HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-09 - Orange Coast Pilot22,901. 28,110 14,2M 20,etl Brown wlils big . Pete . Wilson : . .. . GV:P· chOice . Thomas Riley re-elected • supervisor tht raoi ......... ~·40, • ....... tlWUIM •r .. ·..,,. Wk ....... Ji fllJed .. ~ ,.trGQ tlftb ~ ~' 6 1' •wDllll: \ftlllnc Rep. Robert I "B-l M" DOmai. 1 Thit 48·~ WU... who ., ort1tnally eou1M to run for tpr.•nar, ....,. tbe wtmtal ray .... l•lr after poor ~ ID the polJI aDd a Jack ·~o« '"tp°rt from major GOP ,~ .... J ~totbe~­., tht Democratic race WN 1ep6d, with Brown main\atnin& a . ccmmand1Qa lead over staie sen. . :v11t,t)'. add·t.oncued ~ Gon , ·Vidal. . DEUKMEJIAN VS. BRADLEY Curb made hit ConoelllM 1peech. "Mike Curb 11 really a • tentleman and hu demonstrated 'I an awful lot of claH ... " , DeuJrmejlan told IUPJIOlteH. \ Curb wu hurt late ln the 'campalp by revelatiom that be w clrttkd 1-Y dwina the, ! Vietnam War, a cl•MlflcaUon the ~Selective Service deacri~ u ' .. phytically, mentally or morally. "unfit" for military lel"Vice and • that be failed to ~ to vote 'until 1974. The latter cfhdc.-are came from the Deukmejian • caD\)»iaP'L Deukmejlan let the tlOne for the montN a1-d by llCCUlina the mayor of lnldion Oil Cl'Udal .. Aa aovernor, I intend to 1 di lf Improve Californla11 bualneu lHUH inc u 1an1 we are, climate," Bradley tlOlld ce-q unemployment ana ltl'Onl law IUppCftln at the Blltmcn 8*[ enforcement. -,.We're ninl to brln1 a _ ~ ~ c:rbDt probllm, common-aenae admln11tratlon llradley, a former police j into Sacramento,•• 1ald Ueutim.nt, IAld. "-rt. ...... II Deukmejlan, whoae cautlou•, wbo can t.t tab mt. ot the cxnervative ltyle w• expected terror ta our ltYm. Tam ar.ca.y to match the Jow-key Bndley for hM spent 21 ,.an on the-...., Wlderltatemenl ... r-1 crime and flcbtlnt It." t I ~!!~~u:~~<t!:~~.~. ~ CoMt Plaza Hotel. tera. ended thla Y9U' -the 2nd Bney. who will tum 70 next Dbtrtct'1 Harriett Wieder ot' th, bM eerved Ma IUpervilor Hunttncton 9-:h md the fth 1974. He \Tiii iaPPOUit.cl to Dlatrlct'a Ralph Clark of ~ by thm-00\r. Ronald ANlwlm -f-*l DO ~ I gan in 1974, and waa OIJPQlltlon. reappointed by Gov. Nmtmct G. -llowwwr, Mn. WW.-~ I Brown Jr. ln 11'16. ao., w a~-> r-t1" .a tht 80Utb I .W to a speda1 "'">-,_. tlrm eo.t Pim Hoclll. ~ wttb 1 in 1976. He wu aabiequently campatp 1ip.1 adornJnc the l elected to a four..yeu" term In walk I 1978. I - Thi final tallJ WM J'rtDelle ll.MI, am. 15,461, wtth all we. In fram tbe Ill~ Jn tbe mwly ~ dtltrte\ wbWi lncludH Irvine, Cotta MeN1 rountatia VB.!!2 and part 01 Hun~ l'rtaelle had emerfed from tbit .... eU'ly wtth 84 ..,,... to 8Wa' -in the .a.mt. b.ilo4a c.t. • Frl11•1l• aoe1 up a1ain1t Democrat J\obert Henion of Costa U.. oq the Nowmber ballot. Hamm ran uncm:ai.ted in the Demc-aUc prtimry. Tb• dl1trict hH ua.246 ~WWI ot wblcb 12,93t' are ~blkanl and 86'"8 are 'DiM••~ta. . . SW.' cencUdacy bad been an unpopular cau.ee amona party ~many of whom 6en.v.a it ... Jn pocll' tMte for the Irvine mayor to CbaDen8I an inc\lmbent frelbman ~ from bll OWD~t-ded 1'riDel1e ,.lly wam't an lncUmbent lince the ~had won hJa-tm the old '18rd cUltrtct. That dJairict Wiii bMDJly the 1ame •• the Hth with the mpdon of Irvine wbk:b w added ln reapportionment in ~9tl1 ~ly District • Republk!an primary nee WN a · hotly contel1ed one with DMty lnDuenMel Cllllt by both ..... Li. than two weeka .. sm. obtained a tempnry ~ cxdel' in Onnae O>untJ 8upll'kr c.c.art pnvendne 1'rilleDe from eend1na out any more cwmpe'fy literature that dlcln1t C::l witb the 1tate electlon 1 tnath-b:Hndonini statuie. Brdt Jn April; sm. toed a compl•tnt wttli the Nr PoUdall PnCtic:9 c ,.,,,, ..... ebuena that J'rlnelle had fallecl to ltembe ONftP'1P-,;::: ..:;:,~~~~ the FPPC decided J'rtuelle'• record• were in qrdttr and declined ~o puhue the ~dcm further. Lut Sunday, the oz County BepuN"'-Party I C.ommlttee nlled thal SW. hid 'violat.ecl "tbe .prit-of the code ot etbka" ..... by party ,.,,.,,..... in one of hi• Ute campal1n brocbW'fll. warmer "' ........ . BA YDEN WINS -Democratic candidate Tom 1 Hayden emerpa from Santa Monica poWna place with wife Jane Fonda Tueeday. He won nomination In the 44th Amembly 'Dl8tzict .. • ,~ ... Pnll Brtu.b fCft9 Iba& ... llRID ~..:=.er:.:::=.-= 8rltllb tnta• wl two ..... craft ..... ct.mued. the a: MlnllCry .. LoMon 'aakt • At 1-t tour 'oebw ~~ •• ~ .... ~-diie • flehtlne ru-tay and .... not ~~ to make It back to ,,..~--a-400 mllii tD the --Bittllb ,,,,,.,,, .-s. . '!be a-tUlb .S the J$ wwe abot down m rUdl cm Brttllh 1hJp1 landtn1 aupplt•• and equi~ Ar1entlna clah••• th ~ aenk a Brttllb tnjlite, ~three~lbkillO badly that two ...,.. at.ndoned and the third put out of ICdion. and Inflicted heavy '*"'1tlea amona troops ~ put llhaire · n-lay at Part l"l&rOy~ 0 -1outhwe1t of the l'alldand1 eac Brttilh Detawere reported the frtpte -.-:------~-----,:~..;...o.------------------------~~and the 412-foot-Jonc •hlp1 Sir Trl1tram and Sir Galahad 1uff ered "1ome ctamace." but did not .., hOw extemlve tJUa WN. However, lt .s the only ~u. reponed were five men injured abcmd the Plymouth. ·Syrians on attack in Mideast war BJ Tile Auodated PreU Syrian beUcopter sw-b!PI and ground forcea went an the au.ck today ... .,.uwt advandnC llneU armor unl11 ln the hlch1lnda eMt of Beirut and on two other Lebanne fronts, the Syriam aid. i.r.eu wvplanea repc1111dly bombed Syrian anti-aircraft mlillJe lites. N. California voters---Iead . Prop. 9 def eat BJ T'IM A111da_. Pnu Northem Callfonilanl have ~ wtth neer '"'-"'""t.J to defeat the mulU-bWlon-doDar Peripheral Canal, a propoeec;I 43-pille waterway that would bave been Uled to deUwr water to the IOUthem pa.rt of the ate. With 93 percent of vote oounted. Prapllltlm 9 tnOecl 82 to 38 pdOIDl •-.ride. Ovllt 91 eerc-t of the vote In l'farlbBn Ca11fomJa went .,.at the cma1. The project would have linked the SaCnmentD Biver., ...wma canJll that take water to Southern Callfomia. In other ballot meaturea, California votefl demanded banher treatment of crtm1nal defendantl, more prf8ca to put them In. and man tax CU1a for them-lvaa. Tbe IUrl' ln bitter ftcbttna threatened to turn Israel'• cempjlip a1atmt· Paleatlnlan aumtllM in IOU1hern Lebenoo mm an all~t war with Syria. The llnlell military command reported, meanwhile, that ltl troopl captured the COMta1 town of Dmn0ur, 10 milea IOUth of Beirut. The Syrian cnnmand aid i11 forcea lnfllcted heavy Iaraell caaualU.. lrMdred out 23 i.r.eu tanb and ~ down two pltnm ln eewra1 dtaba The l1raell1, who admowledced battlm with the ~vrt.uw but ave few~ aid they downed-a Syrian MIG and a. he1Jcopter IUnahlp. Neither atdei QQl.lflrmed 111 rePJl1ed kmM. Syrian relnforcemente were powinC into I~. lnfcca.d IOW'Cel in l>amucua aid the number of S~n troop1 ln Lebanon bad more ~ doubled, 1D 85~., BepGl1I Oil the numba' ot t...eu troop9 in Lebenon ranee trom 20,000 to eo,ooo. The s,nw aid they *'PPed the nortbemmmt untia of llnlel'• lnVNion force -·they tried-to cut the Betntt..Dauwrw h1cbway in the hllll 12 mllel eMt of tba Lebmele capital. Iaraell armored units were alrllfted Into the --Tue.Say In 1 ll&htnina thru1t ah1:»ed at c:J011tna the lal'8leli vl8e an the -Lebane1e capital and other Paksttnlan ~ 1~ ~ ballot ..._ Twenty-five mUH to the IOUth, the Iaraelil launched a -Propolltion e, • sweelXna tw~·pronaed puah northward pro-pro1ecutlon chance o1 toward eaatern Lebanon'• criminal law1, len1thentn1 S~ Bebe Valley, Hntence1, admltUn1 1ome behind mllltYe atr and anlJery Uleaally 1tlsed· evidence., bombardment, the Syrian narrowtn1 anaan.uy defemesd command Hid. Pale1Unlan .~~~~in cm~a::.~~~ -=~a:;,. the ' = crcm-border lnVlllon tlm $&20 mUUon-a-year 1ta&e tnbmtance talL The Syrtuw c.l.ialmed to ~vet -PropolWon 7, • Boward halted the two-)ll'Oll8ld IOU&bem Jania 1pomond WIN~ offeuive, mounted from the 8'a1e inmme taaa by requirtlll Iaraelt-captured town of tu breebta to be niled annualijt ~ 10 m1lee north of the with the COit °' i...u bolder. With thou1and• of Brltl1b · troope already in po.Ilion to attack fmn the West and north of Stanley, the 1'alldmda capRaJ. the Brltl1h Defeme Mtnlatry ~ that troope of the 5th .... .,,:r.....~ the we:.= other land ~ at F\tzroy and .ad~t B1utt c.ove. Cmdr. Mike Brace.tin, a member of the Royal Navy'• operatiom mff in lnwton, aid the BrtUah force compn.. 5,000 marina and imatroopen, 3.000 tnfan~ of thec5&b Briode and • hundred• of bac~up troopl." . Military IOUl'Cell ln London reported the Britilh 105mm sum an the ridca w9' of Stanley !lheUed the Aramtine politbll Tue.Say for the aewnth stndeht day. • Bed tax hike defeated for second time A propoled 1ncreue in the Newport Beach hotel and motel bed Mix Appeu9. to have Fl» down to deteet fac the leOClDd time JQ -than • )WI'. While returm 1howed the ballot CT 3 lfe to bib the bed tax 2 pemmt nicei\led a liDble mU>rttY vuce, it appel!Nd the ballot -quHtion waa 1everal hundnd vot.M ahy of the two- thlrda ecl&e needed. Tbe final '"""1icte1 tall1 Oil M-..reBWM: -Ya 12,381 -No: 7,407 An identbl beDot v rae m Newport Beach went down to deteet INt Novanber, -&ban 100 YOt.-abort of the two-tbl.l9 needed~. N8WJM>rt ci~ ~. wbo pmjald that biJr:bW the bed au frcm e to e penaat would haw meanlt an extra $880,000 ln annual city NYm\ll!lo tried the ballot qu.&lan ... a.c.a.-ol. &be cic-.-ot die JNt election. CLutllaMl'ltt) WAIHINOTON (AP) - Wh1le ~ a1rU.. .... ~to DUil out ot a ftnanda1 ~ U8Air chairman ~Win C.Olodny iltlYlnatqb. .. tt riU're maldna money, you kind Of 11.U the 6u8tnell... he •YI contentedly. "We haven't had the experience yet of IU.fftrtnc ..... of u.c.. other eanilin are." Re liken• other, tlnahclally-allln1 carriers to P.•tlenu boolled up to •1ue .. 1upport 1y1tem1" and ..... for IOIDllOftl to pull the plu,. C.olodny la one of a half-daren chief executlvH who have auldec:l their former realonal alrllnee -'USAlr once wae ,\llecbeny Alrl11*. M"Ytna the ftortheaat and mid-Atlantic ltata -Into boom times under pemment deresulation. . -TWO-TIME WINNERS -The Statler Bfothers are shown with one of their two 'awards received at the 16th annual Music City : News Country Awards show at the Graqd Ole ##'Mr ..... Opry in Nashville. The Statler Brqthera, who helped host the show, won ''Vocal Group of the Year" and ''Best Album of the Year." While all dome1t1c airline• were Jollq nemrly $500 million ln 1981, USA!r poSted eamJ.naa of $80.4 m1ll1on. second beet ln the COW\try, and maldnc It the 1-der of the fonner repinall. 'They al.lo Include Ptedinont, Ozark. ;Private pensions 'threatened' Southwell and Frontier. DereauJadon of the industry ltart1n& In 1978 hu allowed the ft8icloa1 carrien to expand and enter nationwide route• left v.cant or lgnor"ed by the older, establlthed trunk a1rllna 'Ille ·Recession-caused bu~iness failures create time bomb '. WASHINGTON (AP) -The nation's private penalon ayatems, already In a fl.nancl.al bind, are ·being further threatened by the large number of bus1neea failures brought OD by the recession, • pension ~xp e rt t o ld a . ~onal committee. · "[t appears that we have a 'time bomb on OU... handa waiting to go off -and we do not know how large the explOllion wW be," Thomaa C. Woodruff, former .executive d irector o f the Prnident's Commisalon on Pension Polley, told the Houae iSe1ect Committee on Aging. off management takeoven," he said. "We will not stand by and allow employers to U8e pension funds aa their own personal play banka to be U8ed on a rainy da " 'i~ .... C. Uttle, an offldai of th;Uru°ied Auto Workers union district representing some employees of Harper & Row Publfaben, contended that the company,...Jeopardhed the retirement security of Its memben to preeerve control of the cxmpeny. Harper & Row stock being llOJd rep:,na1a allo have been freed to by the Mlnneapolla Star & abmdon unprofitable 1e1"Y1ce to Tribune Co. It then contributed smaller dtfee In favor of the put of the stock to a newly commuter Un.. "'c.ir.ted Employee Stock Plan. Last year" the 12 major trunk .. We are firmly convlna!d that · :r =Y ~ mWC_-~ the Incumbent manaaement of next 17 i..r..t 1lnea, tbt llO-Called Harper & Row had no right to ''nationall.''eamect •118 mlWon use our members' retirement ln profitl. leCUrity -their money -for Ua ~don bal been 8ood to own~ Jn ah! staba Frontier Airllnea. The ~ m ~ control DeQwr-blled canter once flew Of ~pany.' she to 9UCh pi.. 11 Cody, Wyo., and But Mward A Miller, vice SfMmbott Sprtnei. CoJo. Now It j:nadent and ..-.U counael of bal left both tbme MD>DMmltiel, Jlarpel' & RoW, Mid ht beliewa .. wtth 27 ....... and m. to 'nl1I .ummer, Predmont wW open a MCohd "mini-hub" In ~~)'ton, Ohio, with 12 dally flllhta, down from a planned 20 beeau. of rettrlcUonl l1ernmln& from laat Au1u1t•e air traffic controllen 1trlke. The city ii apendbw nearly $10 mUJJon to e-xpana Ill airport, which Piedmont hopee wlll allow travelert to bypa11 the buay Chbfl> aree In the ume way Ow-lOtte aervee aa an alternative . to Adan~ C.olodny'• USAJ.r, one of the clear-cut winner• I n ihdependent commuter U.. to feed ~n to the airline. It eelecU!d a!rCtaft, with empt\1111 on oc~e. and Boem. '7371, that are .Wted for ahort-liaw fUChta and are economscal on fuel and requlred crew. "The net effect ii It'• a very efficient operation bOUl In COlta and revenue," aaya Michael Derchln, an industry analyst f« Flnt Botton C«p. . USAir bu re.lated the temptation to exoand too qWcldy and too far, which led to the "Unless it pays off on the bottom line we don't do it." dereauJaUon, became one of the Early in the game, USAir 12 larpst airlines in the country d e v e 1 o p e d a 1 y 1 t e m o f lut year. r ecent collap1e of Braniff .. At USAlr we e11entlally ~Flinee. 1 u7s••-."-+.-1 made the dedaion that we would · or examp1.e, . me re,,.,.. ...... control our growth grow within an opportunity to Initiate service the meam that ~e could aee to London from Pittsburgh. It llnandally. Our objective first allo considered -and eventually was to be profitable " HY• dlamlsaed .-the idea of buying Colodny ' Hul)les AirWest for aoce. to the . West Cout. The Washington-baae d airline'• strategies are sJmi1ar to many of the succeaaful mlddle-abe carriers. lta muitetina is tied to a regional hub at Pit1llbu:rgh. a corponte center with much biwlnem travel: When the air traffJc controllen strike bottled up Pitubur1h. USAlr diverted lu expansion program ellewhere -to Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and Kanaaa City, Mo .. ahead of chedule - and underUlot ltl'Vlce to Denver. He pqtnted out that in tbe tint three montha of thb yb.r, 36 busineaes filed foe bankruptcy every hour of MCh bullne9 day, or at an annual rate of 74,676. "Thia w@ld be the lar1eat number of failures In one year In American hl1torv," Woodruff The compuiy u.d about •1 t.5 mlll1on of ~ 1n ta reti.rmlleftt and profiHbal'IDC planl .., bUy emplpyeH · ate 1ublta1ltlally IUCb ...., du. ~ 81 ltdt, Lm betiit" i1ll uDdii' 1be ... plan. .Ain9''• -DMat • Wt • ' poma ID C....... 8ad Maten , laid. <( Rep. Thom•• J . Tauke, R-lowa. noted repor:ta that the nation'• various prtYate pendon pJ.ana could be u much • f1 tnllion abort of · being able to meet their obligations when members retire. Edwin M . Jones, executive director of the Pension Benefit 'Guaranty Corporation, which J.naurea pension benefita. aaid It ii propotina that ~ lncreaae ihe-annuil premium paid by plan 1pomon from $2.60 to $6 per participant. "In the 1ut 4 ~ yeara, c1a1ma apinst the PBGC lncreaed to an annual rate of $62.3 million, up from the $24. 7 million annual rate durin.I the fint 2 ~ yeen of the PBOC't existence,'' he aaid. .. The current avera1e claim ..,.m.t the PBGC ii $1 milllon, compared to just under $300,000 at the time of our lut premium iDcreMe request In 1977." Rep. Claude Pepper, D-Fla., chairman of the committee, called attention to another potential problem with the aysteml. "Con1re11 mutt closely ...acrutl.nize the naUon'• pension ilaw• to lnaure that some -~ facing lncttued iiaka t~!>m 1Derger and takeover lid!lmpta and high double-dlck ~rdal lnt.erelt rata. do not ~a . ~heir penal on plan• to Ovide tht9m with the cash ~lnKln they may ni-d to fight SAN F'BANC'lSCO (AP) -An atomic bomb exploded at a California naval depot durtna World War ll -men &hm a yeer before bomt.'wen ~ onJapu,~toan In "Bladt ScboJart' mepatw. 'Ihe ~ne, to be nl1Yed thi• w;~alle1ea that tb9' military may have deltbentely detonated the bomb In the Port Chicago Naval Ammunition Depot northeast ot Sen Frmidaco on July' 17, 19441 ''to dmnomtrate the effects of a IUrf.aoe deliwry of that device to a harbor facility." The article by free-lance wtlter Peter Vo1el, which di8counts ottldal ltatementa that the dev8$Unc blut Wiii cauaed by oonvenUional weapona. drew Oilltary akepticlam and wu termed ~· by ... Dela. Department tpOlreeman • 'nae lint aclmawJedeed U.S. test of an atomic deYiee befan the bombhlp over H.lroshima and Nuuaki occurred In New Mexico 0n July 16, lMG, a year after the exploalon at Port Cbtca10 -now the Concord Naval Weapom Station. '1t•a almmt beyond cormnent," aald a Defense Department lpC)ke-nm ' . Peter Voael aaid an atomic rather than ClOIJWntional amw explotion would explain the The 11-yMl'-Old airline baa more tmo doe~ ta ~ tince dere1ulaUoa, and haa HICIOlded profta of f18. 7 mlllian OWi' tbt ........ ,_.. I.a. mmy ol lbe aacOllllful mri1ln, l'rOldler rel8 ~ma ~ub and ..... routa .,.._.with all la fllcba odelmtbw ln Dmwr. J'rontler'• pwih bu bHn .-dT but caltroUed. ~. pan ahead and we're quite oomervaUve. um-it .. ,. off on the bottom Um we don't do· it." IUd FrcnUer cha1nnan Glen L. Ryland Jn an lnt.er'Yiew. For Pie"mont, based in Winlton-Salem, N .c .. ,· ~ and the ncwlon have meant a flw-folcl lDcnMe tn eamlnal OYWI" .the·palt three ,_n. In [981 the carrier lbowed a net pnlflt of $32.8 mlllion wbUe molt of the tndmtry .,.. havtnc la won& ,_,. In bllt.ar7. Plednimt'• --& bal been to avakl the ~ ta "bub" when .....n md Delta alrllnm dominate, ••Y• Piedmont =8,"t Wllliani B. Howard; hie airline hit Ha hua; at Ow-lott.e, N.C., ilDd conoentrat. on 80 dU. ln 18 ..._ that the biaer canW1 have avoided. ##Wlispldll FOGGY-DAY PHOTO -Two ducks swim through the reflection of the weeping willow trees on a pond in New Bedfcrd, Mut.'1 Button Wood Park. The low~ fog created an eerie double-image effect. · i I f N~Vif"I ·· DiAa BUDSRS: Som• lndlvld\&al \axpayen who be1an payln1 quar\e~ly llUmatld tu Pl)'lnlftta for the tint *'9 WI ,.ar may not reoelw YOUChln tn dine fOr l'Ukl~ tMlr HCOnd lnt\allmen\ pa)'IMnt whlch 11 due June 15, aocordln1 to the ln"""1 Revmue Sel"Vk:e. A:A ~ lncn•r tn the number of taxpaywa fQlnl 1882 declandonl of wdmatecl tax '9&1tecl ln a lhort.llt Ol YOUCMr and , envelope packa1H that ar• malled to tusa.yen who uitd the over•the-counter J'cinn 1040D to make the lnltial payment. Addltiaaal fonnl are belnC printed but tbetr delllJ'ld maWna may r.ult tn ..-m ftnt..Ume ......... taxpAyen not recetvtnc them IOOn ~ to mike the June 1& paymct. However, the IRS Nid that affected taxpayen lhould not delay their June 1& r:1ft*lt bec)ai. they ~w not recelwd the rm1. Taxpayen rhould Include ln an ICCCmpenyina note or on the cJleclt their Social SeCurfty number, name, addrell and indicate that the payment ft for 1982 estlmated tax•. . California taxpayen ahould eend their payment to the Internal Revenue Service Cent.er, Freeno 93888. TV repair dealer jailed DEAR READERS: An Oranp County teleYWon repair dealer hu been convtcted of petty theft involvinl TV repa1rr and w.. lllltenced to 30 days in jail and three ye.rs farmal probation. JllCk tlayea. chief of the It.ate'• Bureau of Electronic and Appliance Repair, which reau.J.ate.. bi mn !I that repair home electronic eq~:,tment and major appUa"CN, II.id that ~ Sarabia w• well known to the bu.relau prior to thla conviction. 8ayia [ cttld • 108o erlmb\al --tn which ,.,.... a11o known • Paul Mlcheel, pied. ""1'1 to I ~ of · ptty theftt WM eentlriola to ~. ~ ~Uon. ana WM ordiied to P.ll_ ree!l"'"°" to ~ ,_ ....,_.,..'dcJIW' w.puy. 'ftlat canvtodon WM foDow.d tn 1181 wtth an adm!NltriUw eetion which permanently l'WYokild &anaU11 tta• reptraUon, prohlbltlna b1m from i.1ally operatiq a teleYtlklft ('epalr thop. . "Nol b\I atW the "'1'0Cad0n. we found that s.r.i. ..... tt1ll openttnc.11 Ha)W Mid. 11W• oa1W him and Mbd for a ..vtice call. When Sarabia N9pOftded ~ ~ the repair Ule1ally, we nottfle ~h• Oran1e County Dt1trlct Attorney'• office and a crtaninal ldiorl WM initiated." When deeJJnc with TV rep&lr bt.m-, C\lltorDen can avokl moat problems, Hayw uld, if they follow three rufel: Flnt, be aare the deUI' lr currently ~ with the bureau. Second, pt a written ettlmate of repair cmtt beforeta~ work lr dane. And thlrd, keep the de invob and replaced partt after the repair lt completed. Conaumera who have quettlona or complaint.a reprdlnc repair of home eJ.ectrcnjc equipment 0r major home appu.nc. abouJd write to the Bureau of Electronic and Appllance Repair, 909 S . St., Sacn:mento 96814, or phone (IU6) 445-4751. • Got a .Pl'Ob1Mn1 ~n write co ht Horo-. • '] w/c... Pat wlll cue Nd ta~. 19nl111 the • o11Vww. and action "°" Med to aw Jn-equidet Jn ,owm.meat aDd builine.. Mall your q~• IO p., Horowitz, Al Your s.rn .. , en,. Dat(y PUot, P.Q ~ 16'/0, a.ta me., CA. jzBa As man.r letten .. poalbi. will "-.,._ WM!d, t phoned b,ql.lil'l9 « Jett.en aot lndfldbv the ,_.r'• lull nan», Mldr-. and bwl.n-boun' phone numw cannot t. oomldeted. a week ... E8 • AEROBIC CLASE$ * PROfESSK>NAl INSTRUCTION .* BODY FAT ANAlYSIS * STIESS TESTING . • BLOOD PRESSURE TESTING *COED SAUNA *'NUTRITIONAL COUNSEUNG * COED WHIRlPOOl • OlYMPIC FREE WEIGHT * COMPVTEllZEO OYNA vtT, * NAUTflUS EXERCISE EQUIPMENT • SUN TAN ROOM * GUAIANT!ED RESULTS , , NEW DAD -Dr. 1laniet M. Opfell ii the new mec:Hcat director of Chlldren •a Hoepltal of Oranae C-ounty. CHOC medical chief named Han1et M. Opfell me been appointed medical dlrector of Chlldrent Ho.pita! of Orange County, ho1pital dlrecton announced. She hu held that pcllidm in an interim caped~ the pall year. Dr. Opfell, a retident of Orange, la a pMt preaident of the Orange C-ounty Medical A11oclation and the Orange County Pediatric Society. WASHINGTON (AP) - Ntnety·thr" ~rcent of the elt1lble youn1 men have re1l1tered for tfi• draft, and .,.,...nment oftideh .,. inCMnl to locate.thole who hawn't. Comparl1on of Selective Service l'eliatradonl with Soda1 Securtty fil• ii expected to pt underway thi• week, tald Selective Service 1pokeswoman Joan Lamb. While ahe uJd thil 11 not a 1peclal campal1n. to complete reptradont, ..,. added that the acency feell obUpd to let ellalbJe men know t6e proceu 11 be8lnntnl 10 they can reptel' vofuntarily. Jleaa\lle it wtll take IOIM time to COll)plete the cr<9-matchtnl, lhe tald It lr unlikely that any wamtna letten wtll be aent out before the end of thla month or early July. Under the law, men are required to repter within. 30 day1 of their 18th birthday. Failure -to do ao it a felony punlthable by five yeara In prlron and a ,10,000 fine. Selecti•e Service announced that nationwide registration of ell8fble men tot.all 93 percent. The figures COUJlt men born from 1960 through the firat three montha of UHM. The. highest rate of tignup1 'Blockbuster' injures boy FRESNO (AP) -A, firecracker explo1ion haaf mangled the hand• of a 10:.rear-old Frano boy. George Silva Jost four fineea. and part of hil palm on one bantl and his thumb and forefineer on the other hand, Freanq firefighters reported. ~ The boy's ttomach Uo WU c\i( by Monday'• blast of a 1arae firecra c ker called• "blockbuster," oftlcia1r aaid. ,.. jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiii .. •' '• '" . , ,. .. _. , <tl S.. Barn ~ Byrd Jr., lnd-VL, reaffinned a dedlk>n announced lU\ year and aald A weight training cdurae for men and wcmen w1ll be offered in COlta Meea by ~ C'O a 1 t Co 11 e g e • community service office. fl'.he •Ix-week coune btiirllDI June 21. Students wdl be allowed to work ~ ln · ttie lab one, two, three or four evenings per week from e to 9. Instructor ta Debbie Adami, an OCC fitnell I ~fdi1$20, 'or information, pbcne 5M-5880. Valley airman eitrns award ... Staff Sat. Oren B. ~ ll, IOft of Oren B. 8tm of Annandale, VL, I . and Doria L. Mllltken of 11973 Loa Temipo1, Fountain Valley, has been decorated with the ~ award of the Air Ferce Commendation Medal at Randolph Air Force Bue, Texas. Simi ii a maintenance ~ytt/Prosrammer· Media auction set June 29 The Ounae County 4dvertlalng Federation wUl 1pon1or a media auction June ,29 to benefit ita publlc aervice projectl.. - · The auction will be held at McCormick'• Landlq, 3180 Airway Ave., Costa Me1a, ~at7p.m. fhree make. ~ nor frat hree Oranae Cout 1 dent1 have been in Phi Kappa a natimlal 8CholMtic nor 1ociety, at UC vii. • bey are Laura 'Rh~ of c.o.ta Me.a, a 10•1 i:ta~ b, a blochemlltry 'and David Kappas ountaln Valley, an trlcal en1lqeerlng Wealthy economllt StuleJ S'elabaam realaned at chairman of the 'American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Southern California. a post he hM held 10 yean. ,, .... , .... MVPPET TALK -Kermit the frog poeea with hia creator, Jim HeNIOn, at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mam. Kermit addressed the Cl.us of '82 during senior week acUvitiet. Liaa HeNIOn, daughter of Jim, attends a,rvarc1 and was lnstru.mental in getting Kennit to speak. •' Ttie J'ountatn Valle1 City Council ha• l.tnanhnou1ly approWct u. f1tlt Nidtna o1 a paitlcuhrly 1trlct dru1 ~law. ~ 'l'hil. proPo98d l&w mak• tt' a orlmlaal o(fenl• ln Fountain iV al!to dl1play or all dru1 par ernaUa to mi~r,. In .... aey buad.n.. •Dini lliUch , .. ·-Ncoril the iWni, .. aDd .... Of adult cuatomerat wlth auch lnfOrmatlon o~n to police inspection. - T h o 1 e w h o 1 e· 11 t h' e paraphernalia muat be llcemed after undergoing a backaround check. Ironically, this law WU not ~ becauae Fountain Valley ·haa a particular problem wlth drua ~raphemalla aalea. City ottida aaid they have received no complaintl about sales of these i~ema and know of few local bwdnmaee csrying them. Councilman Ben Nielaen. who requeMed the law, deecribed it u a preventive measure. He sa1d other dU. are ft!8trlctlng paraphernalia sa1ei. and be aakf he feara that It.ores carrying such itema might mow to :tou.litain Valley if the dty leelDI lax in this area. U Ua aecond reading 11 ·~~une 29, Fountain. • Va '1 will be one of the strlctert para · Jawa In the ania. HuntbWton Beach and ~ewport BMch ~·llave laws l'9tricUna the dlaplay and .... of the9e it.em8 to minora, but do not have the record-keeping requirjment for adult cmtomen. Co1ta Meaa, Irvine and Laauna Beach do not have drug par8pbema)ia laws. at the pre1ent time, although they have been under conataeratlon. An Jrv!.ne "1moet ev~ryone knowa or hM beerd of a new~ buyer who got .tuct with a ''lemon" -a vehlde that retu.es to funcdon ~y and 1M1D1 impcwibJe to Moat auto man·ufacturera inalntain effecti.ve quality' control procedures, but from time to Ume a lemcm allpa through the net. And 1f • dealer' ii unable to make ~ nee ry repairl. the buyer baa no recourae but to conault a laWJ'fll'. j • 'lbat could be changed lf the · atate Senate vcMI favorably on Aanmbly Biil 1787, the 80<8l1ed auto "lemon" bill that would require free replacement of uniepairab1e new cmw. A lhldtw bal·W.. def•ted by the Le8W9--··m& -,.r. but au. year~ amended ~eralon by AJJ 1HJ ..... (WI)' Tanner of J'.l Mante~ Im ':r.JE•I d by die A•~ pm the Senate QwnmtUee on a M wte. Tbe final test will be a Senate floor ~ th1a week or next. OppolitlOD to the bfil from automobile retailer• was :withdrawn wbiD it waa amended to tnc"Mle • pl'OYilllOll that the owns IDUlt ma at 1eMt four attempt. to ~ the car fixed, lncludlnl one try by the manuf.lldUrw. police·•1pokeaman Nld hl1 city declined to p;-oCMd in adopttna IUCb a law ba\119 IMne Ml no ~ •Wnc ~phernalJ,a,.; Thl1 11 not the ft~• FOuntain Valle)' _hM tried to clamp down on a ~ UWt may not exilt. Lut ~ the coUndl moved toward a ban an videO aamea in ~ atoree before r.11i1na that thtr' had been no complainta ~ about the liquor store pmee. ... In action adopting the ordinance, )'ountaln Valley " Councilman Fred Vo11 dld question the record-keeping whJch would be available to police agencies u a pcmlble tnvaaion of ptivacy. But he voted for the-new law anyway. Councilman Vo. may have voiced a valid concern. There la ab1olutely no quesUon that every effort lhould be made to curb the uae of 1llepl addictive druo and particularly 110 in the cue ol lmpremionable and vulnerable minor children. The Supreme ~ of the United States haa uphela the right of local government agencies to prohibit the display or ule of ~phemalia to minors through lawa already on the books in many jurisdictions. The record-be~., provision of the new Foumahi-\Jalley law, however, bas not been tarted In the courts. That ()OU}d leave the Fountain Valley ordinance open to a new cballenae. Prior to final paauge of this law, Fountain Valley officiala abould weigh th9 rllk of pomibly costly legal-proceedinga 8lnce the lneUUre does not predaely fonow the pattem of thoee already tested and ruled valid In court. • ' If that falla, the dlapute would be eent to a.mediation panel - eet uf by each manufacturer and Inc udlng conaumer repreaentatlvea, automotive engineers. the manuf.cturei and the gener-1 public. The .,_nel would have the authority to requ)re replacement of th• defective vehicle or a refund of Ule buyer'• money. A buyer dmatls8ed with the decision of the mediaUon panel still would bave recoune to Jep1 action via the court•, but IUpportel'll Cl tbe bOl feel it ~ go .. long .... t.owaftt ~ dealer-buyer dlaputM without costly court CMel. The meuure covera any f~ or daefttic car lold· In California, but exclude• commerdal _..... motaccjdea and off-roei --- WASHINGTON -In 19~1. Juan Peron announced that Artentina had bamlMed the a~ Ind a ~ of appnhenl:lon rippled around the world. Would thLt molt terrtfytna of all aaben now be rattled by a 1truttin1. aecond-rate dictator? But it tumed out that Peron'• bout wM i-d on the wwk of an erratic ~ phyRcist who bed worked I« Hui Germany before fleetn1 to Araenttna. ~ apprebemion tunaed to rtdic:ule. and for a while Aremtlnel became the butt of nuclear jokel. THE JOI.a ARE no J.onaer funny. Arpntina hal eome world-clul nuclear ICientim, all the neceeaary technololY and eoon will have enouah nuclear material to make the belat.9d bomb. Same Ume before~ crWs, a 1ecret State epartm report wU'1)eld: .. Araeniina'a caPllbOht in the nudMr fie~ mnouncea plaD. f~ a natbJal nuclear tndu.&ry and prmpma for nudeer ll'OW1h, lncluding eYelltually a nucleu weapons capebllity, remain a 90W"Ce of canoern for the United Stat.es." In fact, Jimmy Carter WM IO alarmed . that he ato_J>ped all nuclear aaln to Areentina. Thia _!iktn't alow dawrll the Araentlne program. The Canadtana, West Gennana and Swill wen ~ to provide lllllstanoe. ~~~:&~r.!!t~ nuclear-power pJ.ania •. The flnt one, built with W• ~help, la alre9dy in u.e; the tee:Ond, a C'Anadlan venture, la due to open th.la IWIU'nef; and the third, another Welt German project, will 'open in the mld-1980a. The Swill, meanwhile, havt' qreed to build a heavy-water ~t tor Araentina that baa U.S . intelllgente expert• worried. Combined with the materiala JACI 11111111 ~cit thal'. ~.-.-but ..ne Ot It needt rewritlnl. It Mi obviowly been updated ~ and probably lhcM.ald be apin now. ''A time to cut away ltonee'' doesn't meui much to ua now. and there might be a better way to put "A time to kill, and a time to heal.'' • ~world needa the wildom the Bible hal to offer, but it h8I to be readable or not many people are going to relld it. It Ml to pertain t.o our lives today M we live them and not t.o eome andlftt time we don't undentand. There are bibllcal ICbolan worldrJI on ~ the Bible right now ln 6oth En,laiXI and ,the United Stat.el, and I I eepeetfully llUQftt tbere•1 1ome work to be done on Eccleld ...... Here are .:irne .dditbll rd like tuture edit.on of the Bible to c:oosider includJ.na mEocl9a1te1· -There a a time to travel and a t:inw t.o ltay home and not ~~bl~ at all. -A time to play , wbkb ahall be ln the wintertime, and a time to knock it off with billketball. which ab.all be • the wtnterttme comee to an end and not .in Junii. - the "earliest ~y feulble that AMenttn.oould have had a nam11ar1 •"devic;11' in hand, and reckoned it w take a much ·longer time to nm~~• nuclear weapons. The CIA added that .. any attempt actually fabricate and-or test an~ device will come only after ._,.~ hu considered the= and ltrategic situation and .. te enough to accept the oomequenoee • . . " INTEWGENCE SOURCES told ~y UIOdate Dale Van Atta that the CL\ now esUmat.es it would take Argen~ three years to build a bomb. But tJ.ey added that the Defeme lntelllg•n~ Agency thinks lt c.oukl. be done ~ Argentine offidala., questioned privately, ~ they could do the .Job in six months, they say. The bia question, of CCIW'9e, l8 whether the FalK:land1 situation baa ~ Areentina .. desperate eDIOUfb" to ahead with a nuclear weepona proOam. niere are acme indicationa tha\ they're at leut getting ready to make a dedlloD! For example, the CL\· reported year that there were Ii.gm Arl~llli.. was p~ to tnde raw unnl China for enriched weapons-c uranium. South Africa, which ha'9 ecttve nuclear-~ prosnm. ~ am»<ooperaUola ~"'"* .. ~ Ancl the SdYiet Uldon "-ln -April to tell at 1eut 4~ enriched uranium to the Arced junta. I t r tbnes_ · ,_a~. I -A time-ta-play b radio ill and a time to turn the radio anll television set off and let silence pervaci all the house. ~ -A time to gather together wordlf aoods and a time to clean out the ~ . and the basement and throw stuff awaJ. -A time t.o make telephone calla and a time to get off the telephone and go tC> ~ork. . j -There is a time to get up in ~ mortµng even if you don't feel like aett.tnc up, and a time to go to bed .,. night even if you don't feel like~ bed. . -There is a time for exercl8e and a time for lying down and takiq "a nap. . -A time for putting chocolate a on vanilla ioe cream and a time for ea vanilla ice cream without chocola uuoe. -A TIME TO GO to the movies and time to watch the movie on te~·.wwu and a time not to watch movies at all. -A time to reed the 9PX111 peas a time to tum a..,_y fnlm the SI peaes and read wha\'a reall,y going on the world. -There ia a time to have a dos and time not to have a doc· -A time to walk. • ttme to rwi. a to take a train or a plane and a time to your fingen do the walldnc· -~ time to ltart wrttlna a column a time to linilh wrltlna one. ••111111 ,, INSPECTION -Britl1h Major-General Jeremy Moore, left, grOw:Jd cmnmander' for )'allrJancf la1anda forces, la shown 1nlpeeUna f2 Cmimando of the Royal Mari.nee ~ Bicld~ · Barrack•, ~l)'mouth. Unde(C MooM1 I acrutiny at rtabC la Cpl. C.Olln ta. · In Founblln Y.,.., 16835 Brookhurat (714) 962·~12 hom9 .... t\ui.ct '° CBI. CBS bad only three ...,. ID the ...... 'fop 10, and 90 l\BC OlllDICIJ, "Too Clme for Comf'°"'" flnlebM tint NBC bad bar c--~ the 10 hilbeat rat.cl, ~led the loweat avera1~ rattRIOr any network Dee tf» .... ~ .Aue; 24. 1980. The rat1n1 for .. Too ClOH tor Ccmfort" wu 20.4. Nlellm aa1' that means ID an averap minutia ol the N.:: bad four Of tbt week'• ftw looftllt rated ahowl. ~ with ~ MMdrall -Mandrell Slaten" In 82nd p_l~ce . 11The lnar.tlb&e Hulk" en CB8 WM 63rd, loDowed by three NBC ahowa -"Father Murphy," an NBC Newa lpedal ~ "Amertca in Search ot 1'9elt," arid .. Rainbow Qjrl." week '• 10 l'AaHION l'IVIR ' WWWA IMNTI *159 axPAN~llATIC SUITS ILACIUI . WITH MYl"'41M.1 VllT REG. 1225 Out •1 ~In Sieck.I . l w ASHiNGT<>N (AP) -At a time when Pre•ld•nt Reacan l1 tirPlC iluijOr cutt.cka in government-1upported medical programs. the Pentaa~n ta 1pendin1 atiout '3.S mlllJari a Yftl' to provide low.co1t veterinafy care for petl owncid by mernben of I the armed ~ •yw ReP.. Let Aapin. I).. Wll; I Medicare •" the AX, but 'Peticare' maicbe1 on.•• ~liaid. Alptn, a member of the Route Armed ~ Committee and freQUent ~ critic. Niel mllitary penonnel can obtain rable1 i mmunlzation1, di1temper shots and other care for their peta at about twc>thlrdl the fees clvllians pay to private wterlnariana. ADe'-*~t 1poke1man, ,Jim Freeman. uid be would have "" 1mmedlate • ccmment .. \ "'·----, . Women .. to meet Adene Sontag ; adminiltratlve an~)'lt for Orance County~ will discuss ••Assertive Lobbying Techniques for Women" at a meettna Q( Irvine Busineaa and Profeutonal Women'• Club m June 15. The lunchem will be held at the Hu.ncrY11'1cer Restaurant on l'Atinpr Avesu• in Santa Ana aa 11:30. For Information, call '1lm Ben.on at 833-9704. _ T9p grad g~ts degree .,.., .......... .., ...... ~ BALANCING AC't -Karen Craig of Costa Meu keePI her aail Bay Avenue. Her wet.suit, pro1ection from chilly-water, indicates ttim u lhe g1idee through Newport Harbor during recent lellllon ahe'a ready for the worst. One thing about windsurfing is for of Oranaf Cout College windsurfing cla8a off 18th Street and sure: Sooner or later, you're going to get wet. Police ln Costa Meta are \ ~ bullnemnen to YV7 their bank deposit procedures followtng tlie holdup of a theater ma.napr I.rid a 8flCWtty au.ud . Satunlay i\l&tlt. Police Lt. Jeck Cal.Don aaid the $2,900 robbery Saturday at 11:48 p.m. at the Bank Of America. 2701 Harbor Blvd., w• the third !;!,,!~ cUy in the l•t four Matthew William Kerrigan, 26, of Colt.a Meea, a manager for The Edwards Onema Theater, 1634 Adami Aw., and a eecurlty guard. ~ Richard Bedlon. • 26, of Costa Mesa, were surpriled by two masked eunmen ,,. they attempted to drop off the depmit at the bank. The two gunmen l..,ed out of the bushes and ordered the two men to the lfOUDd. They fled on foot when two other theater empJoyees ahowed up to make another depOlit, police l&ict • . a~e game ~layed again j ~IN ~DAY'S mail, 1 received um • • prbi~ hi""~ beguWn,I cbtJdiah band n ruled stationery: .rl am Trl1ta udwnp.·I am 8~ yeen old and I to to Viata School tn San Rafael. I am ln Room 9. On Wednmday we went to the library. I check out a book on sllkwonna and ... ha, ha ... the author's last name is WORMSER. Isn't that funny? Love, Tri8ta." I LOVE YOU, too, Trista, bUt when we find 8-yeer-olda aad1cted to the vile prldice of Namephrealri~ I think the time bu dome to call a halt (I am a1lo alarrold to note that Trista already Ule9 three data, .. in three-dot joumaJJlm, and may have to stay ~ter achoo!). L ___ The very same mail brought a note ~Dr. Gen.Id Ru.ell, a full pl'Ofemor at UC-Davis, who thinks it bilarioua that a recent ~ of faculty fringe benefits was led by Ada Chatter, UC insurance ooun,elor, and Missy Box, retirement &>unaelor. ''Tbeee chatterboxea carried on i>r two hours." chortles the Professor. NEW BOSS -Midge Carroll, new superintendent of the Califomla lmUtuUon for Men in Chino, talka with iDJll8te Jlonald Blueitt ln corridor of minimum eecwity leCtion of the prilon dUfins. noent tour. Carroll. 45, DEAR ANN LANDDS: Our '°" llwe 3,000 liUlel away. My hUlbend and I are r.dred. He wantm w to move out then. · 'nMi prdblein ii our IGll'I wUe. Sbe hat MYW lbaWn my N9l*'t for my hUlb&nd or me. I ahouJd aJlo tell you we have knocked ounehw out trYtna to pJeMe her. I am aahamed to edmlt we even tried to buy her a~ -WtthoUt IUCCfJll, M)' ~telt fear· ii that thJt conniving airl wQl roake 'exmlllve and unreuonAble · c1emanda on me. When I nttu.e. the wUl have an .... to get mad and bar me from her home (which we helped pay for). My IOll ii of no help whatever. She bu him Under her th~b, I Mi__hu.band ii very...-to move out there. (Tbe weather ii a tq Incentive.) He la IUCh a aooctc rd do anyttllng to make him happy. Me live me 101De cow.el. -FEARFOL IN BUnAW • DEAR BUFF: Move, bU vow a. keep you &taee from you .a....-.1a-1aw. Ge to dlelr llome oaly whll lavlted, beUve like a pnt alid lavlte diem to yova on tile umebul1. ..... 5' 11 la the !Int wmnan to hilid a Cal1fCJm1a men'• prl8on. She •'9 there la only one way to treat lnmata -"all alike, hun>anely, kindly and courteoualy.'' .. ,. .. *" . ' . . .,., ....-.: GOIEN 011 lllDGf· BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF vulnerable. South • Sagitia~ius: Be selective n~._11 (March 21-April 19): Romantic aura domlnatee ecenario; you learn where , you stand with a very apeda1 pel"80ll. u.m..r emphasiJ on wilbel that come true, money derived from aucce•ful buaineel lnveetment. TAURUS (Apru 20-May 20): Focw OD career, pre9tige, tulfmment of prombea and realization of potenUal. You ri9e above petty differences, local pollt:ica and are able to z detect trenda, cycles. • GEMINI (May 21..June 20): Good moon , upect cobxtdee wlth travel. communication. 1plritual value1, uplratlo.na, ai:>ility to 1 overcome dlltance and language barrien. , Popolatity-lncre ... , IOCial life -aecelen ) llOioscon , BY SIDNEY OMARA -., .. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Dig deep , for information~ credit. payments. 1• oollecdcnl, property rights. Improve~ .. warea. Check pomble aafety huarda. i Give special attention to electrical wirine· LEO tJuly 23-Aug. 22): Pay attention·to hunches. If you feel delay la nee 1 ry, don't So against that feeling. Surprille 1MY be due ln connection with Jepl rightl, penn1mlom. -t VIRGO (A~~ 22): Low~ >I appl'09Cb brinp readtm. u.. dent attempt to force ilaaea: If Cllplomatic, you win. Otherwiae, you invite controveny. Individual who reliea upon you makea demand, l>ut no ill feelinea are attached. LIBRA (Sept. 2S-Oct. 22): Emodom 1end to donrlnate logic. AJ)lltiee eepecUIDy in romance department. -'Y'oung peno.na, including children, flgu.rf: prominently. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov . 21): Profe11ional appral1al could reault in elevation of confidence. Know-it, proceed · · accordingly. Focus on organization, responsibility, pressure and promotion. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Relationship with relative ii tetfted.. Idml are plentiful -key is to be .elective. You'll reech beyond current expectatiom. J)eipte minor •tback, overall pattern polnta to ultimate IUCCml. ' CAPRICORN (Dec. 22..Jan. 19): New atart hrin8I valid opportunity for added lnca:ne. ~t OD llt!Jatel' independence, creativity arid ability to get to beU1 of I matt.en. ' • . ,. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Moon 1 cycle at peak -wear trtght oolon, make b penona1 appeu-ances and take initiative in makinl cont.let with UM.e who can aid a career. Judgment, lntultioft are OD tu81t- PISCB8 (Feb. 19-March 20): Key .. ' ) dlveraittcadon, hl&hllcht flexiblllty, veruUlity and ability to 1auch at your own fotbla Cnnmamkate with one who may be 6' canftned to bmD9 .. ~tal. .., by Brad Anderson o-~,,..~111e ~~ ••tt'e mlnor ... early summer doldrums mixed with a little love elcknesa .• .lt will pass." BECAUSE OF THE WEATHER , .. t .,.., •~'·.·:· ... ~ J\lm ~ .. r::;..=!i~,=~a:·~· !Jal • A' v1i1w • onw.ct m "J\lnt AU,iall'' l.._. tl~ll), wrttwa by the Mve. wtlh . ...... x.pton. ~ PVnll·AllytlOft union R Umil. bul Wll lllo ~ by ' belpect Hnd her into • btlef; tanlO l"CDlftN wtth Alan lAdd. .. t left hie wife, Sue c..ro&. becamt Of "' ~ Md beeil waned about woddna with Alan .._," •YI Mili9 Ally,on of thMr co-tta&'linl In •:-.nm 8~." ''Sue, Alar\'1 wife, WM allp ._ ~hrsr and MWI' left the caawa .-,... .W""'9 wtched flYfllY m and every ibo& -aDd 911 ihDCI bad to favor Alm\.~ to the dlli11blmt Of till i..dtnc i.dy . . . And then I WM =~~Alan WM a very cold and She at the outlet that Mn. 1.-dd dk:l indled aep a watchful ey~ on how her h\llbsnd .., lyPMtlecl But he Wlllll't cold and distant, Mill AllYIDft found. JUlt acared, like her. The CCHltu'I ---IOUlma• and their cloee -.:lation bepn ~ the aomtp oolumns. Sue mDed Dkk PoWell: ~ t you fcnoW-that Alan la In lave with your wife June? .. Answered Powell: .. llll't ewryoner• He ahruaged off the rumon until they became too persistent. Confronted by Powell, June admitted abe 1oYed Ladd tbouah W Wlllll't havinl an "affair." She allo loved her hu1bend ''only you're alwaya aotna away without me and you neYel' come home lroalthe office and you haven't any dme fot me." The Powella patched up their maniaae. Ladd went into a decllne and ahno9t died from a 8\U\ wound that Wiii demibed .. accidental. The Ladd 1a1a 11 the julcie1t of .. June Al}!lon," buically a aad story about a poor, Olll*led pl whole buoyant penona)ity made her tbt atrl that World War U Gl.a wanted to come home to. LUe at the top Wll rouah on a lirl beeet with u-:urtty, and lhe became a dale hiend of Judy Guland, who abared the ..me t.erron.. ~-······ BOOK REVEALING -Actnw June Allymcm'a autobio8J'aphy tella of her aomeUJDel..teme relationa with husband Dtclc Powell. which were hidden by her "role'' • the happy ~wife. never write a book. "But David convlnced me that my ltory miebt help others who are &OUw throu;h the same thlna I did. The me91ap ii _In tne book: you can't be. tM Judge of when your life la over, you have too many people you are reaponaible for end who are reaponstD&e to you." Powell'• painful death fram cancer and her 0'4fll etcht~year wtthFa~ into wine and aeU~p(ty = ~ evidence that a movie star'• llle 1a Frog preserve set WhY did she. _write the book? Her fourth buaband, Dr. David Aahrow, talked her into it. ahe PEKING (AP) -Dec1arina it muat "ave the feewbd. f:rop." China bu aet ulde 8,89S llCft9 for lta flnt "When I read Lauren Beicall'1 book. I reslbed National Fros Pre.erve, the offldal news ~ 00. dole our lives hid 1>een,•• lhe aid. "We both Xinhua uld. · had boats, we both bail two children, our husbands The forest and mar1hland preserve in &ct of. cancer, we hid bed IDAl'l"iaces afterward. I · Hellongja.na Province wW be uaed tor reeeuch. hurt for her, knowtNi what ahe hid gone tbrouah breedirig and extractina frog oil for tonic and to remember thole -~ and I vowed I -would medicine, the agency aata. She says it's a most enjoyable shoppin~ experi~nce. M PIOOF .49 1.75 LT. GORDON'S QIN IO PltOOf' !£1ESBY J1Janatee WINTD PARK. ~.l'Ja. (AP) -Actor lturt Reynalda Ml en1i8ted in a nature 1roup'1 f\lnd-ral1ln1 driv.e to help aave J'lorlda''a dwlndlln1 manatee ~whoownaa home in Jupiter, Fla., Ml joined The Nature ~·effort to ..... $4U,000 to acQUire 14 il1lnda in Kine'• Bay' Crystal River, as a aanctuary for manateea, which uiarinen of old often mistook for mennaldl. Reynold• will tape public-service an - nbuncementa to raise funcla for what would be ,. the largest nature 11.DCtuu'y in the .iate for the endancered marine IJ>'l'!'!'Ne, a ipOkN!Nn for the Florida chapter of the n_atlonal land comervation group .Ud. ~·nortda baa a rich, natural heritage with a number of plants and anfmtlia found nowhere •1" in the country," Reynold• aald. "The maatee 9 one of the beat examplH of thla apeda1 e:bander' of our ...... 'lbe --taraeted for the~. Jocatmd OD Plorlda'• weat cout DGl1h of Tampa, atppOl'ta about 120 manatees durlna the winter montha. High Hope· awards night set Hl&h Hopea Neuro-1oglca1 Recovery Group, which provides aervice9 10 people who have suffered traumatic brain lnjurlea, will conduct its llxth annual awards dinner Saturday. at the Mlle Square Golf eo..r-reltaW'ant. 10401 W@'DS' Ave., Fountain Vdey. The ew11t will belln at 6:30 p .m. Stit.denta, volunteera i aad aupp•rtera wtll be reco~ durlng the dtDDll'. 'l"lcketa are i12 ..m.. ror information, cill &te-7458. AD PRICES PREVAIL: WEON £SDA 'f'. JUNE Wth THR" :;ATllR O AV 11!N! 1 2 tt, 59 95 large .r dlQltll displ1y. Autom•tlc repeal·lllfm gives 3 ""'Ing Walt.-up • • calls. SAVE'2.34 ' 1HIRMos. · BARTENDER TOUCILTOP . ._DISPDSO JJst puth the toe> & IMtlntly you hlvt your tty _. or plpingbrew. ,... Cuts stlfdl calories. Ont tablet blodls up lo «IO 1t1rdl cllorles. ASCRIPTIN ..... WITll llAALOI• 1 ' WILD &ICE A LA ITAUA t!'b~ollve~ , ~ cups water it ~ (8ouncet)1or'8 &rain and Wild .... \l medium zucebJnl, cut in 1 ~·inch strt .. cherry tomatoes. halved -'"-'~"' onion in oil in aaucies:-n until oniQll II but not brown. Add water and CClllten• of ....una p119kets; brine to. boil. aw. and= 20 minutes. Stir ln nitthtnt Cow!' and tinue oooklng tmtil all liquid II abeofbed. abotiat 5 minutea. Stir In tamatof.9; ._.t throucb- ~ 4 lel'Ytnp. ~ IJGBTL Y cUumD DUCUJNG I duckJ.J.nc, pre.roasted and quartered ~ cup butter or margarine, melted JS to " teatpcoo curry powder )' teMpoon .it ~ ducldinc ~ from refriCi!rat« l ~ '°'1n before 8'l'Yfna time; place on nick In sbaJJ;w bak1na pan. Combine butter, curry powlero and,-..It; let llide. About 15 minutee / I Production. of meat to decline worltlwide WASHJNGroN (AP) eapUa .... ~ ._ Meat ~ Unoft1 the report aald. Tbe the world~ le,adin1 expected decline in produdJaa jftd vadinc producdan 1n l"2 would c:oantn. ill ejqlected to .,.n U\ even lbarps . decJiDe lllibdY ta. .,_., d'ecreue in per capita foUowtna a l percent ~ ixnsts In i•1 • ..,. the "Meat production u ~ Depwtlblnt. reftectiac the relaUwly lndlcallid ~ tor WeU ecaranlc situation beef~Ml I'll wdl be. 1n many of the counuw only countered 1 -..a .. th rt by in poultry mpat reY 8WOC"U, e r.epo aDd lamb.· mutton and aid. goatmeat," •a.id the Looklnc at the U.S . department'• Foi;elp meat and _polJltry ~tural Set 't'lce. situation, the report llld bespite last, year'• 1982 produdlan may be , .overall pin in total meat down about f percent, output, popalatlalll .,.._ pd1mrily • a IW1t cl. a even more, nmlUna in a lbarp cutbldl ln por" net reductlon tn per ~ .. J Prtttkln Stone Ground, Whole Wheel. Fork Spit. EnglWI Mufllns .... the Malthy way to atart ~-·They',.~ anytime u a nUtrlfloua IMck. .. NO Sugar NO·Stwrtenlng NO Animal Fata • NO Miik ·or Miik Products NO Cholesterol NO ArtlflcJal Flavors EBERR\' PEACH UDDING CAltE 1 package (2-layer yellow cake mix or Ing-included cake 1 pac~e ( 4-serving ) van~lla flavor t pudding and pie eggs YI cup eour cream ~cup oil YI' teaspoon c' n 1 cup dlced fr~sb \ cup blueberrtel mbine cake mtx, mix. eggs. .«>Ur oil and cinnamon in rge mixer bOwl. Blend:· th~n beat at rnedfum speed of eJectric mixer for 4 minutes. Fold ln peaches and blueberries. Pour into greased and floured 10-inch tube pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 55 to 60 minutes or untik:ake tester imerted in center comes out clean and cake begiM to pull away from sides of pan. Do not underbake. Cool in pan 15 minutes. Remove barbecue AMHERST, Mau. (AP) -With 7 ,000 pounds of chicken and 8,000 studenta, .University of Massachusetts officials say they've staged the world's largest outdoor ' barbecue. The students nibbled o'n barbecued chicken and a,&e beans at the picnic held on fields near the football stadium. They also consum~d 2,000 pounds of brownies and 10,000 dininer'-ftl'11L~~ said Bob Landry of the university food aervioes. The university barbecue bu been held for several years, and this year offidals decided to try and best the record barbecue listed in the Guinnea Book of World Reoordl. That Was 4,036 pounds of meat f« 5,829 =.m Mardi 1980 ln "We feel we have informally broken the record aeveral times alrNdy. ao.,. -~ why rd• tt WD:Wftr,' eald food 1er~lce1 director Marie ~~ . r Festive dinner . . , I Thomas Pep_Eard Saved $12.87 .. FLAVOR VARIETY -Puta combine• with carrot1, 1now pe11, broccoli, rfd pepper and oranaee for a new Mlad Jdet. Kathy Benavides Saved s13.97 Lucky's total: $133.25. The total at the other market on the same or comparable Items: $142.60. Merrllyn saved $9.35 at Lucky. Teet t•ken Meyn. 1111 Lucky'• total: $142.50. The total a~ the other market on the same or comparable Items: '$155.37. Thomas saved $12.87 at LUC~Y· l•UPer!tuy22, 1"2 '.\ Lucky's total: $72.70. The total at the other market on the same or comparable Items: $81 .26. Sharon saved '8.5$ at l_:ucky. T• • .., Mey 21. 1ea. Lucky's total: $140.40. The total at the other market on the same or comparable Items: $154.37. Kathy saved • $13.97 llt Lucky. T"t taken Mey 21, 1ee2 At Lucky, you'll find tow, ~ay prices on every Item, evtry day of the week. And not Ju.t on your food and Qroc:eriesi but on health and grooming aids; book• and magazlnee; and aJI the oth., non- foods you UH every week. Low dlecount prices atorewlde lldd up to a lower to"I at the checketand. That's wh8re the savlnge countl Consistently low prices every day ... that's basic vafue. . To proVe our lower overall total, we uked shoppers to compare Lucky with another supermarket of their choice. First they purchased their own list of Items at Lucky. Then, they compared pr1ces at the other store, on the same or comparable Items. In test after test. the total was lower at Lucky. This week, compare i ·u•v·s ... 39 -VEGETABLES ' Mc:r.t ..... 1•oz.c.n e for Y0'1rMlf. (OocllfMl'IUtla,I on tile,) TOP SIRLOIN STEAK lolMl9tl '°"°"' .., Lein . ,..._....,.corn CAN NF D fl. PACt< A ( ,F[) rN::191 r~~.~ .... -~2:49 l~~.~~.~. ,.laCTll 1.81 l~~~.~ca~.59 H~OZEN ITEMS l~~Tl ......... tlOICM o 79 l~~~~ ........ IJOICMo99 CIGARETTES KINO SIZE 5ss CICARETIEScanon ~~.~~!!~.~ ......... CMTOo 5.95 ~!?.~.~~!!~~ .......... _,,...68 Wlmr119 Tla $1t1ft011 Gt.al H11 Ott••• Tllll Clgftt1t s.otll'l ts 0...-tt Yw ..... LIQUOR & WINE rJACARE WINES 2 99 :... C!Wlflll~_,.-oe QAHlllUI -.......... "Of fT\ • r LUCKY LAGER BEER 6 1 11~ .................. nClllllU 2. 9 -...MCJeP111AUCl!f HOUSEHOLO & PET n ;;:;C>I'."'.~ ....... 79 I 2!!!~ ... 199 ~ =--~~-:..U ........ cir .. 2.29 l~~.~.~~~IOI 1.07 l~~~~~CT -1.99 Dfl ICAT£:SSFN 11£ MS r~~~.~.~~~~.llOCT -1.54 l~.!.?r.!~~ .. -.. ""~· 79 r~~.~~~.~.~-1.99 r~~~~.~~c-.36 In a study conducted l the Food Research titute at the Univeni- of Wiaconlin-Madfaon entiata have proved at .tooda euch aa ham Chicken ar-. actually fer in a real mayon- salad mixture iban left al()l')e. If left UbNfrtaented bacteria wUI IJOW· th or witboiat mayon- be. For that reuon, 't take leftover food • from the pi'mic. When thinking of pic- nic foods. salads natural- ly. &me to mind. For that next picnic, instead ot taking a eepa- rate vegetable or fruit salad and a meat or fish salad, why not try one of the foll~ main dish ... salad n!!Cipes. · By combinlhl for ex- ample, chicken and fruit into one salad, the best of both can be enjoyed, and I all in one eMy packable container. ,aea,ember, when pn- parine a ,main dish u1ad or any salad; cleanl1*1 II fim and foremost in the prepuatlon, propet re- frigeration la a must, and avoid takina leftovere home. Keeping theee precau- tions in mind will help ensure a deliahiful and aafe picnic. · Bill AND BltOCCOU MACARONI SALAD ~ cup real mayon-name 2 tablelpoom pled Parineun cheele 1 tablespoon white vinegar I 1/16 teupoon pep- per 1 cup lhell rmcaroni (4 ounce1), cooked, drained . 1 cup broccoli flowereta, cooked, drai- ned 1 cup julienne strtp1 cooked ham In medium bowl 1tlr together real mayonnai- se, cheeee, vlnepr and pe,y~. Add macarC)ni, tvbrocoae-tlll and ham; tom to coat W.U. Cover; n&tce- ra te 9'!!eral hoUl'I to anon. p.m ma cloaed plaftlc con . M.abl Ster- .~ tile Coupon Present thla c<A1pon elong with any one M1nufacturer's "cents.off" coupon and ~t double the M¥6ftOI when you purchase the Item. Not to include "ret-11er", "frH" or "grocery purchase" coupons or exceed the value of the Item. Excludes liquor, tobacco and dairy products. Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 DOuble Coupons Per Customer .,.-;.,.~~Coupon Eft.ctln June 10 thru -'une 16, 1982 I -I I . r I · ti.~······ ~re 1n'9vant ..,..._ ........ • ·mand' -thll .......... 1ou m&1ht Hile to ioukler powlq ~W' ~~tnmlndil ~pa1hetu equuh, that ... yellow !Ootball ol • 1qu11h that .yl1ld1 •P•lh•ttlllke 1trand1 --oook9d. Whtie true flour ~td ii f2 caloriel an ·ounce (cooked), the 'p:ow-your-own variety (the botanical name la tucurblta flclfolla) la only_~ calorl11, or fin!:~ aa fatttntnc. I SNhet11 aql*b Cln be 1erved with Jpaahectt-and-meatball tol>Pln8I. or any other Halonlna• and Mucea that 10 10 well with JMl!'L . It ii, of courae, a vegetable Instead of a ;run-and lta nutritioqal lna.keup la cloler to otlier winter equuhea, 1lnce that'• what It really la. The vecetable Ja •till, 80meWhat of an oddity, 10 complete nutrient lnfonnation le not yet lnclud•d In 1tandard refe~ but ltl yellow color hlnta at a aoodlY a.apply of vitamin A. S"paahetti.. aquaah la uaually Jrown from aeeda an takea about 100 day. to maturity. lta rrowln~ requlrementa ' are almllar to other winter equuhea, ao If you have the..--(and • have bml •ICCell with oth•r members of this family), you mlaht J®k for· the aeed1 Tn your favorite prden It.ore ()(' ca~. U you have neither, look tor lpllhetti equaab in your ltol'e (or later th1a year, In your farmer'• market). Like other winter aquaahee, 1paghe1'tl squash can be stored for many weeks or montha In a coal, dry .uce. So when you find this weird wale Oil sale, you might Ub:01;f~~· IPAOBB'i II SQUASH There are aeveral methods. all •acc:emtul; the ode you choose depencll Oil your tMtea, convenience and the lize of the IQUMb. Keep 1n mind that tq 1qua1b, over three pounds, will take 1oJ>aer to ClOC>k tl\an the llDaller ones, and that cut and ~ IQUMh cook more I qWckly than W~ Oftes. Speshetti squUb, like true ..-ahetU. ii subject to ...... preferences: "al dente'' firm or 90ft and tender. ' 1.Jke .-.. ~ aqua1h can be cooked and chilled, then I! I I med and served U a aalad. U that's your plan, it'• doubly bnportant to avdd overoookinc· PRI~ AND BilB: Prick the whole raw ..-ih all over with the tinee of a lbarp bk and place it on a shallow b.ikiDI tray tn a ~oven, 45 to 60 minui.t depeodlq on alie, until th• outside feel1 Jieldlna to the touch. Protecttn1 your handl with a hot pd or <Nell mitt. remove the. coobd lqWlllh to a c:uumc boMd and aJice 1n half with a serrated kDlfe. Scrape out and dileanl the .... 1'hen a.Tape out the hot coOked stranda IDll fiuff wltb • fork. Serve with any (lo~·calol'l•) toppin1 you'd put on cooked ~· .. g~ q)el gpeclllesl ...... ~ .............. ..... umm ..................... ,,..11c iiiiiimm ......... ~11.B ;mr. ............... •ua · .:a ' , li.l ~p, r(, " .. ·~· f ~ 0 '•· 4 •• 1.• •l'I !•' ,, •"• ·n, . ,, O'. t .. I"· 8') 9h UJ !TTf r;::I !U• "'" -~ . :f\f"t .IL ~. m 9 . ... ~. ,, "" TI IO Hr .~ •"' .t,-; M(• 4·llflUNl!I (4 --) 1ww....--obacOla ... cutln ... 1 l~Valama In a 4·q"art heavy ==·~,::~ flour. Cook t:NW liMidiwn •&. ldrrtlll. oonMu~y1 until ._.. cimolv. apa m1X$W'e CXllMI to a boil. aou a m1nu-. wttNMlt •drrtne· Gradually ~d ~ 0 .... 11.t milk and chocolate. Roman15ay •• Cook, 1tll'rina 1tran1e c ttar to ~. until candy tDodun can llH; they thermometer re1i1ter1 were m.te fl'OIJ\ °::I 248 d••ree1 (flrm ball CNd9 ~ hoMy ataa•). Remove from 1plae. to whJoh In.du hMc. Stir tn wnlUa. Pour .__..edded. ·mixture into Orieotall boUild dawn well·•r•aaed 8-lnch tauieY waw, hardm9d .auare MD· Cool until lt Inti> aUcb and roDed flim. TUm out of pan. ttwm in toMted almond Cut lrlto l·lnch IQUU'el. aeeda. Wrap carameh in 0 er ma ft b a It et. cellophane or plaatlc ---:-.,-----....;._---:---~~--f~~~~~--~....:..~~--:-----------...;!;:;=---------;....;....--"---­.... me well-known for wrap, lf dallred. Store in maldna aweeta in th' a cool. dry place. 15th century, turning ou't Yield: 6 dcmn 1 .. lnch 1tl.cky, 1u1ary aquarea (about 2\-i confectiona of fruit•, pc)unda). nuu, Meda and. 1plcea OLD-PAIBIONED held toaether with MOLA.88BS honey, then rolled In PEANUT BIUTft.E flour abd poppy aeedL S CUpi l\l&U' When auaar and 1 cup water molauel liec:ame mor. 1 c ·u p l l 1 h t avall.-ble ln the 17th wwulpbund moia- century, aJoaa with the Pinch cream of introduc:tlon of vanilla, tartar bakera everywhere ~ cup butter or added ne.w1y created marorfne canct• to ahelvs lined 2 twpoona baldnc with 1in1erbread and eoda · cam. l tn .,an hot water And then in 1876, the 1 teupoon lemon ~tot choco&ate extract turnea1 candy-•ald.aa 2 cupa unaalted. dry into ODe of· the world"• roasted peanuta larllm& iodUSVie9. -In ._...quart, heavy Sut homemedecmdiea Mucepcl combine aupr, have a nidw an their water, mola11ea and own. C011veyina "sweet" cream of tari.r. Cook a en t l men ta for over medium heat, 11ft-glvlna. ~ comtantly, until TWo alf-tbne favorites, candy thermometer old-fuhioned mola.uea reglatera 270 degree• pmnut brittle and rich (aoft..crack 1ta19). Add mola11e1 chocolate butter. Brtn1 to a boll. caramels are 11 ven ConUnue eoold.na until deeper, richer flawr by candy thermometer aubltituUng ' lJ&ht and re1t1tera 300 de1ree1 •moo"tb motasaea 'foy (hard-crack atap}, tome of ~mt/IP· upt atl,rin1 occaalonally. w.alph mol • Remove from beat. a produet ol pure ...., Dl9olw bdina .. In cue juice. ho\ waier. Sdr Into Althoulh we've come mob 1111 mlJRure wlth • Iona way fr~ OW' ·:.sr:::r Pour tnto ~ we IUD eQJoy 11by10 by aomt ol the -ll'tiat fl!!ne jelly roll pan. . ~ . Ullnl bidk-;;.Of wooden IUCll llOUllBI •poem. ..... mixture • CAaAllEL8 very thfalJ. Sprinkle 2 a.wps fttmly pllCked peanuta wmly en top. brown mpr Gently p ..... peanuta 1 cup 11 g b t into canct1 mixture. Cool UDIUlpbured mo' ea completely. Looaen ~ cup butter or ed1ea of pan with marprine spatula. Break brittle 2 ta b le I p 0 0 n a into p6eoes. all-purpme flour Yield: About 2 pounds l cup milk candy. . llCllllll Cllllll Jtdpe RABPBEIUl~ BAVARIAN MOLD -4. l l~ cartoo froRn i'ed raspberriel 1 \4 cupa water 1 ~-ounce packaae low-calorie -l'Mpbes_....-rry.flnond &elaUn (2 envelops) ~'T lemon juice ~ cup evaponted ak1m milk, chilled icy cold a.move -metal end from one end of .rwpbeny carton. 11-t ca11Gn at MEDIUM WW for 3 to 4 minute& to defroat. Re1erve 2 ~ beniel for pmlah; aet aalde. Drain rer-tntnc' ))errte9, ~ \i cup syrup; aet lllklie. In mD mixer bowl, brilw water to bolllna at IUGH flar about I mmuta Stir in eeJaUn till dlllolwd. Satlr ~ llmml )dee. and aalt. Chdl dD -. Md icy mid milk. Beat at bilh of elec:trlc mixer ti1l aoft peaka fonD, about ...... Fold in clnlaed benia; Pour .., ~ mo111. a'°1 arm. 2 '° a ~­ uaao111; Ctidt Widl i I I I wd ben1liL JtilUis 8 ~ SAflWl'f .... -_.. PLU8 . 8A~•WAY DOU8~ COUPONS ~ Lucerne ~ge Cheese .,91• .. Orange Juice i.-.. ~ '3" •• I I. I 6-ft. ~. "°" VAN OE KAMP MUFFINS ........... 1.21 '"•· HoMy, c~ NABISCO~RAHAMS ................. 1.29 2-lb. S.-IMf') . C.H.8. PRESERVES ........... , .......... 1.79 IO p'k-IU~ ., rrraah •••t.' 10-count, 1t-1allon awn and Leaf ..... IJlo iltWl tM reatlter tape wtth the pnc• clrci.d. lxpir• July a1; tea. ~·XORDITI ti Rebate. Receive a tt refund. Send the required refUnd form, proofl of ~hMe frona any four pac1ta1H of Kordlte J'oam Plat11 and the re1t1ter tape with the prlcea clrcled. Explrea Aua. 31, 1982. lot" M, '-"" ~ Nilll "'"• M9rio lloea Waf« ... l 2-01. SMOKED SAUst,GE : .............. LI. 1.89 ITAUAN SAUSAGE .... : ........ , .. ll. 2.29· OSCAR MAYER.BACON lot M Smobd HMINI C-"J ltOfl4 Jonet Dairy fo'"' l<NACKWURSt SAUSAGE ..... LI. 2.29 · PORK LINK SAUSAGE ............ ll. 2.19 SCRAPPLE ............... . Reol McCoy. 12-o'I. Hc1<N Midget BEEF BACON .......................... EA. 1.89 PORK SAUSAGE LINKS ......... ll. 2.19 Comot'°"' lrOftd . 12-01 leg. & Thlda ... l-lb, SHRIMP CRISPS ..................... EA. 2. 79 . OSCAR MAYER BACON ........ ll. 2.19 • I I ! I L I l I 1ow 1,eeCI Hat flour • ....... '-"*'-' ..... -. corn OU. ~ vuma. Wdnl ...... ~ until~. bowl wlth rub er epatWa. lliiarl .. --'° hl1h1 beat I mfnute1. '°"" lnio ·~ ~ Bab In ......... I' ov.'l 40 ~•until cakl tHcer lneelied tn center oaa'9I out dean. Cool an pan on wtre r.cJL MU. 11 lel'Yf.h8i. . . Note: 1 ~ cupe llWD milk mixed with 4 ~ teupoona viMlat may AV~~ lll(ilOI llllW "'11111,...,..t it• IUalUMa!tOfWllalll(ll -e.tAI ,_..,. K-Ailt llO!ft • "" .. • • • fllll "OU1 ... lt'llmtll ""' .. "" °"" '°' .... "*' • ' , .. ............... , .......... 11m• 1111 -loltllCJ •a - (lll(J l!lfl""' ..., .. "'**" "" -"'WO n• at llf """""'' ...... , ... , ... " .• :,-:. ' . . . . ·II ss2 1111 1111 a .. ,mr---. .... ., . ~ ,.,.....,. ....... F ...... '"'-.,........, ... ~-- 11.r ........ ,..... ••iUll ..... lllU, ............... 1111 I ......... ..,Ill E'='tw. • ,..,_ Hil Ylf\O ........................ --.111 T*-' ... •etn-IMI ........ wy and ., ....... ~-'"' ~o ~--ROOM .... ~In eono.rt" ~MOVll ** "'lteOttdl«" (1HH Jllll#l l<Mllw. OtRy Hin· ton A ,...,.._ mlrtlat lrtl tMChet lt1Yell IO the 0nent In MWGll Of her fniMlnO...._ 'A' WM<MI •~ ''llptliOk" (1979) Mil· ..,. HerN19i119y, Anne llnoroft, A 106) 'IMttlon ~ .. lllll!llllel*' and fNlermecl by '* uneuc-Olllful MlllftPlll to ..,,_ ... IN "*' wM ~ "" to IWllon 'A' ....,. NIW8 JAZZ AT THI MAINT!NAHOl 8HOP "8111 EYtna Trio (Nq. 2)" 1111 llllllt. pleno; ....,.c ~. bMI: Joe LaBM· ... drumt. (R) (D)~ **• "Wtrf Wou!O I lie?" (1N0) Tr"t w11111m1, Liu EtcllhOfn. A compultl..t' 1111 llPMI• tM 111tu1 quo With hit retuul 10 contonn. 'PO' (%)MOVIE ·~ "The lMt Ch ... " (1H1) Lee Ml/Ort. Chttl M9k1PM09. In I WOfld Of IM MIK•, • '°"'"' reoe cet drl-and • tttfl--ot compuW ~ fWlt tM oow-1w1.-i1·1 ptoe«lptlon or eutomoblla 'PO' 11:00eD8Cll08 NlW8 e SAl\MDAY NIGHT Holt. Eliott OOUld. ~: ~terToetl. G YOU A8ta!O fOR IT ~ "~Hllr 8wtngen" end "ltalY't Crulat tiorM Rat»." e u•A•a•H HllWll• wllntl to Mal • wounded 1<0tean ..oman whOnt en AOK offioef went• to quelUoft. m NNNYHIU. 8enfly ttll• • medleWlt 110- ry lnvoMng royel lntfloue. 1=.CAWTT •• •'TM \llel1or" (19791 Mel Ferrer, JOfln Hulton. An enclent lrom • dltttnt geluy ~ to Ear1h io clettroy an M ~-Old glt1 WhO " ci.tlMd to be tM 11\other Of • ~. ~I 111C9. 'R' (Ji)MOVW *** "Slrlpet" (1981) Bl• Mvrrmy. Herold Remll. A New YC!ftl c:ebble look~ for eicctlllnent OOllWICle "fl .,._ lrler!d to Jolfl '*" • ..illtlnO In Che u.s A/mt/. 'A' 11~8<1> MOW • • ·mi. Seduction °' Mlle L9ooe" (1H0) 1.ym Aldgrwe. Anltlont ~­ A rec:tualw college tNCher i-. In low Wfttl !tie mer- 11ed "*"llnlnce men wtlo tlll bell\ ~ '* howe.(AI 88TONIOHT Hoit Johnny Ceraon. GUMta. Otonne Wanric:k, Clwtee Ntleorl Aflll'/. 80 AICNEWS NtGtmJNI G MOVIE "Shoot Flrtt. Ole Lit.," (1973) ~d Conte. A honMl polloe Officer le drtwn to rew.not when he flndl "* lfle loc* ~ eel• won't ltllle "no" for en.,..., to...,~ ID ..... '*rt on U. ~ l>ecOIMI ln\IOIYed In • murder ITl)'t11fY wMl1 he wlt'*'91 en lllNNln• tlon '"' 12.-00 e IHTPTAANMIHT TOHIGHT M lnttNleW wtth Comny TWI~ 8119 LOVHOAT Goptier .. fired. • l'/l#rled men fr IYllllng wt th hit mi. tr... runt Into 1119 neigh- bor•, end • Mletmen It 0tdered by hie bOtt IO WOO • llubt>orn women. (A) G) MOVIE * * • "Or. JekVfl And Mr. Hy~" (1~1) 8penotrTr9- cy, lngtld ll«Qmllft, A mentel apeclellat't experl· ment1 on l!lmMlf ...,.,,.u.._ ~ '*°'M hll dMtructlon. • LOW. AMINOAN lnU "love And The Pel'fect Setup" Sendy encl C9noll decide to lhlre 111 111*1· IMnt. "love And The FIVOflte FM141Y" A TV t-. Hy "" l)fobleml °"....,. (S)MOVie • * * ·~ "P11'11te 81njil- mln" (19801 Goldie ....... EJ1Mn lt'«lnen A ......_ do YoUnO women mlttlik· enly jOlrtt IN Amty f>IOW" Ing ltle delth of Mr ntW ~ on "*' Mddlno night. 'A' 12: 115 (1) MOW! * * 'h "The NIQd Klel" (1"4) Contlallce Tow., Anthony EMiey. Wtlln • glt1 .. ~ '°' mutder, . '* ahlldy pea le l'9Wllled. 12:30 D GI LATI NltlHT WfTH DAVID l.DTllMWf Guettt: ~ Wlllleme JI., 1port1 productr Bud Greentpan. • film dw.ctor Jotin Cefpenter. IF * *'h "Shof1 Eyee" (19711) Bruce D•'l1on, Jot• Perez. COIWlcta etwnpt to Ny .,. " "" .,,. etmoephlle of a p"9on where cert•ln fellow . lnmet• brMk ..... ~ ry knowft ,. ol 'A' 12:al(C)~ * * * "PwMIM Altt6(' (1878)~ ..... Annlnd ~ Three ~ ~frum the ...... Kltdlen ~ Of N9w YOttl City combine their trllt8 af brlllne Md brtwn In tMlr tffort. to crNte better llllel 'Of tl'lelnlNIMe. 'PO' 12:80 CB) MOYIE • • "Beyond The ....... (18111) Denton l<•'ne, M""' JtnMn. A P~ lllM·~glrt wN) Ml ~ edueeeed In the U.S. tetuml to "" lelend tlofl)t 91'6 ,... .... ~ with • .,_,diver. 'N' 1:008 MOVla •• ''S... nm.s.i.i·· ( ft7~) 'J.,ry-TllomH, Uonel a..dlr. a.-i oon-........ ""'°" '° pul Off •••••Ill• .... II the Rayl& MM. • MOVll ••'n "My Deer~ Illy" ( 1841) l.arelM Dey. ~ OouglM. An MtlOt'• MCntary .,. .... lie Ukat ..,. Md p6IYf the ....., lftOf9 °""' tNn he """'*' 1:10• MOYll . **"' """9ct ~I(' (1t'70) UrlUI• Meir ... , Steni.y llker. An ..... t. ent blM ININiOI' Ptr· ...... WMlthy ~If? help him rob hit blnlt. OH81 1:ae>D8NIWI .MOV!a • *"' "81ow.YP" (19ee) Del/Id II~ VlllW R«!greve. WNn • ~ London photogt9Phlr hea -Of hit P6CIUrat bloWt\ up, he ClleoOYerl whet eppeet910 bt. mutder. t:41. N1W1 WM<MI *. * "lnelde MoYet'' (1NO> Jotwt ....... Dl'M ....,_, A 1 IUDIMI to tl'9 •GUii at,......,_ .. en OeldMd -...... the My10 ........ ..... dlr"• dr9Mt of beooltlll 19 • P'O .,... ltblll --• reelty. 'PG' 2:,1. MOYIE * * .. The Money Jungle'' ( 1Mlll Jotwi Erlcton. l* AlbrtgM. An in-tlgetor • ~ Into Mrvtce to get to !tie bottom Of• -"'of ll!llngl lnYOMng oeoio-111*•• uaoclated with m8'0t ott~ t:IO®MCMI * * * "EMI., (1'79) Kurt • Autalll. Seaaon ~. ~ P""'9y rteM trdm ~ end obecurtty to ldlltw fame encl fortune ... ..,.,..., MUllc* per- '°"'*· 1:1teMCM1 ••1' ......... (1937) Qlltt .... "-' Hll1ow. Tiie ..., cla.Vlt• of • ..... hy "°'" ~ ~comH romentlcally llWOhed with • biC>-tJme boc*la. (C)MCMI *** "Meen Su.ti" ('913) Herwy ~ Aob- ., 0. Nlto. A M't ... tlme hood end Illa~ friend find plenty of ttouOlt .. In New Yortc't U1tlt hlll)'. 'A' l'.A08 NIWI a:oo• MOVll • 'h ··M .. ucre f'!wr" ( 1e49) Guy MadllOn. Roty Cellloun. ~ r!Yllry erupta wnono uw. CllMlt- ry offloars wno .. 11 1rt lowwltfl f'9 NIM-. •• l:IO.MOYIE * "The Aw1kenlnt" '1'811) ~ HlllOft. SUIMfllfl Yotlll, An . ~· ............. ~-111111~ .. ~ --0lf en fllldn Egyptten queen. Q:)MCMI • • * * "Ofend l!Mlon'' ( lt37) .IMt\ Gabln. lriotl Von $trohtlln. Wotld Wit I ptltonerl oonfllOI wM • O«lllMI OOIM!endllll 4;IO ® ITAHOtHG "°°" ONl.Y "MllO O#llt In Conotl't" Tlaur1da.,'• Dautlattt Mo.,lr• .. ,. (%)*•'A "DIMippw. •nee" ( 1t77) Ooneld Suth1rl1nd, Frenclne Aecotll. NI 1\1.-nellonll 1111 men become• ~ lllftll llndinO 1111 mlellng w1te 'A' l:IO ...... ''OIMCIPMf• enca" ( 1977) Oonlld lutharlend, Fr1ncln1 ' Recette An lntlmltlonel hit men becomH obNtMd wM 1tnd1ne hit miMlrlo *"'" 'A' 7:008••~ .. A~ f()( Aoblll Hood" (19elll Berrie Inghem, Jemtl' HtY1«· Robin Hood Ind 1111 bend or morry men Mt out to dethrone • Mlf· llPQOlnted dlctetOt who 1111 Mlied pCl'Wtr °"" the ..,. .. <Z>•••• w.,.lf''(ltel) Mlleolm ~. OIYld Wood. The c>ppreulVe •tmo'Ph9t. •t lift Enollth bavt' IChool IMda to• I/lo. tent student reb1111on 'A' 1:ao (J) ..... MCont"*"81 OIYICI•" (1911) John BelUahi, 8llllr Brown. A Ch Ice go new•peper c:oll#Mltt lrawlll to the Aoc:kJM to MCepe -PoltiGel MM and Wen4eW • rec:IUllve nesur...,. 'PG' 1:00 CC) * * \t "A f!ltflA Of Oyneltllte" (1972) J .... Co«>urn, Rod Steiger. An lfW'I ~ _,. MtlCk:lill thief wtlo ..,, up to rob 1>11'1111 IOmlhow Wind up being hetoel of Che Meldcln rtYOIUtlon. (8) * *'A "ConUnentel Divide" ( 19J 1) Johll a.luehl, 81e1r 8'own. A Ch Ice go new1p1per co4umnltt tr~ lo !tie Roe* ... to .ape IOITl9 poltllolf ._, encl lnttfV!ew I reduelve neturalll1. 'PO. NO(%)••• "O luoky Men!" (1873)~~. Aelpti ~. A c.of· _...._.. .. ~­ -a 'PY end a.It IO """°" wlWehe~· Cltear In the mOYle9. t:a0. * * "'The Ster Pldl_.' (1934) Johr1 Weyne. V•ne Hiiie. A~ cowboy depuu~.. • group or r enc:Mrs 10 round up e 91119 of ouu-.. I~ (ti) * *"" "Chu Ctlu And The Philly Allh" (1981) Alen Miln. Clrof lumett. An~fomw.,_. bell pi.)ltlr Ind • koolly ttr• enttrtllner become pertnere In • ~ to mike money by returning •Iott eu11cue. 'PO' (IJ ··~ "Blow·Up" (1"8) Oe\4d •llmnllllQI, \'11'11111~ w ..... • young London pflofOgr• .,,., hM '°"" Of hit pie.. twee DloMI up, he cllec:oY- ,., .. whet ..,.,_.. to be • murd9r tO'.IO CC) • * * "A F-In The Crowd~ ( 1tl7) Aiwly Orlf. llet!, Petrtcle Neel A dlrel- lct goea ll'om • jel Oii to 1111IONll recogntt1e1n on the 12:.IO (I) * * * * ~ri. 81un1 • Men" ( 181101 P•lffi o·r~. lteYe ~l Wlflled b)' the polloe. • • ;, Cltllllrbed V""'9m lltWel .. ,.;4 flnd1 1n UNIUt9 hl"tn on • movie Mt where • Wchd W11 I epic It ""1Q !limed • '.°:•' 'A' • *. * "8'-'11•" ( t07f) I r:" Glende JtlCllton. Ttrior' ' 1 H~d. Eccentric 8'11111'!.lf ,,, poeleM Stevie Sm.Ith fi~, ~ ptOltlld. 'PO' I L·. ,q t~ ljtJ • * "Bini\ Of The S..J tlH" ( 1979) Stepn~n i 1':1 Medltflna, Rod Culbert· "l J ! ton. The t10f'Y o1 Jonro PllUI, Rlllgo encl Oe«ge trom their obtc:ure ~ nlng 10 their llMdom. 1:aC>(b) *•''Hog Wdd" (19ad) ' PltU o· Arbamlllle, MldlMI. 8lefln A high ldlOOI c:ern-• ·~ •. put beoonlM 1"' ICM11ng point 1°' wild 1)(8'*1 end. ) .. hilettty when .._ .. ce-,.. · .. 1. ·:· c:u1 yGUng811fl dedde IO I Ilk• on • rcway ITIOtOrcy· , .. , cle 91119. ·PG· ... 1M CZ) * • * • ··n. St...,t ,. ,_.,, Man" ( 1080) Peter .r 0 'T oo1e. SleYI Alllllt>ec:lc. Wented by the police, e dlaturl>ecl Vletnem "91«., llndt en uneure llevet'I on • movie Mt where a Wor1d ·~:: Wtr I epic la being lllmed 'R' a:oo CB) * • * •;, ··The Blldl Marble' ( 1880) Robeft Fo.ocwo<th. PIUll Prenti... . '• After wonting on en - tlonelly ~·no Chlld-• I murder ~. • hee\ly4 ' , • , drlntdng polra9 detecUve tt : llemed wllh. ~ 11> lO /Ind I malidout dog-_ • lllPI*'· 'Pd' 4:00 u * * 'y. Dirty Money" 11n21 Rlch8nt et.""'i°ilsa Cetllatll'!e Dlnou\11. I-~llM ~II ~ ,_ ICNt o.tactlwe encl ~·~-r. to • wat11M di1mlNL • •• ''WindlOf a.. ' ( 1978) Anilllal ,.... UstJno¥ '*'-lout mythOIOglC:al lrom Ovkr1 "Meearnof ptlOlel. ••• "The Kid "'°"' Hot.SO-Big" (1978) -·: ....... niter McAllllt«, Vlhero A 12~-old girt hndt ller'Mll In encl OUI of trouble Wfllle r~ the town MWtplper. • • CZ) *. "Lac:ombe, l.ud-" en'' ( 191') Plerr9 BlllM.'. •• AIKore Clement. Al !tie_ .,:; end Of World Ww 11 neert.F , .1 • PHUnl ceralH1ly i!.·i' becomH Involved In , Fec19m. II• (Cl "The M11gn1Jloeot ~ • lie" l~(I) ***"I Sent A~ To M)' love" (1911)~ S1n10111 S19noret, JNo Rochefort A middlNigaCI llror'nll'I .tlO ,_ "*1t ll'I09I of her ecllM .. cw. Ing for her in...- deadlt to lllWite • lett• • newepeper lorllty COiumn 'PG' PICTmOUe ...... • .,...n•~ Tiie tolOwlnt penoM .. dolrlCI Tiie folowlflo l*90M ... d<*'9 .,.,..__ ~-HUMAN "llOUACll, IAN CLIMIHTE MOVING ~·E. IEAVICf., 1123 llr'Clfl CENTI"-310 Ptco Avenue. SM ~ ..... 1e. ....,.,. llMdl. ~ Celbnl& 12172 c....-'"'° .,..... Co. of 0-. County •• "fll• Jem•• Otowp lno .. • Cetlforn .. corporation, HO 8. Callfotnla corporetlon, 121S1 ~•cantl• Avenue, Placantla, ~ Awnua, No. 101, TUltln, ~ 111t70 "lff YOUCOULD lllWHAT I HIAR" tN> "WRONG 18 RIGH~' CR> ... t Foreign nm "Ml!PHllTO" ~ l2llO lNI ~ .. conducted by • ·-------11 T1lll ~ la OOi fl ICtM by e OOiptl .. ;. OOi _.,...,,.. U-Ha&A Co. af Tiie .... Group -Of9l'll9 CoMnty • .. J. Alcfts, . ( ...... 0. Oultvte Prealdarlt ....... 11119 ........... lllad ... .. lllfei ......... -tied ...... tlle °""* ~ of 0-. ~Oft ~a.ti of Orlngt eo.ntY Oft -1?.1ta. .... , •. . ,,_, ,,_ h~ Orange Cout Dellr PublleMd Orange Cout Delly Plat. -1t, 2t, JUne 2. •• 1112. Pilot. June 2, •• 11, 23, 1tu 22».a ~ . --POLIMlllm,,.., -.11& ........ ~-­................. "l'TAll nm 1: TNIWMllla.__..,. ----...... -.- VICTORY -~ Beech HJcb'~ Rennie DUrand WClll her tint CIF dmnpl4nblp s,turday when abtt ca~ the women'• 800 meten.: INOt.SWOOD -It w.n•t hard to dUferentlate between the NBA cbam~lona' dr ... ln~ room and the PbUaaelpbla ?hn dreuln1 room ·~&.. '!be ..,..~ '~room WM the one wtth bll aolcl tro~y betna hoWted over hundndl ot bl9dl. It •• the one whb wlth the expenalve ~ .... here but In mau What IOobcl 100 makea ... Mtually jult 100 tltlevWon cab-. and wtr.. . And, of courae, there weu the cbmn. ,. WI~ 114-lOf vlct.ory over the 79en before 17,&00 ICl'Wnilw W.. at the Forum, the--~ AnceJe1 Lalan er.ed the memoriel of a year aao when they were liven the· q~ boOt ~t ~ ~ _..,. ... no· £acto:r this 'time ,Angels erupt to belt Toronto, 11-4 TORONTO. (AP) -Four bltt.tp Into the pme, It Joolrecl • If it w.a not aanc to be 0eott 1.ahn'a nleht. The Att1ela' left-hander quickly fell beband 3-0 when he 1erved up a three-run flnt- lnnina home run to the Toronto Blue J~-&rry lbmelJ Tbi flr'llt bminc WM lndk:attw of Im recent perfmt•www In hSa pwkiul four Nl1I be hid failed to 1Mt lix 1nnin&I and had not .,.,on ace May 10. "It w.m't a wry aocJd start." .ud Zahn. 'Tw been stnalinl a bit lately." Zahn. hownw, becked by a Atlanta takes busineu-like approach \ 1 · LOS AlfGl'.LIS (AP) -Uthe I Atlanta Braves were 1Uppmed to I toll OYel' and fade away at their .. tfrrtpM of the defendlna worl champion Lo. Angeles Dodcen. they haven't. . Atlanta IDllde it two wtae In a '°"' 'over the Dodemw ~ =~ :.:= r ~ c:. the t09d agaiut NadOJW Leaaue w~ rtvaJa. the Brav. are 10-0. 'l'bey'ft Uo 1 ~ pmm ill front ot 911CCDd-p)lipe san Dleco ...t llOW e~ pmm 1n front of the Daf8 L 'ftw manapr, Joe Torre, lm't the leMt bit IUl'pri8ed at the er.v-· play ., tar 1n um, met be .,. the club took a Wiry ~ lib appl'C>Kh to playtac Lal AnpW for the first time. "We weren't overly hyped Wtim we went Into New Yon the ~ dme," Torre .ud. ,..Uq hll retw:n to the )HJ Ap~ .... be Md !'Mft~ for · lit.iiw. •••amen. ..., why abould ~l>e any mere hyped Dow?'' But lt w the BnWI' ptc:MDI that stymied the Dod&eri- A.fter the Jlod&er'I Ft three runa off rookie Ken Dayley, the atarter, Torre went to hla bullpen. Between them. Preltm Bann8. Al HrabOlky and Gene Garber effectively icattered three ..... ovs the tinal four n>UDdl. --. lfanna, 3-0, -the win and Girber .. ntnt& .ave. Bookie StieYe Su' knocked In tbe Dodeen' th.-,,... with two ..._, 8'vtna hbn tM NL i.d fn lihl. irttb ............. another hit, a boiDft, In the aevmth When hi .,.. OllPJllDC HrabolkT, Wida tbe tytnC run at .-Ml blile. AtW Hnbolk7 w.at into hll medl= ad a number of Cbw; Sax • ~ drtw to Wt tbai ... foul, barely tnlwln& be1nc a two-nm homer. Braboek1 menli •tared at SU. I I ! I I i l t t ' pr.. AP dlapa~ LAWRENCJ:, Kan. -The • UftlYWllty ot K...-l&kl ~ it e t bel1ewl ~t ~ -~ . BtU, who 11t a 8'1 Daht frelhmln ruah1nc reoord two YM19 IC01 Wll eUClble to play ln 1980. The comment by Athletic Dir.ctor Jim I..-, WU in l'mponle to a oopyricht ltory 1n the Kin1u Oty nm. last W.-that l&kl Bell, an l.dllon. HJah prod~ did not have tt,dfictent blah tchool . 1rade1 to qualify for an athletic acholarahlp unct.er NCAA rules. .. We have carefully reviewed with memben ot the U of K athletic staff the lituadon ooncem1na Kerwin Bell 'a ell1ttillfty aa a fnshman. Baled on bla blah -.L achool tranacrlpt, it waa apparelt tbat Kerwin had the necem1ry blah school grade-pomt. averag& to compete u a freshman." Lellla aaid in a atatement. "It appears that the situation ii blled on the correct lnterpntation of an NCAA nale. If and wnen the NCAA gives m ltatlnterpntation, we will then be in a POllticn to 191P nd, Quote of the day BaHball today On thla date in bwhU ln 1'"'6: Tbe Minlaota Twins' b1llted flVe heme runa ln the leYellth lnn1na to ~t a 9-4 vicQ)fy1ovet the Kuwll Qty A'a.'l\ich RoU1n1, ~ Venallee, Tony Oliva, Don ~ and Harmo'1 Killebrew connect.cl durinJ the ma11ive Mlnneaota power dlap)ay. On thla date in 1948: New York Olanta Manaaer Mel Ott became the firat major' leaiue manapr to be e}ected from both aamea of a doubJe..hMder. On thla date in 1914: Pittlburlh ahortatop Honua Wagner ~.,. buenn•a ~ moc1em p1ayer to tellCh the coveted 3,000-c:aNet hit plateau. Today'• blrtbdaya: . Bouaton ~er Bill Vlrdon la ~l. Plu.tiwp OU~ Daw Parker ii 31. Oacar Gamltle, New York Yankeea outfielder, oommenU.,. on all the ahuttJ.lna of penonnel1 becau.e oi the club'• tndel and call-UPI Of minor ~ "If G9aswe Stelnbnnner had aiven the Yankee alrtf'nea' account to Branlff, they'd 1Ull be in businell." Cllppera' move not tlnal yet Lirisford leads Boston•• charge ~=r::w_.~~ • ea,.., LudoN droY9 in Jlm Ii provided by the Sul DleCo Olppen. . Rice from th1rd a-with a *'cle iwlucftnc the b:DpKt the io. of a t.-m with none out in tbe loth lnnlna • · would haw in Sm Dlelo. befcn the NBA Will Boa ton char1ed to lla fourth appnwe the Qlppen• move to Loe~· ... comecutive v.kltDry with a ...a dedPoo atJw the The Raml mmounced tbat they haw~ theil' New York Yankees to h.lahllght American ' fourth round draft choice. Jeff OaJl•M, a l.acue action Tu.Say. BoSt.on re11eva-Mart linctbm:br from Mirourl. C:.y)ord ........ to Cleu, ~1, collected the victory , , , r Wbete, ~ <!...~~~aped ..... fifth Kaw Qty remained ln tint p1.ce In the AL 'llll"•n ~ -.tea. an ottmliw Well 11 ~ Odl hcmered. tackle from ta; Mllff Me~etMll, a. llna1ed and drow ln tour rum llfety from New Hawn; and A= c.llJ..L a to lwl tbe BoyaJa to tb11r defemtve end from Alabema • • . ·1'be .,,.th ~t v1ctary a M world mlddleweiabt -title ftaht between wtn OYS Mhwwpa .• •. • qdlaputecl clwne!on Mani• Basler and .U..'I tWOoGUt -...1n the eMPcmr ft1rrs ...,.. i. a..i C911ed o11, hc:Jttaa of the....._.:_.. "tarthefwuu Nefuture,'•aapMW'...,11611.A liftld tbt am.o ..... 8ai ....... 099' the ... of the bout ...... to be 110 a M •lli&uzJ •t .. tllli ._ • • • C88 lllld h .._ ...... tan..-0.klmd'a WU ...U to AD'"llO .WW...,. tliclE1e Jet Onllil 11 a color fdlbt ...... T8M Cnin .. 9 t Id • lta JQ1. &111..,. thill ,_.. ••. LAIJIPO. --double of d1i9 ... J'aw' lJntria., :! Ar ..... fioaelld pla1&1 acored Al C.Wea wtth the ·~nm tD a ~i; bmw a-• JPWwd far thl um 1rr1on, C.o.cb 14-lnnina Seattle dedDln OWi' na. . . . ... ... ..... ............t No._,.. ... Clwn fer Cabell drove in twonma to~·~ tbi • ..,........ Detroit fourth inning and a.el Llmm hit • .,. of solo home runa u the Til•n whippea Television. radio Ceveland. 8-3 . . . 8c9U MeGiear tiCmed a ft No ewnta ICbeduled. six-hitter, retiring 15 of the lMt fa battl!n be . MDIO: Jh11r'wD -Aneela at Toronto, 4:30 faced. to lead &ltimore to a 4-2 win ~ p.m., KMPC (710); Atlanta at Doctcen, 7:30 p.m., Milwaukee. KABC (190). ~ ~~ .tt':.::.tU ...... w .... biit ilkln•t '~" .._Whale, ~ Wiii at hii pl>llolph'-1 belt aft.tr the ..... ~ ~ ..,... molt of hJI ....... had~-.. Al JmaCb .. rm bun. rm not ~" Cbe~·Dr. J . ~. _.. be l6aDklul for tbe opJ)Ort\anlty to play ln the champlonahtp aerlH. The opportunltr. doean't come to evwybody. Oncl ygu're there, there•• no guarantee of ~." ''The NBA champlonahip becomee IWeeter M YoU pow olde.r, .. added Jabbar, who man~ged to acore 18 polnta ~ the doaed ~--of Darryl Dawldril and Caldwell Jona "We dkln't want to eo t.ck to PhUldeh>bla. 'lbey're a ~ team art4 you've eot to give them credit." Jabbar and taamma\al Norm Nixon ~ reapooded to their poor 1howin11 in Sunday'• aetback with impre11lve perfo~ncea Tueaday. Nlxon • FV. first baseman· belts homer en rouJe to 7 -6 win By ROOD CARLSON Be ·eventually ~ on a ·~io.ded walk to. or .. Dllr 111111.... . Been, then Bean foUowed up In the bottom of the 'nie South All..atan. uaed a f.amWar w•pon for ninth. ahuttmc the North oft with Mike WW. ot ,uccev iru.day nilbt -atormina fnm behind -Fulla1on atraDded CID wend. 11 they overcame a six-nm deficft to record a 7-6 The North left the aeckll full twice -lo the vtctory at the Hth annual Oranae County All..m fifth and ei&hth inm. -ptUna most of la bueball &ame •t Anaheim'• i:..P'"alma PVk. baerwmen With free .-, Fountain Valley•• Dean Roberta drilled a . Yankee bitten dubbed out m hlta in the. fb« 1hree-run homer to ll)U'k a five-run rally in the three lnnh>• -then were lJmlted to only two hla fourth lnniDI and the llebe1a went CID to PCllt .,_ the belanoe of the &ame· nipa in the aeventh and elchth lnninp. ibeir ninth ne.n w. named the Outstandina Player of ti. wtn 1n the>_...,., · Game and Villa Park'a JOflY Macleay wu the Robenl. who .mpd ln h1I only othtr at.bat Hustler of the Game. eent a wallt blah fNtbeU 350 feet to Jett field in the Roberta, DeBenon and MacKay were the only fourth innlna. ICOl1nC behind J'.dJ9on H.lah•• Mike plav... to ........ out two hltL DeBmon an4 Hunttnctoo Bwh'a One Shirley, riiii.T_ii_ii-..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir who had aot aboard via an infield hit and a me pul, 1-.pectlvely. . "I thoucht It had a good chance to aet out.'' Mid the Fountain. Valley tint b·1smen, when llked hla. inmwdlat.e rwtion to h1I crowd..awakemr. The ~th appeared to be aama nowhere t.t M the Ncinh IW'gWJd to ita S.-0 r.d-throucb three framee. A couple of el'l'Ol'I and a plll9ed ball aoi the South two nma before Roberti, who say. he'• beecW for Oranae COMt CoUeae ln the fall. put the Rebell ma into cont.enticn. Bill Bean. the key to Santa Ana ~·1 CIF 3-A champbwbip ....:in. laced a double to left in the aevel)th 1nnlnc to score La Qulnta•a Mike CbaJJIDIUl and U. h at 8, aiettma atartmc p6teber Dave Rohde Of Orona del ilar oft the hoOk. The wlnnlnc margin came IQ the ei&hth -on what appeued to be a llmt fluke. · Guden Grove'• Mike 8cbierberl appelftd to atrib out -but there WM t1D apparent mixu= be teot another pitch. WMilns it to left for a . Orange Coast College SUMMER.SWIM . . PROGRAM REGISTRATION: Sat., June 19 9 a.m. -OCC Gymnasium 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa FEE: $15 per class Mommy & Me, Toddlers: Beginning, Intermediate and competition cluses. Each cla• meets for 40 mlnutff deity In t;wo-week lffllon. C!uie1 begin Monday, June t1. INFORMATION: 556-5880. Swim olataea open to all age1, lncludl"fl adult• SUMMll 01 WINTll CLIANll & ANTl•fUID w ................. 99: .... ,..~ ... . .... ........, .. .. .._..,,......... .UL ~ I f I ' ., . U.-~8TAW8 a••rta•~ ............. W L l"IL •• ~~ 11 It .ICM C-.. 11 II ... ,. -.... U23.M2 ~ ...... • -•• 1 •" CWllMd II II All .,. T-f7 ti .147 11\t ........ 11 .. .tM I0\6 ........... o..lt II 11 .147 -...... ... " .... -....,._ n• AOtT ~ %7 lt.tOl 7 .....,. ' 21a.t0e1 Nllf'torti ••• 4'0 I TGll"CIMo 11 10 Mt 10 ~--­.... 11.T--• ..._4,NllfYnlCto~ ~t.~I I ...... ~ .... :-· Cllfllleo 1. 4 ic._Qly .......... 4 ...... 1.1-1,cw...._ T ............ £.a -~~l:'::."..:'o-~'l.. Detrell ~ 1·1 e11d Ufl•r 1-0) taaP ' a Nllf Yorti "'°""~II...._ ft:'!' ~1) ...... ,........ ....... _, '":.::J CK-all ~7) .. a-.. ,..,. ~air ........ 4-4) .. ..._ C-.Mt ........... MlllT_O.......,. ~~ W L N. -.. 11 .... • IO 21 sn 1"6 Wf21Mllt'i6 21 IO M4 1'i6 M IO A44 .,. 21 II .MIT 10'i6 ............ .. Loull .. 21 .., -'ts! .... It M .147 ,... ....... Wf24.1214~ ..... VOltt 21 'Ir .80I 1"6 ~ .......... ,,. °"'°'8D I 1 II .11f 11 ,......,.. .... MIMll4 ....... . lt.Lalal, ....... 4(11 ...... ) \1 ~l.NlwYGlttl 'ME 1 'JI*' 'bu°.-,:. I .. lllleo4. 1 --~'·---· ...... -r::::.........., '"4.t'-....... ~ .... ,.,_._ ~;;7.c 1·1) •• MMtr••I fOPI :7 ....._... 1-t)lt .... Yortl .,_.WI . tc:1.::.W~ .... IM 1-1) • l'tlP11hliJl!tle QI llMlf..._MJ ..... '*'eo .. , ..... '11w Tan lhowed ~·:In thlU' 8~ belt. oamDJete wtth use. UCL.A. CalltocNa sun. and RedlarMil Unlwntty be1naittl. UDCJlll o\ben. I Newport ulllid • O..;,flicbr (St.Ye Buldcb to Tom a.ac. for &1 yardl) and It WM cbvioualy a complett effort. • 9Yldenced by two tinktoWn ~ 'Uneb.cker aacko Shaw, nmnlnc out of the tall llot. '1be S. Kina never had a chanot. · Amonl the Dumpe and brw.11 WM a mOd conc\Llllon for Newport'• Jeff Kravitz and a c:Ualoca-.d elbow for ROn J.Amerton. tn add1ttcn to a mUd me. bUurY to~ de1 Mar'1 Dave Gembl1L Bwnpa ~-a brulam -ther1 one thine the Meaa-Ettancla conflict will 1ureltj,:P .to a mlnlmwn. at leMt tn tbe mM of iUce-Benny Ricardo, the former MUitan& ~ who ii ti\ -UTIOllAL LmA--~ 4-D• "\f:U.... . ,.... ., .... ...... 1000 .... 4011 ...... atooo "'*'911krt•ooo w .... rt 1010 ...,. 4010 fllllrpllr I 4 2 I 1 Oilllnw Clf 4 0 1 0 *"-lel I 0 1 0 ca.., tll 4 0 I 0 ...,,... .. 0000 Cir~ 4000 CJwnlllt 111 4 1 t I Y .... o I t t 0 ...... 04011LMldnl ... 1 000 """""• 40 10 ........ 1110 ._..,, 1 0 0 0 ....... 1 0 0 0 ..._, 0000 ~p 0000 K.11111111\ • 1 1 1 0 F'or1lllt p 0 0 0 0 ..,..,..,, 00.00 ........... 1000 .......... 1 0 0 0 V."°'916 p 0 0 0 0 ca.tlerp 0000 TOClllll N 4 t 4 T ... SI 110 I Mlf* .... "'"':I' 002 100-4 Loe Mellll 001 030 000-4 re;:--· ~ .... I. l.09-Mlllta •• Mgme .. ~ (7). .... Hooelftl.~ .._.. •NR••eo ~ I 71102 :: •• :~ 1 t 0 0 0 0 1 10001 ~ t 10001 .... .......ta;wt ... t 4 4 J I ,.., •00011 Y...... J 0 0 0 1 I WP 111111 T~A-a.- HIQH ICMOOL Or..-~~ ..... , .. Le ........... ) .. """' elllrllM ~rt I 0 0 0 Ver .... 2111 2 1 0 8tenll¥.tf I 0 0 0 ~. rf I 0 1 0 LOpea,• 1110 ~rtaooo ....... ~.t 1 0 0 Macl<AW, oll 1 I t ~ 1000 Ctol\.fb 1100 0.-.-,CID 1 I 0 ~. 1b 1 0 0 0 Sdvbl,p I 1 1 0 W... • a 0 1 1 ~.-2 0 0 0 Aoblln,dll 4 1 1 1 O.rde,p 1 o 1 o 8nldril' .o a o 1 o · SNrtey.o 1 1 o o ""9ee.o 1 O O O "'91d.O 1 0 0 0 Honllal, 1b 1 0 0 1 O'Ml*,o 1 o o o ...,.,. 1 o o o ~ 1b I 1 I I Flynn, $11 0 1 0 0 2 1 I I 8cioceJlll 1 0 0 0 ~1bO 1 o o 11111. ha'o o o Genw.lb 2 0 0. 0 Lhtlln.2t> I 0 0 0 WOCllllW.. 2 0 0 0 9-1,I 101 TOlell 11 1 I t TCIUll 12 I 1 I. louUI Nkltttft._. '9 "'=" IOO 110-7 Norifl ~ alt 000 000-I 1-Lopts, Gat"d11«, -.. a. 1'1y'nn t. Olll-4kMtt 1. LOe -8oulfl 7, Not1ll •• 19-llMn. v.,...., Wiim. "" -...... .. -Olle. °'9enOll. .... v--. ., -w...~ .... "°'* ~,_ Ollleoll CW> 8c:Hlr"9rt ~ .... •NR••IO a 4 • 1 1 1 211110 110011 200001 1 o o o a 1 ·110001 =-~l=~~i ..... 20 0004 "-111121 ,.,....,~ 1 * 1 1 2 0 Mer"'-100001 lew-8-\. H8'-~ "°'* IOrubll}. ~,...,.., Pl-~ •• ...,_...,, T-1:21. -1,400 lellllMtecl). .. • "We'U aee about that,•• mumbled Perry. "We don't Intend to ao to tM party• a lmer,'' continued Bauer. "Wt'U deftnltely beet them. It we didn't haw the 11-point Nie In. it could be a runaway. "And. I IUlplCt there have been !'Jnancta lp6m at our pnlCtica. '' '9A PLAYOPl'8 ...... 1::.0-• .. "thr':r, • ,. ... 1!rAng 11 14 I 10 t I 0 IO 1.-. I I I t 7 O 4 1 c.-. 1 4 0 0 t I I I CNlll8 I 1t ' 4 J I I 11 T~ 1) a t I t t I 21 ~ 4 11110110 \NclMicleaot 11141111 ..,_, a 100101 • T_,. 41 t~ 22 It N 12 It 104 LOI UI " • ......... , ...... ....... 41017111 wmt.. 11 11 I I I I 4 f1 ,... ..... I 11 I • 11 • 4 11 L.-...i It t 1111' I 11 ...., 111001741t ~ 1 14 0010 111 • Cooper I 12 0 0 I I 1 1t LM f1tc.... 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 T..... ' 41 17 21 4t 13 II 114 ...... 0..... "'r:.-a•r•:.,..•tllll•• : : : ~m Teollnloal•-'lllleclelplll•. (Coeoll) ~Loe~ ..... --- .-A ....... 1 . -~-== {911t ...... , ...... 124, .,.. ......... 117 ,,., .... ., ...... 110, Uliln .. ....... 129, Plllad .... 10I ........ 111, ,, •• ,..... 101 Dtll, ........ Uliln ~ .......114."'' 1 .,.. ,04.....,.wtn cM•:piOI•,..,, -'Fexas-tops . Stanlor4 I OMAHA. Neb. (AP) -Entering the Coµep World Series leYel'al colJellaw ~ coechea lndiaated ~o. 1-ranked 'l'eua WM the nation'• be9t team. <>then added that sixth-ranked Stanford ~WU the hottest. y ntcht it took Teus 12 lnnlnp to outa1uc Stuafard, M, in the wtnnen• bracket semifinal of the NCAA'• DiviskJD I dwnpionahlp Jn Qnaha. The losa 1napped a l4-1ame Cardinal winnlnC streU. The vict«y ... the $4 lAlnahoma and likely llarW ~ CJe.nerM; 12-1, into Tbunday'1 wtnnen' bncket final ~ Sl-18-:1 Mlun1 and 8:*m Sonle, Stanford. DOW 49-17-1, drops into tile ellmnation round to faice 33-13 Maine t.onlebt. Tbat foDow9 a match between MCOllld-nnbd Wlcbita Sta•, 71-13, and • founh·ranbd ()ldabmw State, 57-15. ·~e IUl'Ytved,'' laid Tex.al Cmch cliff Gu1tafaon of bl1 club'• win over Stanford. "We beat a very fine bill clul>t" .,_ , The~ came up_ with a pair of runa lo the 12th with Tracy Dophied drtvinC home SIMke Owen ~ ·Lndy IUchanl ....... -Mike Brumi.y to bnak • 8-8 ... de.ialock.-..i-. .. '4Thit WM _toinl to be a 11~ all the way," aald Brumley, who -.nt 4-for-IS with a two-nm boam' in the fltth. "My $ aeon .... 9-8 IO I WM clme . • kJt like UI. They swtnc IGIDe beta." Brwnl•J1• homer. the ant of tM HUOD f.rOm ~ rt1bt tide for th SwttGb-blttiDC iOpMnwft, put Tu. abied bdeOy at ~. .., '71 7~ •• '1&, 'T7 75 •to '74 'T1 7a 'to ~ '" ·n '77 ' . ., 71 '11 . . ~ !...-, APWls ct 11 .. ano a INSURED -Tilly, a five-montb-dd bulet hound ~ted for a broken foot. made history by belna the fil'lt pet covered by tn.urance benefit.. Dr. Ronald Ridlway, of San Diego, treated the g'a foot. :r1 ~luor qnit signs pact 1 l: Daniel International (Saudi ArabU) Ltd., a unit ot Flour Corp .. Irvtne, hal signed a conu.ct for !tructlon manaaement o~ a health tclence. iter to be built on the camp.m of. the Klftl u1a1b Unlverlity in Jedd.ah. ·.. Estimated cost of this _phue of the overall J»tO~t _la several billion Saudi rlyal.a . (1everal ~ million U.S. 4ollan). Daniel International, headquartered in OteenvUle, S .C., aald the vario\d co~ction contract• will be awarded to Saudi and "-temational conatrucdon contracton. '! J. . ' I , ' t 1 -I I • • . \ . . · ll'Aourd de IJmbera hu been named d.lrector of rmaurants for TM Newporter reeort hotel in Newpcrt Beach. A native of Belalum. de Llmbura will ownee operatiom at The Rewporter'a three n!StaW'anta which lnclude 'nwt Wine Cellar, La Palme and the Blatro. All have undergone menu and design dManeel Iba The Newporter waa 1 acquired of>y New:port Beech-hued Rldpay Ltd., owners of the HCYn?OU9 .,..... llOTIC1I..,... -HCTIUOue ., ..... .... 8TA,,_,. Nc*e 11 ...._ aMr1 tflllt•tfle ..... 8TA,_., ,,. ....... ...,... -dolne io.d of 11\1911111 of h......... The ~ ....... dt*lf ..._.a -, .. ch City Schoo? Dlsttfc1, of ......_-. - • 8!"G·ITRAlll TUNING, >r-ee County, CaHtomla, will 8WTH l 80H8 PAOP£RTIU, , 1 .. 1 Moftrowt.. Newport 9-ctl, .-.. ..... b\c'9 up to~ p.11\. 1141 Monrovta AWl!M, Newport ~ 11111 41._ 1CMt1 dlW of .M1e. 1112 el._ BMctl, CA l2tl3. ~ Wrvoe °""' Olboma, 21142 •fflO• of Hid lctlool Olatrlot, WALKER 8MP1'H, JR .. 1542 Wf91tefiorM, HvnttnetOft llMC!t. oc.ted et ICMl1 Cte11Mr LAM. MonrOWI Aw., *-Port leldl, CA 0.....-...., · tvnttnatOft 8Mofl, Celfom4a. at ttt11. ' J~ 1-.c1 AoM, 1501 "'*" t1i119 said bldl .. be pv1ildy CLARK! A. 8MtTH, 1942 1...-AveftW, l .. boe ltland, ipel'9d aftd ,... llQr. ~ A\19., Newport Beac11. CA ~ .-z ' .,..._ LOcaCae eaea. -....,_. II 0011dt.dad by a M bldl .. to i. In &IOOldlllOe KIM SMITH, 1f.42 Monrovia ...... .......... _.. Concllonl. ~ aftd A"· Newport leldl, CA l2tl3. ~Ollbonl9 Speciacallana,_.... .. nowon.. MOLLY M. SMITH, 1142 TNa ....... _. w tl1d wlll 111 111 .. °"'°1 ot .._ Purc:Nllne AQ1r1t MonnMa Aw, Ave., Newport OouMy Clarll of ONnga c...ey on or Hid 8Ctlool Ofatrlct. 20451 a.di. CA ata. ' .... 24, 1812. Cr91naf LaM. ~ BMctl, WALKER 8MfTH 111, 1542 -l ,_ C.iitornla t:tMt. MoMMa A"• Newport a.di. CA Peli.Md Orange Coelf Delly No lllddlr 1Nf ...... tlla b6d .._,, "'°'• May 29, June 2, '9, 1t. 1tu for a partad of~ (IOt d9ya,,,.., TNI ~ la ~ by I a7CM2 ............ _......,. • ..,......,., ... .,. ---------TIM IMtd of T,........ of tM w.ll9r ...._./It. PWUC llJllC( H1uttlngt0fl ..._.. Cl'1 acJtool TNa 1ta11 -• w llad .,.. the DIMrtoe ..._.. .. ,_,.. to ,.._ ~ a.tr of ONnga eour.ty on .,,, ............. 7, ~ ..... 1.1m. ,._ • • HCrmoue• 11•11 _. ............. ..,. 11e11t•&L.._ .""1_ .. ::-..:r:.:=-:. .... = WDtet-.... 1111 *1f'" ~ ..-.., .. "-l '~-~ .. -•c:T':. ..... ~~"TY TRUST AND MCV'"IF.................... ....... CIA-~TU. "" c.Mar' Me.. ........... ,, .... ~ ~ °' ... Coaat Dal!Y La.tr =.c.;' c::1 L...L. ............... Clalfl " Plat, Julie 2 ••• 18, .. ,.. °""'*-"°'...,,._rm c.. .. ~ · t40M2 A""°' ......... laadl. CA 11141 • ..:=::. f.tili CoMt Daly "8JC ll)T1C( .1}111 ....... la~ ~. ' 1414M2 ~Co41410r!D ... llllft.L ----K-.-.-.-.---.-' !S"· Ubal1Y ~ Or-. "8JC llH1CE ACnnoue ., ..... .._ MAmlTA~ --=-.t...A..... lchnond P. Tro.Ua. The f<*ow1no pseona -clolng ~ ~-TNa ~WM fled wttll the 11A1m ITA...-wf EUT! PATAOl AHO OUAAI> ~2~ Clarll1....,. of 0..-. County en The folo'llllnO ,.,_are c1o1nO IEAVPCE, INCORPORAT!D, a -r ... -. ~ • Ce?lfornl• corporation, 1570 E. •·~ -.. c-!Jb~'!, TUSTIN MOVING CENTER. Ed?nger Avenue, Santa Ana, r--..,,.111199 .....,, .,..,, 1431 Laguna Aoed, Tuatln, Cellfornla Pllal..._2t.Juna~.t. 1t, 1112 Cellfomlat2'80 Eugene t<am?nall?, 31 2277.a tJ4tU Co, of ()r8ng9 County, I OWnlnte, ?nine, c.tlfom?a ---.---.,._----Callfornl• corporation, 110 8. 92714 ~ ..,,-. P?acenlla Aven111e, Placent?a, Be 11 y Kam I n 111 1, 8 1 -,--------Celfcmle t2t70 Dlemante. tNtne. c.llfomta ', HCTlrN>Ue .,..... Thia ~ la ~ by a t2714 ..... 8TA~ corporllllon. Thia bvllneea 11 conducted by a " ,l)ie tc U-HllUI COmpan'f eotp0ratlon • • ~ ollowtng l*SOfl la d~ of Orange County Elite Patrol and • " e9: M ' a D l 8 I Q N I ... w-.m o. Outtvte Quwd Service, Inc. cMiNm. 230 fall ~ "°*'· TNa .::::::: -lllad wtth the ~=~ ... Ana. CA tml7. County C1ar11 of ~ en Tl* N1-1 -fled with the • "ooer lt•ven lr•tl m. 11 w.y m 1112 County Clarll of Or'lfl09 County en D•-&.t.trw..CAl2714. ' . .--~1912.. ,.,. ....,_II_...,... by"' • • ......... Pi*l9Mct Orano-CoMt O. MNTI. ..:..~ Ro..-•. .,... Pllo4. June 2. '· ,., 2'. 1112. :-... , ... ~ ....... ,,....................... 2407~ .... . ~ '*"' of ONnga County on ..... AM. c•1n11a 11111 _, 14, 1112. ,_ PtaJC M)TlC( P-- ~blllf!M Orenge Cout OaUy Publllhed Orange eo .. 1 Dally ~ Pldt. .._ 21. ..._ 2. '· 1e, 1182 "°'· June 2. t . 11. n . 19'2 • 22tl-l2 240442 JeraN 8. BMddeJ, a fsmer niiddent of Newport Beaebtr:SlO been named president of Stewart Title of County. Stewart Tide Gurut)' purchaled oontroll1ng interest in Continent.al Title Co. of Fresno, of which Shockley wu executWe vice prelident. The local office of Stewart. Title Guaranty ii temporarily loqtted at 900 N. Broadway, Santa Ana. It ii to be pennanently estabUahed ln the Irvine area bun its former location in Hacienda Heights. ADcJrew A. Jobs hu been named reltonal manater of Stewart Title Guaranty and chairman of the board of Stewart title companies in Orance. Riverlide, San BernardinO and San Diego counties. Mareu E. Greea hu been ~ to executive vice prelldent. chief operations officer of Developen IUuuce Compu7 baled in Loe Alamitol. DICX> ii an underwriter of aubdivillan improvements bondl. Warrea M. Wlaterbottom has been appointed vice president of ~ketlng and ealee -for the o,...Y R. Moma: an ind&.wtrta1 Mi.I and ~ rr=aJlst in the Lee ~-Off.Ice of. Coliweiia•ker Commerelal Real E111te lemea, hM been a~ted ..-~of. &M company• Newport h ottice. • New bank throws secretary pa~ty Pacific NJltional Bank. having opened four montha ago, invited 200 eecretaria from nearby ~ f« an after-work. wine and cheele get.-togethel" and a tour of the bank'• officel at-~ MacArthur c.ourt. Chalnnan of the Board U.T. 'Thompeon m and President James Lynch rolled out a red carpet for guests and greeted them witll' valet perking, a d"*81 harpist and • life-size robot. A ootosne, with a light floral scent. wu a lDemento. Put a Jew words to toOrlc for you 642-5678 m th• llily _Pllat Second, we will literally bring the bank to )'OU, at your place of business. Our Aqiount Officers will meet with )IOU in your office and will arrange for )00 to conduct )'Ollr banking busi- ness from )'OUr office. Our Business Courier Service, Armored Car Service, Thlephone 1ransfer Service md post. age paid Bank-by-Mail Service all work !-0 6lM ~ _, iCce55 to )Q.lr bank without having to lea\ll ~ oti. DEVELOPERS -Dick and Joan Stevena of Corona del Mar look 'over their far-fl':ft c;attJe ranCh near the Hifh Sierra. Plana for luxury lOC11e-hcnM Clewlopment. wttb amenlU. IUCh u 08lilna. ~ and hunting. · 1 ;i P~ices olltrun forec~st , ·l 21st century costs b~ve already arrive~ . I fl.~~~~ lam.MDII ~areat~.._:~0= NEW YORK -Ei&ht years IW• ecanom1c :-.1 aao the U .S. Chamber of .One of thoae allmenta 11 eommett. offered a frichtenlng In, for example, the fean of lnflaUon lhock. You may rera1l ~ ~ lnflatlon to come. By aaven, stock market lnveeton the firlt cuualtiea 15 years -ao. the °fW 2002, f« example, the and corporate ~ta. when 1nflatioo'1 roota lpned UJce median price ot a home was h era..,_ in the nation'• lawn, fONCMt to reech $62,!K)(). The latter are in a dit er. deltroylna the economJc WUlioo Inflation fllet, faster than Should they aaaume that of praeperfty. Ume. Here In 1982 we are~ ~~ =~1a,:rkt~= What h~i;.ened't For one a tane of the 2i.t centwy. The to oommit funds for expanlion? thlnc. the aaver who had mecffen p1ced home alreec:ly ia They're not maldna that put away little bli. year by year cll.e to $'10,000, and now, aaya 1ound..bit avJ.nal_ •tm \U> jnJM the chamber, it miaM coat aa1umptlon. They're--cuutn,-bites. lnlunnce poUclet that baa $883,000 In 2002. ~• .. N•ut 4he economy~ been dutlfully maintained lost Sboddna. of ~. but no uu.......-.... ,, their value. mere ., tM.n odle federal debt. 11 evidence of a lieae menw.u • TMre WM another aide to the which WM expected to reech $1.2 of digging ln. atory. ~ who· were clever or trillion ln 2002 bUt which, 20 h u n lt er-in 8 c:ynk:al enouah to tee wba\ w• y.n early, la ..ue.dy tim.ted to )own.~-occurrlna, or perhape merely nearly that me. Shnllarly ct.. ~buying pl.am reaponaible to themaelvea or I la the federal ~ expected to for big ticket clienta, borrowed thaee avinp . r ,,.ch $762 bOlion ln 2002 but ltema are a1 that had been built up on dny . I already beyond that. indefinite or rate• of lntereata and began The typical automobile waa negative as rnakfl\I big money from them. • foreeeen • OOltlng $7,500, a suit are porporate That la, they invested the of clothea $312, and a pair of expansion money In hem• that were ahoe9 $75, pries that an~ can plans.. cu•"'" lnflatlnc in value, auch as houlea. recoplze • ha~ved ~ S e a r c h I n g t h r o u I h They took a tax deduction on the advance of 1he amber • aovernment, bualne11 and lntel"elt they paid. And 1n the ~j>rlae there e that academic analyaea of the !!_~~~!,S ~~~d!!~ih~ Americam auffer frcm iDtlation economy, you find broad ~~to themlelva. It wast ahock. a linaerinl ~ that :fu::'~°:° high lntel'eat rates stunnlnc 8b1ft of lortuna :::.:en,:e.th~ve f1b:n bebroc~ Who can borrow at 16 to 20 Tbe comequencee are 9dil with into check. c:tesPte an abundance percent, when thoae ratH .., and now repreeent one of the of llng)e-djclt evidence. pndude profit fJr the btg;f,,,. bta obataclea to economic The malady abow9 up mmt penon and 90metiJDes repnll!'llt recov~ While inflation bad deatructlvely in the form of .so percent of 8J'Om pay foe the been to & percent or eo, e:xtaemely h1lh interest rate.. but would-be homeowner? Perhaps million• of people refuse to ln a half-<iozen other ways too. more Important, who darea believe tt la permanent. -. Ag~nts' income still .rising €oldwell Banker selling despite depressed market Sherman Oaks. Newport Beach La Jolla, Hancock Park and ~h~~ea for the flrat quarter indicate a repeat perfonmnce for ta-people." eald Clarbon. He 1uperviaea the reeiclrit DW'PI a mid tbsii' ,.} tlltRl111 1uperatara whose peraonal b....... lit -c.m, trxaied $200,000 eneeelly. Accordlnl to Clarkaon, althoueh Coldwell Biuiker la linowD Jar the llldDc iand .. o( the hou1ea of the nch and t;.n.au,. It fl DOC the aim of iudi t!l~:"t. ~ • YoProfessional ~ Florist R.Of9r 2915 Red Hill Avenue A-108 Costa Mesa 641-0810 homes -Prelident Belon'• that reprwni. the bWk of ihe finn'• bt..,_ ID Southern CaUfomla. The compny'1 top .... t foe 1981 .... FecO aukwciw In La Jolla wbll9 a-.. YOla.-of $18 mlllaD,,.. m.de up ot &I cbed WUWI tlr m 8\IWlll9 ~ $300, 000 ..... ~ .-.; be llild. ..,,. top ~ ..... in tbe N••r.rt Beach office had a alml ar pric• avera1e per ~"Wela.ban. ~,. ,... fNfli:1 mllllan- ~home that ".aid w...., dGae 6ICIOM GD a mMQber of properu. ......... ti00,000." Ar. lrJtl.MtnadOl'l of t.M bOOki and record• of a Ntwport ~••ac:h -bued ucurtti•• broker-dealer WU wunched thla week by the CalUor•la CorporatlON Department. The lnvutlcauon ·wu reportedly touched oft by Comark'a requeat tor an ext1n1ion ln f1Hn1 a 1981 finanda1 1t.atement, now three moot.hi law. Steven Gourley, a deputy comm l aaloner for the corporattone department, aatd he'• allo monltorina an abrupt but brief 1uapenalon lut week by New York-baHd Marine Midland Bank of the admlniltntlve choree lt handlea forComark. Gourley 1tre11ed that the Newport flrm hH not been , accUleCl of any wronadolng and added that he could not comment on what, If anything, hla examination had turned up. Danlel Harkins, Comark'a general counsel, aald the f1rm la doing bu1ine11 11 usual. He blamed the late flna.ndal filing on probleml 1n 1wttchln8 from manual record keeping to, a computerized ayat.em. Gourley would not uy why the New/York bank had 11.11pended doing business for Com.ark for a three-hour period 1aat week. The stock market lost around Friday due to what eome analyats aald was uncertainty over the Com.ark altuatlon. OVER THE COUNTER "' NOT..SO-P AMILIAR FACE -Ford Rainey. 72, hlil bii1i1 movi• and te1eY1l1on commerdala for yean, but edmitl lliiii not the most recognJ.r.ed actor in the world. He WM (I\ ~ntralia, Wuh., to ~_pt an award as 1982 ~ alwnnU1 ~f Centralia College. . ~I lsSuing of funeral ~I ruJes permitted WASHINGTON (AP) -The Reagan adminiatration haa JZiven approval for ~ Federal Trade Commiasion to laaue rulea requiring funeral homes to 1iat prlcel and eervice9 for customen. The rule, however, still could be quashed by Congrea, which voted two weeks ago to Junk an FTC rule that would have required u.ed-ar dealers to tell customers about major known defecta ln vehiclea. The White HOUie Office of Ma.naeement and Budget, after a review, concluded that the funeral regulation would not impose exce11lve paperwork NASO LISTINGS burden• on undertakers, who oppme the resuJ,ation. The key elementa of the FTC rule would require funeta.l homea to Itemize prices ~ti I 1ervl.cea and to provide ~. over the telephone if asked bl I cuatomen. The rule la lntendied I to prot.ed distraught custacqen from buying more than they may want or can afford. . • The FTC has been atudyjftg the regulation aince 1975. • Unae r the Paperwo.rk Reduction Act of 1980, the budget office reviews the~ of red-tape projected in a new regulation. ' ' ~ 'nl• Electronic. Deviet1 Dlvillon of ROckW9U lnsernatlonal Corporaiton plan• \o r•lif:t hetldquuwr1 from Anaheim to 4311 Junbonte • Newport Beach by AUIUlt. Manaaement, en,tneerifll, admlnlap-auve and nwrketlna functlona formerly.~ in Anaheim are beina CONC>lidated In a 360,o_o_C)-4quare-foot New~ Be-.Cn comi>lex formerly •hued by the dtvtalon'• wt!~. fabrlcation operad(ml and another &CkWell orp.n.Ir.ation. No penonnel reductlont a.re involved ln the CONIOlldatlon. Yield~ up on securities WASHING'ION (AP) -Ylelcb on 1hort-tenn Treasury securities thil week are moderately higher -at their highest polnt 1iJu mid-May, officlala say. The government UYI it iUct.ioned about $5 blllfOn In 1ix-month T-billl Monday at an averaae dt.count rate of 12.117 percent, up from the 11.589 percent of May 28, and about $5 billion in three-month billt at an average rate of 12.074 percent, up from 11 .52 percent. Besinnlng \Oday, financial lnatitutlont O\AY pay u much as 12.367 percent Interest on $10,000-minimum six-month money market certificates; S&IA may pay as much 81 12.074 percent and commercial banks aa L much as 11.824 percent on S7 ,500-mlnimum three-month certlflcates; S&La may pay as much as 14 percent. Md ~ banks as much aa 13.75 percent on 2 ~-year "11nall-aaver" certificates; and tax-.exempt; one--year "all-savers" certificatea Issued through June 12 will pay 9.87 percent interest when held to l.ll8turity. Firm's earnings down Nuclear Medical Systems, Inc. of Newport Beach has reported higher revenues but lower earninga for the quarter. Revenues grew from $1,~5,050 a year ago to $2,058,925 while eaminp per share fell from 3 cent.a to 1 cent. The company attributed the difference to acquisition of Medex, a clinical laboratory, and la.es by affiliated companies. Newport Corp. earnings rise The Newport Corp. of Fountain VaJley haa reported higher earnings for the quart.er of $978A67, or 42 cents per share, as compared to $660,182, or 28 cents, for the period ~ year ago. F.arnings for the rune months ended April 30 were $2,673,900, or $1.14, an Increase from $1,925,937, or 83 cent.a for the corresponding period In 1981. The firm ia a manufacturer of laboratory equipment and componenu. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT IJ!I! JA~g, f !fRAcJ!l "IL NEW YORK (AP,._..., T-. Jflce far T~. Jul!. t.. 8fllll "" ~ Of -flfteeft -ectlw ITOCU ~ -=--~ ...:...-:.,...... " Ind °l:A, m. ~ r,,_ ~ U tidl J,. al -'II JD Tm '11.51 '11.W )12.lt Jt~ IM ISM Jlw. -t4 IS UU 110. .. lll.'1 """' U~UJ-... MHeJllliltt 1 ,1'00 \till • lo\ ts S1k JIU2 ,,._. '1Z.-. JU.n-Ut ~N~ I !!tt!! ,,,.. -1" I 11 • 11 I ~ d = =: ::: :::::·::::·.:·::::· .... '·"'--.'~ ... Gefl ....... Ut-M + " Utllt ................ , • • .,.,~ =~.:.:. :::= ,::: =:: 6S HI ... • .. ••. .... .. . • .. . • . ..... M asi!,..;: if: ::·~ WHAT STOCKS DID ...... Tl .... ~ ~ 1 =-= --NEW YOtta t.API JV.. t . AMERICAN LEADERS ~r.wt11DC1 • NEW YOltK CAPI JUI\. I • METALS Tlla .. -2'I ,. if NEW YORK CAPI -Spot 11onfltfrove ,..... Pl"* T_..,, . . C••.-r 71-71 cenle • pound, U.I . . Jll:ullo;4 "-' 2$-,21 --• flouncl • .. $241 °""' • llOUlld .......... """-270I ....... w..--~ 1111¥ .. 1-.11 _. a JIOUM. H. Y • ...., '310.00 ~ .... ....... 1211.00 WO, ca,, N.Y, SILVER ,. • The guarantee is simple. Here is the way it works. If you order the product and use it as directed for a trial perio~ of 45 .. days, you must be 100% satisfied with your rapid weight loss or you are entitled to a refund of DOUBLE your entire pur .. chase price. There are no exceptions. This guarantee is iron.-clad and legally binding, regardless of your current weight level or how long you have been overweight. All that is req~ired is that you follow the si~ple instructions and give the reduction progr'am an honest chance to woi:k for the full trial period . However, because of the nature of this special offer; we can only . guarantee delivery to the readers of this publica .. .. tion who respond within the next 1 o .. days. After that, orders will be filed on a "first come first served" basis as long as supplies last. Het~ is something else you should know. Even though ·· The Energetic Weight Reduction tablets are quite P.Qwerful and effective, they are 100% safe. ~ey can be taken over prolonged periods of time. As a matter of fact, this is one of the very few diet aids that a U.S. government panel of medical and scientific experts approved as an active ingreoient for appetite control and · weight loss. Besides, it is not required to have a warning on tne label! . CAUTION: As your weight begins to plummet downJ you should use your good judgment and not let yourself become too thin. It is very important to eat properly. Before starting any weight loss program you should consult your physician to be sure you are in nonnal health: , ~ MOUlliO 0'11011T"IOTY • ................ AllrMI--~ In U\11 "•wap1per II 111b)ect to the ,..,.,al ,.., HOll8lnO Act of 1"8 whlctl mek• h lllaolll to advertl•• "any Pl~. llrnlletlOn °' dltctlmlnatloft bMed on rllOI. ~. NIQlon, ... °' nltloMI origin, Of lttY Intention to malt• any 111ct1 preterenoe, llmltttlon or clltctlfnlnatloft.'' Thlt ,....~ .. not knowingly 1ecept 1ny •dvtrtlalng for rHI ••tit• wtllctl la In Yloletlon of "" .... ••••••• AdYertlMra should check their ads dally and report errors Immediately. The DAILY PILOT : assumes llablllty : for the fl'rat : Incorrect Insertion : only. = 1--------1 ----.... CUI --mo ---.. Ult - ........ •••••••••••••••••••••• .... " , . •••••••••••••••••••••• 411,211 11•.000 Super ...,., home °' renUI. Excellent ... TOMORROW NIGHT, A SYMPOSIUM: "WRIT'S llPPEllll IUT TIERE1'' An ln·d~pth ana!>'&la of the current resldenftal real 91tate market •.. and what can be done about It. JIM WOOD, PRESIDENT . UNIQUI HOMES, INC. lhUirtcltly, June 10, 7130 P.M. trvtn. c-t C:.Un"Y a. ••• .., ...... ,..ulred, 675-600o -flnenolnG. 0--NaNY motivated, call today,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 541-2313 ~ lill141t11 -.... llU . ---- j14i1 = ----.. I . ,., ..... Fantaltlc 3 8d 2 k flf'll rm ~ FonMI din., axtta lrg '°'' r .. rn111doua buy. I 1500/mo. Won't laatl 811aan Han .• :_.-. .. .._•.._• R&IY1M ~ Walker & lee .. Ulml 011r.•••· Balboa Pen n111la. Well kept • Two l8r unlta. 2 cw 119'· 1 blk from .,..,._ GOod aummerlwlnter ...mall. Min. vacancy factor. l*,000. A OIOn-Manl ..... 1-..100 ·1 .\)' '. ( :f' I'() .......... ~ ...... ""word tNt.,.. '°Mind~ yo11 vl•w th• ''· = llll1lartot ol tlltt ..eom ltOma. Tiie Metr Bdrm Ilea • HI• & Her draaelnJ area, a11nllan tub 111r1um. n. a ,.,.....,. ldnN .,. locmacl In • ....--.wn ..... ldHI for 1nt"1alnln9 """ • ~ lotNI dMll rooni & wet bit. T"• temlly roe>m & IMng roo"' boll' of,.r th• w11mth of nr-.i~. AMUml exla*'tl loefl, Celt ua for • vlewlnt acipt. IS 1-7170. TR \DI l H )\ \ l Kl \I ' • BILL GRUN DY. RE~lTO R flm.!fff •••••• l!lf a er, 1 ... ..,.. ~ 1a. •121000. 541-9041 ...... & wkndt, U 1·39t0 wkdyt. ---... ~.· ... , 2 Ir. 1 ... + 1 Ir. 1 ... 72•105' A2 lot. Do not dl1turb tanantt. 1521 0 ran o • . I 12 9 , 0 O O .1....;;;;__.....;;.;;=.==;;;;;....;;.._ 5...,_9041 avea & wtindt, t.-.. ...,. JIU 831-3520.-dyt. :;r.':'rf ••••••••••••••• IL.IT ..... ,.. -· .. , On thla upgracted ••r AWARD WINNER l\ome. Saller wtH carry OoNt't vtaw9. 3 bdrm, • 1100.000 at 12~ or be, kit. w/ccwweolaocta, A.l.T.D. at 12%. Don't tam. rm, lg• garden, mlal ttlla one! 1145,000. peUo, tormaJ din. rm, lga Cell t79-N10 tt. rm.~ CIUl-dt-MC. \ t . 11. / 11 Flt ' . \ ( >I I I 1/ /.' /( .......... J.'M ......_ .. .. .... ........ bdrm ..... 1tory o'n an ldeel low traffic atrMt In moc:lat tlom• condition. Profaaal9nally landacaped, tlandy men'1 ...,...., 2 fr1pa. oommunlly pool,..,. and tennll. Only 5 ,,. Old. Trenaf«Nd owner wtlt halp ........ ,,,. .... new offering , oompatM~ Pf'*' at '1'4.000. IM.L .... Tl11 rln ' .· M12,000. By owner. 873-4411 R&IM~ ----- BAYPOlfT TOwrttOtl: Clwmlno Clpe Cod 3 BA 2'h l>a towntloma, located In ~ Beck lay area. F1at11r11 lncl11d1 va111ttd c.lllng and flrtplac• In living room. mlefowaw oven, oentral lllr cony. end 2 car garage. Unit it vacant. rn move-In condltloft. Prtcecl vndtr mettlat for q11lcll Hie. Low doWfl paymtnt with 28 yHr fixed "'*-' ,.... Cell now 84&-5092 .....,... .... .......... UU•lllll lkoPfiiNo center In Ocetlleldt, nr fl'WY, 17, 000 1q ft. IUM. gd. flnlnclna, gr..a .... Mt. Aoell. 111.oe11 uaam 1111111 on llmOlt 5 acr• h Iott of grHntry and optr'I "**' plul pool and recreation area. Excelltnt Coate Maia 1ocat1on and near Newpor t. W•ll· rna6ntlllnad and MWr • vacanoy. Large 2·9t°'Y townhoUM vn1ta wtttt a badrooml .. with petlOa. Cell '°' tlnanclllg det ... and floor plane. Large ...,.,,..,.. ioen. •uoo . 000 ... ,end. . ...... ..... .... ..,.,. •••••• ..... Coma and ••• ttlla trlplax wi th great potantlal Cotta MaH gotf CCMM vtaw. Call tof more lntOrlnatton. ,S1"· 38R, 28A, Spa, 1239,500 Wt. /# Jai. "" f•. owner wttl C9'rf -4th •••••••••••••••••• •• •• 5% ctown. by owner. · 979-3923 . _ ...... fr.!f.!!H ...... ISf SHA# 211t w/990 = 3!.~~~14 ·-· , lll ....... ,., Aenl In Co••• ., .... . N!W!IT O•l•d 20 TownllOIH VILLAGI! COM.-UNm'. t & J ... 2" k 1I00-1IOO IQ ft, of~!WMy.0. .... llydro·h•I>• In mHt•r eult•. dllllnt~roo1u, wood butnlrlt 11r., .. " •. mtcro-wavt ov•"•· private petlot I y • rd • , e_a r d •" • r proY!Oed. ~ ~ only 16 mlnut .. ftttJt F11llton l•la11d1 7 ~ io a.c. ,.... 01 O.C.»port. -"* .... Of Newpor1 81vd. I ... of San Dleoo FJ'lf'I. ~ at ttclo • montlt. 131.5439, 2'13 or-.. Ave.,CoetaMMa. 1-5~~ 750-3314 open 1~ 2 Br. ywct, no p«e. Clhlld otl, Weltl6da. '5IO/IN). &41.0713. Spec;lcM. daen, ~ J bf. 2 bL Nr ec P1a1a.. 1850/mo. tn-1942 4Br, 2~ tam rm condo. tennlt. pool Jae. tit, -l ••e . $1so "'o . MU7t0 12500 movH lou In. 1145.000 MW .2 3 Br. 2 a.. Condcl9. 11150 eq' .. Al amenl111a. Chanel of • llfettm.. ........ aptloo. Piion• t42·2000 or 831-5055. Conv•nlent 3Br 2ba. fem. 2 f/pe, w/d, tfg, giie 880, f•nc•. dbl ,ac. wt r /'g d n r . ta 5 , 566-1 ..... E•atltd• 2 BA w/ .... • ow. no ~ 152111. d ~ i! o.11.-Condo. 17IO • 1725. 2 +loft tlr, ~ II. ale. awte 973-64111 • So. eo.t Plua. lflWM& oocup8ney. 1Br, ...... ape. 24 hr MC., ,,.,_,., loc ..... ~ ~· .,, , .. Agem. 157~ .: llU Yllll " Elite 3 Bdr '"""' ~ home. ~w:, -Ta(wgtr Prlt. ~ JllCIUe Handlemlft. • Cl31-t2M 1 ~.~! •••••• lllJf 2 Br 2ba frple. ;;pi duptu. 1625. 1tV ..... '300~~-54~7 ~.~ ... T18UAON Condo. 4 er. l)t ba. '"" ""'A/C, ..... rm, pedo, 11110. gar. dt. opnr. llOI ''' Md. 11 ... m ... noa ' . ~ \ . .. • . , '4 - IXNM HNfDYMAH Qerpen~. "°°""G We oleen your hOUN, ITARVINQ COlL!Ol ~Mo. tu-4011 ~ frofl'l lllkNM ITVOINTI MOVINO ,.._... TIH ~ .JACK Of' At T= to bathe. a10. Chrl1, CO. Uo. 1'124-43e. :. ........ 'P••••••••••••••• ••••• .. ••••••••••••••• ~INGl,M11410 ...... ·~-or Coet1MeM.131.ott3 ll'IMl~.M1-M27 DILL ... lift LOW, AA1'E8 -Tr .. Heul/Dumpll"tf t11JtaO ..-;;'wo, .. '* HOUIECLIANINO WATCH US OAOWI ._., I MY• ==: tt::w-'~ 1-..-------·I M ~,........ ..... 18 OVA IUllHU81 MOVING Looal a lono I 'r•• •tt. Martinea ~ HOMI -NT. ,,.,,._,, ~ Ann die. by prof. movtre. _.../haar SM 1011 ........... ...., CWp, pfumll, r,"!'!• heUI, a.t. 10 yra. --t'f .. 2514 Very 10 rttH. Call for .:.'~r.r.H•••••• --· ------.-::-.P~ d, .. Yilllllt'/ wortc at yd olnup. rH ut. ftM .. ,. Allpti, 17&-0t41 Mii'• l11fp•l1•1t ,,.,... ... ~ ""'4H1 .......... ,r.. ... ,...., Pfk;iea. .;:';:A ••••••••••••••• r111. r1t••· Malnt. & :.mrnr.w ............ ~ Oulll. worti. Uo. a311ee. Moet ~ K·14 landto1p1na.,:;M ..... --._ :.~............... 131-2346 Dey~ t10wll OftlY, Aott'1 • ·~•••••••••••••••• u-.anft .. P&Sr111 Mr. Moroen, e..s-sml No It.em/No lt*"POO e1MH11e..1 OUM .. ~ • I -·-by Alohard Sinor. Lio. ltf!J fltnf!l............ at• ...,.....,, F•t ~~~N !ft'!'.¥.~.!!!~t!.!!•_•• Mow,....., rake, -... ~~1~ 1.1v1 In 11ourlty plu1 280M4 13 yr1 ot, ~ .. REPAiAii25 ... s;iS .. !'!W!P:P.!f!J ........ 8A8YllTTINO·My home dlry. ,,.. •· &3t-1512 Uc. 4'20902 a..1.1200 FORMICA CQ\MT~ IO'l"I cl .. n·up, haul. mature Iovino care for too.I Mtomet9. to "I.At tt'll luMhlrle In" In C.. ..._, _,.. 5 & INrftpoo & ....,,, daln, TapetCeblnee1 ,.,eoecl Chuck t.tl-2873 bet t HAULIN0-1tudent "-~HOijll lltWI. T'NWI you, 131....,.10 'r~~T ~o.~· Cell lunlhlne WlndOw up. 1117~t• =r -b1~h=~,:~~ AM ,,.. ltt. 141·53117 em. ~~~C..~tr~~·· (llnoe 1979! 131·12'4 ...,. ,_.. Huber ~-typM. Clean~ s.tMl53 ..,., .. famet/ , Hall. IMdln. rme e 1e: ~ F ._., Df10ll F.-; Allldentlal. Cleen-u~. Thri you, John. ~ 211 'l'9 exp. Uc. '°394' 1. New-<ecoWr-decll• 20% C*oount .. ~ .. -......... :"'J1~~ ·~ au':.,~'.~$37ttl ... f!!!'!!~•••••••• r~!~r::'~e='':.'i. PAOI'. SEAVICI! ·uwNa:~;;·.;;;.• :='~~~ Uc. • 411902 · 5'Mn4 M::i':&O:~ ~ RAVICES odof. Cfpt repair. 111 Yf'I .... •••ll ., e..1-10M(C. ~ Haullna. y#d ~ Spf'lnklerl tnetllllcl, EXTERIOR PAINTING l"'JOHN HENRY CO,..,. Chril 957-8381 ~. Pein~. Hp. Do worll my111f. ~ -~ Cht1ttlne & Ed l4e-712S IHIYO'S GARDENING °'** & Cllln. Free-. Cell DllW M2-48&3 euttom worlt. Fret eat. :1:.°m::. Flnea...~°t'213 Oranot CoMt ~ T..ic-i'Ub-Mll. 9711 .W.. 131-0101 c•••••••••••l•d•I•••• ••,•• ~ ,.....,,_ "TcMI Ylfd c.nt" l1a-ot4I CU 9 T 0 M Ae11. + fine Int. l •~ "We IN\09 you wt\h a rown mo11 no, en ry r-;e;;;.-.'1, Mo/Wkly 1111..-2 ewe HAUUNO-GAADINO NO oot.-&.u. S~ 6"7-4281 _._. ........,._ outlook!" --llLlll EXCEi. CARPET CARE door'• m • n t I• I , ••••••••••• •••••••••• . LANO&OAPI • ._-.,,. •••••••••••••••••••••• ... .,,.,_ • ..,. • 11Mmclalnenoa.bllgel lu........_ bootloaMI, Older lined CAPT.uNO-WOOO l.lodecaplng•YdQnupl O•ITIOllUon, OIHn•up. Cr11t1 a unique AAl.PH'SPAIN1'INO MOBILE SERVICE Fr .. 11ttmate1.....,....11t & d • c ll a. M • c h & t:::_,~i; clcMte. Wood eotutlont lnitallld/repall'ff. Lio. Tree trlrn-Elcpert "*'tt. ecw.or... & tNI Nft'IOYtl. environment. Fr .. "'· tnt/u1 AMa tee ~New ecreene CLEARVIEW WINDOW eleotrlcal handyman Cwpet, upt1o1..,.. ruo to wood ~ #3'8=;.2~2 ln1gatlon. Jim N1-012t °'** arw. M2·Tal com.ct Rlllpt\. f75.08.41 Ref.,,..· •. ~Nte NB/CM OftlY. e..2-8552 WASHING. AMI. ma ~",~~1 ..... n&-"" ~.~°':fm·. .,r.1121 ~a.wt TTH .. EO!~~-~w .~ ... ..t_.MOVINOwlt-.-... ~ ••••••••••••••• ,_,,_ . s. ....... ~.• ••• ~!t'!'! •••••• 4'f'91nar-.&42-5449 ........... Wlff ...... ""' ---------• n.. ·~ =---············ .. ··· ~H.A ~ Mftlll9H '""""" T ..... ~Anyone? •:ir:'·•~··············· concl. tn1talt & repair. Dominic'• 0.-pet & f\wn ....... --REPAIR. INa'l'AU. ~ Lewll 11M1IO Xlnt tHOhlng 1klll1. Farthing ln1erior Bring me 'f04" pattarN & lontlkoe. 54M20e clHnlno. e• 1ofa tao. A~~EOTUAAt•PWf8 Qar199ft. Hardwete. Dominic...,._, Heulln9 & ... dMrt-leglMera.llntllftlldt .. • HAHGINO/~PftlNO =~~~~~~~~· ~:: .. ~·h~ ........ cNn. •t5 & 20, ~ '°" BUILDINO PERMIT Dellgnl,.,, MCMtM ............... , up. yd•.,., ..... lob-Good wltlt klda. a.. VIM-MC Scott e..5-9328 eee-n11. •••••;;ir.a••••••••••• 12t IQ.~f..=,.-. 25 'f'9 AMldlntlel Mfdttton. & .:........... ,,_ •· Ken .,._llOM lltll, & pnlC) :yr,: Aldl champion. Call Steve ----_,..---,,....-~1---------t lk>Otl~ k&~' pvt uper. remodel. Don M7-810e ... .......,.............. , ._ .. .....,..__ ............ IS,.otea, 1<1'11 1.otl3 845-7113 ASR PAPERHANGING tndltMr. .. ,, cal r----.11~ Tll - -~· ~,. 7 yn IOctll mtp au. ~ ....... : •••••••••••••• appe.. l40-M21 ~ • .........:;;: ....... IJr...a , _ •~ ...._. ... ._...... Cc111llMl1cllll & ,,.,.,.,,, ,.llfdr..... ~ worll. PrlcH 1tart at *8ptnkllt Alc*r* ,._1 •• -.......... ;n;";;••••••o•••••••• ......,,..v_,,,_ .._ ~ t31-to4t •••••••••• ••••••••• ••••• ••••••••••••••• ••1r"" Atec 781-7027 Aee./comm. CommarcMll Mllll l:: ~"g ... ....,..,_, ' 11**Y"'__.. ORYWAWACOUSTIC T,_ ~-A08tN'8 Cl!AHIHO 9AtCKWOAK: Small tobL l=---ro--------1 l.Mdt0tipe s.w.t lilt DY-~ t ally #~11111-Cuet.1,..7 .. _~1· ~-,.,......, MW & otd. 11 Lllwn 08N-Rol~ ,Ind ~YOll Wint 11'1 8ervtoe ·I tfl«ouatlly Newport, co.ta MIN, ELL Idle 1t1m1 With a tf7-8311 Not Cllla•u NI&. -w .,.,., .... --yra up, lud 162-Me-3 Frw ..etrnaW ~ Olly..,.... Cl••*•* clMn ~. ~7 tMne. .w.. t7W17S o.ity Piiot Clalltfted Ad. ,.,.... •. :te.. S11 • ....... ,.... .. ,...,. ...... Liia ASAP . 11,..\..oell '?t II Dorado, 11tve1. IHtl"' Int. '"""'"'• loeci.d. --ml, .. oond. i1a:ooo """· M-6640 '74 wt 1 ,_. Mtlon '70 l!LDO ~ "" bl >"'· t•blt eno. Liii• new. 701< ml! •lnt~~UIO. INN. 162~ 141 tU9' 4N.ot0a ((Jl"Nfll • ri Ev ii,-. t T ~ 4 f, I i ~JV . ' - . . .I. - 2 -DtKSe & Grada/A South Cout ptaza Advertlmng Sup~t to the DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday, June 9, 1982 • Three dayUmi! teleYilllcn drama 1tan will appear at the <>ranee County Cntic J'ibrom Reatonal Monopoly Tournament, to be beJd June 26 at South c.o.t Pl.a.a., Attendt na will be Leelle Charleton and Kln Shriner of General Ho1pital and Thaoo Phenglia of DIYI of Our LIWL The tournammt will be beJd from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The start will (Relatet .....,, Pace I) -· ___ ._.._ __ Dads & Grads/A South Coast Plaza Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Wedn~day, June 9, 1982 -3 A\Jt •l • 111"• t \ i ~ f' , t?'pt" ... 1 f~ r I#, ... 1 (. ut/1 '1 ·,· ~ ...... -, O ~ p•1 r • • 4 -Dada & Grade/A South Coast Plaza AdvertlaJng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday, June 9, 1982 FIRST LEV£L •-•toc...t JtO-~•,-*" ____ ,.. __ _ 111 -·~~ ,,,_ ... .., __ .--..a. __ _,_,_ -----1 ____ _ ·----t»-......,,. •>--.......-.,. ~ ,.. __ _ --C--"'-can6 •-c.. l&ll-_,-.. c-•••-OllN .......... ,,,_co..:. .... ____ ,,_~ ·-~C:.0-0. ·-~Ull ltO-~­•D--1221-....... ~ 111--·~ . 1111--llAll-.-.,._,,~- 181-... -.. _,...,_ ...,. __ _ ,. __ _ .., .. ___ _ __ __, 11•-ClllWM--14---·-··----111------noo.• , __ ..._,_ 121---__ .,.._ ..,_....,...,,_ •»·_ .. ,_... ·-- --·~C-.C. I __ ...,.._, __ 1n-J .....,. ..... ......,. .,_,,_ .. __ 1•--.. -.... ____ .., __ ,.._...,_ .. --~ ,_ __ _ ·--Y-llll-i.nr...,,..a- 127-~­•--'-m---,._-.,...,_ *--0.. ,.,_..,~ j FIRST LEVEL SOUTH COAST PLAZA ,,._-.°"" rn--•c:-,.,,_,..__,_=-,,_------:a~=-°"'~ ~==--.. , ___ _ m-a..-,.._.._ __ . :::--C:.°""" ::=.:.::..... ··--°""" .,._,_..,.._, .... 0 u .. :I ··---·----~ __ ,....___ ·---· .. ,,, __ Qlo ·-----' ... ,..--··--·---~ 1·-------·--· ,.. __ _ ----. 1111·---·--·- . . • :; • ., SECOND LEVEL .. ___ _ m-_,__.._ _ __ .. .._ ----. _ __ ._ --------'----,.,.,. i..., ----··------------'PTT ••• 1 ------i.o ~ IECONDLEVE\. J7TA--0oor ., _ _.._ ---------c:... _ __ ,_ 111--·--· .,_c;;t_ ., __ ._... •-c:-•-c:.i--21M---~ ··---w---. Zl•-0..---0.. -------~ m-~ --a-• ... 111--c-- Jll--1'11111 ... , ........ CaMpllsy ____ ,,. __ .,...._ m-*-._.. ----_ __ ,,_ t«--al-.,, __ _ .,_,,,. __ __ ..._._ --... -·-,.,,. __ .....,.._ __ ....,...,... ___ .,..._ __ ..,. ---- •-'-.._ --~°"""'""" .... --'----"" ....... N~ m..--~------.. --~-:::::.=. / nt--~ Zllo\---... -------'-Cit. 119-----~ __ ........,_..., :::::c. -,,, _ _,_ ---- ' . / , I I t ~ t -J Dada & Grad1/A South Coaat Plaza Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, June 9, 1982 -5 # Actress, actors in_ day dramas . . All three have held roles in video's General Hospital · ·· . Joining 8Ctre9I Leslie Charle.90b on~ for a public appearance at the Oranae County Cystic Flbrom Re1ional Monopoly Tournament June 26 at South c.oa.t Plaz.a will be actora Kin Shriner and Thaao Penghl.la. • Leslie ii well known aa Monica Cluartermaine on the popular General H~tal teries. She bal led a ~-railins effort a,p.inst Cystic l'tbro.la aa Celebrl.ty Monopoly CMlrj>enon. The MOQOPC>ly concept hll been her penooa1 project. Thaao alao starred on General Hospital as Victor Cuaadine and recently j>1ned the cut of Daya of Our Uva • County Anthony De Mera. urm ~to have fun with thil pne I kapw, ' he says of hil role. He looks forward to the day when audiences in Sydney, Australia, w~ be lived before moYinC to the United Statet, will receive both General &.pltal and Daya of Our Lives llmultaneoualy. • Enjoying hil fow1h Yem' • Scotty Baldwtn en General Hoepital. Kin Shriner Is ponrayt.ns a oompletely different chancter than the one he oriainatea. Kln baa allo starred aa J e b Hampton on the c:kaina Texas. and bal appeari!d1n the film MacArthur, • weu .. the televiaion productions of Rieb Man, Poor Man, "Book Two, and Little Vic. • He baa also aueat atarred on aeveNl other televi8ion -1el. and made bis televt.ion debut on 1be y OUJlC and Restlma. .. • You'll lovei-t Dadf .. ' q I \ < - ' I ,.. • -I ' \ .,. ll ·"' Graduation greeting cards for • Primary School • Junior High • High School •College Fashion .. show for men set Vacation wear will be featured in a m.:n'• fashion ahow to be held in the Caroueel c.ourt of South c.oa.t Plaza Saturday~ at 2 p.m. Five V8Cadon 8Cenel will ahow the latest in CMU8l and formal attire while the-bud "Dllco One" provide. aoomnpanytna mwdc. The ICel* include ~ the train with~ war, a cnd8e ICIDe. showing deck wear, an aerobb c:lMI The latest in · casual and formal attire will be shown. ' • OD boud a crui9e ship With ~ attire. dlnner on board lblp with formal wear, and boarding and ai.rp1ilDe with .. YarietJ 1Jf atyla. ParddpaUng 1n u. mow wm be Liirry Doogla Ltd., Challn'a, and Hsria -Fnnk from the s.n ~==ter,andLe~S.C . . children'• w.r. .~·· 1 ---~ . . Oldi.1 e1•1i ....... ~l~•....,M11i811&1w.-.i>Al~'f1AL.OWW•~.jU..rii t, ~-.. ~ ... AT~~ WE NEVER LEFT TH~ In faahk>n, as In st. music W'ld ltterature, It la the cllllalcs which $11dure. Nowhent la this more true than In the men's clothing depart- ments at Nordstrom. For while trends and flds come and go-bell bottom troueera, the Nehru jacket-the esaentlal elements upon which the well.groomed gentteman'a w8f'dl0be la baed wlll never be out of place. It la for this "9MOf> that ctaaalc tradltlonaJ clothtng la. llwya has been, and always will be a ~ 8t NOrditrom. TRAOrTIONAL DOES ~ MW SrooaY. F• from tt Indeed, Qnl of the nice things • ; .. about tradttJonll ~ la ht It la neYer .... " prone to extr8meli: it bi n8fttiir outraridf8h nor . stuffy. And, of oourte; It le very \Waatlle. tlea. And we have the largest rapreeentatton . of C.F .. Hathaway ahirta and Dooney & BoUrke betta on the west Coat. SrART YOUR ClASSIC ct.aTitaN~ ;.-... TAADmON AT NORDSTROM. We Invite you to vtslt tM men•a depart- ments at NOf'dajrom. We thl"" you•u enjoy dlscovertng and explortng our V8ljed and H au addi up to an unequalled commitment to lively selection of clothing. And If you QUalffy, cl88atc clothing for men. have any questions about clothes, from QUALITY, SERVICE, SEl.ECTION . ;. AND VALUE: NORDSTROM TRADfT10N8.. In our men~ta, •throughout our atorea, you'll find a ulMque combination of our four proud tfadltlone. Arlt. quality. We bellM that the cJothlng ~ ~ buy should periorm Juat • you expect tt to. To that end, we eelect only the finest merohandtae for our atorea. OUr ~~ know us to J)e Yll)' demanding ... , Arid that'a Just flne with ua. Value. If 1 In addition to the three elements .~ an Item doeen't Offer our customer ' a genuine value. we dOn't llleot It. . - ~ auembUng outflta to the nuances of dre981ng,.we're glad to help. So come In and aee us. And start your own cfasstc clothing 'tradition. WERE vou CAN GET BACK ro c~ You'll flrid trtdftlonat men's wear at Nofdatrom 1n SoUth coeat PW.a; Brea • Malt and Loe Cen1toa c.rter. ~ .. .r. ,• ~ . - 8 -Dada & Grads/A South Coaat Plaza Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, June 9, 1982 .Copa .de Oro to recal'I ·Aztec styl·e Copa de Oro, an elegant restaurant that will recreate the romantic atmoaphere of Aztec templea. pyramids and cafee of a .......... ~,..... ..... .__ thoe•M years ago, is echeduled foe cunpletion in September. Located next to the American Qty . Bank Bidlcttng, the posh two-ftOry restaurant in contemporary Aztec style ia beUewd to be the only one of ita kind in the United Stat.a eopa c:1e 0ro (Cup ot Gold) wm 9el"ft Mexican fooda and bewrqea with an empb.m on Mf)Cbn ~ Restaurant l '" to feature Mexican food. · fooda. MeU will bit ..-In • ·CMUAI. 1nfanDl1 ah••'llJ'hen. with --ttnc foe 300 at dinDer and 1~ at three cocktail b ...... Added •oucbel to the a'""r w111 be atalned 11&u win OWi, ~ lldeWallt tafe pdol. coJorful awnlna and ...... ... Seven 1kyl11hta will join the . outdoon and indoon. Polll&ed bnlll . will repba the did aoJd of anclmt Aztecs but otMI' maierill will retain cunplete autbentidty. • "Copa de Oro will add a marveloully o+••~tan touch tO -South C.oMt Plaza. ' .aid Benty T. Segeratrom, manaclng partner of C.J. & r , r , " r ~.-.... ..,-,•, ' ' :'l f • ' ... < • -, • , , i r"'• f fi • 14 •' I ,• * .. '"' -~.' .. ~-, \ .· ... .,. _. :~ ~&~A South COUt Plaza Adverti91ng Supplement to lfle DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday, June 9, 1982 -I . . ~ . .. . UKULELE BAND -The Watak-lnterinedlate UkuJele Band. whicll ·Mexico, 11 due to appear at South Coast Plaz.a Jwie 18. has perfonned throughout Hawaii ~ in ~ Colorado, and · • ' ~ . , ' Soun·d4 · of HB .waif cgming tdJ Plaza .. The Wau.kea Intermediate Ukulele Band, called the largest such bend in the world, will perform, June 18 at 4 ~ 1Pi!: sear. c.ourt at South The band. under the dlrecto:nhJp o.f George C. Camarillo of Wa!akea - Intenneaiate School. Hilo, ffiiWail; • was foun4ed in 1970 as a result of interest sliown by nudents in Polynesian inltrument clalles. During the 1 l yean sinQe, the band bu appeared throughout Uawail, and in California, Mexico, and C.Olorado. • The band bu performed at t})j DiJW; Princeu 1t.aiulani, Pagoda, -Orchid &land, Kooa Wlqe, Kauai Sand•, Nanlloa Surf, Sheraton Waiakea Village, Hilo Hawaiian, Kine Kamehameha, and Napualani hotels in Hawa1L Thrband has al.lo •ppeared at various scbooh in Hawai[ It bas also ~ed at the Hawaiian state ture, the Don Robbs television , the Filipino Fiesta, the Ala Moana Shopp1ng Center, the Pe~lridge Shopping , Center, the International Market Place. the Bishop Museum. and the (See UKt.Ji.ELE, Pqe 15) Say "llaPPY PJther's ~!" with a~ from Hickory Farms: • •· ~ 'i'' __ _ Dads I Grads . . Am.me • LlllUU SBOa Nib, Adidu, New Belenoe, eon.._, Sperry ... cnw 28 ~t name brudt to chooee from. WAD-UP-SUITS New Llenoe, 1Nd PenyWButh RobbiH, Adidu, PielN C.WUn, WhUilniiJ ayw, Nib, Sab 4. I l .. ·Photo seminars clicK , . Weddln1 and _J>ortraiture photocrapher Ellen BU. who hM a atudio in South c.out PlUa, hu returned from two moothl 1n Europe where abe gave a Rriea o1 lelDinan oo portraiture techniques and the operatlan df a auca-fu1 studio. The European venture wa1 oompriled of 10 two-day aeminara in France and speaking engagements at conventionl tn Spain end Sweden. '!be "'°loan 1nd.ude audio-visual abows and demapstraUom. '4Qnly dwinl the last three years hu a unique exchanp of buai.ilell and artistic techni_<t_U~ ~!Yeloped amona prot-.lonal ~phera of different oountriel. lhe Aid. "The Ule of phoqrapha varies a areat deal from one culture to another." Ellen's toura in 1981 took her conventions in Japan. New Zealand and n.trope, u well as many in the United Stat.es. I Following each of her toun of Japan. she baa been featured in Studio Photography, a major Japane.e photographic magazine. In .. .. addlUOn; the u1iclelt have lncluded many Of l:Uir\'1 photofp'al>hs. She . 1 hM been lnvited•to Japan lor three Ol)f-=utive ~ She hM 'bid .n O&fportW\ity to com~ pro'eillk>n.I photop'aphy in the countnea tti.t me hM Vlllted dwinl the~&;..~ w~ pbotqp'apJiy ii one examJ>le. For LDllCabce, J~ famUles all ' own a cainwa; t .un U1e the talenta of a profemonal when there • ii • ~the mt. (See~l.'-aell) ) ~ - The Friends of SCR Guilds invi~ you to attend the Fourth Annual End-of-Season V a.riety Show and Auction t .. ... . , ·R/azB ph@to{jr~l)(ler . ·back · . ' (C.Ua.d from Pace 11) One studio mlJ'~t photograph more than 20 w~ a day in a ~~Y po98(i way, the said. • ln compariaon, the French photocrapben tab more of a candid and irtiS6c approach. Stud109 are llD&1l Tbey are operated by a family team who only do a few portraits a week and a couple of weddings a year," Ellen aald. • l'Jlen. 31, 11 an adviRr' to"Weddint Photocraphen International She is a member of the Profeaaional Photographers of America (PP A) and Profellianal Pbotographen of Orange County. Aa the )'OUJ1leSt member of the PP A'a Portrait Dlvillon Executive Committet, Ellen bu been appointed aa a member of the c '• International Study iaion where her n9eU'Ch will fc:JCq on the industry in Australia, the Padfic and the Orient. She bu received the Craftlman ~and Masten Degree from the In addidon, w II a trwtee oC West Coat School in Santa Barbara, and haa taught an advanced =~ cl8ll at Orance Coast • • Until January 1982, Ellen Bak Photography, Inc., h~d two 'locatiom. The Santa ADii location wu then moved into a recently purcb.-d SO.year-Old home that ii ln the pl"OOe9I of being reltc:nd Into what Ellen term. her "Hollywood aet." F..ach comer of the home will be trandonned into an individual lie( for uae in portrai\Ul'e. , i . ' '\ • '· - l I . Rernet111ber Dad-end •nyone etae who's tops In your book-with a Father's Day card I 0 tfvat>aod 0 Son O Grandfatti.r O Son-in-Law ,._ 0 Brothef 0 Bio Brother 0 New Father 0 ~le • O Godfather O Someone Special .. ... -,Jj -• -.. • --------·-···-..... ='] ' and Denmark. At 3:30 p.m., the public la invited to join In the final dimce ai'oUDd the matPe;>Jt. The Village rntauranta wtll observe the theme tiy ·offering ScandinlMiiD .......... for Che day. Admilalon tO tJie·leSt!v8l la free Ind the pUtdrw II plentiful. : .., .. _1 · - , . ..... l 1982 _____ _..._... __ -:------ J -[ I . ~ ~ I 2 I"' ·She's South Coast Plaza's ambassador. ' ... . ·.over years The South c.o.t Pia.a k>&O -the femlllar 9U'bol of the pl on the c..rot.l hone -hM eYolwd aver the years, paralle:un, the Plua'a own'Kl'OW1h. OrtatnaJly, the k>tO ......... .ed of a shadowed pboloerapb of the current symbol, complete with the girl'• • coUfed hair and pu1y ctre.. ridina on ane of the Carowe1 hones. Tbe symbol w• repreeentattve of, naturally, the ever-popular _The logo was only altered. during 1976,, Cllll • ~~~1"""' u tn"•IMIG.All.'ttft.O'UWedl*ldll~iiMN a.liaa -t19 , .. / .... ' t t ' ... _ ..... _ .. ~ ..... mll!ll~~~~ ..... ~~~~~~~~~· F-~~~;_~-::-~~,.··_:.·-~ --- - -._ J - ' ~· ' y JIAO •q. ,I I ' • I \ •• A ,'I' •() "' "M<1 ...,. ,,- t \ 20 -Dede & Grade/A South Cout Plaza Adwrtlllng Supptenient to the DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, June 9, 1982 . . ·. \ , ... You wouldn't ex~ leather shoes that look chis good - to be this comfoftable. But With padded tieefs and arches and su~..flexible soles, theSe cOUld be some ol the most comfortable shoes yoo ha¥e ever WOik You'll love chem body and sole. , • • The Oakwood Collection in sl~on and lace~ styles by Thom McAn. Available in blaa( and broWri, New .. stores to Join South Coast Plaza Several new atqres will 90Cll\ be added to the alreldy large-variety of retail mix at South Cout Plaza. Mra. Field'• Cookies will be open1na this summer in the Sean Wing ol the,laza. 'The ltor'e feeturea six types 1o chocolate chip cookiel I Francisco-baaed book- stott/reataurant chain. Upstart Crow ia a oambU\atioo of full-aervlce bookatore, Eu.ropean-atyle coffeehouu, and. Callfornia style restaurant. The name "Upstart Crow'' '*1Wll 1Mrs. Field's Cookies, 'General Nutrition Company opening soon . . from a remark made in an angry broadaide delivered by a contemporary playwright of Shakespeere. Robert Greene, author of plays. Wal COllVinced that S~rn WM steal1nc hJa material U to name him dlrectly (fn ~ daya libel law. were enforced with cud1el and sword), be referred to bim • "an Upatart Crow beautified with featben. .. " , The Crow'• newsprint menu is sprinkled liberally with Shakspearean quotes. . Construction progres~ses on Village Office Plaza ' Conatructlon l• proareaalng smoothly on the newest South Co.t Plaza olfJce bulldfnc, vm.ee Office P1ua. Located Oil Plaza Drive in Sou1h eo-i P1m v= the two4olJ luxury ottloe, ~ will conum 23,000 8llUU'f! ~ I pble tp9Ce. The tiulldini'• exterior will-"' be made of 80lar reflective aJ-. Thie estimated cost of the entire structure is Rt at $ol m!Ulm, • I 'j Dada & Grade/A~ Coast Plaza Advertlalng Supplement to the DAILY PfLOT/Wedneeday, June 9, 1982 -21 ' ., • I J"-" f\J \ 1' fl • • f'\, ~ENIOR~ \ . EXPRESS YOURSELF ' Special Senior Studio Sitting Oalv •10.00 ~i • 10 P'»a taken c0f . • Btqi jlOC6 jauorUe outfb: athldlc, casual and fonnal • &nb' pott1alt packQge auo!hNe c • °"for details ~ ~ South Coast Plaza ., Costa Mesa 92626 Mt-210I ... ,. - 22 -Oad1 & Grads/A South Coast Plaza Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, June 9, 1982 TflAiLEli ' ' "°' I t , "" . ._ . ~ Having 1.o"cal currency on arr'iva:! se~n as key When your destination is another country, U.S. doJlar traveler's checka may not be your best bet. In fact, most people in Western Europe, Aiia and the South Pacific, demand to be paid in their own local cucrency. Of course, the dollar traveler's checks can always be converted at the local banks. But here's a far more convenient solution, according to Deak-Perera. Seuoned foreign travelers agree that havine the local currency in your packet when you arrive is the key. Aft.er 10 hours or longer in an airplane, who wants to stand in line at the airport exchange or wone, start lookina for a bank? The moat tlme-uvlna and efficient thing to do la buy the foret1n money you anticipate •pending before leaving home. not just foe the first few houn, but foe the tire visit. \(by? Businessmen and v11Cationers have much better things to do with their time than look for currency exchange. Often a traveler who has not come prepared realiz.es he needs more money immediately. Because he does not have the time to look for an exchange, he entrustls his hotel or a merchant to accept his dollars at an exchange rate 5 percent to 15 percent I~ favorable than the current rates offered by the ban.ks. Another reason to purchase your currencies at home ls to take advantage of local experta who will answer your questions in your native language,' explain the currency, and if necesaary help you decide how much you will need to exchange. You then have time to familiarize yourself with the money you will be using the moment you arrive. Cruise otfers carefree trip P1aMl.ng a vacation? A cruise off era you the opportUnlty of enjoying a carefree holiday with everything included in the prepaid package price (in many caaes, air fare to embarkation dty is also included). Your ahip I.a your floating hOtel. complete with a fine restaurant, delightful entertainment and many activities available for your enjoymenL For;& memorable vacation, come in and let On the Go Travel Service assist you in planning your next cruise holiday. f ,.ii ' .... II CllllllSSlll·REE llAVElEIS c1m1ES cheques may be pur- chased as a cash ad- vance on your Visa or MasterCard. And don't forget that Deak canal.so exchange your money intoCNer 120 foreign currencies. Its always a good idea to have some fpreign currency on hand for your imm9diate needs. So wh:en it comes time to buy travelers cheques or foreign 6.rr- rency, some to Deak- Perera. r I •· • ... ,\ill; j . Costa Mesa: South Coast Plaza Shopping Center. 3333 Bnstol at San Diego Freeway. 714-751-1200 . ~ , -,. - I 1 I l l l ~ I I ~ I . l ORANGE OOUNTY ELECTION aBS\JLTS . 2.078 out of 2,078 pnc:inctl ........ ~. f Ida 'tom Riley , 6'7,148 AlArps H,ee9 Gene Athertml 7,141 David H1ncbler 5,73'7 8,420 e.• 7,801 &,910 10,919 PaoPOllTION A -DtVINB Y• 11,899 Jlo 4.185 ~· . ;.orosrnoN B -NEWPORT ~ BEACH Y• 12,381 (defeated) Jfo 7,WI 21,321 18,e&t 86,138 M•elflal Water Dlltrtd Dtvllion 1 H. :&. llutae 23,588 ~ Beilnett 23,11& Dtvllion 2 Dbert.Alhland .19.278 Gerald PJice 32,200 British down 7 Argentine jet fighters 4 Gurb vows help BJ fte A111itlW Prw Attora•J General <Hori• °"'lnMJM, wbO wan a ti6tW battle apllalt Lt. Oov. Mike Curb for the Republican ncaAnadan far .,...., --.. wttb hll filnlis. foe tladay wt Yawed '° -fcicll ...... the Dem~rat1' bll winner, lb.Jar Tma bndleJ. llraclley. demcmatrattna the poUUca1 clout shat bit won him thi. Wini -..,... al Loe An1ele1, breesed to aa euy ~·Tu.day with mme tban Q J)lft*lt al tbe wte. ft WM the fin& step~ hil quM to become th.,: iiatlon'a lint ei.ct.ed bid pwnal'. Curb, a former Hollywood record ~--who bed hem favore to win the GOP nomlnat on until 1Un1tn1 • I F~izzelle ~ ..... --u.oe:::s daJl.of hll cwrnpelp, dellet -.m todaJ. With .. ...,_, of the votel ~ hid 11 plftllllftt OI tbt wee '° Curb'• 41. • ~ D.ukmejan w.,.S a ....,.,...,,, and I'm hire tD tuJa• Gearlt :mejian ~ hia victory,'' Curb told a cheerbw crowd at the Century Plua HoW. Dlull:mejan. .._. cwnpetan dlaputH with Curb ralaed llpeCUlatlon the two would be penDU_leftt t0emr., ottered tD bUry t.be hateblt mcmen• attiJr Curb zmde hJs CON I l .. Clll apeech. ''Mike ·Curb la really a amtJeman and hll ~tect an awful lot of cla11 ... '! DeWaneJan told IUppcrt.en, (See DBVQIBJIAN, Pap AU M• ct, DEMOCRATIC NOMINBB ._ Loa Angel.el Mayor Tcm BndJey ulutel IUpporten after hla wy .weep to nomination for the 1Ube.matcrial nee apinlt Deukmejlan ln November. All•out war? lsr~~I, Syria· ~ .battle raging A1 horrified by1tander1 watched, a 40-year-old Oranae County man wu fatally 1hot Tueaday night at Delaney'• =rant at John Wayne Oranae County Sheriff'• Depll'tmellt Lt. Wyatt Hatt laict the ahootlna incident occurred after the man. whme name hM not yet 1-1 reln .. d, becwme involved In an arpment with another man with whom be _... lleated. Aft'9ted at the acene and lat.er . booked Into Orange Counll'_ J~ on~ of murder WM Kelly RUlle1l Daniela, 32, of ~ Beech, Bart aald. - DuUeJa' occupation WM lilted .. a .U-employed ..n maker, Hut aald. ' I ' The aboodnC occurred lhor11y before 9 'k-: In the remurant, which II ted on tht lmllld floor of &be ~ tsmlnal. Hart aald lnve1Uaatora recovered a amall caliber = beUewd u.d In the Bart laict tbe modve for the abootlnC U.'t bem determ1ned. He would ~aay that an Afl\lll*lt Pr~ ~ fodden'- Tbe Yktlm Wii taken '° the trauma cent.er at l'cultaln Valley Community Hospital and WU dMd en arrtvaL \Bed tax hike defeated A propoted lncreue ln the N~ ee.ch hotel and moCel bed--tax appeua to have lllDI down tp defeat for ~ ~ time in ... than a yec. While returna 1howed the ballot ~ to bib the bid tu 2 per'OIPt reclhed ....... majority wte. It .appeared the baflot queatlon 1'a• several hundred wt.ea thy of the two- thirda edae needed. The final UDOfflda1 tally en M~B~ ~ All four of Oluit CoUftty'I .... bent ~ wllqild §~-:t...at~ -~'/Pa~ D·Santa Ana; William Du~, a-ruu.na.. .nct llobert adham, R-Newpoft • .... all WOil re-nomination .. ~ f..t no ~opl*ltkn • IA the 42nd Con1NMlonaJ Dllaict. whkb tndudil pcntoftl of both w•._n <>nna-County .. , and ... °' Loi Aneelll County, Incumbent Dan Lunaren, a. Loni Beach, •Hlly be4t cballenier Tom Helnahelmer, chal.rman of the South COMt Air Quality ~t Dfiltrtct. Unotfk:kl f.lnal rwturm In the two-county diltrkt lhow9d: Mahaffey ==!.:.:~ .• qul.t·1:1 HB n!:rJlm~:i!e ~ Beech attorney, who defeat.a MOVBI UP -Welt Oranli County Muntclpal Jud1• Robert A. Knox of Huntlnaton Beach will be movtna up to Superb' Court following hi• victory In Tue.day'• elec:Uon. Vote 'keeps Goldstein Martha V aauna In her flr1t election bid. Tb• final but planner,. 'S unofficial returna from both b h BYROBPTIWIUll ~-=1ro:r 1 "!!..c!~~Qiurf or .. °"',... M Alao, John Donohue of Lana Juda• "-Leonard Gold1tein, a Dan Mahaffey hu l'ffiped Beach ran unoppc>Hd for the four-time appointee of Governor from the Hunttn1ton Biach Peace and Freedom Party Brown wbo IUffered defeat at Plann1~ CommlNion at the nom1natloo. He received a total the PODl In 1978, WM ei.:ted for requ.t of Qty Comdlman John of 28 vote1. the lint Ume Tu.day '!'Mn i. Tbomll. Lunp-en'• younaer brother, beat Anaheim City Attorney M=l aid ln a Jetter to a Brian. won the GOP nomination William HopldmJr. dty that Tbomaa ''wtabed ln hll tint election bid In the Accordina to Unal but to ~with aneooe who 32nd ~ ~ In ~l!_Q orffr1i~c1ia~~h>.n 0iJtturp1, b8d him (Thomal) tn hll Loi Anpr. C4unty, def•tiq ~ ~ 231 OG7 W1eSt wt hi1 primary opponent, John to Bop1rw' 151,833. · .. There are no ill feellna• Adler. 'In another mpericr court race. 't>etwMll 1'&omM Ind my.elf nor• nu-RepubUcam ~ of1 W.i Oranae C4unty Munk:ls-1 were there any neaauve lntbe38th~~· Court Jua1e Robert Knox c:lmlmltancm wbai.oeYel' In our tor the rtfht to oballenae prevailed over three other Nlatlom. Pattenon n the November cancHd.etm to win e1ecdcm to the "I have the hlCbelt reprd for election-Tbe ~ encomJ r auperior court .._t wcated by John and be hM tndkated to me much of caitral Oranfl Ccunty. WDllam Lee, who la reUrtn&. that be w phsnd wttb my The Republican winner, Election retuma ahowed Knox performance on the pJannln1 William Dohr, a 29-year-old recelvlna 192,042 vote1. Hl1 MnMDle!lm." lndeP.e~dent bu1ine11map, clo1eat rival waa attorney 'niom.. con&med be ..ad OUtpoUed hll GOP~ by William Farria, "ho i:ec:etved 71,: for Mabaffey'1 rellpatlon but be a aut.tmdal maraln. a.ulD are: 821 votel. Pladnc th.I.rd Wiii Loi laict be did ., for other tban -Delar: 17,631 ~nceJea proa.ecuto_r .lo1.eph poUtic81 NllOftl. ---Art J'aco&oa: J,379 Bu1lla, with 66,948 YOtel and ••1 Juat don't think he W¥, -Mel Ccinnley: '4,710 mm•na in ~ wM Auhelm 1tabdln1 up for the ~pie,,. Anlta Bllrr, o1. a.. Park. attome)' Sherman Weber, rwho' ThmMil llld when ~ omend 3S4 wtee to win the netted 35,110 votes. TbomM laict be w referrtna Libertarian Party nomination. Knox ~ -Lee, who speclflralJ,y to Mabatfey'I YOC8 in She WM ~ . retiree in Deceml>er after lef'Ytna =•~rdc:! ~~·:m•~ ,,· 20~c:id~J::X:·Newport 8oWeYard that WM oppmed by Marin backs Beach realdent, Tueaday'1 resildents.. election repreeented h1I tint "I told him I w.ntat to appoint gun CODtrOI voter triumph. In the 1978 .. ,..,,,.. who Wtcbd fl" my 1"9-, eJec:tbl, Goldstein Wiii W Fl I tied e1ecdan. but I Wiii Cl'ytDa to m.lre a ... u a ... •• -1 • D\ _ u .... _ frtm &be-auperiai' oour\ bmdl by it f"'6'/ CID him." ~ 171id. ~ &VU' A-.. V-I ......... the late 0retta Seen. • . Ct C ll ..&. b Coun~ VOtefl have IOD8 OD ty ounc mcm era ftlCIDld ln f:awr of..,.,. em1l'Ol. A y•ar previou1 to that preaently pick their ownl •-election. the H-year-old jurist candidate• to ae.rve on thet By a wteol 47,848 to 31,252 ln bad been appointed to the p1annlnc ccnvntwtm. TueldaY'• primary eledion. they Oran1e County bench by favored an ,dv11ory lnlttatlve Govemol' Brown. w1dna the board ol. aupervilors The pemor, w&o allo b8d ana City Co'mc1le to adopt an appointed Gold1teJn OD two r ' ordinance requlrlq bandpn OCJCMlom to the munidjJal court warmer reai•tratlon throuahout the bench, elevated him to the county. mperior oouri apin In 1980. · A almllar mea1ure wa1 defeai.d ln 1968. In that elllcUon, the vote wu 41,882 oppc>Hd, i7,376 In favor of reptradon. tJlm'l'.D NATIO!CS (AP)• - An lntnlder ..kl to be an lnDlan ltUdenl &'?' pMt ..mty '° the C/::r~r'• platform of the A--nN;y dlsanwmat .... ~ rlJ)D9d. apeech -frcm the ol-tbe Innla .... pn' 1 I and threw-It to tbe boor. Plalndothm -=urity IUU'da .._. the man and took ~ out of the ball Body fowid in Huntington A mm'• body w.m.d aabore In the aui at Huntmcton State ae.cb at about 8 a.m. today, a 1pokeaman for the Oran1e Cou~ty Sheriff'• Department aUd. Lt. Dennla Rohn Aid that death~ to be ~·by ~ Tbt mm bad not bMll 'lbe body came lllbore near the Santa Ana IUvw Jetty ODPO?ite Broakhunt Sv.t. &Im .-S. "'l"tiat .. ablolUtety not our-. .. said WUllam L. l>onnellr, Amlnoil'• w..iern tepm vb -pnisMient. He laict the cn..ae aO frolb CMt AmlnoU hal claimed and deened Up WM the l'9MlltCJi a .,..,,..,..,.. problem early Monday Chat allowed the oO to -=ape Into • wane water ~ ppe .-. Pacific Coaat lli1bway and Goldenwest Sa.t tn Hunttncton Berich. Incumbent OG officials do well in vote Four county offlclala who faced challencea in Tue9day1 ballotlna defeated their oppcnenta with ... final but unofflclal returM Indicated, today. The four candidate• who 1teamrolled to victory were Sherlff Brad Gatea, Allt•or Bnd1ey Jacobs. Superintendent of ScbooJa Boben Peterwww md Public Admlnlatrator Jame1 Heim. Four other Incumbents Jiited. on Tueaday'1 ballot did even better -they b8d no oppasltion at all. They were D11trlct Attorney Cecil Hick1, Tax Collector Bob Citron, County Clerk Lee Bhncb and A.Udltor Vic Heim. In the race for county Board of Uucation -t No. 5 .erYtna the South County, two of lour oandklatea wtll vie In a nmoft in Nowaber. 'nM)' are Bltnbeth Pmtrs, a aradµate student la public actinlnlatratlon, and l'rUlk)yn Schott, founder of the priVate Education !Qsdtute U. TulUn. Ma. Parker r~ived 26,110 vote. whDe Schott~ Zl,401. Other vote tot.la •bowed SberUf Gates crusbJDc' hit two oppo,nent1 -court clerk Manball Non1I and &ibta Ana police dfficer G. Pat Blmd -by a 5-1 mupi_ Gata nceived 276,777 while Norris netted 49,081 and Bland 42,962. For IUpedntmdent ol. ~ four-term lncwnbent Petenon beat ~t John Inmon by. bettll-2-1 .....-. ~-... natved m• ~to J:am...'1 111,835. Inmon .. J)l'tndpal of I Rancho San J~aquln Int.ermediate Scbool In Irvine, Incumbent UMaOr .Jaco.be walloped.. SJ:::• Jaw .Jeu Dl'YtDe -~ 1o 54,898 •. Public admlnl1tratol' JADMe ' Helm, elected '° • mtb term, beat attorney Vfctor Bobbi ,., ... voe. to 108,IM. . 829 29,437 833 2,338 l ,122 3,985 103,764 2.951 1,185 1,892 3,650 7,240 1,066 100,633 3,801 142,321 2,430 ~.969 Amerleu 1Hepetlcle11t ,Jamo1 Griffin 1,214 Peaee ud Freedom Jan Tucker 168 J:l!pbeth MarUnn 149 Llber1arlaa Dan Dougherty l ,M5 ,. imumNA'NT GOVERNOR ,. Demoeratk ., Robert Smith . :B01 Watina .. Charlee Pineda Jr. Leo McCarthy 01 ., RepUUcu -.)!anGarda t Carol Hallett . •? 13,608 15,537 17,775 85,723 55,303 173,091 ., Amerteaa lllclepadeat Houston Myen 1,199 b :• Peaee ud Freedom rClyde Kuhn 297 • LIHrtu1u RJ.W~ 707 .. Jobn_V~ 897 J< SECRETARY OF STATE ,. Democrade ~Smith 18.342 ·:fWm·Boward 15,920 Alica Keyaei-16,312 .Mardi • 101,688 ~ Gordan Duffy 110,148 Olenn &.e 44,829 ;J9COb Kargoslan 43,957 !, Amerleu 1Hepade11t .Alfred Smith 1,211 ( Peaee ud Fnedom MUtoo Takei Ubertarlu ~Buerger OONTBOLLER -Dem.era de Ira Clark Jtameth Ca:y 277 . 1,555 31,758 12,815 21,920 12,041 49;631 23,490 22,246 78,827 292 1,567 1,090 ATl'OaNEY GENBIUL Demecrade Omer Ra1nl 49,&23 John Van de Kamp 101,697 RepUUcu Dave StiJ'linl QeoraeN~ 61,M9 141,326 NOMINATED -San Diec<> Mayor Pete W1l1on won Republican nominaUon for U.S. Senate and vowed to .. retire,. Jf!rf'f' Brown In the November votpia. Peace ... Pr .... m Senate raee Dan Siegel 2M NUMBER ONBT -Gov. r.dmund G. Brown Jr. won Democratic nomination for U .S . Senate; vowed to campaign agaln1t nuclear annt ~ In November. Bartholomew~ 1•680 Wilson and. Brown U.S. SENATE Democratic Paul Carpenter 48.849 1,590 1,926 4,444 1,558 • • Ray~~~~ ---A-May Du .... -,,~ pr1ma~y winners Daniel Whitehurst Wllllam Werts Jr. Gore Vidal Bob Hampton Ed.al_. Browa Jr. Walter Buchanan ~e~ 19,784 lt600 61,362 2,711 3,5M 4,844 Riles set .for hitter run Off BJ 'hie A1Md1 ... Prw State school.a chief Wllaon iw.. forced into a ~ runoff for the -t be .... blld 12 yeuw, .. ttii ..... COda1 fer • bitter November com.t wltb BID Homa. aapertntmdent of a llDal1 Norihern CaUfornla school dlltrict. BJ 'l1le AIMdated Preu .San Dteao_ ~~ Pete wu.on, mounUnc a llMbJnl, canny battle a1atmt year-Iona frontrunner Goldwater Jr., captured nomlna~ for the te ln a sruellnc. hiah-pliced race. lleivily favored Gov. F.dmund Brown Jr., who conducted a virtually lnvlsl~le campaign, tailed to an ..., primary electkJn victory Tuesday for the Democratic bid, outpactna bis neuest rival by more tbm 1-1 . . With 92 pmmnt of tbe vote ln, wu.on malntldned a .-dy 38 percen~ ~Pete ll.cCkJlkey, the liberal, outspoken GOP hopeful who Irked the Republican malnaueam, who ..,... fn ~Wit.ti ~ %5 pll'Cl!Dt. • Tbll -.rl)' ,,,_.. bad lmftllly ..... tallied when ~ and WU.00. both aploUll11 a ~ .... of ·the primary cuipejp, ~ta~ im "r::t"w_:: . N. California ·». ~who at 41 pen1mt of tbe • voe.. Wied to .... tbe medeot '7oters lead majorl\y to avoid a 1eneral ,., -:':it a hup IUID of Prop. 9 def eat money on the race, the incumbent declared an.,.Uy, becll~ "be'• on m .., 111p.'' With IDOlt of the ... .,. ts,448 =eta reported. Los AnceJes Att.orney John Van de Kamp won the Democratic nomination for attomey ...-..i. Van de Kamp drew 83 !*cent of the primary wees 11o l'I peromt for nemocrat1c Sen. Omar ..... al Ventura, the chairman al the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee. Van de Kamp t... a aeneral election fi1ht with former ..mtant tta~ attorney pneral George Nlddeon N\chol8m We.\ 67 ~ of the Republican primary votee avs 33 gercmt for Allemblymm Dave Sdrliltc of Whittier. tui.. ln his most difficult b6d for ~ charpd: .. I p'l tblnk you can buy an eJection. and rm eolnc to -be (&nJc) spends aDodwlr $1.25 lnlllion and COIW in _,,.,,, " ROea became the tint black elected to -~ office when he defeated Mu Rafferty ·ln 1970 and easlly bu won re· election ln pmt ..... cl\a1Jenaed each other to debete. "What we need to do ii fiulh out Oie real Pete W1llon," Brown d>Jd 500 cbeerlna alppor1erl at the Blltmore !idfiL'""He'll debate. . J don't be1leYe he baa a choke .•• " But the elec:tion appeared le.- a victory for Willon than a defeat for Goldwater, aa the 48-year-old, seven-term congreuman toued away an overwbelmfna ecly lwl ln the crowded. lkandid.ete field. Wlthertnc under at1aekl ~ b1a lnteW.ence and abWtJ, then stunc by foes who made a major cempelp -. out of hit reflmi to meet them In one-on-one debate, Goldwater •w hil 2-1 IMd dwlDdle 1ID • ..-paint ,,clce tine weeb bebe the .-um. A mr dlr)'9 befGn 'l\mday'1 ballOCia&. that ~thin~ cmn,.d 1ID a 14-paint 1-behind WU.On -d•plte GoJ.awater'1 eampal1n ~i!!Una, which totUed $1.• by mid-May. Wilson spent some tl.03 tnfllkm. while McClollrey spent more tba)l $800,000. Total ~ howwer. wapected to exiceed $3 mfWcJa for the tap three candldatee able throuP June 8. Goldwater, IOll of the senior senat« fnm Arlzicma. WU , not the only well-known relative ln · the nee. Maureen Reapn. 40, a bu•new ex:ecuUw and a former talk abow bolteM. faOed to budae from ftfth pa.. ~t die ~ntq. traWnc Rep. Robert "S-1 BOb" Doman. Compued to the RepubUcana, tbe Jlemcw:ratlc race was tepid. :~~.!d.C::f.::!:::!!'!n~ :wttty, lldd-tcncued novelist Gore ·Vidal. --· Trawnc the GOP tie1d were' state Sen. John Schmitz of Nepwort Beach (the J.eslslature'• most eame1 ntlve member); pby1tci1t Wllllam Shockley; and Ted Bruinama. fclnner' Lear Jet c.orp. presklent. or~ County S.jiltrar of VcMnl Al OllOn W ~ Dl'tidlNd die ftM1 UnOffld" tabWadonl of 'l\aHday'1 ballottna would be nJnrrd by O 1 .JQ. ticiUy. It dkln't work out &Mt way. The final results from the county's 2,071S_pnctnc'tl were-not 1vallable until after 8 a .m. Onnaie County'• voter turnout w11{8~~ Shirley Deatoo, Olson'• chief =~ uld problems in al relulta from two preclncta. delayed computer· j>roducdon of the final resul~ She -'cl the problem Wll not rela1ed to a $1.0 million vote tabulatiob system purcm.d by the county two years .,o. Whesl the machinm were tint ul8d (n the June 1980 primary, numerous 1Utchea oicurrea. Oran1e County wu the last county ln the state to report final unoUldaJ election results. Mrl. Deaton u1d the mechlnel "worked pretty good" tbil yar. There wu much arumbllng Tuesday night about the apparent alownem of the Orange Couniy count by several candidata and their IUpporfen at ela1lon ntaht ptberingll at the South Cout Plaza Hotel ln Costa.._. ~ releued thil morninC tboW9CI that the Oranae County turnout was 46 percent, considerably below Ol1on'1 projected turnout o1 57 percent. In the June 1980 primary, the turnout w• 59 percent. It .._ a pelidential e1ec:;l1oo ye9r. In the primary ln 1978, a ncn- pretldentlal 'election year, the turnout WU 86 percent. Mt. DMton bi.med the low . turnout on the aeneral lack of recea sparking voter interest. PropoltUon 2 -PnlMtent of Senate Y• 187,002 No 270,798 Proposition 8 -c.ondemned Ptopeny Y• 244,"9 No US8,383 Propolltlon • -Denial of B.tl Yea see>.710 No 68,888 Proposition 5 -Inheritance _ Tax Yet 283,&81 No 1~.503 Prol)Olition 6 -Inheritance { Tax Yea 307,045 No 119,679 Proposition 7 -lnooioe-tax lndexlng Yea 30&,780 No 112,781 Propcllition 8 - Crimlnal Justice Yea 248,086 No 183,354 Propoaition 9 - Peripheral Canal Yet 27"6,447 0ost statewide) No US8,57! Proposition 10 -I Congremional Reap~t Yea 128,576 No 288~153 Propmldon 11 - Senate ~pportioomel_lt Yea 138,399 No 276,968 Proposition 12 - Aaaembly Reapportionment Yea 139,467 No 276,517 First atomic blast detonated in 1944? SANY'RAJJCISOO (AP) -An 1atcl -a Defeuae Department atomic bomb exploded at a lp(Jkeenen Califomla naval depot_dwing Peter Vogel laid an atomic World War U -man than a rather than CXJ11venUonal anm yeer before bombs were dropped explo1lon would explain the on Japan.~ to an article tremendous damace at and• in 1'Bladl ~1r'' ~ ~UR depot. 1be T.YM>• 11D be re' Id In addition to ~ -of 323 thll wflJaiiecea that the men, lneludlnc 200 blldl lllJan mWtary may have dellberatmb' a.tine anmuniUon lhf&ie, Voeel detonated the bomb in the Port laid the blast canted the farce of Chicago Naval Ammunition. a 3 .4 Richter ma1nttude Depot nortbealtof San l'nnd8CO earthquake, produced a on July 17, 1944, um ~te • tbfee..mOe smoke rtna and an the eUec:1B·ol a turf.ace delivery enonnow white n.b of llaht. It, of that device 'o a harbor destroyed the 426-foot. 7,212-ton: f.acillty " E.A. Bryan. an ammunition lbip. Tb&0 article by free-lance The exploskxl. about a third: wr l ter Peter V 01el, which the ll1e of~ ln Japui, heavily' discounts offidal statements that damaged the town of Port Chicaco the devlstatfn& bl.alt wu caused two miles away, i njured by conventional weapons. drew hundredt of people and camed mllltarv akeptlcllm and wu $13 million ln property ~ tenDed r.ridiculous" by a Deferwe Dr: Ham Kruger, nuclear~ Department tpC"M••.m. pby1icl1t at the Lawrence 1be tint admowledaed U.S. Livermore Natimal Laboratory, test of an atmnic device befon told a reJ>011er that lf be were the bomblnp over H.iroahima aeelr:1n& iidi of a nuclear b1mt. and N.,..alCi occurred ln New he wciafd look fot evidence of Mexico on July 16. 1M5, a year intense thermal radiaUon and after the explo1ion at Port measure radioactivity which Cbicaao -now the Concord would remain in decrea1lng Naval Weapona Station., . amounts for "hundreds and "It'• almost beyond mmfnent." thoulandl of yeera. .. Give him the lagandaF.Yi moon watch-by o~ .. It's the only watch ever 'NOrn on the moon ... and NASA hat cholen it ag1ln for the Spece Shuttle. The Omega Speedmastet' Profesaion1I. Second-, minute-. end Jlour- totallnra. Tachymetrlc IC81e. 'Nater·rniatant to 100 feet. The one watch even IP8C9 techhofogy cen't improve upon. Av1ilable in 18K gokt. •15,000. Shown in min-. tteel, •660. ..,,...,......, ................ BALANCING ACT -Karen Craig of Costa MetMt keep her ll8il Bay Avenue. Her wetsuit, protectlon from chilly water, indicates trim a1 she ~es through Newport Harbor during recent eession she's ready for the worst. One thing about windsurfing ia for ,o1 Orange t College windsurfing clw off 18th Street and sure: Sooner or later, you're going to get wet. ind E~l~~r~.tbe. = !~ ~~ ~ B. Watlelftt chanceUcr in ltel, R. to OOJden Welt of the Coatt Community when It In 1986. Collea-, wW pnieent Oranae The . Dudley Boyce Coaat'• Out1tandln1 Citizen Outatandlng Student Award, ~ward. Georae R9c1da Jr., a named 1n honor of the college'• t "' tbe board of.~ fint ~t, will be pnlellted ~·,i'-~ toM.~Buratn. Ul6c Wtllfbe l;lllJ' the Cuncellor W•t•on will Ort.nte Coejlf nece •mtt pre•ent Golden Weit'• Bad. a-a ... ~u.o of the Y.-t Oranae Cout hH 1,892 Awatd:J y !(adel. pieiMient atudmta elilElble for lnlduaUon of the amociaied'ltudenta, will thll w.ek. {ncludJna illOM who 1efld the .,... of alleliance. nw completed their nquirementa in tnvocaUon aiid benecBcUon will Jmuary or dwtnc the aummer of be 1lven by the Rev. Daniel 1911. McGlnn of BJ med Sacrament Graduation ceremonl•• at Golden Welt Co1Jeee will '*1n ate p.m., Friday outdoon In the coliep.'• central quad .,., Geography instructor tibella Bru:ier. a &art.er Golden West faculty Jmlftber, wm deliver the 16th annual commencement addrea. A naUve of Surrey, J:ncland. Ma. Brazler came to the * * * Oiurch,W~. In tltie Uolden Welt ceremonlea, 800 students will receive their auoclate in artl · degree. e~aauation . Police urge varying of ~ night deP@sits. Police in Co1ta -Mesa are .. ~ t)awin ••llfll!J to vary--'-' their bank deposit ~u.res followinl the holdup Of a theater manqer and a eecurtty guard Saturday n.iahL Police Lt. Jack Calnan Mid die $2,900 robbery Saturday at 1 bt8 p.m. at the Senk of America; • 2701 Harbor Blvd., Wiii the third !::o,!t_ city in the l•t four Matthew William Kerriaan, 26, of Costa Mesa, a ~r foe The. Edwardl Cinema Theater, 1534 Adanw Ave., and a aecwity guard. Thomaa Bkhard Bed9on, 26, of Cc.ta Mesa.. were surpriled by two muked gunmen .. they attempted to drop off the depcmt at the bank. The. two gwuneD° lea\,ed out of the bushes and ordered the two men to the ground. They fled on foot when two other theater employ~ showed up to· make 'another depolit, police aid. f actOr. this tiine " Angels erupt to belt Tol!Jato, ll-4 TORONTO (AP) -Four bau.n Into the pmt, it looad • if lt w.. not aotna to be Geoa z.hn'• nieht. The An~eft-hander quickly fell M when be aervecl up a three-run tint-lnnlnll bome nm to the Toronto ~~'=Zr 8:':11 tmil;attw . of bll 1"9C9lt perfornW>CW In his pnMom four ..... t.I t.iled VJCfORY -~ ;ee.n' to lMt u 1mdn8I and Md not IUlh·• Rennie DmllDd WOil --.... May 1~. her first CD' d>ampm.btp. Mtt WlllP't. wry arx>d mn,•• Saturday when lhe Captured mt Zahn. :rw wen atruaJinc ~women'• 800 meten. •tit latlel.Y." .. ZMn.-liiowMr ....... by • SPORTS CCI U!NST NB firm aids Lakewood Bai..Peb.rek, Arc:bltecture and Land ~ of Newport 8-cb. . .bM deYeJoped f« 1..tabwood 1 Ct.vie Center a master' plan to ~ the propoMt t.cillty for 20 yean. Involvlnc a 19-acre 1ectlon of down&own Lakewood, the ar.. la bordered by CandJewood Sir.t to the OOtth, Clark Avenue to the west, Del Amo Boulevard to tbe IOUth and the la Cerritos Good control channel to the eMt. nm area lncorporates the exlltina dty hall and annex. IaoobCJnl Ubrary, a county lberlff'1 IUb'1taUCJn and a post office. ~ater to celebrate Up, Up and Away ii the theme lor ~celebration of Town Center'• third birthday on Saturday. Activities will include bot air balloon rides, entertainment, sales and prizes. The Town Center Sbopptna and Bual.ne9I Center ii located on Town Center nrtve~ oft the Crown Valley Parkway between Alida and N~t Ro.di. For information, contact Carole Bowman at 495-3300. Bof A cul4 some loan rates BllDk of America said today it will reduce interest rates on more than 150 adjmtable-rat.e mortpem t.ued to Callfomla bomiebuyen lMt year. ; Effective July 1, interest rates for ~ under $200,000 1-aecl in June 1981 tb.rou8b the b8nk'a cmtom home loen pl'QlrUD will be reduced to 14.931 percent -a dec:rerre of 1.569 percent bun tbe lnltlal rate of 16.50 percent. Rate reducdom for loanl under $200,000 1-aecl in July 1981 ~ l1ID'9 betweeo 1.464 J*'Celll and 1.317 percent, depeoCllng an the loan'• c:rlginatlon dates. Computer sfulw in Anaheim . Camput.er piaphk.a. the bullne9 of 1nmfonDinl raw ~pu-data Into coJor pk:turea, cbarta ma drawtnp, will abow off lt9 latest ldllewment9 to about ~.ooo perm Ddt week in AnahetnC>--Tbat II the attendance predicted for the National c.om~ Grapbk:s A.-datlon conferenoe and expo at AAaheim Convention Center June 13-17. It is the third mmual NOOA event and -the tint held in ~~t of the 140 exbibltort i n the 120,000-aquare-foot expo will be preaentln1 demomtradom of camputer pphicl lyst.ema that reduce reeim of ocmputer printouts into pk:turea and ' mustrattom. STOCKS IN THE SPORIGHT P!J! S f!.E!!f! ,_. YORK (AJJ,..._, T-. pttoe w ,....,.,, .M. L ..... •1Wtdmllltflltto.r,::--~ ITOCU " ff??. ~-llCM.:-.,.--. .... cir:.., a~=.. t1 " IOI I, N • -1' • 1nt 11U1 lfUr llUI nut-... llM •Iii -1411 1S Utt 110.M 11Ut tlU1111.t._ ... ......... 1"" + '°' 6S Ill aw.• ..... llUI 11J.1>-Ut I _..,...,_,"I It Ille I r.: ...,. ii ~ =. : . ... . .. ........ ... .... •·m'-/ii:';!! ,,.,. ~ -w. w.a····.::::.:::::.::::.:.... .,,,.. ~ I! f ;~ WiiAT .. STOCIS···· - H!:'. II = -" NllW vc:iltK CAPI Jilt..-·- TW&. AiERICAN LEADERS E = ==-"'1 .... .,_ m -TAMUDO HEW VOllK IAll'l Jwt. I METALS l'fw. 1 I m N•W V~ CAii'> -1f10t _..,,.... ----~ :-11111 llllal ......................... ..... uman ~-... : .. 1• ~-..,. . i.. ~, .... := ";y az:c,.,,.. ., . u. IGUA&. MOUllNO O,,OltTUIUTY ................ Al,... ........... 11Md In thll n•,,•P•P•r II tub)eot to U1t 'te1er11 Flit HoutltlQ Act of 1MI Wiiiett mek• It Illegal to 1dv1rt l t1 "tn)' Pl••-. !Imitation or d~UOfl beMd ~ reoe. col«. f"lll9IOn. ... or n1tlonal ottolft, or any Intention to mike 11w 1uoh preference. ll mltetlon or clllcrimlnatlon. .. TIM. nlWIP9PI' wll not knowlngly 1cc1pt any 1 1dvert11lng for rHI 11tat1 which It In ~oftMlaw. ,_.,,, .... .... , .... ,,. l=iiiiiiii!iii!i!iii!iiiii IUt . • ,. 1-....... l• "-""' · ··· ..._ I I I I I I r ~ """""' .. . .. lt::'J::,,i,~ ;n. ·. : ·= AdvertlMrl lhould .__°""""._ ·' -check their ad• ta.,.~~ . = d II d t Oii., .... """-_ a y an repor ---.r--p_f!!_. .,. e r r o r a ........... & .. _ • - I \ t ~ 11. I tl /.' // . ~~~~~~~­. •11111 llTTMI IRorliiNCJ oenter In Nwp1Hatt.30r/2ba ~ Ooelneldl. tw trwy. 17, dn, owe bal. Xlnt ;i,;p9, ooo eq tt. tUM. ad. MM 111 (lotl) flnendno. great cMlll Mt. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Aoell. el t;ot 11 DILlllYI ll tllTI on llmolt I ~ ~ lot• of ore•nery end WI" ..... plut poof and recreetlon 1re1. Excellent Coate Mell 1oc 1t1011 and near Newport. Well · ma!Mllntd and nl\ll9f' • VIClf\CY. Llrgt 2·1t0t)' townhoull units with • bldtooml .. with pettol. Cll for flnenclng dltllll ind floor plane. l.arge ueumabll loen. 15,800, 000 ... land. •-* ........ .... .,,_,_ .... 111.11i.t._. .... -lmmedl•t•ly. The IOTAlS DA I LY P I L 0 T == : 111ume1 llablllty · An In-depth ana!Ysla of the current residential · real estate market ... and what can be done 'about It. lifdt• • ..... Come and ••• thl• trl plex with greet pot1nt111 Cotta M111 gatf cour.. ... Cal for more lflklrmltlon. 1196, M-rr.e::;. .. ; : for the first ~~ ... . : Incorrect lneertton =-~"' ·· : only. ~""'· . -________ , Al'a=-' = "-,.,..u., -...... --·--==· :: ==· .. = ....... -.... Q ...... lw._ .. Olllet--=tia:::'.i = 51:.-:-= ~IMST· MOT,fWMC( == = ==" = ._ .. a--=:..~. = AlllHllCOUJHS. rm.au& llST&flM - THE REAL ESTATE RS ... ,.1,... .. Famaettc 3 8d 2 ea. tam rm llouM. Formal dlft., utn lrg totl TtlrMlldout buy. t1500/mo. Won't l11tt au11n Han ·· .. ·~· R&IM~ REMEMBER DAD! -l.Sml Duplex , a111101 .P1nln1ul1. Well kept • 'fwo aer unlt9. 2 oer gar. 1 blk from bead!. Ooocl aummer/Wtnter rentala. Min. vacancy fector. *"'~-~~ llltne-7-.100 wtttl• .. -.. Fath«'t Dey mllll09 4 Ir. 21h k lcs.t ..,_ 642·5'71 "°"""~poof' Win 4 FREE TICKETS! park. Cul de ••c. Dlllty Plot Amurnlb6I 10ilto% loM. -liiiiiiiaii.ii1iilftldiiiiAdliiiiiiiif '380.000 .... • -,__ ...... . Choice 4 br exec:uuv. ranch 1tyle horn• In ~~ TURTl.£ROCK l t1,200/ln0 ,...,. Ill IPPllH toward• pun::NM 1n e rnomt11 t0 1 year. I.erg•, low Int--...,..,.. !Oen, tonnll dining, frplc, Md FEE I.ANO. 2870 Sen MlaUll. (714)7 .. 1501 Ot (7f4) 152·7373. __.' ·Walker B lee ·1.1 y l ( ll' ( () .,_. .... ltftS)l ..... llU.WOtd tMt COf'I# to,,.. whell you view tll• Fr. ~ ---oC""' c:weom lloml. TM ..... Mttr Bdrm,_ a HI• & Her dre11lnt area, 1unken tub I 911t111n. TM 3 r ....... ..,.. ... ..,__, ... ........... 11 ..... Ideal tor ..-tert .. ftlftt ...... --.... room & wet bit. Ttte falftll)' room & llvlrtt roo"' boil otter Uie warmth ot flrepl ..... AIW eal1-11oMi Ca&I ua fOt a :_v~ llPPl· 111-7170. IR'i:>l I l( I\\: t<I \I ; I .. JIM WOOD, PRESIDENT UNIQUI HOMES, I~. Thuntloy, June 10, 7:30 P .M. lrviM c..t Country Ovit 1111 FMtlenl requn4, 675-6000 l\m odeW I bdrm, 2 beth + 1irp nc. rm. bwn cell! ... furnilbed. petiol. f'20,000. .._ ........ " lA&OClll view from I ~ & beth. playroom. dult rm. den. Boat lllp. tl,350,000. ~ ianm~ · ~ beyfrcQt VieW 2 br, 2 be up; 2 br, 2 be dli. 2 boat .UPI tl,900,000. •••••n OJroomdo l.a.nd CUI&. t.yfront Jot. 151 boet dock. PIMw avail. Red. '370,000 w/wma. • . ··-.... *'Y md uNt, aptndad. =.-i J br, Iba CJD llrlll;' ~-'200, . PMl&.91 . s bdnlll; 2~ ........ ~pool tlU,000. BILL GRUNDY. RE.nLTOR ' ' ' \ t >I I I tl I" H MESA VERDE 4 BR PoOI lloml, '20.000 dwn, low pymta, .. llllUIMI*. No QUllJ)'tng.t57-1t77 Dlllllft "Pride of ownenhlp" untta • two 2 er 2t>1'L ~~~~~~~~I ac:.ri .... North End . $329,000. ~~u. .............. ......... Ill.I• 11111 38R, 28A, 8pe. $231,500 W.. /f6 i.lf 1#1 tee. OWf* .. C9fTy wtth •••••••••••••••••••••• '"' doWn. by OM*. • 179-3123 EMEAALD BAY FAMILY HOME Five ~room. 4 b1th I .. 111 uclualve home wit II ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil I.erg• OOYltld r.•tlo, petlo, UM of ttnnll 91\d Ill.Ill ..,.. flr~l101, doub • cir p r I-c at • b •a c h • SlngJe ltOt)' wltll boet .... • garage. Excellent AHu"l•bl• financing. lllp. EllciMint ~. condition. IUl,000. 1790,000. 64-4-7020 l&&O,OOO neme your .,... ... Jiii ~':"~ 1" ICIM. ~ IUL UTITI .... -..... -... _ .. _ termt. .. ..... "' 1.IQht, atty. 1P9Ctcxi• 4 .., lal .... Dr. i.--llllJI 1111 142·1208 Panoramtcvr.w 9D ::~.':'r:.~1~.:,~~~·~·~l~nt~~~ f'li~·,.·e·woi:il.·o~ Newport B•1 •n• Verde. ~ well to 1: Country Club IMng w/ ~ ~11..:= tcnool. Priced reduoN N 0 Q U A l 1 f Y I N 0 • MCUltty. All lllgant new ol _.... ~ to t12C1,IOO. '41-a13 w----..... .._ ........ rll6dlncl. 2 eA. ltudy, ... , avaUabJe lot Oft .......... "' """'"' ..,.,, c:ua1om kltch, 2 bl. patio, THE REAL ESTATERS -- lllHlf mT-.&. A"•lou1 corporetlon ~VA"""' on .. vac.rt 2 8dr hofM on lrg corner lot. lncredlttly Dftold It °""' .. uoo. '1'11-3 ' 1 pool. Oreenhouu 11900/mo IM. N•ll•n• JUdilt. ••~·~ kttohtft. t117,000. Bkt &nllh. Agt. S5M712 OI ~~~~~~~~II" Ml-0709 !5-.. ..,... OU don't n.d a gun to -·-..., ........ "draw f11t" Wtl•n you -··-,,.,_ ,_, IHI oe.c. ., Id 1n u. o.11y L~==~~ 38r We1t1ld• horn•. •••••••••••••••••••••• Plot Want Adel Cal now HAA80A FIDGE ...::rlflcl IH,000, 110, I M2.&e78. P1'1m1 w. 8111/ttldl. 000 dwn. )(Int financing. Piii PUii M•• ofter. 759-0481 eas-1 • llTITll 9Jm.!W./!!l.'1 ••••• 0.1.t ,,.,, ,,,, 111an w.1, 111, A a 2~ u. ,....,....., 1111 .. !'.~~ ... -...... lNt 3 ~ hofnl muet ~ODEl THAN .. '!!.................. WHlrfll'-It .... HAS EVERYTHING Newpor1 a.ct1 DI Ana It.HI. Onty 1760 dn. be totd. CASH TALKS. C..kie MC tttMt bayfront Park. Mint Owner CMfY $120 MO. i -··••I :~:.~r:, ~:,. ;:r1~ sun & 8111 11 Club I cond. '71 dl>I wld•, Agt. 714-971-9700 ... ............. 20 rntn to flrlp!Ke, brtdl patio, •--' ..... ,, -~ c.,,., '54..500. AllO 2 bf .. 2 --- - - - ... 10 ooo ....... 11eo ooo 119.. dout* wide, comer Inti"' .. -• ...... • lot $39 000 811 Grundy ········i'A•·-······· Terrific lnvHtrnent at 12% ftlC9d rate & 87g..e1i 1 ' TRAOE Central Collt ~on ttMt OOMn My lln"IOr1Dld. • dMr. cuetom 3 bf *-~!I'..~ tiwy. Jutt 1 No polnta or QU9llfytng. ..... ... ... .... 11om1 on 2 ~ ~ ~IOOkl frOlf\ tllt ··=,_ no.o:M7 2 bdml 1~ bl. ldfta. ppty.~.1225M ,_.. .. OurrnlY ~ --Owner/= LMge kit. 8m1 pet OK. -.. tor hofM OI unite. t1410s-mo.o.n. '"' Hr. ShocJplng.. Low rent. Org Cty 8HCh ArH. help flnence. '2$0,000 ...................... • .. a .. ooo: Mf-2954 <>wnr aos •ee 4'M3 ful prtoe. HEI.~ Ollt*•tt ""* .. ..., ...,. ,, .. L.:-='.;::~~:;::~-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii C7 I 4t 67M4M nut ... thll .-..• ••• '!ih: .............. 1 ......... ,... You IUbmit "JOI/I trade°' m ,,...,.. ~-m': ~d~ YllUT a•• urn u 1 24 • xe o · wt11rent1n Palm Sptnoe. R OR IMnG. AlklnO 1135 WllTllJff OOMUS. I.Cl• llv Oln 101111y electrlc gated HA 8 fof.-Jlli.ic·e oft. Bk; F••t eaorow, 111t Ar-.Oplnklt. flmrm. 2 petk. Diii wk» 29t', 28e And out lbOUt "" """ ..,..,... .......... carear~.­THE "!Al HTATEA8. ~ ICl\OOI f ... ,......to echool your ctlofct. Eldlnllv9 .... tralnlna. 'or lnfdrmatron, 0111 711 .. 111 Ml-470I BR. 2 be. ~ IYOtl\ matr bath, mirrored '9 rau111ton. Owner wtll aubhoull &40-51Ct7 oul ,14-.. HP eta II ln•nu. a 8cl, low •• .... 'e11ow1t1 l leb. OuMt .......... )'WCI. quiet ~ beth. tub l lflower. Iota liii~~~!!ii!!!i!!!li' I 11• For quiet ..... on1y ** ct-tvllllp"* a m1rrortc1 1231.100, tt'1 (IHll Wll CMfY 91 12"' 2 BR w1111. l.g fem rm. °'*°"). = .....,_, euMy mobll• llom• In CO'V9f'lcl patio, IHsftld .. R&IM~ ---- Co1a1 MHa. Below ~car garage. Wiii 135Klll BONOFOA lllCMnQ• for home In 1300 ora.,a• or Rlveretde ••••••••• •••••••••••• County, "'8rp 28r, ...... AE~BER OAOI lot In 8an Jldll1o-I ...... wttti a are•. Wiit eaoti1n1• Fathlt't Dey "*"91 ~ ,,_. Colt.a ..... M2-!Se71 49r, 211 dbl aar•1• Win 4 ~TICKETS! twnhH. t 110,000. Dally PMot tnoome 1700, ~ Qlllltlold 9dl 147UO. M\JACMlt90N ENIE#AllEI 112..n1 •2100 movH lC>U ,,., •1.a.000 ... 2 ..... . BL COndoe. 1MO ... ft. Al ....... QIMoe Of a llflCllM • ......__., Ptiona t0-2000 or f31·806a. Conv•nl•nt 38r 2ba, fem, 2 f/pa, Wld, "'' ... BBQ, reno•, dbl ,.,. wtt/gdnr . It I , Mf.1441 n 11A apt. Chlldren Okey. "76 mo. M&-0324 LO. 1 bt, pool, ldub, no ~ ...... 73190f l!!~l!.~.P..'!!.l.'.fl P!!~.~.lf! .... IMI ~1.-!!!lf! • .,,.'t/J!M --------i 2room.avt.1250-.•ncf CdM di• •Ult•, IVO. 1775 up. 2110 ft. Utll, quiet P9rtOn, CM ... Pka, uttl pd 2118 lnduttrt.11. OMce. 1IOl1 ., ... l&O-tftc) !. Ott 'Hwy. Ut5. "•dondo Clrcle #I 175-ttOO N.w 1tudlo, Pvt ant, & Hunt~ton, leech • .,•th, ut1l1 pd, Hr ~. eo.11 MeM 250 9f IUlte ...._M_2_.2 __ • ____ _ t4.I . 1275. 53647N t176mo. utll lncld. 77ll 5000 1q rt tndultrlat "*" rmmate wented to W llth ft. tat·•2I btdO HOW. 11ttl ft. la lhr 381', 21a apt, CCIM. lllTl llU Co.ta Mtea. t1500/lft0, 500 aq It. PtlVlte 714tM5-ttt1 reatrme. Oft St Perttlno •.. W. "M"' Out1lde entrance. Uill ••••••••••••••••• • ~. t450 per mo. -emofclne or dr'Wtlna 1no orange. 1314573, flMtty loolllne tor rent.ii Of &42-11929 In Newpot1 ..... .,,, ~ MI" to •II, 2 Ir ".1. 2nd floor W9ltl up oftloea. 10. Wlfl 00 &>Mltlna and II o u... Pvt y •rd & 11 ... , 11711 end 1240• clean up. C111 col1*:t1 ,..,..,... ..... 57""" l<u'" ~" 1·1t7-et711, • for P .. -_... . ..,... ..., •' C • r p •ti . d r • p • •. Of Mlrllyn. OCIANFAONT. Mature, paneling Corona del M•.1---___;~---- re1p, non-1mkr, lam.1---------I '1112·1~ oMoea In Prof. cpl• w/3 yr old 1235 plut utll1. 541-1M7 OHi# ,_111 HH pre1t1glou1 Corona <Ml wMt to rent 2 br, 2 be I •••••••••••••••••••••• Mar. New carpet a & llouM or apt, ptel. pool, 2 er. 1 ... 1 oar...... ... •• I " " •11111 •• 1117 W•cllff. N.B. Want .....iora. Under mattlet, bHch ., ... Wiii do ¥90/mo. tit. !Mt l dip. ~ •• ROOMMATE SERV. llnanclal lnet. 70001.f. au b • I ea 1 a . C a 11 mllnt .... c. or menage In lnquhf46.M37. Santa Ana Fwy & Newpor1 Av. extt, Moving? •void depoeitl, 1•t. floor . Agent 176·1123, Uk for ..en. for pt. ,.,t. Xln1 *Clean 2 Br. Mac.Al'1hUI' left on Walnut to 1322 8.E. W8'nut out ~l ~~ 541.5032 MlcttMI or CM•. rm. Aft. epm, 4112-8464. Vig., 8.A. Tannie. pool, 833 OoYer Or. Ste 2, NS. f..~~.~~e.~~olvn J-·'--"•--'I •P•· 1100. Adult•. W IU•llll " ........... .,,, _ _...... ~ _.1 -r..•1 752-6122 « &41-1480 ~ t3l-633I 300 ~ft. Nwpt lch. 11...a s•v1b-We1brew'h-n-_.. a.-1F to lhr 3 , 2 Ba 7•2.7 • ••• "3"'1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 B. r. Oupl•• w/:= --~ --~ ---.--·-" ......... • I'*'·'-~ ........... ...-' hOUM, C.M. Frplc, No rr::•STSIOE --.. ..._. ow . .._, · ...., "" ..,, " '"'• om ..., ,-~ --..,,. -1485/mo.115t-500t. •ullaflM •••••••••••••••••••••• utile. Avall lmmed. ~ ,.._.,. Costa M•••. appro• .••• ~;=;'•••••••• --------·•-s-u_n_n_y_2_B_r_._2_9_•-c· llld • l'cnet M llee prtv. 54Mlt21 or '3 ... MeO. ., 1000 aq ft, 1750 mo. FROM S5000dn. BEAUTY TwnhM w/patlo, yard, •••••••••••••••••••••• reo tacit, pool, t•nnl1, .;,,.. -&42-5552 SALONS. Several to w/d hOOk·usi. afntl• 1\it........ lllke. "*"b berltlil?.~ l ~ .:r:.•hare 2 ./._ -• In...., llU. 01811~~ Cell now. ' arage,. Sll25/mo. Call 1 bdrm Condo. Hunt Slit Cl . 1" utH. ll...,, 1st 56l..ot1t alter 7 PM ~ .._,.... 1200 or eoo '1t. 00. Ptll' r .,. 5+080t, Bch.' Pool, Jae, tennl1. l !Mt. 15M-.co38 ---------1 tit. Mo to mo. or ........... ft ,,_,, UZI 13704Sl0. 1 Br. 1 BL gar, ~·~.mo. Room, private bath, F dllld Ot<, * 8ICk Bey Multan Alelty. 540-29e0 •••••'-••••••••••••••• Apt. enol1d oarane/ 1t7 'IMM 2 ~ kltctl Pf!V. condo. Pool, ape. t.we. 2nd TD'e-compet. 1'9191. c:erpon'c:fc:°· ~ ~. 2 bt, utlll S:· '°"'move &42-4901. 5 tot PM !300. M5-61tl5 --------IUl11fll 120.000-1100,000 fully TbhS..W.L u....... to.~.· 1--!."12c1~ , ... ~· .. ,no P9tl. ,...,,.. wanted. Nr. o.c. ! .... L~ ... 2 IA,,. ~·t1. ~~~~ ~~. w .... ,f emu, =· ~ ::::··:.!: -__ ._.;;.. .. _·_-_._ ...... -i_ .... _._-_._n_-_. ___ , Colt-•. Room w/prlv. ...,..,... . w "-• F 11 11 ..,.. It No Ith UH o recept on, . . . ' -• lemlle. l34MS 11t/le9t + rom · • ..... · conl. room, khch, phcne. 913-211 1, llG1 for ... -AEDEC, 38R. 2~ 2 1221/mo. Rel'• req. MC. dep. e73-l38I IHH required. AdJ . ucretartal & word Ml•t llYW •·-" 1 •· -GAR. 8CH 3 BU<. FRPl. 54(M)410e. Atrporter Inn. 2172 ""-· now -· __ ,. ...,..,, P•TIO, 4 UNIT•, I--------M t t .... 3 '"• D t C 11 AM proceialng · Mall & V I O pool, I~. Ho Pft&. 1~7 ... 0 "+ d•p ... Room for rent In .roommee o... ... upon · • · meuage aerv. avell. PRI ATE Money, 1. •e••·•Jlll SS3915t .~r:o,,·.!32'' w. 1tltl. 213i420·77015 or EV bHullful 4 Br. home. =1·f~ii.1151-31H. _833-3 __ 22_3 _____ , c••.P•1r1~.le1y II d~u,ldr•Yd .. ~:~C::::~:e\04eu1t. ... ,.... • -•. 2131,..2435 hOUH prlv., frplc. 81YfRt\VT 71 .. 17 _"lOO. " 1-------- BeautlfUlty landaceped 2 Br. gwden apt. Newta.;;;;-u::-;::::::=-::::.;:=·t...!IUO~~/mo=:·_:M=2~·:.:,17:.::3~7:_· _ n un I ,. _..., Prtll .. IH/ ....... Dttdln9Pt& Pool &Spe. ~~ .• ,,..._~Imo. :5.:·f'~~ SCdM room to· prof LL... Prtme offtoe. 873-1003 NO DEPOSIT. tndlvtdual Secure cr•dlt and •----------• Cover•d parking. No ...._ .. ..., -.. ..... _ • ..,.1 IN1Ut'9. quiet M. Aeft, M~tlf. C.,Ofttc)..7179 office for rent In lull-venture• through '*9---------• ,,__ _..._ non -kr, •'""7IMll I __ ....._ -·•ta 405 E1crow. Loans, end BKMior $400 COND0,8.C.Pla:a.,.._ 2 Bf' decor MCI .... _.. REMEMBERDAOI execup an _._ ••ec. -• Balance sn..t1 loana. Compare before you rent. Custom dHlgn feature1: Pool, bbq, ~ov'rd it•r•o•. eurrounct.d With plu9h a.ldeceplng. Ho pets. 'Br. fum. 1 er. t4eo 2 .,,, 2 t>a. a.c. ~· oar. p,::: '450. •17311 2 n1oe rma for ,.,,.. 1 Father'•:~. Fwv ~r~ve we swolltde Co1went1on121 ~I~~~.::-~= ~ ~.=.o:o. on !<.-.on ln. M7~22 sm b!':-.1~5: t!':t~ M2·St71 "A NEW CONCEPr' OfFICE/lnllne -10yn In and non-convenUonal bua h. sMue dip. ,,,,.. 114f e.cl-4'51 llft 4PM. Win 4 FREE TICKETS! Full ....,cuatom MrYlce. 833-1122. IOlutlonl. Contact Berry -- • N<>n....-nkra. Ma·2142 •••••••••••••••••••••• Delly Piiot otnc. 7 delk epeoe. ---~ G.OIL Flnendal , _ 1 ... ___..... f FOA Rent, 2 rm1. In C'8allfled Ad Nr 0 C Alrpott ••w _.""_ ...... ..._ BAY TIMBEAS ,_ge '*' -· _......, or College Pertt. 1275 mo. 8 . 7~8 W .... appolnted offtoe w/ 41~ llllST /mo. 2 er. 1~ BL Sl)ldoull 1 Br frplc.PQO! 1•1•••• near Uf .C1•1· Inda. utla. Call: P*Jellft LAOIES ONLY Nwpt Harbor view. ------------ownllouee, al bullt..W., & · m crowave, rp c , 5PM ..... ...,...2 Lo -•y "'-ort .. _,_11 -o• 1000 .,,.. ... -balcony, laund';/ rin. ~----waaher/dryer area. ....,_,,.. v ... _ .. ., .._... 11• It., I& .......... · .... ••· covered parlcln Nice _..... 1150/mo. Joenna .... ~!.1 ;. .. ~5°"' • I 3 2 II · , ____ Ms-_1_1_00 __ _,...1-=-::cate--7-2=tv::-._73~1-3&30::---=::IQ1~ --...,.-----1 RM. Avt. 3 bt, 2 IHI home _....., 400 eq. ft. oftlce epeoe. ·-.._ -....... --locltlon Ul1'M 155-1833, ~720. In H.I , 1250 mo. w/l300 --------1 AJC, or-t petlllng, gr .. 1 580 & 1~50 1q.tt. aval. =:'I, .,.u,_ --TSL Mgmt 842-1803 0r-condo t Br dep. 1 b1k bcll. ttc)..7ttt Prof lady. unow 35, non bulldlng. Harbor-Baker Ctr, CM ••••• •••••••••••••••• 2 bCSmi, 1 ba. ll500, Ollr _..,...,,.. • att &PM • for DaYlt or lfl'Mlr to ltw 2 BR 3 la R•looomk:1 17H700 (acroH from FEOCO). Wcsl:flelJI .... , ... e .. u11:,:.~d9n apta. Pltloe/ Hee! ~ No pate. 2 children welcome. 2 Br. 2 BL 9650 .. w waecn ea1..a593 540-3tle on....,, air, adutt.I ontf, Jim • view condo In Nwpt. Mgr , a 4 5 ·I 1 O o ; 1 NE.ED 2 BR. -'rirt -8Yllll. trnmed. SSOO/mo. 1350. &44-11152 Eac IUltff, full MrY.. 549·1381 m umnu ·-·.,, .......... gar. 661·2114 ..,_, •"11 flll furn/unfurn .. grHtly 1----------1 1430 plus 1250 HC. CONDO UCI Twn Ctr 2 ••••••'• .............. Fem rmmate, 2 sty reduced . No tie. llllan1 ... ,., 4411 llllllllTB.f Me--0341 •rt 1:30PM bt, , & ,.. '*""' be.. 2 MM Ill ma twnhM, 2 car gw, W/O, ~· ............ -......... WHl'"trad• or ~lft 1 Br.~podoaa& cers>on1, new. wcant. Wkly rentala now twal att kltch n.ce11. S221 --------Retall ltore at 2950 Avon lnlereit In Houiton watw l*d. fW'• ,.q. Ho '11' mo. 512•1411 ll05 a up. Color TV. mo . 546· 14 73 ah St., 1640 eq. fl. '*"a M9rina l!"°'*1'I to get P•t•. 147 Flow•r. O'lln!AOL PttonM In room. 2274 1:30PM car garege. M1-87n. wha1 I want now. l33Glmo. • 6'M1t1. ~ a.. • ....L _ _.. !Wwporl....,fl!Yd-7 .. ~ .. M. Lux. furn 2 BR 2 Ba R•t•ll Store lor luH, Subttantltl Ol1count1 -.,._ -... ...... ocean ¥W condo. ee&o 4500 eq ft or 1eae, 1n Very motivated! (714) 1 Br !!Ilda. 1m but cozv • • ................ 1..11guna Bdl; 4114-1n1 752~2747 w/loea Of na1Uraf wood. W''llllT ..., ..... 4111 mo. 831-e735 1370. 851.e522. $-6:30. Molt ....... ept bldg.. •••••••••••••••••••••• ---..,.-..,.-..,.----1 ...... 111'11. IL..._ -~ 2 M.. In UCllN ._.., ftr..e B.~3~r~y1,n£,~!~!o:!J :.r. otd bue1r18U man • nl1I Xlnt 1oc. on Pac. eoeat .. q.,n, ·~• -• GreetC,M.locattonwtttt loca11on In town . mHll & lovlnt care. 1quletnon-lmkrror Hwy. ldMlhlghvtelbillty llMl6 -.I 1 Be, oarao-a patio. btMt.tltalng .,.._.,all lle4 to04 28r 2ba Prom Pt. lllll'fM butlnen lite. Appro• ...................... . Aleo have 2 Br 1~ e. buftt·lna, tleetecS pool, --------·i ::~-· tennl1. 1310, 1111'1 1000 eq rt. MS-7100. I.I. Ul118 with oar•o• & patio eub.-g•'•~•tor. ,..,.. a.1111 fJll 2t dye, 173-7114 llt-----J-• ler1PP ....... 1625 "'* for Jim. Ctl LAMll onty. & up. •••••••••• .. •••••••••• ., 110 to 3000 aq ft _., ~ In 1st & 2nd e3t-7aro 330 Clff Dr. * -· UWMIT Prc4. to "'9f• luxurloua "No Frlll" Prtce. ln1"1 H11 · TD'• WIOe 11Mll Studio, \4 bit from Main 4 bdrm, 4 beth, ~ view trl·l•v•I Condo, Wiiiiam Cote, 8t(f. •••=:•••••••••••• Robt. S.tUer NH/CM 2 Br. , ... BL '450 for 2 belld\, good ldtC:h, uW bHch, pier & float. Harbor Knoll• furn., 11•1111-1• _.""_ • 19 R.E. Bn*• 8d RMltor9 l)er'IOM. Ho peta. 755 W. Incl t3M. 4M 3044 leOOO for August. 8111 em en It I e 1 . I 4 0 0 . , In '*""" bldg on Cou1 M2·2171 545-0811 11th. St. f46..950.7 Grundy, Ntf. t7M111. 7~ Avlll. t-1M2 Hwy, South Laguna. 1--------- W 1 Id 2 ~ 1 I ._..,,.... ~ Appro•. 500 sq. ft. Wiii discount well ~rr~ ~-. ·~: ;.-._...-........... :re;; IWwport Wlterlront-Obt. Fem, non-emtir, to lhr Elccellent private pw111ng Mc:Wed 3rd TD on prime stove ~=::.."'., draoia NO F£EI • & COl'ICIO 8lp1 10, *700/wlc. Wlf'I nice C.M. 2Br/2Ba -•• iift.iii;;i•iMTllll~ .. --1 betllnd bldg.. 1525 mo. CclM ~. 114,000 • -........ ....-. ,..,. VIII AIMlla. Wknde 714117~ or apt. Pool. tenn1a. """"· • -n-·~ 4"""11n ea 12% Int., due In 2 yrs. No pet1, children, .......... 12 .....,._ 'T14/730-3m. .,... -...... =-,.,.,_ ,.._,.,_ -waterbed1. 1460 + ,.,_ --· etc. 1325 mo. + .,. ut11. ~ -1 ... fl ~~'1!!~1 to~ ltoOO. aec:urlty depo11t . 3 bdrm, 2 b• lamlly Debbie 5151·4171 or -••-,._ _....,.. 541-5442 Of' no.sen. hOfne. Meel Verde. AvrtM l...!54()-14~~54:._____ Piu.h. newty-<lecorated, HI vlllblllty, good adv, 1123 to 1130. All UUI. 3 br twnhm to lhr w/1 Intimate atmo1phera. 2330 Newport Blvd. CM ,..__,./ Wkly hOUHCIHnlng. penon, muter bt w/pvt 130-IM eq .. fl. In lovely seoo. 875-nee ,... 11111/ S 1 6 O P • r m o . dKll, Univ. P11. Irvine. a-den type bldOI ,_,. Preattge Wettc:llft retell ,,_, I ,.._ 1~111 13110lmo Incl. udla. Eva fnct. NCtPtlonltt, PhOlle looetton. Apotox. 2500 ••••-•••••••••••••••• 1=--All;,;.iOil4illliiOowni•;f;now';i;1ibeli'l•111ml 551-1211; dye 1r.M120 ann~=Eetc. !Kt-rt. •t 11.0IS lneludtng 4,.,.,, •• ,. II# -... tor tum. aumm. ~..,... pool, COHNecTION u111111e1. Realonomlc1 •••••••••••••••-··-· ........_.._...on 8elbOe ..,.., gym, WI'/ nice fer 1800 DcM. Suite 330 Corp, 87MTOO *.,..., Po111t, I rm•. bath & quiet l*90tl 1380. NB. 752..+40a ,_,_.M.l .. llJf,. •H•I* kltott. Cp••• pref, Mo t3 1-o3n 1---------1:::".rr.-:::: •••••••••••• 1a15So.EJ~Real. p. t.. • ¥I/'# It n d I L.oolc ..... for "· betWeen • -wana PlllE .... Sen Clemente. 4112·72" 11&-1131 Ot tl7·71MI • .,, -. _,,. 2 Of2 r.. ... ,.. 22-30 wtlO It In need ot .._. -.c. -·•· • 1C1 WarehouM spece with ,.,., ...... 2 lllolll9 to QdM be9dl. flnanctal help. ON. Male rt. tncrg. 2 exec.~. II cerpet1. drp1, & wet 1-S-ln_g_l_••-,-o-ct_a_l _b_e_ll_rm- P,.'., 1111. t "r. w I ". t.. 0 ••• n I" I & panlonecl IUIM>lca, lg. b8ra. 700 to 3200 eq.f\. d8nCe ~ Tue. & F\1 . ............ MOO .... ooolllng, eo .. gf¥e )'OM c:ntrt.. wen., .. '*" lg. M•H lndultrl•I park, e¥9. l2. Dlnc9te Comet, ~ ,,.. Ml l ... eicpenMI recpt. rm. All OOn• In 711 w. 17th St., Pacific 1431 8. Main .. Edinger • • •ftlllf'l9 --------..,...--1 In exchange. large decoration ftYle, beaut. Bluff lndullrlel Park, S.A. 542-9047 kalury 28A 28A apt on In appearanc•, In toe. 18311 Whtttlar Ave. -------- th• water w/prlvate preatJte bldo. Newport M2-4483 l M2·7804 l1m1•1r beech a hHted pool. ArohH Marina Bldo. PAtm'I llTI .._ ...... _....,..._ ___ ,,~7to.u~~7~2iiiiiiiiiii~~iiiii~M;2~-4~1~4;4;;;;m~-i;Cl;•;;llll;i.ct;;Adl~;141;;~;;~e~ wtth 8 ipeClal meeeeoe In Ii tt1e Dally Not. t..et Dad ... 1111 name In PMt.on June 20th. If )'OM p-. • O"MllnCI for Oed Y'Olol ... be elfglble for the drawing ot .......... --.. -'°.,, -.. llWMI ._ 0811 Ma-Nr• and ,,.. YOUI' I'll••• now for onti aa.oo l Br TM Aleida._. ,,_ It. ttorney Geural Oeor• o ... ~ whD won e b6dir battle galnat Lt. Gov. Mike Curb for the Republican pcminatioft for ... '*Kii _With hJI ~ ~ and vowed to )l6n for\W ..... the Democrat•' bil wlaner, Mayor Tom bndley. . Bradle,, demonatratin1 the polideal dout that W won b1m thrw terml • mayor of Loi Anaelea, breeaed to an ea1y victory Tumday with more than 62 percent of the vote. .. GOP VICTOR -Attorney Qeneral George ••Duke .. t Deukmejlan waves 10 acknowledge victory cheen Tue.day .. _hight after winJjfng Republican nouiination for governor. It WM the ftnt step in hJI quest to becom, tt,e na~on'• firat elected black pemor . Curb, a former Hollywood record producer who had been f a vored to w in the GOP nomination until attnaing I €outi f y r1esulis I Hil~t~p dec1s1on OB.ANOE COUNTY ELEcl'ION .• RF.SULTS :2,078 ovt of 2,078 precinctl Beard of S.penilon 5tla Dlltrlct • Tan Riley 67, 148 Al Arpl I 14,669 Gene Atherton . 7,141 ~vid Hlnchler j 5,737 &aperlateMeaC of Sdlool1 Dobert Pet.encn 233.262 I· JOhn ~ 111,W ~~ .. ·~~ Boan ~:cauea . r ~yn Schott 22,601 ( QHheth Parker 26,110 I ; Mkbael Murphy . lUM l MarJ J'nnk ~ 20,848 f • JRVINE CITY COUNCIL :r.dwud Doman 5,470 n.rt.ra Wiener' 8,157 (eleded) Larry ~ 8,510 (elected) Joba-N8¥'** s:ne -Pmzl 2.041 lfh )llle Kmei" 1,125 .- t RV 1 NB RANCH WATER .,.:• DISTRlcr ... Swan J.C. Orville Reinhardt 8,420, e,463 British down 7· Argentine kt f igl\te~s ... •.-,. .. s;.ne AIMC!la~ Pm• Brttllh forcea ahot down leWll) ~jets in two attMkl off d)it.1'81kland &lands in whJcb a Btliiab. fripte and two ~ cnft were damaaed. the Dsferm ~ in London IPd today. At Jeut four other Arfmtine ~ were cfumeed In the ftcbttna Tue.day and wen not ftJ)eeted to make 1' back to ftMin1and tw 400 miles 'to the --. Britllh offlda1a laid. The Britilh Mid the jets were ahol ~ ln raids on British ih~dt~a 1uppUea and eq. a. ' 4rceatl•• claimed lta ank a British frlpte. three 1andng lhi ao · ttwowerea~ _. h third put out of .ction. 04 Inflicted heavy cuualttea troope befnl put alhcft y at Port Fltrroy. 5 mo. • we1t of the Falklands l Ray Auerbech 7,801 -Frank Hurd 5,910 Betty oi.m 10,919 PROPOSITION A -IRVINE Yee 11,899 No 4,185 PROPOSmON B-NEWPORT BEACH Ye. No 12.381 (defeated) 7,407 303,609 64,696 i-:.:, Admtw•1trator Junee 226,BM Victar &bba 108,328 a.ttt.c.n-r BndO.• ......... Ncnil G. Pat Bland 21e,m 48,081 a.M2 JUDGE -stJPBIUOll OOURT Of&eS Leonard Ooldr"'' WlllimD BopldN Jr. 231,08'7 151.BD delayed. By JERRY Bl!BTENSTEIN °' ............... Laauna Beach City Council memben. dtlna lean of creaimc "a political 1oot~all," have delayed a decWon oo whetbfr or not two ol their memben lbould be pert °' • jo(nt c:cmmlttee to . study the propoaed sale of Laauna Beech School Unified Dlltr1ct'1 \Want hilltop land. 'l"M Dool boMd. ~ m Joint ....aon with the C!DUDdl Tuelday '"•ht at CUy Hall dwnhen, ~ to ...,,. two •mdl ...__ tt;pad to a cmmnuftlty .. fGne. . ,,. ... fan. wOuad ...... tar tbe.U.ot 11.12acnsotpa:;•tJ known • Alta '••· at die tntmwtlcn at Park A~ md Alea Laauna Boulevard. The parcel la valued at about $3 million thou1h no official , I 1•,.lllilt.lil ... ~9 Sherman Weber J~Builla Robert Knox William Farria n.. --...... woUld lib to iell &bi propatJ .. -26 IDla haft 35,110 bem .... wed for .ubdlwtlloft - ee,Me (See 1111.LTOP, Pip A.I) 192,0U , 71Jl21 • M'n slain JUDO~ -MUNICIPAL COURT Harbor Paul Robbi.m Robert Polia Dtvilllon 5 21,801 21.~1 21,321 18,6&1 65,138 LaWIOD °'8dwick . 8,646 Wayne Clark 37,364 John Hoel 11,248 ft'ATB BOARD OF P.QVAUZAftON w Dlltrld D•1eratlc ~ Cuiatian-Hefslna 28,030 Fayne Davia 18,618 J.-Grc.elcemper 10.~ Glmn Parker 15,608 J'dli»md Kelly I 64,829 • • Yl a1r~rt restaurant Aa hprrUied byatander1 . watched, a ..o.;.ymr-dd Onnee Co~nty man wu faially shot Tuesday nt1ht at Delaney'• Restaurant at John Wayne Airport. Oranae County Sheriff•• ~t Lt. Wyatt Hart ..set the aboOdnc inddent GCC."Url'ed Biley woo ~ bmdfly after tbt man. w~ name Ml in the coaatal district that not yet been reieMed. be+••• lndudee eo.ta aa-, Newport lnvoMd in an arsmnent wtUi Beech, Irvine, Lacun-Beech. anoCher man with whom hew-San Juan Capistrano, San ,_ted, Clemente and aurroundtn1 ArNitied at the w IDd lldlil' •w·•~ted arw. ~ ~~ O::.~ _ Rlley wu all amllea u he DuUeia. 32 of ~ ~ concratulaUona Sn Bwh, Hart said • .ppca .... Tullday mot a' an r>anliJ.-,-i>ceuP.t1on WM lilted C-4= at b South ... .U-emplOyed ..n maker, ttn-• ....._ w01 70 Hart Mid. -..q, wuu tum next The ebooUna occurred lhort.11 manlh. bla lll'Y9d -~ befon 9 p.m. ~ tbe nm::~ ..... 1114. He ... ... to whkh la ~ CJD the tlW ~ by thlD . Ronald f100r of .. ....,.. terminal -•••Id t D u., ... .. Syria, Israel battling BJ TM AnedalM Pren J'ien:e air and lfOUDd battlea erup1ed betwft-n hraelt and Syrian forces in Lemnon today, the Syrians reported. • .&r.el'a anti-Palesttnlan iDVMlon edpd toW'ard all~ ,,...,. with one of tw old Middle ~ • ..,..... A Syrian .,my ~ lakl more ..... 100 Syrian ..... IUHlt jeta elaabed in major batdil .... ....._ Lebaoo'• .... ¥alley. lt ..... 10 ... F-lS. md1P·l81 end ftw S,nan MMJ. ,..._lbot cSawn. . Tbt ..... CiMl-.,-.d did not ODaflnn tbet IUcb a ......, Ml'lal d9lb ~ It .W aP1J that two Syrtiin aircraft, a MIG and a . beUcapter', Weft duwn.t. ' WINS SQUEAKER Carw.ct Mayar ROD Packard 18 the appuent sµrvtvor of the rouah and · tul!)t71e 18-candldate Republi~n primary in the 43rd ~Dlsaict. One uneonftrmed Let.n ... report Mlfl -th~ hraeU jets attacked Syrian anti-aircraft .._.-.. ln tbe 8*aa, which Uli.r1bet'#eeta Beirut and the '3 Jf"'t:. 9yr1aa ~ °' Dlmllrcu9. euges ~rean . Ph~ the:=re-ctect~ =~-=by 36 votes with Jlneli unlta ~ to puab into the Bekaa from ~ IOUth. ~ JEFF ADLER The Syrian command u1d tw C:.,':.ct,... ~« &n Pacbrd forcea. fpflicted heavy Iaraell waa a-·""'-'-winner lD the 43td cuualtlea, knocked oUt 23 l.a'ael.i -!'"'--tanks and lhot down two p1ane1 Congre ulonal District in aeven1 claabes. The i:-..eu. Republican primary_ Tuelday, acknowledeed battlea with the ed1in1 travel-trailer tycoon Syriuw but pve few detalJa. Johnnie Crean by a ruor-th.in The Isr.u military CXJllUDMd i-eported, meanwhile~ that ha troops bad captured the COMta1 toWn of Damour, jmt 10 m1lel eouth of S.,UUL 38-vote IDIU'lln· However, the narrowne9I of Packard'• victory raised the pn:llpeCt of a recount. But neither Crean nor h h campaign conaultanw were available today to oomment on that pcmlbillty. Syrian relnforcementa w,re In what turned fnto a four- pouttna Into Lebanon. way race amon1 the 18 BULLETIN A fedenl )ld8e toda.v halted the ale of 24-teOeral offihon ail leases for tracta off New..-i Beicb and Wcuna Beech. • U.S . Dl1trlct Court Judie Cynthia Hokxlmb Hall ll'Ultecf. pnUmlnary ~ .... t by aeate offictala ID IM /t.npl• JWMnl Court. · RepubUcana vyina for the llOl'Dln8Uon. flne1 but \mOffici.al elecUoo mun. from ~ Sm Dle10 and Orange counties a.bowed: -.. PaebN: 11,436 -Johnnie Cran; 13.400 -BlD lkC.oU: 12.838 -Debonb 9-bly: 12,078 -Jtm a.ty: ·e.e1e -Mary 8chinlu: 4 ,187 =~~12,9&1 -,,... Mauro: 2,241 -Ulkie Sc:biietw. 1.eu ~~1:'~1AI) -BOb ·Cw111: 1.oee -Donald Blau Marthuont 182 -abeU\ naw: '" -~ &aundln: --Lawrene Nlx0n Ant1nlOft: 661 -Martln KJnkac»: &01 -D. Robert DeCarlo: 383 Pllekard. never conalcMr.d a front-runner ln the crowded ti.Jct, won on the bull of h1a abowlna t.n San a. c.ounty, where NI DAcked up more than ' 12 000 of hJa V0t& I Th• 4Srd dlatrlct coven aoutt.m ar.n,e and northern t• SID DtMO countiel. wtth about two-thfrdl of the diltrlct ln San ~~tr~ victory" certified, he wlll face D~n)ocrat Roy Ai'Cher in the November election. A~her defeated two other Democrau to win hit party'• notninatlon. Flnal unofflclal reMllta were: . -Ro)' Ardaer: 16.380 -Roland Mo~ 11,158 -W.F. Pete Powell: 7,194 Packard, la a ttlephon• Interview \h1a ~ llld he exDINd :;!if"'bamtN*"' but Wll. ii 'hll ~ of WWy Wll iO cm. 8-addec$ that ht waukln't be •W'Pl'lted lf CrMil uked elec:Uon offlclala for a recount. 11 1Th• e1eadon ii OVll' .. far .. rm ~" ht iaid. 0 But that'• lhiU' rt8hl '° .. for a NCCM.mt ••• hCkiftl ~ IUi wf.n Wll bMed Oft tbt hlid ~ he did on a "~ rocitl i.Yill!1 -He add•d. ••There 11 no quntion the ethical problema Qeen and~ aot cauaht up in hun thtm.'' . The pll'IOMl a&t.lcb launched by both McColl and Crean, uaually directed aaalnat 'each other, apparently were enouah to cauae votera to look lO other candJdata Paclcard allo aakS that he hopes to Improve hi• 1tanding wlth Oranae County votera, with whom he did not fare quite 10 wen. in the months before the general election. '.HILLTOP DECISION .•. I • to boost a financially strapped taxpayen eleeted the achool system board and dty council and uld, ' The ·parcel wu purchued by "The council must participate 'che school distrlct in 1971 for becauae the l::,eral (Alta $325 QOO at a thoe when an LaiUna) plan 't meet the additional campus waa city'• residential zonin1 'anticipated. ordinances. By llttina down~ ' But the board last year wu aeetnc what you can do, I.~ t forced to cut back expenditun!e think you are beina biued. by $'1 6 mlllion laid off seven The achoo! board" Wantl a tMk teach~ra and ~n elementary force coinpriRd of two~ school coumelor and cloeed Aliso board mernben, two city """"a.:u, Elemehtary School in South memben, two memben of a Laouna previous 'committee on aurplm J'our county offlclala who flced cballena" ln Tueeday'• ti•llortn1 defeattd their ~ta With ..... ftnU but unoff lclal return• lndlcated ~~ four candidatea who ltHmrolled to victory were Sheriff Brad Gatee, Alullor Bradley Jacobi, Sul>erlnte\dent of SchOola Robert Petenon and Public Admlnlatrator JamH Heim. ,,......._,. Four other lnc:umbentl .-~ on Tuelday'1 ballot did even better -they had no OPIJCllitlon at all. They were Dl1trlot Attorney Cecil Hick•, T•x Collector Bob Citron, C.Ounty Clerk Lee Branch and Audit.or Vic Heim. In ~ race tor. county Board of Education .. t No. 5 lervina dw .South County, two of lo\4t candklatee wW vie in a runoff rn November. . They are Elir.abeth Parker, a graduate ltudent in pubJ1c admlnlatration, and Franklyn Schott. founder of the private Education Institute ln Tustin. Ma. Parker received 26,110 votes while Schott omered 22.601. Other vote total• 1howed Sheriff Gatee cruab1na hil two opponent1 ~ court clerk Manlhal1 Norril and Santa Ana poliot officer G. Pat Bland -by a 5-1 UWJPn. O.tee received 276, 777 while Norris netted 49,081 and m.nd 42.962.1 . . FOr .upertntendent of .::hoola, four-term incumbent Pettnon beet opponent John Irunon by a better than 2-1 JDm'lln. Petenon received 233,262 VOtel to Inman'• 111,835. Inmon la principal of RJncho San 'loaquln lnt.ermed.late School In ~· . , 'fiq~tion the wildom of two property, two n)eftlben of the city oouncU memben sltttna on hilltop community and a resident the committee," said Bol>bie from anoiher aecUcri of town.""'- Minken, council member. "It The council, by continulne ~ M ff k J could potentiallr, b,e a aeriou. iaaue to ti, lenathY June 15 r&. . eC e political problem. ' , meeu.n,, wilJ. be able to make a ~ Otbem aci-eed nottna that tbe dec:ilion pnl\he tlSk force in Ume • 1 · d decision to aell Would ultimately for the IChool boercl to make' lilemor1a 1ze be the clty'a and those who some moves forward at lta June The Laguna Beach City eerved on the committee would 17 meetinl· Council approved auch a move have aire.dy fonned bias. 'Dhe IChool ~~~ 1\ae9d&y nJcht in honor of Mn. 'But Belinda Blac:keter, a Kt on the ._. --. __ ,a u-a....i who dled of ce.noer May resident of Top of the Wairlc:l, ID cutt;.ekl in na• ~ -an "..-, . addreillng the council. said, ''The uraency to at~act a potential 28 at ~r ~ home. council ia treating the achool developer now, accordlQI tod ~.um Beach Qty i:1 bOard u developera" Ronald Chikote, achool boar !f~ a move ~~)' 1 She remind~ ~ttlclai. that prellklent. ' • ~~ ~ ::;- 26 .U: -nEUKMEnAN vs. BRADI.:EY ·~=is~mm;*! Curb waa hurt late in the came frem the Deukm•Jian pan of the Laguna 8"!eftbelt • tha he well .. ob~ Alilo 8-h camJ>&iin by revelations t cunpelp. Park in South IAauna foe the was clMlified 1-Y dW'il\I the •'.lo.-f blic ._.a --'-1 .... .a--'-t Vietnam War, a cJaaNfjcation the Deukmejan aet Miii; tone or pu IUIU r-w ... ~pmen Selective Service deecrihed u the months ahead by llCClUlina of Main Beilctl Park. tall moraD the ruyor of tnact1oo on ~ 'Ille tree. will be planted In ~ ~~{!>'·=tary Y ~ .J iuuea lnctudlnt welfare, area bordered by the ~ that ne failed to repter to vote unemployment and ltrong law San Joaquin C«ridhr, Llcuna until 1974. The latter di.acl~ enforcemenL Canyon Road and El Toro Road. ··slightly "'11n1Y119, --9111*' to 7• mpll, tllt Hatlonal Weatller .,.,,_ reponed. At .... Ofl9 tomedo toucNd dCMl'I lnCt ... w•r• unconnrMeCS reporl• of Coastal °":'!::=~c1~ .. a ll!leGttlc Co. ~ Mid " oOIAd ..:;: :,~ = ~~ take Hvefll ct~y1 to rfftot• 74 to 11 "' "" ll'lltnd ..... pow. In ... 1 ......... Md ~ .... 54 to • ,. • '""""''" '°' • .,... ..... ...-........, Of 70 r....~ T~ Co . ..clmMtd tll9I t,. ~ ...... ·~-In' 000 ~ ........ doWf'I end beldMt 8llCI 75 '° 90 so ,,.. ~ ... dlt llM "':f,, w 11., •, I r 0 m p 0 In I Tomedoauilto loucMd Kctown In C'o11capt1on to tll• Mexican Holton, Ken., on tllt .,, .... border and out eo mll••: MIHowrl border, demeglnt Nor1IWt ~ 10 to 11 Mota Hveral farm bulldln91 and. wt1t1 a co s t00t .... -outer .caualflG teat•"*' power ~ wetet1 today •nd Thu"!:' . near '::::::.,:-:=out of LOOlly lgtll ~ wlrlds ..... d and morning lloura bloom no f • r m II o u • • • • • It "° n1~ _. to ~ 10 to t5 Mote ftardlNllUrO. Ky., about Thllr9dl¥ --Wind --~ Clf ~ of 2toS'-"' aou....... ...... of --------~ ':.!::;,. ~ iow,,,::::: California hOUr'S. warmer WINS P IMARY - Allemblyman Ndlan !'rmelle of Hun~n Be~h fou.zhi1 off the-challenae of Irvtne Mayor David SW. to win the Republican primary In the 69th Aaaembly DWtrict He'll fac~ Democrat Robert Hanson of Co1ta Meaa ln November. ' l Frizzelle • f 1n nar,ow • v1.ctory By SANDIE JOY O(tflel)elr,... ..... Amernblyman Nolan Fri.Delle WU victorlOUI jn a cl~ 1'8"e with Irvine Mayor David Silla in the 69th Aaaembly District Repuollcan primary race, hanging onto hi1 early lead throughout vote, tab.Watioo. The final tally WU FriDelle 18,249,..SW. 15,453, with all votes tn from the 311 ~ tn the newly apportioned dJltrict which includes Irvine; Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley and put of Hunttnaton Beach. ' Frlnelle had emerged from \be nte early with M7 voCea to SlllaT 368 tn the abamtee ballotl bit. Frinelle I04'1 up a•aln1t Democrat Robert HaMon of c.o.ta Maa on the 'November belJot. Hamon ntn WX*ltelted in the Democradc ~· The dlatrtct baa 163,245 repterect votep of w.blchjU32 are Bepubllram and 65,"6 are Democrata. A d1atrlct that la nearly even in part)' aeptratlon la CIOl)llldered a safe Republican -t by political analystl. SW.' ~ had been an unpopular C8Ulf amon1 party 1oyUlstl, many of wbcJn believed it wu ln poor taste for • 1rvtne mayor to challenp an tncumbent frelhman .-mblyman from his own party. Silla contended :rtiz:a:elle re9lly wam't an inc\.llnbent 1 llnce «be .-mblyman had won hll -.t ln the old 73rd diltrict. That diltridt WM belicalJ)' the same a1 the 69th with thf exception of ~ which waa added· In r4apportlonment 'in February. . The 49tb Auembly l>tltrict RepubJJcan primary race WM a ~ conie.ted one with nasty inn~ mat by both lklea. Lem than two weeb ago, SW. obtained a temporary ~ order in Oranl8 ~ty Superior c.ourt prevenUna FrlDelle from aendlnj out any mare campaip literature fhat didn't comply with the lftate election cod•'• lnltb·in-endoninc ltatute. All four of On.nae County'• lnaunbent cioncr-men w.a.d to •Y primary .i.cuon wbw Tueeday n1aht, ~ their o=ta. 11 there weN any, by 1U t1a1 tnarJlinl. Incumbenta Jerry Patt4non, D-Santa Ana: WUliam Dannemeyer, R-J'ullei10n; and Rob•rt Badham, R·Newport Beech, all won re-nornlr)Adoft M they faced no~ oppallddl\. In the Ond Con1re11tonal Dllt.rtct, w~ lnCl'-tdil ~ Of both w.tetn ~ ~ty and pel1a of Loi~ __.iy, tneum~nt Dan Lunf ren, R· Loni Beach, eut y beat challenaer Tom Helnahelmer, cha1rmaD of tbl SOuth COM& AJr Quality ~l DiltJ1ct. Unoffidal final return. tn the two-eounty dJatrict lhowed: -J.uafea: &8,623 -~13,466 Lunar-en will go on to face Democrat Jim Spellman, a Lona Beach attorney, who defeatea Martha Vazza.na in her first election bid. The final but unofficial returns from both counties ahow: -SDellmu: S0,692 -Vazzana: 17,095 Allo, John Donohue of Long Beach ran unopposed for the Peace and Freedom Party nomination. He reoelved a total of 28 votes. Lungren'• younger brother. Brian, won the GOP nomination in hil first election bid ln the 32nd c.o~ Dlmict, in Los Angefes County, defeau.n, hla primary opponent, John Adler. Three Republicans aquared ofi in the 38th C.O~ Dtatrid for tHe rlfht to cballena• Patter1on n th• November tlecdon. The d!atrlot ~ much of c.-.ntral ~ CoUnty. The Rfpubllcan wlnner1 Wllllam Dohr, a 29-year-ola lndS:,ti!;dent bu1lne,1roan. out hJI GOP,~ "1 a IUbltln=:n . ....aia n : -DMr: 17 -Art J . t.1'19 -Met ConNty: 4.710 Anita BuT, Of 8Uena p~ iamend 324 YOW '11> win lbt Libertarian Party nommadaa. She waa unoPDO!Mid. b1 the 39tb COncr ... lonal Dlatrict, Oanqcrat rnrik v..-. a Cal State Fullerton phUoilliGJaey prot_,.-, won'the rtabt !ofi1-r hla party'• 1tmdard In the eraJ election a1aJn1t bl1caa Dannemeyer .. erges won the nommadon by a 2-to-l vote mar1ln over opponent Steve Feldman, an Anaheim salesman. P'lnal unofficial vote toeala lhowed: -Verses: 24,143 -Feldman! 10,898 While Dannemeyer picked ~ moce than 56,000 votea u the unopposed GOP candidate, activist Steve Boeheoim, of Santa Ana, won 96 vote11 i n-trtlf-- unoppoeed bid a the Peace and . Freedom party candidate. The -3Yth di1trict coven northwestern Orange County. Democrat Paul Haseman, a Laguna N~guel attorney, incumbent Badham and Ma. Marine Bell Quirk, of the Peace and Freedom Party, all ran unopposed for their party nominations i n the 40th c.o~~· Lagµna pioI!-eer Boyd dead ·at 82 Lquna Beach pioneer Robert K . 'Boyd, who operated restauranta tn town for decadee before retiring, died Monday tn Georgia while vl1it101 hla da\UEhtel'. ' Mr. Boyd, 82, WU . bom in Columbus. Ohio, and received engineering decrees from Oiµo s~ Unlven:ltT and la"ter, llle University of Southern Calif oftlia. He took hjs newly acquired 1ki111 to Mexico, where he worked .. an enitneer Oil a auaar Plantation in the late 1920t. Be arrived in Laguna Beach in 1931, took up bartendJ.nc in town for awhile, then became chef ·at the White Houae Inn. Re 1eued the Cout Inn on .South Cout Highway in the )9501, operating the 1mall restaurant for five years, The restaurateur opened Bob Boyd's restaurant near the White House, successfully operating that popular family-1tyl'e l'elltaurant for 15 years before his retirement. He was married to Doria Thunton Boyd, da~ter of the pioneer ThuratonJamily ln- L.quiia Beeeh. TM oouPle would have been roamed 4:> ~ uua SatUrday. Mr. Boyd ia abo survived by aona Robert "Hap" Boyd. Danville; Barton "Bo" Boyd, Laguna; Randy Boyd. Laguna; former City Council member Kelly Boyd, Laguna an4 dfµlhter Mra. Cindy Young. Stone Mountain, Ga. He leaves 11 grandchildren and bne great-arandchild · Services fOf' Mr. Boyd will be pri~ate. 'Snakes alive' Not solution lor gophers- The "lowly" snake could be the anawer to lmprovtna the La8una Beach un,fled School Dlatrict'• deteriorating athletic 6e1da, whJch, officials report, are riddled with gopher holes. That WU the tongue.in-cheek aug1e1Uon df 1cnool board member Carl Schwan at a pint meed,na Tueeday o( tbe board and the Qty Council. Gophers have l:teen an l.ncreAl1ng problem, eepeclally at the fte[d at Thur,ton Intermediate School, offlclala" Mid. : "Why not buy eome gopher anakea?" said Schwarz. "We could make It a joint vaature and even go Jnto ~Una them out tq other cities witn a similar. problem." The suaesuon. actually tlMt "brainchlJdfl of Clyde Lovelady" echool district bUlli.nda manager, drew a round of la\Wbter from offidab and the tmall-number ot apecta attending the meellng. • • Re,.bllcan Mike CUrb William Clark ,Geor1e Detakmejlan Michael Hirt . J~ lt\ansfield 829 29,437 833 2,336 1,122 3,985 103,764 2,951 1,185 1,392 3.~ 7,240 1,066 100,.33 3,801 142,321 2,430 1,969 1,590 ATl'ORNEY GENERAL Omer "'~-~moeratlc nama 49,523 John Van de Kamp 101,697 RepUUcu Dave Stirlina George Nichol.on 61,9'9 141,328 71,386 P•ee &M Free4om Maxine Quirk 82 Ua4 Dl1trtet -Oruae Ceaty 829 ~out of 829 Democrade Jame1 Spellman 9,378 Martha \r azzana 8,639 Peace ud Freeclom lteDUUeo Dan Siegel 294 Tom Helnahelmer 3,285 Dan Lungren 21,348 Llbertartu NOMINATED -Sari ~ Mayor Pete WU1on won Re_publlcan nomination for U.S. Senate and vowed to "retire .. Jerry Brown in the November vottna. Wilson, Brown ., winners J)artholomew Lee 1 580 Peace •• Freedom rr--~r.;;.';;;r.~-r-.-=~r=J~l-,2-14~_;_~~-U~S~S-E-N-A-TE~__:.~':...:....:.. -John-Donoh~we-~~~~~'°---.~1--..--,..-IOCla--:~ted~-=-r-et-, . • San Demoerado Ont Dt1crtct -Oraqe C.Uty Diec<> Mayor Pete Wu.on, Peace ud Freedom ·Jan Tucker 168 Elizabeth Martinez 149 .. Ubertarlan Dan ~herty 1,545 . ~ UEVTENANT GOVERNOR ~ l Democratic rJ\obert Smith ,Bill Watina Charles Pineda Jr. Leo Mc.<::arthy 13,608 15,537 17,775 85,723 Repabllcan Man Garcia 55,303 Carol Hallett 173,091 American hadepeudeat Houston Myers 1,199 • Peace and Freedom "Clyde Kuhn 297 Libertarian .B.J. w~ 101 .John Vemon . 897 ~ I SECRETARY OF STATE : Democratic 'Kenneth Smith 18,342 Helen Howard· "" 15,920 Alica Key.er 16,312 March &a 101,686 ? ftellUUcu ~: 'Jacob Marplan '-America bdepea•at Alfred Smith 1,211 Peace ud Freedom Milton Take! 277 LlbertarlU Martin Buerger 1,655 CONTROLLER Democratic Ira Clark 31,758 Kenneth Cory 12,815 • Repebllcan ODfe Speraw 21.920 Truman Campbell 12,041 William Coombe 49,631 James Ware 23,490 LalTy Bales 22,246 Junes Flournoy 76.827 Amerlcu ~t Pat Graham 1,353 1,567 ' 129,009 Paul Carpenter 48,849 242 preclncts out of 242 mounttna a at.hlna. canny battle Ray Caplette 1,590 Demoeratle against year-Iona frontrunner May Dubinaky-Chote 1,926 RoJ. Archer 3,109 ~Goldwater Jr., captured Daniel Whitehunt 4,444 W . Powell 1,917 S.blican nomination for William Wertz Jr. 1,558 Roland Mora 3,604 the U. Senate ln a grueling, Gore Vidal \. 19, 784 hiah-priced race. Bob Hampton -1,600 lleavtly favored Gov. F.dmund Edml.Dd Browa Jr. 61,362 489 Brown Jr., who conducted a Walter Buchanan 2,711 2,416 virtually lnvialble ca~ Tom Metzger 3,594 229 uJ1ed to ~,;-1 ~ h Richard Morgan 4,844 562 ';.!,_ct or y u eda a y or t e fteptlblieu John G. Schmitz William Shockley Rafael Cortes Robert Doman Barry Goldwater Jr. Pete WU.OD Maureen Beagan John Hickey WWiam Pemberton Ted Brulnsma Robert Booher Paul Mc:Cbkey Jr. J Edi8on McJl)aniell 9,943 396 715 27,232 46,383 104.2'10 13,US 580 4e6 3.U8 NO 42.000 di 1,107 503 SVPEBINTENDICNT or PVBIJC INS'l'llVCl'ION Blll Home M,900 (n&Doff) Myron~ 8,788 Gene Prat 28,401 Jeanne Ba1rd I 13,804 Oeorgla Manball 21,11& Richard Ferraro 85,387 WllMa IUlea,, 128,724 (nmoff) Janet Allen 24,&Gl Daniel Nuabaum 9,442 ' U.S. CONG~ SI .. Dlltrtct 4 71 pn!ICQ1Ct8 out ot 4 71 •Demoeratlc Jerry PatterMJn 35,368 MelC.osinleyReplblleaJI 4,710 William Dofu-17,533 Art Jacobean . 9,379 . Ubertarld Anl1a Barr 324 a ... D&atrtet ' ... 576 pl'edncta out Of 576 · Democratic Frank Vf;1'81!8 24,143 Steven Feldman 10,898 2,011 ~mocratic bl , outpacln1 hla 6,2IO nearest rival bv more than 3-1. 680 With 98 percent of the vote in. 361 wn.on maintained a st.Mdy 38 244 percent, eQlna Pete McCloMey, 423 the liberal, outafoken GOP 248 hopeful who rked the 304 Republican matnatream, who 1,241 stayed fn second' vntli under 25 182 percent. 2,808 The early nat.lta had acan:ely 3,323 been ta1Ued when. lftwn and 98 wu.on. both ~Una a ~ · 1,581 -. o1. She pnmm, cwnr1p. ~e.eb~ .......... "WW we __. tD do ti Oulh out tlMtn.1 PIM Wllmn." Brown told 500 cheer•" IUpporien at the Blnmo'Ye ltofiL' "}fe'll debate. . l don't believe he has a ~ ... '' But tlW eliiCtioa appeered ._ a victory ,_. Willob than a defeat for Goldwater, aa the 43·1•ar--old, ••v•n·t•rm contrealb&n toeHd away an ~belmlnc eerl1 i.d In the aowded, 13-<:andidate field. Rep9Ueu Marian Beiaemn 47,633 Wlthertna under attlldal on hll lntelll.ence and abtllty, then mma bY foes who mllde a rna)>r campeian 1-Je out of hll refuaai to meet them In one-on-one debate, Goldwater saw his 2-1 )e.d dwindle to a one-pclnt edp three weeka before the electlorl. '711t AuaaMJ ' 294 prmnm out of 2N Demoentle Cheatet Wray 22,684 aep.ltUcu Doris Allen 19,379 Ubertarlu Charlel Barr 21$ 71MAIHmlllf 233 pn!Cincta out of 133 Dem9erade Richard ~ 1$,533 =~lcu N. ~alif ornia voters lead Prop. 9 def eat A few days before Tueeday'• ballotinl, that ruor-thln edae changed to a 14-polnt Jaa behind wn.on -deeplte 0o1awater'a campai1n .!tii.:''nf, whlch totaled $1.4 by mid-Mav. TraWoa the GOP field were state Sen. John Schmitz of Nepwort Beach (the Lecialatul'e'a most conlel'VaUve member); phyalciat William Shockley; and Ted Brulnama, former Lear Jet c.orp. president. .,,..~ ....... State achoolt chtet Wllton au.I; fOC'Cld Into a Nowmber runoU for the ... the hat held 12 ,..,... tet the ai.,e today for a bitter November con'-1 with au HOn.la. IUperlntel\dent Of a amall Noriftern CaUfornla tchool d111rict. "Mr. HonJ1 ... "ao1na to be lllDCOW\tabJe for h.la recorcf." aa1d RU-. who at 41 percent of the vote, failed to amam the needed majority to avoid a aeneral eWction nee. " With molt of the a1ate'1 "·448 pndnc1a reported, 1kla Anae1-Dllcrict Attorney JoJ\n Van de Kamp won the Democratic nomination for attorney pneral. Van de Kamp drew 63 percent of the primary votd to 37 percent foe Demociatlc Sen. Omer Raina of Ventura. the ch.atrman of the eowerful Senate Judiciary Committee. Van de Kamp faces a general election fight with former a.lltant state attorney general Georp Nichol.Ion. Nicholton won 67 pereem_ of the Republican primary vote• over 33 percent or Aleemblymm Dave Stlrlina o WhitUer. IT Aft PAOPOllTIONI (Onilie i::Wlty ........... ,) ~don 1 -Prllora conttrucdon bOndl 228,990 204,210 Propo96Uon 2 -Prelldent . of Senate v.. 137,002 No ., 270,788 Propo1ltlon 3 -Condemned ProPf'Y Y• 244,959 Nb • 168,363 Propo1tt1on 4 -Denial of Yea No . Ball 360,710 68,888 PropotitiO(l 5 -Inheritance Tax ~& 283~7 No 135,563 Propoeition 6 -Inheritance Tax Yes 307,045 No 119,679 Propoeitlon 7 -Income-tax indexing YeJ1 305,780 - No 112,781 -I ~---~ Proposition 8 - Criminal-J-.u.i~· e-~----~-l:l-1 governor, former A11embly minority leader Carol Hallett eued to a GOP victory and a November fight with her chief rival in the lower house, fonner Aaaembty speaker Leo McCarthy. Mrs. Hallett, gaining 76 percent of her party'• vote, won <Ner Sen. Man Garcia of Menlo Park. McCarthy, with 73 percent of the Democratic YOtes, led' a field Of four Democrats. Jeaee Unruh, a former Allembly tpeaker who gained a rej>Utation aa the LePJature'• "Big Daddy," ha•·no opposition ID h1I Democratic primary bid for a third term aa treasurer. Yes No Z48,086 163,354 Proposition 9 - Peripheral Canal Yes 275,447 (lost 1tatewide) No 168,671 Proposition 10 - Congressional Reapportionment Yea 128,576 N'o • 288,163 Proposition 11 - Senate Reapportiorunent Yea 1~~99 No 276,968 Proposition 12 - Assembly Reapportionment Yes 139,467 No 276,517 State re,turns .t..os ~GELF.$ (AP) -Here ,...,......,.. .... are unofflQal re~ whh 98 ~ 1 \ r;c:' of the~..-.. 89Ja:ted statewide l'llQl9 "' ~T.00 .. j~ Tueeday'a California prim~ YD el«'Ui:la" -MO ="~UTAft UM.esi DEM U.S. SENATE NO t.VO.aa Name Vete Pct ""'°" 4-eM. Brown 1,338,653 Carpenter 39e,850 =r 73,030 393,8'79 Whitehurst , lM,767 REP U.S. SENATE Name Tote Pd BnWmna 35,966 2 Doman . 175,077 8 YO Goldwater 389;355 18 NO McOoaltey 623,031 24 flROll'MU~-=:z 112,961 5 Y• 45,797 2 YES 2,578,122 Shqckley 7,837 0 NO 2.oouaa Willon . 817,748 ~ PROP~cMAL v ... YE8 ; 1.al3.87t DEM GOVERNOR NO 3.131.721 Name V•te Pet "'°" ~ MAllPOlmOel BNdley 1,683,502 62 V• YES U30,746 Garamendi 662,365 24 NO 2,932.162 Obledo 127,321 6 MOl'tt--~ v ... YE8 1,741,127 REP GOVERNOR NO 2.111,095 Name •vote Pct "'°" 'It-AMY MAllPOlmOel Curb 973,977 45 v ... Deukmejan 1,122,444 51 YU 1.1....-NO UOt,114 Give him the legendary moon watch-by Om~ . ; . It's the only watch ever wom on the modn ~ .. and NASA has chosen it again f9r the Si>eee Shuttle. The Omega Speedmaster Professional. Second·, minute--, and hour-. totalizers. Tachymetrictcale. W.ter·rnlstant to tOOfeet. The one watch even~ technology can't improve upon. Avallab4e in 181< gold, 115.000. · Shown in 1tainlesa st8fl, t660. ,.. se '4 .. .. .. 91 .... ,.. 13 17 ... ft 38 ... ... .. 'r 37 ... 58 .... ,.. :, ... 3a ... ... SI t2 .... 31 et Ray Auerbrch 7,801 Frank Hurd 15,910 Betty Ollon 10,919 PROPOSITION A -IRVINE Y• ,11,89$ No f ,18& PRO~ON B -NEWPORT BEACH Ye. 12,381 (defe.ted) No 7,407 A11e1sor ~-·· 303,609 M,696 22•601 hbUe j,dmlntatrator -26,UO Jamee Heim 226,834 14'264 Victor Hobbs 106,326 20,&48 IJ\VINE CITY COUNCIL Edward Doman 5,470 Barbera Wiener 8,157 (elected) i.arry -S.510 (elected) Jobrl Nabob 5,778 8W Poal 2,041 Marjorie Keller 1, 125 iRVINE RANCH WATER DISTRICI' Peel' Swan 8,420 · e. OrvWe Reinhardt . 6,463 British down 7: Argentine jet fighters 81,,.. Anedale.t.,.. Britlah forca mac dowli aeven Aflentine ~in two-attldm"Ol.f. Che P.lkMrwf · 1a19nda ln which a Brttllh frielte and two ~ Ciaft were clarmQed. the Deta. ~ in Lcmdon akl today. ~ ~t 1Mlt four odwr' .Araeftdne SllerUf-CoroHr Brad Gata Manhall Norris G. Pat Bland 276,777 49,081 42,962 JUDGE -SUPERIOR COURT Office 6 Leonard Goldat.ein 231,067 William Hopkina Jr. · 151,833 Off.ice 9 Sherman Weber Joeeph Bartl1a Robert Knox William 'Farria 35,110 66,946 192,042 71,821 JUDGE -MUNICIPAL COURT WINS NEW TERM -bvine Ci ty Councilman Larry Agran won a new, four-yea, term in Tueeday'a election. He says it will be his last. Irvine voter count shows 'A' suppOrt Irvine voters approved their 21,801 only ballot meuure Tuesday 27,867 . nmrly tiv. to one, M•c.,.I Water Dls&rid DtvWon 1 H. &. Hartle 2',598 aw-~ Bennett 23,115 By GLENN SCOTT or ... ._,... .... L•rry A1nn and Barbua Wiener believe their wins in Tunday'1 Irvtne City Council election were triumph• of axnmunlty cqanldnc md cleerl ~tans· tWo ~ allO apeculated th•t the electlo~ l'etUlta wlll brine ~ council the molt even balance of power ln .-ever.al yeN8. • With Ul of the city's 73 voter preclnctl reportln1, final Unottida1 IWUlta showed thae totaJia: -LurJ Aau: 1,511 -BuMra-WleMr: l,U'l -John N•k"Ob.: 5,778 -Edward Doman: 5,470 ~ SW Poat: 2,041 -Marjorie Ketler: 1,125 Alf8D and Mn. Wjener led ln vote tUliee bec1nnlnc with ecly tabulaUon of Jt.entee bUIQta. The pmitlqnlnc never 1luctuated durtnc a bl& nicbt of waltina. Final unoffklal resulta finalfy were made available thl1 mornJ.nc. but by then it Wl9 dMI' who wOuld wtn. Acru. an 1nc:umbent, WClll a second four-year term. He ct.imed dunna the campatan &Mt it alto wlll be .. IM(" Mn. Wleoer will repltice C-otmd1mu Art Anthony, who la reUrtnc. She wdl ,_..,. her nlrw role at the coundl'1 July lS ~. Boch winnen akl their= Jl1 valuteua we.r~ m r•11 amtble ,_ dMtr victoria. ~ d9pkted·)JIS'ca: • .. uaWtainecl and 11'\&ly tlnc vohmtieer effort." (lee lllVINB. Pqe Al) • DMalon 2 • The meuure allows city oftidall to tell a $1 mllJJcn bond to partly finance project.a to prevent major 1treet1 from in~ with ran.-tNdm. - IRVINE WINNER-Newly elected Irvine City -Councilwoman Bal'bna Wiener celebrated her victory I 'l\&elday night with festive 0 elect1on tree" outside her Turtle Roclt home. planes TEL A VIV, IarH l (AP) - &r.e1 abot c:1own about 20 syn.n wupl•nea durin1 • r•ld on Syrian anti-aircraft millOm in ... tern Lebanon today, llnel ndio QUOted Defeme Min1st.er Ariel Sh.Iron M aaytq. c Sharon WM qu0tec:f M Uyina no llraeli planel were lost. But · the Syrian-mtlli.ry comni~t-r-:tit reported downins 19 larHll F-1:11 and F-161 in the alr battle and lollnc 16 of lit own jetl. Sbuon. at a news oonference •t Safad in nor1hem i..ei. ... quoted by the at.ate r.dlo u aaytnc tbe mfllOe batteriea were cleltloyed. nie defeme rni.na.ter -'cl the doWr..t SYrian p1mea were MiG-211 and MlG-2&. Since Apdl 1981, when Syria moved batteries of Soviet~ SAM-6 mi11Ue1 into eastern Lebanon, &r.e1 hM demmded their .removal and threatened to destroy them itRlf. Sharon wa ~ a caJllnc the battle .. a cumlnC po6nt." He uid the Syrian army ta.I bepn to retreat In Lebanon. The Iaraell army wu 1trlkln1 •t .. enemy armor" in eastern Lebenon, be aaid, but he did ~ apecify whether he meant Syrian umor, the atate ndio repol:'ted. Wltb the removal of the mltPW, Sharon Aid, m..1 ooWd concentrate on atuckln1 guerrilla rocket ud artillery pmltiom.. and in • few bal8a larael'a nortbtirn Galilee penhuvfJe would be mtireiy out ol range of J>9Jeettnl4n awmen. It WM the~ air battle (See 1SRA.EL1, Pile Al) ,,....,._ wen ~ 1n the fAtbU.., ~y ... not ·~~ to make It back to ~ .,... 400 mlJea to the W-, Britilh oftidala a.Id. Elbert ... Albland Gerald Price • The money would 1erve al_ Cloff raee . . ::=~~r .;x: I' > ~ ' , 1 ~;-;.~. 't-~!:J Frizzell~ edges Sills The BrtU.h aid the jeta were lhot down ln raids an Brttllh sblp1 landing 1uppllea and ~t. ·Ar1entina,claimed ltl ~ lank -Brttllh frigate, ~three~~ t.cily that two were _.. the third put out of action, Mijl lnntcted heavy cuualtiea • . troo being put Mhore =y •t ~ Flmoy, 5 miles -.oithweat of the Falkland• ~tat ·=··· •···· .I 8,648 ,. 37,384 . 11,248 28,030 18,618 10,858 15,608 54,~ ·~· . ltoBst tar. priobed ~ . • U.S. Cout Guard officlala ue ·-Ainlnoa USA. Inc., hMcl•tmed h1Yeatt1ating the wub-up of reapomibllity for a five-barrel crude oil froth and "belicb tar." crude oil spill that cre•ted a ·• 1 "chocolate-like froth" alone a portion <>f Huntfnaton Beach. Tt.t materiU hM been cleaned up by Aminotl 9re-W1~ the COllClllMJ ..,.. • llJt. top Amino&l offidal akl &la firm II not N1$b'81ble for the more wideapread coin-1l1e . llobi•let of beech tar aJmc the COMt Ip reoent daiis- •-J:'hat II .a.oluteQ' not oun," said William L . Donnelly, ~"10U11 wntem reaton vlce ~" Jeffrey Roed to Spu1 the Santa Fe Railway tncb. The tndca would be lowered into a land8ca~ 10-foot-deep channel which would help mulfle tnln not.e. c.on.trucUon on the ~erp 111 e1 co"1d beatn by next tum.mer, officiala uy. Matin backs · gun control SAN RAJ'AEL (AP) -Marin County voters h•ve .. 1one on record 1n favor of l\ID control By a vote of 47.846 to 31,252 in '1'1=• ~election. they fa an 9dvt.ory lnitlatiw ....... tba bcsd °' .. .,. ....... ma City OOlmdla to edopt an ordinance requt.rtna handsun re1l1tratlon throu1hout the county. A •hntl•r mea1ure was \defeated In lMll. In that election, · 1he vote was 41,682 opPoMd, 37,376 lD favor of rePCntlon. BYSANDIE JOY or .. ._,... ... Ammnblyman Nolan FrizlelJe wu vlctoriow ln a clme race with lrvjne Mayor ~vld SW. 1n the 8tth A11embly District Republican primary race, han1in1 onto hl1 early lead throu8h0ut \'Ute tabulaUon.. '!be flM1 tall1 ... .rrm.n. 18,248, SW. 11,461, with all YoMI ln fJ'Cln the 111 pndnc.111 ln the newly appol1ioned dimtct which includes Irvine, Coau Mesa, Founuln V= and part of H~ .. FriDelle had emer'ed from the P.te early with 6f votet to sw. sea ln the ai.entee balloCI am. rr111elle IOH up againa\ Democrat Robert Han.IOn of Colia ,._ an the Nowmber beJ1oC. HaDlcn nn UDCOlltelted 1n the Demoa •tic primary. The dlatrlct baa 183,241 fttllidaed Wt.en di Wblcb 72,932 are Bepublan. and 86,9M are Deincmtl. . A dl9trict that Iii nearly even ln putJ reptraUOn ii comkleted a .. Repub11can teat by political ~ SIDI' candidKy b*1 been an unpopular cauae · amon1 puty loyalilltll, many of whom 6eBeYed lt wu ln poor tMte for the Irvine m.yoc to cha1Jenee an tncumbent -.nblyman fJ'Cln bil own . S contended Friaelle rMlly I w-.'t an Incumbent llnce the unmblyma ta.I wm bi8 -t in the old '13rd diltrid. . Th8\ dilttlct WU bllicaUy the Hme· H the 69th wl•h the excepdco ol. Irvine which .,.. added in reapportionment· ln ~9th A.aeembly District Republican primary rece w.. a hotly cont.eatecl one with DMty lnnuendoel Cllt by both ... Lela thm two weelal ..,, SW. obtmned a temporary restn1nJna ordet 1n ~ c.ounty Superior Court Jll'ewfttmc J'rtDeDe tram aend1nc out any men cunpe'fv literature that didn't comp y with the at.ate election code'• truth-ln-mduatdna ltatute. s.ck Jn Aprii, 8'u. filed a compi.t.nt with ~ Fair Political PrlCtacee U>mlDlaJOn cbar'1nc (lee FRIZDl.1·&. P-.e Al) WINS PRIMARY - Allemblyman Nolan FriDelle o1 Hun~ lleech toumt off the challenae of Irvme Mayor Dllvld Sllll to win the Republican primary in the 69th Alaembly ~ He'll face Democrat Robert Hanaon of Coata Meaa in November. Mn. Wlenu celebrated Tuelday by lnvitlr_\I an •tlmai.d 1 400 to 000 vohanteere to her Turtle Rock home to await reaulta . Some helpers apont.aneoully decorai.d a front· yard tree wtth Unl9l of blue and lold -her camsaaa.n t'Olon. She Pfoudly called -,t be.r 11e&ectlcn tree." Mew. Wiener Nid the hopee to end the •me of~ identity 1 within the dty by ltimulatina • volunteer oraanJzatJona to flna purpoaea tfiat oroH vlllase boundarl". Reaulta Memed to Indicate ahe received broad 'aupport from all vlllaaea, ahe uid. 11The whole purpote of my campaign wu to brtna people topther and that'• exactly what , I expect to accompllah on the •council," ahe said thla momtna. The new coundl will be made up of Aaran a nd Mary Ann Galdo. who ooaunon•y au referf'M to u ualow-am.wth'' m*'"' and 0.Wl and llVvdouUa, known u the 11pro...-owtben... Mn. Wiener Mid IM ~ '° beocllne a ..n,na vote requlrln1 o&hera to ~. 8ASd Apn: i.1 UUnJc ahe'U be a wry conatructtve addition to the coundl. t do look forward to l'QOl'e Ol"Qductive work by the t'OUndl' aftd -at &he lla'lmany that prevailed la recent ~·· Aann ... ~ that the awul• lndb.S YOlill' rejecUon of dlrec&-mail tactlet uMd by thlJ'd-place ftniaber John Nakaokat who tried to link Acnn wt~ .T~ Hayden. "1 ttunk that wu aelf- deltructiw and at the Mme time I think it WU ~ to OW' prot'elS ot aovemznent, Alrul said today. &1 .. aatlLW' Irvine•• City Coundl choee T\&.;day to move ahead with plant to bulld a nw animal 1hehtr by acoeptln1 a CiDGltNedon bkl ot .. mmaon: But eouncll membera, who ~the acdan Ola a a.1 vow, cJa1lned they ltUl can cut • much u $800,000 ln coeta frOm the ~· U. optimllm WM ~ by CounoUworun Mary Ann Galdo. the tole d.1-nter who objectld to approvtna the bid wtthout any formal commitment to reduce the COit of the pl'O~ ahelter. She noted that the ~ for the lhelter to be built on Sand Canyon ao.d have been under cloee pUbllc acnatlny reeeently becau1e of concern that the dealan iln't ln line with other attempta to oontn>l dty ~. ISRAELI ATTACKS ..• She auaested thiow1na O\Jt the low Did from Hamllton • . Tamutser Conatructlon Co. of Costa Meta and redflll8nina the t between larael and Syria in On the around. the 1>yr1an1,. project to achieve maximum almost nine years, 1lnce 13 ported claibea with~ firaelia in efficiency in conatruction and Syrian planel were shot down ln the hlahlandl eut o.f Beirut Md operation cost.a. . • battle with Iarael a month with llrae1J units try1n1 to p(-.h. "I Just think we·~ ao&.na to be befcn the 1973 Mideut war. 'tilto the Seba from the aouth. lauahed at." tho uld. , Pa h a t i n e L l b e r a t l o n The Syrian command uld lta O~ admlnJltraton who had •.i----.:Orw.i..t8.-aniza""""".u..,·o~n£-.chi....,....,ef.._Y.......,a,.._.r._A~ra .... f-•t.__-1forcea~•vy-fll'ntr-o=t:~ appealed from his secret <:llllU&ltiee, k:noclted out !i3 llneli -~the move The command bunker in west Beirut tanb and ahot dawn two planea bid would automatically have 1 j for collective Arab intervention in eeveral clalha The llreelia expired if not approved by • to keep l.arael from invading the acknowledsed beJ:: with the Thunday. In that cue, the dty ~~*:9I~~~~·government la Syrianl but pve f!IW detalla. would have been foroed to teek t '!be llnell mUitary ClOmll)aDd new bkls, a move ~ts of carrying out a maaaacr 0 reported, meanwhile. that its the ahel•-... 1 ....... cri 11 too the Palestinian people in troops had captured the COMtal H __ _.. ... ::..!::'..- Lebanon with open approval of f o.mour .... 10 mllee .... ~-·-.· the United ,States," Arafat aaid ln town ° • ,._. Alliatant Oty Mana8er Paul . a "Voice of Palestine" radio IOUth of Betnat. Brady Jr. aaid he recommended broadcast addressed to Arab Syrian reinforcements were bid approval only because a heads of state. pourtni '"1 toDaLebapon. ~~ recent city attorney'• opinion D i P l M i · t aoul'Cft n ma.cu. , , .... _....a that the-coet.-cuH-f ...... eap te r me n11 er number of s~ troops ln ~oew.Ull be carried otft. ·-• Menachem Begin's declaration Lebanon had more than With that .-... a ...... , Mayor' that the Israelis "don't want war ...11~·'-'_.. 85 000 a---·-~ with Syrla,l• the mounting UUWU1CUt to ' ··-..--an David Silla aided with clashes t.hreatened to turn the number of lanell = in Councilmen Art Anthony and hrael'a campaign against Leb9noo range fran 20• to BW Vwoulla ln IOlePUna the Palestinian guerrillas ln IOUthern 60=· 8 ........ _ aid they stopped conatructlon ~td. Coil.neilman Leban on in to 1a ·major . , .. ~ uni f tanel' Larry Acran wu ament. confrontation with the large the DOl1hernlno9t ~-..a 1 Reacting to recent crttlclsm INCUMBENT WINS - Judie Rot>.rt Poll• pane• flrat election teet, attacks "campal&ning through milrepreeentaUon." I Judge Pol~s Wins NB bench' vote Harbor MunidJ* Cd&rt Judge Robert Poli1 hu withat.ood a ~by-flm.Ume-political candidate Paul Robblna who Nd ~ Polil of being IOft on crime and JJaht on aentendnl. The final but unofftdal tally on the Newport 9eaeh courthoute race was: -Pol.la: 27 ,657 -Robbins: 21,601 Robbins, • Lona Beach dty pro1ecutor ancf an Irvine resident., had mailed out a last· minute mer declaring Polla had once released a rapi1t and a robber without bell Polla, who responded that the "rape" ca1e wa1 a battery lncldent and the .. robbery" a petty theft, today said he WU d.laappolnted Robbim apparently wu able to 8COl'e IO well with b1a charps. ~ around Be .. ln~ f'Clftlt • thty uwu to cut. about the acope of the abelter, syr1an foree 1.rut the Belrut-n.n,-.,. h1Chw•1 tn ~tbon.r .ut the faaW"' wu R n 8 c •-ard V::.e~. eaatem Lebanon'• Bekaa the b1lla 12 miles alt of the ~to promote i1a ~and I on C4 A 1 An eatlmated 30,000 Syrian Lebulele capital. IO II wouldn't be. ~ a ' I trooi-are ln Lebanon to pol.lee a The Syriabl c1almed to have .. do« pound!" He ~"thaf the d e,1:1 Cr' ean truce that ended the 1975. 76 dyil halted the two.pronged IOUtbem• design WOUld be ac&led down e 'g l3 war ln Lebanon. offenaive. aomewhat prior to constrUcUan. b 36 ,_.. ... A talk fen» ~ by the y votes FRIZZELLE WINS... ~~~·~:.,·~~·~ lnv~tion further. action. that 1·rit1elle bad failed to itemize campaign expen1e1. Af1er requiring Friuelle to submit further documentation, the FPPC d ecided Frizzelle'a r~corda were in order and decllned to pur1 ue the Laat Sunday, the Oranae County Republican Party Ethics Committee n.ded that Silla Md violated ••the apirit of the.code o,f ethks" signed by party membefs in one of hia late campaian City adnUniatratora have obJected t.o the curnint ~ not only fOI' ita one-time comtructian costa bu$ ~ ftB'operadon la estimated to double the c:urrct coat of runnin1 a temporary ~tel' ln Lquna Canymi. brcxhurw. • Coastal E~. Wide guMlicl to 7t mph, th• Natlonat WHther Ser*-NPOftld. At lllat ON tornado toldled -.i Md .... were uneonllrlftM repotta of other tunnel dollCI .....,... Southern lndlin• liH & ,.., IMluGtl tod9y and ~ e.ewte Co. oftldala ..... It -..... HlgN" to 12 at ttie ~end tall• Mvetal d919 to reetot• 74 to 1'1 In the lnlal)d -· .,_ Ill tM E~ .,.., end °'*"""' !OM 54 to se. Flk • ec>0ll .. 1Hn tor lndlaM ~ 1llundilW _. 111gN of 70 at the T~ Co. ~ .... ·r ~ and 75 to 80 In lnlMd 000 phone ......... ....., .,. ....... llO mejof cal*a .... dalMged. Eluwhere, from Point TOfnecioeeillotouahad._,ln Conoeptlon to the Meiclo•n Holton, Kan .. on tM IC*'au-bord•r and out eo mlle1: Mluourl border, dam•tlnt Nol1t w• wllldl 10 to 11 11not1 Hveral tum tlulldlno• ana. wtttl I to I toot .... O¥W outs .cllllllnG ..uered power GUI...-; wat•rt todar and Thurt*' nw ~Ill ~ -~ ~...,,..,......... ..,..._ ... _,_ and 1110mlno "-• IMCof9I ng fer m ti o 11 a•• . a n d n a ar ... ti) wthWt 10 to 11 Mota ~ ~-=· 40 INiet T'hunldeW ...._. Wind --_,..,... of 2to~ .... Soult!-' ..... of --------~:.::.~low~ Ca1ilornia llouf't. warmer. .... ....... ff 41 I to llO tt 7t 71 52 11 ... _. as 111 n .. 12 • 17 71 S7 76 Ill 11 12 1.AO IO to to 17 u ea an u .. G :J .. Ill C1 ~ •• 12 . ... .... '. BY JEFF ADLER or .. ...., ........ Carlabed MayPr Ren Packard WU a~ wJnDer ln the 43rd Conu·e11toqal Dhtrict Republtcan primary Tueeday, ed1in1 travel·traller tycoon JobmUe ei.n by a razor.thin 36--vote ma.rain· However, the narrowneaa of Packard'• victory raiaed the ~mpect of a recount. But nelther rean nor hh c:ampatan comultantl were avallable today to oomment on that ~ty. In what turned fnto a four- w a y race amon.a the 18 Republicans vying for the nomlnatian, final but unoffidal election returns fran both San Diego and Oranae countiea ~: -RGa Packard: 13,436 -Johnnie Cr.n: 13,400 ~ Bill McColl: 12,839 -Deborah Stekely: 12,076 -Jim a.dy: 8,616 -Mary Schmitz; 4,187 -Stan Lear<>: 3,~1 -Charlea Kenne)': 2,9~1 -Thcma Mauro: 2,241 -Mike Schaefe~ l,82S -Jerry Shaw! 1,171 By TM AINClatM Preti A uorney General Oeor1• I>eukmeJLan, who won • b&tw battle a1alnat Lt. Oov. Mlke Curt» tor the Republican nqm&nation for ~· ahook .. handl wttb hla former toe today and vowed to joln forc.w apbwt th• Dtmocrata' bta wlnner, Mayor Tom bndley. Bradley, demonatratln1 the poUtScal clout that hal wan him ~ tenn1 M mayor of Loe Anaelea, breezed to an eaay vtctory Tueeday with more than 62 percent of the vote. It WU the tint ltep {n his que9l to become the nation'• flrat elecled black governor. Curb, a former Hi!.!3wood record producer who beeh favored to win the GOP nomination. until 1tln1in1 revelationa marred 'the wanlna daya of hil campelfP\. ~ea defeat eerly today. With 98 percent of the vote1 Deukmejlan had 51 percent or the vote to Curb'• 45. Curb waa hurt late In the campaign by revelatlona that he WU ci-ified l• Y dUJ1n& the Vietnam War, a ~tion tile Selective Servi~ deecrihed u "physically, mentally or morally unfit'' foe mllltaJ:Y .ervke and that he failed to regSater to vote until 1974. The latter dbclcllure came from the Oeukmej1an campalan. All three returned Incumbents_ ,score in w-ater election Betty Ollon, Peer SwUl and Ray Auerbach Tuesday were returned to the Irvine Ranch Water Dlatrtct Board of Dlrecton. The incumbent candidatH called their support from voten ln Irvine and parta of Tustin a reaffirmation of approval for current board polides. "I am v«y pleued that the public hu that much confidence in me.'' aald top vote-ptter Dr. Oi.on, a UCI prof-.. and water reaourcea 1pedali1t who wu nominated to the board in January .. "I think the current board told the people the truth that the (eewage) costs are high and we're trying to do aemethtna about them and that there are no lmmedJ.ate IOl\ltlona that can be enactedf she added. Man slain • • • 1n airport restaurant ti Aa horrified byatandere watched, a 4().year~ld Orange County man waa fatally 1hot Tueaday night at Delaney'• Restaurant at John Wayne Airport. Oranae County Sheriff'• Department Lt. Wyatt Hart laid the ahootf.na inddent occurred after the man, whoee name hu not yet been releeled, became involved ln an argument with another man with whom he waa ..eated. Arrested at the toene and later booked lnto Oranae C.ounty Jail on suspicion at-murder waa Kelly Rumell Oanlel8. 32, of Laguna Beach, Hart uid. Daniela' oocupetion waa listed u a eelf-emplOyed aail maker, Hart aald. . The &hooting occurred ahorily before 9 p::m. in the re1taurant, which la located on the 9eCXlnd nooc of the airport terminal. Five candidates vied for thre, aeatl on the five-member board. Board president Peer Swan, treuurer for PacWc Sclentific ln Anaheim. today laid, "l feel that the voters of Irvine bad confidence ln the current boanl . We're doing a good ~and we·~ aoln& in the fi&ht d.lrectlan." -Hett are the final unofficial tal.llea for the water district nice: Betty Obon: 10,919 Peer Swan: 8,420 Ray Auerbach: 7,801' c. Orville Belnhardt 6,463 Frank Hurd: 5,910 Thomas Riley re-elected • supervisor Oranae County Supervlaor Thomas Riley of Newport Beach ...Uy won a new four-year term in balloting in Tueeday'• elecUoo. With all 4'76 pndncts ln the Fifth 1upervi1orial diatrlcJ counted, results ahowed Riley gamertna far more voters than hla three challengen combined. The final, unoUlcLal returns showed Riley with 87 ,148 vote9 compared t.o 14,669 for Al Arps of San Juan C..pbtrano; 7,141 foe Dr. Euaene Attlerton of San Clemente, and 5, 737 for David H1nch1er of Laguna Beach. Riley won re--electian handily in the coastal dlatrlct that includes Costa Meaa, Newport Beach, Irvine, Laguna Beach, San Juan Capiatraoo, Sai;a Clemente and aurroundlng uninoorporated areas. Riley wa1 all 1mile1 a1 he accepted. congratulation. from .upporten Tue9day night at an election night party at the Sood) Cout Plaza Hotel. . Riley, who wW tum 70 neX! month, hu aerved aa a supervilor since 1974. He Wll appoi!!t.ed to the board by then-Gov-Ronald Reagan in 1974. 22•601 P8Ue AdiDJal1tntor 26•110 Jamee Heim 228,884 1.f,2M Victor Hobbe 106,826 20,648 Fclc' u.. lieCOiid um. ln -then • YMI°• a ~ me..are to W'r1 •• the hotel and motel bec1 cu ID Newport BMch hal IOI" down to def•L The propotal to hike the bed cu &om e to a percent recetved • J1'.'Ajortty vote but feJl 811 wt. abort of the two-third.I ed1e needed. The final unottidal tally on M'IMW'e B w19: -:-Yta: 12,381 -Ho: 7.407 An idendcal mt.Jot meuure ln the t,ax incft•e. "To COmie thll Newport a..ch 1aat November cJo. twice now jwt ahowa. I wu defeated, endfna up leN • IU~, how dSf&u.lt It II to cet than 100 YOtel thy ol the two-a two-thirdl YQ(e." thirdl majority neect.ct. 'A maJorltY Of the Qty C'.oundl Newport City Counc il u welf u local bualnete and members, proJectinl teeQ,000 ln development firms and a llow- dty revenue frcm jhe t pen:ent 8rOWtti dtben 81'GUP had lobbied incre••· tried the ballot meuun lor the tax biki, •ylna it would aoin beea'--Of the cbenela of force towista to pay foe roed tM IMt eleCUon. improvement.. "I'm ~ tremendoutly dil-'-rbere are acme people who appolnt~." Nld Cooncllman j uat are ba1ically a1aln1t John C.OX. an acUve IUpporter of lncraaina taxee no matter how ; IRVINE CITY COUNCR. ) F.dward Doman . 5,470 i Barbara Wleaer 8,157 (elected) Bnd Ga::rlff.C.roaer 276,777 C>il I ease Manhal1 Norris 49,081 , : Larry Agran 8,510 (elected) 'Jo)'f\~ __ 6JD Bill Poa:i 2,041 Marjorie Keller 1,125 G. Pat Bland 42,962 iuoo_E ___ SUP--:--BRl-O_R_CO_UR=-T·:-« -nl'Oposa-1 Ottice6 ~~' IRVINE RANCH WATER · DIS'J'RICf Peer Swan 8,420 ~3:=r. ~~:~ halted . C. Orville Reinhardt 6,463 'British down 7 Argentine jet fighters BJ Tiie AllOdaCM Prn1 Britlah fon. lhat down 8even ~tine jeU in two attacka off Ute FalldaJ'ld Iabmda in whk:h a Bdtiah frlaate and two lanrJ.ina craft were damaaed, the Ddeme ~ in London 111<1 today. :At leMt four other Arpntlrie wtirplanet· were dam9pd ln the fta)dJfc 1\leday and were not expected &o ma"e h back to malnland baa 400 miJel to the Office9 Shennan Weber J~Barilla Robert Knox William Farria 35,110 66,'46 192.042 71,821 JUDGE -MUNICIPAL COURT Harbor Paul Robbina 21,601 Robert Polis 27 ,657 . West Dan Dutcher Ronald Nix Joanne Harrold \ 21.321 18,664 65,138 Maidpal Water Dl1&riet Division 1 H. E. Bartee Charlee Bennett P--::""Wl!!mt:"-RrltillltroftidUt tUcl --- '!be Britlah aaid the jeta were lhat down in raldl (JO BrttWi •hipa landtna 1uppliee and 4fquipmenL : Ar1entina claimed Ill E tank a BriUlh ~ W. luMlnl .... ., y t two .... ib9ndanecl ·• the tblrd P'lt out ol actkJn. Abd lnflle1ed heavy cuualtiee ~ troope beirll put ..... ~y at Port Fitzroy, 5 milet touthweat of the Fal~landa ~ptal r . .~ --= : Divilion 5 Lew9on °'9dwtck 8,&M Wayae Carll 37;394 John Hoel 11,2445 STATE BOARD OF ~~ 0.1enlle Mary~lfeWnc Fayne n.vta Janm Grweltemper Glenn Parkel- Edmund Kelly 28,030 18,fl8 10,US 15,608 M.629 ' • •! 'I f!Soast Guard probes . :·· ~each ior Wash-up "' • :.: in the three yeara .ance AmlnoO ~~ received ita environmental S. COMt Guard oftidall are CU°" ~t ~ Buntinatoft iqveatigaim. the wuh-up of The -6 the. 1......-..!.t.. tar '-crude oil froth and ''be.ch tar." IOW'Oe \1& ~ - -· Amino'1 USA, Inc., hM claimed =~mystery, c.o.t Guard ~billty for a five-barrel Lt. ~ Mike Burier Cl'Qde oil apill that created a laid aamplet are beina .u to the ·~late-like froth" ~ a CoMt GUard'i Wlllhfncton DC. potUon of Huntlnaton Beach. lab for "oil fin•erprint1n1· " 'that' material hal bft!n_ ~ · - up by Amlnoll cfi~he ::i=-::ifr~wbere ~pmy .,.. BArrilr' ... AaPnQ4J ... not ~ :-:. ~-= been Nied oul • the IOllftW ol •Ol'• widespread coln-aiH the be8dl tar. But he -"' the ..,._.._of be9ch tar aJana the material ai.o could have come .-1n recent clayl. from off-ahore drtllina pladorml ~ 'mlat II abtolutely not oun," or He~~~ J'llh and lj~ :~lliam L . Donnelly, Game offtdala are inW9dpUnc ~ 1 weatern l'ejlon vice to determine whether the Nlldue -~,..~,....,...•t. will haw any harmful effect on ~ aald 1hil WM the f.lnt wildlife IUC.b • claim or aea ~ ~ • ~p ~ occurred bUdt. By STEVE MITCllELL or .. ..,,... ..... \ .. A federal Judae baited Friday's planned 1ale of 2A federal offahore oil leuea today, lpclµdlng aeveral tracta off Newport Beach and Laguna Beech. U.S. Dlatrlct Court Judge Cynthia . Hall 1r-anfed a preliminary in.junetion '°':'Cht by ltate bfflda'" ~ delitieradnl for two daya on the 1tate'1 request. In 1rant1n1 the delay, the ~ turned down. jablt IUit by the Sierra Club and the Qty Oil Lacuna s.ch that would baYe eliminated all 184 tnctl Included in Lwe Sale l'fo. ea, tncb""nc 10 off Newport Ind l.-.... But Kathryn Dlokaon, an •tt«_,. tar ct. 8l111a Qub, .W the enYtlamMDtal orpntatim wlll lmme4llatel1 aeek an lnjLmcdan fram tbe tth Clreuit Court ot Appeal.I that would Locblde all 184 tnctl. JUltkle Dtpartment •ttomeY Peter Stiffnianct, n~UDg dw ~ ol &be~lntcior and seote~ of the Interior '--~••u. aid be QI> 1'0Ukt aeek an emarflllC)' aPs-1 frcm (See OIL 1.24sr.s, P• AU• Man slain restaurant RE-ELECTED -5th · Diatrict county Supervl10r Tom Riley of New'port ~h won a new, four-year tenn Tuelday, fending off three challeqera foa-the wt. • supervisor Oranae Co-..nty 8upervl9or TbmMs Nie, of Newport a.ch ..oy won a new~,_,. term m b&Jlotina 1n Tu.ctaY• ~ With an. 478 prednda 1n the Fifth 1upervl1orlal diatrlct counted. 1'8ulta 1howed Riley pmer;n, far more voten than hil three cbal ........ cqnbiNd, The tinaJ, \tDOffldat retuml abowed Biley wlth t7,148 YOtel CDmDUed to 14.• for Al Arpt of am Jue (AplltnDo; 7,141 for Dr. Kupne Atherton of San Clen*1te. md &,'137 fer David A1 horrlf led by1tandera · Hincbler ol 1.,..,. Beech. waeched. a fO.y.r~ Onnp Biley wan re41eetian handily County man wu fatally lhot in the coa1tal d11trlct tha• Tueaday n11ht at Del•ney'1 inducS. eo.ta .._, Newport Rettaurant at John Wayne Beach, Irvine, Lacuna Beach, Airport. San Juan Caplatrano, San Oran1e County Sheriff~• Clemente and 1urroundin1 Depu1ment L~ Rart md uNno()I porated arw. ~~ft ..,_.t ~ Rile1 wu all 1mile1 u he• -accepted concratulattona lrom not yet bft!n rel e 111 cl. bar:9!1N aappoc taa iru-tay :t! at ui invofwd in an arcument with _..... South anodMr man wtth,wh«n he wa1 elec:dan .....-t put)' at --eo.t Plua Hotel Arnaled~ the ICIDe md .... ~~ .. =:~i:..:.:ii.= n.Nelt, 32, of ~ .... 1974. He ... ted to Be.h, Hart .ad. . thllt baud bY tb.n f &nakt DanieJlt' occupation w lilted Rea1an l n 19 7 4 • and w u a1 a ..U-employed ..u maker, newllnted by GOV. mdl:Dlmd G. 1tart laid. . . BrOWn Jr. -~-.L~· .., ... The lhDodna oa:urred thorUy elected to • ...--two-,... term before 8 p.m. ln the a.taunnt. ID 1t78. He Wll at~Mntly which ii located on the llCQDd eledld to • four-~ Wiil in floot ot tlW ~ tmn1na1. urra. . .. -' planes TSL A VIV, Iara el (AP) - _.... ..... down about 20 Syrian warplanee durln1 a raid on s,n.n antl-alrc:raft mfMlJee in eutem Lebanon today, llrael radio qwMd Defenae Minilter Ariel Sharon al=· Sharon Wal .. •ylng no la1ieU planet were Jost. But the Syrian military command reported downing 19 laraeU F-10. and F-161 in the air battle and btnc US Oil it. own jets. Sharon, at a new1 CIOOference at Sal.ad in nortt.n l8'ae1. ,... quoted by the atate •radio u aylna the millile batterta wen delta~ The deferwe mlnJater aaid downed Syrian plahes were MiG-211 aaid MiG-231. Since Mdl .1181, whe Syita •&.itlaof~ miulln Into eaatem • --bM dmwmled tbetr remoYa1 md thnatened to dtmoy ti.an hl9lf. m..,.. •• ..,.....~ the battle>~. tum.Ina point." . He t8ld the Syrian army had bea\.lll to retreat.in Lebanon. The Iaraeli army wu 1Uikbi1 at "•ntmy armor" la eaatera ~. ti.~ but be did not ~Wt.tbs ti.immt~ armor, the 11ate ndio reported. With the removal of. the mlwl ... Sbaft!n .ad. llrae1 could concentrate on attacklnc perrllla rocket and artlllery poeltklm, and in • f.w bOun hrael'• northern Galilee panhancl1e wioWd be entirely out of .ranee of PaJettlnian aunnefl· It WM the bia-air battle betwffn brael and Syria ll'l almott nine yeara, aince 13 Syrian .... were thot down in a battle wlth wael. month before the 1973 Mld111t war. Pale1tlne Liberation Orpnlratian dllet y~ Arafat appealed from bia aecret mmrnand bunker in west BelNt f« collective Arab Intervention to keep llrae1 from invadinc the 1 cbSJl'• captal. • An estlma~ 30,000 s,nan tl'oofll are in l.et.enon to police a truce that ended the 19'1$-76 dYil war in Lebanon. . Merchantl · anil ahoppen will have a hwy annmer with a full cUindal-of ewnt. planned at South eo.t Plar.a. For information about Mldvitiel at the mall. tum ~ tbe Didi and Ondl aa~t in • ~· Di.l1y Pilot. tax ' valid the reaon." Cox aua-ted. Newport motel owner -Victor Rwnbellow, an opponent of the ballot mea1ure, aald the city cto.l't need the extra money and 1u11e1ted ~otera were Uauffldently int.eWpn. t to apot that fanc1 footwork ... •-'~'The city ha.a now waated .-~.ooo on two elecdona -tbil '8 money down the drain," lalCt Rumbellow. "I trust they won't throw any more away by tryinl .,.tn." INCUMBENT WINS - Judge Robert Polis puses f lrat election teat, attacks "campaigning through mlarepresenta_tton." benclJ vote lfarbOr. MunJdpaJ C.ourt Ju.tee •Robert Polia hu wttbatood a ~ by ~time polldcal candidate Paul Robbins who had accwed PoUa Oil beina aoft on crime and Ucbt on tentend.ng. The final but unoffidaf tarry on the Newport B e ach courthoUle race waa: -Polls: 27,M7 -~-= 211601 Robbma, a Long Beach dty proaecutor ancf an Irvi ne relliderlt, had malled out a lalt- minute flier declaring Polla had once releued a rapiat and a robber without ball. Polis, who responded that the "rape" ca1e wu a battery lnddent and the "robbery" a - petty theft, today aaid he \q9 dlaappomted Bobbim apperen11)' Wiii _able to ICOre IO well with hia cbarpa. "lt'a 1ad that campallftlna :=w. ~=ta-=.: uh wun't overwhelmln1 but we won and I'm Clad it'1 over." = an Irvine realdent, Wal ted to the bench in 1979. W'la h.la flnt election ta&, Robbina. reached at horae today, aid he WM plewd with hla 1upport but undecided Vlhetbet he'll ieek polldcal oftb ~· 11rcl like to 1ay that I don't wflh Polia any U1 will. I like the 1uy. J the 9'h Qicut\ Court for • l\ay of Judie Hall'• Order. lri Mr l•~Y oplnlon, Juclp Hall 1at~. WhUt the court rtco1nt111 the 1tron1 publlp tntanlt in dewloplna doml9tlC oil and ... relOW'Cil. the balance ol Mrdihli! in \hit CUI Upe 1ri the pla1ntlr,i'1 fa~." Her declalon blocka Ill• of oU and au leu11 on 856,000 flCfel off ttie Southern Call.torrua cout. The tale had been echeduled by SecretarY'. Wau for 10 a.m. Friday •l the Lo• An1ele1 Convention Cent.er. The ltate la~t 10U1ht only the removal of 23 tracta from the leue ule, and the~accepted that number, ad one tract ad,;lcent to i..a,una b to the lilt. Assembly raee Aqd whllt attomeya f• the 8a.ift Club ay t.heY are Pleliied ~w merit tn ordertn& a ~.they a y don't ~tand why :fi 184 VllD1I weNn1t lncludtd. "Th• jud1• 11ld the Dt~t of• lnwtor leele Ille lt not CONllWnt with th• 1tate'1 COlltal 10M rnanepmlftt J>l'Oll'am,'' Mt. Dick.ton Mid. 0 1 don't understand how 23 tracts can be found to not ~ conalltent and not \he retrt." He taid the crude oil froth that Amlnoll hu ~ and cleened up wu the result of a mechanical problem eady Monday that Allowed the oll to .,.pe into a wMte water diapmal ptpe near Pacific Co••t. lUabway and Goldenwest S~ ln Hunttniton Beach. 11 TM AINOtaa..I Pni1 The Brttilh land.lhl lhlp 811' Galahad WU IWtpt b)' flN and 1xplodln1 ammunltlon that mowed down troopa and ..men afUt u WH :bomb•d by ~r11ntlni wuplant1 whlle unio.dtq men arid matertll off Ea1t FaI~land, a Brltl1h war corre.pondent re~ toda.v. Independent Televialon Newa' Michael Nichol.Ion ..Sd be aaw acoree of c.uualtiel aboard the 3,370-tol'l, ·U3·foot 1andJna uup • It wu swamped by l.Lunii Tuelday. But h1I cenaored report •ve no lndk:adon ol the ClllUalty toll aboard the vemel, DllCked with troop• about to dfeembark at Fitzroy Sound. 16 mlla Welt of the Argentine-held capital of Stanley. I, I :Urizzelle narrow: Former otc winner ove.i-Sills. athlete dies ~~;;:;.;;~=.;;:;;~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii""-in Sniashup By SANDIE JOY or .... .,_,...,..., Allemblyman Nolan FrizzeUe was victorious In I cloee l'lllCe , with Irvine Mayor David Silla In l the 69th A11embly Dlatrlct Republican primary race, hanging onto his early lead thro\.lahOOt vote tabulation. The final tally WU Frizlelle 18,249, Silla 15,453, with all votes 1 '\ I ~ in from the 311 prednl:ta in the newly""pportioned dlltrict which includes Irvine, Co1ta Mesa, Fountain Valley and part of Huntington Be8ch. Frluelle had emerged from the gate early with 647 votes. to Silla' 368 in the at.entee ballots · cast. Frizzelle goea up against Democrat Robert Hanson of Col~ Mesa on the November Qallot, H.arwon ran uncontested in the Democratic priJnarY. The district hu 16S,2f~ registered voters of which 72,932 are Republicans and 65,9:WS are Democrats. A dJ.stricUhat 11 nearlY even ln part)' registration ll conlidered a ' Safe Republican teat by political analysts. Silla' candidacy had been an unpopular cause amon1 party loyaJilta, man)'\of whom 6elNYed it was in poor taste fer the lrYtne mayor to challenge an lncumbent ~ aaemblyman from his own party. Sills contended Frizzelle really wasn't an incumbent since the WINS PRIMARY A.seembl:Nolan Friuelle ·of Hun 8-h• t off the cti llenp•of = Mayor David Billi to Win the Rep~bllcan primary in the 69\ti A.Membly Diltrict. He'll faee De~ocrat Robert Hanson of Costa Mesa in November. ~bad wan bia-t In the old '7lrd dJatrict. That dlatrk.'t .... bMkalJy the 11m1 aa the 69th with the exception of Irvine which W9I added in reapportl~ment In February. Slightly ~. wlrMM gulMd to 70 mph, the Netlonel WHther SeMoe ~· At .._.one loniedO toucMd do'#l'I -... -• unconfirmed rec>orle of <:oastal 04'* funNI doUd llahtlnal. Southern lndlane '011 .. --'-' a.cttto Co. ofllcllll ..... It could "* ltnUatl todly end t......... lek• Nvefll d•'I• 10 reetoH Hlglw .. to 12 .. the~ end --.......... 74 to 7t In tN lllllnd .... ,_ In .. ~--... -. -• ~ !owl 54 to A. FW • •PGll-•n '°' lftCll•H ... , TilundlV wllh !\lofll <:A 70 el fie T~ CO. eMlmlMd fl8t 1r """ 80 In Inland 000 ptlOM .... -down and bMd'9e end '" to llO malOf ~ .... ...,........ ~•where, tro111 Point TornlidOee.-OtOllC:Mddowftln tonceptlon to the MHlcan Hotton, ~n .• on the Ken ..... bordet end out 80 mllH: MIHOllfl border, demeglng Nottttaeet ~ 10 to 11 knotl HYerel=.J>=~; ~ s to a toot -,,.,., °""' ~ In ~ iowe wet If• lode'/ end Thure:ce · .---...,..... ..,. blOWn °"'of ~ llGfll vwtlllll .. --· and mornlftf ttoure Mcoffl ne '=:=' II o 111 • •. • n d n • • r ... to .,.,.. 10 to 15 linole --.2·,,::" 40 ,,... ~ llftemoon. Wind...,.. -of2to~ .... ~ ..... of 2 to s teet. 8ome tow oloudlrWM In late~ ttw°'91 mkkr1oml11g holn. Funeral irervicea for form.er Orange Cout athlete Boh Willon. killed" Sunday in ai car accident out1tde Ocean1lde, will be COPduct.ed Tbunday in Newport a.ch. Mr. Willon, a 15-ymr relident of NeWpbrt and a Corona del Mar Hiah School gniduate, WM 28. Re waa returning from a ~.when hi.a. car went off Funeral 1ervice1 will be conducted at 2 p.m.. at Pacific View Mortuar)' in Newport followed b)' a apecia1 3:30 p.m. memorial .e('Vkle In El Toro at Abldln1 Savior Lutheran Church. A fonner hilb achool football and track 1tar, he turned to 1porti tratnlnJ and medicine ~-:'~~~ Northern Michigan Univentty and did aractuate wotk at the Univenlty ot Western Illlnoia. A former athletic trainer at Oran1e Coast Colle1e, Mr. Wllaon bad been the athletic trainer at Carl.abed High School for the PM' two Yeel'L A 1pec:ial Bob WDlall Athletic Trainer Scbolarablp la to be e1tabli1bed at Oranae Coaat Collep ln hta m He 11 aurvtved by parents., J'rank and Betty Uson, of Newport Beach; a brother, ~. of El Toro, and a litter, Swian Carter, of Santa Ana. warmer ~ I wn-• GOP VICTOR -Atto,ney General Georae 11Duke11 Deukmejian wavea to acknowledie victory ~n Tueaday niaht after wtnnma Republican nomination for governor. f \ Oran•• County 1ovenunfnt and two aJ.rttn. have won a vSctory ln a ~ lep1 battle over allocation of OJchu at John __ Wa)'nt Airport. FoUOWtne a i.n,thy hearlnc ln Lot An1elee Tuelday, a thr4H!· member federal appealJ panel decided that • lower ·cou.n ~ had erred tn pnvSoUI ~ on the airport acc.. lllue. The 11.8 . 9th District Court of Appeala act.ion hu the effect of freelna count~rvtaon to adopt and imp t an airport . N;X.'ell plan. dl The .,.net ai.o held that a Uial D .J;_ I • • B ey 1hould be held before U.S . euxme•Jan, ra Dlttrict Court Jud1e Terry J Hatter on an aaBIJ>lan ~pted by the county Jut september. gear for November ~:~:~ 35 of the 41 jet depertw'e9 now permitted daJ.1)! from the aJ.rport. was overturned by Judie Hatter. By Tlae AHoetated Prete Atto11ney General Geor1e Deukmejlan, who won a bitter battle aaaimt Lt. Gov. Mike Curb for the Republican nomlnatton for pemor. ahook hands with h1I former foe today · and vw•-4 '" Wn torcea aoinat'" tbe De-~yor Tom !k'adley. ·r, ~or Toln tndley;--radley, demonstrating the poUtlcal clout that hal won him three' tenns u mayor of Loi Angeles, breezed to an easy victory Tueeday with more than 62 percent of the vote. lt WU the fJ.nt step in hJ.I quest to become the nation'• flrat elected black governos:. Curb, a former Hollywood record producer who had been favored to win the GOP nomination until 1tlnalna ttvei.tbw marred the w.= days of bit campai&n, COil defeat early today. With 98 percent of the vo~t Deukmejlan had 51 percent of the vote to Curb'• 45. "George J)eukmejlan waged a campaip. and rm here to congratulate George De lejian for hi• victory,'' Curb told a cheerina crowd at the C.entury Plua ~tell Deukmejab. WftOl9 campatan di1pute1 wt•h Curb raised apeculation the two would be that he failed to register to vc>te until 1974. The Jatter dilclotUre ·came from the Deukmejian campaign. Deukmejlan eet the tone for the month.I ahead by accusing tl)e mayor of inaction on crucial iuuea ln'Cluding welfare, unemployment and 1trong law enf6~. --- Ron Packard edges Crean by 36 votes BY .JEFF ADLER of ... Dllr ......... Carlsbad Mayor Ron Packard was a surprise winner ln the 43rd Congressional District Republican primary Tuesday, edging travel-trailer tycoon Johnnie Crean by a raz.or-thln 36-vote margin. However, the nart0wneaa of Packard's victory raised the proapect of a recount. But neither Crean nor his c•mpaign consultants were available today t.o comment on that pOllibWty. More recently, Hatter overturned a eecond acce11 p~ propoeed by the cou'ntyt It waa considered lell favorable to ijle two dominant air carrler1 servinl the Orange County market. · Hatter'• decillon1 were appeileOj:>fnU-y y e coun , AirCal and Republic. The county hu been undter preuure by the federal government for more than three yeara to devi1e a 1y1tem to allocate the available j~t departures among carrien either destring to continue or initiate service at John Wayne. Legal action over the acce. iaue wu initiated by Pacific Southwe1t Airlinea, which received authority a year ago $0 opent.e two flight.I daily from Orange County. PSA has claimed it is wrong for lt to be permitted only two departures while AirCal bolds an average of 23.5 ll.lghta daily and Republic 11.5. . County supervisors were expected to consider the latest court ruling ln a cloeed aesaiop today. Airport Manaier f.4urry Cable told reportera following tb.e appeals court action that the Uoard could pursue one of several ~of action. t enemiea, ottered to bat.chet mammta af1er tMde hla cone e rdon speech. "Mike Curb ii really a gentleman and ti. demomtrated an awful lot of cla11 .. .'' Deu.lanejian told auppor1.erl. '1n what turned into a four- w a y race among the 18 ReJ>Ublican1 vying for the nomination. fffiiI out unoffidal electiOn retuma from both San Dle10 and Orange counties abowed: lt oou.1d ieimtU:ut.e_ either. of. _ I the plans previously ttject.ed by Hatter, or deviae an entirely new p~~lellid. Curb ,raa hurt late ln the C8!!'P'!\t~NYelaiicnt that tw Wiii c1Mml 1-Y clurt"I the Viemam War, a cJMllticatklll the Selective Sel'vlce delctthed • "physically, mentally « manlly unfit" for mllltar)' 11etYice and Mesa mayor • to run again Costa Me11 Me,yor Arlene Schafer has announced plant to aeek re-election ln November. Mn. Schafer, who Im aerved on the dty council aince 1978 and hu been mayor ainoe 1980, said she belleva her experience will be valuable ln dealln1 with future ~ 1n \hf dty. La1t month councllwotnan Norma Her1ZOI announced her pluw to teek re-election Nov. 2. City Council candidates can take out P-8pen Ju1~1:! the dty clerk a of.tioe. fpr fillnl ii Aug. & -Roe Paebrd: 13,t36 -Johnnie Crean: 13,tOO -BW~l2,839 -Deborah Szekely: 12,076 -Jlm Radr,!,616 -Mary Sc tz: 4,187 -Stan Legro: 3,891 -Charlee ltenney: 2,951 r-Thomas Mauro: 2,241 -Mike Schae.fer: 1,625 -Jerry Shaw: 1,171 -Bob 0CUrtis: 1,086 -Donald Blake Martimcm: 832 -Elizabeth Davis: 796 -Art Saunders: 668 --!Awrene NOO>n Anftn.on: 551 -Martin Kinkade: 501 -D. Robert DeCarlo: 3e3 Padtard, neVel' oonsideftd a front-runner in the crowded field, won on the basis of hia ahowtng in San Diego County' where he picked up mote than 12,000 of hia votes. The 43rd district covers aouthem Oranae and northern Sm Dteao counties, wtth about two-thirds of the district 1n San Diego County. Ho~rd memben bad been echeduled today to consider yet a third aa:aa propoaaJ -ou~t auctioning-ol the 41 dafty departurea to the highest monetary bkidera. Inez Campbell service held Graveside lel'Vices were held Tuesday for Inez S. Campbell. 80, the head nune of gynecology at Hoag Memorial Hospital. Newport Beach until her retirement in 1967. • Mn. Campbell, a resident oi Newport :ae.ch since 1960, died Saturday at the Mesa Verde Convaleecent Hospital ln Costa Mesa. - She wa1 a longtime active member of the Harbor OuUtian Church and the Senior CitU.eN Club of Newport Harbor. Het ~.the Rev. Gene Swanaon, officiated at the services at Pacific View Memorial Park; Newport Beech. I · t IRVINE CITY COUNCIL ; Edward Dornan 5,470 l\ay Auerbach 7,801 n-lnk Hurd · 0,910 Betty ()lion • 10,919 PllOPOlmON A -IRVINE Y• 11,899 No f,lH PROPOSITION B -NEWPORT BEACH Yee 12,381 (defat.ed) No 7,407 AIMUOr Bndle~.J~ Jamea DeVine 303,609 54,696 . Pwbllc Ad.mbll1trater Jamee Helm 226,834 Victor Hobbs 106,326 SlterUf ..COrour Bnd Gate. Manhall Noma G. Pat Bland 276,777 49,081 42,9e2 . i Barbara Wiener 8,157 (elected) • :a 8,510 (elected) ·John N 5,778 Bill Poat 2,041 ' JUDGE -SUPERIOR COURT Marjorie Xe11er 1,125 Office e " . \ Leonard Goldstein '231,067 'RVINE RANCH WATER WWiam Hopkina Jr. 151,833 ·• · DISTRICT , P\!ler Swan 8,420 Offb 9 ~' C. Orvilte Reinhan:lt 6,463 Sherman Weber · Joeeph Bartlla 35,110 66,946 192,042 71,821 ':British ·down 1 • 7 Argentine jet fighters A1 8J fte AaMelated Prest BrtUah foroea lhot down eeven Anientme jeta in two attldm off the F.ikLarld IaJands ln wbJch a British frigiate and two land.Ina craft were damaaed. tl\e Ddeme in London tald tuday. ~ four other Araentlrie lanes Weft damaaed in tlw' ¥tine TU.day Md were not ex~ted to make lt back to • ~nL.nct bllW 400 mA1ll to the ... Brtdlh OllldaJa .uL The Britilh IUd tbe ,. .... 'tbot down in raids on Brtti8h 1hip1 randing 1uppllee and . equipment. ;_ Ar1enUna claimed lU .... a Brtu.b fritate. ~=::::; third put out of action. nflicted heavy cuualtla belnC put Mhore y~ort Fitzroy, 5 miles Jouthwest of the Falklands ~tal t' • Robert Knox . Wllllam Farria JUDGE-MUNICIPAL COURT Harbor Paul Robbins Robert Polis West 21,601 27,657 Dan Dutcher 21,321 Ronald Nix 18,664 Joanne Hanold 56,138 Mmldptil Water Dbtrkt DJvilien 1 H. E. Harqie 23,596 Ow-lel Bennett 23,115 ITATE BOABD OP BQUAUZATION ti.I Dlltrtd Demtaade Mary QutsUan.Hetlllna Fayne Davia James GroRkemper Glenn Parker Edmund Kelly 19,278 32.»0 28,030 18;818 10,858 15,60e 54,62i ln the U\ree years llnce Ami.noi1 received its environmental ~ permit in lluntincton The IOW'Ce of the beech tar is currently a mystery, c.o.t Guard officiala aid. LL Canmander Mike Barrier taid amplel are beinc amt to the COMt GUard't Wuhincton D.C. lab for "oil fin1erprlntlng .. analym to help determine where the tar came 6un. B.rrier ..w AmmoO ..... not been .,... out M thi IDUnle of the beech tar. But he said. the material allo could have come ban off ..aa-e drilllnl platfonm or a piitlinc abip. He -'cl Calffomla n.b and Game oWdaJI are lnveltiptin& ·to dNrmine whether the rtilldu9 wtD have any aw,ntu1 effect en wildllte aacb • clanw or -titiW. Fw the llCOftd time in 1- than a y-.r, a ballot MeUW'e to incnlH the hot.el and motel Wei tax ln Newport BMch .Ml aor- down to defeat. The propoul to hike the bed tax from 6 to 8 percent recet~ • D.'&Jority v<M but fell 811 YC>t.- •hort' of the two-thirds ed1• needed. • The final unoffidal tally on Me.sure B waa: -Yee! 12,381 -No: 7,407 Oil lease proposa . halted By STEVE MJTCBELL CW"hDllltr ........ A federal Judie halted Friday's planned tale of 24 federal offshore oil leases today, including several tracts off Newport Beach and Laguna Beach. U.S . District Court Judge Cynthia Hall granted a prellminary in)..mction IOUlht by state officials, after dellberatlnc for two d-.ya on the 1tate'1 request. In 1rantlng the delay, the jud&e turned down a joint .Wt by the Sierra Club and the Qty of Lacuna Belch that would have ellmlnated all 1~ tnda Included ln LeMe Sale No. e&. lnduclinc 10 off N~ and t.cuna Bmcb.. An kMr\tlcal ballot .......,.. in Newport 8-:h 1Mt November was defeated, eodtn1 up le11 than 100 \lot. lhy o( t.hi two- thltdt majority necided. Newport City Council memben, projectina tee(),000 ln dty revenue from ihe 2 percent bKTI Ill, tr1ed the bellot WIN aotn t.awe of the~ of 'die IMt eJecUon. 0 l'm juat tremendoualy dla· appointed," said Councilman John Cox, m active 1Uppoc1.er of RE·ELECTED -5th District county Supervisor Tom Riley of Newport Beach won a new, fQUr-year teJ:JD Tueeday, fending off three chalJmaen for the eeet. But Katheyn Dlck1oii~ AIL =-:.!:.:!~~= Thomas Riley wlll immediatel1 seek an I d ~ =~t~ =J . re-e ecte include all lM tncta. • Juauee .. DeDu'tment attarMJ • supervisor Peter StMnfand, re~~ the ~t ot t1ae ~mter1or 0ranp County Supervtaor and Secretary of the Interior 'l'bamM ROe,. ol Newport Be.ch James Watt. takl he .i.o would eelOy wm J new tour-,-r term aeek an emeqency appeel from in balloCllui In Tu.day'•~ (See OU. LBASES Pqe .U) With all 478 predncta ln the ' Fifth 1upetvl1orlal diatrlct Man slain . • • 1n airport restaurant . Aa horrified by1tander1 w•tched, a 40-yar-Old <>ranee County man wu fatally ahot Tuesday ni1M at Delaney'• Restaurant at John Wayne Airport. ~ • Orange County S)lerlff'a Department LL Wyatt Han aaJd the lhootinc iDddent occurred after the man. w~ name hM not yet been reletlaed, became lnvolved in an arsument with another man 'With whom he WM ... ted. . ~at the ... and later booUd IDto Orule Oowity Jail on~ of murder WM Kelly ~ DmUeJa. 32, of i...,una BMch. Hart said. DINela' occupation WM listed M a self-em.ployed tall maker. Hart Mid. 'nw lhootiq ~ ahol'tq befon 9 p.m. ln the ...uiurant, whk:h II located en \be .colld floor ol tbt ~ tsmlnaL counted. rew.1ta showed Riley pmerlq far mare voten than bis thrw dwlJenpn ~ned. The final, unofflc:lal retumt showed Riley with 87,148 Yotel ocimpu-ed to 14.889 for Al Alp of San Juan Capistrano: 7 ,141 for Dr. Eu1ene Atherton of San Oemmt.e, and 5,737 for David HLnchler of L.cuna ee.ch. Riley won r&4lection bandlly in tbe coastal district that lncludea Costa Me18, Newport Beach, lrvlne, Lacuna Beach, San Juan Capl1trano, San Clemente and l\&rroundlng unlncarporated ~ .. Riley wu all 1miln u be accepted conaratulatlont from IUppot lat 'l\aday nllht at an election nJcht party at tbe South o.t Plaza Hot.el. Rlley, who will tum 70 next nxmth, hM served Ma IUpervWor lince 19'14. He Wiii a~ted ~ the boud by then-Gov. Ronald Rea1an in 197f, and waa rmppomted by Gov. Jldmund G. Brown Jr. in .1vro. Riley wM eJectied to a apeda1 two-year term 1n une. ue w 1Utaqd&rltly elect8d to a four-,..r term kl 19'18. the tax 1ncn 111. 'IOJ"o QOrDt th1t • dolt twice now ).wt ahowa, I IUPJ>C!119, how cllffJcult it ii to ,et a tw~Ullrdt vote." A majority of the Qty Coundl a1 welf as local busine11 and development finm and a llow- aowtli dtben poup hid 1obb6ed lac the tax hike, uytnc tt would force tourilta to pay for ro.d lmproyementa. "There / are some people who ju1t are basically against lncreulng taxes no matter how Israelis . . 22 planes ~J TM Alsodated Pn11 · Wawe of Israeli jeta streaked into eutem Le~on's miuile· studded Bekaa Valley, battled with Syrian MiGs and attacked Syrian anti-aircraft site. today aa t&e Lebanon war plunged toward a full-«ale conflagJ'atlon between two of the Mideast's btttere9t foes. It w11 one of the biggest air battles ln the history of the war·rav.ged region. On the ground, the laraeli ·· inva1lon army threw tank columm northward toward the Bek.aa, PU'iloualy cloee to tbe ~an bOrder, Beirut reports lanel Defeme Minister Ariel Sbarc,l called the mlllive iUr attack ••a turmna point in the _war." which larael launched' Friday after the aliootlnl or an 1.ar .. u amballador, with the stated pl., crwbina Uebanoo'• PalelUnlan guen:t.l1al. . The laraells clJlmed they downed 22 Syrian je~~-~ and c:leatroyed Syrtan ~• air mlMOe site.. The Syriana d•bned they abo& down l~ f:ll larae1'1 U.$ .• built J'-Ua and 1'-161. They llld 18.of their MIGi allo fell. \ While the laraelia 1uddenly turned their aim on Syria'• Soviet-made SAM-6 m1lailea in the Bekaa -lone a major military Irritant to 1anel -they a~tmecS·tbe ICftWS on the PaJ ... Forward braeli unita routed the l'*!iJlaa from the couta1 town of Damour, 10 m11ee south of Beirut, the Tel Aviv command aaid. The Israelis alao were reported •Wna the Lebane9e capital from the sea. Pale1tine Liberation Orpnir.adon chief Yamer Arafat went on Beirut'• "Voice o.f Pale9tlne" radio to appeel for help from other Arab natlolW. saying: '1be m.ell pemment la c::arrytna out tbe mwacre. of the Palestinian people In Lebmon with the open aj>prvval of tbe United States." Pilot highlights 'Dads and Grads' Merchants and aboppca will hllYe a hwy turmnel' with a full calendar ol ewnta planned at South CoMt Plua. For IJlformatlon about actlvitlel at the mall, tum to the Didi and Gndl llU~t ln tOday'• ~ Pilot. • . ~ valid the reaaon." Cox au.aeated. Newport motel owner -Victor RumbeUow, an opponent of the b•llot meaaure, said the city doesn't need the extra ~ and 1u11eated voters were '4tuffidently intelllgent to spot that fancy footwcrk." "The city baa now wasted $25,000 on two electiona -du. is money down the drain," said Rumbellow. ''I uu.t they won't throw any more away by tr)'inl again." ' INCUMBENT WINS Judge Robert Polis puses first election teat, attacks "cam·paigning through misrepresentation." iud.ge Polis wins NB bench vote \ Haibor Municipal COurt Jud91 Robert PqUa hu withstood a challeQae 'by flm..time politbl candidate Paul Robbins who had accu8ed Polis of being 1e>ft cm crime and Ukht on aentenclnc. The final but unoffida1 taay ,on t h e N e w p or t Be a c h courthoU8e race was: -Poll1: 27,657 -Robb&na: 21,601 Robbins, a Long Beech dty prosecutor and an Irvine ~t, bad mailed out a lalt- mlnut.e flier declaring Polis bad one• releued a rapist and a robber without bail. PoU.. who responded that the "rape" case was a battery incident and the "robbery" a petty theft, today said he WM dlaappolnted Bobbins apparently Wat-able to a:IOl'e IO well with his charps. "lt's aad that campaicnlnc ~ mSepre8elltation la IO succe11ful." Polit said. addlnc, "It wun't overwhelmJnc but we won and rm g2ld it's <Ner." PoUa. an Irvine ~t, w. aPPCJtnted to the bench ln 1$79. 'ftda WM hil firtt election test. Robbin•, reached at home today, said he w pl na!d with bl1 1upport but undecided whether he'll seek political off.Ice apln. 'Td like to aa,y that I don't wtah Poba any w wtlL I like the 1uy. Great Western Savina• & Loan Atloclation announced today It 1el«1ed actor Dennla Weev"° u lta media •pok.e9man. I Weavf!r la known for hia television rolea lnicludina j the western ~ in the "ML'Cloud" televisioii aeries and for his Emmy-winning role u Chester lrl ••Gunsmoke." Weaver follow• in the footatepa of John Wayne who aetved a1 Great Wea t er n '1 1poke1man from 1917 untU ht. death two yean later. Since then, Great Weatern'a televtalon commerciah have featured the "Great Weaternera," utilbing several film atan identififld with the West. wuv11t NB firm aids Lakewood -Bates-Pekarek, tArchitecture and Land Planning of Newport Beach, has developed for Lakewood'• Civic Center a master plan to guide the proposed facility for 20 years. f · Irivolvina a 19-acre 1ection of downtown Lakewood, the area It bordered by Candlewood Street to the north, Clark Avenue to the west, Del Amo Boulevard .to the eouth and the Los Cerritoa flood control channel to the east. Thia area incorporates the exiating dt): hall and annex, Iamboni Library, a county sheriff's sub'ltat1on and a post office. Center to celebrate Up, Up and Away is the theme for the celebration of Town Center's third birthday on Saturday. Activities will include hot air balloon rides, entertainment. sales and prizes. The Town Center Shopping and Business Center la located on Town Center Drive, off the Crown Valley Parkway between Alicia and Niguel Boada. For informaiion, contact Carole Bowman at 49~-3300. '•1 Bof A cuts some loan rates _ _: I Baiik of America said today iiWill recfuoe interest raw on mont than 150 aclJl.-table-rate monpces t.led to California homebuyen last year. Effedive Jwy 1, in\tteS\ raw for mortgages under $200,000 lasued In JUQe 1981 throu.gh the bank's custom home loan program will be redooed to 14.931 percent-a clecreu&-of 1.569 pen'leAt from the initial rate of 16.50 peroent. Computer show in Anaheim Computer graphics, the buane. of transf.onning raw computer data into oolor pictures. clw1a ana drawings, will show off lta latest achievementa to about 20,000 penons next w~ in Anaheim. That ii the attendance predicted for 'the National Computer Graphics Aaoci.adon conference and expo at Anaheim Convention Center June 13-17. It la the thltd annual NOOA event and the first held in c..Iif ornia. STOCIS HI TIIE SNRICHT AMERICAN LEADERS "UPS ANO DOWN& The guarantee is simple. Here1 is the way it works. lf you order ~the product and use it as directed for a trial period of 45-days, you must be 100% satisfied with your rapid .weight loss or you are entitled to a refund of DOUBLE your entire pur-, chase price. There ·are no -exceptions. This guar.antee is iron-cl~d and legally binding, regardless of your current weight level or how long you have been overweight. 411 that is required is that you follow the simple instructions and give the reduction program an honest chance to work for the full trial period .. However, becatise of the nature of this · special offer, we C3:n only guarantee delivery to the readers of this publica- ' tion . who respond within the next 10-days. After~ that, orders will be filed on a "first come first served" basis as long as supplies last. Here is something else you should know. Even though The Energetic Weigh~ Reduction tablets are quite P.Owerful and effective, they are 100% safe. They can be taken over prolonged periods of time. As a matter of fact, this is one of the very few diet aids that a U.S. government panel of medical and scientific experts approved as an active ingredient"i for appetite control ana weight loss. Besides, it is not required to have a. warning on the label! CAUTION: As your weight begins to plummet down, you should use your good judgment and not let your~elf become too thin. It is very important to eat properly. Before starting any weight lqss program you sho.uld consult your physician to be sure you are in normal health.