. 5th District Supervisor Thomas Riley and Fountain Valley Mayor Marv Adler. All are non-partisan office-holders. He's received S86,917 in campaign contributions and loans. mostly from Irvine and Newport Beach sources, with $5,000 each coming from Koll Company, Fluor Corp .• Airport Industrial Complex a nd the Irvine Company. In addition, Koll executives Donald M. Koll and Timothy Strader donated $5,000 and $6,000, respectively, to the Sills campaign. Friz;zelle endorsers include all the incumbent Republican state assemblymen plus Lt. Gov. Mike Curb, GOP congressmen Dan Lungren and William Dannemeyer and various Orange County -based partisan office-holden. Frizzelle's campaign contributions, totaling $106,886. include four oil companies - Getty Otl Co., She ll Good Government Fund, Atlantic Rich.field and Aminoil -and variout horse-racing-related groups such as Loe Alamitos Race Course and Hollywood Turf Club. Among last minute Ftizz.elle campaign contributors are Friends of Wally Herger, 3rd District assemblyman in Yuba City; Friends of Assemblyman Dennis Brown from the 58th District fu Long Beach; and the Fund for Insurance F.ducation, each of which donated $2,500. A practicing optometrist for 30 years, Frizzelle has teceived CHALLENGER -Irvine Mayor David Sills, making his first endeavor in a race for partisan office, disputes his oppot}ent'4 claim of incumbency. about a dozen contributions from other optometrists and various medical groups as well as money from the Califonua Association of Thrift and Loan Companies and National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund. The campaign hasn't been without its nasty innuendos and charges. Last week. Sills obtained a temporary injunction in Orange County Supe ri or Court prohibiting Frizzelle from mailing campaign literature that doesn't comply with the state election code's ~ '9lot lteff ""''" INCUMBENT? Assemblyman Nolan Frizzelle won the 73rd Assembly District two years ago and is considered the incumbent in the new 69th District. truth-in-endorsement statute. In April, Sills filed a complaint with the Fair Pollucal Practices Commission charging that Frizzelle had fa.iled to itemize campaign ex pe nses. After requiring Frizzelle to submit further documentauon covering the expenses, the FPPC decided against further investigation. On Wednesday, Sills issued a statement to the press criticizing Friu.elle's voting record. The Irvine mayor said his opponent had missed more than 750 YOtes during 16 months and "Either Dr. Frizzelle is not Oe11J Not f'hoto by lktletd Koefllef LADY IN WAITING -This hummingbird patiently sits on her two tiny eggs in her nest in an evergreen tree on Costa Mesa's east side. . paytn1 attention to hi.a work or II afraid to take a it.and." Friuelle responded br. explainlna the illues he didn t vote on were ones which the e n ti re R epublican ca u c us abstained from. ''Thia was a matter of our strategy to try to make the Democrats come to us on the budget and reapportionment," Friu.elle4aid. The incumbent added, "I think my record for attendance and participation has been far better than most Republicans and any Democrats and, so, except on matters of policy , I have consistently been both present and voting both in committee and on the floor." Frizz.elle complained that the primary campaign hasn't been centered on issues and accused Sills of attadung him anp his famlly personally. The assemblyman said he thinks the key issue Is in perpetuating Republican control of the district. While criticizing Friz.zelle for not speaking the same language as local governmeht officials, Sills pointed to his heavy local government involvement. Fr1zz.elle said he'd like to have better communication with local government bodies and that he's tried but local non-partisan officials don't unders tand parusan poll tics. Blind Irvine boy receives gift of sight A 15-year-old Irvine boy, born with a progressive disease that / had Jett him blind in one eye. can see today thanks to a cornea donated by the family of a woman killed last March in a traffic accident. Strict rules regarding confidentiality prevent giving any more details about-'Ule two people involved. But the teen-ager is only one of about 30 people who have received corneas from the eye bank started by the Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club and UC Irvine ln 1980. During the last two years the Lions Club has donated $43,000 to the eye bank, witli proceeds from Its Fish Fry. This year's event begins Friday and continues until Sunday . Dr. Sam Wong, a Newport Beach ophthalmologist who helped start the eye bank, said at has helped relieve.the increasing demand for corneas. . In the past, patients needing cornea transplants had to rely on • only the Western Medical Center eye bank or obtain harder-to-get donors from outside the county. "Jt's made It a lot easier to ~et corneas," he said. "It's-a matter of public awar eness. Many p eople don 't know that we exist." . Despite its n ewness, the waiting list for corneas from the eye bank located at UC Irvine Medical Cent.er in Orange has grown to about 200. Peaceful evening shattered Many corneas come from traffic accident victims. whose families are willing to donate undamaged organs that can help &0meone else. said Dr. Wong. About 10 .000 cornea transplants are done a year in the United States. Car slams home of retired Huntington traffic cop Following removal from the donor the eyes are kept in a chilled antibiotic solution and transferred to the eye bank. Ideally they are uaed within 24 hours, said Dr. Wong. By PBD.. SNEIDERMAN or .. .,..,,......,, Durtna b.La 21 years with the Huntington Beac h Police Department -17 aa a traffic officer ~ Ed Groom aaw enough bent fenders, mangled motorcycles and smashed headllghta to lut a Wettme. When he retired two years ago, he hoped he'd never again have to let ey• on a . major traffic mishap: It wu not to be. Lut Saturday night, he was enjoying a peace1ul eventnc at the dovintown Huntington Beach home ln which he'a lived for the PM' 30 y..n. He had alttady 1ummonecl his 1randchlldren tndoon beaaua lt waa aettine dark. His wtte VI WU ln the kitchen, 1oldina the dtlhwuher. Groom Wiid her ., jotn him in the other room to '*•tch ·a rno\.I• on ~ ? .... , ~-later, be hMrd &be falDIJW ICT'ffGh o( a car ~ out of CIGlltl'ol. '!We Miid tM -~ he ................ ~ whlft It ...ad bind." The,.~· faunill out • 17ftdt ............... ,,..~ me out on all the fatals and the near-fatals, day and night. "I saw a car that crashed through a S1ore window, but I never thought something like that would happen to me. r think this one 1eerDS so bad because it was my hou.e. "And I wu in there." Anyone wishing to become an eye donor following death can obtain a donor card from the Department of Motor Vehicles or their local hoepital. Freeway project nearin.g completion Oran1e County motorists headina for the border ot San Dteao. will flnd ~he cotng ll'ftOOther and , ... \hroUlh San ' Clenwnte, u work wrapt up on a • $31.4 rftlWon wtden1na of the San Dle8o l'rMway, · .. nw a.• mn. proJtct. t>ecun nearly three ,..... acoi la Dllll'inC completlon, C.ltranf offlclalt annGUMlld. And \tie( mmw cnveJen cui •xi*\ a lriarlced ~t In trawl .. ~~.the "foftnei' ~ .. -,au:a.m.n..i. 'lbe ptOjiet bOlm ~ ' j . ~ • ·' I c• 1111 1111111 · I 111111\ ~ 11 INI 1 I Ill.' OHA N L l COUNTY . L AI U OHNIA :?5 CENTS Retaliation raids Israeli jets hOmh~rding Beirut .. DellyPllot...,, ...... Attacks kill 30; ,. 120 hurt BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Waves of Israeli jets thundered over southern Beirut today, rocketing and bo mbing the capita.l's Palestinian strongholds in swift retaliation for the attempted assassination of the Israeli ambassador to Brita.in. Israeli residents near the Lebanese border said Palestinian gunners responded by firing Katyuaha rockets Into the Galilee panhandle. Israeli censors prohibited naming the areas hit by the rockets and there was no mention of casualties. In Beirut, PLO spokesmen said preliminary counts showed at least 30 killed and 120 wounded, many o f them w ome n and children, in the Israeli air attacks. Rescuers were digging through the rubble in search of victims. BLOWING WILD -Bagpipers strut their Games, to be held Saturday and Sunday at the stuff in preparation for the ann_ual __ Sco __ ttis_· _h_....:Or..;;..::an:..cg~e=--=Co...:....:.:un;:.:..:.:ity~F...:w.r.::· ..:!:!gr:::...o:..;un:::..::..:ds=.:..... ------- The first wave of Israeli warplanett roared over the city at 3:10 p.m. (6:10 a.ro. PIYf), and subsequent waves continued the barrage without letup for two hours before the jets withdrew. Guerrilla positions returned a massive barrage of anti-aircraft fire and SAM-7 and SAM-9 shoulder-fired, heat-seeking missiles, witnesses said. Theft suspect Celebration of.Scottish games slated Newport man held A PLO spokesman, who declined to be identified, said a sports stadium housing a major PLO training base sustained direct rocket and bomb hits. A Beirut radio broadcast said an arms depot in the stadium exploded. A bit of Scotland will be ' coming to the Orange C.OUOty Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa Saturday and Sunday. on $2 million hail Associated Press reporter Fereshteh EmamJ reported from the U.N. Interim Force offices about 300 yards from the stadium that she "saw flames rising out of the stadium, followed by smoke. (See ISRAELI, Page A%) The annual celebration of the Scottish Games, sponsored by the United S cottish Society of Southern California, includes marching bands. bagpipes, caber tossing. hammer throws, soccer. rugby and shot put. The games were started nearly a thousand years ago by Highland chiefs who staged competitions to choose the moet skilled warriors. The two-day event will continue from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. Admission is $6 for . adults, $4 for seniors and $2 for · children under 15. Some of the highlights of Saturday's celebration will include professional piping at 9 a.m., Highland dancing at 1:30 p.qt .• caber tossing at 2 p.m. and a tug-o-war at 3:30 p.m. Sunday's activities will include a woman's braemar stone putt at 10:30 a.m .. a hammer throw at 11 a .m., a piping championship at 11:30 a.m .. a woman's hammer throw at 1:30 p.m. and pipe band at 4 p.m. The tossing of the caber, a 19 foot log weighing about 100 pounds, dates beck to the 16th century. Tuna boat sinks SAN DIEGO (AP) -The tuna fishing boat Gina Marie sank with 50 tons of ftcnen fish off Cabo San Luca.e at the 10uthem tip of Baja California peninsula, say San Diego owners of the boat. WORLD A Newport Beach man is being held on what Orange County officials are describing as the largest bail in county history for grand theft charges. Robert Swick, a 43-year-old former mobile home dealer, is being held in lieu of $2 million bail at Orange County Jail. Normal bail for grand theft is $5,000. . The high bail figure was set last week by West Orange County Municipal Court Judge Judith Ryan. Swick is scheduled to appear in court next Wednesday on 15 grand theft counts. Police seize rape suspect A 26-year-old Laguna Beach male model has been arrested in Newport Beach on suspicion of raping a 14-year-old gir~ police report. Jack Edward Dunn, a Costa Mesa resident, was stopped Thursday afternoon on West Oceanfront, by an officer who said he recogniz.ed the man and remembered he was wanted In connection with the reported rape. Police auert Dunn sexually attacked the girl at a party May 24 on the Balboa J>eninsula. Dunn is being beld in the Newport city jail in lieu of $25,000. Argentina fights Sandinistas Despite the Falkland Ialanda war, Argentina continues to support the overthrow of the Sandinista govemmeht in Nlcaragua. Page A6. NATION He has pleaded innocent to tile\ charges. Kym Malejan, an attorney for the state department of Housing and Community Development, said the charges against the Newport man "are some of the most serious we have seen in this state against a mobil~ home dealer." She said Swick operated Country Style Mobile Homes in three different cities -Garden Grove, Canoga Park and Pomona -from 1977 until the firm went out of business last year. Attorney Malejan charged that under Swlck's management, the mobile home firm would take money for mobile homes and then never deliver them. She said In some cases the homes were delivered but customers never ~ot clear title to them. Swick. she said, is specifically c harged with taking down payments from 13 cus- tomers and putting the money into the company's checking account instead of Into a client's tnut account as required by law. She aaid it la alleged Swick took more than fM>(),000 through h.la process. She al.lo said it is alleged Swick failed to pay back an $80,000 Small Business Administration loan and currently own various manufacturers more than $600,000. The state Attorney Uener.a.l's office it prosecuting the case. COUNTY DA rejects • action on ex-Mesa cop The Orange Coast District Attorney's office has decided against pressing criminal charges against a former Costa Mesa police sergeant accused of misconduct, it was announced today. Gerhard Barwta. 39, a 17-year veteran of the police department, resigned March 22 following a police department internal investigation into allegations that be had behaved improperly in his operation of the department's property diviaion. City officials asked the district attorney to look into the matter March 24. Maurice Evans, a deputy district attorney, said there is insufficient evidence to warrant cri.rr.inal charges. "After careful consideration we have decided thal we will not recommend the filing of ~ny criminal charges," said Evans. Barwtg resigned before a final recommendation stemming from the police department's Internal investigation was made public. • Pilot endorses Sills The Deily Pilot endones Davt<J Silll in the Republican primary for the 69th Allembly District and four county officials 1eeking re-election. Page A6. Actress, playwrislit inter:Viewed ActreH Llnda Purl and playwrlaht Terri. Weaen-talk of tbeJr ~Pldion in ''The Man Who Could SM 'nitough Time.'' Weekender. ~ "'°' ...... .., a., A"*- REMEMBERING -Retiring Orange Coast College President Robert Moore (left) chats with his successor, Bernard Luskin, at a dinner in Moore's honor Thursday. "Looking on" from a 1975 picture on the wall are (from left) Moore, Coast College District Chancellor Nonnan Watwn and former OCC president Basil Peterson. 500 friends laud OCC's Dr. Moore By TOM MURPHINE Of ttle Oe11J Piiot Stefl Friends, faculty members and civic dignitaries turned out 500 strong Thursday night at the Balboa Pavilion to pay tribute to Dr. Robert B. Moore, who is retiring as president of Orange Coast College after 22 years. There were some tears in the audience, some laughs, and two standing ovations for the popular community college leader. William Kettler, president of the Coast Community College District Board of Trustees, gave a closing tribute when he said, "Wouldn't it be nice if we could clone five or 10,000 Dr. Bobs? How much nicer the world would be." In a li~ht moment, Kettler said INDEX it was a tribute to Moore that 80 many people turned out on a n ight when the event "is in direct competition with the Lakers basKetball team." Moore, in response to the parade of testimonials at the podium. turned the tribute around just a bit when he remarked, "Actually, tonight ia your night. You are the people who' have made OCC what it is and what it will be." He referred to himself as "only a symbol." "I'm not as smart as everybody here thinks I am," Moore suggested. "All of you are an integral part of OCC." (See MOORE, Page AZ) At Your Service Business Cavalcade Clusified Comics Croaword Death Noti~ ~torial Home/Garden A4 C6-7 B2 Horoecope • B2 Intermission Weekender Dl-6 B3 B3 D2 A6 C5 Ann Landers 82 Mutual Funds C6 Public Notices B4;D2 Sports ~1-5 Stock Markets C7 Weather A2 World News A3 MOORE HONORED. · •• Th• re\trin1 pr11ld1nt pald Uibu\t to hit mother, Ol·yev-old Mlnnt• O. Moore, who waa ln attendance, and utd, "My mom and I would have been happy for mt to havt bHn a railroad •ncln .. r. Th• aood Lord and my frlend1 /u1htd me." He alto thankt hl1 wife, Pat, for 11upport over the ye.n. Moore concluded by notln1. "There ll no place I'd rather have been for the paat 22 )'911'1. "Ht l't!Called with a amile that when be wu recruited for the Job, M wu told, "where ebe can you ~ year-around?" · Amona the trlbutea, Hank Panlan. reptetentlng the faculty, called Moore. "a people peraon who la people-<>riented." Former OCC student Cynthia Oknlan .. now a senior at UCLA. :told the crowd, "Students are the ... nc. of Dr. MOON'I Ufe. He alwayt Md an open door." Tum1n8 to hlm. ah• eddtd. "You rnay be lMvlnl OCC on th• ~ and 1 onlY wilh you were tnnlferrm, '° lJCLA." Jbn n~ former occ ttean and now pr11ld1n\ of Foothill Collea• ln Lot Altoa, commented. "We t.e.ch the way we were iauaht. We emulate ,reat teachers. "Bob has been the moat important influence ln my life. Fiiqerald told how aft.er one collep play, Dr. Moore wu eeen to be helplns with the clean up and a atudent uked him If that wu one of the cuatod.1ana. "I didn't want to embarr .. the student," Fitzaerald recalled. "So I told her, 'No, that's the CHID' custodian','' I :ISRAELI RETALIATION .. • Pieces of the stadium roof flew up." The privately owned "Voioe of Lebanon" radio station said bombs also hit the densely populated Fakhani neighborhood, which houses the headquarters of PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat . A PLO spokesman said Arafat waa in Saudi Arabia and no senior PLO leader was killed or wounded. Sc:oret of flrea blackened the akiea over Paleatlnian-held neighborhoods of Sabra, Chatilla and Bourj el-Barajneb, which houae dozens of PLO offices and lrainlng campe. It WU the third Israeli air attack on Lebl)non-baaed guerrillu ih al.x weeka and the largest raid on Beirut since July 17, 1981, when I.araell bombs and rockets killed about 300 Palestinians and Lebanese. Commandos poised ~tanley battle finale looming By ne A11oclated Preti Helicopter-borne British commandos moved forward today in preparation for the decisive battle for the Falklands capital of Stanley, and Libya 9eJ\t Argentina missiles for what could be a last desperate air strike, British press reports said. In Paris. President Keapn met Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher for private talkt abelid of the seven-nation economic sununit. and aocordlnc to a aenkr American ofl:idal. Reapn wants t he British leader to give Argentina one more chanoe to withdraw from Stanley. However, PFess Aaoclatlon, Britain's domestic news•agency, quoted government offida.la In London as saying no diplomatic or political reuon would hold up the battle for Stanley, and that British commanders have been told to attack as soon as they are ready. nie British Defense Ministry reported thJdt f<11, cold and wet condltkmt in the wintry South Atlantic terri1.ory, which could tempOnrt1y bold up an npected au.Ck by 'l,M>O British troops on the eetimated 7 ,000 Argentine aoldlen bokltna the gapital. Arpntine military eources In Bueno• Alrea claimed 2,000 retnfOl'Ce!Dl!ftta had been flown to Stanley the las\ f~ days. boo.iing Arpntlne strength to 9,000 . BY JOEL C. DON Of .... ~ .... •• • Univeralty of California p_rttident David Saxon braced UC Irvin• faculty and ataff Th~ for a aalary hwM for the 1082·83 fiaca1 year. White Saxon apoke to membera of UCI'a Academic Senate, the atate Sena1e approved a $2&.&-bUlton 1\ate bud1et almed at ellmtnattna Callfodlia'a $2.1 bWJon deftclt. That action would el11J\1nate co1t-of-llvln1 lncre11e1 for welfare reciplenta, achool employeee u well u UC faculty and ataff. The state A.aembly la wo= on a different budget pro that would require a $1.5-b on tax meuure and would provide limited coat-of-living increases for atate worken. A joint committee of the two housee eventually will iron out differences between the two budget proposals. The final version la due by June 15 for the fiacal year that begins July 1. Saxon expreseed concerns that a salary freeze might encourage UC faculty and staff to seek employment elsewhere .. UCI Chancellor Daniel Aldrich agreed with that gloomy outlook. "We know that there is an exodus (of faculty and staff) from o ther atates to this university because of salary freezes," he said. "Inflation goes on and to receive no salary Increase I.a a hardship." Saxon said the regents already have trimmed the UC budget by about 3 percent or $35 million. That action led to a $100-a-year fee increase for all UC students. Also, academic and puJ>lic service programs met cutback.a. But Saxon warned additional cost-cutting measures may be needed If the Senate's budget proposal is paaaed and if voters approve ballot propositions 5, 6 and 7 next week, initiatives that include an elimination of state gift and inheritance taxes and income tax indexing. "U we°'t'fe headed Into a deep depression we're going to have to phase down and phase out aome activities," he said ... But there will be no rapid elimination of any program. "Our problem I think ia to maintain excellence which we know can 't be done without adequate support." Little change Coastal Smell craft edWlory trom Polm ConcepllOn IOUlhwllld aYfll out41f weten to Sen Clement• ltlend tor northwHterly wind• t5 to 25 knots 1nc:1 5 to a toot c:omblned 1e11. EIMWhere light varlable wind• night •lld momlng houra through tonight. Afternoon wind• .-t to IOUt'-1 10 to 18 knoft wttn 2 to 3 toot wind --. We1terly •••II 2 to 3 feet. Partlally cllietlng enemoon. U.S. summary Vlolenl thunder11orm1 In Ille Soulll C8UMd ttoodlng and hurled lightning thtl lnJured OM womlln end 199flled two fir•. A woman and her three cNklfen -• reecued by boel Tllurtday from their home In Mutoogee. Okla., end up to 4 lnchel of rein felting In 20 mlnutee time ~ • 1111 roof of • Clll' c1ee1enNP In Wegof*, Ollle. A• about 10 men worked 0¥emlght p11ng -"'bega on a rallHollled dim on LU• Ehon nMt Out118m. N.C .• two adloo4 butH 1tood by to evacuete Nlidenta In CIM the datn btotr9. Wit« -le~ In _,... yarda. Ll9htnln9 c:1u1ed t.,,o 1partment-c:omp1111 llre1 In Durham and 11ruc:k • wo1111n wallet~=: .. the caml)in ol Duk• ty. In~. H.C .• rain end 11111 11r1 oung tobac:c:o IMvn from ltlllll. • "I've -l9llrl • hlll10n'ft •. 11111 Of .. tong .. lhll one," ... "OV Jonte. Aoleevtlle. N.C., tn dlllf. TornedoH were 11911ted Thurl4•Y In Mltern Colorado, but no lnluriee or dlmlCll _. l'IPOft«I.. and no new lornedo wwnlnOfwwt'-'ed~ ~ wlndl,, llMvy rein and 11911 buf'9ted o.cw-. toppjlne '- onto bUldlngl end outUnt PNW llllOl'M ..... T~ WOIAa fM natlen ..,.. tocs.f ,.,,,., "°'" 30 Ill ::-Midi., fo 12 In Blolll, -l'\lnnlng from 5 to 8 fMt. CIOMf 10 lh«•. wtndt lhould be light and Vlrllbi. tonight and early Saturday, becoming wHl·tOuth-11 lrom 10 to 18 knoll with 2 to 3·fool wind ...,,. and.~ ..... It 110 3 IMt. Temperatures NATION "' Lo ,.... Alblny j5 53 Albuque 15 53 Amat1llo 71 53 Mhevtlle 14 15 .02 Allenla 15 ea .t2 Atlante Cty ea eo .oe Aultln . 91 74 Bllt1nlofe 11 541 .40 81111nge 10 49 t::":" es ea 3.10 17 53 8olM 72 48 .02 so.ton 77 52 Brownt\ltle 92 n Ekllfllo 11 48 Butllngton eo 41 Caper 17 38 .02 Ctllflwtn SO M 73 .09 Chartltn WV 78 55 CNtfn• NC • 17 ~ eo 41 .07 Ctllclgo llO 4a ClnClnne1I 77 5f ~ .. 47 Clrntlla SC 119 17 .20 ~ 74 4t ~AW1tt 89 15 o.yton 72 50 Denver 12 45 .18 o..~ 17 50 • Dltroll 59 49 Dulutll ... 41 EJ'-91 eo Fergo 71 47 f'lagltlff 10 37 GIMtFllll' ea 47 H#ttorCI 71 57 HelllM 10 40 .01 HoftOlljlu .. T7 HoulleOI\ tO 11 lndMplll 1S a& JIGkan M8 " 75 ~ .. n .19 Kana City M M .70 LMVIOM 93 17 Ultle Aodl 71 .. • 4J Loult¥tlle 11 eo LubOooll es SI Mtrl'lpNe 11 72 1.1• Mleml 11 74 M ..._Ycwtl 71 13 .01 Holfolk 71 f7 .01 No. Ptlltte SI 3t Olcla City .. tO .06 OIMM .. " Ol'1MdO .. 11 .......... ft ., .Of .,._,.. 17 .. ~Wea...., S..Vce 100 "'°"'"' u s Oeo4 ol CotM\e<c. Fronts: Cold,... Wtllffl .., ~g:. 72 56 70 48 Ptlend,Or• 87 51 .oe PrO\lldence 75 58 :=;gt! 88 88 t.31 72 37 Salt Lake 75 58 8vr Antonio 18 74 Seattle 16 47 = 90 75 0 (5 St Louie 73 57 .02 St P-Ternpa ee 77 CALWONM Bakenfleld 15 59 Btyllle 95 E.UAll• 11 48 Fr.no 13 50 lJlnCllter 85 55 ~ 72 57 64 Monler-.y eo M9edlel 98 Otkltnd 13 53 Puo Aot>IM 12 41 "9d Bluff . 78 52 ~Qty 12 52 Alna f2 37 lecramento ft 45 8allrllll 13 San Diego 72 ... 8en FrancllOO 57 50 sent• larber1 57 50 Santa MIN 15 Stodlton 11 48 'T'lleml.i 97 Ultlatl 07 l!Wetow .. 02 ---72 30 =. .. 42 71 50 Lancelt• .. M ~ 7' 55 Loe 7t 55 12 50 Ml Wlllorl 1' 41 =:1Bwfl .. 51 11 63 Plllm Spttnol 115 12 Paaedene n 49 8en Bernetd1n9 11 58 8en JoM ee 45 Serlta Cna 72 50 T .tloe Valley ... 30 CANADA c~ Edmonton MonlrMI OtUwa Aeglne Toronto vanc:ouwr WlnnlpeQ smog e7 42 74 44 11 43• eo 41 73 47 57 49 ... 52 78 llO I 82 74 .ea 48 90 82 IMS ea 11 111 .oe 11 n .. 11 97 78 11 54 The Air Quallty M•nlOl!Mftt Olatriat l)fedlott ~ air QUlflty tocMy for ...... of the 9outfl ~NI~ A PolluW\t ltandatd ~ of 100 11 tortCHI ror tll• Ian Gabriel and Pomona vall9yl and the Alvereld•·l•n Bernardino .,.., . A"Pal of 75 It~ for IM Ian '-"8ndO and a.nte Qtrfta ~ SI lor metropolltM Loe ~. 50 for lannlnt and 62 tor au other "'"· Inc= lnlW Ortnte Oownty, tM --l\lgll 8nd tow ......... aear L•k• and tll• Her'Mlt-llll!Mn ~. Dliltr ............. WARNING -UC Premdent David Saxon haa warned UC Irvine faculty and ataft not to expect aa1ary lncreue9 UUa year. Motorists beef over CM signals Crui.aing Newport Boulevard through Coeta Mesa to ~ewport Beach might be faster, but getti ng acro11 the busy thoroughfare la another ft.Ory. Harvey Hopkins, a· CaJtrana engineer, said that the $1. l million aignal aynchronbation project for traffic flowing north and south itlong Newport Boulevard has resulted in complaints from motorists attempting to make east-west CJ'08linga of the boulevard. Hopkin.a said lt ta lmpollllible to synchronlz.e .. the llghta for both north-aouth and east-west traffic. As a result, some motorists have complained that they can't get across both Intersection.a on the east and west aides of Newport Boulevard, he said. "The difference between the way it was before and now is just a few seconds," said Hopkins. "You can't control everything. It's not possible to make everyone happy." So far, the Paul Gardner Corp. of Ontario has installed new signal.a along the busy boulevard from Mesa Drive to Harbor Boulevard. The Caltrans contract calls for the new light aignals and atandarda to be Installed at each lntef1t!Ctlon along the 4.7-mile atrett:h from Mesa Drive to Finley Avenue in Newport Beach. Hopkin.a said that the project will be completed in late July and will offer better traffic flow north and south along Newport Boulevard. : Top cop resigns SIMI VALLEY (AP) -The mayor of Simi Valley has · accepted the resignation of ~t community's embattled police chief, saying, "The administrator of any dep&rtment is ultimately responsible for the actions of hi.a subordinates." Pol.ice Chief Don Rush, headed the department for a ckcade. ~of a N9W'J)Ol'l -..ch ballot meuure to lncreue ho\11 and motel bed tax uaually boill down to the word tourllt . Support.era of lncreatlft8 the ~ tax from 8 to 8 percent aay the hike would make "tourl.Jtl pay their fair ahare" for upkeep of roada, •wera, beechea and parka. Opponentl auaeat the touristl who Utter the beachea, clOI the 1treet1 and dirty parka In Newport att not the same people who atay In local hotel and mot.el rooma. The tax lncreue <\uestlon will appear on Tuetlday 1 ballot u Measure B. An Identical ballot measure wu put to an election test laat year and failed by several hundred votes. A tax Increase needa a two-thlrda majority to aucceed. Newport Buch City Council membera a1reed to try again becau.ee of the cloeenea of the election and their theory that the previous failure of the measure wu due to lack of an active campaign for the measure. Whife the ballot question Tourl•t l•••e h11n't 1p1rk•d areat polltlcal ct.ba\t, 1upporten have raiMd aome money for a mailer. The maller ahowa a "tourltt" alttlna In a louns• chair wlth a drink in one hand. The text point.a out that anywhere from 20,000 to 100,000 people vl1it Newport each day, drlvtna on local 1treet1, 1unbathln1 on beachea and picnicldng ln par~. One Newport motel owner, Victor Rwnbellow, respondl that Newport haa only 1,000 hot.el and motel rooma. He aaya that'• hardly enou1h to accorDmodate • Cf9Wd of 100,000. Rwnbellow, who oppoees the tax hike, 1&ya the real toUrlsta come Into town by car, atay for the day and then drive home. Opponentl alao contend the tax hike will put Newport at a disadvantage with cltlea llke Cost.a Mesa and Newport where the bed tax I• 6 percent. Supporters say Newport ahould charge 8 percent, like Laguna Beach. Tax hike proponenta aay the increase would mean only an extra dollal'll on a $50-a-night room. CdM Ki-wanians plan festival The Corona d el Mar Kiwanis Club will sponsor its annual summer festival Saturday in the Corporate Plaza parking lot in Newport Center. The festival, which ruru from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., includes •The first annual Corona del Mar Scenic 5K run, to benefit a local beautification program, will begin 8 a.m. Satuh:lay in front of the Bank of Newport at the comer of East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue. • An excuttsion to the American River for a whitewate!' rafting outing ia being planned by the Orange Coast YMCA. The six day trip, which • Newport Beach resident Glea E. Stillwell has been appointed to the Board of the Martin Luther Hospital Foundation. The foundation board, compri8ed of local business, industry and civic leaders, d evelop s and manages investment programs on • Carrie Loalae MWer of Newport Beach hat received her bachelor of lcience degree a pancake breakfast and a hamburger lunch for $2.50 each. Prizes will be awarded. Proceeds support community, youth and senior c_itizens projects. For more infonnation, call 760-8035 or 759-9112. The course will wind through the community's residential area, along the bluff overlooking Big Corona and back to the starting point. Re gistration la $10 and includes a souvenir T-shirt. begins June 20, ia open to boys and girls ages 13 to 16. To make reservations, call 642-9990. The Orange Coast YMCA serves Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Irvine. behalf of the Anahe im hospital. Stillwell , preside nt of Ai.rdrome Parts Co. of Long Beach, is vice president of the Lincoln Club of Orange County, a member of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club and a trustee of Plymouth Congregational Church o f Newport Beach. in nursing from Loretto Heights College in Denver. OBIE SPORTS L Tl). 0 D® SHo·p llOW .For Dads I . Grads ... HUGE SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED!! -Qllll.tSllVill - ~·~SPORTS _..._..,,. • • I 111111\ ~ lllNI I 1·11• · OHf\N (1l ( ()lJN Iv l Al It OH NIA ~':> CEN rs ·Retaliation raids Israeli j e.ts bombarding Beirut 0.-, .............. Attacks kill .30; 120 hurt BEIRUT. Lebanon' (AP) - Waves of Israeli jets thundered over southern a eirut today, rocketing and bombing the capital's Palestinian strongholds in swift retaliation for the attempted assassination of the Israeli ambassador to Britain. IsJaeli residents near the Lebanese border said Palestinian gunners responded by firing Katyusha rocketa into the Galilee panhandle. Israe li censors prohibited naming the areas hit by the rockets and there was no mention of casualties. In Beirut, PLO spokesmen said preliminary counts showed at least 30 killed and 120 wounded, many of them women and children, in the lsrael,ltair attacks. Rescuers were digging through the rubble in search of victim,,. BLOWING WILD -Bagpipers strut their Games, to be held Saturday and Sunday at the stuff in preparation for the ann--!4al __ Sco_ttts_._h __ Or.::..:..:an:::sg!.:.e_;Co:..::.:un=.:ty"-=F-=811'::. :.sgro~un=.:ds=:.... ------ The first wave o f Israeli warplanes roared over the city at 3:10 p.m . (6:10 a.m. PDT). and subsequent waves continued the barrage without letup for two hours before the jeta withdrew. Guerrilla positions returned a massive barrage of anti-aircraft fire and SAM-7 and SAM-9 shoulder-fired, heat-seeking missiles, witnesses said. Theft suspect Celebration of Scottish games slated Newport man held A PLO spokesman, who declined to be identified, said a sports stadium housing a major PLO training base sustained direct rocket and bomb hits. A Beirut radio broadcast said an arms depot in the 11tadiurn exploded. . A bit of Scotland wHl be coming to the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa Saturday and Sunday. on $2 million hail Associated Press reporter Fereshteh Emami reported from the U.N. Interim Force offices about 300 yards from the stadium th.ltt she "saw flames rising out of the stadium, followed by smoke. (See ISRAELI, Page A%) The annual celebration of the Scottish Games, spoOIOred by the United Scottish Society of Southern California, includes marching bands, bagpipes, caber 10sslng, hammer throws, aoccer, rugby and shot put. The games were started nearly a thous.and years ago by llighland chiefs who staged competitions to choose the most skilled warriors. The two-day event will ~tinue from 9 ·a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. Ad.mission ls $6 for adults, $4 for seniors and $2 for children under 15. Some of the. highlights of s ·aturday's celebration will include professional plplng at 9 a.m., HJghland dancing at 1:30 p.m ., caber tossing at 2 p.m. and a tug-o-war at 3:30 p.m. Sunday's activities will include a woman's braemar stone putt at 10:30 a .m ., a hammer throw at 11 a.m.. a piping championship at 11:30 a.m ., a woman's hanuner throw at 1:30 p.m. and pipe band at 4 p.m. The toasing of the caber, a 19 foot log weighing about 100 pounds, dates back to the 16th century. Tuna boat einks SAN DIEGO (AP) -The tuna fishing boat Gina Marie sank with SO tons of frozen fish off Cabo San Lucas at the southern tlp of Baja California pen.l.naula, aay 'San Diego owners of the boat. ,. WORL D A Newport Beach man la being held on what Otanp County officiala are deecribin• as the largest bail m county history for grand thelt charges. Robert Swick. a 43-year-old fonner mobile home dealer,. la being held in lieu of $2 million bail at Orange County Jail. Normal bail for grand theft is $5,000. The high bail figure was set last week by West Orange County Municipal Court Judge Judith Ryan. Swick is scheduled t o a p p e a r i n c o u r t n e.x t Wednesday on 15 grand theft counts. Police seize rape suspect ; A 26-year-old Laguna Beach male model has been arrested in Newport Beach on suspicion of raping a 14-year-old girl, police report. Jack F.dward Dunn, a Carta Mesa resident, was stopped Thursday afternoon on West Oceanfront by an officer who said he recosnized 1he man and remembered he was wanted in connection with the reported rape. Police assert Dunn sexually attacked the girl at a ~ May 24 on the Balboa Peninsula. Dunn is being held in the Newport city jail In lieu of $25,000. Arsentina lights Sandinistas . Dnplte the Falkland Islands war, Argentina . continues to support the overthrow of the Sandinista piemment ln Nicarqua. {• A8. ' NATION He baa pleaded innocent to the ' charges. Kym Malejan, an attorney for the state department of Housing and Community Development, said the charges against the Newport man "are emoe of the most serious we have seen ln this state against a mobile home dealer." She said Swick operated Country Style Mobile Homes in three different cities -Garden Grove, Canoga Park and Pomona -from 1977 until-the firm went out of business last ye~. Attorney Malejan charged that under Swick's management, the mobile home flnn would take money for mobile homes and then never deliver them. She said in IOUle aaaes the homes were delivered but customers never JlOt clear title to them. .. Swick, she said, is specifically charged with taking down paymenta from 13 cus- tomers and putting the money into the company's checking account instead of into a client's trust account as required by law. She uid it ii alleged Swick took more than $500,000 through hia procesa. She al80 said it ii alleged Swick failed to pay back an $80,000 Small Busineaa Admlntatr~tion loan and currently own .vari<i.us manufactu.rera more than *60(),000. The state Attorney UeneraJ'a office I.a !>roeecuting the case. C OUNTY , ~ DA rejects • action on ex-Mesa cop The Orange Coast District Attorney'• office has decided against pressing aiminal charges against a former Costa Mesa police sergeant accused of misconduct, it was announced today. Gerhard Barwig, 39, a 17-year veteran of the police department, resigbed March 22 following a police department internal Investigation into allegations that he had behaved improperly in his operation of the department's property division. City officials asked the district attorney to look into the matter March 24. Maurice Evans, a deputy d1strict attorney, said there is tnsufflclent evidence to warrant crilrJnal charges. "After careful consideration we have decided that we will not recommend the filing of any criminal charges," said Evans. Bafwig resigned before a final recommendapon stemming from the police department's internal investigation was made public. Pilot endorses Sills The Dally Pilot endones David Silla in the Republican primary fot the 6Bih Al8e0lbly District and four county offidala .eeking ~ectlon. Page A6. " Actress, playwright 'interviewed Actre11 Linda Purl •nd 1Slaywrt1ht Terri, w~ talk of tidr pU1idpation in ·mw Man WhO ~See~ Tbne.'' Weekender. D9ltW .... ,....." o.y .,,.,_ REMEMBERING -Retiring Orange Coast College President Robert Moore {left) chat.s with his successor, Bernard Luskin, at a dinner in Moore·~ honor Thursday. "Looking on" from a 1975 picture on the wall are (from left) Moore, Coast College District Chancellor Norman Watson and former OCC president Basil Peterson. 500 f r'iends laud OCC's Dr. Moore By TOM MURPHINE Of tM ~ "°' ·-Friends, faculty members and civic dignitaries turned out 500 strong Thursday night at the Balboa Pavilion to pay tribute to Dr. Robert B. Moore, who is retiring as president of Orange Coast College after 22 years. There were some tears in the audience, some laughs, and two S1anding ovations for the popular community college leader. William Kettler, president of the Coast Community College District Board of Trustees, gave a closing tribute when he said, "Wouldn't it be nice if we could clone five or 10,000 Dr. Bobs? How muoh nicer the world ~ould be." In a lll(bt moment, Kettler said INDEX it was a tribute to Moore that SC> many people turned out on a night when the event "is in direct competition with the Lakers basketball team." Moore, in response to the parade of testimonials at the podium, turned the tribute around just a bit when he remarked, "Actually, tonight is your night. You are the people who have made OCC what it is and what it will be." He referred to himself aa "only a symbol." "rm not as smart as everybody here thinks I am," Moore suggested. "All of you are an integral part of OCC." (See MOORE, Page A!) At Your Service BuaiJ'les.9 Cavalcade Claalified • Comics Croaword Death Notices A4 C6-7 B2 Horoecope B2 Intermission Weekender F.di torial ' Home/Garden 01-6 B3 B3 02 A6 ~ SPORTS Ann Landers B2 Mutual Funds C6 Public Notices B4;D2 Sport.a Cl-5 Stock Marketa C7 Weather A2 World Newa A3 ; . • / Florida storm grows weak Hundreds llee from path of Alberto 1''UttT MYERS, Fla. -Tropical Storm Alberto, a lhort-llved hurricane that lcWed U and cau-d extena!v• damue in Cuba, tent hund.reda of F19ridllJ')I tcramblln& 1or 1helter before It 1talled a.nd weakened In th~ Gwf of Me>«co today. Foreouten at the National Hurricane Center In Miami downlfaded the rare early June hurricane to a tropical atorm and canceled hUfrlcane warnJ.nci and watehea on the cout o11'1orid&. The atorm, whk:h Wl1>l"iled for-.cuteta when It muatered 80-rhph wtnda 'thunday, wu 11alled ln the Oulf of Mexico thll momina about 200 mllel · aouthweet of Fort Myen, with top wtndl clocked at lea than ~ mph. ·House girds for budget battle WASHINGTON -A. an unn.Uy Hou.te moves toward another budget fight next week, Republican leaders say they have "the only shot" at viciory, and eome Democrats concede It may be·impouible · for their party to pull together. The budget deadlock In the Houae became even • : more curious Thursday when the · Democratic-0>ntrolled Houae Bud_rt Committee, on a voice vote, revived PresidenJ Reagan's virtually Ufeleu February budget, sendtna it to the full HOUie for floor debate next Wednetday. However, the panel l8J-eed that Democratic and Republican leaden will offer 1eparate substitutes to the admlnl1tratton package. "If neither the Republlcan nor the Democratic substitute prevail, then the House would vote on the Reapn budaet itaelf," said Houae Speaker Thomas P . O'Neill Jr., D-MaD. \ I ~Allies warned on Soviet trade t I VERSAILLF.S, France -President Reagan, ; still aolldly behind the British in the Falkland v Islands crisis, arrived at an economic summit meeting today with a warning that America's allies risk harm by giving easy trade credits to the Soviet bloc. The president flew to this lavish former 17th century royal capital by helicopter from Paris at midday to join the leaders of six other major industrial democradea In a .earch for eolutlona to their common economic difficulties. From a landing pad outlide the palace grounds, Reagan rode in an armored limousine to the palace grounds, where he 1trode up a long red carpet to the music of a military band. ~Soviet technicians aiding Argentina ' - NEW YORK -Soviet radar technicians are ,helping Argentina coordinate ita air base radar ?systems Into a nationwide network, The New York ,Times reported today. The Times, In a dispatch from Buenos Aires, ;<1uoted official and industry sources and foreign ' diplomata u saying that the putpoee of the radar network would I>e to defend the Argentine mainland against attack by British planes. More than 20 Soviet technicians have been ln Argentina since early last month, according to the newspaper. !Cape Town explosion kills one CAPE TOWN, South Afrlca -An explollon sent elevators plummeting today ln the 21..iory Cape Town Center, the aovemment bulldlna housing a council which recently ...., .. men.Jed llmlurd racial reforms. At least one penon wu ldlled, the South ~UffiUa Afriam BroadcatUna Corp. reported. It ..set two eJ.evaton dropped to the bottom of their •b•ft• in the building. There w11 no invnecftate word on the cauae of the blast, which ooindded with the sixth anniversary of rtota In the black alum of Soweto outside Johannelbu.ra. High Sierra rocked by quakes ... BISHOP -Several earthquakes ranging up to 4.6 on the Richter acale shook the High Sierra today, causing hanging plants to sway and bottles to topple off store shelves but no serious damage, authorities said. The largest quake, at 9:42 a.m . PIYI', lasted 2 ~ minutes, said Flori Ryall. a research aaociate at the Univenity of Nevada at Reno's seismology laboratory. "That was a good-sit.ed lhock, moderate," she said. Panavision chief stabbed to death LOS ANGELES -A 27-year-.old camera aaeembler was booked for investigation of murder in the stabbing death of Panavision Inc. p~dent Robert Gottschalk, a pioneer lJ1 supplying motion picture studies with light, hand-held cameras. · Laos Chuman was arrested Thursday after the pajama-clad body of Gottachalk was found In the bedroom o1 hit Bel-Air hou.ee. Chwnan worked at Panaviaion and bad lived In the Gottachalk home for about two yean, 118id Detective Steve Ostt. He aaid the two men apparently had an argument Thursday that led to the stabbing. • or.,,ge Oout DAIL y PILOT /f'rlday, June 4, 1882 FINAL AIRING -Cameras at station KOCE channel 00 in Huntington Beach focus on anchor Wendy Wetzel and reporter Paul Delly ,.... l'tlote bf CtwtM •e.n Skolnick as they prepare for Newscheck's last broadcast. KOCE 'Newscheck' airs its last ~ show Prof raps uproar on sex class By PHIL SNEIDERMAN at highlights from Newacheck's oi the Delly Not,..., past programs. "This is it!" a KOCE technician There are scenes of political LONG BEACH (AP) -A keptsaying. figures such as f o rmer student jumped the gun by "Just 30 minutes to 'Miller supervisors Ralph Diedrich and publicizing a course in which Time'," another muttered: ~:Uson Miller. And reminiscences credit wa s offered for A television newswoman about colorful Orange County experimental sex, and her claims smiles at some visitors to Channel re 11 i d e n t 8 I i k e th e J a t e have unnecessarily harmed Cal 50's Huntington Beach studio. get-rich-quick advocate Joe State Long Beacp, a psychology "Here for the wake?" she asks. Karbo of Sunset Beach . )\ professor aays. Scant minutes remain before 91-year-old petroleum engineer Earl R. Carlson made the airtime, and the hot spot.Ughts from Costa Mesa. A turtle comments Thursday after the illuminate the familiar rancher from Fountain Valley. resignation of a colleague, Barry "Newscheck" set Thursday night Some "submarine disco" Slnget, 39, who taught a for the last time. enthusiasts from Mission Viejo controversial "Psychology of Two months ~o, the station Sex" coune In which he offered announced that federal funding Then there are amusing scenes credit for partidpatlon in group cuts and the inability to attract f ea tu ring the rep 0 rte r s sex, gay sex or extramarital sex. enough loca.1 corporate sponsors them.selves: Ms. Wetz.el gazing "When a complaint comes we would cause the cancellation of i n to t h e w r o n g c a m e r a . should have an opportunity to the program. After more than Reporter-produ cer Deborah deal with it," said c.ari.on. who tfour years as the only regular Manning fuming over a f>arking heads the p1ychology television show devo t e d ticket she's received during a d • 1 1 exclu•ively to Orange County tw mi te · t epartment s curr cu um o-nu 8Sllgnmen .... committee. "To go public and to newa, Newacbeck would leave The broadcast ends as the stir up this kind of an uproar that the air. reporters and technicians crowd harms our university, our system, But now it la two minutef to behind the Newscheck desk to our students, our programs, la to airtime, and there are minor wave a final goodbye to their me most unfortunate and criaes to cope with. faithful viewers. abeolutely unneceaaary." A cameraman aay1 reporter As the program conclui:fes, Last month, Betty Willman, a Paul Skolnick's chair is too low. they cheer and hug one another. student who was not enrolled In The floor direcior aska anchor The spotlights are extinguished, the coune butmonitored several Wendy Wetzel to exchange her and the reporters and cr ew sessions, wrote to legislators and navy blue blazer for a lighter members head for a farewen U · 1 d colored jacket. She refuses. They party In another room. The ~ re gious ea ers. -1~ • k all IS. not aomber. ·· • comprouuao: on no J8C et at , Mrs. Willman , 53, who just the red blouse. "We've known it was going to! des c r i bed h e r 11 el f a s a A makeup woman pats powder end for the past two months, 90 "born-again evangelical, on Wettel's and Skolnlck's faces. thi.I was almost anticlimactic," charismatic Christian," said she The anchorwoman uaes a hand says Ms. Weuel. ' complained to university offlciala mirror to check her hair. The What wlll she miss about but received only a mild reaction. floor director calla for quiet. worl6ng at Channel 50? Carlaon said Mrs. Willman. a "Good evening," Wetz.el says "The dental plan," she quips. student me m be r 0 f the into the camera with the glowing Reporter Skolnick joined the d • i 1 red light. "Welcome to the final show three months ago, just in e part men t s cur r cu um .,_e to take part tn' Ne•.,..,.heck's I t b ht h broadcast of Newscheck." ...... ~-com m t e e , r o u g e r last hurrah. complaint to him and that he met The first half of the p.f.ogram i.a .. I feels like • with her and department devoted to the type of local feel.~' he saya. you d expect it to Chainnan Sally Haralson. · reporting that has eamed the Like the other newspeople, "We told her . . . that we show its share of broadc.aat new• Skolnlck says be'• been too busy awards and respect from Orange ks l k shared her concern that the County viewers: the John Wayne in recent wee to start oo Ing coune be run very properly but Airport flap, Anaheim's attempt fgr another job. Before trying 'to that we didn't know all the facts to acquire the Super Howl, re-enter the competitive field, -if she had information would Laguna Beach's request for Skolnick says he plans "to hang she pleue write it down and we inclusion in 8 nuclear disaster around Cre9Cent Bay in t...guna would proceed immediatelr to Ian Beach for a while. Just enjoy the investigate the situation,' he P · · · · sunshine." aald. "But she took it upon Midway throufh the show, the Ms. Manning recalls that when herself immediately to publicize! c ameras pul back for a Newachecl< first aired, none of this to state legislators, to a large three-shot, aa Ms. Wetzel and the network-owned Los An,teles Woman chancellor to head Cal State =~~ .. of peeple across the ~:: krejo$1~biorv:~~k ~~'=· ~.~e~.County fijiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LONG BEACH -The newly designated chancellor of California State Unlver1ity, W. (Wynetka) Ann Reynolds, tays she expecil lea difficulty coptna with a ahrink:l.ng state budget than she faoed as Ohio State University provost. said, referring to the rece911on-battered lnduatrial Midweet. "It's a nationwide malaiae." "You people don't know what real budget difficulties in higher education are," Ma. ~ynolda Tru1tees chose Reynolds, 44, to succeed retiring Chanoe1lor Glenn S. Dumke after a day of clceed hearings Thunday. She becomes the third person and flnt woman to head the 19-campua system with 300,000 atudenta. CfHaffled edWeftlatng 714'14~5171 AJI other deper'1nenta 141-4121 MAIN~ • mWttt te¥tt..C.... MeM, CA. IMll....,.: ... , •• c.-.-...cA . .-c...,,..,. 19 Or ... C.IC l"Wlltlll .. ~. • _ ....... lllvllretHl!t1, tdlttr1el ~.,, .. .. ffll~ ••If> mey '" ~-Wflfllljt 1.-<1411..,,.,.•lllell .. "'"'lfM-•. • Mother to appeal court decision VENTURA -Although all but three of 17 chara-apin1t the state'• youngest defendant w.ere dimrlmed, the boy'• motb'1' lnliata she will •ppeal. Mn. Nita ffolUe, a divorcee, had ut with her 7-year-old eon, Jamie MMnl. throuah three daya ot public hearlna• 1tem.min1 from an anon and vandatram lnddent at a trader ftor'a&'e yard Jan. 2t. Jamie Md *" c)\arled wtth tbNe counts ot felony-anon and 14 m.lld4lmMnof counia ot mallcloua mlec:hlef and pe\\)' theft. . Spring Dollar Savings Extraordinary Plush I Extraordinary Price I Thi• luxurloua plulh la tufted thick and deep wtth Trevtra• polyelter yam ... then "Super 4" prqtected llg9'ntt IOfl and ltatlc to your new sweep of ... color wllt look like "'w longer. On• of Gull1tan11 moet beeUtttul C1rP9ta. .. now doMar9 off flYflfY aq. yd. you buy. Moment's Della ht EAIY~ARE PLUSH ELEGANCE A New Generation Carpet Fiber • Actually nipela etalna, apllta, dirt • True antt-d charectw ... not • toll hider • Buflt-ln ttatlc control • Retalnl chttact« etter weer, ClMnlng ...... ....... .,.... ' • Noh, tllaMt lulter nyton )'llml • ~ lteet"'-t '°' emootl'I ...... pinpoint tenn , .. .,,Ion • ....,t, --. ... .,.,.,.., ... $19.50 ~rd- SAlE Bella via A SUPERB 0 EA8Y-UVING" PLU8H The uttlmete In Cerpet Flbee1 • New oener••ton ny1on tect1notooY • AC1uelly *'It• 1taln1, apltts, cl1tt • True entt-.olt ,...,.ii.nt ... not • toll hkSef • Buttt-tn antt..ahOql control • Retalne CMrect• •ftet ..., • dMnlng Luxu" 8tfll".'9 • Rlctt, eleQMt kiater nylon ywna • 0.. ,........, link-In ... ice • 8ueleof1 ~ '°' ll'l'OOth eumic., pinpoint t91CtUN ,.. .. ,.. .. ..tttltlflior••I\\ $a5.95 ~rd- \ Construction has begun in Irvine on a S 1-~ milliol'). two-atory headquarters facility for No-Jo Corporation, according to Ralph Clock, president of Clock C.Onst.ruction, design/build contractor for the project. I The 24,000 square f~t building la tleing constructed on 1.3 acres at Mason and Holland Streets in Phase I of th~ Irvine Industrial C.Omplex-F.aat. Architectural Team Three of Santa Ana is designing the plant, which will house the international infant accessories firm. December completion ia expected. Grace taps R ob ers Ralph Robers was named Grace Restaurant Co. executive vice president of operations. Roberta will be in charge of Grace's Far West Services' Dinner House Division, which had sales in 1981 of approximately $145 million and ia headquartered in Irvine. Roberts, 40, joins Grace after 15 years in the restaurant field. Grace's 132-unit Dinner House Divi&ion operates across the United States under such names as Reuben's, Plankhouse and Moonraker. Smith set for options In an options lottery, the Pacific Stock Exchange selected 10 corporations for options trading on an exclusive basis. One is baaed in Orange County. Exchange officials said that the new options would be open for trading on the PSE floor June 11. The 10 companies picked by the exchange are: Dayton Hudson, Minneapolia; Denny'• Inc., La Mirada; E-Systems Inc., Dallas; Genuine Parts, Atlanta; Key Pharmaceuticals, Miami; Mitchell E~ergy, The Woodlan~s. Texas; ~rpby Oil, El Dorado, Ark.; Parker Drilling, Tulsa, Okia.; Seagram Co., Montreal, Quebec, and Smith Int., New'?°rt Beach. The Pacific Stock Exchange will announce the striking price and cycle for each of the issues. The lottery is similar in style to National Football League college drfta, wherein choices are made by the various exchanges on a rotating basis. $5.2 million dep osited Deposits ln excess of S5.2 million were recorded by Liberty National Bank during its first day of operation, officials reported. Philip S. Ing.lee, president of Liberty National. reported first-day deposits totaled '5,271,107. Liberty National Bank, a full-service business and professional bank. is located in the Liberty National Bank Building, 7777 C.enter Ave., Huntington Beach. 2 housing bills backed SACRAMENTO (AP) -A Democratic package of bills to pump billions of dollars in pens:ion and bond funds into the home mortgage market was approved by l;he AaembJy~ __ STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS I